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11-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638028C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно к технике релейной защиты, и может быть использовано для защиты электродвигателей. Техническим результатом является повышение чувствительности к витковым замыканиям в обмотках электродвигателя и к сдвигам ротора вдоль его продольной оси. В способе защиты электродвигателя от витковых замыканий и сдвига ротора контролируют положение выключателя электродвигателя и фиксируют момент его включения. С этого момента отсчитывают время t, необходимое для пуска электродвигателя, и постоянно измеряют суммы магнитных потоков со стороны его первого и второго торцов. Сравнивают сумму магнитных потоков с первого торца с первым параметром срабатывания защиты (эталоном), сумму магнитных потоков со второго торца - со вторым эталоном, а разность этих сумм магнитных потоков - с третьим эталоном. По окончании времени tпереключают эталоны с больших на меньшие по величине. Одновременно с измерением сумм магнитных потоков с обоих торцов электродвигателя и ...

30-09-2022 дата публикации

Установка импульсного управления электромагнитными устройствами с рекуперацией энергии в источник питания на основе индуктивности и способ работы данной установки

Номер: RU2780765C2

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат - повышение КПД электромагнитного устройства на основе индуктивности с одновременным снижением потребления и экономией энергии, потребляемой из источника питания. Установка импульсного управления электромагнитными устройствами с рекуперацией энергии в источник питания на основе индуктивности включает в себя источник питания (ИП) постоянного тока, одну или несколько катушек индуктивностей L, два электромагнитных устройства (D1 и D2), три ключа (К1, К2, К3), буферный накопитель энергии (С). При замыкании ключа К1 (при разомкнутых К2 и К3) через индуктивность L начинает протекать ток. При достижении током максимума ключ К1 размыкается. В индуктивности L возникает разность потенциалов, а в замкнутом контуре (L, C) возникает ЭДС самоиндукции, которой заряжают буферный накопитель энергии (С). Когда буферный накопитель энергии (С) заряжается до напряжения выше напряжения ИП, разряжают энергию в ИП. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр., 14 ил.

13-02-2018 дата публикации

Способ диагностики повреждения короткозамкнутой обмотки ротора асинхронного двигателя

Номер: RU2644576C2

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат – повышение чувствительности защиты. Способ диагностики повреждения короткозамкнутой обмотки ротора асинхронного двигателя основан на контроле электродвижущей силы на выводах обмотки статора в режиме выбега и формировании сигнала о результатах диагностики. Согласно способу из контролируемой электродвижущей силы выделяется среднеквадратичная величина дополнительных гармонических с частотами f=f(ν±n/р) и сравнивается с ее эталонной величиной, и если среднеквадратичная величина этих дополнительных гармонических превысит эталонную величину, то формируют сигнал о повреждении обмотки короткозамкнутого ротора, где f=f(1-s); f- частота сети; s - скольжение ротора; n=1÷(р-1), ν - номер гармоники сети, р - число пар полюсов асинхронного двигателя. 3 ил.

21-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU206663U1

Полезная модель Устройство для контроля нагрузки электродвигателей относится к электротехнике и может быть использована для контроля нагрузки и защиты электродвигателей транспортно-технологических путевых машин. Устройство содержит датчики тока, преобразователь сигнала, микроконтроллер со встроенной программой, блок индикации, блок управления электродвигателем, блок настройки предельных значений, блок контроля пускового режима, два таймера, блок записи и модем, причем первый выход преобразователя сигналов соединен с первым входом микроконтроллера, а его второй выход - с входом блока контроля пускового режима, первый выход которого соединен со вторым входом микроконтроллера, а второй выход - с первым входом блока записи, третий вход микроконтроллера соединен с выходом блока настройки предельных значений, выход первого таймера подсоединен ко второму входу блока записи, выход которого соединен с первым входом модема, первый выход микроконтроллера соединен с третьим входом блока записи, второй ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Система управлением энергоэффективным электроприводом

Номер: RU190977U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и может использоваться для управления электроприводами постоянного и переменного тока. Система управления энергоэффективным электроприводом содержит источник задания [1], выход которого подключен к первому входу регулятора скорости [2], соединенного выходом с датчиком температуры [3], выход которого соединен с входом опорного сопротивления [4], при этом датчик температуры [3] и опорное сопротивление [4] образуют делитель напряжения, а точка их соединения подключена к первому входу регулятора тока [5], выход регулятора тока [5] подключен к входу электрического преобразователя [6], выход которого соединен с входом датчика тока [7], подключенного первым выходом ко второму входу регулятора тока [5], а вторым выходом соединен с электродвигателем [8], выход которого соединен с входом датчика скорости [9], который своим выходом соединен со вторым входом регулятора скорости [2]. Управляющее напряжение Uпередается от источника задания [1] на регулятор ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697510C1

Использование: в области электроэнергетики. Технический результат - выдача электростанцией максимальной располагаемой или предельной разрешенной для передачи по связям мощности в приемную энергосистему без снижения надежности электроснабжения собственных потребителей и работы самой электростанции. В режиме параллельной работы электростанции с приемной энергосистемой для планируемого интервала времени постоянства состава включенных в работу генераторов прогнозируют максимум нагрузки электростанции, определяют и вводят в работу необходимый для ее покрытия, а также выдачи в приемную ЭС избыточной мощности состав включенных в работу генераторов. Часть генераторов переводят в режим выдачи постоянной мощности с суммарной мощностью, равной максимальной разрешенной для передачи в приемную энергосистему. Другую часть переводят в режим группового регулирования или в режим регулирования с долевым участием в мощности ведущего генератора. Регулирование мощности этих генераторов осуществляют по условию ...

17-10-2023 дата публикации

Устройство защиты от действия обратного энергетического потока асинхронного двигателя на точку повреждения в кабеле электропитания

Номер: RU2805480C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Технический результат заключается в возможности адаптировать устройство защиты от действия обратного энергетического потока асинхронного двигателя в структуру конструкции асинхронного двигателя и, тем самым, повысить надежность функционирования защиты. Устройство защиты, подключаемое в силовую цепь фазных обмоток статора асинхронного двигателя, первые выводы которых предназначены для подключения к фазным проводникам кабеля электропитания, содержит цепь последовательного соединения первого, второго конденсаторов и диода, присоединяемого катодом к заземленному металлическому корпусу асинхронного двигателя, а также присоединенные параллельно второму конденсатору резистор и реагирующий орган, соединенный своим выходом со входом коммутационного аппарата, содержащего размыкаемый силовой контакт, и снабжено вторым и третьим диодами, вторым резистором и замыкаемым слаботочным контактом коммутационного аппарата, соединенным своим первым выводом со ...

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Устройство направленной адаптивной токовой отсечки электродвигателей

Номер: RU2759512C1

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат - повышение эффективности функционирования адаптивной токовой отсечки электродвигателей за счет исключения ложного срабатывания адаптивной токовой отсечки при коротком замыкании в распределительной сети предприятия. Устройство содержит блок токовых реле, блок определения фактического значения напряжения питающей сети Uc., блок определения фактического значения пускового тока Тп.ф., блок определения фактического значения тока срабатывания адаптивной токовой отсечки IATOи исполнительный блок. Согласно изобретению в устройство введены блок формирования опорного напряжения, блок направления мощности и логический блок, причем первый вход блока направления мощности подключен к выходу блока формирования опорного напряжения, а второй вход подключен к фазному току в обмотке статора. Выход блока направления мощности подключен к первому входу логического блока, ко второму входу которого подключен выход блока токовых реле, а выход логического ...

06-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705213C1

Использование: в области электротехники и электроэнергетики для защиты электрической установки от коротких замыканий. Технический результат - повышение надежности и расширения области использования устройства. Устройство максимальной токовой защиты электрической установки содержит датчик тока и реагирующий орган, причем датчик тока представляет собой помещенный в электроизолирующий корпус измерительный преобразователь в виде плоской катушки индуктивности и подключенный к нему кабельный усилитель, а реагирующий орган представляет собой диодный мост, к одной диагонали которого через электрический конденсатор подключен кабельный усилитель, а к другой диагонали реле с регулируемым порогом срабатывания. 3 ил.

07-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761393C1

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат - повышение надежности работы устройства защиты и возможность безаварийной работы электропривода в процессе перегрева работающего двигателя. Устройство содержит блок питания, выполненный с тремя узлами. Первый узел включает входной помехоподавляющий фильтр, сетевой выпрямитель и сглаживающий конденсатор на выходе. Второй узел стабилизации и регулирования напряжения содержит контроллер широтно-импульсной модуляции (ШИМ) с восемью функциональными выводами, три конденсатора, шесть резисторов, потенциометр с подвижным контактом, терморезистор, полевой транзистор, два диода и первичную обмотку импульсного трансформатора. Третий узел содержит вторичную низковольтную обмотку импульсного трансформатора, силовой диод и конденсатором фильтра. Исполнительный орган выполнен в виде последовательно соединенных элементов Пельтье, закрепленных на поверхности статора между ребрами охлаждения асинхронного двигателя с помощью распорных клиньев ...

24-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686103C1

Использование: в области электроэнергетики для определения неработоспособного генераторного агрегата (ГА) в судовых электростанциях. Технический результат - сокращение времени определения неработоспособного ГА при параллельной работе с сетью. Сущность указанного способа заключается в том, что в способе определения неработоспособного ГА измеряют загрузку каждого из ГА, определяют величину неравномерности загрузки ГА и определяют момент отклонения последней за установленные пределы уставки. При этом дополнительно определяют момент перехода ГА в двигательный режим и при совпадении этого момента с моментом отклонения неравномерности загрузки данного ГА за пределы уставки определяют его как неработоспособный. 1 ил.

23-05-1985 дата публикации

Система управления вибропогружателем

Номер: SU1157165A1

СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ВИБРОПОГРУЖАТЕЛЕМ , содержащая асинхронный электрфДвигатель с регулятором, отличающаяся тем, что с целью повышения качества управления за счет поддержания нагрузки по допустимому нагреву электродвигателя, она снабжена термодатчиком нагрева электродвигателя , сумматором, блоком опорного напряжения, двумя релейными элементами и усилителем, причем термодатчик нагрева электродвигателя и блок опорного напряжения подключены к соответствующим входам усилителя, два выхода которого через соответствующий релейный элемент подключены (Л к двум входам сумматора, выход которого соединен с регулятором. е ...

25-02-1960 дата публикации

Wechselspannungsgenerator mit einer Sicherungseinrichtung

Номер: DE0001076244B

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Elektrische Servolenkungs-Steuervorrichtung und elektrisches Servolenkungs-Steuerverfahren

Номер: DE102013215439B4

Elektrische Servolenkungs-Steuervorrichtung zum Unterstützen einer Lenkkraft eines Lenkrads eines Fahrzeugs, wobei die elektrische Servolenkungs-Steuervorrichtung eine Steuereinheit (10) zum Liefern eines Stroms zum Ansteuern eines elektrischen Motors umfasst,wobei die Steuereinheit (10) vorab für eine jeweilige Komponente (12 bis 15) in einem Speicherabschnitt eine erste Überhitzungsschutz-Kennlinie entsprechend einer Selbsterwärmung und eine zweite Überhitzungsschutz-Kennlinie entsprechend einer Umgebungstemperatur speichert,wobei eine Überhitzungsschutz-Kennlinie eine entsprechende Beziehung bestimmt zwischeneinem Wärmequellen-Strom der jeweiligen Komponente (12 bis 15)und einem Überhitzungsschutz-Koeffizienten, der eine Anstiegs/Verringerungsgröße eines oberen Stromgrenzwerts definiert,und sequenziell den oberen Stromgrenzwert der jeweiligen Komponenten (12 bis 15) korrigiert, unter Verwendung von Überhitzungsschutz-Koeffizienten sowohl der ersten Überhitzungsschutz-Kennlinie als auch ...

23-04-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001563929A1

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Drehende elektrische Maschine für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102014106218A1

Eine drehende elektrische Maschine für ein Fahrzeug wird bereitgestellt. Eine drehende elektrische Maschine enthält eine Leistungssystemschaltung, die ein Leistungselement aufweist und mit einem ersten Masseanschluss und einer ersten Verbindungsleitung geerdet ist, und eine Steuersystemschaltung, welche die Leistungssystemschaltung steuert und über einen zweiten Masseanschluss und eine zweite Verbindungsleitung geerdet ist.

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Motorantrieb mit Funktion zur Verhinderung von Folgeschäden

Номер: DE102015014798A1

Ein Motorantrieb hat eine Zustandsdetektionsschaltung zum Überwachen des Zustandes des Antriebes, eine Bestimmungsschaltung zum Bestimmen, ob detektierte Daten eine Regelwidrigkeit anzeigen, eine Speichereinheit zum Speichern eines Detektionswertes einschließlich zumindest einer an den Antrieb angelegten Spitzenspannung, eines durch den Antrieb fließenden Spitzenstromes, der kumulierten Anzahl des Auftretens von Regelwidrigkeiten, und zeitlicher Schwankungen der Spitzenspannung oder des Spitzenstromes bei Auftreten einer Regelwidrigkeit, und eine Einstelleinheit zum Einstellen von Einstellwerten im Voraus einschließlich zulässiger Spitzenspannungen und Spitzenströme und der zulässigen Anzahl des Auftretens von Regelwidrigkeiten sowie zeitlicher Schwankungen der Spitzenspannung und des Spitzenstromes, die in dem Antrieb zulässig sind. Wenn immer der Motorantrieb eingeschaltet wird, wird geprüft, ob der Detektionswert den eingestellten Wert erreicht. Erreicht der Detektionswert den eingestellten ...

11-04-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002061642C3

07-01-2015 дата публикации

Controller for a brushless motor

Номер: GB0002515767A

When a controller for a brushless motor operates in normal mode, the controller generates control signals for exciting a winding of the motor, monitors the magnitude of an input voltage V_DC, and switches to under-voltage mode in the event that the input voltage drops below an under-voltage threshold. When in under-voltage mode, the controller suspends excitation of the winding, monitors the input voltage V_DC and switches to normal mode if it exceeds a restart threshold but resets itself in the event that the supply voltage V_DD used to power the controller drops below a brown-out threshold. The restart threshold can be greater than the under voltage threshold. If while in normal mode the controller detects an error such as a speed or temperature being outside normal limits it enters an error mode in which excitation is suspended and the under voltage threshold is set to a threshold that is greater than that used normal mode, that may differ from the measured input voltage by a fixed amount ...

19-08-2015 дата публикации

Variable prequency drive overvaltage protection

Номер: GB0201512025D0

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Protection circuitry for monitoring the power devices controlling the exciter current of an electrical generator

Номер: GB0201310864D0

13-02-2008 дата публикации

Circuit breaker system for a vacuum cleaner

Номер: GB2440717A

A cleaning appliance (fig 1, 1) comprises a motor 5 arranged to drive a fan for generating suction air flow and a cleaner head 6 having a driveable agitator (fig 3, 12) with a dedicated motor 13. The agitator drive motor 13 has a selectively-operable switch 18 and a resettable circuit breaker 20 arranged such that, when the switch 18 is activated, the circuit breaker 20 is reset. A button 16 actuates the switch and simultaneously resets the circuit breaker. When there is a blockage so that the circuit breaker trips out the motor, the user can reset the circuit breaker and restart the agitator motor by the simple act of depressing one button, thereby obviating the need for a separate control.

20-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008709239D0

16-01-1963 дата публикации

Improved circuit arrangement for dynamo-electric machines

Номер: GB0000915958A

... 915,958. Control of A.C. motors. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Sept. 14, 1961 [Nov. 23, 1960], No. 40296/60. Class 38 (3). In an arrangement whereby a motor 4 is supplied with A.C. from a source 6 for running and D.C. from a supply 22 for braking, and having current transformers 7, 11 forming part of a balanced protective system 15, the D.C. connections are made at points 30 ... 33 so that D.C. does not flow through the transformer primary windings. Changeover is effected by a single switch 16 which may be motor-driven. The switch also connects the motor windings in star for running and two of the windings in series for braking.

15-10-2018 дата публикации

The electrical switching device

Номер: AT0000519847A1

Elektrische Schalteinrichtung (1), umfassend mindestens einen im Stromweg (4, 5) angeordneten Halbleiterschalter (2, 3), elektrische Meßeinrichtungen (7, 8, 9, 24), eine die durch die Meßeinrichtungen (7, 8, 9, 24) ermittelten Meßwerte auswertende Steuereinrichtung (6), welche zur Ansteuerung der Halbleiterschalter (2, 3) ausgebildet ist, wobei die Steuereinrichtung (6) bei Erfassung bestimmter Meßwerte selbsttätig bestimmte Ansteuerungen der Halbleiterschalter (2, 3) bewirkt, wobei die Bedingungen zur Ansteuerung der Halbleiterschalter (2, 3) mittels eines Initiierungsvorgangs über eine Datenschnittstelle (10) an die Steuereinrichtung (6) übermittelbar sind.

15-12-2015 дата публикации

Elektrische Antriebs- und/oder Belastungsmaschine

Номер: AT514250B1

Zur Vermeidung von Spannungsüberschlägen zwischen den Wicklungen (U, V, W) einer elektrischen Antriebs- und oder Belastungsmaschine und den Thermosensoren (100, 200, 300) zur thermischen Überwachung derselben ist die Auswerteelektronik (1, 1, 1) der Thermosensoren (100, 200, 300) potentialfrei aufgebaut und der Referenzpunkt (4) von Thermosensoren (100, 200, 300) und Auswerteelektronik (1, 1, 1) floatend mit dem Potential der Wicklungen (U, V, W) elektrisch leitend verbunden.

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Hand-held machine tool comprising a disconnector

Номер: AU2017249374B2

The invention relates to a hand-held machine tool, in particular a sanding machine, comprising a handle element (12) for the user to grip and a processing head (11) which has an electric drive motor (100) for driving a tool holder (19) provided for holding a processing tool (20), the hand-held machine tool having a power supply system (40) for supplying power to the drive motor (100) by means of a cable arrangement (41), via which the drive motor (100) and the power supply system (40) are interconnected. According to the invention, a protection circuit comprising at least one electric disconnector (161, 175) is arranged on the drive motor (100), in order to disconnect a connection between at least one electric cable (L1) of the cable arrangement (41) and a phase (P1, P2, P3) of a field coil arrangement (120) of the drive motor (100), which phase can be supplied with current via said cable (L1).

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for monitoring motor current for an electric valve positioner

Номер: AU2014241308B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A system and method for monitoring and controlling the amount of electrical current provided to a motor used to actuate a field device within a control system.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

A condition monitoring device for monitoring an electric machine

Номер: AU2017100471A4
Принадлежит: FB Rice

A CONDITION MONITORING DEVICE FOR MONITORING AN ELECTRIC MACHINE In aspects, the present invention discloses a condition monitoring device comprising a plurality of sensors including at least one magnetic field measuring unit for measuring a first value of magnetic field strength along a first axis substantially parallel to the axis of the rotor of an electric machine and a second value of magnetic field strength along a second axis, at least one vibration sensor, for measuring a first value of vibration along the first axis and a second value of vibration along the second axis, a temperature sensor, for measuring a temperature of an area proximal to the electrical machine; and an acoustic sensor, for measuring sound around the electrical machine. The condition monitoring device further includes one or more processors configured to receive measurements from the plurality of sensors and determine the condition of the electrical machine based on the received measurements.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

A liquid system tool having an integrated residual current device

Номер: AU2017342682B2

Disclosed herein is a liquid system tool having an integrated residual current device, RCD. The liquid system tool comprises a current circuit having a power input for receiving an alternating electrical current, AC, a rectifier for rectifying the AC into a direct current, DC, a voltage booster for increasing a DC voltage and a motor unit connected to an output of the voltage booster for driving the liquid system tool. The RCD comprises a sensor element connected to an output of the rectifier and an input of the voltage booster and being configured to collect an analog current signal and an analog to digital, A/D, converter configured to convert the analog current signal into a digital current signal. The integrated RCD further comprises a logic unit connected to the A/D converter, wherein the logic unit is configured to evaluate the digital current signal and compare it to a current requirement, and wherein if the logic unit determines that the digital current signal does not fulfill the ...

29-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005300586A

07-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003159484A

05-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA941444A

03-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000923968A1

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870144A1

Apparatus for transmitting energy comprising an electrical machine arranged to convert between electrical and mechanical energy, and comprising a rotor (20) and control means (42, 44, 90) arranged to regulate the motion of the rotor to ensure that the power angle of the electrical machine is maintained within a range of a predetermined power angle. A signal generator (2, 6), such as a synchronous machine and associated flywheel, may generate a reference signal relating to the predetermined power angle and be powered by a frequency regulated electrical supply. The control means (42, 44, 90) may be a mechanical control linkage or servo control system and may regulate the output of the motion of the rotor in response to a change in its motion which the control means or a dedicated detection device detects. The electrical machine may be an electric motor, an electricity generator, or a machine switchable between motor and generator modes. The apparatus may generate electricity to supply to ...

14-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002133360C
Принадлежит: Tecumseh Products Company

The present invention involves an inductively activated silicon switch for a control and protection circuit for motors and compressors. The circuit includes a logic gate for combining both motor control and protection functions. The logic gate has inputs from a thermostat, a compressor shell temperature circuit, a fan overheat detection circuit, a motor start relay circuit, and motor load sensing circuits. The logic gate output is connected to an oscillator for inductively activating the power output stage, as well as a start relay, a compressor shell temperature hysteresis circuit, and a fan timer circuit connected to the fan control circuit. The control circuitry further includes an over-ride circuit for manually allowing a limited number of immediate restart attempts.

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002204970A1

The present invention involves a control system for a motor having a main winding and an auxiliary winding disposed on a stator. A microprocessor determines the phase difference between the line voltage and the voltage between the main winding and the auxiliary winding to determine the rotational status of the rotor. In a moving rotor, a measurable phase difference exists. This phase difference can be measured by monitoring the zero crossings of the respective voltages. One method of measuring the phase difference is to check the logic state corresponding to the voltage between the main and auxiliary windings when a predetermined time period has elapsed after a zero crossing of the line voltage. Another method measures the time delay between the zero crossings of the two voltages. The control system of the present invention is particularly adapted for use with single phase AC motors having a main winding and an auxiliary winding disposed electrically out of phase on the stator. The control ...

22-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002251054C

A surge detection system for use in a fluid system having a load driven by a centrifugal compressor (12), the compressor (12) being driven by an electric motor (20). The surge detection system comprises a means (38, 40) for sensing a differential pressure developed across the compressor (12) and a means (42) for sensing a current representing input power to the motor (20). The surge detection system further comprises a first computing means responsive to the differential pressure developed across the compressor (12) for indicating when a valid surge is occurring in the compressor (12), and a second computing means responsive to the variable speed drive current for indicating when a valid surge is occurring in the compressor (12).

12-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002258375A1

The present invention involves a refrigeration system. The refrigeration system comprises an electrical compressor motor, a line adapted to be connected to an electrical power line and a thermostat control circuit. The thermostat control circuit comprises a thermostat responsive logic circuitry coupled to a temperature sensor associated with the compressor and a solid state motor control circuit. The solid state motor control circuit includes a relay circuitry, power switch circuitry, compressor starting circuitry with an overload timer, high voltage protection circuitry, under voltage protection circuitry and run current limiting circuitry. The relay circuitry includes an optical coupler and triac to provide line voltage to the compressor through a start resistor. The power switch circuitry includes a pair of SCR's connected in parallel as a switch to allow current to flow through the compressor. The overload timer comprising a resistor and capacitor masks the run circuit limiting circuitry ...

01-02-1923 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000097741A
Принадлежит: ERNST NAETHER

15-02-1965 дата публикации

Machine à laver

Номер: CH0000387583A

28-02-1973 дата публикации

Elektronisches Motorschutzrelais mit stromabhängiger Auslösung

Номер: CH0000534444A
Принадлежит: SPRECHER & SCHUH AG

15-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000552904A

15-08-1985 дата публикации

Exciter arrangement for a synchronous machine

Номер: CH0000650883A5

The exciter arrangement contains an exciter device (1) which is electrically connected to the exciter winding (4) of the synchronous machine (5), a protection block (6) which is located parallel thereto and has at least one branch (6') which is designed as a series circuit of a resistor (7) and of a thyristor switch (8). A threshold-value element (10), having a response threshold which is adjustable in voltage terms, is provided in the control circuit of the thyristor switch (8). Connected in parallel with the branch (6') is a protection thyristor (12) whose control electrode is connected to a control element (13) via a commutator (14) which belongs to the current sensor (15) in the branch (6'). Provided in the branch (6') is a fuse (11) which is intended to disconnect the branch (6') in the event of a defect in said branch (6'). ...

30-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000661133A5

31-08-2011 дата публикации

System and procedure for the control of bus-interlaced devices over an open field bus, bus participant for such an system and arrangement comprehensively such a system and at least such a bus participant.

Номер: CH0000702698B1
Принадлежит: MOELLER GMBH

Bei einem System und einem Verfahren zur Steuerung von busvernetzten Geräten mit einem Gateway über einen offenen Feldbus soll eine Vereinfachung derart vorgesehen werden, dass eine aufwändige Verdrahtung entfällt und der Anwender mit geringem Bedienaufwand das System überprüfen, konfigurieren und bei Fehlermeldungen neu starten kann. Hierzu ist bei einem solchen System eine einzige steckbare Verbindungsleitung (8) innerhalb des Systems zum Verbinden von Busteilnehmern (N1 bis Nx) und Gateway (20) und zur Übertragung von Steuer- und/oder Statusdaten und Energie vorgesehen. Bei einem Verfahren zur Steuerung von busvernetzten Geräten in Schaltkreisen mit einem Gateway über einen offenen Feldbus erwartet zur Lösung des Problems das Gateway in einer Ausgangs-Soll-Konfiguration keinen Busteilnehmer (N1 bis Nx) und wird zur Übernahme zumindest eines Busteilnehmers (N1 bis Nx) und Erzeugen einer neuen Soll-Konfiguration mit dem zumindest einen Busteilnehmer (N1 bis Nx) ein Konfigurationsmodus ...

23-11-2018 дата публикации

High-density winding punching plate

Номер: CN0108880015A

31-08-2018 дата публикации

Power supply control device

Номер: CN0108475912A

24-04-2002 дата публикации

Control circuit for refrigerating system

Номер: CN0001083561C

07-01-1953 дата публикации

Improvements with the thermostats and their circuits associated with electric control

Номер: FR0001018450A

12-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002505570A


20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101623328B1
Автор: 오가와 겐지

... 모터 제어 회로는, 입력 전압과 제어 파라미터에 기초하여, 모터의 동작을 제어한다. 전압 이상 검출부는, 입력 전압과 허용 전압 범위를 비교하여, 입력 전압의 이상을 검출한다. 메모리는, 복수의 기준 전압에 대응지어진 복수의 허용 전압 범위 후보와 복수의 기준 전압에 대응지어진 복수의 제어 파라미터 후보를 기억한다. 기준 전압 취득부는, 복수의 기준 전압 중 1개의 기준 전압을 지정하는 기준 전압 정보를 취득한다. 셀렉터는, 기준 전압 정보에 기초하여, 복수의 허용 전압 범위 후보 중 1개의 기준 전압에 대응하는 것을 허용 전압 범위로서 선택하고, 또한, 복수의 제어 파라미터 후보 중 1개의 기준 전압에 대응하는 것을 제어 파라미터로서 선택한다.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

System for Conrolling Activating Landing Device using Magnetic Sensor

Номер: KR0102085015B1

21-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180029494A

The present invention relates to a motor control apparatus and method for detecting the failure of a plurality of amplifiers at the same time so as to cope with the occurrence of the failure. A motor control apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a current sensor for detecting a current which a motor driving part supplies to a motor, a battery for supplying power to the motor driving part, a voltage detection part for detecting a voltage outputted from the current sensor; a reference data generation part for converting the output voltage of the battery into first reference data, converting the positive output voltage of the motor to second reference data, and converting the negative output voltage of the motor to third reference data, and a control part for determining the generation of a counter electromotive force of the motor based on the first to third reference data and controlling the driving of the motor based on a determination result of the counter ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014131767A1

A protection system for an electrical variable speed doubly fed induction machine (IM) having a stator (S) and a rotor (R), comprising: - instrument transformers (CTR1, CTR2, CTS1, CTS2, VTR1, VTR2) capable of measuring low frequency signals from the rotor and stator, in particular low frequency signals in the range of 0.1 Hz to 6 Hz; - a protection relay (R1, R2) which is configured to receive measurement values from the instrument transformers and to sample said measurements values at a constant sampling rate.

26-08-1952 дата публикации

Номер: US0002608653A1

26-06-1951 дата публикации

Method and means for detecting discharges on high-voltage windings

Номер: US2558091A

26-09-2000 дата публикации

Compressor protective device for refrigerator and method of protecting refrigerator compressor

Номер: US0006125020A1
Автор: Oh Chi-Seong

A compressor protective device for a refrigerator including a voltage sensor detecting a voltage applied to a compressor through a shunt resistor; a voltage amplifier amplifying a voltage signal from the voltage sensor; a voltage converter converting the voltage signal, amplified by the voltage amplifier, into a voltage of absolute value; and a controller producing a high signal or low signal in response to the voltage signal out of the voltage converter to control a turn-on or turn-off operation of the compressor, a method of protecting a compressor for a refrigerator having a voltage sensor and a controller, including the steps of determining whether or not the compressor is turned on and an error flag is set; it the error flag is set, determining whether or not an output voltage of the voltage sensor is higher than a reference voltage; if the voltage of the voltage sensor is higher than the reference voltage, determining that an overvoltage is applied to the compressor, and increasing ...

16-10-1984 дата публикации

Stepping motor overcurrent detection and protection device

Номер: US0004477758A1
Автор: De Biasi; Mark S.
Принадлежит: The Superior Electric Company

An overcurrent detection and protection device for stepping motors has means for detecting an overcurrent condition in the power supply to a stepping motor. Means responsive to the detecting means rapidly provides a signal to the stepping motor drive system causing the current to terminate and to remain terminated for a predetermined interval of time, at the end of which interval the device resets itself causing the current to resume. The device is sufficiently fast-acting to protect electronic components such as transistors.

02-08-2016 дата публикации

Controller for a brushless motor

Номер: US0009407085B2

A controller for a brushless motor that is configured to operate in normal mode or under-voltage mode. When operating in normal mode, the controller generates control signals for exciting a winding of the motor, monitors the magnitude of an input voltage, and switches to under-voltage mode in the event that the input voltage drops below an under-voltage threshold. When operating in under-voltage mode, the controller suspends excitation of the winding, monitors the magnitude of the input voltage, monitors the magnitude of a supply voltage used to power the controller, switches to normal mode in the event that the input voltage exceeds a restart threshold, and resets itself in the event that the supply voltage drops below a brown-out threshold.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190089146A1

An AC-AC power converter, such as a motor soft starter, includes an input connectable to an AC source with a disconnect switch, an output connectable to an AC load, and phase lines connecting the input and output to transmit power. In-line solid-state switching blocks are connected between line terminals and load terminals of the AC source and AC load, respectively, such that each phase line includes a solid-state switching block connected thereto. Free-wheeling solid-state switching blocks are connected to the load terminals at one end and together at a common connection at another end, such that each phase line includes a free-wheeling solid-state switching block connected thereto. Each of the in-line and free-wheeling solid-state switching blocks comprises a bi-directional switching block that selectively controls current and withstands voltage in both directions. The switching blocks also provide soft-starter functions, variable speed control, and integrated circuit breaker protection capability. 1. An AC-AC power converter comprising:an input connectable to line terminals of an AC source;an output connectable to load terminals of an AC load;one or more supply lines connecting the input and output to transmit power from the AC source to the AC load, each supply line corresponding to a phase in the AC load; anda plurality of in-line solid-state switching blocks connected between the line terminals and the load terminals, such that each supply line includes a respective one of the plurality of in-line solid-state switching blocks connected thereto; anda plurality of free-wheeling solid-state switching blocks connected to the load terminals at one end and together at a common connection at another end, such that each supply line includes a respective one of the plurality of free-wheeling solid-state switching blocks connected thereto;wherein each of the plurality of in-line solid-state switching blocks and each of the plurality of free-wheeling solid-state ...

28-11-2006 дата публикации

Fan monitoring for failure prediction

Номер: US0007142125B2

A method for monitoring a fan comprises measuring power usage of the fan, determining a derivative of the measured fan power usage, tracking the derivative over time, and predicting impending fan failure based on the tracked fan power usage derivative.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Motor Control Device, Electric Power Steering Device Using Same, and Vehicle

Номер: US20160325777A1

The motor control device includes plural motor current blocking units that, in blocking operation, individually block energization between plural motor driving circuits and multi-phase motor windings of a multi-phase electric motor and an abnormality detecting unit that detects a short-circuit failure of the motor current blocking units. The abnormality detecting unit causes one or more motor current blocking units of the plural motor current blocking units to perform a blocking operation during energization between the plural motor driving circuits and the multi-phase electric motor, and, during the blocking operation, detects a short-circuit failure of the motor current blocking units caused to perform the blocking operation based on current values of currents flowing to the plural motor driving circuits.

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200274477A1

Fault diagnosis is easily performed using the detected value of the motor and the learned model thereof. The device 50 has a sampling unit 51 for sampling the current at the time of regeneration of the motor, a determination unit 52 for determining the failure of the motor using data obtained from the sampling result by the sampling unit 51, and learned models learned in advance using data obtained from the sampling result of the current at the time of regeneration of the motor when the state of soundness of the motor is a predetermined state.

21-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120152583A1

A cordless electric power tool comprises a motor that drives a tool, a battery that supply electric power to the motor and a motor drive circuit that is disposed between the motor and the battery. The motor is a three-phase brushless motor, and the battery has a nominal voltage of 18 volts. An overall electric efficiency of the cordless electric power tool becomes at least 70 percent when a value of current passing through the motor becomes at least 35 amperes but no more than 45 amperes and the cordless electric power tool outputs power of at least 450 watts but no more than 550 watts.

14-06-2006 дата публикации

Electronic device for modelling the temperature of a motor

Номер: EP0000926794B1

08-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JP0059099979A

PURPOSE: To prevent the erroneous operation of a motor due to variations in a current and the defect of an abnormal discrimination by adding a correction amount to the detected current value of the motor in the amount matched to the variation amount of the voltage of the motor, thereby preventing the apparent variations in the current of the motor. CONSTITUTION: Currents of motors M1, M2 are respectively detected by resistors Rd1, Rd2, inputted to a microprocessor MPU to correct the detected current values due to the resistors Rd1, Rd2 so that the motor may not erroneously operated. When another motor M2 starts while the motor M1 is, for example, normally rotating, the voltage of a power source decreases due to the rush current. Accordingly, the decrease in the voltage is detected by the resistor Rd1, detected by the MPU through an analog-to-digital converter ADC. When the detected value exceeds the set value, the detected current value of the motor is corrected by the detected voltage.

11-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: JP0063167692A

PURPOSE: To improve the property of safety, by stopping a driving circuit after the protecting circuit of the discharging circuit of a smoothing capacitor is operated. CONSTITUTION: When a motor is braked, the terminal voltage VDC of a smoothing capacitor 3 is increased gradually and a detecting voltage VDC1, passing the protecting circuit 8 of a discharging circuit 7, is also increased. When VDC1>Va, a regenerative voltage detecting circuit 16 is operated to connect the discharging circuit 7 and the protecting circuit 8 to the smoothing capacitor 3 and contrive the reduction of the value of VDC. When the condition of VDC1>Va is continued for a long period of time under the operation of the regenerative voltage detecting circuit 16, the protecting circuit 8 is operated and connection between the discharging circuit 7 and the smoothing capacitor 3 is interrupted. According to this operation, the voltage VDC1 becomes zero and a voltage reduction preventing circuit 20 is operated under the ...

23-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2655110C2

Изобретение относится к системам управления полевыми устройствами. Система управления содержит клапан, который позиционируется в ответ на возникновение события, контроллер, для управления клапаном, память, вентиль, интерфейс привода двигателя, привод двигателя, содержащий вход управления и выход управления, при этом вход управления привода двигателя соединен с выходом управления интерфейса привода двигателя; двигатель, датчик тока, датчик положения и компаратор. Датчик тока подключен между двигателем и источником питания и служит для измерения силы тока, потребляемого двигателем. Компаратор, подключенный к датчику тока и вентилю, содержит пороговое значение уровня силы тока и способен передавать сигнал состояния к вентилю по результату сравнения силы тока и порогового значения уровня силы тока. Достигается предотвращение повреждения двигателя. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

24-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686081C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано в технике релейной защиты в качестве защиты асинхронных электродвигателей. Технический результат - повышение эффективности функционирования защиты электродвигателей за счет повышения чувствительности защиты путем учета фактических значений токов и напряжений, что снижает вероятность выхода электродвигателей из строя и в конечном счете снижает время простоя технологических агрегатов и повышает устойчивость технологических систем. Устройство адаптивной токовой отсечки электродвигателей, содержащее блок токовых реле, первый вход которого подключен к фазному току в обмотке статора электродвигателя, и исполнительный блок, дополнительно содержит блок определения фактического значения напряжения питающей сети, входы которого подключены к напряжению на шинах и к фазным токам ввода, блок определения фактического значения пускового тока, вход которого подключен к выходу блока определения фактического напряжения питающей сети ...

30-05-2018 дата публикации

Способ защиты от эксцентриситета ротора электрической машины переменного тока

Номер: RU2655913C1

Изобретение относится к области электроэнергетики и может быть использовано для защиты электрических машин от эксцентриситета ротора. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности и расширение области применения способа защиты от эксцентриситета ротора электрической машины переменного тока. Способ защиты от эксцентриситета ротора электрической машины переменного тока основан на получении сигнала о наличии и величине эксцентриситета ротора электрической машины с последующим его преобразованием в однополярный сигнал, удалении из однополярного сигнала постоянной составляющей, равной D, где D - постоянная величина размером от нуля до наибольшей величины однополярного сигнала, и выделении из получившегося сигнала гармонических составляющих с последующим их сравнением с пороговыми значениями гармонических. В качестве сигнала о наличии и величине эксцентриситета ротора электрической машины используют непрерывно измеряемый сигнал тока фазы статора электрической машины, выделение гармонических ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016141436A3

06-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773503C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к устройствам для предупредительного управления автономными электроэнергетическими системами (АЭЭС). Технический результат заключается в повышении достоверности работы устройства предупредительного управления АЭЭС за счет исключения формирования сигнала на отключение группы потребителей при увеличении нагрузки АЭЭС. Достигается тем, что в момент выявления неисправности АЭЭС оценивается характер изменения нагрузки сети, и если нагрузка увеличивается, то осуществляется запрет на предварительное управление. Для этих целей используется блок контроля режима работы АЭЭС. С другой стороны, для исключения увеличения нагрузки АЭЭС во время предварительного управления в предлагаемом изобретении применен блок блокировки включения потребителей, запрещающий подключение потребителей до момента исчезновения сигнала о неисправности АЭЭС. 2 ил.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014127557A

... 1. Система, содержащая:холодильный компрессор, содержащий электродвигатель;датчик тока, который измеряет электрический ток, поступающий на электродвигатель;переключающее устройство, выполненное с возможностью замыкания и размыкания, чтобы допускать и прекращать поступление электрического тока к электродвигателю, соответственно;устройство ограничения максимального постоянного тока (МПТ), которое характеризуется сопротивлением, соответствующим максимальному постоянному току для электродвигателя;модуль защиты электродвигателя, выполненный с возможностью установления соединения с устройством ограничения МПТ, датчиком тока и переключающим устройством;определения первого значения МПТ для электродвигателя в зависимости от сопротивления устройства ограничения МПТ;выборочного установления заданного МПТ равным первому МПТ; иуправления переключающим устройством на основании сравнения электрического тока, поступающего к электродвигателю, и заданного МПТ.2. Система по п. 1, в которой модуль защиты электродвигателя ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004018966B4
Принадлежит: FEIN C & E GMBH, C. & E. FEIN GMBH

Reihenschlussmotor, insbesondere für ein Elektrowerkzeug, mit einem ersten elektronischen Schalter (Steuerschalter) (14) zum Ein- und Ausschalten des Motors (10, 10a, 10b), mit einem zweiten elektronischen Schalter (Schutzschalter) (16), der mit dem Steuerschalter (14) in Reihe liegt, mit einer Überwachungsschaltung (20, 20') zur Überwachung der Funktion der Schalter (14, 16), die das Spannungspotential an der Verbindung von Steuerschalter (14) und Schutzschalter (16) auswertet, und mit einer elektronischen Steuerung (18), vorzugsweise einem Mikroprozessor, die mit den beiden Schaltern (14, 16) und der Überwachungsschaltung (20, 20') gekoppelt ist und zumindest einen der Schalter (14, 16) in einen AUS-Zustand steuert, wenn die Überwachungsschaltung (20, 20') eine Fehlfunktion eines Schalters (14, 16) registriert, gekennzeichnet durch ein Mittel (36) zur hochohmigen Überbrückung der Schaltstrecke des Schutzschalters (16), um ohne Anlaufen des Motors (10, 10a, 10b) eine Funktionsprüfung des ...

21-10-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002251278C2

28-08-1969 дата публикации

Kontrolleinrichtung fuer Wasch- und Trockenreinigungsmaschinen

Номер: DE0001610261A1

13-03-2017 дата публикации

Устройство автоматического управления электродвигателем погружного насоса

Номер: RU0000169223U1

Устройство относится к области автоматического управления электродвигателем, в частности электродвигателем погружного насоса с помощью электроконтактного манометра, устанавливаемого на трубопроводе, подающем воду в водонапорный резервуар. Включение электронасоса производится при замыкании контакта нижнего уровня давления электроконтактного манометра, отключение соответственно при замыкании контакта верхнего уровня давления. Устройство содержит два компаратора напряжений. Наличие первого компаратора с RC-цепями обеспечивает защиту от ложных включений и отключений электронасоса при срабатывании электроконтактного манометра при гидроударах. Второй компаратор напряжений с резисторами, соединенными по схеме звезда, выполняет контроль несимметрии фазных напряжений питающей электросети, и при превышении допустимой несимметрии электросети обеспечивает исключение работы электронасоса в этом режиме.Также второй компаратор с помощью логического элемента «И» и элемента задержки сигнала верхнего уровня контролирует работу электроконтактного манометра. При аварийном замыкании контактов электроконтактного манометра или проводов управления второй компаратор отключает электронасос от сети, исключая работу погружного электродвигателя в повторно-пусковом режиме.Технический результат - повышение надежности электродвигателя погружного насоса и увеличение ресурса его работы. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 223 U1 (51) МПК H02H 7/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016135124, 29.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.08.2016 13.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.08.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 13.03.2017 Бюл. № 8 Адрес для переписки: 214025, г. Смоленск, ул. Нахимова, 21, ФГБНУ Смоленский НИИСХ, Супроненко Н.Н. (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU2247457C1,27.02.2005. RU121403U1,20.10.2012. US2016183389A1,23.06. ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для защиты трехфазного электродвигателя от перегрузки по току

Номер: RU0000183431U1

Полезная модель относиться к электротехнике и предназначена для защиты электродвигателей от токов перегрузки.Устройство для защиты трехфазного электродвигателя от перегрузки по току, содержащее нелинейный преобразователь тока, электротепловое реле, отличающееся тем, что нелинейный преобразователь тока дополнительно содержит три датчика тока, блок управления, блок питания, силовой блок, три входных зажима, три выходных зажима, три силовые шины, при этом три датчика тока расположены на трех силовых шинах, имеющих три входных зажима и три выходных зажима, выходы трех датчиков тока подключены к входам блока управления, выходы которого соединены с входами силового блока, выходы которого являются выходами нелинейного преобразователя тока, подключенного к электротепловому реле, входы блока питания подключены к трем силовым шинам, выходы блока питания подключены к входам трех датчиков тока, блока управления и силового блока.Технический результат - возможность повышения чувствительности электротеплового реле. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 431 U1 (51) МПК H02H 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02H 3/00 (2006.01); H02H 5/04 (2006.01); H02H 7/08 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018124407, 03.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 03.07.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2018 Бюл. № 27 1 8 3 4 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2518057 C2, 10.06.2014. RU 97014 U1, 20.08.2010. RU 119183 U1, 10.08.2012. US 6522094 B1, 18.02.2003. EP 671798 A1, 13.09.1995. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ТРЕХФАЗНОГО ЭЛЕКТРОДВИГАТЕЛЯ ОТ ПЕРЕГРУЗКИ ПО ТОКУ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относиться к электротехнике три выходных зажима, выходы трех датчиков и предназначена для защиты электродвигателей тока подключены к входам блока управления, от токов перегрузки. выходы которого соединены с входами силового ...

12-04-2012 дата публикации

System for detection of a ground fault in a high resistance ground network

Номер: US20120086458A1
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies Inc

A method is provided for detection of a ground fault in a high resistance network in a voltage source power conversion circuit comprising a power converter that converts incoming AC power to DC power applied to a DC bus and an inverter that converts DC power from the DC bus to output AC power. The method includes detecting a midpoint-to-ground voltage between a low side of the DC bus and a ground potential and detecting the presence of a ground fault in a high resistance network based upon the detected midpoint-to-ground voltage.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting an entrapment situation

Номер: US20120112677A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

To detect an entrapment situation when a driven component is adjusted using a mechanical adjustment system which has an electric motor ( 2 ), a value (Fakt) relating to the force acting upon the driven component is compared with a threshold value (FTh) relating to a reference value (FRef). The reference value (FRef), and thus the threshold value (FTh), are continuously matched, for the purpose of force tracking, with the force value which changes during the movement of adjustment depending on the mechanical system.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for operating a power tool

Номер: US20120280643A1
Автор: Heiko Roehm

In a method for operating a power tool having an electric motor which is supplied with operating current and operating voltage during the operation, a root-mean-square value of the power output of the electric motor is regulated upon exceeding a predefined limiting value of the electrical power output of the electric motor in such a way that it maximally reaches the limiting value.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Outside mirror control method of vehicle

Номер: US20130088180A1
Автор: Hyun Sub KIM, Jun Mo Ku
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A vehicular outside-mirror control method may improve durability of a motor by appropriately controlling the motor according to a condition of peripheral temperature so as to prevent the motor implementing a folding function of the outside mirror from being damaged and improve assembling workability and save costs of a vehicle by reducing the number of wires connected with the door while performing various functions to be implemented by the outside mirror.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Asset Condition Monitoring in an Electric Motor

Номер: US20130088799A1
Автор: Mark L. Zeller
Принадлежит: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

The motor monitoring system of the present disclosure uses several calculated monitoring values to determine a status of a motor and take a predetermined action when a threshold corresponding with the monitoring value is exceeded. The threshold may be calculated by an intelligent electronic device (IED) monitoring the motor. The predetermined action may include further monitoring of the motor. The predetermined action may include monitoring equipment not directly monitored by the IED.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Electronic overcurrent release for circuit breakers

Номер: US20130100569A1
Автор: Wolfgang Meid
Принадлежит: Eaton Electrical IP GmbH and Co KG

An electronic overcurrent release for circuit breakers includes a first setting device connected to at least one control input of a microcontroller and configured to set a selected suitable nominal current value in a range between a minimum nominal current value and a maximum nominal current value. A second setting device is connected to at least one control input of the microcontroller and configured to set a selected suitable lag level, the second setting device having a test position. In the test position, the microcontroller has a set fixed test current value, which is less than the minimum nominal current value, and a set fixed test delay time, the microcontroller providing a release signal at a release signal output upon at least one of the phase currents exceeding a value of the set fixed test current value and a time of the set fixed test delay time.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting winding temperature, method and device for thermal protection of a motor

Номер: US20130110449A1
Принадлежит: Beijing Jingwei Hirain Tech Co Ltd

A method and device for detecting the temperature of a motor winding, a method and device for thermal protection of a motor are provided, the method for detecting the temperature of a motor winding includes: obtaining the temperature of the motor winding at a first time before a time step (S 10 ); calculating the temperature rise of the rotor equivalent body after the motor runs for the time step (S 20 ); then calculating the temperature of the motor winding after the motor runs for the time step by superposing the temperature rise of the rotor equivalent body after the motor runs for the time step on the temperature of the motor winding obtained at the first time (S 30 ). By the method for detecting the temperature of a motor winding, the real-time monitoring on the temperature of the winding is achieved, thus playing the ability of the motor and improving sensitivity.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for protecting three-phase motors

Номер: US20130120881A1
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A three-phase electric motor of a compressor receives first, second, and third phases from a three-phase power supply. A method for protecting the motor includes, using a line break protector, disconnecting the motor from only the first phase in response to a temperature being greater than a predetermined temperature threshold. The method also includes measuring a first current flowing through the line break protector, and determining a current value based on the first current independent of current in the second and third phases. The method further includes disconnecting the motor from the first, second, and third phases in response to the current value being less than or equal to a predetermined threshold.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Circuit Assembly for Overvoltage Limiting of An Excitation Coil of A Syncronous Machine Having Fast De-Excitation

Номер: US20130128394A1

A circuit arrangement for de-exciting an excitation winding of a synchronous machine in the event of a fault, including a control circuit for controlling a current flow through the excitation winding, it being possible to apply a positive control voltage to the excitation winding for excitation and a negative control voltage for rapid de-excitation, and including a protective circuit which is parallel-connected to the excitation winding and which does not permit a current flow over the protective circuit in the event of rapid de-excitation and which forms a current path for limiting the voltage and de-exciting the excitation winding if at least one connecting line between the control circuit and the excitation winding is interrupted. 111-. (canceled)12. A circuit arrangement for de-exciting an excitation winding of a synchronous machine in the event of a fault , comprising:a control circuit for controlling a current flow through the excitation winding, wherein a positive voltage is applicable to the excitation winding for excitation and a negative control voltage for rapid de-excitation; anda protective circuit which is parallel-connected to the excitation winding, which does not permit a current flow over the protective circuit in the event of rapid de-excitation, and which forms a current path for limiting the voltage and de-exciting the excitation winding if at least one connecting line between the control circuit and the excitation winding is interrupted.13. The circuit arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the excitation winding is connectable to and disconnectable from the control circuit via a plug connection having at least two plug contacts.14. The circuit arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the protective circuit has a varistor or a gas discharge tube or a suppressor diode claim 12 , which has a breakdown voltage which is higher than a maximum absolute value of the negative control voltage.15. The circuit arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the protective circuit ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Compressor protection and diagnostic system

Номер: US20130156607A1
Автор: Nagaraj Jayanth
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A compressor diagnostic device is provided and includes at least one of a temperature sensor and a current sensor. The current sensor measures a first current flow through a motor of a refrigerant compressor. The temperature sensor is disposed within and sensing a temperature of a measurement region of an electrical conductor that is configured to close and open to allow and prevent current flow to the motor, respectively. The compressor diagnostic device also includes a controller in communication with the at least one of the current sensor and the temperature sensor. The controller is operable to control the electrical conductor based on a comparison of a second current flow through the motor and a maximum current.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

System and method for compressor motor protection

Номер: US20130176649A1
Принадлежит: Emerson Climate Technologies Inc

A system includes a refrigerant compressor including an electric motor, a current sensor that measures current flow to the electric motor, a switching device configured to close and open to allow and prevent current flow to the electric motor, respectively, a maximum continuous current (MCC) device that includes a resistance corresponding to a maximum continuous current for the electric motor, and a motor protection module. The motor protection module communicates with the MCC device, the current sensor, and the switching device and determines a first MCC value for the electric motor as a function of the resistance of the MCC device. The motor protection module also selectively sets a predetermined MCC to the first MCC and controls the switching device based on a comparison of the current flow to the electric motor and the predetermined MCC.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Safety System

Номер: US20130214618A1

A safety system comprises an activation mechanism, a safety circuit, and a drive system in communication with each other. In one embodiment, the activation mechanism produces an activation signal in response to an actuation of the activation mechanism. The safety circuit operates in either a locked state or a normal operation state. In this embodiment, the safety circuit is programmed to prevent the activation signal from being communicated to the drive system when the safety circuit is operating in the locked state and to allow the activation signal to be communicated to the drive system when the safety circuit is operating in the normal operation state. The safety circuit is programmed to transition from the locked state to the normal operation state in response to receiving both an unlocking code and a follow-up signal that is received by the safety circuit within a predetermined amount of time. The safety circuit may be further programmed to transition from the normal operation state to the locked state in response to the safety circuit failing to receive an activation signal within a second predetermined amount of time. 1. A safety circuit comprising:a circuit programmed to transition from a locked state to a normal operation state in response to receiving an unlocking code, wherein the circuit is further programmed to transition from the normal operation state back to the locked state unless the circuit receives a follow-up signal within a predetermined amount of time after receiving the unlocking code.2. The safety circuit of claim 1 , wherein the unlocking code comprises a sequence of at least two unlocking pulses.3. The safety circuit of claim 1 , wherein the circuit is further programmed to transition from the normal operation state to the locked state in response to the circuit failing to receive an activation signal for a predetermined amount of time after transitioning from the locked state to the normal operation state.4. The safety circuit of claim 1 ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Protective circuit in a windscreen wiper drive and windscreen wiper drive

Номер: US20130271881A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes dEssuyage SAS

The invention relates to a protective circuit ( 10 ) in a screen wiper drive ( 1 ), consisting of a parallel circuit having two circuit elements ( 16, 17 ), wherein one circuit element ( 16 ) consists of a capacitor ( 18 ) and the other circuit element ( 17 ) consists of a series-connection of a diode ( 19 ) and a Zener diode ( 20 ), wherein the forward direction of the diode ( 19 ) and the Zener diode ( 20 ) is different and the Zener diode ( 20 ) inhibits in the direction of a plus pole.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277138A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A motor drive apparatus includes a back EMF detection element and a protection control circuit. When a voltage detected by the back EMF detection element exceeds a threshold voltage of a Zener diode, a voltage signal is applied to a sensing gate through a detection signal line to sequentially turn on switching element of the low-side arm. A current caused by the back EMF applied to a drive circuit flows to the ground through the switching element of the low-side arm in an on-state. Thus a braking torque is applied to a motor, which is driven to rotate by an external force, and hence the back EMF is reduced. Switching elements in the drive circuit are thus protected from the excessive voltage. 1. A motor drive apparatus for a motor of a plurality of phases , the motor drive apparatus comprising:a drive circuit, which includes a plurality of switching elements forming a high-side arm and a low-side arm of a bridge circuit and drives the motor by converting electric power of a DC power source;a power supply on/off circuit, which conducts and interrupts electric connection between the DC power source and the drive circuit;a drive control circuit, which controls the plurality of switching elements to turn on and off when the drive circuit drives the motor, and turns off the plurality of switching elements when the electric connection is interrupted by the power supply on/off circuit;a back EMF detection circuit, which detects whether a back EMF is generated with respect to each phase; anda protection control circuit, which turns on at least the switching element forming the low-side arm of a predetermined phase, when the back EMF detection circuit detects the back EMF in any one of the phases under a state of interruption of the electric connection by the power supply on/off circuit, the predetermined phase corresponding to the phase in which the back EMF is detected.2. The motor drive apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the protection control circuit turns on all ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Power conversion apparatus

Номер: US20130286514A1
Автор: Akio Toba, Hideki Oguchi
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

A controller for switching an inverter includes a current detecting unit, an overcurrent level determining unit which determines an overcurrent level for stopping the inverter in accordance with a value corresponding to the number of revolutions of a motor, a current comparing unit which compares a detected output current value of the inverter with the overcurrent level, and a gate signal generating unit which generates a signal for turning off all semiconductor switching devices of the inverter when the current comparing unit makes a determination that the detected output current value has reached the overcurrent level. The overcurrent level is lowered as the number of revolutions of the motor increases.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314822A1
Автор: Dio Berengere

The invention concerns a monitoring method and system for monitoring an electric motor, comprising: 1. A monitoring system for monitoring an electric motor , characterised in that it comprises:{'b': 5', '31, 'modelling means () for modelling a circle diagram () based on current intensities of said electric motor,'}{'b': '7', 'calculating means () for calculating at least one operational parameter by using said circle diagram, said operational parameter being anyone out of the following operational parameters: torque, resistive loss, rotor resistance, slip, and motor yield,'}{'b': 9', '3, 'monitoring means () for monitoring said electric motor () based on said operational parameter.'}273. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein said calculating means () is intended to calculate slip in function of the rotor speed of the motor ().3. A motor protection relay for protecting an electric motor comprising a monitoring system according to claim 1 , said relay further comprising:{'b': '15', 'measuring means () for measuring said current intensities,'}{'b': 19', '5, 'detecting means () for detecting an anomaly of the motor () by analysing at least one of said operational motor parameters, and'}{'b': 17', '3', '19, 'triggering means () for switching off the power supply of the motor () in case an anomaly is detected by said detecting means ().'}419173. The relay of claim 3 , wherein said detecting means () is intended to compare each operational parameter to a corresponding predetermined threshold and to send a command to the triggering means () for switching off the power supply of the motor () when an operational parameter attains its corresponding predetermined threshold.511. An electric motor equipped with a motor protection relay () according to .637. The electric motor of claim 5 , further comprising a speed determining means () for determining the rotor speed N.7. A method for monitoring an electric motor claim 5 , characterised in that it comprises the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328511A1
Автор: Ozaki Takayoshi

An electric vehicle includes an inverter unit and an ECU. The inverter unit or the ECU includes a magnetic force estimator that estimates a magnetic force of a permanent magnet structure associated with a motor rotor of a motor unit. The inverter unit or the ECU may also include a determiner for the estimated magnetic force and an abnormalities-responsive motor drive limiter. The estimator is configured to estimate, according to a predefined rule, the magnetic force, based on at least two detection signals selected from a group consisting of a detection signal indicating a rotational frequency of the motor unit, a detection signal indicating a motor voltage of the motor unit and a detection signal indicating a motor current of the motor unit. 1. An electric vehicle comprising:a synchronous motor unit configured to drive a wheel;an ECU which is an electronic control unit configured to perform general control of the vehicle; a power circuitry including an inverter configured to convert a DC power from a battery unit into an AC power used to drive the motor unit; and', 'a motor control circuitry configured to control at least the power circuitry in accordance with control from the ECU; and, 'an inverter unit, the inverter unit includinga plurality of sensors including at least two sensors selected from a group consisting of a sensor configured to sense a rotational frequency of the motor unit, a sensor configured to sense a motor voltage of the motor unit and a sensor configured to sense a motor current of the motor unit; 'a magnetic force estimator configured to estimate, according to a predefined rule, a magnetic force of a permanent magnet structure associated with a motor rotor of the motor unit, based on at least two detection signals produced from the sensors that are selected from a group consisting of a detection signal indicating a rotational frequency of the motor unit, a detection signal indicating a motor voltage of the motor unit and a detection signal ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328512A1
Автор: Ozaki Takayoshi

An electric vehicle is proposed which can achieve early detection of abnormal short-circuit of motor coils, thus avoiding various driving problems. The electric vehicle includes a motor unit configured to drive a wheel. The motor unit includes a synchronous motor with three-phase motor coils. The three-phase motor coils include a first motor coil, a second motor coil and a third motor coil of different phases. One end of the first motor coil, one end of the second motor coil and one end of the third motor coil are connected with each other at a neutral point in a star connection. The electric vehicle also includes an abnormal short-circuit monitor configured to detect an abnormal short-circuit of the motor coils, and also includes an abnormalities-responsive disconnection unit configured to electrically disconnect the motor coils from the neutral point. 1. An electric vehicle comprising:a motor unit configured to drive a wheel, the motor unit including a synchronous motor with three-phase motor coils, the three-phase motor coils including a first motor coil, a second motor coil and a third motor coil of different phases, one end of the first motor coil, one end of the second motor coil and one end of the third motor coil being connected with each other at a neutral point in a star connection;an ECU which is an electronic control unit configured to perform general control of the vehicle; a power circuitry including an inverter configured to convert a DC power from a battery unit into an AC power used to drive the motor unit; and', 'a motor control circuitry configured to control at least the power circuitry in accordance with control from the ECU;, 'an inverter unit, the inverter unit includingan abnormal short-circuit monitor configured to detect an abnormal short-circuit of the motor coils; andan abnormalities-responsive disconnection unit configured to electrically disconnect the motor coils from the neutral point.2. The electric vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Motor overload protection for cargo canopy systems

Номер: US20140021736A1
Автор: Chenowth Rory H.

In an installation controlling the operation of one or more motors driving a mechanism for deploying or retracting a protective canopy over the cargo compartment of a truck or wagon, a method and device for protecting the motor windings against excessive power use by measuring the level of drawn current with a digital ammeter. If the current exceeds a threshold level of operation, a timer is started. As soon as a given absolute safe period of operation is surpassed, a breaker switch is tripped interrupting the motor power supply. A plural number of trip points can be programmed into the device. 1. A method for disabling an electrical motor when the amount of energy consumed by the motor exceeds a preset limit , said method comprising the steps of:assigning a plurality of threshold amperages of an electric current drawn by the motor;setting a time duration limit for each of said plurality of threshold amperages;measuring the amperage of the current drawn by the motor to get a measured current;detecting that said measured current has exceeded a first one of said threshold amperages and not exceeded a next larger one of said threshold amperages;accumulating the time said measured current is drawn; andinterrupting a supply of said current when said limit for said first one of said threshold amperages is reached.2. The method of claim 1 , 'procuring a time-versus-current function expressing the maximum time values of excessive current that may be safely drawn by said motor; and,', 'wherein said step of setting comprises 'switching off said motor when a maximum time of flow for a measured current exceeds a corresponding maximum time value given by said function.', 'wherein said step of interrupting comprises3. The method of claim 1 , which further comprises:comparing said amperage to a preset maximum current limit; andswitching off said motor when said limit is exceeded.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said measuring occurs continuously.5. The method of claim 1 , which ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Motor drive overcurrent detecting circuit, motor driving circuit without headroom voltage loss, and method for detecting overcurrent in motor driving circuit

Номер: US20140028234A1
Автор: Joo Yul Ko, Soo Woong Lee
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a motor drive overcurrent detecting unit, a motor driving circuit without a headroom voltage loss, and a method for detecting an overcurrent in a motor driving circuit. The motor drive overcurrent detecting circuit includes: a motor driving unit switched according to a driving control signal to drive a motor; a sensing unit for distributing a sensing current from the current flowing through the motor according to turn-on of a distribution switching element and sensing the distribution current through a sensing resistor; and an on-resistance maintaining unit for maintaining on-resistance of the turned-on distribution switching element by turning on the distribution switching element. Further, a motor driving circuit without a headroom voltage loss and a method for detecting an overcurrent in a motor driving circuit are provided.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055890A1
Автор: Meid Wolfgang

A circuit assembly for an alternating current contactor has an excitation coil, wherein the excitation coil has at least one first winding for generating a pick-up and/or release current. A method for producing a power supply unit of an electric load includes using an excitation coil of an alternating current contactor having at least one first winding for generating a pick-up and/or release current. 1. A circuit arrangement for an AC contactor , the circuit arrangement comprising:an excitation coil,wherein the excitation coil includes a first winding configured to generate at least one of a pick-up excitation or a discharge excitation, andthe excitation coil includes a second winding configured as voltage supply for an electrical load.2. The circuit arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the first coil is configured such that it can be connected with an AC power source.3. The circuit arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the first winding is electrically separated from the second winding.4. The circuit arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the electrical load includes an electronic circuit claim 1 ,a voltage supply being provided for the electronic circuit, so long as the first winding is connected to an AC power source.5. The circuit arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the electrical load includes an electronic circuit claim 1 ,configured to interrupt a connection of the first winding with an AC power source.6. The circuit arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the electrical load is a measurement electronic system of a motor protection relay.7. A motor protection relay claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the circuit arrangement of ; and'}an AC contactor configured to drive a motor,wherein the electrical load of the circuit arrangement is an electronic system for monitoring the motor.8. A method for producing a voltage supply for an electrical load claim 1 , the method comprising:generating at least one of a pick-up excitation and a discharge excitation ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Coolant connector having a chamfered lip and fir tree axially aligned with at least one o-ring

Номер: US20220006283A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

A fluid connector for coolant includes a chamfered lip and a fir tree circumferentially aligned with at least one O-ring on an outer body of the fluid connector. The fluid connector is configured to receive an end piece. The end piece has a standard SAEJ2044 end form. The fluid connector utilizes a housing to form a ribbing and support a seal. An integrated inverter assembly includes a main cover and an opposing back cover; a coolant channel disposed between a coolant channel cover and a coolant channel separating body; wherein power electronics of the integrated inverter assembly are thermally coupled to the coolant channel; wherein at least one of a coolant inlet or a coolant outlet of the coolant channel comprises a fluid connector; and wherein the fluid connector comprises a chamfered lip on an end of the fluid connector.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006284A1

An inverter assembly includes an integrated coolant coupling port; a fluid connector having a chamfered lip and a fir tree circumferentially aligned with at least one O-ring on an outer body of the fluid connector; and a flexible hose configured to couple the integrated coolant coupling port to the fluid connector. 1. An inverter assembly , comprising:an integrated coolant coupling port;a fluid connector having a chamfered lip and a fir tree circumferentially aligned with at least one O-ring on an outer body of the fluid connector; anda flexible hose configured to couple the integrated coolant coupling port to the fluid connector.2. The inverter assembly of claim 1 , wherein power electronics of the inverter assembly are thermally coupled to a coolant channel.3. The inverter assembly of claim 2 , wherein at least one of a coolant inlet or a coolant outlet of the coolant channel comprises the fluid connector.4. The inverter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid connector further comprises a fir tree hose coupling on an outer housing wall of the fluid connector; andwherein the fir tree hose coupling is circumferentially aligned with at least one O-ring on an inner portion of the fluid connector.5. The inverter assembly of claim 1 , wherein integrating the integrated coolant coupling port to the inverter assembly and connecting the integrated coolant coupling port to the fluid connector with the flexible hose enables an overall reduction in height of the inverter assembly.6. The inverter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid connector lacks a locking element.7. The inverter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid connector comprises at least one rib along an inner circumference of an end of the fluid connector.8. The inverter assembly of claim 1 , wherein a main cover of the inverter assembly is coupled to an opposing back cover using a cure-in-place-gasket.9. The inverter assembly of claim 8 , wherein the cure-in-place-gasket is dispensed on the main cover.10. The ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Pump Controller System and Method

Номер: US20150005957A1
Автор: Robert M. Koehl
Принадлежит: Pentair Flow Technologies LLC

A method and apparatus for a pump control system. One or more embodiments of the invention include a pump controller that can perform a self-calibrating procedure, can provide precise motor speed control, can provide a limp mode before shutting down the motor when system parameters are exceeded and/or fault conditions occur, can detect fault conditions, and can store fault conditions for later retrieval.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006237A1

A device and a method connect and reliably separate a voltage terminal of a drive inverter for an electric machine to or from a supply voltage. The device contains a connection and interruption circuit with two switching branches connected between a supply voltage terminal of the supply voltage and the voltage terminal of the drive inverter. A control and/or regulating device is programmed and/or the circuitry of which is configured to connect the supply voltage to the voltage terminal of the drive inverter via the switching branches and to deactivate one of the switching branches in a first test mode and to read a sensor signal from the switching branch while the other switching branch is activated and conducts the supply voltage to the voltage terminal of the drive inverter. 1. An apparatus for connecting and safely isolating a voltage connection of a drive inverter for an electrical machine to and from a supply voltage , the apparatus comprising:a connecting and interrupting circuit having two switching branches connected between a connection for the supply voltage and the voltage connection of the drive inverter, said connecting and interrupting circuit further having a drivable isolating or grounding circuit and the voltage connection of the drive inverter being connected to a reference potential of the supply voltage via said drivable isolating or grounding circuit; anda control and/or regulating device set up, in terms of at least one of circuitry or programming, to connect the supply voltage to the voltage connection of the drive inverter via said switching branches and, in a first test mode, to switch off one of said switching branches and to read a sensor signal from said one switching branch, while the other said switching branch is switched on and passes the supply voltage to the voltage connection of the drive inverter.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:said switching branches each have a semiconductor switch, connected between the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006061A9

A multi-port power converter including a housing including a plurality of ports structured to electrically interface to a plurality of loads, the plurality of loads having distinct electrical characteristics; a plurality of solid-state components configured to provide selected electrical power outputs and to accept selected electrical power inputs; a plurality of solid-state switches configured to provide selected connectivity between the plurality of solid-state components and the plurality of ports; and a controller, the controller including: a component bank configuration circuit structured to interpret a port electrical interface description during a run-time operation of the multi-port power converter, the port electrical interface description comprising a description of at least a portion of the distinct electrical characteristics; and a component bank implementation circuit structured to provide solid switch states in response to the port electrical interface description, and wherein the plurality of solid-state switches are responsive to the solid switch states. 1. A multi-port power converter , comprising:a housing comprising a plurality of ports structured to electrically interface to a plurality of loads, the plurality of loads having distinct electrical characteristics;a plurality of solid-state components configured to provide selected electrical power outputs and to accept selected electrical power inputs;a plurality of solid-state switches configured to provide selected connectivity between the plurality of solid-state components and the plurality of ports; and a component bank configuration circuit structured to interpret a port electrical interface description during a run-time operation of the multi-port power converter, the port electrical interface description comprising a description of at least a portion of the distinct electrical characteristics; and', 'a component bank implementation circuit structured to provide solid switch states in ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021200A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The disclosure relates to a power supply device for a motor protector and a power supplying method thereof. The motor protector receives power. The power supply device comprises: a first power supplying unit, configured to receive and store the power and supply power to a tripping device of the motor protector; a second power supplying unit, configured to receive the power and supply power to a calculation and control device of the motor protector; a third power supplying unit, configured to receive and store the power and supply power to a reclosing device of the motor protector; and a control unit, configured to control an order in which the first power supplying unit, the second power supplying unit and the third power supplying unit receive the power. 1. A power supply device for a motor protector , the motor protector receives power by inducing alternating current in a power supply line of a motor via a power supplying coil and converting the induced alternating current into direct current utilizing a rectifier device , the power supply device comprising:a first power supplying unit, configured to receive and store the power, and supply power to a tripping device of the motor protector;a second power supplying unit, configured to receive the power and supply power to a calculation and control device of the motor protector;a third power supplying unit, configured to receive and store the power, and supply power to a reclosing device of the motor protector; anda control unit, configured to control an order in which the first power supplying unit, the second power supplying unit and the third power supplying unit receive the power, so that the power is firstly received by the first power supplying unit, and then received by the second power supplying unit and finally received by the third power supplying unit.2. The power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit comprises:a first control subunit connected between the rectifier device and the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021279A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

It is disclosed a motor thermal protection device and operation method thereof. The motor thermal protection device utilizes a power supply of a motor for power supplying and comprises: a capacitor timing circuit, configured to time after the motor is powered off; a power-off time determining unit, configured to perform a reading operation of reading an output voltage of the capacitor timing circuit after the motor is powered on, and determine a power-off time from when the motor is powered off to when the motor is powered on according to the output voltage; and a heat accumulation calculating unit, configured to calculate a remaining heat accumulation when the motor is powered on according to the power-off time and a heat accumulation when the motor is powered off. 1. A motor thermal protection device which utilizes a power supply of a motor for power supplying , the motor thermal protection device comprises:a capacitor timing circuit, configured to time after the motor is powered off;a power-off time determining unit, configured to perform a reading operation of reading an output voltage of the capacitor timing circuit after the motor is powered on, and determine a power-off time from when the motor is powered off to when the motor is powered on according to the output voltage; anda heat accumulation calculating unit, configured to calculate a remaining heat accumulation when the motor is powered on according to the power-off time and a heat accumulation when the motor is powered off.2. The motor thermal protection device of claim 1 , whereinthe capacitor timing circuit comprises a power supply unit, a capacitor, a first resistor, a semiconductor switch module, a charging terminal, and an output terminal;the power supply unit is powered by a power supply of the motor and outputs a voltage to be applied to a control terminal of the semiconductor switch module, after the motor is powered off, the power supply unit stops outputting the output voltage to be applied to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030785A1

A fault notification system comprises a plurality of tower sensor units and a central processing element. Each tower sensor unit includes a tower safety sensor and a tower processing element. The tower safety sensor monitors a rotation angle of a mobile tower and output a signal that varies according to the rotation angle. The tower processing element is configured to receive the signal, compare a signal level of the signal with a range of signal levels indicating a normal rotation angle, and transmit a message that a fault has occurred and request that each drive motor shut down if the level of the signal is out of the range indicating a normal rotation angle. The central processing element is configured to receive the message from the tower processing element and transmit a signal to each tower processing element to output a signal to instruct each drive motor to shut down. 1. A fault notification system for monitoring an irrigation system including a plurality of mobile towers and a plurality of spans , each mobile tower including a drive motor and each span positioned between two adjacent mobile towers , for faults and issuing a notification when a fault occurs , the fault notification system comprising: a tower safety sensor configured to monitor or sense a relationship at each mobile tower between an inward span and an outward span and output a tower safety signal or digital data that varies according to the relationship, and', compare a signal level or data value of the tower safety signal or digital data with a range of signal levels or data values indicating a normal relationship, and', 'generate and transmit a message that a fault has occurred; and, 'a tower processing element configured or programmed to receive the tower safety signal or digital data from the tower safety sensor,'}], 'a plurality of tower sensor units, each tower sensor unit including'} 'communicate a notification to a user interface, the notification indicating which mobile tower has the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015998A1
Автор: Bowman William E.

A solid-state switch includes a plurality of transistors connected in parallel and a plurality of fuses. Each fuse is connected in series with a separate one of the plurality of transistors. A combination of current ratings of the plurality of fuses is greater than a load current of a load connected to the plurality of transistors and the plurality of fuses, and a current rating of each separate fuse of the plurality of fuses is less than the load current. 1. A solid-state switch , comprising:a plurality of transistors connected in parallel;a plurality of fuses, each fuse of the plurality of fuses connected in series with a separate one of the plurality of transistors;wherein a combination of current ratings of the plurality of fuses is greater than a load current of a load connected to the plurality of transistors and the plurality of fuses, anda current rating of each separate fuse of the plurality of fuses less than the load current.2. The solid-state switch of claim 1 , wherein a combined current rating of at least two of the plurality of fuses claim 1 , less than all of the plurality of fuses claim 1 , is greater than the load current.3. The solid-state switch of claim 1 , wherein the load is a motor claim 1 , andthe solid-state switch activates a solenoid switch to supply the load current to the load.4. The solid-state switch of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fuses includes wires bonding a die including the plurality of transistors to a semiconductor chip package.5. The solid-state switch of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fuses includes wiring of a predetermined width and length on a substrate.6. The solid-state switch of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of transistors and plurality of fuses are configured such that the load current is divided among the plurality of transistors based on an activation voltage being supplied to a shared gate connection of the plurality of transistors claim 1 , and the load current flows through a first transistor of the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037095A1

A motor apparatus for a switch drive of an electric switch has an electric motor and a controller for controlling the electric motor. The controller has: a rectifier unit for rectifying a supply voltage of the motor apparatus, if the supply voltage is an alternating voltage, and for reverse polarity protection if the supply voltage is a direct voltage, a voltage measurement unit for detecting the supply voltage or a rectifier output voltage of the rectifier unit, a switch unit for generating a drive voltage for the electric motor from the supply voltage or from the rectifier output voltage and a control unit for controlling the switch unit as a function of the supply or rectifier output voltage detected. The electric motor is operable by direct current and the switch unit generates a drive direct voltage for the electric motor. 112-. (canceled)13. A motor apparatus for a switch drive of an electrical switch , the motor apparatus comprising:an electric motor to be operated with direct current;a control apparatus for controlling said electric motor, said control apparatus having:a rectifier unit for rectifying a supply voltage of the motor apparatus if the supply voltage is an AC voltage and for polarity reversal protection if the supply voltage is a DC voltage;a voltage measuring unit for capturing the supply voltage or a rectifier output voltage of said rectifier unit;a switching unit for generating a DC drive voltage for said electric motor from the supply voltage or from the rectifier output voltage; anda control unit for controlling said switching unit based on the supply voltage or rectifier output voltage captured by said voltage measuring unit.14. The motor apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein said electric motor to be operated with direct current is a DC motor or a series-wound motor.15. The motor apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein said switching unit is a buck converter or comprises a buck converter.16. The motor apparatus according to claim 13 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Controlling a Drive

Номер: US20180019586A1

A method for controlling a drive having at least one converter, at least one motor and an assigned drive control, wherein a failsafe CPU is operated separately from the drive control and only processes safety-relevant information, where a number of safety functions are implemented by the failsafe CPU such that the safety-relevant functions of the drive are implemented in a simple and reliable manner. 1. A method for controlling a drive having at least one converter , at least one motor and an associated drive control , comprising:operating a failsafe CPU separately from the associated drive control; andprocessing only safety-relevant information by the failsafe CPU;wherein a plurality of safety functions are implemented by the failsafe CPU.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a multi-motor drive is controlled via the failsafe CPU.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the associated drive control and the failsafe CPU each communicate with the converter over a communication interface.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein only the failsafe CPU communicates with the converter over a communication interface.5. A system comprising:at least one converter;at least one motor;an assigned drive control; anda failsafe CPU separated from the drive control, said failsafe CPU only processing safety-relevant information;wherein the failsafe CPU includes at least one safety program which causes operation the failsafe CPU separately from the associated drive control and causes the processing of only the safety-relevant information at the failsafe CPU. The invention relates to a method for controlling a drive having at least one converter, at least one motor and an assigned drive control and also relates to a system comprising at least one converter, at least one motor and an assigned drive control.High statutory safety standards exist in Europe particularly for multi-motor drive systems in paper-making machines. There is a demand for safety functions, such as ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Protection circuit for fan

Номер: US20150022927A1
Автор: Bo Tian, Kang Wu

A fan with a protection circuit includes a connector, a fan operation circuit, and a protection circuit. The protection circuit includes a first resistor, a controller, and an electronic switch. The controller controls the electronic switch to be turned off when a current flowing through the first resistor is greater than a preset current. The controller controls the electronic switch to be turned on when the current flowing through the first resistor is less than the preset current, then the fan resumes normal working.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021102A1

The present invention relates to a power converting device, and more particularly, to a power converting device capable of protecting a compressor from overheat, a compressor including the same, and a control method thereof. The device includes an inverter for generating an alternate current for driving the motor using power supplied from a power supply, the inverter including a plurality of switching elements; a driver for driving the plurality of switching elements; a variable resistance unit disposed between and electrically coupled to the driver and a gate of each of the switching elements, wherein the variable resistance unit has a resistance value inversely proportional to a temperature of the inverter; and a controller configured for transferring a drive signal to the driver. 1. A power converting device for driving a compressor motor , the device comprising:an inverter for generating an alternate current for driving the motor using power supplied from a power supply, the inverter including a plurality of switching elements;a driver for driving the plurality of switching elements;a variable resistance unit disposed between and electrically coupled to the driver and a gate of each of the switching elements, wherein the variable resistance unit has a resistance value varying based on a temperature of the inverter; and transferring a drive signal to the driver;', 'sensing a resistance value of the variable resistance unit; and', 'controlling a switching operation of each of the switching elements based on the sensed resistance value of the variable resistance unit., 'a controller configured for2. The power converting device of claim 1 , wherein the variable resistance unit includes a thermistor having a resistance value inversely proportional to a temperature.3. The power converting device of claim 2 , wherein the variable resistance unit further includes a gate resistor connected in series or in parallel with the thermistor.4. The power converting device of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Motor system

Номер: US20200021233A1

A motor system includes first and second solid-state relays disposed between an inverter configured to control energization to a first coil set of a motor and an in-vehicle battery for supplying power to the inverter, and connected in series in this order in a direction from the inverter to the battery. The first solid-state relay has a first diode of which a forward direction is from the battery to the inverter. The second solid-state relay has a second diode of which a forward direction is from the inverter to the battery. Motor relays, each having a third diode of which a forward direction is from the neutral point to the inverter, are connected to the phase coils of the first coil set. When power supply from the battery to the inverter is interrupted, the first solid-state relay is turned off after the motor relays are turned off.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021217A1
Автор: SHIROKOV Vladimir A

Fault-tolerant electrical drive systems and methods of maintaining electrical balance or continuing operation of a rotary electric machine under a fault condition are provided. One such system comprises: a rotary electric machine comprising pn phases having a common connection point, where p is a prime number and n is an integer greater than or equal to 1; a drive circuit module having pn phase drive circuits and a reserve drive circuit; and a contactor module. The contactor module comprises: pn phase contactors each of which is operable to connect one of the pn phases of the rotary electric machine to a respective one of the pn phase drive circuits; and a phase fault contactor operable to connect the reserve drive circuit to the common connection point. 1. A fault-tolerant electric drive system comprising:a rotary electric machine comprising pn phases having a common connection point, where p is a prime number and n is an integer greater than or equal to 1;a drive circuit module having pn phase drive circuits and a reserve drive circuit; anda contactor module comprising:pn phase contactors each of which is operable to connect one of the pn phases of the rotary electric machine to a respective one of the pn phase drive circuits; anda phase fault contactor operable to connect the reserve drive circuit to the common connection point,the contactor module being configured in a normal operational mode to close each of the pn phase contactors to connect each of the pn phases to a respective one of the pn phase drive circuits,wherein, in a phase fault mode, in response to a fault in one of the pn phases, hereinafter the faulted phase, the contactor module is configured to open one of the pn phase contactors between the faulted phase and a respective one of the phase drive circuits and to close the phase fault contactor to allow continued operation of the electric drive system.2. The fault-tolerant electric drive system of wherein the contactor module comprises pn drive ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021226A1
Автор: Pearce Robert

A torque-limiting safety circuit servo drive for AC permanent magnet motors including a three-phase inverter bridge, a first current sensor in series with a first motor phase, a second current sensor in series with a second motor phase, a third current sensor in series with the DC bus, and a drive control circuit that controls the six pulse-width modulated gate drive signals for the three-phase inverter bridge. The drive circuit has first and second safety channel STO inputs whereby either channel can shut down the three-phase inverter bridge, emits a signal set to represent the switching state of the three-phase inverter bridge, and modifies the switching pattern of the PWM to ensure the dwell times of PWM is sufficiently long to allow a valid measurement of phase current using the bus current sensor. First and second safety processors controls the first and second safety channel STO inputs, respectively. 1. A torque-limiting safety circuit servo drive for an AC permanent magnet motor , comprising:a three-phase inverter bridge fed from a DC bus;a drive control circuit for providing pulse-width modulated gate drive signals to the three-phase inverter bridge, the drive control circuit having a first safety channel safe-torque-off input and a second safety channel safe-torque-off input;a first safety processor controlling the first safety channel safe-torque-off input of the drive control circuit based upon a first estimate of a motor current vector; anda second safety processor controlling the second safety channel safe-torque-off input of the drive control circuit based upon a second estimate of the motor current vector;wherein the drive control circuit is adapted to shut down the three-phase inverter bridge responsive to input from either of the first safety processor or the second safety processor.2. A torque-limiting safety circuit servo drive according to claim 1 , further comprising a first current sensor detecting current in a first motor phase claim 1 , a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Control apparatus for electric motor and control method for electric motor

Номер: US20160028336A1

A control apparatus for an electric motor has a drive circuit that drives the electric motor in which a plurality of phase coils are star-connected, a neutral point drive circuit connected to a neutral point of the star connection, semiconductor relays that cut off an electric path connecting the neutral point and the neutral point drive circuit, and a microcomputer. Furthermore, the microcomputer cuts off the electric path by the semiconductor relays when it is possible to normally drive the electric motor by the drive circuit.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Failure prediction in a rotating device

Номер: US20140111218A1

Some of the embodiments of the present disclosure provide a method comprising: during an operation phase, operating a rotating device at a first speed; during the operation phase, monitoring a first current consumed by the rotating device to operate at the first speed; comparing the first current to a second current measured during a calibration phase while rotating the device at a second speed, wherein the first speed is substantially equal to the second speed; and based on comparing the first current and the second current, predicting a possible failure of the rotating device.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Lock-Out, Tag-Out System Using Safety Programmable Logic Controller

Номер: US20140111303A1
Автор: Michael Scharnick
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies Inc

A remote lock-out, tag-out system for controlling multiple buckets in a motor control center employs a safety network providing serial communication between one or more remote lock-out, tag-out stations and individual buckets of the control center permitting remote disconnection of power without the need for protective gear.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220044901A1

A system may include a power supply that generates a first voltage. The power supply may couple upstream from an electrical load. The electrical load may operate based at least in part on the first voltage. In some cases, a solid-state circuit breaker may be coupled between the power supply and the electrical load. Furthermore, a control system may be communicatively coupled to the power supply, the electrical load, and the solid-state circuit breaker. The control system may receive an operational status from the solid-state circuit breaker and may update a visualization rendered on a graphical user interface based at least in part on the operational status. The operational status may indicate an operation of the solid-state circuit breaker coupling the power supply to the electrical load. 1. A motor starter , comprising:a metal enclosure configured to house a solid-state circuit breaker, wherein the solid-state circuit breaker is configured to respectively couple between a power supply and a motor; anda thermal management device comprising a plurality of fins, wherein the thermal management device is mounted to the solid-state circuit breaker in a north-south orientation perpendicular to a ground plane, and wherein the thermal management device is configured to reduce a temperature of the metal enclosure while the solid-state circuit breaker performs one or more switching operations.2. The motor starter of claim 1 , wherein the thermal management device is configured to leverage conduction of heat from the solid-state circuit breaker through passive air conduction or active air conduction.3. The motor starter of claim 1 , wherein the thermal management device is configured to thermally connect to the solid-state circuit breaker via a heat pipe design.4. The motor starter of claim 1 , wherein the thermal management device is configured to couple to the solid-state circuit breaker via a direct metal-to-metal contact.5. The motor starter of claim 4 , wherein the metal ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150029619A1

A power supply control device includes an inverter having plural switching elements, an inverter controller that controls the inverter, a device power supply that generates a first power supplied to the inverter controller, a detector that detects whether there is an abnormality relating to the compressor, and a power supply controller. The inverter generates drive voltages usable to drive a compressor motor that is a drive source of a compressor as a result of the switching elements switching on or off, and outputs the drive voltages to the compressor motor. The power supply controller stops generation of the first power by the device power supply to thereby stop the control of the inverter controller in a case where there is an abnormality relating to the compressor. 1. A power supply control device comprising: to generate drive voltages usable to drive a compressor motor that is a drive source of a compressor as a result of the switching elements switching on or off, and', 'to output the drive voltages to the compressor motor;, 'an inverter having plural switching elements, the inverter being configured'}an inverter controller configured to control the inverter;a device power supply configured to generate a first power supplied to the inverter controller;a detector arranged and configured to detect whether there is an abnormality relating to the compressor; anda power supply controller configured to stop generation of the first power by the device power supply to thereby stop the control of the inverter controller in a case where there is an abnormality relating to the compressor.2. The power supply control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe device power supply is further configured to generate the first power using outside power supplied from an outside power supply located outside, andthe power supply controller is further configured to stop the generation of the first power by the device power supply by cutting off a supply of the outside power to the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028046A1

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, a motor drive control device includes a motor drive unit having a plurality of switch elements connected to a power supply source and supplying a driving current to a plurality of phase coils of a motor, a control circuit unit outputting, to the motor drive unit, a drive control signal for operating the plurality of switch elements to sequentially switch energization patterns for the plurality of phase coils, and a current detecting circuit for detecting a voltage value corresponding to a magnitude of the driving current, wherein the control circuit unit includes a first determination unit determining whether a state of overcurrent where a magnitude of the driving current exceeds a predetermined overcurrent threshold occurs based on the voltage value each time an energization pattern is switched, and a second determination unit determining whether driving of the motor is in an abnormal condition based on a determination result of the first determination unit for a plurality of energization patterns. 1. A motor drive control device comprising:a motor drive unit having a plurality of switch elements connected to a power supply source and supplying a driving current to a plurality of phase coils of a motor;a control circuit unit outputting, to the motor drive unit, a drive control signal for operating the plurality of switch elements to sequentially switch energization patterns for the plurality of phase coils; anda current detecting circuit detecting a voltage value corresponding to a magnitude of the driving current,wherein the control circuit unit includes a first determination unit determining whether a state of overcurrent in which a magnitude of the driving current exceeds a predetermined overcurrent threshold occurs based on the voltage value each time an energization pattern is switched, and a second determination unit determining whether driving of the motor is in an abnormal condition based on a determination ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

System and method for motor control center configuration

Номер: US20150032432A1
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies Inc

Motor control centers are designed and configured by a series of interface screens that are served to a configuration computer. The system configuration may be based on a default configuration, and customization is made based upon user selection or input of data via the interface screens. The particular screens presented and the type and detail of data presented may be adapted so that more or less is available based upon a security access model. The system may be fully integrated with various other systems, such as enterprise resource planning tools. The system may be online, such that the interface, data, offerings, options and so forth may be easily adapted and updated, and design and configuration may be made by different parties at different locations with a minimum of specialized configuration computer programming.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033555A1
Автор: Taguchi Kazuhiro

A semiconductor integrated circuit according to an embodiment includes: an output circuit configured to cause a current to flow out from an output terminal to a control target or cause a current to flow in from the control target via the output terminal, based on a control signal; a current source portion provided for the output circuit and configured to be capable of switching a current suppliable to the output terminal; and an adjustment circuit configured to switch a current that the current source portion is caused to generate, based on the control signal. 1. A semiconductor integrated circuit comprising:an output circuit configured to cause a current to flow out from an output terminal to a control target or cause a current to flow in from the control target via the output terminal, based on a control signal;a current source portion provided for the output circuit and configured to be capable of switching a current suppliable to the output terminal; andan adjustment circuit configured to switch a current that the current source portion is caused to generate, based on the control signal.2. The semiconductor integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustment circuit switches the current that the current source portion is caused to generate claim 1 , at an interval of a predetermined time period based on a timing based on the control signal.3. The semiconductor integrated circuit according to claim 2 , wherein the adjustment circuit causes the current source portion to generate a first current after a start time of starting to cause the current to flow out from the output terminal until a first time period elapses claim 2 , and causes the current source portion to generate a second current smaller than the first current when the first time period elapses.4. The semiconductor integrated circuit according to claim 2 , wherein the adjustment circuit causes the current source portion to generate a first current after a start time of starting to cause the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140118866A1

Provided is an electric power steering control device which can realize a more appropriate countermeasure against heat in accordance with a thermal characteristic of a component used to supply a motor current. The electric power steering control device for assisting a steering force of a steering wheel of a vehicle including a control unit (). The control unit () prestores a first overheat-protection characteristic corresponding to self-heating and a second overheat-protection characteristic corresponding to an ambient temperature for each component ( to ) mounted in the control unit as an overheat-protection characteristic specifying a correspondence relationship between a heat-source current value of the each component and an overheat-protection coefficient, and sequentially corrects a current upper-limit value obtained for the each component by using overheat-protection coefficients of both characteristics to continue current control in accordance with a smallest current upper-limit value of results of the correction. 1. An electric power steering control device for assisting a steering force of a steering wheel of a vehicle , the electric power steering control device comprising a control unit for supplying a current for driving an electric motor ,wherein the control unit prestores a first overheat-protection characteristic corresponding to self-heating and a second overheat-protection characteristic corresponding to an ambient temperature in a storage section for each component mounted in the control unit as an overheat-protection characteristic specifying a correspondence relationship between a heat-source current value of the each component and an overheat-protection coefficient defining an increase/decrease amount of a current upper-limit value, and sequentially corrects the current upper-limit value obtained for the each component by using overheat-protection coefficients of both the first overheat-protection characteristic and the second overheat- ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for Starting a Variable-Speed Electric Motor

Номер: US20160036356A1
Принадлежит: Ksb Ag

The invention relates to a method for starting a variable-speed electric motor, wherein upon detection of locking of the motor shaft a positive torque is applied to the motor shaft, and wherein the positive torque is continuously modified with different frequencies to overcome the locking.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034389A1

In an embodiment, a motor driver comprises a multipurpose pin operable to couple the motor driver to a controller and judgment logic coupled to the multipurpose pin. The motor driver is operable to receive an input signal via the multipurpose pin and may be operable in a normal operation mode or a setting operation mode. The judgment logic may be operable to detect whether a prescribed pattern is present in the input signal, wherein the prescribed pattern indicates one of the normal operation mode or the setting operation mode, control at least a portion of the motor driver to operate in the setting operation mode when the prescribed pattern is detected in the input signal, and control at least the portion of the motor driver to operate in the normal operation mode when the prescribed pattern is not detected in the input signal. 1. A motor driver , comprising:a multipurpose pin operable to couple the motor driver to a controller; andjudgment logic coupled to the multipurpose pin,wherein the motor driver is operable to receive an input signal via the multipurpose pin,wherein the motor driver is operable in a normal operation mode or a setting operation mode, and detect whether a prescribed pattern is present in the input signal, wherein the prescribed pattern indicates one of the normal operation mode or the setting operation mode;', 'control at least a portion of the motor driver to operate in the setting operation mode when the prescribed pattern is detected in the input signal; and', 'control at least the portion of the motor driver to operate in the normal operation mode when the prescribed pattern is not detected in the input signal., 'wherein the judgment logic is operable to2. The motor driver of claim 1 , wherein the judgment logic comprises:an edge detector;a timer circuit;a period counter coupled to the edge detector;an edge frequency counter coupled to the edge detector;a pattern detector coupled to the edge detector, the timer circuit, the period counter, ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036327A1
Автор: Meid Wolfgang

An electronic motor starter has a main switch configured as a semiconductor, forming a semiconductor contactor and having at least one semiconductor switch for switching a phase of a supply of a motor winding, a first connection of each semiconductor switch being connected to a corresponding first main current contact of the motor starter; an auxiliary switch configured as a semiconductor switch and connected between at least one pair of auxiliary contacts of the motor starter; a transducer for measuring currents connected between a second connection of each main semiconductor switch and a corresponding second main power contact of the motor starter; and a controller foe the main and auxiliary switches being powered via motor starter control contacts, for being fed transducer measurement signals, and being configured to control the main and/or auxiliary switch according to the supply via the control contacts and/or according to the transducer measurement signals. 1. An electronic motor starter comprising:a main switch configured as a power semiconductor, which forms a semiconductor contactor and has at least one semiconductor switch for switching a phase of a main power supply of a motor winding, a first connection of each of the at least one semiconductor switch being connected to a corresponding first main current contact pf the motor starter;an auxiliary switch configured as a semiconductor switch and connected between at east one pair of auxiliary contacts of the motor starter;an electronic transducer configured to measure currents of phases of the main power supply, which is connected between a second connection of each of the at least one semiconductor switch of the main switch and a corresponding second main power contact of the motor starter; andan electronic controller for the main switch and the auxiliary switch, which is powered via control contacts of the motor starter, and to which measurement signals of the electronic transducer are fed, and which is ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036319A1
Автор: Rannenberg George C.

A system and a method of isolating a fault in an electric motor system having a motor drive electronics (MDE) component that is configured to drive an electric motor with a plurality of phases, the MDE executing a method of isolating the fault that includes applying an excitation to a first phase and a second phase of the electric motor in a first direction and sensing a phase current value for each phase phases of the electric motor. The method also includes providing an excitation, for the first and second phase in an opposite direction of the first direction and measuring a phase current value for each phase. The applying, sensing, providing and measuring is repeated for every possible combination of phases of the electric motor. Finally, the method includes isolating the fault within the electric motor system based on the sensed and measured current values. 1. A method of detecting and isolating a fault in an electric motor system having a motor drive electronics (MDE) component that is configured to drive an electric motor having a plurality of phases through harnessing , the method comprising:detecting, with the motor drive electronics component, the fault in the electric motor system;applying a known excitation, at the MDE component, according to a selected gate switching sequence for a first phase and a second phase of the plurality of phases of the electric motor in a first direction;sensing a phase current value of the MDE component for each phase of plurality of phases of the electric motor associated with the applying;providing a known excitation, at the MDE component, according to a selected gate switching sequence for the first phase and the second phase of the plurality of phases of the electric motor system in an opposite direction of the first direction;measuring a phase current value in the MDE component for each phase of the electric motor associate with the providing;repeating the applying, sensing, providing and measuring for every possible ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Motor controller

Номер: US20150042252A1
Автор: Takayuki Kitagawa
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd

The motor controller includes: a current detection section that detects a current between a battery and an inverter circuit generating a voltage applied to a coil of a motor; an overload determination value output section that outputs an overload determination value used to determine whether or not the motor is overloaded; an overload determination section that compares a current value detected by the current detection section against the overload determination value, and that determines the motor to be overloaded in a case in which the current value detected by the current detection section is the overload determination value or greater; and a forced 500 rpm instruction section that controls the motor rotation speed to 500 rpm, this being a specific speed, in a case in which the overload determination section has determined the motor to be overloaded.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210036505A9

A mobile application including a motive power circuit including a power storage device and an electrical load, where the power storage device and the electrical load are selectively electrically coupled through a power bus; a power distribution unit (PDU) electrically interposed between the power storage device and the electrical load, wherein the PDU comprises a breaker/relay including: a fixed contact electrically coupled to the power bus; a movable contact selectively electrically coupled to the fixed contact; an armature operationally coupled to the movable contact; a first biasing member biasing the armature; a contact force spring operationally interposed between the armature and the movable contact; and a means for adjusting an opening velocity of the moveable contact during a run-time operation of the power bus, wherein the opening velocity comprises an initial velocity of the moveable contact away from the fixed contact in response to a physical opening response. 1. A mobile application , comprising:a motive power circuit, the motive power circuit comprising a power storage device and an electrical load, wherein the power storage device and the electrical load are selectively electrically coupled through a power bus;a power distribution unit (PDU) electrically interposed between the power storage device and the electrical load, wherein the PDU comprises a breaker/relay positioned on one of a high side and a low side of the power storage device; a fixed contact electrically coupled to the power bus;', 'a movable contact selectively electrically coupled to the fixed contact, and wherein the movable contact allows power flow through the power bus when electrically coupled to the fixed contact, and prevents power flow through the power bus when not electrically coupled to the fixed contact, wherein the moveable contact comprises a moving mass value;', 'wherein the fixed contact and the moveable contact comprise a contactor area when electrically coupled;', 'an ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043111A1

The invention relates to a control unit for a motor vehicle. Said control unit comprises a voltage converter which has an inlet for a direct voltage network. Said voltage converter is designed to generate a direct voltage smaller than an input voltage on the inlet for the direct voltage network and the direct voltage is emitted on the outlet side. According to the invention, the voltage converter comprises an inverter and a transformer which is connected to said inverter. Said voltage converter also comprises an inlet for a discharge signal and is designed to discharge by means of the inverter an intermediate circuit capacitor which is connected to the inlet of the direct voltage network in accordance with the discharge signal, and to reduce a working frequency of the inverter, in particular, compared to the frequency with no discharge signal. 133. A control unit () for a motor vehicle , the control unit () comprising:{'b': 5', '7', '10', '12', '16', '7, 'a voltage converter () having an input () for a direct voltage supply system (, , ) and is configured to generate a direct voltage output that is less than an input voltage at the input () for the direct voltage supply system and to output the direct voltage on an output side,'}{'b': '5', 'claim-text': [{'b': '55', 'an inverter (),'}, {'b': 54', '55, 'a transformer () that is connected to the inverter (), and'}, {'b': 8', '55', '10', '7', '55, 'an input () for a discharge signal and is configured to respond to the discharge signal by discharging, by way of the inverter (), an intermediate circuit capacitor () that is connected to the input () for the direct voltage supply system and reducing a working frequency of the inverter ().'}], 'the voltage converter () including'}23355. The control unit () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control unit () is configured to halve the working frequency of the inverter ().33554645554. The control unit () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the voltage converter () is configured ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043470A1
Автор: Kong Zhao

A combination electric tool includes a main body and at least one working part drivable via and separably attachable to the main body. The main body includes an electric motor and a control circuit with a signal recognition module having a microcontroller. The working part includes an identification module, the signal recognition module and the identification module being communicable such that the microcontroller can recognize the working part. A control method includes attaching the main body to the working part; judging which kind of working part is attached and selecting corresponding preset programs; sampling a working parameter value of the electric motor; comparing the sampled working parameter value of the electric motor with a corresponding preset value, and judging whether the electric motor is at an abnormal working state; and if yes, powering off the electric motor, and if no, returning to the previous step. 1. A combination electric tool comprising:at least one main body;at least one working part drivable by the main body and which may be separated from or attached to the main body;the main body including an electric motor and a control circuit, the control circuit including a signal recognition module having a microcontroller; andthe working part including an identification module, the signal recognition module and the identification module being one of electrically connected and in wireless communication such that the microcontroller can recognize the working part.2. The combination electric tool according to claim 1 , wherein the identification module in each of the working parts includes an identification resistor claim 1 , and a resistance value of each of the identification resistors is unique.3. The combination electric tool according to claim 1 , wherein the identification module in each of the working parts includes a plurality of interfaces at least one of which is a common interface claim 1 , and when the main body and the working part are ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Pump Controller System and Method

Номер: US20200042024A1
Автор: Koehl Robert M.

A method and apparatus for a pump control system. One or more embodiments include a controller communicatively coupled to one or both of a pump and a motor connected to the pump. A device is connected to the controller and configured to connect to a computer network, the device enabling the controller to electronically send, via the computer network to a remote device connected to the computer network, data comprising operational parameters associated with one or both of the pump and the motor. 1. A pump control system comprising:a controller communicatively coupled to one or both of a pump and a motor connected to the pump, the controller comprising memory and one or more processors that read the memory to monitor and control operations of one or both of the motor and the pump; anda device connected to the controller and configured to connect to a computer network, the device enabling the controller to electronically send, via the computer network to a remote device connected to the computer network, data comprising operational parameters associated with one or both of the pump and the motor.2. The pump control system of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises peripheral equipment for network communications.3. The pump control system of claim 1 , wherein the computer network is the internet.4. The pump control system of claim 3 , wherein the remote device is a monitoring station and the controller sending the data to the monitoring station enables the monitoring station to monitor one or more of the operations of the motor and the pump.5. The pump control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is programmed to receive a control command from the remote device via the computer network and to execute the control command to perform one or more control functions associated with one or more of the controller claim 1 , the pump claim 1 , and the motor.6. The pump control system of claim 5 , wherein the memory stores a plurality of parameters and the one or more ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

High power battery-powered system

Номер: US20190044110A1
Принадлежит: Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp

An electrical combination, a motorized device system, a motor assembly, a battery pack, and operating methods. The combination may include an electrical device including a device housing, a load supported by the device housing, the load being operable to output at least about 1800 watts (W), and a device terminal electrically connected to the load; a battery pack including a pack housing, battery cells supported by the pack housing, the battery cells being electrically connected and having a nominal voltage of up to about 20 volts, and a pack terminal electrically connectable to the device terminal to transfer current between the battery pack and the electrical device; and a controller operable to control the transfer of current.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Solid state circuit breaker and motor driving system

Номер: US20180045783A1
Автор: Changjin Liu, Fei Li, Tao Wu
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A solid state circuit breaker, including a solid state switch, an inductor connected with the solid state switch in series and a fault detection circuit. The solid state switch has a gate electrode, a source electrode and a drain electrode. The fault detection circuit is used for detecting health status of the solid state switch and identifying fault type of the solid state switch in a condition that a fault occurs on the solid state switch based on one or more of a measured voltage between the source electrode and the drain electrode of the solid state switch, a measured voltage of two terminals of the inductor, a reference voltage and a switching control signal provided to the gate electrode of the solid state switch. A motor driving system having the solid state circuit breaker is further disclosed.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048144A1
Автор: Nakamura Manabu

An MPU, which serves as an anomaly detecting device, carries out a drive circuit operating state determination. If the drive circuit is in a non-driving state, the MPU stores in a storage area a board temperature detected value, which is detected at each predetermined calculation cycle, as a board temperature reference value. If the drive circuit is in a driving state, the MPU reads out the reference value stored in the storage area and calculates a difference between the reference value and the detected value detected at each predetermined calculation cycle. Then, if the absolute value of the difference is less than or equal to a predetermined threshold value, the MPU determines that a stuck anomaly of the output signal from the temperature sensor has occurred. 1. An anomaly detecting device comprising:a drive determining section that determines an operating state of a drive circuit arranged on a circuit board;a reference value maintaining section, wherein, when the drive circuit is in a non-driving state, the reference value maintaining section maintains a detected value of a board temperature detected by a temperature sensor arranged on the circuit board as a reference value of the board temperature; and when the drive circuit is in a driving state, the stuck anomaly detecting section calculates a difference between the detected value of the board temperature detected by the temperature sensor and the reference value of the board temperature maintained by the reference value maintaining section, and', 'if an absolute value of the difference is less than or equal to a predetermined threshold value, the stuck anomaly detecting section determines that there is a stuck anomaly of an output signal in the temperature sensor., 'a stuck anomaly detecting section, wherein'}2. The anomaly detecting device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the drive circuit is in the non-driving state claim 1 , the reference value maintaining section updates the reference value ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150055258A1

In various embodiments a circuit arrangement is provided, having a bridge circuit including at least two switches connected in series; a bridge node which may provide a phase voltage arranged between the at least two switches; an electric motor having at least one phase winding coupled with the bridge node; a decoupling switch; a controller, wherein in an error case the controller may be configured to switch off the at least two switches, to determine whether a predefined condition is satisfied, and to one of delayed switching off the decoupling switch; and switching off the at least two switches and the decoupling switch simultaneously, depending upon whether the predefined condition is satisfied; wherein the controller may determine that the predefined condition is satisfied when the decoupling switch may be switched off without damage from the current applied to it when the at least two switches are switched off. 1. A circuit arrangement , comprising:a bridge circuit comprising at least two switches connected in series;a bridge node arranged between the at least two switches, wherein the bridge node is configured to provide a phase voltage;an electric motor comprising at least one phase winding coupled with the bridge node;a decoupling switch connected between the bridge node and the electric motor;a controller coupled with the decoupling switch and with the at least two switches, switching off the decoupling switch, wherein the switching off of the decoupling switch is delayed with respect to the switching off of the at least two switches in case the predefined condition is not satisfied; and', 'switching off the at least two switches and the decoupling switch simultaneously, in case the predefined condition is satisfied;, 'wherein in an error case the controller is configured to switch off the at least two switches, to determine whether a predefined condition is satisfied, and to one of'}wherein the controller is configured to determine that the predefined ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for detecting an insulation fault in a motor arrangement, method for detecting a motor phase interruption in a motor arrangement, and drive circuit for driving an electronically commutated motor

Номер: US20200049769A1
Принадлежит: Diehl AKO Stiftung and Co KG

A drive circuit for driving an electronically commutated motor contains a DC voltage intermediate circuit, and an inverter which is connected to the latter and has a bridge circuit containing a plurality of circuit breakers, to which the motor phases of a motor configuration containing the motor can be connected. For detecting an insulation fault in the motor configuration, a positive or negative circuit breaker of the inverter is switched on, while all other circuit breakers of the inverter are switched off before all circuit breakers of the inverter are switched off. A motor phase voltage of a selected motor phase of the motor phases with respect to a reference potential is then captured, while all circuit breakers of the inverter remain switched off in order to determine whether there is an insulation fault on the motor phase on a basis of a voltage profile of the motor phase voltage.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160056622A1

A thermal protection device and methods for protecting a motor are described. The thermal protection device is electrically coupled between a power supply and a gate drive circuit for driving the motor. The thermal protection device is configured to disconnect the power supply from the gate drive circuit when a temperature measured by the thermal protection device exceeds a threshold temperature value. 1. A thermal protection device for a motor , said thermal protection device electrically coupled between a power supply and a gate drive circuit for driving the motor , said thermal protection device positioned onboard the motor adjacent a motor winding , said thermal protection device configured to disconnect the power supply from the gate drive circuit when a motor winding temperature measured by said thermal protection device exceeds a threshold temperature value.2. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , further configured to couple the power supply to the gate drive circuit when the measured temperature is below the threshold temperature value.3. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , wherein said thermal protection device is coupled to a low direct current (DC) voltage power supply configured to output a DC voltage less than about 50 volts.4. (canceled)5. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , further configured to:monitor the motor winding temperature; andopen an internal switch when the motor winding temperature exceeds the threshold temperature value to disconnect the power supply from the gate drive circuit.6. The thermal protection device of claim 5 , further configured to close the internal switch when the motor winding temperature falls below the threshold temperature value to reconnect the power supply to the gate drive circuit.7. The thermal protection device of claim 4 , further configured to interrupt a flow of DC voltage to the gate drive circuit to protect the motor from excessive winding temperatures.8. The thermal protection device of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190052074A1
Автор: Asam Michael, Graf Alfons

A line protection device includes terminals to connect the line protection device in series with an electric line. A current sensor of the line protection device senses a value of electric current through the electric line. A digital filter circuit of the line protection device performs digital filtering of the value of electric current. Depending on the digitally filtered value of the electric current, a switch control circuit of the line protection device controls a switch to interrupt flow of the electric current through the line. 1. A line protection device , comprising:terminals adapted to couple the line protection device in series with an electric line;a current sensor adapted to a sense a value of an electric current through the electric line;a digital filter circuit adapted to perform digital filtering of the value of electric current;a switch control circuit adapted to control a switch to interrupt flow of the electric current through the electric line depending on the digitally filtered value of the electric current; anda supply circuit adapted to power at least the digital filter circuit from at least one of the terminals.2. The line protection device according to claim 1 ,wherein said digital filtering comprises low-pass filtering.3. The line protection device according to claim 1 ,wherein said digital filtering comprises high-pass filtering.4. The line protection device according to claim 1 ,wherein said digital filtering comprises calculating a polynomial function of the value of the electric current.5. The line protection device according to claim 4 ,wherein said digital filtering comprises low-pass filtering of the calculated polynomial function.6. The line protection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the switch control circuit is adapted to control the switch depending on a comparison of the digitally filtered value of the electric current to a first threshold.7. The line protection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the switch control circuit ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073131A1
Автор: LOECHER Janos, NEVERI Adam

An electronic control device with short-circuit protection for actuating an electric motor may include a switching device that is connectable to a power source and a power module coupled to the switching device and configured to be coupled to the electric motor for supplying electrical power. The power module contains an inverter and a capacitor connected in parallel. A current-measuring device may be connected to the power module and configured to output a short-circuit fault signal based on the intensity of electric current in the power module. A control unit connected to the current-measuring device may control the switching device, with the control unit configured to isolate the power module from the power source via the switching device upon the short-circuit fault signal. The current-measuring device may measure an electric current flowing through the capacitor and output the short-circuit fault signal based on a direct-current component of the measured current. 110.-. (canceled)11. An electronic control device with short-circuit protection for actuating an electric motor of an electromechanical motor-vehicle steering system , the electronic control device comprising:a switching device that is connectable to a power source;a power module coupled to the switching device, wherein the power module is configured to be coupled to the electric motor for supplying electrical power, wherein the power module contains an inverter and a capacitor connected in parallel with the inverter;a current-measuring device that is connected to the power module and that is designed to output a short-circuit fault signal based on an intensity of an electric current arising in the power module, wherein the current-measuring device is configured to measure an electric current flowing through the capacitor and configured to output the short-circuit fault signal based on a direct-current component of the measured electric current; anda control unit connected to the current-measuring ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052642A1
Автор: KUROKI Wataru

A motor drive apparatus includes an AC stabilized power supply configured to convert AC voltage of a commercial AC power source into input power supply voltage according to a received voltage command value and output the input power supply voltage, a converter configured to convert the input power supply voltage into DC voltage and output the DC voltage to a DC link, an inverter configured to convert the DC voltage at the DC link into AC voltage for driving a motor, and an input power supply voltage control unit configured to control the input power supply voltage that is output by the AC stabilized power supply. 1. A motor drive apparatus comprising:an AC stabilized power supply configured to convert AC voltage of a commercial AC power source into input power supply voltage and output the input power supply voltage;a converter configured to convert the input power supply voltage into DC voltage and output the DC voltage to a DC link;an inverter configured to convert the DC voltage at the DC link into AC voltage for driving a motor and output the AC voltage; andan input power supply voltage control unit configured to control the input power supply voltage that is output by the AC stabilized power supply.2. The motor drive apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a temperature acquisition unit configured to acquire temperature of at least one of the converter and the inverter,wherein the input power supply voltage control unit controls the input power supply voltage that is output by the AC stabilized power supply according to the temperature acquired by the temperature acquisition unit.3. The motor drive apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe input power supply voltage control unit generates a voltage command value for controlling the input power supply voltage that is output by the AC stabilized power supply according to the temperature acquired by the temperature acquisition unit and sends the voltage command value to the AC stabilized power supply ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Motor drive unit

Номер: US20150061562A1
Автор: Masanori Fujii
Принадлежит: Tokai Rika Co Ltd

A motor drive unit includes a motor drive circuit that drives a motor by controlling on/off of current, a control unit generating a drive command signal for driving the motor, a current feedback circuit with the motor and outputs a comparison output signal based on comparison between a current detection signal of a motor current and a target value signal, a latch circuit that latches a current detection result based on the drive command signal and the comparison output signal, and a gate circuit for driving the motor drive circuit based on the drive command signal and a latch output signal output from the latch circuit. The control unit detects a failure of a current feedback system including the current feedback circuit and the latch circuit according to a state of the latch output signal inputted after a time measured based on the drive command signal reaches a predetermined time.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055543A1

A motor drive apparatus includes a control assembly that controls driving of a motor. The control assembly includes a controller that outputs a drive signal instructing a drive amount of the motor, a drive that supplies electric current, supplied from an external power supply, to the motor based on the drive signal output from the controller, a current detector that detects electric current flowing through the drive unit, and a first temperature detector that detects temperature of the drive unit. The control assembly calculates a heat storage amount stored in the control assembly at a predetermined cycle, and when the calculated heat storage amount is larger than a predetermined threshold, the control assembly outputs the drive signal that instructs a drive amount smaller than the drive amount at the time of calculation. 115-. (canceled)16. A motor drive apparatus comprising a control assembly that controls driving of a motor , wherein a controller that outputs a drive signal instructing a drive amount of the motor;', 'a drive that supplies electric current, supplied from an external power supply, to the motor based on the drive signal output from the controller;', 'a current detector that detects an electric current flowing through the drive; and', 'a first temperature detector that detects a temperature of the drive;, 'the control assembly includeswhereinthe control assembly calculates a heat storage amount stored in the control assembly at a predetermined cycle, and when the calculated heat storage amount is larger than a predetermined threshold, the control assembly outputs the drive signal that instructs a drive amount smaller than the drive amount at a time of calculation; and{'sub': n', '0', 'n-1, 'sup': th', 'th, 'a heat storage amount Qcalculated at an ntime, where n is an integer equal to or greater than 1, by the controller is a value that is obtained by, when Qis a predetermined initial value, adding, to a heat storage amount Qcalculated at an n−1time, ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059085A1

Improvements to a power input circuit of an electric motor drive system are provided. The power input circuit is provided between a power source (e.g., battery), and a load (e.g., an inverter and a motor in the electric motor drive system). The power input circuit can comprise controllable switches for reverse polarity protection and isolation of the inverter under supply short circuit condition. In addition, an improvement to a power input circuit can comprise connection of a power supply (e.g., voltage regulator) to the external power source input side of a reverse polarity protection circuit in the power input circuit to mitigate against microcontroller restart from post-failure shutdown condition. Connection of a low-power diode in series with the voltage regulator also provides for reverse polarity protection. 1. A power input circuit connected between a power source and a motor in an electric motor drive system , the power input circuit comprising:a first switch disposed between the power source and a load comprising the motor, the first switch configured to provide reverse polarity protection from the power source; anda second switch connected to the first switch and configured to prevent activation of the first switch to close and conduct power from the power source to the load during a reverse polarity condition of the power source, and to isolate the load during a short circuit condition of the power source.2. The power input circuit of claim 1 , wherein the first switch and the second switch are each selected from the group consisting of a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) claim 1 , a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) claim 1 , an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) claim 1 , or a thyristor.3. The power input circuit of claim 2 , wherein the first switch is disposed in a direct current (DC) bus return path of the power source and is configured to be closed when a positive terminal of the power source is connected to a DC bus ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Switch Operating Characteristic Monitoring Device, Switch Equipped With Same, and Switch Operating Characteristic Monitoring Method

Номер: US20180062382A1

A symptom of malfunction regarding operating characteristics of a switch should be detected exactly. A switch operating characteristic monitoring device is comprised of a current sensor that measures a close command current of a switch, an auxiliary switch that outputs signals from at least two or more auxiliary contacts with reference to positions of a contactor, a measurement unit that measures signals from the current sensor and the auxiliary switch, a diagnosis unit that judges whether or not a malfunction occurs, and a display unit that displays a malfunction when a malfunction has been determined. A threshold is obtained in advance from multiple results of an opening/closing test performed beforehand. A calculation is made for characteristic times which are obtained from the close command current and signals from the auxiliary switch during actual operation of a circuit breaker. If a deviation is found by comparison with a threshold, a malfunction is determined. 1. A switch operating characteristic monitoring device comprising:a current sensor that measures a close command current of a switch;an auxiliary switch that outputs signals from at least two or more auxiliary contacts with reference to positions of a contactor;a measurement unit that measures signals from the current sensor and the auxiliary switch;a diagnosis unit that judges whether or not a malfunction occurs from the signals obtained by the measurement unit; anda display unit that displays a malfunction when a malfunction has been determined from a result of diagnosis by the diagnosis unit.2. The switch operating characteristic monitoring device according to claim 1 ,wherein the each auxiliary switch is provided with at least two points of contact switching timing with reference to positions of the contactor.3. The switch operating characteristic monitoring device according to claim 2 ,wherein the diagnosis unit calculates characteristic times from the close command current and the signals from ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062550A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Klimasysteme GmbH

A Method for detecting stalling of an electric stepper motor (), with the following steps is shown: 1. A method for detecting stalling of an electric stepper motor , comprising:continuously or periodically obtaining a plurality of samples of a voltage at a coil of the stepper motor;determining a deviation value corresponding to a deviation between measured voltages of two of the plurality of obtained samples; anddetermining, using the deviation value whether the electric motor is stalling.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a start sample is taken at the beginning of a control phase corresponding to one step of the stepper motor claim 1 , and an end sample is taken at the end of the control phase claim 1 , wherein the deviation value is determined using the start sample and the end sample.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the deviation value is a ratio between a voltage of the start sample and a voltage of the end sample.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the deviation value is compared to at least one threshold and if the deviation value exceeds the threshold or one of the thresholds claim 2 , stalling of the stepper motor is detected.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein stalling is detected if the deviation value is smaller than a lower threshold or larger than an upper threshold.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining a first sample and defining a confirmation window of a predefined length;determining the deviation values for all samples within the confirmation window;comparing the determined deviations values with a threshold; anddetecting stalling when the number of determined deviation values exceeding the threshold is greater than a predefined amount,wherein the first sample defines a beginning of the confirmation window.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the length of the confirmation window is given as the number of samples or as the number of deviation values within the confirmation ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066013A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

A solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) with self-diagnostic, self-maintenance, and self-protection capabilities includes: a power semiconductor device; an air gap disconnect unit connected in series with the power semiconductor device; a sense and drive circuit that switches the power semiconductor device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration; and a microcontroller unit (MCU) that triggers the air gap disconnect unit to form an air gap and galvanically isolate an attached load, after the sense and drive circuit switches the power semiconductor device OFF. The MCU is further configured to monitor the operability of the air gap disconnect unit, the power semiconductor device, and other critical components of the SSCB and, when applicable, take corrective actions to prevent the SSCB and the connected load from being damaged or destroyed and/or to protect persons and the environment from being exposed to hazardous electrical conditions. 1. A solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) , comprising:line-in and line-out terminals;a power semiconductor device configured between the line-in and line-out terminals;a sense and drive circuit configured to monitor a current flowing through the power semiconductor device and switch the power semiconductor device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or over overload of unacceptably long duration; anda microcontroller unit (MCU) configured to monitor the operability of the power semiconductor device during normal operating conditions when the power semiconductor device is ON, and upon determining that the power semiconductor device has failed or has likely failed, generate an alert indicating that the power semiconductor device has failed or has likely failed.2. The SSCB of claim 1 , further comprising an air gap disconnect unit connected in series with the power semiconductor device claim 1 , between the line-in and line-out terminals claim 1 , configured to form an air-gap between the line-in and line- ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Motor protection relay interface using magnetometer-based sensors

Номер: US20210066908A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

An apparatus includes a magnetometer-based current sensor (e.g., a Hall-effect or fluxgate-based current sensor) configured to sense a magnetic field generated by a current in at least one conductor connecting a motor drive output to a motor and to responsively produce a first current sense signal and a magnetometer-based voltage sensor (e.g., a Hall-effect or fluxgate-based voltage sensor) configured to sense a magnetic field generated in response to a voltage of the at least one conductor and to responsively produce a first voltage sense signal. The apparatus further includes a signal conversion circuit configured to receive the first current sense signal and the first voltage sense signal and to generate a second current sense input and a second voltage sense input for provision to a current sense input and a voltage sense input, respectively, of a motor protection relay that protects the motor.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062234A1
Автор: Ugale Ramdas Rangnath

This disclosure describes a control circuit to manage the energy flow for an integrated motor generator (IMG), such as an integrated starter generator (ISG) system. The circuit regulates the output voltage of the IMG when the IMG operates in generator mode. The circuit includes an additional switch for each phase connected in anti-series with the half-bridge circuit for the phase, e.g., the drain of the additional switch connects to the drain of the high-side switch. When the ISG is in generator mode, the additional switches are controlled, e.g., to charge the battery at a constant voltage and current throughout the speed range of the ISG (i.e. high rpm and low rpm). In generator mode, the high-side switches may be turned off, which configures the high-side switches to act as a diode and block battery discharge for low rpm operation when the phase voltages are lower. 1. A control circuit for an integrated motor generator , the circuit comprising:a switch comprising a gate terminal and a current channel including a first terminal and a second terminal; and the first gate control output electrically connects to the gate terminal of the switch,', 'the second gate control output terminal is configured to control a gate terminal of a half-bridge circuit high-side switch, and', 'the third gate control output terminal is configured to control a gate terminal of a half-bridge circuit low-side switch; and, 'a switch driver circuit comprising a first gate control output terminal, a second gate control output terminal and a third gate control output terminal whereinwherein the first terminal of the switch connects to the high-side switch on a side of the high-side switch opposite a switch node of the half-bridge circuit.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the current channel of the switch connects to the current channel of the high-side switch such that a cathode of a body diode of the switch connects to a same node as a cathode of a body diode of the high-side switch.3. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072320A1
Автор: GUPTA Arinjai, VALSAN Simi

The present disclosure discloses a device and a method for condition monitoring and protection of rotating electrical motors. The device receives measurements of current flowing in a power line connected to the rotating electrical machine. The device extracts a frequency band content containing information representative of condition of rotor bar from the measured current signal using wavelet filters. Further, the device compares the frequency band contents with a predefined threshold value and identifies a condition of the rotor bars. The condition includes damages caused to the rotor bars. Based on the condition, the IED generates one or more status signals (alarm signals or trip signals). The trip signal is provided to a switch connected to the power line to disconnect the rotating electrical machine. 1. A device for condition monitoring and protection of a rotating electrical machine based on measurements of current signal obtained with a current sensor measuring the current flowing in an electrical line powering the rotating electrical machine , wherein the device is configured to operate a switch to electrically disconnect the rotating electrical machine from the electrical line based on processing of the measured current , the device comprising:an input interface configured to receive current signal from the current sensor;a processing unit configured to:a) extract a frequency band content containing information representative of condition of rotor bar from the measured current signal;b) compare the extracted frequency band content with a threshold value for identifying a condition of rotor bars in the rotating electrical machine, wherein the condition of the rotor bars include identifying damage associated with the rotor bar;c) provide one or more status signals based on the identified condition of the rotor bars; andan output interface to provide a trip signal to the switch based on at least one status signal from the one or more status signals, for ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067932A1

A power conversion circuit having a solid-state circuit breaker integrated therein is disclosed. With a disconnect switch between a utility source and the power conversion apparatus described for meeting UL489, the power conversion circuit includes an input connectable to an AC source, a rectifier circuit connected to the input to convert an AC power input to a DC power, and a DC link coupled to the rectifier circuit to receive the DC power therefrom. The rectifier circuit comprises a plurality of phase legs each including thereon an upper switching unit and a lower switching unit, wherein at least one of the upper and lower switching units on each phase leg comprises a bi-directional switching unit that selectively controls current and withstands voltage in both directions, so as to provide a circuit breaking capability that selectively interrupts current flow through the rectifier circuit, while maintaining original power conversion functionalities. 1. A power conversion circuit comprising:an input connectable to an AC source;a rectifier circuit connected to the input to convert an AC power input to a DC power;a DC link coupled to the rectifier circuit to receive the DC power therefrom; andwherein the rectifier circuit comprises a plurality of phase legs each including thereon an upper switching unit and a lower switching unit, wherein at least one of the upper and lower switching units on each phase leg comprises a bi-directional switching unit that selectively controls current and withstands voltage in both directions, so as to provide a circuit breaking capability that selectively interrupts current flow through the rectifier circuit.2. The power conversion circuit of wherein the at least one of the upper and lower switching units on each phase leg comprises:a first solid-state switch operable in a conducting state and a non-conducting state;a first diode in anti-parallel with the first solid-state switch;a second solid-state switch operable in a conducting ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067933A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An electronic control device having multiple system circuits is such that power supply interrupting means is provided independently in all the system circuits, an abnormal system circuit is interrupted using the interrupting means in accordance with an abnormality being detected, and control is continued using a normal system circuit, whereby redundancy is improved. 17-. (canceled)8. An electronic control device having multiple system circuits , being divided from each other from a power line via a branch point , whereinthe multiple of system circuits are configured of at least two drive unit system circuits, each of which supplies power from the power line to a load via a drive unit, and at least one controller system circuit that controls the drive unit from the power line via a controller, and the drive unit system circuit and the controller system circuit each include relay means that independently interrupts the power supply from the power line.9. The electronic control device having multiple system circuits according to claim 8 , wherein the relay means disposed in each of the drive unit system circuit and the controller system circuit independently have a control signal for turning the relay means on and off claim 8 , and an output source of the control signal differs in accordance with the system circuit.10. The electronic control device having multiple system circuits according to claim 8 , wherein the controller includes a CPU claim 8 , and the control signal of the relay means of the drive unit system circuit is output via the CPU or means other than the CPU.11. The electronic control device having multiple system circuits according to claim 8 , wherein the controller includes a CPU claim 8 , and the control signal of the relay means of the controller system circuit is output from means other than the CPU.12. The electronic control device having multiple system circuits according to claim 9 , wherein the controller includes a power supply circuit formed ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Direct Current Motor Controller

Номер: US20190067934A1
Автор: Stan Smith
Принадлежит: Individual

A direct current motor controller includes a housing, a plurality of terminals, a first two-way switch, a second two-way switch, an actuating mechanism, and a remote controller plug. The terminals and remote controller plug traverse out of the housing as the first two-way switch, the second two-way switch, and the actuating mechanism are mounted within the housing. A first output terminal, a first power supply positive terminal, and a third power supply negative terminals from the terminals are electrically connected to the first two-way switch. A second output terminal, a second power supply positive terminal, and the third power supply negative terminal from the terminals are electrically connected to the second two-way switch. The remote controller plug is electrically connected to the second power supply positive terminal. The actuating mechanism operatively couples with the first and second two-way switches to toggle and inversely toggle the first and second two-way switches.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077885A1
Автор: Hartmann Uwe

Temperature protection device for use in an electrical power circuit for protecting said electrical power circuit against heating, comprising a first contact element and a second contact element, which are connected to one another by the ends thereof, and are designed in such a way that the ends of said first and said second contact elements that are connected to one another separate from one another when a limit temperature is exceeded because of a mechanical pretension between the two ends, thereby interrupting the electrical circuit, wherein at least the ends of the contact elements have a material with a higher recrystallization temperature than pure copper. 111-. (canceled)12. A thermal protection device for use in an electric circuit for protecting the electric circuit against heating , comprising a first contact element and a second contact element , which are interconnected via respective ends and are formed such that , when a limit temperature is exceeded , the respective interconnected ends of the first and second contact elements separate from each other owing to a mechanical bias between the two ends , and the electric circuit is thus broken , wherein at least the ends of the contact elements comprise a material having a recrystallisation temperature that is higher than pure copper.13. The thermal protection device according to claim 12 , wherein the respective ends of the first contact element and the second contact element are electrically and mechanically interconnected by a solder material.14. The thermal protection device according to claim 12 , wherein all the contact elements comprise a material having a recrystallisation temperature that is higher than pure copper.15. The thermal protection device according to claim 12 , wherein the contact elements consist of a low-alloy copper claim 12 , in particular of a low-alloy copper having silver as an alloying constituent.16. The thermal protection device according to claim 15 , wherein the contact ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074682A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A fault detection method for a multi-phase motor system applies a first duty cycle to first phase coil windings and applies a second duty cycle to second phase coil windings. The second duty cycle differs from the first duty cycle by a first difference value D. A first current I is measured. A third duty cycle is applied to third phase coil windings and a fourth duty cycle is applied to the second phase coil windings. The fourth duty cycle differs from the third duty cycle by a second difference value D. A second current I is measured. Line-to-line resistances R, R are calculated using the difference values D, D, the measured currents , I, and a measured DC voltage VDC. After determining a resistance difference ΔR between the line-to-line resistances R, R, a comparison to a first non-zero threshold T indicates a fault. 1. A method of detecting a fault in a motor system , the motor system comprising a direct current source , an inverter , a bus between the source and the inverter , and a multi-phase motor comprising plural coil windings on a stator , the method comprising:applying a first pulse width modulated signal having a first duty cycle to first phase coil windings of the plural coil windings;{'b': '1', 'applying a second pulse width modulated signal having a second duty cycle to second phase coil windings of the plural coil windings, where the second duty cycle differs from the first duty cycle by a first difference value (D);'}{'b': '1', 'measuring a first current (I) for one of the first phase coil windings having the first duty cycle applied or for the second phase coil windings having the second duty cycle applied;'}applying a third pulse width modulated signal having a third duty cycle to third phase coil windings of the plural coil windings;{'b': '2', 'applying a fourth pulse width modulated signal having a fourth duty cycle to one of the first phase coil windings or to the second phase coil windings, where the fourth duty cycle differs from the third ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180076614A1

To realize a reduction in the number of parts in a system including a driver IC (semiconductor device). A high potential side power supply voltage is applied to a power supply application area. A high side area is formed with a circuit which includes a driver driving a high side transistor and is operated at a boot power supply voltage with a floating voltage as a reference. A low side area is formed with a circuit operated at a power supply voltage with a low potential side power supply voltage as a reference. A first termination area is disposed in a ring form so as to surround the power supply application area. A second termination area is disposed in a ring form so as to surround the high side area. 1. A semiconductor device which drives a high side transistor disposed outside and coupled between a high potential side power supply voltage and a floating voltage and is comprised of one semiconductor chip , comprising:a high potential side power supply pad coupled to the high potential side power supply voltage;a floating pad coupled to the floating voltage;a low potential side power supply pad coupled to a low potential side power supply voltage;a power supply application area applied with the high potential side power supply voltage;a high side area formed with a circuit operated at a first power supply voltage with the floating voltage as a reference;a low side area formed with a circuit operated at a second power supply voltage with the low potential side power supply voltage as a reference;a first termination area which is disposed in a ring form so as to surround the power supply application area and absorbs a difference in potential between the power supply application area and the low side area;a second termination area which is disposed in a ring form so as to surround the high side area and absorbs a difference in potential between the high side area and the low side area;a first isolation area which is disposed along an outer periphery of the first ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Commercial Compressor with Electronic Start Device for the Start of the Electric Motor

Номер: US20180076741A1

A compressor for commercial refrigerators comprises an electric motor having a start winding () and a run winding (), in which the input terminals of the start winding () and the run winding (130) are connected together and to the line voltage (L), and an electronic start device to supply the start winding () during a starting period. The electronic start device comprises a run condenser () having a first terminal connected to the output terminal from the start winding () and a second terminal connected to the output terminal from the run winding (), and a start capacitor () having a first terminal connected to the output terminal of the start winding (). In the electronic start device there is also provided a solid state switch () which supplies the start winding () and is connected between the second terminal of the start capacitor (45) and the neutral terminal of the supply (N), and a control circuit () comprising a delay circuit () which controls switching of the solid state switch () closing it to start the motor and opening it at the end of the starting period once the motor has started. 1. A compressor for commercial refrigerators comprising:{'b': 120', '130', '120', '130, 'an electric motor, comprising a start winding () and a run winding (), wherein the input terminals of said start winding () and of said run winding () are connected to each other and to the voltage line (L),'}{'b': '120', 'an electronic start device, for powering said start winding () for a start period,'}wherein said electronic start device includes:{'b': 40', '120', '130, 'a run capacitor () having a first terminal connected to the output terminal of said start winding () and a second terminal connected to the output terminal of said run winding (), and'}{'b': 45', '120, 'a start capacitor () having a first terminal connected to the output terminal of said start winding () and,'}characterized in that said electronic start device includes:{'b': 110', '120', '45, 'a solid state switch () ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

The transmission of energy

Номер: US20150084567A1
Принадлежит: Isentropic Ltd

Apparatus for transmitting energy comprising an electrical machine arranged to convert between electrical and mechanical energy, and comprising a rotor ( 20 ) and control means ( 42, 44, 90 ) arranged to regulate the motion of the rotor to ensure that the power angle of the electrical machine is maintained within a range of a predetermined power angle. A signal generator ( 2, 6 ), such as a synchronous machine and associated flywheel, may generate a reference signal relating to the predetermined power angle and be powered by a frequency regulated electrical supply. The control means ( 42, 44, 90 ) may be a mechanical control linkage or servo control system and may regulate the output of the motion of the rotor in response to a change in its motion which the control means or a dedicated detection device detects. The electrical machine may be an electric motor, an electricity generator, or a machine switchable between motor and generator modes. The apparatus may generate electricity to supply to a power grid and/or store electricity supplied by a power grid, and the electrical machine may be a synchronous machine where the rotor requires regulation to accommodate grid fluctuations such as low voltage events so as to remain synchronised. The apparatus may comprise an energy storage system that supplies and/or receives power from a power grid.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140159626A1
Автор: Lee Soo Woong

There is provided a motor driving apparatus in which a current is detected from a connection point between a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor of a motor driving circuit, thus reducing a voltage headroom loss due to a shunt resistor. The motor driving apparatus including: a driving unit including a first transistor unit and a second transistor unit connected in parallel between a driving power source terminal and a ground; and a motor driven according to switching of the first and second transistor units; and a detection unit detecting a current from a connection point between a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor of at least one of the first and second transistor units. 1. A motor driving apparatus comprising:a driving unit including a first transistor unit and a second transistor unit connected in parallel between a driving power source terminal and a ground, the first transistor unit including a first PMOS transistor and a first NMOS transistor connected in series between the driving power source terminal and the ground, and the second transistor unit including a second PMOS transistor and a second NMOS transistor connected in series between the driving power source terminal and the ground, and a motor connected to a connection point between the first PMOS transistor and the first NMOS transistor and a connection point between the second PMOS transistor and the second NMOS transistor and driven according to switching of the first and second transistor units; anda detection unit detecting a current from a connection point between a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor of at least one of the first and second transistor units.2. The motor driving apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection unit comprises:a comparator comparing the detected current value with a pre-set reference value; anda path configuration unit connecting or cutting off a signal output path of the comparator according to a switching signal of a corresponding transistor unit.3. The motor ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140159628A1
Автор: Brooking Patrick
Принадлежит: Protean Electric

A switch arrangement for an electric motor or generator having a plurality of coil windings that during operation of the electric motor or generator are electrically coupled to form a star point connection and that are arranged to have different voltage phases applied across the respective coil windings, the switch arrangement comprising a rectifier arranged to be coupled to the respective plurality of coil windings, wherein the rectifier is arranged to rectify an alternating current flowing in the respective coil windings and provide the rectified AC current to a DC output; and a switch coupled across the rectifier DC output, wherein the switch is operable to electrically isolate the plurality of coil windings. 1. A control apparatus for controlling an electric motor or generator having a plurality of coil windings that during operation of the electric motor or generator are electrically coupled to form a star point connection and that are arranged to have different voltage phases applied across the respective coil windings , the control apparatus comprising an inverter having a plurality of switches arranged to generate the plurality of different voltage phases , a switch arrangement comprising a rectifier arranged to be coupled to the respective plurality of coil windings , wherein the rectifier is arranged to rectify an alternating current flowing in the respective coil windings and provide the rectified AC current to a DC output; and a switch coupled across the DC output , wherein the switch is operable to electrically isolate the plurality of coil windings from each other , and a controller arranged to operate the switch to electrically isolate the plurality of coil windings upon a failure of an inverter switch or upon detection of a current flow in the inverter or the switch that is greater than a predetermined threshold.2. A control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the switch arrangement further comprises a voltage clamping device coupled across the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Power Winch Overcurrent (Overload) Safety Device

Номер: US20190077642A1
Автор: Huang Shih-Jyi

A power winch overcurrent (overload) safety device is that a display panel further comprises an overcurrent (overload) warning display zone. Simultaneously, amperages used in the power winch is set with an upper limit current setting value, and a current actual value is set for an actual amperage, and the current setting value and the current actual value are displayed on the display panel. A second plug socket is further disposed on the electrical control set of the power winch and connected to a circuit set for the current setting value in the electrical control set, and which using for the plug of a current regulator to regulate the current setting value. With the overcurrent (overload) safety device, an operating person can clearly know whether or not towed load is close to overload, and in case of overload shutdown condition, it can be resolved by regulating the current setting value. 1. A power winch overcurrent (overload) safety device , a side of the power winch disposed with a power source , power generated by the power source transmitted by an internal shaft core to drive a deceleration device , the deceleration device driving a cable pulley to rotate after experiencing deceleration effect so that a steel cable wound on the cable pulley performs motions of positive rotation discharging or counter rotation retracting: the power winch disposed with an electrical control set electrically connected to the power source to control on or off of the power source; a front surface of the power winch disposed with a display panel electrically connected to the electrical control set to display operation state and related messages of the power winch; characterized in that: items of the display panel comprises an overcurrent (overload) warning display zone setting an upper limit current setting value , which is in connection with use amperage of the power winch , displayed on the display panel and setting a current actual value , which is in connection with an actual ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Soft shutdown for isolated drivers

Номер: US20150085403A1
Принадлежит: Silicon Laboratories Inc

An apparatus for controlling a high-power drive device external to a package of a motor drive circuit includes a motor drive circuit. The motor drive circuit includes a driver to control the high-power drive device based on a first reference voltage, a second reference voltage, and a control signal based on a received control signal. A fault circuit generates a failure indicator based on a voltage across terminals of the high-power drive device. A fault condition is based on the failure indicator. A first terminal coupled to the driver charges a node of the high-power drive device over a first length of time in response to an absence of the fault condition and a first level of the control signal. A second terminal coupled to the driver discharges the node over a second length of time different from the first length of time.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140160602A1

A method and system for detecting a fault of a serial coil type permanent magnet motor includes driving the motor based on a predefined current reference value, detecting a phase current vector of the motor, and calculating a current compensation value for removing a negative sequence component of the motor based on the phase current vector. The current compensation value is provided to a negative sequence current controller for calculating a faulty phase and a degree of a fault of the motor using the output of the negative sequence current controller and a fault model to which induced magnetic flux variations in a specific slot of a specific faulty phase of the motor and other slots of the same phase as the specific phase are applied, and applying a current reference value to which the calculated faulty phase and degree of fault are applied. 1. A system supporting detection of a fault of a serial coil type permanent magnet motor , the system comprising:a serial coil type motor;a current sensor configured to sense stator phase current of the motor;a compensation current calculator configured to calculate a current compensation value for a negative sequence component generated in the motor on the basis of the sensed phase current;a positive sequence current controller configured to generate a control signal for an inverter control by using the current compensation value and also using a current reference value provided from a control system;a negative sequence current controller configured to generate a signal for removing the negative sequence component by using both the current compensation value and the current reference value, and then to provide the signal to the positive sequence current controller;an inverter configured to generate a motor operation signal according to the control signal;a fault detector configured to detect a faulty phase and a degree of a fault by applying the output of the negative sequence current controller to a mathematically defined ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

System, method, and apparatus for power distribution in an electric mobile application using a combined breaker and relay

Номер: US20210083470A9
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

A mobile application including a motive power circuit including a power storage device and an electrical load; a power distribution unit (PDU) electrically interposed between the power storage device and the electrical load, wherein the PDU includes a breaker/relay positioned on one of a high side and a low side of the power storage device; wherein the breaker/relay includes: a fixed contact electrically coupled to the power bus; a movable contact selectively electrically coupled to the fixed contact; an armature operationally coupled to the movable contact; a first biasing member biasing the armature into one of the first position or the second position; and a means for selecting a down force value of the movable contact, thereby providing for a physical opening response of the breaker/relay in response to a selected current value.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Powerline surge protection

Номер: US20160087424A1
Автор: James L. Skinner
Принадлежит: Nidec Motor Corp

A motor drive for an electric machine configured to withstand higher voltages without breakdown and without substantially raising maximum voltage during high voltage surges. The motor drive may include a live line, a second line, a ground line, a capacitor, a surge protector, and a load electrically-coupled with the live line, the second line, and the ground line. The capacitor may be coupled between the load and the second line. The surge protector may have a first varistor, a gas discharge tube (GDT), and a resistor. The GDT may be non-conductive below a trigger voltage and is conductive above the trigger voltage. The first varistor and the GDT may be connected in series between the live line and the ground line and/or the second line and the ground line, and the resistor may extend across a spark gap of the GDT.

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid Air-Gap / Solid-State Circuit Breaker

Номер: US20200083699A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

A hybrid air-gap/solid-state device protection device (PD) for use in an electrical power distribution system includes an air-gap disconnect unit connected in series with a solid-state device, a sense and drive circuit, and a microcontroller. Upon the sense and drive circuit detecting an impending fault or exceedingly high and unacceptable overvoltage condition in the PD's load circuit, the sense and drive circuit generates a gating signal that quickly switches the solid-state device OFF. Meanwhile, the microcontroller generates a disconnect pulse for the air-gap disconnect unit, which responds by forming an air gap in the load circuit. Together, the switched-OFF solid-state device and air gap protect the load and associated load circuit from being damaged. They also serve to electrically and physically isolate the source of the fault or overload condition from the remainder of the electrical power distribution system. 1. A hybrid air-gap/solid-state circuit breaker , comprising:line-in and line-out terminals;a solid-state device configured between the line-in and line-out terminals;a control circuit configured to monitor a current flowing through the solid-state device and a connected load and switch the solid-state device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration;an air-gap forming apparatus coupled in series with the solid-state device, between the line-in and line-out terminals; anda microcontroller configured to generate an air gap control signal that triggers the air-gap forming apparatus to form an air gap between the line-in and line-out terminals after the control circuit has detected a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration and switched the solid-state device OFF.2. The hybrid air-gap/solid-state circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the air-gap forming apparatus comprises a solenoid configured to trigger in response to the air gap control signal and force electrical contacts of the air-gap forming ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140168826A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

An electric vacuum pump actuating module for boosting the braking force of a motor vehicle, including a main controller and a driver circuit for operating the electric vacuum pump. The driver circuit includes a first and a second switch. The first switch switches a supply voltage above a predefined voltage level of an operating voltage of the vacuum pump. The second switch switches a supply voltage below the voltage level of the vacuum pump. The main controller controls the first switch by first control signals and the second switch by second control signals. The actuating module determines a state of the electric vacuum pump as a first piece of information based on a first response of the electric vacuum pump resulting from the first or second control signals. The actuating module assesses the state of the electric vacuum pump as error-free or erroneous operation of the electric vacuum pump. 1. An actuating module for an electric vacuum pump for boosting brake force in a motor vehicle , comprising a main controller and a driver circuit for the operation of the electric vacuum pump , wherein the driver circuit comprises a first switch and a second switch , wherein the first switch is designed to connect a supply voltage above a predefined voltage level for an operating voltage of the vacuum pump , wherein the second switch is designed to connect a supply voltage below the voltage level of the vacuum pump ,wherein the main controller is designed to control the first switch by first control signals and to control the second switch by second control signals, wherein the actuating module is designed to ascertain a state of the electric vacuum pump as a first piece of information on the basis of a first reaction by the electric vacuum pump that results from the first or second control signals, wherein the actuating module is designed to rate the state of the electric vacuum pump as faultless or faulty operation of the electric vacuum pump.2. The actuating module as ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200083880A1
Автор: TAKADA Tomoyuki

A motor drive device includes an inverter circuit, a switching circuit that switches between conduction and interruption between a power supply and the inverter circuit, and a switching driver that outputs, to the switching circuit, a command voltage which commands a switching operation. The switching circuit includes a first field-effect transistor (FET) and a second FET connected in series with sources of each other in order from a side of the power supply, and the switching driver includes an output circuit that outputs an interruption command voltage in a case in which a potential difference between drains of the FETs exceeds a threshold value, and a delay circuit that causes a timing at which the command voltage is input to a gate of the first FET to be later than a timing at which the command voltage is input to a gate of the second FET. 19-. (canceled)10. A motor drive device that drives a motor , the motor drive device comprising:an inverter circuit to supply a current supplied from an external power supply to the motor;a switching circuit to switch a current supply path between the external power supply and the inverter circuit to a conducting state and an interrupted state; anda switching driver to output a voltage which commands a switching operation to the switching circuit; whereinthe switching circuit includes a first field-effect transistor (FET) and a second FET connected in series with sources of each other in order from a side of the external power supply; and an output circuit to output an interruption command voltage that commands switching of the current supply path from the conducting state to the interrupted state in a case in which a potential difference between a drain of the first FET and a drain of the second FET exceeds a predetermined threshold value; and', 'a delay circuit to cause a first timing at which the interruption command voltage is input to a gate of the first FET to be later than a second timing at which the interruption ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091642A1
Автор: SEKI Yusaku

A control substrate includes: a reverse connection protection circuit; a first substrate wiring connected with a source terminal of a MOSFET of the reverse connection protection circuit; a second substrate wiring connected with a GND terminal; a bypass circuit, allowing, in a case where an output voltage of a vehicle-mounted battery is equal to or greater than a predetermined value, a current to flow from the first substrate wiring to the second substrate wiring; and a clamp circuit, connected with a positive electrode terminal and a GND terminal on an upstream side with respect to the MOSFET and clamps a positive voltage to a second predetermined value. The first predetermined value is a value smaller than a withstand voltage between a gate and a source of the MOSFET. 1. A circuit substrate , comprising:a substrate;a positive electrode terminal and a GND terminal for inputting a direct current (DC) external power supply; anda reverse connection protection circuit, protecting a circuit in the substrate in a case in which positive/negative of the external power supply are connected with the positive electrode terminal and the GND terminal in reverse,wherein the reverse connection protection circuit comprises a MOSFET, and the circuit substrate comprises:a first substrate wiring, connected with a source terminal of the MOSFET;a second substrate wiring, connected with the GND terminal;a bypass circuit, allowing, in a case where an output voltage of the external power supply is equal to or greater than a first predetermined value, a current to flow from the first substrate wiring to the second substrate wiring; anda clamp circuit, connected with the positive electrode terminal and the GND terminal at an upstream side with respect to the MOSFET and clamping a positive voltage to a second predetermined value,wherein the first predetermined value is a value smaller than a withstand voltage between a gate and a source of the MOSFET.2. The circuit substrate as claimed in ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091705A1

Methods and apparatuses for detecting an open load condition for a load. The load is coupled to a power source at a high side and to a ground at a low side through at least one switch, the load has a first end and a second end, a first voltage at the first end is kept constant. A switch is controlled by a PWM signal. After the switch is turned off by the PWM signal, the voltage associated with the second end of the load is measured. In one embodiment, a change of the second voltage during a predefined delay is compared with a predefined voltage threshold. In another embodiment, the time it takes for the change of the second voltage to reach a predefined voltage threshold is compared with a predefined time threshold. 1. An apparatus for detecting an open load condition for a load , wherein the load is coupled to a power source and to a ground through at least one switch , the load has a first end and a second end , a first voltage at the first end is kept constant , the apparatus is structured to:output a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to selectively turn on or off a first switch of the at least one switch;use the PWM signal to turn off the first switch at a first time point;determine a second voltage associated with the second end of the load after a predefined delay from the first time point;determine whether a change of the second voltage during the predefined delay is less than a predefined threshold voltage; andin response to determining that the change is less than the predefined threshold voltage, determine that the open load condition exists for the load.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the load is an inductor type load claim 1 , and wherein the second voltage changes towards the first voltage since the first switch is turned off at the first time point.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the load is coupled to the ground at the first end through the first switch and at the second end through a second switch claim 1 , the load is coupled to the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180090925A1

The invention relates to a motor drive comprising a rectifier bridge for connection with mains, a converter bridge configured to be connected with an elevator motor and an intermediate DC circuit in-between, whereby between a positive and a negative branch of the intermediate DC circuit at least one capacitor and/or battery is connected, 1. Motor drive comprising a rectifier bridge for connection with mains , a converter bridge configured to be connected with an elevator motor and an intermediate DC circuit in-between , whereby between a positive and a negative branch of the intermediate DC circuit at least one capacitor and/or battery is connected , whereby at the mains side of the rectifier bridge a controlled main relay with contacts is arranged , which are configured to connect or disconnect the rectifier bridge with the corresponding mains phase ,wherein the motor drive comprises a charging circuit being connected between the mains and the rectifier bridge or intermediate DC circuit, which charging circuit comprises at least one charging switch connected in series with at least one current limiting component, and which motor drive comprises a voltage sensor connected between the positive and the negative branch of the intermediate DC circuit, which voltage sensor is connected to a fault evaluation circuit comprising at least one reference value and a comparator, which evaluation circuit is configured compare the actual sensor signal of the voltage sensor to the reference value and to operate the main relay dependent on the comparison result.2. Motor drive according to claim 1 , wherein the current limiting component is a PTC resistor.3. Motor drive according to claim 1 , wherein the charging circuit is connected in parallel to at least one of the contacts.4. Motor drive according to claim 1 , wherein the charging circuit is connected to the intermediate DC circuit.5. Motor drive according to claim 1 , wherein the main relay is configured to be controlled by an ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Temperature monitoring

Номер: US20190089291A1
Принадлежит: Ebm Papst Mulfingen GmbH and Co KG

The present disclosure relates to an electronic circuit for detecting the current winding temperature of phase windings and/or other characteristics of an electronically commutated electric motor, which is connected, or can be connected, to a frequency converter, comprising one or more capacitive two-terminal networks with a temperature-dependent impedance, each network being arranged parallel to two winding terminals (u, v, w) of the phase windings, as well as a detector for detecting the current responses in the motor feeds on the basis of steep-flanked voltage changes at the output of the frequency converter.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150098157A1
Автор: Lee Jin Woo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

The present invention relates to a vehicle power controlling apparatus, and more particularly, to a vehicle power controlling apparatus for interrupting a dark current from an ECU power front stage of a motor driven power steering (MDPS) system. 1. A vehicle power controlling apparatus , comprising:a power control signal receiving block configured to receive a power control signal;a dark current preventing block configured to prevent a power voltage from flowing before the power control signal from a next stage of the power control signal receiving block;a relay block that is relayed on or off when the power voltage is turned on or off to supply a current to the motor from the power voltage;a relay shortening block configured to shorten the relay-on time by rapidly increasing the voltage before the relay is turned on of the relay block, between the dark current preventing block and the relay block; anda relay recognizing block configured to recognize the relay on or the relay off by reducing the voltage after a relay on signal or relay off signal which is applied to the relay block.2. The vehicle power controlling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:when a relay on reference voltage becomes ⅔ of the power voltage after the power control signal is applied, the relay on signal is applied to the relay block.3. The vehicle power controlling apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:when the difference between the relay on reference voltage and the power voltage is 0.8 V or less, the relay recognizing block recognizes the relay on.4. The vehicle power controlling apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:when the difference between the relay on reference voltage and the power voltage is 0.8 V or more, the relay recognizing block recognizes the relay off.5. A power controlling apparatus for a motor power steering system claim 2 , comprising:a power control signal receiving block configured to receive a power control signal;a dark current preventing block configured to prevent a power voltage from ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140177183A1

A supporting apparatus for support an object includes a base, a rotation shaft, and a holding structure. The base includes a first magnet. The rotation shaft is located on the base. The holding structure is rotatably connected to the base via the rotation shaft. The holding structure includes a second magnet corresponding to the first magnet. The first magnet and the second magnet are spaced from each other a predetermined distance. 1. A supporting apparatus , comprising:a base comprising a first magnet;a rotation shaft protruding from the base; anda holding structure rotatably connected to the base via the rotation shaft, wherein the holding structure comprises a second magnet corresponding to the first magnet, and the first magnet and the second magnet are spaced from each other a predetermined distance and are arranged exclusive from each other.2. The supporting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a driver claim 1 , a flexible printed circuit (FPC) board claim 1 , and a sensor located on the FPC board claim 1 , wherein the driver is electrically connected to the sensor via the FPC board and is configured to drive the holding structure to rotate relative to the base.3. The supporting apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the FPC board is located on the base claim 2 , the holding structure further comprises one or more magnetic members claim 2 , and the sensor is configured to sense the one or more magnetic members; when one of the one or more magnetic members is sensed by the sensor claim 2 , the sensor generates a command to control the driver to stop rotating the holding structure.4. The supporting apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the sensor is a Hall sensor generating the command when one of the one or more magnetic members is moved to a position corresponding to the Hall sensor.5. The supporting apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the base further comprises a guiding rail; when the holding structure is rotated relative to the ...
