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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595971C2

Изобретение относится к нагреваемому курительному материалу. Устройство включает удлиненный нагреватель, выполненный с возможностью нагревания курительного материала для испарения по меньшей мере одного компонента курительного материала и включающий несколько независимо управляемых зон нагрева, расположенных вдоль продольной оси нагревателя для независимого нагревания секций курительного материала; и камеру нагрева курительного материала, прилегающую к продольной поверхности нагревателя так, что тепловая энергия, выделяемая зонами нагрева, распространяется в радиальном направлении от продольной поверхности нагревателя в камеру нагрева для независимого нагрева секций курительного материала. Техническим результатом изобретения является создание курительного изделия в виде продукта, выделяющего соединения без образования табачного дыма. 20 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606069C2

Изобретение относится к устройству, выполненному с возможностью нагревания курительного материала для испарения по меньшей мере одного компонента курительного материала, включающему область изоляции, имеющую внутреннюю область, в которой откачкой создано давление более низкое, чем снаружи изоляции. Данное выполнение устройства обеспечивает при его эксплуатации снижение потерь тепла в камере нагрева, увеличивая эффективность нагрева курительного материала. Также обеспечивается неизменность выдаваемого количества испарившихся ароматических соединений от затяжки к затяжке. 25 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2608915C2

Изобретение относится к электронной сигарете. Электронная сигарета содержит нагреватель для испарения жидкого вещества с целью создания пара, вставку мундштука с по меньшей мере двумя отклоняющими выпусками, расположенными на концах наклонных каналов; отклонитель воздушного потока, по меньшей мере частично расположенный около нагревателя и препятствующий поступающему воздуху снижать выход пара из-за охлаждения нагревателя во время циклов затяжки; внешнюю цилиндрическую трубку, проходящую в продольном направлении; внутреннюю цилиндрическую трубку, расположенную во внешней цилиндрической трубке; средство подачи жидкости, содержащее жидкое вещество и расположенное во внешнем кольцевом пространстве между внешней и внутренней цилиндрическими трубками; центральный воздушный канал, связанный с входным концом внутренней цилиндрической трубки; фитиль, связанный со средством подачи жидкости и с нагревателем так, чтобы подавать жидкое вещество к нагревателю с целью нагрева нагревателем жидкого вещества ...

02-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627004C2

Изобретение относится к курительным изделиям, в частности к электронным сигаретам. При этом электронное курительное изделие содержит наружную трубку, проходящую в продольном направлении; внутреннюю трубку, расположенную внутри наружной трубки; средство подачи жидкости, содержащее жидкое вещество и расположенное во внешнем кольцевом пространстве между наружной и внутренней трубками; катушку нагревателя, расположенную во внутренней трубке; окруженный катушкой нагревателя фитиль; по меньшей мере одно отверстие для впуска воздуха, выполненное во внешней трубке; и носитель аромата, расположенный на внешней поверхности наружной трубки, содержащий ароматическое вещество и выполненный с возможностью подачи аромата во время курения, при этом носитель аромата содержит внутренний слой, пропитанный ароматическим веществом, и внешний слой, удаляемый перед курением, причем внешний слой больше внутреннего слоя, так что внешний слой перед курением покрывает внутренний слой и по меньшей мере одно отверстие ...

26-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2812254C2

Группа изобретений относится к гелевой композиции для генерирования аэрозоля и ее применению. Гелеобразная композиция для генерирования аэрозоля, содержащая: никотин; от 50 вес. % до 80 вес. % глицерина; от 0,2 вес. % до 5 вес. % средства для увеличения вязкости, причем средство для увеличения вязкости содержит ксантановую камедь, карбоксиметилцеллюлозу, микрокристаллическую целлюлозу, метилцеллюлозу, аравийскую камедь, гуаровую камедь, лямбда-каррагинан или крахмал; от 0,2 вес. % до 5 вес. % гелеобразующего средства, обеспечивающего сшивание посредством водородных связей, при этом гелеобразующее средство, обеспечивающее сшивание посредством водородных связей, содержит галактоманнан, желатин, агарозу, конжаковую камедь или агар; от 0,2 вес. % до 5 вес. % гелеобразующего средства, обеспечивающего сшивание посредством ионных связей, причем гелеобразующее средство, обеспечивающее сшивание посредством ионных связей, содержит геллан с низким содержанием ацила, пектин, каппа-каррагинан, йота-каррагинан ...

17-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670062C2

Изобретение относится к нагревателю для ручного устройства, который содержит первый слой, второй слой и разделитель для разделения первого и второго слоев нагревателя, при этом разделитель представляет собой трубку. Первый слой и/или второй слой могут представлять собой проволочный элемент. Первый слой может продолжаться по меньшей мере частично вокруг и/или частично вдоль трубки. Трубка может содержать распорные элементы, продолжающиеся вдоль трубки и радиально наружу от трубки, для опоры первого слоя. Может быть предусмотрена наружная трубка, причем наружная трубка продолжается по меньшей мере вокруг и вдоль первого слоя. Наружная трубка может продолжаться вокруг и вдоль трубки. Может быть предусмотрена внутренняя опорная структура для опоры второго слоя. Внутренняя опорная структура может содержать внутреннюю трубку или опорные крылья, а второй слой может продолжаться по меньшей мере частично вокруг внутренней трубки или опорных крыльев. 8 н. и 38 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670772C2

Система выпуска ОГ, в частности, для ДВС транспортного средства, содержащая направляющий канал (14) для ОГ, устройство (20) впрыска реактива (R) в протекающие в направляющем канале (14) ОГ (А), ниже по потоку за устройством (20) впрыска реактива смесительное устройство (22) для поддержания перемешивания впрыскиваемого устройством (20) впрыска реактива (R) с протекающими в направляющем канале (14) ОГ (А), ниже по потоку за устройством (20) впрыска реактива и выше по потоку перед смесительным устройством (22) устройство (24) нагрева реактива, расположенное в направляющем канале (14) для ОГ (А) и обтекаемое протекающими ОГ (А) и впрыскиваемым устройством (20) впрыска реактивом (R). Нагревательный элемент для устройства нагрева реактива системы выпуска ОГ содержит по меньшей мере два извитых в форме меандра электронагревательных участка. Каждый электронагревательный участок имеет в своем продольном направлении несколько выпуклостей, следующих друг за другом, ориентированных попеременно напротив ...

29-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695834C2

Представлена система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, причем система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, содержит устройство (70), генерирующее аэрозоль, содержащее нагревательный элемент (72), и изделие (60), генерирующее аэрозоль. Изделие (60), генерирующее аэрозоль, содержит источник (18) лекарственного средства и источник (22) летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку. Система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, также содержит по меньшей мере один упругий элемент (48, 58), предусмотренный в устройстве (70), генерирующем аэрозоль, или в изделии (60), генерирующем аэрозоль, и упруго поджатый к нагревательному элементу (72). По меньшей мере один из источника (18) лекарственного средства и источника (22) летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку, находится в контакте с по меньшей мере одним упругим элементом (48, 58), и система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, выполнена с возможностью нагрева источника (18) лекарственного средства и источника (22) летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку, изделия (60), генерирующего ...

04-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018106123A3

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019103838A3

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016103216A3

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018108188A3

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017130450A3

16-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018142287A3

20-10-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019136377A3

27-09-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019136366A3

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Обогреватель емкости

Номер: RU179355U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к электротермии, а именно к конструкциям обогревателей емкостей, предназначенных для подогрева в них застывающих и вязких продуктов в любых отраслях промышленности.Задача предлагаемого изобретения – повысить эффективность нагрева и уменьшить потери тепла в атмосферу.Поставленная задача в предлагаемом обогревателе емкостей, содержащим корпус, внутри которого размещен резистивный нагреватель в изоляции, достигается тем, что корпус выполнен коробчатым, с конфигурацией сечения в горизонтальной плоскости подобной конфигурации сечения в горизонтальной плоскости обогреваемой емкости, верхняя теплоизлучающая стенка которого жестким опорным элементом соединена с нижней стенкой, на внешней стороне которой по периметру и радиально укреплены трубки, резистивный нагреватель размещен в корпусе вокруг жесткого опорного элемента, свободный объем полости корпуса заполнен фиксирующим резистивный нагреватель твердеющим диэлектрическим наполнителем, а между последним ...

18-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691891C1

Устройство относится к электронагревателям, в частности к электронагревателям в системах безопасности ядерных реакторов АЭС. В блоке трубчатых электронагревателей оборудования, включающем крышку, в которой жестко герметично закреплены трубчатые электронагреватели с выводами, предлагается на крышке блока трубчатых электронагревателей со стороны выводов трубчатых электронагревателей установить цилиндрическую обечайку, на верхней половине которой выполнить сквозную перфорацию, на внутренней поверхности цилиндрической обечайки жестко закрепить несколько тепловых экранов с отверстиями для каждого трубчатого электронагревателя, причем диаметр отверстий в тепловых экранах превышает наружный диаметр трубчатого электронагревателя. Технический результат - уменьшение теплового воздействия от элементов обогреваемого оборудования на выводы трубчатого электронагревателя и, как следствие, снижение температуры выводов. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015140135A

19-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730234C1

Группа изобретений относится к электронным устройствам, узлам и способу предоставления пара или аэрозоля для электронных сигарет. Технический результат – повышение надежности работы устройств, узлов и эффективности способа. Узел для устройства предоставления пара содержит устройство выработки пара. Оно выполнено с возможностью испарения жидкости-источника. Имеется проход для жидкости. Он выполнен с возможностью доставки жидкости-источника из резервуара до устройства выработки пара. Предусмотрен также элемент улавливания жидкости. Он находится в контакте по меньшей мере с участком прохода для жидкости между устройством выработки пара и частью прохода для жидкости, которая обеспечивает возможность приема жидкости из резервуара, и содержит впитывающую структуру. Эта структура обладает меньшей капиллярной силой по сравнению с капиллярной силой прохода для жидкости. 5 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95107688A

В изобретении представлены узел нагревателя излучательного нагревательного устройства, предназначенный для устранения возможности поломки или повреждения нагревательных элементов узла нагревателя, и способ его уплотнения, при этом узел содержит первое крепежное средство, имеющее две поверхности, первая из которых обращена непосредственно в атмосферу, по меньшей мере один керамический или металлокерамический электрический вывод, имеющий первую и вторую поверхности, по меньшей мере один керамический или металлокерамический нагревательный элемент диаметром не более 12 мм, присоединенный к второй поверхности вывода и не имеющий непосредственного контакта с первым крепежным средством для смягчения воздействия, оказываемого на нагревательный элемент, сил, действующих на первое крепежное средство; при этом поверхность контакта находится ближе к первому крепежному средству, чем нагревательный элемент, и способна поглощать силы, действующие на первое крепежное средство, с целью дальнейшего смягчения ...

10-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94046358A

Предложен способ оптимизации эксплуатационных свойств керамических или металлокерамических изделий, включающий подачу к изделию тока, достаточного для повышения его температуры до минимум 50% от точки плавления по Кельвину самой легкоплавкой фазы изделия и тем самым уплотнение изделия. Кроме того, предложен способ повышения адгезии керамического или металлокерамического электронагревательного элемента к электрическому выводу, а также способ улучшения электрических свойств полученного изделия.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156469A

... 1. Устройство, имеющее электрический нагреватель, выполненный с возможностью нагревания курительного материала для испарения по меньшей мере одного компонента курительного материала, и включающее область изоляции, имеющую внутреннюю область, в которой откачкой создано давление более низкое, чем снаружи изоляции.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором изоляция расположена между камерой нагрева курительного материала и наружной поверхностью устройства для снижения потерь тепла от нагретого курительного материала.3. Устройство по п. 2, в котором изоляция расположена коаксиально вокруг камеры нагрева.4. Устройство по п. 2 или 3, в котором камера нагрева курительного материала представляет собой, по существу, трубчатую камеру нагрева, и изоляция расположена вокруг продольной поверхности этой трубчатой камеры нагрева.5. Устройство по п. 4, в котором изоляция представляет собой изоляцию в виде в целом трубчатого тела, расположенного вокруг камеры нагрева.6. Устройство по п. 2 или 3, в котором камера ...

02-11-2011 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizvorichtung mit Anschlussdraht

Номер: DE202011105348U1

Elektrische Heizvorrichtung (100, 200, 300, 1600, 1700, 2200) mit einem äußeren Mantel (101, 201, 301, 1601, 1701, 2201) und einem zumindest abschnittsweise innerhalb des äußeren Mantels (101, 201, 301, 1601, 1701, 2201) angeordneten elektrischen Heizelement (102, 202, 302, 2202), das über mindestens einen Anschlussdraht (106, 107, 206, 207, 306, 307, 406, 506, 606, 706, 806, 906, 1006, 1106, 1206, 1306, 1406, 1506, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1706, 1806, 2206, 2207) mit elektrischem Strom versorgbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Anschlussdraht (106, 107, 206, 207, 306, 307, 406, 506, 606, 706, 806, 906, 1006, 1106, 1206, 1306, 1406, 1506, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1706, 1806, 2206, 2207) einen Hohlraum aufweist, in den ein Abschnitt (104, 105, 204, 205, 2204, 2205) des elektrischen Heizelements (102, 202, 2202) oder eine elektrische Zuleitung (330, 331) zum elektrischen Heizelement (302) aufgenommen ist.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015006539T5

Vorgesehen wird ein Metallschmelze-Warmhalteofen mit Wärmeableitungs- und Isolierungseigenschaften. Eine Einsetzöffnung 20 eines Metallschmelze-Warmhalteofens 10 weist einen inneren zylindrischen Bereich (sich verjüngende Oberfläche) 21 und einen äußeren zylindrischen Bereich 22 (zylindrische Oberfläche) auf. Ein Heizrohr 30 weist einen distalen zylindrischen Bereich 35 auf, der dem inneren zylindrischen Bereich 21 entspricht, und einen proximalen zylindrischen Bereich 36, der dem äußeren zylindrischen Bereich 22 entspricht. Das Heizrohr 30 wird in die Einsetzöffnung eingesetzt und positioniert, wobei der distale zylindrische Bereich 35 am inneren zylindrischen Bereich 21 angeordnet ist und der proximale zylindrische Bereich 36 am äußeren zylindrischen Bereich 22 angeordnet ist. Ein Füllmaterial 60 ist zwischen dem Heizrohr 30 und der Einsetzöffnung 20 eingefüllt.

23-04-2009 дата публикации

Linienförmiger Reflektor-Heizstrahler sowie Beheizungsanordnung mit demselben

Номер: DE502005006790D1

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Gasheizvorrichtung, Gasheizeinrichtung wowie Anordnung zum thermischen Spritzen mit zugehörigem Verfahren

Номер: DE102012000817A1

Eine Heizvorrichtung (10) zur Erwärmung eines Gasstroms (G), insbesondere einer Kaltgasspritzeinrichtung (100), wird vorgeschlagen, die einen mit einem Heizstrom erwärmbaren und mit dem Gasstrom (G) durchströmbaren Graphitfilz (11) aufweist. Auch eine entsprechende Heizeinrichtung (20), eine Anordnung (100) zum thermischen Spritzen sowie ein Verfahren (1) sind Gegenstand der Erfindung.

25-06-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8315832U1

01-11-1967 дата публикации

Electrical infra-red heat-radiating element, particularly for drying washed vehicles

Номер: GB0001089471A

... 1,089,471. Lamp caps. R. CARR, and G. CARRE. April 29, 1965 [April 29, 1964], No. 18123/65. Heading H2E. [Also in Division H1] One half 5 of a bayonet-type plug-and-socket connection is resiliently attached to the end of the quartz tube 1 of an infra-red heat radiating element by means of a tube 4 of resilient silicone glass. The tube 4 is hermetically sealed to the quartz tube and is sealed to the part 5 by means of a gland 6. The other half 9 of the connection is secured to a fixed member 11. The flexible tube 4 enables the plug and socket to be engaged or disengaged and also supports the heat radiating element.

07-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008321028D0

03-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002229899A

A tubular heating element (1) for a toaster including a timer control circuit, comprises two separate electrically conductive coils (4 and 11), acts as a heating elements and one coil (4) supplies power to the timer control circuit by "tapping" a small amount of power from an external power supply and the other coil (11) is a larger coil of greater resistance which acts as the primary heating means of the element. Preferably the coils are surrounded by quartz tube 2 and coil 4 is wound on a ceramic insulating tube 4 with bores for the output end 5 of coil 4 and the input end 12 of coil 11. ...

03-12-2003 дата публикации

Electric flow boiler

Номер: GB0002389169A

An electric flow boiler (10) comprising an electrically insulating body (12) defining means (14) for ducting liquid between an inlet (22) and an outlet (24) and at least two elongate electrically uninsulated heating elements (20) disposed in the duct means (14) for heating fluid flowing through the duct means (14) between the inlet (22) and the outlet (24) when the boiler (10) is in use, wherein the heating elements are arranged such that neutral connections are provided adjacent the inlet and the outlet.

24-11-1938 дата публикации

A new or improved electric radiator

Номер: GB0000496076A

... 496,076. Electric radiators. MAXFIELD, S. N. July 31, 1937, No. 21250. [Class 39 (iii)] The heating elements are enclosed in insulating tubes in hollow ribs h, Fig. 3, in a metal panel g mounted within but insulated from a hollow sheet-metal casing b, Fig. 2. The panel is formed from two plates having grooves pressed therein and secured together by rivets j. Sheet-metal lugs r secured to the corners of the panel carry insulating bushes s which engage vertical rods in the casing. The elements are connected in series by copper strips m and the first and last element are connected by strips n to terminals p mounted on mica plates q carried by the panel. The casing carries a towel-rail fitting c and is provided with openings at the top and bottom to allow air to circulate therethrough.

03-08-1994 дата публикации

Electric barbecue grill

Номер: GB0009411675D0

28-12-2016 дата публикации

Electronic smoking device and atomizer

Номер: GB0002539720A

An atomizer (26) for an e-cigarette comprising a heating coil 28 made of a heating wire 40 with a first section 44 and a second section 46, wherein the first section comprises an electrical resistance per length unit (ER/LU) that differs from an ER/LU of the second section. Preferably the heating coil has a first winding 48, a last winding 50 and a plurality of inner windings 52 between the first and last windings, wherein the inner windings comprise the first section and the first winding comprises the second section, and the last winding comprises a third section 54 with the same ER/LU as the second section. Preferably the ER/LU of the first section is at least 10 times higher than the ER/LU of the second section. The heating wire of the first section can have a smaller diameter than the second section, or be made of a first material with a different ER/LU to a second material for the second section. The first and second sections can be formed continuously or be interconnected by a material ...

19-12-2018 дата публикации

Vaporization device systems and methods

Номер: GB0002560465A8

A vaporization apparatus comprising a cartridge 30 comprising a storage compartment 32 to store liquid vaporizable material, a heater chamber 37, a pair of heater contacts wherein each heater contact comprises a plate 33 and a formed shape comprising a flexible tab 33a wherein each of plates are affixed at opposite sides of the heater chamber and the flexible tabs extend out of the heater chamber and are configured to complete an electrical circuit with a vaporizer body, a wick 34 disposed between the plates, a resistive heating element 35 that is coupled to the plates and is in contact with the wick, and a mouthpiece 31. The vaporization body may comprise a cartridge receptacle and a pair of electrical contacts. Preferably the resistive heating element is wound around the wick. Each contact of the pair of heater contacts may comprise a fixation site for coupling to the resistive heating element by tension. Ideally the mouthpiece comprises a condensation chamber. The mouthpiece may comprise ...

16-06-2021 дата публикации

Infrared lamp assembly for apparatus for the layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects

Номер: GB0002589933A

An infrared lamp assembly 100 for an apparatus 1 for the formation of three-dimensional objects 2 by consolidation of particulate material, the assembly comprising: an elongate infrared lamp 110 extending along a lamp axis, at least one elongate shield 120_1 extending parallel to and along one side of the axis of the lamp, and a support structure holding at least one of the ends of the lamp and of the shield, wherein the elongate shield at least partially bounds the space to one side of the lamp, and wherein the assembly provides a lower opening 150 below the lamp and an upper opening 140 above the lamp, such that radiation generated by the lamp is able to radiate through the openings and away from the lamp in directions not bounded by the shield.

04-05-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electrical resistors

Номер: GB0001028032A

... 1,028,032. Deposited resistance films. S. M. COX. Aug. 13, 1962 [Aug. 11, 1961], No. 29130/61. Heading H1S. [Also in Division B2] In an electrical resistor of the film type in which the film is deposited on the interior surface of a glass or ceramic tube, the film is deposited by locating a substantial length of the tubing 2, Fig. 1, within heating means 1, to raise the temperature of the tubing to 650- 700‹ C., locating a slug of an iridizing liquid within one unheated portion of the tubing, e.g. extension 16, then opening valve 8 to connect the other end of the tube to a vacuum reservoir 10 so that the slug of liquid is drawn through the heated tube and effects iridization of the bore. A trap 5 is provided between the tubing and valve 8 to prevent the iridizing liquid reaching the valve. The tubing 2 may then be inverted and the process repeated to obtain a more uniform coating throughout the length of the tube. The iridizing liquid may be a solution of tin and antimony salts in hydrochloric ...

20-05-2015 дата публикации

Method for making wave-shaped heating unit

Номер: GB0002514363B

27-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001220276A

... 1,220,276. Electric heating resistances. FUJI SHASHIN FILM K.K. 22 Nov., 1968 [8 June, 1968], No. 55583/68. Heading H5H. The cross-sectional area of a resistance heating conductor is increased to lower its resistance in zones where it contacts a surrounding tubular support of electrically non-conductive and heatresistant material, such as crystalline glass or quartz glass, to prevent cracking or breaking of the support in those zones. A ribbon conductor 1, comprising linear portions 5 separated by V- shaped portions 2, 21, engaging a crystalline glass tube support 4, has the two limbs of each V-shaped portion spot-welded to each other at the apex 3 or 31 to double the ribbon thickness at the apices 3, 31. Similar treatment is given to a helical resistance coil 11, Fig. 2 (not shown). A short piece of ribbon 39 is superposed on a heating ribbon 31 and spot-welded thereto, and the superposed ribbons are bent into wave form such that wave bends 36, 361, ...

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Vaporizaton device systems and methods

Номер: GB0201807470D0

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000431695T

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA448583A

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000551879T

15-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000448583A

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376343T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394902T

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000161771T

27-11-1972 дата публикации

Mechanism for the fusion fixing of a xerographic powder picture on a Papierunterlage

Номер: AT0000303518B

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000266938T

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Puff sensing and power circuitry for vaporizer devices

Номер: AU2018372233A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Vaporizer device features capable of improving on current approaches to mitigating against device damage or inoperability occurring from liquid exposure (e.g. exposure to liquid vaporizable material possibly affecting a pressure sensor, internal electronic circuitry, and/or electrical contact pins) are described.

26-05-2016 дата публикации

An elongate heater for an electrically heated aerosol-generating system

Номер: AU2010335544B2

An electrically heated aerosol-generating system for receiving an aerosol-forming substrate is disclosed. The system comprises a heating element (121) comprising a first electrically conductive element (105) electrically insulated from a second electrically conductive element (109) by an electrically insulating portion (103). The first and second elements are elongate and are electrically connected to each other by an electrically resistive portion (117, 119). At least one electrically conductive element and the electrically resistive portion are arranged such that they are at least partially in contact with the aerosol-forming substrate.

21-05-2002 дата публикации

System for heating liquid in a conduit system

Номер: AU0008754001A

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Vaporization device systems and methods

Номер: AU2021209322A1

VAPORIZATION DEVICE SYSTEMS AND METHODS Provided herein are systems and methods to generate an inhalable vapor in an electronic vaporization device. The vaporization device may generate a vapor with one or more defined characteristics. In some cases, the vapor may have a predetermined aerosol number density and/or a predetermined average aerosol diameter. The vaporization device may generate a vapor from a vaporizable material. In some cases, the vaporizable material may be a liquid material housed in a cartridge. The vaporization device may comprise a rechargeable power storage device.

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Electronically heated heat-not-burn smoking article

Номер: AU2019229890A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Aerosol delivery devices are disclosed herein. In one aspect, an aerosol delivery device may comprise a control body, a heating member, a control component, a power source, and a removable aerosol source member that includes an inhalable substance medium, the aerosol source member being configured to be inserted into the control body and defining a heated end and a mouth end, the heated end configured, when inserted into the control body, to be positioned proximate the heating member. In some implementations, the heating member may comprise a base heating member and a substrate heating member, wherein the base heating member is located in the control body and the substrate heating member is located in the aerosol source member. In some implementations, the heating member may comprise a flexible heating member that surrounds a heating cylinder located within a portion of the engaging end of the control body.

08-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000925915A1

08-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002552561C

A tailored heat transfer layered heater system is provided that comprises a target part (44) defining a room temperature periphery and a layered heater (10) disposed around or within the target part (44), the layered heater(10) comprising a substrate (12) having a room temperature periphery that is sized such that an interference fit is formed between the layered heater (10) and the target part (44) either through mechanical or thermal methods. The layered heater (10) in one form is disposed around the target part and in another form is disposed inside the target part. Additionally, heat transfer is tailored along the layered heater using other devices such as thermal spacers, insulative pads, and a transfer substrate in other forms of the present invention.

08-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA925915A

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002456926A1

Apparatus for rapidly heating fluid includes a fluid circuit (12) having electrodes (16, 17, 18) between which the fluid flows. A voltage is applied between a pair of electrodes (16, 17, 18) whereby current is caused to flow through the fluid. The inlet and outlet fluid temperatures are measured and the current controlled by varying the applied voltage to produce a desired temperature rise in the fluid in accordance with measured fluid flow rate.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3118886A1

Cartridges (200) for vaporizer devices (100) are provided. In one exemplary embodiment, the cartridge (200) can include a reservoir housing (202) having a first housing end (206a) and a second housing end (206b) opposite the first housing end, an airflow tube (210) that extends through the reservoir housing, and first and second seals (214, 216) that are each substantially impermeable to fluid, in which the first seal is substantially secured to the first housing end and the second seal is substantially secured to the second housing end. The reservoir housing is configured to hold vaporizable material (204) and the first and second seals are configured to be selectively compromised to allow access to the vaporizable material within the reservoir housing for vaporization into vaporized material. Vaporizer devices are also provided.

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003033618A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

An apparatus configured to heat smokeable material so as to volatilize at least one of its components for inhalation comprises at least one heating element on or in a substrate material.

13-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003031763A1
Принадлежит: PRAXIS

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002904776C

An apparatus configured to heat smokeable material so as to volatilize at least one of its components for inhalation comprises at least one heating element (3b) on or in a substrate material (3a).

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002933906A1

Provided herein are systems and methods to generate an inhalable vapor in an electronic vaporization device. The vaporization device may generate a vapor with one or more defined characteristics. In some cases, the vapor may have a predetermined aerosol number density and/or a predetermined average aerosol diameter. The vaporization device may generate a vapor from a vaporizable material. In some cases, the vaporizable material may be a liquid material housed in a cartridge. The vaporization device may comprise a rechargeable power storage device.

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002963957C

In one aspect, apparatus (1) is provided for generating an inhalable medium. The apparatus (1) has a container (9) for holding a liquid (10) and a heater (11) for volatilising liquid (10) held in the container (9). The apparatus (1) further has a chamber (13) for receiving a material (14). The apparatus (1) has an outlet (3,4). In use liquid volatilised by the heater (11) passes, in the form of at least one of a vapour and an aerosol, through material (14) received in the chamber (13) to thereby entrain one or more constituents from the material (14) to produce the inhalable medium which passes out of the outlet (3,4).

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002851324A1

The present invention relates in one aspect to an infusion fluid warmer which comprises a casing shell having an upper wall structure and a lower, opposing, wall structure. The casing shell encloses a fluid channel or passage extending through the casing shell in-between the upper and lower wall structures and fluid inlet and outlet ports coupled to opposite ends of the fluid channel or passage to allow a flow of infusion fluid through the casing shell. A housing shell is formed in a thermally conducting and electrically insulating material and a heating element is bonded to the housing shell and thermally coupled thereto. The fluid channel or passage extends through the housing shell or extends around the housing shell such that heat energy is transferred to the infusion fluid by direct physical contact with housing shell material.

23-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002137787A1

A heat distributing device which includes a concentrated heat source and a stack of metal foils, wherein the heat source is encapsulated between two of the layers of metal foil. The heat source can be resistance heated wire which extends linearly and has a free end spaced inwardly from an end of the stack. The outer edge of the stack can be open or sealed. The stack can include metal wool and/or insulating material between layers of the metal foil. The heat distributing device can be used to provide uniform heating across an outermost layer of the metal foil. For instance, the heat distributing device can be used to heat a side-view mirror of an automobile.

18-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002059509A1

Abrégé Appareil de cuisson tel que. par exemple, four ménager Appareil de cuisson tel que, par exemple, un four comprenant une enceinte de cuisson (1) comportant au moins un élément électrique (9) de chauffage ayant une enveloppe tubulaire (10) en matériau fragile du type quartz ou verre qui est montée dans des supports (16, 17) solidaires de ladite enceinte (1) de manière a maintenir ladite enveloppe (10) à distance de la paroi interne de l'enceinte. Selon l'invention l'enveloppe tubulaire (10) est enfermée dans une cage (18) dont la paroi (19) est suffisamment ajourée pour laisser passer le rayonnement infrarouge vers l'intérieur de l'enceinte (1), et suffisamment rigide pour résister à un éventuel choc mécanique, ladite cage (18) comportant des moyens de fixation (24, 25) sur ladite paroi interne de l'enceinte (1). L'invention s'applique aux fours électroménagers.

09-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002071024C

An improved cartridge heater comprising a electrical resistance heating wire coil enclosed in a stainless steel cylindrical sheath and having bonded thereto a coating containing a solid lubricant and a binder. The solid lubricant providing for ease of removal of the cartridge heater from a bore hole into which it has been inserted for use and providing a barrier to corrosion between the cartridge heater and the metal of the apparatus in which the bore hole is located.

30-04-1946 дата публикации

Elektrische Wärmevorrichtung.

Номер: CH0000242135A

30-11-1965 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000403082A

15-10-1973 дата публикации

Elektrischer Dampferzeuger

Номер: CH0000543213A

15-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000551177A

15-03-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000409168A

15-06-1962 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000362469A

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Electrically Heated Plastic Part for a Vehicle

Номер: US20120074120A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an electrically heated plastic part, for example a fuel hose, windshield wiper fluid hose or some other type of hose for a vehicle. Two electrically connected wires are embedded in one wall of the hose as electrical resistance heating conductors that, for example, extend helically and are twisted together, the wires requiring electrical insulation if they are twisted. The invention proposes using wires composed of different metals and connecting them with one another at a connection point. In this manner, a thermocouple is formed that makes it possible to measure the temperature at the connection point.

24-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120128338A1
Принадлежит: Strix Ltd

A heater for heating liquid to boiling comprises a heating element ( 48; 106 ), a first heating region ( 18, 20; 100 ) heated by said heating element ( 48; 106 ) for heating liquid flowing therethrough to a temperature below boiling, and a second heating region ( 22; 102 ) for heating said liquid to boiling. The second region permits the exit of steam therefrom separately from heated water.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Heater Rod Comprising a Casing in Which at Least One Electrical Resistance Heating Element is Mounted

Номер: US20130098896A1
Принадлежит: VULCANIC

A heater rod has a casing in which at least one electrical resistance heating element is mounted, an internai insulator being placed in the casing to ensure thermal conduction and electrical insulation between the resistance element and the casing, the resistance element being formed from at least one heating wire having a helical geometry and the internai insulator being based on boron nitride. 19-. (canceled)10. A heater rod comprising a casing wherein at least one electrical resistance heating element is mounted , an internal insulator being placed in the casing in order to ensure thermal conduction and electrical insulation between at least one electrical resistance and said casing , said at least one electrical resistance being formed from at least one heating wire which has a helical geometry , and the internal insulator having a boron nitride base.11. The heater rod according to claim 10 , wherein the internal insulator has the form of pellets of compressed boron nitride.12. The heater rod according to claim 10 , further comprising an insulating insert around which the helicoid of the at least one heating wire extends.13. The heater rod according to claim 12 , wherein the insulating insert is made from a material base which is different from that of the internal insulator.14. The heater rod according to claim 12 , wherein the insulating insert is made from a ceramic or magnesia base.15. The heater rod according to claim 10 , wherein said at least one electrical resistance comprises two electrical resistances mounted in the casing by being connected electrically in series.16. The heater rod according to claim 10 , wherein the at least one heating wire of the at least one electrical resistance is connected electrically to a connector projecting from the casing by means of a non-heating wire.17. A method for carrying out a heater rod according to claim 10 , comprising:placing at least one electrical resistance heating element formed of at least one heating wire ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140296A1
Автор: Madoux Loïc, Mas René
Принадлежит: VERNET

A heating cartridge includes a tube that is thermally and electrically conductive, a first end portion thereof is to be embedded within a heat-expandable material of a thermostatic element; a rod which is electrically conductive and extends at least partially inside the tube in a substantially coaxial manner; and a heating resistor comprising a tubular body which comprises an electrically resistant material and radially positioned between a first end portion of the rod and the first end portion of the tube, by forming a cylindrical interface for electrical contact between the rod and the inner surface of the tubular body as well as a cylindrical interface for electrical contact between the tube and the outer surface of the tubular body, the tube and the rod including respectively, opposite their first end portion, second end portions which are respectively adapted to be connected to the poles of an external current source. 113.-. (canceled)14. A heating cartridge for a thermostatic element , comprising:a tube, which is both thermally and electrically conductive and of which a first end portion is adapted to be embedded within a heat-expandable material of a thermostatic element,a heating resistor which is arranged inside the first end portion of the tube,a rod, which is electrically conductive and which extends at least partially into the tube in a substantially coaxial manner,wherein the heating resistor comprises a tubular body, which is constituted of an electrically resistant material and which is radially positioned between a first end portion of the rod and the first end portion of the tube, by forming a cylindrical interface for electrical contact between the rod and the inner surface of the tubular body as well as a cylindrical interface for electrical contact between the tube and the outer surface of the tubular body,and wherein the tube and the rod include respectively, opposite their first end portion, second end portions which are respectively adapted to ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186885A1

A description is given of a process for producing a metal plate having at least one embedded heating element and of the metal plate produced by the process. The heating element is arranged between two plate bodies, and the heating element is embedded in the plate bodies by rolling with material displacement. The adjacent sides of the plate bodies have a layer of aluminium or an aluminium alloy. After a heat pre-treatment at the re-crystallisation temperature of the aluminium or the aluminium alloy, the plate bodies are pressed against one another to bring about a reduction in thickness, with which the plate bodies form a diffusion bond with one another and are integrally bonded to one another over the entire surface area thereof to form the metal plate to be produced. The process produces a metal plate as a whole with better thermal conductivity and a broader spectrum of use. 1. A method for producing a metal plate comprising at least one embedded heating element by means of the following steps:{'b': 20', '24, 'a) arrangement of at least one heating element between at least two plate bodies not provided with recesses for accommodating the or each heating element (; ),'}b) embedding the or each heating element in direct contact in at least two plate bodies by compressing and material displacement of the plate bodies, andc) at least partly positively bonded interconnection of the plate bodies,characterised in that at least two plate bodies respectively comprising at least one layer of aluminium or an aluminium alloy on their sides facing each other are thermally pre-treated at a temperature which is at least equal to the recrystallisation temperature of the aluminium or the aluminium alloy and then pressed against each other by rolling to effect the embedding of the or each heating element in the plate bodies and a reduction of the thickness of the layers in which the layers enter into a bilateral diffusion bond in the area of their sides contacting each other and the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette

Номер: US20130192622A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electronic smoking article includes a liquid supply including liquid material, a heater operable to heat the liquid material to a temperature sufficient to vaporize the liquid material and form an aerosol, a wick in communication with the liquid material and in communication with the heater such that the wick delivers the liquid material to the heater, at least one air inlet operable to deliver air to a central air passage upstream of the heater, and an aroma carrier on an outer surface of the outer tube. The aroma carrier includes fragrance material and is operable to deliver fragrance during smoking.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251354A1
Автор: Durisek Niklaus R.
Принадлежит: West Coast Gifts, Inc.

A removable heater assembly is provided for a vaporizer by which to easily mechanically and electrically connect and disconnect the heater assembly from a base for removal and/or replacement thereof without requiring tools or specialized skills. 1. A removable heater assembly for a vaporizer comprising:a generally cylindrical mounting support extending between first and second ends, an electrical contact tab associated with the first end, and an annular electrical contact band mounted about the support between the first and second ends, anda generally cylindrical ceramic heating element supported to extend from the mounting support second end, and electrically coupled to the contact tab and the contact band, whereby the heater assembly can be axially slid into and out of a base associated with said vaporizer to mechanically and electrically connect the heater assembly to said vaporizer and disconnect the heater assembly from said vaporizer, respectively.2. The removable heater assembly of claim 1 , the mounting support having a cross-dimension larger than a cross-dimension of the ceramic heating element.3. The removable heater assembly of claim 2 , the mounting support having first and second portions each having a respective cross-dimension larger than the cross-dimension of the ceramic heating element and extending claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , from the first and second ends claim 2 , the cross-dimension of the first portion being larger than the cross-dimension of the second portion claim 2 , the annular contact being mounted on the first portion.4. The removable heater assembly of claim 1 , the mounting support having first and second portions each having a respective cross-dimension and extending claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , from the first and second ends claim 1 , the cross-dimension of the first portion being larger than the cross-dimension of the second portion claim 1 , the annular contact being mounted on the first portion.5. A removable heater ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Axial Resistance Sheathed Heater

Номер: US20130284717A1
Автор: Robert Evans
Принадлежит: Infinity Fluids Corp

An axial resistance sheathed heater is presented. The axial resistance sheathed heater includes a retaining sheath having a first end and a second end and a resistance wire completely disposed within the retaining sheath. The heater further includes a first conductor rod partially disposed within the retaining sheath and extending beyond the first end of the retaining sheath, the first conductor rod in direct electrical communication and direct mechanical communication with the resistance wire; and a second conductor rod partially disposed within said retaining sheath and extending beyond the second end of the retaining sheath, the second conductor rod in direct electrical communication and direct mechanical communication with the resistance wire. The resistance wire, the first conductor rod and the second conductor rod comprise a circuit achieving a power to voltage rating of about 5000:24.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313246A1

A heater is provided that includes a resistance coil assembly defining a first end portion having a first conducting pin and a second end portion having a second conducting pin, and a resistance coil disposed between the first end portion and the second end portion, the resistance coil defining a plurality of different pitches between the first end portion and the second end portion. An insulating material surrounds the resistance coil assembly, and a sheath surrounds the insulating material. The plurality of different pitches provide a variable watt density such that a predetermined temperature profile is provided along the sheath. 1. A heater comprising:a resistance coil assembly defining a first end portion having a first conducting pin and a second end portion having a second conducting pin, and a resistance coil disposed between the first end portion and the second end portion, the resistance coil defining a plurality of different pitches between the first end portion and the second end portion;an insulating material surrounding the resistance coil assembly; anda sheath surrounding the insulating material,wherein the plurality of different pitches provide a variable watt density such that a predetermined temperature profile is provided along the sheath.2. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of different pitches comprises a plurality of zones claim 1 , each of the zones having a constant pitch along a length of its zone.3123. The heater according to claim 2 , wherein a first zone with a pitch P is provided at the first end portion claim 2 , a second zone with a pitch P is provided adjacent the first zone claim 2 , and a third zone with a pitch P is provided adjacent the second zone and at the second end portion.4. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined temperature profile is constant along the sheath.5. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the insulating material is a compacted Magnesium Oxide (MgO).6. The heater ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014645A1

An electrically operated heating device, in particular for a heating or air conditioning system of a vehicle, is provided, comprising a heating register with a layered heating element, for converting electrical energy into heat, and two electrically insulating and heat-conducting insulating layers, which respectively make contact, at least in certain regions, with one side of the layered heating element. The insulating layers and the layered heating element are braced with one another, an abrasion-counteracting sliding layer being arranged between at least one of the insulating layers and the layered heating element. Alternatively or in addition, at least one of the insulating layers and the layered heating element have, at least in the region of their mutual contact surfaces, a material pairing with which the abrasion of the contact surfaces goes below a predetermined limit value. 1. Electrically operated heating device with a heating register , which comprises a layered heating element , for converting electrical energy into heat , and at least one electrically insulating and heat-conducting insulating layer , which makes contact , at least in certain regions , with one side of the layered heating element , the insulating layer and the layered heating element being braced with one another , wherein an abrasion-counteracting sliding layer is arranged between at least one insulating layer and the layered heating element and/or at least one insulating layer and the layered heating element have , at least in the region of their mutual contact surfaces , a material pairing with which the abrasion of the contact surfaces goes below a predetermined limit value.2. Heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the heating register comprises an outer layer claim 1 , which at least partially surrounds the arrangement formed by the insulating layer or the insulating layers and the layered heating element claim 1 , contact being made by the outer layer claim 1 , at least in ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034635A1

An insulated conductor heater may include an electrical conductor that produces heat when an electrical current is provided to the electrical conductor. An electrical insulator at least partially surrounds the electrical conductor. The electrical insulator comprises a resistivity that remains substantially constant, or increases, over time when the electrical conductor produces heat. An outer electrical conductor at least partially surrounds the electrical insulator. 116-. (canceled)17. An insulated conductor heater , comprising:an electrical conductor configured to produce heat when an electrical current is provided to the electrical conductor;an electrical insulator at least partially surrounding the electrical conductor, wherein the electrical insulator comprises a plurality of blocks of electrical insulation horizontally displaced along a length of the electrical conductor; andan outer electrical conductor at least partially surrounding the electrical insulator.18. The heater of claim 17 , wherein the plurality of blocks of electrical insulation are horizontally displaced with little or no gap between the blocks along the length of the electrical conductor.19. The heater of claim 17 , wherein at least two of the plurality of blocks of electrical insulation have been compressed against each other with a selected amount of force.20. The heater of claim 17 , wherein the blocks of electrical insulation comprises partially cylindrical portions of electrical insulation.21. The heater of claim 17 , wherein the blocks of electrical insulation comprise purified magnesium oxide blocks.22. The heater of claim 17 , wherein the blocks of electrical insulation are formed from powdered magnesium oxide.23. The heater of claim 17 , wherein the heater is configured to be located in an opening in a subsurface formation.24. The heater of claim 17 , wherein the heater is configured to be located in an opening in a subsurface formation claim 17 , and the heater is configured to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000151A1

An assembly for a vapor provision device comprises includes a vapor generator for vaporizing source liquid, a liquid conduit for delivering source liquid from a reservoir to the vapor generator, and a liquid capture element in liquid transfer contact with at least a portion of the liquid conduit between the vapor generator and a part of the liquid conduit that receives liquid from the reservoir, and including an absorbent structure providing a lower capillary force than a capillary force of the liquid conduit. 1. An assembly for a vapor provision device comprising:a vapor generator for vaporizing source liquid;a liquid conduit for delivering the source liquid from a reservoir to the vapor generator; anda liquid capture element in liquid transfer contact with at least a portion of the liquid conduit between the vapor generator and a part of the liquid conduit that receives liquid from the reservoir, and comprising an absorbent structure providing a lower capillary force than a capillary force of the liquid conduit.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein an average capillary pore size of the liquid conduit is smaller than an average capillary pore size of the absorbent structure.3. The assembly according to wherein the liquid conduit comprises a wicking element formed from a porous material.4. The assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the absorbent structure has a lower density than the porous material.5. The assembly according to wherein the absorbent structure has a higher porosity than the porous material.6. The assembly according to the liquid conduit comprises at least one capillary channel.7. The assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the capillary channel comprises one or more tubes.8. The assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the capillary channel comprises one or more slots in a wall of the assembly.9. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the absorbent structure is provided by an absorbent material.10. The assembly according to claim 9 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

On-demand, portable convection vaporizer

Номер: US20180000160A1
Принадлежит: Juul Labs Inc

On-demand, hand-held vaporizer that operates primarily by convection. The vaporizer is configured to permit very rapid (e.g., within a few seconds) heating of air drawn through an oven chamber to a predetermined or selectable vaporizing temperature to vaporize a material (e.g., loose leaf plant material, etc.) that is held in the oven chamber. The vaporizer provides efficient transfer of air being heated as well as rapid delivery of vaporizable material to a user.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001206A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

An electric cartridge type heater () has at least one the tubular metallic jacket (), at least one electric heat conductor () arranged in the interior space of the tubular metallic jacket with two ends for electrically contacting the electric heat conductor, wherein the at least one electric heat conductor is electrically isolated from the tubular metallic jacket by an electrically insulating material () arranged in the interior space of the tubular metallic jacket (). The electric heat conductor is self-supporting. A method is also provided for manufacturing such an electric cartridge type heater.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001058A1

A composite wick is provided for use in a micro-vaporizer having a fluid reservoir and a heating element. The composite wick comprises a wick body positionable so that its upstream surface is in fluid communication with the fluid reservoir and the downstream surface is disposed in opposition to a surface of the heating element. The wick body comprises at least one base wick structure having a plurality of tortuous passages that collectively provide a capillary effect to draw fluid from the reservoir and transport it toward the downstream surface. The wick body further comprises an active material positioned within the wick body so that vaporizable fluid drawn through the wick body contacts and interacts with the active material. The active material is selected to impart a desired characteristic to the vaporizable fluid. 1. A composite wick for use in a vaporizer having a vaporizer body in which is disposed a vaporizable fluid reservoir and a vaporization chamber with a heating element at least partially disposed therein , the composite wick comprising: at least one base wick structure having a plurality of tortuous passages that collectively provide a capillary effect to draw vaporizable fluid from the vaporizable fluid reservoir and transport it toward the downstream base surface, and', 'an active material positioned so that vaporizable fluid drawn through the wick body contacts and interacts with the active material, the active material being or comprising at least one of the set consisting of a flavorant, a fragrance, a plant material, and a medication., 'a wick body in the form of a right cylinder or right prism having parallel upstream and downstream base surfaces and being positionable within the vaporizer body so that the upstream base surface is in fluid communication with the vaporizable fluid reservoir and the downstream base surface is disposed within the vaporization chamber in opposition to a surface of the heating element, the wick body comprising'}2. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001077A1

A composite wick is provided for use in a micro-vaporizer having a fluid reservoir and a heating element. The composite wick comprises a wick body positionable so that its upstream surface is in fluid communication with the fluid reservoir and the downstream surface is disposed in opposition to a surface of the heating element. The wick body comprises at least one base wick structure having a plurality of tortuous passages that collectively provide a capillary effect to draw fluid from the reservoir and transport it toward the downstream surface. The wick body further comprises an active material positioned within the wick body so that vaporizable fluid drawn through the wick body contacts and interacts with the active material. The active material is selected to impart a desired characteristic to the vaporizable fluid. 1. A composite wick for use in a micro-vaporizer having a micro-vaporizer body in which is disposed a vaporizable fluid reservoir and a vaporization chamber with a heating element at least partially disposed therein , the composite wick comprising: at least one base wick structure having a plurality of tortuous passages that collectively provide a capillary effect to draw vaporizable fluid from the vaporizable fluid reservoir and transport it toward the downstream surface, and', 'an active material positioned so that vaporizable fluid drawn through the wick body contacts and interacts with the active material, the active material being selected to impart a desired characteristic to the vaporizable fluid., 'a wick body having an upstream surface and a downstream surface and being positionable within the micro-vaporizer body so that the upstream surface is in fluid communication with the vaporizable fluid reservoir and the downstream surface is disposed within the vaporization chamber in opposition to a surface of the heating element, the wick body comprising'}2. A composite wick according to wherein the at least one base wick structure comprises a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Refillable aerosol-generating article

Номер: US20210007397A1
Автор: Michel Thorens
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A refillable heated aerosol-generating article for use with an electrically-operated aerosol-generating device has an outlet end for insertion into a user's mouth during use, and a distal end upstream from the outlet end. The article includes a refillable liquid retention section and an aerosol-generation section located within a casing. The refillable liquid retention section includes a liquid retention medium, and the aerosol-generation section is located downstream of the refillable liquid retention section. The liquid retention medium has a capacity to absorb up to 35 microliters of liquid. The article is configured such that, during use, air can be drawn through the article from the distal end to the end, passing through the refillable liquid retention section. The article defines an opening or port for allowing the refillable liquid retention section to be charged with liquid.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007405A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

The e-vaping device includes a vaporizer assembly, which includes a heating element, a pre-vapor formulation reservoir, a pre-vapor formulation level indicator including a plurality of discrete indicator segments, and at least one processor. The pre-vapor formulation reservoir may be configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation and the at least one processor may be configured to determine a difference between a first duty cycle of power supplied to the heating element and a second duty cycle of power supplied to the heating element; and adjust the indicator based on the determined duty cycle difference. 1. An electronic vaping device , comprising:a heating element;a level indicator; and determine a duty cycle ratio based on power supplied to the heating element; and', 'adjust the level indicator in response to the determined duty cycle ratio being different from a previous duty cycle ratio., 'at least one processor configured to execute computer-readable instructions to'}2. The electronic vaping device of claim 1 , wherein the level indicator is adjusted according to the determined duty cycle ratio.3. The electronic vaping device of claim 1 , wherein the determined duty cycle ratio is based on a first duty cycle of power supplied to the heating element and a second duty cycle of power supplied to the heating element.4. The electronic vaping device of claim 3 , wherein the processor is configured to execute computer-readable instructions to determine at least one of the first duty cycle and the second duty cycle based on a type of pre-vapor formulation within a reservoir.5. The electronic vaping device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one processor is configured to execute computer-readable instructions toobtain an indicator level from a lookup table based on the determined duty cycle ratio; andadjust the level indicator according to the obtained indicator level.6. The electronic vaping device of claim 1 , wherein the indicator includes a plurality of level ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Vaporization device and process

Номер: US20190008207A1
Автор: David Crowe
Принадлежит: Vuber Technologies

It is the object of the present invention to eliminate the disadvantages of the traditional dabbing method by providing a device and associated method that will reliably allow users to divide and collect a desired small quantity of Extract from a larger or bulk quantity of Extract and to conduct the small quantity of extract toward a Vaporizer heating element with minimal loss or wastage of Extract during the process, while significantly reducing required precision and effort associated Extract handling. The present invention of device and associated method result in a simpler, cleaner, and more efficient dabbing process.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008469A1
Автор: REEVELL Tony

An aerosol-generating device is provided, including an elongate housing having a first end, a second end, and a longitudinal axis extending between the first and the second ends; a cavity configured for insertion of an aerosol-generating article into the cavity along a first direction that is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis; first and second apertures at first and second ends of the cavity and being configured for insertion and removal of the aerosol-generating article; an electrical power supply positioned within the elongate housing; at least one electrical heater, and a controller disposed within the elongate housing and configured to control a supply of electrical power from the electrical power supply to the at least one electrical heater when the aerosol-generating article is received within the cavity. 114.-. (canceled)15. An aerosol-generating device , comprising:an elongate housing having a first end, a second end, and a longitudinal axis extending between the first end and the second end;a cavity having a first send and a second end, and being configured for insertion of an aerosol-generating article into the cavity along a first direction that is substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the elongate housing;a first aperture disposed at the first end of the cavity and extending through a first portion of the elongate housing, wherein the aerosol-generating device is configured for insertion of the aerosol-generating article into the cavity through the first aperture;a second aperture disposed at the second end of the cavity and extending through a second portion of the elongate housing,wherein the aerosol-generating device is configured for removal of the aerosol-generating article from the cavity through the first aperture or the second aperture, or through the first aperture and the second aperture;an electrical power supply disposed within the elongate housing;at least one electrical heater; anda controller disposed ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008472A1
Автор: Liu Hong, Long Gongyun

Disclosed is a tobacco heater with straight through heating tube, comprising a housing with a replaceable battery and a control PCB board; the housing has a mouthpiece; each side of the housing is hinged with an openable seagull door; inside the door is a heating tube at the middle housing; between the mouthpiece and the tube is an airflow path; inside each door is a compress tool for blocking the tobacco; the tube is electrically connected to the board. An openable seagull door is hinged on both sides of the housing to block the tube formed on the inner side of the door in the housing middle to form a straight through tobacco heating container. Tobaccos can be quickly and easily loaded by opening the doors, and the heater can be powered on when closed doors; opening doors, the tobacco heating residues can be easily and quickly cleaned after using. 131234353654641551662. A tobacco heater with straight through heating tube , comprising a housing () with a replaceable battery () and a control PCB board () inside , and the housing () is provided with a mouthpiece () , wherein each side of the housing () is hinged with an openable seagull door (); the middle of the housing () is provided with a heating tube () inside the seagull door (); between the mouthpiece () and the heating tube () is provided with an airflow path (); the inside of each seagull door () is provided with a compress tool () for blocking the tobacco in the heating tube (); the heating tube () is electrically connected to the control PCB board ().255051511511505115125125150. The tobacco heater with straight through heating tube according to claim 1 , wherein the seagull door () is provided with a mounting cavity (); the compress tool () is provided with a connecting rod (); the connecting rod () is embedded in the mounting cavity () claim 1 , and the connecting rod () is sleeved on a spring (); one end of the spring () abuts against the compress tool () claim 1 , and the other end thereof abuts against ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Novel method of using stored solar heat for water heating

Номер: US20220034521A1
Автор: Dipak R. Biswas
Принадлежит: Individual

A novel method is described for room heating using stored solar heat. Solar heat is stored in an insulated tank by using scrap and inexpensive heat absorbing or heat storing materials. Stored heat can then be extracted by air circulation for room heating. The temperature of the room air is controlled by a thermostat. When the room temperature drops below the set point on the thermostat, a circulating air pump turns on and extract the solar heat until the room temperature air reaches the desired set temperature. Once room temperature reaches the set point in the thermostat, the air circulation pump turns off.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Side actuated personal vaporizer cigarette and associated "mod" device

Номер: US20200015521A1
Автор: Matthew R. Kleizo

A personal vaporizer device includes a metallic tube member having a substantially planar upper end configured to receive in an orifice a rebuildable atomizer deck and its atomizer pin that engages a first contact of a battery in the tube member. A paddle bar contact is at an outer surface of the tube member. A metallic battery contact cup is received within the tube open end and receives an end of the battery and engages the second terminal battery contact. An insulator sleeve is between the battery contact cup and the paddle bar contact and includes an opening that when aligned with the paddle bar contact, exposes the battery contact cup to the paddle bar contact. Depressing the paddle bar contact engages the paddle bar contact with the battery contact cup and completes an electrical circuit.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103028A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

A tubular electric heater () is provided with an outer tube (), with a heat-conducting body () and with a tubular electric heating element (), wherein the tubular electric heater () has a continuous groove or opening in the direction in which the tube extends and wherein the heat-conducting body has an opening () passing through it in the direction in which the tubular electric heater () extends, and the outer tube is supported indirectly or directly on limiting surfaces () defining this opening () in the heat-conducting body or on an inner tube (). A method is provided for manufacturing such a tubular electric heater. 1. A tubular electric heater comprising:an outer tube;a heat-conducting body; anda tubular electric heating element, wherein:the tubular electric heater has a continuous groove or opening in a direction in which the tube extends;the heat-conducting body has an opening or groove passing through the heat-conducting body in the direction in which the tubular electric heater extends and has limiting surfaces defining said opening or groove; andthe outer tube is supported at least in some sections indirectly or directly on the limiting surfaces.2. A tubular electric heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the outer tube is deformed such that a part of a jacket surface of the outer tube meshes with the opening passing through the heat-conducting body in the direction in which the heat-conducting body extends and the outer tube is supported at least in some sections on the limiting surfaces defining said opening in the heat-conducting body.3. A tubular electric heater in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising positioning devices provided on the heat-conducting body claim 1 , wherein the tubular electric heating element is fixed at least in some sections by the positioning devices.4. A tubular electric heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the heat-conducting body is cut out of a solid material or tube.5. A tubular electric heater in ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021314A1

A heater for a hand held appliance, the heater comprising a first layer, a second layer and a separator for separating the first and second layers of the heater wherein the separator is a tube. The first layer and/or second layer may be a wire element. The first layer may extend at least partially around and/or partially along the tube. The tube may comprise spacers extending along the tube and radially away from the tube for supporting the first layer. An outer tube may be provided wherein the outer tube extends at least around and along the first layer. The outer tube may extend around and along the tube. An inner support structure for supporting the second layer may be provided. The inner support structure may comprise an inner tube or support wings and the second layer may extend at least partially around the inner tube or support wings. 1. A heater for a hand held appliance , the heater comprising a first layer , a second layer and a separator for separating the first and second layers of the heater wherein the separator is a tube.2. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is a wire element.3. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the second layer is a wire element.4. The heater of claim 2 , wherein the first layer extends at least partially around the tube.5. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the first layer extends at least partially around the tube.6. The heater of claim 5 , wherein the first layer extends at least partially along the tube.7. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the first layer extends at least partially along the tube.8. The heater of claim 1 , wherein heater is a double stacked heater having a first layer and a second layer.9. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the heater is a double stacked heater.10. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the tube comprises spacers extending along the tube and radially away from the tube for supporting the first layer.11. The heater of claim 10 , wherein the spacers extend orthogonally away from the tube.12. The heater ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020199A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electronic smoking article includes a liquid supply including liquid material, a heater operable to heat the liquid material to a temperature sufficient to vaporize the liquid material and form an aerosol, a wick in communication with the liquid material and in communication with the heater such that the wick delivers the liquid material to the heater, at least one air inlet operable to deliver air to a central air passage upstream of the heater, and a mouth end insert having at least two diverging outlets. 1. (canceled)2. A device comprising:a casing extending in a longitudinal direction;a vaporizer configured to generate a vapor, the vaporizer in the casing; 'a plurality of non-diverging outlets in the mouth-end insert, the outlets being generally coplanar with an end surface of the mouth-end insert; and', 'a mouth-end insert at an end of the casing, the mouth-end insert including,'}a power supply configured to supply power to the vaporizer.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising:a central channel between the vaporizer and the mouth-end insert.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the central channel is defined by a generally cylindrical body.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the central channel has a diameter of about 2.0 mm to about 3.0 mm.6. The device of claim 3 , wherein the vaporizer comprises:a coil heater; anda wick in communication with a liquid supply and surrounded by the coil heater such that the wick is configured to deliver liquid material from the liquid supply to the coil heater, and the coil heater is configured to heat the liquid material to a temperature sufficient to vaporize the liquid material and form a vapor.7. The device of claim 6 , further comprising:an inner tube within the casing, the inner tube including a pair of opposing slots, the coil heater located in the inner tube.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the central channel is in communication with the inner tube and is located between the mouth-end insert and the coil heater. ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039207A1

A thermal immersion circulator can comprise a heater including a hollow cylindrical main body having an inlet opening at a first end thereof and an outlet opening in a side wall thereof. The heater can include a flexible circuit board having a plurality of resistive bands controlled by controlling electronics such as TRIACs, which can be water-cooled. A thermal immersion circulator including such a heater can be used in scientific laboratories or sous vide food cooking. 1. A thermal immersion circulator , comprising:a main body having a tubular side wall comprising a first end and a second end spaced from the first end across a length of the main body;an inlet proximate to the first end which a fluid is drawable therethrough;an outlet which the fluid is expellable from an interior of the thermal immersion circulator;a heating element physically coupled to at least a portion of the tubular side wall of the main body to heat the fluid;a motor mounted at least proximate to the second end of the main body;an impeller positioned inside the main body; anda shaft that magnetically couples the motor to the impeller.2. The thermal immersion circulator of claim 1 , further comprising:a first magnetic element directly physically coupled to the motor; anda second magnetic element directly physically coupled to the shaft;wherein the first and second magnetic elements are magnetically coupled to one another;wherein actuation of the motor directly drives rotation of the first magnetic element which induces rotation of the second magnetic element via the magnetic coupling, wherein the rotation of the second magnetic element rotates the shaft and the impeller.3. The thermal immersion circulator of claim 1 , further comprising a switch electrically coupled to control the heating element and physically and thermally conductively coupled to the tubular side wall of the main body.4. The thermal immersion circulator of claim 3 , wherein the tubular side wall has an upper portion and a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020720A1

According to various embodiments, an electronic cigarette may be provided including a heater configured to vaporize a liquid; a mouth piece to deliver the vaporized liquid to a user of the electronic cigarette; a processor configured to control the heater to vaporize the liquid; a wireless communication circuit configured to communicate with an external communication device; and a verification circuit configured to start the operation of the electronic cigarette upon receipt of a signal transmitted by the external communication device via the wireless communication circuit. 1. An electronic cigarette , comprising:a heater configured to vaporize a liquid;a mouth piece to deliver the vaporized liquid to a user of the electronic cigarette;a processor configured to control the heater to vaporize the liquid;a wireless communication circuit configured to communicate with an external communication device; anda verification circuit configured to start the operation of the electronic cigarette upon receipt of a signal transmitted by the external communication device via the wireless communication circuit.2. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 ,wherein the verification circuit is configured to perform an operation permission verification based on the received signal.3. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 ,wherein the verification circuit comprises a secure element configured to provide at least one cryptographic service.4. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 ,wherein the wireless communication circuit is configured as at least one of an inductive coupling communication circuit or capacitive coupling communication circuit.5. The electronic cigarette of claim 4 ,wherein the wireless communication circuit is configured as a near field communication circuit.6. The electronic cigarette of claim 4 ,wherein the wireless communication circuit further comprises or is configured as a Bluetooth or Bluetooth-Low-Energy communication circuit.7. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 ,wherein ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020721A1

A cartridge of an electronic vaping device includes a housing assembly and a reservoir cap assembly. The housing assembly is a single piece housing assembly. The reservoir cap assembly includes a reservoir cap having a hole there through and at least one wick extending through an opening in the reservoir cap. 1. A cartridge of an electronic vaping device , the cartridge comprising: [ an outer surface, and', 'an inner surface;, 'a housing extending in a longitudinal direction, the housing being generally cylindrical, the housing including,'}, 'a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation;', 'a transverse end wall at a first end of the housing, the transverse end wall having at least one outlet extending therethrough, the transverse wall integrally formed with the housing;', 'an opening in a second end of the housing;', 'a secondary transverse wall, the secondary transverse wall between the opening and the transverse end wall, the secondary transverse wall and the inner surface defining the reservoir; and', 'at least one air passage extending longitudinally through the housing between the outer surface and the inner surface of the housing, the at least one air passage having at least one air passage outlet between the transverse end wall and the secondary transverse wall such that the at least one air passage communicates with the at least one outlet., 'a housing assembly, the housing assembly being a single piece housing assembly, the housing assembly including,'}2. The cartridge of claim 1 , further comprising:a reservoir cap assembly configured to be inserted in the opening of the housing.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the reservoir cap assembly comprises:a reservoir cap having an opening extending there through; andat least one wick extending through the opening in the reservoir cap assembly.4. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein the wick is a monolithic wick.5. The cartridge of claim 4 , wherein the wick includes one or more slots extending ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Aerosol delivery device with a liquid transport element comprising a porous monolith and related method

Номер: US20180020722A1
Принадлежит: RAI Strategic Holdings Inc

The present disclosure relates to aerosol delivery devices, methods of producing such devices, and elements of such devices. In some embodiments, the present disclosure provides devices configured for vaporization of an aerosol precursor composition that is contained in a reservoir and transported to a heating element by a liquid transport element. The liquid transport element may include a porous monolith.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020723A1

The present disclosure relates to aerosol delivery devices, elements of such devices, and methods for producing vapor. In some embodiments, the present disclosure provides devices configured for vaporization of an aerosol precursor composition that is contained in and transported to a heating element by a unitary reservoir and liquid transport element. The unitary reservoir and liquid transport element may include a porous monolith. 1. An aerosol delivery device , comprising:an outer body;a heating element; anda unitary reservoir and liquid transport element comprising an integral porous monolith positioned proximate the heating element and containing an aerosol precursor composition.2. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the heating element is substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the outer body.3. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the integral porous monolith comprises at least one of a porous ceramic and a porous glass.4. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the unitary reservoir and liquid transport element defines one or more channels extending at least partially therethrough.5. The aerosol delivery device of claim 4 , further comprising a first heating terminal and a second heating terminal coupled to the heating element claim 4 , the first heating terminal and the second heating terminal being at least partially received in the one or more channels.6. The aerosol delivery device of claim 5 , wherein the heating element is at least partially received in the one or more channels.7. The aerosol delivery device of claim 5 , further comprising an electronic component at least partially received in the one or more channels.8. The aerosol delivery device of claim 7 , wherein the electronic component is positioned between the first heating terminal and the second heating terminal.9. The aerosol delivery device of claim 7 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the electronic component extends ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020733A1

An electrically heated aerosol-generating device and ststem are provided, the device including an outer housing having a cavity configured to receive an aerosol-generating substrate; an electrical heater including at least one heating element configured to heat the aerosol-generating substrate in the cavity to generate an aerosol; at least one air inlet, at least one air outlet; an airflow pathway extending from the at least one air inlet, through the cavity, to the at least one air outlet; means for determining the resistance-to-draw of the airflow pathway; and means for adjusting the resistance-to-draw of the airflow pathway in dependence on the determined resistance-to-draw. The system comprises an electrically heated aerosol-generating device and an aerosol-forming substrate comprising tobacco. 115.-. (canceled)16. An electrically heated aerosol-generating device , comprising:an outer housing having a cavity configured to receive an aerosol-generating substrate:an electrical heater comprising at least one heating element configured to heat the aerosol-generating substrate in the cavity to generate an aerosol;at least one air inlet;at least one air outlet;an airflow pathway extending from the at least one air inlet, through the cavity, to the at least one air outlet;means for determining the resistance-to-draw of the airflow pathway; andmeans for automatically adjusting the resistance-to-draw of the airflow pathway in dependence, on the determined resistance-to-draw.17. The electrically heated aerosol-generating device according to claim 16 , wherein the means for automatically adjusting is configured to maintain the resistance-to-draw of the airflow pathway within a predetermined range.18. The electrically heated aerosol-generating device according to claim 17 , wherein the predetel mined range of the resistance-to-draw is between about 80 mm WG and about 100 mm WG.19. The electrically heated aerosol-generating device according to claim 16 , wherein the means ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020735A1

An electrically operated aerosol-generating system may be configured to detect adverse conditions (e.g., a dry heater). The system may comprise an electric heater comprising at least one heating element for heating an aerosol-forming substrate, a power supply, and electric circuitry connected to the electric heater and to the power supply and comprising a memory. The electric circuitry may be configured to measure an initial electrical resistance (R) of the electric heater; measure a subsequent electrical resistance of the electric heater after the measurement of the initial electrical resistance; determine the difference (ΔR) between the initial electrical resistance and the subsequent electrical resistance; determine that an adverse condition is present if the difference is greater than a maximum threshold value (ΔR) or less than a minimum threshold value (ΔR) stored in the memory; and control a power to the electric heater and/or provide an indication if the adverse condition is present. 1. An electrically operated aerosol-generating system comprising:an electric heater including at least one heating element configured to heat an aerosol-forming substrate;a power supply; and measure an initial electrical resistance of the electric heater,', 'measure a subsequent electrical resistance of the electric heater after measuring the initial electrical resistance,', 'determine a difference between the initial electrical resistance and the subsequent electrical resistance,', 'determine a presence of an adverse condition based on the difference and a threshold value stored in the memory, and', 'perform at least one of controlling a power to the electric heater and providing an indication if the adverse condition is present., 'electric circuitry electrically connected to the electric heater and to the power supply, the electric circuitry including a memory, the electric circuitry configured to'}2. The electrically operated aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020736A1

A cartridge for an aerosol-generating system includes a storage container containing a supply of an aerosol-forming substrate, a fluid permeable heating element positioned across an opening in the storage container, a protective cover coupled to the storage container and covering the fluid permeable heating element, at least one air inlet, at least one air outlet, and an airflow path from the at least one air inlet to the at least one air outlet. The protective cover is configured such that a portion of the airflow path is between the protective cover and the fluid permeable heating element. 1. A cartridge for an aerosol-generating system , the cartridge comprising:a storage container configured to contain a supply of an aerosol-forming substrate;a fluid permeable heating element positioned across an opening in the storage container;a protective cover coupled to the storage container and configured to cover the fluid permeable heating element;at least one air inlet;at least one air outlet; andan airflow path from the at least one air inlet to the at least one air outlet, the protective cover configured such that a portion of the airflow path is between the protective cover and the fluid permeable heating element.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the protective cover forms part of an external surface of the cartridge3. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further comprising:a device end configured to connect to a device portion; anda mouthpiece end opposite to the device end, the protective cover being positioned at the device end of the cartridge4. The cartridge according to claim 3 , wherein the protective cover is between the device portion and the fluid permeable heating element when the cartridge is connected to the device portion.5. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further comprising:electrical contact pads connected to the fluid permeable heating element, andthe protective cover includes at least one contact opening that exposes the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020737A1

A fluid permeable heater assembly for an aerosol-generating system includes a cap and a substantially flat electrically conductive and fluid permeable heating element. The cap includes a hollow body with a first cap opening and a second cap opening. The first cap opening is opposite to the second cap opening. The heating element is configured to vaporise aerosol-forming substrate. The heating element is mounted on the cap, such that the heating element extends across the first cap opening. A cartridge for an aerosol-generating system includes the heater assembly, a liquid storage portion, a mouth piece, and a retainer. 1. A heater assembly for an aerosol-generating system , the heater assembly being fluid permeable , the heater assembly comprising: a hollow body having a first cap opening and a second cap opening, the first cap opening being opposite the second cap opening, the cap being integrally formed, and', 'a holder including a holder opening, the holder configured to cover the first cap opening such that the holder opening superposes with at least a portion of the first cap opening; and, 'a cap including,'}a heating element, the heating element being a substantially flat electrically conductive and fluid permeable heating element, the heating element configured to vaporise an aerosol-forming substrate, and the heating element mounted on the holder such that the heating element extends across the first cap opening.2. The heater assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a host material piece configured to retain the aerosol-forming substrate, at least a portion of the host material piece arranged in the hollow body between the first cap opening and the second cap opening.3. The heater assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the host material piece is substantially a same size and a same shape as an interior space of the hollow body.4. The heater assembly according to claim 1 , wherein an interior space of the hollow body has a substantially cylindrical ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Aerosol Generating Device And Capsule

Номер: US20220039479A1
Принадлежит: JT International S.A.

There is provided an aerosol generating device and a capsule adapted for use with the aerosol generating device. The aerosol generating device includes a cavity positioned on one side of the aerosol generating device. The cavity is configured to host a capsule and the capsule is configured to contain an aerosol generating substance. The capsule includes an external shell arranged to retain an aerosol generating substance and an outlet in the external shell configured to engage with the aerosol generating device when the capsule is retained in the cavity. 1. (canceled)2. An aerosol generating device comprising:an elongate body having a first end and a second end, and comprising a first portion extending from the second end toward the first end, and a second portion extending from the first end to the first portion,wherein the first portion of the elongate body defines a maximum cross-sectional area of the aerosol generating device, and the second portion of the elongate body defines a cross-sectional area smaller than the maximum cross-sectional area,wherein a space is defined outside of the first and second portions of the elongate body and inside a volume defined by a length of the elongate body from the first end to the second end and the maximum cross-sectional area, the space being configured to accommodate a capsule containing an aerosol generating substance when the capsule is connected to the elongate body.3. The aerosol generating device of claim 2 , wherein the maximum cross-sectional area of the first portion is circular or elliptical.4. The aerosol generating device of claim 2 , wherein the cross-sectional area of the second portion is semi-circular or semi-elliptical.5. The aerosol generating device of claim 2 , wherein the space is located between the first end of the elongate body and an interface between the first and second portions of the elongate body.6. The aerosol generating device of claim 2 , wherein the second portion defines a flat surface ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022215A1

An air date probe includes a base portion, a strut portion extending from the base portion, and a tube assembly secured to an extending from the strut portion. One or more of the tube assembly or the strut portion includes a sleeve member having a sleeve outer surface positioned at a sleeve frustum angle relative to a sleeve member axis. A thin film heater is positioned at the sleeve outer surface, and the tin film heater and the sleeve member are positioned in a housing member. The housing member has a housing inner surface having a housing frustum angle such that the thin film heater is retained by compression between the housing member inner surface and the sleeve member outer surface. 1. An air date probe , comprising:a base portion;a strut portion extending from the base portion; anda tube assembly secured to an extending from the strut portion; a sleeve member having a sleeve outer surface positioned at a sleeve frustum angle relative to a sleeve member axis;', 'a thin film heater disposed at the sleeve outer surface; and', 'a housing member into which the sleeve member and thin film heater are installed, the housing member having a housing inner surface having a housing frustum angle such that the thin film heater is retained by compression between the housing member inner surface and the sleeve member outer surface., 'wherein one or more of the tube assembly or the strut portion includes2. The air data probe of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve frustum angle is substantially equal to the housing frustum angle.3. The air data probe of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve frustum angle and the housing frustum angle are between 0.5 and 20 degrees.4. The air data probe of claim 1 , wherein the thin film heater is one of a positive temperature coefficient heater based on carbon black/polymer composites or a carbon nanotube/silicone nano-composite heater.5. The air data probe of claim 1 , wherein the thin film heater has a thickness of about 0.03″.6. The air data probe of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Vaporizer With Multiple-Chamber Heating

Номер: US20170027223A1
Автор: Eksouzian Vahan
Принадлежит: Cloud V Enterprises

A vaporizer comprising a mouthpiece and battery. The mouthpiece preferably includes a loading chamber, a funnel disposed directly below the loading chamber, and an atomizer disposes directly below the funnel. The atomizer includes a heat source connected to the battery for vaporizing a substance desired to be inhaled. The loading chamber and funnel are each connected to heating elements, electrically connected to the battery, for heating a substance located in the loading chamber or funnel, respectively. An air pathway is provided within the mouthpiece that allows a user to inhale a substance vaporized in the atomizer after it travels through the loading chamber and funnel. 1. A vaporizer comprising:and electrical source; and an atomizer electrically connectable with said electrical source and comprising a heat source; and', 'a funnel positioned directly above said atomizer so as to direct a substance placed in said funnel into said atomizer., 'a mouthpiece, comprising2. The vaporizer of wherein said funnel comprises a first heating element electrically connected to said electrical source.3. The vaporizer of claim 2 , wherein electrical power from said electrical source to said first heating element is initiated by a user pressing a button.4. The vaporizer of further comprising a sensor positioned in said funnel and electrically connected to a controller capable of adjusting electrical power provided to said first heating element from said electrical source.5. The vaporizer of wherein said sensor is a temperature sensor.6. The vaporizer of wherein said sensor senses the volume of said substance in said funnel.7. The vaporizer of wherein said mouthpiece further comprises a loading chamber positioned above said funnel so as to direct a substance placed in said loading chamber into said funnel.8. The vaporizer of wherein said loading chamber comprises a second heating element electrically connected to said electrical source.9. The vaporizer of claim 8 , wherein ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027881A1

An electronic cigarette, an atomizer device thereof and a method for assembling the atomizer device are provided. The atomizer device comprises an atomizer assembly () having an atomizer base (), a heating member (), and a liquid conductive member (). The atomizer base () includes a cylindrical body () having an inserting end (); and a side wall of the cylindrical body () defines at least one slot () extending along a vertical direction and communicating with an end surface of the inserting end (). The heating member () is cylindrical and arranged in the cylindrical body (), and an air flowing channel is defined inside the heating member (). The liquid conductive member () comprises a cylindrical liquid conductive body () and at least one couple of connecting portions () connected together in a circumferential direction of the liquid conductive body (). 114141142143. An atomizer device , wherein the atomizer device comprises an atomizer assembly () having an atomizer base () , a heating member () , and a liquid conductive member ();{'b': 141', '1412', '1413', '1412', '1414', '1413, 'the atomizer base () comprises a cylindrical body () having an inserting end (); and a side wall of the cylindrical body () defines at least one slot () extending along a vertical direction and communicating with an end surface of the inserting end ();'}{'b': 142', '1412', '1412', '142, 'the heating member () is cylindrical and arranged in the cylindrical body () along an axial direction of the cylindrical body (), and an air flowing channel is defined inside the heating member ();'}{'b': 143', '1431', '1432', '1431', '1431', '142', '1432', '1412', '1414, 'the liquid conductive member () comprises a cylindrical liquid conductive body () and at least one couple of connecting portions () connected together in a circumferential direction of the liquid conductive body (); and the liquid conductive body () surrounds the heating member (), and at least one of the connecting portion () of each ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046989A1
Автор: Liu Liu, YAN Huabin

A heating module is provided by the present application, which includes a heat insulating tube, wherein a ventilation separator dividing the heat insulating tube into an upper tube chamber and a lower tube chamber is disposed therein, and a plurality of air guiding holes are provided in the ventilation separator, and an air intake structure is configured in the lower tube chamber; a receiving tube disposed inside the upper tube chamber, and an air heating assembly, wherein the air heating assembly is disposed inside the lower tube chamber. 1. An air heating assembly , comprising:a heat retention part, wherein a plurality of air heating passages are arranged in the heat retention part; anda heating element, wherein the heating element is disposed on the heat retention part, and the heating element is configured to heat gas passing by the air heating passages.2. The air heating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat retention part comprises a first end and a second end disposed opposite to each other claim 1 , and each of the air heating passage passes through the heat retention part along a direction from the first end to the second end.3. The air heating assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the air heating passage is defined as a through hole provided in the heat retention part.4. The air heating assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the air heating passage is defined as a concave provided in a sidewall of the heat retention part.5. The air heating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed inside the heat retention part claim 1 , the heating element is a metal heating coil claim 1 , and the metal heating coil is configured to be a hollow spiral pipe shape.6. The air heating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed on an outer surface of the heat retention part claim 1 , the heating element is a resistance heating circuit claim 1 , and the resistance heating circuit is coated on the outer surface of the heat retention part.7. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029627A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A cartridge includes an air flow passageway defining a first airflow direction, a heating element having a longitudinal axis, the longitudinal axis perpendicular to the first airflow direction, and a jacket at least partially surrounding the heating element along the longitudinal axis of the heating element and defining a second airflow direction perpendicular to the first airflow direction. 1. An electronic vaping device , comprising:a power section; and an air flow passageway defining a first airflow direction,', 'a heating element having a longitudinal axis, the longitudinal axis perpendicular to the first airflow direction, and', 'a jacket at least partially surrounding the heating element along the longitudinal axis of the heating element and defining a second airflow direction perpendicular to the first airflow direction., 'a cartridge including,'}2. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket is arcuate.3. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket is a hollow cylinder.4. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket completely surrounds the heating element.5. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket comprises a heat insulator.6. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 5 , wherein the heat insulator is air impermeable and comprises fiberglass claim 5 , ceramic or both fiberglass and ceramic.7. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:an air inlet in the cartridge; and whereinat least a part of the jacket is between the air inlet and the heating element.8. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the jacket comprises an air permeable mesh.9. The electronic vaping device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising:a reservoir configured to store a pre-vapor formulation;a wick in fluid communication with the reservoir and the heater; and whereinthe jacket at least partially surrounds a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031154A1

The invention concerns a device () for conveying and heating a liquid, intended to be installed between a means for circulating the liquid and a wiper blade of a wiper system, comprising a wall () delimiting at least one conduit () for circulating the liquid and an electrical circuit intended to connect two terminals set to different potentials and comprising a heating element embedded in said wall (), characterised in that at least one portion of said electrical circuit is formed by a self-regulating cable () arranged to limit a current flowing through the electrical circuit depending on an increase in temperature. Said invention can be used for motor vehicles. 1. A device for transporting and heating a liquid that is installed between a liquid circulating means and a wiper of a wiping system , comprising:a wall delimiting at least one liquid circulation duct and an electrical circuit configured to link two terminals set at different potentials and comprising a heating element embedded in said wall,wherein at least one portion of said electrical circuit is formed by a self-regulating cable arranged to limit a current running in the electrical circuit as a function of a temperature rise.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said cable comprises at least two electrically conductive heating wires claim 1 , brought to different electrical potentials claim 1 , and linked to one another by a semiconductive matrix.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the conductive wires comprises at least one conductive strand helically wound around an insulating fibre.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the conductive wire comprises at least three juxtaposed strands claim 3 , helically wound around said insulating fibre.5. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the pitch of the helix lies between 1 and 10 turns over a length of 5 cm.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the self-regulating cable is formed by two heating wires and a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Collapsible fiber matrix reservoir for an e-vaping device

Номер: US20180035713A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

Example embodiments relate to a cartridge configured to house a pre-vapor formulation for an e-vaping device, the cartridge including an inner portion and an outer portion configured to store the pre-vapor formulation. The outer portion includes a plurality of fibers configured to be mobile and/or configured to be substantially free of entanglement with one another. The fibers are configured to be substantially free of entanglement with one another based on the lengths of the plurality of fibers. For example, the lengths of the plurality of fibers may be in a range of about 3 mm to about 7 mm. The lengths may also be about 5 mm. 1. A cartridge configured to house a pre-vapor formulation for an e-vaping device , the cartridge comprising:an inner portion; andan outer portion configured to store the pre-vapor formulation;wherein the outer portion includes a plurality of fibers configured to be at least one of mobile and substantially free of entanglement with one another.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fibers are configured to be substantially free of entanglement with one another based on respective lengths of the plurality of fibers.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the respective lengths of the plurality of fibers are in a range of about 3 mm to about 7 mm.4. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein the respective lengths of the plurality of fibers are about 5 mm.5. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein about 30% of the plurality of fibers have a length of about 3 mm claim 3 , about 50% of the plurality of fibers have a length of about 5 mm claim 3 , and about 20% of the plurality of fibers have a length of about 7 mm.6. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein about 20% of the plurality of fibers have a length of about 3 mm claim 3 , about 75% of the plurality of fibers have a length of about 5 mm claim 3 , and about 5% of the plurality of fibers have a length of about 7 mm.7. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein about 30% of the plurality of fibers have ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035720A1
Автор: QIU Weihua

An atomizing head is disclosed, including a heating component, a liquid absorption component and at least one contact ring, wherein the liquid absorption component is wrapped around the outer circumference of the heating component, the contact ring includes a base and a first clamping flange extending at a certain angle from an circumferential edge of the base, the base covers one end of the heating component in an axis direction of the heating component, the first clamping flange presses against an outer surface of the liquid absorption component to fasten the liquid absorption component onto the heating component. During the assembling process of the atomizing head, it only requires the liquid absorption component to wrap around the heating component and be pressed against and fastened by the contact ring. Such assembling process is simple, and the atomizing head is easy to replace, with low cost. An atomizing device and an electronic cigarette are also disclosed. 1. An atomizing head , comprising a heating component , a liquid absorption component and at least one contact ring , wherein the liquid absorption component is wrapped around the outer circumference of the heating component , the contact ring includes a base and a first clamping flange extending at a certain angle from an circumferential edge of the base , the base covers one end of the heating component in an axis direction of the heating component , the first clamping flange presses against an outer surface of the liquid absorption component to fasten the liquid absorption component onto the heating component.2. The atomizing head according to claim 1 , wherein the contact ring further includes a second clamping flange provided on the base claim 1 , the first clamping flange and the second clamping flange are separated from each other on the base and extend towards a same direction along the axis direction of the heating component claim 1 , a groove configured to receive an circumferential edge of the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037647A1
Автор: Hiura Norimitsu

A heater includes: a ceramic body having a rod-like shape, including an end face and an outer periphery face; and a heat generating resistor embedded in the ceramic body, a surface roughness of the end face of the ceramic body being larger than a surface roughness of the outer periphery face of the ceramic body. 1. A heater , comprising:a ceramic body having a rod-like shape, comprising an end face and an outer periphery face; anda heat generating resistor embedded in the ceramic body,a surface roughness of the end face of the ceramic body being larger than a surface roughness of the outer periphery face of the ceramic body.2. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein a surface roughness at a center region of the end face is larger than a surface roughness at an outer periphery region of the end face.3. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein an outer periphery region of the end face merges smoothly with the outer periphery face.4. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the end face has a convex form.5. The heater according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , when the ceramic body is viewed in a section extending in an axial direction of the ceramic body claim 4 , a radius of curvature at an outer periphery region of the end face is larger than a radius of curvature at a center region of the end face.6. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the end face comprises an orthogonal face orthogonal to an axial direction of the ceramic body claim 1 , and an inclined face which connects the orthogonal face and the outer periphery face.7. A glow plug claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a heater according to ; and'}a metal-made holding member which holds the heater. The present disclosure relates to a heater which is used as, for example, a heater for ignition or flame detection for use in a combustion-type vehicle-mounted heating unit, a heater for ignition for use in various combustors such as an oil fan heater, a heater for use in a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037920A1
Автор: QIU Weihua

An atomization core device has an electrode column, a liquid guiding element and a heating wire. The electrode column has a hollow liquid storage chamber. A peripheral wall of the electrode column is provided with a through-hole in communication with the liquid storage chamber. The liquid guiding element and the heating wire wrap around the outer periphery of the electrode column, and the liquid guiding element covers the through-hole. The atomization core can reduce the carbon deposition, increase the life of the heating wire, keep the original taste of the tobacco liquid, and reduce the occurrence of dry heating and leakage. 1. An atomization core device , comprising an electrode column , a liquid guiding element and a heating wire , wherein the electrode column is provided with a hollow liquid storage chamber , and a peripheral wall of the electrode column is provided with a through-hole in communication with the liquid storage chamber , and the liquid guiding element and the heating wire wrap around an outer periphery of the electrode column , and the liquid guiding element covers the through-hole.2. The atomization core device of the claim 1 , wherein the electrode column includes a base portion and an extension portion connected to a top end of the base portion claim 1 , a bottom end of the base portion is open claim 1 , a plurality of notches are arranged around a periphery of the bottom end of the base portion claim 1 , a top end of the extension portion is closed claim 1 , and the through-hole is arranged on a peripheral wall of extension portion.3. The atomization core device of the claim 2 , further comprising an insulation ring and a cover claim 2 , the insulation ring is arranged on the base portion claim 2 , and the cover is provided on an outer periphery of the insulation ring.4. The atomization core device of claim 3 , wherein an outer peripheral side of the bottom end of the base portion is provided with a peripheral edge extending laterally to form ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037922A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An electronic cigarette including an atomizing core assembly; a mouthpiece assembly; a base assembly; and a housing assembly. The atomizing core assembly includes a first heating wire, a second heating wire, a third heating wire, a fourth heating wire, a fifth heating wire, a housing for accommodating heating wires, a seal ring for sealing the heating wires, a pedestal for holding the heating wires, an insulation ring, and a first joint adapted for squeezing the housing of the heating wire. The mouthpiece assembly includes a cigarette holder, a first sealing ring, a second sealing ring, a base for holding the cigarette holder, a third sealing ring, and a fourth sealing ring. The base assembly includes a glass tube, a first lower sealing ring, a second lower sealing ring, a support for supporting the glass tube, a regulation ring, a sealing ring, a second insulation ring, and a second joint. 1an atomizing core assembly;a mouthpiece assembly;a base assembly; anda housing assembly;. An electronic cigarette, comprising:the atomizing core assembly comprises a first heating wire, a second heating wire, a third heating wire, a fourth heating wire, a fifth heating wire, a housing for accommodating heating wires, a seal ring for sealing the heating wires, a pedestal for holding the heating wires, an insulation ring, and a first joint adapted for squeezing the housing of the heating wires; the first heating wire, the second heating wire, the third heating wire, the fourth heating wire, and the fifth heating wire are all sleeved with a cotton wool and then are disposed in the pedestal; the insulation ring is disposed in the pedestal to separate cathodes and an anodes of the heating wires; the first joint is inserted in an inner ring of the insulation ring and presses the housing on the pedestal; and the seal ring is disposed on a bottom of the pedestal;the mouthpiece assembly comprises a cigarette holder, a first sealing ring and a second sealing ring for sealing the cigarette ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037923A1
Автор: Grimm John, Shenkal Yuval
Принадлежит: Lattitude International, Inc.

The present disclosure provides, in one embodiment, an electronic smoking device comprising a mouthpiece; a vaporizer portion in communication with the mouthpiece; a filter cartridge assembly in communication with the mouthpiece; an inlet check valve; and an outlet check valve. The vaporizer portion comprises a heating element for heating a smoking material housed within the vaporizer portion. The inlet check valve permits air to be inhaled from the vaporizer portion into the mouthpiece, but substantially prohibits air from being exhaled through the mouthpiece into the vaporizer portion. The outlet check valve permits air to be exhaled through the mouthpiece into the filter cartridge assembly, but substantially prohibits air from being inhaled from the filter cartridge assembly into the mouthpiece. 1. An electronic smoking device comprising:a mouthpiece;a vaporizer portion in communication with the mouthpiece, the vaporizer portion comprising a heating element for heating a smoking material housed within the vaporizer portion;a filter cartridge assembly in communication with the mouthpiece;an inlet check valve which permits air to be inhaled from the vaporizer portion into the mouthpiece and substantially prohibits air from being exhaled through the mouthpiece into the vaporizer portion; andan outlet check valve which permits air to be exhaled through the mouthpiece into the filter cartridge assembly and substantially prohibits air from being inhaled from the filter cartridge assembly into the mouthpiece.2. The electronic smoking device of claim 1 , wherein the inlet check valve is a one-way valve which opens when a user inhales from the mouthpiece claim 1 , and seals when the user exhales into the mouthpiece.3. The electronic smoking device of claim 1 , wherein the outlet check valve is a one-way valve which opens when a user exhales into the mouthpiece claim 1 , and seals when the user inhales from the mouthpiece.4. The electronic smoking device of claim 1 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Electronic device for tobacco

Номер: US20200037663A1

A heat-not-burn tobacco-type device for heating a cigarette has a heater and a vaporizer. The heater heats the cigarette at a heating temperature not greater than 450° C. for discouraging formation of harmful substances, such as tar and carbon monoxide, during heating the cigarette. The vaporizer is used to vaporize a liquid for producing smoke and/or for enhancing a taste of the cigarette. The vaporizer and the heater are arranged to work simultaneously or independently to generate two bodies of aerosol, wherein these two bodies of aerosol pass through two independent gas channels and meet together for a smoker to inhale thereafter. Hence, the device not only meets visual needs of the smoker in the smoke and/or enhances the taste of the cigarette, but also discourages generation of the harmful substance. 2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second bodies of aerosol after passing through the two independent gas channels meet at a filter tip or a mouthpiece of the cigarette.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second bodies of aerosol are arranged to be separately inhaled by the smoker claim 1 , or to be inhaled simultaneously.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the heating temperature is not higher than 450° C.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the heating temperature is further limited to be in a range of 250° C. to 350° C.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first heating element is a heating mesh.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the heating mesh has a cylindrical shape.8. The device of claim 6 , wherein the heater further comprises:a metal tube inserted into the heating mesh for substantially-uniformly transferring heat from the heating mesh to the cigarette.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first heating element has a resistance between 0.1Ω and 5.0Ω.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the heater further comprises:a heat insulating sleeve for heat-insulating the first heating element from a remaining part of the device.11. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Power supply source for an electric heating system

Номер: US20160043626A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to power engineering, in particular to electric heating systems for residential and other buildings. The power supply source for an electric heating system comprises an inductance coil ( 1 ), which is connected to a load circuit ( 4 ) and is connected to a primary source ( 3 ) of electrical energy with the possibility of periodic connection of one of the ends of said coil ( 9 ) to one of the terminals of the primary source ( 3 ) of electrical energy via an electronic switch ( 6 ), and a generator ( 8 ) of unipolarity pulses, the output of which is connected to the input of the electronic switch ( 6 ). According to the invention, the second end ( 10 ) of the inductance coil ( 1 ) is connected to the second terminal of the primary source ( 3 ) of electrical energy via a second electronic switch ( 7 ), the input of which is connected to the output of said generator ( 8 ) of pulses of single polarity so as Co ensure synchronized operation of said electronic switches ( 6, 7 ). The result which can be achieved consists in increasing the energy conversion ratio.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette

Номер: US20210045444A1
Автор: Tuanfang Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

An electronic cigarette, including: an atomization assembly and a battery assembly. The atomization assembly includes a first cover; a first seal; a cylindrical bushing; a heating wire disposed in the cylindrical bushing; a monolayered cotton; a multilayered cotton; a funnel; a spring; a second seal sealing the funnel; an e-liquid tank; a third seal; a seal plug; a fixed seat fixing the heating wire; a fourth seal sealing the fixed seat; a first insulation ring; a joint; a second insulation ring; a fifth seal; a second cover; a sixth seal sealing the second cover; a magnet; and a casing. The battery assembly includes a seal ring; a first silicone gasket; a support frame; a foam; a battery; a control plate; a hollow air column; a pneumatic switch; a seventh seal sealing the pneumatic switch; a position limiter limiting the pneumatic switch; a slidable button; a second silicone gasket.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044964A1
Автор: Liu Qiuming

An atomizer and an electronic cigarette are provided according to the present application. The atomizer includes an atomizing sleeve, and a cylindrical liquid storage member and an atomizing assembly are arranged in the atomizing sleeve. The atomizing assembly is arranged to be electrically connected to an atomizer electrode, and the atomizing assembly includes an electric heating wire and a liquid guiding member. A smoke passage allowing the smoke to flow is arranged in an axial direction of the cylindrical liquid storage member and runs through the cylindrical liquid storage member, and the cylindrical liquid storage member is provided with a guide groove. Due to the guide groove arranged on the cylindrical liquid storage member in the present application, the atomizing assembly may be guided by the guide groove to be directly assembled into the cylindrical liquid storage member when assembling the atomizer. 1. An atomizer , configured to form an electronic cigarette in combination with a battery rod assembly , wherein the atomizer comprises an atomizing sleeve , a cylindrical liquid storage member made of a liquid absorbing material and an atomizing assembly configured to atomize cigarette liquid to form smoke are arranged in the atomizing sleeve , and an atomizer electrode configured to be electrically connected to the battery rod assembly is connected to one end of the atomizing sleeve;the atomizing assembly is arranged to be electrically connected to the atomizer electrode, and the atomizing assembly comprises an electric heating wire for atomizing the cigarette liquid and a liquid guiding member for delivering the cigarette liquid stored in the cylindrical liquid storage member to the electrical heating wire to be atomized, and the electrical heating wire is wound around the liquid guiding member; anda smoke passage allowing the smoke to flow is arranged in an axial direction of the cylindrical liquid storage member and runs through the cylindrical liquid ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046257A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

In one embodiment, the electronic vaping device includes a cartridge and a battery section. The cartridge and the battery section are connectable so as to define an air inlet between a portion of the cartridge and a portion of the battery section. 1. (canceled)2. A cartridge comprising:an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction;a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation in the outer housing; and two non-diverging outlets spaced from a center point of the mouthpiece, and', 'a projection extending longitudinally from an inner surface of an end wall of the mouthpiece, the projection extending from the center point of the mouthpiece, the projection between the two non-diverging outlets, such that an interior surface of the mouthpiece is symmetrical about a longitudinal axis of the mouthpiece, the mouthpiece and the projection being a single-piece., 'a mouthpiece at a first end of the outer housing, the mouthpiece including,'}3. The cartridge of claim 2 , further comprising:a gasket at an end of the reservoir; anda chamber between the gasket and the mouthpiece.4. The cartridge of claim 2 , further comprising:a vaporizer in the outer housing.5. The cartridge of claim 4 , wherein the vaporizer comprises:a wick in fluid communication with the reservoir; anda heater in contact with at least a portion of the wick.6. The cartridge of claim 5 , wherein the heater comprises a heating coil.7. The cartridge of claim 2 , further comprising:an inner tube in the outer housing.8. The cartridge of claim 7 , wherein the inner tube defines an air channel having a central outlet that is centrally located within the outer housing.9. The cartridge of claim 8 , wherein the two non-diverging outlets of the mouthpiece are respectively laterally offset from the central outlet of the air channel.10. The cartridge of claim 8 , further comprising:an air inlet in fluid communication with the two non-diverging outlets of the mouthpiece via the central outlet of the air ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Electronic vaporiser system

Номер: US20170042232A1
Автор: Dmitry Gorilovsky
Принадлежит: Beyond Twenty Ltd

An electronic cigarette vaporiser that includes a heating element, a power source and an electronics module that manages the delivery of power, current or voltage to the heating element; the electronics module controls or delivers pulses of power, current or voltage to the heating element, such as PWM (pulse width modulation) with a high frequency 1-10 KHz switching frequency. The duty cycle of the PWM can be approximately 90% when heating; and 1-10% duty during a preheat; and 0% when the vaporiser is idle.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042307A1
Автор: Johnson David Michael

A wickless cartomizer includes an outer shell surrounding an inner shell in a spaced configuration to form chamber for holding vaporizable material between the outer and inner shell. The inner shell includes a channel having an opening at the bottom portion of the outer wall to allow the vaporizable material in the chamber to flow into the channel such that the vaporizable material within the channel is substantially level with the vaporizable material in the chamber. The inner wall of the channel includes a heater to heat the vaporizable material stored within the channel along the length of the inner wall to provide a more even temperature distribution through the vaporizable material. As the vaporizable material heats and becomes vaporized, the vapor rises and passes through a vapor exit opening in a top portion of the inner wall of the channel. 1. A wickless cartomizer comprising:(a) a base;(b) an outer wall extending from the base;(c) an inner wall extending from the base;(d) a vapor exit opening defined by the inner wall; 'an electrical connector disposed in the base, wherein the electrical connector is electrically coupled with the heating element.', '(e) a heating element disposed in the inner wall; and'}2. The wickless cartomizer of claim 1 , further comprising an air channel defined by the inner wall claim 1 , wherein the air channel is in fluid communication with the exterior of the base and the vapor exit opening.3. The wickless cartomizer of claim 2 , further comprising a liquid reservoir defined by the base claim 2 , outer wall and inner wall.4. The wickless cartomizer of claim 3 , further comprising a cap extending from the inner wall towards the outer wall.5. The wickless cartomizer of claim 4 , wherein the cap includes a concave surface.6. The wickless cartomizer of claim 4 , further comprising a sealing support extending from the cap.7. The wickless cartomizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is sealed inside the inner wall.8. The wickless ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042308A1

A non-combustion type flavor inhaler includes a housing/outer wall having an airflow path continuing from an inlet/air introduction hole to an outlet/a suction hole. An atomizing part/heat source atomizes an aerosol source without burning and sensor outputs a value that changes according to a user's puff operation. A heat source control unit controls a power supply output to the atomizing part based on an absolute value of slope formed by two or more response values derived from a value output from the sensor such that an aerosol amount falls within a desired range. The aerosol amount is an amount of an aerosol to be atomized by the atomizing part in one energization to the atomizing part. 1. A non-combustion type flavor inhaler comprising:a housing having an airflow path continuing from an inlet to an outlet;an atomizing part that atomizes an aerosol source without burning;a sensor outputting a value that changes according to a user's puff operation; anda control unit that controls a power supply output to the atomizing part based on an absolute value of slope formed by two or more response values derived from a value output from the sensor such that an aerosol amount falls within a desired range, wherein the aerosol amount is an amount of an aerosol to be atomized by the atomizing part in one energization to the atomizing part.2. The non-combustion type flavor inhaler according to claim 1 , whereinbased on the absolute value of the slope, the control unit controls the magnitude of the power supply output to the atomizing part such that the aerosol amount falls within the desired range.3. The non-combustion type flavor inhaler according to claim 2 , whereinthe control unit increases the magnitude of the power supply output to the atomizing part as the absolute value of the slope is larger.4. The non-combustion type flavor inhaler according to claim 2 , whereinthe control unit uses a predetermined magnitude as the magnitude of the power supply output to the ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124141A1
Автор: Bernd Loibl
Принадлежит: Monolith GmbH Buerosysteme

A laminator for hot laminating a combination of sheet material and a laminating foil, the laminator including a housing; a pass-through channel extending in the housing for passing a combination of sheet material and laminating foil through; a laminating device arranged in the housing, wherein the laminating device includes a heating device, wherein the combination is laminated in the laminating device under pressure and heat, wherein the heating device includes a temperature display device which includes a display element which generates an externally detectable display when the heating device has reached a ready temperature that corresponds to an operational readiness of a laminator, and wherein the display element is configured as at least one reversible thermo-chromic element which is operatively coupled with the heating device so that a reversible discoloration of the at least thermo-chromic element occurs as a function of the temperature of the heating device.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160050719A1

An electric heater comprising a linear heater body accommodated in a heat transfer tube , wherein a bent-back part of the heater body is formed inside the heat transfer tube such that a pair of ends and emerge from a first-end side of the heat transfer tube , and the heater body comprises a heating part formed so as to extend along a part of the heat transfer tube and a lead part capable of electrically connecting the heating part to the outside of the heat transfer tube . The electric heater can be inserted into a narrow space and perform topical heating. 1. An electric heater comprising a linear heater body accommodated in a heat transfer tube , whereina bent-back part of the heater body is formed inside the heat transfer tube such that a pair of ends emerge from a first-end side of the heat transfer tube, and the heater body comprises a heating part formed so as to extend along a part of the heat transfer tube and a lead part capable of electrically connecting the heating part to the outside of the heat transfer tube.2. The electric heater according to claim 1 , whereina portion of the heater body, where a surface of a linear body composed of a metal material having a high electrical resistivity is partially covered with a covering composed of a metal material having a lower electrical resistivity than the material of the linear body, constitutes the lead part; anda portion of the heater body where the linear body is exposed constitutes the heating part.3. The electric heater according to claim 1 , wherein the bent-back part is formed in the heating part.4. The electric heater according to claim 1 , wherein the heating part is covered with a jacket and is at least partially in contact with an inner circumferential surface of the heat transfer tube via the jacket.5. The electric heater according to claim 4 , wherein a ratio of a length in an axial direction of a portion of the heating part in contact with the heat transfer tube to a total length of the heating ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Plated silicon-based electronic cigarette atomizing chip and preparation method thereof

Номер: US20210052008A1
Принадлежит: China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co Ltd

A plated silicon-based electronic cigarette atomizing chip includes the following components: a silicon substrate, wherein the silicon substrate is provided with an array of micro-pillars or an array of micro-holes, an inlet end, and an outlet end, the outer walls of the micro-pillars are plated side walls, the inner walls of the micro-holes are plated inner walls, and the array of micro-pillars defines a plurality of micro-channels or electronic cigarette liquid channels penetrating the micro-holes are provided on the silicon substrate; a glass cover, wherein the air holes passing through the glass cover are provided; and the glass cover is fixedly connected to the silicon substrate by a bonding process.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045775A1

A heater system is provided. The system includes a resistive element with a temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of at least about 1,000 ppm such that the resistive element functions as a heater and as a temperature sensor and the resistive element is a material having greater than about 95% nickel. The system also includes a heater control module including a two-wire controller with a power control module that is configured to periodically compare a measured resistance value of the resistive element against a reference temperature to adjust for resistance drift over time during operation such that a temperature drift of the resistive element is less than about 1% over a temperature range of about 500° C.-1,000° C. 1. A heater system comprising:a resistive element with a temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of at least about 1,000 ppm such that the resistive element functions as a heater and as a temperature sensor, the resistive element being a material having greater than about 95% nickel; anda heater control module including a two-wire controller with a power control module that is configured to periodically compare a measured resistance value of the resistive element against a reference temperature to adjust for resistance drift over time during operation such that a temperature drift of the resistive element is less than about 1% over a temperature range of about 500° C.-1,000° C.2. The heater system according to further comprising an insulation material surrounding the resistive element and a sheath surrounding the insulation material.3. The heater system according to claim 2 , wherein the insulation material includes MgO and the sheath is a metal material.4. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the resistive element further comprises a coating material selected from the group consisting of Nickel claim 1 , Nickel alloys claim 1 , Nickel-Chromium alloys claim 1 , Iron-Chromium-Aluminum alloys claim 1 , nickel aluminides claim 1 , ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049156A1
Автор: Shen Fei, Wang Cheng, Wang Feng

An atomizer of an electronic cigarette includes an atomizing assembly, a smoke tube and a cigarette holder. The atomizing assembly includes: a heating module including a ceramic base and a heating wire winding around the ceramic base; and a snap base including an upper snap base and a lower snap base. The heating module is longitudinally provided between the upper snap base and the lower snap base. The upper snap base includes a first air channel in communication with a smoke channel and a liquid channel in communication with a liquid storage cavity. The lower snap base includes a second air channel in communication with the first air channel. 1. An atomizer of electronic cigarette , comprising:an atomizing assembly,a smoke duct, anda cigarette holder,wherein the smoke duct comprises a liquid storing cavity for storing tobacco liquid and a smoke flue, the smoke duct is in a fitted mounting respectively with the atomizing assembly and the cigarette holder,wherein the atomizing assembly comprises:a heating module, comprising a ceramic base and a heating wire winding around the ceramic base, the ceramic base being of a hollow micropore structure and communicated with the liquid storing cavity; anda cartridge, comprising an upper cartridge and a lower cartridge, the heating module being longitudinally disposed between the upper cartridge and the lower cartridge, the upper cartridge comprising a first air channel communicated with the smoke flue and a liquid channel communicated with the liquid storing cavity, and the lower cartridge comprising a second air channel communicated with the first air channel, andwherein the heating wire is electrically connected with the upper cartridge and the lower cartridge respectively, and the hollow micropore structure of the ceramic base is communicated with the liquid storing cavity through the liquid channel.2. The atomizer of electronic cigarette according to claim 1 , wherein the atomizing assembly further comprises an atomizing ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Ceramic atomizer

Номер: US20220071286A1
Автор: Tuanfang Liu
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Eigate Technology Co Ltd

A device includes a ceramic core and a metal heating wire. The ceramic core includes a body including a through hole.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160057813A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

An electric heater () has an outer jacket () and an electric heating element (), which can be supplied with an electric current by at least one connecting wire (), arranged at least in some sections within the outer jacket (). The connecting wire () has a cavity, in which a section () of the electric heating element () or an electric feed line () to the electric heating element () is accommodated. 1. An electric heater comprising:an outer jacket; andan electric heating element;a connecting wire arranged at least in some sections within the outer jacket, the electric heating element being supplied with electric current by the connecting wire, the connecting wire having a cavity, in which a section of the electric heating element or an electric feed line to the electric heating element is accommodated, wherein the connecting wire has a cross section deviating from radial symmetry.2. An electric heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the connecting wire is led through an interior enclosed by the outer jacket claim 1 , said connecting wire having a connecting wire width and a connecting wire height claim 1 , said connecting wire height being greater than said connecting wire width.3. An electric heater in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the connecting wire has a form of a tube with a tube wall or a form of a tube with a tube wall with a slot traversing the tube in its direction of extension claim 1 , said connecting wire having a connecting wire width and a connecting wire height claim 1 , said connecting wire width being greater than said connecting wire height.4. An electric heater in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the cross-sectional surface of the tube wall is greater than the cross section of the electric heating element claim 3 , said connecting wire comprising a non-cylindrically symmetrical shape.5. An electric heater in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the wall thickness of the tube is smaller than a diameter of the electric heating element.6. An ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053542A1
Автор: Chen Wen

The disclosure provides an electronic cigarette, wherein the electronic cigarette comprises an upper-cover assembly and a lower-cover assembly. The upper-cover assembly and the lower-cover assembly are cooperated to together form an oil-storing chamber. The lower-cover assembly comprises a connecting element, a bottom cover and a sealing element detachably connected to the bottom cover. One end of the connecting element is connected with the bottom cover, and the other end of the connecting element is connected with the upper-cover assembly. The bottom cover defines an oil-refilling hole. The connecting element defines a through hole communicating with both the oil-refilling hole and the oil-storing chamber. When the sealing element is connected with the bottom cover, the sealing element extends through the oil-refilling hole and is accommodated in the through hole. The electronic cigarette of the present disclosure has a simplified structure and is able to be refilled with oil conveniently, avoiding oil-leakage. 1. An electronic cigarette , wherein the electronic cigarette comprises an upper-cover assembly and a lower-cover assembly interconnected with the upper-cover assembly , the upper-cover assembly and the lower-cover assembly are cooperated to together form an oil-storing chamber; the lower-cover assembly comprises a connecting element , a bottom cover and a sealing element detachably connected to the bottom cover; one end of the connecting element is connected with the bottom cover , the other end of the connecting element is connected with the upper-cover assembly; the bottom cover defines an oil-refilling hole , the connecting element defines a through hole communicating with both the oil-refilling hole and the oil-storing chamber; when the sealing element is connected with the bottom cover , the sealing element extends through the oil-refilling hole and is accommodated in the through hole.2. The electronic cigarette according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059226A1
Автор: Su Wen-Hong

An off-water shutdown protection mechanical heater includes a tube and a cap mounted to an end of the tube. The tube includes therein an off-water protection transducer, one of a relay and a TRIAC, a circuit board including a bimetal plate, and a heating element. When he off-water protection transducer detects a situation of being immersed in water, the one of the relay and the TRIAC turns on to conduct electricity and the bimetal plate detects a temperature of water and undergoes deformation by the temperature to control the heating element to generate heat or not; and when the off-water protection transducer detects a situation of being removed out of water, the one of the relay and the TRIAC turns off to cut off electricity, making the heating element not generating heat. The off-water protection transducer ensures that electricity is quickly cut off upon removal out of water. 1. An off-water shutdown protection mechanical heater , comprising a tube and a cap mounted to an end of the tube ,wherein the tube comprises, as being arranged in an interior thereof, an off-water protection transducer, a bidirectional triode thyristor (TRIAC), a circuit board that includes a bimetal plate, and a heating element, wherein the off-water protection transducer, the TRIAC, the bimetal plate, and the heating element are electrically connected in sequence to form a control loop;wherein when the off-water protection transducer detects a situation of being immersed in water, the TRIAC turns on to conduct electricity and the bimetal plate detects a temperature of water and undergoes deformation by the temperature to control the heating element to generate heat or not; andwhen the off-water protection transducer detects a situation of being removed out of water, the TRIAC turns off to cut off electricity, making the heating element not generating heat.2. An off-water shutdown protection mechanical heater , comprising a tube and a cap mounted to an end of the tube ,wherein the tube ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059227A1
Автор: Su Wen-Hong

An off-water protection heater with controller includes a controller, a tube, and a cap mounted to an end of the tube. The controller includes a control circuit and one of a relay and a TRIAC. The control circuit includes a control unit (an MCU or a comparator). The tube is provided, in an interior thereof, with an off-water protection transducer and a heating element. The off-water protection transducer is electrically connected to the control unit or is electrically connected, together with the control unit, to the one of relay and TRIAC. By using the off-water protection transducer to detect a situation of being removed out of water or not, the heating element is controlled to generate heat or not in order to ensure electricity being quickly cut off upon removal out of water thereby saving energy and preventing excessively high temperature and unloaded heating as being removed out of water. 1. An off-water protection heater with controller , comprising a controller , a tube , and a cap mounted to an end of the tube ,wherein the controller comprises, as being arranged in an interior thereof, a control circuit and one of a relay and a bidirectional triode thyristor (TRIAC), and the control circuit includes a control unit; andthe tube comprises, as being arranged in an interior thereof, an off-water protection transducer and a heating element;wherein the off-water protection transducer, the control unit, the one of the relay and TRIAC, and the heating element are electrically connected in sequence to form a control loop;wherein the off-water protection transducer, upon detecting being immersed in water, transmits a signal to the control unit, and the control unit controls the one of the relay and TRIAC, according a detected temperature of water, to activate for conducting electricity to control the heating element to generate heat or not; andthe off-water protection transducer, upon detecting being removed out of water, transmits a signal to the control unit, and ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054075A1

A heater, a cartridge, an atomizer and an electronic cigarette having same are disclosed, the heater includes a porous body, configured for absorbing tobacco liquid; the porous body having an absorbing surface and an atomizing surface opposite with each other; the tobacco liquid permeating from the absorbing surface to the atomizing surface; a heating element, disposed on the atomizing surface and configured to atomize the tobacco liquid stored in the porous body into an aerosol; and part of the porous body that is near the atomizing surface having a less thermal conductivity than part of the porous body that is near the absorbing surface, resulting in a big amount of aerosol while not easy to generate burnt flavor and improving user experience. 1. A heater applied to an electronic cigarette , comprising:a porous body, configured for absorbing tobacco liquid; the porous body having an absorbing surface and an atomizing surface opposite with each other; the tobacco liquid permeating from the absorbing surface to the atomizing surface;a heating element, disposed on the atomizing surface and configured to atomize the tobacco liquid stored in the porous body into an aerosol; andpart of the porous body that is near the atomizing surface comprising a less thermal conductivity than part of the porous body that is near the absorbing surface.2. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the porous body comprises a first layer that is near the atomizing surface and a second layer that is near the absorbing layer;the thermal conductivity of the first layer is less than that of the second layer.3. The heater according to claim 2 , whereina material of the first layer comprises at least one of silicon oxides, silicon nitrides, diatomite and silicates;a material of the second layer comprises at least one of aluminum oxides, silicon carbides, aluminum nitrides, beryllium oxides and boron nitrides.4. The heater according to claim 2 , wherein a porosity of the first layer is equal to ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Electronic Cigarette and Atomizing Assembly and Atomizing Element Thereof

Номер: US20200054077A1

An atomizing element for an electronic cigarette is provide, which includes: a porous body comprising an atomizing surface and a liquid absorbing surface; and a porous heating film formed on the atomizing surface. An electronic cigarette and an atomizing assembly including the same are also provided. 1. An atomizing element for an electronic cigarette , comprising:a porous body comprising opposing first and second sides and a sidewall that extends therebetween, the porous body comprising a liquid absorbing surface on the first side and an atomizing surface on the second side; anda porous heating film formed on the atomizing surface by vapor deposition;wherein the porous body is provided with a plurality of micropores wherein the porous body is made of porous ceramic and insulated from the porous heating film;wherein a diameter of the plurality of micropores on the porous body is greater than a thickness of the porous heating film.2. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous body has a first opening that is contained within the body and that extends through the body claim 1 , the porous heating film has a second opening that is aligned with the first opening in the porous body.3. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein most of the plurality of the micropores has a diameter of about 1 μm to about 100 μm.4. The atomizing element according to claim 3 , wherein a sum volume of the micropores having a diameter of about 5 μm to about 30 μm is more than 60% of a sum volume of total micropores.5. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous body has a porosity of about 30% to about 83%.6. The atomizing element according to claim 1 , wherein the porous heating film is made of metal; the porous heating film has a thickness of about 0.5 μm to about 1.5 μm; the porous heating film is provided with a plurality of micropores having a diameter of about 5 μm to about 30 μm.7. The atomizing element according to claim 6 , wherein ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063794A1

The present invention discloses a water dispensing device including a water tank and at least one heating module. Each heating module includes a body and a heating plate, the body includes a groove, an input terminal located one end of the groove and connected the water tank, an output terminal located other end of the groove, and a plurality of ribs. The ribs formed on the bottom surface of the groove and the height is less than a depth of the groove, two arms of the ribs connect the sidewalls of the groove, and the density of the arrangement is decremented from the input terminal to the output terminal. The heating plate is covered the groove and doesn't contact the ribs, and the surface of the heating plate which is deviated from the groove has a plurality of heating units, be used to convert the power into the heat energy. 1. A heating module , electrically connected to an external power source , comprising: a groove;', 'an input terminal, positioned at one end of the groove;', 'an output terminal, positioned at the other end of the groove; and', 'a plurality of ribs, formed on the bottom face of the groove, wherein the height of protrusion of the ribs is smaller than the depth of the groove, two arms of each of the ribs are respectively connected to two side walls of the groove, and the arrangement density of the plurality of ribs decreases from the input terminal to the output terminal; and, 'a body, includinga heating plate, covering the opening of the groove and not in contact with the ribs, wherein the face of the heating plate facing away from the groove has a plurality of heating units, each of the heating units corresponds to a region between two of the neighboring ribs, and the heating units convert electrical power into heat for heating the water injected from a water tank.2. The heating module according to claim 1 , wherein the body includes a block disposed between the input terminal and the rib closest to the input terminal claim 1 , and the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Cartridge for an Aerosol Delivery Device and Method for Assembling a Cartridge for a Smoking Article

Номер: US20160066621A1
Принадлежит: RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co

The present disclosure relates to a cartridge for an aerosol delivery device such as a smoking article. The cartridge may include a base, a reservoir substrate, and an atomizer. The reservoir substrate may define a cavity therethrough. The atomizer may comprise a liquid transport element and a heating element extending at least partially about the liquid transport element. The atomizer may extend through the cavity through the reservoir substrate such that the heating element is positioned proximate an end of the reservoir substrate. Ends of the liquid transport element may extend to an opposing end of the reservoir substrate. A related method for assembling a cartridge for a smoking article is also provided.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060346A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A cartridge for an e-vaping device includes a reservoir configured to hold a pre-vapor formulation and a channel structure that includes a channel surface with one or more open-microchannels. An open-microchannel in the channel structure may be in fluid communication with the reservoir and may transport pre-vapor formulation from the reservoir to a heating element based on capillary action of the pre-vapor formulation through the open-microchannels. The heating element may vaporize the pre-vapor formulation drawn through one or more open-microchannels. The cartridge may be independent of fibrous dispensing interfaces, including one or more wicks. Fabrication of such a cartridge may be simplified, faster, cheaper, some combination thereof, or the like relative to fabrication of a cartridge that includes a fibrous or soft dispensing interface to draw pre-vapor formulation from a reservoir to a heating element. 1. A method , comprising:drawing a pre-vapor formulation from a reservoir to a heating element through at least one open-microchannel, the at least one open-microchannel including a first portion and a second portion, the first portion being in fluid communication with the reservoir, the second portion being coupled to the heating element; andvaporizing the pre-vapor formulation drawn to the heating element through the at least one open-microchannel to form a vapor.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:drawing the pre-vapor formulation to the heating element through a plurality of parallel open-microchannels.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:drawing a plurality of pre-vapor formulations from a plurality of reservoirs to at least one heating element through a plurality of open-microchannels, each of the open-microchannels being in fluid communication with a separate reservoir of the plurality of reservoirs; andvaporizing the pre-vapor formulations drawn to the at least one heating element through the plurality of open-microchannels to form at ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064175A1

Vaporization devices and methods of operating them. In particular, described herein are vaporizer cartridges for controlling the power applied to a resistive heater. 120.-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising: a heater chamber having a first side and a second side opposite the first side;', 'a first heater contact comprising a first exposed heater contact tab and a first fixation site, the first fixation site disposed proximate to the first side;', 'a second heater contact comprising a second exposed heater contact tab and a second fixation site, the second fixation site disposed proximate to the second side;', 'a wick; and', 'a resistive heating element in contact with the wick, the resistive heating element attached to the first fixation site and the second fixation site, wherein the wick and the resistive heating element are suspended between the first fixation site and the second fixation site, and wherein the resistive heating element is configured to generate an aerosol from a vaporizable material; and, 'a cartridge having a non-cylindrical shape and comprising a cartridge receptacle configured to insertably receive the cartridge, the heater chamber disposed within the cartridge receptacle when the cartridge is insertably received within the cartridge receptacle;', 'a first receptacle contact positioned to electrically couple with one of the first exposed heater contact tab and the second exposed heater contact tab, when the cartridge is insertably received within the cartridge receptacle; and', 'a second receptacle contact positioned to electrically couple with the other of the first exposed heater contact tab and the second exposed heater contact tab, when the cartridge is insertably received within the cartridge receptacle., 'a body having a non-cylindrical shape and comprising22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the first exposed heater contact tab comprises a first surface area disposed at a third side of the cartridge claim 21 , wherein the second ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069047A1

An electrically heated aerosol-generating system for receiving an aerosol-forming substrate includes a heating element including a first electrically conductive element electrically insulated from a second electrically conductive element by an electrically insulating portion. The first and second elements are elongate and are electrically connected to each other by an electrically resistive portion. At least one electrically conductive element and the electrically resistive portion are arranged such that they are at least partially in contact with the aerosol-forming substrate. 1. A heating element for heating an aerosol-forming substrate in an electrically heated aerosol-generating system , the heating element comprising: a first electrically conductive element electrically insulated from a second electrically conductive element by an electrically insulating portion therebetween , the first and second elements being elongate and being electrically connected to each other by an electrically resistive portion.2. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is adapted to be inserted into the aerosol-forming substrate claim 1 , the first electrically conductive element comprises copper wire claim 1 , and the second conductive element comprises tubing of stainless steel claim 1 , a titanium based alloy or a nickel based alloy.3. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the electrically resistive portion is located at a free end of the heating element.4. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the electrically resistive portion is spaced from a free end of the heating element.5. The heating element of claim 1 , wherein the electrically resistive portion comprises a first electrically resistive portion located at a free end of the heating element and a second electrically resistive portion spaced from the free end of the heating element.6. The heating element of claim 1 , further comprising: a holder; a first end of the heating element forming a heating ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Heating Element

Номер: US20210068205A1
Автор: BRÜCK Rolf

A heating element for heating a component for exhaust gas aftertreatment using ohmic resistance includes: an unheated end region; an intermediate region; and a heated end region. The unheated end region and the heated end region are separated by the intermediate region, and the intermediate region consists of a thermally insulating material configured to minimize heat flow from the heated end region to the unheated end region. 17.-. (canceled)811. A heating element () for heating a component for exhaust gas aftertreatment using ohmic resistance , the heating element () comprising:{'b': '3', 'an unheated end region ();'}{'b': '4', 'an intermediate region (); and'}{'b': '5', 'a heated end region (),'}{'b': 3', '5', '4', '4', '5', '3, 'wherein the unheated end region () and the heated end region () are separated by the intermediate region (), and wherein the intermediate region () consists of a thermally insulating material configured to minimize heat flow from the heated end region () to the unheated end region ().'}91. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the thermally insulating material is a ceramic material.101. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , further comprising:{'b': 7', '3', '4', '5, 'a channel guide () arranged through the unheated end region () and the intermediate region () and into the heated end region (), and'}{'b': 6', '7, 'an electric conductor () arranged to pass through the channel guide ().'}111. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the thermally insulating material is also configured so as to be electrically insulating.121514. The heating element () as claimed in claim 8 , wherein heat output from the heated end region () toward the environment takes place exclusively in a radial direction of the heating element () and in an axial direction away from the intermediate region ().132. A component () for exhaust gas aftertreatment comprising:a housing; and{'b': '1', 'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00008', ' ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Heating smokeable material

Номер: US20210068460A1
Принадлежит: Nicoventures Trading Ltd

An apparatus comprising a heater configured to heat smokeable material to volatilize at least one component of the smokeable material, wherein the heater is elongate and comprises a plurality of independently controllable heating regions arranged sequentially along a longitudinal axis of the heater.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Heater protective tube for molten metal holding furnace

Номер: US20180070410A1
Автор: Kiyata MOCHIZUKI
Принадлежит: TOUNETSU Co Ltd

Provided is a heater protection tube for use with a molten metal holding furnace with heat dissipation and insulating properties. A heat protection tube 31 has a distal tapered cylindrical portion 35 corresponding to the inside tapered cylindrical portion 21 and a proximal non-tapered cylindrical portion 36 corresponding to the outside non-tapered cylindrical portion 22 . The heater protection tube ( 31 ) is configured so that it can be mounted in the side wall ( 13 ) with the distal tapered cylindrical portion ( 35 ) located at the inside tapered cylindrical portion ( 21 ) and with the proximal non-tapered cylindrical portion ( 36 ) located at the outside non-tapered cylindrical portion ( 22 ).

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070642A1

Cartomizers (cartridges) that have a mouthpiece, a heater/vaporizer (e.g., heating element, wick), and a transparent/translucent tank (fluid reservoir) to hold the vaporizable material (typically a nicotine solution), in which the cartridge is flattened and has a window into the tank through the mouthpiece so that the liquid level is visible; the window can be an opening through the mouthpiece or it can be a notch up into the mouthpiece. A cannula (e.g., tube) runs through the tank, and connects the heater/vaporizer to an opening in the mouthpiece. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of fabricating a cartridge , the method comprising:providing a storage compartment configured to hold a vaporizable material; and a heating element configured to heat the vaporizable material to generate an aerosol for delivery to a user;', 'a first plate positioned proximate to a first side of the cartridge, the first plate coupled to the heating element; and', 'a second plate positioned proximate to a second side of the cartridge, the second plate coupled to the heating element, the first side opposite the second side, the first plate and the second plate defining a volume therebetween, at least a portion of the heating element disposed within the volume., 'attaching a heater at a first end of the cartridge, the heater comprising22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising:attaching a mouthpiece to the storage compartment at a second end of the cartridge, the first end opposite the second end,wherein the first plate and the second plate are attached proximate to the first end of the cartridge.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the mouthpiece is attached at the second end by a snap fit coupling with the storage compartment.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein the mouthpiece comprises a condensation chamber claim 22 , and wherein the mouthpiece further comprises a first aerosol outlet and a second aerosol outlet each in fluid communication with the condensation chamber.25. The method of ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070644A1

Cartomizers (cartridges) that have a mouthpiece, a heater/vaporizer (e.g., heating element, wick), and a transparent/translucent tank (fluid reservoir) to hold the vaporizable material (typically a nicotine solution), in which the cartridge is flattened and has a window into the tank through the mouthpiece so that the liquid level is visible; the window can be an opening through the mouthpiece or it can be a notch up into the mouthpiece. A cannula (e.g., tube) runs through the tank, and connects the heater/vaporizer to an opening in the mouthpiece. 120.-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising:a cartridge comprising a mouthpiece, a storage compartment configured to hold a vaporizable material, and a heater configured to heat the vaporizable material, the heating of the vaporizable material generating an aerosol comprising the vaporizable material and air passing along an airflow path; anda body comprising a receptacle configured to insertably receive and couple to the cartridge, an air inlet passage having a first side formed by an exterior surface of the cartridge and a second side formed by an internal surface of the receptacle, when the receptacle insertably receives and couples to the cartridge, wherein the air inlet passage is configured to deliver the air to the heater; and', 'a fluid connection in the cartridge, the fluid connection connecting the heater and the mouthpiece., 'wherein the airflow path comprises22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the cartridge further comprises a wall protruding from the exterior surface of the cartridge claim 21 , and wherein part of the wall is disposed within the receptacle when the receptacle insertably receives and couples to the cartridge.23. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the cartridge has a proximal end and a distal end opposite the proximal end claim 21 , wherein the mouthpiece is disposed at the proximal end claim 21 , and wherein the heater is disposed proximate to the distal end.24. The apparatus of claim 23 ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070645A1

Vaporization devices and methods of operating them. In particular, described herein are vaporizer cartridges for controlling the power applied to a resistive heater. 120.-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising: a storage compartment configured to hold a vaporizable material;', 'a heating element configured to heat the vaporizable material to generate an aerosol;', 'a first electrical contact exposed proximate to the bottom end; and', 'a second electrical contact exposed proximate to the bottom end; and, 'a cartridge having a longitudinal dimension from a top end of the cartridge to a bottom end of the cartridge, the top end opposite the bottom end, the cartridge having a first transverse dimension perpendicular to the longitudinal dimension, the cartridge having a second transverse dimension perpendicular to the longitudinal dimension, the second transverse dimension shorter than the first transverse dimension, the cartridge comprising a power supply;', 'a receptacle configured to receive and couple to the cartridge with the cartridge in each of a first orientation and a second orientation, the receiving and coupling comprising the bottom end of the cartridge being inserted into the receptacle;', 'a third electrical contact disposed within the receptacle; and', 'a fourth electrical contact disposed within the receptacle, wherein the third electrical contact is configured to electrically couple to the first electrical contact and the fourth electrical contact is configured to electrically couple to the second electrical contact to complete an electrical circuit, when the cartridge is coupled to the receptacle in the first orientation, wherein the third electrical contact is configured to electrically couple to the second electrical contact and the fourth electrical contact is configured to electrically couple to the first electrical contact to complete the circuit, when the cartridge is coupled to the receptacle in the second orientation, wherein the circuit ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Vaporization device systems and methods

Номер: US20180070648A1
Принадлежит: Juul Labs Inc

Vaporization devices and methods of operating them. In particular, described herein are vaporizer cartridges for controlling the power applied to a resistive heater.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070649A1

Cartomizers (cartridges) that have a mouthpiece, a heater/vaporizer (e.g., heating element, wick), and a transparent/translucent tank (fluid reservoir) to hold the vaporizable material (typically a nicotine solution), in which the cartridge is flattened and has a window into the tank through the mouthpiece so that the liquid level is visible; the window can be an opening through the mouthpiece or it can be a notch up into the mouthpiece. A cannula (e.g., tube) runs through the tank, and connects the heater/vaporizer to an opening in the mouthpiece. 120.-. (canceled)21. A cartridge for generating an aerosol , the cartridge comprising:a body including a storage compartment configured to hold a vaporizable material, the body having a first end and a second end opposite the first end, the body comprising a surface between the first end and the second end;a heating element configured to generate the aerosol, the generating of the aerosol comprising heating the vaporizable material; anda mouthpiece secured over the first end, the mouthpiece covering a first portion of the surface,the mouthpiece not covering a second portion of the surface, the second portion of the surface configured for insertion into a cartridge receptacle of a vaporizer device,the mouthpiece not covering a third portion of the surface, the third portion of the surface being visible when the second portion of the surface is inserted into the cartridge receptacle.22. The cartridge of claim 21 , wherein the mouthpiece is opaque claim 21 , wherein the surface is transparent claim 21 , and wherein the vaporizable material is visible through the surface.23. The cartridge of claim 21 , wherein the mouthpiece comprises a notch extending from the second end of the cartridge towards the first end of the cartridge claim 21 , and wherein the third portion of the surface comprises an area between the notch and the second end of the storage compartment.24. The cartridge of claim 21 , wherein the cartridge receptacle ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Aluminum Tube-Coated Novel Hair Curler

Номер: US20180070694A1
Автор: FENG Ye

Disclosed is fabric taped aluminum tubes novel hair curler, relating to hairdressing apparatus field. Two ends of upper aluminum tube and lower aluminum tube are clamped onto connector and front stopper support; upper elastic sheet, upper iron sheet and first MCH are arranged inside upper aluminum tube with upper fabric outside; clamping sheet, with one end fixedly connected with lower other side of handle key via screws, is arranged on outer surface of upper fabric; FUSE, silicon gel stopper, lower elastic sheet, lower iron sheet and second MCH are arranged inside lower aluminum tube with lower fabric outside; front stopper is fixedly connected with one end of front stopper support via screws. Special fabrics coated on two semicircular aluminum tubes can generate negative ions, lock moisture and prevent moisture loss, thereby well protecting hair softer; the antistatic, silk-like curler is simple and convenient in operation and more comfortable. 1123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930211342156778979781011121381513141617131416171314181920162116222122923302425261727172814296. An fabric taped aluminum tubes novel hair curler , comprising a lower handle () , a PCBA plate () , a lamp cover () , keys () , an upper handle () , a turning tail () , a support cover () , a support frame () , a handle key () , a double-torsion spring () , a shaft sleeve () , an iron shaft () , a connector () , a front stopper support () , decorative strips () , an upper aluminum tube () , a lower aluminum tube () , an upper elastic sheet () , an upper iron sheet () , a first MCH () , an upper fabric () , a clamping sheet () , a FUSE () , a lower elastic sheet () , a lower iron sheet () , a second MCH () , a lower fabric () , a front stopper () , a power wire () and a silica gel stopper () , wherein the PCBA plate () is arranged in the lower handle () and fixed in the lower handle () via a plurality of screws , the lamp cover () and the keys () are installed on the PCBA plate () , ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190069599A1

Vaporization devices and methods of operating them. In particular, described herein are methods for controlling the power applied to a resistive heater of a vaporization device by measuring the resistance of the resistive heater at discrete intervals. Changes in the resistance during heating may be used to control the power applied to heat the resistive heater during operation. Also described herein are vaporization devices that are configured to measure the resistance of the resistive heater during heating and to control the application of power to the resistive heater based on the resistance values. 1. A method of controlling a vaporization device , the method comprising:placing a vaporizable material in thermal contact with a resistive heater;applying power to the resistive heater to heat the vaporizable material;suspending the application of power to the resistive heater while measuring a resistance of the resistive heater; andadjusting the applied power to the resistive heater based on a difference between the resistance of the resistive heater and a target resistance of the resistive heater, wherein the target resistance is based on a resistance of the restive heater at an ambient temperature taken when the resistive heater has been unpowered for more than 10 seconds and when a change in the resistance over time of the resistive heater is below a stability threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resistance of the restive heater at the ambient temperature is taken when the resistive heater has been unpowered for more than 10 seconds and when a change in the resistance of the resistive heater is below a stability threshold of 1% per msec.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resistance of the restive heater at the ambient temperature is taken when the resistive heater has been unpowered for more than 20 seconds.45. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resistance of the restive heater at the ambient temperature is taken when the resistive heater has been ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190069607A1
Автор: QIU Weihua

An atomizing head is disclosed, including a heating component, a liquid absorption component and at least one contact ring, wherein the liquid absorption component is wrapped around the outer circumference of the heating component, the contact ring includes a base and a first clamping flange extending at a certain angle from an circumferential edge of the base, the base covers one end of the heating component in an axis direction of the heating component, the first clamping flange presses against an outer surface of the liquid absorption component to fasten the liquid absorption component onto the heating component. During the assembling process of the atomizing head, it only requires the liquid absorption component to wrap around the heating component and be pressed against and fastened by the contact ring. Such assembling process is simple, and the atomizing head is easy to replace, with low cost. An atomizing device and an electronic cigarette are also disclosed. 1. An atomizing head , comprising:a heating component,a liquid absorption component, wrapped around an outer circumference of the heating component, andtwo contact rings, disposed on two ends of the heating component in an axis direction of the heating component respectively,wherein the two contact rings contact with the heating component, the two contact rings serve as a positive electrode of the atomizing head and a negative electrode of the atomizing head respectively, and when the heating component is powered on through the two contact rings, the tobacco liquid absorbed in the liquid absorption component is heated into smoke by the heating component.2. The atomizing head according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid absorption component is a porous component.3. The atomizing head according to claim 2 , wherein the liquid absorption component is selected from any one of cotton claim 2 , cotton fabric claim 2 , fiber rope claim 2 , porous ceramic claim 2 , foam metal and foam graphite.4. The atomizing head ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071030A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

An electrical cartridge type heater () includes an outer metallic jacket () an electrical heating element () arranged in an interior space () of the outer metallic jacket () and a device for monitoring the temperature (), which is galvanically separated from the electrical heating element () and is arranged in the interior space () of the outer metallic jacket (). The device for monitoring the temperature () includes a wire or a tube, in addition to the electrical heating element (), made of a material that changes resistance with temperature change with a value of the temperature coefficient of the electrical resistance greater than 800 ppm/K, and especially preferably greater than 4,000 ppm/K between 20° C. and 105° C. The wire or the tube is directly embedded into an electrically non-conducting filler filling a remaining interior space () of the outer metallic jacket (). 1. An electrical cartridge heater comprising:an outer metallic jacket;at least one electrical heating element arranged in an interior space of the outer metallic jacket;an electrically non-conducting filler; andat least one device for monitoring temperature, that is galvanically separated from the electrical heating element and that is arranged in the interior space of the outer metallic jacket, the at least one device for monitoring temperature comprising a wire or tube in addition to the electrical heating element, the wire or tube being made of a material that has an electrical resistance that increases with increased temperature, with a positive temperature coefficient, or that has an electrical resistance that decreases with increased temperature, with a negative temperature coefficient, an absolute value of the temperature coefficient of the electrical resistance being greater than 800 ppm/K, between 20° C. and 105° C., and the wire or the tube being directly embedded into the electrically non-conducting filler and the electrically non-conducting filler filling the remaining interior space ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071256A1
Принадлежит: VMR Products LLC

An electronic cigarette or vaporizer may include a cartomizer having an outer cartomizer shell defining an internal cavity and a heating chamber. The internal cavity may be dimensioned to receive a removable fluid container housing a vaporizable fluid. The heating chamber may be capable of receiving the vaporizable fluid from the fluid container. The cartomizer may also include a heating element and a mouthpiece. An airflow channel may be in fluid communication with the heating chamber and the mouthpiece. Cartomizer electrical contacts may be provided on the cartomizer. Cartomizer electrical circuitry may be provided to direct an electric current between the cartomizer electrical contacts and the heating element. The vaporizer may also include a battery segment removably connectable to the cartomizer.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Electrical Heating Device For Heating A Liquid, Method For Producing Same, And Use In The Electrical Simulation Of Nuclear Fuel Rods

Номер: US20140151363A1

A device for the electrical heating of a liquid with high thermal flow, according to which the resistor in tubular form and supplied with direct current can indirectly heat the liquid by conduction through an electrically insulating and thermally conductive intermediate element that surrounds it with direct mechanical contact, the assembly consisting of tubular resistor and intermediate element being jacketed by a sheath intended to be immersed, over at least a major part of the length thereof, in the liquid to be heated. The preferred application is the electrical simulation of nuclear fuel rods intended to be assembled in power reactors, of the PWR but also RNR-Na type. 1. Device for the electrical heating of liquid comprising:a first tube made from electrically conductive material forming a resistor,two electrical connections, each fitted in one of the ends of the resistor, the electrical connections being adapted to bring a direct current through the resistor and to make it emerge respectively,an intermediate element, made from material that is both thermally conductive and electrically insulating, surrounding, with direct mechanical contact, respectively the resistor and the two electrical connections over at least part of their length,a second tube forming a sheath, made from thermally conductive material and surrounding the thermally conductive intermediate element with direct mechanical contact, the sheath being intended to be immersed, over at least a major part of its length, in the liquid to be heated.2. Device for the electrical heating of liquid according to claim 1 , wherein the direct mechanical contacts both between intermediate element and resistor and between intermediate element and sheath are tight fits.3. Device for the electrical heating of liquid according to claim 1 , also comprising one or more mechanical inserts housed inside the resistor claim 1 , the mechanical insert or inserts being adapted to enable mechanical support of the tubular ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200068954A1

An electronic cigarette, an atomizer device thereof and a method for assembling the atomizer device are provided. The atomizer device comprises an atomizer assembly () having an atomizer base (), a heating member (), and a liquid transport member (). The atomizer base () includes a tubular body () having an inserting end (); and a side wall of the tubular body () defines at least one slot () extending along a longitudinal direction and communicating with an end surface of the inserting end (). The heating member () is tubular and arranged in the tubular body (), and an air flowing channel is defined inside the heating member (). The liquid transport member () comprises a tubular liquid transport body () and at least one couple of connecting portions () connected together in a circumferential direction of the liquid transport body (). 1. An atomizer assembly for an electronic atomizer device comprising:an atomizer base,a heating member, anda liquid transport member;wherein the atomizer base comprises a tubular body having an inserting end; and a side wall of the tubular body defines at least one slot extending along a longitudinal direction and communicating with an end surface of the inserting end;wherein the liquid transport member comprises a tubular liquid transport body and at least one couple of connecting portions connected together in a circumferential direction of the liquid transport body; and the liquid transport body surrounds the heating member, and at least one of the connecting portions of each couple extends out of the tubular body through the at least one slot.2. The atomizer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connecting portions of each couple extend out of the tubular body through the at least one slot.3. The atomizer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tubular body defines at least two slots claim 1 , and the at least two slots are symmetrically arranged along a circumferential direction of the tubular body.4. The atomizer assembly of claim 3 , ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078892A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

According to the present invention, provided is a heater including a heat generating member being conductive and configured to radiate heat rays by being fed with electric power, a tubular member constituted by a metal and accommodating the heat generating member, and an intermediate member arranged between the heat generating member and the tubular member and constituted by an electrically insulating material, wherein the intermediate member is arranged and/or configured to allow, among the heat rays radiated from the heat generating member, at least light having a wavelength of from 1 μm to 2 μm to pass through the intermediate member to reach the tubular member. 1. A heater comprising:a heat generating member being conductive and configured to radiate heat rays by being fed with electric power;a tubular member constituted by a metal and accommodating the heat generating member; andan intermediate member arranged between the heat generating member and the tubular member and constituted by an electrically insulating material,wherein the intermediate member is arranged and/or configured to allow, among the heat rays radiated from the heat generating member, at least light having a wavelength of from 1 μm to 2 μm to pass through the intermediate member to reach the tubular member.2. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate member is constituted by a ceramic tube having a transmittance of 50% or more with respect to the light having the wavelength of from 1 μm to 2 μm.3. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate member is constituted by one or more ring-shaped ceramics.4. The heater according to claim 3 , wherein the intermediate member is of such a material and a shape that 50% or more of the light having the wavelength of from 1 μm to 2 μm radiated from the heat generating member reaches the tubular member.5. The heater according to claim 2 , wherein the intermediate member is constituted by sapphire.6. The heater according to ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080591A1

A heat conductor and a heated media line having an inner tubular fluid line and at least one heat conductor arranged on the periphery thereof. The heat conductor is formed by a braid made of twisted individual wires and, in particular, an outer protective sheath surrounding the heat conductor and the fluid line. The braid is formed by at least six individual wires surrounding a support element, of which at least one individual wire is made of a copper-nickel (CuNi) alloy, and the remaining individual wires are produced from copper (Cu) or from a nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloy. All of the individual wires have the same diameter. 1. A heated media line comprising:an inner tubular fluid line;at least one electric heat conductor arranged over a circumference of the fluid line, the heat conductor including a braid of twisted individual wires; andan outer protective sheath surrounding the heat conductor and the fluid line;wherein the braid includes at least six twisted individual wires surrounding a support element, at least one individual wire of the braid is made of a copper-nickel (CuNi) alloy, and the remaining individual wires of the braid are manufactured from copper (Cu) or from a nickel-chromium (NiCr) alloy, and wherein all of the individual wires have the same diameter.2. The media line according to claim 1 , wherein the individual wires is of the braid have a resistance selected so that a total resistance of the braid is in a range of 0.097 to 4.651 Ω/m.3. The media line according to claim 1 , wherein the support element is a plastic profile having a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the individual wires.4. The media line according to claim 1 , wherein the support element is formed by an additional individual wire having a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the other individual wires the support element being made of the same material as at least one of the individual wires.5. The media line according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Atomizer and electronic cigarette having same

Номер: US20200077704A1
Автор: Junwei Ouyang
Принадлежит: Shenzhen IVPS Technology Co Ltd

An atomizer for an electronic cigarette and an electronic cigarette are presented. The atomizer comprises a substrate, a heating device and a cover member. The substrate is provided with a mounting space. One end of the heating device is inserted into the mounting space and partially extends to the outside through the substrate to form a controlling member, and the other end is exposed to the outer surface of the substrate. When the controlling member is pressed into the substrate by an external pressing force, the heating device is pushed to move toward the outside of the substrate along the mounting space and partially extends out of the substrate. The cover member is detachably mounted to the substrate and covers the controlling member. The technical solution of the present invention is convenient for the user to disassemble and replace the heating device inside the atomizer, effectively saving the use cost.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077711A1
Автор: Grimm John, Shenkal Yuval
Принадлежит: Philter Labs, Inc.

The present disclosure provides, in one embodiment, an electronic smoking device comprising a mouthpiece; a vaporizer portion in communication with the mouthpiece; a filter cartridge assembly in communication with the mouthpiece; an inlet check valve; and an outlet check valve. The vaporizer portion comprises a heating element for heating a smoking material housed within the vaporizer portion. The inlet check valve permits air to be inhaled from the vaporizer portion into the mouthpiece, but substantially prohibits air from being exhaled through the mouthpiece into the vaporizer portion. The outlet check valve permits air to be exhaled through the mouthpiece into the filter cartridge assembly, but substantially prohibits air from being inhaled from the filter cartridge assembly into the mouthpiece. 1. A filter cartridge assembly for filtering emissions , the filter cartridge assembly comprising:a mouthpiece into which emissions can be exhaled into the filter cartridge assembly;a porous filter in communication with the mouthpiece such that substantially all emissions that are exhaled into the filter cartridge assembly pass through the porous filter;an outer enclosure for housing the porous filter; andan outlet check valve that permits emissions to be exhaled into the filter cartridge assembly and substantially prohibits emissions from being inhaled out of the filter cartridge assembly.2. The filter cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the porous filter comprises a mesh filter.3. The filter cartridge assembly of claim 2 , wherein the mesh filter comprises a stainless steel material.4. The filter cartridge assembly of claim 2 , wherein the mesh filter comprises a polymer material.5. The filter cartridge assembly of wherein the mesh filter comprises a HEPA filter.6. The filter cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outlet check valve is a one-way valve that opens when a user exhales into the filter cartridge assembly and seals when the user inhales from the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077712A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A power supply section for an e-vaping device includes a sensor housed in a housing, a sensor holder holding the sensor, the sensor holder disposed in the housing to divide the housing into a first portion and a second portion, and the sensor and the sensor holder configured to substantially prevent air flow from the first portion into the second portion, and a power source disposed in the second portion. The construction of this unit insures that gases that may be produced by outgassing of the battery cell will be vented to the environment and that those gases will be isolated from the air that is mixed with the vaporized e-liquid and inhaled by the user. 1. A power supply section for an e-vaping device , comprising:a housing with first and second portions;a seal separating the first and second portions, the seal including a sensor holder and a sensor, the seal being configured to substantially prevent air flow between the first portion and the second portion, the sensor holder having a hollow geometry with a first cross-section portion and a second cross-section portion, the sensor mating with the first cross-section portion and the second cross-section portion mating with an interior of the housing to cooperatively form the seal; anda power source in the second portion.2. The power supply section of claim 1 , wherein the sensor holder holds the sensor such that the sensor senses a pressure drop in the first portion.3. The power supply section of claim 2 , wherein the sensor is a puff sensor.4. The power supply section of claim 1 , wherein the power source comprises a battery.5. The power supply section of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one air inlet in fluid communication with the first portion.6. The power supply section of claim 1 , whereinthe first cross-section portion includes a first cavity having at least a first radial dimension, the first cavity corresponding to a shape of the sensor; andthe second cross-section portion includes a second cavity ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084972A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A cartridge of an e-vaping device includes a housing extending in a longitudinal direction, a reservoir in the housing, a heater in the housing, and an absorbent material at least partially surrounding the sinusoidal shaped member. The reservoir is configured to store a pre-vapor formulation. The heater has a sinusoidal shaped member translating about an elliptical shape to define a channel there through. The absorbent material is in fluid communication with the reservoir. 1. A cartridge comprising:a housing extending in a longitudinal direction, the housing defining a groove therein;a reservoir in the housing, the reservoir configured to store a pre-vapor formulation; 'a wick; and', 'a vaporizer in the housing, the vaporizer including,'} a base,', 'an extension extending from the base,', 'a gasket portion defining a notch therein, an end of the wick extending through the notch, and the base, the extension, and the gasket portion being a single piece, and', 'a slide on an outer surface of the connector piece, the slide configured to engage the groove of the housing so as to secure the connector piece to the housing., 'a connector piece including,'}2. The cartridge of claim 1 , further comprising:an absorbent material in contact with a portion of the wick.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , further comprising:a sheath at least partially surrounding the absorbent material and a portion of the connector piece, such that the absorbent material is between a portion of the sheath and the portion of the connector piece.4. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein the sheath is formed of an electrically conductive material.5. The cartridge of claim 3 , wherein the gasket portion is friction fitted within a lateral wall of the sheath.6. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the absorbent material comprises a hollow claim 2 , cylinder of absorbent material.7. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the absorbent material comprises glass fiber.8. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the absorbent ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088875A1

An apparatus configured to heat smokeable material to volatilize at least one component of the smokeable material, wherein the apparatus comprises a region of insulation having a core region which is evacuated to a lower pressure than an exterior of the insulation. 1. An apparatus comprising:a smokeable material heating chamber constructed and arranged to removably receive smokeable material that is insertable by a user into the smokeable material heating chamber and that is removable from the smokeable material heating chamber by the user after use;an electrical heater configured to heat smokeable material received in use in the smokeable material heating chamber to volatilize at least one component of the smokeable material;a controller configured to control activation of the electrical heater; anda region of insulation having a closed core that is evacuated to a lower pressure than an exterior of the region of insulation, the region of insulation being located between the electrical heater and an exterior of the apparatus so as to reduce heat loss from the apparatus.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an energy source electrically coupled with the electrical heater and the controller.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the energy source and at least one of the smokeable material heating chamber or the electrical heater are axially aligned.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a housing claim 2 , wherein the smokeable material heating chamber claim 2 , the electrical heater claim 2 , and the energy source are contained within the housing.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the region of insulation is located co-axially around the heating chamber.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the smokeable material heating chamber comprises a substantially tubular heating chamber and the insulation is located around a longitudinal surface of the tubular heating chamber.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the insulation comprises a substantially ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166640A1
Автор: Peck Kevin Bryce

A support member for a heating element coil includes at least one support beam having an opposed distal and proximal end. The distal end being arranged to be anchored in insulation of the heating element and the proximal end oriented towards a center of loops of the heating element. At least one vertical support is disposed at the proximal end of the at least one support beam. The at least one vertical support forms a barrier surface limiting inward radial movement of loops of the heating element coil and a length of the vertical member determines a pitch of the loops of the heating element coil. An interlocking feature is located on the at least one vertical support. The interlocking feature interlocks the at least one vertical support to a respective adjacent vertical support to form a contiguous, aligned vertical support column. A variable surface is formed on at least a portion of a length of the at least one support beam. The variable surface provides an inward radial force to keep the loops of the heating element centered and at a minimum diameter. 1. A support member for a heating element coil comprising:at least one support beam having an opposed distal and proximal end, the distal end being arranged to be anchored in insulation of the heating element and the proximal end being oriented towards a center of loops of the heating element;at least one vertical support disposed at the proximal end of the at least one support beam, wherein the at least one vertical support forms a barrier surface limiting inward radial movement of loops of the heating element coil and a length of the at least one vertical support determines a pitch of the loops of the heating element coil;an interlocking feature located on the at least one vertical support, wherein the interlocking feature interlocks the at least one vertical support to a respective adjacent vertical support to form a contiguous, aligned vertical support column; anda variable surface formed on at least a portion ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Fluid permeable heater assembly with cap

Номер: US20200085106A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A fluid permeable heater assembly for an aerosol-generating system includes a cap and a substantially flat electrically conductive and fluid permeable heating element. The cap includes a hollow body with a first cap opening and a second cap opening. The first cap opening is opposite to the second cap opening. The heating element is configured to vaporise aerosol-forming substrate. The heating element is mounted on the cap, such that the heating element extends across the first cap opening. A cartridge for an aerosol-generating system includes the heater assembly, a liquid storage portion, a mouth piece, and a retainer.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220104314A1

A heater assembly includes a pair of heating sections and a coupling assembly. The heating sections each include a conductive portion. The coupling assembly includes a coupling enclosure and a coupling member disposed inside the coupling enclosure. The conductive portions of the pair of heating sections are connected by the coupling member inside the coupling enclosure. 1. A heater assembly comprising:a pair of heating sections, each heating section including a conductive portion; anda coupling assembly including a coupling enclosure and a coupling member disposed inside the coupling enclosure,wherein the conductive portions of the pair of heating sections are connected by the coupling member inside the coupling enclosure.2. The heater assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling enclosure defines a pair of apertures claim 1 , the conductive portions being inserted into the pair of apertures to contact the coupling member.3. The heater assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the coupling assembly further includes a dielectric material disposed inside the coupling enclosure for electrically insulating the coupling member.4. The heater assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the pair of heating sections each include a resistive heating element claim 1 , a sheath surrounding the resistive heating element claim 1 , and a first dielectric material disposed inside the sheath claim 1 , wherein the conductive portion extends from the resistive heating element and is exposed from the sheath and the first dielectric material.5. The heater assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the sheaths of the pair of heating sections are welded to the coupling enclosure.6. The heater assembly according to claim 5 , wherein a part of the sheath of each of the pair of heating sections is disposed inside the coupling enclosure.7. The heater assembly according to claim 6 , further comprising a sealing structure between the sheath of each of the pair of heating sections and the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220132794A1
Автор: ALLEN Mike, Bunsey Jeff
Принадлежит: Enerco Group, Inc.

One or more techniques and/or apparatuses are disclosed to provide for the reflection of electromagnetic waves from an infrared heater in an enclosed structure. The infrared heater is placed off-center in the enclosed structure and an asymmetrical reflector disproportionally reflects the electromagnetic waves to the far side of the enclosed structure to evenly heat the enclosed structure. The infrared heater and asymmetrical reflector can be used to evenly heat poultry within the enclosed structure to promote uniform eating and conversion of food to muscle mass.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

An aerosol-generating device comprising a cover element

Номер: US20210093007A1
Автор: Jean-Luc FRINGELI

An aerosol-generating device is provided, including: a housing including an end wall; a cavity configured to removably receive an aerosol-generating article; an aperture at least partially defined by the housing and extending through a first portion of the end wall, the aperture being disposed at an end of the cavity and configured for insertion of the article into the cavity through the aperture; and a cover configured for rotational movement with respect to the housing and being rotatable between a closed position entirely covering the aperture and an open position in which the aperture is entirely uncovered and the cover overlies a second portion of the end wall, the cover including a cover portion and a shaft portion extending orthogonally from the cover portion, the cover portion entirely covering the aperture when the cover is in the closed position, and the shaft portion being received within the housing.
