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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 13236. Отображено 200.
27-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2419833C2

Изобретение относится к способам использования программируемой клавиатуры. Техническим результатом является возможность использования клавиатуры для различных приложений и аппаратных средств с помощью простых модификаций по отношению к экранному размеру программируемых клавиш и размеру шрифта, используемому для символов. Программируемая клавиатура имеет одну или несколько программируемых клавиш с наличием символа, отображенного на одной или нескольких программируемых клавишах. К одному из символов, отображенному на одной из программируемых клавиш, может применяться модификация путем выбора программируемой клавиши и выполнения затем ввода по направлению. Пользователь может подтверждать ввод по направлению с помощью касания и направленной буксировки селектора по сенсорному экрану, множество символов, связанных с множеством клавиш модификации, становятся видимыми после того, как выбрана программируемая клавиша, так что пользователь может визуально определять, какой ввод по направлению будет ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2619719C2
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к средствам обновления списка. Технический результат заключает в обеспечении непрерывности просмотра списка элементов. Получают триггерный сигнал в отношении первого элемента списка и второго элемента списка, примыкающих друг к другу между элементами N списка, выведенными на текущей странице, триггерный сигнал служит для инициирования обновления данных списка, N≥2 и N является целым числом. Получают по меньшей мере одно обновление элемента списка в соответствии с данными списка для обновления. Загружают по меньшей мере одно обновление элемента списка между первым элементом списка и вторым элементом списка. Получают сигнал касания, воздействующий на разделительную линию в первом состоянии вывода на экран между первым элементом списка и вторым элементом списка. Выводят на экран разделительной линии со вторым состоянием вывода на экран в соответствии с сигналом касания. Получают сигнал скольжения, воздействующий на разделительную линию во втором состоянии вывода на экран ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2601831C2

Изобретение относится к пользовательским интерфейсам. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении переноса открытого экземпляра приложения с одного устройства на другое устройство с сохранением временного контента при переносе задач. Такой результат достигается тем, что устройство включает процессор и по меньшей мере одну память, которая содержит компьютерный программный код, при этом упомянутые по меньшей мере одна память и компьютерный программный код сконфигурированы для обеспечения, с помощью упомянутого по меньшей мере одного процессора, выполнения упомянутым устройством приема пользовательского ввода и предоставления, на основе упомянутого пользовательского ввода, экземпляра первого приложения, открытого на первом устройстве, как соответствующего открытого экземпляра по меньшей мере сходного приложения на втором устройстве. 4 н. и 34 з.п. ф-лы, 27 ил.

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605359C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам ввода. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении определения касания, неумышленно сделанного пользователем. Такой результат достигается тем, что способ управления касанием включает в себя сбор по меньшей мере одного события касания панели ввода касанием, определение информации местоположения по меньшей мере одного собранного события касания и применение события касания, игнорируя собранное событие касания, когда информация местоположения является недостоверной областью. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595922C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам ввода сенсорного типа. Технический результат заключается в увеличении скорости ввода информации. Такой результат достигается тем, что обнаруживают событие множественного касания в по меньшей мере двух отдельных местах значка и когда событие жеста сжатия/растяжения обнаруживается в ответ на событие множественного касания, отображают экран исполнения приложения с размером, пропорциональным изменению расстояния, связанного с множественным касанием, в соответствии с событием жеста сжатия/растяжения. 3 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677591C2

Изобретение относится к пользовательским интерфейсам. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении непреднамеренного удаления элементов с сенсорного дисплея. Способ включает в себя распознавание касания в виде перетаскивания на элементе, отображаемом на сенсорном дисплее, определение того, удовлетворяет или нет шаблон касания в виде перетаскивания первому условию удаления, определение того, удовлетворяется или нет второе условие удаления, ассоциированное с пользовательским вводом на сенсорном дисплее, если удовлетворяется первое условие удаления, и удаление элемента с сенсорного дисплея, если удовлетворяется второе условие удаления. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

17-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2616536C2
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области отображения сообщений. Технический результат – обеспечение возможности обработки сообщений для пользователя. Способ для отображения сообщений содержит этапы, на которых: обнаруживают первый предварительно установленный жест, содержащий две конечные точки, который осуществляется на странице отображения сообщений; и обрабатывают сообщения между двумя конечными точками на странице отображения сообщений; причем обработка сообщений между двумя конечными точками на странице отображения сообщений содержит этапы, на которых: скрывают сообщения между двумя конечными точками на странице отображения сообщений; или удаляют сообщения между двумя конечными точками на странице отображения сообщений; или объединяют для отображения сообщения между двумя конечными точками на странице отображения сообщений, или применяют настройки для отображения картинок и видео, при их наличии, для сообщений между двумя конечными точками, заданные на основе размера экрана отображения. 3 н ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662690C2

Изобретение относится к средствам управления с использованием жестов наведения. Технический результат заключается в расширении арсенала средств того же назначения. Способ управления объектом включает отображение по меньшей мере одного объекта на экране отображения, обнаружение многопальцевого жеста наведения для выбора объекта на экране отображения, активизацию камеры после обнаружения многопальцевого жеста наведения, распознавание руки на картине, вводимой через камеру, и вход, когда рука исчезает из угла обзора камеры, в состояние ожидания пересылки файла для передачи выбранного объекта. 2 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632468C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для динамического управления устройством захвата изображения и видео, используя кнопки, виртуальные кнопки и/или жесты. Техническим результатом является возможность управлять устройством захвата изображения посредством определения при помощи пользовательской команды, сохранять ли захваченное видео в виде изображения или в виде видеофайла. Результат достигается тем, что удержание кнопки захвата сверх порогового времени указывает, что захват должен сохраняться как видео, тогда как отпускание кнопки захвата до порогового времени указывает, что захват должен сохраняться как изображение. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

06-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2660642C2

Группа изобретений относится к средствам отображения информации. Технический результат – одновременное отображение разнесенных на расстоянии элементов информации документа. Для этого в различных вариантах осуществления способ может содержать этап, на котором предоставляют информацию через дисплей. Может быть обнаружен ввод. Позиция, в которой обнаруживается ввод, может быть установлена в качестве опорной позиции. Установка может включать в себя этап, на котором разделяют информацию на множество частей, включая первую часть и вторую часть. По меньшей мере одна из первой части и второй части может быть перемещена в направлении к опорной позиции. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 37 ил.

17-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107457A3

16-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019128541A3

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2704871C2

Изобретение относится к сенсорным устройствам ввода. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности ввода данных. Вычислительная система содержит сенсорную поверхность, сконфигурированную принимать множество вводов, один или более процессоров, память, модуль классификации, сохраненный в памяти и исполняемый одним или более процессорами, чтобы оценивать информацию, ассоциированную с инструментальным вводом и вводом касанием пользователя, для определения того, является ли ввод касанием пользователя намеренным сенсорным вводом или непреднамеренным сенсорным вводом, при этом первый классификатор оценивает упомянутую информацию, чтобы определять время между поступлениями между первым временем, когда инструментальный ввод поступает на сенсорной поверхности, и вторым временем, когда ввод касанием пользователя поступает на сенсорной поверхности и в ответ на то, что первый классификатор не может определить, является ли ввод касанием пользователя намеренным сенсорным вводом или непреднамеренным ...

16-01-2019 дата публикации

Устройства, способы и графические интерфейсы пользователя для управления объектами интерфейса пользователя с визуальной и/или гаптической обратной связью

Номер: RU2677381C1
Принадлежит: ЭППЛ ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к устройствам ввода. Технический результат заключается в снижении числа, степени и/или характера вводов от пользователей и соответственно экономии энергии и увеличении времени между зарядками батареи. Такой результат достигается за счет того, что отображают множество объектов интерфейса пользователя в первом интерфейсе пользователя; обнаруживают контакт, когда селектор фокуса находится в местоположении первого объекта интерфейса пользователя; и, когда селектор фокуса находится в местоположении первого объекта интерфейса пользователя, обнаруживают увеличение характеристической интенсивности контакта до первого порога интенсивности; в ответ визуально затемняют множество объектов интерфейса пользователя, отличных от первого объекта интерфейса пользователя, при сохранении отображения первого объекта интерфейса пользователя; обнаруживают, что характеристическая интенсивность контакта продолжает увеличиваться выше первого порога интенсивности; и в ответ динамически увеличивают ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010149173A

... 1. Способ разрешения неоднозначности по меньшей мере двух указателей в интерактивной системе ввода, включающий: ! захват изображений заданной области; ! обработку данных изображения для определения множества потенциальных целей для упомянутых по меньшей мере двух указателей в заданной области и текущего положения для каждой потенциальной цели, при этом упомянутое множество потенциальных целей включает действительные и мнимые цели; ! отслеживание каждой потенциальной цели в упомянутой заданной области и вычисление прогнозируемого положения для каждой потенциальной цели; и ! определение траектории указателя, связанной по меньшей мере с каждой действительной целью. !2. Способ по п.1, в котором упомянутое отслеживание выполняют, используя прогнозирующий фильтр. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором прогнозирующий фильтр используют для определения и коррекции траектории каждого указателя. ! 4. Способ разрешения неоднозначности указателей в интерактивной системе ввода, когда по меньшей мере один указатель ...

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011108311A

... 1. Способ (22) манипулирования изображением (28) на устройстве (12) отображения, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых: ! представляют (24) изображение на устройстве отображения; ! распознают (30) первый ввод касанием в первой позиции (34) на устройстве отображения; ! устанавливают (36) точку привязки в первой позиции; ! после завершения первого ввода касанием распознают (42) второй ввод касанием на устройстве отображения; и ! изменяют (50) характеристику изображения на устройстве отображения на основе траектории (54) второго ввода касанием относительно точки привязки, установленной посредством первого ввода касанием. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором изменение характеристики изображения на устройстве отображения включает в себя этап, на котором увеличивают масштаб изображения, если траектория второго ввода касанием направлена от точки привязки, установленной посредством первого ввода касанием. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором изменение характеристики изображения на устройстве отображения ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014103181A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее:дисплей, имеющий центральную часть и искривленную боковую часть,память, в которой хранятся страницы контента, иконтроллер дисплея, сконфигурированный для одновременного управления центральной частью дисплея для отображения по меньшей мере части первой страницы контента и искривленной боковой частью дисплея для отображения дополнительной информации, не являющейся частью первой страницы контента.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором указанный дисплей представляет собой гибкий дисплей, при этом искривленная боковая часть дисплея сформирована путем изгиба гибкого дисплея.3. Устройство по п. 1, в котором искривленная боковая часть дисплея образует вытянутую полосу.4. Устройство по п. 1, в котором искривленная боковая часть дисплея образует по меньшей мере часть бокового края устройства.5. Устройство по п. 1, в котором искривленная боковая часть дисплея загнута на заднюю сторону устройства.6. Устройство по п. 1, в котором страницы контента, хранимые в памяти, упорядочены ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106128A

... 1. Устройство обработки информации, содержащее:устройство определения позиции для определения позиции множества рабочих инструментов, нажимающих на экран;блок определения интенсивности нажатия для определения интенсивности нажатия каждого из рабочих инструментов;блок хранения данных, на котором записана заданная относительная информация, указывающая относительную позицию и отношение интенсивностей нажатия между рабочими инструментами;блок определения относительной информации для определения заданной относительной информации, приблизительно соответствующей относительной позиции между рабочими инструментами, получаемой из информации о позициях, определяемых блоком определения позиции, и отношению интенсивностей нажатия между рабочими инструментами, получаемому из информации об интенсивности нажатия, определяемой блоком определения интенсивности нажатия; иблок обеспечения функций для обеспечения заданной функции, соответствующей указанной заданной относительной информации, определяемой блоком ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157285A

... 1. Устройство обработки информации, содержащее:модуль отображения;модуль получения изображения объекта, выполненный с возможностью получения изображения объектов, подлежащих отображению на экране модуля отображения;модуль получения реального размера, выполненный с возможностью получения информации, относящейся к реальному размеру объектов, подлежащих отображению на экране модуля отображения; ивычислительный модуль, выполненный с возможностью обработки изображений объектов на основе реального размера объектов, получаемых модулем получения реального размера.2. Устройство обработки информации по п.1, дополнительно содержащее:модуль получения характеристики отображения, выполненный с возможностью получения информации, относящейся к характеристикам отображения, включающим в себя размер экрана и разрешающую способность экрана модуля отображения, при этом вычислительный модуль выполнен с возможностью обрабатывать изображения объектов для отображения с реальным размером на экране модуля отображения ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013115304A

... 1. Способ управления перемещением объекта на сенсорном экране устройства, причем упомянутый способ содержит этапы, на которыхраспознают давления, по меньшей мере, в двух положениях на сенсорном экране устройства; иуправляют перемещением объекта на сенсорном экране, используя разность давлений, по меньшей мере, между двумя распознанными положениями.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором распознавание давлений дополнительно содержит этап, на которомраспознают интенсивность давления, по меньшей мере, в двух положениях.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором управление перемещением объекта содержит этапы, на которыхсравнивают расстояние по оси X с расстоянием по оси Y, по меньшей мере, между двумя положениями; иопределяют, что перемещение объекта должно производиться в направлении по оси X, когда расстояние по оси X больше, чем расстояние на оси Y, и перемещение объекта должно производиться в направлении по оси Y, когда расстояние по оси Y больше, чем расстояние по оси X.4. Способ по п. 2, в котором управление ...

18-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018146112A

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112207A

... 1. Способ для обеспечения возможности пользователю управлять приложениями транспортного средства через интерактивную систему (1; 2) с помощью сенсорного экрана (20; 200), имеющего область ввода, причем способ содержит:- отображение первого представления (40-43; 29) первого приложения в первой краевой области сенсорного экрана (20; 200);- отображение второго представления (40-43; 29) второго приложения в основной области (21; 201) сенсорного экрана (20; 200); и- замену отображения второго представления (40-43; 29) второго приложения в основной области (21; 201) отображением первого представления (40-43; 29) первого приложения при выявлении первого типа манипулирования пальцами,причем первый тип манипулирования пальцами выявляется при перемещении пальцев в заданном направлении на экране.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором первый тип манипулирования пальцами выявляется, только если перемещение пальца происходит в основной области (20; 201).3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, в котором перемещение пальца включает ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129799A

... 1. Чувствительное к касанию вычислительное устройство (12), содержащее:чувствительное к касанию устройство (14) отображения, сконфигурированное с возможностью приема ввода (16) касанием,модуль (20) распознавания жеста, соединенный с чувствительным к касанию устройством (14) отображения, и сконфигурированный с возможностью приема ввода (16) касанием и определения, на основании ввода (16) касанием и с помощью выбора из множества разных предварительно определенных жестов, распознанного жеста (23), который соответствует вводу (16) касанием, имодуль (24) персонального информационного руководства (PIM), включающий в себя базу (26) данных PIM, причем модуль (24) PIM сконфигурирован с возможностью применения выбранного элемента (28), изображенного на чувствительном к касанию устройстве (14) отображения к выбранной одной из множества разных схем (30) PIM базы (26) данных PIM, причем выбранная одна из схем (30) PIM выбрана на основании распознанного жеста (23).2. Чувствительное к касанию вычислительное ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012112466A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее:блок вычисления скорости, выполненный с возможностью вычисления скорости перемещения множества оперирующих элементов на основе введенных данных, соответствующих операциям ввода посредством оперирующих элементов;блок анализа ввода посредством манипуляций, выполненный с возможностью анализа введенных данных на основе скорости перемещения; иблок выполнения, выполненный с возможностью генерирования команды на выполнение процесса, соответствующего проанализированным введенным данным.2. Устройство по п.1, содержащее блок обработки, выполненный с возможностью приема от множества блоков ввода введенных данных, соответствующих операциям ввода.3. Устройство по п.1, в котором сгенерированная команда соответствует операции ввода посредством одного из оперирующих элементов.4. Устройство по п.1, содержащее блок группирования, выполненный с возможностью распределения на основе введенных данных множества оперирующих элементов по группам.5. Устройство по п.4, в котором множество ...

26-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640746C9
Принадлежит: Сяоми Инк. (CN)

Изобретение относится к терминалам. Технический результат направлен на повышение надежности работы. Способ взаимного изменения положения значков содержит прием первого и второго сигналов сдвига, определение первого вектора в соответствии с первым сигналом сдвига и второго вектора в соответствии со вторым сигналом сдвига, оценку, удовлетворяют ли первый и второй сигналы сдвига указанному предварительно заданному условию, осуществление взаимного изменения. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013138114A

... 1. Электронное устройство управления и отображения с, по меньшей мере, одним содержащим сенсорный экран дисплеем и, по меньшей мере, одним модулем управления, причем дисплей имеет множество областей визуализации, содержащих визуальные контенты, отличающееся тем, что относящийся к дисплею (18) сенсорный экран (21) подразделен на области (32, 33, 37, 38, 46, 47) визуализации, а визуальные контенты (58) каждой области (32, 33, 37, 38, 46, 47) визуализации могут быть отредактированы независимо от визуальных контентов (58) остальных областей (32, 33, 37, 38, 46, 47) визуализации с помощью имеющихся в распоряжении функций (59) сенсорного экрана.2. Электронное устройство управления и отображения по п.1, отличающееся тем, что одна или несколько областей (32, 33, 37, 38, 46, 47) визуализации может быть изменена по масштабу изображения независимо от остальных областей (32, 33, 37, 38, 46, 47) визуализации.3. Электронное устройство управления и отображения по п.1, отличающееся тем, что одна или несколько ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013127503A

... 1. Устройство отображения, содержащее:дисплей, имеющий экран, на котором отображается изображение;блок ввода информации, имеющий поверхность, на которой воспринимается касание пользователя;контроллер отображения, который отображает множество отдельных значков и один или более значков категории, каждый из которых представляет категорию одного или более отдельных значков; иблок распознавания движения, который обнаруживает движение "обратный щипок", при котором увеличивается расстояние между двумя точками касания на поверхности, основываясь на движении, воспринятом с помощью блока ввода информации,причем контроллер отображения изменяет состояние одного или более отдельных значков, ассоциированных, по меньшей мере, с одной категорией, из свернутого состояния, в котором один или более отдельных значков не отображаются, в развернутое состояние, в котором отображаются один или более отдельных значков.2. Устройство отображения по п. 1, в котором контроллер отображения изменяет количество категорий ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014105580A

... 1. Способ, содержащий этапы, на которых:отображают значок, соответствующий приложению;обнаруживают событие множественного касания в по меньшей мере двух отдельных местах значка и,когда событие жеста сжатия/растяжения обнаруживается в ответ на событие множественного касания, корректируют размер экрана исполнения для приложения, соответствующего значку и отображают экран исполнения со скорректированным размером.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором исполняют приложение, когда обнаружено событие множественного касания и/или событие жеста сжатия/растяжения.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором при корректировке размера экрана исполнения размер экрана исполнения корректируют в соответствии с по меньшей мере одним из заранее определенного размера экрана исполнения и связанного с множественным касанием расстояния для события жеста сжатия/растяжения.4. Способ по п. 2, в котором при корректировке размера экрана исполнения размер экрана исполнения корректируют в соответствии с ускорением ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014134451A

... 1. Способ перемещения контента в терминале, имеющем сенсорный экран, причем способ содержит:обнаружение точки касания на сенсорном экране;установку точки касания в качестве начальной точки;вычисление величины изменения местоположения перемещения от начальной точки до текущей точки касания;определение направления перемещения, когда вычисленная величина изменения местоположения находится вне предустановленной пороговой области, на основе начальной точки; иперемещение контента в определенном направлении.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий:повторную установку размера пороговой области при определении направления перемещения;определение наличия сохранения определенного направления на основании результата сравнения вычисленной величины изменения местоположения после повторной установки с повторно установленной пороговой областью; иперемещение контента в определенном направлении, когда определяется сохранение определенного направления.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором повторная установка размера ...

12-02-2014 дата публикации

Tragbare elektronische Vorrichtung für Fotoverwaltung

Номер: DE202007019585U1
Принадлежит: APPLE INC, APPLE INC.

Elektronische Vorrichtung (100), aufweisend: eine Berührungsbildschirmanzeige (112); einen oder mehrere Prozessoren (120); Speicher (102); und ein Programm, wobei das Programm im Speicher gespeichert und konfiguriert ist, durch die einen oder mehreren Prozessoren ausgeführt zu werden, wobei das Programm aufweist: Befehle zum Anzeigen eines ersten digitalen Objekts (2300-1), das mit einem Satz von digitalen Objekten assoziiert ist; Befehle zum Erfassen (2402) einer ersten im Wesentlichen horizontalen Bewegung (2310) eines physischen Objekts auf oder in der Nähe der Berührungsbildschirmanzeige (112); Befehle zum Bestimmen, ob das erste digitale Objekt (2300-1) anfänglich in einem hineingezoomten Modus angezeigt wird, so dass seine Kanten versteckt und daher einem Benutzer nicht bekannt sind, und, wenn dies der Fall ist und während des Erfassens der ersten Bewegung (2310), zum Verschieben (2404) des ersten digitalen Objekts (2300-1) in eine erste Richtung, die der Richtung der ersten Bewegung ...

18-09-2008 дата публикации

Tragbare elektronische Vorrichtung für Fotoverwaltung

Номер: DE112007000067T5
Принадлежит: APPLE INC, APPLE INC.

Ein computer-implementiertes Verfahren, umfassend: auf einer tragbaren elektronischen Vorrichtung mit einer Berührungsbildschirmanzeige, Anzeigen eines Felds von Vorschaubildern, die einem Satz von fotografischen Bildern entsprechen; Ersetzen des angezeigten Felds von Vorschaubildern durch ein benutzer-ausgewähltes fotografisches Bild auf das Detektieren eines Benutzerkontakts mit einem entsprechenden Vorschaubild im Feld hin, wobei das Benutzer-ausgewählte fotografische Bild mit einem größeren Maßstab als das entsprechende Vorschaubild angezeigt wird; und Anzeigen eines unterschiedlichen fotografisches Bilds in Ersetzung des Benutzer-ausgewählten fotografischen Bilds, wobei das unterschiedliche fotografische Bild in Übereinstimmung mit einer Scrollgeste ausgewählt wird, die eine im Wesentlichen horizontale Bewegung eines Benutzerkontakts mit der Berührungsbildschirmanzeige umfasst.

29-05-2013 дата публикации

Tragbare elektronische Vorrichtung und Verfahren zu deren Steuerung

Номер: DE112011102694T5

Ein Verfahren für eine Benutzereinrichtung (UE User Equipment) umfasst in Reaktion zumindest zum Teil auf einen ATtention(AT)-Befehl für eine Aktion einer berührungsempfindliche Anzeige ein Emulieren oder Berichten einer Meta-Navigations-Geste für eine berührungsempfindliche Eingabe mit einem Anzeigebereich und einem Nicht-Anzeigebereich.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Bedienvorrichtung für eine Produktverarbeitungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE102011011982A1

Bedienvorrichtung (1) für eine Produktverarbeitungsvorrichtung, wobei die Bedienvorrichtung (1) ein weist. Um eine kostengünstige und benutzerfreundliche Bedienvorrichtung (1) zu schaffen, die auch in rauen Umgebungsbedingungen eingesetzt werden kann und beispielsweise beständig gegen Chemikalien oder Wasser ist, weist der Touch-Screen (3) eine Scheibe (8) auf, die eine in dem Terminalgehäuse (2) vorgesehene Öffnung wasserdicht abschließt ...

09-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE20221878U1
Принадлежит: APPLE INC, APPLE INC.

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and computer program for controlling a vehicle

Номер: GB0002550242A

A method and apparatus for detecting a combination user input on a steering wheel 3 of a vehicle (1, Figure 1) is provided, allowing a function associated with the input to be performed. The combination user input comprises a first gesture input and a second gesture input, for example from a drivers hands 47, 48, detected by respective first and second detectors 37A, 37B on steering wheel 3, preferably touch-sensitive detectors, and optionally infra-red sensors, provided on the left and right sides of the front of steering wheel 3. Further detectors 37C, 37D may be provided on the rear of steering wheel 3. The gesture inputs may be detected simultaneously or sequentially. The system may control information on a display and allow navigation through a menu. Preferably, at least one detector 37A, 37B, 37C, 37D is can be disabled if steering wheel 3 is rotated through an angle greater than a threshold angle.

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Operation input device and input operation processing method

Номер: GB0201411350D0

20-03-2013 дата публикации

Lighting control system

Номер: GB0201301762D0

01-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: GB2453190A

A substantially transparent mutual-capacitance touch sensor panel 300 has sensors fabricated on a single side of a substrate for detecting multi-touch events. Substantially transparent row and column traces 302, 304 can be formed on the same side of the substrate, separated by a thin dielectric material, using diamond, rectangular, or hexagonal rows and columns. The row and column traces form an array of sensors each centered where the first and second traces cross. Dummy shapes 320, 322 of the same material as the row and column traces are formed alongside the rows and columns to substantially cover the top side of the substrate with a uniform stack of material providing optical uniformity. Metal traces in the border areas can also be formed on the same side of the substrate as the rows and columns and allow both the rows and columns to be routed to a small flex circuit bonded to only one side of the substrate.

23-04-2014 дата публикации

A deletion method with visual feedback

Номер: GB0002507189A

A method includes outputting for display a text display region (100) that includes one or more characters. In response to receiving an indication of an input detected at the first location (112A) of a presence-sensitive input device (e.g. touch screen), outputting for display a graphical indicator (106) that includes a representation of a threshold distance. Receiving a gesture detected at the input device the gesture including the movement of an input unit (e.g. finger) from the first location to a second location (112B) of the presence sensitive input device. In response to receiving the gesture outputting for display a visual change of the graphical indicator corresponding to the movement of the first unit from the first location to the second location. In response to determining that the distance between the first location and the second satisfies the threshold distance deleting one or more characters of the text display region.

04-01-2017 дата публикации

Data browse apparatus, data browse method, program, and storage medium

Номер: GB0002540032A

A data browse apparatus acquires a direction indicated by data 1311, 1312 expressing a path of a target. It then acquires an instruction direction 1320 which may be the direction of movement of a camera or a direction indicated by a users interaction with a touch screen display. A relationship is then determined between the data direction and the instruction direction by, for example, calculating the inner product of the two vectors. A display control means then highlights the data direction from among a plurality of data trajectories based on the determined relationship. For example, data directions which are similar to the instruction direction may be highlighted by changing their style or colour. This allows easier following or tracking of specific targets among a plurality of targets. The data direction may be distinguished based on whether the correlation between the data and the instruction direction is above a threshold value.

09-05-2012 дата публикации

A method for interpreting contacts on a clickable touch sensor panel

Номер: GB0002472339A8

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Gesture based edit mode

Номер: GB0002478230A

A system and method for document editing. A system includes an operator input device, a processor, gesture recognition program, and an edit mode program. The operator input device that senses gestures and multiple simultaneous touch points. The processor is coupled to the operator input device. The processor executes the gesture recognition program, which recognizes inputs from the input device. The gesture recognition program recognizes a predetermined edit mode gesture and, based only on the gesture, causes the processor to execute the edit mode program. The edit mode program provides a plurality of document editing functions for modifying a currently displayed document.

27-06-2012 дата публикации

Interactive surface with a plurality of input detection technologies

Номер: GB0002486843A

There is disclosed an interactive display system including a display surface, a first means for detecting a first type of user input at the display surface and a second means for detecting a second type of user input at the display surface, wherein at least one portion of the display surface is adapted to be selectively responsive to an input of a specific type.

25-11-2009 дата публикации

Duplicate objects

Номер: GB0000917763D0

15-08-2018 дата публикации

Deformable electronic device and methods and systems for controlling the deformed user interface

Номер: GB0201810889D0

27-08-2014 дата публикации

Capturing diacritics on multi-touch devices

Номер: GB0002511044A

A method of operating a touch-screen device comprises the steps of detecting a first touch on the touch-screen 12, selecting a character according to the detected first touch on the touch screen, detecting a second touch on the touch-screen, selecting a diacritic according to the detected second touch on the touch-screen, determining the location of the second touch on the touch-screen, selecting a location for the diacritic according to the determined location of the second touch on the touch-screen, and generating a specific touch-screen output of the selected character and selected diacritic, where the diacritic is located on the character according to the selected diacritic location.

03-02-2010 дата публикации

Human interface device and related methods

Номер: GB0000922165D0

14-02-2018 дата публикации

Techniques for displaying layouts and transitional layouts of sets of content items in response to user touch inputs

Номер: GB0002552908A

A computer-implemented technique can include displaying, at a touch display of a computing system having one or more processors, a first layout of a set of content items. The technique can include receiving, at the touch display, a first touch input from a user, the first touch input comprising two spot inputs. The technique can include receiving, at the touch display, a second touch input comprising a slide input from one of the spot inputs in a direction towards or away from the other spot input, the slide input having a length. The technique can include displaying, at the touch display, one or more transitional layouts of the set of content items based on the direction and length of the slide input. The technique can also include when the user breaks contact with the touch display, displaying, at the touch display, a second layout of the set of content items.

01-11-2017 дата публикации

Techniques for displaying layouts and transitional layouts of sets of content items in response to user touch inputs

Номер: GB0201714767D0

22-03-2023 дата публикации

Electronic device operating method and electronic device

Номер: GB0002610891A

An electronic device operating method applied to an electronic device, including obtaining hand operation information at least related to a posture of an operator S101, determining an operation mode of the operator based on the hand operation information S102, and directing the electronic device to a state corresponding to the operation mode based on an association relationship between the operation mode and a pre-set operation function of the electronic device S103.

31-12-2012 дата публикации

A method, a device and a system for receiving userinput

Номер: AP2012006600A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Intruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal and server

Номер: AP2014008020A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Intruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal and server

Номер: AP0201408020A0

31-12-2012 дата публикации

A method, a device and a system for receiving userinput

Номер: AP0201206600D0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Intruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal and server

Номер: AP0201408020D0

31-12-2012 дата публикации

A method, a device and a system for receiving userinput

Номер: AP0201206600A0

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000496381T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000423344T

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Configuring context-specific user interfaces

Номер: AU2017277851B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Techniques for configuring context-specific user interfaces for use with a portable multifunction device are disclosed. The context- specific user interfaces provide indications of time and, optionally, a variety of additional information. The methods provided herein allow for configuring such user interfaces, e.g., at a first electronic device coupled via wireless communication to a second electronic device. Further disclosed are non-transitory computer-readable storage media, systems, and devices configured to perform the methods described herein.

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Device, method, and graphical user interface for selecting user interface objects

Номер: AU2018204236A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

An electronic device with a display, touch-sensitive surface and one or more sensors to detect intensity of contacts with the touch-sensitive surface displays a first user interface object and detects first movement of the contact that corresponds to movement of a focus selector toward the first user interface object. In response to detecting the first movement, the device moves the focus selector to the first user interface object; and determines an intensity of the contact. After detecting the first movement, the device detects second movement of the contact. In response to detecting the second movement of the contact, when the contact meets selection criteria based on an intensity of the contact, the device moves the focus selector and the first user interface object; and when the contact does not meet the selection criteria, the device moves the focus selector without moving the first user interface object.

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Devices, methods, and graphical user interfaces for providing control of a touch-based user interface absent physical touch capabilities

Номер: AU2018217331B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

An electronic device with a display and a touch-sensitive surface displays, on the display, a first visual indicator that corresponds to a virtual touch. The device receives a first input from an adaptive input device. In response to receiving the first input from the adaptive input device, the device displays a first menu on the display. The first menu includes a virtual touches selection icon. In response to detecting selection of the virtual touches selection icon, a menu of virtual multitouch contacts is displayed.

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Breathing sequence user interface

Номер: AU2017277848A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The present disclosure generally relates to user interfaces for breathing sequences. In some examples, a device displays a configuration user interface that comprises a prompt to select a number of cycles of a breathing sequence, adjusts the number of cycles of the breathing sequence to the selected number of cycles in response to selection, and initiates a breathing phase of the breathing sequence. In some examples, the device displays and fluctuates a progress indicator in accordance with the selected number of cycles. In some examples, a device detects a time associated with a first breathing sequence, generates a prompting criteria based on a predetermined prompting frequency and the detected time, determines if the prompting criteria has been met, displays a prompt to initiate a second breathing sequence, wherein the prompt comprises a first affordance, and displays a second breathing sequence user interface in response to selection of the first affordance.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Operation object processing method and apparatus

Номер: AU2017329937A1
Автор: LIU LINDONG, Liu, Lindong
Принадлежит: Cotters Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

An operation object processing method and apparatus. The method comprises: receiving touch position information generated based on multi-point touch operations; determining operation objects corresponding to the touch position information; determining a target object set corresponding to the operation objects; and merging the operation objects according to the target object set. By means of the method, a user does not need to perform operations of long pressing, dragging and the like on operation objects, and especially for multiple operation objects, the user can conveniently merge the multiple operation objects into a target object set by means of multi-point pressing.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Touch input cursor manipulation

Номер: AU2018203041A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The method for manipulating a cursor is performed at a portable multifunction device with one or more processors, memory, and a touch screen display. Initially, content of an electronic document is displayed on the display, where a cursor is displayed within the electronic document. Two substantially simultaneous touch inputs are then detected on the touch screen display, and preferably anywhere on the touch screen display. In response to detecting the two substantially simultaneous touch inputs, a portion of the content in the document closest to the cursor is selected, and the portion of the content is displayed as selected content.

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Method for browsing folder of application, and electronic device

Номер: AU2018430027A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A method for browsing a folder of an application, and an electronic device, relating to the technical field of terminals. The method is implemented in an electronic device provided with a touch screen, and specifically comprises: an electronic device detecting a first operation on a touch screen; in response to the first operation, the electronic device displaying a first user interface on the touch screen, wherein the first user interface is a setting interface of a first application; the first user interface comprises a folder control; and the folder control is used to indicate a folder of the first application; the electronic device detecting a second operation on the folder control; and in response to the second operation, the electronic device displaying a second user interface on the touch screen, wherein the second user interface is a content detail interface of the folder corresponding to the first application. This technical solution facilitates the narrowing of a search range ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Device, method, and graphical user interface for providing feedback for changing activation states of a user interface object

Номер: AU2018256616A1

A device with a touch-sensitive surface and sensors to detect intensity of contacts with the touch-sensitive surface, displays a user interface object; detects a contact having an intensity above an object-selection threshold; and detects movement of the contact that corresponds to a preliminary portion of a gesture for performing an operation corresponding to the user interface object. The device detects a reduction in intensity of the contact below an object release threshold. In response to detecting the reduction in intensity below the object-release threshold: in accordance with a determination that the movement meets predefined operation performance criteria, the device performs the operation and generates a first tactile output and in accordance with a determination that the movement does not meet the predefined operation-performance criteria, the device forgoes performance of the operation and generates a second tactile output different from the first tactile output.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Devices, methods, and graphical user interfaces for manipulating user interface objects with visual and/or haptic feedback

Номер: AU2018282409A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

An application launching user interface that includes a plurality of application icons for launching corresponding applications is displayed. A first touch input is detected on a first application icon of the plurality of application icons. The first application icon is for launching a first application that is associated with one or more corresponding quick actions. If the first touch input meets one or more application-launch criteria which require that the first touch input has ended without having met a first input threshold, the first application is launched in response to the first touch input. If the first touch input meets one or more quick-action-display criteria which require that the first touch input meets the first input threshold, one or more quick action objects associated with the first application are concurrently displayed along with the first application icon without launching the first application, in response to the first touch input.

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Touch input cursor manipulation

Номер: AU2019203776B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The method for manipulating a cursor is performed at a portable multifunction device with one or more processors, memory, and a touch screen display. Initially, content of an electronic document is displayed on the display, where a cursor is displayed within the electronic document. Two substantially simultaneous touch inputs are then detected on the touch screen display, and preferably anywhere on the touch screen display. In response to detecting the two substantially simultaneous touch inputs, a portion of the content in the document closest to the cursor is selected, and the portion of the content is displayed as selected content.

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Devices, methods, and graphical user interfaces for navigating between user interfaces, displaying a dock, and displaying system user interface elements

Номер: AU2019100488B4
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

An electronic device displays a first application and a second application along an edge of the display and, while concurrently displaying the first and second applications, detects an edge-swipe gesture. In response, if the location corresponds to a location of a respective application on the display, the respective application is associated with standard edge-swipe gesture criteria, and the edge-swipe gesture meets the standard edge-swipe gesture criteria, the device performs a system operation that includes displaying a system user interface at a portion of the display previously occupied by at least a portion of the first application and at least a portion of the second application; if the location of the edge-swipe gesture corresponds to a location of the respective application, the respective application is associated with enhanced edge-swipe gesture criteria, and the edge-swipe gesture does not meet the enhanced edge-swipe gesture criteria, the device forgoes performing the system ...

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Touch iput transitions

Номер: AU2011283001A1

Selection of input of a touch sensing surface is provided. Contacts on or near a surface are tracked to obtain touch information of the contacts. A first gesture is detected corresponding to first touch information of a number of contacts performing an activity, and a first input corresponding to the first gesture is selected. A second gesture is detected corresponding to second touch information of a number of contacts performing an activity. A determination of whether to select a second input corresponding to the second gesture is made. The second input is selected if third information satisfies a predetermined criteria, and the first input is maintained if the third information does not satisfy the predetermined criteria.

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Touch control method and portable terminal supporting the same

Номер: AU2011324252B2

A portable terminal and method capable of detecting a touch event unintended by a user to control unnecessary touch so that a corresponding touch event is not applied are provided. The touch control method includes collecting at least one touch event of a touch panel, determining location information of the at least one collected touch event, and applying a touch event by disregarding the collected touch event when the location information is an invalid region.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and multi-touch based method for controlling list data output for the same

Номер: AU2011296763A1

A mobile terminal including a multi-touch based system method for controlling list data output and a method for the same. The mobile terminal is capable of controlling list data output and includes: a touchscreen for generating various multi-touch events. The mobile terminal further includes a storage unit for storing lists of data items that are outputted to the touchscreen. The mobile terminal further includes; a control unit for controlling a the display of list data that are composed of multiple items for an application program in response to a currently active user function, and that changes in response to the generation of a multi-touch event, arrangement of the list data on the touchscreen according to the type of the application program to output a new list output screen.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Interpreting touch contacts on a touch surface

Номер: AU2010235941B2

A method for interpreting contacts on a touch sensor panel is disclosed. One or more regions in the touch sensor panel are designated as click regions. A mechanical click of the touch sensor panel is detected and a touch at a particular click region at about a same time as the detection of the mechanical click is also detected. The touch is interpreted in accordance with the particular click region.

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Method for providing user interface and mobile terminal using the same

Номер: AU2010304098B2

An apparatus and method for providing a user interface for interacting to various touch events detected by multiple touch sensors formed on the different surfaces of a mobile terminal are provided. The method, for a mobile terminal having a first touch area and a second touch area, includes detecting a touch event that includes a first touch sensed on the first touch area and a second touch sensed on the second touch area, identifying a movement pattern of the touch event, and providing a user interface in accordance with the movement pattern. The apparatus and method for providing a user interface according to the present invention is advantageous to input various user commands intuitively using multi-touch gestures and improve utilization of the mobile terminal with enriched emotional expressions.

16-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003260804A1

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Context-specific user interfaces

Номер: AU2015101023A4

CONTEXT-SPECIFIC USER INTERFACES Context-specific user interfaces for use with a portable multifunction device are disclosed. The methods described herein for context-specific user interfaces provide indications of time and, optionally, a variety of additional information. Further disclosed are non-transitory computer-readable storage media, systems, and devices configured to perform the methods described herein. ____________ 10: 09A1-)8 10.091>12 16 -~ ~ INPvUT FIG, 12 ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Displaying location preview

Номер: AU2016203804A1
Принадлежит: Freehills Patent Attorneys

A non-transitory machine readable medium storing a mapping application for displaying a map is described. The mapping application displays selectable search results on a displayed map. The mapping program displays a banner that overlaps the displayed map to show brief information about one of the search results that is at a particular location on the map and to show a selectable item for displaying a window that overlaps the displayed map and displays detailed information about the search result at the particular location on the map.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Device, method, and graphical user interface for selecting user interface objects

Номер: AU2016204411B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

An electronic device with a display, touch-sensitive surface and one or more sensors to detect intensity of contacts with the touch-sensitive surface displays a first user interface object and detects first movement of the contact that corresponds to movement of a focus selector toward the first user interface object. In response to detecting the first movement, the device moves the focus selector to the first user interface object; and determines an intensity of the contact. After detecting the first movement, the device detects second movement of the contact. In response to detecting the second movement of the contact, when the contact meets selection criteria based on an intensity of the contact, the device moves the focus selector and the first user interface object; and when the contact does not meet the selection criteria, the device moves the focus selector without moving the first user interface object.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method of controlling touch function and an electronic device thereof

Номер: AU2013221905A1

A method for operating an electronic device is provided. The method includes detecting at least one first touch on a displayed content region, determining an area of a first rectangle formed by the at least one first touch, determining an area of a second rectangle formed by at least one second touch moved from the at least one first touch, comparing the area of the first rectangle with the area of the second rectangle, determining a function of the touch on the content region, and displaying the content region corresponding to the determined function of the touch. 4632653_1 (GHMatters) P94526.AU 26/08/13 DETECT AT LEAST ONE TOUCH INPUT ON REGION[ OF CONTENT DISPLAYED ON TOUCHSCREEN 1301 COMPARE X AND Y COORDINATE VALUES OF RESPECTIVE DETECTED TOUCH REGIONS AND 1302 DETERMINE AREA OF SECOND RECTANGLE DETERMINE AREA OF THIRD RECTANGLE USING X AND Y COORDINATES OF TOUCH POINTS 1303 GENERATED AS AT LEAST ONE TOUCH IS MOVED COMPARE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AREA OF SECOND RECTANGLE WITH AREA OF THIRD ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013200630A1

The invention discloses a virtual 3D paper, comprising data reader (1) for obtaining data, a multi touch gesture recognition engine (2) for receiving and recognizing multi touch signals, an event dispatching engine (3) for dispatching events according to the action of multi touch gesture recognition engine (2), an editing module (4) for editing data obtained by data reader (1), a rendering module (5) for rendering data edited by editing module (4), a display monitor (6) for displaying the rendered results of rendering module (5), and data exporter (7) for exporting the rendered results. The virtual 3D paper supports multi-point touch, may recognize kinds of gestures and read different types of files, and thus is more practical, more real and has a much better user experience. Figure 3 Figure 4 ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Optical touch screen using total internal reflection

Номер: AU2013207572B2

A touch screen, including a layer of light-transmissive material having an upper surface that is exposed for touch by one or more objects, a plurality of light emitters underneath the upper surface, a first lens assembly for directing light beams emitted by the light emitters into the layer at an angle such that the light beams, when entering the layer, remain confined to the layer by total internal reflection when the light beams are not absorbed by any of the objects touching the upper surface, a plurality of light detectors for detecting light beams and for generating outputs indicating the amounts of light detected, a second lens assembly for directing light beams at a surface of the layer towards the light detectors, and a calculating unit for determining respective one or more locations of the one or more objects touching the upper surface, based on outputs of the light detectors. Atty. Docket No. NEON.PO54PCT -165- ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of adjusting size of window and electronic device therefor

Номер: AU2013204870A1

An apparatus and method for adjusting a size of a window in an electronic device by sensing a multi-touch for the window and selectively adjusting a size of the 5 window according to user's manipulation of multi-touched points. 4255365_1 (GHMatters) P93135.AU 12/04/13 ____------ _f_ 100 OS PROGRAM 113 GRAPHIC PROGRAM 114 DATA USERRINTERFACE 115 STORING PROGRAM UNIT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAMERA PROGRAM 116 APPLICATION PROGRAM 117 L - - - - - - - - - - - - - i r - - - ~ ------ -- ~~---,-180A _ _ _f- 10 MEMORY M INTERFACE 123 SYSTEM 131 121 PERIPHERAL PROCESSING 122 INTERFACE UNIT PROCESSOR EXTERNAL 140 I PORT --------------------------------- I/O CONTROLLER 150 160 DISPLAY UNIT INPUT DEVICE 170 ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Device, method, and graphical user interface for providing feedback for changing activation states of a user interface object

Номер: AU2013259614A1

An electronic device with a touch-sensitive surface, a display, and one or more sensors to detect intensity of contacts with the touch-sensitive surface displays a user interface object having a plurality of activation states; detects a contact on the touch-sensitive surface; and detects an increase of intensity of the contact from a first intensity to a second intensity. In response to detecting the increase in intensity, the device: changes activation states M times, and generates a tactile output on the touch-sensitive surface corresponding to each change in activation state. The device detects a decrease of intensity of the contact from the second intensity to the first intensity; and in response to detecting the decrease in intensity, the device: changes activation states N times, and generates a tactile output on the touch-sensitive surface corresponding to each change in activation state, where N is different from M.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Voice instructions during navigation

Номер: AU2013271981A1

A method of providing navigation on an electronic device when the display screen is locked. The method receives a verbal request to start navigation while the display is locked. The method identifies a route from a current location to a destination based on the received verbal request. While the display screen is locked, the method provides navigational directions on the electronic device from the current location of the electronic device to the destination. Some embodiments provide a method for processing a verbal search request. The method receives a navigation-related verbal search request and prepares a sequential list of the search results based on the received request. The method then provides audible information to present a search result from the sequential list. The method presents the search results in a batch form until the user selects a search result, the user terminates the search, or the search items are exhausted.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Thresholds for determining feedback in computing devices

Номер: AU2016204683B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The present application is related to a computer for providing output to a user. The computer includes a processor and an input device in communication with the processor. The input device includes a feedback surface and at least one sensor in communication with the feedback surface, the at least one sensor configured to detect a user input to the feedback surface. The processor varies a down-stroke threshold based on a first factor and varies an up-stroke threshold based on a second factor. The down-stroke threshold determines a first output of the computing device, the up-stroke threshold determines a second output of the computing device, and at least one of the first factor or the second factor are determined based on the user input.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

A computer implemented method, client computing device and computer readable storage medium for data presentation

Номер: AU2016281182A1
Принадлежит: Baxter Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

The disclosure relates to a computing device and method involving receiving map data representing a map; receiving event artifact data representing at least one event artifact, the event artifact data representing an event time and an event location; receiving time selection data representing a time selection; and rendering the map representation in accordance with the map data, event artifact data and the time selection data. The disclosure also relates to a computing device and method for providing a controllable time period display.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Instruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal, and server

Номер: AU2013248815A1

Disclosed are an instruction triggering method and device, a user information acquisition method and system, a terminal, and a server. An instruction triggering method includes: detecting a shaking operation of a mobile terminal; and according to the acquired shaking operation, triggering a preset input instruction. A user information acquisition method includes: a mobile terminal sending a user information acquisition request to a server when a shaking operation is detected; and the mobile terminal receiving the user information of a matching user which is returned by the server according to the user information acquisition request. Another user information acquisition method includes: after a server receives a user information acquisition request from a mobile terminal triggered by a shaking operation, acquiring a user matching with the user information acquisition request, and sending the user information of the matching user to the mobile terminal. The present invention improves the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Touch screen device, method, and graphical user interface for moving on-screen objects without using a cursor

Номер: AU2009300248B2

In some embodiments, an electronic device with a touch screen display: detects a single finger contact on the touch screen display; creates a touch area that corresponds to the single finger contact; determines a representative point within the touch area; determines if the touch area overlaps an object displayed on the touch screen display, which includes determining if one or more portions of the touch area other than the representative point overlap the object; connects the object with the touch area if the touch area overlaps the object, where connecting maintains the overlap of the object and the touch area; after connecting the object with the touch area, detects movement of the single finger contact; determines movement of the touch area that corresponds to movement of the single finger contact; and moves the object connected with the touch area in accordance with the determined movement of the touch area.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Directional touch unlocking for electronic devices

Номер: AU2014347032B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Event recognition

Номер: AU2011349513B2

A method includes displaying one or more views of a view hierarchy, and executing software elements associated with a particular view. Each particular view includes event recognizers. Each event recognizer has one or more event definitions, and an event handler that specifies an action for a target and is configured to send the action to the target in response to event recognition. The method includes detecting a sequence of sub-events, and identifying one of the views of the view hierarchy as a hit view that establishes which views are actively involved views. The method includes delivering a respective sub-event to event recognizers for each actively involved view. A respective event recognizer has event definitions, and one of the event definitions is selected based on the internal state. The respective event recognizer processes the respective sub-event prior to processing a next sub-event in the sequence of sub-events.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Directional touch unlocking for electronic devices

Номер: AU2014347032A1

A system and machine-implemented method for matching input gestures on a touch interface to a security pattern to allow user access to an electronic device or account. The security pattern may correspond to a combination of linear and non-linear input gestures relating to directional changes of the input gestures. A determination of the security pattern may be based on the end motion and speed of each input gesture.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Device, method, and graphical user interface for transitioning between touch input to display output relationships

Номер: AU2016201303A1

Abstract An electronic device with a touch-sensitive surface, a display, and one or more sensors to detect intensity of contacts, detects a contact, determines a location and intensity of the contact on the touch-sensitive surface, and displays a response, the response being based at least in part on an input-output mapping of intensity to response at the contact location. The input-output mapping including a first input-output relationship between intensity and response over a first range of intensity values, a second input-output relationship between intensity and response over a second range of intensity values, and a transitional intensity value where the first range of intensity values meets or overlaps the second range of intensity values. At the transitional intensity value, the first input-output relationship has a first rate of change, the second input-output relationship has a second rate of change, and the first rate is substantially the same as the second rate.

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Information processing method, terminal, and computer storage medium

Номер: AU2016336603B2
Автор: WANG HAOSU, Wang, Haosu
Принадлежит: Golja Haines & Friend

The present invention discloses an information processing method and terminal, and computer storage medium. The method comprises: upon detection of a skill launch trigger gesture of at least one skill object located in at least one skill operation region of a graphic user interface, rendering the graphic user interface, and obtaining a skill launch aid control object, wherein the skill launch aid control object comprises a skill launch operation halo object and a virtual joystick object within a cover range of the skill launch operation halo object; and determining whether the virtual joystick object is outside of a threshold region, and if the virtual joystick object is not outside of the threshold region, then selecting, according a detected release operation of a drag operation, a target character object satisfying a first predetermined policy from at least one character object in a skill launchable range of the skill object, and performing a skill launch operation on the target character ...

11-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767707A1

A method includes detecting movement of a touch on a touch-sensitive display of an electronic device from a first touch location to a second touch location. When the distance between the first touch location and the second touch location meets a first threshold, the second touch location is reported to an application layer of the electronic device. After the first threshold is met, a third touch location is reported to the application layer when movement of the touch from the second touch location to the third touch location is detected and the distance between the second touch location and the third touch location meets a second threshold.

11-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002781742A1

A method for providing a user interface on a touch screen display, the user interface for performing one of executing an application, accessing a file and accessing a weblink, the method comprising displaying an icon on the touch screen display; detecting an interaction with the icon displayed, said interaction being performed by a hand of a user; displaying a plurality of icons on the touch screen display, each icon of the plurality of icons for performing one of executing an application, accessing a file and accessing a weblink, the plurality of icons forming a portion of a circle substantially centered on the hand such that each icon is accessible with a minimum displacement of a finger of an open hand of the user.

26-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002784577A1

A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium may comprise instructions stored thereon for recognizing gestures on a tactile input device. The instructions may be configured to cause a computing system to at least receive, from a sensor of the tactile input device, a signal representing a first contact on the tactile input device and subsequent release of the first contact from the tactile input device, receive, from the sensor of the tactile input device, a signal representing a second contact on the tactile input device after the first contact is released, the second contact being maintained and changing location on the tactile input device, and recognize the first contact and the second contact as a single gesture if the second contact occurs within a re-tap threshold period of time after the first contact, and the second contact begins within a maximal threshold distance on the tactile input device from the first contact.

25-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002738698C

A method includes displaying information on a touch-sensitive display, detecting a touch at location associated with the information, rendering an indicator and a cursor at a position within the information, detecting a moving touch associated with the indicator, and moving the cursor along the information as the indicator is moved.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Fine Object Positioning

Номер: US20120001945A1
Автор: Andrew Oakley

There is disclosed a method of controlling the positioning of an object displayed on an interactive display surface, in which interactive display surface the display resolution is greater than the detection resolution, the method comprising: determining selection of a displayed object on the interactive display surface; detecting movement of an input at the interactive display surface associated with the selected displayed object; and in an object transformation mode, moving at least one displayed pixel of the selected displayed object by a distance which is less than the distance of the detected movement of the detected input.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Interaction with ime computing device

Номер: US20120019446A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A computer-implemented user interface method is disclosed that includes displaying on a touch screen of a computing device a keyboard defined by a first character set; displaying on the touch screen an electronic canvas on which information corresponding to keys on the keyboard is displayed as a user selects the keys on the keyboard, the information appearing in a second character set that differs from the first character set; generating a candidate area over a front surface of the canvas; and automatically controlling a location of the candidate area as information is added to the canvas so as to move the candidate area away from being over a location on the canvas that is presently, or next to be, a location at which information is added to the canvas.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

System with touch-based selection of data items

Номер: US20120030566A1
Автор: B. Michael Victor
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Computing equipment may display data items in a list on a touch screen display. The computing equipment may use the touch screen display to detect touch gestures. A user may select a data item using a touch gesture such as a tap gesture. In response, the computing equipment may display a selectable option. When the option is displayed, movable markers may be placed in the list. The markers can be dragged to new locations to adjust how many of the data items are selected and highlighted in the list. Ranges of selected items may be merged by moving the markers to unify separate groups of selected items. A region that contains multiple selectable options may be displayed adjacent to a selected item. The selectable options may correspond to different ways to select and deselect items. Multifinger swipe gestures may be used to select and deselect data items.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Copying Formatting Attributes

Номер: US20120030570A1
Автор: Charles J. Migos
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device simultaneously displays on a touch-sensitive display a first user interface object and a second user interface object. The second user interface object has formatting attributes, one or more of which are distinct from corresponding formatting attributes in the first user interface object. The device detects a first contact on the first user interface object and a second contact on the second user interface object. While continuing to detect the first contact and the second contact, the device detects movement of the second contact across the touch-sensitive display, and moves the second user interface object in accordance with the movement of the second contact. The device changes one or more formatting attributes for the second user interface object to match corresponding formatting attributes for the first user interface object if the second user interface object contacts the first user interface object while moving.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Sorting touch position data

Номер: US20120044151A1
Принадлежит: Cypress Semiconductor Corp

A method and apparatus for sorting raw touch position data.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Tracking multiple contacts on an electronic device

Номер: US20120050032A1
Автор: William Phillip Hough
Принадлежит: Sharp Laboratories of America Inc

An electronic device configured for tracking multiple contacts is described. The electronic device includes a processor and instructions stored in memory. The electronic device receives a plurality of current contact locations for a plurality of contacts. The electronic device tracks the plurality of contacts, which includes calculating distance approximations between the plurality of current contact locations and at least one previous contact location and sorting the distance approximations to identify the current contact points. The electronic device also performs an operation based on tracking the plurality of contacts.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Gesture-based object manipulation methods and devices

Номер: US20120062489A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

Gesture based control of objects displayed on touch screen displays is described. An object is displayed on a touch screen display, and a first touch operation is detected at a first position on the display. The first position is within an area that is associated with the displayed object. A second touch operation is detected within the area. After detecting the first and second touch operations another, a third touch operation is detected at a third position. A distance between the third position and the first position is calculated. When the distance is greater than a predetermined value, a copy of the object is displayed on the touch screen display.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Synthetic Gesture Trace Generator

Номер: US20120092286A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A synthetic gesture trace generator is described. In an embodiment, a synthetic gesture trace is generated using a gesture synthesizer which may be implemented in software. The synthesizer receives a number of inputs, including parameters associated with a touch sensor to be used in the synthesis and a gesture defined in terms of gesture components. The synthesizer breaks each gesture component into a series of time-stamped contact co-ordinates at the frame rate of the sensor, with each time-stamped contact co-ordinate detailing the position of any touch events at a particular time. Sensor images are then generated from the time-stamped contact co-ordinates using a contact-to-sensor transformation function. Where there are multiple simultaneous contacts, there may be multiple sensor images generated having the same time-stamp and these are combined to form a single sensor image for each time-stamp. This sequence of sensor images is formatted to create the synthetic gesture trace.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Managing Workspaces in a User Interface

Номер: US20120096396A1
Автор: Bas Ording, John O. Louch
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Providing a bridge interface for managing virtual workspaces is disclosed. A plurality of workspace images is presented in a user interface, each workspace image corresponding to a different virtual workspace available to a user of a computer system. A plurality of application windows associated with one of the virtual workspaces is displayed. A user's selection of at least one of the displayed application windows and dragging the selected application window in the user interface from a first location to a second location in the user interface is detected. A virtual workspace associated with the selected application window is changed based on the second location in the user interface.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Moving an object by drag operation on a touch panel

Номер: US20120127102A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A contact state of a finger with respect to an object displayed on a first layer is detected. The object is moved onto a second layer and displayed on the second layer in response to detecting that the finger has moved from the contact state to a proximity state with respect to the object and in response to the finger reaching a second layer displayed nearer than the first layer.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Gesture Recognition Training

Номер: US20120131513A1
Автор: Peter John Ansell
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Gesture recognition training is described. In an example, a gesture recognizer is trained to detect gestures performed by a user on an input device. Example gesture records, each showing data describing movement of a finger on the input device when performing an identified gesture are retrieved. A parameter set that defines spatial triggers used to detect gestures from data describing movement on the input device is also retrieved. A processor determines a value for each parameter in the parameter set by selecting a number of trial values, applying the example gesture records to the gesture recognizer with each trial value to determine a score for each trial value, using the score for each trial value to estimate a range of values over which the score is a maximum, and selecting the value from the range of values.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and control method thereof

Номер: US20120159364A1
Автор: Juha Hyun

According to an embodiment of the present invention, a mobile terminal includes a touch screen configured to display a user interface of a multi-layered structure, the user interface including at least one layer stack having a plurality of layers, a command input unit configured to receive a command from a user, and a controller configured to display a first layer of a first plurality of layers in the first layer stack on a first zone of the touch screen, display the first plurality of layers in a spread mode in response to a first command to enter the spread mode, and in the spread mode, change a location of the first layer on the touch screen to a second zone of the touch screen and display the first plurality layers of the first layer stack except for the first layer on a third zone of the touch screen.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adaptive gesture recognition

Номер: US20120167017A1
Автор: Andy Oh
Принадлежит: SLING MEDIA LLC

Systems and methods are described for adaptively recognizing gestures indicated by user inputs received from a touchpad, touchscreen, directional pad, mouse or other multi-directional input device. If a user's movement does not indicate a gesture using current gesture recognition parameters, additional processing can be performed to recognize the gesture using other factors. The gesture recognition parameters can then be adapted so that subsequent user inputs that are similar to the previously-rejected inputs will appropriately trigger gesture commands as desired by the user. Gestural data or parameters may be locally or remotely stored for further processing.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Multi-Touch Integrated Desktop Environment

Номер: US20120169598A1
Принадлежит: Autodesk Inc

A technique for integrating a multi-touch surface into a desktop environment is disclosed. One or more multi-touch display devices are placed on the horizontal surface surrounding or beneath a keyboard or mouse. At least one region on the multi-touch surface is defined to display one or more user interface tools on the multi-touch surface. The one or more user interface tools displayed via the multi-touch surface may control or display information associated with desktop applications displayed via a primary display device.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Natural input for spreadsheet actions

Номер: US20120180002A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Different gestures and actions are used to interact with spreadsheets. The gestures are used in manipulating the spreadsheet and performing other actions in the spreadsheet. For example, gestures may be used to move within the spreadsheet, select data, filter, sort, drill down/up, zoom, split rows/columns, perform undo/redo actions, and the like. Sensors that are associated with a device may also be used in interacting with spreadsheets. For example, an accelerometer may be used for moving and performing operations within the spreadsheet.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device, control method and recording medium

Номер: US20120188193A1
Автор: Mayuko Saito
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A touch panel ( 2 ) displays an image. A position detection unit ( 3 ) detects the XY coordinates of each of two touched positions on the touch panel ( 2 ). When the position detection unit ( 3 ) detects twice XY coordinates of two touched positions, a calculation unit ( 4 ) computes variation amounts of each of the X-direction distances and the Y-direction distances between the two touched positions between the detection of the former coordinates and the detection of the latter coordinates. A control execution unit ( 5 ) controls a first controlled object according to the variation amount of the X-direction distances that have been computed by the calculation unit ( 4 ), and controls a second controlled object according to the variation amount of the Y-direction distances that have been computed by the calculation unit ( 4 ).

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Navigating through an Electronic Document

Номер: US20120192057A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device with a display and a touch-sensitive surface stores a document having primary content, supplementary content, and user-generated content. The device displays a representation of the document in a segmented user interface on the display. Primary content of the document is displayed in a first segment of the segmented user interface and supplementary content of the document is concurrently displayed in a second segment of the segmented user interface distinct from the first segment. The device receives a request to view user-generated content of the document. In response to the request, the device maintains display of the previously displayed primary content, ceases to display at least a portion of the previously displayed supplementary content, and displays user-generated content of the document in a third segment of the segmented user interface distinct from the first segment and the second segment.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Navigating through an Electronic Document

Номер: US20120192102A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device with a display and a touch-sensitive surface stores a document having primary content, supplementary content, and user-generated content. The device displays a representation of the document in a segmented user interface on the display. Primary content of the document is displayed in a first segment of the segmented user interface and supplementary content of the document is concurrently displayed in a second segment of the segmented user interface distinct from the first segment. The device receives a request to view user-generated content of the document. In response to the request, the device maintains display of the previously displayed primary content, ceases to display at least a portion of the previously displayed supplementary content, and displays user-generated content of the document in a third segment of the segmented user interface distinct from the first segment and the second segment.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of Tracing Touch Paths for a Multi-Touch Panel

Номер: US20120194444A1
Принадлежит: TPK Touch Solutions Inc

A method of tracing touch paths for a multi-touch panel is disclosed. A basis touch point obtained from the multi-touch panel, a predicted touch point generated according to the basis touch point, and a detected touch point obtained from the multi-touch panel are provided. A reported touch point is then generated according to the basis touch point, the predicted touch point and the detected touch point based on a parametric curve.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Multi-touch positioning method for capacitive touch panel

Номер: US20120194475A1

A multi-touch positioning method for a capacitive touch panel includes following steps. A candidate touching position array including a first and a second candidate position groups is generated when the capacitive touch panel is touched by three objects. The first, the second and the third candidate position groups include three candidate positions, respectively. The signal magnitude sensed by a sensing element and respectively corresponding to the first, the second and the third candidate position groups are compared. One of the three first, the three second and the three third candidate positions are respectively determined as a first, a second and a third actual touching positions according to the compared result.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Control method for information input device, information input device, program therefor, and information storage medium therefor

Номер: US20120212429A1
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

Provided is a control method for an information input device capable of facilitating an operation input performed by a user. The control method for an information input device includes: acquiring a moving distance of an object when a user performs a movement operation for moving the object on a detection surface of a touch sensor for detecting a position of the object on the detection surface; acquiring a value regarding an operation mode of the movement operation; and outputting a value calculated based on the acquired moving distance and the acquired value regarding the operation mode, as an operation input amount exhibited in the movement operation performed by the user.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Gesture manipulation method and multimedia player apparatus

Номер: US20120221950A1
Принадлежит: Avermedia Technologies Inc

A gesture manipulation method and a multimedia player apparatus is disclosed in this disclosure. The gesture manipulation method is suitable for a multimedia player apparatus with touch input function. The gesture manipulation method includes steps of: detecting a gesture input while the multimedia player apparatus is playing a video file or a video stream; and, when the gesture input includes a specific amount of finger contacts and the finger contacts relatively move in a specific pattern, executing a corresponding function on the multimedia player apparatus. Accordingly, the user interface of the multimedia player apparatus adopting some intuitive gestures can be easy to understand.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Touch Enhanced Interface

Номер: US20120235938A1
Автор: Kevin Laubach
Принадлежит: Intellitact LLC

Some embodiments provide a Touch Enhanced Interface (TEI) that translates data from touch devices into a wide variety of output actions, free from the construct of mapping such touch data to an on-screen pointer or direct screen-mapped coordinates. Based on the touch and hold of one or more fingers, the TEI enables access to different sets of operations. Then based on different taps, holds, directional slides, and directional flicks of one or more fingers, the TEI performs specific operations in an accessed set of operations. Some embodiments provide a TEI viewer that displays symbols that identify the operations that can be performed using the various touches.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Controlling application windows in an operating system

Номер: US20120235946A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Systems and methods are provided for controlling the appearance of application windows on a computer display screen. A user identifies either an application window currently running on the computer or a new application to be started. The user also identifies a size, shape, and screen location by inputting a geometric shape, such as by drawing a rectangle with a pen or stylus input device, on the display screen. The appearance of the application window is set based on the geometric shape. The application window is resized and moved, for a currently running application, or created, for a new application, on the display screen.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Keyboard with Integrated Touch Surface

Номер: US20120242578A1
Автор: Kevin Laubach
Принадлежит: Intellitact LLC

Some embodiments provide a single integrated multi-functional input device (1) that provides the discrete input functionality of a keyboard to facilitate efficient text insertion operations and (2) that provides the functionality of a trackpad to facilitate efficient spatially dependent navigation in a graphical user interface (GUI) whereby each such functionality is accessible by the user's hands positioned at the home position keys of the keyboard. More specifically, some embodiments provide an enhanced keyboard with at least one touch sensitive key and software for adapting touches applied over the touch sensitive key to emulate trackpad functionality without interfering with regular text insertion (typing).

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Information Display Apparatus with Proximity Detection Performance and Information Display Method Using the Same

Номер: US20120242608A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An information display apparatus with proximity detection performance contains a display device that displays image information, a sensor constituted of plural detection electrodes, and an adjusting device of detection resolution that adjusts the detection resolution to be detected based on a distance between the sensor and an object that is contacted to any one of the detection electrodes.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and Terminal Device for Operation Control of Operation Object

Номер: US20120242611A1

A method and a terminal device for operation control of an operation object are provided. The method includes getting a first operation direction and a second operation direction of the operation object, determining an operation corresponding to the direction combination relation between the first operation direction and the second operation direction, and performing the operation on the operation object. The solution enables two kinds of operations on the operation object simultaneously and generates an operation effect that two kinds of operations are performed simultaneously.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of identifying a multi-touch shifting gesture and device using the same

Номер: US20120249487A1
Принадлежит: BYD Co Ltd

A method of identifying a shifting gesture comprises detecting one or more induction signals induced by one or more pointing objects that come into contact with a touch-sensitive surface, determining the number of the pointing objects that come into contact with the touch-sensitive surface, recording moving status and coordinates of each pointing object in an instance in which the number of the pointing objects is larger than a preset number, determining whether one pointing object moves in a direction parallel to the direction that another pointing object moves in according to the recorded moving status and the coordinates of the pointing objects and generating control signals to execute a gesture associated with the determined result.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for processing sound source

Номер: US20120254751A1
Автор: Jeong-Hoon Kim

A sound source is processed in a touch screen electronic device. A representation of the sound source in a touch screen area is displayed. The sound source is reproduced via a first player among a predetermined number of players in the electronic device. A multi-touch operation in the touch screen area is detected, and in response, reproduction of the sound source is repeated via a second, allocated player, while the sound source is still being reproduced via the first player. The repeated reproduction via the second player can result in the generation of a natural, enhanced sound effect.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Hover-over gesturing on mobile devices

Номер: US20120254808A1
Автор: Andrew Gildfind
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Aspects of the disclosure may relate to detecting, by a computing device, a first user input comprising a first gesture to interact with a touch-sensitive screen of the computing device. Aspects may also include detecting a second user input comprising a second gesture using the touch-sensitive screen of the computing device. Aspects may also include, responsive to detecting the first user input, initiating a hover mode of interaction in a graphical user interface.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Portable electronic device having gesture recognition and a method for controlling the same

Номер: US20120260220A1
Автор: Jason Tyler Griffin
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

The present disclosure provides a portable electronic device having gesture recognition and a method for controlling the same. In accordance with one example embodiment, the method comprises: sensing distortion of the portable electronic device from a neutral state; determining an action associated with a sensed distortion; and causing the determined action to be performed.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Click disambiguation on a touch-sensitive input device

Номер: US20120262400A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

The surface of an touch-sensitive input device may act as a physical button that the user may push down to perform a click or other operation. For example, the user may push down the surface of the input device with one finger for a left click and push down the surface of the input device with two fingers for a right click. In one aspect, a system for detecting a left click or a right click when the user pushes down the surface of the input device is provided. When the system first detects that the surface of the input device is pushed down, the system may wait for a short period of time before making a determination of whether the user is pushing down the surface with one finger or two fingers. During this time, the system may collect additional information to make a more reliable determination.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Multi-input gestures in hierarchical regions

Номер: US20120278712A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

This document describes techniques and apparatuses for multi-input gestures in hierarchical regions. These techniques enable applications to appropriately respond to a multi-input gesture made to one or more hierarchically related regions of an application interface.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic visual statistical data display and navigation system and method for limited display device

Номер: US20120303548A1
Принадлежит: Visible Market Inc

Embodiments include methods for distributing visual display information related to a plurality of items to one or more display devices, and methods for rendering visual display information related to a plurality of items by a display device. Embodiments also comprise display devices, servers, and computer-readable media embodying one or more of these methods. Embodiments display of large data sets and associated statistics, such as trading activity of securities or other business statistics, on devices with limited-size display screen, e.g. smartphone or tablet. Embodiments enable visual navigation of large dynamic data sets via relative and absolute contextual statistics. Embodiments combine dynamic visual displays with a multi-tiered navigation structure, supporting more effective information gathering and processing across a variety of users with different objectives. Embodiments provide more relevant, individualized user experience through flexibility to observe patterns, correlation, and contextuality, and to explore subsections of the data quickly via unique navigation paths.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Multi-touch text input

Номер: US20120306769A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

This document describes tools associated with symbol entry control functions. In some implementations, the tools identify a first finger that is in tactile contact with a touch screen. The first finger can select a subset of symbols from a plurality of symbols that can be entered via the touch screen. The tools can also identify whether one or more other fingers are in concurrent tactile contact with the first finger on the touch screen. The tools can select an individual symbol from the subset based on whether the one or more other fingers are in concurrent tactile contact with the first finger on the touch screen.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and implementation device for inertial movement of window object

Номер: US20120306796A1
Принадлежит: Tencent Technology Shenzhen Co Ltd

Provided are a method and an implementation device for inertial movement of a window object, to realize inertial movement effect of a window object based on linear speed and angular speed. When an input device releases a window object being dragged, the initial linear speed and the initial angular speed are obtained, and then the deceleration of linear speed and the deceleration of angular speed are used to obtain quantity of displacement and quantity of rotation corresponding to each processing period; the inertial movement effect of the window object is simulated after the release of a mouse button or the release of a finger from a touch screen. Through the method and device, the inertial movement effect of the window object is realized, thereby facilitating touch operation, enhancing ease of use of terminal software, and improving user experience.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Display device with touch panel, control method therefor, control program, and recording medium

Номер: US20120319977A1
Автор: Yoichi Kuge
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

Provided is a display device equipped with a touch panel that can be operated with ease and with a high accuracy. The display device equipped with a touch panel of the present invention includes a touch panel and a display panel. The touch panel includes a touch input section, a finger location detecting section, a fingertip orientation detecting section, and an information output section. The touch input section receives a touch operation performed by a plurality of fingers of a user. The finger location detecting section detects the locations of the fingers used to perform the touch operation. The fingertip orientation detecting section detects the fingertip orientations of the fingers used to perform the touch operation. The information output section outputs information on finger location detected by the finger location detecting section, and on the fingertip orientation detected by the fingertip orientation detecting section.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Character entry apparatus and associated methods

Номер: US20130002553A1
Автор: Ashley Colley
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

An apparatus comprising: at least one processor; and at least one memory including computer program code, the at least one memory and the computer program code configured to, with the at least one processor, cause the apparatus to perform at least the following: denote, as a base character string, a received character string entered using a user interface of an electronic device; and iteratively perform the actions of: determining one or more extension character strings associated with the base character string such that each of the one or more extension character strings at least comprises the denoted base character string and one or more respective additional characters, or is semantically related to the denoted base character string; providing one or more said extension character strings for selection; enabling selection of a particular determined extension character string; and denoting the selected particular extension character string as the base character string for the subsequent iteration level; or selecting the particular determined extension character string as an input character string.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Single-axis capacitive multi-touch panel, system and method

Номер: US20130002607A1
Автор: Gokalp Bayramoglu
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to a single-axis capacitive multi-touch panel, system and method. A multi-touch panel includes a substrate and some conductive lines formed on one side of the substrate, wherein the conductive lines are arranged in a single axis. A driving circuit, for producing an alternating-current signal, is operatively coupled to the conductive lines of the multi-touch panel, and measuring circuit, for receiving an output signal according to the alternating-current signal to determine touch location, i s operatively coupled to the conductive lines of the multi -touch panel.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Region-Specific User Input

Номер: US20130016129A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

In general, the subject matter described in this specification can be embodied in methods, systems, and program products for receiving user input. A computing system recognizes a touch input gesture that includes a first touch input in a first zone of a touchscreen that occurs simultaneous with a second touch input in a second zone of the touchscreen. The first and second zones of the touchscreen abut a periphery of the touchscreen and have been established by the computing system as being zones for causing the computing system to react to touch input in a particular manner, in contrast to at least another zone of the touchscreen for which the computing system does not react to touch input in the particular manner. The computing system modifies, in response to recognizing the touch input gesture, a display of the touchscreen to react in the particular manner.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Advanced handwriting system with multi-touch features

Номер: US20130021242A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Solutions Inc

An electronic device includes a handwriting recognition (HWR) application. The electronic device includes a processor configured to execute the HWR application and a memory storing the HWR application. The electronic device includes a display configured to receive a finger gesture. The HWR application determines a setting data as a function of (a) a number of fingers used in a first contact of the finger gesture and (b) a first position of the first contact on the display relative to a second position of the first contact on the display within a predetermined time period. The HWR application further determines an input data to be entered as a function of the setting data and at least one of (i) a movement of the finger gesture and (ii) a second contact of the finger gesture on the display.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20130036384A1
Автор: Yu MURATA
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is an information processing device including a detection unit configured to detect a user operation, and a display control unit configured to display a list including list items, and perform display of, in response to a detected user operation, causing new list items to gradually appear in the list.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Touchscreen gestures for virtual bookmarking of pages

Номер: US20130047125A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system and method are disclosed for navigating an electronic document using a touch-sensitive display screen with gestures that are reminiscent of physically handling the pages of a conventional, bound document. A user may temporarily bookmark one or more selected pages by touching the touchscreen with a finger when the pages are displayed, to mimic using a finger to hold a selected page of a conventional, bound document. Predefined gestures may be specified with different functions, such as returning to a bookmarked page or removing a bookmark.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus

Номер: US20130050127A1
Автор: Hajime Suzukawa
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes a first touch panel and a second touch panel, a display device, a detection module, a setting module, a processor, and a display module. The detection module is configured to detect a predetermined operation on the first touch panel. The setting module is configured to set a process mode corresponding to the predetermined operation when the predetermined operation is detected by the detection module. The processor is configured to execute a process corresponding to the process mode in accordance with an operation on the second touch panel. The display module is configured to display on the display device a result of the process by the processor.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Image capturing device with touch screen for adjusting camera settings

Номер: US20130063644A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Several methods for operating a built-in digital camera of a portable, handheld electronic device are described. In one embodiment, the device receives a user selection (e.g., tap, tap and hold, gesture) of a region displayed on the display screen (e.g., touch sensitive screen). A touch to focus mode may then be initiated in response to the user selection and exposure and focus parameters determined and adjusted. Then, an automatic scene detection mechanism can determine whether a scene has changed. If the scene has changed, then the touch to focus mode ends and a default automatic focus mode initiates. This mode sets a new exposure metering area and focus area prior to determining and adjusting exposure and focus parameters, respectively.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for rotating a displayed image by using multi-point touch inputs

Номер: US20130069987A1
Автор: Chong-Youn Choe
Принадлежит: KT Corp

Apparatus and method for rotating a displayed image by using multi-point touch inputs. In order to rotate an image displayed on a display of a user equipment having a touch input device. A first touch input may be made at a first position of the touch input device. Then, a second touch input may be made at a second position of the touch input device while the first touch input remains at the first position of the touch input device. The second touch input may be advanced from the second position to a third position while the first touch input remains fixed at the first position. After advancing, the displayed image may be rotated based on a change in slope of a virtual line connecting the first touch input and the second touch input as the second touch input advances from the second position to the third position.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Interactive Content for Digital Books

Номер: US20130073932A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

This disclosure describes systems, methods, and computer program products for presenting interactive content for digital books. In some implementations, a graphical user interface (GUI) is presented that allows a user to view and interact with content embedded in a digital book. The interactive content can include, but is not limited to, text, image galleries, multimedia presentations, video, HTML, animated and static diagrams, charts, tables, visual dictionaries, review questions, three-dimensional (3D) animation and any other known media content. For example, various touch gestures can be used by the user to move through images and multimedia presentations, play video, answer review questions, manipulate three-dimensional objects, and interact with HTML.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus and program which can control display in accordance with a user operation

Номер: US20130088521A1
Автор: Hajime Katou
Принадлежит: Casio Computer Co Ltd

An electronic apparatus for scrolling a display data includes: a first operation detecting section for detecting a first operation indicating a scrolling action of the display data; a scrolling section for scrolling the display data in a scrolling direction corresponding to the first operation; a second operation detecting section for detecting a second operation which controls the scrolling action indicated by the first operation after detecting the first operation; and a scroll controlling section for performing a scrolling backward action for a predetermined amount and stopping the scrolling backward action when the second operation is detected by the second operation detecting section.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Drawing device, drawing control method, and drawing control program for drawing graphics in accordance with input through input device that allows for input at multiple points

Номер: US20130093664A1
Автор: Masaomi Nishidate
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

A game device includes: an input position acquiring unit for acquiring the position of an input entry to a touch panel capable of concurrently detecting input entries at a plurality of points; a drawing start determination unit for determining, when the respective positions of concurrent input entries to the touch panel at two points are acquired, to start drawing a graphic if a distance between the two points is within a first range; a drawing unit for drawing, while the input entries at the two points continue to be input after drawing a graphic is started, a graphic calculated based on the respective movement trajectories of the two points and displaying the graphic on a display device; and a drawing end determination unit for determining to end drawing the graphic when the input of the input entries at the two points ends.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for displaying e-book in terminal having function of e-book reader

Номер: US20130104017A1

A method and an apparatus that can display a page of an e-book according to user input information about reading of the e-book are provided. The includes displaying an opened page of the e-book; detecting a pointing position indicated by a pointer and an amount of position variation of the pointer with respect to the opened page; modifying the opened page based on the pointing position and the detected amount of position variation; and displaying a modified page.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Determining when a touch is processed as a mouse event

Номер: US20130106754A1
Принадлежит: Adobe Systems Inc

A multi-touch driver handling user inputs or touches on a multi-touch input device. The method includes receiving touch data associated with a touch detected by the multi touch input device. The multi-touch driver determines a target user interface (UI) component for the touch by processing the touch data and then determines whether the target handles touch events. If so, the driver sends the touch data to the target for handling as a touch event, thereby saving a touch-to-mouse conversion for later touches. The touch may be a first touch received in a particular input region of a GUI displayed on a touch surface. The driver receives touch data for a second touch input later than the first touch but while the first touch is still active. The driver determines a target UI component for the second touch and passes the second touch data to the second target as a mouse event.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device Having Single Hand Multi-Touch Surface Keyboard and Method of Inputting to Same

Номер: US20130113714A1
Автор: Dun Dun (Duncan) Mao
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-touch surface such as of a touch screen on a platform of an electronic device has a distribution of touch sensitive keys each corresponding to a letter, number, symbol or function. The keys are grouped into pads, each pad being operable by a different fingertip of the same hand. The locations of the pads may conform to a user's hand shape, size and position in relation to the screen, and is such that a single hand can comfortably be used for typing. A modified version of the key pattern can be used for smaller touch screens.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Touch-sensitive display method and apparatus

Номер: US20130113720A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An example method includes associating a first area of a non-display area of a touch-sensitive display with a first control, wherein a touch associated with the first control results in moving an indicator through the information in a first direction and in a second direction. The method may also include associating a second area of the non-display area with a second control, wherein a touch associated with the second control results in moving the indicator through the information in the first direction and in the second direction. The method may also include detecting a first touch associated with the first control, in response to detecting the first touch, moving the indicator in the first direction, detecting a second touch associated with the second control, and in response to detecting the second touch, moving the indicator in the first direction.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Parameter Controlling Apparatus

Номер: US20130113837A1
Принадлежит: Yamaha Corp

By user's pinching operation on a slider 2 e of a controller 2 , it is judged that the slider 2 e has been operated on two points, so that a DAW screen is zoomed in or out in accordance with the speed at which the distance between the two points has changed and the amount by which the distance between the two points has changed. By user's sliding operation on the slider 2 e of the controller 2 , it is judged that the slider 2 e has been operated on one point, so that the function of the DAW is controlled in accordance with the speed at which the slider 2 e has moved and the amount by which the slider 2 e has moved.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus including a touch screen under a multiapplication environment and controlling method thereof

Номер: US20130125045A1

An apparatus including a touch screen is provided. The apparatus includes the touch screen to display a first window for executing a first application and a second window for executing a second application, and a controller to detect whether a display change event for changing a screen display occurs in at least one of the first window and the second window, and to analyze the display change event in order to rotate a display direction of the at least one of the first window and the second window in which the display change event occurs.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Determining Local Coordinate Frames for a Human Hand

Номер: US20130127733A1
Автор: Aravind Krishnaswamy
Принадлежит: Adobe Systems Inc

Methods and apparatus for providing a local coordinate frame are described. A user may place the tips of all five digits on a multitouch user interface with a natural gesture to provide five touch points. A local coordinate frame may be constructed from the touch points. A local coordinate frame may be computed relative to the entire hand and/or relative to each individual digit. The technique may be agnostic in regard to the orientation of the device and to which hand is used. The user may move or rotate their hand, and the local coordinate frame is adjusted to the new positioning relative to the device. The technique may also infer a relative position of the palm from the digit input points, allowing the display of user interface elements where the elements are visible rather than occluded by the hand.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Content sharing application utilizing radially-distributed menus

Номер: US20130132904A1
Принадлежит: Backplane Inc

Disclosed herein are encoded computer readable storage media and computer-implemented systems creating a content sharing application comprising: a software module for identifying content to share; a software module for displaying a radially-distributed menu of destinations for identified content in response to a first user interaction, wherein said menu of destinations allows a user to select at least one destination; a software module for displaying a radially-distributed menu of individuals associated with one or more displayed destinations in response to a second user interaction, wherein said menu of individuals allows a user to select at least one individual; and a software module for customizing said radially-distributed menus. Also disclosed are methods for rapidly sharing content utilizing the same.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Law breaking/behavior sensor

Номер: US20130144459A1
Автор: Christopher P. Ricci

Methods and systems for a complete vehicle ecosystem are provided. Specifically, systems that when taken alone, or together, provide an individual or group of individuals with an intuitive and comfortable vehicular environment. The present disclosure builds on integrating existing technology with new devices, methods, and systems to provide a complete vehicle ecosystem.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Configurable vehicle console

Номер: US20130144463A1

Methods and systems for a configurable vehicle console are provided. Specifically, a configurable console may comprise one or more displays that are capable of receiving input from a user. At least one of these displays may be removed from the console of a vehicle and operated as a stand-alone computing platform. Moreover, it is anticipated that each one or more of the displays of the console may be configured to present a plurality of custom applications that, when manipulated by at least one user, are adapted to control functions associated with a vehicle and/or associated peripheral devices.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Proximity detector in handheld device

Номер: US20130154982A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Proximity based systems and methods that are implemented on an electronic device are disclosed. The method includes sensing an object spaced away and in close proximity to the electronic device. The method also includes performing an action in the electronic device when an object is sensed.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling contents on electronic book using bezel

Номер: US20130159915A1

An input area that is used for controlling contents is formed on the periphery of an electronic book by performing touch-dragging a bezel area by utilizing the bezel area that is arranged in a peripheral portion of a touch screen of the electronic book. Therefore, according to the present disclosure, even under an environment of a small screen, utilization of a space for operating contents can be effectively performed.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Touch keypad module and mode switching method thereof

Номер: US20130162539A1
Автор: Kuei-Ching Wang, Ta-Hu Lin
Принадлежит: Eturbotouch Technology Inc

A touch keypad module includes a touch input panel having a touch input surface and physically representing at least one specific touch zone. When the specific touch zone is touched while a touch gesture is inputted through the touch input surface, or when the specific touch zone is lastingly touched, the touch input panel switches its input mode.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Configuring Restricted Interaction with a User Interface

Номер: US20130174100A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device, while in an interaction configuration mode: displays a first user interface that includes a plurality of user interface objects; and, while displaying the first user interface, detects one or more gesture inputs on a touch-sensitive surface. For a respective gesture input, the device determines whether one or more user interface objects of the plurality of user interface objects correspond to the respective gesture input. The device visually distinguishes a first set of user interface objects in the plurality of user interface objects that correspond to the detected one or more gesture inputs from a second set of user interface objects in the plurality of user interface objects that do not correspond to the detected one or more gesture inputs. The device detects an input; and, in response to detecting the input, exits the interaction configuration mode and enters a restricted interaction mode.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Input Pointer Delay

Номер: US20130179844A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Various embodiments enable repetitive gestures, such as multiple serial gestures, to be implemented efficiently so as to enhance the user experience. In at least some embodiments, a first gesture associated with an object is detected. The first gesture is associated with a first action. Responsive to detecting the first gesture, pre-processing associated with the first action is performed in the background. Responsive to detecting a second gesture associated with the object within a pre-defined time period, an action associated with the second gesture is performed. Responsive to the second gesture not being performed within the pre-defined time period, processing associated with the first action is completed.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device, control method for the same and program

Номер: US20130181933A1
Автор: Jun Kobayashi
Принадлежит: NEC Casio Mobile Communications Ltd

Information processing device includes display unit that displays operation object; tactile contact detection unit that detects a plurality of push-down points; and control unit that performs first operation assessment for detecting whether or not outer peripheral distance of first area formed by connecting adjacent push-down points among a plurality of push-down points detected by tactile contact detection unit decreases over time to predetermined value or less, and that performs second operation assessment for detecting whether or not the outer peripheral distance of second area formed by connecting adjacent push-down points among a plurality of push-down points detected by tactile contact detection unit increases over time to predetermined value or more. Control unit puts operation object in selected state when there is overlapping part between operation object and first area after first operation assessment, and performs first operation corresponding to place where second operation assessment has been performed on operation object.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Input information processing system, input information processing method, program and computer-readable recording medium

Номер: US20130187856A1
Принадлежит: Zuken Inc

An input information processing system, which is configured so as to enable an operator to efficiently conduct work without interruption, and processes input information that has been inputted using an input device, is configured so as to comprise: a display means for displaying data to be processed on a display screen; a first input device for inputting first input information; a second input device for inputting second input information; an acquisition means for acquiring a predetermined position in the data to be processed, which is displayed on the display screen of the display means, on the basis of the first input information inputted using the first input device; and control means for clearly showing the predetermined position in the data to be processed which was acquired by the acquisition means on the data to be processed displayed on the display screen of the display means, and for controlling the data to be processed which is displayed on the display screen of the display means on the basis of the second input information inputted using the second input device.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Regulation of navigation speed among displayed items and related devices and methods

Номер: US20130187860A1

An electronic device includes a display screen and a touch sensor operatively associated with the display screen that is configured to detect a location of one or more contact points on a display screen. A controller circuit is configured to control a speed at which information items are scrolled on the display screen responsive to the location of one or more contact points on the display screen such that the speed at which information items are scrolled is changed responsive to detecting one contact point or two spaced-apart contact points by the touch sensor on the display.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods to Facilitate Active Reading

Номер: US20130191711A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Tech Research Corp

Review systems and methods facilitate active reading by providing a flexible environment in which users can examine documents. A review system can comprise a virtual workspace, a document view region, a preview region, and optional document objects. The virtual workspace can simulate a desktop or other physical workspace. The document view region can display a portion of an open document at a magnification sufficient for reading. The preview region can display the document at a magnification sufficient to enable the general layout of the entire document to be determined. The document objects can be created from the document through tools of the review system. These document objects can be independently moveable throughout the virtual workspace as needed to facilitate the user's active reading process.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Visual Embellishment for Objects

Номер: US20130194307A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Particular embodiments display a series of objects across a screen of an electronic device, the objects being arranged side by side; display a boundary of each object in the series, the boundary of an object near the center of the series slightly overlapping a portion of each of two objects next to the object nearer the center of the series; and display a shadow around the object near the center of the series, the shadow overlapping a portion of each of the two objects next to the object near the center of the series to simulate an visual effect that the object near the center of the series is above the other objects in the series.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Overlay Images and Texts in User Interface

Номер: US20130198666A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, overlaying a first element on top of a second element in a user interface; and adjusting visual appearance of the first element based on a portion of the second element underneath the first element.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Transitions Among Hierarchical User Interface Components

Номер: US20130198681A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, one or more components of a user interface are arranged in a hierarchy of layers. The user interface is presented according to the structure of the hierarchy, with a first component of the user interface presented at a first layer. One or more second component are presented at a second layer, the second components being one or more children of the first component and the second layer being one layer above the first layer. Each child component of a parent component is locked to their respective parent component.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Navigating among content items in a browser using an array mode

Номер: US20130205194A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

In any context where a user can view multiple different content items, switching among content items is provided using an array mode. In a full-frame mode, one content item is visible and active, but other content items may also be open. In response to user input the display can be switched to an array mode, in which all of the content items are visible in a scrollable array. Selecting a content item in array mode can result in the display returning to the full-frame mode, with the selected content item becoming visible and active. Smoothly animated transitions between the full-frame and array modes and a gesture-based interface for controlling the transitions can also be provided.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Touch Control Presentation System and the Method thereof

Номер: US20130205201A1
Принадлежит: Phihong Technology Co Ltd

A method of operating presentation through a multi-touch panel, comprises steps of providing a presenting module having a format transformation module, user interface generator and presenting/reading mode switching module to a system; activating the presenting module and display interface generated by the user interface generator on a multiple-touch panel of the system, wherein the interface generated by the user interface generator includes a shrinkage image area to display the non-activated file, an operation area to display file which is activated and a buffer zoon to allow a user drag file in the shrinkage image area to the operation area, thereby activating the dragged file.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Unified desktop: laptop dock, hardware configuration

Номер: US20130208417A1
Автор: Sanjiv Sirpal
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

A multi-display device can interface with two or more different types of docking stations. The device can determine the type of dock and change the pin outs for a connector to interface with that dock. Once docked, the device can determine a charge status for the device and the dock to present the status to the user. Further, the dock can enter one of several modes, including a call receipt mode and an entertainment mode. The modes allow for expanded functionality for the device while docked. Two particular docks, the laptop dock and the smart dock, provide special functionality with the device.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Navigation of content media displayed on a touch screen of an electronic device

Номер: US20130222264A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

The present disclosure provides for a user of a touch screen electronic device to readily and naturally navigate displayed content media using the touch screen. A user can place and then hold a finger or thumb on the touch screen to create a temporary finger bookmark while simultaneously flipping through screens or pages of the displayed content media with other finger(s). The user can flip as many screen pages as desired in either a backwards or a forward direction and return at any time to the temporary finger bookmark by simply removing the finger that is holding the temporary bookmark.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, control method thereof, and storage medium

Номер: US20130222340A1
Автор: Hikaru Ito
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A control method for an information processing apparatus configured to acquire position information of one or more touched points one by one detected according to a predetermined detection period on a touch panel includes holding the position information of each of the one or more touched points in a holding unit, acquiring a number of the touched points whose position information is held in the holding unit, determining at each predetermined detection period that latest position information of all the touched points whose position information is held in the holding unit is specified, in a case where the number of the acquired touched point is two or more, and deciding the multi-touch operation performed to the information processing apparatus after the determination.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Managing Windows

Номер: US20130227472A1
Автор: Joseph W. Sosinski
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device with a display: concurrently displays a plurality of windows on the display; positions a cursor over at least one of the plurality of concurrently displayed windows, the cursor being positioned away from window control areas for any of the plurality of windows; detects a predefined first user input; in response to detecting the first user input, activates a window adjustment mode; selects a first window of the plurality of windows over which the cursor is positioned; while the window adjustment mode is active and the first window is selected, detects a second user input distinct from the first user input; in response to detecting the second user input, adjusts the first window in accordance with the second user input; and exits the window adjustment mode.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Haptic device with multitouch display

Номер: US20130234972A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, apparatus, and/or computer program product integrates one or more haptic devices with a multi-touch display. One or more haptic devices are placed upon a multi-touch display surface to form a set of identified haptic devices. The set of identified haptic devices is calibrated upon the multi-touch display surface, where calibration provides localized haptic interaction over subsets of the multi-touch display surface, thus enabling feedback to the identified haptic devices.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Portable electronic timepiece with touch sensitive user interface

Номер: US20130235704A1
Автор: Efraim Grinberg
Принадлежит: Movado LLC

A portable electronic timepiece (timepiece) with a touch sensitive user interface. The timepiece can be transitioned from a sleep mode to a wake mode by touching a particular area on the touch interface for pre-determined period of time (a dwell input). In the wake mode, the timepiece can interpret a variety of user inputs, including dwell and swipe inputs, and can alter the information shown on the display accordingly. A swipe input can trigger a variety of functions depending on the location, direction and path of the swipe across the touch interface. A dwell input can also trigger other functions depending on how long the dwell lasts and where on the touch interface it occurs. The timepiece can also include a combination of one or more touch buttons and a touch interface.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for controlling the behavior of virtual objects on a display

Номер: US20130241832A1
Автор: Ori Rimon, Rafi Zachut
Принадлежит: ZRRO Tech (2009) Ltd

A method for use in controlling images on a screen, including identifying each object from some objects with respect to a sensing surface, and assigning a dedicated image to that object for presentation on a screen, sensing behavior of that object by monitoring its position contacting the sensing surface and generating position data indicative thereof, and selectively identifying a break in contact between the contacting object and the sensing surface and generating data indicative thereof, processing the position data and generating transformation data between the coordinate system of the sensing surface and a virtual coordinate system of the screen, and selectively generating and storing data indicative of a last position in the virtual coordinate system of an image corresponding to a contacting object, when the contacting object breaks contact with the sensing surface; and using the transformation data for controlling the image associated with each contacting object on the screen.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Touch panel control device and non-transitory computer-readable medium

Номер: US20130257764A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A touch panel control device includes a first identification portion that periodically identifies a plurality of pressed cells, a second identification portion that identifies at least one separation distance based on positions of a plurality of first pressed cells that are identified by the first identification portion at a first timing, a first invalidation portion that invalidates at least one pair of first cells among the plurality of first pressed cells identified at the first timing, a second invalidation portion that invalidates second cell among a plurality of second pressed cells identified by the first identification portion at a second timing, and a decision portion that decides, as a specified position, a position of at least one pressed cell from among a plurality of pressed cells included in at least one first valid pressed cell and at least one second valid pressed cell.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Display/input device and image forming apparatus including display/input device

Номер: US20130265252A1
Принадлежит: Kyocera Document Solutions Inc

A display/input device includes a display section, a touch panel, and a control section. The display section displays an image. The touch panel detects touch with a display surface of the display section. When the touch panel detects touch of two points of which a positional relationship indicates a first direction, the control section allows the display section to display a plurality of images in a second direction different from the first direction. The control section changes a selected state of an image of the plurality of images according to move of one of the two points.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method and computer program

Номер: US20130271368A1
Автор: Takahiro Shiroshima
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

Provided is an information processing device capable of executing a larger variety of processes on screen data on the basis of motion of the device body. An information processing device 1 has: a display unit 11 provided with a display screen; a contact detection unit 12 which detects contacting operation to the display screen and a position of the contact; a motion detection unit 13 which detects information representing a motion of the own device; an operation mode selection unit 14 which, while the contact position detected by the contact detection unit 12 is kept included in any one of one or more operation areas defined in the display screen, selects a predetermined operation mode related to the operation area; a display process discrimination unit 15 which discriminates the content of a display process designated with respect to screen data displayed on the display screen, on the basis of a combination of the operation mode and information representing a motion of the own device; and a display process control unit 16 which, if information representing a motion of the own device is detected by the motion detection unit 13 while the operation mode is kept selected, executes a display process discriminated by the display process discrimination unit 15 on screen data.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Terminal and method for controlling the same based on spatial interaction

Номер: US20130293454A1

A terminal and method for controlling the terminal using spatial gesture are provided. The terminal includes a sensing unit which detects a user gesture moving an object in a certain direction within proximity the terminal, a control unit which determines at least one of movement direction, movement speed, and movement distance of the user gesture and performs a control operation associated with a currently running application according to the determined at least one of movement direction, movement speed, and movement distance of the user gesture, and a display unit which displays an execution screen of the application under the control of the control unit.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Display apparatus, display control method, and program

Номер: US20130293502A1
Автор: Kenichi Kitatani
Принадлежит: NEC Casio Mobile Communications Ltd

There is provided a display apparatus capable of reducing user annoyance by displaying display information in an appropriate output format. Touch panel 12 detects a touch to a display surface of display device 11. Sensor section 13 detects an apparatus orientation. Display control section 14 changes an output format of display information displayed on a display surface according to the apparatus orientation. When the touch is detected, display lock detecting section 15 locks the changed output format of display information.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Creation and manipulation of hand drawn objects with automatic grouping

Номер: US20130307861A1
Принадлежит: Evernote Corp

Providing a graphical drawing includes maintaining recently drawn strokes in a wet state after the strokes are drawn, causing strokes in a wet state to transition to a dry state based on passage of time, proximity of other recently drawn strokes, and/or explicit user input directing that at least some wet strokes be transitioned to the dry state, and grouping strokes in the dry state for future user manipulation based at least in part on how the strokes transitioned from the wet state to the dry state. Wet ink strokes may transition from the wet state to the dry state in response to not adding any new wet ink strokes for a predetermined amount of time. The predetermined amount of time may be twelve hundred milliseconds.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Selective Remote Wipe

Номер: US20130312106A1
Принадлежит: Z124 Co

Methods and devices for connecting a mobile device with different data storage devices located either locally or remotely are provided. The device may apply one or more rules to create a hierarchical virtualization of the several data storage devices. The virtualization may then be provided to the user as a single, hierarchical file system. Further, a monitoring system may monitor the file system to determine if any new applications have been installed or if applications are currently being executed. If a connection is made to a secure network, the system may provide the information derived from the monitoring to the secure network. The secure network can then analyze the information to determine if any of the applications should be uninstalled from the device or should be stopped while the device is connected to the network.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device, control setting method and program

Номер: US20130321319A1
Автор: Hiroyasu Kuramatsu
Принадлежит: NEC Casio Mobile Communications Ltd

An electronic device includes a touch position receiving unit which receives from a touch panel, touch position information indicating each of touch positions of a first object and at least one of second objects with respect to the touch panel for each object, the second object being different from the first object, a change type setting unit which calculates a movement direction of each of the first object and the second object based on the touch position information, and determines a change type of a display of the touch panel based on the movement direction, and a change amount setting unit which recognizes the number of the second objects based on the touch position information, and determines a change amount of the display based on the number.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Mapping application with novel search field

Номер: US20130325343A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

For a device that runs a mapping application, a method of displaying search completions in a display area of the mapping application that includes a search field for receiving inputs is described. The method identifies a set of search completions that include any recent search completions used to search locations on a map. Upon receiving a non-text input through the search field when the search field is empty, the method displays the set of search completions in the display area.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

User Interface Editor

Номер: US20130339907A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, a method performed by one or more computing devices including defining a hierarchical structure for a user interface (UI) that includes defining one or more layers of the hierarchical structure, adding one or more objects at each layer, and specifying one or more relationships among particular objects. The method further including associating metadata with each object at each layer, the metadata describing how the corresponding object is presented in the user interface.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

System and method for providing a user interaction interface using a multi-touch gesture recognition engine

Номер: US20140002394A1
Принадлежит: Anders Nancke-Krogh, Nina NANCKE-KROGH

Described herein are systems and methods for enabling a multi-touch gesture recognition engine, where gesture recognition can be made based on touch or motion detection. In accordance with an embodiment the system include a hardware input list delivered from the hardware sensor(s), a touchobject list delivered from the application(s)/OS and logic to calculate and determine gestures based on mapping touchpoints from the sensor(s) with touchobjects from the application(s) in a time perspective. The engine can use a generic state machine in each gestureobject to keep track of the status of the gestureobject independently. Additional embodiments are also described herein.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Summation of tappable elements results/actions by swipe gestures

Номер: US20140007018A1

Systems, methods and devices for interpreting swipe gestures over multiple tappable elements, which upon tap operations, perform some action. This allows a user to perform composite actions or results without introducing additional visual elements. For example, performing a swipe gesture over three tappable buttons A, B, C where each tappable button normally shows a subset of records, resulting view would show superset of all three of them, rather then showing button D to perform the same action of showing all of the records. Various other options are described. The described technique can be used in conjunction with various devices, including tablets, personal computers, mobile phones or any device with a touch screen interface.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Operation display device, operation display method and tangible computer-readable recording medium

Номер: US20140009417A1
Автор: Yasuaki Sugimoto

Disclosed is an operation display device, including: a display unit; a touch panel to simultaneously detect touch operations carried out with fingers to a display surface of the display unit; a finger shape detecting unit to detect a shape of a contact part of the finger, which contacts to the display surface in each of the touch operations; and a control unit to control display contents of the display unit, wherein when the touch operations are simultaneously detected by the touch panel, the control unit judges whether the touch operations are an operation carried out by one operator or are operations carried out by a plurality of operators in accordance with the shape of the contact part of the finger relating to each touch operation, and changes the display contents of the display unit in accordance with a result of judging the touch operations.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Disambiguation of multitouch gesture recognition for 3d interaction

Номер: US20140019917A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A multitouch device can interpret and disambiguate different gestures related to manipulating a displayed image of a 3D object, scene, or region. Examples of manipulations include pan, zoom, rotation, and tilt. The device can define a number of manipulation modes, including one or more single-control modes such as a pan mode, a zoom mode, a rotate mode, and/or a tilt mode. The manipulation modes can also include one or more multi-control modes, such as a pan/zoom/rotate mode that allows multiple parameters to be modified simultaneously.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

System and method of providing information access on a portable device

Номер: US20140024330A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

A portable device and method of providing information stored in a memory is provided. A portable device may be capable of storing In Case of Emergency (ICE) information comprising a number of ICE entries and which may be placed in a locked condition, the portable device comprising: a man-machine interface; a display; and, a processor coupled to the display and to the man-machine interface, wherein the processor is adapted to cause the display, in response to detection of one or more predetermined gestures on the man-machine interface, to display at least one ICE entry; and wherein the display displays the at least one ICE entry even if the portable device is in the locked condition, and if the at least one ICE entry is displayed while the portable device is in the locked condition, other information stored on the portable device remains protected.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Gestures for Keyboard Switch

Номер: US20140028562A1
Автор: Luke ST. CLAIR
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, a method includes displaying a first one of a plurality of touch-screen keyboards on a touch-screen display of a computing device; and, in response to a touch gesture comprising a path comprising two or more points on the touch-screen display, displaying a second one of the keyboards on the touch-screen display in place of the first one of the keyboards.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of displaying status bar

Номер: US20140033111A1
Автор: Youngjoe Yoo
Принадлежит: Humax Co Ltd

A method of displaying a status bar includes displaying a status bar indicating a played state of contents and enlarging a section including a selected position and displaying the enlarged section at a position separated from the status bar when a predetermined position is selected from the status bar. A second section including a second position is enlarged to display the enlarged second section at a position separated from the status bar and the enlarged section when the second position is selected from the displayed enlarged section. The section is enlarged proportional to a distance to a terminated position of a drag from the status bar and displaying the enlarged section when a touch is dragged from the predetermined position of the status bar in a direction other than an advance direction of the status bar in the predetermined position of the status bar.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for identifying touch pen in electronic device, and electronic device

Номер: US20140043286A1
Автор: Yong-Seok Lee

A device and a method for identifying a touch pen in an electronic device having a touchscreen are provided. The method includes detecting a touch, checking identification information of a touch pen at a touch point using touch information of the touch point, and performing an event according to the touch information in consideration of the identification information of the touch pen.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Electronic control and display unit

Номер: US20140053093A1

An electronic control and display unit includes at least one display that has a touchscreen monitor and at least one control unit. The display has a plurality of visualization regions having visualization content. The touchscreen monitor associated with the display is subdivided into visualization regions and the visualization content of each visualization region is editable independently of the visualization content of the remaining visualization regions using available touchscreen functions.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for changing display range and electronic device thereof

Номер: US20140055390A1

Provided are methods for changing a display range in an electronic device having a touchscreen. The method for changing a display range in an electronic device includes: detecting a plurality of touches; determining a plurality of regions in consideration of a plurality of touch points; and changing a display range of at least one region of the plurality of regions in consideration of change in a distance between the plurality of touch points.
