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27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2483442C2

Использование: в области электротехники. Технический результат - упрощение управления системой. Система подачи электропитания включает в себя по меньшей мере две системы, включающие в себя, каждая, шинную линию, которая образована по меньшей мере двумя проводниками и на которой информационный сигнал, представляющий информацию, наложен на электроэнергию; по меньшей мере один сервер источника питания, который соединен с шинной линией и который подает электроэнергию от сервера источника питания; и по меньшей мере один клиент, который соединен с шинной линией и который принимает питание электроэнергии от сервера источника питания. По меньшей мере две системы соединены друг с другом посредством соединения шинных линий с помощью проводников. Эти проводники включают в себя соединитель с по меньшей мере двумя электродами, которые соединяются с каждым из проводников, образуя шинную линию. Соединитель имеет структуру, в которой, когда соединитель соединен с шинной линией, один из электродов соединяется ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2547856C2

Изобретение относится к искробезопасному соединительному блоку для искробезопасных электрических приборов, а также к контроллеру и сетевому интерфейсу для использования там же. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности для множества сетевых абонентов подсоединиться к сети во взрывоопасной зоне с меньшими связанными с электропроводкой сложностями. Искробезопасный соединительный блок с сетевым интерфейсом для искробезопасных приборов, работающих во взрывоопасных зонах, имеющий корпус, разъем подачи напряжения питания, разъемное соединение для подсоединения передающего кабеля искробезопасного прибора через передающий кабель и разъединяющую схему. В качестве сетевого интерфейса имеется множество разъемных соединений одного и того же типа. Причем каждый из них предваряется отдельной разъединяющей схемой, а разъем подачи напряжения питания образует центральное соединение питания с отдельными жилами подачи питания для каждого разъемного соединения, где каждый из которых имеет по ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2488962C2

Устройство и способ относятся к системам передачи данных и энергии по сети. Технический результат - повышение экономичности. Упомянутое устройство имеет по меньшей мере два устройства, шину с приемной линией и передающей линией, связывающей эти устройства, и устройство управления шиной, связанное с шиной, причем устройство управления шиной имеет первое средство для управления передачей данных, определенных определенной сетью как сигналы данных-напряжения, по передающей линии и по приемной линии, и второе средство для загрузки сигналов данных-напряжения на передающую линию с первыми сигналами подачи напряжения, приспособленными для подачи напряжения на устройства первой системы самолета, и третье средство для загрузки сигналов напряжения-данных на приемную линию с вторыми сигналами подачи напряжения, приспособленными для подачи напряжения на устройства второй системы самолета. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016102315A3

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016112864A3

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020110807A3

11-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615746C1
Принадлежит: НЕК КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к области беспроводной связи, в частности к системе базовой станции, и обеспечивает базовую станцию, которая легко устанавливается и которая имеет высокую устойчивость к случайному или преднамеренному повреждению кабелей. Система базовой станции включает в себя оборудование (1) базовой станции и беспроводное оборудование (2) передачи, оборудование (1) базовой станции осуществляет связь с мобильными станциями, беспроводное оборудование (2) передачи осуществляет связь с оборудованием (1) базовой станции и осуществляет беспроводную связь с другим оборудованием для подключения оборудования (1) базовой станции к мобильной магистральной сети. Оборудование (1) базовой станции включает в себя панель (15) солнечных элементов для генерации рабочей мощности оборудования (1) базовой станции и аккумулятор (14). Беспроводное оборудование (2) передачи включает в себя панель (25) солнечных элементов для генерации рабочей мощности беспроводного оборудования (2) передачи и аккумулятор ...

27-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004127173A

... 1. Система адаптации обычной телефонной линии для использования в качестве локальной сети передачи данных и голоса, включающая в себя следующие компоненты: устройство (1), предназначенное для определения состояния линии (свободна/занята), подающее сигнал о замыкании или размыкании линии (7); устройство (2), предназначенное для замыкания или размыкания линии (7), предоставляющее передаваемые данные; устройство (3), предназначенное для обнаружения обычного вызова; модуль (4) внешних соединений; схема (5) питания; устройство (6) управления; протокол связи; отличающаяся тем, что в указанной системе используется источник электропитания и шина непосредственно аналоговой телефонной линии (7) без использования внешнего источника питания или независимой проводки; указанное устройство (6) управления, передающее при приеме сигнала через модуль (4) соединений соответствующий сигнал на устройство (2) для размыкания и замыкания линии (7), передающий требуемые данные посредством сообщений, причем указанное ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008142738A

... 1. Полевое устройство, содержащее: ! модуль связи полевой шины, удобно связываемый с контуром обмена информацией о процессах в полевой шине; ! модуль питания, связываемый с контуром обмена информацией о процессах в полевой шине, причем модуль питания выполнен с возможностью полностью снабжать полевое устройство энергией, полученной от контура обмена информацией о процессах в полевой шине; ! контроллер, связанный с модулем связи полевой шины и с модулем питания; ! множество выводов, удобно связанных с модулем питания и связываемых со вторым контуром обмена информацией о процессах не в полевой шине, для обеспечения электроэнергией через второй контур обмена информацией о процессах не в полевой шине. ! 2. Полевое устройство по п.1, в котором контроллер выполнен с возможностью избирательно побуждать модуль питания обеспечивать электроэнергией второй контур обмена информацией о процессах не в полевой шине. ! 3. Полевое устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее второй модуль связи неполевой ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010127328A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее: ! шину; ! интерфейс питания через Ethernet коммуникативно связанный с шиной; ! мультимедийный интерфейс высокой четкости (High-Definition Media Interface (HDMI)), связанный с шиной и сконфигурированный для приема потокового интерактивного видео с малой задержкой по шине от интерфейса питания через Ethernet; ! интерфейс Bluetooth, коммуникативно связанный с шиной и сконфигурированный для получения сигналов управления от устройств Bluetooth и предоставления сигналов управления интерфейсу Ethernet; ! интерфейс Ethernet, передающий сигналы управления через соединение с Ethernet службе хостинга на базе Интернета; ! видеодекомпрессор для декомпрессии потокового интерактивного видео с малой задержкой от службы хостинга на базе Интернета и вывода декомпрессированного видео посредством HDMI; и ! аудиодекомпрессор для декомпрессии аудио, связанного с потоковым интерактивным видео с малой задержкой от службы хостинга на базе Интернета и вывода декомпрессированного аудио ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006128573A

... 1. Аналоговый внешний интерфейс повышенной надежности, взаимно соединяющий сетевое устройство передачи данных с сетью на основе двух проводников, содержащий входные и выходные выводы, предназначенные для соединения с сетевым устройством передачи данных; сетевые выводы, предназначенные для соединения с сетью на основе двух проводников; соединительную схему, имеющую первый, второй и третий наборы контактов, первый соединительный канал между первым и вторым наборами контактов, и второй соединительный канал между первым и третьим наборами контактов, причем первый и второй соединительные каналы обеспечивают изоляцию, согласование полного внутреннего сопротивления и передачу энергии между соответствующими наборами контактов; усилитель, вход которого соединен с входными проводниками, и выход которого соединен со вторым набором контактов соединительной схемы; схему фильтра общего режима, подключенную между первым набором контактов соединительной схемы и сетевыми выводами; аттенюатор, вход которого ...

07-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060036921T2
Принадлежит: SONY CORP, SONY CORP.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Energiezähler, vorzugsweise Multienergiezähler

Номер: DE102015101409B4
Автор: AMBERG JENS, Amberg, Jens
Принадлежит: LUFTMEISTER GMBH, Luftmeister GmbH

Energiezähler zum Erfassen einer von einer Klimazentrale (2) mittels eines in einem Fluidkanal (3) strömenden gasförmigen Fluids an einen Verbraucher (4a, 4b, 4c) gelieferten Energiemenge, mit mehreren Energiemesssensoreinrichtungen (6) wobei je eine Energiemesssensoreinrichtung (6) an einer Messstelle (31) des Fluidkanals (3) anordenbar und mit diesem Fluidkanal verbindbar ist und in und/oder an dem Fluidkanal angeordnet einen Fluidtemperatursensor (64) und einen Durchflusssensor (63) aufweist, und mit einer Auswerteeinrichtung (7), die zum Erfassen von Energiemengen mit den Energiemesssensoreinrichtungen (6) verbunden ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Auswerteeinrichtung (7) zum Anschluss einer unterschiedlichen Anzahl von Verbrauchern (4a, 4b, 4c) und/oder Energiemesssensoreinrichtungen (6) ausgebildet ist, indem vorgesehen ist, dass a) die Auswerteeinrichtung (7) mehrere Eingänge (72, 73) zum Anschluss einer Energiemesssensoreinrichtung (6) aufweist, und dass die Auswerteeinrichtung ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Bus communication apparatus e.g. all-digital, serial, two-way communications system, has coupling device and/or subscriber units formed to perform coupling device current modulation, where gradient of currents is limited to maximum value

Номер: DE102012110732B3

The apparatus (10) has subscriber units (14) established for execution of modulation of subscriber current (IT) corresponding to a communication protocol. A coupling device (17) and/or the subscriber units are formed to perform another modulation of coupling device current (IK) flowing into the coupling device, where gradient of the subscriber currents in the former modulation lies above a gradient maximum value of the latter modulation. The gradient of the currents in the latter modulation is limited to the gradient maximum value.

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Netzwerk zur Daten- und Energieübertragung

Номер: DE0050015913D1
Принадлежит: NXP BV, NXP B.V.

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Power over Ethernet-basiertes Feldgerät der Automatisierungstechnik

Номер: DE102017107535A1

Power over Ethernet-basiertes Feldgerät der Automatisierungstechnik umfassend:- ein Feldgerätegehäuse (61);- ein Sensor und/oder Aktor (62) zum Bestimmen und/oder Stellen einer Prozessgröße;- einen am Feldgerätegehäuse angeordneten Ethernetanschluss (63) zum Anschließen des Feldgerätes an ein Ethernet-basiertes Netzwerk (70), so dass das Feldgerät über den Ethernetanschluss mit Energie versorgbar ist und Daten mit dem Netzwerk austauschen kann;- zumindest einen am Feldgerätegehäuse (61) angeordneten weiteren speisenden Feldgeräteanschluss (64) zum Anschließen zumindest eines weiteren Feldgerätes (20, 30),- eine Feldgeräteelektronik (65) die dazu eingerichtet ist, den zumindest einen weiteren Feldgeräteanschluss (64) mit Energie zu versorgen, so dass ein an dem weiteren Feldgeräteanschluss (64) angeschlossenes weiteres Feldgerät (20, 30) mit Energie versorgbar ist und ferner dazu eingerichtet ist, Daten mit dem weiteren Feldgerät (20, 30) auszutauschen, so dass Daten zwischen dem Ethernet-basierten ...

30-06-2020 дата публикации

Elektronikgerät und Kommunikationseinheit

Номер: DE202019101746U1

Elektrisches Energieversorgungsgerät (1) für die elektrische Energieversorgung elektrischer Komponenten aus einer Energiequelle, wobei das Energieversorgungsgerät (1) wenigstens eine Kommunikationseinheit (3) aufweist, durch die das Energieversorgungsgerät (1) zur Datenkommunikation mit einem externen Computergerät (8) eingerichtet ist, wobei das Energieversorgungsgerät (1) Anschlüsse (9) zur Abgabe der elektrischen Energie für die Energieversorgung der elektrischen Komponenten aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Energieversorgungsgerät (1) als weiteren Anschluss wenigstens einen steuerbaren Digital- oder Analog-Ausgangsanschluss (4) und/oder wenigstens einen Digital- oder Analog-Eingangsanschluss (5) aufweist, wobei im Falle eines steuerbaren Digital- oder Analog-Ausgangsanschlusses (4) dieser von dem externen Computergerät (8) über die Kommunikationseinheit (3) steuerbar ist und im Falle eines Digital- oder Analog-Eingangsanschlusses (5) ein Eingangswert von diesem Eingangsanschluss ...

29-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017127983A1

Ein Sicherungsmodul 9 für ein Feldbussystem 7 weist eine Anschalteinheit 12, eine Steuereinheit 20, einen zum Einspeisen einer Versorgungsenergie in das Sicherungsmodul 9 ausgebildeten Versorgungseingang 80, einen zum Weiterleiten der Versorgungsenergie als eine abgesicherte Versorgungsenergie an einen Verbraucher 3 ausgebildeten ersten Versorgungsausgang 81, ein zum elektrischen Verbinden oder Trennen des Versorgungseingangs 80 und des ersten Versorgungsausgangs 81 ausgebildetes erstes Schaltelement 19 und ein zur Bereitstellung einer Betriebsenergie über eine Betriebsenergieversorgungsleitung 92 für einen Betrieb der Steuereinheit 20 ausgebildetes Versorgungsmodul 26 auf. Die Steuereinheit 20 ist mit dem ersten Schaltelement 19 verbunden und dazu ausgebildet, das Weiterleiten der Versorgungsenergie über den ersten Versorgungsausgang 81 durch ein Ansteuern des ersten Schaltelements 19 abzusichern. Das Versorgungsmodul 26 ist mit dem Versorgungseingang 80 und mit einem Feldbusenergieeingang ...

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Redundanzstrukturadaptive Stromzuführung für Kommunikationsbaugruppen

Номер: DE0019810830C1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Eine Stromversorgungseinrichtung für mehrere in einem gemeinsamen Gehäuse untergebrachte Kommunikationsbaugruppen weist mehrere Steckplätze für die Kommunikationsbaugruppen mit jeweils zwei Anschlußkontakten (3, 3') sowie mehrere Stromversorgungsanschlüsse (2) zum Anschluß an mehrere externe Stromquellen auf. Die Stromversorgungsanschlüsse (2) sind so mit den Anschlußkontakten (3, 3') der Steckplätze verdrahtet, daß allein durch Auswahl von an den Stromversorgungsanschlüssen (2) angeschlossenen externen Stromquellen a) jede der Kommunikationsbaugruppen mit zwei verschiedenen der externen Stromquellen verbindbar ist, und b) jede der Kommunikationsbaugruppen mit einer externen Stromquelle, jedoch ein Paar von zwei Kommunikationsbaugruppen mit zwei verschiedenen externen Stromquellen verbindbar ist. So können mit einer gemeinsamen Stromversorgungseinrichtung, die beispielsweise an der Rückwand des Gehäuses angeordnet ist, durch einfaches Umstecken der Stromversorgungsanschlüsse paarweise vorhandene ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachungs-und-Diagnose-Verfahren und System mit Verwendung eines Ladegeräts

Номер: DE102018221021A1

Das Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachungs-und-Diagnose-Verfahren enthält die Schritte zum Herstellen eines drahtgebundenen Kommunikationspfades zwischen einem Gateway und dem Ladegerät eines Fahrzeugs, Initiieren einer ersten Kommunikation zum Laden einer Batterie, die Leistung an einen Antriebsmotor liefert, zwischen dem Gateway und dem Ladegerät durch den drahtgebundenen Kommunikationspfad, Initiieren eines Ladens gemäß einem Ergebnis der ersten Kommunikation, Empfangen, durch das Gateway, einer Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachungs-und-Diagnose-Anforderung von dem Ladegerät durch die erste Kommunikation, und Verbinden des Gateways mit dem Ladegerät durch eine zweite Kommunikation zum Übertragen einer Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachungs-und-Diagnose-Information separat von dem Laden durch den drahtgebundenen Kommunikationspfad, falls das Gateway fähig ist zum Durchführen einer Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachung und Diagnose, gemäß der Fahrzeugzustandsüberwachungs-und-Diagnose-Anforderung.

15-11-2007 дата публикации

Internet connection establishing device for e.g. personal computer, has user connection coupled to computer, where operating program has flow control for automatic configuration of control circuit and establishment of Internet connection

Номер: DE102006022239A1

The device has a network connection (4) that is coupled with a communication network (3) such as analog or digital telephone network, and a user connection (5) that is coupled to a computer (2). An operating program is executable in the computer and a control circuit is arranged in a device housing. The operating program has a flow control for automatic configuration of the control circuit and for automatic establishment of an Internet connection for the computer. A connection box (1) is attached to a power supply of the computer.

12-01-2011 дата публикации

Wireless access point

Номер: GB0201020094D0

20-10-2010 дата публикации

An apparatus and method for controlling power

Номер: GB0201014767D0

22-11-2000 дата публикации

Two wire communication system

Номер: GB0002350270A

A two wire communication system capable of transmitting data and transferring power by means of an electrical bi-polar waveform across a two wire conductor from a controller in communication with said two-wire conductor to at least one module in communication with said controller and capable of transmitting data from said module to said controller; and a remote electrical device in communication with said controller. Usable data may be continuously transmitted across said two wire conductor independent of and during power transmission between the controller and the at least one module without loss of data transmission time and without affecting the transfer of power to the at least one module. The data is transmitted across the two wire conductor to the modules by pulse duration signals at the same time power is transmitted to said modules. The system is capable of using up to 100 % of transmission time to transmit data without affecting transfer of power to the at least one module.

29-06-2005 дата публикации

Signal superimposition

Номер: GB0002387517B

17-11-2010 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for communication in well enviroment

Номер: GB0002470303A

A technique enables the transfer of signals in subsea well applications. The technique allows a communication signal and a power signal to be transferred through a single penetration disposed through a tubing hanger of a subsea tree. The communication signal and/or the power signal is converted so as to enable communication along a twisted pair for transfer downhole.

04-07-2007 дата публикации

Intrinsically safe power and communication

Номер: GB0000709824D0

17-02-2021 дата публикации

A reverse powered wireless distribution point

Номер: GB0002586233A

Described is a distribution point unit, DPU, 108 having a wireless backhaul connection, such as a 4G or 5G cellular connection. The distribution point unit is reverse powered electrically by connected subscriber lines 104 (Reverse Power Feeding, RPF) from Customer Premises Equipment, CPE, 106. The radio configuration (number of antennas, frequencies, etc) used by the wireless backhaul connection is switched according to the power available from the subscriber lines (306, figure 3). Changes to the available power can trigger a switch to a new radio configuration (314). Higher capacities (data rates) can be achieved with higher power radio configurations, which can be switched over to if the available power is sufficient (318). Similarly, when the available power drops (312), a switch can be made to an appropriate lower powered radio configuration. The distribution point unit may further comprises a wired backhaul connection, and the determined power available for the wireless backhaul connection ...

26-06-2019 дата публикации

Device and method for power supply control

Номер: GB0201906539D0

25-09-2019 дата публикации

A reverse powered wireless distribution point

Номер: GB0201911452D0

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362257T

15-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ATA4832000A

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000450116T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497288T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463010T

15-09-2006 дата публикации

Combination of power plug and digital data connector, has mains socket with connector for mains device through which data converter can be supplied with power voltage

Номер: AT0000501115B1

Combination connector has a mounting frame for mounting in or on a wall for a mains socket (5) and a data repeater and/or a data converter (7) with a data connection (6) for data output. Mains socket has a connector for mains device (14) through which data converter and/or repeater can be supplied with voltage. Mains socket and data connection are mounted adjacent to each other and can be connected to data converter and/or repeater to form a unit.

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501115B8

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000557462T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533253T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000550845T

15-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000213493A

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328398T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416424T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000107451T

15-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000113430T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000190768T

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Converting power over ethernet into a USB stream and separate power

Номер: AU2019255786A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Power over Ethernet (POE) can be converted into a USB stream and separate power. With these techniques, the benefits of POE can be obtained without requiring a terminal to be POE-enabled and without employing a terminal's Ethernet port. Many more terminals may therefore be powered via POE. A POE conversion device can include an Ethernet port by which the POE conversion device receives an incoming POE stream, a USB port, a power output, a power module and a USB conversion module. The power module is configured to extract power from an incoming POE stream to form an incoming Ethernet stream and provide the power to the power output. The USB conversion module is configured to convert the incoming Ethernet stream into an incoming USB stream with an Ethernet payload and then output the incoming USB stream with the Ethernet payload via the USB port.

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Power and data hub, communication system, and related method

Номер: AU2020202087A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A communication system, A power and data hub and a method for operating a communication device is disclosed, the power and data hub comprising: a hub housing; a 5 first primary interface configured to communicate with a radio unit to communicate primary audio, primary power input, and primary data; a second primary interface configured to communicate with a communication device to communicate and/or provide secondary audio and primary power output; a first secondary interface configured to communicate and/or provide secondary data and/or secondary power output with a first peripheral 10 device connectable to the first secondary interface; a second secondary interface configured to communicate and/or provide secondary data and/or secondary power output with a second peripheral device connectable to the second secondary interface. 17a 19 19a 14a 16 14 16a Fig.1I ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

A Fault Locating Method of Power Grid Based on Network Theory

Номер: AU2020103179A4

The invention discloses a power grid fault positioning method based on a network theory, which comprises the following steps: selecting a fault power grid, establishing a fault power grid model, analyzing a fault power grid topology model, positioning a fault position and troubleshooting a fault point; preliminarily selecting the fault position of the power grid through a power grid abnormality prompting device, so that the fault positioning range is convenient to narrow; establishing the fault power grid model through the network theory, so that the evaluation capability of the topological model is improved; the structural characteristics of the power grid can be represented only through a group of models; drawing a node degree distribution diagram and a medium distribution diagram of the selected power grid through an artificial intelligence processing module in a graph module; and enabling information and characteristic parameters of the fault power grid to be convenient to be analyzed ...

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Element management system for managing line-powered network elements

Номер: AU2004246609A1

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Power line communications interface and surge protector

Номер: AU2006249723B2

13-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003268915A1

08-04-2004 дата публикации

System and method for on-demand battery backup for cable telephony device

Номер: AU2003272638A8

21-07-2005 дата публикации

Ruggedized analog front-end for a network communicative device in a railway-like environment

Номер: AU2005204152A1

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Dynamic baselining in current modulation-based communication

Номер: AU2004300340A1

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Distributed antenna system using power-over-ethernet

Номер: AU2012267611B2

A system is provided for adjusting power provided over a channel to a device. The system can include power sourcing equipment and a sub-system. The power sourcing equipment can provide power to a powered device via a channel (302). The sub-system can determine an amount by which to increase the power based on a resistance of the channel (306). The power sourcing equipment or the powered device can adjust the power (or load) in response to a command from the sub-system. The sub-system can include at least one measurement device and a processor. The measurement device can measure an output voltage of the power sourcing equipment, an input voltage of the powered device, and a current on the channel (304). The processor can determine the resistance of the channel based on the output voltage, the input voltage, and the current (306). The processor can output a command specifying an increase or decrease in the level of power supplied by the power sourcing equipment.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling communications to and from utility service points

Номер: AU2010303947A1

An apparatus and method control transmission of messages over a fixed bandwidth link from fixed position communication devices to a central controller in a load management system. The messages include information relating to electric power consumption by power consuming devices located at service points that include the communication devices. In one embodiment, the central controller determines an identifier associated with each communication device, a reporting period during which the messages are to be transmitted by the communication devices, and transmission increments within the reporting period. The controller allocates each transmission increment to a respective group of communication devices. The controller then determines a transmission time for a message from a particular communication device based on the identifier for the particular device, a duration of a transmission increment allocated to a group of communication devices that includes the particular device, and a quantity ...

08-01-2003 дата публикации

Dynamic ethernet power management

Номер: AU2002318353A1

30-07-2002 дата публикации

Frequency domain equalisation with decision feedback

Номер: AU2002225270A1

02-08-2007 дата публикации

Door station apparatus with electric lock

Номер: AU2003204696B2

08-12-2016 дата публикации

Power supply circuit and power supply panel

Номер: AU2013380826B2
Автор: GAO XINGGUO, Gao, Xingguo
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A power supply circuit and a power supply panel. The power supply circuit includes: a power supply module (10) for supplying power for a distribution point; a switch module (20) respectively connected with the power supply module (10), a terminal device and the distribution point, for connecting the distribution point with the terminal device when the distribution point does not need power supply, and for connecting the power supply module (10) with the distribution point when the distribution point needs power supply; a control module (30) connected with the power supply module (10), for controlling the switch module (20), based on the electric signal outputted from the power supply module (10), to carry out circuit switching; an isolating module (40) respectively connected with the power supply module (10) and the switch module (20), for preventing the external business from being outputted to the power supply module (10) and preventing the voltage provided by the power supply module ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Battery backed power-over-ethernet system

Номер: AU2009275638B2

A power control system arranged for use in a power-over-Ethernet system comprises a battery (38), a battery charging unit (40) connected to, and for charging, the battery (38) and a processor (34) arranged to monitor the charge level of the battery (38) and, in response, to direct current to, or away from, the battery (38). A power-over- Ethernet (PoE) system for delivering power to a load comprises a powered device (14) and an Ethernet power sourcing device (20) configured to supply DC power to the powered device (14). The powered device (14) has a battery (38), a battery charge unit (40), and a processor (34). The processor (34) is arranged to monitor the current requirement of the load (16), and to control the charging of the battery (38) and the supply of current from the battery (38) to the load (16) in response to said monitoring. A method of providing current to a load (16) in a power-over-Ethernet system (10) which includes a power sourcing device (20), a battery (38) and a processor ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Energy supply method and device for monitoring wireless sensor node of roller

Номер: AU2015333392B9
Принадлежит: WADESON

An energy supply method and device for a monitoring wireless sensor node of a roller. A node energy supply device (2) is arranged on a roller web (1). The node energy supply device (2) comprises a generator (2-1), a disc rail (2-3), an input shaft (2-4), a swing link (2-5), a swing wheel (2-8) and an energy collection module (2-10). The generator (2-1) is driven to rotate using the rotation motion of the roller, the mechanical energy is converted into electric energy by the generator (2-1), and power is supplied to a monitoring wireless sensor node by the energy collection module (2-10). After rectification, filtering and voltage stabilization are conducted on the electric energy generated by cutting a magnetic induction line when the generator (2-1) operates, the energy collection module (2-10) uses the electric energy for charging an internal battery of the monitoring wireless sensor node. When the roller operates, the swing wheel (2-8) will keep vertically downward because of the gravity ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017200861B2

Abstract A system is provided for adjusting power provided over a channel to a device. The system can include power sourcing equipment and a sub-system. The power sourcing equipment can provide power to a powered device via a channel. The sub system can determine an amount by which to increase the power based on a resistance of the channel. The power sourcing equipment or the powered device can adjust the power (or load) in response to a command from the sub-system. The sub-system can include at least one measurement device and a processor. The measurement device can measure an output voltage of the power sourcing equipment, an input voltage of the powered device, and a current on the channel. The processor can determine the resistance of the channel based on the output voltage, the input voltage, and the current. The processor can output a command specifying an increase or decrease in the level of power supplied by the power sourcing equipment.

16-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002322392A1

A two wire communication system capable of transmitting data and transferring power by means of an electrical bi-polar waveform across a two wire conductor from a controller in communication with said two-wire conductor to at least one module in communication with said controller and capable of transmitting data from said module to said controller; and a remote electrical device in communication with said controller. Usable data may be continuously transmitted across said two wire conductor independent of and during power transmission between the controller and the at least one module without loss of data transmission time and without affecting the transfer of power to the at least one module. The data is transmitted across the two wire conductor to the modules by pulse duration signals at the same time power is transmitted to said modules. The system is capable of using up to 100 % of transmission time to transmit data without affecting transfer of power to the at least one module.

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002686679A1

An electrical circuit comprising a power supply, a load, a pair of parall el positive cables between the power supply and the load, a pair of parallel negative cables between the load and the power supply, and incendive arc pr evention means, comprising : monitoring means adapted to detect if the curre nt and/or voltage in one of the pair of cables deviates from the other, and a control means adapted to fully or partially isolate the power supply from the pair of cables if the monitoring means detects that their current and/or voltage has deviated from the other, characterised in which: the electrical circuit comprises a common positive section between the power supply and th e pair of positive cables, and a common negative section between the pair of negative cables and the power supply, in which a first modulation means is adapted to generate a modulated communications signal.

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002687851A1

Dispositif électronique de sécurité pour la surveillance d'équipements in formatiques (32), chacun des équipements (32) étant relié a un réseau inform atique par une prise et un cable au niveau d'une interface réseau, le dispos itif étant agencé entre un appareil du réseau cablé (34) et l'interface rése au de l'équipement informatique, le dispositif comprenant au niveau de chaqu e cable de liaison entre l'appareil de gestion du réseau cablé (34) et l'équ ipement a surveiller (32) : - un circuit de détection (304) apte a détecter sur ledit cable, sans perturbation, la présence d'une énergie électrique en provenance de l'équipement et révélatrice d'une activité réseau normale, et un circuit d'isolation (308) apte a étre activé en l'absence d'une telle dét ection par le circuit de détection (304), pour isoler le cable en question d udit réseau cablé, et un circuit d'évaluation (302) apte a étre activé aprés l'isolation effectuée par le circuit d'isolation (308), pour appliquer sur le cable ...

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002784125A1

An addressable node unit (30) has connections (15a, 15b, 16) for at least two lines (17, 18a, 18b) via which the node unit (30) can be addressed. The connections (15a, 15b, 16) are connected to a circuit (14) which evaluates an addressing signal. The node unit (30) has at least one power source (4, 22) which can be supplied with power via at least one of the lines (17, 18a, 18b). A switch (25) is provided in the path between the evaluating circuit (14) and the corresponding line connection (15a, 15b), said switch (25) has to be opened after an addressing process so that the power supply of the evaluating circuit (14) is ensured by the at least one power source (4, 22) after the addressing.

28-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1273433A

CS-2912 The present invention is directed to a diagnostic system which utilizes a microprocessor within the power module to control the diagnostic function of all field replaceable modules powered thereby; additional diagnostic hardware being located on each replaceable module which may be utilized in normal operation for functions of the module and, on an interrupt basis, it is utilized in diagnostic functions; the diagnostic hardware in the power module serving to collect the diagnostic test data from all the functional modules powered thereby, the data being transmitted thereto over a diagnostic data bus. If a plurality of power supplies are present in the systenm, each power supply has a microprocessor for control, each such microprocessor being coupled to the replaceable modules and the diagnostic circuitry therein; a bus being provided between the processors in the power supplies so that one such microprocessor can become a master diagnostic to process all the diagnostic messages ...

26-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001337826C

A bus coupling circuit is used for coupling data between a transmitting subscriber and a receiving subscriber by way of a data transfer bus, each subscriber including: a bidirectional driver for transmitting and receiving data, each bidirectional driver including an apparatus for introducing for a direct voltage on the bus, and a direct voltage splitting device constituting a working impedance for the driver and connected between the driver and the bus. Each driver has a first input which is remote from the bus and a second input electrically connected to the bus. The bus coupling circuit includes a source of direct supply voltage; a hysteresis circuit connected to each driver, the hysteresis circuit including a voltage divider which is responsive to alternating signals on the bus and which is disposed between the first input of the driver and the source of direct supply voltage, the voltage divider having a divider tap disposed at the second driver input to provide a direct supply voltage ...

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002363831A1

This invention discloses a local area network including a hub (10), a plurality of nodes (12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22), communication cabling (11) connecting the plurality of nodes to the hub for providing data communication, and a power supply distributor (30) operative to provide at least some operating power to at least some of the pluarity of nodes via the communication cabling.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003073809A1

A method of transferring power and data between a first circuit and a second circuit, the method comprising: - operating the I/O terminal of the second circuit as an output terminal and the I/O terminal of the first circuit as an input terminal; - transmitting data from the second circuit to the first circuit by modulating an output level between a high level and a low level; - determining whether ouput level of the second circuit is high or low and, when the output is high: - operating the I/O terminal of the first circuit as an output terminal; and - raising the output level the first circuit to high during at least part of a period when the output level of the I/O terminal of the second circuit is high, thereby charging the electric energy storage element.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003079216A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

A LAN cable conductor monitoring system includes an IoT device with a number of IoT input ports that are each connected to a network switch output port. The IoT device measures the current passing through each connected network switch output port, and passes the signals on to their respective cable conductors. A number of temperature sensors positioned at various points on the pass temperature readings back to the IoT device. If the temperature readings or current readings for a given network switch output port exceed predefined limits, the IoT device imposes PoE (Power over Ethernet) current constraints on the network switch.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003079768A1
Принадлежит: MILLMAN IP INC.

The present invention provides a data transmitting circuit and apparatus, and a data receiving circuit and apparatus. In one of the implementations of the data transmitting circuit, the first end of the primary coil of a transformer is connected to a first power supply interface, and the second end of the primary coil of the transformer is separately connected to the first end of a current limiting module and the first end of a first capacitor; the first end of the secondary coil of the transformer is connected to a second power supply interface, and the second end of the secondary coil of the transformer is connected to a transmitting interface; the second end of the current limiting module and the second end of the first capacitor are both connected to the input end of a switch module; the output end of the switch module is grounded, and the control end of the switch module is connected to a master control chip; the master control chip is used for transmitting a control signal to the ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3120654A1

Technologies exist that allow for power to be supplied over a data connection, e.g., Power over Ethernet (PoE). Power sourcing equipment (PSE) supplies power to a powered device (PD) over the data connection. There may be applications in which it is desired or necessary to insert an intermediary device on a data connection between the PSE and the PD. An intermediary device is disclosed that can be inserted between a PSE and a PD. The intermediary device attempts to power itself using power supplied by the PSE over the data connection, rather than using an auxiliary power supply. In some embodiments, the intermediary device acts like a PD and requests from the PSE enough power for both itself and the actual PD. The intermediary device then also acts as a PSE to deliver unused power over the data connection to the actual PD.

29-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3044129C

... 85294035 Abstract Power-over-Ethernet-based field device of automation technology comprising: - a field device housing; - an Ethernet connection for the field device is obtain energy via the Ethernet connection and for exchanging data with the network; - a field device electronics, which is supplied an operating voltage, and which serves for registering a process variable and communicating process data via the Ethernet connection; - a voltage converter electronics has at least a first means, which is adapted at least in a first operating state to heat the interior of the field device housing to a first threshold temperature and which, furthermore, contributes in a second operating state to converting a voltage applied to the Ethernet connection into the operating voltage, so that the field device electronics can register the process variable in the second operating state and communicate the process data via the Ethernet connection. Date Recue/Date Received 2020-09-23 ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Mode Dependent Driving of the Center Tap in Ethernet Communications

Номер: US20120038393A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

An output stage comprising a current mode line driver, a voltage mode line driver, and a center-tapped transformer for coupling data provided by the line drivers to a transmission line is provided herein. The output stage is configured to operate in a backwards compatible Ethernet communication device. For example, the Ethernet communication device is configured to support 10G Ethernet and legacy Ethernet modes of 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T, and 1000BASE-T. The current mode line driver can be utilized while operating in the 10G Ethernet mode to provide high linearity. The voltage mode line driver can be utilized while operating in legacy mode to conserve power. In order to accommodate the use of two different line drivers, a switch and/or a voltage regulator is used to couple/decouple a dc voltage to a center-tap of the transformer based on which of the two different line drivers is currently active.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Vehicular network with concurrent packet transmission

Номер: US20120106550A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A vehicular network is a closed network with known sources, destinations, and network connections that can be mapped in advance, and used to identify network resources needed to transmit a packet from a source to a destination. A network module can determine the source destination, and a priority of a packet based on the packet's content. Using the source and destination information, along with a network topology data, the network module can determine if two packets need the same network resources to be delivered to their destination. When the two packets do not use the same resources, there is no conflict, and the packets can be transmitted concurrently regardless of whether one of the packets has a higher priority than another packet. If there is a conflict, the network module transmits the packets based on the packets' priorities.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Unified vehicle network frame protocol

Номер: US20120109406A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A vehicle communication network includes a network fabric, a plurality of vehicle control modules, memory, one or more multimedia processing modules, and a network manager. The network manager is operable to coordinate communication of packets, via the network fabric, among the vehicle control modules, the memory, and the multimedia processing modules based on individual content of the packets and in accordance with a global vehicle network communication protocol. The network manager is further operable to facilitate network resource management to support the communication of packets via the network fabric in accordance with the global vehicle network communication protocol.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Power management within a vehicular communication network

Номер: US20120109407A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Power management within a vehicle is achieved by maintaining individual and/or power island power saving options for each of a plurality of devices coupled to a vehicular communication network of the vehicle. Upon determining that power savings should be enabled for a device, at least one of the power saving options for the device is selected and applied.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Providing power over ethernet within a vehicular communication network

Номер: US20120110356A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A power distribution system within a vehicle operates to provide power over Ethernet to a plurality of network node modules coupled to a vehicular communication network of the vehicle.

24-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120131372A1
Автор: Akihito HIBI
Принадлежит: BUFFALO INC

A Power over Ethernet (PoE) power sourcing equipment that optimizes power supplied to a PoE powered device connected to one of a plurality of power supplying ports of the PoE equipment. The Power over Ethernet (PoE) power sourcing equipment includes a plurality of power supplying ports, a consumed power monitoring unit that monitors the consumed power of the PoE powered device connected to one of the plurality of power supplying ports, and a supply power determining unit that determines the set supply power to the PoE powered device connected to the one of the power supplying ports.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Facilitating communication and power transfer between electrically-isolated powered device subsystems

Номер: US20120137144A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

A system employing power over Ethernet (PoE) technology may include at least one powered device and power sourcing equipment (PSE). The powered device may include a first powered device (PD) subsystem and a second powered device (PD) subsystem that is electrically isolated from the first PD subsystem. The powered device may also include an interface connecting the first PD subsystem and the second PD subsystem. The PSE may be operable to provide power to one or more of the PD subsystems through a link connecting the PSE to the powered device. Also, the first PD subsystem may be operable to receive a communication from and transfer power to the second PD subsystem through the interface while maintaining the electrical isolation.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus For Reducing Power Consumption in a Telecommunication Network

Номер: US20120147768A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

A method that reduces the power consumption on network nodes by taking into account the services that need to be supported by the network and the power saving capabilities of the nodes.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Determining the Order of Devices in a Downhole String

Номер: US20120170409A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A string of subs includes a controller sub. The controller sub includes a first end, a second end, a controller, a first controller bus coupled to the controller, the first controller bus exiting at the first end of the controller sub, and a second controller bus coupled to the controller, the second controller bus being separate from the first controller bus, the second controller bus exiting at the second end of the controller sub. The string of subs also includes a first measuring sub and a second measuring sub. A process, running on a computer, discovers that the first measuring sub is connected to the first controller bus, discovers that the second measuring sub is connected to the first controller bus, determines that the first measuring sub is physically closer to the controller sub than the second measuring sub, and use the fact that the first measuring sub is physically closer to the controller sub than the second measuring sub in controlling the operation of the string of subs.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Remote power group distribution control system and method therefor

Номер: US20120246492A1
Принадлежит: Cyber Power Systems Inc

A remote power group distribution control system has a host computer, at least one network server and multiple power distribution units (PDUs) connected to the host computer through the at least one network server. The host computer has a power distribution control module. Each PDU is connected with multiple power consuming equipment having identical or similar characteristics to supply an operating power and an uninterruptible power. When the power distribution control module is executed, the host computer searches the PDUs connected thereto through the at least one network server, displays all power-consuming equipment connected to each PDU, generates a group management window to assign each power-consuming equipment to a group, and remotely controls the power consuming equipment on a group basis. Accordingly, the present invention addresses a solution conveniently powering on or off remote power-consuming equipment pertaining to a group.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Unified Bus Architecture for PoE Communication and Control

Номер: US20120263176A1
Автор: Wael William Diab
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Embodiments of a unified communication and control bus architecture for Ethernet and/or PoE systems are provided. Embodiments enable a unified communication and control bus architecture that significantly simplifies communication and control in Ethernet and/or PoE systems. Embodiments enable significant savings both in terms of cost and complexity as the number of communication and control buses is reduced down to one. Embodiments can be used in various Ethernet and/or PoE implementations, including, for example, single PCB-single PoE, single PCB-multiple PoE, chassis-based switch, and stackable-based switch configurations. Further, embodiments can be implemented using standard Ethernet as well as proprietary implementations.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for powering a network access device using customer premises equipment

Номер: US20120300817A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure comprises an NAD positioned at an intermediate point between a network facility and one or more customer premises (CP). The NAD is coupled to CP transceivers located at the one or more customer premises via a plurality of subscriber lines. The CP transceivers are configured to provide power to and also communicate with the NAD via the subscriber lines. The NAD is further configured to form a power signal based on the power received from multiple subscriber lines and to provide the power signal to components of the NAD. The NAD is further configured to determine from which of the subscriber lines it is receiving at least a certain amount of power and to selectively enable and disable the communication service provided over each respective subscriber line based on such determination. The NAD also powers down at least some components of the NAD that were used to previously provide the services that have since been disabled.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Intrinsically safe connection unit with a network interface, intrinsically safe appliance and network interface for it

Номер: US20120315793A1

An intrinsically safe connection unit with a network interface for intrinsically safe appliances in explosion-risk areas, having a housing, a voltage supply connection, plug connection for connecting an intrinsically safe appliance via a transmission cable, and a decoupling circuit. For allowing even a multiplicity of network subscribers to be connected in the explosion-risk area with less wiring complexity, a plurality of plug connections of the same type are provided as network interface, each being preceded by a separate decoupling circuit, and the voltage supply connection builds a central feed connection with separate supply cores for each plug connection each having at least two plug contacts for data communication and at least two plug contacts for supplying power to the connectable appliances via the transmission cable. The invention relates also to a Controller and a network interface for use therewith.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Residential Gateway

Номер: US20120320761A1

A particular residential gateway includes a network interface, a connector interface to receive a signal via one or more communication lines, and a power coupling device to receive power from at least one of the one or more communication lines. The residential gateway includes a first module to receive first data via the signal and to route the first data to a first device coupled to the network interface. The first module is powered using the power received from the at least one communication line by the power coupling device.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Actuating deviceof wireless access point

Номер: US20130015722A1
Принадлежит: Accton Technology Corp

An actuating device of a wireless access point (WAP), the WAP includes a first module, a second module with a power requirement, and an actuating device. The WAP has a first voltage range and a second voltage range. The actuating device includes a switching unit and a voltage regulating unit. The switching unit receives an input voltage and has two output terminals. The switching unit outputs a first voltage via the first output terminal when the input voltage is within the first voltage range, and outputs a second voltage via the second output terminal when the input voltage is within the second voltage range. The voltage regulating unit is coupled to the output terminals to convert the second voltage to the first voltage. The second module is coupled to the second output terminal of the switching unit.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for reducing power consumption during communication between link partners

Номер: US20130039363A1
Автор: Robert Hays
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Generally, this disclosure describes an energy-efficient Ethernet communications approach. In at least one embodiment described herein, an Ethernet controller may be configured to operate in an active power state to transmit or receive data packets at a maximum available link speed. The maximum available link speed may be determined by a negotiation between the Ethernet controller and a link partner coupled to the Ethernet controller. Once the data packets are transmitted or received, the Ethernet controller may be configured to operate in an idle power state to reduce energy consumption.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Network device and method for the network device to set operation of port

Номер: US20130054984A1

A network device and a method for the network device to set operation of a port are provided. The network device is connected to a set of power sourcing equipment (PSE) through a port, and the PSE powers the network device through the port. The network device includes an analysis module and a port control module. The analysis module judges whether the port of the network device is connected to the PSE. The port control module provides a port function switch instruction according to a judgment result of the analysis module, so as to enable or disable the port.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for energy management in a household

Номер: US20130091567A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An energy management system comprises one or more appliances, a remote device, and a communication device. In one embodiment, the communication device forms a physical connection with the remote device and thereafter a physical connection with an associated appliances. The first physical connection binds the communication to the remote device, thereby forming a secure connection over which inputs and outputs can be exchanged between the remote and the associated appliance when the communication device is connected to the appliance.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Power negotiation protocol

Номер: US20130117581A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

In one embodiment, a method includes a first device providing a first power to a second device using a first set of conductors out of a plurality of conductors. The method includes the first device providing, in response to receiving a notification, a second power to the second device using the first and a second set of conductors out of a plurality of conductors. The notification indicates that the second device can be supplied with a second power using the first set of conductors and a second set of conductors out of the plurality of conductors, and can also specify the configuration for enabling the second power.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Cascaded power-over-ethernet system

Номер: US20130144448A1

A Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) device ( 200 ) for use in a PoE system is described. The PoE device ( 200 ) comprising a first PoE port ( 210 ) for connecting the device to an upstream PoE device or a central control unit, a second PoE port ( 220 ) for connecting the device to a downstream device or PoE device and a control unit ( 240 ) for controlling data ( 335 ) and/or power communication ( 400 ) between the first ( 210 ) and second ( 220 ) PoE port. The control unit ( 240 ) further comprises a first power input terminal ( 305 ) connected to the first PoE port ( 210 ) to receive electrical power ( 320 ) for powering the control unit ( 240 ).

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Voip analog telephone system with connection to home monitoring system

Номер: US20130163490A1
Принадлежит: Net Talk com Inc

A multi-port VoIP telecommunications system that allows the user to gain access to telephone connectivity through the Internet by connecting directly to the Internet or by connecting to the Internet through the existing Internet connection of a computer or cell phone device. The present system includes an Ethernet port, a Wi-Fi receiver to facilitate the transmission and receipt of Internet protocol signals wirelessly, a USB plug connectable to the ATA, connectivity to a home monitoring network and connectivity to Bluetooth devices.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Measuring Current in Hybrid Power Over Ethernet Architecture

Номер: US20130166236A1
Автор: Marius Ionel VLADAN
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Systems and methods of measuring current in a power over Ethernet (PoE) system are provided. The PoE system includes an integrated circuit component having a controller, an internal transistor, a replica transistor, and an external transistor. Current in the system can be indirectly measured by enabling and disabling the transistors in known ways and then measuring the current through the replica transistor. The actual current in the system can be calculated based on the measured currents, thereby allowing for a PoE system that is capable of measuring current without a resistor in series with the external transistor.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Expandable ethernet power supply device

Номер: US20130173937A1
Автор: Chien-Chung Lee
Принадлежит: Cable Vision Electronics Co Ltd

An expandable Ethernet power supply device includes a network line, a power sourcing equipment (PSE), a DC power inputting terminal and a power outputting terminal. A PoE outputting port is inserted into network equipment. An Ethernet connector is connected to a network data source. A DC power is inputted to the DC power inputting terminal and managed by the PSE, and then providing demanded working voltage of the network equipment and transmitting network data. The power outputting terminal is provided for connecting to the DC power inputting terminal of another Ethernet power supply device and demanded working voltage of more network equipment.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Network apparatus with common power interface

Номер: US20130175859A1
Принадлежит: CARRY Tech CO Ltd

Disclosed herein is a network apparatus with a common power interface. The network apparatus mechanically connects to a power adapter via an electrical connector, and transfers the power to other electronic device via an electrical port in addition to taking power for the apparatus. In accordance with one of the embodiments of the invention, the apparatus substantially includes a control unit for processing the inner signals and data of the apparatus, and a communication module for processing the wired or wireless communication. A common power interfacing module is particularly introduced to processing the power allocation from the power adapter. A power management unit is also incorporated to managing the power inside the network apparatus, for example taking power for the operation of the apparatus. According to one further embodiment, the network apparatus is a routing device capable of connecting with external storages.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187481A1
Автор: Heidler Christian

The coupling device comprises a controllable switch unit coupled to an output side of the communication cable, and having a first, a second and a third state. In the first state, a voltage of the communication cable is detected, and the setting of the controllable switch unit is changed from the first state to the second state, if the detected voltage is below a threshold level. In the second state, the communication cable is connected to a controller to check the reception of an identification signal indicating to the controller that a coupling device to couple a load to the cable is connected to the cable. If the identification signal is identified by the controller, the controllable switch unit connects the supply power source to the communication cable. 1. A coupling device to couple a supply power source to a communication cable , comprising:an input side to be coupled to the supply power source;an output side to be coupled to a first end of the communication cable;a controllable switch unit coupled to the output side, and having a first, a second and a third state; anda controller to control a switch setting of the controllable switch unit, wherein in the first state of the controllable switch unit, the first end of the cable is operated in an idle state, when the first end is coupled to the output side, and a voltage of the cable is detected, and the setting of the controllable switch unit is changed from the first state to the second state, if the detected voltage is below a threshold level,in the second state of the controllable switch unit, the output side is coupled to the controller, and, in the condition where the first end of the cable is connected to the output side, the controller is configured to check the reception of an identification signal indicating to the controller that a coupling device to couple a load to the cable is connected to a second end of the cable, and the setting of the controllable switch unit is changed from the second state to ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Power device interface arranged to detect amount of power available

Номер: US20130187632A1
Автор: Eli Ohana

A powered device interface arranged as an interface between power received over a structured communication cabling and a powered device, the powered device interface constituted of: a class event counter; a logic circuit in communication with the class event counter; and a plurality of flag outputs each responsive to the logic circuit, each of the flag outputs associated with a predetermined powering level of a power sourcing equipment connected over the structured communication cabling, the logic circuit arranged to: output an active signal at the flag output associated with a detected powering level of the connected power sourcing equipment; and output an active signal at all other flag outputs associated with powering levels less than the detected powering level of the connected power sourcing equipment.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for thermal mitigation with multiple processors

Номер: US20130332720A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A wireless communication device for thermal mitigation with multiple processors is described. The wireless communication device includes a first communications processor that processes a data call. The wireless communication device also includes a second communications processor coupled to the first communications processor. The first communications processor performs a thermal mitigation operation by sending instructions to the second communications processor when at least one thermal threshold is reached. The second communications processor receives and executes the instructions.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and System for End-To-End Management of Energy Efficient Networking Protocols

Номер: US20130336163A1
Автор: Wael William Diab
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Aspects of a method and system for end-to-end management of energy efficient networking protocols are provided. In this regard, a path between two network nodes may be determined and one or more messages may be generated. The one or more messages may be communicated to one or more network nodes along the determined path and may configure an EEN control policy and/or one or more (EEN) parameters in those network nodes. The one or more generated messages may comprise a distinct marking that may, upon detection by the network nodes along the determined path, trigger configuration of the EEN control policy and/or EEN parameters within the one or more network nodes. The one or more messages may be may be utilized to enable and disable EEN in one or more network nodes along the path.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Security System and Method using Wireless Adapters and PoE Cameras

Номер: US20130342688A1
Автор: Patrick Siu
Принадлежит: Sensormatic Electronics LLC

A wireless adapter and method for providing a wireless connection to at least one wired security device includes at least one combined data/power physical port to which the wired security device connects. A power supply module receives power from an external power source and a power injector provides power to the combined data/power physical port to thereby power the wired security device. In this way, the wireless adapter supplies both power and data connection at the same physical port/jack of the wired security devices, such as IP security cameras, via an interface cable from the wireless adapter. This configuration has advantages in lowering the manufacturing costs of the cameras and reducing installation costs. Furthermore, the same standard camera can be used for both standard wired connections and wireless connections.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for the power management of a digital communication line

Номер: US20140036684A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The present invention relates to a method and an arrangement for the power management of a digital communication line such as a digital subscriber line DSL ( 2201 ). A problem addressed by the invention is that the transitioning of the digital subscriber line ( 2201 ) from a low transmission power state to a high transmission power state can cause disturbance to adjacent lines. This problem is solved by the current invention by an access node AN ( 2100 ) that is arranged to step-wise increase the power state until the high transmission power state has been reached. The invention also comprises embodiments of monitoring and detecting traffic events that serve as triggers of the transitioning.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Cable Imbalance Diagnostics Between Channels That Include Wire Pairs for Power Over Ethernet Transmission

Номер: US20140040641A1
Автор: Diab Wael William

Cable imbalance diagnostics between channels that include wire pairs for power over Ethernet transmission. In one embodiment, measurements of one or more characteristics of a first channel that includes a first of four twisted wire pairs in a network cable are performed along with measurements of one or more characteristics of a second channel that includes a second of the four twisted wire pairs in the network cable. A determination is then made as to whether the measured one or more characteristics of the first channel and the measured one or more characteristics of the second channel indicate an imbalance between the first channel and the second channel. Adjustments such as isolation, reporting or compensation can then be made in response to the determination 1. A method , comprising:measuring one or more characteristics of a first channel that includes a first of four twisted wire pairs in a network cable, and one or more characteristics of a second channel that includes a second of the four twisted wire pairs, wherein the four twisted wire pairs are used to deliver power from a power sourcing equipment to a powered device;determining, by the power sourcing equipment, whether the measured one or more characteristics of the first channel and the measured one or more characteristics of the second channel indicate an imbalance between the first channel and the second channel; andadjusting an operation of the power sourcing equipment in delivering power to the powered device in response to the determination.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the measuring comprises measuring an impedance of the first channel and the second channel.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the determining comprises determining a difference in impedance between the first channel and the second channel.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the imbalance is an inductive or capacitive imbalance.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating a message that reports the determined imbalance ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Energy Efficient Sleep Signature in Power Over Ethernet

Номер: US20140053011A1
Автор: Wael William Diab
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

An energy efficient sleep signature in power over Ethernet. In one embodiment, a signature of a powered device is first detected. It is then determined whether the detected signature is indicative of an unknown powered device. In one example, a detected signature of an approximately 25 kΩ impedance is indicative of an unknown powered device. Where the detected signature is indicative of an unknown powered device a normal PoE startup powering process can be used that includes a conventional detection, classification and powering process. Where the detected signature is indicative of a powered device that was previously known to the PSE, then powering of the PD can proceed with a fast-restart powering method that retains previous powering parameters.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001923A1

A connection device for connecting a first piece of electronic equipment to a second piece of electronic equipment, the device comprising two Ethernet type interfaces that are linked together by an up line and a down line and that are arranged for each of them to be linked to a respective one of the pieces of equipment and to transmit data in differential mode, two power supply modules, each associated with a respective one of the pieces of equipment and wired in common mode between the up and down lines in order to transmit a power supply carrier signal in alternating current, and two secondary transmission modules, each associated with a respective one of the power supply modules and arranged to enable data to be transmitted by modulating the power supply carrier signal. 1. A connection device for connecting a first piece of electronic equipment to a second piece of electronic equipment , the device comprising two Ethernet type interfaces that are linked together by an up line and a down line and that are arranged for each of them to be linked to a respective one of the pieces of equipment and to transmit data in differential mode , two power supply modules , each associated with a respective one of the pieces of equipment and wired in common mode between the up and down lines in order to transmit a power supply carrier signal in alternating current , and two secondary transmission modules , each associated with a respective one of the power supply modules and arranged to enable data to be transmitted by modulating the power supply carrier signal.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary transmission module of the first piece of equipment is arranged to perform modulation by phase shift keying.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary transmission module of the second piece of equipment is arranged to transmit data by modulating current consumption.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the modulation of current consumption ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001479A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A handheld device for capturing and displaying video data , the device comprising:a first video camera that outputs a first video data;a second video camera that outputs a second video data;a multiplexer coupled to the first and second cameras for multiplexing the first and second video data into a multiplexed signal;an antenna for transmitting a wireless signal over a wireless network;a wireless transmitter coupled between the antenna and the multiplexer for transmitting the multiplexed signal;a rechargeable battery coupled to power the video cameras, the wireless transmitter, and the multiplexer; anda single portable and handheld casing housing the video cameras, the wireless transmitter, and the multiplexer,wherein the casing comprises two opposed first and second exterior surfaces, the first video camera is attached to the first surface and the second video camera is attached to the second surface.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the cameras comprises optical lens for focusing received light.3. The device according to claim 1 , further for identifying ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001480A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A device for use with a cable that comprises multiple insulated wires and concurrently carries a DC (Direct Current) power and video data signals over the same wires , the device comprising:a video camera for capturing video content;a video processor coupled to the video camera for generating the video data according to a digital video format;a connector for coupling a signal to the cable;a wired transmitter coupled between the connector and the video processor for transmitting the video data to the cable via the connector; anda casing housing the video camera, the video processor, and the wired transmitter,wherein the device is powered only from the DC power signal carried in the cable via the connector.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the video camera comprises an optical lens for focusing received light mechanically oriented to focus an image of at least part of the captured content.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the video camera further comprises a photosensitive image sensor array disposed approximately at an image focal point plane of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001481A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A system for use with a wireless network , the system comprising an oral hygiene device and a display device that communicates with the oral hygiene device over the wireless network , the oral hygiene device comprising:a toothbrush for brushing teeth surface;an electric motor attached for moving the toothbrush;a sensor for generating an output in response to a physical phenomenon;a first wireless transceiver coupled to the sensor for transmitting a first data that is responsive to the sensor output over the wireless network; andan handheld casing housing the toothbrush, the electric motor, the sensor, and the first wireless transceiver, and the display device comprising:a second wireless transceiver coupled for receiving the first data from the oral hygiene device over the wireless network;a display component having a screen for displaying data, the display is coupled to the second wireless transceiver for displaying information in response to the received first data; andan enclosure housing the second wireless transceiver, and the display component.2. The system according ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001482A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A system comprising a portable device and an oral hygiene device that communicate over a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) , a toothbrush adapted for teeth brushing;', 'a motion actuator for moving at least part of a brushing mechanism;', 'a sensor mechanically coupled to the toothbrush for generating an output in response to a physical phenomenon;', 'software and a processor for executing the software, the processor is coupled to the sensor for receiving the output;', 'a battery for powering the sensor, the motion actuator, the sensor, and the processor;', 'an first WLAN antenna for coupling to the WLAN using Radio-Frequency (RF) waves; and', 'a first WLAN transceiver coupled between the first antenna and the sensor for transmitting a first data that is responsive to the sensor output over the WLAN;', 'an handheld casing housing the battery, the toothbrush, the motion actuator, the first WLAN antenna, the first WLAN transceiver, the sensor, the software, and the processor,, 'the oral hygiene device comprising a second WLAN antenna for coupling to the WLAN using Radio- ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Combined Power Supply And Input/Output System With Boost Capability

Номер: US20170003735A1
Принадлежит: Microchip Technology Inc

A combined power and input/output system for an electronic device includes a host system; a target system operably coupled to the host system via a combined power and I/O line; and a power boost circuit in the target system for enabling a higher voltage target device.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180004268A1
Автор: NARITA Yuika

An information processing system includes: a plurality of devices, each of the devices mounted on a rack and coupled to any one of a plurality of power outlets; and a management apparatus, wherein the management apparatus includes a processor configured to execute power control processing that includes stopping power supply to a first power outlet among the plurality of power outlets, execute determination processing that includes determining whether or not each of the plurality of devices transmits a response to a first packet from the management apparatus to the devices during the power supply to the first power outlet is stopped, and execute recording processing that includes recording identification information of a device from which a response to the first packet is not received, in association with identification information of the first power outlet. 1. An information processing system comprising:a plurality of devices, each of the devices mounted on a rack and coupled to any one of a plurality of power outlets; anda management apparatus,wherein the management apparatus includes a processor configured toexecute power control processing that includes stopping power supply to a first power outlet among the plurality of power outlets,execute determination processing that includes determining whether or not each of the plurality of devices transmits a response to a first packet from the management apparatus to the devices during the power supply to the first power outlet is stopped, andexecute recording processing that includes recording identification information of a device from which a response to the first packet is not received, in association with identification information of the first power outlet.2. The information processing system according to claim 1 ,wherein the recording processing includes recording first information indicating that there are no coupled devices in association with identification information of a second power outlet without power ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Synchronous playback with battery-powered playback device

Номер: US20190004592A1
Автор: Gossain Hrishikesh

Example techniques related to battery-powered playback devices. In an example, a first battery-powered playback device receives audio content from a network device and forwards the audio content to a second playback device for synchronous playback of the audio content with the second playback device, plays back the audio content, detects that a battery level of a battery of the first playback device has fallen below a predefined threshold, and ceases the forwarding of the audio content after the battery level of the battery of the first playback device has fallen below the predefined threshold. After the battery level of the first playback device has fallen below the predefined threshold, the second playback device receives the audio content from the network device, forwards the audio content to the first playback device for synchronous playback with the first playback device, and plays back the audio content in synchrony with the first playback device. 1. A system comprising first and second playback devices , wherein:the first playback device comprises at least one battery, a processor, and tangible, non-transitory, computer-readable memory having first instructions encoded therein, wherein the first instructions, when executed by the processor of the first playback device, cause the first playback device to (i) receive audio content from a network device and forward the audio content to a second playback device for synchronous playback of the audio content with the second playback device, (iii) play back the audio content, (iv) detect that a battery level of the at least one battery of the first playback device has fallen below a predefined threshold, and (v) cease the forwarding of the audio content after the detection of the battery level of the at least one battery of the first playback device has fallen below the predefined threshold; andthe second playback device comprises a processor and tangible, non-transitory, computer-readable media having second ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Switched power over ethernet connector

Номер: US20220013963A1
Принадлежит: Sentinel Connector Systems Inc

An arc prevention system including a jack having a receptacle, with the receptacle having an upper wall, a bottom wall, two opposing side walls and a back wall between the two opposing side walls, a sensor unit positioned on the back wall of the receptacle, where the sensor unit is positioned on the back wall of the receptacle such that the sensor unit engages a plug inserted into the receptacle.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006683A1

A reverse power feeding PSE in electrical communication with a DPU, the PSE constituted of: a control circuitry; and a detection and classification signal circuitry, arranged to: output a detection signal; output a classification signal; and output an additional signal exhibiting a voltage below an operating range, and wherein the control circuitry is arranged to: responsive to the output first detection signal, detect a valid signature resistance; responsive to the output first classification signal, receive a classification current and determine the class of the DPU; responsive to the output additional signal, detect the absence, or presence, of an off-hook phone; responsive to the detection of the absence of an off-hook phone, and further responsive to the detection of the valid signature resistance, output power exhibiting a voltage within the operating range; and responsive to the detection of the presence of an off-hook phone, not output power. 1. A reverse power feeding powering sourcing equipment (PSE) in electrical communication with a power source and a distribution point unit (DPU) , the PSE comprising:a power output terminal;a control circuitry; anda detection and classification signal circuitry coupled to said power output terminal, output a first detection signal exhibiting a voltage within a predetermined detection range;', 'output a first classification signal exhibiting a voltage within a predetermined classification range; and', 'output an additional signal, said additional signal exhibiting a voltage below a predetermined operating range, and, 'wherein said detection and classification signal circuitry is arranged, responsive to said control circuitry, to responsive to said output first detection signal, detect a valid signature resistance presented to said power output terminal;', 'responsive to said output first classification signal, receive a first classification current at said power output terminal;', 'responsive to said received first ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006419A1
Автор: NIEH Ming-Han

An active power over Ethernet control apparatus with low power consumption includes a control unit and a low-power-consumption control circuit. The control unit is installed inside a power sourcing equipment. The low-power-consumption control circuit includes a detecting circuit, a handshaking circuit, and a self-holding circuit. The detecting circuit provides a first control signal. The handshaking circuit receives the first control signal and provides a second control signal. The self-holding circuit receives the second control signal. When a powered device is not connected to the power sourcing equipment, a power-supplying path from the power sourcing equipment to the powered device is disconnected. When the powered device is connected to the power sourcing equipment, the handshaking circuit is controlled by the first control signal and the self-holding circuit is controlled by the second control signal to make the power-supplying path be connected. 1. An active power over Ethernet control apparatus with low power consumption , comprising:a control unit installed inside a power sourcing equipment, and [ a voltage-divided resistor network, and', 'a first power switch coupled to the voltage-divided resistor network,, 'a detecting circuit configured to provide a first control signal, and the detecting circuit comprising, 'a handshaking circuit coupled to the detecting circuit and configured to receive the first control signal and provide a second control signal, and', 'a self-holding circuit coupled to the handshaking circuit and configured to receive the second control signal,, 'a low-power-consumption control circuit, comprisingwherein when a powered device is not connected to the power sourcing equipment, the first power switch is turned off to make the detecting circuit provide the first control signal with a high level, and a power-supplying path from the power sourcing equipment to the powered device is disconnected; when the powered device is initially ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006420A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

In an embodiment, a powered device (PD) interface circuit includes a lower priority PD and a higher priority PD. The lower priority PD is configured to receive, and to couple to a power supply onboard a subsystem, a first power signal from first power source equipment (PSE). And the higher priority PD is configured to receive a second power signal from second PSE, to couple the second power signal to the power supply, and to prevent the lower priority PD from coupling the first power signal to the power supply while the higher priority PD is coupling the second power signal to the power supply. That is, such a PD interface circuit is configured to impart a respective priority to each PD such that if two or more PDs receive power from respective PSEs, then the interface circuit enables only the PD having the higher priority to couple a corresponding PSE power signal to the power supply onboard the subsystem. 1. An interface circuit , comprising:a first powered device port configured to receive, and to couple to a power supply, a first power signal; and to receive a second power signal,', 'to couple the second power signal to the power supply, and', 'to prevent the first powered device from coupling the first power signal to the power supply while the second powered device is coupling the second power signal to the power supply., 'a second powered device configured'}2. The interface circuit of wherein at least one of the first powered device and the second powered device includes a respective Ethernet powered device.3. The interface circuit of wherein the first powered device is configured:to receive a combined signal including a data signal superimposed on the first power signal; andto extract the first power signal from the combined signal.4. The interface circuit of wherein the second powered device is configured:to receive a combined signal including a data signal superimposed on the second power signal; andto extract the second power signal from the combined ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007243A1

A system for powering a network element of a fiber optic wide area network is disclosed. When communication data is transferred between a central office (CO) and a subscriber terminal using a network element to convert optical to electrical (O-E) and electrical to optical (E-O) signals between a fiber from the central office and twisted wire pair, coaxial cable or Ethernet cable transmission lines from the subscriber terminal, techniques related to local powering of a network element or drop site by the subscriber terminal or subscriber premise remote powering device are provided. Certain advantages and/or benefits are achieved using the present invention, such as freedom from any requirement for additional meter installations or meter connection charges and does not require a separate power network. 1. A customer premise power injector device for electrically powering an optical network unit (ONU) of a wide area network , the customer premise power injector device disposed for use intermediate to a subscriber terminal and the ONU , the customer premise power injector device comprising:a first electrical port disposed to couple to a first transmission line for coupling to the subscriber terminal;a second electrical port disposed to couple to a second transmission line for coupling to the ONU and disposed to receiving a data signal at a first frequency and disposed to receiving a message regarding a DC power on a second frequency;a third electrical port disposed to couple to mains power;a DC power source coupled to the third electrical port and for converting the mains power to the DC power; andan electrical coupling device coupled to the first electrical port and the electrical coupling device coupled to the second electrical port, wherein the electrical coupling device is disposed to pass subscriber communications from the subscriber terminal received from the first electrical port to the second electrical port and wherein the electrical coupling device is disposed ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007359A1
Принадлежит: Molex, LLC

A beacon includes an interface, a sensor, an indicator and a controller. The controller is communicatively coupled to the interface, the sensor and the indicator, the controller configured to receive control information via the interface and the sensor and to generate control instructions in response to the control information for the indicator. 125-. (canceled)26. A circuit board assembly comprising:an Ethernet port;a power converter coupled to the Ethernet port;a processing unit comprising a processor and a memory device, the processing unit coupled to the power converter and communicatively coupled to the Ethernet port; anda sensor coupled to the power converter and communicatively coupled to the processing unit, the power converter being configured to convert power received via the Ethernet port for use by the processing unit and the sensor, the processing unit being configured to receive sensor signaling from the sensor and send sensor information via the Ethernet port in response to the sensor signaling.27. The circuit board assembly of claim 26 , wherein the sensor comprises at least one of an ambient light sensor claim 26 , a temperature sensor claim 26 , an occupancy sensor claim 26 , a motion sensor claim 26 , a noise sensor claim 26 , an air quality sensor claim 26 , a humidity sensor claim 26 , an acceleration sensor claim 26 , a proximity sensor claim 26 , a magnetism sensor claim 26 , a pressure sensor claim 26 , a motion sensor claim 26 , a flux sensor claim 26 , a CO/CO2 sensor claim 26 , a correlated color temperature (CCT) sensor claim 26 , a red/green/blue (RGB) light sensor claim 26 , an active or passive infrared (PIR) sensor claim 26 , a visual information sensor and an audio information sensor.28. The circuit board assembly of claim 26 , wherein the processing unit further comprises an Ethernet PHY.29. The circuit board assembly of claim 26 , the processing unit being further configured to receive sensor signaling from the sensor and to ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021548A1

In one or more embodiments, a system includes a plurality of network devices comprising a plurality of ports, a power bus connecting the network devices, wherein power is shared between the network devices over the power bus, and a controller for identifying available power and allocating power to the ports. The ports include a plurality of PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment) PoE (Power over Ethernet) ports each operable to transmit power to a device connected to one of the PSE PoE ports, a plurality of PD (Powered Device) PoE ports each operable to receive power from a device connected to one of the PD PoE ports, and a plurality of bi-directional PoE ports each configurable to operate as a PSE PoE port to transmit power to a device connected to one of the bi-directional PoE ports or as a PD PoE port to receive power from the connected device. 1. A system comprising:a plurality of network devices comprising a plurality of ports;a power bus connecting said plurality of network devices, wherein power is shared between said plurality of network devices over the power bus; anda controller for identifying available power and allocating power to said plurality of ports; a plurality of PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment) PoE (Power over Ethernet) ports each operable to transmit power to a device connected to one of the PSE PoE ports;', 'a plurality of PD (Powered Device) PoE ports each operable to receive power from a device connected to one of the PD PoE ports; and', 'a plurality of bi-directional PoE ports each configurable to operate as a PSE PoE port to transmit power to a device connected to one of the bi-directional PoE ports or as a PD PoE port to receive power from the connected device., 'wherein said plurality of ports comprises2. The system of wherein the device connected to one of the bi-directional PoE ports comprises a solar device.3. The system of wherein the device connected to one of the bi-directional PoE ports comprises a rechargeable battery.4. The system of ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029416A1

The invention relates to a DC-power supply device () for supplying operational DC power to an external DC-powered device (a) via a wired connection (. a) that comprises a DC-power output interface (a), a communication unit () configured to receive a shutdown-request signal (S) indicative of a shutdown time-span (ts) during which no operational DC power is required and to provide a shutdown-trigger signal (), a DC-powered device detection unit (a) configured to determine a connected state and a disconnected state of the DC-powered device and to provide a connection status signal () indicative thereof and a power control unit () configured, upon reception of the shut-down-trigger signal, to disable provision of operational DC power during the shutdown time-span and, upon reception of the connection status signal indicative of the disconnected state, to re-enable provision of operational DC-power, thus improving a control of operational DC power provision. 1. A DC-power supply device for supplying operational DC power to an external DC-powered device via a wired connection , the DC-power supply device comprising:a DC-power output interface for providing the operational DC power to the DC-powered device via the wired connection, the DC-power output interface being operable in a power-provision-enabled mode in which operational DC power is deliverable to the DC-powered device upon request, and in a power-provision-disabled mode in which operational DC power is not deliverable to the DC-powered device;a communication unit configured to receive a shutdown-request signal indicative of a shutdown time-span (ts) during which no operational DC power is required by the DC-powered device via the DC-power output interface, and to provide a shutdown-trigger signal indicative thereof; wherein the shutdown-request signal is provided via the wired connection by the DC-powered device;{'b': '3', 'a DC-powered device detection unit configured to detect a connected state, in which a DC- ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Power over Ethernet Powered Device Configured for Low Duty-Cycle Operation

Номер: US20170012787A1

In some embodiments, a powered device includes a powered device circuit, which may include a maintain power signature (MPS) circuit configured to compare a sense current to a reference current. In a first mode, the MPS circuit may be configured to automatically generate an MPS signal when the sense current is less than the reference current. 1. A powered device comprising: 'a maintain power signature (MPS) circuit configured to compare a sense current to a reference current and, in a first mode, to automatically generate an MPS signal when the sense current is less than the reference current.', 'a powered device circuit including2. The powered device of claim 1 , further comprising a bypass transistor including a gate coupled to the MPS circuit claim 1 , a drain coupled to a hot swap switch output node claim 1 , and a source coupled to a supply node; and in a high power mode, the MPS circuit activates the bypass transistor to shunt current detection circuitry of the MPS circuit; and', 'in a low power mode, the MPS circuit deactivates the bypass transistor such that current flows from the hot swap switch output node through the current detection circuitry., 'wherein3. The powered device of claim 2 , further comprising:a direct current (DC) to DC converter configured to provide a signal to the MPS circuit; andwherein the MPS circuit determines one of the high power mode and the low power mode based on the signal.4. The powered device of claim 1 , further comprising a configuration node coupled to the MPS circuit.5. The powered device of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in the first mode claim 4 , the configuration node is coupled to a first power supply node during startup.6. The powered device of claim 4 , wherein the MPS circuit may be configured to selectively generate the MPS signal claim 4 , in a second mode claim 4 , when the configuration node is at a logic high voltage level during startup.7. The powered device of claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , in the second mode ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012788A1

A respective electronically controlled switch is provided in series with the output of each PD. A control circuit having a timer functionality is further provided, with the electronically controlled switches responsive to the control circuit. Upon detection that a second PD, defined temporally, is provided with operating power, the respective electronically controlled switch is maintained open for a predetermined hold-off time period sufficient to ensure detection by the respective PD control state machine of the completion of startup. After expiration of the predetermined hold-off time period, the respective electronically controlled switch is closed thus enabling normal operation. 1. A power over Ethernet powering arrangement comprising:a first powered device arranged to receive power over a respective first communication cabling;a second powered device arranged to receive power over a respective second communication cabling;a load arranged to receive power from each of said first and second powered device;a control circuitry;a first electronically controlled switch responsive to said control circuitry and associated with said first powered device, said first electronically controlled switch arranged to prevent the flow of current from said first powered device to the load when opened and allow the flow of current from said first powered device to the load when closed; anda second electronically controlled switch responsive to said control circuitry and associated with said second powered device, said second electronically controlled switch arranged to prevent the flow of current from said second powered device to the load when opened and allow the flow of current from said second powered device to the load when closed, detect operating voltage for a first temporal one of said first and second powered device;', 'detect operating voltage for a second temporal one of said first and second powered device;', 'open the associated electronically controlled for the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012789A1

A communication monitoring device includes, a first voltage application circuit , mounted on a first connector portion arranged at one end of a communication cable having at least two signal lines , or a first repeater or a first communication device, connecting the first connector portion , wherein the first voltage application circuit applies an alternating current voltage at a predetermined frequency to between any signal lines in the communication cable , and a second display portion , mounted on a second connector portion arranged at an other end of the communication cable , or a second repeater or a second communication device, connecting the second connector portion , wherein the second display portion detects and displays the alternating current voltage at the predetermined frequency applied to between the any signal lines in the communication cable 1. A communication monitoring device , comprising:a first voltage application circuit, mounted on a first connector portion arranged at one end of a communication cable having at least two signal lines or on a first repeater or a first communication device, connecting the first connector portion, wherein the first voltage application circuit applies an alternating current voltage at a predetermined frequency to between any signal lines in the communication cable; anda second display portion, mounted on a second connector portion arranged at an other end of the communication cable, or on a second repeater or a second communication device, connecting the second connector portion, wherein the second display portion detects and displays the alternating current voltage at the predetermined frequency applied to between any signal lines in the communication cable.2. The communication monitoring device according to claim 1 , further comprising a first display portion mounted on the first connector portion claim 1 , the first repeater or the first communication device claim 1 ,wherein the first display portion detects and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

MPS Generation System and Method

Номер: US20200012330A1
Автор: DARSHAN Yair
Принадлежит: Microsemi P.O.E. Ltd.

An MPS generation method, the method constituted of: at a predetermined frequency, alternately outputting a first MPS current pulse for a predetermined first time period and not outputting the first MPS current pulse for a predetermined first off time period; during the first time period, determining the magnitude of a current drawn by an input capacitor of a DC to DC converter; and responsive to the determined input capacitor current magnitude, outputting between the first terminal and the second terminal a second MPS current pulse for a predetermined second time period during the predetermined first off time period. 1. A powered device (PD) interface comprising:a first terminal and a second terminal arranged for connection towards a power supply equipment;a maintain power signature (MPS) circuitry;a current sense circuitry arranged to sense the magnitude of a current flowing therethrough; anda control circuitry in communication with said current sense circuitry, said MPS circuitry responsive to said control circuitry, output a first current pulse for a predetermined first time period; and', 'not output said first current pulse for a predetermined first off time period,, 'wherein said MPS circuitry is arranged, at a predetermined frequency, responsive to said control circuitry, to alternatelywherein said control circuitry is arranged, responsive to said sensed current magnitude, to compare the magnitude of a current sensed by the current sense circuitry to a predetermined minimum magnitude current value,wherein said control circuitry is arranged, responsive to comparing the magnitude of a current sensed by the current sense circuitry to a predetermined minimum magnitude current value to output a second current pulse for a predetermined second time period during said predetermined first off time period if the magnitude of the current sensed by the current sense circuitry is less than the predetermined minimum magnitude current value.2. The PD interface of claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013319A1

A system and method for supplying uninterruptible power includes a housing, a power supply input, a power source equipment input, a first powered device output, a second powered device output, an alternative power supply, and a control module. The control module includes a comparator, a switch, a converter and an injector. The injector includes a regulator and power autonegotiation module. The alternative power supply includes a plurality of battery packs in series. There can also be first and second powered devices with uninterrupted power, even when only one of the powered devices breaks. A power is uninterrupted to the first powered device, even if power is stopped to the second powered device, due to a repair or fault of the second powered device. 1. A system for supplying uninterruptible power , comprising:a housing;a power supply input disposed within said housing, said power supply input having a power source interface on an outside of said housing;a power source equipment input disposed within said housing, said power source equipment input having a power source equipment interface on an outside of said housing;a powered device output disposed within said housing, said powered device output having a powered device interface on an outside of said housing;an alternative power supply disposed within said housing;a powered device connected to said powered device output by an Ethernet cable;power source equipment connected to said power source equipment input, said power source equipment being powered separate from said power supply input and said alternative power supply; anda control module connected to said power supply input, said power source equipment input, said powered device output, and said alternative power supply,wherein said control module comprises an injector means, a comparator means, a switch means, and a converter means,said comparator means detecting power from said power supply input and to said powered device output and connecting said power ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032438A1
Автор: De Swardt Rolf Reitz

A hand-held power tool may include a motor, an end effector operably coupled to the motor and operable responsive to operation of the motor, and a control unit configured to control operation of the motor based at least in part on data communicated to the control unit from an external network. Power to the motor and the data communicated to the control unit from the external network may both be provided via a single cable. 1. A hand-held power tool comprising:a motor;an end effector operably coupled to the motor and operable responsive to operation of the motor; anda control unit configured to control operation of the motor based at least in part on data communicated to the control unit from an external network,wherein power to the motor and the data communicated to the control unit from the external network are both provided via a single cable.2. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the end effector is configured to execute material removal claim 1 , component assembly claim 1 , or component tightening.3. The power tool of claim 2 , further comprising an Ethernet port to which the single cable is operably coupled claim 2 , and wherein at least 12.95 W of power is available at the Ethernet port.4. The power tool of claim 1 , further comprising an accumulator configured to charge when power demand by the motor is less than power available via the single cable.5. The power tool of claim 4 , wherein the accumulator is configured to discharge when power demand by the motor is greater than power available via the single cable.6. The power tool of claim 5 , wherein the accumulator comprises one or more rechargeable batteries.7. The power tool of claim 5 , wherein the accumulator comprises one or more capacitors claim 5 , supercapacitors or ultracapacitors.8. The power tool of claim 4 , wherein the accumulator is configured to discharge responsive to actuation of a boost actuator.9. The power tool of claim 4 , wherein the accumulator is configured to discharge responsive to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032804A1

In one embodiment, an electric vehicle system includes a power system for charging a battery installed in an electric vehicle and comprising a bi-directional power and data connector for receiving power and data from or transmitting the power and data to an electric vehicle charging device, a communications system comprising a server and configured for receiving power from the power system and receiving data from or transmitting the data to the power system for download or upload at the electric vehicle charging device, and an authentication module for authenticating the electric vehicle charging device. A method is also disclosed herein. 1. An electric vehicle system comprising:a power system for charging a battery installed in an electric vehicle and comprising a bi-directional power and data connector for receiving power and data from or transmitting the power and data to an electric vehicle charging device;a communications system comprising a server and configured for receiving power from the power system and receiving data from or transmitting the data to the power system for download or upload at the electric vehicle charging device; andan authentication module for authenticating the electric vehicle charging device.2. The electric vehicle system of wherein the bi-directional power and data connector is operable to receive and transmit the power and data together on at least one wire pair.3. The electric vehicle system of wherein the power and data is transmitted using pulse power comprising a plurality of high voltage pulses with safety testing between said high voltage pulses.4. The electric vehicle system of further comprising an electric vehicle motor configured to receive and transmit the power and data.5. The electric vehicle system of further comprising a power converter for converting the power and data to Power over Ethernet for use by electrical components at the electric vehicle.6. The electric vehicle system of further comprising a second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013696A1

A system and method for supplying uninterruptible power includes a housing, a power supply input for a DC power source, a power source equipment input, a powered device output, an alternative power supply, a control module, and a power source equipment extension. The control module includes a comparator, a switch, a line filter and protector and an injector. The injector includes a regulator and PoE power management module. The alternative power supply includes a plurality of battery packs in series. The system can be located at a remote location with only DC power sources, such as generators, batteries, and solar cells. 1. A system for supplying uninterruptible power , comprising:a housing;a power supply input disposed within said housing, said power supply input having a power source interface on an outside of said housing;a power source equipment input disposed within said housing, said power source equipment input having a power source equipment interface on an outside of said housing;a powered device output disposed within said housing, said powered device output having a powered device interface on an outside of said housing;an alternative power supply disposed within said housing;a powered device connected to said powered device output by an Ethernet cable;power source equipment connected to said power source equipment input, said power source equipment being powered separate from said power supply input and said alternative power supply;a control module connected to said power supply input, said power source equipment input, said powered device output, and said alternative power supply; anda power source equipment extension between said powered device output and said powered device an intervening power source equipment,wherein said control module comprises an injector means, a comparator means, a switch means, and a line filter and protection means,said comparator means detecting power from said power supply input and to said powered device output and ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Amplifier Circuit and Method for Operating an Amplifier Circuit

Номер: US20210013848A1
Автор: Christoph Waldmeier

An amplifier circuit acting as a line driver in a line between a central station and field devices connected thereto comprising: a DC/DC converter integrated in the circuit as a power stage comprising a DC/pulse converter with two electrically isolated switching stages; a logic block preceding the converter, generating control signals for the switches from a PWM signal and feeding them into the converter in an electrically isolated manner using drivers; a priority block generating the PWM signal; a first and a second controller. The priority block forwards output from the first or second controller. The first controller generates a fault signal based on a voltage limit and an output voltage fed back within the amplifier circuit via a feedback path. The second controller generates a fault signal based on a current limit and the output current. The central station defines the current limit and the voltage limit.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Multipurpose Wall Outlet

Номер: US20150017930A1
Автор: Rivera Manolo Fabio

A multipurpose wall outlet that provides electrical power via at least one standard electrical socket(s) and at least one USB port as well as providing a wired and wireless internet connection is disclosed. The multipurpose wall outlet has a housing in which is assembled at least one receiver For receiving a signal from a wireless data network, at least one processor for processing the signal from the wireless data network, at least one electrical socket, at least one USB port, at least one ethernet port, and a transmitter for transmitting a wireless data signal. 1. A wall outlet apparatus for mounting in a wall to provide an electrical outlet , the apparatus comprising:a housing having a front side, the housing being arranged so that the front side faces outward from the wall when the wall outlet apparatus is mounted in the wall;a plurality of USB ports accessible from the front side;an power interface connector in electrical communication with the plurality of USB ports, wherein the power interface connector is adapted to electrically couple to a power source; anda electronic processing module comprising a processor, the electronic processing module being located in the housing and electrically coupled to the USB ports and the power interface connector; receive electrical power from the power source, and', 'output electrical power from the USB ports., 'wherein the wall outlet apparatus is adapted, during operation, to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic processing module further comprises a communications subsystem for communication with a wireless data network.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic processing module further comprises a card reader interface adapted to read a SIM card.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic processing module further comprises a memory module.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic processing module is adapted to convert electrical power received from the power source from a ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019884A1

A Powered Device (PD) in a PoE system has two input channels, each being coupled to a separate Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) for increased reliability. A first PD controller is coupled to the first channel to perform hand-shaking and closes a first Power Good (PWRGD) switch when the PoE voltage is detected on the first channel. A second PD controller is coupled to the second channel to perform hand-shaking and closes a second PWRGD switch when the PoE voltage is detected on the second channel. A diode bridge couples both channels to a single regulating power supply that supplies power to a load. Auxiliary switches are controlled by the PWRGD signals so that only the first channel or the second channel is coupled to the diode bridge in the event that both channels receive the respective PoE voltages. Therefore, hot standby is provided using only one power supply. 1. A Power Over Ethernet (PoE) system , the PoE system being configured to deliver operating power to a load in a Powered Device (PD) via data lines , the system comprising: a first PD controller having input terminals coupled to the first wire pair, the first PD controller being configured to perform hand-shaking with a first Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) coupled to the first channel to identify to the first PSE that a PoE voltage is to be provided on the first channel, the first PD controller having a first Power Good (PWRGD) terminal for issuing a first PWRGD signal upon the PoE voltage being detected on the first channel;', 'a second PD controller having input terminals coupled to the second wire pair, the second PD controller being configured to perform hand-shaking with a second PSE coupled to the second channel to identify to the second PSE that a PoE voltage is to be provided on the second channel, the second PD controller having a second PWRGD terminal for issuing a second PWRGD signal upon the PoE voltage being detected on the second channel;', 'a first PWRGD switch controlled by the first PD ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018469A1
Автор: SU XIAO

A method and an apparatus for limiting rack power consumption are provided. The method includes: determining a rack power consumption limitation threshold; determining a current power consumption limitation mode; calculating a total power consumption limit for nodes in a rack; calculating a power consumption threshold for each of the nodes based on the current power consumption limitation mode, the rack power consumption limitation threshold and the total power consumption limit for the nodes in the rack; and transmitting the power consumption threshold for each of the nodes to the node, to enable the node to limit power consumption according to the received power consumption threshold. 1. A method for limiting rack power consumption , comprising:determining a rack power consumption limitation threshold;determining a current power consumption limitation mode;calculating a total power consumption limit for nodes in a rack;calculating a power consumption threshold for each of the nodes based on the current power consumption limitation mode, the rack power consumption limitation threshold and the total power consumption limit for the nodes in the rack; andtransmitting the power consumption threshold for each of the nodes to the node, to enable the node to limit power consumption according to the received power consumption threshold.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:acquiring current switch power consumption, current fan-wall power consumption, and current power conversion efficiency loss power consumption, wherein {'br': None, 'i': p', 'p', '−p', '−p', '−p, 'sub': 0', 'a', 'b', 'c, '=()×98%,'}, 'the total power consumption limit for the nodes in the rack is calculated according to an equation{'sub': 0', 'a', 'b', 'c, 'where p represents the total power consumption limit for the nodes in the rack, prepresents the rack power consumption limitation threshold, prepresents the switch power consumption, prepresents the fan-wall power consumption, and ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020858A1

A fiber optic-based communications network includes: a power insertion device, connected to multiple fiber links from a data source, configured to provide power insertion to a hybrid fiber/power cable connected to at least one fiber link of the multiple fiber links; the hybrid fiber/power cable, connecting the power insertion device to a connection interface device, configured to transmit data and power from the power insertion device to the connection interface device; and the connection interface device, configured to provide an interface for connection to an end device via a power over Ethernet (PoE)-compatible connection and to provide optical to electrical media conversion for data transmitted from the power insertion device to an end device via the hybrid fiber/power cable and the PoE-compatible connection.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020910A1

A system and approach that may provide power to network switches of controllers in a failsafe manner. For instance, when a controller is receiving normal power, the controller may act as a power over Ethernet (POE) source that supplies power to its connected Ethernet devices as required. However, if power to a controller is lost, then Ethernet devices may switch to a powered device mode and use power from a neighboring device to keep active. Some power may be tapped for network switch operation from any network switch port receiving power from another device. This may allow communication to remain operational across multiple devices in a string of which some have lost a source of normal power.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020911A1

A fiber optic-based communications network includes: a power insertion device, connected to multiple fiber links from a data source, configured to provide power insertion to a hybrid fiber/power cable connected to at least one fiber link of the multiple fiber links; the hybrid fiber/power cable, connecting the power insertion device to a connection interface device, configured to transmit data and power from the power insertion device to the connection interface device; and the connection interface device, configured to provide an interface for connection to an end device via a power over Ethernet (PoE)-compatible connection and to provide optical to electrical media conversion for data transmitted from the power insertion device to an end device via the hybrid fiber/power cable and the PoE-compatible connection.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Overvoltage and Surge Protection in a Power Over Ethernet Device

Номер: US20170019262A1
Принадлежит: Silicon Laboratories Inc

In some embodiments, powered devices, circuits, and methods are disclosed that may include biasing a hot swap switch to couple a capacitor of a DC-DC converter to negative supply node when an input voltage exceeds a threshold and biasing a telephony switch to couple a positive supply node to a negative supply node when the input voltage exceeds the threshold. Further, the method may further include deactivating the hot swap switch after a period of time, and continuing to bias the telephony switch.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170019294A1
Принадлежит: DATAPROBE INC

An apparatus for remotely rebooting an electronic device may have an first port adapted to interface with a first communications line capable of transmitting and receiving both data and power, an second port adapted to interface with a second communications line capable of transmitting and receiving both data and power, at least two status light emitting diodes, and at least one power port capable of receiving power from an external power supply module. The apparatus uses an auto-ping, traffic monitor, and heartbeat methodology to manage the operable state of a PSE, PD, or Ethernet traffic. If either one is deemed to have become non-functional or otherwise fall below set operating standards, the apparatus sends a signal to reboot the particular device in question. This removes the need for a manual reboot of a particular device such as a peripheral device in an electronic system. 1. An apparatus for remotely rebooting at least one electronic device , the apparatus comprising:a first port adapted to interface with a first communications line, the first communications line being capable of transmitting and receiving both data and power;a second port adapted to interface with a second communications line, the second communications line being capable of transmitting and receiving both data and power; 'wherein at least one status light emitting diode corresponds to an operative state of the first port and at least one status light emitting diode corresponds to an operative state of the second port.', 'at least two status light emitting diodes,'}2. The apparatus of further comprising at least one power port capable of receiving power from an external power supply module.3. The apparatus of further comprising at least one securement mechanism that secures a position of the apparatus.4. The apparatus of wherein the first and the second communications line is a Cat 5 claim 1 , 5E claim 1 , or 6 Ethernet cable claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The apparatus of further ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038189A1

In one embodiment, a method includes receiving power delivered over a data fiber cable at an optical transceiver installed at a network communications device and transmitting data and the power from the optical transceiver to the network communications device. The network communications device is powered by the power received from the optical transceiver. An apparatus is also disclosed herein. 1. An optical transceiver comprising:an optical interface for receiving an optical signal on an optical fiber in a cable;an electrical interface for receiving power on an electrical wire in the cable;an optical component for converting the optical signal to an electrical signal; anda power component for detecting and monitoring the power at the optical transceiver, transmitting a message to a central network device delivering the power to indicate that a network communications device is ready to be powered at an increased power level, and providing the power to the network communications device.2. The optical transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the power component is further operable to detect a type of power received.3. The optical transceiver of claim 2 , wherein the type of power comprises Power over Ethernet or pulsed power.4. The optical transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the power component is further operable to select a power delivery mode from Power over Ethernet or pulsed power based on a determination of which of said Power over Ethernet and said pulsed power is a more efficient power delivery method.5. The optical transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the power component is operable to perform a power negotiation with the central network device to select a power delivery mode.6. The optical transceiver of claim 1 , wherein said increased power level comprises delivery of power from the central network device at a power level greater than 100 watts.7. The optical transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the optical fiber comprises a plurality of optical fibers and the electrical wire ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Bi-Directional Single-Ended Transmission Systems

Номер: US20220038297A1

Systems for bi-directional single-ended transmission are described. For example, a system may include a receiver with a first differential input terminal and a second differential input terminal, wherein the first differential input terminal is coupled to a first node and the second differential input terminal is coupled to a second node; a transmitter with an output terminal coupled to a third node; a first inductor connected between the first node and the third node; a second inductor connected between the second node and the third node; and a shunt resistor connected between the third node and a ground node. Some implementations include a first inductor with an inductance within twenty percent of 1 microhenry and a capacitance less than a tenth of a picofarad is included in a filter coupling a power supply to transmission line. The first inductor may connect to the transmission line. 1. A system comprising:a power-over-coax direct current injector;a coaxial connector;a first inductor with an inductance within twenty percent of 1 microhenry and a capacitance less than a tenth of a picofarad;a second inductor with an inductance within twenty percent of 2.2 microhenry and a capacitance less than a half of a picofarad; anda third inductor with an inductance within twenty percent of 4.7 microhenry and a capacitance less than 2 picofarads, wherein the first inductor, the second inductor and the third inductor are connected in series between the power-over-coax direct current injector and a conductor of the coaxial connector, with the conductor of the coaxial connector connected to first inductor and the power-over-coax direct current injector connected to the third inductor.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising:a transmission line connected to the first inductor, wherein the transmission line includes the conductor of the coaxial connector.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the transmission line includes a conductor of a coaxial cable.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Powered device, power sourcing equipment device, power-over-ethernet network system, and mthods therefore

Номер: US20180019884A1

The present invention relates to Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) systems. The invention proposes to use a classification event to communicate from the PD ( 121 ) to the PSE ( 110, 910 ). A sensor ( 310, 410, 510 a, 510 b ) may determine a sensor value, shut down the PoE connection, and reconnect so that the power up cycle with the PSE ( 110, 910 ) will start. The sensor ( 310, 410, 510 a, 510 b ) provides a PoE resistance related to a class 0, 3 where the class relates to the sensor value (e.g., class 0=presence detected; class 1=no presence detected). This procedure may be repeated (e.g. continuously, every minute or whenever the sensor value changes such that the PSE ( 110, 910 ) needs to be informed) and if needed multiple cycles can be used to increase the length of the message communicated.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Device Control Method, Information Storage Medium, Control Apparatus, and Device Control System

Номер: US20180019885A1

A device control method includes: identifying a device contained in device information on a device that was in a controllable mode before, the device being controlled via a network and being allowed to be in the controllable mode and a restriction mode, the controllable mode being a mode in which the device can be controlled by a first type of communication via the network, and the restriction mode being a mode in which a type of communication that can be performed by the device is restricted to a second type of communication to thereby prohibit control of the device by the first type of communication; and switching, by sending by the second type of communication predetermined data that is based on the device information to the identified device, the identified device from the restriction mode to the controllable mode. 1. A device control method comprising:identifying a device contained in device information on a device that was in a controllable mode before, the device being controlled via a network and being allowed to be in the controllable mode and a restriction mode, the controllable mode being a mode in which the device can be controlled by a first type of communication via the network, and the restriction mode being a mode in which a type of communication that can be performed by the device is restricted to a second type of communication to thereby prohibit control of the device by the first type of communication; andswitching, by sending by the second type of communication predetermined data that is based on the device information to the identified device, the identified device from the restriction mode to the controllable mode.2. The device control method according to claim 1 , identifying a device in the controllable mode by sending a predetermined request to each device contained in the device information by the first type of communication and receiving a response sent from the each device by the first type of communication in response to the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039205A1

A modular fixed wireless access (FWA) radio dock system is provided that allows docking of a single radio module that can be installed in multiple, different locations by connecting to any one of a plurality of docks and/or communication accessories. The radio module can be paired with different types/configurations of docking stations that include various connectivity ports that provide connectivity to a local network, a wired/wireless router, or other networking equipment. The docking stations can comprise both indoor and outdoor docking stations usable with the same radio module, and may include heat sink assemblies and/or fans that work in conjunction with heat sink assemblies of the radio module, as well as effectuate environmental sealing. 1. A fixed wireless access (FWA) device , comprising: wireless communication circuitry;', 'a universal dock connector; and, 'a radio module, comprisinga first heat sink assembly comprising a first set of heat-dissipating fins; and 'a radio module connector adapted to operatively connect to the universal dock connector providing data transmission and reception between the wireless communication circuitry and an associated communications device; and', 'a dock, comprisinga second heat sink assembly operatively connecting to the first heat sink assembly creating an environmental seal therebetween, the second heat sink assembly comprising a second set of heat-dissipating fins.2. The FWA device of claim 1 , wherein the radio module comprises a 5G modem.3. The FWA device of claim 1 , wherein the dock further comprises at least one connectivity port.4. The FWA device of claim 3 , wherein the at least one connectivity port comprises a Power over Ethernet (PoE) port.5. The FWA device of claim 1 , wherein the universal dock connector comprises an M.2 connector.6. The FWA device of claim 1 , wherein the dock is configured for outdoor installation.7. (canceled)8. The FWA device of claim 1 , further comprising an o-ring to effectuate the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020213A1

Systems, apparatus, and methods are disclosed for emergency lighting and evacuation. A building may include several emergency lighting stations in which at least some, if not all, of the lighting station includes a lighting device, a motion sensor, a speaker, a video camera, and a wireless access point. A controller adapter may provide power to and communicate with the lighting stations via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) connections. A central controller may communicate with the controller adapter to control the emergency lighting stations through the PoE connections. 1. A system for emergency evacuation of a trapped occupant from a building , the system comprising:a plurality of lighting stations, at least two lighting stations of the plurality of lighting stations having a lighting device and at least one sensor;a controller adapter to provide power to, and communicate with, the plurality of lighting stations; and receive data from the at least one sensor of the at least two lighting stations;', 'determine, based on the received data, a location of the trapped occupant;', 'identify, based on the received data, one or more of a plurality of evacuation routes in the building that is unavailable for passage by the trapped occupant;', 'determine, based on the identified one or more evacuation routes that are unavailable for passage and the plurality of evacuation routes, at least one available evacuation route;', 'determine, based on the identified at least one available evacuation route and the determined location of the trapped occupant, an accessible evacuation route for the trapped occupant; and', 'control the lighting of the lighting device of at least one of the plurality of lighting stations to visually identify the accessible evacuation route., 'a central controller in communication with the controller adapter, the central controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the central controller includes a web server configured to transmit the accessible ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023437A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

An aircraft includes a first electrical connector configured to couple with a first power cable, a first data communication network and a first modem coupled to first electrical connector and first data communication network and is configured to transmit data received at first electrical connector through first power cable to first data communication network and to transmit data from first data communication network to first power cable through first electrical connector. The aircraft additionally includes a second electrical connector configured to couple with a second power cable, a second data communication network and a second modem coupled to second electrical connector and to second data communication network and is configured to transmit data received at second electrical connector through second power cable to second data communication network and to transmit data from second data communication network to second power cable through second electrical connector. 1. An aircraft comprising:a first electrical connector configured to couple with a first power cable;a first data communication network;a first modem coupled to said first electrical connector and to said first data communication network, said first modem is configured to transmit data received at said first electrical connector through the first power cable to said first data communication network and to transmit data from said first data communication network to the first power cable through said first electrical connector;a second electrical connector configured to couple with a second power cable;a second data communication network;a second modem coupled to said second electrical connector and to said second data communication network, said second modem is configured to transmit data received at said second electrical connector through the second power cable to said second data communication network and to transmit data from said second data communication network to the second power cable through ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Technologies for switch link and ply management for variable oversubscription ratios

Номер: US20200021449A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Technologies for switch link and ply management for variable oversubscription ratios include powering up and down links of one or more network plys according to bandwidth demand, desired oversubscription ratio and/or other parameters. Telemetry data representing one or more network traffic metrics of one or more switch plies is monitored to determine respective power states of the plurality of links associated with the one or more switch plies as a function of a desired oversubscription ratio calculated based on the telemetry data. The respective power state of the plurality of links is set accordingly.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Multi-Level Video Processing Within A Vehicular Communication Network

Номер: US20200021538A1

A system and method for performing vehicle safety processing within a vehicle includes determining whether a driver is present in a vehicle, receiving driver sensed data, processing the driver sensed data to recognize a safety issue. The method continues by determining if the driver sensed data also indicates an externally sensed safety issue. For the driver sensed data without the externally sensed safety issue, the method includes generating one or more control signals to activate a driver awareness measure. For the driver sensed data with an externally sensed safety issue, the method includes activating auto safety precaution measures, determining whether the auto safety measures were successful in avoiding an accident, and, if not, recording the driver sensed data in a one-time programmable (OTP) memory device. 1. A vehicle safety system comprises: determine whether occupants are present in a vehicle;', 'for a driver occupant, receive driver sensed data;', 'process the driver sensed data to recognize a safety issue;', 'determine if the driver sensed data also indicates an externally sensed safetey issue;', 'for the driver sensed data without the externally sensed safety issue, generate one or more control signals to activate a driver awareness measure;', 'for the driver sensed data with an externally sensed safety issue, activate auto safety precaution measures;', 'determine whether the auto safety precaution measures were successful in avoiding an accident; and', 'if not, record the driver sensed data in a one-time programmable (OTP) memory device., 'a vehicle safety processor configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the driver sensed data without the externally sensed safety issue further includes an environmental adjustment for an ambient temperature above or below a desired setting.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the environmental adjustment for an ambient temperature above or below a desired setting includes an adjustment made to a temperature ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150026489A1

A system is provided for adjusting power provided over a channel to a device. The system can include power sourcing equipment and a sub-system. The power sourcing equipment can provide power to a powered device via a channel. The sub-system can determine an amount by which to increase the power based on a resistance of the channel. The power sourcing equipment or the powered device can adjust the power (or load) in response to a command from the sub-system. The sub-system can include at least one measurement device and a processor. The measurement device can measure an output voltage of the power sourcing equipment, an input voltage of the powered device, and a current on the channel. The processor can determine the resistance of the channel based on the output voltage, the input voltage, and the current. The processor can output a command specifying an increase or decrease in the level of power supplied by the power sourcing equipment. 1. A system comprising:a powered device configured for receiving power from a power source device via a channel, the powered device comprising a base load and a plurality of optional loads; and determining a resistance of the channel,', 'determining a respective power requirement for each of the plurality of optional loads, and', 'based on the resistance of the channel and the respective power requirements for the plurality of optional loads, configuring the powered device to operate the base load and a subset of optional loads from the plurality of optional loads., 'a sub-system configured for2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sub-system is at least partially disposed in the powered device and wherein configuring the powered device to operate the base load and the subset of optional loads comprises configuring power control circuitry of the powered device to route the power received via the channel to the base load and the subset of optional loads.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sub-system is at least partially disposed ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Powered device, power supply system, and operation mode selection method

Номер: US20150026496A1
Автор: An-Chang Hsu, Yen-Hung Liu
Принадлежит: Alpha Networks Inc

A powered device, a power supply system and an operation mode selection method are provided. The power supply system includes a power sourcing equipment and the powered device. The powered device is electrically connected to the power sourcing equipment through an internet cable. The powered device includes a sensing module and a controlling module. The sensing module receives an internet signal from the power sourcing equipment through the internet cable, and outputs a switching signal according to the internet signal. The controlling module is used for selecting an operation mode of the powered device according to the switching signal.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028324A1

An apparatus may include a data management assembly and a DC to AC inverter assembly. The data management assembly may include a data input, a data output, and a power port. The data management assembly may be configured to receive in combination a data signal and a variable DC input voltage on the data input, separate the received data signal from the input voltage, output the data signal on the data output, and output the input voltage on the power port. The DC to AC inverter assembly may be configured to receive the input voltage from the power port, boost the input voltage to a predetermined DC stepped-up voltage that is constant for different input voltages, convert the stepped-up voltage to an AC voltage, and output the AC voltage on a power output. 1. An apparatus comprising:an data management assembly including a data input, a data output, and a power port, the data management assembly being configured to receive in combination a data signal and a variable DC input voltage on the data input, separate the received data signal from the input voltage, output the data signal on the data output, and output the input voltage on the power port; anda DC to AC inverter assembly configured to receive the input voltage from the power port, boost the input voltage to a predetermined DC stepped-up voltage that is constant for different input voltages, convert the stepped-up voltage to an AC voltage, and output the AC voltage on a power output.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the DC to AC inverter assembly includes a boost converter and a controller circuit claim 1 , the boost converter being configured to step the input voltage up to a stepped-up voltage determined by a voltage-control signal claim 1 , and the controller circuit being responsive to an input-voltage signal representative of the input voltage to produce the voltage-control signal appropriate to cause the boost converter to step up the input voltage to the predetermined DC stepped-up voltage.3. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

System Apparatus and Device for Facilitating Network Edge Device Backup and Methods of Operation Thereof

Номер: US20170026188A1
Автор: Herzel Roni

Disclosed is a system apparatus and device for facilitating the backup of network edge devices, such as video cameras, and methods of operation thereof. A monitoring circuit(s) may detect inoperable electrical power condition(s) (IEPC) on the power-line of a network edge device. Upon detection of an IEPC a backup power source may provide electrical power to the edge device. Upon detection of a connectivity fault between the edge device and its packet sink, a packet sink emulator may emulate a packet sink of the edge device. The disclosed system apparatus and device may implement a Power over Ethernet (PoE) power backup device for providing power to one or more edge devices, the device comprising: a PoE input port, an auxiliary power input port, a PoE output port, a power storage circuits, and power management circuits for detecting available power, switching between power sources, and regulate the power switching based on power detection outputs. 1. A Power over Ethernet (PoE) power backup device for providing power to one or more edge device , said device comprising:a PoE input port to receive an Ethernet line from an Ethernet switch;an auxiliary power input port to receive power from a low voltage power-supply;a PoE output port to connect with an Ethernet line to a PoE enabled edge device;a power storage circuits to store electrical power; andpower management circuits comprising:(a) power detection circuitry to detect available power on the PoE input port and on the auxiliary power input port;(b) power switching circuitry to switch available power from either of the input ports to the PoE output port, to the power storage circuit, wherein said power storage circuit includes a power storage element and a charging circuit to charge the power storage element with switched available power from either of the input ports not used by PoE enabled edge device; and(c) control circuitry to regulate the power switching circuits based on an output from the power detection ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170026189A1

INTELLIGENT POWER SOURCE, CAPABLE OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION VIA THE POWER LINE, suitable for powering LEDs () of lights, and formed by an electronic device having: an input unit () connected to the alternating current line (230 V); a power regulator (); power transformers (); and an output unit () to which the power supply line () for the LEDs () is connected. In addition, the intelligent power source comprises a CPU microprocessor () and a PLC modem () both disposed in a compact assembly and linked to the input unit () and to the power regulator (), said CPU microprocessor () and PLC modem () being used to control the entire operation of the intelligent power source, namely start-up, power, synchronization, temperature, voltage and the other functions of the source (), as well as protection, communications with other sources, and storage of parameters and data. 183456783410111142161710510. INTELLIGENT POWER SOURCE , CAPABLE OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION VIA THE POWER LINE which , suitable for powering LED diodes () of luminaries , and formed by an electronic device having an input unit () connected to the alternating current line (230 V) , a power regulator () , power transformers () and an output unit () to which the power supply line () of the LEDs () is connected , characterized in that it comprises , integrated in a compact assembly , and connected to the input unit () and to the power regulator () , a CPU microprocessor () and a PLC powerline communication modem () , being used to control the startup , power , synchronization , temperature , voltage and other functions of the source () as well as protection , communications with other sources and storage of parameters and data; in that it further comprises fast diodes or bridge diodes () that enabled the source to be shut off when a high voltage pulse arrives , varistors as a protective element () that protect the source from voltage peaks of up to 4 kV , transistors () and power diodes () controlled by the CPU ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Network camera system and network camera thereof

Номер: US20170026578A1
Автор: Ming-Tsung Chen
Принадлежит: Vivotek Inc

A network camera system includes a transmitting device, a network camera, and a shunt device. The transmitting device provides a network power, receives an Ethernet signal and includes a power transforming unit for transforming an external power into the network power and a signal transforming unit for transforming the Ethernet signal into an xDSL signal. The network camera includes a casing and a main board disposed in the casing. The shunt device is connected to the main board and the transmitting device and includes a signal transceiving unit and a power transceiving unit. The signal transceiving unit transforms the xDSL signal back into the Ethernet signal for performing Ethernet signal transmission between the shunt device and the main board. The power transceiving unit is used for selectively transmitting the network power to the main board as an operating power of the network camera.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Accessory communication over power pins

Номер: US20180026461A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Simplified interfaces for charging and communication between accessories and docking stations. One example may provide an interface for charging and communication between an accessory and docking station where data and a charging voltage are provided over the same pins. An accessory may determine that it is in a powered docking station by receiving a charging voltage. The accessory may determine that it is in an unpowered docking station by providing a voltage to the unpowered docking station, where the unpowered docking station uses the voltage to power an oscillator. The oscillator signal may be received by the accessory, which may use the presence of the signal to determine that it is in an unpowered docking station.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045876A1

Provided are a wire harness and a communication relay method with which effects such as reduction in the relay processing load of an in-vehicle device or improvement in the scalability of an in-vehicle device can be expected. A wire harness according to an embodiment includes a circuit board detachably mountable to an in-vehicle device, a plurality of communication lines connected to the circuit board, and a relay unit provided on the circuit board and configured to relay communication between the plurality of communication lines and to relay communication between the communication lines and the in-vehicle device. 1. A wire harness comprising:a circuit board detachably mountable to an in-vehicle device by being inserted into and removed from an opening provided in a casing of the in-vehicle device;a plurality of communication lines connected to the circuit board; anda relay IC (Integrated Circuit) that includes a relay unit provided on the circuit board and configured to relay communication between the plurality of communication lines and to relay communication between the communication lines and the in-vehicle device,wherein the circuit board has:a terminal electrically connectable to the in-vehicle device;a first input-output IC interposed between the terminal and the relay IC, and configured to input and output communication signals with respect to the terminal; anda second input-output IC interposed between the communication lines and the relay IC, and configured to input and output communication signals with respect to the communication lines,the terminal is provided on one edge side of the circuit board, and the communication lines are connected on the other edge side of the circuit board, andthe first input-output IC or the second input-output IC is mounted on a surface on an opposite side of the circuit board to the surface on which the relay IC is mounted.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of communication lines include a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027629A1

A power and data connectivity micro grid includes a first power sourcing equipment device having first and second power ports and first and second data ports, and configured to deliver DC power signals to the first and second power ports. The micro grid further includes first and second remote distribution nodes, and first and second splice enclosures, each splice enclosure having a power input port, a data input port, a power tap port, a data tap port, a power output port and a data output port. A first composite power-data cable is coupled between the first power port and the first data port of the first power sourcing equipment device and the power input port and the data input port of the first splice enclosure. A second composite power-data cable is coupled between the second power port and the second data port of the first power sourcing equipment device and the power input port and the data input port of the second splice enclosure. The power tap port and the data tap port of the first splice enclosure are coupled to a power input port and a data input port of the first remote distribution node, respectively.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031414A1
Автор: ZHAO Hui

A micro projector comprising a communication connection with a mobile terminal device via WIFI wireless network. The micro projector includes a master controller, a WIFI module configured to build the WIFI wireless network with the mobile terminal device, a USB interface configured to charge for the mobile terminal device, a USB flash drive configured to transmit data to the mobile terminal device, and a memory for storing data within the micro projector. The WIFI module, the USB interface, the USB flash drive and the memory are coupled with the master controller. Accordingly, the trouble of carrying different video data wires is eliminated, and the mobile terminal device can be also charged. The mobile terminal device can read the data stored in the internal memory of the micro projector to indirectly extend the storage capacity of the mobile terminal device. The micro projector can also be bridged to an external network. 1. A micro projector , wherein the micro projector has a communication connection with a mobile terminal device via WIFI wireless network , the micro projector comprises a master controller , a WIFI module configured to build the WIFI wireless network with the mobile terminal device , a USB interface configured to charge for the mobile terminal device , a USB flash drive configured to transmit data to the mobile terminal device , and a memory for storing data within the micro projector , and wherein the WIFI module , the USB interface , the USB flash drive and the memory are coupled with the master controller.2. The micro projector according to claim 1 , wherein the micro projector further comprises a digital light processor coupled to the master controller claim 1 , and after the digital light processor processes image signals from the micro projector claim 1 , the digital light processor implements projection.3. The micro projector according to claim 2 , wherein the digital light processor is constituted by digital micro mirror components.4. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170031406A1

A power distribution system includes a chassis with a plurality of ports that include a first port configured to communicate with powering devices and a second port configured to communicate with powered devices. A power distribution engine in the chassis is coupled to each of the plurality of ports. The power distribution engine determines that power available to the power distribution engine is insufficient to power a first powered device that is coupled to the first port, requests power from a first powering device that is coupled to the second port, and provides power that is received through the second port from the first powering device to the first powered device through the first port. In an embodiment, the first powered device and the second powered device are switch IHSs, the first port is configured as a trunk port, and the second port is configured as an access port. 1. A Information Handling System (HIS) , comprising:a chassis;a plurality of ports that are located on the chassis, wherein each of a first port and a second port of the plurality of ports are configured to both send and receive data and provide power, and a third port of the plurality of ports is configured to both send and receive data and receive power; and determine that power available to the power distribution engine is insufficient to power a powered device that is coupled to the first port;', 'send, through the third port, data that includes a request for power from a first powering device that is coupled to the third port and that is not providing power through the third port prior to the sending of the request through the third port;', 'receive, through the third port subsequent to the sending of the request through the third port, power from the first powering device;', 'provide, through the first port to the powered device, power that is received through the third port from the first powering device; and', 'send and receive, through the first port, data with the powered device., ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031000A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A handheld device for capturing and displaying images , the device comprising:a first digital camera for capturing a first image and generating a first captured image signal;a second digital camera for capturing a second image and generating a second captured image signal;a third digital camera for capturing a third image and generating a third captured image signal;a display coupled to the digital cameras and having a flat screen for visually displaying the captured images;a first port for coupling to a first communication medium;a first transmitter coupled between the digital cameras and the first port for transmitting the captured images to the first communication medium;a second port for coupling to a second communication medium;a second transmitter coupled between the digital cameras and the second port for transmitting the captured images to the second communication medium;a rechargeable battery coupled to power the digital cameras, the first and second transmitters, and the display; anda single handheld casing housing the digital cameras, the first and second ports, ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031001A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A display device for use with a cable concurrently carrying a (Direct Current) DC power signal and a video data in a compressed form , the display device comprising:a LAN connector for connecting to the cable;a video display component for displaying the video data in an un-compressed form;a receiver coupled between the LAN connector and the video display component for receiving the video data from the cable via the LAN connector;a video de-compressor coupled between the video display component and the receiver for de-compressing the compressed video data received from the cable; anda single enclosure for housing the LAN connector, the display component, the video de-compressor, and the receiver,wherein the video display component, the video de-compressor, and the receiver are coupled to the LAN connector for being powered only from the DC power signal.2. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein the LAN connector is a Registered Jack (RJ) type connector.3. The display device according to claim 2 , wherein the LAN connector is RJ-45 connector.4. The display device ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Power-Line Communications

Номер: US20170032664A1

Methods, systems, and products bridge wireless data transmissions with power-line communications. Should a failure occur in alternating current power, a backup battery maintains the power-line communications. Direct current battery power is used to power a wireless transceiver, thus maintaining both wireless data transmissions and communication during power failures.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

System and method for controlling power delivered to a powered device through a communication cable

Номер: US20150035365A1
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

Power over Ethernet (PoE) communication systems, control circuits and methods are presented for controlling power delivered to a powered device through a communication cable, in which a power sourcing equipment measures a supply voltage and selectively discontinues provision of power from a power source in response to a measured supply current exceeding an adaptive limit signal representing a supply current level corresponding to a predetermined safe operating power level at the measured supply voltage.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Motorized shade with automated configuration and control

Номер: US20190032404A1
Принадлежит: Wideband Labs LLC

A motorized roller shade configured to connect to a power over Ethernet network includes a motor for rotating the shade to roll and unroll shade material to and from a roller tube to raise and lower the shade. A rechargeable battery positioned in the roller tube provides power to the motor and to logic and control circuitry also positioned within the roller tube. The logic and control circuitry charges the battery though power derived from the power over Ethernet network, and controls the operation of the motor to achieve a desired target velocity. Synchronized operation of multiple motorized roller shades is achieved though autonomous operation of the shades by their corresponding logic and control circuitry. In exemplary embodiments, a lighting element controlled by the logic and control circuitry allows controlled lighting of the shade.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170034079A1
Автор: Coffey Joseph C.

One embodiment is directed to a wall plate device including one or more jacks. Each jack includes a rear attachment point configured to couple to one or more communication paths in a semi-permanent manner. Each jack also includes a front attachment point configured to mate with a connector of a corresponding physical communication media, and to couple such physical communication media to the rear attachment point. Each jack also includes a media reading interface configured to interface with a PLM interface of a connector connected to the front attachment point. The wall plate device also includes a programmable processor coupled to each of the media reading interfaces and configured to access a storage device of a connector connected to the front attachment point through the media reading interface to obtain PLM information. The programmable processor is configured to communicate the PLM information to another device. 1. A wall plate device comprising:one or more jacks, each jack including a rear attachment point configured to couple to one or more communication paths for non-service network traffic in a semi-permanent manner, each jack including a front attachment point configured to mate with a connector of a corresponding cable and couple such cable to the one or more communication paths at the rear attachment point, each jack including a media reading interface configured to interface with a physical layer management (PLM) interface of a connector connected to the front attachment point;a programmable processor coupled to each of the media reading interfaces and configured to access a storage device or other component of a connector connected to the front attachment point through the media reading interface to obtain PLM information, the programmable processor configured to communicate the PLM information to a host server.2. The wall plate device of claim 1 , comprising:a signaling circuit coupled to the programmable processor and configured to transmit and ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036595A1

According to one aspect, embodiments of the invention provide a method for providing power to a distributed sensor system, the method comprising providing power from at least one port of an interface unit to a first port of a first sensor unit of at least one of a plurality of sensor strings, powering up the first sensor unit, forwarding power from a second port of the first sensor unit to a first port of a second sensor unit of the at least one of the plurality of sensor strings, powering up the second sensor unit, monitoring the plurality of sensor strings for a fault condition, and in response to detecting a fault condition in a first sensor string of the plurality of sensor strings, providing power from a second one of the plurality of sensor strings to the first sensor string. 1. A method for providing power to a distributed sensor system , the distributed sensor system comprising an interface unit having a plurality of ports , and a plurality of sensor strings , each sensor string comprising a plurality of sensor units coupled in series to one of the plurality of ports of the interface unit , the method comprising:providing power from at least one port of the interface unit to a first port of a first sensor unit of at least one of the plurality of sensor strings;powering up the first sensor unit;forwarding power from a second port of the first sensor unit to a first port of a second sensor unit of the at least one of the plurality of sensor strings;powering up the second sensor unit;monitoring the plurality of sensor strings for a fault condition; andin response to detecting a fault condition in a first sensor string of the plurality of sensor strings, providing power from a second one of the plurality of sensor strings to the first sensor string to provide power to at least one of the plurality of sensor units within the first sensor string.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein monitoring the plurality of sensor strings for a fault condition comprises monitoring ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Communication Visualization System

Номер: US20160036662A1

A communication visualization system includes a wireless power-feeding device for transmitting electromagnetic energy in a wireless manner and a communication visualization device for notifying that a LAN cable connected to an information communication apparatus is performing information communication. The communication visualization device includes an antenna part for receiving the electromagnetic energy transmitted from the wireless power-feeding device, a rectifier circuit for rectifying the electromagnetic energy received by the antenna part to generate a DC voltage, an amplifier circuit for amplifying a communication signal transferred to the communication cable at the time of information communication by using the DC voltage generated by the rectifier circuit as operation power, a rectifier circuit for converting the amplified communication signal into a DC voltage, and a light-emitting circuit for emitting light when the DC voltage after conversion is supplied. 1. A communication visualization system comprising:a wireless power-feeding device for transmitting electromagnetic energy in a wireless manner; anda communication visualization device for notifying that a communication cable connected to an information communication apparatus is performing information communication at time of information communication,wherein the communication visualization device includes:an antenna part for receiving the electromagnetic energy transmitted from the wireless power-feeding device;a first rectifying part for rectifying the electromagnetic energy received by the antenna part to generate a DC voltage;an amplifying part for amplifying a part of a communication signal transferred to the communication cable at time of information communication by using the DC voltage generated by the first rectifying part as operation power;a second rectifying part for converting the communication signal amplified by the amplifying part into a DC voltage; anda light-emitting part for ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034572A1
Автор: EARL David, Wilson Stuart
Принадлежит: Endace Technology Limited

A small form-factor pluggable (SFP) time signal adapter module includes a printed circuit board, a cable connector mounted to the printed circuit board, and a differential receiver coupled to the cable connector, one or more of the plurality of wire traces, and an SFP edge connector. The printed circuit board has a plurality of wire traces and a plurality of pads of the SFP edge connector is at least coupled to two of the plurality of wire traces. The cable connector is coupled to at least one or more of the plurality of wire traces. The cable connector coupes to a connector of a cable to receive a differential time reference signal. The differential receiver receives and differentiates the differential time input signal to generate a single ended time reference signal that is coupled to a pad of the SFP edge connector. 120-. (canceled)21. A network server comprising:a mother board with a processor, a memory, and a plurality of sockets; a coprocessor,', 'a plurality of small form-factor pluggable (SFP) data ports in communication with the coprocessor, and', 'a time signal port in communication with the coprocessor;, 'a plurality of network coprocessing cards coupled to the plurality of sockets of the mother board, each of the plurality of network coprocessing cards having'}anda plurality of SFP time signal adapter modules coupled into each time signal port of each of the plurality of network coprocessing cards to receive a time reference signal into the plurality of network coprocessing cards.22. The network server of claim 21 , wherein each of the plurality of network coprocessing cards further includes:a printed circuit board (PCB);and a peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) connector mounted to the printed circuit board and coupled to the coprocessor.23. The network server of claim 22 , wherein each of the plurality of network coprocessing cards further includes:a buffer memory coupled to the coprocessor.24. A packet processing circuit comprising: 'a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic Power Management

Номер: US20190033950A1

Power supply efficiency may be provided. First, a total power supply capacity may be determined comprising a sum of a plurality of supply capacities respectively corresponding to a plurality of power supplies serving a plurality of components. Next, a load value corresponding to the plurality of components may be determined. A number of the plurality of power supplies may then be powered down. The number of power supplies powered down may comprise a value that may cause a remaining number of the plurality of power supplies serving the plurality of components to operate within an efficiency range. 1. A method comprising:designating, by a computing device, a plurality of priority levels from a lowest priority to a highest priority;associating a plurality of components with the plurality of priority levels;determining a plurality of power requirements, wherein each of the plurality of power requirements respectively corresponds to each of the plurality of priority levels, each of the plurality of power requirements respectively being an amount of power needed to serve all the plurality of components associated with the respective plurality of priority levels plus all the plurality of components associated with the respective plurality of priority levels higher in priority;determining a total power supply capacity;determining a power down priority level, the power down priority level comprising a one of the plurality of priority levels having a corresponding power requirement that is greater than the total power supply capacity; andpowering down all of the plurality of components associated with the power down priority level and all of the plurality of components associated with all of the plurality of priority levels lower than the power down priority level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein associating the plurality of components with the plurality of priority levels comprises associating the plurality of components wherein the plurality of components are disposed in ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052767A1
Автор: JR. Donald Lee, Sipes

A fiber optic-based communications network includes: a power insertion device, connected to multiple fiber links from a data source, configured to provide power insertion to a hybrid fiber/power cable connected to at least one fiber link of the multiple fiber links; the hybrid fiber/power cable, connecting the power insertion device to a connection interface device, configured to transmit data and power from the power insertion device to the connection interface device; and the connection interface device, configured to provide an interface for connection to an end device via a power over Ethernet (PoE)-compatible connection and to provide optical to electrical media conversion for data transmitted from the power insertion device to an end device via the hybrid fiber/power cable and the PoE-compatible connection. 1. A system , comprising:a data closet, comprising a fiber switch and a power insertion device; anda workspace system, comprising a plurality of connection interface devices and one or more end user devices, wherein the one or more end user devices comprises a computer;wherein the plurality of connection interface devices comprises a media converter and a first powered device (PD);wherein the fiber switch is in communication with an external data network and the media converter;wherein the media converter is connected to the computer via a first Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection, and the media converter is configured to communicate data with the computer through the first USB connection and to receive power from the computer via the first USB connection;wherein the first PD is connected to the computer via a second USB connection and is connected to the power insertion device via a first power-over-Ethernet (PoE) connection;wherein the first PD is configured to receive power from the power insertion device via the first PoE connection and to power the computer through the second USB connection.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising:one ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052860A1
Автор: CHANG Hung-Ming

A power sourcing equipment (PSE), a powered device (PD) and a line loss detection method for Power over Ethernet (PoE) are provided. The PD receives a voltage/current information transmitted by the PSE to obtain an output voltage value and an output current value thereof, and the PSE receives an input voltage value returned by the PD, such that the PSE and the PD can both calculate a line power loss therebetween based on the input voltage value of the PD, the output voltage value and the output current value of the PSE; alternatively, the PD obtains the input voltage value through a voltage detection circuit under at least one state point of a power consumption that is known, and calculates, according to the output voltage value of the PSE and a known maximum power consumption of the PD, a maximum line power loss therebetween. 1. A line loss detection method for Power over Ethernet (PoE) , performed in a power sourcing equipment (PSE) of a PoE system , and the PSE being coupled with a powered device (PD) of the PoE system through an Ethernet port of the PSE , the line loss detection method comprising:receiving an input voltage value transmitted back from the PD; andcalculating a line power loss between the PSE and the PD according to the input voltage value of the PD, and an output voltage value and an output current value of the PSE.2. The line loss detection method according to claim 1 , wherein the PSE transmits a voltage/current information to the PD in a form of packet claim 1 , such that the PD returns the input voltage value in the form of packet in response to the voltage/current information.3. The line loss detection method according to claim 2 , further comprising:configuring a central processing unit (CPU) to read the voltage/current information through a PSE controller of the PSE, and obtain an Internet protocol address and a media access control address corresponding to the Ethernet port through a routing table; andtransmitting the voltage/current ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052966A1

An integrated router is provided. The integrated router includes at least one network interface, a power supply input, a power supply output, and a power cycling switch. The at least one network interface is operative to place a first network device in electronical communication with a second network device. The power supply input is operative to receive electrical power from a power supply. The power supply output is operative to provide the electrical power to the second network device. The power cycling switch electrically connects the power supply input to the power supply output and is operative to be toggled by a remote network device via the at least one network interface so as to power cycle the second network device. 1. An integrated router , comprising:at least one interface configured to place a first network device in electronic communication with a second network device;a power supply input configured to receive electrical power from a power supply;a power supply output configured to provide the electrical power to the second network device;a power cycling switch electrically connecting the power supply input to the power supply output and configured to be toggled by a remote network device via the at least one interface so as to power cycle the second network device; andan enclosure containing the at least one interface the power supply input, the power supply output and the power cycling switch.2. The integrated router of claim 1 , wherein the first network device and the second network device are on separate OSI layer-three networks.3. The integrated router of claim 1 , wherein the remote network device is the first network device.4. The integrated router of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interface is further configured to place a third network device in electronic communication with a fourth network device.5. The integrated router of claim 4 , wherein the third network device and the fourth network device are on separate OSI layer-three networks ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053109A1

Imaging apparatuses and enclosures configured for deployment in connection with ceilings and downlight cavities are disclosed. Certain exemplary aspects relate to imaging apparatuses for monitoring, recording or imaging a space such as a room having overhead lighting provided via ceiling structures that may include enclosures and/or downlight fixtures within ceiling cavities, and various imaging apparatuses herein may include an infrared or thermal camera, for example, for imaging within such spaces. 122-. (canceled)23. An assembly , comprising:{'claim-text': ['wherein the enclosure has dimensions consistent with a downlight fixture adapted to be installed into a ceiling of a room,', 'wherein the enclosure includes a layer covering the enclosure, the layer being opaque or translucent to visible light as viewed from outside of the enclosure and transparent to infrared radiation;'], '#text': 'an enclosure,'}an infrared imaging apparatus mounted within the enclosure with a fixed orientation relative to the enclosure to have a fixed imaging direction with respect to a room when the enclosure is mounted in an opening of the ceiling of the room; anda transceiver connected to the infrared imaging apparatus to communicate infrared images captured by the infrared imaging apparatus to a device separate from the assembly.24. The assembly of claim 23 , wherein the layer is comprised of a film claim 23 , a solid plate claim 23 , an infrared lens claim 23 , other optical element claim 23 , or combinations thereof.25. The assembly of claim 23 , wherein the infrared imaging apparatus comprises a thermal imaging apparatus claim 23 , wherein the thermal imaging apparatus is configured to detect radiation in a wavelength range of 9 claim 23 ,000 nanometers to 14 claim 23 ,000 nanometers.26. The assembly of claim 23 , further comprising:a threaded connector located at an end of the enclosure, the threaded connector configured to mate with a receiving portion of a light socket in the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036567A1
Автор: PEKER Arkadiy, VAKNIN Ohad

A reverse power feeding power PSE in electrical communication with a power source and a DPU, the PSE constituted of: a power output terminal; and a control circuitry, the control circuitry arranged to: output at the power output terminal power from the power source, the output power exhibiting a voltage within a predetermined operating range, after a predetermined inrush time period from an initial output time of the power, determine the magnitude of current flowing through the power output terminal, responsive to the determined current magnitude being greater than a predetermined current draw value, cease the power output. 1. A reverse power feeding powering sourcing equipment (PSE) in electrical communication with a power source and a distribution point unit (DPU) , the PSE comprising:a power output terminal; and output at said power output terminal power from the power source, said output power exhibiting a voltage within a predetermined operating range,', 'after a predetermined inrush time period from an initial output time of said power, determine the magnitude of current flowing through said power output terminal,', 'responsive to said determined current magnitude being greater than a predetermined current draw value, cease said power output., 'a control circuitry, said control circuitry arranged to2. The reverse power feeding PSE of claim 1 , wherein said control circuitry is further arranged claim 1 , responsive to said determined current magnitude being greater than a predetermined current draw value claim 1 , to output an error signal.3. The reverse power feeding PSE of claim 1 , wherein responsive to said determined current magnitude not being greater than said predetermined current draw value claim 1 , said PSE is arranged to maintain said power output.4. A distribution point unit (DPU) in electrical communication with a reverse power feeding power sourcing equipment (PSE) claim 1 , the DPU comprising:a direct-current to direct-current (DC/DC) converter ...
