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17-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2800057C2

Выполнено электронное устройство доставки никотина (END), содержащее: беспроводную локальную сеть (WLAN) или интерфейс беспроводного телекоммуникационного подключения, выполненный с возможностью установки беспроводного соединения для передачи данных с точкой доступа к беспроводной локальной вычислительной сети для обеспечения подключения для передачи данных от устройства END в службу удаленного управления, и разъем для зарядки, выполненный с возможностью приема входной мощности для подзарядки источника питания устройства END. Устройство END также содержит схему, выполненную с возможностью выборочной активации интерфейса подключения в ответ на предполагаемый или продолжающийся прием мощности через разъем для зарядки. 4 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

20-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772444C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам, генерирующим аэрозоль, и системам, таким как удерживаемые рукой электрически управляемые устройства, генерирующие аэрозоль, и системы. Устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, содержит корпус и блок питания, выполненный с возможностью подачи электропитания на нагревательный элемент посредством трансформатора в сборе внутри корпуса. Трансформатор в сборе содержит магнитопровод, первичную цепь, содержащую первичную обмотку, проходящую вокруг первой части магнитопровода и электрически соединенную с блоком питания, и вторичную цепь, содержащую вторичную обмотку, индуктивно связанную с первичной обмоткой и проходящую вокруг второй части магнитопровода. Количество витков в первичной обмотке превышает количество витков во вторичной обмотке. Вторичная цепь содержит по меньшей мере два электрических контакта, выполненных с возможностью образования электрического соединения с нагревательным элементом. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении большей гибкости ...

29-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2771302C2

Группа изобретений относится к электронагреваемой системе, генерирующей аэрозоль, и к элементу нагревателя для электронагреваемой системы, генерирующей аэрозоль. Электронагреваемая система, генерирующая аэрозоль, содержит трубчатую часть для приема изделия, образующего аэрозоль, и элемент нагревателя. Элемент нагревателя расположен вблизи конца трубчатой части, имеет торцевую поверхность и содержит теплопроводный субстрат, содержащий нелипкое покрытие, нанесенное по меньшей мере на часть внешней поверхности теплопроводного субстрата и по меньшей мере на торцевую поверхность элемента нагревателя. Упомянутое нелипкое покрытие содержит сверхгидрофобный материал. Технический результат заключается в упрощении конструкции электронагреваемой системы, генерирующей аэрозоль. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

24-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2782226C2
Принадлежит: ДЖУУЛ ЛЭБЗ, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к системе вапорайзера, устройству вапорайзера и способу управления устройством вапорайзера. Система вапорайзера содержит устройство вапорайзера, содержащее один или более датчиков для измерения использования испаряемого материала в период времени, при этом один или более датчиков выполнены с возможностью формирования данных об использовании, представляющих использование испаряемого материала. Устройство вапорайзера дополнительно содержит первый приемопередатчик для передачи данных об использовании в беспроводной канал и мобильное устройство связи, содержащее второй приемопередатчик, выполненный с возможностью осуществления связи с первым приемопередатчиком устройства вапорайзера по беспроводному каналу. Мобильное устройство связи содержит память, которая хранит приложение, процессор для выполнения приложения и пользовательский интерфейс для отображения результата выполнения приложения. Приложение выполнено с возможностью приема посредством действия ввода с приложением ...

08-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2777589C2

Электронагреваемая система, генерирующая аэрозоль, содержащая устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, и картридж, выполненный с возможностью применения с устройством, при этом устройство содержит: корпус устройства, выполненный с возможностью сцепления по меньшей мере с частью картриджа; индукционную катушку, расположенную вокруг полости или смежно с ней; и источник питания, соединенный с индукционной катушкой и выполненный с возможностью подачи высокочастотного колебательного тока в индукционную катушку; при этом картридж содержит: корпус картриджа, выполненный с возможностью сцепления с корпусом устройства и содержащий субстрат, образующий аэрозоль, при этом корпус имеет внешнюю поверхность, окружающую субстрат, образующий аэрозоль, причем по меньшей мере часть внешней поверхности образована проницаемым для текучей среды токоприемным элементом. 2 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

18-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2764604C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Технический результат заключается в упрощении конструкции и снижении потребления электроэнергии. Представлена система, генерирующая аэрозоль, содержащая: источник (60) электропитания; электрический нагреватель (40); и схему (100) управления мощностью, присоединенную между источником (60) электропитания и нагревателем (40), причем схема (100) управления мощностью содержит: блок (30) измерения мощности, выполненный с возможностью определения мощности, подаваемой на нагреватель (40) из источника (60) электропитания, и вывода напряжения, соответствующего измеренной мощности, пропорционально мощности, поданной на нагреватель (40); компаратор (10) напряжения, соединенный с блоком (30) измерения мощности и выполненный с возможностью вывода сигнала разности напряжений на основании разности между напряжением, соответствующим измеренной мощности, и эталонным напряжением (V эталонное); и регулятор (12) мощности, присоединенный между источником (60) электропитания ...

02-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765699C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству, генерирующему аэрозоль, энергонезависимому машиночитаемому носителю, мундштуку для устройства для генерирования аэрозоля, набору мундштуков, системе для генерирования аэрозоля и способу управления параметром работы устройства для генерирования аэрозоля. Устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, содержит элемент выявления для выявления типа мундштука, размещенного в устройстве, генерирующем аэрозоль, контроллер для управления параметром работы устройства, генерирующего аэрозоль, и нагревательный элемент, выполненный с возможностью нагревания субстрата, образующего аэрозоль, изделия, генерирующего аэрозоль, когда изделие, генерирующее аэрозоль, размещено в устройстве, генерирующем аэрозоль. Контроллер дополнительно выполнен с возможностью приема входного сигнала, указывающего тип мундштука, выявленный элементом выявления, и выполнен с возможностью управления параметром работы устройства, генерирующего аэрозоль, на основе выявленного типа мундштука, размещенного ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU104024U1

Электронная сигарета, содержащая корпус, имитирующий сигарету, содержащая внутри себя источник питания, источник светового излучения, нагревательный элемент, датчик потока воздуха, совмещенный с выключателем нагревательного элемента и источника светового излучения, картридж с жидкостью для испарения, имитирующей дым сигареты при испарении, при этом источник светового излучения расположен на конце сигареты, противоположном месту, где располагается мундштук сигареты, а источник питания соединен через выключатель с нагревательным элементом и источником светового излучения, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью удобства пользования и повышения качества имитации, состоит из последовательно соединенных электронного блока, блока нагревателя и блока картриджа, при этом электронный блок, кроме источника питания, источника светового излучения, датчика потока воздуха, совмещенного с выключателем нагревательного элемента и источника светового излучения, дополнительно содержит выключатель электронной сигареты ...

02-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2785040C1

Группа изобретений относится к области электронных сигарет. Технический результат – обеспечение равномерного и эффективного прогревания курительного изделия. Устройство управления нагреванием керамического нагревателя в бесконтактном нагревателе электронных сигарет, при этом керамический нагреватель содержит нагревательный корпус и нагревательный контур, при этом нагревательный корпус является цилиндрическим, в нагревательном корпусе расположен пористый канал. Нагревательный контур расположен на нагревательном корпусе, чтобы нагревать воздух, проходящий через пористый канал. Устройство управления нагреванием содержит модуль подсчета времени, модуль определения тока и модуль управления напряжением. При этом модуль управления напряжением предназначен для управления нагревательным контуром с использованием первого рабочего напряжения для нагревания при включении бесконтактного нагревателя электронных сигарет. Модуль подсчета времени предназначен для подсчета времени работы нагревательного ...

14-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746461C1

Группа изобретений относится к табачной промышленности, а именно к системе предоставления аэрозоля. Электронная система предоставления пара содержит компонент для вдыхания, выполненный с возможностью выработки пара из исходного материала, и основной блок, с которым компонент для вдыхания по выбору может быть соединен и от которого компонент для вдыхания может быть отсоединен. Основной блок выполнен с возможностью выявления идентификатора для компонента для вдыхания и, когда компонент для вдыхания соединен с основным блоком, для предоставления компоненту для вдыхания некоторого количества расходного материала для использования компонентом для вдыхания с целью выработки пара для вдыхания пользователем тогда, когда компонент для вдыхания отсоединен от основного блока. Основной блок дополнительно выполнен с возможностью создания записи идентификатора для компонента для вдыхания в сочетании с указанием предоставленного компоненту для вдыхания расходного материала, который включает в себя энергию ...

24-06-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2821382C1

Предложенная группа изобретений относится к электронной системе и способу подачи аэрозоля. Способ определения характеристик пользователя в системе подачи аэрозоля, выполненной с возможностью генерирования аэрозоля из вещества, генерирующего аэрозоль, для вдыхания пользователем содержит этапы, на которых: обнаруживают воздушный поток, ассоциированный с началом вдоха пользователя через систему подачи аэрозоля, вычисляют градиент для воздушного потока в течение первого периода после начала вдоха, прогнозируют по меньшей мере один параметр из: интенсивности вдоха и продолжительности на основе вычисленного градиента и настраивают один или более рабочих параметров системы подачи аэрозоля в ответ на по меньшей мере одну прогнозируемую интенсивность и продолжительность вдоха. Способ осуществляется с помощью системы определения характеристик пользователя, содержащей электронную систему подачи аэрозоля, выполненную с возможностью генерирования аэрозоля из вещества, генерирующего аэрозоль, для вдыхания ...

30-12-2021 дата публикации

Elektronisches Dampfbereitstellungssystem

Номер: DE202015009950U1
Принадлежит: Nicoventures Trading Limited

Ein wlektronisches Dampfbereitstellungssystem, umfassend: einen Verdampfer zum Verdampfen von Flüssigkeit zur Inhalation durch einen Benutzer des elektronischen Dampfbereitstellungssystems; eine Stromversorgung, die eine Zelle oder Batterie zum Versorgen des Verdampfers mit Strom umfasst; einen Sensor zum Erfassen von Luftstrom durch das elektronische Dampfbereitstellungssystem infolge der Inhalation durch den Benutzer; eine manuelle Aktivierungsvorrichtung, wobei die manuelle Aktivierungsvorrichtung eine Taste umfasst; und eine Steuereinheit, die bewirkt, dass dem Verdampfer Strom zugeführt wird, um die Flüssigkeit zu verdampfen, sofern die Steuereinheit feststellt, dass sowohl (i) der Sensor Luftstrom durch das elektronische Dampfbereitstellungssystem erfasst als auch (ii) die manuelle Aktivierungsvorrichtung vom Benutzer manuell aktiviert wurde; wobei der Verdampfer eine Heizung ist, die von der Stromversorgung mit Strom versorgt wird, um die Flüssigkeit zu erhitzen und dadurch zu verdampfen ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Embedded connectivity

Номер: AU2019409041A1

There can be provided an electronic nicotine delivery, END, device comprising: a wireless local area network, WLAN, or wireless telecommunications connectivity interface configured to establish a wireless data connection to a wireless local area network access point to provide data connectivity from the END device to a remote management service, and a charging connector configured to receive power input for recharging a power source of the END device. The END device also comprises circuitry configured to selectively activate the connectivity interface in response to ongoing receipt of power via the charging connector.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Electronic vapour inhalers

Номер: AU2020294359A1

Abstract A cartridge (26) for an electronic vapour inhaler (10) comprises an elongate induction heatable element (28) and a flavour-release medium (30) adhered to the surface (32) of the elongate induction heatable element (28). Figure 2 ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3135791A1

An aerosol delivery or electronic nicotine delivery systems ("ENDS") device may include smoking articles that produce aerosol. The device may operate upon authentication. The authentication may first include an age verification before an authentication allows for operation of the device. The authentication may include a control signal communication to the device. The control signal communication may include an audio signal, such as an authentication tone that is detected by a microphone or pressure sensor on the device. The control signal communication may include a visual, optical, or light signal that is detected by a light sensor or photodiode on the device.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003099825A1
Принадлежит: MACRAE & CO.

An inhalation system (1) for generating a vapour for inhalation by a user comprises an inhalation device (10) including a controller (20) and a vapour generating article (24, 38, 70) comprising a vapour generating material (26, 72, 76) and a heating element (28, 74). The controller (20) is configured to provide a power supply profile adapted for a single use of the vapour generating article and having at least two sections (100, 102) with differing values of intensity per unit time of power supplied to the heating element (28, 74). During a first section (100), the intensity per unit time of power supplied to the heating element (28, 74) has a first value arranged to maintain a target temperature at which a vapour is generated due to heating of the vapour generating material. During a second section (102), the intensity per unit time of power supplied to the heating element (28, 74) has a second value which is higher than the first value. The heating element (28, 74) is arranged to be broken ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA3106455A1

31-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003083248A1
Принадлежит: BRION RAFFOUL

Devices, systems and methods for electronic vaporizer sessioning are presented. Usage preferences of a preferred usage of the vaporizable material by a user of a vaporizer device are received via a user interface of an application or the vaporizer device. Usage data representing the usage of the vaporizable device are also received by the application. The application compares the usage data with the usage preferences within a predetermined time period, and determines a set of operational settings for the vaporizer device that correspond to the user's preferred usage of the vaporizable material. The operational settings are transmitted to the vaporizer device over a wireless channel for controlling an operation of the vaporizer device.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115293A1

Systems and methods for age-restricted product registration are disclosed. According to one disclosed embodiment, a system includes: a scanner configured to scan a passive data source on an identification card; and a processor coupled to the scanner, the processor configured to: receive a scanner signal from the scanner; verify an age of a user based on the scanner signal; and transmit a verification signal to an age-restricted device.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3108733A1

An aerosol delivery device is provided that includes a housing structured to retain an aerosol precursor composition, a heating element configured to convert electricity to heat and thereby vaporize components of the aerosol precursor composition, a power source including one or more batteries or battery cells coupled to and configured to power a load including the heating element, and charge circuitry coupled to and configured to controllably charge the power source. The charge circuitry includes an electrical connector configured to connect the charge circuitry to a power supply from which the power source is chargeable, and a buck-boost charge controller coupled to and between the power source and power supply. The buck-boost charge controller is configured to regulate output voltage and output current from the power supply to the power source, selectively in one of a plurality of modes based on a condition of the power supply.

14-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003013420C

This flavor inhaler is provided with: a plurality of generation units for generating a component to be inhaled from a source of the component to be inhaled using power supplied from a battery; and a control unit for controlling the amount of power supplied to the plurality of generation units. The plurality of generation units are disposed on an air path that connects an inlet to an outlet. The control unit calculates D1 on the basis of VA and VC and controls the amount of power on the basis of D1.

05-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002998558C

An electronic vapour provision system comprises a control unit including: a battery for providing electrical power to a heater which is used to produce vapour, and a controller. The controller is configured to collect information, during user operation of the electronic vapour provision system, relating to: (i) power consumption from the battery due to operation of the heater to produce vapour, and (ii) re-charging of the battery. The controller is further configured to maintain a model of power consumption from the battery by the electronic vapour provision system and of the timings of re-charging the battery, wherein said model is formed or updated from said collected information. The model is further configured to predict from the model whether an estimated power consumption from the battery by the electronic vapour provision system will discharge down to a threshold level of charge before an estimated next re-charging time, and if so, perform a user notification and/or mitigation action ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3138708A1

A vaporization device includes biometric recognition systems. A vaporizer device (100) is provided. The vaporizer device includes a vaporizer body (110) comprising a cartridge receptacle (118), a heating element, a power source (112), and a sensor (113, 203, 504, 602, 802, 804, 901, 1001). The vaporizer device may further include a vaporizer cartridge (120) that is selectively coupled to the vaporizer body, the vaporizer cartridge comprising one or more translucent surfaces (201) and a passageway between the sensor and the one or more translucent surfaces. The vaporizer device further includes a controller (104) configured to determine, based on data from the sensor, whether a user is authorized to use the vaporizer device. The controller is further configured to provide power to the heating element to generate an aerosol responsive to determining the authorization of the user. Related methods and articles of manufacture are also described.

01-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003071911A1

04-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3079378C

This inhalant component generation device has: a load for evaporating or atomizing an inhalant component source using electric power from a power supply; a control unit which generates a command for effecting an operation of the load by acquiring a value indicative of the remaining capacity of the power supply and also acquiring an operation request signal to be sent to the load; and a notification unit. The control unit is configured to cause the notification unit to give a second notice in the case when the value indicating the remaining capacity of the power supply is less than a first threshold but not less than a second threshold that is smaller than the first threshold. The control unit is also configured to cause the notification unit to give a third notice in the case when the value indicating the remaining capacity of the power supply is less than the second threshold. The first threshold can be varied on the basis of the operation request signal.

06-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3060466C

A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler includes: a power supply unit; a charging terminal electrically connected to an external power supply charging the power supply; a discharging terminal electrically connected to a load generating an aerosol from an aerosol source; and a control unit detecting a request for aerosol generation and controlling discharging of the power supply through the discharging terminal and charging of the power supply through the charging terminal. The external power supply can be electrically connected to the charging terminal in a state where discharging of the power supply through the discharging terminal is possible. The control unit performs control such that the charging and the discharging are not performed at the same time in a case where the control unit detects the request in a state where the charging terminal and the external power supply are electrically connected.

13-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003060459C

A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler includes: a power supply that is able to discharge power to a load for generating an aerosol from an aerosol generation source; and a control unit that is configured to determine whether the power supply which is being charged has reached a predetermined charge state lower than a fully charged state, and complete charging of the power supply in a case of determining that the power supply has reached the predetermined charge state.

09-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2923374C

The present invention relates to a method of controlling an aerosol-generating system, and the associated system. The system comprises: an aerosol-generating article; and an aerosol-generating device. The device having a detector capable of detecting the presence of the aerosol-generating article and distinguishing the aerosol-generating article from other articles configured for use with the aerosol-generating system, based on a spectroscopic signature of a taggant incorporated within a material of the aerosol-generating article. The method comprises the steps of: detecting the presence of an aerosol-generating article; determining whether the article comprises a taggant; comparing the spectroscopic signature of the detected taggant with a look-up table of taggant spectroscopic signatures corresponding to articles configured for use with the system; preventing activation of the device, including preventing the supply of power to the heating element, unless the detected taggant spectroscopic ...

05-06-2020 дата публикации

Suction component generation device, method for controlling suction component generation device, and program

Номер: CN0111246757A

28-02-2020 дата публикации

Liquid supply method and device

Номер: CN0110839966A

11-08-2020 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette with NFC anti-counterfeiting code

Номер: CN0211211440U

15-09-2020 дата публикации

Low-temperature smoking set

Номер: CN0211482967U

28-08-2020 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette mistaken touch prevention system and electronic cigarette

Номер: CN0211353944U

29-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN0112153911A

22-08-2023 дата публикации

Airflow heating assembly and aerosol generating device

Номер: CN116616506A

The embodiment of the invention relates to the technical field of aerosol generating devices, and discloses an airflow heating assembly and an aerosol generating device, and the airflow heating assembly comprises a porous matrix which is provided with a plurality of first air holes allowing air to pass through and a plurality of second air holes allowing air to pass through; the heating tube is at least partially embedded in the porous matrix; wherein the first air hole is formed in the outer side of the heating pipe, and the second air hole is formed in the inner side of the heating pipe.

27-06-2023 дата публикации

Electronic atomization equipment, on-off control method and device thereof and storage medium

Номер: CN116326848A

The invention discloses an electronic atomization device, a switch control method and device thereof and a storage medium, and the switch control method comprises the steps: in an initial locking state, obtaining a first duration when the device is sucked; judging whether the equipment meets an unlocking condition or not according to the obtained first duration time, or whether the first duration time when the equipment is sucked needs to be obtained again or not. According to the method, whether the equipment meets the unlocking condition or not is judged according to the obtained first duration time, the mistaken touch prevention function and the child lock function of the equipment can be achieved, the tedious process of manual unlocking of a user is omitted, the suction convenience of the user is guaranteed, and hardware cost is not increased.

08-08-2023 дата публикации

Electronic atomization device and method thereof

Номер: CN116548684A

The invention provides an electronic atomization device and a method thereof. The electronic atomization device comprises an air inlet, an air outlet and an airflow channel extending from the air inlet to the air outlet. The atomizing assembly is used for atomizing the liquid substrate to generate aerosol; air flows into the airflow channel through the air inlet, flows through the atomization assembly and then flows out of the air outlet. The sensor is used for sensing the air pressure in the airflow channel so as to output a characteristic value; and controlling the electronic atomization device to be in an unlocking state according to the characteristic value output by the sensor or a comparison result of a parameter value corresponding to the characteristic value and a preset threshold value. The electronic atomization device is controlled to be unlocked by comparing the characteristic value output by the sensor or the parameter value corresponding to the characteristic value with the ...

25-07-2023 дата публикации

Aerosol generation control method and system

Номер: CN116473290A

The invention relates to an aerosol generation control method and system.The aerosol generation control method comprises the steps that firstly, aerosol generation equipment is started in a continuous suction mode, different heating power curves are adopted according to whether preheating is conducted or not, and the equipment is automatically shut down when a certain number of puffs are sucked; in addition, charging and preheating are conducted in a wireless mode through external equipment, one piece of equipment is dual-purpose, the space is greatly saved, operation is easy and convenient, and corresponding operation can be conducted only by placing the aerosol generating equipment on the external equipment. Tedious labor caused by repeated plugging and unplugging in conventional charging is avoided, and damage to equipment caused by repeated plugging and unplugging is also avoided.

07-04-2023 дата публикации

Oil guide mechanism with good safety and atomizer with oil guide mechanism

Номер: CN115918963A

The invention relates to the field of oil guide mechanisms, and discloses an oil guide mechanism good in safety and an atomizer with the oil guide mechanism, the oil guide mechanism comprises a shell and an atomization heating module arranged in the shell, and a flue used for smoke circulation is formed in the side, away from the atomization heating module, of the shell; a moving assembly corresponding to the flue in position and a rotating assembly movably clamped with the moving assembly are arranged in the shell, and a control assembly corresponding to the rotating assembly in position and movably attached to the atomization heating module is further arranged in the shell. Through cooperation of the moving assembly, the rotating assembly, the control assembly and the like, when the atomization heating module is closed, the cleaning layer can be driven to do reciprocating motion relative to the flue, effective cleaning of the flue can be achieved, residues such as tobacco tar or water ...

23-11-2020 дата публикации

Drop response procedure for an aerosol-generating device

Номер: KR1020200131255A

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for generating suction component Method for controlling suction component generation device, and program

Номер: KR1020200055041A

14-09-2020 дата публикации

Aerosol generating device and method and program for operating the same

Номер: KR1020200106534A

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Liquid detecting method and system, and cartridge therewith, for an electronic cigarette

Номер: TW0202042663A

A liquid detecting system (100) for an electronic cigarette (2000) is provided, comprising: a light source (110, 3110); a light detector (120, 3120); a liquid store (130, 3130, 4130) comprising an internal cavity (131, 3131, 4131) for holding liquid; and a light guide (140, 3140, 4140) optically coupled to the light source and detector such that light emitted from the source propagates towards the detector along an optical path comprising an internal reflection within the light guide at a boundary (B) with the cavity, such that light received by the detector along said optical path varies depending on contents of the cavity. Also provided are a liquid cartridge (2700, 3700, 4700) and an electronic cigarette (2000) comprising the system, a method (500) for determining contents of the liquid cartridge and a computer readable medium comprising executable instructions which, upon execution by a device, cause the method to be performed.

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020190002A2
Автор: LEE, Jae Min

Provided is an aerosol generating device having a function of estimating battery life, the aerosol generating device including a heater configured to generate an aerosol by heating an aerosol generating substance; a battery configured to supply power to the heater; a counter configured to count the number of usage times the aerosol generating device is used by a user; and a controller configured to control power supplied to the heater, wherein the controller estimates a remaining life of the battery based on at least two from among an initial output voltage of the battery, an output voltage of the battery dropped as the aerosol generating device is used for a counted number of usage times, and the counted number of usage times.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021026660A1

In some embodiments, a system includes a mouthpiece defining a mouthpiece opening, a reservoir configured to contain carrier material, a heating assembly including a heating element configured to apply heat to the carrier material, and a control assembly. The control assembly is configured to receive target temperature data based, at least in part, on an identity of the carrier material contained in the reservoir. The control assembly is further configured to, upon receiving an indication that a user is applying suction to the mouthpiece opening of the mouthpiece, apply a current to the heating element of the heating assembly such that a temperature of the carrier material disposed near the heating element rises to a predetermined temperature based on the target temperature data.

14-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021088523A1

An electronic atomization apparatus chip with an air-pressure sensing unit, and a working method therefor. The chip comprises an air-pressure sensing unit, a control unit, several auxiliary resistors, a capacitor and several pins, wherein the air-pressure sensing unit is used for measuring the amount of air pressure generated during air suction inside an electronic atomization apparatus; a memory in the control unit is used for storing related parameters; a control logic module is used for performing logic control on an internal circuit of the control unit; an air-pressure sensing unit driving module is used for driving the air-pressure sensing unit to work; a signal amplification module is used for amplifying an air-pressure analog signal detected by the air-pressure sensing unit and transmitting the air-pressure analog signal to an analog-to-digital conversion module; the analog-to-digital conversion module converts the air-pressure analog signal into an air-pressure digital signal; and ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022092563A1

A sidestream smoke removal device and a control method therefor are provided. A sidestream smoke removal device according to several embodiments of the present invention can comprise: a housing having a smoking space formed therein; an item insertion part positioned at one end of the housing to form an opening through which a smoking item is to be inserted into the smoking space; an ignition part for igniting the smoking item inserted into the smoking space; a sidestream smoke treatment part for treating sidestream smoke generated by the smoking item inserted into the smoking space; and a cutting part. The cutting part provides a cutting function for the smoking item inserted into the smoking space, and thus the present invention is convenient for a user and can ensure a safe firefighting function.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022098020A1

An aerosol generating device may include: a heater; a wetting detection module configured to generate a wetting signal by being electrically shorted as the wetting detection module comes into contact with a liquid introduced from outside the aerosol generating device or a liquid leaked from inside the aerosol generating device; and a control circuit configured to determine whether the wetting signal indicating an electrical short has been received from the wetting detection module, and control the heater based on a determination that the wetting signal has been received.

22-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021074579A1
Автор: MOLONEY, Patrick

P116438PCT 29 Abstract A computing device for use with an aerosol provision system, configured to generate aerosol from an aerosol generating material for user inhalation, is configured to obtain a first data set, the first data set including data relating to usage of the aerosol provision system, obtain a further data set, the further data set including data associated with the user of the aerosol provision system and not relating to 5 usage of the aerosol provision system, identify a correspondence between usage in the first data set and one or more respective characteristic features of the further data set, and in response to a circumstance having a feature similar to a respective characteristic feature in the further data set, adjust one or more operational parameters of the aerosol provision system responsive to the corresponding usage of the aerosol provision system indicated in the first data set. 10 Figure 6 ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021151954A1

Disclosed is a device (10) for adjusting the quantity of two liquids that are aerosolised in order to be inhaled simultaneously by a user, characterised in that said device comprises: - two tanks (105, 110), a first tank comprising a first liquid and a second tank comprising a second liquid having at least one different property, each liquid being configured to be aerosolised when this liquid undergoes a determined physical interaction, - an end piece (115) for inhalation, by the user, of the aerosolised liquid coming from each tank, - two aerosolisation means (120, 125) for aerosolising the first and second liquid respectively, each tank being associated with one aerosolisation means, - a single autonomous source of electrical power (130) for supplying electrical power to each aerosolisation means, - a means (135) for determining a ratio of liquids to be aerosolised for each liquid and - a switching means (140) for alternately supplying each aerosolisation means with electrical power from ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020249493A1

Disclosed are various aerosol provision devices that may inhibit or prevent the accumulation of condensation, during use, in a conduit that connects the device's heating chamber to the device's exterior. In devices according to one aspect, the interior surface of such a conduit is heated during a session of use. In devices according to another aspect, the interior surface of such a conduit is heated, such that at least a portion of its interior surface attains a temperature greater than or equal to 85°C. In devices according to another aspect, a portion of the interior surface of such a conduit has a thermal conductivity greater than or equal to 1 W/m/K. In another aspect, the interior surface of such a conduit is heated such that at least a middle portion of the interior surface attains a temperature greater than or equal to 70°C. Devices according to a further aspect include an air heating unit for heating air within such a conduit to thereby substantially prevent accumulation of condensation ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021120748A1

A liquid storage element (100), a liquid guiding element (200), a cooling element (300), a condensate absorption element (400) and a support element (200) for an aerosol dissipating device. These elements have a three-dimensional network structure formed by thermally bonding bi-component fibers (2), and the bi-component fibers (2) have a skin layer (21) and a core layer (22). These elements having a three-dimensional network formed by thermally bonding the bi-component fibers (2) can be conveniently assembled in the aerosol dissipating device.

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021186880A1

... [Problem] To provide a mechanism capable of improving the quality of an aspiration experience of a user. [Solution] An aspiration device for generating an aerosol to be aspirated by a user by heating a substrate, the aspiration device being equipped with: a heating unit which heats the substrate and is inserted inside the substrate which is inserted into an internal space formed in the aspiration device; a compression unit for compressing a section to be heated, which is the section of the substrate which is heated by the heating unit, in a direction from the outer periphery toward the heating unit; and a control unit which, on the basis of the start of heating by the heating unit or compression by the compression unit, starts the other thereof.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022002187A1

An electromagnetic induction heating element (10) and an electromagnetic induction heating element assembly. The electromagnetic induction heating element (10) comprises a substrate (110), an insulating layer (120) located on the substrate (110), and a temperature sensing layer (130) located on the insulating layer (120). The material of the substrate (110) is a metal simple substance or alloy, and the temperature sensing layer (130) comprises a temperature measuring line (131) formed by sintering a resistance paste. Moreover, a method for preparing an electromagnetic induction heating element is provided.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022010224A1

An aerosol-generating apparatus according to an embodiment may include a plurality of chambers configured to accommodate a flavoring material; a rotating body configured to rotate the plurality of chambers; a coil antenna arranged such that an inductance of the coil antenna is changed by rotation of the rotating body; an inductive sensor configured to detect the inductance and identify a rotation amount and a rotation direction of the rotating body based on a change in the inductance; and a processor configured to identify a chamber in use from among the plurality of chambers, based on the rotation amount and the rotation direction of the rotating body.

28-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022084688A1

A desktop refilling device for an article of an aerosol provision system comprising the article and an aerosol provision device. The desktop refilling device comprises an article interface configured to receive the article when the article is separated from the aerosol provision device, and refilling control circuitry configured to facilitate the transfer of aerosol-generating material from a reservoir couplable to the refilling device to the article. Another desktop refilling device comprises an article interface configured to receive the article, a reservoir interface configured to receive a reservoir, and refilling control circuitry configured to facilitate the transfer of aerosol-generating material from the reservoir to the article, wherein the reservoir interface is located above the article interface when the desktop refilling device is located on a horizontal surface. Another desktop refilling device comprises an article interface configured to receive the article, a reservoir interface ...

28-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: WO2022086201A1

Disclosed is an aerosol generating device including a real-time clock (RTC) configured to output time information measured from a reference time; a non-volatile memory; and a processor configured to: store the time information in the non-volatile memory when a preset operation is performed, when the RTC is initialized, restore the time information by correcting the reference time based on an initial reference time and an accumulated elapsed time from the initial reference time, and when the preset operation is performed again, store updated time information reflecting an elapsed time from the corrected reference time in the non-volatile memory.

21-09-2021 дата публикации

Electronic vapor provision system

Номер: US0011123501B2

A vapor provision system includes a cartridge part (cartomizer) including a vaporizer for generating a vapor from a vapor precursor material for inhalation by a user; and a device part (control unit) comprising a power supply, such as a battery, for supplying power to the vaporizer across an electrical interface established between the cartridge part and the device part when the cartridge part is coupled to the device part for use. The electrical interface is provided by sprung pins in one of the cartridge part and the device part and a circuit board with contact pads in the other of the cartridge part and the device part. The sprung pins and contact pads are arranged in cooperative alignment so that respective ones of the sprung pins are in biased contact with corresponding ones of contact pads when the cartridge part is coupled to the device part for use.

28-09-2021 дата публикации

Power supply unit for aerosol inhaler

Номер: US0011129420B2

A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler includes: a power supply capable of supplying power to a load capable of generating aerosol from an aerosol source; and a connector serving as a physical and electrical contact with an external power supply, in which the power supply unit for the aerosol inhaler further includes: a power reception coil capable of receiving the power in a wireless manner.

21-12-2021 дата публикации

Selectively activate-able heating-element system with two-or-more heating-elements

Номер: US0011202872B2
Автор: Mark James Grote

The electronic system for vaporizing smokable materials for personal inhalation includes two or more heating elements for vaporizing cannabis, tobacco, e-cigarette fluid and other inhalable materials. Includes a power source and two or more heating elements, each connected to a multi-heating-element circuit-switching-element that allows individual control of the duration and amount of heat applied to each heating element. Each heating element applies heat to one smokable material, which can be contained in a cartridge. The multi-heating-element circuit-switching-element can be a slide switch, push button, rotary encoder, pressure switch, infrared switch, a voice activated switch or a graphical user interface attached to a integrated circuit. The power source can be a battery.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200245690A1

The inhalation component generation device comprises: a load that vaporizes or atomizes an inhalation component source by electric power from an electric power source; a notification unit; and a control unit that obtains a value representing a remaining amount of the electric power source and obtains an operation requesting signal to the load and generates an instruction for operating the load. The control unit is configured to cause the notification unit to perform a first notification when the value representing the remaining amount of the electric power source is equal to or greater than a first threshold value. The control unit is configured to cause the notification unit to perform a second notification when the value representing the remaining amount of the electric power source is less than the first threshold value and equal to or greater than a second threshold value that is less than the first threshold value. The control unit is configured to cause the notification unit to perform ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Cartridge Sleeve

Номер: US20210329972A1
Автор: Gregory Hill, Chad Paxton

The present invention discloses a cartridge sleeve configured to provide a better grip on a glass cylinder of a cartridge. The sleeve provides adequate protection to the glass cylinder from breaking if accidentally dropped or strikes on a hard surface. The sleeve is sized to stretch for inserting over the glass cylinder of the cartridge and provides securely grip during use. The sleeve could easily be removed and inserted to the replacement cartridges. The sleeve is configured to suitable for different sizes of cartridges. The sleeve comprises a plurality of slots and is molded into the body of the sleeve. The slots are configured to allow the user to check the substance or fluid level within the glass cylinder of the cartridge. The sleeve also conceals or disguises the substances and allowing more discreet use of substances. The cartridge is connected to a battery via a threading means.

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210289838A1
Автор: Tuanfang LIU

An atomization assembly, including two or more heating elements and an e-liquid tank. The e-liquid tank includes two or more compartments, and the two or more heating elements are disposed in the two or more compartments of the e-liquid tank, respectively. Also provided is an electronic cigarette including the atomization assembly.

18-07-2023 дата публикации

Aerosol generation device including mainstream smoke passage and pressure detection passage

Номер: US0011700885B2

An aerosol generation device includes a case into which a cigarette is inserted, a heater disposed in the case and configured to heat the cigarette inserted into the case, a mainstream smoke passage connecting an end portion of the cigarette to the outside, and a pressure detection sensor configured to detect a change in a pressure of air inhaled to pass through the cigarette.

15-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230180846A1

A voltage output circuit and an electronic cigarette are provided. The voltage output circuit includes a control chip and a step-down switch chip. When a first switch element turns on, the modulation signal output terminal of the control chip outputs a pulse modulation signal to a first control terminal of the step-down switch chip, and access between a first access terminal and a second access terminal of the step-down switch chip is established, based on the effective pulse modulation signal. The output voltage of the second access terminal is less than a system power voltage. The voltage output circuit and the electronic cigarette outputs the pulse modulation signal to the step-down switch chip by the control chip, and the step-down switch chip outputs a suitable driving voltage to the load, such as a thermal wire, the voltage output circuit with simplified structure is adjustable and improved.

24-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230263217A1

Techniques for performing on-demand customization of inhalants to improve the vaping experience may include receiving a selected target flavor, comparing the selected target flavor with a base flavor, and receiving a chemical signature that can be used as a reference for injecting predetermined dosages of one or more pre-vapor formulations into a chamber of the vaping apparatus. The vaping apparatus may apply heat to a combination of the base flavor and the pre-vapor formulations in the chamber to generate the targeted flavor. This technique of on-demand customization of inhalants may improve the vaping experience and reduce the cost of vaping by dynamically adjusting the amount of chemicals to be added to the base flavor depending on a target experience or flavor.

19-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230014895A1

The present disclosure provides an aerosol delivery device comprising a control device that is connectable with a cartridge and that can include one or more additional elements for improving one or both of visible indications of use to a user and resistance to infiltration of liquid into the control device. More particularly, the control device may include a light guide configured for transmitting to a window from a light source that is off-set from the window and a controller configured to direct a varying level of light from the light source. The control device may include one or more elements that are configured to limit infiltration of liquids into the control device and thus may be consider to be water-resistant or water-proof.

11-05-2023 дата публикации

Aerosol Generation Device

Номер: US20230142595A1
Принадлежит: JT International SA

An aerosol generation device generates an aerosol from a consumable. The consumable has a plurality of adjacent layers including a heater layer comprising electrically conductive material and a layer of aerosol substrate on each side of the heater layer and attached to the electrically conductive material. The aerosol generation device comprises a housing and a plurality of electrical contacts. The housing comprises a chamber adapted to hold the consumable. The plurality of electrical contacts are arranged to supply power to the heater layer of the consumable held in the chamber, through one or both outer layers of the plurality of adjacent layers of the consumable.

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220182145A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An embodiment of an electronic vaping device includes: a memory; a light emitting device configured to optically transmit information associated with the electronic vaping device to an external device; and processing circuitry coupled to the memory and the light emitting device. The processing circuitry may be configured to: collect the information associated with the electronic vaping device; store the information in the memory; detect a triggering event; and initiate optical transmission of the information by the light emitting device in response to detecting the triggering event.

10-10-2023 дата публикации

Multiple dispersion generator e-vaping device

Номер: US0011779055B2
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A base for an e-vaping device is configured to couple with multiple cartridges configured to generate separate, respective dispersions. The cartridges may include one or more atomizer assemblies or vaporizer assemblies. The base may include multiple connectors electrically coupled to the power supply. The connectors may be configured to couple multiple dispersion generators to a power supply of the base. The base may include control circuitry configured to independently control dispersion generation by dispersion generators coupled to the base. The control circuitry may independently control dispersion generation by the first and second cartridges based on cartridge information accessed through at least one of the first and second connectors. The control circuitry may control dispersion generation by controlling power supplied to the dispersion generators.

11-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: US20240008558A1
Автор: Huakai YUAN

An electronic vaporization device includes: a vaporizer; a battery; and a controller. A first electrode and a second electrode that are separable are arranged between any two of the vaporizer, the battery, and the controller. In an embodiment, a first end of the controller is connected to a first end of the vaporizer, a second end of the controller is connected to a positive electrode of the battery, a third end of the controller is connected to a negative electrode of the battery, and the negative electrode of the battery is connected to a second end of the vaporizer.

06-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EP3646741A1

A power supply unit (10) for an aerosol inhaler includes: a power supply (12) that is able to discharge power to a load (21) for generating an aerosol from an aerosol source; and a control unit (50) that is configured to control the power supply. The control unit acquires a deteriorated state or a failure state of the power supply based on an internal resistance of the power supply.

18-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3864979A1

A method of producing a vapor from an electronic vaping device (60) including a primary coil (83) of a power supply component (72) and a secondary coil (84), comprising wicking a portion of a pre-vapor formulation from a reservoir (22) towards a heater circuit (81) including a heater (82) and the secondary coil to a location adjacent an inlet portion (230) of an air passageway (20), the secondary coil being disposed concentrically to the primary coil of the power supply component; generating a signal indicative of a puff; and vaporizing at least some of said wicked portion of said pre-vapor formulation by applying an oscillating power cycle to the primary coil responsively to the generated signal so as to inductively generate a voltage in the secondary coil.

12-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3817594A2

14-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3846646A2

31-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3897793B1
Принадлежит: JT International SA

19-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4164423A1

26-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4167783A1
Автор: LEE, Jae Min

13-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3979862A1

06-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3977873A2

Provided is an aerosol generating apparatus including: a main body into which a cigarette is inserted; a first electrically conductive pattern provided on a portion of the main body to function as one of a heater for heating the cigarette and a temperature sensor for sensing a temperature of the cigarette; a second electrically conductive pattern provided on another portion of the main body to function as one of the heater and the temperature sensor; and a controller controlling the first electrically conductive pattern and the second electrically conductive pattern to make the first electrically conductive pattern and the second electrically conductive pattern function as one of the heater and the temperature sensor.

22-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4278914A2

The present invention provides an aerosol generating system having opposite proximal and distal ends, comprising an aerosol generating device and a power supply device; wherein the aerosol generating device has a longitudinal shape extending from the proximal end to the distal end, and has a first end and a second end opposite to the proximal end and the distal end respectively in the length direction; the first end and the second end are provided with a first atomizer and a second atomizer, respectively; the aerosol generating device is movable with respect to the power source, and has a first position and a second position; the aerosol generating system further comprises a position detecting component for detecting that the aerosol generating device is in the first position or the second position, and a controller; the controller controls the power supply device to output power to one of the first atomizer or the second atomizer according to the position of the aerosol generating device ...

15-04-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2817347C2

Группа изобретений относится к генерирующему аэрозоль устройству, генерирующей аэрозоль системе и способу генерирования выходного сигнала в генерируемом аэрозоль устройстве. Генерирующее аэрозоль устройство содержит кожух, содержащий впуск воздуха, выпуск воздуха и простирающийся между ними проход для потока воздуха, аэрозольгенерирующий элемент, расположенный внутри прохода для потока воздуха и выполненный с возможностью генерирования аэрозоля, датчик, соединенный с кожухом и выполненный с возможностью генерировать зависящий от времени сигнал потока воздуха, соответствующий зависящей от времени силе осуществляемой пользователем затяжки на выпуске воздуха, тактильный элемент вывода, соединенный с кожухом, и схему, функционально соединенную с датчиком с возможностью приема зависящего от времени сигнала потока воздуха во время осуществляемой пользователем затяжки. Схема дополнительно функционально соединена с тактильным элементом вывода и выполнена с возможностью приведения в действие, на ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752639C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Технический результат заключается в расширении функциональных возможностей батарейной секции. Предложена батарейная секция (72) электронного вейпингового устройства (60), содержащая корпус (6'), проходящий в продольном направлении и имеющий первый и второй концы, источник (1) питания, расположенный в корпусе (6'), схему (200) управления, расположенную в корпусе (6'), и проводящий контактный узел (300), расположенный на втором конце корпуса (6'), электрически соединяющий источник (1) питания и схему (200) управления и выполненный с возможностью приема внешней мощности и по меньшей мере одной команды. При этом схема управления выполнена с возможностью обнаружения изменения сопротивления и/или изменения емкости таким образом, чтобы обнаруживать указанную по меньшей мере одну команду. 4 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил., 4 табл.

30-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2775364C2

Группа изобретений относится к картриджу для электронного устройства для парения, электронному устройству для парения и способу управления электронным устройством. Картридж для электронного устройства для парения содержит структурный элемент, по меньшей мере частично образующий резервуар. Резервуар выполнен с возможностью удержания готового состава для испарения. Картридж также содержит генератор пара, выполненный с возможностью втягивания готового состава для испарения из резервуара и нагревания втянутого готового состава для испарения с образованием генерируемого пара. Картридж также содержит корпус, проходящий вдоль продольной оси картриджа. Корпус по меньшей мере частично окружает резервуар и генератор пара. Корпус имеет крайний конец и выпускной конец и выполнен с возможностью направления света от крайнего конца корпуса к выпускному концу корпуса посредством внутреннего отражения через внутреннюю часть корпуса. Картридж содержит вставку для выпускного конца, связанную с выпускным концом ...

04-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2793701C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройству для генерирования аэрозоля и системе для генерирования аэрозоля. Устройство для генерирования аэрозоля содержит корпус, содержащий полость, выполненную с возможностью вмещения вещества для генерирования аэрозоля. Нагреватель выполнен с возможностью нагрева вещества для генерирования аэрозоля, вставленного в полость. Датчик вещества выполнен с возможностью обнаружения изменения индуктивности, происходящего в ответ на вставку в полость и отделения от полости вещества для генерирования аэрозоля. Контроллер выполнен с возможностью определять, отделено ли вещество для генерирования аэрозоля от полости на основе степени изменения индуктивности, в то время как заблокирована подача электроэнергии на нагреватель. Обеспечивается возможность автоматического выключения нагревателя, предотвращение перегрева устройства для генерирования аэрозоля и снижение энергопотребления. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

31-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2797153C1

Группа изобретений относится к ингаляционному устройству, способу обработки информации, осуществляемому ингаляционным устройством, и к носителю информации. Ингаляционное устройство для выработки, путем нагрева субстрата, аэрозоля для вдыхания пользователем, при этом ингаляционное устройство содержит нагреватель, который вставляется внутрь субстрата, помещенного во внутренний объем, сформированный в ингаляционном устройстве, и который нагревает субстрат. Ингаляционное устройство также содержит сжиматель, который сжимает зону субстрата, нагреваемую нагревателем, в направлении от периферийной области субстрата к нагревателю, и контроллер, который запускает нагрев, выполняемый нагревателем, или сжатие, выполняемое сжимателем, на основании запуска другой из этих операций. Технический результат направлен на улучшение качеств аспирации для пользователя. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил, 4 табл.

06-06-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2820630C1
Принадлежит: ЕМ-ТЕК Ко., Лтд. (KR)

Изобретение относится к устройству для измерения остаточного количества аэрозоля и, в частности к устройству для генерации аэрозоля, способному рассчитывать остаточное количество аэрозолеобразующего субстрата в результате затяжки и рассчитывать остаточное количество затяжек сигареты или соответствующим образом контролировать температуру, используя рассчитанное остаточное количество аэрозолеобразующего субстрата. Устройство включает корпус, включающий нагревательное пространство и канал воздушного потока, соединяющий нагревательное пространство с внешним пространством, нагревательный блок, нагревающий аэрозолеобразующее изделие, вставленное в нагревательное пространство, блок обнаружения фактора затяжки, обнаруживающий фактор, связанный с затяжкой пользователя, и контроллер, управляющий по меньшей мере нагревательным блоком и рассчитывающий остаточное количество аэрозолеобразующего субстрата на основе содержания обнаружения блока обнаружения фактора затяжки и информирующий пользователя о ...

11-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2781302C1

Группа изобретений относится к ингалятору, устройству управления для ингалятора, способу обработки информации устройством управления для ингалятора и машиночитаемому носителю данных, содержащему программу для управления блоком управления ингалятора. Ингалятор содержит удерживающую часть, имеющую внутреннее пространство, датчик давления для измерения давления, прилагаемого к внутренней стенке удерживающей части, и блок управления, который определяет по результату измерения датчиком давления расположение основного материала, образующего ароматический компонент, во внутреннем пространстве в удерживающей части. Обеспечивается исключение риска неравномерного нагревания или нагревания без объекта за счет определения точного расположения сигареты в устройстве. 4 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

07-08-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2824437C1
Принадлежит: ИННО-АЙТИ КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Изобретение относится к аэрозольному генератору, способному снижать потребление тока путем изменения уровня напряжения преобразователя постоянного тока в процессе работы. Аэрозольный генератор содержит аккумулятор электрической энергии, преобразователь постоянного тока, который подключен между аккумулятором и приводом нагревателя, привод нагревателя, на который подается выходное напряжение от преобразователя постоянного тока, микроконтроллер, который подает управляющий сигнал на привод нагревателя; нагреватель, на который подается питание от привода нагревателя для осуществления нагрева; датчик температуры, который измеряет температуру нагревателя и подключен к микроконтроллеру; и блок управления питанием, который подключен между микроконтроллером и преобразователем постоянного тока и изменяет выходное напряжение преобразователя постоянного тока посредством управления с микроконтроллера, при этом блок управления питанием включает в себя полевой транзистор, который включается и выключается ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Hot-wire control for an electronic cigarette

Номер: US20140014126A1
Принадлежит: SIS Resources Ltd

An electronic cigarette (“e-Cig”) may include functionality for monitoring and controlling the thermal properties of the e-Cig. The system and method described herein may monitor a temperature based on a resistor (i.e. hot wire) near the wick and model the thermal cycle of an e-Cig. The model can be used for controlling the temperature of the e-Cig and preventing burning. The temperature control may dictate optimal conditions for atomization and smoke generation in an e-Cig while avoiding hotspots and burning to the atomizer or cartomizer.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000178A1

An aerosol source member for use with an inductive heating aerosol delivery device, a method of manufacturing an aerosol source member for use with an inductive heating aerosol delivery device, and an aerosol delivery device are provided. The aerosol source member comprises a substrate portion comprising at least one substrate material and at least one resonant receiver comprising at least one susceptor material. At least a portion of the resonant receiver is configured to be positioned within a control body of the aerosol delivery device, the control body comprising at least one resonant transmitter, the susceptor material is configured to be inductively heated by the at least one resonant transmitter, and the substrate portion is formed using additive manufacturing. 1. An aerosol source member for use with an aerosol delivery device , the aerosol source member comprising:a substrate portion comprising at least one substrate material and at least one resonant receiver comprising at least one susceptor material;wherein at least a portion of the resonant receiver is configured to be positioned within a control body of the aerosol delivery device, the control body comprising at least one resonant transmitter, wherein the at least one susceptor material is configured to be inductively heated by the at least one resonant transmitter, andwherein the substrate portion is formed using additive manufacturing.2. The aerosol source member of claim 1 , wherein the at least one susceptor material comprises a carbonaceous material.3. The aerosol source member of claim 2 , wherein the carbonaceous material comprises a granular carbonaceous material.4. The aerosol source member of claim 1 , wherein the at least one susceptor material is mixed with the at least one substrate material in an even ratio.5. The aerosol source member of claim 1 , wherein the substrate portion comprises two or more substrate materials.6. The aerosol source member of claim 1 , wherein the substrate ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015436A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A nicotine pod assembly includes a nicotine reservoir to hold nicotine pre-vapor formulation, and a heater configured to vaporize nicotine pre-vapor formulation drawn from the nicotine reservoir. A device body is configured to engage with the nicotine pod assembly, and includes a controller. The controller is configured to cause the device body to detect a fault event at the nicotine electronic vaping device, classify the fault event as one of a plurality of types of fault events, and perform at least one consequent action based on the classification of the fault event. 1. A nicotine electronic vaping device comprising: a nicotine reservoir to hold nicotine pre-vapor formulation, and', 'a heater configured to vaporize nicotine pre-vapor formulation drawn from the nicotine reservoir; and, 'a nicotine pod assembly including'} detect a fault event at the nicotine electronic vaping device,', 'classify the fault event as one of a plurality of types of fault events, and', 'perform at least one consequent action based on the classification of the fault event., 'a device body configured to engage with the nicotine pod assembly, the device body including a controller configured to'}2. The nicotine electronic vaping device of claim 1 , whereinthe fault event is one of a soft fault pod event, a hard fault pod event, a soft fault device event, and a hard fault device event,the soft fault pod event and the hard fault pod event are abnormal conditions at the nicotine pod assembly, andthe soft fault device event and the hard fault device event are abnormal conditions at the device body.3. The nicotine electronic vaping device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one consequent action includes an auto off operation claim 1 , a heater off operation claim 1 , a vaping off operation claim 1 , a charging stop operation claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The nicotine electronic vaping device of claim 1 , wherein the device body further comprises:at least one vaper indicator configured ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette

Номер: US20220015454A1
Автор: Tuanfang Liu
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Eigate Technology Co Ltd

An electronic cigarette including an atomization assembly and a base assembly. The atomization assembly is disposed on the battery assembly. The battery assembly includes a switching unit; the electronic cigarette comprises a first working mode with regard to a pneumatic switch, and a second working mode with regard to a power button. The switching unit includes a button. The button is configured to control the electronic cigarette to switch between the first working mode and the second working mode.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007413A1
Принадлежит: Nicoventures Floldings Limited

A control device for an electronic aerosol provision system is provided. The control device is configured to receive a replaceable component to form an electronic aerosol provision system. The control device includes a communication interface for performing communications external to the electronic aerosol provision system; a memory configured to hold a set of stored identifiers; and a control system. The control system is configured to: receive control information from a remote server via the communication interface; update the set of stored identifiers based on the control information received from the remote server; receive an identifier from a replaceable component received by the control device; make a comparison of the received identifier against the set of stored identifiers; and perform a control action for the electronic aerosol provision system dependent upon the result of said comparison. 1. A control device for an electronic aerosol provision system , the control device being configured to receive a replaceable component to form an electronic aerosol provision system , the control device including:a communication interface for performing communications external to the electronic aerosol provision system;a memory configured to hold a set of stored identifiers; and receive control information from a remote server via the communication interface;', 'update the set of stored identifiers based on the control information received from the remote server;', 'receive an identifier from a replaceable component received by the control device;', 'make a comparison of the received identifier against the set of stored identifiers; and', 'perform a control action for the electronic aerosol provision system dependent upon the result of the comparison., 'a control system configured to2. The control device of claim 1 , wherein updating the set of stored identifiers based on the control information comprises at least one of:adding one or more identifiers to the set of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015158A1

A control device for an electronic aerosol provision system is configured to receive a replaceable component to form an electronic aerosol provision system. The control device is further configured to receive an identifier from a replaceable component received by the control device; and to modify one or more characteristics (such as resistance to draw, RTD) of an airflow path through the electronic aerosol provision system dependent upon the received identifier. 1. A control device for an electronic aerosol provision system , the control device being configured to receive a replaceable component to form an electronic aerosol provision system , the control device being configured to:receive an identifier from a replaceable component received by the control device; andmodify one or more characteristics of an airflow path through the electronic aerosol provision system dependent upon the received identifier;wherein the one or more characteristics of an airflow path through the electronic aerosol provision system comprise resistance to draw.2. (canceled)3. The control device of claim 1 , wherein the control device is configured to modify the resistance to draw by modifying a cross-sectional area of the airflow path in at least one location.4. The control device of claim 3 , wherein the control device is configured to modify the resistance to draw at an inlet or an outlet of the airflow path.5. The control device of claim 2 , wherein an airflow modifier is provided to modify at least one of the cross-sectional area or a length of the airflow path.6. The control device of claim 4 , wherein the airflow modifier comprises a diaphragm that can be widened or narrowed to modify the cross-sectional area of the airflow path.7. The control device of claim 4 , wherein the airflow modifier is electrically operated to modify at least one of the cross-sectional area or a length of the airflow path.8. The control device of claim 7 , wherein the electrical operation of the airflow ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015167A1

An aerosol generating device for receiving an aerosol generating article includes an electrical circuit including a controller for determining a change in an electrical property of the circuit. The change in the electrical property of the circuit is caused by the user interacting with an aerosol generating article received by the device. 1. An aerosol generating device for receiving an aerosol generating article , comprising:an electrical circuit comprising a controller for determining a change in an electrical property of the electrical circuit, wherein the change is caused by a user interacting with an aerosol generating article received by the aerosol generating device.2. The aerosol generating device according to claim 1 , wherein the change in the property of the electrical circuit is caused by the user contacting the aerosol generating article.3. The aerosol generating device according to claim 1 , wherein the aerosol generating article comprises a conductive material and the change is caused by the user interacting with the conductive material.4. The aerosol generating device according to claim 3 , wherein the change in the property of the electrical circuit is caused by the user contacting claim 3 , and thereby electrically grounding claim 3 , the conductive material.5. The aerosol generating device according to claim 3 , wherein the aerosol generating device comprises a first conductive surface and wherein when the aerosol generating article is inserted in the aerosol generating device the first conductive surface and the conductive material together have a capacitance claim 3 , wherein the change in the property of the electrical circuit comprises a change in the capacitance due to the user interacting with the aerosol generating article.6. The aerosol generating device according to claim 5 , wherein the controller is configured to detect the change in the capacitance by detecting a change in a time constant of the electrical circuit.7. The aerosol ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette

Номер: US20170019951A1

This electronic cigarette comprises: —a heating element able to vapourize a substrate during a smoking period; —means for measuring an approximation of a characteristic of the voltage across the terminals of the heating element during this smoking period, said approximation being measured across the terminals of a circuit no component of which exhibits intrinsic characteristics not disturbed by the inhalations; —means of estimating an approximation of said characteristic of the voltage across the terminals of the heating element in the absence of inhalation during said smoking period; means of calculating an intensity representative of the intensity of the inhalations during said smoking period on the basis of an integration of the difference between said approximations during said smoking period; and—means of estimating the said quantity of substrate vapourized by the heating element at least on the basis of said intensity.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039474A1

An electromagnetically-driven liquid atomization device includes an atomizing core and an electromagnetic drive unit, where the atomizing core includes a liquid storage tank and an electrical heating element; the electrical heating element is provided above a droplet releasing hole, such that a surface of the electrical heating element and the droplet releasing hole are opposite and spaced apart by a certain distance; the electromagnetic drive unit is provided at the bottom of the atomizing core. The electromagnetically-driven liquid atomization device of the present disclosure features small size, quantitative liquid supply, small-volume liquid atomization, controllable droplet formation and liquid surface shape, and no liquid leakage. 1. An electromagnetically-driven liquid atomization device , comprisingan atomizing core and an electromagnetic drive unit, whereinthe atomizing core comprises a liquid storage tank and an electrical heating element;the liquid storage tank is provided with a driving cavity and an extrusion cavity;the driving cavity and the extrusion cavity are in fluid communication;an upper wall of the driving cavity is provided with an elastic diaphragm and a permanent magnet;an upper end of the extrusion cavity is provided with an opening as a droplet releasing hole;the electrical heating element is provided above the droplet releasing hole, and a surface of the electrical heating element and the droplet releasing hole are opposite and spaced apart by a distance; andthe electromagnetic drive unit is provided at a bottom of the atomizing core the atomizing core is further provided with a pressing plate, an upper sealing gasket, an extrusion cavity frame, a driving cavity body, a lower sealing gasket, a substrate and a base; whereinthe liquid storage tank is enclosed by the driving cavity body, the elastic diaphragm, the upper sealing gasket, the lower sealing gasket and the substrate;the pressing plate is provided on an outer wall of the elastic ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022393A1
Автор: OUYANG Junwei

The present disclosure discloses a power supply assembly for an electronic cigarette and an electronic cigarette. The power supply assembly includes a main body and a trigger switch. The main body may be provided with an accommodation space for accommodating circuit components. The trigger switch may be mounted inside the accommodation space by a seal. A first channel and an air flow sensing duct may be connected to the trigger switch. The first channel may include a first end and a second end that are arranged oppositely. The first end may communicate with the air suction pathway of an atomizer of the electronic cigarette, and the air flow sensing duct may communicate with a lateral wall of the first channel close to the first end. 1. A power supply assembly for an electronic cigarette , the power supply assembly comprising:a circuit component;a main body that includes an accommodation space for accommodating the circuit component; anda trigger switch mounted inside the accommodation space by a seal, wherein the seal comprises a first channel and an air flow sensing duct that is connected to the trigger switch, the first channel includes a first end and a second end that are arranged oppositely, the first end is configured to communicate with an air suction pathway of an atomizer of the electronic cigarette, and the air flow sensing duct is configured to communicate with a lateral wall at the first end of the first channel.2. The power supply assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second end of the first channel is configured to communicate with outside of the electronic cigarette such that leaking out liquid can flow out of the power supply assembly through the first channel.3. The power supply assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first channel is arranged along a long axis direction of the power supply assembly.4. The power supply assembly of claim 1 , wherein the air flow sensing duct is arranged perpendicular to the first channel.5. The power supply assembly of claim 1 ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022401A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An aerosol-generating system includes a liquid-storage portion configured to hold a liquid aerosol-forming substrate, a first electrode, a second electrode, and a control system. The second electrode is spaced from the first electrode. At least a portion of the liquid storage portion is arranged between the first electrode and the second electrode. The control system is configured to measure an electrical quantity between the first electrode and the second electrode, and detect a draw on the aerosol-generating system based on the measured electrical quantity information. 1. An aerosol-generating system comprising:a storage portion configured to hold an aerosol-forming substrate,a first electrode, anda second electrode, a portion of the storage portion between the first electrode and the second electrode; and measure an electrical quantity of the portion of the storage portion between the first electrode and the second electrode, and', 'detect a draw on the aerosol-generating system if the electrical quantity exceeds a desired threshold., 'a control system configured to,'}2. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to apply an oscillating measurement signal to the first electrode and the second electrode.3. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 2 , wherein the oscillating measurement signal has a frequency of less than 10 MHz.4. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an aerosol-generator configured to receive aerosol-forming substrate from the storage portion.5. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an aerosol-generator, the control system configured to supply power to the aerosol-generator on detection of the draw.6. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrode and the second electrode are on a platform of electrically insulating material.7. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , wherein ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022402A1

A smoking article and a method for making a smoking article are provided. The smoking article includes an aerosol-generating element configured to produce an aerosol in response to heat, a housing defining a cavity configured to receive the aerosol-generating element therein, a heating element engaged with the housing and configured to provide heat to the aerosol-generating element, a power source in electrical communication with the heating element and configured to provide electrical energy thereto, the heating element producing heat in response to the electrical energy, an aerosol-generating element identification device configured to identify an attribute of the aerosol-generating element, and a control device in communication with the aerosol-generating element identification device and configured to modulate the electrical energy provided to the heating element by the power source to direct the heating element to heat the aerosol-generating element to an aerosolization temperature associated with the identified attribute of the aerosol-generating element. 151-. (canceled)52. A smoking article comprising:a housing defining a cavity configured to receive an aerosol-generating element therein, the aerosol generating element including at least one constituent component configured to produce aerosol in response to heat; andan aerosol-generating element identification device engaged with the housing or a power source and configured to interact with an attribute identifier engaged with the aerosol-generating element to identify, upon actuation of the aerosol-generating element identification device, an attribute of the aerosol-generating element, the attribute being associated with the at least one constituent component of the aerosol-generating element, as indicated by the attribute identifier.53. The article of claim 52 , further comprising:a heating element operably engaged with the housing and configured to provide heat to the aerosol-generating element, wherein ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Battery power detecting device and method

Номер: US20150035540A1
Автор: Zhiyong XIANG

A battery power detecting device and method are provided. It can detect the battery power of a battery rod in a non-disposable electronic cigarette. The battery power detecting device includes a spare battery unit, a current sampling unit, a voltage sampling unit, a charging control unit, a main control unit, and a power display unit. The main control unit is configured to control the charging control unit to adjust and output the voltage provided by the spare battery unit according to the charging current sampled by the current sampling unit, in order to make the charging current equal to a preset current. Then, the main control unit calculates the battery power of the battery rod according to the charging voltage currently sampled by the voltage sampling unit, and finally controls the power display unit to display the battery power of the battery rod.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061394A1
Автор: Hejazi Vahid

The present disclosure provides aerosol delivery devices having a variety of configurations and arrangements. Some aspects of the disclosure provide aerosol delivery devices having a first pump configured to deliver a flow of air; a second pump configured to deliver a flow of liquid; and a nozzle configured to receive the flow of air and the flow of liquid and output the liquid in an atomized form.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061396A1

An electronic vapor provision system is provided including a pressure drop or air flow sensor for monitoring inhalation by a user through the electronic vapor provision system; and a control unit for detecting the start and end of inhalation based on readings from the sensor. The control unit is configured to monitor the cumulative period of inhalation (Ti) over a predetermined window (Tw); and transfer the electronic vapor provision system to a sleep mode if the cumulative period (Ti) exceeds a predetermined threshold (Th). 1. An electronic vapor provision system including:a vaporizer for vaporizing liquid for inhalation by a user of the electronic vapor provision system;a power supply comprising a cell or a battery for supplying power to the vaporizer; anda control unit for controlling the supply of power from the power supply to the vaporizer, the control unit having a sleep mode in which no power is supplied to the vaporizer and a user mode in which power is available for supply to the vaporizer, whereby the control unit reverts from the user mode to the sleep mode after a predetermined amount of time of inactivity in the user mode or after the vaporizer has been disengaged from the power supply.2. The electronic vapor provision system according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit reverts from the user mode to the sleep mode after a predetermined amount of time of inactivity in the user mode.3. The electronic vapor provision system according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined amount of time of inactivity in the user mode is greater than 4 minutes.4. The electronic vapor provision system according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit is transferred back to the user mode by disengaging and re-engaging the vaporizer with the power supply.5. The electronic vapor provision system according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit reverts from the user mode to the sleep mode after the vaporizer has been disengaged from the power supply.6. The electronic vapor ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061400A1

The present disclosure discloses a gas adjusting assembly, a gas adjusting belt, and an electronic atomization equipment. The gas adjusting assembly includes: a bracket provided with a first gas inlet; a gas adjusting belt comprising a flexible belt body and a second gas inlet disposed on the flexible belt body, two ends of the flexible belt body are connected to each other, and the flexible belt body surrounds a periphery of the bracket, the second gas inlet and the first gas inlet are set in one-to-one correspondence; the flexible belt body is configured to slide relative to the bracket. Since the flexible belt body is foldable, and it surrounds the periphery of the bracket, thus the gas adjusting assembly provided by the present disclosure has no specific requirements on the shape and structure of the bracket and the gas adjusting belt is easy to install.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069271A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

A battery including a power switching component provided with a button. When in use, the output power of the battery is switchable by consecutively pressing the button.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071291A1
Автор: Aradachi Takao

A power supply unit for an aerosol generation device is provided. The power supply unit includes an internal power supply configured to hold power supplied to a heater configured to heat an aerosol source, a first connector connectable to an external device and including a first communication terminal, a controller configured to control power supply from the internal power supply to the heater and including a second communication terminal, a first communication path between the first communication terminal of the first connector and the second communication terminal of the controller, and a switch unit positioned on the first communication path and configured to set the first communication path to a conductive state or a disconnected state. 1. A power supply unit for an aerosol generation device , the power supply unit comprising:an internal power supply configured to hold power supplied to a heater configured to heat an aerosol source;a first connector connectable to an external device and including a first communication terminal;a controller configured to control power supply from the internal power supply to the heater and including a second communication terminal;a first communication path between the first communication terminal of the first connector and the second communication terminal of the controller; anda switch unit positioned on the first communication path and configured to set the first communication path to a conductive state or a disconnected state.2. The power supply unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:an integrated circuit including a third communication terminal; anda second communication path between the second communication terminal of the controller and the third communication terminal of the integrated circuit,wherein the second communication path is set in the conductive state both in a case in which the first communication path is set to the conductive state and a case in which the first communication path is set to the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071292A1

The present disclosure generally relates to compositions, and related devices and methods, useful in vaporizing devices such as electronic cigarettes. The composition may comprise nicotine, at least one solvent, and at least one ion pairing agent, and may be vaporized to form a condensation aerosol, wherein inhalation of the aerosol allows for deposition of nicotine with the respiratory system, including deep lung deposition. The vaporizing device may comprise a vaporization unit, a battery, and an integrated circuit coupled to the battery, wherein the integrated circuit is configured to control the battery for rapid initial vaporization without overheating, producing thermal degradation products, or draining battery energy. The battery may operate with pulse width modulation for at least a portion of the time the vaporizing device is being used. 169-. (canceled)70. A liquid composition comprising nicotine , at least one solvent , and at least one ion pairing agent comprising lactic acid;wherein the lactic acid has a molar ratio with respect to nicotine ranging from about 1:3 to about 3:1;wherein the composition has a pH within a range of about pH 5 to about pH 11; andwherein the at least one solvent comprises from about 30% to about 60% glycerol and from about 25% to about 50% propylene glycol with respect to the total weight of the composition.71. A liquid composition comprising nicotine , at least one solvent , and at least one ion pairing agent comprising lactic acid;wherein the lactic acid has a molar ratio with respect to nicotine ranging from about 2:3 to about 1:1;wherein the composition has a pH within a range of about pH 7 to about pH 8; andwherein the at least one solvent comprises from about 40% to about 50% glycerol and from about 35% to about 50% propylene glycol with respect to the total weight of the composition.72. A liquid composition comprising nicotine , at least one solvent , and at least one ion pairing agent comprising lactic acid;wherein the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059306A1
Автор: Chen Bin, LIN YONG-HUI

The present application provides an aerosol-generating device including a housing and a magnetic element. The housing defines an accommodating cavity capable of accommodating an aerosol-generating article. The magnetic element is disposed in the accommodating cavity and capable of generating magnetic attraction or magnetic repulsion to the aerosol-generating article to draw or push the aerosol-generating article towards a predetermined location of the accommodating cavity or in a predetermined direction. The present application also provides an aerosol-generating system including the aerosol-generating device and an aerosol-generating article. The aerosol-generating article includes an element that is capable of being attracted by the magnetic attraction or repelled by the magnetic repulsion. 1. An aerosol-generating device , comprising:a housing defining an accommodating cavity capable of accommodating an aerosol-generating article; anda magnetic element disposed in the accommodating cavity and capable of generating magnetic attraction or magnetic repulsion to the aerosol-generating article to draw or push the aerosol-generating article towards a predetermined location of the accommodating cavity or in a predetermined direction.2. The aerosol-generating device of claim 1 , further comprising a controller capable of changing polarity of magnetic poles of the magnetic element claim 1 , so that the magnetic element generates the magnetic attraction or the magnetic repulsion to the aerosol-generating article.3. The aerosol-generating device of claim 2 , wherein the magnetic element is an electromagnet.4. The aerosol-generating device of claim 1 , wherein a surface of the housing defines an opening communicating with an end of the accommodating cavity claim 1 , and the magnetic element is disposed at another end claim 1 , away from the opening claim 1 , of the accommodating cavity.5. The aerosol-generating device of claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises a sidewall and ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079243A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present invention there is provided a method for controlling an operation of an electronic cigarette. The method can include determining a total amount of vaporization energy required to vaporize an amount of liquid stored in a reservoir of an electronic cigarette. The method can include determining a total amount of atomizer power that is delivered to an atomizer associated with the electronic cigarette over a period of time. The method can include determining an amount of liquid remaining in the reservoir of the electronic cigarette, based on a comparison between the total amount of vaporization energy and the total amount of atomizer power delivered to the atomizer over the period of time. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for controlling an operation of an electronic cigarette , comprising:determining a total amount of vaporization energy required to vaporize an amount of liquid stored in a reservoir of an electronic cigarette;determining a total amount of atomizer power that is delivered to an atomizer associated with the electronic cigarette over a period of time; anddetermining an amount of liquid remaining in the reservoir of the electronic cigarette, based on a comparison between the total amount of vaporization energy and the total amount of atomizer power delivered to the atomizer over the period of time.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising determining a total amount of vaporization energy for different types of liquids.23. The method of claim 21 , further comprising determining that the amount of liquid remaining in the reservoir of the electronic cigarette is less than a particular threshold claim 21 , based on the comparison between the total amount of vaporization energy and the total amount of atomizer power delivered to the atomizer over the period of time.24. The method of claim 23 , further comprising causing an indication to be provided via a user interface in response to the determination that the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Aroma Delivery System for Aerosol Delivery Device

Номер: US20220095677A1
Автор: Hejazi Vahid

The present disclosure provides an aerosol precursor consumable, and an aerosol delivery device that comprises a control unit that defines a receiving chamber, and a removable and replaceable aerosol precursor consumable, at least a portion of the consumable configured to be received into the receiving chamber. The aerosol precursor consumable comprises a housing defining an outer wall, an aerosol precursor composition reservoir located in the housing and configured to contain an aerosol precursor composition, an atomizer located in the housing, and at least one aroma diffuser. The atomizer is configured to vaporize the aerosol precursor composition to generate an aerosol for oral delivery to a user, and the at least one aroma diffuser is configured to diffuse an aroma composition for olfactory delivery to the user. 1. An aerosol precursor consumable for use with an aerosol delivery device , the aerosol precursor consumable comprising:a housing defining an outer wall;an aerosol precursor composition reservoir located in the housing and configured to contain an aerosol precursor composition;an atomizer located in the housing;at least one aroma reservoir located in the housing and configured to contain an aroma composition; andat least one aroma diffuser,wherein the atomizer is configured to vaporize the aerosol precursor composition to generate an aerosol for oral delivery to a user, and wherein the at least one aroma diffuser is configured to diffuse the aroma composition for olfactory delivery to the user.2. The aerosol precursor consumable of claim 1 , wherein the at least one aroma diffuser is located in a recess defined in the outer wall of the housing.3. The aerosol precursor consumable of claim 1 , further comprising a mouthpiece portion claim 1 , and wherein the aroma diffuser is located upstream from the mouthpiece portion.4. The aerosol precursor consumable of claim 1 , wherein when a user engages the mouthpiece portion of the aerosol precursor consumable ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220095686A1

The present disclosure provides aerosol delivery devices having a variety of configurations and arrangements. Some aspects of the disclosure provide aerosol delivery devices having a housing with an air pathway extending at least partially therethrough, a reservoir configured to contain a content of a liquid composition, an intermediate chamber configured to temporarily store a fractional content of the liquid composition, a micropump interconnecting the reservoir and the intermediate chamber and configured to deliver the fractional content of the liquid composition from the reservoir to the intermediate chamber under pressure, and a mesh layer positioned at least partially between the intermediate chamber and the air pathway, the mesh layer being adapted to transfer the liquid composition received from the immediate chamber into the air pathway forming an aerosol. 1. An aerosol delivery device comprising:a housing with an air pathway extending at least partially therethrough;a reservoir configured to contain a content of a liquid composition;an intermediate chamber configured to temporarily store a fractional content of the liquid composition;a micropump interconnecting the reservoir and the intermediate chamber and configured to deliver the fractional content of the liquid composition from the reservoir to the intermediate chamber under pressure; anda mesh layer positioned at least partially between the intermediate chamber and the air pathway, the mesh layer being adapted to transfer the liquid composition received from the intermediate chamber into the air pathway forming an aerosol.2. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the micropump is selected from the group consisting of a centrifugal micropump claim 1 , a ring micropump claim 1 , a rotary micropump claim 1 , a diaphragm micropump claim 1 , a peristaltic micropump claim 1 , a step micropump claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the housing ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084964A1

This non-combusting flavor inhaler is provided with a control unit which, as an instruction to a battery, outputs to the battery a prescribed instruction instructing the battery that the amount of aerosol vaporized by a vaporizer unit should fall within a desired range. The control unit stops power supply from the battery to the vaporizer unit once a prescribed period has elapsed since the start of supplying power to the vaporizer unit. The prescribed period is shorter than the upper limit value of a standard puff period, which is derived from a statistic of the user's puff period. 1. A package used for a non-burning type flavor inhaler , the package comprising:a first cartridge including at least an aerosol source and an atomizer configured to atomize the aerosol source without burning; andone or more second cartridges each including at least a flavor source and each capable of imparting flavor to aerosol passing through the flavor source,wherein the non-burning type flavor inhaler comprises a power source unit including at least a battery and a controller configured to control a notification unit to notify a replacement timing of the second cartridge in response to detection of the replacement timing of the second cartridge,wherein the non-burning type flavor inhaler is configured to mount thereon the first cartridge and one second cartridge selected from the one or more second cartridges, andwherein the number of the one or more second cartridges is determined according to the lifespan of the first cartridge.2. The package according to claim 1 , wherein a permissible puff number or a permissible energization time is determined for the first cartridge claim 1 , the permissible puff number being the number of puff actions permissible for the first cartridge claim 1 , the permissible energization time being the energization time permissible for the first cartridge claim 1 ,wherein a timing at which the number of puff actions or the energization time of the atomizer ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093002A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An electronic cigarette including an atomization assembly and a battery assembly. The atomization assembly is disposed on the battery assembly. The atomization assembly includes an e-liquid tank; a seal plug; a seal collar; a base; a plurality of first magnets; a metal casing; an atomizer; a seal cover; an O-ring; a cylinder; a spring; a first seal ring; and a funnel. The battery assembly includes a second seal ring; an air column; an electrode pair; a plurality of second magnets; a seal sleeve; a pneumatic switch; a press plate; a battery; a control panel; a support; a housing; and a button. The seal collar is sheathed on the base; the base includes a hollow rod and the seal plug is disposed on one end of the hollow rod; the e-liquid tank is disposed on the base; the base includes a plurality of bottom recesses. 1. A device , comprising: an atomization assembly and a battery assembly; the atomization assembly being disposed on the battery assembly; 1) an e-liquid tank;', '2) a seal plug;', '3) a seal collar;', '4) a base;', '5) a plurality of first magnets;', '6) a metal casing;', '7) an atomizer;', '8) a seal cover;', '9) an O-ring;', '10) a cylinder;', '11) a spring;', '12) a first seal ring; and', '13) a funnel;, 'the atomization assembly comprising 14) a second seal ring;', '15) an air column;', '16) an electrode pair;', '17) a plurality of second magnets;', '18) a seal sleeve;', '19) a pneumatic switch;', '20) a press plate;', '21) a battery;', '22) a control panel;', '23) a support;', '24) a housing; and', '25) a button;, 'the battery assembly comprising the seal collar is sheathed on the base; the base comprises a hollow rod and the seal plug is disposed on one end of the hollow rod; the e-liquid tank is disposed on the base; the base comprises a plurality of bottom recesses, and the plurality of first magnets is disposed in the plurality of bottom recesses, respectively; the metal casing encompasses the base; the metal casing and the base each comprise a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210093003A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An electronic cigarette including an atomization assembly and a base assembly. The atomization assembly includes a mouthpiece; a first seal ring; a first seal cover; an airflow regulation ring; a permanent seat; an O-shaped ring; an atomizer; a second seal ring; a funnel; a third seal ring; a spring; an e-liquid injector; a fourth seal ring; a second seal cover; a fifth seal ring; a press cover; a positive terminal; a first silicone pad; a connection cylinder; a cover plate; a sixth seal ring; an e-liquid tank; a seventh seal ring; a negative terminal; a first circular magnet; a first strip magnet; and a magnet cover. The battery assembly includes: a second circular magnet; a second strip magnet; a housing; a front cover plate; a press button; a back cover plate; a silicone plug; a battery; a control plate; a second silicone pad; and a LED cover. 1 [{'b': '1', ') a mouthpiece;'}, {'b': '2', ') a first seal ring;'}, {'b': '3', ') a first seal cover;'}, {'b': '4', ') an airflow regulation ring;'}, {'b': '5', ') a permanent seat;'}, {'b': '6', ') an O-shaped ring;'}, {'b': '7', ') an atomizer;'}, {'b': '8', ') a second seal ring;'}, {'b': '9', ') a funnel;'}, {'b': '10', ') a third seal ring;'}, {'b': '11', ') a spring;'}, {'b': '12', ') an e-liquid injector;'}, {'b': '13', ') a fourth seal ring;'}, {'b': '14', ') a second seal cover;'}, {'b': '15', ') a fifth seal ring;'}, {'b': '16', ') a press cover;'}, {'b': '17', ') a positive terminal;'}, {'b': '18', ') a first silicone pad;'}, {'b': '19', ') a connection cylinder;'}, {'b': '20', ') a cover plate;'}, {'b': '21', ') a sixth seal ring;'}, {'b': '22', ') an e-liquid tank;'}, {'b': '23', ') a seventh seal ring;'}, {'b': '24', ') a negative terminal;'}, {'b': '25', ') a first circular magnet;'}, {'b': '26', ') a first strip magnet; and'}, {'b': '27', ') a magnet cover;'}], 'the atomization assembly comprising [{'b': '28', ') an end cover;'}, {'b': '29', ') a second circular magnet;'}, {'b': '30', ') a second strip ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093180A1
Автор: QIU Weihua

An electronic cigarette management method, a mobile terminal and an electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette management method comprises: scanning a graphic identification code of the electronic cigarette to obtain identity identification information of the electronic cigarette; establishing a binding relationship with the electronic cigarette based on the identity identification information; 1. An electronic cigarette management method applied to a mobile terminal , the method comprising:S1: scanning a graphic identification code of an electronic cigarette to obtain an identity information of the electronic cigarette;S2: establishing a binding relationship with the electronic cigarette based on the identity information;S3: sending a management instruction to the electronic cigarette based on the binding relationship to control the electronic cigarette to operate according to the management instruction.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of S3 comprises:S31: acquiring a geographic distance between a first location of the electronic cigarette and a second location of the mobile terminal;S32: if the geographic distance is greater than a preset threshold, sending an anti-lost management instruction to the electronic cigarette based on the binding relationship, the anti-lost management instruction being configured to control the electronic cigarette to enter a locking state.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the step of S32 comprises:S321: if the geographic distance is greater than the preset threshold, generating and displaying a missing prompt information of the electronic cigarette;S322: when receiving an operation confirming that the electronic cigarette is lost, sending the anti-lost management instruction to the electronic cigarette based on the binding relationship.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the method further comprises:setting a functional option of opening the anti-lost mode in a specified application matching ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200099020A1
Автор: QIU Weihua

A battery pack includes a battery main body and a cover assembly arranged on the battery main body. The battery main body has a mounting groove. A side wall of the mounting groove is provided with a clamping portion. The battery main body is electrically connected to a switch. The cover assembly includes a cover movably arranged in the mounting groove, a locking structure arranged on the cover, and an abutting member arranged, corresponding to the switch, between the mounting groove and the cover. The locking structure includes a locking member movably arranged, corresponding to the clamping portion, on the cover, and a second elastic member elastically abutting between the cover and the locking member. The locking member and the clamping portion can be disengaged by prodding the locking member, and thus the cover can be pressed so that the abutting member abuts against and closes the switch. 1. A battery pack , comprising:a battery main body electrically connected to a switch and defining a mounting groove, and a sidewall of the mounting groove having a clamping portion; and a cover movably positioned in the mounting groove;', 'a locking structure positioned on the cover; and', 'an ejecting member corresponding to the switch, and positioned between the mounting groove and the cover;, 'a cover assembly positioned on the battery main body, comprisingwherein the locking structure comprises a locking member movably positioned on the cover and corresponding to the latching portion, and a second elastic member elastically resisted between the cover and the locking member, when the locking member is toggled to separate from the clamping portion, the cover is capable of being pressed to enable the ejecting member to resist and close the switch, when the cover is released, the cover is capable of returning to an original position, and the locking is exerted by the second elastic member to return to the original position and latches with the clamping portion.2. The battery ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120880A1

A working control circuit for an ultrasonic atomizer and an ultrasonic electronic cigarette are disclosed. The working control circuit comprises a power module, a booster circuit, a smoking switch, a controller, a drive circuit, and an LC oscillation circuit. An output end of the booster circuit is also connected to the drive circuit through a voltage regulator circuit. The voltage regulator circuit comprises a first MOS transistor, a first resistor, and a second resistor. A reference level feedback end of the booster circuit is grounded through a third resistor. The voltage output end of the booster circuit is electrically connected to the reference level feedback end of the booster circuit through a fourth resistor. 1. A working control circuit for an ultrasonic atomizer , comprising:{'b': '1', 'a power module (),'}{'b': '2', 'a booster circuit (),'}{'b': '3', 'a smoking switch (),'}{'b': '4', 'a controller (),'}{'b': '7', 'a drive circuit (), and'}{'b': '5', 'claim-text': [{'b': 1', '2', '7', '5, 'the power module () is electrically connected to the ultrasonic atomizer (J) sequentially through the booster circuit (), the drive circuit (), and the LC oscillation circuit ();'}, {'b': 3', '4, 'the smoking switch () is electrically connected to an input end of the controller (), and'}, {'b': 4', '2, 'an output end of the controller () is electrically connected to an enable end of the booster circuit ();'}, {'b': 6', '2', '7', '3, 'it is characterized in that the working control circuit further comprises a voltage regulator circuit () for increasing a voltage value transmitted by the booster circuit () to the drive circuit () when a time interval between two adjacent ON moments of the smoking switch () is longer than a preset time,'}, {'b': 2', '7', '6, 'an output end of the booster circuit () is electrically connected to an input end of the drive circuit () through the voltage regulator circuit (), and'}, {'b': 4', '6, 'the output end of the controller () is ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137166A1

A laser heater assembly for a vaporizer includes a power source, a laser source, a lens, and a reaction chamber. The lens is disposed within the optical path. During operation, the laser source emits light, the light propagating along an optical path during operation of the light source. The lens receives the emitted light from the laser source, and outputs a modified light having an energy profile that is substantially spatially uniform. The modified light traverses at least a portion of an opening of the reaction chamber and vaporizes a vaporization substance (e.g., a dry plant material) received within the reaction chamber. The emitted light can be collimated light, and the modified light can be a homogeneous line profile beam. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a power source;a laser source electrically coupled to the power source and configured to emit light, the light propagating along an optical path during operation of the light source;a Powell lens disposed within the optical path for converting a nominally collimated beam between the laser source and the Powell lens into a substantially uniform, homogeneous line profile beam;a reaction chamber disposed within the optical path and having an opening defined therein; andan oscillating motorized mirror with which the line profile beam from the Powell lens scans and vaporizes a vaporization substance disposed within the reaction chamber.2. An apparatus , comprising:a power source;a laser source electrically coupled to the power source and configured to emit light, the light propagating along an optical path during operation of the light source;one or more lenses disposed within the optical path for converting a nominally collimated beam between the laser source and the one or more lenses into a substantially uniformly shaped beam;a reaction chamber disposed within the optical path and having an opening defined therein; andan oscillating motorized mirror with which the substantially uniformly shaped beam from the one ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Inhalation component generating device, control circuit, and control method and control program of inhalation component generating device

Номер: US20200107582A1
Принадлежит: Japan Tobacco Inc

An inhalation component generating device includes: a power supply; a load group including a load configured to evaporate or atomize an inhalation component source by power from the power supply; an adjusting unit configured to adjust a value or waveform of voltage to be applied to the load; and a control circuit configured to be able to acquire a voltage value of the power supply. The control circuit performs: a process (a1) of acquiring a closed circuit voltage value of the power supply in a closed circuit state in which the power supply and the load group are electrically connected; and a process (a2) of controlling the adjusting unit based on the closed circuit voltage value.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138490A1
Автор: Alarcon Ramon, Healy Jason

The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for controlling disabling of an electronic smoking device. An electronic smoking device includes a body through which a flow path at least partially extends, an air inlet in the body that is fluidly connected to the flow path, a liquid compartment for storing a liquid within the body, a vaporizer positioned in the body and configured to receive liquid from the liquid compartment and air from the flow path to generate vaporized liquid, an outlet in the body configured to receive vaporized liquid from the vaporizer, and circuitry connected to the vaporizer. In one embodiment, the circuitry is configured to shut off the electronic smoking device based on activation time of the vaporizer. In another embodiment, the circuitry is configured to shut off the electronic smoking device after a determined amount of usage has occurred. 1. An electronic smoking device comprising:a first housing containing a battery, sensor, a controller and an LED;a second housing connectable to the first housing, the second housing containing a vaporization chamber, a heater located inside the chamber, and a liquid supply;wherein the controller measures a resistance of the heater and adjusts a parameter of the heater.2. The device of wherein the parameter is input current level claim 1 , heating duration claim 1 , and/or voltage level.3. The device of wherein the controller further comprises a microcontroller claim 1 , microprocessor claim 1 , a custom analog circuit claim 1 , an application-specific circuit (ASIC) claim 1 , or a programmable logic device (PLD).4. The electronic smoking device of wherein the controller adjusts a parameter of the heater on a real-time basis to maintain a heating temperature at a substantially constant level.5. The device of wherein the controller monitors heater temperature and function.6. The device of wherein the controller disables the heater when the heating temperature exceeds a predetermined threshold.7 ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210153560A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An electronic cigarette, including: an atomization assembly and a battery assembly. The atomization assembly is disposed on the battery assembly. The atomization assembly includes a mouthpiece, a glass tube, an upper seal ring and a lower seal ring with respect to the glass tube, an atomization body, a first seal ring sealing the atomization body, an air regulating ring including at least one air inlet, a second seal ring sealing the air regulating ring, a plurality of ceramic atomization cores disposed in parallel, a fixed ring fixing the plurality of ceramic atomization cores, a piece of cotton, a base, an insulation ring, and an electrode. The plurality of ceramic atomization cores is fixed on the fixed ring. The piece of cotton is disposed on the bottom of the plurality of ceramic atomization cores to adsorbs leaked condensate. The fixed ring is disposed on the base. 11) a mouthpiece;2) a glass tube;3) an upper seal ring and a lower seal ring with respect to the glass tube;4) an atomization body;5) a first seal ring sealing one end of the atomization body;6) an air regulating ring comprising at least one air inlet;7) a second seal ring sealing the air regulating ring;8) a plurality of ceramic atomization cores disposed in parallel;9) a fixed ring fixing the plurality of ceramic atomization cores;10) a piece of cotton;11) a base;12) an insulation ring; and13) an electrode;. A device, comprising: an atomization assembly and a battery assembly; the atomization assembly being disposed on the battery assembly; and the atomization assembly comprising:the plurality of ceramic atomization cores is fixed on the fixed ring;the piece of cotton is disposed on a bottom of the plurality of ceramic atomization cores to adsorbs leaked condensate;the fixed ring is disposed on the base;the fixed ring and the base are disposed in the atomization body;the insulation ring is disposed on a bottom of the base to separate the positive and negative pins of the plurality of ceramic ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273029A1

A system and device are provided for dynamically adjusting aerosol formulations of vaporized liquid concentrates that may be inhaled by a user. The device may have one or more cartridges, each having a cartridge chamber. The cartridge chamber has a piston at one end that when pressed ejects a liquid concentrate from an opposite end into a heating chamber. An electrical heating signal heats the heating chamber to vaporize the liquid concentrate to generate an aerosol. An actuator of the device drives the piston. The actuator signal and the electrical heating signal are synchronized to eject and to vaporize the same quantity of liquid concentrate. A microcontroller unit may provide the actuator signal and the electrical heating signal according to a formulation of aerosol that may adjusted by a user during operation. The formulation may specify ratios of aerosols from multiple cartridges. 1. A device generating an aerosol mixture , wherein ratios of aerosols mixed into the aerosol mixture are user-adjustable , the device comprising:multiple cartridges, wherein each cartridge comprises: a cartridge chamber holding a liquid; a piston at one end of the cartridge chamber, to change the volume of the cartridge chamber and to eject the liquid from an opposite end of the cartridge chamber; and a heating chamber that receives the liquid from the cartridge chamber and, upon receiving an electrical heating signal, vaporizes the liquid within the heating chamber to generate an aerosol;multiple actuators, each corresponding to a respective cartridge, each actuator configured to receive an actuator signal and responsively to generate a mechanical force to advance the piston of the respective cartridge; anda microcontroller, comprising a processor and memory storing instructions that when executed by the processor cause the microcontroller to perform steps of:receiving, during user operation of the device, a ratio setting, wherein the ratio setting specifies relative amounts of ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Aerosol Generation Device

Номер: US20220273036A1
Принадлежит: JT International S.A.

An elongate aerosol generation device having a housing includes: a top end at which an aerosol is provided; a bottom end which is opposed to the top end; and four sides between the bottom end and the top end in a substantially quadrilateral arrangement of two larger opposing sides and two smaller opposing sides. The bottom end is adapted such that the device can stand on the bottom end, and the four sides are smoothly curved in a direction from the bottom end to the top end. 1. An elongate aerosol generation device for vaporising tobacco products , the device having a housing comprising:a top end at which an aerosol is configured to be provided;a bottom end which is opposed to the top end; andfour sides between the bottom end and the top end in a substantially quadrilateral arrangement of two larger opposing sides and two smaller opposing sides,wherein the bottom end is adapted such that the device can stand on the bottom end, and the four sides are smoothly curved in a direction from the bottom end to the top end.2. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom end comprises a flat surface.3. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein each adjacent pair of the four sides is smoothly connected by a respective curved connection portion claim 1 , and the four sides are smoothly curved around a longitudinal axis from the bottom end to the top end.4. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom end is smoothly connected to each of the four sides by a respective curved connection portion.5. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the top end is smoothly connected to each of the four sides by a respective curved connection portion claim 1 , and the top end is smoothly curved in a direction from one to the another of each pair of opposing sides.6. The aerosol generation device according to claim 5 , wherein the top end comprises a sliding lid for opening and closing access to the ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette using a magnet for communication

Номер: US20220273040A1
Автор: Xingchen GUO, Yong Fu
Принадлежит: Red Coral Ip Holding Company Inc

An electronic cigarette and its host device and cartridge detachably attached to the host device, and a method of operating the same. When the cartridge is detachably attached to the host device a communication magnet provides a connecting force between the host device and the cartridge and at the same time establishes and electrically conducting connection between the host device and the cartridge allowing the transmission of data through the communication magnet to authenticate the cartridge and read operating parameter from the cartridge for optimized controlling.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273041A1
Автор: Quintana Reynaldo
Принадлежит: NJOY, LLC

The temperature of a vaporizing device, e.g., the temperature of a heating element of the vaporizing device, may be controlled according to various aspects of the present disclosure. The vaporizing device may comprise a heating element, a power source, at least one sensor in electronic communication with the heating element and the power source, and a processor configured to control the temperature of the heating element. The method of controlling the temperature may comprise receiving a resistance measurement of the heating element from the at least one sensor, determining the temperature of the heating element based on the resistance measurement, and adjusting the amount of power supplied to the heating element based on the determined temperature of the heating element. 120-. (canceled)21. A vaporizing device comprising:a heating element;a power source;a memory;one or more sensors in electronic communication with the heating element and the power source; and supplying a first amount of power from the power source to the heating element;', 'terminating the first amount of power to the heating element;', 'receiving, from the one or more sensors, a first resistance measurement of the heating element;', 'determining a first temperature of the heating element based on the first resistance measurement;', 'determining, using at least one of the one or more sensors, an average duration of a puff from the device;', 'controlling a second amount of power supplied from the power source to the heating element based on a difference between the first temperature of the heating element and a target temperature of the heating element stored in the memory, the second amount of power being different from the first amount of power; and', 'after a predetermined time interval, terminating the second amount of power;, 'a processor configured to perform a method of controlling a temperature of the heating element, the method comprisingwherein the memory stores data including the average ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200120986A1

An aerosol delivery device is provided. The aerosol delivery device comprises a control component and a digital pressure sensor. The digital pressure sensor is configured to measure a pressure imposed thereon, and generate a corresponding signal that indicates the pressure so measured. The control component or the digital pressure sensor is further configured to control at least one functional element of the aerosol delivery device based on the pressure indicated by the corresponding signal, or a condition of the aerosol delivery device or a user thereof determined from the corresponding signal. Control of the at least one functional element includes output of the pressure or the condition for presentation by a display. 1. An aerosol delivery device comprising:at least one housing enclosing a reservoir configured to retain an aerosol precursor composition;a control component configured to operate in an active mode in which the control component is configured to cause the aerosol delivery device to produce an aerosol from the aerosol precursor composition; anda digital pressure sensor configured to measure a pressure imposed thereon, and generate a corresponding signal that indicates the pressure so measured; andwherein the control component or the digital pressure sensor is further configured to determine a condition of the aerosol delivery device or a user thereof from the corresponding signal, and control at least one functional element of the aerosol delivery device based on the pressure indicated by the corresponding signal, or the condition of the aerosol delivery device or the user thereof, wherein the digital pressure sensor includes variometer functionality, and the condition of the aerosol delivery device or the user thereof includes a rate of altitude change of the aerosol delivery device.2. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the digital pressure sensor includes spirometer functionality claim 1 , and the condition of the aerosol delivery ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161210A1
Автор: JU Soung Ho, Lee Jae Min

Provided is an aerosol generating device including a heater configured to heat an aerosol generating substance after a locking mode is terminated; an output interface configured to output information indicative of switching from the locking mode to a password input mode; an input interface configured to receive at least one user input including a predetermined input waiting time in the password input mode; and a controller configured to terminate the locking mode based on whether the user input matches a password. 1. An aerosol generating device comprising:a heater configured to heat an aerosol generating substance after a locking mode is terminated;an output interface configured to output first output information indicative of switching from the locking mode to a password input mode;an input interface configured to receive at least one user input including a predetermined input waiting time after the first output information is output; anda controller configured to terminate the locking mode based on whether the user input matches a password.2. The aerosol generating device of claim 1 , wherein the controller identifies an input digit corresponding to the at least one user input based on a number of consecutive user inputs having an interval less than a first time period.3. The aerosol generating device of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , based on no user inputs being received within a second time period which is longer than the first time period claim 2 , the controller outputs second output information indicating that the input digit corresponding to the at least one user input is identified.4. The aerosol generating device of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , based on no user inputs being received within a third time period claim 3 , which is longer than the second time period claim 3 , after a recent user input is received claim 3 , the controller terminates the password input mode and terminates the locking mode based on whether the input digit identified based on the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Aerosol-generating system with self-activated electric heater

Номер: US20170135406A1
Автор: Tony Reevell
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electronic vaping device includes a liquid storage portion, an electric heater and electronic circuitry. The liquid storage portion is configured to store liquid vapor-forming substrate. The electric heater includes at least one heating element, the at least one heating element configured to heat the liquid vapor-forming substrate. The electronic circuitry is configured to self-activate the electric heater for a first time interval during a period of inactivity of the electric heater to determine depletion of the liquid vapor-forming substrate based on a relationship between a power applied to the at least one heating element and a resulting temperature change of the at least one heating element.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220278618A1

The electronic cigarette chip with automatic closed-loop control for output voltage and a working method thereof are provided. The chip comprises a built-in MCU module, a full bridge buck-boost module, an output voltage feedback circuit module, an operational amplifying unit module, and a plurality of signal terminals. The signal terminal VOUT serves to provide output voltage to a heating element. The output voltage feedback circuit module serves to feed output voltage of the signal terminal VOUT back to the built-in MCU module. The operational amplifying unit module serves to detect a resistance value of the heating element and send it to the built-in MCU module. The built-in MCU module serves to perform operations based on setting signals of the external chip and feedback signals of the output voltage feedback circuit module, and automatically control the full bridge buck-boost module, to provide precisely adjustable output voltage by the signal terminal VOUT. 11122. An electronic cigarette chip with automatic closed-loop control for output voltage , comprising a built-in MCU module , a full bridge buck-boost module , an output voltage feedback circuit module , an internal power module , an operational amplifying unit module , and a plurality of signal terminals , wherein the full bridge buck-boost module comprises four N-channel MOS transistors and four PWM driving logic circuits , the built-in MCU module is connected with and configured to control the four PWM driving logic circuits respectively , the four PWM driving logic circuits are respectively connected with and configured to control the four N-channel MOS transistors , wherein a first PWM driving logic circuit is further connected with a signal terminal BOOT and a signal terminal SW , a fourth PWM driving logic circuit is further connected with a signal terminal BOOT and a signal terminal SW , a first N-channel MOS transistor is electrically connected with a second N-channel MOS transistor , a fourth N- ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128878A1

An aerosol-generating device is provided, including one or more DC power sources; a load network including an inductor and a capacitor connected in series; first drive circuitry connected to the DC power source(s) and across the network and being configured to provide a first voltage drop across the network; second drive circuitry connected to the DC power source(s) and across the network and being configured to provide a second voltage drop across the network, the second voltage drop being in an opposite direction to the first voltage drop; and a controller connected to the first and the second drive circuitry and being configured to control the first and the second drive circuitry so that both the first and the second voltage drops are provided across the network periodically and so that the second voltage drop is not provided across the network simultaneously with the first voltage drop. 115.-. (canceled)16. An aerosol-generating device , comprising:one or more DC power sources;a load network comprising an inductor and a capacitor connected in series;first drive circuitry connected to the one or more DC power sources and connected across the load network and being configured to provide a first voltage drop across the load network;second drive circuitry connected to the one or more DC power sources and connected across the load network and being configured to provide a second voltage drop across the load network, the second voltage drop being in an opposite direction to the first voltage drop; anda controller connected to the first and the second drive circuitry and being configured to control the first and the second drive circuitry so that both the first and the second voltage drops are provided across the load network periodically and so that the second voltage drop is not provided across the load network simultaneously with the first voltage drop.17. The aerosol-generating device according to claim 16 , wherein the controller is further configured so that the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Dual Battery Electronic Cigarette

Номер: US20210169150A1
Автор: Zominy Claude
Принадлежит: JT International S.A.

An electronic cigarette has an electrical heater for heating an aerosol forming substrate to generate an inhalable aerosol. Control circuitry is provided to control the supply of electrical power to the electrical heater. A first battery has a first operating voltage, when fully charged, which is above a first threshold, and the first battery supplies electrical power to the control circuitry when in use. A second battery has a second operating voltage, when fully charged, which is below the first threshold, and the second battery supplies electrical power to the electrical heater, when in use. 1. An electronic cigarette comprising:an electrical heater for heating an aerosol forming substrate to generate an inhalable aerosol;control circuitry configured to control the supply of electrical power to the electrical heater;a first battery having a first operating voltage, when fully charged, which is above a first threshold, wherein the first battery is electrically connected to the control circuitry and is configured to supply electrical power to the control circuitry when in use; anda second battery having a second operating voltage, when fully charged, which is below the first threshold, wherein the second battery is electrically connected to the electrical heater and is configured to supply electrical power to the electrical heater, when in use.2. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 , wherein the first threshold is in the range of 3-3.3V.3. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 , wherein the second operating voltage of the second battery claim 1 , when fully charged claim 1 , is below a second threshold and the second threshold is less than the first threshold.4. The electronic cigarette of claim 3 , wherein the second threshold is in the range of 2.5-3V.5. The electronic cigarette of claim 1 , wherein the control circuitry comprises a voltage multiplier configured to transform the voltage supplied to the electrical heater by the second battery.6. The electronic ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Ceramic core for vaporization device

Номер: US20220287365A1
Принадлежит: Hexo Operations Inc

Disclosed is a vaporization apparatus including a ceramic core having a characteristic, such as porosity, that enables a vaporization substance to seep through the ceramic core, and a heating element configured to heat the ceramic core and generate vapor by atomizing the vaporization substance that seeps through the ceramic core. According to an embodiment of the disclosure, the characteristic of the ceramic core is designed to be non-uniform, with a view to control, at least to some extent, how the vaporization substance seeps through the ceramic core. In this manner, it may be possible to mitigate leakage of the vaporization substance out of the vaporization apparatus.

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette with two-wire encryption chip for anti-counterfeiting

Номер: US20220287374A1
Принадлежит: Huizhou Happy Vaping Technology Ltd

Disclosed is an electronic cigarette with a two-wire encryption chip for anti-counterfeiting, including an vaporizer assembly and a battery assembly, where the vaporizer assembly includes a two-wire encryption chip preset with an anti-counterfeit code and a heating element for heating and vaporizing cigarette liquid, the two-wire encryption chip is provided with two pins respectively connected to positive and negative electrodes of the vaporizer assembly, a circuit board is provided with a microcontroller preset with an anti-counterfeit code and a switching circuit, when the vaporizer assembly and the battery assembly are connected, the microcontroller reads the anti-counterfeit code preset in the two-wire encryption chip and compares it with the anti-counterfeit code preset in the microcontroller for verification, if the two anti-counterfeit codes are the same, the microcontroller turns on the switching circuit, and the electronic cigarette enters a standby state.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220287379A1

A cartridge for an aerosol provision system that includes the cartridge and a control unit, wherein the system comprises a vaporizer for vaporizing an aerosolizable material. The cartridge can include an air channel extending from an air inlet for the cartridge to an outlet via an aerosol generation region, and a reservoir for containing aerosolizable material for aerosolizing. The cartridge can further include an aerosolizable material level observation means for allowing a user to observe a level of aerosolizable material inside the reservoir. The aerosolizable material level observation means can include a portion of the cartridge, which can include a window for viewing into the reservoir. The portion of the cartridge may be located on a first side surface and a second side surface of the cartridge, and/or might be located on a different surface of the cartridge. 136-. (canceled)37. A cartridge for an aerosol provision system that comprises the cartridge , a control unit , and a vaporizer for vaporizing an aerosolizable material , the cartridge comprising:a mouthpiece outlet;an air channel extending from an air inlet for the cartridge to the mouthpiece outlet via an aerosol generation region;a reservoir for containing an aerosolizable material for aerosolizing;an aerosol outlet tube, extending between the aerosol generating region and the mouthpiece outlet, for directing aerosol generated in the aerosol generating region through to the mouthpiece outlet, wherein the reservoir extends around the aerosol outlet tube; andan aerosolizable material level observation means for allowing a user to observe a level of aerosolizable material inside the reservoir, the aerosolizable material level observation means comprising a portion of the cartridge, wherein the portion of the cartridge forms a first wall portion of the reservoir; andwherein a surface of the outlet tube is visible from the portion of the cartridge;wherein the cartridge comprises a first surface, a second ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177054A1
Автор: ZITZKE Roland

In an electronic smoking system, a capsule () contains a liquid () to be supplied to an atomizer () and is mounted on an electronic smoking device (). The capsule () may have a controller (), which receives data from and transmits data to control electronics () of the electronic smoking device (). The control electronics () of the electronic smoking device () and the controller () of the capsule () are adapted to execute a challenge response authentication. 1. A system comprising: an electric power source for powering an atomizer adapted to atomize a liquid supplied from a capsule mounted to the device, control electronics adapted to control the atomizer, and a puff detector adapted to indicate an aerosol inhaling puff to the control electronics; and', 'a controller, which is responsive when mounted to the electronic smoking device to receive data from and to transmit data to the control electronics of the electronic smoking device, the control electronics of the electronic smoking device and the controller of the capsule being adapted to execute a challenge response authentication when the capsule is mounted to the device, based on the use of a secret key.', 'a capsule containing liquid to be supplied to an atomizer, the capsule adapted to be mounted to the electronic smoking device, wherein the capsule comprises], 'an electronic smoking device comprising2. The system of wherein the control electronics of the electronic smoking device and the controller of the capsule contain the same secret key claim 1 , and wherein upon authentication claim 1 , one of the control electronics of the electronic smoking device and the controller of the capsule creates a random number claim 1 , which is stored and also transmitted to the other one of the control electronics of the electronic smoking device and the controller of the capsule.3. The system of wherein upon authentication claim 1 , one of the control electronics of the electronic smoking device and the controller of the ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177060A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An atomization assembly including a metal cylinder and a magnetic induction coil. The magnetic induction coil is disposed around the metal cylinder. When the metal cylinder is in an electrified state, a heat is produced to heat a smoke material therein to produce smoke. 1. An atomization assembly , comprising a metal cylinder and a magnetic induction coil; wherein the magnetic induction coil is disposed around the metal cylinder; when the metal cylinder is in an electrified state , a heat is produced to heat a smoke material therein to produce smoke.2. The atomization assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an isolation cylinder disposed between the magnetic induction coil and the metal cylinder.3. The atomization assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a fixing part and a silicone sleeve; wherein the silicone sleeve is disposed around the magnetic induction coil; and the silicone sleeve and the magnetic induction coil are fixed in the fixing part.4. The atomization assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a first silicone seal claim 3 , a control panel claim 3 , a conduit claim 3 , a second silicone seal claim 3 , and a third silicone seal; wherein the first silicone seal is disposed on a top end of the conduit; the conduit is in threaded connection to the fixing part to support the metal cylinder; the control panel comprises an output end soldered on the magnetic induction coil; and the second silicone seal and the third silicone seal are disposed around a bottom end of the conduit in order.5. A hookah claim 1 , comprising an atomization assembly of and a water filter configured to filter the smoke produced by the atomization assembly.6. The hookah of claim 5 , wherein the water filter comprises a water container claim 5 , a first air channel and a second air channel; the first air channel comprises a first end connected to the atomization assembly and a second end submerged below a liquid graduation line of the water container; the second air channel comprises ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210184540A1

The present disclosure relates to aerosol delivery devices. The aerosol delivery devices may include an atomizer, a reservoir configured to contain an aerosol precursor composition and an electrical circuit coupled to the atomizer. The electrical circuit may include an electrical generator assembly including a moveable input member and an electrical generator configured to produce an electrical current from movement of the moveable input member. The electrical circuit may be configured to direct the electrical current to the atomizer to produce an aerosol from the aerosol precursor composition. A related aerosol production method is also provided. 112.-. (canceled)13. An aerosol production method , comprising:producing an electrical current with an electrical generator assembly comprising a moveable input member, the moveable input member extending out of a housing; anddirecting the electrical current to an atomizer configured to receive an aerosol precursor composition from a reservoir to heat the aerosol precursor composition and produce an aerosol, the atomizer and the reservoir being engaged with or received within the housing.14. The aerosol production method of claim 13 , further comprising receiving and storing the electrical current in an electrical storage device prior to directing the electrical current to the atomizer.15. The aerosol production method of claim 14 , wherein directing the electrical current to the atomizer comprises directing the electrical current to the atomizer in response to receipt of an input from a switch.16. The aerosol production method of claim 14 , further comprising charging the electrical storage device with an external current from an external power source positioned outside of the housing.17. The aerosol production method of claim 13 , wherein directing the electrical current to the atomizer comprises directing the electrical current through a coupler to a cartridge including the atomizer and the reservoir.18. The aerosol ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Apparatuses and methods for testing components of an aerosol delivery device

Номер: US20170156405A1
Принадлежит: RAI Strategic Holdings Inc

The present disclosure relates to a system and related methods, apparatuses, and computer program products for testing components of an aerosol delivery device. For example, a system for testing a control board for an aerosol delivery device may include a control board for an aerosol delivery device and a test apparatus. The test apparatus may provide a test initiation signal to the control board. The control board may execute an onboard diagnostic test to test operation of the control board in response to the test initiation signal. The control board may provide diagnostic information generated based on execution of the onboard diagnostic test to the test apparatus. The test apparatus may determine, based on the diagnostic information, whether the control board is faulty.

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Electronic smoking article and associated method

Номер: US20200146347A1
Принадлежит: RAI Strategic Holdings Inc

Smoking articles, and methods for forming such smoking articles, such as an electronic smoking article, are provided. An exemplary smoking article comprises a control body portion having a control body engagement end, and having a first control component therein. A cartridge body portion includes a cartridge body engagement end configured to removably engage the control body engagement end of the control body portion. The cartridge body portion further includes a consumable arrangement comprising at least an aerosol precursor composition and at least one heating element operably engaged therewith, and a second control component. At least the consumable arrangement is configured to be in communication with the first control component upon engagement between the cartridge body and control body portions.

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200146353A1

A circuit for an ultrasonic electronic cigarette and the ultrasonic electronic cigarette are disclosed. The ultrasonic electronic cigarette includes an ultrasonic atomization sheet, a control circuit, a first drive oscillation circuit, a second drive oscillation circuit, and a power circuit. The control circuit is electrically connected to a first end of the ultrasonic atomization sheet through the first drive oscillation circuit, and the control circuit is electrically connected to a second end of the ultrasonic atomization sheet through the second drive oscillation circuit. The circuit for the ultrasonic electronic cigarette further includes a detection circuit. An output end of the detection circuit is electrically connected to the control circuit. And a detection end of the detection circuit is connected between the ultrasonic atomization sheet and the first drive oscillation circuit, or between the ultrasonic atomization sheet and the second drive oscillation circuit. 112- (canceled)13. A circuit for an ultrasonic electronic cigarette , comprising:an ultrasonic atomization sheet (J);{'b': '1', 'a control circuit ();'}{'b': '2', 'a first drive oscillation circuit ();'}{'b': 5', '1', '2', '1', '2', '5, 'a power circuit (), wherein the control circuit () is electrically connected to a first end of the ultrasonic atomization sheet (J) through the first drive oscillation circuit (), wherein the control circuit () and the first drive oscillation circuit () are electrically connected to the power circuit (); and and'}{'b': 3', '1', '3', '3', '5, 'a second drive oscillation circuit (), wherein the control circuit () is electrically connected to a second end of the ultrasonic atomization sheet (J) through the second drive oscillation circuit (), and wherein the second drive oscillation circuit () is electrically connected to the power circuit ().'}14123. The circuit for the ultrasonic electronic cigarette according to claim 13 , further comprising: a detection circuit ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210186117A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

A rechargeable battery including a battery cell and a copper threaded ring. The copper threaded ring comprises a 510-type threaded interface and a surface provided with a cross-shaped indentation operating as an air inlet of the battery. 1. A rechargeable battery , comprising: a battery cell and a copper threaded ring; wherein the copper threaded ring comprises a 510-type threaded interface and a surface provided with a cross-shaped indentation operating as an air inlet of the battery.2. The rechargeable battery of claim 1 , further comprising a control panel; wherein an output end of the battery cell is connected to an input end of the control panel to supply power to the control panel; and the control panel is provided with a USB interface for charging the battery cell.3. The rechargeable battery of claim 1 , further comprising a joint claim 1 , an insulation ring claim 1 , a first ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) ring claim 1 , a second EVA ring claim 1 , a battery cartridge claim 1 , a silicone ring claim 1 , a pneumatic switch claim 1 , a support claim 1 , and a base cover; wherein the insulation ring is disposed in the copper threaded ring; the joint is a hollow structure and is disposed in the insulation ring; the copper threaded ring is disposed on a top end of the battery cartridge.4. The rechargeable battery of claim 2 , further comprising a joint claim 2 , an insulation ring claim 2 , a first ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) ring claim 2 , a second EVA ring claim 2 , a battery cartridge claim 2 , a silicone ring claim 2 , a pneumatic switch claim 2 , a support claim 2 , and a base cover; wherein the insulation ring is disposed in the copper threaded ring; the joint is a hollow structure and is disposed in the insulation ring; the copper threaded ring is disposed on a top end of the battery cartridge claim 2 ,5. The rechargeable battery of claim 3 , wherein the pneumatic switch is disposed on the control panel; when an air flow passes through the pneumatic switch ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220304387A1
Автор: Lee Seung Won

The present invention provides a heating assembly for an aerosol-generating device including an induction-heating first heating element and a resistance-heating second heating element, which are individually controlled according to the operating mode of the aerosol-generating device. 1. A heating assembly for an aerosol-generating device , the heating assembly comprising:a first heating element including a susceptor material configured to be heated by induction heating according to a variable magnetic field;a first electrical insulating layer that surrounds at least a portion of an outer surface of the first heating element; anda second heating element positioned on the first electrical insulating layer and configured to be heated by specific resistance as power is supplied.2. The heating assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe second heating element includes a conductive pattern, andthe heating assembly further comprises a second electrical insulating layer positioned on the conductive pattern.3. The heating assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe first electrical insulating layer and the second heating element fully cover the first heating element along a longitudinal direction of the first heating element, andthe longitudinal direction of the first heating element is a longitudinal direction of a cigarette or a direction in which the cigarette is inserted into the aerosol-generating device.4. The heating assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe first electrical insulating layer and the second heating element partially cover the first heating element along a longitudinal direction of the first heating element, andthe longitudinal direction of the first heating element is a longitudinal direction of a cigarette or a direction in which the cigarette is inserted into the aerosol-generating device.5. The heating assembly of claim 1 , whereina cigarette to be inserted in the aerosol-generating device includes a first portion and a second portion which generate an aerosol when heated,the ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210195949A1
Автор: ZANIBONI Carlo

An apparatus and method to automatically insert a liquid inside components of inhalers, such as cartomizers for electronic cigarettes, includes injection means having a plurality of injectors each having an injection head having a substantially symmetrical conformation with respect to its symmetrical axis. The injection means are configured to cooperate with an empty end part of a component and at least one injection needle is configured to penetrate into an internal cavity of the component and inject the liquid, while said injection head is stationary with respect to said component, arranging itself with the symmetrical axis substantially coincidental with the longitudinal axis of said internal cavity. 1101111121310505252571312585713571213. An apparatus () to automatically insert a liquid inside components () of inhalers , wherein each of said components () comprises a body () defining an internal cavity () that extends along a longitudinal axis (C) , closed at one of its ends and configured to receive said liquid , said apparatus () comprising injection means () having at least one injector () , wherein said at least one injector () comprises an injector head () placed at one of its ends and having a substantially symmetrical conformation with respect to its symmetrical axis (Z) and configured to cooperate with said internal cavity () of said body () , and at least one injection needle () configured to come out with respect to said injection head () in order to inject said liquid into the internal cavity () , while said injection head () is stationary with respect to said body () , arranging itself with the axis of symmetry (Z) substantially coinciding with the longitudinal axis (C) of said internal cavity ().21058135712. The apparatus () as in claim 1 , wherein said at least one injection needle () is furthermore configured to inject said liquid into the internal cavity () as it is moving to return inside said injection head () held stationary with respect to ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210195957A1

The invention relates to an inhaler, particularly an electronic cigarette product, comprising at least one evaporator device having at least one electrical evaporator for evaporating liquid supplied to the evaporator and an electronic control device for controlling and/or regulating the evaporator. A plurality of liquids are associated or can be associated with the evaporator device in such a way that the composition and/or the vapour production rate of the vapour/aerosol produced by the at least one evaporator can be adjusted and/or modified in a targeted manner, as the control device is designed for individual control of the at least one or each individual evaporator and/or for group control of the evaporators. 130-. (canceled)31. An inhaler , comprising:at least one evaporator device having at least one electrical evaporator for evaporating liquid supplied to the at least one electrical evaporator;an electronic control device for controlling and/or regulating the at least one evaporator device, wherein the at least one evaporator device is associated with a plurality of liquids in such a way that a composition and/or the vapour production rate of vapour/aerosol produced by the at least one evaporator device is adjustable and/or modifiable in a targeted manner, as the electronic control device is configured for individual control of one or more of the at least one evaporator device.32. The inhaler according to claim 31 , wherein the at least one evaporator device has a plurality of liquid feeds for supplying the plurality of liquids to the at least one electrical evaporator.33. The inhaler according to claim 31 , wherein a plurality of parameter sets adapted to the plurality of liquids are stored in the electronic control device.34. The inhaler according to claim 31 , wherein the at least one evaporator device comprises a plurality of electrical evaporators.35. The inhaler according to claim 34 , wherein each liquid of the plurality of liquids is assigned a ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200163380A1

An aerosol generating apparatus provided with a movable heater includes a heater that has an end portion into which a cigarette is inserted and heats the cigarette by operating by means of an electrical signal; a support portion supporting the heater to be movable within a pre-determined range in a longitudinal direction of the cigarette; and a rotating member rotatably coupled to the support portion, and rotating and transmitting a driving force to the heater to move the heater in the longitudinal direction of the cigarette. 1. An aerosol generating apparatus comprising:a heater that has an end portion configured to a cigarette based on an electrical signal;a support portion supporting the heater such that the heater can move within a pre-determined range in a longitudinal direction of the cigarette; anda rotating member rotatably coupled to the support portion, and configured to rotate, thereby to move the heater in the longitudinal direction of the cigarette.2. The aerosol generating apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe support portion comprises: an accommodating space extending in the longitudinal direction of the cigarette,', 'a front opening formed at one end of the accommodating space to receive the cigarette, and', 'a rear opening formed at an opposite end of the accommodating space to receive a front end portion of the heater; and, 'an accommodating portion comprisinga linear movement guide configured to surround a rear end portion of the heater and guide movement of the heater in the longitudinal direction of the cigarette.3. The aerosol generating apparatus of claim 2 , whereina straight protrusion is provided on one of the linear movement guide and the heater; and a linear groove corresponding to the straight protrusion is provided in the other one of the linear movement guide and the heater so that the straight protrusion is inserted into the linear groove, the linear groove linearly guiding the straight protrusion in the longitudinal direction of the ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Dual Heating Chamber Vaporization Device

Номер: US20200163382A1
Автор: Trzecieski Michael

A dual heating chamber vaporization device is disclosed having a device body with at least an air inlet and a heating unit. The heating unit includes a first heating chamber for accommodating a first material for vaporization the material for generating a first aerosol when subjected to a first heat from a first heating element assembly and for generating a second aerosol when subjected to a second heat from a second heating element assembly and for generating at least one of a first and second aerosol as a first vapor. A second heating chamber is included with a second heating element assembly for heating a second material for vaporization doe generating a second aerosol when subjected to second heat. A detachable mouthpiece lid is for receiving of the at least one of the first and second vapor for providing this vapor to a user through an inhalation aperture. 1. A dual heating chamber vaporization device comprising: [{'b': '106', 'i': 'p', 'a first heating chamber having a first end and a second end opposite the first end and one or more first chamber sidewalls extending from the first end to the second end with a first chamber third sidewall capping the first heating chamber proximate the second end, the one or more first chamber sidewalls together with the first chamber third sidewall defining a first chamber cavity having a first open end proximate the first end and the first chamber third sidewall comprising first chamber pores , where air flows into the first chamber cavity through the first chamber pores and where phyto material may be loaded into the first chamber cavity through this first open end;'}, 'a first heating element assembly for heating the phyto material within the first chamber cavity through a conduction heating process;', {'b': '206', 'i': 'p', 'a second heating chamber having a first end and a second end opposite the first end and one or more second chamber sidewalls extending from the first end to the second end with a second chamber third ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200163385A1

An aerosol-generating device is provided, including a housing defining a chamber configured to receive at least a portion of an aerosol-generating article; an inductor coil disposed around at least a portion of the chamber; an elongate susceptor element configured for removable attachment to the housing within the chamber and projecting into the chamber when the element is removably attached to the housing; an aperture positioned on a side of the housing, the aperture and the element being configured for insertion of the element into the chamber through the aperture and configured for removal of the element from the chamber through the aperture; and a power supply and a controller connected to the coil and to provide an alternating electric current to the coil such that the coil generates an alternating magnetic field to heat the element and thereby heat at least a portion of the article received within the chamber. 115.-. (canceled)16. An aerosol-generating device , comprising:a housing defining a chamber configured to receive at least a portion of an aerosol-generating article;an inductor coil disposed around at least a portion of the chamber;an elongate susceptor element configured for removable attachment to the housing within the chamber, wherein the elongate susceptor element projects into the chamber when the elongate susceptor element is removably attached to the housing;an aperture positioned on a side of the housing, wherein the aperture and the elongate susceptor element are configured for insertion of the elongate susceptor element into the chamber through the aperture and configured for removal of the elongate susceptor element from the chamber through the aperture; anda power supply and a controller connected to the inductor coil and configured to provide an alternating electric current to the inductor coil such that the inductor coil generates an alternating magnetic field to heat the elongate susceptor element and thereby heat at least a portion of ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200163387A1

An electronic vapor provision system includes a vaporizer for vaporizing liquid for inhalation by a user of the electronic vapor provision system; a power supply for supplying power to the vaporizer to vaporize the liquid in response to a user activation of the device; and a control unit configured to estimate a user's expected activation duration and cause power to be supplied to the vaporizer for a period of time shorter than a user's activation duration. 1. An electronic vapor provision system comprising:a vaporizer for vaporizing liquid for inhalation by a user of the electronic vapor provision system;a power supply for supplying power to the vaporizer to vaporize the liquid in response to a user activation of the electronic vapor provision system; and ["estimate a user's expected activation duration, and", "cause power to be supplied to the vaporizer for a period of time shorter than the user's estimated expected activation duration."], 'a control unit configured to2. The electronic vapor provision system of claim 1 , wherein user activation of the electronic vapor provision system is by one selected from the group consisting of:inhalation through the electronic vapor provision system;pressing a button; andinteraction with a touch sensor.3. The electronic vapor provision system of claim 1 , wherein the period of time is shorter than the user's estimated expected activation duration by between 0.05 seconds and 0.5 seconds.4. The electronic vapor provision system of claim 3 , wherein the period of time is shorter than the user's estimated expected activation duration by 0.3 seconds.5. The electronic vapor provision system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit comprises a CPU.6. The electronic vapor provision system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit employs machine learning software to learn the user's expected activation duration.7. The electronic vapor provision system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit learns the user's expected activation duration by: ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210204607A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

The e-vaping method includes providing a reservoir within a housing, the reservoir being configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation, first configuring ejectors to eject droplets of the pre-vapor formulation towards a vaporizing heater, the ejectors being in fluid communication with the reservoir, and second configuring a vaporizing heater to vaporize at least some of the droplets. 1. A method of making an e-vaping device , comprising:providing a reservoir within a housing, the reservoir being configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation;first configuring ejectors to eject droplets of the pre-vapor formulation towards a vaporizing heater, the ejectors being in fluid communication with the reservoir; andsecond configuring a vaporizing heater to vaporize at least some of the droplets.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first configuring configures the ejectors to be an array of ejectors positioned in a matrix.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first configuring configures a chip with at least one via in fluid communication with the reservoir claim 1 , the chip including the ejectors.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first configuring configures at least one substrate heater to heat the chip.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the first configuring and the second configuring configures a power supply and control circuitry to be operationally connected to the ejectors claim 4 , the vaporizing heater and the at least one substrate heater in order toenergize the vaporizing heater,energize the at least one substrate heater to heat the chip to a first temperature, andenergize at least one of the ejectors to eject the droplets toward the vaporizing heater, once the chip reaches the first temperature.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first configuring and the second configuring operationally connects control circuitry and a power supply to the vaporizing heater and the ejectors in order tofirst energize the vaporizing heater to heat the vaporizing heater to ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200170298A1

An aerosol generating device includes: a case; a container mounted inside the case to be movable in a longitudinal direction of the case and having an accommodating space configured to accommodate a cigarette; a heater disposed inside the case such that a front end thereof is inserted into the accommodating space of the container, the heater being configured to heat the cigarette when electricity is applied thereto; and an elastic support portion configured to elastically support the container with respect to the case. 1. An aerosol generating device comprising:a case;a container mounted inside the case, configured to move in a longitudinal direction of the case, and having an accommodating space configured to accommodate a cigarette;a heater disposed inside the case such that a front end thereof is inserted into the accommodating space of the container, and configured to heat the cigarette when electricity is applied thereto; andan elastic support portion configured to elastically support the container with respect to the case.2. The aerosol generating device of claim 1 , whereinthe case includes a guide space configured to guide the container to move linearly.3. The aerosol generating device of claim 1 , whereinthe container further includes a through-hole through which the front end of the heater passes.4. The aerosol generating device of claim 3 , whereina size of the through-hole corresponds to a thickness of the front end of the heater, andwhile the container moves, a portion of the container corresponding to the through-hole contacts the heater, and scrapes a material attached to a surface of the heater.5. The aerosol generating device of claim 4 , whereina coating layer including a wear-resistant material is provided on a surface of a front end of the heater.6. The aerosol generating device of claim 3 , whereina size of the through-hole is greater than a size of the front end of the heater such that a portion of the container corresponding to the through- ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200170302A1

Apparatuses, including systems and devices (“vaporizers”), for vaporizing material to form an inhalable aerosol that include capacitive lips sensing to regulate the temperature of the vaporizer, including transiently boosting the temperature. Methods of operating a vaporizer having a capacitive lip sensor are also described. 1. A lip-sensing vaporizer device , the device comprising:a reservoir configured to hold a vaporizable material;a heater configured to heat the vaporizable material;a mouthpiece in communication with the reservoir;a capacitive lip sensor configured to output an instantaneous capacitance reading; and regulate a temperature of the heater to a preselected temperature;', 'obtain the instantaneous capacitance reading from the capacitive lip sensor;', 'determine a difference between the instantaneous capacitance reading and a baseline capacitance; and', 'increase the temperature of the heater to an override temperature for a boost time period when the difference is above a threshold., 'a controller configured to2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive lip sensor is on or behind the mouthpiece.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive lip sensor comprises a conductor positioned behind the mouthpiece.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir comprises an oven claim 1 , and further wherein the heater is in thermal contact with the oven.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive lip sensor comprises a flex circuit onto which a conductive region has been layered.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the baseline based on filtering the instantaneous capacitance readings.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determining the baseline based on the instantaneous sensor readings by taking a running average of the instantaneous sensor readings.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the baseline based on the instantaneous ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200170304A1

A smoking article and a method for making a smoking article are provided. The smoking article includes an aerosol-generating element configured to produce an aerosol in response to heat, a housing defining a cavity configured to receive the aerosol-generating element therein, a heating element engaged with the housing and configured to provide heat to the aerosol-generating element, a power source in electrical communication with the heating element and configured to provide electrical energy thereto, the heating element producing heat in response to the electrical energy, an aerosol-generating element identification device configured to identify an attribute of the aerosol-generating element, and a control device in communication with the aerosol-generating element identification device and configured to modulate the electrical energy provided to the heating element by the power source to direct the heating element to heat the aerosol-generating element to an aerosolization temperature associated with the identified attribute of the aerosol-generating element. 151-. (canceled)52. A smoking article comprising:an attribute identifier engaged with the aerosol-generating element;a housing defining a cavity configured to receive an aerosol-generating element therein, the aerosol generating element including at least one constituent component configured to produce aerosol in response to heat; andan aerosol-generating element identification device engaged with the housing and configured to interact with the attribute identifier to identify, upon actuation of the aerosol-generating element identification device, an attribute of the aerosol-generating element, the attribute being associated with at least a maximum aerosolization temperature of the at least one constituent component of the aerosol-generating element, as indicated by the attribute identifier, the aerosol-generating element identification device being configured to identify the attribute through analysis of ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200178608A1

A method of controlling an aerosol-generating system, and the associated system, are provided. The system includes an aerosol-generating article and an aerosol-generating device having a detector configured to detect the presence of the article and to distinguish the article from other articles configured for use with the system, based on a spectroscopic signature of a taggant incorporated within a material of the article. The method includes detecting the presence of the article; determining whether the article includes a taggant; comparing the spectroscopic signature of the detected taggant with a look-up table of taggant spectroscopic signatures corresponding to articles configured for use with the system; preventing activation of the device, including preventing the supply of power to a heating element unless the detected taggant spectroscopic signature corresponds to an article configured for use with the system; and activating the device if the detected signature corresponds to the article. 1. A method of controlling an aerosol-generating system , an aerosol-generating article including at least one component incorporating a taggant having an identifiable spectroscopic signature within a material of the at least one component; and', a cavity configured to at least partially receive the aerosol-generating article;', 'a power supply configured to supply power to at least one heating element;', 'electrical hardware connected to the power supply; and', 'a detector configured to detect the presence of the aerosol-generating article and to distinguish the aerosol-generating article from other articles configured for use with the aerosol-generating system, based on the spectroscopic signature of the taggant incorporated within a material of the aerosol-generating article,, 'an aerosol-generating device, comprising], 'the system comprising detecting a presence of the aerosol-generating article;', 'determining whether the aerosol-generating article comprises the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200178609A1

Provided is an aerosol generating device which is capable of optimizing the timing at which aerosol generation is stopped. This aerosol generating device includes: a power source which supplies power in order to atomize an aerosol source and/or heat a flavor source; a sensor which outputs a measurement value indicating a first physical quantity for controlling the power supplied; and a controller which acquires the measurement value output by the sensor stores a profile of the measurement value, and controls the supplied power by controlling a second physical quantity different to the first physical quantity, on the basis of the acquired measurement value and at least a part of the stored profile of the measurement value. 1. An aerosol generating device , comprising:a battery;a container configured to retain liquid;an atomizer including a porous ceramic structure that holds the liquid at a position so that the liquid is heated when power is supplied to the atomizer;a pressure sensor configured to detect pressure in an air intake path of the aerosol generating device; and perform control to increase an amount of power supplied from the battery to the atomizer to a first power for a first period of time based on a signal output by the pressure sensor indicating that the criteria for triggering generation of the aerosol by the atomizer has been satisfied;', 'perform control to increase an amount of power supplied from the battery to the atomizer to a second power, which is greater than the first power, for a second period of time following the first period of time, in a case that a signal output by the pressure sensor continuously indicates that the criteria for triggering generation of the aerosol by the atomizer has been satisfied; and', 'perform control to stop power from being supplied from the battery to the atomizer in a case that a signal output by the pressure sensor indicates that the criteria for triggering generation of the aerosol by the atomizer is no ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210219620A1
Автор: Wang Xinyu, XU Wenxiao

The present disclosure relates to a power supply assembly and an electronic atomizing device. The power supply assembly includes a battery, an electrode post electrically connected to the battery, a sealing member, and a support. The battery supplies power to the atomizer through the electrode post. The sealing member is provided with a through hole, and the electrode post extends through the through hole. The support has a first abutting surface. The battery and the sealing member are disposed in the support. When a difference between a pressure of one end of the sealing member adjacent to the battery and a pressure of the other end of the sealing member away from the battery is greater than a threshold pressure, the sealing member presses against the first abutting surface, and is deformed to seal a clearance between the electrode post and the sealing member in the through hole. 1. A power supply assembly of an electronic atomizing device , configured to supply energy to an atomizer of the electronic atomizing device , the power supply assembly comprising:a battery and an electrode post electrically connected to the battery, the battery supplying power to the atomizer through the electrode post;a sealing member provided with a through hole, the electrode post extending through the through hole; anda support having a first abutting surface, the battery and the sealing member being disposed in the support;wherein when a difference between a pressure of one end of the sealing member adjacent to the battery and a pressure of the other end of the sealing member away from the battery is greater than a threshold pressure, the sealing member presses against the first abutting surface, and the sealing member is deformed to seal a clearance between the electrode post and the sealing member in the through hole.2. The power supply assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the threshold pressure is in a range of 1 KPa to 2 MPa.3. The power supply assembly according to claim 2 , ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220581A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present invention there is provided an electronic smoking device comprising a flow channel and an atomizer. The flow channel can comprise an incoming airflow opening, an incoming airflow pathway, a sensor assembly, and an outgoing airflow opening. The atomizer can be fluidly coupled to the flow channel. The flow channel can be configured to direct an airflow from the incoming airflow opening, through the incoming airflow pathway, over the sensor assembly, and through the outgoing airflow opening. The electronic smoking device can further be configured to pass the airflow over the atomizer. 1. An electronic cigarette comprising:a power supply housing having a first and second end,a subassembly housing holding a battery;a first circuit board at the first end of the power supply housing,the first circuit board having a plurality of LEDs, the first circuit board connected to a second circuit board by an electrical connection extending along a length of the battery;the second circuit board at the second end of the power supply housing;an air flow sensor on the second circuit board; anda light guide at the first end of the power supply housing.2. The electronic cigarette of wherein the light guide illuminates the power supply housing when the LEDs are on.3. The electronic cigarette of having five LEDs.4. The electronic cigarette of wherein LEDs provide a plurality of visual indications by varying the brightness claim 1 , color claim 1 , and on/off time of the LEDs.5. The electronic cigarette of wherein the indications reflect a functional aspect of the electronic cigarette.6. The electronic cigarette of wherein the functional aspect is one or more of remaining battery life claim 5 , battery charging claim 5 , and/or sleep mode.7. The electronic cigarette of further including controller circuitry on the second circuit board.8. The electronic cigarette of further including a tip diffuser at the first end of the power supply housing.9. ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210224822A1
Автор: Tsai Hao-Yang, Tsai Yao-An

In an intelligent electronic atomization system with an authentication anti-counterfeiting mechanism, a wireless communication module of a main body of an intelligent electronic atomization device is connected to a smart handheld device of a user before being used, so that authentication of user identification can be performed through the smart handheld device and a cloud server. After an atomizing member has been combined with the main body, the main body and the atomizing member perform mutual interpretation operations in every series of inhaling and exhaling actions. After a protocol has been interpreted as correct, the atomizing member sends a dynamic password to the main body to perform interpretation. The main body immediately wakes up the atomizing member after the main body has interpreted the dynamic password as correct. Finally, the main body transmits a driving current to the atomizing member. 1. An intelligent electronic atomization system with an authentication anti-counterfeiting mechanism , the intelligent electronic atomization system comprising:an intelligent electronic atomization device mainly comprising a main body and an atomizing member, wherein an anti-counterfeiting decoding module and a wireless communication module are disposed in the main body, and an anti-counterfeiting module, a heating module and a sensing module are disposed in the atomizing member;a smart handheld device, which is installed with application software, and is connected to the main body through the wireless communication module of the main body; anda cloud server connected to the smart handheld device,wherein before the intelligent electronic atomization device is used, the intelligent electronic atomization device is connected to the smart handheld device of the wireless communication module of the main body to perform authentication of user identification through the application software of the smart handheld device and the cloud server,wherein after the atomizing ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210227884A1

The present invention describes articles, such as smoking articles, that can provide an inhalable substance in a form suitable for inhalation by a consumer. The article comprises a cartridge with an inhalable substance medium therein, control housing that includes an electrical energy source and an electrical power source, and a heating member that may be located in either the cartridge or the control housing. The control housing further may include puff-actuated current actuation components and current regulation components. 194-. (canceled)95. An article for formation of an inhalable substance , the article comprising:a cartridge body having an engaging end and an opposing mouth end configured to allow passage of the inhalable substance;an inhalable substance medium within the cartridge body; anda heating member positioned at least partially within the cartridge body for heating the inhalable substance medium;the cartridge body being configured for insertion of the engaging end thereof into a receiving chamber of a control housing so that the heating member is arranged to be energized by one or more components of the control housing.96. The article of claim 95 , wherein the cartridge body further comprises a filter in proximity to the mouth end thereof.97. The article of claim 96 , wherein the filter comprises cellulose acetate.98. The article of claim 95 , wherein the cartridge body comprises a polymeric material.99. The article of claim 98 , wherein the polymeric material comprises PLA.100. The article of claim 98 , wherein the cartridge body includes an accordion layer comprising the polymeric material.101. The article of claim 95 , wherein the cartridge body comprises a paper material.102. The article of claim 101 , wherein the paper material is a paper overwrap on the cartridge body.103. The article of claim 101 , wherein the inhalable substance medium comprises the paper material.104. The article of claim 101 , wherein the cartridge includes an accordion ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200196670A1
Автор: Alarcon Ramon, Healy Jason

The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for controlling disabling of an electronic smoking device. An electronic smoking device includes a body through which a flow path at least partially extends, an air inlet in the body that is fluidly connected to the flow path, a liquid compartment for storing a liquid within the body, a vaporizer positioned in the body and configured to receive liquid from the liquid compartment and air from the flow path to generate vaporized liquid, an outlet in the body configured to receive vaporized liquid from the vaporizer, and circuitry connected to the vaporizer. In one embodiment, the circuitry is configured to shut off the electronic smoking device based on activation time of the vaporizer. In another embodiment, the circuitry is configured to shut off the electronic smoking device after a determined amount of usage has occurred. 1. An electronic smoking device comprising the following:a body through which a flow path at least partially extends;an air inlet in the body that is fluidly connected to the flow path;a liquid compartment for storing a liquid within the body;a vaporizer positioned in the body and configured to receive liquid from the liquid compartment and air from the flow path to generate vaporized liquid;an outlet in the body configured to receive vaporized liquid from the vaporizer; and{'sub': '—', 'circuitry connected to the vaporizer, the circuitry configured to shut off the electronic smoking device based on activation time of the vaporizerexceeding a predetermined period of time, and control periodic dosage over a predefined time interval less than the a predefined life of the electronic smoking device.'}2. The electronic smoking device of claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is configured to limit vaporizer activation over the predefined life of the electronic smoking device.3. The electronic smoking device of claim 2 , wherein the circuitry is configured to execute the following commands:determine how ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200205475A1

A device capable of automatically igniting or heating a cigarette includes a heat source system, a control system, and the openable and closeable top cover. The heat source system includes the electric heating chamber and the igniter. The igniter includes the electric heating element. The electric heating chamber includes at least one pair of light passing holes of the electric heating chamber. The control system includes the control circuit board, the mechanical switch, the mode switching switch, the infrared light source, the light sensing switch, and the device main circuit switch. The mechanical switch controls the top cover to be opened or closed and controls the device main circuit switch to be turned on or off. The mode switching switch is used for switching between an operation of the igniter and an operation of the electric heating chamber. 1. A device for automatically igniting or heating a cigarette , comprising:a heat source system,a control system, andan openable and closeable top cover;wherein:the heat source system comprises an electric heating chamber and an igniter, wherein the igniter is located at a bottom of the electric heating chamber;the igniter comprises an electric heating element;the electric heating chamber comprises at least one pair of first light passing holes, wherein the at least one pair of first light passing holes penetrate a wall of the electric heating chamber; andthe control system comprises a control circuit board, a mechanical switch, a mode switching switch, an infrared light source, a light sensing switch, and a device main circuit switch; wherein the mechanical switch controls the openable and closeable top cover to be opened or closed and controls the device main circuit switch to be turned on or off; the mode switching switch is configured to switch between an operation of the igniter and an operation of the electric heating chamber; the infrared light source, the light sensing switch, and the at least one pair of first ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210243844A1
Автор: REEVELL Tony
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electronic vaping device includes a liquid storage portion, an electric heater and electronic circuitry. The liquid storage portion is configured to store liquid vapor-forming substrate. The electric heater includes at least one heating element, the at least one heating element configured to heat the liquid vapor-forming substrate. The electronic circuitry is configured to self-activate the electric heater for a first time interval during a period of inactivity of the electric heater to determine depletion of the liquid vapor-forming substrate based on a relationship between a power applied to the at least one heating element and a resulting temperature change of the at least one heating element. 1. An electronic vaping device comprising:a reservoir configured to store pre-vapor formulation;an electric heater configured to heat pre-vapor formulation drawn from the reservoir; and self-activate the electric heater for a first time interval during an inactivity period after a threshold number of activations of the electric heater, each activation of the electric heater being in response to application of negative pressure to the electronic vaping device, and the inactivity period being a time period during which negative pressure is not applied to the electronic vaping device, and', 'determine at least one characteristic of the electric heater during the first time interval, and', 'determine whether to deactivate the electronic vaping device based on the at least one characteristic of the electric heater., 'electronic circuitry configured to'}2. The electronic vaping device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one characteristic of the electric heater is a temperature of the electric heater during the first time interval.3. The electronic vaping device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a temperature sensor configured to measure the temperature of the electric heater.4. The electronic vaping device according to claim 2 , wherein the electronic ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210244078A1
Принадлежит: Scientific Holdings, LLC

Better than expected or empirically predicted odorant blends which contain one or more pigments, where the pigment influences the perceived identity of the odorants origin, such as an origin that is apple, lime, or grape, or where the pigment influences the preference for or nature of the perceived aroma, or influences an odor-associated flavor that may be evoked by the odorant, such as that of fruitiness, sweetness, sourness, or bitterness. 1. A device comprising:(i) a chip/microcontroller;(ii) a light emitting diode that emits a color;(iii) an energy source and(iv) a chamber to hold material to be vaporized;wherein the device emits a vapor and wherein material in the chamber comprises an odorant blend comprising an odor and a flavor; the odorant blend comprises at least 5 terpenes selected from the group consisting of limonene, beta-pinene, beta-caryophyllene, beta-myrcene, linalool, alpha-humulene, alpha-bisabolol, alpha-pinene, terpinolene, and caryophyllene-oxide; and', 'the color from the light emitting diode acts by synesthesia to increase perception of the identity or enjoyment of the odor or the flavor of the odorant blend by a human subject., 'wherein'}2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the vapor emitted by the device is perceived as having a color.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the material in the chamber is perceived as having a color.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the color of the light emitting diode increases perception of odor or flavor of the vapor by a human subject.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the vapor has an odor.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the vapor has a flavor.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the formulation further comprises at least one cannabinoid.8. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the formulation comprises 0% to 15% terpenes claim 1 , and about 0% to 95% cannabinoids.9. A device comprising:(i) a chip/microcontroller;(ii) a light emitting diode ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210251044A1
Автор: REEVELL Tony
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electrically operated aerosol-generating system may include a liquid storage portion configured to store a liquid from which aerosol may be generated, an electric heater, a capillary wick extending between the liquid storage portion and the electric heater and configured to convey liquid from the liquid storage portion to the electric heater and electric circuitry connected to the electric heater. The electric circuitry may be configured to: activate the electric heater for a first heating time period in response to an input to vaporize liquid in the capillary wick, activate the electric heater for a second heating time period upon the elapse of a first cooling time period after the first heating time period, record a temperature measurement of the electric heater during the second heating time period, and determine an amount of liquid in the liquid storage portion based on the temperature measurement. 1. A computer readable storage medium having stored thereon a computer program which , when run on programmable electric circuitry in an electrically operated aerosol-generating system , causes the programmable electric circuitry to perform a method for determining an amount of liquid in the electrically operated aerosol-generating system , the electrically operated aerosol-generating system including a liquid storage portion configured to store a liquid from which aerosol may be generated , an electric heater , a capillary wick between the liquid in the liquid storage portion and the electric heater and configured to convey liquid from the liquid storage portion to the electric heater , the programmable electric circuitry being connected to the electric heater , the programmable electric circuitry configured to control activation of the electric heater , the method comprising:activating the electric heater for a first heating time period in response to air being drawn through the electrically operated aerosol-generating system, such thatliquid in the capillary ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Electronic smoking device employing multiple cartridges

Номер: US20210251285A1
Автор: Alex Pasternack
Принадлежит: Individual

An electronic smoking device cartridge arrangement is provided. The device includes an upper joint joinable to an upper cartridge, a central passageway configured to fit with and provide gasses to the upper cartridge, a reservoir comprising a product, and a heating element, wherein heating the product forms a quantity of smoke that passes to and through the central passageway toward the upper cartridge. In one embodiment, product is also heated in the upper cartridge and the combined smoke or gas is provided to a mouthpiece to a user.

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210251288A1
Автор: OConnell Thomas
Принадлежит: HZAT, LLC

In an illustrative embodiment, a heat-not-burn tobacco aerosolization device aerosolizes a high viscosity, wet tobacco product at a very low temperature and reduces harmful and potentially harmful carcinogen (HPHC) emissions by six times or more relative to conventional heat-not-burn products while also providing substantially improved taste and user experience. Embodiments exemplified herein provide a compelling and healthier substitute for cigarette smoking that avoids the HPHC emissions of conventional heat-not-burn products while also avoiding the increased risk of addiction and short-term health effects reported in connection with conventional vaping devices. 1. A pod for use in a heat-not-burn tobacco aerosolization device , the pod comprising:a container including one or more walls which at least partially define an interior volume;a wet tobacco product disposed within the container, the wet tobacco product comprising at least about 65% glycerin by weight, at least about 5% water by weight, and at least about 15% tobacco by weight; anda heating element at least partially disposed within the container, the heating element being substantially surrounded by and in contact with the wet tobacco product;wherein the pod is adapted to be received by a base unit and to receive from the base unit current to heat the heating element; andwherein the container, the wet tobacco product, and the heating element are configured such that, upon inhalation by a user, i) air flows across and in contact with a top surface of the wet tobacco product and at least a portion of the heating element, and ii) a liquid portion of the wet tobacco product is aerosolized by boiling the liquid portion in contact with the heating element.2. The pod of claim 1 , wherein the container claim 1 , wet tobacco product and heating element are further configured such that a discrete solid portion of the wet tobacco product containing both glycerin and water is aerosolized at a temperature not ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214353A1
Автор: HU Weiguang

The present invention relates to an electronic atomizing device and a liquid injecting structure thereof. The liquid injecting structure includes an outer tube and a liquid injection assembly in the outer tube. The outer tube defines an inlet port, the liquid injection assembly includes a switch assembly rotatable between an injecting position and a working position relative to the outer tube; the switch assembly includes a liquid injection tube defining an injecting port. When the switch assembly is in the injecting position, the injecting port is fluidly communicated with the inlet port, such that liquid can be injected into a liquid storage cavity; when the switch assembly is in the working position, the injecting port is isolated from the inlet port. The rotation operation is child-resistant; when the switch assembly is in the working position, the liquid injecting structure is shielded by a battery and cannot be opened accidentally. 1. A liquid injecting structure for an electronic atomizing device , comprising: an outer tube and a liquid injection assembly disposed in the outer tube; wherein ,the outer tube defines an inlet port, the liquid injection assembly comprises a switch assembly, the switch assembly is rotatable between an injecting position and a working position relative to the outer tube; the switch assembly comprises a liquid injection tube which defines an injecting port; andwhen the switch assembly is in the injecting position, the injecting port is fluidly communicated with the inlet port, such that liquid is injected into a liquid storage cavity; andwhen the switch assembly is in the working position, the injecting port is isolated from the inlet port.2. The liquid injecting structure for the electronic atomizing device according to claim 1 , wherein the switch assembly comprises a first sealing member which is circumferentially fixed and rotates synchronously with the liquid injection tube claim 1 , and the first sealing member defines a first ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214354A1
Автор: Chen Hansen, QIU Weihua

The present invention relates to the technical field of electronics, and provides a boosting circuit, a battery device, and an electronic cigarette. An output end of the boosting module is connected to a first end of the protection capacitor; an anode of the rectifier diode is connected to a second end of the protection capacitor, and a cathode of the rectifier diode is connected to the first end and a load of the voltage feedback module; the second end of the voltage feedback module is connected to a feedback end of the boosting module and a first end of the output control resistor, and a second end of the output control resistor is grounded; an enabling end of the boosting module is connected to a controller. 1: A booster circuit , wherein the booster circuit comprises a boosting module , a protection capacitor , a rectifier diode , a voltage feedback module and an output control resistor , wherein:a power input end of the boosting module is electrically connected to a power source, an output end of the boosting module is electrically connected to a first end of the protection capacitor, and a second end of the protection capacitor is grounded;an anode of the rectifier diode is electrically connected to the second end of the protection capacitor, and a cathode of the rectifier diode is electrically connected to a first end of the voltage feedback module, respectively, wherein conduction direction of the rectifier diode is the direction in which the anode is directed to the cathode thereof;a second end of the voltage feedback module is electrically connected to a feedback end of the boosting module and a first end of the output control resistor, and a second end of the output control resistor is grounded;an enable end of the boosting module is electrically connected to a controller, and a ground end of the boosting module is grounded;the protection capacitor is configured to block the power source from directly discharging to the ground when the load is short- ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214355A1

An aerosol generating device includes a case, a cover having a metallic body and configured to be coupled to the case, a heater configured to heat an aerosol generating material, a magnetic force generator arranged in the case and configured to generate magnetic force acting on the metallic body according to a current applied thereto, and a controller configured to adjust coupling force between the cover and the case arising, which is generated by the magnetic force, by controlling the current applied to the magnetic force generator based on an operating state of the heater. 1. An aerosol generating device comprising:a case;a cover having a metallic body and configured to be coupled to the case;a heater configured to heat an aerosol generating material;a magnetic force generator arranged in the case and configured to generate magnetic force acting on the metallic body according to a current applied thereto; anda controller configured to adjust coupling force between the cover and the case, which is generated by the magnetic force, by controlling the current applied to the magnetic force generator based on an operating state of the heater.2. The aerosol generating device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the current applied to the magnetic force generator to strengthen the coupling force claim 1 , based on the heater heating the aerosol generating material.3. The aerosol generating device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the current applied to the magnetic force generator to weaken the coupling force claim 1 , based on the heater not heating the aerosol generating material.4. The aerosol generating device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to:apply a current having a first current value to the magnetic force generator, based on the heater heating the aerosol generating material, andapply a current having a second current value smaller than the first current value to the magnetic force generator, ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214356A1

The present disclosure provides a control body adapted for use in an electronic smoking article. The control body includes a shell and a coupler that is adapted to connect the control body to a cartridge of an electronic smoking article. The coupler further is adapted to communicate a pressure reduction within the coupler to a pressure reduction space in the shell. Also positioned within the shell is an electronic circuit board having a pressure sensor attached thereto. The electronic circuit board can be positioned to be parallel to a central axis of the shell. A first end of the pressure sensor can be isolated within the pressure reduction space, and a second end of the pressure sensor can be in communication with a normal pressure space within the shell. One or more light emitting diodes can be attached to the electronic circuit board. At least a portion of the coupler can be light transmissive so that light from the LED is visible through the coupler. 124.-. (canceled)25. A control body for a smoking article , the control body comprising:an elongated shell with an interior, a proximal end, and an opposing distal end;a cavity present at the proximal end of the elongated shell, the cavity being defined at a first end by a wall and at a second end that is open and is configured to releasably engage a cartridge;a channel extending through the wall that provides fluid communication between the cavity and a portion of the interior of the elongated shell distal from the wall;an air inlet channel configured to distribute air through the smoking article, the air inlet channel being in communication with both of the cavity present at the proximal end of the elongated shell and the channel extending through the wall; andan electronic circuit board.26. The control body of claim 25 , further comprising an electrical power source within the interior of the elongated shell.27. The control body of claim 25 , further comprising at least one light emitting diode (LED).28. The ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200221779A1
Автор: Fu Yao

The present application provide a method for controlling the output power of a power supply of an electronic cigarette and an electronic cigarette, including following steps: controlling the power supply to output a first power P in a first time period in a first inhalation airflow flowing process, and to output a second power P in a subsequent second time period, where P>P continuously detecting inhalation airflow; controlling the power supply to output a third power P in the inhalation airflow flowing process, where P>P controlling the power supply to output the first power P in the first time period in the inhalation airflow flowing process, and to output the second power P in the second time period, where P>P controlling the power supply to stop outputting power. According to the method of present application, energy consumption is slow, and aerosols are generated uniformly. 1. A method for controlling the output power of a power supply of an electronic cigarette , comprising the following steps:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '1', '1', '2, 'S: when inhalation airflow is first detected, controlling the power supply to output a first power P to a heating element in a first time period T in a first inhalation airflow flowing process, and to output a second power P to the heating element in a second time period T immediately following the first time period T in the first inhalation airflow flowing process, wherein P>P, and when flowing of the first inhalation airflow ends or when the power supply continuously outputs power for a time period greater than a first threshold TM, controlling the power supply to stop outputting power to the heating element; and'}{'b': '2', 'S: continuously detecting the inhalation airflow; and'}{'b': 3', '1', '3, 'if a time interval between a time at which the inhalation airflow is detected and a time at which the power supply previously stops outputting power to the heating element is less than or equal to a second threshold TN, ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200221780A1
Автор: Chen Hansen, QIU Weihua

An overheat protection circuit, an electronic cigarette and electronic equipment are provided. The overheat protection circuit includes a battery assembly and at least one overheat protector, wherein each overheat protector is in one-to-one correspondence with one battery in the battery assembly; wherein one terminal of each overheat protector is connected to a positive pole of a corresponding battery, another terminal of each overheat protector is connected to at least one power utilization circuit; when temperature of each overheat protector is larger than or equal to a preset temperature, internal metal of the overheat protector deforms and is disconnected. When the temperature is lower than the preset temperature, the internal metal is reset and conducted. And the effect that the electronic equipment can be continuously used due to automatic conduction after short circuit of the electronic equipment leads to open circuit is achieved. 1. An overheat protection circuit , comprising a battery assembly and at least one overheat protector , wherein:each overheat protector is in one-to-one correspondence with one battery in the battery assembly;one terminal of each overheat protector is connected to a positive pole of its corresponding battery, and another terminal of each overheat protector is connected to at least one power utilization circuit comprising at least one of a load circuit, a display circuit and a control circuit;wherein, internal metal is deformed and disconnected when temperature of the corresponding overheat protector is greater than or equal to a preset temperature; and the internal metal is reset and conducted when the temperature is less than the preset temperature.2. The circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the overheat protection circuit comprises a first overheat protector and a second overheat protector claim 1 , the battery assembly is comprised of a first battery claim 1 , a second battery connected in series claim 1 , and a negative pole ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200221781A1
Автор: BATISTA Rui Nuno
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An aerosol-generating device includes an electrical power supply, a cavity structure configured to receive an aerosol-generating article, and a plurality of semiconductor heaters within the cavity structure. Each of the plurality of semiconductor heaters includes a substrate layer and a heating layer on the substrate layer. The heating layer is a continuous layer. The aerosol-generating device includes a controller configured to control a supply of electrical power from the electrical power supply to each of the plurality of semiconductor heaters. 1. An aerosol-generating device comprising:an electrical power supply;a cavity configured to receive an aerosol-generating article; a substrate layer, and', 'a heating layer provided on the substrate layer, the heating layer being a continuous layer;, 'a plurality of semiconductor heaters positioned within the cavity, each semiconductor heater including,'}at least one semiconductor gas sensor, the heating layer of at least one of the plurality of semiconductor heaters including a semiconductor gas sensor such that the heating layer is a combined heating and gas sensing layer; anda controller configured to control a supply of electrical power from the electrical power supply to each of the plurality of semiconductor heaters.2. The aerosol-generating device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine an amount of at least one gas within the cavity based on a measured electrical resistance of the combined heating and gas sensing layer and.3. The aerosol-generating device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to simultaneously:control a supply of electrical power from the electrical power supply to the combined heating and gas sensing layer so as to heat the combined heating and gas sensing layer; anddetermine an amount of the at least one gas within the cavity based on a measure electrical resistance of the combined heating and gas sensing layer and.4. The aerosol-generating ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200229499A1

The invention relates to a component part () for an inhaler (), preferably for an electronic cigarette product, which component part comprises a carrier (), an electric evaporator () arranged on the carrier () for evaporating liquid supplied to the evaporator (), and an electric connection for supplying the evaporator () with electric energy and/or for receiving control signals for the evaporator (). The electric connection comprises a plug connector part (), which is configured for reversible interaction with a corresponding plug connector part () of the base part () of the inhaler (). A base part () for an inhaler () comprises an electronic control device () and an electric connection for transmitting control signals to a component part () and/or for the electric supply of a component part () of the inhaler (). The electric connection comprises a plug connector part (), which is configured for reversible interaction with a corresponding plug connector part () of the component part (). 124-. (canceled)25. A component part for an inhaler , comprising:a carrier;an electric evaporator arranged on the carrier for evaporating liquid supplied to the electric evaporator; andan electric connection for supplying the electric evaporator with electric energy and/or for receiving control signals for the electric evaporator,wherein the electric connection comprises a plug connector part which is arranged for reversible interaction with a corresponding plug connector part of a base part of an inhaler.26. The component part according to claim 25 ,wherein the carrier has a liquid interface for standardised connection with a liquid tank.27. The component part according to claim 26 ,wherein the carrier has at least one through-opening for transport of a liquid from the liquid interface to the electric evaporator.28. The component part according to claim 27 ,wherein a capillary element is arranged in the at least one through-opening.29. The component part according to claim 25 , ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200229500A1

A system and method for practitioner tracking of patient substance intake and controlling of substance dosing for patients is provided. A controlled dosing platform displays patient profiles under the practitioner's care and upon selecting a particular patient one or more streams of usage statistics from use of a vaporization device is displayed. The usage statistics may include a regression value, a control period and a quit date. The regression value may be a linear or an exponential regression value. The practitioner can manipulate any or all of the usage statistics to modify a smoking cessation plan. 1. A computer-implemented method for practitioner tracking of patient substance intake and controlling of substance dosing for patients participating in a smoking cessation plan , said smoking cessation plan based on one or more inputs provided by a client device in communication with a vaporization device , the initial smoking cessation plan comprising one or more phases , wherein each phase is associated with a predefined ratio of a vapor mixture for the vaporization device to deliver to a user , said method comprising:displaying, over a server system, at least one patient profile on a controlled dosing platform, said patient profile including one or more streams of usage statistics, said patient profile being under control of said practitioner;receiving, by the server system, updates to said one or more streams of usage statistics associated with patient usage of the vaporization device;selecting, over the server system, one patient profile from said controlled dosing platform;viewing, over the server system, said one or more streams of usage statistics for said selected patient profile;modifying, by the server system, the initial smoking cessation plan based on selecting at least one of said one or more streams of usage statistics; andtransmitting, by the server system, the modified initial smoking cessation plan to the client device.2. The computer-implemented ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200235600A1
Автор: AKAO Takeshi

A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler includes: a power supply able to discharge power to a load for generating an aerosol from an aerosol generation source; a first circuit board including a resistor; and a second circuit board disposed apart from the first circuit board, and electrically connected to the first circuit board. The second circuit board includes at least one of: a control device configured to be able to control at least one of discharging and charging of the power supply; and a charging device configured to convert power which is input, into charging power for the power supply. 1. A power supply unit for an aerosol inhaler , the power supply unit comprising:a power supply able to discharge power to a load for generating an aerosol from an aerosol generation source;a first circuit board including a resistor; anda second circuit board disposed apart from the first circuit board, and electrically connected to the first circuit board,wherein the second circuit board includes at least one of: a control device configured to be able to control at least one of discharging and charging of the power supply; and a charging device configured to convert power which is input, into charging power for the power supply.2. The power supply unit according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of the charging device and the control device is provided only on the second circuit board.3. The power supply unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe first circuit board includes a connector to which an external power supply can be electrically connected, andthe resistor is connected in series with the connector.4. The power supply unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe second circuit board includes the charging device.5. The power supply unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe resistor has such a resistance value that amounts of heat generation of the first circuit board and the second circuit board during charging of the power supply become substantially equal.6. The power supply ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210297489A1
Принадлежит: GoFire, Inc.

A system comprising a vaporizing device and a central server is described. The vaporizing device includes a housing and a cartridge, received within the housing, the cartridge including a predefined quantity of concentrate and an identification code associated with the concentrate and uniquely identifying the cartridge. The vaporizing device further includes a control unit configured to read the identification code. The vaporizing device further includes a communication unit configured to transmit the identification code to a computing device of a user. The central server includes a database. The central server is configured to receive the identification code from the computing device and retrieve concentrate information corresponding to the identification code from the database. The central server is configured to transmit the concentrate information to the computing device for displaying to the user. 1. A system for managing vaporized concentrate usage of a user comprising: a housing;', 'a removable cartridge received within the housing and configured to store a predefined quantity of concentrate therein, the cartridge comprising an identification code associated with the concentrate and uniquely identifying the cartridge, the cartridge having a plunger structured and arranged to extrude a known quantity of the concentrate from the cartridge;', 'a vaporization chamber defined in the housing and in fluid communication with the cartridge, the vaporization chamber configured to collect the concentrate extruded from the cartridge, the vaporization chamber being disposed physically separate from the cartridge;', 'a control unit disposed within the housing and configured to read the identification code; and', 'a communication unit coupled to the control unit, the communication unit configured to transmit the identification code to a computing device of a user; and, 'a vaporizing device comprising receive the identification code from the computing device;', 'match the ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210298124A1

Apparatuses, including systems and devices (“vaporizers”), for vaporizing material to form an inhalable aerosol that include capacitive lips sensing to regulate the temperature of the vaporizer, including transiently boosting the temperature. Methods of operating a vaporizer having a capacitive lip sensor are also described. 1. A lip-sensing vaporizer device , the device comprising:a reservoir configured to hold a vaporizable material;a heater configured to heat the vaporizable material;a mouthpiece in communication with the reservoir;a capacitive lip sensor configured to output an instantaneous capacitance reading; and regulate a temperature of the heater to a preselected temperature;', 'obtain the instantaneous capacitance reading from the capacitive lip sensor;', 'determine a difference between the instantaneous capacitance reading and a baseline capacitance; and', 'increase the temperature of the heater to an override temperature for a boost time period when the difference is above a threshold., 'a controller configured to2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive lip sensor is on or behind the mouthpiece.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive lip sensor comprises a conductor positioned behind the mouthpiece.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir comprises an oven claim 1 , and further wherein the heater is in thermal contact with the oven.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive lip sensor comprises a flex circuit onto which a conductive region has been layered.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the baseline based on filtering the instantaneous capacitance readings.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determining the baseline based on the instantaneous sensor readings by taking a running average of the instantaneous sensor readings.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the baseline based on the instantaneous ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Method and device for obtaining an initial resistance value of a heating element

Номер: US20200241058A1
Автор: Weihua Qiu

The present invention discloses a method and a device for obtaining an initial resistance value of a heating element. The method comprises steps: when ambient temperature is a preset test temperature, detecting a resistance value of a heating element to obtain the resistance value of the heating element at the preset test temperature; determining the resistance value of the heating element at the preset test temperature as the initial resistance value of the heating element. It solves the problem that the initial resistance value of the heating element in the related technology is measured manually on the assembly line and measurement efficiency is low. The measurement efficiency of the initial resistance value of the heating element of the invention is improved.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Method For Operating An Electronic Vapour Inhaler

Номер: US20210307400A1
Принадлежит: JT International S.A.

A method is provided for operating an electronic vapour inhaler comprising an induction heating arrangement, the induction heating arrangement comprising an induction coil for generating an alternating electromagnetic field to heat an induction heatable element and thereby heat a non-liquid flavour-release medium. The method comprises intermittently energising the induction coil to generate an intermittent alternating electromagnetic field which provides pulsed heating and cooling of the induction heatable element.

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Inhalation component generation device, method of controlling inhalation component generation device, and program

Номер: US20200245688A1
Принадлежит: Japan Tobacco Inc

An inhalation component generation device includes a load configured to vaporize or atomize an inhalation component source with electric power from a power supply, a notification unit, and a control unit configured to acquire a value indicating a remaining amount of the power supply and acquire an operation request signal to the load to generate a command for operating the load. The control unit is configured to cause the notification unit to perform second notification when the value indicating the remaining amount of the power supply is less than a first threshold and equal to or more than a second threshold smaller than the first threshold. The control unit is configured to cause the notification unit to perform third notification when the value indicating the remaining amount of the power supply is less than the second threshold. The first threshold is changeable based on an algorithm. The control unit is configured to set the first threshold based on a value derived by performing a smoothing process by which a primary first threshold derived by the algorithm approaches at least one of a plurality of the first thresholds that are previously changed.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette battery reverse connection protection device and method for using the same

Номер: US20140352705A1
Автор: Qiuming Liu

An electronic cigarette battery reverse connection protection device and method for using the same, comprising: a battery, a switch circuit, an alarm circuit, a discharge control circuit and a load circuit. The battery is connected with the switch circuit, the switch circuit is connected with the discharge control circuit and the alarm circuit respectively, the discharge control circuit is connected with the load circuit. The switch circuit is configured to determine whether the battery is reversely connected according to a power signal provided by the battery; when the battery is reversely connected, the discharge control circuit is turned off, and the alarm circuit is turned on and generates an alarm signal; and when the battery is correctly connected, the discharge control circuit controls the load circuit working.

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210321669A1
Автор: Scatterday Mark

An electronic vaporizer device with a sealed, disposable, fillable cartridge is described, along with a method for refilling the cartridge. The electronic vaporizer includes a body which is held by the user and houses a battery. The body receives and couples with a cartridge with a reservoir for oil or other fluid to be vaporized. The cartridge also includes an atomizer which is powered by the battery via a connector terminal, a wick to provide oil to the atomizer from the oil reservoir, a vapor tube which transmits the vaporized oil to the user though a mouthpiece. In some embodiments, the user fills the reservoir of the cartridge by inserting a needle through a self-sealing septum. Further, the electronic vaporizer device includes a haptic device to provide haptic feedback to a user of the electronic vaporizer to communicate operating states of the electronic vaporizer. 1. An electronic vaporizer comprising:a body portion with a haptic device operatively coupled within; anda cartridge coupled to the body portion, the cartridge comprising a reservoir filled with fluid and an atomizer operating to create vaporized fluid from the fluid within the reservoir, wherein the haptic device operates to provide haptic feedback to a user indicating a status of the electronic vaporizer during activation of the electronic vaporizer, after activation of the electronic vaporizer, or during and after activation of the electronic vaporizer, wherein the coupling between the cartridge and the body further connects electricity to the cartridge for operating the atomizer.2. The electronic vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the haptic device provides haptic feedback to signal low battery power.3. The electronic vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the haptic device provides haptic feedback to signal a defective cartridge is installed in the electronic vaporizer.4. The electronic vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein haptic device provides haptic feedback to signal a dosing amount.5. The electronic ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200253279A1

An ultrasonic electronic cigarette is disclosed. The electronic cigarette includes a housing () provided with an atomization sheet assembly () and a cartridge () therein. The atomization sheet assembly () comprises an ultrasonic atomization sheet () and an atomization seat () for supporting and fixing the ultrasonic atomization sheet (). A top cover () is connected to the top end of the housing (). A suction nozzle () is connected to the top cover (). A press plate () and a locking mechanism () for controlling the press plate () to be opened or closed are also disposed in the housing (). The cartridge () is fixed in the press plate (). When the top cover () is closed and the locking mechanism () is locked, the press plate () and/or the cartridge () abut against the atomization sheet assembly (). 116-. (canceled)171231. An ultrasonic electronic cigarette , comprising a housing () , an atomization sheet assembly () , and a cartridge () being disposed in the housing () , wherein:{'b': 2', '4', '5', '4, 'the atomization sheet assembly () comprises an ultrasonic atomization sheet () and an atomization seat () for supporting and fixing the ultrasonic atomization sheet ();'}{'b': 7', '1', '1', '8', '7, 'a top cover () for sealing an opening of the housing () is connected to the top end of the housing (), a suction nozzle () is connected to the top cover ();'}{'b': 9', '10', '9', '1', '3', '9, 'a press plate () and a locking mechanism () for controlling the press plate () to be opened or closed are also disposed in the housing (), and the cartridge () is fixed in the press plate ();'}{'b': 7', '10', '9', '3', '2', '3', '4, 'when the top cover () is closed and the locking mechanism () is locked, at least one of the press plate () or the cartridge () abut against the atomization sheet assembly (), and the cartridge () is in contact with an atomization surface of the ultrasonic atomization sheet (); and'}{'b': 7', '10', '9', '3', '4', '2, 'when the top cover () is opened and ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210337876A1

An electronic device generates an aerosol for aspiration. The electronic device includes an aerosol generation unit that generates an aerosol, a control unit that controls generation of the aerosol by the aerosol generation unit, a storage unit that stores a function ID for identifying the function of the electronic device, and a transmission unit that transmits the function ID to an information processing device. 1. An electronic device generating an aerosol for inhalation , the electronic device comprising:a control unit that controls generation of the aerosol using an aerosol generation unit;a storage unit that stores a function ID for identifying a function of the electronic device; anda transmission unit that transmits the function ID to an information processing device.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , further comprising:the aerosol generation unit that generates the aerosol.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the transmission unit transmits the function ID, based on a request signal received from the information processing device.4. The electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the function of the electronic device corresponding to the function ID is at least one of an aerosol generation function, a position information function, or an output function.5. The electronic device according to claim 4 ,wherein the output function includes at least any of a display function, a lighting function, a vibration function, or a voice function.6. The electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the storage unit further stores a device ID for identifying the electronic device, andwherein the transmission unit further transmits the device ID to the information processing device.7. The electronic device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a generation unit that generates inhalation information about inhalation of the aerosol using the electronic device.8. The electronic device according to claim 7 ,wherein the transmission unit ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210345680A1
Автор: LIU Loi Ying
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electronic smoke apparatus comprising an inhale sensor, a smoke source containing vapor-able smoke flavored substances, an electric heater for heating up the smoke flavored substances, and a power management controller to control power supply to operate the heater; wherein the power management controller is to adaptively supply operating power to the heater according to characteristics of a smoking inhaling event detected at said inhale sensor. 120.-. (canceled)21. A power management device for an electronic aerosol-generating device , the power management device comprising:a switching circuit configured to control supply of operating power to a heater to generate an aerosol; anda controller configured to control the switching circuit, supply the operating power at a first power level in response to detecting airflow through the electronic aerosol-generating device at or above a first threshold level,', 'reduce the operating power from the first power level to a second power level after expiration of a first time period following detection of the airflow at or above the first threshold level, the second power level less than the first power level, and', 'increase the operating power from the second power level to a third power level after expiration of a second time period and in response to detecting airflow through the electronic aerosol-generating device at or above a second threshold level;, 'wherein, during a puff event, the controller is configured to control the switching circuit to'}wherein the expiration of the second time period is after the expiration of the first time period; andwherein the third power level is less than or equal to the first power level.22. The power management device according to claim 21 , wherein the first power level is a maximum operating power applied to the heater during the puff event.23. The power management device according to claim 21 , wherein the first time period is less than or equal to 1 second.24. The power ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for heating smokable material and article of smokable material

Номер: US20200260790A1

An apparatus is provided for enabling smokable material to be heated to volatize at least one component of the smokable material. In one example, the apparatus has a capacitive sensor arranged to sense a change in capacitance when an article of smokable material is associated with a housing of the apparatus in use. In another example, the apparatus has a resistive sensor arranged to provide a measure of electrical resistance when an article of smokable material is associated with a housing of the apparatus in use. A combination of capacitive and resistive sensing may be used in some examples. In another example, a sensor makes use of at least two different sensing techniques. There is also provided an article of smokable material having a non-metallic electrically conductive region for detection by a sensor of an apparatus arranged to cause heating of the smokable material.

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210386122A1
Автор: LORD Christopher

An electronic inhalation device comprising a power cell and a computer. The computer comprises a computer processor, a memory and an input-output means. The computer is configured in use to enter a menu mode when a user activates the menu mode. 151-. (canceled)52. An electronic inhalation device comprising a power cell and a computer , where the computer comprises a computer processor , a memory and an input-output means; wherein the computer is configured in use to enter a menu mode when a user activates the menu mode.53. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the device further comprises use data relating to a user's use of the device claim 52 , and the use data is stored in the computer memory.54. The electronic inhalation device of claim 53 , wherein in menu mode claim 53 , a selected menu option clears the use data from the computer memory.55. The electronic inhalation device of claim 53 , wherein in menu mode claim 53 , a selected menu option activates the transmission of the use data.56. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the electronic inhalation device is an electronic cigarette.57. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the computer is a microprocessor.58. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the menu mode enables a user to select a menu option from two or more menu options.59. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the menu mode enables a user to alter an operational parameter of the device.60. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the computer comprises a normal mode that allows a user to use the device for its primary function and inhale using the inhalation device.61. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein the menu mode is activated by a user interacting with the device.62. The electronic inhalation device of claim 52 , wherein a menu option is selected by a user interacting with the device.63. The electronic inhalation device of claim ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200281275A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

At least one example embodiment discloses a section of an electronic-vaping device including a pressure sensor configured to measure a current ambient pressure, the pressure sensor further configured to output the current ambient pressure measurement in accordance with a read request frequency, and a controller configured to determine a mode of operation of the electronic-vaping device, control the read request frequency based on the determined mode of operation, and detect a threshold pressure change based on the current ambient pressure and a baseline pressure. 1. A controller of an electronic vaping (e-vaping) device , comprising: generate a control signal for controlling detection of whether a cartridge section is being connected to and being disconnected from a power supply section,', 'receive a detection signal based on the control signal,', 'detect attachment events based on the detection signal, the attachment events indicating whether the cartridge section is being attached to or being detached from the power supply section,', 'store the detected attachment events in a table, the table indicating whether a detected attachment event relates to an attachment of the cartridge section to the power supply section and whether the detected attachment event relates to a detachment of the cartridge section from the power supply section, the table indicating which of the attachment of the cartridge and detachment of the cartridge the detected attachment event corresponds to, the table storing a time stamp of the associated detected attachment event, and', 'enter a sleep mode if a first time period elapses after one of the detected attachment events and stay in a same operation mode if the first time period has not elapsed., 'control circuitry configured to cause the e-vaping device to,'}2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the sleep mode is a mode in which the control circuitry disables a pressure sensor of the e-vaping device.3. The controller of claim 2 , wherein ...
