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07-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2801325C2

Изобретение относится к нанопористым материалам на углеродной основе, более конкретно к углеродным аэрогелям, подходящим для применения в средах, в которых осуществляются электрохимические реакции, например, в качестве электродного материала в составе литий-ионного аккумулятора. Углеродная композиция содержит углеродный материал и материал на кремниевой основе. Углеродный материал имеет пористую структуру, и углеродная композиция содержит более чем приблизительно 10% по массе материала на кремниевой основе и имеет коэффициент использования кремния, составляющий по меньшей мере приблизительно 20%. Углеродный материал имеет одно или несколько из следующих свойств: пористая структура, имеющая волокнистую морфологию, модуль упругости, составляющий по меньшей мере приблизительно 0,2 ГПа, удельная электропроводность, составляющая по меньшей мере приблизительно 10 См/см, и плотность, составляющая от приблизительно 0,15 г/см3 до приблизительно 1,5 г/см3. Техническим результатом является улучшение ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2671968C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно к катодной смеси для использования в биосовместимой батарее. Описаны также способы и аппарат для образования биосовместимых элементов питания. В некоторых примерах способы и аппарат для образования биосовместимых элементов питания включают формирование полостей, содержащих активные химические вещества катода. Активные элементы катода и анода герметизированы с помощью биосовместимого материала. Предложена катодная смесь, содержащая оксид переходного металла, например диоксид марганца, гидрофобное связующее вещество, содержащее полиизобутилен, растворитель и модификации углерода, при этом катодная смесь способна заполнять полость в слоистой структуре за счет своих реологических свойств, сохраняя биосовместимость и электропроводность. В некоторых примерах область применения способов и аппарата может включать различные биосовместимое устройство или продукт, для которых необходимы элементы питания. Повышение безопасности и надежности при ...

10-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2125968C1

Изобретение предназначено для отраслей, в которых могут быть использованы фторуглеродные частицы. Среднечисленный размер 0,01 - 50 мкм. Распределение частиц с этим размером ±20 % от среднечисленного размера до по крайней мере 50% всего количества частиц. Истинный удельный вес 1,7 - 2,5. Отношение F/С частицы в целом 0,001 - 0,5, на поверхности - 0,1 - 2,0. Степень сферичности 0,8 - 1,0. Фторуглеродные частицы получают нагреванием углеродных частиц с указанными параметрами до 350 - 600oC и пропусканием газообразного фтора. Агенты неклейкости, твердые смазки, водо- и маслоотталкивающие средства, агенты для придания электрической проводимости, добавки к тонеру включают эти фторуглеродные частицы. Композитные материалы включают матрицу - смолы, каучуки, металлы, керамику, микрочастицы мезоуглерода, игольчатый кокс, углеродную сажу, пек, деготь, масла, органические растворители, воду или водные растворы и диспергированные в матрице фторуглеродные частицы. Тонкоизмельченные композитные частицы ...

21-06-2017 дата публикации

Отрицательный электрод литий-ионного аккумулятора с твердополимерным электролитом в качестве сепаратора

Номер: RU171912U1

Полезная модель относится к области вторичных химических источников тока, а именно к отрицательным электродам литий-ионного аккумулятора, в котором в качестве сепаратора выступает твердополимерный электролит с униполярной проводимостью по ионам лития, и направлена на увеличение стабильности удельной емкости литий-ионного аккумулятора при циклическом заряде-раряде, уменьшение экологического риска и снижения взрывобезопасности. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в качестве активного материала используется нанопорошок кремния, а в качестве полимерного связующего используется литий-ионпроводящий полимерный электролит с униполярной проводимостью по ионам лития, который также обеспечивает перенос ионов лития между порошком кремния и сепаратором и не требует использования жидкого электролита. Отрицательный электрод литий-ионного аккумулятора с твердополимерным электролитом в качестве сепаратора состоит из композита на основе нанопорошка кремния, электропроводящей сажи и полимерного связующего на основе литированного перфторированного сульфокатионитного полимера, пластифицированного органическими растворителями, нанесенного на токовый коллектор из медной фольги. Нанопорошок кремния является активным компонентом, в который осуществляется внедрение ионов лития при зарядном процессе и их экстракция при разрядном процессе, а сажа обеспечивает электрический контакт между кремнием и токовым коллектором. Литий-ионпроводящий полимерный электролит, вследствие хорошей адгезии к кремнию и токовому коллектору и собственной ионной проводимости, увеличивает стабильность разрядных характеристик (>1000 мАч/г за 50 циклов) и кулоновскую эффективность (>90%) при циклическом заряде-раряде. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 912 U1 (51) МПК H01M 4/26 (2006.01) B82Y 99/00 (2011.01) H01M 4/62 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016151672, 28.12.2016 (24) Дата ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Положительный электрод литий-ионного аккумулятора с твердополимерным электролитом в качестве сепаратора

Номер: RU171960U1

Полезная модель относится к области вторичных химических источников тока, а именно к положительным электродам литий-ионного аккумулятора, в котором в качестве сепаратора выступает твердополимерный электролит с униполярной проводимостью по ионам лития, и направлена на увеличение стабильности удельной емкости литий-ионного аккумулятора при циклическом заряде-разряде, уменьшение экологического риска и снижение взрывобезопасности. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в качестве полимерного связующего в материале положительного электрода на основе литийжелезофосфата и электропроводящей сажи вместо непроводящих полимеров или гель-полимерных электролитов с биполярной проводимостью используется литий-ионпроводящий полимерный электролит с униполярной проводимостью по ионам лития, который также обеспечивает эффективный перенос ионов лития между активным материалом и сепаратором и не требует использования жидкого электролита. Положительный электрод литий-ионного аккумулятора с твердополимерным ...

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2358358C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к электроду, содержащему покровный слой из сшитого полимера, который сформирован на поверхности частиц электродного активного материала при сохранении пористой структуры, образованной частицами электродного активного материала, соединенных одни с другими в данном электроде. Также предложены способ изготовления данного электрода и электрохимическое устройство, содержащее такой электрод. Электрод, который содержит покровный слой из сшитого полимера, сформированный на поверхности частиц электродного активного материала, может повысить безопасность батареи при сведении к минимуму ухудшения качества батареи, что является техническим результатом изобретения. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422948C1

Изобретение относится к щелочному первичному элементу. Согласно изобретению щелочной первичный элемент включает положительный электрод, содержащий активный материал положительного электрода и графит, отрицательный электрод, содержащий активный материал отрицательного электрода, сепаратор и щелочной электролит, при этом активный материал положительного электрода содержит диоксид марганца, щелочной электролит содержит оксид цинка, и положительный электрод содержит метатитановую кислоту. Техническим результатом являются превосходные разрядные характеристики и характеристики хранения. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 3 табл.

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2096867C1

Использование: щелочные диоксидмарганцевоцинковые первичные и перезаряжаемые элементы питания. Сущность изобретения: катодная структура и элемент питания с этой катодной структурой содержат диоксидмарганцевое активное вещество, проводящую добавку и соединение бария в качестве присадки в количестве 3 - 25% от общей массы. Соединение бария выбирают из группы, содержащей оксид бария, гидроксид бария и сульфат бария. Гидроксид бария может содержать 8 молекул воды кристаллизации. 2 с. и 17 з. п. ф-лы, 10 ил., 3 табл.

07-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737963C1

Изобретение относится к структуре электродного слоя, в частности к структуре электродного слоя из шариков активного материала. Структура электродного слоя из шариков активного материала в основном включает шарики из активного материала, изготовленные из частиц активного материала, первый смешанный электролит, расположенный внутри шариков из активного материала, и второй смешанный электролит, расположенный снаружи шариков из активного материала. Первый смешанный электролит в основном состоит из деформируемого электролита. Второй смешанный электролит в основном состоит из электролита с относительно меньшей деформационной способностью, чем деформируемый электролит первого смешанного электролита. Первый смешанный электролит шариков активного материала используется в изобретении для эффективного уменьшения производных проблем изменения объема активных материалов. Кроме того, различная конфигурация первого смешанного электролита и второго смешанного электролита внутри и снаружи шариков активного ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012156168A

... 1. Отрицательный электрод для аккумуляторной батареи, содержащий:токоотвод; ислой активного материала отрицательного электрода, сформированный на поверхности токоотвода и содержащий частицы активного материала отрицательного электрода,причем слой активного материала отрицательного электрода дополнительно содержит изолирующий материал, расположенный между частицами активного материала отрицательного электрода в количестве по массовой доле, превышающем порог перколяции, с тем, чтобы предотвратить развитие проводимости путем перколяции по всему слою активного материала отрицательного электрода.2. Отрицательный электрод для аккумуляторной батареи по п. 1, причем частицы изолирующего материала нанесены на по меньшей мере часть поверхностей частиц активного материала отрицательного электрода.3. Отрицательный электрод для аккумуляторной батареи по п. 2, причем частицы изолирующего материала имеют средний размер частицы (медианный размер) 0,1-5 мкм.4. Отрицательный электрод для аккумуляторной батареи ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011129825A

... 1. Электрод, включающий в себя:проводящий токосъемник, имеющий слой смолы; ислой активного материала, сформированный на токосъемнике;причем слой смолы токосъемника соединен со слоем активного материала.2. Электрод по п.1, при этом слой активного материала по меньшей мере частично составлен из активного материала и связующего полимера.3. Электрод по п.2, при этом слой смолы токосъемника соединен со слоем активного материала с помощью соединения термическим сплавлением.4. Электрод по п.2, при этом связующий полимер является термоотверждающимся полимером.5. Электрод по п.3, при этом слой смолы по меньшей мере частично составлен из полимерного материала, имеющего температуру размягчения более низкую, чем температура плавления связующего полимера.6. Электрод по любому из пп.1-4, при этом проводящий токосъемник включает в себя слоистый материал из по меньшей мере трех слоев смолы, включая два самых внешних слоя смолы и по меньшей мере один внутренний слой смолы, расположенный между двумя самыми ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012137863A

... 1. Перезаряжаемый литиевый элемент аккумуляторной батареи, имеющий корпус, положительный электрод, отрицательный электрод и электролит, содержащий электропроводящую соль,в которомосновой электролита является SO, иположительный электрод содержит химически активное вещество, имеющее состав LiM'M"(XO)F, в которомМ' означает, по меньшей мере, один металл, выбранный из группы элементов, включающей Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu и Zn,М" означает, по меньшей мере, один металл, выбранный из группы, включающей металлы групп IIA, IIIA, IVA, VA, VI A, IB, IIB, IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB и VIIIB,Х выбран из группы элементов, включающей Р, Si и S,х имеет величину больше 0,y имеет величину больше 0,z имеет величину больше или равную 0,а имеет величину больше 0 иb имеет величину больше или равную 0.2. Аккумуляторный элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что Х означает Р, при этом предпочтительно М' означает Fe, особо предпочтительно b равно 0.3. Аккумуляторный элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что положительный электрод ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011122217A

... 1. Твердотельная батарея, содержащая:слой активного материала положительного электрода, который включает активный материал положительного электрода;слой активного материала отрицательного электрода, который включает активный материал отрицательного электрода; ислой твердого электролита, который включает твердый электролитический материал и выполнен между слоем активного материала положительного электрода и слоем активного материала отрицательного электрода, при этомтвердый электролитический материал образует резистивный слой на поверхности раздела между твердым электролитическим материалом и активным материалом положительного электрода, когда твердый электролитический материал вступает в реакцию с активным материалом положительного электрода, а резистивный слой увеличивает резистивность поверхности раздела,на поверхности раздела между активным материалом положительного электрода и твердым электролитическим материалом выполнена часть, подавляющая реакцию,часть, подавляющая реакцию, подавляет ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013155484A

... 1. Свинцово-кислотная аккумуляторная батарея со свободным электролитом, содержащая:блок пластин, включающий в себя:отрицательную пластину с введенным в токоотвод отрицательного электрода отрицательным активным материалом; иположительную пластину с введенным в токоотвод положительного электрода положительным активным материалом,причем отрицательная пластина и положительная пластина уложены друг на друга через сепаратор и помещены в аккумуляторный контейнер вместе с электролитом, а свинцово-кислотная аккумуляторная батарея со свободным электролитом разряжается на нагрузку в частично заряженном состоянии,при этом только отрицательная пластина приведена в контакт по всей своей поверхности с нетканым полотном, образованным из по меньшей мере одного волокнистого материала, выбранного из группы материалов, состоящей из стекла, целлюлозы и полиолефина, не составляющим одно целое с пластиной, иприведенная в контакт с нетканым полотном отрицательная пластина заключена в конверт-сепаратор, образованный ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013133847A

... 1. Свинцово-кислотная батарея, имеющая конфигурацию, в которой группа пластин, образованная укладкой отрицательных пластин, где отрицательный токоотвод наполнен отрицательным активным материалом, и положительных пластин, где положительный токоотвод наполнен положительным активным материалом, через сепаратор, содержится вместе с электролитом в контейнере, при этомотрицательный активный материал содержит чешуйчатый графит и продукт конденсации бисфенолов и аминобензолсульфоновой кислоты в отрицательном активном материале, исредний диаметр первичных частиц чешуйчатого графита составляет 100 мкм или более и 220 мкм или менее.2. Свинцово-кислотная батарея по п. 1, при этом содержание чешуйчатого графита в отрицательном активном материале составляет от 0,5 до 2,7 мас.% чешуйчатого графита в расчете на 100 мас.ч. отрицательного активного материала (губчатый металлический свинец) в полностью заряженном состоянии.3. Свинцово-кислотная батарея по п. 1, при этом содержание чешуйчатого графита в отрицательном ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Kompositkathode und diese umfassende Lithiumionenbatterie sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung der Kompositkathode

Номер: DE102014226396A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kompositkathode umfassend Ableiter, aktives Kathodenmaterial, Bindemittel, fester anorganischer Lithium-Ionenleiter und Flüssigelektrolyt, wobei der anorganischen Festkörperelektrolyt in der Kompositkathode in einem höheren Volumen- und Gewichtsanteil als der Flüssigelektrolyt vorhanden ist. Zudem wird eine Lithiumionenbatterie umfassend die Kompositkathode und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung der Kompositkathode angegeben.

07-12-1953 дата публикации

Aktive Masse fuer negative Platten von Bleiakkumulatoren

Номер: DE0000899055C

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Positive Elektrode für Lithiumionen-Sekundärbatterie und Herstellungsverfahren dafür und Lithiumionen-Sekundärbatterie

Номер: DE112014000534T5

Eine Aktivmaterialschicht einer positiven Elektrode wird gebildet aus Aktivmaterialteilchen für eine positive Elektrode einschließlich einer Li-Verbindung oder -Feststofflösung, ausgewählt aus der Gruppe bestehend aus LixNiaCobMncO2, LixCobMncO2, LixNiaMncO2, LixNiaCobO2 und Li2MnO3 (angemerkt wird, dass 0,5 x 1,5, 0,1 a < 1, 0,1 b 1 und 0,1 c < 1 ist); ein Bindungsteilbereich, der nicht nur die Teilchen des Aktivmaterials für eine positive Elektrode miteinander verbindet, sondern ebenfalls die Teilchen des Aktivmaterials für eine positive Elektrode zusammen mit dem Stromabnehmer verbindet; und eine organische/anorganische Überzugsschicht, die zumindest Teile der Oberfläche zumindest der Teilchen des Aktivmaterials für eine positive Elektrode bedeckt. Da die organische/anorganische Überzugsschicht eine hohe Verbindungsfestigkeit zu der Li-Verbindung aufweist, sind die Aktivmaterialteilchen für eine positive Elektrode und eine elektrolytische Lösung daran gehindert, zum Zeitpunkt eines Hochspannungsantriebsmodus ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020123735A1

Es werden Festkörper-Lithiumionenelektrolyten von Verbindungen auf Lithiumkaliumtantalat-Basis bereitgestellt, die ein anionisches Gerüst enthalten, das in der Lage ist, Lithiumionen zu leiten. Eine Aktivierungsenergie der Lithiummetallsilikat-Verbundmaterialien beträgt von 0,12 bis 0,45 eV und Leitfähigkeiten betragen von 10-3bis 40 mS/cm bei 300 K. Es werden Zusammensetzungen konkreter Formeln bereitgestellt, und es werden Verfahren zum Ändern der Materialien unter Einschluss aliovalenter Ionen gezeigt. Lithiumbatterien, welche die zusammengesetzten Lithiumionenelektrolyte enthalten, werden ebenfalls bereitgestellt. Elektroden, welche die Materialien auf Lithiumkaliumtantalat-Basis enthalten, und Batterien mit solchen Elektroden werden ebenfalls bereitgestellt.

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021107837A1

Bereitstellung eines Verbundpartikels eines aktiven Materials für eine positive Elektrode, der in der Lage ist, den Widerstand zu reduzieren, selbst wenn eine Bindungskraft der Batterie klein ist, oder selbst wenn ein Mischungsanteil von Partikeln eines aktiven Materials für eine positive Elektrode hoch ist, und eines Verfahrens zur Herstellung eines Verbundpartikels eines aktiven Materials für eine positive Elektrode, einer positiven Elektrode, die den Verbundpartikel eines aktiven Materials für eine positive Elektrode enthält, und einer Festkörperbatterie, die die positive Elektrode enthält. Verbundpartikel eines aktiven Materials für eine positive Elektrode, der Partikel eines aktiven Materials für eine positive Elektrode enthält, die jeweils aus einem lithiumhaltigen Oxid hergestellt sind und eine Oberfläche aufweisen, von der mindestens ein Teil mit einem Beschichtungsmaterial beschichtet ist, das einen Sulfid-Feststoffelektrolyten enthält, und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung des Verbundpartikels ...

29-08-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002222851B2

20-06-1996 дата публикации

Extending service time of zinc-alkali-manganese cell

Номер: DE0019546333A1

Zinc-alkali-manganese based prim. and rechargeable cells with extended service time have an anode material which is almost or completely free of mercury and which contains, as additive, a pulverulent insulator (pref. TiO2 and/or BaTiO3) with a dielectric constant of at least 14 at 10<6> cycles. Also claimed are: (i) a process of extending the service time of zinc-alkali-manganese based primary and rechargeable calls; and (ii) the use of pulverulent insulators (as above) for extending the service time of the cells.

09-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002814667A1

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Elektrode für eine Batteriezelle, Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Elektrode und Batteriezelle

Номер: DE102016215542A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Elektrode (21, 22) für eine Batteriezelle, umfassend einen Stromableiter (31, 32) und ein mehrere Schichten (51, 52, 53) aufweisendes Aktivmaterial (41, 42), wobei eine erste Schicht (51) des Aktivmaterials (41, 42) auf den Stromableiter (31, 32) aufgebracht ist, und eine zweite Schicht (52) des Aktivmaterials (41, 42) auf die erste Schicht (51) aufgebracht ist. Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Elektrode (21, 22) für eine Batteriezelle, wobei eine erste Schicht (51) eines Aktivmaterials (41, 42) auf einen Stromableiter (31, 32) aufgebracht wird, und eine zweite Schicht (52) des Aktivmaterials (41, 42) auf die erste Schicht (51) aufgebracht wird. Die erste Schicht (51) weist dabei einen höheren Anteil an organischen Adhäsionshilfsmitteln auf als die zweite Schicht (52). Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine Batteriezelle, die mindestens eine erfindungsgemäße Elektrode (21, 22) umfasst.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Komponente für eine Batteriezelle und Batteriezelle

Номер: DE102015212226A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Komponente (18, 21, 22) für eine Batteriezelle (2), wobei zumindest ein Teil der Komponente (18, 21, 22) mit einer Beschichtung (52) versehen ist, welche einen viskoelastischen Gelbildner aufweist. Die Erfindung betrifft auch eine Batteriezelle (2), welche mindestens eine erfindungsgemäße Komponente (18, 21, 22) umfasst.

04-03-2004 дата публикации

Batterieelektroden mit vergrösserter Oberfläche und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0010237870A1

Erfindungsgemäß werden ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Batterieelektroden und mit diesem Verfahren hergestellte Batterieelektroden zur Verfügung gestellt, wobei das Verfahren das Herstellen von Zusammensetzungen der Elektrodenmassen für Kathoden- bzw. Anodenmasse und gegebenenfalls einer Seperatormasse und das Extrudieren der Elektrodenmasse zum Ausbilden der Anode oder Kathode aus der Elektrodenmasse umfasst, und dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass die Elektrodenmasse Isocyanate und eine wässrige Dispersion eines Polymerbinders umfasst, die unter Ausbildung poriger Strukturen miteinander reagieren. Durch das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren entstehenäußerst elastische und zugleich mechanisch stabile Batterieelektroden, die in Lithium-Sekundärbatterien eingesetzt werden können.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Batterieelektroden und die Verwendung dieser Batterieelektroden zum Herstellen von Sekundär-Lithium-Batterien sowie Batterieelektroden

Номер: DE0010237870B4
Принадлежит: DILO TRADING AG

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Batterieelektroden mit porigen Strukturen, das folgendes umfasst: Herstellen von Zusammensetzungen für Kathoden- oder Anodenmasse Extrudieren der jeweiligen Masse zum Ausbilden der Anode oder Kathode, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Zusammensetzungen für Kathoden- oder Anodenmasse 0,510 Gew.-%, bezogen auf die Elektrodenmasse, Isocyanate, enthaltend Bi-, Tri- und/oder Polyisocyanate, und 115 Gew.-% eines Polymerbinders, bezogen auf die Elektrodenmasse, in Form einer wässrigen Dispersion, umfassen, Extrudieren der Zusammensetzungen bei Temperaturen von 80 bis 180°C, Laminieren bei Drücken von 2·105 Pa bis 1·106 Pa auf Ableiter.

23-12-1970 дата публикации

Alkaline cell with silicate ion containing - electrolyte

Номер: DE0001927092A1

The cell has a positive electrode, pref. of silver oxide, a negative electrode of zinc negative active material and a separator between them. The alkaline electrolyte is contained within the separator and electrodes without establishing a liquid level of free electrolyte in the cell. After wetting the components, silicate ions are present in the electrolyte in an amount between 0.05 wt.% and a maximum such that the capacity of the silicate-ion-containing cell is greater than that of an identical cell without the silicate ions.

24-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005007515D1

16-04-2009 дата публикации

Electrode mass for use in lithium-polymer-cell, comprises polymer binder based on fluoropolymers or polyolefins, tin-powder and conducting salt

Номер: DE102007000858A1

The electrode mass comprises a polymer binder based on fluoropolymers or polyolefins, tin-powder and conducting salt. Conductance carbon and electromagnetically active electrode material are provided for anodes or cathodes. The electrode mass is dispersed in a mixture of toluene or methyl ethyl ketone and coated on electrode conductor. Styrene or butadiene and perfluoropolymer are used as the polymer binder.

18-03-2015 дата публикации

Composite materials

Номер: GB0201501507D0

21-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001421514A

... 1421514 Electrodes for sea-water cells ESB Inc 9 Jan 1974 [26 April 1973] 01005/74 Heading H1B A cathode intended for use in a sea-water cell having a magnesium anode comprises lead chloride or cuprous chloride active material, carbon, and PTFE binder. The cathode may also include a hydrophilic water-soluble resin, e.g. polyethylene oxide, polyethylene glycol or polyvinyl pyrrolidone. Fig. 6 shows a flow diagram for the manufacture of a PbCl 2 active material cathode. In step 1, lead chloride, carbon and polyethylene oxide are fed to a kneader mixer and mixed at room temperature. In step 2 an aqueous emulsion of PTFE containing a wetting agent is added to the mixture in the kneader mixer and mixed therein at room temperature to obtain an elastic paste mass which is discharged in step 3 to a hopper. In step 4 the mass is fed to a mill maintained at 160‹ F. and formed into a sheet of desired thickness, this sheet having a rubbery malleable consistency. The sheet is further dried in step 5 ...

30-12-2015 дата публикации

Surface modification

Номер: GB0201520274D0

01-08-2001 дата публикации

Method of making cathodes

Номер: GB0000113988D0

23-09-1964 дата публикации

Improved gas-permeable and liquid-proof porous electrodes

Номер: GB0000970418A

... 970,418. Electrodes. SOC. DES ACCUMULATEURS FIXES ET DE TRACTION. Nov. 16, 1960 [Nov. 17, 1959], No. 39425/60. Drawings to Specification. Heading H1B. A porous moisture-proof electrode of carbon; nickel, silver or cadmium is bound by polystyrene applied as a solution in trichlorethylene and slowly dried at 95-100‹ C. Catalysts may be added. The electrode is applicable to storage cells and fuel cells, but is specifically described in connection with an air-depolarized zinc/alkaline cell which is illustrated.

26-07-1995 дата публикации

Additives and separators for electrochemical cells

Номер: GB0009511205D0

12-10-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to cathodes for electric batteries

Номер: GB0000851201A

... 851,201. Batteries. UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION. Oct. 9, 1958 [Oct. 9, 1957], No. 32201/58. Drawings to Specification. Class 53 A cathode for a primary or secondary dry cell consists of a mixture of a depolarizing oxide and carbon particles bound together with Portland cement or a cement consisting of a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride. The depolarizer may consist of an oxide of manganese, mercury, silver, copper, nickel or vanadium, and the carbon may be carbon black, acetylene black or graphite. Steel wool may be included in the mixture. The whole is moistened with a solution of potassium hydroxide and moulded into shape by pressure, or introduced into the cell container by extrusion. In an example, a mixture of manganese dioxide, graphite, Portland cement and potassium hydroxide solution is pressed into a cake which is allowed to set and is then pulverized and sieved. The powder is again moistened with potassium hydroxide solution and moulded into the required shape. Small ...

13-05-2020 дата публикации

Cathode material and process

Номер: GB0202004489D0

20-09-2023 дата публикации

Electroactive materials for metal-ion batteries

Номер: GB0002616590A

A particulate material consists of a plurality of composite particles comprising a porous particle framework having micropores and/or mesopores with a total pore volume as measured by gas adsorption between 0.4 to 2.2 cm3/g. A plurality of electroactive material domains and a plurality of modifier material domains are disposed within the pore volume of the porous particle framework, wherein at least a portion of the modifier material domains are located between adjacent electroactive material domains. The modifier material domains may comprise one or more of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen, and may be an oxide, nitride, oxynitride or carbide passivation layer formed on the surface of the electroactive material domains, a passivation layer comprising a carbon-containing organic moiety covalently bonded to the electroactive material domains, or a pyrolytic carbon material. Alternatively, the modifier material may comprise a conductive metal or metal alloy, or an electroactive material comprising ...

31-08-1980 дата публикации

Depolarizing mass for galvanic primary education elements.

Номер: OA0000004795A

31-03-1987 дата публикации

Fluorinated inhibitor.

Номер: OA0000008156A

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465528T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465522T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000474335T

15-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA120778A

15-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000074468T

15-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000032809T

10-01-1972 дата публикации

Re+rechargeable mercury/mercury oxide electrode for galvanic elements

Номер: AT0000295619B

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284078T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000188577T

03-07-1998 дата публикации

Polymer electrolytes containing lithiated zeolite

Номер: AU0005363298A

19-06-2008 дата публикации

Improved energy storage device

Номер: AU2007332149A1

01-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007057087A

09-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003249263A1

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Doped conductive oxide and improved electrochemical energy storage device polar plate based on same

Номер: AU2015400449A2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Provided are a high-conductivity doped oxide and a use thereof as a battery polar plate additive. Tungsten oxide or molybdenum oxide is used as a precursor, and a controllable metal doping is performed on same such that an oxide material, which has a high conductivity, a high hydrogen evolution potential and a high oxygen evolution potential and can be stably present in a sulfuric acid solution, is formed therefrom. This material can be used as an additive material for the positive electrode and negative electrode of a battery, can effectively decrease the internal resistance of the electrode, improve active material utilization and charge-discharge rate, and at the same time, can stabilize the electrode structure and improve the cycle service life.

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Battery electrode materials

Номер: AU2013255091B2

An electrode material for a battery or for a capacitor, supercapacitor or a pseudo capacitor comprises a porous substrate coated with a coating comprising a conducting material and an active material, wherein the thickness of the coating is less than 1 micrometre and the volume fraction of active material is greater than 5%. In another aspect, the electrode material comprises a metallic network structure and an active material connected to the metallic structure, wherein the calculated volume fraction of active material is greater than 5%, and the surface area of the material is greater than 5m ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Method of preparing electrode assemblies

Номер: AU2017329491B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

Provided herein a method of preparing electrode assemblies for lithium-ion batteries. The method disclosed herein comprises a step of pre-drying separator in the battery manufacturing process before the stacking step, thereby significantly lowering the water content of the separator. Therefore, separators can be used to prepare electrode assemblies regardless of conditions under which they are stored or transported. In addition, the peeling strength between the porous base material and protective porous layer is largely unaffected by the drying process disclosed herein.

11-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000583924B2

21-05-2002 дата публикации

Charger for a rechargeable nickel-zinc battery

Номер: AU0002042102A

31-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004917679A

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002528827A1

Disclosed are a cathode for a battery and a lithium ion battery. The cathode for a battery comprises a metal hydroxide having a large specific surface area as a cathode additive. The lithium ion battery comprises a cathode, an anode and a non-aqueous electrolyte, wherein the cathode comprises a metal hydroxide having a large specific surface area as a cathode additive. When a metal hydroxide having a large specific surface area is used as a cathode additive, excellent storage properties of a battery at a high temperature can be obtained, even if the metal hydroxide is used in a small amount.

29-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002588586A1

18-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002571208C
Принадлежит: BATSCAP

... ²² Un matériau à conduction ionique qui comprend au moins un composé ionique en ²solution dans un polymère solvatant. Le composé ionique est un mélange d'un ²bis(trifluoro-méthanesulfonyl) imidure de lithium (LiTFSI) et d'au moins un ²oligoéther ²sulfate de lithium choisi parmi les oligoéthermonosulfates de lithium ²répondant à la ²formule R-[O-CH2-CH2)]n-O-SO3- Li+ (I) dans laquelle R est un groupe C m H2m+i ²avec ²1 .ltoreq. m < 4, et 2 < n < 17; et les oligoétherdisulfates de lithium ²répondant à la formule ²Li+O-SO2-O-CH2-[CH2-O-CH2]p-CH2-O-SO2-O-Li+ (II) dans laquelle 3 < p < 45. Le ²rapport global O t / Li t est inférieur ou égal à 40, O t représentant le ²nombre total ²d'atomes d'oxygène O fournis par le polymère solvatant et par l'oligoéther, et ²Li t ²représentant le nombre total d'atomes de lithium Li. La teneur en LiTFSI est ²telle que ²le rapport O t / LiTFSI est supérieur ou égal à 20.² ...

07-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002353806C
Принадлежит: SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD.

Disclosed is a positive active material for a rechargeable lithium battery. The positive active material includes a core and a surface-treatment layer on the core. The core includes at least one lithiated compound and the surface- treatment layer includes at least one coating material selected from the group consisting of coating element included-hydroxides, oxyhydroxides, oxycarbonates, hydroxycarbonates and any mixture thereof.

03-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002778626A1

The present invention relates to a slurry or paste for the manufacture of electrodes for secondary batteries such as lithium ion containing electrochemical cells. The slurry comprises a water based binder with CMC, SBR and PVDF as binder materials.

25-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002741140C

Provided is a lead-oxide pasted battery plate comprising a lead alloy grid, lead oxide paste and a nonwoven glass fiber mat. The nonwoven glass mat is comprised of glass fibers having a diameter greater than 10 microns, a binder for the glass fibers, and a third component. The third component can comprise cellulosic fibers, glass micro- fibers, polymeric fibers, fillers or mixtures thereof. The presence of the third component restricts the penetration of the lead oxide paste through the thickness of the mat during the plate pasting operation, thereby keeping the process equipment free from the accumulation of lead oxide paste. The component can then dissolve in the battery acid solution, or work synergistically with the battery separator to deliver electrolyte to the lead oxide plate during the operation of the battery.

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739699A1

L'invention a pour objet une électrode comprenant un support conducteur électrique portant un matériau d'électrode, qui comprend une matière active constituée par des particules d'un oxyde complexe qui portent à leur surface des groupes organiques phosphores fixés par liaison covalente. L'oxyde complexe peut être LiV3O8, LiMn2O4, LiCoO2, LiMPO4 avec M = Fe, Mn ou Co, Li2MSiO4 avec M = Fe, Mn ou Co, LiFeBO3, Li4Ti5O12, LiMn2O4, LiNi1-y-zMnyCozAltO2 (0 < y < 1; 0 < z < 1; 0 < t < 1), V2O5, MnO2, LiFePO4F, Li3V2(PO4)3, et LiVPO4F. L'électrode est utile notamment pour les batteries au lithium.

02-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760985A1

Disclosed is lithium titanate having excellent rate properties and useful for electricity storage devices, which is produced by preparing lithium titanate secondary particles that are aggregates of lithium titanate primary particles and forming at least macro-pores on the surfaces of the secondary particles. The lithium titanate can be produced by a process which comprises drying and granulating a slurry comprising crystalline titan oxide, a titanic acid compound and a lithium compound and firing the granulated product to thereby produce lithium titanate secondary particles, wherein (1) the crystalline titan oxide to be used comprises at least two types of crystalline titan oxide particles having different average particle diameters from each other, and/or (2) the crystalline titan oxide is used in an amount at least four-fold larger than that of the titanic acid compound in terms of TiO2 content by weight. The lithium titanate can achieve a satisfactory level of charge-discharge capacity ...

18-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002787918A1

The invention relates to a rechargeable lithium battery cell having a casing, a positive electrode, a negative electrode and an electrolyte which contains a conductive salt, wherein the electrolyte is based on ­SO2 and the positive electrode contains an active material of the composition LixM'yM"z(XO4)aFb, where M' is a least one metal, selected from the group comprising the elements Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn, M" is a least one metal, selected from the group comprising the metals from the groups II A, III A, IV A, V A, VI A, IB, IIB, IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB und VIIIB, X is selected from the group comprising the elements P, Si and S, x is greater than 0, y is greater than 0, z is greater than or equal to 0, a is greater than 0 and b is greater than or equal to 0.

19-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1133985A

A zinc electrode comprising at least one active portion is improved due to the fact that the active portion has an open porosity of at least 60% and comprises electronconductive fibers and due to the fact that the active material or materials are distributed practically uniformly throughout the active portion.

20-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1154081A

... 12731 ALKALINE-MnO2 CELL HAVING A ZINC POWDER-GEL ANODE CONTAINING STARCH GRAFT COPOLYMER An alkaline-MnO2 cell employing a zinc powder-gel anode in which the gelling agent is starch graft copolymer with or without one or more other gelling agent such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. S P E C I F I C A T I O N 1.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Protected metal anode architecture and method of forming the same

Номер: US20120003532A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

The invention provides a protected metal anode architecture comprising: a metal anode layer; and an organic protection film formed over and optionally in direct contact with the metal anode layer, wherein the metal anode layer comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of an alkaline metal and an alkaline earth metal, and the organic protection film comprises a reaction product of the metal and an electron donor compound. The invention further provides a method of forming a protected metal anode architecture.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Porous anode active material, method of preparing the same, and anode and lithium battery employing the same

Номер: US20120013051A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

Provided are a porous anode active material, a method of preparing the same, and an anode and a lithium battery employing the same. The porous anode active material includes fine particles of metallic substance capable of forming a lithium alloy; a crystalline carboneous substance; and a porous carboneous material coating and attaching to the fine particles of metallic substance and the crystalline carboneous substance, the porous anode active material having pores exhibiting a bimodal size distribution with two pore diameter peaks as measured by a Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) pore size distribution from a nitrogen adsorption. The porous anode active material has the pores having a bimodal size distribution, and thus may efficiently remove a stress occurring due to a difference of expansion between a carboneous material and a metallic active material during charging and discharging. Further, the anode electrode and the lithium battery comprising the anode active material have excellent charge/discharge characteristics.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Nickel hydroxide electrode for rechargeable batteries

Номер: US20120018670A1
Принадлежит: PowerGenix Systems Inc

The nickel hydroxide particles for a nickel hydroxide electrode may be treated using an alkaline solution of a strong oxidizing agent such as sodium or potassium persulfate to modify the surface nickel hydroxide structure. The resulting modified surface structure has been found to impart various benefits to electrodes formed from the nickel hydroxide. It is believed that the oxidation of cobalt compounds at the surface of the nickel hydroxide particles results in a highly conductive cobalt compound that plays an important role in the high reliability, high stability and high capacity utilization of nickel electrodes as described herein.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

High Discharge Capacity Lithium Battery

Номер: US20120021266A1
Принадлежит: Eveready Battery Co Inc

A lithium/iron disulfide electrochemical battery cell with a high discharge capacity. The cell has a lithium negative electrode, an iron disulfide positive electrode and a nonaqueous electrolyte. The iron disulfide of the positive electrode has a controlled average particle size range which allows the electrochemical cells to exhibit desired properties in both low and high rate applications. In various embodiments, the iron disulfide particles are wet milled, preferably utilizing a media mill or milled utilizing a non-mechanical mill such as a jet mill, which reduces the iron disulfide particles to a desired average particle size range for incorporation into the positive electrode.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Composite electrode and electronic device including the same

Номер: US20120021280A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A composite electrode includes a plate-shaped conductor; a plurality of auxiliary electrodes disposed such that ends of the plurality of auxiliary electrodes are connected to a surface of the plate-shaped conductor and the plurality of auxiliary electrodes extend from the surface of the plate-shaped conductor; and an active material layer formed between the plurality of auxiliary electrodes so as to be in contact with the plate-shaped conductor. When the height of the plurality of auxiliary electrodes is defined as h, the center-to-center spacing of auxiliary electrodes facing each other in the plurality of auxiliary electrodes or the spacing of auxiliary electrodes facing each other in the plurality of auxiliary electrodes is h or more and 2h or less.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Modifier of lithium ion battery and method for making the same

Номер: US20120049108A1

A modifier of a lithium ion battery includes a mixture of a phosphorus source having a phosphate radical, a trivalent aluminum source, and a metallic oxide in a liquid phase solvent. A method for making the modifier of the lithium ion battery. In the method, a phosphorus source having a phosphate radical, a trivalent aluminum source, and a metallic oxide are provided. The phosphorus source, the trivalent aluminum source, and the metallic oxide are mixed in a liquid phase solvent to form a clear solution.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Separator of lithium ion battery, method for making the same, and lithium ion battery using the same

Номер: US20120052361A1

A separator of a battery includes a porous membrane and a modifier layer disposed on a surface of the porous membrane, wherein a material of the modifier layer is a dried mixture of a phosphorus source having a phosphate radical, a trivalent aluminum source, and a metallic oxide in a liquid phase solvent.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Oxidation-resistant metal supported rechargeable oxide-ion battery cells and methods to produce the same

Номер: US20120058396A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

The invention describes the application of oxidation-resistant metal (preferably, stainless steel) 140 in a metal electrode 200 combination, as a support and current collector for a rechargeable oxide-ion battery cell where the metal electrode 200 consists of a bottom layer 120, and where the oxidation-resistant metal 140 has surfaces preferably coated with protective coating 160. The metal electrode 200 is integrated with oxide-ion conductive electrolyte 220 and air electrode 240 to yield an oxidation-resistant metal supported cell.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Positive electrode for rechargeable lithium battery and rechargeable lithium battery including same

Номер: US20120064398A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

Disclosed is rechargeable lithium battery that includes a positive electrode including a positive active material layer, a negative electrode including a negative active material and an electrolyte wherein the positive active material layer includes a positive active material, a binder, a conductive material, and an activated carbon, the activated carbon includes micropores in which manganese ions are adsorbed and trapped, and the activated carbon is included in an amount of about 0.1 wt % to about 3 wt % based on the total weight of the positive active material layer.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Negative electrode for lithium ion secondary battery and battery using same

Номер: US20120070736A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

There is provided a negative electrode for a lithium-ion secondary battery, including a conductive substrate, a negative electrode active material layer containing a negative electrode active material capable of absorbing and desorbing lithium ions and a conductive member having a lower elastic modulus than that of the conductive substrate, wherein at least part of the negative electrode active material is connected to the conductive substrate via the conductive member. There is also provided a lithium-ion secondary battery with such a negative electrode.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Lithium Battery Electrodes with Ultra-thin Alumina Coatings

Номер: US20120077082A1

Electrodes for lithium batteries are coated via an atomic layer deposition process. The coatings can be applied to the assembled electrodes, or in some cases to particles of electrode material prior to assembling the particles into an electrode. The coatings can be as thin as 2 Ångstroms thick. The coating provides for a stable electrode. Batteries containing the electrodes tend to exhibit high cycling capacities.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Lithium battery with charging redox couple

Номер: US20120077084A1

In accordance with one embodiment, an electrochemical cell includes a negative electrode including a form of lithium, a positive electrode spaced apart from the negative electrode and including an electron conducting matrix, a separator positioned between the negative electrode and the positive electrode, an electrolyte including a salt, and a charging redox couple located within the positive electrode, wherein the electrochemical cell is characterized by the transfer of electrons from a discharge product located in the positive electrode to the electron conducting matrix by the charging redox couple during a charge cycle.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery and nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery

Номер: US20120082898A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

A method for producing a nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery including a positive electrode containing a positive electrode active material, a negative electrode containing a negative electrode active material, and a nonaqueous electrolyte, the negative electrode active material containing a carbon material and particles of at least one metal selected from zinc and aluminum. The method includes a step of preparing an aqueous negative electrode mixture slurry that contains the metal particles, the carbon material, and a polysaccharide polymer as a thickener and that has pH adjusted in the range of 6.0 to 9.0; and a step of forming a negative electrode by applying the negative electrode mixture slurry to a negative electrode current collector.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Secondary battery

Номер: US20120088129A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A secondary battery including an electrode group 11 which is formed by winding or stacking a positive electrode plate 6 and a negative electrode plate 9 with separators 10 a, 10 b interposed therebetween, and is sealed in an exterior package 14 together with a nonaqueous electrolyte, wherein the positive electrode plate 6 includes a positive electrode mixture layer 5 formed on a positive electrode current collector 4, the negative electrode plate 9 includes a negative electrode mixture layer 8 formed on a negative electrode current collector 7, a gas adsorbing layer 19 including a binder and a structural material 16 made of inorganic oxide is formed on a surface of at least one of the positive electrode mixture layer 5 or the negative electrode mixture layer 8, and a gas adsorbent 18 is held in a pore 17 formed in the gas adsorbing layer 19.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Electrode for lithium secondary battery and lithium secondary battery including the same

Номер: US20120088150A1
Автор: Cheol-Hee Hwang
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

An electrode for a lithium secondary battery and a lithium secondary battery including the same, the electrode including a polyamide imide (PAI)-based binder, wherein a 1,3-benzenediamine peak is not observed when a composition including components extracted from the electrode by a solvent capable of dissolving the polyamideimide (PAI)-based binder is analyzed with pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC) under conditions of a pyrolysis temperature of about 750 to about 780° C., a pyrolysis time of about 5 seconds to about 15 seconds, and increasing a gas chromatography oven temperature from about 40° C. to about 300° C. at a rate of about 10° C./min.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Graphene-Sulfur Nanocomposites for Rechargeable Lithium-Sulfur Battery Electrodes

Номер: US20120088154A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

Rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries having a cathode that includes a graphene-sulfur nanocomposite can exhibit improved characteristics. The graphene-sulfur nanocomposite can be characterized by graphene sheets with particles of sulfur adsorbed to the graphene sheets. The sulfur particles have an average diameter less than 50 nm.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Electrode material, power storage device, and electronic device

Номер: US20120088157A1
Автор: Takahiro Kawakami
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

To provide an electrode material with an increased capacity and a power storage device including the electrode material. Lithium iron phosphate having improved crystallinity is provided in which the lattice constant in the a-axis direction is greater than or equal to 10.3254×10 −10 m and less than or equal to 10.3258×10 −10 m, the lattice constant in the b-axis direction is greater than or equal to 6.0035×10 −10 m and less than or equal to 6.0052×10 −10 m, and the lattice constant in the c-axis direction is greater than or equal to 4.6879×10 −10 m and less than or equal to 4.69019×10 −10 m. Further, a power storage device whose capacity is increased by using the lithium iron phosphate as a positive electrode active material to increase the number of lithium ions intercalated and deintercalated in charging and discharging is provided.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Lithium ion rechargeable batteries & the additive for lithium ion rechargeable batteries which prevents increase of the viscosity

Номер: US20120091403A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Maxell Energy Ltd

The preparation of a slurry so as to exhibit no strong alkalinity not only needs a strict pH control, but also needs once dispersing a positive electrode material in water and the operation of drying after the treatment, and other operations, thereby leading to the complication of the operations and a decrease in the yield. In consideration of the above-mentioned problems, the present invention provides a method for producing a positive electrode plate for a lithium ion rechargeable battery, which exhibits less complication of the operations and less decrease in the yield and can prevent the gelation of a positive electrode material slurry. The above-mentioned problems can be solved by a positive electrode for a lithium ion rechargeable battery containing a positive electrode active material capable of absorbing/desorbing lithium ions, a nitrile group-containing polymer, and a binder.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Flexible Thin Printed Battery and Device and Method of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20120107666A1
Принадлежит: Eveready Battery Co Inc

A flat, flexible electrochemical cell is provided. The within invention describes various aspects of the flat, flexible electrochemical cell. A printed anode is provided that obviates the need for a discrete anode current collector, thereby reducing the size of the battery. An advantageous electrolyte is provided that enables the use of a metallic cathode current collector, thereby improving the performance of the battery. Printable gelled electrolytes and separators are provided, enabling the construction of both co-facial and co-planar batteries. Cell contacts are provided that reduce the potential for electrolyte creepage in the flat, flexible electrochemical cells of the within invention.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Cathode material for lithium secondary batteries and lithium secondary battery containing the same

Номер: US20120107686A1
Принадлежит: ECOPRO CO LTD

This invention relates to a positive electrode active material for a lithium secondary battery and a lithium secondary battery including the same, and particularly to a positive electrode active material for a lithium secondary battery, in which a lithium composite oxide having a composition of LiNi 1-x M x O 2 (wherein M represents one or a combination of two elements selected from the group consisting of Co, Al, Mn, Mg, Fe, Cu, Ti, Sn and Cr, and 0.96≦x≦1.05) is surface-modified using carbon or an organic compound, thereby achieving superior stability and improved high-rate capability compared to conventional positive electrode active materials, and to a lithium secondary battery including the same.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Positive electrode for rechargeable lithium battery and rechargeable lithium battery including same

Номер: US20120107687A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

Disclosed is a positive electrode for a rechargeable lithium battery and a rechargeable lithium battery including the same. The positive electrode includes a current collector; and a positive active material layer disposed on the current collector and including a lithium vanadium oxide-based positive active material represented by the following Chemical Formula 1. Li x V 2-y M y O 5   [Chemical Formula 1] In Chemical Formula 1, M is one or more selected from the group consisting of aluminum (Al), magnesium (Mg), zirconium (Zr), titanium (Ti), strontium (Sr), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), and a combination thereof, 1<x<4, and 0≦y≦0.5.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Electrode for secondary battery, slurry for secondary battery electrode, and secondary battery

Номер: US20120107690A1
Принадлежит: Zeon Corp

A secondary battery electrode which suppresses decrease in capacity and lithium deposition at low temperatures is provided. An electrode for a secondary battery includes an electrode active material layer containing a polymer having a cationic group, an anion corresponding to the cationic group, and an electrode active material, and the cation density in the polymer is 0.1 to 15 meq/g.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Lithium ion battery

Номер: US20120107699A1
Автор: Takahiro Yamaki
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A high-voltage lithium ion battery of the present invention has a cathode generating a potential of 4.5 V or higher on the metal lithium basis, an anode, and a nonaqueous electrolyte having a lithium salt dissolved in a nonaqueous solvent. A cathode coating layer is on at least a part of the surface of a cathode material mix and includes boron whose amount is equal to or greater than 0.0001% and equal to or less than 0.005% by weight of the cathode material mix.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Cathode electrode for lithium-ion secondary battery and lithium-ion secondary battery using the same

Номер: US20120115024A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A cathode electrode for lithium-ion secondary battery includes a current collector; and a cathode material layer comprising a bottom layer coated on the current collector and a top layer coated on the bottom layer. The lithium-ion transfer resistance of the active material particles in the bottom layer is smaller than that of the active material particles in the top layer, optimize the concentration polarization occurred in the cathode electrode during discharge, and enabling the lithium-ion secondary battery using the cathode electrode to be improved both in energy density and safety, and be further enhanced in specific capacity.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Electronically conductive polymer binder for lithium-ion battery electrode

Номер: US20120119155A1

A family of carboxylic acid group containing fluorene/fluorenon copolymers is disclosed as binders of silicon particles in the fabrication of negative electrodes for use with lithium ion batteries. These binders enable the use of silicon as an electrode material as they significantly improve the cycle-ability of silicon by preventing electrode degradation over time. In particular, these polymers, which become conductive on first charge, bind to the silicon particles of the electrode, are flexible so as to better accommodate the expansion and contraction of the electrode during charge/discharge, and being conductive promote the flow battery current.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Lithium secondary battery cathode

Номер: US20120121978A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a lithium secondary battery cathode which can more improve characteristics of the battery. The cathode of the present invention includes a first layer composed of a plate-like cathode active material and a second layer containing particles of the cathode active material and a binder, the second layer being joined to the first layer in a stacked state.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Organosol composition of fluorine-containing polymer

Номер: US20120123031A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

The present invention provides an organosol composition that is stable even in the case that the PTFE particle content is high. The present invention relates to an organosol composition of PTFE particles, comprising PTFE particles (A), a polymer (B), and an organic solvent (S), wherein (1) the polymer (B) is soluble in the organic solvent (S), (2) the amount of the PTFE particles (A) is not lower than 50% by mass of the total amount of the PTFE particles (A) and the polymer (B), and (3) the precipitation ratio of the PTFE particles after 48 hours is not higher than 60% when the total solids concentration of the PTFE particles (A) and the polymer (B) is 5% by mass.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Rechargeable battery

Номер: US20120129025A1

Technologies are generally described for a battery, a method for implementing a battery and a rechargeable battery system. In some examples, the rechargeable battery system includes a battery. The battery may include a first electrode including a tantalum component, a vanadium component and a boron component. The battery may further include a second electrode and an electrical insulator between the first and the second electrode. The battery system may include a housing, where the housing includes the first electrode, and where the housing is effective to communicate light and oxygen to the first electrode. A sensor may be disposed so as to be effective to detect a reaction of tantalum and oxygen in the housing and generate a reaction signal in response. A processor may be in electrical communication with the sensor and effective to receive the reaction signal and generate an indication based on the reaction signal.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Binder for lithium secondary battery, negative electrode for lithium secondary battery, lithium secondary battery, binder precursor solution for lithium secondary battery, and method for manufacturing negative electrode for lithium secondary battery

Номер: US20120129048A1

Provided is a binder capable of realizing a lithium secondary battery that includes a negative electrode including a negative-electrode active material layer containing at least one of silicon and a silicon alloy as a negative-electrode active material and also containing a binder and has an excellent charge-discharge cycle characteristic. The binder for the lithium secondary battery contains a polyimide resin that is formed by imidizing either a tetracarboxylic acid or a tetracarboxylic anhydride and a diamine, the polyimide resin having a hydrolyzable silyl group.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Battery system containing phase change material-containing capsules in interior configuration thereof

Номер: US20120135281A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided is a battery system in which an interior part of a battery structure includes phase-change particles including a capsule and phase-change materials. The phase-change materials have a high latent heat of phase change at a specific temperature, and are encapsulated in the capsule. The capsule is made of an inert material. The battery system in accordance with the present invention can prolong a service life of the battery by inhibiting temperature elevation inside the battery under normal operating conditions without substantial effects on size, shape and performance of the battery, and further, can inhibit the risk of explosion resulting from a sharp increase in temperature inside the battery under abnormal operating conditions, thereby contributing to battery safety.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of forming a solid state cathode for high energy density secondary batteries

Номер: US20120137508A1
Автор: Isaiah O. Oladeji
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for making a solid state cathode comprises the following steps: forming an alkali free first solution comprising at least one transition metal and at least two ligands; spraying this solution onto a substrate that is heated to about 100 to 400° C. to form a first solid film containing the transition metal(s) on the substrate; forming a second solution comprising at least one alkali metal, at least one transition metal, and at least two ligands; spraying the second solution onto the first solid film on the substrate that is heated to about 100 to 400° C. to form a second solid film containing the alkali metal and at least one transition metal; and, heating to about 300 to 1000° C. in a selected atmosphere to react the first and second films to form a homogeneous cathode film. The cathode may be incorporated into a lithium or sodium ion battery.

14-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120148898A1
Автор: Chungpin Liao
Принадлежит: Innot Bioenergy Holding Co

An exemplary battery is provided in the present invention. The battery includes a current collector, a positive-electrode structure, a separation structure, a negative-electrode structure and a housing. The positive-electrode structure, the separation structure, the negative-electrode structure are encircled in sequence inside of the housing. At least one of the negative-electrode structure and the positive-electrode structure comprises chlorophyll. The battery of the present invention could store hydrogen by the chlorophyll of the positive-electrode structure and/or the negative-electrode structure to generate electricity.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Water-based slurry composition, electrode plate for electricity storage device, and electricity storage device

Номер: US20120156562A1

A water-based slurry composition contains (1) a water-based medium containing at least water as a polar solvent, (2) at least one polymer selected from cellulose derivatives, alginic acid derivatives, starch derivatives, chitin derivatives, chitosan derivatives, polyallylamine and polyvinylamine, (3) a hydrophobic filler, and (4) a polybasic acid or a derivative thereof. The composition has a water content of 30 mass % or higher. An electrode plate for an electricity storage device, and the electricity storage device are also disclosed.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Positive electrode active material for secondary battery and magnesium secondary battery using the same

Номер: US20120164537A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

In a positive electrode active material for a magnesium secondary battery and a magnesium secondary battery using it, there is contained a powder particle containing a crystal phase having a structure formed with aggregation of a plurality of crystallites, and amorphous phases formed between the crystallites themselves; the amorphous phases contain at least one kind of a metal oxide selected from a vanadium oxide, an iron oxide, a manganese oxide, a nickel oxide and a cobalt oxide; and the crystal phase and the amorphous phases use the positive electrode active material enabling to store and release magnesium ions.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for making electrode composite material

Номер: US20120168696A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for making an electrode composite material. In the method, a trivalent aluminum source, a doped element source, and electrode active material particles are provided. The trivalent aluminum source and the doped element source are dissolved in a solvent to form a solution having trivalent aluminum ions and doped ions. The electrode active material particles are mixed with the solution having the trivalent aluminum ions and doped ions to form a mixture. A phosphate radical containing solution is added to the mixture to react with the trivalent aluminum ions and doped ions, thereby forming a number of electrode composite material particles. The electrode composite material particles are heated.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Compositions comprising functionalized carbon-based nanostructures and related methods

Номер: US20120171093A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The present invention generally relates to compositions comprising and methods for forming functionalized carbon-based nanostructures.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery

Номер: US20120177843A1
Автор: Yasuhiko Takemura
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

When an active material with low ionic conductivity and low electric conductivity is used in a nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery such as a lithium ion battery, it is necessary to reduce the sizes of particles; however, reduction in sizes of particles leads to a decrease in electrode density. Active material particles of an oxide, which include a transition metal and have an average size of 5 nm to 50 nm, are mixed with an electrolyte, a binder, and the like to form a slurry, and the slurry is applied to a collector. Then, the collector coated with the slurry is exposed to a magnetic field. Accordingly, the active material particles aggregate so that the density thereof increases. Alternatively, the active material particles may be applied to the collector in a magnetic field. The use of the aggregating active material particles makes it possible to increase the electrode density.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for the production of stretchable electrodes

Номер: US20120177934A1

The invention relates to a method for producing stretchable electrodes, where electrically conductive carbon particles, especially carbon nanotubes, are introduced into a coating comprising an elastomer. In said method, a preparation of non-aggregated carbon particles having an average particle diameter ranging from=0.3 nm to=3000 nm in a solvent acts upon a coating comprising an elastomer. The solvent can cause a coating comprising an elastomer to swell. The duration of the action is calculated so as to be insufficient to dissolve the elastomer. Optionally, another electrically conductive layer is applied. The invention also relates to a stretchable electrode obtained in said manner and to the use thereof.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Lithium secondary battery and positive electrode for the battery

Номер: US20120183851A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The lithium secondary battery positive electrode provided by the present invention has a positive electrode collector and a positive active material layer formed on the collector. The positive active material layer is composed of a matrix phase containing at least one particulate positive active material and at least one binder, and an aggregate phase dispersed in the matrix phase, constituted by aggregation of at least one particulate positive active material and containing substantially no binder.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Positive Active Material for Rechargeable Lithium Battery, Method of Manufacturing the Same and Rechargeable Lithium Battery Using the Same

Номер: US20120183853A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A positive active material for a rechargeable lithium battery includes a positive active material compound including a metal compound for intercalating and deintercalating lithium, a coating particle having an embedded portion embedded into the active material compound and a protruding portion protruding from the surface of the active material, and a rechargeable lithium battery including the positive active material.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing alkaline primary battery

Номер: US20120186074A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A method for producing an alkaline primary battery includes: (1) forming a cylindrical positive electrode having a hollow; (2) inserting a cylindrical separator with a bottom into the hollow of the positive electrode, the separator including: a wound cylindrical portion; and a bottom portion that is substantially U-shaped in cross-section, the bottom portion covering an opening of the cylindrical portion at a lower end thereof and having an upstanding portion that extends along a lower outer face of the cylindrical portion; and (3) injecting an electrolyte into the separator. The amount of the electrolyte injected into the separator in the step (3) is sufficient to impregnate the positive electrode and the separator and immerse a lower end of the cylindrical portion of the separator in the electrolyte remaining in the separator, thereby bringing the lower end of the cylindrical portion into contact with the upstanding portion.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery

Номер: US20120189916A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

A non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery has a positive electrode containing a positive electrode active material, a negative electrode containing a negative electrode active material, a non-aqueous electrolyte, a separator interposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode, and a porous layer provided on a surface of the positive electrode. The porous layer contains titania particles, a dispersing agent, and an aqueous binder. The dispersing agent includes silica having an average particle size of less than 100 nm and less than that of the titania particles.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing thin film lithium secondary battery

Номер: US20120196175A1
Принадлежит: Ulvac Inc

A process for producing a chargeable-and-dischargeable thin film lithium secondary battery, which includes a substrate, a positive electrode film arranged on the substrate and formed in a structure of which lithium is insertable and releasable, an electrolyte film which is arranged on the positive electrode film and being in contact with the positive electrode film and contains lithium ions and in which lithium ions are movable, and a negative electrode film made of metallic lithium and arranged on the electrolyte film and being in contact with the electrolyte film, wherein after the negative electrode film is formed, a lithium carbonate film is formed on a surface of the negative electrode film by bringing a surface of the negative electrode film into contact with a surface-treating gas containing a rare gas and carbon dioxide. The process does not change the properties of a metallic lithium film as a negative electrode.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrode for rechargeable lithium battery and rechargeable lithium battery including the same

Номер: US20120231336A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

An electrode for a rechargeable lithium battery includes an electrode active material and a copolymer represented by where A is selected from —O—(CFR f3 —CFR f4 )—, —(CFR f4 —CFR f5 )— and combinations thereof, each of R f1 through R f5 is independently selected from fluorine, C1-C4 alkyls and C1-C4 fluorinated alkyls, and each of x and y is an integer ranging from 1 to 100,000.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Aqueous paste for electrochemical cell, electrode plate for electrochemical cell obtained by applying the aqueous paste, and battery comprising the electrode plate

Номер: US20120231337A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The aqueous paste for an electrochemical cell of the present invention comprises an aqueous dispersion for an electrochemical cell that comprises an olefin copolymer (a); an active material; and a conductive assistant, wherein the olefin copolymer (a) has a weight average molecular weight of not less than 50,000 and is at least one kind selected from a random propylene copolymer (a-1) containing 50% by weight to less than 85% by weight of a structural unit derived from propylene; an acid-modified random propylene copolymer (a-2) obtained by modifying the copolymer (a-1) with an acid; and an ethylene-(meth) acrylic acid copolymer (a-3) containing 5% by weight to less than 25% by weight of a structural unit derived from (meth) acrylic acid.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrochemical device using solid polymer electrolyte using fine polymer composite particles

Номер: US20120231346A1

The invention provides n electrochemical device containing a negative electrode having a negative electrode material layer at least on a surface; a positive electrode having a positive electrode material layer at least on a surface; and a solid polymer electrolyte of fine composite particles disposed between the negative electrode and the positive electrode. Each of the fine composite particles comprises a polymer brush layer of polymer graft chains. The fine composite particles form a substantially three-dimensional ordered array structure, and a continuous ion-conductive network channel is formed in each gap of the fine particles. The negative or positive electrode or electrode material layer have gaps filled with the fine composite particles. A contact interface between the solid electrolyte and the electrode material layer or the electrode is a polymer brush layer composed of polymer graft chains

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Negative electrode plate for lead-acid battery and method for producing the same and lead-acid battery

Номер: US20120237829A1
Автор: Yoshiomi Fujiwara

A lead-acid battery includes a negative electrode plate containing carbon black, fibrous carbon and graphite in a negative active material thereof. The average primary particle size of the carbon black is 10 nm or more and 120 nm or less, and the content thereof is 0.05% by mass or more and 2.2% by mass or less based on the mass of negative active material. The average length of the fibrous carbon is 1 μm or more, and the content thereof is 0.02% by mass or more and 1.2% by mass or less based on the mass of negative active material. The average particle size of the graphite is 20 μm or more, and the content thereof is 0.02% by mass or more and 2.0% by mass or less based on the mass of negative active material.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Lithium secondary battery and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20120251878A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The lithium secondary battery provided by the present invention includes a negative electrode having a negative electrode collector and a negative electrode layer including a negative electrode active material and formed on the surface of the negative electrode collector, and is characterized in that the negative electrode layer comprises a negative electrode active material layer composed primarily of a negative electrode active material, and an insulating layer composed primarily of an insulating filler and formed on the negative electrode active material layer, and the ratio (Sb/Sa) of a pore specific surface area of the insulating layer (Sb: m 2 /g) to a pore specific surface area of the negative electrode active material layer (Sa: m 2 /g), as measured by a mercury porosimeter, satisfies the relationship 1.2≦(Sb/Sa)≦2.5.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Anode active material, anode and lithium battery containing the same, and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20120258361A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

An anode active material. The anode active material includes a core including SiO x (0.5≦x≦1.7), and a coating layer formed on the core at least partially. The coating layer includes metal unreactive toward lithium.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Composite particles for electrochemical element electrode

Номер: US20120264014A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a method of producing a composite particle for high density electrochemical element electrodes in electrochemical elements having low internal resistance and high capacitance. Slurry containing an electric conductive material and a binder is obtained, and the slurry is sprayed to a fluidized electrode active material to carry out fluidized-granulation, and further particles obtained by the fluidized-granulation are rolling-fluidized granulated, and thereby, composite particle for electrochemical element electrode, containing electrode active materials, electric conductive materials, and binders, and being structured of an outer layer portion (outer shell portion) and an inner layer portion (core portion) are obtained.

01-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120276443A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A cell in which thermal welding of a laminate packaging is performed so that the thickness of a thermal welded portion including an electrode terminal is larger than that of a thermal welded portion including no electrode terminal.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Positive electrode material for a lithium-ion accumulator

Номер: US20120295162A1

A compound of formula Li a+y (M 1 (1−t) Mo t ) 2 M 2 b (O 1−x F 2x ) c wherein: M 1 is selected from the group consisting in Ni, Mn, Co, Fe, V or a mixture thereof; M 2 is selected from the group consisting in B, Al, Si, P, Ti, Mo; with 4≦a≦6; 0<b≦1.8; 3.8≦c≦14; 0≦x<1; −0.5≦y≦0.5; 0≦t≦0.9; b/a<0.45; the coefficient c satisfying one of the following relationships: c=4+y/2+z+2t+1.5b if M 2 is selected from B and Al; c=4+y/2+z+2t+2b if M 2 is selected from Si, Ti and Mo; c=4+y/2+z+2t+2.5b if M 2 is P; with z=0 if M 1 is selected from Ni, Mn, Co, Fe and z=1 if M 1 is V.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Positive electrode active material for lithium ion battery, method for producing the same, positive electrode for lithium ion battery, and lithium ion battery

Номер: US20120301780A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

A positive electrode active material for a lithium ion battery includes a material represented by chemical formula LiMPO 4 where M includes at least one of iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel. Particles of the positive electrode active material have a diameter d in the range of 10 nm to 200 nm, the diameter d being determined by observation under a transmission electron microscope. A ratio d/D of the diameter d to a crystallite diameter D is in the range of 1 to 1.35, the crystallite diameter D being determined from a half width measured by X-ray diffraction. The positive electrode active material is coated with carbon, an amount of the carbon being in the range of 1 weight percent to 10 weight percent.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Three-dimensional network aluminum porous body for current collector and method for producing the same

Номер: US20120308886A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

The present invention provides an electrode current collector for a secondary battery or the like, wherein a compressed part for attaching a tab lead to an end part of the three-dimensional network aluminum porous body to be used as an electrode current collector of a secondary battery, a capacitor using a nonaqueous electrolytic solution or the like is formed, and a method for producing the same. That is, the present invention provides a three-dimensional network aluminum porous body for a current collector having a compressed part compressed in a thickness direction for connecting a tab lead to its end part, wherein the compressed part is formed at a central part in the thickness direction of the aluminum porous body.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Electrodes, lithium-ion batteries, and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20120321959A1

Described herein are improved composite anodes and lithium-ion batteries made therefrom. Further described are methods of making and using the improved anodes and batteries. In general, the anodes include a porous composite having a plurality of agglomerated nanocomposites. At least one of the plurality of agglomerated nanocomposites is formed from a dendritic particle, which is a three-dimensional, randomly-ordered assembly of nanoparticles of an electrically conducting material and a plurality of discrete non-porous nanoparticles of a non-carbon Group 4A element or mixture thereof disposed on a surface of the dendritic particle. At least one nanocomposite of the plurality of agglomerated nanocomposites has at least a portion of its dendritic particle in electrical communication with at least a portion of a dendritic particle of an adjacent nanocomposite in the plurality of agglomerated nanocomposites.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Polymer secondary battery and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120321962A1
Принадлежит: NEC Energy Devices Ltd

There is provided a polymer secondary battery using silicon and silicon oxide as a negative electrode active material that shows a high capacity retention rate also when a charge and discharge cycle is repeated. A polymer secondary battery including a positive electrode, a negative electrode, a separator interposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode, and a polymer-containing gel electrolyte, wherein the negative electrode includes silicon and silicon oxide as a negative electrode active material, and the polymer-containing gel electrolyte is present in voids formed by fine division of particles of the negative electrode active material.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

High rate, long cycle life battery electrode materials with an open framework structure

Номер: US20120328936A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

A battery includes a cathode, an anode, and an aqueous electrolyte disposed between the cathode and the anode and including a cation A. At least one of the cathode and the anode includes an electrode material having an open framework crystal structure into which the cation A is reversibly inserted during operation of the battery. The battery has a reference specific capacity when cycled at a reference rate, and at least 75% of the reference specific capacity is retained when the battery is cycled at 10 times the reference rate.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Carbon - lead blends for use in hybrid energy storage devices

Номер: US20130004841A1
Принадлежит: EnerG2 Technologies Inc

The present application is directed to blends comprising a plurality of carbon particles and a plurality of lead particles. The blends find utility in any number of electrical devices, for example, in lead acid batteries. Methods for making and using the blends are also disclosed.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Process for preparing electroactive insertion compounds and electrode materials obtained therefrom

Номер: US20130011739A1

A process for preparing an at least partially lithiated transition metal oxyanion-based lithium-ion reversible electrode material, which includes providing a precursor of said lithium-ion reversible electrode material, heating said precursor, melting same at a temperature sufficient to produce a melt including an oxyanion containing liquid phase, cooling said melt under conditions to induce solidification thereof and obtain a solid electrode that is capable of reversible lithium ion deinsertion/insertion cycles for use in a lithium battery. Also, lithiated or partially lithiated oxyanion-based-lithium-ion reversible electrode materials obtained by the aforesaid process.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Positive electrode active material

Номер: US20130015410A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd, HITACHI LTD

A lithium ion secondary battery has a high cycle retention rate, and has its battery capacity increased. A positive electrode active material is used which includes a crystal phase having a structure formed by collecting a plurality of crystallites 101 , and powder particles containing amorphous phases 103 a and 103 b formed between the crystallites 101 . The amorphous phases 103 a and 103 b contain one or more kinds of metal oxides selected from the group consisting of vanadium oxide, iron oxide, manganese oxide, nickel oxide and cobalt oxide. The crystal phase and the amorphous phase 103 a and 103 b are capable of intercalation and deintercalation of lithium ions.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Plating technique for electrode

Номер: US20130017441A1
Принадлежит: Sion Power Corp

Articles and methods for forming protected electrodes for use in electrochemical cells, including those for use in rechargeable lithium batteries, are provided. In some embodiments, the articles and methods involve an electrode that does not include an electroactive layer, but includes a current collector and a protective structure positioned directly adjacent the current collector, or separated from the current collector by one or more thin layers. Lithium ions may be transported across the protective structure to form an electroactive layer between the current collector and the protective structure. In some embodiments, an anisotropic force may be applied to the electrode to facilitate formation of the electroactive layer.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Cathode active material composition, cathode prepared by using the same, and lithium battery including the cathode

Номер: US20130017442A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDI Co Ltd

A cathode active material composition includes a cathode active material, a water-based binder, and a transition metal oxide. A cathode is prepared using the cathode active material composition. A lithium battery includes the cathode. The lithium battery has improved high-rate characteristics and lifespan characteristics by preventing an increase in internal resistance due to the corrosion of an electrode base material.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Battery electrode production method

Номер: US20130022864A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The present invention provides a method for producing a battery electrode having a configuration in which a compound material layer containing an active material 22 and a binder 54 is retained on a current collector 10 . This method includes a step of forming protrusions 64 composed of a polymer on a surface of the current collector 10 , a step of forming a binder solution layer 56 by coating a binder solution 50 containing the binder 54 over the polymer protrusions 64 onto the current collector 10 , a step of depositing the binder solution layer 56 and a compound material paste layer 46 on the current collector 10 by applying a compound material paste 40 containing the active material 22 over the binder solution layer 56 , and a step of obtaining an electrode in which the compound material layer is formed on the current collector 10 by drying both the deposited binder solution layer 56 and compound material paste layer 46.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing positive electrode active material for lithium ion battery

Номер: US20130047423A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

At least one of an aqueous solution A containing lithium, an aqueous solution B containing iron, manganese, cobalt, or nickel, and an aqueous solution C containing a phosphoric acid includes graphene oxide. The aqueous solution A is dripped into the aqueous solution C, so that a mixed solution E including a precipitate D is prepared. The mixed solution E is dripped into the aqueous solution B, so that a mixed solution G including a precipitate F is prepared. The mixed solution G is subjected to heat treatment in a pressurized atmosphere, so that a mixed solution H is prepared, and the mixed solution H is then filtered. Thus, particles of a compound containing lithium and oxygen which have a small size are obtained.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Electrode for power storage device and power storage device

Номер: US20130059195A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

To provide an electrode for a power storage device, which has high reliability and can be miniaturized. To provide a power storage device including the electrode. In the electrode, a stress-relieving layer which relieves internal stress of an active material layer including a whisker is provided over a current collector. By the stress-relieving layer, deformation of the current collector can be suppressed and the productivity of the power storage device can be increased. In addition, the size of the power storage device can be reduced and the reliability thereof can be increased. Graphene may be formed so as to cover the active material layer including a whisker.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Electrode for lithium ion secondary battery, method for producing the same, and lithium ion secondary battery

Номер: US20130065125A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

The electrode for a lithium ion secondary battery of the present invention has an electrode mixture layer containing carbon nanotubes as a conductive auxiliary agent and deoxyribonucleic acid as a dispersant for the carbon nanotubes, and the content of the carbon nanotubes in the electrode mixture layer is 0.001 to 5 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of active material particles. The lithium ion secondary battery of the present invention has the electrode of the invention as its positive electrode and/or negative electrode. The electrode of the invention can be produced by a producing method of the invention of forming the electrode mixture layer from an electrode mixture-containing composition prepared using a dispersion including carbon nanotubes and deoxyribonucleic acid.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Cathode for a Battery

Номер: US20130065126A1
Принадлежит: Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.

An electrode for an electrochemical cell including an active electrode material and an intrinsically conductive coating wherein the coating is applied to the active electrode material by heating the mixture for a time and at a temperature that limits degradation of the cathode active material. 1. A method of making an electrode for an electrochemical cell , comprising:combining a coating compound characterized by having an intrinsic conductivity and an active electrode material to form a mixture;heating the mixture to form a conductively coated active electrode material, wherein the mixture is heated for a time and at a temperature that limits degradation of the active electrode material;mixing the conductively coated active electrode material with a binder material and a conductive additive to form an electrode-forming mixture; andheating the electrode-forming mixture to form the electrode.2. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises an organic material.3. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises a conjugated core in which at least 90% of the carbon atoms are sp or sphybridized.4. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises a compound in which at least 35% of the carbon atoms are sp or sphybridized.5. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises a conjugated core in which about 100% of the carbon atoms are sp or sphybridized.6. The method of wherein the coating compound is heated at less than about 450 degrees C.7. The method of wherein the coating compound is heated for a time in a range of from about 0 hours to about 6 hours.8. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises a naphthalene core.9. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises a pentacene core.10. The method of wherein the coating compound comprises a perylene core.11. An electrode for an electrochemical cell claim 1 , comprising:an active electrode material;a binder material; andan intrinsically conductive coating wherein the coating is applied ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130065130A1

An electrode () is provided that may be used in an electrochemical device () such as an energy storage/discharge device, e.g., a lithium-ion battery, or an electrochromic device, e.g., a smart window. Hydrothermal techniques and vacuum filtration methods were applied to fabricate the electrode (). The electrode () includes an active portion () that is made up of electrochemically active nanoparticles, with one embodiment utilizing 3d-transition metal oxides to provide the electrochemical capacity of the electrode (). The active material () may include other electrochemical materials, such as silicon, tin, lithium manganese oxide, and lithium iron phosphate. The electrode () also includes a matrix or net () of electrically conductive nanomaterial that acts to connect and/or bind the active nanoparticles () such that no binder material is required in the electrode (), which allows more active materials () to be included to improve energy density and other desirable characteristics of the electrode. The matrix material () may take the form of carbon nanotubes, such as single-wall, double-wall, and/or multi-wall nanotubes, and be provided as about 2 to 30 percent weight of the electrode () with the rest being the active material (). 1. An electrode for an electrochemical device , comprising:an active portion comprising an electrochemically active nanoparticles;a matrix of electrically conductive nanomaterial connecting the electrochemically active particles, wherein the electrically conductive material of the matrix comprises less than about 30 percent by weight of the electrode.2. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the electrochemically active particles comprise active nanoparticles or active non-nanoparticles.3. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the active portion provides a remaining material make up of the electrode after consideration of the matrix claim 1 , whereby the electrode is binder-free.4. The electrode of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071741A1

A negative electrode for a secondary battery according to the present invention has a collector and a negative electrode active material layer formed on a surface of the collector and containing negative electrode active material particles. In the negative electrode active material layer, an insulating material is arranged between the negative electrode active material particles so as not to develop conductivity by a percolation path throughout the negative electrode active material layer. It is possible in this configuration to effectively prevent the occurrence of a short-circuit current due to an internal short circuit and the generation of heat due to such short-circuit current flow in the secondary battery while securing the battery performance of the secondary battery. 1. A negative electrode for a secondary battery , comprising:a collector; anda negative electrode active material layer formed on a surface of the collector and containing negative electrode active material particles,wherein the negative electrode active material layer further contains an insulating material arranged between the negative electrode active material particles in an amount of weight fraction exceeding a percolation threshold so as to prevent developing conductivity by a percolation path throughout the negative electrode active material layer.2. The negative electrode for the secondary battery according to claim 1 , wherein particles of the insulating material are applied to at least part of surfaces of the negative electrode active material particles.3. The negative electrode for the secondary battery according to claim 2 , wherein the particles of the insulating material have an average particle size (median size) of 0.1 to 5 μm.4. The negative electrode for the secondary battery according to claim 1 , wherein a coating of the insulating material is applied to at least part of the surfaces of the negative electrode active material particles.5. The negative electrode for the ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071742A1

A lithium ion battery includes a positive electrode, a negative electrode, and a microporous polymer separator soaked in an electrolyte solution. The microporous polymer separator is disposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode. An ion exchange polymer material is any of i) incorporated as a binder in any of the positive electrode or the negative electrode, ii) deposited onto a surface of any of the positive electrode or the negative electrode, iii) incorporated into the microporous polymer separator, or iv) deposited onto a surface of the microporous polymer separator. Examples of methods for making the ion exchange polymer material for use in the lithium ion batteries are also disclosed herein. 1. A lithium ion battery , comprising:a positive electrode;a negative electrode;a microporous polymer separator soaked in an electrolyte solution, the microporous polymer separator disposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode; andan ion exchange polymer material any of i) incorporated as a binder in any of the positive electrode or the negative electrode, ii) deposited onto a surface of any of the positive electrode or the negative electrode, iii) incorporated into the microporous polymer separator, or iv) deposited onto a surface of the microporous polymer separator.4. The lithium ion battery as defined in wherein the is selected from the group consisting of polyolefins claim 3 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 3 , polyvinylidene fluoride claim 3 , polyamides claim 3 , polyurethanes claim 3 , polycarbonates claim 3 , polyesters claim 3 , polyetheretherketones claim 3 , polyethersulfones claim 3 , polyimides claim 3 , polyamide-imides claim 3 , polyethers claim 3 , polyoxymethylene claim 3 , polybutylene terephthalate claim 3 , polyethylenenaphthenate claim 3 , polybutene claim 3 , polyolefin copolymers claim 3 , acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene copolymers claim 3 , polystyrene copolymers claim 3 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 3 , ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071743A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A method of manufacturing a lithium-ion secondary battery positive electrode comprises a coating material preparing step of preparing a positive electrode active material layer forming coating material by mixing a positive electrode active material, a binder, a conductive auxiliary, an organic solvent, and water; and an active material layer forming step of forming a positive electrode active material layer on a current collector by using the positive electrode active material layer forming coating material. The binder is polyvinylidene fluoride produced by emulsion polymerization. The positive electrode active material layer forming coating material is prepared in the coating material preparing step such that the amount of water added (% by mass) based on the total amount of the organic solvent and water and the pH of the positive electrode active material satisfy the following expression (1): 1. A method of manufacturing a lithium-ion secondary battery positive electrode , the method comprising:a coating material preparing step of preparing a positive electrode active material layer forming coating material by mixing at least a positive electrode active material, a binder, a conductive auxiliary, an organic solvent, and water; andan active material layer forming step of forming a positive electrode active material layer on a current collector by using the positive electrode active material layer forming coating material;wherein the binder is polyvinylidene fluoride produced by emulsion polymerization; and {'br': None, '48≦[the amount of water added+(4.25×the pH of the positive electrode active material)]≦52\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'wherein the positive electrode active material layer forming coating material is prepared in the coating material preparing step such that the amount of water added (% by mass) based on the total amount of the organic solvent and water and the pH of the positive electrode active material satisfy the following expression (1)2. A method of ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071754A1
Автор: Miki Hidenori, Oki Hideki

A main object of the present invention is to provide an electrode body which can obtain a high capacity secondary battery. The invention provides an electrode body having an active material composed of a metal oxide and a conductive auxiliary agent obtained by causing a partial deficiency to an oxygen atom in the metal oxide and introducing a nitrogen atom into the metal oxide, whereby the above object can be achieved. 1. An electrode body comprising:an active material composed of a metal oxide; anda conductive auxiliary agent obtained by causing a partial deficiency to an oxygen atom in the metal oxide and introducing a nitrogen atom into the metal oxide.2. An electrode body comprising:an active material; and{'sup': '−4', 'a conductive auxiliary agent composed of a conductive metal oxide having an electron conductivity of 10S/cm or more and a charge and discharge capacity.'}3. The electrode body according to claim 2 , wherein the active material is composed of a metal oxide claim 2 , and the conductive metal oxide is obtained by causing a partial deficiency to an oxygen atom in the metal oxide and introducing a nitrogen atom into the metal oxide.4. The electrode body according to claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide is LiTiO.5. A conductive auxiliary agent for a secondary battery claim 1 , obtained by removing a part of an oxygen atom in LiTiOand introducing a nitrogen atom into LiTiO claim 1 , and having an electron conductivity of 10S/cm or more.6. A secondary battery claim 1 , comprising the electrode body according to used in at least one of a cathode layer and an anode layer.7. A secondary battery claim 2 , comprising the electrode body according to used in at least one of a cathode layer and an anode layer.8. The electrode body according to claim 3 , wherein the metal oxide is LiTiO. The present invention relates to an electrode body which can obtain a high capacity secondary battery.In order to improve the performance of a secondary battery, a lot of ideas have ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method of producing electrode for electricity storage device

Номер: US20130078365A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A method of producing an electrode for an electricity storage device includes producing a paste to form an electrode active material layer, in which aggregates of a solids fraction material that contains at least an electrode active material and a binder are dispersed in a solvent, coating the paste on a surface of a current collector, and drying the current collector coated with the paste, to form the electrode active material layer formed of the solids fraction material. The paste is produced in such a manner that a content ratio of the solids fraction material in the paste is 60 to 80 mass %, an abundance ratio for the aggregates with a particle size that is equal to or smaller than 20 μm is at least 99%, and a viscosity at 25° C. and a shear rate of 40 s −1 is 200 to 5,000 mPa·s.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Negative electrode active material for non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery cell, non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery cell, battery pack and method for manufacturing the negative electrode active material for non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery cell

Номер: US20130078490A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a negative electrode active material for a non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery cell includes a composite. The composite includes a carbonaceous material, a silicon oxide dispersed in the carbonaceous material, and a silicon dispersed in the silicon oxide. A half-value width of a diffraction peak of a Si (220) plane in powder X-ray diffraction measurement of the composite is in a range of 1.5° to 8.0°. A mean size of a silicon oxide phase is in a range of 50 nm to 1,000 nm. A value of (a standard deviation)/(the mean size) is equal to or less than 1.0 where the standard deviation of a size distribution of the silicon oxide phase is defined by (d84%−d16%)/2.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Lithium ion batteries based on nanoporous silicon

Номер: US20130078508A1

A lithium ion battery that incorporates an anode formed from a Group IV semiconductor material such as porous silicon is disclosed. The battery includes a cathode, and an anode comprising porous silicon. In some embodiments, the anode is present in the form of a nanowire, a film, or a powder, the porous silicon having a pore diameters within the range between 2 nm and 100 nm and an average wall thickness of within the range between 1 nm and 100 nm. The lithium ion battery further includes, in some embodiments, a non-aqueous lithium containing electrolyte. Lithium ion batteries incorporating a porous silicon anode demonstrate have high, stable lithium alloying capacity over many cycles.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130078515A1

A supercapacitor-like electronic battery exhibits a conventional electrochemical capacitor structure with a first nanocomposite electrode positioned within said conventional electrochemical capacitor structure. Said nanocomposite electrode shows nano-scale conductive particles dispersed in a electrolyte matrix, said nano-scale conductive particles being coated with a designed and functionalized organic or organometallic compound. A second nanocomposite electrode is positioned within said conventional electrochemical capacitor structure with similar properties. An electrolyte within said conventional electrochemical capacitor structure separates said first from said second nanocomposite electrode. Two current collectors in communication with said first and second nanocomposite electrode complete the electric scheme. A method for fabricating a capacitor includes forming conductive or semiconducting nanoparticles and reacting said nanoparticles with a first designed and functionalized organic or organometallic compound, said reaction forming an organic or organometallic shell surrounding each of said nanoparticles. Said treated nanoparticles are being dispersed into an electrolyte matrix to form a nanocomposite electrode. 1. A supercapacitor-like electronic battery comprising:a conventional electrochemical capacitor structure;a first nanocomposite electrode positioned within said conventional electrochemical capacitor structure, said first nanocomposite electrode having first nano-scale conductive particles dispersed in a first electrolyte matrix, said first nano-scale conductive particles being coated with a first designed and functionalized oranic or organometallic compound;a second nanocomposite electrode positioned within said conventional electrochemical capacitor structure, said second nanocomposite electrode having second nano-scale conductive particles dispersed in a second electrolyte matrix, said second nano-scale conductive particles being coated with a ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

High Capacity Electrodes

Номер: US20130078523A1

A high capacity electrode includes a conducting substrate on which a plurality of support filaments are disposed. Each of the support filaments have a length substantially greater than their width and may include, for example, a carbon nano-tube (CNT), a carbon nano-fiber (CNF), and/or a nano-wire (NW). The support filaments are coated with a material, such as silicon, having a greater ion absorbing capacity greater than the neat support filaments. A trunk region of the support filaments proximate to the substrate is optionally kept free of ion absorbing material. This trunk region allows for the expansion of the ion absorbing material without detaching the support filaments form the substrate. 1. A system comprising: a substrate,', 'a plurality of support filaments attached to the substrate, and', 'a non-particulate ion absorbing material attached to the support filaments and configured to expand in volume at least 5 percent up to approximately 400 percent when absorbing ions;, 'A first electrode disposed in a first region of electrolyte and including'}a separator configured to separate the first region and a second region of electrolyte; anda second electrode disposed in the second region of electrolyte, the first and second electrodes and separator configured to operate as a rechargeable battery.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ion absorbing material covers some but not all of each of the plurality of support filaments.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ion absorbing material covers an area of a member of the plurality of support filaments distal to the substrate and does not cover an area of the member of the plurality of support filaments proximate to the substrate.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the ion absorbing material is greater at an end of the support filaments distal to the substrate relative to a thickness at an end of the support filaments proximate to the substrate.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

High Capacity Electrodes

Номер: US20130078524A1

A high capacity electrode includes a conducting substrate on which a plurality of support filaments are disposed. Each of the support filaments have a length substantially greater than their width and may include, for example, a carbon nano-tube (CNT), a carbon nano-fiber (CNF), and/or a nano-wire (NW). The support filaments are coated with a material, such as silicon, having a greater ion absorbing capacity greater than the neat support filaments. A trunk region of the support filaments proximate to the substrate is optionally kept free of ion absorbing material. This trunk region allows for the expansion of the ion absorbing material without detaching the support filaments form the substrate. 1. A system comprising: a substrate,', 'a plurality of support filaments attached to the substrate, and', 'a conformal ion absorbing material attached to the support filaments and configured to expand in volume at least 5 percent up to approximately 400 percent when absorbing ions;, 'A first electrode disposed in a first region of electrolyte and including'}a separator configured to separate the first region and a second region of electrolyte; anda second electrode disposed in the second region of electrolyte, the first and second electrodes and separator configured to operate as a rechargeable battery.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ion absorbing material covers some but not all of each of the plurality of support filaments.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ion absorbing material covers an area of a member of the plurality of support filaments distal to the substrate and does not cover an area of the member of the plurality of support filaments proximate to the substrate.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the ion absorbing material is greater at an end of the support filaments distal to the substrate relative to a thickness at an end of the support filaments proximate to the substrate.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of support ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Non-aqueous electrolyte battery

Номер: US20130078531A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-aqueous electrolyte battery includes an electrode group includes a positive electrode and a negative electrode disposed through a separator, and a non-aqueous electrolyte. The negative electrode comprises a current collector and a porous negative electrode layer formed on the current collector and containing a lithium compound. The porous negative electrode layer has a first peak at a pore diameter of 0.04 to 0.15 μm and a second peak at a pore diameter of 0.8 to 6 μm in the relation between the pore diameter and log differential intrusion obtained in the mercury press-in method.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of secondary particles and manufacturing method of electrode of power storage device

Номер: US20130084384A1
Автор: Masaki YAMAKAJI
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

The conductivity of an active material layer provided in an electrode of a secondary battery is sufficiently increased and active material powders in a slurry containing active materials each have a certain size. Secondary particles are manufactured through the following steps: mixing at least active material powders and oxidized conductive material powders to form a slurry; drying the slurry to form a dried substance; grinding the dried substance to form a powder mixture; and reducing the powder mixture. Further, an electrode of a power storage device is manufactured through the following steps: forming a slurry containing at least the secondary particles; applying the slurry to a current collector; and drying the slurry over the current collector.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Lithium secondary battery

Номер: US20130084489A9
Принадлежит: Dai Ichi Kogyo Seiyaku Co Ltd

A lithium ion secondary battery capable of charging in 15 minutes or less has a cathode with a composite layer on a surface of a collector having an active material and a conducting agent, an anode with an active material, an insulator between the cathode and anode, and an electrolyte with lithium ions. The cathode active material is represented by Li x MPO 4 , where M is a metal atom and 0<x<2 and the conducting agent contains particles between 3 μm and 12 μm in size and in an amount of 1% or more by weight.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084498A1

The present invention relates to a negative electrode active material including an Si—Sn—Fe—Cu based alloy, in which an Si phase has an area ratio in a range of from 35 to 80% in the entire negative electrode active material, the Si phase is dispersed in a matrix phase, the matrix phase contains an Si—Fe compound phase crystallized around the Si phase and further contains an Sn—Cu compound phase crystallized to surround the Si phase and the Si—Fe compound phase, the Si—Fe compound phase is crystallized in a ratio of from 35 to 90% in terms of an area ratio in the entire matrix phase, and the matrix phase further contains an Sn phase unavoidably crystallized in the matrix phase in a ratio of 15% or less in terms of an area ratio in the entire matrix phase, 1. A negative electrode active material comprising an Si—Sn—Fe—Cu based alloy ,wherein an Si phase has an area ratio in a range of from 35 to 80% in the entire negative electrode active material,wherein the Si phase is dispersed in a matrix phase,wherein the matrix phase contains an Si—Fe compound phase crystallized around the Si phase and further contains an Sn—Cu compound phase crystallized to surround the Si phase and the Si—Fe compound phase,wherein the Si—Fe compound phase is crystallized in a ratio of from 35 to 90% in terms of an area ratio in the entire matrix phase, andwherein the matrix phase further contains an Sn phase unavoidably crystallized in the matrix phase in a ratio of 15% or less in terms of an area ratio in the entire matrix phase.2. The negative electrode active material according to claim 1 , wherein the area ratio of the Si—Fe compound phase in the entire matrix phase is in a range of from 60 to 85%.3. The negative electrode active material according to claim 1 , wherein the area ratio of the Si phase in the entire negative electrode active material is in a range of from 50 to 80% claim 1 ,4. The negative electrode active material according to claim 2 , wherein the area ratio of the Si ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084503A1

A nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery provided by the present invention includes an electrode body in which a positive electrode sheet and a negative electrode sheet are laminated with a separator sheet interposed therebetween. A porous layer including an inorganic filler and a binder is formed on at least one surface of the separator sheet . The surface of the porous layer is made uneven by forming peaks and valleys, and a maximum difference of elevation on an uneven surface is 0.2 μm to 1.7 μm. 17.-. (canceled)8. A nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery , comprising an electrode body in which a positive electrode sheet and a negative electrode sheet are laminated with a separator sheet interposed therebetween , whereina porous layer including an inorganic filler and a binder is formed on at least one surface of the separator sheet, anda surface of the porous layer is made uneven by forming peaks and valleys, and a maximum difference of elevation on an uneven surface is 0.2 μm to 1.7 μm.9. The nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery according to claim 8 , wherein the porous layer includes particles formed of an inorganic metal compound as the inorganic filler claim 8 , anda cumulative 90% particle size (D90) in a particle size distribution of the metal compound particles is equal to or less than 4 μm.10. The nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery according to claim 9 , wherein a cumulative 10% particle size (D10) in the particle size distribution of the metal compound particles is equal to or greater than 0.2 μm.11. The nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery according to claim 9 , wherein the metal compound particles are alumina or alumina hydrate.12. The nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery according to claim 8 , wherein an amount of the binder in the porous layer is 1.5% by mass to 3% by mass claim 8 , when a total amount of solids contained in the porous layer is taken as 100% by mass.13. The nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery according to ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089781A1
Принадлежит: GS Yuasa International Ltd.

An object is to provide an electrode assembly for an electric storage device, such as a nonaqueous electrolyte cell, and an electric storage device that are capable of preventing increase of a short-circuit current at the time of occurrence of a short-circuit within a cell and have high safety. In order to achieve the object, provided is an electrode assembly for an electric storage device including a positive electrode, a negative electrode and a separator disposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode, in which at least one of the positive electrode and the negative electrode includes a current collector, an active material layer formed on at least one face of the current collector, and an undercoat layer formed between the current collector and the active material layer and including an organic binder that evaporates and decomposes when heated to a predetermined temperature or more. 1. An electrode assembly for an electric storage device comprising a positive electrode , a negative electrode and a separator disposed between the positive electrode and the negative electrode ,wherein at least one of the positive electrode and the negative electrode includes:a current collector;an active material layer formed on at least one face of the current collector; andan undercoat layer formed between the current collector and the active material layer and including a conductive additive and an organic binder that evaporates or decomposes when heated to a predetermined temperature or more.2. The electrode assembly for an electric storage device according to claim 1 ,wherein the predetermined temperature is 160° C. to 500° C.3. The electrode assembly for an electric storage device according to claim 1 ,wherein the organic binder is at least one selected from the group consisting of chitin-chitosan derivative, fluoride resin, synthetic rubber, polyamide, polyimide, polyolefin and polyacrylic.4. The electrode assembly for an electric storage device according ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092053A1
Автор: Klein Ian
Принадлежит: PENOX GMBH

An additive for producing positive active compositions for lead accumulators based on finely divided 4-basic lead sulphate having an average particle size of less than about 3 μm and also finely divided silica, where the additive additionally contains red lead (2PbO.PbO), is described. The finely divided silica prevents, in particular, agglomeration of the particles of the 4-basic lead sulphate, while the red lead leads to an optimized distribution of all constituents of the additive in the battery paste. The use of red lead also gives a cost advantage. Despite the replacement of part of the 4-basic lead sulphate by red lead, the properties achieved in the later use in battery operation are no worse. Thus, the batteries display, for example, improved charging behaviour and a higher high-current discharging stability. The invention further relates to the use of the additive according to at least one of claims to for producing positive active pastes for lead accumulators, in particular for lead accumulators having a high total discharging stability. 1. An additive for production of positive active compositions for lead accumulators based on finely divided tetrabasic lead sulphate having a mean particle size of less than about 3 μm and finely divided silica , wherein the additive comprises red lead (2PbO ,PbO).2. An additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the additive contains about 20 to 80% by weight of red lead.3. An additive as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the additive contains about 45 to 65 by weight of red lead.4. An additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mean particle size of the red lead is less than about 1.5 μm.5. An additive as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the mean particle size of the red lead is between about 0.4 and 0.6 μm.6. An additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the red lead has a specific BET surface area of less than about 1.5 m/g.7. An additive as claimed in claim 1 , wherein there are less than 2.2 mol of PbO per 1 mol of PbOin the red ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101897A1

Provided is a lithium secondary battery in which negative-electrode active material particles containing silicon and/or a silicon alloy are used and which prevents the occurrence of breakage of a binder itself and peel-off of the binder at the interfaces with the negative-electrode active material and the negative-electrode current collector and has a high energy density and an excellent cycle characteristic. The lithium secondary battery includes: a negative electrode in which a negative-electrode active material layer including negative-electrode active material particles containing silicon and/or a silicon alloy and a binder is formed on a surface of electrically conductive metal foil serving as a negative-electrode current collector; a positive electrode; and a nonaqueous electrolyte, wherein the binder contains a polyimide resin including a crosslinked structure formed by imidization of a hexavalent or higher-valent carboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof with a diamine. 1. A lithium secondary battery including: a negative electrode in which a negative-electrode active material layer including negative-electrode active material particles containing silicon and/or a silicon alloy and a binder is formed on a surface of electrically conductive metal foil serving as a negative-electrode current collector; a positive electrode; and a nonaqueous electrolyte , whereinthe binder contains a polyimide resin including a crosslinked structure formed by imidization of a hexavalent or higher-valent carboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof with a diamine.3. The lithium secondary battery according to claim 1 , wherein the polyimide resin including the crosslinked structure includes a linear chain structure formed by imidization of a tetracarboxylic acid or a dianhydride thereof with a diamine.5. The lithium secondary battery according to claim 4 , wherein in the polyimide resin claim 4 , the ratio between the total amount of substance of the crosslinked structure represented by ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Lead manganese-based cathode material for lithium electrochemical systems

Номер: US20130101898A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Army

A lead manganese-based cathode material is provided. Furthermore, a lithium or lithium ion rechargeable electrochemical cell is provided incorporating lead manganese-based cathode material in a positive electrode. In addition, a process for preparing a stable lead manganese-based cathode material is provided.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Gas Diffusion Electrode, Method of Producing Same, Membrane Electrode Assembly Comprising Same and Method of Producing Membrane Electrode Assembly Comprising Same

Номер: US20130101906A1
Принадлежит: VITO NV

A process for producing a gas diffusion electrode comprising the steps of: casting a porous electrically conductive web with a suspension of particles of an electrically conductive material in a solution of a first binder to provide a first layer which is an electrochemically active layer (AL); casting a suspension of particles of a hydrophobic material in a solution of a second binder on said first layer to provide a second layer; and subjecting said first and second layer to phase inversion thereby realising porosity in both said first layer and said second layer, wherein said subjection of said second layer to phase inversion thereby realises a water repellent layer; a gas diffusion electrode obtained therewith; the use of a gas diffusion electrode in an membrane electrode assembly; a membrane electrode assembly comprising the gas diffusion electrode; and a method of producing a membrane electrode assembly is realised, said membrane electrode assembly comprising a membrane sandwiched between two electrodes at least one of which is a gas diffusion electrode, wherein said method comprises the step of casting said membrane electrode assembly in a single pass.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Aqueous electrode binder for secondary battery

Номер: US20130112928A1

The present invention provides an aqueous electrode binder for a secondary battery suitable as a water-soluble binder that is included in a composition forming an electrode for secondary battery, and does not reduce adhesion and flexibility of an emulsion because a water-soluble polymer is included that has dispersibility and a viscosity control function, and that supplementary works when an electrode is formed. An aqueous electrode binder for a secondary battery includes a water-soluble polymer, wherein the water-soluble polymer includes a structural unit (a) derived from an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid ester monomer in an amount of 50 to 95% by mass and a structural unit (b) derived from an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic salt monomer in an amount of 5 to 50% by mass, based on 100% by mass of the total amount of the structural units included in the water-soluble polymer, and wherein the water-soluble polymer has a weight-average molecular weight of 500,000 or more.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Nonaqueous electrolyte battery, electrode for the same, and battery pack

Номер: US20130115508A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, there is provided an electrode for a nonaqueous electrolyte battery. The electrode includes an active material layer. The active material layer includes a monoclinic β-type titanium composite oxide. When the electrode is subjected to an X-ray diffraction measurement using a Cu-Kα ray source, a ratio of a reflection intensity I(020) of a peak derived from a plane (020) of a crystal of the monoclinic β-type titanium composite oxide to a reflection intensity I(001) of a peak derived from a plane (001) of the crystal of the monoclinic β-type titanium composite oxide being in the range from 0.6 to 1.2.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cathode active material for overcharge protection in secondary lithium batteries

Номер: US20130115515A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

Provided herein is an electrode active material comprising a lithium metal oxide and an overcharge protection additive having an operating voltage higher than the operating voltage of the lithium metal oxide.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Binder for lithium ion secondary battery electrode, slurry obtained using the binder for electrode, electrode obtained using the slurry, and lithium ion secondary battery using the electrode

Номер: US20130119318A1
Принадлежит: NEC Energy Devices Ltd, Showa Denko KK

An object of the present invention is to provide: a binder for a lithium ion secondary battery electrode, which is water-dispersible type and has favorable adhesion between active materials and between the active material and current collectors, along with charge-discharge high-temperature cycle characteristics; a slurry using the binder; an electrode using the slurry; and a lithium ion secondary battery using the electrode. The present invention relates to a binder composition for a lithium ion secondary battery electrode, which is obtained by emulsion polymerization of an ethylenically unsaturated monomer in the presence of a surfactant, the ethylenically unsaturated monomer containing, as essential constituents, 15 to 70 mass % of styrene with respect to the total mass of ethylenically unsaturated monomers, an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid ester, an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid and an internal cross-linking agent.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122354A1

It is an object to provide a nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery whose battery characteristics can be considerably improved by considerably improving the dispersibility of a carbon conductive agent and forming a good conductive network, and a method for producing the nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery. A polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer serving as a dispersant and a polyglycerin-condensed ricinoleic acid ester are mixed with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone serving as a dispersion medium, and then acetylene black is added thereto to prepare a carbon slurry. Subsequently, a positive electrode active material and a binder are mixed with the carbon slurry to prepare a positive electrode active material slurry. A positive electrode is produced using the positive electrode active material slurry, and then a nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery is produced using the positive electrode 1. A carbon slurry comprising N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone serving as a dispersion medium and a carbon conductive agent , a polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer serving as a dispersant , and a nonionic surfactant that are included in the N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone.2. The carbon slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the nonionic surfactant includes a fatty acid ester surfactant.3. The carbon slurry according to claim 2 , wherein the fatty acid ester surfactant is a ricinoleic acid ester.4. The carbon slurry according to claim 3 , wherein the ricinoleic acid ester is a polyglycerin-condensed ricinoleic acid ester.5. The carbon slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the nonionic surfactant includes a higher alkyl ether surfactant.6. The carbon slurry according to claim 5 , wherein the higher alkyl ether surfactant is a polyoxyethylene alkyl ether.7. The carbon slurry according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon conductive agent includes carbon black.8. A method for preparing a carbon slurry comprising mixing a carbon conductive agent claim 1 , a polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer serving as a dispersant claim 1 , and a ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122364A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided is a binder for secondary battery electrodes comprising a copolymer consisting of 79 to 98% by weight of at least one selected from the group consisting of (a) an ethylenically unsaturated carbonic acid ester monomer and (b) a vinyl monomer and a nitrile monomer, (c) 1 to 20% by weight of an ethylenically unsaturated carbonic acid monomer, and (d) 1 to 20% by weight of a phosphorus (P)-containing monomer including a P═O bond and one or more reactive double bonds in a molecular structure thereof, based on the total weight of the binder. The binder fundamentally improves stability of an electrode in the process of fabricating the electrode, thus providing secondary batteries with superior cycle properties. 1. A binder for secondary battery electrodes comprising a copolymer consisting of:79 to 98% by weight of at least one selected from the group consisting of (a) an ethylenically unsaturated carbonic acid ester monomer and (b) a vinyl monomer and a nitrile monomer;(c) 1 to 20% by weight of an ethylenically unsaturated carbonic acid monomer; and(d) 1 to 20% by weight of a phosphorus (P)-containing monomer including a P═O bond and one or more reactive double bonds in a molecular structure thereof, based on the total weight of the binder.2. The binder according to claim 1 , wherein the ethylenically unsaturated carbonic acid ester monomer is at least one monomer selected from the group consisting of methyl acrylate claim 1 , ethyl acrylate claim 1 , propyl acrylate claim 1 , isopropyl acrylate claim 1 , n-butyl acrylate claim 1 , isobutyl acrylate claim 1 , n-amyl acrylate claim 1 , isoamyl acrylate claim 1 , n-hexyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate claim 1 , hydroxy propyl acrylate claim 1 , lauryl acrylate claim 1 , methyl methacrylate claim 1 , ethyl methacrylate claim 1 , propyl methacrylate claim 1 , isopropyl methacrylate claim 1 , n-butyl methacrylate claim 1 , isobutyl methacrylate claim 1 , n-amyl methacrylate claim 1 , isoamyl methacrylate ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126801A1
Принадлежит: Anzode, Inc.

A composition, method of its preparation, and zinc electrodes comprising the composition as the active mass, for use in rechargeable electrochemical cells with enhanced cycle life is described. The electrode active mass comprises a source of electrochemically active zinc and at least one fatty acid or a salt, ester or derivative thereof, or an alkyl sulfonic acid or a salt ester or derivative thereof. The zinc electrode is assumed to exhibit low shape change and decreased dendrite formation compared to known zinc electrodes, resulting in electrochemical cells which have improved capacity retention over a number of charge/discharge cycles. 187-. (canceled)88. A zinc electrode for use in the manufacture of rechargeable cells and batteries comprising as active composition an intimate mixture of: a salt of a fatty acid; and a zinc oxide , zinc hydroxide or mixture thereof.89. The electrode as claimed in where the composition further comprises an alkali metal hydroxide.90. The electrode as claimed in where the alkali metal hydroxide is present in an amount no less than 0.3 g per 0.1 mole zinc oxide claim 89 , zinc hydroxide or mixture thereof.91. The electrode as claimed in where the alkali metal hydroxide is potassium hydroxide.92. The electrode as claimed in where the intimate mixture is formed by precipitation.93. The electrode as claimed in where the fatty acid is a C-Cfatty acid.94. The electrode as claimed in where the fatty acid is a naturally occurring C-Cfatty acid.95. The electrode as claimed in where the fatty acid is a naturally occurring C-Cfatty acid.96. The electrode as claimed in where the fatty acid is a metal salt of stearate.97. The electrode as claimed in where the fatty acid is zinc stearate.98. The electrode as claimed in where the fatty acid is calcium stearate. This application is a continuation-in-part of PCT Application No. PCT/NZO02/00036, filed Mar. 15, 2002, which claimed priority from New Zealand Patent Application No. 510554 filed Mar. 15, ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130107A1
Автор: Uchida Yozo

The secondary battery according to the present invention includes an electrode () having: an electrode current collector (), an electrode active material layer () formed on the surface of the electrode current collector (), an electrically conductive film () that covers the surface of the electrode active material layer (), and an electrical conductor part () for forming a direct electrical connection between the electrically conductive film () and the electrode current collector () by going around the electrode active material layer (). 120.-. (canceled)21. A secondary battery , comprising an electrode having:an electrode current collector;an electrode active material layer formed on a surface of the electrode current collector;an electrically conductive film that covers a surface of the electrode active material layer;an electrical conductor part for forming a direct electrical connection between the electrically conductive film and the electrode current collector by going around the electrode active material layer; andan insulating film that covers a surface of the electrically conductive film.22. The secondary battery according to claim 21 , wherein the electrically conductive film is a porous film that contains pores.23. The secondary battery according to claim 21 , wherein a thickness of the electrically conductive film is 100 nm to 3000 nm.24. The secondary battery according to claim 21 , wherein the electrically conductive film is constituted from at least one of a metal carbide claim 21 , a metal nitride and a valve metal that are electrically conductive.25. The secondary battery according to claim 24 , wherein the electrically conductive film contains a carbide of at least one metal selected from the group consisting of W claim 24 , Zr claim 24 , Ti claim 24 , Nb claim 24 , Ta claim 24 , Cr and Mo.26. The secondary battery according to claim 24 , wherein the electrically conductive film contains a nitride of at least one metal selected from the group ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130108A1

A battery electrode for a lithium ion battery that includes an electrically conductive substrate having an electrode layer applied thereto. The electrode layer includes an organic material having high alkalinity, or an organic material which can be dissolved in organic solvents, or an organic material having an imide group(s) and aminoacetal group(s), or an organic material that chelates with or bonds with a metal substrate or that chelates with or bonds with an active material in the electrode layer. The organic material may be guanidine carbonate. 1. A battery electrode composition for forming a battery electrode for a lithium ion battery by applying the composition to a substrate and allowing or causing the composition to bind to the substrate to form the electrode , the composition comprising:a lithium containing compound that provides a lithium ion source in the battery;a binder;a solvent;a conductive particulate material; andan organic material having high alkalinity or LiOH.225.-. (canceled)26. A method for forming a battery electrode as claimed in claim 1 , which comprises producing a composition that includes the organic material and applying the composition to the substrate to form the electrode layer on the substrate.27. A method for forming a battery electrode as claimed in claim 1 , which comprises applying the organic material to a substrate and subsequently forming the electrode layer on the substrate.28. A battery electrode for a lithium ion battery comprising an electrically conductive substrate having an electrode layer applied thereto claim 1 , wherein the electrode layer includes an organic material having high alkalinity claim 1 , or an organic material having an imide group(s) and aminoacetal group(s) claim 1 , or an organic material that strongly chelates or bonds with a metal substrate and/or chelates or bonds with an active material in the electrode layer.29. A battery electrode as claimed in claim 28 , wherein the organic material chelates ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Positive electrode for lithium secondary battery, and lithium secondary battery employing the same

Номер: US20130130113A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp

The invention relates to positive electrode for lithium secondary battery which comprises an active material and a conductive material, wherein the active material comprises a lithium-transition metal compound which has a function of being capable of insertion and desorption of lithium ion, the lithium-transition metal compound gives a surface-enhanced Raman spectrum which has a peak at 800-1,000 cm −1 , and the conductive material comprises carbon black which has a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area (N 2 SA) of 70-300 m 2 /g and an average particle diameter of 10-35 nm, and a lithium secondary battery which employs the same.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136981A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A lithium-ion battery cell is provided that includes at least one inorganic, multi-functional constituent that has a low thermal conductivity and is suitable for reducing or restricting thermal anomalies at least locally. 133-. (canceled)34. A lithium-ion battery cell , comprising:at least one glass-based component comprising a substantially oxidic, temperature-stable, poorly thermally conductive particle,said particle being selected from the group consisting of a glass material, a glass-based material, and a glass-ceramic material,wherein said glass-based component is in a position within the battery cell selected from the group consisting of in a separator, at the separator, in an anode, at the anode, in a cathode, at a cathode, and in a liquid or polymer electrolyte,wherein said glass-based component has a thermal conductivity of less than 2.5 W/K·m and is suitable to separate and/or locally restrict thermal anomalies.36. The lithium-ion cell as claimed in claim 34 , wherein the thermal conductivity is less than 2.5 W·K·m.37. The lithium-ion cell as claimed in claim 34 , wherein said glass-based component is an inorganic claim 34 , multi-functional constituent selected from the group consisting of glass claim 34 , glass-ceramic claim 34 , phase-demixed glass claim 34 , and multi-phase glass.38. The lithium-ion cell as claimed in claim 37 , wherein said component is chemically stable in an electrolyte solution comprising LiPFso that during a one-week storage of the powder in the electrolyte solution at 60° C. claim 37 , not more than 1 mass % of the glass-based material is dissolved.39. The lithium-ion cell as claimed in claim 34 , wherein said glass-based component is a predominantly oxidic glass and has a fraction of non-oxidic elements that does not exceed 35 mass %.40. The lithium-ion cell as claimed in claim 34 , wherein said glass-based component comprises at least 80% of oxygen as an anion and is free of chalcogenide anions except oxygen.41. The lithium-ion ...
