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16-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000003189U1

1. Приспособление для затягивания шнурка с соединенными концами на обуви с берцами и гнездами, содержащее устройство затяжки шнурка с фиксатором его положения, отличающееся тем, что устройство затяжки шнурка содержит пару лапок, каждая из которых имеет два крайних и по меньшей мере один средний крючок. 2. Приспособление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что фиксатор положения устройства затяжки шнурка содержит скрепляющие элементы, из которых по меньшей мере один установлен на каждой лапке на противоположном от крючков конце, а другой закреплен на обуви. 3. Приспособление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что фиксатор положения устройства затяжки шнурка содержит скрепляющие элементы, расположенные на каждой лапке на противоположном от крючков конце и выполненные с возможностью взаимодействия с соответствующими элементами другой лапки. (19) RU (11) (13) 3 189 U1 (51) МПК A43C 11/08 (1995.01) A43C 3/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95117743/20, 25.10.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.12.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Рахматуллин Ильдус Наильевич (72) Автор(ы): Рахматуллин Ильдус Наильевич R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рахматуллин Ильдус Наильевич 3 1 8 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Приспособление для затягивания шнурка с соединенными концами на обуви с берцами и гнездами, содержащее устройство затяжки шнурка с фиксатором его положения, отличающееся тем, что устройство затяжки шнурка содержит пару лапок, каждая из которых имеет два крайних и по меньшей мере один средний крючок. 2. Приспособление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что фиксатор положения устройства затяжки шнурка содержит скрепляющие элементы, из которых по меньшей мере один установлен на каждой лапке на противоположном от крючков конце, а другой закреплен на обуви. 3. Приспособление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что фиксатор положения устройства затяжки шнурка содержит скрепляющие элементы, расположенные на каждой лапке на ...

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045238U1

Скамья, совмещенная с информационным или цветовым носителем, содержащая сиденье и спинку, при этом спинка выполнена составной как минимум из двух элементов, установленных с возможностью разъема; фасадная и/или задняя части спинки выполнены из прозрачного материала; при этом информационный или цветовой носитель размещен между фасадной и задней частями спинки, отличающаяся тем, что спинка содержит раму, жестко соединенную с сиденьем, к раме прикреплена одна из частей спинки, другая часть спинки соединена с первой частью спинки или с рамой посредством разъемного соединения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 45 238 (13) U1 (51) МПК A43C 11/00 (2000.01) G09F 19/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004135737/22 , 06.12.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.12.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Анфалов Дмитрий Игоревич (RU), Ткаченко Артем Сергеевич (RU) U 1 4 5 2 3 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Скамья, совмещенная с информационным или цветовым носителем, содержащая сиденье и спинку, при этом спинка выполнена составной как минимум из двух элементов, установленных с возможностью разъема; фасадная и/или задняя части спинки выполнены из прозрачного материала; при этом информационный или цветовой носитель размещен между фасадной и задней частями спинки, отличающаяся тем, что спинка содержит раму, жестко соединенную с сиденьем, к раме прикреплена одна из частей спинки, другая часть спинки соединена с первой частью спинки или с рамой посредством разъемного соединения. 4 5 2 3 8 (54) СКАМЬЯ, СОВМЕЩЕННАЯ С ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫМ ИЛИ ЦВЕТОВЫМ НОСИТЕЛЕМ R U Адрес для переписки: 620026, г.Екатеринбург, а/я 244, пат.пов. Г.Н. Шаховой, рег.№ 873 (72) Автор(ы): Анфалов Д.И. (RU) , Ткаченко А.С. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 5 2 3 8 4 5 2 3 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 45 238 U1 Полезная модель относится к ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000093639U1

Кнопка-термозастежка, состоящая из цилиндрического штырька с канавкой по окружности и внешнего элемента с цилиндрическим отверстием под этот штырек и фиксацией между собой цилиндрическим колечком, отличающаяся тем, что внешняя часть кнопки в виде элемента с цилиндрическим отверстием изготавливается из материала с большим коэффициентом температурного расширения, чем внутренняя часть в виде штырька. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 93 639 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 17/00 A43C 11/06 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010104749/22, 12.02.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.02.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бучин Владимир Александрович (RU), Монахов Анатолий Алексеевич (RU) U 1 9 3 6 3 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Кнопка-термозастежка, состоящая из цилиндрического штырька с канавкой по окружности и внешнего элемента с цилиндрическим отверстием под этот штырек и фиксацией между собой цилиндрическим колечком, отличающаяся тем, что внешняя часть кнопки в виде элемента с цилиндрическим отверстием изготавливается из материала с большим коэффициентом температурного расширения, чем внутренняя часть в виде штырька. 9 3 6 3 9 (54) КНОПКА-ТЕРМОЗАСТЕЖКА R U Адрес для переписки: 125493, Москва, ул. Пулковская, 15, корп.2, кв.80, А.А. Монахову (72) Автор(ы): Бучин Владимир Александрович (RU), Луконина Галина Сергеевна (RU), Монахов Анатолий Алексеевич (RU), Чернявский Владимир Михайлович (RU), Шапошникова Галина Александровна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 93 639 U1 Полезная модель относится к фурнитурным устройствам и может быть использована как в легкой промышленности, таки в других областях, где необходимо быстро и надежно соединить два элемента. Известная кнопка застежка [1] используется в легкой промышленности более полувека. При ее использовании соединяемые элементы часто или ...

08-07-2019 дата публикации

Приспособление для крепления со съемным элементом

Номер: RU0000190675U1
Принадлежит: ХИКИС, Инк.

Данная полезная модель представляет собой усовершенствованное приспособление для крепления, включающее съемный элемент застежки, создающий надежную и безопасную зону легкого застегивания. Приспособление для крепления имеет главную эластичную деталь удлиненной формы с двумя концами. На них расположены вторая концевая часть, включающая съемный элемент застежки и первая концевая часть, имеющая форму кольца, соединяющегося со съемным элементом застежки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 675 U1 (51) МПК A43C 11/00 (2006.01) A44B 1/44 (2006.01) A45F 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A43C 11/008 (2019.02); A44B 1/44 (2019.02); A45F 3/04 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018129782, 15.08.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.07.2019 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ХИКИС, Инк. (US) (45) Опубликовано: 08.07.2019 Бюл. № 19 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2481052 C2, 10.05.2011. RU (54) Приспособление для крепления со съемным элементом (57) Реферат: Данная полезная модель представляет собой удлиненной формы с двумя концами. На них усовершенствованное приспособление для расположены вторая концевая часть, крепления, включающее съемный элемент включающая съемный элемент застежки и первая застежки, создающий надежную и безопасную концевая часть, имеющая форму кольца, зону легкого застегивания. Приспособление для соединяющегося со съемным элементом застежки. крепления имеет главную эластичную деталь R U 1 9 0 6 7 5 2294683 C2, 10.03.2007. RU 21999253 С2, 27. 02.2003. RU 2381045 С1, 10.02.2010. RU 2309303 С2, 27.10.2007. US 5662101 A, 02.09.1997. FR 2732204 A1, 04.10.1996. RU 174915 U1, 09.11.2017. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 119019, Москва, Гоголевский бульвар, д. 11, "Гоулинг ВЛГ (Интернэшнл) Инк." 1 9 0 6 7 5 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.08.2018 R U 15.08.2018 (72) Автор(ы): ВАЙНГАРТЕН Мария Ракель (US), ЛЕ ГЕТТ ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

System, method and apparatus for decorating footwear

Номер: US20120047773A1
Автор: Tiffany Schrader
Принадлежит: Individual

An application for an adornment for footwear that has a rim area includes a decorative portion and a way to removably attach the decorative portion to the rim area of the footwear such that when the decorative portion is attached to the rim area of the footwear, a decorative surface of the decorative portion is visible from outside of the footwear.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Closing part for a shoe and corresponding shoe system

Номер: US20120110870A1
Автор: Alexandre Haouari
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a closing part ( 1 ) for a shoe ( 2 ) that includes an upper ( 3 ) comprising an open area ( 5 ) for facilitating the insertion of the foot into said shoe ( 2 ), said closing part ( 1 ) being designed so as to close said open area ( 5 ), said closing part ( 1 ) being characterized in that it comprises a unitary portion ( 100 ) to be attached to said upper ( 3 ) by means of at least first and second zip fasteners provided on either side of said open area ( 5 ), respectively. The invention also relates to a shoe closing device.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Ratchet adjustment system

Номер: US20120174355A1
Автор: Gary Fraze
Принадлежит: Duraflex Hong Kong Ltd

An adjustment system for adjusting the width of a cuff has an elongated adjustment strip having a set of longitudinally extending teeth. Each tooth has a forward side and a rearward side. The length of each forward side is greater than a length of each of the rearward sides so that an angle between a longitudinal axis of the strip and the forward side is less than an angle between the longitudinal axis and the rearward side of each tooth. There is a locking mechanism formed by a base plate having a locking device on an underside and a guide for slidably connecting the locking mechanism to the strip. The teeth and the locking device are configured so that the locking device can be moved forward along the strip using only a small amount of force, and can then be moved rearward using a larger amount of force.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Flip Flop Style Sandals with Interchangeable/Removable Decorative Strand or Jewelry Adorned Uppers

Номер: US20120186109A1
Автор: Cammi Lynn Vanderbeek
Принадлежит: Individual

A flip-flop style sandal with interchangeable decorative strand or jewelry-adorned uppers comprises a sole with attached foot retaining strap. A set of a plurality of fastening faces is provided, which include an upper fastener receiver side, i.e., male snap fastener, which is coupled with the top face of the foot-retaining strap, extending the upper receiver side. A decorative strand accessory is provided. The decorative strand is made of a string ornamented or decorated between a plurality of fastening faces. Individual fastening faces on the strand have an upper flat side and a lower fastener receiver side, i.e., female snap fastener. The lower fastener receiver side on the decorative strand is adapted to releasably couple with the upper fastener receiver side of the fastener faces connected to the foot-retaining strap. The decorative strand accessory fastener faces, and the fastener faces connected with the foot-retaining strap are coextensive in spacing.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Tendon Assembly For an Article of Footwear

Номер: US20120198727A1
Автор: Bradley S. Long
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A tendon assembly for an article of footwear is disclosed. The tendon assembly includes a tendon positioned between a base layer and a cover layer in a non-bonded manner such that the tendon may move freely within the layers. The tendon assembly may be rigidly secured to a shoe upper. One end of the tendon may be rigidly secured at or near the sole of the footwear. A second portion of the tendon may be integrated with a fastening system of the footwear such that the tendon may pull the footwear upper snugly against a wearer's foot to provide added support.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for realizing shoes and a shoe obtained with such a method

Номер: US20120216421A1
Принадлежит: Dolce and Gabbana SRL

A method for realizing shoes comprises the steps of: providing an upper, a heel and a sole element provided with at least one sole portion and a shank portion; removing part of the material of the sole from its lower face at the shank region; tightening the sole element along its side edge at the shank region; providing a coating element for the shank; gluing the coating element to the lower face of the sole at a seat defined by the removal of the material from the shank region, wrapping the coating element to the sole with two laps brought onto the upper face of the sole destined to be covered by the upper; completing the assembly of the shoe by mounting the upper and the heel.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Article of Footwear with a Ball Contacting Member

Номер: US20120233888A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An article of footwear with a ball contacting member is disclosed. The ball contacting member enhances the ability of a wearer to kick a ball with a low trajectory. The ball contacting member can be attached to the article of footwear in various different ways.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Clip-on Shoe Strap

Номер: US20120246972A1
Автор: Wanda Newkirk
Принадлежит: Individual

An architecture is presented that provides a shoe strap device designed to secure a shoe to a user's foot. The shoe strap device comprises a strap comprising a first end and a second end, wherein a first attachment device is secured to the first end of the strap and a second attachment device is secured to the second end of the strap. Typically, the attachment devices comprises a clip, a hook, a button, a snap or a hook and loop fastener that attaches to both sides of the shoe or other footwear device, which positions the strap over the top of a user's foot. Furthermore, the attachment devices of the shoe strap device are removably secured to an inside or outside of the shoe. Once the attachment devices are secured to both sides of the shoe, the strap is then secured over the dorsal portion of the user's foot.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Golf Shoe

Номер: US20120266498A1
Автор: Micky Gallas
Принадлежит: Individual

A golf shoe is disclosed comprising an upper portion coupled to a sole. The upper portion of the shoe is sized to receive a foot. The sole may have a front portion and a rear portion. The rear portion may have an elevation that is greater than the elevation of the front portion such that, when worn by a golfer, the heel of the foot is elevated above the toes of the foot.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Device for loosening and untying knots

Номер: US20120318109A1
Автор: Leonard Paul Parkin
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for loosening and untying knots including a body having a first section and a second section having a plurality of channels, a pusher rod positioned slidably within the first section of the body, a shaft positioned slidably within the first and second sections of the body and being engaged with the rod, and a plurality of prongs, each including a base, a nose and a rail. The rails slidably fit into the channels of the body, and a head of the shaft is engaged with the bases of the prongs. The prongs move between a retracted position, in which the noses are juxtaposed with one another and inserted within a knot, and an expanded position, in which the noses are spaced apart from one another when the shaft is moved within the body, the noses loosen and untie the knot when the prongs are expanded.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Cycling shoe with cover having closure access

Номер: US20130008057A1
Принадлежит: Specialized Bicycle Components Inc

A shoe including a sole for supporting a foot and an upper coupled to the sole. The upper defines an opening for receiving the foot and includes a first side panel and a second side panel movable in relation to the first side panel. The shoe also includes a closure mechanism that is coupled between the first side panel and the second side panel, and a tightening mechanism that is engaged with the closure mechanism to selectively draw the first side panel and the second side panel closer to each other and to selectively permit the first side panel and the second side panel to move apart from each other. A cover provides access to the tightening mechanism while enclosing the closure mechanism.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Closure system for braces, protective wear and similar articles

Номер: US20130012856A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc

A closure system for braces, protective wear and similar articles is disclosed. The closure system includes a plurality of opposing lace guide members and a tightening mechanism. The closure system further includes a lace extending through the guide members and coupled to the tightening mechanism. In some embodiments, a quick release apparatus is included to facilitate opening of the closure system. The tightening mechanism in some embodiments includes a control for winding the lace into a housing to place tension on the lace thereby tightening the closure system.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Shoe accessory mount having a tapered shank

Номер: US20130067641A1
Принадлежит: Jibbitz LLC

A system for attaching a decorative accessory to a shoe according to embodiments of the present invention includes a first shoulder configured for insertion through an expandable hole in an upper portion of the shoe, a second shoulder configured to remain on an outside of the shoe after the first shoulder has been inserted through the expandable hole, and a shank connecting the first and second shoulders, the shank having an outer diameter, wherein the outer diameter decreases in an axial direction from the second shoulder toward the first shoulder over at least a portion of the shank.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130086816A1
Принадлежит: Palidium, Inc.

An automated tightening shoe with a single crisscrossed laces or closure panel and a tightening mechanism which operates in one direction to cause automatic tightening of the crisscrossed laces or closure panel to tighten the shoe about a wearer's foot, and which can be released easily so that the shoe can be removed from the wearer's foot. An actuating wheel partially projecting from the rear sole of the shoe provides a convenient and reliable actuating means for movement of the automated tightening mechanism in the tightening direction. 1. An automated tightening shoe , comprising:(a) a shoe having a sole and an upper connected to the sole, the upper including a toe, a heel, a medial side portion, and a lateral side portion;(b) a closure means connected to the medial and lateral side portions of the upper for drawing them by means of a single shoe lace or cable around a foot placed inside the shoe;(c) a tightening mechanism contained inside a housing secured to the shoe, the tightening mechanism including an axle with a cylindrical surface having two ends with a ratchet wheel having a plurality of teeth attached to at least one end of the axle in a fixed relationship, a continuous passageway through the axle with two exit apertures along the side surface, and an actuator wheel rigidly connected to the axle and extending outside the shoe;(d) the shoe lace or cable being passed through the passageway and two exit apertures within the axle, through or along the medial and lateral side uppers, and in engagement with the guide means with the free ends of the shoe lace or cable secured together, so that the shoe lace or cable forms a continuous loop;(e) a release lever pivotally mounted to the housing with a deflection member extending therefrom, the release lever having a pawl end inside the housing and an actuation end extending outside the housing and the shoe, the pawl end engaging a tooth of the ratchet wheel;(f) whereby rotation of the actuator wheel extending ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097887A1
Автор: ROBINSON Steven

A shoe closure system includes a plurality of fasteners corresponding to the pairs of eyelets in a shoe. Each fastener includes any elongated elastic member and releasably engageable male and female fastening devices secured to opposite ends of the elongated elastic member. The fastening devices and the elongated elastic member are cross-sectionally dimensioned to pass through the eyelets in the shoe. The male and female fastening devices are passed down through the eyelets in a respective pair of eyelets and are connected to one another at positions above the tongue of the shoe. The elasticity of the elongated elastic member holds the shoe in a comfortably closed position on the foot without having to tie the laces on the shoe. The elongated elastic member can be provided with indicia corresponding to a brand name, team name or logo. 1. A shoe closure system for use on a shoe having an upper and a U-shaped opening in the upper , the U-shaped opening having opposite first and second sides , a plurality of first eyelets and a plurality of second eyelets formed through the upper at locations in proximity to the respective first and second sides of the U-shaped opening , the eyelets being disposed in pairs with each pair having one first eyelet and an opposed second eyelet , the pairs of eyelets being spaced apart from one another in a heel-to-toe direction , each of the eyelets having and inner diameter , the shoe closure system having a plurality of fasteners , each of the fasteners comprising:an elongated resilient material having opposite first and second ends;first and second fastening devices secured respectively to the first and second ends of the elongated resilient material, the first and second fastening devices being releasably engageable with one another, the elongated resilient material and the first and second fastening devices having cross-sectional dimensions to fit through each of the eyelets so that in the first fastening device of one of said ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Sports boot buckle with segmented rack

Номер: US20130104355A1
Принадлежит: K2 Corp

A lever and rack-type fastener assembly for sports footwear includes a lever assembly having a hooking member that is movably between an open position and a closed position for securing the footwear about the user's foot or ankle. A conformable segmented rack assembly is configured to engage the hook member. The segmented rack assembly includes a flexible cable, and a plurality of rack segments that is fixedly attached to the cable, wherein the cable provides a hinged joint between adjacent rack segments. Each of the rack segments includes a plurality of teeth. In some embodiments, an attachment plate clamps the rack members to the cable, in other embodiments, the rack members are formed with a crimpable channel for fixing the rack members to the cable.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117975A1
Принадлежит: Mr. Arthur Anthony Herrera

This invention is a shoelace retainer ring, ball, clamp, and/or shell device of any desired shape, material and color which is fitted onto a shoelace and permits the user to enjoy fast and secure tying of shoelaces and expedient unknotting. Thus, this invention: (1) enables adults and children to tie shoelaces in a manner that allows knot-free tied shoelaces through a knot-free enablement device and (2) enables adults to locate missing children and handicapped persons using the invention through an included GPS device. The invention can be built directly onto the shoelace or be a separate device that clamps onto the shoelace. Said device can be made from any appropriate material (such as high-quality plastics), and formed to any desired shape, color, and decorum, and allows for reflective qualities or to be lit for safety. Additionally, it can but does not necessarily require an included electronic GPS device. 1. A device and method to eliminate knotting for shoelace and apparel laces.2. The device of wherein said device is to be made of plastics claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , wood claim 1 , metal claim 1 , stone claim 1 , or any appropriate material.3. The device of wherein said device is to be made of desired color.4. The device of wherein said device is to be made of any desired shape.5. The device of wherein said device is to be hinged.6. The device of wherein said device is to be spring loaded.7. The device of wherein said device is to be unhinged with a hole for the lace.8. The device of wherein said device is to be reflective to enhance the wearer safety.9. The device of wherein said device is to be lit to enhance the shoe wearer safety.10. The device of wherein said device is to include electronic means to enable locating the shoe wearers.11. A reflective shoelace to enhance the shoe wearer safety.12. Said shoelace to include a built-in clasp to tie in one end of the lace to substitute for the retainer preventing the knotting. Priority is claimed by provisional ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152425A1
Автор: BOREL René
Принадлежит: SALOMON S.A.S.

An article of footwear, or shoe, including an outer sole assembly and an upper, the upper including a vamp extending lengthwise from a rear zone to a front zone, widthwise between a lateral portion and a medial portion, and heightwise from the outer sole assembly to an apex, the shoe including a first device for tightening a first subdivision of the vamp and a second device for tightening a second subdivision of the upper. For at least one of the first and second subdivisions, the tightening device includes a linkage extending from an anchoring point in relation to the upper to a blocking point in relation to the upper, the anchoring point being located in the area of the vamp, the blocking point being located in the area of the vamp. 1. An article of footwear comprising:an outer sole assembly;an upper extending above the outer sole assembly; a length extending a rear zone to a front zone;', 'a width extending between a lateral portion and a medial portion; and', 'a height extending from the outer sole assembly to an apex;, 'a vamp comprising, 'the upper comprisinga first tightening device structured and arranged to tighten a first subdivision of the vamp;a second tightening device structured and arranged to tighten a second subdivision of the vamp;at least one of the first and second tightening devices comprises a linkage extending from an anchoring point in relation to the upper to a blocking point in relation to the upper;the anchoring point located in an area of the vamp;the blocking point being located in an area of the vamp.2. An article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein:the first tightening device extends from the rear zone to the front zone, along a distance ranging between 40% and 90% of the length of the vamp.3. An article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein:the first tightening device comprises a first linkage;the anchoring point for anchoring the first linkage of the first tightening device to the upper comprises stitching.4. An article ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Supporting structure for foldable bottomless rainproof shoe cover

Номер: US20130167409A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a supporting element of a foldable bottomless rainproof shoe cover assembly. The shoe cover assembly includes a front sheet, a rear sheet, a supporting element, and combining pieces. The supporting element is continuously provided on a peripheral edge of the front sheet to substantially form an L-shaped loop. The rear sheet is provided with a notch to be combined with the front sheet. The combining pieces are provided on front and rear edges of the rear sheet respectively. Four bending points of the supporting element are provided with a wrapping portion respectively. By this arrangement, the supporting element helps the shoe cover assembly to cover the shoe of a user and makes the shoe cover assembly to be folded easily for better storage.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174327A1
Автор: Baum Asher

This invention relates, for example, to interchangeable items of design on footwear, and particularly sneakers, which are securely fastened to the sneaker with interlocking tongue-and-groove mechanisms or other fasteners, utilizing a positive snap-on placement or similar fixation. The present invention further comprises, for example, an online availability of selection and ordering of selectable ornamentation from a menu of colors, configurations and the like. 1. A wearable article comprising at least a portion thereof which is externally viewable when the article is worn , with at least two ornamental elements , each being configured to be separately removably attached to the wearable article at a same position of the externally viewable portion with attachment of any one of the at least two ornamental articles being removably attached to the article when all the others of the at least two ornamental articles are not attached to the wearable article at the same position of the externally viewable portion.2. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein an attached ornamental element is configured to be removably attached such that any attachment element between the wearable article and the ornamental element is covered and not externally visible whereby the ornamental element provides an appearance of being an original integral part of the wearable article.3. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein the attached ornamental element has a peripheral perimeter and is attached to the wearable article at a position of the ornamental element claim 1 , internal of the peripheral perimeter.4. The wearable article of claim 1 , wherein the wearable article is a shoe.5. The wearable article of claim 4 , wherein the shoe is an athletic shoe.6. The wearable article of claim 2 , wherein the wearable article is a shoe.7. The wearable article of claim 6 , wherein the shoe is an athletic shoe.8. The wearable article of claim 3 , wherein the wearable article is a shoe.9. The wearable ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180136A1
Автор: Leo Susan

A charm holder device for attaching charms to a shoe is shown and described. The charm holder device allows a charm to be selectively attached to and detached from the shoe. In certain examples, the charm holder device includes a substantially planar surface that is attached to the shoe and a decorative body projecting away from the substantially planar surface. A charm keeper is attached to the decorative body for attaching charms. In some of the described examples, the charm holder device is placed between the heel of the shoe and a ground-contacting portion of the shoe's sole such that the charm holder and the charm are spaced apart from the ground-contacting portion of the sole in a direction perpendicular to the ground-contacting portion of the sole. 1. A charm holder device for a shoe , comprising:a shoe attachment portion, comprising a substantially planar surface;a charm engaging portion, including a body connected to the shoe attachment portion and projecting in a direction away from the shoe attachment portion, and a charm keeper connected to the body such that the body is disposed between the shoe attachment portion and the charm keeper along a direction away from the substantially planar surface.2. The charm holder device of claim 1 , further comprising a shoe engaging portion claim 1 , wherein the shoe engaging portion is connected to the shoe attachment portion and to the body.3. The charm holder device of claim 1 , wherein the substantially planar surface is a substantially planar first surface having a shape selected from a circle claim 1 , a triangle claim 1 , and a square.4. The charm holder device of claim 1 , wherein the substantially planar surface has a surface area claim 1 , the shoe attachment portion has a perimeter and a thickness perpendicular to the substantially planar surface claim 1 , and the perimeter and thickness define a second surface area that is less than the surface area of the substantially planar surface.5. The charm holder ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130198937A1
Автор: Worth Kelli

A decorative boot warmer is presented. The boot warmer has a sleeve which transitions from a top end to a bottom end in the form of a tube. The boot warmer has a first cuff piece positioned adjacent the top end of the boot warmer, and a second cuff piece positioned adjacent the bottom end of the boot warmer. A decorative feature is connected to the boot warmer. When worn on a user's leg or calf, the boot warmer serves to keep a user's leg warm while also improving the aesthetic appearance. 1. A boot warmer comprising:a sleeve which transitions from a top end to a bottom end, wherein said sleeve is formed into a tube having an exterior surface and an interior surface;a first cuff piece having a top end and a bottom end connected to the sleeve, wherein said first cuff piece is formed into a tube having an exterior surface and an interior surface;wherein the boot warmer is positioned over a user's leg or calf area thereby improving its aesthetic appearance.2. The boot warmer of further comprising a second cuff piece connected to the sleeve.3. The boot warmer of wherein the first cuff piece is connected adjacent the top end of the boot warmer claim 1 , and the second cuff piece is connected adjacent the bottom end of the boot warmer.4. The boot warmer of wherein the boot warmer is reversible.5. The boot warmer of wherein a seam extends from the top end of the boot warmer to the bottom end or the boot warmer thereby connecting opposite edges of the boot warmer into the tube shape.6. The boot warmer of wherein a connecting device extends from the top end of the boot warmer to the bottom end or the boot warmer thereby removably connecting opposite edges of the boot warmer into the tube shape.7. The boot warmer of wherein the connecting device is selected from the group consisting of zippers claim 6 , Velcro® claim 6 , buttons claim 6 , and snaps.8. The boot warmer of wherein a drawstring is connected to the boot warmer claim 1 , which claim 1 , when in operation assists ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205618A1
Автор: Martigny Thierry

A tongue for a shoe is disclosed, especially a sports shoe, having at least one closure passage which is arranged on the outside of an upper region of the tongue when the shoe is in use, and a closure receiving pocket, which is arranged at the back of the closure passage towards a user. A shoe provided with such a tongue is also disclosed. 1. A tongue for a shoe , comprising:at least one closure passage which is arranged on an outside of an upper region of the tongue when the shoe is in use, anda closure receiving pocket, which is arranged at a back of the closure passage towards a user.2. A tongue according to claim 1 , wherein:the closure passage is in the form of a loop, through which at least one closure, comprising at least one tape or at least one shoelace, is guided.3. A tongue according to any claim 2 , wherein:the loop is elastic and is configured for receiving and/or holding a locking system for the closure.4. A tongue according to claim 3 , wherein:the loop has a cut-out for receiving and holding the locking system.5. A tongue according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': '10', 'the closure receiving pocket and/or the closure passage is integral with the tongue ().'}6. A shoe having a tongue according to .7. A tongue according to claim 3 , wherein the locking system comprises a clamping device.8. A tongue according to claim 4 , wherein the cut-out comprises a slot-like cut-out. The invention relates to a tongue for a shoe according to the preamble of patent claim and to a shoe according to the preamble of patent claim .A tongue is a generally known part of a shoe which closes the shoe at the front opposite a wearer's forefoot and instep. In some shoes, especially in sports shoes, the tongue additionally forms part of a closure system or lacing system, wherein a specific portion, usually a middle and/or upper portion, of the tongue is associated with a closure system or lacing system of the shoe. Such a lacing system, or tightening system, for a shoe is described, ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219747A1
Автор: Lederer Stefan

The invention relates to an air-permeable tongue for shoes () which adapts to an individual instep and can be connected to shoes, the tongue comprising the following: a flexible yet rigid tongue part (), which substantially represents the outwardly facing upper face of the tongue and which has an elongate tongue shape having a proximal end () and a distal end () and substantially consists of a rigid, solid material; and padding (), which is arranged beneath the rigid tongue part () toward a foot in order to protect the foot from pressure points by the rigid tongue part () after the shoe has been fastened; the rigid tongue part () being characterized in that an inner elongate slot (), and extending therefrom inner transverse slots (), are introduced into the tongue part substantially in the center along the longitudinal axis of the rigid tongue part (), whereby rigid segments, which in their interior are not interrupted by the elongate slot () or by transverse slots (), are produced between said elongate slots and transverse slots, and whereby narrowed and thus flexible material webs () are also produced at connecting points between the rigid segments, wherein, by means of said material webs, the rigid tongue part () can be deformed and adapt to the instep, and being further characterized in that the padding () has an inner elongate slot (), which is substantially congruent with the elongate slot () in the rigid tongue part (). 214114141. Air-permeable tongue for shoes according to claim 1 , the rigid tongue part () having lateral slits () with reference to the longitudinal axis of the rigid tongue part () on both outer sides so as to make the rigid tongue part () and therefore the tongue flexible at these sites claim 1 , preferably a lateral slit () being applied in the upper claim 1 , proximal third of the rigid tongue part () on the right and on the left and a lateral slit () being applied in the lower claim 1 , distal third of the rigid tongue part () on the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

LED illumination footwear

Номер: US20130239441A1
Автор: Johnson Chen
Принадлежит: Modit Footwear Corp

A sandal includes a footwear body, one affixing strap and an illumination arrangement. The footwear body has top surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of light cavities formed on the top surface of the footwear body. The affixing strap has a plurality of light admissible end portions and a body portion extended between the light admissible end portions, wherein the light admissible end portions are mounted in the light cavities respectively. The illumination arrangement is provided in the footwear body, and includes a plurality of illumination units mounted in the light cavities of the footwear body to generate illumination toward the light admissible end portions of the affixing strap respectively for illuminating the sandal in a predetermined illumination pattern.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Footwear binding system

Номер: US20130263473A1
Автор: Troy Eugene Young
Принадлежит: SKOOTZ LLC

A binding system for use with a shoe has an elastic strap. A ratchet block is coupled to an end of the strap with a through slot, a cantilever tab capable of pivoting with a tooth thereon. A rack is adjustably coupled to the ratchet block, and has an array of teeth extending into the through slot, and a keyhole. An anchor posts extends through the eyelet of the shoe and the keyhole.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269219A1

This disclosure relates to articles that include a tightening mechanism, such as reel-based lace tightening mechanism, configured to tighten the article by rotation of a knob. The articles can include a concealing portion that is configured to conceal or protect at least a portion of the tightening mechanism, such as the knob. The concealing portion can be configured to prevent unintentional actuation of the tightening mechanism, such as during contact sports. The concealing portion can be configured to hide the tightening mechanism from view to improve the visual appearance of the article. The concealing portion can be collapsible such that a user can press the concealing portion down to expose the knob of the tightening mechanism. 1. An article , comprising:a base material;a tightening mechanism coupled to the base material, the tightening mechanism comprising a rotatable knob, wherein rotation of the knob in a tightening direction tightens the article;a compressible material coupled with a body of the tightening mechanism, the compressible material being positioned under a top layer of the base material so as to provide a transition between the body of the tightening mechanism and the base material and to conceal edges of the body from view of a user; anda concealing portion extending upward from the base material and at least partially radially surrounding the tightening mechanism, wherein at least a portion of the rotatable knob is rearward of an outer surface of the concealing portion.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the compressible material comprises a foam material having a durometer of between about 10 and about 25 Shore A.3. The article of claim 1 , further comprising a relatively rigid mounting component coupled with the compressible material and the base material claim 1 , wherein the body of the tightening mechanism is coupled with the mounting component so as to limit distortion of the compressible material as the knob is rotated in a tightening ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277485A1

A lacing system configured to selectively adjust the size of an opening on an object and allow for the incremental release of the lace within the lacing system. The lacing system can have a reel comprising a housing, a spool supported by the housing, and a knob supported by the housing. The reel can be configured so that cable is gathered in the channel formed in the spool when the spool is rotated in a first direction relative to the housing, and so that cable can be incrementally released from the spool when the spool is rotated in a second direction relative to the housing. In some embodiments, the reel can include a rotation limiter which can be configured to prevent over-tightening of the lacing system and/or to prevent rotation past the substantially fully loosened state. 1. A tightening mechanism for use in a lacing system for a wearable article , the tightening mechanism comprising:a housing;a spool rotatable relative to the housing, the spool comprising a lace channel, the spool configured to gather lace into the lace channel when the spool is rotated;a stop cord configured to wrap around a stop cord channel when the spool is rotated, the stop cord having a length selected to impede over-rotation of the spool.2. The tightening mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the stop cord channel is formed between a bottom surface of the spool and the housing.3. The tightening mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a shaft extending through a central opening in the spool claim 1 , and wherein the stop cord channel is formed around the shaft such that the stop cord wraps around the shaft when the spool is rotated.4. The tightening mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the stop cord channel is formed as part of the spool.5. The tightening mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the spool is configured to gather lace into the lace channel when the spool is rotated in a first direction claim 1 , wherein the spool is configured to release lace from the lace channel when the spool ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Tongueless Footwear With A Canopy

Номер: US20130298426A1

A tongueless footwear includes a sole, a first side, an opposing second side, a canopy and a fastening system. The canopy is coupled to the first side and configured to extend over the second side thereby providing substantially direct support for the ankle and instep of a user. The fastening system is configured to securely fasten the canopy to the second side, and can include a toggle system with a cord, anchors and a cord tensioner 1. A tongueless footwear comprising:a sole;a first side and an opposing second side, and wherein both the first side and the second side are coupled to the sole;a canopy coupled to the first side, wherein the canopy is configured to extend over the second side thereby providing substantially direct support for ankle and instep, and wherein the canopy is further configured to be fastened to the second side; anda fastening system configured to securely fasten the canopy to the second side.2. The tongueless footwear of wherein the fastening system includes a hook and a corresponding latch.3. The tongueless footwear of wherein the latch is rigid.4. The tongueless footwear of wherein the latch is flexible.5. The tongueless footwear of wherein the fastening system includes an adjustable Velcro strap with a clip or an adjustable buckle.6. The tongueless footwear of wherein the fastening system is a toggle system having a cord and a plurality of anchors claim 1 , wherein each of the anchors is coupled to at least one of the canopy and the second side claim 1 , and wherein the cord is configured to be operatively coupled to the plurality of anchors thereby securing the footwear.7. The tongueless footwear of wherein the toggle system includes a tensioner.8. The tongueless footwear of wherein the tensioner includes a dial configured to control tension of the cord.9. The tongueless footwear of further comprising an expandable toe box.10. The tongueless footwear of further comprising an expandable heel counter. This non-provisional application ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Costume Style Shoe Body & Manufacturing Method Thereof

Номер: US20130318822A1
Автор: Wang Bo-Chun

The present invention discloses a costume style shoe body and a manufacturing method thereof, the costume style shoe body comprising a main body, an insole, and an outsole. The main body is formed by designing the shoe style and then making a new mold, and cutting the shoe material into a predetermined shape, wherein a main body sole is formed to be fully waterproof by machine sewing the insole and the outsole together, the shoe surface of the main body having a plurality of flaps around the main body and extended upward from the main body sole, wherein the plurality of flaps forms a container portion with an opening by machine sewing, the opening is disposed with a fastening portion having buckles designed with a costume style or a shoe lace of a selected color. 1. A method for manufacturing a costume style shoe body by forming a sole shape and a shoe surface of the shoe body in one piece and machine sewing the an insole , an outsole , and a shoe material together , comprising:{'b': '1', 'step : cutting the shoe material into a main body having a plurality of flaps around the main body;'}{'b': '2', 'step : fastening a main body sole with the insole and the outsole by machine sewing; and'}{'b': '3', 'step connecting the plurality of flaps by machine sewing the neighboring flaps with each other at the sides of the flaps to form the shoe surface having an opening.'}2. A costume style shoe body comprising a shoe body , the costume style shoe body comprising:an insole having a plurality of insole eaves extended from the perimeter thereof, wherein the plurality of insole eaves forms a angle with respect to the insole;a main body formed by cutting a shoe material in one piece, a main body sole is fastened with the insole and an outsole together by machine sewing, wherein the main body having a plurality of flaps around the perimeter of the main body; and 'wherein the plurality of outsole eaves forms a angle with respect to the outsole; wherein the plurality of flaps of ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318830A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article with a color change portion and a method of changing color is disclosed. The article includes at least one color change portion capable of changing colors. The color change portion can change colors according to one or more performance parameters. The article can be connected to a computer and the color change portion can be controlled using the computer. 1. A method of operating an article of footwear with a color change portion , comprising:receiving information related to a power source;determining whether the article of footwear is connected to one of an external power source or an internal power source based on the received information;wherein, upon determining that the power source is the external power source, operating the color change portion according to a high power mode;wherein, upon determining that the power source is the internal power source, operating the color change portion according to a low power mode; andapplying an electrical signal to an electrochromographic material associated with the color change portion according to one of the high power mode or the low power mode.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein operating the color change portion according to the low power mode comprises applying the electrical signal to the electrochromographic material to maintain a current color of the color change portion.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein operating the color change portion according to the high power mode comprises applying the electrical signal to the electrochromographic material to change at least one color associated with the color change portion.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein operating the color change portion according to the high power mode and the low power mode comprises applying the electrical signal to the electrochromographic material to change at least one color associated with the color change portion; andwherein the at least one color changes faster in the high power mode than in the low ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating Illuminable Strands

Номер: US20130333250A1

An article of footwear may include an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes at least one illuminable strand located to be visible from an exterior of the article of footwear. In some configurations, the upper includes a power source at least partially embedded within the upper and electrically-coupled to the illuminable strand. In another configuration, the upper includes a foundation layer and a cover layer that are secured to each other, and the illuminable strand is located between the foundation layer and the cover layer. 1. An article of footwear having an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper , the upper comprising:at least one illuminable strand located to be visible from an exterior of the article of footwear; anda power source at least partially embedded within the upper and electrically-coupled to the illuminable strand.2. The article of footwear recited in claim 1 , wherein the illuminable strand is an electroluminescent wire.3. The article of footwear recited in claim 1 , wherein the upper includes (a) a first layer that forms at least a portion of an exterior surface of the upper and (b) a second layer that is positioned inward of the first layer claim 1 , the illuminable strand being located between the first layer and the second layer.4. The article of footwear recited in claim 3 , wherein the first layer is formed from an at least partially transparent material.5. The article of footwear recited in claim 3 , wherein portions of the first layer that contact the illuminable strand protrude outward to form protrusions on the exterior surface of the upper.6. The article of footwear recited in claim 3 , wherein the illuminable strand lays adjacent to a surface of the second layer for a distance of at least five centimeters.7. The article of footwear recited in claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the illuminable strand extends between a lace region of the upper and a region where the sole structure is joined to ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020265A1

An image displaying device includes a background layer and a display layer. The display layer includes an inner surface and an outer surface. The inner surface is substantially smooth, and the outer surface includes a plurality of raised areas and recessed areas. The display layer has a first zone with a first thickness measured between the inner surface and a raised area and a second zone with a second thickness measured between the inner surface and a recessed area. The display layer also includes a coloring agent having a higher concentration in the first zone as compared to the second zone. The display layer has increased light transmissivity through the recessed areas and decreased light transmissivity through the raised areas such that a contrast of light transmissivity between the raised and recessed areas generates an image. 1. An image displaying device comprising:a background layer that is substantially opaque; anda display layer that is semi-transparent, the display layer including an inner surface facing the background layer, the display layer further including an outer surface facing away from the background layer, the inner surface being substantially smooth, the outer surface including a plurality of raised areas and a plurality of recessed areas that are arranged in predetermined positions corresponding to an image, the display layer having a first zone with a first thickness measured between the inner surface and one of the plurality of raised areas, the display layer also having a second zone with a second thickness measured between the inner surface and one of the plurality of recessed areas, the display layer also including a coloring agent, the coloring agent having a higher concentration in the first zone as compared to the second zone, the display layer having increased light transmissivity through the recessed areas and decreased light transmissivity through the raised areas such that a contrast of light transmissivity between the raised and ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Customized Advertising on Footwear

Номер: US20140025447A1

A system for advertising on footwear by displaying promotional content on an electronic display of the footwear and wherein the promotional content being displayed occupies 25% to 100% of the outer surface of the footwear. Additionally, the content can be displayed according to a plurality of conditions including time of day, rate of motion of the footwear and environmental lighting conditional around the footwear. 1. A system for advertising on footwear , comprising:displaying promotional content on an electronic display of the footwear; andwherein the promotional content being displayed occupies 25% to 100% of the outer surface of the footwear.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the promotional content creator comprises any one of the user of the footwear and a company whose logo is displayed.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the promotional content comprises a single promotion claim 1 , multiple promotions simultaneously claim 1 , multiple promotions sequentially claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the step of displaying the promotional content further comprises displaying the promotional content for free or for a fee.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the user of the footwear comprises an athlete claim 1 , a fashion show runway model claim 1 , a celebrity or any combination thereof.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic display is flexible and bends with the outer contour of the footwear.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electronic display is flexible and wraps around along a contour of the footwear.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the step of displaying the promotional further comprises displaying the promotional content according to at least one condition.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the at least one condition comprises a time of day claim 8 , a desired cyclical display rate claim 8 , one or more particular temperatures or range of temperatures claim 8 , the rate of motion of the footwear claim 8 , ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Automatic Lacing System

Номер: US20140026440A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear with an automatic lacing system is disclosed. The automatic lacing system provides a set of straps that can be automatically opened and closed to switch between a loosened and tightened position of the upper. The article further includes an automatic ankle cinching system that is configured to automatically adjust an ankle portion of the upper. 1. An automatic lacing system for an article of footwear , comprising:a sole including a cavity;a motor disposed in the cavity;the motor including a driveshaft;the driveshaft including at least one gear;at least one belt engaged with the at least one gear at an intermediate portion of the belt;a yoke member connected to the at least one belt at an attachment portion of the at least one belt;a plurality of straps attached to the yoke member, the plurality of straps being configured to adjust an upper of the article of footwear, wherein the plurality of straps are configured to automatically move between a dosed position and a loosened position in response to activating the motor; andat least one sensor configured to determine when the automatic lacing system should be controlled to activate the motor to move the plurality of straps between the dosed position and the loosened position.2. The automatic lacing system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises at least one of a weight sensor claim 1 , a light sensor claim 1 , an audio sensor claim 1 , or a heat sensor.3. The automatic lacing system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is a weight sensor; andwherein the weight sensor is located in a portion of the sole of the article of footwear.4. The automatic lacing system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is a weight sensor; andwherein the weight sensor is located in a sockliner disposed adjacent to the sole within an interior of the upper of the article of footwear.5. The automatic lacing system of claim 4 , wherein the weight sensor is disposed in a heel portion of the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033575A1
Автор: Cruikshank David
Принадлежит: EASTON SPORTS, INC.

A skate boot includes a tongue configured to reduce or relieve pressure on the superficial tendons of the anterior region of a skater's foot. The tongue has an outer portion, an inner portion, and one or more channels, grooves, or openings formed in the inner portion or outer portion. The one or more channels, grooves, or openings are positioned to overlie one or more of the superficial tendons in the anterior region of a skater's foot. 1. A tongue for a skate boot , comprising:an outer portion;an inner portion configured to rest against an anterior region of a skater's foot; andone or more channels in the outer portion, wherein the channels are positioned to overlie at least one superficial tendon in the anterior region of the skater's foot.2. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the inner portion has a continuous surface configured to rest against the skater's foot.3. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the outer portion includes a first channel and a second channel.4. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the first channel is positioned to overlie the extensor hallucis longus anterior tendon claim 3 , and the second channel is positioned to overlie the extensor digitorum longus tendon claim 3 , of the skater's foot.5. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the first channel has different dimensions than the second channel.6. The skate-boot tongue of wherein each of the one or more channels has a width of approximately 20 to 25 mm.7. The skate-boot tongue of wherein each of the one or more channels has a length of approximately 55 to 65 mm.8. The skate-boot tongue of wherein each of the one or more channels has a depth of approximately 10 to 15 mm.9. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the tongue includes an attachment portion configured for removable attachment of the tongue to a skate.10. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the attachment portion comprises an opening configured to receive a connector.11. The skate-boot tongue of wherein the tongue comprises a plurality of foam layers. ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Cable Tightening System For An Article of Footwear

Номер: US20140033576A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A tightening system for an article of footwear includes a cable disposed between an upper and a sole plate. The upper includes a flexible main body and an exoskeleton covering a portion of the flexible main body in an instep region. The cable is attached to the exoskeleton so that the exoskeleton is tightened to a wearer's foot when the cable length is effectively shortened and/or if the cable tension is increased. The instep region is devoid of the tightening system so that a smooth instep region is provided. 1. An article of footwear comprising:an upper having a throat opening configured to allow a foot to be inserted into the upper;the upper having a first layer and an exoskeleton, wherein the first layer defines an upper surface of the upper, and the exoskeleton is positioned on the first layer so that the exoskeleton covers at least a portion of an instep region of the article of footwear;a tightening system associated with the exoskeleton, the tightening system including a cable;a sole associated with the upper, said sole comprising at least one channel formed between the upper and the sole for receiving the cable;the cable disposed in the channel between the upper and the sole from a medial side to a lateral side;wherein the tightening system secures the exoskeleton to the sole.2. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the exoskeleton comprises extensions that descend towards an interface of the sole and the upper.3. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the sole comprises a sole plate claim 1 , and wherein the at least one channel is formed in an upper surface of the sole plate.4. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein a first portion of the exoskeleton extends to a toe region of the article of footwear claim 1 , a second portion of the exoskeleton extends to an interface of the sole and the upper on a medial side of the article of footwear claim 1 , and a third portion of the exoskeleton extends to the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Bicycle shoe

Номер: US20140041259A1
Автор: Kaoru OOUCHI
Принадлежит: Shimano Inc

A bicycle shoe includes a sole, a shoe upper portion, and a fixing strap. The shoe upper portion is coupled to the sole to form a foot receiving space. The shoe upper portion includes first and second attachment sections. The fixing strap has a proximal end attached to a part of the shoe upper portion. The fixing strap includes third and fourth attachment sections. The shoe upper portion and the fixing strap selectively maintain one of a first state in which the third attachment section of the fixing strap is releasably attached to the first attachment section of the shoe upper portion and a second state in which the fourth attachment section of the fixing strap is releasably attached to the second attachment section of the shoe upper portion. The foot receiving space is larger in the second state than in the first state.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Footwear Securing systems

Номер: US20140047739A1
Автор: Reginald Senegal
Принадлежит: Reginald Senegal

Devices for adjusting the fit of footwear, some examples including resilient laces operatively coupled to first retaining flaps of footwear, latching members including latches and lace receives sized to slidingly receive string portions of resilient laces and to restrict passage of retaining bodies of resilient laces, and latch couplers on second retaining flaps of footwear and configured to releasingly couple with lace couplers. In some examples, coupling latches to latch couplers tensions resilient laces and pulls first retaining flaps toward second retaining flaps. Some examples include first resilient laces and second resilient laces. Some examples including first resilient laces and second resilient laces include latching members including a first lace receiver sized to receive string portions of first resilient laces and second lace receivers sized to receive string portions of second resilient laces. Some examples are configured for adjusting the fit of apparel items defining eyelets.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053431A1

An adornment for application to an article of footwear includes a decorative element sized and shaped for conforming application about the quarter of a shoe and two or more fasteners operably affixed to the decorative element and adapted to removably affix the decorative element directly to the quarter of the shoe. The decorative element may be formed as a decorative panel, a decorative construct, a decorative strip or the like. In the case of a panel or construct, clips or clasps are used for engaging the cuff about the throat of the shoe. In the case of a decorative strip, a novel use of magnetic fasteners is disclosed. 1. An adornment for application to an article of footwear , said adornment comprising:a decorative element, said decorative element being sized and shaped for conforming application about the quarter of a shoe;a plurality of clasps operably affixed to said decorative element, each said clasp being adapted to removably affix said decorative element directly to said quarter of said shoe.2. The adornment as recited in claim 1 , wherein each said clasp is adapted to engage a cuff about the throat of said shoe.3. The adornment as recited in claim 1 , wherein:said decorative element comprises a panel sized and shaped to substantially overlay the nose of the quarter of said shoe; andeach said clasp is affixed to a back face of said panel.4. The adornment as recited in claim 3 , wherein said panel comprises decorative outer face.5. The adornment as recited in claim 1 , wherein:said decorative element comprises a decorative construct; andeach said clasp is affixed to a bottom side of said decorative construct.6. The adornment as recited in claim 5 , wherein said decorative construct is sized and shaped to substantially overlay the nose of each quarter and the vamp of said shoe.7. The adornment as recited in claim 5 , wherein:said decorative construct comprises a plurality of individual ornaments, said ornaments being interconnected by a flexible element; ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Motorized Tensioning System

Номер: US20140068838A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A tensioning system for articles of footwear and articles of apparel is disclosed. The tensioning system includes a tensioning member that is tightened or loosened using a motorized tensioning device for winding and unwinding the tensioning member on a spool. The motorized tensioning device includes a torque transmitting system that allows for incremental tightening, incremental loosening and full loosening of the tensioning member. 1. A motorized tensioning device for adjusting a tensioning member in an article , comprising:a motor and a gear reduction system, wherein the motor drives the gear reduction system;a spool connected to the gear reduction system and configured to wind the tensioning member, wherein the spool rotates in a first rotational direction to tighten the tensioning member and wherein the spool rotates in a second rotational direction opposite the first rotational direction to loosen the tensioning member;a torque transmitting system cooperating with the spool, wherein the torque transmitting system substantially prevents the spool from driving the motor; andwherein the torque transmitting system is configured to transmit torque from a gear of the gear reduction system to the spool.2. The motorized tensioning device according to claim 1 , wherein the motorized tensioning device operates in an incremental loosen mode where tension in the tensioning member is reduced by an incremental amount and wherein the motorized tensioning device operates in a fully loosen mode where tension in the tensioning member is fully released.3. The motorized tensioning device according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the torque transmitting system is disposed between the gear reduction system and the spool.4. The motorized tensioning device according to claim 1 , wherein the spool rotates in the first rotational direction as the torque transmitting system transmits torque from the gear reduction system to the spool.5. The motorized tensioning device ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating An Illuminable Panel

Номер: US20140068974A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear may have an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes an illuminable panel and a plurality of strands positioned to extend adjacent and parallel to the illuminable panel. The illuminable panel has a surface with a covered area and an exposed area. The covered area includes a substantially opaque covering, and the exposed area is at least partially visible from the exterior of the footwear. The strands are located to correspond with the exposed area of the illuminable panel. Light from the exposed area of the illuminable panel may enhance, highlight, or otherwise increase the visibility of the strands or areas of the upper that include the strands. 120-. (canceled)21. An article of footwear having an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper , the upper comprising:an illuminating panel that emits light, the illuminating panel having a first surface and an opposite second surface, the first surface being oriented to face toward an exterior of the footwear, and the second surface being oriented to face toward an interior of the footwear, the first surface having a covered area and an exposed area, the covered area including a substantially opaque covering disposed on the first surface of the illuminating panel and blocking light emitted by the illuminating panel, and the exposed area being at least partially visible from the exterior of the footwear; anda plurality of strands positioned to extend adjacent and parallel to the illuminating panel, the strands being located to correspond with the exposed area of the illuminating panel;wherein at least a portion of the illuminating panel is removed, forming one or more apertures extending through the illuminating panel.22. The article of footwear recited in claim 21 , wherein the one or more apertures are located separate from the exposed area.23. The article of footwear recited in claim 21 , wherein the exposed area includes a plurality of elongate linear portions.24. ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Motorized Tensioning System with Sensors

Номер: US20140070042A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A tensioning system for articles of footwear and articles of apparel is disclosed. The tensioning system includes a tensioning member that is tightened or loosened using a motorized tensioning device for winding and unwinding the tensioning member on a spool. The tensioning system may be used with various sensors to determine how the motorized tensioning device should be controlled. 1. A method of operating a motorized tensioning device in an article of footwear , comprising:sensing information related to a user set tension of a tensioning member used to fasten the article of footwear;sensing a current tension of the tensioning member;determining if the current tension is less than the user set tension; andautomatically controlling the motorized tensioning device to increase the tension of the tensioning member to achieve the user set tension when the current tension is less than the user set tension.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method includes controlling the motorized tensioning device to stop tensioning the tensioning member when the current tension is substantially equal to the user set tension.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising monitoring tension for a predetermined interval of time following the step of controlling the motorized tensioning device to stop tensioning the tensioning member.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein increasing the tension of the tensioning member includes winding the tensioning member around a spool using a motor.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the tension is increased incrementally.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the motorized tensioning device is controlled to release tension of the tensioning member when the current tension is greater than the user set tension.7. An article of footwear claim 1 , comprising:a tensioning member;a motorized tensioning device for controlling the tension of the tensioning member;at least one sensor for receiving information related ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating An Illuminable Panel

Номер: US20140075785A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An article of footwear may have an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes an illuminable panel and a plurality of strands positioned to extend adjacent and parallel to the illuminable panel. The illuminable panel has a surface with a covered area and an exposed area. The covered area includes a substantially opaque covering, and the exposed area is at least partially visible from the exterior of the footwear. The strands are located to correspond with the exposed area of the illuminable panel. Light from the exposed area of the illuminable panel may enhance, highlight, or otherwise increase the visibility of the strands or areas of the upper that include the strands.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Footwear Having Removable Motorized Adjustment System

Номер: US20140082963A1
Автор: Beers Tiffany
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear may include a motorized tensioning system. The tensioning system may include a tensile member and a motorized tightening device configured to apply tension in the tensile member to adjust the size of an internal void defined by the article of footwear. The tensioning system may further include a power source configured to supply power to the motorized tightening device. The tensile member, the motorized tightening device, and the power source may be configured to be removably attached to the article of footwear. 1. An article of footwear including a motorized tensioning system , comprising:a tensile member;a motorized tightening device configured to apply tension in the tensile member to adjust the size of an internal void defined by the article of footwear; anda power source configured to supply power to the motorized tightening device;wherein the tensile member, the motorized tightening device, and the power source are configured to be removably attached to the article of footwear.2. The article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the motorized tensioning system further includes a control unit and a housing configured to house the tensile member claim 1 , the motorized tightening device claim 1 , the power source and the control unit claim 1 , and wherein the housing is configured to be removably attached to the article of footwear.3. The article of footwear of claim 2 , wherein the housing is configured to be removably attached to a heel portion of the article of footwear.4. The article of footwear of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , when the housing is attached to the heel portion of the article of footwear claim 3 , the motorized tightening device is disposed in a rearmost portion of the article of footwear.5. The article of footwear of claim 3 , wherein the housing is configured to wrap at least partially around a medial side and a lateral side of the heel portion of the article of footwear.6. The article of footwear of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000186A1
Принадлежит: Microjet Technology Co., Ltd.

A pressure fixing device applied to a shoe is disclosed. The pressure fixing device includes an inflatable shoe tongue, a first air pump and a control module. The control module drives the air to flow out of the inflatable shoe tongue according to a second enabling signal so that the inflatable shoe tongue tends to shrunk and moves toward the wear space to attach to a user's instep. The control module drives the first air pump to pump the air flowing into the inflatable shoe tongue according to a first enabling signal, so that the inflatable shoe tongue tends to expand due to the air inflated and moves away from the wear space to enlarge the opening, by which the user can wear or take off the shoe easily. 1. A pressure fixing device applied to a shoe , wherein the shoe comprises a shoe body and a bottom part , the shoe body comprises plural eyelets and the bottom part is connected to the shoe body to define a wear space collaboratively , the pressure fixing device comprising:an inflatable shoe tongue connected with the shoe body, wherein the inflatable shoe tongue is an inflatable and expandable structure with an air, an opening is collaboratively defined by the inflatable shoe tongue and the shoe body, and the opening is in communication with the wear space;a first air pump in communication with the inflatable shoe tongue; anda control module electrically connected to the first air pump;wherein the control module drives the air flowing out of the inflatable shoe tongue according to a second enabling signal, so that the inflatable shoe tongue shrinks in a first direction toward the wear space to attach to an user's instep, and the control module drives the first air pump to pump the air flowing into the inflatable shoe tongue according to a first enabling signal, so that the inflatable shoe tongue expands and bulges in a second direction away from the wear space to enlarge the opening.2. The pressure fixing device according to claim 1 , wherein the inflatable shoe ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000189A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc.

This disclosure relates to articles that include a tightening mechanism, such as reel-based lace tightening mechanism, configured to tighten the article by rotation of a knob. The articles can include a concealing portion that is configured to conceal or protect at least a portion of the tightening mechanism, such as the knob. The concealing portion can be configured to prevent unintentional actuation of the tightening mechanism, such as during contact sports. The concealing portion can be configured to hide the tightening mechanism from view to improve the visual appearance of the article. The concealing portion can be collapsible such that a user can press the concealing portion down to expose the knob of the tightening mechanism. 1. A reel based device for use in a lacing system , the reel based device comprising:a housing;a plurality of teeth;a spool rotatably positioned within the housing, the spool being rotatable in a tightening direction to wind a tension member about the spool and thereby tighten the lacing system and the spool being rotatable in a loosening direction to unwind the tension member from about the spool and thereby loosen the lacing system;a knob supported by the housing, the knob being rotatable with respect to the housing, the knob being coupled to the spool such that a rotation of the knob in the tightening direction causes the spool to also rotate in the tightening direction; anda knob core that is separate from the knob and removably couplable thereto, the knob core including one or more pawls, in which at least one of the one or more pawls includes a pawl beam and a pawl spring integrally formed with the pawl beam, the pawl beam being movable between a first position and a second position and the pawl spring being configured to bias the pawl beam toward the first position; in the first position, a distal end of the pawl beam engages with the teeth to prevent the spool from rotating in the loosening direction when a loosening force is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000178A1
Принадлежит: FAST IP, LLC

A rapid-entry shoe includes an actuator arm, having a pivot point, and a closure system. Movement of the actuator arm from an uncollapsed position to a collapsed position opens the closure system and movement of the actuator arm from the collapsed position to the uncollapsed position closes the closure system, according to various embodiments. 1. A rapid-entry shoe comprising:an actuator arm comprising a pivot point; anda closure system coupled to the actuator arm;wherein movement of the actuator arm from an uncollapsed position to a collapsed position opens the closure system, and wherein movement of the actuator arm from the collapsed position to the uncollapsed position closes the closure system.2. The rapid-entry shoe of claim 1 , wherein the actuator arm comprises a rear segment and a forward segment claim 1 , wherein the pivot point is disposed between the rear segment and the forward segment and the closure system is coupled to the forward segment of the actuator arm.3. The rapid-entry shoe of claim 2 , wherein movement of the actuator arm from the uncollapsed position to the collapsed position comprises downward rotational movement of the rear segment and upward rotational movement of the forward segment claim 2 , and wherein movement of the actuator arm from the collapsed position to the uncollapsed position comprises upward rotational movement of the rear segment and downward rotational movement of the forward segment.4. The rapid-entry shoe of claim 2 , wherein a coupling point between the forward segment of the actuator arm and the closure system enables relative rotation of the actuator arm and the closure system.5. The rapid-entry shoe of claim 4 , wherein in the uncollapsed position the coupling point is closer to a footbed of the rapid-entry shoe than the pivot point claim 4 , and wherein in the collapsed position the coupling point is farther above the footbed than the pivot point.6. The rapid-entry shoe of claim 4 , further comprising a bend axis ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000179A1

A tensioning system for articles of footwear and articles of apparel is disclosed. The tensioning system includes a tensioning member that is tightened or loosened using a motorized tensioning device for winding and unwinding the tensioning member on a spool. The motorized tensioning device includes a torque transmitting system that allows for incremental tightening, incremental loosening and full loosening of the tensioning member. 1. An article of footwear , comprising:an upper;a sole structure attached to the upper, the sole structure having a midfoot region;a motorized tensioning device fixedly attached to the midfoot region;the motorized tensioning device including a motor assembly coupled to a shaft member by a gear reduction system;wherein the gear reduction system includes a first gear member intermeshed with a second clear member;wherein the motor assembly actuates the gear reduction system when the motorized tensioning device is activatedwherein the gear reduction system enables the first gear to transfer motion to the second gear in a first rotational direction when the motorized tensioning device is activated; andwherein the gear reduction system prevents the second gear from transferring motion to the first gear.2. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the first gear member and the second gear member comprise a worm drive.3. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft member has a first end portion claim 1 , a center portion claim 1 , and a second end portion claim 1 , wherein the first reel member is concentrically mounted at the first end portion claim 1 , wherein the second reel member is concentrically mounted at the second end portion claim 1 , and wherein the first gear and the second gear are positioned at the center portion.4. The article of footwear according to claim 3 , wherein the motorized tensioning device includes a first lace member secured to the first reel member claim 3 , and a second lace member ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Vibrating footwear device and entertainment system for use therewith

Номер: US20180000190A1
Автор: Brock Maxwell SEILER
Принадлежит: Sonicsensory Inc

Methods of enhancing a sensory experience to simulate a live event are provided. One includes providing an audible signal representing sound information; generating a vibration signal based on the audible signal and enhanced information that would be present at the live event; and providing the vibration signal to at least one vibration device for stimulating nerve receptors in a foot area, the vibration signal synchronized with the audible signal to produce a perception in the brain of being present at the live event. Another method includes generating a vibration signal representing vibrations including tactile vibrations for stimulating nerve receptors in a foot to simulate being present at a live event, and vibrations based on reproduced sound information; and providing the signal to at least one vibration device for delivering the vibrations to the feet, the tactile vibrations based on enhanced information different from the sound information and including non-audible elements.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Sports Shoe

Номер: US20170000210A1
Автор: Bigolin Barbara

The present invention relates to a shoe including a sole as well as an upper that rises up from the sole, the upper including at least two portions that are at least partially mutually displaceable with respect to each other, thereby adjusting the housing size or volume (RZ) for a foot in the shoe, as well as tightening-release means of the mutually displaceable portions, the shoe also including control means of the tightening-release means operable or arranged at the back or at the heel of the shoe. 1. A shoe comprising a sole as well as an upper that rises up from said sole , said upper comprising at least two portions at least partially mutually displaceable with respect to each other , thereby adjusting the housing size or volume (RZ) for a foot in said shoe , as well as tightening-release means of said mutually displaceable portions , further comprising control means of said tightening-release means operable or arranged at the back or at the heel of said shoe , said control means including at least one first approach-move apart component for approaching-moving apart said mutually displaceable portions along a longitudinal direction , and at least one second approach-move apart component for approaching-moving apart one of said mutually displaceable portions with respect to other along a vertical , in use , direction.2. The shoe according to claim 1 , wherein said first approach-move apart component is intended to cause said tightening-release means to tighten-release said mutually displaceable portions along a longitudinal direction claim 1 , while said at least one second approach-move apart component is intended to control said tightening-release means to vertically mutually tighten-release said mutually displaceable portions.3. The shoe according to claim 1 , wherein said tightening-release means comprise at least one cable element having a first end fixed to one of said mutually displaceable portions and a second end adjustably engageable with the other of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear With Adjustable Stiffness

Номер: US20170000217A1

An article of footwear with adjustable stiffness is provided. The article of footwear in the form of a snowboard boot is provided with adjustable tensioning systems that are disposed on either side of an inner liner of the snowboard boot. The adjustable tensioning system includes a comb body structure having flex portions made of a plurality of extending fingers with a flexibility that can be controlled by the adjustable tensioning system. Depending on the level of tension applied by the tensioning system, or lack thereof, a range of flex profiles having varying amounts of stiffness are available to the wearer to adjust the overall stiffness of the snowboard boot. 1. An adjustable tensioning system for an article of footwear comprising:a tension control device;a tensioning element, the tensioning element having a first end that is attached to the tension control device;a body structure, the body structure including an interior channel disposed along a longitudinal direction of the body structure;wherein the tensioning element is disposed through the interior channel in the body structure and is attached to an anchor at a second end of the tensioning element; andwherein the body structure is disposed along at least one of a medial side and a lateral side of the article of footwear.2. The adjustable tensioning system according to claim 1 , wherein the body structure comprises a comb body structure including a plurality of extending finger members.3. The adjustable tensioning system according to claim 2 , wherein the interior channel extends through the plurality of extending finger members.4. The adjustable tensioning system according to claim 2 , wherein the comb body structure includes a first flex portion comprising a first set of extending finger members.5. The adjustable tensioning system according to claim 4 , wherein the comb body structure further includes a second flex portion comprising a second set of extending finger members.6. The adjustable tensioning ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015496A1

An article of footwear includes a motorized tensioning system, sensors, and a gesture control system. Based on information received from one or more sensors the gesture control system may detect a prompting gesture and enters an armed mode for receiving further instructions. In the armed mode the system may detect a variety of different control gestures that correspond to different tensioning commands. 1. (canceled)2. A method for controlling a tensioning device used for tightening a lace laced through apertures of an upper of a first article of footwear of a pair of articles of footwear , each article of footwear of the pair of articles of footwear including a plurality of sensors including: a contact sensor positioned proximate an internal void of the article of footwear configured to admit a foot of a wearer , the contact sensor configured to detect force originating from the foot of the wearer; a gyroscope; and an accelerometer , the method comprising:receiving, with a control unit of the first article of footwear, information from at least one of the plurality of sensors of the first article of footwear;entering, with the control unit, an enabled mode when the information from the at least one of the plurality of sensors corresponds to a prompting gesture indicative of a presence of the foot in the article of footwear;while in the enabled mode, receiving information from the plurality of sensors of one or both of the pair of articles of footwear; andcontrolling, with a control unit of the first article of footwear, the tensioning device of the first article of footwear in response to detection, from the information from at least one of the plurality of sensors of either of the articles of footwear of the pair of articles of footwear being indicative of a double tap gesture by a second article of footwear of the pair of articles of footwear against the first article of footwear, wherein the tensioning device includes a reel member and a motor, the tensioning ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Protective wear closure system

Номер: US20220015498A1
Автор: Erik Gunnar Olsson
Принадлежит: Leatt Corp

An article of protective wear such as a boot (10) includes a flexible shell (14) with an opening (16) extending between two parts (20, 22) of the shell that (14) can move relative to each other to open or close the opening (16). The boot (10) has one or more releasable closure elements (24) for holding the first and second parts (20, 22) closed and a mechanical tightening mechanism (28, 30) that allows tightening of the first and second parts (20, 22), but resists separation between them. The boot (10) also includes a one-way hook-and-loop fastening system (38, 40) attached to the first and second parts (20, 22) that is configured to resist relative sliding between the first and second parts (20, 22) to a looser condition, but to allow relative sliding between the first and second parts (20, 22) to a tighter condition.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Securement Strap For A Sandal

Номер: US20160007673A1
Принадлежит: Luna Sandals LLC

A sandal including a sole having a front region and a back region and an interior side and an exterior side, that includes a first opening located in said front region, a second opening in or near said back region at said interior side and a third opening in or near said back region at said exterior side, and a strap, which includes a plurality of sections, having a first end and a second end and wherein said first end is threaded upwardly through said front opening, through said second opening and looped around said back region, and through said third opening, thereby defining a heel region between said second opening and said third opening.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007688A1

A strapping system for a split sole ballet shoe having an elastic arch includes at least one elongated strap having first and second ends connected with the shoe upper on opposite sides of the upper. At least one strap end is removably connected with the upper via a fastening assembly including a fastener. A plurality of connectors is provided in longitudinally spaced relation on the upper so that the strap fastener may be connected with a selected connector to adjust the strap and comfortably retain the shoe on the foot of the wearer. 1. A shoe strapping system , comprising(a) a ballet shoe having a longitudinal axis and including a flexible upper, spaced sole portions, and an elastic arch section connected with said upper and extending between said sole portions;(b) at least one elongated strap having first and second ends connected with said shoe upper at opposite side portions thereof; (1) a plurality of connectors arranged in spaced relation on the shoe upper; and', '(2) a fastener connected with said strap adjacent to said strap one end, said fastener being removably connected with a selected connector to adjust the strap and accommodate the elasticity of said arch section to comfortably retain the shoe on the foot of the wearer., '(c) a fastening assembly for removably connecting at least one of said strap ends with the shoe upper, said fastening assembly including'}2. A shoe strapping system as defined in claim 1 , wherein said strap is formed of an elastic material.3. A shoe strapping system as defined in claim 1 , wherein said strap has an adjustable length.4. A shoe strapping system as defined in claim 1 , wherein said connectors comprise a plurality of recesses.5. A shoe strapping system as defined in claim 4 , wherein said recesses comprise through openings.6. A shoe strapping system as defined in claim 5 , wherein said fastener comprises a button which passes through one of said through openings and is retained in the shoe upper.7. A shoe strapping ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007436A1
Автор: BAE Myung Su

An apparatus for relieving toe pain for sandals according to an embodiment of the present disclosure is formed on a top of a sole of a sandal, and includes a first unit formed on an upper surface of a sole of a sandal to surround an outer circumferential surface of a fixing rod arranged between a big toe and a second toe; a second unit formed on one side of the first unit in an up-down direction and forming a cutting open section for detachably coupling the first unit to the fixing rod; and a third unit formed on outer surfaces of the first unit and the second unit and reducing frictional resistance contacted between the big toe and the second toe. The apparatus may relieve or alleviate pain and fatigue in toes even when one wears them for a long time. 1. An apparatus for relieving toe pain for sandals , comprising:a first unit formed on an upper surface of a sole of a sandal to surround an outer circumferential surface of a fixing rod arranged between a big toe and a second toe;a second unit formed on one side of the first unit in an up-down direction and forming a cutting open section for detachably coupling the first unit to the fixing rod; anda third unit formed on outer surfaces of the first unit and the second unit and reducing frictional resistance contacted between the big toe and the second toe.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first unit has a length corresponding to a distance from the sole to an upper end of the fixing rod claim 1 , and comprises a saddle-shaped contact support body having an arc-shaped cross section surrounding a portion of the outer circumferential surface of the fixing rod claim 1 ,wherein the second unit is formed extending from both ends of the contact support body, andwherein the third unit is formed on an inner surface and an outer surface of the contact support body.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second unit comprises:a first clamp piece extending from one end of the first unit surrounding a portion of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008236A1
Автор: HA Gi Ho, HA Min Woo
Принадлежит: SHINKYUNG INC.

A wire tightening apparatus including: a base body part; a reel part rotatably installed inside the base body part to selectively wind a wire thereon when rotated; a housing part including a ratchet-type gear, a partition plate protruding radially inward along a lower portion of the ratchet-type gear, and a vertical movement hole; a vertically moving gear part including a gear body part configured to be vertically moved along the vertical movement hole and having a seating step, an elastic blade part coupled to the ratchet-type gear so that one-way rotation thereof is restricted, and a vertical movement fixing extension part selectively elastically supported by upper and lower surfaces of an edge of the vertical movement hole; and a cover part coupled to an upper portion of the vertically moving gear part to be integrally vertically moved and rotated therewith. 1. A wire tightening apparatus comprising:a base body part provided with an accommodation barrier part at an upper surface portion thereof;a reel part rotatably installed inside the accommodation barrier part to selectively wind a wire thereon when rotated;a housing part comprising: a fastening barrier part having a lower end portion coupled to the accommodation barrier part and provided, at an upper end portion of an inner circumference thereof, with a ratchet-type gear protruding therefrom; and a partition plate protruding radially inward along a lower portion of the ratchet-type gear so that an upper end of the reel part is restricted, and having a vertical movement hole in a central portion thereof;a vertically moving gear part comprising: a gear body part configured to be vertically moved along the vertical movement hole, coupled to the reel part when moved downward to be integrally rotated therewith, and having a seating step protruding from an outer circumference thereof; an elastic blade part provided at an outer circumference of the seating step and coupled to the ratchet-type gear so that one-way ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Foot Guard

Номер: US20220022591A1
Автор: Coppola Nicholas Paul

A foot guard that provides shock absorption on a metatarsal region of a shoe, such as a cleat, or a foot is disclosed. 1. A foot guard and shoe assembly , comprising:a shoe having lower side having a front portion and a rear portion and a metatarsal region, and a pocket body defining a pocket,', 'an impact pad positioned in the pocket, and', 'at least one band attached to the pocket body defining a first opening receiving the rear portion of the lower side of the shoe and a second opening receiving the front portion of the lower side of the shoe to secure the impact pad on the metatarsal region of the shoe., 'a foot guard including'}2. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one band is elastic.3. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pocket body includes an opening sized to receive the impact pad claim 1 , the opening has an open state allowing insertion of the impact pad into the pocket body and a closed state blocking removal of the impact pad from the pocket body4. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one band includes a second band positioned over a calf of a user wearing the shoe.5. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pad is keystone-shaped.6. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 5 , wherein the pad is curved along a length of the keystone shape.7. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the impact pad is removable from the pocket.8. The foot guard and shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one band includes a first band having a first end permanently coupled to the pocket body claim 1 , a middle portion claim 1 , and a second end removably coupled to at least one of the pocket body and the middle portion.9. A foot guard and shoe assembly claim 1 , comprising:a shoe having a metatarsal region, and a primary impact pad positioned over the metatarsal region of the shoe, at least one band attaching the impact pad to the shoe, and', 'at ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022607A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc.

A lace tensioning device includes a housing component having an interior region, a first aperture, and a second aperture, and a spool component that is rotatably positionable within the interior region of the housing component. The spool component has a central cylindrical member and a lumen that extends through the central cylindrical portion. The spool component is rotatable within the interior region of the housing component to align one end of the lumen with the first aperture and to align an opposite end of the lumen with the second aperture to enable a lace to be inserted through the first aperture, the lumen, and the second aperture so that opposing ends of the lace are positioned exterior to the housing component. A knot may then be tied in the lace and the lace retracted to couple the lace with the housing component and spool component. 1. A reel based closure device for tightening an article comprising:a housing having an interior region;a spool rotatably positioned within the interior region of the housing, the spool being configured so that a tension member is windable about the spool to tighten the article;a pawl component operably coupled with the spool to allow the spool to rotate in a first direction within the housing's interior region while preventing rotation of the spool in a second direction;a knob rotatably coupled with the housing and operably coupled with the spool such that a rotation of the knob causes the spool to rotate within the housing's interior region in the first direction to wind the tension member about the spool; anda central boss that protrudes axially into the interior region of the housing, through an aperture of the spool, and through an aperture of the pawl component such that the spool is rotatable relative to the central boss.2. The reel based closure device of claim 1 , wherein the central boss extends axially downward from a lower surface of the knob.3. The reel based closure device of claim 2 , wherein the central boss ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Reel based closure system

Номер: US20200008533A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc

Disclosed is a closure system used in combination in any of a variety of applications including clothing, for example as a footwear lacing system comprising a lace attached to a tightening mechanism. The lace extends through a series of guide members positioned along two opposing footwear closure portions. The lace and guides preferably have low friction surfaces to facilitate sliding of the lace along the guide members so that the lace evenly distributes tension across the footwear member. The tightening mechanism allows incremental adjustment of the tension of the lace. The closure system allows a user to quickly loosen the lace and inhibits unintentional and/or accidental loosing of the lace.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Methods and devices for retrofitting footwear to include a reel based closure system

Номер: US20200008534A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc

According to one embodiment, a removable tightening device is described. The tensioning mechanism is removably coupleable with an article without damaging the article so that upon removal, the coupling of the tensioning mechanism with the article is unrecognizable or not readily detectable. The tensioning mechanism is operable with a tension member to maintain a tension of the tension member and thereby maintain a tightness of the article. The tension member is guided along a path about the article, via one or more guide members, and is tensionable, via the tensioning mechanism, to tighten the article.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Article With Closed Instep Portion Having Variable Volume

Номер: US20150013184A1
Автор: Beers Tiffany A.

An article of footwear includes an intermediate covering portion with an adjustable volume. The intermediate covering portion is closed around the instep of the foot. The article also includes a tensioning system that can be used to change the volume of the intermediate covering portion. 1. An article of footwear , comprising:an upper having a toe covering portion and an entry hole for receiving a foot;an intermediate covering portion disposed between the toe covering portion and the entry hole, wherein the intermediate covering portion is closed around the instep of the foot and wherein the volume of the intermediate covering portion is variable;at least one tensioning member extending through the intermediate covering portion; andwherein increasing the tension of the tensioning member substantially decreases the volume of the intermediate covering portion.2. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate covering portion portion includes a plurality of channels that can expand and contract in size.3. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels are approximately oriented in a longitudinal direction claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal direction is a direction extending from a heel portion of the article of footwear to a forefoot portion of the article of footwear.4. The article of footwear according to claim 3 , wherein the plurality of channels are configured to expand and contract in a direction approximately perpendicular to the longitudinal direction.5. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the article includes three tensioning members that extend through the intermediate covering portion.6. The article of footwear according to claim 5 , wherein the three tensioning members extend radially outwardly from an aperture of the article of footwear.7. An article of footwear claim 5 , comprising:an upper having a toe covering portion and an entry hole for receiving a foot;an intermediate ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Articles Of Footwear With Tensile Strand Elements

Номер: US20150013192A1

An upper for an article of footwear may have material layers and a plurality of strand segments. The material layers are located adjacent to each other and in an overlapping configuration, and the material layers are located in a lace region and a lower region of the upper. The strand segments extend from the lace region to the lower region. The strand segments may be located and secured between the material layers in the lace region and the lower region. The strand segments may form both an exterior surface of the upper and an opposite interior surface of the upper in an area between the lace region and the lower region. The material layers may define an opening between the lace region and the lower region, and the strand segments extend across the opening. 1. An article of footwear having an upper and a sole structure secured together , the upper comprising:a plurality of material layers located in at least (a) a lace region that is spaced from the sole structure and (b) a lower region that is proximal to an area where the sole structure is secured to the upper;the plurality of material layers forming an opening located in an area between the lace region and the lower region;at least one strand that extends repeatedly between the lace region and the lower region to form a plurality of loops in the lace region, the at least one strand being secured to the material layers in the lace region and the lower region, and multiple segments of the at least one strand being unsecured to the material layers for a distance of at least four centimeters across the opening in the area between the lace region and the lower region.2. The article of footwear recited in claim 1 , wherein the opening extends from an ankle opening in a heel region of the upper to at least a midfoot region of the upper.3. The article of footwear recited in claim 2 , wherein the opening extends to at least a portion of a forefoot region of the upper.4. The article of footwear recited in claim 2 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Footwear Protectors and Related Methods

Номер: US20220031009A1
Автор: Turnblom Jacob Scott

A footwear protector includes an elastic layer, an abrasion-resistant layer coupled with the elastic layer, at least one fastener layers coupled with the elastic layer, and a coupler coupled with at least one of the layers and configured to couple with a portion of footwear. 1an elastic layer;an abrasion-resistant layer coupled with the elastic layer;a plurality of fastener layers coupled with the elastic layer; anda coupler coupled with at least one of the layers and configured to couple with a portion of footwear.. A footwear protector, comprising: This document claims the benefit of the filing date of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/059,910, entitled “Footwear Protector,” naming as first inventor Jacob Scott Turnblom, which was filed on Jul. 31, 2020, the disclosures of which is hereby incorporated entirely herein by reference.Aspects of this document relate generally to footwear protectors. Specific implementations relate to devices useful for protecting footwear that would otherwise come in contact with machinery such as a motorcycle shifter.Using one's foot to actuate a mechanism, such as by non-limiting example a shifter on a motorcycle or some other mechanism, can result in damage or unwanted marking(s) on footwear. Some footwear protectors exist in the art but are slow to put on and/or take off or are otherwise inconvenient to use. Some footwear protectors result in a loose or sloppy fit. Some footwear protectors do not add rigidity to a user's footwear to help the user to comfortably operate a mechanism/shifter with a foot. Current footwear protectors lack satisfactory fitment on a large variety of shoe sizes and types. Current footwear protectors which primarily protect the top of footwear with one or more segments of material which wrap around the forward portion of a foot also utilize/include a supplementary attachment, attaching in a direction substantially perpendicular to a first material wrapping direction (in other words, attaching in a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031024A1

A shoe includes an outsole, a first upper portion, a second upper portion, a rotary dial mounted to the first upper portion, and first and second lace portions coupled between the rotary dial and the second upper portion. The first lace portion aligns with a heel region of the shoe, the second lace portion aligns with a pedal region of the outsole, and a closure center line aligns with a medial arch region of the outsole. The second upper portion includes first and second lace guides. The first upper portion includes a third lace guide between the first and second lace portions. The first and second lace portions define a unitary lace extending from the rotary dial, through the first, second, and third lace guides, and back to the rotary dial. No portion of the lace member crosses over another portion of the lace member outside of the rotary dial. 1. A shoe comprising:an outsole having a heel end;an upper coupled to the outsole and including a first upper portion movable relative to a second upper portion, wherein the heel end of the outsole is coupled to the upper to define a heel region; and a rotary dial mounted to the first upper portion;', 'a first lace portion coupled between the rotary dial and the second upper portion such that rotation of the dial tightens the first lace portion; and', 'a second lace portion coupled between the rotary dial and the second upper portion such that rotation of the rotary dial tightens the second lace portion,, 'a lacing system includingwherein the first lace portion is aligned with the heel region.2. A shoe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first upper portion includes a strap and the rotary dial is mounted on the strap.3. A shoe as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the strap wraps across a centerline of the shoe.4. A shoe as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a free end of the strap wraps at least 15 mm beyond the centerline of the shoe.5. A shoe as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first upper portion comprises a lateral part of the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014463A1

According to an embodiment, a device for tightening an article includes a housing, a spool rotatably positioned within the housing, a knob operably coupled with the spool to cause the spool to rotate within the housing, and a stop mechanism. The device is configured so that incremental rotation of the knob in a first direction causes a corresponding incremental rotation of the spool within the housing that incrementally tensions a tension member and thereby tightens the article. The device is also configured so that incremental rotation of the knob in a second direction causes a corresponding incremental rotation of the spool that incrementally loosens the tension member's tension. The stop mechanism is configured to prevent rotation of the spool in the second direction when the tension member's tension achieves or falls below a tension threshold. 1. A reel for use with a lacing system for tightening an article comprising:a housing having an interior region;a spool positioned within the interior region of the housing and rotatable relative thereto, the spool having an annular channel formed therein; incremental rotation of the knob in a first direction relative to the housing causes a corresponding incremental rotation of the spool within the interior region of the housing that incrementally gathers a tension member in the annular channel formed in the spool; and', 'incremental rotation of the knob in a second direction relative to the housing causes a corresponding incremental rotation of the spool that incrementally releases the tension member from the annular channel formed in the spool; and, 'a knob rotatable relative to the housing and operably coupled with the spool to cause the spool to rotate within the interior region of the housing; whereina stop mechanism that is configured to prevent rotation of the spool in the second direction when a tension of the lace achieves or decreases beyond a tension threshold.2. The reel of claim 1 , wherein the stop mechanism ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Shoe with Interchangeable Accessories

Номер: US20180014599A1
Автор: Glenda Coleman
Принадлежит: Individual

A shoe with interchangeable accessories is provided. The shoe includes a sole and an upper affixed to the sole, the upper including a toe cap on a first end and a heel on a second end. The sole and the upper define an interior volume configured to receive a foot. An emblem recession disposed on the toe cap, and an emblem accessory is removably secured within the emblem recession. A headlight accessory and wheel accessories are also removably securable to the upper. The shoe is adapted to resemble a vehicle and can be customized via the attachment of different combinations of emblem, wheel, and headlight accessories.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Interchangeable Wedged Heel Covering Device

Номер: US20160015130A1
Автор: Knox Janna

The interchangeable wedged heel covering device for modifying the appearance of footwear, thereby enabling a user to wear a single pair of shoes in a variety of styles. The interchangeable wedged heel covering device includes a heel cover that removably secures to the surface of a wedged heel. The heel cover is composed of a rigid material so as to form to the corresponding shape of the heel. The heel cover includes a lip disposed along the upper edge in order to stabilize and prevent movement of the device while in use. In an alternative embodiment, the device is composed of flexible material having an adhesive disposed on the interior thereof so as to removably secure the heel cover to the heel. The lower end of the device further includes one or more removable sections so as to adjust the length of the heel cover to fit various sized heels.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Detachable shoe accessories

Номер: US20190014864A1
Принадлежит: Sixeighteen LLC

An after-market shoe accessory that can be worn with any type of footwear, while appearing aesthetically unified with or custom-made for the footwear. The accessory has interchangeable, symmetric pieces that can easily be exchanged with alternative pieces for a full range of styles and looks. The accessory is constructed of four straps and two smooth, open and closable, connecting rings, each resting on each side of the ankle, to which all of the straps can be attached to wrap around the ankle and under the sole. The smooth connecting rings unify the straps of the accessory, make the straps interchangeable, and automatically adjust the angles between the straps.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015541A1
Автор: Higginbotham Lamar

A customizable sandal system having a sandal base, a retaining strap removably attached to the sandal base via at least one fastener. The retaining strap has two distal ends and each distal end is individually, removably attached to the sandal base. 2. The customizable sandal system of claim 1 , wherein the fastener is configured as a plurality of screws and receiving screw holes.3. The customizable sandal system of claim 1 , wherein the fastener is configured as a zipper mechanism.4. The customizable sandal system of claim 1 , wherein the retaining strap is configured as two separate portions.5. The customizable sandal system of claim 4 , further comprising at least one fastener configured to connect the two separate portions of the retaining strap to allow for adjustability of the retaining strap tightness on a user's foot. The present invention relates generally to a customizable sandal system and methods of use.Systems and methods for sandals are well known in the art. Sandals are a popular shoe type, often characterized by their ease of wearing and comfort especially in hotter temperatures.One of the problems commonly associated with the above process is the limited use. Most sandals or even most shoes come pre-made without the ability to make changes or adaptations after commercial manufacturing. Some sandals offer the ability to add embellishments and some users even take to decorating their shoes or sandals. However, this is an often irreversible process which can damage the material of the footwear.Although great strides have been made in the area of sandal systems and methods of use, many shortcomings remain.While the system and method of use of the present application is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments thereof have been shown by way of example in the drawings and are herein described in detail. It should be understood, however, that the description herein of specific embodiments is not intended to limit the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015197A1
Автор: White Donna M.

A closure system for footwear is provided. The footwear has an outsole, an upper defining a tongue opening, and a closure assembly configured to selectively close the tongue opening. The closure assembly includes an elastic connector, a closure panel, and one or more stretchable faux laces. The elastic connector is anchored to the upper or the outsole inside the article of footwear. The closure panel bridges the tongue opening and has first and second ends; the first end is attached to the elastic connector and disposed within the upper and the second end is disposed outside the upper and releasably affixed to the upper. The faux lace is joined to the upper and the closure panel. The elastic connector is disposed within the upper and hidden from view from an exterior of the footwear when worn by a wearer. 1. An article of footwear comprising:a sole;an upper joined to the sole, the upper defining a tongue opening; anda closure assembly configured to selectively close the tongue opening, the closure assembly having a closure panel, an elastic connector, and at least one stretchable faux lace, the closure panel bridging the tongue opening, the closure panel having a first end disposed inside the upper on a first side of the tongue opening and a second end disposed outside the upper on a second side of the tongue opening, the closure panel joined to at least one of the upper or the sole by the elastic connector, the elastic connector disposed inside the upper where hidden from view from an exterior of the article of footwear when worn by a wearer, the closure panel releasably affixed to the upper on the second side of the tongue opening, the at least one faux lace having a first end joined to the upper and a second end joined to the closure panel.2. The article of footwear of wherein the upper includes a liner disposed along an inner surface claim 1 , at least a portion of the elastic connector disposed behind the liner.3. The article of footwear of further including an ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015203A1

The Spike-Saver shoe is a half shoe that covers the spikes of a track shoe. It is worn over the track shoe. There is an area for the athlete's name. Additionally, a fastener covers the top of the shoe. A second fastener covers the heel. The outside bottom of the shoe is a logo. The logo is a spike within a circle. 1. The claimed invention is a Spike-Saver sport shoe that allows a track shoe to be worn inside the sports shoe. It is padded with reinforced rubber. The sports shoe protects the spikes from becoming dull ensuring a longer life of the spikes. Track shoes are usually carried by hand or in a container. Sometimes, athletes will wear the track shoe dulling the spikes. On other occasions, the athlete will sometimes wear slippers, tennis shoes or nothing at all until he/she is ready to perform. The use of the Spike-Saver shoe increases the life of the spikes.The Spike-Saver is a sport shoe that covers the spikes of a track shoe. The shoe can be worn over track shoes until ready for use. It eliminates taking off the track shoe when not in use to avoid dulling the spikes.The Spike-Saver is a half shoe that covers just the spikes of the track shoe. The shoes are made of highly stretchable natural rubber for easy entry and removability. It is light weight and durable with extra traction.A fastener covers the top of the shoe. It contains an area for the athlete's name. A second fastener covers the heel. Both fasteners use Velcro.The toe area consists of more rubber material that provides extra padding for the spikes. The shoes come in three sizes that will fit foot sizes of 4 through 7, 8 through 12 and 13 through 18. Additional sizes can be provided for smaller or larger sizes. The initial shoe colors will be black or white. Additional colors will be added later. The shoe can be easily cleaned with soap and water.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020415A1

Footwear which can be modified and decorated by a wearer includes a sole through which a set of spaced-apart tunnels are formed which extend the full width of the sole. At least one strip of material is wound through the tunnels and along the opposite sides of the sole and the outer perimeter of the heel region to form loops extending between selected tunnel ends along the right and left sides of the sole and the outer perimeter of the heel region. Ribbons of different colors, shapes and fabrics can be attached to and between the loops enabling a wearer to modify the appearance of the footwear. 1. Modifiable footwear comprising:a sole shaped to conform generally to the foot of a wearer; said sole having (a) a predetermined thickness with top and bottom surfaces generally parallel to each other; (b) having a width extending between a right side and a left side; and (c) a length extending between a heel region and a toe region;N spaced apart tunnels, where N is an integer greater than one; said N tunnels formed between the top and bottom surfaces of the sole and running generally parallel to each other in a generally perpendicular direction to the length of the footwear; said N tunnels extending across the full width of the sole with ends along the right and left sides of the sole; andat least one strip of material wound through the tunnels and along the right and left sides of the sole and the outer perimeter of the heel region to form loops extending between selected tunnel ends along the right and left sides of the sole and the outer perimeter of the heel region.2. The modifiable footwear as claimed in wherein a single strip of material is wound in a crisscross pattern through all the tunnels and around the outer perimeter of the heel region to form loops along the right side of the sole and corresponding loops on the left side of the sole and a heel loop.3. The modifiable footwear as claimed in wherein strips of material are wound through paired tunnels to form ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Assistive Devices For Applying And Removing Protective Shoe Covers, And Related Systems And Protective Covers

Номер: US20170020225A1
Автор: Hill Scott D.

An assistive device for applying and removing a protective shoe cover from a shoe of a user includes a base, a shoe cover application mechanism supported by the base and configured to releasably receive and retain a protective shoe cover in an expanded state for applying the expanded protective shoe cover to a shoe, and a shoe cover removal mechanism supported by the base and configured to releasably grip a portion of a protective shoe cover fitted on a shoe for removing the protective shoe cover from the shoe. The assistive device may be stored in a device holder mountable to a vertical support surface. A protective shoe cover includes a non-rigid body, an elastic portion, and at least one device engagement element on the non-rigid body and configured to releasably engage an assistive device for at least one of applying the protective shoe cover to a shoe or removing the protective shoe cover from a shoe. 1. An assistive device for applying and removing a protective shoe cover from a shoe of a user , the assistive device comprising:a base;a shoe cover application mechanism supported by the base and configured to releasably receive and retain a protective shoe cover in an expanded state for applying the expanded protective shoe cover to a shoe; anda shoe cover removal mechanism supported by the base and configured to releasably grip a portion of a protective shoe cover fitted on a shoe for removing the protective shoe cover from the shoe.2. The assistive device of claim 1 , wherein the shoe cover application mechanism includes first and second shoe cover mounts each configured to releasably retain a side of a protective shoe cover and assist in supporting the protective shoe cover in an expanded state.3. The assistive device of claim 2 , wherein the shoe cover application mechanism further includes a third shoe cover mount supported by the base and positioned between the first and second shoe cover mounts claim 2 , the third shoe cover mount configured to releasably ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020767A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear includes an upper defining an interior void and a first cable movable in a tightening direction to move the upper into a tightened state and movable in a loosening direction to move the upper into a loosened state. The article of footwear also includes a tightening grip operable to be moved away from the upper in a first direction to move the first cable in the tightening direction and a cable lock operable in a locked state to restrict movement of the first cable in the loosening direction and operable in an unlocked state to permit movement of the first cable in the loosening direction. A release grip is operable to be moved away from the upper in a second direction to move the cable lock from the locked state to the unlocked state, whereby the release grip is separate from the tightening grip. 1. An article of footwear comprising:an upper defining an interior void;a first cable movable in a tightening direction to move the upper into a tightened state and movable in a loosening direction to move the upper into a loosened state;a tightening grip operable to be moved away from the upper in a first direction to move the first cable in the tightening direction;a cable lock operable in a locked state to restrict movement of the first cable in the loosening direction and operable in an unlocked state to permit movement of the first cable in the loosening direction; anda release grip operable to be moved away from the upper in a second direction to move the cable lock from the locked state to the unlocked state, the release grip being separate from the tightening grip.2. The article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the cable lock is disposed remotely from the tightening grip and from the release grip.3. The article of footwear of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , further comprising a sole structure attached to the upper.4. The article of footwear of claim 3 , wherein the tightening grip extends from the upper and the cable lock is disposed ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020778A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear includes a fitting system with an upper member that is supported by the upper and a strand guide that is supported by the sole structure. The strand guide is flexible and flexes in concert with the sole structure. The strand guide has a guide surface. The fitting system further includes a tensioning system with a flexible strand that is configured to bias the upper member toward the strand guide. The flexible strand has a first section coupled to the upper member and a second section extending through the sole structure. The second section abuts the guide surface. The second section is configured to slide across the guide surface as a result of flexure of the strand guide. The first section and the upper member are configured to move relative to the sole structure as a result of sliding of the second section across the guide surface. 1. An article of footwear comprising:an upper defining a void operable to receive a foot;a sole structure coupled to the upper and including a ground-engaging surface;an upper member disposed adjacent to the upper and including a rounded base extending from a surface of the upper member; anda tensioning system including a flexible strand operable to selectively bias the upper member toward the sole structure when moved from a relaxed state to a tensioned state and including a first portion disposed between the void of the upper and the ground-engaging surface, the flexible strand including a second portion extending away from the sole structure toward the upper member and a third portion slidably engaging the rounded base when moved from the relaxed state to the tensioned state.2. The article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the first portion claim 1 , the second portion claim 1 , and the third portion are all part of the same claim 1 , unitary strand.3. The article of footwear of claim 1 , further comprising a retainer operable to fix a position of the flexible strand relative to the upper.4. The article of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020780A1

Fastening devices and systems and methods thereof. Fastening devices and systems and methods thereof can include a unitary or one-piece body having first and second ends configured and operative to be coupled together or to be coupled to their respective complement in another of said fastening devices. The first end can include a ring or annular portion and a projection that are sized and shaped to fit around an anchor and in an orifice, respectively, of the second end. Fastening devices and systems and methods thereof according to embodiments may be used with items, including footwear, apparel, luggage, a backpack, a bag, a purse, a boxing glove, a punching bag, football or lacrosse shoulder pads, or the like. 1. A flexible fastening device for fastening a first hole , eyelet , loop , or hook on an article of footwear or apparel and a second hole , eyelet , loop , or hook on the article of footwear or apparel , the fastening device having a body comprising:first means for coupling, said first means for coupling including a first end portion;second means for coupling, said second means for coupling including a second end portion; andadjoining means for adjoining said first and second means for coupling, said adjoining means including a body portion between said first end portion and said second end portion,wherein the body portion is flexible and is configured and operative to flex such that said first and second end portions can be removably coupled together or such that said first end portion can be removably coupled to the first hole, eyelet, loop, or hook on an article of footwear or apparel and said second end portion can be removably coupled to the second hole, eyelet, loop, or hook on the article of footwear or apparel.2. The fastening device according to claim 1 ,wherein the body of the device is one-piece,wherein said first end portion defines a ring and has a single, flexible elongate digit as an extremity of the device,wherein said second end portion is ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Adjustable Footwear Having Interchangeable Panels

Номер: US20220039508A1
Автор: Boal Michele

The footwear includes a base having a toe portion, a heel portion opposing the toe portion, a base left and right side, and a bottom surface to engage the ground when worn by a user. The footwear additionally includes a base top surface opposing the base bottom surface, a toe box permanently coupled to the toe portion of the base at the top surface, and a counter permanently coupled to the heel portion of the base at the top surface. The footwear further includes a left and right support structure permanently coupled to the top surface of the base between the toe box and the counter on each side of the base, and a detachable left and right panel configured to detachably connect to the respective left and right support structure. 1. Footwear comprising: a toe portion;', 'a heel portion opposing the toe portion;', 'a base left side;', 'a base right side opposing the base left side;', 'a base bottom surface configured to engage the ground when worn by a user;', 'a base top surface opposing the base bottom surface;', 'a toe box permanently coupled to the toe portion of the base at the top surface;', 'a counter permanently coupled to the heel portion of the base at the top surface the counter including slots configured to receive a rear portion of a detachable panel, wherein the slots are configured to extend across the entire height of the counter;', 'a left support structure permanently coupled to the base top surface of the base between the toe box and the counter at the base left side;', 'a right support structure permanently coupled to the base top surface of the base between the toe box and the counter at the base right side;', 'a detachable left panel configured to detachably connect to the left support structure; and, 'a base comprisinga detachable right panel configured to detachably connect to the right support structure,wherein the detachable right panel is separate and distinct from the detachable left panel.2. The footwear of claim 1 , wherein the detachable ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039520A1

A footwear acing apparatus can comprise a housing structure, a spool and a drive mechanism. The housing structure can comprise a first inlet, a second inlet, and a lacing channel extending between the first and second inlets. The lacing channel can comprise a spool receptacle located between the first and second inlets, a first relief area located between the spool receptacle and the first inlet, and a second relief area located between the spool receptacle and the second inlet. The first and second relief areas can be linearly tapered between the spool receptacle and the first and second inlets, respectively. The spool can be disposed in the spool receptacle of the lacing channel. The drive mechanism can be coupled with the spool and adapted to rotate the spool to wind or unwind a lace cable extending through the lacing channel and through the spool. 1. A method of unwinding a spool in a footwear lacing apparatus , the method comprising:rotating a spool with a drive mechanism to reduce tension in a lace cable wrapped around the spool;pushing lace cable from the spool into a lacing channel within a housing of the footwear lacing apparatus;collecting lace cable within relief areas of the lacing channel; andpermitting lace cable to loosely exit the lacing channel from the relief areas to unwind the lace cable from the spool.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preventing tangling of the lace cable within the relief areas by permitting the lace cable to freely collect in the relief areas.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising unloading lace cable from the spool into the relief areas.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising emptying the spool into the relief areas claim 3 , wherein a storage volume of the relief areas is larger than a storage volume of the spool.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising pulling the lace cable from the relief areas without tangling.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising manually pulling the lace cable from ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Universal Open-Backed Footwear Strap

Номер: US20190021445A1
Автор: Eugene Yolaine

A universal open-backed footwear strap having a strap having an adjustable fastener and a first connector mechanism. A second connector mechanism disposed on a sole of an open-backed shoe, wherein the second connector mechanism is selectively engageable with the first connector mechanism. The first connector mechanism and second connector mechanism create a strong enough attachment between the strap and the shoe such that they will not separate during use. The adjustable fastener can then be used to tighten the strap around a top of a user's foot to secure the shoe, eliminating the typical instability of open-backed shoes to allow the user to move more quickly and confidently, and to dance. The strap can be made available in a variety of materials and colors so as to match any shoe. Different length straps will allow for use with different shoe types and foot sizes. 1. A universal open-backed footwear strap comprising:a strap having an adjustable fastener and a first connector mechanism;a second connector mechanism disposed on a sole of an open-backed shoe, wherein the second connector mechanism is selectively engageable with the first connector mechanism.2. The universal open-backed footwear strap of wherein each of the first connector mechanism and the second connector mechanism are hook-and-loop fasteners.3. The universal open-backed footwear strap of wherein each of the first connector mechanism and the second connector mechanism are snaps. Various types of footwear straps are known. Open-backed footwear has been around for centuries, and while comfortable and stylish, can often be limiting when a wearer wishes to be more active, such as to dance or to walk long distances. Open-backed shoes are prone to significant movement on the foot, and can even fall off entirely. This can cause a user to adjust her gait, limit her speed of movement, or slip and fall. A strap across the top of the foot to secure the foot of the user to the bed of the shoe makes a significant ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021446A1

A protective footwear includes a foot engagement portion, a lower-leg engagement portion, and a cable closure system. The lower-leg engagement portion defines a cable end interface and a buckle interface. The cable closure system is configured to facilitate at least partially securing the protective footwear to a leg of a wearer. The cable closure system includes a buckle assembly configured to releasably couple to the buckle interface and a cable extending between the cable end interface and the buckle assembly. The cable has a first end coupled to the cable end interface and an opposing second end coupled to the buckle assembly. 1. A protective footwear , comprising:a foot engagement portion;a lower-leg engagement portion;a closure system configured to facilitate at least partially securing the protective footwear to a leg of a wearer; anda core disposed within the foot engagement portion and the lower-leg engagement portion,wherein the lower-leg engagement portion includes an exoskeleton defining a plurality of apertures, the plurality of apertures positioned such that at least a portion of the core is exposed to an external environment.2. The protective footwear of claim 1 , wherein the lower-leg engagement portion defines a cable end interface and a buckle interface claim 1 , and wherein the closure system includes a cable closure system claim 1 , the cable closure system comprising:a buckle assembly configured to releasably couple to the buckle interface; anda cable extending between the cable end interface and the buckle assembly, the cable having a first end coupled to the cable end interface and an opposing second end coupled to the buckle assembly.3. The protective footwear of claim 1 , further comprising a ventilation system including:an intake vent disposed within a toe portion of the foot engagement portion and positioned to receive an inlet airflow from an external environment;an exhaust vent disposed with a heel portion of the foot engagement portion ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021447A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc.

A reel based closure device includes a housing component, a spool that is rotatably positioned within an interior region of the housing component, and a tightening component that is coupled with the housing component. The tightening component is operably coupled with the spool so that an operation of the tightening component causes the spool to rotate within the interior region of the housing component to wind a tension member about the spool. The housing component is configured so that the tension member is routed axially below the housing component's interior region and to one or more guides that are positioned along a lace path of an article, such as a shoe. 1. A reel based closure device comprising: a bottom member having a channel that is defined in a bottom surface of the bottom member; and', 'a cylindrical wall that extends upward from the bottom member to define an interior region of the housing component;, 'a housing component that includesa spool that is rotatably positioned within the interior region of the housing component, the spool being configured so that a tension member is windable about the spool; anda tightening component rotatably coupled with the housing component and operably coupled with the spool such that an operation of the tightening component causes the spool to rotate within the interior region of the housing component to wind the tension member about the spool;wherein the channel of the bottom member is configured so that the tension member is routed from the housing component and through the channel so that tension member crosses itself within the channel.2. The reel based closure device of claim 1 , further comprising a base component that is releasably coupleable with the bottom member of the housing component to attach the reel based closure device with an article.3. The reel based closure device of claim 2 , wherein the base component includes an aperture that is aligned with the channel of the bottom member when the housing ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022458A1

Systems and apparatus related to automated tightening of a footwear platform including a lacing engine drive apparatus are discussed. In an example, a drive apparatus to rotate a lace spool of a motorized lacing engine within a footwear platform can include a gear motor, a gear box, a worm drive, and a worm gear. The gear box can be mechanically coupled to the gear motor, and the gear box can include a drive shaft extending opposite the gear motor. The worm drive can be slidably keyed to the drive shaft to control rotation of the worm drive in response to gear motor activation. The worm gear can rotate the lace spool upon rotation of the worm drive to tighten or loosen a lace cable on the footwear platform. 1. A drive apparatus to rotate a lace spool of a motorized lacing engine within a footwear platform , the apparatus comprising:a gear motor;a gear box mechanically coupled to the gear motor, the gear box including a drive shaft;a worm drive slidably keyed to the drive shaft to control rotation of the worm drive in response to gear motor activation;a worm gear including gear teeth engaging a threaded surface of the worm drive to cause rotation of the worm gear in response to rotation of the worm drive, the worm gear rotating the lace spool upon rotation of the worm drive to tighten or loosen a lace cable on the footwear platform; andwherein the lace spool includes a spool and a spool shaft extending inferiorly from the spool to the worm gear, the spool including a lace channel bisecting a superior surface to receive a continuous section of the lace cable into the spool.2. The drive apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the superior surface of the lace spool is on a plane perpendicular to an axis running through the spool shaft.3. The drive apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lace channel creates an opening on the superior surface across an entire diameter of the lace spool.4. The drive apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a bushing coupled to the drive shaft opposite ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Lacing system for clothing and footwear

Номер: US20210022448A1
Автор: Alberto ROMAGNOLI
Принадлежит: Energy Seekers Srl

A lacing system for clothing or footwear is disclosed, having one or more laces, wherein the laces have at least part of at least one non-smooth surface and which are rotated in the path between a closing flap and the other of the garment or of the upper of the shoe, so as to maintain a parallel and adherent relationship to each other. A kit for obtaining a lacing system to be applied to a garment or to a shoe is also disclosed.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022449A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear includes a sole structure and an upper. The upper may include a first and a second section and partially define a foot-receiving cavity over the sole structure. The first section may be fixed to the sole structure and the second section may articulate between an access position and a use position. The foot-receiving cavity may be more exposed in the access position to allow easier foot entry. A strap may extend from one of the first and the second section. A looped handle may extend from the strap and may at least partially form a loop. The strap may extend across the second section of the upper when the second section is in the use position. The strap may have a distal portion configured to releasably secure to one of the first section or the second section with the looped handle exposed. 1. An article of footwear comprising:a sole structure;an upper including a first section and a second section and partially defining a foot-receiving cavity over the sole structure;wherein the first section is fixed to the sole structure and the second section articulates between an access position and a use position, the foot-receiving cavity being more exposed in the access position than in the use position;a strap extending from one of the first section and the second section;a looped handle extending from the strap and at least partially forming a loop; andwherein the strap extends across the second section of the upper when the second section is in the use position; and wherein the strap has a distal portion configured to releasably secure to one of the first section or the second section with the looped handle exposed.2. The article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the looped handle is attached to the strap at a first location and at a second location spaced apart from the first location claim 1 , and the looped handle extends between the first location and the second location without connection to the strap.3. The article of footwear of claim 2 , ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022451A1

A tensioning system for articles of footwear and articles of apparel is disclosed. The tensioning system includes a tensioning member that is tightened or loosened using a motorized tensioning device for winding and unwinding the tensioning member on a spool. The tensioning system may be used with various sensors to determine how the motorized tensioning device should be controlled. 1. (canceled)2. An article of footwear , comprising:an upper portion including a lace to adjust fit of the upper portion against a foot, the lace adjustable between a plurality of preset positions based at least in part on manipulation of an effective length of the lace;a lower portion including a mid-sole and an out-sole;a power source, positioned in the lower portion;a motorized tensioning system, coupled to the power source, including:a lace spool to engage a loop of the lace to enable manipulation of the effective length of the lace through rotation of the lace spool;a motor operatively coupled to the spool, wherein the motor is configured to rotate the spool; andan electronic control unit, operatively coupled to the motorized tensioning system, configured to cause the motorized tensioning system to transition between and among the plurality of preset positions, the plurality of preset positions including a preset tightened state, a preset loosened state, and a plurality of transitory states.3. The article of footwear of claim 2 , wherein the electronic control unit is configured to switch among the plurality of preset positions based on interaction with a control device.4. The article of footwear of claim 3 , further comprising the control device.5. The article of footwear of claim 4 , wherein the control device is configured to generate an output based on a touch of the control device by a user.6. The article of footwear of claim 5 , wherein the electronic control unit is further configured to transition among the plurality of transitory states to incrementally increase or decrease ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022452A1

A tensioning system for articles of footwear and articles of apparel is disclosed. The tensioning system includes a tensioning member that is tightened or loosened using a motorized tensioning device for winding and unwinding the tensioning member on a spool. The tensioning system may be used with various sensors to determine how the motorized tensioning device should be controlled. 1. (canceled)2. An article of footwear , a sole structure attached to the upper, the sole structure having a midfoot region;', 'a motorized tensioning device fixedly attached to the midfoot region;', 'the motorized tensioning device including a motor assembly coupled to a shaft member by a gear reduction system;', 'the motorized tensioning device having a first reel member and a first lace member secured to the first reel member;', 'wherein the first reel member is concentrically mounted to the shaft member;', 'wherein the motorized tensioning device is activated by a pressure force applied to the sole structure;', 'wherein the gear reduction system rotates the shaft member and the first reel member in a first rotational direction;', 'wherein the first lace member winds upon the first reel member in response to the rotation of the first reel member in the first rotational direction; and', 'wherein a portion of the first lace member extends through a first localized portion of the upper and wherein the first localized portion of the upper is adjusted in response to the winding of the first lace member in the first rotational direction., 'comprising: an upper;'}3. The article of footwear according to claim 2 , wherein the motorized tensioning device includes a housing unit claim 2 , the housing unit has a first width and a second width relative to a lateral axis claim 2 , the lateral axis extending between a medial side and a lateral side claim 2 , the first width is proximal to a lateral side and the second width is proximal to a medial side; and wherein the first width is different than ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109442A1
Автор: Thompson Leslie

A cowboy boot includes a front and a back shaft each having an inner lining and a cut out formed through each of the front and back shafts, a pocket formed by each of the inner linings of the front and back shafts and positioned adjacent to a cut out, the pockets configured to receive an insert therein with at least a portion of the insert exposed through the cutout and an insert received in each of the pockets with at least a portion of the insert exposed through the cut out. 1. A cowboy boot comprising:a front and a back shaft, the front and back shafts each having an inner lining and a cut out formed through each of the front and back shafts;a pocket formed from each of the inner linings of the front and back shafts, each of the pockets positioned adjacent to the cut out, each of the pockets configured to receive an insert therein with at least a portion of the insert exposed through the cutout; andan insert received in each of the pockets with at least a portion of the insert exposed through the cut out.2. The cowboy boot of further comprising means for securing the inserts in the pockets.3. The cowboy boot of further comprising one of a zipper claim 1 , snap or hook and loop fastener for closing one or both of the pockets.4. A cowboy boot comprising:a front and a back shaft, the front and back shafts each having an inner lining and a cut out formed through each of the front and back shafts;an insert configured for removable attachment to the inner lining of the front and back shaft with at least a portion of the insert exposed though the cut out formed through each of the front and back shafts.5. The cowboy boot of further comprising one of a zipper claim 4 , snap or hook and loop fastener for securing an insert to the inner lining of each of the front and back shafts of the cowboy boot.6. The cowboy boot of further comprising a pocket formed from the inner lining of each of the front and back shafts claim 4 , each of the pockets configured to receive an insert ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Combined Structure of Shoe Accessories Unit

Номер: US20150027006A1
Автор: Lin Kuan San

A combined structure of shoe accessories unit, which comprising: a sole and a Y strap; as well as an accessories unit, which is fixed onto surface of Y strap; the accessories unit is provided with a base; a decoration is embedded onto upper end of the base, and a needle rod is set at its lower end and mated with a lock nut; at least a punch hole is set on said Y strap, and at least a groove is formed at the inner punch hole of said Y strap for embedding of the lock nut; in the preferred embodiment, the accessories unit is snapped into said Y strap via the needle rod, and then the needle rod locked by the lock nut and buried into the groove for better decorative effect of the flip-flop slippers. 1. A combined structure of shoe accessories unit , which comprising:a pair of flip-flop slippers, comprising of a sole and Y strap; said Y strap is of a Y-shaped structure, three Y-shaped end edges are separately set at front end and rear sides of the sole, at least a punch hole is set on said Y strap, and a groove is formed internally;an accessories unit, incorporated onto the Y strap; said accessories unit is provided with a base; a decoration is embedded onto upper end of the base, and a needle rod is set at its lower end and mated with a lock nut;the needle rod of the decoration can be penetrated into the hole of said Y strap, and the needle rod is locked by the lock nut and then buried into the groove.2. The combined structure of shoe accessories unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said decoration is of any geometric shape.3. The combined structure of shoe accessories unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said decoration is made of various precious metals or minerals.4. The combined structure of shoe accessories unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said accessories unit is designed without base claim 1 , and the decoration and the needle rod are incorporated.5. The combined structure of shoe accessories unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said accessories unit is ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027283A1

Disclosed is a footwear assembly () for forming at least part of an upper assembly of footwear, the footwear assembly defining an instep opening () and comprising: a water vapor permeable and waterproof functional layer () having a first elasticity, and a collar layer () attached to the water vapor permeable and waterproof functional layer () such as to define at least part of the instep opening (), the collar layer () having a second elasticity. 1. Footwear assembly for forming at least part of an upper assembly of footwear , the footwear assembly defining an instep opening and comprising:a water vapor permeable and waterproof functional layer having a first elasticity, anda collar layer attached to the water vapor permeable and waterproof functional layer such as to define at least part of the instep opening, the collar layer having a second elasticity.2. The footwear assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the collar layer has elastic properties in more than one direction.3. The footwear assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the second elasticity is equal to claim 1 , or larger claim 1 , than a predetermined threshold.4. The footwear assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the second elasticity is equal to claim 1 , or larger claim 1 , than the first elasticity.5. The footwear assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the collar layer extends along at least 30% of the instep opening claim 1 , particularly along at least 60% of the instep opening claim 1 , particularly along at least ⅔ of the instep opening.6. The footwear assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the collar layer is attached to the water vapor permeable and waterproof functional layer by means of an elastic seam.7. The footwear assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the elastic seam is formed by a thread having a third elasticity.8. The footwear assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the elastic seam is formed by a stitch pattern providing elastic characteristics.9. The footwear assembly ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027287A1
Принадлежит: Boa Technology Inc.

This disclosure relates to articles that include a tightening mechanism, such as reel-based lace tightening mechanism, configured to tighten the article by rotation of a knob. The articles can include a concealing portion that is configured to conceal or protect at least a portion of the tightening mechanism, such as the knob. The concealing portion can be configured to prevent unintentional actuation of the tightening mechanism, such as during contact sports. The concealing portion can be configured to hide the tightening mechanism from view to improve the visual appearance of the article. The concealing portion can be collapsible such that a user can press the concealing portion down to expose the knob of the tightening mechanism. 130.-. (canceled)31. A shoe comprising:a sole;an upper attached to the sole;a tightening mechanism coupled to the upper, the tightening mechanism comprising a rotatable knob;a tension member that is operationally coupled to the tightening mechanism such that rotation of the knob in a tightening direction tensions the tension member and thereby tightens the shoe; anda flexible strip of material coupled with the upper and positioned about the upper so that a portion of the strip of material is disposed over the tightening mechanism and so that the strip of material exerts an axial pressure or force on the tightening mechanism.32. The shoe of claim 31 , wherein the tightening mechanism and strip of material are coupled with a heel portion of the shoe.33. The shoe of claim 31 , wherein the strip of material is positioned over the tightening mechanism so that at least a portion of the tightening mechanism is exposed.34. The shoe of claim 31 , wherein the strip of material is positioned over the tightening mechanism so that opposing sides of the tightening mechanism are exposed for grasping and rotation by a user.35. The shoe of claim 31 , wherein the strip of material includes a resilient material that enables the tightening mechanism to be ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Single Point Securable Adjustable Pass Through Strap Wedge Sandal

Номер: US20180027919A1
Автор: Chavez Stephen

A novel footwear construction for sandals including a foot bed, an outsole unit and an adjustable continuous strap for retaining the sandal on a foot. This sandal construction includes an adjustable continuous strap that passes below the user's foot and foot bed and secures the users foot to the top of the foot bed. A reinforcement layer is attached to the bottom of the foot bed, which is then adhered to the outsole unit. Voids forming channels in the top side of the outsole unit allow the passage of the strap below a user's foot. The continuous strap comprises the entirety, or part, of the total sandal strapping system when combined with fixed portions of strapping. This construction can be used to construct flat, low, medium or high heel sandals. Further, this construction method allows for single point adjustability at the buckle. 1. A single point securable adjustable pass through strap wedge sandal comprising:a foot bed having a top side, a bottom side, a toe side, a heel side, and an outside edge;a reinforcement layer disposed on the bottom side of the foot bed;a plurality of slots proximal the outside edge of the foot bed, wherein each of the plurality of slots passes through the foot bed and the reinforcement layer;an outsole unit having a foot side, a street side, a profile, a toe portion, and a heel portion, wherein the foot side has a plurality of channels connectable to each of the plurality of slots in the foot bed, wherein the toe portion and the heel portion of the outsole unit each have a height;wherein the profile of the outsole unit is defined by a difference between the height of the heel portion and the height of the toe portion, wherein the profile of the outsole unit is a wedge shape, wherein the wedge shape is one of a low heel, a medium heel, and a high heel, wherein the wedge shape is configured for casual or formal use;a pair of loops, wherein each of the pair of loops is disposed in each of a pair of slots of the plurality of slots, ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027928A1

An article of footwear includes an upper section having attached thereto an attachment system. The attachment system includes an extending member. At least one end of the extending member is releasably attachable to the remainder of the attachment system via a releasable attachment mechanism. The extending member is adapted to removably attach one or more charms to thereto via a connector of the each of the one or more charms. 1. An article of footwear , comprising: an upper section , the upper section having attached thereto an attachment system , the attachment system comprising an extending member , at least one end of the extending member being releasably attachable to the remainder of the attachment system via a releasable attachment mechanism , the extending member being adapted to removably attach one or more charms thereto via a connector of each of the one or more charms.2. The article of footwear of wherein the extending member is a flexible member.3. The article of footwear of wherein the extending member is a rigid member.4. The article of footwear of wherein the attachment system further comprises at least a first anchor point attached to the article of footwear claim 1 , the at least a first anchor point comprising the releasable attachment mechanism.5. The article of footwear of wherein the attachment system further comprises at least a second anchor point claim 4 , the extending member extending between the at least a first anchor point and the at least a second anchor point.6. The article of footwear of wherein the attachment system further comprises at least one guide member attached to the article of footwear claim 5 , the guide member comprising at least one passage therethrough through which the extending member passes.7. The article of footwear of wherein the at least one guide member is positioned intermediate between the at least a first anchor point and the at least a second anchor point along the length of the extending member claim 6 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Dance training footwear and related methods of use for dance training

Номер: US20220047038A1
Автор: Lindsey Kaplowitz
Принадлежит: Individual

Dance training footwear and related methods of use for dance training are disclosed herein. According to an aspect, dance training footwear includes a sole and an upper footwear portion attached to the sole. The dance training footwear also includes an instructional object that is attachable to the upper footwear portion. The instructional object has a distinctive appearance for use in being referenced to by a dance instructor for training a dance student.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047042A1
Автор: Cortes Maria Eugenia

Selectively attachable, dynamic, and multi-functional shoe straps. In particular, embodiments of the present invention relate to systems and methods for providing a shoe strap device that is selectively attachable to a shoe, secures a user's foot to the shoe, provides comfort to the user, releases stress of the user's foot, and prevents the shoe from slipping off the user's foot while walking. 1. A dynamic shoe strap comprising:an elongate strap having a first end, a second end, an inside surface, and an outside surface;a first coupling mechanism coupled to the first end;a second coupling mechanism coupled to the second end;a third coupling mechanism selectively coupled to an inside surface of a shoe, wherein the first coupling mechanism is configured to selectively couple to the third coupling mechanism; anda fourth coupling mechanism selectively coupled to a surface of a shoe, wherein the second coupling mechanism is configured to selectively couple to the fourth coupling mechanism.2. A dynamic shoe strap comprising:an elongate strap having a first end, a second end, an inside surface, and an outside surface;a first coupling mechanism coupled to the first end;a second coupling mechanism coupled to the second end, wherein the first coupling mechanism is configured to selectively couple to the second coupling mechanism; anda third coupling mechanism that is coupled to a neck portion, wherein the neck portion is also coupled to the elongate strip; anda fourth coupling mechanism selectively coupled to an inside surface of a shoe, wherein the third coupling mechanism is configured to selectively couple to the fourth coupling mechanism.3. A dynamic shoe strap comprising:a strap having a collar portion, an inside surface, and an outside surface;a first coupling mechanism that is coupled to a neck portion, wherein the neck portion is also coupled to the collar portion; anda second coupling mechanism selectively coupled to an inside surface of a shoe, wherein the first ...
