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20-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2262748C2

Изобретение относится к системам передачи речи и, более конкретно, к системам для цифрового кодирования речи. Система сжатия речи обеспечивает кодирование речевого сигнала в поток битов для последующего декодирования для генерирования синтезированной речи, которая содержит кодек полной скорости, кодек половинной скорости, кодек одной четверти скорости и кодек одной восьмой скорости, которые селективно активизируются на основе выбора скорости. Кроме того, кодеки полной и половинной скорости селективно активизируются на основе классификации типа. Каждый кодек селективно активизируется для кодирования и декодирования речевого сигнала при различных скоростях передачи в битах, чтобы акцентировать различные аспекты речевого сигнала для повышения общего качества синтезированного речевого сигнала. Техническим результатом, достигаемым при реализации изобретения, является оптимизация ширины полосы, требуемой для потока битов путем компромисса между желательной средней скоростью передачи в битах и ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации

Устройство и способ повышения разборчивости речи для респираторной маски

Номер: RU2613273C2

В настоящем документе описано устройство повышения разборчивости речи и респираторные маски, содержащие устройство повышения разборчивости речи, а также способы повышения разборчивости передачи речи для пользователя респираторной маски. В одном или более воплощениях устройство и способы повышения разборчивости речи, описываемые в настоящем документе, обнаруживают акустическую энергию в пределах первого диапазона частот внутри чистого воздушного пространства респираторной маски и доставляют компенсирующую акустическую энергию наружу из этого чистого воздушного пространства с использованием динамика. В одном или более воплощениях указанная компенсирующая акустическая энергия обладает таким предварительно определенным профилем ослабления амплитуды, что компенсирующая акустическая энергия имеет амплитуду менее чем на 6 дБ больше, чем указанный профиль акустического ослабления корпуса маски по меньшей мере в 90% предварительно определенного диапазона ослабляемых частот. 2 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595889C1

Изобретение относится к обработке аудиосигналов и предназначено для для произвольных сдвигов частоты в области поддиапазонов. Технический результат - повышение качества воспроизведения аудиосигнала. Устройство для формирования сдвинутого по частоте аудиосигнала, основанного на входном аудиосигнале, содержит интерфейс и блок сдвига частоты. Интерфейс выполнен с возможностью получения входного аудиосигнала. Блок сдвига частоты выполнен с возможностью формирования сдвинутого по частоте аудиосигнала. Блок сдвига частоты дополнительно выполнен с возможностью формирования одного из значений второго поддиапазона на основе одного из значений первого поддиапазона так, что второй фазовый угол этого значения второго поддиапазона отличается от первого фазового угла этого значения первого поддиапазона на разность фазового угла, причем разность фазового угла зависит от частотной информации, указывающей, на какую разность частот должен быть сдвинут входной аудиосигнал для того, чтобы получить сдвинутый ...

21-02-2024 дата публикации

Система радиосвязи с шумоподобными сигналами

Номер: RU2814081C1

Изобретение относится к области радиосвязи. Техническим результатом является исключение влияния узкополосной помехи, превышающей по мощности полезный сигнал, на коэффициент усиления усилителя промежуточной частоты. Упомянутый технический результат достигается тем, что в систему радиосвязи с шумоподобными сигналами дополнительно введены: в передающую часть генератор гармонического сигнала (6), выход которого соединён с входом усилителя мощности (3); в приёмную часть последовательно соединённые узкополосный фильтр (8), усилительный блок (9), второй усилитель промежуточной частоты (10), логарифмический детектор/контроллер (13), усилитель постоянного тока (12) и фильтр нижних частот (11), а также регулируемый аттенюатор (15), второй вход которого соединён с выходом фильтра нижних частот, выход смесителя (14) соединен с входом узкополосного фильтра и первым входом регулируемого аттенюатора, выход которого соединён с входом первого усилителя промежуточной частоты (16). 2 ил.

17-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719419C1

Изобретение относится к средствам автоматической регулировки усиления (АРУ). Технический результат - создание способа АРУ с временным разделением каналов и устройства для его реализации, обеспечивающих высокоскоростной многоканальный прием пакетов данных с высоким уровнем точности входного сигнала для каждого отдельного канала. Для этого предложено устройство АРУ, которое содержит ВЧ блок, включающий многоуровневый ВЧ аттенюатор 2.1, ВЧ конвертор 2.2 и ПЧ аттенюатор 2.3, смеситель 2.4, цифровой процессор 2.5, блок приема основной полосы частот, включающий первый двухканальный УПУ 2.6, второй двухканальный УПУ 2.7, двухканальный ФНЧ 2.8, третий двухканальный УПУ 2.9, двухканальный АЦП 2.10, первый ЦАП 2.11, второй ЦАП 2.12, третий ЦАП 2.13. Цифровой процессор 2.5 включает блок оценки мощности I 2.14, блок оценки мощности Q 2.15, сумматор 2.16, по меньшей мере два блока усреднения: первый блок усреднения 2.17, второй блок усреднения 2.18, коммутатор 2.19, компаратор 2.20, блок основной логики ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720495C1

Изобретение относится к средствам для кодирования звукового сигнала. Технический результат заключается в повышении качества кодируемого звукового сигнала. Получают ряд сигналов анализируемых поддиапазонов из входного сигнала. Причем каждый сигнал анализируемого поддиапазона включает ряд комплекснозначных анализируемых дискретных значений, каждое из которых имеет фазу и амплитуду. Генерируют сигнал синтезируемого поддиапазона из сигналов анализируемых поддиапазонов с использованием коэффициента Q преобразования поддиапазонов и коэффициента S растягивания поддиапазонов, причем по меньшей мере один из коэффициентов Q и S больше единицы, посредством: формирования Y кадров, состоящих из L входных дискретных значений, при этом каждый кадр извлекают из указанного ряда комплекснозначных анализируемых дискретных значений в сигнале анализируемого поддиапазона, и длина кадра составляет L > 1; генерирования на основе Y соответствующих кадров входных дискретных значений, сформированных экстрактором ...

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009107093A

... 1. Устройство для обработки действительного сигнала поддиапазона (xk) совокупности действительных сигналов поддиапазона, которые представляют действительный сигнал дискретного времени x(n), генерируемый банком (50) фильтров анализа, содержащее !блок (10) взвешивания для взвешивания сигнала поддиапазона (xk) весовым коэффициентом (c1), определяемым для сигнала поддиапазона для получения сигнала (11) взвешенного поддиапазона, ! блок (12) определения корректировочного члена для вычисления корректировочного члена, причем блок определения корректировочного члена выполнен с возможностью вычисления корректировочного члена с использованием по меньшей мере одного сигнала другого поддиапазона (x1) и с использованием другого весового коэффициента (c1), обеспеченного для сигнала другого поддиапазона (x1), причем другой весовой коэффициент (c1) отличается от весового коэффициента (ck), и ! объединитель (13) для объединения сигнала взвешенного поддиапазона и корректировочного члена для получения скорректированного ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015105671A

... 1. Система, сконфигурированная для генерирования растянутого во времени и/или преобразованного по частоте сигнала из входного сигнала, причем система содержит:блок (101) анализирующих фильтров, сконфигурированный для получения некоторого количества Y≥1 сигналов анализируемых поддиапазонов из входного сигнала, где каждый сигнал анализируемого поддиапазона включает ряд комплекснозначных анализируемых дискретных значений, каждое из которых имеет фазу и амплитуду;модуль (102) обработки поддиапазонов, сконфигурированный для генерирования сигнала синтезируемого поддиапазона из Y сигналов анализируемых поддиапазонов с использованием коэффициента Q преобразования поддиапазонов и коэффициента S растягивания поддиапазонов, причем по меньшей мере один из коэффициентов Q и S больше единицы, где модуль (102) обработки поддиапазонов содержит:экстрактор (201) блоков, сконфигурированный для каждого из Y сигналов анализируемых поддиапазонов для:i) формирования кадра, состоящего из L входных дискретных значений ...

04-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002910093A1

23-06-1983 дата публикации

Circuit arrangement for generating an adjustable-volume audible signal

Номер: DE0003147916A1

The circuit arrangement enables step-by-step adjustment of the volume of an audible signal emitted by a loudspeaker (L), depending on control signals (S1 to Sn) emitted by a microcomputer (MR). The circuit arrangement contains a switching stage (S) which is connected on the input side to the outputs of an output component (P) of the microcomputer (MR) and which contains a switchable resistance network which enables adjustment of the amplification of a terminal amplifier (V) which amplifies an audio-frequency square-wave signal (T1) and forwards it to the loudspeaker (L). A binary logic element (U) is connected upstream from the amplifier (V), by means of which the square-wave signal (T1) can be blocked. ...

26-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001272144A

... 1,272,144. Pulse discriminating. PICKER CORP. 25 June, 1969 [25 June, 1968], No. 32088/69. Headings H3P and H3T. In a pulse height analyser for providing an output signal in response to an input signal having a maximum amplitude between predetermined lower and upper amplitude levels 32, 30 (Fig. 2a), first and second circuits 14, 12 respond to the input signal respectively to provide first and second signals 34, 36 when the input signal amplitude exceeds the lower and upper levels respectively, a bi-stable circuit 20 has an output " O," 38 which changes from a first level to a second level only in response to successive first and second signals at its inputs T, R and which remains at the second level until returned to the first level in response to a succeeding first signal input, a gating circuit 24 produces a final output signal 40 in response to termination of a first signal 34 only when the bi-stable output is at its first level and this final output signal is sustained until the gate ...

18-07-2001 дата публикации

Portable terminal device for controlling received voice level and transmitted voice level

Номер: GB0002336073B

25-05-1983 дата публикации

Electronic appliances

Номер: GB0002109149A

The operation of an electronic appliance, such as a cassette tape deck, is controlled completely or partially by switch operation. The appliance includes a memory for storage of control information, setting devices, such as switches, for entering the control information, a memory lock or latch for controlling the operating state of the appliance based on the control information supplied from the memory or from the setting devices to the memory lock, and for locking the appliance into such operating state, a display arrangement adapted for display of the setting information and for display of the information in the memory lock, and a setting change display indicator. The setting information stored in the memory can be checked by actuating a check switch, which causes the setting information stored in the memory to be displayed without affecting the operating state in which the appliance is locked. When the operating state is changed by a setting operation while the information previously ...

25-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001474722A

... 1474722 Transistor gating circuits SONY CORP 22 July 1974 [24 July 1973] 32361/74 Heading H3T [Also in Division H1] A switching circuit comprises a field effect transistor (FET) having a PN junction in series with the gate and a control electrode connected to the region of the pair defining the junction furthest from the channel region, there being switching means connected to the control electrode for selectively applying a bias voltage thereto. In Fig. 1 the FET is a JUGFET 19, the above-mentioned PN junction being provided by an N type region 3 within the P type gate region 2. When switch 43 is closed a negative charge is stored in region 2, reverse biasing the gate junction and pinching off the channel region 38. A current source 49 is connected to an electrode 8 on a P type emitter region 4, and when the switch 43 is opened charges injected from the region 4 are collected by, and thus discharge, the region 2. This results in the gradual switching-on of the JUGFET 19 with a time constant ...

20-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002091054B
Принадлежит: PHILIPS NV

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Synchronised control

Номер: GB0002533831A

A means for controlling the volume level of multiple devices during media playback. The invention comprises a transmitter and receiver pair. The transmitter 201 is configured to; receive audio data from a source; generate volume control data; couple the volume control data and audio data into a packet; wirelessly 100 broadcast the packet. The receiver 202 is configured to; wirelessly 100 receive the broadcast packet; determine the volume level for playing the audio data; outputting the audio data at the determined volume level. It is implicitly disclosed that the volume control data and audio data are uncoupled by the receiver. The hub device 201 may comprise a user interface 203. The broadcast may be uni-directional. The wireless communication may be via Bluetooth (RTM), with the broadcast being a connectionless slave broadcast. The volume may be represented in dB, dBm, dBfs or dBv. The volume control data may be generated based upon user input.

01-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001475205A

... 1475205 Gain control RFT MESSELEKTRONIK "OTTO SCHON" DRESDEN VEB 5 Feb 1975 [1 April 1974] 4887/75 Heading H3T The gain of a transitor Tr1 which receives an input current Ix and produces an output current Iz depends exponentially on a control voltage Uy applied to the emitters of Tr1 and Tr3 a current equal to the collector current of T3 being supplied to the collector Tr1 by a circuit designated "current mirror". So long as Ix is zero, the collector currents of Tr1 and Tr3 are equal so there is no net output current Iz. A non-zero Ix biases Tr2 to produce a logarithmically related base emitter voltage on Tr2. When Uy is zero, the same base emitter voltage is applied to Tr3 which therefore produces an output current proportional to Ix. When a non-zero Uy is applied the base emitter voltage of Tr1 changes proportionally and the gain changes exponentially. Examples of conventional "current mirrors" which give out currents equal to that put in are given, Fig. 4 (not shown). To control the ...

08-08-1979 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to integrated wide-band differential amplifiers

Номер: GB0002013431A
Автор: Kriedt, Hans

Circuit arrangement for the compensation of leakage currents in control elements used for wide band amplifiers, said control elements including two transistors whose bases and collectors are respectively directly connected to one another, whose emitters form the resistor connections and in whose bases a control current is fed. A further identical control element is provided into which such a current is fed that a control current with the value required for the control process flows over its control branch; the control branch of this control element being connected to the control branch of the control element lying in the wide band amplifier for the purpose of feeding in the same control current.

25-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001603592A

01-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001502672A

... 1502672 Gain control circuit SONY CORP 3 April 1975 [4 April 1974] 13758/75 Heading H4R A gain control circuit in which gain is controlled by the current taken by a current sink comprises two cascaded amplifiers with the first stages 11, 12 connected in common to a first current sink 15 and the second stages 13, 14 connected in common to a second current sink 16, input SA being taken differentially to the first stage and output 18, 19 from the second stage: across the outputs of the first stage, that is the inputs of the second stage, is connected a device 10 comprising three regions (Fig. 1, not shown) of semi-conductor of alternating conductivity type, each region having a terminal, the first region including a potential barrier of energy higher than that of the minority carriers injected from the second region and within their diffusion distance from the junction; the first and third regions are connected across the outputs, the second region being taken to the power supply. The device ...

01-07-2020 дата публикации

Dynamic gain controller

Номер: GB0202007459D0

25-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358100B

15-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA986074A

15-01-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA235281A

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA872677A

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000434905T

15-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000986074A

15-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208979A

11-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000377133B

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000310076A

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000134462T

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000136173T

15-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000872677A

10-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342664B

05-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000580194B2

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003275072A1

03-03-2003 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for protecting devices in an rf power amplifier

Номер: AU2002327455A1

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for a tinnitus therapy

Номер: AU2014302193A1

The treatment of tinnitus may include a tinnitus therapy including generating a tinnitus therapy sound that is similar to a patient's perceived tinnitus sound. In one example, a method for generating a tinnitus adjusted sound may include presenting a plurality of different sound templates to a user from a series of tinnitus therapy sound templates, receiving a selection by the user of one or more of the templates, receiving an adjustment to one or more of the selected templates, and generating a therapy sound based on the adjusted selections.

18-09-1996 дата публикации

Cmos programmable resistor-based transconductor

Номер: AU0005172496A

24-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002790650C

An apparatus for modifying an audio signal comprises a filterbank processor, a fundamental determiner, an overtone determiner, a signal processor and a combiner. The filterbank processor generates a plurality of bandpass signals based on an audio signal and the fundamental determiner selects a bandpass signal of the plurality of bandpass signals to obtain a fundamental bandpass signal. Further, the overtone determiner identifies a bandpass signal of the plurality of bandpass signals fulfilling an overtone criterion regarding the selected fundamental bandpass signal to obtain an overtone bandpass signal associated to the selected fundamental bandpass signal. The signal processor modifies the selected fundamental bandpass signal based on a predefined modification target. Additionally, the signal processor modifies an identified overtone bandpass signal associated to the selected fundamental bandpass signal depending on the modification of the selected fundamental bandpass signal. Further, ...

12-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA1209651A

LOGARITHMIC DIGITALLY VARIABLE GAIN CONTROLLED AMPLIFIER An integratable amplifier circuit is provided including a current generator section, a digital control section and a variable gain amplifier section. The integratable amplifier circuit is compatible with the bipolar process and can be included on an integrated circuit, such as one performing receiver and audio functions. The current generator section produces a biasing current which is applied to a digital control section which divides the biasing current according to a binary input signal to produce a control current equal to a predetermined fraction of the biasing current, corresponding to a predetermined logarithmic attenuation. The control current is applied to a control input of the variable gain amplifier section to vary the gain thereof in logarithmic steps.

17-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1010371A

23-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001286735C

An internal impedance dependent amplifier has a gain as determined by the impedance at a predetermined node within the amplifier. A PIN diode is coupled to the predetermined node. The PIN diode is driven with a forward biased current which serves as the accurate gain control (AGC) signal for the amplifer. In the preferred embodiment, the PIN diode is driven by an operational amplifier in such a manner that the impedance thus coupled to the predetemrined node in the amplifier is temperature independent. Becuase the PIN diode has an impedance given by: log R = A + B log Ip, where R is the impedance of the PIN diode; Ip is the forward biasing current; and A and B constants which are different for each PIN diode, the AGC voltage applied to the operational amplifier driving the PIN diode is linear with respect to the impedance of the PIN diode and hence the voltage gain of the impedance controlled amplifier to which the PIN diode is coupled. This characteristic of the gain of the amplifier allows ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002533852A1

A system is described for maintaining synchrony of operations among a plurality of devices hat have independent clocking arrangements. The system includes a task distribution device that distributes tasks to a synchrony group comprising a plurality of devices that are to perform the tasks distributed by the task distribution device in synchrony. The task distribution device distributes each task to the members of the synchrony group over a network. Each task is associated with a time stamp that indicates a time, relative to a clock maintained by the task distribution device, at which the members of the synchrony group are to execute the task. Each member of the synchrony group periodically obtains from the task distribution device an indication of the current time indicated by its clock, determines a time differential between the task distribution device's clock and its respective clock and determines therefrom a time at which, according to its respective clock, the time stamp indicates ...

28-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001100201A1

14-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002841646C

A personal sound processing apparatus is disclosed that comprises an earphone; a microphone; an electronic sound processor connected between an automatic gain controller (AGC) and a digital volume controller, an automated feedback tracker operatively connected to the microcontroller, and an audio signal amplifier to amplify audio signals which level is controlled by the digital volume controller. The microcontroller is configured to execute electronic instructions for recognizing at least one of a feedback noise condition and a background noise condition in the audio signals and to send a control signal to the digital volume controller to adjust volume level in response to presence of the at least one of the feedback noise condition and the background noise condition.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002861299A1

An arrangement of overlapping filter banks comprises a synthesis stage and an analysis stage. The synthesis stage receives a first signal segmented into time blocks and outputs, based thereon, an intermediate signal to be received by the analysis stage forming the basis for the computation of a second signal segmented into time frames. In an embodiment, the synthesis stage is operable to release an approximate value of the intermediate signal in a time block located L - 1 time blocks ahead of its output block, which approximate value is computed on the basis of any available time blocks of the first signal, so that the approximate value contributes, in the analysis stage, to the second signal. The delay is typically reduced by L - 1 blocks. Applications include audio signal processing in general and real -to-complex conversion in particular.

18-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002854086C

The present invention provides methods and systems for narrow bandwidth digital processing of an input audio signal. Particularly, the present invention includes a high pass filter configured to filter the input audio signal. A first compressor then modulates the filtered signal in order to create a partially processed signal. In some embodiments, a clipping module further limits the gain of the partially processed signal. A splitter is configured to split the partially processed signal into a first signal and a second signal. A low pass filter is configured to filter the first signal. A pass through module is configured to adjust the gain of the second signal. A mixer then combines the filtered first signal and the gain-adjusted second signal in order to output a combined signal. In some embodiments, a tone control module further processes the combined signal, and a second compressor further modulates the processed signal.

21-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002031580A1

15-06-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000576726A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

15-03-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000409443A

15-04-1963 дата публикации

Appareil pour la fabrication d'objets creux renforcés, notamment de bouteilles

Номер: CH0000368617A
Принадлежит: PLAX AG

30-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000646555A5

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000681126A5
Принадлежит: PHONAK AG

14-10-2015 дата публикации

Ultrasonic speaker system

Номер: CN0103997702B

28-06-2019 дата публикации

With the control data for the audio data of the package of radio broadcast apparatus and method

Номер: CN0107431859B

07-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002425768A1

31-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002416589A

L'invention concerne un montage pour compenser des courants de perte provoqués par des transistors parasites. Ce montage contenant un amplificateur différentiel à deux transistors 30, 31 comporte deux résistances dynamiques 24, 24a comportant deux branches de commande 23, 23a, dont l'une 24a est chargée par un courant 21N tel qu'il s'écoule un courant de réglage I R ayant la valeur nécessaire dans la branche de commande 23a, avec couplage des deux branches de commande 23, 23a en vue d'injecter le même courant de réglage IR dans l'autre branche de commande 23. Application notamment aux amplificateurs différentiels à large bande.

18-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002290087B1

29-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002515388A


29-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002391592B1

29-07-1930 дата публикации

Improvements with the circuits of connection between phonographic pick-ups and amplifiers

Номер: FR0000686667A

17-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002959077B1

03-06-1966 дата публикации

Tape recorder with multiple tracks

Номер: FR0000088200E

26-05-1978 дата публикации

Apparatus using a programmable attenuator activated switch field effect transistors

Номер: FR0002369741A1

28-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002290087A1

01-06-1979 дата публикации

Electronic linear attenuator or amplifier - comprising logarithmic and exponential function generators in series

Номер: FR0002408242A1

31-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002416589A1

20-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101980070B1

01-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020140116152A

04-01-1995 дата публикации

Номер: KR19950002232A

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Audio Signal Processing Method And Electronic Device supporting the same

Номер: KR1020130123593A

26-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120128140A

01-06-2018 дата публикации

Programmable-gain amplifier

Номер: TWI625933B

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002005013047A3

A system for maintaining synchronous operation execution among a plurality of devices that have independent clocking arrangements. The system includes a task distribution device (11) that distributes tasks to synchrony group members (15) over a network (12). Each task (51) is associated with a time stamp (60) that indicates a time, relative to a clock (43) maintained by the task distribution device (11), at which the synchrony group members (15) are to execute the task. Synchrony group members (15) periodically obtain current time indications from the task distribution device's clock (43), determine a time differential between the task distribution device's clock (43) and its respective clock, and then use the differential and time stamp to determine an execution time of the task based on its respective clock.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208916A1

The invention relates to a speaker enclosure comprising at least two channels, wherein a first and second channel are respectively dedicated to separate and adjacent first and second frequency bands, each of said channels including a filtering stage supplied by the control signal and a speaker unit, wherein said speaker enclosure is characterized in that said channels also include means for simultaneously: disconnecting the first channel from the control signal; and modifying the filtering stage of the second channel so as to modify the frequency response thereof. 1. A speaker system comprising at least two channel , wherein a first and a second channels are respectively dedicated to a first and a second different and adjacent frequency bands , each of these channels comprising a filtering stage supplied with the control signal and a driver , characterized in that they also comprise means for simultaneously:disconnecting the first channel from the control signal;modifying the filtering stage of the second channel to modify its frequency response, by displacing the cut-off frequency of the second channel towards the frequency band dedicated to the first channel.2. The speaker system of claim 1 , wherein the modification of the frequency response comprises modifying the tonal balance on all or part of the bandwidth.3. The speaker system of claim 1 , wherein the second frequency band has a high cut-off frequency higher than the high cut-off frequency of the first band.4. The speaker system of claim 1 , wherein the second frequency band has a low cut-off frequency lower than the low cut-off frequency of the first band.5. The speaker system of claim 3 , characterized in that the filtering stage of the second channel comprises a high-pass filter claim 3 , with a low cut-off frequency Fand in that the modified filtering stage of the second channel comprises a high-pass filter with a low cut-off frequency Fsmaller than F.6. The speaker system of claim 5 , characterized in ...

30-10-1934 дата публикации

Номер: US0001979035A1

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Obtaining and transmitting audio

Номер: US0009733893B2
Принадлежит: Sonos, Inc., SONOS INC, Sonos, Inc

A system is described for maintaining synchrony of operations among a plurality of devices that have independent clocking arrangements. The system includes a task distribution device that distributes tasks to a synchrony group comprising a plurality of devices that are to perform the tasks distributed by the task distribution device in synchrony. The task distribution device distributes each task to the members of the synchrony group over a network. Each task is associated with a time stamp that indicates a time, relative to a clock maintained by the task distribution device, at which the members of the synchrony group are to execute the task. Each member of the synchrony group periodically obtains from the task distribution device an indication of the current time indicated by its clock, determines a time differential between the task distribution device's clock and its respective clock and determines therefrom a time at which, according to its respective clock, the time stamp indicates ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US2014216448A1

Speech enhancement apparatus and respirator masks including speech enhancement apparatus, as well as methods of enhancing speech transmission for the wearer of a respirator mask are described herein. In one or more embodiments, the speech enhancement apparatus and methods described herein detect acoustic energy within a first frequency range in the clean air envelope of a respirator mask and deliver compensating acoustic energy outside of the clean air envelope using a speaker. The compensating acoustic energy, in one or more embodiments, exhibits a predetermined attenuated amplitude profile such that the compensating acoustic energy has an amplitude less than 6 dB greater than the acoustic attenuation profile of the mask body over at least 90% of a predetermined attenuated frequency range.

12-05-2015 дата публикации

Overlay class F choke

Номер: US0009030256B2

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to an overlay class F choke of a radio frequency (RF) power amplifier (PA) stage and an RF PA amplifying transistor of the RF PA stage. The overlay class F choke includes a pair of mutually coupled class F inductive elements, which are coupled in series between a PA envelope power supply and a collector of the RF PA amplifying transistor. In one embodiment of the RF PA stage, the RF PA stage receives and amplifies an RF stage input signal to provide an RF stage output signal using the RF PA amplifying transistor. The collector of the RF PA amplifying transistor provides the RF stage output signal. The PA envelope power supply provides an envelope power supply signal to the overlay class F choke. The envelope power supply signal provides power for amplification.

27-02-2007 дата публикации

Level shifter with boost and attenuation programming

Номер: US0007183832B1

A level shifter circuit includes a bias module that receives a first voltage value, that generates a second voltage value when an operational frequency of the level shifter circuit is less than a threshold, and that generates a third voltage value when the operational frequency is greater than or equal to the threshold. A programmable gain module generates a fourth voltage value based on the second voltage value when the operational frequency is less than the threshold and based on the third voltage value when the operational frequency is greater than or equal to the threshold. The bias module includes a load module that receives the first voltage value and that generates the second voltage value and a bypass module that receives the first voltage value and that generates the third voltage value. A gain value of the programmable gain module determines a voltage gain of the level shifter circuit.

20-01-1982 дата публикации

Gain control circuit for a plurality of cascade-coupled amplifying stages

Номер: EP0000003509B1
Автор: Paulke, Bodo, Walz, Alfred

17-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: JP0056164609A

PURPOSE: To decrease the occupying area of the circuit, by simplifying the gain adjusting circuit and making the circuit low in the power consumption, through the input of an output signal divided by a resistor division consisting of variable resistors and a fixed resistor to the inverting input terminal of an operational amplifier. CONSTITUTION: A feedback loop of an operational amplifier 6 is provided with variable resistors consisting of polysilicon fuses F11∼F13 and resistors R11∼R13 and a fixed resistor R10, and the gain is changed by changing the resistance value of the variable resistor. In the variable resistor, the resistance value with 8 values in the increment of ΔR, can be selected through the combination of the blown fuse, by ΔR(where; =R11-R11/Rf is the resistance value of the fuses F11∼F13) in case of the blown fuse F11 by 2ΔR in case of the blown fuse F12 and by 4ΔR in case of blown F13. COPYRIGHT: (C)1981,JPO&Japio ...

13-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: JP0056146311A

PURPOSE: To ensure a simple and accurate control work for matching gains, by displaying through a displaying circuit the state under which an accurate matching is given to the gain at a BTL circuit. CONSTITUTION: The signal of one input terminal IN1 is delivered to the output terminal OUT1 via a nonreverse type low-output amplifier A; while the signal of the other input terminal IN2 is delivered to the output terminal OUT2 via a reverse- type large-output amplifier -B. The load RL such as a speaker or the like plus the serial resistors R1 and R2 for detection of intermediate potential are connected between both output terminals, and the voltage at the middle point A of connection is compared with the reference voltage by a comparator COMP to discriminate or detect whether the voltage is within or out of the allowable level. Thus the output of comparison is supplied to the displaying circuit DIS. When the voltage at the point A is set to zero by controlling the variable resistor VR which ...

19-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: JP0055039406A

PURPOSE: To obtain a fading device which can be suitably applied to the stereo device or the like using a reduced amount of dispersion for the ON time constant of the photo coupler and interms of both the fade-in and fade-out actions. CONSTITUTION: In the normal state, photo coupler 10 and relay 11 are operating, and the input signal sent from terminal 8 is delivered to terminal 9 via the contact of relay 11 with no attenuation. For the fade-out action, voltage A of terminal 14 is attenuated gradually along with voltage B of terminal 15 being given the rise gradually. At the same time, the signal voltage supplied from terminal 8 is divided by the resistances of couplers 10 and 12 to be delivered to terminal 9 when relay 11 is turned off. The variation of the output signal is decided almost by the resistance change of coupler 12, i.e., the ON time constant. When the signal output of terminal 9 features almost zero, relay 13 is driven to turn the output zero completely. The action of the ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2591733C2
Автор: ДИШ Саша (DE)

Изобретение относится к акустике, в частности к устройствам для модификации звукового сигнала, и содержит определитель формы огибающей, процессор банка фильтров, процессор сигнала, объединитель и формирователь огибающей. Определитель формы огибающей вычисляет коэффициенты формирования огибающей звукового сигнала, процессор банка фильтров обеспечивает полосовую фильтрацию, процессор сигнала корректирует сигнал с ограниченной полосой частот. Затем множество сигналов с заданными частотными поддиапазона объединяются, чтобы получить звуковой сигнал временного интервала. Формирователь огибающей генерирует огибающую звукового сигнала с учетом коэффициентов формирования огибающей. При этом определитель формы огибающей сконфигурирован, чтобы определить коэффициенты формирования огибающей на основе предсказания частоты. Преобразователь огибающей состоит из преобразователя коэффициентов и множителя. Процессор банка фильтров содержит фильтр с предсказанием, блок вычитания сигнала и банк фильтров, а ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2551817C2

Изобретение относится к системам кодирования источников звукового сигнала. Технический результат состоит в эффективной реализации высокочастотной реконструкции (HFR) путем усиления перекрестными произведениями, где новая составляющая с частотой QΩ+rΩгенерируется на основе существующих составляющих с частотами Ω и Ω+Ω. Для этого предусмотрено гармоническое преобразование на основе блока поддиапазонов, где временной блок комплекснозначных дискретных значений поддиапазонов обрабатывается путем общеизвестной модификации фаз. Суперпозиция нескольких модифицированных дискретных значений дает результирующий эффект ограничения нежелательных комбинационных составляющих, посредством чего делается возможным использование более грубой разрешающей способности по частоте и/или меньшей степени передискретизации. В одном из вариантов осуществления изобретение дополнительно содержит оконную функцию, пригодную для использования с HFR на основе блока поддиапазонов, усиленной перекрестными произведениями.

17-01-2020 дата публикации

Цифровое устройство формирования огибающей выходных сигналов передатчиков радиолокационных систем

Номер: RU2711507C2

Изобретение относится к радиоэлектронике. Технический результат изобретения - обеспечение цифровой регулировки формы огибающей выходных радиоимпульсов передатчиков радиолокационных систем. Для этого предложено цифровое устройство формирования огибающей выходных сигналов передатчиков радиолокационных систем, которое представляет собой устройство, используемое совместно с усилителем мощности передатчика, включающее в себя входной аналоговый фильтр низких частот, аналогово-цифровой преобразователь, вычислительный блок, детектор частоты, цифро-аналоговый преобразователь, выходной аналоговый фильтр низких частот и буферный усилитель. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2273949C2

Изобретение относится к схемам связи для регулировки усиления усилителей с переменным усилением (УПУ). Технический результат заключается в повышении линейности в дБ передаточной функции усиления. Преобразованный управляющий сигнал подается на первую схему (входной каскад фиг.8) линеаризатора, который генерирует набор экспоненциально связанных сигналов, например, с помощью дифференциального усилителя (ДУ), коллекторные токи транзисторов которого содержат экспоненциально связанные сигналы. Вторая схема (выходной каскад) в линеаризаторе выполнена на ДУ и получает на один из входов и в его общую точку экспоненциально связанные сигналы первой схемы и в ответ генерирует сигнал управления усилением. Путем приближенного согласования второй схемы с усилительным каскадом УПУ и с использованием сигнала управления усилением, генерируемого второй схемой, передаточная функция усиления УПУ аппроксимирует соответствующую характеристику экспоненциально связанных сигналов. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

20-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2060588C1

Использование: радиотехника, прием сигналов УКВ - радиостанций. Сущность изобретения: автомобильный радиоприемник содержит тюнер 1, эквалайзер 2, усилитель низкой частоты 3 с переключаемым коэффициентом усиления и декодер 4. При приеме обычной радиопередачи амплитудно - частотная характеристика эквалайзера имеет подъем в области низких и высоких частот в рабочем диапазоне частот, при приеме дорожной информации повышается уровень звука при воспроизведении и происходит переключение эквалайзера на линейную амплитудно - частотную характеристику. 2 з. п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

03-12-2018 дата публикации

Приёмник с аудио выходом

Номер: RU0000185379U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам, удовлетворяющим жизненные потребности человека, в частности к способам и устройствам, обеспечивающих людей с дефектами слуха возможностью замены прямого слухового восприятия другим видом восприятия, в частности предназначена для трансляции аудиоинформации от телевизора, музыкального центра или другого звуковоспроизводящего устройства и получение по радиоканалу сигналов от различных датчиков. Техническим результатом является возможность трансляции аудиоинформации от звуковоспроизводящих устройств и получение по радиоканалу сигналов от различных датчиков путём подсоединения в «разрыв» приемника по отношению к звуковоспроизводящим устройствам. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что приёмник оснащен темброблоком с регуляторами частоты, антенна выполнена встроенной и соединена с радиомодулем, который соединен с микроконтроллером, соединенный с кнопкой меню. Приемник оснащен блоком управления светодиодами, соединенным с блоком светодиодов. Блок схема приёмника имеет блок «Mute», регуляторы ВЧ, НЧ и громкости, операционные усилители, линейные входы, линейный выход, микрофонный вход, микрофонный усилитель, оптический вход, приемник с декодером S/PDIF, цифроаналоговый преобразователь. При этом блок-схема оснащена блоком питания, контактом для адаптера питания и расположена в корпусе, оснащенном крышкой со световодом по периметру. На гранях корпуса выполнены: кнопка настройки, элемент настройки громкости, элементы настройки тембров высокой частоты и низкой частоты, разъем питания, разъем S/PDIF, микрофонный вход, линейный вход 1, линейный вход 2 и линейный выход. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 185 379 U1 (51) МПК H03G 3/00 (2006.01) H04B 1/16 (2006.01) H04R 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H03G 3/00 (2018.08); H04B 1/16 (2018.08); H04R 25/00 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018126839, 21.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия ...

25-12-2018 дата публикации

Устройство управления СВЧ усилителя

Номер: RU0000185932U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области электротехнических устройств, а именно к устройствам регулирования коэффициента усиления усилителей. Техническим результатом предлагаемого решения является достижение возможности регулировки выходной мощности СВЧ усилителя с высоким быстродействием. Технической проблемой решаемой предлагаемой полезной моделью является расширение функциональных возможностей СВЧ усилителя путем регулирования его выходной мощности с высоким быстродействием. Устройство управления СВЧ усилителя содержит цифровое устройство управления (1) и N каналов. Каждый канал содержит усилитель (2), (7), (12), (17), световод (3), (8), (13), (18), устройство управления силовым ключом (4), (9), (14), (19); силовой ключ (5), (10), (15), (20). Первый канал содержит источник отрицательного напряжения (6), а каналы со второго по N-й - источники положительного напряжения (11), (16), (21). 1 з.п. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 185 932 U1 (51) МПК H03G 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H03G 3/00 (2006.01); H03F 3/00 (2006.01); H03G 5/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018127979, 30.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 25.12.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 25.12.2018 Бюл. № 36 Адрес для переписки: 140180, Московская обл., г. Жуковский, Гагарина, 3, Акционерное общество "Научноисследовательский институт приборостроения имени В.В. Тихомирова" B1, 13.01.2009. US 6388530 B1, 14.05.2002. RU 125791 U1, 10.03.2013. RU 172828 U1, 26.07.2017. U 1 1 8 5 9 3 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6069528, 30.05.2000. US 7477102 (54) Устройство управления СВЧ усилителя (57) Реферат: Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области электротехнических устройств, а именно к устройствам регулирования коэффициента усиления усилителей. Техническим результатом предлагаемого решения является достижение возможности регулировки выходной ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Amplifier gain adjustment in response to reduced supply voltage

Номер: US20120049961A1
Принадлежит: Skyworks Solutions Inc

A power amplifier gain control system that monitors power supply voltage and changes the gain of the amplifier in response to changes in supply voltage. In systems subject to changes in supply voltage, such as in a battery powered system, the supply voltage can change over time. Reductions in the supply voltage may force the amplifier out of linear operation. A detector circuit compares the supply voltage in relation to one or more threshold values to determine if the supply voltage is less than a minimum nominal voltage. In response to the supply voltage falling below the minimal nominal voltage, amplifier gain is reduced to maintain amplifier linearity. A second threshold may be utilized in the comparison to the supply voltage when transitioning to the original gain level to prevent oscillation. A latching may be provided to prevent gain changes during active transmit periods.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20120117200A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system is described for maintaining synchrony of operations among a plurality of devices having independent clocking arrangements. A task distribution device is to distribute tasks to a synchrony group comprising a plurality of devices to perform tasks distributed by the task distribution device in synchrony. The task distribution device distributes each task to synchrony group members over a network. Each task is associated with a time stamp that indicates a time, relative to a clock maintained by the task distribution device, at which synchrony group members are to execute the task. Each synchrony group member periodically obtains from the task distribution device an indication of current time indicated by its clock, determines a time differential between the task distribution device's clock and its respective clock and determines therefrom a time at which, according to its respective clock, the time stamp indicates that it is to execute the task.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Improved control of switcher regulated power amplifier modules

Номер: US20120122411A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

Various embodiments described herein relate to a power management block and an amplification block used in the transmitter of a communication subsystem. The power management block provides improved control for the gain control signal provided to a pre-amplifier and the supply voltage provided to a power amplifier which are both in the amplification block. The power expended by the power amplifier is optimized by employing a continuous control method in which one or more feedback loops are employed to take into account various characteristics of the transmitter components and control values.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20120192071A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system is described for maintaining synchrony of operations among a plurality of devices having independent clocking arrangements. A task distribution device is to distribute tasks to a synchrony group comprising a plurality of devices to perform tasks distributed by the task distribution device in synchrony. The task distribution device distributes each task to synchrony group members over a network. Each task is associated with a time stamp that indicates a time, relative to a clock maintained by the task distribution device, at which synchrony group members are to execute the task. Each synchrony group member periodically obtains from the task distribution device an indication of current time indicated by its clock, determines a time differential between the task distribution device's clock and its respective clock and determines there from a time at which, according to its respective clock, the time stamp indicates that it is to execute the task.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Audio-signal correction apparatus, audio-signal correction method and audio-signal correction program

Номер: US20120226372A1
Автор: Masami Nakamura
Принадлежит: JVCKenwood Corp

Sequential digital audio signals are received to calculate a difference between each currently sampled digital audio signal and another digital audio signal sampled at one sampling period before each currently sampled digital audio signal. Differences for the sequential digital audio signals are stored. The number of digital audio signals consecutively clipped is counted in the received sequential digital audio signals. A specific difference is retrieved, from the stored differences, for a digital audio signal sampled at a specific number of sampling periods before each clipped digital audio signal. The specific number of sampling periods is determined based on the counted number of digital audio signals consecutively clipped. Each clipped digital audio signal is corrected based on the specific difference.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Power amplifier with low noise figure and voltage variable gain

Номер: US20130093520A1
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

The object of the present invention is a low noise figure amplifier with a variable gain which comprises a cascode amplification stage comprising, serially mounted, a low-voltage MOSFET transistor installed as a common source followed by a bipolar transistor with high breakdown voltage installed as a common base. A resistor is placed between the bipolar transistor's collector and the grid of the cascode stage's MOSFET transistor, and the cascode stage is electrically powered through a choke.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20130094670A1
Принадлежит: Sonos Inc

An audio information source interface that receives first audio information from an audio information source directly connected to the audio playback device; an ADC configured to sample the first audio information; a network interface configured to connect the audio playback device to a network and to receive packets from the network containing second audio information and playback timing information from a network audio information source; a DAC for generating an analog audio signal based on either the first or second audio information; an audio amplifier interconnected with the DAC and configured to amplify the audio signal; an audio reproduction device interface interconnected with the audio amplifier; and, a control module configured to receive commands via the network interface and to provide to the DAC one of the first or second audio information.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099861A1
Автор: Zhang Gang
Принадлежит: HUAWEI DEVICE CO., LTD.

A method and an apparatus for controlling a transmit signal of a radio frequency power amplifier are provided. The method includes: adjusting a power supply voltage of the power amplifier to an efficiency point power supply voltage under designated transmit power; querying correspondence between an input voltage and transmit power at each power level under the efficiency point power supply voltage; and adjusting, according to the correspondence, an input voltage to an input voltage corresponding to the designated transmit power. The embodiments of the present invention, the power amplifier is enabled to work at an optimum efficiency point while the transmit power of the power amplifier is under control, which improves efficiency of the power amplifier. 1. A method for controlling a transmit signal of a radio frequency power amplifier , comprising:adjusting, a power supply voltage of a power amplifier to an efficiency point power supply voltage of the power amplifier under designated transmit power;querying, correspondence between an input voltage and transmit power at each power level under the efficiency point power supply voltage; andadjusting, an input voltage of the power amplifier to an input voltage corresponding to the designated transmit power, according to the correspondence under the power supply voltage.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein before the adjusting the power supply voltage of the power amplifier to the efficiency point power supply voltage of the power amplifier under the designated transmit power claim 1 , the method further comprises:obtaining an adjusting range of the power supply voltage of the power amplifier; anddetecting correspondence between the input voltage and the transmit power at each power level under different power supply voltages within the adjusting range.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the adjusting the input voltage of the power amplifier to the input voltage corresponding to the designated transmit ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Device and Method for Processing a Real Subband Signal for Reducing Aliasing Effects

Номер: US20130108077A1
Автор: EDLER Bernd, POPP Harald

In order to process a subband signal of a plurality of real subband signals which are a representation of a real discrete-time signal generated by an analysis filter bank, a weighter for weighting a subband signal by a weighting factor determined for the subband signal is provided to obtain a weighted subband signal. In addition, a correction term is calculated by a correction term determiner, the correction term determiner being implemented to calculate the correction term using at least one other subband signal and using another weighting factor provided for the other subband signal, the two weighting factors differing. The correction term is then combined with the weighted subband signal to obtain a corrected subband signal, resulting in reduced aliasing, even if subband signals are weighted to a different extent. 1. A device for processing a real subband signal of a plurality of real subband signals which are a representation of a real discrete-time signal generated by an analysis filter bank , comprising:a weighter for weighting the subband signal by a weighting factor determined for the subband signal to achieve a weighted subband signal;a correction term determiner for calculating a correction term, the correction term determiner being implemented to calculate the correction term using at least one other subband signal and using another weighting factor provided for the other subband signal, the other weighting factor differing from the weighting factor; anda combiner for combining the weighted subband signal and the correction term to achieve a corrected subband signal.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the correction term determiner is implemented to generate the correction term in dependence on a difference of the weighting factor of the subband signal and the other weighting factors for the further subband signal.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the correction term determiner is implemented to determine the correction term in ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130114820A1

A method of emulating a sound of an audio apparatus by using a sound emulation apparatus includes obtaining k past samples (where k is a natural number that is equal to or greater than 1) by delaying a current sample of an audio signal; applying a plurality of characteristic functions indicating an input/output relationship of the audio apparatus to the current sample and the k past samples, respectively; and adding the current sample and the k past samples, to which the plurality of characteristic functions have been applied, respectively, to generate an emulation sound of the audio apparatus. 1. A method of emulating a sound of an audio apparatus by using a sound emulation apparatus , the method comprising:obtaining k past samples (where k is a natural number that is equal to or greater than 1) by delaying a current sample of an audio signal;applying a plurality of characteristic functions indicating an input/output relationship of the audio apparatus to the current sample and the k past samples, respectively; andadding the current sample and the k past samples, to which the plurality of characteristic functions have been applied, respectively, to generate an emulation sound of the audio apparatus.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtaining of the k past samples comprises obtaining the k past samples by inputting the current sample to k delay modules.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein k is a natural number that is equal to or greater than 2 claim 1 , andwherein the obtaining of the k past samples comprises obtaining a first past sample by inputting the current sample to a delay module and obtaining a second past sample by inputting the first past sample to the delay module.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein k is a natural number that is equal to or greater than 2 claim 1 , andwherein the obtaining of the k past samples comprises obtaining a first past sample by inputting the current sample to a first delay module and obtaining a second past sample by ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Sigma-Delta Modulator Approach to Increased Volume Resolution in Audio Output Stages

Номер: US20130120060A1
Автор: Sebastian Loeda
Принадлежит: Dialog Semiconductor GmbH

A variable gain analog amplifier is described that uses pulse-density modulation in the form of a sigma-delta modulator (SDM) to produce a gain by modulating the selection of a switch that selects the amount of resistance in a negative feedback loop of the amplifier. The output of the SDM is dithered to increase the gain resolution of the analog amplifier, wherein the increased resolution produces a quiet, inaudible transition between changes in gain setting at an output of the variable gain amplifier and in addition produces a quiet, inaudible mixing and merging of audio signals..

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127534A1
Принадлежит: Sand 9, Inc.

A variable phase amplifier circuit is disclosed and its method of use in tuning devices having resonators. The variable phase amplifier receives an input differential signal pair. The input differential signal pair can be generated by a resonator device. The variable phase amplifier generates a modified differential signal pair in response to receiving the input differential signal pair. The variable phase amplifier provides a means to vary the phase of the modified differential signal pair with respect to the input differential signal pair, in an accurate and stable manner. If the modified differential signal pair with a phase shift introduced in it is fed back to the resonator device, the resonator will change its frequency of oscillation, where the new frequency of oscillation is a function of the phase of the modified differential signal pair. 1. A variable phase amplifier circuit comprising:a phase splitter circuit, wherein the phase splitter circuit receives an input differential signal pair, and wherein the phase splitter circuit outputs a first and a second differential signal pair in response to receiving the input differential signal pair, and wherein the second differential signal pair has a phase that is different than a phase of the first differential signal pair;a first variable gain amplifier circuit coupled to the phase splitter circuit, wherein the first variable gain amplifier circuit scales the first differential signal pair by a first scale factor in response to receiving the first differential signal pair;a second variable gain amplifier circuit coupled to the phase splitter circuit, wherein the second variable gain amplifier circuit scales the second differential signal pair by a second scale factor in response to receiving the second differential signal pair;anda summation circuit coupled to the first and the second variable gain amplifier circuits, wherein the summation circuit receives a first and a second scaled differential signal pair ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Signal processing apparatus and signal processing method

Номер: US20130142359A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A signal processing apparatus includes: a control section; a signal processing section connected with a plurality of signal processing elements and configured to perform signal processing for enhancing or attenuating an input signal in a specific frequency band; and a crossfade signal section including a crossfade signal processing element capable of replacing at least one of the signal processing elements, wherein the control section is configured to control any one of the signal processing elements among the plurality of signal processing elements, and the crossfade signal processing element, to crossfade to the crossfade signal processing element having the signal processing element as a new characteristic, to perform processing for replacing any one of the signal processing elements by the crossfade signal processing element, and to perform the processing on remaining signal processing elements of the plurality of signal processing elements in the signal processing section.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for processing audio in mobile terminal

Номер: US20130148826A1

A method and an apparatus for processing audio data that controls pressure of a played sound to improve a quality of audio are provided. The method for processing audio in a mobile terminal includes: receiving the audio from a microphone; calculating by a controller a sound pressure level of the received audio; determining a sound pressure state of the received audio based on the calculated sound pressure level; and controlling an input gain of the audio based on the determination result.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154738A1
Автор: LEE Jong-Woo

A variable gain amplifier circuit is provided. The circuit includes an operational amplifier for amplifying and outputting an input signal according to a cutoff frequency and a gain, a feedback resistor for changing a first resistance according to a first digital control code value which determines the cutoff frequency, and an input resistor for changing a second resistance according to a second digital control code value which is determined based on a difference of the first digital control code value and a gain code value. The gain is determined by a ratio of the first resistance and the second resistance and linearly changes on a decibel (dB) basis according to the first digital control code value, the cutoff frequency is inversely proportional to the first resistance and linearly changes on a log scale, and the variable gain can be easily set using the control code. 1. A variable gain amplifier circuit comprising:an operational amplifier for amplifying and outputting an input signal according to a cutoff frequency and a gain;a feedback resistor for changing a first resistance according to a first digital control code value which determines the cutoff frequency; andan input resistor for changing a second resistance according to a second digital control code value which is determined based on a difference of the first digital control code value and a gain code value,wherein the gain is determined by a ratio of the first resistance and the second resistance and linearly changes on a decibel (dB) basis according to the first digital control code value, andwherein the cutoff frequency is inversely proportional to the first resistance and linearly changes on a log scale.2. The variable gain amplifier circuit of claim 1 , wherein the gain is determined by and proportional to a difference of the first digital control code value and the second digital control code value on the dB basis.3. The variable gain amplifier circuit of claim 1 , further comprising:a feedback ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Non-Linear Capacitance Compensation

Номер: US20130154744A1

Embodiments are directed to capacitance compensation via a compensation device coupled to a gain device to compensate for a capacitance change occurring due to an input signal change, along with a controller coupled to the compensation device to receive the input signal and to control an amount of compensation based on the input signal. In some embodiments, banks may be formed of multiple compensation devices, where each of the banks has a different size and is coupled to receive a different set of bias voltages. 1. An apparatus comprising:a gain device to receive an input signal and to output an amplified signal; anda compensation device coupled to the gain device to compensate for a change in a capacitance of the gain device occurring due to a change in the input signal; anda controller coupled to the compensation device to receive the input signal and to control an amount of capacitance compensation provided by the compensation device based on the input signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the compensation device is biased in an inversion region.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the compensation device includes a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistor having a first terminal coupled to a first bias voltage node claim 1 , a second terminal coupled to a first capacitor claim 1 , and a gate terminal coupled to the first capacitor at a second bias voltage node claim 1 , the second bias voltage node to receive the input signal.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the CMOS transistor is to be set deep into strong inversion when disabled and substantially close to strong inversion when enabled.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the CMOS transistor is to be set deep into accumulation when disabled and substantially close to strong inversion when enabled.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a size of the first capacitor is controllable by the controller.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of compensation devices ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156225A1

Systems and methods for providing bass compensation to correct for uneven bass response are disclosed. An example bass compensation system includes a low pass filter configured to receive an audio signal from an audio source and provide a filtered audio signal, the low pass filter having a roll off of at least 18 dB per octave. The bass compensation system further includes a summing amplifier coupled to the low pass filter and configured to sum the audio signal from said audio source and the filtered audio signal to provide a summed audio signal, wherein the summed audio signal provided by the summing amplifier provides a bass boost at a first frequency and mid bass cut at a second frequency greater than the first frequency. 1. A bass compensation system , comprising:a low pass filter configured to receive an audio signal from an audio source and provide a filtered audio signal, the low pass filter having a roll off of at least 18 dB per octave; anda summing amplifier coupled to the low pass filter and configured to sum the audio signal from said audio source and the filtered audio signal to provide a summed audio signal,wherein the summed audio signal provided by summing amplifier provides a bass boost at a first frequency and mid bass cut at a second frequency greater than the first frequency.2. The bass compensation system of claim 1 , further comprising a level control circuit coupled to the low pass filter to receive the filtered audio signal from the low pass filter claim 1 , the level control circuit configured to provide control of the amount of bass boost and mid bass cut.3. The bass compensation system of claim 1 , further comprising a switch coupled to the low pass filter and the summing amplifier claim 1 , the switch configured to coupled and decoupled the summing amplifier and the low pass filter to engage and disengage bass compensation.4. The bass compensation of claim 1 , further comprising a switch coupled to the low filter and configured to ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for determining audio loudness levels in programming

Номер: US20130156229A1
Автор: Steven E. Riedl
Принадлежит: Time Warner Cable Enterprises LLC

A program asset is retrieved. The program asset has audio encoded at a first loudness setting and includes metadata specifying the first loudness setting. Dialog of the audio is identified. The loudness of the dialog is determined. The determined loudness is compared to the first loudness setting. The program asset is re-recorded at a second loudness setting corresponding to the determined loudness, if the first loudness setting and the determined loudness are different by more than a predetermined amount.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163784A1
Принадлежит: DTS LLC

A bass enhancement system can provide an enhanced bass effect for speakers, including relatively small speakers. The bass enhancement system can apply one or more bass enhancements to an input audio signal. For example, the bass enhancement system can exploit how the human ear processes overtones and harmonics of low-frequency sounds to create the perception that non-existent (or attenuated) low-frequency sounds are being emitted from a loudspeaker. The bass enhancement system can generate harmonics of at least some low-frequency fundamental frequencies in one embodiment. Playback of at least some harmonics of a low-frequency fundamental frequency can cause a listener to perceive the playback of the low-frequency fundamental frequency. Advantageously, in certain embodiments, the bass enhancement system can generate these harmonics without performing processing-intensive pitch-detection techniques or the like to identify the fundamental frequencies. 1. A system for enhancing bass audio , the system comprising:a bass enhancer comprising one or more processors, the bass enhancer configured to generate harmonics of one or more bass frequencies of an input audio signal based at least in part on available headroom in the input audio signal;an equalizer configured to emphasize frequencies in the input audio signal comprising lowest reproducible frequencies of a speaker; anda level adjuster configured to adaptively apply a gain to at least a lower band of frequencies in the input audio signal, wherein the gain depends on available headroom in the input audio signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bass enhancer is further configured to generate the harmonics by at least:determining available headroom in the input audio signal; andapplying a second gain to approximately half of the input audio signal, the second gain being greater than the available headroom in the input audio signal and thereby generating harmonics of one or more fundamental bass frequencies in the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Voltage regulator, envelope tracking power supply system, transmitter module, and integrated circuit device therefor

Номер: US20130176076A1
Автор: Patrick Stanley Riehl
Принадлежит: Mediatek Singapore Pte Ltd

A voltage regulator for use within an envelope tracking power supply system is described. The voltage regulator comprises a voltage regulation module. The voltage regulation module comprises at least one energy storage element, the at least one energy storage element comprising a first terminal operably coupled to a first node of the voltage regulation module, and a second terminal operably coupled to a second node of the voltage regulation module. The voltage regulation module further comprises an input arranged to receive a reference voltage supply signal, the input being selectively couplable to the first node and selectively couplable to the second node, an output selectively couplable to the first node and selectively couplable to the second node, and a ground plane selectively couplable to the second node.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181774A1

Radio frequency (RF) transmitter circuitry, which includes an envelope tracking power supply and an RF power amplifier (PA), is disclosed. The RF PA operates in either a first operating mode or a second operating mode, such that selection of the operating mode is based on compression tolerance criteria. During the first operating mode, the RF PA receives and amplifies an RF input signal using a first compression level. During the second operating mode, the RF PA receives and amplifies the RF input signal using a second compression level, which is greater than the first compression level. The envelope tracking power supply provides an envelope power supply signal to the RF PA. The envelope power supply signal provides power for amplification. 2. The circuitry of wherein an efficiency of the RF PA is greater during the second operating mode than during the first operating mode.3. The circuitry of wherein:the RF PA is further adapted to provide an RF transmit signal based on receiving and amplifying the RF input signal using the envelope power supply signal; anda spectrum degradation of the RF transmit signal is greater during the second operating mode than during the first operating mode.4. The circuitry of further comprising the envelope tracking power supply and the RF PA.5. The circuitry of wherein RF transceiver circuitry comprises the control circuitry.6. The circuitry of wherein:the control circuitry is further adapted to provide an envelope power supply control signal; andthe envelope tracking power supply is further adapted to provide the envelope power supply signal based on the envelope power supply control signal.7. The circuitry of wherein selection between the first compression level and the second compression level is based on adjusting a magnitude of the envelope power supply control signal.8. The circuitry of wherein selection between the first compression level and the second compression level is based on adjusting a magnitude of the envelope power ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182870A1

The invention provides an efficient implementation of cross-product enhanced high-frequency reconstruction (HFR), wherein a new component at frequency QΩ+Ωis generated on the basis of existing components at Ω and QΩ+Ω. The invention provides a block-based harmonic transposition, wherein a time block of complex subband samples is processed with a common phase modification. Superposition of several modified samples has the net effect of limiting undesirable intermodulation products, thereby enabling a coarser frequency resolution and/or lower degree of oversampling to be used. In one embodiment, the invention further includes a window function suitable for use with block-based cross-product enhanced HFR. A hardware embodiment of the invention may include an analysis filter bank (), a subband processing unit () configurable by control data () and a synthesis filter bank (). 163-. (canceled)64. A system configured to generate a time stretched and/or frequency transposed signal from an input signal , the system comprising:an analysis filter bank configured to derive a number Y≧1 of analysis subband signals from the input signal, wherein each analysis subband signal comprises a plurality of complex-valued analysis samples, each having a phase and a magnitude;a subband processing unit configured to generate a synthesis subband signal from the Y analysis subband signals using a subband transposition factor Q and a subband stretch factor S, at least one of Q and S being greater than one, wherein the subband processing unit comprises: i) form Y frames of L input samples, each frame being extracted from said plurality of complex-valued analysis samples in an analysis subband signal and the frame length being L>1; and', 'ii) apply a block hop size of h samples to said plurality of analysis samples, prior to forming a subsequent frame of L input samples, thereby generating a sequence of frames of input samples;, 'a block extractor configured to i) the phase of the processed ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195279A1
Принадлежит: Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH

Various embodiments relate to a system for adapting a signal gain, which comprises a peak detector configured to receive an audio input signal containing consecutive signal blocks and to dynamically establish a current input signal level of the audio input signal, and a loudness determination unit configured to dynamically determine a perceived loudness of a current signal block of the audio input signal based on a psycho-acoustic model of a human hearing. Furthermore the system comprises a time constant generation unit configured to determine a time constant based on the perceived loudness of the current signal block and the perceived loudness of a preceding signal block, wherein the time constant describing a change of the signal gain. A gain determination unit is configured to determine the signal gain for the current signal block based on the time constant and the current input signal level. 1. A method of adapting a signal gain , the method comprising:receiving an audio input signal containing consecutive signal blocks;establishing a current input signal level of the audio input signal;determining a perceived loudness of a current signal block of the audio input signal based on a psycho-acoustic model of a human hearing using a signal level range of the current signal block of the audio input signal;determining the signal gain for the current signal block based on a time constant and based on the current input signal level, the time constant describing a change of the signal gain from a signal block to another signal block, wherein the time constant is determined based on the perceived loudness of the current signal block and the perceived loudness of a preceding signal block; andamplifying the audio input signal with the determined signal gain to obtain an audio output signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the signal gain is determined such that an output signal level of the audio output signal is always smaller than a predefined threshold.3. The ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195280A1
Автор: SUGIYAMA Juri, UENO Taku

An electronic device includes (i) an input-volume measuring section () for measuring input volume, which is volume of a sound inputted into the sound input section () while the sound output section () is performing sound output, (ii) a feedback-volume estimating section () for estimating estimated volume, estimated volume is volume of a sound which is to be inputted into the sound input section () in a state in which there is no object which blocks the sound in a predetermined range, (iii) volume determination section () for determining whether or not the input volume is lower than the estimated volume, and (iv) a function control section () for carrying out a predetermined process if the input volume is lower than the estimated volume. 1. An electronic device including a sound output section and a sound input section , comprising:input-volume measuring means for measuring input volume, which is volume of a sound inputted into the sound input section while the sound output section is performing sound output;feedback-volume estimating means for estimating estimated volume in a reference state, estimated volume being volume of a sound outputted from the sound output section and is to be inputted into the sound input section, and the reference state being a state in which there is no object which blocks the sound outputted from the sound output section and is to be collected by the sound input section in a predetermined range defined by a position of one of the sound output section and the sound input section;volume determination means for determining whether or not the input volume measured by the input-volume measuring means is lower than the estimated volume estimated by the feedback-volume estimating means; anddevice function control means for carrying out a predetermined first process if the volume determination means determines that the input volume is lower than the estimated volume.2. An electronic device as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:state ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200949A1
Автор: Wilson Martin Paul

There is disclosed a method, in an amplifier stage comprising an amplifier and a modulated supply, the amplifier being arranged to amplify an input signal and the modulated supply being arranged to generate a supply voltage for the amplifier by tracking an envelope of the signal to be amplified, the method comprising: comparing the relative timing of a signal representing the current drawn by the amplifier from the modulated supply and a signal representing the voltage generated at the output of the modulated supply; and in dependence upon a difference in the relative timing, adjusting the timing of either the input signal to be amplified or the generated supply voltage to reduce the difference in the relative timing. 1. A method , in an amplifier stage comprising an amplifier and a modulated supply , the amplifier being arranged to amplify an input signal and the modulated supply being arranged to generate a supply voltage for the amplifier by tracking an envelope of the signal to be amplified , the method comprising:comparing the relative timing of a signal representing the current drawn by the amplifier from the modulated supply and a signal representing the voltage generated at the output of the modulated supply; andin dependence upon a difference in the relative timing, adjusting the timing of either the input signal to be amplified or the generated supply voltage to reduce the difference in the relative timing.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of deriving the signal representing the current drawn by the amplifier from the modulated supply stage from the current signal at the output of the modulated supply.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the modulated supply comprises a coarse path for generating a coarse representation of the supply voltage and a correction path for generating a correction voltage to be applied to the coarse representation for generation of the supply voltage claim 1 , the method further comprising ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200954A1

A high performance digitalized Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA). In prior art circuit, a dual-ladder DAC is employed for gain control, the back gate leakage of NMOS resistors in the fine ladder conquers fine ladder nominal current and it produces non-monotonic gain scallop. Two new art design techniques: (1) adaptively control the fine ladder; and (2) use dummy PMOS brunch device leakage compensates for the NMOS resistor device leakage, are proposed so that the non-monotonic scallops are substantially eliminated and 13-bit resolution/accuracy PGA has been achieved. 1. An apparatus including a programmable gain amplifier , the programmable gain amplifier including:a coarse ladder having a plurality of resistors, wherein each of the plurality of resistors are individually addressable; 'a plurality of banks of FETs, each bank including a plurality of FETs, and', 'a fine ladder that is coupleable to the coarse ladder, wherein the find ladder includes'}a fine ladder controller, wherein the each of the plurality of banks of the fine ladder are controllable by the fine ladder controller.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the FETs is an NFET.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a PMOS bank is coupled to a corresponding NFET banks so that the leakage current provided by the PMOS bank locally compensates for the NMOS bank back gate leakage.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a 7 bit LSB decoder coupled to each of the banks of fine ladder.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the effective resistance of the fine ladder can be adaptively adjusted by turning on some banks of FETs and turning off other banks of FETS claim 1 , based on which coarse ladder resistor is coupled (shunted) with the fine ladder.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the effective resistance of the fine ladder is adjusted in such way that the ratio between the fine ladder resistance and the coupled (shunted) coarse ladder resistor is relatively a constant.7. The apparatus of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202131A1

There is provided a signal processing apparatus including a provision control unit that provides choices expressed subjectively and associated with control for an acoustic signal, and an output unit that outputs a predetermined choice selected from the provided choices. 1. A signal processing apparatus comprising:a provision control unit that provides choices expressed subjectively and associated with control for an acoustic signal; andan output unit that outputs a predetermined choice selected from the provided choices.2. The signal processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the provision control unit changes a display aspect of the provided choices, according to the selected choice or a feature amount of an acoustic signal of a processing object.3. The signal processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the provided choices are subjective senses and/or subjective requests to be handled.4. The signal processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a calculating unit that calculates an adjustment parameter to adjust an acoustic signal of a processing object, based on individual parameters measured in advance, the selected predetermined choice, and a feature amount of the acoustic signal of the processing object.5. The signal processing apparatus according to claim 4 ,wherein the individual parameters are parameters showing aural characteristics.6. The signal processing apparatus according to claim 4 ,wherein the individual parameters are parameters showing characteristics of a microphone and/or a speaker.7. A signal processing method comprising:providing choices expressed subjectively and associated with control for an acoustic signal; andoutputting a predetermined choice selected from the provided choices.8. A signal processing apparatus comprising:an acquiring unit that acquires an adjustment parameter calculated based on individual parameters measured in advance, a predetermined choice selected from choices expressed subjectively and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Resonator circuit and amplifier circuit

Номер: US20130207725A1
Автор: Ehsan Afshari, Wooram Lee

A passive frequency divider in a CMOS process. More specifically, an electrical distributed parametric oscillator to realize a passive CMOS frequency divider with low phase noise. Instead of using active devices, which are the main sources of noise and power consumption, an oscillation at half of the input frequency is sustained by the parametric process based on nonlinear interaction with the input signal. For example, one embodiment is a 20 GHz frequency divider utilizing a CMOS varactor and made in a 0.13 μm CMOS process. In this embodiment: (i) without any dc power consumption, 600 mV differential output amplitude can be achieved for an input amplitude of 600 mV; and (ii) the input frequency ranged from 18.5 GHz to 23.5 GHz with varactor tuning. In this embodiment, the output phase noise is almost 6 dB lower than that of the input signal for all offset frequencies up to 1 MHz. Also, a resonant parametric amplifier with a low noise figure (NF) by exploiting the noise squeezing effect. Noise squeezing occurs through the phase-sensitive amplification process and suppresses one of two quadrature components in input noise. When the input signal is only in the direction of the non-suppressed quadrature component, squeezing can lower that NF by almost 3 dB. The resonant structure of the proposed amplifier achieves the squeezing effect using a low number of LC elements.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20130208911A1
Принадлежит: Sonos Inc

In a network comprising at least a first zone player and a second zone player, a method comprising: receiving, at a user interface module, a command to establish a synchrony group, wherein the synchrony group comprises at least the first zone player and the second zone player; and displaying, at the user interface module, a list of information identifying a plurality of items queued for playback by the synchrony group, wherein (i) at least one of the items on the list has associated location data indicating the at least one item is located on a device attached to the local area network, and (ii) at least one other of the items on the list has associated location data indicating the at least one other item is located on a wide area network.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for amplifying a signal from a transmitter

Номер: US20130215995A1
Автор: Genik Anatoly

The subject matter discloses a method of amplifying a signal, the method comprising receiving a command to start transmission, gradually increasing a value of an enable signal used to amplify the transmission and intermittently transmitting the value of the enable signal to an enable transistor used to allow amplifying a transmitted signal. 1. A method of amplifying a signal , the method comprising:receiving a command to start transmission;gradually increasing a value of an enable signal used to amplify the transmission;intermittently transmitting the value of the enable signal to an enable transistor used to allow amplifying a transmitted signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprises a step of generating a trapezoid signal used to gradually increase the value of the3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprises a step of converting a square signal into the trapezoid signal.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the trapezoid signal is received at the enable transistor.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitted value is an impedance value.6. A transmission unit claim 1 , comprises: a common source transistor', 'an enable transistor used to allow transmission of signals from the transmission unit;, 'an amplifying module, comprisingwherein the enable transistor receives a gradually increased signal in an intermittent manner.7. The transmission unit according to claim 6 , further comprising a mechanism for generating a trapezoid signal used to gradually increase the signal;8. The transmission unit according to claim 6 , further comprising a mechanism for converting a square signal into the trapezoid signal.9. The transmission unit according to claim 6 , wherein the mechanism comprises a reverse counter for detecting signals received from a control unit and an accumulator for summing the number of detected signals.10. The transmission unit according to claim 6 , wherein the detected signals are selected from a group ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for modifying an audio signal using envelope shaping

Номер: US20130216053A1
Автор: Sascha Disch

An apparatus for modifying an audio signal has an envelope shape determiner, a filterbank processor, a signal processor, a combiner and an envelope shaper. The envelope shape determiner determines envelope shape coefficients based on the a frequency domain audio signal representing a time domain input audio signal and the filterbank processor generates a plurality of bandpass signals in a subband domain based on the frequency domain audio signal. Further the signal processor modifies a subband domain bandpass signal of the plurality of subband domain bandpass signals based on a predefined modification target. The combiner combines at least a subset of the plurality of subband domain bandpass signals containing the modified subband domain bandpass signal to obtain a time domain audio signal. Further, the envelope shaper is operative to obtain a shaped audio signal.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216054A1
Автор: INOUE Toshio
Принадлежит: HONDA R&D CO., LTD.

A sound effect generating apparatus includes a delay unit for giving a delay to a sound effect output from a rear speaker depending on either an accelerator opening change which represents a change per unit time in an accelerator opening or the accelerator opening itself. 1. A vehicular active sound effect generating apparatus comprising:a waveform data table for storing waveform data of one period;a rotational frequency detecting unit for detecting a rotational frequency of an engine of a vehicle;a reference signal generating unit for generating a harmonic reference signal based on the rotational frequency by reading the waveform data from the waveform data table;a control signal generating unit for generating a control signal to generate a sound effect to be output into a passenger compartment of the vehicle, based on the reference signal;an accelerator opening detecting unit for detecting an accelerator opening of the vehicle;an amplitude-adjusted control signal generating unit for generating an amplitude-adjusted control signal by adjusting an amplitude of the control signal depending on the accelerator opening;a plurality of speakers for outputting the sound effect based on the amplitude-adjusted control signal;wherein the speakers include a front speaker positioned in a front portion of the vehicle and a rear speaker positioned in a rear portion of the vehicle; anda delay unit for giving a delay to a sound effect output from the rear speaker depending on either an accelerator opening change which represents a change per unit time in the accelerator opening or the accelerator opening itself.2. The vehicular active sound effect generating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the delay unit gives a delay having a predetermined amount to the sound effect output from the rear speaker when the accelerator opening change exceeds a threshold value.3. The vehicular active sound effect generating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the delay unit changes an ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216066A1

Described herein are one or more implementations offering a centralized (e.g., single-point) user-interface, where a user may manipulate audio properties (e.g., volume level) for one or more audio submixes produced by each of multiple active operating-system processes. 1. A method comprising:discovering multiple audio submixes on a computer;assigning each of the multiple audio submixes to at least one of a plurality of classifications;displaying individual audio properties for each of one or more audio submixes assigned to a first classification; anddisplaying classification-level audio properties for a second classification, wherein the classification-level audio properties control at least two audio submixes assigned to the second classification.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein one or more of the multiple audio submixes are associated with an active operating system process currently executing on the computer.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein one or more of the multiple audio submixes are associated with an inactive operating system process configured on the computer and not currently executing on the computer.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein one or more of the multiple audio submixes are not currently audible on the computer yet have recently been audible on the computer within a predefined amount of time.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising automatically increasing volume of audio submixes with voice communications and automatically decreasing volume of audio submixes without voice communications.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising examining a memory of the computer to discover the multiple audio submixes.7. One or more computing devices storing instructions that claim 1 , when executed by one or more processors claim 1 , perform operations comprising:discovering multiple audio submixes, each audio submix being produced by a different operating system process; andgenerating a user ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222053A1
Автор: Ou Wadeo, Zhao Jian Hua

Circuits and methods to realize a power-efficient high frequency buffer. The amplitude of a buffered signal is detected and compared with the amplitude of the input signal. The comparison result can be fed back to the digitally-controlled buffer to keep the output gain constant. By using feedback control, the buffer can be kept at the most suitable biasing condition even if the load condition or signal frequency varies. 1. A circuit , comprising:a buffer that receives an input signal and produces an output signal;a comparison circuit that compares the input signal with the output signal to produce a comparison result; anda control logic circuit that controls the buffer based on the comparison result to limit an amount of current used by the buffer.2. The circuit of claim 1 , further comprising:a shift register that controls one or more current legs of the buffer to be turned on and off, based on the comparison result.3. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein when the output signal is too low claim 1 , the control logic circuit controls the buffer to draw more current.4. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein when the output signal is too low claim 3 , the control logic circuit controls an additional current leg of the buffer to be turned on.5. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein when the output signal is too high claim 1 , the control logic circuit controls the buffer to draw less current.6. The circuit of claim 5 , wherein when the output signal is too high claim 5 , the control logic circuit controls a current leg of the buffer to be turned off. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/617,701, filed on Sep. 14, 2012, which application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/332,891, filed on Dec. 21, 2011 which application claims the priority benefit of Chinese patent application number 201010624783.2, filed on Dec. 31, 2010, which applications are hereby incorporated by reference to the maximum extent allowable by law.1. ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20130226323A1
Принадлежит: Sonos Inc

An audio processing device comprising: a network interface configured to connect the audio processing device to a network; an audio information channelization device connected to the network interface and configured to receive audio via the network interface; an audio reproduction device interface configured to output audio to a playback device; a user interface module interface configured to transmit, via the network interface to a user interface module, status information pertaining to the status of a synchrony group, wherein the audio processing device is a member of the synchrony group with at least one additional audio processing device.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Noise Optimized Envelope Tracking System for Power Amplifiers

Номер: US20130229228A1
Автор: Drogi Serge Francois
Принадлежит: QUANTANCE, INC.

A radio frequency (RF) power amplifier system that comprises a power amplifier configured to amplify an RF input signal to generate an RF output signal. The power amplifier has a gain that is controlled by a supply voltage to the power amplifier. An amplitude detector is configured to generate an amplitude signal indicative of an amplitude of the RF input signal. A power supply generates the supply voltage to the power amplifier based on the amplitude signal indicative of the amplitude of the RF input signal. The gain of the power amplifier is allowed to have variations over the amplitude range of the RF input signal in favor of having a supply voltage that is monotonic relative to the amplitude of the RF input signal across an amplitude range of the RF input signal. 1. A radio frequency (RF) power amplifier system comprising:a power amplifier configured to amplify an RF input signal to generate an RF output signal, a gain of the power amplifier controlled by a supply voltage to the power amplifier;an amplitude detector configured to generate an amplitude signal indicative of the amplitude of the RF input signal; anda power supply configured to generate the supply voltage to the power amplifier based on the amplitude signal indicative of the amplitude of the RF input signal, the supply voltage being monotonic relative to the amplitude of the RF input signal across an amplitude range of the RF input signal,wherein, during a first portion of the amplitude range of the RF input signal, the gain of the power amplifier is substantially constant while the supply voltage is adjusted monotonically relative to the amplitude of the RF input signal, andwherein, during a second portion of the amplitude range of the RF input signal, the gain of the power amplifier is substantially non-constant while the supply voltage is adjusted monotonically relative to the amplitude of the RF input signal.2. The RF power amplifier system of claim 1 , wherein the supply voltage is non- ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229229A1

An apparatus and a method for raising an output efficiency in a mobile communication terminal are provided. The apparatus includes a supply modulator and a power amplifier. The supply modulator includes a DC-DC converter, a voltage regulator, and a switching regulator. The supply modulator modulates an envelope component of an input signal to generate power. The power amplifier amplifies a phase component of the input signal using the power generated by the supply modulator as a power source of a collector/drain. The DC-DC converter raises battery power of the mobile communication terminal. The voltage regulator determines an output voltage of the supply modulator using the power raised by the DC-DC converter. The switching regulator determines an output current of the supply regulator using the battery power of the mobile communication terminal. 1. An apparatus for amplifying power of a signal in a mobile communication terminal , the apparatus comprising:a supply modulator for modulating an envelope component of an input signal to generate power; anda power amplifier for amplifying a phase component of the input signal using the power generated by the supply modulator as a power source of a collector/drain,wherein the supply modulator comprises:a DC-DC converter for raising battery power of the mobile communication terminal;a voltage regulator for determining an output voltage of the supply modulator using the power raised by the DC-DC converter; anda switching regulator for determining an output current of the supply modulator using the battery power of the mobile communication terminal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the voltage regulator generates a current for additionally supplying an insufficient amount of an output current generated by the switching regulator.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the switching regulator comprises an inductor type switching DC-DC converter.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the supply modulator further comprises:a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230191A1
Принадлежит: PARROT

The method comprises the steps of: a) converting the digital audio signal (PCM) into a voltage signal (V); b) first lowshelf filtering of fixed gain (G); c) calculating a value of excursion (x) of the loudspeaker; d) comparing the excursion with a maximum value and calculating a first gain of possible attenuation (G); e) second lowshelf filtering of gain (G+G) taking into account the first gain of possible attenuation; g) comparing with the maximum saturation or clipping voltage (v) and calculating a second gain of possible attenuation (G); h) third lowshelf filtering gain (G+G+G) taking into account the first and/or second gains of possible attenuation; i) comparing with the maximum saturation or clipping voltage (v) and applying a gain of possible overall attenuation (G); j) optionally compensating for the nonlinearities of the loudspeaker response; and k) reversely converting the signal (V) into a digital audio signal (S) without dimension, for later amplification. 1. A method for reinforcing the low frequencies in a digital audio signal intended to be reproduced by an equipment comprising a loudspeaker having known characteristics of excursion as a function of the signal applied to the terminals thereof , and an amplifier having known characteristics of maximum saturation or clipping voltage , characterized in that it comprises the successive processing steps of:{'sub': E', '1, 'a) converting the digital audio signal (PCM), initially without dimension, into another digital signal representative of an electrical voltage (V), as a function of a first predetermined gain (G) of analog amplifier;'}{'sub': 2', '0, 'b) applying to the signal obtained at step a) a first filtering of the lowshelf type, adapted to amplify selectively, by a second predetermined gain (G), the frequencies lower than a given pivot frequency (F);'}c) calculating a current value of excursion (x) of the loudspeaker for the signal obtained at step b), as a function of said known characteristics ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20130231766A1
Принадлежит: Sonos Inc

A plurality of zone players, including at least a first player and a second zone player, wherein the first zone player is designated as a master device of a synchrony group, a method comprising: determining, by the first zone player, that the second zone player should be designated as the master device of the synchrony group; instructing, by the first zone player, the second zone player to be designated as the master device of the synchrony group; and causing, at the first zone player, the first zone player to lose its designation as the master device of the synchrony group.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing operations among a plurality of independently clocked digital data processing devices

Номер: US20130232214A1
Принадлежит: Sonos Inc

In a network comprising a plurality of zone players, including at least a first zone player and a second zone player, a method comprising: receiving, by the first zone player, first control information from a user interface module; based on the received first control information, transmitting, by the first zone player, second control information to the second zone player, wherein the second control information comprises (i) a network address of an audio information channelization device that provides audio information and playback timing information, and (ii) a multicast address that the audio information channelization device uses to broadcast audio information and playback timing information to the network; and playing, by the first zone player, the audio information in synchrony with the second zone player.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241653A1
Автор: Gilbert Barrie

A variable gain amplifier has an attenuator having an input and a series of tap points, and a series of low-inertia switches, each switch coupled to a corresponding one of the tap points to steer outputs from the attenuator to an output terminal. An amplifier has an input cell, a load coupled to an output of the input cell, a buffer having an input coupled to the load, a feedback network coupled between an output of the buffer and the input cell, and a variable filter cell coupled to the input cell. 1. A variable gain amplifier comprising:an attenuator having an input and a series of tap points; anda series of low-inertia switches, each switch coupled to a corresponding one of the tap points to steer outputs from the attenuator to an output terminal.2. The variable gain amplifier of wherein each of the low-inertial switches comprises a silicon-on-insulator transistor.3. The variable gain amplifier of wherein each of the low-inertial switches comprises:a first terminal coupled to a corresponding one of the tap points;a second terminal coupled to the output terminal; anda third terminal to receive one of a corresponding series of selection signals.4. The variable gain amplifier of further comprising a series of current sources to generate the series of selection signals.5. The variable gain amplifier of further comprising a series of resistors to prevent the low-inertial switches from switching in response leakage current.6. The variable gain amplifier of wherein each of the series of resistors is coupled between the third terminal of a corresponding one of the low-inertia switches and a corresponding one of the tap points.7. An amplifier comprising:an input cell;a load coupled to an output of the input cell;a buffer having an input coupled to the load;a feedback network coupled between an output of the buffer and the input cell; anda variable filter cell coupled to the input cell.8. The amplifier of further comprising a second variable filter cell coupled to the load ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Linearization Circuit and Related Techniques

Номер: US20130241655A1
Принадлежит: Auriga Measurement Systems, LLC

Circuits and techniques to linearize the operation of an RF power amplifier are described. A linearizer circuit may include a non-amplification signal path which includes a delay line and an amplification signal path which includes at least one amplifier stage. In some embodiments, the amplification signal path may include an odd number of amplification stages. The linearizer may be used to precondition an input signal of an RF power amplifier in a manner that improves the overall linearity of operation. 1. A linearizer circuit comprising:a divider circuit having an input and first and second outputs;a first radio frequency (RF) signal path having an input and an output, the input being coupled to the first output of the divider circuit, the first RF signal path comprising a delay line having a predetermined length;a second RF signal path having an input and an output, the input being coupled to the second output of the divider circuit, the second RF signal path comprising a transistor amplifier consisting of an odd number of gain stages; anda combiner circuit having a first input, a second input, and an output, the first input of the combiner circuit being coupled to the output of the first RF signal path and the second input of the combiner circuit being coupled to the output of the second RF signal path.2. The linearizer circuit of wherein:the divider circuit is configured to create a nominal 90 degree phase difference between output signals at the first and second outputs thereof; andthe combiner circuit is adapted to receive two substantially opposite phase signals at the first and second inputs thereof with an additional nominal 90 degree phase shift and combine the signals while cancelling the 90 degree phase shift.3. The linearizer circuit of wherein the second RF signal path further comprises:a first variable attenuator coupled between the input of the second RF signal path and an input of the transistor amplifier; anda second variable attenuator coupled ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249634A1
Автор: Genik Anatoly
Принадлежит: DSP Group LTD.

An electronic circuit, including, a power amplifier adapted to amplify an RF signal and provide it as output from the integrated circuit; a power source that is adapted to provide an unregulated voltage to the power amplifier; a regulator adapted to provide a regulated bias voltage; a subtracter that is adapted to accept a voltage proportional to the unregulated voltage and subtract it from the bias voltage to provide a reference voltage to the power amplifier; wherein the power amplifier is adapted to use the reference voltage to adjust the output from the power amplifier so that it will provide a stable power output. 1. An electronic circuit , comprising:a power amplifier adapted to amplify an RF signal and provide it as output from the integrated circuit;a power source that is adapted to provide an unregulated voltage to the power amplifier;a regulator adapted to provide a regulated bias voltage;a subtracter that is adapted to accept a voltage proportional to the unregulated voltage and subtract it from the bias voltage to provide a reference voltage to the power amplifier;wherein said power amplifier is adapted to use the reference voltage to adjust the output from the power amplifier so that it will provide a stable power output.2. An electronic circuit according to claim 1 , wherein said regulator accepts power from the power source that is adapted to provide an unregulated voltage to the power amplifier.3. An electronic circuit according to claim 1 , wherein said regulator accepts power from a different power source.4. An electronic circuit according to claim 1 , further comprising a voltage divider to provide the voltage proportional to the voltage of the unregulated voltage.5. An electronic circuit according to claim 4 , wherein said voltage divider comprises two resistors in sequence.6. An electronic circuit according to claim 4 , wherein said voltage divider is adjustable.7. An electronic circuit according to claim 6 , wherein the power output of said ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271218A1
Принадлежит: TM Technology Inc.

A high speed transimpedance amplifier includes an inverting unit, at least one gain module, and a feedback resistor. The inverting unit has an input terminal coupled to a photodiode for receiving an input voltage, and an output terminal for outputting a first voltage. The at least one gain module has an input terminal coupled to the output terminal of the inverting unit for receiving the first voltage, and an output terminal for outputting an output voltage. Each gain module includes a first gain inverting unit and a second gain inverting unit which are coupled to each other. The first gain inverting unit and the second gain inverting unit dominate bandwidth of the high speed transimpedance amplifier. The feedback resistor is coupled to the input terminal of the inverting unit and the output terminal of the at least one gain module for determining a transimpedance of the high speed transimpedance amplifier. 1. A high speed transimpedance amplifier , comprising:an inverting unit having an input terminal coupled to a photodiode for receiving an input voltage, and an output terminal for outputting a first voltage; a first gain inverting unit for receiving the first voltage; and', 'a second gain inverting unit coupled to the first gain inverting unit for outputting the output voltage, wherein the first gain inverting unit and the second gain inverting unit are used for dominating bandwidth of the high speed transimpedance amplifier; and, 'at least one gain module having an input terminal coupled to the output terminal of the inverting unit for receiving the first voltage, and an output terminal for outputting an output voltage, wherein each gain module comprisesa feedback resistor coupled to the input terminal of the inverting unit and the output terminal of the at least one gain module for determining transimpedance of the high speed transimpedance amplifier.2. The high speed transimpedance amplifier of claim 1 , wherein the inverting unit comprises:a first P-type ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294621A1

A method of processing an audio signal is provided. The method includes receiving at least one digital audio stream from at least one audio source, applying at least one gain value to each of the at least one digital audio stream by a gain adjustment unit, mixing the at least one digital audio stream to which the at least one gain value has been applied, calculating a representative gain value from the at least one gain value, calculating an extra valid headroom based on the representative gain value for correction of the mixed at least one digital audio stream, and post-processing the mixed at least one digital audio stream using the extra valid headroom. 1. A method of processing an audio signal , the method comprising:receiving at least one digital audio stream from at least one audio source;applying at least one gain value to each of the at least one digital audio stream by a gain adjustment unit;mixing the at least one digital audio stream to which the at least one gain value has been applied;calculating a representative gain value from the at least one gain value;calculating an extra valid headroom based on the representative gain value for correction of the mixed at least one digital audio stream; andpost-processing the mixed at least one digital audio stream using the extra valid headroom.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:collecting the at least one gain value before the mixing of the at least one digital audio stream to which the at least one gain value has been applied.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the collecting includes:examining an activated audio track among audio tracks; andcollecting a gain value of a gain adjustment unit connected to the activated audio track.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating of the representative gain value includes any one of:acquiring an average value of the at least one gain value as the representative gain value; andacquiring a largest value among the at least one gain value as the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300503A1
Автор: Hebert Gary K.

An integrated circuit (IC) includes a programmable gain amplifier. The programmable gain amplifier comprises a first-stage amplifier configured to operate with at least one relatively high power supply voltage in order to accommodate at the input of the first-stage amplifier a relatively large range of input signals, the first-stage amplifier having a gain setting that is adjustable from a set of predetermined gain settings separated in relatively coarse increments so as to minimize the number of analog switches that must be implemented with high-voltage active devices in order to set each gain setting. The programmable gain amplifier also includes a second-stage amplifier configured to operate with at least one relatively low power supply voltage, lower than the high power supply voltage in order to minimize the required IC area for the second-stage amplifier, wherein the gain of the second-stage amplifier is adjustable from a set of gain settings separated in relatively small increments between the coarse increments in order to achieve a combined predetermined gain resolution. The gain of the programmable gain amplifier is programmable by adjusting the gain of each of the first-stage and second-stage amplifiers. 1. An integrated circuit (IC) including a programmable gain amplifier , the programmable gain amplifier comprising:a first-stage amplifier configured to operate with at least one relatively high power supply voltage in order to accommodate at the input of the first-stage amplifier a relatively large range of input signals, the first-stage amplifier having a gain setting that is adjustable from a set of predetermined gain settings separated in relatively coarse increments so as to minimize the number of analog switches that must be implemented with high-voltage active devices in order to set each gain setting; anda second-stage amplifier configured to operate with at least one relatively low power supply voltage, lower than the high power supply voltage in ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304459A1
Принадлежит: OTICON A/S

A method for processing an audio signal (i(t)), comprises: receiving a first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals representing a first sound comprised in the audio signal (i(t)), the first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals comprising an amplitude modulation signal (a(t)), a carrier frequency signal (f(t)), a pitch signal (f(t)) and an FM index signal (h(t)); and modifying the first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals by modifying the amplitude of the FM index signal (h(t)), thereby providing a first modified set (x′(t)) of time-varying signals. The resulting first modified set (x′(t)) of time-varying signals may subsequently be modulated to provide an audio output signal. 1. Method for processing an audio signal (i(t)) , the method comprising: receiving a first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals representing a first sound comprised in the audio signal (i(t)) , the first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals comprising an amplitude modulation signal (a(t)) , a carrier frequency signal (f(0) , a pitch signal (f(t)) and an FM index signal (h(t)); and modifying the first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals by modifying the amplitude of the FM index signal (h(t)) , thereby providing a first modified set (x′(t)) of time-varying signals.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein modifying the amplitude of the FM index signal (h(t)) comprises amplifying or attenuating the FM index signal (h(t)).3. Method according to claim 1 , and further comprising: providing a first modulated audio signal (s(t)) in dependence on the first modified set (x′(t)) of time-varying signals.4. Method according to claim 3 , and further comprising: providing an audible signal in dependence on the first modulated audio signal (s(t)).5. Method according to claim 1 , and further comprising: receiving the audio signal (i(t)); and demodulating the audio signal (i(t)) claim 1 , thereby providing the first set (x(t)) of time-varying signals.6. Method according to claim 4 , wherein modifying the first set (x(t)) ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307617A1

Embodiments disclosed in the detailed description relate to a pseudo-envelope follower power management system used to manage the power delivered to a linear RF power amplifier. 1. A power management system for an RF power amplifier comprising:a parallel amplifier including an amplifier in communication with a power amplifier supply voltage; and a switcher control circuit configured to output a logic level indication;', 'a frequency lock loop (FLL) in communication with the switcher control circuit and receiving the logic level indication; and', 'a switching voltage output in communication with the power amplifier supply voltage, wherein the multi-level charge pump buck converter is configured to shunt the switching voltage output to ground in a first operational state, provide a direct current input voltage to the switching voltage output in a second operational state, provide 1.5 times the direct current input voltage to the switching voltage output in a third operational state, and provide 2 times the direct current input voltage to the switching voltage output in a fourth operational state., 'a multi-level charge pump buck converter comprising2. The power management system of wherein the multi-level charge pump buck converter further comprises a multi-level charge pump circuit configured to receive a DC voltage.3. The power management system of wherein the FLL is configured to receive a clock signal.4. The power management system of wherein the multi-level charge pump buck converter further comprises a switching circuit.5. The power management system of claim 4 , wherein the switching circuit comprises a series switch and a shunt switch.6. The power management system of wherein the switcher control circuit comprises a threshold detector and control circuit configured to operate the multi-level charge pump buck converter in different modes of operation.7. The power management system of wherein the switcher control circuit further comprises a programmable ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307624A1
Автор: Eplett Brian

A power amplifier has power detection capabilities that include a radio frequency (RF) power amplifier that has a gain stage that includes a gain stage input, a gain stage output, and a feedback loop coupled between an input and an output of the power amplifier. A detection circuit has a first detection circuit input electrically coupled to the gain stage input and has a detection circuit output. An amplitude control circuit and a phase control circuit are electrically coupled together in series between the gain stage output and a second detection circuit input. The amplitude control circuit and the phase control circuit produce a signal that is received by the second detection circuit input so that the detection circuit can detect a signal at the detection circuit output that is proportional to a the forward power output of the power amplifier and is insensitive to power amplifier output load mismatch. 1. A power amplifier with power detection , comprising:a radio frequency (RF) power amplifier having a gain stage that includes a gain stage input, a gain stage output, and a feedback loop coupled between an input and an output of the power amplifier;a detection circuit having a first detection circuit input electrically coupled to the gain stage input and having a detection circuit output;an amplitude control circuit and a phase control circuit electrically coupled together in series between the gain stage output and a second detection circuit input;wherein the amplitude control circuit and the phase control circuit produce a signal received by the second detection circuit input so that the detection circuit detects a signal at the output of the detection circuit that has a power proportional to a forward power output of the power amplifier.2. The power detection device of claim 1 , wherein the amplitude control circuit is a first amplitude control circuit and further comprising a second amplitude control circuit that is electrically coupled in series between the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Integrated start-up bias boost for dynamic error vector magnitude enhancement

Номер: US20130307625A1
Принадлежит: Microsemi Corp

Devices and methods for correcting for start-up transients in integrated power amplifiers are disclosed. A delay element is arranged to produce a delay waveform signal that is responsive to an input voltage signal. A transconductance element has an input that receives the delay waveform signal and is arranged to provide an output boost current that is based on the delay waveform signal and a gain of the transconductance element. A reference element provides an output bias current that is responsive to a static reference current and the boost current. A bias element has an input that receives the bias current and is arranged to provide a bias control output. A power amplifier is responsive to the bias control output and is arranged to provide an amplified power output. In some examples, the boost current is adjusted based on a supply voltage and an input power of the power amplifier.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Device For Adding Harmonics To Sound Signal

Номер: US20130308793A1
Автор: KAWAHARA Takehiko

In a harmonic adding device, an input/output function part converts a digital sound signal having an input signal level into a digital sound signal having an output signal level determined according to a input/output function and the input signal level. A parameter storage unit stores at least one inflection point. A controller sets the inflection point to the input/output function to enable the input/output function part to add harmonics to the digital sound signal. The input/output function is defined between a positive maximum point and a negative maximum point. The inflection point is set between the positive maximum point and the negative maximum point. The positive maximum point, the inflection point and the negative maximum point are sequentially connected by linear interpolation to formulate the input/output function. 1. A harmonic adding device comprising:an input/output function part that is set with an input/output function determining relationship between an input signal level and an output signal level, the input/output function part receiving a digital sound signal having an input signal level, converting the received digital sound signal into a digital sound signal having an output signal level determined according to the input/output function and the input signal level of the received digital sound signal, and outputting the converted digital sound signal having the determined output signal level;a parameter storage unit that is configured to store at least one inflection point set to the input/output function for enabling the input/output function part to add harmonics to the digital sound signal; anda controller that is configured to set the inflection point stored in the parameter storage unit to the input/output function of the input/output function part,wherein the input/output function is defined between a positive maximum point at which the output signal level represents a positive maximum value when the input signal level corresponds to a ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314153A1

Embodiments of power amplification devices are described that include a power amplification circuit, a first voltage regulation circuit, and a second voltage regulation circuit. The voltage regulation circuits are configured to provide regulated voltages to the power amplification circuit. The power amplification device also includes a threshold detection circuit to get better maximum output power performance while preserving power efficiency. The threshold detection circuit is configured to increase a voltage adjustment gain of the first voltage regulation circuit when a regulated voltage level of regulated voltage from the second voltage regulation circuit reaches a threshold voltage level. In this manner, the voltage adjustment gain can be increased when the second voltage regulation circuit is close to or has railed. Increasing the voltage adjustment gain when the second voltage regulation circuit is railing or is close to railing improves the power performance and the power efficiency of the power amplification circuit. 1. A radio frequency (RF) power amplification device for an RF transmission signal comprising:a first voltage regulation circuit operable to generate a first regulated voltage and to adjust a first regulated voltage level of the first regulated voltage in accordance with a voltage adjustment gain;a second voltage regulation circuit operable to generate a second regulated voltage;a first threshold detection circuit configured to increase the voltage adjustment gain when a second regulated voltage level of the second regulated voltage reaches a threshold voltage level; anda power amplification circuit configured to amplify the RF transmission signal in accordance with an amplification gain, and to adjust the amplification gain in accordance to the first regulated voltage level and the second regulated voltage level.2. The RF power amplification device of wherein the first voltage regulation circuit is configured to receive a supply voltage and the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314157A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The embodiments of the present invention disclose a variable gain amplifier and relate to the field of electronic circuits. The linear-in-dB relationship between an output current and a control voltage of the variable gain amplifier is relatively ideal. The variable gain amplifier includes a fitted differential module group and an offset voltage output module, where the fitted differential module group is configured to output, under the control of a driving voltage and offset voltages, an output current of the variable gain amplifier according to a reference current; and the fitted differential module group includes n fitted differential modules, the n fitted differential modules are cascaded in turn, and n is any positive integer larger than 1. 2. The variable gain amplifier according to claim 1 , wherein:each fitted differential module of the fitted differential module group comprises:a first minor current source, configured to receive an input current of a fitted differential module and output a stable first bias current to a fitted differential submodule of the fitted differential module, wherein the first bias current is in a multiple relationship with the input current of the fitted differential module, and an output end of the first minor current source is connected to a current input end of the fitted differential submodule;the fitted differential submodule, configured to enlarge an area in which a linear-in-dB relationship exists between an input current of the fitted differential submodule and a control voltage of the variable gain amplifier, wherein an output end of the fitted differential submodule is connected to an input end of a second mirror current source; and{'sup': th', 'th, 'the second mirror current source, configured to receive an output current of the fitted differential submodule and output a stable second bias current, wherein the second bias current is in a multiple relationship with the output current of the fitted differential submodule; ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314158A1

A semiconductor device capable of achieving high speed performance in addition to correction of differential offset and a communication device provided with the semiconductor device are provided. For example, there are provided: a variable gain type differential amplifier circuit VGA which receives a gain setting signal ASET, which amplifies differential input signals INP and INN by a gain indicated by the gain setting signal, and which outputs differential output signals OUTP′ and OTUN′; and an offset correcting circuit unit OFCBK which cancels an offset voltage (VOF and VOFO) generated in the VGA. Here, the OFCBK cancels an output offset voltage VOFO (which results in an input offset voltage VOF) by receiving the ASET, generating a correction voltage changed in accordance with the gain, and adding the correction voltage to the OUTP′ and OUTN′. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a variable gain type differential amplifier circuit which receives a gain setting signal, amplifies differential input signals by a gain indicated by the gain setting signal, and outputs differential output signals; anda correcting circuit which cancels an offset voltage generated in the differential amplifier circuit,the correcting circuit cancelling the offset voltage by receiving the gain setting signal, generating a correction voltage changed in accordance with the gain, and adding the correction voltage to the differential output signals.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 ,wherein the correcting circuit includes a variable current source for correction connected to differential output nodes from which the differential output signals are outputted, andthe variable current source for correction generates a correction current corresponding to the correction voltage by changing a predetermined, reference current in proportion to the gain.3. The semiconductor device according to claim 2 ,wherein the differential amplifier circuit includes:differential pair transistors to ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130321077A1

A power amplification device is disclosed that includes a power amplification circuit operable to amplify a radio frequency (RF) signal in accordance with an amplification gain, and a voltage regulation circuit operable to generate a regulated voltage. A regulated voltage level of the regulated voltage sets the amplification gain. To help prevent the voltage regulation circuit from saturating, the voltage regulation circuit is configured to reduce a voltage adjustment gain when the regulated voltage level reaches a threshold voltage level. In one embodiment, the threshold voltage level is set to be higher when a band-select signal indicates that the RF signal is being transmitted within a first frequency band, and is set to be lower when the band-select signal indicates that the RF signal is being transmitted within a second frequency band. The spectral performance of the power amplification device thus improves with regard to the second frequency band. 1. A power amplification device for a radio frequency (RF) signal comprising: generate a regulated voltage having a regulated voltage level from a supply voltage;', 'reduce the voltage adjustment gain when the regulated voltage level of the regulated voltage reaches a threshold voltage level; and', 'respond to a band-select signal so that the threshold voltage level is higher when the band-select signal indicates a first frequency band and is lower when the band-select signal indicates a second frequency band; and, 'a voltage regulation circuit having a voltage adjustment gain and configured toa power amplification circuit operable to amplify the RF signal in accordance with an amplification gain and adjust the amplification gain in accordance with the regulated voltage level of the regulated voltage.2. The power amplification device of wherein the voltage regulation circuit is configured to respond to the band-select signal so that the threshold voltage level is higher when the band-select signal indicates that the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Power Supply Regulation for Programmable Gain Amplifier Used in a CMOS Image Sensor

Номер: US20130321083A1
Автор: Jack Zheng, Steven Huang
Принадлежит: Forza Silicon Corp

An image sensor array that uses an over saturation sensor to detect when one of the pixels is being oversaturated. When that happens, the power supply to that pixel is prevented from affecting power supplies to the other pixels, by regulating the power supply to the pixel.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335142A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention relate to the communication field and disclose a method and an apparatus for decreasing power consumption of a power amplifier, which minimize the power consumption of the power amplifier and extend the operation time of a mobile terminal. The method includes: obtaining a compensation power control value, where the compensation power control value is a power control value that is input to the power amplifier, and the minimum value of the input voltage is a minimum input voltage that can guarantee normal operation of the power amplifier when a preset power control value is input to the power amplifier; and inputting the minimum value of the input voltage and the compensation power control value to the power amplifier to control the power amplifier to output the preset power value of the antenna port. 1. A method for decreasing power consumption of a power amplifier , comprising:obtaining a compensation power control value, wherein the compensation power control value is a power control value that is input to the power amplifier when an input voltage of the power amplifier is decreased to a minimum value of the input voltage under a condition of guaranteeing that a preset transmit power value of an antenna port is unchanged, and the minimum value of the input voltage is a minimum input voltage that can guarantee normal operation of the power amplifier when a preset power control value is input to the power amplifier; andinputting the minimum value of the input voltage and the compensation power control value to the power amplifier to control the power amplifier to output the preset power value of the antenna port.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the obtaining the compensation power control value comprises:obtaining a first power value of the antenna port, wherein the first power value of the antenna port is output by the power amplifier when the preset power control value and a rated input voltage are input to the power ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015610A1

An amplifier circuit is disclosed. The amplifier circuit includes a detection circuit, a control amplifier circuit and an output stage. The detection circuit detects disturbances occurring in a first supply voltage and provides detection results. The control amplifier circuit controls a first voltage provided to a first control node and a second voltage provided to a second control node in response to the detection results. The output stage circuit includes a first output power transistor coupled to the control amplifier circuit at the first control node and a second output power transistor coupled to the control amplifier circuit at the second control node. The first voltage and the second voltage are controlled differently when a disturbance is detected to have occurred. 1. An amplifier circuit receiving a first supply voltage and a second supply voltage , comprising:a detection circuit, detecting disturbances occurring in the first supply voltage and providing detection results to a control amplifier circuit;the control amplifier circuit, coupled to the detection circuit and controlling a first voltage provided to a first control node and a second voltage provided to a second control node in response to the detected results; and a first output power transistor, coupled to the control amplifier circuit at the first control node; and', 'a second output power transistor, coupled to the control amplifier circuit at the second control node,, 'an output stage circuit, comprisingwherein the first voltage and the second voltage are controlled differently when a disturbance is detected to have occurred.2. The amplifier circuit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control amplifier circuit controls the first voltage and the second voltage differently claim 1 , such that the second voltage does not change when a disturbance is detected to have occurred in the first supply voltage.3. The amplifier circuit as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the detection circuit further detects ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016792A1
Автор: Christoph Markus

An engine sound synthesis system is operable to analyze sound. Operation of the system may include providing an input sound signal to be analysed and determining a fundamental frequency of the input signal from the input signal or from at least one guide signal. Furthermore, the frequencies of higher harmonics of the fundamental frequency are determined, thus determining harmonic model parameters. A harmonic signal based on the harmonic model parameters is synthesized and a residual signal is estimated by subtracting the harmonic signal from the input signal. Residual model parameters are estimated based on the residual signal. Furthermore, a corresponding method for synthesizing a sound signal is described. 1. A method for generating synthesized sound comprising:receiving an input signal with a processor;determining a fundamental frequency of the input signal with the processor using at least one of the input signal or at least one guide signal, and determining the frequencies of higher harmonics of the fundamental frequency with the processor, thus determining with the processor harmonic model parameters associated with the determined frequencies;synthesizing a harmonic signal with the processor based on the harmonic model parameters;determining a residual signal with the processor by subtracting the harmonic signal from the input signal;calculating residual model parameters with the processor based on the residual signal; andgenerating synthesized sound in accordance with the harmonic model parameters and the residual module parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the input signal is transformed to the frequency domain claim 1 , thus providing a frequency domain input signal before being further processed.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the processing of the frequency domain input signal is fully performed in the frequency domain and thus the harmonic signal and the residual signal are calculated in the frequency domain.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Amplification Circuit

Номер: US20140022019A1

An amplification circuit, which may be in a receive path of a communication device, includes an amplifier including at least a first amplification device and a switchable attenuation circuit. The switchable attenuation circuit includes one or more switches and a plurality of attenuation devices and is operable to provide different levels of attenuation to an input signal prior to input to the amplifier depending on the status of the one or more switches. The attenuation devices may be capacitors, wherein the capacitors may be arranged to form a capacitive divider with a level of attenuation dependent on the status of the switches. The switchable attenuation circuit may be a switched capacitive attenuation ladder of n stages, n being any integer, each ladder stage including a capacitive divider. The amplification circuit may also include a switch, which when closed provides an unattenuated path for the input signal to the amplifier input. 1. An amplification circuit comprising;an amplifier having an input and an output; anda switchable attenuation circuit configured to provide different levels of attenuation to an input signal prior to input to the amplifier, the switchable attenuation circuit comprising a switched capacitive attenuation ladder of n stages, n being any integer, each ladder stage including a capacitive divider formed by two capacitors, and a switch for selective connection of the output of each divider to the amplifier input, the circuit being configured such that no more than one switch is closed at any time, the attenuation applied to the input signal being dependent on which of the switches is closed.2. The amplification circuit of claim 1 , wherein the switchable attenuation circuit further comprises a switch configured to provide an unattenuated path for the input signal to the amplifier input when closed.3. The amplification circuit of claim 1 , wherein:the amplifier comprises a first amplification device and a second amplification device; ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Active Instrument Subwoofer System for Low Frequency Enhancement

Номер: US20140044282A1

An instrument amplification system provides improved low frequency enhancement. A powered subwoofer system enhances the low frequency components of a standard instrument amplifier by incorporating a speaker level high-pass filter crossover network prior to connection to a standard instrument speaker. The speaker level instrument amplifier output is also attenuated, low-pass filtered and re-amplified to drive a dedicated low frequency subwoofer speaker. In one embodiment, a single speaker cabinet connects via a single speaker cable and includes both typical instrument speakers and an active powered subwoofer system. In another embodiment, a stand alone active powered subwoofer connects to a standard instrument amplifier and includes a speaker level high-pass crossover output for connection to a standard instrument speaker cabinet. The instrument amplifier speaker output is attenuated, low-pass filtered, re-amplified and connected to a low frequency subwoofer speaker. A differential attenuator is incorporated allowing connection to instrument amplifiers with differential bridge outputs. 1. A method of enhancing the low frequency audio components of an instrument amplifier output signal comprising the steps of:applying the instrument amplifier output signal to an instrument speaker;attenuating the instrument amplifier output signal to produce a line level signal;low-pass filtering the line level signal to provide a filtered signal;amplifying the filtered signal to provide an amplified filtered signal; andapplying the amplified filtered signal to a low frequency speaker.2. A system for enhancing the low frequency audio components of an instrument amplifier output signal comprising:an instrument speaker receiving said instrument amplifier output signal;means for attenuating the instrument amplifier output signal to produce a line level signal;means for low-pass filtering said line level signal to provide a filtered signal;means for amplifying said filtered signal to ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140049319A1

An amplification circuit including: an input for receiving an input voltage; an output for exhibiting an output voltage; a primary amplifier configured to receive the input voltage from the input, receive a primary control voltage, first amplify the input voltage by a primary gain dependent on the control voltage, the output voltage corresponding to the first amplified input voltage, and supply the output voltage to the output; and a secondary amplifier configured to receive the input voltage from the input, second amplify the input voltage by a secondary gain, the primary control voltage corresponding to the second amplified input voltage, and supply the primary control voltage to the primary amplifier. The secondary amplifier has in operation an input admittance of at least 1 millisiemens. 110-. (canceled)11. An amplification circuit , comprising:an input for receiving an input voltage;an output for exhibiting an output voltage; receive the input voltage from the input,', 'receive a primary control voltage,', 'first amplify the input voltage by a primary gain dependent on the control voltage, the output voltage corresponding to the first amplified input voltage, and', 'supply the output voltage to the output;, 'a primary amplifier configured to receive the input voltage from the input,', 'second amplify the input voltage by a secondary gain, the primary control voltage corresponding to the second amplified input voltage, and', 'supply the primary control voltage to the primary amplifier;, 'a secondary amplifier configured towherein the secondary amplifier has in operation an input admittance of at least 1 millisiemens.12. The amplification circuit according to claim 11 , wherein the primary amplifier has in operation an input admittance of at least 1 millisiemens.13. The amplification circuit according to claim 11 , wherein the secondary gain is strictly greater in absolute terms than 1.14. The amplification circuit according to claim 11 , wherein:the secondary ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Wireless communication system with power amplifier mechanism and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20140077876A1
Автор: Gennady Feygin, Inyup Kang

A wireless communication system includes: a switching capacitor; a multi-way switch, having at least a first voltage input port, a second voltage input port, and an intermediate voltage input port, coupled to the switching capacitor; and a CORDIC processor, coupled to the multi-way switch, configured to select the first voltage input port, the second voltage input port, or the intermediate voltage input port.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Determining Location of Submerged Submersible Vehicle

Номер: US20140085004A1

An amplifier for use in a buoyant cable antenna operable to receive signals within a frequency band includes: a first amplifier operable to provide amplified signals based on the received signals; a bandpass filter arranged to pass filtered signals within a first portion of the frequency band, the filtered signals being based on the amplified signals; an attenuator arranged in parallel with said bandpass filter and operable to attenuate signals within a second portion of the frequency band, the attenuated signals being based on the amplified signals; and a second amplifier operable to provide an amplified output including first amplified signals within the first portion of the frequency band and to provide second amplified signals within the second portion of the frequency band. The first amplified signals have a first gain, the second amplified signals have a second gain, and the first gain is more than the second gain. 1. An amplifier for use in a buoyant cable antenna operable to receive signals within a frequency band , said amplifier comprising:a first amplifier operable to provide amplified signals based on the received signals;a bandpass filter arranged to pass filtered signals within a first portion of the frequency band, the filtered signals being based on the amplified signals;an attenuator arranged in parallel with said bandpass filter and operable to attenuate signals within a second portion of the frequency band, the attenuated signals being based on the amplified signals; anda second amplifier operable to provide an amplified output including first amplified signals within the first portion of the frequency band and to provide second amplified signals within the second portion of the frequency band,wherein the first amplified signals have a first gain,wherein the second amplified signals have a second gain, andwherein the first gain is more than the second gain.2. The amplifier of claim 1 , further comprising:a combiner arranged to receive the filtered ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140087677A1

A power control method for controlling a bias voltage of a power amplifier in a transmitting device having the power amplifier is provided. The power control method includes estimating a Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) during signal transmission using basis information that is configured for communication in the transmitting device and controlling a bias voltage of the power amplifier based on the estimated PAPR. 1. A power control method for controlling a bias voltage of a power amplifier in a transmitting device having the power amplifier , the power control method comprising:estimating a Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) during signal transmission using basis information that is configured for communication in the transmitting device; andcontrolling a bias voltage of the power amplifier based on the estimated PAPR.2. The power control method of claim 1 , wherein the basis information includes information about a communication scheme supported by the transmitting device.3. The power control method of claim 1 , wherein the basis information includes information about a transmission mode for transmitting a signal in the transmitting device.4. The power control method of claim 1 , wherein the basis information includes information about a type of physical channel or a combination of physical channels for transmitting a signal in the transmitting device.5. The power control method of claim 1 , wherein the basis information includes information about a data transfer rate assigned to transmit a signal in the transmitting device.6. The power control method of claim 1 , wherein the basis information includes at least one of information about a communication scheme supported by the transmitting device claim 1 , information about a transmission mode for transmitting a signal in the transmitting device claim 1 , information about a type of physical channel or a combination of physical channels for transmitting a signal in the transmitting device claim 1 , and information ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Amplifying loudspeaker apparatus

Номер: US20140093097A1
Автор: Zhang Michael Weibin

An amplifying loudspeaker apparatus for an existing host device comprises a sensor coil for receiving an audio signal in electromagnetic form from an internal loudspeaker of the host device; a pre-amplifier and equalizer module connected to the sensor coil for amplifying and equalizing the audio signal to a suitable level and frequency response; and an audio power amplifier and a loudspeaker to reproduce the sound for the audio signal. 1. An amplifying loudspeaker apparatus for an existing host device having not been designed or made to use inductive coupling via its internal loudspeaker for audio transmission , comprising: a sensor coil located close to said internal loudspeaker for receiving an audio signal in electromagnetic form from said internal loudspeaker; a pre-amplifier and equalizer module connected to said sensor coil for amplifying and equalizing said audio signal to a suitable level and frequency response; and an audio power amplifier and loudspeaker to reproduce a sound for said audio signal; a power module for supplying power.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising a CPU module connected with said pre-amplifier module and said audio power amplifier module for detecting if there is an audio signal received from said sensor coil and for turning said power amplifier module on or off according to the detection.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising two or more of said sensor coils to work with different kinds of existing host devices.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , comprising a multi-channel switch for selection of the correct sensor coil or coils for a particular host device in a particular location.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein said multi-channel switch is a manual switch.6. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein said multi-channel switch is an electronic switch controlled by said CPU module.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor coil is removable so as to be positioned close ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

User terminal apparatus, electronic device, and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20140093100A1

A user terminal apparatus connected to an electronic device, and a method thereof, are provided. The apparatus includes a communicator that performs communication with the electronic device, an audio processor that processes an audio source to be transmitted to the electronic device, and a controller that adjusts a sound level of the audio source based on a reference volume unit of the electronic device, and controls the adjusted audio source to be transmitted to the electronic device in a streaming method.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098976A1

An exemplary speaker system includes a speaker, an audio amplifier, a detecting resistor, and a control unit. The audio amplifier is connected to the speaker and outputs a working voltage to the speaker. The detecting resistor is electronically connected between the speaker and the audio amplifier. The control unit is connected between the detecting resistor and the audio amplifier. The control unit detects a voltage of the detecting resistor, calculates a real-time power of the speaker, and compares the real-time power with a rated power of the speaker. When the real-time power equals to or exceeds the rated power, the control unit adjusts the working voltage until the real-time power is below the rated power. 1. A speaker system , comprising:a speaker having a rated power;an audio amplifier electronically connected to the speaker and outputting a working voltage to the speaker;a detecting resistor, wherein one end of the detecting resistor is electronically connected to the speaker and another end of the detecting resistor is electronically connected to the audio amplifier; anda control unit electronically connected between the detecting resistor and the audio amplifier, wherein the control unit detects a real-time voltage of the detecting resistor, calculates a real-time power of the speaker, and compares the real-time power with the rated power; when the real-time power equals to or exceeds the rated power, the control unit adjusts the working voltage until the real-time power is below the rated power.2. The speaker system of claim 1 , wherein the real-time power of the speaker is calculated according to the detected voltage claim 1 , a resistance of the detecting resistor claim 1 , and the working voltage.3. The speaker system of claim 1 , wherein when the real-time power is less than the rated power claim 1 , the control unit controls the audio amplifier to retain the working voltage.4. The speaker system of claim 1 , further comprising a filter claim 1 , ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Electronic component, information processing apparatus, and electronic component control method

Номер: US20150002205A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An electronic component includes: a first amplifier configured to amplify one of differential signals; a second amplifier configured to amplify another one of the differential signals; a sensor configured to measure voltages of a first output signal outputted from the first amplifier and a second output signal outputted from the second amplifier; and a controller configured to control, based on the voltages measured by the sensor, either one or both of a current and a resistance value of the first amplifier so that a common voltage of the first output signal and a common voltage of the second output signal are approximate to each other.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Timing alignment for modulated supply

Номер: US20150002234A1
Автор: Martin Wilson
Принадлежит: Nujira Ltd

There is disclosed a method, in an amplifier stage comprising an amplifier and a modulated supply, the amplifier being arranged to amplify an input signal and the modulated supply being arranged to generate a supply voltage for the amplifier by tracking an envelope of the signal to be amplified, the method comprising: comparing the relative timing of a signal representing the current drawn by the amplifier from the modulated supply and a signal representing the voltage generated at the output of the modulated supply; and in dependence upon a difference in the relative timing, adjusting the timing of either the input signal to be amplified or the generated supply voltage to reduce the difference in the relative timing.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003635A1

The treatment of tinnitus may include a tinnitus therapy including generating a tinnitus therapy sound that is similar to a patient's perceived tinnitus sound. In one example, a method for tinnitus therapy may include tracking a tinnitus therapy over a duration, the tinnitus therapy including a tinnitus therapy sound matching a patient's perceived tinnitus played over the duration and presenting each of a volume evolution of the tinnitus therapy sound and usage data of the tinnitus therapy over the duration. 1. A method for tinnitus therapy , comprising:tracking a tinnitus therapy over a duration, the tinnitus therapy including a tinnitus therapy sound matching a patient's perceived tinnitus played over the duration; andpresenting each of a volume evolution of the tinnitus therapy sound and usage data of the tinnitus therapy over the duration.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein tracking the tinnitus therapy over the duration includes tracking volume changes to the tinnitus therapy sound.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein tracking the tinnitus therapy over the duration includes tracking volume changes separately for a left ear input and a right ear input.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the duration includes a series of sessions claim 1 , the tinnitus therapy sound played continuously for a prescribed amount of time during each session of the series of sessions.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein tracking the tinnitus therapy over the duration includes tracking one or more of a date claim 4 , time claim 4 , and duration of each session in the series of sessions.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the usage data includes one or more of a total number of sessions in the series of sessions claim 4 , a date and time of a first session of the series of sessions claim 4 , a date and time of a last session of the series of sessions claim 4 , an average daily use claim 4 , an average weekly use claim 4 , and a length of each session.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Multi-input amplifier with variable gain for individual inputs

Номер: US20200007102A1
Принадлежит: Skyworks Solutions Inc

Described herein are variable gain amplifiers and multiplexers that embed programmable attenuators into switchable paths to provide variable gain for individual amplifier inputs. The variable gain for an individual input is provided using a amplification stage that is common for each input of the amplifier. A variable attenuation is provided for individual inputs through a combination of a band selection switch and an attenuation selection branch. The attenuation can be tailored for individual inputs and can depend on a gain mode of the amplifier.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007983A1

A system and method for digital processing including a gain element to process an input audio signal, a high pass filter to then filter the signal and create a high pass signal, a first filter module to filter the high pass signal and create a first filtered signal and a splitter to split the high pass signal into two high pass signals. The first filter module filters one high pass signals before a first compressor modulates the signal or a high pass signal to create a modulated signal. A second filter module filters the modulated signal to create a second filtered signal that is processed by a first processing module including a band splitter that splits the signal into low and high band signals that are then modulated by compressors. A second processing module processes the modulated low and high band signals to create an output signal. 1. A system for digital signal processing of an audio signal comprising:a high pass filter configured to filter an audio signal to create a high pass signal,a first filter module configured to filter the high pass signal to create a first filtered signal,a first compressor configured to modulate the first filtered signal to create a modulated signal,a second filter module configured to filter the modulated signal to create a second filtered signal,a first processing module configured to process the second filtered signal to create a processed signal,a band splitter configured to split the processed signal into at least a first low band signal and a second high band signal,at least a first modulator structured to modulate said first band signal and a second modulator structured to modulate said second band signal to create a first and a second modulated band signal, anda summing module configured to combine at least the first and second modulated band signals to create a combined signal.2. A system as recited in wherein the first filter module comprises:a first low shelf filter configured to filter the high pass signal to create a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Playback Device

Номер: US20190012136A1

A system is described for maintaining synchrony of operations among a plurality of devices that have independent clocking arrangements. The system includes a task distribution device that distributes tasks to a synchrony group comprising a plurality of devices that are to perform the tasks distributed by the task distribution device in synchrony. The task distribution device distributes each task to the members of the synchrony group over a network. Each task is associated with a time stamp that indicates a time, relative to a clock maintained by the task distribution device, at which the members of the synchrony group are to execute the task. Each member of the synchrony group periodically obtains from the task distribution device an indication of the current time indicated by its clock, determines a time differential between the task distribution device's clock and its respective clock and determines therefrom a time at which, according to its respective clock, the time stamp indicates that it is to execute the task. 1. A computing device comprising:a network interface that is configured to provide an interconnection with at least one data network;a clock that is configured to provide a clock time of the computing device;at least one processor;a tangible, non-transitory computer-readable medium; and operating in a first mode in which the computing device is not serving as an audio information channel device for any synchrony group;', 'receiving an indication that the computing device is to begin serving as an audio information channel device for a synchrony group that comprises at least first and second zone players that are communicatively coupled with the computing device over an asynchronous local area network (LAN), wherein the computing device, the first zone player, and the second zone player each have a different respective clock time;', 'after receiving the indication, transitioning from the first mode to a second mode in which the computing device is ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Circuit for Controlled Gain Reduction of a Differential Pair

Номер: US20150015331A1
Автор: Kronmueller Frank
Принадлежит: Dialog Semiconductor GmbH

The present document relates to multi-stage amplifiers, such as linear regulators or linear voltage regulators (e.g. low-dropout regulators) configured to provide a constant output voltage subject to load transients. A multi-stage amplifier is described, having a differential amplification stage which comprises a differential transistor pair. The differential amplification stage is configured to provide a stage output voltage at a stage output node of the differential transistor pair, based on a first input voltage at a first stage input node and a second input voltage at a second stage input node. The differential transistor pair also comprises a reference node. The differential amplification stage further comprises an active load comprising a first diode transistor coupled to the reference node and a first mirror transistor coupled to the stage output node. 1. A multi-stage amplifier comprising a first diode transistor coupled to the reference node; and', 'a first mirror transistor coupled to the stage output node; and, 'a differential amplification stage comprising a differential transistor pair, and configured to provide a stage output voltage at a stage output node of the differential transistor pair, based on a first input voltage at a first stage input node and a second input voltage at a second stage input node; wherein the differential transistor pair further comprises a reference node; wherein the differential amplification stage further comprises an active load comprising'} a second diode transistor coupled to the stage output node; and', 'a second mirror transistor coupled to the reference node., 'a gain control circuit arranged in parallel to the active load, the gain control circuit comprising'}2. The multi-stage amplifier of claim 1 , wherein the active load and the gain control circuit form respective current mirrors.3. The multi-stage amplifier of claim 1 , whereingates of the first diode transistor and the first mirror transistor are coupled with ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Circuit for Controlled Gain Reduction of a Gain Stage

Номер: US20150015332A1
Автор: Kronmueller Frank
Принадлежит: Dialog Semiconductor GmbH

The present document relates to multi-stage amplifiers, such as linear regulators or linear voltage regulators (e.g. low-dropout regulators) configured to provide a constant output voltage subject to load transients. A multi-stage amplifier is described. The multi-stage amplifier comprises a first amplification stage configured to provide a stage output voltage at a stage output node. Furthermore, the amplifier comprises an intermediate amplification stage comprising an amplifier current source configured to provide an amplifier current and an amplifier transistor arranged in series with the amplifier current source. A gate of the amplifier transistor is coupled to the stage output node of the first amplification stage. The intermediate amplification stage is configured to provide an amplified or attenuated stage output voltage at a midpoint between the amplifier current source and the amplifier transistor. 1. A multi-stage amplifier comprisinga first amplification stage configured to provide a stage output voltage at a stage output node; an amplifier current source configured to provide an amplifier current; and', 'an amplifier transistor arranged in series with the amplifier current source; wherein a gate of the amplifier transistor is coupled to the stage output node of the first amplification stage; wherein the intermediate amplification stage is configured to provide an amplified or attenuated stage output voltage at a midpoint between the amplifier current source and the amplifier transistor; and, 'an intermediate amplification stage comprising'}a gain control circuit configured to reduce an effective output impedance of the amplifier transistor by providing a current feedback to the midpoint.2. The multi-stage amplifier of claim 1 , whereinthe gain control circuit comprises a control transistor;a gate of the control transistor is coupled to the stage output node of the first amplification stage;an input port of the control transistor is coupled to an input ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020731A1

A system improve amplifier efficiency of operation relative to that of an amplifier with fixed biasing and fixed matching conditions receives a power level and an indicator of amplifier operation. The indicator is at least one of channel, channel bandwidth, out-of band spectral requirements, spectral mask requirements, error vector magnitude, modulation rate, and modulation type. A controller generates a control signal based at least in part on the power level and the indicator to control at least one of the bias current and the matching conditions of matching circuits. The matching conditions and bias current for channels at an edge of a channel band are different from the bias current and matching conditions for channels nearer a center of the channel band. 1. An amplifier circuit comprising:an amplifying transistor configured to receive a first bias current; anda control circuit configured to determine the first bias current for the amplifying transistor based at least in part on an indication of amplifier operation, the first bias current being different for channels at an edge of a channel band than for channels nearer a center of the channel band.2. The amplifier circuit of wherein the first bias current is determined to improve an amplifier efficiency of operation relative to that of an amplifying transistor with a fixed bias current3. The amplifier circuit of wherein the indication of amplifier operation includes an error vector magnitude (EVM) target claim 1 , an operating point claim 1 , and an operating channel of the amplifier circuit.4. The amplifier circuit of wherein the first bias current is selected from a plurality of discrete bias currents claim 1 , each of the discrete bias currents being selected for a different range of operation of the amplifying transistor.5. The amplifier circuit of wherein the control circuit is further configured to provide the first bias current to the amplifying transistor through a control signal.6. The amplifier ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020742A1

A digital compensation method includes measuring the temperature of the equipment item and applying an analogue control voltage intended to maintain the electrical quantity of the equipment item at a predetermined setpoint value. At each measurement instant, the method includes interrogating look-up tables respectively associated with different setpoint values, then, when the measured temperature is situated between two digital temperature states stored in the look-up tables, creating intermediate digital temperature states situated between the two stored digital temperature states, computing, by interpolation, digital control words corresponding to the intermediate digital temperature states created, and selecting a digital control word, stored or intermediate, corresponding to the measured temperature, then delivering, to at least one of the N individual devices, the analogue control corresponding to the selected digital control word. 1. A method for digitally compensating variations , as a function of temperature , of an electrical quantity of an embedded space radiofrequency telecommunications equipment item , the equipment item comprising N individual devices , where N is greater than or equal to one , the electrical quantity of the equipment item having to be maintained at a predetermined setpoint value , the method comprising , in order:in measuring the temperature of the equipment item at different measurement instants,at each measurement instant, in interrogating look-up tables, respectively dedicated to different setpoint values, in which digital control words are stored that are to be applied to the equipment item as a function of different digital temperature states corresponding to different measured temperature values,when the measured temperature is situated between two digital temperature states stored in the look-up tables, in creating intermediate digital temperature states situated between the two stored digital temperature states and in computing ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019133A1

A power supply apparatus for a power amplifier includes a converter configured to convert input power into driving power for the power amplifier, a detector configured to transfer the driving power from the converter to the power amplifier, including an inductor formed on a detection path of the driving power, and configured to detect power information regarding the driving power to generate a detected signal, and a controller configured to control power conversion of the converter based on an envelope signal of a signal input to the power amplifier and the detected signal. 1. A power supply apparatus , comprising:a converter configured to convert input power into driving power;a detector configured to transfer the driving power from the converter to a power amplifier, and comprising an inductor formed on a detection path of the driving power, and configured to detect power information of the driving power to generate a detected signal; anda controller configured to control power conversion of the converter based on an envelope signal of a signal input to the power amplifier and the detected signal.2. The power supply apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detector comprises:a first detection path configured to detect voltage information of the driving power through a resistor connected to an input terminal of the inductor; anda second detection path configured to detect current information of the inductor through a capacitor connected to an output terminal of the inductor.3. The power supply apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the detector is configured to divide a first signal through the first detection path and a second signal through the second detection path claim 2 , and feed back the divided detected signal to the controller.4. The power supply apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises:a first comparator configured to compare the detected signal with the envelope signal; anda second comparator configured to compare a comparison result of the first ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019772A1

A power amplifier module can include one or more switches, a coupler module, input signal pins, and a controller having first and second output terminals. The input signal pins can receive a voltage input/output signal, a clock input signal, and a data input signal. The controller can (i) set a mode of the one or more switches using a synchronous communication protocol in which the controller outputs a synchronous clock signal on the first output terminal and a data signal on the second output terminal, when the power amplifier module is in a first operating mode, or (ii) set a mode of the coupler module using an asynchronous communication protocol in which the controller outputs a first asynchronous control signal on the first output terminal and a second asynchronous control signal on the second output terminal, when the power amplifier module is in a second operating mode. 1. (canceled)2. A radio frequency module comprising:a first radio frequency component;a second radio frequency component;a plurality of input signal pins configured to receive at least a data input signal; anda controller including at least one output terminal, the output terminal connected to the first radio frequency component and to the second radio frequency component, the controller configured to, in a first operating mode of the radio frequency module, implement a synchronous communication protocol on the output terminal, and in a second operating mode of the radio frequency module, implement an asynchronous communication protocol on the output terminal.3. The radio frequency module of wherein the radio frequency module is a power amplifier module claim 1 , the first radio frequency component is a switch claim 1 , and the second radio frequency component is a coupler.4. The radio frequency module of wherein the controller is further configured to determine whether the radio frequency module is in the first operating mode or in the second operating mode based at least on data content of ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140105419A1
Автор: Vickers Earl Corban
Принадлежит: STMicroelectronics, Inc.

Psychoacoustic bass audio signal enhancement can be accomplished using a monotonic, asymmetric polynomial distortion. A non-linear process applies a monotonic, asymmetric polynomial distortion function that has continuous first and second derivatives to generate even and odd harmonics of missing fundamental frequencies. This polynomial distortion produces the desired psychoacoustic effect with a fairly rapid roll-off so as to avoid unpleasant aliasing. Moreover, the lack of first-order discontinuities prevents clicks or glitches. 1. A method for enhancing an audio signal , the method comprising:receiving a bass audio signal having a fundamental frequency;normalizing an amplitude of the bass audio signal;producing a plurality of harmonics using a monotonic, asymmetric fourth order polynomial distortion function.2. The method of wherein the monotonic claim 1 , asymmetric polynomial distortion function has continuous first and second derivatives.3. The method of wherein the monotonic claim 1 , asymmetric polynomial distortion function produces even and odd harmonics in response to a sinusoidal input.4. The method of wherein the monotonic claim 1 , asymmetric polynomial distortion function limits output amplitude.6. The method of such that ƒ(1)=kand ƒ(−1)=k.7. The method of wherein magnitudes of the positive clipping level kand the negative clipping level kare unequal claim 6 , |k|≠|k|.8. The method of wherein the monotonic claim 1 , asymmetric polynomial distortion function comprises a pair of fourth-order polynomials.10. The method of wherein responsive to producing the plurality of harmonics claim 1 , compensating for normalizing the signal.11. The method of wherein the monotonic claim 1 , asymmetric polynomial distortion function is constrained to pass through the origin claim 1 , ƒ(0)=0.12. The method of wherein the monotonic claim 11 , asymmetric polynomial distortion function is constrained to have a slope of unity as it passes through the origin claim 11 , such ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for envelope tracking systems with automatic mode selection

Номер: US20190020315A1
Принадлежит: Skyworks Solutions Inc

Apparatus and methods for envelope tracking systems with automatic mode selection are provided herein. In certain configurations, a power amplifier system includes a power amplifier configured to provide amplification to a radio frequency signal and to receive power from a power amplifier supply voltage, and an envelope tracker including a signal bandwidth detection circuit configured to generate a detected bandwidth signal based on processing an envelope signal corresponding to an envelope of the radio frequency signal. The envelope tracker further includes a switch bank configured to receive a plurality of regulated voltages, a filter configured to filter an output of the switch bank to generate the power amplifier supply voltage, and a mode control circuit configured to control a filtering characteristic of the filter based on the detected bandwidth signal.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Sound effect configuration method and system and related device

Номер: US20190026068A1

Disclosed are a sound effect configuration method and system and a related device. The method comprises: determining, when a starting operation on a target application of a mobile terminal is detected, a sound effect setting time period to which the system time belongs, the target application being used for controlling an audio output device; determining a reference sound effect parameter corresponding to the sound effect setting time period to which the system time belongs according to mapping relationships between pre-stored sound effect setting time periods of the audio output device and sound effect parameters; sending a pre-configuration instruction comprising the reference sound effect parameter to the audio output device, the pre-configuration instruction being used for instructing the audio output device to create, according to the reference sound effect parameter, a sound effect instance for an audio stream to be played, and the sound effect instance being used for configuring the sound effect of the audio stream to be played. Embodiments of the present invention can improve convenience and intelligence of sound effect setting and user experience.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Selectable Programmable Gain Or Operational Amplifier

Номер: US20180026596A1

An integrated circuit amplifier configurable to be either a programmable gain amplifier or an operational amplifier comprises two output blocks, one output block is optimized for programmable gain amplifier operation, and the other output block is optimized for operational amplifier applications. A common single input stage, input offset calibration and bias generation circuits are used with either amplifier configuration. Thus duplication of the input stage, offset calibration and bias generation circuits are eliminated while still selectably providing for either a programmable gain amplifier or operational amplifier configuration. 1. A configurable amplifier , comprising:a differential input stage;a first output block;a second output block;a plurality of switches coupled to the differential input stage, the first output block and the second output block;at least one configuration line controlling a switching position of said plurality of switches; when a logic state on said configuration line defines a programmable gain amplifier setting, the plurality of switches are controlled such that the differential input stage and the first output block are coupled together as a programmable gain amplifier and comprises a feedback loop, wherein at least one switch of said plurality of switches changes a feedback resistance of the feedback loop, and', 'when another logic state of said configuration line defines an operational amplifier setting, the plurality of switches are controlled such that the differential input stage and the second output block are coupled together as an operational amplifier without a feedback loop., 'wherein'}2. The configurable amplifier according to claim 1 , wherein the first output block comprises a first intermediate stage and a first output stage claim 1 , and the second output block comprises a second intermediate stage and a second output stage.3. The configurable amplifier according to claim 1 , further comprising a bias circuit coupled to ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030183A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic, Inc.

Audio amplification may be improved by controlling an audio amplifier based on the audio signal being amplified. For example, when the audio signal level increases or decreases, a boost voltage provided to an audio amplifier by a boost converter may also be increased or decreased. In another example, when the audio signal level decrease below a certain level, the audio amplifier may be switched from amplifying the audio signal with a boost converter input to amplifying the audio signal with a low voltage input. Control of the audio amplifier may be implemented in a digital boost converter controller coupled to the boost converter and/or the audio amplifier. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an input node configured to receive an audio signal;an audio amplifier; an inductor coupled to a supply voltage;', 'a capacitor coupled to the audio amplifier;', 'a first switch coupled to the inductor and to a ground; and', 'a second switch coupled to the first switch and to the audio amplifier; and, 'a boost converter coupled to the audio amplifier and configured to output a boost voltage to the audio amplifier, wherein the boost converter comprisesa controller coupled to the boost converter and the input node and configured to control the boost voltage of the boost converter based, at least in part, on the audio signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a low voltage converter coupled to the audio amplifier and configured to output a low voltage to the audio amplifier claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to switch the audio amplifier between the boost voltage and the low voltage.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the low voltage converter is a low drop-out (LDO) voltage converter.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the boost voltage is larger than a supply voltage and the low voltage is lower than the supply voltage.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an audio buffer coupled to the input node and configured to buffer the audio ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045658A1
Принадлежит: Radiawave Technologies Co., Ltd.

Disclosed are a two-stage audio gain circuit based on analog-to-digital conversion and an audio terminal. The two-stage audio gain circuit includes a PGA configured to receive an analog audio signal and perform programmable gain amplification processing on the received analog audio signal; an ADC configured to convert the analog audio signal after the programmable gain amplification processing into a digital audio signal and output the digital audio signal; a first AGC gain unit configured to perform a first AGC processing on the digital audio signal and output a first gain adjustment value to the PGA, for the PGA to perform gain adjustment on the received analog audio signal; and a second AGC gain unit configured to perform a second AGC processing on the digital audio signal and output a second gain adjustment value to the PGA, for the PGA to perform gain adjustment on the received analog audio signal. 1. A two-stage audio gain circuit based on analog-to-digital conversion , comprising:a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) configured to receive an analog audio signal and perform programmable gain amplification processing on the received analog audio signal;an analog-to-digital converter configured to convert the analog audio signal after the programmable gain amplification processing into a digital audio signal and output the digital audio signal;a first automatic gain control (AGC) gain unit configured to perform a first AGC processing on the digital audio signal and output a first gain adjustment value to the PGA, for the PGA to perform gain adjustment on the received analog audio signal according to the first gain adjustment value; anda second AGC gain unit configured to perform a second AGC processing on the digital audio signal and output a second gain adjustment value to the PGA, for the PGA to perform gain adjustment on the received analog audio signal according to the second gain adjustment value.2. The two-stage audio gain circuit based on analog-to-digital ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Configuration Method of Audio Equipment and Audio Equipment

Номер: US20190028076A1

An configuration method of audio equipment includes, a first step of preparing a plurality of configuration data sets; a second step of receiving, from a user, selection of one output configuration from among a plurality of output configurations; a third step of receiving, from the user, selection of one input configuration from among input configurations restricted by the selected one output configuration; a fourth step of selecting one amplifier mode from among a plurality of amplifier modes based on the selected one output configuration and the selected one input configuration; and a fifth step of selecting a configuration data set corresponding to the selected one amplifier mode, and applying the selected configuration data set to signal processing to be performed by the signal processor. 1. A configuration method of audio equipment ,the audio equipment including a signal processor, which is connected to n input devices and m output devices, where n is an integer of 1 or more and m is an integer of 1 or more,the configuration method of audio equipment comprising:a first step of preparing a plurality of configuration data sets;a second step of receiving, from a user, selection of one output configuration from among a plurality of output configurations;a third step of receiving, from the user, selection of one input configuration from among input configurations restricted by the selected one output configuration;a fourth step of selecting one amplifier mode from among a plurality of amplifier modes based on the selected one output configuration and the selected one input configuration; anda fifth step of selecting a configuration data set corresponding to the selected one amplifier mode, and applying the selected configuration data set to signal processing to be performed by the signal processor.2. The configuration method of audio equipment according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of configuration data sets defines a path of a sound signal from the n ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190028077A1

A sound processing device includes an amplifier, a current detector, and a controller. The amplifier amplifies a sound signal to drive a loudspeaker. The current detector detects a value of an electric current flowing into the amplifier. The controller controls whether to supply power to the amplifier based on a predicted current value and the current detected by the current detector. The predicted current value is predicted in accordance with a volume setting and a level of the sound signal. 1. A sound processing device comprising:a first amplifier that amplifies a sound signal to drive a first loudspeaker;a first current detector that detects a value of a first electric current flowing into the first amplifier; anda controller that:predicts a first predicted current value to flow into the first amplifier in accordance with a volume setting for the first amplifier and a level of the sound signal; andcontrols whether to supply power to the first amplifier based on the first predicted current value and the value of the first electric current.2. The sound processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller:calculates a first threshold in accordance with the first predicted current value;compares the first threshold and the value of the first electric current; andcontrols whether to supply the power to the first amplifier based on a comparison result of the first threshold and the value of the first electric current.3. The sound processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller controls whether to supply the power to the first amplifier, in consideration of a load of the first loudspeaker.4. The sound processing device according to claim 3 ,wherein the controller calculates the load of the first loudspeaker in accordance with a value of the first electric current flowing into the first amplifier when the first amplifier amplifies a known reference signal.5. The sound processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller determines ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160034094A1

A programmable gain amplifier (PGA) circuit includes a first input resistor coupled between a first input node and a first summing node and a second input resistor coupled between a second input node and a second summing node. The PGA circuit further includes a first variable reference resistor coupled between a third input node and the first summing node, a second variable reference resistor coupled between a fourth input node and the second summing node, and an operational amplifier having first and second inputs coupled to respective ones of the first and second summing nodes and first and second outputs coupled to respective ones of the first and second output nodes. At least of the first and second reference resistors may include an R-2R ladder circuit. 1. A programmable gain amplifier (PGA) circuit comprising:a first input resistor coupled between a first input node and a first summing node;a second input resistor coupled between a second input node and a second summing node;a first feedback resistor coupled between the first summing node and a first output node;a second feedback resistor coupled between the second summing node and a second output node;a first reference resistor coupled between a third input node and the first summing node;a second reference resistor coupled between a fourth input node and the second summing node; andan operational amplifier having an input coupled to the first and second summing nodes and an output coupled to the first and second output nodes, wherein at least one of the first and second reference resistors comprises an R-2R ladder circuit.2. The PGA circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second input resistors have the same resistance value.3. The PGA circuit according to claim 1 , wherein a positive input voltage is applied to the first input node claim 1 , a negative input voltage is applied to the second input node claim 1 , and a difference between the positive input voltage and the negative input voltage ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Distortion compensating apparatus and distortion compensation method

Номер: US20150035608A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A distortion compensating apparatus includes: a memory; and a processor coupled to the memory and configured to: calculate a transient response of a power source circuit, in accordance with an estimated value of a current to be consumed by an amplifier based on a signal to be amplified by the amplifier, and in accordance with an objective supply voltage, based on the signal, of a voltage to be supplied to the amplifier from the power source circuit, and correct the signal to be input to the amplifier based on a difference caused by the transient response from the objective supply voltage.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036135A1

An antenna array includes a first patch antenna and a second patch antenna which are oriented mutually in parallel. Each patch antenna includes a linear array of radiation elements. Adjacent radiation elements within each patch antenna are equidistantly spaced apart and are interconnected. In addition, a connecting line between adjacent first ends of the two patch antennas is provided, and the two second ends of the patch antennas are each adapted for transfer of an electrical oscillation. The spacings between the adjacent radiation elements of the first patch antenna are greater than the spacings between the adjacent radiation elements of the second patch antenna. 19-. (canceled)10. An antenna array , comprising:a first patch antenna; anda second patch antenna; the first and second patch antennas are oriented mutually in parallel;', 'each patch antenna includes a linear array of radiation elements;', 'adjacent radiation elements of the first patch antenna have first equidistant spacings and are interconnected to one another;', 'adjacent radiation elements of the second patch antenna have second equidistant spacings and are interconnected to one another;', 'adjacent first ends of the first and second patch antennas are connected by a connecting line;', 'second ends of the first and second patch antennas are each configured for transfer of an electrical oscillation; and', 'the first equidistant spacings between the adjacent radiation elements of the first patch antenna are greater than the second equidistant spacings between the adjacent radiation elements of the second patch antenna., 'wherein11. The antenna array as recited in claim 10 , wherein the radiation elements are arrayed on a substrate claim 10 , and wherein the first and second equidistant spacings are each within the range of one half wavelength of an oscillation to be converted in the substrate.12. The antenna array as recited in claim 10 , wherein at least one of the first and second patch antennas ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140119572A1
Автор: GAO Yang
Принадлежит: O'HEARN AUDIO LLC

A method of decoding speech data generated from a speech signal includes receiving the speech data having at least one main pulse in a subframe of the speech data, and generating a first predicted pulse, based on the at least one main pulse, on one side of the main pulse in the subframe of the speech data, where the first predicted pulse has a lower gain than the main pulse. The method also includes generating a second predicted pulse, as a mirror image of the first predicted pulse on a reverse time scale, on the other side of the main pulse in the subframe of the speech data, and reconstructing the speech signal using the at least one main pulse, the first predicted pulse and the second predicted pulse. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, at a computing device, an input audio signal including a zero level, wherein the input audio signal comprises a plurality of audio frames;determining, by the computing device, that at least one frame of the plurality of audio frames has a volume level within a selected range of the zero level; andmodifying, by the computing device, the volume level of the at least one frame to correspond to the zero level of the input audio signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining includes comparing the volume level of the at least one frame to one or more quantization levels.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected range includes one or more quantization levels claim 1 , wherein the one or more quantization levels correspond to quantization levels of pulse code modulation (PCM).4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:tracking, by the computing device, the zero level adaptively by using the modified volume level of the at least one frame as a feedback.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the tracking the zero level adaptively includes using a minimum resolution.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining includes determining whether the volume level is within two quantization levels of the zero level.7. The ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Multi-Channel Common-Mode Coupled AC Gain Amplifier

Номер: US20220052661A1
Автор: Allen Paul

Devices, systems, and methods for multi-channel common-mode coupled alternating current (AC) gain amplifiers (MC-CM-AC Amp) are disclosed. The MC-CM-AC Amp can comprise a first operational amplifier including: a first non-inverting input port configured to be coupled to a first input signal, and a first inverting input port configured to be coupled to a first capacitor. The MC-CM-AC Amp can comprise a second operational amplifier including a second non-inverting input port configured to be coupled to a second input signal, and a second inverting input port configured to be coupled to a second capacitor. The MC-CM-AC Amp can comprise one or more gain-setting resistors configured to be coupled between the first capacitor and the second capacitor. 1. A multi-channel common-mode coupled alternating current (AC) gain amplifier (MC-CM-AC Amp) comprising:{'claim-text': ['a first non-inverting input port configured to be coupled to a first input signal;', 'a first inverting input port configured to be coupled to a first capacitor;', 'a second operational amplifier including:', 'a second non-inverting input port configured to be coupled to a second input signal;', 'a second inverting input port configured to be coupled to a second capacitor; and'], '#text': 'a first operational amplifier including:'}one or more gain-setting resistors configured to be coupled between the first capacitor and the second capacitor.2. The MC-CM-AC Amp of claim 1 , wherein the one or more gain-setting resistors is configured to amplify an alternating current (AC) component of the first input signal or the second input signal without amplifying a direct current (DC) component of the first input signal or the second input signal.3. The MC-CM-AC Amp of claim 1 , wherein the first input signal or the second input signal has a value from about 100 nanovolts to about 3 millivolts.4. The MC-CM-AC Amp of claim 1 , wherein the first capacitor or the second capacitor are non-polarized capacitors with a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036501A1

An instrumentation amplifier configured for providing high common mode rejection is described and includes an input differential stage configured to receive a differential input voltage and a folded cascode amplifying stage configured to receive output current mode signals provided from the input differential pair. A plurality of feedback networks is provided to improve the input stage. The amplifier may operate to provide an enhanced common mode rejection ratio of a single gain block in the instrumentation amplifier. In some examples, the circuitry may have a differential folded cascode amplifying stage which permits high precision and low distortion of amplified signals without degrading the common mode rejection ratio. 1. An instrumentation amplifier configured for providing high common mode rejection and low distortion , said instrumentation amplifier comprising:an input differential stage configured to receive a differential input voltage at a first and a second input and to output current mode signals, the input differential stage including a first input transistor and a second input transistor;a folded cascode amplifying stage configured to receive output current mode signals from the input differential stage; anda plurality of feedback networks operating as gain setting circuitry, wherein a first resistor feedback network of the plurality of feedback networks providing feedback to the first input transistor and the second input transistor, wherein a second resistor feedback network of the plurality of feedback networks providing feedback to inputs of the first input transistor and the second input transistor.2. The instrumentation amplifier according to claim 1 , wherein the first resistor feedback network includes:a first resistor connected between a first feedback input and a second feedback input of the first input transistor and the second input transistor;a second resistor connected between a first output terminal of the folded cascode stage and a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036503A1

A transmitter circuit includes an amplifier configured to output a radio frequency (RF) signal on an output node, a power detection circuit coupled with the output node and configured to generate an output voltage having a first component based on a power level of the RF signal, and a reference voltage generator configured to generate a reference voltage. A comparator is configured to receive the output voltage and the reference voltage, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is coupled between the comparator and the amplifier, and the amplifier is configured to adjust the power level of the RF signal responsive to an output of the ADC. 1. A transmitter circuit comprising:an amplifier configured to output a radio frequency (RF) signal on an output node;a power detection circuit coupled with the output node and configured to generate an output voltage having a first component based on a power level of the RF signal;a reference voltage generator configured to generate a reference voltage;a comparator configured to receive the output voltage and the reference voltage; andan analog-to-digital converter (ADC) coupled between the comparator and the amplifier,wherein the amplifier is configured to adjust the power level of the RF signal responsive to an output of the ADC.2. The transmitter circuit of claim 1 , wherein the power detection circuit is configured so that the output voltage increases with respect to an increasing amplitude of the RF signal.3. The transmitter circuit of claim 1 , wherein the comparator is configured to output a comparison voltage based on a difference between the output voltage and the reference voltage.4. The transmitter circuit of claim 1 , wherein each of the power detection circuit and the reference voltage generator is configured to receive a clock signal.5. The transmitter circuit of claim 4 , wherein the power detection circuit is configured to:generate the output voltage in response to the clock signal having a first logical value; ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036385A1
Автор: Bushman Michael
Принадлежит: Futurewei Technologies, Inc.

The disclosure relates to technology for power supply for a voltage controller oscillator (VCO). A peak detector circuit determines the amplitude of the output for the VCO, which is compared to a reference value in an automatic gain control loop. An input voltage for the VCO is determined based on a difference between the reference value and the output of the peak detector circuit. The peak detector circuit can be implemented using parasitic bipolar devices in an integrated circuit formed in a CMOS process. 1. An oscillator system , comprising:a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) configured to generate an oscillator output waveform having an amplitude based on an input voltage;a peak detector configured to receive the oscillator output waveform and determine an indication of the amplitude of the oscillator output waveform;a reference generator configured to provide a reference value; anda gain control circuit configured to receive the reference value and the indication of the amplitude of the oscillator output waveform and generate the input voltage based on a difference between the reference value and the indication of the amplitude of the oscillator output waveform.2. The oscillator system of claim 1 , further comprising:a source follower circuit connected between the gain control circuit and the VCO to provide the input voltage to the VCO; anda low pass filter connected between the gain control circuit and the source follower circuit, the low pass filter configured to filter the input voltage received from the gain control circuit and provided to the source follower circuit.3. The oscillator system of claim 2 , further comprising:a bypass path connected in parallel with the low pass filter between the gain control circuit and the source follower circuit; andone of more control circuits connected to the bypass path and configured to selectively connect the bypass path during a start-up mode.4. The oscillator system of claim 1 , wherein the gain control circuit ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037309A1

Brownout management for an audio amplification system. An audio amplification system includes audio volume control circuitry, audio sample interpolation circuitry, and brownout management circuitry. The brownout management circuitry includes brownout detection circuitry and brownout response circuitry. The brownout detection circuitry is configured to determine whether a voltage of a battery that powers the audio amplification system is below a brownout threshold, and to generate a brownout detection signal that indicates the voltage is below the brownout threshold. The brownout response circuitry is coupled to an audio output of the audio sample interpolation circuitry. The brownout response circuitry is configured to attenuate the audio samples output by the audio sample interpolation circuitry responsive to the brownout detection signal indicating that the voltage is below the brownout threshold. 2. The audio amplification system of claim 1 , further comprising a power amplifier configured to amplify output of the brownout response circuitry claim 1 , wherein the brownout management circuitry is configured to reduce latency of attenuated samples to an output of the power amplifier to no more than 10 micro-seconds from voltage of the battery being below the brownout threshold.3. The audio amplification system of claim 1 , wherein the brownout detection circuitry is coupled to the audio volume control circuitry claim 1 , and the audio volume control circuitry is configured to attenuate the audio samples received by the volume control circuitry responsive to the brownout detection signal indicating that the voltage is below the brownout threshold.4. The audio amplification system of claim 1 , wherein the brownout response circuitry is configured to notify the audio processing circuitry claim 1 , responsive to the brownout detection signal indicating that the voltage is below the brownout threshold claim 1 , of an amount of attenuation to be applied to the audio ...
