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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Backlight module detecting abnormal lamp tubes and an lcd thereof

Номер: US20120001571A1

A backlight module detecting abnormal lamp tubes and an LCD employing such a backlight module are proposed. The LCD includes a voltage calculator for detecting voltage applied on ends of a lamp tube to monitor the lamp tube. Once the lamp tube becomes abnormal, the voltage varies accordingly. The voltage calculator calculates a voltage signal from a plurality of lamp tubes and produces a voltage value. A protection circuit regards the voltage value as a feedback signal to decide if there are any abnormalities. Once any of the lamp tubes is abnormal, the protection circuit transmits the voltage signal to a pulse-width modulated integrated circuit (PWM IC) to activate a protective function. The protection circuit of the present invention obtains the protection signal by sampling the voltage signal of the ends of the lamp tube and then gets the control signal by means of the calculation of the voltage calculator. Thus, voltage level retrieved from the protection signal are less easily affected by dimming and temperature.

27-09-2002 дата публикации

Складывающийся печатный материал

Номер: RU0000025299U1

Ил 25299 Ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 19 11 хх хх 13 бб Эви“ 25 299° 94 (51) МК’ В 420 15/04 # 2 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12 ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002109690/20, 16.04.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Интеркод" (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.04.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Васильева А.А. (46) Опубликовано: 27.09.2002 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Адрес для переписки: Закрытое акционерное общество "Интеркод 620026, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Куйбышева, 44, офис 311, пат.пов. Н.Н.Андреевой, рег.№ 420 (54) СКЛАДЫВАЮЩИЙСЯ ПЕЧАТНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ММ1К - Досрочное прекращение действия патента (свидетельства) Российской Федерации на полезную модель из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента (свидетельства) в силе (21) Заявка: 2002109690 Дата прекращения действия патента: 17.04.2005 Извещение опубликовано: 27.04.2006 БИ: 12/2006 Страница: 1 па 66бс9яс ЕП

20-09-2010 дата публикации

Система электропитания уличного освещения

Номер: RU0000097805U1

1. Система электропитания уличного освещения, содержащая светильники на основе светодиодов, источник питания, преобразователь напряжения и однопроводниковую линию, отличающаяся тем, что преобразователь напряжения соединен с однопроводниковой линией, к которой подсоединены параллельно одним из выводов n светильников (n=1, 2, 3…), второй вывод каждого светильника соединен с естественной емкостью в виде изолированного проводящего тела или заземлен, при этом в преобразователе напряжения установлен регулятор частоты. ! 2. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с дистанционным управлением. ! 3. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с изменением частоты по таймеру. ! 4. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с изменением частоты ручным управлением. ! 5. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с автоматическим изменением частоты в зависимости от уровня внешней освещенности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 97 805 (13) U1 (51) МПК F21S 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ(титульный лист) (21), (22) Заявка: 2010122753/07, 04.06.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.06.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2010 Бюл. № 26 (72) Автор(ы): Юферев Леонид Юрьевич (RU), Стребков Дмитрий Семёнович (RU), Рощин Олег Алексеевич (RU), Шахраманьян Михаил Андраникович (RU) U 1 9 7 8 0 5 R U Ñòð.: 1 ru U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система электропитания уличного освещения, содержащая светильники на основе светодиодов, источник питания, преобразователь напряжения и однопроводниковую линию, отличающаяся тем, что преобразователь напряжения соединен с однопроводниковой линией, к которой подсоединены параллельно одним из выводов n светильников ( ...

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Светильник уличный полупроводниковый

Номер: RU0000103895U1

1. Светильник уличный полупроводниковый, содержащий корпус, внешняя поверхность которого является охлаждающим радиатором, полупроводниковые источники света, блок управления источниками света, защитный оптически прозрачный элемент, отличающийся тем, что на нижней стороне корпуса параллельно рядам полупроводниковых излучающих элементов расположена система отражающих экранов. ! 2. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение которых описывается ломаной линией, состоящей из не менее чем двух отрезков. ! 3. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение каждой из которых описывается кривой второго порядка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 103 895 (13) U1 (51) МПК F21S 13/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010147230/07, 18.11.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.11.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2011 Бюл. № 12 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Научноисследовательский институт полупроводниковых приборов" (ОАО "НИИПП") (RU) 1 0 3 8 9 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Светильник уличный полупроводниковый, содержащий корпус, внешняя поверхность которого является охлаждающим радиатором, полупроводниковые источники света, блок управления источниками света, защитный оптически прозрачный элемент, отличающийся тем, что на нижней стороне корпуса параллельно рядам полупроводниковых излучающих элементов расположена система отражающих экранов. 2. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение которых описывается ломаной линией, состоящей из не менее чем двух отрезков. 3. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение каждой из ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000149477U1

1. Прожектор, содержащий: блок питания, соединенный отрицательным выводом с общим проводом, а положительным выводом - с накопительным конденсатором, светодиодной матрицей, выводами питание и сброс таймера, через токоограничивающий резистор с выводом разряда таймера, а через токоограничивающий резистор и последовательно соединенное с ним параллельное соединение, состоящее из двух ветвей, одна из которых состоит из последовательно соединенных диода и времязадающего резистора, а вторая - из разрядного резистора, с конденсатором, выводом запуск таймера и выводом вход компаратора таймера; светодиодную матрицу, выполненную из электрически соединенных светодиодов и соединенную периодически, с заданной частотой через вывод сток полевого транзистора с общим проводом; накопительный конденсатор, одним из выводов соединенный с общим проводом, а другим периодически - с заданной частотой через светодиодную матрицу и вывод сток полевого транзистора - с общим проводом; полевой транзистор, соединенный выводом затвор через резистор с выводом выход таймера, а выводом исток - с общим проводом; конденсатор, одним из выводов соединенный с общим проводом, а другим периодически, с заданной частотой через разрядный резистор и вывод разряд таймера с общим проводом; таймер, соединенный выводом земля с общим проводом, отличающийся тем, что между разрядным резистором и точкой соединения анодного вывода диода и токоограничивающего резистора с выводом разряд таймера включен терморезистор с положительным температурным коэффициентом сопротивления, при этом терморезистор с положительным температурным коэффициентом сопротивления РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05B 37/00 (13) 149 477 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014119267/07, 14.05.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.05.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Бойцов Валерий Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бойцов Валерий ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Модуль питания для энергосберегающей лампы

Номер: RU0000154683U1

Р В З О РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H05B 37/02 (13) 154 683 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014148986/07, 14.06.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.06.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ЦЗЭН Цзюнь-Чау (CN) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЦЗЭН Цзюнь-Чау (CN), ХСУ Хсю-Юй (CN) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 14.06.2012 CN 201220284181.1 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2015 Бюл. № 24 1 5 4 6 8 3 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 04.12.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: CN 2013/077248 (14.06.2013) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2013/185631 (19.12.2013) 1 5 4 6 8 3 R U (54) МОДУЛЬ ПИТАНИЯ ДЛЯ ЭНЕРГОСБЕРЕГАЮЩЕЙ ЛАМПЫ (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Модуль (70) питания, применяемый для выпрямителя (40), устройства (10) переключения и энергосберегающей лампы (52), содержащий: блок (742) регулировки мощности, электрически соединенный с выпрямителем (40) и энергосберегающей лампой (52), причем блок (742) регулировки мощности обеспечивает выдачу требуемого питания для энергосберегающей лампы (52); и блок (744) потенциала состояния, электрически соединенный с устройством переключения (10) и блоком (742) регулировки мощности, причем блок (744) потенциала состояния выполнен с возможностью обеспечения блока (742) регулировки мощности нормальным потенциалом состояния, который требуется при нормальной работе блока (742) регулировки мощности, или блок (744) потенциала состояния выполнен с возможностью реагирования на ненормальный потенциал состояния при ненормальной работе блока (742) регулировки мощности. 2. Модуль (70) питания по п. 1, в котором блок (744) потенциала состояния содержит интерфейс (712) управления развязкой, электрически соединенный с устройством (10) переключения. 3. Модуль (70) питания по п. 2, в котором блок (742) регулировки мощности содержит: диод (702), причем анод диода (702) электрически соединен с выпрямителем (40 ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Lighting apparatus

Номер: US20120007525A1
Принадлежит: Samsung LED Co Ltd

Provided is a lighting apparatus that may form and control a multi-zone of a plurality of lighting devices connected to a wireless network. The lighting apparatus may include a plurality of devices including a plurality of lighting devices included in a network set in advance, a coordinator to manage the network, a remote controller to control a multi-zone that is included in the network and that performs grouping of the plurality of lighting devices into a plurality of groups.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for driving light emitting device with over-current and over-voltage protection

Номер: US20120013266A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

An apparatus for driving a light emitting part includes a DC/DC converter for supplying an amplified driving voltage to the light emitting part; a constant current circuit for controlling a current flowing through the light emitting part; a converter controller for controlling the DC/DC converter and the constant current circuit; a current sensor for sensing and converting a current flowing to an anode of the light emitting part into a voltage; a feedback controller for controlling a feedback current according to a magnitude of the voltage from the current sensor; an optical coupling part for performing optical coupling to transmit the feedback current as a feedback voltage; and a main controller for determining whether an over-current is occurring according to a magnitude of the feedback voltage and stopping an operation of the converter controller when the over-current is occurring.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Device, Lighting Device, and Manufacturing Method of Light-Emitting Device

Номер: US20120018769A1
Автор: Hisao Ikeda, Satoshi Seo
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

It is an object to provide a light-emitting device which has high power efficiency and high light-extraction efficiency and emits light uniformly in a plane. It is another object to provide a manufacturing method of the light-emitting device. It is another object to provide a lighting device including the light-emitting device. One embodiment of the present invention provides a light-emitting device which includes: a first electrode provided over a substrate; a layer containing a light-emitting organic compound provided over the first electrode; an island-shaped insulating layer provided over the layer containing the light-emitting organic compound; an island-shaped auxiliary electrode layer provided over the island-shaped insulating layer; and a second electrode having a property of transmitting visible light provided over the layer containing the light-emitting organic compound and the island-shaped auxiliary electrode layer.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Alternating-current light emitting diode structure with overload protection

Номер: US20120018773A1
Принадлежит: Helio Optoelectronics Corp

The present invention relates to an alternating current (AC) light emitting diode (LED) structure with overload protection, which comprises an AC LED, a heat dissipating unit and an overload protecting unit. The AC LED is thermally connected with the heat dissipating unit, and the overload protecting unit is connected in series between the AC LED and a power source. Thus, when an overload current is inputted to the AC LED structure, the temperature of the overload protecting unit will rise to disconnect the AC LED from the power source. In this way, an open-circuit status can be produced timely in the AC LED structure to block the power input into the AC LED for purpose of protection against overload.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Proximity Sensor, Control Method Thereof, and Electronic Apparatus Equipped with the Same

Номер: US20120019149A1
Принадлежит: Capella Microsystems Corp

A proximity sensor, a control method thereof and an electronic apparatus equipped with the proximity sensor are disclosed. The proximity sensor connected to a light-emitting module includes a light source, a light receiver and a control module. The light source emits lights at predetermined time intervals. The light receiver receives reflected lights of the emitted lights that are reflected from an object. The control module determines whether an average value of intensity values of the reflected lights is larger than a threshold value. If yes, the control module further determines whether a difference between a highest and a lowest intensity value of the reflected lights falls in a preset range. If yes, the control module would control the light-emitting module to change to a different light mode thereof. When a user reacts to the different light mode, the system will be able to tell whether a real user is present.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Semiconductor light source lighting circuit and control method

Номер: US20120019170A1
Автор: Kotaro Matsui
Принадлежит: Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd

A semiconductor light source lighting circuit includes a transistor and a current detection resistor provided in series in a semiconductor light source current supply path, a control circuit for controlling the transistor so as to decrease any difference between the voltage occurring at the current detection resistor and a reference voltage, and a bypass resistor to establish a bypass path for the current supplied to the semiconductor light source, where a first end of the bypass path is located at a connection node between the transistor and the semiconductor light source.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Power outage detector and transmitter

Номер: US20120026726A1
Принадлежит: Wireless Environment LLC

In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for systems and methods that employ a control component and/or power source integrated in an LED based light source to control and/or power the LED light source wirelessly. In embodiments, the LED based light source may take the form of a standard light bulb that plugs into a standard lighting socket or fixture.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Light source lighting circuit and lamp system for vehicle

Номер: US20120032591A1
Принадлежит: Koito Manufacturing Co Ltd

A lighting circuit includes: a countercurrent prevention unit including a first control terminal and a second control terminal, the countercurrent prevention unit transmitting a first current or a second current; and a current controller including: a common terminal connected to the first control terminal and the second control terminal; and a switching terminal connected to the first control terminal, the current controller providing a first driving current or a second driving current from the common terminal to the light source. The countercurrent prevention unit further includes: a first rectifier, wherein voltage at the first control terminal is provided to the switching terminal through the first rectifier; a first P-FET provided between the first control terminal and the common terminal; a second P-FET provided between the second control terminal and the common terminal; and a second rectifier provided between the second P-PET and the common terminal.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Surface-modified silicate luminophores

Номер: US20120037850A1
Принадлежит: Litec LLL GmbH, Seoul Semiconductor Co Ltd

A surface-modified silicate luminophore includes a silicate luminophore and a coating includes at least one of (a) a fluorinated coating including a fluorinated inorganic agent, a fluorinated organic agent, or a combination of fluorinated inorganic and organic agents, the fluorinated coating generating hydrophobic surface sites and (b) a combination of the fluorinated coating and at least one moisture barrier layer. The moisture barrier layer includes MgO, Al 2 O 3 , Y 2 O 3 , La 2 O 3 , Gd 2 O 3 , Lu 2 O 3 , and SiO 2 or the corresponding precursors, and the coating is disposed on the surface of the silicate luminophore.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Multi-Mode Photo-Controlled Light With Timer Circuit

Номер: US20120038274A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Corp

A photo-controlled light includes an electrical power input port configured to receive electrical power, a light emitting unit that is connected to the electrical power input port and a photosensitive timer module that connects the light emitting unit to the electrical power input port. The photosensitive timer module includes a photosensitive switch unit including a photosensitive element that is configured to detect a light level that satisfies a luminosity threshold value. The photosensitive timer module also includes a control switch and a timing switch unit. The timing switch unit is coupled to the photosensitive switch unit and is configured to only connect only the electrical power input port to the light emitting unit for a conduction time frame responsive to the photosensitive switch unit detecting that the light level is less than the luminosity threshold value so that the photosensitive timer module transmits electricity during the conduction time frame when the luminosity detected by the photosensitive element is less than the luminosity threshold value. The control switch has a first mode that connects the photosensitive switch unit and the timing switch unit to the electrical power input port and a second mode that connects the electrical power input port to the light emitting unit without passing through the photosensitive switch unit or the timing switch unit so that electricity is transmitted to the light emitting device regardless of the light level detected by the photosensitive switch unit.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Outdoor lighting fixtures for controlling traffic lights

Номер: US20120038490A1
Автор: Neal R. Verfuerth
Принадлежит: Orion Energy Systems Inc

An outdoor lighting fixture for communicating with a traffic light system is shown and described. The outdoor lighting fixture includes a ballast for providing current to at least one lamp and a fixture housing at least partially surrounding the ballast and the at least one lamp. The outdoor lighting fixture further includes a mount configured to hold the fixture housing to a pole and a control circuit wired to the ballast. A sensor and a radio frequency transceiver are wired to the control circuit. The control circuit is configured to process inputs from the sensor to determine whether to send a light change instruction to the traffic system via the radio frequency transceiver.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Led tube system

Номер: US20120043892A1
Принадлежит: Ledned Holding BV

The invention relates to an LED tube system for driving at least one LED assembly comprising: an LED tube housing for containing the at least one LED assembly, two pairs of mains input terminals (A, B) provided at ends of the LED tube housing for receiving a mains supply voltage (V mns ) and for supplying the mains supply voltage (V mns ) to an internal part of the LED tube system for driving the at least one LED assembly, and further comprising a switching circuit being electrically connected with all mains input terminals (A, B, C, D) and being arranged for electrically connecting the pairs of mains input terminals together in a first state (2/ON) and electrically separating the pairs in a second state (1/OFF) of the switching circuit. The switching circuit being further arranged for providing a coupling capacitor (C 10 , C 11 ) between the first pair and the second pair of input terminals in the first state (2/ON) and removing the coupling capacitor (C 10 , C 11 ) in the second state (1/OFF) of the switching circuit. Due to the switching circuit the LED tube system in accordance with the invention can be used in lighting fixtures for parallel fluorescent tubes as well as in lighting fixtures for serial fluorescent tubes. The invention further relates to safety devices for the LED tube system.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20120049208A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure provides a light emitting device, including a serially-connected LED array including a plurality of LED cells on a single substrate, including a first LED cell, a second LED cell, and a serially-connected LED sub-array including at least three LED cells intervening the first and second LED cell, wherein each of the first and second LED cell including a first side and a second side that the first side of the first LED cell and/or the second LED cell neighboring to the LED sub-array, and the second side of the first LED cell neighboring to the second side of the second LED cell; a trench between the second sides of the first and second LED cells; and a protecting structure formed near the trench to prevent the light-emitting device from being damaged near the trench by a surge voltage higher than a normal operating voltage of the light emitting device.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Microcontroller-based lighting control system and method for lighting control

Номер: US20120049747A1
Автор: Chia-Teh Chen
Принадлежит: Chia-Teh Chen

A lighting control system employs a microcontroller to generate time-delay pulses that are synchronized with the AC power. The time-delay pulses control conduction period of a semi-conductor switching device for transmitting AC power to a lighting load. This lighting control system enables the lighting load performing two-level or multi-level illumination in a simple and power saving manner. While the conventional circuits use cumbersome passive resistor-capacitor scheme to generate required timing control, this lighting control system uses simple scheme based on a built-in oscillator in the microcontroller. This scheme provides high flexibility and accuracy to implement delay-time triggering. The system and method in the present invention may simultaneously be applicable to lighting loads of different impedance types, especially to incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, and AC light emitting diode.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Multi-mode dimming circuit

Номер: US20120056552A1
Принадлежит: Chengdu Monolithic Power Systems Co Ltd

The present disclosure discloses a multi-mode dimming circuit configurable to operate in a first dimming mode, a second dimming mode and a third dimming mode. The present disclosure also discloses separate dimming circuits for respectively realize the three dimming modes. In one embodiment the multi-mode dimming circuit may comprise a first input terminal, a second input terminal, a third input terminal, an output terminal, a resistive device, an oscillation circuit and a pulse width modulation (PWM) circuit. Users may flexibly configure the multi-mode dimming circuit to operate in one of the three different dimming modes by varying the external devices and/or signals coupled to each of the first, second and third input terminals.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Dc power source unit and led lamp system

Номер: US20120056560A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Lighting and Technology Corp

A DC power source unit 37 is provided which boosts source voltage from a power source portion 36. A lighting circuit 38 is provided which supplies DC voltage to loads, the DC voltage being obtained by stepping down output current of the DC power source circuit 37. A control circuit 39 is provided which controls the lighting circuit 38 in accordance with at least either voltage or current of LEDs 25 and controls the DC power source unit 37 so that a ratio of output voltage to voltage of the LEDs 25 becomes a preset fixed ratio.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Red light-emitting flourescent substance and light-emitting device employing the same

Номер: US20120062106A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

The embodiment provides a red light-emitting fluorescent substance represented by the following formula (1): (M 1-x EC x ) a M 1 b AlO c N d   (1). In the formula (1), M is an element selected from the group consisting of IA group elements, IIA group elements, IIIA group elements, IIIB group elements, rare earth elements and IVA group elements; EC is an element selected from the group consisting of Eu, Ce, Mn, Tb, Yb, Dy, Sm, Tm, Pr, Nd, Pm, Ho, Er, Cr, Sn, Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Cd, Sb, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi and Fe; M 1 is different from M and is selected from the group consisting of tetravalent elements; and x, a, b, c and d are numbers satisfying the conditions of 0<x<0.2, 0.55<a<0.80, 2.10<b<3.90, 0<c≦0.25 and 4<d<5, respectively. This substance emits luminescence having a peak in the wavelength range of 620 to 670 nm when excited by light of 250 to 500 nm.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Illumination device and method controlling the same

Номер: US20120062126A1
Принадлежит: Young Green Energy Co

An illumination device and a method controlling the same are provided. The illumination device produces a pulse width modulation signal to control an illumination light source of the illumination device. The illumination light source is used to illuminate an environment. A driver of the illumination device provides a current to the illumination light source so the illumination light source emits light and a light detecting element of the illumination device detects a first brightness in the environment when the pulse width modulation signal is at high potential. The driver stops providing the current to the illumination light source and the light detecting element detects a second brightness in the environment when the pulse width modulation signal is at low potential. Thus, through a single light detecting element, two different levels of brightness in the illuminated environment are detected.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method For Transmitting Control Information From A Control Device To A Lamp Unit As Well As A Corresponding Illuminating System, Lamp Unit And Control Device

Номер: US20120062140A9
Принадлежит: Individual

A method is provided for driving at least one lamp unit, which is connected to an AC voltage power supply system. The method comprises modulating a control information item for the operation of the lamp unit onto the supplied AC voltage, decoding of the modulation received on the lamp unit side for reading the control information item and driving the light-emitting device in accordance with the control information item. Provision is made for a shunt to be produced in the line used for transmitting the control information item prior to or at the beginning of the modulation of the control information item. The disclosure also provides a lamp unit and a control device for implementing the method. The disclosure also provides a lighting system.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Led drivers with adaptive hysteretic control circuits and associated methods of operation

Номер: US20120062144A1
Принадлежит: Monolithic Power Systems Inc

Various embodiments of LED drivers and associated methods of are described below. In one embodiment, a method for controlling an LED driver includes receiving a reference voltage, receiving a feedback voltage from said LED driver, receiving said input voltage as a first feed forward voltage and said output voltage as a second feed forward voltage, generating a hysteretic width based on said first feed forward voltage and said second feed forward voltage, and generating a hysteretic band voltage using said hysteretic width and said reference voltage. The method also includes generating a first control signal for controlling said LED driver based on said hysteretic band voltage and said feedback voltage, inverting said first control signal to generate a second control signal for controlling said LED driver, and achieving a generally fixed frequency for said LED driver.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Motion detector night light for toilet bowl

Номер: US20120068613A1
Автор: Dominic M. Veneto
Принадлежит: Individual

A light assembly for a toilet, that is movement responsive, so that when a person enters the bathroom, and walks near the toilet, a motion detector will sense their presence, and activate lights. The light may be one or more LED's contained in a water resistant enclosure, such as a plastic material, and placed inside the upper rim of the toilet bowl.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Temperature compensated led constant current source

Номер: US20120068627A1
Автор: Timothy W. Brooks
Принадлежит: Grote Industries LLC

A device and method for providing a temperature compensated LED constant current source. A positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistor is utilized to reduce the current being supplied through a driver circuit to an LED lighting element under varying environmental conditions. The PTC resistor prevents the LED elements from overheating due to excessive ambient temperature, improper thermal design or excessive voltage. A voltage regulator may be included to linearize the temperature vs. resistance characteristics of the PTC resistor.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Booting Up Digital Circuit Nodes Coupled To A Single Conductor Current Line

Номер: US20120074778A1
Принадлежит: Neofocal Systems Inc

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are increasingly used in illumination applications. To control multiple Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), or any other controllable light source, this document introduces a single-wire multiple-LED power and control system. Specifically, individually controlled LED units are arranged in a series configuration that is driven by a control unit located at the head of the series. Each of the individually controlled LED units may comprise more than one LED that is also individually controllable. The head-end control unit provides both electrical power and control signals down a single wire to drive all of the LED units in the series in a manner that allows each LED unit to be controlled individually or in assigned groups.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

An intelligent lighting tile system powered from multiple power sources

Номер: US20120074784A1
Автор: Pieter Jacob Snijder

This invention relates to a power unit for a lighting system. Said power unit includes a mains power input ( 2 ), output terminals ( 3 a, 3 b ) and a power supply ( 5 ) for regulating a supply voltage (V 1 ) of the power unit ( 1 ). The power unit further comprises a polarity detector ( 13 ), a voltmeter ( 11 ) for measuring a voltage (V 2 ) at said output terminals ( 3 a, 3 b ) and a current meter ( 12 ) for measuring a current (A) at said output terminals ( 3 a, 3 b ). The power unit also comprises a control unit ( 7 ), wherein said control unit ( 7 ) is arranged to initiate a power up procedure delay of random length after the power unit ( 1 ) has been switched on and wherein said control unit ( 7 ) is arranged to process information from the voltmeter ( 11 ), the current meter ( 12 ) and the polarity detector ( 13 ), and to control a power output of the power unit ( 1 ) on basis of said information.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Lighting Wall Switch with Power Failure Capability

Номер: US20120074843A1
Принадлежит: Wireless Environment LLC

In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for systems and methods that employ a control component and/or power source integrated in an LED based light source to control and/or power the LED light source wirelessly. In embodiments, the LED based light source may take the form of a standard light bulb that plugs into a standard lighting socket or fixture.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Two-wire dimmer circuit for a screw-in compact fluorescent lamp

Номер: US20120074853A1
Принадлежит: Lutron Electronics Co Inc

A dimmer switch for controlling the intensity of a dimmable screw-in compact fluorescent lamp provides smooth dimming of the fluorescent lamp and prevents flickering of the lamp due to multiple re-strikes. The dimmer switch prevents multiple re-strikes by avoiding multiple firings of a controllably conductive switching device of the dimmer circuit by limiting the high-end light intensity of the fluorescent lamp. Specifically, the dimmer switch limits the length of a conduction interval of the controllably conductive switching device to less than approximately 75% of each half-cycle. The dimmer switch may include a user-accessible adjustment actuator for changing the dimmer switch between an incandescent operating mode and a screw-in compact fluorescent mode. The dimmer switch may also be operable to automatically change the dimmer switch between the incandescent operating mode and the screw-in compact fluorescent mode by detecting the occurrence of the multiple firings of the controllably conductive switching device.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Dimming Circuit, A Light Emitting Diode Driver Including The Same And A Light Emitting Diode Driver

Номер: US20120074860A1
Автор: Bum-Kil LEE

The dimming circuit includes a reference signal generation unit, a frequency modulation unit and a duty cycle control unit. The reference signal generation unit generates a reference signal. The frequency modulation unit generates a frequency modulation signal having an initial frequency based on the reference signal and a control signal, repeatedly performs a counting operation that counts at least one pulse of the frequency modulation signal, and adjusts the frequency of the frequency modulation signal if the counting operation is completed. The duty cycle control unit generates a pulse width modulation (PWM) output signal by adjusting a duty cycle of the frequency modulation signal.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Lighting apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: US20120074866A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A lighting apparatus includes a lighting unit, a converting circuit, a sensing circuit, and a current control circuit. The lighting unit includes at least one light emitting diode and a switching device connected with each other in series. The converting circuit has an output end electrically connected to the lighting unit for driving it. The sensing circuit includes a sensing element capable of indirectly detecting the current flowing through the light emitting diode and outputting a feedback signal. The current control circuit receives a reference current, the feedback signal and a dimming command, and sends a dimming control signal to the lighting unit and a current control signal to the converting circuit, capable of controlling the amplitude of the current flowing through the light emitting diode.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for supplying power

Номер: US20120081022A1
Принадлежит: Light Based Technologies Inc

A switched capacitor array having a plurality of capacitors arranged in a plurality of branches having different numbers of capacitors, and a plurality of switches connected to selectively couple the capacitors across the input or the output may be used for powering a variety of loads. A switched LED array may be dynamically configured based on a voltage supplied thereto, which may be supplied by a switched capacitor array. A lighting apparatus may be provided with first and second blocks, each block comprising a switched capacitor array, a switched LED array, and a control system.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Power Conversion and Control Systems and Methods for Solid-State Lighting

Номер: US20120081023A1
Автор: Earl W. Mccune, Jr.
Принадлежит: Mobius Power Llc

A solid-state lighting system comprises a plurality of light-emitting devices (e.g., light-emitting diodes) and an alternating current to direct current (AC-DC) converter that converts AC power to DC power for powering the plurality of light-emitting devices. The AC-DC converter is configured to perform AC-DC conversion directly, without the need for or use of a bridge rectifier or step-down transformer. According to one aspect of the invention, the light-emitting devices of the solid-state lighting system are autonomous and individually powered by a plurality of DC power supplies generated from the DC power produced by the AC-DC converter. According to another aspect, a plurality of phase-offset dimmer control signals are generated based on waveform distortions in a dimming signal produced by a conventional dimmer switch. The phase-offset dimmer control signals are used to individually control the dimming of the light-emitting devices.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Power Conversion and Control Systems and Methods for Solid-State Lighting

Номер: US20120081025A1
Автор: Earl W. Mccune, Jr.
Принадлежит: Mobius Power Llc

A solid-state lighting system comprises a plurality of light-emitting devices (e.g., light-emitting diodes) and an alternating current to direct current (AC-DC) converter that converts AC power to DC power for powering the plurality of light-emitting devices. The AC-DC converter is configured to perform AC-DC conversion directly, without the need for or use of a bridge rectifier or step-down transformer. According to one aspect of the invention, the light-emitting devices of the solid-state lighting system are autonomous and individually powered by a plurality of DC power supplies generated from the DC power produced by the AC-DC converter. According to another aspect, a plurality of phase-offset dimmer control signals are generated based on waveform distortions in a dimming signal produced by a conventional dimmer switch. The phase-offset dimmer control signals are used to individually control the dimming of the light-emitting devices.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Power systems with multiple power sources

Номер: US20120091816A1
Принадлежит: O2Micro Inc

In one embodiment, a power system includes a first power source having a first voltage, a second power source having a second voltage, and a controller. The controller is coupled to the first power source and the second power source. The controller compares the first voltage with the second voltage, controls the first power source to charge the second power source via a first switch and a second switch in a charging mode when the first voltage is greater than said second voltage, and controls the second power source to power a load such as a light-emitting diode (LED) light source via the second switch and a third switch in a load-powering mode when the second voltage is greater than the first voltage.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Driver for cooperating with a wall dimmer

Номер: US20120104851A1

A driver ( 100; 200 ) for driving a dimmable load (L) is powered from phase-cut mains (U 1 ) and determines the dimming state of the load on the basis of the phase of the cutting of the mains. The driver comprises: a load current generating device ( 130; 230 ) generating load current; a controllable auxiliary load ( 170; 270 ) connected to an input ( 131; 231 ) of the load current generating device; a control device ( 140; 240 ) controlling the auxiliary load. The control device has an input ( 141; 241 ) receiving a signal indicating the momentary voltage at the driver input. The load current generating device generates interrupted current pulses, so that the average output current corresponds to the dim command reflected by the phase cutting angle of the input mains. The control device switches the auxiliary load on during those time periods when the output current generated by the load current generating device is zero.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device

Номер: US20120104939A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display device is disclosed. In certain embodiments, the display has improved quality and lower cost because the subpixels of the display are oriented to have their longer sides parallel to the longer sides of the display. With the orientation, during crystallization of the subpixels, laser radiation is projected across the display device in a direction parallel to the short sides of the display device. Accordingly, less expensive laser equipment producing a shorter beam width may be used.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for reducing lamp restrike time

Номер: US20120104951A1

Systems and methods for reducing lamp restrike time are provided. In a lighting apparatus having a housing, a reflector, and a lamp positioned so that at least a portion of the outer jacket of the lamp is within the reflector, a circulating device is operated when the lamp is off and a temperature inside the housing is above a predefined temperature. The circulating device circulates air around the outer jacket of the lamp to cool the lamp so the restrike time is reduced without the need for a starting device with a starting voltage high enough to restart the lamp when the lamp is hot.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Circuit for converting dc into ac pulsed voltage

Номер: US20120104960A1
Автор: Ang DING, Bin Wu, Chenyang Liu

The present invention proposes a circuit for converting DC into AC pulsed voltage. The circuit comprises two or four controllable semiconductor switches as well as a corresponding controller unit. The controller unit controls the opening and closing of the two or four controllable semiconductor switches using a preset control mode. When the circuit is used as the driver circuit of a capacitive load such as a DBD lamp, the luminous efficiency of the DBD lamp is improved.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for driving a lamp

Номер: US20120105266A1

A method for driving a lamp ( 2 ) comprises the steps of: generating a lamp current (I CONST ) having a constant magnitude; defining a commutation period having a duration T COMM ; defining a time base of original commutation moments, having fixed mutual intervals of 0.5*T COMM ; receiving data to be embedded in the light output; commutating the lamp current at commutation moments; wherein individual commutations are time-modulated in order to encode said received data. Preferably, a commutation moment is: either equal to an original commutation moment if there are no data to embed; or advanced over a modulation distance (Δ) with respect to the corresponding original commutation moment in order to encode data having a first value (“0”); or delayed over said modulation distance (Δ) with respect to the corresponding original commutation moment in order to encode data having a second value (“1”).

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Circuit for converting dc into ac pulsed voltage

Номер: US20120106214A1
Автор: Ang DING, Bin Wu, Chenyang Liu

The present invention proposes a circuit for converting DC into AC pulsed voltage. The circuit comprises two controllable semiconductor switches. By controlling the opening and closing of the semiconductor switches, the circuit can operate in different modes, i.e. high input voltage mode and low input voltage mode. The circuit for converting DC into AC pulsed voltage, proposed in the present invention, is suitable for a wide input voltage range. When the circuit is used as the driver circuit of a DBD lamp, the DBD lamp can still operate normally by switching to low-voltage DC supply in case of an AC supply failure, and the DBD lamp has a higher luminous efficiency.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Multifunction sensor system and method for supervising room conditions

Номер: US20120109536A1

The invention refers to a multifunction sensor system and a corresponding method for supervising room conditions, comprising a temperature sensor, a humidity sensor, an ultrasonic transducer for emitting ultrasonic waves and being positioned in a fixed distance to a reflecting fixed reflective surface. For calculating the CO 2 concentration in the supervised room, the time of flight of ultrasonic waves between the transducer and the fixed reflective surface is measured, and the CO 2 concentration is calculated from the output values of the temperature sensor, the humidity sensor and the measured time of flight.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Thermal Management In A Lighting System Using Multiple, Controlled Power Dissipation Circuits

Номер: US20120112638A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic Inc

A lighting system includes a controller that is configured to provide thermal management for the lighting system by distributing excess energy in the lighting system through multiple power dissipation circuits. In at least one embodiment, the lighting system is a phase cut compatible, dimmable lighting system having one or more light sources selected from a group consisting of at least one light emitting diode and at least one compact fluorescent lamp. In at least one embodiment, the controller is configured to control the plurality of power dissipation circuits in accordance with a thermal management strategy to dissipate the excess energy in the phase cut compatible, dimmable lighting system. The particular thermal management strategy is a matter of design choice. The power distribution circuits include two of more of: a controlled switch path power dissipation circuit, a controlled link path power dissipation circuit, and a controlled flyback path power dissipation circuit.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Controlled Power Dissipation In A Link Path In A Lighting System

Номер: US20120112639A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic Inc

In at least one embodiment, a lighting system includes a link path power dissipation circuit to actively and selectively control power dissipation of excess energy in a switching power converter of the lighting system. The link path power dissipation circuit dissipates power through a link path of the switching power converter by controlling a link current of the switching power converter. In at least one embodiment, the controller controls the link path power dissipation circuit to limit the link current with a current source and dissipate power in the current source. In at least one embodiment, the link path power dissipation circuit includes a switch to limit the link current and dissipate power in the link path.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Pwm signal generating circuit for dc-dc converter using dimming signal and led driving circuit having the same in direct digital dimming method

Номер: US20120112655A1
Принадлежит: MagnaChip Semiconductor Ltd

An LED driving circuit is provided. The LED driving circuit includes an input unit which receives an input dimming signal for driving an LED array, a PWM signal generating unit which extends an on-period of the input dimming signal to form an extended dimming signal, and generates a PWM signal using the extended dimming signal, a DC-DC converter which supplies output voltage to the LED array using the PWM signal, and an LED driving unit which drives the LED array using the input dimming signal.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Low cost power supply circuit and method

Номер: US20120112657A1

A power supply circuit has an LLC converter stage for converting a DC voltage input into a DC voltage output, and at least one hysteretic converter stage. Each hysteretic converter stage has a DC voltage input coupled to the DC voltage output of the LLC converter stage, and a DC current output. The LLC converter stage lacks a feedback control, and is operated at its load independent point. A ripple on the DC voltage output of the LLC converter does not affect the output current of the hysteretic converter stage. The stable DC current output of the hysteretic converter stage is coupled to a load having one or more LED strings.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20120113624A1
Автор: Sajal Biring
Принадлежит: Silicon Touch Tech Inc

The present invention provides a light emitting device, comprising: a solar cell unit, a capacitor unit, a charging circuit unit, an organic light emitting diode (OLED) unit, and a discharging circuit unit. The solar cell unit is utilized for converting solar energy to generate a current. The capacitor unit is coupled to the solar cell unit and utilized for storing electric power. The charging circuit unit is coupled between the solar cell unit and the capacitor unit, and utilized for using the current to charge the capacitor unit. The OLED unit is coupled to the capacitor unit. The discharging circuit unit is coupled between the capacitor unit and the OLED unit, and utilized for discharging the capacitor unit and control lighting of the OLED unit.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Universal solar illuminator system

Номер: US20120113625A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal solar illuminator system ( 100 ) is mounted to a flagpole apparatus ( 102 ) having a flagpole ( 104 ) and flag ( 106 ). The illuminator system ( 100 ) includes an elongated structure ( 120 ) opening outwardly and exposing a recessed area ( 123 ) having a rear, curved surface ( 125 ). The system ( 100 ) also includes an LED network ( 126 ) having a series of LED's ( 124 ) energized through a DC circuit ( 127 ) from a series battery pack ( 138 ). Solar panels ( 150, 152 ) charge the series battery pack ( 138 ) during daylight conditions.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Outdoor solar Tiki floor lamp

Номер: US20120113629A1
Автор: Diane Michelle Steele
Принадлежит: Individual

The claim for this invention is: 1) a solar powered outdoor garden floor lamp comprising: a) a weather resistant, rigid outdoor floor lamp base associated with b) an operable weather resistant, rigid outdoor solar garden lamp and lamp pole, such that the outdoor solar floor lamp in its entirety may be functional and rest firmly and safely on flat hard or soft surfaces because of the addition of the floor lamp base. This invention increases the usefulness for outdoor solar garden lamps. The additional uses for this solar lamp would include but not be limited to patios, underneath gazebos, decks, balconies, poolside, porches, docks and piers, or any hard surface, and also still includes traditional garden edges, lawns and other flat but soft surfaces. In addition, this outdoor solar floor lamp may be used indoors, after being charged using sunlight, in areas that lack electricity or where electricity is unaffordable.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting diode current control circuit capable of energy recycling

Номер: US20120119663A1
Принадлежит: Analog Integrations Corp

Alight emitting diode current control circuit capable of energy recycling includes at least one diode and at least one converter. The diode has an anode terminal, and a cathode terminal for coupling to a first terminal of at least one series of light emitting diodes. The converter has a first terminal coupled to an anode terminal of a corresponding diode, a second terminal for coupling to a second terminal of a series of light emitting diodes corresponding to the converter, a third terminal, and a fourth terminal coupled to ground.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Constant current led lamp

Номер: US20120119674A1
Автор: Shih-Jen Liao, Yu-Lin Lee
Принадлежит: LEE Yu- Lin, Trend Lighting Corp

A constant current LED lamp is provided with a linear driver circuit for driving multiple light emitting diodes (LEDs), or LED packages including multiple LED chips, connected in series. The driver circuit includes a rectifier circuit, a filter circuit, a stable voltage circuit, and a constant current circuit. The driver circuit allows the aggregate forward voltage drop of all the LEDs connected in series to approach the rectified input voltage to efficiently utilize the AC power from the mains.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Power conversion circuit for light emitting diode

Номер: US20120119675A1

A power conversion circuit for light emitting diode includes a voltage converter. The voltage converter has two receiving terminals and two output terminals. The two receiving terminals of the voltage converter are electrically coupled to the direct current power supply, and the output terminals output corresponding direct current signals according to the received direct current power supply, to drive a light emitting diode string. One of the output terminals has a positive potential, and another output terminal has a negative potential.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Lamp holder has built-in night light

Номер: US20120127692A1
Автор: Tseng-Lu Chien
Принадлежит: Individual

The lamp holder has build-in night light where the said lamp holder including (1) the lamp holder for light device manufacture use for production line or (2) the lamp holder which are purchased by people to add top of the existing lamp holder. Simple words (1) is for Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) and (2) is for all consumer purchase from stores to add on their existing owned lighting device's lamp holder. The light source for said nigh light has features for wide and variety color choice, brightness choice, humility resistance, none-noisy, none-high frequency, none-foldable, none-flexible and incorporate with circuit means, IC means, control means, switch means, sensor means, trigger means, remote control means to turn on and turn on under pre-determined timing, time delay, period of time for desired function(s).

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Heat Dissipating Chassis for Handheld Battery Operated Device

Номер: US20120132408A1
Автор: Mark Kempter
Принадлежит: Bayco Products Ltd

A heat sink for a handheld device is found as a one piece chassis for supporting heat-producing circuits inside the device while having heat radiating surfaces outside the device. In another embodiment a battery pack control circuit under microprocessor control allows battery packs having different battery chemistries and characteristics to be interchanged in the same device without switches or adapters. Control of operating modes of the device despite changes in the battery pack including battery chemistry, state of charge, available voltage, or desired operating mode are automatic. The microprocessor measures the battery pack characteristics, using look up tables in a suitable program to adjust the circuit operating modes. The microprocessor also responds to sequential switch contact closures in setting operating modes.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Cerium and Europium Doped Phosphor Compositions and Light Emitting Devices Including the Same

Номер: US20120132857A1
Автор: Ronan P. Le Toquin
Принадлежит: Individual

Compounds of Formula I, which include both cerium and europium, may be useful as phosphors in solid state light emitting devices. Light emitting devices including such phosphors may emit warm white light.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Predicative lighting control system

Номер: US20120146518A1

A light management system is disclosed. The light management system includes networked control modules and computer devices that utilize object detection and geographical location information to predict a direction and/or determine speed of an object along a pathway. Based on the predicted direction and/or determined speed of the object along the pathway, the control modules turn on lighting in advance of the arrival of the object along the pathway. The light management system preferably also provides light usages data or operation data to the one or more remote computer devices.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Electronic Ballast with High Power Factor

Номер: US20120146526A1
Автор: John Lam, Praveen Jain
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention provides an integrated power supply for a controller of an electronic ballast for a fluorescent lamp. The integrated power supply couples output power from the electronic ballast and uses the coupled power to provide power to the controller. In one embodiment, the electronic ballast may include a rectifier for converting an alternating current input voltage into a direct current output voltage, and a circuit including a combined power factor correction (PFC) stage and an inverter, wherein the PFC stage and the inverter share a switch. Also provided is a controller for an electronic ballast. The controller may include a voltage mode or current mode duty ratio controller that controls a duty ratio of a switch of the ballast. The controller and the ballast allow dimming of the fluorescent lamp while maintaining a high power factor.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Circuit Configuration for Operating LEDS for a Micromirror Arrangement

Номер: US20120146528A1
Автор: Josef Osterried
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

A circuit configuration for operating at least one LED, comprising: an input with a first input terminal (E 1 ) and a second input terminal (E 2 ) for coupling to a DC voltage supply (U G ); an output having a first output terminal (A 1 ) and a second output terminal (A 2 ) for providing an output current (IA) to the at least one LED; a micromirror arrangement ( 12 ) comprising a plurality of micromirrors; a first control device ( 16 ) configured for providing, at the output thereof, a first control signal (S a ) for the micromirror arrangement ( 12 ), the first control signal (S a ) being synchronized to a first clock frequency (fc 11 ); a switching regulator ( 10 ), the input thereof being coupled to the first input terminal (E 1 ) and the second input terminal (E 2 ), and the output thereof being coupled to the first output terminal (A 1 ) and the second output terminal (A 2 ), the switching regulator ( 10 ) comprising a switch (S 1 ); and a second control device ( 18 ) configured for providing, at the output thereof, a second control signal (Sb) for the switch (S 1 ) of the switching regulator ( 10 ); wherein the second control signal (S b ) is synchronized to a second clock frequency (f c12 ), wherein the equation f c12 =n*f c11 applies, where nε

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Current regulator circuit for led light

Номер: US20120146532A1
Принадлежит: Altair Engineering Inc

A regulator scheme for an LED light wherein the peak input current to the regulator and the regulator duty cycle produce a feedback signal which infers the average regulator output current. Both buck-boost and flyback type output circuits are disclosed.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Led lighting system

Номер: US20120146536A1
Принадлежит: Toro Co

An LED lighting system has a constant AC current source, a circuit loop and a plurality of light emitting diodes in the circuit loop. The constant AC current source eliminates the need for integrated circuits and other circuit components that can fail or be damaged in a light fixture, particularly an outdoor, landscape lighting fixture. The LED lighting system preferably contains a current transformer and/or a full wave bridge rectifier to maximize the number of LEDs in a lighting system—and/or a voltage clamping circuit to minimize the chance of run-away voltage.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Ramp controlled driver for series/parallel solid state lighting devices

Номер: US20120146542A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An electronic OLED driver apparatus is presented, which includes a DC-DC converter stage with a waveform generator generating converter setpoints with profiles having minimum rise time and fall time values.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Device and Lighting Device

Номер: US20120153333A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A highly reliable light-emitting device which includes an organic EL element and is lightweight is provided. The light-emitting device includes a first organic resin layer; a first glass layer over the first organic resin layer; a light-emitting element over the first glass layer; a second glass layer over the light-emitting element; and a second organic resin layer over the second glass layer. The first organic resin layer and the first glass layer each have a property of transmitting visible light. The thickness of the first glass layer and the thickness of the second glass layer are independently greater than or equal to 25 μ and less than or equal to 100 μ. The light-emitting element includes a first electrode having a property of transmitting visible light, a layer containing a light-emitting organic compound, and a second electrode stacked in this order from the first glass layer side.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Reference voltage generating circuit and led driver circuit having the same therein

Номер: US20120153848A1
Принадлежит: MagnaChip Semiconductor Ltd

A reference voltage generating circuit used for a light-emitting diode (LED) driver circuit and a light-emitting diode (LED) driver circuit are provided. A reference voltage generating circuit used for a light-emitting diode (LED) driver circuit includes a voltage measurer configured to sequentially measure feedback voltages of a plurality of LED arrays, the LED arrays being connected to one another in parallel, a quantizer configured to search for one of the plurality of LED arrays having a lowest feedback voltage of the measured feedback voltages, a comparator configured to compare an output of the voltage measurer with a preset comparison voltage to generate a reference voltage, and a timing controller configured to control the comparator to output the generated reference voltage corresponding to the one of the plurality of LED arrays.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Switching Parameter Based Discontinuous Mode-Critical Conduction Mode Transition

Номер: US20120153858A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic Inc

An electronic system includes a controller to provide at least dual-mode conduction control of a switching power converter. In at least one embodiment, the controller is capable to control transitions between discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) and critical conduction mode (CRM) of the switching power converter using a measured switching time parameter having a value corresponding with an approximately peak voltage of a time-varying supply voltage supplied to the switching power converter. In at least one embodiment, the controller dynamically compensates for changing parameters of the electronic system by dynamically determining a minimum non-conductive time of the control switch of the switching power converter using the measured switching time parameter value at approximately the peak of the supply voltage of the supply voltage.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Digital pwm generator and apparatus for driving light emitting device

Номер: US20120161662A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a digital PWM generator according to a first exemplary embodiment of the present invention including: an A/D converter dividing a predetermined reference voltage into a plurality of sections corresponding to a predetermined first set value, searching a section to which the magnitude of an input voltage Vin corresponds, among the plurality of sections, and converting a value corresponding to the searched section into a digital signal; a frequency selector providing a counting number by counting a predetermined high-speed counting clock during a one-cycle section of a predetermined reference clock; and a PWM signal generator converting the digital signal from the A/D converter into a ratio value corresponding to a ratio for the reference voltage and generating a PWM signal having a controlled duty ratio of the reference clock by using the ratio value and the counting number from the frequency selector.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method of driving discharge lamp, driving device, and projector

Номер: US20120169247A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

In at least one embodiment of the disclosure, a method for driving a discharge lamp includes changing a duty ratio of an AC current to be supplied between a first electrode and a second electrode of the discharge lamp in accordance with a predetermined pattern, and setting a current value when the first electrode operates as an anode during one cycle so as to be smaller than a current value when the second electrode operates as an anode during one cycle.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

(oxy) nitride phosphor, white light-emitting device including the (oxy) nitride phosphor, method of preparing phosphor, and nitride phosphor prepared by the method

Номер: US20120176026A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Provided is an (oxy)nitride phosphor, which is a compound represented by Formula 1 below: {M( 1-x) Eu x } a Si b O c N d   <Formula 1> wherein, M is an alkaline earth metal; and 0<x<1, 1.8<a<2.2, 4.5<b<5.5, 0≦c<8, 0<d≦8, and 0<c+d≦8. The (oxy)nitride phosphor produces red light suitable for use in UV-LED and blue-LED type white light-emitting devices and achieves good efficiency.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling bleed switch, power supply, and method for driving power supply

Номер: US20120176055A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A power supply has a TRIAC dimmer, and an AC-DC converter connected to the TRIAC dimmer. The AC-DC converter has a power switch, a bleed switch, and a controller. The controller turns off the bleed switch in a first time duration and turns on the bleed switch in a second time duration. Magnitude of a current of the power switch in the first time duration is larger than magnitude of a current of the power switch in the second time duration. Magnitude of a current of the bleed switch in a third time duration within the second time duration is smaller than magnitude of a current of the bleed switch in a fourth time duration within the second time duration.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Circuit Arrangement for Operation of at Least One LED

Номер: US20120176056A1
Автор: Bernd Rudolph
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

In various embodiments, a circuit for operating an LED includes input terminals for coupling to a supply voltage; output terminals for providing output DC voltage(s) to the LED(s); an inverter having a bridge circuit with at least first and second electronic switches comprising control electrodes, reference electrodes and working electrodes, wherein first and second electronic switches are serially coupled between input terminals, forming a first bridge center point; a first inductor serially coupled between first bridge center point and an output terminal; and a drive circuit having output terminals, wherein one output terminal is coupled to control electrode of first electronic switch and second output terminal is coupled to control electrode of second electronic switch; configured so that-drive circuit comprises control devices, wherein one control device includes a second inductor magnetically coupled to the first inductor, and wherein second control device includes third inductor magnetically coupled to first inductor.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Solar Powered Lamp with Brightness Control

Номер: US20120181938A1
Автор: Ek Khoon Hobart Kay
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention describes a solar powered garden lamp ( 100,100 a, 100 b ). The lamp ( 100,100 a, 100 b ) includes a lamp assembly, a solar panel ( 192 ), a rechargeable battery ( 150 ), a sunlight-hour switch ( 154 ), an LED ( 146 a, 146 b ) and a control circuit ( 140 ). In use, a user estimates the number of hours of sunlight incident on the solar panel ( 192 ) and the sunlight-hour switch ( 154 ) is calibrated by applying a weather variability factor on a battery charger ( 142 ) capacity that is connected to the solar panel. The solar panel ( 192 ) converts solar energy into electric power to recharge the battery ( 150 ) during the day so that the battery ( 150 ) has sufficient power to light up the LED ( 146 a or 146 b ) at a predetermined brightness continuously from dusk to dawn.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Switch control circuit, switch controlling method, and power supply device using the switch control circuit

Номер: US20120188670A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of the present invention relate to a switch control circuit, a switch control method, and a power supply device using the same. Embodiments generate a reference signal according to a full-wave rectification voltage and control a switching operation of a power switch according to a comparing result of a sense voltage corresponding to a current flowing to the power switch and the reference voltage. Embodiments determine whether a line is opened between a first output terminal and a second output terminal of the power supply device using the sense voltage. When the line is opened, Embodiments turn off the protection switch.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Using an LED for Backlighting and Ambient Light Sensing

Номер: US20120194493A1
Автор: Walter Soto
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Embodiments of a backlight module for illuminating a liquid crystal display (LCD) and sensing ambient light are provided herein. The backlight module includes a light-emitting diode (LED) array and a backlight controller. The backlight controller is configured to forward bias the LED array to backlight the LCD and reverse bias the LED array to sense the ambient light level. The backlight controller is configured to adjust the brightness of the LED array based on the current ambient lighting conditions sensed.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Led device with shared voltage-limiting unit and individual equalizing resistance

Номер: US20120206052A1
Автор: Tai-Her Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a LED device with shared voltage-limiting unit and individual voltage-equalizing resistance, wherein two ends of a LED set constituted by a plurality of same-polarity series LEDs are in parallel connected with a shared voltage-limiting unit, and two ends of individual LED are respectively in parallel connected with an voltage-equalizing resistance for providing an overvoltage protection to the LEDs.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Led driving circuit

Номер: US20120206054A1
Автор: Sungeun Kim
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

An LED (Light Emitting device) driving circuit is disclosed, the circuit characterized by: at least two LED strings ( 120 ); at least two constant current control blocks ( 140 ) for respectively controlling a current path of the at least two LED strings; a detector ( 160 ) for detecting a voltage in the at least two constant current control blocks; and a power supply ( 200 ) for supplying a driving power to the at least two LED strings ( 120 ) in response to the detected voltage.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Electronic System to Signal Proximity of an Object

Номер: US20120206269A1
Принадлежит: B E A Inc

A system to signal proximity of at least one object or entity comprises reference means, sensing means for sensing the at least one object or entity in an electric field, and processing means for detecting at least one capacitive change in at least a portion of the electric field. The sensing means is configured to at least partially form the electric field with at least a portion of the reference means. Also provided is a sensing device comprising at least one electrically conductive unit, at least one reference, and an electrical circuit coupled to at least one processor. At least one of the electric circuit and the at least one processor is configured to cause the at least one electrically conductive unit and the at least one reference to form a capacitive relationship, and detect a capacitive change in at least a portion of the electrical field.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Led driving apparatus

Номер: US20120206433A1
Принадлежит: Minebea Co Ltd

An LED driving apparatus comprising: a power feed unit; a driving control unit; a current detection unit that detects load current flowing in an LED module; and an output control unit that determines whether the LED module is under conducting state or opening state, and outputs a signal in accordance with a result of the determination, wherein, when the LED module is under conducting state, the output control unit outputs a first signal to the driving control unit so that the load current is constant, wherein, when the LED module is under opening state, the output control unit outputs a second signal to the driving control unit so that a voltage becomes a predetermined constant-voltage value, and wherein the predetermined voltage value is a voltage or higher, at which the LED module starts conduction, and a voltage or lower corresponding to an upper limit of the LED.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Element, Light-Emitting Device, and Electronic Appliance

Номер: US20120211728A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

By use of a 2,9,10-triaryl anthracene derivative in which a diarylamino-substituted aryl group is bonded to the 2-position of a 9,10-diarylanthracene for a light-emitting element, a light-emitting element having high efficiency can be obtained. The emission wavelength of the anthracene derivative is suitable for use in a white light-emitting element. By use of the anthracene derivative for a white light-emitting element, a white light-emitting element having high efficiency can be obtained.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device

Номер: US20120211781A1
Принадлежит: Seoul Semiconductor Co Ltd

The present invention provides a light emitting device, comprising a first light emitting diode for emitting light in an ultraviolet wavelength region; at least one phosphor arranged around the first light emitting diode and excited by the light emitted from the first light emitting diode to emit light having a peak wavelength longer than the wavelength of the light emitted from the first light emitting diode; and at least one second light emitting diode for emitting light having a wavelength different from the peak wavelength of the light emitted from the phosphor.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Pwm controlling circuit and led driver circuit having the same

Номер: US20120212141A1
Принадлежит: MagnaChip Semiconductor Ltd

A Light Emitting Diode (LED) driver circuit and a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controlling circuit thereof is provided. The LED driver circuit includes a voltage detector connected to a plurality of LED arrays, the voltage detector being configured to determine a connection status of each of the LED arrays according to a level of a feedback voltage of each of the LED arrays, and detect a minimum feedback voltage from the feedback voltage of each of the LED arrays that are determined to be connected, a controller configured to output a control signal to control boosting of the LED arrays according to the detected minimum feedback voltage, a PWM signal generator configured to output a PWM signal corresponding to the outputted control signal, and a driving voltage generator configured to supply a driving voltage commonly to the LED arrays according to the PWM signal.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Roadway luminaire and methods of use

Номер: US20120212958A1
Принадлежит: LSI Industries Inc

A lighting apparatus having a base member and a directional member are shown and described. The base member includes a first surface having a plurality of reflective elements extending therefrom. The base member also including a plurality of openings arranged in a pattern. Each openings is configured to receive a respective light source. The directional member has a portion of a reflective surface positioned relative to at least one opening to reflect light radiating from a lighting source disposed within the opening towards a portion of at least one of the reflective elements extending from the base member.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Object-sensing lighting network and control system therefor

Номер: US20120217880A1

Disclosed herein is an object-sensing lighting network and an intelligent control system therefore. The control system dynamically determines the at least one lighting fixture's relationship to a plurality of other lighting fixtures. The light output level of a light source of the at least one lighting fixture is based at least partially on the at least one lighting fixture's relationship to the other lighting fixtures.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Full-voltage ac led module

Номер: US20120217902A1
Автор: Ting-Fang Yang

A full-voltage AC LED module includes a circuit substrate having a first bridge rectifier circuit comprising a set of first load nodes and a set of first power nodes and a second bridge rectifier circuit comprising a set of second load nodes and a set of second power nodes, and a LED module packaged in the circuit substrate and having a first light-emitting device formed of a series of light-emitting diodes and electrically connected to the set of first load nodes and a second light-emitting device formed of a series of light-emitting diodes and electrically connected to the set of second load nodes. By means of connecting the set of first power nodes and the set of second power nodes in series or in parallel, the required input voltage for starting up the LED module is relatively changed.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Silicate phosphor, method of manufacturing silicate phosphor, and light-generating device having silicate phosphor

Номер: US20120223636A1

A silicate phosphor composition is provided having a γ-phase of an orthorhombic crystal structure whose space group is Pbnm 62, and whose composition is represented by the following chemical formula: Ca 2-x-y-z M x SiO 4 :y Ce 3+ ,z N(0≦ x <0.5,0< y ≦0.1,0≦ z <0.15) In the formula, M represents at least one member selected from the group consisting of Mg, Sr, Ba, Zn, Na, Al, Ga, Ge, P, As and Fe, and N represents at least one member selected from the group consisting of Eu 2+ , Mn 2+ , Tb 3+ , Yb 2+ and Tm 3+ . The silicate phosphor has a maximum absorbance for a wavelength of about 450 nm to about 475 nm corresponding to a main part of a blue excitation light, and has a great stability at a high temperature. As such the silicate phosphor may be used in combination with a blue light source to produce a white light.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Led driving circuit and short-circuit protection circuit

Номер: US20120223644A1
Принадлежит: Green Solution Technology Co Ltd

An LED driving circuit, adapted to drive an LED module, is disclosed. The LED driving circuit comprises a converting circuit, a converting controller, and a short-circuit protection circuit. The converting circuit, having a capacitor coupled to the LED module, is coupled to an input power source to proceed converting operation to supply an output current for driving the LED module. The converting controller controls the converting circuit to provide a stable current flowing through the LED module. The short-circuit protection circuit is coupled to the LED module in series and cuts the current flowing through the LED module off when detecting that the current higher than a current protection value.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Auto-switching triac compatibility circuit with auto-leveling and overvoltage protection

Номер: US20120229044A1
Автор: Louis Robert Nerone
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Drivers and ballast circuits are presented having a boost converter with a triac compatibility circuit providing regulated current load to accommodate phase-cutting triac circuit holding current requirements, including auto switching driver circuit with overvoltage protection and an auto leveling circuit to regulate against thermal and load fluctuations.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Two-Peak Current Control for Flyback Voltage Converters

Номер: US20120230065A1

A system including a switch configured to supply power to a load. A first comparator is configured to compare a first current through the switch to a first threshold. A second comparator is configured to compare the first current through the switch to a second threshold. The second threshold is greater than the first threshold. A current control module is configured to turn off the switch (i) for a first duration in response to the first current through the switch being greater than or equal to the first threshold and (ii) for a second duration in response to the first current through the switch being greater than or equal to the second threshold. The current control module is configured to adjust the second duration based on a difference between an estimated current through the load and a desired current through the load.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Electronic control gear for operating at least one led and/or at least one discharge lamp

Номер: US20120235577A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM GMBH

An electronic control gear for operating at least one of at least one LED and at least one discharge lamp is provided. It may include a first terminal for coupling to a phase of an AC voltage supply; a second terminal for coupling to the neutral conductor of the AC voltage supply; a control input for coupling in a control signal of a control apparatus; a first output for coupling to the LED; a second output for coupling to the discharge lamp; a first driver circuit for the LED; a second driver circuit for the discharge lamp; an evaluation apparatus for evaluating the control signal at the control input, the evaluation apparatus comprising a microcontroller, which activates said driver circuits depending on the control signal, wherein a first capacitance is coupled between the second terminal and the control input.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

3-way led bulb

Номер: US20120235586A1
Автор: Ronald J. Lenk
Принадлежит: Swtich Bulb Co Inc

A lighting circuit for a light emitting diode (LED) bulb capable of operating at different light output levels depending on received AC power includes a first group of LEDs and second group of LEDs, each of which is configured to emit light as a group. The lighting circuit also includes an AC/DC converter electrically connected to the first and second groups of LEDs. A detector circuit detects received AC power. A selection circuit is operable to cause the AC/DC converter circuit to provide current into one configuration of LEDs from the group of configurations of LEDs consisting of: the first group of LEDs only, the second group of LEDs only, and the first and second group of LEDs. The configuration of LEDs to provide current to is selected based on received AC power.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Efficient electrically-isolated power circuits with application to light sources

Номер: US20120235588A1
Принадлежит: Light Based Technologies Inc

Solid state light sources are compatible with AC phase-cut dimmers. The light sources may have switching mode power supplies having primary and secondary sides that are in first and second circuit parts that are electrically isolated from one another. Information regarding a waveform of input electrical power is extracted in the first circuit part and passed to a controller in the second circuit part by way of a galvanic isolator. Additional isolated paths may be provided to provide bi-directional exchange of information between the first and second circuit parts and/or to provide for the exchange of additional information relevant to control. The signal path from the first side to the second side may have a low latency.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Transistor circuit with protecting function

Номер: US20120236456A1
Автор: Chung-che Yu
Принадлежит: Green Solution Technology Co Ltd

The present invention provides a transistor circuit with protecting function. The transistor circuit includes a transistor, a voltage detecting unit, a current detecting unit, a temperature detecting unit, and a protecting unit. The voltage detecting unit detects a voltage drop of the transistor and generates an over-voltage protection signal. The current detecting signal detects a current flowing through the transistor and generates an over-current protection signal. The temperature detecting unit detects a temperature of the transistor circuit and generates an over-temperature protection signal. The protecting unit is coupled to the control terminal to control a state of the transistor according to the over-voltage protection signal, the over-current protection signal, and the over-temperature protection signal to reduce the voltage difference between the control terminal and the second terminal, such that the voltage drop of the transistor is decreased or decreased to zero.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Organic light-emitting diode, display and illuminating device

Номер: US20120241725A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, there is provided an organic light-emitting diode including an anode and a cathode which are arranged apart from each other, a red and green emissive layer on the anode side and a blue emissive layer on the cathode side, which are arranged to be separated from each other between the anode and the cathode, and a spacer layer which is inserted between the red and green emissive layer and the blue emissive layer, and consists of a hole transport material which prevents energy transfer from the blue emissive layer to the red and green emissive layer. The red and green emissive layer contains a host material having hole transportability, a red phosphorescent emitting dopant, and a green phosphorescent emitting dopant, and the blue emissive layer contains a host material having electron transportability and a blue fluorescent emitting dopant.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Traffic signal loading platform

Номер: US20120242506A1
Принадлежит: Lumination LLC

A system and method for setting operating parameters of traffic lamps. A traffic lamp including a memory operates according to one or more operating parameters on the memory. A loading device external to the traffic lamp transfers one or more operating parameters to the traffic lamp, where the traffic lamp sets the operating parameters to the transferred operating parameters.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Efficient illumination system for legacy street lighting systems

Номер: US20120243231A1
Принадлежит: Led Net Ltd

An LED lamp for outdoor and large space lighting, particularly for streets, warehouses car parks and the like, is adapted for fitting into legacy light fittings designed for sodium bulbs and the like. The LED lamp comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes arranged over a surface of the lamp, is rotatably connected through a rotatable electrical connection to a screw-in adaptor for insertion into a legacy screw-in socket, such that the screw in adaptor is rotatable independently of the lamp, so that the legacy screw in socket can be used even though the light fitting is too small to allow rotation of the LED lamp. Additional embodiments provide for cooling airflow through the light fitting, for temperature control of the LEDs, and for failure protection, to ensure a longest possible lamp lifetime.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Digital occupancy sensor light control

Номер: US20120248312A1

A method of sensing motion in a predetermined area is provided. The method may include using a digital output motion sensor to produce a digital output signal indicative of the presence of motion in the predetermined area. The method may further include transmitting the digital output signal along a signal path independent of analog amplification and filtering. The method may also include using a microprocessor coupled to the signal path to receive the digital output signal and to process the digital output signal.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Illumination lighting apparatus and method of controlling illumination

Номер: US20120248992A1

Provided are an illumination lighting apparatus that provides various and intuitional light in response to a motion of a user, and an illumination controlling method. The illumination lighting apparatus may include a lamp unit including at least one light emitting part that is selectively turned on and off, a motion sensing unit including at least one motion sensor, transmitting a sensed signal when the at least one motion sensor senses a motion of a user, and enabling the lamp unit to provide a light corresponding to the sensed signal, and a control unit to receive the sensed signal from the motion sensing unit to adjust a light emitting type of the lamp unit in a plurality of modes, and the motion sensing unit may transmit, based on a mode of the control unit, different sensed signals to the control unit to change the light emitting type of the lamp unit.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Light source driver

Номер: US20120256554A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A light emitting diode (LED) driver is provided that includes a light emitting diode, a converter connected to the light emitting diode, wherein the converter receives an input voltage and converts the input voltage to a basic voltage for driving the light emitting diode, a current regulator connected to the light emitting diode, a first operational amplifier connected to the current regulator, an analog dimming voltage generating unit including a second operational amplifier, a first resistor, a second resistor, and a third resistor, wherein a first terminal of the first resistor, a first terminal of the second resistor, and a first terminal of the third resistor are connected to a non-inversion terminal of the second operational amplifier, and connected to the first operational amplifier, and a pulse-width-modulation dimming pulse generating unit connected to a second terminal of the third resistor.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Renewable Energy Power Controller

Номер: US20120261992A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system to provide power to a load from a renewable power source and an energy storage device, comprises input and isolation circuits for receiving power from renewable energy sources and to isolate each renewable energy source from one other, a battery charger circuit to charge a battery by receiving power from the renewable energy sources, a DC-to-AC power inverter having an input connected to the battery and an AC output to match an AC backup power source, and a switching circuit which connects the AC inverter input to a load, and switches to connect the AC backup power to the load when the battery voltage drops below a certain level.
