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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 14048. Отображено 200.
10-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2194309C2

Группа изобретений относится к автоматическим банковским аппаратам, обеспечивающим пользователям известный интерфейс в сети связи широкого охвата. Техническим результатом является обеспечение высокого уровня защищенности и предоставление пользователю ассортимента финансовых операций в сети связи широкого охвата. Технический результат достигается тем, что при обеспечении работы банковского аппарата определяют, обеспечивает ли адрес документа возможность пересылки по меньшей мере одной записи протокола пересылки гипертекса, соответствующей этому адресу, и в ответ на это определение обеспечивают пересылку упомянутой записи в компьютер аппарата. 2 с. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 31 ил.

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2251730C2

Изобретение относится к архитектуре платформы аппаратных и программных средств для автоматов, предназначенных для финансовых операций. Технический результат заключается в создание автомата, функционирующего на разных платформах автоматических кассовых аппаратов. Автомат включает компьютер и множество операционных функциональных устройств, множество компонент драйверов, соответствующих указанным функциональным устройствам. Драйверы действуют, реагируя на связь уровня XFS, для управления работой операционных функциональных устройств. Автомат включает терминальное приложение и уровень сервисов открытых устройств, содержащий множество компонентов, соответствующих драйверам и реагирующих на терминальное приложение, обеспечивая управление работой операционных функциональных устройств со стороны драйверов посредством связи с уровнем XFS. 2.н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2236038C2

Изобретение относится к автоматам или банкоматам для осуществления финансовых операций. Банкомат (10) содержит механизмы (34, 36, 38, 40) выдачи листов. Каждый механизм выдачи листов содержит захватный элемент (72). Захватный элемент вращается, и при этом каждое вращение, по существу, приводит к захвату одного листа из стопки (42) листов. Захватный элемент содержит подвижные зацепляющие части, опирающиеся на дугообразные сегменты. Зацепляющие части перемещаются радиально наружу для приложения дополнительного перемещающего усилия к последней банкноте, ограничивающей стопку, при реагировании на перемещение захватного элемента, превышающее перемещение последней банкноты. Листы в автомате переносятся средством транспортирования (54), которое содержит несколько ветвей ленты. Листы переносятся между ветвями ленты и выступающими элементами. По меньшей мере одна из ветвей ленты содержит на своей поверхности зацепления листа несколько выступов, отделенных друг от друга продольным интервалом. Выступы ...

18-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675321C2

Устройство для исправления отклонений содержит канал для банкнот, состоящий из первой пластины (101) канала и второй пластины (102) канала. Внутри канала для банкнот расположены колеса (004) для исправления, имеющие направление исправления, наклоненное к опорной стороне канала для банкнот. Множество колес (004) для исправления расположены по отдельности вдоль направления продвижения канала для банкнот и постепенно приближаются к опорной стороне. Боковой направляющий механизм (009) установлен на опорной стороне и используется для приведения в движение банкнот, прибывающих к опорной стороне, чтобы перемещать их в направлении продвижения канала для банкнот. В хвостовом конце направления наклона множества колес (004) для исправления, в положении рядом с опорной стороной, расположено колесо (010) для регулировки исправления. Направление исправления колеса для регулировки исправления наклонено к опорной стороне. Конструкция защищает банкноты от заедания между опорными стенками в канале во время ...

27-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2311683C2

Изобретение относится к автоматическим банковским аппаратам (банкоматам). Техническим результатом изобретения является создание банковского аппарата, который обеспечивает удержание относительно большого количества карт внутри банковского аппарата до тех пор, пока такие карты не будут удалены автоматизированным обслуживающим персоналом, достигаемым тем, что банкомат включает в себя корпус с защищенным хранилищем для размещения в нем устройств для выполнения транзакций и устройство считывания карт, которое имеет связанный с ним бункер для хранения карт, перехваченных банкоматом. Пользователи банкомата помещают в банкомат и получают из банкомата через соответствующее отверстие отдельные листы или стопки листов, которые могут представлять собой банкноты, чеки и другие документы. Банкноты, принятые в банкомат и квалифицированные как действительные, могут рециклироваться и выдаваться другим пользователям. Банкноты, оцененные банкоматом как имеющие сомнительную действительность, могут маркироваться ...

10-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175633C1

Банкноты денежных средств ориентируются в угловом и в поперечном направлении для выполнения устранения перекоса и для центрирования. Устройство 84 устранения перекоса и центрирования содержит челночный механизм 204. Челночный механизм содержит прижимные ролики 212 и 214 и датчики 216, 218 и 220, которые установлены в направлении, поперечном каналу, вдоль которого перемещаются банкноты. Вращение прижимных роликов селективно регулируется для ориентации передних краев банкнот перпендикулярно каналу, по которому перемещаются банкноты. После достижения надлежащей ориентации банкнота отпускается. Указанные конструктивные признаки обеспечат надежность работы устройства и высокие скоростные характеристики. 2 с. и 35 з.п. ф-лы, 70 ил.

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264653C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к выдаче наличных денежных купюр. Способ определения толщины выдаваемых денежных купюр, при котором извлекают денежные купюры из пачки купюр для выдачи потребителю. Перед выдачей определяют толщину извлеченных денежных купюр посредством отклонения свободного конца удлиненного пальца на расстояние, соответствующее толщине извлеченных денежных купюр. И наконец, определяют величину отклонения свободного конца с использованием электромагнитного взаимодействия, при котором величину отклонения свободного конца определяют посредством относительного поворота двух элементов, которые имеют индуктивную связь. Таким образом обеспечивается повышение надежности операций, проводимых с денежными купюрами. 11 н. и 31 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

07-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2791298C1
Принадлежит: ХЕСУНГ ТНС ИНК. (KR)

Изобретение относится к терминалу, который позволяет вносить и снимать носители. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности идентификации банкнот. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что блок управления выполнен с возможностью управления путем транспортировки так, что носитель, размещенный в кассете повторного использования, транспортируется в блок временного удержания через блок идентификации, а носитель, идентифицированный как нормальный носитель в блоке идентификации, транспортируется в транзитную кассету. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696371C1

Группа изобретений относится к области электромагнитного обнаружения, а именно к области обнаружения электромагнитных помех против незаконного копирования данных карты (скимминга). Сущность изобретений заключается в том, что способ обнаружения магнитных помех против незаконного копирования данных карты дополнительно содержит этапы, на которых определяют, соответствует ли исходный параметр магнитной полосы, относящийся к исходному сигналу магнитной полосы, декодированному параметру; если да, то получение первого результата теста, указывающего, что источник электромагнитных помех является не подходящим для удовлетворения требования устройства считывания магнитных карт к электромагнитным помехам; иначе получение второго результата теста, указывающего, что источник электромагнитных помех является подходящим для удовлетворения требования устройства считывания магнитных карт к электромагнитным помехам. Технический результат – повышение надежности защиты от незаконного копирования данных карты ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757763C1
Принадлежит: ХЁСУН ТНС ИНК. (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к конструкции модуля транзитного канала передачи, соединяющей кассету подачи/сбора и канал передачи банкнот верхнего основного корпуса банкомата, который содержит верхний основной корпус и нижний основной корпус и имеет конструкцию, в которой кассета подачи/сбора установлена на одной стороне нижнего основного корпуса. Модуль транзитного канала передачи размещен на одной стороне верхнего основного корпуса банкомата и съемно установлен между кассетой подачи/сбора и каналом передачи банкнот, предусмотренным в верхнем основном корпусе, чтобы отделяться от маршрута передачи банкнот, соединяющего кассету подачи/сбора и канал передачи банкнот, предусмотренный в верхнем основном корпусе, во время работ по техническому обслуживанию банкомата. Таким образом, верхний основной корпус можно легко вытянуть к передней или задней части банкомата без какого-либо задевания модуля транзитного канала передачи для выполнения работ по техническому обслуживанию, что позволяет повысить ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006145904A

... 1. Способ содержит этапы, на которых: a) соединяют с возможностью взаимодействия съемный машиночитаемый носитель и устройство чтения и записи носителя в банковском автомате, включающем в себя устройство выдачи денег и, по меньшей мере, один компьютер; b) управляют, по меньшей мере, одним компьютером в ответ на инструкции, включенные на носитель, для того, чтобы собирать данные, ассоциативно связанные с автоматом; c) записывают индикатор, соответствующий данным на носителе, посредством работы устройства чтения и записи. 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий: этап d), последующий за этапом (c), на котором отсоединяют с прекращением взаимодействия носитель от устройства чтения и записи; этап e), последующий за этапом (d), на котором соединяют с возможностью взаимодействия носитель с анализирующим компьютером, отдельным от банковского автомата; f), на котором анализируют, по меньшей мере, часть данных посредством работы анализирующего компьютера. 3. Способ по п.1, где на этапе (b) собранные ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011101532A

... 1. Способ защиты считывающего устройства (1) для носителя данных в форме карты от несанкционированного оценивания или копирования магнитно-кодированных данных, которые регистрируются на считывающем устройстве (1) для носителя (2) данных в форме карты, ! причем посредством катушки (17) помехового поля, которая размещена в ближней зоне отверстия (6) ввода для ввода носителя (2) данных в форме карты или в зоне надлежащей или авторизованной магнитной головки (10) считывания считывающего устройства (1), формируется магнитное помеховое поле (18), чтобы с помощью этого поля создавать помехи или оказывать влияние на установленную, при обстоятельствах, с шпионскими или мошенническими целями магнитную головку (14) считывания при регистрации магнитного поля носителя (2) данных в форме карты, ! отличающийся тем, что ! реализуют или размещают по меньшей мере одну катушку (17) помехового поля таким образом, что авторизованная магнитная головка (10) считывания при считывании магнитно-кодированных данных ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000116634A

... 1. Устройство в электронном банковском автомате, содержащее канал транспортировки листов, в котором листы перемещаются в основном в первом направлении, первый датчик листов и второй датчик листов, расположенные рядом с каналом транспортировки листов, причем первый и второй датчики в основном смещены один относительно другого в поперечном направлении относительно первого направления, первый механизм торможения листов и второй механизм торможения листов, расположенные рядом с каналом транспортировки листов, причем второй механизм торможения листов смещен в основном в поперечном направлении от первого механизма торможения листов, каждый механизм торможения листов приводится в действие селективно для изменения относительной скорости смещенных участков листа, находящихся рядом с механизмами торможения листов, когда лист перемещается рядом с механизмами торможения листов в канале транспортировки листов, и систему управления, оперативно связанную с первым и вторым датчиками обнаружения листов ...

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008103833A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее: ! транспортирующее устройство для множества банкнот, предназначенное для банковского автомата, ! причем транспортирующее устройство включает в себя ось, ! причем транспортирующее устройство включает в себя держатель пачки, ! который включает в себя внутреннюю область хранения, ! приспособленную для хранения пачки банкнот, ! причем держатель пачки имеет возможность радиального перемещения относительно оси вместе с пачкой ! и вокруг оси вместе с пачкой. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором транспортирующее устройство включает в себя кожух держателя, причем держатель пачки имеет возможность радиально перемещаться относительно кожуха держателя. ! 3. Устройство по п.2, в котором держатель пачки имеет возможность перемещаться внутри кожуха держателя. ! 4. Устройство по п.3, в котором транспортирующее устройство включает в себя поддерживающую структуру, причем поддерживающая структура поддерживает держатель пачки и кожух держателя, причем кожух держателя имеет возможность ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013115276A

... 1. Терминал самообслуживания, такой как банкомат, содержащий переднюю панель с приемной щелью для карточки, предназначенной для введения через нее магнитной карточки, в котором во время введения карточки в приемную щель магнитная полоска на карточке индуцирует поток данных карточки в зону (D) считывания данных полоски, причем терминал также содержит модуль, препятствующий мошенническому копированию данных с карточки, для генерации создающего помехи поля для подавления помехами магнитного записывающего блока устройства для незаконного считывания с карточки, установленного на передней панели в приемной щели для карточки или рядом с ней, причем модуль, препятствующий мошенническому копированию данных с карточки, содержит первый источник магнитного поля и по меньшей мере один дополнительный источник магнитного поля, при этом каждый источник индуцирует электромагнитное поле в области (S) щели, включающей приемную щель для карточки, таким образом, что создающее помехи поле в зоне (D) считывания ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011142328A

... 1. Способ аутентификации транзакции, включающий в себя этапы, на которыхпринимают данные, идентифицирующие средство для осуществления транзакции,принимают данные, идентифицирующие сегмент сети связи с подвижными объектами, для маршрутизации передач через мобильное устройство связи, ассоциируемое с пользователем, запрашивающим транзакцию,сравнивают данные сегмента сети связи с подвижными объектами и данные, идентифицирующие средство для осуществления транзакции, с базой данных коррелированных данных, идентифицирующих одно или более средств для осуществления транзакции, ассоциированных с дополнительными данными, идентифицирующими один или более сегментов сети связи с подвижными объектами; иаутентифицируют транзакцию в зависимости от результата сравнения.2. Способ по п.1, в котором база данных коррелированных данных дополнительно содержит данные, представляющие количество ранее аутентифицированных транзакций, запрошенных в каждом из упомянутого одного или более средств для осуществления транзакции ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005128623A

... 1. Устройство для блокирования дверной панели к предохранительной камере во время вскрытия посторонним лицом, включающее множество прорезей и множество выступов, причем каждый из множества выступов предназначен входить в зацепление с соответствующим множеством прорезей, когда край дверной панели подвергается действию рычага посторонним лицом в точке вдоль множества выступов. 2. Предохранительная камера, включающая вмещающее устройство, имеющее заднюю стенную панель, нижнюю панель, верхнюю стенную панель и окружающие боковые стенные панели, которые устанавливают границы внутреннего пространства, причем вмещающее устройство имеет открытую переднюю часть, делающую возможным доступ во внутреннее пространство, верхний горизонтальный элемент защиты, находящийся во внутреннем пространстве и включающий множество верхних прорезей, дверную панель, предназначенную для отгораживания внутреннего пространства вмещающего устройства благодаря тому, что она располагается поперек передней части, устанавливая ...

07-11-2002 дата публикации

Ein Geschäftssystem mit mindestens einem Transaktionsterminal

Номер: DE0069526305T2

23-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069508548T2

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202007019058U1

21-12-2000 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur sprachgesteuerten Bedienung eines Kiosksystems

Номер: DE0029922809U1

19-04-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003724837C2
Принадлежит: NCR CORP., DAYTON, OHIO, US

10-10-2002 дата публикации

Privacy shield for input device for PIN code provided as screening grid with matrix of open cells defined between narrow separation walls

Номер: DE0010116567A1

The privacy shield is provided as a screening grid (6) with a series of cells, positioned over the input device. The cells are open at the top and bottom and defined between narrow separation walls (7,8,9,10), with a width to length ratio designed to prevent viewing of the input device during input of the PIN code, other than by the operator.

07-11-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003216830C2

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Verhinderung der Beraubung an einem Geldautomaten

Номер: DE102018009303A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Schutz von Geldscheinen/Münzen in Geldautomaten und ist anwendbar im Finanzwesen, insbesondere bei Geldautomaten von Banken und Sparkassen, aber auch bei sonstigen Verkaufsautomaten mit Geldscheineinzug/ AusgabeDie Erfindung ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass durch mechanische Beanspruchung ausgelöste Reaktionen die im Geldautomat vorhandenen Geldscheine zerstört werden.

12-06-2003 дата публикации

Viewing protection guard for use with a cash machine to limit view of entry keyboard

Номер: DE0020201307U1

The cash machine has a numerical keyboard [2] positioned in front of a transaction display. A personal identification code and personal data requirements are entered and in order to ensure privacy a shield [4] encloses part of the keyboard. This is in the form of an angled panel of flexible, fireproof thermoplastic.

21-07-2011 дата публикации

Self-service machine i.e. automatic teller machine, has interference signal separating device provided such that total signal is processed to determine desired signal, which supports reading of desired data from magnetic stripe card

Номер: DE102010000102A1

The machine has an interference signal generating unit (11) for generating an interference signal by which an electromagnetic interference field is formed in a region of a card slot so that a total signal (G), which comprises interference signal, is read in a reading unit (4) of a card reader (2). A control unit (10) controls a transport unit (9) and/or the reading unit. An interference signal separating device (15) is provided such that the total signal is processed to determine a desired signal (N), which supports reading of desired data from a magnetic stripe card (7) e.g. bank card.

25-11-2010 дата публикации

Method for inputting personal identification number for self-service systems, involves displaying coding character by display unit and processing displayed coding character by input unit

Номер: DE102009021909A1

The method involves displaying a coding character by a display unit (3) and processing the displayed coding character by an input unit (4). The processed coding character is inputted as personal identification number by the input unit. The coding character is randomly selected and the coding character is a numeric character or an alphanumeric character. An independent claim is also included for a device for inputting personal identification number for self-service systems.

25-06-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren und System für die Überwachung der Bearbeitung von Zahlungsmitteln

Номер: DE102007062117A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und ein System für die Überwachung der Bearbeitung von Zahlungsmitteln. Die Erfindung geht dabei von einem Verfahren und System für die Überwachung der Bearbeitung von Zahlungsmitteln, mittels mindestens einer Bearbeitungsmaschine für die automatische Bearbeitung der Zahlungsmittel, bei denen ein Bedienvorgang bei der Bearbeitung der Zahlungsmittel mittels der Bearbeitungsmaschine durch eine Bedienperson als Bilddaten erfasst und gespeichert wird, und bei denen von der Bearbeitungsmaschine die Bearbeitung der Zahlungsmittel betreffende Informationen erzeugt und der Bedienperson für den Bedienvorgang zur Verfügung gestellt werden, aus, wobei die die Bearbeitung der Zahlungsmittel betreffenden Informationen und die erfassten Bilddaten aufgezeichnet und gespeichert werden.

09-05-2001 дата публикации

Funds deposit apparatus

Номер: GB0000106974D0

16-05-2001 дата публикации

Self service terminal

Номер: GB0000107689D0

17-10-2007 дата публикации

Vision shield

Номер: GB0000717721D0

16-07-2008 дата публикации

Anti tamper cabinet self clamping

Номер: GB0000810593D0

23-10-1996 дата публикации

Self service print terminal

Номер: GB0009619191D0

17-07-2013 дата публикации

Security system

Номер: GB0201309682D0

13-08-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method

Номер: GB0201411631D0

15-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001458495A

... 1458495 Controlled access systems INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP 25 April 1975 [25 June 1974] 17146/75 Heading G4H In a controlled access system, a request for access includes the entry of two messages at a request station, one of which is encoded at the request station and the other at a control station, testing means generating on access enabling signal if there is correspondence between the encoded forms of the two messages. In a banking system, digits (including an account number) are read from a credit card 100 at a terminal (Fig. 3) and some of them are selected by a key K1 and encrypted 106 under control of a key A (originally entered at the terminal, or derived by encrypting an entered key A1 under control of a key C). Groups of the output bits from encryption 106 are used to access decimal digits in the range 1-9 from a table 110 and some of these, selected by a key K2, are compared 114 with corresponding digits of an I.D. number entered by the customer on a keyboard ...

04-03-1970 дата публикации

Dispensing Apparatus

Номер: GB0001183336A

... 1,183,336. Dispensing apparatus. RCA CORP. 20 April, 1967 [20 April, 1966]. No. 17249/66. Heading G4X. A dispensing apparatus comprises (a) a customer account card data reader; (b) an input device for entering a private identification number; (c) a memory responsive to the output of one of (a) and (b) for producing a corresponding identification number or account card data respectively; (e) means for comparing the so produced number or data with respectively the output of (b) or (a), and means for permitting dispensation by the apparatus subject to agreement between the compared numbers or data. In the embodiment of Fig. 1 which shows a currency dispensing apparatus the memory 16 stores customer account numbers, and the corresponding private numbers. Upon being addressed by the output of the reader 12 which reads a customer account number from an account card 10 the memory transfers the corresponding identification number to a comparison unit for comparison with the output of the input ...

14-07-1999 дата публикации

Remote control of microprocessor device transactions processing

Номер: GB0009911089D0

16-04-2003 дата публикации

Self-service terminal having a personality controller

Номер: GB0002380847A

A self service terminal (SST) such as an automatic teller machine (ATM) comprises a user interface for interacting with a user. The terminal includes a programmable personality controller 74 having a plurality of personality settings, and control means 72 responsive to the programmable personality controller 74 for adapting the terminal's interaction with a user in response to the setting of the personality controller 74. The personality controller 74 may be a software module having a programming interface for allowing a retailer to select one of the plurality of personality settings. The control means 72 may include a plurality of different pre-recorded sentences, each sentence being spoken by a plurality of different types of voices. The control means 72 may include a random personality selection. The controller 74 may change the personality settings automatically depending on the time of day or week. The terminal may populate a screen with text that is specific to a personality type.

19-12-2007 дата публикации

Pin terminal keypad shield

Номер: GB0002421345B

24-05-2000 дата публикации

Coin discriminator voucher anticounterfeit method

Номер: GB0002343979A

A method of providing a voucher in a coin discriminator with a printer, includes the steps of placing visible marks on a substrate using a marking medium, such as fluorescent ink, which has a different appearance when photocopied, and using the printer to print an indication of the voucher value on the substrate. The voucher may include a thermal paper substrate, text at different angles, printing near the edge of the voucher, non-visible marks for rubbing with a coin, identifier symbols and/or perforations in a curved pattern. The non-visible mark may include titanium oxide.

03-01-2001 дата публикации

Fraud protection for a self-service terminal

Номер: GB2351590A

A self-service terminal (e.g. ATM) comprises a user interface (12) and at least one proximity sensor (40) located adjacent the user interface (12), such that the sensor (40) may detect foreign objects placed in contact with or in close proximity to the user interface (12), e.g. at a card reader (14d) or keypad, and so detect/prevent fraud by giving an alarm if the detection lasts for longer than e.g. one minute.

11-10-2000 дата публикации

Currency handling apparatus

Номер: GB0002348730A

Cash handling apparatus is capable of operating in a normal mode and in at least one other mode in which it requires less power to operate than in the normal mode, the change from the normal to the, or an, other mode being made when a reduction in the power available is detected or under predetermined conditions. In one embodiment the handling apparatus is included in a vending machine and comprises coin validating and change-giving components. In normal operation the validation acts quickly, change may be dispensed more than one coin at a time, and peripheral displays are illuminated. Means is provided for measuring the power available and comparing it with predetermined thresholds. Depending on the power available the apparatus may validate coins more slowly, dispense only one coin at a time, possibly with a pause between dispensings to allow for recharging of a capacitor in the electrical supply line, and selectively switch off of the peripheral devices. In other embodiments the apparatus ...

21-03-2007 дата публикации

A concealed data entry device

Номер: GB0002430298A

A concealed data entry device for an ATM comprises a hand rest and a keypad 1407 positioned under the hand rest (Fig. 10A) or on a pivoted support which can be angled away from the user (Fig. 11) or in a recess and/or facing away from the user of the ATM. A camera 1408 may transmit an image of the keypad to a viewer 1409 to aid data entry. A concealed data entry keypad provided on the rear surface of a door handle for operation of a mechanical or electronic lock (Figs 3 to 6) is also described. The keys may have different surface textures, shapes or groupings to aid identification; they may also have Braille markings. Instead of a keypad on a door handle the operation of the lock may be controlled by a series of different movements of the handle (Fig. 9).

03-12-2008 дата публикации

Barrier member preventing access via the periphery of a secured door

Номер: GB0002449748A

A security assembly for an ATM or safe comprises a frame member 12 and a plurality of doors 14. Each door 14 can be opened and closed independently of the other doors. A barrier member 18, which acts to lock each door 14, is mounted to the door 14 by two pivoting brackets 20. When in the locked condition, the barrier member 18 extends along the whole length of the edge of the door to prevent break-in through the boundaries between the doors and the frame using a crow bar. The barrier member is locked via of independently moveable locking blades 22 that are slidably mounted to the frame 12. Furthermore, a method of controlling a security assembly is described. When an attempt is made to open a door, the method determines whether the door has been opened in a predetermined past time period. If said door has not been opened in the predetermined time period, then the door is allowed to open. However, if the door has been opened in the predetermined time period, then it is retained in a closed ...

22-07-2009 дата публикации

An apparatus for preventing the removal of cassettes from an ATM

Номер: GB2456586A

An apparatus 10 for securing cassettes 40 housed within an automatic teller machine (ATM) comprising at least one barrier 20 and supporting structure 30 for supporting said barrier. Each barrier is arranged to be associated with a pair of adjacent cassettes and to be movable between a first position in which the barrier prevents removal of a pair of adjacent cassettes and a second or third position in which the barrier prevents removal of one or other cassette of the pair of adjacent cassettes. In use, only one cassette is removable when the barrier is in the second or third position. The apparatus is further formed and arranged so that the at least one barrier may be moved to a 'service' position so that both cassettes can be accessed and removed simultaneously and for servicing of the ATM.

26-05-1999 дата публикации

Transaction recordal and validation

Номер: GB0009907513D0

26-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008905788D0

26-05-1982 дата публикации

Transaction processing enclosure

Номер: GB2087474A
Автор: Hastings, Otis H

A transaction processing enclosure 220 for housing electronic transaction processing equipment 230 or the like comprising, in combination, at least one access opening to the interior of said enclosure, closure means 224, 225 movable with respect to said access opening to effect the opening and closing thereof, and turntable means 244 mounted within said enclosure independently of said closure means and capable of supporting said equipment thereon so that the entire periphery of said turntable means and supported equipment is accessible through said access means. ...

31-01-2001 дата публикации

Method of conducting transactions

Номер: GB0000030804D0

07-03-2001 дата публикации

Self service terminal

Номер: GB0000101498D0

19-08-2015 дата публикации

A plinth

Номер: GB0002517601B

30-01-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling communications

Номер: GB0002337434B

07-06-2000 дата публикации

A security system

Номер: GB0000009484D0

01-10-2014 дата публикации

Cash and/or financial document handling system

Номер: GB0002512407A

A networked controller for a branch of bank comprises a database 106, a control module associated with the database and a network interface configured to connect, over a network 108, to a plurality of workstations 204 or mobile workstations 132 and at least one cash handling machine 202, e.g. teller cash dispenser (TCD), teller cash recycler (TCR) or teller cash acceptor (TCA), for performing operations to handle cash and/or other physical financial documents. The network interface receives requests from at least some of the workstations over the network, each comprising a request to pre-order a respective one of the operations or transactions. The requests are then stored in the database. The network further receives, over the network, a signal from or on behalf of a slave module 404 located in the cash handling machine for retrieving one of the requests from the database. The control module processes the signal and in response releases the respective operation, the release comprising, ...

21-04-2004 дата публикации

An enclosure for an automated teller machine

Номер: GB0000405444D0

06-01-1982 дата публикации

Card transaction verification

Номер: GB0002078410A

In off-line verification of transactions involving banking or credit cards, the terminal processes the account number and expiry date, from the card, together with manually-entered PID (personel ident number), in accordance with a function f1 (itself dependent on the expiry date) and compares the result with check digits from the card, to determine whether the transaction is valid. The terminal records whether the transaction is valid and disables itself if more than a predetermined number of transactions within a series of transactions are invalid. The terminal records (e.g. on magnetic tape) all the transaction information together with a checksum obtained according to a function f2 from the transaction information, serial number and validity and the tape identity, so the card issuer can subsequently detect fraudulent alteration of the tape by processing in accordance with function f2 and comparing with the checksum. The functions f1 and f2 are produced by the same algorithm controlled ...

15-06-1983 дата публикации

System for performing transactions

Номер: GB0002110450A

A transaction performing system including a plurality of terminal units each of which comprises a cash handling device of the circulation type having cash containers for accommodating received cash as classified according to the kind of money and delivering cash from the containers for dispensing, and sensors for detecting the level of cash in each container. The transaction modes of the terminal unit include a receiving-delivery mode, a receiving-only mode and a delivery-only mode. When the amount of cash in one of the containers within one or more of the terminal units has increased to a predetermined level, the transaction mode of one or more of the other terminal units is changed from the receiving-delivery mode to the receiving-only mode. When the amount of cash in one of the containers within one or more of the terminal units has reduced to a predetermined level, the transaction mode of one or more of the other terminal units is changed from the receiving-delivery mode to the delivery-only ...

21-11-2007 дата публикации

Methods and systems for managing loss or theft of ATM cards

Номер: GB0000720088D0

04-08-2004 дата публикации

Self service cash deposit banking machine

Номер: GB0000414696D0

13-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002091225B

23-11-1983 дата публикации

Automatic transaction machine

Номер: GB0002119993A

An automatic transaction machine has an arcuated shutter which is opened/closed with respect to an operation section where transaction data is entered. The convex-shaped surface of the shutter faces the customer. An overload detector is arranged to detect an overload imposed on the shutter during the opening/closing operation thereof. A first shutter safe driving section stops the shutter or drives it in a direction opposite to the closing direction in accordance with a detection result from the overload detector. A foreign matter detector is arranged to detect foreign matter within a space enclosed by the closed shutter and the operation section. When the foreign matter detector detects foreign matter, a second shutter safe driving section stops the shutter or drives it in a direction opposite to the closing direction. After a predetermined time interval has elapsed, the second shutter safe driving section is operated to close the shutter.

13-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002081807B
Принадлежит: DIEBOLD INC

24-02-1982 дата публикации

Automatic banking machine having a security container

Номер: GB0002081807A

A remote automatic banking or teller machine equipped with doubles detecting mechanism which diverts doubles from delivery to a customer and conveys the doubles to a container into which the conveyor means discharges the doubles through a container opening having closure means which are in open position when mounted on the dispenser unit in access-preventing or anti-fishing condition and which closure means are closed and locked to provide a sealed tamper-indicating anti-fishing condition for the container after the container is removed from the dispenser unit and during transport to a central bank.

29-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001297759A

16-03-2011 дата публикации

Sheet document stacking

Номер: GB0201101455D0

18-10-2000 дата публикации

Anti theft device for in-house A.T.M's

Номер: GB0000021288D0

19-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008324825D0

04-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008405543D0

21-03-2007 дата публикации

Cronus (ATM)

Номер: GB0000702544D0

11-04-2007 дата публикации

Cash dispensing methods and systems

Номер: GB0000704396D0

25-01-1995 дата публикации

An automated teller machine

Номер: GB0009424558D0

25-08-1999 дата публикации

Pinless cash advances

Номер: GB0009914847D0

01-03-1995 дата публикации

A self-service transaction terminal

Номер: GB0009426325D0

13-11-1996 дата публикации

Coin dispensing apparatus

Номер: GB0009619971D0

14-11-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001337234A

... 1337234 Printing apparatus; selective printing E O SPRADLIN 7 April 1972 [7 April 1971 16163/72 Headings B6C and B6F A travelling roller platen printing machine comprises a housing 10, in which a long paper sheet 11 or web is held in a channel 30, and means by which the paper can be fed incrementally across printing means to be received in a channel 33. The printing means may comprise number-printing wheels 74, selectively settable printing wheels 22, a fixed printing plate 26 and an embossed plastics printing plate, such as a credit card, which is temporarily received in a slot 53. A sales slip may be positioned over the paper 11 by means of pegs 36, then passage of the roller platen 62 causes both the paper 11 and the sales slip to receive imprints. Preferably the sales slip is of selfimaging paper, with a carbon coating which images the paper 11. Movement of the paper 11 between imprinting operations may be actuated by placing of a printing plate in the slot 53.

05-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009323489D0

06-01-1999 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for showing user selectable options on the display screen of a data processing apparatus

Номер: GB0009824763D0

19-01-2000 дата публикации

Self-service terminal

Номер: GB0009927370D0

10-07-2019 дата публикации

Banking pod

Номер: GB0201907401D0

01-07-2020 дата публикации

Banking pod

Номер: GB0202007451D0

05-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001496984A

... 1496984 Automatic banking equipment DIEBOLD Inc 3 Dec 1975 49581/75 Heading G4V Automatic multiple-transaction banking equipment comprises. a remote vault-like unit 1. It has a manual keyboard means 4, card entry means 2, card reader means, cash dispenser and delivery means and customer accessible cash drawer means, the. unit being adapted to be activated by the entry of coded card means into the card entry means and the card reader means. A programmable display means 5 is co-ordinated with and integrated with coded actuating. means, the-keyboard and the cash storage dispensing and delivery mechanism to accomplish the multi-fold purposes of imparting clear and detailed instructions or directions to the customers for carrying out any one of a number of different banking transactions or procedures. There-is provision for changing the instructions when desired, of. permitting information read . by the card reader from a coded card, such as the customer's name, to be displayed at the programmable ...

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Method and system for supplying a reactor for generating crude synthesis gas.

Номер: AP2011005731A0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Designation of electronic financial transactions

Номер: AP2009004896A0

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Method and system for supplying a reactor for generating crude synthesis gas.

Номер: AP0201105731D0

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Method and system for supplying a reactor for generating crude synthesis gas.

Номер: AP0201105731A0

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Self-service terminal

Номер: US20120002353A1

A self-service terminal includes a first cabinet, a cover rotatably secured on the first cabinet, and an adjustment device received in the first cabinet. A card slot for inputting/outputting a cash card is defined in the cover, and a positioning member is attached to the user interface cover. The adjustment device includes a positioning tray and a mounting member slidably secured to the positioning tray. A reader is attached to the positioning tray and includes an interface. The mounting member includes a slanted side plate abutting the positioning tray; wherein the positioning member is engaged with the positioning tray, for aligning with the interface of the reader and the card slot of the cover.

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Комплекс для исследования радиоэлектронных устройств

Номер: RU0000170238U1

Автоматизированное рабочее место сбора информации для проведения радиотехнических экспертиз, состоящее из персональной электронно-вычислительной машины, выполняющей роль блока управления и обработки, модуля сопряжения и сменного модельного модуля, обеспечивающее возможность криминалистического исследования радиоэлектронного устройства с микросхемой памяти при минимальном использовании паяльного оборудования. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 238 U1 (51) МПК G06K 9/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016144541, 14.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.11.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Зайцев Игорь Евгеньевич (RU), Сайбель Алексей Геннадиевич (RU) 18.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.11.2016 Адрес для переписки: 197372, Санкт-Петербург, Богатырский пр-т, 53, корп. 3, кв. 283, Зайцев Игорь Евгеньевич 8719929 B2, 06.05.2014. US 2009/0021428 A1, 22.01.2009. US 2010/0272187 A1, 28.10.2010. 1 7 0 2 3 8 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Комплекс для исследования радиоэлектронных устройств, состоящий из управляющей ПЭВМ 1 и модуля сопряжения 2, отличающийся тем, что в состав дополнительно включены сменный модельный модуль 3, блок коммутации звукового канала 2.1, блок сопряжения 2.2 и блок коммутации микросхемы памяти 2.3, при этом модуль сопряжения 2 подключен к управляющей ПЭВМ 1 по USB, звуковой выход управляющей ПЭВМ 1 подключен к сигнальному входу блока коммутации звукового канала 2.1, выход которого предназначен для подключения ко входу входных цепей исследуемого скиммера, управляющий вход блока коммутации звукового канала 2.1 соединен с управляющей ПЭВМ по USB, многоканальный выход сменного модельного модуля 3 подключен к многоканальному входу блока коммутации микросхемы памяти 2.3, первый многоканальный выход которого подключен через блок сопряжения 2.2 к USB управляющей ПЭВМ 1, а второй многоканальный выход которого ...

20-01-2021 дата публикации

Устройство защиты банкомата

Номер: RU0000201887U1

Полезная модель относится к области банковских систем, а именно к области защиты банковских автоматов, и может быть использована для защиты системы банкоматов от взлома, а также оповещения о нештатных ситуациях с банкоматами.По данным «Информзащиты» 90% нападений на банкоматы были физическими, поэтому необходимо прежде всего обеспечить надежную защиту от физического нападения на банкоматы и платежные терминалы.По предлагаемому решению, устройство защиты банкомата, содержащее приемник для обнаружения источника помех сигналов GPS, и/или GSM, и/или GPRS, и/или LTE, функционирующий на основе мониторинга соотношения сигнал-шум подавителя (JNR), и соединенную с ним систему обработки полученных от приемника данных (СОПД), отличается тем, что в случае превышения уровня сигнал/шум в определенном диапазоне и/или диапазонах на заданный уровень, СОПД подает команду техническим средствам охраны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 887 U1 (51) МПК G07F 19/00 (2006.01) G08B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G07F 19/20 (2021.01); G07F 19/209 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020132852, 06.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2011136400 A1, 10.04.2013. RU 102416 U1, 27.02.2011. RU 2648628 C2, 26.03.2018. RU 2715160 C1, 25.02.2020. CN 204199772 U1, 11.03.2015. US 20060080253 A1, 13.04.2006. Дата регистрации: 20.01.2021 2 0 1 8 8 7 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.10.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 2 0 1 8 8 7 R U Стр.: 1 защиты банкомата, содержащее приемник для обнаружения источника помех сигналов GPS, и/ или GSM, и/или GPRS, и/или LTE, функционирующий на основе мониторинга соотношения сигнал-шум подавителя (JNR), и соединенную с ним систему обработки полученных от приемника данных (СОПД), отличается тем, что в случае превышения уровня сигнал/шум в определенном диапазоне и/или диапазонах на заданный ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Check and u.s. bank note processing device and method

Номер: US20120008850A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A document processing system comprises an input receptacle for receiving documents. A transport mechanism receives the documents from the input receptacle and transports the documents past a full image scanner and a discrimination unit. An output receptacle receives the documents from the transport mechanism after being transported past the full image scanner and the discrimination unit. The full image scanner includes means for obtaining a full video image of said documents, means for obtaining a image of a selected area of said documents, and means for obtaining information contained in said selected area of said document. The discrimination unit includes means for determining the authenticity of said document. A system controller directs the flows of documents over the transport mechanism.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Financial device, method of controlling the same, and medium processing apparatus

Номер: US20120031728A1
Автор: Sumin Lee
Принадлежит: LG N Sys Inc

Provided is a financial device, which comprises a medium entrance, a medium processing apparatus, and a control unit. A medium is deposited or withdrawn through the medium entrance. The medium processing apparatus processes the medium. The control unit controls the medium processing apparatus. The medium processing apparatus comprises a front guider, a rear guider behind the front guider, a pushing member pushing a medium disposed in a medium processing space, and a supporting guider supporting the medium in the medium processing space. The control unit controls an operation of the medium processing apparatus such that states of the front guider, the rear guider, the pushing member, and the supporting guider when moving of a medium is completed in the medium processing space to deposit the medium are the same as states of the front guider, the rear guider, the pushing member, and the supporting guider when moving of a medium is completed in the medium processing space to withdraw or return the medium.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Automated teller machine comprising at least one camera to detect manipulation attempts

Номер: US20120038773A1

The invention proposes an automated teller machine having different control elements, such as a card entry slot ( 4 ), for example, wherein at least one camera (CAMK) is integrated in a control element, the card entry slot ( 4 ), for example, and captures images of a plurality of sub-regions attributed to said control element ( 4 ), such as an interior region, outer region and overhead region. Lighting (L) that illuminates one or some of the partial regions, the interior region or the slit region of the card entry slot ( 4 ), for example, can also be arranged, thereby also improving the image. In addition, the construction can be furnished with a light-conducting material (K) over which light produced by the lighting (L) can be guided and distributed.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for recognizing attempts at manipulating a self-service terminal, and data processing unit therefor

Номер: US20120038774A1

A method ( 100 ) is proposed for recognizing attempts at manipulating a self-service terminal, specifically a cash dispenser, in which a control panel with elements arranged therein, such as a keypad, cash-dispensing slot, etc. is provided, wherein a camera is directed onto at least one of the elements and wherein the image data generated by the camera are evaluated. Using edge detection, at least one edge image is created from the image data generated (step sequence 120 ). The edge image is evaluated using a reference edge image (step sequence 130 ). To generate the reference edge image, several individual images are used (step sequence 110 ). Fully automated evaluation and recognition of manipulation attempts is possible using edge detection.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Removable media container

Номер: US20120048877A1
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

A removable media container for use in a media dispenser is described. The media container comprises: a diverter entrance for receiving diverted media items prior to stacking of the media items; a non-present stack entrance for receiving a stack of media items subsequent to stacking of the media items but prior to presentation of the stack of media items to a customer; and a present stack entrance for receiving a stack of media items subsequent to presentation of the stack of media items to a customer.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Multiple-entity transaction systems and methods

Номер: US20120054094A1
Принадлежит: Western Union Co

Methods and systems are provided for performing a funds transfer. The method may include determining which of a plurality of different funds-transfer companies is able to complete the funds transfer in accordance with defined parameters. The method may also include determining a default service fee charged for the funds transfer by a funds-transfer company of a subset of the plurality of different funds-transfer companies. The method may additionally include transmitting to at least one funds-transfer company of the subset of the plurality of different funds-transfer companies details of the funds transfer, where the details of the funds-transfer comprises the default service fee. The method may furthermore include transmitting an identification of the subset of the plurality of different funds-transfer companies, each of which is capable of completing the funds transfer in accordance with the defined parameters, the subset including at least two of the plurality of different funds-transfer companies.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Card activated cash dispensing automated banking machine system and method

Номер: US20120055987A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

An automated banking machine system operates to cause financial transfers responsive to data read from data bearing records. The system is operative to read a financial card bearing account indicia with a card reader. A user is enabled to perform at least one banking operation responsive to account indicia read from the card. Such banking operations may include dispensing cash and accessing financial accounts. A user is also enabled to perform at least one banking operation responsive to financial account data communicated to the automated banking machine from a mobile phone.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Card Feed Unit, Read Out Unit, ATM And Method

Номер: US20120080518A1

The present invention relates to a card feed unit for transferring a data carrier of card information of a multi-services cards, such as a bank card or credit card, to a reading head of a reading unit for at least reading out of card information, the card feed unit comprising: attachment means for attaching the card feed unit in an arrangement respective of the reading head that is suitable for transporting the data carrier of the card in the direction of the meeting head, a receipt position for receipt of the card, a transfer assembly for transferring the card by means of the transfer assembly in the direction of the reading head, in which: the card feed unit is suitable for, during insertion of the card in the receipt position, receiving the card in the receipt position by means of an insertion operation with a direction of movement that, at least as seen in one direction, is substantially perpendicular to the readout direction of the card for preventing that the card is readable during the insertion operation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Reception process system and method

Номер: US20120158588A1
Автор: Tomoyuki Kubo
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd

A system is provided for processing a deposit/withdrawal request from a customer. A bank terminal includes an identifying unit that extracts check information from the check image and extracts slip information from the slip image, an input unit that receives an input information, and a confirmation determining unit that determines, based on at least one of the check information, the slip information, and the input information from the input unit, whether or not a reconfirmation for at least one of the information is necessary. A communication unit transmits the check information, the slip information, and the determination result to a center terminal having a second display unit. The second display unit displays the check information and the slip information and displays information determined necessary to be reconfirmed in a way so as to be distinguished from information determined not necessary to be reconfirmed.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Mobile phone atm processing methods and systems

Номер: US20120160912A1
Автор: Kevin Laracey
Принадлежит: Paydiant LLC

Embodiments provide systems, methods, processes, computer program code and means for using mobile devices to conduct transactions with ATM devices.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Banking machine that operates responsive to data bearing records

Номер: US20120168498A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

An automated banking machine operates to cause financial transfers responsive to data read from data bearing records. The automated banking machine includes a card reader operative to read card data from user cards corresponding to financial accounts. The automated banking machine includes a display and a printer to produce records of financial transactions carried out with the machine. The automated banking machine is operative to carry out financial transfers using resources of the ATM correlated to application instructions responsive to configuration data.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Bill deposit/withdrawal machine

Номер: US20120193190A1
Принадлежит: Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd

Provided is a means for stably accumulating the bills to be paid out to a customer. A bill press ( 26 ) has a dog-leg shape composed of a supporting face ( 26 a ) facing bills and an inclined face ( 26 b ) inclined in a direction away from the bills above the supporting face ( 26 a ), has two sliding pins ( 30 ) lined up along a movement direction on a side face thereof, and has a sliding groove ( 35 ) at the side of the bill press ( 26 ). A bent portion ( 35 a ) is provided at one end of the sliding groove ( 35 ) on the side of an accumulating tongue piece roller ( 28 ). When the bills to be paid out to a customer are accumulated in a bill deposit/withdrawal unit ( 10 ), the bill press ( 26 ) turns so that the sliding pins ( 30 ) on the side of the accumulating tongue piece roller ( 28 ) enter the bent portion ( 35 a ), and thereby the supporting face ( 26 a ) is inclined toward the accumulating tongue piece roller ( 28 ).

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Encryption keyboard

Номер: US20120193207A1
Принадлежит: GRG Banking Equipment Co Ltd

An encryption keyboard is provided, especially an encryption keyboard including a front spying and detecting protection system. The encryption keyboard comprises a panel and a main control panel. A sealed flexible printed circuit board (PCB) is set between the panel and the main control panel. A circuit for preventing from spying and detecting is set in the sealed flexible circuit. The circuit for preventing from spying and detecting is connected to the surface of the sealed flexible circuit through a circuit pin, and is connected electrically to the control circuit of the main control panel for realizing a self-destroyed function through the circuit pin. The keyboard also includes a split style key grain, which comprises a keycap and a press post. The keycap comprises a cap top and an admission space which is positioned on the undersurface of the cap top and includes a downward opening. The keycap sockets the press post through the admission space, and a gap matching is formed between the press post and the wall of the admission space.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Automatic Teller Machine Capable of Performing Remote Controlling Function and Opening and Closing Operation Method of Automatic Teller Machine Using Same

Номер: US20120194319A1
Принадлежит: Nautilus Hyosung Inc

The present invention relates to an automatic teller machine (ATM) capable of control with a remote controller and an opening and closing operation method of the automatic teller machine using the same. In addition, the invention provides an automatic teller machine capable of performing a remote control function and an opening and closing operation method of the automatic teller machine using the same, which can enable the user to easily control power on/off, module reset, and rebooting operations of the automatic teller machine with a remote controller, thereby quickly and simply carrying out the opening and closing operations of the automatic teller machine, which were complicated and took a lot of time in the past, and easily performing some processes for maintaining the automatic teller machine. Further, the invention provides an automatic teller machine capable of performing a remote control function, comprising: a plurality of buttons and an automatic teller machine body equipped with a short-range wireless receiving device; and a remote controller which can execute the short-range wireless communication with the automatic teller machine body, wherein a system controlling program stored in the automatic teller machine body is activated through the remote controller in such a manner that the opening and closing operations of the automatic teller machine are conducted automatically through the button operation of the remote controller.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Automated Banking Machine that Outputs Interference Signals that Jam Reading Ability of Unauthorized Card Readers

Номер: US20120234913A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

A cash dispensing automated banking machine includes a card reader associated with a card slot. An anti-fraud sensing device is able to sense ambient light or generated radiation that passes to the sensing device through the card reader slot. The installation of an unauthorized card reading device on the machine changes at least one property sensed by the sensing device. A controller in the machine receives signals from the sensing device, and determines if an unauthorized card reading device has been installed.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Mass transit fare processing system

Номер: US20120255994A1
Принадлежит: Smart Systems Innovations LLC

An implementation of a system and method for using existing identification token infrastructures for mass transit fare product entitlement and payment is provided. The system and method make use of tokens—usually issued by a third party—for identification purposes and optionally for settlement purposes. The system does not store information on the tokens and instead maintains access control data (i.e., “white” and “black” lists). This implementation differs from known systems that require specially issued credit cards that have dedicated mass transit functionality.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Interchange reporting manager

Номер: US20120284188A1

For a first transaction, an authorization request message is received from a first payment processing network and transmitted to an issuer computer, and an authorization response message is received from the issuer computer and transmitted to the first payment processing network. For a second transaction, an authorization message is received from a second payment processing network and transmitted to the issuer computer, and an authorization response message is received from the issuer computer and transmitted to the second payment processing network. The authorization request and response messages for the first and second transactions include transaction data which is stored. Interchange data files including interchange data for the first and second transactions are received from first and second payment processing networks, respectively. The interchange data files are normalized, and the stored transaction data for the first and second transactions is enriched with the received interchange data.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods to Detect Fraudulent Payment Requests

Номер: US20120295580A1
Автор: Katherine Corner
Принадлежит: Boku Inc

Systems and methods are provided to facilitate fraud detection in payments made via mobile communications. In one aspect, a system includes a data storage facility configured to store payment transaction records associated with phone numbers; and an interchange that includes a common format processor and a plurality of converters configured to interface with a plurality of controllers of mobile communications in transmitting premium messages to the phone numbers to collect funds for making payments on behalf of users of the phone numbers. The system includes a fraud detection engine configured to use the payment transaction records to detect a potentially fraudulent activity in payments requested via a phone number and configured to communicate with a server of a telecommunication carrier of the phone number to further process the activity based on an indication of abnormality in the telecommunication usage pattern of a mobile phone at the phone number.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining and alerting availability of preferred automated teller machines

Номер: US20120303448A1
Принадлежит: Cardtronics Inc

An alert process and apparatus employs a geo-coding database to find geographic coordinates corresponding to a street address of a fee-based ATM terminal for which one or more transaction fees or charged to a cardholder to use, employs a terminal locations data store to obtain a street address of an ATM terminal for which no fees or relatively lower fees, would be charged to the cardholder to use, having geographic coordinates closely matching those of the fee-based ATM terminal, and generates alert information including the street address of the non fee-based terminal. Cardholders can be alerted with locations of other ATM's that could have been used for lesser fees or for free, and that are in the vicinity of the ATM that originated the transaction subject to fees. The alert can also present the cardholder with additional benefits or incentives such as discount coupons and/or fee reimbursements.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Image processing to prevent access to private information

Номер: US20130004090A1
Автор: Joshua Migdal, Malay Kundu
Принадлежит: Individual

A processing resource receives original image data by a surveillance system. The original image data captures at least private information and occurrence of activity in a monitored region. The processing resource applies one or more transforms to the original image data to produce transformed image data. Application of the one or more transforms sufficiently distorts portions of the original image data to remove the private information. The transformed image data includes the distorted portions to prevent access to the private information. However, the distorted portions of the video include sufficient image detail to discern occurrence of the activity in the retail environment.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method for programming point of sale devices

Номер: US20130013435A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for programming point of sale devices is provided. The system includes a terminal programming system that can program point of sale devices provided by different manufacturers and having different proprietary operating systems. A communications interface is connected to the terminal programming system that receives update requests from the plurality of point of sale devices, such as when the point of sale devices call in to the system or when the point of sale devices respond to a poll.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Automated transaction machine

Номер: US20130013504A1
Автор: David M. Barcelou
Принадлежит: Transaction Holdings Ltd LLC

An automated retail terminal in which a plurality of goods and/or services are provided in an integrated system. The integrated system generally avoids duplicating hardware or functions in the course of delivering the goods or services offered, so for example in a combination ATM and Internet kiosk the same credit card or smart card reader is used for both the ATM and the Internet kiosk functions, the same control screen activates the ATM functions and the Internet functions, and etc.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Video-assisted self-service transaction device

Номер: US20130018788A1
Принадлежит: Bank of America Corp

While performing or initiating a transaction with a self-service video transaction device, a user may interact with a video agent and a terminal associated therewith. An error may occur during the transaction. In response to detecting the error, video agent(s) having video or audio functionalities to service the error may be identified. Servicing the error may also be based on a length of a wait time to connect to an appropriate video agent. If the wait time exceeds a predetermined threshold, an error receipt identifying the error and other information may be printed by the self-service video transaction device. If the wait time does not exceed the predetermined threshold, a display device of the self-service video transaction device may display an option for the user to connect to the video agent terminal.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

User interface

Номер: US20130050088A1
Автор: Andrew W. D. Smith
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

A user interface comprising: (i) a physical keypad comprising a plurality of keys, and (ii) a touch-sensitive display for presenting a screen. The screen comprises: (a) an image illustrating the physical keypad; and (b) a transaction option depicted on one of the keys of the physical keypad. A user is able to select the transaction option either by pressing the transaction option on the touch-sensitive display or by pressing a physical key corresponding to the key on which the transaction option is depicted.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098993A1
Принадлежит: Diebold, Incorporated

An automated banking machine operates responsive to data read from data bearing records, such as user cards, to cause machine user authorization and financial transfers. Account data read from a user card is associated in a data store with instructions for displaying a customer interface uniquely associated with the particular bank where the user holds the account. The customer interface includes user-selectable financial transaction options. The arrangement enables the customer interface of the user's home bank, with which the user is familiar, to also be automatically displayed when the user operates automated banking machines of other banks. 1. Apparatus comprising: a card reader, wherein the card reader is operable to read card data from user cards, wherein the card data corresponds to financial accounts,', 'a cash dispenser, wherein the cash dispenser is operable to selectively dispense cash stored in the automated banking machine,', 'a keypad, and', 'a receipt printer,', 'wherein the automated banking machine is associated with at least one processor in operable communication with each of the devices included in the automated banking machine,', 'wherein the at least one processor is operable to communicate with at least one of the devices to acquire the device condition information from the at least one device,', 'wherein the at least one processor is operable to cause the machine to communicate output data receivable by the hand held device in operative communication with the automated banking machine, wherein the at least one processor is operable to include in the output data the device condition information in a machine readable format,, 'a hand held device configured to receive device condition information concerning devices included in an automated banking machine, wherein the automated banking machine is operable responsive at least in part to data read from data bearing records to cause financial transfers, wherein the automated banking machine ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data read from data bearing records

Номер: US20130098994A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

An automated banking machine operates responsive to data read from data bearing records, such as user cards, to cause machine user authorization and financial transfers. Account data read from a user card is associated in a data store with instructions for displaying a customer interface uniquely associated with the particular bank where the user holds the account. The customer interface includes user-selectable financial transaction options. The arrangement enables the customer interface of the user's home bank, with which the user is familiar, to also be automatically displayed when the user operates automated banking machines of other banks.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Device for handling banknotes

Номер: US20130100014A1

The invention relates to a device ( 10 ) for handling banknotes. The device ( 10 ) comprises a display unit ( 12 ) having a display surface ( 14 ) for displaying at least one graphical user interface. Moreover, the device ( 10 ) comprises a drive unit ( 34 ) for tilting the display unit ( 12 ) about the axis of rotation ( 40 ). The display unit ( 12 ) is connected to a gear segment ( 68, 69 ) formed along a circular arc, the axis of rotation ( 40 ) extending through the center of curvature of the circular arc. A gear ( 78, 80 ) which is operatively connected to the drive unit ( 34 ) engages with the teeth of the gear segment ( 68, 69 ) formed along the circular arc.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Wireless electronic check deposit scanning and cashing machine with web-based online account cash management computer application system

Номер: US20130103582A1
Автор: Joy Shantia Singfield
Принадлежит: Timothy B. Clise

Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (also known and referred to as WEDS) Web-based Online account cash Management computer application System (also known and referred to as OMS virtual/live teller)—collectively invented integrated as “WEDS.OMS” System. Method and Apparatus for Depositing and Cashing Ordinary paper and/or substitute checks and money orders online Wirelessly from home/office computer, laptop, Internet enabled mobile phone, pda (personal digital assistant) and/or any Internet enabled device. WEDS enables verification and transmittal of image, OMS is the navigation tool used to set commands and process requests, integrated with WEDS, working collectively as WEDS.OMS System.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105572A1
Автор: Smith Mark D.
Принадлежит: Diebold, Incorporated

An automated banking machine operates to cause financial transfers responsive at least in part to data read from data bearing records. The automated banking machine includes a card reader operative to read card data from user cards corresponding to financial accounts. The automated banking machine includes a display and a printer to produce records of financial transactions carried out with the machine. The automated banking machine is also operative to receive secure communications from a host system that are operative to enable the automated banking machine to carry out banking transactions in response to an input of a personal information number. 1. Apparatus comprising: a card reader, wherein the card reader is operative to read card data from user cards, wherein the card data corresponds to financial accounts,', 'a cash dispenser,', 'a receipt printer, and', 'a pin pad,, 'an automated banking machine, wherein the automated banking machine is operative responsive at least in part to data read from data bearing records to cause financial transfers, wherein the automated banking machine includes the card reader to operate to read card data from a user card corresponding to a financial account,', 'the pin pad to operate to receive an input of personal identification number data,', 'the cash dispenser to operate to dispense an amount of cash from the machine, and', 'the receipt printer to operate to print a receipt, wherein the receipt includes indicia corresponding to the amount of cash dispensed, and, 'at least one processor, wherein the at least one processor is operative to communicate with the card reader, cash dispenser, receipt printer, and pin pad to cause'}wherein the at least one processor is operatively configured to use public key cryptography to cause a terminal master key to be securely transferred to the pin pad of the automated banking machine, wherein the at least one processor is operatively configured to use the terminal master key with a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Banking System Operated Responsive to Data Read from Data Bearing Records

Номер: US20130114877A1
Принадлежит: Diebold, Incorporated

A banking system includes automated banking machines that operate responsive to data read from data bearing records. Transactions may also be carried out through communication with local and remote service providers. An automated banking machine is operative to conduct transactions including cash dispensing for users, responsive to data read from user cards and communication with a transaction host. The machine is also operative to provide output signals which drive external displays. A machine processor is operative to cause the machine to receive visual and/or audio content from content sources and to store data corresponding to the content. The content is then output through the external displays. 1. Apparatus comprising: [ wherein the queuing indicator is in operative connection with at least one customer sensor operable to detect customers at a plurality of transaction terminals, which are each usable by respective customers to conduct cash-depositing transactions and cash-receiving transactions,', 'wherein the queuing indicator is operable to determine queuing information corresponding to an order in which customers at the transaction terminals are to be sequentially served by the teller station,, 'wherein the teller station includes a queuing indicator,'}, 'wherein the at least one terminal communication selector unit allows a teller of the teller station to selectively establish two-way audio and video communication with a respective customer at each respective transaction terminal,', 'wherein the teller station includes at least one terminal communication selector unit,'}, 'wherein the teller station allows the teller to cause advertising material to be presented to other customers of other transaction terminals while two-way audio and video communication is being conducted between the teller and a customer conducting a transaction at a different transaction terminal,', 'wherein the teller station allows the teller to be involved with different transactions ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118861A1

Disclosed are a banknote processing system and method. The system comprises: a terminal (), an identification unit (), a physical banknote box (), a banknote box information storage unit (), and a main control unit (). The identification unit () detects the banknotes getting in or out of the physical banknote box () to obtain inherent information of the banknotes; the main control unit () updates a virtual electronic banknote box according to the inherent information of the banknotes, and determine information of the banknotes in the physical banknote box () according to the information of the virtual electronic banknote box. The virtual electronic banknote box is a set of the inherent information of the banknotes, wherein the inherent information of the virtual electronic banknote box is one-to-one mapped to the banknotes in the physical banknote box (), and the storage sequence of the inherent information is the same as the placement sequence of the banknotes in the physical banknote box (). 1. A banknote processing system , comprising a terminal machine , an identification unit , a physical banknote box , a banknote box information memory and a main control unit , wherein:the terminal machine is configured to deal with cash deposit transaction and/or cash withdrawal transaction;the identification unit is configured to, during cash deposit or cash withdrawal via the terminal machine, detect a banknote which is input into or output from the physical banknote box to get inherent information on the banknote, the inherent information is identification information for distinguishing various banknotes;the physical banknote box is configured to store banknotes;the banknote box information memory is configured to store a virtual electronic banknote box, the virtual electronic banknote box is an aggregate of the inherent information on banknotes, the inherent information in the virtual electronic banknote box and the banknotes in the physical banknote box have one-to-one ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120580A1
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Zhengtong Electronic Co., Ltd.

An anti-counterfeit banknote recorder, an automatic teller machine and a system are provided. The recorder includes a microprocessor, a memory, a communication module and a first photographic device. The first photographic device includes a camera and a flasher with different types of rays. The microprocessor is able to regulate the flashlight automatically so as to provide different types of rays according to the optical characteristics on the surface of the banknote under monitoring, and control the camera so as to take photos of the banknote under monitoring, thus, photo information of the banknote is obtained. The microprocessor is able to receive commands from the external equipments via the communication module, thus, the first photographic device is controlled accordingly so as to take photos. Moreover, via the communication module, the microprocessor is able to receive transaction information in relation to the banknotes under monitoring from the external equipments. The microprocessor is able to save the photo information of the banknote and the transaction information to the memory in the form of encryption recording. Thus, transaction process of the counterfeit banknotes on the ATM is automatically and effectively recorded, which is capable of providing truly effective legal basis for the settling of related disputes. 1. An anti-counterfeit banknote recorder , is characterized in that: it consists of a microprocessor , a memory , a communication module and a first photographic device; the first photographic device is composed of a camera and a flasher which has different types of rays; the microprocessor is able to regulate the flashlight automatically so as to provide different types of rays according to the optical characteristics on the surface of the banknote under monitoring , and control the camera so as to take photos of the banknote under monitoring , thus , photo information of the banknote is obtained; the microprocessor is able to receive ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Banking transaction machine that operates responsive to data bearing records

Номер: US20130134215A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

A cash dispensing banking machine that operates responsive to data bearing records includes a card reader that reads identifying data from a user card. The machine dispenses cash from a cash dispenser for a financial account without causing the card reader device to read data from a card corresponding to the financial account, when a determination indicates that a voice of the user corresponds to a particular recognized user stored in a data store in correlated relation with the financial account.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Banking system controlled responsive to data read from data bearing records

Номер: US20130140358A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

A banking system is controlled responsive to data included on data bearing records. The system includes a deposit accepting machine for accepting deposit items, such as deposit bags, currency, and checks. The deposit accepting machine includes a card reader operable to read financial account data from cards of depositors. The machine includes a RFID reader that wirelessly reads data from RFID tags on deposited items, including account number and deposit amount data. A computer credits the account for the read deposit amount. The machine, which can also dispense cash, further includes an NFC reader that can wirelessly receive cash loading data from an NFC component on a cash handler's cash transport bag. The cash loading data can include an amount of cash loaded into the machine. The machine can wirelessly transmit to the bag, dispense data that includes the amount of cash dispensed since the last cash loading.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141141A1

The present invention relates to a driver unit that locates the transmitter, which transmits magnetic field around the card insertion slot in order to prevent fraud in self-service terminals (SST) such as ATM, which enables transactions with magnetic tape cards. 1. A driver circuit driving a transmitter coil transmitting an electromagnetic field to prevent copying card information of a magnetic card by a copying device located around a card insertion slot of an SST comprising a card insertion slot and a card reader , wherein the driver circuit comprises an H-bridged driver circuit or a symmetric powered driver circuit.2. A driver circuit according to the claim 1 , wherein the H-bridge comprises flyback diodes for eliminating influence of emf that the transmitter coil generates.3. A driver circuit according to the claim 1 , further comprising a capacitor connected serially to the coil on the H-bridge.4. A driver circuit according to the claim 1 , wherein the H-bridge comprises semi-conductor or non-semi conductor switching elements such as transistor claim 1 , mosfet claim 1 , IGBT.5. A driver circuit according to the claim 2 , characterized in that flyback diodes used on the H-bridge comprise semi-conductor or non-semi conductor switching elements such as transistor claim 2 , mosfet claim 2 , IGBT.6. A driver circuit driving a transmitter coil transmitting an electromagnetic field to prevent copying card information of a magnetic card by a copying device located around a card insertion slot of an SST comprising a card insertion slot and a card reader claim 2 , wherein the driver circuit comprises a symmetric powered driver circuit.7. A driver circuit according to the claim 6 , wherein the symmetric powered driver circuit comprises flyback diodes for eliminating the influence of emf that the transmitter coil generates.8. A driver circuit according to the claim 6 , further comprising a capacitor connected serially to the coil.9. A driver circuit according to the claim ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Banking system controlled responsive to data read from data bearing records

Номер: US20130146657A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

A banking system is controlled responsive to data included on data bearing records. The system includes a deposit accepting machine for accepting deposit items, such as deposit bags, currency, and checks. The deposit accepting machine includes a card reader operable to read financial account data from cards of depositors. The machine includes a RFID reader that wirelessly reads data from RFID tags on deposited items, including account number and deposit amount data. A computer credits the account for the read deposit amount. The machine, which can also dispense cash, further includes an NFC reader that can wirelessly receive cash loading data from an NFC component on a cash handler's cash transport bag. The cash loading data can include an amount of cash loaded into the machine. The machine can wirelessly transmit to the bag, dispense data that includes the amount of cash dispensed since the last cash loading.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152475A1

The invention relates to an arrangement () for closing an opening for the input and/or output of notes of a device for handling notes. The arrangement () comprises a pivotable shutter element and a rotary solenoid. An armature of the rotary solenoid is connected to the shutter element via a connecting element. In a first position of the armature the shutter element is arranged in a closed position, and in a second position of the armature the shutter element is arranged in an open position. 1. An arrangement for closing an opening for the output and/or input of notes of a device for handling notes , comprising:a shutter element which is pivotable about an axis,a rotary solenoid having an armature which is rotatable about its longitudinal axis, anda connecting element via which the armature of the rotary solenoid is connected to the shutter element,wherein, in a first position of the armature, the shutter element is arranged in a closed position, andwherein, in a second position of the armature, the shutter element is arranged in an open position.2. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the second position claim 1 , the armature is rotated by a preset angle claim 1 , in particular by an angle in the range between 60° and 70° claim 1 , about its longitudinal axis relative to the first position.3. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary solenoid moves the shutter element from the closed position into the open position when the armature is moved from the first position into the second position.4. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary solenoid is de-energized when the armature is arranged in the first position and is energized when the armature is arranged in the second position.5. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary solenoid comprises at least one elastic element claim 1 , in particular at least one spring claim 1 , which holds the armature in the first position and which is elastically ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153361A1
Автор: Iizuka Mamoru

Disclosed is an automatic transaction apparatus comprising an upper unit and a lower unit, wherein a means is provided for reducing the cost of manufacturing the upper unit. An automatic transaction apparatus comprises: an upper unit () provided with a bill deposit/withdrawal part () and a sorting part (); and a lower unit () comprising denomination-specific cassettes () and a reject storage part (). The automatic transaction apparatus is provided with: an upper conveyance path () which conveys bills to the parts in the upper unit (); and a lower conveyance path () which is connected to the upper conveyance path () and is disposed in the lower unit (), and which branches midway and conveys bills to the denomination-specific cassettes () or the reject storage part (). 1. An automatic transaction apparatus comprising:an upper unit having a deposit/withdrawal section into which bills are inserted and that discharges bills, and a discriminating section that discriminates bills; anda lower unit having a plurality of denomination-specific cassettes that store bills per denomination, and a reject depository that stores bills, that are not objects of withdrawal among bills that are drawn-out from the denomination-specific cassettes in a withdrawal process, and foreign matter, that a customer has left inserted in the deposit/withdrawal section in a deposit process and has forgotten to remove,wherein an upper conveying path, that conveys bills to respective sections within the upper unit, and a lower conveying path, that is connected to the upper conveying path and is disposed within the lower unit and branches-off midway therealong and conveys bills to the denomination-specific cassettes or the reject depository, are provided.2. The automatic transaction apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the denomination-specific cassettes and the reject depository are mounted so as to be able to be pulled-out in a same direction from the lower unit claim 1 , and the reject depository is ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Guiding pathway

Номер: US20130153653A1
Автор: Owen H. Wilson
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

A method and apparatus are disclosed for guiding an item of media travelling along a pre-determined transport pathway. The apparatus includes a guide body comprising an arcuate guide surface, at least one drive roller comprising an outer drive surface, and at least one pulley member having an outer item engaging surface that extends through an opening in the guide surface and is urged against the outer drive surface. The drive roller and pulley member co-operate to lift an item away from the guide surface at an arcuate region of the transport pathway.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Banking Apparatus Controlled Responsive to Data Bearing Records

Номер: US20130153654A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

A banking system is controlled responsive to data read from data bearing records. The banking system includes an automated banking machine. The machine is operable to carry out a financial transaction for a person responsive to a determination that the person is an authorized user of the machine based on correspondence between identifying data read by a reader of the machine and data store information. The machine includes a check acceptor that is operative to receive checks from authorized machine users. The check acceptor is operable to continuously move a received check along its transport path while simultaneously rotationally orienting the check into alignment with the transport path. A check determined not to have at least one property of an acceptable check is returned to the machine user. Acceptable checks are processed and stored in the machine.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Item removal

Номер: US20130160796A1
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

An apparatus and method are disclosed for removing at least one item of media from a rotating drum element. The apparatus includes a scraper element comprising a blade edge region locatable at an effective outer surface of a rotating drum element and a scraper element support that locates the blade edge region at a desired position at the effective outer surface responsive to a diameter of the effective outer surface. The scraper element rotates and moves laterally with respect to the support responsive to the diameter.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Banking Apparatus Controlled Responsive to Data Bearing Records

Номер: US20130161385A1

A banking system is controlled responsive to data read from data bearing records. The banking system includes an automated banking machine. The machine is operable to carry out a financial transaction for a person responsive to a determination that the person is an authorized user of the machine based on correspondence between identifying data read by a reader of the machine and data store information. The machine includes a check acceptor that is operative to receive checks from authorized machine users. The check acceptor is operable to continuously move a received check along its transport path while simultaneously rotationally orienting the check into alignment with the transport path. A check determined not to have at least one property of an acceptable check is returned to the machine user. Acceptable checks are processed and stored in the machine. 1. Apparatus comprising:an automated banking machine that operates responsive at least in part to data read from data bearing records, wherein the machine includes:a housing,at least one input device in operative supported connection with the housing, wherein the at least one input device is operative to receive inputs from users of the machine, wherein the at least one input device includes a card reader, wherein the card reader is operative to read data from user cards, wherein read data is usable to identify at least one financial account,at least one output device in operative supported connection with the housing, wherein the at least one output device is operative to provide outputs including instructions concerning machine usage,at least one deposit accepting device in operative supported connection with the housing, wherein the at least one deposit accepting device is operative to read indicia on sheets received from machine users, a determination to be made that card data read from a user card through operation of the card reader corresponds to a financial account on which a transaction is authorized to be ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175338A1

A portable terminal operates to cause financial transfers responsive to data read from data bearing records in the form of user cards. The user cards include credit and/or debit cards. Data corresponding to the card data is stored in memory of the terminal. The portable terminal includes a wireless communication device. The terminal operates to wirelessly communicate data corresponding to card data to one or more remote computers to cause financial transfers to or from selected accounts. The portable terminal also operates to provide outputs corresponding to account balances and to receive data corresponding to receipts. 1. Apparatus comprising: wherein the mobile communication device is operable to communicate account indicia respectively corresponding to each of a plurality of card accounts, to a user card that includes card memory and a card magnetic stripe which differs from the card memory,', [ first account indicia from a magnetic stripe of a first card,', 'wherein the first account indicia corresponds to a first card account,', 'wherein the first account indicia is associated with a first account number, and', 'second account indicia from a magnetic stripe of a second card,', 'wherein the second account indicia corresponds to a second card account which is other than the first card account,', 'wherein the second account indicia is associated with a second account number;, 'wherein the processor is operable responsive at least in part to at least one read-indicia input to the at least one user input device, to cause the magnetic stripe reader to read, the first account indicia,', 'wherein communication of the first account indicia to the user card causes the first account indicia to be stored in the card memory, and', 'the second account indicia,', 'wherein communication of the second account indicia to the user card causes the second account indicia to be stored in the card memory, which causes the card memory to include account indicia respectively ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for atm multi-application

Номер: US20130185181A1
Принадлежит: Tecnologia Bancaria SA

“DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ATM MULTI-APPLICATION”, wherein the present patent application has as object to provide a companionship solution of “Property application” with “Client applications” from other Financial Institutions and provides a simplified model, wherein monitoring and operation are still under responsibility of a same owner, having multiplicity only of “Client Modules”, i.e., “Property+Other Institutions”.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods to formulate offers via mobile devices and transaction data

Номер: US20130191213A1

A computing apparatus is configured to formulate and adjust offers to users of mobile devices that are configured to capture identification information of products, such as UPC codes. The transaction data of the user, the activities of the user capturing the identification information of products, the location of the user, and the user's reactions to the offers are used to incrementally adjust the offers according to offer rules specified by the merchants. The mobile devices can be used to initiate a checkout process for purchasing items identified by the captured identification information of the products from the physical retail store at which the user is currently located, or via an online store associated with an offer presented via the mobile device.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192951A1
Автор: NAKAI Kozen, Sudo Teruo
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

A banknote handling apparatus () includes a sorted-banknote stacking device () that sorts and stacks banknotes per denomination and a bundling device () that bundles the banknotes. The sorted-banknote stacking device () includes a feeding unit () that feeds the banknote from the hopper unit (); a transporting unit () that transports the banknote; a denomination recognizing unit (); a plurality of stackers () in which the banknote is sorted and stacked based on a recognition result; and a rejecting unit () that discharges rejected banknotes. The bundling device includes a bundling-object-banknote stacking unit () that stacks banknote of a specific denomination transported by the transporting unit (); and a banknote bundling unit () that bundles the banknotes. The bottom surface of the sorted-banknote stacking unit () is arranged at a higher level than the bottom surface of the bundling device (). 1. A banknote handling apparatus comprising a sorted-banknote stacking device that sorts and stacks banknotes per denomination and a bundling device that bundles the banknotes , wherein a hopper unit for depositing a banknote into the banknote handling apparatus;', 'a feeding unit that feeds the banknote deposited into the hopper unit one by one;', 'a transporting unit that transports the banknote fed by the feeding unit;', 'a denomination recognizing unit that recognizes the denomination of the banknote transported by the transporting unit;', 'a plurality of stackers in which the banknote transported by the transporting unit is sorted and stacked based on a recognition result obtained by the denomination recognizing unit; and', 'a rejecting unit that discharges a rejected banknote and,, 'the sorted-banknote stacking device includes a bundling-object-banknote stacking unit that sorts and stacks banknotes of a specific denomination transported by the transporting unit of the sorted-banknote stacking unit; and', 'a banknote bundling unit that bundles the banknotes of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Currency dispenser

Номер: US20130193205A1
Автор: John E. Jones
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

A vertically arranged combination desktop currency denominating machine and currency dispenser comprising a currency denominating module adapted to receive a stack of currency bills to be denominated and to denominate the received currency bills, wherein a transport mechanism transports bills individually from an input receptacle adapted to receive the stack of currency bills to one or more output receptacles. The combination further comprising a dispenser retaining section adapted to store currency bills to be dispensed to the one or more output receptacles during a dispensing operation, the retaining section comprising one or more dispensing receptacles, each dispensing receptacle adapted to hold bills having a common denomination, wherein the dispenser retainer section is positioned above the currency denominating module.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Removable Media Container

Номер: US20130213990A1
Принадлежит: NCR Corporation

A removable media container for use in a media dispenser is described. The media container comprises: a diverter entrance for receiving diverted media items prior to stacking of the media items; a non-present stack entrance for receiving a stack of media items subsequent to stacking of the media items but prior to presentation of the stack of media items to a customer; and a present stack entrance for receiving a stack of media items subsequent to presentation of the stack of media items to a customer. 1. A media presenter comprising:a chassis including a nose coupled thereto, and including (i) a presenting end distal from the chassis, and (ii) a presenting track extending from the chassis to the presenting end;a carriage mounted on the presenting track for movement therealong, and comprising a carriage body coupled to a carriage plate, the carriage plate including a cam follower, the carriage being operable to transport the bunch of media items out of either (i) a purge end or (ii) a loading end opposite the purge end;a cam block defining a cam track and being operable to engage with the cam follower to move the carriage between an open position at which media items can be placed on the carriage plate, and a closed position for clamping media items between the carriage plate and the carriage body;wherein the carriage is moveable between (i) a present position, at which the bunch of media items is presented to a customer, (ii) a present purge position, at which the purge end aligns with a present stack entrance, and (iii) a non-present purge position, at which the purge end aligns with a non-present stack entrance.2. A media presenter according to claim 1 , wherein the present position claim 1 , the present purge position claim 1 , and the non-present purge position are longitudinally spaced along the presenting track.3. A method of transporting a bunch of media items located in a carriage to a media container claim 1 , the method comprising:ascertaining that a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Providing Lottery Game Play Through an Unmanned Terminal

Номер: US20130217462A1
Автор: Daniel CAGE
Принадлежит: LINQ3 Tech LLC

A game play system comprises a banking system that includes at least one terminal configured for financial transactions and an acquirer transaction server coupled with the terminal, the acquirer transaction server configured to provide game plays to a user through the terminal. The game play system further comprises a game play authority in communication with the acquirer transaction server, the game play authority configured to receive game play requests from the acquirer transaction server and game play information from one or more authorities associated with various game plays.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Web Enabled Bank Teller Machine

Номер: US20130218767A1
Принадлежит: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA

A system and method is provided for an ATM having a display, a logic server coupled to the display, and a memory coupled to the logic server. The logic server dynamically controls the content of screens to be displayed on the display. The memory, which is accessible to the logic server, contains a profile of at least one user. In operation, the ATM detects the swipe of a user's card and requests the profile of the user whose card was swiped from a host. The ATM then receives the user's profile and stores the user's profile in the ATM.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221989A1
Принадлежит: KEBA AG

The apparatus for detecting a foreign object mounted in the near range of an input means used for identification and/or authentication includes at least a coupler. The coupler is arranged to supply an oscillating signal to two input terminals of an antenna for generating a standing wave, to supply the oscillating signal with a predetermined level to a detection device, and to couple out, for the detection device, a reflection signal received by the antenna. Furthermore, the coupler is arranged to detect a phase difference between the supplied oscillating signal with the predetermined level and the reflection signal that is coupled out, in order to detect the foreign object. 2. The apparatus according to claim 1 ,whereinan oscillator for providing the oscillating signal is provided, the oscillator being coupled with the coupler.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe oscillator is tunable.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe coupler is adapted to shift a phase of the oscillating signal that is supplied to the first input terminal and/or the second input terminal of the antenna by a predetermined phase angle, in particular by a phase angle of 90°.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe coupler is arranged to adjust the attenuation of the oscillating signal for the detection device in such a manner that the level of the oscillating signal supplied to the detection device corresponds, within a tolerance, to the level of the reflection signal received by the antenna.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , whereinthe coupler is arranged to set the level of the oscillating signal for the detection device in dependence of expected dimensions of the foreign object (F), in particular of a skimming device.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the coupler is arranged to set the attenuation of the oscillating signal for the detection device to a value between 2 dB and 8 dB, preferably to 5 dB.8. The apparatus according to ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Cash handling devices

Номер: US20130232064A1
Автор: Samuel H. Bosch
Принадлежит: Individual

A currency receiving device (CRD) includes a currency recycler configured to accept, count, deposit, and withdraw merchant currency inserted into the CRD, a network interface, and a processor in communication with the currency recycler and the network interface. The processor is configured to transmit to a financial institution or a home office, via the network interface, an indication of an amount of merchant currency inserted into the CRD over a predetermined period of time. In some embodiments, the processor determines whether a second predetermined period of time passes during which no merchant currency is inserted into the CRD. In some embodiments, the processor determines an amount of deposited merchant currency does not meet a predetermined minimum deposit corresponding to the predetermined period of time. Alert messages, based on insufficient or untimely deposits, duress, or tampering, are optionally produced.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232065A1

A card actuated automated banking machine () includes a plurality of transaction function devices. The transaction function devices include a card reader (), a printer (), a bill dispenser (), a display (), a check imaging device (), and at least one processor (). The machine is operative, responsive to receiving a check and certification data, to dispense cash in exchange for the check. The person presenting the check to the machine need not provide user identifying inputs through input devices of the machine in order to receive cash for the check. Furthermore, prior to accepting the check as a payment, the person can communicate with at least one computer () through at least one consumer interface device () to verify that the check is payable for the check amount. 1. A system comprising: [ 'wherein the financial institution is associated with a computer system,', 'wherein the machine is associated with a financial institution,'}, [ wherein the at least one data reader includes a card reader,', 'wherein the card reader is operable to read account data that is usable to identify a customer account,, 'wherein the at least one input device includes at least one data reader,'}, 'wherein the at least one input device is operable to receive customer verification data,', 'wherein the at least one input device is operable to receive manually inputted data,, 'wherein the machine includes at least one input device,'}, 'wherein the machine is operable to cause the customer account to be assessed a value associated with the check deposit transaction,', 'wherein the machine is operable to allow an authorized customer of the machine who has a financial account with the financial institution, to use the machine to carry out a check deposit transaction involving a customer account identified through use of account data read by the card reader, responsive at least in part to computer-determined correspondence between the customer account and customer verification data received by ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233775A1
Автор: MIZUNO Sho, NAGURA Akihiro

A bill storage comprises: a plurality of bill receipt portions provided therein; a bill inlet-outlet, which is provided on an upper surface of the bill storage and through which bills are taken out or received from outside; and a taking-out and accumulating mechanism part provided on each of the receipt portions to perform actions, in which bills are taken out and in which bills are accumulated, wherein at least a first bill receipt portion and a second bill receipt portion are arranged in a state of being stacked in this order from a side of the bill inlet-outlet, the bill inlet-outlet is provided on a predetermined side, and the taking-out and accumulating mechanism part provided on the first bill receipt portion is arranged on another side opposed to the predetermined side. 1. A bill storage comprising: a plurality of bill receipt portions provided therein; a bill inlet-outlet , which is provided on an upper surface of the bill storage and through which bills are taken out or received from outside; and a taking-out and accumulating mechanism part provided on each of the receipt portions to perform actions , in which bills are taken out and in which bills are accumulated , whereinat least a first bill receipt portion and a second bill receipt portion are arranged in a state of being stacked in this order from a side of the bill inlet-outlet,said bill inlet-outlet is provided on a predetermined side, andsaid taking-out and accumulating mechanism part provided on the first bill receipt portion is arranged on another side opposed to said predetermined sidewherein a door, through which bills in the respective bill receipt portions are charged and taken out, is provided on said another side, andwherein the gate roller on the first taking-out and accumulating mechanism part moves together with the door, through which bills in the first bill receipt portion are charged and taken out.2. The bill storage according to claim 1 , further comprising a sorting gate claim 1 , by ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240620A1
Принадлежит: LG CNS CO., LTD.

Provided is a financial device. The financial device comprise a registered medium storage box storing a medium to be registered and withdrawn, a discrimination part recognizing information of the registered medium withdrawn from the registered medium storage box, a display unit displaying a screen on which the registered medium to be withdrawn is registered, and a control part controlling the display unit. The control part acquires information of at least one registered medium stored in the registered medium storage box by using the discrimination part, and a screen for registering the registered medium to be withdrawn on which the acquired registered medium information is reflected is displayed on the display unit. 1. A financial device comprising:a registered medium storage box that stores a medium to be registered and withdrawn;a discrimination part that recognizes information of the registered medium withdrawn from the registered medium storage box;a display unit that displays a screen on which the registered medium to be withdrawn is registered; anda control part that controls the display unit,wherein the control part acquires information of at least one registered medium stored in the registered medium storage box by using the discrimination part, anda screen for registering the registered medium to be withdrawn on which the acquired registered medium information is reflected is displayed on the display unit.2. The financial device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one registered medium withdrawn from the registered medium storage box to pass through the discrimination part is accepted again into the registered medium storage box.3. The financial device of claim 1 , wherein the registered medium recognized by the discrimination part among registered media stored in the registered medium storage box is disposed at a position closest to an outlet of the registered medium.4. The financial device of claim 1 , wherein the acquired registered medium information ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Integrated Technology Money Transfer System

Номер: US20130246262A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Money transfer method and system for quickly and easily sending cash from one party via electronic mediums such as phones and computer modems using one of a credit card, debit card, ATM (automated teller machine) card, and/or a bank card and/or bank checking account and/or bank savings account, to another party who accesses an electronic retrieval site using a specialized card, credit card, debit card, ATM card account, or debit card account. Simultaneous money transfers from human sender's available and accessible funds debit card accounts to human recipient's receiving debit card accounts are processed by computer without the necessity of a pre-established relationship between the sending and receiving accounts, and the method and system repeats simultaneous money transfers between other senders and receivers.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256091A1

A money input/output apparatus includes a bill accommodation unit, a mount unit, a detection unit, a second storage unit, an instruction reception unit, a conveyance unit, and a control unit. The control unit reads the denomination of the bill from the first storage unit and determines whether or not the read denomination of the bill corresponds to the denomination stored in the second storage unit in association with the mount unit on which mounting of the bill accommodation unit has been detected when the detection unit has detected that the bill accommodation unit has been mounted on the mount unit, starts reception of an instruction to input or output to the bill from the instruction receiving unit and makes the conveyance unit convey the bill in accordance with the instruction when the denominations have been determined to correspond. Thereby, a bill accommodation unit can be used for all denominations. 1. A money input/output apparatus that inputs and outputs a bill , comprising:a removable bill accommodation unit that can accommodate at least one denomination of a bill, includes a first storage unit storing accommodation information including a denomination of an accommodated bill, and accommodates and discharges a bill;a mount unit on which the bill accommodation unit is mounted;a detection unit that detects whether or not the bill accommodation unit has been mounted on the mount unit;a second storage unit that stores the mount unit and the denomination of the bill to be accommodated in the bill accommodation unit mounted on the mount unit in an associated manner;an instruction receiving unit that receives an instruction to input or output the bill;a conveyance unit that conveys the bill;a control unit that reads the denomination of the bill from the first storage unit and determines whether or not the read denomination of the bill corresponds to the denomination stored in the second storage unit in association with the mount unit on which mounting of the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256332A1
Принадлежит: M.I.B. S.r.L.

Provided is a cash dispenser, ATM and the like () including: a safe () for banknotes and valuables, an outer face (), a dispensing duct () for the banknotes and valuables, comprising a dispensing mouth () opening on the outer face (), an inner opening () facing the inside of the safe (), an elongated body () defining a passage between the dispensing mouth () and the inner opening (), a conveying device (), movable along the elongated body () and configured to convey said banknotes and valuables, and sensor means () of external stresses acting on the conveying device (). 112345362756107201030203110. A cash dispenser or ATM () , comprising: a safe () for banknotes and valuables , an outer face () , a dispensing duct () for said banknotes and valuables , comprising a dispensing mouth () opening on said outer face () , an inner opening () facing the inside of said safe () , an elongated body () defining a passage between said dispensing mouth () and said inner opening () , a conveying device () , movable along said elongated body () and suitable to convey said banknotes and valuables , sensor means () of external stresses acting on said conveying device () and a safety system () , operatively connected to said sensor means () and comprising blocking elements () , suitable to block said conveying device () and to prevent at least partially its movement.212011. The cash dispenser or ATM () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said sensor means () are configured to detect stresses pressing from the outside towards the inside of said cash dispenser or ATM () or in an opposite direction which would permit the introduction of explosive material inside said cash dispenser or ATM ().311020215106. The cash dispenser or ATM () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said conveying device () comprises sensor means () comprising a movable element () positioned on the face facing towards said dispensing mouth () of said conveying device () and configured to move following stresses in an outward ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130290183A1

A method and apparatus are provided for conducting transactions through a financial network using a ticket at an unattended automated machine. For security purposes a signature detector can be utilized to detect the signature and the user uses a ticket or a card to operate the machine. A card writer can write an amount on the ticket or the card related to the amount of the transaction being done and a calculator can calculate the amount to be written on the ticket or the card and can subtract a user's service charge. A cash acceptor in the machine can accept cash and a cash dispenser can dispense cash. 1. An automated system configured to redeem a currency amount of a ticket , the automated system comprising:a processor configured to process currency information; 'said transaction request being at least one of, receiving an amount to dispense in cash and receiving an amount to credit a ticket;', 'a device configured to receive a ticket redemption request;'}a reader configured to read a ticket having currency information so that the processor can determine a whole-dollar amount of the ticket currency and a fractional-dollar amount of the ticket currency;a cash dispenser configured to dispense cash for the whole-dollar amount of the ticket currency;a ticket dispenser configured to dispense the ticket related to the received transaction; anda printer configured to print a ticket having the remaining fractional-dollar amount of the ticket currency.2. The automated system of claim 1 , further comprising a display configured to display the whole-dollar amount and the remaining fractional dollar.3. The automated system of claim 1 , further comprising a device configured to determine if a user is authorized to use the automated machine.4. A method for using an automated system to redeem a currency amount of a ticket claim 1 , the method comprising:providing a processor configured to process currency information;receiving a ticket redemption request;reading a ticket having ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307209A1

A paper money handling apparatus comprises a service mechanism unit for delivery of a paper sheet or sheets, a counting processing unit for counting of a paper sheet or sheets, a stacker for storing of a paper sheet or sheets, and conveyance paths for conveyance of a paper sheet or sheets to the service mechanism unit, the counting processing unit, and the stacker. The apparatus further comprises connection guides provided between the conveyance paths and the stackers to perform delivery of a paper sheet or sheets, a motor, a cam, and a solenoid, which switch the connection guides to a connected state to connect the same to the conveyance paths and the stackers to enable delivery of a paper sheet or sheets and to an evacuated state to release the connection. 1. A paper sheet handling apparatus comprising:a service mechanism unit for delivery of a paper sheet or sheets;a counting processing unit for counting of the paper sheet or sheets;a plurality of stackers for storing of the paper sheet or sheets;a conveyance path for conveyance of the paper sheet or sheets among the service mechanism unit, the counting processing unit and the stackers;a delivery connection provided between the conveyance path and each of the stackers to perform delivery of the paper sheet or sheets; andconnection switching means which switches the delivery connection between a connected state at which the delivery connection is connected to the conveyance path and each of the stackers to enable the delivery of the paper sheet or sheets and an evacuated state at which the delivery connection is released from the conveyance path and each of the stackers,wherein the switching means switches the delivery connection between the connected state and the evacuated state in such a manner that the delivery connection is connected to all of the stackers collectively and the delivery connection is released from all of the stackers collectively.2. The paper sheet handling apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130311365A1

A banking system operates to cause financial transfers responsive to card data read from data bearing records by a card reader. The system includes at least one automated banking machine comprising a cash dispenser. The system is operative during a cash dispense transaction request to receive through an automated banking machine, machine user input of data corresponding to a mobile phone number. The system is operative to generate a security code for the requested cash dispense transaction. The system uses the phone number to send the generated security code to the mobile phone. The cash dispense transaction is allowed to proceed only if the system receives machine user input of the sent security code. 1. Apparatus comprising: [ wherein each machine includes a cash dispenser,', 'wherein the at least one data reader is operable to read user data usable to identify a financial account on which financial transactions can be carried out,', 'wherein each machine includes at least one data reader,'}, 'wherein the at least one processor is operable to cause a financial account to be assessed a value associated with cash dispensed by the cash dispenser, responsive at least in part to user data read by the at least one data reader corresponding to the financial account,', 'wherein each machine is associated with at least one processor,'}, a secret code,', 'contact data corresponding to a customer phone number, and', 'a request associated with a cash dispense transaction involving a particular amount of cash,, 'wherein each machine is operable to receive from a machine user, at least one user input including'}], 'wherein the at least one server is associated with a plurality of automated banking machines,'}, 'wherein the at least one server is operable to receive from a respective machine responsive to the respective machine receiving the at least one user input, at least one message associated with the request, wherein the at least one message includes the contact data and ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Medium Sensing Apparatus, Medium Handling Apparatus and Financial Device

Номер: US20130311366A1
Автор: HAN Ji Hoon, Jeong Bok Nam
Принадлежит: LG CNS CO., LTD.

Provided is a medium sensing apparatus. The medium sensing apparatus comprises a first frame having a hole in a side surface thereof, a second frame coupled to the first frame, a first sensor mounted on the first frame, a bracket connected to the first sensor, the bracket contacting the second frame, and a shaft disposed on the first sensor or the bracket to pass through the hole, the shaft being movable within the hole. 1. A medium sensing apparatus comprising:a first frame having a hole in a side surface thereof;a second frame coupled to the first frame;a first sensor mounted to the first frame;a bracket connected to the first sensor, the bracket contacting the second frame; anda shaft disposed on the first sensor or the bracket to pass through the hole, the shaft being movable within the hole.2. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second sensor fixed to the second frame.3. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hole is defined in an oblong shape so that the shaft is movable.4. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is disposed on the first sensor and passes through the hole after passing through the bracket.5. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is disposed on the first sensor claim 1 ,the bracket is disposed outside the first frame, andthe shaft passes through the bracket after passing through the hole.6. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first frame comprises a receiving part in which the first sensor is received claim 1 , andthe bracket is received in the receiving part.7. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a protruding height of the bracket is greater than that of the first sensor in the first frame.8. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an elastic member applying a force pushing the bracket toward the second frame.9. The medium sensing apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the elastic member is disposed on the first ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Providing service to a customer service center

Номер: US20130339236A1
Принадлежит: Diebold Inc

A system includes automated banking machines that operate responsive to data read from data bearing records. Transactions can be carried out through communication with local and remote service providers. An automated banking machine is operable to conduct transactions for machine users responsive to data read from user cards and communication with a transaction host. The machine is operable to provide output signals which drive external displays. The machine is operable to receive visual and/or audio content from remote content sources, store data corresponding to the content, and then output the content through the external displays.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for forecasting cash demand and load schedules for money dispensers

Номер: US20140006090A1
Автор: Subhash C. Agrawal
Принадлежит: Individual

Cash demand for a cash dispensing device is forecasted for individual days, weeks and multi-day load periods. In one embodiment, an expected value of withdrawal for any particular period, as well as an upper limit on expected withdrawals for a given confidence level, are computed. The technique facilitates the creation of a daily and multi-day withdrawal forecast for a given ATM. The forecasts are also used to compute an optimum load amount for a given load period (the period between loading operations) for a given ATM, subject to given parameters (such as courier cost, interest rate, transit time, desired confidence level, cost of run-out, and the like) and given constraints (bundle size, maximum capacity, possible delivery days, and the like). The forecasts are also used to determine an optimal load period length and schedule.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012413A1
Автор: CHO Han Cheol

Provided are medium handling apparatus and method. The medium handling apparatus comprises an identification number recognition module recognizing an identification number of a medium, a memory in which a condition with respect to a management target medium is stored, and a controller determining whether the identification number of the medium recognized by the identification number recognition module satisfies the condition with respect to the management target medium stored in the memory to determine whether the medium is the management target medium. 1. A medium handling apparatus comprising:an identification number recognition module to recognize an identification number of a medium;a memory in which a condition with respect to a management target medium is stored; anda controller determining whether the identification number of the medium recognized by the identification number recognition module satisfies the condition with respect to the management target medium stored in the memory to determine whether the medium is the management target medium.2. The medium handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller determines whether the medium is the management target medium during or after financial transaction of the medium.3. The medium handling apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an informing device to inform that the medium is the management target medium when it is determined that the medium is the management target medium.4. The medium handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the memory comprises:a first memory in which a first condition with respect to the management target medium is stored;a second memory in which a third condition with respect to the management target medium is accumulatively stored.5. The medium handling apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the identification number recognition module comprises a third memory in which the recognized identification number of the medium is stored.6. The medium handling apparatus of claim 5 , wherein ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021216A1
Принадлежит: Diebold, Incorporated

An automated banking machine is operative to cause financial transfers responsive to data read from data bearing records, such as user cards. The machine includes a reader device operative to read data usable to identify a financial account authorized for use in conducting a transaction through the machine. An authorized machine user is able to use the machine to perform transactions, including financial transfers, cash dispensing, and other actions associated with financial accounts. The machine includes a safe having two sections separated by a shared wall structure. A cash handling arrangement is operative to transport cash between the two sections through a slot in the wall structure. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a secure enclosure comprising an upper chest and a lower chest, wherein the upper chest is positioned above the lower chest, the upper chest and lower chest having a plurality of walls;a wall separating the upper chest and lower chest;a transport opening between the lower chest and upper chest;the lower chest comprises a secure area;a currency cassette located within the secure area;a currency dispenser mechanism located within the secure area, the operable to pick a sheet from the currency cassette;a transport device to move sheets from the currency dispenser mechanism in the lower chest through the transport opening to the upper chest;an opening in the upper chest;a gate located at the opening in the upper chest;a delivery device coupled with the transport device for providing the sheets received from the transport device through the opening in the upper chest;wherein the gate is in a closed position while there are no sheets to transport; andwherein the plurality of walls in the upper chest are configured to be more susceptible to structure deformation by pressure force than the wall separating the upper chest and lower chest.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lower chest comprises a lockable lower section door claim 1 , the lockable lower ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027241A1
Автор: Sakamoto Masao
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

A banknote handling apparatus recognizes and handles banknotes. The banknote handling apparatus includes a depositing unit, a dispensing unit, a plurality of banknote storing units, a transport unit, a recognition unit, and a control unit. The banknote handling apparatus further includes a portion for an optional attachment to which an escrow unit temporarily storing the banknotes in a process of the handling is selectively attachable. The control unit includes an option control unit performing control corresponding to an attached state of the escrow unit and control corresponding to an unattached state. 1. A banknote handling apparatus for recognizing and handling banknotes , the apparatus comprising:a depositing unit configured to deposit the banknotes;a dispensing unit configured to dispense the banknotes;a plurality of banknote storing units configured to store the banknotes;a transport unit configured to transport the banknotes;a recognition unit provided at the transport unit, and configured to recognize the banknotes;a control unit configured to control the handling of the banknotes; anda portion for an optional attachment to which an escrow unit temporarily storing the banknotes in a process of the handling is selectively attachable, whereinthe control unit includes an option control unit performing control corresponding to an attached state of the escrow unit, and control corresponding to an unattached state.2. The banknote handling apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe option control unit has common firmware corresponding to both of the attached and unattached states of the escrow unit, and a first mode of performing the control corresponding to the attached state of the escrow unit, and', 'a second mode of performing the control corresponding to the unattached state of the escrow unit., 'the firmware is switchable between'}3. The banknote handling apparatus of claim 2 , whereinwhen the escrow unit is attached, the control corresponding to the unattached state ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Item recycling

Номер: US20140034445A1
Автор: Fred Kallin
Принадлежит: NCR Corp

A method and apparatus are disclosed for recycling items of media. The apparatus includes at least a pair of co-operable feed belt members that receive a depositable item of media at a first location and locate the depositable item at a stack position in a storage container. The apparatus also includes at least a pair of co-operable dispense belt members that selectively pivot between an operational and non-operational position. In the operational position, at least one of the dispense belt members is disposed to remove an item from the stack position and provide the removed item to the feed belt members. The feed belt members are arranged to locate an item of media received from the dispense belt members at said first location.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039673A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

A banknote handling apparatus includes: a first winding storage unit; a second storage unit; a transport unit; a recognition unit; and a control unit. The first storage unit stores the banknotes, while providing a mark associated with inventory amount information of the first storage unit. To perform a reconciliation process for the first storage unit, the control unit allows some of the banknotes stored in the first storage unit to be fed from the first storage unit, based on the mark, for recognition by the recognition unit, and determines an inventory amount of the first storage unit based on a result of the recognition and the inventory amount information associated with the mark. 1. A banknote handling apparatus configured to handle banknotes , comprising:a first storage unit configured to store the banknotes by winding the banknotes and a tape on a reel, and feed the stored banknotes;a second storage unit configured to store and feed the banknotes;a transport unit configured to transport the banknotes between the first storage unit and the second storage unit;a recognition unit configured to recognize the banknotes during transport by the transport unit; anda control unit configured to allow the banknotes in the first storage unit to be fed and stored in the second storage unit, and thereafter allow the banknotes stored in the second storage unit to be fed and stored in the first storage unit, and recognized by the recognition unit, in order to perform a reconciliation process for determining an inventory amount in the first storage unit, whereinwhen the banknotes are stored in the first storage unit, the control unit allows the banknotes to be provided with a mark associated with inventory amount information of the first storage unit while the banknotes are being stored in the first storage unit, andto perform the reconciliation process, the control unit allows some of the banknotes stored in the first storage unit to be fed from the first storage unit, based ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods to enhance security in transactions

Номер: US20140040051A1

A system includes a digital camera coupled with or integrated within a transaction terminal to capture an image during authorization of a transaction initiated at the transaction terminal. The system further includes a portal configured to receive the image and transmit the image to a communication reference associated with the account information of an account in which the transaction is made, based on a security preference associated with the account information. The image may be optionally analyzed to detect fraudulent use of the account.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046842A1

An automated banking machine operates to cause financial transfers responsive at least in part to data read from data bearing records. The automated banking machine includes a card reader that is operative to read card data corresponding to financial accounts from user cards. The card data is linked in at least one data store to data indicating that the card data corresponds to a financial account that is authorized to be used to conduct at least one transaction through use of the automated banking machine. The automated banking machine may be used to carry out financial transfers involving financial accounts by users who are determined to be authorized users of such accounts. Data corresponding to a financial account can also be linked to a mobile wireless device so as to enable financial transfers by authorized users of such accounts. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a card reader operative to read card data from a card associated with a user that correspond to a financial account,', 'an input device operative to receive inputs from a user, a cash dispenser operative to selectively cause cash stored in the machine to be accessible to the associated user, and', 'an automated banking machine computer operatively coupled with the card reader and the input device,, 'an automated banking machine that operates to cause financial transfers responsive at least in part to data read from data bearing records, the automated banking machine compriseswherein the automated banking machine computer is operable to obtain card data from a card associated with the associated user from the card reader, and determine from the card data a financial account for conducting a transaction;wherein the automated banking machine computer is operable to receive data representative of a check from the input device; andwherein the data representative of the check corresponds to check data that was sent from a mobile device to a remote computer associatively coupled with the automated banking ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048594A1
Автор: KOVACS Douglas A.

An automated banking machine operates responsive to data bearing records. The automated banking machine includes a card reader that reads card data from a user card. The read card data corresponds to a financial account and is used to authorize the machine user to carry out a transaction on the financial account. The automated banking machine includes a display and a printer to produce records of a financial transaction carried out with the card reader. The automated banking machine also includes a validator arrangement including a currency note validator which reads data from a currency note in determining validity of the note. The note validator, while remaining supported by the machine, is slidable to extend outside of the machine where it can be pivoted to an orientation at which it can be serviced. 1. Apparatus comprising: [ wherein the banking machine is operative to cause financial transfers responsive at least in part to data provided by machine users,', 'wherein the banking machine includes:', 'at least one data reader device,', 'wherein the at least one data reader device operative to read customer identification data provided by a machine user,', 'a cash dispenser,', 'wherein the cash dispenser is operative to cause stored cash to be dispensed, and', 'at least one display device,', 'a currency note reader assembly,', 'wherein the currency note reader assembly includes an assembly opening sized to receive at least one currency note therethrough,', 'wherein the currency note reader assembly includes a currency note validator,', 'an enclosure,', 'wherein the enclosure includes a plurality of walls and an interior area,', 'wherein a wall of the plurality of walls includes a currency slot that is sized to receive at least one currency note therethrough,', 'wherein the enclosure includes slides mounted in the interior area,', 'a movable tray in operatively sliding and supported connection with the slides,', 'wherein the tray is movable with respect to the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Card information protection device and finance service equipment having the same

Номер: US20140054368A1
Принадлежит: GRG Banking Equipment Co Ltd

A card information protection device and a finance service equipment having the same are provided. The card information protection device is arranged between a transverse card inlet and a longitudinal magnetic card information reader, and comprises a magnetic card transverse admission port. A magnetic card conveying channel is arranged between the magnetic card transverse admission port and the longitudinal magnetic card information reader. A magnetic card rotating mechanism is arranged in the magnetic card channel. The magnetic card rotating mechanism is used for rotating a transversely-inserted magnetic card to longitudinal direction in order to convey the magnetic card into the longitudinal magnetic card information reader, and rotating the longitudinal magnetic card returned by the longitudinal magnetic card information reader to transverse direction in order to convey the transverse magnetic card out. The problem that the whole magnetic strip of the magnetic card information reader which allows a user to plug the magnetic card in the longitudinal direction is completely scanned by a card stealer device illegally arranged in a card plug-in buckle in the process of longitudinally inserting the magnetic card can be effectively solved, and thereby the problem that the magnetic card information is stolen illegally can be thoroughly solved.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054370A1

A machine () is operative to carry out financial transfers responsive to data included on data bearing records including user cards. The machine includes a user interface () including a display (). The user interface includes a card reader () which is operative to read data on user cards which identify at least one of user and a user's financial accounts. Records of the financial transfers are provided by a printer (). A touch screen display module () is operative to securely receive manual inputs and/or card data. The touch screen display module includes a contact surface that can be electronically contoured to provide outputs that can be perceived through finger contact with the contact surface. 1. A tangible , non-transitory computer readable medium of instructions with instructions encoded thereon for execution by a processor , and when executed operable to:cause an automated banking machine to perform financial transactions involving transfers of value;obtain data usable to identify a financial account on which financial transactions can be carried out with the automated banking machine from a data reader;selectively output visual elements that are visible through a contact surface of a touch screen associated with the automated banking machine that has at least one contact area that is manually touchable;wherein the visual elements include a first visual element;wherein the first visual element is visible through a first contact area;wherein the first visual element is selectable by a user of the display through manual contact with the first contact area;receive data representative of a manual touch with the first contact area corresponding to a user selection of the first visual element;wherein the first visual element is associated with tactile output,selectively produce tactile output by causing at least one change in contour of the first contact area, responsive at least in part to output of the first visual element in the first contact area;selectively ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054371A1

An automated banking machine operated responsive to data bearing records includes a card reader that is operative to read data from user cards including financial account identifying data, and to cause financial transfers responsive at least in part to the card data corresponding to stored data for a financial account authorized to conduct a transaction with the machine. The machine includes a plurality of hardware devices and a terminal processor. The terminal processor is operative to cause a hardware device to process sheets in carrying out transactions involving financial transfers. A device processor in a hardware device is operative to communicate certain condition data associated with the hardware device to a portable device. 1. A tangible , non-transitory computer readable medium of instructions with instructions encoded thereon for execution by a processor , and when executed operable to:operate a device processor of a hardware device that is coupled to an automated banking machine that performs financial transfers, the automated banking machine comprises a card reader, a cash dispensing device, and an automated banking machine computer processor in operative communication with the card reader and cash dispensing device;wherein the card reader is operative to read card data from a user cards, the card data corresponds to financial accounts;wherein automated banking machine computer processor is operative to cause a computer determination to be made that card data read from a user card corresponds to a financial account concerning which financial transfers are authorized to be conducted through machine operation, and cause a financial transfer at least one of to and from the financial account responsive at least in part to the determination;wherein the hardware device includes a data store, and a diagnostic interface;store information in the data store representative of at least one of a plurality of different device conditions capable of being determined by ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054372A1

An automated banking machine operates to cause financial transfers responsive to data read from data bearing records in the form of user cards. The machine includes a printer for printing paper records of transactions conducted at the machine. The printer receives paper from a shared paper path. The shared paper path can be supplied by a first paper supply and a second paper supply. A controller is operative to switch between the paper supplies in providing paper to the printer. Based on signals received from paper sensors in the machine, the controller can determine whether the first paper supply has reached a predetermined low level. In response to a low level determination, the controller acts to cause a paper drive to begin moving paper from the second paper supply to the shared paper path and then to the printer. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a first paper supply;a second paper supply;a printer;a support structure for providing paper to the printer; anda transfer gate having a first surface and a second surface;wherein the first surface of the transfer gate guides paper from the first paper supply to the support structure; andwherein the second surface of the transfer gate guides paper from the second paper supply to the support structure.2. The apparatus set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:a first paper sensor located between the first paper supply and the transfer gate;a second paper sensor located between the second paper supply and the transfer gate; anda controller coupled with the first paper sensor and the second paper sensor;wherein the controller is operable to determine whether paper from one of a group consisting of the first paper supply and the second paper supply is provide to the support structure via the transfer gate;wherein the controller is operable to provide paper from the second paper supply responsive to receiving a signal from the first paper sensor indicating an amount of paper remaining in the first paper supply is below a first ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

System and method for integrated multiple source player cash access

Номер: US20140057703A1
Принадлежит: Everi Payments Inc

The present invention relates to a system and method for integrating player tracking and cash access in a casino or other gaming environment. One aspect of the invention allows for fund access and management wherein gaming machines, such as slot machines or on-line virtual gaming machines, receive playable credits directly from a patron's banking or credit card account. Another aspect of the present invention relates to integrating player tracking and cash access transactions by allowing the players to provide a player tracking card for each financial transaction conducted in a gaming environment. In return, the casino issues gaming or bonus points to the players for allowing their transactions to be tracked. Yet another aspect of the present invention consolidates the players' financial account information into a single casino database. Players can subsequently credit or debit cash from the players' financial accounts using any associated customer identification cards or otherwise receive such credits in other forms that permit negotiations, including quasi-cash documents.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140089187A1

A system includes a plurality of machines that operate responsive to data bearing records such as user cards (). The machines operate to carry out financial transactions with associated host computers () responsive to determinations that card data corresponds to computer stored data corresponding to authorized users or accounts. Marketing presentations are stored on and output from the machines responsive to messages exchanged with a market message server () which is connected to the machines. Systems can also distribute and activate instructions corresponding to states and screens logic on the machines to determine operation. 1 control an automated banking machine in carrying out financial transactions authorized by a remote financial transaction host, wherein a first transaction is carried out according to a first arrangement of transaction logic flow steps, and', data corresponding to the first arrangement of transaction logic flow steps, and', 'data corresponding to a plurality of display screens which are:, 'access at least one data store that includes, 'associated with the steps of the first arrangement of transaction logic flow steps, and displayable through at least one display of the machine;', 'wherein the processor is remotely located from the controller,', data corresponding to a second arrangement of transaction logic flow steps, wherein the second arrangement of transaction logic flow steps differs from the first arrangement of transaction logic flow steps, and', 'data corresponding to a plurality of display screens which are: associated with the steps of the second arrangement of transaction logic flow steps, and displayable through the at least one display, and enables the controller to control the machine in carrying out a second transaction according to the second arrangement of transaction logic flow steps., 'causes the at least one data store to include, 'wherein the processor is not part of the remote financial transaction host, wherein the at ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Bezel assembly for data reception

Номер: US20140090951A1
Принадлежит: JCM American Corp

The bezel assembly for data reception, for use with a bill validator in a financial transactional device, includes a bezel housing and a data reception assembly. The bezel housing includes a customer-facing front portion and a back plate connectable to the bill validator that is mounted within the transactional device cabinet. The front portion includes an insertion/dispensing slot for receiving currency and a projecting hollow tongue forward of the casing. The forward-extending hollow tongue accommodates at least a portion of the data reception assembly. The bezel assembly can include a wireless communication function that is communicably connectable with a mobile device via a wireless communication method, a manual entry function, a biometric reader, one or more cameras for scanning and decrypting 2D barcodes and the like, thus enhancing the overall functionality of the financial transactional device.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001289A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed for providing information to a customer of a Self-Service Terminal (SST) such as an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). The method includes the steps of updating storage data of a Near Field Communication (NFC) device at an SST and reading data associated with the storage data from the NFC device via a mobile terminal of a customer at the SST. 1. A method of providing information to a customer of a Self-Service Terminal (SST) , comprising the steps of:updating storage data of a Near Field Communication (NFC) device at an SST; andreading data associated with the storage data, from the NFC device via a mobile terminal of a customer of the SST when the customer placed the mobile terminal at a location identified by the SST by a visual cue, and operating the SST in two modes a reader/writer mode and a card emulation mode.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:modifying the storage data by selectively updating new storage data to the NFC device from the SST.3. The method as claimed in wherein the step of updating storage data comprises:from a network centre node of a network of SSTs, providing new network data to at least said SST;storing said new network data at the SST; andwriting new storage data corresponding to the new network data, to the NFC device at a pre-determined time.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:providing information to the customer of the mobile terminal via a User Interface (UI) of the mobile terminal responsive to the data read from the NFC device.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising the steps of:executing a transaction at the SST responsive to providing the information to the user of the SST.6. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein said information comprises one or more electronic voucher claim 4 , at least one electronic coupon claim 4 , location information for the SST and/or an authorisation code for a transaction ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

System and method for detecting atm fraud via counting notes

Номер: US20220005326A1
Принадлежит: Capital One Services LLC

Systems and methods for ATM fraud detection are presented. ATM fraud detection may be provided in the context of including a currency sensor in the ATM to count currency notes. ATM fraud detection may be obtained by using a currency sensor, such as a scanner, to image and count any currency notes that remain after being dispensed to a user, and determining if the count is correct for the currency notes dispensed. A count discrepancy resulting from removal of some but not all dispensed currency notes would indicate attempted theft or fraud.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002944A1
Принадлежит: M.I.B. S.r.L.

A security container cassette for banknotes or values for Cash machines, ATM, and the like is provided, defining an internal volume and including: a first container arranged in the internal volume and close to an external portion of the security container cassette and banknotes and values, the first container having an internal volume separated from the external portion of the security container cassette by at least one separating wall, including passage windows or weakened upper portions, the first container being designed to contain marking fluid. 1. A security container cassette for banknotes or values for Cash machines , ATM , and the like , defining an internal volume and comprising:a first container arranged in said internal volume and close to an external portion of said security container cassette,said first container having an internal volume separated from said external portion of said security container cassette by at least one separating wall,said first container being designed to contain marking fluid and being arranged close to said banknotes and values,said security container cassette being characterised in that wherein said separating wall comprises passage windows or weakened upper portions.2. The security container cassette according to claim 1 , wherein said weakened upper portions are through-holes covered with low strength material.3. The security container cassette according to claim 1 , wherein said weakened upper portions are present along the whole extension of said first container.4. The security container cassette according to claim 1 , wherein said weakened upper portions consist of circular holes comprising a solid element in the centre connected to the edges of the hole by spokes.5. The security container cassette according to claim 1 , wherein said first container comprises:a lower portion facing said banknotes or values, and permeable to fluids,a second container for marking fluid, which is fluid-tight and contained in said first ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004466A1

Systems and methods described herein may provide automated teller machine (ATM) security. For example, an ATM security system may comprise an ink staining system, an electronic lock, and a processor in communication with the electronic lock and the ink staining system. The processor may be configured to determine that the lock is being opened, disable the ink staining system in response to the determining, and enable the ink staining system when the lock has been closed. 1. An automated teller machine (ATM) security system comprising:an ink staining system;an electronic lock; and determine that the lock is being opened;', 'disable the ink staining system in response to the determining; and', 'enable the ink staining system when the lock has been closed., 'a processor in communication with the electronic lock and the ink staining system, the processor configured to2. The security system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic lock comprises:a main lock;a microswitch configured to detect opening of the main lock, wherein the processor determines the lock is being opened based on the detection of the microswitch; anda lock controlling mechanism configured to prevent full opening of the lock until the ink staining system is disabled.3. The security system of claim 1 , wherein the ink staining system comprises a security control module and an in-cassette staining device.4. The security system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor in communication with the electronic lock claim 1 , the sensor configured to detect opening of a compartment of the ATM.5. The security system of claim 4 , wherein the sensor comprises a light sensor claim 4 , an inductive sensor claim 4 , a lock sensor claim 4 , or a combination thereof.6. The security system of claim 5 , wherein the light sensor is configured to detect the opening of the compartment of the ATM based on a detection of a selectable light level.7. The security system of claim 4 , wherein the processor is further configured to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004666A1

The present disclosure provides a teller cash recycler. The teller cash recycler includes a vault unit configured to store bills; a handling unit, provided at an upper portion of the vault unit, movable to a front side and a rear side of the vault unit, through which bills are deposited and withdrawn; a driving gear unit, provided at a lower portion of the handling unit, including a plurality of driving gears; a driven gear unit, provided at the upper portion of the vault unit, including a plurality of driven gears to which a driving force from the driving gears is transmitted; one or more swing arms, at which at least one of the driven gears is installed, configured to rotate by movement of the handling unit; and an interference unit, provided at the swing arm, configured to apply a rotational moment to the swing arm while being pushed by a handling unit. 1. A teller cash recycler comprising:a vault unit configured to store bills;a handling unit, provided at an upper portion of the vault unit, movable to a front side and a rear side of the vault unit, through which bills are deposited and withdrawn;a driving gear unit, provided at a lower portion of the handling unit, including a plurality of driving gears;a driven gear unit, provided at the upper portion of the vault unit, including a plurality of driven gears to which a driving force from the driving gears is transmitted;one or more swing arms, at which at least one of the driven gears is installed, configured to rotate by movement of the handling unit; andan interference unit, provided at the swing arm, configured to apply a rotational moment to the swing arm while being pushed by a part of the handling unit.2. The teller cash recycler of claim 1 , wherein the swing arm has a first state in which the driven gear is in contact with the driving gear and thus a driving force from the driving gear is transmitted to the driven gear and a second state in which the contact between the driven gear and the driving gear ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004668A1

A cash container may be configured to fit within a money depositing machine. The cash container may comprise a substantially rectangular box configured to fit within a cash deposit receiving cavity of the machine. An opening may be provided on one side of the box, the opening being configured to receive cash deposited into the machine. Dimensions of the opening and of the box are such that cash entering the opening is substantially oriented in a stacked configuration within the mold. 1. A cash container configured to fit within a money depositing machine , the cash container comprising:a substantially rectangular box configured to fit within a cash deposit receiving cavity of the machine; andan opening on one side of the box, the opening being configured to receive cash deposited into the machine;wherein dimensions of the opening and of the box are such that cash entering the opening is substantially oriented in a stacked configuration within the mold.2. The cash container of claim 1 , further comprising a strap attached to the box claim 1 , the strap being configured to secure a bag to an outside of the box.3. The cash container of claim 2 , wherein the strap comprises a shock cord.4. The cash container of claim 1 , further comprising a bag disposed around an outside of the box.5. The cash container of claim 4 , wherein the cash entering the opening is deposited within the bag.6. The cash container of claim 1 , wherein the box is made from aluminum claim 1 , steel claim 1 , stainless steel claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. The cash container of claim 1 , further comprising a lid disposed on one side of the box claim 1 , wherein the opening is formed in the lid.8. The cash container of claim 1 , wherein a side of the box opposite the one side of the box is open.9. The cash container of claim 1 , further comprising a rail configured to interface with a structure of the money depositing machine to secure the cash container within the money depositing machine.10. ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006380A1

A card actuated automated banking machine () is operative to carry out financial transactions responsive to data included on user cards. The banking machine includes a user interface () including a display (). The user interface includes a card reader () which is operative to read data on user cards which identify at least one of user and a user's financial accounts. A fascia of the machine includes a keypad () through which users input confidential data. Covers () prevent unauthorized persons from viewing confidential inputs to the keypad. Authorization signals assure that the display is operating in a manner that provides appropriate user instructions. A visual indicator is operative to indicate to a user that keypad inputs are being encrypted. Alternatively a touch screen display module () is operative to securely receive manual inputs and/or card data. 1. A tangible , non-transitory computer readable medium of instructions comprising instructions encoded thereon for execution by a processor and when executed operable to:obtain user data from a data reader;determine that the user data read corresponds to an authorized financial account; wherein the input is received responsive at least in part to contact with at least one area of the input surface of the touch screen display,', 'wherein the input includes a character that is drawn on the input surface via finger contact with the input surface of the touch screen display,', 'wherein the at least one area does not include any visible output indicia that corresponds to the before contact, and', 'determine an input character resolved from the character that is drawn on the input surface;, 'obtain an input from an input surface of a touch screen display;'}cause a cash dispenser to operate to dispense cash responsive at least in part to the determination that the user data read corresponds to an authorized financial account and the input;cause the authorized financial account corresponding to the user data to be ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Document Handler System and Method with Timed Operation

Номер: US20210004779A1

A document handler system and method includes timed operation functionality in which the manufacturer of the document handler may input coded information in the document handler to establish a timed operation of the document handler which may be contingent on continued payments for use of the document handler. Alternatively, or in addition, the timed operation may be used to establish an appropriate warranty period during which the manufacturer is obligated to provide repairs, modification and/or support for the document handler. 1. A document handling system for a gaming device , comprising:an inlet for receiving documents;a validation passageway for guiding the documents inserted into the inlet;a validation conveyor for transporting the documents along the validation passageway;a validation sensor for detecting optical or magnetic features of the documents transported along the validation passageway to produce detection signals;a network communication port configured to communicate with an external system;a control device in communication with the network communication port; anda clock in electronic communication with the control device for tracking a license time period of a license to use the document handling system; the control device is configured to store a first determination whether the license time period has elapsed;', 'the control device is configured to store a second determination whether the document handling system is being used in compliance with the license while the license time period has not elapsed wherein the second determination includes evaluating at least one of: a change of country, a change of protocol, a change of host machine, a change of game maker detected by protocol behavior, a change of bill validator serial number, an acceptance rate, a jam rate, a stall, a slow motor, an encoder problem, a service call, a condition of a light-emitting diode, a preventative maintenance failure, or a cyclic redundancy check error;', 'the document ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005206A1
Принадлежит: MasterCard International Incorporated

A method for cardless withdrawal from an automated teller machine includes: receiving, by an input device of an automated teller machine (ATM), user input comprising at least: a first code, a device identifier associated with a computing device, and a transaction amount; electronically transmitting, by the ATM, at least the first code, device identifier, and the transaction amount to a first computing system; receiving, by a receiving device of the ATM, a transaction account number from the first computing system; electronically transmitting, by the ATM, a withdrawal request including at least the transaction account number and the transaction amount to an acquiring institution; receiving, by the receiving device of the ATM, an indication from the acquiring institution that indicates approval of the withdrawal request; and dispensing, by a dispensing module of the ATM, one or more payment instruments having a value equivalent to the transaction amount. 1. A method for cardless withdrawal from an automated teller machine , comprising:receiving, by an input device of an automated teller machine (ATM), user input comprising at least: a first code, a device identifier associated with a computing device, and a transaction amount;electronically transmitting, by a transmitting device of the ATM, at least the first code, device identifier, and the transaction amount to a first computing system;receiving, by a receiving device of the ATM, a transaction account number from the first computing system;electronically transmitting, by the transmitting device of the ATM, a withdrawal request including at least the transaction account number and the transaction amount to an acquiring institution;receiving, by the receiving device of the ATM, an indication from the acquiring institution that indicates approval of the withdrawal request; anddispensing, by a dispensing module of the ATM, one or more payment instruments having a value equivalent to the transaction amount.2. The method ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

The automated salesman machine (asm)/automated electronic trolley (aet)

Номер: US20180005213A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method or a system, automatically and electronically ensures that customer pays for all goods picked up and the customer takes out of the shop only goods paid for. All this is done without the need of a shop teller and finally without the need of a shop supervisor to periodically crosscheck and ensure that the total amount of money collected by the shop teller (within a period) equals the total value of goods disbursed. The resultant of this system are the shop runs can run a totally cashless shop; reduce human resource by a significant percentage; shop can be opened 24/7; no more queues at shop teller points even during peak periods or major sales.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005061A1
Автор: Bailey Michael

An automated teller machine (“ATM”) is described. The ATM can be provided with an interface area which includes a display unit and one or more sensors. The display unit can move relative to the interface area so that the display is better accessible for a user of the ATM. For example, the display can make translational or rotational movements, e.g., telescoping movements. The ATM can include a sensor which can detect an object, a location for the object and a distance from the object. Using this information, the ATM can move or guide the display in a direction which makes the display more accessible for the user. 2241-. (canceled)42. A device comprising: an interface area including a display, a camera, a card reader and a cash dispenser;', 'a processor and a memory; and', 'a vault connected to the cash dispenser;, 'a housing including the interface area is configured to distally move away from the housing;', 'the camera is configured to receive data; and', 'the processor is configured to effectuate a distal movement of the interface area based on the data., 'wherein43. The device of claim 42 , wherein the data is a photo.44. The device of claim 43 , wherein the processor is configured to detect a face in the photo.45. The device of claim 44 , wherein the processor is configured to calculate:3-D coordinates for an object associated with the face; anda direction vector from the interface area to the object.46. The device of claim 45 , wherein the processor is configured to effectuate the distal movement of the interface area based on the direction vector from the interface area to the object.47. The device of claim 46 , wherein the distal movement of the interface area decreases a distance between the interface area to the object associated with the face.48. The device of claim 44 , wherein the processor is configured to calculate a distance of the interface area to the object.49. The device of claim 48 , wherein the processor is configured to effectuate the distal ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Devices and methods for generating video overlay of transaction data on automated teller machine video

Номер: US20210005062A1
Автор: Corey T. King
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for associating automated teller machine (ATM) transaction information with photos and/or videos captured by cameras are provided. In some embodiments, an ATM communicates with a financial institution system via a first network. A video annotation device is communicatively coupled to the first network to receive copies of communications transmitted by the financial institution system to the ATM. The video annotation device extracts annotation information from the communications, and causes the annotation information to be associated with photos and/or videos captured by cameras. In some embodiments, the video annotation device is also communicatively coupled to a second network, and transmits the annotation information to an IP camera for use as on-screen display text. In some embodiments, the video annotation device receives a video signal from a camera, adds an annotation to the video signal, and provides the annotated video signal to a recording device.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005480A1

A stacking and dispensing module () for use in an automatic teller machine (), the module is configured to be arranged in connection with a banknote storage unit () comprising a banknote tray () on which banknotes () are stacked, the stacking and dispensing module () is configured to be in a banknote stacking mode, when banknotes are stacked in said storage unit (), and in a banknote dispensing mode, when banknotes are dispensed from said storage unit (). A stacking wheel member () is active both during the banknote stacking mode and during the banknote dispensing mode, and that the rotation of the stacking wheel member () is configured to be controlled by a first direct current (DC) motor (), and the rotation of a dispensing wheel member () is configured to be controlled by a second DC motor (). The module further comprises:—a current measuring unit () configured to measure the currents applied to drive said first and second DC motors () and to generate current signals () in dependence thereto,—a control unit () configured to receive said current signals (), wherein the control unit () is configured to evaluate said current signals () and to determine control signals () for various functions of said module in dependence of said evaluation, and to apply said control signals for controlling said functions. 1. A stacking and dispensing module for use in an automatic teller machine , the module is configured to be arranged in connection with a banknote storage unit comprising a banknote tray on which banknotes are stacked , the stacking and dispensing module is configured to be in a banknote stacking mode , when banknotes are stacked in said storage unit , and in a banknote dispensing mode , when banknotes are dispensed from said storage unit , the stacking and dispensing module comprises:a stacking wheel member configured to receive and stack banknotes on said tray, comprising at least two stacking wheels distributed along a common rotation shaft A,a dispensing wheel ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005493A1

Systems and methods for transferring resource access from a sender to a recipient are disclosed that can allow a sender to specify an amount of a resource to provide access to (e.g., an amount of money or an amount of access rights), while still providing security for the sender's sensitive credential information (e.g., PAN and/or PIN). These systems and methods can allow a sender to transfer resource access from any location and at any time of the day. In the case of money transfers, the recipient can quickly and directly obtain the money from any ATM location associated with any bank and at any time of the day, even without a bank account. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at a terminal from a recipient, a request to transfer access to a resource from a sender to the recipient, the request including a token and a recipient code, wherein the token corresponds to an account identifier associated with the sender, wherein the account identifier is associated with a sender code, and wherein the sender code is associated with the recipient code;generating, by the terminal, a message using the request;transmitting, by the terminal, the message to a server computer, wherein the server computer translates the token into the account identifier and the recipient code into the sender code, and wherein the server computer processes the message using the account identifier and the sender code;receiving, by the terminal, a response to the message; andtransferring access to the resource to the recipient or denying access to the resource to the recipient based on the response.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one the token or the recipient code is invalidated after transferring access to the resource to the recipient.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein access to the resource to the recipient is denied upon determining that the token is invalid at the terminal.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the token is determined to be invalid at the terminal based on a location of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Banknote acceptor feeder device

Номер: US20200005576A1
Автор: Jack Yates
Принадлежит: Innovative Technology Ltd

A banknote feeder device ( 3 ) configured to interconnect and operate in conjunction with a banknote acceptor apparatus ( 2 ), the banknote feeder device ( 3 ) comprising a banknote transport mechanism operable, when the banknote feeder device ( 3 ) is connected to said banknote acceptor apparatus ( 2 ), to transport a banknote from a banknote input aperture to a banknote output aperture. The banknote transport mechanism comprises a linear succession of spaced-apart pairs of transport wheels ( 22 ) and each transport wheel extends at least partially through a banknote transport conduit surface into an interior cavity of the banknote transport conduit between the banknote input aperture and the banknote output aperture.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005616A1

A transaction terminal silent alarm system having processor(s) and memory storing instructions that, when executed by the processor(s), cause the system to perform a method is disclosed. Upon receiving, from a user device, an authentication request to complete a transaction at a transaction terminal, the system may determine whether a fingerprint scan matches a stored fingerprint. Responsive to the fingerprint scan matching a stored normal fingerprint and absent receiving another fingerprint that matches a stored cancellation fingerprint, the system may direct the transaction terminal to complete the transaction. Responsive to the fingerprint scan matching a stored under-duress fingerprint, the system may direct the transaction terminal to send a silent alert to law enforcement and direct the transaction terminal to delay the transaction. Responsive to the fingerprint scan not matching any stored fingerprints, the system may direct the user device to display a fingerprint rescan message. 1. A transaction terminal silent alert system comprising:one or more processors; and receive, from a user device, an authentication request to complete a transaction at a transaction terminal, the authentication request comprising a fingerprint scan obtained via the user device and financial account data for a financial account associated with the user device;', 'determine whether the fingerprint scan matches, beyond a predetermined confidence threshold, a stored under-duress fingerprint scan for triggering an under-duress transaction signal or a stored cancellation fingerprint scan for cancelling the under-duress transaction signal;', 'direct the transaction terminal to delay the transaction a predetermined wait time and send an alert notification to law enforcement responsive to not receiving a subsequent fingerprint scan from the user device matching the stored cancellation fingerprint scan beyond the predetermined confidence threshold within the predetermined wait time.', ' ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005474A1

Various embodiments are directed to systems and methods enabling cardless cash withdrawals from ATMs and/or other funds dispensing system. In various embodiments, a finite-duration access code is generated and associated with an account from which funds are to be withdrawn in response to a validated request generated at a mobile app operating on a user's mobile computing device. The access code is provided to the user (e.g., via the mobile app), who can then provide the finite-duration access code and an associated PIN to the funds dispensing system. The funds dispensing system transmits the received access code and/or PIN to servers to validate the request. The servers compare the transmitted data against stored data associated with the user's account, and generates a verification response to be transmitted to the funds dispensing system upon verification. The funds dispensing system then provides the requested cash to the user. 1. A computer-implemented method for enabling user-based access to an electronic account associated with an institution via finite-duration access codes , the method comprising:receiving, via one or more processors associated with an application server, an access code request associated with a user using a mobile app on a mobile device, wherein the access code request comprises institution identifying data, user identifying data, and an electronic account selection;retrieving, from a memory accessible by the application server, a virtual Personal Account Number (v-PAN) for the user based at least in part on the institution identifying data and the user identifying data; pseudo-randomly generating a value based at least in part on an increasing index value stored in association with the application server, wherein the index value increases after each pseudo-randomly generated value is generated;', 'identifying, based on a leading digit of the pseudo-randomly generated value, a selected BIN value having length X;', 'replacing the leading ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008717A1
Автор: OGUCHI Yosuke

A card conveyance system may include a first device; a second device; a conveying passage; and a host apparatus controlling the first and second device. The first device may send a card to and receive the card from the second device via the conveying passage. The second device may receive the card from and send the card to the first device via the conveying passage. The host apparatus may include an application executing section to execute an application including a user interface; a middleware executing section to execute middleware controlling the second device and the first device corresponding to a command of a standard specification; and a synchronous control section configured to acquire a command of the standard specification and control a conveying roller of the first device and a conveying roller of the second device synchronously with conveyance of the card. 1. A card conveyance system for use with a card , the card conveyance system comprising;a first device;a second device;a conveying passage; anda host apparatus configured to control the first device and the second device;wherein the first device is structured to send the card to the second device via the conveying passage and receive the card from the second device via the conveying passage;the second device is structured to receive the card from the first device via the conveying passage and send the card to the first device via the conveying passage; an application executing section configured to execute an application including a user interface;', 'a middleware executing section configured to execute middleware controlling the second device and the first device corresponding to a command of a standard specification from the application executing section; and', 'a synchronous control section configured to acquire a command of the standard specification acquired from the application executing section by the middleware executing section and control a conveying roller of the first device and a conveying ...
