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20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2605363C2

Изобретение относится к электронной связи, а именно к системе (100) обмена сообщениями для маршрутизации клинических сообщений. Технический результат - маршрутизация оповещений. Система содержит обработчик событий и стандартный протокол (105). Обработчик (106) событий принимает одно или несколько входящих сообщений из одного или нескольких источников (102) событий, включающих в себя один или несколько элементов рабочего списка, которые обработчик (106) событий сохраняет в базе (198) данных событий и генерирует и передает в базу (198) данных событий исходящие сообщения для одного или нескольких элементов рабочего списка, исходя из которых должны быть выполнены действия, в соответствии с одним или несколькими правилами. Для представления входящих сообщений и исходящих сообщений используется стандартный протокол (105). 5 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2378799C2

Изобретение относится к технике связи. Способ и устройство для передачи плана доставки клипов на мобильные терминалы. Предложен способ, включающий в себя прием контактного окна, описывающего временной интервал, когда клип с контентом будет доступен по распределительной сети, определение интересующих клипов, определение, что клип с контентом соответствует интересующему клипу, и планирование времени приема для приема клипа с контентом в пределах временного интервала. Предложено устройство, включающее в себя логику планирования, сконфигурированную для определения, что клип с контентом соответствует одному или более интересующих клипов, и для планирования времени приема для приема клипа с контентом в пределах контактного окна. 8 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595764C2

Изобретение относится к области коммуникационных технологий. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении управления одноадресными и многоадресными сообщениями для улучшения способности к агрегации узлов за счет связного списка дескриптора, который соответствует ресурсу кэша объекта пакета. Технический результат достигается за счет постановки в очередь и сохранения узла входного сообщения и, если соседние узлы в этой же очереди имеют многоадресный атрибут, помещения пустого узла между указанными соседними узлами, при этом многоадресный указатель предыдущего узла указывает на адрес указанного пустого узла, и многоадресный указатель указанного пустого узла указывает на следующий узел. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2443078C2

Описаны технологии для поддержки широковещательных и групповых услуг в системе беспроводной связи. Технический результат состоит в эффективной поддержке широковещательных и групповых услуг в данной системе. Для этого, в некотором аспекте, передатчик (например, Узел В), посылает конфигурационную информацию, транспортирующую преобразование для прорекламированных услуг длинных идентификаторов (ID) услуг в короткие ID услуг. Передатчик также посылает информацию о планировании, транспортирующую преобразование коротких ID услуг в радиоресурсы, использованные для запланированных услуг в текущем периоде планирования. Короткие ID услуг уменьшают объем посылаемой информации о планировании. В другом аспекте, передатчик посылает информацию, идентифицирующую передаваемые услуги и рекламируемые, но не переданные услуги. Приемники (например, UE) могут использовать эту информацию для определения, посылать или не посылать запрос на интересующие услуги. В еще одном аспекте, передатчик посылает конфигурационную ...

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017102174A3

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120681A

... 1. Способ приема многоадресной услуги в мобильном терминале системы подвижной связи, включающий в себя прием из сети информации о планировании для прерывистого приема данных многоадресной услуги, где информацию о планировании передают по первому общему каналу нескольким мобильным терминалам, являющимся абонентами многоадресной услуги; определение времени приема данных многоадресной услуги по информации о планировании; и прерывистый прием в мобильном терминале данных многоадресной услуги по второму общему каналу. 2. Способ по п.1, где первый общий канал и второй общий канал отображают на общий физический канал. 3. Способ по п.2, где в информацию о планировании включают информацию, связанную с другим общим логическим каналом передачи трафика, отображаемым на общий физический канал. 4. Способ по п.2, где в информацию о планировании включают информацию, связанную с данными другой многоадресной услуги, передаваемыми по общему физическому каналу. 5. Способ по п.1, где первый общий канал включает ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008125069A

... 1. Способ управления трафиком в одноранговой сети, реализуемый узлом в пределах этой одноранговой сети и содержащий этапы, на которых ! определяют одно или более событий перегрузки, которые подразумевают перегрузку в одноранговой сети; ! определяют одно или более событий без перегрузки, которые подразумевают отсутствие перегрузки в одноранговой сети; ! увеличивают интервал между пакетами протокола без установления соединения, которые отправляются узлом, в ответ на обнаружение одного или более из упомянутых определенных событий перегрузки; и ! уменьшают интервал между пакетами протокола без установления соединения, которые отправляются узлом, в ответ на обнаружение одного или более из упомянутых определенных событий без перегрузки. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором отслеживают активность узла на предмет наступления любого из событий перегрузки или событий без перегрузки. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором одно или более событий без перегрузки содержат ! прием многоадресного ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014114050A

... 1. Способ приема службы широковещательной многоадресной передачи мультимедиа (MBMS) терминалом в системе мобильной связи, причем способ содержит:определение того, пересылается ли идентификатор зоны уверенного приема (SAI) обслуживающей соты при развитии MBMS;прием, когда SAI обслуживающей соты пересылается, SAI обслуживающей соты;определение того, совпадает ли SAI MBMS с SAI обслуживающей соты; иизменение, когда SAI MBMS совпадает с SAI обслуживающей соты, приоритета частоты обслуживающей соты при повторном выборе соты на наивысший приоритет.2. Способ по п.1, также содержащий:определение, когда SAI обслуживающей соты не пересылается, того, присутствует ли частота MBMS службы; иизменение, когда MBMS частота присутствует, приоритета MBMS частоты при повторном выборе соты на наивысший приоритет.3. Способ по п.2, также содержащий ожидание, когда MBMS частота отсутствует, до тех пор, пока обслуживающая соты не изменится.4. Способ по п.1, также содержащий ожидание, когда SAI MBMS не совпадает ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143339A

... 1. Способ для беспроводной связи, содержащий:поддержание первого списка для передаваемых услуг и второго списка для рекламируемых, но непереданных услуг;создание первого сообщения, содержащего информацию, идентифицирующую передаваемые услуги;создание второго сообщения, содержащего информацию, идентифицирующую рекламируемые, но непереданные услуги; ипосылку первого и второго сообщений.2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий:установку обозначения для каждой прорекламированной услуги для обозначения, является ли прорекламированная услуга переданной или непереданной; исоздание информации, содержащей обозначения для всех прорекламированных услуг.3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий:прием запроса на запрошенную рекламируемую, но непереданную услугу;начало передачи запрошенной услуги иобновление первого списка для передаваемых услуг и второго списка для рекламируемых, но непереданных услуг для отражения передачи запрошенной услуги.4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий:посылку информации ...

29-01-2009 дата публикации

Verwalten von entfernten Clients

Номер: DE0010196775B3

Verfahren, umfassend: Empfangen einer Nachricht auf einem Client (12) von einem Server (10), welche an den Client (12) adressiert ist; und Steuern des zeitlichen Ablaufs einer Datenladesitzung basierend auf der Nachricht.

14-02-2007 дата публикации

Message scheduling system

Номер: GB0000700340D0

05-10-2022 дата публикации

Transmission frequency management for edge devices of an interconnected distributed network

Номер: GB0002605524A

In an approach to managing transmission frequency for a plurality of edge devices of an interconnected distributed network, one or more computer processors determine a maximum writing frequency, MWF, for the interconnected distributed network; iteratively process values of data flow writing frequency, DFWF, for a plurality of edge devices of an interconnected distributed network in accordance with an optimization algorithm based on the MWF to identify a convergence in the values of DFWF, wherein each iteration of processing values comprises, at each edge device in the plurality of edge devices, determine a value of DFWF based on an associated utility function of the respective edge device, wherein the utility function is a measure of utility of the device as a function of DFWF; responsive to identifying convergence, determine the converged values of DFWF to be optimal values of DFWF for the plurality of edge devices.

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000432562T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000443951T

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000467978T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000496451T

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000531160T

15-09-2015 дата публикации

Sprachübertragung in redundanten Systemen

Номер: AT515441A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Übermittlung von Sprachdaten zwischen zwei Teilnehmern (2x, 1w), die über eine Mehrzahl von redundanten Kommunikationsservern (2a, 2b) vernetzt sind. Die Erfindung sieht vor, dass vom sendenden Teilnehmer (1x) Sprachinformationen erstellt werden und Datenpakete (X1, ... Xn) umfassend Sprachdatenwerte (x) erstellt werden mit einem Zeitstempel (t) in Form einer fortlaufenden Zahl, - dass die Datenpakete (X1, ... Xn) an die Kommunikationsserver (2a, 2b) übermittelt werden, - dass von jedem Kommunikationsserver (2a, 2b) jeweils weitere Datenpakte (A1, ..., An; B1, ..., Bn) erstellt werden, denen jeweils zumindest ein vom sendenden Teilnehmerrechner (10x) übertragener Sprachdatenwert (x) und ein, weiterer Zeitstempel (t') zugeordnet werden, wobei der Wert des Zeitstempels (t') dem Rest der Division des Zeitstempels (t) geteilt durch eine Zahl N entspricht, und - dass der Teilnehmerrechner (10w) die weiteren Datenpakete (A1, ... An; B1, ... Bn) empfängt ...

19-02-2009 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for supporting broadcast and multicast services in a wireless communication system

Номер: AU2008286807A1

02-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002313444A1

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service in a mobile communication system

Номер: AU2017200065A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

Abstract The present invention relates to a method by a terminal in a wireless communication system, the method comprising: receiving, on a primary cell, a random access response (RAR) window size indicating duration of an RAR window through system information; receiving, on the primary cell, a maximum number of preamble transmissions for a random access of a secondary cell through control information; transmitting a random access preamble for the random access of the secondary cell based on the maximum number of preamble transmissions; and receiving an RAR based on the RAR window size. cn C-3 C-, C-3 C== C~t I C== cn CD .22" C,,M C=~. C= 11 C /~t m r CA., C-, _ co C3u .2C/3 CO~ Cu , ~~c Cu -,= C-CD LI.I C,, C D Cf) - a C- c CD a, C Cu CT, . C,, '=- E Cu CC, CDCM% ~ ...

31-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002597850A1

30-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002608759A1

A method for synchronizing presentation of a dynamic data set to a plurality of nodes. The method includes the step of generating, by a consumer node in a plurality of nodes, a plurality of data packets representing a change to a dynamic data set. A host node in the plurality of nodes receives the plurality of data packets. The host node transmits to a synchronization engine the plurality of data packets. The synchronization engine generates metadata information representing the difference between the dynamic data set and the plurality of data packets. The synchronization engine transmits to the plurality of nodes the metadata information and the plurality of data packets.

18-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002423582A1

A messaging system may enable a server to assign unique identifiers to a plurality of clients. These identifiers enable a client to determine whether a message is specifically targeted to that client or, as an alternative, whether the client is a member of a group of targeted clients. A server may send messages containing an identifier to agents on one or more clients. The identifier may specify commands to manage the uploading of information from one or more clients to a server.

23-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002707960C

A system is provided for scheduling for a multicast broadcast single frequency network (MBSFN). The system includes a central control configured to promote a plurality of enhanced node Bs (ENBs) transmitting one or more multicast traffic channels (MTCHs). The one or more MTCHs are provided during a variable scheduling period (SP) and include a data portion that contains MBSFN traffic content and a variable scheduling portion that contains scheduling information related to the MBSFN traffic content.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002851341A1

The present invention relates to a method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) in a mobile communication system. The method for receiving the MBMS of a terminal in the mobile communication system according to an embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that it includes: determining whether service area ID (SAI) information on a serving cell is broadcast during the MBMS; receiving the SAI information on the serving cell when it is determined that the SAI information is broadcast; determining, by using the received SAI information of the serving cell, whether an SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell; and changing the cell reselection priority of the frequency of the serving cell to the highest priority if it is determined that the SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell. According to the present invention, it is possible to efficiently receive MBMS services by enabling a terminal to select a proper frequency or cell ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000099371C2

Изобретение относится к способам передачи данных, например, передачи мультимедийных данных в абонентских системах с двусторонним режимом работы, например, когда абонент посылает сигнал выбора программы, и может быть использовано в мультисервисных сетях передачи цифровых данных, включая передачу голосовых, видео, аудио и данных Интернет протокола. В соответствии с этим способом осуществляют формирование базы данных контент-единиц для пользователя или группы пользователей, сформированной в соответствии с определенным перечнем и по сложившемуся перечню осуществляют более точный расчет необходимых ресурсов канала в системе за счет построения очереди заказов на резервирование скорости под каждую заказанную контент-единицу для каждого пользователя или группы пользователей, объединения одинаковых заказов и осуществления многоадресной рассылки одинаковых заказанных контент-единиц пользователю или группе пользователей, автоматического переключения устройства доступа пользователя на контент-канал ...

26-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000082938C2

Переривчасту передачу та прийом сервісних даних "точка-багато точок" між мережею та мобільним терміналом отримують шляхом передачі планувальної інформації від мережі на мобільний термінал через перший загальний канал. Мобільний термінал визначає час отримання сервісних даних у відповідь на планувальну інформацію і переривчасто отримує сервісні дані через другий загальний канал.

26-02-2019 дата публикации

Communication establishing method, terminal and computer-readable storage medium

Номер: CN0109391634A

09-07-2008 дата публикации

Method for providing broadcast multicast service to users

Номер: CN0100401800C

18-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002991532B1
Принадлежит: THALES

14-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0030460850B1

02-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0037156719B1

04-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0033479461B1

25-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0032734118B1

08-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0033109315B1

07-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100877012B1

24-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101185151B1

24-10-2018 дата публикации

방송 신호 송신 장치, 방송 신호 수신 장치, 방송 신호 송신 방법, 및 방송 신호 수신 방법

Номер: KR0101911276B1
Автор: 황재호, 고우석, 홍성룡
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

... 본 발명에 따른 방송 신호 수신 방법은 방송 신호들을 수신하는 단계; 상기 수신한 방송 신호들을 OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) 방식으로 디모듈레이팅하는 단계; 상기 디모듈레이팅된 방송 신호들로부터 적어도 하나 이상의 신호 프레임을 파싱(parsing)하는 단계로서, 하나의 신호 프레임은 적어도 하나의 피지컬 경로(physical path)에 대응하는 서비스 데이터를 포함하고; 상기 적어도 하나 이상의 신호 프레임에 포함된 서비스 데이터를 디코딩하는 단계; 및 상기 디코딩된 서비스 데이터를 아웃풋 프로세싱하는 단계를 포함할 수 있다.

15-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101154429B1

21-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120066066A

14-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR20030029223A

PURPOSE: A method for receiving broadcast data of a mobile communication terminal is provided to pre-declare various data items which a mobile communication terminal user wants to access, through an internal complier before query execution, thereby obtaining a quick response to a query. CONSTITUTION: A mobile communication terminal complies queries through an internal compiler. The mobile communication terminal previously obtains data sets having possibilities of access by the internal compiler. The mobile communication terminal reads data from a substantial data transmission channel. If the data read from the substantial data transmission channel satisfies the data sets, the mobile communication terminal obtains a response by executing the queries. In the step of reading the data from the substantial data transmission channel, the terminal accesses according to data order transmitted from a base station and temporarily stores the data in an internal memory, then processes the data in required ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100053662A

Techniques for support broadcast and multicast services in a wireless communication system are described. In an aspect, a transmitter (e.g., a Node B) sends configuration information conveying a mapping of long service identifiers (IDs) to short service IDs for advertised services. The transmitter also sends scheduling information conveying a mapping of short service IDs to radio resources used for scheduled services in the current scheduling period. The short service IDs reduce the amount of scheduling information to send. In another aspect, the transmitter sends information identifying services being transmitted and services being advertised but not transmitted. Receivers (e.g., UEs) may use this information to determine whether or not to send requests for services of interest. In yet another aspect, the transmitter sends configuration information for services being advertised but not transmitted. This may allow the transmitter to start these services quicker when requested by the receivers ...

22-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080034641A

PURPOSE: An apparatus and a method for an MBS(Multicast and Broadcast Service) in a broadband wireless access system are provided to increase flexibility with respect to a broadcast service area by forming regions of a plurality of base station controllers as a single broadcast zone. CONSTITUTION: A dividing unit(406) divides MBS data received from a contents server according to predetermined burst allocation information. A header generating unit(408) generates a header including absolute broadcast time information with respect to each segment from the dividing unit, and generates an MBS subpacket by adding the generated header. A transmission unit transmits the MBS subpacket from the header generating unit to at least one slave broadcast service controller belonging to the same broadcast zone. The absolute broadcast time information is recorded in a GRE(Generic Routing Encapsulation) header of the MBS subpacket. A memory(402) stores a predetermined broadcast composition table and burst ...

02-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009042525A2

Methods and systems for sending multicast messages are disclosed. A multicast message is received to be transmitted to a plurality of access terminals at a radio access network (RAN), the received multicast message having a first format. The first format may correspond to a conventional multicast message format. The RAN determines whether the received multicast message requires special handling. If the RAN determines the received multicast message requires special handling, the radio access network converts the received multicast message from the first format into a second format. The RAN transmits the converted multicast message with the second format (e.g., a data over signaling (DOS) message) on a control channel to at least one of the plurality of access terminals. The access terminals receiving the converted multicast message interpret the message as a multicast message.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013191834A1

Multicast media notifications are provided when unicast media encoders are unavailable to serve endpoints that send a communication session request to a call control device. When the call control device receives a communication session request from an endpoint, a determination is made as to whether any one of a plurality of unicast media encoders is available for the communication session request. When it is determined that none of the plurality of unicast media encoders is available, the endpoint is connected to a multicast media encoder that presents a multicast media notification to the endpoint.

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008138238A1

A method and device for realizing a multicast connection admission control. The method includes: when receiving the program request initiated by the user, computing the remaining support ability of the function unit on the network side currently to the multicast; when the support ability required by the program requested by the user is less than or equal to the remaining support ability of the function unit on the network side currently to the multicast, allowing the user's access.

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014191330A1

The invention relates to a communication management component (1) for organizing data exchanges between communicating devices (7, 8, 9, 10) of an Ethernet network, the management component(1) comprising: interface means; distribution means (3) for acquiring and distributing, via the interface means (2), data incoming from each communicating device to the other communicating devices; processing means (6) provided for controlling the distribution means such that the data incoming from a transmitter device is distributed to the other devices, each of the communicating devices in turn becoming a transmitter device in accordance with a first predetermined sequence that is cyclically repeated. The invention also relates to a communication management method.

18-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007115352A1

The present invention relates to methods and systems for streaming content and in particular, live content. The method includes the steps of: receiving a content stream; periodically encoding the received stream into a sequence of content files to thereby create a plurality of sequential content files; assigning a sequence identifier to each content file; storing the files on a host; delivering a data file to a media player responsive to a request for live content, said data file including information enabling the media player to sequentially and individually request each content file from the host and play the requested content file; and delivering requested content files responsive to each request.

10-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002080590A2

Method and apparatus for providing broadcast overhead information interleaved with a broadcast session in a transmission on a broadcast channel of a wireless communication system (100). In one embodiment, the information stored at the receiver to provide quick updating when a user changes to an alternate broadcast channel. In one embodiment, the content server provides an identifier SDP_ID to distinguish among sets of protocol options description sets.

04-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002052790A2
Автор: OLSEN, Gregory, P.

Network traffic that is used to communicate multicast and broadcast messages are separated into subgroups with respect to the multicast and broadcast messages. In one embodiment a hashing function is used to separate target devices into subgroups. For example, a device identifier can be used by a hash function to determine which subgroup the device belongs to. Messages can be sent to the different subgroups at different times to manage network traffic, or the devices can reply to messages based on their respective subgroupings to manage network traffic.

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000119024A3
Автор: FREENY, Charles, C.

A bandwidth on demand system for communicating information between a client system and a network service provider server, such as an internet service provider is provided. A first step of the method includes the client system selecting a plurality of programs, such as hyper-links or web pages, located on the server system. The client system transmits one request for the plurality of programs to the server system. The network service provider server receives the request, retrieves the programs, and then transmits to the client system the plurality of requested programs. Further, a method for reducing the number of broadcasts transmitted by a network server is provided. The method includes the network server receiving a plurality of identical or same program requests for a program during a predetermined time from a plurality of client systems and/or a plurality of network service provider servers. In response thereto, the network server automatically transmits a message, the message including ...

06-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000019647A3

L'invention porte sur un système et un procédé de coordination d'une présentation visuelle avec des messages publicitaires audio sur un réseau de télécommunications tel qu'Internet, et sur une procédure d'exécution selon laquelle la présentation visuelle est retrouvée puis présentée concurremment à peu près à l'instant ou le messages publicitaires audio est diffusé. L'invention porte également sur une procédure d'installation selon laquelle les heures des messages publicitaires audio sont captées en vue de leur utilisation pour programmer les émissions des présentations visuelles correspondantes. Le système et le procédé peuvent s'employer avantageusement dans d'autres environnements par exemple lorsque qu'un premier segment (ou courant) audio, visuel, ou audiovisuel est coordonné avec un deuxième segment (ou courant) audio, visuel, ou audiovisuel, alors que l'un de ces segments comporte du matériel publicitaire.

17-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005015844A1

When initiating SDMA training sequences, a base station may poll multiple mobile devices with the same multicast training poll, and the polled mobile stations may respond separately at different times based on an assigned delay period for each mobile station.

15-05-2003 дата публикации

Scheduling and multiplexing data for broadcast transmission over multiple streams

Номер: US2003093546A1

Methods, systems, and computer program products for generating a data stream for broadcast to one or more client systems. A source identifier identifies where the data for the data stream may be obtained. Scheduling information associated with the identifier determines when the data should be added to the data stream for broadcast. The data is requested and received from the data source using the identifier and added to the data stream to arrive at the one or more client systems in accordance with the scheduling information. The generated data stream may comprise one or more sub-streams. The scheduling information may be checked or validated to assure consistency and accuracy. Client systems may simultaneously receive data, including real-time data, from multiple sources.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170161122A1

In the OPC UA request header, there exists the field “TimeoutHint”, by means of which the client can indicate the point in time from which the client is no longer interested in the result of an operation. When this time has expired, the server sends a response that the execution of the operation has been terminated. According to the invention, the semantics of the field “TimeoutHint” in the OPC UA request header are used differently. The meaning of the “TimeoutHint” is changed in such a way that the “TimeoutHint” no longer indicates the latest point in time at which an operation should be executed, but rather the earliest point in time. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method of communication between a client and a server in a client/server system using the OPC UA communication protocol , said method comprising:the server receiving at least one OPC UA call from the client after opening a communication session with the client, said call containing an indication of an earliest time at which to execute the OPC UA call on the server; andthe server storing the at least one OPC UA call.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein a “TimeoutHint” field defined in the OPC UA standard as indicating a latest execution time is changed so that it indicates the earliest execution time13. The method of claim 11 , further comprising:the server initially simulating the execution of the at least one OPC UA call; andthe server transmitting the result of the simulation to the client.14. The method of claim 11 , further comprising:the server receiving and time stamping a message adapted to trigger said at least one OPC UA call; andthe server initiating execution of said OPC UA call only if the time stamp on said trigger message correlates with the time of said execution.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein the at least one OPC UA call indicates an execution time claim 11 , further comprising the server initiating execution of at least one OPC UA call when the execution time indicated in the OPC UA call ...

01-05-2008 дата публикации

Presentation apparatus with broadcasting function and method using the same

Номер: US2008100532A1

A presentation apparatus includes: a communication connection establishing unit establishing a communication connection with a plurality of receiving terminals and a source terminal, the source terminal having a token corresponding to an authority of controlling a presentation; a presentation data relay unit receiving presentation data from the source terminal, broadcasting a presentation image to the plurality of receiving terminals to display the presentation image of the received presentation data on each screen of the plurality of receiving terminals, and broadcasting voice information to the source terminal and the plurality of receiving terminals to output, from each terminal, the voice information being inputted from any one of the source terminal and the plurality of receiving terminals; and a presentation control unit controlling a transmission/reception of the presentation image and the voice information, and controlling a receiving terminal requesting the token to obtain the ...

09-05-2017 дата публикации

Location specific event broadcasting

Номер: US0009648113B2
Принадлежит: ROUNDBOX, INC., ROUNDBOX INC, Roundbox, Inc.

Applications in a broadcast environment distribute events in real-time to a large number of receivers within specified geographic locations while efficiently sharing bandwidth resources with other applications using the same broadcast network. Applications need not be aware of the other applications sharing the resources, nor of the methods, protocols, and other mechanisms used to actually broadcast the data over the broadcast medium. Server-side applications that serve data, send notifications, or distribute events to specific locations within the network use a broadcast location manager. Client applications that receive such data, notifications, or events use a client location filter to obtain events that are relevant based on the location of the device. The broadcast location manager and client location filter work together to reliably and efficiently transmit data, notifications, and events to specific locations over the broadcast network for all applications involved.

04-11-2004 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for multiple media digital communication system

Номер: US20040218628A1

The present invention is embodied in a digital communication system where multiple media data sources are time multiplexed into a packetized data stream, each packet having an assigned priority and the packetized data stream transmitted in substantially the order of assigned priority. At both the transmit side, and the receive side, audio packets are given priority processing over video packets, which in turn have priority over text/graphics data packets. Continuous real time audio playback is maintained at the receiver by delaying the playback of received audio in a first in/first out (FIFO) buffer providing a delay at least equal to the predicted average packet delay for the communication system. Optionally, the average system delay is continuously monitored, and the audio playback delay time is adjusted accordingly. Audio playback is slowed or accelerated in order to shrink or grow the difference in time between the sender and receiver. In another aspect of the invention, a conference ...

17-08-2006 дата публикации

Switch fabric with memory management unit for improved flow control

Номер: US20060182112A1
Автор: James Battle, Daniel Tai
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corporation

A method for controlling a flow of packet data in a memory management unit of a network switch fabric is disclosed. A first portion of a data packet is received at a port on an ingress bus ring of the network switch fabric. A class of service for the data packet is determined based on the first portion and the portion is stored in a packer RAM of the port based on the class of service. Subsequent portions of the data packet are stored in the packer RAM. Once the predetermined number of portions have been received, the predetermined number of portions is sent to a packet pool RAM. A reference pointer to a first predetermined number of portions is sent to a transaction queue once an end of packet is detected and an egress scheduler detects a presence of a ready packet in the transaction queue and notifies an unpacker of the ready packet. The unpacker puts the ready packet into a FIFO and the ready packet is sent to an ingress/egress module.

01-10-2019 дата публикации

Enhanced graphical user interface for voice communications

Номер: US0010431216B1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies, Inc., AMAZON TECH INC

Enhanced graphical user interfaces for transcription of audio and video messages is disclosed. Audio data may be transcribed, and the transcription may include emphasized words and/or punctuation corresponding to emphasis of user speech. Additionally, the transcription may be translated into a second language. A message spoken by a user depicted in one or more images of video data may also be transcribed and provided to one or more devices.

24-01-2012 дата публикации

Discontinuously transmitting and receiving multimedia broadcast/multicast service data in mobile communication system

Номер: US0008102800B2

Discontinuous transmission and reception of point-to-multipoint service data between a network and a mobile terminal is achieved by transmitting scheduling information from the network to the mobile terminal via a first common channel. The mobile terminal determines a time for receiving the service data in response to the scheduling information and discontinuously receives the service data through a second common channel.

29-08-2017 дата публикации

Device for transmitting broadcast signal, device for receiving broadcast signal, method for transmitting broadcast signal, and method for receiving broadcast signal

Номер: US0009749372B2

Proposed herein is a method for transmitting a broadcast signal. The method for transmitting a broadcast signal proposes a system that can support next generation broadcast services in an environment supporting next generation hybrid broadcast, which uses a terrestrial broadcasting network and Internet network. Additionally, proposed herein is an efficient signaling solution that can encompass both terrestrial broadcasting network and Internet network, in an environment supporting next generation hybrid broadcast.

19-10-2021 дата публикации

Layered modulation for machine type communication (MTC) transmissions from multiple transceiver stations

Номер: US0011153027B2
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corporation, KYOCERA CORP

A first transceiver station broadcasts information to machine type communication (MTC) devices in the coverage area of the transceiver station using layered modulation where MTC devices receiving the broadcast above a signal quality threshold can recover the MTC information by applying a high modulation order. MTC devices receiving the broadcast below the quality threshold, recover a portion of the MTC information by applying a lower modulation order and recover the remaining portion of the MTC information transmitted from a second transceiver.

31-05-2016 дата публикации

System and method for distributing meaningful clinical alerts

Номер: US0009356888B2

A messaging system (100) for routing clinical messages includes an event handler and a standardized protocol (105). The event handler (106) receives one or more inbound messages from one or more event sources (102). The event sources (102) include one or more worklist items. The event handler (106) further stores the worklist items in an event database (198) and generates and communicates outbound messages for one or more worklist items in the event database (198) that need to be acted upon, as determined by one or more rules. The standardized protocol (105) is used to represent the inbound messages and the outbound messages.

27-11-2018 дата публикации

Method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service in a mobile communication system

Номер: US0010142120B2
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

The present disclosure relates to a method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) in a mobile communication system. The method for receiving the MBMS of a terminal in the mobile communication system according to an embodiment of the present disclosure is characterized in that it includes: determining whether service area ID (SAI) information on a serving cell is broadcast during the MBMS; receiving the SAI information on the serving cell when it is determined that the SAI information is broadcast; determining, by using the received SAI information of the serving cell, whether an SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell; and changing the cell reselection priority of the frequency of the serving cell to the highest priority if it is determined that the SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150215898A1
Принадлежит: Wi-LAN Inc.

A multicast broadcast service controller is disclosed. The MBSC processes multicast broadcast data streams for transmission to access service network gateways or base stations. The MBSC includes a MBSC core processor for establishing time synchronization information used by the access service network gateways or base stations to synchronously transmit data streams. The MBSC core processor selects streams for transmission in a time diversity interval (TDI) and builds multicast broadcast (MBS) region content based on the selected streams and configuration information. The MBS region content includes timing synchronization information, resource information and MBS region content location information. A MBS region distribution module (MRD) transmits the MBS region content to the access service network gateways or base stations.

12-09-2002 дата публикации

Bandwidth allocation system

Номер: US2002126698A1

Layered multicast provides a method of optimizing the reception data rate for a plurality of networked push media receivers having heterogeneous reception bandwidth. To reduce the latency of a pull medium element during multimedia event, the data rates for push media layers are reduced during transmission of the pull medium. Further, a recently added layer of the push medium is dropped when the transmission of the push medium is initiated and attempts of the receiver to subscribe to a higher push medium layer are suppressed during pull medium reception.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160374108A1

Embodiments described herein relate to systems and methods for scheduling subscriptions in a user equipment (UE) having at least a first receive radio and a second receive radio, including receiving, by the first receive radio, a broadcast activity for a first subscription and receiving, by the second receive radio, a reception activity for a second subscription. A trigger event is detected while the broadcast activity for the first subscription is being received by the first receive radio and the reception activity for the second subscription is being received by the second receive radio. In response to detecting the trigger event, the reception activity for the second subscription is received by the first receive radio and the broadcast activity for the first subscription is received by the second receive radio.

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Communication processing method and base station

Номер: US0009544159B2

A base station receives channel state information corresponding to each of spare coordinated groups from each of user devices. A first group includes a plurality of coordinated groups arranged in advance. The spare coordinated groups corresponding to each user device are such as selected from the first group and include at least a service sector of best channel quality obtained measurement by the user device. The base station specifies a user device group corresponding to each of coordinated groups contained in each of coordinated group patterns. The user device group corresponding to the coordinated group is formed of user devices having the coordinated group in their spare coordinated groups. The base station uses channel state information reported from the user devices of the user device group corresponding to the coordinated group as a basis to perform user scheduling on the coordinated group.

24-04-2018 дата публикации

Traffic advertisement and scheduling in a neighbor aware network data link

Номер: US0009955421B2
Принадлежит: QUALCOMM Incorporated, QUALCOMM INC

A method includes generating a service discovery frame at a first electronic device of a data link of a neighbor aware network (NAN). The service discovery frame may include an attribute identifying a subset of electronic devices of the data link as recipients of data from the first electronic device during a transmission window or identifying a time period corresponding to data announcements and timing information of data transmissions corresponding to the data link. The method further includes transmitting the service discovery frame to electronic devices other than the first electronic device.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170272521A1
Принадлежит: Konica Minolta, Inc.

A management server communicable with portable information devices includes: a group generating portion that generates a group to which two or more portable information devices belong; an identification information receiving portion that receives the identification information from a transmission source device, which receives from any one of fixed terminals each located geographically at a fixed position, identification information corresponding to related information assigned to the fixed terminal; a group determining portion that, in response to receipt of the identification information from the transmission source device, determines a group to which the transmission source device belongs; and a linked transmitting portion that transmits the identification information received from the transmission source device, in order to allow each of one or more portable information devices which belong to the group determined, to display the related information corresponding to the identification ...

30-11-2011 дата публикации

Broadcast method in a mobile communication system

Номер: EP1956749A3
Автор: Ishii, Tatsuya

A broadcast method in a mobile communication system is disclosed. When the same information is broadcast to a plurality of cells, broadcast is carried out in a radio base station device.

26-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EP2712131A2
Автор: WANG, Kai

A method and a network device for transmitting a data stream are provided in the embodiments of the present invention. The present invention relates to the field of communications, can ensure the effective transmission of the data stream, and enhances the quality of service of the network. The method for transmitting a data stream includes: determining, according to a forwarding table, candidate forwarding ports for transmitting the data stream; determining, according to a priority level of the data stream and priority levels of the candidate forwarding ports, forwarding ports for transmitting the data stream; transmitting the data stream through a first forwarding port of the forwarding ports; when the first forwarding port is congested, transmitting the data stream through a second forwarding port of the forwarding ports. The embodiments of the present invention can be adopted to transmit the data stream.

09-04-2003 дата публикации

Method for processing query effectively in radio data broadcast environment

Номер: EP0001300994A3
Автор: Lee, Sang Keun

A method for processing query effectively in a radio data broadcast environment is able to minimize a query response time by pre-declaring data items which are wanted to be accessed by a mobile client before the query is operated, and by obtaining data of the pre-declared data items in advance from a radio space regardless of data transmitting order.

09-04-2003 дата публикации

Method for processing query effectively in radio data broadcast environment

Номер: EP0001300994A2
Автор: Lee, Sang Keun

A method for processing query effectively in a radio data broadcast environment is able to minimize a query response time by pre-declaring data items which are wanted to be accessed by a mobile client before the query is operated, and by obtaining data of the pre-declared data items in advance from a radio space regardless of data transmitting order.

02-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3425852B1
Принадлежит: Audio-Technica Corporation

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: JP0006195279A

PURPOSE: To provide a switch-type device which is provided with a bus-type extension card that is inserted into the card slots of a plurality of PCs or work stations and which can be extended. CONSTITUTION: The switch-type device is provided with a switch network 30 for asynchronously connecting a plurality of nodes, a plurality of PCs or work stations 300, 301 and 302 operating as the nodes of a parallel system, a plurality of node elements transmitting data to multidrop bus structures 500, 501 and 502 and the switch network 30 and receiving data from the switch network 30 to the multidrop bus structure, a plurality of bus architecture conversion means 130, 131 and 132 applying a standard bus architecture and a protocol to the architecture and the protocol of the switch network 30 and extension interfaces 600, 601 and 602 for providing means for transmitting data to the switch network 30 and from the switch network 30. COPYRIGHT: (C)1994,JPO ...

25-09-1986 дата публикации

Номер: JP0061042984B2

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2602818C2

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. При приеме службы широковещательной многоадресной передачи мультимедиа (MBMS) терминалом в системе мобильной связи определяют, пересылается ли информация об идентификаторе зоны уверенного приема (SAI) на обслуживающей соте во время MBMS; принимают эту информацию о SAI на обслуживающей соте, когда определено, что эта информация о SAI пересылается; определяют посредством использования принятой информации о SAI обслуживающей соты того, совпадает ли SAI MBMS с SAI обслуживающей соты; и изменяют приоритет частоты обслуживающей соты при повторном выборе соты на наивысший приоритет, если определено, что SAI MBMS совпадает с SAI обслуживающей соты. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности эффективно принимать MBMS службы посредством осуществления выбора терминалом правильной частоты или соты, когда запускается MBMS служба, представляющая интерес. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

15-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2744775C1

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники и может быть использовано для обеспечения качества обслуживания в мультисервисной сети связи. Техническим результатом является повышение качества обслуживания сети за счет учета прогнозируемых состояний работоспособности сети в следующий момент времени между терминалами. Предложен способ передачи данных в мультисервисных сетях связи. Согласно способу предварительно устанавливают уникальные приоритеты для каждого терминала. Предварительно выделяют основной и при необходимости резервный ресурсы полос пропускания для обслуживания терминалов. Распределяют основной ресурс полосы пропускания между терминалами так, что для обслуживания потоков передачи данных каждого терминала выделяется часть ресурса. 8 табл., 6 ил.

27-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009109148A

... 1. Способ связи, в котором осуществляют управление синхронизации передачи по меньшей мере одного пакета от базового узла, исходя из отметки времени этим базовым узлом или другим базовым узлом, соответствующей по меньшей мере одному пакету. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором управляют синхронизации для достижения одновременной передачи по меньшей мере одного пакета множеством базовых узлов. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором ! принимают на базовый узел по меньшей мере один пакет, ! осуществляют отметку времени в соответствие с по меньшей мере одним пакетом, которая содержит указание времени передачи, и ! пересылают по меньшей мере один пакет с соответствующей отметкой времени по меньшей мере одному другому базовому узлу. ! 4. Способ по п.3, в котором при упомянутой пересылке передают по меньшей мере один пакет с соответствующей отметкой времени по меньшей мере одному другому базовому узлу. ! 5. Способ по п.1, в котором принимают на базовый узел по меньшей мере один пакет с соответствующей отметкой ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007141177A

... 1. Способ обеспечения плана доставки клипов, способ состоит в том, что: ! принимают контактное окно, которое описывает временной интервал, когда клип с контентом будет доступен по распределительной сети; ! определяют один или более интересующих клипов; ! определяют, что клип с контентом соответствует по меньшей мере одному из одного или более интересующих клипов; ! планируют время приема в пределах упомянутого временного интервала для приема клипа с контентом. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно состоящий в том, что принимают контактное окно в информационном сообщении. ! 3. Способ по п.1, дополнительно состоящий в том, что сберегают энергию до временного промежутка времени приема. ! 4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно состоящий в том, что переходят в активное состояние из режима пониженного энергопотребления во время приема для приема клипа с контентом. ! 5. Способ по п.1, дополнительно состоящий в том, что определяют один или более интересующих клипов на основании одного или обоих из ввода оператора ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011111137A

... 1. Способ для обработки с синхронизацией, отличающийся тем, что включается следующее: предназначенный элемент сети, принимающий многокомпонентные информационные пакеты службы многоадресного мультимедийного широковещания, транслируемой ее элементом сети верхнего уровня, где пакеты данных в информационных пакетах несут информацию по временной метке; ! для многокомпонентных информационных пакетов, чья временная метка находится перед текущим доступным интервалом времени передачи, назначенный элемент сети начинает передавать пакеты данных, принадлежащих к многокомпонентным информационным пактам по очереди с времени запуск текущего доступного интервала времени передачи. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что назначенный сетевой элемент последовательно выполняет обработку соединения КРЛ по пакетам данных, принадлежащих к различным информационным пакетам в соответствии с порядком временных меток. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что назначенный сетевой элемент выполняет обработку нКРЛ по ...

29-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642842C1

Изобретение относится к беспроводной связи. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении выполнения случайного доступа для терминала (UE), сконфигурированного с множеством обслуживающих сот. UE принимает на первичной соте размер окна реакции на случайный доступ (RAR), указывающий длительность окна RAR через системную информацию. UE принимает максимальное число передач преамбулы для случайного доступа вторичной соты через управляющую информацию. UE передает преамбулу случайного доступа для случайного доступа вторичной соты, основываясь на максимальном числе передач преамбулы, и принимает RAR, основываясь на размере окна. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121539A

... 1. Способ разрешения контроллеру радиосети (RNC) управлять произвольным доступом пользовательских устройств (UE) в системе мобильной связи, если пользовательским устройствам необходимо ответить на одно сообщение групповой сигнализации, причем система мобильной связи включает в себя узлы-В для установления радиосвязи с пользовательскими устройствами, расположенными в нескольких сотах, RNC, управляющий узлами-В, и узел обслуживания (SGSN), соединяющий RNC, и передающий данные широковещательной/многопользовательской услуги из CN в пользовательские устройства через RNC, причем указанный способ содержит этапы, на которых получают информацию, указывающую количество пользовательских устройств, связанных с групповой сигнализацией из узла обслуживания; если требуется групповая сигнализация, вычисляют значение окна отката, исходя из количества пользовательских устройств, причем значение окна отката указывает область отката, необходимую для управления произвольным доступом пользовательских устройств ...

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010109376A

... 1. Способ для беспроводной связи, содержащий: ! посылку информации о планировании, содержащей первое преобразование коротких идентификаторов (ID) услуг в радиоресурсы, использованные для запланированных услуг в текущем периоде планирования; и !посылку данных для запланированных услуг по радиоресурсам, обозначенным в первом преобразовании. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий: ! посылку конфигурационной информации, содержащей второе преобразование длинных ID услуг в короткие ID услуг для прорекламированных услуг, в котором данные короткие ID услуг во втором преобразовании содержат короткие ID услуг в первом преобразовании. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором длинные ID услуг используют для идентификации всех поддерживаемых услуг, в котором короткие ID услуг используют для идентификации запланированных услуг в информации о планировании, в котором прорекламированные услуги являются подгруппой поддерживаемых услуг, и в котором запланированные услуги являются подгруппой прорекламированных ...

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zur telemedizinischen Assistenz von Endnutzern

Номер: DE102009035658B4

Verfahren zur telemedizinischen Assistenz von Endnutzern über eine Zentralstelle (2), wobei jedem Endnutzer ein über das Internet (4) mit der Zentralstelle kommunizierender Endnutzerrechner (6) zugeordnet ist, wobei der Endnutzerrechner (6) zur Aufzeichnung sowie zur Signal- und/oder Videoübertragung von Endnutzerdaten an wenigstens einen Zentralstellenrechner (3) der Zentralstelle (2) ausgebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Endnutzerdaten bei und/oder nach der Aufzeichnung endnutzerseitig mit wenigstens einem Aufmerksamkeitssignal als Markierung markierbar sind, dass die mit einer Markierung versehenen, an die Zentralstelle (2) zu übertragenen Endnutzerdaten in der Zentralstelle (2) automatisch registriert und priorisiert werden und dass über den Zentralstellenrechner (3) ein Marker zum späteren Auffinden der markierten Stelle setzbar ist, so dass diejenigen Daten, die in einem synchronen Übertragungsmodus übertragen worden sind, von der Zentralstelle (2) bzw. dem betreffenden ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Message transmission

Номер: US20120023178A1
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

A method of transmitting a message to user equipment within a telecommunications network, a controller operable to transmit a message to user equipment within a telecommunications network, a base station and a computer program product are disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: receiving a message having message content to be transmitted to user equipment within a predefined geographical area of the telecommunications network; identifying at least one multicast IP address designated as being associated with base stations providing telecommunications coverage with user equipment within the predefined geographical area; and transmitting the message content within at least one multicast message, each multicast message using a corresponding one of the at least one multicast IP address, over an IP network to base stations providing telecommunications coverage within the predetermined geographical area for onward transmission to user equipment. In this way, each base station identified by the multicast IP address will simultaneously receive the message, rather than each individual base station needing to have its own dedicated message sent to each base station sequentially. This not only significantly speeds the time taken for identified base stations to receive the message, it also reduces the amount of traffic required since the message is transmitted in a multicast manner. Furthermore, only those base stations which are associated with the multicast IP address will act on the message, all other base stations may ignore it. This helps to ensure that the message is only relayed to user equipment in a particular geographical region, rather than being delivered to all user equipment supported by all base stations associated with a particular controller.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for transmitting messages

Номер: US20120040603A1
Принадлежит: Alcatel Lucent SAS

A method, a base station, a Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) Coordination Entity (MCE), and a system for transmitting messages are provided. The method includes the steps of: defining a transmission order for different services in a service area; defining an arranging order of different messages in the same Transport Block (TB); generating and transmitting first messages carrying the transmission order for different services and the arranging order of different messages so as to synchronize contents of the first message TBs. According to the above technical solutions, the content synchronization of the MCCH RRC message TBs may be achieved.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Communication method for parallel computing, information processing apparatus and computer readable recording medium

Номер: US20120221669A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Hashimoto
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A communication method includes reporting information that indicates disposition of communication data in a communication buffer from a first node to second nodes by a multi-destination delivery using a barrier synchronization or a reduction to all nodes. The communication data is transferred between the first node and the second nodes by at least one of collective communication methods as a node-to-node communication method used in parallel computing. The communication method transfers the communication data by the second nodes using the information that indicates the disposition of the communication data in the communication buffer.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Ip broadcast streaming services distribution using file delivery methods

Номер: US20120259994A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

In one example, a device includes one or more processing units configured to send, via a network, a request to retrieve at least a portion of media content, wherein the media content conforms to dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH), and wherein the request comprises a request that the at least portion be delivered according to a file delivery service, and, in response to the request, to receive streaming data for the at least portion of the media content in accordance with the file delivery service over the network. The device may prepopulate a browser cache with the received data, such that a browser can, in effect, stream data using the file delivery service. The device may initially retrieve data of the media content using unicast, until a switch point of the data received via the file delivery service is reached.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus of configuring a data broadcast service

Номер: US20120284330A1
Принадлежит: Kaseya International Ltd

Disclosed are an apparatus and method of broadcasting a message to one or more servers operating in one or more domains. One example method of operation may include creating a message to be broadcasted via user input provided by a user of a computer interface. The method may also include serializing the message to a predetermined format and transmitting the message to an application programming interface (API). The method may also provide scheduling a broadcast of the message based on the user input, and transmitting the message to the at least one server responsive to the scheduled broadcast.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Network-optimized content delivery for high demand non-live contents

Номер: US20130144988A1
Автор: Elysia Tan, Han Nguyen

A method, apparatus and computer-readable storage medium distribute a non-live content stream in a network. An initial meta-file is transmitted in response to a request for the content, which identifies a division of the content stream into blocks, and available sources for delivery of the blocks. The initial meta-file can identify a first multicast and a second multicast server, assigning a first and second portion of the blocks for delivery using the first and second multicast source server, respectively. The first and second portions are transmitted using the first and second multicast source servers, respectively. The first and second portions correspond to distinct non-overlapping portions of the non-live content stream. The initial meta-file can also identify a unicast source server, assigning a third portion of the blocks for delivery using the unicast source server, the third portion being transmitted by the unicast source server.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for scheduling data packet transmissions in wireless networks

Номер: US20130188492A1

For load balancing in a large-scale wireless mesh network, a device, a system and a method are provided for controlling data packet transmissions in the wireless mesh network, wherein a time slot is randomly selected within a determined answer interval for transmitting an answer responding to a received data packet.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016533A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

A base station receives channel state information corresponding to each of spare coordinated groups from each of user devices. A first group includes a plurality of coordinated groups arranged in advance. The spare coordinated groups corresponding to each user device are such as selected from the first group and include at least a service sector of best channel quality obtained measurement by the user device. The base station specifies a user device group corresponding to each of coordinated groups contained in each of coordinated group patterns. The user device group corresponding to the coordinated group is formed of user devices having the coordinated group in their spare coordinated groups. The base station uses channel state information reported from the user devices of the user device group corresponding to the coordinated group as a basis to perform user scheduling on the coordinated group. 1. A communication processing method used in a base station having a plurality of sectors , the communication processing method comprising:the base station receiving channel state information corresponding to all or some of spare coordinated groups from each of user devices, a first group including a plurality of coordinated groups arranged in advance, each of the coordinated groups being formed of two or more sectors, and the spare coordinated groups corresponding to each of the user devices being selected from the first group and including at least a service sector of best channel quality obtained by measurement of the user device;the base station specifying a user device group corresponding to each of coordinated groups included in each of coordinated group patterns, the user device group corresponding to the coordinated group including user devices of which the corresponding spare coordinated groups include the coordinated group;the base station performing user scheduling on each of the coordinated groups based on channel state information reported by the user devices ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Correlative anticipatory deltacasting

Номер: US20140029612A1
Принадлежит: Viasat Inc

Methods, apparatuses, and systems for improving utilization of a communications system (e.g., a satellite communications system) are provided through techniques referred to herein as “deltacasting.” Some embodiments use a server-side optimizer to intercept and create fingerprints of byte-level content data traversing links of the communications system. The content fingerprints are used to transparently identify communications patterns (e.g., repetitious downloads of the same content, correlations between users, etc.), which may then be used in exploiting multicasting and/or other opportunities for increased utilization of the communication links.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for the power management of a digital communication line

Номер: US20140036684A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The present invention relates to a method and an arrangement for the power management of a digital communication line such as a digital subscriber line DSL ( 2201 ). A problem addressed by the invention is that the transitioning of the digital subscriber line ( 2201 ) from a low transmission power state to a high transmission power state can cause disturbance to adjacent lines. This problem is solved by the current invention by an access node AN ( 2100 ) that is arranged to step-wise increase the power state until the high transmission power state has been reached. The invention also comprises embodiments of monitoring and detecting traffic events that serve as triggers of the transitioning.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006424A1
Автор: Cai Zhijun
Принадлежит: Wireless Innovations LLC

A system is provided for scheduling for a multicast broadcast single frequency network (MBSFN). The system includes a central control configured to promote a plurality of enhanced node Bs (ENBs) transmitting one or more multicast traffic channels (MTCHs). The one or more MTCHs are provided during a variable scheduling period (SP) and include a data portion that contains MBSFN traffic content and a variable scheduling portion that contains scheduling information related to the MBSFN traffic content. 120.-. (canceled)21. A user equipment (UE) comprising: the one or more multicast transport channel (MCH) transmissions include a scheduling portion immediately followed by traffic content of a plurality of multicast traffic channels (MTCHs), and', 'the scheduling portion in the one or more multicast transport channel (MCH) transmissions has a variable length and contains scheduling information related to the traffic content, wherein the scheduling information includes an allocation of resources related to the traffic content., 'receive one or more multicast transport channel (MCH) transmissions during a scheduling period of variable length, wherein'}, 'one or more processors configured to cause the UE to22. The user equipment of claim 21 , wherein the traffic content comprises multicast broadcast single frequency network (MBSFN) traffic content.23. The user equipment of claim 21 , wherein the one or more processors are configured to cause the UE to use the scheduling information to receive one or more multicast traffic channel (MTCH) transmissions.24. A method implemented by a user equipment (UE) claim 21 , the method comprising: the one or more multicast transport channel (MCH) transmissions include a scheduling portion immediately followed by traffic content of a plurality of multicast traffic channels (MTCHs), and', 'the scheduling portion in the one or more multicast transport channel (MCH) transmissions has a variable length and contains scheduling information ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Scheduling Broadcasts In Social Networks

Номер: US20180007151A1

A method, apparatus, and computer readable medium are provided for maximizing consumption of broadcasts by a producer. An example method includes receiving selection of a total number of time slots to use for scheduling broadcasts, and receiving information regarding the producer's followers. The example method further includes identifying, by a processor and based on the received information, discount factors associated with the producer's followers, and calculating, by the processor and based on the received information, a predicted number of competitor broadcasts during each time slot of the total number of time slots. Finally, the example method includes determining, by the processor and based on the discount factors and the predicted 10 number of competitor broadcasts during each time slot, a number of broadcasts for the producer to transmit in each time slot of the total number of time slots. 1. A method for maximizing consumption of broadcasts by a producer , the method comprising:receiving selection of a total number of time slots to use for scheduling broadcasts;receiving information regarding the producer's followers;identifying, by a processor and based on the received information, discount factors associated with the producer's followers;calculating, by the processor and based on the received information, a predicted number of competitor broadcasts during each time slot of the total number of time slots; anddetermining, by the processor and based on the discount factors and the predicted number of competitor broadcasts during each time slot, a number of broadcasts for the producer to transmit in each time slot of the total number of time slots.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:causing transmission of the determined number of broadcasts in each time slot of the total number of time slots.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the information regarding the producer's followers includes:information regarding a set of producers followed by each of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013893A1
Автор: Cohen Eyal

A computerized VoIP system which provides a computerized service for facilitating face-to-face and/or telephone meetings, in real time, between persons lacking a common language or having language barriers such as accents and dialects e.g. by utilizing or generating a networked worldwide community of Simultaneous Interpreters, using e.g. POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), Smart Phone or any mobile phone. A platform may thereby be provided for professional simultaneous interpreters and business/private people, where interpreters from all over the world may translate any face-to-face meeting or telephone call between business people in any combination of languages, in real time. 1. A conferencing system which provides a service to conference participants , the system comprising:a teleconference bridge server operative for controlling a telephony provider to facilitate teleconferences between previously defined communicants; and ["a conference definition environment operative to allow conference initiators to define at least one requested conference's time, participants and need, if any, for at least one conference service provider to provide at least one conference service to at least one of said participants at said time; and", ["electronic notification functionality operative to send electronic notification to at least a portion of a population of service providers of at least one desired conference's time and need for at least one conference service provider, as defined via said environment, and", 'at least one processor operative to receive at least one message from at least one individual service provider in the population of service providers, each message confirming intention of the individual service provider to provide said service for said individual conference, and to command the telephony provider, via the teleconference bridge server, to add the individual service provider to the individual conference by establishing at least one audio channel between ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014693A1

A method includes generating a service discovery frame at a first electronic device of a data link of a neighbor aware network (NAN). The service discovery frame may include an attribute identifying a subset of electronic devices of the data link as recipients of data from the first electronic device during a transmission window or identifying a time period corresponding to data announcements and timing information of data transmissions corresponding to the data link. The method further includes transmitting the service discovery frame to electronic devices other than the first electronic device. 1. A method of communicating between electronic devices , the method comprising:generating a service discovery frame at a first electronic device of a data link of a neighbor aware network (NAN), wherein the service discovery frame includes an attribute identifying a subset of electronic devices of the data link as recipients of data from the first electronic device during a transmission window or identifying a time period corresponding to data announcements and timing information of data transmissions corresponding to the data link; andtransmitting the service discovery frame to electronic devices other than the first electronic device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the attribute is a service descriptor attribute claim 1 , wherein a service response filter field of the service descriptor attribute identifies the subset of electronic devices of the data link as recipients of the data from the first electronic device during the transmission window claim 1 , wherein the service discovery frame is transmitted during a discovery window of the NAN claim 1 , and wherein the NAN includes the subset of electronic devices of the data link.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising transmitting at least a portion of the data to a second electronic device of the data link via a wireless network corresponding to the data link during the transmission window.4. The method of claim ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014550A1

The present disclosure relates to network data processing methods and apparatus. One example method includes receiving a multicast group join request sent by a terminal, adding a terminal identifier to a multicast group corresponding to a target channel identifier, where the multicast group corresponding to the target channel identifier includes an identifier of a terminal that has requested network data corresponding to the target channel identifier, and delivering the network data based on the multicast group and a group scheduling identifier corresponding to the multicast group by using an air interface resource corresponding to the multicast group, where a terminal in the multicast group decodes the air interface resource based on the group scheduling identifier to obtain the network data. 1. A network data processing method , applied to a base station , wherein the method comprises:receiving a multicast group join request sent by a terminal, wherein the multicast group join request carries a target channel identifier, and wherein the multicast group join request is used to request to add a terminal identifier of the terminal to a multicast group corresponding to the target channel identifier;adding the terminal identifier to the multicast group corresponding to the target channel identifier, wherein the multicast group comprises an identifier of a terminal that has requested network data corresponding to the target channel identifier; anddelivering the network data based on the multicast group and a group scheduling identifier corresponding to the multicast group by using an air interface resource corresponding to the multicast group, wherein a terminal in the multicast group is configured to decode the air interface resource based on the group scheduling identifier to obtain the network data.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the adding the terminal identifier to the multicast group corresponding to the target channel identifier comprises:obtaining ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for content synchronization when broadcasting data in a wireless network

Номер: US20200022110A9
Автор: Andras Racz, Gunnar Mildh
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The present disclosure relates to base station and method for content synchronization when broadcasting data in a communications network. The base station comprises a receiver receiving data sequences and a transmitter for transmitting data sequences. Each data sequence has a data size and comprises a sequence number (SN). The base station further comprises a processing circuitry configured to add byte numbered sequence numbers to said data sequences passed between layers in a protocol stack for transmission to a transceiver station.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Group acknowledgement in a wireless communication network

Номер: US20200022111A1
Принадлежит: Sagemcom Energy and Telecom SAS

A system includes a server, a plurality of end devices, and at least one gathering gateway serving as a relay between the server and the end devices. The server creates at least one group and allocates end devices to each group created; defines, for each group, instances of a group reception window separated by a period so as to occur at deterministic instants; receives uplink frames coming from end devices; for such end device allocated to a group, acknowledges the uplink frames received in a downlink frame transmitted in multicast mode, in such group reception window defined for said group, said downlink frame including a group acknowledgement for all the uplink frames sent by end devices of the group during the period preceding said instance of the group reception window; and, for such end device that is not allocated to a group, acknowledges the uplink frames received in unicast mode.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170026148A1

Data objects can be delivered over a network using a file delivery system and universal object delivery and template-based file delivery. This might be done by forming source data into a sequence of data objects represented by symbols in packets, sending those to receivers on request, wherein a transmitter obtains a template file delivery table with delivery metadata for the data objects, and constructing a first transmission object identifier for a data object based on a transmission object identifier construction rule described in the template file delivery table. A receiver might receive packets, extract a second transmission object identifier, associate encoded symbols comprising the received data packet with the data object if the first transmission object identifier and the second transmission object identifier identify the same data object, and recover, at least approximately, the source data for the data object based on the encoded symbols associated with the data object. 1. A method of delivering one or more data objects from an electronic device or system over a packet-switched network , wherein source data of the one or more data objects is represented by encoded symbols in packets such that the source data is recoverable , at least approximately , from the encoded symbols , the method comprising:a) generating data in a structured form, including meta-data; andb) generating meta-data using templates for delivering sequences of related objects.2. A method of delivering one or more data objects from an electronic device or system over a packet-switched network , wherein source data of the one or more data objects is represented by encoded symbols in packets such that the source data is recoverable , at least approximately , from the encoded symbols , the method comprising:a) generating data in a structured form, including meta-data; andb) generating meta-data using multiplexed object transport encoding.3. A method of delivering a sequence of data objects ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034571A1
Автор: KITAZATO Naohisa

A time information generating unit generates absolute time information synchronized with absolute time information acquired from an external source. The time information generating unit generates time information by shifting, to shifted time, occurrence time of a leap second that can be represented by the absolute time information acquired from the external source. A transmission unit transmits a signal including transmission media and the absolute time information generated by the time information generating unit. Thereby, influence on a reception side by occurrence of a leap second is suppressed. 17-. (canceled)8. A transmission apparatus , comprising:a time information generating unit which generates absolute time information synchronized with absolute time information acquired from an external source;a presentation time generating unit which generates presentation time of each presentation unit group formed by a predetermined number of presentation units of transmission media on the basis of the absolute time information generated by the time information generating unit;an identification information generating unit which generates identification information identifying the first presentation unit group referring to absolute time information after occurrence of a leap second when the leap second occurs in the absolute time information generated by the time information generating unit; anda transmission unit which transmits a signal including the transmission media, the absolute time information generated by the time information generating unit, presentation time of each presentation unit group generated by the presentation time generating unit, and the identification information generated by the identification information generating unit.9. The transmission apparatus according to claim 8 ,wherein the signal includes a first packet including the transmission media, a second packet including information related to the transmission media, and a third packet ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170034856A1

A communication system as an example of an exemplary embodiment includes two mobile terminals and two BLE terminals. The mobile terminals establish connections with the BLE terminals. Specifically, one of the mobile terminals and one of the BLE terminals are connected together such that the mobile terminal is a central and the BLE terminal is a peripheral. The BLE terminal connected as a peripheral repeatedly executes advertising and a scan, thereby exchanging application data with the other BLE terminal connected as a peripheral. 1. A wireless system including a plurality of devices capable of performing wireless communication , an acquisition process for acquiring a single piece of application data for an application;', 'a transmission process for wirelessly transmitting a broadcast or multicast packet; and', 'a reception process for wirelessly receiving a broadcast or multicast packet from another device,, 'a first device among the plurality of devices executing repeatedly executing the transmission process and the reception process; and', 'in the transmission process, dividing the application data, separately transmitting the pieces of divided application data in a plurality of broadcast or multicast packets, and also transmitting first information by including the first information in the broadcast or multicast packets, the first information indicating which parts of the application data are the pieces of divided data included in the broadcast or multicast packets., 'the first device'}2. The wireless system according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of an execution period of the transmission process, timing for executing the transmission process, an execution period of the reception process, and timing for executing the reception process is variable.3. The wireless system according to claim 2 , whereinat least one of the execution period of the transmission process, the timing for executing the transmission process, the execution period of the reception process ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Aggregated Multimedia Content Streaming

Номер: US20160037200A1
Автор: Gordon Leroy

The present invention provides a system and method which aggregates disparate multimedia sources into a plurality of utility services or channels, which are accessible to a plurality of networked computing devices without the utilization of a web browser or a set-top box. Such system of distribution would enable a seamless experience to view multimedia broadcasts by navigating through channels displaying media content in full screen, including high definition video and high fidelity audio, thereby emulating the experience provided by traditional broadcast television, cable or satellite. The user is not required to download or install a browser or any proprietary plug-in or to have any physical set-top box in order to use the present invention. Channel navigation can be done on an interactive touch screen devices, wherein channels and volume can be changed. 1. A system for aggregated multimedia content streaming comprising:a server which includes a content provider, a multimedia aggregating means in communication with said content provider and a content application server communicating with said multimedia aggregating means, a client in communication with said server through a communication interface and a client, software application being capable of streaming multimedia contents utilizing said client, characterized in that said multimedia aggregating means includes a plurality of interconnected interfaces being arranged such that it is capable of receiving, processing and transmitting multimedia contents from said content provider to said client, said multimedia aggregating means consisting of a capture interface being configured in a manner wherein it is capable of receiving, collating, authenticating multimedia contents and provides broadcast identification on the multimedia contents received from the content provider, a schedule interface being configured such that it is capable of organizing the authenticated multimedia contents such that it is provided with ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035405A1

A base station according to one embodiment includes a controller that acquires, from a MCE, a QCI associated with an MBMS bearer between an MBMS gateway and the base station. The controller provides a multicast service over SC-PTM transmission, on the basis of the QCI. 1. A base station comprisinga controller configured to acquire a QoS Class Identifier (QCI) associated with a Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) bearer between an MBMS gateway and the base station, from a Multi-cell/multicast Coordination Entity (MCE), whereinthe controller is configured to provide a multicast service over Single Cell Point to Multi-point (SC-PTM) transmission on the basis of the QCI.2. The base station according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller is configured to perform scheduling in the SC-PTM transmission corresponding to the MBMS bearer on the basis of information on the QCI.3. A Multi-cell/multicast Coordination Entity (MCE) used in a system including a base station that provides a multicast service over Single Cell Point to Multi-point (SC-PTM) transmission claim 1 , the MCE comprisinga controller configured to transmit, to the base station, a QoS Class Identifier (QCI) associated with an MBMS bearer between the base station and a Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) gateway. The present application is a continuation based on PCT Application No. PCT/JP2016/061620 filed on Apr. 8, 2016, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/145,908 (filed on Apr. 10, 2015). The content of which is incorporated by reference herein in their entirety.The present application relates to a network apparatus, a user terminal, and a base station in a mobile communication system.In the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) that is a mobile communication system standardization project, the Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) is specified to provide a broadcast/multicast service.In the current MBMS, broadcast/multicast data is ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Emulating Broadcast in a Network on Chip

Номер: US20210036880A1
Автор: Iain Robertson
Принадлежит: Siemens Industry Software Inc

An integrated circuit chip has a set of communication units, each unit being configured to operate according to a protocol in which a data packet sent by one unit is receivable by one unit only, each unit being configured to send at least one packet having one of a plurality of tiers to at least one other unit and being configured to specify, for each tier, a subset of destination units to which packets of that tier are to be sent, wherein each unit is configured to: receive a packet having one of the plurality of tiers; determine the tier of the received packet; and sequentially send packets having a different tier to the tier of the received packet to each of the respective subset of destination units for the different tier.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041353A1

Systems () and methods () for using Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (“MBMS”) transport bearers in a network. The methods comprise: performing first operations by a computing device () to setup an MBMS transport bearer over which media (e.g., voice) is able to be communicated to a plurality of clients (-) via multicast transmissions; and performing second operations by the computing device to inform the plurality of clients of the MBMS transport bearer's establishment. The second operations include, but are not limited to: determining an immediate need of each client of the plurality of clients based on weighted attributes (e.g., priority group affiliating, and/or group status); assembling a prioritization list of clients based on the determined immediate needs of each client; and delivering unicast messages to the clients in accordance with an order specified by the prioritization list. 1. A method for using Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (“MBMS”) transport bearers in a network , comprising:performing first operations by a computing device to setup an MBMS transport bearer over which media is able to be communicated to a plurality of clients via multicast transmissions; and determining an immediate need of each client of the plurality of clients based on weighted attributes,', 'assembling a prioritization list of clients based on the determined immediate needs of each client, and', 'delivering unicast messages to the clients in accordance with an order specified by the prioritization list., "performing second operations by the computing device to inform the plurality of clients of the MBMS transport bearer's establishment, the second operations comprising"}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the computing device is a Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (“MCPTT”) server claim 1 , a Mission Critical (“MC”) video server or an MC data server.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the weighted attributes comprise at least one of a proximity of a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and device for scheduling single-cell Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service

Номер: US20180042033A1

The disclosure provides a scheduling method and device for a single-cell Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS). The method includes: receiving a Single Cell-Point To Multipoint (SC-PTM) Single cell-Multicast Control Channel (S-MCCH) message sent by an evolved Node B (eNB), wherein the S-MCCH message carries first Radio Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI) configuration information and/or second RNTI configuration information, a first RNTI is used for indicating that a single-cell MBMS is scheduled by using a semi-static scheduling manner, the first RNTI configuration information is used for indicating a Temporarily Mobile Group Identifier (TMGI) corresponding to the first RNTI and a subframe position where a Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH) scrambled by using the first RNTI is located, a second RNTI is used for indicating that the single-cell MBMS is scheduled by using a dynamic scheduling manner, and the second RNTI configuration information is used for indicating a TMGI corresponding to the second RNTI; and receiving an MBMS required on a Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) according to scheduling information received on the PDCCH. By using the technical solution, a single-cell MBMS can be scheduled. 1. A method for scheduling a single-cell Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) , comprising:receiving a Single Cell-Point To Multipoint (SC-PTM) Single cell-Multicast Control Channel (S-MCCH) message sent by an evolved Node B (eNB), wherein the S-MCCH message carries first Radio Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI) configuration information and/or second RNTI configuration information, a first RNTI corresponding to the first RNTI configuration information is used for indicating that a single-cell MBMS is scheduled by using a semi-static scheduling manner, the first RNTI configuration information is used for indicating a Temporarily Mobile Group Identifier (TMGI) corresponding to the first RNTI and a subframe position where a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042049A1
Принадлежит: STMicroelectronics, Inc.

Multicast transmissions are efficient but do not allow for individual acknowledgement that the data was received by each receiver. This is not acceptable for isochronous systems that require specific levels of QoS for each device. A multimedia communications protocol is provided that uses a novel multi-destination burst transmission protocol in multimedia isochronous systems. The transmitter establishes a bi-directional burst mode for multicasting data to multiple devices and receiving Reverse Start of Frame (RSOF) delimiters from each multicast-destination receiver in response to multiple SOF delimiters, thus providing protocol-efficient multi-destination acknowledgements. 1. A method for transmitter operation , comprising:a) making of a multicast transmission to a multicast group of receiving devices using an initial Start of Frame (SOF) that includes a frame length of a first bidirectional burst pseudo contention free period during which said transmitter communicates without contention;wherein the initial SOF further includes an identification of a first receiving device in the multicast group that is allowed to transmit in a first pseudo contention free period;b) receiving from the first receiving device an acknowledgement of status of received multicast MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU) data;c) transmitting an additional SOF before an end of the frame length of the initial SOF, wherein the additional SOF is addressed to another receiving device in the multicast group;d) receiving from the another receiving device an acknowledgement of status of received multicast MPDU data; andrepeating the steps c) and d) until: a last one of the receiving devices in the multicast group has been transmitted the additional SOF and acknowledgement is received.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the acknowledgement is a Reverse SOF (RSOF) delimiter.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising terminating the first bidirectional burst pseudo contention free period in response to ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190052481A1

According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a virtual controller area network system includes first, second third controller area network (CAN) buses. A first CAN controller is coupled to the first and second CAN buses and is configured to route messages to and from the first and second CAN buses. A second CAN controller is coupled to the third CAN bus and is configured to route messages to and from the third CAN bus. A network bridging system is configured to route messages over a local area network between the first CAN controller and the second CAN controller. 120-. (canceled)21. A virtual controller area network system , comprising:a plurality of electronic control units (ECU) nodes, wherein each of the plurality of ECU nodes employ a shared message identification format for use by the plurality of ECU nodes to identify messages transferred among ECUs that are disposed on a same controller area network (CAN);a plurality of physical CAN buses, wherein a respective CAN bus identifier is assigned to the plurality of physical CAN buses and wherein a first CAN bus identifier identifies two or more different physical CAN buses, among the plurality of physical CAN buses, that are designated as members of a same virtual CAN system;two or more CAN controllers respectively coupled to subsets of the plurality of physical CAN buses, wherein a first subset of physical CAN buses is coupled to first and second CAN controllers to define a first virtual CAN and a second subset of CAN buses is coupled to at least one of the CAN controllers to define a second virtual CAN that is different from the first virtual CAN; andan Ethernet backbone connecting at least to the two or more CAN controllers, the Ethernet backbone configured to generate an Ethernet frame containing: (i) a CAN message and (ii) a message ID for the CAN message, the Ethernet backbone being further configured to broadcast the Ethernet frame among ECU nodes coupled to the physical CAN buses in the first ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

System and method for synchronizing media presentation at multiple recipients

Номер: US20180054481A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A network media delivery system includes client devices and a host device. Each client device has a network interface, an engine for processing media data, and a media interface. The host device, which can be a computer, establishes network communication links with the client devices, which can be networked media stations, and sends media data to the client devices. The media data can be sent wirelessly as packets of media data transmitted at intervals to each client device. In one embodiment, the host device controls processing of media data such that processed media is delivered in a synchronized manner at each of the client devices. In another embodiment, the host device controls processing of media data such that processed media is delivered in a synchronized manner at the host device and at least one client device.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Virtual Controller Area Network

Номер: US20170054574A1

According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a virtual controller area network system includes first, second third controller area network (CAN) buses. A first CAN controller is coupled to the first and second CAN buses and is configured to route messages to and from the first and second CAN buses. A second CAN controller is coupled to the third CAN bus and is configured to route messages to and from the third CAN bus. A network bridging system is configured to route messages over a local area network between the first CAN controller and the second CAN controller. 1. A virtual controller area network system , comprising:a first controller area network (CAN) bus;a second CAN bus;a third CAN bus;a first CAN controller coupled to the first and second CAN bus and configured to route messages to and from the first and second CAN bus;a second CAN controller coupled to the third CAN bus and configured to route messages to and from the third CAN bus; anda network bridging system configured to route messages over a local area network between the first CAN controller and the second CAN controller.2. The virtual controller area network system of claim 1 , wherein the local area network utilizes an Ethernet protocol.3. The virtual controller area network system of claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second and third CAN buses have an associated CAN bus identifier that is used by the network bridging system to route the messages over the local area network.4. The virtual controller area network system of claim 3 , wherein the CAN bus identifier associates the first claim 3 , second and third CAN buses with the virtual controller area network.5. The virtual controller area network system of claim 3 , wherein the network bridging system includes a first Automotive Bridge to Ethernet (ABE) coupled to the first CAN controller and a second ABE coupled to the second CAN controller claim 3 , wherein the first and second ABEs are configured to encapsulate the CAN bus ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210058861A1

In one example a computer implemented method comprises receiving, at an access point of a wireless network, a multicast/broadcast frame which identifies one or more stations associated with the access point as a recipient for the multicast/broadcast frame, and in response to a determination that at least one station of the one or more stations identified as a recipient for the multicast/broadcast frame is in an inactive state, determining a beacon slot time for a transmission of the multicast/broadcast frame from the access point, in response to a determination that at least one of the one or more stations in an inactive state will miss the beacon signal, converting the multicast/broadcast frame to a unicast frame, and holding a copy of the unicast frame to be transmitted to the at least one of the one or more stations in an inactive state that will miss the beacon signal. 1. A controller , comprising:a processor; and detecting, at an access point of a wireless network, a multicast/broadcast frame buffered for transmission from the access point; and', 'determining a beacon slot time for a transmission of the multicast/broadcast frame from the access point;', converting the multicast/broadcast frame to a unicast frame; and', 'holding a copy of the unicast frame to be transmitted to the at least one of the one or more stations in an inactive state that will miss the beacon signal., 'in response to a determination that at least one of the one or more stations in an inactive state will miss the beacon signal], 'a memory communicatively coupled to the processor and comprising instructions which, when executed by the processor, configure the processor to perform operations, comprising2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the access point negotiates a target wake time schedule with the one or more stations associated with the access point and stores the targeted wake time schedule in a computer-readable memory.3. The controller of claim 1 , further comprising instructions ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Per-Session Invocation of Priority Services Based Upon Network Available Information

Номер: US20220078152A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Concepts and technologies disclosed herein are directed to per-session invocation of priority services based upon network available information. A service architecture can include a service architecture core and a service execution runtime framework in which a priority service application is executable to perform operations to provide a priority service for a communications session. The priority service application can determine whether a priority service should be invoked for the communications session based upon priority criteria. If a determination is made that the priority service is to be invoked for the communications session based upon the priority criteria, the priority service application can invoke the priority service for the communications session. If a determination is made that the priority service is not to be invoked for the communications session based upon the priority criteria, the priority service application can cause the communications session to be coordinated without the priority service. 1. A system comprising:a processor; and receiving a policy,', 'determining, based upon the policy, an anonymity treatment that should be applied to a communications session between an originating party and a destination party,', 'in accordance with the anonymity treatment, determining whether location information should be suppressed for the originating party, the destination party, or both the originating party and the destination party, and', 'implementing the anonymity treatment., 'a memory that stores a service execution runtime framework comprising a priority service application that, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to perform operations comprising'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein implementing the anonymity treatment comprises:in response to determining that the location information should be suppressed for the originating party, the destination party, or both the originating party and the destination party, generating ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140140343A1
Автор: ONOUE Koichi

A transfer device stores unicast addresses in association with a multicast address, where the multicast address is used for multicasting data to a plurality of transmission destination devices each serving as a transmission destination of the data, and the unicast address is used for transmitting data from the transfer device to a transmission destination device directly connected to the transfer device. Upon receiving first data to be transmitted to the transmission destination device, when a unicast address associated with a multicast address assigned to the first data is stored in the transfer device, the transfer device generates second data by changing the multicast address assigned to the first data into a unicast address that is associated with the multicast address, and transfers the second data to one of the plurality of transmission destination devices directly connected to the transfer device. 1. A computer readable recording medium having stored therein a program for causing a computer included in a transfer device transferring data to execute a transfer procedure comprising:storing, in a storage device, a unicast address in association with a multicast address, the multicast address being used for multicasting data to a plurality of transmission destination devices each serving as a transmission destination of the data, the unicast address being used for transmitting data to a transmission destination device directly connected to the transfer device;upon receiving first data, determining whether or not the unicast address associated with the multicast address assigned to the first data is stored in the storage device;multicasting the first data when the unicast address associated with the multicast address is not stored in the storage device;generating second data by changing the multicast address assigned to the first data into the unicast address associated with the multicast address when the unicast address associated with the multicast address is ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Social Network for Travelers with Event Codes

Номер: US20150067064A1

A method of correlating events between multiple people is disclosed including generating a statistically unique event code. The statistically unique event code uniquely identifies the event and is associated with the event. The statistically unique event code is unique for at least a period of time up until the event happens. The statistically unique event code is provided when a person joins the event (e.g. printed on a ticket, transmitted in a data record, etc.). In a social network in which the person is a member, the statistically unique event code is associated with the person. A buddy list of the person is searched for other members of the social network for an overlap in which the person and one of the buddies of the person will be co-located (e.g., matching statistically unique event codes or at a location near the event, etc.). 1. A computer system having event codes , the computer system comprising:a first and second computer;a first software system executing on the first computer sends a transaction to a second software system executing on the second computer, the transaction including a request for a statistically unique event code and information that identifies an event;the second software system executing on the second computer receives the transaction and generates the statistically unique event code that uniquely relates to the event;the second software system executing on the second computer transmits the statistically unique event code to the first software system executing on the first computer; andthe first software system provides the statistically unique event code.2. The computer system having event codes of claim 1 , wherein the first software system provides the statistically unique event code in a software record claim 1 , the software record further comprising an identification of a person claim 1 , the software record is transmitted from the first software system to a receiving software system.3. The computer system having event codes of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210067363A1

The disclosed technology is generally directed to online chat management services. In one example of the technology, organization information is accessed for tenants. The organization information includes, for each organization, configuration information for the organization. Each organization belongs to a corresponding tenant. Worker service instances are scheduled to perform fills associated with the organizations, such that sufficient fills are performed for each organization according to the configuration information for the organizations in the accessed organization information. Each fill includes: causing artifacts associated with a function to be created, such that the artifacts associated with the function are configured based on the corresponding tenant. Artifact information associated with the created artifacts is received, including at least one unique identifier associated with the created artifacts for the function. Server-side caching of a cache record that includes the artifact information associated with the created artifacts for the function is performed. 1. An apparatus , comprising: accessing organization information for a plurality of tenants, wherein the organization information includes, for each organization of a plurality of organizations, configuration information for the organization, wherein each organization belongs to a corresponding tenant of the plurality of tenants, and wherein the plurality of organizations includes organizations corresponding to at least two tenants of the plurality of tenants;', causing artifacts associated with a function to be created, such that the artifacts associated with the function are configured based on the corresponding tenant, and such that the artifacts include anonymous visitor tokens usable by any participant of the tenant;', 'receiving artifact information associated with the created artifacts including at least one unique identifier associated with the created artifacts for the function; and', ' ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140146815A1
Автор: Gould Kenneth
Принадлежит: Time Warner Cable Enterprises LLC

Methods and apparatus for assigning physical channels in a content-based network. In an exemplary embodiment, the network comprises a cable television network having a plurality of cable modems, and the physical channels are assigned to the cable modems based at least in part on any multicast transmissions that may exist on the system. When two cable modems are receiving the same multicast transmission, the invention causes tuning of one or more of the cable modems to the same physical channel in order to limit the total number multicast transmissions on the network. Multicast transmissions typically comprise video or audio information, but other types of information may also be multicast according to the invention. In another embodiment, a multicast transmission list (containing a list of multicast transmissions and the corresponding physical channels) is sent to the set of cable modems. This list is used by the modems (or associated CPE) to manage channel allocation and tuning. 133.-. (canceled)34. An apparatus for processing network traffic , said apparatus comprising:a processor; and divide a plurality of client devices into at least two subsets;', 'assign a first physical channel to a first one of said at least two subsets of said client devices;', 'assign a second physical channel to a second one of said at least two subsets of said client devices; and', 'upon a request for content from a client device in said first subset, provide said requested content on said first physical channel;', 'wherein said client devices in said first subset all receive said requested content on said first physical channel irrespective of a request therefor; and', 'wherein said client devices in said second subset do not receive said requested content., 'a storage device in data communication with said processor, said storage device comprising at least one computer program executable on said processor, said at least one computer program comprising a plurality of instructions which ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Message-limited self-organizing network groups for computing device peer matching

Номер: US20220086016A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC

A message-limiting mechanism for enabling computing devices to self-organize into groups based on network proximity can entail the transmission of values based on hierarchical evaluation such that only a computing device having a most extreme value continues to transmit. The values utilized can be randomly generated and their broadcast can facilitate the identification of computing devices that are proximate, by network distance. Each computing device can retain a most extreme value received, unless a value generated by that computing device itself is more extreme, in which case the computing device can continue periodic broadcasts of its value. Each computing device can report its retained values, or its own value if no values were retained, and groupings can be generated based on the values reported by the computing devices. The grouping of computing devices can then facilitate the identification of peers, including for purposes of downloading content from such peers.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150074168A1

A distributed system includes a plurality of nodes connected over a network. Each node has a unique node identifier which identifies the node in the distributed system. Tasks are launched from any node in the distributed system and include one or more node identifiers. If a node receives a task including its node identifier, the node executes the task. Each node may store each task in a log. If a node fails, after recovering from the failure, the node queries the distributed system for tasks which were not received and tasks which were not completed due to the failure. 1. A non-transitory computer readable medium with executable instructions stored thereon , where the executable instructions cause a distributed system having a plurality of nodes to execute operations comprising:assigning a unique identifier to each of the plurality of nodes;broadcasting a task, including one or more unique identifiers of the nodes, from one of the nodes to the distributed system;storing the broadcasted task at each node;executing the task if the one or more unique identifiers in the task includes the unique identifier of the respective node, for each of the nodes; andbroadcasting a completion message from each node which executed the task to the distributed system.2. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the unique identifier is a universally unique identifier (UUID).3. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 1 , the operations further comprising:receiving the task at one of the nodes from a client connected to the distributed system.4. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 1 , the operations further comprising:if the one or more unique identifiers in the task includes the unique identifier of the respective node, placing the task in a queue of the respective node prior to executing the task at the respective node.5. The non-transitory computer readable medium of claim 1 , wherein each node stores the broadcasted task in a log ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Common event-based multidevice media playback

Номер: US20150074239A1
Автор: Ravi U. Rajapakse
Принадлежит: Blackfire Research Corp

A system for event-based synchronized multimedia playback, comprising a media source device and a plurality of destination devices, each destination device comprising a local clock, and a synchronization module on one of the devices. The synchronization module transmits common events, E n , each with a unique event number, to each of the plurality of destination devices. Each destination device records time Dx n when event E n is received and transmits an acknowledgement message back to the synchronization module comprising time Dx n and event number n. The synchronization module determines phase and frequency differences between clocks of respective destination devices; computes a frequency adjustment to compensate for phase and rate differences; and directs each respective destination device to adjust its clock phase and frequency accordingly. Each destination device adjusts its local clock as directed or may perform a sample rate conversion on sample data in order to enable synchronized media playback.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160072637A1

An example device for advertising a segment availability time when transporting media data includes a middleware unit configured to determine a playback duration, X, for segments of media data, determine a current time at a first scheduled burst, a, of a multicast channel (MCH) scheduling period (MSP) for a first segment having segment number a, determine an MSP duration, D, calculate a segment availability time for a second segment having segment number b according to a formula that uses X, a, a, b, and Das inputs, and advertise the segment availability time for the second segment. 1. A method of advertising a segment availability time when transporting media data , the method comprising , by a middleware unit of a client device:determining a playback duration, X, for segments of media data;{'sub': 'burst', 'determining a current time at a first scheduled burst, a, of a multicast channel (MCH) scheduling period (MSP) for a first segment having segment number a;'}{'sub': 'MSP', 'determining an MSP duration, D;'}{'sub': burst', 'MSP, 'calculating a segment availability time for a second segment having segment number b according to a formula that uses X, a, a, b, and Das inputs; and'}advertising the segment availability time for the second segment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the formula comprises a+(b−a)*X+ceiling(X/D)*D.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the formula comprises a+(b−a)*X+D+floor(X/D)*D.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a percent value, A, of a running average size of segments that an encoder is not permitted to exceed for the second segment; anddetermining a value, α, that is equal to available bandwidth divided by average rate minus 1;{'sub': burst', 'MSP', 'MSP', 'MSP, 'wherein the formula comprises a+(b−a)*X+D+ceiling((X/D)*(1+A)/(1+α))*D.'}5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining the percent value A comprises retrieving the percent value A from configuration data of the client device.6. The method of claim 4 , ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073343A1

Systems and methods for waking a fabric network of devices and communicating messages among the devices are described herein. An electronic device can communicate with other electronic devices of a fabric network broadcasting a wake message to the fabric network in response to an awakening event. The wake message can include a reason for triggering a wakeup of each device in the fabric network and a wake time signaling period. After the wake time signaling period lapses, a fabric message can be broadcasted to the fabric network, and the fabric message can be selectively rebroadcasted. 154.-. (canceled)55. A method for communicating messages among devices of a fabric network , comprising:managing, for a received message, a plurality of variables, the plurality of variables comprising a counter, a rebroadcast time period, a rebroadcasting decision point, and a first timer, wherein the rebroadcasting decision point exists within the rebroadcast time period, and wherein the first timer is reset at a beginning of the rebroadcast time period;determining when the first timer is equal to the rebroadcasting decision point; andrebroadcasting the received message if the counter is determined to be less than a threshold when the first timer is determined to be equal to the rebroadcasting decision point.56. The method of claim 55 , further comprising:determining whether the first timer has reached an end of the rebroadcast time period; resetting the first timer;', 'recalculating the rebroadcast decision point; and', 'resetting the counter., 'in response to determining that the first timer has reached the end of the rebroadcast time period,'}57. The method of claim 55 , further comprising:receiving a message from any one of the other devices of the fabric network; andclassifying the received message.58. The method of claim 57 , wherein when the received message is classified as a new message claim 57 , the method further comprising:creating an end of message timer;setting the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Transmission control system, transmission system, relay device selecting method, computer program product, and maintenance system

Номер: US20170070359A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A transmission control system includes: a storage unit that stores therein zone identification information for identifying a zone in which each of transmission terminals is used, and priority information that indicates a priority at which a transmission terminal indicated by the zone identification information should use each of a plurality of relay devices, in association with each other; a reception unit that receives, from a first transmission terminal, first zone identification information for identifying a zone in which the first transmission terminal is used and second zone identification information for identifying a zone in which a second transmission terminal as a destination terminal is used; and a selection unit that selects a relay device to be used for relaying the content data based on first priority information associated with the first zone identification information and second priority information associated with the second zone identification information in the storage unit.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170070360A1

The present invention relates to a method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) in a mobile communication system. The method for receiving the MBMS of a terminal in the mobile communication system according to an embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that it includes: determining whether service area ID (SAI) information on a serving cell is broadcast during the MBMS; receiving the SAI information on the serving cell when it is determined that the SAI information is broadcast; determining, by using the received SAI information of the serving cell, whether an SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell; and changing the cell reselection priority of the frequency of the serving cell to the highest priority if it is determined that the SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell. 1. A method by a terminal , the method comprising:obtaining multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) information including at least one MBMS service area identifier (SAI);configuring a cell reselection priority of a frequency corresponding to a SAI included in a system information of a serving cell to a highest priority if the SAI included in the system information indicates the at least one MBMS SAI included in the MBMS information; andconfiguring a cell reselection priority of a frequency included in the MBMS information to the highest priority if the system information including the SAI is not received from the serving cell.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the system information includes at least one of a SAI of a serving frequency and a SAI of a neighbor frequency.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing a cell reselection based on the cell reselection priority in a radio resource control (RRC) idle state.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving the system information including the SAI of the serving cell; anddetermining whether the SAI of the serving cell corresponds to the at least ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210075739A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure disclose example broadcast message management methods and a broadcast message management apparatus. One example method includes receiving a broadcast message sent by a target application program, determining a user experience assurance priority of the target application program, and determining a target broadcast queue corresponding to the target application program. The broadcast message is saved in the target broadcast queue, and, when a broadcast message scheduling request is received, the broadcast message stored in the target broadcast queue is scheduled according to a target broadcast message scheduling priority corresponding to the target broadcast queue. 1. A broadcast message management method , wherein the method is used to manage a broadcast message sent by a foreground application program of a terminal or a broadcast message sent by a background application program of a terminal , and the method comprises:receiving a broadcast message sent by a target application program, wherein the broadcast message carries message type identification;determining a user experience assurance priority of the target application program, and determining a target broadcast queue corresponding to the determined user experience assurance priority of the target application program from at least two preset broadcast queues, wherein each of the at least two preset broadcast queues corresponds to a broadcast message scheduling priority, and wherein the target broadcast queue comprises at least two broadcast message linked lists, wherein each of the at least two broadcast message linked lists corresponds to a kind of message type;saving the broadcast message in a target broadcast message linked list of the target broadcast queue, wherein the target broadcast message linked list is one of the at least two broadcast message linked lists and matches with message type identification; andwhen a broadcast message scheduling request is received, ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Methods of coordinating remote user engagement and instructional demonstrations

Номер: US20220092997A1
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

A method for coordinating remote user engagement and instructional demonstrations may include transmitting an instructor video signal from the instructor device, receiving a communication request from the remote audience device, assigning the remote audience device a queue position for a communication queue according to the received communication request, and indexing one or more audience devices automatically into an active speaker role according to the communication queue. The method may further provide for directing display of a countdown or restricting audio from other devices.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170078385A1
Автор: Dress William

Operating a data distribution including a data distribution module and a plurality of host-bus adapters coupled to the data distribution module can include defining a coherent group that includes a set of members that includes the plurality of host-bus adapters; providing a group-coherent memory area in each of the set of members; and initiating a one-to-all broadcast message from a one of the plurality of host-bus adapters to all of the set of members when the one of the plurality of host-bus adapters requests a write to its local group-coherent memory area. 1. A method , comprising operating a data distribution system including a data distribution module and a plurality of host-bus adapters coupled to the data distribution module including defining a coherent group that includes a set of members that includes the plurality of host-bus adapters;providing a group-coherent memory area in each of the set of members; andinitiating a one-to-all broadcast message from a one of the plurality of host-bus adapters to all of the set of members when the one of the plurality of host-bus adapters requests a write to its local group-coherent memory area.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one-to-broadcast message is transmitted on a priority channel.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the priority channel is lock-free and semaphore-free.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ensuring that when the one of the plurality of host-bus adapters requests the write the one-to-all broadcast message maintains temporal memory coherency across all of the set of members of the coherent group including the one of the plurality of host-bus adapters that request the write.5. A non-transitory computer readable media comprising executable programming instructions for performing the method of .6. An apparatus claim 1 , comprising: a data distribution system including a data distribution module and a plurality of host-bus adapters coupled to the data distribution module claim 1 , wherein ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Techniques for In-Band Signaling of Service Description Updates in RTP

Номер: US20170078856A1

Systems, methods, and devices of the various embodiments enable signaling, such as in-band signaling, of service description updates in Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) streaming over evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS). 1. A method for signaling a service description update for a Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) streaming service over evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS) , comprising:generating an application defined RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) packet (APP RTCP packet) indicating that a service description update occurred.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the APP RTCP packet is generated by a Broadcast Multimedia Service Center (BMSC) server claim 1 , the method further comprising:sending the APP RTCP packet to a computing device consuming the RTP streaming service.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the service description update is sent to the computing device as a service announcement fragment.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a name of the APP RTCP packet is “SDCH” claim 1 , “service description update claim 1 ,” “SDP update claim 1 ,” or “schedule update”.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RTP streaming service is a Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) over Long Term Evolution (LTE) group call.6. A method for updating a service description for a Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) streaming service over evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS) claim 1 , comprising:receiving an application defined RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) packet (APP RTCP packet) indicating that a service description update occurred at an eMBMS service layer of a computing device consuming the RTP streaming service;determining, in the eMBMS service layer, whether the APP RTCP packet indicates that the service description update occurred; andreceiving the service description update in response to determining that the APP RTCP packet indicates that the service description update occurred.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein:the APP RTCP ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079009A1
Автор: Saxena Alok

A method and device for reducing the interruption in a first download, i.e. ongoing reception, caused by the start of a second download, i.e. incoming transmission, by identifying the next due timing of a control channel frame of the first download, and then triggering a sequence of deactivation of the first download, requesting a frequency path switch, performing the frequency path switch, reconfiguring and reactivating the control channel, wherein the sequence takes place at a specified time before the identified control channel frame, and then reactivating the first download. 1. A communication device adapted for reducing an interruption in a first download caused by a start of a second download , the communication device comprising:a first radio frequency (RF) unit and a second RF unit; and identify a next due timing of a frame of a control channel of the first download in the first RF unit;', sending a request for an RF path switch to the first RF unit and the second RF unit;', 'deactivating the control channel and the first download in the first RF unit;', 'controlling the RF path switch from the first RF unit to the second RF unit; and', 'reconfiguring and reactivating the control channel on the second RF unit; and', 'reconfigure and reactivate the first download in the second RF unit., 'at a specified time before the identified control channel frame, trigger a sequence of], 'a baseband modem unit configured to2. The communication device of claim 1 , wherein the first download is a multimedia broadcast/multicast service (MBMS) or evolved MBMS (eMBMS).3. The communication device of claim 1 , wherein the second download is an incoming phone call.4. The communication device of claim 2 , wherein the identified control channel frame is a multicast control channel (MCCH) sub-frame or radio-frame.5. The communication device of claim 4 , in which the specified time is about 30 milliseconds or less before the next MCCH sub-frame or radio-frame.6. The communication ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160087809A1

A multicast rule is represented in a hierarchical linked list with N tiers. Each tier or level in the hierarchical linked list corresponds to a network layer of a network stack that requires replication. Redundant groups in each tier are eliminated such that the groups in each tier are stored exactly once in a replication table. A multicast replication engine traverses the hierarchical linked list and replicates a packet according to each node in the hierarchical linked list. 1. A network chip comprising:a memory;a replication table stored in the memory and including a multicast rule that is represented in a hierarchical linked list with N tiers; anda multicast replication engine that replicates a packet according to the multicast rule.2. The network chip of claim 1 , wherein each tier in the hierarchical linked list corresponds to a network layer of a network stack that requires replication.3. The network chip of claim 1 , wherein each node in the hierarchical linked list is stored as an entry in the replication table.4. The network chip of claim 3 , wherein the entry includes N pointer fields.5. The network chip of claim 4 , wherein a first pointer field of the N pointer fields for a node in the itier of the hierarchical linked list includes a pointer to the next node in the itier of the hierarchical linked list or a NULL value.6. The network chip of claim 5 , wherein a second pointer field of the N pointer fields for the node in the itier of the hierarchical linked list includes a pointer to a node in the (i+1)tier of the hierarchical linked list or a NULL value.7. The network chip of claim 6 , wherein the node in the (i+1)tier of the hierarchical linked list is the first node in a linked list.8. The network chip of claim 3 , wherein the entry includes control fields.9. The network chip of claim 8 , wherein the control fields indicate whether a copy of a packet is made and how to modify the copy relative to an original.10. The network chip of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160094356A1

A method of retransmitting a multicast message through a unicast channel in a virtual distributed storage system comprising a cluster of nodes that includes a master node and a set of agent nodes is provided. Each node maintains a copy of a directory of the virtual distributed storage system. The master node multicasts messages to the agent node through a multicast channel to update the directory. The method determines that a particular message to update the directory exceeds a maximum size limit for transmit to the agent nodes through the multicast channel. The method multicasts a retransmission trigger message from the master node to each agent node. The method receives a retransmission request message at the master node from each of the agent nodes through a unicast channel. The method sends the particular message to update the directory from the master node to each agent node through the unicast channel. 1. A method of retransmitting a multicast message through a unicast channel in a virtual distributed storage system comprising a cluster of nodes comprising a master node and a set of agent nodes , each node in the cluster of nodes maintaining a copy of a directory of the virtual distributed storage system , the master node multicasting messages to the agent nodes through a multicast channel to update the directory , the method comprising:at the master node, determining that a particular message to update the directory exceeds a maximum size limit for transmit to the agent nodes through the multicast channel, the particular message comprising an identification of the message;multicasting a retransmission trigger message from the master node to each of the agent nodes, the retransmission trigger message comprising the identification of the particular message;at the master node, receiving a retransmission request message from each of the agent nodes through a unicast channel established between the master node and the agent node; andin response to the receiving of ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160094358A1

The present invention relates to a communication technology and system converging the fifth generation (5G) communication system for supporting a data rate higher than that of the 4G system with the IoT technology. Further, the present invention is applicable to the intelligent services based on the 5G communication and IoT technologies (e.g., smart home, smart building, smart city, smart car or connected car, health care, digital education, retail, security, and safety services). In more detail, a broadcast resource congestion control method of a multi-cell/multicast coordination entity (MCE) includes receiving a message including multimedia broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) congestion information from a base station, selecting an MBMS service to be controlled based on the MBMS congestion information, and transmitting a scheduling message including first control information related to the selected MBMS service to the base station. 1. A broadcast resource congestion control method of a multi-cell/multicast coordination entity (MCE) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving a message including multimedia broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) congestion information from a base station;selecting an MBMS service to be controlled based on the MBMS congestion information; andtransmitting a scheduling message including first control information related to the selected MBMS service to the base station.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein third control information related to the first control information and second control information is transmitted from a terminal to a server.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selecting of the MBMS service comprises:determining a number of terminals interested in respective MBMS services; andselecting the MBMS service to be controlled based on the determined number of terminals and the MBMS congestion information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MBMS congestion information comprises a multicast ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210092595A1

A process for improving network performance in systems that utilize secure domain name system (DNS) schemes. Encrypted DNS requests from devices in a local area network (LAN), such as a home or office, are submitted to a local proxy which stores cached DNS records. The proxy decrypts or examines at least a portion of the DNS request in order search for a matching record in its storage. Matching records are retrieved, encrypted, and supplied to the requesting device to satisfy the DNS request. If the proxy does not contain a matching record, the DNS query is encrypted and submitted to an external DNS server for resolution. The matching record can optionally be saved by the proxy prior to being supplied to the requesting device. 1. A method comprising:receiving a domain name system (DNS) query at a secure DNS proxy (SDP) of a satellite communication system, the DNS query being encrypted using a predetermined security protocol;decrypting the DNS query;determining if a non-expired record exists for the DNS query in a storage of the SDP;supplying an encrypted copy of the record from the SDP storage in response to the received query, if the record is not expired;encrypting the DNS query;submitting the encrypted DNS query to an authoritative DNS server via a public network, if the record is expired or does not exist in the storage of the SDP;receiving an encrypted authoritative record in response to the submitted DNS query;decrypting the authoritative record;applying the predetermined security protocol to encrypt the authoritative record; andsupplying the authoritative record, encrypted with the predetermined security protocol, in response to the received DNS query.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising storing a copy of the authoritative record in the storage of the SDP.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising performing a back refresh at predetermined time intervals to update records contained in the storage of the SDP.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Powerline Communications Automotive Network

Номер: US20180091324A1

A powerline communications apparatus includes a transceiver communicating over an electrical power distribution wiring of a vehicle and a communications interface carrying a first and second PLC message in a first communication protocol having a PLC automotive network delimiter type, a PLCAN variant field comprising a number of users, user identifications, payload length, payload data, and a repetition number corresponding to a number of times the first PLC message is transmitted over the electrical power distribution wiring, and a first payload for a first user. The PLC apparatus also includes a processor and a non-transitory computer-readable medium storing programming for execution by the processor. The programming includes instructions for transmitting the first PLC message using the transceiver, determining if the vehicle is in motion, and switching between the first and the second communication protocol based on whether the vehicle is determined to be in motion. 1. A powerline communications (PLC) apparatus comprising:a transceiver configured to communicate over an electrical power distribution wiring of a vehicle; a first payload for a first user;', 'a PLC automotive network (PLCAN) delimiter type;', 'a PLCAN variant field (VF PLCAN) comprising a number of users, user identifications (IDs), payload length, payload data, and a repetition number, wherein the repetition number corresponds to a number of times the first PLC message is to be transmitted over the electrical power distribution wiring of the vehicle; and, 'a communications interface configured to carry a first PLC message in a first communication protocol, the first communication protocol comprisinga processor; and transmitting the first PLC message using the transceiver;', 'determining if the vehicle is in motion; and', 'switching between the first communication protocol and a second communication protocol based on whether the vehicle is determined to be in motion, wherein the second communication ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220141275A1

Methods, apparatuses, and systems are provided for improving utilization of the satellite communications system through various “deltacasting” techniques for handling content sets (e.g., feeds or websites). Embodiments operate in a client-server context, including a server optimizer, a client optimizer, and, in some embodiments, a pre-positioning client. Within this client-server context, content sets are multicast (e.g., anticipatorily pre-positioned in a local dictionary) to end users of the communications system and are handled at the content set level, according to set-level metadata and/or user preferences. In some embodiments, when locally stored information from the content sets is requested by a user, deltacasting techniques are used to generate fingerprints for use in identifying and exploit multicasting and/or other opportunities for increased utilization of links of the communications system.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140177512A1
Автор: Howard Paul Anthony

A method and apparatus for transmitting data to terminal devices in a wireless telecommunications system. The data may be user-plane data associated with a repeating Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Services (MBMS) session to be transmitted using MBMS over a Single Frequency Network (MBSFN) in a network including at least one relay node supported by a donor base station. The method includes delivering the data from the base station to the relay node in advance of a scheduled transmission to terminal devices at a first time, and transmitting the data from the relay node to a terminal device at the first time. The relay node is configured to store the data in a cache. The relay node may then retrieve the data from the cache in advance of a scheduled transmission to terminal devices at a second time, and transmit the retrieved data to a terminal device at the second time. 1. A method of transmitting data to terminal devices in a wireless telecommunications system comprising a base station and a relay node for the base station , the method comprising:transmitting the data from the base station to the relay node;transmitting the data from the relay node to a terminal device at a first time;storing the data in a cache at the relay node; andafter having transmitted the data to a terminal device at the first time, retrieving the data from the cache at the relay node and transmitting the data from the relay node to a terminal device at a second time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data is user plane data associated with a multimedia broadcast multicast service claim 1 , MBMS.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transmitting the data from the base station to a terminal device at a same time as transmitting the data from the relay station to a terminal device.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising conveying a cache status indicator from the relay node to the base station to indicate whether the data have been successfully stored in the cache.5. The method ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200092244A1
Автор: Melamed David

A method and system for organizing a quorum is provided. The method includes requesting, using an application on an electronic device, the formation of a quorum at a predetermined geographic location, identifying a plurality of individuals within that predetermined geographic location, and sending a notification to a secondary electronic device for each of the plurality of individuals, wherein the notification notifies each of the plurality of individuals of the predetermined geolocation of the quorum. 1. A method for organizing a quorum , comprising:requesting, using an application on an electronic device, the formation of a quorum at a predetermined geographic location;identifying a plurality of individuals within that predetermined geographic location; and 'wherein the notification notifies each of the plurality of individuals of the predetermined geolocation of the quorum.', 'sending a notification to a secondary electronic device for each of the plurality of individuals,'}2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising registering with the application on the electronic device claim 1 , the registering includes inputting identifiable information selected from the group consisting of: name; age; location; and religion.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the registering further includes indicating whether a user is able to read the Torah.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the requesting the formation of the quorum further includes:selecting a timeframe during which the quorum is to be held.5. The method as recited in claim 4 , wherein the requesting the formation of the quorum further includes:cancelling the request for the formation of the quorum if a predetermined number of users do not indicate that they are attending the quorum at the predetermined time.6. The method as recited in claim 5 , wherein the predetermined number of users is 10 users.7. The method as recited in claim 4 , wherein the requesting the formation of the quorum ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for providing a two-way, intelligent text messaging platform

Номер: US20170104702A1
Принадлежит: Signal Vine LLC

The present invention provides systems and methods for improved communication management. The present invention provides a platform for providing intuitive, semi-automated, large-scale, two-way text messaging communication between a client or customer (e.g., business or company) and participants/recipients tied to, or otherwise associated or registered with a service provided by the client or customer. The platform provides a consolidated web-based interface with which the client/customer may interact to manage the handling of participant data and to further manage the transmission of targeted outgoing text messages to one or more participants. The web-based interface further allows for the client/customer to automate the handling of an incoming text messages and data associated therewith, including, but not limited to, database updates, creation of automated responses to incoming text messages, and other actions, such as analysis of participant engagement based on participant response and output of engagement metrics.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Displaying Notifications for Starting a Session at a Time that is Different than a Scheduled Start Time

Номер: US20210105149A1

A system provides a notification associated with joining a communication session based on trigger events other than a scheduled start time for the communication session. The notification informs the recipient user of current contextual information associated with the communication session and to provide the user with an effective and efficient way to join the communication session (a.k.a., the meeting). The contextual information may indicate that some other user has initiated the communication session (e.g., is the first to join the communication session), that a predefined user has joined the communication session (e.g., a user's manager has joined), and/or that a topic of interest has been brought up during the communication session (e.g., one or more users start speaking about the topic). As described herein, the notification(s) can be provided based on occurrences of different types of events that occur at times that are different than a scheduled start time. 1. A system comprising:one or more processing units; and access calendar data that defines a scheduled start time for a communication session and an invitee list for the communication session, wherein the invitee list identifies at least a first user and a second user;', 'receive, at a time that is different than the scheduled start time, an indication that the second user has joined the communication session via a second device;', (i) information indicating that the second user has joined the communication session, and', '(ii) a user interface element that is selectable to generate a join request on behalf of the first user;, 'transmit, in response to receiving the indication, a notification to a first device associated with the first user, wherein the notification causes the first device to display, 'receive the join request based on a selection of the user interface element; and', 'communicate, responsive to the join request, data to the first device and to the second device to facilitate the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200100213A1

Various communication systems may benefit from a dynamic streaming service. For example, certain streaming services may benefit from an improvement in the switching between broadcast delivery and unicast delivery for a streaming service in a cellular system. A method includes receiving information about a streaming service. The method also includes determining by a network entity in a radio access network whether to deliver data for the streaming service via multimedia broadcast or unicast based on the information and predetermined criteria for evaluating the information. In addition, the method includes triggering a sending of the data via the multimedia broadcast or the unicast. 1. A method comprising:receiving information about a streaming service;determining by a network entity in a radio access network whether to deliver data for the streaming service via multimedia broadcast or unicast based on the information and predetermined criteria for evaluating the information; and triggering a sending of the data via the multimedia broadcast or the unicast.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:triggering a switching between a multimedia broadcast to a unicast, and between a unicast to a multicast broadcast, based on the information and the predetermined criteria for evaluating the information.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:suspending multicast traffic channels, when switching between a multimedia broadcast to a unicast based on the information and the predetermined criteria for evaluating the information.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the criteria comprises at least a size of a broadcast area of a network claim 1 , distribution of a plurality of user equipment in the broadcast area or plurality of cells in the network claim 1 , a number of the plurality of user equipment connected to a radio resource control in each of the cells of the broadcast area.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the streaming ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200106631A1

In one example embodiment, a server generates a candidate instantiation of virtual applications among a plurality of hosts in a data center to support a multicast stream. The server provides, to a first set of agents corresponding to a first set of the plurality of hosts, a command to initiate a test multicast stream. The server provides, to a second set of agents corresponding to a second set of the plurality of hosts, a command to join the test multicast stream. The server obtains, from the second set of agents, a message indicating whether the second set of agents received the test multicast stream. If the message indicates that the second set of agents received the test multicast stream, the server causes the virtual applications to be instantiated in accordance with the candidate instantiation of the virtual applications. 1. A method comprising:generating a candidate instantiation of virtual applications among a plurality of hosts in a data center to support a multicast stream;providing, to a first set of agents corresponding to a first set of the plurality of hosts, a command to initiate a test multicast stream;providing, to a second set of agents corresponding to a second set of the plurality of hosts, a command to join the test multicast stream;obtaining, from the second set of agents, a message indicating whether the second set of agents received the test multicast stream; andif the message indicates that the second set of agents received the test multicast stream, causing the virtual applications to be instantiated in accordance with the candidate instantiation of the virtual applications.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one agent of the first set of agents and the second set of agents is deployed on the plurality of hosts.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one agent of the first set of agents and the second set of agents is deployed on a top-of-rack switch of a rack housing at least one host of the plurality of hosts.4. The method of ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150124668A1

A method and apparatus for content multicasting and broadcasting and data unicasting in a broadband multicarrier wireless communication system. A base station is configured to transmit, and a mobile station is configured to receive, a sequence of consecutive frames. The frames comprise two types: frames containing time-frequency resources for content multicasting and broadcasting via a single frequency network, and frames containing time-frequency resources for data unicasting without the use of a single frequency network. The two types of frames are intermixed in accordance with an intermixing configuration pattern. The intermixing configuration pattern is indicated by a bit-map contained in a scheduling signal. 1. A receiving method for a mobile station in a multi-cell wireless system using a frame structure , each frame containing a plurality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols , the method comprising:receiving a sequence of consecutive frames, the sequence of consecutive frames comprising a plurality of first frames and a plurality of second frames that are intermixed in accordance with an intermixing configuration pattern, each of the first frames containing time-frequency resources used for content multicasting or broadcasting (MB) via a single frequency network (SFN) that is comprised of base stations in multiple cells transmitting the same MB content using OFDM and employing a same time and frequency resource, and each of the second frames containing time-frequency resources used for data unicasting without the use of a SFN;receiving a scheduling signal containing a bit-map that indicates the intermixing configuration pattern of the received first and second frames by using “1” in the bit-map to represent a first frame and a “0” in the bit-map to represent a second frame, or a “1” in the bit-map to represent a first frame and a “0” in the bit-map to represent a second frame; andutilizing the received bit-map to identify the first and ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150124692A1

Diversity enhancement for multiple carrier systems is disclosed which includes generation of a multiplexed multicarrier radio frequency (RF) signal having N carriers organized to be accessed at a rate of one carrier access per multicast channel (MCH) scheduling period (MSP) per carrier of the N carriers, thereby requiring N accesses per MSP duration across the N carriers. The method may also include the base station transmitting the RF signal to a user equipment (UE). In other aspects, the diversity enhancements include the UE receiving a multiplexed multicarrier RF signal having N carriers. The UE may access the N carriers by performing one carrier access per MSP per carrier of the N carriers, thereby performing N accesses per MSP duration across the N carriers. 1. A method of wireless communication , the method comprising:receiving, by a user equipment (UE), a multiplexed multicarrier radio frequency (RF) signal having N carriers; andaccessing, by the UE, the N carriers by performing one carrier access per multicast channel (MCH) scheduling period (MSP) per carrier of the N carriers, thereby performing N accesses per MSP duration across the N carriers.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the MSPs and respective MCH scheduling information (MSI) thereof are staggered in time across the N carriers.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein an order of multicast transport channels (MTCHs) within each MSP is fixed in relative terms across the N carriers within respective MSP durations thereof claim 2 , and wherein the accessing the N carriers includes inferring an MSI for one of the N carriers from another MSI for another of the N carriers based on static time offset across the N carriers between respective multicast transport channels (MTCHs) of the N carriers.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein positions of non-hopping multicast transport channels (MTCHs) are fixed relative to positions of frequency hopping MTCHs across the N carriers within the respective MSP durations thereof ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210144023A1
Принадлежит: Neo Wireless LLC

A mobile station may comprise a receiver configured to receive, from a base station, a broadcast signal indicating a first subframe configuration for use in an uplink direction and a downlink direction and a second subframe configuration for use in at least a downlink direction. The mobile station may be configured to receive first downlink data and transmit first uplink data, during a single subframe of one or more radio frames, using the first subframe configuration. The mobile station may receive second downlink data, during a single subframe of the one or more radio frames, using the second subframe configuration. The first subframe configuration and the second subframe configuration may be different OFDM subframe configurations and a first subframe configured in accordance with the first subframe configuration and a second subframe configured in accordance with the second subframe configuration may have a same duration. 1. A mobile station comprising:a receiver configured to receive, from a base station, a broadcast signal indicating a first subframe configuration for use in an uplink direction and a downlink direction and a second subframe configuration for use in at least a downlink direction;the mobile station configured to receive first downlink data and transmit first uplink data, during a single subframe of one or more radio frames, using the first subframe configuration;the mobile station configured to receive second downlink data, during a single subframe of the one or more radio frames, using the second subframe configuration;wherein the first subframe configuration and the second subframe configuration are different orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) subframe configurations and a first subframe configured in accordance with the first subframe configuration and a second subframe configured in accordance with the second subframe configuration have a same duration.2. The mobile station of claim 1 , wherein the first uplink data is ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180123814A1

A team collaboration tool can create a new meeting object, wherein the new meeting object is associated with a thread. The new meeting object can be a scheduled meeting object, a live meeting object, or a meeting ended object. In response to receiving a request for a scheduled meeting object for a meeting, a system can determine at least a start time and a thread identifier for the scheduled meeting object, create the scheduled meeting object with at least the start time; and store, at a persistent team collaboration storage, the scheduled meeting object associated with the thread identifier. At the start time of the scheduled meeting object, the system can create the live meeting object; and after the meeting ends, the system can create the meeting ended object and store the meeting ended object associated with the thread identifier. 1. A computer-implemented method for online meetings in team collaboration tools , the method comprising:receiving, at a team collaboration server, a request for a scheduled meeting object for a meeting from a team collaboration client of a plurality of team collaboration clients;determining at least a start time of the meeting and a thread identifier for the scheduled meeting object;creating the scheduled meeting object with at least the start time; andstoring, at a persistent team collaboration storage, the scheduled meeting object associated with the thread identifier such that the scheduled meeting object is within a thread identified by the thread identifier.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, at the team collaboration server, a chat object from any of the plurality of the team collaboration clients; andstoring the chat object associated with the thread identifier at the persistent team collaboration storage.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the chat object is received before the request for the scheduled meeting object claim 2 , the scheduled meeting object being stored as a subsequent chat object in a ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180124742A1
Автор: Dolan Michael F.
Принадлежит: Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

In one example embodiment, a method includes allocating resources for a common Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (MBMS) bearer, transmitting MBMS information to a plurality of user equipments (UEs), the MBMS information identifying the allocated resources for the common MBMS bearer, receiving a request to transmit content information using the common MBMS bearer and receiving the content information and transmitting the content information to the UEs using the common MBMS bearer 1. A method comprising:allocating resources for a common Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (MBMS) bearer;transmitting MBMS information to a plurality of user equipments (UEs), the MBMS information identifying the allocated resources for the common MBMS bearer;receiving a request to transmit content information using the common MBMS bearer and receiving the content information; andtransmitting the content information to the UEs using the common MBMS bearer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the request to transmit includes a schedule.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the request to transmit includes a multi-transmit factor.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:segmenting the content information, whereinthe transmitting the content information transmits the segmented content information to the UEs.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the segmenting includes claim 4 ,generating a preamble, the preamble includes segmentation information identifying a segmentation protocol.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the preamble includes address information of a sender of the content information.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving requests for registration for the common MBMS bearer from the plurality of UEs.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the requests are received at a Broadcast Multicast Service Center (BM-SC).9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving requests to transmit application contents from a plurality of applications, respectively; ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Conferencing system

Номер: US20190123591A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A method of charging wireless peripheral devices within a conferencing system. The method includes, with a conference controller, identifying a plurality of sets of peripheral devices in communication with the conference controller, and wirelessly charging the sets of peripheral devices based on a number of policies that define prioritization of charging of the sets of peripheral devices.

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140211796A1

A communication device, a multicast control method, and a scheduling control method are disclosed. The communication device includes: a decoding buffer that stores a first multicast packet received from a first node and a second multicast packet received from a second node; an encoder that performs network coding of the first and second multicast packets; and a transmitter that transmits the network-coded packets output from the encoder to the first node and the second node. 1. A communication device comprising:a decoding buffer that stores a first multicast packet received from a first node and a second multicast packet received from a second node;an encoder that performs network coding of the first and second multicast packets; anda transmitter that transmits the network-coded packets output from the encoder to the first node and the second node.2. The communication device of claim 1 , wherein the communication device further comprises a queue that is separate from the decoding buffer and is matched to buffer nodes having multicast packets and a destination node to store the multicast packets.3. The communication device of claim 2 , further comprising a scheduler that schedules transmission priority of each of the first and second multicast packets by using the number of packets stored in the queue and the set of all cases where the destination node is divided into a plurality of subsets claim 2 , and combines the scheduling results of the first and second multicast packets together to schedule the transmission priority of the network-coded packets.4. The communication device of claim 3 , wherein the scheduler calculates a scheduling weighted value of the network-coded packets by calculating a scheduling weighted value of the first multicast packet and a scheduling weighted value of the second multicast packet and adding the calculated weighted values together.5. The communication device of claim 4 , wherein the scheduler compares the scheduling weighted value of ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210160321A1
Автор: Dress William
Принадлежит: LightFleet Corporation

A data distribution system includes a data distribution module and at least two host-bus adapters coupled to the data distribution module. The data distribution system includes a memory-management system including a plurality of memory regions. The memory-management system is coherent across the plurality of memory regions and an absolute address of each of the plurality of memory regions accessed by a same offset. 1. A method , comprising operating a data distribution system including a multicast mechanism , and a data distribution module connected between at least two host-bus adapters , wherein the host-bus adapters mediate between hosts and the data distribution module , wherein the data distribution system includes a memory-management system including a group memory including a plurality of memory regions located in the data distribution module and the at least two host-bus adapters including:initializing a memory-management system that is coherent across the group memory and the plurality of memory regions;accessing an absolute address of each of the plurality of memory regions by a same offset using tables in the at least two host-bus adapters and the data distribution module; and,wherein the multicast mechanism ensures that data packets containing identical copies of relevant information exit the data distribution module in a simultaneous fashion and thereby reach all local host-bus adapters at nearly a same time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of memory regions include heterogeneous memory regions.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:dividing the group memory into a plurality of pages;providing an entry for each page of the plurality of pages; and,providing a separate read request and a separate write command for each page of the plurality of pages.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the memory-management system provides absolute memory coherency across the group memory and the plurality of memory regions.5. An apparatus claim 1 , ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Deterministic and optimized bit index explicit replication (bier) forwarding

Номер: US20160134535A1
Автор: Ross Callon
Принадлежит: Juniper Networks Inc

A network device creates multiple forwarding tables, and each forwarding table includes information associated with a first set of destinations and a second set of destinations. The first set of destinations is different than the second set of destinations. The network device determines, for each forwarding table, next hops for the first set of destinations, and determines, for each forwarding table, equal cost multipath next hops for the second set of destinations. The network device populates the multiple forwarding tables with information associated with the next hops and the equal cost multipath next hops, and the multiple forwarding tables are used to forward a multicast packet toward multiple destinations.

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for managing simultaneous unicast and multicast/broadcast services in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20150139063A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Techniques are provided for managing simultaneous unicast and multicast/broadcast services. For example, there is provided a method operable by a user equipment (UE) or the like, that involves transmitting, upon initial connection with a wireless communication system, a first message indicating one or more capabilities of the UE. The method may further involve transmitting a second message indicating that the UE is receiving or is about to receive a multicast/broadcast service. The method may also involve receiving, as a result of the second message, data scheduled in accordance with one or more predetermined rules.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Forward error correction recovery and reconstruction

Номер: US20180131466A1

A method, a system, and a non-transitory storage medium provides to receive multicast protocol packets, wherein each of the multicast protocol packets includes one of a slice of program data of a Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) (MPEG-DASH) segment and a header of the slice that indicates sequence information of the slice relative to other slices, or forward error correction data; order, in response to the receipt of the multicast protocol packets, each slice received based on the sequence information; determine whether any slice is missing that is a part of the MPEG-DASH segment; determine, in response to a determination that that there are missing slices, whether the missing slices can be recovered; and use, in response to a determination that the missing slices can be recovered, the forward error correction data to recover the missing slices.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170134472A1
Автор: Wang Liang, YE Xiaoyang

Disclosed are a method and device for scheduling a protocol stack in a telepresence system. The scheduling method includes: a telepresence endpoint acquiring a first state of an H.323 protocol stack and a second state of a third-party protocol stack, herein, the third-party protocol stack is used for performing interaction and negotiation on new characteristic parameters of the telepresence system, and the new characteristic parameters are different from contents for performing capability negotiation through the H.323 protocol stack in the telepresence system; the telepresence endpoint scheduling the H.323 protocol stack and/or the third-party protocol stack to execute a corresponding internal processing action according to a preset scheduling rule based on the first state and/or second state. 1. A method for scheduling a protocol stack in a remote presentation system , comprising:a remote presentation endpoint acquiring a first state of an H.323 protocol stack and a second state of a third-party protocol stack, wherein, the third-party protocol stack is used for performing interaction and negotiation on new characteristic parameters of the remote presentation system, and the new characteristic parameters are different from contents for performing capability negotiation through the H.323 protocol stack in the remote presentation system; andthe remote presentation endpoint scheduling the H.323 protocol stack and/or the third-party protocol stack to execute a corresponding processing action according to a preset scheduling rule based on the first state and/or the second state.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the remote presentation endpoint scheduling the H.323 protocol stack and/or the third-party protocol stack to execute a corresponding processing action according to a preset scheduling rule based on the first state and/or the second state comprises:when the first state and/or the second state is changed, the remote presentation endpoint ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220278804A1
Автор: WANG Shukun

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide an information indication method and apparatus, a terminal device and a network device, the method includes: a terminal device receives first indication information sent by a network device, where the first indication information is used to indicate at least one of the following: a first MBMS service requiring to be received by a connected-state terminal device; a first MBMS service requiring HARQ feedback to be performed; a first MBMS service requiring CSI reporting to be performed; or a first MBMS service requiring beam management to be performed. 1. An information indication method , the method comprising:receiving, by a terminal device, first indication information sent by a network device, wherein the first indication information is used to indicate at least one of the following:a first multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) service requiring to be received by a connected-state terminal device;a first MBMS service requiring hybrid automatic repeat request (HARM) feedback to be performed;a first MBMS service requiring channel state information (CSI) reporting to be performed; ora first MBMS service requiring beam management to be performed.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises:sending, by the terminal device, second indication information to the network device after the terminal device enters the connected state, wherein the second indication information is used to indicate identification information of the first MBMS service which the terminal device is prepared to receive or is receiving.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the identification information of the first MBMS service comprises at least one of the following: a group radio network temporary identity (G-RNTI) claim 2 , a temporary mobile group identity (TMGI) or session identification.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the method further comprises:receiving, by the terminal device, configuration ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Conference access method and terminal for performing the same

Номер: US20190132369A1
Принадлежит: Samsung SDS Co Ltd

Provided are a conference access method and a terminal for performing the same. A terminal according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes: an interface configured to receive a plurality of different access addresses for access to a conference from a conference server; an access attempter configured to attempt to simultaneously access the conference via each of the plurality of access addresses; and a priority allocator configured to collect an access result for each of the plurality of access addresses, and to allocate an access priority to each of the plurality of access addresses based on the access result, wherein the access attempter attempts to access the conference via an access address having a highest access priority among the plurality of access addresses.

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210167981A1
Принадлежит: Neo Wireless LLC

A method performed by a mobile station may comprise receiving information indicating subchannels for transmission of CQIs, in a communication system having an uplink bandwidth divided into subchannels and a time domain having frames divided into subframes having a same time duration. Each subframe may have a plurality of OFDM symbols. The method may further comprise periodically transmitting CQI in subframes based on a subframe number and in subchannels based on the information indicating the subchannels. The mobile station may receive a poll to transmit a CQI and may transmit a CQI in a subframe based on the poll. The mobile station may receive an OFDM signal including a first packet having a header portion including a plurality of second packets, each of the plurality of second packets having a header portion. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a mobile station, information indicating subchannels for transmission of channel quality indices (CQIs), in a communication system having an uplink bandwidth divided into subchannels and a time domain having frames divided into subframes having a same time duration, each subframe having a plurality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols;periodically transmitting, by the mobile station, CQI in subframes based on a subframe number and in subchannels based on the information indicating the subchannels;receiving, by the mobile station, a poll for the mobile station to transmit a CQI;transmitting, by the mobile station, a CQI in a subframe based on the poll; andreceiving, by the mobile station, an OFDM signal, wherein the OFDM signal includes a first packet having a header portion, wherein the first packet includes a plurality of second packets, wherein each of the plurality of second packets has a header portion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first packet comprises a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of the packet.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least two of the plurality of second packets ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140226660A1

An embodiment may include circuitry that may facilitate, at least in part, assignment, at least in part, of at least one bandwidth reservation for at least one packet stream and/or at least one stream reservation class. The at least one bandwidth reservation may be greater than an expected communication bandwidth of the at least one packet stream. The assignment of the at least one bandwidth reservation may be made prior to commencement of communication of the at least one packet stream. The at least one bandwidth reservation may be assigned exclusively to the at least one packet stream and/or the at least one stream reservation class. Many modifications, variations, and alternatives are possible without departing from this embodiment. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising:circuitry to facilitate, at least in part, assignment, at least in part, of at least one bandwidth reservation for at least one of at least one packet stream and at least one stream reservation class, the at least one bandwidth reservation being greater than an expected communication bandwidth of the at least one packet stream, the assignment of the at least one bandwidth reservation to be made prior to commencement of communication of the at least one packet stream, the at least one bandwidth reservation to be assigned to the at least one of the at least one packet stream and the at least one stream reservation class, the at least one bandwidth reservation being made, at least in part, with involvement of at least one process residing, at least in part, in a network administrator.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein:the at least one bandwidth reservation is made for an entire communication path from at least one sender to at least one listener.23. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein:the at least one bandwidth reservation is made, at least in part, by one or more intermediate devices.24. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein:the at least one bandwidth reservation includes a bandwidth ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220286229A1
Автор: JR. Jonathan G., Rossie

Techniques are described for safely overwriting decided slots and in-order fault tolerant consensus logs for replicated services. Using techniques described herein, a broad class of already-existing consensus log protocols may be enhanced/extended to safely overwrite decided slots and provide in-order fault tolerant consensus logs. When changing to a different epoch of a consensus log, slots determined to be unreachable may be changed/deleted even if slots after the gap were decided. A sequencer protocol establishes distributed consensus among a group of services. The sequencer protocol provides in-order execution of messages from multiple clients, and flow control from within the sequencer protocol, without offloading de-duplicate and reorder (DDRO) logic to the application layer. Fault tolerance is provided by egress cursors and ingress cursors, which provide awareness of which specific messages from each client sender should be executed next, even if those messages are not presently in the consensus log. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, at a sequencer process associated with implementing a consensus log, a message that indicates a proposal of initial log assignments for slots of the consensus log to transition the consensus log from a first epoch to a second epoch, wherein the sequencer process implements a consensus protocol and maintains a copy of the consensus log;storing the initial log assignments for the second epoch while maintaining current log assignments for the first epoch;determining that the second epoch is activated; andactivating the initial log assignments for the second epoch, wherein one or more previously decided slots associated with the first epoch are overwritten when the second epoch is activated.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising maintaining claim 1 , at the sequencer process claim 1 , first data that indicates a highest activated epoch claim 1 , and wherein determining that the second epoch is activated is based claim 1 , at ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210175998A1
Автор: Chang Henry, KALHAN Amit

A first transceiver station broadcasts information to machine type communication (MTC) devices in the coverage area of the transceiver station using layered modulation where MTC devices receiving the broadcast above a signal quality threshold can recover the MTC information by applying a high modulation order. MTC devices receiving the broadcast below the quality threshold, recover a portion of the MTC information by applying a lower modulation order and recover the remaining portion of the MTC information transmitted from a second transceiver. 1. A method comprising:broadcasting, from a first transceiver station, machine type communication (MTC) information in a first transmission using layered modulation such that a first MTC device receiving the first transmission above a signal quality threshold can recover the MTC information using a high modulation order and such that a second MTC device receiving the first transmission below the signal quality threshold can recover a portion of the MTC information using a lower modulation order lower than the high modulation order; andbroadcasting, from a second transceiver station, a remaining portion of the MTC information in a second transmission such that the second MTC device receiving the second transmission can recover the remaining portion of the MTC information to recover the MTC information.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transmitting sequence information indicating a sequence order of coded bits in at least one transmission of the first transmission and second transmission.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the transmitting the sequence information comprises transmitting the sequence information as control information within at least one of a Multicast Control Channel (MCCH) claim 2 , a Single Cell Multicast Control Channel (SC-MCCH) and System Information.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the broadcasting claim 1 , from the second transceiver station claim 1 , the remaining portion of the MTC ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180145841A1

In one embodiment, a device in a network sends a first multicast message to a plurality of destinations in the network. The first multicast message includes a first bitmap that identifies the destinations. The device receives one or more acknowledgements from a subset of the destinations. The device determines a retransmission bitmap that identifies those of the plurality of destinations that did not acknowledge the first multicast message, based on the received one or more acknowledgements. The device sends a retransmission multicast message to those of the plurality of destinations that did not acknowledge the first multicast message. The retransmission multicast message includes the retransmission bitmap. 1. A method comprising:assigning, by a device in a network, each node in the network to a specific bit of a bitmap that represents devices in the network;sending, by the device, a first multicast message to a plurality of destinations in the network, wherein the first multicast message includes a first bitmap that identifies the destinations, the first bitmap identifying a particular destination in the plurality of destinations to which the first multicast message is sent by the corresponding specific bit in the first bitmap that is set by the device;receiving, at the device, one or more acknowledgements including acknowledgement bitmaps from a subset of the destinations, each acknowledgement bitmap identifying a particular destination in the plurality of destinations that acknowledged receipt of the first multicast message, and at least one of the acknowledgments including an aggregated acknowledgement bitmap determined by a node in the network by aggregation of individual acknowledgement bitmaps received from the destinations and uniquely identifying the destinations;determining, by the device, a retransmission bitmap that identifies those of the plurality of destinations that did not acknowledge the first multicast message, based on the received one or more ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170149579A1
Автор: Krause Michael R

A method includes transmitting, from a first component of an electronic device, a first transaction associated with a first sequence number to a second component of the electronic device based on a multicast protocol. The first transaction is independent of an Internet protocol. The method also includes receiving an acknowledgement message that corresponds to a positive acknowledgment message or a negative acknowledgement message. The method further includes in response to receiving the negative acknowledgement message, retransmitting the first transaction to the second component using the first sequence number based on the multicast protocol. 1. A method comprising:transmitting, from a first component of an electronic device, a first transaction associated with a first sequence number to a second component of the electronic device based on a multicast protocol, wherein the first transaction is independent of an Internet protocol;receiving an positive acknowledgement (PACK) message associated with the first transaction from the second component based on the multicast protocol when the second component receives the first transaction without an error;receiving a negative acknowledgement (NACK) message associated with the first transaction from the second component based on the multicast protocol when the second component receives the first transaction with a detected error; andin response to receiving the NACK message, retransmitting the first transaction to the second component using the first sequence number based on the multicast protocol.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first transaction includes an operation code (OpCode) field and a tag field claim 1 , wherein when a value of the OpCode field directs the second component to perform a bidirectional operation claim 1 , a value of the tag field correlates a response generated by the second component to the bidirectional operation claim 1 , and wherein when the value of the OpCode field directs the second ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service in a mobile communication system

Номер: US20140233452A1

The present invention relates to a method and device for receiving a multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) in a mobile communication system. The method for receiving the MBMS of a terminal in the mobile communication system according to an embodiment of the present invention is characterized in that it includes: determining whether service area ID (SAI) information on a serving cell is broadcast during the MBMS; receiving the SAI information on the serving cell when it is determined that the SAI information is broadcast; determining, by using the received SAI information of the serving cell, whether an SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell; and changing the cell reselection priority of the frequency of the serving cell to the highest priority if it is determined that the SAI of the MBMS matches the SAI of the serving cell. According to the present invention, it is possible to efficiently receive MBMS services by enabling a terminal to select a proper frequency or cell when an MBMS service of interest starts.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200145243A1
Принадлежит: VMWARE, INC.

A method for a parallel execution of services of a serial service chain on packets using multicast-based service insertion is disclosed. In an embodiment, the method comprises identifying a plurality of services to be applied to packets of a data flow and determining a plurality of service machines that are configured to provide the plurality of services for the data flow. The plurality of service machines is grouped to a plurality of multicast groups; wherein multicast groups in the plurality of multicast groups are sequentially ordered from a first multicast group that includes a largest count of service machines to a last multicast group that includes a smallest count of service machines. Upon detecting a packet of the data flow, the is stored in memory, and multicast to the first multicast group of the plurality of multicast groups to cause applying, in parallel, services of service machines included in the first multicast group to the packet. Once a plurality of responses is received from service machines that belong to the first multicast group, the plurality of responses is used to determine whether service processing of the packet is completed. In response to determining that service processing of the packet is completed, the packet is disposed according the plurality of responses and without multicasting the packet to any other multicast group of the plurality of multicast groups. 1. A method comprising:identifying a plurality of services to be applied to packets of a data flow;determining a plurality of service machines that are configured to provide the plurality of services for the data flow;grouping the plurality of service machines to a plurality of multicast groups; wherein multicast groups in the plurality of multicast groups are sequentially ordered from a first multicast group that includes a largest count of service machines to a last multicast group that includes a smallest count of service machines;detecting a packet of the data flow and storing ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150163045A1

An energy efficient Ethernet physical layer (PHY) device including an EEE control module configured to generate a control signal to transition the PHY device into a low power consumption mode based an operating condition, and a pause frame generator module responsive to the control signals to generate a pause frame. The pause frame generator module is configured to send the pause frame to a media access control (MAC) device to reduce an incoming flow of data packets from the MAC device to the PHY device for a pause time duration. In operation, the pause frame generator module generates the pause frame including a pause time indicating the length of time for the PHY device to be in the low power consumption mode. The value of the pause time for each pause frame is determined adaptively based on the type of data traffic to be transmitted from the PHY device. 1. An energy efficient Ethernet (EEE) physical layer device for a wired Ethernet network equipment to be coupled to a media access control device , comprising:an EEE control module configured to generate one or more control signals to transition the physical layer device for a wired Ethernet network equipment into a low power consumption mode based on one or more operating conditions; anda pause frame generator module coupled to the EEE control module and responsive to the one or more control signals to generate a pause frame including a pause time, the pause frame generator module being configured to send the pause frame to the associated media access control device to reduce an incoming flow of data packets from the media access control device to the physical layer device for the duration of the pause time,wherein the pause frame generator module generates the pause frame comprising the pause time indicating the length of time for the physical layer device to be in the low power consumption mode, the value of the pause time for each pause frame being determined adaptively based on the type of data traffic to be ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150163066A1

A network-initiated teleconferencing system and method. In one embodiment, teleconference setup information is received pursuant to a setup request for a teleconference generated by an organizer using a messaging module. A messaging server system associated with the messaging module is monitored to obtain retrieve teleconference state information. Relative to a scheduled time, notifications are sent to personal communication devices of one or more participants (external participants, internal participants, or a combination thereof), including the organizer, for receiving consent. Upon receiving one or more consent confirmations from the one or more participants indicative of accepting a call initiated by a network, a call handling process may be invoked to initiate calls to the one or more participants for establishing the teleconference at the scheduled time. 1. A teleconferencing method operative at an application server node , the method comprising:receiving teleconference setup information pursuant to a setup request for a teleconference generated by an organizer using a messaging module;monitoring a messaging server system associated with the messaging module to obtain teleconference state information including at least one of scheduling information and a list of participants agreeing to attend the teleconference;causing notifications to be generated, relative to a scheduled time, to personal communication devices of one or more participants including the organizer;receiving one or more consent confirmations from the one or more participants indicative of accepting a call initiated by a network call handling process; andinvoking the network call handling process to initiate calls to the one or more participants for establishing the teleconference at the scheduled time.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , the notifications are caused to be generated using one or more cloud messaging services.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the teleconference setup ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210184880A1
Принадлежит: Neo Wireless LLC

A device for operation in a wireless network may comprise a transmitter configured to transmit protocol information to a plurality of base stations. The protocol information may comprise resource scheduling information and sequence number information. The resource scheduling information may include a bitmap which indicates whether subchannels are organized consecutively or whether subchannels are distributed. The sequence number information may allow the plurality of base stations to sequentially order received packets. The transmitter may be further configured to transmit data, to the plurality of base stations, in accordance with the resource scheduling information and the sequence number information. 1. A device for operation in a wireless network , the device comprising:a transmitter configured to transmit protocol information to a plurality of base stations, wherein the protocol information comprises resource scheduling information and sequence number information, wherein the resource scheduling information includes a bitmap which indicates whether subchannels are organized consecutively or whether subchannels are distributed, wherein the sequence number information allows the plurality of base stations to sequentially order received packets; andthe transmitter further configured to transmit data, to the plurality of base stations, in accordance with the resource scheduling information and the sequence number information.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the sequence number information is information of a space which is shared among the plurality of base stations.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a receiver configured to receive a response to the transmitted data, based on the sequence number information, and perform a retransmission.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the protocol information is included in a plurality of packets sent from the device to the plurality of base stations claim 1 , wherein the plurality of packets each include a cyclic ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Deletion of blocks in a blockchain

Номер: US20190155513A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

In a mechanism for deleting blocks from a blockchain, a retention period (T), a minimum number of blocks (L), and a hash of the oldest block are defined. A participant node creates the new block including a block header. The participant node determines whether a timestamp in an oldest block in the blockchain is older than a current time plus T, and whether a current number of blocks in the blockchain is greater than or equal to L. When both are true, the participant node deletes an oldest block in the blockchain. The participant node adds a hash of an oldest remaining block and an original number of blocks of the blockchain to the block header of the new block. The participant node broadcasts a message announcing the new block to remaining participant nodes of the plurality of participant nodes.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190158313A1

The present invention provides a method for high-security data transmission of a blockchain. First, a source node device broadcasts a data packet to at least one destination node device and at least two cooperative node devices in the blockchain. The data packet includes a random variable and a transmission data. The cooperative node devices further forward the data packet to the destination node device. When the number of data packets received by the destination node device is equal to the random variable, the cooperative node device sends a report signal to the source node device, and the source node device broadcasts a stop broadcasting request to the blockchain, then the other node devices stop forwarding data packets to the destination node device, and finally the destination node device compares the transmission data of the data packet and selects the data packet with the same transmission data packet to store. 1. A method for high-security data transmission of a blockchain , comprising steps:a source node device broadcasting a data packet to at least one destination node device, wherein said data packet has a random variable and a piece of transmission data;at least two cooperative node devices in said blockchain receiving said data packet broadcasted and further forwarding said data packet to said destination node device to make said destination node device receive said data packet once again;while a number of said data packets, which are transmitted by said source node device and said cooperative node devices and received by said destination node device, is equal to said random variable, said destination node device sending a report signal to said source node device to enable said source node device to broadcast a stop broadcasting request to said blockchain to make other node devices in said blockchain stop forwarding said data packet to said destination node device; andsaid destination node device comparing said transmission data of said data packets, ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Per-Session Invocation of Priority Services Based Upon Network Available Information

Номер: US20190158449A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Concepts and technologies disclosed herein are directed to per-session invocation of priority services based upon network available information. A service architecture can include a service architecture core and a service execution runtime framework in which a priority service application is executable to perform operations to provide a priority service for a communications session. The priority service application can determine whether a priority service should be invoked for the communications session based upon priority criteria. If a determination is made that the priority service is to be invoked for the communications session based upon the priority criteria, the priority service application can invoke the priority service for the communications session. If a determination is made that the priority service is not to be invoked for the communications session based upon the priority criteria, the priority service application can cause the communications session to be coordinated without the priority service. 1. A system comprising:a processor; and storing, for an entity, a plurality of personal and non-personal personas, wherein each persona of the plurality of personal and non-personal personas allows the entity to be associated with different selectable communications services using a same entity identifier,', 'creating a priority service persona for the entity,', 'saving, for the entity, the priority service persona with the plurality of personal and non-personal personas, wherein the priority service persona is associated with a priority communications service that, when used for a communications session that involves the same entity identifier, causes a priority treatment to be applied to the communications session,', 'receiving a request to invoke the priority communications service for the communications session, wherein the request comprises the priority service persona that identifies the priority treatment to be applied to the communications session, ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for receiving broadcast information in an ofdm communication system

Номер: US20210195556A1
Принадлежит: Neo Wireless LLC

A method for receiving broadcast information in an OFDM communication system may comprise receiving, by a mobile station, a periodically broadcast scheduling message from a base station which indicates for each type of a plurality of types of broadcast information included in broadcast information, a pattern of frames to monitor for the type of broadcast information and indicates a length of time to monitor. The mobile station may monitor for information corresponding to at least one of the plurality of types of broadcast information, based on the periodically broadcast scheduling message.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

System and method for delivering content over a multicast network

Номер: US20160173547A1

A system for delivering content over a network includes a server. The server is configured to divide the content into multiple segments, to create multiple data streams using the segments of the content, and to transmit each of the data streams via a respective multicast session, wherein a copy of each of the multiple segments is transmitted during a single time slot of the multicast session.

15-06-2017 дата публикации

"Slow-Start" Problem in Data Center Networks and a Potential Solution

Номер: US20170171067A1
Принадлежит: Cisco Technology Inc

Systems and methods are provided for a multicast based solution to solving the slow-start problem that ensures both optimal (1-hop) and in-sequence delivery of packets to the destination. Packets are hardware switched thereby completely eliminating the slow software switching path.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190166186A1
Автор: Choi Wan, SONG Hojin

Provided is a non-orthogonal multicast transmission for asynchronous data requests. In a multicast transmission method of multicasting data to a plurality of user devices belonging to a base station, the method may include: receiving a request for transmitting a file from user device belonging to the base station; unicasting the requested file to the user device ; receiving a request for transmitting the file unicast to the user device from user device belonging to the base station; and switching to multicast and multicasting the file after unicasting the file to the user device and the user device for a certain time. 1. A multicast transmission method performed by a base station , the method comprising:receiving, by a file request reception unit, a request for transmitting a file from a first user device at a first time point;receiving, by the file request reception unit, a request for transmitting the file from a second user device at a second time point after receiving the request for transmitting the file from the first user device;transmitting, by a unicast control unit, the file to the first user device in a first period between the first time point and the second time point;transmitting, by the unicast control unit, the file to each of the first user device and the second user device via unicast transmission in a second period between the second time point and a third time point when a transmission amount of the file transmitted to the first user device becomes equal to a transmission amount of the file transmitted to the second user device; andtransmitting, by a multicast control unit, the file to the first user device and the second user device via multicast transmission from the third time point.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:adjusting, by a transmission amount adjustment unit, a transmission rate of the first user device and a transmission rate of the second user device in the second period to minimize a completion time of a ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Powerline Communications Automotive Network

Номер: US20150180677A1

An embodiment is a powerline communications (PLC) apparatus including a communications interface that implements a first communication protocol including of a transceiver that communicates over an electrical power distribution wiring of a vehicle. The first communication protocol includes a powerline communications automotive network (PLCAN) delimiter type (DT) (PLCAN-DT), and a PLCAN variant length field in a frame control comprising payload length, a number of symbols used, a PHY block size, and a number of repetitions used, wherein broadcast addressing is used in the network to transmit messages. 1. A powerline communications (PLC) apparatus comprising: a powerline communications automotive network (PLCAN) delimiter type (DT) (PLCAN-DT); and', 'a PLCAN variant length field in a frame control comprising payload length, a number of symbols used, a PHY block size, and a number of repetitions used, wherein broadcast addressing is used in the network to transmit messages., 'a communications interface that implements a first communication protocol comprising of a transceiver that communicates over an electrical power distribution wiring of a vehicle, the first communication protocol comprising2. The PLC apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the number of repetitions is from two to five.3. The PLC apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the PHY block size is from 128 bits to 136 bits.4. The PLC apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the payload length further comprises more than one payload length claim 1 , each of the more than one payload lengths being associated with a different user identification (ID).5. The PLC apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each powerline bus in the vehicle comprises a separate PLC network.6. The PLC apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first priority resolution slot (PRS) symbol is used to signal an acknowledgment from a first user.7. The PLC apparatus of claim 6 , wherein a second PRS symbol is used to signal an acknowledgment from a second user.8. The PLC apparatus of ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200162536A1

A method of transmitting an audio and/or audiovisual content to a receiver. The method starts with receiving a determined stream broadcast on a network and playing back the contents transmitted by the stream in the receiver. Then a first event external to the receiver is detected and triggers interruption of the playback of the content in progress and recording of the instant of the interruption. Sometime later, a second external event triggers a transmission, from the receiver to a remote server, of the instant dating the first event and of a request for resuming the playback of the interrupted content. A piece of information specifying the identifiers of the data packets of the content at the instant of the interruption is then transmitted from the remote server to the receiver. Finally, the receiver receives the identified data packets and replays the content of the packets. 1. A method of transmission of an interrupted audio content in a hybrid receiver with a view to a time-shifted playback , the method comprising at least:receiving a determined stream broadcast on a network and playing back contents transmitted by said stream in the receiver,detecting a first event external to the receiver triggering interruption of the playing back of the contents in progress and recording an instant of the interruption,a subsequent detecting of a second external event triggering transmission, from the receiver device to a remote server, of the instant of the interruption and a request for resuming the playing back of the interrupted content,transmitting, from the remote server to the receiver device, piece of information specifying identifiers of data packets of the content at the instant of the interruption, said information comprising a manifest identifying a succession of data packets, including those of the audio content broadcast between the instant of the interruption and the present instant, andtransmitting the data packets, thus identified, of the content, and ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Systems, apparatus, and methods for scalable low-latency viewing of integrated broadcast commentary and event video streams of live events, and synchronization of event information with viewed streams via multiple internet channels

Номер: US20200162796A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A broadcaster device generates a live stream including video-based commentary regarding a live event combined with an audio and/or video feed of the live event itself. A viewer device receives a copy of the integrated live event and commentator stream and synchronized event information (e.g., real-time scores), and displays the integrated stream and the event information (e.g., as a “scorebug”). Viewers of a given live event may seamlessly select amongst different broadcasters for the same live event to access different integrated live event and commentator streams respectively synchronized with the event information. A social media platform is provided in tandem with live streaming of digital content relating to live events to allow a given broadcaster and their associated viewers to communicate with one another, comment on the event and/or the broadcaster's live stream, and send digital gifts.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for point to multipoint communication in networks using hybrid network devices

Номер: US20140269328A1
Принадлежит: Dell Products LP

An information handling system is provided. The information handling system includes an ingress network device receiving a multicast stream from a coupled source device and a first and a second egress network device. The first and second egress network devices each receive the multicast stream for coupled destination devices. The information handling system also includes a plurality of intermediate network devices by which the ingress network device is coupled to the first and second egress network devices to form a network and further includes a network controller. The network controller has a topology of the network in a memory and forms a multicast tree based on the topology as well as a link load level and a multicast replication capacity associated with links to the first and second egress network devices and to each of the plurality of intermediate network devices.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140269702A1

Technologies are provided in example embodiments for intercepting a packet being multicast from a first tunnel endpoint in a network, determining first address mapping information of the first tunnel endpoint and a first host, wherein the first host created the packet, generating a control protocol message with the first address mapping information, and communicating the control protocol message through a control plane in the network. In more specific example embodiments, the communicating the control protocol message includes sending the control protocol message to a network repository, where the first address mapping information is registered in the network repository. In other more specific example embodiments, the communicating the control protocol message includes pushing the control protocol message to one or more other tunnel endpoints. Further embodiments include decapsulating the packet to determine an endpoint identifier of the first host and a location of the first tunnel endpoint. 1. A method , comprising:intercepting a packet being multicast from a first tunnel endpoint in a network;determining first address mapping information of the first tunnel endpoint and a first host, wherein the first host created the packet;generating a control protocol message with the first address mapping information; andcommunicating the control protocol message through a control plane in the network.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the communicating the control protocol message includes sending the control protocol message to a network repository claim 1 , wherein the first address mapping information is registered in the network repository.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the communicating the control protocol message includes pushing the control protocol message to one or more other tunnel endpoints.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a second tunnel endpoint corresponding to a second host receives the first address mapping information through the control plane claim 1 ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for transmitting broadcast signals, apparatus for receiving broadcast signals, method for transmitting broadcast signals and method for receiving broadcast signals

Номер: US20160191679A1

A method and an apparatus for receiving broadcast signals thereof are disclosed. The apparatus for receiving broadcast signals, the apparatus comprises a receiver to receive the broadcast signals, a demodulator to demodulate the received broadcast signals by an OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) scheme, a frame parser to parse a signal frame from the demodulated broadcast signals, a decoder to decode data in the parsed signal frame and an output-processor to output-process the decoded data.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180183620A1

A method and apparatus for content multicasting and broadcasting and data unicasting in a broadband multicarrier wireless communication system. A base station is configured to transmit, and a mobile station is configured to receive, a sequence of consecutive frames. The frames comprise two types: frames containing time-frequency resources for content multicasting and broadcasting via a single frequency network, and frames containing time-frequency resources for data unicasting without the use of a single frequency network. The two types of frames are intermixed in accordance with an intermixing configuration pattern. The intermixing configuration pattern is indicated by a bit-map contained in a scheduling signal. 1. A receiving method for a mobile station in a multi-cell wireless system using a frame structure , each frame containing a plurality of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols , the method comprising:receiving a sequence of consecutive frames, the sequence of consecutive frames comprising a plurality of first frames and a plurality of second frames that are intermixed in accordance with an intermixing configuration pattern, each of the first frames containing time-frequency resources used for content multicasting or broadcasting (MB) via a single frequency network (SFN) that is comprised of base stations in multiple cells transmitting the same MB content using OFDM and employing a same time and frequency resource, and each of the second frames containing time-frequency resources used for data unicasting without the use of a SFN;receiving a scheduling signal containing a bit-map that indicates the intermixing configuration pattern of the received first and second frames by using “1” in the bit-map to represent a first frame and a “0” in the bit-map to represent a second frame, or a “1” in the bit-map to represent a first frame and a “0” in the bit-map to represent a second frame; andutilizing the received bit-map to identify the first and ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150195064A1
Автор: Takano Hiroaki

Provided is a communication control device including a radio communication unit configured to perform radio communication with a terminal apparatus of a primary system using a frequency band of the primary system, and a selecting unit configured to select a subframe in which the frequency band is usable by a secondary system secondarily using the frequency band, the subframe being a unit of time in radio communication. The radio communication unit transmits system information of the frequency band including identification information of the selected subframe. 1. A communication control device comprising:a radio communication unit configured to perform radio communication with a terminal apparatus of a primary system using a frequency band of the primary system; anda selecting unit configured to select a subframe in which the frequency band is usable by a secondary system secondarily using the frequency band, the subframe being a unit of time in radio communication,wherein the radio communication unit transmits system information of the frequency band including identification information of the selected subframe.2. The communication control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a setting unit configured to set the selected subframe as a certain type of subframe that is not used for downlink unicast transmission.3. The communication control device according to claim 2 ,wherein the setting unit sets the selected subframe as a multicast-broadcast single frequency network (MBSFN) subframe.4. The communication control device according to claim 2 ,wherein the primary system is a radio communication system of a time division duplex scheme, andwherein the setting unit sets the selected subframe as an uplink subframe.5. The communication control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the primary system is a radio communication system of a time division duplex scheme, andwherein the selecting unit selects an uplink subframe preferentially over a downlink subframe as ...
