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14-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627933C2

Изобретение относится к области оптического приборостроения и касается устройства захвата изображения. Устройство включает в себя блок восприятия изображения, блок управления и блок вычислений. Блок восприятия изображений осуществляет фотоэлектрическое преобразование изображения объекта. Блок управления считывает сигналы изображения из пикселей в первой и второй зонах. Блок вычислений осуществляет вычисление значений фокуса на основе сигналов второй зоны пикселей при перемещении фокусной линзы и определяет положение наилучшей фокусировки. В устройство включены блок фотометрии и блок оценки, который определяет наличие точечного источника в области обнаружения фокуса. Кроме того, устройство может включать в себя командный блок и блок подсчета, выполненный с возможностью подсчета среди сигналов изображения для обнаружения фокуса числа тех сигналов изображения, которые имеют значения яркости, большие или равные заранее определенному значению. Дополнительно устройство включает в себя блок обнаружения ...

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2453068C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам захвата изображения. Техническим результатом является предотвращение подмешивания неподвижного изображения в движущееся изображение. Результат достигается тем, что устройство захвата изображения содержит формирователь сигнала изображения, сконфигурированный таким образом, чтобы выводить сигнал изображения посредством захвата изображения объекта; драйвер, сконфигурированный таким образом, чтобы приводить в действие формирователь сигнала изображения так, чтобы захватывать изображение объекта на основе чересстрочной развертки или прогрессивной развертки; детектор, сконфигурированный таким образом, чтобы распознавать состояние изображения объекта на основе выходных данных сигнала изображения от формирователя сигнала изображения, и контроллер, сконфигурированный таким образом, чтобы управлять драйвером для выбора одного из съемки изображения с чересстрочной разверткой, используемой для захвата изображения объекта посредством чересстрочной развертки формирователя ...

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014127122A

... 1. Датчик изображения, содержащий:матрицу пикселей, в которой множество пикселей размещены так, чтобы формировать множество строк и множество столбцов;модуль считывания, выполненный с возможностью считывать сигнал из матрицы пикселей; имодуль управления, выполненный с возможностью управлять модулем считывания,причем модуль считывания включает в себямодуль выбора строки, выполненный с возможностью выбирать строку в матрице пикселей,модуль выбора столбца, выполненный с возможностью выбирать столбец в матрице пикселей, имодуль вывода, выполненный с возможностью выводить сигнал из пикселя, для пикселей в строке, выбранной модулем выбора строки, который соответствует столбцу, выбранному модулем выбора столбца,причем матрица пикселей включает в себя множество блоков, отличающихся по расстоянию от модуля вывода, ипри этом модуль управления управляет периодами считывания, требуемыми модулю считывания для считывания сигналов из множества блоков, чтобы считывать сигналы из блоков в более длительные ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013138461A

... 1. Система (100) визуализации, которая содержит:источник (112) излучения, который испускает излучение, которое проходит через область исследования;детекторную матрицу (114) с множеством пикселей (116) детектора со счетом фотонов, которые детектируют излучение, проходящее через область исследования, и соответствующим образом генерируют сигнал, показывающий детектированное излучение, причем пиксель детектора со счетом фотонов содержит:слой (122) прямого преобразования, который имеет первую принимающую излучение сторону (202) и вторую противоположную сторону (206);катод (118), прикрепленный к и покрывающий всю или значительную часть первой стороны;анод (120), прикрепленный к центрально расположенной области (208) второй стороны, причем анод содержит по меньшей мере два под-анода (120, 120, 120, 120); иметаллизацию (124), прикрепленную ко второй стороне, окружающую анод и область анода, с зазором между анодом и металлизацией; иподложку (128), которая имеет по меньшей мере две контактные площадки ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020111618A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung beschreibt ein Verfahren für die Bildung von Spiegelmikrostrukturen auf Strahlungserfassungsregionen von Bildsensorvorrichtungen. Das Verfahren umfasst Bilden einer Öffnung in einer vorderseitigen Fläche eines Substrats; Bilden einer konformen Implantationsschicht an Boden- und Seitenwandflächen der Öffnung; Züchten einer ersten epitaktischen Schicht an der Boden- und den Seitenwandflächen der Öffnung; Abscheiden einer zweiten epitaktischen Schicht auf der ersten epitaktischen Schicht, um die Öffnung zu füllen, wo die zweite epitaktische Schicht eine Strahlungserfassungsregion bildet. Das Verfahren umfasst weiter Abscheiden eines Stapels an freiliegenden Oberflächen der zweiten epitaktischen Schicht, wo der Stapel abwechselnde Paare einer Schicht aus Material mit hohem Brechungsindex und einer Schicht aus Material mit niederem Brechungsindex aufweist.

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Festkörper-Bildaufnahmevorrichtung und elektronisches Gerät

Номер: DE112018001859T5

... [AUFGABE] Bereitstellen einer Festkörper-Bildaufnahmevorrichtung und eines elektronischen Geräts mit einer weiter verbesserten Leistungsfähigkeit.[LÖSUNG] Festkörper-Bildaufnahmevorrichtung, aufweisend: ein erstes Substrat, auf dem eine Pixeleinheit gebildet ist, und ein erstes Halbleitersubstrat und eine erste mehrschichtige Verdrahtungsschicht gestapelt sind; ein zweites Substrat, auf dem eine Schaltung mit einer vorbestimmten Funktion gebildet ist, und ein zweites Halbleitersubstrat und eine zweite mehrschichtige Verdrahtungsschicht gestapelt sind; und ein drittes Substrat, auf dem eine Schaltung mit einer vorbestimmten Funktion gebildet ist, und ein drittes Halbleitersubstrat und eine dritte mehrschichtige Verdrahtungsschicht gestapelt sind. Das erste Substrat, das zweite Substrat und das dritte Substrat sind in dieser Reihenfolge gestapelt. Die Pixeleinheit weist darauf angeordnete Pixel auf. Das erste Substrat und das zweite Substrat sind so miteinander verbunden, dass die erste mehrschichtige ...

24-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018001967T5

Die vorliegende Offenbarung bezieht sich auf eine Festkörper-Bildaufnahmevorrichtung und ein elektronisches Gerät, die es ermöglichen, die Pixeleigenschaften zu verbessern.Es wird eine Festkörper-Bildaufnahmevorrichtung bereitgestellt, umfassend eine erste Elektrode, die auf einer Halbleiterschicht ausgebildet ist, eine photoelektrische Umwandlungsschicht, die auf der ersten Elektrode ausgebildet ist, eine zweite Elektrode, die auf der photoelektrischen Umwandlungsschicht ausgebildet ist, und eine dritte Elektrode, die zwischen der ersten Elektrode und einer benachbarten ersten Elektrode angeordnet und elektrisch isoliert ist. Eine Spannung der dritten Elektrode wird auf eine Spannung geregelt, die einem Detektionsergebnis entspricht, das zur Steuerung der Abführung von Ladungen oder zur Unterstützung des Ladungstransfers beitragen kann. Die vorliegende Offenbarung kann z.B. auf einen CMOS-Bildsensor angewendet werden.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018002114T5
Принадлежит: SONY CORP, SONY Corporation

Dieses Bildgebungselement ist mit einem fotoelektrischen Umwandlungsteil versehen, der durch Laminieren einer ersten Elektrode 21, einer fotoelektrischen Umwandlungsschicht 23A und einer zweiten Elektrode 22 erhalten wird; und eine anorganische Oxidhalbleitermaterialschicht 23B ist zwischen der ersten Elektrode 21 und der fotoelektrischen Umwandlungsschicht 23A gebildet. Die anorganische Oxidhalbleitermaterialschicht 23B ist aus wenigstens zwei Elementen konfiguriert, die aus der Gruppe ausgewählt sind, die aus Indium, Wolfram, Zinn und Zink besteht; der LUMO-Wert Edes Materials, das einen Teil der fotoelektrischen Umwandlungsschicht 23A darstellt, wobei sich der Teil in der Nähe der anorganischen Oxidhalbleitermaterialschicht 23B befindet, und der LUMO-Wert Edes Materials, das die anorganische Oxidhalbleitermaterialschicht 23B darstellt, erfüllen (E- E< 0,2 eV); oder die Beweglichkeit des Materials, das die anorganische Oxidhalbleitermaterialschicht 23B darstellt, beträgt 10 cm/V·s oder ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018006564T5

Ein fotoelektrischer Wandler gemäß einer Ausführungsform der vorliegenden Offenbarung umfasst: eine organische fotoelektrische Umwandlungssektion; eine anorganische fotoelektrische Umwandlungssektion; und einen optischen Filter. Die organische fotoelektrische Umwandlungssektion umfasst eine erste Elektrode, eine zweite Elektrode und eine organische fotoelektrische Umwandlungsschicht. Die erste Elektrode umfasst eine Elektrode und eine weitere Elektrode. Die zweite Elektrode ist so angeordnet, dass sie der ersten Elektrode gegenüberliegt. Die organische fotoelektrische Umwandlungsschicht ist zwischen der ersten Elektrode und der zweiten Elektrode angeordnet und ist mit der einen Elektrode elektrisch gekoppelt. Die organische fotoelektrische Umwandlungsschicht und die andere Elektrode sind mit einer Isolierungsschicht dazwischen vorgesehen. Die anorganische fotoelektrische Umwandlungssektion weist die zwischen der anorganischen fotoelektrischen Umwandlungssektion und der organischen fotoelektrischen ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Fotoelektrische Wandlervorrichtung und Abbildungssystem

Номер: DE102013210398A1

Eine fotoelektrische Wandlervorrichtung enthält ein Bildelementarray mit einer Vielzahl von in einer Matrix angeordneten Bildelementen und eine Vielzahl von Signalverarbeitungseinheiten, die jeweils mit einer Spalte von Spalten des Bildelementarrays assoziiert sind und eine A/D-Wandlereinheit zur Umwandlung eines beruhend auf den Bildelementen erzeugten Signals in ein digitales Signal enthalten. Die fotoelektrische Wandlervorrichtung enthält ferner eine Vielzahl von Gruppen, die jeweils viele der Signalverarbeitungseinheiten aus der Vielzahl der Signalverarbeitungseinheiten und eine Blockausgabeeinheit zum Empfangen von Ausgaben der vielen Signalverarbeitungseinheiten enthalten, und eine Ansteuersignalübertragungseinheit zur Übertragung eines Ansteuersignals zur Ansteuerung einer Vielzahl der Blockausgabeeinheiten. Die Ansteuersignalübertragungseinheit führt einer der Blockausgabeeinheiten und einer anderen der Blockausgabeeinheiten das Ansteuersignal zu jeweils verschiedenen Zeiten zu.

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Image sensor

Номер: GB0201607956D0

07-01-2015 дата публикации

Image pick-up apparatus capable of changing drive mode and image signal control method

Номер: GB0201420914D0

13-12-2017 дата публикации

Image sensor

Номер: GB0002551108A

An image sensor (Fig. 1, 1) (CCD, CMOS) for providing charge multiplication by impact ionisation, comprising: an image area (Fig. 1, 2); a plurality of multiplication elements. The image area comprises a plurality of photo-sensitive elements. The multiplication elements receive charge from the photo-sensitive elements of the image area. Each multiplication element 600 comprises a sequence of electrodes P1, P2DC, P2HV, P3, including a charge multiplication electrode P2HV, arranged along a charge transport path. The charge multiplication electrode P2HV causes charge multiplication as the charge is transferred along the charge transport path by the electrodes. The charge multiplication electrode comprises a back edge 618, two sides 607, 609, and a leading edge 604. The two sides are separated by a maximum width 605 across the charge transport path. The leading edge 604 has one or more changes in direction (i.e. jagged, saw-tooth, serrated edge) such that the length of the edge is greater than ...

29-09-2010 дата публикации

Shutter for CCD imager

Номер: GB0002468841A

A CCD sensor 1 has a shutter 4 to prevent frame shift smear during transfer of an image from the image region 2 to a store region 3. The shutter has 2 blades 5, 6 which divide the integration period into 2 parts. In the first, longer, part the sensor signal is clipped by capping the charge, but this capping is removed in the second, shorter, part. The result is that the CCD sensor has an extended dynamic range because the second part has a different sensitivity to the first part. The two shutter blades avoid an asymmetry in the uncovering and covering of the image region. Separate blades may be used to vary the size of the gap 7 and integration times.

25-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361052B

29-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360096B

26-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000389964B

15-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000662687A5

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Distance measuring device.

Номер: CH0000711394B1

In Übereinstimmung mit einer Bestrahlungsposition eines Pulslichts gibt eine Auswahleinheit ein erstes Transfersignal an erste Transferelektroden (TX1) aus und gibt ein zweites Transfersignal an zweite Transferelektroden (TX2) aus, so dass Signalladungen in erste und zweite Signalladungs-Sammlungsabschnitte (9a und 9b) eines Pixels aus einer Vielzahl von Pixeln entsprechend der Bestrahlungsposition fliessen können, und gibt ein drittes Transfersignal an dritte Transferelektroden (TX3) aus, so dass nicht erforderliche Ladungen in einen Nicht-Erforderliche-Ladungen-Entladungsabschnitt (11) eines Pixels unter der Vielzahl von Pixeln mit Ausnahme des Pixels entsprechend der Bestrahlungsposition fliessen können. Eine Arithmetikeinheit liest Signale entsprechend jeweiliger Grössen von Signalladungen aus, die in den ersten und zweiten Signalladungs-Sammlungsabschnitten (9a und 9b) des durch die Auswahleinheit ausgewählten Pixels aus, und berechnet einen Abstand zu einem Objekt basierend auf einem ...

15-07-2019 дата публикации

Distance sensor.

Номер: CH0000713890B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Abstandssensor (1A), der eine Differenz in den Strommengen reduziert, die in jeden der mehreren Ladungssammelbereiche eingespeist werden, die für einen lichtempfindlichen Bereich bereitgestellt werden, um eine durch Störlicht verursachte Sättigung zu vermeiden. Eine Strominjektionsschaltung (20), die Strom in jeden Ladungssammelbereich einspeist, beinhaltet eine Spannungserzeugungsschaltung, die eine Steuerspannung zum Einstellen der eingespeisten Strommenge erzeugt, und die Spannungserzeugungsschaltung erzeugt die Steuerspannung, die einer grossen Ladungsmenge zwischen den Ladungsmengen von Speicherknoten entspricht, die jeweils mit den LadungssammeIbereichen gekoppelt sind. Unterdessen ist eine Kaskodenvorrichtung zwischen einem Transistor angeordnet, die konfiguriert ist, um die Strommenge entsprechend der Steuerspannung und dem Speicherknoten einzustellen, und ein Potential eines Stromausgangsendes des Transistors und ein Potential des Speicherknotens sind ...

15-11-2019 дата публикации

Imaging device and image processing method

Номер: CN0110463193A

17-10-2017 дата публикации

Imaging device

Номер: CN0107257446A

15-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107744383B

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Photoelectric conversion device, imaging system and method for driving photoelectric conversion device

Номер: CN0106027922B

19-11-2019 дата публикации

Semiconductor device, method of manufacturing semiconductor device, and electronic apparatus

Номер: CN0110476228A

22-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003023957A1

Dispositif de détection de mouvement, comprenant une photodiode multi-éléments (2000), la photodiode multi-éléments comprenant une pluralité de pixels (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004), dits méga-pixel, et pour au moins un méga pixel de la photodiode multi-éléments, un masque (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) occultant partiellement une zone sensible dudit méga-pixel, le masque étant constitué d'une pluralité de zones comprenant au moins une zone opaque et au moins une zone transparente, une zone opaque étant apte à empêcher un faisceau lumineux d'atteindre intégralement des portions de la zone sensible du méga-pixel correspondant à ladite zone opaque, une zone transparente étant apte à laisser un faisceau lumineux atteindre une portion de la surface sensible du méga-pixel correspondant à ladite zone transparente, chaque zone opaque possédant au moins une zone voisine transparente de manière à obtenir une alternance de zones opaques et de zones transparentes dans le masque.

03-06-2020 дата публикации

Imaging device

Номер: KR1020200062169A

10-08-2018 дата публикации

고체 촬상 소자 및 촬상 장치

Номер: KR1020180090241A

... 전극이나 배선이 중앙부에 배치된 SPAD를 갖는 고체 촬상 소자에서 검출 효율을 향상시킨다. 고체 촬상 소자는, 포토다이오드와 집광부를 구비한다. 그 포토다이오드는, 수광면 및 수광면에 배치된 전극을 가지며 그 전극에 항복전압을 초과하는 전압이 인가된 상태에서 그 수광면에 입사한 광에 응한 전기 신호를 출력한다. 그 집광부는, 그 전극이 배치되는 영역 이외의 그 포토다이오드의 수광면에 피사체로부터의 광을 집광시킨다.

11-02-2020 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging device and electronic apparatus

Номер: KR1020200014722A

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190078624A

22-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190041493A

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging device and electronic apparatus

Номер: TW202125795A

A solid-state imaging device according to an embodiment is provided with: a photoelectric conversion region which is provided in an element region defined by a trench in a semiconductor substrate; a first semiconductor region which surrounds the photoelectric conversion region; a first contact which is in contact with the first semiconductor region at the bottom of the trench; a first electrode which is in contact with the first contact in a first trench; a second semiconductor region which is provided in a region adjoining the first semiconductor region and which has a first conductivity type that is the same as that of the first semiconductor region; a third semiconductor region which adjoins the second semiconductor region, which is provided between the second semiconductor region and a first surface, and which has a second conductivity type that is opposite to the first conductivity type; a second contact which is provided on the first surface so as to adjoin the third semiconductor ...

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging element, solid-state imaging device and electronic device

Номер: TW0202034520A

This solid-state imaging element (1) is provided with a pixel circuit (20) which produces a pixel signal by photo electrically converting the light incident on a pixel by means of a photoelectric conversion part, and which is provided with a first transistor (26) that amplifies the pixel signal. The pixel circuit (20) comprises: a second transistor (27) into which a reference signal is input from a reference signal generation part; and a third transistor (28) which outputs a bias current to the first transistor (26) and the second transistor (27).

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014192933A1

Provided are a stacked lens array unit which achieves high assembling accuracy and can be molded at high accuracy, and an image capturing device into which the stacked lens array unit is incorporated. A taper surface (a first contact portion) (14a) on the first lens array (10) side and/or a convex surface (a second contact portion) (24c) on the second lens array (20) side has a tapered surface that is in contact with or close to the other, and therefore the relative movement in a specified direction can be easily restricted. Further, in the above stacked lens array unit (100), positioning regions (positioning portions) (R1, R2) are provided in a surrounding region (SR) including a plurality of places distributed along the edge (10r) of the first lens array (10) and the edge (20r) of the second lens array (20), thereby making it possible to position the first lens array (10) and the second lens array (20) precisely in a space-saving manner with respect to translation and rotation within ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013105383A1

An image generation method is provided for generating an output image from an input image acquired by an image sensor that has an array of multiple pixels, each of which has arranged therein multiple sub-pixels that each receive a light beam that passes through a different pupil sub-area of an imaging optical system. The method includes a step of generating multiple parallax images that respectively correspond to the different pupil sub-areas; a step of generating multiple pixel shifted images by performing different shifting for each of the parallax images according to a virtual image forming plane of the imaging optical system; and a step of generating an output image that has a higher resolution than the resolution of the parallax images from the pixel shifted images through composition processing.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170358618A1
Автор: Takehiko Soda, Akira Okita

Provided is a solid state image pickup element including a MOS type transistor which amplifies a signal which is based on electric charges generated in a photoelectric conversion unit of a pixel. A channel region of the transistor is divided into a source-side region and a drain-side region. When a conductivity type of the transistor is defined as a first conductivity type and a conductivity type which is opposite to the first conductivity type is defined as a second conductivity type, a concentration of a first conductivity type impurity in the source-side region is higher than a concentration of the first conductivity type impurity in the drain-side region or a concentration of a second conductivity type impurity in the drain-side region is higher than a concentration of the second conductivity type impurity in the source-side region.

24-11-2015 дата публикации

Readout circuit and method of using the same

Номер: US0009197234B1

A readout circuit includes a first analog circuit for receiving an output of a first sub-array of a pixel array, wherein the first analog circuit is configured to output a first analog signal. The readout circuit further includes a second analog circuit for receiving an output of a second sub-array of the pixel array, wherein the second sub-array comprises at least one pixel on a same row of the pixel array as at least one pixel of the first sub-array, and the second analog circuit is configured to output a second analog signal. The readout circuit further includes a first digital circuit for receiving the first analog signal and to convert the first analog signal to a first digital signal, wherein the first digital circuit is further configured to receive the second analog signal and to convert the second analog signal to a second digital signal.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210014435A1

A method of correcting dynamic vision sensor (DVS) events is described. The method generates event data including events representing motion information of an object included in an image. Additionally, the method generates image data capturing an image and generates edge data representing edge information of the image based on the image data. The method also generates omitted events of the event data based on the edge data. Accuracy of the event data and performance of machine vision devices and systems operating based on the event data are enhanced by supplementing the omitted events of the event data provided from the DVS, using the edge information.

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Image pickup unit and image pickup apparatus

Номер: US0011013105B2

An image pickup unit includes an image pickup element and a wiring board. The image pickup element includes an analog circuit. The analog circuit includes an analog ground wiring. The image pickup element is mounted on the wiring board. The wiring board includes a first ground wiring that is connected to the analog ground wiring and forms a closed loop with the analog ground wiring in a side view of the image pickup unit, and a second ground wiring that is connected to the first ground wiring via only a first via conductor.

01-12-2015 дата публикации

Flexible readout and signal processing in a computational sensor array

Номер: US0009200954B2

A computational sensing array includes an array of sensing elements. In each sensing element, a first signal is generated from a transducer. A second signal is produced by a collection unit in response to receiving the first signal. The second signal may be modified, in a conditioning unit. A sensing element preprocessing unit generates a word representing the value of the modified second signal, and may produce an indication of change of the first signal. A current value of the word may be stored in a state holding element local to the sensing element, and a previous value of the word may be retained in a further state holding element local to the sensing element.

25-01-2022 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US0011231534B2
Автор: Atsushi Toda

To provide a sensor capable of enhancing reliability and image quality. There is provided a solid-state imaging device including a functional element, a spectroscopic element, a semiconductor substrate, and a photoelectric conversion element formed in the semiconductor substrate, in which the spectroscopic element is disposed between the functional element and the photoelectric conversion element, and the functional element corrects incident light to light in a direction substantially perpendicular to the photoelectric conversion element.

25-11-2008 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus

Номер: US0007456886B2

A solid-state image pickup apparatus including an array of a plurality of unit cells each including a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements for converting an photosignal to signal charge and storing it and one amplification element for receiving signal charge of each of the conversion elements and outputting a signal corresponding thereto, includes a readout circuit system connected to an output line of the amplification element, inputting thereto a signal output from the unit cell via the output line. The readout circuit system includes a difference unit for inputting thereto a first signal corresponding to a reset level of an input portion of the amplification element, a second signal corresponding to the first signal to which a signal corresponding to signal charge in at least one of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements is added, and a third signal corresponding to the second signal to which a signal corresponding to signal charge in at least one of the plurality ...

20-06-2000 дата публикации

Image reading apparatus for reading a color image by irradiating light onto an object and photoelectrically converting light from the object

Номер: US6078685A

This invention has as its object to provide an image reading apparatus which can prevent color mixing even when a linear image sensor in which charge transfer units are arranged to sandwich light-receiving units of different colors therebetween is used. In order to achieve the object, the image reading apparatus includes: a linear image sensor which is constituted by a plurality of image line sensors (301, 302, 303) respectively having a plurality of color filters, and transfer units (304-309) for transferring charges from the image line sensors, so that a charge obtained by a light-receiving/storage operation of at least one color image line sensor (302) is transferred to the transfer units (306, 307) via the image line sensor (303) of another color; and a subtraction circuit for subtracting a value obtained by multiplying a charge obtained by the light-receiving/storage operation of the image line sensor (303) of the other color with a correction coefficient from the charge transferred ...

09-11-1999 дата публикации

Linearizing offset cancelling white balancing and gamma correcting analog to digital converter for active pixel sensor imagers with self calibrating and self adjusting properties

Номер: US0005982318A

A novel analogue to digital (A/D) converter semiconductor integrated circuit intended for digitizing signals generated by a physical stimulus sensing electronic apparatus, and more particularly, for digitizing signals generated by an array of photo-integrator circuits of an active pixel sensor (APS) imaging device. The A/D converter is a modified single slope integration type, wherein the reference ramp signal exhibits predetermined nonlinearity and offset. The nonlinearity and offset of the reference ramp signal track the nonlinearity and offset components in the signal being digitized, the latter being nonlinearity and offset components contributed by sources appearing in advance of the A/D conversion point in the signal acquisition and processing path of a digital camera system. In particular, the ramp generator for an A/D converter intended for an APS imaging array is partly a replica of the active photo-integrator circuit used in the APS pixel array fabricated on the same semiconductor ...

22-08-2017 дата публикации

Method and system of implementing an uneven timing gap between each image capture in an image sensor

Номер: US0009743025B2
Автор: Jie Shen, SHEN JIE, Shen Jie

Stacked chip imaging system comprising pixel array partitioned into pixel sub-arrays (PSAs) disposed in first semiconductor die and ADC circuitry including ADC circuits disposed in second semiconductor die. Each PSA is arranged into pixel groups. Each pixel group generates pixel data signals. Pixel array captures image data of first frame with first exposure time, second frame with second exposure time, third frame with third exposure time, and fourth frame with fourth exposure time. First, second, third and fourth exposure times are different. At least one of the pixel groups in each of the pixel sub-arrays is coupled to a different ADC circuit from pixels groups remaining in each of the pixel sub-arrays. ADC circuitry acquires the pixel data signals. For each frame, ADC circuits converts pixel data signal received from pixel groups respectively coupled thereto from analog to digital to generate ADC outputs. Other embodiments are also described.

22-08-2017 дата публикации

Optical detector and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US0009741954B2
Принадлежит: BASF SE

An optical detector (110) is disclosed. The optical detector (110) comprises: —an optical sensor (112), having a substrate (116) and at least one photosensitive layer setup (118) disposed thereon, the photosensitive layer setup (118) having at least one first electrode (120), at least one second electrode (130) and at least one photovoltaic material (140) sandwiched in between the first electrode (120) and the second electrode (130), wherein the photovoltaic material (140) comprises at least one organic material, wherein the first electrode (120) comprises a plurality of first electrode stripes (124) and wherein the second electrode (130) comprises a plurality of second electrode stripes (134), wherein the first electrode stripes (124) and the second electrode stripes (134) intersect such that a matrix (142) of pixels (144) is formed at intersections of the first electrode stripes (124) and the second electrode stripes (134); and —at least one readout device (114), the readout device (114 ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180310401A1
Принадлежит: TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD.

A printed wiring board for camera module includes: first and second mounting regions for first and second image pickup devices respectively provided on one and the other sides in a front surface of the printed wiring board, the first and second mounting regions respectively provided with first and second conductive patterns configured to be electrically connected to the first and second image pickup devices, respectively, and a component mounting region provided between the first mounting region and the second mounting region, the component mounting region provided with a third conductive pattern, the third conductive pattern configured to be electrically connected to a signal processing component, amounting density of the third conductive pattern in the component mounting region being higher than that of the first conductive pattern in the first mounting region or a mounting density of the second conductive pattern in the second mounting region, in a plan view.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180324377A1

An example method for fast ramp start-up during analog to digital conversion (ADC) includes opening a feedback bypass switch coupled to an amplifier to initiate an ADC operation, providing an injection current pulse to an inverting input of the amplifier, where the non-inverting input is coupled to a feedback bypass switch, integrating a first reference current coupled to the inverting input of the amplifier, where the integrating of the first reference current occurs due to the opening of the feedback bypass switch, and providing a reference voltage in response to the injection current pulse, the integrating of the first reference current, and a reference voltage coupled to a non-inverting input of the amplifier, where a level of the reference voltage is increased at least at initiation of the ADC operation in response to the injection current pulse.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180324379A1

A comparator includes a first stage coupled to compare a reference voltage to an image charge voltage signal. The first stage includes first and second NMOS input transistors coupled between an enabling transistor and respective first and second cascode devices to receive the reference voltage and the image charge voltage signal. A first auto-zero switch is between a gate of the first NMOS input transistor and a first node. The first node is between the first NMOS input transistor and the first cascode device. A second auto-zero switch is between a gate of the second NMOS input transistor and a second node. The second node is between the second cascode device and a second PMOS transistor. A voltage difference between the first and second nodes during an auto-zero period reduces an amount of kickback that occurs during an ADC period.

12-04-2016 дата публикации

Shutter release using secondary camera

Номер: US0009313392B2

Capturing a target image includes activating a first image sensor for capturing the target image. A sequence of images is captured with a second image sensor while the first image sensor remains activated. A determination is made as to whether the sequence of images captured by the second image sensor includes a shutter gesture while the first image sensor remains activated. If a shutter gesture is included in the sequence of images captured by the second image sensor, the first image sensor captures the target image in response.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160173796A1

A solid-state imaging apparatus includes: a pixel region configured to output an analog signal; an analog-to-digital conversion unit configured to convert the analog signal into a digital signal; and a transmitting unit configured to perform a transmission of a test signal and the digital signal obtained as a result of the conversion by the analog-to-digital conversion unit, the digital signal being transmitted subsequently to the test signal, and the analog-to-digital conversion unit converts the analog signal into the digital signal during a period of the transmission of the test signal by the transmitting unit.

05-09-2017 дата публикации

Image sensing device, image reading device, image forming apparatus and image sensing method

Номер: US0009756219B2

An image sensing device includes a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements arranged in one direction for each color of received light, and an analog-digital (AD) convertor that performs analog-digital conversion for each pixel group configured by a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements selected from the photoelectric conversion elements. The AD converter is disposed in a position adjacent to each of the photoelectric conversion elements configuring the pixel group.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012544A1

An electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes a housing including a front plate and a rear plate; a touch screen display operably coupled to the front plate; at least one through-hole operably disposed on the front plate; and an imaging sensor assembly facing the front plate at an acute angle with respect to the front plate. The imaging sensor assembly includes a barrel at least partially disposed in the through-hole; a plurality of lenses disposed inside the barrel; a sensor housing surrounding at least part of an outer surface of the barrel; an image sensor assembly comprising an image sensor disposed inside the sensor housing; and a processor electrically coupled to the image sensor and configured to detect an iris image.

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: US20110260059A1
Принадлежит: SiOnyx, Inc.

A monolithic sensor for detecting infrared and visible light according to an example includes a semiconductor substrate and a semiconductor layer coupled to the semiconductor substrate. The semiconductor layer includes a device surface opposite the semiconductor substrate. A visible light photodiode is formed at the device surface. An infrared photodiode is also formed at the device surface and in proximity to the visible light photodiode. A textured region is coupled to the infrared photodiode and positioned to interact with electromagnetic radiation.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077042A1

An image sensor includes a pixel array configured to generate a plurality of pixel signals, an analog to digital converter circuit coupled to the pixel array and configured to generate respective digital codes responsive to respective ones of the pixel signals, a plurality of memories, respective ones of which are configured to store respective bits of the digital codes, a signal processing circuit coupled to a plurality of memories and configured to generate analog signals responsive to the stored bits, each of the analog signals corresponding to multiple ones of the stored bits, and a comparator circuit configured to compare the analog signals to respective ones of a plurality of reference signals to generate digital signals corresponding to the multiple ones of the stored bits. Related image processing systems and methods are also described.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200084404A1

An imaging device including an imaging cell including a photoelectric converter including a first electrode, a second electrode, and a photoelectric conversion layer between the first electrode and the second electrode, and a first transistor one of a source and a drain of which is coupled to the first electrode; and voltage supply circuitry coupled to the other of the source and the drain of the first transistor, the voltage supply circuitry being configured to supply a first voltage in a first period and a second voltage different from the first voltage in a second period different from the first period.

30-08-2016 дата публикации

Opto-electronic converter, image reading device, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US0009429470B2

An opto-electronic converter includes a plurality of light-receiving elements configured to convert light of different colors into analog signals, each of the analog signals representing a pixel, an amplifier unit configured to amplify the analog signals, into which the light is converted by the light-receiving elements, in each pixel group, the pixel group including a plurality of the light-receiving elements, the plurality of light-receiving elements converting light of different colors, and a gain switch unit configured to switch, for each of the light-receiving elements included in the pixel group, a gain of the amplifier unit to a gain determined in advance depending on a color of the light converted by the light-receiving element.

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US2014218573A1

A solid-state image sensing apparatus includes a solid-state image sensing device, signal processing circuit device, and a multi-layer wiring package. The solid-state image sensing device has a pixel in an image sensing area thereof. The pixel receives incident light and generate a signal electric charge. The signal processing circuit device is arranged to face the image sensing area and applies signal processing to a signal output from the solid-state image sensing device. The multi-layer wiring package has wiring layers, the solid-state image sensing device, and the signal processing circuit device. Each of the wiring layers is laminated via an insulator. The multi-layer wiring package is formed such that a first wiring layer provided between the solid-state image sensing device and the signal processing circuit device has a greater thickness than second wiring layers and has heat conductivity higher than or equal to heat conductivity of the second wiring layers.

26-02-2019 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for pixel binning and readout

Номер: US0010218923B2

Various embodiments of the present technology may comprise a method and apparatus for pixel binning and readout. The method and apparatus may determine a region of interest and a region of non-interest within an image frame according to a detected feature. In various embodiments, the method and apparatus may readout each row in the region of interest resulting in a high resolution region and combine the pixels within the region of non-interest resulting in a low resolution region.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180219041A1
Автор: Yoshiaki Takemoto

A solid-state imaging device includes a first substrate and a second substrate stacked on the first substrate. The first substrate has a first semiconductor layer including a plurality of first photoelectric conversion elements and a plurality of openings. The second substrate has a second semiconductor layer including a plurality of second photoelectric conversion elements. The plurality of openings penetrate the first semiconductor layer. Each of the plurality of second photoelectric conversion elements is disposed in a region corresponding to any one of the plurality of openings.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170330912A1

The present invention relates to a semiconductor device, a solid-state image sensor and a camera system capable of reducing the influence of noise at a connection between chips without a special circuit for communication and reducing the cost as a result. The semiconductor device includes: a first chip; and a second chip, wherein the first chip and the second chip are bonded to have a stacked structure, the first chip has a high-voltage transistor circuit mounted thereon, the second chip has mounted thereon a low-voltage transistor circuit having lower breakdown voltage than the high-voltage transistor circuit, and wiring between the first chip and the second chip is connected through a via formed in the first chip.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200161354A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corporation

A solid state imaging device including: a pixel region that is formed on a light incidence side of a substrate and to which a plurality of pixels that include photoelectric conversion units is arranged; a peripheral circuit unit that is formed in a lower portion in the substrate depth direction of the pixel region and that includes an active element; and a light shielding member that is formed between the pixel region and the peripheral circuit unit and that shields the incidence of light, emitted from an active element, to the photoelectric conversion unit.

14-07-2005 дата публикации

Increasing readout speed in CMOS APS sensors through block readout

Номер: US2005151058A1

A method and associated architecture for dividing column readout circuitry in an active pixel sensor in a manner which reduces the parasitic capacitance on the readout line. In a preferred implementation, column readout circuits are grouped in blocks and provided with block signaling. Accordingly, only column output circuits in a selected block significantly impart a parasitic capacitance effect on shared column readout lines. Block signaling allows increasing pixel readout rate while maintaining a constant frame rate for utility in large format high-speed imaging applications.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256991A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

An image sensor includes a plurality of pixels and photo gate controller circuitry. Each pixel may transmit a pixel signal, corresponding to a photoelectric signal, in response to a photo gate signal in a frame. The photo gate controller circuitry may generate photo gate signals and transmit photo gate signals to the pixels. The photo gate controller circuitry includes a first delay circuit configured to transmit first delay clock signals each being delayed with respect to a reference clock signal by a certain amount of time and a second delay circuit configured to transmit second delay clock signals each being delayed with respect to the reference clock signal by a certain amount of time. The pixels are each configured to selectively receive signals, as the photo gate signals, among the delay clock signals output from the first delay circuit and the delay clock signals output from the second delay circuit.

02-06-2005 дата публикации

Solid-state image sensor, solid-state image sensing apparatus, camera, and method

Номер: US2005117043A1

The present invention provides a solid-state image sensor, a solid-state image sensing apparatus, and a camera realizing a high-speed operation, all operable to output signal charges so as to maintain the light sensitivity and generate high-quality video signals free from moiréand aliased signals even if the number of pixels making up one frame of an image is reduced. The solid-state image sensor comprises a plurality of photoelectric converters, vertical transfer groups, and a horizontal transfer unit disposed at one side of the vertical transfer groups. Each vertical transfer group includes 2n+1 vertical transfer units, where n is an integer of 1 or more. Each vertical transfer unit includes a plurality of transfer electrodes arranged in columns and charge storage units receiving and storing charges from the photoelectric converters. In n out of the 2n+1 vertical transfer units, predetermined transfer electrodes disposed near the horizontal transfer unit are independent transfer electrodes ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200251519A1

The present disclosure relates to a semiconductor device, a solid-state image pickup element, an image pickup device, and an electronic apparatus that are enabled to reduce restrictions on materials and restrictions on device configuration. A CSP imager and a mounting substrate are connected together with a connection portion other than a solder ball. With such a configuration, restrictions on materials and restrictions on device configuration are reduced, which has conventionally occurred because it is limited to a configuration in which solder balls are used for connection. The present disclosure can be applied to image pickup devices.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170070691A1

Image sensor devices of related art have a problem that a circuit area increases. According to one embodiment, an image sensor device includes a read-out capacitor (28) that accumulates first pixel information to be output from a photodiode which is exposed to light with a first exposure time. In addition to the first pixel information, second pixel information to be output from the photodiode which is exposed to light with a second exposure time longer than the first exposure time is generated. After the first pixel information and the second pixel information are read out separately, the two pieces of pixel information are synthesized to thereby generate output image information.

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190246055A1

The present technology relates to a solid-state image sensor, an imaging device, and an electronic device capable of switching FD conversion efficiency in all pixels of a solid-state image sensor. A photodiode performs photoelectric conversion on incident light. A floating diffusion (FD) stores charge obtained by the photodiode. FD2, which is a second FD to which the capacity of an additional capacitor MIM is added, adds the capacity to the FD. The additional capacitor MIM is constituted by a first electrode formed by a wiring layer and a second electrode formed by a metallic light blocking film provided on a surface of a substrate on which the photodiode is formed. Switching between the FD and FD+FD2 allows switching of the FD conversion efficiency. The present technology is applicable to a CMOS image sensor.

24-01-2017 дата публикации

Ramp generator for low noise image sensor

Номер: US0009554074B2

A readout circuit for use in an image sensor includes a sense amplifier circuit coupled to a bitline to sense analog image data from a pixel cell of the image sensor. An analog to digital converter is coupled to the sense amplifier circuit to convert the analog image data to digital image data. A ramp generator circuit is coupled to generate a first ramp signal. The analog to digital converter is coupled to generate the digital image data in response to the analog image data and the first ramp signal. A first capacitive voltage divider is coupled to the ramp generator. The first capacitive voltage divider is coupled to reduce an output voltage swing of the first ramp signal coupled to be received by the analog to digital converter to reduce noise in the first ramp signal.

11-04-2017 дата публикации

Imaging element, imaging device and endoscope system

Номер: US0009621776B2

An imaging element includes: a plurality of pixels configured to receive light from outside and generate and output an imaging signal depending on an amount of the light received; a first transfer line connected to the pixel; a second transfer line; a column selection switch configured to select one pixel column and output the imaging signal to the second transfer line; a column source follower including a gate to which the imaging signal transferred by the first transfer line is input, a drain end being connected to a power supply voltage, and a source end being connected to the column selection switch; a constant current source configured to drive the column source follower and read out the imaging signal to the second transfer line; and a current generating unit configured to flow a predetermined current to the source end side of the column source follower.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055159A1

A photoelectric conversion apparatus according to one aspect of the present invention includes a first substrate including a photoelectric conversion region and a surrounding region, and a second substrate including a circuit for processing a signal from the photoelectric conversion region, and overlapping the first substrate. In this case, the circuit for processing a signal from the photoelectric conversion region includes a first circuit and a second circuit with a higher drive frequency than that of the first circuit. In an orthogonal projection, the second circuit is only provided in the photoelectric conversion region.

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150380454A1
Автор: Jing-En Luan

Embodiments of the present invention provide a camera module and a method of manufacturing the same, the camera module comprising a sensor assembly, at least one semiconductor substrate, and a molding compound; wherein the sensor assembly comprises a semiconductor die, a sensor circuit disposed on the top surface of the semiconductor die, and a transparent cover coupled to the semiconductor die over the top surface of the semiconductor die; wherein each semiconductor substrate is disposed around the sensor assembly in a horizontal direction; and wherein the molding compound is filled between each semiconductor substrate and the sensor assembly.

01-05-2018 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging device

Номер: US0009961286B2

There are provided a first semiconductor substrate in which a plurality of photoelectric conversion circuits, which are some circuit elements of the pixel cells including the photoelectric conversion unit, are formed in a two-dimensional matrix, a second semiconductor substrate in which a plurality of memory circuits, which are some other circuit elements of the pixel cells, are formed in a two-dimensional matrix, wherein the some other circuit elements of the pixel cells include memory units that correspond to the photoelectric conversion circuits, store electric signals output by the photoelectric conversion units, and output pixel signals according to the electric signals, and a connection electrode electrically connected to a signal line of the photoelectric conversion circuits and a signal line of the memory circuits, wherein the pixel cells are divided into a plurality of pixel groups in which the pixel cells are combined so that adjacent pixel cells are not included if pixel cells ...

24-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100157077A1

TG (22) (timing signals generator), a frequency divider (28), an oscillator (27) and a signals processing IC (30) generates driving signals and transferring signals of CCD (21), and when CCD (21) is exposed through a long time exposure in which exposure is performed for not less than a predetermined time, each of a clock frequency of driving signals during an exposure period and a clock frequency of each of driving signals and transferring signals during a transferring period is adjusted to be lower than a clock frequency of thereof in an exposure state in which exposure is performed for less than the predetermined time period.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220150429A1

The present disclosure relates to a solid-state imaging device, a method for manufacturing the same, and an electronic apparatus capable of improving sensitivity while suppressing degradation of color mixture. The solid-state imaging device includes an anti-reflection portion having a moth-eye structure provided on a boundary surface on a light-receiving surface side of a photoelectric conversion region of each pixel arranged two-dimensionally, and an inter-pixel light-blocking portion provided below the boundary surface of the anti-reflection portion to block incident light. In addition, the photoelectric conversion region is a semiconductor region, and the inter-pixel light-blocking portion has a trench structure obtained by digging the semiconductor region in a depth direction at a pixel boundary. The techniques according to the present disclosure can be applied to, for example, a solid-state imaging device of a rear surface irradiation type.

19-04-2022 дата публикации

Photoelectric conversion film, solid-state image sensor, and electronic device

Номер: US0011309498B2
Автор: Osamu Enoki

... [Object] To provide a photoelectric conversion film, a solid-state image sensor, and an electronic device which have an increased imaging characteristic. [Solution] Provided is a photoelectric conversion film including: a subphthalocyanine derivative represented by the following General Formula (1), where, in General Formula (1), X represents any substituent selected from among the group consisting of a halogen, a hydroxy group, a thiol group, an amino group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted aryloxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkyl amine group, a substituted or unsubstituted aryl amine group, a substituted or unsubstituted alkylthio group and a substituted or unsubstituted arylthio group, R1to R3each independently represent a substituted or unsubstituted ring structure, and at least one of R1to R3includes at least one hetero atom in the ring structure.

24-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: JP2006319180A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To permit the prevention of malfunction due to the inputting of electrostatic noise into parasitics in a semiconductor device employed in a photoelectric converter. SOLUTION: The semiconductor device is constituted of a photoelectric converter element 7 for outputting an electric signal in accordance with an optical signal inputted from outside, an internal circuit 9 for processing the electric signal, a signal terminal 1 for inputting or outputting the signal into or out of the internal circuit 9, a first potential terminal 2 for supplying a first potential voltage to the internal circuit 9, and a second potential terminal 3 for supplying a second potential voltage lower than the first potential to the internal circuit 9. In this case, the semiconductor device has a first protective element 4 connected electrically between the signal terminal 1 and the first potential in a reverse direction and having at least one piece of pn connection, and a second protective element ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580422C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки изображений. Технический результат - обеспечение уменьшения смещения, включенного в цифровой сигнал, которое возникает вследствие разности между временем, когда потенциал опорного сигнала начинает изменяться во времени, и временем, когда счетчик начинает подсчет синхросигнала. Способ для возбуждения устройства фиксации изображений, которое содержит: пиксель для вывода пиксельного сигнала и средство аналого-цифрового преобразования для преобразования аналогового сигнала в цифровой сигнал; причем средство аналого-цифрового преобразования содержит: средство сравнения для вывода сигнала (СМР) результата сравнения, получаемого посредством сравнения аналогового сигнала с опорным сигналом, потенциал которого изменяется с течением времени, и средство подсчета для подсчета синхросигнала; причем способ содержит: формирование первого цифрового сигнала (DN1); формирование второго цифрового сигнала (DN2); формирование третьего цифрового сигнала; корректировку ...

05-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668949C2

Изобретение относится к средствам формирования изображений, в частности устройству захвата изображения и системе захвата изображения. Устройство захвата изображения согласно варианту осуществления включает в себя подложку, на которой расположено множество схем пикселей, полупроводниковый слой, расположенный на подложке, первый электрод, расположенный на полупроводниковом слое, и второй электрод, расположенный между полупроводниковым слоем и подложкой. Непрерывный участок полупроводникового слоя включает в себя светопринимающую область, расположенную между первым электродом и вторым электродом, и область удержания заряда, отличную от светопринимающей области. Технический результат заключается в получении сигнала изображения с уменьшенным шумом. 4 н. и 28 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532578C2

Изобретение относится к устройству фотоэлектрического преобразования. В устройстве фотоэлектрического преобразования, которое складывает сигналы множества элементов фотоэлектрического преобразования, включенных в состав блоков фотоэлектрического преобразования, каждый из множества элементов фотоэлектрического преобразования включает в себя первую полупроводниковую область первого типа проводимости, которая накапливает сигнальные несущие. Первые полупроводниковые области, включенные в состав элементов фотоэлектрического преобразования, которые включаются в состав каждого из блоков фотоэлектрического преобразования и располагаются в непосредственной близости друг к другу, размещают между собой вторую полупроводниковую область второго типа проводимости. Высота потенциального барьера для сигнальных несущих, сгенерированных в определенной области второй полупроводниковой области, меньше высоты потенциального барьера для сигнальных несущих, сгенерированных в третьей полупроводниковой области, ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2534018C2

Изобретение относится к мультиспектральным считывающим фоточувствительным устройствам для считывания субдискретизированных данных фоточувствительных пикселов в фоточувствительных кристаллах с большой матрицей. Техническим результатом является обеспечение субдискретизации с высокой производительностью и эффективной обработки изображений. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что мультиспектральное фоточувствительное устройство и способ дискретизации пикселов включает: первый процесс комбинирования для комбинирования и дискретизации двух смежных пикселов в идентичной строке и различном столбце, или в различной строке и идентичном столбце, или в различной строке и различном столбце в пикселной матрице, чтобы получать данные дискретизации первого комбинированного пиксела; второй процесс комбинирования для комбинирования и дискретизации данных дискретизации первого комбинированного пиксела, полученного из первого блока комбинирования, чтобы получать данные дискретизации второго комбинированного ...

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2431906C1

Изобретение относится к фотоэлектронной технике и может быть использовано, в частности, в устройствах для сканирования объектов. Способ регистрации светового сигнала включает разложение светового потока на составляющие спектра, формирование из него когерентного поляризованного светового потока и направление полученного потока на поверхность датчика в виде ПЗС матрицы. Матрица имеет по меньшей мере два слоя фоточувствительных элементов. Фотоны светового потока поглощаются фоточувствительными элементами первого относительно их движения слоя матрицы и/или по меньшей мере одного из последующих ее слоев при пробое фотонами предыдущих слоев и при поглощении фотонов фоточувствительные элементы слоев накапливают электрические заряды. Разложенный световой поток распределяют по поверхности матрицы с образованием по меньшей мере двух областей, в каждой из которых поглощается часть спектра разложенного светового потока, и определяют значения интенсивности светового потока для каждой части спектра по ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017106894A3

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156611A

... 1. Способ для возбуждения устройства фиксации изображений, причем устройство фиксации изображений содержит:- пиксель, сконфигурированный так, чтобы выводить пиксельный сигнал, и- модуль аналого-цифрового преобразования, сконфигурированный так, чтобы преобразовывать аналоговый сигнал в цифровой сигнал, причем модуль аналого-цифрового преобразования содержит:- модуль сравнения, сконфигурированный так, чтобы выводить сигнал результата сравнения, полученный посредством сравнения аналогового сигнала с опорным сигналом, потенциал которого изменяется во времени, при этом способ содержит:- формирование, с использованием модуля аналого-цифрового преобразования, первого цифрового сигнала на основе сигнала результата сравнения, выводимого посредством модуля сравнения в качестве результата сравнения модулем сравнения первого аналогового сигнала с первым опорным сигналом, потенциал которого изменяется на первую величину в единицу времени;- формирование, с использованием модуля аналого-цифрового преобразования ...

19-06-2013 дата публикации

An imaging array with high dynamic range

Номер: GB0002497571A

An array of pixels in an image sensor comprises some pixels of relatively low photosensitivity. The low photosensitivity pixels allow the use of long integration times, which permits the reliable detection of pulsed light sources, such as LED vehicle brake lights, in the image. The higher sensitivity pixels have a shorter integration time and permit good low-level sensitivity. Lower pixel photosensitivity may be achieved by use of an attenuating filter or by use of a smaller sensing area. One of the green pixels in a repeating RGBG pattern may have a lower sensitivity than the other green pixel, or selected RGBG groups may have lower sensitivity (figure 6C). The dynamic range may be further improved by use of multiple exposures, each with different integration times (figure 3). Dynamic range may also be improved by adapting the pixel integration times in dependence on the image data captured in an initial calibration phase (figure 4).

09-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002155273B

02-02-2011 дата публикации

Image sensor, semiconductor device and image sensing method

Номер: GB0201022024D0

20-07-1983 дата публикации

Solid state image pick-up devices

Номер: GB0002112603A

A solid state imaging device comprising a charged coupled device CCD for use in a camera which has a shutter and wherein the output of the charged coupled device is supplied to a video processing unit which drives a magnetic recorder for recording images on a magnetic medium and wherein first and second field images are simultaneously picked up by the photosensitive regions of the solid state image sensor when the shutter is opened and the first and second field signal charges are read out sequentially from the charge couple device when the shutter is closed. The invention also provides for sweeping unrequired charges from prior images from the charge coupled device so as to prevent blooming. The exposure on the charge coupled device automatically controls the time or aperture of the exposure system based on detected signals. The shutter is closed for two field periods while the first and second fields are read out so as to prevent smearing and mixing.

27-07-2011 дата публикации

An image sensor.

Номер: GB0002477187A

Signal charges are input to input transfer stage 31 of CCD memory. A final transfer stage 32 is formed so as to be connected to the input transfer stage 31. In an accumulation mode, read gate 42 and drain gate 40 are not turned on and accumulated signal charges are transferred on a stage by stage basis. The signal charges obtained at the first image pickup timing are transferred again to the input transfer stage 31 and new signal charges are injected into the input transfer stage 31. As a result, the signal charges obtained at the last image pickup timing are added to the signal charges accumulated in the input transfer stage 31 so that integrated signal charges from adding the two sets of signal charges are accumulated in the input transfer stage. Other inventions relate to semiconductor devices and an image sensor with an overwrite step.

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA105376A

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Variable resolution pixel

Номер: AU2015315416A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A photosensor having a plurality of light sensitive pixels each of which comprises a light sensitive region and a plurality of storage regions for accumulating photocharge generated in the light sensitive region, a transfer gate for each storage region that is selectively electrifiable to transfer photocharge from the light sensitive region to the storage region, and an array of microlenses that for each storage region directs a different portion of light incident on the pixel to a region of the light sensitive region closer to the storage region than to other storage regions.

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021200258B2

Example embodiments relate to multiple operating modes to expand dynamic range. An example embodiment includes a camera system. The camera system may include a first image sensor having a first dynamic range corresponding to a first range of luminance levels in a scene. The system may also include a second image sensor having a second dynamic range corresponding to a second range of luminance levels in the scene. The camera system may further include a processor coupled to the first image sensor and the second image sensor. The processor may be configured to execute instructions to identify objects of a first type in a first image of the scene captured by the first image sensor and identify objects of a second object type in a second image of the scene captured by the second image sensor. WO 2019/133177 PCT/US2018/063332 Vehicle 100 Propulsion Sensor System Control System Peripherals System102 104 106 108 Global * GlobalWireless Engine ! Motor Positioning Steering Unit ication • 118 System ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Wide dynamic range using monochromatic sensor

Номер: AU2013295566A1

The disclosure extends to methods, systems, and computer program products for widening dynamic range within an image in a light deficient environment.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Digital image sensor

Номер: US20130155302A1
Автор: John Kevin Moore

A digital imaging sensor includes an array of pixels. A subset of the pixels in the array has reduced photosensitivity in comparison to other pixels in said array. A controller operates to control an integration time of the array of pixels such that a first integration time of the subset of pixels is longer than a second integration time of the other pixels in the array. Such an image sensor is particularly useful for sensing light sources that are not illuminated continuously.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181118A1

An object of the invention is to cause a part of charge spilling from a photoelectric conversion unit to flow into a charge holding unit and thereby extend dynamic range and at the same time improve image quality. There is provided a solid-state image pickup device having a pixel including: a photoelectric conversion unit generating and accumulating charge by means of photoelectric conversion; a first charge holding unit being shielded from light, and being adaptable to accumulate a part of charge spilling from the photoelectric conversion unit in a period during which the photoelectric conversion unit generates and accumulates charge; an amplifying unit (SF-MOS) amplifying charge; a first transfer unit (Tx-MOS) transferring the charge accumulated in the photoelectric conversion unit to the amplifying unit; and a second transfer unit (Ty-MOS) transferring the charge accumulated in the first charge holding unit to the amplifying unit. 1. A driving method of an image pickup device including a plurality of pixels each comprising a photoelectric conversion unit , a light-shielded capacitor , and an amplifying unit amplifying a signal based on the carriers accumulated in the photoelectric conversion unit and the capacitor , the method comprising:resetting carriers, accumulated in the photoelectric conversion unit and the capacitor;accumulating carriers in the photoelectric conversion unit and the capacitor for a predetermined period;reading a signal based on the carriers accumulated in the capacitor out from the pixel through the amplifying unit; andreading a signal based on the carriers accumulated in the photoelectric conversion unit out from the pixel through the amplifying unit, after the reading out of the signal based on the carriers accumulated in the capacitor.2. A driving method of an image pickup device including a plurality of pixels , each pixel comprising a photoelectric conversion unit , a light-shielded capacitor , and an amplifying unit amplifying a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182158A1

In a photoelectric conversion apparatus that adds signals of a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements included in photoelectric conversion units, each of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements includes a first semiconductor region of a first conductivity type that collects signal carriers. The first semiconductor regions included in photoelectric conversion elements that are included in each of the photoelectric conversion units and that are arranged adjacent to each other sandwich a second semiconductor region of a second conductivity type. A height of a potential barrier for the signal carriers generated in a certain region of the second semiconductor region is smaller than a height of a potential barrier for the signal carriers generated in a third semiconductor region between each of the first semiconductor regions and an overflow drain region of the first conductivity type. 1. A photoelectric conversion apparatus comprising:a plurality of photoelectric conversion units, each including a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements,wherein signal carriers generated in the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements included in the plurality of photoelectric conversion units or signals based on the signal carriers are added,wherein each of the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements includes a first semiconductor region of a first conductivity type that collects the signal carriers,wherein the first semiconductor regions included in photoelectric conversion elements that are included in each of the photoelectric conversion units and that are arranged adjacent to each other sandwich a second semiconductor region of a second conductivity type, andwherein a height of a potential barrier for the signal carriers generated in a certain region of the second semiconductor region is smaller than a height of a potential barrier for the signal carriers generated in a region between each of the first semiconductor regions and an overflow drain ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182160A1

An image sensor has a plurality of pixels arranged in an array, a selection means for selecting individual pixels in the array, and a shutter means for transmitting a shutter signal to the pixels. The pixels are constructed and arranged to sense incident light only when both selected and in receipt of a shutter signal. The pixels in said array can thus be triggered individually to capture light at different times. 1. An image sensor having a plurality of pixels arranged in an array , selection means providing select signals for selecting individual pixels in the array , and shutter control means for transmitting a shutter signal to the pixels , wherein each said pixel includes a photosensor device , a readout circuit , a transfer switch connected between the photosensor device and the readout circuit , and a control means for triggering the pixel , the control means being connected to receive a shutter signal and at least one select signal , and being connected to the transfer switch to control switching thereof , whereby the pixel senses incident light only when in receipt of both a shutter signal and a select signal , whereby pixels in said array can be triggered individually to capture light at different times.2. An image sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the pixels are arranged in an array of rows and columns and are connected to receive a row select signal and a column select signal claim 1 , whereby an individual pixel can be selected by transmitting a row select signal and a column select signal along the row and the column in which that pixel is located.3. An image sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the selection means comprises a plurality of row selection lines and a plurality of column selection lines claim 2 , wherein each row selection line is connected to all the pixels in a particular row and each column selection line is connected to all the pixels in a particular column.4. An image sensor according to claim 3 , wherein the selection means ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182162A1

A solid-state image sensor having a pixel region and a peripheral circuit region, includes wiring lines arranged in the pixel region and the peripheral circuit region, dummy patterns arranged in the peripheral circuit region, and a planarizing layer arranged on the wiring lines and containing a resin. The wiring lines in the peripheral circuit region include a plurality of electrically conductive patterns. The dummy patterns are arranged between the plurality of electrically conductive patterns. The dummy patterns are electrically insulated from the wiring lines. 1. A solid-state image sensor including a pixel region and a peripheral circuit region , the sensor comprising:wiring lines arranged in the pixel region and the peripheral circuit region;dummy patterns arranged in the peripheral circuit region; anda planarizing layer arranged on the wiring lines and containing a resin,wherein the wiring lines in the peripheral circuit region include a plurality of electrically conductive patterns, and the dummy patterns are arranged between the plurality of electrically conductive patterns, the dummy patterns being electrically insulated from the wiring lines.2. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the wiring lines are arranged in an uppermost wiring layer of a plurality of wiring layers.3. The sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the planarizing layer covers the uppermost wiring layer.4. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the wiring lines in the pixel region are electrically connected to the wiring lines in the peripheral circuit region.5. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein an interval between the electrically conductive pattern and the dummy pattern adjacent thereto is not more than 30 μm.6. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the wiring line includes at least one of a power line and a ground line.7. The sensor according to claim 1 , wherein signal lines are arranged in a wiring layer immediately below the uppermost wiring layer of the plurality ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus and camera module

Номер: US20130194464A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image pickup apparatus includes an optical device, a transparent conductive film, an electrode pad, and a penetrating electrode. In the optical device, an optical element area for receiving light is formed on a first surface side of a substrate, and an external connection terminal is formed on a side of a second surface opposite to the first surface of the substrate. The transparent conductive film is formed to face the first surface of the substrate. The electrode pad is formed on the first surface of the substrate and configured to perform connection with a fixed potential. The penetrating electrode is connected to the electrode pad and formed to penetrate the substrate between the first surface and second surface. The transparent conductive film is connected to the electrode pad, and the penetrating electrode is connected to the external connection terminal on the side of the second surface of the substrate.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194474A1

An apparatus includes a pixel array in which pixels for outputting an analog signal are arranged in a matrix, vertical output lines each of which is connected to pixels in a same column, A/D conversion units, which are individually connected to the vertical output lines, for converting the analog signal into a digital signal, and a constant current supply unit for supplying a constant current to the A/D conversion units. Each of the A/D conversion units includes an integration unit for integrating the constant current, a comparison unit for comparing the integrated constant current with the analog signal and outputting a comparison signal, and a digital signal storage unit for storing a digital signal corresponding to the comparison signal. The integration unit includes an input capacitor for receiving the constant current. The comparison unit is connected to the constant current supply unit via the input capacitor. 1. An apparatus comprising:a pixel array in which a plurality of pixels for outputting an analog signal are arranged in a matrix;a plurality of vertical output lines each of which is connected to corresponding ones of the plurality of pixels in a same column of the pixel array;a plurality of A/D conversion units, which are individually connected to the plurality of vertical output lines, configured to convert the analog signal into a digital signal; anda constant current supply unit configured to supply a constant current to the plurality of A/D conversion units, andwherein each of the plurality of A/D conversion units includes,an integration unit configured to integrate the constant current,a comparison unit configured to compare the integrated constant current with the analog signal and output a comparison signal, anda digital signal storage unit configured to store a digital signal corresponding to the comparison signal,wherein the integration unit includes an input capacitor configured to receive the constant current from one terminal thereof, ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201372A1

A photo-electric conversion device comprises a pixel array in which a plurality of pixels are arrayed, each pixel including a photo-electric converter, a floating diffusion portion, a transfer unit which transfers charges generated in the photo-electric converter to the floating diffusion portion, and an output unit which outputs a signal corresponding to a potential of the floating diffusion portion, a signal line which is connected to the plurality of pixels and transmits a signal output from each pixel, a load transistor including a drain connected to the signal line, and a source connected to a first reference potential, and a capacitance including a first electrode connected to a gate of the load transistor, and a second electrode connected to a second reference potential, wherein the signal line is arranged not to overlap the first electrode when viewed from a direction perpendicular to a light-receiving surface of the photo-electric converter. 14-. (canceled)5. A photo-electric conversion device comprising:a pixel array in which a plurality of pixels are arrayed, each pixel including a photo-electric converter, a floating diffusion portion, a transfer unit which transfers charges generated in the photo-electric converter to the floating diffusion portion, and an output unit which outputs a signal corresponding to a potential of the floating diffusion portion;a signal line which is connected to the plurality of pixels and transmits a signal output from each pixel;a load transistor including a drain connected to the signal line, and a source connected to a first reference potential;a capacitance including a first electrode connected to a gate of the load transistor, and a second electrode connected to a second reference potential; anda shield which is arranged between the signal line and the first electrode and connected to a fixed potential.6. The device according to claim 5 , further comprising:a supply unit which supplies a bias voltage to the capacitance; ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201375A1
Автор: Kukita Manabu

An A/D converter includes: a first comparator that compares an input signal, with a first reference signal which is a ramp wave having a predetermined polarity, and that when the input signal matches the first reference signal, reverses an output signal thereof; a second comparator that compares the input signal, with a second reference signal which is a ramp wave having a different polarity from the first reference signal, and that when the input signal matches the second reference signal, reverses an output signal thereof; and a counter capable of counting up so as to measure the comparison times taken by the first comparator and second comparator, wherein when either of the output signal of the first comparator and the output signal of the second comparator is first reversed, the counter ceases a counting action. 1. An A/D converter comprising:a first comparator that compares an input signal, with a first reference signal which is a ramp wave having a predetermined polarity, and that when the input signal matches the first reference signal, reverses an output signal thereof;a second comparator that compares the input signal, with a second reference signal which is a ramp wave having different polarity from the first reference signal, and that when the input signal matches the second reference signal, reverses an output signal thereof; anda counter capable of counting up so as to measure the comparison times taken by the first comparator and second comparator, whereinwhen either of the output signal of the first comparator and the output signal of the second comparator is first reversed, the counter ceases a counting action.2. The A/D converter according to claim 1 , wherein the second reference voltage is produced as a ramp wave whose slope is vertically opposite to the slope of a standard voltage of the first reference voltage that is a ramp wave.3. A solid-state image sensing device comprising:a pixel array having a plurality of pixels, which performs ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242087A1

According to one embodiment, a solid state imaging device includes a first image sensor, a second image sensor, and an imaging processing circuit. A plurality of photoelectric conversion units are arranged in each of the first image sensor and the second image sensor. All of the photoelectric conversion units are configured to include pixels with different charge storage times. The imaging processing circuit includes an output combining unit. The output combining unit combines outputs by the pixels with different charge storage times with respect to each of the photoelectric conversion units. 1. A solid state imaging device comprising:a first image sensor capturing a first object image;a second image sensor provided in parallel with the first image sensor to capture a second object image having a phase difference with respect to the first object image; andan imaging processing circuit performing signal processing on an image signal obtained by capturing the first object image in the first image sensor and an image signal obtained by capturing the second object image in the second image sensor,wherein a plurality of photoelectric conversion units are arranged in each of the first image sensor and the second image sensor,all of the photoelectric conversion units of the first image sensor and the second image sensor are configured to include pixels with different charge storage times, andthe imaging processing circuit includes an output combining unit combining outputs by the pixels with different charge storage times with respect to each of the photoelectric conversion units.2. The solid state imaging device according to claim 1 ,wherein all of the photoelectric conversion units are configured by alternately arranging in parallel a line including first pixels and a line including second pixels that are set to have a shorter charge storage time than the first pixels, andthe output combining unit interpolates an output with respect to the first pixel in which an output ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248688A1

An embodiment of an image pickup apparatus according to the present invention includes, on a semiconductor substrate, an imaging area having a plurality of pixel columns and a plurality of column circuits each of which is provided for each pixel column or a plurality of pixel columns. Each of the column circuits has a first circuit block and a second circuit block, and the first and second circuit blocks receive a bias voltage via a common wire. The first circuit block includes an amplifier circuit. The second circuit block is configured to be capable of switching between a first mode and a second mode with smaller power consumption than the first mode. A shift period from the second mode to the first mode by the second circuit block is a period excluding a period during which an amplifier circuit in the first circuit block is performing an amplifying operation. 1. An image pickup apparatus comprising , on a semiconductor substrate , an imaging area having a plurality of pixel columns and a plurality of column circuits each of which is provided for each pixel column or a plurality of pixel columns , whereineach of the column circuits has a first circuit block and a second circuit block, and the first and second circuit blocks receive a bias voltage via a common wire;the first circuit block includes an amplifier circuit;the second circuit block is configured to be capable of switching between a first mode and a second mode with smaller power consumption than the first mode; anda shift period from the second mode to the first mode by the second circuit block is a period excluding a period during which an amplifier circuit in the first circuit block is performing an amplifying operation.2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the amplifier circuit has an amplifier circuit in a previous stage and an amplifier circuit in a subsequent stage which amplifies a signal from the amplifier circuit in the previous stage.3. The image pickup apparatus ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256505A1

There is provided an imaging device including a lighting unit whose lighting directions to a subject are able to be switched, and a control unit that performs focus adjustment on the subject for every lighting directions to calculate evaluation values in accordance with focus states, and determines a direction in which a focus state becomes best as a lighting direction based on the evaluation values to capture the subject. 1. An imaging device comprising:a lighting unit whose lighting directions to a subject are able to be switched; anda control unit that performs focus adjustment on the subject for every lighting directions to calculate evaluation values in accordance with focus states, and determines a direction in which a focus state becomes best as a lighting direction based on the evaluation values to capture the subject.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 ,wherein the lighting unit switches the lighting directions by emitting illumination light from different positions in a circumferential direction with respect to an optical axis of an imaging optical system.3. The imaging device according to claim 2 ,wherein the lighting unit switches irradiation angles of the illumination light.4. The imaging device according to claim 2 ,wherein the control unit thins out the lighting directions in the circumferential direction, performs focus adjustment on the subject for every lighting directions after thinning out to calculate evaluation values in accordance with focus states, and calculates evaluation values of the thinned-out lighting directions from the calculated evaluation values.5. The imaging device according to claim 2 ,wherein the control unit groups the lighting directions in the circumferential direction, and performs focus adjustment on the subject for every lighting directions in one group to calculate evaluation values in accordance with focus states.6. The imaging device according to claim 5 ,wherein the control unit includes lighting directions ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258163A1
Автор: Kachi Yasushi

An image processing apparatus obtains information of an effective pixel of an image pickup element and information of a pixel on the periphery thereof, sets a position where image data of the peripheral pixel is multiplexed in accordance with a transmission method, generates a data stream by multiplexing image data of the effective pixel and the image data of the peripheral pixel in accordance with the set multiplexing position and the transmission method, and multiplexes information on the set multiplexing position and information on the peripheral pixel area to the data stream. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:an obtaining unit configured to obtain moving image data output from an image pickup element having a predetermined pixel array;a generation unit configured to generate a data stream including image data of an effective area, in accordance with a transmission method of transmitting the image data of the effective area of the moving image data, the generation unit generating the data stream by multiplexing image data of an area on the periphery of the effective area and positional information on a position where the image data of the peripheral area is multiplexed, onto the image data of the effective area; anda transmission unit configured to transmit the data stream generated by the generation unit.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the generation unit determines the peripheral area in the moving image data on the basis of information on the pixel array.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the generation unit determines a position for multiplexing the image data of the peripheral area on the basis of the information on the pixel array and the transmission method.4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the generation unit multiplexes the image data of the peripheral area and the positional information during a blanking period in the data stream.5. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the positional information ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Oscillator, oscillating method, image sensor, and imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130284887A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An oscillator includes: inverters that are connected in a loop shape and of which the number is an odd number greater than or equal to three; and a delay section that delays change in a voltage which is input to one inverter of the odd number of inverters. The one inverter is a schmitt trigger inverter. The schmitt trigger inverter includes a current source, and a resistor in which current supplied by the current source flows. A hysteresis width of the schmitt trigger inverter depends on the current which flows in the resistor.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306841A1
Автор: Tate Tomoyasu

A solid-state imaging device includes: a pixel array section in which a plurality of pixels including an amplification transistor configured to amplify a signal based on a photoelectric charge in accordance with an amount of received light are disposed; through vertical signal lines of the pixel array section, a bias-current control section configured to turn on or off a bias current supplied to the amplification transistor for each of the vertical signal lines; and a drive control section configured to control the bias-current control section so as to turn on the bias current of the vertical signal line through which a pixel signal is read, and to turn off the bias current of the vertical signal line through which a pixel signal is not read. 1. A solid-state imaging device comprising:a pixel array section in which a plurality of pixels including an amplification transistor configured to amplify a signal based on a photoelectric charge in accordance with an amount of received light are disposed;through vertical signal lines of the pixel array section, a bias-current control section configured to turn on or off a bias current supplied to the amplification transistor for each of the vertical signal lines; anda drive control section configured to control the bias-current control section so as to turn on the bias current of the vertical signal line through which a pixel signal is read, and to turn off the bias current of the vertical signal line through which a pixel signal is not read.2. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 1 ,wherein the drive control section is configured to further control switching modes between a first mode in which pixel columns whose pixel signals are read are changed in time series, and a second mode in which pixel signals of all the pixel columns are read and then the pixel signals of the plurality of pixel columns are smoothed.3. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 ,wherein in the first mode, the drive control ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002700A1
Автор: OISHI Amane

According to embodiments of the present invention, a solid-state image sensor has a semiconductor element substrate having a plurality of photo electric conversion elements, an interlaminar insulating film having wires, formed at a first surface of the semiconductor element substrate, a color filter having a plurality of dye films of a plurality of colors, formed at a second surface of the semiconductor element substrate, a micro lens array having a plurality of micro lenses, formed above the color filter, a plurality of inner lenses formed between the photoelectric conversion elements and the dye films, and a shroud that surrounds each of the inner lenses, formed above the second surface of the semiconductor element substrate. 1. A solid-state image sensor comprising:a semiconductor element substrate having a plurality of photo electric conversion elements;an interlaminar insulating film having wires, formed at a first surface of the semiconductor element substrate;a color filter having dye films of a plurality of colors, formed at a second surface of the semiconductor element substrate;a micro lens array having a plurality of micro lenses, formed above the color filter;a plurality of inner lenses formed between the photoelectric conversion elements and the dye films; anda shroud that surrounds each of the inner lenses, formed above the second surface of the semiconductor element substrate.2. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe shroud is comprised of SiGe, andthe semiconductor substrate is a silicon substrate.3. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 1 , whereina thickness of the shroud is thinner than a thickness of the inner lens.4. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 3 , further comprising:a spacer that is formed on the shroud so that the upper surface of the spacer is in the same level as the upper surface of the inner lens.5. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 1 , whereina upper width of the shroud ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009657A1

There is provided a solid state imaging apparatus, including a plurality of line sensors including a plurality of pixels arrayed in a line, each of the pixels including an amplifier which amplifies a signal corresponding to a charge accumulated in a photoelectric transducer, and signal lines each for reading a signal of each pixel of the line sensors. The plurality of line sensors are discretely arranged, and the signal lines are gathered and wired along a region in which a circuit block including the line sensors is arranged. 1. A solid state imaging apparatus , comprising:a plurality of line sensors including a plurality of pixels arrayed in a line, each of the pixels including an amplifier which amplifies a signal corresponding to a charge accumulated in a photoelectric transducer; andsignal lines each for reading a signal of each pixel of the line sensors,wherein the plurality of line sensors are discretely arranged, andwherein the signal lines are gathered and wired along a region in which a circuit block including the line sensors is arranged.2. The solid state imaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein a distance between the gathered and wired signal lines is narrower than a distance between the pixels arrayed in the line sensors.3. The solid state imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a parallel type A/D convertor capable of A/D converting the signal of each pixel of the plurality of line sensors in parallel,wherein the signal lines connect each pixel of the plurality of line sensors to the A/D convertor.4. The solid state imaging apparatus according to claim 3 ,wherein the A/D convertor A/D converts the signal of each pixel of all the line sensors in parallel.5. The solid state imaging apparatus according to claim 3 ,wherein the plurality of line sensors are each selectively operated,wherein the signal lines connect each pixel of the plurality of line sensors to the A/D convertor by sharing wiring on the A/D convertor side for ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022359A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

At a first point in time, the amount of opening of a diaphragm is controlled in such a manner that parallax is obtained in a plurality of images that are output as a result of imaging, whereby a parallax image is acquired. At a second point in time, the diaphragm is controlled in such a manner that the amount of opening thereof is made smaller than at the first point in time, whereby a planar image is acquired. Parallax information is calculated based upon the plurality of images acquired at the first point in time, and the planar image acquired at the second point in time is created. This stereoscopic imaging apparatus creates a stereoscopic image comprising parallax information and a planar image. 1. A stereoscopic imaging apparatus comprising:a solid-state electronic imager for outputting image data representing a plurality of images of different viewpoints by pupil division;a diaphragm, which is provided in front of a photoreceptor surface of said solid-state electronic imager, for adjusting quantity of light of a light beam that impinges upon the photoreceptor surface of said solid-state electronic imager;a diaphragm controller for controlling said diaphragm at a first point in time so as to obtain an opening amount at which parallax is produced in the plurality of images represented by the image data that is output from said solid-state electronic imager, and for controlling said diaphragm at a second point in time so as to obtain an opening amount, at which the quantity of light passing through is reduced, smaller than the opening amount prevailing at said first point in time;a parallax information calculator for calculating parallax information of the plurality of images using image data representing the plurality of images output from said solid-state electronic imager at said first point in time;a planar image data generator for generating planar image data, which represents a planar image, from image data representing the plurality of images output from ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028882A1
Автор: Okano Masafumi, Ui Hiroki

A solid-state image sensor with one or more control lines driven at arbitrary dividing points along the control line. 1. A physical information acquisition apparatus of reading unit-element signals from a semiconductor device , the semiconductor device including unit elements arranged in a particular order , each unit element having a unit-element signal generation part for outputting a unit-element signal indicating a detected change in a physical quantity , comprising:a drive control unit configured to drive a control line at a original driving point that results in a reduction in the maximum value of a product of (a) load capacitance at an arbitrary driving point on the control line and (b) line resistance between the arbitrary driving point and a driver unit that is connected to the original driving point.2. A physical information acquisition apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising the semiconductor device. This application is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/357,590, filed Jan. 22, 2009, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/170,246, filed Jun. 29, 2005, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference to the extent permitted by law. The present application also claims priority to Japanese Patent Application Nos. 2004-195502, filed in the Japanese Patent Office on Jul. 1, 2004, and 2005-175959, filed in the Japanese Patent Office on Jun. 16, 2005, the entireties of both of which are incorporated by reference herein to the extent permitted by law.The present invention relates to a physical information acquisition method, a physical information acquisition apparatus, and a semiconductor device. More particularly, the present invention relates to a driving control technique in reading unit-element signals from unit elements, particularly suitable for use in a semiconductor device, such as a solid-state image sensor including an array of unit elements sensitive to an electromagnetic wave such as light ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043511A1

A solid-state imaging apparatus includes: a plurality of first unit pixels configured to generate a signal by a photoelectric conversion; a first output line connected to the plurality of first unit pixels; and a first amplifier configured to amplify a signal from the first output line, wherein the first amplifier includes an operational amplifier (), an initializing switch () having one terminal connected to an output terminal of the operational amplifier, and an offset adjusting unit () connected between the other terminal of the initializing switch and an input terminal of the operational amplifier, and the offset adjusting unit has a transistor having a source and a drain connected to each other. 1. A solid-state imaging apparatus comprising:a plurality of first unit pixels configured to generate a signal by a photoelectric conversion;a first output line connected to the plurality of first unit pixels; anda first amplifier configured to amplify a signal from the first output line, whereinthe first amplifier comprisesan operational amplifier,an initializing switch having one terminal connected to an output terminal of the operational amplifier, andan offset adjusting unit connected between the other terminal of the initializing switch and an input terminal of the operational amplifier, andthe offset adjusting unit has a transistor having a source and a drain connected to each other.2. The solid-state imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga power source circuit configured to control a high-level voltage of a control signal of the initializing switch.3. The solid-state imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga power source circuit configured to control a high-level voltage of a control signal supplied to a gate of the transistor of the offset adjusting unit.4. The solid-state imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga driver configured to control a gate size of the transistor of the offset adjusting unit.5. ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging device, driving method, and electronic device

Номер: US20140049675A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided a solid-state imaging device including a pixel array section having a plurality of unit pixels two-dimensionally arranged therein, the unit pixels including at least a photoelectric conversion section, a charge holding section, a transfer section, and a reset section, and a drive control section which controls driving of the unit pixels in a manner that a voltage as a signal level and a voltage as a reset level are each read out serially per row. The drive control section controls readout of the voltage of the charge holding section in accordance with initialization of the charge holding section performed by the reset section before the charge transfer by the transfer section.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061436A1
Автор: Kobayashi Masahiro

A solid state imaging device includes: first and second photoelectric conversion units to generate charges; a isolation portion to isolate the photoelectric conversion units; first and second floating diffusions; first and second transfer transistors to transfer the generated charges to the floating diffusions; one or two transfer control lines to supply transfer pulses to the transfer transistors; one or two contacts to connect gates of the transfer transistors with the transfer control lines, wherein: the first and second transfer transistors are symmetrical with respect to the isolation portion; the contacts are symmetrical with respect to the isolation portion; values of parasitic capacitance and resistance of paths in which the transfer pulses are supplied from the transfer control lines to (i) the first and (ii) the second transfer transistors are equal; and a focus detection is performed using signals based on charges generated in the photoelectric conversion units. 1. A solid state imaging device comprising:a first photoelectric conversion unit configured to generate electric charges by photoelectric conversion;a second photoelectric conversion unit configured to generate electric charges by photoelectric conversion;an isolation portion configured to isolate the first photoelectric conversion unit from the second photoelectric conversion unit;a first floating diffusion;a second floating diffusion;a first transfer transistor configured to transfer the electric charges generated by the first photoelectric conversion unit to the first floating diffusion;a second transfer transistor configured to transfer the electric charges generated by the second photoelectric conversion unit to the second floating diffusion;one or two transfer control lines configured to supply transfer pulses to each of the first and second transfer transistors;one or two contacts configured to connect gates of the first and second transfer transistors with the one or two transfer control ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071244A1
Автор: Hirota Isao

There are provided a solid-state image pickup device and a camera system that include no useless pixel arrangement and are capable of suppressing decrease in resolution caused by adopting stereo function. A pixel array section including a plurality of pixels arranged in an array is included. Each of the plurality of pixels has a photoelectric conversion function. Each of the plurality of pixels in the pixel array section includes a first pixel section and a second pixel section. The first pixel section includes at least a light receiving function. The second pixel section includes at least a function to detect electric charge that has been subjected to photoelectric conversion. The first and second pixel sections are formed in a laminated state. Further, the first pixel section is formed to have an arrangement in a state shifted in a direction different from first and second directions that are used as references. The second direction is orthogonal to the first direction. The second pixel section is formed in a square arrangement along the first direction and the second direction orthogonal to the first direction. 1. A solid-state image pickup device comprising:a pixel array section including a plurality of pixels arranged in an array, each of the plurality of pixels having a photoelectric conversion function,each of the plurality of pixels in the pixel array section includinga first pixel section including at least a microlens,a second pixel section including an electric charge detection element, anda photoelectric conversion element included in the first or second pixel section,the first and second pixel sections being formed in a laminated state,the second pixel section having a two-dimensional arrangement along a first direction and a second direction that is orthogonal to the first direction, andthe first pixel section having a two-dimensional arrangement along directions different from the first and second directions.2. The solid-state image pickup device ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078280A1
Автор: Yoshida Kazuhiro

An image pickup apparatus includes: a solid-state image pickup device partitioned into a light-receiving portion region that generates an image pickup signal of an optical image, a circuit portion region that processes the image pickup signal and generates a driving signal, and a terminal portion region having terminals for inputting/outputting signals with an external apparatus; and an objective optical portion having an objective lens unit including a unit main body having an objective lens group for forming an optical image and a holding barrel where the unit main body is fixed, and a prism that guides the optical image that passes through the objective lens unit to the light-receiving portion region. The prism of the objective optical portion is disposed on the light-receiving portion region of the substrate, and the holding barrel of the objective lens unit is disposed on the circuit portion region. 1. An image pickup apparatus , comprising:a solid-state image pickup device in which one surface of a substrate is partitioned into a light-receiving portion region in which a light-receiving portion is provided that generates an image pickup signal of a picked-up optical image of a subject, a circuit portion region in which a circuit portion is provided that performs signal processing on the image pickup signal that is generated by the light-receiving portion and generates a driving signal that drives the light-receiving portion, and a terminal portion region in which a plurality of terminals are provided that are used when inputting and outputting signals between the circuit portion and an external apparatus; andan objective optical portion having an objective lens unit comprising a unit main body including an objective lens group for forming an optical image of the subject and a holding barrel in which the unit main body is fixedly installed, and a prism that bends an optical axis of the unit main body and guides the optical image that passes through the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078363A1
Автор: AMIKAWA Hiroyuki
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A solid-state imaging device includes a pixel array, control lines TG each provided for a corresponding one of rows of pixels and configured to control, e.g., operation of a transfer transistor, and a driver circuit configured to control the operation of the transfer transistor through the control lines TG and connected to a power-supply line TGL. The solid-state imaging device performs all reset operation for resetting signal charges of all pixels by the driver circuit and reading operation for reading a pixel signal from each row of the pixels. An impedance controller configured to control an impedance value for power-supply line TGL in the reading operation to be less than an impedance value for power-supply line TGL in the all reset operation is provided. 1. A solid-state imaging device comprising: a photoelectric conversion element configured to convert incident light into a signal charge,', 'a floating diffusion,', 'a transfer transistor configured to transfer the signal charge generated by the photoelectric conversion element to the floating diffusion,', 'an amplifier transistor configured to convert the signal charge transferred to the floating diffusion into an image signal which is a voltage signal and output the image signal, and', 'a reset transistor configured to supply a reset potential to the floating diffusion; and, 'a pixel array formed of a plurality of pixels arranged in rows and columns, each pixel including'}a driver circuit configured to control operation of the transfer transistor and the reset transistor through a plurality of control lines each provided for a corresponding one of the rows of the pixels of the pixel array and connected to a power-supply line,wherein the driver circuit performs all reset operation in which the signal charges are reset at all pixels and reading operation in which the image signal is read from each row of the pixels of the pixel array, andan impedance controller configured to control an impedance value for the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098270A1
Автор: Takahashi Shu
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

In a back-illuminated solid-state image sensing element, the areas of the front surface sides of individual pixels are the same as one another, regardless of the colors of light components dispersed by filters and entering the individual pixels, and the areas of the rear surface sides of pixels which a dispersed red light component enters are larger than the areas of the rear surface sides of pixels which a green or blue light component enters. 1. A back-illuminated solid-state image sensing element comprising:a semiconductor substrate in which a plurality of photodiodes are arranged in a two-dimensional array and each of the plurality of photodiodes is formed from a rear surface side into which light enters, to a front surface side;a color filter stacked on the rear surface side of the semiconductor substrate to disperse light;micro lenses stacked on a rear surface side of the color filter for the individual photodiodes to condense incident light such that the incident light enters rear surface sides of the corresponding photodiodes; anda signal reading unit formed on the front surface side of the semiconductor substrate to read acquired image signals detected by the photodiodes according to the amounts of received light components,wherein the areas of front surface sides of the individual photodiodes are formed to be the same as one another, regardless of colors of light components dispersed by the color filter and entering into the photodiodes, and the areas of rear surface sides of the photodiodes into which a dispersed red light component enters are formed larger than the areas of rear surface sides of the photodiodes into which a green or blue light component enters.2. The back-illuminated solid-state image sensing element according to claim 1 , wherein the areas of the rear surface sides of the photodiodes into which the green light component enters are formed larger than the areas of the rear surface sides of the photodiodes into which the blue light ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001453A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A device for capturing an image as a digital image and for transmitting the digital image and a power signal over a cable , for use with a power source supplying a power signal , the device comprising:a digital camera for capturing the image and producing the digital image;a connector for connecting to the cable; anda transmitter coupled between the connector and the digital camera for transmitting the digital image to the cable via the connector;a skin treatment component for treating a human skin area; anda single enclosure housing the digital camera, the connector, the transmitter, and the skin treatment component,wherein the digital camera is configured and positioned for capturing the human skin area and the connector is coupled to the power source and to the transmitter for concurrently carrying the digital image and a power signal over the cable.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the skin treatment component is an electrical hair remover for removing hair from the human skin area.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the skin treatment component ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001479A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A handheld device for capturing and displaying video data , the device comprising:a first video camera that outputs a first video data;a second video camera that outputs a second video data;a multiplexer coupled to the first and second cameras for multiplexing the first and second video data into a multiplexed signal;an antenna for transmitting a wireless signal over a wireless network;a wireless transmitter coupled between the antenna and the multiplexer for transmitting the multiplexed signal;a rechargeable battery coupled to power the video cameras, the wireless transmitter, and the multiplexer; anda single portable and handheld casing housing the video cameras, the wireless transmitter, and the multiplexer,wherein the casing comprises two opposed first and second exterior surfaces, the first video camera is attached to the first surface and the second video camera is attached to the second surface.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the cameras comprises optical lens for focusing received light.3. The device according to claim 1 , further for identifying ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001480A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A device for use with a cable that comprises multiple insulated wires and concurrently carries a DC (Direct Current) power and video data signals over the same wires , the device comprising:a video camera for capturing video content;a video processor coupled to the video camera for generating the video data according to a digital video format;a connector for coupling a signal to the cable;a wired transmitter coupled between the connector and the video processor for transmitting the video data to the cable via the connector; anda casing housing the video camera, the video processor, and the wired transmitter,wherein the device is powered only from the DC power signal carried in the cable via the connector.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the video camera comprises an optical lens for focusing received light mechanically oriented to focus an image of at least part of the captured content.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the video camera further comprises a photosensitive image sensor array disposed approximately at an image focal point plane of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001481A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A system for use with a wireless network , the system comprising an oral hygiene device and a display device that communicates with the oral hygiene device over the wireless network , the oral hygiene device comprising:a toothbrush for brushing teeth surface;an electric motor attached for moving the toothbrush;a sensor for generating an output in response to a physical phenomenon;a first wireless transceiver coupled to the sensor for transmitting a first data that is responsive to the sensor output over the wireless network; andan handheld casing housing the toothbrush, the electric motor, the sensor, and the first wireless transceiver, and the display device comprising:a second wireless transceiver coupled for receiving the first data from the oral hygiene device over the wireless network;a display component having a screen for displaying data, the display is coupled to the second wireless transceiver for displaying information in response to the received first data; andan enclosure housing the second wireless transceiver, and the display component.2. The system according ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001482A1
Автор: BINDER Yehuda

System and method for improving the shaving experience by providing improved visibility of the skin shaving area. A digital camera is integrated with the electric shaver for close image capturing of shaving area, and displaying it on a display unit. The display unit can be integral part of the electric shaver casing, or housed in a separated device which receives the image via a communication channel. The communication channel can be wireless (using radio, audio or light) or wired, such as dedicated cabling or using powerline communication. A light source is used to better illuminate the shaving area. Video compression and digital image processing techniques are used for providing for improved shaving results. The wired communication medium can simultaneously be used also for carrying power from the electric shaver assembly to the display unit, or from the display unit to the electric shaver. 1. A system comprising a portable device and an oral hygiene device that communicate over a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) , a toothbrush adapted for teeth brushing;', 'a motion actuator for moving at least part of a brushing mechanism;', 'a sensor mechanically coupled to the toothbrush for generating an output in response to a physical phenomenon;', 'software and a processor for executing the software, the processor is coupled to the sensor for receiving the output;', 'a battery for powering the sensor, the motion actuator, the sensor, and the processor;', 'an first WLAN antenna for coupling to the WLAN using Radio-Frequency (RF) waves; and', 'a first WLAN transceiver coupled between the first antenna and the sensor for transmitting a first data that is responsive to the sensor output over the WLAN;', 'an handheld casing housing the battery, the toothbrush, the motion actuator, the first WLAN antenna, the first WLAN transceiver, the sensor, the software, and the processor,, 'the oral hygiene device comprising a second WLAN antenna for coupling to the WLAN using Radio- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002635A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A solid-state imaging device is equipped with sets of pixel cells ()-(), each set assuming a Bayer arrangement. A G pixel cell () is located right-adjacent to a G pixel cell (). A G pixel cell () is located bottom-adjacent to the G pixel cell (). A G pixel cell () is located right-adjacent to the G pixel cell (). 1. A solid-state imaging device in which plural pixel cells comprising G pixel cells each comprising a photoelectric conversion element for detecting green light , R pixel cells each comprising a photoelectric conversion element for detecting red light , and B pixel cells each comprising a photoelectric conversion element for detecting blue light are arranged two-dimensionally , wherein:the plural pixel cells are arranged in such a manner that pixel cell rows each consisting of plural pixel cells arranged in a row direction at a constant pitch are arranged in a column direction which is perpendicular to the row direction;odd-numbered pixel cell rows are deviated from even-numbered pixel cell rows in the row direction by the pixel cell arrangement pitch in the row direction;in each of a first pixel cell group consisting of pixel cells belonging to odd-numbered rows and a second pixel cell group consisting of pixel cells belonging to even-numbered rows, first pixel cell rows in each of which sets of two G pixel cells and sets of two R pixel cells are arranged alternately in the row direction and second pixel cell rows in each of which sets of two B pixel cells and sets of two G pixel cells are arranged alternately in the row direction are arranged alternately in the column direction;in each of the first pixel cell group and the second pixel cell group, among the pixel cells belonging to the second pixel cell rows, the G pixel cells are located at positions corresponding to positions of the respective R pixel cells belonging to the first pixel cell rows and the B pixel cells are located at positions corresponding to positions of the respective G pixel cells ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002708A1
Автор: MARUMOTO Kohei

The present invention is concerning an imaging device comprising: a photoelectric conversion unit that generates imaging signals corresponding to imaging light received from an imaging object; a summation unit that performs summation of the imaging signals generated by the photoelectric conversion unit; a summation controller that controls the summation unit such that the summation unit performs, per line, an operation of summation of imaging signals acquired from the photoelectric conversion unit during the time period of one line for the number of plural times in periods that are twice as much as that of the spatial frequency of the imaging object or more; and a signal generator that generates and outputs an imaging signal of each line from plural sum outputs generated per line. 1. An imaging device comprising:a photoelectric conversion unit that generates imaging signals corresponding to imaging light received from an imaging object;a summation unit that performs summation of the imaging signals generated by the photoelectric conversion unit;a summation controller that controls the summation unit such that the summation unit performs, per line, an operation of summation of imaging signals acquired from the photoelectric conversion unit during the time period of one line for the number of plural times in periods that are twice as much as that of the spatial frequency of the imaging object or more; anda signal generator that generates and outputs an imaging signal of each line from plural sum outputs generated per line.2. The imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe summation controller controls the summation unit such that the summation unit performs summation for the number of plural times at equal intervals.3. The imaging device according to claim 1 , further comprising an analog/digital converter that generates imaging data by digitizing the imaging signals from the photoelectric conversion unit claim 1 ,wherein the summation unit performs summation of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002711A1
Автор: Itonaga Kazuichiro

A method of manufacturing a solid-state imaging element includes: manufacturing an element chip in which photoelectric conversion units are arranged on a main surface side; preparing a base configured using a material with an expansion coefficient greater than the element chip and having an opening of which the periphery of the opening is shaped as a flat surface; expanding the base by heating, mounting the element chip on the flat surface of the base in a state where the opening of the base is covered; and three-dimensionally curving a portion corresponding to the opening in the element chip by cooling and contracting the base in a state where the element chip is fixed to the flat surface of the expanded base. 1. A solid-state imaging element comprising:an element chip having a curved portion curved three-dimensionally and a flat portion extended from a peripheral edge of the curved portion; andphotoelectric conversion units arranged on a concave surface side of the curved portion in the element chip.2. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 1 , wherein the flat portion in the element chip is arranged on an entire circumference of the curved portion in the element chip and has a coplanar configuration.3. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom surface of the curved portion is circular.4. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the element chip claim 1 , peripheral circuits are arranged on a periphery of the imaging region in which photoelectric conversion units are arranged.5. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 1 , further comprising:a base configured using a material with an expansion coefficient greater than the element chip, and having an opening in which a periphery of the opening is shaped as a flat surface,wherein in a state where a curved portion of the element chip is inserted in the opening of the base, the flat portion of the element chip is fixed to the flat ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005872A1

A first solid-state imaging element according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a bottom-electrode; a top-electrode opposed to the bottom-electrode; a photoelectric conversion layer provided between the bottom-electrode and the top-electrode and including a first organic semiconductor material; and—an upper inter-layer provided between the top-electrode and the photoelectric conversion layer, and including a second organic semiconductor material having a halogen atom in a molecule at a concentration in a range from 0 volume % or more to less than 0.05 volume %. 124.-. (canceled)25. A solid-state imaging element comprising:a bottom-electrode;a top-electrode opposed to the bottom-electrode;a photoelectric conversion layer provided between the bottom-electrode and the top-electrode and including an organic semiconductor material that has one or two or more halogen atoms in a molecule and in which binding energy of a halogen atom having smallest binding energy in the molecule is 5.4 eV or higher; andan upper inter-layer provided between the top-electrode and the photoelectric conversion layer.26. The solid-state imaging element of claim 25 , wherein the first organic semiconductor material is selected from the group consisting of a quinacridone derivative claim 25 , boronated subphthalocyanine derivative claim 25 , pentacene derivative claim 25 , fullerene derivative claim 25 , benzothieno-benzothiphene derivative claim 25 , and combinations thereof.27. The solid-state imaging element of claim 26 , wherein the first organic semiconductor material is the boronated subphthalocyanine derivative.28. The solid-state imaging element of claim 27 , wherein the first organic semiconductor material is boron subphthalocyanine chloride.29. The solid-state imaging element of claim 25 , wherein the photoelectric conversion layer includes a third organic semiconductor material or a fourth organic semiconductor material or both claim 25 , the third organic ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Optical detection apparatus and methods

Номер: US20160004923A1
Принадлежит: Brain Corp

An optical object detection apparatus and associated methods. The apparatus may comprise a lens (e.g., fixed-focal length wide aperture lens) and an image sensor. The fixed focal length of the lens may correspond to a depth of field area in front of the lens. When an object enters the depth of field area (e.g., sue to a relative motion between the object and the lens) the object representation on the image sensor plane may be in-focus. Objects outside the depth of field area may be out of focus. In-focus representations of objects may be characterized by a greater contrast parameter compared to out of focus representations. One or more images provided by the detection apparatus may be analyzed in order to determine useful information (e.g., an image contrast parameter) of a given image. Based on the image contrast meeting one or more criteria, a detection indication may be produced.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005121A1

A backside illumination image sensor with an array of image sensor pixels is provided. Each pixel may include a photodiode, a storage diode, and associated circuitry formed in a front side of a semiconductor substrate. In accordance with an embodiment, a trench isolation structure may be formed directly over the storage diode but not over the photodiode from a back side of the substrate. The backside trench isolation structure may be filled with absorptive material and can optionally be biased to a ground or negative voltage level. A light shielding layer may also be formed over the backside trench isolation structure on the back side of the substrate. The light shielding layer may be formed from absorptive material or reflective material, and may also be biased to a ground or negative voltage level. 1. An image sensor , comprising:a substrate having a front surface and a back surface;a first charge storage region that is formed in the front surface of the substrate;a second charge storage region that is formed in the front surface of the substrate; anda trench isolation structure that is formed in the back surface of the substrate.2. The image sensor defined in claim 1 , wherein the trench isolation structure overlaps with only one of the first and second charge storage regions.3. The image sensor defined in claim 1 , wherein the trench isolation structure is formed from a material that exhibits the same refractive index as the substrate.4. The image sensor defined in claim 1 , wherein the trench isolation structure is formed from a material selected from the group consisting of: polysilicon claim 1 , silicon nitride claim 1 , silicon oxynitride claim 1 , silicon carbide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , aluminum silicide claim 1 , tungsten silicide claim 1 , tantalum silicide claim 1 , titanium silicide claim 1 , vanadium silicide claim 1 , chromium silicide claim 1 , and cobalt silicide.5. The image sensor defined in claim 1 , wherein the trench isolation ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013584A1

A first solid-state imaging element according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a bottom-electrode; a top-electrode opposed to the bottom-electrode; a photoelectric conversion layer provided between the bottom-electrode and the top-electrode and including a first organic semiconductor material; and an upper inter-layer provided between the top-electrode and the photoelectric conversion layer, and including a second organic semiconductor material having a halogen atom in a molecule at a concentration in a range from 0 volume % or more to less than 0.05 volume %. 112.-. (canceled)13. A solid-state imaging element comprising:a first electrode;a second electrode opposed to the first electrode; anda photoelectric conversion layer provided between the first electrode and the second electrode, whereinthe photoelectric conversion layer includes an exciton generation layer including a dye material and a first semiconductor material, and an exciton disassociation layer including a second semiconductor material.14. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 13 , wherein the photoelectric conversion layer includes a first inter-layer including a first semiconductor material between the exciton generation layer and the exciton disassociation layer.15. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 14 , wherein the photoelectric conversion layer includes a second inter-layer including the first semiconductor material and the second semiconductor material between the first inter-layer and the exciton disassociation layer.16. The solid-state imaging element according to any of claim 13 , wherein the first semiconductor material and the second semiconductor material are semiconductor materials having mutually different polarities.17. The solid-state imaging element according to claim 13 , wherein a bandgap of the first semiconductor material is equal to a bandgap of the dye material or smaller than the bandgap of the dye material.18. The solid-state ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Solid-state image pickup device, method of manufacturing thereof, and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20160005784A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is a solid-state image pickup device including: a plurality of pixels, each of which includes a photoelectric conversion portion and a pixel transistor formed in a front surface side of a substrate, wherein a rear surface side of the substrate is set as a light receiving plane of the photoelectric conversion portion; and an element, which becomes a passive element or an active element, which is disposed in the front surface side of the substrate so as to be superimposed on the photoelectric conversion portion.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014693A1

An image sensor pixel noise suppression circuit having a source follower transistor based pixel circuit, a power supply voltage and noise mirror circuit, a power supply voltage and noise gain circuit, and a comparator circuit. An output of the comparator circuit provides an image related output signal wherein the noise component of the source follower signal has been suppressed. The invention further includes a CMOS image sensor containing the image sensor pixel noise suppression circuit. 1. An image sensor pixel noise suppression circuit , comprising:a source follower transistor based pixel circuit providing an image related first output signal at a first output terminal, wherein the image related first output signal contains a noise signal component directly related to a first power supply of the source follower pixel circuit;a power supply voltage and noise mirror circuit converting a voltage of the first power supply including its noise signal component into a related compensation current at a second output terminal;a power supply voltage and noise gain circuit with its input connected to the second output terminal providing firstly a conversion of the compensation current into a voltage and secondly an amplification of the voltage to provide a compensation signal to a third output terminal a signal voltage which is equivalent to the supply voltage and noise of the first power supply;a second power supply to power the power supply voltage noise mirror and noise gain circuits; anda comparator circuit with one output and first and second input terminals, connected at the first input terminal to the first output terminal of the source follower pixel circuit and connected at the second input terminal to the third output terminal, wherein the output of the comparator circuit provides an image related output signal wherein the noise component of the first output signal has been suppressed.2. The image sensor pixel noise suppression circuit of claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014696A1
Автор: SPIESSENS Peter

An image sensor may include an array of image pixels arranged in rows and columns. A first portion of the array may include active pixels that are read out using first analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuits. A second portion of the array may include dark reference pixels that are read out using second analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuits. The first ADC circuits may have a first sampling rate, a first resolution, and a first size. The second ADC circuits may have an oversampling rate that is greater than the first sampling rate, a second resolution that is greater than the first resolution, and a second size that is bigger than the first size. Configured in this way, the second ADC circuits may perform averaging of a row noise via direct time-domain oversampling, which can help dramatically reduce the number of dark reference pixel columns in the array. 1. An image sensor , comprising:active pixels configured to receive light;dark reference pixels;first analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuits configured to receive signals from the active pixels and configured to operate at a first sampling rate; andsecond analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuits configured to receive signals from the dark reference pixels and configured to operate at a second sampling rate greater than the first sampling rate.2. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the dark reference pixels comprise optically black pixels.3. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the dark reference pixels comprise electrically black pixels.4. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the second ADC circuits comprise oversampling analog-to-digital converters.5. The image sensor of claim 4 , wherein the second ADC circuits comprise sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters.6. The image sensor of claim 4 , wherein the first and second ADC circuits are different types of analog-to-digital converters.7. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the first ADC circuits exhibit a first resolution claim 1 , and wherein ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014698A1

A photoelectric conversion device includes a plurality of pixels each including an avalanche diode, a quench unit reducing the avalanche multiplication of the avalanche diode, a pulse conversion unit converting an output signal of the avalanche diode into pulses, and a signal generation unit generating an accumulation signal obtained by accumulating the number of pulses, a detection unit detecting whether or not the width of the pulse is not smaller than a predetermined width, and a voltage control unit controlling a reverse bias voltage applied to the avalanche diode within a range not lower than the breakdown voltage of the avalanche diode based on the result of the detection. The voltage control unit lowers the reverse bias voltage within a range not lower than the breakdown voltage when the accumulation value of pixels whose pulse width is not smaller than a predetermined width is not smaller than a predetermined value. 1. A photoelectric conversion device comprising:a plurality of pixels each including an avalanche diode that photoelectrically converts incident light and multiplies generated charge by an avalanche multiplication, a quench unit that reduces the avalanche multiplication of the avalanche diode, a pulse conversion unit that converts an output signal of the avalanche diode into pulses, and a signal generation unit that generates an accumulation signal obtained by integrating or accumulating a number of pulses output from the pulse conversion unit;a detection unit that detects whether or not the pulse output from the pulse conversion unit has a width not smaller than a predetermined width; anda voltage control unit that controls a reverse bias voltage applied to the avalanche diode within a range not lower than a breakdown voltage of the avalanche diode based on a detection result of the detection unit,wherein the voltage control unit includes an accumulation unit that accumulates the number of pixels that output a pulse having a pulse width not ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006074A1

The sensor chip stack comprises a sensor substrate of a semiconductor material including a sensor, a chip fastened to the sensor substrate, the chip including an integrated circuit, electric interconnections between the sensor substrate and the chip, electric terminals of the chip, the chip being arranged between the electric terminals and the sensor substrate, and a molding material arranged adjacent to the chip, the electric terminals of the chip being free from the molding material. 1. A sensor chip stack , comprising:a sensor substrate of a semiconductor material including a sensor or plurality of sensors;a chip fastened to the sensor substrate, the chip including an integrated circuit;electric interconnections between the sensor substrate and the chip;electric terminals of the chip, the chip being arranged between the electric terminals and the sensor substrate; anda molding material arranged adjacent to the chip, the electric terminals of the chip being free from the molding material.2. The sensor chip stack according to claim 1 , further comprising:bond pads of the sensor substrate;contact pads of the chip, the contact pads facing the bond pads; andthe electric interconnections comprising pad connections, each of the pad connections electrically connecting one of the bond pads and one of the contact pads.3. The sensor chip stack according to claim 2 , whereinthe pad connections are via bumps.4. The sensor chip stack according to or claim 2 , further comprising:a contact layer of the chip, the contact layer being arranged between the sensor substrate and the chip; anda through-chip metallization penetrating the chip, the through-chip metallization contacting the contact layer and being electrically connected to one of the electric terminals.5. The sensor chip stack according to or claim 2 , further comprising:a contact pad of the sensor substrate, the contact pad being arranged between the sensor substrate and the chip; andthe electric interconnections ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005650A1

A solid-state imaging device includes: pixels arranged in a matrix; a vertical signal line provided for each column, conveying a pixel signal; a power line provided for each column, proving a power supply voltage; and a feedback signal line provided for each column, conveying a signal from a peripheral circuit to a pixel, in which each of the pixels includes: an N-type diffusion layer; a photoelectric conversion element above the N-type diffusion layer; and a charge accumulation node between the N-type diffusion layer and the photoelectric conversion element, accumulating signal charge generated in the photoelectric conversion element, the feedback signal line, a metal line which is a part of the charge accumulation node, the vertical signal line, and the power line are disposed in a second interconnect layer, and the vertical signal line and the power line are disposed between the feedback signal line and the metal line. 1. A solid-state imaging device comprising:pixels arranged in columns and rows;a first line to which a power supply voltage is supplied; anda second line through which a signal is transmitted, wherein each of the pixels includes:a photoelectric converter converting the incident light into charge; andan amplifier transistor a gate of which is electrically connected to the photoelectric converter through a third line,the first line is located between the second line and the third line, andthe first and second lines extend in a column direction.2. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first line is directly adjacent to the third line, andthe first line is directly adjacent to the second line.3. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereineach of the pixels in the one of the columns further includes:a reset transistor resetting the charge of the gate terminal of the amplifier transistor;a diffusion layer in the reset transistor;a fourth line connecting the gate terminal of the amplifier transistor and the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Image Sensor with In-Pixel Depth Sensing

Номер: US20170006213A1

An imaging area in an image sensor includes a plurality of photo detectors. A light shield is disposed over a portion of two photo detectors to partially block light incident on the two photo detectors. The two photo detectors and the light shield combine to form an asymmetrical pixel pair. The two photo detectors in the asymmetrical pixel pair can be two adjacent photo detectors. The light shield can be disposed over contiguous portions of the two adjacent photo detectors. A color filter array can be disposed over the plurality of photo detectors. The filter elements disposed over the two photo detectors can filter light representing the same color or different colors. 1. An image sensor comprising:an imaging area including at least two photo detectors; anda light shield disposed above the imaging area and positioned to overlap at least a portion of each of the at least two photo detectors;wherein the light shield at least partially blocks light from reaching the portions of the two photo detectors the light shield overlapped by the light shield.2. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the two photo detectors overlapped by the light shield comprises half of an area of each of the two photo detectors.3. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the two photo detectors are two adjacent photo detectors and the light shield is disposed over contiguous portions of the two adjacent photo detectors.4. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein the two photo detectors are included in two sub-pixels.5. The image sensor of claim 4 , wherein each photo detector in the two sub-pixels is connected to a transfer transistor and the two transfer transistors are connected to a common node.6. The image sensor of claim 1 , further comprising a color filter array disposed over the at least two photo detectors claim 1 , wherein the color filter array includes a plurality of filter elements.7. The image sensor of claim 6 , wherein the respective filter element filters light ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006236A1

A hybrid pixel sensor array is provided. Each pixel of the array comprises: a sensor for generating an imaging signal; a Charged-Coupled Device (CCD) array, coupled to the sensor so as to receive samples from the imaging signal and configured for storage of a plurality of samples; and active CMOS circuitry, coupled to the CCD array for generating a pixel output signal from the stored samples. The sensors of the pixels are part of a sensor portion of the hybrid pixel sensor array that is separate from both the CCD array and active CMOS circuitry of the pixels. 1. A hybrid pixel sensor array , each pixel of the array comprising:a sensor for generating an imaging signal;a Charged-Coupled Device, CCD, array, coupled to the sensor so as to receive samples from the imaging signal and configured for storage of a plurality of samples; andactive CMOS circuitry, coupled to the CCD array for generating a pixel output signal from the stored samples; andwherein the sensors of the pixels are part of a sensor portion of the hybrid pixel sensor array that is separate from both the CCD array and active CMOS circuitry of the pixels.2. The hybrid pixel sensor array of claim 1 , wherein the sensor portion is a sensor tile on which the sensors of the pixel are arranged in a two-dimensional array claim 1 , the sensor tile being separated from the CCD array and active CMOS circuitry of the pixels in a third dimension claim 1 , different from the two dimensions of the array.3. The hybrid pixel sensor array of claim 2 , wherein the CCD array and active CMOS circuitry of the pixels are formed on a readout Application Specific Integrated Circuit claim 2 , ASIC and wherein the sensor tile is bonded to the readout ASIC.4. The hybrid pixel sensor array of claim 3 , wherein the sensor tile is bonded to the readout ASIC using at least one bump-bond pad.5. The hybrid pixel sensor array of claim 4 , wherein the at least one bump-bond pad comprises Indium.6. The hybrid pixel sensor array of claim 3 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006244A1
Автор: BOL David, COUNIOT Numa

In an image sensor, a front-end circuit provides an output signal indicative of the amount of light in response to at least one input signal. The front-end circuit includes a transistor having a threshold voltage that affects a relationship between the output signal and the level of the detection quantity. This transistor has a biasing node via which a biasing voltage can be applied to a semiconductor region that affects the threshold voltage of the transistor. A replica of the front-end circuit receives at least one defined input signal, among which is a substitute of the detection quantity having a defined level. The replica is arranged in a control loop that controls the biasing voltage that is applied to the biasing node in the replica, so that the replica provides a defined output signal. This biasing voltage is then also applied to the biasing node in the front- end circuit. 1. An image sensor , comprising:a photo detector circuit arranged to provide a detection quantity having a level that depends on an amount of light to which the photo detector circuit has been exposed during a photo detection time interval;a front-end circuit arranged to provide an output signal indicative of the amount of light in response to at least one input signal, among which is the detection quantity, the front-end circuit comprising a transistor having a threshold voltage that affects a relationship between the output signal and the level of the detection quantity, and a biasing node applying a biasing voltage to a semiconductor region that affects the threshold voltage of the transistor;a biasing circuit comprising a replica of the front-end circuit coupled to receive at least one defined input signal, among which is a substitute of the detection quantity having a defined level, the replica being arranged in a control loop adapted to control the biasing voltage that is applied to the biasing node in the replica, so that the replica provides a defined output signal, the biasing ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005816A1
Автор: Enoki Osamu

[Object] To provide a photoelectric conversion film, a solid-state image sensor, and an electronic device which have an increased imaging characteristic. 112-. (canceled)14. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein at least one of R1 to R3 has a ring structure comprising a substituent.15. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 14 , wherein the substituent of R1 to R3 is a halogen.16. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein R1 to R3 have a ring structure comprising an-conjugated system structure.17. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein R1 to R3 have a ring structure comprising 3 or more and 8 or fewer ring constituent atoms.18. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 17 , wherein R1 to R3 have a ring structure comprising 6 ring constituent atoms.19. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein the at least one hetero atom included in the ring structure of R1 to R3 is a nitrogen atom.20. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein X is a halogen.21. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein the subphthalocyanine derivative is a n-type light electric conversion material.22. The photoelectric conversion film according to claim 13 , wherein the bulk hetero mixed layer comprises the subphthalocyanine derivative.24. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 23 , wherein at least one of R1 to R3 has a ring structure comprising a substituent.25. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 24 , wherein the substituent of R1 to R3 is a halogen.26. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 23 , wherein R1 to R3 have a ring structure comprising a π-conjugated system structure.27. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 23 , wherein R1 to R3 have a ring structure comprising 3 or more and 8 or fewer ring constituent atoms.28. The solid-state image sensor according to claim 27 , wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006913A1

The optical apparatus comprises a semiconductor substrate and at least one optics substrate. The semiconductor substrate comprises a first active region establishing a first image sensor, said semiconductor substrate further comprising an additional active region, different from said first active region. The additional active region establishes or is part of an additional sensor which is not an image sensor. And the at least one optics substrate comprises for said first image sensor at least one lens element for imaging light impinging on the optical apparatus from a front side onto the first image sensor. Preferably, at least two or rather at least three image sensors are provided, such that a computational camera can be realized. The additional sensor may comprise, e.g., an ambient light sensor and/or a proximity sensor. 2. The optical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said additional sensor is at least one ofan ambient light sensor;a proximity sensor;a temperature sensor, in particular a pyroelectric temperature sensor or a capacitive temperature sensor or a micro-mechanical temperature sensor.3. The optical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one optics substrate comprises at least one additional lens element for imaging light impinging on the optical apparatus from a front side onto said additional active region.4. The optical apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said semiconductor substrate comprises claim 1 , in addition claim 1 , a second active region different from said first active region and from said additional active region claim 1 , said second active region establishing a second image sensor claim 1 , and wherein said at least one optics substrate comprises for each of said image sensors at least one lens element for imaging light impinging on the optical apparatus from a front side onto the respective image sensor.5. The optical apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the optical apparatus is structured for detecting ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006925A1
Автор: Yamada Satoshi

An image pickup element including an image pickup unit including an array of a plurality of unit pixels, each of the plurality of unit pixels including a plurality of pixels; a saturation detection unit configured to detect a saturated pixel based on a plurality of pixel signals of a subject image output from the plurality of pixels of each of the plurality of unit pixels; a first image signal generation unit configured to generate a first image signal of the subject image by combining the plurality of pixel signals output from each of ones of the plurality of pixels; and an output unit configured to output information indicating a result of detection of the saturated pixel conducted by the saturation detection unit and the first image signal. 1. An image pickup element , comprising:an image pickup unit including an array of a plurality of unit pixels, each of the plurality of unit pixels including a plurality of pixels;a saturation detection unit configured to detect a saturated pixel based on a plurality of pixel signals of a subject image output from the plurality of pixels of each of the plurality of unit pixels;a first image signal generation unit configured to generate a first image signal of the subject image by combining the plurality of pixel signals output from each of ones of the plurality of pixels; andan output unit configured to output information indicating a result of detection of the saturated pixel conducted by the saturation detection unit and the first image signal.2. The image pickup element according to claim 1 , whereinthe image pickup unit includes a pupil division unit of a photographing optical system arranged so as to correspond to the array of the plurality of unit pixels, the pupil division unit being configured to form the subject image; andthe pupil division unit is a microlens array including a plurality of microlenses, the plurality of microlenses being arranged so as to respectively correspond to the plurality of unit pixels.3. The ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006926A1

A solid-state image pickup device including a lens, a first light receiving element, a second light receiving element, and an element separation area. The first light receiving element is configured to receive light from the lens. The second light receiving element is configured to receive light from the lens. The element separation area is between the first light receiving element and the second light receiving element. The lens has an optical axis, which is offset from a center of the element separation area. 1. An image pickup apparatus , comprising:an image sensor configured to perform photoelectric conversion on incident light to generate an electric signal, the image sensor including (a) a lens, (b) a first light receiving element configured to convert light from the lens into an electric signal, (c) a second light receiving element configured to convert light from the lens into an electric signal, and (d) an element separation area between the first light receiving element and the second light receiving element; anda signal processing unit configured to (i) generate a first data corresponding to an electric signal from the first light receiving element, and (ii) generate a second data corresponding to an electric signal from the second light receiving element, an image interval is calculated based on the first data and the second data, and', 'the first and second light receiving elements are asymmetrically positioned with respect to a center of the lens., 'wherein,'}2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the element separation area comprises insulating material electrically separating the first light receiving element and the second light receiving element.3. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the image sensor includes a focus detection region claim 1 , the focus detection region including at least the first pixel and the second pixel.4. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus

Номер: US20160006958A1
Автор: Junichiro Iwamatsu
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image pickup apparatus includes an image pickup element converting an object image to an electric signal, a magnetic shield member arranged in front of the image pickup element, a fixing member to which the image pickup element and the magnetic shield member are attached, and an elastic member arranged between the magnetic shield member and the image pickup element, and configured to press the image pickup element so as to surround a circumference of a light receiving plane of the image pickup element and to press the magnetic shield member toward the fixing member.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Photoelectric conversion element, image reading device, image forming apparatus, and signal control method

Номер: US20160006961A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A photoelectric conversion element comprises: a plurality of pixels, each of which performs photoelectric conversion and outputs an analog signal; an analog processing unit that sequentially processes, on a pixel-to-pixel basis, the analog signals output from a pixel group including the pixels; and a signal supply unit that supplies a signal needed for preliminary operation to the analog processing unit so as to enable the analog processing unit to perform the preliminary operation before the analog processing unit starts to process the analog signals output from the pixel group.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006962A1
Автор: KIMURA Yasutaka

There is provided an image sensor including at least three pixel transfer control signal lines, on a per line basis, configured to control exposure start and end timings of a pixel in order for exposure timings of a plurality of the pixels constituting one line in a specific direction to have at least three patterns. 2. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein a third transfer gate control signal line of the plurality of transfer gate control signal lines is connected to the first transfer transistor of the second claim 1 , fourth claim 1 , and sixth pixel groups claim 1 , andwherein a fourth transfer gate control signal line of the plurality of transfer gate control signal lines is connected to the second transfer transistor of the first, third, and fifth pixel groups.3. The image sensor of claim 2 , wherein a fifth transfer gate control signal line of the plurality of transfer gate control signal lines is connected to the first transfer transistor of the third pixel group claim 2 , andwherein a sixth transfer gate control signal line of the plurality of transfer gate control signal lines is connected to the second transfer transistor of the fourth pixel group. This is a Continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/551,411, filed Nov. 24, 2014, which is a Continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/722,463, filed Dec. 20, 2012, Issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,908,076 on Dec. 9, 2014, which in turn claims priority from Japanese Application No.: 2012-003997, filed on Jan. 12, 2012, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present technology relates to an image sensor. More particularly, the present technology relates to an image sensor that reads from a plurality of pixels at a plurality of exposure timings, an imaging apparatus and electronic device having the image sensor, and an imaging method for use in the image sensor, the imaging apparatus and the electronic device.Recently, electronic device (for ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006969A1
Автор: Matsumoto Shizunori

Provided is a solid-state imaging device including: a pixel section configured to include a plurality of pixels arranged in a matrix form, the plurality of pixels performing photoelectric conversion; column signal lines configured to transmit pixel signals output from the pixels in units of columns; an AD converting section configured to include a comparator that compares a reference signal serving as a ramp wave with the pixel signals transmitted via the column signal line and convert a reference level and a signal level of the pixel signals into digital signals independently based on a comparison result of the comparator; a switch configured to be connected with the column signal lines; and a control section configured to turn on the switch only during a certain period of time in a period of time in which the comparator is reset and cause the column signal lines to be short-circuited. 1. A solid-state imaging device comprising:a pixel section configured to include a plurality of pixels arranged in a matrix form, the plurality of pixels performing photoelectric conversion;column signal lines configured to transmit pixel signals output from the pixels in units of columns;an AD converting section configured to include a comparator that compares a reference signal serving as a ramp wave with the pixel signals transmitted via the column signal line and convert a reference level and a signal level of the pixel signals into digital signals independently based on a comparison result of the comparator;a switch configured to be connected with the column signal lines; anda control section configured to turn on the switch only during a certain period of time in a period of time in which the comparator is reset and cause the column signal lines to be short-circuited,wherein the plurality of pixels are arranged in the pixel section to correspond to a color filter in which colors are arranged in a certain repetitive unit, andwherein the switch is connected to each column signal ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus, endoscope and image pickup apparatus manufacturing method

Номер: US20190006405A1
Автор: Jumpei Yoneyama
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An image pickup apparatus includes: an image pickup device with a light receiving portion being formed on a light receiving face; cover glass bonded to the light receiving face; and a wiring board bonded to a back face of the image pickup device; wherein an alignment mark is present on each of two orthogonal side faces, the alignment mark being at a predetermined relative position relative to the light receiving portion.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006726A1

The present disclosure relates to an image pickup device that enables inhibition of occurrence of color mixture or noise, and an electronic apparatus. The image pickup device of the present disclosure includes an image plane phase difference detection pixel for obtaining a phase difference signal for image plane phase difference AF. The image plane phase difference detection pixel includes: a first photoelectric conversion section that generates an electric charge in response to incident light; an upper electrode section that is one of electrodes disposed facing each other across the first photoelectric conversion section, the upper electrode section being formed on an incident side of the incident light on the first photoelectric conversion section; and a lower electrode section that is another of the electrodes disposed facing each other across the first photoelectric conversion section, the lower electrode section being formed on an opposite side of the incident side of the incident light on the first photoelectric conversion section, the lower electrode section being multiple-divided at a position that avoids a center of the incident light. The present disclosure is applicable to image sensors. 115-. (canceled)16. A light detecting device , comprising: an upper electrode;', 'a lower electrode, comprising a first lower electrode section and a second lower electrode section; and', 'a photoelectric conversion film disposed between the upper electrode and the lower electrode; and, 'a photoelectric conversion unit, comprisingan on-chip lens disposed above the photoelectric conversion unit, wherein, in a plan view, the on-chip lens overlaps the first lower electrode section and the second lower electrode section, andan optical center of the on-chip lens overlaps one of the first lower electrode section and the second lower electrode section.17. The light detecting device according to claim 16 , wherein claim 16 , in the plan view claim 16 , a size of the first lower ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006727A1

A focus adjustment device comprising: a first detector which detects a focused state by a contrast detection system; second detectors which detect a focused state by a phase difference detection system; and a control unit which controls the first detector and second detectors so as to detect the focused state by the second detectors when detecting the focused state by the first detector. 1. A focus adjustment device comprising: a first detector which uses a contrast detection system to detect a focused state; second detectors which use a phase difference detection system to detect a focused state; and a control unit which controls the first detector and the second detectors so as detect the focused state by the second detectors when detecting the focused state by the first detector. This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/369,373, filed Mar. 29, 2019, which in turn is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/536,000, filed Jun. 28, 2012, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a focus adjustment device and an imaging apparatus.In the past, there has been known the art where, when adjusting the focus of an optical system, to improve the precision of the focus adjustment, first, a phase difference detection system is used to detect the focused state of the optical system, the results of detect ion by the phase difference detection system are used as the basis to drive the lens for focus adjustment to near the focused position, then, near the focused position, a contrast detection system is used to detect the focused state of the optical system, and the results of detection by the contrast detection system are used as the basis to drive the focus adjustment optical system to the focused position (for example, see Japanese Patent Publication No. 2004-109690 A1).However, the above PLT 1 is predicated on scenes where both the phase difference detection system and ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Solid-state imaging device, imaging apparatus, and method of manufacturing solid-state imaging device

Номер: US20210006737A1
Принадлежит: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp

There is provided a solid-state imaging device including a semiconductor substrate on which photoelectric conversion devices are arranged in an imaging device region in a two-dimensional array, and a stacked body formed by stacking layers on the semiconductor substrate, wherein the stacked body includes an in-layer lens layer that has in-layer lenses each provided at a position corresponding to each of the photoelectric conversion devices, a planarization layer that is stacked on the in-layer lens layer and that has a generally planarized surface, and an on-chip lens layer that is an upper layer than the planarization layer and that has on-chip lenses each provided at a position corresponding to each of the photoelectric conversion devices, and the in-layer lens layer has structures at a height generally equal to a height of the in-layer lenses, the structures being provided on an outside of the imaging device region.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for generating depth maps using a camera arrays incorporating monochrome and color cameras

Номер: US20180007284A1
Принадлежит: Fotonation Cayman Ltd

A camera array, an imaging device and/or a method for capturing image that employ a plurality of imagers fabricated on a substrate is provided. Each imager includes a plurality of pixels. The plurality of imagers include a first imager having a first imaging characteristics and a second imager having a second imaging characteristics. The images generated by the plurality of imagers are processed to obtain an enhanced image compared to images captured by the imagers. Each imager may be associated with an optical element fabricated using a wafer level optics (WLO) technology.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007287A1

An imaging apparatus includes a first holding circuit, a second holding circuit, and a calculator. The first holding circuit is configured to hold and output a logical value based on a logical value supplied from an address decoder. The second holding circuit is configured to hold and output a logical value based on the logical value output from the first holding circuit. The calculator is configured to receive the logical values supplied from the first and second holding circuits and perform a logical operation for generating a driving signal. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:a pixel area including a plurality of pixel circuit groups each of which includes a plurality of pixel circuits;a plurality of drivers arranged so as to correspond to the different pixel circuit groups and configured to output driving signals to the corresponding pixel circuit groups; andan address decoder configured to supply logical values indicating selection or deselection of the individual drivers to the drivers, a first holding circuit configured to hold and output a logical value based on a logical value supplied from the address decoder,', 'a second holding circuit configured to hold and output a logical value based on the logical value output from the first holding circuit, and', 'a calculator configured to receive the logical values supplied from the first and second holding circuits and perform a logical operation for generating one of the driving signals., 'wherein each of the drivers includes'}2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a controller configured to generate control signals to be supplied to the drivers, a first calculator configured to receive a first control signal generated by the controller, the logical value output from the first holding circuit, and the logical value output from the second holding circuit and perform a logical operation for generating a first driving signal serving as one of the driving signals, and', 'a second ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Focus adjustment device and focus adjustment method

Номер: US20180007295A1
Автор: Satoshi Takinoiri
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

While a focus lens is moving to a focus lens driving target position, a controller of a focus adjustment device switches a moving speed of the focus lens from a first speed to a second speed. In particular, the controller calculates the number of times the defocus amount can be calculated when the focus lens moves at a predetermined speed in a section between a first position in which the moving speed is switched and a second position in which the focus lens starts being controlled to stop in the focus lens driving target position, and calculates the second speed based on the number of times, the first position and the focus lens driving target position.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007306A1

A solid state image sensor includes a pixel array, as well as charge-to-voltage converters, reset gates, and amplifiers each shared by a plurality of pixels in the array. The voltage level of the reset gate power supply is set higher than the voltage level of the amplifier power supply. Additionally, charge overflowing from photodetectors in the pixels may be discarded into the charge-to-voltage converters. The image sensor may also include a row scanner configured such that, while scanning a row in the pixel array to read out signals therefrom, the row scanner resets the charge in the photodetectors of the pixels sharing a charge-to-voltage converter with pixels on the readout row. The charge reset is conducted simultaneously with or prior to reading out the signals from the pixels on the readout row. 1. An imaging device , comprising:a plurality of photoelectric conversion elements;a charge-to-voltage converter coupled to the plurality of photoelectric conversion elements, a first electrode of a reset transistor and a gate electrode of an amplifier transistor;a reset transistor power supply coupled to a second electrode of the reset transistor; andan amplifier power supply coupled to a second electrode of the amplifier transistor, the reset transistor power supply is configured to supply at least a first voltage level and a second voltage level to the second electrode of the reset transistor, and', 'the amplifier power supply is configured to supply at least a third voltage level to a first electrode of the amplifier transistor., 'wherein'}2. The imaging device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the second electrode of the reset transistor is a drain electrode of the reset transistor,the first electrode of the amplifier transistor is a drain electrode of the amplifier transistor.3. The imaging device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the reset transistor power supply and the amplifier power supply are extended in a horizontal direction.4. The imaging device of claim 1 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007324A1

An image sensor includes a substrate, a first set of sensor pixels formed on the substrate, and a second set of sensor pixels formed on the substrate. The sensor pixels of the first set are arranged in rows and columns and are configured to detect light within a first range of wavelengths (e.g., white light). The sensor pixels of the second set are arranged in rows and columns and are each configured to detect light within one of a set of ranges of wavelengths (e.g., red, green, and blue). Each range of wavelengths of the set of ranges of wavelengths is a subrange of said first range of wavelengths, and each pixel of the second set of pixels is smaller than each pixel of the first set of pixels. 1. An image sensor , comprising:a substrate;a first set of sensor pixels formed on said substrate, arranged in rows and columns, and configured to detect light within a first range of wavelengths;a second set of sensor pixels formed on said substrate, arranged in rows and columns, and each configured to detect light within one of a set of ranges of wavelengths, each range of wavelengths of said set of ranges of wavelengths being a subrange of said first range of wavelengths, and each pixel of said second set of pixels being smaller than each pixel of said first set of pixels; and whereineach pixel of said first set of pixels has a center disposed between adjacent rows of said second set of pixels and between adjacent columns of said second set of pixels.2. The image sensor of claim 1 , wherein said set of ranges of wavelengths includes a second range of wavelengths claim 1 , a third range of wavelengths claim 1 , and a fourth range of wavelengths.3. The image sensor of claim 2 , wherein:said second range of wavelengths corresponds to a red portion of the visible light spectrum;said third range of wavelengths corresponds to a green portion of the visible light spectrum; andsaid fourth range of wavelengths corresponds to a blue portion of the visible light spectrum.4. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007598A1
Автор: Kai Hirohito

An apparatus includes a sensor outputting a first signal having a parallax, an image sensor outputting a second signal having a parallax, at least one processor, and a memory holding a program which makes the processor function as an acquisition unit configured to acquire an adjustment value. The acquisition unit selects a mode from a plurality of modes and acquires the adjustment value in the selected mode, the plurality of modes including a first mode for acquiring the adjustment value based on the result of the focus detection which is based on the first signal and a second mode for acquiring the adjustment value by a method different from a method in the first mode based on the result of the focus detection based on the first signal and a result of the focus detection which is based on the second signal. 1. An apparatus comprising:a sensor including a photoelectric conversion unit configured to receive a plurality of light beams having passed through different pupil regions in an image-forming optical system, the sensor outputting a first signal having a parallax;an image sensor including a photoelectric conversion unit configured to receive a plurality of light beams having passed through different pupil regions in the image-forming optical system, the image sensor outputting an image pickup signal and a second signal having a parallax;at least one processor; anda memory holding a program which makes the processor function as:a first focus detection unit configured to perform first focus detection by a phase difference method based on the first signal;a second focus detection unit configured to perform second focus detection by the phase difference method based on the second signal;an acquisition unit configured to acquire an adjustment value; anda control unit configured to control a focal position of the image-forming optical system based on the adjustment value and a result of the first focus detection,wherein the acquisition unit selects an adjustment value ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Capturing and Processing of Images Captured by Non-Grid Camera Arrays

Номер: US20150009354A1

A camera array, an imaging device and/or a method for capturing image that employ a plurality of imagers fabricated on a substrate is provided. Each imager includes a plurality of pixels. The plurality of imagers include a first imager having a first imaging characteristics and a second imager having a second imaging characteristics. The images generated by the plurality of imagers are processed to obtain an enhanced image compared to images captured by the imagers. Each imager may be associated with an optical element fabricated using a wafer level optics (WLO) technology.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Image sensor and electronic circuit included therein

Номер: US20190007632A1

An electronic circuit includes a unit pixel, a first clamp circuit, and a second clamp circuit. The unit pixel outputs a voltage having an output voltage level at a first output voltage level in a first time interval and at a second output voltage level in a second time interval different from the first time interval. The first clamp circuit is configured to clamp the output voltage level from the unit pixel to a first voltage level responsive to the first output voltage level being not greater than the first voltage level in the first time interval. The second clamp circuit is configured to clamp the output voltage level from the unit pixel to a second voltage level responsive to the second output voltage level being not greater than the second voltage level in the second time interval.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007634A1
Автор: SHIMIZU Hirokazu

Conventional image sensors cannot generate highly-accurate correction values in a short time. In calibration operation, an image sensor according to an embodiment: categorizes a plurality of pixel circuits, which are arranged in a grid of columns and rows in an effective pixel area, on a row-by-row basis into an imaging pixel circuit group and a calibration pixel circuit group; controls the pixel circuits belonging to the imaging pixel circuit group to output imaging signals; electrically cuts off the pixel circuits belonging to the calibration pixel circuit group from vertical readout lines and supplies a calibration voltage to the vertical readout lines at the time when the pixel circuits belonging to the calibration pixel circuit group are read; generates imaging data corresponding to the voltage level of the imaging signal input through the vertical readout lines and calibration data corresponding to the voltage level of the calibration voltage; generates pixel data by applying a correction value to the imaging data while accumulating calibration data; and updates the correction value to an updated correction value generated based on a predetermined number of the calibration data pieces. 1. An image sensor performing normal operation to read out imaging signals from a grid of a plurality of pixel circuits arranged in columns and rows , the imaging signals having a voltage level proportional to an exposure on photoelectric conversion elements in the pixel circuits , and calibration operation to generate a correction value to be applied equally to the imaging signals output from the pixel circuits aligned in the same rows , the image sensor comprising:a plurality of vertical readout lines coupled to the pixel circuits aligned in the same columns;a pixel clipping circuit provided to each of the vertical readout lines, and supplying a calibration voltage to the associated vertical readout line;a timing generator controlling the pixel clipping circuit and the pixel ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190007635A1
Автор: Wada Yoichi

A third line that supplies a first potential to a first semiconductor region of a first detection pixel and a fourth line that supplies a second potential to the first semiconductor region of a second detection pixel are provided. An interval between a partial line of the third line and a partial line of the fourth line is longer than an interval between a partial line of a first line and a partial line of a second line which extend along the partial line of the third line and the partial line of the fourth line. 1. An imaging sensor provided with a pixel array including a plurality of pixels arranged in a plurality of rows and a plurality of columns ,the plurality of pixels including a first detection pixel, a second detection pixel, and an effective pixel, andeach of the first detection pixel and the second detection pixel including a first semiconductor region of a first conductivity type, a second semiconductor region of the first conductivity type, a transfer gate connected to the first semiconductor region and the second semiconductor region, and an amplification transistor connected to the second semiconductor region,the imaging sensor comprising:a first line and a second line connected to the effective pixel;a third line that supplies a first potential to the first semiconductor region of the first detection pixel; anda fourth line that supplies a second potential to the first semiconductor region of the second detection pixel,wherein each of the first line and the second line includes a partial line extending along a first direction in the pixel array, and the partial line of the first line and the partial line of the second line are adjacent to each other,wherein each of the third line and the fourth line includes a partial line extending along the first direction in the pixel array, andwherein an interval between the partial line of the third line and the partial line of the fourth line is longer than an interval between the partial line of the first line ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009377A1
Автор: Ishiwata Hiroaki

Provided is a solid-state imaging device including an imaging area where a plurality of unit pixels are disposed to capture a color image, wherein each of the unit pixels includes: a plurality of photoelectric conversion portions; a plurality of transfer gates, each of which is disposed in each of the photoelectric conversion portions to transfer signal charges from the photoelectric conversion portion; and a floating diffusion to which the signal charges are transferred from the plurality of the photoelectric conversion portions by the plurality of the transfer gates, wherein the plurality of the photoelectric conversion portions receive light of the same color to generate the signal charges, and wherein the signal charges transferred from the plurality of the photoelectric conversion portions to the floating diffusion are added to be output as an electrical signal. 1. A solid-state imaging device comprising:a semiconductor substrate;a plurality of unit pixels in the semiconductor substrate, each unit pixel comprises at least four sets of four photoelectric conversion elements,', 'each set comprises a floating diffusion shared by the four photoelectric conversion elements,', 'in each set, charge signals generated by the four photoelectric conversion elements are added in the floating diffusion., 'wherein,'}2. The solid-state imaging device of claim 1 , wherein:for each set, the four photoelectric conversion elements are arrayed in a first direction and a second direction perpendicular to the first direction in the imaging area,for each set, the floating diffusion is disposed so between the photoelectric conversion portions in a direction slanted with respect to the first direction and the second direction, andfor each set, the plurality of the transfer gates are disposed so as to be interposed between the plurality of the photoelectric conversion portions and the floating diffusions in the direction slanted with respect to the first direction and the second ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Image sensors with pixel array sub-sampling capabilities

Номер: US20150009378A1
Автор: Dongsoo Kim
Принадлежит: Aptina Imaging Corp

An image sensor may include an array of image pixels arranged according to a predetermined pattern. A 3-by-3 pixel sub-sampling method is provided that supports a high-speed sub-resolution video mode. The 3-by-3 sub-sampling method may involve organizing the image pixel array into groups, each of which contains a 3-by-3 array of nine pixels. Image pixels at the four corners of each group may be sampled and combined to form a final output. Final outputs produced from each group may form a sub-sampled array that is used by the sub-resolution video mode.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009379A1
Автор: Cho Kwang-bo, Yan Hai

An imager may include an array of pixels. The pixel array may be arranged in rows and columns. Each pixel of the pixel array may include a photodiode that is coupled to a floating diffusion region by a transfer gate. A source-follower transistor may be coupled between the floating diffusion region and a pixel output node. The imager may include ramp circuitry that provides a ramp signal to the floating diffusion region. A capacitor interposed between the ramp circuitry and the floating diffusion region may be used in conveying the ramp signal to the floating diffusion region. The pixel may be coupled to a comparator that is implemented using separate circuitry or may include portions of the pixel. 1. A pixel array , comprising:an imaging pixel having a floating diffusion region; andramp circuitry that provides a ramp signal to the floating diffusion region of the imaging pixel.2. The pixel array defined in further comprising a capacitor that is coupled between the floating diffusion region and a signal path that is coupled to the ramp circuitry claim 1 , wherein the ramp signal is conveyed over the capacitor and the signal path to the floating diffusion region of the imaging pixel.3. The pixel array defined in further comprising a comparator that receives a pixel output signal of the imaging pixel.4. The pixel array defined in wherein the comparator comprises:a comparator output that provides a comparator output signal;a first input that receives the pixel output signal; anda second input that is coupled to the comparator output by a feedback path.5. The pixel array defined in wherein the feedback path comprises a switch that is interposed between the second input and the comparator output.6. The pixel array defined in further comprising a capacitor coupled between the second input and a ground terminal.7. The pixel array defined in further comprising:analog-to-digital circuitry that is coupled to the comparator output.8. The pixel array defined in wherein the image ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007765A1
Автор: Wakabayashi Hayato

The solid-state imaging device of the present disclosure includes a signal processing unit including an AD converter that digitizes an analog pixel signal read from each pixel of the pixel array unit to a signal line, the signal processing unit transferring digitized pixel data at a first speed higher than a frame rate; a memory unit that stores the pixel data transferred from the signal processing unit; a data processing unit that reads pixel data at a second speed lower than the first speed from the memory unit; and a control unit that, when the pixel data is read from the memory unit, controls to stop operation of a current source connected with the signal line and operation of at least the AD converter of the signal processing unit. 1. (canceled)2. A solid-state imaging device comprising:a signal processing unit including an AD converter that digitizes an analog pixel signal read from each pixel of a pixel array unit to a signal line, the signal processing unit transferring digitized pixel data at a first speed higher than a frame rate;a memory unit that stores the pixel data transferred from the signal processing unit;a data processing unit that reads pixel data at a second speed lower than the first speed from the memory unit; anda control unit that, when the pixel data is read from the memory unit, controls to stop operation of a current source connected with the signal line and operation of at least the AD converter of the signal processing unit.3. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , whereinthe control unit stops the operation of the current source and the operation of the AD converter on a vertical synchronization signal basis.4. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , whereinthe signal processing unit, the memory unit, the data processing unit, and the control unit are formed on at least one chip which is different from a chip on which the pixel array unit is formed, andthe solid-state imaging device has a structure in which ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007799A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An object of the present invention is to provide an image processing apparatus, an image processing method, and a program capable of interpolating a gain of a pixel value of a phase difference detection pixel using a gain value even in the case of generating a display image requiring a real-time property. An image processing apparatus () sequentially obtains each frame image in time series order of a motion picture and calculates a gain value to be used in gain interpolation of a pixel value of a phase difference detection pixel of a current frame image based on a past frame image obtained in the time series order. The image processing apparatus () interpolates the pixel value of the phase difference detection pixel of the current frame image using the gain value. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a sensor in which a plurality of phase difference detection pixels and a plurality of normal pixels are two-dimensionally arranged;an interface that sequentially obtains each frame image in time series order of the motion picture from the sensor during imaging of the motion picture, the frame image having pixel values of the plurality of phase difference detection pixels and pixel values of the plurality of normal pixels;a gain value calculator that calculates a gain value to be used in gain interpolation of the pixel value of the phase difference detection pixel of a current frame image based on a past frame image in the time series order obtained by the interface;a first gain interpolator that interpolates the pixel value of the phase difference detection pixel of the current frame image using the gain value; anda display image generator that generates a display image of the current frame image based on the pixel value of the phase difference detection pixel of the current frame image interpolated by the first gain interpolator and the pixel value of the normal pixel.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a surrounding pixel ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007801A1

The present disclosure provides a global shutter CMOS pixel circuit and its image capturing method. The global shutter CMOS pixel circuit comprising a power supply unit, a pixel signal generating unit, a signal sampling and holding unit and a signal outputting unit. An output of the pixel signal generating unit is connected to an input of the signal sampling and holding unit. An output of the signal sampling and holding unit is connected to an input of the signal outputting unit. The output signal of the pixel and the photo-generated current are set to a logarithmic relationship, which effectively increases the signal dynamic range. Therefore, image signal transmission with high speed and high dynamic range can be achieved simultaneously. Furthermore, the pixels in the present disclosure can eliminate the process variations, which increases the consistency of the pixels. 1. A global shutter CMOS pixel circuit , comprising: a power supply unit , a pixel signal generating unit , a signal sampling and holding unit and a signal outputting unit; wherein the power supply unit is connected to the pixel signal generating unit , the signal sampling and holding unit , and the signal outputting unit; an output of the pixel signal generating unit is connected to an input of the signal sampling and holding unit; an output of the signal sampling and holding unit is connected to an input of the signal outputting unit;the pixel signal generating unit comprises: a first current source, a second current source, a first control terminal, a second control terminal, a bias voltage terminal, a column selection terminal, a photodiode, a first transistor, a second transistor, a third transistor, a fourth transistor, a fifth transistor, wherein, the drain of the first transistor is connected to the positive electrode of the power supply unit, the gate of the first transistor is connected to the bias voltage terminal; the source of the first transistor is connected to the drain of the second ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007805A1

The present technology relates to a solid-state image sensor, an imaging device, and an electronic device capable of switching FD conversion efficiency in all pixels of a solid-state image sensor. A photodiode performs photoelectric conversion on incident light. A floating diffusion (FD) stores charge obtained by the photodiode. FD2, which is a second FD to which the capacity of an additional capacitor MIM is added, adds the capacity to the FD. The additional capacitor MIM is constituted by a first electrode formed by a wiring layer and a second electrode formed by a metallic light blocking film provided on a surface of a substrate on which the photodiode is formed. Switching between the FD and FD+FD2 allows switching of the FD conversion efficiency. The present technology is applicable to a CMOS image sensor. 114-. (canceled)15. A light detecting device comprising:a photoelectric converter configured to generate a charge corresponding to incident light;a transfer transistor;a floating diffusion configured to receive the charge via the transfer transistor;a charge accumulation region;a switching transistor disposed between the floating diffusion and the charge accumulation region in a first direction, wherein the switching transistor is configured to electrically connect the floating diffusion and the charge accumulation region;an amplification transistor;a selection transistor, andwherein the floating diffusion is connected to a vertical signal line via the amplification transistor and the selection transistor,wherein the amplification transistor is disposed between the switching transistor and the selection transistor in the first direction,wherein a gate of the transfer transistor has an elongated shape in a plan view, a long side of the elongated shape extending in the first direction, andwherein the long side of the elongated shape is longer in the first direction than a length of a region including the floating diffusion, the charge accumulation region and the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007848A1
Автор: YAMAZAKI Tomohiro

An imaging apparatus including an imaging lens, and an image sensor array of first and second image sensor units, wherein a single first image sensor unit includes a single first microlens and a plurality of image sensors, a single second image sensor unit includes a single second microlens and a single image sensor, light passing through the imaging lens and reaching each first image sensor unit passes through the first microlens and forms an image on the image sensors constituting the first image sensor unit, light passing through the imaging lens and reaching each second image sensor unit passes through the second microlens and forms an image on the image sensor constituting the second image sensor unit, an inter-unit light shielding layer is formed between the image sensor units, and a light shielding layer is not formed between the image sensor units constituting the first image sensor unit. 1. An imaging apparatus , comprising:a microlens, andtwo or more unique photoelectric transducers overlapped by the microlens.2. The imaging apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a color filter overlapping the two or more photoelectric transducers.3. The imaging apparatus of claim 1 , comprising four unique photoelectric transducers overlapped by the microlens.4. The imagining apparatus of claim 3 , comprising a color filter overlapping the four photoelectric transducers.5. An imaging apparatus comprising a plurality of pixel units claim 3 , each pixel unit comprising:a microlens, andtwo or more unique photoelectric transducers overlapped by the microlens.6. The imaging apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each pixel unit comprises a color filter overlapping the two or more photoelectric transducers.7. The imaging apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each pixel unit comprises four unique photoelectric transducers overlapped by the microlens.8. The imagining apparatus of claim 7 , wherein each pixel unit comprises a color filter overlapping the four photoelectric transducers.9. An ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007858A1

A method and apparatus for characterizing a pixel of an image sensor is provided. The apparatus includes a narrowband, temporally incoherent, temporally stable illumination source. The narrowband light source generates a spatially coherent illumination beam. A variable optical attenuator attenuates the illumination beam resulting in an attenuated beam that does not alter the uniformity of the illumination. A focal plane integrator projects, expands, and homogenizes the attenuated beam to illuminate a focal plane of a sensor. Image sequences are collected to generate statistics for characterizing the sensor. 1. An apparatus for individually characterizing pixels of a sensor , the apparatus comprises:a narrowband light source, wherein the narrowband light source generates a spatially coherent illumination beam;a variable optical attenuator, wherein the variable optical attenuator attenuates the spatially coherent illumination beam resulting in an attenuated beam, wherein the attenuated beam is spatially uniform and;a focal plane integrator, wherein the focal plane integrator expands, shapes, and homogenizes the attenuated beam to illuminate a focal plane of a sensor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the narrowband light source is a superluminescent diode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narrowband light source is temporally incoherent claim 1 , temporally stable claim 1 , and spatially coherent under collimation.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the attenuation varies from dark to sensor saturation.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the variable optical attenuator comprises:a polarizing element;a half-wave plate; anda beam splitter.6. The method of claim 1 , the sensor is an element of a camera and wherein the attenuated beam is applied to the focal plane of the sensor installed within the camera.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the focal plane integrator projects claim 6 , homogenizes claim 6 , and shapes the attenuated beam to fit an ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021830A1

An optical sensing device, including a first power rail, a second power rail, and a plurality of optical sensing elements arranged in an array, is provided. Each optical sensing element can include a photo diode, a reset switch, and a buffer. The reset switch can have a control terminal to receive a reset signal. A first terminal of the reset switch can be coupled to the first power rail and a second terminal of the reset switch is coupled to the photo diode. A first terminal of the buffer can be coupled to the second power rail, a second terminal of the buffer can be coupled to the second terminal of the reset switch and the photo diode, and a third terminal of the buffer is configured to provide a sensing signal. The second power rail is separate or independent from the first power rail. 1. An optical sensing device , comprising:a first power rail;a second power rail separate or independent from the first power rail; and a photo diode;', 'a reset switch, having a control terminal configured to receive a reset signal, a first terminal of the reset switch being coupled to the first power rail, and a second terminal of the reset switch being directly connected to the photo diode; and', 'a buffer, a first terminal of the buffer being coupled to the second power rail, a second terminal of the buffer being coupled to the second terminal of the reset switch and the photo diode, and a third terminal of the buffer configured to provide a sensing signal., 'a plurality of optical sensing elements, arranged in an optical sensing element array, wherein each of the plurality of optical sensing elements comprises2. The optical sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the first power rail is coupled to a first power supply and the second power rail is coupled to a second power supply different from the first power supply.3. The optical sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein a first load current flowing through the first power rail is independent from a second load ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021832A1

Indirect time-of-flight (i-ToF) image sensor pixels, i-ToF image sensors including such pixels, stereo cameras including such image sensors, and sensing methods to obtain i-ToF detection and phase detection information using such image sensors and stereo cameras. An i-ToF image sensor pixel may comprise a plurality of sub-pixels, each sub-pixel including a photodiode, a single microlens covering the plurality of sub-pixels and a read-out circuit for extracting i-ToF phase signals of each sub-pixel individually. 1. An image sensor pixel , comprising:a) a plurality of sub-pixels, each sub-pixel including a photodiode;b) a microlens covering the plurality of sub-pixels; andc) a read-out circuit (ROC) for extracting indirect time-of-flight (i-ToF) phase signals of each sub-pixel individually, wherein the image sensor pixel is an i-ToF image sensor pixel.2. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sub-pixels includes 2 sub-pixels.3. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sub-pixels includes 4 sub-pixels.4. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , wherein each sub-pixel is a 4-tap pixel including 4 pulse generators.5. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , wherein each sub-pixel is a 2-tap pixel including 2 pulse generators.6. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , wherein the i-ToF image sensor pixel includes a switch claim 1 , wherein in one state the switch is closed so that the sub-pixels together form one pixel and the ROC reads out the one pixel for generating an i-ToF depth map claim 1 , and wherein in another state the switch is opened so that the ROC reads out the sub-pixels individually for generating a stereo depth map.7. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , included in an image sensor of a camera having a focal length fin the range of 1.5 mm-10 mm.8. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , included in an image sensor of a camera having a f number f/# in the range of 1-3.9. The image sensor pixel of claim 1 , included in an image ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Camera system including a proximity sensor and related methods

Номер: US20220030156A1
Автор: Angelos Spanos
Принадлежит: Purelifi Ltd

A camera for capturing an image comprising: an image sensor configured to generate image sensor data in response to received light; a processing resource configured to process the image sensor data to obtain image data and communication data, wherein obtaining the communication data comprises performing a demodulation process in respect of at least part of the image sensor data, wherein the processing resource is further configured to transmit the communication data and the image data to at least one further processing resource.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030187A1

An image sensor comprises an array comprising rows and columns of pixels, a first number N of connection lines connected to a first number N of pixels of the array, a voltage regulating circuit having an output, a first terminal, and a driver circuit. The driver circuit has a first number N of switches coupled to the first number N of connection lines and to the output of the voltage regulating circuit, and a first number N of further switches coupled to the first number N of connection lines and to the first terminal. The first number N is at least two. 2. The image sensor of claim 1 ,wherein the image sensor is realized as a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor, CMOS, image sensor.3. The image sensor of claim 1 , a photodiode,', 'a transfer transistor,', 'a sense node coupled to the photodiode via the transfer transistor,', 'a reset transistor and', 'a supply input coupled to the sense node via the reset transistor, wherein a connection line of the first number N of connection lines is connected to a control terminal of the transfer transistor or to a control terminal of the reset transistor., 'wherein the pixel comprises'}4. The image sensor of claim 1 ,wherein a majority of the first number N of switches is set in a conducting state at any point in time during operation of the image sensor, wherein the first number N is at least three.5. The image sensor of claim 1 , to set the first number N of switches in a conducting state and the first number N of further switches in a non-conducting state in a first operation phase and', 'to set a subset of the first number N of switches in a non-conducting state, the other of the first number N of switches in a conducting state, the subset of the first number N of further switches in a conducting state and the other of the first number N of further switches in a non-conducting state in a second operation phase., 'wherein the driver circuit comprises a control circuit configured'}6. The image sensor of claim 1 ,wherein ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011251A1
Автор: UCHIDA Akihiro
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An imaging device and a focusing control method are provided. The imaging device includes: an imaging element, having pixels including phase-difference detecting pixels and imaging a subject through an imaging optical system including a focus lens; and a focusing controller, selectively performing focusing control using a phase difference AF method or focusing control using a contrast AF method in a mode in which focusing control for focusing on a main subject by driving the focus lens is continuously performed multiple times. The focusing controller performs the focusing control using the contrast AF method in a case where a state in which a degree of reliability of the focusing control using the phase difference AF method is equal to or less than a threshold value persists N times (N=2 or more), while the focusing control using the phase difference AF method is continuously performed. 1. An imaging device comprising: a plurality of imaging pixels, being arranged in two dimensions in a first direction and a second direction that intersects the first direction, and imaging a subject through an imaging optical system including a focus lens;', 'first signal detectors, detecting signals corresponding to one of a pair of luminous fluxes passed through different portions of a pupil area divided into two; and', 'second signal detectors, detecting signals corresponding to other one of the pair of luminous fluxes; and, 'an imager, comprisinga processor, selectively performing focusing control by a phase difference AF method using a result of a correlation operation of detection signals of the first signal detectors and detection signals of the second signal detectors, or focusing control by a contrast AF method using contrast of a captured image signal captured by the imaging pixels, by driving the focus lens,wherein the processor sets at least one first focusing area and at least one second focusing area so that the at least one second focusing area includes the at least ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011270A1
Автор: HIRATA Tadashi

An observation device includes: first objective lenses arranged in a row so as to be parallel to one another; second objective lenses arranged in a row so as to be parallel to one another; and image capturing elements for capturing first images formed by the first objective lenses and second images formed by the second objective lenses, respectively, wherein each of the objective lenses is a magnifying objective lens, a first axis of light incident on the first objective lenses and a second axis of light incident on the second objective lenses are parallel to one another, fields of view of the first objective lenses and fields of view of the second objective lenses are arranged alternately in a row on an observation line, and the first images and the second images are arranged in a row in image-forming regions that are disposed at positions different from each other. 1. An observation device comprising:a first objective lens group that has a plurality of first objective lenses arranged in a row so as to be parallel to one another, wherein each of the plurality of first objective lenses forms a first image of light coming from a first field of view on an observation line;a second objective lens group that has a plurality of second objective lenses arranged in a row so as to be parallel to one another, wherein each of the plurality of second objective lenses forms a second image of light coming from a second field of view on the observation line;a first image capturing element for capturing plurality of first images formed by the plurality of first objective lenses; anda second image capturing element for capturing plurality of second images formed by the plurality of second objective lenses,wherein each of the plurality of first objective lenses and the plurality of second objective lenses is a magnifying objective lens having a magnification larger than 1,a first axis of light incident on the plurality of first objective lenses and a second axis of light incident on ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Optical detection sensor

Номер: US20200011730A1

An optical detection sensor is disclosed. The optical detection sensor includes a converter configured to receive non-visible light, convert the non-visible light into visible light, and emit the visible light; and a visible light solid-state image sensor. The converter is located on a light incident side of the visible light solid-state image sensor, and the visible light solid-state image sensor is configured to receive the visible light to generate an electron flow, convert information of the electron flow into data information, and output the data information.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013233A1

There is provided a solid state imaging device including a plurality of imaging pixels arranged two-dimensionally in a matrix configuration and phase difference detecting pixels arranged scatteredly among the imaging pixels, the solid state imaging device including: a first microlens formed for each of the imaging pixels; a planarization film having a lower refractive index than the first microlens and formed on the first microlens; and a second microlens formed only on the planarization film of the phase difference detecting pixel. 1. A solid state imaging device including a plurality of imaging pixels arranged two-dimensionally in a matrix configuration and phase difference detecting pixels arranged scatteredly among the imaging pixels , the solid state imaging device comprising:a first microlens formed for each of the imaging pixels;a planarization film having a lower refractive index than the first microlens and formed on the first microlens; anda second microlens formed only on the planarization film of the phase difference detecting pixel.2. The solid state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first microlens is formed also in the phase difference detecting pixel.3. The solid state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereina refractive index of the planarization film is set to 1.5 or less and a refractive index of the first and second microlenses is set to 1.4 or more.4. The solid state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe second microlens has same composition as the planarization film.5. The solid state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe planarization film is formed by fluorine or hollow silica being added to an acrylic-based resin or a siloxane-based resin.6. The solid state imaging device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first and second microlenses are made of an organic material of a styrene-based resin, an acrylic-based resin, a styrene-acrylic copolymer-based resin, or a siloxane-based resin.7. The solid state ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013210A1
Автор: Hsu En-Feng

An image sensor including an optoelectronic conversion circuit, a read circuit, a timing control and a serial interface is provided. The optoelectronic conversion circuit is configured to store a charge amount. The read circuit is coupled to the optoelectronic conversion circuit via a bit line. The timing control is configured to send at least one control signal to control the optoelectronic conversion circuit to store the charge amount and control the read circuit to read the charge amount stored in the optoelectronic conversion circuit. The serial interface is coupled to the timing control and configured to send a trigger signal to the timing control to activate the timing control to send the at least one control signal. 1. An image sensor comprising:an optoelectronic conversion circuit configured to store a charge amount;a read circuit coupled to the optoelectronic conversion circuit via a bit line;a timing control configured to send at least one control signal to control the optoelectronic conversion circuit to store the charge amount and control the read circuit to read the charge amount stored in the optoelectronic conversion circuit; anda serial interface coupled to the timing control and configured to send a trigger signal to the timing control to activate the timing control to send the at least one control signal.2. The image sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein optoelectronic conversion circuit comprises:an optoelectronic element configured to convert incident light into photocurrent; anda pixel capacitor configured to store the photocurrent as the charge amount.3. The image sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the serial interface sends the trigger signal after receiving a read request from a host.4. The image sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the read circuit does not read the charge amount stored in the optoelectronic conversion circuit before the serial interface sends the trigger signal.5. The image sensor as claimed in claim 1 , further ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013216A1
Автор: BOL David, COUNIOT Numa

In an image sensor, a photo detector circuit applies a photo current to a capacitive node during a photo detection time interval. A front-end circuit comprises an input transistor having a control node that is coupled to the capacitive node. A switchable biasing arrangement puts the input transistor in a disabled state during the photo detection time interval. The input transistor is put in an enabled state after the photo detection time interval. This then causes the front-end circuit to provide an output signal that is representative of a voltage on the capacitive node after the photo detection time interval. 1. An image sensor , comprising:a photo detector circuit arranged to apply a photo current to a capacitive node during a photo detection time interval;a front-end circuit comprising an input transistor having a control node that is coupled to the capacitive node; anda switchable biasing arrangement putting the input transistor in a disabled state during the photo detection time interval, and putting the input transistor in an enabled state after the photo detection time interval, causing the front-end circuit to provide an output signal that is representative of a voltage on the capacitive node after the photo detection time interval, wherein, in the disabled state, the input transistor is biased so that, when the photo detection time interval starts, each main node of the input transistor is at a voltage that approximates a reset voltage that is forced upon the capacitive node before the photo detection time interval starts.2. An image sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the switchable biasing arrangement applies a disabling biasing voltage to a reference main node of the input transistor during the photo detection time interval claim 1 , the disabling biasing voltage approximating the reset voltage claim 1 , which puts the input transistor in the disabled state claim 1 , and applies an enabling biasing voltage to the reference main node after the photo ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013221A1

An imaging device comprising: a pixel comprising a photoelectric converter and a reset transistor having a source and a drain one of which is electrically connected to the photoelectric converter; a first voltage generating circuit for generating a first voltage; a second voltage generating circuit for generating a second voltage identical or equivalent to the first voltage; and a first switching circuit having a first input terminal electrically connected to the first voltage generating circuit, a second input terminal electrically connected to the second voltage generating circuit, a first output terminal electrically connected to the other of the source and the drain of the reset transistor. The first switching circuit electrically connects one of the first and second input terminals to the first output terminal selectively in a period when the photoelectric converter is reset. The photoelectric converter is reset by use of the first voltage or the second voltage. 1. An imaging device comprising: a photoelectric converter for generating a signal, and', 'a reset transistor for resetting the photoelectric converter, the reset transistor having a source and a drain, one of the source and the drain electrically connected to the photoelectric converter;, 'a pixel comprising'}a first voltage generating circuit for generating a first voltage;a second voltage generating circuit for generating a second voltage identical or equivalent to the first voltage; anda first switching circuit having a first input terminal, a second input terminal and a first output terminal, the first input terminal electrically connected to the first voltage generating circuit, the second input terminal electrically connected to the second voltage generating circuit, the first output terminal electrically connected to the other of the source and the drain of the reset transistor, whereinthe first switching circuit electrically connects one of the first input terminal and the second input terminal ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013222A1

A charge pump provides an output voltage with reduced voltage ripple. The charge pump includes a first capacitor, a second capacitor, and a control circuit. The control circuit charges the first capacitor to one of a first voltage and a second voltage and the second capacitor to the other one of the first and second voltages using differential clock signals and an input voltage during each clock phase and outputs the higher one of the first and second voltages as an output voltage. 1. A charge pump receiving a regulated voltage and generating an output voltage , the charge pump comprising:a first capacitor, a second capacitor, and a control circuit,wherein the control circuit is configured to charge the first capacitor to one of a first voltage and a second voltage and to charge the second capacitor to the other one of the first voltage and second voltage in response to differential clock signals and the regulated voltage during each of a first clock phase and a second clock phase, andthe control circuit is further configured to output a higher one of the first voltage and second voltage as the output voltage.2. The charge pump of claim 1 , wherein the second voltage is higher than the first voltage claim 1 ,the control circuit charges the first capacitor to the first voltage and charges the second capacitor to the second voltage during the first clock phase, andthe control circuit charges the first capacitor to the second voltage and charges the second capacitor to the first voltage during the second clock phase.3. The charge pump of claim 2 , wherein the control circuit charges the first capacitor to the first voltage and charges the second capacitor to the second voltage at the same time during the first clock phase claim 2 , andthe control circuit charges the first capacitor to the second voltage and charges the second capacitor to the first voltage at the same time during the second clock phase.4. The charge pump of claim 1 , wherein the control circuit ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013340A1

A solid-state imaging device includes: pixels arranged in a matrix; a vertical signal line provided for each column, conveying a pixel signal; a power line provided for each column, proving a power supply voltage; 1. (canceled)2. A solid-state imaging device comprising:pixels arranged in columns and rows;a first line to which a power supply voltage is supplied; and a photoelectric converter converting the incident light into charge; and', 'an amplifier transistor a gate of which is electrically connected to the photoelectric converter through a third line,, 'a second line through which a signal is transmitted, wherein each of the pixels includesthe first line, the second line, and the third line are in a same layer among layers of the solid-state imaging device, andthe first line is located between the second line and the third line.3. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , whereinthe first line is directly adjacent to the third line, andthe first line is directly adjacent to the second line.4. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , wherein a reset transistor resetting the charge of the gate terminal of the amplifier transistor;', 'a diffusion layer in the reset transistor;', 'a fourth line connecting the gate terminal of the amplifier transistor and the diffusion layer; and', 'interconnecting layers stacked between the fourth line and the photoelectric converter, and, 'each of the pixels in the one of the columns further includesthe second line, electrically connected to the reset transistor, is disposed in any of the interconnecting layers except one of the interconnecting layers immediately adjacent to the fourth line.5. The solid-state imaging device according to claim 2 , wherein a reset transistor resetting the charge of the gate terminal of the amplifier transistor;', 'a diffusion layer in the reset transistor;', 'a fourth line connecting the gate terminal of the amplifier transistor and the diffusion layer, and', ' ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015751A1

An imaging apparatus that forms an image of a light beam transmitted through an imaging lens on an imaging element includes a laminated material that is provided on the imaging element, the light beam being transmitted through the laminated material, the laminated material being provided at a position at which an end portion of an upper surface of the laminated material allows an outermost light beam out of light beams to be transmitted therethrough, the light beams entering a pixel in an outer end portion of the imaging element in an effective pixel area, the position having a width Hopt. 1. An imaging apparatus that forms an image of a light beam transmitted through an imaging lens on an imaging element , comprisinga laminated material that is provided on the imaging element, the light beam being transmitted through the laminated material, the laminated material being provided at a position at which an end portion of an upper surface of the laminated material allows an outermost light beam out of light beams to be transmitted therethrough, the light beams entering a pixel in an outer end portion of the imaging element in an effective pixel area, the position having a width Hopt.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein {'br': None, 'i': Hopt=T', 'f−', '*H*Fno', 'f*Fno+H, '*(2)/(2*)'}, 'the width Hopt of the laminated material that allows the outermost light beam to be transmitted therethrough is represented based on a thickness of the laminated material, a focal length of a lens, an F-number of the lens, and an image height of an image sensor, by the following formulawherein T, f, Fno, and H represent the thickness of the laminated material, the focal length of the lens, the F-number of the lens, and the image height of the image sensor, respectively.3. The imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein {'br': None, 'i': Hopt=T', 'n', 'n*n', 'Fno', 'n′', 'n*n', 'Fno', 'f−', '*H*Fno', 'f*Fno+H, '*√{(2−′ sin(θ))/(2−′ sin(θ))}*(2)/(2*)'}, 'based on, ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015755A1
Автор: Numata Aihiko

A solid-state imaging sensor provided with a plurality of pixels which convert an object image formed by an imaging optical system into an electrical signal, at least a part of the pixels being ranging pixels in which a first and a second photoelectric conversion unit are provided in alignment in a first direction, and in more than half of the ranging pixels in one of peripheral region of the solid-state sensor, the capacitance of the first photoelectric conversion unit being greater than the capacitance of the second photoelectric conversion unit; and in more than half of the ranging pixels in the other of peripheral region of the solid-state sensor, the capacitance of the second photoelectric conversion unit being greater than the capacitance of the first photoelectric conversion unit. 1. A solid-state imaging sensor provided with a plurality of pixels which convert an object image formed by an imaging optical system into an electrical signal ,at least a portion of the plurality of pixels being ranging pixels in which a first photoelectric conversion unit and a second photoelectric conversion unit are provided in alignment in a first direction, andwhen a region of the solid-state imaging sensor is divided into a first region and a second region by a straight line perpendicular to the first direction and passing through the center of the solid-state imaging sensor;then in more than half of the ranging pixels in a region of the first region that is distanced by no less than a predetermined distance from the straight line, the capacitance of the first photoelectric conversion unit being greater than the capacitance of the second photoelectric conversion unit; andin more than half of the ranging pixels in a region of the second region that is distanced by no less than a predetermined distance from the straight line, the capacitance of the second photoelectric conversion unit being greater than the capacitance of the first photoelectric conversion unit.2. The solid- ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015756A1
Автор: Suzuki Satoshi

In an image pickup apparatus using an image pickup element including a plurality of photoelectric conversion means sharing a microlens, the number of pixels to be read is switched between the case of normal photographing and the case of live view driving. In the case of live view driving, only pixels positioned near the center of the optical axis of the microlens, the number of which is smaller than that in the case of normal photographing, are read. The image pickup apparatus realizes both normal photographing capable of acquiring an image in which the depth of field is small and which can be refocused, and live view photographing capable of displaying an image with a large depth of field and the high frame rate, thereby allowing the framing of the photographed image to be confirmed. 1. An image pickup apparatus including a photographing lens , an image pickup element including a two-dimensional arrangement of a plurality of photoelectric conversion units configured to convert an optical image formed by the photographing lens into an electric signal , and a microlens array arranged between the photographing lens and the image pickup element , wherein each microlens of the microlens array corresponds to one of pixel blocks provided by dividing the two-dimensional array of the plurality of photoelectric conversion units on a unit basis of a pixel block of a predetermined number of photoelectric conversion units , comprising:a photographing mode setting unit configure to switch between a first photographing mode and a second photographing mode;a signal read-out unit configured to read the electric signal converted by the photoelectric conversion unit; anda control unit configured to control the signal read-out unit according to the photographing mode set by the photographing mode setting unit to change the photoelectric conversion unit used for signal reading of the signal read-out unit among the photoelectric conversion unit included in each pixel block.2. The image ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013936A1

An endoscope includes at least one lens having a circular exterior shape in a direction perpendicular to an optical axis, an image sensor that has a square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as length of a diameter of the lens, a sensor cover that has a square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as one side length of the image sensor, a bonding resin portion that fixes the sensor cover to the lens, the optical axis of the lens coinciding with a center of the imaging area. 1. An endoscope comprising:an image sensor;at least one lens having an optical axis and a circular exterior shape in a direction perpendicular to the optical axis;a sensor cover that covers an imaging area of the image sensor;a bonding resin portion that fixes the sensor cover to the lens, the optical axis of the lens coinciding with a center of the imaging area; andmultiple illuminators that are respectively provided along the optical axis, and evenly disposed in a vicinity of a center of each one side of the image sensor along an outer circumference of the lens.2. The endoscope according to claim 1 ,wherein the image sensor has an square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as length of a diameter of the lens.3. The endoscope according to claim 2 ,wherein the sensor cover has an square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as the length of the one side of the image sensor.4. The endoscope according to claim 1 , further comprising;a transmission cable that has four electric cables which are respectively connected to four conductor connection parts disposed on the image sensor.5. The endoscope according to claim 1 ,wherein a distal part including the lens and the multiple illuminators has a maximum outer diameter of 1.8 mm6. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013937A1

An endoscope includes at least one lens having a circular exterior shape in a direction perpendicular to an optical axis, an image sensor that has a square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as length of a diameter of the lens, a sensor cover that has a square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as one side length of the image sensor, a bonding resin portion that fixes the sensor cover to the lens, the optical axis of the lens coinciding with a center of the imaging area. 1. An endoscope comprising:an image sensor;at least one lens;a sensor cover that covers an imaging area of the image sensor;a transmission cable that is connected to the image sensor;an illuminator that is disposed along the lens and the transmission cable;a tubular sheath that has flexibility, and covers a part of the lens, the image sensor, a part of the illuminator, and the transmission cable; anda flange that covers the part of the lens and the part of the illuminator, that is coaxially connected to the sheath in a manner that an outer circumferential surface of the flange is flush with an outer circumferential surface of the sheath, and that constitutes a distal part,wherein the lens and the sensor cover are fixed by a bonding resin portion, and an optical axis of the lens coincides with a center of the imaging area.2. The endoscope according to claim 1 ,wherein the image sensor has an square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as length of a diameter of the lens.3. The endoscope according to claim 1 ,wherein the sensor cover has an square exterior shape in the direction perpendicular to the optical axis, and has one side whose length is same as length of one side of the image sensor.4. The endoscope according to claim 1 , further comprising;a lens supporting member that supports the lens, ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013948A1
Автор: CHEN Chin-Fu, LIU I-Pei

A camera module includes a transparent plate, a top sensing layer, and a light-cutting layer. The transparent plate includes a bottom surface and a top surface opposite to the bottom surface. The top sensing layer is formed on the bottom surface. The light-cutting layer is formed on the top surface, and includes a blocking material and transparent apertures penetrating through the blocking material. 1. An camera module , comprising:a transparent plate, comprising a bottom surface and a top surface opposite to the bottom surface;a top sensing layer, formed on the bottom surface; anda light-cutting layer, formed on the top surface, comprising a blocking material and a plurality of transparent apertures penetrating through the blocking material.2. The camera module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the top sensing layer comprises an invisible-light-cutting film and a plurality of top sensing units penetrating through the invisible-light-cutting film.3. The camera module as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the top sensing units are arranged in sets of two and each set of two top sensing units for use together claim 2 , wherein each set of two top sensing units comprises a first top sensing unit and a second top sensing unit claim 2 , the first top sensing unit is configured to generate a first focus signal and the second top sensing unit is configured to generate a second focus signal claim 2 , wherein a focus value is obtained by a processing module according to the first focus signal and the second focus signal.4. The camera module as claimed in claim 2 , wherein two sets of top sensing units define an invisible-light-cutting zone.5. The camera module as claimed in claim 4 , wherein each of the invisible-light-cutting zones is located under one of the transparent apertures.6. The camera module as claimed in claim 4 , wherein an area of the invisible-light-cutting zone is greater than an area of the transparent aperture.7. The camera module as claimed in claim 4 , wherein a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, image pickup apparatus, image processing method, program, and storage medium

Номер: US20180013951A1
Автор: Koichi Fukuda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus (image processing circuit 125 ) includes a determiner ( 125 a ) that determines a weight coefficient which varies depending on a position in each of a plurality of parallax images and an image generator ( 125 b ) that synthesizes the plurality of parallax images based on the weight coefficient to generate an image.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013967A1

A radiographic imaging device includes: a radiation detector including plural pixels, each including a sensor portion and a switching element; a detection unit that detects a radiation irradiation start if an electrical signal caused by charges generated in the sensor portion satisfies a specific irradiation detection condition, and/or if an electrical signal caused by charges generated in a radiation sensor portion that is different from the sensor portion satisfies a specific irradiation detection condition; and a control unit that determines whether or not noise caused by external disturbance has occurred after the detection unit has detected the radiation irradiation start, and if the noise has occurred, that stops a current operation of the radiation detector, and causes the detection unit to perform detection. 1. A radiographic imaging device comprising:a radiation detector including a plurality of pixels, each including a sensor portion that generates charges according to an amount of irradiated radiation and accumulates the generated charges;a detection unit that performs a detection operation that detects a radiation irradiation start in at least one of a case in which an electrical signal caused by charges generated in the sensor portion that serves as a radiation sensor portion for detecting radiation irradiation start satisfies a specific irradiation detection condition, or a case in which an electrical signal caused by charges generated in a radiation sensor portion for detecting radiation irradiation start that is different from the sensor portion satisfies a specific irradiation detection condition; anda control unit that, after the detection unit has detected the radiation irradiation start, determines whether or not noise caused by external disturbance has occurred based on changes in an electrical signal output from any one of the radiation sensor portion, an impact sensor or an electromagnetic wave sensor for detecting radiation irradiation start, ...
