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10-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2805005C2

Изобретение относится к технике измерений теплофизических свойств материалов и газов и может быть использовано для измерения температуропроводности, теплопроводности, тепловой активности и температуры кипения для жидкостей, газов и пластичных тел и температуры кипения для жидкостей, а также значений температуропроводности, теплопроводности тепловой активности и кинематической вязкости для жидкостей и газов в потоке. Сущность заявленного решения заключается в быстром нагреве исследуемого тела от резистивного элемента датчика термометра сопротивления во время импульса электрического тока в месте его контакта, регистрации сопротивления датчика в одном импульсе разогрева с заданной частотой снятия сигнала, передача результатов измерений на персональный компьютер для дальнейшей обработки - расчет значений: температуропроводности, теплопроводности, тепловой активности, кинематической вязкости в потоке; температуропроводности, теплопроводности, тепловой активности без потока; температуры гомогенной ...

04-07-2018 дата публикации

Датчик электропроводности жидкости

Номер: RU181054U1

Использование: для измерения электрической проводимости промывочной жидкости. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что датчик электропроводности жидкости содержит корпус в виде штанги, включающей металлический стержень, на одном конце которого размещена измерительная головка с залитым компаундом чувствительным элементом в виде генераторного и приемного тороидального трансформатора с генераторной и измерительной обмотками, образующими при погружении в измеряемую жидкость жидкостный электропроводящий виток с общим витком связи, а на другом конце - блок электроники, при этом датчик дополнительно содержит два экрана 8 и 9 из магнитно-мягкого железа для установки в них тороидальных трансформаторов, экраны обращены друг к другу донными сторонами, и каждый экран выполнен с возможностью охватывания трансформатора с трех сторон – снизу, с внешней боковой стороны и с внутренней боковой стороны, генераторная и измерительная обмотки тороидальных трансформаторов встречно, при этом измерительная ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Устройство контроля накипеобразования на стенках теплоагрегата

Номер: RU188621U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплотехники, в частности к измерениям и контролю толщины отложений накипи на внутренних стенках теплоагрегатов. Сущность: в способе, основанном на измерении толщины отложений накипи на стенках теплоагрегата и сравнении электрических сопротивлений слоев воды с отложениями накипи и просто воды в емкости теплоагрегата, упомянутые сопротивления измеряют с помощью моста переменного тока. Величины напряжений измерительной схемы, соответствующие указанным сопротивлениям, сравнивают с регулируемым опорным напряжением. По разности этих величин фиксируют факт начала отложений и рост накипи с возможностью установления критического уровня скорости накипеобразования. Устройство содержит электрический мост сопротивлений с пятью электродами, помещенными в водную среду. Три сопротивления моста образованы сопротивлениями слоев воды между первым и вторым электродами, между вторым и третьим и также четвертым и пятым электродами. Четвертое плечо образовано между пятым электродом ...

13-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761775C1

Изобретение относится к области кондуктометрии и может быть использовано для измерения удельной электрической проводимости электролитов при физико-химических исследованиях. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности непрерывного измерения при исключении контакта датчика с реакционной массой. Предложенный высокочастотный емкостной бесконтактный датчик для непрерывного измерения удельной электрической проводимости жидкости представляет собой трубу из диэлектрика, через которую протекает исследуемая жидкость, на внешней стороне трубы закреплены напротив друг друга два или более металлических электрода в виде прямоугольных пластин, плотно прилегающих к внешней поверхности трубы, соединенных с источником переменного по частоте тока, напротив внешних электродов с внутренней стороны закреплены внутренние металлические электроды в виде прямоугольных пластин, плотно прилегающих к внутренней поверхности трубы, создающие с внешними электродами конденсаторы емкости С1, диэлектриком у которых являются стенки трубы, два внутренних электрода являются обкладками внутренних конденсаторов емкости С2, диэлектриком у которых служит слой исследуемой жидкости. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 761 775 C1 (51) МПК G01N 27/06 (2006.01) G01R 27/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01N 27/06 (2021.08); G01R 27/22 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020121044, 17.06.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.12.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 13.12.2021 Бюл. № 35 2 7 6 1 7 7 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2708682 C1, 11.12.2019. RU 2707396 C2, 26.11.2019. RU 2382353 C1, 20.02.2010. US 6265883 B1, 24.07.2001. US 4010715 A, 08.03.1977. (54) ВЫСОКОЧАСТОТНЫЙ ЁМКОСТНЫЙ БЕСКОНТАКТНЫЙ ДАТЧИК УДЕЛЬНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЙ ПРОВОДИМОСТИ ЖИДКОСТИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области электрода в виде прямоугольных пластин, плотно кондуктометрии и может ...

10-07-2020 дата публикации

Датчик погружения антенны гидроакустического средства

Номер: RU2726296C1

Заявляемое изобретение относится к области гидроакустической техники и предназначено для непрерывного автоматического контроля положения антенны гидроакустического средства АНПА относительно водной поверхности. Технический результат заключается в снижении числа ложных срабатываний при движении АНПА по водной поверхности из-за таких факторов, как наличие брызг, конденсированных или выпадающих осадков. Введение второго сигнального электрода, второго подтягивающего резистора и блока сравнения сигналов позволили решить задачу надежного автоматического определения положения антенны гидроакустического средства АНПА относительно водной поверхности. 2 ил.

26-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002532988A1

22-08-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003040233C2

24-09-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9206428U1

04-10-2001 дата публикации

Temperature and conductivity sensor has mantle forming the main sensor in a needle probe and made of same material as outer electrode

Номер: DE0010012938A1

The aim of the invention is to reduce the size of the measuring systems for measuring conductivity and temperature and to harmonize them to such an extent that both measurements can be performed predominantly in the same geometric location, thus achieving the highest possible degree of measuring accuracy for the conductivity that has been corrected to allow for the influence of temperature. To achieve this, an extremely thin, insulated sheath thermocouple is used as the central measuring electrode of a coaxially constructed needle probe. The metal sheath (1) of the thermocouple (3) and the outer electrode of the conductivity probe are produced from the same material. The sheath (1) of the thermocouple (3) serves as the central measuring electrode for the conductivity measurement. A cable (6) of the thermocouple (3) and the outer electrode of the conductivity probe are connected at the same reference potential for obtaining the measured values.

28-02-1996 дата публикации

Eletromagnetic induction-type probe

Номер: GB0009526648D0

25-08-1982 дата публикации

Apparatus for measuring conductivity

Номер: GB0002093192A

Apparatus for measuring conductivity of a liquid comprises insulating conduit in the form of one or more closed loops with spaced inlet and outlet ports 6, 7 to enable liquid to flow through the conduit, and at least one input transformer core 10 and at least one output transformer core 11 inductively coupled by the closed loops, the conduit configuration and positioning of the transformer cores being mutually arranged such that when the conduit is full of conducting liquid and alternating current is applied to the windings of the input transformer, the potentials induced at the inlet and outlet ports are the same. This apparatus can be connected into conducting pipework of a chemical plant without incurring errors through spurious ground loops through the pipework. ...

29-09-2010 дата публикации

Conductivity sensor

Номер: GB0002467062B

12-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002174561B

10-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001564546A

26-11-1990 дата публикации

Apparatus for joint determination of the electrical media impedance and contact-zone impedance of electrolytically conductive systems

Номер: AT0000391798B

For the measurement of the (complex) electrical impedance ZS of electrolytically conductive systems, for example the human body, the measurement result obtained is not just ZS on its own, but a finite impedance ZK is added to this, which may result from the impedance of the electrode itself and from a high-impedance encasing layer of the system (for example the human skin). The measurement result thus comprises the total impedance Z=ZS+ZK. According to the invention, a joint determination of ZS and ZK is achieved in that segment electrodes 2, 3 are used, whose active areas consist of in each case two segments 7, 8 which are insulated from one another but are closely adjacent and are of the same size, and two values of the total impedance are measured: the impedance Z1 with only one segment, followed by the impedance Z2, with the two segments connected electrically via switches. Since ZS is of the same magnitude in the second measurement as in the first, while ZK (if the segment areas match ...

11-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000346969B

15-05-2015 дата публикации

Messvorrichtung zur Erfassung wenigstens eines Parameters einer Flüssigkeit

Номер: AT514640B1

Measuring apparatus (1) for recording at least one parameter of a liquid (2), in particular a cleaning or disinfectant liquid, comprising at least one sensor (3, 4), at least one apparatus for supplying energy to at least the at least one sensor (3, 4), and at least one apparatus for forwarding data to and/or from the at least one sensor (3, 4), wherein the measuring apparatus (1) is subdivided into at least one first subassembly (5) and one second subassembly (6) which is spatially separate from the first subassembly (5), and the two subassemblies (5, 6) are electromagnetically operatively connected to one another via at least one induction apparatus (7).

15-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000186405T

22-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000509706B2

26-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000519376B3

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Methods and devices for measuring conductivity of fluids

Номер: AU2015226950B2

A sensor for detecting the breakthrough of hardness in a water softener measures a change in the conductivity of elongated cation-exchange material in contact with the treated water.

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Method and device for non-invasive root phenotyping

Номер: AU2016361433A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The present disclosure provides for an electronic sensor for detecting a root of a plant in soil, the electronic sensor that includes a first conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil, a switch, a power supply, and signal extractor. The switch is electrically coupled to the first conductor plate and is configured to switch between a first mode and a second mode. The power supply is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to provide an electrical charge to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch. The signal extractor is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to extract a signal response at the first conductor plate in the second mode of the switch. The present disclosure further provides a second conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil adjacent to and substantially parallel to the first conductor plate. The second conductor plate is electrically coupled to ground.

06-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001017001A1

07-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002775679A1

A method for determining the electrical conductivity of a mass flow in a three dimensional target volume (2) comprises the steps of placing electrodes (3) in a measuring connection with the target volume;supplying alternating voltage or alternating current to the tar- get volume between two of the electrodes (3) and measuring the current or the voltage between two of the electrodes (3);determining a state space model which defines the relationships between the electrical conductivity, the voltage and the current in the target volume (2) and which also defines the evolution of the electrical conductivity as a function of time; comparing the currents and/or the voltages according to the state space model with the supplied and the measured ones; and modifying as needed the state space model to decrease the differences between the calculated and the measured results. According to the present invention, the electrodes (3) are placed substantially within one plane (4); and the state space model ...

17-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001310367C

The superconducting properties of superconducting compounds are controlled or maintained by active external electrochemical intervention. The superconducting compound forms one electrode in an electrochemical cell. A counterelectrode and the superconducting compound electrode are in contact with an electrolyte and a potential is applied between the counterelectrode and the superconducting electrode. The cell is operated at a temperature near the expected transition temperature of the superconducting material. The potential applied between the electrodes is selected to control a property such as transition temperature. In a preferred embodiment, a superconducting material such as Ba2YCu307-x serves as an anode and a counterelectrode such as a mercury-mercuric oxide reference electrode serves as a cathode. Suitable oxygen-bearing electrolytes are ozone and trifluoronitrosomethane. In another embodiment, a superconducting cuprate material serves as a cathode and the electrolyte is copper-bearing ...

17-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002563522A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed for determining the concentration of individual components within a fluid mixture by determining the permittivity of the individual components. The method and apparatus use a reference sensor and at least one measurement sensor positioned inside the same sensor device that is immersed in the fluid mixture to be measured. Signals, such as radio frequency or microwave, are sequentially transmitted at multiple, known, constant frequencies to and reflected from both the reference and measurement sensor(s). Permittivities of the individual components are determined from these transmitted and reflected signals and information about the concentration of the individual fluids and other compounds within the fluid mixture and the density of the fluid mixture are produced. Repetitive sampling and processing of these signals allow determination and real-time monitoring of the concentration of individual components within a mixture of fluids. The present invention ...

07-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002117478A1

No text for abstract.

25-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002069752A1

PCT/US91/00400 An inductive conductivity sensor (10) is immersed in a liquid to measure its conductivity. The sensor (10) comprises a transducer (18,20,22) for generating a changing magnetic field and for inductively measuring an electric current induced in the liquid by the changing magnetic field. The transducer (18,20,22) has an external surface facing the liquid. A elastic membrane (30) separates the external surface from the liquid. The elastic membrane (30) is periodically inflated and deflated to deform its outer shape and thereby remove deposits formed on the membrane (30).

15-07-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000577682A5

29-08-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000566007A5

15-05-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000611030A5
Принадлежит: SANDOZ AG

15-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000600348A5

31-01-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000594883A5

31-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000652215A5
Принадлежит: NOVASINA AG

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000680238A5

31-07-2012 дата публикации

Device for measuring electrical conductivity of liquid, has coil whose mutual inductance is set to zero, regardless of whether non-conductive liquid is present or absent by selecting relative positions of coil arrangements

Номер: CH0000704419A2

The device consists of two coil arrangements (1) with or without toroidal magnetizable core (5). The mutual inductance of two coils (4) is blocked by interior of toroids of both coil arrangements that contact with fluid flow paths. The mutual inductance is set to zero, regardless of whether non-conductive liquid is present or absent by selecting relative positions of coil arrangements. The conductivities are selected, such that closed current paths (7) are extended through interior of toroids of both coil arrangements.

18-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002337338B1

29-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002401418B1

25-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002445532A

Le dispositif pour mesurer la résistivité des fluides dans un sondage utilise deux premières électrodes pour émettre du courant dans les fluides du forage et deux deuxièmes électrodes disposées entre les premières pour détecter une différence de potentiel dans les fluides du sondage et en déduire la résistivité de ces fluides. Les électrodes sont annulaires et montées sur la surface périphérique d'un corps de sonde de façon que le courant soit emis tout autour du corps. De plus les électrodes sont montées sur une section de diamètre réduit du corps de façon à maintenir ces électrodes à une distance de la paroi du sondage supérieure à approximativement l'espacement longitudinal entre les premières électrodes. Application aux mesures de résistivité de la boue de forage en continu pour des boues épaisses.

23-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002276584A1
Принадлежит: Japan Gasoline Co Ltd

23-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002401418A1

30-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002635190B3

26-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002075326A2
Автор: COUSIN, Jean-Marie

A measuring system comprises at least two electrodes (N, P), a conducting medium between said electrodes, an electrical supply (4), for application of two periodic signals to the electrodes, which are out of phase by a phase shift of (π-ε) inclusive, between the phase and the anti-phase. The system further comprises a measuring probe (2) provided in the medium close to the electrodes (N, P) for measuring a signal in the medium, the signal begin a function of the position of the measuring probe with relation to the electrodes, the geometry of the medium and the inhomogeneity thereof. The measurement is taken by the effective value (A) for the measured signal or by the out-of phase component (φ) thereof in comparison with one of the electrodes (N). The invention may be used in measuring distance, displacement, deformation, vibration, height and inclination.

11-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001075459A1

A conductivity measurement circuit (4) is formed by a resistance dependent oscillator in which the frequency-controlling resistance is that presented by a liquid (3) whose conductivity is to be measured. The circuit (4) is formed essentially of four stages. A supply splitter (10) provides an accurate reference voltage to an integrator (11), which integrates a signal output from a driver (13). The output of the integrator (11) provides input to a Schmitt trigger (12). A level adjustment circuit (14) is connected between the Schmitt trigger (12) and the driver (13). The circuit (4) drives the liquid (3) with a symmetric, amplitude-controlled voltage signal.

19-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: US0003987362A1
Принадлежит: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

A device for monitoring the electrical conductivity of an electrically conductive fluid comprising at least two electrical coils for immersion in the fluid. One of the coils constitutes a coil to be energized with an alternating current and the other in use constitutes a detection coil. The coils are arranged relative to one another so that in use they are mutually inductively coupled and are inductively coupled by the fluid. An electronic circuit is provided which includes a power supply for supplying an alternating current to the coil or coils to be energized, and a detector for detecting the voltage induced in the detection coil or coils. The detector provides an indication of changes in the inductive coupling between the coil or coils to be energized and the detection coil or coils.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190383690A1

Provided is a gas detection device that includes a gas sensor, a power supply circuit that applies voltage to the gas sensor, and a control circuit that determines whether a leak of gas is present. The power supply circuit includes a reset power source that generates a first voltage, and a detection power source that generates a detection voltage for measuring resistance of a metal-oxide layer of the gas sensor. When a value of a current flowing through the metal-oxide layer is a predetermined value ITH or greater, the reset power source applies the first voltage to the gas sensor to perform a reset of resetting the metal-oxide layer of the gas sensor to a high-resistance state, and the control circuit determines that a leak of gas is present, depending on a state in which the reset is performed after the reset is performed for the first time. 1. A gas detection device , comprising:a gas sensor;a power supply circuit that applies a predetermined voltage to the gas sensor; anda determiner that determines whether a leak of gas is present, wherein a first electrode;', 'a second electrode;', 'a metal-oxide layer that is disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode, and includes a bulk region and a local region surrounded by the bulk region, the local region having a degree of oxygen deficiency higher than a degree of oxygen deficiency of the bulk region; and, 'the gas sensor includesan insulating film that covers the first electrode, the second electrode, and the metal-oxide layer, and has an opening that exposes part of a main surface of the second electrode,the metal-oxide layer has reversible resistance change characteristics of transitioning from a low-resistance state to a high-resistance state by a first voltage being applied, and transitioning from the high-resistance state to the low-resistance state by a second voltage being applied, the second voltage being different from the first voltage,a resistance value of the metal-oxide layer decreases ...

16-10-1985 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for measuring the impedance of a sensor

Номер: EP0000065675B1
Автор: Horn, Petr
Принадлежит: Novasina AG

24-03-1981 дата публикации

Номер: JP0056012801B1

06-10-2020 дата публикации

Электрохимическая ячейка для измерения электропроводности расплавов

Номер: RU2733727C2

FIELD: electricity; chemistry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to an electrochemical cell for measuring electroconductivity of melts containing electrodes separated by an insulator. Cell is characterized by that electrodes are made of glass-carbon material, arranged coaxially relative to each other and separated by insulator from boron nitride.EFFECT: use of the present invention enables to measure electrical conductivity of melts, both containing and not containing dissolved compounds of metals, while maintaining quality and reproducibility of results and reducing the amount of work on servicing the cell and increasing its service life.1 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 733 727 C2 (51) МПК G01R 27/22 (2006.01) G01N 27/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01R 27/22 (2020.02); G01N 27/02 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018146034, 25.12.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 06.10.2020 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.06.2020 Бюл. № 18 (45) Опубликовано: 06.10.2020 Бюл. № 28 (54) Электрохимическая ячейка для измерения электропроводности расплавов (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к электрохимической изобретения позволяет проводить измерения ячейке для измерения электропроводности электропроводности расплавов, как содержащих, расплавов, содержащей электроды, разделенные так и не содержащих растворенные соединения изолятором. Ячейка характеризуется тем, что металлов, при сохранении качества и электроды выполнены из стеклоуглеродного воспроизводимости результатов и снижении материала, расположены коаксиально по объема работ по обслуживанию ячейки и отношению друг к другу и разделены изолятором увеличении срока ее службы. 3 ил. из нитрида бора. Использование предлагаемого R U 2 7 3 3 7 2 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1006987 A1, 23.03.1983. RU 2326374 C1, 10.06.2008. RU 2054685 C1, 20.02.1996. US 5453169 A, 26.09.1995. Стр.: ...

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Способ и устройство для распознавания режимов течения газожидкостного потока в горизонтальном трубопроводе

Номер: RU2648974C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано для распознавания режимов течения газожидкостного потока в горизонтальных трубопроводах в нефтяной, химической, пищевой и других отраслях промышленности. Предложен способ для распознавания режимов течения газожидкостного потока в горизонтальном трубопроводе, при котором с помощью установленного в разрыв трубопровода зондирующего модуля с тензорезистивным дифференциальным датчиком давления и распределенным резистивным датчиком осуществляют одновременно измерение давления, пульсации давления и локальной электропроводности газожидкостной смеси по всему вертикальному сечению трубопровода, по изменению уровня пульсации перепада давления определяют размер пузырьков, по изменению электропроводности определяют структуру потока, а по показаниям обоих типов датчиков с учетом результатов предварительной настройки зондирующего блока в визуально контролируемом потоке и хранящихся в памяти компьютера данных определяют режим течения ...

29-11-2023 дата публикации

Датчик кондуктометрический

Номер: RU221908U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники параметров жидких сред, а именно к измерениям электрической проводимости различных типов вод, растворов, технологических жидкостей методом кондуктометрии. Датчик кондуктометрический состоит из корпуса с опорным элементом с пятью кольцевыми электродами и съемным кожухом, при этом опорный элемент представлен как многослойная конструкция, выполнен в виде трубки из нержавеющей стали с загерметизированной нижней частью со встроенным термочувствительным элементом, покрытой изоляционным материалом, поверх которого установлены два измерительных, два возбуждающих и один блокирующий электроды на заданных расстояниях друг от друга и от съёмного кожуха, при этом выводы кольцевых электродов расположены внутри трубки, при этом расстояние между электродами зафиксировано с помощью шести колец из изоляционного материала, съёмный кожух открыт в нижней части, а в верхней части имеет не менее одного бокового отверстия для пропуска жидкости, и прикреплен ...

10-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002447826A1

09-05-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Sensors

Номер: DE102016121108A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Sensors (1), insbesondere eines Leitfähigkeitssensors, mittels eines Prozessanschlusses (2) und eines Sensorelements (3), umfassend die Schritte,Anpassen einer Sensoradaption (4) des Sensorelements (3) an einen ersten Abschnitt (5) des Prozessanschlusses (2),Einbringen des Sensorelements (3) mit der Sensoradaption (4) voran in den ersten Abschnitt (5) des Prozessanschlusses (3), so dass das Sensorelement (3) mit einem zweiten Abschnitt (7) über den Prozessanschluss (2) übersteht und der erste Abschnitt (5) des Prozessanschlusses (2) und der erste Abschnitt (3) des Sensorelements (3) einen Spalt (8) bilden,Verbinden des Sensorelements (3) mit dem Prozessanschluss (2), indem eine Schweißverbindung zwischen dem ersten Abschnitt (5) des Prozessanschlusses (3) und der Sensoradaption (4) des Sensorelements (3) im Bereich des Spalts (8) geschaffen wird.

27-05-1992 дата публикации

Physical characterisation of magnetic liqs. - by measuring magnetic polarisation, susceptibility and kinetic viscosity under different conditions

Номер: DE0004037930A1

Physical characterisation of magnetic liqs. is carried out by (i) measuring the magnetic polarisation, susceptibility and kinetic viscosity of the magnetic liqs. w.r.t. a reference medium at various test vessel height and under various defined environmental influences using one or more mobile electromagnetic sensors with selectable constant alternating field strength and selectable constant frequency at different times, the kinetic viscosity being determined from the drop time difference of one or more rigidly interconnected falling bodies; and (ii) determining the saturation values from the initial values. The constant alternating field strength is pref. 100-1000 A/m. and the constant frequency is pref. 500 Hz to 20 kHz. The reference medium is pref. air. ADVANTAGE - The method is applicable to all types of magnetic liqs., provides accurate measurements of important characteristic values and allows long term control of highly concentrated to dilute magnetic liqs. in industry and research ...

10-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069425160D1

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Pulslaufzeit-basiertes Messgerät zur Leitfähigkeitsmessung

Номер: DE102020103191A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Pulslaufzeit-basiertes Messgerät (1), mit dem neben dem Dielektrizitätswert auch die Leitfähigkeit eines Mediums (2) gemessen werden kann. Hierzu umfasst das Messgerät (1) eine mit dem Medium (2) in Kontakt bringbare Mess-Sonde (11), eine Signalerzeugungs-Einheit (12), die ausgelegt ist, um gemäß einem Pulslaufzeit-basierten Messprinzip mit einer definierten Frequenz ein flankenbasiertes Mess-Signal (sHF) in die Mess-Sonde (11) einzukoppeln, und eine Auswertungs-Einheit (13, 13') mit der das Mess-Signal (rHF) nach Durchlaufen der Mess-Sonde (11) empfangen werden kann, so dass anhand des empfangenen Mess-Signals (rHF) die Leitfähigkeit bestimmt werden kann. Dabei zeichnet sich das Messgerät (1) durch eine Filtereinheit (14) aus, die das Mess-Signal (sHF, rHF) entsprechend filtert. Dadurch wird eine verfälschungsfreie Bestimmung der Leitfähigkeit ermöglicht, auch wenn das Medium (2) mit Feuchtigkeit oder einen anderen Stoff mit hoher elektrischer Leitfähigkeit durchsetzt ...

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Conductivity sensing

Номер: GB0002529538B
Автор: DAVID HARMER, David Harmer
Принадлежит: SOLUMETRIX LTD, Solumetrix Ltd.

29-01-1997 дата публикации

Electric conductivity measurement circuit and probe

Номер: GB0002302737A

In an electric conductivity measurement circuit according to the invention, there are provided first and second cores (17, 18) linked in use by a closed flux loop in a liquid whose electric conductivity is to be measured, a first coil (L1) is wound on the first core (17), and a second coil (L2) is wound on the second core (18) in a direction opposite to the direction of the winding of the first coil (L1), a closed circuit (33) includes third and fourth coils L3 and L4, a reference resistor Rr and switch means (S1), and the switch means (S1) is periodically turned on and off in phase with voltage pulses applied to the first coil by an oscillator 31, to periodically incorporate the reference resistor Rr in the closed circuit, thereby calculating the electric conductivity of the liquid by comparing a voltage induced at the second coil (L2) where the reference resistor Rr is incorporated in the closed circuit (33), with a voltage induced at the second coil (L2) where the reference resistor ...

23-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008614633D0

29-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001588820A

11-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008611087D0

20-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001480698A

... 1480698 Salt consumption indication apparatus LICENTIA PATENT-VERWALTUNGS GmbH 9 Oct 1975 [29 Oct 1974] 41453/75 Heading G1N An apparatus for determining the consumption of salt from the regenerator of an ion-exchange water softener comprises a salt storage chamber 3 divided into two parts 4, 5 by two partitions 14, 15, a water inlet 16, a salt solution outlet 9 and conductivity measuring electrodes 11, 12 in the inlet chamber. The dividers 14, 15 define an overflow passage 17 which may contain a non- return valve, as may outlet 9. In use, both chambers 4, 5 are filled with salt 6, 6' through filler openings 7. Water from inlet 16 will dissolve salt in chamber 4 first so that a saturated solution passes through chamber 5. When the salt 6 in chamber 4 is used up, the conductivity of the solution between electrodes 11, 12 rises and measuring circuit 13 activates a warning. The salt in chamber 5 still remains as a reserve.

23-12-1981 дата публикации

System for measuring temperature-dependent parameter of a liquid sample

Номер: GB0002077927A

A system for measuring a temperature dependent parameter of a liquid sample, such as the hematocrit and an approximation of hemoglobin for a blood sample, basically comprises an instrument and a disposable sample card 12. The instrument is a hand-held, battery- operated device measuring a parameter such as blood conductivity. The instrument has a base portion 40 of a material exhibiting excellent heat transfer characteristics and containing a temperature sensor. It accepts the disposable sample card which is held in good thermal contact with the base by roller 142 so that the sample assumes the temperature of the base portion after a period of time. There are no external switches on the instrument, and power is automatically applied when the disposable sample card is inserted into the instrument. The disposable sample card 12 may be a micro-volume conductivity cell precision molded from plastic with built-in stainless steel electrodes 22, 24. The sample card comprises a planar base portion ...

15-02-2015 дата публикации

Messvorrichtung zur Erfassung wenigstens eines Parameters einer Flüssigkeit

Номер: AT514640A1

Measuring apparatus (1) for recording at least one parameter of a liquid (2), in particular a cleaning or disinfectant liquid, comprising at least one sensor (3, 4), at least one apparatus for supplying energy to at least the at least one sensor (3, 4), and at least one apparatus for forwarding data to and/or from the at least one sensor (3, 4), wherein the measuring apparatus (1) is subdivided into at least one first subassembly (5) and one second subassembly (6) which is spatially separate from the first subassembly (5), and the two subassemblies (5, 6) are electromagnetically operatively connected to one another via at least one induction apparatus (7).

15-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001760T

15-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA23488A

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000346288T

12-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367549B

15-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000861475A

15-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000880776A

29-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003221439A1

25-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001035424A1

15-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001006919A1

19-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1072184A

APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR DETECTING A SUBSTANCE IN A FLUID MEDIUM An electronic apparatus and method for detecting a quantity of a predetermined substance disposed in a fluid medium. The apparatus includes a probe for contacting the fluid medium and for sensing an electrical condition, such as solution resistance, of the fluid medium caused at least in part by the substance to be detected. There is also included electronic control devices connected to the probe means for generating a signal which is proportional to the quantity of the substance to be detected. The signal is fed to some utilization means, such as a meter, for indicating the amount of substance in solution.

11-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1139369A

METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEASURING THE RESISTIVITY OF FLUIDS IN A BOREHOLE Apparatus for measuring the resistivity of fluids in a borehole comprises an elongated sonde having a waist or a reduced diameter section and four, spaced apart annular electrodes coaxially mounted along the waist of the sonde such that each electrode encircles the waist. The difference between the respective outer diameters of the waist section and the regular sonde body is made to correspond substantially to the spacing distance between the far-spaced electrodes. These farspaced electrodes are employed in the emission of electrical current into the fluids of the borehole while the near-spaced electrodes are employed for the detection of a potential difference in the borehole fluids which may be related to the resistivity of those fluids.

14-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002026936A1

29-12-1996 дата публикации

Electric Conductivity Measurement Circuit and Probe

Номер: CA0002161615A1

01-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002043394A1

In an amperimetric measurement apparatus comprising an amperimetric cell having a pair of electrodes arranged for contact with a solution, a potential difference is established between the electrodes, and a corresponding electric current is conducted in a forward direction through a current path which includes the electrodes and the solution. An output corresponding to the current indicates the concentration of a solute in the solution. The electrical charge passing through said cell in response to said potential difference is monitored by an integrator. The forward current is interrupted repeatedly and a reverse electric current is imposed on the cell during the interruptions of forward current. The magnitude and duration of the reverse current are regulated in response to the electrical charge flow corresponding to the forward current, so that the net flow of charge through the cell over a time period including an equal number of intervals of forward and reverse current intervals is substantially ...

23-01-2013 дата публикации

Gradiometer for determining the electrical conductivity of a medium contained in a containment

Номер: CN102890197A

A gradiometer (13) for determining electrical conductivity of a medium (2) contained in a containment (8), comprising: at least a first electrical coil, a second electrical coil and a third electrical coil (5, 6, 7), wherein the first coil (5) is embodied as a transmitting coil, wherein the second and third coils (6, 7) are embodied as receiving coils; and a holding apparatus (4). The first, second and third coils (5, 6, 7) are wound on the holding apparatus (4). The holding apparatus is arranged through a containment opening (9) in a containment wall (1) in such a manner that the first coil (5) is positioned centrally with respect to the containment wall (1). The second and third coils (6, 7) are arranged mirror symmetrically to the first coil (5) and are inductively coupled with the first coil (5).

08-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002184992B1

21-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002328201B1

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069675A1
Принадлежит: Dorlen Products, Inc.

A conductive fluid leak detector having an enclosed and secure housing is disclosed. The housing as well as a pair of conductive fluid sensing probes that project through the housing are tamper-resistant. The detector is provided with a switch for activation of a wash down mode which allows cleaning of the environment where the detector is installed without triggering an alarm. Upon activating the switch, the detector is deactivated for a predetermined period of time. The conductive fluid leak detector is coupled to an external maintenance or alarm system. When not deactivated or in the wash down mode, the detector sends a signal to the external system when conductive fluid is detected by the sensing probes. 1. A conductive fluid leak detector comprising:a housing;at least one fluid sensing probe, said probe being affixed to said housing;a fluid sensing circuit, said at least one probe being coupled to said circuit;a switch, said switch affixed to said housing and coupled to said circuit;a power supply, said power supply coupled to said circuit; andsaid circuit further comprising a timer whereby when said switch is activated, said fluid sensing circuit is deactivated for a predetermined period of time.2. The conductive fluid leak detector of further comprising an indicator light claim 1 , said indicator light being affixed to said housing and coupled to said circuit.3. The conductive fluid leak detector of further comprising a detector output claim 1 , said detector output being coupled to said circuit and sending a signal upon said at least one sensing probe sensing a conductive fluid unless said fluid sensing circuit has been deactivated for said predetermined period of time.4. The conductive fluid leak detector of further comprising a pair of probes.5. The conductive fluid leak detector of wherein said housing is of tamper-resistant construction.6. The conductive fluid leak detector of wherein said at least one probe is of tamper-resistant construction.7. The ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011387A1
Автор: MÜNZ ERIK, Paul Stefan

The present disclosure relates to a measuring circuit for a conductivity sensor, wherein the measuring circuit includes a built-in reference circuit and multiple built-in measuring ranges. 1. A measuring circuit for measuring the conductivity of a medium , comprising:a first circuit input;a first resistor having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the first resistor is connected to the first circuit input;a first switch having an input, a first output, and a second output, wherein the first switch is adapted to switch a connection between the input of the first switch and the first output of the first switch to a connection between the input of the first switch and the second output of the first switch, wherein the input of the first switch is connected to the second end of the first resistor;a first circuit port connected to the first output of the first switch;a second resistor having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the second resistor is connected to the second output of the first switch;a second circuit port;a third circuit port;a second switch having a first input, a second input, and an output, wherein the second switch is adapted to switch a connection between the first input of the second switch and the output of the second switch to a connection between the second input of the second switch and the output of the second switch, wherein the first input of the second switch is connected to the second circuit port, wherein the second input of the second switch is connected to the second end of the second resistor, and wherein the output of the second switch is connected to the third circuit port;a third resistor having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the third resistor is connected to the second end of the second resistor;a fourth circuit port connected to the second end of the third resistor;a fifth circuit port;a circuit reference point;a third switch having an input and an output, wherein the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031505A1

A method for measuring the presence of water in gas oil filters and a water sensor for carrying out is provided by a functional assembly associated with a pair of electrodes that are arranged in the area for decanting water which is separated from the fuel in the gas-oil filters, an electrical current being applied to said electrodes by a current source and a switching bridge, in measurement cycles separated by periods of electricity, each cycle being determined as a current pulse train, the polarization of the electrodes being adapted in the first measurement cycle in order to optimize the detection of water in the medium containing same, adjusting the functional activity acting on the duration of the current pulses when the presence of water is detected. 1. A method for measuring the presence of water in gas oil filters in order to detect the presence of water in a medium comprising electrodes submerged in the medium , based on the voltage that results between said electrodes when applying an electric current to them , wherein in the electrodes an electric current is applied in measuring cycles separated by periods of inactivity , each measuring cycle determined as a current pulse train , the polarization of the electrodes being adapted in the first measurement cycle by means of the application of an electric current at a specific level to check if the voltage that results between the electrodes is around a low value V , which corresponds to the presence of water in the medium in which the electrodes are submerged or around a value V , which corresponds to a medium in which the electrodes are found which is insulating or has a reduced conductivity , such that when that voltage exists between the electrodes , signaling the presence of water , a signal is activated alerting to the presence of water and maintaining the value of the current which has been applied to the electrodes , the duration of the pulses of the applied current is adapted , such that the voltage ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Fluid property detection device

Номер: US20200033281A1
Автор: Keitaro YOSHIDA
Принадлежит: KYB Corp

A fluid property detecting device includes a detection portion configured to detect electric characteristics of a detection target fluid, a calculation portion configured to calculate a property value of the detection target fluid, and a storage portion configured to store the property value calculated by the calculation portion. The storage portion stores, in advance, as the reference detection value, the detection value of the electric characteristic of a reference fluid detected by the detection portion, and the calculation portion calculates the property value of the detection target fluid on the basis of a value obtained by subtracting the reference detection value from a detection value of the detection target fluid.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044838A1
Автор: ARPINO Fabio
Принадлежит: BITRON S.P.A.

A device for sensing the electrical conductivity of a liquid, particularly that of the washing bath in a washing machine, including an electrically insulating supporting casing through which first and second electrodes intended to contact the washing bath extend to the outside, electrical power supply and signal acquisition and processing circuit devices housed at least in part in the supporting casing and coupled to the electrodes, and signal coupling and galvanic isolation devices, interposed between these circuit devices and the electrodes and also housed in the casing, and including at least a first and a second capacitor, each of which is interconnected in series between one of the electrodes and a corresponding terminal of the circuit. 1. A sensing device for sensing the electrical conductivity of a liquid , particularly that of the washing bath in a washing machine , comprising:an electrically insulating supporting casing through which first and second electrodes intended to contact said liquid extend to the outside;electrical power supply and signal acquisition and processing circuit means housed at least in part in the supporting casing and coupled to said electrodes; andsignal coupling and galvanic isolation means, interposed between said circuit means and said electrodes and likewise housed in said casing,wherein said signal coupling and galvanic isolation means comprise at least a first and a second capacitor, each of which is interconnected in series between one of said electrodes and a corresponding terminal of said circuit means.2. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein between each of said electrodes and the corresponding terminal of the circuit means there are interposed one or more capacitors claim 1 , having a total capacitance in the range from 0.5 to 2.5 nF.3. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein said circuit means comprise pulse generator means claim 1 , particularly for generating square-wave pulses claim 1 , having a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Conductivity measurement device

Номер: US20220065908A1
Автор: Philip Salkie
Принадлежит: Jenariah LLC

In some embodiments, the conductivity measurement device includes a conductivity probe, a solid state switch device, and a DC measurement circuit. The conductivity probe includes a first and second measurement pin used to measure a conductivity of the liquid. The solid state switch device is coupled to the conductivity probe and is configured to connect and disconnect the first measurement pin and second measurement pin to a first DC reference voltage and a second DC reference voltage. The DC measurement circuit is configured to generate a measurement signal such that the measurement signal is maintained at a first DC reference voltage and the first DC reference voltage is applied to the solid state switch device from the DC measurement circuit. In this manner, an alternating current (AC) voltage is applied to the measurement pins utilizing DC reference voltages, which helps to avoid contamination of the liquid.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049641A1
Принадлежит: Nano Hsegar Sazan Salamat Arya.

A method for detecting cancerous status of a biological sample. The method includes calculating a charge transfer resistance (R) of an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) associated with lipid secretion of a biological sample, detecting a cancerous state for the biological sample responsive to the calculated Rbeing equal to or more than a threshold value, and detecting a normal state for the biological sample responsive to the calculated Rbeing less than the threshold value. The biological sample includes a biological sample suspected to be cancerous. 1- A method for detecting cancerous status of a biological sample , comprising:growing an array of hydrophobic conductive nanostructures on three-integrated electrodes patterned on a catalyst layer deposited on a substrate, the hydrophobic conductive nanostructures comprising vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (VAMWCNTs);dropping peripheral aqueous media of a biological sample on the array of hydrophobic conductive nanostructures grown on the three-integrated electrodes, the biological sample comprising a biological sample suspected to be cancerous;recording an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) from the dropped peripheral aqueous media of the biological sample on the array of hydrophobic conductive nanostructures at an AC voltage between 5 mV and 10 mV by sweeping a plurality of frequency values between 0.01 Hz and 100 kHz, the EIS comprising a semicircular curve;{'sub': 'ct', 'calculating a charge transfer resistance (R) of the recorded EIS by measuring a diameter of the semicircular curve; and'}{'sub': 'ct', 'detecting a cancerous state for the biological sample responsive to the calculated Rbeing equal to or more than a threshold value; and'}{'sub': 'ct', 'detecting a normal state for the biological sample responsive to the calculated Rbeing less than the threshold value.'}2- A method for detecting cancerous status of a biological sample , comprising:{'sub': 'ct', 'calculating a ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140139238A1

There is provided solution testing equipment which can detect an output variation of a THz oscillation device using a THz wave (hν) by contacting a liquid or cells on an RTD oscillation device, and can reduce the size and weight thereof. The solution testing equipment includes: a THz oscillation device configured to radiate the THz wave I; a THz detection device configured to receive the THz wave I; and a solution as a test object disposed on the THz oscillation device, in which the solution is tested on the basis of output characteristics of the terahertz wave varying in response to a relative permittivity of the solution. 1. A solution testing equipment comprising:a terahertz (THz) oscillation device configured to radiate a THz wave;a THz detection device configured to receive the terahertz wave; anda solution as a test object disposed on the THz oscillation device, whereinthe solution is tested on the basis of output characteristics of the terahertz wave varying in response to a relative permittivity of the solution.2. The solution testing equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the output characteristics of the terahertz wave are radiation patterns of the terahertz wave.3. The solution testing equipment according to claim 1 , further comprising an overlay insulating film disposed on the THz oscillation device.4. The solution testing equipment according to claim 3 , wherein the solution is disposed on the overlay insulating film.5. The solution testing equipment according to claim 3 , wherein the overlay insulating film is composed an SiOfilm ranging from 0.1 μm to 10 μm in thickness.6. The solution testing equipment according to claim 3 , further comprising a glass plate disposed an upper side of the overlay insulating film claim 3 , whereinthe solution is disposed through the glass plate on the THz oscillation device.7. The solution testing equipment according to claim 6 , wherein a plurality of recesses for accommodating the solution are formed on a surface ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for impedance-based quantification and microfluidic control

Номер: US20220091014A1

An exemplary method and system is disclosed that facilitate the integration of on-chip impedance sensors and measurement circuitries, e.g., in characterizing internal microfluidic structures and/or in cell or particle cytometry, for quantifying the impedance/frequency response of microfluidic device under the same, or similar, conditions used for particle manipulation. In some embodiments, the exemplary method and system employs a circuit configured for automated determination and quantification of parasitic voltage drops during AC electrokinetic particle manipulation, without the need to use valuable biological samples or model particles. The determined impedance response can be used to assess efficacy of the microfluidic device geometry as well as to provide control signals to inform downstream cell separation decisions.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for measuring electrical conductivity in liquid

Номер: US20150097588A1
Автор: Nam Tae Kim

An apparatus for measuring electrical conductivity of liquid is disclosed. The present invention as disclosed accurately and consistently measures infinitesimal conductivity of liquid by applying a stable reference signal to a conductivity sensor controlled with a constant temperature, and by low-noise processing on an output signal from the conductivity sensor. More specifically, infinitesimal conductivity of liquid can be repeatedly and accurately measured and change in performance of the detection apparatus over time can be minimized, by minimizing temperature variations, unstability of a reference signal, and noise effects to ensure stablility of a baseline as a measurement reference of the conductivity and accuracy of conductivity measurements.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146483A1
Принадлежит: Hi Fidelity Genetics, Inc.

The present disclosure provides for an electronic sensor for detecting a root of a plant in soil, the electronic sensor that includes a first conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil, a switch, a power supply, and a signal extractor. The switch is electrically coupled to the first conductor plate and is configured to switch between a first mode and a second mode. The power supply is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to provide an electrical charge to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch. The signal extractor is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to extract a signal response at the first conductor plate in the second mode of the switch. The present disclosure further provides a second conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil adjacent to and substantially parallel to the first conductor plate. The second conductor plate is electrically coupled to ground. 1. An electronic sensor for detecting a root of a plant in soil , the electronic sensor comprising:a first conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil;a switch electrically coupled to the first conductor plate, wherein the switch is configured to switch between a first mode and a second mode;a power supply electrically coupled to the switch, wherein the power supply is configured to provide an electrical charge to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch; anda signal extractor electrically coupled to the switch, wherein the signal extractor is configured to extract a signal response at the first conductor plate in the second mode of the switch.2. The electronic sensor of claim 1 , further comprising:a microcontroller electrically coupled to the signal extractor, wherein the microcontroller is configured to receive the response signal from the signal extractor; anda memory electrically coupled to the microcontroller, wherein the memory is configured to store data associated with the signal extractor.3. The electronic ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170102432A1
Автор: Foley Robert S.

A system and method for monitoring the conductivity of a cooling fluid flowing in a fuel cell system on a vehicle including a chassis. The fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack electrically coupled to a stack bus and a battery electrically coupled to a propulsion bus. The method includes operating the fuel cell system, measuring a first isolation resistance at the first power level, measuring a first stack voltage, and measuring a first battery voltage. The method also includes operating the fuel cell system at a second power level, and measuring a second isolation resistance, measuring a second stack voltage, and measuring a second battery voltage. The method calculates a stack coolant resistance using the first and second isolation resistances, the first and second stack voltages, and the first and second battery voltages, which is then used to calculate the cooling fluid conductivity. 1. A method for calculating conductivity of a cooling fluid in a fuel cell system , said fuel cell system including a fuel cell stack electrically coupled to a stack bus and a battery electrically coupled to a battery bus , where the stack bus and the battery bus operate at different voltage potentials , said method comprising:operating the fuel cell system at a first power level;measuring a first isolation resistance at the first power level;measuring a first voltage of the stack at the first power level;measuring a first voltage of the battery at the first power level;operating the fuel cell system at a second power level that is different than the first power level;measuring a second isolation resistance at the second power level;measuring a second voltage of the stack at the second power level;measuring a second voltage of the battery at the second power level;calculating a stack coolant resistance using the first and second isolation resistances, the first and second stack voltages, and the first and second battery voltages; andcalculating the conductivity of the cooling ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106743A1
Автор: VOGT Michael

A conductivity sensor for measuring the electrical conductivity of a liquid medium having at least a first coil, a current source and a control and evaluation unit, the current source being connected to the first coil. The conductivity sensor has the ability to determine a particularly large range of electric conductivity by at least a first electrode and a second electrode and at least one voltage measuring unit being provided, the voltage measuring unit being connected to the first electrode and the second electrode, the control and evaluation unit being connected to the current source and to the voltage measuring unit, and the first electrode and the second electrode being out of electrical contact with the first coil. 1. A conductivity sensor for measuring the electrical conductivity of a liquid medium comprising:at least a first coil,a current source connected to the first coil,a control and evaluation unit,at least a first electrode and a second electrode, andat least one voltage measuring unit, the voltage measuring unit being connected to the first electrode and the second electrode,wherein the control and evaluation unit is connected to the current source and to the at least one voltage measuring unit, andwherein the first electrode and the second electrode are arranged out of electrical contact with the first coil.2. The conductivity sensor according to claim 1 , wherein at least one electrically insulating unit is provided claim 1 , the electrically insulating unit having an inner space and an outer space claim 1 , the inner space being open claim 1 , wherein the first coil surrounds the electrically insulating unit and the first coil and the first electrode and the second electrode are arranged parallel to one another along the electrically insulating unit.3. The conductivity sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the first electrode and the second electrode are arranged in the inner space on an inner side of the electrically insulating unit.4. The ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Shock Awareness System

Номер: US20190108744A1

A shock awareness system including a shock detector for measuring an electrical condtion in a body of water and a remote station in communication with the shock detector with the shock awareness system displaying a measured electrical condtion in the body of water in relation to a known hazardous electrical condtion in the body of water to enable an operator to determine a level of danger in a body of water. 1. A shock awareness system comprising:a mobile shock detector for measuring an electrical condtion in a body of water with the mobile shock detector including a buoyant housing;a remote station linked to said shock detector, said remote station including a display screen with a voltage scale thereon wherein the electrical condtion in the body of water proximate the mobile shock detector is displayed on the display screen as a bar graph of a water voltage in relation to a voltage level on the display screen that represents a voltage that could injure or kill a person who enters the body of water; anda visual information display area revealing ongoing information regarding the shock detector.2. The shock awareness system of wherein the shock awareness system displays a level of danger of the electrical condition in the body of water based on a measured voltage in the body of water compared to the electrical condtion that could injure or kill a person entering the body of water.3. The shock awareness system of wherein the electrical condition is a voltage gradient and either the shock detector or the remote station includes an audible alarm.4. The shock awareness system of system wherein the shock detector is located in-a the buoyant housing with the buoyant housing including a propulsion unit for moving the buoyant housing about on the body of water through rf communication between the remote station and the shock detector.5. The shock awareness system of wherein the shock detector includes a solar panel for maintaining a charge on a battery located in the shock ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120247A1
Принадлежит: HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd.

In order to avoid an electrode from disturbing a flow of a fluid in a flow channel in case that the electrode of an electric conductivity meter is arranged in the flow channel, the electric conductivity meter comprises two tubular electrodes inside of each of which respectively formed is an inner flow channel where the fluid flows, and an electrode holder that communicates each of the inner flow channels of the two electrodes and that holds the two electrodes. The electrode holder holds the two electrodes by making an engagement with each outer peripheral surface of mutually facing axial direction end parts of the two electrodes. 1. An electric conductivity meter that measures electric conductivity of a fluid , wherein comprisingat least two tubular electrodes inside of each of which respectively formed is an inner flow channel where the fluid flows, andan electrode holder that communicates each of the inner flow channels of the above-mentioned at least two electrodes and that holds the above-mentioned at least two electrodes, and is characterized by thatthe electrode holder holds the above-mentioned at least two electrodes by making an engagement with each outer peripheral surface of mutually facing axial direction end parts of the above-mentioned at least two electrodes.2. The electric conductivity meter described in claim 1 , whereinthe electrode holder comprises a spacer part that locates between the mutually facing axial direction end parts and two tubular parts each of which surrounds each of the outer peripheral surfaces of the mutually facing axial direction end parts.3. The electric conductivity meter described in claim 2 ,the spacer part is formed over the entire circumferential direction of the mutually facing axial direction end parts, andan inner peripheral surface of the spacer part and an inner peripheral surface of the electrodes locate on approximately the same plane.4. The electric conductivity meter described in claim 1 ,the above-mentioned at ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120258A1

A method of measuring hematocrit and a method of testing blood are provided. The method for measuring hematocrit includes the following steps. A test strip is provided. The test strip includes a reaction region and a pair of electrodes disposed in the reaction region. A whole blood sample is entered to the reaction region. After the whole blood sample enters the reaction region, a set of square wave voltages is applied to the pair of electrodes based on a square wave voltammetry method to obtain a feedback related to hematocrit. A difference between an initial time when the whole blood sample enters the reaction region and an initial time when the set of square wave voltage is applied ranges from 0.1 seconds to 200 seconds. A hematocrit value is calculated according to the feedback. 1. A method of measuring hematocrit , comprising:providing a test strip comprising a reaction region and a pair of electrodes disposed in the reaction region;entering a whole blood sample into the reaction region;applying a set of square wave voltages to the pair of electrodes based on a square wave voltammetry method after the whole blood sample enters the reaction region to obtain a feedback related to hematocrit, wherein an interval between an initial time when the whole blood sample enters the reaction region and an initial time when the set of square wave voltages is applied ranges from 0.1 seconds to 200 seconds; andcalculating a hematocrit value based on the feedback.2. The method of measuring hematocrit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pair of electrodes comprise a working electrode and a reference electrode claim 1 , a distance between the working electrode and the reference electrode ranges from 0.01 mm to 5 mm claim 1 , and/or a ratio of an area of the working electrode to an area the reference electrode range from 1 to 1.5.3. The method of measuring hematocrit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a frequency of the set of square wave voltages ranges from 100 Hz to 4000 Hz claim ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120360A1
Принадлежит: SHOCK ALERT, LLC

A shock detector having an electrical detector having a set of water immersible electrodes for detecting hazardous water conditions through the determination of the presence of either an electrical current in a body of water, a voltage in the body of water or a voltage gradient in the body of water and then providing an alert to the existence of hazardous electrical conditions in the body of water which in some cases may transmitted to a power source to shut off a power source thereby removing the hazardous water condition. 1. A shock detector comprising;a ground electrode for engaging with soil proximate a body of water;an electrical conductor connecting said ground electrode to said shock detector;a first water electrode for immersing in a body of water;a second electrical conductor connecting said water electrode to said shock detector;an electrical detector comprising a voltmeter located in said shock detector for measuring a voltage between the ground electrode and the first water electrode; andan alarm for alerting a person that the measured voltage between the ground electrode and the first water electrode has exceeded a dangerous threshold that would injure or electrocute a person.2. The shock detector of including a second water electrode spaced from said first water electrode and a third electrical conductor connecting said first water electrode to said shock detector;a switch for selecting the second water electrode and the first water electrode for measurement of the voltage therebetween to determine a voltage gradient within the body of water; anda further alarm in the shock detector for alerting a person that the voltage gradient has exceeded the dangerous threshold.3. The shock detector of including a third water electrode spaced from said second water electrode claim 2 , said switch operable for selecting the second water electrode and the third water electrodes for measurement of the voltage gradient therebetween said further alarm in the shock ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Shock awareness systems

Номер: US20200126390A1

A shock awareness system including a shock detector for measuring an electrical condition in a body of water and a remote station in communication with the shock detector with the shock awareness system displaying a measured electrical condition in the body of water in relation to a known hazardous electrical condition in the body of water to enable an operator to determine a level of danger in a body of water. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method of monitoring a body of water to determine if the body of water contains an electrical condition that could injure or kill a person entering the body of water comprising:placing a set of electrodes from a shock detector in contact with the body of water;establishing RF communications between a remote station and the shock detector;measuring the electrical condition in the body of water to obtain a measured electrical condition;displaying the measured electrical condition with respect to the electrical condition that could injure or person entering the body of water.20. The method of including the step of displaying the measured electrical condition in a bar graph.21. The method of including the step of displaying information on a geographical location of the shock detector and a time of measuring the electrical condition in the body of water.22. The method of including the step of continually displaying the electrical condition on a display screen at a remote station.22. (canceled)23. The method of the step of placing both the remote station and the shock detector on a boat.24. The method of including the step of charging a battery in the shock detector with a solar panel on the shock detector.25. The method of including the step of monitoring a region proximate the shock detector with a camera located on the shock detector.26. The method of displaying the electrical condition in the body of water on a display screen on the shock detector and a display screen on the remote station.27. A floating water shock awareness system for a ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140225627A1
Автор: Green Ralph
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

A calibration device for sensing probes includes a housing; a test resistor within the housing; and probe holder by means of which the sensing probe's electrodes can be brought into electrical contact with the test resistor. The test resistor provides a known or a knowable test resistance between the sensing probe's electrodes. In an embodiment having a variable-resistance test resistor, the device includes an access point at which resistance across the test resistor can be measured using an ohm meter. Furthermore, the device includes one or more access points at which resistance, as measured by the sensing probe, can be measured using an ohm meter; using a monitoring device to which the sensing probe ordinarily is connected when in use; or, in some cases, using either. 1. A calibration device for use in checking the integrity and/or calibration of a resistivity-based sensing probe , which sensing probe has a pair of electrodes across which the conductivity/resistivity of a liquid medium is measured when the probe is in operational use , the calibration device comprising:a housing;a test resistor disposed within the housing, the test resistor having a known, predetermined resistance value or a variable resistance value that can be measured while the test resistor is enclosed within the housing; anda first probe holder configured to hold the sensing probe so as to bring the sensing probe's electrodes into electrical contact with the test resistor so that the test resistor provides a known or a knowable test resistance between the sensing probe's electrodes.2. The calibration device of claim 1 , wherein the test resistor comprises one or more variable-resistance devices and the calibration device has a probe-input access point at which resistance across the test resistor can be measured.3. The calibration device of claim 2 , further comprising:a function switch for selectively controlling whether the test resistor is in electrical contact with the probe-input access ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172922A1
Принадлежит: Hi Fidelity Genetics, Inc.

The present disclosure provides for an electronic sensor for detecting a root of a plant in soil, the electronic sensor that includes a first conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil, a switch, a power supply, and signal extractor. The switch is electrically coupled to the first conductor plate and is configured to switch between a first mode and a second mode. The power supply is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to provide an electrical charge to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch. The signal extractor is electrically coupled to the switch and is configured to extract a signal response at the first conductor plate in the second mode of the switch. The present disclosure further provides a second conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil adjacent to and substantially parallel to the first conductor plate. The second conductor plate is electrically coupled to ground. 115- (canceled)16. An electronic device for monitoring growth of a root of a plant in a soil location , comprising:a support structure suitable for arrangement adjacent to the soil location; and a first conductor plate configured to be disposed in soil;', 'a switch electrically coupled to the first conductor plate, wherein the switch is configured to switch between a first mode and a second mode;', 'a power supply electrically coupled to the switch, wherein the power supply is configured to provide a first electrical charge to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch; and', 'a signal extractor electrically coupled to the switch, wherein, in the second mode of the switch, the signal extractor is configured to extract a signal at the first conductor plate based on the first electrical charge provided to the first conductor plate in the first mode of the switch., 'a plurality of electronic sensors affixed to the support structure, wherein at least one electronic sensor of the plurality of electronic sensors comprises17. The ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

High pressure dynamic micro differential pressure gauge, and methods for using and checking the same

Номер: US20180143094A1

A high pressure dynamic micro differential pressure gauge, and methods for using and checking the same. The high pressure dynamic micro differential pressure gauge comprises a set of vertical manometer tubes in communication with each other, where one or more manometer tubes are connected to a resistance meter through signal lines, and the resistance meter is connected to a data collection and processing control system. Each manometer tube is full of low conductivity buffer liquid and high conductivity manometric liquid. The resistance meter is configured to measure resistances in the one or more manometer tubes, and the data collection and processing control system is configured to convert the resistances measured by the resistance meter into a differential pressure.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141820A1

Articles comprising a resistor comprising core shell liquid metal encapsulates and methods of detecting an impact on an article using a resistor comprising core shell liquid metal encapsulates are disclosed. Such core shell liquid metal encapsulates enable simple but robust impact sensors as such encapsulates comprise a highly electrically resistant metal oxide shell that prevents such encapsulates from coalescing. Yet when such shell is ruptured, the highly conductive bulk liquid metal is released. Such liquid metal changes electrical properties of a sensor comprising core shell liquid metal encapsulates which in turn is evidence of the aforementioned impact. 1. A method of detecting an impact on a surface , said method comprising:a) measuring a change in a resistor's resistance or a change in a system triggered by said change in said resistor's resistance, said resistor comprising a plurality of encapsulates that comprise a liquid metal core, and a metal oxide shell that encapsulates said core, said change in said resistor's resistance being caused at least in part by a change in the momentum of at least a portion said plurality of encapsulates as a result of an impact; andb) using said change in said resistor's resistance and/or change in said system triggered by said change in said resistor's resistance as confirmation of said impact on said surface.2. A method of detecting an impact according to wherein said change in the resistance of said resistor is from about 0.00001 to about 15 orders of magnitude.3. A method of detecting an impact according to wherein said encapsulates are from about 5 nanometers to about 5 millimeters in diameter.4. A method of detecting an impact according to wherein said encapsulates have a shell thickness from about 0.5 nanometers to about 20 nanometers.5. A method of detecting an impact according to wherein said liquid metal core comprises a liquid metal selected from the group consisting of Hg claim 1 , Pb claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Sb ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Fluid Management and Measurement Systems, Devices, and Methods

Номер: US20220296792A1

A medicament preparation system includes a disposable cartridge with a flow path. Various sensors may be placed on the cartridge to measure qualities of the fluid flowing through the flow path. The sensors are placed in precise locations using various approaches that make manufacturing of the cartridge efficient and repeatable. A drain line that is susceptible to fouling may be preattached and various approaches are used to remove or reduce the fouling. An elastomeric contact can also be present in the medical preparation system and used in a conductivity measurement subsystem. 1. A conductivity sensor , comprising:a housing defining an internal fluid compartment, the housing having openings for receiving electrodes, the openings being round;each of said openings having an inside portion closer to the internal fluid compartment and an outside portion further from said internal fluid compartment, said each of said openings having an axial section with a stepped profile such that said outside portion has a larger diameter than said inside portion;the inside portion having a rim extending axially at least partly into said outside portion; andsaid outside portion having at least three spacers extending radially inward toward an axis of a respective one of said openings.2. The conductivity sensor of claim 1 , wherein the rim is shaped to define an annular trough surrounding a respective one of the openings.3. The conductivity sensor of claim 2 , wherein the trough is interrupted by said at least three spacers.4. The conductivity sensor of claim 3 , wherein the at least three spacers have an axial dimension that is greater than a radial dimension thereof.5. The conductivity sensor of claim 4 , wherein the at least three spacers each has a rounded axial end facing away from said internal fluid compartment.6. The conductivity sensor of claim 2 , further comprising an electrode seated in each of said openings and forming a seal with said rim.7. The conductivity sensor of ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Detecting Fluid Type

Номер: US20170167997A1

A system for detecting a fluid type within a blood processing device includes a voltage source for electrical connection to a first electrode and to a second electrode, and a resistor in series between the voltage source and the first and/or second electrode. The voltage source may apply a voltage across the first and second electrodes. The system also includes a voltage detector that is electrically connected to the resistor and measures a voltage drop across the resistor. A circuit electrically connected to the voltage detector determines the type of fluid in contact with the first and second electrode based, at least in part, upon the measured voltage drop. 1. A system for detecting a fluid type within a blood processing device comprising:a voltage source configured for electrical connection to a first electrode and to a second electrode, the voltage source configured to apply a voltage across the first and second electrodes;a resistor in series between the voltage source and one of the first and second electrodes;a voltage detector electrically connected to the resistor and configured to measure a voltage drop across the resistor; anda circuit electrically connected to the voltage detector, and configured to determine a type of fluid in contact with the first and second electrode based, at least in part, upon the measured voltage drop.2. A system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a housing defining the structure of the system, the housing configured to receive a section of tubing containing the first and second electrodes, thereby electrically connecting the voltage source with the first and second electrodes.3. A system according to claim 1 , further comprising a display configured to display at least one selected from the group consisting of the applied voltage claim 1 , the measured voltage drop claim 1 , the type of solution claim 1 , and an alarm condition.4. A system according to claim 1 , further comprising a microcontroller in communication with ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140266267A1
Принадлежит: ASEPTIA, INC.

A product is provided into a first end of a conduit so that the product flows toward a second end of the conduit. The conduit may include a first pair of probes attached at a first location and a second pair of probes at a second location. The product's conductivity in the conduit at the first location is monitored using the first set of probes, and the product's conductivity at the second location is monitored using the second set of probes. An marker material is introduced into an entry port of the conduit so that the marker material flows with the product. The marker material's conductivity is different than the product's conductivity. At a first time, the first set of probes detects the conductivity of the product has changed due to the introduction of the marker material, and at a second time, the second set of probes also detects such change. 1. A method comprising:providing a product into a first end of a conduit so that the product flows toward a second end of the conduit, wherein the conduit comprises an interior cavity, a first pair of probes attached at a first location and a second pair of probes at a second location, the first and second locations being separate from each other and being between the first and second ends;monitoring the conductivity of the product flowing in the conduit at the first location using current measured between the first set of probes;monitoring the conductivity of the product flowing in the conduit at the second location using current measured between the second set of probes;introducing a marker material into an entry port so that the marker material flows with the product toward the second end, the marker material comprising a conductivity that is substantially different than the conductivity of the product;detecting, at a first time, that the product conductivity determined at the first set of probes at the first location has changed due to the introduction of the marker material; anddetecting, at a second time, that the ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Am-ewod array element circuitry with integrated sensing and method of sensing droplet merging

Номер: US20200171500A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Life Science EU Ltd

A method of operating an active matrix electro-wetting on dielectric (AM-EWOD) device provides for enhanced mutual capacitance sensing using integrated impedance sensing circuitry. Array element circuitry of each array element includes actuation circuitry configured to apply actuation voltages to the array element electrode for actuating the array element, and impedance sensor circuitry integrated into the array element circuitry and configured to sense impedance at the array element electrode. The method of operating includes the steps of: perturbing a voltage applied to the array element electrode of a first array element; coupling the voltage perturbation to the array element electrode of a second array element different from the first array element; and measuring the output current from the sensor readout transistor of the second array element for sensing in response to the voltage perturbation. The method may be performed by an AM-EWOD control system executing program code stored on a non-transitory computer readable medium.

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180188211A1
Автор: Chiao Jung-Chih

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide an interrogation device that is operable to apply one or more source signals to one or more coils surrounding a volume, where a material is disposed within the volume. Each of the one or more source signals may excite one of the one or more coils, and the behavior of each the one or more coils responsive to the exciting may be monitored. One or more parameters may be determined based on the behavior of each the one or more coils, and the one or more parameters may be utilized to generate a signature for the material within the volume. The signature may be compared to one or more signatures of known materials to identify the material within the volume. 1. A method for determining one or more characteristics of a material , the method comprising:detecting, by a reader device, an output signal generated by a resonator in response to an input signal, wherein the resonator is disposed within a material; andestimating, by a processor, an amount of a liquid within the material based on one or more parameters associated with the output signal, the one or more parameters comprising at least one of: one or more scattering parameters and a resonant frequency.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reader device is coupled to the resonator claim 1 , and wherein the method includes claim 1 , generating claim 1 , by the reader device claim 1 , the input signal.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transmitting claim 1 , by the reader device claim 1 , information representative of at least one of the output signal and the one or more parameters associated with the output signal to a remote device.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the reader device is communicatively coupled to the remote device via at least one of a wired communication link and a wireless communication link.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the processor is integrated with the remote device.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processor is integrated with ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190187084A1

An electrode assembly for a conductivity meter or resistivity meter includes: an electrode main body; a test liquid intake flow path passing through the electrode main body; a pair of voltage electrodes which is respectively provided so that surfaces thereof are exposed to opposing inner wall surfaces forming the test liquid intake flow path; and a pair of current electrodes which is respectively provided so that surfaces thereof are exposed to each of the inner wall surfaces, and in this configuration, each of the pair of current electrodes contains a carbon-based material, and each of the surfaces of the pair of current electrodes exposed to the inner wall surfaces is in a strip shape. 1. An electrode assembly for a conductivity meter or resistivity meter comprising:an electrode main body;a test liquid intake flow path passing through the electrode main body;a pair of voltage electrodes which is respectively provided so that surfaces thereof are exposed to opposing inner wall surfaces forming the test liquid intake flow path; anda pair of current electrodes which is respectively provided so that surfaces thereof are exposed to each of the inner wall surfaces,wherein each of the pair of current electrodes contains a carbon-based material, and each of the surfaces of the pair of current electrodes exposed to the inner wall surfaces is in a strip shape.2. The electrode assembly for the conductivity meter or the resistivity meter according to claim 1 , comprising plural pairs of the current electrodes claim 1 , wherein the pair of voltage electrodes is positioned between the plural pairs of the current electrodes.3. The electrode assembly for the conductivity meter or the resistivity meter according to claim 1 , wherein the electrode main body is formed to have a column shape claim 1 , the test liquid intake flow path is formed so as to pass through a side peripheral surface of the electrode main body claim 1 , the pair of voltage electrodes and the pair of current ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Conductivity Sensor

Номер: US20190187085A1

The present disclosure relates to a sensor and a measuring system and a sensor network that incorporate one or more such sensors. An example sensor could be configured to measure a conductivity of a liquid. The sensor includes a first electrode and a second electrode, each electrode having a surface area, wherein the surface area of the electrodes determines a cell constant of the sensor (Kcell), and wherein at least one of the electrodes is provided with a switching means arranged so that the surface area of the respective electrode can be changed, thereby varying the cell constant (Kcell) of the sensor.

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140285221A1

The invention refers to a chamber for measurements of electrical properties of reactive powder or liquid samples, allowing the measurement of various electrical parameters to be carried out. The present invention provides the chamber in two variants of embodiment: the multiple use chamber and the single use chamber. The construction of the chamber provides the possibility of carrying out the measurements with the sample placed directly between parallel active surfaces of the electrodes placed coaxially and sliding in a precise manner in to a thin-walled cylinder made of insulating material providing electric insulation. Elements remaining in contact with the sample are made of chemically inert materials. Additionally, a module containing a pair of the electrodes and the cylinder made of insulating material is detachable from the rest of device elements, that enables its loading and hermetic closure in a glovebox filled with inert gas. The device provides the possibility of carrying out the electrochemical measurements as a function of temperature and pressure. The present invention also refers to a method of carrying out measurements of electrical properties of reactive powder or fluid samples, wherein a sample is loaded into a measurement chamber in an inert gas atmosphere, then the gaseous phase is removed from spaces between parallel active surfaces of electrodes and additionally, solid samples are subjected to compression, and then in the system of regulated temperature and/or pressure a measurement of a selected electrical parameter as a function of time and/or temperature and/or pressure is carried out. 122-. (canceled)23. A system for the measurement of the electrical properties of at least substantially incompressible fluid samples , comprising: i. a cylindrical electrically insulating sleeve;', 'ii. two removable cylindrical electrodes longitudinally spaced apart and coaxially arranged for slidable engagement within the sleeve, each electrode having an ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239746A1

A system and method for identifying the condition of fluids inside a container, by means of a resistive element associated with a control unit of the resistive element, preferably used for identifying the condition of water for application in a fuel vehicle water injection system, but not limited to this application. The control unit of the resistive element is comprised of a processing unit capable of obtaining the reading of the resistance of a resistive element and processing the information for performing the identification of the condition of the fluid, and also the composition can use the resistive element as a heating element through a heater control unit when it is identified that the condition of the fluid is solid. 1. A system for identifying the condition of a fluid inside a container , the system comprising:{'b': '1', 'at least one fluid storage container ();'}the system being CHARACTERIZED by further comprising:{'b': '2', 'at least one resistive element () associated with at least a fluid;'}{'b': 3', '2, 'at least one control unit of the resistive element () associated with the resistive element ().'}22. The system according to claim 1 , CHARACTERIZED in that the resistive element () comprises a resistance that varies with the temperature.32. The system according to claim 1 , CHARACTERIZED in that the resistive element () comprises a PTC-type resistor.434. The system according to claim 1 , CHARACTERIZED in that the control unit of the resistive element () comprises a processing unit ().54. The system according to claim 4 , CHARACTERIZED in that the processing unit () comprises an electronic control unit.6354. The system according to claim 1 , CHARACTERIZED in that the control unit of the resistive element () comprises a heater control unit () and a processing unit ().7. A method for measuring the condition of fluids inside a container claim 1 , CHARACTERIZED by comprising the steps of:{'b': 3', '2', '1, 'obtaining, with a control unit of the resistive ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200209202A1
Автор: SAWATA Hideto

An electrical conductivity detector includes a cell, a pair of electrodes, a voltage application part, an amplification circuit, a phase adjustment value holding part, and a signal processing circuit. The amplification circuit has multiple gains, and amplifies a current flowing between the pair of electrodes using any one of the gains to obtain an amplified signal. The phase adjustment value holding part holds a phase adjustment value determined in advance for each of the gains for canceling a phase difference between amplified signals determined using each of the gains of the amplification circuit. The signal processing circuit calculates electrical conductivity of the liquid flowing through the cell using an amplified signal obtained by being amplified by the amplification circuit and the phase adjustment value which is for the gain used to obtain the amplified signal and is held in the phase adjustment value holding part. 14-. (canceled)5. An electrical conductivity detector comprising:a cell through which a sample liquid flows;a pair of electrodes immersed in the liquid flowing through the cell;a voltage application part configured to apply a predetermined voltage between the pair of electrodes;an amplification circuit having a plurality of gains and configured to amplify a current flowing between the pair of electrodes using any one of the gains to obtain an amplified signal;a phase adjustment value holding part configured to hold phase adjustment values determined in advance for each of the gains for canceling a phase difference between amplified signals obtained using each of the gains of the amplification circuit; anda signal processing circuit configured to calculate electrical conductivity of the liquid flowing through the cell using an amplified signal obtained by being amplified by the amplification circuit and the phase adjustment value which is for the gain used to obtain the amplified signal and is held in the phase adjustment value holding part.6. ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190212285A1
Автор: Chiao Jung-Chih

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide an interrogation device that is operable to apply one or more source signals to one or more coils surrounding a volume, where a material is disposed within the volume. Each of the one or more source signals may excite one of the one or more coils, and the behavior of each the one or more coils responsive to the exciting may be monitored. One or more parameters may be determined based on the behavior of each the one or more coils, and the one or more parameters may be utilized to generate a signature for the material within the volume. The signature may be compared to one or more signatures of known materials to identify the material within the volume. 1. A method for determining one or more characteristics of a material , the method comprising:exciting one or more conductive coils with a source signal, where the one or more conductive coils surround a volume;monitoring one or more parameters associated with each of the one or more conductive coils during the exciting;determining one or more signatures associated with a material within the volume based on the one or more parameters; andcomparing the one or more signatures to one or more candidate signatures to identify the material.2. The method of claim 1 , where the one or more parameters associated with each of the one or more conductive coils comprise: one or more scattering parameters claim 1 , a resonance frequency claim 1 , a shape and location of curves in a Smith Chart claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising varying a frequency of the source signal at which at least one of the one or more coils is excited.4. The method of claim 2 , where the one or more candidate signatures correspond to signatures representative of at least one known material claim 2 , and where the signatures representative of the at least one known material are determined based one or more parameters determined while the at least one known materials was ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150253270A1
Автор: KUBOTA Shinichi
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A detecting device includes a substrate having a cavity portion in the surface thereof; a thin-film layer formed over the cavity portion; an on-thin-film layer pattern formed on the thin-film layer; an on-substrate pattern formed on the substrate; and a first terminal, a second terminal, a third terminal, and a fourth terminal. A resistance between the first terminal and the second terminal includes a resistance of the on-thin-film layer pattern, a resistance between the third terminal and the fourth terminal includes the resistance of the on-thin-film layer pattern and a resistance of the on-substrate pattern, and the resistance between the first terminal and the second terminal is less than the resistance between the third terminal and the fourth terminal. 1. A detecting device , comprising:a substrate having a cavity portion in the surface thereof;a thin-film layer formed over the cavity portion;an on-thin-film layer pattern formed on the thin-film layer;an on-substrate pattern formed on the substrate; anda first terminal, a second terminal, a third terminal, and a fourth terminal;wherein a resistance between the first terminal and the second terminal includes a resistance of the on-thin-film layer pattern,a resistance between the third terminal and the fourth terminal includes the resistance of the on-thin-film layer pattern and a resistance of the on-substrate pattern, andthe resistance between the first terminal and the second terminal is less than the resistance between the third terminal and the fourth terminal.2. The detecting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an area of connection between the on-thin-film layer pattern and the on-substrate pattern is formed in the cavity portion.3. The detecting device as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of terminals formed at ends of the on-substrate pattern which are ends of the on-substrate pattern other than ends at the area of connection.4. The detecting device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150276836A1

A sensor for detecting the breakthrough of hardness in a water softener measures a change in the conductivity of elongated cation-exchange material in contact with the treated water. 1. A sensor for measuring conductivity comprising a continuous ion-exchange material and a resistor , wherein the continuous ion-exchange material is in electrical series with the resistor and voltage across the ion-exchange material is proportional to the electrical conductivity of the ion-exchange material.2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the resistor is a thermistor.3. The sensor of claim 1 , further comprising one or more switches configured to be engaged periodically in a manner to cause an electrical current to flow in either of two directions in the ion-exchange material or to remove electrical current flow through the ion-exchange material.4. The sensor of whereby said voltage is latched so as to store a value that is proportional to said conductivity.5. A sensor for detecting a change in ionic composition of a fluid comprising:(i) a first non-conductive plate and a second non-conductive plate configured to form a cavity through which a test fluid flows,(ii) a continuous ion-exchange material positioned within the cavity configured to be in contact with the fluid,(iii) a first electrode in contact with a first portion of the ion-exchange material and a second electrode in contact with a second portion of the ion-exchange material, the first and second electrode being separated by a predetermined distance, and(iv) a device coupled to the ion-exchange material configured for measuring the electrical conductivity across the ion-exchange material.6. The sensor of claim 5 , wherein the continuous ion-exchange material is a membrane or fiber.7. The sensor of claim 6 , wherein the ion-exchange membrane is a cation-exchange membrane.8. The sensor of claim 6 , wherein the continuous ion-exchange material is an anion-exchange membrane.9. The sensor of claim 5 , wherein the non- ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Non-contact type measuring apparatus for conductivity and permittivity of non-conductive fluid using rf signal

Номер: US20190257868A1
Автор: Kyu Young Lee
Принадлежит: Multipath Co Ltd

Non-contact type measuring apparatus able to detect a difference in signal intensity by transmitting a radio frequency (RF) signal having a predetermined frequency through one of two coil antennas and receiving an induced RF current signal transmitted via a medium through the other coil antennas and detect conductivity and a variation in characteristic of a non-conductor by comparing the signal intensity with a signal intensity comparison table for each frequency, which is stored in a controller by measuring a signal intensity for each frequency in advance, on the basis of the signal intensity for each frequency. The non-contact type measuring apparatus can accurately measure not only various elements using a characteristic in which conductivity is varied according to total dissolved solid, temperature, and an amount of a conductive medium and permittivity change characteristic of a non-conductor, but also conductivity and variation in characteristic of the non-conductor.

25-11-2021 дата публикации

System and method for measuring conductivity

Номер: US20210364460A1

The present disclosure relates to a conductivity measuring system of a fluid including a solvent and an ionic solute, comprising: —a holder comprising an isolated holder wall defining a fluid channel for holding fluid, wherein the holder is shaped to allow an electrical current induced in the fluid to form a current loop; —an excitation device configured to excite an electric field inside a first part of the fluid channel, the excitation device comprising an electrical signal generator configured to generate an alternating current signal and a conducting slab; —a sensing device arranged at a position remote from the first part of the fluid channel and configured to sense a voltage signal (V) resulting from the changing magnetic field resulting from the current generated inside the fluid by the excitation device. 1. Conductivity measuring system with the purpose of contactless detection of the frequency dependent conductivity of a fluid including a solvent and an ionic solute , the conductivity measuring system comprising:{'b': 22', '8', '21', '21, 'a holder () comprising a holder wall () comprised of electrically insulating material, defining a fluid channel () for holding fluid, wherein the holder is shaped to allow an electrical current induced in the fluid to form a current loop inside the fluid channel ();'}{'b': 24', '25', '22', '21, 'an excitation device (, ) arranged outside of the holder () and configured to excite an electric field inside a first part of the fluid channel (), the excitation device comprising{'b': '25', 'an electrical signal generator () configured to generate an alternating current signal with one more predefined frequencies;'}{'b': 24', '22', '24', '6', '6', '14', '14', '21', '25', '25', '24', '61', '62', '14', '14', '24', '21, 'sup': 1', '2, 'i': a,', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'a conducting slab (), placed on or in the direct vicinity of the holder wall () of the first part of the fluid channel, the conducting slab () comprising connection elements ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Shock Detector

Номер: US20160299178A1
Принадлежит: BIRCHTREE LLC

A shock detector having an electrical detector having a set of water immersible electrodes for detecting hazardous water conditions through the determination of the presence of either an electrical current in a body of water, a voltage in the body of water or a voltage gradient in the body of water and then providing an alert to the existence of hazardous electrical conditions in the body of water which in some cases may transmitted to a power source to shut off a power source thereby removing the hazardous water condition.

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Shock detector

Номер: US20190302154A1
Принадлежит: BIRCHTREE LLC

A shock detector having an electrical detector having a set of water immersible electrodes for detecting hazardous water conditions through the determination of the presence of either an electrical current in a body of water, a voltage in the body of water or a voltage gradient in the body of water and then providing an alert to the existence of hazardous electrical conditions in the body of water which in some cases may transmitted to a power source to shut off a power source thereby removing the hazardous water condition. 124-. (canceled)25. A shock detector for detecting a condition that can produce an electric shock in a body of water including:a housing;a ground electrode for engaging with soil surrounding a body of water;an electrical lead connecting said ground electrode to said shock detector;a water electrode for immersing in a body of water;a second electrical lead connecting said water electrode to said shock detector;a voltmeter located in said shock detector for measuring a voltage differential between the ground electrode and the water electrode to determine if the voltage differential is in excess of a dangerous threshold so that a flow of current through the body of a person in the body of water could cause electric shock drowning; andan alarm for alerting a person that the measured voltage between the ground electrode and the water electrode has exceeded the dangerous threshold that can kill or injure a person who enters the water.26. The shock detector of wherein the alarm includes a visual alarm and an audible alarm.27. The shock detector of wherein the electric shock detector includes a switch for turning off the visual alarm and a switch to turn off the audible alarm.28. The shock detector of wherein the shock detector monitors itself to send a signal in response to a deterioration of the performance of the shock detector.29. The shock detector of wherein the shock detector sends a signal to shut off a power source when the water contains a ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170367525A1

A method for producing different types of milk-air emulsions with a milk-air emulsion generating device, comprising: producing the milk-air emulsions in dependence on at least one determined physical material characteristic of the milk-air emulsion. 1. A method for producing different types of milk-air emulsions with a milk-air emulsion generating device , comprising: producing the milk-air emulsions in dependence on at least one determined physical material characteristic of the milk-air emulsion.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the milk-air emulsion generating device includes a milk line through which milk and/or milk-air emulsion flows between a milk container and a dispensing device; at least one air supply system for generating a milk-air emulsion coupled in the milk line; and at least one processing device claim 1 , having at least one heating device for heating the milk-air emulsion claim 1 , coupled in the milk line downstream of the at least one air supply system for further processing of the milk-air emulsion; the method further comprising:determining the physical material characteristic of the milk-air emulsion with at least a first measuring unit;comparing an actual value and a desired value range for the physical material characteristic; andadjusting an adjustment variable to influence the physical material characteristic when the actual value is outside of a desired value range.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the physical material characteristic is the electrical conductivity of the milk-air emulsion.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the adjusting the adjustment variable includes controlling the pressure of the air supplied through the air-supply system.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the adjusting the adjustment variable includes controlling the flow of the milk or milk-air emulsion through the milk line.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the air supply system includes a mixing chamber in ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации

Conductivity Measurement of Fluids

Номер: US20160377568A1

A product is provided into a first end of a conduit so that the product flows toward a second end of the conduit. The conduit may include a first pair of probes attached at a first location and a second pair of probes at a second location. The product's conductivity in the conduit at the first location is monitored using the first set of probes, and the product's conductivity at the second location is monitored using the second set of probes. An marker material is introduced into an entry port of the conduit so that the marker material flows with the product. The marker material's conductivity is different than the products conductivity. At a first time, the first set of probes detects the conductivity of the product has changed due to the introduction of the marker material, and at a second time, the second set of probes also detects such change. 1. A method comprising:providing a product into a first end of a conduit that the product flows toward a second end of the conduit, wherein the conduit comprises an interior cavity, a first pair of probes attached at a first location and a second pair of probes at a second location, the first and second locations being separate from each other and being between the first and second ends;monitoring the conductivity of the product flowing in the conduit at the first location using current measured between the first set of probes;monitoring the conductivity of the product flowing in the conduit at the second location using current measured between the second set of probes;introducing a marker material into an entry port so that the marker material flows with the product toward the second end, the marker material comprising a conductivity that is substantially different than the conductivity of the product;detecting, at a first time, that the product conductivity determined at the first set of probes at the first location has changed due to the introduction of the marker material; anddetecting, at a second time, that the ...

10-12-2020 дата публикации

Fluid Property Measurement Devices, Methods, and Systems

Номер: US20200386625A1
Принадлежит: Nxstage Medical Inc

A system for measuring electrical conductivity includes a fluid conduction measuring circuit and a temperature measuring element having at least one thermal contact portion with a temperature sensor and a temperature measuring circuit. A controller is configured to control the conduction measuring circuit and the temperature measuring element. A fluid circuit is configured to carry a fluid and has a wetted conductor inside a conductivity cell portion, the wetted conductor having a contact, external to the fluid circuit, for interfacing with the fluid conduction measuring circuit. Further, at least one temperature measurement portion has predefined thermal properties and is configured to touch the thermal contact portion. The controller controls the temperature measuring element and the conduction measuring circuit to generate and output at least one set of contemporaneous temperature and conduction measurements.

19-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190383781A1

A system for measuring the state of degradation of cooking oil or fat includes at least one fryer pot. A conduit is fluidly connected to the fryer pot for transporting cooking oil from the fryer pot and returning the cooking oil back to the fryer pot. A pump is provided for re-circulating cooking oil to and from the fryer pot. A sensor is disposed in fluid communication with the conduit and measures an electrical property of the cooking oil as the cooking oil flows past the sensor and is returned to the at least one fryer pot. 1. A system for measuring the state of degradation of deep fryer cooking oils or fats in a deep fryer comprising:at least one fryer pot;at least one conduit in fluid communication with said at least one fryer pot for transporting said deep fryer cooking oil from said at least one fryer pot and/or returning said deep fryer cooking oil back to said at least one fryer pot; andan oil quality sensor that is in fluid communication with said conduit to measure an electrical property of said deep fryer cooking oil when it is external to said at least one fryer pot and as said deep fryer cooking oil flows past or comes into contact with said oil quality sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said oil quality sensor is a capacitance sensor claim 1 , a coaxial sensor claim 1 , a conductivity sensor or a resonant sensor.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a filtration unit claim 1 , wherein said filtration unit is disposed in-line with said conduit.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said conduit comprises a single pipe that drains said deep fryer cooking oil from said at least one fryer pot and returns said deep fryer cooking oil to said at least one fryer pot via said single pipe.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said sensor is disposed in an adapter that is connected to either said return pipe or said drain pipe.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one pump for re-circulating said deep fryer cooking oil from and to said ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190391026A1
Автор: Sethi Rakesh

A device includes a channel, a slit, and a cap. The channel is formed on a surface of the device. The slit separates the channel to a first portion and a second portion. The first portion comprises liquid metal, e.g., gallatin. The second portion comprises gas. The liquid metal moves within the channel between the first and the second portions in response to external stimuli, e.g., pressure. The liquid metal moving within the channel changes electrical characteristics, e.g., capacitive value, inductance value, resistance value, resonance frequency, etc., of the device. 1. A device comprising:a channel formed on a surface of the device;a slit separating the channel to a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion comprises liquid metal and wherein the second portion comprises gas, and wherein the liquid metal moves within the channel between the first and the second portions in response to external pressure, and wherein the liquid metal moving within the channel changes electrical characteristics of the device; anda cap encapsulating the channel and the slit within.2. The device as described by claim 1 , wherein a height of the device is less than 50 micrometers.3. The device as described by claim 1 , wherein the liquid metal is gallatin.4. The device as described by claim 1 , wherein the electrical characteristics are selected from a group consisting of capacitive value claim 1 , inductance value claim 1 , and resistance value.5. The device as described by further comprising a circuitry configured to measure the changes in the electrical characteristics of the device and further configured to convert the measure changes to a pressure value associated with the external pressure.6. The device as described by claim 1 , wherein resonance frequency of the circuitry changes in response to the changes in the electrical characteristics.7. A device comprising:a substrate; and a channel;', 'a separating component configured to divide the channel to a first ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200400612A1

A method of measuring hematocrit is provided. The method for measuring hematocrit includes the following steps. A test strip is provided. The test strip includes a reaction region and a pair of electrodes disposed in the reaction region. A whole blood sample is entered to the reaction region. After the whole blood sample enters the reaction region, a plurality of sets of square wave voltages are intermittently applied to the pair of electrodes based on a square wave voltammetry method to obtain a plurality of feedbacks related to hematocrit. An interval between two adjacent sets of square wave voltages ranges from 0.1 seconds to 4 seconds. A feedback of an n-th set of square wave voltages is obtained to calculate a hematocrit value of the whole blood sample and n is a positive integer greater than 1. A hematocrit value is calculated according to the feedback. 1. A method of measuring hematocrit , comprising:providing a test strip comprising a reaction region and a pair of electrodes disposed in the reaction region;entering a whole blood sample into the reaction region;intermittently applying a plurality of sets of square wave voltages to the pair of electrodes based on a square wave voltammetry method to obtain a plurality of feedbacks related to hematocrit, wherein an interval between two adjacent sets of square wave voltages ranges from 0.1 seconds to 4 seconds;obtaining a feedback of an n-th set of square wave voltages to calculate a hematocrit value of the whole blood sample, wherein n is a positive integer greater than 1.2. The method of measuring hematocrit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of calculating the hematocrit value comprises:obtaining a general equation of feedback value with respect to hematocrit value by using standard whole blood samples with known hematocrit values; andsubstituting the feedback of the n-th set of square wave voltages of the whole blood sample for the feedback value to obtain the corresponding hematocrit value.3. The ...

20-10-1992 дата публикации

Three-toroid electrodeless conductivity cell

Номер: US5157332A
Автор: Philip C. Reese
Принадлежит: Foxboro Co

An electrodeless conductivity measuring cell having three toroids. In one arrangement, the three toroids are stacked together wherein the center toroid is used for sensing and the two outer toroids are the drive toroids. Alternatively, the center toroid may be used as the drive coil and the outer toroids used as sense coils. Washer-shaped, grounded discs are placed between the outer toroids and the center toroid to provide for improved noise rejection. A method of validating the fluid conductivity measurement of such a measuring cell. The fluid conductivity is measured with a three-cell configuration, and then it is measured with a two-cell configuration. If the conductivity is observed to be the same, the cells are likely functioning normally. If fluid leaks into the cell cavity, the measurement of conductivity will change.

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Conductivity sensor and method for determining the electrical conductivity of a liquid medium

Номер: DE102016119508A1
Автор: Michael Vogt
Принадлежит: Krohne Messtechnik GmbH and Co KG

Beschrieben und dargestellt ist ein Leitfähigkeitssensor (1) zur Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit eines flüssigen Mediums (6), umfassend wenigstens eine erste Spule (11), eine Stromquelle (9) und eine Ansteuerungs- und Auswerteeinheit (5), wobei die Stromquelle (9) mit der ersten Spule (11) verbunden ist. Die Aufgabe einen Leitfähigkeitssensor anzugeben, mit dem ein besonders großer Wertebereich der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit bestimmt werden kann, wird dadurch gelöst, dass zusätzlich wenigstens eine erste Elektrode (2) und eine zweite Elektrode (3) und wenigstens eine Spannungsmesseinheit (10) vorhanden sind, wobei die Spannungsmesseinheit (10) mit der ersten Elektrode (2) und der zweiten Elektrode (3) verbunden ist, wobei die Ansteuerungs- und Auswerteeinheit (5) mit der Stromquelle (9) und mit der Spannungsmesseinheit (10) verbunden ist und wobei die erste Elektrode (2) und die zweite Elektrode (3) derart angeordnet sind, dass die erste Elektrode (2) und die zweite Elektrode (3) keinen elektrischen Kontakt mit der ersten Spule (11) aufweisen. Zudem ist beschrieben und dargestellt ein weiterer Leitfähigkeitssensor und Verfahren zur Bestimmung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit eines flüssigen Mediums. Described and illustrated is a conductivity sensor (1) for measuring the electrical conductivity of a liquid medium (6), comprising at least a first coil (11), a current source (9) and a control and evaluation unit (5), wherein the current source (9 ) is connected to the first coil (11). The object to provide a conductivity sensor with which a particularly large range of values of the electrical conductivity can be determined, is achieved in that in addition at least one first electrode (2) and a second electrode (3) and at least one voltage measuring unit (10) are present the voltage measuring unit (10) is connected to the first electrode (2) and the second electrode (3), wherein the drive and evaluation unit (5) is connected to the current source (9) and to the ...

17-11-1981 дата публикации

Liquid conductivity measuring system and sample cards therefor

Номер: US4301412A
Принадлежит: United States Surgical Corp

A system for measuring a parameter of a liquid sample, such as the hematocrit and an approximation of hemoglobin for a blood sample. The system basically comprises a hand-held instrument and a disposable sample card. The instrument accepts the disposable sample card, which is used for the one-time conveyance and application of a liquid sample, such as blood, to the instrument. The instrument has provision for digital displays for readouts. The disposable sample card is a micro-volume conductivity cell precision molded from plastic with built-in stainless steel electrodes. The instrument basically comprises an electronic portion for processing data obtained from the liquid sample on the sample card, a front-end mechanism for positioning the sample card within the instrument, and a digital display for displaying in eye-readable form the results of a parameter measurement made in the instrument.

10-07-2008 дата публикации

A miniature electrical conductance sensor using dual concentric ring-disk electrodes with a flat face

Номер: KR100845343B1
Автор: 박상열
Принадлежит: 한국표준과학연구원

A miniature electrical conductance sensor using dual concentric ring-disk electrodes with a flat face is provided to improve accuracy in measurement by applying a measurement circuit appropriate to the miniature electrical conductance sensor. A miniature electrical conductance sensor includes a disk-shaped receiving electrode(10), a ring-shaped excitation electrode(50), and an insulating film which are formed on a flat face in a concentric ring structure. The disk-shaped receiving electrode is formed by a cross-section of a metal line on a flat face obtained by planarizing one ends of the metal line, an insulating capillary(30), and a fine metal tube. The ring-shaped excitation electrode is formed by a cross section of the fine metal tube. The insulating film is formed of a cross section of the insulating capillary. The miniature electrical conductance sensor further includes an excitation voltage applying line(53) and an excitation detecting line(55) connected to the excitation electrode.

10-09-2010 дата публикации

Датчик проводимости и диализный аппарат, содержащий такой датчик

Номер: RU2009103314A

1. Датчик для измерения проводимости раствора, содержащий кольцевую трубу (2), имеющую вход (3) и выход (4) для раствора и образующую модуль (2а) для измерения проводимости, первую и вторую катушки (7, 22), закрепленные вокруг трубы (2), цепь (8) возбуждения, которая генерирует напряжение (Vr1) для возбуждения первой катушки (7), токосчитывающее устройство (43), связанное со второй катушкой (22) и предназначенное для считывания значения тока (I), циркулирующего во второй катушке (22), причем вторая катушка (22) взаимосвязана с первой катушкой (7) через электромагнитный поток (F), генерируемый первой катушкой (7), и через раствор, циркулирующий в трубе (2), отличающийся тем, что он содержит компенсационное устройство (44), связанное с первой катушкой (7), для обеспечения постоянного электромагнитного потока (F). ! 2. Датчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что компенсационное устройство (44) содержит цепь (111) обратной связи, связанную с электромагнитным потоком (F). ! 3. Датчик по п.2, отличающийся тем, что цепь (111) обратной связи содержит обмотку (11) обратной связи, взаимосвязанную с электромагнитным потоком (F). ! 4. Датчик по п.3, отличающийся тем, что цепь (111) обратной связи содержит регулятор (19) для стабилизации возбуждающего напряжения (Vr1) в соответствии с напряжением (Vf), измеренным на выводах обмотки (11) обратной связи. ! 5. Датчик по п.4, отличающийся тем, что он содержит компьютеризованный блок (29) управления для подачи на регулятор (19) опорного напряжения (Vr) для возбуждения первой катушки (7), причем на вход регулятора (19) подается как напряжение (Vf), измеренное на выводах обмотки (11) обратной связи, так и опорное напряжение (Vr), и регулятор обеспечивает обратную связ РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2009 103 314 (13) A (51) МПК G01N 27/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009103314/28, 02.08.2007 (71) Заявитель(и): Текнолоджи Динамике С.А ...

20-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN107941856A
Автор: M.福格特
Принадлежит: Krohne Messtechnik GmbH and Co KG


11-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: JPS63243767A
Принадлежит: Yokogawa Electric Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

01-03-2019 дата публикации

A kind of MEMS electrode formula low conductivity sensor and its measurement method

Номер: CN106501615B
Принадлежит: Hohai University HHU


23-11-2016 дата публикации

The anti-measurement apparatus of contactless fluid resistance based on digital phase-sensitive solution mediation virtual inductor technology and method

Номер: CN106154048A
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University ZJU


06-07-2011 дата публикации

Apparatus and method to measure fluid resistivity

Номер: CN1900483B
Принадлежит: Prad Research and Development Ltd


14-08-2018 дата публикации

Sensor for aqueous phase multiphase flow water phase conductivity measurement in upward vertical tube

Номер: CN108397188A


19-07-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for measuring fluid conductivity

Номер: CN106255665B
Принадлежит: University of Texas System


23-04-2020 дата публикации

Electrochemical lipidomics for cancer diagnosis

Номер: WO2020079533A1
Принадлежит: Abdolahad Mohammad, Ashkan Zandi

A method for detecting cancerous status of a biological sample. The method includes calculating a charge transfer resistance (Rct) of an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) associated with lipid secretion of a biological sample, detecting a cancerous state for the biological sample responsive to the calculated Rct being equal to or more than a threshold value, and detecting a normal state for the biological sample responsive to the calculated Rct being less than the threshold value. The biological sample includes a biological sample suspected to be cancerous.

22-09-2017 дата публикации

Online five electrode conductivity sensor of flow type industry

Номер: CN107192888A
Автор: 刘蓓, 黄扬明


25-06-2020 дата публикации

Electrochemical cell for measuring the electrical conductivity of melts

Номер: RU2018146034A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 146 034 A (51) МПК G01R 27/22 (2006.01) G01N 27/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018146034, 25.12.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.12.2018 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 25.06.2020 Бюл. № 18 (57) Формула изобретения Электрохимическая ячейка для измерения электропроводности расплавов, содержащая электроды, разделенные изолятором, отличающаяся тем, что электроды выполнены из стеклоуглеродного материала, расположены коаксиально по отношению друг к другу и разделены изолятором из нитрида бора. R U A 2 0 1 8 1 4 6 0 3 4 A (54) Электрохимическая ячейка для измерения электропроводности расплавов 2 0 1 8 1 4 6 0 3 4 (72) Автор(ы): Исаков Андрей Владимирович (RU), Аписаров Алексей Петрович (RU), Руденко Алексей Владимирович (RU), Чернышев Александр Александрович (RU), Зайков Юрий Павлович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 620002, Свердловская обл., г. Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 19, Центр интеллектуальной собственности, Герасимова С.А. (71) Заявитель(и): Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина" (RU) Стр.: 1

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Contact sensor of specific electric conductivity of liquid

Номер: RU2707396C2

FIELD: measurement. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to measurement equipment, to conductometry. Contact sensor contains a support element in form of a section of a pipe from non-conducting material, on which excitation and measuring electrodes are installed perpendicular to the axis of the support element. Electrodes are round flat disks of identical area. Disks are installed in pairs so that average distance between surfaces of electrodes in pairs is less than average distance between adjacent pairs. Average distances between the surfaces of the electrodes in two or more pairs differ from each other. Each measuring electrode is equipped with an additional electrically connected and adjacent to it electrode forming additional pair with another additional electrode. Sensor is equipped with a data monitoring and processing device containing a comparison device which generates a signal depending on the change in the ratio of the values of the ECD measured in the interelectrode gaps of the said pairs. EFFECT: technical result is improved conditions of fluid flow through sensor, reduced rate of contamination of electrodes with simultaneous reduction of leakage current effect between exciting electrodes of sensor, which increases reliability of measurements during long-term operation of sensor without maintenance. 1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 707 396 C2 (51) МПК G01N 27/06 (2006.01) G01R 27/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01N 27/06 (2019.08); G01R 27/22 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018117411, 10.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 26.11.2019 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 11.11.2019 Бюл. № 32 (45) Опубликовано: 26.11.2019 Бюл. № 33 2 7 0 7 3 9 6 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2392613 C1, 20.06.2010. RU 2491538 С1, 27.08.2013. SU 1784895 А1, 30.12.1992. RU 10883 U1, 16.08.1999. EP 1621876 A1, 01.02.2006. US ...

10-09-2010 дата публикации

Device and method for measurement of specific resistance of fluids

Номер: RU2398963C2

FIELD: gas-and-oil industry. SUBSTANCE: device consists of flow line communicated with formation fluids. Also the flow line includes the first section containing the first conducting zone, the second section containing the second conducting zone and an isolating section located between the first and second sections and preventing direct electrical connection between the first and the second section. The first circular core and the second circular core surround the flow line around the first and the second sections correspondingly. Additionally, the first circular core induces electrical current in fluid in the flow line, while the second circular core is designed for measurement of electrical current induced in fluid in the flow line. The electron block is designed for control over the first and the second circular cores. EFFECT: increased reliability of method and device for measurement of specific resistance in formation testers or similar downhole equipment. 16 cl, 14 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 398 963 (13) C2 (51) МПК E21B 49/08 (2006.01) G01N 27/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 19.07.2005 US 11/184,527 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ШЛЮМБЕРГЕР ТЕКНОЛОДЖИ БВ (NL) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.01.2008 2 3 9 8 9 6 3 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2010 Бюл. № 25 2 3 9 8 9 6 3 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Ю.Д.Кузнецову, рег.№ 595 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 2380263 А, 02.04.2003. SU 1702795 A1, 27.05.1995. RU 2105879 C1, 27.02.1998. US 3404335 A, 01.10.1968. US 6927578 B2, 24.06.2004. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО И СПОСОБ ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ УДЕЛЬНОГО СОПРОТИВЛЕНИЯ ФЛЮИДОВ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для измерения удельного сопротивления флюида. Техническим результатом является повышение ...

23-05-2016 дата публикации

System For Monitoring Pollution In Soil

Номер: KR101623543B1
Автор: 김주영
Принадлежит: (주)동명엔터프라이즈

본 발명에 따르면, 저장 탱크(T)에 설치되어 저장 탱크(T)내의 유류 수위 변화를 감지하기 위한 변위 센서(11)를 구비하는 수위 감지기(LS); 지중(地中)에 매설되어 토양에 누출된 유류를 감지하기 위한 저항 센서(12)를 구비하는 토양의 유류 누출 감지기(SS); 도관(15b)에 설치되어 상기 도관으로부터 누출된 유류를 감지하기 위한 초음파 센서(13)를 구비하는 도관 누출 감지기(DS); 및, 상기 수위 감지기(LS), 상기 토양의 유류 누출 감지기(SS) 및 상기 도관 누출 감지기(DS)로부터 각각 연장되는 통신 케이블(17a,17b,17c)이 연결되는 통합 콘트롤러(C);를 구비하는, 토양 오염 감시 장치가 제공된다.

06-04-1984 дата публикации

Specific resistance measuring apparatus

Номер: JPS5960265A
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

22-11-2022 дата публикации

Conductivity sensor multi-point calibration method based on ion activity

Номер: CN113466296B


17-05-2018 дата публикации

Device for the liquid media specific electrical conductivity measurement

Номер: RU2654316C2

FIELD: measuring equipment. SUBSTANCE: device is designed to measure the seawater specific electrical conductivity directly in the medium and can be used for measurement in other liquids. Summary of invention is in that the liquid media specific electrical conductivity measuring device contains a current source, voltage meter, sensor with a solid dielectric casing in the form of a cup and two current electrodes, at that, the sensor frame includes a controlled current source, voltage and resistance meters, a power supply source for electromagnets and a microprocessor, the liquid specific conductivity is determined by the formula where I is the current through the current electrodes known value, U is the voltage between the potential electrodes measured value, α is the cup linear expansion temperature coefficient with the temperature increase for θ from zero one, γ is the cup measuring base linear compression coefficient with external pressure increase for P from zero one, K is the sensor cell "geometric constant" at zero temperature and pressure. EFFECT: technical result is the improvement in the measurement accuracy in the medium particular point. 1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 654 316 C2 (51) МПК G01R 27/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01R 27/22 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2015151318, 30.11.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 30.11.2015 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 07.06.2017 Бюл. № 16 (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2018 Бюл. № 14 2 6 5 4 3 1 6 R U 1552121 A1, 23.03.1990. SU 1664030 A1, 27.02.1995. US 20090146670 A1, 11.06.2009. US 20050116724 A1, 02.06.2005. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ УДЕЛЬНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОПРОВОДНОСТИ ЖИДКИХ СРЕД (57) Реферат: Устройство предназначено для измерения удельной электропроводности морской воды непосредственно в среде и может использоваться для измерения в других ...

07-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015151318A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2015 151 318 A (51) МПК G01R 27/22 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015151318, 30.11.2015 (71) Заявитель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Институт природно-технических систем" (ИПТС) (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 30.11.2015 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 07.06.2017 Бюл. № 16 Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 5 1 5 1 3 1 8 R U A (57) Формула изобретения Устройство для измерения удельной электропроводности жидких сред, содержащее источник тока, измеритель напряжения, датчик с твердым диэлектрическим корпусом в виде стакана и двумя токовыми электродами и отличающееся тем, что в датчике установлен клинообразный 45-градусный диэлектрический вкладыш на дне стакана и первый токовый электрод выполнен в виде полудиска на дне стакана и второй токовый электрод выполнен в виде полукольца по кромке стакана и они установлены в противоположных секторах окружности поперечного сечения стакана, в который дополнительно введены два потенциальных точечных электрода, установленные на образующей внутренней стенки стакана на расстояниях от токовых электродов, не меньших диаметра стакана, распределенный резисторный датчик температуры стакана, встроенный в корпус стакана, магнитогидродинамические движители из двух U-образных магнитопроводов с катушками намагничивания, первый из которых установлен раскрывом в поперечном сечении стакана снаружи между первым токовым электродом и первым потенциальным электродом; второй магнитопровод установлен раскрывом в поперечном сечении стакана снаружи между вторым потенциальным электродом и вторым токовым электродом; измеритель сопротивления, подключенный по входу к выходам распределенного датчика температуры; источник питания электромагнитов, выходы которого поданы на входы катушек намагничивания; микропроцессор, соединенный входами-выходами с измерителем напряжения, измерителем сопротивления, источником питания ...

20-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016109393A

А 2016109393 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) зая о аа 003 (51) МПК СОЮ 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016109393, 15.03.2016 (71) Заявитель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Институт природно-технических систем" (ИПТС) (ВП) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.03.2016 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.09.2017 Бюл. № 26 (72) Автор(ы): Адрес для переписки: Гайский Виталий Александрович (КО), 299011, г. Севастополь, ул. Ленина, 28, Гайский Павел Витальевич (КО) Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Институт природно- технических систем" (ИПТС) (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ УДЕЛЬНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОПРОВОДНОСТИ ЖИДКИХ СРЕД (57) Формула изобретения Устройство для измерения удельной электропроводности жидких сред, содержащее датчик с неэлектропроводным диском, двумя токовыми и п потенциальными электродами, генератор тока, коммутатор, резисторный датчик температуры диска, измеритель сопротивления, измеритель напряжения и микропроцессор, отличающееся тем, что первый токовый точечный электрод установлен в центре неэлектропроводного диска, второй токовый электрод выполнен в виде полусферы из электропроводящей сетки с диаметром, равным диаметру диска, и установлен на диск для образования электрически замкнутого внутреннего пространства измерительной ячейки, потенциальные точечные электроды в которой размещены на внутренней поверхности диска по спирали Архимеда на произвольных фиксированных расстояниях друг от друга и соединены через коммутатор попарно с дифференциальными входами измерителя напряжений, а удельная электропроводность жидкости определяется по формуле Где в, = Я ё 1 [7 - удельная электропроводность жидкости между изолиниями 1-ого и }-ого потенциальных электродов; 1 - ток в измерительной ячейке; Ц}, - напряжение между 1-ым и ]-ым потенциальными электродами; К = Се: „=! - значение «геометрической константы» 1-ой пары потенциальных электродов; п ...

18-03-2022 дата публикации

Gas detection device, gas detection system, fuel cell vehicle, and gas detection method

Номер: CN110114662B
Принадлежит: Nuvoton Technology Corp Japan


04-12-2013 дата публикации

Method for calibrating conductivity measuring cell

Номер: CN103430016A


11-12-2020 дата публикации

Electronic flow meter

Номер: KR102190189B1
Принадлежит: 아즈빌주식회사

본 발명은 전자 유량계를 대형화하지 않고, 유체의 유량과 전기 전도율을 정밀도 좋게 계측하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 신호 생성 회로(11B)가, 미리 설정된 신호 주파수(fs)에서 일정 진폭[설정 전류(Is)]을 갖는 교류의 구형파(矩形波) 전류를 구형파 신호(SG)로서 생성하고, 측정관(2)에 부착되어 있는 전극(T1, T2)에 인가하며, 전기 전도율 검출 회로(11)가, 이들 T1, T2로부터 검출한 검출 전압(Vt)을 샘플링함으로써 검출 전압(Vt)의 진폭을 검출한다. An object of the present invention is to accurately measure the flow rate and electrical conductivity of a fluid without increasing the size of the electromagnetic flow meter. The signal generation circuit 11B generates an AC square wave current having a constant amplitude [set current Is] as a square wave signal SG at a preset signal frequency fs, and the measuring tube 2 Is applied to the electrodes T1 and T2 attached to the device, and the electric conductivity detection circuit 11 detects the amplitude of the detection voltage Vt by sampling the detection voltage Vt detected from these T1 and T2.

06-03-2018 дата публикации

A kind of manufacture method of the seven-electrode conductivity sensor based on MEMS silica glass techniques

Номер: CN105629076B
Автор: 刘海韵, 王娴珏, 郭洁, 魏爽
Принадлежит: Hohai University HHU


01-12-1982 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for measuring the impedance of a sensor

Номер: EP0065675A1
Автор: Petr Horn
Принадлежит: Novasina AG

In einem Oszillator (1) wird eine erste Sinusspannung (U1) und eine Rechteckspannung (U2) synchron erzeugt. Die erste Sinusspannung (U1) wird an eine die zu messende Impedanz (Zx) aufweisende Messschaltung (2) abgegeben. Am Ausgang der Messschaltung (2) erscheint eine zweite, der Impedanz (Zx) proportionale Sinusspannung (U3) Diese zweite Sinusspannung (U3) wird in einer Filterschaltung (4) ausgefiltert und so phasenverschoben, dass die Ausgangsspannung (U5) der Filterschaltung (4) gleiche Nulldurchgänge wie die Rechteckspannung (U2) aufweist. In einer Gleichrichter- und Tiefpassschaltung (3) wird mittels der Rechteckspannung (U2) die Ausgangsspannung (U5) gleichgerichtet, wobei ein geerdeter Widerstand (R) der Gleichrichter- und Tiefpassschaltung kurzgeschlossen wird, um als Ausgang der Schaltungsanordnung eine der zu messenden Impedanz Zx proportionale Gleichspannung (UDC) zu erhalten. Diese Schaltungsanordnung eignet sich besonders zur Messung von elektrolytischen Impedanzen, bei denen kein Gleichstrom fliessen darf und weist eine hohe Linearität auf. A first sine voltage (U1) and a square wave voltage (U2) are generated synchronously in an oscillator (1). The first sinusoidal voltage (U1) is output to a measuring circuit (2) which has the impedance (Zx) to be measured. A second sinusoidal voltage (U3) proportional to the impedance (Zx) appears at the output of the measuring circuit (2). This second sinusoidal voltage (U3) is filtered out in a filter circuit (4) and phase-shifted such that the output voltage (U5) of the filter circuit (4) has the same zero crossings as the square wave voltage (U2). The output voltage (U5) is rectified in a rectifier and low-pass circuit (3) by means of the square-wave voltage (U2), a grounded resistor (R) of the rectifier and low-pass circuit being short-circuited in order to output one of the impedances Zx to be measured, which is proportional to the circuit arrangement Obtain DC voltage (UDC). This circuit arrangement is ...

11-04-2018 дата публикации

Sensor for detecting Leak and location

Номер: KR101847090B1
Автор: 최기환
Принадлежит: 최기환

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention [0001] The present invention relates to a leakage detection sensor, and more particularly, to a leakage and leakage position detection sensor that can detect a leaked position of a liquid. For this purpose, the line resistance value of the pair of sensing lines is made different from each other, so that the resistance value changes largely according to the distance of the leaked position, so that the leaked position as well as the leaked position can be confirmed accurately.

25-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR2445532A1
Автор: Pierre A Moulin

Le dispositif pour mesurer la résistivité des fluides dans un sondage utilise deux premières électrodes pour émettre du courant dans les fluides du forage et deux deuxièmes électrodes disposées entre les premières pour détecter une différence de potentiel dans les fluides du sondage et en déduire la résistivité de ces fluides. Les électrodes sont annulaires et montées sur la surface périphérique d'un corps de sonde de façon que le courant soit emis tout autour du corps. De plus les électrodes sont montées sur une section de diamètre réduit du corps de façon à maintenir ces électrodes à une distance de la paroi du sondage supérieure à approximativement l'espacement longitudinal entre les premières électrodes. Application aux mesures de résistivité de la boue de forage en continu pour des boues épaisses. The device for measuring the resistivity of fluids in a borehole uses two first electrodes to emit current in the borehole fluids and two second electrodes arranged between the first to detect a potential difference in the borehole fluids and to deduce therefrom the resistivity of these. fluids. The electrodes are annular and mounted on the peripheral surface of a probe body so that current is emitted all around the body. Additionally the electrodes are mounted on a reduced diameter section of the body so as to maintain these electrodes at a distance from the borehole wall greater than approximately the longitudinal spacing between the first electrodes. Application to resistivity measurements of continuous drilling mud for thick mud.

23-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR2636736A1
Автор: Jean Robert Gaspard
Принадлежит: Pechiney Recherche GIE

L'invention concerne un dispositif de mesure dynamique de la résistivité électrique d'un milieu liquide L comportant : - une cellule de mesure dynamique 2 comportant au moins un canal 5 en matériau isolant dans lequel peut coulisser, selon un mouvement d'amplitude , une électrode conductrice 6, la partie inférieure du canal 5 étant calibrée sur une longueur au moins égale à , et ayant une section transversale s, ladite cellule 2 étant immergée dans un creuset 3 contenant le liquide L à la température constante et régulée, - un générateur 22 de courant périodique de tension u, de fréquence f, monté en série avec la cellule 2 qu'il alimente sous une intensité i, - un dispositif 10 de commande, de réglage et de mesure de l'amplitude du déplacement de chaque électrode 6, - un moyen de mesure et de régulation 8 de la profondeur d'immersion de chaque électrode 6, - un dispositif de réglage et de mesure de la vitesse de déplacement DELTA DELTA t de l'électrode 6 dans le canal 5, - un moyen de mesure de la variation de la résistance ohmique R de la cellule en fonction du déplacement de l'électrode 6 : DELTA R/ DELTA par détection synchrone en phase de u et i, la valeur de la conductivité du liquide L étant alors égale à : = n. DELTA / s.DELTA R n étant le nombre d'électrodes 6 de la cellule 2. The invention relates to a device for dynamic measurement of the electrical resistivity of a liquid medium L comprising: - a dynamic measurement cell 2 comprising at least one channel 5 made of insulating material in which can slide, according to an amplitude movement, a conductive electrode 6, the lower part of channel 5 being calibrated over a length at least equal to, and having a cross section s, said cell 2 being immersed in a crucible 3 containing liquid L at constant and regulated temperature, - a generator 22 of periodic current of voltage u, of frequency f, mounted in series with cell 2 which it supplies at an intensity i, - a device 10 for ...

13-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2328201A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: SANDOZ AG

20-07-1962 дата публикации

Apparatus for measuring the electrical resistivity of liquid metals

Номер: FR1299349A
Принадлежит: UK Atomic Energy Authority

28-07-2005 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for measuring electrical conductivity

Номер: CA2553882A1

An apparatus (2) for measuring electrical conductivity in a material comprises a pair of electrically conducting elements (6), a first electrical conductor (9) coupled to the electrically conducting elements, the first electrical conductor coupling a first transformer core (10) and a second transformer core (12) to form a first current loop (8) and a second electrical conductor (17) of known resistance coupling the second transformer core and a third transformer core (14) to form a second current loop (16).

29-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2337338A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

29-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR2890410B1
Принадлежит: Services Petroliers Schlumberger SA

Un appareil pour mesurer la résistivité d'un fluide comprend une canalisation adaptée pour être en communication fluidique avec des fluides de formation, caractérisé en ce que la canalisation comprend une première section composée d'une première zone conductrice, une seconde section composée d'une seconde zone conductrice, et une section isolante placée entre la première section et la seconde section pour empêcher toute communication électrique directe entre la première section et la seconde section ; un premier tore et un second tore entourant la canalisation autour de la première section et de la seconde section, respectivement, caractérisés en ce que le premier tore est configuré pour induire un courant électrique dans un fluide dans la canalisation et le second tore est configuré pour mesurer le courant électrique induit dans le fluide dans la canalisation ; et un ensemble électronique pour contrôler les fonctions du premier tore et du second tore. An apparatus for measuring the resistivity of a fluid comprises a pipe adapted to be in fluid communication with forming fluids, characterized in that the pipe comprises a first section composed of a first conductive zone, a second section composed of a second conductive area, and an insulating section placed between the first section and the second section to prevent direct electrical communication between the first section and the second section; a first torus and a second torus surrounding the pipeline around the first section and the second section, respectively, characterized in that the first torus is configured to induce an electric current in a fluid in the pipeline and the second torus is configured to measuring the electric current induced in the fluid in the pipeline; and an electronic assembly for controlling the functions of the first torus and the second torus.

07-01-1983 дата публикации

Patent FR2445532B1

Номер: FR2445532B1
Автор: [UNK]

23-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: FR2599141B3
Принадлежит: Duracell International Inc

15-01-1994 дата публикации

Methods and circuits for measuring the conductivity of solutions

Номер: CA2100436A1
Автор: Frederick K. Blades
Принадлежит: Anatel Corp

Improved circuits for measuring the conductivity of a solution confined between two electrodes in a cell compensate for series capacitance and parallel capacitance between the electrodes. A bipolar square-wave signal is applied to the cell. In one embodiment, the current through the cell is measured by an op-amp in current-to-voltage converter configuration. A feedback resistance employed with the op-amp in a feedback loop is controlled to a low value to ensure that the parallel capacitance is fully charged during an initial portion of each half-cycle of the drive signal. The feedback resistance is then selected so that the gain of the feedback loop is responsive to the range of the resistivity of the solution, and the measurement is made. The period of the bipolar signal is selected responsive to the selected loop gain, to ensure that a filter capacitor across the op-amp is fully charged, and to limit distortion caused by the series capacitance. More particularly, the rate of charge of the series capacitance is proportional to the solution resistance; by varying the period of the drive signal in accordance with the solution resistance, the distortion introduced by the series capacitance remains negligible. In a further embodiment, charge proportional to the current through the cell is integrated across the op-amp, and the rate of charge is measured by measuring the time required to integrate the current to a predetermined level, and used to determine the resistivity of the solution. In this embodiment, the parallel capacitance is fully charged before each integration period begins. The voltage developed across the series capacitance is constant and can be compensated mathematically.

16-02-1979 дата публикации

Patent FR2276584B3

Номер: FR2276584B3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Japan Gasoline Co Ltd

02-05-1975 дата публикации

Patent FR2247021A1

Номер: FR2247021A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Corp

12-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR3015689B1
Принадлежит: Areva SA

19-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR3032796A1

L'invention propose un procédé de mesure de proportions volumiques de deux fluides non-miscibles circulant dans un milieu poreux, formant dans ledit milieu un écoulement diphasique, le procédé étant caractérisé en ce qu'il est mis en œuvre au moyen d'une sonde de type réflectomètre temporel, comprenant un générateur d'échelons de tension et un guide d'onde (14), et en ce qu'il comprend les étapes consistant à : - positionner (100) le guide d'onde dans le milieu dans lequel circule l'écoulement diphasique, - mesurer (200) un temps de trajet d'au moins un échelon de tension généré par le générateur (10) le long du guide d'onde (14), - à partir du temps de trajet mesuré, déterminer (300, 400) les proportions volumiques des deux fluides. The invention proposes a method for measuring the volume proportions of two immiscible fluids circulating in a porous medium, forming in said medium a two-phase flow, the method being characterized in that it is implemented by means of a probe time-domain reflectometer type, comprising a voltage step generator and a waveguide (14), and in that it comprises the steps of: positioning (100) the waveguide in the medium in which circulates the two-phase flow, - measuring (200) a travel time of at least one voltage step generated by the generator (10) along the waveguide (14), - from the measured travel time, determine (300, 400) the volume proportions of the two fluids.

31-10-1984 дата публикации

Probe for measuring the conductivity of a solution

Номер: DE2646017C2
Принадлежит: Sandoz Patent GmbH
