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16-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2703412C2

Группа изобретений относится к способу и системе обеспечения автоматической посадки летательного аппарата на взлетно-посадочную полосу, устройству обработки данных для осуществления способа. Способ заключается в том, что оценивают место и ориентацию летательного аппарата, измеряют высоту полета, азимут относительно контрольной точки, управляют летательным аппаратом вдоль заданной траектории от точки возвращения (А) до заданной точки захвата (В), управляют летательным аппаратом вдоль заданной траектории от точки захвата (В) к точке захода на посадку (С), управляют летательным аппаратом от точки захода на посадку (С) до точки приземления (РА). Система содержит инерциальный блок, альтиметр, индикатор отклонения курса, устройство обработки данных, выполненное с возможностью осуществления способа. Обеспечивается точность выравнивания и посадки летательного аппарата без использования спутниковой системы навигации. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

05-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624642C2

Изобретение относится к идентификации воздушного судна и отображения типа и модели воздушного судна при парковке у выхода для пассажиров или на месте стоянки для возможного присоединения пассажирского трапа или загрузочного трапа к двери воздушного судна. Способ основан на том, что воздушное судно (5) располагают и останавливают в заданном местоположении с использованием бесконтактного измерения расстояния между воздушным судном и фиксированной точкой, при этом расстояние отображают на табло (6), установленном перед пилотом воздушного судна, например, на здании (7) аэровокзала, и показывают пилоту, посредством табло (6), местоположение воздушного судна (5) относительно точки остановки для воздушного судна, а также тип и модель паркующегося воздушного судна, причем указанные измерение расстояния и отображение активируют посредством компьютерной системы (20) аэропорта или вручную, и принимают, посредством антенны (16), передаваемую воздушным судном (5) информацию (17), при этом информацию ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2523167C2

Изобретение относится к системе и способу наблюдения за взлетно-посадочной полосой (ВПП). Техническим результатом является обеспечение обнаружения повреждений от посторонних предметов в условиях естественной освещенности как в дневное, так и в ночное время без использования дополнительного освещения, например от инфракрасных или лазерных световых приборов. Система включает одну или несколько камер, фиксирующих изображения ВПП; и систему обработки изображений для обнаружения повреждений от посторонних предметов на ВПП на основе адаптивной обработки изображений, отснятых камерами, и для использования способов улучшения качества изображений для повышения их четкости; при этом система обработки изображений сформирована таким образом, чтобы обнаружить движения в отснятых изображениях, изучить фон, используя только изображения, на которых движение отсутствует, разработать сводную карту контуров во время изучения фона; при этом сводная карта контуров фона состоит из карты контуров адаптивного ...

12-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2781495C1

Изобретение относится к стояночному комплексу аэропорта, выполненному с возможностью содействия пилоту приближающегося воздушного судна в маневрировании воздушным судном к положению парковки на месте стоянки. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение безопасной и надежной постановки воздушных судов на места стоянки в аэропортах. Заявленный стояночный комплекс (100, 200, 300) аэропорта содержит дисплей (130), радиолокационную систему (110R) и одну или более дополнительных систем, выбранных из лазерных систем (110L) и систем (110С) формирования изображения. Радиолокационная система (110R) и одна или более дополнительных систем вместе образуют объединенную систему (110, 210, 310). Стояночный комплекс (100) аэропорта выполнен с возможностью, на основе выходных данных от указанной объединенной системы (110), обнаружения и отслеживания (S108, S110) воздушного судна (10) в пределах зоны (20) стоянки, когда указанное воздушное судно (10) приближается к месту стоянки в пределах зоны ...

20-12-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016138408A3

09-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019110252A3

05-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017119173A3

23-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2778697C1

Изобретение относится к комплексу для постановки воздушного судна на место стоянки в аэропорту и соответствующему способу. Комплекс содержит телеметрическую систему, выполненную с возможностью обнаружения воздушного судна в пределах зоны измерения, причем указанная зона измерения включает в себя участок стоянки и контроллер, выполненный с возможностью определения на основе данных измерения, полученных от телеметрической системы, оценочных положений наружной поверхности на воздушном судне. Оценочное положение наружной поверхности представляет собой оценочное положение фактического положения наружной поверхности на воздушном судне. Фактическое положение наружной поверхности образует границу протяженности воздушного судна в зоне измерения. Контроллер выполнен с возможностью сопоставления оценочных положений наружной поверхности с координатами участка стоянки для определения того, находится ли оценочное положение наружной поверхности за пределами участка стоянки, выдачи сигнала опасной парковки ...

20-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2093899C1

Система для установки самолета на место стоянки и информационного обеспечения наземных служб. Сущность: система содержит блок дисплея, который располагается впереди места остановки, и внутреннюю или близко примыкающую к нему микроволновую антенну, которая излучает волны в направлении самолета, эти волны отражаются обратно к антенне и принимаются таковой. Измерением разности времени между излученной и принятой волнами положение самолета может анализироваться с большой точностью вычислительной машиной и индицироваться на дисплее. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668931C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу и системе идентификации воздушного судна в связи с местом стоянки. Для идентификации воздушного судна принимают идентификационные данные и данные местоположения, передаваемые с воздушного судна, извлекают идентификационные данные ожидаемого на месте стоянки судна, тип или модель воздушного судна, тип или модель воздушных судов на соседних местах и доступность других мест стоянки, сравнивают принятые данные местоположения с позицией в зоне места стоянки, сравнивают идентифицирующие данные ожидаемого воздушного судна с полученными данными от воздушного судна. Если воздушное судно не ожидается в месте стоянки, то отображают индикацию для остановки воздушного судна, разрешения приблизиться к месту стоянки или перемещения в другое место и передают данные для дальнейшего перемещения воздушного судна. Система содержит приемник данных с воздушного судна, процессор, сконфигурированный для выполнения способа. Обеспечивается безопасность при парковке воздушного ...

27-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013142167A

... 1. Система наблюдения для обнаружения засорения или повреждения аэродрома посторонними предметами, содержащая:одну или несколько камер для получения изображений аэродрома,блок обработки для обнаружения засорения или повреждения аэродрома посторонними предметами на основании изображений, полученных одной или несколькими камерами, исистему наблюдения за поражающим действием оружия с целью определения поражающего действия оружия на аэродроме и наведения одной или нескольких камер для получения изображений в области обнаруженного поражающего действия оружия.2. Система наблюдения по п.1, в которой одна или несколько камер представляют собой сочетание неподвижных и подвижных камер.3. Система наблюдения по п.1 или 2, в которой одна или несколько камер увеличивают масштаб или фокусируются на области обнаруженного поражающего действия оружия для получения подробных изображений с целью определения типа повреждения.4. Система наблюдения по п.1 или 2, в которой поражающее действие оружия обнаруживается ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013119161A

... 1. Способ идентификации воздушного судна при парковке у выхода для пассажиров или на месте стоянки для возможного присоединения пассажирского трапа (1) или загрузочного трапа к двери воздушного судна, причем воздушное судно располагают и останавливают в заданном местоположении с использованием бесконтактного измерения расстояния между воздушным судном и фиксированной точкой, и отображают расстояние на табло (6), установленном перед пилотом воздушного судна, например, на здании (7) аэровокзала, при этом показывают пилоту посредством табло (6) местоположение воздушного судна (5) относительно точки остановки для воздушного судна, а также тип паркующегося воздушного судна, причем указанные измерение расстояния и отображение активируют посредством компьютерной системы (20) аэропорта или вручную и принимают посредством антенны (16) передаваемую воздушным судном (5) информацию (17), отличающийся тем, что из указанной информации (17) извлекают, по меньшей мере, опознавательный код воздушного судна ...

02-10-1991 дата публикации

Location of taxiing aircraft in accurate positions - using comparison of signal field, e.g. optical image with reference image to determine actual position

Номер: DE0004009668A1

The method for stopping aircraft in accurate positions involves automatically transmitting position correction commands to the aircraft. The true position of the aircraft is continuously determined by evaluating at least one one- or two-dimensional signal field generated by the aircraft and measured by a detector via the air. The signal field can be an optical signal field, i.e. an image. The vehicle type can be determined by comparing the signal field with stored reference fields and is used to influence the position correction commands, esp. the stop command. USE/ADVANTAGE - The method eliminates the need for a costly system of fixed sensors in the taxi path and the inherent errors of detection of such an approach.

25-03-1999 дата публикации

Accurate aircraft docking method

Номер: DE0019741082A1

The docking method uses a video camera for detecting the actual position of the aircraft, with comparison of calculated actual position coordinates obtained from the video camera image and position coordinates corresponding to the correct docking position obtained via a 3-dimensional model of the aircraft, for operation of a visual display indicating the actual position of the aircraft from the docking point.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zum Navigieren eines Flugzeugs in einer Halle

Номер: DE102017123198A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System 10 zum Navigieren eines Flugzeugs 12 in einer Halle, mit mindestens einem mit dem Flugzeug 12 fest verbundenen optischen Sensor 16, 18, wobei mittels des Sensors 16, 18 fortlaufend Umgebungskonturdaten relativ zum Flugzeug 12 erfassbar sind, und mit einer mit dem Sensor 16, 18 verbundenen Datenverarbeitungsvorrichtung 20, die einen Datenspeicher 22 aufweist auf dem Referenzdaten gespeichert sind, wobei mittels der Datenverarbeitungsvorrichtung 20 durch fortlaufendes Abgleichen erfasster Umgebungskonturdaten mit den Referenzdaten eine Flugzeug-Kollisionsgefahr detektierbar ist.

13-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060002916T2

29-12-2011 дата публикации

Method for collision prevention for e.g. pedestrian, involves comparing information with predetermined information and calculating potential collision hazards and communicating hazards to vehicle operator by alarm

Номер: DE102010025226A1

The method involves emitting information of position and speed of a vehicle in a traffic from a radio equipment of a road user in short time intervals, where the information is determined by a global positioning system (GPS). The information is compared with predetermined information. Potential collision hazards are calculated and communicated to a vehicle operator by an alarm if hazard is detected. Radio traffic is routed between transceiver units via relay stations based on hazards. An independent claim is also included for a device for collision prevention by GPS-supported and programmable transmission and receiving for all kind of road users.

02-09-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002025126A1

18-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001313912A

... 1313912 Controlling surface traffic; controlling road - traffic FORNEY INTERNATIONAL Inc 26 May 1970 [23 May 1969] 25265/70 Headings G4F and G4Q Surface traffic comprising operator-driven vehicles is guided along selected individual routes through a network of intersecting ways by an apparatus including logic means which receives information as to the points of entry and points of destination in the network, of the vehicles, and which is operative to select the individual routes, for the vehicles, between their respective points of entry and destination; detectors for indicating to the logic means the presence of vehicles on the ways; and guidance means connected to the logic means and operable thereby to indicate to the respective operators the individual routes selected and to be followed. The apparatus is primarily intended to guide airport ground traffic (aircraft and roadvehicles) about the network of runways, taxiways, aprons, &c., but is said also to be applicable to controlling ...

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404964T

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241190T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250232T

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Airport monitoring system

Номер: AU2017371473A1
Принадлежит: Allens Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys

The airport monitoring system (1) for monitoring an airport territory (5), comprises an airport territory surface and an optic sensor system (70, 72a,...,72e, 100). The airport territory surface has a traffic infrastructure to support conveyance elements of a vehicle (90), e.g. an aircraft or a service vehicle, therewith allowing movements of the vehicle over the airport territory surface. The optic sensor system (70, 72a,...,72e, 100), includes an interrogator module (100) and fiber optic sensors (72a,...,72e) coupled thereto. The fiber optic sensors are arranged below the airport territory surface and have a respective plurality of optic strain-sensor elements (722) with mutually different optical characteristics. The interrogator module (100) transmits optical interrogation signals into the fiber optic sensors and receives respective response optical signals that have been modulated by the fiber optic sensors based on their optical characteristics. The interrogator module (100) identifies ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Low resolution adaptive distance display

Номер: AU2017298563A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Guide systems for indicating a distance between a first object and a second object and a method for visually representing a distance between two objects as the distance reduces are provided. A sensor measures a distance between the first object and the second object. A processor receives a distance measurement from the sensor and determines whether the distance measured by the sensor is within one of a plurality of distance intervals. Upon determining that the distance is within one of the plurality of distance intervals, the processor displays a distance indicator on the display. The distance indicator is located on the display based on the distance according to a scale for the distance interval, where a display area on the display represents the distance interval. The scale for the distance intervals becomes finer as the distance between the first object and the second object decreases.

31-12-2003 дата публикации

Method and device for protection against runway incursions

Номер: AU2003269807A8

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Dynamic alarm zones for bird detection systems

Номер: AU2014250633B2

The present invention relates to alarm and warning systems and methods for detecting the approach of objects to a prohibited area and eliciting a warning or an alarm when 5 such objects are detected. More specifically the present invention relates to bird radar systems and methods for use at for instance airports or wind parks to provide a warning or an alarm when birds are approaching. The detection system according to the invention comprises one or more processors configured to detect and track a bird and to generate an alarm or alert when a tracked bird enters an alarm zone inside a radar 10 coverage range, wherein the one or more processors are configured to dynamically arrange the alarm zone within the radar coverage range using real time information. 0 153 0-AU ...

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003016499C

The present invention relates to an aircraft docking system comprising: a light based verification and positioning system adapted to scan a volume (120) in connection to a stand, a receiving unit adapted to receive surveillance data from an airport surveillance system, wherein the light based verification and positioning system is further adapted to control the extension of the scanned volume based on the received surveillance data.

12-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002603843A1

Le dispositif (1 ) comporte des moyens (7) pour rechercher des éléments de l'aéroport qui sont affichés sur un champ d'affichage d'un écran (9), des moyens (10) pour vérifier, pour chacun desdits éléments, s'il fait partie d'un premier groupe pour lequel un point d'ancrage principal se trouve à l'intérieur d'une zone d'étiquette ou d'un second groupe pour lequel le point d'ancrage principal est situé hors de la zone d'étiquette, des moyens (13) pour déterminer, pour les éléments du second groupe, un point d'ancrage auxiliaire situé au point d'intersection entre un axe dudit élément et la zone d'étiquette, et des moyens (15) pour présenter sur l'écran (9) pour chaque élément une étiquette comportant des informations relatives audit élément, les étiquettes associées au premier groupe étant situées au point d'ancrage principal et celles associées au second groupe au point d'ancrage auxiliaire.

01-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002581401C

L'invention concerne un procédé de gestion du freinage d'un aéronef lors de ses déplacements sur une plateforme aéroportuaire, comportant l'étape de, à partir de caractéristiques d'un mouvement de l'aéronef le long d'au moins un trajet donné à suivre par l'aéronef sur la plateforme aéroportuaire, déduire des informations de freinage à effectuer de sorte que l'aéronef se déplace effectivement selon ledit mouvement. Figure 1.

18-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002956752A1

Apparatus and associated methods relate to ranging an object nearby an aircraft by triangulation of spatially-patterned light projected upon and reflected from the object. The spatially patterned light can have a wavelength corresponding to infrared light and/or to an atmospheric absorption band. In some embodiments, images of the object are captured both with and without illumination by the spatially-patterned light. A difference between these two images can be used to isolate the spatially-patterned light. The two images can also be used to identify pixel boundaries of the object and to calculate ranges ol portions of the object corresponding to pixels imaging these portions. For pixels imaging reflections of the spatially-patterned light, triangulation can be used to calculate range. For pixels not imaging reflections of the spatially-patterned light, ranges can be calculated using one or more of the calculated ranges calculated using triangulation corresponding to nearby pixels.

18-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002746618A1

A system for detecting, identifying and docking aircraft using laser pulses to obtain a profile of an object in the distance initially scans the area in front of the gate until it locates and identifies an object. Once the identity of the object is known, the system tracks the object. The system also monitors an area of the apron near the object to detect obstacles such as ground service vehicles. The system also analyzes the laser pulses to determine whether they are reflected from a solid object or from fog or other condensation or precipitation to avoid misidentifying condensation or precipitation as a solid object.

22-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002721426A1

The invention relates to a method for monitoring a traffic route for a means of transport of a predetermined kind, particularly for an aircraft on a lane at an airport. The method involves noise signals that occur in a section of the traffic route (2) being recorded with a sound pickup means (6,..., 13) and evaluated such that a piece of localization information is ascertained which indicates whether a means of transport (1) of the predetermined kind is in the section of the traffic route (2). If the piece of localization information reveals that a means of transport (1) of the predetermined kind is in the section, the admissibility of the means of transport (1) to be in the section is checked on the basis of one or more prescribed criteria, whereupon an appropriate checking result is output. The method according to the invention is distinguished in that the evaluation of noise signals can be used to achieve reliable localization of means of transport independently of weather conditions ...

24-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002069232A1

An information sign on airfield runways or taxiways to impart information to aircraft captains or vehicle drivers. In order to increase operating safety and capacity in the taxiing area, the indicator surface of the information sign incorporates an changeable aircraft or vehicle-specific symbolism to impart information concerning the runway or taxi route that has been assigned to an aircraft or vehicle. A control unit that can be controlled from a central computer is provided to display the symbols. Figure.

08-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002305315A1

The invention relates to a method, a device and a management system for automatically driving a plane to a parking place with the necessary safety increase as well as organized and substantially centralized supervision and control. A method is suggested for automatically driving a plane to a parking place, which enables automatic transmission of correction instructions related to direction and speed required for driving said plane. To that end, at least one video camera turned to the plane at a parking place located in the field of vision of said video camera is used in such a way that the signals generated by the video camera are processed by an assessment unit to determine both the actual position of the plane and the correction instructions required to position the plane as prescribed, and converted into video sequences. Said instructions and video sequences are made ready for use together with further supervision data on a monitor for the purposes of integrated representation.

15-10-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000567768A5

29-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN104575110A

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Aircraft sliding path and guide and display

Номер: CN0104679010B

26-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002925739A1

L'invention a pour objet de déterminer un risque de collision au sol entre un aéronef et un autre objet. L'aéronef comprend au moins un détecteur de proximité (125) et un système de communication adapté à établir une communication entre plusieurs points, au moins un des points pouvant être extérieur à l'aéronef. Après avoir reçu (205) au moins une indication du détecteur de proximité relative à la présence d'un objet, un signal représentant une alarme sonore liée à la détection de l'objet est générée puis transmise au système d'alerte. De façon avantageuse, une comparaison est effectuée entre l'indication reçue du détecteur de proximité et certains paramètres de l'aéronef (210), le signal représentant une alarme sonore liée à la détection de l'objet étant généré en réponse au résultat de cette comparaison.

08-11-1971 дата публикации

Номер: FR0001604389A

19-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002924831B1

19-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002888979B1
Принадлежит: AIRBUS FRANCE

11-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002902221B1

19-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002884022B1

16-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003680B1

28-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002969348B1
Принадлежит: THALES

11-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002891644B1
Принадлежит: THALES

18-06-2010 дата публикации

Aircraft routing managing device for airport, has calculation unit, display device and interface arranged in order to create, modify and cancel routing on chart by graphically selecting destination points on chart using interface

Номер: FR0002939947A1
Принадлежит: THALES Société anonyme

Le domaine général de l'invention est celui des dispositifs de gestion du cheminement d'un aéronef sur les pistes d'un aéroport. La particularité du dispositif selon l'invention est que la création, la modification et l'annulation d'un cheminement (11) sur une carte affichée sur un écran de visualisation (4) représentant une zone aéroportuaire sont effectuées automatiquement en sélectionnant graphiquement un ou des points de destination sur la dite carte au moyen d'une interface homme-machine (5) de type souris informatique ou écran tactile, la mise en place complète du cheminement étant assuré par un calculateur (8) travaillant à partir d'informations venant de bases de données (2, 6, 7, 9).

22-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003073316B1

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002989205B1
Принадлежит: THALES

10-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003020042B1

06-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003031731B1

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003004250A1

Le domaine général de l'invention est celui des procédés de détermination d'un chemin de roulage d'un aéronef sur une zone aéroportuaire. Le procédé est mis en œuvre par le système avionique de l'aéronef. Il comprend les étapes suivantes : - Détermination des « nœuds » d'un graphe de connectivité, lesdits nœuds représentatifs des points de jonction entre les voies de circulation de la zone aéroportuaire ; - Détermination des arcs utiles joignant lesdits nœuds et représentatifs du réseau des voies de circulation qui peuvent être empruntées par l'aéronef ; - Attribution d'un « poids » à chaque arc utile ; - Détermination du chemin optimal par un algorithme de type Dijkstra partant de la position présente de l'aéronef jusqu'à sa position de destination et passant par des points de consigne ; - Calcul et affichage d'une représentation graphique comportant une représentation de la zone aéroportuaire, de l'aéronef et du chemin optimal.

06-04-2007 дата публикации

Flow aiding method for craft on surface of airport, involves providing remainder to commander upon each encroachment of craft into elementary zone

Номер: FR0002891644A1

L'invention concerne l'aide à la navigation aéroportuaire par émission d'alerte rappelant, au pilote d'un mobile (11) évoluant à la surface d'un aéroport, les contraintes de circulation rencontrées localement au cours de son cheminement. Le procédé comporte les étapes suivantes : - partitionnement des surfaces de circulation de l'aéroport en zones élémentaires à contrainte de circulation (4 à 10 ; 20 à 21) renfermant chacune, un ensemble de points connexes soumis aux mêmes contraintes locales de circulation, - identifications des zones élémentaires( 4 à 10 ; 20 à 21) et de leurs contraintes spécifiques de circulation, - détection de la pénétration du mobile (11) dans les zones élémentaires (4 à 10 ; 20 à 21), et - à chaque pénétration du mobile (11) dans une zone élémentaire, rappel par génération d'alerte, au responsable du mobile (11), de l'une au moins des contraintes de circulation spécifiques de la zone élémentaire concernée (4 à 10 ; 20 à 21).

16-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002998067A1

... - Système de gestion pour aéronef. - Ledit système (1) comprend au moins les fonctions principales suivantes, une fonction de gestion (2) de la trajectoire, une fonction de navigation (3) permettant de calculer la position de l'aéronef, une fonction de calcul (5) de déviations entre la position de l'aéronef et une trajectoire à suivre, une fonction de gestion (6) d'au moins une base de données de navigation, une fonction de gestion (7) de calculs de performance de l'aéronef, et une fonction de gestion (8) d'interfaces et d'affichage, chacune desdites fonctions principales étant attribuée à un dispositif spécifique de l'aéronef, ladite fonction de gestion (2) de la trajectoire étant reliée à chacune desdites autres fonctions principales.

26-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003680A1

Ce procédé de détermination des risques de collision d'un avion (1) lors de sa circulation au sol comprend les étapes de : - détermination de la trajectoire de l'avion (1), - détermination, en fonction de ladite trajectoire, d'au moins un volume de protection (VR, VP) associé à au moins une partie de l'avion, - détection d'un objet entrant dans ledit volume de protection (VR, VP), - génération d'une alerte en réponse à la détection dudit obstacle.

21-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002959052A1
Принадлежит: THALES

Le domaine général de l'invention est celui des dispositifs d'assistance embarqué au suivi d'une route aéroportuaire par un aéronef, ledit dispositif comprenant : - un système embarqué de capteurs optiques (1) ; - des moyens (2) fournissant la position courante dudit aéronef ; - une base de données (3) comportant les informations topologiques de l'aéroport ; - un système de reconnaissance (4) fournissant, à partir des images vidéo issues du système de capteurs optiques, des données caractéristiques de la portion de route aéroportuaire, permettant d'identifier une « primitive » simple représentative de la portion de route suivie ; - un calculateur de traitement (5) agencé de façon o à extraire de la base de données, une succession de formes géométriques simples représentant la route aéroportuaire et de même nature que les « primitives » issues du système de reconnaissance ; o à les comparer auxdites « primitives » ; o à valider ou à invalider la route suivie par ledit aéronef en fonction ...

03-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003040371A1

... - Le dispositif (1) comporte une unité d'estimation (4) comprenant un élément (16) pour calculer une distance dite effective, représentant la distance couverte par l'aéronef sur au moins un intervalle de vitesse délimité entre deux vitesses de l'aéronef, l'intervalle correspondant au roulage sur un tronçon de la piste, pour lequel la performance de freinage de l'aéronef est limitée par la friction de la piste, un élément (17) pour calculer une pluralité de distances dite de référence correspondant à différents états de piste, un élément (18) pour comparer la distance effective auxdites distances de référence, et un élément (21) pour sélectionner, à partir de ces comparaisons, l'une desdites distances de référence, l'état de piste qui correspond à la distance de référence ainsi sélectionnée représentant l'état de piste déterminé par le dispositif (1).

22-04-1977 дата публикации

Seismic aircraft touchdown points locator - has comparator system connected to several seismic detectors along runway

Номер: FR0002325998A1

23-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009090185A2

The invention discloses a system and a method for warning a guide of a movable object (F, F1, F2) against the movable object (F, F1, F2) entering a protected section (H, K), in which: a) a previously defined border (G, RHB1, RHB2) of the protected section (H, K) is activated; b) a trajectory (T) for the movable object (F, F1, F2) relative to this border (G, RHB1, RHB2) is determined using position data (PD) emitted by the movable object (F); c) a distance between the movable object (F, F1, F2) and the border (RHB1, RHB2) is compared with a previously defined limit value in so far as it is possible to determine whether the activated border (G, RHB1, RHB2) is breached by the movable object (F, F1, F2); and d) if a border is breached and the border (G, RHB1, RHB2) is simultaneously activated, a transmitting device (HF) is activated, which device emits warning signals (WS) which are tuned to a receiving device of the movable object (F, F1, F2) and are intended to be conditioned on the object ...

08-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999017263A1
Автор: CASTOR, Robert

The invention relates to a method, a device and a management system for automatically driving a plane to a parking place with the necessary safety increase as well as organized and substantially centralized supervision and control. A method is suggested for automatically driving a plane to a parking place, which enables automatic transmission of correction instructions related to direction and speed required for driving said plane. To that end, at least one video camera turned to the plane at a parking place located in the field of vision of said video camera is used in such a way that the signals generated by the video camera are processed by an assessment unit to determine both the actual position of the plane and the correction instructions required to position the plane as prescribed, and converted into video sequences. Said instructions and video sequences are made ready for use together with further supervision data on a monitor for the purposes of integrated representation.

09-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005052887A1

There is described an onboard device of a terrestrial vehicle for use in a traffic surveillance system in an airport area comprising means (GPS/SBAS-RX, -Proc) for generating vehicle position data (GNSS Pos), means (ADS-B Proc) for encoding the generated position data and - means (1090ES TX) for transmitting, at a predetermined repetition frequency, radio-frequency signals containing the encoded data. In order to permit the device to be used at a large airport without causing an excessive load of radio emissions, the device also comprises means for memorizing topographical data (Airp Map), which define different zones of the airport area, and emission data (Em-R), which define different repetition frequencies of the signals to be transmitted (Em-R Prof), means (Em-R Corr), for associating emission data (Em-R) with the topographical data (Airp Map) and means (Area Corr) for correlating the position data (GNSS Pos) of the vehicle with topographical data (Airp Map) in order to identify the ...

30-06-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for representation of flight events using icons within a graphical user interface

Номер: US0010696418B2

Methods and systems are provided for displaying non-compliance with expected performance values for flight parameters of an aircraft. The method comprises collecting flight parameter data from the aircraft during aircraft operations and generating a graphical display of a flight path of the aircraft. The flight parameter data is compared with the expected performance values for the flight parameters of the aircraft and points of noncompliance by the aircraft are identified along its flight path. A graphical display icon is superimposed on each point of noncompliance on a graphical display of the flight path of the aircraft. The graphical display icon is a unique iconographic representation of the flight parameter. The flight path and the display icons are displayed on a graphical display device for review after completion of aircraft operations.

11-01-2007 дата публикации

Foreign object detection system and method

Номер: US20070008185A1

A system for detection of foreign objects on airport travel surfaces including a plurality of foreign object detector modules mounted on a corresponding plurality of existing aircraft travel surface lighting supports, the plurality of foreign object detector modules providing a corresponding plurality of detection outputs and a high speed detection output analyzer operative to receive at least one of the plurality of detection outputs and to provide a high speed output indication of foreign object presence.

22-08-2000 дата публикации

Wireless, frequency-agile spread spectrum ground like-based aircraft data communication system with remote flight operations control center

Номер: US0006108523A1
Принадлежит: Harris Corporation

A flight information communication system has a plurality of RF direct sequence spread spectrum ground data links that link respective aircraft-resident subsystems, in each of which a copy of its flight performance data is stored, with airport-located subsystems. The airport-located subsystems are coupled by way communication paths, such as land line telephone links, to a remote flight operations control center. At the flight operations control center, flight performance data downlinked from plural aircraft parked at different airports is analyzed. In addition, the flight control center may be employed to direct the uploading of in-flight data files, such as audio, video and navigation files from the airport-located subsystems to the aircraft.

11-09-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for providing optimized taxiing path operation for an aircraft

Номер: US0010074285B2

A taxiing path optimization system is provided for computing a taxi path of an aircraft using available taxi routes of a corresponding airport. An interaction means management unit manages interactions between a user and the taxiing path optimization system using an interactive device for inputting a taxi clearance. An aircraft positioning management unit manages positional information of the corresponding airport and aircraft received from a plurality of sources for augmenting an aircraft position by consolidating the aircraft position with the positional information in a complementary fashion. A taxi path display unit displays the taxi path based on the inputted taxi clearance and the augmented aircraft position, wherein the taxi path is automatically computed based on aircraft characteristics or airport capabilities.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190088147A1

A system and method for determining an optimum flight slot for an aircraft are provided. The method, for example, may include, but is not limited to, receiving flight plan input data from a client device, generating a flight plan based upon the flight plan input data, the flight plan including a plurality of fixes, determining a plurality of time slots based upon the flight plan input data, determining a traffic density for each fix along the flight plan for each of the plurality of slots, the traffic density based upon a number of aircraft within a bounding area containing each respective fix, determining the optimum flight time slot from the plurality of time slots based upon a weighted summation of the traffic density for each fix along the flight plan for each of the plurality of slots, and transmitting the optimum flight time slot to the client device.

09-02-2021 дата публикации

Collision awareness system for ground operations

Номер: US0010916152B2

In some examples, a collision awareness system includes a receiver configured to receive a first clearance for a first vehicle, receive a first image of the first vehicle, and receive a second clearance for a second vehicle. The collision awareness system also includes processing circuitry configured to determine that the first vehicle is positioned incorrectly based on the first clearance and the first image. The processing circuitry is also configured to generate an alert based on the second clearance and in response to determining that the first vehicle is positioned incorrectly.

19-05-2015 дата публикации

Airport surface collision-avoidance system (ASCAS)

Номер: US0009037392B2

Systems and methods for performing airport surface collision-avoidance. A wingtip-mounted camera allows the pilot to positively ascertain that the wingtip will clear objects located in the video. An exemplary system implemented on an aircraft includes a wingtip module having a camera that generates a video stream and a communication device that transmits the generated video stream. A processor receives the video stream and generates a reticule for the video stream. A display device simultaneously presents the video stream and the reticule. The reticule includes a horizon line and is based on a focal length of a lens of the camera and height of the camera above ground. The reticule includes curved and/or straight distance lines and curved or straight travel lines. The travel line(s) correspond to at least one aircraft component or a zone of importance and are based on location of the camera and trajectory of the aircraft.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170046963A1
Принадлежит: Sagem Defense Securite

The guiding method such as described correctly guides an aircraft on a platform of an airport, even in complex taxiing areas.

04-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120253649A1
Автор: Tom McGuffin, MCGUFFIN TOM

A system and method are provided for presenting a taxi route for an aircraft at an airport. The method, for example, includes, but is not limited to receiving, by a processor, the taxi route, translating, by the processor, the taxi route into a graphical representation, displaying, on an aircraft display, a map of the airport and the graphical representation, and displaying, a location of a hold short instruction on the aircraft display.

11-09-2012 дата публикации

Aircraft collision avoidance system

Номер: US0008264377B2

An aircraft collision avoidance system comprising (a) at least one separation monitoring device connectable to at least a portion of an aircraft, the separation monitoring device comprising (1) at least one transmitter and (2) at least one receiver and (b) a master unit.

19-10-2011 дата публикации

Device for assisting the taxing process of an airplane

Номер: EP2378460A1

Le domaine général de l'invention est celui des dispositifs d'assistance embarqué au suivi d'une route aéroportuaire par un aéronef, ledit dispositif comprenant : - un système embarqué de capteurs optiques (1) ; - des moyens (2) fournissant la position courante dudit aéronef ; - une base de données (3) comportant les informations topologiques de l'aéroport ; - un système de reconnaissance (4) fournissant, à partir des images vidéo issues du système de capteurs optiques, des données caractéristiques de la portion de route aéroportuaire, permettant d'identifier une « primitive » simple représentative de la portion de route suivie ; - un calculateur de traitement (5) agencé de façon o à extraire de la base de données, une succession de formes géométriques simples représentant la route aéroportuaire et de même nature que les « primitives » issues du système de reconnaissance ; o à les comparer auxdites « primitives » ; o à valider ou à invalider la route suivie par ledit aéronef en fonction ...

03-10-2012 дата публикации

System for presenting taxi instructions and reducing runway incursions

Номер: EP2506237A1
Автор: McGuffin, Tom

A system and method are provided for presenting a taxi route for an aircraft at an airport. The method, for example, includes, but is not limited to receiving, by a processor, the taxi route, translating, by the processor, the taxi route into a graphical representation, displaying, on an aircraft display, a map of the airport and the graphical representation, and displaying, a location of a hold short instruction on the aircraft display.

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2360292C1
Принадлежит: ЭРБЮС ФРАНС (FR)

Группа изобретений относится к авиации. В соответствии с предложенным способом выполняют автоматически и многократно ряд последовательных этапов. В частности, определяют текущие значения множества параметров указанного самолета (А), с помощью указанных текущих значений определяют первое местоположение (Р1), относящееся к самолету (А), и сравнивают это первое местоположение (Р1) с по меньшей мере одной запрещенной зоной (Z1). Если указанное первое местоположение (Р1) находится в указанной запрещенной зоне (Z1), выдают по меньшей мере один сигнал тревоги. Первое местоположение (Р1) соответствует экстраполированному местоположению носа самолета (А) по прошествии особого временного интервала, начинающегося с текущего момента времени, во время наземной навигации самолета (А) в аэропорту. Указанная запрещенная зона (Z1) представляет собой заранее заданную запрещенную зону аэропорта. Устройство для реализации способа содержит набор источников информации для определения активных значений множества ...

20-01-1994 дата публикации

Guidance and movement monitoring of aircraft on airport field - equipping towing vehicles with position navigational system in communication with central control tower

Номер: DE0004223136A1

Movement of aircraft from the loading point to the runway take off point, or alternatively from the landing point to the passenger unloading point, is made using a towing vehicle. The driven towing vehicles are manually driven and are assigned on the basis of aircraft type. The route taken is also selected for the aircraft type. The vehicles have a cabin that includes a full display and are in radio contact with the central control tower. The vehicles displays indicate current positions using information from a navigational system. ADVANTAGE - Reduces power consumption while taxiing aircraft.

05-06-2008 дата публикации

Hilfssystem zur Verzögerungssteuerung eines Flugzeuges im Rollvorgang

Номер: DE602004013228D1
Принадлежит: AIRBUS FRANCE

18-08-1994 дата публикации

Device for improving the runway, taxiway and apron control of aircraft

Номер: DE0004304562A1

The invention relates to a device for improving the runway, taxiway and apron control of aircraft at airports, by means of which a simple and reliable monitoring function of the respective position determination and orientation on the taxiway can be carried out, there is no longer any need for voice radio traffic between the base control centre and the aircraft after landing, and the taxiway to be used as well as the parking position and deviations therefrom are continuously displayed on the cockpit display. An exemplary embodiment is described. ...

04-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008610666D0

05-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008828203D0

14-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for maneuvering and docking aircraft parked parallel to an airport terminal stand

Номер: GB0002604712A

A method of connecting an aircraft 10 with at least two extendible passenger bridges 18, 20 at an airport terminal 16. The method may comprise at least partially extending the bridges from the terminal such that their aircraft connection ends are substantially aligned with forward and rear door positions of an aircraft, manoeuvring an aircraft to park with its forward and rear doors substantially aligned with the aircraft connection ends of the passenger bridges, adjusting each passenger bridge such that it are fully aligned with the respective door, and connecting the passenger bridges to the respective aircraft doors. The method may instead comprise extending one passenger bridge (42, figure 4) from the terminal (46, figure 4) such that its aircraft connection end is substantially aligned with a rear door position of an aircraft, manoeuvring an aircraft to park with its rear door substantially aligned with the aircraft connection end of the one passenger bridge, extending the other passenger ...

06-07-2022 дата публикации

Method for maneuvering an electric taxi drive system driven aircraft into an airport ramp parking location

Номер: GB0002602541A

An electric taxi drive system-equipped aircraft 10 is manoeuvred along an airport ramp area ground travel path to an airport ramp parking location by providing a taxi line travel path 16 to the location and a parking stop corresponding to a stop location for nose landing gear wheels 20 of the aircraft. When the aircraft’s nose wheels deviate from alignment with the travel path, the aircraft is manoeuvred in forward, reverse and lateral directions to align the nose wheels with the travel path. When the aircraft stops with the nose wheels positioned before or past the parking stop, it is manoeuvred in forward or reverse directions to align the nose wheels with the parking stop. The aircraft may have cameras providing its pilot with views of the nose wheels, travel path and parking stop. This enables manoeuvring and repositioning of aircraft that have undershot or overshot stop locations or deviated from lead-in or taxi line paths without relying on tugs or restarting aircraft engines.

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502278T

15-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010138T

17-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002359328A1

08-12-1998 дата публикации

Method and control system for operative traffic

Номер: AU0002702597A

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Integrated aircraft ground navigation control system

Номер: AU2011323421B2

An aircraft ground control system that moves an aircraft on the ground between landing and take off without external mechanical assistance from airport tugs or tow vehicles or reliance on thrust produced by the aircraft's engines is provided. The aircraft ground control system interfaces only with an aircraft auxiliary power unit or other aircraft power supply, but otherwise operates independently of aircraft systems. A system integrator and controller links cockpit controls designed to actuate the transmission of power to system components and to activate system components only under predetermined conditions with selectively activatable drivers in driving connection with one or more aircraft wheels to move the aircraft on the ground at selected torgues and speeds.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for ground collision avoidance

Номер: AU2014385217A1

A system for displaying guidance aids to a crew for ground obstacle avoidance, particularly wingtip clearance. Perspective areas are drawn representing the current locations of the wingtips over the ground and predicted locations out into the future for a specified time or a specified distance. A flight crew may use these displayed guidance aids to determine the proximity of any perceived threat to the airplane. This capability addresses the costly problem of wingtip/airplane ground collisions. The disclosed graphical cue systems are specifically targeted toward aircraft that have a large wing span/size and/or folding wingtips.

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Method, device, and equipment for obstacle or ground recognition and flight control, and storage medium

Номер: AU2019321145B2

Disclosed are a method, device, and equipment for obstacle or ground recognition and flight control, and a storage medium. The method for obstacle or ground recognition comprises: determining point cloud data of an area in front of an aerial vehicle; dividing the area in front into several subareas, determining the elevation of each of the subareas on the basis of the point cloud data in each of the subareas; linearly fitting the elevations of the several subareas, and determining, on the basis of the fitting result, whether an obstacle and/or ground is present in the area in front.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Pilotless Aircraft for Commercial and Military Use

Номер: US20120072058A1
Автор: Ruchit Kumar Regmi
Принадлежит: Individual

An aircraft control system is described having an Automatic Monitoring System (“AMS”), an Aircraft Parameter Management Computer (“APC”), and a Flight Management Computer (“FMC”) to monitor the parameters of the aircraft automatically and to fly the aircraft without requiring a pilot to fly. The system respond to data within the systems and with data provided by a communication/navigation aid of the airport. The built-in systems of the aircraft process the data to allow pilotless operation of the aircraft along a predetermined route while maintaining proper spacing from prior art and other automated aircraft. An aircraft in accordance with the invention utilizes programmed software, electronics circuit and feedback system to fly the aircraft within the designated/destined routes and airports automatically while providing increased security by preventing accidents caused by incorrect or unauthorized human influence.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Airport taxiway collision alerting system

Номер: US20120200433A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for alerting a flight crew if a taxiing collision condition exists. An exemplary system on a host vehicle determines one or more first protection zones around other vehicles on the ground based on the received information about the other vehicles, determines a second protection zone around the host vehicle based on the stored information about the host vehicle and the sensor information and generates an alert, if any of the first protection zones occupies at least a portion of the same geographic area as the second protection zone. The received information includes position, ground speed, vehicle type information and heading or track information. The protection zones include a width dimension that is based on vehicle size information, a base length dimension that is based on the size information, and a variable component of the length dimension that is based on the ground speed.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for displaying a taxi clearance

Номер: US20130103297A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Methods and systems are provided for completing and displaying a taxi clearance for an aircraft at an airport. One exemplary method involves receiving an input taxi clearance including a first taxi path of a plurality of taxi paths at the airport and a second taxi path of the plurality of taxi paths that succeeds the first taxi path in the input taxi clearance, and determining a plurality of possible taxi routes between the first taxi path and the second taxi path. The method continues by identifying an optimal taxi route from among the plurality of possible taxi routes, and graphically indicating that the taxi clearance for the aircraft includes the optimal taxi route between the first taxi path and the second taxi path.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for ensuring ads-b integrity of departing aircraft

Номер: US20130265187A1
Автор: William D. Hall
Принадлежит: MOSAIC ATM INC

A system for ensuring Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS-B) integrity of an aircraft includes a designated aircraft interrogation area, an ADS-B receiver, and an alerting mechanism. The ADS-B receiver is configured to receive ADS-B data from the aircraft when the aircraft is located in the designated area and to send a signal to the alerting mechanism indicating that the aircraft is in the designated area.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for identifying an airplane in connection with parking of the airplane at a stand

Номер: US20130289866A1

Method for identifying an airplane in connection to parking of the airplane at a gate or a stand, for possible connection of a passenger bridge ( 1 ) or a loading bridge to a door of an airplane, where the airplane is positioned and stopped at a predetermined position using a touchless measurement of the distance between the airplane and a fixed point, where the distance is indicated on a display ( 6 ) mounted in front of the pilot of the airplane on for instance an airport building ( 7 ), which display ( 6 ) shows the position of the airplane ( 5 ) in relation to a stop point for the airplane and shows the current airplane type, where the distance measurement and display are caused to be activated by a computer system ( 20 ) belonging to the airport or manually, and wherein an antenna ( 16 ) is caused to receive information ( 17 ) transmitted by an airplane.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for displaying obstacle-avoidance information during surface operations

Номер: US20130321176A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for aiding in pilot awareness of obstacles relative to aircraft features. An exemplary processor receives sensor information from one or more sensors mounted in an aircraft feature (e.g. light modules), determines if at least one obstacle is located within a predefined field of view based on the received sensor or database information and generates an image. The image includes an ownship icon having at least one feature representing wingtips of the aircraft and at least one indicator associated with the determined at least one obstacle. A display device presents the generated image. The display device presents a tip of a first sense coverage area adjacent to one wingtip feature associated with the port wing and a tip of the second sense coverage area adjacent to one wingtip feature associated with the starboard wing. The indicator is presented within at least one of the coverage areas.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for using radar-adaptive beam pattern for wingtip protection

Номер: US20140085124A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for adaptively steering radar beam patterns for coverage during aircraft turns. The radar sensor system is mechanically or electrically steered to alter the radar sensor's beam pattern in order to adapt the radar sensor's field of view (FOV) to cover the area of anticipated aircraft wingtip trajectory. The anticipated trajectory is derived, for example, from the aircraft groundspeed, acceleration, heading, turn rate, tiller position, attitude, taxi clearance, etc.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004715A1

A taxiing path optimization system is provided for computing a taxi path of an aircraft using available taxi routes of a corresponding airport. An interaction means management unit manages interactions between a user and the taxiing path optimization system using an interactive device for inputting a taxi clearance. An aircraft positioning management unit manages positional information of the corresponding airport and aircraft received from a plurality of sources for augmenting an aircraft position by consolidating the aircraft position with the positional information in a complementary fashion. A taxi path display unit displays the taxi path based on the inputted taxi clearance and the augmented aircraft position, wherein the taxi path is automatically computed based on aircraft characteristics or airport capabilities. 1. A method of computing a taxi route for an aircraft , the taxi route representing an on-ground trajectory of an airport during taxiing operations utilizing a taxiing path optimization system , the method comprising:receiving an initial taxi clearance having a list of taxi clearance elements including at least two airport elements;searching for links between successive pairs of nodes defined by the list of taxi clearance elements using a predetermined algorithm;generating a set of links connecting the nodes based on the searched links;automatically generating at least one airport element for filling in gaps between unconnected airport elements;consolidating the initial taxi clearance with the generated airport elements; anddiscretizing the set of links into X/Y points as a final taxi route representation for the aircraft.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of links is generated based on aircraft characteristics and airport capabilities.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the link between the successive pairs of nodes is searched based on at least one of a taxi route length claim 1 , a travel time in the taxi route claim 1 , and a number of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005319A1

A method for assisting the piloting of an aircraft on the ground comprises the steps of obtaining a panoramic view of at least one area adjacent to the aircraft, isolating an image corresponding to a part of the panoramic view and which is selected according to an orientation desired by the pilot, and displaying the image on a display device visible by the pilot. A system for the implementation of the method is also provided. 2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of detecting an obstacle from the panoramic view and of emitting a signal if a distance separating the aircraft and the detected obstacle is less than a given value.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of reconstituting the panoramic view from several views captured by several cameras.4. A system for assisting the piloting of an aircraft on the ground claim 1 , thje aircraft comprising a fuselage claim 1 , wings and landing gear claim 1 , the system comprising:at least one image acquisition device, integral with the aircraft, configured to capture one of a panoramic view, and views making it possible to reconstitute a panoramic view, of at least one area adjacent to the aircraft,a mobile display device,a pointer making it possible to indicate an orientation and comprising an orientation sensor connected to the display device and configured to indicate the orientation of the display device to an image processing device, andthe least one image processing device, from the panoramic view or reconsititued panoramic view, being configured to isolate an image as a function of the orientation indicated by the orientation sensor, the image being displayed on the display device.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the display device is one of an immersive helmet and immersive glasses.6. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the display device is a tablet.7. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the image acquisition device is positioned under the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220020281A1

A computer processing system for optimising a sequence of aircraft at an airport is disclosed. The system comprises a module () configured to receive flight plan data associated with a plurality of journeys between an origin and destination wherein each journey is associated with a different aircraft and wherein the flight plan data comprises flight schedule data associated with the plurality of different journeys; a second module () coupled to the first module wherein the second module is configured to determine an aircraft taxi time, EXOT, based on the flight plan data; a third module () coupled to the first module () and the second module () wherein the third module () is configured to determine a target take-off time, TTOT, associated with each of the plurality of different journeys wherein the target take-off time is determined based on the taxi time, EXOT, and the flight plan data. 1. A computer processing system for optimising a sequence of aircraft at an airport , the system comprising:{'b': '201', 'a. a module () configured to receive flight plan data associated with a plurality of journeys between an origin and destination wherein each journey is associated with a different aircraft and wherein the flight plan data comprises flight schedule data associated with the plurality of different journeys;'}{'b': '205', 'b. a second module () coupled to the first module wherein the second module is configured to determine an aircraft taxi time, EXOT, based on the flight plan data;'}{'b': 203', '201', '205', '203, 'c. a third module () coupled to the first module () and the second module () wherein the third module () is configured to determine a target take-off time, TTOT, associated with each of the plurality of different journeys wherein the target take-off time is determined based on the taxi time, EXOT, and the flight plan data.'}2. A computer processing system according to wherein the system is configured to control a plurality of different aircraft associated ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012736A1

An aircraft taxi control system may include a motor connected to drive a landing gear wheel of the aircraft. A motor controller may be connected to control speed of the motor. The system may also include an aircraft taxi route database, an aircraft position determination unit; an aircraft performance database and a processor configured to a) integrate signals from the aircraft taxi route database, the aircraft position determination unit and aircraft performance database, and b) produce a motor deceleration signal to the motor controller when the aircraft arrives at a predetermined distance from a predetermined location so that the aircraft arrives at the location traveling at a desired speed 1. An aircraft taxi control system comprising:at least one motor connected to drive at least one landing gear wheel of the aircraft;a motor controller connected to control speed of the at least one motor;an aircraft taxi route database;an aircraft position determination unit;an aircraft performance database; a) integrate signals from the aircraft taxi route database, the aircraft position determination unit and aircraft performance database, and', 'b) produce a motor deceleration signal, based on the signals integrated in step (a), to the motor controller when the aircraft arrives at a predetermined distance from a predetermined location so that the aircraft arrives at the predetermined location traveling at a desired speed without a need for manual speed adjustment by a pilot of the aircraft., 'a processor configured to,'}2. The taxi control system of wherein the predetermined location is a turning location.3. The taxi control system of wherein the predetermined location is a hold location.4. The taxi control system of further comprising a regenerative braking system wherein the processor is configured to produce a regenerative braking command in addition to the motor deceleration signal on an as needed basis so that the aircraft arrives at the predetermined location traveling ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012737A1

A particular method includes sending a taxiing routing message from a device to a vehicle. The taxiing routing message indicates a route assignment associated with an airport. The method also includes in response to receiving an acknowledgment of the taxiing routing message from the vehicle, indicating a status at a graphical user interface. The status is associated with the taxiing routing message. 1. A method comprising:sending a taxiing routing message from a device to a vehicle, wherein the taxiing routing message indicates a route assignment associated with an airport; andin response to receiving an acknowledgment of the taxiing routing message from thevehicle, indicating a status at a graphical user interface, the status associated with the taxiing routing message.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in response to sending the taxiing routing message claim 1 , indicating a second status at the graphical user interface claim 1 , wherein the second status indicates that the route assignment has been sent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle includes a ground vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in response to detecting that the vehicle has entered an area associated with a second device:sending a signal to the second device from the device, wherein the signal indicates that the second device is to route the vehicle; andupdating the graphical user interface to indicate that the vehicle is routed by the second device.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to sending the taxiing routing message claim 1 , automatically generating the route assignment based on routing rules.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising claim 5 , prior to sending the taxiing routing message:indicating the route assignment at the graphical user interface after the route assignment has been automatically generated;receiving user data indicating that the route assignment is to be modified; andmodifying the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012672A1
Автор: Williams John G.

A landing zone designation system is provided that includes a master and a slave landing strobes. A detector on an aircraft can detect master and slave optical signals, and a processor can be coupled to the detector to compute placement of the aircraft relative to the master and slave landing strobes. A method is provided for designating a landing zone for an aircraft. The method includes emitting first and second optical signals, where a determination is made whether the aircraft is to land at a first landing zone or a second landing zone depending on a difference between the first optical signal and the second optical signal. A distance to landing within the determined first landing zone or the second landing zone can also be determined. 1. A landing zone designation system , comprising:a first landing zone comprising a first plurality of landing strobes arranged in a first spaced geometric shape and configured to emit a first optical signal;a second landing zone comprising a second plurality of landing strobes arranged in a second spaced geometric shape and configured to emit a second optical signal;a detector provided on an aircraft above the first landing zone and the second landing zone, wherein the detector is configured to detect the first optical signal and the second optical signal; anda processor coupled to the detector for determining whether the aircraft is to land at the first landing zone or the second landing zone depending on a difference between the first optical signal and the second optical signal.2. The landing zone designation system of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of landing strobes arranged in a first spaced geometric shape comprises three first landing strobes arranged in a first spaced triangular shape claim 1 , and wherein the second plurality of landing strobes arranged in a second spaced geometric shape comprises three second landing strobes arranged in a second spaced triangular shape.3. The landing zone designation system of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012674A1
Принадлежит: Kaunas University of Technology

The summary of the present invention is a portable autonomous device and method operating independently of the aircraft flight control equipment. The device can be easily moved from one aircraft to another. The device measures the acceleration of the aircraft from the instantaneous speed and the runway distance covered from the start of the acceleration. Once the runway length and take-off speed is input, the device calculates the remaining distance to safely reach the take-off speed. If the remaining runway distance is not enough for the safe take-off, the device provides visual or audible information about the situation and signals to the pilot. In other embodiments, the determination and presentation of the remaining runway length may be implemented in the aircraft flight control equipment. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. A method for determining a safe aircraft runway distance based on input of runway length , take-off direction with respect to the World Countries (or other coordinate system) , wind direction with respect to the World Countries (or other coordinate system) , wind speed , and take-off speed , V1 , of an aircraft , comprising the following steps:measuring acceleration of an aircraft at continuous intervals using an accelerometer;determining an instantaneous speed of an aircraft using the first acceleration integral with respect to time using a computer processor;determining a position of the aircraft on a runway using the second acceleration integral with respect to time using a computer processor;determining the remaining runway distance for reaching the take-off speed, V1, of an aircraft by comparing the instantaneous speed of the aircraft with respect to air with the take-off speed, V1;providing output to a pilot if the remaining runway is no longer enough to reach the take-off speed, V1.9. A method for determining a safe aircraft runway distance according to claim 8 , further ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013301A1

A monitoring system and method are provided to monitor ground movement of aircraft driven with electric taxi drive systems and movement of ground service vehicles and equipment and personnel within airport ramp areas. Monitor and sensor devices, including those that are intelligent and employ scanning technology to generate image, positional, and other data may be mounted in locations on aircraft, ground service vehicles and equipment, passenger loading bridges, an airport terminal, and other ramp locations to generate a constant stream of data as the aircraft moves into, within, and out of an airport ramp area. The data stream is transmitted to an artificial intelligence-based processing system to identify and communicate possible safety hazards to multiple locations so that the aircraft's ground travel or a ground vehicle's travel may be altered to avoid identified safety hazards and to avoid collisions. 1. A monitoring system that provides a maximal amount of information about an airport ramp area environment from a constant stream of data generated during the ground movement of electric taxi system-driven aircraft within the airport ramp area to improve safety of ramp operations , comprising:a. an airport ramp area at an airport terminal with a plurality of gates, passenger loading bridges attached to said terminal at said gates, moving ground service vehicles and equipment, and nonmoving structures within said ramp area;b. aircraft equipped with landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems to drive said aircraft within said airport ramp area and a display screen in a cockpit of said aircraft visible to a pilot and crew of said aircraft;c. a plurality of monitoring devices mounted in exterior locations on said electric taxi system-driven aircraft and at least on said ground service vehicles and equipment and on said nonmoving structures within said ramp area operative to provide fields of view of said aircraft exterior and said ramp area from said ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036750A1

Tracking aircraft in and near a ramp area is described herein. One method includes receiving camera image data of an aircraft while the aircraft is approaching or in the ramp area, receiving LIDAR/Radar sensor data of an aircraft while the aircraft is approaching or in the ramp area, merging the camera image data and the LIDAR/Radar sensor data into a merged data set, and wherein the merged data set includes at least one of: data for determining the position and orientation of the aircraft relative to the position and orientation of the ramp area, data for determining speed of the aircraft, data for determining direction of the aircraft, data for determining proximity of the aircraft to a particular object within the ramp area, and data for forming a three dimensional virtual model of at least a portion of the aircraft from the merged data. 1. A method for tracking an aircraft , comprising:receiving camera image data of an aircraft while the aircraft is approaching or in the ramp area;receiving LIDAR/Radar sensor data of an aircraft while the aircraft is approaching or in the ramp area;merging the camera image data and the LIDAR/Radar sensor data into a merged data set; andwherein the merged data set includes at least one of: data for determining the position and orientation of the aircraft relative to the position and orientation of the ramp area, data for determining speed of the aircraft, data for determining direction of the aircraft, data for determining proximity of the aircraft to a particular object within the ramp area, and data for forming a three dimensional virtual model of at least a portion of the aircraft from the merged data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method includes:comparing the three dimensional virtual model to one or more aircraft reference models stored in memory of a computing device to find a match between the three dimensional virtual model and one of the aircraft reference models to determine an aircraft type.3. The method of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018887A1

Devices, methods, and systems for routing aircraft ground movements at an airport are described herein. One device includes a memory, a processor configured to execute executable instructions stored in the memory to receive information associated with current aircraft ground movements at an airport and determine a possible adjustment to a current aircraft ground movement route at the airport based, at least in part, on the information associated with the current aircraft ground movements, and a user interface configured to provide the possible adjustment to the current aircraft ground movement route to a user of the device. 1. A computing device for routing aircraft ground movements at an airport , comprising:a memory; receive information associated with current aircraft ground movements at an airport; and', 'determine a possible adjustment to a current aircraft ground movement route at the airport based, at least in part, on the information associated with the current aircraft ground movements; and, 'a processor configured to execute executable instructions stored in the memory toa user interface configured to provide the possible adjustment to the current aircraft ground movement route to a user of the computing device.2. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to execute the instructions to determine the adjustment to the current aircraft ground movement route using a hidden Markov model.3. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein:the user interface is configured to receive an acceptance of the adjustment to the current aircraft ground movement route from the user; andthe processor is configured to execute the instructions to make the adjustment to the current aircraft ground movement route upon the user interface receiving the acceptance of the adjustment.4. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to execute the instructions to determine the possible adjustment to the current aircraft ground movement ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Coding For Tracks

Номер: US20190018553A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Company

A method, apparatus and computer software for coding for tracks in a system is presented. At least one track of an object is determined on a detection display map, the track having an icon associated therewith. The icon is supplemented with a shape indicating additional information relating to attributes of the track, the shape providing perceptual visual awareness for an operator of said system. The shape includes an indicator of at least one of direction, velocity, path uncertainty, and a level of urgency of the track of the object. 1. A method of coding for tracks in a system , the method comprising:determining data for at least one track of an object on a detection display map, said track having an icon associated therewith; andsupplementing said icon with a shape indicating additional information relating to attributes of the track, said shape providing perceptual visual awareness for an operator of said system.2. The method of wherein said additional information includes an indicator of at least one of direction claim 1 , velocity claim 1 , a path uncertainty claim 1 , and a level of urgency of the track of the object.3. The method of wherein said shape indicating additional information comprises a fan emanating from said icon of the track that distinguishes said track icon from other icons.4. The method of wherein a leading edge of said fan has a shape that distinguishes said track icon from other icons.5. The method of wherein said leading edge of said indicator comprises a plurality of saw tooth shapes.6. The method of wherein a size of said indicator signifies a relative velocity of said object.7. The method of wherein said indicator includes a plurality of concentric range arcs and wherein a highlighted one of said range arcs changes over time and indicates a direction of said object.8. The method of wherein a width of said indictor shows a path uncertainty of said object.9. The method of wherein a relative brightness of said icon indicates a level of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019424A1
Автор: Griffith Gregory M.

An aircraft collision avoidance system including (a) at least one separation monitoring device connectable to at least a portion of an aircraft and/or vehicle, the separation monitoring device comprising (1) at least one transmitter, (2) at least one receiver, and (3) an image sensor, and (b) a master unit. 1. An aircraft collision avoidance system , comprising: at least one transmitter capable of selectively transmitting signals which are reflected off of an object and received by at least one receiver, the reflected signals defining a separation distance between the at least one receiver and the object and wherein the at least one transmitter outputs a separation distance signal representative of the separation distance; and', 'an image sensor; and, 'at least one separation monitoring device connectable to at least a portion of an aircraft, the separation monitoring device comprisinga master unit for receiving and analyzing the separation distance signals output by the at least one transmitter and outputting a warning signal to a warning device when the at least one separation monitoring device is within a predetermined distance from the object, and wherein the master unit is in communication with the image sensor.2. An aircraft collision avoidance system , comprising:at least one wireless transceiver capable of selectively transmitting signals and receiving signals which are reflected back to the wireless transceiver off of an object in order to define a separation distance between the wireless transceiver and the object and wherein the wireless transceiver outputs a separation distance signal representative of the separation distance; andan image sensor; anda master unit for receiving and analyzing the separation distance signals output by the wireless transceiver, the master unit outputting a warning signal to a warning device when the wireless transceiver is within a predetermined distance from an object, and wherein the master unit is in communication with ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020058A1

A system including at least one image acquisition module to acquire images of the environment of the aircraft and of the runway, a module to recognize in the images at least one element representative of at least one contaminant likely to influence the state of the runway, a module to determine at least one property of the contaminant or contaminants and a module to transmit to a user device the property or properties of the contaminant or contaminants. The system allows contaminants to be identified and to be located on the runway or in the environment of the aircraft. 1. A method for monitoring a state of a runway on which an aircraft is able to taxi , the aircraft having an airframe comprising at least one fuselage and at least one landing gear , comprising:acquiring images, implemented by at least one image acquisition module, comprising acquiring images of an environment of the aircraft and of the runway;recognizing, implemented by a recognition module, comprising recognizing in the images at least one element representative of at least one contaminant likely to influence the state of the runway;a second determining, implemented by a second determination module, comprising determining at least one characteristic associated with the at least one element recognized, if at least one element is recognized;a first determining, implemented by a first determination module, comprising determining at least one property of the at least one contaminant;transmitting, implemented by a transmission module, comprising transmitting to a user device the at least one property of the at least one contaminant, the recognizing step comprising recognizing in the images the following element or elements: at least one atomization plume of a contaminant caused by a passage of at least one landing gear wheel of the aircraft in a contaminant; and', at least one envelope of the at least one atomization plume recognized, and', 'at least one intersection of the at least one atomization ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025713A1

A non-transitory processor-readable medium storing code causes a processor at a first vehicle (e.g., a first autonomous vehicle) to generate a first planned path based on a current position of the first vehicle and a mission requirement assigned to the first vehicle. A first planned path associated with a second vehicle (e.g., a second autonomous vehicle), which is based on a current position of the second vehicle and a mission requirement assigned to the second vehicle, is received at the first vehicle. After the first planned path associated with the second vehicle is received, a second planned path is generated based on the first planned path associated with the second vehicle and at least one of the mission requirement assigned to the first vehicle or the first planned path of the first vehicle. The second planned path of the first vehicle is transmitted to the second vehicle. 1. A non-transitory processor readable medium storing code representing instructions to be executed by a processor , the code comprising code to cause the processor to:generate, at a first autonomous vehicle, a first planned ground taxiing path for the first autonomous vehicle to taxi at an airport, the first planned ground taxiing path including a destination of the first autonomous vehicle at the airport;receive, at the first autonomous vehicle, from a second autonomous vehicle, a second planned ground taxiing path associated with the second autonomous vehicle to taxi at the airport and including a destination of the second autonomous vehicle at the airport;generate, at the first autonomous vehicle in response to receiving the second planned ground taxiing path, a third planned ground taxiing path based, at least in part, on the first planned ground taxiing path and the second planned ground taxiing path, the third planned ground taxiing path generated in response to a conflict between the first planned ground taxiing path and the second planned ground taxiing path;transmit the third ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for rendering and displaying a perspective view of aircraft taxi operation

Номер: US20190027051A1
Принадлежит: Rosemount Aerospace Inc

Apparatus and associated methods relate to displaying an image of a taxiing aircraft in relation to objects in a surrounding environment. A first data set indicative of locations, relative to the taxiing aircraft, of objects external to the taxiing aircraft is collected. Then, image data of a map of an area external to and including the taxiing aircraft is formed. Symbols of the objects external to the aircraft at the locations, relative to the taxiing aircraft, indicated by the first data set are mapping into the image data. The image data is then sent to a display device for displaying the image data to a pilot of the taxiing aircraft. Displaying a map indicating the relative location of external objects with which the taxiing aircraft could potentially collide advantageously assists the pilot in taxi operation.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027361A1

A system includes a first smart sensor, a second smart sensor, and at least one image processor. The first smart sensor is configured to sense light in a forward direction and to capture an image during a first time period. The second sensor is configured to sense light in the forward direction and to capture a second image during the first time period. The at least one image processor is configured to identify at least one object in the first and second image, to determine a first size of the at least one object in the first image and a second size of the at least one object in the second image, and to determine a distance of the at least one object from the aircraft based upon the first size and the second size. 1. A system comprising:a first smart sensor attachable to a front portion of an aircraft along a longitudinal axis of the aircraft, the first smart sensor configured to sense light in a forward direction when attached to the aircraft and to capture an image during a first time period;a second smart sensor attachable to a rear portion of an aircraft along the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, the second smart sensor configured to sense light in the forward direction and to capture a second image during the first time period; andat least one image processor configured to identify at least one object in the first and second images, to determine a first size of the at least one object in the first image and a second size of the at least one object in the second image, and to determine a distance of the at least one object from the aircraft based upon the first size and the second size.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second smart sensors are calibrated such that the first size and the second size are equal when the at least one object is at a calibration distance from the system claim 1 , the first size is larger than the second size when the at least one object is closer than the calibration distance from the system claim 1 , and the first ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

System, Method, and Computer Readable Medium for Autonomous Airport Runway Navigation

Номер: US20200027362A1

Example implementations relate to autonomous airport runway navigation. An example system includes a first sensor and a second sensor coupled to an aircraft at a first location and a second location, respectively, and a computing system configured to receive sensor data from one or both of the first sensor and the second sensor to detect airport markings positioned proximate a runway. The computing system is further configured to identify a centerline of the runway based on the airport markings and receive sensor data from both of the first sensor and the second sensor to determine a lateral displacement that represents a distance between a reference point of the aircraft and the centerline of the runway. The computing system is further configured to control instructions that indicate adjustments for aligning the reference point of the aircraft with the centerline of the runway during subsequent navigation of the aircraft. 1. A system , comprising:a first sensor coupled to an aircraft at a first location;a second sensor coupled to the aircraft at a second location; receive a first set of sensor data that includes sensor data from one or both of the first sensor and the second sensor;', 'detect one or more airport markings positioned proximate a runway using the first set of sensor data, wherein the aircraft is positioned on the runway;', 'identify a centerline of the runway based on the one or more airport markings;', 'receive a second set of sensor data that includes sensor data from both of the first sensor and the second sensor;', 'determine a lateral displacement that represents a distance between a reference point of the aircraft and the centerline of the runway using the second set of sensor data, wherein the lateral displacement is determined based on a comparison of a first position of the reference point relative to the centerline of the runway as represented in sensor data from the first sensor with a second position of the reference point relative to the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027363A1

An improved ground collision avoidance system and method is provided for aircraft driven during ground operations by electric taxi drive systems. One or more monitoring devices employing scanning LiDAR technology may be mounted in exterior locations on or near aircraft landing gears or aerodynamically in locations on the aircraft fuselage selected to generate panoramic three-dimensional images from any point of view within or without the aircraft as the aircraft is driven independently within an airport ramp area. The point of view images are transmitted in real time to displays in the aircraft cockpit and may be transmitted to displays outside and remote from the aircraft, allowing the pilot and airport personnel to monitor the aircraft moving within the ramp environment and to respond quickly to control the aircraft's electric taxi drive system-powered ground travel to avoid and prevent a potential collision. 1. An improved system for avoiding collisions during ground travel of aircraft powered for independent ground movement within an airport ramp area by electric taxi drive systems , comprising:a. an aircraft powered for independent ground movement by nose landing gear wheel or main landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems controllable by a pilot in a cockpit of the aircraft to drive the aircraft during ground travel;b. one or more monitoring devices comprising scanning LiDAR devices sized to add a minimal amount of weight to said aircraft mounted in one or more aircraft exterior locations directly on or near a nose landing gear, on or near main landing gears, or on a surface of a fuselage of said aircraft not visible to said pilot from said cockpit, said scanning LiDAR devices being mounted in said one or more aircraft exterior locations out of a slipstream of said aircraft to provide a panoramic field of view of a space exterior to said aircraft;c. a processor and software located onboard the aircraft to receive information relating to said ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032687A1

The systems and methods of the present disclosure generally provide a plurality of onboard and off board positioning, anti-collision, and path following systems that may provide an accurate picture of where each aircraft, proximate a given airport, is located at any given moment in time. The systems and methods may also include determining what obstacles are around each aircraft, and what path the aircraft should follow while taxiing around the airport. Any given aircraft may be automatically navigated along a determined route using at least one engines-off taxiing system. 1. A system for dynamically determining an aircraft route at an airport , the system comprising:an aircraft location data receiving module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, causes the processor to receive aircraft location data, wherein the aircraft location data is representative of respective real-time locations of a plurality of aircraft;an airport geographic map data receiving module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, causes the processor to receive airport geographic map data, wherein the airport geographic map data is representative of real-time available aircraft taxiing routes; andan aircraft route data determination module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to dynamically determine the aircraft route based, at least in part, on the aircraft location data and the airport geographic map data, during a time period that the plurality of aircraft are taxiing around the airport.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:an aircraft anti-collision data receiving module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, causes the processor to receive aircraft anti-collision data, wherein the aircraft anti-collision data is representative of obstacles proximate the plurality of aircraft, and wherein the aircraft route data is further based on the aircraft anti-collision data.3. The system of claim 1 , further ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Guide drones for airplanes on the ground

Номер: US20180033320A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques for drone device control are provided. In one example, a computer-implemented method comprises: meeting, by a drone device operatively coupled to a processor, an aircraft at a first location; and guiding, by the drone device, the aircraft to a second location along a ground movement path selected from a plurality of ground movement paths associated with an airport. The guiding can comprise providing a direction indication to the aircraft; and monitoring a defined region around the aircraft for one or more hazards. The guiding can also comprise, in response to identifying a hazard from the one or more hazards related to the defined region around the aircraft, providing a hazard indication to the aircraft.

17-02-2022 дата публикации

System and Method to Change SVS Mode

Номер: US20220051578A1

A system may include a display and a processor communicatively coupled to the display. The processor may be configured to: output, to the display, a synthetic vision system (SVS) taxi mode exocentric view of an aircraft while the aircraft is performing taxi operations, while the aircraft is on ground, and when the aircraft is not in a predetermined exclusion zone, the predetermined exclusion zone including portions of a runway where the aircraft is able to begin taking off; and output, to the at least one display, an SVS flight mode egocentric view from the aircraft when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone. The display may be configured to display the SVS taxi mode exocentric view until the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone and display the SVS flight mode egocentric view when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone. 1. A system , comprising:at least one display; andat least one processor communicatively coupled to the display, the at least one processor configured to:output, to the at least one display, a synthetic vision system (SVS) taxi mode exocentric view of an aircraft while the aircraft is performing taxi operations, while the aircraft is on ground, and when the aircraft is not in a predetermined exclusion zone, the predetermined exclusion zone including portions of a runway where the aircraft is able to begin taking off; andoutput, to the at least one display, an SVS flight mode egocentric view from the aircraft when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone,wherein the at least one display is configured to display the SVS taxi mode exocentric view until the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone and to display the SVS flight mode egocentric view when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone,wherein the predetermine exclusion zone is based at least on a minimum required take-off distance, wherein the minimum required take-off distance is defined as a fraction of a length of the runway, ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Lidar-based aircraft collision avoidance system

Номер: US20190035291A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

An aircraft collision avoidance system includes a plurality of three-dimensional (3D) light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensors, a plurality of sensor processors, a plurality of transmitters, and a display device. Each 3D LIDAR sensor is enclosed in an aircraft exterior lighting fixture that is configured for mounting on an aircraft, and is configured to sense objects within its field-of-view and supply sensor data. Each sensor processor receives sensor data and processes the received sensor data to determine locations and physical dimensions of the sensed objects. Each transmitter receives the object data, and is configured to transmit the received object data. The display device receives and fuses the object data transmitted from each transmitter, fuses the object data and selectively generates one or more potential obstacle alerts based on the fused object data.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods using image processing to determine at least one kinematic state of a vehicle

Номер: US20220058966A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell Aerospace SAS

System and methods are described that illustrate how to more accurately determine at least one state variable of a vehicle using imaging of a travel way line. Imaging can be used to determine an angle between a longitudinal axis of the travel way line and a longitudinal axis of the vehicle, a shortest distance between the center axis and a reference point on or in the vehicle, and corresponding errors. The determined angle, the determined distance, and the corresponding errors can be used to more accurately determine the at least one state variable.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for determining an angle and a shortest distance between longitudinal axes of a travel way line and a vehicle

Номер: US20220058969A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell Aerospace SAS

Systems and methods are described that illustrate how to determine whether an image includes a travel way, and if so how to determine an angle between a longitudinal axis of a vehicle and a longitudinal axis of a travel way line, and a shortest distance between a reference point on a vehicle and a longitudinal axis of the travel way line.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190043373A1

A device for checking the consistency of a positioning includes: a transmitter, a receiver, a time measuring unit, a distance determining module and a check module. The transmitter emits at least one signal, and the receiver receives at least four response signals from at least four different response elements. A response element receives the at least one signal and, upon receipt, emits a response signal. The time measuring unit determines, for each response signal, a total delay time from a transmission time of the signal and a reception time of the respective signal. The distance determination module determines a distance to the respective response element based on each total delay time, and the check module performs a consistency check of a determination of a position based on distances to the different response elements. With the device, erroneous distance values may be detected in ground-based positioning systems. 1. A device for checking the consistency of a positioning , the device comprising:a transmitting device;a receiving device;a time measuring unit;a distance determination module; anda check module;wherein the transmitting device emits at least one signal;wherein the receiving device receives at least four response signals from at least four different response elements;wherein a response element receives the at least one signal and upon receipt of the at least one signal emits a response signal;wherein the time measuring unit determines, for each received response signal, a total delay time from a transmission time of the signal and a reception time of the respective response signal;wherein the distance determination module determines a distance to the respective response element based on each total delay time; andwherein the check module performs a consistency check of a determination of a position based on distances to the at least four different response elements.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the check module performs the consistency check based ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210049919A1

An aircraft includes an engine, a thrust reverser, landing gear, a brake system, a pilot input device, and a control system. The engine is configured to generate thrust directed to move the aircraft in a forward direction. The landing gear includes wheels. The brake system is configured to generate a braking force on the wheels. The pilot input device is positioned for use by a pilot of the aircraft. The control system is programmed to: determine whether the taxi operations are allowed; receive a request to achieve and hold a taxi speed at a desired taxi speed from the pilot input device; and command the engine, the thrust reverser, and the brake system to achieve and maintain the desired taxi speed in response to receiving the request to hold taxi speed only when the taxi operations are allowed. 1. An aircraft , comprising:an engine configured to generate thrust directed to move the aircraft in a forward direction;a thrust reverser operatively coupled with the engine to generate thrust opposing movement of the aircraft in the forward direction;landing gear including wheels;a brake system configured to generate a braking force on the wheels;a pilot input device positioned for use by a pilot of the aircraft; and determine whether taxi operations are allowed;', 'receive a request to hold taxi speed at a desired taxi speed from the pilot input device; and', 'command the engine, the thrust reverser, and the brake system to achieve and maintain the desired taxi speed in response to receiving the request to hold taxi speed only when the taxi operations are allowed., 'a control system programmed to2. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the control system is programmed to achieve the desired taxi speed based on a predetermined maximum acceleration for passenger comfort.3. The aircraft of claim 2 , further comprising an inertial sensor configured to measure a current acceleration of the aircraft claim 2 , wherein the control system is programmed to adjust the command of the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063832A1

A system is disclosed, in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure. In one embodiment, the system includes a plurality of image capture devices, a controller communicatively coupled to the plurality of image capture devices, wherein the controller includes one or more processors configured to receive a plurality of reference images including one or more source objects, identify the one or more source objects, determine one or more gestures indicative of one or more control signals of the one or more source objects, determine the one or more control signals; and provide the one or more control signals. 1. A system , comprising:a plurality of image capture devices; and receive a plurality of reference images, wherein the plurality of reference images includes one or more source objects;', 'identify the one or more source objects within the plurality of reference images;', 'determine one or more gestures of the one or more source objects, wherein the one or more gestures are indicative of one or more control signals of the one or more source objects;', 'determine the one or more control signals based on the one or more gestures of the one or more source objects; and', 'provide the one or more control signals., 'a controller communicatively coupled to the plurality of image capture devices, wherein the controller includes one or more processors configured to execute a set of program instructions stored in one or more memory units, the set of program instructions configured to cause the one or more processors to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein identifying the one or more source objects within the plurality of reference images comprises:determining one or more source object characteristics of one or more source objects within the plurality of reference images; anddisregarding one or more objects lacking the one or more source object characteristics within the plurality of reference images.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein determining one or ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220066025A1
Принадлежит: ADB Safegate Sweden AB

The disclosure relates to airport stand arrangement () comprising: a display (); a radar-based system (R); and one or more additional systems selected from laser-based systems (L) and imaging systems (C), wherein said radar-based system (R) and said one or more additional systems together form a combined system (), wherein the airport stand arrangement () is configured, based on output data from said combined system (), to detect and track (SS) an aircraft () within a stand area () when said aircraft () is approaching a stand within the stand area () for parking at a parking position () therein, and configured, based on said detection and tracking of the approaching aircraft (), to provide (SS) pilot maneuvering guidance information on said display () for aiding a pilot of the approaching aircraft () in maneuvering the aircraft () towards said parking position (). 130.-. (canceled)31. Airport stand arrangement comprising:a display;a radar-based system; andone or more additional systems selected from laser-based systems only;wherein said radar-based system and said one or more additional systems together form a combined system,wherein the airport stand arrangement is configured, based on output data from said combined system, to detect and track an aircraft within a stand area when said aircraft is approaching a stand within the stand area for parking at a parking position therein, and configured, based on said detection and tracking of the approaching aircraft, to provide pilot maneuvering guidance information on said display for aiding a pilot of the approaching aircraft in maneuvering the aircraft towards said parking position.32. The airport stand arrangement according to claim 31 , wherein the airport stand arrangement is configured to detect and track the approaching aircraft based on combined output data from said radar-based system claim 31 , on the one hand claim 31 , and from said one or more additional systems claim 31 , on the other hand.33. The airport ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220068149A1

A flight deck system for providing progressive taxiing guidance is provided. The flight deck system comprises a controller configured to: generate a graphical insert to overlay a small portion of an active navigation display, the graphical insert providing a progressive depiction of upcoming travel surfaces on a cleared taxi route. The graphical insert comprises a non-linear map with non-linear scaling, a current travel surface alphanumeric indicator, and a current travel surface stick character representative of a current travel surface. The controller is further configured to position, on the graphical insert, a crossing travel surface sign, a first-turn travel surface stick character, and a second-turn travel surface stick character; update the position of the crossing travel surface sign, the first-turn travel surface stick character, and/or the second-turn travel surface stick character as the aircraft travels; and cause the graphical insert to be displayed as an overlay on the active navigation display.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180053428A1

The invention relates to an automatic assistance method for landing an aircraft on a landing runway, from a return point (A) to a completion point (PA) at which the aircraft comes into contact with the landing runway, implemented by a data-processing device on-board said aircraft and configured to be linked to an inertial unit, an altimeter and a deviation meter, said method comprising: —guidance, based on position and attitude data provided by the inertia unit and altitude data provided by the altimeter, of the aircraft along a predefined trajectory from the return point (A) to a predetermined holding point (C) approximately aligned with the axis of the landing runway, the guidance been performed over at least one part of said predefined trajectory on the basis of corrected position data calculated using position data of the aircraft provided by the inertia unit and measurements transmitted by the deviation meter, —guidance from the holding point (C) to the completion point (PA). 1. An automatic assistance method for landing an aircraft on a landing runway from a return point to a culmination point at which the aircraft comes into contact with the landing runway , an inertial unit configured to estimate the position and the attitude of the aircraft,', 'an altimeter configured to measure the altitude of the aircraft,', 'a distance ruler configured to measure, with respect to a reference point, an azimuth of the aircraft with respect to a reference direction,, 'said method being implemented by a data processing device on board said aircraft and configured to be connected to [{'b': 1', '2, 'a return navigation assistance phase comprising guidance (E, E), based on position and attitude data provided by the inertial unit and altitude data provided by the altimeter of the aircraft along a predefined trajectory from the return point to a predetermined connection point approximately aligned with the axis of the landing runway, guidance being achieved over at least a ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190057613A1

Methods, devices, and systems for aircraft stand management are described herein. One device includes a memory, and a processor to execute executable instructions stored in the memory to receive information associated with arriving and departing flights at an airport, determine, using the received information, whether a conflict exists at a parking stand of the airport assigned to an aircraft, generate, using the received information, an airfield parking stand analysis, including a time chart for the parking stand and a list of different parking stands to assign to the aircraft in response to a conflict existing at the parking stand, and a user interface to display the airfield parking stand analysis in a single integrated display. 1. A computing device for aircraft stand management , comprising:a memory; receive information associated with arriving and departing flights at an airport;', 'determine, using the received information, whether a conflict exists at a parking stand of the airport assigned to an aircraft;', a time chart for the parking stand; and', 'a prioritized list of different parking stands to assign to the aircraft in response to a conflict existing at the parking stand, wherein the list is prioritized according to airline attributes including terminals specific to particular airlines; and, 'generate, using the received information, an airfield parking stand analysis, including], 'a processor configured to execute executable instructions stored in the memory toa user interface configured to display the airfield parking stand analysis in a single integrated display.2. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to execute the instructions to assign the aircraft to one of the different parking stands in response to the conflict existing at the parking stand.3. The computing device of claim 2 , wherein the processor is configured to execute the instructions to re-assign a different aircraft assigned to the different one of the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056885A1

A system includes at least one light projector, at least one image sensor, and at least one controller. The at least one light projector is attachable to an aircraft at a first location. The at least one light projector is configured to emit a first beam of light in a first direction at a first intensity. The at least one image sensor is attachable to the aircraft at a second location. The at least one image sensor is configured to capture a first image of a scene including reflections of the first beam of light and a second image of the scene without the at least one projector emitting a beam of light. The at least one controller is configured to determine a maximum detection range of the first beam of light based upon the light intensity of the light beam, the first location, and the second location. 1. A system comprising:at least one light projector attachable to an aircraft at a first location, the at least one light projector configured to emit a first light beam in a first direction at a first intensity;at least one image sensor attachable to the aircraft at a second location, the at least one image sensor configured to capture a first image of a scene including reflections of the first light beam and a second image of the scene while the at least one light projector is not emitting light; andat least one controller configured to subtract pixel values of the second image from pixel values of the first image to provide a third image, to determine a light intensity of the first light beam in the third image, and to determine a maximum detection range of the first light beam based upon the light intensity, the first location, and the second location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one controller is further configured to:determine a human sight visibility range based upon the maximum detection range; anddetermine a suggested maximum taxi speed based upon the human sight visibility range.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a display ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

System and methods for automated airport air traffic control services

Номер: US20180061243A1
Автор: Ori SHLOOSH

A system and method for automating Air Traffic Control operations at or near an airport. as a complete standalone automated system replacing the need for a human controller to make aircraft movement decisions nor the need communicate with pilots, or as semi-automated, where a controller controls how the system operates. The system with related methods and computer hardware and computer software package, automatically manages manned aircraft, remote controlled UAV and airborne-able vehicles traffic at or near an airport, eliminates ATC-induced and reduce pilot-induced runway incursions and excursions, processes control messages related to aircraft or Pilots, communicates with Pilot over ATC radio frequency, receives aircraft positions, communicates control messages with the aircraft avionics, provides pilots a dynamic map with continuous display of nearby traffic operations, shows clearance and information related to runway operations, warns pilot of runway conditions and turbulence from other operations, warns when landing gear is not locked, displays the pilot emergency exits during takeoff roll, shows the pilot when and where to exit from the runway, shows the pilot where and when to cross a junction, calculates and displays pilot optimal speed and timing on taxiways and junctions for saving fuel, calculates congestions, calculates best taxiway routes, calculates when aircraft can cross a runway, provides directives and information to pilot over CPDLC display or dynamic map for airside operations, alerts and triggers breaks of the aircraft on wrong path or when hold-short bar is breached, displays emergency personnel with routing map and final aircraft resting position for emergency operations, takes over an aircraft operation when aircraft is hijacked or deviates from the flight plan, provide standalone or manned Remote Tower functionality, Records and retains all information related to airport airside operations including aircraft positions and conditions from ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for automatically determining a runway state

Номер: US20170061806A1

An estimation unit including an element for computing an actual distance, representing the distance covered by the aircraft over at least one speed interval delimited between two speeds of the aircraft, the interval corresponding to rollout on a segment of the runway, for which the braking performance of the aircraft is limited by the friction of the runway, an element for computing a plurality of so-called reference distances corresponding to various runway states, an element for comparing the actual distance with the reference distances, and an element for selecting, on the basis of these comparisons, one of the reference distances, the runway state which corresponds to the reference distance thus selected representing the runway state determined by the device.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070467A1
Автор: BERKMO Anders
Принадлежит: ADB Safegate Sweden AB

The disclosure relates to a method for guiding a pilot of an approaching aircraft to a stop position at a stand, said method being characterized by: monitoring a position of the approaching aircraft within a volume at the stand, comparing said monitored position with a first area, said first area enclosing the stop position, comparing said monitored position with a subsection of the first area enclosing the stop position, if said monitored position is inside said subsection: transmitting information to a display to show an indication to the pilot to proceed approaching the stand, and if said monitored position is inside the first area but not inside said subsection: transmitting information to the display to show an indication to the pilot to stop the aircraft. The disclosure further relates to an aircraft docking system. 1. A method implemented in an aircraft docking system for guiding a pilot of an approaching aircraft to a stop position at a stand , wherein the aircraft docking system comprises a position monitoring system , a control unit , and a display , said method comprising:the position monitoring system monitoring a position of the approaching aircraft within a volume at the stand, wherein said volume has a longitudinal extension along an approach direction towards an expected entrance position of the aircraft,the control unit comparing said monitored position with a first area, said first area enclosing the stop position and extending along the approach direction to define a front boundary facing the approaching aircraft,the control unit comparing said monitored position with a subsection of the first area, said subsection enclosing the stop position and extending along the approach direction to meet a portion of the front boundary of the first area, wherein the subsection shares a portion of its boundaries with the first area, said shared portion being a portion of the front boundary of the first area,if said monitored position is found to be inside said ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220084419A1

The following teachings are of a portable autonomous device and method operating independently of aircraft flight control equipment. The device can be easily moved from one aircraft to another. The device measures the acceleration of the aircraft from the instantaneous speed and the runway distance covered from the start of the acceleration. Once the runway length and take-off speed is input, the device calculates the remaining distance to safely reach the take-off speed. If the remaining runway distance is not enough for the safe take-off, the device provides visual or audible information about the situation and signals to the pilot. In other embodiments, the determination and presentation of the remaining runway length may be implemented in the aircraft flight control equipment. 1. A device for determining a safe runway distance during aircraft take-off , the device comprisingAn accelerometer, a gyroscope, at least one memory module, at least one computer processing unit, a control knob for data input means, at least one display screen, and a device for emitting sound;wherein the device operates separately from onboard flight control equipment of the aircraft; andwherein the computer processing unit is configured to execute a computer implemented method for calculating the safe runway distance remaining during aircraft take-off.2. A computer implemented method for determining the safe aircraft runway distance remaining during aircraft take-off encoded on the CPU of the device of claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:manually inputting the data: runway length, take-off direction with respect to a coordinate system, wind direction with respect to a coordinate system, wind speed, required take-off speed Vr of the aircraft;measuring the acceleration using the accelerometer and the aircraft taxi angle using the gyroscope of the device;calculating the ground speed of the aircraft by evaluating the first integral with respect to time of the measured acceleration; ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160071422A1

Systems and methods for displaying object data within an airport moving map (“AMM”) are disclosed. In various embodiments, the systems may comprise an avionics database, a flight management system comprising a processor communicatively coupled to the avionics database, and/or a display communicatively coupled to the processor, the processor configured to receive AMM data from the avionics database, receive object data, and/or display the AMM, the AMM including an image of the object, the AMM further including an image of an area that may be obscured from a field of view of a pilot by the object 1. A system for displaying object data within an airport moving map (“AMM”) , the system comprising:an avionics database;a flight management system comprising a processor communicatively coupled to the avionics database; anda display communicatively coupled to the processor, the processor configured to:receive AMM data from the avionics database,receive object data, anddisplay the AMM, the AMM including an image of the object, the AMM further indicating (i) a field of view of a pilot and (ii) an area that may be obscured within the field of view by the object.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to indicate the area that may be obscured within the field of view with a shadow extending from the object.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor receives data from the avionics database about the field of view of the pilot claim 1 , as illuminated by at least one external illumination element.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor determines the field of view of a pilot based upon an intensity of at least one external illumination element.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to display on the AMM the field of view comprising a first radial index claim 1 , a second radial index claim 1 , and an arc that joins the first and second radial indices.6. The system of claim 1 , the AMM further displaying an intruder ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220092994A1

A method of controlling a vehicle includes detecting, by an optical sensor, a movement of at least one object in a field of view of the optical sensor. The method further includes identifying, by a processor circuit, a pattern based on the movement of the at least one object. The method further includes determining, by the processor circuit based on the pattern, a vehicle command to be performed by the vehicle. 1. A method of enhancing operational efficiency of a vehicle , the method comprising:detecting, by an optical sensor, a movement of at least one object in a field of view of the optical sensor;identifying, by a processor circuit, a pattern based on the movement of the at least one object; anddetermining, by the processor circuit based on the pattern, a vehicle command to be performed by the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the optical sensor comprises a forward-facing optical sensor claim 1 , andwherein the field of view is directed towards a direction of the vehicle's motion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the movement of the at least one object comprises a gesture performed by a body part of a human.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle comprises an aircraft claim 1 , andwherein the vehicle command comprises a taxiing command that causes the aircraft to perform a taxiing operation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one object comprises an equipment being held by a human.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the equipment comprises an illuminated lighting element being held by the human.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the vehicle command further comprises correlating the pattern with a relevant command of a stored command inventory.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining claim 1 , by the processor circuit claim 1 , whether the movement of the at least one object is associated with an authorization to provide the vehicle command.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the determining whether the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

System and method for displaying airport features on a dynamic airport moving map display

Номер: US20150084793A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A method and apparatus is provided for enhancing situational awareness onboard an aircraft during an aircraft ground maneuver such as when taxiing on a runway or taxiway. A three-dimensional view including airport features is rendered in a first airport region that extends a first predetermined distance (D 1 ) from the aircraft when the aircraft speed is less than a predetermined speed (V 1 ). A three-dimensional view including airport features in a second airport region is rendered that extends beyond D 1 when the aircraft speed exceeds V 1 .

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160083111A1

The disclosed embodiments relate to methods and systems for avoiding a collision between an aircraft on the ground and an obstacle using a three-dimensional visual indication of the area or plane of winglets on the wingtips of the aircraft. The method includes receiving a video image from a camera positioned in one of the winglets, the video image representing a field of view through which the winglet of the aircraft will pass along a present heading of the aircraft. Next a processor determines a three-dimensional area or plane within the field of view through which the winglet of the aircraft will pass. An overlay is displayed within the field of view to assist the pilot in avoiding collisions with obstacles within the field of view. 1. A method for avoiding a collision between an aircraft on a ground surface and an obstacle , the aircraft having winglets positioned at the wingtips , the method comprising:receiving, at the processor onboard an aircraft, a video image from a camera positioned in one of the winglets, the video image representing a field of view through which the wingtip of the aircraft will pass along a present heading of the aircraft;determining, by the processor, a predicted three-dimensional area within the field of view through which the winglet of the aircraft will pass along the present heading of the aircraft; anddisplaying the video image on a display together with an overlay representing the predicted three-dimensional area in the field of view;wherein the overlay provides information to assist in preventing the winglet of the aircraft from colliding with obstacles in the field of view.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the video image and the overlay on a display within the aircraft.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the video image and the overlays on a head-up display.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating the overlay to have a shape representing the height ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for Maneuvering an Electric Taxi Drive System Driven Aircraft into an Airport Ramp Parking Location

Номер: US20220097831A1
Автор: Cox Nechama

The present invention provides a method for maneuvering and aligning aircraft equipped and driven during ramp ground travel with landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems that have deviated from taxi line travel paths and for maneuvering the electric taxi drive system-driven aircraft to park accurately to align with locations of parking stops when the aircraft nose landing gear wheels stop beyond or short of a parking stop. The aircraft pilot can, without waiting for a tug or starting aircraft engines, precisely maneuver the aircraft with the electric taxi drive systems while viewing the taxi line and parking stop location in real time with an optional camera and sensor system while maneuvering the aircraft in forward or reverse and lateral directions to align the aircraft nose wheels with the taxi line path and to accurately position the nose landing gear wheels at the parking stop. 1. A method for precisely maneuvering an electric taxi drive system-equipped aircraft along an airport ramp area ground travel path to an airport ramp parking location , comprising:a. providing aircraft equipped with landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems operable to drive the equipped aircraft during ground travel in the airport ramp area;b. providing a plurality of parking locations for aircraft in the airport ramp area and providing for each of the plurality of aircraft parking locations a taxi line travel path corresponding to a ramp ground travel path to an aircraft parking location and a parking stop at each parking location corresponding to a stop location for nose landing gear wheels of the equipped aircraft parked accurately in the aircraft parking location;c. driving an equipped aircraft with the electric taxi drive systems along a ramp taxi line travel path for a parking location assigned to the equipped aircraft, maneuvering the equipped aircraft with the electric taxi drive systems along the taxi line travel path to maintain the nose landing ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080616A1

A computing system, method and computer program product are provided to present additional information regarding a map of a port of interest, such as an airport. In the context of a computing system, the computing system includes processing circuitry configured to receive an indication of a map of a port of interest and to compare attributes representative of the map of the port of interest to attributes representative of one or more maps of other ports. The processing circuitry is also configured to identify at least one of the one or more maps of other ports to satisfy a similarity threshold based upon a comparison of the attributes. The computing system also includes a user interface responsive to the processing circuitry and configured to provide information regarding the at least one of the one or more maps of other ports along with the map of the port of interest. 1. A computing system , comprising: receive an indication of a map of a port of interest;', 'compare attributes representative of the map of the port of interest to attributes representative of one or more maps of other ports; and', 'identify at least one of the one or more maps of other ports to satisfy a similarity threshold based upon a comparison of the attributes; and, 'processing circuitry configured toa user interface responsive to the processing circuitry and configured to provide information regarding the at least one of the one or more maps of other ports along with the map of the port of interest.2. The computing system of claim 1 , further comprising a navigation system or a route management system that comprises the processing circuitry claim 1 , and an instrument panel comprising the user interface.3. The computing system of claim 1 , wherein the map of the port of interest comprises an airport map of an airport of interest claim 1 , and wherein the one or more maps of other ports of interest comprise one or more airport maps of other airports.4. The computing system of claim 1 ,wherein ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Aircraft identifiction

Номер: US20180082594A1
Автор: Ola Hakansson
Принадлежит: Adb Safegate Bvba

The present invention relates to a method and system for identifying an aircraft in connection to a stand. The method comprises: receiving identification data and position data transmitted from an aircraft, comparing said received position data with at least one position within a predetermined area in connection to said stand. If said received position data correspond to said at least one position within said predetermined area: determining, based on said identification data, if said aircraft is expected at the stand, and if said aircraft is not expected at the stand: displaying a notification on a display.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080617A1

Methods and systems are provided for classifying notice to airmen (NOTAM) alerts to a pilot of an aircraft. First, bundled NOTAMs are received during the flight planning process for the aircraft. A domain rules set for a filter engine on board the aircraft is created that prioritizes the bundled NOTAMs based on their criticality. The domain rules set is updated with weather data and day/night visibility analysis. The prioritized critical NOTAMs are stored on board in an electronic database and retrieved during the relevant phase of the flight path of the aircraft. The NOTAM messages are then displayed to the pilot on a graphical display device on board the aircraft. 1. A method for classification of notice to airmen (NOTAM) alerts to a pilot of an aircraft , comprising:receiving bundled NOTAMs during flight path planning of the aircraft;creating a domain rules set for a filter engine on board the aircraft, where the domain rules set prioritizes the bundled NOTAMs based on criticality;filtering the bundled NOTAMs with the filter engine, where the rules set of the filter engine is updated with weather data and day/night visibility analysis;storing the prioritized critical NOTAMs in a retrievable electronic database on board the aircraft;retrieving each prioritized critical NOTAM during its' respective relevant phase of the flight path of the aircraft; anddisplaying the prioritized critical NOTAM to the pilot on a graphical display device on board the aircraft.2. The method of claim 1 , where the domain rules set of the filter engine is updated with taxi route proximity data.3. The method of claim 1 , where the domain rules set of the filter engine is updated with airspace proximity data.4. The method of claim 4 , where the airspace proximity data is horizontal airspace.5. The method of claim 4 , where the airspace proximity data is vertical airspace.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:loading a retrievable electronic database with graphical NOTAMs, where the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080622A1

A system () for aiding navigation includes an airport navigation device () to generate a ground route within the airport for an aided aircraft, a device () for determining the current position of the aided aircraft, a traffic surveillance device () for determining the location and type of nearby aircraft, a computation unit () for determining, for each segment of the ground route congestion information as a function of the position, type and speed of the nearby aircraft on each of the segments, and a display device displaying an airport map, the current location of the aided aircraft and congestion information for each segment. 1. A method for aiding ground navigation of an aided aircraft moving within an airport , the method comprising:a first step, implemented by an airport navigation device, including generating a ground route within the airport for the aided aircraft to travel from a first position to a second position, the ground route comprising a plurality of successive segments;a second step, implemented by a position determination device, including determining a current ground position of the aided aircraft;a display step, implemented by a display device, including displaying on at least one viewing screen in the aided aircraft an airport map of the airport and, on the airport map, at least one symbol representing the current position of the aided aircraft and a plot illustrating the ground route;a surveillance step, implemented by a traffic surveillance device, including determining a current position and type of other aircraft at the airport positioned on the successive segments;a computation step, implemented by a computation unit, including determining, for each of the successive segments of the ground route, at least one corresponding congestion information item as a function of at least the current position of the other aircraft situated on the segment and of the type of the other aircraft situated on the segment; andthe display step further including ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Laser-based tail dock anti-collision system and method to preclude damage to aircraft upon their insertion into maintenance facilities

Номер: US20170088287A1
Принадлежит: Laser Technology Inc

A tail dock anti-collision system for augmenting positioning of an aircraft in a maintenance facility which comprises lateral alignment sensors disposed on opposing sides of the aircraft and a backup tracking sensor directed toward the tail section. A processor, for example a programmable logic controller, is coupled to, and operatively controls, the sensors to provide an indication to a principal guide of the aircraft docking procedure of the relative position of the aircraft with respect to a centerline and platform of the maintenance facility.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160093302A1

Systems and methods are provided for converting taxiway voice commands into taxiway textual commands. In various embodiments, the systems can comprise a radio receiver that is configured to receive the taxiway voice commands from an air traffic control center, a voice recognition processor coupled to the radio receiver that is configured to receive and convert the taxiway voice commands into the taxiway textual commands, and/or a taxiway clearance display coupled to the voice recognition processor that is configured to receive and display the taxiway textual commands. 1. A system for converting taxiway voice commands into taxiway textual commands , the system comprising:a radio receiver, the radio receiver configured to receive the taxiway voice commands from an air traffic control center;a voice recognition processor coupled to the radio receiver, the voice recognition processor configured to receive and convert the taxiway voice commands into the taxiway textual commands; anda taxiway clearance display coupled to the voice recognition processor, the taxiway clearance display configured to receive and display the taxiway textual commands.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a taxiway command database claim 1 , the taxiway command database coupled to the voice recognition processor.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the taxiway command database includes a plurality of common air traffic control center taxiway commands.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the voice recognition processor compares the taxiway voice commands to the plurality of common air traffic control center taxiway commands to convert the taxiway voice commands into the taxiway textual commands.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a flight management system that receives the taxiway textual commands and processes the taxiway textual commands to manage a taxiing procedure of the aircraft.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the voice recognition processor determines an uncertainty ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180090019A1

In an aircraft including a cockpit, a unit for monitoring the situation of the aircraft and a radio communication unit, the device for aiding the ground rolling is configured to: acquire, from the monitoring unit, information the situation of the aircraft and determine predicted positions of the aircraft for a set of future instants, and for each vehicle of a set of other vehicles situated on the surface of the airport: acquire, from the radio communication unit, information regarding the situation of the vehicle, which information is transmitted by this vehicle, determine predicted positions of the vehicle and calculate a distance between the predicted position of the aircraft and the predicted position of the vehicle for each instant of the set of future instants and compare this distance with a predetermined distance threshold and, emit an alert in the cockpit if this distance is less than this distance threshold. 1. A device for assisting the taxiing of an aircraft on the surface of an airport , the aircraft comprising a cockpit comprising a display screen; a unit for monitoring the situation of the aircraft; and a radio communication unit , wherein the device for assisting taxiing is configured for:a) acquiring, from the unit for monitoring the situation of the aircraft, situation of the aircraft information;b) determining predicted positions of the aircraft for each time of a set of future times, on the basis of at least said situation of the aircraft information; andfor each vehicle of a set of other vehicles situated on the surface of the airport:c) acquiring, from the radio communication unit, situation of the vehicle information transmitted by that vehicle;d) determining predicted positions of the vehicle for each time of the set of future times, on the basis of at least said situation of the vehicle information;e) computing a distance between the predicted position of the aircraft and the predicted position of the vehicle for each time of the set of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170092137A1
Автор: Hiebl Manfred

An unmanned aerial vehicle with lift and propulsion system and a flight control system and method. The flight control system has a flight control unit, a navigation system, a communication system and an actuator system. The flight control unit can calculate, based on data from the navigation system and/or data of a ground control station, control commands which can be fed to the actuator system for actuating the lift and propulsion system. The ground control station is configured to control and/or monitor the aerial vehicle. The aerial vehicle has a monitoring unit to monitor the communication system to determine whether all the communication links are interrupted. The monitoring unit can cause the flight control unit to land the aerial vehicle safely at a suitable landing site based on stored data relating to current flight conditions and nearby landing sites. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle , comprising:a lift and propulsion system; anda flight control system with:a flight control unit;a navigation system;a communication system; andan actuator system;wherein the flight control unit is provided for calculating, based on data from the navigation system and/or data of a ground control station configured to control and/or monitor the aerial vehicle, control commands which can be fed to the actuator system for actuating the lift and propulsion system;further comprising a monitoring unit configured to monitor the communication system to determine whether all communication links of a multiplicity of communication links between the aerial vehicle and the ground control station are interrupted; andwherein the monitoring unit Is configured to cause, if an interruption is determined in communication from the aerial vehicle to the ground control station, the flight control unit to land the aerial vehicle safely at a suitable landing site based on stored data relating to current flight conditions and nearby landing sites.2. The unmanned aerial vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for contextual alerts during ground operations

Номер: US20200090531A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for contextual alerts during ground operations are provided. The system generates unique alerts for each type of hot-spot and commands a display system to render an image of the route, the relevant signage features, and the hot-spots. The system receives an assigned runway and references an airport features database to construct a route and travel direction for the aircraft. The system analyzes the signage features associated with the route and identifies the relevant signage features. The system processes the route with external inputs, such as notices to airmen (NOTAM), traffic data, and novel rules and data tables, from which the system identifies various kinds of hot-spots. The hot-spots include those that are aerodrome design based, those that are traffic related, and those that are temporal, based on short term closures or operational scenarios.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200090532A1
Принадлежит: ADB Safegate Sweden AB

This invention relates to a control system at an airport and a method implemented in such a control system. The system comprising: an input unit being arranged to communicate with an airport surveillance system at an airport, a control unit being arranged to receive, from the input unit, identification data for an aircraft on ground, position data, indicating a position of the aircraft, and, to provide the identification data to a data storage and receive an identifier of a designated gate for the aircraft from the data storage, wherein the control unit is further arranged to provide a signal to a gate control system at the designated gate for preparing the designated gate to receive the aircraft if the position of the aircraft is within a predetermined distance from the designated gate. 1. A control system comprising:an input arranged to communicate with an airport surveillance system,a controller arranged to receive, from the input, identification data for an aircraft on ground, position data, indicating a position of the aircraft, and, to provide the identification data to a data storage and receive an identifier of a designated gate for the aircraft from the data storage,wherein the controller is further arranged to provide a signal to a gate control system at the designated gate in preparation of the designated gate receiving the aircraft in response to the position of the aircraft being within a predetermined distance from the designated gate, andthe controller is further configured to delay the signal to the gate control system by a certain amount of time based on an estimated travel time of the aircraft from the position of the aircraft to the designated gate.2. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the estimated travel time is calculated based on an expected taxi time of the aircraft.3. The control system according to claim 2 , wherein the estimated travel time is calculated based on at least one of an airport size claim 2 , an airport design ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210096561A1
Автор: Thomassey Lionel

A method and a system for detecting wire or wire-like obstacles, which method and system are designed for an aircraft. The system for detecting wire or wire-like obstacles comprises a detection device, such as a video camera or a LIDAR device, a computer and a display device. The method includes a step of detecting at least one pylon in the surrounding environment of the aircraft via a detection device, a step of identifying a family of pylons to which each detected pylon corresponds, a step of characterizing at least one cable supported by the at least one detected pylon, and a step of determining a prohibited zone that can potentially contain each pylon and each cable and a safe zone not containing either a pylon or a cable. The prohibited zone and the safe zone may be displayed on the display device. 1. A method of detecting wire or wire-like obstacles , which method is designed for an aircraft , the aircraft including at least one detection device ,wherein the method comprises the following steps:detecting at least one pylon in the surrounding environment of the aircraft via a detection device;identifying a family of pylons to which the at least one detected pylon corresponds from among a database of families of pylons;characterizing at least one cable supported by the at least one detected pylon on the basis of the database; anddetermining a prohibited zone that can potentially contain the at least one detected pylon and the at least one cable and a safe zone not containing either the at least one pylon or the at least one cable.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the step of detecting at least one pylon in the surrounding environment of the aircraft comprises the following sub-steps:generating an image of the surrounding environment of the aircraft;analyzing the image of the surrounding environment of the aircraft; andidentifying at least one pylon contained in the image of the surrounding environment.3. The method according to claim 2 ,wherein the sub ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210097874A1
Автор: Connor Michael A.

An apparatus for guiding an aircraft includes: an air velocity sensor disposed on the aircraft and configured to sense a speed and direction of a wind remote to the aircraft to provide remote wind speed and direction data; a flight control actuator coupled to a flight control device; and a flight controller communicably coupled to the air velocity sensor, the flight controller having an input section that receives the remote wind speed and direction data from the air velocity sensor, a processor configured to determine a magnitude and direction of the wind with respect to a planned flight route and to predict an influence acting on the aircraft due to the magnitude and direction of the wind with respect to the planned flight route, and an output section communicably coupled to the flight control actuator to provide a control signal that results in the aircraft counteracting the predicted influence. 1. An apparatus for guiding an aircraft , the apparatus comprising:an air velocity sensor disposed on the aircraft and configured to sense a speed and direction of a wind remote to the aircraft to provide remote wind speed and direction data;a flight control actuator coupled to a flight control device; anda flight controller communicably coupled to the air velocity sensor, the flight controller comprising an input section that receives the remote wind speed and direction data from the air velocity sensor, a processor configured to determine a magnitude and direction of the wind with respect to a planned flight route of the aircraft and to predict an influence acting on the aircraft due to the magnitude and direction of the wind with respect to the planned flight route, and an output section communicably coupled to the flight control actuator to provide a control signal that results in the aircraft counteracting the predicted influence.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a navigation sensor claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Device, System, and Method for Gate Optimization

Номер: US20180096612A1

A method performed by an optimization server for receiving an identification identifying an aircraft, identifying a gate assigned to the aircraft upon landing at a destination including the gate, determining whether a gate conflict is expected for the aircraft to use the gate, when there is a gate conflict, determining a resolution for the gate conflict based on actual departure demand information of the gate and providing a notification corresponding to the resolution. 1. A method , comprising:at an optimization server:receiving an identification identifying an aircraft;identifying a gate assigned to the aircraft upon landing at a destination including the gate;determining whether a gate conflict is expected for the aircraft to use the gate;when there is a gate conflict, determining a resolution for the gate conflict based on actual departure demand information of the gate; andproviding a notification corresponding to the resolution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gate conflict is one of a physical occupancy or an expected occupancy of the gate by a further aircraft.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resolution is a selection of a new gate.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:automatically updating a user interface defining gate assignments with the new gate for the aircraft.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resolution is expedited operations for a prior aircraft using the gate.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:automatically providing an alert to corresponding crew members of the expedited operations.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the expedited operations include an expedited departure of the prior aircraft.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the actual departure demand information is based on airline schedule data claim 1 , activate-state out status data claim 1 , cancelled flight data claim 1 , or a combination thereof.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a manual input corresponding to the gate being ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150106005A1

The disclosed embodiments relate to methods and systems for avoiding a collision between an aircraft on the ground and an obstacle. The method includes receiving a direction signal from a sensor indicating the forward direction of the aircraft and receiving a video image from a camera representing a field of view from a wingtip of the aircraft. Using this information, a processor determines a predicted path through which the wingtip of the aircraft will travel based upon the direction signal. The video image is displayed together with an overlay representing the predicted path within the field of view. In this way, the overlay provides information to assist in preventing the aircraft from colliding with obstacles in the field of view. 1. A method for avoiding a collision between an aircraft on a ground surface and an obstacle , the method comprising:receiving, at a processor onboard the aircraft, a direction signal from a sensor, the direction signal indicating a direction of the aircraft; andreceiving, at the processor onboard an aircraft, a video image from a camera, the video image representing a field of view from a wing of the aircraft;determining, by the processor, a predicted path through which the wing of the aircraft will travel based upon the direction signal; anddisplaying the video image on a display together with an overlay representing the predicted path in the first field of view;wherein the overlay provides information to assist in preventing the aircraft from colliding with obstacles in the field of view.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the video image and the overlay on a display within the aircraft.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the video image and the overlays on a head-up display.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the video images and the overlay on a display in towing equipment towing the aircraft.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140184429A1

System and methods are provided alerting an aircraft crew member of a runway assignment for an aircraft takeoff sequence from a runway of an airport having a plurality of runways. In an embodiment, the method includes transmitting data comprising data relating to the runway assignment and data relating to an open status or a closed status for each airport runway to an aircraft data receiver, and transmitting an audio signal indicating the runway assignment to an aircraft audio receiver. In another embodiment, the method includes receiving an audio signal indicating the runway assignment from a control tower audio transmitter, receiving data comprising data relating to the runway assignment and data relating to an open status or a closed status of each of the airport runways from a control tower data transmitter, processing the received data, and displaying the received data relating to the runway assignment on a display. 1. A method of alerting an aircraft crew member of a runway assignment for an aircraft takeoff sequence from a runway of an airport , the airport having a plurality of runways , the method comprising the steps of:receiving a first audio signal from an audio transmitter at a control tower, the first audio signal indicating the runway assignment;receiving a first set of data from a data transmitter at the control tower, the first set of data comprising data relating to the runway assignment and data relating to an open status or a closed status of each of the airport runways;processing the received first set of data; anddisplaying the received data relating to the runway assignment on a display.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:receiving a user input confirming the received data relating to the runway assignment data; andtransmitting data to a data receiver at the control tower, the data comprising the runway assignment, after the step of displaying.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:sensing a real-time ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210104164A1
Автор: Erignac Charles A.
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Systems and methods for autonomous taxi route execution for an aircraft. Clearance communication is received from a ground control station. A plurality of objects is generated from the clearance communication. Next, a context data structure representing a planned taxi route is generated. Last, the planned taxi route is executed. 1. A system for autonomous taxi route execution for an aircraft , comprising:a processor; and receive clearance communication from a ground control station;', 'generate a plurality of objects from the clearance communication;', 'generate a context data structure representing a planned taxi route; and', 'execute the planned taxi route., 'memory, the memory storing instructions, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the context data structure includes a route claim 1 , a clearance command claim 1 , and one or more hold commands.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein executing the planned taxi route includes causing a vehicle management system to control movement of the aircraft along an input ground path.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the input ground path is a sequence of waypoints claim 3 , wherein a waypoint comprises a position on an airport surface claim 3 , a heading claim 3 , and a ground speed.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the clearance command is received at a front end module from the around control station in text format6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the front end module interprets the clearance command and determines whether the clearance command contains a taxi or exit command claim 5 , and if the clearance command contains a taxi or exit command claim 5 , then the front end module sends the taxi or exit command to a clearance manager module.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the clearance manager module creates the context data structure using the taxi or exit command.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein after the clearance manager module creates the context data structure ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106223A1

The present invention relates to an aircraft docking system comprising: a light based verification and positioning system adapted to scan a volume () in connection to a stand, a receiving unit adapted to receive surveillance data from an airport surveillance system, wherein the light based verification and positioning system is further adapted to control the extension of the scanned volume based on the received surveillance data. 1100200300400. An aircraft docking system ( , , ,) comprising:{'b': 110', '210', '310', '410', '190', '290', '390', '490', '120', '220', '221', '320', '420', '190', '290', '390', '490, 'a light based verification and positioning system (,,,) adapted to monitor an aircraft (,,,) expected to arrive at a stand, in a volume (,;,,) in connection to the stand, wherein the monitoring includes detecting and tracking of the aircraft (,,,),'}{'b': 140', '190', '290', '390', '490', '150', '250', '350', '450, 'a receiving unit () adapted to receive surveillance data including position data related to the aircraft (,,,) from an airport surveillance system (,,,),'}{'b': 110', '210', '310', '410', '120', '220', '221', '320', '420, 'wherein the light based verification and positioning system (,,,) is further adapted to control the extension of the monitored volume (,;,,) based on the received position data.'}2100200300400110210310410111211311411120220320420120220320420. Aircraft docking system ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) according to claim 1 , wherein the light based verification and positioning system ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) comprises at least one laser transmitter ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) adapted to emit light in different directions in the volume ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,) claim 1 , and a detector adapted to detect light reflected from objects in the volume ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 ,).3100300110310120320. Aircraft docking system ( claim 1 ,) according to or claim 1 , wherein the light based verification and positioning ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210125512A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A parking stand prediction system uses statistical analysis and historical data to provide an available parking stand for an aircraft at an arrival airport. The system receives real-time surveillance data relating to airlines, on-air flights, and airline and airport ground services. The surveillance data is sorted or pre-filtered according to airport. The system also receives airport map or layout data. Parking stand identification logic is applied to the surveillance data, airport map data, and historical surveillance data. Portions of this data are stored in a parking stand database which is continuously updated with current surveillance and parking stand availability data. A user inputs parking stand search parameter data into the system and receives a parking stand prediction for the aircraft of interest at an arrival airport. 1. A method , comprising:in response to receiving surveillance data relating to airline ground services, sorting, by a system comprising a processor, the surveillance data based on airport location data;applying parking stand identification logic to the surveillance data and airport map data to update a parking stand data store;receiving a parking stand search parameter input associated with an aircraft; andbased on analysis of information in the parking stand data store, predicting one or more parking stands available for parking the aircraft at a destination airport.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parking stand data store comprises at least one record claim 1 , comprising a parking stand prediction field.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parking stand search parameter input comprises an input data indicative of at least one of the destination airport claim 1 , an airline claim 1 , or an aircraft type.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising identifying a parking stand apron.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predicting the one or more parking stands for parking the aircraft is performed between receiving the parking ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190108765A1

A system for navigating an aircraft in a hangar, having at least one optical sensor firmly connected to the aircraft. The sensor can be used to continuously capture surroundings contour data relative to the aircraft. A data processing apparatus, connected to the sensor, has a data memory storing reference data and can be used to determine an aircraft actual position by continuously matching captured surroundings contour data with the reference data and to identify a position deviation by comparing the determined actual position with a stored target position. Also, a method for navigating an aircraft in a hangar with such a system. 1. A system for navigating an aircraft in a hangar , comprising:at least one optical sensor firmly connected to the aircraft, wherein the at least one optical sensor is configured to be used to continuously capture surroundings contour data relative to the aircraft, anda data processing apparatus, connected to the at least one optical sensor, the data processing apparatus comprising a data memory storing reference data,wherein the data processing apparatus is configured to identify an actual position of the aircraft in the hangar by continuously matching captured surroundings contour data with the reference data.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the surroundings contour data comprise hangar interior contour data claim 1 , and wherein the stored reference data comprise hangar interior contour reference data claim 1 , and wherein matching thereof allows an actual position of the sensor relative to the hangar interior contour to be determined.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the data processing apparatus is configured to identify a position deviation by comparing the actual position of the aircraft in the hangar with a target position.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one optical sensor is arranged on a nose gear of the aircraft such that in an extended state of the nose gear a monitoring area ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160117935A1

An electric taxi motive control system of a first aircraft comprises a first aircraft position determining system configured to generate a first aircraft position signal, a first aircraft receiver, configured to receive transmissions of a second aircraft position signal, a first aircraft pilot interface configured to accept an input indicative of a first aircraft desired speed, and a first aircraft electronic controller configured to; determine a aircraft separation distance indicative of the distance between the first aircraft and the second aircraft, compare the aircraft separation distance with a safe distance value; and generate a modified first aircraft commanded speed signal when the aircraft separation distance is less than the safe distance value. 1. An electric taxi motive control system of a first aircraft , comprising:at least one electric motor selectively providing motive power to the first aircraft during taxiing in response to a first aircraft commanded speed signal or a modified first aircraft commanded speed signal;a first aircraft position determining system configured to generate a first aircraft position signal indicative of a position of the first aircraft at an airport;a first aircraft receiver, configured to receive transmission of a second aircraft position signal indicative of a position of a second aircraft at the airport;a first aircraft pilot interface configured to accept an input indicative of a first aircraft desired speed and generate the first aircraft commanded speed signal indicative of the first aircraft desired speed; determine a aircraft separation distance indicative of the distance between the first aircraft and the second aircraft, at least in part based on the first aircraft position signal and the second aircraft position signal;', 'compare the aircraft separation distance with a safe distance value; and', 'generate the modified first aircraft commanded speed signal when the aircraft separation distance is less than the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190114933A1

Apparatus and associated methods relate to rendering an image of objects in a region of an airport taxiway. The image is rendered from data provided by multiple sources. Three-dimensional models of static airport structures located within the region of an airport taxiway are provided. Rendered image data of the region of the airport taxiway if formed based on the retrieved three-dimensional models of the static airport structures. Data indicative of locations of dynamic objects within the region of the airport taxiway is also provided. Symbols identifying the dynamic objects within the region of the airport taxiway are mapped into the rendered image data at the locations indicated by the provided data. The rendered image data is sent to a display device configured to display the rendered image data. 1. A method for displaying rendered image data of a region of an airport taxiway , the method comprising:retrieving three-dimensional model(s) of static airport structure(s) located within a region of an airport taxiway;forming, based on the retrieved three-dimensional model(s) of the static airport structure(s), rendered image data of the region of the airport taxiway;obtaining data indicative of location(s) of dynamic object(s) within the region of the airport taxiway;mapping, into the rendered image data, symbol(s) identifying the dynamic object(s) within the region of the airport taxiway at the locations indicated by the obtained data; andsending the rendered image data to a display device configured to display the rendered image data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining data indicative of location(s) of dynamic object(s) includes:retrieving data from an object detection system mounted to a taxiing aircraft.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining data indicative of location(s) of dynamic object(s) includes:collecting Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) data from ADS-B equipped dynamic object(s), the ADS-B data being indicative of locations ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

System for controlling a ground lateral trajectory of an aircraft

Номер: US20190118939A1

A system () for controlling a ground lateral trajectory of an aircraft includes a command module () configured to generate a command of an instruction lateral trajectory, a limiting module () configured to determine, as a function of a speed and a maximum authorized sideslip angle of the wheel () of the aircraft, a steering angle range of the wheel () such that, the steering angle of the wheel () being in this range, the steering angle of the wheel () is smaller than the maximum steering angle, and a control module () configured to determine, as a function of the command, an instruction steering angle included in the range and able to cause a lateral movement of the aircraft according to or tending toward the instruction trajectory, and to send a steering instruction to the wheel () in order to orient it along the instruction angle. 1. A control system of a lateral trajectory of an aircraft rolling on a runway , the aircraft including lateral movement devices for lateral movement of the aircraft around a yaw axis , the lateral movement devices including a steerable nose gear wheel , the control system comprising:a command module configured to generate a command order of an instruction lateral trajectory of the aircraft, the instruction lateral trajectory including a lateral movement of the aircraft in a given direction, the command order including at least one instruction parameter representative of the instruction lateral trajectory;a limiting module configured to limit a sideslip angle of the aircraft, the limiting module being configured to determine, based on information relative to a current speed of the aircraft and a maximum authorized sideslip angle of the nose gear wheel and/or of a main landing gear of the aircraft, a steering angle range of the nose gear wheel such that, when a steering angle of the nose gear wheel is within the steering angle range, the sideslip angle of the nose gear wheel and/or the main landing gear is lower, in absolute value, than ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118940A1

A system for controlling a lateral trajectory of an aircraft includes a rudder bar. Each pedal of the rudder bar is movable between a neutral position (p) and an end-of-travel position (p) along a unique travel. A movement of the pedal between the neutral position (p) and an activation position (p) commands a lateral movement by actuating a lateral movement device of a first set including a nose gear wheel, the different braking of the aircraft being nonactive. A movement of the pedal from the activation position (p) to the end-of-travel position (p) commands a lateral movement by actuating a device of the first set and the differential braking. A haptic feedback generator applies a first haptic profile to each pedal between the neutral position (p) and the activation position (p) and a second haptic profile from the activation position (p) toward the end-of-travel position (p). 2. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the haptic feedback generator is configured to apply claim 1 , to each of the left and right pedals claim 1 , a force opposing the actuation of the pedal according to a first force profile when the left claim 1 , respectively right claim 1 , pedal is moved from the neutral position to the activation position claim 1 , and according to a second force profile claim 1 , distinct from the first force profile claim 1 , when the left claim 1 , respectively right pedal is moved along the preset travel from the activation position to the end-of-travel position.3. The control system according to claim 2 , wherein the haptic feedback generator is configured to apply claim 2 , to each of the left and right pedals claim 2 , a force opposing the actuation of the pedal claim 2 , such that a first derivative of the force opposing the actuation of the pedal from the activation position to the end-of-travel position is strictly greater than a first derivative of the force opposing the actuation of the pedal to the activation position.4. The control system ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190122572A1

A system for controlling a trajectory of an aircraft on the ground, includes a determining module configured to determine a current trajectory of the aircraft on the ground including a series of waypoints planned for an element of the aircraft with unchanged conditions of the lateral movement devices of the aircraft, and at least one limit trajectory, including a series of limit waypoints that may be reached by the element by actuating at least one lateral movement device. The system includes a display assembly comprising a viewer configured to display a view () of a runway portion located near the aircraft, and a display generating module configured to display, on the viewer, a current trajectory curve () representative of said current trajectory and at least one limit curve () representative of the limit trajectory, superimposed on the view (). 1. A control system of a trajectory of an aircraft rolling on a runway , the aircraft including lateral movement devices configured to be actuated to change a lateral trajectory of the aircraft , the control system comprising: a current trajectory of the aircraft on the ground, including a series of waypoints planned for at least one element of the aircraft, under unchanged conditions of the lateral movement devices,', 'at least one limit trajectory, including a series of limit waypoints that can be reached by the element of the aircraft by actuating at least one of the lateral movement devices; and, 'a determining module configured for determining ground trajectories of the aircraft, the determining module being configured to determine, at least at one moment a viewer, configured to display a view of a portion of the runway located near the aircraft, and', 'a display generating module, configured to display, on the viewer, a current trajectory curve representative of the current trajectory and at least one limit curve representative of the limit trajectory, the current trajectory curve and limit curve being superimposed on ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127111A1

A system and method are provided that improve upon existing aircraft display systems by generating and updating an overrun image that may be overlaid on a variety of panoramic and landscape images on a display device. The overrun image displays stopping locations for all relevant available stopping devices, as determined from the far end of the selected runway. In addition, the aircraft display system determines an advisory zone on the selected runway and presents limited symbols and images in and near the advisory zone that indicate distances and relevant information. 1. A display system for an aircraft , comprising: receive, from a navigation system, an aircraft position and location;', 'receive, from a sensor system, aircraft status data;', 'determine, based on the aircraft status data, the aircraft position and location, and aircraft performance data (a) an aircraft energy state, and (b) a braking status of the aircraft;', 'determine an advisory zone on the runway, the advisory zone defined as a length measured from the far end of the runway; and', 'selectively, based on the braking status, determine at least one stopping location; and, 'a computer comprising a processor and a computer readable storage medium, the computer configured to display symbology representing a runway segment comprising at least the advisory zone;', 'render the advisory zone in a visually distinct manner with respect to a remainder of the runway segment; and', 'for each stopping location of the at least one stopping location, overlay the runway segment with a unique symbol representative thereof., 'a display device responsive to the computer and configured to2. The display system of claim 1 , wherein the computer is further configured to selectively determine the at least one stopping location from among the set including (a) a manual braking stopping location (b) a stopping location associated with the braking status of the aircraft claim 1 , and (c) a current deceleration stopping ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Guiding method for aircraft docking process

Номер: US20150142218A1
Автор: Cheng-Hsiang Lin

A guiding method for aircraft docking process, which is used to detect an aircraft when docking to a stop line along a J-line on apron, includes steps as followed. According to response distances of different positions from a laser scanner, a distance between the aircraft and the stop line and offset angle during the docking process are detected. To show the distance and offset angle on a data display panel as guiding reference when a pilot of the aircraft operates the aircraft. The guiding method further has a waiting stage, a positioning stage, and a distinguishing stage and a guiding stage.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for revising a target take off time in the environment of an airport, associated system and aircraft comprising such a system

Номер: US20200126433A1
Автор: Olivier Chauvet
Принадлежит: AIRBUS SAS

A method for revising a target take off time in the environment of an airport, associated system and aircraft having such a system. The method includes steps implemented by a computer of an aircraft, including acquisition from an information source of a current position of the aircraft in the environment of the airport and determination of a revised take off time from the current position of the aircraft, from airport data and from performance data of the aircraft, comparison of the target take off time, previously stored in a data memory of the aircraft, to the revised take off time, and if the difference between the target take off time and the revised take off time is greater than a tolerance value, sending by a communication unit of the aircraft of the revised take off time to a system external to the aircraft.

19-05-2016 дата публикации

System and method for confirming received taxi instructions

Номер: US20160140849A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A method and system are described for enhancing ground situational awareness to an aircrew via an alphanumeric display of an air traffic control ground clearance, including displaying a symbol for each stage of the clearance. A crewmember may accept or change each stage via a graphical user interface within the alphanumeric display.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160140855A1

Methods and systems are provided for displaying a taxi clearance for an aircraft at an airport. One exemplary method involves receiving user input indicative of a constraining taxi path of a plurality of taxi paths at the airport, determining a first taxi portion between an initial location for the taxi clearance and the constraining taxi path, determining a second taxi portion between the constraining taxi path and a destination location for the taxi clearance, and displaying, on a display device associated with the aircraft, a taxi route comprising the first taxi portion, the second taxi portion, and the constraining taxi path between the first taxi portion and the second taxi portion. 1. A method of displaying a taxi clearance for an aircraft , the method comprising:receiving user input indicative of a constraining taxi path of a plurality of taxi paths at an airport;determining a first taxi portion between an initial location for the taxi clearance and the constraining taxi path;determining a second taxi portion between the constraining taxi path and a destination location for the taxi clearance; anddisplaying, on a display device associated with the aircraft, a taxi route comprising the first taxi portion, the second taxi portion, and the constraining taxi path between the first taxi portion and the second taxi portion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein displaying the taxi route comprises:displaying the constraining taxi path with a first visually distinguishable characteristic; anddisplaying the first taxi portion and the second taxi portion with a second visually distinguishable characteristic different from the first visually distinguishable characteristic.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the first taxi portion comprises interconnected portions of a first subset of one or more taxi paths of the plurality of taxi paths that connect the initial location to the constraining taxi path;the second taxi portion comprises interconnected portions of a second subset ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for analyzing turns at an airport

Номер: US20180137361A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

One example aspect of the present disclosure is directed to a method for analyzing at least one phase of an aircraft turn at an airport. The method includes receiving one or more video streams. The method includes processing the one or more video streams to identify one or more objects. Processing the one or more video streams includes extracting data associated with the one or more objects. The method includes tracking the one or more objects to determine an event based on the one or more objects and the data. The method includes storing the event in a database with an associated parameter. The method includes performing an analysis of the at least one phase of the aircraft turn based, at least in part, on the event and the associated parameter. The method includes providing a signal indicative of an issue with the event based on the analysis.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Airport terminal aircraft gate traffic management system and method

Номер: US20150151834A1
Принадлежит: Borealis Technical Ltd

An airport terminal gate traffic management system is provided that maximizes efficiency and safety of passenger transfer and aircraft servicing and minimizes aircraft time parked at a terminal. Aircraft are driven forward into and out of gates by controllable landing gear wheel non-engine drive means and parked in a parallel or perpendicular orientation relative to the terminal that facilitates passenger transfer through a maximum number of aircraft doors. Passenger transfer and aircraft servicing may begin upon aircraft arrival using all available accessible aircraft doors. Departing aircraft may be turned by an unassisted pilot and driven forward with the controllable non-engine drive means to a takeoff runway. Airport terminal aircraft gate traffic is most effectively and efficiently managed when a significant number of aircraft using an airport are equipped with non-engine drive means controllable to move them into and out of a parking orientation optimal for passenger transfer.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200135027A1

A display control method for displaying demand forecast information includes: calculating a predicted number of pick-ups based on demand forecast information of a forecast target area and vacant taxi information, and displaying the calculated predicted number of pick-ups on a map screen, when a magnification for displaying map information is equal to or smaller than a first magnification; and displaying demand forecast information of the forecast target area on the map screen when the magnification is equal to or larger than a second magnification that is larger than the first magnification. 1. A display control method for displaying demand forecast information , the method comprising:calculating a predicted number of pick-ups based on demand forecast information and vacant taxi information of a forecast target area, and displaying the calculated predicted number of pick-ups on a map screen, when a magnification for displaying map information is equal to or smaller than a first magnification; anddisplaying the demand forecast information of the forecast target area on the map screen, when the magnification is equal to or larger than a second magnification that is larger than the first magnification.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising switching the magnification from the first magnification to the second magnification at a timing when a host vehicle enters a high demand area and/or a range of a predetermined distance from a destination.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising displaying a recommended traveling direction of a host vehicle in accordance with a demand forecast claim 1 , when the magnification is equal to or larger than the second magnification.4. A display control device for displaying demand forecast information comprising:a memory; anda hardware processor, wherein:the hardware processor is configured to calculate a predicted number of pick-ups based on demand forecast information and vacant taxi information of a ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for automatically piloting an aircraft on the ground and device for its implementation

Номер: US20170148333A1
Принадлежит: AIRBUS SAS

A method and a device for automatically piloting an aircraft on the ground comprises, when an activation control present in the cockpit of the aircraft is activated, the steps of and apparatus for determining at least one sequence of taxiing instructions as a function of static and dynamic characteristics of the aircraft and of a taxiing path to be traversed, and transmitting the determined sequence of taxiing instructions to the command system piloting the displacement systems of the aircraft so that the aircraft traverses the taxiing path.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

System and Method to Switch SVS Mode Based on Trigger

Номер: US20210183258A1

A system may include a display and a processor communicatively coupled to the display, The processor may be configured to: output, to the display, a synthetic vision system (SVS) taxi mode exocentric view of an aircraft when the aircraft is performing taxi operations and when the aircraft is on ground; receive a trigger to switch the output of the SVS taxi mode exocentric view to an SVS flight mode egocentric view from the aircraft; and switch the output of the SVS taxi mode exocentric view to output, to the display, the SVS flight mode egocentric view when the aircraft is performing taxi operations and when the aircraft is on ground based at least on the trigger to switch from the SVS taxi mode exocentric view to the SVS flight mode egocentric view. 1. A system , comprising:at least one display; and output, to the at least one display, a synthetic vision system (SVS) taxi mode exocentric view of an aircraft when the aircraft is performing taxi operations and when the aircraft is on ground;', 'receive a trigger to switch the output of the SVS tax mode exocentric view to an SVS flight mode egocentric view from the aircraft; and', 'switch the output of the SVS taxi mode exocentric view to output, to the at least one display, the SVS flight mode egocentric view when the aircraft is performing tax operations and when the aircraft is on ground based at least on the trigger to switch from the SVS taxi mode exocentric view to the SVS flight mode egocentric view,, 'at least one processor communicatively coupled to the display, the at least one processor configured towherein the at least one display is configured to: display the SVS taxi mode exocentric view when the aircraft is performing taxi operations and when the aircraft is on ground; and display the SVS flight mode egocentric view based at least on the trigger to switch from the SVS taxi mode exocentric view to the SVS flight mode egocentric view.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one processor is further ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160163209A1

A method implemented using at least one processor includes acquiring sensor data from a plurality sensors disposed on a vehicle configured to engage an aircraft for ground operation, wherein the aircraft is a member of a fleet of aircrafts. The method further includes receiving a plurality of environmental parameters from a supervisory system, wherein the supervisory system receives data from at least one of a gate, a service vehicle, a taxi vehicle, another aircraft, and a control center. The method also includes determining a plurality of contextual parameters representative of status of the vehicle based on the sensor data and the plurality of environmental parameters. The method further includes generating a plurality of control parameters based on the plurality of contextual parameters and the plurality of environmental parameters and providing at least one of the plurality of the control parameters to the vehicle for managing airport traffic. 1. A system comprising:at least one processor and a memory communicatively coupled to the at least one processor module via a communications link;a data acquisition module communicatively coupled to the communications link and that acquires sensor data from a plurality of sensors disposed on a vehicle configured to engage an aircraft for ground operation, wherein the aircraft is a member of a fleet of aircrafts;a supervisory control module communicatively coupled to the data acquisition module and that receives data from at least one of a gate, a service vehicle, a taxi vehicle, another aircraft, and a control center and determine a plurality of environmental parameters; and determines a plurality of contextual parameters representative of status of the vehicle based on the sensor data and the plurality of environmental parameters;', 'generates a plurality of control parameters based on the plurality of contextual parameters and the plurality of environmental parameters; and', 'provides at least one control parameter to ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Sensor assembly for use in association with aircraft collision avoidance system and method of using the same

Номер: US20220301447A1
Автор: Gregory M. Griffith
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensor assembly for use in association with non-integrated, ground-based collision avoidance systems for aircraft, including (a) a sensor; and (b) a frame sub-assembly, wherein the sensor is releasably securable to the frame sub-assembly.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for estimating a lateral speed and a lateral position of an aircraft, during a phase where the aircraft is traveling on the ground

Номер: US20170162068A1

Method and device for estimating lateral speed and lateral position of an aircraft during a phase where the aircraft is traveling on the ground. The device includes a unit for determining an initial lateral position value, corresponding to lateral position with respect to axis of a runway when touching down on landing, a unit for repetitively determining, at least from runway touch down, current ground speed and a current lateral angular deviation, representing angular deviation between the current route and the heading of the runway, a unit for repetitively computing current lateral speed, from the current ground speed and current lateral angular deviation, a unit for computing a current lateral position, from current lateral speed and initial lateral position, and a link for transmitting the current lateral speed and/or the current lateral position to at least one user system.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200152071A1

Route planning and movement of an aircraft on the ground based on a navigation model trained to improve aircraft operational efficiency is provided herein. A system comprises a memory that stores executable components and a processor, operatively coupled to the memory, that executes the executable components that comprise an assessment component, a sensor component, and a route planning component. The assessment component accesses runway data, taxiway data, and gate configuration data associated with an airport. The sensor component collects, from a plurality of sensors, sensor data related to performance data of an aircraft and respective conditions of the runway, the taxiway, and the gate configuration data. The route planning component employs a navigation model that is trained to analyze the sensor data, the runway data, the taxiway data, and the gate configuration data, and generate a taxiing protocol to navigate the aircraft to improve aircraft operational efficiency. 1. A system , comprising:a processor; and training a model based on sensor data obtained from a group of sensors via a cloud-based network, wherein the sensor data relates to data of a first aircraft and conditions of an airport and is provided by at least a second aircraft via the cloud-based network; and', 'determining a navigation protocol for the first aircraft based on the model, wherein the first aircraft is navigated within the airport based on the navigation protocol., 'a memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, facilitate performance of operations, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the determining the navigation protocol comprises:determining a time of arrival at a destination for the first aircraft;evaluating current conditions of the first aircraft and the airport; andupdating the navigation protocol based on the time of arrival and the current conditions.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor data is first sensor data claim 1 , ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140249736A1

Embodiments of the subject application provide methods and systems for an autonomous aircraft guiding mobile unit (GMU). The GMU includes one or more light modules, one or more processing units, and one or more data storage mediums. The one or more data storage mediums include instructions which, when executed by the one or more processing units, cause the one or more processing units to receive control messages from a traffic control ground station (TCGS), the control messages assigning the GMU to an aircraft and controlling movement of the GMU and its assigned aircraft, and to provide light commands to a pilot of the assigned aircraft with the one or more light modules, the light commands directing movement of the assigned aircraft during taxiing. 1. An autonomous aircraft guiding mobile unit (GMU) comprising:one or more light modules;one or more processing units; and receive control messages from a traffic control ground station (TCGS), the control messages assigning the GMU to an aircraft and controlling movement of the GMU and its assigned aircraft; and', 'provide light commands to a pilot of the assigned aircraft with the one or more light modules, the light commands directing movement of the assigned aircraft during taxiing., 'one or more data storage mediums, the one or more data storage mediums including instructions which, when executed by the one or more processing units, cause the one or more processing units to2. The GMU of claim 1 , wherein the light commands provided to the pilot include commands of: follow-me claim 1 , stop claim 1 , turn right claim 1 , and turn left.3. The GMU of claim 1 , comprising:an engine for moving the GMU about an airport; anda heading control system to control a direction of motion for the GMU;wherein the instructions cause the one or more processing units to control the engine and the heading control system based on the control messages from the TCGS to guide the assigned aircraft.4. The GMU of claim 3 , wherein the engine ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140249739A1
Принадлежит: THALES

The general field of the invention is that of systems for aiding the guidance of a first aircraft travelling around an airport zone. The system according to the invention comprises: 1. System for aiding the guidance of a first aircraft travelling around an airport zone , the said system comprising:a first database comprising bulkiness and performance characteristics of the said first aircraft;a second database comprising geometric and technical characteristics of the airport zone;a third database comprising information about the air traffic in the immediate environment of the said first aircraft;wherein the system comprises:first calculation means making it possible to determine a safety zone around the said first aircraft taking into account at least the position of the said aircraft, its size and the uncertainty in the measurement of its position;second calculation means making it possible to determine a taxiing indication on the basis of the information arising from the first database, the second database, the third database and the characteristics of the safety zone;viewing means displaying at least one view of the airport zone in which the first aircraft is situated and a representation of the said taxiing indication, the view of the airport zone being a compliant or perspective representation, when the taxiing indication is a stop directive for the first aircraft, the representation of the taxiing indication is a stop barrier comprising a symbolic representation of a second aircraft justifying this stop.2. System for aiding the guidance of a first aircraft travelling around an airport zone according to claim 1 , wherein the orientation of the symbolic representation of the second aircraft is representative of its direction of travel with respect to the first aircraft.3. System for aiding the guidance of a first aircraft travelling around an airport zone according to claim 1 , wherein the orientation of the symbolic representation of the second aircraft is ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160171898A1
Автор: Silver Mark

An aircraft ground collision detection system comprising: an object detection device for mounting on an aircraft and arranged to detect objects and output the location of each detected object; and a processor arranged to: receive the ground speed of the aircraft and the heading of the aircraft and the detected location of each detected object; predict the aircraft's path based on the ground speed and the heading; compare the predicted aircraft path with the object locations; and output an alert based on the overlap and/or proximity of the predicted aircraft path with the object locations. By predicting the path of the aircraft based on detected ground speed and heading, the system can accurately assess which detected objects pose a collision threat. An object which is in relatively close proximity to the aircraft, but which does not lie on the path will be detected, but the system is capable of assessing that the object does not pose a collision risk. Accordingly, the system can avoid generating an unnecessary alert, thus reducing the false positive count of the system and providing the pilot with more reliable and informative collision information. Fewer nuisance alerts leads to a lower likelihood of pilots ignoring or taking less notice of the alerts and thus decreases the chances of collision. Further, as the aircraft path prediction is only reliant on heading and groundspeed information which is readily available, the system can readily be retrofitted onto existing aircraft in a non-invasive manner. 1. An aircraft ground collision detection system comprising:an object detection device for mounting on an aircraft and arranged to detect objects and output a location of each detected object; anda processor arranged to:receive a ground speed of the aircraft and a heading of the aircraft and the detected location of each detected object;predict the aircraft's path based on the ground speed and the heading;compare the predicted aircraft path with the object locations; ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160171899A1

A taxiing path optimization system is provided for computing a taxi path of an aircraft using available taxi routes of a corresponding airport. An interaction means management unit manages interactions between a user and the taxiing path optimization system using an interactive device for inputting a taxi clearance. An aircraft positioning management unit manages positional information of the corresponding airport and aircraft received from a plurality of sources for augmenting an aircraft position by consolidating the aircraft position with the positional information in a complementary fashion. A taxi path display unit displays the taxi path based on the inputted taxi clearance and the augmented aircraft position, wherein the taxi path is automatically computed based on aircraft characteristics or airport capabilities. 1. A taxiing path optimization system for computing a taxi path of an aircraft using available taxi routes of a corresponding airport , the taxiing path optimization system comprising:an interaction means management unit configured for managing interactions between a user and the taxiing path optimization system using an interactive device configured for inputting a taxi clearance;an aircraft positioning management unit configured for managing positional information of the corresponding airport and aircraft received from a plurality of sources for augmenting an aircraft position by consolidating the aircraft position with the positional information in a complementary fashion; anda taxi path display unit configured for displaying the taxi path based on the inputted taxi clearance and the augmented aircraft position, wherein the taxi path is automatically computed based on aircraft characteristics or airport capabilities.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the aircraft positioning management unit interfaces with a wireless communication facility claim 1 , and performs a geo-localization for determining the aircraft position.3. The system of claim 1 , ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180165975A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A runway exiting system is configured to determine a suitable exit off of a runway for an aircraft. The runway exiting system includes a housing, and one or more processors within the housing that are configured to determine a current position of the aircraft on the runway, determine a current rate of deceleration of the aircraft on the runway, and determine the suitable exit off of the runway for the aircraft based, at least in part, on the current position of the aircraft on the runway and the current rate of deceleration of the aircraft on the runway. 1. A runway exiting system that is configured to determine a suitable exit off of a runway for an aircraft , the runway exiting system comprising:a housing; andone or more processors within the housing that are configured to determine a current position of the aircraft on the runway, determine a current rate of deceleration of the aircraft on the runway based, at least in part, on changed positions of the aircraft on the runway over time, and determine the suitable exit off of the runway for the aircraft based, at least in part, on the current position of the aircraft on the runway and the current rate of deceleration of the aircraft on the runway.2. The runway exiting system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors comprises a position determination unit that is configured to determine the current position of the aircraft and output one or more position signals indicative of the current position of the aircraft.3. The runway exiting system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more processors comprises a deceleration determination unit that is configured to determine the current deceleration rate of the aircraft by analyzing the one or more position signals over a predetermined period of time.4. The runway exiting system of claim 1 , further comprising a runway map database that stores a digital map of the runway.5. The runway exiting system of claim 4 , wherein the runway map database is contained within the ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220309935A1

A system may include a display and a processor communicatively coupled to the display. The processor may be configured to: output, to the display, a view of an airport moving map (AMM); receive aircraft state data and airport surface data; at least based on the current position of the aircraft and at least one factor, obtain commonly used taxi route data from a data structure, the data structure including taxi route data, the taxi route data including information of commonly used taxi routes for the airport, wherein the commonly used taxi route data includes information of a commonly used taxi route for the aircraft on the airport surface; based at least on the commonly used taxi route data, the aircraft state data, and the airport surface data, generate taxi routing guidance content; and output, to the display, the taxi routing guidance content. 1. A system , comprising:at least one display; and output, to the at least one display, a view of an airport moving map (AMM), the AMM depicting a location of an aircraft on an airport surface;', 'receive aircraft state data and airport surface data, wherein the airport surface data includes information of the airport surface, wherein the aircraft state data includes a current position of the aircraft;', 'at least based on the current position of the aircraft and at least one factor, obtain commonly used taxi route data from a data structure, the at least one factor including at least one of an airline associated with the aircraft, a size of the aircraft, a weight of the aircraft, a category of the aircraft, a time of day that the aircraft is operating, or airport traffic, the data structure including taxi route data, the taxi route data including information of commonly used taxi routes for the airport, wherein the data structure has fields containing data associated with the commonly used taxi routes, wherein the fields for the commonly used taxi routes include information of at least one of possible airlines, sizes of ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200160736A1
Автор: MOLL Fabien

A method and a system for determining a pavement state are proposed. The method determines the pavement state from climatic data, i.e. data on the climate outside an aircraft operating on a pavement for aircraft, and pavement data, i.e. data relating to the pavement. The climatic data and the pavement data are acquired by sensors located on-board the aircraft. Because the pavement data, i.e. measurements of parameters of the pavement itself, are acquired by the aircraft itself, the system makes it possible to tell the difference between a plurality of pavement states in a plurality of pavement locations including zones upstream of the aircraft, whereas known solutions are limited to aircraft taxiing zones, generally braking zones. 1. A method comprising:determining a pavement state from climatic data, and pavement data,acquiring the climatic data and the pavement data by sensors located on-board an aircraft.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the climatic data comprises data on a climate outside of the aircraft operating on a pavement for aircraft.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pavement data comprises data relating to a pavement on which the aircraft is operating.4. The method according to claim 1 , including the step ofdetermining the pavement state from dynamic aircraft operating data acquired by the sensors located on-board the aircraft.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the pavement state is determined for a pavement segment upstream of the aircraft.6. The method according to claim 1 , including the steps ofobtaining at least one probability of presence of a type of contaminant for a location on a pavement, from the acquired pavement data, andadjusting the probability of presence of the type of contaminant depending on probabilities of presence associated with respective types of pavement contaminants, the at least one probability being obtained, for the location on the pavement, from the acquired ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Method and Device for Calculating a Conjugated Airport Navigation Graph, Related Method and System for Generating a Taxi Routing of an Aircraft, Related Computer Program Product

Номер: US20160180720A1
Автор: AULETTO Rémy, Dreo Johann

This method for computing a conjugated airport navigation graph, from an initial airport navigation graph, is implemented by a computer. 1. A method for computing a conjugated airport navigation graph , from an initial airport navigation graph corresponding to an airport navigation network ,the airport navigation network being associated with an airport domain, acquiring the initial airport navigation graph, said initial graph including a plurality of navigation arcs, each navigation arc including two end nodes, having at least one authorized navigation direction and being identified by its two end nodes,', 'determining a conjugated node for each navigation arc and for each authorized navigation direction of said arc, each conjugated node corresponding to a single authorized navigation direction and representing said arc of the initial graph associated with said authorized navigation direction; and', 'computing the conjugated graph by connecting the conjugated nodes as a function of the connections between the arcs of the initial graph and the authorized navigation directions, two conjugated nodes connected to one another corresponding to two successive arcs of the initial graph and to a same authorized navigation direction., 'the method being implemented by a computer and comprising2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the classification of the determined conjugated nodes into first and second distinct subsets claim 1 , the first subset including the conjugated node(s) corresponding to navigable arcs for any clearance and the second subset including the conjugated node(s) corresponding to navigable arcs only for one or more clearances claim 1 , each clearance including a sequence of elements of the airport domain that a respective aircraft must successively follow during taxiing.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the second subset includes one or more conjugated nodes corresponding to arcs associated with runway ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190172361A1

Route planning and movement of an aircraft on the ground based on a navigation model trained to improve aircraft operational efficiency is provided herein. A system comprises a memory that stores executable components and a processor, operatively coupled to the memory, that executes the executable components that comprise an assessment component, a sensor component, and a route planning component. The assessment component accesses runway data, taxiway data, and gate configuration data associated with an airport. The sensor component collects, from a plurality of sensors, sensor data related to performance data of an aircraft and respective conditions of the runway, the taxiway, and the gate configuration data. The route planning component employs a navigation model that is trained to analyze the sensor data, the runway data, the taxiway data, and the gate configuration data, and generate a taxiing protocol to navigate the aircraft to improve aircraft operational efficiency. 1. A system , comprising:a memory that stores executable components; and an assessment component that accesses runway data, taxiway data, and gate configuration data associated with an airport and aircraft technical data and specifications;', 'a sensor component that collects sensor data from a plurality of sensors, wherein the sensor data relates to performance data of an aircraft and respective conditions of the runway data, the taxiway data, and the gate configuration data; and', 'a route planning component that employs a navigation model that is trained to analyze the sensor data, the runway data, the taxiway data, and the gate configuration data, and generates a taxiing protocol to navigate the aircraft within the airport to improve aircraft operational efficiency associated with conservation of fuel, decreased brake wear, or combinations thereof., 'a processor, operatively coupled to the memory, that executes the executable components, the executable components comprising2. The system of ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180181125A1
Автор: Ceccom Christophe

On-ground vehicle collision avoidance utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles are provided. In one embodiment, a vehicle collision avoidance method using a UAV comprises: receiving dispatch instructions at a hazard sensing UAV, the dispatch instructions comprising at least an assigned vehicle identification for an assigned vehicle to be escorted by the hazard sensing UAV; determining an escort rendezvous point and an escort destination point associated with the assigned vehicle and positioning the UAV at the escort rendezvous point; escorting the assigned vehicle with the UAV from the escort rendezvous point to the escort destination point; while escorting the assigned vehicle, scanning a planned path of travel for the assigned vehicle for hazards with at least one object detection sensor onboard the UAV and generating hazard data from information of newly detected hazards captured by the object detection sensor; and transmitting hazard data from the UAV to a hazard data aggregation system. 1. A vehicle collision avoidance method using a unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) , the method comprising:receiving dispatch instructions at a hazard sensing UAV, the dispatch instructions comprising at least an assigned vehicle identification for an assigned vehicle to be escorted by the hazard sensing UAV;determining an escort rendezvous point and an escort destination point associated with the assigned vehicle and positioning the hazard sensing UAV at the escort rendezvous point;escorting the assigned vehicle with the hazard sensing UAV from the escort rendezvous point to the escort destination point;while escorting the assigned vehicle, scanning a planned path of travel for the assigned vehicle for hazards with at least one object detection sensor onboard the hazard sensing UAV and generating hazard data from information of newly detected hazards captured by the object detection sensor; andtransmitting hazard data from the hazard sensing UAV to a hazard data aggregation system.2. The ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180182250A1

A description is given of a method, implemented by a computer, for managing a notice to airmen, comprises the steps of: receiving at least one notice to airmen; receiving one or more elements of a navigation database associated with a flight plan of an aircraft; comparing the content of the received notice to airmen with the elements of the navigation database associated with a flight plan of an aircraft. Various developments describe in particular the detection of unavailable elements on the basis of analysis of the content of the messages, processing operations performed on the portion of the messages expressed in natural language, diverse methods of notifying the pilot, the intervention of third-party operators in the management of the messages, the enrichment of data and various implementation variants with regard to the system (flight management system FMS and/or electronic flight bag EFB). 1. A method , implemented by a computer , for managing a notice to airmen , comprising steps of:receiving at least one notice to airmen;receiving one or more elements of a navigation database associated with a flight plan of an aircraft;comparing the content of the received notice to airmen with the elements of the navigation database associated with a flight plan of an aircraft.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising a step of determining claim 1 , on the basis of the content of the received message claim 1 , that an element of the navigation database associated with the flight plan of the aircraft is unavailable.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising a step of comparing the content of the message with a database associated with a flight plan of the aircraft claim 1 , comprising a step of determining the presence of one or more keywords from among a plurality of predefined keywords.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising a step of associating the content of a message with one flight plan from among a plurality.5. The method according to claim 1 , ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170185083A1
Автор: FARJON Julien

The invention relates to a method for guiding an aircraft along a reference path, said method comprising: a) when the altitude of the aircraft is greater than a threshold, estimating (E) a relative location of the aircraft in relation to a taxiing starting point using a map of the platform and reference points on the ground, b) when the altitude of the aircraft is less than said threshold and before the aircraft is located at the taxiing starting point, estimating (E) a relative location of the aircraft in relation to the taxiing starting point using data relating to the absolute location of the aircraft and the last relative location estimated at step a), c) when the aircraft is located at the taxiing starting point, guiding (E) the aircraft on the basis of a location of the aircraft relative to the reference path as estimated using data relating to a set of indicators on the ground. 1. A method for guiding along a reference trajectory an aircraft havingon board at least one detector of a plurality of indicators on the ground, said guiding method comprising the following steps applied by a data processing module which may be connected to said at least one detector:a) when the altitude of the aircraft in flight is greater than a threshold, estimation of a relative localization of the aircraft with respect to a taxiing initial point from a mapping of the platform and of markers on the ground,b) when the altitude of the aircraft is less than said threshold and before the aircraft is localized at the taxiing initial point, estimation of a relative localization of the aircraft with respect to the taxiing initial point from absolute localization data of the aircraft and from the last relative localization of the aircraft with respect to the taxiing initial point estimated in step a),c) when the aircraft is localized at the taxiing initial point, guidance of the aircraft according to a localization of the aircraft relative to the reference trajectory estimated from data ...
