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10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653501C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам освещения, в частности к осветительному устройству для освещения дороги. Техническим результатом является обеспечение осветительного устройства, которое может регулировать свой световой выход для того, чтобы освещать дорогу оптимальным образом. Результат достигается тем, что осветительное устройство содержит корпус (3), содержащий источник света, оснащенный оптикой. Осветительное устройство дополнительно содержит блок (7) датчиков, выполненный с возможностью измерять оптические характеристики окрестности осветительного устройства и вычислительный блок, выполненный с возможностью вычислять параметры для управления световым выходом осветительного устройства на основе оптических характеристик, измеренных блоком датчиков. В соответствии с изобретением блок датчиков выполнен с возможностью измерять характеристики зеркального и рассеянного отражения окрестности осветительного устройства. Эти оптические характеристики позволяют определить тип погоды или состояние ...

20-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291997C2

Система уличного городского освещения, включающая закрепленные на стене здания средства отвода воды с крыши здания и светильники. Средство отвода воды с крыши здания выполнено в виде пустотелого герметичного короба, закрепленного на стене предпочтительно вдоль высоты здания. Светильники установлены с возможностью их размещения и фиксации на любом участке пустотелого герметичного короба, при этом верхняя часть вышеуказанного короба снабжена коленом обвода карниза здания и водосборной воронкой, а его нижняя часть - коленом слива. Пустотелый герметичный короб образован задней полукруглой, передней плоской и соединяющими их боковыми стенками, причем передняя и боковые стенки образуют базовые поверхности под светильник, а боковые стенки при этом снабжены замковыми элементами для соединения пустотелого герметичного короба со светильниками и со средством крепления пустотелого герметичного короба на стене здания, которое выполнено в виде комплекта П-образных скоб, распределенных по длине пустотелого ...

27-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU25299U1

Ил 25299 Ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 19 11 хх хх 13 бб Эви“ 25 299° 94 (51) МК’ В 420 15/04 # 2 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12 ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002109690/20, 16.04.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Интеркод" (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.04.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Васильева А.А. (46) Опубликовано: 27.09.2002 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Адрес для переписки: Закрытое акционерное общество "Интеркод 620026, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Куйбышева, 44, офис 311, пат.пов. Н.Н.Андреевой, рег.№ 420 (54) СКЛАДЫВАЮЩИЙСЯ ПЕЧАТНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ММ1К - Досрочное прекращение действия патента (свидетельства) Российской Федерации на полезную модель из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента (свидетельства) в силе (21) Заявка: 2002109690 Дата прекращения действия патента: 17.04.2005 Извещение опубликовано: 27.04.2006 БИ: 12/2006 Страница: 1 па 66бс9яс ЕП

28-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU173445U1

Использование: в области ветротехники для преобразования энергии ветра в электроэнергию с возможностью ее дальнейшего использования для освещения местности или объектов.Сущность: ветроэнергетическая установка для наружного освещения содержит вертикально-осевую ветроэнергетическую установку, размещенную на мачте, соединенную с аккумуляторной батареей, блок управления системой освещения и осветительные лампы. Осветительные лампы расположены в лопастях вертикально-осевой ветроэнергетической установки, аэродинамические поверхности которых выполнены из прозрачного или полупрозрачного материала. Внутренние плоскости не аэродинамических поверхностей лопастей покрыты светоотражающим материалом. Верхняя часть мачты выполнена вращающейся вместе с лопастями ветроэнергетической установки. Нижняя часть мачты выполнена неподвижной и в ней размещен аккумулятор, а вверху - электрогенератор, неподвижный статор которого размещен непосредственно в мачте, а ротор - на оси вращения вращающейся части мачты.

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU142587U1

... 1. Светодиодный модуль, содержащий корпус, выполненный из алюминия или теплопроводного пластика, на котором закреплен один и более светодиодов, работающих от сети переменного напряжения 220 В, отличающийся тем, что корпус модуля выполнен с возможностью его монтажа в корпус промышленного или уличного светильника типа «Колокол» без изменения конструкции последнего и дополнительно содержит радиатор.2. Светодиодный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что светодиод или светодиоды дополнительно снабжены линзой вторичной оптики.3. Светодиодный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что светодиод или светодиоды дополнительно снабжены блоком питания.4. Светодиодный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что крепление светодиода или светодиодов осуществляется саморезами.5. Светодиодный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что крепление светодиода или светодиодов осуществляется клепками.6. Светодиодный модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подключение к питающему сетевому напряжению осуществляется посредством клеммной ...

18-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU193229U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для автономного электроснабжения и может быть использована для освещения дорог, парков, дорожных знаков, мерцающих светофоров, рекламных щитов и других подобных объектов, а также для маломощных приборов, таких как Wi-Fi установки. Опора устройства для автономного электроснабжения состоит из нижней и верхней частей, соединенных поворотным механизмом, аккумулятора, расположенного в нижней части опоры. При этом нижняя часть опоры размещается под землей. Полезная модель обеспечивает повышение скорости обслуживания устройства для автономного электроснабжения, способного работать в зимнее время за счет легкого и оперативного доступа к аккумулятору устройства для автономного электроснабжения.

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2452893C1

Изобретение относится к электроосветительным приборам, применяемым в системах с централизованным управлением наружным освещением дорог, улиц, парков, придомовых территорий с питанием от трехфазной сети и может быть использовано в однофазных питающих сетях с локальным управлением. Энергосберегающий управляемый светильник наружного освещения содержит первый, второй и третий драйверы светодиодов, блок светодиодов и термореле, при этом первый вход первого драйвера соединен с выходом термореле, к входу которого подключается первая фаза трехфазной сети, первые входы второго и третьего драйверов подключаются соответственно к второй и третьей фазам трехфазной сети, вторые входы первого, второго и третьего драйверов соединены с нулевым проводом питающей сети, а одноименные по знаку выходы всех трех драйверов соединены между собой и подключены к одноименным полюсам блока светодиодов. Технический результат - повышение энергосбережения при управлении в составе существующих автоматизированных систем ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018144837A

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014100883A

... 1. Система (100) освещения, содержащая, по меньшей мере, один контроллер (102) и память (104), содержащую программные секции, которые конфигурируют контроллер (102) с возможностью:получения информации прогноза погоды, содержащей текущие или ожидаемые погодные условия на период времени;определения, по меньшей мере, одного параметра настройки освещения на основании информации прогноза погоды;формирования информации о параметрах настройки освещения в соответствии с найденными параметрами настройки освещения; ипередачи информации о параметрах настройки освещения.2. Система освещения по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая осветительные устройства (106), содержащие, каждое:приемопередатчик (Tx/Rx) (109), который принимает информацию о параметрах настройки освещения;по меньшей мере, один источник (107) освещения для обеспечения освещения; исекцию управления для управления источником освещения для обеспечения освещения в соответствии с информацией о параметрах настройки освещения.3. Система освещения ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013116976A

... 1. Уличный светильник с полой опорой, снабженный нижним отверстием для ручного доступа, закрытым люком (3), при этом полая опора (1) имеет внутреннюю поверхность и наружную поверхность, облицованную наружными фотоэлектрическими элементами (14) в верхней ее части, а также лампу (6), которая расположена внутри полой опоры (1), отличающийся тем, что верхний конец полой опоры (1) выполнен открытым, и лампа (6) установлена на устройстве позиционирования с возможностью перемещения внутри полой опоры (1) от нижнего отверстия для ручного доступа ближе к верхнему концу полой опоры (1), на которой установлен наклоняемый экран (11), имеющий сторону, обращенную вверх, и сторону, обращенную вниз, при этом последняя облицована отражательной панелью (13), а внутренняя поверхность полой опоры (1) покрыта внутренними фотоэлектрическими элементами (14).2. Уличный светильник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство позиционирования лампы (6) содержит бесконечный гибкий соединительный элемент (10), передвигающийся ...

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013103319A

... 1. Автономная микроэлектростанция уличного фонаря (АМЭСУФ), содержащая полую опору с входными и выходными окнами, фотоэлектрические панели, аккумуляторную батарею (АКБ), блоки управления, светодиодные лампы, внутреннюю ветроэнергетическую установку, отличающаяся тем, что: полая опора является многогранной, изготовлена из пултрузионного армированного стеклопластика и имеет конфузорную, цилиндрическую и диффузорную части, причем отношение большего диаметра конфузорной части полой многогранной опоры к ее меньшему диаметру должно составлять 1,5-2,0, грани полой многогранной опоры имеют винтовую форму с углом закручивания равным 18-25°; тандемные фотоэлектрические модули размещены по всей внешней поверхности полой многогранной опоры; общий вал подвижно закреплен в радиально-упорных подшипниках; на общем валу неподвижно закреплены конусная солнечная батарея и два трехлопастных электроветрогенератора (ЭВГ), расположенных в параллельных плоскостях цилиндрической части полой многогранной опоры на ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011141584A

... 1. Осветительный блок (10) для использования в фонаре (1), в частности фонаре для освещения дорог и/или улиц, причем упомянутый осветительный блок (10) имеетнастраиваемое распределение света, отличающийся тем, что упомянутый осветительный блок (10) содержит по меньшей мере два источника (11, 12) света или две группы источников света, причем каждый из упомянутых источников (11, 12) света или каждая из упомянутых групп источников света имеет индивидуальную характеристику распределения света, и при этом совокупное распределение света осветительного блока (10) настраивается посредством изменения соотношения светоотдач упомянутых по меньшей мере двух источников (11, 12) света или групп источников света.2. Осветительный блок по п.1, при этом упомянутые по меньшей мере два источника (11, 12) света или две группы источников света расположены на одной и той же поверхности, предпочтительно - на плоской поверхности.3. Осветительный блок по п.1 или 2, при этом источники (11, 12) света или группы источников ...

07-06-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для управления сетью наружного освещения

Номер: SU1739512A1

Сущность изобретения: в устройстве имеются блок контроля обрыва фазных проводов и элементы управления контактором сети освещения, связанные между собой проводом управления. Устройство позволяет дискретно регулировать мощность сети освещения и предупреждать аварийные режимы сети.2 ил.

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202009007159U1

12-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE202013103085U1

Solar-Leuchtrahmen, aufweisend einen Leuchtrahmen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass am Boden des Leuchtrahmens eine Montagestruktur des LED-Streifens fest angeordnet ist, wobei die Montagestruktur des LED-Streifens einen LED-Streifen, einen PC-Lampenschirm und einen Montagerahmen des LED-Streifens aufweist, und wobei der Montagerahmen des LED-Streifens eine U-förmige Nut auf der Außenseite hat und auf der Unterseite des Leuchtrahmens fest angeordnet ist, und wobei der LED-Streifen in der U-förmigen Nut auf dem Montagerahmen des LED-Streifens fest angeordnet ist, und wobei an der Öffnung der U-förmigen Nut auf dem Montagerahmen des LED-Streifens ein PC-Lampenschirm demontierbar installiert ist, und wobei auf der Außenseite des Leuchtrahmens eine Solarenergieversorgung fest angeordnet ist, und wobei die Solarenergieversorgung durch die Leitung mit einem LED-Treiber-Controller verbunden ist, und wobei der LED-Treiber-Controller durch die Leitung mit dem LED-Streifen verbunden ist.

22-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE8914253U1
Принадлежит: PRIESEMUTH W

22-01-1992 дата публикации

Wind powered electric lamp

Номер: GB0002246173A

A wind powered electric lamp comprises a specially designed structure or apparatus incorporating an electric generator 2, a wind activated propelling device 6 and an electric lamp bulb or bulbs 9, the whole arranged and connected mechanically and electrically in such a manner that the effect of wind rotating the propelling device will operate the generator 2 and create an electric current causing the electric bulb or bulbs to illuminate. Optionally but not essentially the apparatus may be provided with means of connection to a separate external electricity supply and means of fixing or mounting onto a weighted base 1, a post, pole, frame, tower or other suitable supporting structure or, on to a stabilised floating base in the form of a buoy for marine use. The apparatus may also be provided with an integral gearing system, rechargeable batteries (21, Fig 5) and a number of electrical control circuits or components, for example to cause the lamp to flash on and off or to disconnect current ...

14-04-2010 дата публикации

Photovoltaic cells integrated with vertical post

Номер: GB0002464288A

Photovoltaic collector apparatus is incorporated with a post (4) that in use is located in a substantially upright position, the post may comprise a support for street lighting (figs 2-4, 11, 12) or for signs etc. (figs 1, 14-21). A plurality of solar cell panels 32 are attached to the post (4) and may be lie in a substantially vertical plane. Preferably the panels are flat and mounted on three flat portions 16 of a support body attachable to the post, the remaining portion being cylindrical, and the panels may be protected by a cylindrical shield 40 (figs 5, 6). The PV post 4 may be mounted on a support post 2 and be rotated.

16-12-2020 дата публикации

Outdoor lighting device

Номер: GB0002584632A
Автор: WAYNE MADDEN, Wayne Madden

An outdoor lighting device comprises one or more covers 22 defining an internal volume 23 arranged to cover a plant contained within the internal volume. The device has one or more photovoltaic cells 1, one or more light sources and a battery. The photovoltaic cells are arranged to charge the battery and the battery is arranged to power the lights.

04-12-2019 дата публикации

A public shade and cooling device for pedestrians use

Номер: GB0201915065D0

21-03-2005 дата публикации

Solar lamp for open-air use.

Номер: AP0000001378A

The invention relates to a solar lamp (1) for use in the open air, in particular to a garden lamp, pathway lamp, street lamp or similar. Said lamp consits of at least one solar module, in addition to housing (2) with an accumulator element for eletric energy which is eletrically connected to the solar module and at least one illuminating body (8). A circuit is provided between the accumulator and the illuminating body which reacts to signals of one of the light sensors (9) which is located on the solar lamp, forming or breaking the eletrical connection between accumulator and the illuminating body, depending on the degree of brightness/darkness. The housing has at least two walls which are aligned differently and do not run parallel to one another. At least one solar module is positioned on each respective wall, or the walls are formed by solar modules.

30-06-2002 дата публикации

Solar lamp for open-air use

Номер: AP2002002504A0

15-11-1992 дата публикации

Solar foot of standard lamp

Номер: OA0000009529A

30-06-2002 дата публикации

Solar lamp for open-air use

Номер: AP0200202504A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Contactless coupling and method for use with an electrical appliance.

Номер: AP0201206316D0

15-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000124774T

06-03-2008 дата публикации

Solar powered display devices

Номер: AU2008100059A4

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Lighting unit and luminaire for road and/or street lighting

Номер: AU2010224888B2

A lighting unit (10) for use in a luminaire (1), in particular a luminaire for road and/or street lighting, has an adaptable light distribution. The lighting unit (10) comprises at least two light sources (1, 121) or groups of light sources, each of said light sources (11, 12) or groups of light sources having an individual light distribution characteristic, wherein the overall light distribution of the lighting unit (10) is adapted by modifying the ratio of the light outputs of the at least two light sources (11, 12) or groups of light sources.

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Lighting unit and luminaire for road and/or street lighting

Номер: AU2010224880A1

A lighting unit (10) for use in a luminaire (1), in particular a luminaire for road and/or street lighting, comprises a plurality of light sources (12) and a reflector unit (20) being arranged in front of said light sources (12) to control the distribution of the light emitted by said light sources (12). The reflector unit (20) comprises a plurality of reflector elements (22) being arranged parallel to each other, wherein at least some of said reflector elements (22) comprise a first portion (23) being adapted for total reflection and a second portion (24) being adapted for partial reflection.

11-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006342390A

26-05-2016 дата публикации

A solar underground LED lawn lamp

Номер: AU2016100459A4

This utility model discloses a solar underground LED lawn lamp, including the noumenon. PCB circuit board is set in the noumenon. LED light sources are evenly distributed on the PCB circuit board. Two guard plates are symmetrically set at the bottom of noumenon. The guard plate has through-hole. The through-holes of two guard plates face each other. Cooling water pipe is set between the two through-holes. Flexible pipe fits at both ends of cooling water pipe. The flexible pipe has pipe joint. Helical heat conduction pipe is set at the bottom of noumenon. The heat conduction pipe leans against the PCB circuit board. Solar photovoltaic panel is set at the edge of top of noumenon. Accumulator and inverter are set at the bottom of noumenon near both sides of guard plates. The solar photovoltaic panel, inverter and accumulator are electrically connected in proper order. The structure of this device is simple, and its cost is low. Besides, it is powered by solar energy, so it is energy-saving ...

04-07-2002 дата публикации

Security and fashion solar lamps without extraneous current source

Номер: AU0000749918B2

28-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002566175A1

This invention is referred to an energy saving device which supplies the high efficiency sodium steam lamps and a method providing additional savings of electrical energy by means of the temporary reduction in the luminous flow of a high efficiency sodium steam lamp. The energy saving device includes in its operation protection against low voltage supply, regulation of supply voltage and protection in absence or damage of the lamp. In turn, the method includes a sequence for a reliable ignition of the lamp, a modulation routine in frequency for elimination of acoustic resonance and an automatic turn off sequence in view of damage of the photocell which is a consequence in this type of devices, as well as a consumption detection system to keep the output power steady and therefore, keep the power consumption under a steady value.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003010725A1

A portable solar light system is configured to move from outdoors during the day, wherein batteries are charge by photovoltaic cells, to indoors at night to provide lighting. A portable solar light system has a light fixture that has one or more solar light assemblies attached thereto. A photovoltaic cell is configured on a top surface of the light fixture and the light projects light from the bottom surface of the light fixture. In addition, a light fixture has a top and bottom connector to allow easy placement of the light fixture both outdoors and indoors. The top and/or bottom connectors have attachment features to allow a hook to be attached to enable the light fixture to be hung in a desired location and the bottom connector may be attached to a stand-base to form a floor lamp. An extension rod may be configured into the top or bottom connectors.

21-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002656177C

A controller is configured for and a corresponding method of adaptive monitoring and control of a lighting system are suited for adaptively establishing lighting parameters on a fixture by fixture basis. The controller includes a communication interface configured to communicate with a multiplicity of light fixtures, a memory for storing software routines and information associated with each of the light fixtures; and a processor coupled to the memory and the communication interface and configured to execute the software routines and selectively communicate with at least one of the multiplicity of light fixtures to adaptively establish lighting parameters for the at least one of the multiplicity of light fixtures. A method of facilitating the monitoring and control of the light fixture includes controlling a lamp circuit to provide one of a multiplicity of light levels; assessing performance parameters of the light fixture; and communicating with a central server.

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002903150A1

A street light (1) has a hollow standard (2) having a lower end (3) and an upper end (4). The standard (2) is root mounted at its lower end (3) and supports a lamp (5) and a solar panel (6) at its upper end (4). A battery (20), typically a stack of batteries, is housed in the base compartment (11). A lamp illumination circuit (22) is mounted in the base compartment (11) and connects the battery (20) to the lamp (5) for control of switching on/off of the lamp. A charging circuit (23) is mounted in the base compartment (11) and connects the battery (20) to both the solar panel (6) and to a mains electricity connection (26) for charging of the battery. A control circuit (24) is mounted inside the base compartment (11), between the illumination control circuit (22) and the lamp (5) for control of the brightness of the lamp. The mains electricity connection (26) extends from the root portion (7) of the standard (2) for connection of the street light (1) to an AC mains electricity supply (27) ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002965238A1

A controlling of a lighting network based on traffic monitoring comprises steps of determining plurality of coverage areas of set of luminaires, where each luminaire comprises at least one light source. Information related to a presence of users in said coverage areas is received. This may relate both outdoor or indoor areas and activity. A status of at least certain luminaire is then changed to a reserve status, when a last detected user exits the coverage area. Each coverage area or luminaire is providing with an expected value for the time of when the next user is expected to arrive in the coverage area of said luminaire, A set of luminaires [R] of said luminaires with the reserve status to be controlled, such as dimmed, is then defined and information related to demand response requests [D1,..., Dn] of an electric power grid is received. In addition controlling, such as dimming, at least one of said defined set of luminaires in said reserve is performed in order to fulfil said demand ...

25-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002901475A1

A new outdoor solar lighting pole powered including conventional photovoltaic solar panels is described. These photovoltaic panels are attached to at least to one of the vertical flat surfaces of the lighting pole. Besides photovoltaic panels, the lighting system includes also a storage battery and a charge controller. The lighting pole includes an angular adjusting ring at the base to allow maximum solar light harvesting. Shape of the pole and available surface area are also optimized to maximize solar electricity output. The pole may have a triangular, rectangular, square, trapezoidal, octagonal or hexagonal horizontal cross-section. Proposed design may accommodate tilt and azimuthal angles optimization. Additional surface area could be available for integrating solar powered digital display. Proposed solar lighting may also provide support for motion sensing and telecommunication communication. Both crystalline and thin film based solar modules are suitable for this new solar powered ...

14-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709745A1

A solar lighting system includes a record of a plurality of lighting profiles. The particular profile that governs the operation of the lights of the system at any given time is selected by each lighting element according to its determination of the time of year or season. The invention allows the more efficient use of solar energy collected at various time of the year.

22-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002752466A1

An outdoor lighting fixture having a composite lens assembly that includes a transparent liner or sleeve having a translucent mosaic covering composed of a plurality of glass shards having a grout compound infused in the interstices between the plurality of glass shards. The transparent liner is a thin-walled cup having a shape that is symmetrical about its vertical axis and is open at its upper end. The transparent liner may have a frusto-conical, cylindrical, parabolic, hemi-spherical shape or any combination thereof. While the liner or sleeve is preferably transparent, other embodiments may be colored or frosted translucent to provide differing illumination effects. In addition, while the exterior and interior surfaces of the transparent liner are preferably smooth, in other embodiments they may be textured. A novel two-step process for manufacturing the composite lens assembly is also disclosed.

12-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002814039A1

A street light having a hollow pole is provided with a lower hand-access opening closed by a hatch (3). The hollow pole (1) has an internal surface and an external surface, its external surface being lined by external photovoltaic cells (14) in an upper section thereof, and a lamp (6) that is positioned inside the hollow pole (1). The upper end of the hollow pole (1) is open and the lamp (6) is mounted on positioning means so that the lamp can be moved, inside the hollow pole (1), from the lower hand-access opening until near the upper end of the hollow pole (1) on which a tiltable screen (11) is mounted having a side facing upward and a side facing downward, the latter being lined by a reflecting panel (13), the internal surface of the hollow pole (1) being covered by internal photovoltaic cells (14).

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002875192A1

The present invention relates to an illumination control system comprising a plurality of outdoor luminaries and a motorized service vehicle. Each luminaire comprises a controllable light source producing a light illuminance. The motorized service vehicle comprises a light sensor configured to detect the light illuminance generated by the controllable light source at the motorized service vehicle. The motorized service vehicle computes light illuminance data based on the detected light illuminance and transmits these to the outdoor luminaire through a wireless communication link or stores the light illuminance data on a data recording device of the motorized service vehicle. The outdoor luminaire receives may use the light illuminance data to set or adjust a light illuminance of the controllable light source.

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002859644A1

... ²A lighting apparatus having a base member and a directional member are shown ²and ²described. The base member includes a first surface having a plurality of ²reflective elements ²extending therefrom. The base member also including a plurality of openings ²arranged in a pattern. ²Each openings is configured to receive a respective light source. The ²directional member has a ²portion of a reflective surface positioned relative to at least one opening to ²reflect light radiating from ²a lighting source disposed within the opening towards a portion of at least ²one of the reflective ²elements extending from the base member.² ...

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002870028A1

A lighting apparatus having a base member and a directional member are shown and described. The base member includes a first surface having a plurality of reflective elements extending therefrom. The base member also including a plurality of openings arranged in a pattern Each openings is configured to receive a respective light source. The directional member has a portion of a reflective surface positioned relative to at least one opening to reflect light radiating from a lighting source disposed within the opening towards a portion of at least one of the reflective elements extending from the base member ...

06-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002276077C

The present invention provides a luminaire component housing which has at least two upwardly opening pockets substantially equal to the heights of the components to be fitted therein. The component housing has a cover which cinches the components into their respective pockets, thereby eliminating the need for metal straps, screws or other traditional hardware to secure components into place.

22-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002315500C

A photocontroller diagnostic system including a photocontroller with a sens or for determining the presence of daylight, and a relay, responsive to the sensor, for de-energizing a lamp during periods of daylight. The diagnostic subsystem is responsive to the photocontroller, and includes a microprocessor programmed to verify t he operability of the relay and/or the sensor and programmed to transmit a sign al representative of the operability of the relay or the sensor.

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Flashing Leuchtpfosten.

Номер: CH0000706064A2

Die Erfindung betrifft einen blinkenden Leuchtpfosten (8). Der Pfosten ist als Sicherheit bei Fussgängerübergängen konzipiert, um den herannahenden Autofahrer auf Fussgänger aufmerksam zu machen. Am Kopf oder seitlich am Pfosten (8) ist eine vandalensichere Taste (1) (mechanisch oder elektronisch auch berührungslose Auslöseform) angebracht, die die eingebauten LEDs (4) oder Lampen (4) (beidseitig gegen die Fahrbahnen gerichtet) während einer voreinstellbaren Zeit blinken lässt. Der Pfosten (8) macht bei Auslösung durch den Fussgänger mit Blinken auf sich aufmerksam. Der herannahende Fahrer sieht dann das Blinken des Pfostens (8), ohne dass er dabei geblendet wird. Die Grundform des Pfostens (8) ist die einer runden oder mehreckigen Säule. Darin integriert sind LEDs (4) oder Lampen (4) welche beidseitig gegen die Fahrbahn gerichtet sind. Die Stromversorgung geschieht entweder über die in der Säule integrierten Solarpanels (3), die eine aufladbare Batterie (Akku) speisen, oder über ein eingebautes ...

31-07-2000 дата публикации

Safety and mode solar light without external power source

Номер: CH0000690339A5

15-10-2013 дата публикации

Remote control for a lighting device.

Номер: CH0000706382A2

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Fernsteuerung umfassend einen Remote Host (10) und wenigstens eine Beleuchtungsvorrichtung (20) wobei der Remote Host eine darin eingebaute Überwachungssoftware (11) hat und mit einem ersten drahtlosen Übertragungs-/Empfangsmodul (12) und einem ersten Stromverstärkungsmodul (13) elektrisch verbunden ist, wobei jede Beleuchtungsvorrichtung (20) in ihrem Gehäuse jeweils mit einem AC-DC-Wandler für eine Verbindung mit einer Stromquelle, einem photoelektrischen Modul und einer Steuerungsschaltung, die zwischen dem AC-DC-Wandler und dem photoelektrischen Modul elektrisch angeordnet ist, versehen ist und wobei die Steuerungsschaltung ferner ausgestattet ist mit: einem Dimm-Modul, einem Strom-/Spannungsstabilisierungsmodul, einem zweiten drahtlosen Übertragungs-/Empfangsmodul, einem Spannungs-/Stromerkennungsmodul, einem zweiten Stromverstärkungsmodul und einem, Signalverarbeitungsmodul. Das Spannungs-/Stromerkennungsmodul erfasst regelmässig die Spannungs ...

30-11-2010 дата публикации

Solar sonic energy collector is provided with solar cells with miniature microphones and reflectors to form unit, where solar cells absorb light and convert light directly into electricity

Номер: CH0000701127A2

The solar sonic energy collector is provided with solar cells (4) with miniature microphones (2) and reflectors (3) to form a unit, where the solar cells absorb light and convert the light directly into electricity. The miniature microphones collect and convert sound waves into electrical current.

30-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201491720A1

30-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000003847B1
Принадлежит: ЛЕМПИ@ С.А. (FR)

... 1. Мачта освещения, имеющая, по меньшей мере, одну электрическую лампу (21) уличного освещения и приемопередатчик (17), обеспечивающий трансляцию принятого им сообщения и связанный с модулем (18) управления для управления лампой. 2. Мачта освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что электропитание приемопередатчика осуществляется от мачты освещения. 3. Мачта освещения по любому из пп.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что модуль управления подает команду включения лампы. 4. Мачта освещения по любому из пп.1, 2 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что модуль управления подает команду выключения лампы. 5. Мачта освещения по любому из пп.3 или 4, отличающаяся тем, что модуль управления производит управление включением/выключением с использованием команды, содержащейся в сообщении, полученном приемопередатчиком. 6. Мачта освещения по любому из пп.3-5, отличающаяся тем, что модуль управления выполнен с возможностью измерения, по меньшей мере, одного из следующих параметров, в том числе потребляемого лампой электрического ...

27-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000001839B1

20-01-2010 дата публикации

Rain collecting street lamp

Номер: CN0101629687A

The invention discloses a rain collecting street lamp comprising a street lamp post, a street lamp, a rain collecting tank, a water storage pipe and an irrigating control device, wherein the water storage pipe is arranged in a pipe of the street lamp post and is connected with an irrigating net pipe of a greening zone; the rain collecting tank is provided with a rain collecting valve and is communicated with the water storage pipe; the water storage pipe is connected with an irrigating valve communicated with the irrigating net pipe; and the irrigating valve and the irrigating control device are connected with control wires. A humidity signal of clay of rain collected by the rain collecting tank of the rain collecting street lam is transmitted to a controller of the irrigating control device by a humidity sensor; the controller is used for controlling the irrigating valve to drain the rain to the irrigating net pipe; and the rain evenly penetrates into the clay of a greening zone from front ...

25-01-2012 дата публикации

Multi-functional energy-saving high-pole steel lamp

Номер: CN0102330942A

18-03-2009 дата публикации

Road lamp wireless detection control system

Номер: CN0101389172A

The invention discloses a road lamp wireless detection control system, comprising a road lamp (1), a monitoring center (2). Each road lamp is mounted with a lamp head detection and energy saving controller (3) which is radio connected to a radio master controller (4); the radio master controller (4) is connected with a GPRS radio communication network (6) through a GPRS radio communication module (5) therein, the GPRS radio communication network is connected with INTERNET (7), and a monitoring center (2) is connected to the INTERNET (7) by TCP/IP communication protocol. The invention is capable of acquiring working condition of road lamp at any time, discovering and handling failure thereof, saves electric energy and prolongs life at the same time with the proviso that normal use of the road lamp system is not affected.

24-10-2007 дата публикации

LED road lamp head

Номер: CN0101059213A

The present invention discloses a LED street lamp holder, it includes lamp shade and LED light unit, the lamp shade includes inner surface and outer surface, the inner surface of said lamp shade is left and right symmetrical along the central line, and the half of the symmetrical inner surface consists of 4-12 flat panels, arbitrary two adjacent flat panels is located in different flat surfaces, the LED light unit is fixed on the flat panel of inner surface, the outer surface of lamp shade is equipped with heating radiator corresponding with the position of flat panel equipped with LED light unit on the inner surface. Due to the certain space angle between arbitrary two flat panels equipped with LED lamp in lamp shade, and the included angles between the flat panel and the lamp shade bottom surface are different, each LED light can irradiate different areas of road surface, thereby the use efficiency of signal LED is increased and the d lighting effect of road surface is improved. It mainly ...

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Illumination method of intelligentized-disinsection LED (light-emitting diode) street lamp

Номер: CN0105135337A

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Night lighting device for farmland

Номер: CN0106678721A

25-09-2013 дата публикации

Quickly opened street lamp holder

Номер: CN103322518A
Автор: Hao Huiding

A quickly opened street lamp holder relates to the field of lighting fixtures, and particularly relates to a structure of the street lamp holder. The structure comprises an upper lamp housing and a lower lamp housing, wherein an upper mounting seat is connected into the upper lamp housing; a spring and a lock plate are arranged in the upper mounting seat; the spring is arranged at the lower part of the lock plate; a lower mounting seat is connected into the lower lamp housing; a locking lever penetrates through the lower mounting seat; a spring bolt is arranged at the upper end of the locking lever in a connecting manner; the spring bolt is arranged at the upper part of the lock plate in a separating manner; the spring bolt is arranged in the spring in a separating manner. Through the adoption of the design, during the mounting, users can quickly mount the lamp housings by rotating the locking lever and rotating the spring bolt to the upper part of the lock plate; during the dismantling ...

08-10-2008 дата публикации

Novel wide-angle LED road lamp and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN0101280896A

The invention relates to a lighting lamp especially relates to a novel wide-angle LED road lamp and method for manufacturing same. The invention is to resolve technical problem how to provide a novel wide-angle LED road lamp with large coverage, high illumination, low cost, convenient process and design and method for manufacturing same. The inventive novel wide-angle LED road lamp includes a substrate with LED lamp arranged on, which is characterized in that the substrate folds into multilevel bevel, wherein the bevel becomes nearer to the level surface from outside to inside, the whole or part of the LED lamp is vertically installed on the bevel in dot matrix mode. The manufacturing method includes a layout design process, experiment correction, shaping process and lot manufacturing process. The novel wide-angle LED road lamp of the invention has advantages of large coverage, high illumination, low cost, convenient process and design, the manufacturing method is simple, practical, low ...

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Rotating multilayer street lamp

Номер: CN0204227253U

02-01-2018 дата публикации

LED street lamp with illuminator level adjusts clean function with solar panel

Номер: CN0206831390U

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Energy -saving solar street lamp

Номер: CN0207702351U

16-03-2016 дата публикации

Angle-adjustable street lamp mounting assembly

Номер: CN0105402661A

09-05-2012 дата публикации

Modularized LED (light emitting diode) street light with adjustable illuminating angle

Номер: CN0202216118U

25-05-2016 дата публикации

LED street lamp with multi-mode charging circuit

Номер: CN0105611671A

20-10-2017 дата публикации

Air purification transformation method of solar street lamp

Номер: CN0107270231A

28-11-2017 дата публикации

Solar street lamp with empty gas detection measurement of power ability

Номер: CN0206682832U

04-09-2013 дата публикации

LED street lamp

Номер: CN203176904U

05-06-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting diode (LED) high-efficiency energy-saving street lamp

Номер: CN202972835U

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Street lamp with source RF (radio frequency) tag circuit

Номер: CN0201697004U

20-10-2010 дата публикации

Irradiation angle-adjustable LED street lamp

Номер: CN0201611045U

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Multifunctional street lamp

Номер: CN0206176262U

24-07-2013 дата публикации

Novel light-emitting diode (LED) guardrail

Номер: CN0203081038U

19-06-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode (LED) efficient radiating street lamp

Номер: CN203010370U

19-06-2013 дата публикации

Street lamp circuit control and acquisition system

Номер: CN203015175U

19-06-2013 дата публикации

Self-protection street lamp

Номер: CN203010396U

17-04-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode (LED) street light

Номер: CN202884673U

31-08-2011 дата публикации

Self-induction solar street lamp system

Номер: CN0201954437U

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Indoor and outdoor solar lamp

Номер: CN0201462657U
Автор: Wang Peng

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Road lamp

Номер: CN0204026569U

26-04-2017 дата публикации

Fill multi -functional shimmer solar street lamp of electric pile formula

Номер: CN0206130845U

11-07-2017 дата публикации

Aviation obstruction beacon of solar energy and wind energy power supply

Номер: CN0206320675U

17-11-2017 дата публикации

Amusement type solar street lamp

Номер: CN0206647965U

31-08-2018 дата публикации

Smart wind -solar complementary street lamp

Номер: CN0207796871U

31-08-2016 дата публикации

Streetlamp shell

Номер: CN0205535613U
Автор: WANG LIYI, Wang Liyi

06-04-2011 дата публикации

LED module fixing spring plate

Номер: CN0201787509U

08-06-2016 дата публикации

Solar garden lamp

Номер: CN0205299361U

14-09-2011 дата публикации

Heat radiating component for rhombic LED road lamp

Номер: CN0201973692U

18-01-2012 дата публикации

Novel photo-sensation control street lamp

Номер: CN0202118741U

05-12-2012 дата публикации

Solar streetlamp

Номер: CN0202581080U

07-08-2018 дата публикации

Solar LED street lamp

Номер: CN0207702357U

22-02-2017 дата публикации

Illumination height -adjustable's LED street lamp

Номер: CN0205979545U

03-07-2013 дата публикации

Intelligent heat-dissipation reinforcing street lamp

Номер: CN203036451U

20-09-2010 дата публикации

Система электропитания уличного освещения

Номер: RU0000097805U1

1. Система электропитания уличного освещения, содержащая светильники на основе светодиодов, источник питания, преобразователь напряжения и однопроводниковую линию, отличающаяся тем, что преобразователь напряжения соединен с однопроводниковой линией, к которой подсоединены параллельно одним из выводов n светильников (n=1, 2, 3…), второй вывод каждого светильника соединен с естественной емкостью в виде изолированного проводящего тела или заземлен, при этом в преобразователе напряжения установлен регулятор частоты. ! 2. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с дистанционным управлением. ! 3. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с изменением частоты по таймеру. ! 4. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с изменением частоты ручным управлением. ! 5. Система электропитания уличного освещения по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что регулятор частоты выполнен с автоматическим изменением частоты в зависимости от уровня внешней освещенности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 97 805 (13) U1 (51) МПК F21S 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ(титульный лист) (21), (22) Заявка: 2010122753/07, 04.06.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.06.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2010 Бюл. № 26 (72) Автор(ы): Юферев Леонид Юрьевич (RU), Стребков Дмитрий Семёнович (RU), Рощин Олег Алексеевич (RU), Шахраманьян Михаил Андраникович (RU) U 1 9 7 8 0 5 R U Ñòð.: 1 ru U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система электропитания уличного освещения, содержащая светильники на основе светодиодов, источник питания, преобразователь напряжения и однопроводниковую линию, отличающаяся тем, что преобразователь напряжения соединен с однопроводниковой линией, к которой подсоединены параллельно одним из выводов n светильников ( ...

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Светильник уличный полупроводниковый

Номер: RU0000103895U1

1. Светильник уличный полупроводниковый, содержащий корпус, внешняя поверхность которого является охлаждающим радиатором, полупроводниковые источники света, блок управления источниками света, защитный оптически прозрачный элемент, отличающийся тем, что на нижней стороне корпуса параллельно рядам полупроводниковых излучающих элементов расположена система отражающих экранов. ! 2. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение которых описывается ломаной линией, состоящей из не менее чем двух отрезков. ! 3. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение каждой из которых описывается кривой второго порядка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 103 895 (13) U1 (51) МПК F21S 13/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010147230/07, 18.11.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.11.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2011 Бюл. № 12 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Научноисследовательский институт полупроводниковых приборов" (ОАО "НИИПП") (RU) 1 0 3 8 9 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Светильник уличный полупроводниковый, содержащий корпус, внешняя поверхность которого является охлаждающим радиатором, полупроводниковые источники света, блок управления источниками света, защитный оптически прозрачный элемент, отличающийся тем, что на нижней стороне корпуса параллельно рядам полупроводниковых излучающих элементов расположена система отражающих экранов. 2. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение которых описывается ломаной линией, состоящей из не менее чем двух отрезков. 3. Светильник по п.1, в котором отражающий экран выполнен из не менее чем двух прямоугольных пластин, поперечное сечение каждой из ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Universal solar illuminator system

Номер: US20120113625A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal solar illuminator system ( 100 ) is mounted to a flagpole apparatus ( 102 ) having a flagpole ( 104 ) and flag ( 106 ). The illuminator system ( 100 ) includes an elongated structure ( 120 ) opening outwardly and exposing a recessed area ( 123 ) having a rear, curved surface ( 125 ). The system ( 100 ) also includes an LED network ( 126 ) having a series of LED's ( 124 ) energized through a DC circuit ( 127 ) from a series battery pack ( 138 ). Solar panels ( 150, 152 ) charge the series battery pack ( 138 ) during daylight conditions.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Outdoor solar Tiki floor lamp

Номер: US20120113629A1
Автор: Diane Michelle Steele
Принадлежит: Individual

The claim for this invention is: 1) a solar powered outdoor garden floor lamp comprising: a) a weather resistant, rigid outdoor floor lamp base associated with b) an operable weather resistant, rigid outdoor solar garden lamp and lamp pole, such that the outdoor solar floor lamp in its entirety may be functional and rest firmly and safely on flat hard or soft surfaces because of the addition of the floor lamp base. This invention increases the usefulness for outdoor solar garden lamps. The additional uses for this solar lamp would include but not be limited to patios, underneath gazebos, decks, balconies, poolside, porches, docks and piers, or any hard surface, and also still includes traditional garden edges, lawns and other flat but soft surfaces. In addition, this outdoor solar floor lamp may be used indoors, after being charged using sunlight, in areas that lack electricity or where electricity is unaffordable.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Roadway luminaire and methods of use

Номер: US20120212958A1
Принадлежит: LSI Industries Inc

A lighting apparatus having a base member and a directional member are shown and described. The base member includes a first surface having a plurality of reflective elements extending therefrom. The base member also including a plurality of openings arranged in a pattern. Each openings is configured to receive a respective light source. The directional member has a portion of a reflective surface positioned relative to at least one opening to reflect light radiating from a lighting source disposed within the opening towards a portion of at least one of the reflective elements extending from the base member.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Traffic signal loading platform

Номер: US20120242506A1
Принадлежит: Lumination LLC

A system and method for setting operating parameters of traffic lamps. A traffic lamp including a memory operates according to one or more operating parameters on the memory. A loading device external to the traffic lamp transfers one or more operating parameters to the traffic lamp, where the traffic lamp sets the operating parameters to the transferred operating parameters.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Efficient illumination system for legacy street lighting systems

Номер: US20120243231A1
Принадлежит: Led Net Ltd

An LED lamp for outdoor and large space lighting, particularly for streets, warehouses car parks and the like, is adapted for fitting into legacy light fittings designed for sodium bulbs and the like. The LED lamp comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes arranged over a surface of the lamp, is rotatably connected through a rotatable electrical connection to a screw-in adaptor for insertion into a legacy screw-in socket, such that the screw in adaptor is rotatable independently of the lamp, so that the legacy screw in socket can be used even though the light fitting is too small to allow rotation of the LED lamp. Additional embodiments provide for cooling airflow through the light fitting, for temperature control of the LEDs, and for failure protection, to ensure a longest possible lamp lifetime.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Solar controller and solar road lamp having same

Номер: US20120274241A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A solar controller includes a microcontroller and a radio controlled clock receiving a time signal from a radio station and being synchronized to the time signal. The microcontroller is configured to store time-related data provided by the radio controlled clock.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Lighting assembly

Номер: US20120287668A1
Принадлежит: RAMBUS INC

A lighting assembly includes a light guide and a light source. The light guide has opposed major surfaces and side surfaces extending between the major surfaces. The light source is at an apex region between two side surfaces and is configured to input light to the light guide. The side surfaces comprise a stepped reflective side surface extending from the apex region and comprising a first reflective step and a second reflective step, and an output side surface extending from the apex region and comprising a first output region and a second output region. The first reflective step is configured to reflect a first portion of input light through the first output region. The second step is configured to reflect a second portion of input light through the second output region. The second output region comprises segments oriented nominally normal to the reflected second portion of the light incident thereon.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Sustainable outdoor lighting system and associated methods

Номер: US20120306382A1
Принадлежит: Lighting Science Group Corp

A light fixture is described that measures the ambient light intensity and determines whether to provide illumination. The light fixture may further determine a traffic status proximate the fixture and adjust the illumination accordingly. A network of light fixtures is also provided, the light fixtures communicating data to each other and determining illumination states therefrom.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for and method of controlling dimming of street lamp

Номер: US20120319598A1
Принадлежит: Samsung LED Co Ltd

A dimming controlling apparatus including: a lighting driving unit for driving a lighting appliance; a power supply unit for supplying power required to drive the lighting appliance; a storage unit for storing a plurality of dimming profiles including time zones for driving the lighting appliance and dimming levels in accordance to the time zones; and a controller for controlling the lighting driving unit and the power supply unit by using the dimming profiles. An operating time of the lighting appliance is divided into a plurality of time zones, and dimming profiles are generated to include an intensity of illumination for driving the lighting appliance in each of the plurality of time zones and each of the time zones.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and control device for highlighting an expected movement path of a vehicle

Номер: US20130054089A1

A method for highlighting an expected movement path of a vehicle, the method including a step of determining a traffic situation using an item of information concerning a surrounding environment of the vehicle. In addition, the method includes a step of determining the expected movement path based on the traffic situation. In addition, the method includes a step of providing a control signal for controlling a roadway marking device using the movement path in order to highlight the expected movement path.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting diode street lamp

Номер: US20130077313A1
Автор: Jeong-Shiun Chen
Принадлежит: JINGDEZHEN FARED Tech CO Ltd

A light emitting diode (LED) street lamp includes an LED chip, a ceramic substrate, a lamp shade, a nano-enamel layer and a thermally radiative heat dissipation film. The nano-enamel layer is disposed on the ceramic substrate to provide electrical insulation and isolation for protection, is made from nano-particles to have a surface with the function of self-cleaning due to lotus effect. The thermally radiative heat dissipation film is disposed on the inner surface of the lamp shade and the surface of the ceramic substrate, and has a surface microscopic crystalline structure. The thermally radiative heat dissipation film fastly propagates the heat generated by the LED chip by thermal radiation in some specific direction so as to improve the efficiency of heat dissipation, reduce the total thickness, enhance the efficiency of light emitting and effectively prolong the lifetime of the LED street lamp.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

High-power optical element street lamp using thermocouple

Номер: US20130083516A1
Автор: Dong Han Yoon
Принадлежит: Individual

A high power optical element streetlamp using a thermocouple includes a body unit, a lamp head unit, and a power supply unit fixed to the body unit. The lamp head unit includes a circuit board connected to the power supply unit, at least one optical element installed on the lower surface of the circuit board, a molding, and a heat dissipation plate installed on the upper end of the circuit board and including a plurality of heat dissipation fins to dissipate heat generated and transmitted from the at least one optical element and the circuit board. The thermocouple is arranged in the shape of a checkerboard on the surfaces of the heat dissipation fins and converts dissipated heat into thermoelectromotive force, and forming junctions where two kinds of metals having different thermal conductivities intersect to generate thermoelectric current is formed on the heat dissipation plate.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Illumination system and method

Номер: US20130114244A1
Принадлежит: Broan NuTone LLC

Embodiments of the invention provide an illumination system including an outer housing. The outer housing can include at least one inlet and at least one outlet. An inner housing can be coupled to the outer housing and can include fluid apertures and a chamber. An evaporator system can be disposed within the chamber so that the evaporator system is not visible from a position outside of the outer housing. The illumination system can also include an illumination device coupled to the outer housing.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Optimized Streetlight Operation (OSLO) using a Cellular Network Overlay

Номер: US20130116003A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An Optimized Streetlight Operation (OSLO) system that utilizes a cellular network overlay to broadcast control commands issued by a centralized Streetlight Operation Center (SOC) to RF control modules mounted on each streetlight pole. The cellular network may be a CDMA network utilizing Short Message Service-Broadcast (SMS-B) messaging. When a Mobile Telephone Exchange/Mobile Switching Center (MTX/MSC) receives a SOC control command from the SOC, the MTX/MSC causes a plurality of BSs to broadcast the SOC command in the network operating area a defined number of times. Each RF control module that successfully receives the broadcast SOC control command, performs actions to control operation of the module's associated streetlight, and transmits a confirmation message to the module's serving BS indicating the SOC command was received. The modules are configured to stagger transmission of the confirmation messages over a period of time to reduce a peak load imposed on the cellular network.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Lighting modules with optimized emission

Номер: US20130155677A1
Автор: Massimo Gattari
Принадлежит: Enel Sole Srl

Lighting modules are provided having a reflector which includes a central part and two tilted wings with respect to said central part, and at least two light sources, or light source assemblies, arranged about the ends of said central part. Lighting apparatuses which include such lighting modules are also provided.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Variable Operating Mode Solar Lighting System

Номер: US20130169189A1
Автор: Bruce Bernard
Принадлежит: Carmanah Technologies Corp

A solar lighting system includes a record of a plurality of lighting profiles. The particular profile that governs the operation of the lights of the system at any given time is selected by each lighting element according to its determination of the time of year or season. The invention allows the more efficient use of solar energy collected at various time of the year.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Compact concentric array reflector for led light fixture

Номер: US20130194808A1
Принадлежит: RAB Lighting Inc

An illustrative light fixture providing a desired spot light pattern diameter at a given distance includes a planar light emitter providing a light source and forming a first plane, and concentric conical frustum reflectors, the first reflector having a proximate end coplanar with the first plane and the second reflector having a proximate end distal of the first plane.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods that employ object recognition

Номер: US20130229518A1
Принадлежит: Express Imaging Systems LLC

An illumination system and methods to control a light source are provided. An illumination system includes a light source, a two-dimensional non-Passive Infrared (non-PIR) imager, and a controller. The light source may provide at least two levels of illumination. The non-PIR imager images an area and to produce image data representative of images across at least part of a visible portion of an electromagnetic spectrum. The controller is communicatively coupled to receive the image data from the non-PIR imager and process the received image data to detect at least one object in the area of a defined type of object. The controller is also coupled to control operation of the light source based on, at least in part, detection of the ambient characteristic of the environment. Alternatively, one or more components of a system may be used to monitor traffic, with or without active illumination.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Ac led array module for street light applications

Номер: US20130242535A1
Автор: Keith Scott, Todd Farmer
Принадлежит: Bridgelux Inc

A street light includes a pole, arm and a head attached to the pole, wherein the head comprises a light source having a plurality of solid state light emitting devices and an optical element configured to produce a light distribution pattern from light emitted from the solid state light emitting devices, wherein the light source is configured to be powered directly from an AC source.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Streetlight Having a Hollow Pole

Номер: US20130265786A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A streetlight having a hollow pole is provided with a lower hand-access opening closed by a hatch. The hollow pole has an internal surface and an external surface, its external surface being lined by external photovoltaic cells in an upper section thereof, and a lamp that is positioned inside the hollow pole. The upper end of the hollow pole is open and the lamp is mounted on positioning means so that the lamp can be moved, inside the hollow pole, from the lower hand-access opening until near the upper end of the hollow pole on which a tiltable screen is mounted having a side facing upward and a side facing downward, the latter being lined by a reflecting panel, the internal surface of the hollow pole being covered by internal photovoltaic cells.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Managing light system energy use

Номер: US20130334970A1
Принадлежит: IPiXC LLC

A first lighting assembly receives a lighting profile that instructs the first lighting assembly to operate according to the lighting profile over a first period of time. The received lighting profile is implemented, including causing a light of the first lighting assembly to illuminate at a first intensity. An input acquired in proximity to the first lighting assembly and indicating activity in a region proximate the first lighting assembly is received. The received lighting profile is then deviated from, in response to the received input, by increasing the intensity of the light to illuminate at a second intensity for a predetermined period of time. A message is transmitted for receipt by the control center, the message including an indication of the increased light intensity and an identifier associated with the first lighting assembly.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Flagpole illumination device

Номер: US20140016309A1
Автор: Gary L. Toner
Принадлежит: Individual

An illumination device having a pole mount, a light support that extends from the pole mount, a lighting unit is connected to the pole mount, and a solar panel assembly is mounted to the lighting unit. The pole mount is adapted to be fitted to poles having different diameters. In another embodiment an illumination apparatus is provided having a pole mount and a lighting assembly, and the pole mount has a first clamp half and a second clamp half. A hinge joins the first half and the second clamp half together and the first clamp half and the second clamp half are movable from an open clamp position to a closed clamp position. When in the closed clamp position the pole mount clamp defines a pole opening. A first light support extends from the first clamp half and a light emitting assembly is supported by the first light support.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Oln light change/optimization system

Номер: US20140028216A1

Light management system for an outdoor lighting network (OLN) having lighting units, the system including a central control apparatus ( 40 ); lighting unit control apparatus ( 50 ); and a communication system ( 60 ). The central control apparatus ( 40 ) is operable to receive a configuration request; receive optimization objectives/constraints; identify the lighting units operably connected to the plurality of lighting unit control apparatus ( 50 ) associated with the configuration request; determine whether at least one of lighting requirements, illuminance model, and cost model have changed; update the lighting requirements, the illuminance and the cost model when at least one of the lighting requirements, the illuminance model, and the cost model have changed; optimize operation of the identified lighting units as a function of the optimization objectives/constraints, the lighting requirements, the illuminance and the cost model; and send an operation instruction to the lighting control apparatus ( 50 ).

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Remote intelligent monitoring system and led street lamp applied thereto

Номер: US20140028219A1

A remote intelligent monitoring system includes a server and a plurality of LED street lamps. Each of the plurality of LED street lamps includes a plurality of LED light sources connected in parallel, a detecting module and a sensing module. The detecting module detects the functioning of each LED light source, and the sensing module detects atmospheric information of the area where the LED street lamp is located. If the detected functioning is not consistent with specified electrical standards corresponding to the detected atmospheric information, either the server or the LED street lamp itself can adjust the electrical functioning of the LED light sources to accord with the specified standards.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Roadway luminaire and methods of use

Номер: US20140029257A1
Принадлежит: LSI Industries Inc

A lighting apparatus having a base member and a directional member are shown and described. The base member includes a first surface having a plurality of reflective elements extending therefrom. The base member also including a plurality of openings arranged in a pattern. Each opening is configured to receive a respective light source. The directional member has a portion of a reflective surface positioned relative to at least one opening to reflect light radiating from a lighting source disposed within the opening towards a portion of at least one of the reflective elements extending from the base member.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Streetlight Controllers

Номер: US20140036473A1
Автор: Anil Agrawal
Принадлежит: Cimcon Lighting Inc

The subject matter included in this disclosure can be embodied in an apparatus that includes a computing device having memory and a processor. The processor can be configured to establish a wireless connection with a streetlight controller that communicates with a streetlight, initiate transmission of a set of parameters related to commissioning the streetlight, and receive, from the controller, status and identification information associated with the streetlight.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Streetlamp fault detection apparatus and streetlamp fault detection method thereof

Номер: US20140067290A1

A streetlamp fault detection apparatus and a streetlamp fault detection method thereof are provided. The streetlamp fault detection apparatus is coupled to a streetlamp loop, and stores an impedance condition table defining a reference impedance range and a non-reference impedance range. The streetlamp fault detection apparatus measures a total impedance value of the streetlamp loop in a measurement period, determines that the streetlamp loop is in a normal operating state if the total impedance value stably falls within the reference impedance range in the measurement period, and determines that the streetlamp loop is in a fault state if the total impedance value falls into the non-reference impedance range in the measurement period.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Universal solar illuminator system

Номер: US20150009659A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal solar illuminator system ( 100 ) is mounted to a flagpole apparatus ( 102 ) having a flagpole ( 104 ) and flag ( 106 ). The illuminator system ( 100 ) includes an elongated structure ( 120 ) opening outwardly and exposing a recessed area ( 123 ) having a rear, curved surface ( 125 ). The system ( 100 ) also includes an LED network ( 126 ) having a series of LED's ( 124 ) energized through a DC circuit ( 127 ) from a series battery pack ( 138 ). Solar panels ( 150, 152 ) charge the series battery pack ( 138 ) during daylight conditions.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Electricity self-supply type bus stop

Номер: US20150016098A1
Автор: Robert Wang
Принадлежит: Coremate Technical Co Ltd

An electricity self-supply type bus stop includes a fixed rod provided with a complex stop board and an upper shed. The upper shed has an inner peripheral side installed with an illuminating lamp and an outer peripheral side disposed with an indicating lamp positioned over the illuminating lamp. The fixed rod further has at least one power generation device secured thereon. By so designing, the electricity self-supply type bus stop can self-supply electric power for creating a bright waiting environment to increase safety of passengers waiting to take buses at night and also enable the passengers to read the information on the complex stop board and for starting the indicating lamp to emit light to let an approaching bus know that there are passengers waiting to take the bus at the stop, thus increasing safety of the passengers waiting at the stop at night and conforming to economic gains.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Solar led light bulb

Номер: US20200018454A1
Автор: Lazar Izradel
Принадлежит: Gama Sonic USA Inc

A light bulb includes a light bulb body that has a bulbous portion that narrows into a neck portion. The neck portion extends into a base portion. An array of LEDs is mounted in the bulbous portion. One or more solar photovoltaic panels are mounted in or on the neck portion. A battery is disposed in the light bulb body, which powers the LEDs and which is charged by the one or more solar photovoltaic panels.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Portable hybrid street light

Номер: US20170023191A1
Автор: Anthony K. MAGNOTTA
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a portable or stationary light; and in particular, to a portable street light powered by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Adaptive controlled outdoor lighting system and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20140117852A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A lighting system ( 100 ) including at least one controller ( 102 ) and a memory ( 104 ) containing program portions which configure the controller ( 102 ) to obtain weather forecast information including one or more of current and expected weather conditions over a period of time; determine one or more lighting settings based upon the weather forecast information; form lighting setting information in accordance with the determined lighting settings; and transmit the lighting setting information. The system ( 100 ) may include an illumination source ( 106 ) to provide illumination in accordance with the lighting setting information The system may change characteristics (e.g., illumination pattern, illumination intensity, illumination spectrum, illumination polarization,) of the illuminated source ( 106 ). The process may form lighting setting information to control one or more filters ( 130 ) in accordance with a desired lighting setting.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Adaptive optical distribution system

Номер: US20160037612A1

Embodiments of the invention include a luminaire that includes a plurality of different light engines. Light engines having different light distributions can be included in a single luminaire and a subset of the light engines selectively driven to dynamically change the light distribution of the luminaire. In this way, a single luminaire is capable of illuminating an area with a variety of different light distributions.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Smart optical sensor for adaptive, predictive, and on-demand control of public lighting

Номер: US20160050397A1
Принадлежит: Smart-I Srl

The subject of the present invention is a system characterized by a distributed network of smart optical sensors for adaptive, predictive, and on-demand control of public lighting. The invention pertains to the technical sector of monitoring and video-surveillance installations.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Solar flash light

Номер: US20220065414A1
Автор: Tung-Yao Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

A solar flash light includes a base, light guiding unit, inserting rod and solar photovoltaic module, where the base is provided with a through inserted hole, and a plurality of light emitting elements in electric connection with a circuit board, each light emitting element is configured in the inserted hole, and the on and off thereof is controlled by the circuit board; the light guiding unit includes two light guiding plates inserted in the inserted hole, and the bottoms of the plates face the corresponding light emitting elements; the surface of each light guiding plate is provided with a decorative pattern, the inserting rod is configured on the bottom of the base, and the solar photovoltaic module is assembled on the inserting rod, thereby converting solar energy into electrical energy to make light emitting elements irradiate, and achieving environmental protection and power saving.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Illuminating Device Having Folding Solar Panels

Номер: US20140133138A1
Автор: Kuei-Hsiang CHANG
Принадлежит: Individual

An illuminating device having folding solar panels, which comprises a lamp cover, a light source, two solar panels, and a folding holder on which the two solar panels are positioned. The opening of the lamp cover is smaller than the deployed area of the folding holder. When it is intended to place the light source, solar panels, and folding holder inside the lamp cover, the folding holder are folded by a predetermined angle so as to pass through the opening of the lamp cover. Accordingly, the illuminating device may significantly reduce the overall volume thereof without compromising the working efficiency. The illuminating device is flexible in arrangement and assembly, and is also more flexible in construction since the solar panels may be positioned at the highest portion to absorb more sunlight.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Solar power apparatus providing illumination to hanging flower planters or potted flowers

Номер: US20140133139A1
Автор: Jacob Harari
Принадлежит: Individual

A solar-powered lighting/illumination fixture for hanging flower planters or potted flowers comprises a body that can be affixed through a central opening or the like to the hanging hardware of the planter. The lighting fixture has solar cells that charge internal batteries during daylight hours and drive lights that illuminate the planter during nighttime hours. The fixture can also be affixed with a spoke that will allow it to be supported in the ground to provide pathway lighting. The lighting is provided through LEDs which also may accommodate light filters that can provide different colors to change the mood of the setting, as well as being provided with an adapter to fit most hanging planters in the market and also provided with an attaching mechanism that allows the height of the lighting fixture above the planter to be adjusted.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Rotationally adjustable outdoor security light

Номер: US20220082218A1
Принадлежит: Heathco LLC

The present disclosure sets forth an outdoor security light with the flexibility of being mounted to either a wall structure or to an eave or ceiling structure. The security light can be adjusted for each installation without the necessity of changing hardware elements of the security luminaire. Various embodiments allow for both a vertical installation wall mount, and a horizontal installation ceiling or eave mount, while maintaining appropriate outward orientation of the lamp heads while also allowing for appropriate positioning of a motion or other sensors.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Spherical motion sensor housing for outdoor security light

Номер: US20220082242A1
Принадлежит: Heathco LLC

The present disclosure sets forth a motion sensing outdoor security light with the flexibility of being mounted to either a wall structure or to an eave or ceiling structure. An adjustable spherical motion sensor housing may be provided with the rotationally adjustable outdoor security light, allowing easy adjustment of motion detection ranges under different mounting schemes without comprising the aesthetic design of the light. The adjustable spherical motion sensor housing may also provide an enlarged horizontal field of view for better performance.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Low Voltage LED Filament Array Lighting

Номер: US20210080066A1
Автор: Chelf Robert Bentley

Low voltage LED filament array lighting in accordance with embodiments of the invention are illustrated. One embodiment includes a LED array light including a cover component with first and second faces and containing a control circuitry and a battery electrically coupled to the control circuitry, a solar panel in contact with the first face of the cover component and electrically coupled to the control circuitry, and an LED filament light bulb in contact with the second face of the cover component and electrically coupled to the control circuitry, wherein the LED filament light bulb comprises an array of LEDs and a fluorescent material, wherein the control circuitry routes electricity generated by the solar panel to the battery for storage when the solar panel is generating electricity, and wherein the control circuitry routes electricity from the battery to the LED filament light bulb when the solar panel is not generating electricity. 1. A light-emitting diode (LED) array light comprising:a cover component with a first face and a second face and containing a control circuitry and a battery electrically coupled to the control circuitry;a solar panel in contact with the first face of the cover component and electrically coupled to the control circuitry; andan LED filament light bulb in contact with the second face of the cover component and electrically coupled to the control circuitry, wherein the LED filament light bulb comprises an array of LEDs and a fluorescent material;wherein the control circuitry routes electricity generated by the solar panel to the battery for storage when the solar panel is generating electricity; andwherein the control circuitry routes electricity from the battery to the LED filament light bulb when the solar panel is not generating electricity.2. The LED array light of claim 1 , wherein the LED filament light bulb is substantially perpendicular to the cover component.3. The LED array light of claim 1 , wherein the LEDs in the array of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Self-powered street light

Номер: US20170089533A1
Автор: Chauvin Souvandy
Принадлежит: Individual

A street lighting apparatus, and method of generating illumination, designed to provide illumination without the use of an electrical grid, is described. The illumination device is designed to have a first component configured to generate power for a second component, wherein the second component powers one or more functional elements, such as an LED or camera. The first component relies on at least one photovoltaic panel and solar power to electrically charge a first battery. The first battery is operatively coupled to a second component having a generator which is driven by a motor. The generator provides for an electrical charge to be stored in one or more batteries of a battery bank, thereby providing the necessary power utilized by the LED, camera, or other functional components.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Customizable modular luminaire

Номер: US20150115802A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A luminaire having a body that includes a first portion and a second portion, the second portion including two or more apertures. At least one of the two or more apertures being sized to match a main lighting component, at least one other of the two or more apertures being sized to match a first function module, and at least another of the two or more apertures being sized to match a second function module. One of the first function module and the second function module is one of a motion detector, a camera, an air pollution sensor, and a communication unit.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

LED Lighting Apparatus with Flexible Light Modules

Номер: US20140198499A1
Принадлежит: Chip Star Ltd

The present disclosure involves a street light. The street light includes a base, a lamp post coupled to the base, and a lamp head coupled to the lamp post. The lamp head includes a housing and a plurality of LED light modules disposed within the housing. The LED light modules are separate and independent from each other. Each LED light module includes an array of LED that serve as light sources for the lamp. Each LED light module also includes a heat sink that is thermally coupled to the LED. The heat sink is operable to dissipate heat generated by the LED during operation. Each LED light module also includes a thermally conductive cover having a plurality of openings. Each LED is aligned with and disposed within a respective one of the openings.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Smart city closed camera photocell and street lamp device

Номер: US20180115751A1
Автор: Sean Noone

The invention provides a photocell system for controlling a street lamp comprising a photocell configured to switch on and off the street light and a Closed Camera Photo Cell configured to collect image data and transmit the data to a remote location.

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Illuminating safety and notification device

Номер: US20190113214A1
Принадлежит: Brian O'boyle, Haralambos A. Stamatatos

A safety device comprises a light source, a power source coupled to the light source, a controller coupled to the light source and the power source to control operation of the lighting device, and a connection port that transmits and receives power up and control signals. In some embodiments, the connection port transmits and receives a wired signal. In further embodiments, the connection port transmits and receives a wireless signal. In some embodiments, the connection port receives a signal from an external source. In some of these embodiments, the external source is a remote control. In further embodiments, the external source is a program located on a computing device. In still further embodiments, the external source is one or more additional connection port of one or more additional safety devices. In some embodiments, the signal is a signal to power the light source.

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Street lighting control, monitoring, and data transportation system and method

Номер: US20150147064A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method and system for controlling and monitoring street lights using optical link signaling through free space which does not require an FCC license for operation. The optical link signaling is accomplished in the space between street lights by using LEDs for both area lighting and optical signaling. A Street lighting system luminaire comprises a structural member such as a pole, a lamp comprising one or more LEDs, and an optical receiver that receives optical signaling from one or more other luminaires in street lighting network. The modulator modulates the output of the lamp to launch data into the street lighting system for transport. The optical receiver and modulator enables strobing and flashing modes such as required to support emergency services.

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Conductor Concealment System

Номер: US20180149350A1
Автор: Tonnie Johnson-Gray
Принадлежит: Tonnie Johnson-Gray

A conductor concealment system includes a plurality of electrical cords and each of the electrical cords includes a male plug. An outlet unit is provided and the outlet unit is positioned outdoors. The male plug corresponding to each of the electrical cords is selectively electrically coupled to the outlet unit. The outlet unit is electrically coupled to a power source such that each of the electrical cords is in electrical communication with the power source. A lighting unit is removably coupled to the outlet unit to inhibit the male plug corresponding to each of the electrical cords from being exposed to weather. The lighting unit emits light to illuminate an area proximate the lighting unit.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Flagpole illumination device

Номер: US20180156402A1
Автор: Gary L. Toner
Принадлежит: Individual

An illumination device having a pole mount, a light support that extends from the pole mount, a lighting unit is connected to the pole mount, and a solar panel assembly is mounted to the lighting unit. In another embodiment an illumination apparatus is provided having a pole mount and a lighting assembly, and the pole mount has a first clamp half and a second clamp half. In another preferred embodiment there is flexible lighting assembly comprising a mount that is connected to a slider bar that supports a slider. A light support arm is supported on the slider and the light support arm connects to a central support member. A flexible member extends from the central support member to a telescopic lighting assembly having a light-generating device. A solar unit is connected to the slider bar and is wired to and powers the light-generating device.

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Phosphor mixture, optoelectronic component comprising a phosphor mixture, and street lamp comprising a phosphor mixture

Номер: US20140246692A1
Автор: Hailing Cui
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A phosphor mixture includes a first phosphor and a second phosphor, wherein an emission spectrum of the first phosphor has a relative intensity maximum in a yellow spectral range and an emission spectrum of the second phosphor has a relative intensity maximum in a red spectral range, the first phosphor corresponds to the following chemical formula: (Lu x Y 1-x ) 3 (Al 1-y Ga y ) 5 O 12 :Ce 3+ , where x is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 and where y is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 0.4, and the phosphor mixture is formed from a plurality of particles, which includes a plurality of particles of the first phosphor and a plurality of particles of the second phosphor.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190174608A1
Автор: Verfuerth Neal R.

One embodiment of the invention relates to a system for operating a plurality of streetlights in response to motion from a vehicle. The system includes a sensor associated with at least one of the streetlights and configured to detect the presence of a moving vehicle and to provide a signal representative of the moving vehicle. The system further includes a radio frequency transceiver associated with each of the streetlights. The system yet further includes processing electronics configured to receive the signal representative of the moving vehicle from the sensor and to cause the radio frequency transceiver to transmit a command to one or more of the plurality of the streetlights to change lighting states along a pathway for the vehicle. 112-. (canceled)13. A control module , comprising:an interface configured to electrically and physically couple the control module to a light fixture, the light fixture comprising a dimmable light source and a light fixture housing, wherein the interface physically couples the control module to an exterior of the light fixture housing;a control module housing;a 2.4 GHz radio-frequency (RF) transceiver within the control module housing;an antenna electrically coupled to the RF transceiver and tuned to facilitate RF communication at 2.4 GHz;a microcontroller coupled to a memory device;a photocell configured to detect an ambient light level;wherein the control module is configured to control the dimmable light source and is operable to place the dimmable light source in an off state, in a dimmed state, and in a fully illuminated state,wherein the RF transceiver and the microcontroller cooperate to facilitate remote configuration and monitoring of the control module,wherein the RF transceiver and the microcontroller cooperate to transmit data to, and receive data from, one or more other control modules in a plurality of control modules, andwherein the microcontroller is configurable, when programmed via the RF transceiver, to control ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Decorative solar-powered lighting system, a decorative solar module overlay, and a decorative solar module assembly for a decorative solar-powered lighting system

Номер: US20200173618A1
Принадлежит: Evergreen Enterprises of Virginia LLC

A solar-powered lighting system, a decorative solar module overlay for such a solar-powered lighting system, and a solar module assembly for such a solar-powered lighting system. The solar-powered lighting system is configured to permit receipt of sunlight by the solar module while also concealing the solar module and enhancing the overall aesthetic appearance of the solar-powered lighting system.

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187861A1
Автор: Li Yi-Qun

A lighting system comprises at least one excitation source (), preferably an LED, operable to generate and radiate excitation radiation of a first wavelength (λ); a shade () configured to at least in part surround the at least one source () and remotely located thereto; and at least one phosphor () provided in or on at least a part of the shade (), wherein the phosphor () emits radiation of a different wavelength in response to incident excitation radiation. The phosphor can be provided on a part of an outer or inner surface of the shade. Alternatively, or in addition, the phosphor is incorporated within the shade. The lighting system finds particular application as a hanging, a desk, a floor standing, a wall mountable, a spot, an outdoor or an accent lighting fixture. 1. A lighting system comprising:at least one blue emitting LED configured to emit blue excitation light having a wavelength ranging from 420 nm to 470 nm;a shade located remotely to the at least one LED and configured to at least in part surround the LED to thereby prevent at least in part direct viewing of the at least one LED, wherein the shade is configured such that blue excitation light travels in free-space a distance of at least one centimeter from the at least one LED to the shade; anda first phosphor provided as a layer on at least a part of an inner and/or outer surface of the shade;wherein the phosphor emits light of a different wavelength in response to incident excitation light, and wherein the combined light from the LED and the phosphor generate a desired color of light.223-. (canceled) This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/714,464, filed Mar. 5, 2007, entitled LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) BASED LIGHTING SYSTEMS by Yi-Qun Li, which application is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The invention relates to light emitting diode based lighting systems and in particular to systems in which a phosphor (photo luminescent) material is utilized to ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Solar-powered decorative light system, decorative light apparatus, and a method of controlling a decorative light apparatus

Номер: US20190186704A1
Автор: Fei Qiu, Guo Dong Zheng
Принадлежит: Evergreen Enterprises of Virginia LLC

A solar-powered decorative light system, a decorative light apparatus, and a method of controlling a decorative light apparatus. The solar-powered light system includes kinetic, balancing decorative items having controllable light sources that illuminate to give a “chasing light” visual effect that is automatically illuminated in response to movement of the decorative items. The illumination of the light sources is configured to correlate or is otherwise synchronized in relation to movement of the decorative items.

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Solar Power Platform Capable of Charging During Transport

Номер: US20140285005A1
Автор: Eric P. Casteel
Принадлежит: Individual

A mobile power platform can start storing energy to its battery array while being transported to an end use location. The platform, on a towable trailer, uses an array of photovoltaic cells, in panels that fold for transport before unfolding for full deployment at its user location. The system can be positioned in the direction of the sun with efficient, cost effective means. Optional additions to the platform include a mast with windmill and/or floodlight tower, a stand by/back-up generator, and kinetic power assist.

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Street lighting device including traffic sensing and communication with observers and associated methods

Номер: US20170205037A1
Принадлежит: Lighting Science Group Corp

A thoroughfare lighting device includes a housing to be attached to a thoroughfare surface, and including sidewalls that taper. A plurality of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) selectively illuminate individual lanes, including a first set of LEDs to emit a generally white light, and a second set of LEDs to emit colored light that is observable by an observer. A driver circuit operates the second set of LEDs to emit colored light illuminating a single lane indicating a condition of the individual lane. Optics may be carried by the housing and positioned in optical communication with at least a portion of the plurality of LEDs. A traffic sensor communicatively coupled to the driver circuit and configured to sense a traffic pattern and generate information regarding traffic on the associated thoroughfare. The driver circuit is configured to operate the plurality of LEDs responsive to the information generated by the traffic sensor.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Driveway marker lights

Номер: US20170211788A1
Автор: Hugh Reid, Sharon Shepard
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for driveway marker light safety system mainly to assist the snowplow drivers during adverse weather conditions is disclosed. The lighting marker system comprises a set of telescoping tubes positioned on either side of the driveway wherein it has extending sections along with a light fixture placed on top of the apparatus. The system further comprises a photo eye detector for detecting the snow obstruction and adjusts the marker light section by using a gear drive or coiled plastic rod mechanism. A solar panel is provided in the apparatus for supporting the power supply.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Luminaire controllers

Номер: US20160219674A1
Принадлежит: Schreder SA

Described herein is a luminaire controller which is mountable within a luminaire head by means of fastening areas provided in a wall forming part of an upper housing part and/or a baseplate, the upper housing part and the baseplate forming a body for the luminaire controller. A flexible light guide is provided for transmitting light from the exterior of the luminaire head to a light sensor located within the controller. A lens may be provided at one end of the light guide at the wall of the luminaire head with the other end of the light guide being adjacent the light sensor. A terminal strip and an antenna jack are provided to which respective electrical connections can be made and an antenna can be connected by means of an antenna cable.

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Lighting device and a road lighting luminaire comprising the lighting device

Номер: US20140313736A1

The invention discloses a lighting device for a road lighting luminaire and a lighting luminaire comprising the lighting device. The lighting device comprises a reflector ( 301 ), which comprises a reflecting surface ( 3011 ) formed by revolving a parabolic curve around a first axis (y) through a predetermined angle, wherein said parabolic curve has an aperture at its vertex, said first axis axis being co-planar with said parabolic curve, and extending substantially perpendicularly to the axis (x) of symmetry of said parabolic curve, and being located at or outside of said aperture of said parabolic curve. The lighting device further comprises a LED light source ( 302 ), which is disposed at an entry to said reflecting surface, with said entry corresponding to said aperture of said parabolic curve. In this way, light distribution can be controlled in the same way in any plane containing the first axis within the range of the predetermined angle. Moreover, the light distribution in any plane containing the first axis (y) can be controlled as desired by designing the parabolic curve accordingly. Thus, the lighting device can effectively reduce or eliminate the negative glaring effect and/or achieve satisfying lamination uniformity on the road surface.

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Lamp with selectable illumination and flame effects

Номер: US20210254804A1
Автор: Fred Hollinger
Принадлежит: E Mishan and Sons Inc

A lamp has a single, flat, and rigid PCB disposed within a light-scattering cylindrical enclosure. A white set of LEDs is mounted on the faces of the PCB and arranged in a plurality of white rows. A colored set of LEDs is mounted on the two faces and arranged in a plurality of colored rows, the white rows interleaved with the colored rows. A battery rechargeable by solar cell powers the LEDs. Electronic circuitry selectively controls the white LEDs and colored LEDs, the circuitry configured to perform an off mode (white set and colored set are off), an illumination mode (white set is powered on continuously and the colored set is off), and a flame mode (colored LEDs of the colored set are powered on selectively to simulate a flame).

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Portable lighting system

Номер: US20180231195A1
Автор: Robyn Reid Hoffman
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable lighting system is disclosed that provides illumination at remote locations without need of an external power source. The portable lighting system is easily transported by disassembling removably attachable components, a head unit, an adjustable support structure at least four feet in height, and a base unit. When assembled, the portable lighting system provides level above ground illumination by LED light at a height of at least four feet and extendable up to sixteen feet, controlled by switch, remote control, or motion detection, with variable intensity and wavelength controls.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Lighting Fixture Having an Integrated Communications System

Номер: US20190226672A1

In one aspect, a lighting fixture includes a pole having a first section and a second section. The second section of the pole includes a radio frequency (RF) transparent material. The lighting fixture also includes a light housing coupled to the first section of the pole and a light source in the light housing. The lighting fixture further includes an antenna assembly in the second section of the pole. The antenna assembly is configured to wirelessly communicate with a user equipment device (UE). The lighting fixture also includes a communications backhaul interface coupled to the antenna assembly. 1. A lighting fixture , comprising:a pole having a first section and a second section, wherein the second section of the pole comprises a radio frequency (RF) transparent material;a light housing coupled to the first section of the pole;a light source in the light housing;an antenna assembly in the second section of the pole, wherein the antenna assembly is configured to wirelessly communicate with a user equipment device (UE); anda communications backhaul interface coupled to the antenna assembly.2. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , further comprising a rod axially disposed within the second section of the pole claim 1 , wherein the antenna assembly is mounted to the rod and the second section encloses the rod and the antenna assembly.3. The lighting fixture of claim 2 , wherein the antenna assembly comprises three or more antennas radially mounted around a circumference of the rod.4. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , wherein the communications backhaul interface is configured to wirelessly communicate with a communications network over an air interface.5. The lighting fixture of claim 4 , wherein the pole further comprises a third section above the first section and the second section claim 4 , the third section comprises a second RF transparent material claim 4 , and the communications backhaul interface is in the third section.6. The lighting fixture of claim 1 , ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации

Device Leveling Elements

Номер: US20150252989A1
Автор: Diane Michelle Steele
Принадлежит: Individual

A weighted base includes, includes a plurality of removable, folding, joinable, and adjustable leveling elements that attach along the underside surface of the base to form a tripod support. The leveling elements include interchangeable folding feet and pointed members each having threaded connections to the base individually or in series, to maintain the gravitationally centered orientation of the base over most surfaces. A plurality of storage clips retain and stow un-deployed leveling elements within the gap provided between the base and the ground surface. A utilitarian device such as an upstanding pole attaches to the base and supports an object such as a flag, umbrella, or other piece of equipment.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190239316A1

A luminaire may include a plurality of different light engines. Light engines having different light distributions can be included in a single luminaire and a subset of the light engines selectively driven to dynamically change the light distribution of the luminaire. In this way, a single luminaire is capable of illuminating an area with a variety of different light distributions. 1. A luminaire comprising:at least two light engines;a sensor;a controller communicatively coupled with the sensor and the at least two light engines, wherein the controller is configured to:determine when a trigger event occurs based on data from the sensor; andchange a color of at least one of the at least two light engines.2. The luminaire of claim 1 , wherein each light engine comprises:inner zone optics that produce an inner zone light distribution; andouter zone optics that produce an outer zone light distribution.3. The luminaire of claim 2 , wherein the inner zone light distribution and the outer zone light distribution do not overlap.4. The luminaire of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises at least one selected from the group of a particulate sensor claim 1 , a rain sensor claim 1 , a temperature sensor claim 1 , a daylight sensor claim 1 , a humidity sensor claim 1 , a luminance sensor claim 1 , a motion sensor claim 1 , and an input for manual control.5. The luminaire of claim 1 , wherein the trigger event occurs when a variable detected by the sensor reaches a threshold value.6. A luminaire comprising:a sensor;a first light engine;a second light engine;an initial state where the first light engine emits light for a first distribution and the second light engine emits light for a second distribution;an alternate state where (i) the first light engine emits light for a third distribution and (ii) the second light engine emits light for a fourth distribution; anda controller communicatively coupled with the sensor, the first light engine, and the second light engine, wherein: ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Battery powered lighting system

Номер: US20160270188A1
Принадлежит: Philips Lighting Holding BV

There is provided a battery powered lighting system having illuminating units and a battery module with rechargeable batteries for providing electrical power to the illuminating units. A temperature sensor is arranged to measure a temperature of the battery pack. A charger and discharger are arranged to (dis)charge the battery module, where discharging means powering the illumination units. A control system is arranged to adjust a lighting profile using measurements received from the temperature sensor. The adjusted lighting profile will assures that the temperature of said battery module stays within a predefined temperature range, and in particular above a predefined temperature. This will extend the life time of the batteries.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

LED Light Has Built-In Camera-Assembly to Capture Colorful Digital-Data Under Dark Environment

Номер: US20190253670A1
Автор: Tseng-Lu Chien
Принадлежит: Individual

A LED Light device for house or stores or business application having built-in camera unit is powered by AC or-and DC power source for a lamp-holder, LED bulb, security light, flashlight, car torch light, garden, entrance door light or other indoor or outdoor LED light device connected to power source by (1) prongs or (2) male-base has conductive piece can be inserted into a female receiving-piece which connect with power source or (3) wired or AC-plug wires. The device has built-in camera-system has plurality functions to make different products and functions. The LED light device has at least one of (a) camera or DV (digital video) to take minimum MP4 or 4K image or photos, (b) digital data memory kits or cloud storage station, (c) wireless connection kits, Bluetooth or USB set for download function, (d) MCU or CPU or IC with circuit with desired motion sensor/moving detector(s)/other sensor, (e) camera-assembly for connecting Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi extend, or-and 3G/4G/5G network or even settle-lite channel, (f) system to transmit or-and receiving wireless signal, (g) APP or other platform incorporated with pre-programed or even AI (artificial intelligence) software has optional area-selections function to make screen-comparison or image comparison to operation pre-program or related device including but not limited to detect moving object(s), face recognition or personal identification or-and habit or-and crime comparison, purchase, (h) LED light source to offer sufficient brightness under dark environment for camera-assembly take color data, (i) other electric or mechanical parts & accessories, (j) has moving detector and software built-in to make comparison to judge the movement object of the preferred screen selected-areas; to get desired function(s) for the said LED light device. The said motion sensor/moving detector or other sensor unit has desired camera and Wi-Fi system and part or all of digital data related module or circuit(s) or backup power, and (k) ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Low-Profile Outdoor Lighting Module With Light Emitting Diodes

Номер: US20150276144A1
Принадлежит: Bridgelux Inc

A low-profile lighting module with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has a water-tight seal between a molded-plastic cover and a printed circuit board (PCB). A substrate with the LEDs fits up into an indentation in the lower surface of the PCB. Landing pads on the top of the substrate attach to contact pads in the indentation that are extensions of a conductor of the PCB which is electrically coupled through the landing pads to the LEDs. A lens with a curved optical portion surrounded by a flat lip fits into another indentation on the upper surface of the PCB. A highly reflective sheet is disposed between the planar lower surface of the lens and bottom of the indentation in the upper surface. A double-sided adhesive sheet is disposed under the inside surface of the molded-plastic cover and over both the upper surface of the PCB and the flat lip of the lens.

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Safety light apparatus and method

Номер: US20180268689A1
Автор: Richard Lewis
Принадлежит: Dicke Safety Products

The present invention is directed to a safety light, such as a barricade lamp. The safety light comprises a light member and a power source comprising a non-rechargeable battery source and a rechargeable battery source. A solar cell array is also included and is adapted to recharge the rechargeable battery source. A battery monitor and a power control processor are configured to control the supply of power to the light member by causing the rechargeable battery source to power the light member until the charge level of the rechargeable battery source falls below a certain level, at which time the power control processor causes power from the non-rechargeable battery source to power the light member.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Mobile Renewable Energy Light Tower

Номер: US20160281938A1
Автор: Jeff Carpoff
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to a mobile light tower that utilizes multiple sources of energy to provide a highly energy efficient source of illumination. The components are mounted on a frame providing double wall containment. The electrical components are mounted on an interior component mount allowing the electrical subsystem to be assembled independently from the rest of the mobile light tower. Leg assemblies supporting the mobile light tower can be folded up flush into a channel in the mobile light tower housing.

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Method for operating and controlling a network of lights

Номер: US20180288853A1
Принадлежит: Schreder SA

Described herein is method for operating and controlling a network of lights comprising a plurality of lights arranged in a number of groups (A, B) using a short-distance network. Each light includes a control module (23, 28) for controlling its normal operation and for short-distance communication over the short-distance network with a designated group controller (23′, 28′, 31, 32) and other control modules within the group. Each designated group controller (23′, 28′, 31, 32) is also operable for long-distance communication with a central server and transmits its own specific information as a control module as well as information received from other control modules within the group. Information relevant to more than one group can quickly be exchanged between adjacent groups over a long-distance network via the group controller of the adjacent groups, by-passing the central server, or directly over the short-distance connection to a control module of an adjacent group. Failure of a group controller (23′, 28′, 31, 32) can be managed by designating another control module (23, 28) within the group as a new group controller and the flexible short-distance network is re-formed around the new group controller.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Solar powered lighting system

Номер: US20180320835A1
Автор: Bryan Poage
Принадлежит: Bryco Solar Systems LLC

A portable solar powered illumination system has a housing adapted for transport using at least one pair of wheels coupled to an axle assembly. The housing has a rear facing wall that extends at a selected non-orthogonal angle with respect to a base of the housing. The rear facing wall supports a tri-fold solar panel assembly with first, second and third solar panels. The first solar panel is affixed to the rear facing side wall, and the second and third solar panels hingedly fold onto and away from the first solar panel between retracted and deployed positions. Energy collected by the solar panel assembly is stored by an energy storage device during the day and used by a light assembly for illumination at night. An elevation adjustment device establishes a rotational angle of the housing to maintain the deployed solar panels at a desired angle.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180325097A1

An insect repellant system that provides volatized pest repellant at a radius to the system. The repellant system includes at least one housing with (i) a base and an upper housing removably joined to the base to define an inner region of the housing, (ii) a repellant reservoir having a wick extending upwardly through a neck of the reservoir that receives a repellant fluid that is transferred by the wick during operation of the insect repellant system, and (iii) an evaporator system having a heater element coupled to a support assembly. The upper housing includes at least one upper fluid outlet and the base including at least one inlet opening. In an installed position, the repellant reservoir is inserted into the inner region and the wick extends through the support assembly and into the heater element to volatize repellant fluid carried by the wick. 1. An insect repellant system that provides pest repellant at a radius to the system , the system comprising:a main housing having a base and an upper housing removably joined to the base to define an inner region, wherein the upper housing includes a top wall and sidewall extending downward from the top wall, the upper housing including at least one upper fluid outlet and the base including at least one inlet opening;a repellant reservoir having a wick extending upwardly through a neck of the reservoir, wherein the reservoir defines a chamber that receives a repellant fluid that is transferred by the wick during operation of the insect repellant system; a support assembly coincident with the sidewall of the upper housing, the support assembly including a lower wall with an aperture and a support wall arrangement that defines an upper receptacle,', 'a heater element positioned within the upper receptacle, the heater element having an opening that is aligned with the aperture of the support assembly;, 'an evaporator system positioned within the upper housing, the evaporator system includingwherein in an installed ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200323067A1
Автор: Verfuerth Neal R.

One embodiment of the invention relates to a system for operating a plurality of streetlights in response to motion from a vehicle. The system includes a sensor associated with at least one of the streetlights and configured to detect the presence of a moving vehicle and to provide a signal representative of the moving vehicle. The system further includes a radio frequency transceiver associated with each of the streetlights. The system yet further includes processing electronics configured to receive the signal representative of the moving vehicle from the sensor and to cause the radio frequency transceiver to transmit a command to one or more of the plurality of the streetlights to change lighting states along a pathway for the vehicle. 112-. (canceled)13. A control module , comprising:an interface configured to electrically and physically couple the control module to a light fixture, the light fixture comprising a dimmable light source and a light fixture housing, wherein the interface physically couples the control module to an exterior of the light fixture housing;a control module housing;a 2.4 GHz radio-frequency (RF) transceiver within the control module housing;a microcontroller coupled to a memory device;wherein the control module is configured to control the dimmable light source and is operable to place the dimmable light source in an off state, in a dimmed state, and in a fully illuminated state,wherein the RF transceiver and the microcontroller cooperate to transmit data to, and receive data from, one or more other control modules in a plurality of control modules.14. A control module according to claim 13 , wherein the RF transceiver and the microcontroller cooperate to facilitate remote configuration and monitoring of the control module.15. A control module according to claim 13 , further comprising a sensor interface configured to communicatively couple the control module to an additional sensor.16. A control module according to claim 15 , wherein ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling a lighting network

Номер: US20170347433A1
Автор: Sierla Seppo

A controlling of a lighting network based on traffic monitoring comprises steps of determining plurality of coverage areas of set of luminaires, where each luminaire comprises at least one light source. Information related to a presence of users in said coverage areas is received. This may relate both outdoor or indoor areas and activity. A status of at least certain luminaire is then changed to a reserve status, when a last detected user exits the coverage area. Each coverage area or luminaire is providing with an expected value for the time of when the next user is expected to arrive in the coverage area of said luminaire, A set of luminaires [R] of said luminaires with the reserve status to be controlled, such as dimmed, is then defined and information related to demand response requests [D, . . . , D] of an electric power grid is received. In addition controlling, such as dimming, at least one of said defined set of luminaires in said reserve is performed in order to fulfil said demand response requests at least partially. 1. A method for controlling a lighting network based on traffic monitoring , wherein the lighting network comprises set of luminaires , and each luminaire comprising at least one light source , determining plurality of coverage areas of the set of luminaires,', 'receiving information related to a presence of users in said coverage areas,, 'wherein the method comprises steps of changing a status of at least certain luminaire to a reserve status, when a last detected user exits the coverage area of said luminaire,', 'providing for each coverage area of luminaire an expected value for the time of when a next user is expected to arrive in the coverage area of said luminaire,', 'defining a set of at least one luminaire [R] of said at least one luminaire with the reserve status based on said provided expected value,', {'sub': 1', 'n, 'receiving information related to demand response request [D, . . . , D] of an electric power grid, and'}, ' ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150362140A1
Автор: ZHAO Haitian

The present invention relates to a multi-dimensional road lighting system comprising a multi-dimensional lighting type and a luminaire dedicated for the multi-dimensional lighting. The multi-dimensional road lighting system is used in highway, municipal road and tunnel lighting. The multi-dimensional road lighting system comprises multiple dimensions of lighting subsystems including at least one dimension of backward lighting subsystem, one dimension of forward lighting subsystem and one dimension of lateral lighting subsystem. The lighting subsystems are formed by physical light sources. A light projecting direction of the backward lighting subsystem is opposite to the driving direction of a lane, a light projecting direction of the forward lighting subsystem is the same as the driving direction of the lane, and a light projecting direction of the lateral lighting subsystem is perpendicular to the driving direction of the lane. The multi-dimensional road lighting system of the present invention can at the same time or selectively provide multiple dimensions of space lighting. The present invention addresses the issues of glare, invalid illumination and poor longitudinal uniformity, significantly increases the lighting efficiency and power consumption and, at the same time, provides good road lighting photometry indexes and excellent cost/performance ratio, which can be used in illumination of new roads and reconstruction of existing road lamp systems. 1. A multi-dimensional road lighting system comprising a multi-dimensional lighting type and a luminaire dedicated for the multi-dimensional lighting , the multi-dimensional road lighting system being used in highway , municipal road and tunnel lighting , wherein the multi-dimensional road lighting system is characterized in that the multi-dimensional road lighting system comprises multiple dimensions of lighting subsystems including at least one dimension of backward lighting subsystem , one dimension of forward ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Network of lights and operating method thereof

Номер: US20190335569A1

Described herein is method for operating and controlling a network of lights comprising a plurality of lights arranged in a number of groups (A, B) using a short-distance network. Each light includes a control module () for controlling its normal operation and for short-distance communication over the short-distance network with a designated group controller () and other control modules within the group. Each designated group controller () is also operable for long-distance communication with a central server and transmits its own specific information as a control module as well as information received from other control modules within the group. Information relevant to more than one group can quickly be exchanged between adjacent groups over a long-distance network via the group controller of the adjacent groups, by-passing the central server, or directly over the short-distance connection to a control module of an adjacent group. Failure of a group controller () can be managed by designating another control module () within the group as a new group controller and the flexible short-distance network is re-formed around the new group controller.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Lighting fixture

Номер: US20190338902A1
Автор: Marla Zinsky
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed herein is a lighting fixture. Accordingly, the lighting fixture may include a vertical pole having a hollow cylindrical section with a top end and a bottom end. Further, the top end of the vertical pole may include inner-hose threads on an inner surface of the vertical pole. Further, the bottom end of the vertical pole may be attached to a staking structure for positioning the vertical pole above a ground surface. Further, the lighting structure may include a solar panel attached to the vertical pole through a fixing mechanism. Further, the solar panel may be electrically coupled with an energy storage device through a controller. Further, the lighting structure may include at least one illuminating device disposed within the hollow cylindrical section of the vertical pole. Further, the lighting structure may include a decorative fixture that may include a hose connector at a lower end of the decorative fixture.

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Utility pole solar energy collector system

Номер: US20200343852A1
Принадлежит: Earth Steps LLC

A solar energy harvesting assembly having a unique attachment that can be arranged, mounted, moved and attached to new or existing structures. Solar rings are mounted on any vertical structure that may benefit from solar power using an aesthetically pleasing design that is resistant to wind load. The assembly does not require the need for pitch, azimuth or bearing measurements. The assembly is also capable of energy harvesting from reflected light below with the use of bifacial photovoltaic panels. The mounting design allows the solar energy harvest device to be installed on any vertical structure, including light poles, power poles, parking structures and other minimal load bearing structures. Further, the assembly can be attached to water towers, existing radio towers (guyed, monopole, stealth, self-supporting towers) all used to create vast amounts of unshaded vertical space for solar energy harvesting.

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Light emitting sign apparatus using optical fiber

Номер: US20190347966A1
Автор: Ki Hoon Lee, Sung Su JO
Принадлежит: Altech Co Ltd Korea

A light emitting sign apparatus including an optical fiber includes: an outer frame including an accommodation space having an opened front side; a front panel covering the front side of the outer frame, the front panel including first front emission holes; a light source module located in the accommodation space, the light source module including at least one light source; first front optical fibers having one ends connected to the first front emission holes and the other ends optically coupled to the at least one light source; at least one outer illumination sensor located in the accommodation space; and outer optical fibers having one ends connected outer emission holes provided in the outer frame and the other ends optically coupled to the at least one outer illumination sensor.

31-12-2015 дата публикации

Efficient illumination system for legacy street lighting systems

Номер: US20150377468A1
Принадлежит: Led Net Ltd

An LED lamp for outdoor and large space lighting, particularly for streets, warehouses car parks and the like, is adapted for fitting into legacy light fittings designed for sodium bulbs and the like. The LED lamp includes light emitting diodes arranged over a surface of the lamp, is rotatably connected through a rotatable electrical connection to a screw-in adaptor for insertion into a legacy screw-in socket, such that the screw in adaptor is rotatable independently of the lamp, so that the legacy screw in socket can be used even though the light fitting is too small to allow rotation of the LED lamp. Additional variants provide for cooling airflow through the light fitting, for temperature control of the LEDs, and for failure protection, to ensure a longest possible lamp lifetime.

07-03-2018 дата публикации

Solar tent

Номер: EP3291312A1
Автор: Jianping Xie
Принадлежит: Yotrio Group Co Ltd

The invention relates to a solar tent comprising a ring beam part (10), a leg tube part (11), a lower top tube (3) and a top frame (5), a lower top plate (1), an upper top plate (2), a solar panel (8), a horizontal tube (6), a side tube (7), a top tube (4), a battery box, a Bluetooth speaker component, a switchbox comprising a USB port, a temperature control device and a lighting tube (9), wherein the Bluetooth speaker component, the temperature control device, and the lighting tube (9) are electrically connected to the solar panel (8) and/ or the battery box, such that the solar panel (8) or the battery box may provide electricity for operation of the Bluetooth speaker component, the temperature control device, and the lighting tube (9).

11-09-2008 дата публикации

Light emitting diode (LED) based lighting systems

Номер: US20080218992A1
Автор: Yi-Qun Li
Принадлежит: Intematix Corp

A lighting system comprises at least one excitation source ( 5 ), preferably an LED, operable to generate and radiate excitation radiation of a first wavelength (λ 1 ); a shade ( 4 ) configured to at least in part surround the at least one source ( 5 ) and remotely located thereto; and at least one phosphor ( 16 ) provided in or on at least a part of the shade ( 4 ), wherein the phosphor ( 16 ) emits radiation of a different wavelength in response to incident excitation radiation. The phosphor can be provided on a part of an outer or inner surface of the shade. Alternatively, or in addition, the phosphor is incorporated within the shade. The lighting system finds particular application as a hanging, a desk, a floor standing, a wall mountable, a spot, an outdoor or an accent lighting fixture.

05-10-2011 дата публикации

Lighting device

Номер: EP2021688A4
Принадлежит: Cree Inc

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Solar operated illumination apparatus

Номер: US20220349540A1

The disclosed subject matter relates to a solar-operated lighting device comprising a substantially tubular solar module, which is positioned vertically in its mounted position and electrically powers a light via at least one rechargeable battery and an electronics module, the at least one rechargeable battery and the electronics module each being arranged in the interior of the solar module with radial spacing therefrom, the solar module having a ventilation opening at both its upper end and its lower end, and the light forming a cover of the lower ventilation opening.

07-10-2010 дата публикации

간접 조명식 발광 다이오드 램프

Номер: KR100986201B1
Автор: 김동수, 모재석
Принадлежит: 알티반도체 주식회사

개시된 발광 다이오드 램프는 발광 다이오드 램프는 전주의 상면에 홈이 형성되어 상기 홈 내에 엘이디 칩이 외부로부터 은폐되도록 실장될 수 있다. 상기 전주의 상부는 방열부가 형성되어 상기 엘이디 칩으로부터 발생된 열을 외부로 방열할 수 있다. 상기 전주의 상부에는 투광관이 결합하며, 상기 투광관의 상부에는 엘이디 칩으로부터 발광된 빛을 반사하여 빛의 진행 경로를 변경할 수 있는 반사판이 결합될 수 있다. 상기 투광관 및 상기 반사판에는 상기 엘이디 칩으로부터 발광된 빛이 외부로 출사 시에 백색광으로 표현되도록 형광체가 도포되거나 함유될 수 있다. 이에 의하면, 광원으로서 엘이디 칩을 사용하므로 에너지 효율과 수명 등을 향상시킬 수 있고, 폐기 시 환경 오염을 줄일 수 있다. 또한, 엘이디 칩의 수와, 발광되는 색 및 형광체의 사용에 의하여 외부 조명 시 다양한 색의 빛을 출사시킬 수 있다.

01-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CN201851988U
Автор: 伍永乐
Принадлежит: 伍永乐


04-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CN102537816A
Автор: 刘子宁
Принадлежит: Individual


27-03-2013 дата публикации

Led guard lamp

Номер: KR101248011B1
Автор: 장영환
Принадлежит: 장영환

PURPOSE: An LED security lamp is provided to emit heat, which is generated in an LED device to the outside of a lamp in a short time, thereby increasing light efficiency of the LED device. CONSTITUTION: An LED security lamp(100) includes a cover unit, a radiating unit, a body unit, and a base. The cover unit prevents the inflow of an external foreign substance. The radiating unit comprises a heat sink in a back side. The body unit is located in the outside of the radiating unit. The body unit comprises a plurality of emission through-holes. The base is combined with an upper part of a circumference of the body unit. The base is connected to a socket.

10-05-2006 дата публикации

Electrical Power Supply

Номер: GB0606309D0
Автор: [UNK]

05-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN209068368U
Автор: 潘笃文


19-10-2011 дата публикации

Lighting apparatus

Номер: KR101074687B1
Автор: 이진화
Принадлежит: 우성전기주식회사

본 발명의 조명 장치는, 설치봉에 고정설치되며 가이드홈이 형성되는 브라켓; 광원과, 상기 가이드홈에 대응되도록 형성되는 가이드로 구성되어 상기 브라켓에 대해 회전하도록 설치되는 본체; 및 상기 본체의 조사각도를 조절하는 각도조절수단;을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 따라, 광원을 포함한 본체의 조사 각도를 각도조절수단에 의해 선택적으로 조절할 수 있도록 함과 아울러, 광원으로부터 발생되는 열기를 방열핀에 의해 외부로 용이하게 배출시킬 수 있는 효과가 있다. 조명 장치, 조사각, 방열핀 The lighting device of the present invention, the bracket is fixed to the installation rod and the guide groove is formed; A main body including a light source and a guide formed to correspond to the guide groove and installed to rotate with respect to the bracket; And an angle adjusting means for adjusting the irradiation angle of the main body. Accordingly, the irradiation angle of the main body including the light source can be selectively adjusted by the angle adjusting means, and the heat generated from the light source can be easily discharged to the outside by the heat radiation fins. Lighting device, angle of view, heat sink

16-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CN202675140U


02-12-2014 дата публикации

광 분산 제어 구조에 의한 고효율 엘이디 옥외등

Номер: KR101468311B1
Автор: 김영호, 홍석기
Принадлежит: 주식회사 레젠, 홍석기

본 발명은 광 분산 제어 구조를 가진 고효율 엘이디 옥외등에 관한 것이고, 구체적으로 내부에 적어도 하나의 반사 조절 유닛이 배치된 적어도 하나의 광 분산 제어 모듈의 배치 구조를 이용하여 고효율의 조명이 가능하도록 하는 광 분산 제어 구조에 의한 고효율 엘이디 옥외등에 관한 것이다. 옥외등은 적어도 하나의 광 분산 제어 모듈(10, 10a, 10b, 10c); 각각의 광 분산 제어 모듈(10, 10a, 10b, 10c)에 배치된 적어도 하나의 반사 조절 유닛(11); 및 반사 조절 유닛(11)을 통하여 광을 방출하는 엘이디 소자(LED)를 포함하고, 상기 반사 조절 유닛(11)은 엘이디 소자로부터 방출된 빛이 조명 영역으로 전송되는 확산 홀(111) 및 확산 홀(111)의 테두리 벽을 형성하는 분산 벽(112)로 이루어지고 그리고 엘이디 소자(LED)로부터 방출된 빛의 적어도 일부는 분산 벽(112)을 경유하여 조명 영역으로 입사된다.

31-08-2010 дата публикации

발광다이오드를 이용한 판형 가로등기구

Номер: KR100978864B1
Автор: 김성환, 한상기

본 발명은 발광다이오드를 이용한 판형 가로등기구에 관한 것으로 특히, 가로등 기둥의 등 고정편에 착탈 가능하게 설치되는 본체와; 상기 본체의 저면에 분해 가능하게 설치되는 전면 판넬과; 수 개의 열전달 바들을 통해 전면 판넬에 착탈 가능하게 고정 설치되어 전원의 공급시 조명에 필요한 빛을 발생시키는 수 개의 발광다이오드 모듈과; 상기 발광다이오드 모듈들에서 발생되는 열을 수납홈의 천정면을 통해 본체로 전달하는 수 개의 열전달 바와; 고정링을 통해 전면 판넬의 저면에 설치되어 발광다이오드 모듈들에서 발생되는 빛을 투과시키고 외부에서 유입되는 각종 이물질과 유수의 유입은 차단하는 빛 투과 판과; 본체와 전면 판넬 사이 및 전면 판넬과 빛 투과 판 사이에서 습기의 유입을 방지하는 O링들과; 가로등 기둥의 상단부에 고정 설치된 상태에서 상기 본체의 고정편 설치홈에 끼워져 볼트를 통해 본체에 일체로 고정되는 등 고정편;으로 구성한 것을 특징으로 한다. 따라서, 별도의 냉각장치를 사용하지 않고도 자체적으로 방열을 효과적으로 실시할 수 있도록 함은 물론 일반 가로등기구의 형태가 아닌 판형으로 슬립하게 제작하여 그 체적과 중량을 크게 줄일 수 있도록 함으로써 설치 및 보수가 용이하고, 생산원가가 저렴하며, 또한 기존의 가로등기구와 전혀 다른 디자인으로 형성함으로써 외관이 미려하여 가로등기구 자체가 주변 경관을 수려하게 하는 조형물로도 활용할 수 있는 것이다. 발광다이오드, 가로등기구, 방열, 판형, 슬립

24-11-2010 дата публикации

Street light easily instaling lamp

Номер: KR100996429B1
Автор: 김용석
Принадлежит: (주)대성전기조명

PURPOSE: A streetlight post is provided to easily install lamps with various sizes on a lamp installation unit by controlling the installation depth of a lamp through a length control member and a reflection case connection member. CONSTITUTION: A post insertion hole is formed on one side of a lower case(10). A transparent plate is arranged on the other side of the lower case. A reflection case(20) has a lamp insertion space. An upper case(30) is fixed to the lower case. A stabilizer case is integrated with the upper case. A stabilizer door(40) is rotatably combined with one side of the upper case. A lamp installation door(50) is rotatably combined with the other side of the upper case. A lamp installation unit is connected to the stabilizer inside the stabilizer case.

05-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN216891828U
Автор: 袁大耀


29-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CN102734710B
Автор: 李良


23-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CN201050705Y
Автор: 吴爱国, 王吉安

