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Применить Всего найдено 8153. Отображено 200.
10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604674C2

Изобретение относится, в общем, к системам и способам для создания трехмерного (3D) текстурного атласа. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности использования кэш-памяти текстур посредством уменьшения объема кэш-памяти текстур, необходимого для хранения каждого текстурного атласа. В способе создания трехмерного текстурного атласа подразделяют трехмерную треугольную сетку на множество скорректированных треугольников. Группируют множество скорректированных треугольников в группы скорректированных треугольников. Сканируют каждую группу скорректированных треугольников внутри трехмерного ограничивающего объема, чтобы сформировать стандартизованную текстурную мозаику или нестандартизованную текстурную мозаику. Уменьшают объем компьютерной кэш-памяти текстур, требуемой для хранения текстурного атласа, путем объединения каждой стандартизованной текстурной мозаики, чтобы сформировать трехмерный текстурный атлас, содержащий равное число стандартизованных текстурных мозаик в каждом ...

05-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2779271C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки изображений, и, в частности, оно ориентировано на построение 3D-модели объекта из изображений, получаемых в условиях ограниченной доступности объекта для наблюдения и измерения его параметров. Заявлен способ реконструкции 3D-модели объекта, согласно которому получают доступный набор натурных изображений объекта, на котором выполняют обучение сверточной нейронной сети. Первоначально создают множество текущих версий 3D-модели объекта на основе полученного набора натурных изображений объекта, формируют из каждой текущей версии 3D-модели объекта наборы изображений, обнаруживают объект на наборах изображений с использованием обученной сверточной нейронной сети. Вычисляют текущие значения вероятности обнаружения объекта на наборах изображений, выбирают среди вычисленных текущих значений вероятности обнаружения объекта М>2 наибольших значений вероятности обнаружения объекта и М соответствующих им текущих версий 3D-модели объекта. Из каждой выбранной версии ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742344C2

Изобретение относится к области кодирования и декодирования видео. Технический результат заключается в улучшении кодирования обратно совместимого иммерсивного видео. Поток переносит данные, представляющие иммерсивное видео, состоящее из кадра, организованного согласно схеме, содержащей первую область, кодированную согласно прямоугольному преобразованию, вторую область, кодированную согласно преобразованию, переходящему от прямоугольного преобразования к иммерсивному преобразованию, и третью область, кодированную согласно иммерсивному преобразованию. Для обратной совместимости поток дополнительно содержит первую информацию, представляющую размер и местоположение первой области в видеокадре, и вторую информацию, содержащую, по меньшей мере, тип выбранной схемы, поле зрения первой части, размер упомянутой второй области в видеокадре и опорное направление. 6 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

25-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676001C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам визуализации реконструированных данных изображения применительно к компьютерной томографии. Способ содержит этапы, на которых обрабатывают проекционные данные с помощью первого алгоритма реконструкции и реконструируют первые реконструированные данные объемного изображения, при этом первые реконструированные данные объемного изображения обладают первой 3D шумовой функцией, обрабатывают те же проекционные данные с помощью второго, отличающегося алгоритма реконструкции и реконструируют вторые реконструированные данные объемного изображения, при этом вторые реконструированные данные объемного изображения обладают второй 3D шумовой функцией, отличающейся от первой 3D шумовой функции, выполняют визуальное представление первых или вторых реконструированных данных объемного изображения в главном демонстрационном окне и выполняют визуальное представление подучастка других из первых и вторых реконструированных данных объемного ...

19-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625940C1

Изобретение относится к области взаимодействия с виртуальными объектами. Технический результат – обеспечение управления различными последовательностями действий объекта дополненной реальности с помощью цвета раскрашенного плоского изображения этого объекта. В способе воздействия на виртуальные объекты дополненной реальности располагают в области поля зрения видеокамеры устройства для создания и просмотра виртуальных объектов дополненной реальности нераскрашенное изображение объекта дополненной реальности, раскрашивают нераскрашенное плоское изображение объекта, определяют средствами устройства для создания и просмотра объектов цвета на изображениях, полученных от видеокамеры, производят средствами устройства для создания и просмотра объектов раскрашивание объекта в соответствие с цветами, определенными на раскрашенном изображении, причем до начала раскрашивания изображения объекта формируют базу различных последовательностей действий объектов дополненной реальности, заранее устанавливают ...

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016137684A3

03-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017102244A3

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Устройство управления приложениями с элементами дополненной реальности

Номер: RU197799U1

Полезная модель относится к возможности управления элементами дополненной реальности с помощью материальных носителей. Технический результат заключается в создании простого по конструкции трехмерного маркера для очков дополненной реальности, позволяющего управлять приложением, как с элементами дополненной реальности, так и без них. Такой результат достигается тем, что трехмерный маркер для очков дополненной реальности, выполненный в виде куба, каждая грань которого содержит графические изображения, выполненный с возможностью размещения в поле зрения очков дополненной реальности, отличающийся тем, что трехмерный маркер выполнен с возможностью показа в поле зрения очков дополненной реальности только одной грани, при этом на каждой грани носителя размещен один символ, соответствующий одной из команд для очков дополненной реальности, кроме того, на каждой грани трехмерного маркера, кроме символа команды, приведено обозначение команды на языке пользователя очками дополненной реальности. 5 ил ...

16-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743231C1

Изобретение относится к способам обработки изображений и предназначено для выравнивания изображений слоев, полученных с помощью растрового электронного микроскопа с фокусированным ионным пучком, для последующего построения трехмерной модели образца. Техническим результатом является осуществление выравнивания изображений слоев образца, полученных с помощью растрового электронного микроскопа с фокусированным ионным пучком без существенных геометрических искажений. Предложен способ выравнивания изображений слоев образца, полученных с помощью растрового электронного микроскопа с фокусированным ионным пучком. В соответствии со способом посредством растрового электронного микроскопа с фокусированным ионным пучком получают последовательность изображений слоев, составляющих трехмерное изображение образца. Последовательно отображают на устройстве отображения полученные изображения слоев и определяют характер смещения изображений слоев друг относительно друга. На основе характера смещения изображений ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700114C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству и способу для коррекции медицинского изображения молочной железы, а также к системе визуализации. Устройство для коррекции медицинского изображения молочной железы содержит блок ввода медицинского изображения, потенциально демонстрирующего искусственные деформации молочной железы, блок ввода отсканированного изображения, изображающего молочную железу в заданном положении субъекта и содержащего информацию о поверхности молочной железы, блок моделирования для формирования смоделированного медицинского изображения молочной железы, при этом смоделированное медицинское изображение изображает молочную железу в том же заданном положении субъекта, что и отсканированное изображение, и представляет поверхность молочной железы поверхностной сеткой, а блок моделирования выполнен с возможностью формирования смоделированного медицинского изображения молочной железы на основе волюметрической биомеханической модели, материальные параметры которой изменяемы для ...

06-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681348C1

Изобретение относится к области обработки изображения. Технический результат – обеспечение визуализации внутренней структуры исследуемого объекта в реальном времени. Способ трехмерной визуализации внутренней структуры исследуемого объекта в реальном времени включает сканирование исследуемого объекта; фрагментацию объема полученных данных, необходимых для построения воксельного массива на множество вокселей; причем сканирование осуществляют электромеханической системой, которая перемещает зондирующий пучок по двум координатам вдоль поверхности исследуемого объекта так, что каждый В-скан параллелен предыдущему; при формировании изображения используют прямую ортогональную проекцию, а ракурс наблюдения фиксируют, чтобы площади ортогональных проекций видимых граней прямоугольного параллелепипеда не отличались более чем в 2 раза; сканирование повторяют параллельно боковой грани прямоугольного параллелепипеда в прямом, формируя первое множество изображений, и в обратном, формируя второе множество ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014153933A

... 1. Система ультразвуковой визуализации (10), включающая в себя:- ультразвуковой датчик (20), имеющий матрицу (21) измерительных преобразователей, выполненную с возможностью обеспечивать ультразвуковой сигнал приема,- блок (30) обработки объема B-режима, выполненный с возможностью генерировать объем (31) B-режима на основе ультразвукового сигнала приема,- блок (40) обработки изображений B-режима, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения текущего изображения (41) B-режима на основе объема (31) B-режима,- блок (95) сегментации сосуда, выполненный с возможностью создания трехмерной карты (51) сосудов путем выполнения методики сегментации сосуда,- память (50), выполненную с возможностью хранения предварительно полученной трехмерной карты (51) сосудов,- блок (60) совмещения, выполненный с возможностью совмещения ранее полученной трехмерной карты (51) сосудов с объемом (31) B-режима и выбирать часть (61) трехмерной карты сосудов, соответствующую текущему изображению (41) B-режима,- дисплей (16), ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656584C1

Изобретение относится к технологиям управления и редактирования объектов в виртуальной реальности. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности проектирования объектов в виртуальной реальности, повышение точности проектирования объектов в виртуальной реальности за счет осуществления проверки соответствия характеристик виртуального объекта характеристикам технической документации. Предложена система проектирования объектов в среде виртуальной реальности в реальном времени. Система содержит по меньшей мере одно устройство отображения, выполненное с возможностью: отображения в реальном времени по меньшей мере одного трехмерного изображения объекта, отслеживания движения маркера, получения данных от вычислительного устройства, получения данных от устройства позиционирования, а также по меньшей мере одно устройство позиционирования, выполненное с возможностью: измерения положения и ориентации по меньшей мере одной конечности пользователя, обновления положения объекта в среде виртуальной ...

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012114116A

... 1. Система (300) для отображения поверхности планарного преобразования криволинейной структуры, которая содержит:- блок (310) формирования изображения, выполненный с возможностью обеспечения данных изображения анатомической структуры;- блок (370) определения, выполненный с возможностью определения линии, проходящей через анатомическую структуру;- блок (320) планарного преобразования криволинейной структуры, выполненный с возможностью:- определения поверхности планарного преобразования криволинейной структуры во множестве положений вдоль линии, и- определения для одного или более вокселей в данных изображения вероятности того, что этот воксель (воксели) будет содержаться более чем в одном месте поверхности преобразования; и- дисплей (340), выполненный с возможностью отображения представления анатомической структуры на поверхности преобразования и дополнительно выполненный с возможностью выделения упомянутых одного или более вокселей, если вероятность отличается от заранее определенного значения ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142699A

... 1. Процессор (118) данных изображения, содержащий:блок (206) идентификации буллезной эмфиземы, который обрабатывает воксели данных объемного изображения и идентифицирует воксели, соответствующие буллезной эмфиземе;блок (206) формирования изображения двухмерной проекции, который формирует изображение 2D-проекции буллезной эмфиземы на основе вокселей, соответствующих буллезной эмфиземе,при этом интенсивность контура буллы в изображении 2D-проекции буллезной эмфиземы основывается на размере буллы; иблок (210) выделения признака, который выделяет буллезную эмфизему в изображении 2D-проекции буллезной эмфиземы с помощью первого указания.2. Процессор данных изображения по п. 1, при этом блок идентификации буллезной эмфиземы идентифицирует воксели, соответствующие буллам, посредством подсчитывания лучей через данные изображения, при этом каждый луч завершается, когда он достигает предварительно определенного порогового значения по шкале Хаунсфилда, и определяет длину каждого луча, и при этом блок ...

24-04-2019 дата публикации

Röntgenerfassungssystem zur Erzeugung eines synthetisierten 2D-Mammogramms aus durch Tomosynthese rekonstruierten Bildern

Номер: DE202009019204U1
Принадлежит: HOLOGIC INC, Hologic Inc.

Röntgenerfassungssystem (1, 100), umfassend:- eine Röntgenstrahlquelle (110), die beweglich montiert ist;- einen Röntgenbildgeber (116) zum Erzeugen von Tomosyntheseprojektionsbildern (Tp) einer Brust (112) unter verschiedenen Winkeln der Röntgenstrahlquelle;- eine Verarbeitungseinheit (120), zum Rekonstruieren der Tomosyntheseprojektionsbilder in durch Tomosynthese rekonstruierte Bilder (Tr), die für Brustschichten repräsentativ sind, die eine selektive Dicke aufweisen, und zum Aufbauen daraus eines synthetisierten Mammogramms (Ms), das zu einem herkömmlich Mammographiebild (Mp) analog ist;- eine Anzeigeeinheit (5, 150) zum Anzeigen der synthetisierten Mammogramms (Ms).

03-06-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Darstellung eines ineinem Volumendatensatz abgebildeten Objektes

Номер: DE0010253617A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Darstellung eines in einem ersten Volumendatensatz (20) abgebildeten Objektes (3). Zunächst wird ein zweiter Volumendatensatz (30) hergestellt, indem die Volumenelemente (23) des ersten Volumendatensatzes (20) entlang einer in den ersten Volumendatensatz (20) hineinverlaufenden Hauptbetrachtungsrichtung (22) tiefenabhängig moduliert werden. Anschließend wird der zweite Volumendatensatz (30) einem Volume Rendering unterzogen.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Automatische Positionierung einer Schichtebene bei MR-Angiographiemessungen

Номер: DE102009031164B4

Verfahren zur automatischen Bestimmung einer Position einer Schichtebene in einem Untersuchungsbereich für eine Magnetresonanz-(MR-)Angiographiemessung, mit den folgenden Schritten: Aufnehmen von MR-Bilddaten des Untersuchungsbereichs mit einer flusssensitiven Übersichtsbildgebungssequenz, automatisches Erstellen eines dreidimensionalen Bilddatensatzes mit Hilfe der aufgenommenen MR-Signale, automatisches Bestimmen von Signalintensitätsprofilen, die durch den dreidimensionalen Bilddatensatz verlaufen, Bestimmen der Lage eines Blutgefäßes aus den Signalintensitätsprofilen, wobei die Lage des Blutgefäßes im dreidimensionalen Datensatz bestimmt wird durch jeweils ein Bestimmen eines Intensitätsmaximums in den Signalintensitätsprofilen, die durch den dreidimensionalen Bilddatensatz verlaufen, und durch Verbinden der jeweiligen Intensitätsmaxima, und automatisches Bestimmen der Position der Schichtebene für die MR-Angiographiemessung anhand der Lage des Blutgefäßes.

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Vessel axis spatial distribution determining method, involves interactively marking vessel axis in sequence of planar tomograms or images by marking points, and obtaining three-dimensional distribution of vessel axis by joining points

Номер: DE102006032990A1

The method involves providing a computed tomography (CT) volume data set of an analysis region. A sequence of planar tomograms or maximum intensity projection (MIP) images of the region are calculated or extracted from the data set. A vessel axis is interactively marked in the sequence of tomograms or images by marking points in a two dimensional coordination system. Depth information is automatically derived from positions of each tomogram or under citation of mode of calculation of the images. A three-dimensional distribution of the axis is obtained by joining the marking points. An independent claim is also included for a device for determining spatial distribution of a container axis in a computed tomography (CT) volume data set of medical imaging.

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602007005829D1

30-11-2011 дата публикации

Identifying hotspots hidden on mip

Номер: GB0201117807D0

09-04-2014 дата публикации

Rendering with point sampling and pre-computed light transport information

Номер: GB0201403240D0

09-12-2009 дата публикации

Determination of data availability in memory and identification of data not needed for rendering

Номер: GB2460545A

A determination is made as to whether data needed for processing is already available in memory, and if not, the required data is generated ready for use. Specifically, when a fragment reaches a texturing stage, it is determined whether the texture to be applied is a static or dynamic texture (Step 24). If it is determined that the required texels relate to a dynamic texture, then the system first tries to fetch those texels from a dynamic texture memory (Step 25). If it is found that the texels are not available in the dynamic texture memory, then the relevant texels are generated in an "on-demand" fashion (Step 27) and stored in the dynamic texture memory (Step 28), so that they can be applied to the fragment. Also disclosed is the identification of unnecessary dynamic graphics data not required for rendering a scene prior to the rendering.

14-12-2016 дата публикации

Method of interacting with a simulated object

Номер: GB0002506203B
Принадлежит: JAGUAR LAND ROVER LTD, Jaguar Land Rover

30-05-2012 дата публикации

Generating a modified intensity projection image

Номер: GB0002485906A

A method of generating, from medical image data of a subject from a functional imaging modality, a modified intensity projection image for display is disclosed. An intensity projection image data set is obtained from the image data, and a segmentation for the image data is obtained. Based on information from the segmentation which may be a colour component, a modified display property for at least one voxel of the intensity projection image data set is calculated. The segmentation may be obtained from a second imaging data set obtained from a different modality which may be fused with the intensity projection image data.

22-08-2018 дата публикации

Sub-pixel grayscale three-dimensional printing

Номер: GB0002559914A

Techniques and systems for sub-pixel grayscale three-dimensional (3D) printing are described. A technique includes mapping a 3D digital model onto a 3D grid of voxels associated with a 3D printer; assigning a first intensity level to first voxels that are fully contained within the model, the first intensity level being sufficient to cure photoactive resin during a curing time; determining, based on geometric information provided by the model, containment degrees for second voxels that are partially contained within the model; assigning second intensity levels to the second voxels based respectively on the containment degrees, the second intensity levels being greater than a third intensity level and lesser than the first intensity level; assigning the third intensity level to third voxels that are outside of the model; and generating one or more graphic files based on the first, second, third voxels, and respectively assigned intensity levels.

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Rendering with point sampling and pre-computed light transport information

Номер: GB0002544931A

A system for providing global illumination data for 3-D rendering comprising a query resolver operable to: receive a query, possibly from a shader module, defining a sub-portion of the 3-D scene for which light energy transport data is to be returned; searching a set of light energy records to identify records within the sub-portion of the 3-D scene, where each record has a location in a 3-D scene and includes data relating to light energy transport in a portion of the 3-D scene and apply an abstraction process to the identified records to produce an abstracted result for the query and return the abstracted result. The results of the queries may then be used as part of a shading process ...

21-10-2015 дата публикации

Graphics processing systems

Номер: GB0201515723D0

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Graphics processing systems

Номер: GB0002540971B
Автор: JØRN NYSTAD, Jørn Nystad
Принадлежит: ADVANCED RISC MACH LTD, ARM Limited

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for distributed scalable ray processing

Номер: GB0002554587A

Graphics ray processing comprising processing rays at a computation unit of a plurality of computation units in a graphics system, the processing comprising selecting a group of rays (micro-packet) to be processed for intersection with an element of a geometric acceleration structure (GAS), where each element of the acceleration structure bounds a respective 3D geometry and is identifiable with an identifier 1252; indicating the identifier to the other computation units of the plurality of computation units 1256; obtaining data defining rays of the group of rays from a memory; determining whether each of the rays of the group of rays hits or misses the element of the acceleration structure 1256. At the other computation units of the plurality of computation units, using the identifier to determine whether a respective local memory to that computation unit contains definition data for a group of rays to be tested for intersection with the element of the acceleration structure identifiable ...

02-05-2018 дата публикации

Cinematic mastering for virtual reality and augmented reality

Номер: GB0201804466D0

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Sub-pixel grayscale three-dimensional printing

Номер: GB0201807311D0

10-07-2019 дата публикации

Image acquistition system and method

Номер: GB0201907329D0

02-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for distributed scalable ray processing

Номер: GB0002564016A

Processing rays in a graphics system, where computation units (RACs) perform ray tracing operations (e.g. intersection testing). There are multiple RACs 902 with private ray data memories 918 and a centralised packet unit to control the allocation and testing of rays by the RACs. At each computation unit, rays of a group of rays are processed for intersection with nodes of an acceleration structure, and micropacket identifiers are associated with the group of rays. In a micropacket memory 910 ray identifiers for each ray in the group of rays are stored at a location corresponding to the micropacket identifiers. A node identifier 956 and a micropacket identifier 953 are output to the centralised packet unit or collector. The central collector determines a location in a packet memory that is indexed by the received node and stored the corresponding micropacket identifier at this location. When a node is selected for processing at the central unit the micropacket identifiers indexed by the ...

29-07-2020 дата публикации

Method of reconstructing magnetic resonance image data

Номер: GB0002580695A

... k-space data sets (e.g. undersampled) of the same subject image region with different contrasts are obtained (101). Sparse image coding is performed (102) to reconstruct MR images (MRIs), each corresponding to a set, by solving an optimisation problem comprising: a data consistency iteration step to generate the reconstructed MRIs, and a denoising iteration step applied to the generated reconstructed MRIs. The denoising iteration step comprises: performing 2D/3D block matching to identify similar patches across the reconstructed MRIs, and using the similar patches in a sparsifying operation to provide sparse representations of the reconstructed MRIs. The sparse representations are used as an input to the data consistency iteration step. The data consistency iteration step may comprise determining the difference between the reconstructed MRIs transformed into k-space (e.g. using an encoding operator such as a compression operator) and the acquired k-space data sets, or may comprise minimising ...

14-09-2022 дата публикации

Automatic adjustable mannequin

Номер: GB0002604733A

An automated adjustable mannequin is provided for use as a platform for producing computer generated fashion model clothing displays. The clothing displays may be static photographs or video. The mannequin combines manually adjustable dress forms currently used by seamstresses and clothing designers with three dimensional scanning and photographic technologies. Actual body scan data of a living model may be used to automatically adjust the shape or contours of a dress form in real time to match the size and dimensions of a previously photographed model. The automated adjustments to the mannequin may be made at a rate of one frame at a time or 30 frames per second, where the body-form adapts to changes in the underlying model's movements.

17-05-2023 дата публикации

Imaging processing apparatus, image processing program, and image processing method

Номер: GB0002605539B

31-07-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones

Номер: AP0201508589A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003454A

31-07-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones

Номер: AP2015008589A0

31-10-2011 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones.

Номер: AP2011005915A0

31-07-2015 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones

Номер: AP0201508589D0

31-10-2011 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones.

Номер: AP0201105915D0

31-10-2011 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones.

Номер: AP0201105915A0

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410753T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000464623T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000417333T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250255T

25-11-2021 дата публикации

Methods, apparatuses, and systems for creating 3-dimensional representations exhibiting geometric and surface characteristics of brain lesions

Номер: AU2017290785B2

Methods, apparatuses, systems, and implementations for creating 3 -dimensional (3D) representations exhibiting geometric and surface characteristics of brain lesions are disclosed. 2D and/or 3D MRI images of the brain may be acquired. Brain lesions and other abnormalities may be identified and isolated with each lesion serving as a region of interest (ROI). Saved ROI may be converted into stereolithography format, maximum intensity projection (MIP) images, and/or orthographic projection images. Data corresponding to these resulting 3D brain lesion images may be used to create 3D printed models of the isolated brain lesions using 3D printing technology. Analysis of the 3D brain lesion images and the 3D printed brain lesion models may enable a more efficient and accurate way of determining brain lesion etiologies.

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Radiologist-assisted machine learning with interactive, volume-subtending 3D cursor

Номер: AU2019249064A1
Принадлежит: Morcom Pernat

A computerized medical diagnostic system uses a training dataset that is updated based on radiologist feedback. A radiologist incorporates a 3D cursor into his checklist approach to a cross-sectional imaging study. A CAD and/or AI algorithm is performed on the sub-volumes. Findings identified by an AI / CAD algorithm can be presented to the radiologist via unobstructed viewing through segmentation and filtering. A process for adjudicating disagreements between the AI and the radiologist using "virtual buckets" is used. Radiologists perform image markup, label the images with finding terminology, diagnoses and certainty levels and then add sub-volumes each bucket thereby expanding the training dataset for subsequent AI algorithms.

17-09-2020 дата публикации

Prcessing 3D medical images to enhance visualization

Номер: AU2018409850A1
Принадлежит: Morcom Pernat

A 3D image processing system includes voxel adjustments based on radiodensity, filtering and segmentation, each of which may be selected, configured, and applied in response to controller-entered commands. Voxel adjustments based on radiodensity may include changes to grayscale values and color, e.g. to enhance selected tissues or to emphasize differences between tissues of similar radiodensity. Voxel adjustments based on radiodensity may include demarcation, and changes to voxel size, shape, and orientation. Filtering may include removing a portion of voxels of a selected radiodensity from a presented image. Segmentation may characterize voxels based on nearest neighbors, and grow features or fill gaps. Multiple images may be generated with different configuration settings and be combined into a composite image.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Three-dimensional medical image analysis method and system for identification of vertebral fractures

Номер: AU2018376561A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present invention provides a machine-based learning method to estimate a probability of bone fractures in a 3D image, more specifically vertebral fractures. The method and system utilizing such method utilize a data-driven computational model to learn 3D image features for classifying vertebra fractures.

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003278104A1

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Obtaining data from an earth model using functional decriptors

Номер: AU2011286432B2

There is provided a system and method for obtaining data corresponding to a physical property of interest from a three-dimensional (3D) earth model. An exemplary method comprises defining a region of interest in the 3D earth model via at least one functional descriptor. The exemplary method also comprises extracting data corresponding to the physical property of interest where the region of interest and the 3D earth model overlap.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

System and method for leadwire location

Номер: AU2012236738B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A system and method for leadwire location may provide for recognition of the leadwire via analysis of a series of two-dimensional images that include representations of the leadwire, and/or determining an orientation of the leadwire with reference to a marker on the leadwire.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for image registration

Номер: AU2012236745A1

A system and method for providing processable data associated with anatomical images may provide a user interface including a pivot and stem tool via which to align multiple images, a flashlight bar for viewing portions of an overlaid image, and/or user- movable markers for establishing a location of one or more anatomical landmarks with regions of one or more images.

17-07-2008 дата публикации

Systems and methods for visualizing multiple volumetric data sets in real time

Номер: AU2008205061A1

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Partitioning for radar systems

Номер: AU2015240505B2
Автор: ROSE ALEC, Rose, Alec
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Data is received characterizing a plurality of measurements for a scene received by a plurality of sensor elements forming a sensor array. A plurality of scene sub- domains is mapped to the plurality of sensor elements. A plurality of voxels associated with one of the plurality of scene sub-domains is mapped to a plurality of measurement sub-domains. One or more scattering coefficients of the scene is determined by applying the mapping to the received data. Related apparatus, systems, techniques, and articles are also described.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for atlas registration

Номер: AU2012236737A1

A system and method for associating anatomically significant regions with regions of one or more images may include automatically modifying images of different modalities according to different correction algorithms, providing a user interface for identifying a plane within three-dimensional data, scaling atlas structures to fit an anatomical image according to identified landmarks, registering an atlas to such an image via a combination of registration algorithms, and/or registering an atlas to such an image using a feature extraction algorithm.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

System and method for augmented reality gaming

Номер: AU2013276223B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Disclosed is a method for enabling an augmented reality interaction system and a mobile device to overlay a virtual 3D component over a physical 3D component with which the virtual 3D component interacts. The method includes: enabling a user to capture a live camera image of a gaming machine cabinet via a camera on the mobile device; determining if there are image tags on the gaming machine cabinet in the live camera image; producing a virtual rendering of the gaming machine cabinet; determining virtual 3D components to be displayed over an image of a virtual gaming machine cabinet; comparing a virtual depth rendering of the virtual 3D components to a virtual depth rendering of the virtual gaming machine cabinet; and overlaying virtual 3D components without the subtracted elements onto a live camera image of the virtual gaming machine cabinet on a display of the mobile device.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Video transmission based on independently encoded background updates

Номер: AU2016209079A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Systems and methods are provided for alleviating bandwidth limitations of video transmission, enhancing the quality of videos at a receiver, and improving the VR/AR experience. In particular, an improved video transmission and rendering system is provided for generating high -resolution videos. The systems have therein a transmitter and a VR/AR receiver; the transmitter includes an outer encoder and a core encoder, while the receiver includes a core decoder and an outer decoder. The outer encoder is adapted to receive the video from a source and separately output a salient video and an encoded three-dimensional background, and the outer decoder is adapted to merge the background with the salient video thereby producing an augmented video. Also provided is a system that simulates pan- tilt-zoom (PTZ) operations without PTZ hardware. Further provided are methods for video transmission whereby a three-dimensional background model is generated, a background independently encoded, updated incrementally ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Pathway planning system and method

Номер: AU2014201319A1

H-IL-00087 B (1988-87 B) PATHWAY PLANNING SYSTEM AND METHOD Abstract A system and method for planning a pathway through an anatomical luminal network of a patient including a computing device (100) having at least one processor (106); a display device (102) in communication with the computing device; and a user interface configured for display on the display device and configured to guide a user through a pathway planning procedure. The user interface includes a patient selection window configured to receive a user input to select a patient having CT image data on which to perform pathway planning; a target selection window configured to receive a user input to select at least one target from the CT image data; and an airway finder window configured to generate at least one pathway from the at least one target to an entry point of the anatomical luminal network in response to a user input. C'® a CR CME *t ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016210734A1
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

A method, consisting of receiving a computerized tomography scan of at least a part of a body of a patient, and identifying voxels of the scan that 5 correspond to regions in the body that are traversable by a probe inserted therein. The method also includes displaying the scan on a screen and marking thereon selected start and termination points for the probe. A processor finds a path from the start point to the 10 termination point consisting of a connected set of the identified voxels. The processor also uses the scan to generate a representation of an external surface of the body and displays the representation on the screen. The processor then renders an area of the external surface 15 surrounding the path locally transparent in the displayed representation, so as to make visible on the screen an internal structure of the body in a vicinity of the path. 2839253vl PERFORM CT SCAN OF PATIENT 10 NASAL SINUSES f0 GENERATE VOXEL DATA, INCLUDING HOUNSFIELD UNITS, FROM SCAN. DISPLAY 102 3D ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Quotidian scene reconstruction engine

Номер: AU2020289841A1

A stored volumetric scene model of a real scene is generated from data defining digital images of a light field in a real scene containing different types of media. The digital images have been formed by a camera from opposingly directed poses and each digital image contains 5 image data elements defined by stored data representing light field flux received by light sensing detectors in the camera. The digital images are processed by a scene reconstruction engine to form a digital volumetric scene model representing the real scene. The volumetric scene model (i) contains volumetric data elements defined by stored data representing one or more media characteristics and (ii) contains solid angle data elements defined by stored data representing the 0 flux of the light field. Adjacent volumetric data elements form corridors, at least one of the volumetric data elements in at least one corridor represents media that is partially light transmissive. The constructed digital volumetric scene model ...

26-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002370973A1

A computer method, apparatus and storage medium is provided for creating quantitative aesthetic graphics from data. The invention utilizes a graph algebra to construct graphs and visually or otherwise represents the graphs as a quantitative aesthetic graphic representation. To create the quantitative aesthetic graphics from data, the data is indexed to form a data set. Thereafter, the data is converted into a variable data structure composed of an index set, a range and a function. The variable data structure is converted into a variable set by using at least one of a blend step, a cross step and a nest step. The variable set is mapped into a set of points and the set of points is mapped into an aesthetic representation.

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002702782C

A 2D mammogram image is synthesized from at least one of tomosynthesis projection images and/or the tomosynthesis reconstructed image data. In a simplest form, the mammogram may be synthesized by selecting one of the tomosynthesis projection images for display as a synthesized mammogram. Other methods of synthesizing a mammogram include re-projecting and filtering projection data and/or reconstructed data. The synthesized mammogram is advantageously displayed together with at least a portion of the reconstructed data to aid in review of the reconstructed data. The present invention thus provides a familiar image which may be used to facilitate review of a tomosynthesis data set.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092025A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

A 3D image processing system includes voxel adjustments based on radiodensity, filtering and segmentation, each of which may be selected, configured, and applied in response to controller-entered commands. Voxel adjustments based on radiodensity may include changes to grayscale values and color, e.g. to enhance selected tissues or to emphasize differences between tissues of similar radiodensity. Voxel adjustments based on radiodensity may include demarcation, and changes to voxel size, shape, and orientation. Filtering may include removing a portion of voxels of a selected radiodensity from a presented image. Segmentation may characterize voxels based on nearest neighbors, and grow features or fill gaps. Multiple images may be generated with different configuration settings and be combined into a composite image.

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003022215A1

Systems, methods, and non-transitory computer-readable media taught herein process a subset of a three-dimensional array of voxels to form an image of a region of interest in an object. Images thus formed are clear, comprehensible, and contextual. The systems, methods, and non-transitory computer-readable media taught herein select the subset of voxels that represent the region of interest along a direction perpendicular to a view direction defined by the region of interest. The subset of voxels represents one or more portions of a plurality of image slices of the object.

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002368390C

A system and method for generating a three-dimensional visualization image of an object such as an organ using volume visualization techniques and exploring the image using a guided navigation system which allows the operator to travel along a flight path and to adjust the view to a particular portion of the image of interest in order, for example, to identify polyps, cysts or other abnormal features in the visualized organ. An electronic biopsy can also be performed on an identified growth or mass in the visualized object. Virtual colonoscopy can be enhanced by electronically removing residual stool, fluid and non-colonic tissue from the image of the colon, by employing bowel preparation followed by image segmentation operations. Methods are also employed for virtually expanding regions of colon collapse using image segmentation results.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002939681A1

An intracerebral current simulation method comprises: a first step of providing head image data that includes at least a part of the brain out of tomographic image data of a patient; a second step of forming a three-dimensional brain model comprising micro-polyhedron units which are obtained by dividing at least one region constituting the brain out of the head image data provided in step 1 into micro-elements; a third step of providing first information which includes conditions under which a coil is placed on the patient's head, an electric current is applied to the coil so as to apply magnetic stimulation to the patient's brain, and the patient's reaction to the magnetic stimulation is observed, the conditions being at least the condition of a position and orientation of the coil, the condition of the electric current applied to the coil, and the condition of a structure relating to a generated magnetic field of the coil; and a fourth step of calculating an eddy current or electric field ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002954727A1

An HMD device with a see-through display and depth sensing capability is configured to selectively dim or fade out a display of a virtual reality environment to enable a user to see the real world without obstruction by the virtual world when a distance between the user and a real world object is determined to be less than a threshold distance. The current height of the user's head (i.e., the distance from head to ground) may be utilized when performing the dimming/fading so that different threshold distances can be used depending on whether the user is standing or seated.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002957715A1

A system and method for planning surgical procedure including a treatment zone setting view presenting at least one slice of a 3D reconstruction generated from CT image data including a target. The treatment zone setting view presenting a treatment zone marker defining a location and a size of a treatment zone and configured to adjust the treatment zone marker in response to a received user input. The system and method further including a volumetric view presenting a 3D volume derived from the 3D reconstruction and a 3D representation of the treatment zone marker relative to structures depicted in the 3D volume.

30-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002963421C

An automated truck unloader (10) for unloading/unpacking product, such as boxes or cases, from trailers and containers is disclosed. In one embodiment, a mobile base structure provides a support framework for a drive subassembly, conveyance subassembly, an industrial robot (56), a distance measurement subassembly, and a control subassembly (62). Under the operation of the control subassembly, an industrial robot (56) having a suction cup-based gripper arm selectively removes boxes from the trailer and places the boxes on a powered transportation path (88). The control subassembly (62) coordinates the selective articulated movement of the industrial robot (56) and the activation of the drive subassembly based upon a perception-based robotic manipulation system.

31-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002936413A1

31-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834997A1

Irregular volumes within one or more three dimensional volume datasets are identified and extracted in response to criteria (16). The processing involves automatically finding a seed voxel or seed cell that meets the criteria and thus belongs to an irregular volume of interest, and then identifying cells related to the seed cell by one or more predetermined relationships that are therefore also to be grouped into that irregular volume. Information of a suitable type identifies each cell as being related to other cells and belongs to an irregular volume is stored in a data structure (12). Attributes or properties of the identified cell are stored. The extraction and pre-processing allows for rendering (32) them on a display and performing Boolean and arithmetic operations on them.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002896210A1

A method for measuring regions of a tooth in a mouth including: measuring at least one surface point on a surface of the tooth with respect to an element mechanically coupled to said surface point; determining a location of at least one visible reference mechanically coupled to said surface point with respect to said element; estimating a location of said surface point with respect to said visible reference. A device used for such measuring may include a main body comprising a final optical element of an imager which defines an optical field of view directed in a first direction; and a measurement element coupled to said main body extending generally in said first direction; where a tip of said measurement element is sized and shaped to be inserted between a tooth and adjacent gingiva; where said optical field of view is sized to image at least part of a tooth.

14-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002198611A1

Real-time processing of voxels and real-time volume visualization of objects and scenes in a highly parallel and pipelined manner including a threedimensional skewed memory (22), two-dimensional skewed buffers (24), 3-D interpolation and shading of data points, and signal compositing. Implementing ray-casting, a powerful volume rendering technique. Viewing rays are cast from the viewing position into a cubic frame buffer (40) and beams of voxels, which are parallel to the face of the cubic frame buffer (40), are accessed. At evenly spaced sample points along each viewing ray, each sample point is trilinearly interpolated using values of surrounding voxels. Using a gradient and the interpolated sample values, a local shading model (30) is applied and a sample opacity is assigned. Finally, ray samples along the ray are composited into pixel values and provided to a display device (44) to produce an image.

29-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200601243A1

В заявке описана программа визуализации, объединенная с данными, подлежащими визуализации. Программой разрешен доступ только к этим данным. Сочетание программы и данных может быть предоставлено конечному пользователю на машиночитаемом носителе или по каналу связи, такому как Интернет.

02-08-2019 дата публикации

Optical element driving mechanism

Номер: CN0110082878A

05-03-2019 дата публикации

Planar visualization of anatomical structures

Номер: CN0109427059A

06-09-2006 дата публикации

Virtual organ unfolding for visualization

Номер: CN0001830003A

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109788927A

03-07-2018 дата публикации

Fast rendering secondary curved surface

Номер: CN0108242077A

19-10-2011 дата публикации

Image processing method and image processing apparatus

Номер: CN102222352A

The invention brings forward an image processing method and an image processing apparatus. In a three dimensional scene, information on a tangent plane parallel to a visual line direction is utilized to select an interest object and a curved surface is formed. The visual line passing through the object is divided into two segments. Different drafting parameters are arranged for the two segments of the visual line to achieve the goal of displaying the object a user is interested in while an opaque area is penetrated. The tangent plane parallel to the visual line is in a quadrature with the drafting main plane of the three dimensional scene. The tangent plane provides the three dimensional scene profile information which comprises the object the users is interested in. The user can obtain the position of the interest object in the tangent plane and generate a two dimensional curved surface dividing the selected object and its contiguous object in the visual line direction based on the position ...

30-12-2015 дата публикации

Device and method for processing a stream of video data

Номер: CN0105208407A

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems of imaging cut stones

Номер: US20120007971A1
Принадлежит: Dsee Imaging Ltd

A method of imaging a cut stone. The method comprises a) identifying an orientation of a cut stone, b) creating a volumetric model of the cut stone according to the orientation, c) capturing a plurality of images of the cut stone from a plurality of viewing angles around the cut stone, d) cropping a plurality of segments depicting the cut stone from the plurality of images using the volumetric model, and e) generating a volumetric image of the cut stone from the plurality of segments.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasound Browser

Номер: US20120070051A1
Принадлежит: Universite Paris Descartes Paris 5

The invention relates to a method for processing image data, comprising the steps of: receiving a first set of ultrasound image data representing a given volume, said set being organized into first planes sharing a common segment; and, on the basis of the first data set, reconstructing a second set of image data representing at least partially the given volume, said second set being organized into second planes parallel to each other.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Image Viewing Application And Method For Orientationally Sensitive Display Devices

Номер: US20120105436A1
Автор: Dorian Averbuch
Принадлежит: SuperDimension Ltd

A system and method for presenting three-dimensional image volume data utilizing an orientationally-sensitive display device whereby the image volume is navigable simply by tilting, raising and lowering the display device. Doing so presents an image on the screen that relates to the angle and position of the display device such that the user gets the impression that the device itself is useable as a window into the image volume, especially when the device is placed on or near the source of the image data, such as a patient.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for adjusting the visualization of volume data of an object

Номер: US20120308095A1
Автор: Anna Jerebko, Klaus Engel
Принадлежит: Individual

An adjustment of the visualization of volume data of an object as an image with regard to diagnostically relevant medical information relating to the environment of a region under investigation is provided. In the process, at least one slice region is specified in accordance with slice information within the volume data. A first mapping of a value range of the volume data is used for visualizing the at least one slice region on a display. A second mapping different from the first mapping is used for visualizing a region bordering on the at least one slice region on the display.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Ray tracing system architectures and methods

Номер: US20130002672A1

Aspects comprise systems implementing 3-D graphics processing functionality in a multiprocessing system. Control flow structures are used in scheduling instances of computation in the multiprocessing system, where different points in the control flow structure serve as points where deferral of some instances of computation can be performed in favor of scheduling other instances of computation. In some examples, the control flow structure identifies particular tasks, such as intersection testing of a particular portion of an acceleration structure, and a particular element of shading code. In some examples, the aspects are used in 3-D graphics processing systems that can perform ray tracing based rendering.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069945A1

This invention describes a method, the starting point of which is a three-dimensional image of the heart. A region of interest is defined on said image. Moreover, the surface which will be represented in the display in the form of a three-dimensional polygon mesh is defined. Each vertex of the mesh is associated with a function which assigns weights to each element in the region of interest. Display parameters are assigned to the vertices using said functions together with the intensity values of the elements in the region of interest. Said parameters are used to generate the interactive display of the surface. One application of the method would be the use thereof to help to characterize the myocardial substrate of ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease and to guide ablation procedures for correcting said tachycardia. 1. A method for displaying information contained in three-dimensional images of the heart , comprising the following steps:obtaining a three-dimensional image of at least one part of the heart by means of a non-invasive technique,defining a region of interest within the three-dimensional image;defining a surface on which the information will be displayed;generating a three-dimensional polygon mesh representing said surface, formed by vertices and arcs connecting said vertices;assigning display parameters to the vertices of the three-dimensional polygon mesh; andgenerating an interactive display from the three-dimensional mesh and from the display parameters assigned to its vertices; wherein:the three-dimensional image has contrast according to an anatomical or functional characteristic of the tissues of interest of the heart;the region of interest within the heart is defined by an expert from anatomical and functional criteria;the surface on which the display is carried out is defined by an expert, independently of the region of interest;a weight function indicating a contribution of each voxel of the region of interest to a ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076749A1

A depth image conversion unit moves an edge location in an input depth image towards the background. A pixel shift unit generates an image from a different viewpoint by horizontally shifting the coordinates of each pixel in an image based on the converted depth image. A pixel interpolation unit interpolates the missing pixel region yielded by pixel shifting. 1. An image processing device for generating images from multiple viewpoints , by shifting coordinates of pixels in an original image , in order to provide depth indicated by a depth image composed of a pixel region formed by a plurality of pixels , a value of each pixel in the depth image indicating the depth of a corresponding pixel in the original image , the image processing device comprising:a depth image conversion unit configured to convert the depth image by searching within the pixel region composing the depth image for edge pixels that constitute an edge of an object and shifting, in a predetermined direction, coordinates of pixels in the depth image that are surrounded by the edge pixels;a pixel shift unit configured to generate a viewpoint image from a different viewpoint than the original image by calculating a parallax that provides the depth indicated by the depth image converted by the depth image conversion unit and shifting the coordinates of pixels in the original image by a number of pixels corresponding to the parallax; anda pixel interpolation unit configured to interpolate an occlusion, occurring due to pixel shifting, in the generated viewpoint image.2. The image processing device of claim 1 , whereinbetween a foreground region and a background region separated by an edge in the depth image, the depth image conversion unit shifts the coordinates of the pixels surrounded by the edge pixels towards the background region.3. The image processing device of claim 2 , further comprising:a complexity calculation unit configured to calculate a degree of complexity of an object in the original ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for encoding light field image files

Номер: US20130077880A1
Принадлежит: Pelican Imaging Corp

Systems and methods configured to store images synthesized from light field image data and metadata describing the images in electronic files and render images using the stored image and the metadata in accordance with embodiments of the invention are disclosed. One embodiment includes a processor and memory containing an encoding application and light field image data, where the light field image data comprises a plurality of low resolution images of a scene captured from different viewpoints. In addition, the encoding application configures the processor to: synthesize a higher resolution image of the scene from a reference viewpoint using the low resolution images, where synthesizing the higher resolution image involves creating a depth map that specifies depths from the reference viewpoint for pixels in the higher resolution image; encode the higher resolution image; and create a light field image file including the encoded image and metadata including the depth map.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083023A1
Принадлежит: DR Systems, Inc.

A method of automatically tracking the portions of a 3D medical imaging volume, such as the voxels, that have already been displayed according to use-defined display parameters, notating those portions, and providing the user with information indicating what portions of the imaging volume have been displayed at full resolution. 1. (canceled)2. A computing system comprising:one or more computer processors; determine portions of a three dimensional imaging volume that are relevant for display to a user of the computing system;', 'selectively display portions of the imaging volume; and', 'determine if at least the determined relevant portions of the imaging volume have been displayed according to user-defined display parameters., 'a computer readable storage medium storing instructions configured for execution by the one or more computer processors in order to cause the computing system to3. The computing system of claim 2 , wherein the determined relevant portions exclude areas of the imaging volume depicting air.4. The computing system of claim 2 , wherein the instructions are further configured to cause the computing system to:receive input from the user adding to and/or removing portions of the imaging volume that were determined as relevant by the computing system.5. The computing system of claim 2 , further comprising:in response to determining that not all of the determined relevant portions of the imaging volume have been displayed according to the user-defined display parameters, provide a visual and/or audible warning to the user via the computing system.6. The computing system of claim 2 , wherein the user-defined display parameters indicate that results of one or more computer-aided detection processes are to be displayed.7. The computing system of claim 2 , wherein said determining portions of the imaging volume that are relevant comprises applying one or more computer-aided detection processes to the imaging volume.8. A computing system comprising:one or ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Non-linear projections of 3-d medical imaging data

Номер: US20130094720A1
Автор: Paul F. Stetson
Принадлежит: Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc

The present invention improves projection displays of volume data. Using the Minimum Intensity Projection (MinIP), fluid filled regions or other regions of hyporeflective tissue are displayed. By limiting the projection to partial volumes within the volume, differences in the scattering intensity within specific regions are isolated. In this way, hyperreflectivity of weakly scattering tissue can be assessed.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106855A1
Автор: Urbach Julian

Methods, apparatuses and systems directed to using viewport state data objects (VSDO) to render a series of video frames according to render instructions to achieve video compression. In a particular implementation, the video compression format exposes the VSDO and render instructions to a video render client, allowing the video render client to finish rendering a sequence of video frames from different spatial locations and view transform parameters. Implementations of this video compression format further allow any arbitrary client with enough graphics processing power and bandwidth to retransmit novel, completely rendered viewports to thin clients without taxing the root remote render devices 1. A method comprisingreceiving, at a client host, a message from a remote host, the message including a set of render instructions corresponding to a plurality of video frames in a video sequence;accessing one or more viewport state data objects loaded into a memory of the client host, each of the one or more viewport state data objects containing voxelized or per-pixel spatial information associated with objects of a scene relative to a common reference point; andgenerating a sequence of video frames by iteratively rendering the one or more viewport state data objects according to the set of render instructions.2. The method of wherein the set of render instructions comprises claim 1 , for a first video frame of the one or more video frames claim 1 , a spatial location defining a reference point from which the first video frame is to be rendered using the one or more viewport state data objects.3. The method of wherein the viewport state data objects each comprise one or more cube maps containing voxelized or per-pixel spatial information associated with objects of a scene relative to a common reference point.4. The method of wherein generating the sequence of video frames comprises rendering claim 1 , for each video frame claim 1 , the scene using the viewport state data ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Obtaining Data From An Earth Model Using Functional Descriptors

Номер: US20130112407A1
Автор: Cheng Yao-Chou, Dobin Mark

There is provided a system and method for obtaining data corresponding to a physical property of interest from a three-dimensional (3D) earth model. An exemplary method comprises defining a region of interest in the 3D earth model via at least one functional descriptor. The exemplary method also comprises extracting data corresponding to the physical property of interest where the region of interest and the 3D earth model overlap. 1. A method for obtaining data corresponding to a physical property of interest from a three-dimensional (3D) earth model , the method comprising:defining a region of interest in the 3D earth model via at least one functional descriptor; andextracting data corresponding to the physical property of interest where the region of interest and the 3D earth model overlap.2. The method recited in claim 1 , comprising providing a visualization of the extracted data corresponding to the physical property of interest.3. The method recited in claim 2 , comprising defining a pixel value by a blending operation.4. The method recited in claim 2 , wherein the visualization is produced using a volume rendering technique.5. The method recited in claim 4 , wherein the volume rendering technique comprises a ray casting operation.6. The method recited in claim 4 , wherein the volume rendering technique comprises parallel functional evaluation operations.7. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the functional descriptor is formulated by an implicit function or an explicit function.8. The method recited in claim 1 , comprising providing a visualization of the 3D earth model in real time claim 1 , the visualization highlighting the region of interest.9. The method recited in claim 1 , comprising processing data corresponding to the physical property of interest via a graphical processing unit.10. The method recited in claim 1 , comprising combining the at least one functional descriptor with another functional descriptor via at least one Boolean operation.11. ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113800A1

Systems and methods for producing an acceleration structure provide for subdividing a 3-D scene into a plurality of volumetric portions, which have different sizes, each being addressable using a multipart address indicating a location and a relative size of each volumetric portion. A stream of primitives is processed by characterizing each according to one or more criteria, selecting a relative size of volumetric portions for use in bounding the primitive, and finding a set of volumetric portions of that relative size which bound the primitive. A primitive ID is stored in each location of a cache associated with each volumetric portion of the set of volumetric portions. A cache location is selected for eviction, responsive to each cache eviction decision made during the processing. An element of an acceleration structure according to the contents of the evicted cache location is generated, responsive to the evicted cache location. 1. A machine-implemented method of producing an acceleration structure for use in rendering from a three dimensional (3-D) scene , comprising:subdividing a 3-D scene into a plurality of volumetric portions, wherein subsets of the volumetric portions have one or more of different sizes and different forms, and each volumetric portion is addressable using a respective unique address; characterizing the primitive according to one or more criteria;', 'selecting a set of volumetric portions that collectively bound the primitive, the selecting using an output of the characterizing;', 'storing identifying data for the primitive in respective locations of a cache for each volumetric portion of the selected set of volumetric portions;, 'processing each primitive of a stream of primitives located in the 3-D scene, comprising'}selecting a cache location to evict, responsive to a cache eviction decision made during the processing; andgenerating an element of an acceleration structure according to the contents of the evicted cache location.2. The ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127853A1
Принадлежит: Mixamo, Inc.

A system and method for automatic rigging of three dimensional characters for facial animation provide a rigged mesh for an original three dimensional mesh. A representative mesh is generated from the original mesh. Segments, key points, a bone set, and skinning weights are then determined for the representative mesh. The Skinning weights and bone set are placed in the original mesh to generate the rigged mesh. 1. A method for automatic rigging of a three dimensional character by a comprising:receiving an original three dimensional mesh of the character;generating a representative mesh from the original mesh;determining a plurality of segments of the representative mesh;identifying a plurality of key points of the representative mesh;generating a bone set including a plurality of bones for the representative mesh;placing the plurality of bones from the bone set in the representative mesh;determining skinning weights of the representative mesh from the placement of the plurality of bones of the bone set in the representative mesh; andtranslating the bone set, the plurality of segments, and skinning weights of the representative mesh into the original mesh to create a rigged mesh.2. The method of wherein the generating of the representative mesh is completed by performing a volumetric method on the original mesh.3. The method of wherein the volumetric method includes generating a visual hull.4. The method of wherein the determining the plurality of segments is done by performing a machine learning process to assign the segments.5. The method of wherein the machine learning process is a JointBoost process.6. The method of wherein the performing of the machine learning process comprises:receiving the representative mesh and a training set of a plurality of training meshes;extracting features from the representative mesh and each of the plurality of training meshes; andprobabilistically estimating a plurality of segments of the representative mesh using the machine ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for efficiently editing a three-dimensional volume using ray casting

Номер: US20130135306A1
Автор: Klaus Engel
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for efficiently changing a depiction of a three-dimensional volume using ray casting is providing. The method includes dividing the three-dimensional volume into zones, inputting a change that is required to the depiction, and ascertaining the zones that are affected by the change. The method also includes classifying the change as relevant to a zone when the zone is affected by the change and effecting an assignment between the affected zones and the relevant changes. The method includes performing ray casting using simulated rays. A change is only carried out for sampling points along the rays when the sampling point lies in an affected zone.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135307A1

A medical image processing apparatus according to an embodiment for visualization of each of plural captured image volume data having time of day information includes a generator configured to generate interpolation volume data for interpolation in the plural captured image volume data, based on the plural captured image volume data, and a display unit configured to visualize and display the plural captured image volume data and the interpolation volume data. The generator extracts a feature region in the captured image volume data, and is configured such that processing for generating the interpolation volume data for the feature region is different from processing for generating the interpolation volume data for other regions, so as to suppress a change in shape of the feature region. 1. A medical image processing apparatus for visualization of each of a plurality of captured image volume data having time of day information , comprising:a generator configured to generate interpolation volume data for interpolation in the plurality of captured image volume data, based on the plurality of captured image volume data; anda display unit configured to visualize and display the plurality of captured image volume data and the interpolation volume data,wherein the generator extracts a feature region in the captured image volume data, and is configured such that processing for generating the interpolation volume data for the feature region is different from processing for generating the interpolation volume data for other regions, so as to suppress a change in shape of the feature region.2. A medical image processing apparatus comprising:a region setting unit configured to set a feature region on a plurality of captured image volume data captured in time series;a feature region interpolation data generator configured to generate feature region interpolation data between the captured image volume data in the feature region;a non-feature region interpolation data generator ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135308A1
Автор: KHO Young-ihn, LEE Hee-sae

A method renders volume data having multi-resolution. The volume data is divided into a plurality of sub-volumes according to a resolution, a sampling interval for each of the plurality of sub-volumes is determined based on resolutions of the plurality of sub-volumes, sub-volumes present in a path of a ray passing through each of pixels on a projection plane onto which the volume data is projected from one viewpoint are sampled according to the sampling intervals thereof, and a rendering value of each of the pixels on the projection plane is obtained by synthesizing a plurality of sampling values corresponding to each of the pixels from among sampling values obtained through the sampling. 1. A method of rendering volume data having multi-resolution , the method comprising:dividing the volume data into a plurality of sub-volumes according to a resolution;determining a sampling interval for each of the plurality of sub-volumes, based on respective resolutions of the plurality of sub-volumes; andsampling sub-volumes present in a path of a ray passing through a pixel on a projection plane onto which the volume data is projected from one viewpoint, according to the determined sampling intervals.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dividing the volume data comprises dividing a resolution of the volume data into a plurality of resolution levels according to a predetermined criterion claim 1 , anddividing the volume data into the plurality of sub-volumes each having the same resolution level.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising producing a reference table including a grid structure of the volume data and resolution levels of the plurality of sub-volumes claim 1 ,wherein the determining the sampling intervals comprises determining the sampling intervals for the plurality of sub-volumes by using the reference table.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the determining the sampling intervals further comprises determining an entry point of each of the plurality of sub- ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147800A1

A three-dimensional shape data creating method associates characteristic points and characteristic axes on an image of a sketch drawn by a designer, or the like, with given points and given axes in a vehicle specs box, and determines the placement position and viewpoint direction of the sketch in a three-dimensional space by selecting combinations (point and point, axis and axis, and point and axis) having the minimum error in correspondence. Then, complex surfaces of given regions depicted in the sketch are created at a time in the three-dimensional space, by forming each cross-section line in a given region depicted in the sketch from a basic line and a fillet joint line, and a fillet joint surface is created between adjacent ones of the created complex surfaces of the given regions so as to join the complex surfaces. 1. A three-dimensional shape data creating method for creating three-dimensional shape data of a three-dimensional object depicted in a sketch image , the method comprising:entering specifications of the three-dimensional object depicted in the sketch image, including dimensions of respective portions of the three-dimensional object and placement positions of parts that constitute the three-dimensional object, which are necessary to create a specs box used for defining given axes and given points on the three-dimensional object, in a three-dimensional space;reading the sketch image as image data;generating data representing lines included in the read image data, using coordinate values on a two-dimensional coordinate system;selecting a characteristic axis and a characteristic point which characterize the shape of the three-dimensional object depicted in the sketch image;calculating a combination that satisfies a predetermined restraint condition, which is selected from combinations obtained by associating the selected characteristic axis and the selected characteristic point with the given axis and the given point in the specs box created from the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162645A1
Автор: Ulrici Johannes

The invention relates to a method for creating a virtual dental image from a 3D volume () comprising volumetric image data. Firstly, a sub-volume () of the 3D volume () is defined and then a virtual projection image () is generated for said sub-volume () from a specific X-ray imaging direction () by computation of the volumetric image data in said X-ray imaging direction (). 13041181215181812151830411111777777. A method for creating a virtual dental image ( , ) from a 3D volume () comprising volumetric image data , characterized in that a sub-volume ( , , , ) is defined in said 3D volume () and that for this sub-volume ( , , , ) there is generated a virtual projection image ( , ) from a specific X-ray imaging direction () by computation of said volumetric image data in said X-ray imaging direction () , wherein the process of defining said sub-volume () involves the exclusion of specific unwanted sub-objects from said sub-volume () using a segmentation technique or the attribution of lower weighting to said sub-objects when computing said volumetric image data , in order to facilitate the examination of said sub-objects included in said sub-volume ().211. The method as defined in claim 1 , characterized in that said 3D volume () comprising volumetric image data is a three-dimensional radiograph () showing X-ray absorption values.311. The method as defined in or claim 1 , characterized in that the computation of said volumetric image data takes place by summation of the elements of said volumetric image data that are successively disposed along said X-ray imaging direction ().4. The method as defined in any one of to claim 1 , characterized in that prior to computation of said volumetric image data a specific function is applied to said volumetric image data in said X-ray imaging direction claim 1 , wherein said function is configured such that specific regions of significance for evaluation purposes are highlighted and other regions of no significance for evaluation ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169630A1

The present invention relates to an information processing device, an information processing method, and a program for realizing an intuitive operation to issue an instruction to move an object in a virtual three-dimensional space or the like, to an operator who performs operations while looking at an image of the virtual three-dimensional space. 1. An information processing device comprising:a CG image generating unit configured to perform real-time rendering of a CG image, based on CG descriptive data defining contents of a virtual three-dimensional space formed with CG (computer graphics);a three-dimensional operating unit configured to be used for inputting parameters of three axial directions perpendicular to one another;an associating unit configured to associate a virtual camera or an object in the virtual three-dimensional space as an object to be controlled with the three-dimensional operating unit;a coordinate mode selecting unit configured to select a target system or a source system as a coordinate mode indicating a coordinate system of an operation using the three-dimensional operating unit; anda control unit configured to, in response to the input of the parameters of the three axial directions through the three-dimensional operating unit, control the CG image generating unit to cause an image of the virtual three-dimensional space to vary between where the virtual camera is associated with the three-dimensional operating unit and where the object is associated with the three-dimensional operating unit, the variation being caused by changing the amount of control of the CG image generating unit in accordance with the input parameters.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in response to the input of the parameters of the three axial directions through the three-dimensional operating unit claim 1 , the control unit controls the CG image generating unit to cause the image of the virtual three-dimensional space to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Accelerated Compute Tessellation by Compact Topological Data Structure

Номер: US20130169636A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

A system, method, and computer program product are provided for tessellation using shaders. New graphics pipeline stages implemented by shaders are introduced, including an inner ring shader, an outer edge shader, and topologic shader, which work together with a domain shader and geometry shader to provide tessellated points and primitives. A hull shader is modified to compute values used by the new shaders to perform tessellation algorithms. This approach provides parallelism and customizability to the presently static tessellation engine implementation. 1. A method comprising:processing a patch, by a computing device, to identify an inner ring, an outer edge, and a stitch of the patch;computing point data using the inner ring and the outer edge;computing primitive data using at least a portion of the patch; andcombining the primitive data and point data to produce tessellated primitives of the patch.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the inner ring comprises:computing a number of points per edge; andidentifying an index point.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the outer edge comprises:computing a number of points per edge; andidentifying a point pair.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the stitch comprises:identifying an index of an inner edge and an index of the outer edge;computing a number of points on the inner edge and a number of points on the outer edge; andcomputing a number of primitives in the stitch.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing point data using the inner ring and the outer edge comprises:computing a patch coordinate for each point in a symmetric point pair.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing the primitive data using the stitch comprises:identifying a first point using an index of an inner edge;identifying a second point using an index of the outer edge; andcomputing a third point as a subsequent index to the index of the inner edge or the index of the outer edge based on an orientation of a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing ultrasound image

Номер: US20130170721A1
Автор: Jung-Ho Kim, Yun-Tae Kim

A method and apparatus for processing an ultrasound image are provided. The method includes determining similarities between a first two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound image, among 2D ultrasound images of a three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound image, and the 2D ultrasound images. The method further includes generating a predetermined number of similar ultrasound images with respect to the first 2D ultrasound image based on the similarities. The method further includes generating 3D volume data based on the predetermined number of the similar ultrasound images. The method further includes removing noise from the 3D volume data. The method further includes generating another 3D ultrasound image based on the noise-removed 3D volume data.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

User interface for efficiently displaying relevant oct imaging data

Номер: US20130181976A1
Принадлежит: Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc

The present invention is an OCT imaging system user interface for efficiently providing relevant image displays to the user. These displays are used during image acquisition to align patients and verify acquisition image quality. During image analysis, these displays indicate positional relationships between displayed data images, automatically display suspicious analysis, automatically display diagnostic data, simultaneously display similar data from multiple visits, improve access to archived data, and provide other improvements for efficient data presentation of relevant information.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187918A1

The invention relates to a method for modelling a scene from a plurality of maps representative of depth, each map representative of depth being associated with a view of the said scene according to a particular viewpoint. To optimize the fidelity and precision of the scene modelling, the method comprises the following steps: 1. Method for modelling a scene from a plurality of maps representative of depth , each map representative of depth being associated with a view of the said scene according to a particular viewpoint , wherein said method comprises the following steps:generating, for each map representative of depth of said plurality, a surface representative of said map representative of depth in world space;estimating a volume bounding the surfaces generated in world space, said bounding volume being discretized into a plurality of voxels, an attribute representative of transparency being associated with the voxels of the bounding volume;generating, for each surface, a plurality of rays originating from a viewpoint associated with said generated surface and having as end point the intersection with said generated surface;running through said plurality of generated rays, the value of the attribute representative of transparency being changed for the voxels of the bounding volume having an intersection with one of the generated rays; andgenerating data representative of a resulting surface according to the attributes representative of transparency associated with said voxels.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises claim 1 , for each surface generated and representative of a depth map associated to a viewpoint claim 1 , an association of voxels of the bounding volume with said generated surface to define said generated surface claim 1 , according to a criterion of proximity of the voxels relative to said generated surface claim 1 , the end points of the generated rays corresponding to the voxels associated with said generated surface.3. Method ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

System for Reconstruction of Virtual Frequency Selective Inversion MR Images

Номер: US20130194265A1

A virtual frequency selective inversion (VFSI) method receives at least one MR image representative dataset and an associated phase reference dataset, and classifies anatomical material into a first component representing anatomical material having a first range of resonance frequencies associated with a first range of phase differences between the MR image representative dataset and the associated phase reference image dataset, and a second component representing anatomical material having a second range of resonance frequencies associated with a second range of phase differences between the MR image representative dataset and the associated phase reference image dataset. The method assigns different visual attributes to first and second components derived using phase differences between the MR image representative dataset and the reference image dataset and displays an image. 1. A method for processing MRI data employing virtual frequency selective inversion , comprising the steps of:receiving at least one MR image representative dataset and an associated phase reference dataset; a first component representing anatomical material having a first range of resonance frequencies associated with a first range of phase differences between the MR image representative dataset and the associated phase reference dataset and,', 'a second component representing anatomical material having a second range of resonance frequencies associated with a second range of phase differences between the MR image representative dataset and the associated phase reference dataset;, 'deriving from the at least one MR image representative dataset and the associated phase reference dataset,'}assigning different visual attributes to the derived first and second components; anddisplaying an image comprising at least one of (a), the derived first component (b) the derived second component, (c) a composite of the derived first and second components, and (d) a composite of the MR image representative ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194266A1
Автор: Forster Kenneth M.

Embodiments of the invention relate to a method and apparatus for displaying information. In a specific embodiment, at least two pluralities of voxel values for a corresponding at least two functions with respect to at least a portion of a subject can be obtained. The at least a portion of the subject can have a plurality of local volume elements, where the at least two pluralities of voxel values for the corresponding at least two functions each correspond to the plurality of local volume elements. In this way, there is a voxel value for each function for each local volume element of the portion of the subject. Each of the at least two pluralities of voxel values represents the value of the corresponding function of the at least two functions for the corresponding plurality of local volume elements. A representation is created where the value of one of the at least two functions is on a first axis and a count of voxels is on a second axis. The count of voxels on the second axis is at least a portion of the count of voxels having the value of the one of the at least two functions on the first axis. In another embodiment, the value of the other one of the at least two functional mechanisms can be on a third axis. The count of voxels on the second axis can then be the count of voxels having the value of the one of the at least two functional mechanisms on the first axis and having the value of the other one of the at least two functional mechanisms on the third axis. 1. A method of displaying information , comprising:obtaining at least two pluralities of voxel values for a corresponding at least two functions with respect to at least a portion of a subject, wherein the at least a portion of the subject comprises a plurality of local volume elements, wherein the at least two pluralities of voxel values for the corresponding at least two functions each correspond to the plurality of local volume elements, wherein each of the at least two pluralities of voxel values ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194267A1
Автор: TSUJITA Takehiro

For generating ultrasonic projection images in which various kind of ultrasonic projection images have been appropriately combined, the invention is provided with: a storage unit that stores tomographic image volume data and elastic image volume data; a volume rendering unit that generates tomographic projection images by volume rendering on the basis of the tomographic image volume data; a display device that displays the ultrasonic projection images generated by the volume rendering unit; and an operation unit for inputting commands to control the volume rendering unit. For one of the rendering spaces partitioned by a cutting plane set in the rendering space by a command input from the operation unit, the volume rendering unit renders voxels of tomographic image volume data corresponding to the voxels of elastic image volume data that have elasticity values satisfying a set threshold value, and generates and displays the tomographic projection image on the display device. 1. An ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus comprising:a volume rendering unit configured to generate a tomographic projection image and an elasticity projection image by performing volume rendering based on tomographic image volume data and elasticity image volume data of ultrasonic waves; anda display device configured to display a tomographic projection image and an elasticity projection image generated by the volume rendering unit,wherein the volume rendering unit, for one of the rendering spaces partitioned by a cutting plane set in the rendering space, renders the voxels in the tomographic image volume data corresponding to the voxels in the elasticity image volume data having the elasticity values that satisfy a set threshold value, so as to generate and display the tomographic projection image on the display device.2. The ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the volume rendering unit claim 1 , for the other one of the volume rendering spaces partitioned by the cutting ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201183A1

A method for extracting depth information, which may include extracting depth information relating to an object by using an actual nonlinear waveform instead of a mathematically ideal waveform and simultaneously may include effectively removing errors due to random noises that may be caused in a light source, an light modulator, an imaging device, or the like, is provided. The method may include performing simple multiplex and addition on captured images and performing a search of a look-up table. Thus, correct distance information may be extracted without being affected by a type of waveform being used, and an amount of memory which is used and calculated for removing random noise may be reduced. 1. A method for extracting depth information , the method comprising:sequentially projecting a natural number N respective projection light beams toward an object;modulating N reflection light beams which are correspondingly reflected from the object by using a light modulation signal;generating N images by photographing the N reflection light beams;generating a first weighted image U by performing a first multiplying operation which includes multiplying each respective one of the N generated images by respective first weights and adding the weighted images resulting from the first multiplying operation, and generating a second weighted image V by performing a second multiplying operation which includes multiplying each respective one of the N generated images by respective second weights that are respectively different from the corresponding first weights and adding the weighted images resulting from the second multiplying operation; andcalculating a distance relating to the object based on a ratio between the first weighted image U and the second weighted image V by using a look-up table that includes measurement information relating to the N respective projection light beams and the light modulation signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the N respective projection ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201184A1

A view synthesis method of depth mismatching checking and depth error compensation, wherein, input left and right maps are warped in a processor to perform view synthesis, comprising following steps: when a present pixel moves to a position of a target pixel after warping, compute respectively pixel displacement amounts for said present pixel to move to said target pixel in said left and said right maps, to figure out coordinate of said target pixel; determine if depth value of the present pixel is greater than that of said target pixel, if an answer is positive, determine if depth value of said present pixel matches that of coordinate adjacent to said target pixel; and if answer is negative, set depth value of said target pixel to a hole; otherwise, cover said target pixel with pixel value of said present pixel, hereby completing refining even minute errors. 1. A view synthesis method capable of depth mismatching checking and depth error compensation , wherein , inputting a left map and a right map are warped in a processor to perform view synthesis , comprising following steps:(a) when a present pixel moves to a position of a target pixel after warping, compute respectively pixel displacement amounts for said present pixel moving to said target pixel in said left map and said right map, to figure out coordinate of said target pixel;(b) determine if depth value of said present pixel is greater than that of said target pixel, in case answer is negative, return to step (a) to compute pixel displacement amount for next said present pixel;(c) determine if depth value of said present pixel matches that of coordinate adjacent to said target pixel; and(d) in case said answer is negative, set depth value of said target pixel as a hole; otherwise, cover said target pixel with pixel value of said present pixel.2. The view synthesis method capable of depth mismatching checking and depth error compensation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein coordinate of said target pixel is ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202195A1

The purpose of this invention is a device and a method which will permit the acquisition and subsequent reconstruction of objects with volume throughout the total external surface. This invention is characterised in that it has a particular mode of acquisition on the free fall object in such a way that there is no support surface which prevents acquisition of the surface which would be hidden by said support. The invention is also characterised by special modes of distribution of the cameras which optimise image capturing and provide useful information in the subsequent reconstruction of the volume through computer means. 22. Device according to characterised in that the image capturing sensors () are distributed in space in such a way that they are situated in a spherical geometric location and with their optical axes essentially oriented towards the centre of the sphere.32. Device according to characterised in that the spatial distribution of each of the image capturing sensors () in the geometric sphere coincides with any or all the points claim 2 , greater or equal to claim 2 , which reduce a functional of the form:where it is the distance, preferably the Euclidean distance between the points and.422. Device according to characterised in that the number of image capturing sensors () and their distribution is such that two sensors () facing each other with their focal axes contained in the same straight do not exist.522. Device according to characterised in that none of the image capturing sensors () has another sensor () in its angle of vision.61. Device according to any of to characterised in that the surface is polyhedric with faces () such that:{'b': '2', 'each of the faces of the polyhedron is provided with an image capturing sensor (); and,'}{'b': 1', '2', '1, 'furthermore the same face () verifies that the there is a spatial arrangement such that the principal plane which defines the surface of the face is tangential to the sphere which establishes the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222383A1
Автор: Taniguchi Hiroki

In order to provide a medical image display device and a medical image display method capable of displaying a three-dimensional image at high-speed, a medical image display device including a display unit that displays a three-dimensional image created on the basis of cross-sectional images of an object includes a sliding unit that uses an angle of a projection surface and a projection method set for the three-dimensional image and a projected image creation unit that creates a projected image using voxel data after sliding and displays the projected image on the display unit. 1. A medical image display device including a display unit that displays a three-dimensional image created on the basis of cross-sectional images of an object , comprising:a voxel sliding unit that slides each voxel, which forms the three-dimensional image, in one direction according to an angle of a projection surface and a projection method set for the three-dimensional image; anda projected image creation unit that creates a projected image using voxel data after sliding and displays the projected image on the display unit.2. The medical image display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the voxel sliding unit determines an amount of sliding of each voxel according to an inclination of each projection line with respect to the projection surface.3. The medical image display device according to claim 2 ,wherein, when the projection method is parallel projection, the amount of sliding is fixed within the same cross-sectional image.4. The medical image display device according to claim 2 ,wherein, when the projection method is perspective projection, the amount of sliding differs depending on the inclination of each projection line with respect to the projection surface.5. The medical image display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the voxel sliding unit slides each voxel in a direction parallel to the cross-sectional image.6. The medical image display device according to claim 1 , further ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235032A1
Автор: KIM Sung-yun, LEE Jun-kyo

An image processing apparatus and method. The image processing method includes a data obtaining unit for obtaining volume data that contains a target image; a depth-data obtaining unit for obtaining depth data that indicates a depth to the surface of the target image from an image plane; an image processing unit for processing the volume data into a processed volume data based on the depth-data, and obtaining a rendered image based on the processed volume data; and a display unit for displaying the rendered image. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a data obtaining unit for obtaining volume data that contains a target image;a depth-data obtaining unit for obtaining depth data that indicates a depth to the surface of the target image from an image plane;an image processing unit for processing the volume data based on the depth data into processed volume data, and obtaining a rendered image based on the processed volume data; anda display unit for displaying the rendered image.2. The image processing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprisingan input unit for receiving a edit request to edit the rendered image from a user,wherein the image processing unit obtains an edited rendered image based on the edit request and the depth-data, and the display unit displays the edited rendered image.3. The image processing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the image processing unitdivides the volume data into a target volume and a non-target volume on the border of the surface of the target image obtained based on the depth-data, andobtains processed volume data formed by removing the non-target volume from the volume data.4. The image processing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the image processing unitobtains a mask volume that indicates the surface of the target image based on the depth-data, and masks the volume data with the mask volume to obtain the processed volume data.5. The image processing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the image processing unitobtains an editing ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Control apparatus, electronic device, control method, and program

Номер: US20130241925A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided a control apparatus including a control unit configured to control information to be displayed on a display screen in a manner that a different type of information is visually recognized according to a positional relationship between the display screen and a predetermined portion of a user viewing the display screen. The information to be displayed on the display screen under control of the control unit is information extracted from information capable of being displayed on the display screen as information having an attribute satisfying a predetermined condition set for each positional relationship.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Synthetic vision systems and methods for displaying detached objects

Номер: US20130257852A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A display system is provided for a vehicle. The display system includes a data source configured to provide terrain data with detached objects that are detached from ground terrain and attached objects that are attached to ground terrain; a processing unit coupled to the data source configured to receive the terrain data and to distinguish the detached objects from the attached objects to generate display commands for a three-dimensional view that comprises graphical elements representing both the detached objects and the attached objects; and a display device coupled to the processing unit and configured to receive the display commands and operable to render the common three-dimensional view to thereby allow viewing of the detached objects and the attached objects.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257864A1

A computer-based method for generating a stereoscopic image from a two dimensional (2D) image such as a 2D cell animation. An object is selected in the 2D image, such as an animated character, and is stored in memory as the base image. With an erosion engine, the selected object is eroded to generate a set of eroded versions of the base image corresponding to a number of erosion levels. Each erosion level image may be formed by eroding or removing a set of outer or edge pixels from the image on the prior level. The method continues with calculating a parallax shift value for each of the eroded versions of the base image. An alternate eye image is then generated by compositing the set of eroded versions along with the base image. The eroded versions are horizontally offset from the base image by the level-specific parallax shift values. 1. A computer-based method for generating a three dimensional (3D) image from a two dimensional (2D) image , comprising:selecting an object in the 2D image;in memory, storing the selected object as a base image;with an erosion engine implemented by a processor, eroding the selected object to generate a set of eroded versions of the base image corresponding to at least two erosion levels, wherein each of the eroded versions is reduced in size relative to the base image and to a previous one of the erosion levels;operating the processor to generate an alternate eye image by combining the base image with the set of eroded versions of the base image;storing the alternate eye image in the memory for use in generating a 3D display; anddetermining a parallax shift value for each of the eroded versions of the base image,wherein each of the eroded versions of the base image is horizontally offset relative to the base image by a corresponding one of the parallax shift values, and each of the eroded versions of the base image is placed upon the base image or a preceding one of the eroded versions to generate the alternate eye image that is used ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257869A1

A method for providing tomosynthesis 3-D volume image data, executed at least in part on a computer, acquires a number of radiographic projection images of a subject over a range of angles. Reconstructed volume image data is generated from the acquired projection images. A number of regions of interest are defined within the reconstructed volume image data, wherein each region of interest has a number of image voxels. Image voxel data values are conditioned within at least one of the regions of interest to enhance contrast within the at least one region of interest. The conditioned image voxel data values are adjusted within the at least one of the regions of interest according to interpolation with two or more neighboring regions of interest. An image slice having at least a plurality of the adjusted image voxel data values is displayed. 1. A method for providing tomosynthesis 3-D volume image data , executed at least in part on a computer , comprising:a) acquiring a plurality of radiographic projection images of a subject over a range of angles;b) generating reconstructed volume image data from the acquired projection images;c) defining a plurality of regions of interest within the reconstructed volume image data, wherein each region of interest has a plurality of image voxels;d) conditioning image voxel data values within at least one of the regions of interest to enhance contrast within the at least one region of interest;e) adjusting the conditioned image voxel data values within the at least one of the regions of interest according to interpolation with two or more neighboring regions of interest; andf) displaying an image slice having at least a plurality of the adjusted image voxel data values.2. The method of wherein the plurality of defined regions of interest are non-overlapping.3. The method of wherein at least two of the defined regions of interest are overlapping.4. The method of wherein conditioning the image voxel data values comprises applying a ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Feature-based registration method

Номер: US20130259349A1
Автор: Dorian Averbuch
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Methods for registering a three-dimensional model of a body volume to a real-time indication of a sensor position that involve analyzing scanned and sensed voxels and using parameters or thresholds to identify said voxels as being either tissue or intraluminal fluid. Those voxels identified as fluid are then used to construct a real-time sensed three-dimensional model of the lumen which is then compared to a similarly constructed, but previously scanned model to establish and update registration.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of generating three-dimensional (3d) volumetric data

Номер: US20130271449A1

A method of generating three-dimensional (3D) volumetric data may be performed by generating a multilayer image, generating volume information and a type of a visible part of an object, based on the generated multilayer image, and generating volume information and a type of an invisible part of the object, based on the generated multilayer image. The volume information and the type of each of the visible part and invisible part may be generated based on the generated multilayered image which may be include at least one of a ray-casting-based multilayer image, a chroma key screen-based multilayer image, and a primitive template-based multilayer image.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271455A1
Автор: TSUJITA Takehiro

Provided is a technology capable of obtaining at high speed a three-dimensional image having good image quality, without increasing the load on an ultrasonic diagnostic device. A plurality of filter processing having different effects are performed, prior to rendering, on tomographic volume data that has completed coordinate transformation, and volume data is obtained for each. A prescribed weight is added to each voxel for each of the obtained volume data, and a three-dimensional image is generated from the volume data obtained thereby. The filter processing having different effects may be different types of filter processing such as smoothing and sharpening, the same filter processing but having different strengths, or a combination of filter processing and no filter processing. 115-. (canceled)16. An ultrasonic diagnostic device comprising:an ultrasonic probe;a transmitting unit configured to transmit a driving signal to the ultrasonic probe;a three-dimensional tomographic data generating unit configured to generate, using an ultrasonic signal from a test target measured by the ultrasonic probe, tomographic volume data of the test target;a three-dimensional image processing unit configured to generate a three-dimensional image from the tomographic volume data; anda display unit configured to display the three-dimensional image generated by the three-dimensional image processing unit, whereinthe three-dimensional image processing unit includes:a smoothing unit configured to apply spatial smoothing to the tomographic volume data and generate smoothed volume data;a weighted addition unit configured to multiply, when the smoothed volume data is generated, the tomographic volume data and the smoothed volume data with a weight coefficient and add up the volume data to generate combined volume data; anda rendering unit configured to apply, when the combined volume data is generated, rendering processing to the combined volume data and generate the three-dimensional ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Image Generation with Multi Resolution

Номер: US20130271464A1
Автор: Engel Klaus

A method for generating an image formed with pixels from volume data representing a volume with the aid of volume rendering with multi resolution is provided. The method includes implementing a calculation of a pixel of the image and determining an item of information characterizing resolution used during the pixel calculation. The method also includes adjusting the pixel in accordance with the item of information. 1. A method for generating an image formed with pixels from volume data representing a volume with the aid of volume rendering with multi resolution , the method comprising:implementing a calculation of a pixel of the image;determining an item of information characterizing a resolution used during the pixel calculation; andadjusting the pixel in accordance with this item of information.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjusting is implemented during the course of the pixel calculation.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjusting is implemented following the pixel calculation.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising defining a target resolution claim 1 ,wherein the adjusting is based on whether the calculation of the pixel was implemented with the target resolution.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising recalculating pixels that were not calculated with the target resolution.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the volume data is obtained from measured data.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjusting comprises selecting a transfer function.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjusting includes a tinting claim 1 , a shading claim 1 , a selection of a rendering mode claim 1 , a selection of a modulation mode claim 1 , or a combination thereof.9. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the volume data is obtained from measured data.10. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the volume data is obtained from measured data.11. The method as claimed in ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Techniques for enhancing multiple view performance in a three dimensional pipeline

Номер: US20130278599A1
Автор: Lili Gong, Xianchao Xu
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Techniques may be directed to enhancing multiple view performance in a three dimensional pipeline. A plurality of view transformations associated with an image may be received. The vertex data associated with the image may be received. Operation data may be determined by performing the view transformations on the compiled vertex data. A plurality of display lists may be determined through a single run of a vertex pipeline. A display list may be based on the operation data. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Methods and associated systems for simulating illumination patterns

Номер: US20130293545A1
Автор: Ken Moore
Принадлежит: Radiant Vision Systems LLC

Systems and methods for simulating illumination patterns on target surfaces in a space are disclosed. The system includes an input component and a simulation component. The input component receives a sampling angular range, a sampling polygon density, and a sampling polygon type. The simulation component traces sampling rays according to the sampling angular range and the sampling polygon density and type within a sampling range. The simulation component can further (1) generate an initial illumination pattern with a plurality of sampling polygon projections on the target surface; (2) assign the same value of an attribute in the sampling polygon projections defined by sampling rays through substantially the same route from the light source to the target surface; and (3) adjust the value of the attribute in the sampling polygon projection defined by sampling rays from different routes by interpolation.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314416A1

A volumetric display that includes a dispersion block defining a plurality of voxels that are characterized as being visibly apparent when illuminated by impinging light, a projector configured to project one or more light rays for illuminating one or more of the plurality of voxels, and a plurality of arrays of electrowetting mirrors arranged about the dispersion block, wherein each electrowetting mirror is operable to reflect a light ray from the projector toward a selected voxel. The arrays of electrowetting minors provide for a volumetric display that is readily focused. 1. A volumetric display comprising:a dispersion block configured to define a plurality of voxels characterized as being visibly apparent when illuminated by impinging light;a projector configured to project one or more light rays for illuminating one or more of the plurality of voxels; anda plurality of arrays of electrowetting mirrors arranged about the dispersion block, wherein each electrowetting mirror is operable to reflect a light ray from the projector toward a selected voxel.2. The display in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the projector and arrays cooperate to intersect a plurality of light rays at the selected voxel so that the selected voxel is more apparent than voxels illuminated by one light ray.3. The display in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said display further comprises an optical device interposed between the projector and the plurality of arrays claim 1 , said optical device configured to direct the light rays from the projector to the plurality of arrays.4. The display in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said dispersion block includes an anti-reflective coating upon the dispersion block at least where light rays reflected by the arrays enter the dispersion block. This disclosure generally relates to volumetric displays, and more particularly relates to a volumetric display that uses multiple arrays of electrowetting mirrors to direct light rays from a projector into a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Video generation using three-dimensional hulls

Номер: US20130321410A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Video of a scene is generated and presented to a user. A stream of mesh models of the scene and a corresponding stream of mesh texture maps are generated from one or more streams of sensor data that represent the scene. Each of the mesh models includes a collection of faces, and each of the mesh texture maps defines texture data for one or more points on the faces. Each of the mesh models is broken down into convex sections. Each of the convex sections is surrounded with a three-dimensional hull. The texture data that is associated with each of the faces in the convex section is projected onto the three-dimensional hull, and a hull texture map for the convex section is produced.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335417A1

Three-dimensional scanning is improved with the use of space carving to exclude certain scan results from processing and display. Using space carving techniques, a spatial matrix is maintained to store data on volumetric regions (or voxels) known to be empty. By excluding or modifying processing of outlier data from within these unoccupied voxels, a three-dimensional reconstruction process can achieve concurrent improvements in accuracy and speed. In addition, a real time display of scan results can be improved by modifying how such outliers are rendered. 1. A method comprising:storing a spatial matrix in a memory, the spatial matrix including information for a plurality of voxels in a mesh of a scan space;obtaining three-dimensional data from an object within the scan space using a scanner;identifying a one of the plurality of voxels in the mesh that is unoccupied;storing an indication in the spatial matrix for a modified processing of data from the one of the plurality of voxels, thereby identifying a prohibited volume within the scan space; andprocessing a portion of the three-dimensional data that is not in the prohibited volume according to an unmodified processing and processing a second portion of the three-dimensional data that is in the prohibited volume according to the modified processing.2. The method of wherein identifying the one of the plurality of voxels includes identifying a plurality of points on a ray between the scanner and the object that are unoccupied.3. The method of further comprising providing a spatial margin of one or more voxels adjacent to a surface of the object for which processing cannot be prohibited.4. The method of wherein the spatial margin is a multiple of a standard deviation of a z-axis measurement for the scanner.5. The method of wherein the modified processing includes detecting a point in the prohibited volume and displaying the point with a decay time.6. The method of wherein the modified processing includes omitting any ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335418A1

Data analysis of a food item based on one or more digital images of the food item is disclosed. In one embodiment, the method comprises displaying, on a display unit of the smart device, first and second digital images of a meal, where the first digital image is captured before the second digital image. The method also comprises determining a volume of each food item in the first digital image and a volume of each food item in the second digital image by analyzing the first digital image and the second digital image using a digital image processing technique. The method further comprises generating, on the display unit, an amount of intake for the meal based on a difference between the volume of each food item in the first digital image and the volume of each food item in the second digital image. 1. A smart device for analyzing food items captured in two digital images , the smart device comprising:a display unit;a memory; anda processor coupled to the display unit and the memory and the processor configured to:display, on the display unit, a first digital image of a meal and a second digital image of the meal, wherein the first digital image of the meal is captured before the second digital image of the meal;determine a volume of each food item in the first digital image of the meal and a volume of the each food item in the second digital image of the meal by analyzing the first digital image and the second digital image using a digital image processing technique; andgenerate for displaying on the display unit an amount of intake for the meal based on a difference between the volume of the each food item in the first digital image and the volume of the each food item in the second digital image.2. The smart device of claim 1 , further comprising a digital camera configured to capture the first digital image and the second digital image.3. The smart device of claim 2 , wherein the digital camera is a two-dimensional digital camera or a three-dimensional digital ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Display device and method, and program

Номер: US20140028670A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present technique relates to a display device and method, and a program for presenting high-quality stereoscopic images in a simpler manner. A display unit is a four-viewpoint display device having a parallax barrier. On the display unit, block regions that are formed with pixels of channels CH 0 through CH 3 aligned in the parallax direction are aligned in the parallax direction. An allocation control unit allocates a parallax image for the left eye or a parallax image for the right eye to the pixels of each channel in block regions, in accordance with the viewpoint position of the user. For example, the same parallax image is allocated to pixels of two different channels adjacent to each other in the parallax direction. A generating unit generates a combined image by combining the parallax image for the right eye and the parallax image for the left eye in accordance with the allocation performed by the allocation control unit, and causes the display unit to stereoscopically display the combined image. The present invention can be applied to display devices.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Stereo display panel, apparatus for stereo displaying, and method for displaying image

Номер: US20140028671A1
Автор: Gyo Hyun Lee, Jong Oh Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided are a stereo display panel, an apparatus for stereo display, and a method for displaying an image. The stereo display panel defines a plurality of unit pixels and implements a plurality of views. Here, q unit pixels adjacent to each other in a row direction form one unit row, and q is an integer. p unit rows adjacent to each other in a column direction implements the plurality of views, and p is an integer. When a product of the integer p and the integer q is n, the integer n is a multiple of 2. An image implemented in the stereo display panel includes z basic images and (n−z) compensation images.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035905A1

A method for converting 2-dimension (2D) image into a 3-dimension (3D) image and a display apparatus. The method may include: generating a depth frame of key frames of a plurality of image frames; calculating a motion vector between the image frames; interpolating an intermediate depth frame corresponding to intermediate frames between the key frames by using the depth frame and the motion vector; and generating left and right eye images of the plurality of image frames by using the depth frame and the interpolated depth frame. Therefore, the display apparatus minimizes occurrences of errors and generates a depth frame approximate to a real depth frame 1. A 3-dimensional (3D) image converting method of a display apparatus , the 3D image converting method comprising:generating, by a processor, a depth frame of key frames of a plurality of image frames;calculating a motion vector between the image frames;interpolating an intermediate depth frame corresponding to intermediate frames between the key frames by using the generated depth frame and the calculated motion vector; andgenerating left and right eye images of the plurality of image frames using the generated depth frame and the interpolated intermediate depth frame.2. The 3D image converting method of claim 1 , wherein the interpolating of the intermediate depth frame comprises:comparing a first motion vector between an intermediate frame that is between a first key frame and a second key frame of the image frames and the first key frame with a second motion vector between the intermediate frame and the second key frame;calculating a first weight of a first depth frame corresponding to the first key frame and a second weight of a second depth frame corresponding to the second key frame, according to the comparing; andreflecting the calculated first weight on the first depth frame and the calculated second weight on the second depth frame to interpolate an intermediate depth frame between the first and second ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035910A1

A medical image diagnosis system according to an embodiment includes a determining unit, a rendering processing unit, and an output unit. The determining unit is configured to, based on information related to a stereoscopic function of a display unit connected to an output target apparatus serving as an output target, determine a parallax image number of images that are for realizing a stereoscopic view and are to be displayed by the display unit. The rendering processing unit is configured to generate rendering images corresponding to the parallax image number, by performing a rendering process on volume data that represents three-dimensional medical images. The output unit is configured to output the rendering images corresponding to the parallax image number to the output target apparatus, as the images that are for realizing the stereoscopic view and are to be simultaneously displayed by the display unit. 1. A medical image processing system comprising:a determining unit configured to, based on information related to a stereoscopic function of a display unit connected to an output target apparatus serving as an output target, determine a parallax image number of images that are for realizing a stereoscopic view and are to be displayed by the display unit;a rendering processing unit configured to generate rendering images corresponding to the parallax image number, by performing a rendering process on volume data that represents three-dimensional medical images; andan output unit configured to output the rendering images corresponding to the parallax image number to the output target apparatus, as the images that are for realizing the stereoscopic view and are to be simultaneously displayed by the display unit.2. The medical image processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the display unit is an apparatus configured in such a manner that a pair of images that is for realizing a stereoscopic view and is visible to a viewer is changed according to a viewing ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035914A1

According to an embodiment, an image processing system includes an accepting unit, an acquisition unit, a measuring unit), and an output unit. The accepting unit accepts the setting of two coordinates in a stereoscopic image of a subject displayed on a stereoscopic image display device. The acquisition unit acquires volume data coordinates that are coordinates corresponding to stereoscopic image coordinates indicating the accepted coordinates. The measuring unit executes a measuring process of measuring the distance between the two coordinates accepted by the accepting unit, based on the volume data coordinates acquired by the acquisition unit. The output unit outputs a result of measurement by the measuring unit. 1. An image processing system comprising:an accepting unit configured to accept setting of two coordinates in a stereoscopic image of a subject displayed on a stereoscopic image display device;an acquisition unit configured to acquire volume data coordinates that are coordinates corresponding to stereoscopic image coordinates that are coordinates in the stereoscopic image for indicating the coordinates accepted by the accepting unit, the volume data coordinates being coordinates in volume data of the subject that is stored in a prescribed storage device;a measuring unit configured to execute a measuring process of measuring a distance between the two coordinates accepted by the accepting unit, based on the volume data coordinates acquired by the acquisition unit; andan output unit configured to output a result of measurement by the measuring unit.2. The image processing system according to claim 1 , whereinthe accepting unit further accepts a connecting operation of connecting ends of two line segments displayed in the stereoscopic image,the acquisition unit acquires the volume data coordinates corresponding to the stereoscopic image coordinates indicating the two line segments connected through the connecting operation, andthe measuring unit executes a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Preparation and display of derived series of medical images

Номер: US20140035916A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Certain embodiments of the invention provide a computer apparatus and corresponding computer implement method for slab rendering from a three dimensional (3D) image data set of voxel data. Slab rendering is carried out on a stack of slabs of the same thicknesses in the 3D image data set. The whole stack of slabs is rendered together according to a desired filtering operation by applying a one dimensional van-Herk-Gil-Werman (vHGW) algorithm having a segment size one less than the slab thickness to strings of data that run through the whole stack.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043334A1
Автор: NOSHI Yasuhiro

An image processing system according to the present embodiment includes a generating unit and a display controlling unit. The generating unit generates a group of different types of parallax image sets that are to three-dimensionally display an object onto the display surface of the displaying unit, from different types of three-dimensional medical image data generated by performing different types of image processing onto imaging data of the object collected by a medical image diagnosis apparatus. The display controlling unit performs control so that display conditions of the group of different types of parallax image sets are switched in accordance with the switching of the viewpoint position around the object displayed on the display surface and that the group of different types of parallax image sets are superimposed and displayed. 1. An image processing system , comprising:a generating unit configured to generate a group of different types of parallax image sets to three-dimensionally display an object on a display surface of a displaying unit, from different types of three-dimensional medical image data that is generated by performing different types of image processing onto imaging data of the object collected by a medical image diagnosis apparatus; anda display controlling unit configured to perform control so that display conditions of the group of the different types of parallax image sets are switched in accordance with switching of a viewpoint position around the object displayed on the display surface, and that the group of the different types of parallax image sets are superimposed and displayed.2. The image processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the display controlling unit controls superimposing and displaying of the group of the different types of parallax image sets by adjusting a degree of transparency of each one of the parallax image sets in the group.3. The image processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the generating unit ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Image processing device, image processing method, and program

Номер: US20140043335A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

This technology relates to an image processing device, an image processing method, and a program capable of realizing motion parallax closely related to that of the real world. An image processing unit corrects a depth image formed of a depth value indicating a position in a depth direction of each pixel of a color image of a predetermined viewpoint externally input as an input image based on positional information indicating a position of a viewer and the like. This technology is applicable to an image processing device, which performs a process to correct the depth image based on the positional information as an image process, for example.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Rendering 3D Image Independent Of Display Size And Viewing Distance

Номер: US20140043336A1
Принадлежит: Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corp

Methods and systems for providing and rendering 3D depth information are described. Specifically, the 3D depth information includes z-axis values provided in a normalized percentage format, that defines the position of an object relative to an infinity plane, a display screen, and a viewer, and can be used to render one or more images independent of display screen size and viewing distance.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063011A1
Автор: NOSHI Yasuhiro

According to an embodiment, in a medical image diagnostic apparatus, an accepting unit accepts input of conditions with respect to regions to be photographed and arrangement of the regions. An extracting unit extracts an area of interest of each subject by analyzing medical image data photographed based on the conditions accepted by the accepting unit. Based on the conditions and on the area of interest extracted by the extracting unit, a setting unit sets display conditions of a parallax image group to be displayed on a display unit having a stereoscopic viewing function. 1. A medical image diagnostic apparatus comprising:an accepting unit configured to accept input of conditions with respect to regions to be photographed and arrangement of the regions;an extracting unit configured to extract an area of interest of each subject by analyzing medical image data photographed based on the conditions accepted by the accepting unit; anda setting unit configured to set display conditions of a parallax image group to be displayed on a display unit having a stereoscopic viewing function, based on the conditions and on the area of interest extracted by the extracting unit.2. The medical image diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe accepting unit accepts photographing conditions and reconstructing conditions as the conditions,the extracting unit extracts the area of interest based on the photographing conditions and the reconstructing conditions accepted by the accepting unit, andthe setting unit sets the display conditions based on the photographing conditions and the reconstructing conditions accepted by the accepting unit and based on the area of interest extracted by the extracting unit.3. The medical image diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the setting unit sets claim 1 , as the display conditions claim 1 , at least one of a condition with respect to generation of the parallax image group and conditions with respect to display of the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063018A1
Автор: TAKESHITA Hiroshi

An outline identification unit identifies an outline of an object in a target image. A distance identification unit identifies the minimum distance between a target pixel in an object region and the outline. A depth value determination unit configured to determine a depth value of the target pixel in accordance with the distance. The distance identification unit examines can determine the minimum distance to the outline by spirally searching for a point of contact with the outline starting at the position of the target pixel. 1. A depth estimation device comprising:an outline identification unit configured to identify an outline of an object in a target image;a distance identification unit configured to identify a distance between a target pixel in an object region and the outline; anda depth value determination unit configured to determine a depth value of the target pixel in accordance with the distance.2. The depth estimation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the distance identification unit determines the minimum distance between the target pixel in the object region and the outline, andwherein the depth value determination unit determines a depth value of the target pixel in accordance with the minimum distance.3. The depth estimation device according to claim 1 ,wherein the distance identification unit searches for a point of contact with the outline by using search circles concentrically spaced apart from each other around a position of the target pixel.4. The depth estimation device according to claim 3 ,wherein the distance identification unit is configured to deform the search circles in accordance with an externally defined parameter.5. The depth estimation device according to claim 4 ,wherein the parameter includes at least one of eccentricity, ovalization factor, and angle of tilt of an ellipse resulting from ovalization.6. The depth estimation device according to claim 3 ,wherein the distance identification unit is configured to deform the object in ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140063019A1

A method of two dimensional (2D) content data conversion to three dimensional (3D) content data involves receiving 3D video content and 2D user interface content data via a 2D to 3D content conversion module. A displacement represented by disparity data that defines a separation of left eye and right eye data for 3D rendering of the 2D user interface content data is determined. 3D user interface content data is generated at a 3D depth on the display based upon the received 2D user interface content data and the determined displacement. This abstract is not to be considered limiting, since other embodiments may deviate from the features described in this abstract. 1. A receiver device , comprising:a memory;an output interface; and receive frame sequential 3D video content and 2D user interface content data;', 'determine a displacement represented by disparity data that defines a separation of left eye and right eye data for 3D rendering of the 2D user interface content data;', 'determine a size of the 3D rendering of the 2D user interface content using pixel modification;', providing first and second copies of the 2D user interface content data;', 'placing the first copy of the 2D user interface content data in a first blank frame;', 'merging the 2D user interface content data in the first frame with frame sequential left-image frames of the 3D video content at a location within the 3D video content;', 'placing the second copy of the 2D user interface content data in a second blank frame;', 'merging the 2D user interface content data in the second frame with frame sequential right-image frames of the 3D video content at the determined size and displacement from the location of the merged 2D user interface content data with the frame sequential left-image frames of the 3D video content based upon the disparity data to produce merged 3D video content; and, 'generate 3D user interface content data at a 3D depth based upon the received 2D user interface content data and ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Image processing system, image processing apparatus, and image processing method

Номер: US20140071132A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An image processing system according to an embodiment includes a stereoscopic display apparatus, a rendering processor, and a display controller. The stereoscopic display apparatus displays a stereoscopic image enabled for a stereoscopic vision using a plurality of parallax images. The rendering processor generates a plurality of parallax images by applying a rendering process to volume data that is three-dimensional medical image data from a plurality of viewpoint positions having different relative positions with respect to the volume data. The display controller causes the stereoscopic display apparatus to display a graphic image that is an image of a given graphic indicating a depth-direction position of a cursor that is operable by a given input unit in a three-dimensional stereoscopic image space in which a stereoscopic image is displayed, together with the parallax images.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072205A1
Автор: Ishii Yasunori
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An image processing device for generating depth data, utilizing the a first image and a second image which are captured from different viewpoints, the image processing device including: a disparity value calculation unit which calculates, for each of plural representative pixels included in pixels in the first image, a disparity value of the representative pixel, based on a positional relationship between the representative pixel and a pixel corresponding to the representative pixel, in the second image; a segmentation unit which partitions the first image into plural segments, based on a similarity between pixel values; and a depth data generation unit which determines, for each segment, a disparity value of the segment, based on the disparity value of the representative pixel included in the segment to generate depth data indicative of depths corresponding to the plural segments. 115-. (canceled)16. An image processing device for generating depth data , utilizing a first image and a second image which are captured from different viewpoints , the image processing device comprising:a disparity value calculation unit configured to calculate, for each of plural representative pixels included in pixels in the first image, a disparity value of the representative pixel, based on a positional relationship between the representative pixel and a pixel corresponding to the representative pixel, in the second image;a segmentation unit configured to partition the first image into plural segments, based on a similarity between pixel values;a segment combine unit configured to combine, when the plural segments include an empty segment which includes no representative pixel, the empty segment and a segment adjacent to the empty segment together; anda depth data generation unit configured to determine, for each segment, a disparity value of the segment, based on the disparity value of the representative pixel included in the segment to generate depth data indicative of depths ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078146A1

Provided is a flight obstacle extraction device, a flight obstacle extraction method, and a recording medium which attain the detailed extraction of flight obstacles with fewer man-hours. An altitude information acquisition unit () receives a plurality of images imaging a predetermined area from a plurality of different positions, and generates digital surface model data expressing the surface of the given area with three-dimensional coordinates. An obstacle candidate computation unit (), on the basis of generated digital surface model data, extracts candidates for flight obstacles which may conflict with a flight restriction surface from the images. A flight obstacle determination unit () detects flight obstacles conflicting with the flight restriction surface from among the candidates for flight obstacles extracted by the obstacle candidate computation unit (). s for flight obstacles. 17-. (canceled)9. The flight obstacle extraction device according to claim 8 , whereinthe setting means sets the secondary surface by moving the flight restriction surface vertically by an upper limit value anticipated for the altitudes of the building structures on ground surfaces, andthe extracting means extracts building structures on ground surfaces whose altitudes indicated by digital terrain model data exceed the altitude of the secondary surface as the candidates for flight obstacles.10. The flight obstacle extraction device according to claim 8 , whereinthe setting means sets the secondary surface by moving the flight restriction surface vertically by an upper limit value anticipated for the altitudes of the building structures on features, andthe extracting means extracts features whose altitudes indicated by the digital surface model data exceed the altitude of the secondary surface as the candidates for flight obstacles.13. The flight obstacle extraction device according to claim 9 , wherein the setting means sets the secondary surface by moving the flight restriction ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Slice Representation of Volume Data

Номер: US20140085305A1
Автор: Engel Klaus

Slice representation of a volume with the aid of volume data is provided. A selection of a slice orientation for slice representation of volume data is made. A slice is then determined in accordance with the selected orientation. A relief representation is calculated for this slice and used as a relief for the representation of the at least one slice. A vivid representation of slice information is provided. 1. A method for slice representation of a volume with the aid of volume data , the method comprisingselecting a slice orientation for the slice representation of volume data,determining at least one slice in accordance with the selected orientation,calculating a relief representation of the at least one slice, andrepresenting the at least one slice as the relief representation.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprisingacquiring measurement data with an imaging method, anddetermining the volume data from the acquired measurement data.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the slice representation occurs within the context of a multiplanar reconstruction.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:specifying a slab of the volume, the slab containing the at least one slice,wherein a maximum possible height of the relief is determined by a dimension of the slab.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein:the at least one slice is located at an edge of or in a center of the slab, andthe relief representation comprises a one-sided or two-sided relief representation.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein calculating comprises mapping values of the volume data onto height values claim 1 , wherein one height value respectively is associated with one volume data value.7. The method as claimed in claim 6 , wherein calculating comprises:determining, for calculation of the relief volume values, at the locations whose distance to the at least one slice matches the corresponding height value of the volume value at a next ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092087A1

Aspects of the present disclosure describe a software based emulator of a graphics processing unit (GPU) that is configured to operate over a cloud-based network. A virtual image containing graphics primitives is divided into a plurality of tiles. A load balancer assigns tiles to rasterization threads in order to evenly distribute the processing load. The rasterization threads then rasterize their assigned tiles and deliver rendered pixels to a frame buffer. The frame buffer builds a frame from the rendered pixels and then delivers the frame over the network to a client device platform. It is emphasized that this abstract is provided to comply with the rules requiring an abstract that will allow a searcher or other reader to quickly ascertain the subject matter of the technical disclosure. It is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. 1. A nontransitory computer readable medium containing program instructions for rasterizing a virtual image , wherein the virtual image comprises one or more graphic primitives , and wherein execution of the program instructions by one or more processors of a computer system causes the one or more processors to carry out a method , the method comprising:a) dividing the virtual image to be rasterized into a plurality of tiles, wherein each of the tiles include a predetermined number of image pixels, wherein each of the image pixels is either an ignorable pixel or a pixel that needs to be rendered;b) determining how many of the image pixels in each of the tiles are pixels that need to be rendered;c) assigning each of the plurality of tiles to one of a plurality of rasterization threads, wherein each rasterization thread is assigned a quantity of tiles such that a total number of pixels that need to be rendered by each rasterization thread is approximately the same;d) rasterizing each of the plurality of tiles with the rasterization threads, wherein pixels that ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Image display device, image display system, and image display method

Номер: US20140098092A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

An image display device comprises a first control part, a first storage, and a display part. The first storage holds rendering elements, each of which includes a combination of rendering target information and rendering setting information, and a priority order assigned to each rendering element. The rendering target information includes data identification information which designates three-dimensional data of a rendering target and mask information which designates a rendering target area. The rendering setting information includes information which designates a two-dimensional image rendering method and rendering parameter. The first control part determines, based on the rendering setting information and the mask information, whether executing priority processing is necessary. If it is determined that it is necessary to execute the priority processing, either the mask information or the rendering parameter is modified, and a two-dimensional image is rendered based on the rendering elements whereupon the priority processing is executed.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods For Visualizing Multiple Volumetric Data Sets in Real Time

Номер: US20140098097A1
Автор: Lin Jim Ching-Rong

Systems and methods for visualizing multiple volumes of three-dimensional data. A graphics card is used for voxel intermixing, pixel intermixing and image intermixing, which produces a final-combined image of the three-dimensional data in real time. 1. A method for imaging a plurality of three-dimensional volume data sets , which represent different attribute volumes , as a final image , which comprises:accepting input from a user at runtime to identify the different attribute volumes to be intermixed, wherein intermixing the different attribute volumes corresponds to combining attributes for the different attribute volumes, wherein the attributes are associated on a data level, a voxel level, a pixel level, or an image level;accepting an equation from a user at runtime to be used at any selected step of intermixing from voxel intermixing, a pixel intermixing, and image intermixing;processing each attribute volume without a graphics card by data intermixing to form a first combined attribute volume or a first plurality of corresponding attribute volumes based on the different attribute volumes, wherein the data intermixing applies to intermixing tasks not suitable for the graphics card;processing the first combined attribute volume or the first plurality of corresponding attribute volumes using a pixel shader of the graphics card by the voxel intermixing to filter and remove data from the first combined attribute volume or the first plurality of corresponding attribute volumes and to form a second combined attribute volume or a second plurality of corresponding attribute volumes;processing the second combined attribute volume or the second plurality of corresponding attribute volumes using a pixel shader of the graphics card by the pixel intermixing to form a third combined attribute volume or a third plurality of corresponding attribute volumes, wherein the third combined attribute volume or the third plurality of corresponding attribute volumes correspond to a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001080A9

A system and method may include determining a target stimulation volume based on modifying a patient population image for which an efficacious volume had been determined. A system and method for suggesting stimulation devices may include determining which stimulation device is capable of producing an output volume of activation that most closely matches the target volume. A system and method for facilitating selection of stimulation parameters may include graphically identifying a maximum volume in which tissue is stimulatable by an implanted stimulation device. A system and method may pre-compute volumes of activation that result from a predetermined modification of programming settings. A system and method may transmit stimulation programming settings from a stimulation programming module to a stimulation generating device. 15-. (canceled)6. The method of claim 14 , wherein the anatomical region of the at least one selected patient is a composite anatomical region corresponding to the plurality of selected patients.78-. (canceled)9. A computer-implemented method for determining a stimulation volume for a subject patient claim 14 , the method comprising:associating, by a computer processor, anatomical features in a first image, corresponding to an anatomical region of the subject patient, with corresponding anatomical features in a second image, corresponding to an anatomical region of at least one selected patient from a patient population, wherein a stimulation volume has been predetermined for the at least one selected patient;modifying, by the processor, the second image so that spatial relationships of the anatomical features in the second image match spatial relationships of the anatomical features in the first image; anddetermining one of a target stimulation volume and a side effect stimulation volume based on the modifying.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the target stimulation volume is determined by modifying the predetermined stimulation volume along ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Virtual Vehicle Control System

Номер: US20220004188A1
Принадлежит: DoorDash, Inc.

A remote vehicle control system includes a vehicle mounted sensor system including a video camera system for producing video data and a distance mapping sensor system for producing distance map data. A data handling system is used to compress and transmit both the video and distance map data over a cellular network using feed forward correction. A virtual control system acts to receive the video and distance map data, while providing a user with a live video stream supported by distance map data. Based on user actions, control instructions can be sent to the vehicle mounted sensor system and the remote vehicle over the cellular network. 1. A system comprising:at least one processor; anda memory, the processor configurable to cause:obtaining video data via a video camera system mounted to a vehicle; compressing the video data such that compressed video data is generated;', 'compressing the distance map data using a compression algorithm such that compressed distance map data is generated;', 'transmitting the compressed video data via a network to a virtual control system;', 'transmitting the compressed distance map data via the network to the virtual control system;', 'processing vehicle control instructions received, via the network, from the virtual control system; and', 'modifying operation of the vehicle according to the vehicle control instructions., 'obtaining distance map data via a distance mapping sensor system coupled to the vehicle;'}2. The system of claim 1 , the video camera system including a plurality of video cameras configurable to provide a 360-degree video feed.3. The system of claim 1 , the distance mapping sensor system comprising at least one of a lidar system claim 1 , a radar system claim 1 , a stereo imaging system for distance determination claim 1 , a monocular system for distance determination claim 1 , or an ultrasonic sensing system.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein modifying operation of the vehicle comprises modifying operation of a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Head-Mounted Display

Номер: US20150002374A1

Several embodiments of a personal display systems that comprises modular and extensible features to affect a range of user/wearer/viewer experiences. In one embodiment, the personal display system comprises a frame, said frame formed to fit and mount the head of a viewer; at least one optical piece, said at least one optical piece comprising at least a portion of a plurality of active emissive elements; at least one side piece, said side piece capable of being mated to said frame; and further wherein at least one said side piece comprising components sufficient to interact with images intended to comprise a view of said viewer. In another embodiment, a front piece may be mated to the frame of the personal display system wherein such front piece may comprise a transmissive portion affecting some form of modulation of the light being transmitted there through. 123-. (canceled)24. A personal display system comprising:a frame, said frame formed to fit and mount the head of a viewer;at least one optical piece, said at least one optical piece comprising at least a portion of a plurality of active emissive elements; andat least one side piece for holding the frame on the head of the viewer, said side piece being mechanically and electrically attachable to/detachable from said frame;wherein said at least one side piece comprises components for processing and/or for communications of image data for display by said optical piece.25. The display system as recited in wherein said personal display system further comprises: a front piece claim 24 , said front piece comprising a transmissive portion; and wherein said front piece is capable of being mated to said frame.26. The display system as recited in wherein said front piece further comprises a transmissive portion claim 25 , said transmissive portion comprising one of a group claim 25 , wherein said group comprises a polarization feature claim 25 , a spectral separation feature claim 25 , and 3D features.27. The display ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Creating, Displaying and Using Visual Representations of Information

Номер: US20220004889A1

A method for creating a visual representation of a conceptual framework for information, including placing visual representations of multiple separate steps in a plurality of separate volumes along an axis, wherein each step represents a temporal aspect and a spatial aspect, for each of the separate volumes, defining a plurality of separate sub-volumes organized along or parallel to x, y, and z mutually orthogonal axes of the volume, to create a conceptual framework, wherein each volume comprises the same quantity of separate sub-volumes, and displaying the conceptual framework. 1. A method for creating a visual representation of a conceptual framework for information , comprising:placing visual representations of multiple separate steps in a plurality of separate volumes along an axis, wherein each step represents a temporal aspect and a spatial aspect;for each of the separate volumes, defining a plurality of separate sub-volumes organized along or parallel to x, y, and z mutually orthogonal axes of the volume, to create a conceptual framework, wherein each volume comprises the same quantity of separate sub-volumes; anddisplaying the conceptual framework.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temporal aspects comprise past claim 1 , present claim 1 , and future claim 1 , and the spatial aspects comprise back claim 1 , present location claim 1 , and forward.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each volume comprises five separate sub-volumes along or parallel to each of x claim 1 , y claim 1 , and z mutually orthogonal axes.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the separate sub-volumes for each representation of the z axis comprise five aspects claim 3 , namely interest claim 3 , goals claim 3 , strategy claim 3 , tactics claim 3 , and execution claim 3 , the separate sub-volumes for each representation of the y axis comprise five aspects organized from concrete to abstract claim 3 , and the separate sub-volumes for each representation of the x axis comprise five aspects ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005252A1
Автор: Breivik Lars Hofsoy

A system and method for controlling a virtual light source includes generating a volume-rendered image including a rendered object, controlling a shading and an illumination of the volume-rendered image based on a position of the virtual light source with respect to the rendered object, and receiving a control input from a user interface. The system and method includes automatically moving the virtual light source to an updated position along a height contour established with respect to a surface of a rendered object in the volume-rendered image in response to the control input. The system and method includes calculating an updated shading and an updated illumination based on the updated virtual light source position. 1. A method of volume-rendering comprising:accessing a 3D medical imaging dataset;generating a volume-rendered image including a rendered object from the 3D medical imaging dataset; and a) receiving a control input from a user interface;', 'b) automatically moving the virtual light source to an updated position along a height contour established with respect to a surface of the rendered object in the volume-rendered image in response to the control input;', 'c) calculating an updated shading and an updated illumination based on the updated virtual light source position;', 'd) displaying the volume-rendered image with the updated shading the updated illumination; and', 'e) repeating steps a), b), c), and d) as the virtual light source is being moved in response to the control input., 'controlling a shading and an illumination of the volume-rendered image based on a position of a virtual light source with respect to the rendered object, wherein controlling the shading and the illumination comprises performing the following steps2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the height contour is at a constant height with respect to the surface of the rendered object.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the height contour is at a constant height with respect to a ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

System, Device, and Method of Generating a Reduced-Size Volumetric Dataset

Номер: US20220005271A1
Автор: Chachek Amit

Device, system, and method of generating a reduced-size volumetric dataset. A method includes receiving a plurality of three-dimensional volumetric datasets that correspond to a particular object; and generating, from that plurality of three-dimensional volumetric datasets, a single uniform mesh dataset that corresponds to that particular object. The size of that single uniform mesh dataset is less than 1/4 of the aggregate size of the plurality of three-dimensional volumetric datasets. The resulting uniform mesh is temporally coherent, and can be used for animating that object, as well as for introducing modifications to that object or to clothing or garments worn by that object. 1. A method comprising:(a) receiving a plurality of three-dimensional volumetric datasets that correspond to a particular object; wherein a size of said single uniform mesh dataset is less than ¼ of an aggregate size of said plurality of three-dimensional volumetric datasets;', 'wherein the generating comprises:, '(b) generating, from said plurality of three-dimensional volumetric datasets, a single uniform mesh dataset that corresponds to said particular object;'}(b1) selecting a particular frame in a particular three-dimensional volumetric dataset, to be defined as an initial frame of the single uniform mesh dataset;(b2) selecting a cluster of a particular set of points in said initial frame;(b3) forward-tracking and back-tracking points of said cluster across frames that follow and frames that precede, respectively, said initial frame;(b4) generating a solved model of said single uniform mesh dataset based on points that remain within a pre-defined threshold value of difference during both forward-tracking and back-tracking; 'wherein the method further comprises:', '(b5) removing from said solved model a vanishing point that appear in a particular frame of said solved model but does not appear again at an expected location in another frame of said solved model;'}(c) performing body part ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003703A1

A medical imaging system () includes a workstation (), a coarse segmenter (), a fine segmenter (), and an enclosed tissue identification module (). The workstation () includes at least one input device () for receiving a selected location as a seed in a first contrasted tissue type and a display device () which displays a diagnostic image delineating a first segmented region of a first tissue type and a second segmented region of a second contrasted tissue type and identified regions which include regions fully enclosed by the first segmented region as a third tissue type. The coarse segmenter () grows a coarse segmented region of coarse voxels for each contrasted tissue type from the seed location based on a first growing algorithm and a growing fraction for each contrasted tissue type. The seed location for growing the second contrasted tissue type includes the first coarse segmented region and any fully enclosed coarse voxels, and each coarse voxel includes an aggregation of voxels and a maximum and a minimum of the voxel intensities. The fine segmenter () grows a segmented region of voxels for each contrasted tissue type from the seed location and bounded by the second coarse segmented region based on a second growing algorithm and a growing fraction for each contrasted tissue type initially set to the growing fraction for the corresponding region. The seed location for growing the second contrasted tissue type includes the first segmented region and any identified regions. The enclosed tissue identification module () identifies any regions of voxels fully enclosed by the first segmented region as being of the third tissue type. The coarse segmenter, the fine segmenter, and the enclosed tissue identification module are implemented by an electronic data processing device. 1. A medical imaging system , comprising:a workstation including at least one input device for receiving a selected location in an imaging data set having different contrast for a first and a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008024A1
Принадлежит: PME IP PTY LTD

The invention provides, in some aspects, a system for implementing a rule derived basis to display image sets. In various embodiments of the invention, the selection of the images to be displayed, the layout of the images, as well as the rendering parameters and styles can be determined using a rule derived basis. In an embodiment of the present invention, the user is presented with images displayed based on their preferences without having to first manually adjust parameters. 1. A method comprising:(a) receiving at a server digital data processor from a client a primary Study of a patient selected from a plurality of studies, where the primary Study comprises a first image type; (i) a step for identifying a list of a plurality of secondary studies based on one or more Study Selection Rules;', '(ii) a step for identifying a Display Protocol based on one or more Protocol Selection Rules; and, '(b) executing on the server digital data processor a render server program comprising(c) sending instructions from the server digital data processor to the client for displaying of the list based on the Display Protocol.2. The method of claim 1 , where the one or more Study Selection Rules comprise one or more parameters selected from the group consisting of RelativeStudyAge claim 1 , PriorIndex claim 1 , NumImages claim 1 , NumSeries claim 1 , Num3DVolumes claim 1 , Num4DSequences and HasReport.3. The method of claim 1 , where the one or more Study Selection Rules comprise a Study Selection Rule that specifies that an image type of a secondary Study of the plurality of secondary studies is the same as the first image type.4. The method of claim 1 , where the one or more Study Selection Rules comprise a Study Selection Rule that specifies that the list of the plurality of secondary studies displays the same type of disorder or disease as the primary Study.5. The method of claim 1 , where the one or more Study Selection Rules comprise a Study Selection Rule that specifies a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003491A1

A system and method for quantitative functional neuroimaging through thick brain tissue in live animals. A computational imaging method is disclosed that uses plenoptic image acquisition including a first initialization step that identifies individual neurons by their optical signature and provides a reliable estimate of their position in space and a second stimulation-based image processing step that used acquired calibration data to quickly quantify activity in each identified neuron at video frame-rate. 1. A functional imaging apparatus , comprising:(a) a computer processor; and(b) a memory storing instructions executable by the computer processor; (i) acquiring initial image data from a sample tissue, the initial image data comprising features corresponding to a plurality of neurons within the sample tissue;', '(ii) generating a database of individual optical signatures, each of the individual optical signatures corresponding to an identified neuron within the plurality of neurons;', '(iii) acquiring secondary image data from the sample tissue, the secondary image data comprising features corresponding to a plurality of neurons responsive to an external stimulus applied to the sample tissue; and', '(iv) decomposing the secondary image data as a function of the database of individual optical signatures to output a quantitative measure of fluorescence levels of the identified individual neurons., '(c) said instructions, when executed by the computer processor, performing steps comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the database comprises data corresponding to an estimated location in space for each identified neuron within the plurality of neurons.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the secondary image data is decomposed as a function of a positive claim 1 , linear combination of one or more image frames within database of individual optical signatures.4. The apparatus of :wherein acquiring initial image data comprises acquiring video data from the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004342A1

A system and method for displaying images of internal anatomy includes an image processing device configured to provide high resolution images of the surgical field from low resolution scans during the procedure. The image processing device digitally manipulates a previously-obtained high resolution baseline image to produce many representative images based on permutations of movement of the baseline image. During the procedure a representative image is selected having an acceptable degree of correlation to the new low resolution image. The selected representative image and the new image are merged to provide a higher resolution image of the surgical field. The image processing device is also configured to provide interactive movement of the displayed image based on movement of the imaging device, and to permit placement of annotations on the displayed image to facilitate communication between the radiology technician and the surgeon. 1. An image processing device for generating a display of an image of a patient's internal anatomy in a surgical field during a medical procedure , comprising:a memory for storing an image of the surgical field with an imaging device in a first orientation; and provide instructions to display the image of the surgical field via a display;', 'receive information indicative of movement of the imaging device or the patient from the first orientation; and', 'provide instructions to move the displayed image in relation to the received information indicative of movement prior to acquiring a new image of the surgical field with the imaging device., 'a processor configured to2. The image processing device of claim 1 , wherein providing instructions to display the image includes overlaying indicia on the displayed image indicative of a desired field of view for the new image.3. The image processing device of claim 2 , wherein the indicia is displayed in a first state when the displayed image is outside the desired field of view and a second ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004613A1

Method and system for non-intrusive measurement of volume density of a specific phase in a part, comprising: processor producing a volume image of the part, the image being formed by a three-dimensional grid of voxels, the values of which indicate the disposition of the specific phase in the part, processor associating a binary coefficient with each voxel of the volume image, thus constructing an initial three-dimensional matrix representation of binary coefficients representing a presence or absence of the specific phase in zones of the part corresponding to the voxels, processor convoluting the initial matrix representation with a convolution matrix kernel corresponding to a predetermined reference volume, the convolution performed by effecting a composition of three (successive) monodimensional convolutions in three independent directions, thus forming a resultant matrix representation, each resultant coefficient of which represents a volume ratio (the density) of the specific phase in the reference volume. 110-. (canceled)11. Method for the non-intrusive measurement of the volume density of a specific phase in a part , characterised in that it comprises the following steps:producing a volume (tomographic) image of said part, said image being formed by a three-dimensional grid of voxels, the values of which indicate the disposition of said specific phase in (corresponding zones of) said part,associating a binary coefficient with each voxel of said volume (tomographic) image, thus constructing an initial three-dimensional matrix representation of binary coefficients, said binary coefficients representing a presence or absence of said specific phase in zones of said part corresponding to the voxels,convoluting said initial matrix representation with a convolution matrix kernel corresponding to a predetermined reference volume, said convolution being performed by effecting a composition of three (successive) monodimensional convolutions in three independent ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005143A1

A graphics processing system includes a decision logic and a varying buffer control circuit. The decision logic sets a control signal by checking at least one criterion, wherein the at least one criterion includes a first criterion, and a checking result of the first criterion depends on a size of a primitive. The varying buffer control circuit refers to the control signal to determine whether to store varying variables of the primitive into a varying buffer. 1. A graphics processing system comprising:a decision logic, configured to set a control signal by checking at least one criterion, wherein the at least one criterion includes a first criterion, and a checking result of the first criterion depends on a size of a primitive; anda varying buffer control circuit, configured to refer to the control signal to determine whether to store varying variables of the primitive into a varying buffer.2. The graphics processing system of claim 1 , wherein a screen space is divided into a plurality of sub-regions; and the decision logic finds a smallest sub-region based rectangular encompassing the primitive claim 1 , and calculates a number of valid sub-regions covered by the smallest sub-region based rectangular to estimate the size of the primitive.3. The graphics processing system of claim 2 , wherein the graphics processing system is a tile-based rendering (TBR) system; the decision logic generates the checking result of the first criterion by comparing the number of valid sub-regions covered by the smallest sub-region based rectangular with a predetermined threshold; and when the checking result of the first criterion indicates that the number of valid sub-regions covered by the smallest sub-region based rectangular is larger than the predetermined threshold claim 2 , the decision logic sets the control signal for allowing the varying buffer control circuit to store the varying variables of the primitive into the varying buffer.4. The graphics processing system of claim 1 ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

User-Guided Shape Morphing in Bone Segmentation for Medical Imaging

Номер: US20160005166A1

A semi-automatic approach is used for user-guided bone segmentation in medical imaging. The user indicates a plurality of landmarks on an image of the bone. A processor morphs the same landmarks on a model of the bone to the user input landmarks on the image, resulting in a transform. This transform is then applied to the model to roughly segment the bone. The user may edit the resulting fit, and the processor then refines the edited fit, such as fitting the bone model to the scan data and avoiding any overlap with other bones. This user-guided segmentation may avoid the need for many samples to train a classifier for a fully automated approach while also avoiding the tedious outlining in a manual approach. 1. A method for user-guided bone segmentation in medical imaging , the method comprising:receiving medical scan data representing a volume of a patient, the volume including a bone;generating, on a display, one or more images of the volume from the medical scan data;receiving, from a user input, user selection of a plurality of points on the one or more images, the plurality of points being for locations distributed in the volume in three dimensions;estimating, by a processor, a pose of the bone in the volume from a fit of the plurality of points to corresponding points in a model of the bone;transforming, by the processor, the model of the bone as a function of the fit; andsegmenting, by the processor, the bone from the volume with the transformed model.2. The method of wherein receiving the medical scan data comprises receiving the medical scan data representing the volume including the bone and other tissue.3. The method of wherein generating the one or more images comprises generating a multi-planar reconstruction claim 1 , and wherein receiving the user selection comprises receiving selection of the points on the images of the multi-planar reconstruction.4. The method of wherein generating comprises generating a rendering of the volume and a rendering of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005167A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A controller has a function that: poygonizes and converts three-dimensional volume data, which is generated by a modality, into polygon data; divides this polygon data into a plurality of clusters; calculates an L2 norm vector of spherical harmonics as a feature vector with respect to each of the clusters based on the polygon data constituting each cluster; identifies whether each cluster is a target or not, based on each calculated feature vector and learning data; and displays an image of a cluster identified as the target at least on a screen. 1. A volume data analysis system comprising:a modality for receiving a measured signal acquired by scanning a measuring object and generating three-dimensional volume data;an input device for inputting information in response to manipulation;a controller for processing the three-dimensional volume data generated by the modality and the information input from the input device; anda display device for displaying a processing result of the controller;wherein the controller includes:a cluster generator for polygonizing and converting the three-dimensional volume data generated by the modality into polygon data and dividing the converted polygon data into a plurality of clusters;a feature vector calculation unit for calculating an L2 norm vector of spherical harmonics as a feature vector with respect to each of the clusters based on the polygon data constituting the each cluster;an identification unit for identifying whether each cluster is a target or not, based on each feature vector calculated by the feature vector calculation unit and learning data acquired by machine learning by using training data; andan image generator for generating an image of a cluster identified as the target by the identification unit among each of the clusters generated by the cluster generator, from the polygon data constituting the relevant each cluster and having the display device display at least the generated image.2. The volume data analysis ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005168A1
Автор: Merlet Nicolas J.

Methods and systems for registering three-dimensional (3D) CT image data with two-dimensional (2D) fluoroscopic image data using a plurality of markers are disclosed. In the methods and systems, a lateral angle and a cranial angle are searched for and a roll angle is computed. 3D translation coordinates are also computed. The calculated roll angle and 3D translation coordinates are computed for a predetermined number of times successively. After performing the calculations, the 3D CT image data is overlaid on the 2D fluoroscopic image data based on the lateral angle, the cranial angle, the roll angle, and the 3D translation coordinates. 1. A method for registering three-dimensional (3D) CT image data with two-dimensional (2D) fluoroscopic image data using a plurality of markers , the method comprising:searching for a lateral angle and a cranial angle;moving a 3D mass center of a marker to a half segment between a source and a 2D mass center of the marker;computing a roll angle;computing a 3D translation coordinates;computing the roll angle and the 3D translation coordinates for a predetermined number of times successively; andoverlaying the 3D CT image data on the 2D fluoroscopic image data based on the lateral angle, the cranial angle, the roll angle, and the 3D translation coordinates.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein searching for the lateral angle and the cranial angle includes:trying sample values in a 2D grid;finding a minima based on the sample values; andtrying sample values using a steepest descent method from the minima.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing the roll angle includes:computing a 2D vector joining the 2D mass center of the marker to 2D markers in the 2D fluoroscopic image data;computing a projected vector for projected 3D markers; anddetermining the roll angle which the angle between the 2D vector and the projected vector.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a performance of a solution based on the lateral angle ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method of three-dimensional model generation

Номер: US20160005211A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method includes generating, at an electronic device, a three-dimensional model of an object based on a sequence of images captured by an image capture device associated with the electronic device. The method further includes displaying the three-dimensional model via a display device associated with the electronic device. The method also includes, based on detecting that the three-dimensional model includes an anomaly, presenting, via the display device, one or more selectable options to enable correction of the anomaly.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005212A1

Computer implemented methods are disclosed for acquiring, using a processor, digital data of a portion of an elongate object, and identifying, using a processor, a centerline connecting a plurality of points within the portion of the elongate object. The methods also may include defining a first half-plane along the centerline, traversing a predetermined angular distance in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction from the first half-plane to a second half-plane to define an angular wedge, and calculating, using a processor, a view of the angular wedge between the first half-plane and the second half-plane and generating an electronic view of the angular wedge. 1. A computer-implemented method for visualizing elongate objects , the method comprising:acquiring, using a processor, digital data of a portion of an elongate object;identifying, using a processor, a centerline connecting a plurality of points within the portion of the elongate object;defining a first half-plane along the centerline;traversing a predetermined angular distance in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction from the first half-plane to a second half-plane to define an angular wedge;calculating, using a processor, a view of the angular wedge between the first half-plane and the second half-plane; andgenerating an electronic view of the angular wedge.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , repeating the steps of traversing and calculating for one or more additional angular wedges of the portion of the elongate object.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , aligning views of two opposing angular wedges next to each other.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the half-plane comprises:defining an origin direction for each of the plurality of points of the centerline;calculating, using a processor, a plurality of vectors, each originating from one of the plurality of points toward the origin direction; andcombining the plurality of vectors to generate the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005220A1

A method for implementing a dynamic three-dimensional lung map view for navigating a probe inside a patient's lungs includes loading a navigation plan into a navigation system, the navigation plan including a planned pathway shown in a 3D model generated from a plurality of CT images, inserting the probe into a patient's airways, registering a sensed location of the probe with the planned pathway, selecting a target in the navigation plan, presenting a view of the 3D model showing the planned pathway and indicating the sensed location of the probe, navigating the probe through the airways of the patient's lungs toward the target, iteratively adjusting the presented view of the 3D model showing the planned pathway based on the sensed location of the probe, and updating the presented view by removing at least a part of an object forming part of the 3D model. 1. A method for implementing a dynamic three-dimensional (3D) lung map view for navigating a prove inside a patient's lungs , the method comprising:loading a navigation plan into a navigation system, the navigation plan including a planned pathway shown in a 3D model generated from a plurality of CT images;inserting the probe into a patient's airways, the probe including a location sensor in operative communication with the navigation system;registering a sensed location of the probe with the planned pathway;selecting a target in the navigation plan;presenting a view of the 3D model showing the planned pathway and indicating the sensed location of the probe;navigating the probe through the airways of the patient's lungs toward the target;iteratively adjusting the presented view of the 3D model showing the planned pathway based on the sensed location of the probe; andupdating the presented view by removing at least a part of an object forming part of the 3D model.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein iteratively adjusting the presented view of the 3D model includes zooming in when the probe approaches the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005226A1
Автор: Brown Kenneth

Methods and systems in computer enabled imaging for the classification of connected sets of polygons in polygonal models/objects with spatially grid-like topology are provided. In one example, for the classification of connected sets of polygons in polygonal models/objects with spatially grid-like topology such as those generated by threshold-based extraction routines from volumetric data by means of exploiting the nature of the source data to efficiently determine an optimal neighborhood of possibly connected polygon. 1. A computer enabled method of classifying connected sets in a polygon object , comprising the acts of:providing a polygonal model with spatially grid-like topology;sorting polygons in the model into a three dimensional grid; anddetermining a neighborhood of potentially connected polygons based on a topological consistency of the polygonal model; andsorting each polygon into one of a plurality of connected sets.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising rendering the polygonal model based on less than all of the plurality of connected sets.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a user provides a polygonal model where each polygon has a consistent maximal width claim 1 , height claim 1 , and depth.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bounds of the polygonal model are determined by examining the XYZ components of each vertex in the model and storing the minimum and maximum bounds for each component.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each polygon in the model is sorted into a list containing the polygons in the specified sub-grid of the polygonal model topology.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sorted polygons are iterated through claim 1 , using information about potential neighbors to any given polygon claim 1 , determining polygons that are connected spatially claim 1 , defined as two XYZ points in one polygon having the same correspondent XYZ values.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein in response to determining polygons are connected spatially ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012937A1

Systems, methods, devices, and non-transitory media of various embodiments enable rendering of a time-dynamic (4D) volume dataset. Various embodiments may provide a method for responsive and high quality rendering of time-dynamic hierarchical level-of-detail voxel datasets. Various embodiments may provide a prioritization system that balances visual quality and temporal responsiveness even with slow network or filesystem speeds. Various embodiments may provide a compact and efficient storage format for time-dynamic and mixed-resolution voxel rendering on a graphics processing unit (GPU). 1. A method for rendering at least a portion of a time-dynamic (4D) volume dataset on a two-dimensional (2D) display , comprising:requesting one or more keyframe nodes associated with one or more spatial nodes in a sparse voxel octree of the 4D volume dataset based at least in part on a keyframe node prioritization, wherein the keyframe node prioritization is based at least in part on a screen-space-error (SSE) priority value, a temporal priority value, and a random selection priority value;storing received keyframe node data in a three-dimensional (3D) texture atlas storing voxel data of the 4D volume dataset;populating an array encoded sparse voxel octree of spatial nodes to be rendered with two keyframe nodes per spatial node to be rendered from the 3D texture atlas; andsending the array encoded sparse voxel octree for rendering on the 2D display.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein requesting the one or more keyframe nodes associated with the one or more spatial nodes in the sparse voxel octree of the 4D volume dataset based at least in part on the keyframe node prioritization comprises:determining for each spatial node in the sparse voxel octree a respective list of one or more keyframe nodes, wherein each keyframe node in each respective list references a unique point in time and has a same spatial location and same level of detail as its associated spatial node;storing the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005011A1

A root imaging system is disclosed which includes a robotic arm, a camera coupled to the robotic arm, the robotic arm configured to insert the camera into the soil at predefined coordinates, a processor system configured to receive user-defined data about a plant of interest, define insertion points about the plant of interest based on the user-defined data, control the robotic arm to thereby insert the camera into the soil at defined insertion points, obtain images from the camera positioned at the insertion points, analyze the images for presence of roots, and identify the images having roots and combine that with image 3D location information for 3D structure reconstruction of the entire root structure. 1. A root imaging system , comprising:a robotic arm;a camera coupled to the robotic arm, the robotic arm configured to insert the camera into the soil at predefined coordinates; receive user-defined data about a plant of interest,', 'define insertion points about the plant of interest based on the user-defined data,', 'control the robotic arm to thereby insert the camera into the soil at defined insertion points,', 'obtain images from the camera positioned at the insertion points,', 'analyze the images for presence of roots, and', 'identify the images having roots and combine that with image 3D location information for 3D structure reconstruction of the entire root structure., 'a processor system configured to'}2. The root imaging system of claim 1 , the user-defined data includes stem diameter claim 1 , a maximum diameter claim 1 , and a depth of the root.3. The root imaging system of claim 2 , the insertion points are defined based on a minimum resolution between two adjacent insertion points based on diameter of the camera.4. The root imaging system of claim 3 , the minimum resolution between two adjacent insertion points is 2 times the camera diameter.5. The root imaging system of claim 4 , the insertion points are defined based on a cylindrical coordinate ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005376A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a software program that displays both a volume as images and segmentation results as surface models in 3D. Multiple 2D slices are extracted from the 3D volume. The 2D slices may be interactively rotated by the user to best follow an oblique structure. The 2D slices can “cut” the surface models from the segmentation so that only half of the models are displayed. The border curves resulting from the cuts are displayed in the 2D slices. The user may click a point on the surface model to designate a landmark point. The corresponding location of the point is highlighted in the 2D slices. A 2D slice can be reoriented such that the line lies in the slice. The user can then further evaluate or refine the landmark points based on both surface and image information. 136.-. (canceled)37. One or more non-transitory machine-readable storage media comprising a plurality of instructions stored thereon that , in response to execution by a computing device , causes the computing device to:process a three-dimensional volume image of a patient's joint to determine a border curve defined by an intersection of a plane and a three-dimensional surface model of a portion of the patient's joint; andgenerate an integrated image for displaying on a graphical interface, wherein the integrated image includes at least a portion of each of the three-dimensional volume image and the three-dimensional surface model and identifies the border curve.38. The one or more non-transitory machine-readable storage media of claim 37 , wherein the plurality of instructions further causes the computing device to create the three-dimensional surface model based on the three-dimensional volume image.39. The one or more non-transitory machine-readable storage media of claim 38 , wherein to create the three-dimensional surface model comprises:to generate the three-dimensional volume image from a set of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data slices; andto create the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005497A1

Systems and methods are provided for iterative reconstruction of a magnetic resonance image using magnetic resonance fingerprinting. An image series is estimated according to the following four steps: a gradient step to improve data consistency, fingerprint matching, spatial regularization, and a merging step. The fingerprint matching and spatial regularization steps are performed in parallel. 1. A method for generating a reconstructed image of an object , the method comprising:acquiring one or more compressed images from one or more magnetic resonance k-space signals obtained from the object; updating the one or more compressed images with a gradient;', 'applying fingerprint matching to the one or more updated compressed images to generate one or more first compressed images;', 'applying spatial regularization to the one or more updated compressed images to generate one or more second compressed images;', 'merging the one or more first compressed images and the one or more second compressed images, wherein the one or more merged compressed images are used as input for a subsequent iteration; and, 'iteratively reconstructing an image, wherein each iteration comprisesdisplaying the reconstructed image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the steps of applying fingerprint matching and applying spatial regularization are performed concurrently.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of applying fingerprint matching further comprises:compressing a dictionary to a value of a rank of the dictionary; andsearching the compressed dictionary for a representative magnetic resonance fingerprint.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the value of the rank is between 5 and 20.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the value of the rank is 10.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the value of the rank is that of a contrast image data volume reshaped in a matrix form of size comprising a number of pixels multiplied by a number of time points.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Producing rendering outputs from a 3-d scene using volume element light transport data

Номер: US20200005519A1
Принадлежит: Imagination Technologies Ltd

Rendering system combines point sampling and volume sampling operations to produce rendering outputs. For example, to determine color information for a surface location in a 3-D scene, one or more point sampling operations are conducted in a volume around the surface location, and one or more sampling operations of volumetric light transport data are performed farther from the surface location. A transition zone between point sampling and volume sampling can be provided, in which both point and volume sampling operations are conducted. Data obtained from point and volume sampling operations can be blended in determining color information for the surface location. For example, point samples are obtained by tracing a ray for each point sample, to identify an intersection between another surface and the ray, to be shaded, and volume samples are obtained from a nested 3-D grids of volume elements expressing light transport data at different levels of granularity.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for fusing image data

Номер: US20200005520A1
Автор: Jun Wan, Pian ZHANG

A method and system for fusing image data. The method may include obtaining a first volume image and a second volume image. The method may further include casting a plurality of rays through at least one of the first volume image or the second volume image. Each of the plurality of rays may correspond to a pixel of an image to be displayed. For each of at least a portion of the plurality of rays, the at least one processor may further be directed to cause the system to set a series of sampling positions along the ray. The method may further include selecting a reference position from the series of sampling positions. The method may further include determining fusion data of the ray. The method may further include determining a pixel value of a pixel of the image to be displayed that corresponds to the ray.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005528A1

A method for creating a three-dimensional image of an object from a two-dimensional ultrasound video is provided. The method includes acquiring a plurality of two-dimensional ultrasound images of the object and recording a plurality of videos based on the acquired two-dimensional ultrasound images. Each of the videos includes a plurality of frames. The method further includes separating each of the plurality of frames, cropping each of the plurality of frames to isolate structures intended to be reconstructed, selecting a frame near a center of the object and rotating the image to create a main horizontal landmark, and aligning each frame to the main horizontal landmark. The method also includes removing inter-frame jitter by aligning each of the plurality of frames relative to a previous frame of the plurality of frames, reducing the noise of each of the frames, and stacking each of the frames into a three-dimensional volume. 1. A method for creating a three-dimensional image of an object from a two-dimensional ultrasound video , the method comprising:acquiring a plurality of two-dimensional ultrasound images of the object;recording a plurality of videos based on the acquired two-dimensional ultrasound images, each of the plurality of videos comprising a plurality of frames;separating each of the plurality of frames;cropping each of the plurality of frames to isolate structures intended to be reconstructed;selecting a frame near a center of the object and rotating the image to create a main horizontal landmark;aligning each of the plurality of frames to the main horizontal landmark; andstacking each of the aligned plurality of frames into a three-dimensional volume.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:removing inter-frame jitter by aligning each of the plurality of frames relative to a previous frame of the plurality of frames.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:reducing a noise of each of the plurality of frames.4. The method ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005531A1
Автор: Jiang Shanbin

A method for generating a three-dimensional graphic file including extracting, from data of a group of three-dimensional graph description objects including identical attribute features, data portions of the identical attribute features to form a shared description file shared by the group of three-dimensional graph description objects; extracting a data portion of a unique attribute feature of each three-dimensional graph description object in the group of three-dimensional graph description objects respectively to form a separate description file corresponding to each three-dimensional graph description object; and combining the shared description file with any of the separate description files according to requirements for displaying a three-dimensional graph to form a complete three-dimensional graph description file. The above method solves the problems in the conventional techniques that online shopping experience is affected as a three-dimensional graph presentation of different SKUs selected from the same kind of commodities cannot achieve an expected effect. 1. A method comprising:downloading a shared description file of a group of three-dimensional graph description objects including identical attribute features;downloading at least one separate description file of the group of three-dimensional graph description objects;combining the shared description file with a separate description file from the at least one separate description file to form a three-dimensional graph description file; andautomatically presenting the three-dimensional graph by using the combined three-dimensional graph description file.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising repeating the following steps until exiting the presenting the three-dimensional graph presentation:combining the shared description file with another separate description file from the at least one separate description file to form another three-dimensional graph description file.3. The method of claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005648A1
Автор: LIU Zhenzhong, ZHAO Enwei

A system includes a storage device storing a set of instructions and a processor in communication with the storage device. When executing the set of instructions, the processor is configured to cause the system to obtain a 3D image including a plurality of 2D images, the 3D image relating to a lesion of an object and determine a preliminary VOI in the 3D image. The processor is also configured to cause the system to determine a preliminary shape based on an intersection of the preliminary VOI and a 2D target image of the plurality of 2D images and determine a transformation matrix corresponding to an operation to transform the preliminary shape to a target shape relating to the 3D ROI. The processor is further also configured to cause the system to determine a transformed VOI based on the preliminary VOI and the transformation matrix. 1. A system , comprising:at least one storage device including a set of instructions for determining a volume of interest (VOI); and obtain a three-dimensional (3D) image including a plurality of two-dimensional (2D) images, the 3D image relating to a 3D region of interest (ROI) corresponding to a lesion of an object;', 'determine a preliminary VOI in the 3D image, the preliminary VOI corresponding to the 3D ROI;', 'determine a preliminary shape based on an intersection of the preliminary VOI and a 2D target image of the plurality of 2D images;', 'determine a transformation matrix corresponding to an operation to transform the preliminary shape to a target shape relating to the 3D ROI; and', 'determine a transformed VOI based on the preliminary VOI and the transformation matrix., 'at least one processor configured to communicate with the at least one storage device, wherein when executing the set of instructions, the at least one processor is configured to cause the system to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein to determine the preliminary VOI in the 3D image claim 1 , the at least one processor is further configured to cause the system ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005649A1

Methods and systems for volumetric segmentation of structures in planar medical images. One example method includes displaying a first planar medical image. The method further includes receiving a user input indicating a line segment in the first planar medical image. The method also includes determining an inclusion region using the line segment. The inclusion region consists of a portion of the structure. The method further includes determining a containment region using the line segment. The containment region includes the structure. The method also includes determining a background region using the line segment. The background region excludes the structure. The method further includes determining a three dimensional (3D) contour of the structure using the inclusion region, the containment region, and the background region. The method also includes determining a long axis of the structure using the 3D contour. The method further includes outputting a dimension of the long axis. 1. A method for volumetric segmentation of a structure in a plurality of planar medical images , the method comprising:receiving, at an electronic processor, the plurality of planar medical images, wherein the plurality of planar medical images form a three dimensional (3D) volume including the structure;displaying, on a display, a first planar medical image from the plurality of planar medical images;receiving, with a user interface, a user input indicating a line segment in the first planar medical image;determining, with the electronic processor, an inclusion region of the 3D volume using the line segment, wherein the inclusion region consists of a portion of the structure;determining, with the electronic processor, a containment region of the 3D volume using the line segment, wherein the containment region includes the structure;determining, with the electronic processor, a background region of the 3D volume using the line segment, wherein the background region excludes the structure; ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Generating 2D Projection from Previously Generated 3D Dataset

Номер: US20190005685A1
Автор: Mu Zhiping

A method includes providing a set of 2D images of an object, wherein the set of 2D images is obtained from a three-dimensional (3D) image of the object placed at a first pose. The method further includes projecting the set of 2D images from the first pose to a second pose different from the first pose, thereby obtaining a set of re-projected 2D images; and combining the set of re-projected 2D images into a single 2D image. 1. A method , comprising:providing a set of 2D images of an object, wherein the set of 2D images is obtained from a three-dimensional (3D) image of the object placed at a first pose;projecting the set of 2D images from the first pose to a second pose different from the first pose, thereby obtaining a set of re-projected 2D images; andcombining the set of re-projected 2D images into a single 2D image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the projecting of the set of 2D images includes sampling the set of re-projected 2D images to a grid corresponding to the second pose.3. The method of claim 1 , before the combining of the set of re-projected 2D images claim 1 , further comprising:deforming at least one of the set of re-projected 2D images.4. The method of claim 1 , before the projecting of the set of 2D images claim 1 , further comprising:binding multiple 2D images of the set of 2D images into a bound 2D image, wherein the multiple 2D images correspond to adjacent sub-volumes of the 3D image, wherein the projecting of the set of 2D images includes projecting the bound 2D image from the first pose to the second pose.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:binding multiple images of the set of re-projected 2D images, thereby obtaining another 2D image; andprojecting the another 2D image from the second pose to a third pose different from the second pose.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:projecting the set of re-projected 2D images from the second pose to a third pose different from the second pose, thereby obtaining another set of re- ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005687A1

A system for facilitating identification and marking of a target in a fluoroscopic image of a body region of a patient, the system comprising one or more storage devices having stored thereon instructions for: receiving a CT scan and a fluoroscopic 3D reconstruction of the body region of the patient, wherein the CT scan includes a marking of the target; and generating at least one virtual fluoroscopy image based on the CT scan of the patient, wherein the virtual fluoroscopy image includes the target and the marking of the target, at least one hardware processor configured to execute these instructions, and a display configured to display to a user the virtual fluoroscopy image and the fluoroscopic 3D reconstruction. 1. A system for facilitating identification and marking of a target in a fluoroscopic image of a body region of a patient , the system comprising: receiving a CT scan and a fluoroscopic 3D reconstruction of the body region of the patient, wherein the CT scan includes a marking of the target; and', 'generating at least one virtual fluoroscopy image based on the CT scan of the patient, wherein the virtual fluoroscopy image includes the target and the marking of the target,, '(i) one or more storage devices having stored thereon instructions for(ii) at least one hardware processor configured to execute said instructions, and(iii) a display configured to display to a user the virtual fluoroscopy image and the fluoroscopic 3D reconstruction.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more storage devices have stored thereon further instructions for directing the user to identify and mark the target in the fluoroscopic 3D reconstruction while using the virtual fluoroscopy image as a reference.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the user is directed to identify and mark the target in two fluoroscopic slice images of the fluoroscopic 3D reconstruction captured at two different angles.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the generating of the at least one virtual ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

On Demand Geometry and Acceleration Structure Creation

Номер: US20190005704A1
Принадлежит: Imagination Technologies Ltd

Systems and methods of geometry processing, for rasterization and ray tracing processes provide for pre-processing of source geometry, such as by tessellating or other procedural modification of source geometry, to produce final geometry on which a rendering will be based. An acceleration structure (or portion thereof) for use during ray tracing is defined based on the final geometry. Only coarse-grained elements of the acceleration structure may be produced or retained, and a fine-grained structure within a particular coarse-grained element may be Produced in response to a collection of rays being ready for traversal within the coarse grained element. Final geometry can be recreated in response to demand from a rasterization engine, and from ray intersection units that require such geometry for intersection testing with primitives. Geometry at different resolutions can be generated to respond to demands from different rendering components.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005706A1
Автор: Yamada Yasunori, Zhao Kun

Volume rendering is performed by a method, comprising: obtaining an original volume data, transforming the original volume data based on a distance from a viewpoint to the original volume data, to generate transformed volume data, generating particles from the transformed volume data, and projecting the particles on an image plane to obtain a 2D image corresponding to the original volume data. 1. A method comprising:obtaining original volume data, wherein the original volume data comprises a plurality of voxels;transforming each voxel of the plurality of voxels of the original volume data based on a distance from a viewpoint to the original volume data to generate a transformed volume data;generating particles from the transformed volume data to produce generated particles; andprojecting the particles on an image plane to obtain a 2D image corresponding to the original volume data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the distance is from the viewpoint to a cross-sectional plane of the original volume data; andthe cross-sectional plane is parallel to the image plane.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein transforming is performed such that a first length between a surface face of the original volume data furthest from the viewpoint and a surface face of the original volume data closest to the viewpoint when the original volume data is projected on to the image plane is equal to a second length of the transformed volume data along a gaze direction of the viewpoint.4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein generating particles comprises generating a particle for each voxel of the plurality of voxels.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein:the original volume data includes an opacity for each voxel; andgenerating particles further comprises generating a particle for each voxel with a probability corresponding to the opacity of each voxel, wherein the probability corresponds to: −log (1−the opacity of each voxel).6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 4 , wherein:the 2D image includes a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005707A1
Автор: Yamada Yasunori, Zhao Kun

Volume rendering is performed by a method, comprising: obtaining an original volume data, transforming the original volume data based on a distance from a viewpoint to the original volume data, to generate transformed volume data, generating particles from the transformed volume data, and projecting the particles on an image plane to obtain a 2D image corresponding to the original volume data. 1obtaining original volume data;transforming the original volume data, based on a distance from a viewpoint to a cross-sectional plane of the original volume data, to generate transformed volume data, wherein the cross-sectional plane is parallel to an image plane, wherein a length of the transformed volume data intersecting the cross-sectional plane is equal to a length of the original volume data projected on the image plane toward the viewpoint;dividing the transformed volume data into a plurality of voxels;for each voxel of the plurality of voxels, generating a particle from the transformed volume data with a probability corresponding to: −log(1−an opacity of each voxel), wherein the original volume data includes the opacity for each voxel; a normal vector of the image plane is parallel to a direction of the projecting the particles,', 'the 2D image includes a plurality of pixels, and', 'wherein a size and shape of each pixel of the 2D image is identical to a size and shape of each particle projected on the image plane;, 'projecting the particles on an image plane to generate a 2D image corresponding to the original volume data, whereingenerating a plurality of the 2D images corresponding to the original volume data; andaveraging the plurality of the 2D images to generate an ensemble 2D image.. A method comprising: The present invention relates generally to the field of volume rendering, and more particularly to image space-based particle generation modeling.Volume rendering is a set of techniques used to visualize a two-dimensional (2D) projection of a three-dimensional ( ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007377A1
Принадлежит: Dentlytec G.P.L. LTD.

A method for measuring regions of a tooth in a mouth including: measuring at least one surface point on a surface of the tooth with respect to an element mechanically coupled to said surface point; determining a location of at least one visible reference mechanically coupled to said surface point with respect to said element; estimating a location of said surface point with respect to said visible reference. A device used for such measuring may include a main body comprising a final optical element of an imager which defines an optical field of view directed in a first direction; and a measurement element coupled to said main body extending generally in said first direction; where a tip of said measurement element is sized and shaped to be inserted between a tooth and adjacent gingiva; where said optical field of view is sized to image at least part of a tooth. 160-. (canceled)61. An intra-oral adaptor for an intra-oral scanner (IOS) having at least one image sensor with a field of view (FOV) of at least a portion of a tooth , comprising:at least one connector configured to couple to an intra-oral scanner (IOS); andat least one probe coupled to said connector,wherein upon coupling of said connector with said IOS, at least a portion of said probe is viewable within said FOV.62. The adaptor according to claim 61 , wherein said connector comprises an inner geometry configured to mount with at least a portion of said IOS.63. The adaptor according to claim 61 , wherein said adaptor further comprises at least one sealed transparent window aligned with the FOV of said IOS sensor.64. The adaptor according to claim 61 , wherein said connector rigidly couples said adaptor to said IOS.65. The adaptor according to claim 61 , wherein once coupled claim 61 , said adaptor and said probe are configured with freedom of movement with respect to said IOS.66. The adaptor according to claim 61 , wherein said adaptor further comprises at least one force sensor coupled to said probe67. ...
