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20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544878C2

Изобретение относится к ультразвуковым преобразователям, используемым в медицинской технике. Сущность: преобразователь фокусированного ультразвука высокой интенсивности (HIFU) содержит пьезоэлектрическую решетку со слоем пьезоэлектрического материала, имеющий обращенную к пациенту переднюю поверхность и заднюю поверхность. Передняя поверхность содержит излучающую поверхность и множество электродов, расположенных на передней и задней поверхностях пьезоэлектрического материала для подачи электрических сигналов на пьезоэлектрическую решетку. Электрические соединения между электродом на задней поверхности с электродом на передней поверхности пьезоэлектрической решетки выполняется посредством немагнитных проводящих соединений, проходящих через слой пьезоэлектрического материала. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2554606C2
Принадлежит: РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE)

Описан ультразвуковой преобразователь (110) для применения в текучей среде (116). Ультразвуковой преобразователь (110) включает в себя по меньшей мере один сердечник (118) с по меньшей мере одним акустоэлектрическим преобразующим элементом (112), в частности пьезоэлектрическим преобразующим элементом (112). Также ультразвуковой преобразователь (110) имеет по меньшей мере один корпус (120) с по меньшей мере одним отверстием (122), по меньшей мере частично изолированным от текучей среды (116) посредством связанной с сердечником (118) изоляционной пленки (130). Изоляционная пленка (130) имеет по меньшей мере один компенсационный деформированный участок (134) для компенсации ее растяжения и обеспечения возможности взаимного перемещения сердечника (118) и корпуса (120) ультразвукового преобразователя. 12 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

19-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746719C2
Принадлежит: ЗЕ БОИНГ КОМПАНИ (US)

Использование: для акустико-эмиссионного контроля объекта. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что держатель для прикрепления акустико-эмиссионного датчика к немагнитному неметаллическому материалу имеет трубчатый корпус с закрытым верхним концом и открытым донным концом, через который обеспечена возможность вставки датчика в трубчатый корпус. Закрытый верхний конец имеет множество цельных гибких язычков, проходящих внутрь под углом от внутренней поверхности закрытого верхнего конца. Внутренняя поверхность трубчатого корпуса имеет множество проставок, проходящих в радиальном направлении внутрь возле донного конца трубчатого корпуса. Цельные гибкие язычки и проставки фиксируют датчик внутри трубчатого корпуса. Трубчатый корпус также может иметь множество захватных выступов, проходящих наружу от его внешней поверхности возле открытого донного конца, которые выполнены с возможностью разъемного зацепления скольжением со шпоночной канавкой зацепления в удерживающей опоре, присоединенной ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142061A

... 1. Узел ультразвукового зонда с преобразователем, содержащий:корпус зонда;решетку элементов преобразователя, расположенную сзади акустического окна в корпусе зонда и выполненную с возможностью передачи и приема ультразвуковой энергии через акустическое окно;интегральную схему, соединенную с элементами преобразователя в корпусе зонда и выполненную с возможностью обработки сигналов, передаваемых или принимаемых решеткой;теплопроводный опорный блок, термически и акустически соединенный с решеткой элементов преобразователя и интегральной схемой, который ослабляет или рассеивает ультразвуковую энергию, принимаемую от элементов преобразователя, при этом теплопроводный опорный блок содержит пористую структуру;соединитель зонда, выполненный с возможностью соединения зонда преобразователя с ультразвуковой системой;кабель, соединенный между корпусом зонда и соединителем зонда и содержащий множество электрических проводников, соединенных между корпусом зонда и соединителем зонда; иоснованную на текучей ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142053A

... 1. Ультразвуковой датчик с преобразователем в сборе, включающий:корпус датчика;массив элементов преобразователя, расположенный позади акустического окна в корпусе датчика и, выполненную с возможностью передачи и приема ультразвуковой энергии через акустическое окно;интегральную схему, соединенную с элементами преобразователя в корпусе датчика и выполненную с возможностью обработки сигналов, передаваемых или получаемых массивом;разъем датчика, выполненный с возможностью подключения ультразвукового датчика к ультразвуковой системе;кабель, подключаемый между корпусом датчика и разъемом датчика; исистему охлаждения на основе замкнутого жидкостного контура, включающую:замкнутый жидкостный контур, проходящий через кабель от корпуса датчика к разъему датчика;насос, соединенный с жидкостным контуром, который прокачивает жидкость через контур; итеплообменник, расположенный в корпусе датчика, который забирает тепло от матричного преобразователя и интегральной схемы,причем замкнутый жидкостный контур ...

21-07-1965 дата публикации

Акустический датчик

Номер: SU173490A1

31-01-1931 дата публикации

Unterseeischer Signalempfaenger

Номер: DE0000516644C
Принадлежит: WALKER SIGNAL

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017216868A1

Vorgeschlagen wird ein Schallwandler (1), insbesondere für einen Ultraschallsensor, welcher ein Gehäuse (5), mindestens ein Entkopplungselement (9a) und eine funktionale Gruppe (2) aufweist. Die funktionale Gruppe (2) weist hierbei einen Membrantopf (7) und mindestens ein elektroakustisches Wandlerelement (3) auf. Der Membrantopf (7) umfasst eine schwingungsfähige Membran (8) und eine umlaufende Wandung (6) sowie mindestens ein elektroakustisches Wandlerelement (3), wobei das Wandlerelement (3) ausgebildet ist, die Membran (8) zu Schwingungen anzuregen und/oder Schwingungen der Membran (8) in elektrische Signale zu wandeln. Der Membrantopf (7) und mindestens ein Teil des Gehäuses (5) sind aus einem Kunststoffmaterial ausgebildet. Das Entkopplungselement (9a) ist dazu ausgebildet, den Membrantopf (7) und/oder das mindestens eine Teil des Gehäuses (5) schwingungsmechanisch von einer äußeren Umgebung des Schallwandlers (1) zu entkoppeln. Erfindungsgemäß ist das Entkopplungselement (9a) in ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Ultraschallwandler und Ultraschall-Durchflussmessgerät

Номер: DE102013104544B4

Ultraschallwandler, umfassend ein Koppelelement (23), das eine erste Ausnehmung (25) aufweist, wobei die erste Ausnehmung (25) zur Anordnung eines Piezoelementes (12, 22) vorgesehen ist, welches ein Ultraschallsignal in das Koppelelement (23) einleitet, wobei zwischen dem Piezoelement (22) und dem Koppelelement (23) eine Zwischenlage angeordnet ist, welche eine Metallscheibe (14, 24) umfasst; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Metallscheibe (14, 24) Halteelemente (17, 17a) aufweist, wobei jedes der Halteelemente aus zwei Segmenten besteht a) mit jeweils einem ersten Segment (18), welches auf der gleichen Ebene wie die Metallscheibe (14, 24) liegt und radial aus dem Umfang der Metallscheibe (14, 24) hervorsteht und b) mit jeweils einem zweiten Segment (19, 21), welches sich an das erste Segment (18) anschließt und welches aus der Ebene der Metallplatte (14, 24) hervorsteht und umittelbar mit dem ersten Segment (18) verbunden ist.

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Halterung von Schallwandlern sowie Ultraschalldurchflussmessgerät

Номер: DE102015210732A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Halterung von Schallwandlern (7, 9) sowie ein Ultraschalldurchflussmessgerät mit zumindest zwei derartigen Vorrichtungen (5, 6). Zur Störungskompensation ist in der Vorrichtung (5) ein zweiter Schallwandler (9) vorgesehen, mit welchem Störschall getrennt von einem durch den ersten Wandler (7) empfangenen Nutzschall detektierbar ist. Ein durch den ersten Wandler (7) erzeugtes Messsignal kann daher durch einfache Subtraktion des durch den zweiten Wandler (9) erhaltenen Signals von Störanteilen befreit werden. Dadurch wird eine Verbesserung der Messgenauigkeit und Robustheit von Ultraschalldurchflussmessgeräten erzielt.

01-09-2005 дата публикации

Koppleranordnung für ein Ultraschallgerät und Ultraschallverfahren

Номер: DE0010347079B4

Koppleranordnung (1) zur Ein- und/oder Auskopplung von Ultraschallwellen, insbesondere in einem Ultraschallgerät, mit mindestens einem langgestreckten Wellenleiter (2) zur Führung der Ultraschallwellen und mindestens einem seitlich an den Wellenleiter (2) angekoppelten elektro-akustischen Wandler (4), der eine Piezokeramik aufweist, zur Erzeugung und/oder Detektion der Ultraschallwellen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Piezokeramik zur Erzeugung von Ultraschallwellen mit einer ersten Schwingungsmode mit einer ersten Frequenz zu Quer-Dehnungsschwingungen anregbar ist und zur Erzeugung von Ultraschallwellen mit der ersten oder einer zweiten Schwingungsmode mit einer zweiten Frequenz zu Dicken-Dehnungsschwingungen anregbar ist.

29-03-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Ultraschallsensors sowie Ultraschallsensor

Номер: DE102005045306A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Ultraschallsensors (2), mit einer Membrane (10) und mit einem an der Membrane (10) anzuordnenden Entkopplungselement (12), wobei im montierten Zustand von Membrane (10) und Entkopplungsmedium (12) deren Oberflächen (20, 22, 24, 26) zumindest abschnittsweise mit einer metallischen Beschichtung (36) versehen werden.

16-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010018807B4
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

Ultraschall-Abstandsmeßeinrichtung (10) für elektronische Einparkhilfen, umfassend Mittel (11) zum Senden/Empfangen von Ultraschallimpulsen, mit mit diesen Mitteln (11) zusammenwirkenden Ultraschallwandlern (12), mit wenigstens einem mit den Ultraschallwandlern (12) in Wirkverbindung stehenden elektronischen Steuergerät (13) und mit Mitteln (14) zur Übertragung der Ultraschallsignale von oder zum Steuergerät (13), wobei das wenigstens eine Steuergerät (13) in der Nähe der Anbringungsstellen (15) der Mittel (11) zum Senden/Empfangen der Ultraschallimpulse angeordnet ist, und wobei die Mittel (11) zum Senden/Empfangen von Ultraschallimpulsen und die Mittel (14) zur Übertragung der Ultraschallsignale vom und zum Steuergerät (13) als jeweils eine Ein-/Auskopplungsseite (18) aufweisende Schalleiter (17) ausgebildet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Ultraschallwandler (12) ebenfalls in der Nähe dieser Anbringungsstellen (15) zusammen mit dem Steuergerät (13) in einem gemeinsamen Gehäuse ...

03-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007046031A1

Ein Ultraschallsensor zum Erfassen einer Ultraschallwelle, welche von einem Ultraschallgenerator ausgegeben wird und von einem zu erfassenden Objekt reflektiert ist, weist eine akustische Abstimmschicht, die eine erste Oberfläche und eine zweite Oberfläche aufweist, wobei die erste Oberfläche die Ultraschallwelle empfängt und die zweite Oberfläche der ersten Oberfläche gegenüberliegt, und ein Ultraschall-Erfassungselement auf, das ein Schwingungselement beinhaltet. Das Schwingungselement ist mit der zweiten Oberfläche der akustischen Abstimmschicht gekoppelt. Die akustische Abstimmschicht ist in Übereinstimmung mit einer Stehwelle wiederholt deformierbar, welche von der empfangenen Ultraschallwelle in der akustischen Abstimmschicht erzeugt wird. Das Schwingungselement wird mit der wiederholten Deformation der akustischen Abstimmschicht in Resonanz versetzt.

20-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009207552D0

20-06-2012 дата публикации

Piezoelectric sound transducer

Номер: GB0002486561A

The sound transducer comprises at least one piezoelectric element 10 connected to a carrying element 12. The carrying element 12 has a sound-active surface 13 that may be raised and differently-shaped (fig 2). The carrying element 12 has at least one fixing element 20 so that the carrying element 12 can be arranged at a distance above or spaced from a fixing plane 30. The piezoelectric element 10 may be attached to various parts of the carrying element 12 (figs 3, 4 & 5) and the transducer may be used as part of an array of similar transducers (fig 6). A transducer of this form is said to be more suitable for use in an external environment, e.g. on a vehicle.

14-10-2015 дата публикации

Device for inspecting a structure

Номер: GB0002524991A

A device 1 for being secured to a structure 4 comprises a first portion comprising a (piezoelectric) element 2 configured to impart mechanical waves to the structure 4 upon application of a voltage and a second portion 20 supporting the element 2 and comprising a body 21. The body 21 may be elastomeric, flexible, or both. The first and second portions are configured such that the element 2 reacts against the second portion 20 to generate mechanical waves at least partially within the structure. The body 21 attenuates mechanical waves propagating from the element 2 and away from the structure. A securing device comprising two different materials for securing a mechanical wave generator to a structure and means to wrap the device around the structure are also presented.

21-12-2005 дата публикации

Mounts for vehicle parking sensors

Номер: GB0000523127D0

25-06-1980 дата публикации

Ultrasonic wave energy electronic B-scan imaging apparatus

Номер: GB0002036316A

A transducer (102) comprising a longitudinal bar of piezoelectric material (200) having one longitudinal face substantially covered with a first electrode (202) and the opposite longitudinal face in contact with a predetermined plural number of separate electrodes (204-1, 204- 2,... 204-n) spaced along the length thereof, permits all detected echoes to be processed by a single low input impedance amplifier (206) permanently coupled to the first electrode. ...

12-02-1920 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to subaqueous sound diaphragm mechanism

Номер: GB0000138550A

... 138,550. Jackson, W. J. Mellersh-, (Submarine Signal Co.). July 12, 1919. Microphones.-The diaphragm D nf a hydrophone can be variably tensioned by adjusting a threaded tuning-ring E, which clamps it against a bridge B<1>.

03-10-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the mounting of sound producing oscillators or sound receiving apparatus on ships

Номер: GB0000314998A

... 314,998. Submarine Signal Co., (Assignees of Williams, R. L.). July 7, 1928, [Convention date]. Subaqueous audible signals.-Sound producers and receivers of the single-phase oscillator type are mounted upon vessels forward or immediately to the rear of the stem in a zone free from air bubbles formed by the movement of the vessel through the water. Two subaqueous sound producers 3, 4 may be located just behind the stem 2 in an aperture so that 'both faces 7, 8 of the sound oscillators are exposed. Fig. 3 shows a sound oscillator 3 mounted on the lower part of the stem by means of a bracket 14. In another modification, the oscillator is mounted between contour plates on the vessel, its diaphragm surface being flush with the plates. A number of oscillators may be mounted on the vessel one above the other.

19-05-1921 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for submarine signalling

Номер: GB0000151585A

... 151,585. Fessenden, R. A. July 21, 1919, [Convention date]. Receiving and detecting audible signals; subaqueous audible signals. - In apparatus for submarine signalling, the receivers, which may be of microphonic type, are placed in the acoustic shadow of a screen to protect them from disturbance produced by a signal transmitter on the same vessel, thus allowing the transmitting and receiving devices to be used simultaneously. The transmitter 13, preferably an oscillator inclined as shown, is mounted in oil or water in the forepeak 12 and is separated from the receivers 18, 19, which are mounted in separate tanks 16, 17 by a bulkhead 14, and preferably a second bulkhead 15, with a space 20 between. The contour of the acoustic shadow thrown by the transmitter 13 and bulkhead 14 is shown by dotted lines 22. The oscillator 13 is also preferably screened by horizontal bulkheads 24, 25, the former below the water-line 26. This allows the oscillator to remain immersed in a limited quantity of ...

13-11-1996 дата публикации

Sensor mounting

Номер: GB0009620178D0

15-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA977775A

15-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA279775A

15-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA213176A

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527651T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508017T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000302566T

25-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345573B

15-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000196120T

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000236573T

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for mounting a sound masking device in a hotel room

Номер: AU2017287019A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

An apparatus and method for mounting a sound masking component or device to an existing electronic component, appliance, or a furnishing installed or located in a hotel room or other interior space. According to an embodiment, the existing electronic component or appliance comprises a television set. The television set includes a pre-existing mounting mechanism for attaching a television wall-mounting bracket. The sound masking component further includes a mounting bracket wherein the mounting bracket is configured to be secured to the pre-existing mounting mechanism on the television set. According to another embodiment, the sound masking component is mounted internally inside the television set and configured to receive power from the television power supply and emit a sound masking signal utilizing a television speaker or a separate sound masking speaker.

06-02-2003 дата публикации

Ultrasonic transducer device

Номер: AU2003900260A0

29-11-2012 дата публикации

A Test System for Evaluating Feedback Performance of a Listening Device

Номер: AU2012202694A1

A TEST SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING FEEDBACK PERFORMANCE OF A LISTENING DEVICE The application relates to a test system for evaluating acoustic feedback characteristics of a listening device by changing the transfer function of the signal path from an acoustic output to an acoustic input of the listening device. The application further relates to a method of characterizing acoustic feedback at different frequencies in a listening device and to the use of a test system. The object of the present application is to provide a tool for verifying acoustic feedback in a listening device at different frequencies. The problem is solved in that a) a variable filter comprising an acoustic input and an acoustic output, the variable filter comprising a control unit for changing a transfer function of the filter; b) first and/or second acoustic propagation elements for propagating acoustic sound, the first acoustic propagation element acoustically connecting the acoustic output of the listening device with ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Devices and methods for three-dimensional internal ultrasound usage

Номер: AU2013329043B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

There are disclosed embodiments of devices and methods for ultrasound imaging, for example of the inside of a body part such as a blood vessel. In particular embodiments, a catheter has a tip chamber, within which is an ultrasound transducer mounted on a pivot mechanism, a motor for turning the transducer, and an implement for pivoting the transducer. Examples of such an implement are a second motor operating a shaft or a filament, and the pivot mechanism may be biased to return to a base position when the implement is not pivoting the transducer. In other embodiments, a mirror reflecting ultrasound signals from the transducer may be rotated and/or pivoted, using similar mechanisms.

04-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000633632B2

01-07-2002 дата публикации

Multi-functional vibro-acoustic device

Номер: AU0002225802A

24-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002769690A1

An apparatus includes a streamer having one or more sensor holders for retaining seismic sensors therein. The sensor holders have a reduced cross-sectional area to increase gel continuity and coupling through the streamer.

26-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002587905A1

14-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001187161A1

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064856A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

There is provided a holding arrangement (100, 200) for holding an acoustic transmitter (101) in place in relation to a container. The arrangement comprises: a body (102) comprising a cavity (104) for holding an acoustic transmitter, the cavity comprising an opening (106) arranged to face said container when said arrangement is attached to a container, wherein the body comprises acoustic damping material, and wherein the cavity is configured to permit movement of an acoustic transmitter in a direction perpendicular to a container surface and to restrict movement of the acoustic transmitter in directions not perpendicular to the container surface when an acoustic transmitter is arranged in said cavity and when said arrangement is attached to a container. There is also provided a measurement arrangement comprising such a holding arrangement.

24-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002598028A1

A duct (10) for use in an ultrasonic treatment plant is made from a cylindrical steel pipe (12) by plating the bore with a corrosion-resistant metal layer (14). This is preferably done by honing the bore to ensure that it is circular, plating the bore of the pipe (12) with the corrosion-resistant metal, and again honing the bore of the pipe to ensure that it is circular and to reduce the thickness of the corrosion-resistant metal, and coupling ultrasonic transducers (16) to the outside of the pipe (12). Where flanges (22) are attached to the ends of the pipe (12), these are fitted over each end of the pipe so the ends are flush, and welded to the outside of the pipe (12).

18-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002817213A1

Catheters and methods for removing material from (or "debulking") a body lumen while imaging the region comprised of the material are provided. The catheters can be used in body lumens, including but not limited to intravascular lumens such as coronary or peripheral arteries. The catheters include housings or other structures to mount or protect an imaging transducer. Generally, debulking catheters include a proximal portion, a distal portion having an opening, a cutting element which may be exposed through the opening to contact material in a body lumen and an imaging transducer with associated circuitry and display. The catheter debulks a body lumen when it is moved while the cutting element is in contact with the material in the lumen and the region comprised of the material is imaged before, after, or during catheter movement.

07-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002235947C

The invention provides an ultrasound transducer assembly which comprises an ultrasound transducer array including a set of ultrasound transducer elements, and a substrate layer comprising a pliable sheet material formed into a substantially cylindrical shape; the substrate layer providing a platform to which the ultrasound transducer elements are fixed. The substantially cylindrical-shaped substrate layer can be at least partially filled with a backing material, or the substrate layer can be bonded to a substantially cylindrical backing material. The ultrasonic transducer probe assembly is mountable to a distal end of a catheter, for providing images within a vascular system. Similarly, in accordance with this invention, a method of making an ultrasound transducer assembly includes the steps of manufacturing a planar sheet comprising a set of ultrasound transducer elements and a substrate, and reshaping the planar sheet into a substantially cylindrical shape. The cylindrical shape is partially ...

05-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002262540C

Clamped ultrasonic transducers are driven at harmonic resonant frequencies i n a range of 100 kHz - 350 kHz to impart microsonic frequencies to process liquid. The application of microsonic frequencies to liquid preferably occurs simultaneously with a sweeping of the microsonic frequency within the transducer's (122) harmonic bandwidth to reduce or eliminate (a) standing waves within the liquid, (b) other resonances, (c) high energy cavitation implosion, and (d) non-uniform sound fields, each of which is undesirable for cleaning and/or processing of semiconductor wafers and other delicate parts. The invention c an also drive ultrasonic transducers (122) such that the frequency of applied energy has a sweep rate within the ultrasonic bandwidth of the transducers; and that sweep rate is also varied so that the sweep rate is substantially non-constant during operation. An ultrasound generator of the invention sometimes utilizes amplitude modulation (AM), and the AM frequency is swept over ...

30-06-1957 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Einstrahlen von Ultraschall

Номер: CH0000322692A

30-11-1977 дата публикации

Transportable vibrator for clearing trucks - has electromagnet to couple to metal truck used at mineral workings (PT 24.8.76)

Номер: CH0000593191A5

The trucks running on the mine railway are cleared of sticky fragments by coupling a vibrator to them. Usually the vibrator has been connected at a special point of the truck, where one half of a coupling has been fitted for it. In the new arrangement, the coupling is by an electromagnet (2) connected to the vibrator (3). Not only does this render the special fittings on the trucks unnecessary, but it allows the vibrator to be applied at whatever point of the truck current experience suggests is best. The vibrator and magnet are mounted on a wheeled trolley (6) and are operated by mains electricity.

30-04-2001 дата публикации

Test sound source in alarm system, has magnetic pressed/stuck in housing floor recess so source can be rapidly attached to steel container without threaded connection

Номер: CH0000691142A5
Принадлежит: SECURITON AG

The arrangement has a magnet pressed or stuck in a recess in a housing floor so that the source can be rapidly attached to a steel container without the use of a threaded connection that takes time. The constant magnetic holding force enables a test sound to be transferred to the container that is constant over the long term, enabling reliable testing of a microphone on the container. The arrangement has a magnet (1), a test sound source (2) in a housing with a piezo plate and a solid-in-sound microphone. The magnet is pressed or stuck in a recess in the housing floor (5) so that the source can be rapidly attached to a steel container (3) without the use of a threaded connection that takes time. The constant magnetic holding force enables a test sound to be transferred to the container that is constant over the long term, enabling reliable testing of the microphone (7) on the container.

29-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000712990B1
Принадлежит: WEBER ULTRASONICS AG, Weber Ultrasonics AG

Vorgeschlagen wird eine Vorrichtung zum Entgraten von Werkstücken mit Ultraschall, aufweisend: wenigstens einen Ultraschallwandler (4); wenigstens eine Sonotrode (6), die zum Übertragen der Schwingungen mit dem Ultraschallwandler (4) mechanisch verbunden ist, wobei die Sonotrode (6) mit wenigstens einer schwingenden Sonotrodenfläche (6') in einen mit einer Flüssigkeit füllbaren oder gefüllten Tank eintauchbar ist; welche sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass Ultraschallwandler (4) und Sonotrode (6') als ein gemeinsames, handgehaltenes respektive handhaltbares Gerät ausgebildet sind.

06-03-2013 дата публикации

Piezoelectric transducer device

Номер: CN101785047B

24-09-2019 дата публикации

A comprises a fixed on the diaphragm of the piezoelectric transducer detecting terminal

Номер: CN0106536826B

29-06-2018 дата публикации

For three-dimensional in vivo ultrasonic use device and method

Номер: CN0104837412B

17-03-1930 дата публикации

Process and apparatus of assembly of the transmitters and receivers acoustic on the ships

Номер: FR0000677936A

13-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002742861B1

04-11-1977 дата публикации

Supersonic surgical instrument - mounted with detector on frame with controls for hand adjustment of both

Номер: FR0002292457B1

08-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002841654B1

27-12-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sound receiving devices for submarine signalling

Номер: FR0000614955A

14-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002654520B1

10-02-1932 дата публикации

Device of underwater acoustic survey without boring of the hull of the ship

Номер: FR0000719790A

04-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003079475A1

11-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002862519B1

04-07-1914 дата публикации

Improvements to methods and apparatuses for receiving underwater sound vibrations

Номер: FR0000018794E

17-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002922329A1

Transducteur à ultrasons (106), comprenant une matrice (200) d'éléments formant des rangées et des colonnes et des fils (252) à l'intérieur d'un câble (120) de transducteur, conçue pour connecter au moins une partie des éléments (104) à un système d'échographie (100). La matrice (200) comprend une rangée centrale (206) et au moins une première et une deuxième rangées extérieures (208), (210) disposées de part et d'autre de la rangée centrale (206). Un premier ensemble de lignes (218) connecte électriquement à l'un des fils (252) les éléments (104) présents dans une première partie (212) de la rangée centrale (206). La première partie (212) comporte un nombre d'éléments inférieur au nombre total d'éléments (104) de la rangée centrale (206). Un deuxième ensemble de lignes (250) connecte électriquement au moins une partie des éléments (104) des première et deuxième rangées extérieures (208), (210) qui sont dans une même colonne et connecte électriquement les éléments (104) d'une deuxième partie ...

02-06-1920 дата публикации

Improvements in the processes and apparatuses of indication and underwater detection and propagation in the fluids of compression waves

Номер: FR0000503058A

09-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI9910291A

03-07-2018 дата публикации

device level gauge, method of operating a device level gauge, and assembly

Номер: BR112017020455A2

20-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007104708A2

The invention relates to a device for determining and/or monitoring the volume or mass flow rate of a medium (1) flowing through a pipe conduit (2) in the longitudinal direction (L) of the pipe conduit (2). Said device comprises at least one ultrasound sensor (3), emitting ultrasound measuring signals at an angle of emission/emergence into the pipe conduit (2) or receives them from said pipe conduit (2), and a control/evaluation unit (11) which provides, based on the ultrasound measuring signals, data on the volume and/or mass flow rate of the medium (1) through the pipe conduit (2). The ultrasound sensor (3) has at least one sound-producing element (4), a lead element (5) and a coupling adapter (6). The terminal region of the coupling adapter (6) facing the lead element (5) has a securing mechanism (7) for detachably securing the coupling adapter (6) to the lead element (5). The terminal region of the coupling adapter (6) facing the pipe conduit (2) is configured depending on the pipe ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014010283A1

In the present invention, proximal-side wiring boards (40-3, 40-4) are arranged so that wiring layers (42-3, 42-4) are oriented inwardly and face each other and ground layers (43-3, 43-4) are oriented outwardly and oppose an interior-side wall of a nosepiece (16). In turn, distal-side wiring boards (40-1, 40-2) are bent so as to have an L-shaped cross-sectional shape when cut in a direction orthogonal to an insertion axis and are arranged so as to partially overlap at a base side of the nosepiece (16) interior to form a U-shape opening toward an acoustic lens section (15a) side. This obviates the need for the laborious work of separately preparing shielding cases and assembling wiring boards into the nosepiece for each of the shielding cases, and makes it possible to facilitate accommodating the wiring board in the nosepiece and improve the workability of assembly.

04-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: WO1999010110A1
Автор: BRUN, Esben

The invention relates to an ultrasonic transducer (1) with a cylinder-shaped housing (2) having a plane bottom (3), which housing encases a piezo-electric ceramic disc (4) bearing on the housing bottom (3). Said bottom (3) forms a first electrical connection to said disc (4), with a spring (5) bearing on the disc (4). Opposite said disc (4) said spring (5) has contact with an electrically conducting means (7), thus forming a second electrical connection between the disc (4) and the electrically conducting means (7). In a non-connected state, the spring (5) presses the conducting means (7) to bearing against a locking means (8) with contact to the housing (2), thus short-circuiting the disc (4). At connection of a cable (9), the conducting means (7) is pressed free of the locking means (8), thereby forming an electrical connection between the cable (9) and the disc (4). Thus the electrical connection to the piezo-electric ceramic disc (4) takes place without soldering and the ultrasonic ...

07-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000165537A3

An apparatus (40) and method for holding and manipulating a miniaturized ultrasound transducer (42) includes a flexible member (44), a retaining member (46), and a control member (48). The miniaturized ultrasound transducer (42) is mounted on the flexible member (44) proximate a distal end of the flexible member. The retaining member (46) retains the flexible member (44) proximate the distal end of the flexible member (44). The control member (48) is coupled to the retaining member (46) and is operable to move the retained flexible member (44) and ultrasound transducer (42) to optimize ultrasound visualization.

06-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000019242A2

Ce dispositif de diagraphie acoustique comprend un corps d'outil et un logement, dans lequel on a monté un transducteur fonctionnant en mode flexion, de façon à être excité par une énergie acoustique ou à émettre celle-ci, dans une des deux directions qui soit sensiblement perpendiculaire à la face du transducteur. Le logement est monté sensiblement décalé de l'axe du corps. Un récepteur acoustique comprend un manchon extérieur présentant un rebord ainsi qu'un capuchon monté coulissant dans ce manchon extérieur, le coulissement de ce capuchon compensant les variations de pression et de température. Un émetteur acoustique comprend un logement principal ainsi qu'un capuchon supporté coulissant dans ce logement, le coulissement du capuchon compensant les variations de pression et de température. Dans ce transducteur, des combinaisons d'entrefers et de joints toriques isolent du logement, de manière acoustique, un cristal piézo-électrique, et isolent le logement de son enceinte. Le récepteur ...

22-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: WO1990002519A1

An epicardial multifunctional probe has been designed to measure blood flow velocity and muscle thickening with two sensors. The probe is implantable and remains inside the patient after surgery. The probe is removable through a small opening in the patient's chest.

03-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: WO1994001989A2

The device comprises an oscillator with electrodes, which is mounted in a casing, means for oscillation excitation, for measuring, recording and processing of signals, and a computer, the attachment of the oscillator being effected by means of balls with electroconducting surface and the oscillator being mounted in a holder with the possibility of movement in relation to the balls. The oscillator may be executed in different variants, for example in the form of a cylinder, disk, rod, plate, ball, and it may be hollow and may contain a partition as well as elements increasing its useful surface. The device is provided with a high-pressure vessel and is also used under high pressures.

13-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO2000019905A1

L'invention concerne un instrument à main à ultrasons (87) prévu dans un groupe portatif assurant l'imagerie mode B et Doppler. Ledit instrument comporte un réseau de transducteurs (10) monté dans une enceinte portative, un émetteur/récepteur à circuit intégré étant connecté aux éléments du réseau (10) de sorte que les signaux d'écho soient reçus. Un circuit de traitement de signaux numériques (40) assure une estimation mode B et Doppler, ainsi que des fonctions avancées telles que l'assemblage de lignes de balayage concentrées à zones multiples, la formation d'ouverture synthétique, le filtrage en fonction de la profondeur, la réduction de speckle, la suppression des flash et le moyennage de trame.

10-03-1936 дата публикации

Номер: US0002033165A1

10-08-1999 дата публикации

Portable high temperature ultrasonic testing (UT) piezo probe with cooling apparatus

Номер: US0005936163A1
Автор: Greathouse; John D.

The invention provides protection of the heat sensitive piezo ultrasonic transducer by controlling the environmental temperature in which the transducer operates. As temperature rises in the cooling chamber coolant may be circulated in order to draw off excessive heat. This allows non-destructive testing of high temperature reactors and steam piping with out the need for system shutdown.

05-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: US0003845928A1

17-08-1999 дата публикации

Ultrasound catheter probe

Номер: US0005938615A1
Принадлежит: EndoSonics Corporation

An ultrasound catheter is disclosed for providing substantially real-time images of small cavities. The ultrasound catheter is characterized by separate and distinct materials for backing the transducers and for carrying the electronics components. The separate materials comprise an electronics carrier meeting the requirements for holding the integrated circuitry of the ultrasound device and a backing material displaying superior characteristics relating to reducing ringing and minimizing the effect of other sources of signal degradation in the transducer assembly. Also, in accordance with the present invention, a technique is described for connecting the conductor lines of the separate transducer assembly and electronics body.

01-05-1990 дата публикации

Cure monitoring apparatus having high temperature ultrasonic transducers

Номер: US0004921415A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Company

An apparatus for monitoring the curing of a fiber reinforced composite plastic which is cured at temperatures of the order of 350° C. and an ultrasonic transducer assembly useful in the apparatus. The transducer assembly comprises a lithium niobate piezoelectric element having anisotropic coefficients of thermal expansion which is mounted on a metal base of the transducer assembly by means of a layer of structured copper. The structured copper is thermo-compression diffusion bonded to the lithium niobate element and to the metal base, and is compliant in a transverse direction to compensate for differential thermal expansions while affording good electrical and thermal conductivity and good acoustic coupling between the lithium niobate element and metal base.

21-12-1999 дата публикации

Active damage interrogation method for structural health monitoring

Номер: US0006006163A1
Принадлежит: McDonnell Douglas Corporation

An active damage interrogation (ADI) system (and method) which utilizes an array of piezoelectric transducers attached to or embedded within the structure for both actuation and sensing. The ADI system actively interrogates the structure through broadband excitation of the transducers. The transducer (sensor) signals are digitized and the transfer function of each actuator/sensor pair is computed. The ADI system compares the computed transfer function magnitude and phase spectrum for each actuator/sensor pair to a baseline transfer function for that actuator/sensor pair which is computed by averaging several sets of data obtained with the structure in an undamaged state. The difference between the current transfer function and the baseline transfer function for each actuator/sensor pair is normalized by the standard deviation associated with that baseline transfer function. The transfer function deviation for each actuator/sensor pair is then represented in terms of the number of standard ...

03-02-1998 дата публикации

Transducer for measuring acoustic emission events

Номер: US0005714687A

An apparatus for detecting and measuring cracks in plate-like structures using acoustic emission technique is disclosed. A false aperture transducer is formed by bonding a mass-loading component to and partially covering a small circular portion of the center surface of a larger aperture piezoelectric disk. In this manner, only a small part of the piezoelectric material in the center of the disk is mass-loaded and very sensitive to low frequency flexure waves created by out-of-plane sources while the remainder of the disk is unloaded and sensitive to high frequency extensional and shear waves created by in-plane sources.

27-10-1981 дата публикации

Vacuum attached vibrator apparatus

Номер: US0004297037A

Apparatus for removable attachment to a rigid surface for vibrating the same comprising a vacuum plate having a face with an elastomeric gasket around the face periphery and contactable with said rigid surface; a vibrator mount on the vacuum plate; a vibrator joined to the vibrator mount; and said elastomeric gasket projecting sufficiently forward from the vibrator mount and the vacuum plate to prevent the vibrator mount and the vacuum plate from touching the rigid surface when attached thereto so that all vibrations developed by the vibrator are transmitted to the rigid surface through the elastomeric gasket and the pressure waves in the vacuum plate.

18-02-2003 дата публикации

Ultrasound sensor

Номер: US0006520019B1

The invention relates to an Ultrasound Sensor, especially for a vehicle and the passenger compartment thereof, comprising a can-shaped housing, a housing base, a housing closure and a sensor element arranged at the base inside the housing, and in the area of the housing closure there is arranged a contact device which is attachable, in locally fixed fashion, inside housing; the contact device presenting, in the direction of the longitudinal axis, a penetrating recess and being connected, in electrically conductive fashion, in at least one contact point with at least one electrode of the sensor element by means of thick-stranded wire. The invention also relates to a method for producing the Ultrasound Sensor.

29-03-2016 дата публикации

Ultrasonic wave device

Номер: US0009296350B2

An ultrasonic wave device includes a holding member designed to be fixed to an inner surface of a bumper as a vehicle outer panel, and a body block designed to be connected with the holding member. The body block includes a head designed to be inserted in an exposing hole provided at the bumper, and at least one abutting part designed to abut on the inner surface of the bumper at a position closer to the exposing hole than a position where the holding member is fixed. The body block is biased to an outer side of the bumper by a spring force of the clamping part, which is a biasing part provided with the holding member.

14-11-2017 дата публикации

Feedback/registration mechanism for ultrasound devices

Номер: US0009814444B2
Принадлежит: Muffin Incorporated, MUFFIN INC

Among other things, there is disclosed structure and methods for registering images obtained through internal (e.g. intravascular) ultrasound devices. Embodiments of a device with a rotating ultrasound beam is provided, with a wall of the device being anisotropic in ultrasound passage. As examples, a cable opaque to ultrasound is attached along the wall of the device, so that the ultrasound beam at the location of the cable is blocked, reflected or scattered. As another example, a thin film of metallic material is placed on or in the wall to allow a portion of the beam to be blocked or attenuated. The imaging system recognizes the changes to the signals made by the anisotropic wall, and registers successive images according to those changes.

09-01-2018 дата публикации

Adjusting speakers using facial recognition

Номер: US0009866951B2

Embodiments herein describe an audio system that adjusts based on the location of a person. That is, instead of relying on fixed speakers, the audio system adjusts the direction of audio output for one or more speakers to optimize the performance of the audio system based on the location of a user or based on the number of users. To do so, the audio system may include a camera and a tracking application which identifies the location of a user and/or the number of users in front of the camera. Using this information, the audio system adjusts one or more actuators coupled to a speaker to change the direction of the audio output of the speaker. As the user continues to move or shift, the audio system can continually adjust the speaker to optimize the performance of the system.

02-01-2018 дата публикации

Acoustic collection system for handheld electronic devices

Номер: US0009855019B2
Принадлежит: StratoScientific, Inc., STRATOSCIENTIFIC INC

A mounting system is provided to allow the attachment of an acoustic collector to a handheld electronic device such that sound is conducted directly to the device's microphone. A fitted case or band encloses part of the device and includes a tube running from the collector to the device's microphone. In certain embodiments, the tube may be embedded in the case, and a detachable mount may be provided to connect the collector to the case. The collector may be a stethoscope chestpiece, or an open air collector, such as a parabolic collector.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170150252A1

Embodiments herein describe an audio system that adjusts based on the location of a person. That is, instead of relying on fixed speakers, the audio system adjusts the direction of audio output for one or more speakers to optimize the performance of the audio system based on the location of a user or based on the number of users. To do so, the audio system may include a camera and a tracking application which identifies the location of a user and/or the number of users in front of the camera. Using this information, the audio system adjusts one or more actuators coupled to a speaker to change the direction of the audio output of the speaker. As the user continues to move or shift, the audio system can continually adjust the speaker to optimize the performance of the system.

08-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for forming an ultrasonic transducer, and associated apparatus

Номер: US0008692441B2

A method is provided for forming a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer apparatus having a first electrode deposited on a dielectric layer disposed on a primary substrate. A piezoelectric material is deposited between the first electrode and a second electrode, to form a transducer device. At least the piezoelectric material is patterned such that a portion of the first electrode extends laterally outward therefrom. The primary substrate and the dielectric layer are etched to form a first via extending to the laterally outward portion of the first electrode, and a first conductive material is deposited to substantially fill the first via and form an electrically-conductive engagement with the laterally outward portion of the first electrode. The primary substrate is etched to define a second via extending therethrough, wherein the second via is laterally spaced apart from the first via. An associated method and apparatus are also provided.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Multiple Aperture Probe Internal Apparatus and Cable Assemblies

Номер: US20120095347A1
Принадлежит: Maui Imaging Inc

A Multiple Aperture Ultrasound Imaging (MAUI) probe or transducer is uniquely capable of simultaneous imaging of a region of interest from separate physical apertures of ultrasound arrays. The probe can include separate backing plates configured to secure the ultrasound arrays in predetermined positions and orientations relative to one another. Some embodiments of the probe include flex circuit connected to the ultrasound arrays. In additional embodiments, a flex/PC board comprising flex connectors and an array of terminals is connected to the ultrasound arrays. Algorithms can solve for variations in tissue speed of sound, thus allowing the probe apparatus to be used virtually anywhere in or on the body.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasound catheter for providing a therapeutic effect to a vessel of a body

Номер: US20120095389A1
Принадлежит: Ekos LLC

The invention relates to a catheter system. The system comprises a catheter body having a chamber containing a low acoustic impedance medium. The catheter body includes an elongated body with an external surface and an ultrasound transducer having an external side between a first end and a second end. The ultrasound transducer is positioned over the external surface of the elongated body such that the first end is adjacent to the chamber.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Catheter with shape memory alloy actuator

Номер: US20120108980A1
Принадлежит: Gore Enterprise Holdings Inc

Actuators employable for oscillating movement of a load. An improved actuator may include at least a first shape memory member that is actuatable to affect at least a portion of the oscillating movement of the load. The actuator may further include a second shape memory member actuatable to affect at least a second portion of the oscillating movement of the load. The utilization of one or more shape memory members facilitates the realization of controllable and reliable oscillating movement of a load in a compact manner. Such actuators may be used in imaging catheters having an ultrasound transducer disposed for oscillating movement to scan across an internal region of interest. Such imaging catheters may be used in generating three dimensional and/or real-time three dimensional (4D) images.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasound probe and ultrasound diagnostic apparatus

Номер: US20120215107A1
Автор: Katsuya Yamamoto
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

An ultrasound probe includes a first transducer array for a B-mode image which transmits an ultrasonic beam for a B-mode image, a second transducer array for sound speed measurement which is tiltably provided and transmits an ultrasonic beam for sound speed measurement, and a tilting unit which tilts the second transducer array for sound speed measurement in accordance with the angle of an abdominal wall of the subject.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Signal Processor for a Hand Held Ultrasonic Diagnostic Instrument

Номер: US20120243367A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Sonosite Inc

A hand held ultrasonic instrument is provided in a portable unit which performs both B mode and Doppler imaging. The instrument includes a transducer array mounted in a hand-held enclosure, with an integrated circuit transceiver connected to the elements of the array for the reception of echo signals. A digital signal processing circuit performs both B mode and Doppler signal processing such as filtering, detection and Doppler estimation, as well as advanced functions such as assembly of multiple zone focused scanlines, synthetic aperture formation, depth dependent filtering, speckle reduction, flash suppression, and frame averaging.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasound probe

Номер: US20120285250A1
Принадлежит: Humanscan Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an ultrasound therapy system using high-intensity focused ultrasound. The ultrasound therapy improves ultrasound and heat release characteristics and provides an ultrasound probe which easily performs manufacturing and maintenance processes. According to the present invention, a housing is recessed on the inward side around the upper-part edge. A plurality of mounting holes is uniformly formed from the outside at a constant radius to the edge in the center of the upper part. A plurality of probe units is respectively installed in the plurality of mounting holes to form a sphere on the upper part of the housing. And a grounding film covers the sphere which the plurality of probe units forms.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Balance body ultrasound system

Номер: US20120289829A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Sonosite Inc

A hand held ultrasound system includes a balance body incorporating system electronics and a transducer assembly connected to the balance body. The hand held ultrasound system also includes control elements that are arranged in an ergonomic fashion on the balance body so that a user can hold the system and operate at least one of the control elements with the same hand. The system may also include a user interface that comprises a D-controller and a touch screen.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-part mounting device for an ultrasonic transducer

Номер: US20130019702A1

A multi-part mounting device for an ultrasonic transducer, the mounting device comprising a first part configured to mount the mounting device on a housing of an ultrasonic test probe, and a second part configured to retain the ultrasonic transducer, wherein the second part is at least in touching contact with the ultrasonic transducer, wherein the second part comprises a first plastic and is connected by positive fit to the first part, and wherein the first part has a greater hardness than the second part.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasound transducer unit and ultrasound endoscope

Номер: US20130072801A1
Автор: Jin Hiraoka

An ultrasound transducer unit includes: an ultrasound element; a substrate; a signal transmission cable; a cylindrical metal shield member that has a large-diameter portion, a small-diameter portion, and a step portion, in which the large-diameter portion covers an outer circumference of the substrate; ground wiring that electrically connects the substrate and an outer circumferential face of the metal shield member; and an opening portion formed in the step portion or the small-diameter portion. The ground wiring is extended to outside the metal shield member from inside the large-diameter portion through the opening portion, and is electrically connected to an outer circumferential face of the small-diameter portion to thereby electrically connect the substrate and the outer circumferential face of the metal shield member.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Communication device and a casing therefor

Номер: US20130114845A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

Disclosed is a device and a casing therefor. The device comprises a casing having a back side and a casing opening in the back side; a speaker mounted inside the casing and in communication with the casing opening; and a cover shaped to mate with and to cover the casing opening, the cover having a first nub and a second nub and a speaker opening providing an air channel for the speaker. In the device, the first and the second nubs are located about the speaker opening in a symmetrical pattern; and when the communication device is placed on a flat surface with the side of the casing facing the flat surface, the first and second nubs cause the back side of the casing to be canted from the flat surface to expose the speaker opening to ambient air.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for shock absorbing in ultrasound probes

Номер: US20130172751A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Methods and systems for shock absorbing in ultrasound probes are provided. One ultrasound probe has a housing and a scan head within the housing, wherein the scan head includes a transducer array. The ultrasound provide further includes an axle coupled to the scan head allowing rotation of the scan head and a shock absorbing member within the scan head coupled between the transducer array and the axle. The shock absorbing member is configured to allow relative movement between the axle and the transducer array.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250732A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

The ultrasonic-transducer mounting structure includes: a housing including: a body part which is formed into a hollow cylindrical shape and is provided at its front surface with a transmission surface allowing an ultrasonic wave to pass therethrough and is designed to accommodate an ultrasonic transducer therein; and plural connection pieces provided to a side surface of the body part; and a holder fixed to a rear surface of a bumper and designed to hold the housing such that the transmission surface of the housing is exposed via an opening of the bumper. The holder includes plural reception pieces to which the plural connection pieces are detachably coupled respectively. The plural reception pieces are fixed to the rear surface of the bumper to surround the opening. 1. An ultrasonic-transducer mounting structure comprising:a housing including: a body part which is fowled into a hollow cylindrical shape and is provided at its front surface with a transmission surface allowing an ultrasonic wave to pass therethrough and is designed to accommodate an ultrasonic transducer therein; and plural connection pieces provided to a side surface of the body part; anda holder fixed to a rear surface of a bumper and designed to hold the housing such that the transmission surface of the housing is exposed via an opening of the bumper,wherein:the holder includes plural reception pieces to which the plural connection pieces are detachably coupled respectively; andthe plural reception pieces are fixed to the rear surface of the bumper to surround the opening.2. The ultrasonic-transducer mounting structure as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the holder includes plural fixed plates respectively corresponding to the plural reception pieces;each fixed plate has a first surface in a thickness direction and is fixed to the rear surface of the bumper at its first surface;each fixed plate has a second surface in the thickness direction to which the corresponding reception piece is provided; ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Test head for testing a workpiece having an ultrasonic transducer configuration containing a plurality of ultrasonic transducers and process for producing such a test head

Номер: US20140000371A1

A test head for testing a workpiece has an ultrasonic transducer configuration with a plurality of ultrasonic transducers. The test head further contains a carrier matched to a surface contour of the workpiece, a damping layer arranged on the carrier, and a flexible conductor foil configuration, which is arranged on the damping layer and has a number of electrically separated conductor tracks which corresponds to the number of transducer elements. The transducer elements are arranged on the conductor tracks alongside one another in at least one row, and in each case are electrically contact-connected to one of the conductor tracks.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Ultrasonic transducer assembly installation device and methods

Номер: US20140091675A1
Принадлежит: Blue White Industries Ltd

Transducer assemblies and associated methods are provided for facilitating alignment of ultrasonic transducers with respect to pipes onto which the transducers are installed. The transducer assembly can include a transducer housing having a track on along which the transducers can be slidingly engaged. The transducer assembly can include attachment structures having alignment features used to align the transducers parallel to the axial centerline of the pipe while ensuring that the reception/emission sides of the transducers are oriented normal to the outer surface of the pipe. In some embodiments a transducer assembly alignment system can be used to align two transducer assemblies on circumferentially opposite sides of a pipe.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Interposer electrical interconnect with spring

Номер: US20180000448A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An interposer with a spring on a surface of the interposer is disclosed. The spring may apply a force to a surface of a component adjacent to the interposer. The interposer may be secured to the surface by a fastener. The fastener may be offset from the center of the interposer. The fastener may be a fulcrum of a lever including the interposer and the spring. The spring may cause a portion of the interposer on the other side of the fastener from the spring to apply an increased amount of pressure to the surface to which the interposer is secured. A transesophageal exam ultrasound probe including an interposer is disclosed.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003536A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for manufacturing an ultrasonic transducer by exciting the sound wave via an electromechanical transducer disposed on a sensor body, determining a current propagation velocity of the sound wave on an exit surface of the sensor body, determining the difference between the current propagation velocity and the desired propagation velocity of the sound wave on the exit surface, determining difference between speed of sound in the sensor body and a desired speed of sound, removing material in the region of the exit surface of the sensor body, wherein the remaining material is dimensioned such that the current propagation speed of the sound wave on the exit surface of the sensor body, and/or the delay caused by the speed of sound in the sensor body, at least approximately agrees with the desired propagation speed of the sound wave on the exit surface. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for manufacturing an ultrasonic sensor for a field device of automation technology , the method comprising the steps:providing an electromechanical transducer arranged on a lateral surface of an oversized sensor body via at least one adapting layer such that a sound wave produced by the electromechanical transducer, after passing through the sensor body, propagates on an exit surface of the sensor body with a desired propagation velocity, or such that the sound wave produced by the electromechanical transducer propagates at a desired angle to a normal to the exit surface into a medium adjoining the exit surface;emitting the sound wave via the electromechanical transducer;determining a current propagation velocity of the sound wave on the exit surface or determining a current angle between the normal to the exit surface and a propagation direction of the sound wave in the medium;determining the difference between the current propagation velocity and the desired propagation velocity of the sound wave on the exit surface, or determining the difference ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018958A1
Автор: Wagner Stephen E.

A fish finder transducer mount apparatus for independently controlling a directional transducer and trolling motor includes a clamp body. A motor clamp is coupled to the clamp body. The motor clamp is selectively engageable with the clamp body and configured to secure the apparatus to a propeller shaft of a trolling motor. A directional transducer shaft is rotatably coupled to the clamp body and a directional transducer shaft bottom end of the directional transducer shaft to receive a directional transducer of a fish finder. A gearing system is coupled to the directional transducer shaft to rotate the directional transducer shaft. A handle is coupled to the gearing system. The handle comprises an extension portion secured by a user to manipulate the orientation of the directional transducer shaft. 1. A fish finder transducer mount apparatus comprising:a clamp body having a body front side, a body back side, a body a left side, a body right side, a body top side, and a body bottom side;a motor clamp coupled to the clamp body, the motor clamp being selectively engageable with the clamp body and configured to secure the apparatus to a propeller shaft of a trolling motor;a directional transducer shaft coupled to the clamp body, the directional transducer shaft being rotatably coupled to the clamp body, a directional transducer shaft bottom end of the directional transducer shaft being configured to receive a directional transducer of a fish finder;a gearing system coupled to the directional transducer shaft, the gearing system rotating the directional transducer shaft; anda handle coupled to the gearing system, the handle comprising an extension portion being secured by a user to manipulate the orientation of the directional transducer shaft.2. The fish finder transducer mount apparatus of further comprising a non-directional transducer bracket coupled to the clamp body claim 1 , the non-directional transducer bracket being selectively engageable with clamp body; and a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Electroacoustic converter film

Номер: US20160014527A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Provided is an electroacoustic converter film including thin film electrodes provided on both surfaces of a polymeric composite piezoelectric body in which piezoelectric body particles are dispersed in a viscoelastic matrix formed of a polymer material that exhibits viscoelasticity at normal temperature, and protective layers formed on the thin film electrodes. The electroacoustic converter film further includes electrode lead-out metal foils laminated on the thin film electrodes, and the electrode lead-out metal foils allows connection to wiring through soldering when electrodes are led out from the thin film electrodes.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Sonar transducer array assembly and methods of manufacture thereof

Номер: US20160018514A1

A sonar transducer array assembly comprises a first flexible circuit, a second flexible circuit, and a plurality of transducer elements. The first and second flexible circuits each include a first side, a second side, and a plurality of adhesive areas spaced apart and positioned in a line along one edge of the first side. The transducer elements each include a first surface attached to one of the adhesive areas of the first flexible circuit, an opposing second surface attached to one of the adhesive areas of the second flexible circuit, and a third surface positioned between the first and second surfaces. The transducer elements form a linear array with the third surface of each transducer element in alignment and configured to transmit and receive an acoustic pressure wave.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018730A1

A sound measurement system intended to be installed on a motor vehicle, the system comprising: a microphone, an element for supporting the microphone, mechanical means for protecting the microphone against various projections (water, dust, etc.) from the environment of the vehicle, and mechanical means for protecting the microphone from airborne noise originating from the routing of the sound wave between the source and the measurement (cavity noise) and from the environment of the measuring system (turbulence around the measuring device), the various mechanical protection means being separate or combined. A motor vehicle may be provided with such a system. 19.-. (canceled)10. A sound measurement system intended to be installed on a motor vehicle , the system comprising:a microphone;an element for supporting the microphone;mechanical means for protecting the microphone against projections from an environment of the vehicle; andmechanical means for protecting the microphone from airborne noise originating from routing of a sound wave between a source and the measurement system, and for protecting the microphone from the environment of the measurement system,wherein the mechanical means are separate or combined.11. The sound measurement system according to claim 10 , wherein the element for supporting the microphone comprises a polygonal seat circumscribed by a cone.12. The sound measurement system according to claim 10 , wherein the mechanical means comprise a protective cover comprising:a deflector installed between the microphone and the noise source; andcolumns parallel to the microphone installed on respective opposite sides thereof.13. The sound measurement system according to claim 10 , wherein the mechanical means comprise lateral lugs installed on the element.14. The sound measurement system according to further comprising mechanical means for protecting the microphone against noise transmitted by conduction in a solid and originating from the motor vehicle ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025854A1

A device for detecting obstacles that is wearable by a subject, for example integrated in an item of footwear. The device includes an ultrasound source for emitting an ultrasound transmission signal and an ultrasound receiver for receiving a corresponding ultrasound signal reflected by an obstacle, a control module for measuring a time of flight between emission of the ultrasound transmission signal and reception of the corresponding ultrasound signal reflected by the obstacle and calculating, on the basis of the aforesaid time of flight, the distance at which the obstacle is located. The device comprises an inertial sensor, in particular an acceleration sensor, designed to measure acceleration of the foot along three axes, and a control module configured for enabling operation of the ultrasound source if the aforesaid acceleration values measured by the inertial sensor respect a given condition for enabling measurement of the time of flight. 1. A device for detecting obstacles that is wearable by a subject , said device comprising:a ultrasound source configured to emit an ultrasound transmission signal;an ultrasound receiver configured to receive a corresponding ultrasound reflected signal reflected by an obstacle;a control module configured to measure a time of flight between emission of the ultrasound transmission signal by the ultrasound source and reception of the reflected ultrasound signal by the ultrasound receiver and calculate, based on said time of flight, a distance at which said obstacle is located;an acceleration sensor configured to measure acceleration values of the subject along three axes, respectively; anda control module configured to enable operation of the ultrasound source if said acceleration values measured by said acceleration sensor respect a given enabling condition for enabling measurement of the time of flight, wherein said enabling condition identities a position where a foot of the subject is resting on a resting surface during a walk ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Sound control apparatus

Номер: US20150034413A1
Автор: Shigeki Uetabira
Принадлежит: Interman Corp

A sound control apparatus capable of improving the quality of the reproduction sound output from an electronic apparatus includes a sound control mat, and a support unit for supporting an electronic device having a speaker on the sound control mat. The sound control mat has a sound controlling structure configured to control the resonance of sound output from the speaker of the electronic apparatus when it is supported by the sound control mat. With this sound control apparatus, it is possible to enjoy a good tone directly output from a television, a stereo system or any other device having a small speaker without needing a special devising.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045297A1
Принадлежит: OTICON A/S

A hearing aid includes a microphone unit arranged in a hearing aid housing. The microphone unit is oriented in the housing relative to a microphone inlet element to cause a pressure equalization that allows acoustic cancellation of vibrations in the microphone unit. 1. A hearing aid , comprising:a housing having an outer wall enclosing a microphone unit, the outer wall separating the microphone unit from an environment of the hearing aid,the microphone unit comprising a first chamber having a first volume and a second chamber having a second volume;a first inlet opening being arranged at the first or second chamber of the microphone unit;a movable element separating the first chamber and the second chamber; anda microphone inlet element connecting the first inlet opening to a second inlet opening formed in the outer wall of the hearing aid housing, the microphone inlet element being configured to guide sound from the environment via the second inlet opening to the first inlet opening of the microphone unit;where a microphone unit orientation is defined by a first vector perpendicular to the movable element and extending in a direction from the movable element towards the first inlet opening; andwhere a microphone inlet element orientation is defined by a second vector extending in a direction from the first inlet opening to the second inlet opening;wherein the microphone unit and the microphone inlet element are arranged in the housing so that vibration contributions from the microphone unit to the movable element and vibration contributions from the microphone inlet element are substantially equal but of opposite directions.2. The hearing aid according to claim 1 , wherein the second vector has a component in a direction opposite to the first vector.3. The hearing aid according to claim 1 , wherein the second volume of the second chamber is larger than the first volume of the first chamber.4. The hearing aid according to claim 1 , wherein the microphone unit ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Detachable whistle

Номер: US20170047058A1
Автор: Ronald L. Miller
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed technology allows a whistle to be magnetically detachable from a base portion, such as a finger grip. Some embodiments comprise a whistle component comprising a first magnetic member and a base component comprising a second magnetic member, such that the first and second magnetic members are magnetically attracted to each other. The whistle component can be detachable from the base component by breaking a magnetic bond between the first and second magnetic members. At least one of the first and second magnetic members can be at least partially covered by a non-magnetic material such that the non-magnetic material separates the first and second magnetic members when the whistle component is magnetically coupled to the base component. The first magnetic member can be contained within a cavity of an adaptor that is attached to the whistle, or within the whistle itself.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051416A1

An ultrasound energy delivery system is provided that includes a transducer and a housing. 1. An ultrasound transducer comprising:a backmass;a frontmass comprising a radiating portion and a pair of sidewall extending from the radiating portion;a shim coupled with the sidewall of the frontmass and spaced from the radiating portion such that the shim and the frontmass cooperate to define an interior chamber;a pair of piezoelectric elements that are stacked together and sandwiched between the backmass and the shim;a pair of electrodes, each electrode being electrically coupled with at least one of the piezoelectric elements and configured for electrical coupling with a driving signal generator to receive a driving signal therefrom;a fastener that extends through each of the backmass, the pair of piezoelectric elements, the shim, and the frontmass and facilitates compression each of the backmass, the pair of piezoelectric elements, the shim, and the frontmass together, wherein the piezoelectric elements are configured to generate ultrasonic energy in response to the driving signal that is transmitted through the fastener to the radiating portion and through the shim and the sidewall to the radiating portion to collectively cause the radiating portion to resonate at a flexural resonance and frequency.2. The ultrasound transducer of further comprising a nut and wherein the fastener is threadably coupled with the nut to facilitate compression of each of the backmass claim 1 , the pair of piezoelectric elements claim 1 , the shim claim 1 , and the frontmass together.3. The ultrasound transducer of wherein the fastener is threadably coupled with backmass to facilitate compression of each of the backmass claim 1 , the pair of piezoelectric elements claim 1 , the shim claim 1 , and the frontmass together.4. The ultrasound transducer of further comprising a nut and a hollow fastener claim 1 , wherein:the fastener is threadably coupled with the nut; andthe hollow fastener is ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Hydrophobic mesh cover

Номер: US20160052017A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A screen having a hydrophobic portion to resist the entry of liquid into an acoustic module and a hydrophilic portion to aid in the removal of liquid from an acoustic chamber is described. The screen is placed in an orifice in the acoustic module between the external environment and the internal acoustic chamber.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Multiple aperture probe internal apparatus and cable assemblies

Номер: US20180049717A1
Принадлежит: Maui Imaging Inc

A Multiple Aperture Ultrasound Imaging (MAUI) probe or transducer is uniquely capable of simultaneous imaging of a region of interest from separate physical apertures of ultrasound arrays. The probe can include separate backing plates configured to secure the ultrasound arrays in predetermined positions and orientations relative to one another. Some embodiments of the probe include flex circuit connected to the ultrasound arrays. In additional embodiments, a flex/PC board comprising flex connectors and an array of terminals is connected to the ultrasound arrays. Algorithms can solve for variations in tissue speed of sound, thus allowing the probe apparatus to be used virtually anywhere in or on the body.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210056944A1
Автор: Vance Terry

The present invention is directed to a mounting device for a fish finding apparatus and, more particularly, to a motorized mounting device which includes an adjustable length pole used to mount a sonar transducer or other device an angler may be interested in mounting to the end of the pole that enters the water. The pole is used to spin the transducer or other apparatus in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction with a switch that is adapted to be operated by the angler's foot or a wireless remote. The spin speed may also be adjusted as desired by a variable speed switch. The mounting device is configured to be secured to a boat or mounted on a boat troll motor whereby the adjustable pole is secured and spins independent of the troll motor shaft. 1. A system for positioning and orienting a transducer used for fishing , the system comprising:a mounting plate secured to a boat, the mounting plate having an aperture remote from the boat;a pole configured to slide through the aperture in the mounting plate, whereby the pole is oriented vertically and rotatable within the aperture and securable to the mounting plate, the pole having an upper end and a lower transducer mounting end;a motor secured to the upper end of the pole, the motor configured to spin the pole;a motor power switch for the motor;a speed switch to adjust a spin speed imparted to the pole by the motor;a direction switch to control a spin direction imparted to the pole by the motor;a motor controller configured to receive information from the motor power switch, the speed switch, and the direction switch to control and adjust the motor's power, spin speed imparted to the pole by the motor, and the spin direction imparted to the pole by the motor; anda power source configured to be connected to the controller.2. The system for positioning and orienting a transducer of claim 1 , wherein the mounting plate is secured to a troll motor on the boat and is independent of a shaft of the troll motor.3. The ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Mounting System for a Fish Finding Device

Номер: US20140133278A1

There is provided a mounting system for a fish finding device to a watercraft which has a support for supporting a fish finding device on a watercraft. The support has a top, a bottom and a peripheral side wall which form a receptacle housing for a battery. Mounting means are positioned at the top of the support to receive a fish finder. Securing means are provided on the bottom of the support for mounting the support to a surface on a watercraft. Mounting means are provided for detachably securing a transducer to a watercraft. 1. A mounting system for a fish finding device to a watercraft , comprising;a support for supporting a fish finding device on a watercraft, the support having a top, a bottom and a peripheral side wall which form a receptacle housing for a battery;mounting means are provided at the top of the support to receive a fish finder;securing means are provided on the bottom of the support for mounting the support to a surface on a watercraft; andmounting means for detachably securing a transducer to a watercraft.2. The mounting system of wherein the receptacle housing is comprised of an upper portion and a lower portion.3. The mounting system of wherein the receptacle housing provides a means for storing a length of cable.4. The mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the mounting means are provided at the top of the support to receive a fish finder is a bracket.5. The mounting system of wherein a swivel plate is used to secure the bracket to the top of the support.6. The mounting system of wherein the watercraft is an inflated float tube and the securing means is at least one adjustable strap which slides through slotted openings provided in flanges on opposed sides of the bottom of the support claim 1 , the adjustable strap further extending through a central opening in the float tube and around the circumference of the tubular body of the inflated float tube to maintain the fish finder in position on the float tube.7. The mounting system of wherein ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056259A1

The invention relates to a filling level measuring device () for measuring the filling level in a container () through the wall () thereof by means of ultrasound, having an ultrasonic measuring head (), a controller (), and a fastening device () by means of which the filling level measuring device () can be fastened to the container () such that the ultrasonic measuring head () is pressed against the wall () of the container (). The invention further relates to a method of operating such a filling level measuring device (), wherein a sampling rate is used which is situation-dependent. The invention finally relates to an assembly made up of such a filling level measuring device and at least one spacer () which can be attached to the lower edge of a container () to be provided with the filling level measuring device (). 110291220241021292221610141292. A filling level measuring device () for measuring the filling level in a container () through the wall () thereof by means of ultrasound , comprising an ultrasonic measuring head () , a controller () , and a fastening device () by means of which the filling level measuring device () can be fastened to the container () such that the ultrasonic measuring head () is pressed against the wall () of the container () , an energy source () being integrated , a housing () being provided having the components of the filling level measuring device () integrated therein , and a coupling cushion () being provided which is arranged on that side of the ultrasonic measuring head () which faces the wall () of the container ().21024. The filling level measuring device () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fastening device contains at least one magnet ().31024. The filling level measuring device () according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the fastening device () contains an adhesive.41024. The filling level measuring device () according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the fastening device ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Automated Ultrasonic Inspection of Elongated Composite Members Using Single-Pass Robotic System

Номер: US20170059531A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Apparatus and methods for ultrasonic inspection of elongated composite members in a single scan pass using pulse echo phased arrays operating in a bubbler method. The system concept is fully automated by integrating an inspection probe assembly to a robot and using the robot to move the inspection probe assembly along the part (i.e., outside of an inspection tank); and by integrating tooling fixtures that move out of the way as the inspection probe assembly travels along the length of the part during the inspection. In addition, the system allows for generally elongated composite members having lengthwise variation in shape, curvature and dimensions.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072021A1

A sound generating assembly for an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle includes a sound generator arranged within a sound generator housing. Furthermore, an outer contour of the sound generator housing has a connecting surface configured to be attached to a motor vehicle structure. The connecting surface is set off from a remaining surface of the outer contour. 1. A sound generating assembly for an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle comprising:a sound generator arranged within a sound generator housing;an outer contour of the sound generator housing having a connecting surface configured to be attached to a motor vehicle structure; andwherein the connecting surface is set off from a remaining surface of the outer contour, and wherein the connecting surface is separate from a sound outlet opening of the sound generator.2. The sound generating assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sound generator housing is multi-part and the connecting surface is formed on a sound generator housing part on a sound outlet side.3. The sound generating assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting surface comprises a joining zone.4. The sound generating assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting surface is substantially flat.5. The sound generating assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting surface is substantially C-shaped.6. The sound generating assembly according to claim 5 , wherein the connecting surface at least partly surrounds a sound generator housing axis that is substantially vertical when the sound generating assembly is in an installed position.7. The sound generating assembly according to claim 3 , wherein one to five claim 3 , preferably one to three and particularly preferably two or three claim 3 , brackets are joined to the sound generator housing via the connecting surface claim 3 , in particular via the joining zone claim 3 , and wherein bracket ends each facing away ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099699A1

An airborne acoustic vector sensor for simultaneously measuring triaxial particle acceleration in three dimensions and pressure includes a triaxial MEMS accelerometer sensitive to an Earth gravitational field. The airborne acoustic vector sensor includes one or multiple MEMS microphones sensitive to sound pressure and overlapping the accelerometer in frequency. The airborne acoustic vector sensor includes a solid body having a density approximating a density of air. The accelerometer is mounted in or upon the solid body. The airborne acoustic vector sensor includes a suspension system supporting the accelerometer and solid body within a framework. 1. An airborne acoustic vector sensor for simultaneously measuring triaxial particle acceleration in three dimensions and pressure , comprising:a triaxial MEMS accelerometer sensitive to an Earth gravitational field;one or multiple MEMS microphones sensitive to sound pressure and overlapping the accelerometer in frequency;a solid body having a density approximating a density of air, the accelerometer mounted in or upon the solid body; anda suspension system supporting the accelerometer and solid body within a framework.2. The airborne acoustic vector sensor of claim 1 , further comprising:a processor that applies calibrated amplitude adjustments to each of three axes of the measured acceleration, and that applies a frequency-dependent calibration to the measured pressure.3. The airborne acoustic vector sensor of claim 2 , wherein triaxial acceleration after calibration is integrated in time or frequency to compute triaxial particle velocity claim 2 ,wherein a frequency domain vector includes real and imaginary values of the measured pressure and the computed triaxial particle velocity for each of a plurality of frequency bands of interest,wherein a model relates the frequency domain vector to an unknown azimuth and elevation from the sensor to an acoustic source relative to an accelerometer reference axis, rates of change ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087950A1

In a device for measuring a fill level of a liquid in a container with an ultrasonic sensor which is arranged on a floor element, wherein a damping cup with a measuring tube is assigned to the ultrasonic sensor, the damping cup has an external housing and an internal housing. The internal housing contains the measuring tube, and either the internal housing has outwardly protruding contact elements that lie against the inside of the external housing or the external housing has outwardly protruding contact elements that lie against the outside of the internal housing. The external housing is also provided and designed for pluggable mounting of of the internal housing, and a channel is formed between the internal housing and the external housing. 1. A device for measuring a fill level of a liquid in a container with an ultrasonic sensor which is arranged on a floor element , wherein a damping cup with a measuring tube is assigned to the ultrasonic sensor ,whereinthe damping cup has an external housing and an internal housing,the internal housing includes the measuring tube,either the internal housing has outwardly protruding contact elements that lie against the inside of the external housing, or the external housing has inwardly protruding contact elements that lie against the outside of the internal housing, andthe external housing is provided and designed for the pluggable mounting of the internal housing,a channel is formed between the internal housing and the external housing, andthe lower end regions of the internal housing and the external housing are connected to the floor element.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the lower region of the internal housing has an antechamber.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the internal housing has a protruding edge on the top edge of the antechamber claim 2 , which protruding edge closes off the antechamber at the top and is provided and designed to bear on the inside of the external housing.4. The device ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Transducer Mounting Assembly

Номер: US20160093280A1
Принадлежит: Endress and Hauser Flowtec AG

Disclosed is an ultrasonic transducer mounting assembly comprising an ultrasonic transducer element, a transducer housing inside which the ultrasonic transducer element is arranged, and an accommodation unit inside which the transducer housing is clamped in a clamping section. The disclosed assembly is characterized in that the clamping section comprises at least one bearing that has at least one rolling element, in particular at least one ball bearing that has at least one ball, for acoustically decoupling the transducer housing from the accommodation unit.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088027A1

Wireless acoustic communication apparatus and related methods are disclosed herein. An example apparatus includes a first rod and a second rod. The first rod and the second rod are to form a rod string. The example apparatus includes a first acoustic repeater mechanically coupled to the first rod. The first acoustic repeater is to communicate with a second acoustic repeater to convey data via the rod string. The second acoustic repeater is to receive the data from a first tool. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first rod;a second rod, the first rod and the second rod to form a rod string; anda first acoustic repeater mechanically coupled to the first rod, the first acoustic repeater to communicate with a second acoustic repeater to convey data via the rod string, the second acoustic repeater to receive the data from a first tool.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first acoustic repeater is coupled to the first rod via a first connector at a first end of the first acoustic repeater and the second rod via a second connector at a second end of the first acoustic repeater opposite the first end.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first acoustic repeater is coupled to the first rod via a clamp.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the clamp includes a first clamp portion and a second clamp portion claim 3 , a first end of the first acoustic repeater to couple to the first rod via the first clamp portion and a second end of the first acoustic repeater to couple to the first rod via the second clamp portion.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first rod includes a male connector and the second rod includes a female connector claim 1 , the male connector to couple to the female connector to couple the first rod and the second rod.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rod string is a first rod string and further including a second rod string claim 1 , the second rod string including a third acoustic repeater claim 1 , at least one of the first acoustic ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Transducer and Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Номер: US20160103005A1
Принадлежит: Endress + Hauser Flowtec AG

An ultrasonic transducer, comprising a coupling element which has a first recess, the first recess being provided for the arrangement of a piezoelectric element which feeds an ultrasound signal into the coupling element, and there being disposed between the piezoelectric element and the coupling element an intermediate layer which comprises a metal disc, the metal disc comprising retaining elements each with a first segment lying on the same plane as the metal disc and projecting radially from the perimeter of the metal disc and each having a second segment which adjoins the first segment, projects from the plane of the metal plate and is connected to the first segment. 18-. (canceled)9. An ultrasonic transducer , comprising:a piezoelectric element;a coupling element with a first recess; andan intermediate layer, wherein:said first recess is intended to receive said piezoelectric element that introduces an ultrasound signal into said coupling element;said intermediate layer is arranged between said piezoelectric element and said coupling element and comprises a metal disk, said metal disk has retaining elements.10. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 9 , wherein:said retaining elements support said metal disk in said recess on the edge side and that said retaining elements prevent any lateral movement of said piezoelectric element positioned on said metal disk.11. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 9 , wherein:said second segment has two surfaces and three edge surfaces; wherein:one of said edge surfaces encloses an angle of 90° (±5°) (β) together with said metal plate.12. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 9 , wherein:said edge surface of said second segment pointing toward said piezoelectric element comprises a protrusion.13. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 9 , wherein:one edge surface pointing toward said piezoelectric element or a part of the edge surface of said second segment is tilted toward said piezoelectric element ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160103219A1
Автор: Elian Klaus, Theuss Horst

Embodiments relate to integrated sonic sensors having a transmitter, a receiver and driver electronics integrated in a single, functional package. In one embodiment, a piezoelectric signal transmitter, a silicon microphone receiver and a controller/amplifier chip are concomitantly integrated in a semiconductor housing. The semiconductor housing, in embodiments, is functional in that at least a portion of the housing can comprise the piezoelectric element of the transmitter, with an inlet aperture opposite the silicon microphone receiver. 1. A method comprising:providing an integrated sensor including a transmitter, a microelectromechanical (MEMS) microphone and driver electronics integrated in a housing having a cover comprising a piezoelectric element;transmitting a signal by the transmitter and the piezoelectric element;receiving a reflected signal by the receiver through an aperture in the cover; anddetermining a time of flight of the signal.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a distance claim 1 , from the sensor claim 1 , of an object reflecting the signal from the time of flight of the signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein transmitting a signal comprises transmitting one of an ultrasonic signal claim 1 , a supersonic signal claim 1 , a sonar signal or a radar signal.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming the housing with a transmitter portion having a transmitter portion cover comprising the piezoelectric element and a receiver portion having a receiver portion cover.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein forming the housing further comprises forming the piezoelectric element from at least one of metal claim 4 , ceramic claim 4 , plastic or foil.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein forming the housing further comprises forming the receiver portion cover from metal.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mounting the sensor in a vehicle.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the vehicle is selected from the group consisting ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101179A1

A sound transducer, in particular, for an ultrasonic sensor, includes a functional group, the functional group including a diaphragm cup and at least one electroacoustic transducer element. The sound transducer also includes a housing. The diaphragm cup includes a vibratory diaphragm and a circumferential wall, and at least one electroacoustic transducer element, the transducer element being configured to stimulate the diaphragm to vibrate and/or to convert vibrations of the diaphragm into electrical signals. The diaphragm cup is formed from a plastic material, the at least one transducer element being integrated into the vibratory diaphragm, in particular without an additional adhesive layer, the transducer element including a piezoceramic element. 112-. (canceled)13. A sound transducer , comprising:a functional group, which includes a diaphragm cup and at least one electroacoustic transducer element; anda housing;wherein the diaphragm cup includes a vibratory diaphragm and a wall, the transducer element being configured to induce the diaphragm to vibrate and/or to convert vibrations of the diaphragm into electrical signals and, at least the diaphragm cup being formed from a plastic material, andwherein the at least one transducer element is integrated into the vibratory diaphragm, the transducer element including a piezoceramic element.14. The sound transducer of claim 13 , wherein the at least one transducer element is integrated without an additional adhesive layer into the vibratory diaphragm.1515. The sound transducer of claim 13 , wherein at least one transducer element has a disk-shaped design and includes a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface () claim 13 , the transducer element being integrated into the diaphragm so that the second surface is exposed in the direction of the interior of the diaphragm cup.16. The sound transducer of claim 13 , wherein at least one transducer element has an essentially disk-shaped configuration and ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180102471A1

A transducer () having a mechanical impedance over an operative frequency range and having a desired power coupling () to a load over the operative frequency range comprises a piezoelectric device () having a frequency distribution of modes in the operative frequency range; and an overmould (). The overmould () is arranged to surround at least part of the piezoelectric device (); and the parameters of the overmould () are selected to provide a required impedance matching between the mechanical impedance of the transducer () and the mechanical impedance of the load. An alternative transducer comprises a mounting means for holding a discrete portion of at least a part of the periphery of the piezoelectric device wherein the parameters of the mounting means are selected to provide a required boundary condition for the periphery of the piezoelectric device whereby the desired power coupling between the transducer and the load is provided. 173-. (canceled)74. A device comprising:a touch screen; anda transducer coupled to the touch screen, the transducer comprising:a piezoelectric beam, supporting on at least one major surface a polymer of Shore A hardness less than 30;a mechanical ground; andat least two supports coupling the mechanical ground and the piezoelectric beam at opposite lateral ends of the beam in an arrangement that permits pivotal movement of the beam about the supports and reduces translational movement about the supports;wherein each support comprises an elastomer having a Shore A hardness more than 40 and a Shore D hardness less than 100; andwherein the beam and the touch screen are coupled at one of the at least one major surface.75. The device of claim 74 , wherein the polymer of Shore A hardness less than 30 is an elastomer or a rubber.76. The device of claim 74 , wherein the polymer of Shore A hardness encapsulates the beam.77. The device of claim 74 , wherein the supports each have thickness of 1 mm or greater.78. The device of claim 74 , wherein ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Sonic sensors and packages

Номер: US20170108583A1
Автор: Horst Theuss, Klaus Elian

Embodiments relate to integrated sonic sensors having a transmitter, a receiver and driver electronics integrated in a single, functional package. In one embodiment, a piezoelectric signal transmitter, a silicon microphone receiver and a controller/amplifier chip are concomitantly integrated in a semiconductor housing. The semiconductor housing, in embodiments, is functional in that at least a portion of the housing can comprise the piezoelectric element of the transmitter, with an inlet aperture opposite the silicon microphone receiver.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180108339A1

A method includes sensing sound pressure at a specified location, and a controller automatically adjusting a position of one or more fans among a plurality of fans to reduce the sound pressure sensed at the specified location. The position of the one or more fans may, for example, be adjusted using an actuator to change the distance from the fan and the specified location, which may be a location of a user. Optionally, the method may further include the controller automatically adjusting a speed of one or more fans among the plurality of fans to reduce the sound pressure sensed at the specified location. The position and speed of one or more fans may be adjusted to provide destructive interference at the specified location. 1. A method , comprising:sensing sound pressure at a specified location; anda controller automatically adjusting a position of one or more fans among a plurality of fans to reduce the sound pressure sensed at the specified location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the specified location is the location of a person.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a microphone is used to sense the sound pressure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the position and speed of the plurality of fans is adjusted to provide destructive interference of sound waves at the specified location.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more fans has a range of positions claim 1 , and wherein the position of the one or more fans is adjusted to the full extent of the range of positions before adjusting the speed of the one or more fans.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller is local to the one or more compute nodes.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller is a management node in communication with the one or more compute nodes over a network.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the position of each fan is automatically adjusted based on sound pressure sensed while the fan is operating at a most utilized fan speed for the fan.9. The method of claim 1 , ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200107816A1

The present approach relates to an interconnect structure (e.g., an electrical standoff) for use between two electrical components, such as a matrix transducer array and ASIC of an ultrasound probe and to the manufacture of such a structure. In accordance with certain embodiments, the interconnect structure provides electrical interconnection between electrical components and provides improved acoustic attenuation. 1. An electrical standoff , comprising:a plurality of acoustic backing layers, wherein the acoustic backing layers are stacked on one another to form a laminated structure; anda plurality of conductive traces formed on one or more of the acoustic backing layers, wherein the conductive traces form conductive contacts on different surfaces of the laminated structure for coupling two electrical components.2. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , wherein the two electrical components comprise an ultrasound transducer array and driving and receiving circuitry.3. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic backing layers are adhered to one another without an intervening layer separating them.4. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of conductive traces comprises conductive ink printed on each acoustic backing layer.5. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , further comprising one or more resistive traces printed on some or all of the acoustic backing layers.6. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , further comprising one or more passive circuit elements formed on some or all of the acoustic backing layers and in communication with the conductive traces.7. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the conductive traces formed on each acoustic backing layer do not form a straight line from a first end of the acoustic backing layer to a second end.8. The electrical standoff of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the conductive traces formed on each acoustic backing layer include an angled turn such that spacing ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116627A1

A mounting system is provided to allow the attachment of an acoustic collector to a handheld electronic device such that sound is conducted directly to the device's microphone. A fitted case or band encloses part of the device and includes a tube running from the collector to the device's microphone. In certain embodiments, the tube may be embedded in the case, and a detachable mount may be provided to connect the collector to the case. The collector may be a stethoscope chestpiece, or an open air collector, such as a parabolic collector. 1. A tool for connecting an acoustic collector to a microphone-equipped handheld electronic device , the tool comprising:a detachable fitted casing configured to fit around at least a portion of the handheld electronic device; anda support structure pivotably attaching the acoustic collector to the casing, wherein the support structure comprises a tube configured to carry sound waves through air from the acoustic collector to the microphone on the handheld electronic device.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the tube comprises a first portion incorporated with the detachable fitted casing.3. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the support structure bends around a juncture to form a neck claim 1 , the juncture comprises a pivot joint.4. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the support structure allows pivot action of the acoustic collector through a pivot joint claim 1 , the pivot joint has friction that causes the acoustic collector to remain in place unless moved by a user.5. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the support structure allows pivot action of the acoustic collector through a pivot joint claim 1 , the pivot joint comprises a screw to move the acoustic collector or to hold the acoustic collector in place.6. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the support structure comprises a pivot joint that is a ball-and-socket joint.7. The tool of claim 6 , wherein the pivot joint has a hole to carry the sound waves through air from the acoustic collector to ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Actuator arrangement on a vehicle structure

Номер: US20150124990A1
Автор: Georg Wirth, Michael Bott

An arrangement ( 1 ) of an electroacoustic actuator ( 2 ) on a vehicle structure ( 3 ) of a motor vehicle, has a housing ( 4 ), in which at least one loudspeaker ( 7 ) is arranged, which separates a front volume ( 8 ) from a rear volume ( 9 ) in the housing ( 4 ). The actuator ( 2 ) has a sound emission pipe ( 5 ), which projects outwards from the housing ( 4 ) and which is fluidically coupled with the front volume ( 8 ). A reduced introduction of noise into the vehicle arises when the actuator ( 2 ) is held on the vehicle structure ( 3 ) with a plurality of holding devices ( 19 ), which are arranged on the housing ( 4 ) in a circumferential direction ( 20 ) of the housing ( 4 ) spaced apart from one another. Each holding device ( 19 ) is designed as springy in a holding direction ( 21 ) and as rigid transversely thereto.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268926A1
Автор: Hooper Mathew J.

Systems and methods for providing a sonar beam footprint are detailed herein. A system for presenting marine data includes at least one sonar transducer associated with a watercraft, a display, processor(s), and memory including computer program code. The sonar transducer emits sonar beams into an underwater environment that define a beam shape. The program code, when executed, causes, on the display, presentation of a chart and a representation of the watercraft; determines a depth corresponding to a bottom surface of a body of water at a current location of the watercraft; and determines, based on the depth and the beam shape, a sonar beam footprint corresponding to a projection of the beam shape at the depth. The program code further causes, on the display, presentation of the sonar beam footprint on the chart so as to visually indicate sonar beam coverage. 1. A system for presenting marine data , wherein the system comprises:at least one sonar transducer associated with a watercraft, wherein the at least one sonar transducer is configured to emit one or more sonar beams into an underwater environment of a body of water in a direction relative to the watercraft, wherein the one or more sonar beams are each emitted according to a beam shape;a display;one or more processors; and cause, on the display, presentation of a chart including at least a portion of the body of water;', 'cause, on the display, presentation of a representation of the watercraft at a position in the chart corresponding to a current location of the watercraft;', 'determine a depth corresponding to a bottom surface of the body of water at the current location of the watercraft;', 'determine, based on the determined depth and the beam shape corresponding to the at least one sonar transducer, a sonar beam footprint corresponding to a projection of the beam shape at the determined depth; and', 'cause, on the display, presentation of the sonar beam footprint on the chart and relative to the ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170125004A1
Автор: Sutton Michael Rangel

According to some aspects, a cymbal system is provided, comprising a cymbal, and a vibrational transducer magnetically coupled to the cymbal, the magnetic coupling provided by at least one magnetic component on an upper side of the cymbal and at least one magnetic component on a lower side of the cymbal. According to some aspects, a method for transducing vibrations of a cymbal is provided, comprising magnetically coupling a vibrational transducer to a cymbal, the magnetic coupling provided by at least one magnetic component on an upper side of the cymbal and at least one magnetic component on a lower side of the cymbal. 1. A cymbal system comprising:a cymbal; and at least one first permanent magnet disposed on a lower side of the cymbal and attached to the vibrational transducer; and', 'at least one second permanent magnet disposed on an upper side of the cymbal, the at least one first permanent magnet and at least one second permanent magnet being on opposing sides of the cymbal and being magnetically coupled to the cymbal, at least in part, by a magnetic force of attraction between the at least one first permanent magnet and at least one second permanent magnet that acts through the cymbal., 'a vibrational transducer magnetically coupled to the cymbal, the magnetic coupling provided by2. The cymbal system of claim 1 , wherein the transducer comprises a piezoelectric sensor.3. The cymbal system of claim 1 , wherein the transducer comprises an electret accelerometer.4. The cymbal system of claim 1 , wherein the cymbal includes a plurality of perforations.5. The cymbal system of claim 1 , wherein the cymbal comprises bronze.6. The cymbal system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first permanent magnet and the at least one second permanent magnet each comprise a rare earth magnet.7. The cymbal system of claim 6 , wherein the rare earth magnet has a surface magnetic field strength between 1000 gauss and 5000 gauss.8. The cymbal system of claim 1 , wherein the at ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125461A1

An ultrasound probe including an active thermal management system is disclosed. The active thermal management system may include a fluid chamber coupled to a transducer assembly of the ultrasound probe. The fluid chamber may include a coolant that may dissipate heat from the transducer assembly. The active thermal management system may further include a heat sink coupled to the fluid chamber and thermal management system. The heat sink may include fins that extend into the coolant. The coolant may be a liquid or a gas. The coolant may be circulated within the fluid chamber by a circulation device. The circulation device may be a pump, a fan, or an impeller. An ultrasound probe may further include a window that forms an enclosure over the lens of the transducer assembly. The enclosure may be fluidly coupled to the fluid chamber and filled with coolant to dissipate heat from the lens. 1. An ultrasound probe comprising:a transducer assembly including a transducer; and an outer shell having a first surface and a second surface, wherein the first surface is proximate to the transducer assembly and the second surface is distal to the transducer assembly; and', 'a hollow interior configured to contain a fluid coolant, wherein the fluid chamber is configured to receive and seal the fluid coolant within the hollow interior., 'a fluid chamber coupled to the transducer assembly and configured to dissipate heat from the transducer assembly, the fluid chamber comprising2. The ultrasound probe of claim 1 , further comprising a heat sink configured to dissipate heat from the transducer assembly to the fluid chamber claim 1 , the heat sink comprising:a surface coupled to the second surface of the transducer assembly;a different surface in contact with the fluid chamber;a gland around a periphery of the heat sink; andan O-ring disposed in the gland.3. The ultrasound probe of claim 2 , wherein the O-ring is configured to engage the hollow interior to form a fluid-impermeable seal.4. ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125463A1

A matrix array probe including a transducer array and integrated circuitry coupled to the transducer elements dissipates heat generated by the array and integrated circuitry through the cover of the transducer probe. A pump in the probe connector pumps fluid through a closed loop system including inbound an outbound fluid conduits in the cable. The fluid conduits in the cable are separated by the cable electrical conductors for the probe. The heat transfer in the probe is done by a heat exchanger in the transducer backing block. Additional cooling may be provided by metal to metal contact with a chiller in the ultrasound system. 1. An ultrasonic transducer probe assembly comprising:an acoustic stack comprising array of transducer elements configured to transmit and receive ultrasound energy;a thermally conductive backing block thermally and acoustically coupled to the acoustic stack and configured to reduce ultrasound energy received from the transducer elements, the thermally conductive backing block comprising a porous structure;a probe connector configured to connect the transducer probe to an ultrasound system;a cable connected between the probe case and the probe connector; and a fluid loop extending through the cable from the probe case to the probe connector;', 'a pump, coupled to the fluid loop, which pumps fluid through the loop; and', 'a heat exchanger configured to transfer heat generated by the acoustic stack by dissipation of the heat outside the closed fluid loop, wherein the heat exchanger comprises a fluid channel that is coupled to the fluid loop and is configured to allow fluid to pass through the porous structure of the thermally conductive backing block., 'a fluid-based cooling system comprising2. The ultrasonic transducer probe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid loop comprises an inbound fluid conduit and an outbound fluid conduit coupled to the fluid channel of the thermally conductive backing block.3. The ultrasonic transducer probe ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200121299A1
Принадлежит: EDAP TMS FRANCE

A method for cooling a transducer of a probe for generating ultrasonic waves, the transducer exhibiting, at the front, a face () for emitting ultrasonic waves, and at the rear, a rear face (), at least the emitting face partially delimiting a cooling chamber () wherein a cooling fluid circulates between at least an inlet () and at least an outlet (), the inlet () being located at the periphery of the emitting face () whereas the outlet () is located in the central part of said emitting face. The method includes creating between the inlet () and the outlet (), a circulation of cooling fluid according to a swirling inside the cooling chamber around the axis of acoustic propagation (A). 1334531114161414161416. A method for cooling a transducer () of a probe for generating ultrasonic waves , the transducer () exhibiting , at the front , a face () for emitting ultrasonic waves with an axis of acoustic propagation (A) , and at the rear , a rear face () , at least the emitting face () partially delimiting a cooling chamber () wherein a cooling liquid circulates between at least an inlet () and at least an outlet () , the inlet () being located at the periphery of the emitting face () whereas the outlet () is located in the central part of said emitting face , characterised in that it consists in creating between the inlet () and the outlet () , a circulation of the cooling fluid according to a swirling inside the cooling chamber around the axis of acoustic propagation (A) of the emitting face of the transducer.234541114416181411. An ultrasonic wave generating probe , including a transducer () exhibiting , at the front , a face () for emitting ultrasonic waves with an axis of acoustic propagation (A) for propagating ultrasonic waves , and at the rear , a rear face () , at least the emitting face () partially delimiting a cooling chamber () wherein a cooling liquid is brought , through a tubular duct , to circulate between at least an inlet () located at the periphery of the ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140217854A1
Принадлежит: KROHNE AG

An ultrasonic transducer as an important part of an ultrasonic flow meter is described, with a transducer housing and with a transducer element, the transducer housing having an ultrasound window and a housing tube, the transducer element being made for sending or receiving ultrasonic waves and being either near the ultrasound window of the transducer housing or away from the ultrasound window of the transducer housing, there being a relatively soft mechanical coupling system and the mechanical coupling system having preferably at least one weakly coupled mechanical resonator. The ultrasonic transducer is improved with respect to the prevention of the transmission of housing waves by there being a second soft mechanical coupling system. 1. An ultrasonic transducer for use in an ultrasonic flow meter , comprising:a transducer housing having an ultrasound window and a housing tube,a transducer element for sending or receiving ultrasonic waves located in the transducer housing,a first relatively soft mechanical coupling system having at least one weakly coupled mechanical resonator or two weakly coupled mechanical resonators, anda second soft mechanical coupling system.2. The ultrasonic transducer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said first relatively soft mechanical coupling system and said second soft mechanically coupling system are essentially the same.3. The ultrasonic transducer in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the two coupling systems are active in parallel.4. The ultrasonic transducer in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the transducer housing has a housing tube and a housing flange claim 3 , wherein a first of the two coupling systems located on a side of the housing flange facing the ultrasound window and a second of the two coupling systems is located on a side of the housing flange facing away from the ultrasound window.5. The ultrasonic transducer in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the first coupling system is connected to the housing tube on an ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Detachably joined ultrasonic probe device

Номер: US20160143618A1
Автор: Wonseop PARK
Принадлежит: Humanscan Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a detachably joined ultrasonic probe device, including modular ultrasonic probe and a case for detachably joining with the modular ultrasonic probes, which enables the user to select a suitable ultrasonic probe according to desired performance and diagnosis frequency region. The device according to the present invention includes: a plurality of ultrasonic probe modules horizontally arranged in the direction of generating an ultrasonic wave; a case consisting of an outer housing with one open side for receiving and enclosing the plurality of ultrasonic probe modules, and a separation housing provided between the plurality of ultrasonic probe modules for separating the ultrasonic modules from one another, so as to detachably join with the ultrasonic modules; and a control module installed in the case for controlling the plurality of ultrasonic probe modules.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210169449A1
Принадлежит: Biim Ultrasound AS

A portable ultrasound probe is described having a mechanical transducer, rotating mirror, and mirror motor. The transducer can be used for diagnostic imaging and procedural guidance imaging. The probe has a light weight design for easy one-handed use, and can use external processors to provide proper image display with accompanying software 1. A method comprising:receiving, by an ultrasound probe, software version data from a user computing device, wherein the user computing device comprises a display configured to display images from the ultrasound probe;determining, by the ultrasound probe, based upon comparison of data on the ultrasound probe with the software version data from the user computing device that a software upgrade is available for the ultrasound probe;receiving, by the ultrasound probe, software upgrade data into a memory module of the ultrasound probe, wherein the software upgrade data comprises data for upgrading at least one portion of the ultrasound probe; andupgrading, by the ultrasound probe, the at least one portion of the ultrasound probe from the software upgrade data.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising establishing claim 1 , by the ultrasound probe claim 1 , communication between the ultrasound probe and the user computing device for synchronizing the ultrasound probe and the user computing device before accessing an upgrade module of the user computing device to obtain the software upgrade data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one portion of the ultrasound probe is a component of the ultrasound probe comprising firmware.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:cycling, by the ultrasound probe, through a plurality of hardware chips on the ultrasound probe to determine whether each of the plurality of hardware chips has a current version of software stored thereon, wherein cycling through the plurality of hardware chips comprises comparing data on the plurality of hardware chips with the software version data ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220288637A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

An ultrasonic transducer includes a case, a piezoelectric element, a wiring member, a foaming member, and a vibration damping material. The case includes a bottom wall. The piezoelectric element is disposed on the bottom wall inside the case. The wiring member is electrically connected to the piezoelectric element. The foaming member is disposed on the piezoelectric element. The vibration damping material is disposed between the piezoelectric element and the foaming member. The foaming member has a bottom surface opposing the piezoelectric element in a thickness direction of the piezoelectric element. A plurality of depressions is formed on the bottom surface. The vibration damping material bonds the piezoelectric element and the bottom surface. 1. An ultrasonic transducer comprising:a case including a bottom wall;a piezoelectric element disposed on the bottom wall inside the case;a wiring member electrically connected to the piezoelectric element;a foaming member disposed on the piezoelectric element; anda vibration damping material disposed between the piezoelectric element and the foaming member,wherein the foaming member has a bottom surface opposing the piezoelectric element in a thickness direction of the piezoelectric element, a plurality of depressions being formed on the bottom surface, andthe vibration damping material bonds the piezoelectric element and the bottom surface.2. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the vibration damping material is 0.5 times or more and 1.5 times or less a thickness of the piezoelectric element.3. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 1 , wherein the vibration damping material seeps into the foaming member from the bottom surface.4. The ultrasonic transducer according to claim 1 ,wherein the bottom wall includes an arrangement region and a peripheral region surrounding the arrangement region, the piezoelectric element being disposed in the arrangement region, anda cavity is formed ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

High tolerance ultrasonic transducer

Номер: US20200143781A1
Автор: Dan Xiang, Uday Singh
Принадлежит: Xwave Innovations Inc

An ultrasonic transducer is disclosed. The ultrasonic transducer includes a stainless steel backing comprising a piezoelectric element mounted on a front face of the backing, wherein the stainless steel backing enables operation in high temperature and radiation applications. The ultrasonic transducer further includes a first enclosure comprising a threaded through hole and a second enclosure comprising an opening, wherein the first and second enclosure encapsulates the stainless steel backing, wherein the first enclosure and the second enclosure are joined together using a plurality of enclosure screws, wherein the first enclosure is configured to receive a set screw through the threaded through hole, and wherein the set screw upon being received is configured to make contact with a ceramic ball, and wherein tightening of the set screw pushes the piezoelectric element out of the opening in the second enclosure to make a contact with a work structure.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170154617A1
Принадлежит: IEM SA

A detection terminal including a piezoelectric transducer emitting and receiving ultrasound waves via a diaphragm to which it is secured, said diaphragm being arranged opposite an opening of a housing and connected to said housing by connection mechanism. According to the invention, the diaphragm is connected to a rigid structure which enables same, when subjected to pressure, to undergo a contraction limited to the space provided for said purpose, in the opening of the housing, determined by a position of the structure abutting against a surface of the housing opposite the opening. 15-. (canceled)6. A detection terminal comprising:a piezoelectric transducer transmitting and receiving ultrasound waves via a diaphragm to which it is secured, said diaphragm being arranged opposite an opening of a box and connected to said box by isophonic “sound insulating” connecting mechanism, wherein the diaphragm is connected to a rigid structure allowing it, when it is subjected to a pressure, to retract, by a distance limited to a gap, into the opening of the box, determined by a position of the structure in abutment against a surface of the box opposite the opening.7. The detection terminal according to claim 6 , wherein the structure is tubular and rigid while the connecting mechanism comprise an isophonic elastomer seal.8. The detection terminal according to claim 6 , wherein the structure is tubular while the connecting mechanism comprise a skirt which has a connection claim 6 , with the box claim 6 , which is isophonic to the vertical waves and forms a single part with the diaphragm.9. The detection terminal according to claim 7 , wherein the structure and the box are provided with reciprocal mechanism blocking them in rotation with respect to each other.10. The detection terminal according to claim 6 , wherein the connecting mechanism comprise a skirt which forms a single part with the diaphragm while the structure comprises a rib formed in a thickness of the skirt by ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190149910A1

A speaker structure adapted to an electronic device is provided. The speaker structure includes a casing, a speaker and a vibration suppression element. The casing is fixed above a chassis of the electronic device. The speaker is disposed in the casing. The vibration suppression element connects the casing and the chassis. The vibration suppression element includes a spring and an elastic body. The spring is encapsulated by the elastic body. 1. A speaker structure , adapted to an electronic device , comprising:a casing, fixed above a chassis in the electronic device;a speaker, disposed in the casing; and a spring; and', 'an elastic body, encapsulating the spring., 'a vibration suppression element, connecting the casing and the chassis, and comprising2. The speaker structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the casing comprises a locking portion claim 1 , and the speaker structure further comprises a locking member claim 1 , the vibration suppression element penetrates through the locking portion claim 1 , and the locking member penetrates through the elastic body of the vibration suppression element and is locked to the chassis claim 1 , so as to fix the casing above the chassis.3. The speaker structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the elastic body has a through hole claim 2 , the locking member penetrates the through hole claim 2 , and the spring surrounds the through hole.4. The speaker structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the elastic body includes a main portion and two leaning portions connected to the main portion claim 2 , the two leaning portions are respectively located at two opposite sides of the main portion claim 2 , the main portion penetrates through the locking portion claim 2 , and the two leaning portions are respectively located at two opposite sides of the locking portion.5. The speaker structure as claimed in claim 4 , wherein a head portion of the locking member leans against the locking portion through one of the leaning portions.6. The ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle sensing system with ultrasonic transducer

Номер: US20180156901A1

A method of making a sensing unit for a sensing system of a vehicle includes providing a first housing portion, a second housing portion, and a transducer having a piezo element. The transducer is placed in the first housing portion at the closed transducer end of the first housing portion. A dampening ring is disposed in the first housing portion between the closed transducer end and the first open receiving end of the first housing portion. A compression ring is provided and disposed at least partially into the first open receiving end of the first housing portion with wires electrically connecting the piezo element to the pins of the compression ring in the first housing portion. A PCB is disposed in the second housing portion and electrically connected to terminals of a connector portion of the second housing portion. The first housing portion is attached to the second housing portion.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170162181A1

Provided is an electronic machine including a speaker unit; a housing; and a rotating device. The rotating device rotates the speaker unit with respect to the housing, wherein the speaker unit is provided with an opening portion and a member which is supported by the housing and extends substantially in parallel to a rotational axis of the speaker unit is adapted to passing through the opening portion. 1. An electronic machine comprising:a speaker unit;a housing; anda rotating device,wherein the rotating device rotates the speaker unit with respect to the housing,wherein the speaker unit is provided with an opening portion, andwherein a member which is supported by the housing and extends substantially in parallel to a rotational axis of the speaker unit is adapted to passing through the opening portion.2. The electronic machine according to claim 1 ,wherein a side of the speaker unit facing the housing includes a contacting portion contacting with the first housing, andwherein the housing includes a contacted portion, and the speaker unit moves along the contacted portion of the housing.3. The electronic machine according to claim 2 , wherein one of the contact portion and the contacted portion is a convex portion and the other of the contact portion and the contacted portion is a concave portion claim 2 , andwherein the contact portion and the contacted portion extend in a rotation direction of the rotating device.4. The electronic machine according to claim 3 ,wherein the opening portion is formed along a direction in which the contact portion extends.5. The electronic machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the rotating device includes a first rotating device that rotates the speaker unit; and a second rotating device that rotates the speaker unit with respect to the housing about the axis of the housing serving as a rotational axis.6. The electronic machine according to claim 5 ,wherein the housing includes a first housing and a second housing, andwherein the ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for operatively mounting actuators to pipe

Номер: US20200157891A1
Принадлежит: Cold Bore Technology Inc

An apparatus for mounting one or more transducers to a drill pipe. The apparatus comprises a sub-pipe having a bore and a transducer-holding assembly, wherein the transducer-holding assembly is insertable into the bore of the sub-pipe from an axial end of the sub-pipe. The apparatus further comprising a tension collar connected to the bore-defining surface of the sub-pipe and bearing upon the transducer-holder.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Ultrasound transducer

Номер: US20200171539A1
Принадлежит: Endress and Hauser Flowtec AG

The present disclosure relates to an ultrasound transducer having at least one transducer element for sending or receiving ultrasound signals. The ultrasound transducer includes a matching element acoustically coupled to the transducer element that is designed to ensure acoustic matching between the transducer element and a medium that acts on the matching element. In a first subregion of the axial extent, the matching element partially fills each cross section of the matching element, and a filling component in the first subregion along the first longitudinal axis monotonically increases in the direction of the first side. The matching element has a plurality of ring elements in the first subregion arranged concentrically around the first longitudinal axis. Each ring element partially fills each cross section in the first subregion, wherein the first subregion comprises at least 80% of an axial extent of the matching element along the first longitudinal axis.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180725A1

An ultrasonic sensor apparatus for placement on a cladding component of a vehicle, encompassing an ultrasonic sensor and a holder. The holder encompasses a cap and a support. The support has a connecting portion by way of which the support is intermaterially joinable to the cladding component, and has a frame portion, an opening through which a vibrating element of the ultrasonic sensor extends being provided in the connecting portion. The cap preloads the ultrasonic sensor toward a coupling element, and is mounted detachably on the support using a latching connection. The cap delimits the receiving region on the side facing away from the connecting portion. The support is a hybrid component having a metal insert overmolded with plastic. 111-. (canceled)12. An ultrasonic sensor apparatus for placement on a cladding component of a vehicle , comprising:an ultrasonic sensor including a vibrating element; anda holder having a support and a cap, the support having a connecting portion by way of which the support is intermaterially joinable to the cladding component, and a frame portion that constitutes a receiving region for the ultrasonic sensor, the connecting portion having an opening through which the vibrating element of the ultrasonic sensor extends being provided in the connecting portion, the cap being mounted detachably on the support by way of a latching connection, the cap delimiting the receiving region on a side facing away from the connecting portion, wherein the support is embodied as a hybrid component having a metal insert overmolded with plastic, the metal insert extending over both the connecting portion and the frame portion, a first portion of the metal insert extending parallel to a surface by way of which the support being joinable to the cladding component, and a second portion of the metal insert extends perpendicularly to the first portion.13. The ultrasonic sensor apparatus as recited in claim 12 , wherein in the receiving region claim 12 , a ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Automated Ultrasonic Inspection of Elongated Composite Members Using Single-Pass Robotic System

Номер: US20180188215A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Apparatus and methods for ultrasonic inspection of elongated composite members in a single scan pass using pulse echo phased arrays operating in a bubbler method. The system concept is fully automated by integrating an inspection probe assembly to a robot and using the robot to move the inspection probe assembly along the part (i.e., outside of an inspection tank); and by integrating tooling fixtures that move out of the way as the inspection probe assembly travels along the length of the part during the inspection. In addition, the system allows for generally elongated composite members having lengthwise variation in shape, curvature and dimensions. 1. A method for automated non-destructive inspection of a stationary elongated composite member in a single pass , comprising:supporting the elongated composite member using a multiplicity of holding fixtures disposed at intervals along a length of the elongated composite member, each holding fixture having an extended position in which the elongated composite member is supported and a retracted position in which the holding fixture is separated from the elongated composite structure;moving an inspection probe assembly along a length of the elongated composite member from one end of the elongated composite member to another end of the elongated composite member;inspecting the elongated composite member as the inspection probe assembly moves along the length of the elongated composite member;moving each holding fixture to its retracted position in sequence to allow the inspection probe assembly to pass by as the inspection probe assembly moves along the length of the elongated composite member; andextending each retracted holding fixture back to its extended position after the inspection probe assembly has passed by.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:detecting the inspection probe assembly as the inspection probe assembly approaches a holding fixture in an extended position;sending a first signal in ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231484A1

The invention relates to a filling level measuring device for measuring the filling level in a container through the wall thereof by means of ultrasound, having an ultrasonic measuring head, a controller, and a fastening device by means of which the filling level measuring device can be fastened to the container such that the ultrasonic measuring head is pressed against the wall of the container. The invention further relates to a method of operating such a filling level measuring device, wherein a sampling rate is used which is situation-dependent. The invention finally relates to an assembly made up of such a filling level measuring device and at least one spacer which can be attached to the lower edge of a container to be provided with the filling level measuring device. 1. A method of operating a filling level measuring device for measuring the filling level in a liquid gas bottle through the wall thereof by means of ultrasound , comprising an ultrasonic measuring head , a controller , and a fastening device by means of which the filling level measuring device can be fastened to the bottle such that the ultrasonic measuring head is pressed against the wall of the bottle , wherein a sampling rate is used which is situation-dependent.2. The method of wherein when the controller detects that the filling level measuring device is mounted to a new bottle claim 1 , the filling level measuring device initiates a series of measurements the results of which are averaged to determine a starting filling level.3. The method of wherein the controller reduces the sampling rate after the starting filling level has been determined.4. The method of wherein the controller reduces the sampling rate when it ascertains a constant filling level over a longer period of time.5. The method of wherein the controller greatly reduces the sampling rate or discontinues the measurements altogether if it detects no communication of the filling level measuring device with an external device.6. ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170205500A1
Автор: KIYOSE Kanechika

An ultrasonic probe includes a transmitting unit including a transmitting surface that transmits ultrasonic waves, a receiving unit including a receiving surface that receives the ultrasonic waves, and a receiving attitude changing unit that changes an angle of the receiving unit, wherein a part of the transmitting unit includes a second receiving unit (group of transmitting and receiving transducers) that can receive the ultrasonic waves. 1. An ultrasonic probe comprising:a transmitting unit that transmits ultrasonic waves;a first receiving unit that receives the ultrasonic waves; anda changing mechanism that changes arrangement of at least one of the transmitting unit and the first receiving unit,wherein apart of the transmitting unit includes a second receiving unit that can receive the ultrasonic waves.2. The ultrasonic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitting unit includes a transmitting array in which a plurality of ultrasonic transmitting transducers that transmit the ultrasonic waves are arranged in an array form.3. The ultrasonic probe according to claim 2 , wherein the second receiving unit is provided at a center of the transmitting array.4. The ultrasonic probe according to claim 2 , wherein a plurality of the second receiving units are provided claim 2 , andthe plurality of second receiving units are arranged in positions symmetric with respect to a predetermined reference position in the transmitting array.5. The ultrasonic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the second receiving unit is a transmitting and receiving transducer that can transmit and receive the ultrasonic waves.6. The ultrasonic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the second receiving unit is a receiving transducer that performs reception of the ultrasonic waves.7. The ultrasonic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the first receiving unit includes a receiving array in which a plurality of ultrasonic receiving transducers that receive the ultrasonic waves are arranged in ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170208390A1
Принадлежит: OTICON A/S

An electronic device, such as a hearing aid. The electronic device comprising a microphone unit, which are arranged in a hearing aid housing so as to optimize the vibration sensitivity of the microphone unit towards changes in the environment, potentially causing the housing to be influenced by vibrations, is disclosed. Furthermore, a method of arranging a microphone unit in an electronic device is disclosed. 1. Electronic device , comprisinga housing having an outer wall enclosing a microphone unit, the outer wall separating the microphone unit from an environment or the electronic device,the microphone unit comprising a first chamber having a first volume and a second chamber having a second volume;a first inlet opening being arranged in the first or second chamber, and a movable element separating the first and second chamber; anda microphone inlet element connected to the first chamber or the second chamber at the first inlet opening and to the outer wall of the housing at a second inlet opening, the microphone inlet element being configured to guide sound from the environment of the electronic device to the microphone;where a microphone unit orientation is defined by a first vector perpendicular to the movable element and extending in a direction from the movable element to the first inlet opening; andwhere a microphone inlet element orientation is defined by a second vector extending in a direction from the first inlet opening to the second inlet opening;wherein the microphone unit and the microphone inlet element, are arranged in the housing so that the second vector has a component in a direction opposite to the first vector.2. Electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the second volume of the second chamber is larger than the first volume of the first chamber.3. Electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the microphone unit further comprises a fixed element claim 1 , arranged in the microphone unit in one of the first or second chamber ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200209197A1
Принадлежит: Acosense AB

A holding arrangement for holding an acoustic transmitter in place in relation to a container. The arrangement comprises: a body comprising a cavity for holding an acoustic transmitter, the cavity comprising an opening arranged to face said container when said arrangement is attached to a container, wherein the body comprises acoustic damping material, and wherein the cavity is configured to permit movement of an acoustic transmitter in a direction perpendicular to a container surface and to restrict movement of the acoustic transmitter in directions not perpendicular to the container surface when an acoustic transmitter is arranged in said cavity and when said arrangement is attached to a container. There is also provided a measurement arrangement comprising such a holding arrangement. 1. A holding arrangement for holding an acoustic transmitter in place in relation to a container , the arrangement comprising:a body comprising a cavity for holding an acoustic transmitter, the cavity comprising an opening arranged and configured to face said container when said arrangement is attached to a container, wherein the body is made from an acoustic damping material, and wherein the cavity is configured to permit movement of an acoustic transmitter in a direction perpendicular to a container surface and to restrict movement of the acoustic transmitter in directions not perpendicular to the container surface when an acoustic transmitter is arranged in said cavity and when said arrangement is attached to a container.2. The holding arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the body comprises portions filled with an acoustic damping material different from a material of said body.3. The holding arrangement according to claim 1 , further comprising a damping element comprising acoustic damping material attached to an outside of said body.4. The holding arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the body is made from a material selected from the group comprising claim 1 , fiber- ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for mounting a sound masking device in a hotel room

Номер: US20210248989A1
Автор: Niklas Moeller
Принадлежит: 777388 Ontario Ltd

An apparatus and method for mounting a sound masking component or device to an existing electronic component, appliance, or a furnishing installed or located in a hotel room or other interior space. According to an embodiment, the existing electronic component or appliance comprises a television set. The television set includes a pre-existing mounting mechanism for attaching a television wall-mounting bracket. The sound masking component further includes a mounting bracket wherein the mounting bracket is configured to be secured to the pre-existing mounting mechanism on the television set. According to another embodiment, the sound masking component is mounted internally inside the television set and configured to receive power from the television power supply and emit a sound masking signal utilizing a television speaker or a separate sound masking speaker.

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237759A1

An apparatus for mounting one or more transducers to a drill pipe. The apparatus comprises a sub-pipe having a bore and a transducer-holding assembly, wherein the transducer-holding assembly is insertable into the bore of the sub-pipe from an axial end of the sub-pipe. The apparatus further comprising a tension collar connected to the bore-defining surface of the sub-pipe and bearing upon the transducer-holder. 1. An apparatus for mounting one or more transducers to a rotatable drilling pipe stand comprising:a sub-pipe comprising a bore-defining surface defining an axially oriented bore therethrough, a connector at a first axial end, and a connector at a second axial end, at least one of the connectors connectable to the rotatable drilling pipe string for rotation of the sub-pipe, while drilling, and for corresponding transmission of torque through the drilling pipe string and the sub-pipe to a drill bit connected to the drilling pipe string; anda transducer-holding assembly comprising one or more transducers, the transducer-holding assembly operably insertable into the bore of the sub-pipe from one of the first and second axial ends and mountable in the bore of the sub-pipe to provide intimate contact which facilitates acoustic communication between the one or more transducers and the sub-pipe.2. An apparatus according to wherein the sub-pipe is monolithically fabricated and the transducer-holding assembly is inserted into the bore of the sub-pipe from one of the first and second axial ends and mounted within the bore of the sub-pipe to provide the intimate contact which facilitates acoustic communication between the one or more transducers and the sub-pipe.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. An apparatus according to wherein the transducer-holding assembly defines at least a portion of an axially-extending channel claim 1 , the channel permitting axial drilling fluid flow therethrough.6. An apparatus according to wherein the intimate contact which facilitates acoustic ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140328143A1
Принадлежит: Viatran Corporation

The hammer union pressure transducer engages with a cinch nut of a hammer union coupling to cinch a nose end toward an internal sealing surface of a male component of the hammer union coupling. The transducer includes a connection end removably threaded to the nose end. An anti-rotation device engages the connection end and the nose end, inhibiting inadvertent unthreading. The anti-rotation device is removable or shearable, allowing unthreading of the connection end from the nose end as desired. A recess may be formed on the external sealing surface of the nose end and an insert may be disposed in the recess. The insert, if used, may be formed of a material that is different from a material of the nose end. An upgrade kit may also be employed and includes an adapter plate to connect to the nose end. 1. A hammer union pressure transducer , comprising: a nose end having a surface adapted to engage an internal sealing surface of a male component of a hammer union coupling,', 'a separate connection end removably threaded to the nose end along a mounting thread axis,', 'a shoulder formed on the housing, the shoulder adapted to be engaged by a cinch nut of the hammer union coupling to cinch the housing toward the male component such that the sealing surface of the nose end sealingly engages the internal sealing surface of the male component, and', 'an anti-rotation device engaging the connection end and the nose end to inhibit inadvertent unthreading of the connection end from the nose end, wherein the anti-rotation device is constructed and is arranged in the housing to be at least one of removable and shearable thereby allowing unthreading of the connection end from the nose end; and, 'a housing comprisinga pressure sensor disposed in the nose end.2. The hammer union pressure transducer according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation device comprises at least one screw.3. The hammer union pressure transducer according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one screw ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180239006A1

The invention relates to an ultrasonic sensor device () for a motor vehicle, having an ultrasonic sensor () which has a diaphragm () for emitting and/or receiving an ultrasonic signal, and having an attachment device which is configured, in a correct installation position of the ultrasonic sensor device () on an exterior panelling part () of the motor vehicle, to press the diaphragm () against an inner side () of the exterior panelling part () with a prestressing force, wherein the attachment device has a securing apparatus () and a cover apparatus (), wherein the securing apparatus () can be arranged on the inner side () of the exterior panelling part () and has an opening () in which the diaphragm () is arranged, and wherein the cover apparatus () has a receptacle () in which a rear side (), lying opposite the diaphragm (), of the ultrasonic sensor () is secured, and wherein the cover apparatus () and the securing apparatus () are connected in a positively locking fashion. 1. An ultrasonic sensor device for a motor vehicle , comprising:an ultrasonic sensor which has a diaphragm for emitting and/or receiving an ultrasonic signal; andan attachment device which is configured, in a correct installation position of the ultrasonic sensor device on an exterior panelling part of the motor vehicle, to press the diaphragm against an inner side of the exterior panelling part with a prestressing force,wherein the attachment device has a securing apparatus and a cover apparatus, wherein the securing apparatus is arranged on the inner side of the exterior panelling part and has an opening in which the diaphragm is arranged,wherein the cover apparatus has a receptacle in which a rear side, lying opposite the diaphragm, of the ultrasonic sensor is secured, andwherein the cover apparatus and the securing apparatus are connected in a positively locking fashion.2. The ultrasonic sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover apparatus has at least one spring element for ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190247009A1

A mounting system is provided to allow the attachment of an acoustic collector to a handheld electronic device such that sound is conducted directly to the device's microphone. A fitted case or band encloses part of the device and includes a tube running from the collector to the device's microphone. In certain embodiments, the tube may be embedded in the case, and a detachable mount may be provided to connect the collector to the case. The collector may be a stethoscope chestpiece, or an open air collector, such as a parabolic collector. 1. A device , comprising:an acoustic collector configured to collect sound; and the electronic device comprises a front surface and a back surface; and', 'the acoustic collector extends rigidly from the back surface when the electronic device is attached to the acoustic collector., 'an electronic device configured to be removably attached to the acoustic collector, wherein'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic collector comprises a stethoscope.3. The device of claim 1 , whereinthe electronic device comprises a camera; andthe back surface comprises an aperture exposing the camera.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the electronic device comprises an electronic screen on the front surface.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein:the electronic screen faces a first direction;the acoustic collector extends in a second direction when the electronic device is attached to the acoustic collector; andthe first direction and the second direction are opposite directions.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the acoustic collector extends in a direction with respect to the electronic device that is opposite to the electronic screen.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein an entirety of the acoustic collector is rigid relative to the electronic device when the electronic device is attached to the acoustic collector.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the electronic device is configured to be removably attached to the acoustic collector via snap- ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180255762A1

A light source suitable for use in a conventional light socket of a conventional light fixture includes an integral sonic repelling device operable to generate sound at a frequency that is inaudible to humans but that repels pests such as mice and rats. 1. A light source comprising:a body;a connector mounted on the body and operable to connect the light element to a power source;at least one light emitting element connected to the body and operable to provide visible light;at least one pest repelling element connected to the body, the pest repelling element including at least one speaker operable to provide sound at a predetermined frequency;a switch operable to selectively activate the at least one light emitting element and the at least one pest repelling element.2. The light source of claim 1 , wherein the body is has a shape of a conventional flood light lightbulb.3. The light source of claim 1 , wherein the body has a shape of a conventional incandescent lightbulb.4. The light source of claim 1 , further comprising:lighting circuitry mounted in the body and connected to the connector and the at least one light emitting element to control activation of the at least one light emitting element.5. The light source of claim 4 , further comprising:sound circuitry mounted in the body and connected to the connector and the pest repelling element to control the pest repelling element.6. The light source of claim 5 , wherein the lighting circuitry and the sound circuitry are provided on a printed circuit board.7. The light source of claim 5 , wherein the lighting circuitry is provided on a first printed circuit board and the sound circuitry is provided on a second printed circuit board.8. The light source of claim 5 , further comprising power management circuitry connected to the connector and to the lighting circuitry and the sound circuitry and operable to provide power thereto.9. The light source of claim 8 , wherein the power management circuitry is provided on a ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180263597A1

The present invention relates to a device for holding an interchangeable ultrasound probe for medical application. The device comprises a base comprising a fixation means arranged for fixating the device at a surface contact area of the device to a position on a patient's skin; and a base module arranged for being connected to the base and arranged for holding the ultrasound probe. The base module further comprises adjusting means arranged for adjusting the position of the ultrasound probe. The adjusting means comprises a locking mechanism arranged for fixating the adjusted position of the ultrasound probe. The base module comprises a receiver arranged for receiving and retaining the ultrasound probe, which receiver is customizable to the ultrasound probe. The invention further relates to a method. 1. A device for holding an interchangeable ultrasound probe for medical application comprising:a base comprising a fixation means arranged for fixating the device at a surface contact area of the device to a position on a patient's skin;a base module arranged for being connected to the base and arranged for holding the ultrasound probe;the base module further comprising adjusting means arranged for adjusting the position of the ultrasound probe; andthe adjusting means comprising a locking mechanism arranged for fixating the adjusted position of the ultrasound probe;whereinthe base module comprises a receiver arranged for receiving and retaining the ultrasound probe; andwherein the receiver is customizable to the ultrasound probe.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the base module and receiver are modular and arranged for being interchangeable for customizing the receiver for a particular ultrasound probe.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the base module is arranged for being displaced in a rotational direction from a first rotated position to a second rotated position in a plane of the surface contact area.4. The device according to ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Sensor adhesion state determination system, sensor adhesion state determination device, and sensor adhesion state determination method

Номер: US20180266998A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a sensor adhesion state determination system includes a plurality of sensors, a calculator, and a determiner. Each of the plurality of sensors detects elastic waves. The calculator calculates peak frequencies of the elastic waves on the basis of the elastic waves detected by the plurality of sensors. The determiner determines the adhesion state of each of the sensors by comparing the peak frequencies with information serving as a determination reference.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180271494A1

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for coupling a flexible circuit to a printed circuit board (PCB) with an interposer in an ultrasound probe are disclosed. A bolster plate configured to compress the PCB, interposer, and flexible circuit against a transducer mount is disclosed. A method of coupling a bolster plate to a transducer mount with fasteners is disclosed. Fasteners that do not pass through the PCB, interposer, and flexible circuit are disclosed. 1. An ultrasound probe , comprising:a transducer mount;a transducer stack coupled to an upper surface of the transducer mount;a flexible circuit coupled to the transducer stack and wrapped under the transducer mount, wherein the flexible circuit covers a portion of a lower surface of the transducer mount;an interposer adjacent to the flexible circuit, opposite the lower surface of the transducer mount;a printed circuit board adjacent to the interposer opposite the flexible circuit; anda bolster plate adjacent to the printed circuit board wherein the bolster plate is configured to be secured to the transducer mount and hold the printed circuit board in electrical contact with the flexible circuit through the interposer.2. The ultrasound probe of claim 1 , wherein the bolster plate includes a tab extending from a surface of the bolster plate to the transducer mount claim 1 , wherein the tab is configured to couple to the transducer mount and the tab having a surface disposed against a side of the transducer mount.3. The ultrasound probe of claim 2 , wherein the tab includes a first opening and the transducer mount includes a second opening claim 2 , and further comprising a fastener configured to fit within the first and second openings to couple the bolster plate to the transducer mount.4. The ultrasound probe of claim 3 , wherein the fastener extends in a plane parallel to a plane of the transducer stack.5. The ultrasound probe of claim 4 , wherein the fastener is outside an acoustical path of the transducer stack.6. ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации

Flooded Member Detection by Means of Ultrasound

Номер: US20210356432A1
Автор: Gronningsaeter Age

A sensor system for detecting water or air in a hollow member comprises a first acoustic sensor assembly in a first housing on one side of the hollow member, a second acoustic sensor assembly in a second housing on the opposite side, a controller unit connected to the first and/or second sensor assemblies, and where the first and second sensor assemblies and the controller unit are provided with power supply. Each of the first and second sensor assemblies comprises a set of probes connected to electronics for transmitting and receiving signals, and where the housings comprise fastening means for connecting the housings and the probes to the hollow member. The controller unit comprises a microcontroller, software for controlling and coordinating transmission and reception of signals between said probes, and means for registering and logging data generated by the sensor assemblies. A method detects water or air in a hollow member.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170281120A1

A mounting system is provided to allow the attachment of an acoustic collector to a handheld electronic device such that sound is conducted directly to the device's microphone. A fitted case or band encloses part of the device and includes a tube running from the collector to the device's microphone. In certain embodiments, the tube may be embedded in the case, and a detachable mount may be provided to connect the collector to the case. The collector may be a stethoscope chestpiece, or an open air collector, such as a parabolic collector. 1. A stethoscope for use with a microphone-equipped handheld electronic device , said stethoscope comprising:(a) a detachable fitted casing for attaching to at least a portion of said handheld electronic device, said casing having a broad surface;(b) a stethoscope chestpiece incorporated with said casing and located on said broad surface of said casing;(c) a tube configured to carry sound waves through air from said stethoscope chestpiece to a microphone on said handheld electronic device, wherein the entire length of said tube is physically incorporated as a channel within said casing; and(d) wherein said tube has a microphone end opening configured to be located over the microphone of said handheld electronic device.2. The stethoscope of claim 1 , wherein said handheld electronic device is a Smartphone/Tablet and said casing is designed to hook onto said handheld electronic device.3. The stethoscope of claim 1 , wherein said stethoscope chestpiece has a rim capable of detachably mounting a diaphragm.4. The stethoscope of claim 1 , wherein the stethoscope chestpiece is formed from a flexible rubber material configured to deform to match contours of a surface being listened to.5. The stethoscope of claim 1 , wherein said microphone end opening has a compressible sealing ring configured to be compressed around said microphone claim 1 , and wherein said casing is configured to compress said sealing ring around said microphone when ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Capacitance type transducer, manufacturing method therefor, and subject information acquiring apparatus

Номер: US20150290679A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A capacitance type transducer includes one or more cells having a structure in which a vibrating film including one electrode of a pair of electrodes formed spaced apart from each other is supported to be capable of vibrating. The cells are disposed on one surface of a substrate. An acoustic matching layer is provided between a water-resistant sheet and the cells. A water-resistant frame is disposed to surround a side surface of the substrate. The sheet is bonded to an end face of the frame to cover an opening of the frame.

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle front structure comprising a horn

Номер: US20190270376A1
Автор: Vojtech SEDLAK
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

The present invention relates to a vehicle front structure including: a cooling device adapted to contain a cooling fluid configured to be cooled by an airflow received when the vehicle is moving; a shutter unit arranged to control the air flow and to redirect the air flow towards the cooling device, an air guide arranged in front of and adjacent the shutter unit, the air guide is arranged to redirect air flow coming from the forward direction of the vehicle towards the shutter unit; a horn unit configured to provide a sound output signal to a sound output portion attached to the air guide in such a way that an air tight seal is formed between a rim of the sound output portion and the air guide.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190277954A1

An ultrasonic transducer is described as having a diaphragm cup that is connected to a housing by way of a preferably annular fastening element that radially surrounds the diaphragm cup at least indirectly at its outside diameter with reference to a longitudinal axis of the diaphragm cup. 110.-. (canceled)11. An ultrasonic transducer , comprising:a housing;a fastening element; and the fastening element radially surrounds the diaphragm cup at least indirectly at an outside diameter of the diaphragm cup with reference to a longitudinal axis of the diaphragm cup, and', 'for a positively or nonpositively engaged connection to the housing, the fastening element is disposed in the housing at least locally radially inside a receiving region for the fastening element., 'a diaphragm cup that is connected to the housing by way of the fastening element, wherein12. The ultrasonic transducer as recited in claim 11 , wherein the fastening element is annular.13. The ultrasonic transducer as recited in claim 11 , wherein:the fastening element is fastened on the housing by way of a snap-lock connection that includes at least one snap-lock element that projects radially outward on the fastening element and interacts with an at least approximately counterpart snap-lock opening that is embodied in the receiving region at least in a region of an inner wall of the receiving region.14. The ultrasonic transducer as recited in claim 13 , wherein the snap-lock opening includes a passthrough opening.15. The ultrasonic transducer as recited in claim 13 , wherein the at least one snap- lock element includes an elastically movable snap-lock element.16. The ultrasonic transducer as recited in claim 11 , wherein:the fastening element has, on a side facing away from the housing in a longitudinal direction, an outer contour adapted to an outer contour of the housing and proceeds flush therewith, andan end surface of the fastening element facing away from the housing terminates flush with an end ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Passive Sound Source Classification And Localization

Номер: US20190277986A1

A method for processing audible sounds using ultrasonic sensors. The method includes passively monitoring, via ultrasonic sensors, an external environment for a audible sounds. An audible sound may be detected and used to produce a sound signal. The sound signal may be filtered to determine one or more features corresponding thereto, including a class, a position, and a velocity. A priority may be assigned to the sound signal based on the sound signal to determine an appropriate response. A corresponding system and computer program product are also disclosed and claimed herein. 1. A method comprising:passively monitoring, with at least one ultrasonic sensor, an external environment for audible sounds;detecting, with the at least one ultrasonic sensor, an audible sound to produce a sound signal;filtering the sound signal to determine a feature corresponding thereto, the feature comprising at least one of a class, a position, and a velocity; andassigning a priority to the sound signal based on the feature to determine an appropriate response.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ultrasonic sensor is coupled to a first vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising tracking the sound signal based on the priority.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein tracking comprises monitoring the position of the sound signal relative to the at least one ultrasonic sensor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein assigning a priority to the sound signal further comprises assigning the priority based on at least one of current traffic conditions claim 1 , behavior policies claim 1 , and expectations of objects.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the priority assigned to the sound signal is changeable.7. The method of claim 2 , further comprising communicating the feature to a second vehicle.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein communicating the feature is based on at least one of a proximity of the second vehicle relative to the first vehicle and a user request.9. The method ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200294481A1

A sound transducer, in particular for an ultrasonic sensor, is described, which includes a housing, at least one decoupling element and a functional group. The functional group includes a diaphragm cup and at least one electroacoustic converter element. The diaphragm cup includes a vibratable diaphragm and a circumferential wall as well as at least one electroacoustic converter element, the converter element being configured to excite the diaphragm to vibrations and/or to convert vibrations of the diaphragm into electrical signals. The diaphragm cup and at least one part of the housing are made from a plastic material. The decoupling element is configured to vibration-mechanically decouple the diaphragm cup and/or the at least one part of the housing from outer surroundings of the sound transducer. The decoupling element is integrated into the diaphragm cup, in particular into the wall of the diaphragm cup, and/or the at least one part of the housing.

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200300994A1

A marine multibeam sonar device comprises a processing element and a transmitter. The processing element generates a plurality of transmit transducer electronic signals and inverts a polarity of a first portion of the transmit transducer electronic signals. The transmitter is in communication with the processing element and includes a plurality of transmit electronic circuits and a plurality of transmit transducers. Each transmit electronic circuit receives and processes one of the transmit transducer electronic signals, wherein a first portion of the circuits re-inverts the polarity of the first portion of the transmit transducer electronic signals. The transmit transducers receive the processed transmit transducer electronic signals from the transmit electronic circuits and generate a sonar beam. 1. A marine multibeam sonar device comprising: a plurality of receive channels, each receive channel including a receive transducer configured to generate a receive transducer electronic signal with a polarity, wherein the polarity of a first portion of the receive transducer electronic signals is inverted compared with the polarity of the rest of the receive transducer electronic signals, and', 'electronic circuitry configured to receive the receive transducer electronic signals and generate a receive signal including data from each of the receive transducer electronic signals;, 'a receiver configured to receive reflections of a transmitted sonar beam, the receiver including—'}a memory element; and receive the receive signal,', 're-invert the polarity of the data from only the first portion of the receive transducer electronic signals such that the polarity of the data from the first portion of the receive transducer electronic signals corresponds to the polarity of the rest of the receive transducer electronic signals, and', 'generate sonar data from the re-inverted data from the first portion of the receive transducer electronic signals and the data from the rest of ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Motorized Microphone Rails

Номер: US20180316994A1
Автор: May Randall L.

Improvements in a motorized microphone rail system for a musical instrument and more particularly for a percussion instrument such as a drum, marimba or similar musical instrument. The microphone system includes a vibration isolation system. A vertical or horizontal tracking system bridges across supports of a drum or marimba in a vertical or horizontal tracking system. One or more microphones are supported on the first bridging structure. The microphone(s) are positional with a drive screw that is powered by a motor. The microphone can be moved along the supporting rail to alter the sound based upon the phasing of the sound wave between the drum heads or the sound producing elements. Electronic drive and control for operating a motor that positions the microphone is also disclosed. 1. A motorized microphone rail system comprising: mount a microphone thereon, and', 'couple to the drive screw through the elongated supporting rail such that driving of the drive screw repositions the microphone suspension structure along the elongated supporting rail., 'a microphone suspension structure exteriorly mountable on an elongated supporting rail having a drive screw internal thereto, the microphone suspension structure configured to2. The motorized microphone rail system of claim 1 , wherein the drive screw is configured to be driven via a motor temporally connected to a power supply so as to cause a transmission to drive the drive screw to thereby reposition the microphone suspension structure along the elongated supporting rail.3. The motorized microphone rail system of claim 1 , further comprising an elastomeric isolator positioned on the microphone suspension structure so as to be between the microphone and the microphone suspension structure when the microphone is mounted on the microphone suspension structure.4. The motorized microphone rail system of claim 1 , wherein the temporal connection is an at least two position switch that turns the drive screw in a clockwise ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190311703A1

Hair cells are exquisitely sensitive to auditory stimuli, but also to damage from a variety of sources including noise trauma and ototoxic drugs. Mammals cannot regenerate cochlear hair cells, while non-mammalian vertebrates exhibit robust regenerative capacity. To allow for the effective examination of this process disclosed herein is a design and method of utilizing a device capable of inducing acoustic trauma in the larval lateral line. The device uses ultrasonic transducers to induce cavitation wherein microbubbles form in the fluid medium inside the container. These bubbles oscillate and then implode, sending shockwaves into the fluid inside the well-plate containing the fish. The device emits a broadband signal with peak sound energy in the low-frequency range below 200 Hz, consistent with the response range of the larval lateral line. 1. An acoustic cavitation system for noise intensity and time induced trauma , comprising:a container configured to hold a disposed fluid;a well plate, wherein the well plate is removeably disposed therein the fluid in whole or in part;one or more elastic wave generators coupled to the container;an ultrasonic generator coupled to the one or more elastic wave generators, wherein the ultrasonic generator as coupled to the one or more elastic wave generators are configured to provide cavitation within the fluid via a plurality of sound pressures/intensities peak-to-peak of up to 188 (1 μPa) via an incremental supplied voltage range of up to 1.7 volts, and wherein the sound pressures/intensities are over an exposure time of up to about 120 minutes; and a controller/processor configured to provide control of the acoustic cavitation system and for data analysis.2. The acoustic cavitation system of claim 1 , wherein the sound pressures include a first sound pressure intensity peak-to-peak of 188 (1 μPa) for an input voltage of 1.2 volts and a second sound pressure intensity peak-to-peak of 186 (1 μPa) for an input voltage of 1.7 volts ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Transducers With Improved Impedance Matching

Номер: US20200321511A1

A transducer () having a mechanical impedance over an operative frequency range and having a desired power coupling () to a load over the operative frequency range comprises a piezoelectric device () having a frequency distribution of modes in the operative frequency range; and an overmould (). The overmould () is arranged to surround at least part of the piezoelectric device (); and the parameters of the overmould () are selected to provide a required impedance matching between the mechanical impedance of the transducer () and the mechanical impedance of the load. An alternative transducer comprises a mounting means for holding a discrete portion of at least a part of the periphery of the piezoelectric device wherein the parameters of the mounting means are selected to provide a required boundary condition for the periphery of the piezoelectric device whereby the desired power coupling between the transducer and the load is provided. 1. (canceled)2. A device comprising:a panel extending in a plane; and a piezoelectric beam having a length along a direction parallel to the plane, the length defined by a first end and a second end, the piezoelectric beam having a surface extending parallel to the plane, the surface supporting a layer comprising a polymer of Shore A hardness less than 40; and', a first support coupled to the piezoelectric beam at the first end; and', 'a second support coupled to the piezoelectric beam at the second end;, 'at least two supports comprising, 'wherein the at least two supports are coupled to the piezoelectric beam in a configuration that permits pivotal movement of the piezoelectric beam about the at least two supports., 'a transducer coupled to the panel, the transducer comprising3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the piezoelectric beam and the panel are coupled at the surface.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the surface comprises a first surface claim 2 , the device comprising:a second surface opposite from the first surface and ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190323994A1

A transducer assembly for use in determining a health state of a joint () between first and second joined parts (); the transducer assembly comprising a transducer module () comprising a transducer element () for transmitting or receiving an ultrasonic signal to or from, respectively, the joint, and a mounting part () comprising an internal wedge portion (), formed integrally with the mounting part (), to which the transducer element () is fixed permanently so that the transducer module forms a unitary replaceable module. 1454244. A transducer assembly for use in determining a health state of a joint () between first and second joined parts ( , ); the transducer assembly comprising:{'b': 50', '100', '45', '52', '70', '52', '100', '50, 'a transducer module () comprising a transducer element () for transmitting or receiving an ultrasonic signal to or from, respectively, the joint (), and a mounting part () comprising an internal wedge portion (), formed integrally with the mounting part (), to which the transducer element () is fixed permanently so that the transducer module () forms a unitary replaceable module.'}270100. The transducer assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the wedge portion () includes a substantially flat face to which the transducer element () is fixed.35268100. The transducer assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mounting part () is provided with a recess () and wherein the transducer element () is received within the recess.468100. The transducer assembly as claimed in claim 3 , comprising a filler material arranged to fill excess space within the recess () once the transducer element () has been mounted within the recess.550. The transducer assembly as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the filler material defines at least a part of a flat upper surface of the transducer module ().6. The transducer assembly as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the filler material includes an adhesive material.75070. The transducer assembly as claimed in claim 1 , ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200333177A1

The invention relates to a filling level measuring device () for measuring the filling level in a container () through the wall () thereof by means of ultrasound, having an ultrasonic measuring head (), a controller (), and a fastening device () by means of which the filling level measuring device () can be fastened to the container () such that the ultrasonic measuring head () is pressed against the wall () of the container (). The invention further relates to a method of operating such a filling level measuring device (), wherein a sampling rate is used which is situation-dependent. The invention finally relates to an assembly made up of such a filling level measuring device and at least one spacer () which can be attached to the lower edge of a container () to be provided with the filling level measuring device (). 11029122024102129222161014129224. A filling level measuring device () for measuring the filling level in a container () through the wall () thereof by means of ultrasound , comprising an ultrasonic measuring head () , a controller () , and a fastening device () by means of which the filling level measuring device () can be fastened to the container () such that the ultrasonic measuring head () is pressed against the wall () of the container () , an energy source () being integrated , a housing () being provided having the components of the filling level measuring device () integrated therein , and a coupling cushion () being provided which is arranged on that side of the ultrasonic measuring head () which faces the wall () of the container () characterized in that the fastening device () contains an adhesive.21029122024102129222161014129224. A filling level measuring device () for measuring the filling level in a container () through the wall () thereof by means of ultrasound , comprising an ultrasonic measuring head () , a controller () , and a fastening device () by means of which the filling level measuring device () can be fastened to the container ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Sound attenuating panel

Номер: US20160372100A1
Принадлежит: Philips Lighting Holding BV

The invention provides a sound attenuating panel ( 100 ) with controllable sound attenuation properties, the sound attenuating panel ( 100 ) comprising (a) a sound attenuating unit ( 200 ) with cavities ( 212 ) with variable dimensions and (b) an infrastructure ( 300 ) for controlling the dimensions of the cavities ( 212 ) in the sound attenuating unit ( 200 ). The sound attenuating unit comprises sound attenuating material with controllable sound attenuating properties, but may also have wave guiding properties, thereby allowing to combine in the sound attenuating unit 200 both sound attenuating properties and optical properties.

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Conduit locating method and apparatus

Номер: US20150377838A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for use with at least one associated elongated conduit having first and second axial extremities and for facilitating the identification of the location of the second axial extremity of the associated conduit when presented with the first axial extremity thereof which includes an audio generator having an emitter port having an acoustic output amplitude equal to or greater than 110 dB measured at 2 inches from said emitter port.

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160379612A1
Принадлежит: BAE SYSTEMS plc

In an arrangement for transmitting power or data through a solid rigid substrate without penetrating the substrate, acoustic transducer components are mounted on the substrate by means of strain isolator elements which are welded or otherwise bonded to the substrate and providing an attachment surface to which the attachment interface of the acoustic transducer may be attached. The strain isolator element is of the same or similar acoustic impedance as the rigid substrate and may indeed be formed of the same material. Various geometries of strain isolator are disclosed, including a plain spacer block, and one comprising a stalk attached to the solid rigid substrate and topped by a disc in a ‘mushroom’ configuration. 1. A non-penetrating data transfer mounting arrangement configured for use on a surface of a solid rigid substrate which in use is subjected to strains in excess of 0.5×10 , which arrangement comprises:a first acoustic transducer having an attachment surface, and a first strain isolating element having a relatively narrow stem portion having a first surface attached to a first surface of said substrate and an enlarged head portion having a second surface attached to the attachment surface of said first acoustic transducer, the stem portion and the head portion being a unitary region of material between the first and second surfaces of the first strain isolating element, the first strain isolating element being configured such that when said substrate is subjected to a compressive strain in use, the strain at said second surface of said first strain isolating element is lower than that at said first surface of said first strain isolating element; anda second acoustic transducer having an attachment surface, and a second strain isolating element having a relatively narrow stem portion having a first surface attached to a second surface of said substrate and an enlarged head portion having a second surface attached to the attachment surface of said second ...

13-05-2003 дата публикации

Medical diagnostic ultrasound system and method

Номер: US6561979B1
Принадлежит: Acuson Corp

A portable medical diagnostic ultrasound system is provided which includes shielding for electromagnetic interference by forming shielded enclosed compartments around the individual components of the ultrasound system. This compartmentalization of components isolates EMI between the components themselves as well as the outside world. Further, the EMI shielding provides structural rigidity and support for the entire ultrasound system. In another aspect, the EMI shielding provides heat dissipation capability for the internal components of the ultrasound system. The portable medical diagnostic ultrasound system further provides a transducer connector which provides high density interconnects between the transducer and the ultrasound system while providing an ergonomically easy to handle connector. Further, the connector is rugged, providing a high number of connection and disconnection cycles.

02-03-1992 дата публикации

Endoscopische aftastinrichting.

Номер: NL9001755A
Принадлежит: Optische Ind De Oude Delft Nv

23-09-1997 дата публикации

Endoscopic probe

Номер: US5669389A
Принадлежит: Optische Industrie de Oude Delft NV

Endoscopic probe in particular suitable for use as a TEE-probe, comprising a flexible tube having at one end a probe head which is provided with ultrasonic transducer means of the phased array type with a transducer made up of a number of elongated transducer elements which elements can be individually electrically controlled by means of cables connected to the individual elements and extending through the flexible tube in which the transducer is mounted in an essentially cylindrical transducer housing which is placed in a cavity in the probe head and is rotatable about a longitudinal axis extending at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the probe head, by means of drive means interacting with the transducer housing while the elongated transducer elements are connected by means of flexible conductors to the cables extending through the flexible tube and in which the cavity in the probe head is sealed with an acoustically transparent head and the transducer is coupled acoustically to the fixed cap by means of acoustic coupling means which permit a rotation of the transducer relative to the fixed cap.

12-06-2012 дата публикации

Transducers, devices and systems containing the transducers, and methods of manufacture

Номер: US8197413B2
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

A catheter assembly for an intravascular ultrasound system includes a catheter and an imaging core. The catheter includes a lumen extending along the longitudinal length of the catheter from the proximal end to the distal end and the imaging core is configured and arranged for inserting into the lumen. The imaging core includes a rotatable driveshaft, at least one transducer mounted to the distal end of the rotatable driveshaft, and a twisted wire cable coupled to the at least one transducer. In addition, a number of different transducer arrangements and methods of making transducers are presented.

01-05-2007 дата публикации

Apparatus, circuitry, signals and methods for cleaning and/or processing with sound

Номер: US7211928B2
Автор: William L. Puskas
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention utilizes a multiple frequency ultrasound generator driving a multiple frequency harmonic transducer array to improve cleaning and processing effects while eliminating damage to parts being cleaned. An AC switch and circuitry to modify the output of an ultrasound generator in combination with techniques such as random AM and FM signals are used to produce ultrasound waves that have no single frequency components which eliminates exciting parts being cleaned into resonance. Generator signals that increase cavitation efficiency and that have successive time periods with predominately stable cavitation and predominantly transient cavitation further improve the performance of the cleaning or processing systems.

27-01-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus, circuitry, signals and methods for cleaning and/or processing with sound

Номер: US20050017599A1
Автор: William Puskas
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention utilizes a multiple frequency ultrasound generator driving a multiple frequency harmonic transducer array to improve cleaning and processing effects while eliminating damage to parts being cleaned. An AC switch and circuitry to modify the output of an ultrasound generator in combination with techniques such as random AM and FM signals are used to produce ultrasound waves that have no single frequency components which eliminates exciting parts being cleaned into resonance. Generator signals that increase cavitation efficiency and that have successive time periods with predominately stable cavitation and predominantly transient cavitation further improve the performance of the cleaning or processing systems.

25-12-2008 дата публикации

Ultrasound system with through via interconnect structure

Номер: US20080315331A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An ultrasound monitoring system. In one embodiment, an array of transducer cells is formed along a first plane and an integrated circuit structure, formed along a second plane parallel to the first plane, includes an array of circuit cells. A connector provides electrical connections between the array of transducer cells and the array of circuit cells, and an interconnection structure is connected to transfer signals between the circuit cells and processing and control circuitry. The integrated circuit structure includes a semiconductor substrate and a plurality of conductive through-die vias formed through the substrate to provide Input/Output (I/O) connections between the transducer cells and the interconnection structure. The monitoring system may be configured as an imaging system and the processing and control circuitry may be external to the probe unit.
