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27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542776C2
Принадлежит: КЭАФЬЮЖН 303, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам подачи текучей среды и, в частности, к клапанам для применения в медицинских устройствах. Складывающийся клапан содержит первый участок и второй участок. Первый участок выполнен, по меньшей мере, с одной выемкой в своей боковой стенке. Второй участок выполнен более узким, чем первый участок, расположен соосно первому участку, и содержит вырез. Вырез и выемка расположены так, что при воздействии давления на клапан выемка действует как точка ослабления, обеспечивая складывание первого участка перед тем, как сложится вырез. Безыгольное устройство доступа содержит охватывающий фитинг, охватываемый фитинг, соединенный с охватывающим фитингом, и вышеуказанный складывающийся клапан, расположенный во внутренней полости, образуемой охватываемым и охватывающим фитингами. Первый участок клапана - проксимальный к охватывающему фитингу. Второй участок клапана - проксимальный к охватываемому фитингу. Способ изготовления безыгольного ...

28-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2614448C2

FIELD: mechanism. SUBSTANCE: valve actuator unit comprises housing, containing membrane plate and membrane, placed inside housing. Rod attachment projection passes downwards from membrane plate lower surface, wherein rod attachment projection is connected to actuator rod, passing in lengthwise axis direction. Guide element includes upper wall and central opening, through which rod attachment projection is passing, and due to spring action upper wall is pressed to membrane plate lower surface. Guide element additionally includes side wall, which passes from upper wall in downward direction, wherein side wall outer surface interacts with spring casing internal surface in order to limit membrane and actuator rod displacement in direction, perpendicular to longitudinal axis. EFFECT: membrane plate rod attachment projection, besides, passes through guide element upper wall central hole to limit guide element displacement relative to membrane plate in transverse direction. 22 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 614 448 C2 (51) МПК F16K 7/12 (2006.01) F16K 27/08 (2006.01) F16K 31/126 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2014145484, 11.07.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.07.2012 (72) Автор(ы): ОЛМАН Пол Т. (US), ЛУ Ханьбин (CN) 28.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2903011 A, 08.09.1959. US 20.04.2012 CN 201210124604.8 2008217567 A1, 11.09.2008. JP 2007048145 A, 22.02.2007. US 2008078460 A1, 03.04.2008. SU 457834 A1, 25.01.1975. (45) Опубликовано: 28.03.2017 Бюл. № 10 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 20.11.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: US 2012/046273 (11.07.2012) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 1 4 4 4 8 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.06.2016 Бюл. № 16 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФИШЕР КОНТРОЛЗ ИНТЕРНЕШНЕЛ ЛЛС (US) Дата регистрации: 2 6 1 ...

10-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007136973A

... 1. Выпускной штуцер контейнера (51), в особенности контейнера для пищевых продуктов, содержащий герметизирующие средства (7) для герметизации контейнера (51), отличающийся тем, что герметизирующие средства включают многослойную пленку, имеющую по меньшей мере два слоя (9, 11), первый (9) из которых перфорирован в заданных местах (13) с обеспечением возможности разрыва герметизирующих средств (7) заданным образом под действием заданного давления. ! 2. Выпускной штуцер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанные по меньшей мере два слоя (9, 11) имеют различные светопоглощающие свойства. ! 3. Выпускной штуцер по п.1, в котором второй слой (11) закрывает выпускное отверстие выпускного штуцера с обеспечением герметичности. ! 4. Выпускной штуцер по п.1, в котором перфорация (13) первого слоя (9) выполнена таким образом, что герметизирующие средства (7) разрываются под действием заданного давления без отделения от выпускного штуцера. ! 5. Выпускной штуцер по п.1, в котором перфорация (13) выполнена ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010134881A

... 1. Орган (1) регулирования давления, в частности, регулятор давления краски или клапан для покрывного средства, для оказания влияния на давление подлежащего нанесению покрывного средства в лакировальной установке, содержащий конструктивный элемент (6, 14), который при работе подвергается непосредственно воздействию покрывного средства и для влияния на давление является подвижным или деформируемым, отличающийся тем, что подвергаемый воздействию покрывного средства конструктивный элемент (6, 14) выполнен, по меньшей мере, частично из керамического материала. ! 2. Орган (1) регулирования давления, по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выполнен в виде регулятора давления краски и содержит ! а) красочную камеру (7) с входом для покрывного средства и выходом для покрывного средства, ! b) подводящий клапан (14, 15, 16, 17), который управляет притоком покрывного средства через вход для покрывного средства в красочную камеру (7), ! с) камеру (8) управляющего воздуха, которую для регулирования давления покрывного ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012107228A

... 1. Установка для регулирования потока пластовой текучей среды, содержащая:трубчатый элемент с одним или несколькими проходами потока текучей среды; иустройство регулирования потока, сформированное из зернистого материала и гидрофильного материала, расположенное снаружи трубчатого элемента и выполненное с возможностью поступления в него пластовой текучей среды в радиальном направлении к продольной оси трубчатого элемента, когда устройство регулирования потока установлено в скважине.2. Установка по п.1, в которой количество гидрофильного материала достаточно для того, чтобы устройство регулирования потока обеспечивало ограничение потока проходящей через него текучей среды.3. Установка по п.1, в которой устройство регулирования потока расположено таким образом, чтобы текучая среда поступала в него по существу по всей его длине.4. Установка по п.1, содержащая проход потока текучей среды между скважинным трубчатым элементом и устройством регулирования потока.5. Установка по п.1, в которой гидрофильный ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014145484A

1. Узел исполнительного механизма клапана, содержащий:верхний сегмент корпуса исполнительного механизма;нижний сегмент корпуса исполнительного механизма, связанный с верхним сегментом корпуса исполнительного механизма и включающий в себя отверстие для пружины;мембрану, размещенную между верхним сегментом корпуса исполнительного механизма и нижним сегментом корпуса исполнительного механизма;мембранную пластину, размещенную между мембраной и нижним сегментом корпуса исполнительного механизма и включающую в себя верхнюю поверхность и нижнюю поверхность, причем нижняя поверхность мембраны соприкасается с верхней поверхностью мембранной пластины и выступ для крепления штока направлен вниз от нижней поверхности мембранной пластины;кожух пружины, проходящий в направлении продольной оси и включающий в себя внутреннюю поверхность, ограничивающую внутреннюю полость, причем кожух пружины дополнительно включает в себя открытый первый торец, причем открытый первый торец кожуха пружины соединен с нижним сегментом корпуса исполнительного механизма вблизи от отверстия для пружины;шток исполнительного механизма, проходящий в направлении продольной оси и прикрепленный к выступу для крепления штока мембранной пластины, так что смещение мембранной пластины приводит к смещению штока исполнительного механизма в продольном направлении, причем шток исполнительного механизма проходит через отверстие для пружины нижнего сегмента корпуса исполнительного механизма и, по меньшей мере, частично размещается во внутренней полости кожуха пружины;направляющий элемент, включающий в себя первый торец и второй торец и име РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 27/08 (13) 2014 145 484 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014145484, 11.07.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): ФИШЕР КОНТРОЛЗ ИНТЕРНЕШНЕЛ ЛЛС (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 20.04.2012 CN 201210124604.8 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на ...

26-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003723698A1

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Drossel

Номер: DE102011077182A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer Drossel (34) in einem Strömungskanal (24), welcher in einem Bauteil (8), insbesondere in einem Ventilstück, verläuft und zur Steuerung eines Mediums aus einem Steuerraum dient. Erfindungsgemäß sieht das Verfahren vor, dass nach Ausbilden des Strömungskanals (24) in dem Ventilstück (8) das Prägen der Drossel (34) durchgeführt wird, indem Material in der Nähe des Strömungskanals (24) in Richtung der geplanten Drossel (34) plastisch verformt wird und das plastisch verformte Material auf ein in den Strömungskanal (24) an die Position der geplanten Drossel (34) eingebrachtes Formwerkzeug (50, 57, 58) derart einwirkt, dass eine die Drossel (34) definierende Kontur (57, 58) des Formwerkzeugs (50) in dem Strömungskanal (24) ausgebildet wird. Die plastische Verformung erfolgt dabei durch einen mit definierter Kraft bewegten Prägestempel (40), während die Kontur der Drossel (34) durch einen Spitzenabschnitt (57, 58) eines als Formwerkzeug ...

28-05-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Rohrfeder sowie Aktoreinheit mit einer solchen Rohrfeder

Номер: DE0010149746C1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Rohrfeder (12) in Form eines zylindrischen Hohlkörpers, insbesondere zur Vorspannung eines piezoelektrischen Aktorelements (2) einer Aktoreinheit (1) eines Kraftstoffinjektors, bei dem ein dünnwandiges, nahtlos gezogenes Stahlrohr mittels Laserschneiden mit einer Vielzahl von regelmäßig angeordneten länglichen Ausnehmungen (14) versehen wird. DOLLAR A Die Erfindung betrifft zudem eine Aktoreinheit (1) mit einem in einem dünnwandigen zylindrischen Hohlkörper angeordneten piezoelektrischen Aktorelement (2), wobei der Hohlkörper elastisch ausgebildet ist und das Aktorelement (2) vorspannt und wobei der Hohlkörper ein mit einer Vielzahl von länglichen Ausnehmungen (14) versehenes nahtlos gezogenes Stahlrohr ist.

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Drucksteuerventilanordnung mit Membranventilen zur Steuerung eines Fluiddrucks in einer ABS-Bremsanlage eines Fahrzeugs mit in einem Gehäuseteil einstückig integriertem Ventilsitz

Номер: DE102008028440A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drucksteuerventilanordnung (7) zur Steuerung des Fluiddrucks in einer ABS-Bremsanlage eines Fahrzeugs, derart, dass während einer Blockierneigung einzelner Räder (3a, 3b; 4a, 4b) des Fahrzeugs der Bremsdruck in zugeordneten Bremszylindern (6a bis 6d) adaptiv anpassbar ist, wobei in einem Gehäuse (18) der Drucksteuerventilanordnung (7) wenigstens zwei durch Federelemente (16a, 16b) belastete Membrane (20a, 20b) aufweisende Membranventile (14a, 14b) sowie wenigstens ein von einer elektronischen Steuereinrichtung (10) ansteuerbares elektromagnetisches Steuerventil (15a, 15b) zum Vorsteuern der Membranventile (14a, 14b) vorgesehen sind. Die Erfindung sieht vor, dass wenigstens ein Ventilsitz (30a, 30b) des wenigstens einen elektromagnetischen Steuerventils (15a, 15b) mit einem Gehäuseteil (24) einstückig ausgebildet ist, das durch einen Kunststoff-Spritzgussformling gebildet wird.

07-02-2007 дата публикации

Fuel injector for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0000625770D0

14-08-2002 дата публикации

Method of inserting a device in a pipe to reduce the internal cross-section of the pipe

Номер: GB0002372055A

A method of reducing the opening of a first flow modifying device (3) set in a pipe (1) involves introducing a second device (45) into the pipe (1) ahead of a foam pig (4). The fluid flow in the pipe (1) moves the foam pig (4), which inturn moves the second device (45) along the pipe (1) until it engages with the first flow modifying device (3), reducing it's internal cross-section. The foam pig (4) then passes through the opening in the device (34) by the continuing action of fluid pressure.

28-08-2002 дата публикации

Valve plate and shaft connection

Номер: GB0002372550A

A one piece, slide in place butterfly valve plate (112) and shaft (118) for a manifold of an internal combustion engine is disclosed. The valve plate (112) has tabs (122, 114) to hold the valve plate (112) to the shaft (118).

25-06-2003 дата публикации

Valve element and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0002345121B

12-03-2014 дата публикации

Valve-body arrangement and method for producing it, and valve having the valve-body arrangement

Номер: GB0002505800A

A valve-body arrangement for a hydraulic or pneumatic valve (10) comprises two elements (1, 2), between which a valve body (4) is held. The two elements (1, 2) are welded to one another in a first region (6), preferably using the laser transmission method, and clamp the valve body (4) in a second region (4b) by way of a force (F).

19-10-2005 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing valve trim assemblies

Номер: GB0000518758D0

09-02-2000 дата публикации

Valve element and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0009930347D0

31-12-2000 дата публикации

Valve for aerosol container.

Номер: AP2000001953A0

The invention provides a valve for an aerosol container suitable for use in dispensing a quantity of the contents thereof. The valve components comprise a fluorinated polymer and/or a fluorinated coating which have been found to reduce drug deposition in the valve.

31-12-2000 дата публикации

Valve for aerosol container

Номер: AP0200001953A0

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468257T

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517795T

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Bypass piston port and methods of manufacturing a bypss piston port for a series progressive divider valve

Номер: AU2011258890B2

A series progressive divider valve comprises a valve body and pistons. A fluid inlet extend into the valve body. Stations are disposed in the valve body and extend from a first end to a second end; each station comprises piston stations extending through the valve body and a bypass station fluidly isolating the first end form the second end. The piston stations comprise a piston bore and a piston. The bypass stations comprise first and second fluid passages extending from the first and second ends to positions inside the valve body. Outlet bores extend into the valve body, and each comprises first and second sets of outlet bores. Porting forms passageways connecting the stations to each other and with the outlet bores such that when high pressure fluid is applied to the inlet the pistons reciprocates from the first end to the second end in sequence.

30-09-2004 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing valve trim assemblies

Номер: AU2004221433A1

22-04-2002 дата публикации

Valve plate and shaft connection

Номер: AU0009681201A

25-11-2002 дата публикации

Implantable medical balloon and method of making

Номер: AU2002312438A1

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Double offset ball member usable in ball valves and other flow control applications

Номер: AU2014218737B2

Ball valves and ball valve components usable to control the flow of fluids and methods for manufacturing said ball valve components. Ball valves include a ball member comprising two curved segments of like shape and size, which are integrally joined and disposed symmetrically to one another relative to the axis of rotation of the ball member. A bore extends through the joined first and the second curved segments, wherein the first end of the bore is located on the first curved segment and the second end of the bore is located on the second curved segment. Each curved segment is disposed symmetrically to one another, relative to the axis of rotation. The area of separation, between the curved segments, defines shoulders of like configuration, wherein each shoulder is located symmetrically with respect to the other relative to the ball member's axis of rotation.

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Double offset ball member usable in ball valves and other flow control applications

Номер: AU2014218737A1

Ball valves and ball valve components usable to control the flow of fluids and methods for manufacturing said ball valve components. Ball valves include a ball member comprising two curved segments of like shape and size, which are integrally joined and disposed symmetrically to one another relative to the axis of rotation of the ball member. A bore extends through the joined first and the second curved segments, wherein the first end of the bore is located on the first curved segment and the second end of the bore is located on the second curved segment. Each curved segment is disposed symmetrically to one another, relative to the axis of rotation. The area of separation, between the curved segments, defines shoulders of like configuration, wherein each shoulder is located symmetrically with respect to the other relative to the ball member's axis of rotation.

01-11-1999 дата публикации

Cutting tool and method for machining valve seats

Номер: AU0003107399A

15-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004685679A

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002437730A1

A method of diminishing the size of the cross section of an opening of a first hollow device (3) is disclosed. The first hollow device (3) is located in an undersea flow pipe (1) through which passes a fluid flow. First a second hollow device (45) is inserted into said undersea flow pipe (1), the second hollow device (45) having a leading portion (45A) and a trailing portion (45B). Next a foam pig (4) is inserted immediately after the second hollow device. Urged by the flow, the foam pig (4) displaces the second hollow device (45) along the undersea flow pipe (1), until the latter encounters the first hollow device. The leading portion (45A) of the second hollow device (45) is then inserted into the opening of the first device (3), thereby diminishing the size of the cross section of this opening.

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002561044A1

A method of forming a valve assembly for delivering a fluid from a fluid bag to an animal caging system for housing an animal can include forming, in an injection molding machine, an upper member having a piercing member and a connecting member. The upper member has a fluid channel defined therethrough; and forms, in an injection molding machine, a base having a flange member and a base fluid channel defined therethrough. The base is designed to be matingly coupled to the upper member. The method can further include forming, in an injection molding machine, a stem member designed and dimensioned to be disposed in part within the base fluid channel. The stem member has an actuation portion extending through a spring element. The stem member has a top portion having a lower surface.

06-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436957C

A method to set a hollow device (3) into an undersea flow pipe (1) is disclosed. The hollow device (3) is driven by a flexible pig (4) into the undersea flow pipe (1) to a point where stop means (5) halt the displacement of the hollow device (3), setting it into position.

16-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002598214C

... ²²²A venous valve with a frame and a cover on the frame for unidirectional flow ²of a liquid through the valve.² ...

03-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002769268A1

A collapsible valve comprising a first portion with at least one dimple in a side thereof, and a second portion, the second portion being narrower than the first portion and arranged along an axial dimension of the first portion, the second portion including a cut therein.

25-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760362A1

An intravascular valve component broadly includes a valve case and a flexible pressure-actuated flow control valve. The valve case includes attached proximal and distal case portions that present respective spaced apart fluid ports and a fluid passageway extending between the ports. The flexible pressure-actuated flow control valve is disposed within the fluid passageway and includes a slitted central valve wall and an annular flange surrounding the central valve wall. The annular flange includes a radially-extending flange wall and a projection extending axially from the flange wall, with the projection engaging one of the case portions to restrict radial movement of the flow control valve relative to the valve case.

08-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436957A1

A method to set a hollow device (3) into an undersea flow pipe (1) is disclosed. The hollow device (3) is driven by a flexible pig (4) into the undersea flow pipe (1) to a point where stop means (5) halt the displacement of the hollow device (3), setting it into position.

31-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001249562A1

27-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3002929C

Ball valves and ball valve components usable to control the flow of fluids and methods for manufacturing said ball valve components. Ball valves include a ball member comprising two curved segments of like shape and size, which are integrally joined and disposed symmetrically to one another relative to the axis of rotation of the ball member. A bore extends through the joined first and the second curved segments, wherein the first end of the bore is located on the first curved segment and the second end of the bore is located on the second curved segment. Each curved segment is disposed symmetrically to one another, relative to the axis of rotation. The area of separation, between the curved segments, defines shoulders of like configuration, wherein each shoulder is located symmetrically with respect to the other relative to the ball member's axis of rotation.

20-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002529429C
Принадлежит: FILTERTEK INC.

A fluid handling device, such as a needlefree access device, includes a housing having an inlet and an inlet channel; and a flow control member comprising a combination outlet, biasing and piston member. The flow control member includes a piston section moveable between a closed position in which the piston section is inside the housing below the inlet channel but allows fluid to flow through the inlet channel; a biasing section connected to the piston section that normally biases the piston section into the inlet channel; and an outlet section connected to the biasing section having an outlet fitting in fluid communication with the inside of the housing.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002993733C

A collapsible valve for use in needleless access devices and methods of making the valve are disclosed. The collapsible valve has a first portion with at least one dimple in a side thereof and a second portion, the second portion being narrower than the first portion and arranged along an axial dimension of the first portion, the second portion including a cut therein. In an intermediate state of the valve between an open state and a closed state, the dimple is collapsed while the cut is not collapsed, and in the open position, the cut and the dimple are collapsed.

29-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002811589A1

A prosthetic valve implantable by catheter without surgery includes a frame with an abluminal surface extending between a proximal end of the frame and a distal end of the frame, and a single layer of a biocompatible membrane material mounted to the abluminal surface of the frame. The single layer of biocompatible membrane is located such that an interior surface of the membrane sheet extends between the proximal end of the frame and the distal end of the frame, and resides radially exterior the abluminal surface of the frame. In at least one embodiment, the disposition of membrane sheet at all points of attachment is entirely exterior/ab luminal to the frame, such that no part of the abluminal surface of the membrane sheet contacts the frame.

26-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002732128A1

Method and actuator system for a Kellyguard valve disposed in a drill string. The actuator system includes a sleeve (52) that includes a cavity; an actuator (54) disposed inside the cavity and configured to rotate the Kellyguard valve; first and second external regions (68a, 68b) of the sleeve (52) having plural holes configured to receive a medium under pressure for actuating the actuator (54); a ring (56) provided around the sleeve (52) and configured to be fixed, the ring (56) having first and second internal grooves (70a, 70b); and first and second seals (58a, 58b) provided inside the first and second grooves (70a, 70b), respectively, at least one of the first and second seals (58a, 58b) being configured to not touch the first or second external regions (68a, 68b) of the sleeve (52) when in a collapsed state and to touch the first or second external regions (68a, 68b) when in an inflated state.

25-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002101266A1

... 2101266 9212690 PCTABS00014 A concentric mating stent tissue heart valve which is capable of being assembled with a variety of tissue sources is provided. A plurality of prefabricated kits are also provided which enable the valve to be assembled with autogenous tissue in the limited time, i.e., 10 minutes or less, available in the operating room. The inner stent (3) can be configured with a plurality of tissue alignment members (6a, 6b) extending outward from the inner stent (3) to corresponding holes cut in the tissue (2). The outer stent (1) can be configured with posts (9a, 9b, 9c) adapted for nesting with corresponding inner stent posts (5a, 5b, 5c), and integrated with self-adjusting tensioning means, to exert a substantially uniform clamping force on the tissue (2) sufficient to secure the tissue between the stents.

12-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002296342A1

A method of installing occluders in a prosthetic heart valve by compressing an exterior surface (17) of an orifice housing (15) of the body (13) of the prosthetic heart valve. Compression of the orifice housing occurs at four discrete locations, causing the orifice housing to distend sufficiently for insertion of occluders between diametrically opposed pivot supports (23, 25) on the interior surface (19) of the orifice housing.

31-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000631791A5

15-02-2012 дата публикации

Einlassströmungskonditionierer for a gas turbine, a nozzle centerbody and a procedure for the production of a nozzle body.

Номер: CH0000703551A2

Ein Düsenmittelkörper (38) weist ein unitäres, einteiliges langgestrecktes rohrförmiges Element (40) auf, das aufweist: ein vorderes Ende, das mit einem sich radial nach aussen erstreckenden Montageflansch (42) geformt ist; ein hinteres Ende, das mit mehreren sich radial nach aussen erstreckenden Verwirblerschaufeln (46) geformt ist; und einen axial zwischen dem vorderen und dem hinteren Ende befindlichen Zwischenbereich, der mit einem Einlassströmungskonditionierer (44) ausgebildet ist, der eine ringförmige Platte enthält, in der mehrere in Umfangsrichtung voneinander beabstandete Durchflussöffnungen (56) vorgesehen sind.

28-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000002298B1

... 1. Клапан для аэрозольного баллончика, предназначенный для дозирования находящихся в баллончике суспензии или раствора, содержащих вещество в жидком газе-вытеснителе и, возможно, дополнительно содержащих обычно применяемые инертные наполнители, при этом указанный клапан включает корпус клапана, образующий камеру, перепускной канал, по которому определенное количество дозируемого вещества может проходить из баллончика в камеру, и средство дозирования, которое создает возможность дозирования указанного вещества, а указанная камера, по меньшей мере, изготовлена из фторированного полимера и/или имеет фторированное покрытие. 2. Клапан по п.1, отличающийся тем, что камера представляет собой дозирующую камеру, предназначенную для применения в аэрозольном баллончике, который является дозирующим ингалятором. 3. Клапан по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что камера изготовлена из пластмассы, которая содержит, по меньшей мере, 5% фторированного полимера. 4. Клапан по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что поверхность ...

23-07-2008 дата публикации

Pressure control device for fluid-distributing container

Номер: CN0101228079A

01-03-2006 дата публикации

Fluid resistant solenoid actuated valve

Номер: CN0001243921C

02-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002849477A1

Procédé d'intégration d'un clapet anti-retour à bille dans un corps de pompe (1) comprenant les étapes suivantes : - on moule un corps de pompe (1) en ménageant, sur sa surface interne (3) dans le fond du corps (1), des nervures (7) possédant chacune une portion d'extrémité (11) susceptible d'être rabattues vers l'intérieur du corps (1), - on introduit une bille 13 à l'intérieur de l'espace fermé par les nervures (7), - on vient rabattre à l'aide d'un outil (15) lesdites portions d'extrémité (11) de manière à emprisonner la bille (13). Application aux pompes munies de clapets anti-retours à bille.

02-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002789926B1

19-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002849477B1

04-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002376710A

On bloque un rotor comportant une pluralité de rainures axiales qui ont été préalablement définies. Des outils sont appliqués radialement contre les portions de surface cylindrique séparant les rainures consécutives du rotor. L'extrémité des outils a une forme adaptée pour venir en contact contre les surfaces cylindriques de manière à épouser ces dernières. Chaque outil comporte deux protubérances formant poinçon ayant une forme déterminée, et destinées à former des chanfreins dans les bords adjacents de rainures consécutives en repoussant le métal au fond de ces dernières.

22-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002927124B1

23-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002787546A1

Élément de vanne (10) comprenant un ressort à lame (11) portant un noyau mobile (13) et adapté pour être monté dans une électrovanne afin d'ouvrir et de fermer le siège de vanne de l'électrovanne. Le ressort à lame comprend une section annulaire périphérique extérieure dont est rendu solidaire un joint d'étanchéité périphérique (12) en un matériau élastique tel que du caoutchouc. Un disque de vanne (13) est monté sur la section centrale (11a) du ressort à lame et porte un clapet de vanne (14) en un matériau élastique tel que caoutchouc, ce clapet de vanne étant maintenu en contact avec le siège de vanne. Un noyau mobile (15), en mince tôle d'acier, est tenu entre un anneau de tenue (16) et le disque de vanne (13), lesquels sont soudés l'un à l'autre par soudage ultrasonique à travers des trous de connexion ménagés dans le ressort à lame. De ce fait, le clapet de vanne (14) qui est en un caoutchouc fluoré coûteux n'a besoin que d'un petit volume de ce caoutchouc et, de ce fait, l'élément ...

23-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002787545A1

Élément de vanne (11) destiné à être monté dans une électrovanne pour l'ouvrir ou la fermer. Cet élément de vanne comprend un ressort à lame discoïdal (11) portant un noyau mobile (13) qui lui est fixé. Un anneau d'étanchéité extérieur (12) est vulcanisé sur le ressort à lame (11) et est monté, fixe, dans le boîtier de vanne. Le noyau mobile (13) porte un clapet de vanne (14) qui lui est fixé par vulcanisation et moulage. Le noyau (13) portant le clapet (14) est solidarisé du ressort à lame par un anneau de tenue (15). L'avantage de cette réalisation est que seul le clapet de vanne doit être en un caoutchouc fluoré coûteux, d'une surface suffisante pour recouvrir totalement le siège de vanne, tandis que les autres composants en caoutchouc, à savoir le joint d'étanchéité (12) et l'anneau de tenue (15), peuvent être en un caoutchouc moins coûteux.

17-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002914977A1
Принадлежит: VERNET

Cet ensemble comporte un manchon (10) d'obturation de l'écoulement et un siège (20) traversé par l'écoulement et délimitant une surface (24) d'appui d'une extrémité axiale (12) du manchon, cette surface d'appui s'étendant dans un plan perpendiculaire à l'axe (X-X) du manchon. Le manchon et le siège sont respectivement liés cinématiquement à l'une et l'autre des parties thermosensible (32) et mobile (31) d'un élément thermostatique (30), de manière que les déplacements relatifs de ces parties suivant l'axe du manchon commandent le passage de l'écoulement, radialement à cet axe, entre l'extrémité (12) du manchon et la surface d'appui. Pour améliorer l'étanchéité du contact entre le manchon et le siège de façon efficace et économique, un joint d'étanchéité (40) est rapporté à l'extrémité du manchon, en étant au moins partiellement interposé, dans la direction axiale du manchon, entre cette extrémité et la surface d'appui.

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002852061A1

Un procédé d'assemblage de composants pour un actionneur comprend une étape consistant à assigner une classification d'identification (ID) à chacun des composants, en référence à une différence de caractéristiques de composants respectifs lorsque ceux-ci influent sur des caractéristiques de sortie d'un injecteur (1). Lorsqu'un composant sélectionné a une certaine classification d'ID qui lui a été assignée au préalable, le procédé comprend une étape d'exécution d'une sélection de composant conformément à une instruction d'un moyen de désignation de composant qui désigne un autre composant ayant une classification d'ID correspondant à celle assignée au composant sélectionné, et il comprend également une étape d'assemblage des composants sélectionnés dans l'injecteur (1).

09-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130089172A

06-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080089468A

A diaphragm valve including a valve body, a diaphragm assembly and an actuator assembly having a housing body that isolates the actuator from the ambient atmosphere. The diaphragm assembly is welded to the valve body to reduce and/or eliminate fluid leakage around the diaphragm assembly. Additionally or alternatively, the housing body for the actuator assembly may be welded to the valve body to reduce fluid leakage. The welding may be performed using ultrasonic welding techniques. © KIPO & WIPO 2009 ...

23-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009155491A2

A method of forming a fire fighting monitor includes forming a core in the shape of a non-linear waterway of a monitor body, applying a composite material over the core, and then curing the composite material to thereby form the fire fighting monitor body.

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014120363A1

In some implementations, an injection system that injects sealant into a pipe, pressure component or valve while containing the pipe, pressure component or valve repair that significantly reduces or eliminates release of hazardous material from inside the pipe, pressure component valve or injection system and thus significantly reduces emission of the hazardous material from inside the pipe, pressure component or valve into the environment and protecting the repair technicians.

03-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010060706A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a throttle point (32), particularly in a channel (14) of a valve piece (10) of a fuel injector. The following method steps are performed: first, the outlet channel (14) is created by machining. Then, the throttle point (32) is stamped by a stamping die inserted into a guide hole (18). The pre-stamped throttle point (32) is electrical-discharge machined in such a way that said throttle point has an electrical-discharge machined inlet area (44) and comprises a stamped outlet area, which lies before a continuous cross-section expansion (38) of the outlet channel (14) as viewed in the flow direction.

09-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005051226A2
Автор: CHU, Xi

The present invention relates to noval design of mechanical valve prostheses and manufacturing methods. A series of prosthetic valves with novel design and a unique manufacturing approach are disclosed. These devices possess unique designs and are made of nanostructurely engineered biomaterial. In addition, a novel manufacturing approach will be used to produce these devices because the convention technique is incapable of fabricating the devices due to the small size, design requirements and material properties restrain. Furthermore, it provides the convenience and thus low cost in manufacturing. The devices are particularly but not exclusively useful in human circulation system to restore the normal functions.

13-09-1927 дата публикации

Номер: US0001642242A1

04-11-1930 дата публикации

Номер: US0001780160A1

24-11-2015 дата публикации

Method for production of valve head portion of hollow engine valve and hollow engine valve

Номер: US0009194263B2

Forming of a valve head portion (1) of a hollow engine valve (V) comprising a material particularly satisfactory in heat resistance is performed by cold forging. On this occasion, the material with excellent heat resistance is worked to form a valve head portion semifinished product (11) having a hollow hole (S11) whose inner diameter (11) is equal to the maximum inner diameter (11) of a hollow hole (S1) of a finished product of the valve head portion (1), and having a diameter-increased section (111) whose maximum outer diameter (12) is equal to the maximum outer diameter (12) of a diameter-increased section (1a) of the finished product. Parts of the valve head portion semifinished product other than a central part to a lower part of the diameter-increased section (111) are necked down by cold forging performed a plurality of times to obtain the finished product of the valve head portion (1). This method of obtaining the finished product is provided by the present invention.

27-07-2006 дата публикации

Solid-free-form fabrication of hot gas valve discs

Номер: US20060163521A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International, Inc.

A hot gas valve disc for a divert and attitude control disc switching element used in a propelled craft. The hot gas valve disc comprises a first layer comprising a first metal material having a first grain size and a first grain orientation, and at least one additional layer comprising a second metal material having a second grain size that differs from the first grain size, or a second grain orientation that differs from the first grain orientation. A method of manufacturing the hot gas valve disc comprises the steps of fabricating a first metal layer using a solid-free-form fabrication process, the first metal layer having a set of grain characteristics comprising grain size and grain structure, followed by heating the first layer and thereby changing at least one of the grain characteristics.

12-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: US0003846885A1

05-07-1994 дата публикации

Rapid assembly, concentric mating stent, tissue heart valve with enhanced clamping and tissue alignment

Номер: US0005326371A

A concentric mating stent tissue heart valve which is capable of being assembled with a variety of tissue sources is provided. A plurality of prefabricated kits are also provided which enable the valve to be assembled with autogenous tissue in the limited time, i.e., 10 minutes or less, available in the operating room. The inner stent can be configured with a plurality of tissue alignment members extending outward from the inner stent to corresponding holes cut in the tissue. The outer stent can be configured with posts adapted for nesting with corresponding inner stent posts, and integrated with self-adjusting tensioning means, to exert a substantially uniform clamping force on the tissue sufficient to secure the tissue between the stents.

24-05-1994 дата публикации

Bearing cap and method for making same

Номер: US5313703A

A method for making a bearing cap in which the bearing cap has first and second parts with precisely mating surfaces. The first part is cast such that the mating surfaces thereof are formed with protrusions terminating in enlarged heads. The second part is cast in place against the first part such precisely mating surfaces are formed with the second part enveloping the protrusions. The two parts thus cast are forced apart from each other such that the protrusions fracture across the narrowed neck portions by which the heads are joined.

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Coupling an actuator to a valve using a retaining element engaging in a recess

Номер: US20110240901A1

A device is described for mechanically coupling an actuator to a valve which is adjustable by a plunger that is displaceable along a z-axis. The device has (a) a retaining element which can be mounted on a connecting chassis of the actuator and which is embodied for engaging on two opposite sides of a connection piece of a valve body in a recess incorporated in the connection piece, and (b) a clamping device which is disposed on a section of the retaining element and which is embodied in such a way that when the clamping device is actuated the section of the retaining element is displaced parallel to the z-axis relative to the connecting chassis such that the connecting chassis bears against the connection piece. An actuator having a coupling device of said kind and a method for mechanically coupling an actuator to a valve are also described.

04-08-2009 дата публикации

Venous valve, system, and method with sinus pocket

Номер: US0007569071B2

A venous valve with a frame and valve leaflets that provide a sinus pocket. The venous valve provides for unidirectional flow of a liquid through the valve.

22-09-2011 дата публикации

Method for Producing Throttle Holes having a Low Cavitation Transmission Point

Номер: US20110226344A1
Принадлежит: Robert Bosch GmbH

A method for producing a throttle point, particularly in a channel of a valve piece of a fuel injector is disclosed. The following are performed: first, the outlet channel is created by machining Then, the throttle point is stamped by a stamping die inserted into a guide hole. The pre-stamped throttle point is electrical-discharge machined in such a way that said throttle point has an electrical-discharge machined inlet area and comprises a stamped outlet area, which lies before a continuous cross-section expansion of the outlet channel as viewed in the flow direction.

27-01-2015 дата публикации

Piston bores and methods of manufacturing piston bores for a series progressive divider valve

Номер: US0008939176B2

A series progressive divider valve comprises a valve body and pistons. The valve body comprises a fluid inlet, piston bores, outlet bores and porting. The fluid inlet extends into an exterior of the valve body. The piston bores extend through the valve body from a first end to a second end, wherein the piston bores are arranged along a first circular path intersecting each of the piston bores. Each piston bore includes a piston. The outlet bores extend into the valve body, and each outlet bore comprises a first set of outlet bores, and a second set of outlet bores. The porting forms a plurality passageways connecting the piston bores to each other and with the outlet bores such that when high pressure fluid is applied to the inlet each of the pistons reciprocates from the first end to the second end in sequence.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140157598A1
Принадлежит: KCI Licensing, Inc.

A method and apparatus for the singulation of valve plates and/or assembled valves from a lead-frame are described. The method and apparatus utilizes an electric current to fuse tabs which join the valve plate and/or the assembled valve to the lead-frame. The valve comprises a first and second valve plate with offsetting apertures and a flap disposed and movable between the first and second plates.

11-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100281691A1

The method for manufacturing a solid housing, in particular a valve housing for an electromagnetically operable valve, is characterized in that the following method steps are used: a) providing a sheet metal strip made of a magnetic or magnetizable material, b) introducing an additive into a middle area of the sheet metal strip and fusing there for forming a non-magnetizable structure, c) cutting the sheet metal strip into a sheet metal piece of desired width, d) deforming the sheet metal piece into a sleeve shape, e) mutual fastening of the cut edges now facing each other and running in the longitudinal direction of the sleeve for forming a sleeve blank, f) final machining of the sleeve blank until a desired geometry of the housing is achieved. The housing is suitable in particular for use in fuel injectors in fuel injector systems of mixture-compressing spark-ignition internal combustion engines.

08-04-2014 дата публикации

Drill string valve actuator with inflatable seals

Номер: US0008694298B2

Method and actuator system for a Kellyguard valve disposed in a drill string. The actuator system includes a sleeve that includes a cavity; an actuator disposed inside the cavity and configured to rotate the Kellyguard valve; first and second external regions of the sleeve having plural holes configured to receive a medium under pressure for actuating the actuator; a ring provided around the first and second external regions of the sleeve and configured to be fixed, the ring having first and second internal grooves facing the first and second external regions, respectively; and first and second seals provided inside the first and second grooves, respectively, at least one of the first and second seals being configured to not touch the first or second external regions of the sleeve when in a collapsed state and to touch the first or second external regions when in an inflated state.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160327173A1
Принадлежит: Rausch & Pausch GmbH

A valve body arrangement for a hydraulic or pneumatic valve comprises two elements between which a valve body is retained. The two elements are welded together in a first region, preferably by the laser transmission method, and clamp the valve body in a second region with a force.

22-01-2013 дата публикации

Non return valve and a proceeding to form a non return valve system to be fasten together inside a receptacle intended to contain air or liquid

Номер: US0008356619B2

The present invention relates to a non-return valve (100) intended to be joined to a container (11) for air or liquids. The non-return valve is formed of non-rigid plastic or rubber material (1, 15), which forms reliable, tight non-return valve function in an opening channel (2) of the non-return valve. The invention is primarily characterized in that a resilient device (5) is arranged in a channel (50) arranged on the side of the opening channel (2) of the non-return valve and that said resilient device (5) extends from one side (52) of the channel (50) to the opposite side (52) of said channel (50). The invention also relates to a method for producing in a common stage the non-return valve together with a container (11) or for joining said non-return valve to a container (11) after the production of the non-return valve.

11-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2470815B1
Принадлежит: Fisher Controls International LLC

16-12-2009 дата публикации

Method for producing valve casings

Номер: EP1810764B1
Принадлежит: Behr Thermot-tronik GmbH

11-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EP2739886A1

25-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2478281A2

16-03-2011 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004650832B2

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011154183A

... 1. Клапан для управления прохождением частиц из первой зоны (6) во вторую зону (7), содержащий:клапанный материал (4), имеющий изменяемую степень проницаемости, иклапанную зону (16, 116), содержащую клапанный материал (4, 104, 204, 304), при этом клапанная зона (16, 116) и клапанный материал (4, 104, 204, 304) выбраны с возможностью принудительного движения частиц сквозь клапанный материал (4, 104, 204, 304) при прохождении через клапан (2, 102) при переносе частиц из первой зоны (6, 106) во вторую зону (7, 107).2. Клапан (2, 102) по п.1, дополнительно содержащий блок (17, 18) управления клапаном для управления степенью проницаемости клапанного материала (4, 104).3. Клапан по п.2, в котором блок (17, 18) управления клапаном выполнен с возможностью управления, по меньшей мере, одним параметром из фазы и вязкости клапанного материала (4, 104) для управления степенью проницаемости, а клапанный материал (4, 104, 204, 304) и блок (17, 18) управления клапаном выбраны с возможностью переключения ...

27-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011101460A

... 1. Ограничительный клапан (7), предназначенный для управления давлением рабочей среды в тормозном устройстве антиблокировочной системы таким образом, что во время тенденции к блокировке отдельных колес (3а, 3b; 4a, 4b) транспортного средства давление в системе тормозного привода адаптивно согласовывается в соответствующих цилиндрах (6а-6d) гидравлического тормозного привода, причем в одном корпусе (18) ограничительного клапана (7), по меньшей мере, два мембранных клапана (14а, 14b), имеющих нагруженные пружинными элементами (16а, 16b) мембраны (20а, 20b), а также, по меньшей мере, один выполненный с возможностью приема от электронного блока (10) управления управляющих импульсов электромагнитный управляющий клапан (15а, 15b) для предварительного управления мембранными клапанами (14а, 14b), отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одно седло (30а, 30b) клапана, по меньшей мере, одного электромагнитного управляющего клапана (15а, 15b) выполнено в виде единого целого с элементом (24) корпуса ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157259A
Принадлежит: Грейко Миннесота Инк.

1. Фитинг перекрестного подключения с двойным уплотнением, содержащийкорпус адаптера, проходящий аксиально от первого конца ко второму концу, причем корпус адаптера включает в себяадаптерный сегмент на первом конце, выполненный с возможностью присоединения к другому компоненту, исоединительный сегмент на втором конце, проходящий от адаптерного сегмента и выполненный с возможностью введения в корпус клапана,проход, проходящий через корпус адаптера от первого конца ко второму концу, икольцевой сегмент, проходящий радиально от соединительного сегмента и выполненный с возможностью сцепления с корпусом клапана, причем кольцевой сегмент образуетпервую уплотнительную поверхность между кольцевым сегментом и адаптерным сегментом ивторую уплотнительную поверхность между кольцевым сегментом и вторым концом.2. Фитинг по п. 1, дополнительно содержащийрезьбовые соединения вдоль прохода внутри адаптерного сегмента ирезьбовые соединения вдоль внешнего радиального участка кольцевого сегмента.3. Фитинг по п. 1, в котором соединительный сегмент включает в себя аксиальное удлинение, имеющее меньший радиальный диаметр, чем оставшийся участок адаптерного сегмента.4. Фитинг по п. 3, в котором первая уплотнительная поверхность обращена радиально от прохода к месту сцепления с корпусом клапана.5. Фитинг по п. 4, в котором кольцевой сегмент образует канавку между кольцевым сегментом и адаптерным сегментом, так что первая уплотнительная поверхность содержит дно канавки.6. Фитинг по п. 4, в котором вторая уплотнительная поверхность обращена аксиально ко второму концу корпуса адаптера.7. Фитинг по п. 6, в котором вторая уплотните� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 31/363 (13) 2012 157 259 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012157259/06, 27.05.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): ГРЕЙКО МИННЕСОТА ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: US US US US US (72) Автор(ы): КЛЭФЕЙК Эндрю Дж. (US), КАШЕЛ Энтони Дж. ( ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157316A
Принадлежит: Грейко Миннесота Инк.

1. Последовательный прогрессивный делительный клапан, содержащий:корпуса клапана, содержащий:вход для текучей среды, проходящий внутрь корпуса клапана;множество станций, расположенных в корпусе клапана и проходящих от первого конца ко второму концу, при этом множество станций содержит:множество поршневых станций, проходящих в осевом направлении сквозь корпус клапана от первого конца ко второму концу, при этом каждая поршневая станция содержит:отверстие для поршня, соединяющее первый конец со вторым концом, ипоршень, расположенный в отверстии для поршня; ипо меньшей мере одну байпасную станцию, герметично изолирующую первый конец от второго конца, при этом байпасная станция содержит:первый проход для текучей среды, проходящий от первого конца к первому положению внутри корпуса клапана, ивторой проход для текучей среды, проходящий от второго конца ко второму положению внутри корпуса клапана;множество выпускных отверстий, проходящих в корпусе клапана, при этом множество выпускных отверстий содержит:первый набор выпускных отверстий ивторой набор выпускных отверстий; иканалы, образующие множество проходов, соединяющих станции друг с другом и с множеством выпускных отверстий таким образом, что при подаче на впускное отверстие текучей среды под высоким давлением, каждый из поршней по очереди совершает возвратно-поступательные движения от первого конца ко второму концу.2. Клапан по п. 1, в котором каждая поршневая станция дополнительно содержит:первую торцевую крышку, закрывающую первый конец; ивторую торцевую крышку, закрывающую второй конец.3. Клапан по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий:первый проход, проходящ РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 31/363 (13) 2012 157 316 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012157316/06, 27.05.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): ГРЕЙКО МИННЕСОТА ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: US US US US US (72) Автор(ы): КЛЭФЕЙК Эндрю Дж. (US), КАШЕЛ Энтони Дж. ( ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015118771A

... 1. Способ, включающий:фиксирование положения элемента управления потоком узла управления клапана для предотвращения смещения указанного элемента управления потоком;установку контроллера на указанный узел управления клапана;активирование пользовательского интерфейса указанного контроллера после подключения контроллера к узлу управления клапана;введение значения чувствительности датчика положения и значения положения отдельной точки, причем указанное значение положения отдельной точки отображает зафиксированное положение элемента управления потоком;применение калибровочного значения отдельной точки;переведение контроллера в режим управления; иразблокирование положения элемента управления потоком, при этом контроллер самокалибруется во время работы узла управления клапана на основании значения чувствительности датчика положения и значения положения отдельной точки во время работы узла управления клапана.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно включающий: перед установкой контроллера удаление другого ...

13-05-2015 дата публикации

Herstellungsverfahren einer Drosselvorrichtung für eine Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102004053591B4

Herstellungsverfahren einer Drosselvorrichtung für eine Brennkraftmaschine, wobei die Drosselvorrichtung einen im Wesentlichen rohrförmigen Drosselkörper (2) und ein im Wesentlichen scheibenförmiges Drosselventil (3) aufweist, wobei das Drosselventil (3) eine Achse (5) hat, um die sich das Drosselventil (3) in dem rohrförmigen Drosselkörper (2) zwischen einer geschlossenen Position und einer offenen Position dreht, wobei das Drosselventil (3) und der Drosselkörper (2) im Wesentlichen gleichzeitig in den selben Gussformen in derartiger Weise geformt werden, dass das Drosselventil (3) um einen vorbestimmten Winkel in Bezug auf eine gänzlich geschlossene Position gedreht ist, so dass das Drosselventil (3) nicht mit einer Innenbohrungsfläche des Drosselkörpers (2) in Kontakt kommend ausgebildet wird, wobei in der gänzlich geschlossenen Position das Drosselventil (3) und der Drosselkörper (2) einen minimalen Spalt zwischen ihnen definieren, wobei das Herstellungsverfahren der Drosselvorrichtung ...

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Mikroventil und Abdichteinrichtung zur Verwendung in einem Mikrofluidiksystem sowie Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE102008002675A1

Es werden ein Mikroventil zur Steuerung von Fluidströmen und eine Abdichteinrichtung zum Abdichten von Kavitäten in einem Mikrofluidiksystem, insbesondere in einem Lab-On-a-Chip-System, sowie ein Verfahren zu deren Herstellung beschrieben. Ein Ventilkörper (10) bzw. ein Abdichtelement liegt mit einer Dichtfläche (18) auf einer Dichtfläche (22) eines Substrats (20) auf und wird mittels eines Klammerelementes (12) mit seiner Dichtfläche (18) gegen die Dichtfläche (22) des Substrats (20) fluiddicht angedrückt. Das Klammerelement (12) und/oder der Ventilkörper (10) bzw. das Abdichtelement sind zumindest teilelastisch.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Microfluidic system including a bubble valve for regulating fluid flow through a microchannel

Номер: US20120015442A1
Принадлежит: Cytonome ST LLC

A microfluidic system includes a bubble valve for regulating fluid flow through a microchannel. The bubble valve includes a fluid meniscus interfacing the microchannel interior and an actuator for deflecting the membrane into the microchannel interior to regulate fluid flow. The actuator generates a gas bubble in a liquid in the microchannel when a sufficient pressure is generated on the membrane.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Flow control assembly

Номер: US20120103439A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A flow control device for automatically controlling the flow of a fluid at a predetermined rate that is capable of taking measurements of the pressure of the fluid within the device while the device is functioning and that is capable of real-time adjustment of the flow rate is provided. Said device includes a casing having a casing outlet, a piston having a piston inlet and an edge, wherein said piston interfaces with the casing in a manner such that the edge is cooperable with the casing outlet to control the flow of fluid through the device. A biasing member, such as a spring, for biasing the casing with the piston is further included, as is a sensor, such as a pressure transducer, for measuring the pressure within the interior of the casing.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Valve with material having modifiable degree of penetrability

Номер: US20120126154A1

The invention relates to a valve ( 2 ) for controlling a passage of particles from a first region ( 6 ) to a second region ( 7 ), wherein the valve ( 2 ) comprises a valve material ( 4 ) having a modifiable degree of penetrability and a valve region ( 16 ) comprising the valve material ( 4 ), wherein the valve region ( 16 ) and the valve material ( 4 ) are adapted such that the particles have to penetrate the valve material ( 4 ) if the particles pass the valve ( 2 ) for being transferred from the first region ( 6 ) to the second region ( 7 ). The degree of opening of the valve ( 2 ) can easily be controlled by modifying the degree of penetrability of the valve material ( 4 ), for example, by modifying the temperature of the valve material ( 4 ). Moreover, by penetrating the valve material ( 4 ) the particles can be separated from other elements like a fluid containing the particles.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Check Valve Unit For Solid Ink Reservoir System

Номер: US20120133714A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A check valve unit is provided for a high-speed phase change ink image producing machine between a reservoir for receiving and holding a volume of melted ink from a source and a receiving unit, which may be a printhead system. The check valve unit includes a plurality of ball elements trapped between upper and lower housings defining a like plurality of inlet and discharge passageways. The passageways are configured to optimize flow of melted ink through the unit during charging of the secondary reservoir. The check valve unit is scalable as to size and number of reservoirs for a particular application. The unit further incorporates features that simplify the manufacturing and assembly process while maintaining optimal performance.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Air venting valve of vulcanising mould

Номер: US20130001836A1
Автор: Pekka Penkkimäki
Принадлежит: Individual

An air venting valve and method for removing air from a vulcanizing mould of a vehicle tire by the aid of an air venting valve having a body functioning as an air channel and an inner part movable in a longitudinal direction. The body includes a stem and a valve disc disposed at an inner end of the stem on the side of a mould surface, the diameter of the valve disc is larger than the inner diameter of the body. A spring member is arranged in the air venting valve for forcing the inner part in a predetermined position for opening the valve when a blank is removed from the vulcanizing mould. The lower part of the inner part of the body includes an outer thread and in the lower part of the body a respective inner thread for screwing the valve stem in the body.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Double-sealed cross-port fitting for series progressive divider valve

Номер: US20130087234A1

A double-sealed cross-port fitting for use in a series progressive divider valve comprises an adapter body, a passage and a ring segment. The adapter body extends axially from a first end to a second end and includes an adapter segment and a coupling segment. The adapter segment is positioned at the first end and is configured to be coupled to another component. The coupling segment is positioned at the second end, extends from the adapter segment, and is configured to be inserted into a valve body. The passage extends through the adapter body from the first end to the second end. The ring segment extends radially from the coupling segment and is configured to engage the valve body. The ring segment forms a first seal face between the ring segment and the adapter segment and a second seal face between the ring segment and the second end.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Integrated rotary valve

Номер: US20130306173A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

A system in some embodiments includes a machine block comprising features configured to support moving machine components within a lubricating fluid, wherein the machine block includes an integral valve block configured to route the lubricating fluid through a first filter without a second filter and configured to route the lubricating fluid through the second filter without the first filter. Further embodiments include a method that includes switching circulation of a lubricant between a first filter and a second filter in response to an angular position of a valve disposed in a valve block integral to a machine block having moving components lubricated by the lubricant.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing a throttle

Номер: US20140096390A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a throttle ( 34 ) in a flow channel ( 24 ) that extends in a component ( 8 ), in particular a valve part, and that is used to control a medium from a control chamber. According to the invention, after formation of the flow channel ( 24 ) in the valve part ( 8 ), the throttle ( 34 ) is stamped by plastically deforming material in the vicinity of the flow channel ( 24 ) in the direction of the planned throttle ( 34 ), and the plastically deformed material acts in such a manner on a molding tool ( 50, 57, 58 ) introduced into the flow channel ( 24 ) in the position of the planned throttle ( 34 ) that a contour ( 57, 58 ) of the molding tool ( 50 ) defining the throttle ( 34 ) is formed in the flow channel ( 24 ). The plastic deformation is effected by a stamping die ( 40 ) moved with a defined force, while the contour of the throttle ( 34 ) is formed by a tip portion ( 57, 58 ) of a counter-die ( 50 ) used as the molding tool.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028315A1

A venous valve with a frame and a cover on the frame for unidirectional flow of a liquid through the valve. 1. A valve, comprising: a frame having a first leaflet connection region and a second leaflet connection region; a first leaflet coupled to the first leaflet connection region and the second leaflet connection region; and a second leaflet coupled to the first leaflet connection region and the second leaflet connection region, wherein the first leaflet and the second leaflet have integrated flexible support members to provide support to the first leaflet and the second leaflet, the first leaflet connection region and the second leaflet connection region having surfaces defining a reversibly sealable opening for unidirectional flow of a liquid through the valve. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent Ser. No. 15/154,302, filed May 13, 2016, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/957,039, filed Nov. 30, 2010, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/063,681, filed Feb. 23, 2005, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,867,274 which is herein incorporated by reference.The present invention relates generally to apparatus, systems, and methods for use in a lumen; and more particularly to a valve apparatus, systems, and methods for use in the vasculature system.The venous system of the legs uses valves and muscles as part of the body's pumping mechanism to return blood to the heart. Venous valves create one way flow to prevent blood from flowing away from the heart. When valves fail, blood can pool in the lower legs resulting in swelling and ulcers of the leg. The absence of functioning venous valves can lead to chronic venous insufficiency.Techniques for both repairing and replacing the valves exist, but are tedious and require invasive surgical procedures. Direct and indirect valvuoplasty procedures are used to repair damaged valves. Transposition and transplantation are used to replace an incompetent valve. Transposition ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Distal Valve for a Catheter

Номер: US20180036525A1

A bi-directional valve assembly, including valves for use in closed-ended catheters or other elongate tubular devices, is disclosed. In one embodiment, a catheter assembly for insertion into a body of a patient is disclosed and comprises an elongate catheter tube including an outer wall that at least partially defines at least one lumen that extends between a proximal end and a closed distal end thereof. The catheter tube includes a valve assembly that in turn includes a linear slit valve defined through the outer wall of a distal segment of the catheter tube, and a deformation region. The deformation region includes a compliant segment disposed in the outer wall of the catheter tube and a thinned portion of the outer wall. The compliant segment and thinned portion of the deformation region cooperate to preferentially deform the outer wall and open the slit valve during aspiration through the catheter tube. 1. A method for making a catheter , comprising:forming a catheter tube including an outer wall defining at least one lumen;creating a slit valve in the outer wall of a distal segment of the catheter tube; anddefining a compliant segment in the outer wall of the distal segment of the catheter tube, the compliant segment circumferentially spaced apart from the slit, the compliant segment designed to facilitate inward deflection of a portion of the outer wall along the slit when negative pressure is applied to the at least one lumen.2. The method for making according to claim 1 , wherein the forming step includes molding a distal tube portion over a proximal tube portion claim 1 , wherein the distal tube portion includes the distal segment claim 1 , and wherein the proximal tube portion has a skived distal end.3. The method for making according to claim 2 , wherein the forming step further includes positioning a core pin in the proximal tube portion claim 2 , the core pin extending distal of the skived distal end and having a portion with a volume corresponding to ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051624A1
Принадлежит: CUMMINS IP, INC.

An apparatus, system, and method are disclosed for optimizing a valve orifice shape. According to one representative embodiment, a method includes determining a specified relationship between a valve position and an output characteristic, and determining an orifice profile. The method also includes determining a relationship of an orifice area to the output characteristic. Further, the method includes shaping an orifice in a valve based on the orifice profile and the specified relationship between the valve position and the output characteristic. According to the method, the valve should approximately exhibit the specified relationship. 17.-. (canceled)8. A system for optimizing a valve for configurable response , the system comprising:an internal combustion engine;a turbocharger; and determining a specified relationship between a desired valve orifice position and a desired output characteristic;', 'determining an orifice profile based on an orifice area for the desired output characteristic; and', 'shaping an orifice in the valve based on the orifice profile, and the specified relationship between the desired valve orifice position and the desired output characteristic, such that the valve exhibits approximately the specified relationship., 'a rotary valve having an optimized orifice profile, wherein the orifice profile is optimized by9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the rotary valve comprises one of a barrel valve and a bypass valve.10. The system of claim 8 , wherein the orifice comprises an orifice in the shape of a best fit triangle.11. The system of claim 8 , wherein the orifice profile is shaped to form an enclosed flow-through passage formed in the rotary valve claim 8 , the enclosed flow-through passage extending from an intake orifice on one side of the rotary valve to an outlet orifice on an opposite side of the rotary valve claim 8 , wherein a cross-sectional shape and size of the enclosed flow-through passage are constant along the entire enclosed ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072198A1
Принадлежит: Forge Tech, Inc.

In some implementations, an apparatus includes a body, a receiver in contact with the body, at least one tensioner operable coupled to the receiver, and a strap further comprising a strong and flexible material, each end of the strap operably coupled to one of the at least one tensioner, the strap being in contact with the body. 1. An apparatus comprising:a body;a receiver in contact with the body;at least one tensioner operably coupled to the receiver; anda strap further comprising a strong and flexible material, each end of the strap operably coupled to one of the at least one tensioner, the strap being in contact with the body.2. The apparatus of further comprising:a friction bonder operably coupled to the receiver.3. The apparatus of further comprising:a chuck operably coupled between the receiver and friction bonder.4. The apparatus of further comprising:an inert gas in the receiver.5. The apparatus of wherein the receiver further comprises:a threaded receiver.6. The apparatus of wherein the body further comprises:a valve.7. The apparatus of wherein the body further comprises:a pipe.8. wherein the receiver further comprises a shroud.9. wherein the strap further comprises a cable Claim 1 , chain or any strong flexible material.10. wherein the tensioner further comprises a lever type or screw type tensioner.11. A method comprising:attaching a receiver to a body;coupling at least one tensioner to the receiver; andattaching each end of a strap to one of the at least one tensioner, the strap further comprising strong and flexible material, the strap being in contact with the body.12. The method of further comprising:coupling a friction bonder to the receiver.13. The method of further comprising:operably coupling a chuck between the receiver and friction bonder.14. The method of further comprising:adding an inert gas in the receiver.15. The method of wherein the receiver further comprises:a threaded receiver.16. The method of wherein the body further comprises:a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Combined ring rolling method for spherical valve body

Номер: US20160082553A1
Принадлежит: Wuhan University of Technology WUT

This invention relates to a combined ring rolling method for spherical valve body, which has the following procedures: 1) design for ring blank by computing ring blank volume and selecting reasonable rolling ratio according to the dimensions of forged ring; 2) design for rolling gap which includes the shapes and dimensions of working surfaces of main roll, mandrel and passive rolls according to the dimensions of ring blank and forged ring, the stable deformation condition of combined ring rolling and structure requirement of rolling equipment; 3) rolling forming with three stages of surface cross rolling, ring rolling and shaping by controlling of feeding speed of main roll and working positions of passive rolls. This invention has the technical economical advantages of low consumptions of energy and materials, high productivity and low production cost.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166138A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a valve ( 1 ) for the blocking or controlled establishing of a volume flow of a working fluid in a flow path of a technical device for transmitting and/or storing of energy, in particular in a control device for a hydraulic drive. Said valve comprises a first, second, and third valve opening ( 120, 121, 122 ), a shut-off body ( 100 ) which is moveable between an open-position in which the third valve opening ( 122 ) is open to permit a volume flow of the working fluid between the second and third valve opening ( 121, 122 ) and a close-position in which the third valve opening ( 122 ) is closed by the shut-off body ( 100 ), a guide means ( 110 ) for guiding the shut-off body ( 100 ) between the open-position and the close-position, and a retaining means ( 109 ) for exerting a retaining force on the shut-off body ( 100 ) in the close-position, wherein the guide means ( 110 ) has three guide means parts ( 111, 112, 113 ) having a first, second, and third guide means region ( 114, 115, 116 ) in a fixed connection, the first and third guide means part ( 111, 113 ) are designed for enclosing the shut-off body ( 100 ) and the second guide means part ( 112 ) comprises a plurality of pins in a parallel orientation to the direction of movement of the shut-off body ( 100 ). The valve ( 1 ) can in particular be mass-produced more simply and cost-effectively than conventionally designed valves, and is constructed to be more maintenance-friendly, and, in addition, permits cost savings during operation and for maintenance. Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for manufacturing a valve ( 1 ) of this type and to an apparatus ( 2 ) for the load-pressure-compensated minimizing of the switching delay with the valve ( 1 ) according to the invention for use in a control device of a hydraulic drive.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Friction-Welded Pipe Repair

Номер: US20180094738A1
Принадлежит: Forge Tech, Inc.

In some implementations, an apparatus includes a container having an exterior surface, having an interior surface and having a defect, a gasket positioned over the defect in the container, the gasket having a length, a width and a depth, a rigid patch positioned over the gasket, a plurality of pairs of studs and nuts positioned near the outer perimeter of the rigid patch, the studs being friction welded to the exterior of the container. 1. An apparatus comprising:a tank having an exterior surface, having an interior surface and having a defect;a gasket positioned over the defect in the tank, the gasket having a length, a width and a thickness;a rigid patch positioned over the gasket, the rigid patch having a length, a width and a thickness, the length of the rigid patch being greater than the length of the gasket, the width of the rigid patch being greater than the width of the gasket; anda plurality of studs and nuts positioned near an outer perimeter of the rigid patch, the plurality of studs being friction welded to the exterior surface of the tank.2. The apparatus of wherein the gasket further comprises:a rubber gasket.3. The apparatus of wherein the gasket further comprises:an epoxy resin or polymer.4. The apparatus of wherein the gasket further comprises:a perimeter gasket.5. (canceled)6. The apparatus of wherein the rigid patch further comprises:a metal patch.7. The apparatus of wherein the rigid patch further comprises:a soft metal patch.8. The apparatus of wherein the rigid patch further comprises:a polymer patch.9. The apparatus of wherein the rigid patch has an equal number of mounting holes as studs and each of the studs passes through a corresponding mounting hole and at least one of the mounting holes further comprise:an elongated mounting hole.10. The apparatus of wherein a geometric shape of the rigid patch further comprises:a square geometric shape.11. The apparatus of wherein a geometric shape of the rigid patch further comprises:a round geometric ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Delivery System for a Valve Prosthesis

Номер: US20180098846A1
Автор: Dwork Joshua

A heart valve prosthesis and delivery systems are provided for replacing a cardiac valve. The heart valve prosthesis includes a self-expanding frame includes a portion having a crimp that provides additional flexibility to the self-expanding frame in the collapsed configuration. 120-. (canceled)21. A delivery system for implanting a valve prosthesis , the device comprising:an inner shaft assembly including a shaft and a valve prosthesis retainer hub; anda capsule slidably received over the inner shaft assembly, wherein the capsule is configured to compressibly retain a self-expanding valve prosthesis, the capsule having a distal portion having a circular cross-section and a proximal portion having an ovaled cross-section, wherein the proximal portion is configured to bend in a single plane at the ovaled cross-section during delivery of a self-expanding valve prosthesis.22. The delivery system of claim 21 , wherein the delivery device is configured to provide a delivery condition in which a self-expanding valve prosthesis is compressed over the shaft of the inner shaft assembly and retained within the capsule.23. The delivery system of claim 22 , wherein the delivery device is further configured to provide a deployment condition in which the capsule is proximally withdrawn over a self-expanding valve prosthesis.24. The delivery system of claim 21 , wherein an outer diameter of the distal portion has the circular cross-section.25. The delivery system of claim 21 , wherein an outer diameter of the proximal portion has the ovaled cross-section.26. The delivery system of claim 21 , wherein an inner diameter of the distal portion has the circular cross-section.27. The delivery system of claim 21 , wherein an inner diameter of the proximal portion has the ovaled cross-section.28. The delivery system of claim 21 , wherein the proximal portion has an inner diameter having the ovaled cross-section and an outer diameter having a circular cross-section.29. The delivery system ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Cage Valve with Flow Trim for Reduced Port Erosion

Номер: US20170102084A1
Принадлежит: Master Flo Valve Inc

A valve, and tubular cage component for a valve, in which the tubular cage is formed such that at least a ported portion between the ends of the cage includes a tubular outer cage member formed from a metal material, and a tubular inner cage member formed from a wear resistant material. The inner cage member and the outer cage member are concentrically aligned and have a length to span at least the ported portion. Some or all of the flow ports in the ported portion include a port insert which includes a port sleeve formed from a wear resistant material such that the port sleeve extends at least over the metal material of the outer cage member at the flow port.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Backflow Prevention and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20210156486A1

A backflow prevention assembly is disclosed including a backflow prevention valve having a valve housing including a valve inlet end and a valve outlet end; a spool spacer of predetermined length having a first end and a second end; an inlet shut-off valve; and an outlet shut-off valve, wherein the spool spacer extends between the backflow prevention valve and one of the inlet shut-off valve and the outlet shut-off valve. The entire assembly, including the backflow prevention valve, the spool spacer, the inlet shut-off valve, and the outlet shut-off valve, is a certified assembly, certified by a certifying authority prior to installation. Methods of manufacturing a backflow prevention assembly and replacing a backflow prevention assembly are also disclosed. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of manufacturing a backflow prevention assembly comprising the steps of:receiving a measured length of a first backflow prevention assembly between a fluid supply conduit to a fluid exit conduit, wherein the first backflow prevention assembly is at a replacement site and includes a first inlet shut-off valve, a first backflow prevention valve having a first backflow prevention valve length, and a first outlet shut-off valve;receiving a measured line size of at least one component of the first backflow prevention assembly;obtaining a second backflow prevention valve having a second backflow prevention valve length different than the first backflow prevention valve length;obtaining a spool spacer;obtaining a second inlet shut-off valve and a second outlet shut-off valve, the second inlet shut-off valve having a second inlet shut-off valve line size, the second outlet shut-off valve having a second outlet shut-off valve line size, each of the second inlet shut-off valve line size and the second outlet shut-off valve line size being equal to the measured line size;assembling a second backflow prevention assembly by connecting the second backflow prevention valve, the spool spacer, the ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Double offset ball member usable in ball valves and other flow control applications

Номер: US20140231690A1
Принадлежит: Chromatic Industries LLC

Ball valves and ball valve components usable to control the flow of fluids and methods for manufacturing said ball valve components. Ball valves include a ball member comprising two curved segments of like shape and size, which are integrally joined and disposed symmetrically to one another relative to the axis of rotation of the ball member. A bore extends through the joined first and the second curved segments, wherein the first end of the bore is located on the first curved segment and the second end of the bore is located on the second curved segment. Each curved segment is disposed symmetrically to one another, relative to the axis of rotation. The area of separation, between the curved segments, defines shoulders of like configuration, wherein each shoulder is located symmetrically with respect to the other relative to the ball member's axis of rotation.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Microfluidic pump and valve structures and fabrication methods

Номер: US20170151560A1
Принадлежит: Rheonix Inc

Plastic microfluidic structures having a substantially rigid diaphragm that actuates between a relaxed state wherein the diaphragm sits against the surface of a substrate and an actuated state wherein the diaphragm is moved away from the substrate. As will be seen from the following description, the microfluidic structures formed with this diaphragm provide easy to manufacture and robust systems, as well readily made components such as valves and pumps.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Bypass piston port and methods of manufacturing a bypass piston port for a series progressive divider valve

Номер: US20140261812A1

A series progressive divider valve comprises a valve body and pistons. A fluid inlet extends into the valve body. Stations are disposed in the valve body and extend from a first end to a second end; each station comprises piston stations extending through the valve body and a bypass station fluidly isolating the first end from the second end. The piston stations comprise a piston bore and a piston. The bypass stations comprise first and second fluid passages extending from the first and second ends to positions inside the valve body. Outlet bores extend into the valve body, and each comprises first and second sets of outlet bores. Porting forms passageways connecting the stations to each other and with the outlet bores such that when high pressure fluid is applied to the inlet the pistons reciprocates from the first end to the second end in sequence.

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Valve Assembly for Crimp Profile

Номер: US20190201194A1

A method of assembling a prosthetic heart valve includes providing a collapsible and expandable stent having an annulus section and an aortic section. The annulus section has a first diameter in a relaxed condition and a second diameter less than the first diameter in a collapsed condition. A constraint is applied to the stent to constrain the annulus section to a predetermined diameter between the first and second diameters. Applying a cuff and/or a plurality of leaflets to the stent in the constrained condition enables less material to be used. The resultant prosthetic valve is therefore able to be collapsed to a smaller diameter for introduction into a patient. 1. A method of assembling a prosthetic heart valve , comprising:providing a collapsible and expandable stent having an annulus section, the annulus section having a first annulus diameter in a relaxed condition and a second annulus diameter less than the first annulus diameter in a collapsed condition;constraining the annulus section to an annulus diameter between the first annulus diameter and the second annulus diameter;assembling at least one of a cuff or a plurality of leaflets to the constrained annulus section to form a prosthetic heart valve; andremoving the constraint from the stent prior to implantation of the prosthetic heart valve within a native valve annulus.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein constraining the annulus diameter includes applying an annular constraint around a circumference of the stent.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the stent further includes an aortic section having a first aortic diameter in the relaxed condition and a second aortic diameter less than the first aortic diameter in the collapsed condition claim 2 , and the step of applying the constraint constrains the aortic section to an aortic diameter between the first aortic diameter and the second aortic diameter.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the constraint comprises a first suture tied to the annulus section of ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190201682A1

A collapsible valve comprising a first portion with at least one dimple in a side thereof, and a second portion, the second portion being narrower than the first portion and arranged along an axial dimension of the first portion, the second portion including a cut therein. 1. A needleless access device comprising:a housing having an inner cavity; anda valve disposed within the inner cavity, the valve having a first portion comprising a cylindrical wall and a second portion comprising a head, the cylindrical wall extending from the head and comprising an inner surface forming a valve cavity, wherein the valve cavity extends through an open end of the first portion to a closed end of the first portion adjacent the head,wherein the valve comprises a first concave cut and a second concave cut formed in the cylindrical wall, and a third concave cut formed in the head.2. The needleless access device of claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical wall comprises a thickness from 0.030 inches to 0.038 inches.3. The needleless access device of claim 1 , wherein the open end of the first portion is sealed to the housing to form a liquid space between the housing and the valve and a separate air space within the valve cavity.4. The needleless access device of claim 3 , wherein at least one passage extends from the air space to an outside environment.5. The needleless access device of claim 1 , wherein at least one concave cut of the first and second concave cuts is angularly offset at least 90 degrees relative to the third concave cut.6. The needleless access device of claim 1 , wherein at least one concave cut of the first and second concave cuts is angularly offset by about 180 degrees relative to the third concave cut.7. The needleless access device of claim 1 , wherein the first concave cut is angularly offset from the second concave cut by about 180 degrees.8. The needleless access device of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises first and second ports fluidly coupled to the inner ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170281923A1

A blood bag system includes a clamp installed in a flexible first tube. The clamp includes: a base section having a protrusion section, an opening/closing section having a pressing protrusion section that presses a side surface of the first tube, and a bent section that connects the base section and opening/closing section. The base section is provided with a pair of cutout sections opened to a side surface where the first tube can be inserted by interposing the protrusion section. The clamp is configured such that a portion of the first tube where the clamp is installed is bent while the clamp is released. 1. A clamp positionable along a length of a flexible tube to close a flow path of the flexible tube when the clamp is in a closed position and to open the flow path of the flexible tube when the clamp is in a released position , comprising:a base section possessing a bottom surface and an inner surface facing opposite directions, the base section also possessing side surfaces which intersect and extend away from the bottom surface, the base section including a first protrusion projecting from the inner surface to make contact with a side surface of the tube when the clamp is mounted on the tube;an opening/closing section positioned in spaced apart and opposing relation to the base section so that a space exists between the opening/closing section and the base section, the opening/closing section including a second protrusion that projects toward the inner surface of the base section, the second protrusion being positioned to make contact with the flexible tube without closing the flow path of the tube when the clamp is in the released position and to make contact with the flexible tube and press the flexible tube toward the first protrusion to close off the flow path in the flexible tube when the clamp is in the closed position;an intermediate section connecting the base section and the opening/closing section in a manner permitting the opening/closing section to ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313590A1
Автор: Giles Eric, McHugh Chris
Принадлежит: Lennox Industries Inc.

A reversing valve comprising a valve body having an internal cavity therein and an input port, output port and first and second reversing ports. A baffle is located within the internal cavity and is configured to rotate around a pivot point within the internal cavity. At least one electromagnet is coupled to the valve body. The electromagnet is configured to cause the baffle to rotate in one of the clockwise direction or counter-clock wise direction when a voltage is applied to the electromagnet. 1. A reversing valve , comprising: an internal cavity therein;', 'an input port;', 'output port;', 'a first reversing port;', 'a second reversing port, wherein the input port, the output port, the first reversing port and the second reversing port are all in fluid communication with the internal cavity; and', the baffle is configured to rotate around a pivot point within the internal cavity, wherein ends of the baffle contact interior walls of the valve body when the baffle rotates about the pivot point in a clockwise direction; and', 'the ends of the baffle contact different interior walls of the valve body when the baffle rotates about the pivot point in a counter-clock wise direction;, 'a baffle located within the internal cavity, wherein, 'at least one electromagnet coupled to the valve body;', 'responsive to a voltage being applied to the at least one electromagnet, the at least one electromagnet rotates the baffle in a first direction;', 'the pivot point is connected to a torsion spring concentric to the pivot point; and', 'the torsion spring is configured to rotate the baffle in a direction opposite the first direction., 'a valve body that includes2. The reversing valve of claim 1 , wherein the input port and the output port are located opposite one another on the valve body.3. The reversing valve of claim 1 , wherein at least one interior wall includes recesses claim 1 , each recess is configured such that a portion of a major surface of the baffle near one of the ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Device For Packaging And Dispensing A Substance For Ophthalmic Use

Номер: US20180318130A1
Автор: Martine Claret, Pierre Roy
Принадлежит: HORUS PHARMA

Device for packaging and dispensing drops of a substance for ophthalmic use, generally fluid, semi-fluid or in suspension, emulsion or oily solution including a dispensing accessory with a first valve made of an elastomer material that allows the substance to pass through when the dispensing accessory is stressed, without allowing outside air to pass through in the opposite direction when the dispensing accessory is relaxed, characterized in that the first valve is covered by a layer of Parylene.

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Distal Valve for a Catheter

Номер: US20200345999A1

A method for making a catheter. The method includes forming a catheter tube including an outer wall circumscribing at least one lumen and having a closed distal end, and creating a slit valve in a distal segment of the catheter tube proximal of the closed distal end. The slit valve includes a slit through the outer wall and a compliant segment designed to facilitate inward deflection of a portion of the outer wall along the slit when negative pressure is applied to the at least one lumen. The compliant segment is circumferentially spaced apart from the slit. 1. A method for making a catheter , comprising:forming a catheter tube including an outer wall circumscribing at least one lumen and having a closed distal end; a slit through the outer wall; and', 'a compliant segment designed to facilitate inward deflection of a portion of the outer wall along the slit when negative pressure is applied to the at least one lumen, the compliant segment circumferentially spaced apart from the slit., 'creating a slit valve in a distal segment of the catheter tube proximal of the closed distal end, the slit valve comprising2. The method for making according to claim 1 , wherein forming the catheter tube comprises molding a distal tube portion over a proximal tube portion claim 1 , wherein the distal tube portion includes the distal segment claim 1 , and wherein the proximal tube portion has a skived distal end.3. The method for making according to claim 2 , wherein forming the catheter tube further comprises positioning a core pin in the proximal tube portion claim 2 , the core pin extending distal of the skived distal end and having a portion with a volume corresponding to the compliant segment.4. The method for making according to claim 3 , wherein forming the catheter tube further comprises removing the core pin and overmolding the compliant segment on the distal tube portion.5. The method for making according to claim 4 , wherein the slit is created after the overmolding of the ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363613A1

Nozzle and a method of making the same are disclosed. The method includes forming a material into a nozzle forming microstructured pattern comprising a plurality of nozzle hole forming features and planar control cavity forming features; forming at least one different material into a nozzle pre-form using the nozzle forming microstructured pattern, with the nozzle pre-form comprising a plurality of nozzle pre-form holes and sacrificial planar control cavities; and forming a nozzle from the nozzle pre-form, said forming the nozzle comprising removing enough of the at least one different material to remove the sacrificial planar control cavities so as to form a top surface of the nozzle pre-form into a top surface of the nozzle, and to form each of the nozzle pre-form holes into a nozzle through hole. 1. A method of making a nozzle , said method comprising:forming a material into a nozzle forming microstructured pattern comprising a plurality of nozzle hole forming features and planar control cavity forming features;forming at least one different material into a nozzle pre-form using the nozzle forming microstructured pattern, with the nozzle pre-form comprising a plurality of nozzle pre-form holes formed from the nozzle hole forming features and sacrificial planar control cavities formed from the planar control cavity forming features; andforming a nozzle from the nozzle pre-form, said forming the nozzle comprising removing enough of the at least one different material to remove the sacrificial planar control cavities so as to form a top surface of the nozzle pre-form into a top surface of the nozzle, and to form each of the nozzle pre-form holes into a nozzle through hole,wherein the removal of the sacrificial planar control cavities allows the nozzle through holes to be opened in a desired manner.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step of forming at least one different material comprises forming a plurality of different materials into the nozzle pre- ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации

Pipe that is Friction Forge Bonded to a Walkway or Ladder through a Stud and a Bracket

Номер: US20200378512A1
Принадлежит: Forge Tech, Inc.

In some implementations, an apparatus comprises a pipe, a stud that is forge-welded to the pipe, creating a forge-welded stud, a bracket that is operably coupled to the forge-welded stud, and a walkway operably coupled to the bracket. 1. An apparatus comprising:a pipe;a stud that is friction forge bonded to the pipe, creating a friction forge bonded stud;a bracket that is operably coupled to the friction forge bonded stud; anda walkway that is operably coupled to the bracket.2. The apparatus of wherein the walkway further comprises:a grip strut walkway.3. The apparatus of wherein the stud further comprises:a nut that is operably coupled to the stud.4. The apparatus of wherein the pipe further comprises:a vertical pipe.5. The apparatus of wherein the pipe further comprises:a horizontal pipe.6. The apparatus of wherein the pipe further comprises:a pipe containing volatile materials.7. An apparatus comprising:a pipe;a stud that is friction forge bonded to the pipe, creating a friction forge bonded stud;a bracket that is operably coupled to the friction forge bonded stud; anda ladder that is operably coupled to the bracket.8. The apparatus of wherein the stud further comprises:a nut that is operably coupled to the stud.9. The apparatus of wherein the pipe further comprises:a vertical pipe.10. The apparatus of wherein the pipe further comprises:a horizontal pipe.11. The apparatus of wherein the pipe further comprises:a pipe containing volatile materials.12. A method comprising:friction forge bonding a stud to a pipe;operably coupling a bracket to the stud; andoperably coupling a walkway to the bracket.13. The method of wherein the walkway further comprises:a grip strut walkway.14. The method of wherein the stud further comprises:a nut that is operably coupled to the stud.15. The method of wherein the pipe further comprises:a vertical pipe.16. The method of wherein the pipe further comprises:a horizontal pipe.17. The method of wherein the pipe further comprises:a pipe ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Tolerance-adjusted actuator and related manufacturing process

Номер: DE102010040583A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Aktuator für eine Ladeeinrichtung (6), insbesondere für einen Abgasturbolader eines Kraftfahrzeugs, wobei der Aktuator (1) eine Regelbauteilgruppe (4) aufweist, mittels der zumindest Translationsbewegungen übertragen werden können, wobei die Länge der Regelbauteilgruppe (4) in einer vordefinierten Stellung des Aktuators (1) eine vorbestimmte Gesamtlänge (L) aufweist. Ein derartiger toleranzbereinigter Aktuator (1) kann im Wartungsfall einfach und kostengünstig ausgetauscht werden. The invention relates to an actuator for a charging device (6), in particular for an exhaust gas turbocharger of a motor vehicle, the actuator (1) having a control component group (4) by means of which at least translation movements can be transmitted, the length of the control component group (4) being in one predefined position of the actuator (1) has a predetermined total length (L). Such a tolerance-adjusted actuator (1) can be replaced easily and inexpensively in the event of maintenance.

13-04-2006 дата публикации

Microfluidic pump and valve structures and fabrication methods

Номер: US20060076068A1
Автор: Lincoln Young, Peng Zhou
Принадлежит: Kionix Inc

Plastic microfluidic structures having a substantially rigid diaphragm that actuates between a relaxed state wherein the diaphragm sits against the surface of a substrate and an actuated state wherein the diaphragm is moved away from the substrate. As will be seen from the following description, the microfluidic structures formed with this diaphragm provide easy to manufacture and robust systems, as well readily made components such as valves and pumps.

02-03-2004 дата публикации

Valve integrally associated with microfluidic liquid transport assembly

Номер: US6698454B2
Принадлежит: Biacore Ab

The present invention discloses a valve integrally associated with a microfluidic transport assembly that is useful for regulating the flow of a liquid sample through an analytical instrument such as, for example, a biosensor. The valve integrally associated with a microfluidic liquid transport assembly, includes: a first rigid layer having substantially planar and opposing first and second surfaces; a second rigid layer having substantially planar and opposing third and fourth surfaces, the third surface of the second rigid layer being substantially coplanar and integrally bonded to the second surface of the first rigid layer; a first passageway defined by a groove, the groove being along the second surface of the first rigid layer and bounded by the third surface of the second rigid layer, the first passageway being adapted to flow a liquid sample therethrough, a valve seat having a substantially planar plateau surface, the valve seat being within the passageway and integrally connected to the first rigid layer such that the plateau surface is substantially planar to and interposed between the first and second surfaces of the first rigid layer; and a flexible membrane opposite the valve seat and integrally associated with a first membrane through hole of the second rigid layer, the flexible membrane having a passageway surface that is either (i) substantially coplanar to the second surface of the first rigid layer when the valve is in an open position, or (ii) bulged with a central portion thereof being substantially coplanar to the plateau surface of the valve seat when the valve is in a closed position. The present invention is also directed to methods of manufacturing of the same.

12-09-2002 дата публикации

Valve integrally associated with microfluidic liquid transport assembly

Номер: US20020128593A1
Принадлежит: Biacore Ab

The present invention discloses a valve integrally associated with a microfluidic transport assembly that is useful for regulating the flow of a liquid sample through an analytical instrument such as, for example, a biosensor. The valve integrally associated with a microfluidic liquid transport assembly, includes: a first rigid layer having substantially planar and opposing first and second surfaces; a second rigid layer having substantially planar and opposing third and fourth surfaces, the third surface of the second rigid layer being substantially coplanar and integrally bonded to the second surface of the first rigid layer; a first passageway defined by a groove, the groove being along the second surface of the first rigid layer and bounded by the third surface of the second rigid layer, the first passageway being adapted to flow a liquid sample therethrough, a valve seat having a substantially planar plateau surface, the valve seat being within the passageway and integrally connected to the first rigid layer such that the plateau surface is substantially planar to and interposed between the first and second surfaces of the first rigid layer; and a flexible membrane opposite the valve seat and integrally associated with a first membrane through hole of the second rigid layer, the flexible membrane having a passageway surface that is either (i) substantially coplanar to the second surface of the first rigid layer when the valve is in an open position, or (ii) bulged with a central portion thereof being substantially coplanar to the plateau surface of the valve seat when the valve is in a closed position. The present invention is also directed to methods of manufacturing of the same.

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220349485A1

A backflow prevention assembly is disclosed including a backflow prevention valve having a valve housing including a valve inlet end and a valve outlet end; a spool spacer of predetermined length having a first end and a second end; an inlet shut-off valve; and an outlet shut-off valve, wherein the spool spacer extends between the backflow prevention valve and one of the inlet shut-off valve and the outlet shut-off valve. The entire assembly, including the backflow prevention valve, the spool spacer, the inlet shut-off valve, and the outlet shut-off valve, is a certified assembly, certified by a certifying authority prior to installation. Methods of manufacturing a backflow prevention assembly and replacing a backflow prevention assembly are also disclosed. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of manufacturing a backflow prevention assembly , the method comprising:receiving an order for a replacement backflow prevention assembly to replace an existing backflow prevention assembly; the replacement backflow prevention assembly includes an inlet shut-off valve, an outlet shut-off valve, a spool spacer, and a backflow prevention valve,', 'the spool spacer and the backflow prevention valve are disposed between the inlet shut-off valve and the outlet shut-off valve,', 'the backflow prevention valve has a valve length that is shorter than a valve length of a backflow prevention valve of the existing backflow prevention assembly, and', 'the replacement backflow prevention assembly has an assembly length that matches an assembly length of the existing backflow prevention assembly; and, 'assembling the replacement backflow prevention assembly, wherein'}obtaining certification from an outside certifying authority regarding operational capabilities of the replacement backflow prevention assembly.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the inlet shut-off valve claim 21 , the outlet shut-off valve claim 21 , the spool spacer claim 21 , and the backflow prevention valve of ...

06-09-2017 дата публикации

Proportional valve, in particular for a camshaft adjuster

Номер: EP2539554B1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

01-09-2011 дата публикации

Proportional valve, in particular for a camshaft adjuster

Номер: DE102010009401A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

Proportionalventil 1 mit einer Kolbenführungshülse 4 und einem in der Kolbenführungshülse 4 bewegbaren Ventilkolben 3 sowie mit einem in einem Druckmittelzulauf 10 zu dem Proportionalventil 1 angeordneten Rückschlagventil 13. Erfindungsgemäß wird ein Proportionalventil 1 bereitgestellt, bei dem die Adaptierung des Rückschlagventils 13 an das Proportionalventil 1 gegenüber dem Stand der Technik verbessert ist. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass das Rückschlagventil 13 in einem die Kolbenführungshülse 4 im Bereich des Druckmittelzulaufs 10 umgebenden Ringspalt 14 angeordnet ist. Proportional valve 1 with a piston guide sleeve 4 and a movable in the piston guide sleeve 4 valve piston 3 and arranged in a pressure medium inlet 10 to the proportional valve 1 check valve 13. According to the invention, a proportional valve 1 is provided in which the adaptation of the check valve 13 to the proportional valve 1 with respect to Prior art is improved. This is achieved in that the check valve 13 is arranged in an annular gap 14 surrounding the piston guide sleeve 4 in the region of the pressure medium inlet 10.

21-08-2003 дата публикации

Electromagnetic hydraulic valve, for controlling camshaft setting device, has control piston moved by magnetic armature for controlling radial openings in axial bore of valve housing

Номер: DE10215939C1
Принадлежит: INA Schaeffler KG

Valve (1) has hollow cylindrical electromagnet (2), axially displaced magnetic armature (3), cylindrical valve housing (4) with axial bore (5) and hollow control piston (6) displaced by armature against force of a coil spring (7). Axial bore has radial openings (11,12,13) of rectangular cross-section controlled by control sections (14,15) of control piston, with the flow through radial openings being linear in all positions of control piston. An Independent claim for a manufacturing method for an electromagnetic hydraulic valve is also included.

01-09-2011 дата публикации

Proportional valve, in particular for a camshaft adjuster

Номер: WO2011104058A1

The invention relates to a proportional valve (1), comprising a piston guide sleeve (4) and a valve piston (3) that can be moved in the piston guide sleeve (4), and further comprising a check valve (13) arranged in a pressure medium inlet (10) to the proportional valve (1). According to the invention a proportional valve (1) is provided, in which the adaption of the check valve (13) to the proportional valve (1) is improved with respect to the prior art. This is achieved in that the check valve (13) is arranged in an annular gap (14) surrounding the piston guide sleeve (4) in the region of the pressure medium inlet (10).

03-07-2003 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US20030122095A1
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

17-08-2006 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US20060180202A1
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

26-11-2013 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US8590555B2
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

19-05-2011 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US20110114197A1
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

15-03-2011 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US7905246B2
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

28-01-2010 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US20100019178A1
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

17-11-2009 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US7617837B2
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

24-06-2008 дата публикации

Low pressure measurement devices in high pressure environments

Номер: US7389788B2
Принадлежит: ACIST Medical Systems Inc

The present invention presents various novel approaches to solving the problems inherent in measuring biological pressures in high pressure systems. Thus, to protect a pressure transducer exposed to fluid flows at higher pressures than its overpressure rating, a novel valve is used that closes a protected leg in which the transducer is located. The various exemplary embodiments of such valves each have a high pressure input, one or more low pressure inputs, and an output. In operation, when a high pressure fluid flow occurs at a high pressure input, such valves automatically close the low pressure inputs. Alternatively, a novel transducer system is presented, which automatically limits the effective pressure sensed by a transducer to a certain maximum.

05-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: JP5202516B2
Принадлежит: Asahi Organic Chemicals Industry Co Ltd

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: JP5982855B2
Автор: 宮崎 肇, 肇 宮崎
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

18-04-2018 дата публикации

Intravascular valve component with improved valve positioning

Номер: EP2432546B1
Принадлежит: Nexus Medical LLC

16-11-2010 дата публикации

Microfluidic pump and valve structures and fabrication methods

Номер: US7832429B2
Автор: Lincoln Young, Peng Zhou
Принадлежит: Rheonix Inc

Plastic microfluidic structures having a substantially rigid diaphragm that actuates between a relaxed state wherein the diaphragm sits against the surface of a substrate and an actuated state wherein the diaphragm is moved away from the substrate. As will be seen from the following description, the microfluidic structures formed with this diaphragm provide easy to manufacture and robust systems, as well readily made components such as valves and pumps.

27-05-2008 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a polymeric bodied fuel injector

Номер: US7377040B2
Автор: Michael J. Hornby
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive Systems US Inc

Various methodologies relating to a polymeric fuel injector are disclosed. One method provides for manufacturing the fuel injector by forming a polymeric housing over a coil assembly and electrical connectors to provide a polymeric passage extending from an inlet to an outlet along a longitudinal axis; inserting components into the polymeric passage from at least one of the inlet and outlet; and securing a polymeric support member of a metering assembly to the housing. Another method provides for manufacturing a fuel injector housing by hermetically enclosing a polymeric housing over a coil assembly and electrical connectors to provide a continuous polymeric passage, the polymeric passage directly facing the longitudinal axis. Yet another method provides for manufacturing a metering assembly by providing a seat; and molding at least a portion of the seat to provide a polymeric support member that surrounds the outer circumference of the seat.

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Micromachined intergrated fluid delivery system

Номер: KR100908949B1

공간-보전적인 일체화된 유체 전달 시스템은 반도체 처리 장치의 가스 분배에 특히 유용하다. 또한, 유체 전달 시스템은 일체화된 유체 유동 네트워크 구조물에 관한 것이며, 이는 유체 유동 채널들을 포함하는 적층형 기판에 추가하여, 다양한 유체 취급 및 감지 구성요소들을 포함할 수 있다. 적층형 기판은 확산 결합되고 다양한 유체 취급 및 감지 구성요소들은 설계 및 물질 요구사항에 따라 부분적으로 일체화된 또는 전체적으로 일체화된 기판이 될 수 있다. Space-conservative integrated fluid delivery systems are particularly useful for gas distribution in semiconductor processing equipment. In addition, the fluid delivery system is directed to an integrated fluid flow network structure, which may include various fluid handling and sensing components, in addition to a layered substrate comprising fluid flow channels. The stacked substrate may be diffusion bonded and the various fluid handling and sensing components may be a partially integrated or fully integrated substrate, depending on design and material requirements.

11-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CN101365904A
Принадлежит: Mykrolis Corp


09-10-1997 дата публикации

마이크로밸브 및 그 제조방법(Micro-valve and process for manufacturing a micro-valve)

Номер: KR970705708A

본 발명의 마이크로 밸브(1)는 서로 고정적으로 결합되고 또한 서로 별개로 제조되는 전자 구동장치(2)와 다충형의 밸브 하부부분(17)으로 이루어져 있다. 밸브 하부부분(17)은 최소한 1개의 자극자(18) 및 축방향으로 가동의 밸브 폐쇄 소자(20) 및 마이크로 밸브(1)의 축방향 가동의 구성부분을 최소한 부분적으로 에워싸는 케이스(12)를 갖추고 있다. 밸브 하부부분(17)은 금속 전도 석출에 의해 차례로 상하에 구성된다(다층전도법). 본 발명의 마이크로 밸브는 예를들면 내연기관의 연료 분사 장치로 사용하기에 적합하다.

22-08-2017 дата публикации

Patent BR112015019074A2

Номер: BR112015019074A2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Reinforced valve

Номер: RU2658453C2

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medical equipment, specifically a valve to be used inside a stent or similar implant device, more particularly to a valve that, in some embodiments, comprises a reinforcing element, as well as to an implantable device with said valve and a method for manufacturing said device. Valve for placement in a body lumen comprises a body; a substantially cylindrically shaped rim disposed at a first end of the valve; an opening located at the second end of the valve, a reinforcement member. Substantially cylindrically shaped rim has a proximal end and a distal end. Opening comprises one or more leaflets. Opening has a closed configuration in which the leaflets are closed, an antegrade open configuration in which the leaflets are opened in response to an antegrade force, and a retrograde open configuration in which the leaflets are opened in response to a retrograde force. Reinforcement member comprises a polymer film and is coupled to the substantially cylindrically shaped rim. Reinforcement member is limited by the substantially cylindrically shaped rim. Tensile strength of the polymer film is higher than the tensile strength of the material used to make the substantially cylindrically shaped rim. Implantable device for placement in a body lumen comprises a substantially cylindrical stent with a through inner lumen and said valve. Valve is connected to the inner lumen of the substantially cylindrically shaped stent by means of a stitching element passing through the reinforcement member of the valve. Method of manufacturing an implantable device for placement in a body lumen includes the steps of: obtaining a substantially cylindrically shaped metal stent, obtaining a valve and coupling the valve to the inner lumen of the substantially cylindrically shaped stent via a stitching element disposed through the reinforcement member of the valve. EFFECT: invention prevents rupture of the valve rim at an attachment site in ...

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Ventileinstellungsanordnungen

Номер: DE112004000431T8
Принадлежит: Flowserve Management Co

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157317A
Принадлежит: Грейко Миннесота Инк.

1. Последовательный прогрессивный делительный клапан, содержащий:корпуса клапана, содержащийвход для текучей среды, проходящий внутрь корпуса клапана;множество отверстий для поршней, проходящих сквозь корпус клапана от первого конца ко второму концу, при этом каждое отверстие для поршня содержит поршень;множество выпускных отверстий, проходящих внутрь корпуса клапана, при этом множество выпускных отверстий содержит:первый набор выпускных отверстий ивторой набор выпускных отверстий;каналы, образующие множество проходов, соединяющих отверстия для поршней друг с другом и с множеством выпускных отверстий таким образом, что когда на вход подается текучая среда под высоким давлением, каждый поршень совершает возвратно-поступательные движения от первого конца ко второму концу последовательно, иканавку, расположенную на пересечении между каждым проходом и отверстием для поршня.2. Клапан по п. 1, в котором каждая канавка содержит полость, примыкающую к отверстию для поршня для увеличения площади сечения отверстия для поршня.3. Клапан по п. 2, в котором каждая полость содержит цилиндрическую полость, окружающую отверстие для поршня вдоль его осевой длины для увеличения диаметра отверстия для поршня под прямыми углами.4. Клапан по п. 3, в котором проходы, соединяющие отверстия для поршней друг с другом, содержат диагональные отверстия, проходящие от конца первого отверстия для поршня до канавки второго соседнего отверстия для поршня.5. Клапан по п. 4, в котором каждое диагональное отверстие содержит:первый отрезок, имеющий первый диаметр и проходящий от конца первого отверстия для поршня в корпус клапана; ивторой от� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 31/363 (13) 2012 157 317 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012157317/06, 27.05.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): ГРЕЙКО МИННЕСОТА ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: US US US US US (72) Автор(ы): КЛЭФЕЙК Эндрю Дж. (US), КАШЕЛ Энтони ...

09-04-2017 дата публикации

Cage valve with flow trim for reduced port erosion

Номер: CA2945118A1
Принадлежит: Master Flo Valve Inc

A valve, and tubular cage component for a valve, in which the tubular cage is formed such that at least a ported portion between the ends of the cage includes a tubular outer cage member formed from a metal material, and a tubular inner cage member formed from a wear resistant material. The inner cage member and the outer cage member are concentrically aligned and have a length to span at least the ported portion. Some or all of the flow ports in the ported portion include a port insert which includes a port sleeve formed from a wear resistant material such that the port sleeve extends at least over the metal material of the outer cage member at the flow port.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157318A
Принадлежит: Грейко Миннесота Инк.

1. Последовательный прогрессивный делительный клапан, содержащий:корпус клапана, содержащийвход для текучей среды, проходящий внутрь корпуса клапана;множество отверстий для поршней, проходящих сквозь корпус клапана от первого конца ко второму концу, при этом каждое отверстие для поршня содержит поршень;множество выпускных отверстий, проходящих внутрь корпуса клапана, при этом множество выпускных отверстий содержит:первый набор выпускных отверстий ивторой набор выпускных отверстий;причем выпускные отверстия в каждом из первого и второго наборов выпускных отверстий соединены в открытый контур траектории потока;каналы, образующие множество проходов, соединяющих отверстия для поршней друг с другом и с множеством выпускных отверстий таким образом, что когда на вход подается текучая среда под высоким давлением, каждый поршень совершает возвратно-поступательные движения от первого конца ко второму концу последовательно, имножество байпасных каналов, каждый из которых имеет первый конец, входящий в выпускное отверстие, и второй конец, сообщающийся по текучей среде с соседним выходом.2. Клапан по п. 1, в котором:корпус клапана содержит блок в форме параллелепипеда, сформированный из единого куска материала и имеющий множество граней;при этом каждое из множества отверстий для поршней проходит между первой парой противоположных граней;причем первый и второй наборы выпускных отверстий равномерно распределены между противоположными гранями второй пары.3. Клапан по п. 2, в котором вторая пара граней перпендикулярна первой паре граней.4. Клапан по п. 2, в котором выпускные отверстия расположены по первой круговой � РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 31/363 (13) 2012 157 318 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012157318/06, 27.05.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): ГРЕЙКО МИННЕСОТА ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: US US US US US (72) Автор(ы): КЛЭФЕЙК Эндрю Дж. (US), КАШЕЛ Энтони Дж. (US ...

03-09-2014 дата публикации

High capacity fluid control valve

Номер: CN203809698U
Автор: D·M·亚当斯


11-01-2011 дата публикации

Valve apparatus, system and method

Номер: US7867274B2
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

A venous valve with a frame and a cover on the frame for unidirectional flow of a liquid through the valve.

16-11-2005 дата публикации

Method for producing synthetic resin fluid flow path forming member

Номер: JP3717682B2
Принадлежит: SMC Corp

15-03-2007 дата публикации

Solid-free-form fabrication of hot gas valves

Номер: US20070056165A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

The present invention provides methods of manufacturing a hot gas valve for a divert and attitude control system in a propelled craft. The methods include the steps of building a valve, or a plurality of separate valve components or segments using a solid free-form fabrication process, and assembling the plurality of separate valve components or segments if necessary to produce the hot gas valve. The solid free-form fabrication process comprises the steps of forming successive feedstock layers by depositing the feedstock material into a predetermined region, the feedstock layers representing successive cross-sectional component slices, and modifying the feedstock by directing an energy source to the predetermined region and thereby creating modified regions in the successive feedstock layers, the combined modified regions defining the hot gas valve or an at least partially-formed valve component or segment.

25-11-1975 дата публикации

Scored reverse buckling rupture disk manufacturing method

Номер: US3921556A
Принадлежит: Black Sivalls and Bryson Inc

The present invention relates to methods of manufacturing scored reverse buckling rupture disks whereby the disks are partially formed from sheet metal sections, annealed to relieve stresses therein, scores applied thereto, finally formed and then annealed a second time to relieve stresses therein.

26-06-1985 дата публикации

Fuel injection valve

Номер: JPS60119369A

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

28-11-2012 дата публикации

Valve with material having modifiable degree of penetrability

Номер: CN102802796A


11-02-2014 дата публикации

Singulation of valves

Номер: US8646479B2
Принадлежит: Kci Licensing Inc

A method and apparatus for the singulation of valve plates and/or assembled valves from a lead-frame are described. The method and apparatus utilizes an electric current to fuse tabs which join the valve plate and/or the assembled valve to the lead-frame. The valve comprises a first and second valve plate with offsetting apertures and a flap disposed and movable between the first and second plates.

02-02-1988 дата публикации

Air cushion shoe sole

Номер: US4722131A
Автор: Ing-Chung Huang
Принадлежит: Individual

An air cushion shoe sole which is preferably blow molded of elastomeric material and has at least one cavity which in cross-section is substantially rectilinear. The cavity has a number of depressions and each cavity has an air valve for introducing a shock absorbing material, namely gas, liquid, or a combination thereof into that cavity. Each air valve has means in it for automatically bleeding off a portion of the shock absorbing material introduced into the cavity once the pressure of that material reaches a predetermined level.

27-08-2014 дата публикации

Fabrication of orifices with lowly located cavitation source

Номер: RU2526635C2
Принадлежит: Роберт Бош Гмбх

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to production of throttling sections, first of all, in fluid bypass channels in fuel atomiser control valve. First, channel (14) is made in part (10) to form the profile of throttling section (32). Then, sharp-edge transition (44) is formed ahead of throttling section (32). Then, throttling section (32) is subjected to electroerosion processing to get the preset diameter (54). Note here that throttling section formed outlet part (38) is preserved. EFFECT: whatever location of orifices with cavitation source. 10 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 526 635 C2 (51) МПК B23P 15/00 (2006.01) F02M 61/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011126243/02, 26.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.10.2009 (72) Автор(ы): Штефан ШАНТЦ (DE), Клаус ЗЕЕЛЬБАХ (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.01.2013 Бюл. № 1 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.10.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2014 Бюл. № 24 C1, 10.08.1998. SU 641132 A, 05.01.1979. SU 303804 A, 18.10.1974; (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.06.2011 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/064068 (26.10.2009) 2 5 2 6 6 3 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 0299143 A1, 18.01.1989. RU 2117177 2 5 2 6 6 3 5 R U WO 2010/060706 (03.06.2010) Адрес для переписки: 105082, Москва, Спартаковский пер., д. 2, стр. 1, секция 1, этаж 3, "ЕВРОМАРКПАТ" (54) СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ДРОССЕЛИРУЮЩИХ ОТВЕРСТИЙ С НИЗКО РАСПОЛОЖЕННОЙ ТОЧКОЙ ВОЗНИКНОВЕНИЯ КАВИТАЦИИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к изготовлению диаметр (54). При этом сохраняют полученную дросселирующих участков, прежде всего в канале при штамповке выходную часть (38) для перепуска жидкости из полости, управляющей дросселирующего участка. В результате срабатыванием клапанного элемента топливной обеспечивается возможность ...

15-10-2009 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation valve and method of producing exhaust gas recirculation valve

Номер: WO2009125526A1
Принадлежит: 三菱電機株式会社

A valve shaft (8) and a drive shaft (11) of an EGR valve (1) are butted to each other. Projections (26a, 26b, 27a, 27b) formed on the inner sides of cotter members (24, 25) of a cotter (23) are engaged with grooves (21, 22) respectively formed in the outer peripheral surfaces of ends of the shafts (8, 11). Urging force of a spring (28) for applying urging force in the direction in which valve elements (6, 7) close is applied to the cotter (23) via a spring holder (30) to press the projections (26a, 26b, 27a, 27b) to the grooves (21, 22).

21-12-2016 дата публикации

Guide member for use in a valve actuator assembly

Номер: KR20160147062A
Автор: 폴 티 알만, 한빙 루

밸브 엑추에이터 조립체는 격막 플레이트를 갖는 하우징과, 상기 하우징 내에 배치된 격막을 포함한다. 스템 돌출부는 격막 플레이트의 하부 표면으로부터 아래로 연장하고, 스템 돌출부는 길이 방향 축을 따라 배치된 엑추에이터 스템에 결합된다. 가이드 부재는 상부 벽과, 스템 돌출부를 수용하는 중앙 개구부를 갖고, 상부 벽은 스프링에 의해 격막 플레이트의 하부 표면과의 맞물림부로 편향된다. 가이드 부재는 또한 상부 벽으로부터 아래로 연장하는 측벽을 갖고, 측벽의 외부 표면은 길이 방향 축에 법선 빙향으로 격막 플레이트 및 엑추에이터 스템의 변위를 제한하기 위해 스프링 하우징의 내부 표면과 맞물리도록 적응된다.

06-08-2010 дата публикации

Microfluidic valve unit for controlling fluid flow and method for fabricating the same

Номер: KR20100087923A
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

채널(channel)을 따라 흐르는 유체의 흐름을 제어하는 미세유체 제어용 밸브 유닛과 이의 제조방법이 개시된다. 개시된 밸브 유닛은, 유체를 이송하기 위한 채널(channel), 상온에서 고체 상태이나 에너지를 흡수하면 용융되는 상전이 물질(phase transition material)을 포함하여 이루어지고, 채널 상에서 경화(硬化)되어 채널을 폐쇄하는 밸브 충전물, 및 채널을 폐쇄하는 밸브 충전물이 용융되면 유입되도록 채널의 측벽으로부터 연장되고, 채널의 단면적보다 좁은 단면적을 갖는 적어도 하나의 모세관을 구비한다.

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011126243A
Принадлежит: Роберт Бош Гмбх

1. Способ изготовления дросселирующего участка (32), прежде всего в канале (14) для перепуска жидкости из полости (16), управляющей срабатыванием управляющего впрыскиванием клапанного элемента (62) топливной форсунки, заключающийся в том, чтоа) в детали (10) выполняют канал (14),б) путем штамповки формируют профиль дросселирующего участка (32) в канале (14),в) формируют острокромочный переход (44) перед дросселирующим участком (32) иг) путем электроэрозионной обработки дросселирующему участку (32) придают заданный диаметр (54) при сохранении полученной при штамповке выходной части (38) дросселирующего участка.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что штамповку на стадии б) выполняют в мягком состоянии детали (10) с использованием пуансона, центрируемого в направляющем отверстии (18).3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что при штамповке материал детали (10) претерпевает осадку (40), которой определяется профиль канала (14) по ходу потока за дросселирующим участком (32).4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что после выполнения стадии б), но до выполнения стадии в) перед дросселирующим участком (32) формируют острокромочный переход (44).5. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что после выполнения стадии б) и до выполнения стадии в) деталь (10) подвергают упрочнению.6. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электроэрозионную обработку, прежде всего по приданию дросселирующему участку (32) в канале (14) точно заданного диаметра (54), выполняют в направлении прохождения жидкости через канал (14).7. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электроэрозионную обработку на стадии в) выполняют в направлении, которое совпадает с направлением прохождения жидкости через дросселирующий участок РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2011 126 243 (13) A (51) МПК F02M 61/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (71) Заявитель(и): РОБЕРТ БОШ ГМБХ (DE) (21)(22) Заявка: 2011126243/02, 26.10.2009 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 27.11.2008 DE ...

03-12-2014 дата публикации

Cardiac valve prosthesis system

Номер: CN102119013B
Автор: 马科斯·森托拉
Принадлежит: NVT AG


09-11-2018 дата публикации

Overturning is through conduit valve and method

Номер: CN106726007B
Принадлежит: WL Gore and Associates Inc


26-03-2004 дата публикации

Micro valve and its manufacturing method

Номер: KR100409145B1
Принадлежит: 로베르트 보쉬 게엠베하

본 발명의 마이크로 밸브(1)는 서로 고정적으로 결합되고 또한 서로 별개로 제조되는 전자 구동장치(2)와 다층형의 하부 밸브 부분(17)으로 이루어져 있다. 하부 밸브 부분(17)은 최소한 1 개의 전기자(18) 및 축방향으로 가동의 밸브 폐쇄 소자(20) 및 마이크로 밸브(1)의 축방향 가동의 구성부분을 최소한 부분적으로 에워싸는 케이싱(12)을 갖추고 있다. 하부 밸브 부분(17)은 금속 전도 석출에 의해 차례로 상하에 구성된다(다층전도법). The microvalve (1) of the present invention comprises an electromagnetic drive device (2) fixedly coupled to one another and manufactured separately from each other and a multi-layered lower valve portion (17). The lower valve portion 17 has at least one armature 18 and an axially movable valve closing element 20 and a casing 12 which at least partly surrounds the constituent parts of the axial movement of the microvalve 1 have. The lower valve portion 17 is formed up and down in turn by metal conduction deposition (multi-layer conduction method). 본 발명의 마이크로 밸브는 예를 들면 내연기관의 연료 분사 장치로 사용하기에 적합하다. The microvalve of the present invention is suitable for use as, for example, a fuel injection device of an internal combustion engine.

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus, methods and articles of manufacture to calibrate valve-mounted instruments

Номер: CN103777651A


22-02-2007 дата публикации

Method for producing a solid housing

Номер: DE102005039288A1

Das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren zur Herstellung eines festen Gehäuses, insbesondere eines Ventilgehäuses für ein elektromagnetisch betätigbares Ventil, zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die folgenden Verfahrensschritte zur Anwendung kommen: DOLLAR A a) Bereitstellen eines Blechstreifens (60) aus einem magnetischen bzw. magnetisierbaren Material, DOLLAR A b) Einbringen eines Zusatzstoffes in einem mittleren Bereich des Blechstreifens (60) und dortiges Aufschmelzen zur Bildung eines nichtmagnetisierbaren Gefüges, DOLLAR A c) Ablängen des Blechstreifens (60) zu einem Blechstück gewünschter Breite, DOLLAR A d) Verformung des Blechstücks in eine Hülsenform, DOLLAR A e) gegenseitige Befestigung der sich nun gegenüberliegenden, in Längsrichtung der Hülse verlaufenden Schnittkanten zur Bildung eines Hülsenrohlings, DOLLAR A f) Endbearbeitung des Hülsenrohlings bis zum Erreichen einer gewünschten Geometrie des Gehäuses (66). DOLLAR A Das Gehäuse (66) eignet sich besonders für den Einsatz in Brennstoffeinspritzventilen in Brennstoffeinspritzanlagen von gemischverdichtenden fremdgezündeten Brennkraftmaschinen.

10-08-2011 дата публикации

Needle for needle valve

Номер: EP2354530A1
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Holding SARL

A needle for use in a needle valve, such as the needle valve of a fuel injector, comprises a tip section (2), a first guide section (1) and a second guide section (3). The tip section (2) has a needle tip. The first guide section (1) is remote from the needle tip. The second guide section comprises a metal tube, wherein the second guide section (3) is retained over the tip section (2) by a first interference fit, and the second guide section (3) is retained over the first guide section (1) by a second interference fit.

11-08-2011 дата публикации

Needle for needle valve

Номер: WO2011095370A1

A needle for use in a needle valve, such as the needle valve of a fuel injector, comprises a tip section (2), a first guide section (1a) and a second guide section (3). The tip section (2a) has a needle tip. The first guide section (1a) is remote from the needle tip. The second guide section comprises a tube, wherein the first guide section (1a) and the tip section (2a) are comprised in an integrated inner needle component (7) extending through the tube (3). A method of manufacturing such a needle is also described.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Method for producing throttle bores with a low caviation transfer point

Номер: DE102008044096A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Drosselstelle (32), insbesondere in einem Kanal (14) eines Ventilstückes (10) eines Kraftstoffinjektors. Es werden die nachfolgenden Verfahrensschritte durchlaufen: Zunächst wird der Ablaufkanal (14) spanabhebend gefertigt. Anschließend erfolgt ein Prägen der Drosselstelle (32) durch ein in eine Führungsbohrung (18) eingeführten Prägestempel. Die vorgeprägte Drosselstelle (32) wird derart erodiert, dass diese einen erodierten Einlaufbereich (54) aufweist sowie einen geprägten Auslaufbereich umfasst, der in Strömungsrichtung gesehen vor einer kontinuierlichen Querschnittserweiterung (38) des Ablaufkanals (14) liegt. The invention relates to a method for producing a throttle point (32), in particular in a channel (14) of a valve piece (10) of a fuel injector. The following process steps are run through: First, the drainage channel (14) is machined. Subsequently, an embossing of the throttle point (32) by a in a guide bore (18) introduced embossing stamp. The pre-embossed throttle point (32) is eroded such that it has an eroded inlet region (54) and comprises an embossed outlet region which, viewed in the flow direction, lies in front of a continuous cross-sectional widening (38) of the drainage channel (14).

11-11-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing throttle holes having a low cavitation transmission point

Номер: US8881400B2

A method for producing a throttle point, particularly in a channel of a valve piece of a fuel injector is disclosed. The following are performed: first, the outlet channel is created by machining. Then, the throttle point is stamped by a stamping die inserted into a guide hole. The pre-stamped throttle point is electrical-discharge machined in such a way that said throttle point has an electrical-discharge machined inlet area and comprises a stamped outlet area, which lies before a continuous cross-section expansion of the outlet channel as viewed in the flow direction.

16-06-2010 дата публикации

Electronically controlled valve and systems containing same

Номер: CN101743423A


10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458229C1

FIELD: engines and pumps. SUBSTANCE: exhaust valve to adjust exhaust orifice 12 has valve disc 15 arranged nearby lower end of valve stem 14. Valve disc lower side facing combustion chamber 12 has cup made up of rotary symmetric cavity 18 open downward with confined perimetre. To retain combusted gas, maximum of valve disc concave lower side lift with respect to imaginary flat face surface 23 that makes direct support for valve disc 15, varies from 2 to 10% of valve disc OD. Invention covers also NOx reduction procedure, versions of exhaust valve fabrication, versions of large-size diesel engine fabrication, method of large-size diesel engine fabrication, and method of large-size diesel engine alteration. EFFECT: reduced NOx emission. 41 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 458 229 (13) C1 (51) МПК F01L 3/20 (2006.01) F02M 25/07 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010150791/06, 12.05.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.05.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): МАН ДИЗЕЛЬ ЭНД ТУРБО, ФИЛИАЛ АФ МАН ДИЗЕЛЬ ЭНД ТУРБО СЕ, ТИСКЛАНД (DK) (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2012 Бюл. № 22 2 4 5 8 2 2 9 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 2227055 A, 18.07.1990. US 2882886 A, 21.04.1959. GB 129015 A, 10.07.1919. RU 2004129711 A1, 27.03.2006. RU 95112530 A1, 10.02.1997. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 13.12.2010 2 4 5 8 2 2 9 R U (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/138085 (19.11.2009) C 1 C 1 (86) Заявка PCT: DK 2009/000109 (12.05.2009) Адрес для переписки: 109012, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент", пат.пов. Ю.В.Пинчуку, рег.№ 656 (54) ВЫПУСКНОЙ КЛАПАН ДЛЯ КРУПНОРАЗМЕРНОГО ДВУХТАКТНОГО ДИЗЕЛЬНОГО ДВИГАТЕЛЯ, СПОСОБ СНИЖЕНИЯ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ NOx В УКАЗАННОМ ДВИГАТЕЛЕ И УКАЗАННЫЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение может быть использовано в крупноразмерных двухтактных дизельных двигателях. Выпускной клапан, предназначенный для ...

15-11-2011 дата публикации

Electrostatic actuation for management of flow in micro-total analysis systems (μ-TAS) and related method thereof

Номер: US8056881B2

The present invention relates to microfluidic devices, and in particular, flow management in such devices. In particular, the present invention provides an electrostatic valve for flow manipulation in a microfluidic device. The valve of the present invention sits on a valve seat in a microchannel and deflects away from the valve seat by electrostatic actuation to assume an opened configuration to allow fluid flow.

07-06-2007 дата публикации

Microfluidic membrane pump and valve

Номер: AU2006320916A1
Автор: Lincoln Young, Peng Zhou
Принадлежит: Kionix Inc

09-08-2013 дата публикации

Piston bores and methods of manufacturing piston bores for a series progressive divider valve

Номер: KR20130089171A
Принадлежит: 그라코 미네소타 인크.

직렬 프로그레시브 디바이더 밸브로서 밸브 본체 및 피스톤들을 포함한다. 밸브 본체는, 유체 유입구, 피스톤 보어들, 배출구 보어들 및 포팅을 포함한다. 유체 유입구는 밸브 본체의 외부로 연장한다. 피스톤 보어들은 제 1 단부로부터 제 2 단부까지 밸브 본체를 통해 연장하며 피스톤 보어들은 피스톤 보어들의 각각과 교차하는 제 1 원형 패스를 따라 배열된다. 각각의 피스톤 보어는 피스톤을 포함한다. 배출구 보어들은 밸브 본체 내로 연장하며, 각각의 배출구 보어는 배출구 보어들의 제 1 세트 및 제 2 세트를 포함한다. 포팅은, 고압 유체가 유입구에 가해질 때, 상기 피스톤들 각각이 순서대로 제 1 단부로부터 제 2 단부까지 왕복운동하도록 피스톤 보어들을 서로 그리고 복수개의 배출구 보어들에 연결하는 복수 개의 경로들을 형성한다.

28-07-2011 дата публикации

Exhaust gas recirculation valve and method of manufacturing exhaust gas recirculation valve

Номер: JPWO2009125526A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

EGRバルブ1におけるバルブシャフト8と駆動シャフト11を突合せ、かつ両端部の外周面にそれぞれ形成した溝部21,22に、内側に突出部26a,26b,27a,27bを備えたコッタ部材24,25からなるコッタ23の突出部26a,26b,27a,27bを係合させ、弁体6,7を閉じる方向に付勢力をかけるスプリング28の付勢力をスプリングホルダ30を介してコッタ23にかけて、コッタ23の突出部26a,26b,27a,27bを溝部21,22に押し付けてなる。 From the cotter members 24, 25 provided with the projecting portions 26a, 26b, 27a, 27b on the inner sides in the groove portions 21, 22 formed on the outer peripheral surfaces of the both end portions butting the valve shaft 8 and the drive shaft 11 in the EGR valve 1. The protrusions 26a, 26b, 27a, 27b of the cotter 23 are engaged, and the urging force of the spring 28 that applies the urging force in the direction of closing the valve bodies 6, 7 is applied to the cotter 23 via the spring holder 30, The protrusions 26a, 26b, 27a, 27b are pressed against the grooves 21, 22.

03-07-2007 дата публикации

Modular fuel nozzle and method of making

Номер: US7237730B2
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

A modular fuel nozzle configuration is defined which permits lower-cost manufacturing operations such as injection moulding to be employed. Also described is a method of making such a component.

09-02-2011 дата публикации

Fuel injection valve and orifice machining method

Номер: JP4627783B2
