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10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469403C2

Изобретение относится к устройству, способу и программе обработки изображения, которые позволяют проще и эффективнее показывать изображения. Техническим результатом является упрощение показа изображений пользователю. Блок определения степени размытости определяет степень размытости входного изображения. Блок выбора выбирает операцию обработки изображения, которую будут осуществлять для входного изображения, на основе результата определения степени размытости, и подает входное изображение в блок, в котором будут осуществлять выбранную операцию обработки изображения, при этом указанный блок является одним из блоков от блока преобразования в стиль «комикс» до блока увеличения 'резкости. Блок, на который поступило входное изображение и который является одним из блоков от блока преобразования в стиль «комикс» до блока увеличения резкости, применяет операцию обработки изображения к входному изображению и подает полученное изображение в блок вывода. Настоящее изобретение может быть использовано ...

10-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2372658C2

Изобретение относится к имитации зерна кино/фотопленки и, более конкретно, к способу и устройству, предназначенным для считывания структур зерна кино/фотопленки в последовательности растра при имитации зерна кино/фотопленки. Техническим результатом является снижение сложности имитации зернистости пленки в изображении и обеспечение возможности интерпретировать сообщение информации дополнительного улучшения (SEI) зерна кино/фотопленки в соответствии со спецификацией стандарта кодирования видеоизображения H.264/AVC. Предложен способ и устройство считывания структур зерна кино/фотопленки в последовательности растра при имитации зерна кино/фотопленки, включающей в себя установление псевдослучайного исходного положения, повторение псевдослучайного исходного положения для каждой строки группы блоков зерна кино/фотопленки и использование другого псевдослучайного исходного положения для каждой строки отображения следующей группы блоков зерна кино/фотопленки. В различных вариантах выполнения настоящего ...

27-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2207626C2

Изобретение относится к способам распознавания образов. Его применение в дактилоскопических исследованиях посредством сенсорных элементов, упорядоченных в растр, позволяет получить технический результат в виде снижения энергопотребления и миниатюризации аппаратуры для снятия отпечатков пальцев при одновременном увеличении ее разрешающей способности. Этот результат достигается благодаря тому, что каждый элемент растра содержит помимо сенсорного еще и процессорный элемент, благодаря чему обработка изображения осуществляется параллельно. Отдельный процессорный элемент имеет как минимум одно запоминающее устройство для хранения значения, измеренного сенсорным элементом, а также логическую схему, которая на основе этого значения и аналогичных значений, измеренных соседними элементами растра, определяет истинное значение элемента изображения, которое и записывается в запоминающее устройство. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2310286C2

Изобретение относится к анализу телевизионных изображений и может быть использовано для улучшения цветовых переходов в телевизионных изображениях. Технический результат - упрощение алгоритма и уменьшение влияние шума, достигается тем, что цветовым переходом управляют посредством обработки с использованием нелинейного лапласиана. При этом определяют минимум и максимум в сигналах цветности, локализованных внутри области маски, имеющей заданный размер, центрированной на входном сигнале цветности, и вычисляют сигнал коррекции, определяют сигнал направления увеличения перехода, основываясь на вычисленном сигнале коррекции, генерируют сигнал амплитуды перехода, основываясь на сигнале коррекции, и управляют переходом входного сигнала цветности, основываясь на минимуме и максимуме, сигнале коррекции, сигнале направления увеличения перехода и сигнале амплитуды перехода. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

26-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648578C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества изображения за счет уменьшения локально возникающих ошибок предсказания. Устройство кодирования изображений содержит модуль внутреннего предсказания для выполнения процедуры внутрикадрового предсказания для каждого блока, представляющего собой единичный элемент для предсказания блока кодирования, чтобы генерировать изображение с предсказанием, когда режимом кодирования, соответствующим одному из блоков кодирования, на которые разделено введенное изображение, является режим внутреннего кодирования, при этом выполняя предсказание с усреднением, модуль внутреннего предсказания выполняет процедуру фильтрации на целевом пикселе внутреннего предсказания, расположенном на верхнем краю или на левом краю блока, который является единичным элементом для предсказания блока кодирования, причем процедура фильтрации использует промежуточное значение предсказания, которое является средним значением смежных ...

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010133657A

... 1. Устройство обработки изображения, содержащее: ! средство определения для определения по входному изображению степени размытости входного изображения; ! средство выбора для выбора на основе результата определения степени размытости некоторой из множества операций обработки изображения, с помощью которой будут обрабатывать входное изображение с уменьшением количества информации, содержащейся во входном изображении; и ! средство обработки изображения для применения выбранной операции обработки изображения к входному изображению. ! 2. Устройство обработки изображения по п.1, в котором операция обработки изображения является процессом уменьшения по меньшей мере одного из следующих параметров: разрешение входного изображения, цвета, количество уровней градации значения пикселя входного изображения, текстура, края и скорость передачи данных. ! 3. Устройство обработки изображения по п.1, в котором средство выбора выполнено с возможностью выбора некоторой из нескольких заданных операций обработки ...

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013140678A

... 1. Способ кодирования/декодирования видео, который кодирует или декодирует видео, используя контурный фильтр,при этом контурный фильтр является фильтром, который удаляет шум декодированного изображения, используя способ обработки изображения, который выполняет сравнение шаблонов между шаблоном, который является источником сравнения для целевого пикселя шумоподавления в декодированном изображении, и шаблоном для каждой из точек поиска, которые являются целями поиска в форме поиска в декодированном изображении, и удаляет шум целевого пикселя, используя весовой коэффициент в соответствии со степенью сходства между упомянутыми шаблонами и взвешенную сумму значений пикселя в точках поиска,при этом способ исполняет:этап, на котором вычисляют степень отклонения между целевым пикселем и окрестным пикселем целевого пикселя, используя декодированное изображение; иэтап, на котором ограничивают форму шаблона таким образом, что чем ниже степень отклонения относительно максимального значения степени ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012107445A

... 1. Способ фильтрации сигнала, включающий в себя этапы, на которыхопределяют класс участка (23; 39) сигнала, полученного в качестве входного сигнала, при этом этап, на котором определяют класс, включает в себя этапы, на которых вычисляют участок (28; 41) сигнала, содержащий по меньшей мере составляющую, представляющую собой производную по меньшей мере первого порядка участка (23; 39) входного сигнала, и применяют операцию квантования к вычисленному участку (28; 41) сигнала, при этом при операции квантования шаг квантования адаптирован к динамическому диапазону вычисленного участка (28; 41) сигнала; и выбирают цифровой фильтр, ассоциированный с классом, из множества доступных фильтров.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором операция квантования содержит-битовое адаптивное кодирование динамического диапазона.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором участок (28; 41) входного сигнала получен из массива пиксельных данных, кодирующих цифровое изображение (38).4. Способ по п. 3, в котором множество фильтров содержит ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007118495A

... 1. Способ считывания структур зерна кино/фотопленки в последовательности растра при имитации зерна кино/фотопленки, содержащий установление начального положения смещения считывания; повторение указанного начального положения смещения считывания для каждой строки отображения группы блоков зерна кино/фотопленки; и использование другого начального положения смещения считывания для каждой строки отображения следующей группы блоков зерна кино/фотопленки. 2. Способ по п. 1, в котором указанные начальные положения смещения считывания определяют псевдослучайно. 3. Способ по п. 1, в котором указанные начальные положения смещения считывания определяют, используя генератор псевдослучайных чисел. 4. Способ по п. 1, в котором каждое из указанных начальных положений смещения считывания содержит вертикальное смещение и горизонтальное смещение. 5. Способ по п. 4, в котором указанное горизонтальное смещение ограничено каждым четвертым образцом зерна кино/фотопленки. 6. Способ по п. 4, в котором указанное ...

25-11-1999 дата публикации

Raumfiltereinheit zur adaptiven Randverstärkung

Номер: DE0069419682T2
Принадлежит: RICOH KK, RICOH CO., LTD.

11-11-1993 дата публикации

Gerät zur Verarbeitung eines Röntgenstrahlbildes.

Номер: DE0003882788T2

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Vorrichtung, insbesondere für Mikroskope und Endoskope, unter Anwendung einer Grundlinienschätzung und halbquadratischen Minimierung für die Unschärfereduzierung von Bildern

Номер: DE202018006284U1

Vorrichtung (1), insbesondere Bildprozessor, zur Unschärfereduktion eines Bildes, wobei das Bild durch Eingangsbilddaten (I(x)) repräsentiert ist, wobei die Vorrichtung ausgebildet ist zum- Abschätzen eines außerhalb des Fokus liegenden Bildanteils (I(x)), um Grundlinienschätzdaten (f(x)) zu erhalten, und zum- Subtrahieren der Grundlinienschätzdaten von den Eingangsbilddaten, um unschärfereduzierte Ausgangsbilddaten (O(x)) zu erhalten,wobei zum Abschätzen des außerhalb des Fokus liegenden Bildanteils die Vorrichtung ferner ausgebildet ist zum- Berechnen der Grundlinienschätzdaten als ein Fit an zumindest eine Teilmenge der Eingangsbilddaten durch Minimieren eines Fehlerquadrat-Minimierungskriteriums (M(f(x))), undwobei das Fehlerquadrat-Minimierungskriterium einen Strafterm (P(f(x))) umfasstund die Vorrichtung ausgestaltet ist, zur Berechnung der Grundlinienschätzdaten eine Faltung mit einer diskreten vom Strafterm (P(f(x))) abhängigen Greenschen (G(x)) Funktion durchzuführen.

16-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020131901A1

Vorrichtung und Verfahren für nicht lokales Mittelwertfiltern unter Verwendung eines Medienverarbeitungsblocks eines Grafikprozessors. Zum Beispiel weist eine Ausführungsform eines Prozessors auf: Raytracing-Schaltkreise zum Ausführen eines ersten Satzes eines oder mehrerer Befehle, um Strahlen zu queren, durch eine Begrenzungsvolumenhierarchie (BVH), um BVH-Knoten und/oder Primitive zu identifizieren, die von dem Strahl geschnitten werden; Shader-Ausführungsschaltkreis, um einen oder mehrere Shader in Antwort auf einen zweiten Satz eines oder mehrerer Befehle auszuführen, um eine Abfolge von Bildframes basierend auf den BVH-Knoten und/oder Primitiven, die von dem Strahl geschnitten werden, zu rendern; und einen Medienprozessor, aufweisend Bewegungsschätzschaltkreise, um einen dritten Satz eines oder mehrerer Befehle auszuführen, um nicht lokales Mittelwertfiltern durchzuführen, um Rauschen aus der Abfolge von Bildframes basierend auf einem mittleren Pixelwert zu entfernen, der über die ...

29-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060311781D1

16-05-2012 дата публикации

De-Blurring a Blurred Frame Using a Sharp Frame

Номер: GB0002485478A

Sharp and blurred image frames are detected (300) and a blur kernel is estimated (302) which represents a motion-transform between their common regions. The kernel may be a point spread function describing camera motion during exposure of the blurred frame, and estimates how the frame is blurred. Using the kernel, a static region measure (e.g. static region mask) for the sharp and the blurred frame is estimated (304). A de-blurred frame is generated by replacing (306) one or more pixels of the blurred frame as indicated by the static region measure. A replacement pixel for the blurred frame may be calculated as a composite of a first pixel from the sharp frame occurring before the blurred frame and a second pixel from a second sharp frame occurring after the blurred frame. The static region measure may be generated by identifying areas of motion between the sharp and the blurred frames by comparing the blurred frame to a simulated blurred frame generated as a product of the sharp frame ...

20-12-2006 дата публикации

A method of and system for reconstructing a digital optical image

Номер: GB0000622636D0

10-06-1998 дата публикации

Block-based image processing method and apparatus therefor

Номер: GB0009807690D0

13-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008728461D0

16-11-2011 дата публикации

Image processing method for reduced colour shift in multi-primary lcds

Номер: GB0201117276D0

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Rim-wise function estimation

Номер: GB0201408494D0

03-08-1988 дата публикации

Edge detection and enhancement of digitized images

Номер: GB0002200513A

An edge detection or enhancement method for image processing in which, for each image pixel P, there is calculated a value E(P) where:- E(P)=¦A-E¦+¦B-F¦+¦C-G¦+¦H-D¦ A high value of E(P) indicates that the pixel P lies on an edge. For image enhancement the valve E(P) may be added to P. ...

25-04-2007 дата публикации

Processing >an> image to emphasise peaks

Номер: GB0002431537A

The input image comprises input pixels, each having an intensity characteristic. The output image comprises corresponding output pixels, each having a value. The method comprises calculating for an input pixel the second derivative of the intensity characteristic in two orthogonal directions, one of the directions being the direction of maximum curvature. The product of the two second derivatives is calculated and the value of the output pixel corresponding to the input pixel is determined in dependence on the product. The method is suitable for processing biological sample images.

16-05-2001 дата публикации

Halftone method employing 1 to 1 screening

Номер: GB0002356310A

Image distortion in a halftoning process is reduced by maintaining specific relationships between the halftone pattern and the phase and resolution of the input image. Tiled arrays (Figs. 4b, 5b, 6b and 8a-i) of threshold matrices can be used across the area of the image being halftoned. The pattern of the tiled arrays does not bias tone reproduction with respect to the location of the input image pixels. Moire patterns are avoided, and the reproduction of edges and image details is improved.

14-04-2004 дата публикации

Game system and image creating method

Номер: GB0002363956B
Принадлежит: NAMCO LTD, * NAMCO LTD

12-09-2001 дата публикации

Torque limiter for mechanical assist mobile storage system

Номер: GB0002360071A

A mobile storage system comprises storage units 12 mounted on tracks and having a drive comprising a handle 16 for rotating drive sprocket 28 connected to a driven sprocket by a chain. To prevent overload damage to the drive there is a torque limiting overload clutch between the handle and the drive input shaft 18. The clutch comprises a drive input member 24 fixed to input shaft 18 and having flat end surface 32 with circumferentially spaced recesses formed therein and hub member 22 rigidly fixed to the handle and rotatably mounted by screw 72 and washer 70 on the shaft, the hub having axial passages therein containing a screw 66 axially adjustable to vary a spring 68 bias acting to press balls 26 into recesses 40 in the input member.

30-12-2009 дата публикации

Image display program and image display apparatus

Номер: GB0002453658B

08-01-1997 дата публикации

An image enhancement method and an image enhancement apparatus

Номер: GB0009624286D0

26-10-1988 дата публикации

Digital filtering

Номер: GB0002203914A

A filtering device for carrying out a filtering process in a space domain of image data derived from an external visual image input means and then delivering control information to a controlled driving device with the filtering device containing fundamental operator generation device for generating fundamental operators within the same fundamental operator series, and a filtering processing device for carrying out a convolution of a fundamental operator with an image data array and conducting a sequential series of such convolutions with varying input data based upon data detected at the output of the filter processing, so that the sequential convolution attains an effect equivalent to that attained by the direct convolution of the initial image data array with an expanded operator.

25-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002213340B

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Image processing

Номер: GB0002398446B

13-09-2017 дата публикации

Image processor and method for image processing

Номер: GB0201712333D0

25-07-2012 дата публикации

A digital interpolating FIR filter using fewer multipliers

Номер: GB0002487361A

Instead of adding the partial products computed from a set of input values in each cycle, a set of partial products computed from the same input value are accumulated in a set of accumulators, the output of that accumulator holding the full sum of products required for the present output value being selected as the current filter output value and then being re-used for accumulating a later filter output value. When the output data rate is lower than the input data rate the number of multipliers can be reduced. For example, to implement a seven-tap filter with two-to-one decimation, four multipliers are required instead of seven multipliers (figure 40). When used in image scaling, the effective number of taps beneficially increases as the scale factor reduces.

21-03-2012 дата публикации

Image object detection based on visual attention and reduced-scale search based regions of interest

Номер: GB0002483787A

A system for complexity reduction in images involving concepts of visual attention based most probable region detection for object presence and perspective-view based reduced scale-search approaches. Visual attention concept in context uses gradient and contrast of an image. A pixel meeting certain criteria for gradient or contrast values may be further processed for object presence. Limiting image processing to such regions may reduce the complexity of digitized images and post processing the outcome using morphological operations like dilation and erosion appropriately may help retain some of the missed object pixels in the resultant image. Typically image blocks at different scales are searched for object presence. Reduced-scale search involves removing certain scales during search and can involve non-linear interpolation. As object size in image varies with its location scales within a given scale-range if searched, may lead to higher chances of object presence. This is implemented ...

30-10-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for filtering noise from a digital image

Номер: GB0000222172D0

14-01-2004 дата публикации

Estimation of orientation of image features

Номер: GB0000329010D0

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Rim-wise function estimation

Номер: GB0002527029B
Принадлежит: STRING LABS LTD, String Labs Limited

19-06-2002 дата публикации

Compression edge adaptive video and image sharpening and scaling

Номер: GB2370175A

In one embodiment, a method comprises the detection of an edge pixel in an unsharpened image. The edge pixel is sharpened to form a sharpened image. Additionally, a region of the sharpened image is selected such that the region includes the edge pixel. The region of the sharpened image is compared to a corresponding region of the unsharpened image to form a difference value. The difference value is then processed to form a final image.

28-12-2005 дата публикации

Reducing image artefacts in processed images

Номер: GB0002415570A

Image artifacts, such as block noise, are identified following decompression of an image signal and subdivision into regions (310), each containing a number of pixels (322). The subdivision may be controlled by user selected parameters. Each region is investigated to identify any artifacts, such investigation being executed according to selected parameters. Any region determined to contain artifacts is smoothed by a filter (e.g. using data values of surrounding pixels) to remove picture element discontinuity. The smoothed regions are re-inserted into the decompressed image, ensuring a high quality output.

22-08-2012 дата публикации

Image processing

Номер: GB0002488294A

The present disclosure relates to a method and a system for processing an image, a domain in an image or a lower dimensional object in the image. The method comprises determining a combination of image values of at least one region of interest of an input image (f, F, DT, J, L, N), the input image being the initial image (f) or a pre-processed image (DT; N), wherein the combination image values are each determined based on a combination of two or more regions of the input image, wherein the two or more regions are arranged in proximity to the at least one region of interest. A replacement value is selected from the combination values that best fits a replacement criteria. The region of interest of the input image is replaced with the replacement value if the replacement value better fits the replacement criteria than the input image (f, F, DT, J, L, N).

06-12-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for driving liquid crystal display device

Номер: GB0000621257D0

23-06-2021 дата публикации

Efficient graphical processing in 360-degree spherical space

Номер: GB0002590131A

Applying blur (e.g. bloom) effects to 360° spherical space image data (e.g. single video frame) by identifying two great circles 106, 112 which intersect orthogonally at a pixel (P2, at θ0,φ0) in a spherical view 100 to which the blur effect is to be applied. The great circles are mapped to a 2D representation of the image data and used as orthogonal axes to define a blur area. Points (P1, P2,…Pn in fig. 10, at θi,φi) along each great circle (e.g. spaced evenly) form 1D sampling arrays which are swept across the 2D image data in two orthogonal directions. Alternatively, a blur effect is applied to a weighted combination of initial and shifted 2D representation of the 360° spherical image data spanning azimuthal angles of -π ≤ φ < π and where spherical image data between -π ≤ φ < 0 represents the same image data as presented at π ≤ φ < 2π. A user of a VR or AR system may therefore view graphical processing effects on the inner surface of a virtual sphere which are geometrically accurate ...

08-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008620701D0

22-11-2017 дата публикации

System and method for computed tomography

Номер: GB0002550503A

The present disclosure provides a system and method for CT image reconstruction. The method may include combining an analytic image reconstruction technique with an iterative reconstruction algorithm of CT images. The image reconstruction may be performed on or near a region of interest.

25-03-2020 дата публикации

Skinprint analysis method and apparatus

Номер: GB0002577237A

A non-destructive method of analysing a quantity of a skin print, such as a fingerprint, on a reflective substrate 9 comprises using an electromagnetic detector 300 to obtain an optical image of the print and outputting a value for skin print quantity, which is a function of image density of the optical image. A region of interest may be identified within the image corresponding with the deposited print. This region of interest may be processed to distinguish print image data from substrate image data, after which image density may be determined from the print image data. The EM emitter 200 and the detector may be respectively positioned at angles α,β from the normal of the substrate, and the optical image may be derived from EM radiation received at the detector after being reflected off the print and substrate. The skin print quantity may comprise skin print volume. The emitter may be a camera or a white light source comprising a diffuser assembly 250. A chemical analysis of the print ...

17-11-2021 дата публикации

Intrinsic contrast optical cross-correlated wavelet angiography

Номер: GB202114122D0

08-11-2017 дата публикации

Facilitating sketch to painting transformations

Номер: GB0201715568D0

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Convolutional neural network on programmable two dimensional image processor

Номер: GB0201907743D0

23-04-1980 дата публикации

Video noise reduction system

Номер: GB0002031688A

A video noise reduction system for incoming video information from a plurality of picture points. A first processor is capable of synthesizing each picture point from incoming picture point information from adjacent picture points to provide noise reduced picture information. A store is provided for storing picture information from at least one frame and a second processor is capable of synthesizing each picture point from incoming and stored information from a corresponding picture point from a current and earlier frames to effect noise reduction. A detector is provided to detect any movement between pictures to allow processing by the first processor when movement is occuring and from the second processor when no movement is occuring. A third processor may be provided to allow synthesizing from adjacent picture points from current and earlier pictures to effect noise reduction when the picture content is detected to be stationary and has only low frequency components therein.

03-05-2023 дата публикации

Image enhancement system and method

Номер: GB0002579911B
Принадлежит: APPLE INC [US]

14-12-2022 дата публикации

Tool for counting and sizing plants in a field

Номер: GB0002607579A

The application relates to agricultural technology and artificial intelligence, to counting and sizing plants in a field. One aspect relates to a method for analysing plants in an area of interest that generally includes providing at least one aerial image of the area of interest, performing object detection, segmentation and instantiation using an object-mask-predicting region convolutional neural network, Mask R-CNN, wherein the Mask R-CNN is trained to detect a selected vegetable. The numbers and sizes of objects detected is determined by dividing the area of interest into multiple cells, calculating the average object size per cell and displaying results in the form of a map of the area of interest with colour or scale for each cell corresponding to the average size of object in the cell.

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374406T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367622T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000454679T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000535099T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512421T

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000144636T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166988T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336760T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343301T

15-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000228259T

15-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000230538T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284066T

09-01-1997 дата публикации

A transform artifact reduction process

Номер: AU0007357496A

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018211356A1

Digital image completion using deep learning is described. Initially, a digital image having at least one hole is received. This holey digital image is provided as input to an image completer formed with a framework that combines generative and discriminative neural networks based on learning architecture of the generative adversarial networks. From the holey digital image, the generative neural network generates a filled digital image having hole-filling content in place of holes. The discriminative neural networks detect whether the filled digital image and the hole filling digital content correspond to or include computer-generated content or are photo realistic. The generating and detecting are iteratively continued until the discriminative neural networks fail to detect computer-generated content for the filled digital image and hole-filling content or until detection surpasses a threshold difficulty. Responsive to this, the image completer outputs the filled digital image with hole-filling ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Image correction of a surgical endoscope video stream

Номер: AU2019326047B2

A method of real-time image correction of a video stream from a surgical endoscope of a surgical robotic system. The video stream comprises a sequence of images. The method comprises: for an image in the sequence of images, identifying a plurality of regions, each region having a different range of values of at least one image property to another region; applying a mask to the image which applies a region-specific modification to each region, each region-specific modification modifying the at least one image property of that region; deriving data from the surgical robotic system; determining a relationship between features in the image from the derived data; modifying the mask for a predicted relationship between the features at the time of a subsequent image in the video stream; and applying the modified mask to the subsequent image in the video stream.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Display device and control method thereof

Номер: AU2018323652B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The present invention relates to , and a display device, according to one embodiment of the present invention, comprises: a signal reception unit for receiving an image signal; a display unit for displaying an image on the basis of the image signal; and a processing unit for calculating an increase/decrease degree and an increase/decrease direction of a pixel value difference between at least one first pixel and two or more second pixels of the image, and correcting the pixel value of the first pixel by using a value having a relatively small pixel value difference obtained on the basis of the calculation. Therefore, noise is not generated or increased and details of the image can be improved.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019202180A1

In general, the invention can be embodied in methods, systems, and program products for identifying, by a computing system and using first and second frames of a video, a transformation that indicates movement of a camera with respect to the frames. The computing system generates a modified transformation so that the transformation is less representative of recent movement. The computing system uses the transformation and the modified transformation to generate a second transformation. The computing system identifies an anticipated distortion that would be present in a stabilized version of the second frame. The computing system determines an amount by which to reduce a stabilizing effect. The computing system applies the second transformation to the second frame to stabilize the second frame, where the stabilizing effect has been reduced based on the determined amount by which to reduce the stabilizing effect. WO 2017/065952 PCT/US2016/053252 00( 00 0 _ 04-- _ _ 4-_ 0.- (D L a) a)) Ln ...

03-04-2000 дата публикации

A general image enhancement framework

Номер: AU0006139799A

18-02-1997 дата публикации

Image enhancement

Номер: AU0006463896A

06-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003250375A1

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for noise cleaning of photoplethysmogram signals

Номер: AU2016201690C1

METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR NOISE CLEANING OF PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAM A method and system is provided for noise cleaning of photoplethysmogram signals. The method and system is disclosed for noise cleaning of photoplethysmogram signals for estimating blood pressure of a user; wherein photoplethysmogram signals are extracting from the user; the extracted photoplethysmogram signals are up sampled; the up sampled photoplethysmogram signals are filtered; uneven baseline drift of each cycle is removed from the up sampled and filtered photoplethysmogram signals; outlier cycles of the photoplethysmogram signals are removed and remaining cycles of the photoplethysmogram signals are modeled; and time domain features are extracted from originally extracted and modeled photoplethysmogram signals for estimating blood pressure of the user. [To be published with Figure 2] An up sampling module (206) An image capturing device (202) A filtering module (208) A baseline drift removal module (210) A mobile communication ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Image processing system and computer-readable recording medium

Номер: AU2015272846B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A technique for more appropriately removing fog from within an image has been sought after. The present invention provides an image processing system that is provided with: a luminance evaluation value derivation unit that derives an evaluation value for luminance in at least a portion of an image; a saturation evaluation value derivation unit that derives an evaluation value for saturation in at least a portion of the regions of the image; a contrast evaluation value derivation unit that derives an evaluation value for contrast in at least a portion of the regions of the image; and a haze concentration estimation unit that derives an estimate value for the haze concentration of the image on the basis of the contrast evaluation value, the luminance evaluation value, and the saturation evaluation value.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for rendering visible a plume of dispersing fluid so as to reveal its source

Номер: AU2014333958A1

A method for monitoring a fluid release plume (1) emitted by an industrial plant and/or an underground hydrocarbon fluid deposit into an adjacent space (3) comprises: a) monitoring the space (3) by means of a video camera during a selected period of time to generate an input video movie of the space (3); b) decomposing the generated input video movie into a series (s) of different spatial frequency bands; c) filtering the series (s) of spatial frequency bands by means of at least one temporal filter; d) amplifying the series (s) of filtered spatial frequency bands by a series of selected amplification factors ( ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Edge-aware bilateral image processing

Номер: AU2016349518A1

Example embodiments may allow for the efficient, edge-preserving filtering, upsampling, or other processing of image data with respect to a reference image. A cost- minimization problem to generate an output image from the input array is mapped onto regularly- spaced vertices in a multidimensional vertex space. This mapping is based on an association between pixels of the reference image and the vertices, and between elements of the input array and the pixels of the reference image. The problem is them solved to determine vertex disparity values for each of the vertices. Pixels of the output image can be determined based on determined vertex disparity values for respective one or more vertices associated with each of the pixels. This fast, efficient image processing method can be used to enable edge-preserving image upsampling, image colorization, semantic segmentation of image contents, image filtering or de-noising, or other applications.

05-01-1998 дата публикации

Method of improving a digital image

Номер: AU0003122797A

02-05-1996 дата публикации

Bit sliced table lookup digital convolution

Номер: AU0003962895A

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Image processing based on visual attention and reduced search based generated regions of interest

Номер: US20120070075A1
Автор: Lalitha M. Eswara
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system for complexity reduction in images involving concepts of visual attention based most probable region detection for object presence and perspective-view based reduced scale-search approaches. Visual attention concept in context uses gradient and contrast of an image. A pixel meeting certain criteria for gradient or contrast values may be further processed for object presence. Limiting image processing to such regions may reduce the complexity of digitized images. Post processing the outcome using morphological operations like dilation and erosion appropriately may help retain some of the missed object pixels in the resultant image. Typically image blocks at different scales are searched for object presence. Reduced-scale search involves removing certain scales during search. As object size in image varies with its location scales within a given scale-range if searched, may lead to higher chances of object presence. This is implemented using relative heights and widths estimation using the perspective view concept.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Correcting defective pixels in digital color images

Номер: US20120070081A1
Автор: Rastislav Lukac
Принадлежит: Foveon Inc

A method for replacing defective pixels in a digital color image includes determining whether each pixel has defective data in a selected color channel; for the pixel, determining whether a first reference color channel exists and, if so, correcting the defective data by defining a group of neighboring pixels; for each of m neighboring pixels having non-defective data in the selected color channel and the reference color channel, computing a sum of the differences between the non-defective data in the selected color channel and the non-defective data in the first reference color channel; adding the sum of the differences divided by m to the non-defective data value from the first reference color channel to obtain a result; dividing the result by two to obtain a substitution data value; and substituting the substitution data value for the defective data.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and image processing method for adaptively processing an image using an enhanced image and edge data

Номер: US20120075498A1

An image processing apparatus for automatically improving the contrast of an input image that is obtained from a digital camera or the like, and obtaining a sharper and clearing image. A contrast improvement unit performs a contrast improvement process on the input image by comparing an object pixel in the input image with pixels in the surrounding area. An image combination unit combines the enhanced image obtained by the contrast improvement process with the input image. The combined image is then output to a desired device such as a printer by an image output unit.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Image processing method and image processing apparatus

Номер: US20120099802A1
Автор: Koji Washio

Disclosed is an image processing method for processing image data having pixels consecutively arranged in two directions orthogonal to each other including setting a first pixel area configured by a first and a second predetermined numbers of pixels, summing up the individual pixel values of the first predetermined number of pixels in a column-wise manner with respect to first pixel columns arranged in one direction summing up the individual pixel values of the second predetermined number of pixels in a column-wise manner with respect to second pixel columns arranged in the other direction, identifying a count of stairs given by differences among the pixel values of the individual pixels in the first pixel area, respectively for one direction and for the other direction, and determining a pixel value of a predetermined pixel contained in the first pixel area.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Enhancing quality of ultrasound spatial compound image based on beam profile in ultrasound system

Номер: US20120114209A1
Автор: Jeong Sik Kim, Song Yi HAN
Принадлежит: Medison Co Ltd

There are provided embodiments for enhancing the quality of an ultrasound spatial compound image based on a beam profile in an ultrasound system. In one embodiment, an ultrasound system comprises: an ultrasound data acquisition unit configured to acquire ultrasound data for obtaining a plurality of ultrasound images corresponding to a plurality of steering angles; a storage unit for storing at least one beam profile indicating a spreading degree of an ultrasound beam according to depth based on at least one focusing point; and a processing unit configured to set an amount of blurring corresponding to spreading of the ultrasound beam according to the depth based on the at least one beam profile, and perform a filtering process for compensating the blurring by the spreading of the ultrasound beam based on the ultrasound data and the amount of blurring to form an ultrasound spatial compound image.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20120133801A1
Автор: Hisato Sekine
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing method, for correcting a blur a due to an optical system of an image capturing apparatus, the image processing method including, storing a plurality of representative filters in a memory, selecting a subset of representative filters from the plurality of representative filters based on a pixel position of a pixel of interest in an image, applying each of the selected representative filter to a pixel value of the pixel of interest, and correcting the pixel value of the pixel of interest based on (a) a result of the application of filters, and (b) the pixel position of the pixel of interest.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Techniques for atmospheric and solar correction of aerial images

Номер: US20120154584A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Techniques for atmospheric and solar correction of aerial images are described. An apparatus may comprise an atmospheric and solar component arranged for execution by a logic device and operative to correct solar and atmosphere artifacts from an aerial image. The atmospheric and solar component may comprise an image information component operative to generate an image record for each aerial image of a group of aerial images, the image record comprising statistical information and image context information for each aerial image, a filter generation component operative to generate an atmospheric filter and a solar filter from the statistical information and the image context information stored in the image records, and an image correction component operative to correct atmospheric and solar artifacts from the aerial image using the respective atmospheric filter and solar filter. Other embodiments are described and claimed.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Reducing noise in a color image

Номер: US20120154596A1
Автор: Andrew Augustine Wajs
Принадлежит: IPLINK Ltd

A method and an imaging system is described for providing a low noise color image. The method comprises the steps of: exposing an image sensor to visible spectral energy and non-visible spectral energy, said image sensor comprising pixels for obtaining first image data associated with said visible spectral energy and pixels for obtaining second image data associated with said non-visible spectral energy; generating first and second image data; subjecting said first image data to a low-pass filt and said second image data to a high-pass filter; and, forming a color image by adding at least part of the high frequency components of said second image data to at least part of the low frequency components of said first image data.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for converting images from low dynamic range to high dynamic range

Номер: US20120176399A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Aspects of the invention provide systems and methods for converting a digital image represented in a lower bit depth representation to a higher bit depth representation. A saturation region is identified, where a color model value of the pixels in the saturation region is above an upper saturation threshold or below a lower saturation threshold. The color model value for each pixel in the saturation region is then adjusted by a corresponding adjustment. The magnitude of the adjustment for each pixel is based on characteristics of the image data.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of Generating Corrected Image Data and Display Apparatus

Номер: US20120195519A1
Автор: Yoshiaki Horikawa
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

There is provided a method of generating corrected image data and a display apparatus which is capable of displaying a pre-corrected image which is corrected in advance, which enables to carry out diopter adjustment for farsightedness due to old age at a practically sufficient level. In the method of generating corrected image data, the pre-corrected image data consists of amplitude information and phase information, is generated. The display apparatus includes a processing section which generates the pre-corrected image data consists of the amplitude information and the phase information, by a predetermined method of generating corrected image data, and a display section which controls and displays the amplitude information and the phase information of the corrected image data which has been generated.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Fast repeated integral images

Номер: US20120230600A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A repeated integral images method filters image data in only two passes, e.g., the first pass filters horizontal rows of pixels and a second pass filters vertical columns of pixels, or in a single pass. The filter performs at least one infinite impulse response (IIR) filter and at least one finite impulse response (FIR) filter on the image data. A plurality of IIR filters and FIR filters maybe performed to approximate a Gaussian filter. By minimizing the number of passes, the data flow between the processing unit and the storage unit is greatly reduced compared to conventional repeated integral images method thereby improving computation time.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for treating occlusions in 2-d to 3-d image conversion

Номер: US20120280989A1
Принадлежит: Conversion Works Inc

The present invention is directed to systems and methods for processing 2-D to 3-D images. The system and method includes a procedure for optimizing occlusion and/or texturing by creating tolerances in which such texturing need not occur.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and image processing method

Номер: US20130004099A1
Автор: Koji Washio

An image processing apparatus includes a smoothing processing unit which performs smoothing processing, a thinning processing unit which performs thinning processing, an edge direction determination unit which determines an edge direction with respect to each pixel of the image data and a blending processing unit which decides a pixel value of each pixel of when the thinning processing and the smoothing processing are realized at same time. In the image processing apparatus, the blending processing unit decides a pixel value of a target pixel of when the thinning processing and the smoothing processing are realized at the same time depending on a combination of whether the thinning processing is performed or not and whether the smoothing processing is performed or not on the target pixel.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20130044956A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an image processing apparatus includes following units. The correlation calculation unit calculates correlations between a first region and predetermined first basis vectors. The distance calculation unit calculates distances between the first region and second regions on a subspace generated by the second basis vectors selected from the first basis vectors. The feature quantity calculation unit calculates a feature quantity based on the correlations. The weight calculation unit calculates weights based on the distances and the feature quantity. The pixel value calculation unit calculates a weighted average of pixel values according to the weights to generate an output pixel value.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for reducing row and column noise in imaging systems

Номер: US20130064449A1
Автор: Arthur Menikoff

A method for the reduction of noise in an image including identifying neighboring pixel values in pixels proximate to a subject pixel; comparing the neighboring pixel values to a preset tolerance range; using neighboring pixel values within the tolerance range to calculate a pixel intensity correction value; and applying the pixel intensity value to the subject pixel.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus that corrects deterioration of image, image pickup apparatus, image processing method, and program

Номер: US20130100309A1
Автор: Takeshi Watanabe
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus includes a data storing portion configured to store coefficient data for reconstructing an optical transfer function of an image pickup optical system in accordance with a type of the image pickup optical system and an imaging condition, a tap number determining portion configured to determine a tap number of the optical transfer function that is reconstructed by using the coefficient data in accordance with a size of one pixel of an image pickup element, and a reconstruction portion configured to reconstruct the optical transfer function in accordance with Nyquist frequency of the image pickup element and the tap number in a frequency space.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, line noise reduction processing method, and computer-readable storage medium

Номер: US20130101233A1
Автор: Takeshi Noda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An information processing apparatus performs first filter processing to combine pixels of an image along a predetermined direction. A line noise image is extracted by executing second filter processing for the processed image along a direction different from the predetermined direction. The extracted line noise image is subtracted from the image to acquire a line noise reduced image.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for improved energy series of images using multi-energy ct

Номер: US20130108013A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for creating an energy series of images acquired using a multi-energy computed tomography (CT) imaging system having a plurality of energy bins includes acquiring, with the multi-energy CT imaging system, a series of energy data sets, where each energy data set is associated with at least one of the energy bins. The method includes producing a conglomerate image using at least a plurality of the energy data sets and, using the conglomerate image, reconstructing an energy series of images, each image in the energy series of images corresponding to at least one of the energy data sets.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of estimating blur kernel from edge profiles in a blurry image

Номер: US20130163882A1
Автор: Leslie N. Smith
Принадлежит: NAVY USA THE, Secretary of

A method of deblurring a two-dimensional, blurred image. An edge within the blurred image is detected, and an edge profile of the blurred image is extracted. A length of the edge profile is determined, and a blur kernel size is estimated based thereon. A preliminary linearity metric is obtained iteratively until a best linearity metric, a best quantile function, and a best quantile function output are determined. A slope of the best quantile function output is determined, and a blurring parameter is determined based thereon. A blur kernel is estimated based on the blurring parameter and the blur kernel size. A sharp image is resolved using the blur kernel.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Solid-state image sensor

Номер: US20130182163A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A solid-state image sensor comprising a pixel array in which a plurality of pixels are arrayed in a matrix having a plurality of rows and a plurality of columns, wherein the pixel array includes a first wiring layer and a second wiring layer arranged above the first wiring layer, the first wiring layer includes first column signal lines arranged at the respective columns of the pixel array, and the second wiring layer includes second column signal lines arranged at the respective columns of the pixel array.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Applying Blur Patterns to Images

Номер: US20130230259A1
Принадлежит: Adobe Systems Inc

Methods and apparatus for providing simultaneous, non-destructive blur patterns in an interactive environment. A blur module may render physically-realistic, spatially-varying blurs in digital images while at the same time giving users the flexibility to produce creative blur effects. The blur module may provide different types of blur patterns, including field blur, iris blur, and tilt-shift blur, all of which are available in a given session. Each different blur pattern can be combined with one or more of the other blur patterns non-destructively. Each blur pattern has a corresponding on-canvas user interface element or elements that can be manipulated for a live preview. A bokeh technique may be provided to create bokeh effects in digital images by simulating bokeh in the resultant blurred image. A selection bleed technique may be provided that allows the user to control bleeding at the edges of selections for any of the blur patterns.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Illusion Image Generating Apparatus, Medium, Image Data, Illusion Image Generating Method, Printing Medium Manufacturing Method, and Program

Номер: US20130243347A1
Автор: Hitoshi Arai, Shinobu Arai

The present invention obtains subband signals by performing a multiresolution decomposition by a wavelet frame with orientation selectivity or a filterbank with orientation selectivity that is a set of an approximate filter with no orientation and a plurality of detail filters with respective orientations on image data, and, when an image is reconstructed by summing the obtained subband signals, generates reconstructed image data that creates a floating illusion by attenuating or amplifying a subband signal corresponding to at least one of detail filters with a predetermined orientation relative to a floating direction, in which an image is desired to be floated due to an illusion, among the detail filters.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and system utilizing parameter-less filter for substantially reducing streak and or noise in computer tomography (ct) images

Номер: US20130243349A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

Photon starvation causes streaks and noise and seriously impairs the diagnostic value of the CT imaging. To reduce streaks and noise, a new scheme of adaptive Gaussian filtering relies on the diffusion-derived scale-space concept in one embodiment of the current invention. In scale-space view, filtering by Gaussians of different sizes is similar to decompose the data into a sequence of scales. As the scale measure, the variance of the filter linearly relates to the noise standard deviation of a predetermined noise model in the new filtering method. The new filter has only one optional parameter that remains stable once tuned. Although single-pass processing using the new filter generally achieves desired results, iterations are optionally performed.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287312A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

When carrying out an intra-frame prediction process to generate an intra prediction image by using an already-encoded image signal in a frame, an intra prediction part refers to a table for filter selection to select a filter from one or more filters which are prepared in advance according to the states of various parameters associated with the encoding of a target block to be filtered, and carries out a filtering process on the prediction image by using the filter. As a result, prediction errors locally occurring can be reduced, and the image quality can be improved. 133.-. (canceled)34. An image encoding device comprising:an intra prediction unit for, when a coding mode corresponding to one of coding blocks into which an inputted image is divided is an intra coding mode, carrying out an intra-frame prediction process on each block which is a unit for prediction of said coding block to generate a prediction image, whereinwhen an intra prediction parameter shows an average prediction, said intra prediction unit carries out a filtering process using an intermediate prediction value generated by using the average prediction, and sets a value which said intra prediction unit has acquired through said filtering process as a final prediction value.35. The image encoding device according to claim 34 , wherein when said intra prediction parameter shows an average prediction claim 34 , the intra prediction unit changes a filter to be used according to a position of a pixel in each block which is a unit for prediction of said coding block at a time of carrying out the filtering process using the intermediate prediction value generated by using the average prediction.36. The image encoding device according to claim 35 , wherein when said intra prediction parameter shows an average prediction claim 35 , the intra prediction unit carries out the filtering process only on pixels each located at an upper end or a left end of each block which is a unit for prediction of said ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300758A1
Автор: Yerli Faruk

The disclosure relates to visual processing and simulation based on interactive rendering. In particular, a method for rendering of data in an interactive environment is described, comprising the steps of retrieving a plurality of data elements, each data element comprising values indicative of characteristics of at least one entity, receiving an indication of a level of detail for rendering of the plurality of data elements, generating a visual container representing the characteristics of the at least one entity, aggregating at least some of the data elements within the visual container in response to the indication of the level of detail, and rendering the visual container in the interactive environment. Furthermore, a computer-readable medium and a system hosting an interactive environment are described. 1. A method for rendering of data in an interactive environment comprising the steps of:retrieving a plurality of data elements, each data element comprising values indicative of characteristics of at least one entity;receiving an indication of a level of detail for rendering of the plurality of data elements;generating a visual container representing the characteristics of the at least one entity;aggregating at least some of the data elements within the visual container in response to the indication of the level of detail; andrendering the visual container in the interactive environment.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a further indication of another level of detain;aggregating, in real time, at least some of the data elements within the visual container in response to the further indication to update the visual container; andrendering the updated visual container.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising generating a further visual container representing at least some characteristics of at least one of the entities in response to the level of detail.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising merging ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for chroma noise reduction

Номер: US20130322752A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems and methods for reducing chrominance (chroma) noise in image data are provided. In one example of such a method, image data in YCC format may be received into logic of an image signal processor. Using the logic, noise may be filtered from a first chrominance component or a second chrominance component, or both, of the image data, using a sparse filter and a noise threshold. The noise threshold may be determined based at least in part on two of the components of the YCC image data.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for estimating point spread function

Номер: US20130335593A1
Автор: Soon-geun Jang

A method of estimating a point spread function (PSF) includes: estimating a global motion between a short-exposure image and a long-exposure image that are continuously captured using different exposure times, and compensating for the global motion; calculating a first resultant image by applying a band pass filter to the short-exposure image; calculating a second resultant image by applying the band pass filter to the long-exposure image; converting the first resultant image and the second resultant image into n-level images, where n is an odd natural number greater than or equal to 3, by deducing a first n-level resultant image and a second n-level resultant image from the first resultant image and the second resultant image, respectively; correlating the first n-level resultant image and the second n-level resultant image, and calculating a correlation map; and deducing the PSF from the correlation map.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Image processing device and method

Номер: US20130336596A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

For each pixel in an image (Din), a contrast correlation value (CT) is detected for peripheral areas centered around the pixel to be corrected ( 1 ), a contrast enhancement coefficient (Ken) is determined in accordance with the contrast correlation value (CT) ( 2 ), and in accordance with the enhancement coefficient (Ken), local contrast is enhanced for each pixel and an intermediate image (D 3 ) is generated ( 3 ). When performing noise reduction ( 5 ) by smoothing the intermediate image (D 3 ) in the time direction, the degree of noise reduction is controlled in accordance with a noise reduction coefficient (Knr) that is large where the enhancement coefficient (Ken) is large. With respect to a low-contrast image such as one captured under fog, haze or other poor weather conditions, the contrast in areas having reduced contrast is appropriately improved, and the noise that is enhanced in conjunction with contrast improvement is reduced, enabling a high quality image to be obtained.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064633A1
Автор: Taya Kaori

The present invention controls blur and sharpness according to a depth without performing processes repeatedly for each object determination or for each distance. A filter for a target pixel is determined by comparing multiple thresholds representing an optical characteristic of an image capturing unit and multiple values representing distance to a subject in the target pixel and pixels around the target pixel. Then, the filter is applied to the target pixel. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a determination unit configured to determine a filter for a target pixel by comparing a plurality of thresholds relating to an optical characteristic of an image capturing unit and a plurality of values representing distances to a subject in the target pixel and pixels around the target pixel; anda filter unit configured to apply the filter to the target pixel.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the optical characteristic represents the depth of field.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the optical characteristic relates to at least one of distance data of a point of interest claim 1 , an F-number claim 1 , an effective aperture claim 1 , actual distances corresponding to a maximum value and a minimum value of the distance data.4. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the determination unit changes a size of the filter to be applied to the target pixel claim 1 , according to the plurality of values representing distances to a subject in the target pixel and pixels around the target pixel.5. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the determination unit changes a shape of the filter to be applied to the target pixel claim 1 , according to distance to a subject in the target pixel and distance to the subject in the pixels around the target pixel.6. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein values defined in the plurality of thresholds are values ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086472A1
Автор: HASEGAWA Naoki

An X-ray diagnostic apparatus includes a peak frequency detector detecting a peak frequency of a first harmonic in a moiré pattern of a grid in an image; a harmonic remover removing the first harmonic and a second harmonic in the moiré pattern from the image in accordance with the peak frequency of the first harmonic to obtain a first and second harmonic removed image; a harmonic extracting-filter generating unit calculating a peak frequency of a third harmonic in the moiré pattern in accordance with the peak frequency of the first harmonic to generate a harmonic extracting filter to extract the third harmonic; a harmonic extracting unit extracting the third harmonic from the first and second harmonic removed image based on the harmonic extracting filter; and a harmonic subtracting unit subtracting the extracted third harmonic from the first and second harmonic removed image to obtain a third harmonic removed image. 18-. (canceled)9. An X-ray diagnostic apparatus havingan X-ray emitter configured to emit X-rays to a subject;an X-ray detector configured to detect X-rays transmitting through the subject; anda grid disposed on an X-ray incidence side of the X-ray detector to remove scattered X-rays, andconfigured to obtain an image in accordance with output from the X-ray detector, the X-ray diagnostic apparatus comprising:a peak frequency detector configured to detect a peak frequency of a first harmonic in a moiré pattern of the grid appearing in the image;a first and second harmonic remover configured to remove the first harmonic and a second harmonic in the moiré pattern from the image in accordance with the peak frequency of the first harmonic to obtain a first and second harmonic removed image;a third harmonic extracting-filter generating unit configured to calculate a peak frequency of a third harmonic in the moiré pattern in accordance with the peak frequency of the first harmonic to generate a third harmonic extracting filter to extract the third harmonic;a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086473A1
Автор: Nakamura Hiroshi

An image processing device may include an image scanning unit; an image memory; a sample area designating unit; a binarization unit for implementing a filtering process on a scanned multi-valued image, to produce the compensated image data and for binarizing the compensated image data; a correlation operation unit for acquiring each of the correlations between the binary image data and the scanned multi-valued image data; and an optimal binarization information selecting unit for selecting the optimal parameter value or binary image data based on the correlations. The binarization unit may include a parameter value setting section, a filtering process section, and a binarization process section for binarizing each of the compensated image data based on a predetermined binary threshold. 1. An image processing device for producing a binary image from a scanned multi-valued gray image , comprising:an image scanning unit for scanning an image as said multi-valued image;an image memory for storing said multi-valued image captured by said image scanning unit;a sample area designating unit for designating a sample area in said scanned multi-valued image stored in said image memory;a binarization unit for implementing a filtering process on said scanned multi-valued image over which said sample area is designated, to produce the compensated image data and for binarizing said compensated image data;a correlation operation unit for acquiring each of the correlations between the binary image data acquired at said binarization unit and said scanned multi-valued image data; andan optimal binarization information selecting unit for selecting the optimal parameter value or binary image data based on said correlations;wherein said binarization unit includesa parameter value setting section for setting multiple parameter values which are calculated by adding the variable additaments to the coefficient for a target pixel in the filter,a filtering process section for creating a matrix ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000327A1
Принадлежит: Arc Devices, LTD

A microprocessor is operably coupled to a camera from which patient vital signs are determined. A temporal-variation-amplifier of at least two images is operable to generate a temporal variation, a vital-sign generator is operable to generate at least one vital sign from the temporal variation and a display device is operable to display the at least one vital sign. 1. An apparatus of motion amplification to communicate biological vital signs , the apparatus comprising:a skin-pixel-identifier that identifies pixel values that are representative of the skin in at least two images;a spatial bandpass filter that is operably coupled to the skin-pixel-identifier and that processes output of the skin-pixel-identifier;a regional facial clusterial module that is operably coupled to the spatial bandpass filter and that applies spatial clustering to the output of the spatial bandpass filter;a temporal bandpass filter that is operably to the regional facial clusterial module and that is applied to output of the regional facial clusterial module;a temporal-variation identifier that is operably coupled to the temporal bandpass filter and that identifies temporal variation of the output of the temporal bandpass filter;a vital-sign generator that is operably coupled to the temporal-variation identifier that generates at least one vital sign from the temporal variation; anda display device that is operably coupled to the vital-sign generator that is operable to display the at least one vital sign.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the skin-pixel-identifier further comprises:an automatic seed point based clustering apparatus.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the regional facial clusterial module further comprises:a fuzzy clusterer.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the spatial bandpass filter further comprises:a one-dimensional spatial Fourier Transformation apparatus.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the spatial bandpass filter further comprises:a high pass filter.6. ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000331A1
Принадлежит: Arc Devices, LTD

A microprocessor is operably coupled to a camera from which patient vital signs are determined. A temporal variation of images from the camera is generated and amplified from which the patient vital sign, such as heart rate or respiratory rate, can be determined and displayed or stored. 1. An apparatus of motion amplification to communicate biological vital signs , the apparatus comprising:a cropper that is operable to receive at least two images and operable to crop the images to exclude a border area of the images, generating at least two cropped images;a temporal-variation-amplifier of the at least two cropped images that is operable to generate a temporal variation;a vital-sign generator that is operably coupled to the temporal-variation-amplifier that is operable to generate at least one vital sign from the temporal variation; anda display device that is operably coupled to the vital-sign generator that is operable to display the at least one vital sign.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the temporal-variation-amplifier further comprises:a skin-pixel-identifier that identifies pixel values that are representative of the skin in the at least two images; anda first frequency filter that is operably coupled to the skin-pixel-identifier and that is applied to output of the skin-pixel-identifier.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the temporal-variation-amplifier further comprises:a regional facial clusterial module that is operably coupled to the first frequency filter and that applies spatial clustering to the output of the first frequency filter; anda second frequency filter that is operably regional facial clusterial module and that is applied to output of the regional facial clusterial module, generating the temporal variation.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the regional facial clusterial module further comprises:a fuzzy clusterer.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first frequency filter further comprises:a one-dimensional spatial Fourier ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000335A1

A non-touch thermometer senses temperature from a digital infrared sensor is described. A microprocessor is operably coupled to a camera from which patient vital signs are determined. A digital signal representing a temperature without conversion from analog is transmitted from the digital infrared sensor. A temporal variation of images is generated from which a heart rate and the respiratory rate can be determined and displayed or stored. 1. An apparatus of motion amplification to communicate biological vital signs , the apparatus comprising:a cropper that is operable to receive at least two images and that is operable to crop each of the images to exclude a border area of the images, generating at least two cropped images;a skin-pixel-identifier that is operably coupled to the cropper and that identifies pixel values that are representative of the skin in at least two cropped images;a spatial bandpass filter that is operably coupled to the skin-pixel-identifier and that processes output of the skin-pixel-identifier;a regional facial clusterial module that is operably coupled to the spatial bandpass filter and that applies spatial clustering to the output of the spatial bandpass filter;a temporal bandpass filter that is operably coupled to the regional facial clusterial module and that is applied to output of the regional facial clusterial module;a temporal-variation identifier that is operably coupled to the temporal bandpass filter and that identifies temporal variation of the output of the temporal bandpass filter;a vital-sign generator that is operably coupled to the temporal-variation identifier that generates at least one vital sign from the temporal variation; anda display device that is operably coupled to the vital-sign generator that is operable to display the at least one vital sign.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the regional facial clusterial module further comprises:a fuzzy clusterer.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000352A1

Fluorescence based tracking of a light-emitting marker in a bodily fluid stream is conducted by: providing a light-emitting marker into a fluid stream; establishing field of view monitoring by placement of a sensor, such as a high speed camera, at a region of interest; recording image data of light emitted by the marker at the region of interest; determining time characteristics of the light output of the marker traversing the field of view; and calculating flow characteristics based on the time characteristics. Furthermore generating a velocity vector map may be conducted using a cross correlation technique, leading and falling edge considerations, subtraction, and/or thresholding. 1. A system for fluorescence based tracking of a light-emitting marker in a bodily fluid stream , the system comprising:a delivery apparatus configured to provide a light-emitting marker into the bodily fluid stream;a camera configured to monitor a region of interest traversed by the bodily fluid stream; and record motion video data generated by the camera;', 'determine time characteristics of the recorded data; and', 'calculate flow characteristics based on the time characteristics., 'a computing device configured to2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further configured to:divide the motion video data into kernels;identify which of the kernels receive some portion of the light-emitting marker using an intensity threshold;compute, for each identified kernel, an intensity signal data set comprising information of mean light intensity versus time;perform smoothing on each intensity signal data set; andcalculate a lag time between the intensity signal data sets of neighboring identified kernels using cross-correlation.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further configured to:using a spatial resolution and the lag time, calculate velocity vectors;sum the velocity vectors of neighboring kernels to create a resultant velocity ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus of non-touch optical detection of vital signs from multiple filters

Номер: US20160000381A1
Принадлежит: ARC Devices Ltd

A microprocessor is operably coupled to a camera from which patient vital signs are determined. A temporal variation of images from the camera is generated from multiple filters and then amplified from which the patient vital sign, such as heart rate or respiratory rate, can be determined and then displayed or stored.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220004849A1

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for processing images using neural networks. One of the methods includes receiving a network input; processing the network input through a gater neural network to generate a gating vector that includes a respective value for each of a plurality of filters; determining, from the gating vector and for each of the plurality of filters, whether the filter is active or inactive; and processing the network input through the main convolutional neural network to generate an image processing output, comprising, for each convolutional layer in the first plurality of convolutional layers: receiving an input feature map for the convolutional layer; and generating an output feature map, the generating comprising: for each filter of the convolutional layer that is inactive: setting the output channel for the filter to have all zero elements. 1. A computer-implemented method of processing a network input comprising one or more images through a main convolutional neural network to generate an image processing output for an image processing task , wherein the main convolutional neural network comprises a first plurality of convolutional layers each having a respective plurality of filters , and wherein the method comprises:receiving the network input;processing the network input through a gater neural network, wherein the gater neural network is configured to process the network input to generate a gating vector that includes a respective value for each of the plurality of filters of each of the first plurality of convolutional layers;determining, from the gating vector and for each of the plurality of filters of each of the first plurality of convolutional layers, whether the filter is active or inactive for the processing of the network input; and receiving an input feature map for the convolutional layer; and', [ 'performing a convolution between the input feature map and the filter to ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for generating a medical image with localized artifacts using machine learning

Номер: US20220005190A1
Автор: Kavitha N G, Punith B V
Принадлежит: Individual

A method, device, and system for generating medical image with localized artifacts are provided. In one aspect, the method includes receiving, by a processing unit, a medical image generated by an imaging modality, identifying presence of one or more artifacts in the medical image using one or more trained machine learning models. Herein, identifying presence of artifacts in medical image includes identifying artifacts in medical image using the trained machine learning models and determining class associated with identified artifacts in medical image using predefined classification index. The method further includes determining at least one artifact of interest from the artifacts based on a predefined criteria, localizing the at least one artifact of interest in the medical image using a post processing technique, and outputting the medical image including localized artifact of interest on a graphical user interface.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003370A1

An apparatus for detecting and repairing a ring artifact in a multi-spectral magnetic resonance image includes an image processor, which is configured to obtain an off-resonance magnetic field map and a deblurred composite image, to calculate a spatial gradient of the image based on the magnetic field map, to kernel search the spatial gradient, to mask the image, based on the kernel search, in order to identify voxels affected by a ring artifact, and to apply a filter in order to smooth intensities of the voxels identified by the image mask. 1. A method for detecting and repairing a ring artifact in a multi-spectral magnetic resonance image , comprising:calculating a spatial gradient of a magnetic induction field;kernel searching the spatial gradient;masking the image, based on the kernel search, to identify voxels affected by a ring artifact; andapplying a filter to smooth intensities of the voxels identified by the image mask.2. The method of wherein the spatial gradient is calculated in a frequency-encoded dimension.3. The method of wherein the spatial gradient is calculated on the basis of an off-resonance magnetic field map.4. The method of wherein the filter is one of a triangular filter claim 1 , a boxcar filter claim 1 , a median filter claim 1 , a mode filter claim 1 , or an elliptic filter.5. The method of wherein the filter comprises two or more of a triangular filter claim 1 , a boxcar filter claim 1 , a median filter claim 1 , a mode filter claim 1 , or an elliptic filter.6. A method for detecting and repairing a radially-oriented artifact within an image claim 1 , comprising:calculating a spatial gradient of the magnetic induction field;kernel searching the spatial gradient;masking the image, based on the kernel search, to identify pixels affected by the radially-oriented artifact; andapplying a filter to smooth intensities of the pixels identified by the image mask.7. The method of wherein the filter is one of a triangular filter claim 6 , a boxcar ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Radar image processing device, radar image processing method, and storage medium

Номер: US20210003698A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

A radar image processing device includes at least one memory configured to store instructions; and at least one processor configured to execute the instructions to: determine a search range based on a reference block and a layover direction, the reference block being set as an area of interest in a radar image generated from data obtained by an imaging radar, the layover direction being a direction in which layover occurs in the radar image and being estimated from an incident direction of an electromagnetic wave used for observation by the imaging radar; extract a similar block that is similar to the reference block and included in the search range by searching the search range; and perform filtering processing for reducing speckles generated in the radar image by using the reference block and the extracted similar block.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004601A1

A method for reducing noise in flouroscopic images by detection of the traits in the curvelet domain, matching of the detected traits and time-domain filtering adapted to the type of coefficients associated with a trait. The method uses the discrete curvelet transforms of the images from a sequence. The denoised coefficients are detected, then transmitted to a step for locally matching the traits, the matched data subsequently undergo a step for time-domain filtering allowing the movement of the objects to be preserved in the image and a step for a 2D IDCT (Inverse Discrete Curvelet Transform) in order to produce the final image. 1. A method for reducing noise in a sequence of fluoroscopic images acquired by an X-ray detector , an image comprising one or more traits , an image being represented by curvelet coefficients c , where s is the scale of the image , θits sub-band linked to the angle of a trait in the image and (i ,j) its relative position , the method comprising in combination at least the following steps:{'sub': 'sb', 'detection of the traits in an image in the curvelet domain, using the curvelet coefficients sub-band by sub-band and by determining the maximum response of a filter associated with a sub-band θ, and the detected traits are stored in memory,'} considering a set of curvelet coefficients, testing whether a curvelet coefficient being considered belongs to a trait detected at the time t or at an earlier time,', 'if the curvelet coefficient belongs to a detected trait, testing whether the trait, to which the coefficient belongs, is matched to a trait detected at an earlier time, if this is the case, then the curvelet coefficient is categorized in a first set,', 'if the coefficient is not detected, or if the curvelet coefficient belongs to a trait detected but non matched to a trait detected at an earlier time, then forming at least a second set,', 'applying a first coefficient for time-domain filtering the curvelet coefficients belonging to the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Techniques for Accurate Pose Estimation

Номер: US20170004633A9
Автор: Alberico Menozzi
Принадлежит: Applied Research Associates Inc

The described technology regards an augmented reality system and method for estimating a position of a location of interest relative to the position and orientation of a display based upon a retroactive adjustment of a previously rendered position and orientation of the display, by means of an adjust-update-predict (AUP) cycle, and calculating the location of interest relative to the position and orientation of the display. Systems of the described technology include including a plurality of sensors, a processing module or other computation means, and a database. Methods of the described technology use data from the sensor package useful to accurately render graphical user interface information on a display.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005194A1

A method and apparatus are provided to improve large field of view CT image acquisition by using at least two scanning procedures: (i) one with the radiation source and detector centered and (ii) one in an offset configuration. The imaging data obtained from both of the scanning procedures is used in the reconstruction of the image. In addition, a method and apparatus are provided for detecting motion in a reconstructed image by generating a motion map that is indicative of the regions of the reconstructed image that are affected by motion artifacts. Optionally, the motion map may be used for motion estimation and/or motion compensation to prevent or diminish motion artifacts in the resulting reconstructed image. An optional method for generating a refined motion map is also provided. 1. An apparatus for generating a motion map , the apparatus comprising:a radiation source;a radiation sensitive detector which detects radiation emitted by the source that has traversed an examination region; anda reconstructor and an image processor;wherein the radiation source and the radiation sensitive detector are used to acquire projection data at a plurality of angular positions relative to an object disposed in the examination region;wherein the reconstructor is used to generate a reference image from the projection data;wherein reference projection data is obtained from a forward projection of the reference image;wherein differences between the acquired projection data and the reference projection data are computed to determine line integral differences; andwherein the image processor uses the line integral differences to generate a motion map indicative of the regions of a corresponding image reconstructed from the projection data that are affected by motion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the image processor applies a windowing process to refine the motion map.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the image processor applies a normalization process to refine the motion ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Display Management for High Dynamic Range Video

Номер: US20160005349A1

A display management processor receives an input image with enhanced dynamic range to be displayed on a target display which has a different dynamic range than a reference display. The input image is first transformed into a perceptually-corrected IPT color space. A non-linear mapping function generates a first tone-mapped signal by mapping the intensity of the input signal from the reference dynamic range into the target dynamic range. The intensity (I) component of the first tone-mapped signal is sharpened to preserve details, and the saturation of the color (P and T) components is adjusted to generate a second tone-mapped output image. A color gamut mapping function is applied to the second tone-mapped output image to generate an image suitable for display onto the target display. The display management pipeline may also be adapted to adjust the intensity and color components of the displayed image according to specially defined display modes. 125-. (canceled)26. A method for the display management of images with a processor , the method comprising:accessing an input image in a first color space with a first enhanced dynamic range (EDR);{'b': '112', 'applying a color transformation step to the input image to determine a first output image () in a perceptually-corrected IPT color space (IPT-PQ), wherein the color transformation from the first color space to the IPT-PQ space is based at least in part in applying a non-linear perceptual quantizer (PQ) function to a function of the input image;'}applying a non-linear tone-mapping function to an intensity (I) component of the first output image to determine an intensity component of a first tone-mapped image with a second dynamic range, the second dynamic range being different than the first dynamic range;applying a detail preservation function to generate an intensity component of a second output image in response to the intensity components of the first output image and the first tone-mapped image;applying a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004633A1

A method is described that includes executing a convolutional neural network layer on an image processor having an array of execution lanes and a two-dimensional shift register. The two-dimensional shift register provides local respective register space for the execution lanes. The executing of the convolutional neural network includes loading a plane of image data of a three-dimensional block of image data into the two-dimensional shift register. The executing of the convolutional neural network also includes performing a two-dimensional convolution of the plane of image data with an array of coefficient values by sequentially: concurrently multiplying within the execution lanes respective pixel and coefficient values to produce an array of partial products; concurrently summing within the execution lanes the partial products with respective accumulations of partial products being kept within the two dimensional register for different stencils within the image data; and, effecting alignment of values for the two-dimensional convolution within the execution lanes by shifting content within the two-dimensional shift register array. 1. A method , comprising: loading different respective portions of an image having a plurality of image planes comprising pixel values into each two-dimensional shift register array of each of the plurality of stencil processors;', 'loading, into each two-dimensional shift register array of each of the plurality of stencil processors, respective coefficient sets of the plurality of coefficient sets that correspond to a respective portion of the image loaded into each two-dimensional shift-register array; and', concurrently multiplying within the execution lanes respective pixel values and coefficient values of the coefficient sets loaded into the stencil processor to produce an array of partial products;', 'concurrently summing within the execution lanes the partial products with respective accumulations of partial products being kept ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012856A1

There is provided with a processing apparatus. A data holder holds at least some of data of a plurality of channels in a target layer among a plurality of layers. Each of a plurality of processors performs, in parallel, a product-sum operation using the data of one channel of the target layer and a coefficient corresponding to the target layer. A selector selects whether to perform first processing or second processing on the basis of information specifying processing in the target layer. The first processing includes inputting the data of one channel of the target layer into one of the plurality of processors. The second processing includes inputting the data of one channel of the target layer to the plurality of processors in parallel. 1. A processing apparatus for performing operations with a convolutional neural network having a plurality of layers , the apparatus comprising:a data holder configured to hold at least some of data of a plurality of channels in a target layer among the plurality of layers;a plurality of processors, each configured to perform, in parallel, a product-sum operation using the data of one channel of the target layer and a coefficient corresponding to the target layer; anda selector configured to select whether to perform first processing or second processing on the basis of information specifying processing in the target layer, the first processing including inputting the data of one channel of the target layer, held by the data holder, into one of the plurality of processors, and the second processing including inputting the data of one channel of the target laver, held by the data holder, to the plurality of processors in parallel.2. The processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein in the second processing, the data of each one channel among the plurality of channels in the target layer is input to the plurality of processors from the data holder in parallel.3. The processing apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein in the second ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220012915A1

An illustrative apparatus may identify, within an image frame captured by an image capture system, a signal region of the image frame and a background region of the image frame. The apparatus may determine one or more of a signal auto-exposure value of the signal region or a background auto-exposure value of the background region. Based on one or more of the signal auto-exposure value or the background auto-exposure value, the apparatus may determine a frame auto-exposure value. Additionally, based on the frame auto-exposure value, the apparatus may adjust one or more auto-exposure parameters used by the image capture system to capture an additional image frame. Corresponding apparatuses, systems, and methods for managing auto-exposure of image frames are also disclosed. 1. An apparatus comprising:one or more processors; and identify, within an image frame captured by an image capture system, a signal region of the image frame and a background region of the image frame;', 'determine one or more of a signal auto-exposure value of the signal region or a background auto-exposure value of the background region;', 'determine, based on one or more of the signal auto-exposure value or the background auto-exposure value, a frame auto-exposure value; and', 'adjust, based on the frame auto-exposure value, one or more auto-exposure parameters used by the image capture system to capture an additional image frame., 'memory storing executable instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the apparatus to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the identifying the signal region and the background region includes:comparing auto-exposure values of pixels of the image frame to an auto-exposure value threshold; and pixels of the image frame that have auto-exposure values that exceed the auto-exposure value threshold to be included within the signal region, and', 'pixels of the image frame that have auto-exposure values that do not exceed the auto-exposure value ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Convolutional Neural Network On Programmable Two Dimensional Image Processor

Номер: US20180005074A1

A method is described that includes executing a convolutional neural network layer on an image processor having an array of execution lanes and a two-dimensional shift register. The two-dimensional shift register provides local respective register space for the execution lanes. The executing of the convolutional neural network includes loading a plane of image data of a three-dimensional block of image data into the two-dimensional shift register. The executing of the convolutional neural network also includes performing a two-dimensional convolution of the plane of image data with an array of coefficient values by sequentially: concurrently multiplying within the execution lanes respective pixel and coefficient values to produce an array of partial products; concurrently summing within the execution lanes the partial products with respective accumulations of partial products being kept within the two dimensional register for different stencils within the image data; and, effecting alignment of values for the two-dimensional convolution within the execution lanes by shifting content within the two-dimensional shift register array. 1. A method , comprising: a) loading a plane of image data of a three-dimensional block of image data into the two-dimensional shift register;', concurrently multiplying within the execution lanes respective pixel and coefficient values to produce an array of partial products;', 'concurrently summing within the execution lanes the partial products with respective accumulations of partial products being kept within the two dimensional register for different stencils within the image data; and,', 'effecting alignment of values for the two-dimensional convolution within the execution lanes by shifting content within the two-dimensional shift register array., 'b) performing a two-dimensional convolution of the plane of image data with an array of coefficient values by sequentially], 'executing a convolutional neural network layer on an image ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005075A1

A method is described that includes executing a convolutional neural network layer on an image processor having an array of execution lanes and a two-dimensional shift register. The executing of the convolutional neural network includes loading a plane of image data of a three-dimensional block of image data into the two-dimensional shift register. The executing of the convolutional neural network also includes performing a two-dimensional convolution of the plane of image data with an array of coefficient values by sequentially: concurrently multiplying within the execution lanes respective pixel and coefficient values to produce an array of partial products; concurrently summing within the execution lanes the partial products with respective accumulations of partial products being kept within the two dimensional register for different stencils within the image data; and, effecting alignment of values for the two-dimensional convolution within the execution lanes by shifting content within the two-dimensional shift register array. 1. A processor comprising:a two-dimensional shift-register array; anda two-dimensional array of processing elements, wherein each shift register of the shift-register array is dedicated to one of the processing elements in the two-dimensional array of processing elements, performing, by each processing element in the two-dimensional array of processing elements, a multiplication using (i) a first coefficient of the stencil function and (ii) a respective pixel value stored in a shift register dedicated to the processing element,', 'performing, by each processing element in the two-dimensional array of processing elements, an addition of (i) a result of the multiplication with (ii) a respective current convolution sum for the processing element to update the current convolution sum for the processing element, and, 'wherein the processor is configured to execute instructions to perform a stencil function on each of one or more pixel values ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004938A1

A denoising method based on a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which includes: obtaining a current input coefficient; obtaining a current noise standard deviation by querying a first relationship table; querying a second relationship table according to the current noise standard deviation and the current input coefficient to obtain a current slope corresponding to the current input coefficient; generating a current output coefficient by multiplying the current input coefficient and a compression magnification function; and calculating the current output coefficient by substituting the current noise standard deviation, the current input coefficient, and the current slope. 1. A denoising method based on a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) , the method comprising:Step S1: obtaining a current input coefficient;Step S2: obtaining a current noise standard deviation corresponding to the current input coefficient by querying a first relationship table, wherein the first relationship table defines a correspondence relationship between a plurality of input coefficients and a plurality of noise standard deviations;Step S3: querying a second relationship table according to the current noise standard deviation and the current input coefficient to obtain a current slope corresponding to an absolute value of the current input coefficient in a processing function, wherein the second relationship table defines a plurality of input coefficient intervals corresponding to a plurality of slopes of the processing function linearly after being approximated with the plurality of signal-to-noise ratios, and wherein the processing function is defined as a compression magnification function multiplied by a signal-to-noise ratio, and the compression magnification function is a function of the signal-to-noise ratio;Step S4: generating a current output coefficient by multiplying the current input coefficient and the compression magnification function, wherein the signal-to-noise ratio is defined as an ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004940A1
Автор: Qin Wenyu

A method and device are provided for inpainting image. An electronic device can be used for: determining an inpainting region of the image, wherein the inpainting region includes a defective region; obtaining original texture information of the inpainting region; determining inpainting pixel blocks and backup pixel blocks, wherein the inpainting pixel blocks include inpainting pixels and first type pixels; inpainting all inpainting pixels of the inpainting pixel blocks based on the backup pixel blocks; and superimposing the original texture information in the inpainting region. 1. A method for inpainting an image , comprising:determining an inpainting region of the image, wherein the inpainting region comprises a defective region;obtaining original texture information of the inpainting region;determining inpainting pixel blocks and backup pixel blocks, wherein the inpainting pixel blocks comprise inpainting pixels and first type pixels;inpainting all inpainting pixels of the inpainting pixel blocks based on the backup pixel blocks; andsuperimposing the original texture information in the inpainting region;wherein the backup pixel blocks are determined in a region outside the inpainting region within the image, and the first type pixels comprise region edge pixels on the outside of the inpainting region and inpainted pixels.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said inpainting all inpainting pixels of the inpainting pixel blocks based on the backup pixel blocks comprises:in response to that the inpainting pixel blocks comprise the inpainted pixels, inpainting again the inpainted pixels by weighting pixel values of pixels in the backup pixel blocks and pixel values of the inpainted pixels.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said inpainting all inpainting pixels of the inpainting pixel blocks based on the backup pixel blocks comprises:inpainting non-inpainted pixels in the inpainting pixel blocks based on pixel values of pixels in the backup pixel blocks.4. The method of ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005353A1
Автор: Kounavis Michael
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Median filtering of images is described using a directed search. In one example a method includes sliding a first window to a second position on an image to generate a second window where the first window overlaps the second window, determining a second histogram of pixel values by extracting a set of pixels from the first histogram and adding a set of pixels to the first histogram so that the second histogram has only pixels within the second window, determining a second median value of the pixel values using the second histogram by searching pixel values of the second histogram for the median starting at the median value of the first histogram, and repeating sliding the window determining a histogram and determining a median value until a complete median set of an area of interest of the image is determined. 1. A method comprising:determining a first histogram for pixel values within a first window in a first position on an image by sorting pixels of the first window into bins of the first histogram;determining a median value of the pixel values using the histogram;sliding the first window to a second position on the image to generate a second window where the first window overlaps the second window;determining a second histogram of pixel values by modifying the first histogram by extracting a first set of pixels from the first histogram and adding a second set of pixels to the first histogram so that the second histogram has only pixels within the second window;determining a second median value of the pixel values using the second histogram by searching pixel values of the second histogram for the median starting at the median value of the first histogram; andrepeating sliding the window determining a histogram and determining a median value until a complete median set of an area of interest of the image is determined.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a number of pixels extracted from the first histogram in the first set of pixels from ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for pattern correction of borehole images through image filtering

Номер: US20180005360A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

In one embodiment, a computer-based method includes obtaining a first image where the first image includes one or more patterns, generating a second image that substantially removes or reduces the one or more patterns from the first image at least partially by automatically detecting the one or more patterns and a zone where the one or more patterns occur in the first image, converting the first image to frequency domain data, applying a multi-parameter filter to the frequency domain data to substantially remove or reduce the one or more patterns. The parameters may include bandwidths in a depth and azimuthal direction. The parameters may be adapted in the multi-parameter filter based on the one or more patterns. The method also includes transforming the frequency domain data to spatial domain data and outputting the second image based at least in part on the spatial domain data.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005406A1

An electronic tracking device includes an image sensor and a processor is provided. The image sensor is configured for sensing a raw image of an object. The object emits a color visible light and an infrared light. The image sensor includes a color filter array so as to sense the color visible light and the infrared light through the color filter array to acquire the raw image. The color filter array includes at least one color filter channel and an infrared filter channel. The processor is configured for processing the raw image so that the identity and the spatial position of the object are determined in accordance with the raw image. An electronic tracking system and method are also provided. By electronic tracking device, system and method, the accurate identification and tracking of objects can be obtained, thereby generating reliable and timely input to VR systems and/or applications. 1. An electronic tracking device , comprising:at least one image sensor configured for sensing a raw image of at least one object, wherein the at least one object emits a color visible light encoding the identity of the at least one object and an infrared light, the at least one image sensor comprises a color filter array so as to sense the color visible light and the infrared light from the at least one object through the color filter array to acquire the raw image of the at least one object, and the color filter array comprises at least one color filter channel and an infrared filter channel; andat least one processor configured for processing the raw image of the at least one object so that the identity and the spatial position of the at least one object is determined in accordance with the raw image.2. The electronic tracking device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one color filter channel of the color filter array comprises three color filter channels having different spectral transmission regions.3. The electronic tracking device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005436A1

The present disclosure provides an image processing method. The method includes generating a first image exhibiting a first display effect from a master image and generating a second image exhibiting a second display effect from the master image. The second display effect is different from the first display effect. 1. An image processing method , comprising:generating a first image exhibiting a first display effect from a master image; andgenerating a second image exhibiting a second display effect from the master image, wherein the second display effect is different from the first display effect.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first access path is a first folder corresponding to a first object in the master image claim 1 , and the second access path is a second folder corresponding to a second object in the master image.3. The method of claim 2 , further including:displaying the first image in response to the master image being viewed in the first folder; anddisplaying the second image in response to the master image being viewed in the second folder.4. The method of claim 2 , further including:generating a third image corresponding to the first image and storing the third image in the first folder;generating a fourth image corresponding to the second image and storing the fourth mage in the second folder;outputting the third image in response to the first image being viewed in the first folder; andoutputting the fourth image in response to the first image being viewed in the second folder.5. The method of claim 1 , further including:acquiring first depth information of the first object in the master image and second depth information of the second object in the master image from depth information corresponding to the master image;processing the first image based on the first depth information of the first object, the first display effect being that a sharpness level of the first object in the master image is higher than a sharpness level of other objects in ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005528A1

A method for creating a three-dimensional image of an object from a two-dimensional ultrasound video is provided. The method includes acquiring a plurality of two-dimensional ultrasound images of the object and recording a plurality of videos based on the acquired two-dimensional ultrasound images. Each of the videos includes a plurality of frames. The method further includes separating each of the plurality of frames, cropping each of the plurality of frames to isolate structures intended to be reconstructed, selecting a frame near a center of the object and rotating the image to create a main horizontal landmark, and aligning each frame to the main horizontal landmark. The method also includes removing inter-frame jitter by aligning each of the plurality of frames relative to a previous frame of the plurality of frames, reducing the noise of each of the frames, and stacking each of the frames into a three-dimensional volume. 1. A method for creating a three-dimensional image of an object from a two-dimensional ultrasound video , the method comprising:acquiring a plurality of two-dimensional ultrasound images of the object;recording a plurality of videos based on the acquired two-dimensional ultrasound images, each of the plurality of videos comprising a plurality of frames;separating each of the plurality of frames;cropping each of the plurality of frames to isolate structures intended to be reconstructed;selecting a frame near a center of the object and rotating the image to create a main horizontal landmark;aligning each of the plurality of frames to the main horizontal landmark; andstacking each of the aligned plurality of frames into a three-dimensional volume.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:removing inter-frame jitter by aligning each of the plurality of frames relative to a previous frame of the plurality of frames.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:reducing a noise of each of the plurality of frames.4. The method ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005607A1
Автор: Tamai Junichi
Принадлежит: NEC Platforms, Ltd.

To display an image even on a projection surface having complex unevenness similarly to a flat, a projection device includes: a storage unit storing at least a pattern image for detecting distortion depending on a state of the surface, an expected image associated with a displayed image of the pattern image displayed on a flat, and a desired projection image; a projection unit projecting an image including the pattern image and the desired projection image; an image acquisition unit acquiring a displayed image of the pattern image, and extracting a distortion image; a distortion amount calculating unit calculating a distortion parameter for distortion by comparing the expected image with the distortion image; a distortion correction processing unit correcting the projected desired projection image by using the distortion parameter; and an image output unit outputting, to the projection unit, image data including the corrected desired projection image and the pattern image. 1. A projection device comprising:storage circuitry that stores at least a pattern image for detecting distortion depending on a surface state of a projection surface, an expected image associated with a displayed image when the pattern image is displayed on a flat surface, and a desired projection image;a projector that projects, on the projection surface, an image including the pattern image and the desired projection image;image acquisition circuitry that acquires a displayed image of the pattern image displayed on the projection surface, and extracts a distortion image;distortion amount calculating circuitry that calculates a distortion parameter relating to distortion of the projection surface by comparing the expected image with the distortion image;distortion correction processing circuitry that corrects the desired projection image to be projected on the projection surface, by using the distortion parameter; andimage output circuitry that outputs, to the projector, image data including the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005617A1
Принадлежит: BASLER AG

The invention relates to an image processing apparatus for processing image data of an image sensor with a regular arrangement of first pixels, wherein the image processing apparatus is configured to determine a brightness value for each of two or more virtual second pixels of the same size at different intermediate positions between the first pixels, wherein the determination of the respective brightness value comprises an interpolation of the pixels of a neighborhood of the respective intermediate position, by means of a local filter, wherein each of the local filters comprises a plurality of filter coefficients, wherein for at least one of the local filters more than one of the filter coefficients is unequal to zero, and wherein the sum of the squared filter coefficients for each of the local filters is equal to a constant value, which according to a first condition is the same for all local filters. 116.-. (canceled)17. Image processing apparatus for processing image data of an image sensor with a regular arrangement of first pixels , wherein the image processing apparatus is configured to determine a brightness value for each of two or more virtual second pixels of the same size at different intermediate positions between the first pixels , wherein the determination of the respective brightness value comprises an interpolation of the pixels of a neighborhood of the respective intermediate position , the neighborhood comprising several of the first pixels , by means of an associated local filter , wherein each of the local filters comprises a plurality of filter coefficients , wherein for at least one of the local filters more than one of the filter coefficients is unequal to zero , and wherein the sum of the squared filter coefficients for each of the local filters is equal to a constant value , which according to a first condition is the same for all local filters.18. The image processing apparatus as defined in claim 17 , wherein according to a second ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005626A1
Автор: NAM Ki-Won

The present invention relates to social-based image setting value sharing systems and methods. The present invention has an object to provide social-based image setting value sharing systems and methods, wherein a representative portrait image for each user and an image correction setting value thereof are registered in a server in advance and shared, and a portrait image of a user to be corrected through mutual information sharing among applications is tracked and automatically corrected according to the image correction setting value such that a user's desired image may be circulated. 1. A social-based image setting value sharing system comprising:a setting user terminal (‘first user terminal’) configured to register representative image information of a person and a personal image correction setting value in an image setting value relay server and request the image setting value relay server to share the image correction setting value;a user terminal to be set (‘a second user terminal’) configured to store an image file including a specific personal image, receive the image correction setting value for the specific personal image from the image setting value relay server to determine whether the personal image is present in the second user terminal, and when the personal image is present, applies the image correction setting value to the personal image to perform correction thereon; andthe image setting value relay server configured to receive and register the representative image information of the person and the personal image correction setting value from the first user terminal, and automatically correct an image of a setting user, which is present in the second user terminal, based on the representative image according to the image correction setting value.2. The social-based image setting value sharing system according to claim 1 , wherein the image correction setting value is a value of at least one selected from a face claim 1 , body size or face tone ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005642A1
Принадлежит: Arc Devices, LTD

An apparatus that senses temperature from a digital infrared sensor is described. A digital signal representing a temperature without conversion from analog is transmitted from the digital infrared sensor received by a microprocessor and converted to body core temperature by the microprocessor. 1. A device comprising: a microprocessor;', 'a battery that is operably coupled to the microprocessor;', 'a display device that is operably coupled to the microprocessor;', 'a first digital interface that is operably coupled to the microprocessor;, 'a first circuit board including a second digital interface, the second digital interface being that is operably coupled to the first digital interface; and', 'a digital infrared sensor that is operable to receive an infrared signal, the digital infrared sensor also being operably coupled to the second digital interface, the digital infrared sensor having ports that provide digital readout signals that are representative of the infrared signal that is received by the digital infrared sensor,, 'a second circuit board includingwherein the microprocessor is operable to receive from the ports of the digital infrared sensor the digital readout signals that are representative of the infrared signal and the microprocessor is operable to determine a temperature from the digital readout signals that are representative of the infrared signal, andwherein no analog-to-digital converter is operably coupled between the digital infrared sensor and the microprocessor.2. The device of wherein the display device further comprises:a green traffic light operable to indicate that the temperature is good;an amber traffic light operable to indicate that the temperature is low; anda red traffic light operable to indicate that the temperature is high.3. The device of further comprising:the digital infrared sensor having no analog sensor readout ports.4. The device of further comprising:a camera that is operably coupled to the microprocessor and providing ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006185A1

An image processing apparatus for performing a process of detecting a unique portion that occurs periodically in an inspection target image, includes: a dividing unit for dividing a part area of the inspection target image into a plurality of division areas; an averaging unit for changing a phase of the plurality of division areas in the part area and averaging pixel values in each of the plurality of division areas in each of changed phases; an addition unit for adding averaged values in each of the plurality of division areas in each of changed phases; and a setting unit for, with respect to a period λ with which the unique portion of a detection target appears, setting a size S of each of the plurality of division areas in a direction in which the unique portion may appear with the period λ, so as to meet S<λ. 1. An image processing apparatus that performs a process of detecting a unique portion that occurs periodically in an inspection target image , the apparatus comprising:a dividing unit configured to divide a part area of the inspection target image into a plurality of division areas each having a predetermined size;an averaging unit configured to change a phase of each of the plurality of division areas in the part area and to average pixel values in each of the plurality of division areas in each of changed phases;an addition unit configured to add averaged values in each of the plurality of division areas in each of changed phases, in relation to pixel positions in the inspection target image; anda setting unit configured to, with respect to a period λ with which the unique portion of a detection target appears, set a size S of each of the plurality of division areas in a direction in which the unique portion may appear with the period λ, so as to meet S<λ.2. An image processing apparatus that performs a process of detecting a unique portion that occurs periodically in an inspection target image , the apparatus comprising:a filtering unit configured to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Image processing device, image processing method and display system

Номер: US20190005869A1
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc

An image processing device includes a noise output circuit outputting noise data having an adjusted noise amplitude according to a gradation of input data, a data synthesis circuit synthesizing noise data output from the noise output circuit and the input data, and an error diffusion process circuit configured to perform an error diffusion process on data synthesized and obtained from the data synthesis circuit.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006995A1

An image sensor includes a pixel array having a Bayer pattern structure including a first pixel row in which first pixels and second pixels are alternately provided and a second pixel row in which additional ones of the second pixels and third pixels are alternately provided, a first element to control light of a first wavelength band to travel in directions toward left and right sides of the first element and to control light of a second wavelength band of the incident light to travel in a direction directly under the first element, and a second element to control light of a third wavelength band to travel in the directions toward the left and right sides of the second element and to control the light of the second wavelength band to travel in a direction directly under the second element. 1. An image sensor comprising:a pixel array including Bayer patterns, each of the Bayer patterns including a first pixel and a third pixel provided in a first diagonal direction and two second pixels provided in a second diagonal direction crossing the first diagonal direction; anda color separation element provided to face the second pixels in the second diagonal direction,wherein the color separation element is configured to control light of a first wavelength band of incident light to travel in a first lateral direction of the color separation element toward the first pixel, to control light of a third wavelength band of the incident light to travel in a second lateral direction of the color separation element toward the third pixel, and to control light of a second wavelength band of the incident light to travel in a downward direction of the color separation element toward the second pixels.2. The image sensor of claim 1 , further comprising a color filter layer that is provided on the pixel array claim 1 , wherein the color filter layer comprises at least one of a first color filter provided adjacent to the first pixel claim 1 , a second color filter provided adjacent to ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006717A1
Автор: Naito Go

A second optical device that can be mounted on a first optical device provided with an image blur correction unit comprising: at least one processor and memory holding a program which makes the processor function as: a correction unit configured to correct an image blur based on a shake signal output by a detection unit after the detection unit detects shaking of the second optical device; a control unit configured to control the correction unit by calculating signals respectively processed by first and second filters with respect to the shake signal; and a communication unit configured to receive third filter information to be used by an image blur correction unit of the first optical device from the first optical device, wherein a characteristic of the second filter is set based on the third filter information acquired by the communication unit. 1. A second optical device that can be mounted on a first optical device provided with an image blur correction unit comprising:at least one processor and memory holding a program which makes the processor function as:a correction unit configured to correct an image blur based on a shake signal output by a detection after detection unit detects shaking of the second optical device;a control unit configured to control the correction unit by calculating signals respectively processed by first and second filters with respect to the shake signal; anda communication unit configured to receive third filter information to be used by an image blur correction unit of the first optical device from the first optical device,wherein a characteristic of the second filter is set based on the third filter information acquired by the communication unit.2. The second optical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the control unit calculates a difference between a shake signal processed by the first filter and a signal acquired by multiplying a shake signal processed by the second filter by a predetermined gain.3. The second optical device ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006736A1

There is provided an optical navigation device including an image sensor and a processing unit. The image sensor outputs successive image frames. The processing unit calculates a contamination level and a motion signal based on filtered image frames, and determines whether to update a fixed pattern noise (FPN) stored in a frame buffer according to a level of FPN subtraction, the calculated contamination level and the calculated motion signal to optimize the update of the fixed pattern noise. 1. An optical navigation device , comprising:an image sensor configured to capture an image frame;a frame buffer configured to store a fixed pattern noise; and filter the image frame to generate a filtered image frame,', 'calculate a contamination level and a first frame summation using the filtered image frame,', 'generate a denoised image frame using the stored fixed pattern noise and the filtered image frame,', 'calculate a motion signal and a second frame summation using the denoised image frame, and', 'determine whether to update the stored fixed pattern noise according to the second frame summation, the first frame summation and the contamination level., 'a processing unit configured to'}2. The optical navigation device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the filtering comprising sum filtering and second derivative filtering claim 1 , and the processing unit is configured toperform the sum filtering using a 2×2 sum filter, andperform the second derivative filtering using a 3×3 second derivative filter.3. The optical navigation device as claimed in claim 2 , whereina size of the image frame is M×M, anda size of the filtered image frame is (M−3)×(M−3).4. The optical navigation device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the fixed pattern noise is a (M−3)×(M−3) matrix claim 3 , and an initial fixed pattern noise stored in the frame buffer is a null matrix.5. The optical navigation device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is configured to update the stored fixed ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007241A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to a sensor interface circuit that performs scaling of image data in a Bayer pattern without spreading defective pixels across multiple pixels. The sensor interface circuit may include a register circuit storing operating parameters of the sensor interface circuit. The sensor interface circuit includes a scaling circuit with a first defect pixel detection circuit to detect a first defective pixel in an input image by analyzing pixels in a line of an input image data along a first direction. A first scaling circuit is coupled to the first defect pixel detection circuit and generates a scaled line of pixels representing the line of the input image scaled along the first direction according to the operating parameters. 1. A sensor interface circuit , comprising:a register circuit configured to store operating parameters of the sensor interface circuit; and a first defect pixel detection circuit configured to detect a first defective pixel in an input image by analyzing pixels in a line of an input image data along a first direction; and', (i) defining first subsets of pixels in the line of the input image so that the first defective pixel is included in only one of the first subsets of pixels; and', '(ii) filtering each of the defined first subsets of pixels through a first multi-tap polyphase filter., 'a first scaling circuit coupled to the first defect pixel detection circuit, the first scaling circuit configured to generate a scaled line of pixels representing the line of the input image scaled along the first direction according to the operating parameters by], 'a scaling circuit comprising2. The sensor interface circuit of claim 1 , wherein the scaling circuit further comprises:a second scaling circuit configured to generate a scaled image data according to the operating parameters by filtering a plurality of lines of pixels scaled in the first direction by the first scaling circuit through a second multi-tap polyphase ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007292A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An imaging device 10 according to one aspect of the present invention includes: a subject distance acquisition section 115; a movement amount acquisition section 120 that acquires an amount of movement of the subject on the basis of the subject distance; a restoration processing determination section 125 that determines, on the basis of the amount of movement acquired by the movement amount acquisition section 120, whether the restoration processing should be performed on the images through a restoration filter, a restoration strength of the restoration processing should be adjusted and the restoration processing should be performed on the images, or the restoration processing should not be performed on the images; and a restoration processing execution section 105 that performs the restoration processing on the images through the restoration filter or with the adjusted restoration strength, on the basis of the determination of the restoration processing determination section 125. 1. An imaging device comprising:an imaging section that generates a plurality of successive images of a subject captured through an optical system;a frame rate setting section that sets a frame rate for generation of the images performed by the imaging section;a filter acquisition section that acquires a restoration filter generated corresponding to a transfer function for point distribution of the optical system;a restoration processing determination section that determines whether the restoration processing should be performed on the images through the restoration filter, a restoration strength of the restoration processing should be adjusted and the restoration processing should be performed on the images, or the restoration processing should not be performed on the images, on the basis of the frame rate which is set by the frame rate setting section;a restoration strength adjustment section that adjusts the restoration strength of the restoration processing in case where the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Hardware-Based Convolutional Color Correction in Digital Images

Номер: US20180007337A1

A computing device may obtain an input image. The input image may have a white point represented by chrominance values that define white color in the input image. Possibly based on colors of the input image, the computing device may generate a two-dimensional chrominance histogram of the input image. The computing device may convolve the two-dimensional chrominance histogram with a filter to create a two-dimensional heat map. Entries in the two-dimensional heat map may represent respective estimates of how close respective tints corresponding to the respective entries are to the white point of the input image. The computing device may select an entry in the two-dimensional heat map that represents a particular value that is within a threshold of a maximum value in the heat map, and based on the selected entry, tint the input image to form an output image. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a main image processing engine of a computing device and from image capture components, an input image;generating, by an image co-processing engine of the computing device, a chrominance histogram of a reduced-size version of the input image;convolving, by the image co-processing engine, the chrominance histogram with a filter to create a heat map, wherein entries in the heat map represent respective estimates of how close respective tints corresponding to the respective entries are to a white point of the reduced-size version of the input image;selecting, by the image co-processing engine, an entry in the heat map that represents a particular value that is within a threshold of a value in the heat map that represents a tint that is closest to the white pointapplying, by the image co-processing engine, the filter to the reduced-size version of the input image to determine output coefficients, wherein the filter is parameterized by the selected entry; andproviding, by the main image processing engine, to a display or a memory, an output image, wherein the output image is based on ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Adaptive adjustments to visual media to reduce motion sickness

Номер: US20220020119A1
Принадлежит: GM Cruise Holdings LLC

The subject disclosure relates to solutions for reducing or eliminating motion sickness experienced by a vehicle occupant/passenger. In some aspects, a process of the disclosed technology includes steps for collecting motion data associated with a vehicle using one or more environmental sensors, tracking eye movements of a user within a cabin of the vehicle, processing the motion data and the eye movements to identify a motion event, and generating a motion compensation signal based on the motion event. Systems and machine-readable media are also provided.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220020122A1

A noise removing circuit includes an image combiner suitable for generating a high dynamic range (HDR) image by combining images having different exposure times; a detailed image generator suitable for generating a detailed image from the HDR image; an image strength evaluator suitable for evaluating strength of the detailed image; and a noise coring component suitable for performing a noise coring operation for removing noise from a region of the detailed image in which a signal to noise ratio (SNR) has decreased using a low threshold and a saturation threshold when the strength of the detailed image is less than a reference value. 1. A noise removing circuit , comprising:an image combiner suitable for generating a high dynamic range (HDR) image by combining images having different exposure times;a detailed image generator suitable for generating a detailed image from the HDR image;an image strength evaluator suitable for evaluating strength of the detailed image; anda noise coring component suitable for performing a noise coring operation for removing noise from a region of the detailed image in which a signal to noise ratio (SNR) has decreased using a low threshold and a saturation threshold when the strength of the detailed image is less than a reference value.2. The noise removing circuit of claim 1 , wherein the detailed image generator includes:a first conversion block suitable for converting the HDR image to a log domain signal representing a first converted image;a low pass filter suitable for performing low pass filtering on the HDR image to generate a low-pass-filtered image;a second conversion block suitable for converting the low-pass-filtered image to a log domain signal representing a second converted image; anda calculation block suitable for generating the detailed image by calculating a difference value between the first converted image and the second converted image.3. The noise removing circuit of claim 1 ,wherein the images having different ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007791A1
Принадлежит: FotoNation Limited

A method is disclosed for processing at least a portion of an input digital image comprising rows of pixels extending in two mutually perpendicular directions over a 2D field. The method comprises defining a kernel for processing an image, the kernel comprising at least one row of contiguous elements of the same non-zero value (such rows being referred to herein as equal-valued kernel regions), the equal-valued kernel regions, if more than one, extending parallel to one another. For each pixel in at least selected parallel rows of pixels within the image portion, the cumulative sum of the pixel is calculated by adding a value of the pixel to the sum of all preceding pixel values in the same row of the image portion. The kernel is convolved with the image portion at successive kernel positions relative to the image portion such that each pixel in each selected row is a target pixel for a respective kernel position. For each kernel position, the convolving is performed, for each equal-valued kernel region, by calculating the difference between the cumulative sum of the pixel corresponding to the last element in the equal-valued kernel region and the cumulative sum of the pixel corresponding to the element immediately preceding the first element in the region, and summing the differences for all equal-valued kernel regions. The differences sum is scaled to provide a processed target pixel value. 1. A method of processing at least a portion of an input digital image comprising rows of pixels extending in two mutually perpendicular directions over a 2D field , the method comprising:defining a kernel for processing an image, the kernel comprising at least one row of contiguous elements of the same non-zero value (such rows being referred to herein as equal-valued kernel regions), said equal-valued kernel regions, if more than one, extending parallel to one another;for each pixel in at least selected parallel rows of pixels within said image portion, calculating the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010205A1
Автор: Beijert Oscar

Embodiments described herein generally relate to methods and apparatuses for ensuring the integrity of probe card assemblies and verifying that probe cards are ready for testing. In one embodiment, an apparatus includes a stage that allows stable and precise movement of a sensor. The stage includes a first support, a second support, and a sensor carrier. A plurality of lifting devices is coupled to the second support and the sensor carrier, providing a more stable and precise movement for the sensor carrier. Methods for identifying objects other than the probes disposed on a surface of a probe card and to determine whether the probe card is ready for use are disclosed. 1. An apparatus for analyzing a probe card , comprising: a base;', 'a first support;', 'a second support, wherein the second support is coupled to a first plurality of lifting devices;', 'a sensor carrier disposed over the first and second supports, wherein the sensor carrier is coupled to a second plurality of lifting devices; and', 'a sensor disposed on the sensor carrier., 'a stage, wherein the stage comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first support comprises two substantially parallel rails that are fixed to the base.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the second support comprises a first beam disposed between the two rails of the first support claim 2 , a rotor disposed over the first beam claim 2 , and a second beam disposed over the rotor.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising one or more pairs of air bearings disposed on the two rails of the first support claim 3 , wherein the first beam of the second support is disposed between each pair of air bearings.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a bracket coupled to the sensor carrier claim 3 , and the second beam of the second support is disposed between the bracket and the sensor carrier.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the sensor carrier includes a first beam claim 5 , a sensor support claim 5 , and a ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010246A1
Автор: Hepper Dietmar

A method for superimposing noise on an image of a sequence of images and an apparatus configured to perform this method are described. After receiving a user input to select one of a plurality of noise profiles via an input the selected noise profile is retrieved from a data source via a data interface. Parameters of the retrieved noise profile are then displayed to the user via an output. Responsive to a user input to modify one or more of the parameters of the retrieved noise profile, a processor generates a modified noise profile. A noise sample generator then generates a noise sample in accordance with the modified noise profile, which is superimposed on the image by an image processor. 1. A method for superimposing noise on an image of a sequence of images , the method comprising:selecting one of a plurality of noise profiles;retrieving the selected noise profile from a data source;displaying parameters of the retrieved noise profile to a user;responsive to a user input, modifying one or more of the parameters of the retrieved noise profile to generate a modified noise profile;generating a noise sample in accordance with the modified noise profile; andsuperimposing the noise sample on the image.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the noise is film grain noise.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:superimposing the noise sample on a test image or a section of the image; anddisplaying the test image or the section of the image to the user.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the parameters comprise a multiplier controlling an overall noise level or parameters of functions describing noise superimposition characteristics.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein individual parameters are provided for each channel of the image.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the image channels are RGB or YUV channels.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the noise sample in accordance with the modified noise profile is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010070A1

Techniques are disclosed for laser-based bore sighting, enabling wind sensing to be performed on captured images of the laser spot. Techniques can include image averaging, background subtraction, and filtering to help ensure that the Gaussian laser spot is detected in the image. Embodiments may include defining a bounding region and altering the operation of a camera such that the camera does not provide pixel data from pixels sensors corresponding pixels of outside the bounding region in subsequent image captures. Embodiments may additionally or alternatively include extracting two stereoscopic images from a single image capture. 1. A method of laser-based bore sighting , the method comprising:obtaining, from a visible-light camera, a visible-light image of a scene; the first set of images comprises images of the scene taken over a first period of time in which the laser spot is not present in the scene, and', 'the second set of images comprises images of the scene taken over a second period of time in which the laser spot is present in the scene;, 'obtaining, from a second camera, a plurality of images comprising a first set of images and a second set of images, whereincombining the images in the first set of images to create a first composite image;combining the images in the second set of images to create a second composite image;creating a difference image by determining a difference in pixel values of pixels in the first composite image from pixel values of pixels in the second composite image;creating a filtered difference image by applying a Gaussian filter to the difference image;comparing one or more pixel values of one or more pixels of the filtered difference image with a threshold value to determine the location of the laser spot within the filtered difference image; andmapping the location of the laser spot within the filtered difference image to the visible-light image; anddisplaying the location of the laser spot in the visible-light image of the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010096A1

A chromatic confocal range sensor optical pen comprises a housing, an in/out optical fiber, a chromatically dispersive lens configuration, a reflected light dividing configuration comprising a lower NA zone and a higher NA zone, and a camera portion. The lens configuration is configured to receive source light from the optical fiber and output focused source light to a workpiece surface with axial chromatic dispersion, and receive reflected light from the workpiece surface and focus at least a portion of the reflected light to the fiber aperture. The reflected light dividing configuration is arranged to divide the reflected light into a measurement portion and an imaging portion. In some embodiments, the lower NA zone directs the imaging portion along an imaging optical path to the image detector, and the higher NA zone directs the measurement portion along a measurement optical path to a point proximate to the fiber aperture. 1. A chromatic confocal range sensor optical pen operable to provide an image of a measurement spot on a workpiece surface to be measured , the chromatic confocal range sensor optical pen comprising:a housing;an in/out optical fiber including a fiber aperture configured to output source light along a measurement optical path and receive reflected light along the measurement optical path; receive the source light and output focused source light to a workpiece surface with axial chromatic dispersion; and', 'receive reflected light from the workpiece surface and focus at least a portion of the reflected light comprising reflected source light along the measurement optical path to a point proximate to the fiber aperture;, 'a chromatically dispersive lens configuration having an optical axis which defines a measurement axis of the chromatic confocal range sensor optical pen, the lens configuration configured toa reflected light dividing configuration arranged to receive the reflected light from the chromatically dispersive lens configuration, and ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026547A1
Автор: Liu Huaping, Zhang Xinyu

An automatic calibration method and system for spatial positions of a laser radar and a camera sensor is provided. The method includes: adjusting a spatial position of the laser radar relative to the camera sensor to obtain a plurality of spatial position relationships of the laser radar and the camera sensor; for a spatial position relationship, calculating a gray value of each laser radar point conforming to the line features after projection as a score, and accumulating scores of all laser radar points as a total score; traversing all the spatial position relationships to obtain a plurality of total scores; and selecting a spatial position relationship of the laser radar and the camera sensor corresponding to a highest total score from the plurality of total scores to serve as a calibrated position relationship of the laser radar and the camera sensor. 1. An automatic calibration method for spatial positions of a laser radar and a camera sensor , comprising:adjusting a spatial position of the laser radar relative to the camera sensor to obtain a plurality of spatial position relationships of the laser radar and the camera sensor;for a spatial position relationship, screening out data conforming to line features from laser radar point cloud data, screening out data conforming to the line features from image data of the camera sensor, projecting laser radar data conforming to the line features onto a pixel coordinate system of the camera sensor to calculate a gray value of a laser radar point conforming to the line features after projection as a score, and accumulating scores of all laser radar points as a total score;traversing all the spatial position relationships to obtain a plurality of total scores; andselecting a spatial position relationship of the laser radar and the camera sensor corresponding to a highest total score from the plurality of total scores to serve as a calibrated position relationship of the laser radar and the camera sensor; acquiring a ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220027649A1

A processor-implemented method with liveness detection includes: receiving a plurality of phase images of different phases; generating a plurality of preprocessed phase images by performing preprocessing, including edge enhancement processing, on the plurality of phase images of different phases; generating a plurality of differential images based on the preprocessed phase images; generating a plurality of low-resolution differential images having lower resolutions than the differential images, based on the differential images; generating a minimum map image based on the low-resolution differential images; and performing a liveness detection on an object in the phase images based on the minimum map image. 1. A processor-implemented method with liveness detection , comprising:receiving a plurality of phase images of different phases;generating a plurality of preprocessed phase images by performing preprocessing, including edge enhancement processing, on the plurality of phase images of different phases;generating a plurality of differential images based on the preprocessed phase images;generating a plurality of low-resolution differential images having lower resolutions than the differential images, based on the differential images;generating a minimum map image based on the low-resolution differential images; andperforming a liveness detection on an object in the phase images based on the minimum map image.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe performing of the preprocessing comprises removing noise from the phase images, andthe edge enhancement processing comprises enhancing an edge region of the object in each of the phase images.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the performing of the edge enhancement processing comprises applying claim 1 , to each of the phase images claim 1 , any one or more of a Sobel filter claim 1 , an anisotropic filter claim 1 , a Laplacian filter claim 1 , a Canny edge filter claim 1 , and a neural network processing.4. The method of ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220028041A1
Автор: Hu Fengshuo

An image denoising method includes: acquiring a first data set and a second data set, where the first data set includes a plurality of first images without noise, the second data set includes a plurality of second images with real noise, contents of each first image and each second image are different; training, by using the first data set and the second data set, a first network to obtain a noise generation model; inputting the first image into the noise generation model, and outputting a third image with simulated noise; where a plurality of third images forms a third data set; training, by using the first data set and the third data set, an image denoising network to obtain an image denoising model. The image denoising model is configured to convert an original image with noise into an output image without noise. 1. An image denoising method , comprising:acquiring a first data set and a second data set, wherein the first data set comprises a plurality of first images without noise, the second data set comprises a plurality of second images with real noise, contents of each first image and each second image are different;training, by using the first data set and the second data set, a first network to obtain a noise generation model;inputting the first image into the noise generation model, and outputting a third image with simulated noise, wherein a plurality of third images forms a third data set; andtraining, by using the first data set and the third data set, an image denoising network to obtain an image denoising model;wherein the image denoising model is configured to convert an original image with noise into an output image without noise.2. The image denoising method according to claim 1 , wherein the training the first network to obtain the noise generation model by using the first data set and the second data set comprises:cutting or scaling the first image in the first data set to obtain a fourth image, wherein a plurality of fourth images forms a fourth ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220028042A1
Автор: CHEN WEIKE, Xu Lin, Yang Liu

Skin smoothing is applied to images using a bilateral filter and aided by a skin map. In one example a method includes receiving an image having pixels at an original resolution. The image is buffered. The image is downscaled from the original resolution to a lower resolution. A bilateral filter is applied to pixels of the downscaled image. The filtered pixels of the downscaled image are blended with pixels of the image having the original resolution, and the blended image is produced. 1. An apparatus comprising:memory;instructions in the apparatus; and downscale a first image having a first resolution to obtain a second image having a second resolution;', 'generate a skin map including weights for first pixels of the first image or second pixels of the second image, the weights indicative of a likelihood that the first pixels or the second pixels correspond to skin;', 'compare the weights to a first threshold and a second threshold;', 'utilize a first portion of the first pixels in response to a first portion of the weights associated with the first portion of the first pixels not satisfying the first threshold;', 'replace a second portion of the first pixels with a first portion of the second pixels in response to a second portion of the weights associated with the second portion of the first pixels satisfying the second threshold; and', 'blend a third portion of the first pixels with a second portion of the second pixels in response to a third portion of the weights associated with the third portion of the first pixels satisfying the first threshold and not satisfying the second threshold., 'processor circuitry to execute the instructions to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second portion of the first pixels and the first portion of the second pixels have corresponding locations in the first image and the second image.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor circuitry is to apply a bilateral filter to a portion of the second image in response ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Device and method for determining the action of active ingredients on nematodes and other organisms in aqueous tests

Номер: US20180011084A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

The invention relates to a device () and a method for determining the action of active ingredients on nematodes and other organisms in aqueous tests. The device () according to the invention comprises a holder () for a cell culture plate () having multiple wells () in which the nematodes can be filled with the active ingredients, said cell culture plate () having a bottom side (), a top side () and also side walls extending between bottom side () and top side (), a camera () which is used to record images of preferably the bottom side () of the cell culture plate (), a lighting mechanism () having at least a first light source () which illuminates the cell culture plate (), there being arranged between the first light source () and a first side wall () of the cell culture plate () in the installed state a first optical unit which directs the light of the first light source () through the first side wall () in the direction of the bottom side () of the cell culture plate (). The method according to the invention makes it possible to simultaneously investigate many active ingredients within a very short time. 1. Device for determining the action of active ingredients on nematodes and other organisms in aqueous tests , comprisinga holder for a cell culture plate having multiple wells in which the nematodes can be filled with the active ingredients, said cell culture plate having a bottom side, a top side and also side walls extending between bottom side and top side;a camera which is used to record images of preferably the bottom side of the cell culture plate;a lighting mechanism having at least a first light source which illuminates the cell culture plate; there being arranged between the first light source and a first side wall of the cell culture plate in the installed state a first optical unit which directs the light of the first light source-through the first side wall in the direction of the bottom side of the cell culture plate.2. Device according to claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011497A1

A bilateral filtering method includes decomposing an image patch by pixel intensity to form a stack of patches; computing spatial filtering response of each intensity; multiplying the spatial filtering response of each intensity by corresponding intensity, thereby resulting in multiplied spatial filtering response of each intensity; and summing up the multiplied spatial filtering responses of different intensities weighted with corresponding range weights. 1. A bilateral filtering method , comprising:decomposing an image patch by pixel intensity to form a stack of patches;computing spatial filtering response of each intensity;multiplying the spatial filtering response of each intensity by corresponding intensity, thereby resulting in multiplied spatial filtering response of each intensity; andsumming up the multiplied spatial filtering responses of different intensities weighted with corresponding range weights.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spatial filtering response comprises Gaussian function.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising dividing a result of summing up the multiplied spatial filtering responses by a normalization factor.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the normalization factor is obtained by the following steps:decomposing the image patch by pixel intensity to form the stack of patches;computing spatial filtering response of each intensity; andsumming up the spatial filtering responses of different intensities weighted with the corresponding range weights.5. A bilateral filtering method claim 3 , comprising:decomposing an image patch by pixel intensity to form a stack of patches;computing a vertical spatial filtering response of each intensity;computing a horizontal spatial filtering response of each intensity;multiplying a product of the horizontal spatial filtering response and the vertical spatial filtering response by corresponding intensity, thereby resulting in a multiplied spatial filtering response; andsumming up the multiplied ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Wafer nanotopography metrology for lithography based on thickness maps

Номер: US20170011505A1
Автор: John F. Valley

A method for lithography nanotopography metrology is provided. The method includes receiving wafer thickness data for a plurality of wafers and applying an elongated filter to the wafer thickness data to produce a filtered thickness map for each of the plurality of wafers. The filter has a first cutoff wavelength in the x-direction and a second cutoff wavelength in the y-direction. The method further includes generating a report including at least one wafer metric associated with the filtered thickness map.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011529A1
Автор: URASHITA Keiichi
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A video analysis system includes: a video data acquiring means that acquires video data; a moving object detecting means that detects a moving object from video data acquired by the video data acquiring means, by using a moving object detection parameter, which is a parameter for detecting a moving object; an environment information collecting means that collects environment information representing an external environment of a place where the video data acquiring means is installed; and a parameter changing means that changes the moving object detection parameter used when the moving object detecting means detects a moving object, on the basis of the environment information collected by the environment information collecting means. 121.-. (canceled)22. A video analysis device comprising at least one processor configured to:acquire video data from an external device, the video data having been acquired by the external device;detect a moving object from video data by using a moving object detection parameter, the video data having been acquired by the processor, the moving object detection parameter being a parameter for detecting a moving object;collect environment information representing an external environment of a place where the external device having acquired the video data is installed; andchange the moving object detection parameter on a basis of the environment information collected by the processor, the moving object detection parameter being used when the processor detects the moving object.23. The video analysis device according to claim 22 , wherein:the processor is configured to detect the moving object by obtaining a difference of image data extracted from the video data and includes a sensitivity threshold as one of moving object detection parameters, the sensitivity threshold being a predetermined threshold to become a criterion for recognizing a disparity between image data of a previous frame and image data of a current frame; andthe processor is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011536A1
Автор: MA Jingfei

Methods, apparatuses, systems, and software for extended phase correction in phase sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A magnetic resonance image or images may be loaded into a memory. Two vector images A and B associated with the loaded image or images may be calculated either explicitly or implicitly so that a vector orientation by one of the two vector images at a pixel is substantially determined by a background or error phase at the pixel, and the vector orientation at the pixel by the other vector image is substantially different from that determined by the background or error phase at the pixel. A sequenced region growing phase correction algorithm may be applied to the vector images A and B to construct a new vector image V so that a vector orientation of V at each pixel is substantially determined by the background or error phase at the pixel. A phase corrected magnetic resonance image or images may be generated using the vector image V, and the phase corrected magnetic resonance image or images may be displayed or archived. 1. A computerized method for generating a phase corrected magnetic resonance image or images comprising:(a) acquiring a magnetic resonance image or images containing background or error phase information;(b) calculating two vector images A and B using the acquired image or images so that a vector orientation by one of the two vector images at a pixel is substantially determined by the background or error phase at the pixel, and the vector orientation at the pixel by the other vector image is substantially different from that determined by the background or error phase at the pixel; (i) selecting an initial seed pixel or pixels and assigning either A or B of the initial seed pixel or pixels as a value of V for the initial seed pixel or pixels;', '(ii) selecting a secondary seed pixel and selecting either A or B of the secondary seed pixel as a value of V for the secondary seed pixel based on whether A or B of the secondary seed pixel ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Anamorphic photography and squeeze ratios for digital imagers

Номер: US20190011679A1
Принадлежит: Panavision International LP

A digital camera comprising a digital image sensor and at least one corrective lens element configured to reduce a blurring of an image in a horizontal or vertical dimension on the digital image sensor. The digital image sensor may be larger than a 28 millimeter diagonal.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012570A1

A method of transforming an N-bit raw wide dynamic range (WDR) Bayer image to a K-bit raw red-green-blue (RGB) image wherein N>K is provided that includes converting the N-bit raw WDR Bayer image to an N-bit raw RGB image, computing a luminance image from the N-bit raw RGB image, computing a pixel gain value for each luminance pixel in the luminance image to generate a gain map, applying a hierarchical noise filter to the gain map to generate a filtered gain map, applying the filtered gain map to the N-bit raw RGB image to generated a gain mapped N-bit RGB image, and downshifting the gain mapped N-bit RGB image by (N−K) to generate the K-bit RGB image. 1. A method of transforming by a digital system an N-bit raw wide dynamic range (WDR) Bayer image to a K-bit raw red-green-blue (RGB) image wherein N>K , the method comprising:converting the N-bit raw WDR Bayer image to an N-bit raw RGB image;computing a luminance image from the N-bit raw RGB image;computing a pixel gain value for each luminance pixel in the luminance image to generate a gain map;applying a hierarchical noise filter to the gain map to generate a filtered gain map;applying the filtered gain map to the N-bit raw RGB image to generated a gain mapped N-bit RGB image; anddownshifting the gain mapped N-bit RGB image by (N−K) to generate the K-bit RGB image.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinconverting the N-bit raw WDR Bayer image comprises forming an RGB pixel value from each 2×2 block of Bayer data in the N-bit raw WDR Bayer image; andapplying the filtered gain map comprises interpolating the filtered gain map to a resolution of the N-Bit raw RGB image.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein computing a pixel gain value for each luminance pixel comprises computing the pixel gain value as per ((inputPixel+1)/2)/((inputPixel+1)/2) claim 1 , wherein inputPixel is a value of the luminance pixel and t is an experimentally determined tuning parameter claim 1 , and wherein when the pixel gain value is larger than an ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012574A1
Автор: Fang Jun, LI DAQI

Technologies are generally described for methods and systems effective to generate a composite image. The methods may include receiving first image data that includes object data corresponding to an object and receiving second image data that includes obscuring data. The obscuring data, if displayed on a display, may obscure at least a portion of the. The methods may also include identifying a first region that may include the object data, in the first image data. The methods may also include identifying a second region, that may include the obscuring data, in the second image data. The methods may also include replacing at least part of the second region with at least part of the first region to generate the composite image data that may include at least some of the object data. The methods may also include displaying the composite image on a display. 1. A method to generate a composite image , the method comprising , by a first device:receiving, from a second device, first image data that includes object data, wherein the object data corresponds to an object;receiving second image data that includes obscuring data, wherein the obscuring data corresponds to at least a part of the second device, the obscuring data, if displayed on a display, would obscure at least a portion of the object;identifying a first region in the first image data, wherein the first region includes the object data;identifying a second region in the second image data, wherein the second region includes the obscuring data;replacing at least part of the second region in the second image data with at least part of the first region, to generate the composite image data, where the composite image data includes at least some of the object data; anddisplaying the composite image on a display.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first device includes a vehicle and the display is inside the vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first device includes a first vehicle claim 1 , and the second ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012333A1

A method and apparatus for generating an extrapolated image from an existing film or video content, which can be displayed beyond the borders of the existing file or video content to increase viewer immersiveness, are provided. The present principles provide to generating the extrapolated image without salient objects included therein, that is, objects that may distract the viewer from the main image. Such an extrapolated image is generated by determining salient areas and generating the extrapolated image with lesser salient objects included in its place. Alternatively, salient objects can be detected in the extrapolated image and removed. Additionally, selected salient objects may be added to the extrapolated image. 1. A method of generating an extrapolated image that extends beyond a border of an image , comprising:accessing the image;generating a saliency map of a portion of the image based on a visual attention model, and identifying a salient object therefrom; andgenerating an extrapolated image from the portion of the image, so that the salient object is not included in the extrapolated image in response to the identifying.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the generating comprises using a recursive hierarchical process to progressively generate higher resolution extrapolated images.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the recursive hierarchical process is based on using prediction and weighting of overlapping blocks in a previous resolution level to generate the blocks of the next resolution level.4. A method of generating an extrapolated image that extends beyond a border of an image claim 2 , comprising:accessing the image;generating an extrapolated image from a portion of the image;generating a saliency map of the extrapolated image based on a visual attention model, and identifying a salient object therefrom;modifying the extrapolated image so that the salient object is not included in the modified extrapolated image.5. The method ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012340A1

An image processing part includes an edge enhancing part, an artifact detecting part and a compensating part. The edge enhancing part emphasizes an edge portion of an object in input image data. The artifact detecting part detects a corner outlier artifact at an area adjacent to the edge portion of the object. The compensating part compensates the corner outlier artifact. Accordingly, the edge portion of the object may be enhanced and the corner outlier artifact is decreased so that the display quality may be improved. 1. An image processing part comprising:an artifact detecting part detecting a corner outlier artifact at an area adjacent to an edge portion of an object in input image data; anda compensating part compensating the corner outlier artifact,wherein the artifact detecting part detects a pixel having a maximum grayscale difference between a pixel grayscale and an average grayscale of pixels in a matrix shape among the pixels in the matrix shape, and determines that the pixel having a maximum grayscale difference has the corner outlier artifact when each of differences between a grayscale of the pixel having a maximum grayscale difference and grayscales of other pixels in a matrix shape is greater than a low threshold value.2. The image processing part of claim 1 , further comprising an edge enhancing part emphasizing the edge portion of the object.3. The image processing part of claim 1 , wherein the artifact detecting part determines that the pixel having the maximum grayscale difference has the corner outlier artifact when the each of differences between the grayscale of the pixel having the maximum grayscale difference and the grayscales of the other pixels in the matrix shape is greater than the low threshold value and less than a high threshold value.4. The image processing part of claim 3 , wherein the artifact detecting part analyzes the input image data to determine the low threshold value and the high threshold value according to the input image ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012348A1

A method of analyzing lattice strain of a semiconductor device includes generating a spectrum image by performing a Fourier Transform on an image of a semiconductor device, providing a first hybrid mask filter t filter designed to select at least one peak frequency from the spectrum image, filtering the spectrum image using the first hybrid mask filter to generate a filtered spectrum image, and generating a first strain image by performing an inverse Fourier Transform on the filtered spectrum image. 1. A method of analyzing lattice strain of a semiconductor device , the method comprising:generating a spectrum image by performing a Fourier Transform on an image of a semiconductor device;providing a first hybrid mask filter based on a hybrid function obtained by combining a plurality of different functions;filtering the spectrum image using the first hybrid mask filter to generate a filtered spectrum image; andgenerating a first strain image by performing an inverse Fourier Transform on the filtered spectrum image.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising digitizing spatial resolution and noise of the first strain image.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the spatial resolution is a minimum separation distance by which two peaks in the first strain image are distinguished from each other claim 3 , and the digitized noise is determined from a standard deviation of the hybrid function.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the two peaks have a valley therebetween claim 4 , which has an intensity value equal to or less than a predetermined percentage of a lesser intensity value of intensity values of the two peaks.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the spatial resolution is digitized by the Rayleigh Criterion.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein designing the first hybrid mask filter comprises calculating preliminary strain images based on arbitrary first and second parameter values for the first and second parameters claim 2 , measuring a digitized spatial resolution and ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012096A1
Автор: Chen Guannan, WU Yanhong

The present disclosure provides an expression recognition method, a computer device, and a computer-readable storage medium. The expression recognition method includes: obtaining a facial image to be recognized; preprocessing the facial image to be recognized to obtain a preprocessed facial image; obtaining a first output image according to the preprocessed facial image, wherein the first output image at least represents a texture feature of the facial image to be recognized; obtaining a second output image according to the first output image, wherein the second output image at least represents a structural feature of organs of the facial image to be recognized; and determining an expression category corresponding to the facial image to be recognized, according to the second output image. 1. An expression recognition method , comprising:obtaining a facial image to be recognized;preprocessing the facial image to be recognized to obtain a preprocessed facial image;obtaining a first output image according to the preprocessed facial image, wherein the first output image at least represents a texture feature of the facial image to be recognized;obtaining a second output image according to the first output image, wherein the second output image at least represents a structural feature of organs of the facial image to be recognized; anddetermining an expression category corresponding to the facial image to be recognized, according to the second output image.2. The expression recognition method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the first output image according to the preprocessed facial image claim 1 , comprises:performing a first partition convolution process on a first input image to obtain the first output image, wherein the first input image is obtained based on the preprocessed facial image.3. The expression recognition method of claim 2 , wherein performing the first partition convolution process on the first input image to obtain the first output image claim 2 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Background Compensation

Номер: US20190012773A1

System, method and computer program product for background compensation of a digital image containing at least one first object, the at least one first object having received at least one molecule comprising genetic information, and at least one second object, the at least one second object not having received a molecule comprising genetic information, the at least one molecule being configured to receive a fluorescent compound, the digital image being determined by an optical imaging system during emission of electromagnetic radiation by the fluorescent compound. 1. A computer implemented method for background compensation of a digital image containing at least one first object , wherein the method comprises:determining first intensity values from the digital image for each object, wherein the at least one first object having received at least one molecule comprising genetic information, and at least one second object, the at least one second object having not received a molecule comprising genetic information, the at least one molecule being configured to receive a fluorescent compound, the digital image being determined by an optical imaging system during emission of electromagnetic radiation by the fluorescent compound;determining second intensity values from the digital image for the at least one second object within a plurality of predetermined areas;computing median intensity values from the second intensity values for each of the plurality of predetermined areas;interpolating the median intensity values to an original digital image size; andcomputing background compensated intensity values for each object by subtracting the interpolated median intensity values from the determined first intensity values.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:arranging the computed median intensity values in a topological grid structure based on a position of the at least one second object within the plurality of predetermined areas.3. The method according to ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012774A1
Автор: Arai Hiroshi

This information processing apparatus includes: a mechanical learning module that is a multiplier-accumulator circuit including a plurality of deep-learning neural network blocks hierarchized and synthesizes an algorithm having a filter characteristic for image processing by mechanical learning, the image processing being a target; a debug module that analyzes a digital filter characteristic in each of the deep-learning neural network blocks on the basis of input and output data in the mechanical learning module; and a grading module that develops an output image from an input image by performing gain control on the basis of a result of analysis of the debug module. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:a mechanical learning module that is a multiplier-accumulator circuit including a plurality of deep-learning neural network blocks hierarchized and synthesizes an algorithm having a filter characteristic for image processing by mechanical learning, the image processing being a target;a debug module that analyzes a digital filter characteristic in each of the deep-learning neural network blocks on the basis of input and output data in the mechanical learning module; anda grading module that develops an output image from an input image by performing gain control on the basis of a result of analysis of the debug module.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a PreTraining layer that performs unsupervised machine learning, and', 'a FineTune layer that performs supervised learning., 'the mechanical learning module includes'}3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe mechanical learning module performs the supervised learning by using a component decomposed in a middle layer of each of the deep-learning neural network blocks included in the PreTraining layer as a supervisory signal of each of the deep-learning neural network blocks included in the FineTune layer.4. The information processing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013198A1
Автор: WADA Tetsu
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A control section moves an imaging lens based on a detection signal from an angular velocity detection section so as to correct image blurring which occurs in captured image data obtained through imaging performed by an imaging element The control section calculates a first motion vector between first captured image data, which is obtained through imaging performed by the imaging element and second captured image data which is obtained subsequent to the first captured image data and in which image blurring is corrected. The control section performs an offset correction for reducing an offset signal included in the detection signal of the angular velocity detection section based on the first motion vector. 1. A camera shaking correction device comprising:an angular velocity detection section that detects an angular velocity;an image blurring correction section that corrects image blurring, which occurs in captured image data obtained through imaging performed by an imaging element, by moving at least one of the imaging element, which captures an image of a subject through an optical imaging system, and the optical imaging system, based on a detection signal of the angular velocity detection section;a first motion vector calculation section that calculates a first motion vector between first captured image data, which is obtained through imaging performed by the imaging element, and second captured image data which is obtained subsequent to the first captured image data and in which image blurring is corrected by the image blurring correction section;an offset correction section that performs offset correction for reducing an offset signal included in the detection signal of the angular velocity detection section, based on the first motion vector; anda filtering section that performs filtering for attenuating a low frequency component of the detection signal of the angular velocity detection section,wherein the image blurring correction section corrects image blurring ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012464A1
Автор: KONG Weiman, YANG Feifei

An image anti-aliasing method comprises following steps: receiving an aliasing image; wherein the aliasing image includes a plurality of source pixels; generating a plurality of hash values corresponding to the plurality of source pixels respectively; and performing a filtering processing or a filter generating procedure on the aliasing image according to the plurality of hash values. Each of the plurality of hash values is generated by the following steps: selecting one source pixel from the aliasing image and selecting a window containing the selected source pixel; determining an aliasing strength according to the grayscale values of all the source pixels of a row and a column at which the selected source pixel is located in the window; and determining a hash value of the selected source pixel according to the aliasing strength. 1. An image anti-aliasing method , comprising:receiving an aliasing image, wherein the aliasing image includes a plurality of source pixels;generating a plurality of hash values corresponding to the plurality of source pixels respectively; andperforming a filtering processing or a filter generating procedure on the aliasing image according to the plurality of hash values;wherein each of the plurality of hash values is generated by the following steps:selecting one source pixel from the aliasing image and selecting a window containing the selected source pixel;determining an aliasing strength according to grayscale values of all the source pixels of a row and a column at which the selected source pixel is located in the window; anddetermining a hash value of the selected source pixel according to the aliasing strength.2. The image anti-aliasing method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the aliasing strength according to the grayscale values of all the source pixels of the row and the column at which the selected source pixel is located in the window comprises:determining a strength quantization factor according to a first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Denoising Filter

Номер: US20210012466A1
Автор: CSÉFALVAY Szabolcs

A pixel filter has a filter module that performs a first recursive filter operation in a first direction through a sequence of pixels to form a first filtered pixel value for each pixel, and performs a second recursive filter operation in a second direction through the sequence of pixels to form a second filtered pixel value for each pixel, the first and second recursive filter operations forming a respective filtered pixel value for a given pixel in dependence on the pixel value at that pixel and the filtered pixel value preceding that pixel in their respective direction of operation. The filtered pixel value of the preceding pixel is scaled by a measure of similarity between data associated with that pixel and its preceding pixel. Filter logic combines the first and second filtered pixel values formed by the first and second recursive filter operations to generate a filter output for the pixel, for each pixel of the sequence. 1. A pixel filter comprising:an input arranged to receive a sequence of pixels, each pixel having an associated pixel value;a filter module arranged to perform a recursive filter operation in a particular direction through the sequence of pixels so as to form a filtered pixel value for each pixel in dependence on the pixel value at that pixel and the filtered pixel value for a preceding pixel in the sequence of pixels, the filtered pixel value for the preceding pixel being scaled by a non-binary measure of similarity between data associated with that pixel and its preceding pixel; andfilter logic configured to generate a filter output for each pixel in dependence on the respective filtered pixel value.2. The pixel filter of claim 1 , wherein the non-binary measure of similarity takes a value in a range between 0 and 1.3. The pixel filter of claim 2 , wherein a value of the non-binary measure of similarity of 1 is indicative of a high similarity between the pixel and its preceding pixel claim 2 , and a value of the non-binary measure of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012541A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

A method and apparatus is provided to improve the image quality of images generated by analytical reconstruction of a computed tomography (CT) image. This improved image quality results from a deep learning (DL) network that is used to filter a sinogram before back projection but after the sinogram has been filtered using a ramp filter or other reconstruction kernel. 1. An apparatus , comprising: obtain a radiation sinogram representing respective projection images at corresponding view angles, each of the projection images representing an intensity of radiation detected by a plurality of detectors,', 'acquire a first neural network network,', 'filter, using a reconstruction kernel, the radiation sinogram to thereby generate reconstruction-kernel filtered data,', 'apply the reconstruction-kernel filtered data to the first neural network to thereby output a filtered sinogram from the first neural network, and', 'perform analytic reconstruction on the filtered sinogram to generate a computed tomography (CT) image., 'circuitry configured to'}2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured toacquire a second neural network, andapply the radiation sinogram to the second neural network to thereby output the radiation sinogram that has been filtered using the second neural network, whereinthe radiation sinogram that is filtered using the reconstruction kernel is the radiation sinogram that has been filtered using the second neural network.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to perform analytic reconstruction on the filtered sinogram by back-projecting the filtered sinogram to reconstruct the CT image.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to filter the radiation sinogram using the reconstruction kernel claim 1 , wherein the reconstruction kernel is a ramp filter.5. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the circuitry is further configured ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012560A1
Автор: Cower Dillon, ZHOU Guangyu
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Implementations described herein relate to methods, systems, and computer-readable media to relight a video. In some implementations, a computer-implemented method includes receiving a plurality of frames of a video. Each video frame includes depth data and color data for a plurality of pixels. The method further includes segmenting each frame based on the depth data to classify each pixel as a foreground pixel or a background pixel. The method further includes setting depth value of each background pixel to a fixed depth value and applying a Gaussian filter to smooth depth value for the plurality of pixels. The method further includes calculating surface normals based on the depth values of the plurality of pixels. The method further includes rendering a relighted frame by adding a virtual light based on the surface normals and the color data. 1. A computer-implemented method to relight a video , the method comprising:receiving a plurality of frames of the video, wherein each frame includes depth data and color data for a plurality of pixels;segmenting each frame based on the depth data to classify each pixel as a foreground pixel or a background pixel;setting depth value of each background pixel to a fixed depth value;applying a Gaussian filter to smooth depth values of the plurality of pixels;calculating surface normals based on the depth values of the plurality of pixels;creating a three-dimensional (3D) mesh based on the depth values of the plurality of pixels and the surface normals; andrendering a relighted frame by adding a virtual light based on the 3D mesh and the color data.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein segmenting the frame comprises:generating a segmentation mask based on a depth range, wherein each pixel with depth value within the depth range is classified as the foreground pixel and each pixel with depth value outside the depth range is classified as the background pixel;performing a morphological opening process to remove ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012568A1

A method of generating a refined depth map for a three-dimensional (3D) model of an object is described. The method may include may include warping a set of target images, resulting in warped target images, wherein the set of target images is selected from the plurality of images; determining a difference between each warped target image and a reference image, wherein the reference image is from the plurality of images; determining, for each warped target image, an alpha mask comprising per-pixel weights; and updating an initialized depth map based on alpha mask, resulting in the estimated depth map. Related systems, devices and computer program products are also described. 1. A method for generating an estimated depth map for usage in constructing a three-dimensional (3D) representation of an object , based on captured image data of the object comprising a plurality of images , the method comprising:warping a set of target images, resulting in warped target images, wherein the set of target images is selected from the plurality of images;determining a difference between each warped target image and a reference image, wherein the reference image is from the plurality of images;determining, for each warped target image, an alpha mask comprising per-pixel weights; andupdating an initialized depth map based on alpha mask, resulting in the estimated depth map.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:initializing the initialized depth map; anddetermining an interpolation grid based on the initialized depth map,wherein warping the set of target images comprises warping the set of target images based on the interpolation grid.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the initialized depth map is based on a mesh representation of the object.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:computing an update increment based at least in part on the determined alpha masks, wherein updating the initialized depth map is based on the computed update increment.5. The method of claim 2 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013922A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Company., Ltd.

A frequency adaptive descreening method includes obtaining a scan image of an original document, dividing a region of the scan image by analyzing frequency characteristics of the obtained scan image, estimating a resolution with respect to each of regions resulting from dividing the region according to the analyzed frequency characteristics, and adaptively performing filtering on the regions resulting from dividing the region by using the estimated resolution. 1. A frequency adaptive descreening method comprising:obtaining a scan image of an original document;dividing a region of the scan image by analyzing frequency characteristics of the obtained scan image;estimating a resolution with respect to each of regions resulting from dividing the region according to the analyzed frequency characteristics; andadaptively performing filtering on the regions resulting from dividing the region by using the estimated resolution.2. The frequency adaptive descreening method of claim 1 , wherein the performing of the filtering comprisesperforming filtering according to characteristics of the regions resulting from dividing the region by using a Gaussian filter that is determined according to the estimated resolution and a filter that is applied based on a plurality of sub-blocks having a size changed according to the estimated resolution.3. The frequency adaptive descreening method of claim 1 , wherein the dividing of the region of the scan image comprisestransforming the scan image into a Hadamard space and dividing the Hadamard space into a first region and a second region.4. The frequency adaptive descreening method of claim 3 , wherein the dividing of the region of the scan image comprisesselecting a peak value from among frequency characteristic values of pixels with respect to each of the regions resulting from dividing the region, and determining characteristics of each of the regions resulting from dividing the region by comparing peak values of the regions.5. The ...
