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16-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002715U1
Принадлежит: Сасыков Шамиль

1. Застежка-молния, содержащая две несущие ленты с закрепленным на каждой из них замыкающим звеном, выполненным в виде профилированного элемента с возможностью взаимного зацепления, отличающаяся тем,что одно из замыкающих звеньев выполнено в виде стержня с постоянным по длине сечением, а второе - в виде гребенки со встречными зубцами, формирующими паз, сечение которого подобно сечению стержня. 2. Застежка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что сечение стержня и паза круглое, овальное, яйцевидное, грушевидное, треугольное, квадратное, многоугольное, серповидное или имеет сложную конфигурацию. 3. Застежка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что зубцы выполнены из упругого материала. 4. Застежка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что встроенные зубцы смещены один относительно другого на полшага. (19) RU (11) (13) 2 715 U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95107842/20, 15.05.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.09.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Сасыков Шамиль (72) Автор(ы): Сасыков Шамиль R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сасыков Шамиль 2 7 1 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Застежка-молния, содержащая две несущие ленты с закрепленным на каждой из них замыкающим звеном, выполненным в виде профилированного элемента с возможностью взаимного зацепления, отличающаяся тем,что одно из замыкающих звеньев выполнено в виде стержня с постоянным по длине сечением, а второе - в виде гребенки со встречными зубцами, формирующими паз, сечение которого подобно сечению стержня. 2. Застежка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что сечение стержня и паза круглое, овальное, яйцевидное, грушевидное, треугольное, квадратное, многоугольное, серповидное или имеет сложную конфигурацию. 3. Застежка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что зубцы выполнены из упругого материала. 4. Застежка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что встроенные зубцы смещены один относительно другого на полшага. 2 7 1 5 U 1 (54) ЗАСТЕЖКА-МОЛНИЯ RU 2 715 U1 RU ...

27-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018131U1

Застежка потайная для соединения двух деталей изделия, содержащая петли, выполненные на внутреннем слое первой соединяемой детали, и пуговицы, прикрепленные ко второй соединяемой детали, так что пуговицы в застегнутом положении расположены в карманах, образуемых наружным и внутренним слоями первой соединяемой детали, отличающаяся тем, что вторая соединяемая деталь застежки снабжена дополнительным внутренним слоем, к которому прикреплены пуговицы и который с изнаночной стороны второй детали присоединен к ней, при этом на наружном слое второй детали выполнены петли, пропускающие пуговицы на лицевую сторону этой детали при застегивании. (19) RU (11) 18 131 (13) U1 (51) МПК A41F 1/00 (2000.01) A44B 19/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000130275/20 , 04.12.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.12.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 27.05.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Афиногентова Н.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственная академия сферы быта и услуг Поволжский технологический институт сервиса U 1 1 8 1 3 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Застежка потайная для соединения двух деталей изделия, содержащая петли, выполненные на внутреннем слое первой соединяемой детали, и пуговицы, прикрепленные ко второй соединяемой детали, так что пуговицы в застегнутом положении расположены в карманах, образуемых наружным и внутренним слоями первой соединяемой детали, отличающаяся тем, что вторая соединяемая деталь застежки снабжена дополнительным внутренним слоем, к которому прикреплены пуговицы и который с изнаночной стороны второй детали присоединен к ней, при этом на наружном слое второй детали выполнены петли, пропускающие пуговицы на лицевую сторону этой детали при застегивании. 1 8 1 3 1 (54) ЗАСТЕЖКА ПОТАЙНАЯ R U Адрес для переписки: 445677, г.Тольятти, ул.Гагарина, 4, Государственная академия сферы быта и услуг (71) Заявитель(и): Государственная академия сферы быта и ...

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Разъемная застежка-молния

Номер: RU0000030514U1
Автор: Сергеев О.Л.
Принадлежит: Сергеев Олег Львович

1. Разъемная застежка-молния, содержащая две расположенные одна против другой полосы постоянного по длине профиля с элементами взаимозацепления по продольным кромкам, элементы имеют определенную форму в виде пазов и выступов, простираются по всей длине полосы и передвижной замок, отличающаяся тем, что профиль одной из полос выполнен в виде двух центральных грибовидных выступов, по бокам которых вглубь профиля полосы выполнены грибовидные пазы, а профиль другой полосы повторяет форму пазов и выступов описанной выше полосы: пазы имеют форму выступов, а выступы имеют форму пазов. 2. Разъемная герметичная застежка-молния по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что передвижной замок представляет собой сквозной бегунок с верхней частью зажима застежки-молнии и рассекателем. 3. Разъемная герметичная застежка-молния по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что передвижной замок представляет собой сквозной бегунок с верхней и нижней частью зажима застежки-молнии и рассекателем. 4. Разъемная герметичная застежка-молния по п.2 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что передвижной замок дополнительно содержит язычок захвата. (19) RU (11) 30 514 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/02 (2000.01) A44B 19/16 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001131647/20 , 22.11.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.11.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 10.07.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Сергеев О.Л. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сергеев Олег Львович R U Адрес для переписки: 630049, г.Новосибирск, ул. Весенняя, 18, кв.61, О.Л. Сергееву (71) Заявитель(и): Сергеев Олег Львович 3 0 5 1 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Разъемная застежка-молния, содержащая две расположенные одна против другой полосы постоянного по длине профиля с элементами взаимозацепления по продольным кромкам, элементы имеют определенную форму в виде пазов и выступов, простираются по всей длине полосы и передвижной замок, отличающаяся тем, что профиль одной из полос выполнен в ...

20-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000039047U1
Принадлежит: РИРИ С.А.

1. Замок (1) для застежки-молнии с двумя язычками (2, 3), содержащий полый корпус (4), в котором размещены два рычага (5, 6), расположенные на противоположных сторонах от зубцов (Di) застежки, причем один (5) из этих двух рычагов (5, 6) имеет собачку (7) для введения между упомянутыми зубцами (Di) для блокирования замка (1), приводится в действие посредством воздействия на любой из упомянутых язычков (2, 3) для преодоления сопротивления упругого элемента, расположенного внутри упомянутого полого корпуса (4), который удерживает упомянутую собачку вставленной между зубцами (Di), отличающийся тем, что упомянутый упругий элемент состоит из упругой гибкой полоски (8), имеющей один конец (8е), прикрепленный к упомянутому рычагу (5), имеющему собачку (7), причем полоска (8) обращена к внутренней стенке (4р) упомянутого полого корпуса (4) таким образом, что она располагается между корпусом и вышеупомянутым рычагом (5), а ее упругое сопротивление противодействует перемещению рычага (5), которое вызывает извлечение собачки (7) из зубцов (D). 2. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что оба рычага (5, 6) и упомянутая упругая гибкая полоска (8) выполнены из материала с металлическими свойствами. 3. Замок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что оба рычага (5, 6) и упомянутая упругая гибкая полоска (8) выполнены из пластмассового материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 39 047 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/26 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004108710/22 , 24.03.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): РИРИ С.А. (CH) (74) Патентный поверенный: Егорова Галина Борисовна (46) Опубликовано: 20.07.2004 3 9 0 4 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Замок (1) для застежки-молнии с двумя язычками (2, 3), содержащий полый корпус (4), в котором размещены два рычага (5, 6), расположенные на противоположных сторонах от зубцов (Di) застежки, причем ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000062777U1

Застежка-молния, содержащая ленты-носители, каждая из которых снабжена рядом закрепленных вдоль ленты соединительных элементов, взаимозацепляемых посредством установленного с возможностью перемещения вдоль лент-носителей замка-ползунка, отличающаяся тем, что каждая лента-носитель выполнена двойной, с формированием на свободной от соединительных элементов боковой стороне ленты-носителя двух ветвей, образующих открытый зев. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 62 777 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007102739/22 , 25.01.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.01.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): МЕЖЕРОВСКИ ХАННА (IL), Соловьева Наталья Захарьевна (RU) U 1 6 2 7 7 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Застежка-молния, содержащая ленты-носители, каждая из которых снабжена рядом закрепленных вдоль ленты соединительных элементов, взаимозацепляемых посредством установленного с возможностью перемещения вдоль лент-носителей замка-ползунка, отличающаяся тем, что каждая лента-носитель выполнена двойной, с формированием на свободной от соединительных элементов боковой стороне ленты-носителя двух ветвей, образующих открытый зев. 6 2 7 7 7 (54) ЗАСТЕЖКА-МОЛНИЯ R U Адрес для переписки: 111250, Москва, ул. Авиамоторная, 53, ЗАО "Патентный Поверенный", пат.пов. Г.Н.Андрущак, рег. № 189 (72) Автор(ы): МЕЖЕРОВСКИ ХАННА (IL), Соловьева Наталья Захарьевна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 62 777 U1 Полезная модель относится к устройству текстильной застежки-молнии и может быть использована в изделиях легкой промышленности. Известна из авторского свидетельства СССР №1551337, класс В44В 19/02, 1971 застежка-молния, представляющая собой соединительное механическое устройство, содержащее замок, состоящий из двух половин, канал с раздваивающимися участками, в которых размещаются эластичные ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067827U1

1. Застежка "молния" с фиксацией, включающая запирающее устройство с ручкой и контактный узел, закрепленный на застегиваемом изделии в зоне расположения ручки при застегнутой "молнии", отличающаяся тем, что ручка выполнена из магнитной стали, а контактный узел представляет собой визуально закрытый с лицевой стороны изделия постоянный магнит. 2. Застежка "молния" по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что постоянный магнит выполнен в виде тонкой магнитной пластинки на основе редкоземельных элементов, введенной внутрь между слоями изделия, или закрепленной с его изнаночной стороны. 3. Застежка "молния" по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что постоянный магнит выполнен в виде участка намагниченной магнитотвердой резины - термоэластопласта, пришитой к изделию с его изнаночной стороны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 827 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007110322/22 , 20.03.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.03.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ульяновский государственный технический университет" (RU) U 1 6 7 8 2 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Застежка "молния" с фиксацией, включающая запирающее устройство с ручкой и контактный узел, закрепленный на застегиваемом изделии в зоне расположения ручки при застегнутой "молнии", отличающаяся тем, что ручка выполнена из магнитной стали, а контактный узел представляет собой визуально закрытый с лицевой стороны изделия постоянный магнит. 2. Застежка "молния" по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что постоянный магнит выполнен в виде тонкой магнитной пластинки на основе редкоземельных элементов, введенной внутрь между слоями изделия, или закрепленной с его изнаночной стороны. 3. Застежка "молния" по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что постоянный магнит выполнен в виде участка ...

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000074777U1

Застежка в виде ленты, отличающаяся тем, что она представляет собой ленту с закрепленным на ней пуговицами, клепками или крючками, которая пристегнута к правой или левой стороне одежды, имеющей прорези (петли) на расстоянии, соответствующем расстоянию крепления пуговиц (клепок, крючков). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 74 777 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008109601/22 , 11.03.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.03.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Маркелов Андрей Викторович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Маркелов Андрей Викторович (RU) Формула полезной модели Застежка в виде ленты, отличающаяся тем, что она представляет собой ленту с закрепленным на ней пуговицами, клепками или крючками, которая пристегнута к правой или левой стороне одежды, имеющей прорези (петли) на расстоянии, соответствующем расстоянию крепления пуговиц (клепок, крючков). 7 4 7 7 7 (54) ЗАСТЕЖКА ДЛЯ ОДЕЖДЫ R U Адрес для переписки: 305039, г.Курск, ул. 2-я Пушкарная, 1, А.В. Маркелову R U 7 4 7 7 7 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 74 777 U1 Полезная модель предназначена для использования в легкой промышленности, а именно к застежкам, применяемым при производстве одежды. Известна застежка, которая содержит несущие притачные планки с зафиксированными в швах притачивания навесными полупетлями, и навесными петлями, закрепленными на нижней планке и отверстия в верхней планке, выполненные в шахматном порядке относительно навесных полупетель. (Патент №2113147) Недостатком данной застежки является сложность эксплуатации, в связи с затрачиванием длительного времени на зашнуривание и расшнурование одежды. Известна застежка, содержащая две налагаемые одна на другую сцепляющимся ворсом ленты, первые края которых совмещены с первыми краями ворсистых участков, обращены во взаимно противоположные стороны. ( ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000150957U1
Автор: СЮЙ Фу-И
Принадлежит: ЗИГМА СТАЙЛ КОРП.

1. Многослойная противокражная конструкция из застежек-молний, расположенная в периферийной части отверстия сумки, содержащая: комплект (1) застежки-молнии первого слоя, включающий в себя головку (11) застежки-молнии первого слоя, и ленту (12) первого слоя, при этом головка (11) застежки-молнии первого слоя расположена с возможностью скольжения на ленте (12) первого слоя; и комплект (2) застежки-молнии второго слоя, включающий в себя головку (21) застежки-молнии второго слоя, и ленту (22) второго слоя, при этом головка (21) застежки-молнии второго слоя расположена с возможностью скольжения на ленте (22) второго слоя; при этом комплект (1) застежки-молнии первого слоя и комплект (2) застежки-молнии второго слоя расположены со смещением друг относительно друга. 2. Многослойная противокражная конструкция из застежек-молний по п. 1, в которой каждая из головки (11) застежки-молнии первого слоя и головки (21) застежки-молнии второго слоя представляет собой одинарную головку застежки-молнии. 3. Многослойная противокражная конструкция из застежек-молний по п. 1, в которой каждая из головок (11, 21) застежек-молний первого слоя и второго слоя представляет собой двойную головку застежки-молнии. 4. Многослойная противокражная конструкция из застежек-молний по п. 1, в которой одна из головок (11, 21) застежек- молний первого слоя и второго слоя представляет собой двойную головку застежки-молнии, при этом головка застежки-молнии другого слоя представляет собой одинарную головку застежки-молнии. 5. Многослойная противокражная конструкция из застежек-молний по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая: комплект (3) застежки-молнии третьего слоя, включающий в себя головку (31) застежки-молнии третьего слоя, и ленту (32) третьего слоя, при этом головка (31) застежки-молнии третьего слоя расположена с возможностью скольжения на ленте (32) третьего слоя. 6. Многослойная противокражная конструкция из застежек-молний по п. 5, в которой комплект (2) застежки-молнии второго слоя и комплект (3) ...

11-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000178583U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности относится к конструкции разъемных и неразъемных застежек-молний. Потайная застежка-молния включает две несущие ленты, установленные на них ряды элементов сцепления, ползунок. При этом ряды элементов сцепления спереди полностью закрыты частями несущих лент, которые в закрытом положении застежки-молнии соприкасаются друг с другом. Она дополнительно включает на внешней поверхности два слоя на основе полимерного материала, включающего частицы диоксида кремния. При этом каждый слой прикреплен ко всей лицевой поверхности каждой несущей ленты, включая части несущих лент, которые закрывают ряды элементов сцепления, а в закрытом положении застежки-молнии соприкасаются друг с другом. Технический результат заключается в повышении защиты рядов элементов сцепления застежки-молнии. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 178 583 U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/32 (2006.01) A44B 19/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A44B 19/10 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017132306, 15.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Гамма" (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.04.2018 2428901 C2, 20.09.2011. RU 2079280 C1, 20.05.1997. CN 206462518 U, 05.09.2017. (45) Опубликовано: 11.04.2018 Бюл. № 11 1 7 8 5 8 3 R U (54) ПОТАЙНАЯ ЗАСТЕЖКА-МОЛНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности относится к конструкции разъемных и неразъемных застежекмолний. Потайная застежка-молния включает две несущие ленты, установленные на них ряды элементов сцепления, ползунок. При этом ряды элементов сцепления спереди полностью закрыты частями несущих лент, которые в закрытом положении застежки-молнии соприкасаются друг с другом. Она дополнительно включает на Стр.: 1 внешней поверхности два слоя на основе полимерного материала, включающего частицы диоксида кремния. При ...

07-12-2018 дата публикации

Верхний ограничитель для застежки-молнии

Номер: RU0000185504U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности к конструктивным элементам разъемных и неразъемных застежек-молний. Верхний ограничитель для застежки-молнии выполнен с формой в виде хомута, имеет с внутренней стороны две канавки, обеспечивающие возможность фиксации в них материала несущей ленты с помощью выступов при сжатии ограничителя. Концы хомута имеют разную длину, один из концов имеет три выступа полукруглой формы с расположенными между ними двумя канавками. При этом высота выступов и глубина канавок изменяется по длине ограничителя в сторону уменьшения так, что другой конец ограничителя выполнен без выступов и канавок. Технический результат заключается в исключении смещения одного из рядов элементов сцепления при креплении ограничителя на несущей ленте. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 185 504 U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/00 (2006.01) A44B 19/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A44B 19/00 (2018.08); A44B 19/36 (2018.08); A44B 19/44 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018132532, 12.09.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Гамма" (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.12.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 07.12.2018 Бюл. № 34 1 8 5 5 0 4 R U (54) ВЕРХНИЙ ОГРАНИЧИТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ЗАСТЕЖКИ-МОЛНИИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к легкой полукруглой формы с расположенными между промышленности, в частности к конструктивным ними двумя канавками. При этом высота элементам разъемных и неразъемных застежеквыступов и глубина канавок изменяется по длине молний. Верхний ограничитель для застежкиограничителя в сторону уменьшения так, что молнии выполнен с формой в виде хомута, имеет другой конец ограничителя выполнен без с внутренней стороны две канавки, выступов и канавок. Технический результат обеспечивающие возможность фиксации в них заключается в исключении смещения одного из материала несущей ленты с помощью ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000203032U1

Полезная модель относится к застежкам с подвижным замком, точнее к скользящим застежкам, а именно к застежкам-молниям. Безопасная застежка-молния включает бегунок и брелок. Дополнительно содержит защитный элемент, выполненный в виде пластины, установленной в передней части бегунка с возможностью откидывания назад. Технический результат состоит в повышении безопасности застежки за счет исключении возможности защемления кожи в зазоре между каналом бегунка и замыкающими элементами. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 032 U1 (51) МПК A44B 19/26 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A44B 19/26 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019118528, 14.06.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Носов Даниил Петрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.03.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.06.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 18.03.2021 Бюл. № 8 2 0 3 0 3 2 R U (54) БЕЗОПАСНАЯ ЗАСТЁЖКА-МОЛНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к застежкам с подвижным замком, точнее к скользящим застежкам, а именно к застежкам-молниям. Безопасная застежка-молния включает бегунок и брелок. Дополнительно содержит защитный элемент, выполненный в виде пластины, установленной в передней части бегунка с Стр.: 1 возможностью откидывания назад. Технический результат состоит в повышении безопасности застежки за счет исключении возможности защемления кожи в зазоре между каналом бегунка и замыкающими элементами. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 141407, Московская обл., г. Химки, ул. Строителей, 6А, кв. 42, Носов Д.П. 2 0 3 0 3 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU371702 A3, 22.02.1973. RU2496396 C2, 27.10.2013. CN204599598 U, 02.09.2015. CN202552419 U, 28.11.2012. R U 14.06.2019 (72) Автор(ы): Носов Даниил Петрович (RU) U 1 U 1 2 0 3 0 3 2 2 0 3 0 3 2 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 203 032 U1 Полезная модель относится к застежкам с ...

15-06-2021 дата публикации

Ткань техническая полиэфирная

Номер: RU0000204835U1

Полезная модель относится к текстильной промышленности и касается технической ткани, применяемой для армирования конвейерных лент, в том числе в тяжелых условиях. Ткань техническая полиэфирная образована переплетением основных и уточных нитей, при этом в качестве основной и уточной нитей использованы полиэфирные нити, при этом уточная нить представляет собой комплексную многофиламентную нить, по меньшей мере, в 3 сложения, степень извитости нитей основы 4-8%, количество нитей утка 25-60 на 10 см и жесткость тканого полотна в поперечном направлении 15-22 г*см. Технический результат заключается в повышении лоткообразования конвейерной ленты на основе полиэфирной ткани. 3 з.п. ф-лы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 835 U1 (51) МПК D03D 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D03D 1/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021103715, 15.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "СОЮЗТЕКСТИЛЬ-СТ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 15.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 15.06.2021 Бюл. № 17 2 0 4 8 3 5 R U (54) ТКАНЬ ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛИЭФИРНАЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к текстильной промышленности и касается технической ткани, применяемой для армирования конвейерных лент, в том числе в тяжелых условиях. Ткань техническая полиэфирная образована переплетением основных и уточных нитей, при этом в качестве основной и уточной нитей использованы полиэфирные нити, при этом Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 400074, Волгоград, РабочеКрестьянская,22,Союз "Волгоградская торговопромышленная палата", Подшибихина Дарья Владимировна 2 0 4 8 3 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1180418 A1, 23.09.1985. RU 168595 U1, 09.02.2017. EP 296670 A1, 28.12.1988. SU 1831531 A3, 30.07.1993. Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.02.2021 R U 15.02.2021 (72) Автор(ы): Анкудинов Юрий Валентинович (RU) уточная нить ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Stop of a zipper

Номер: US20120017403A1
Автор: Tsai-Yu Chang
Принадлежит: Individual

A stop of a zipper is mounted at an end of the zipper, is L-shaped and has a mounting protrusion and a limiting protrusion formed transversely on a proximal end of the mounting protrusion. When the mounting protrusion of the stop is mounted into a slider, the limiting protrusion and the slanted upper surface of the limiting protrusion prevent the slider from further sliding into a channel of the slider so the slider stops actually. Moreover, corners and edges of the stop may be all rounded so the stop is able to smoothly slide into the slider.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Impact-resistant and penetration-resistant textile structure, method for producing such textile structure and apparatus thereof

Номер: US20120073427A1

The present invention refers to an impact-resistant and penetration-resistant textile structure, to a method and to an apparatus for production thereof.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Zipper pre-gather device

Номер: US20120096687A1
Принадлежит: Magna International Inc

A zipper pre-gather device which is operable for providing proper alignment of two sides of a zipper tape prior to being fed through a slider, thereby preventing the slider from becoming unintentionally engaged with sections of the foldable, stowable roof or parts of the foldable window. The present invention is a zipper pre-gather device which includes a slider pivotally attached to a pre-gather device. The pre-gather device has two entrances, one for receiving each side of the zipper tape, which are operable with two exits. The entrances of the pre-gather device are of a large width and height in relation to the exits, and are operable for providing proper alignment between two sides of a zipper tape, prior to the two sides of the zipper tape being fed into the slider.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Electronic textile, article and method

Номер: US20120118427A1
Принадлежит: Philadelphia University (PhilaU)

A woven article having plural weave layers comprises a plurality of electrically insulating and/or electrically conductive yarn in the warp and a plurality of electrically insulating and/or electrically conductive yarn in the weft interwoven with the yarn in the warp. An electrical function is provided by one or more circuit carriers disposed in cavities in the plural layer woven article and/or one or more functional yarn in the warp and/or the weft, wherein the circuit carrier and/or functional yarn include an electrical contact for connecting to the electrically conductive yarn in the warp and/or weft.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Slide Fastener with Flat Elements

Номер: US20120137476A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A slide fastener is provided. Each of a pair of first and second stringers includes a tape and a row of coupling elements mounted on a longitudinal edge of the tape. Each of the coupling elements comprises a first non-connecting portion at an upper side of the tape and a second connecting portion at a lower side of the tape. The second connecting portion comprises a head portion and a body portion. The head portion is engageable with a head portion of opposing coupling element. The body portion is fixed to the tape.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Surgical patch cover and method of use

Номер: US20120179175A1
Автор: Eugene J. Hammell

A device for performing surgery on a patient includes: a mesh patch comprising a top surface and a bottom surface; and a removable cover positioned adjacent to and in facing engagement with the bottom surface of the mesh patch. The bottom surface has a plurality of hooks positioned thereon. The cover is removed from the mesh patch as the mesh patch is positioned at a surgical site such that the hooks on the bottom of the mesh patch grip surrounding tissue of a patient and secure the mesh patch to surrounding tissue of the surgical site. A method for performing a surgery using such a device is also provided.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Seat Belt Webbing and Method for manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20120192988A1
Принадлежит: Autoliv Development AB

The invention relates to a seat belt webbing having a plurality of warp threads ( 1, 3 ), a weft thread ( 2 ) which runs from one edge of the seat belt webbing to the other edge, periodically reversing the direction in reversal points and is interwoven with the warp threads ( 1, 3 ). The weft thread ( 2 ) in the reversal points in an edge portion (B) is folded back forming a loop, and a catch thread ( 5 ) which is fed through the loops of the weft thread ( 2 ). The catch thread ( 5 ) is placed between the warp threads ( 1, 3 ) and is covered by the weft thread ( 2 ) and/or by the warp threads (1, 3) towards the surface of the seat belt webbing.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Fly ball system

Номер: US20120222272A1
Автор: Wesley Moreland
Принадлежит: Individual

A fly ball system comprising: a zipper assembly; a removeably-attachable tag having an eye; and an attacher removeably inserted through the eye. The zipper includes a zipper; a top tape extension; a top stop; a slider; a pull tab; a tape; a bottom stop; an insertion pin; and a retainer box. The zipper, the top tape extension, the top stop, the slider, the pull tab, the tape, the bottom stop, the insertion pin, and the retainer box form the zipper assembly for temporarily joining two edges of fabric together. The attacher includes a clip and is removeably-attached via an opening/closing mechanism to an interior cut-out located on a front portion of the pull tab on the slider of the zipper assembly. The attacher removeably-attaches the eye on the removeably-attachable tag to the pull tab on the slider of the zipper assembly for replacing existing broken zipper tabs.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Evaporative cooling towel and method of activation

Номер: US20120227856A1
Автор: Russell Sinacori
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for activating an evaporative cooling towel including providing a woven fabric constructed from a combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic fibers, soaking the fabric in water, wringing out excess water and stretching or snapping open the fabric to open the weave of the fabric and activate evaporative cooling.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive zipper tape

Номер: US20120233739A1
Принадлежит: Columbia Sportswear North America Inc

Embodiments herein provide adhesive zipper tape. A zipper may be coupled to adhesive zipper tape to form a zipper assembly. In various embodiments, the adhesive zipper tape may be coupled to a piece of fabric, such as in a garment, around an opening. The zipper may then be used to open and close the opening. In various embodiments, the adhesive zipper tape may manifest an adhesive quality when activated by an activation stimulus, such as heat or air.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Liquid-Tight Slide Fastener and Manufacturing Method Therefor

Номер: US20120246886A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

There is provided a liquid-tight slide fastener capable of sufficiently ensuring waterproof property regardless of where fastener elements are formed and capable of sufficiently ensuring attachment strength of the fastener elements to fastener tapes provided with liquid-tight layers. There is also provided a manufacturing method for the liquid-tight slide fastener. The liquid-tight slide fastener includes a pair of fastener tapes that include a pair of tape members, core sections respectively provided on opposing tape edges of the pair of tape members, and liquid-tight layers formed on one side of the pair of tape members; a pair of fastener element rows; and a slider. The liquid-tight layers are formed with gaps to the core sections in a width direction of the fastener tapes. The fastener elements are attached to the core sections.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Thin zipper

Номер: US20120246887A1
Автор: Wen-Chun Weng
Принадлежит: Individual

A thin zipper includes two sets of coil zippers fastened to two base cloths. Each coil zipper includes a plurality of teeth and at least one core wire threading through the teeth and coupling the teeth in series. Each tooth includes a bracing section, two bent sections extended from two distal ends of the bracing section and a surface section. The bracing section has a bracing inner edge on an inner side to brace the core wire. Each bent section has a latch portion engaged with another latch portion of a different tooth. The surface section is located between the two bent sections and has a packing inner edge formed on an inner side to compress the core wire to generate deformation. The bracing inner edge and packing inner edge form an inner space between them at an interval smaller than the diameter of the core wire.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of Sewing Fastener Stringer, Method of Manufacturing Product to Which Fastener is Attached, Product to Which Fastener is Attached, and Sewing Machine Foot

Номер: US20120246888A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A fastener attached product is structured such that a slide fastener is sewn to right and left attached bodies which are bent in a U-shape, and the right and left attached bodies are arranged in a tape surface side to which the element rows of the fastener tape are sewn. Further, the right and left attached bodies come into contact with the outer surfaces of right and left flanges which are arranged in a slider, and the element rows are arranged and exposed between the right and left attached bodies. As a result of this configuration, since the fastener tape is invisible from the outside by the attached body, exposing the element rows can provide the fastener attached product with different design from conventional products and eliminate problems due to degradation in the appearance and design which is caused by the exposure of the fastener tapes.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Double Layer Zipper with Tadpole-Shaped Interlocking Teeth

Номер: US20120272488A1
Автор: Lien-Chou Wang
Принадлежит: Individual

A double layer zipper includes two zipper tapes, each zipper tape having a seal strip covered on transverse top and bottom edges and one longitudinal side edge thereof and stitched with the associating interlocking series of teeth, and an interlocking series of teeth formed of a series of coils and respectively fastened to each of opposing top and bottom sides of each of the zipper tapes, each coil having a coil head and a coil body connected to the front side of the coil head, the coil body having a recessed face disposed adjacent to the associating coil head, two flank portions disposed at two opposite lateral sides of the recessed face and a neck connected between the recessed face and associating coil head so that each coil has a tadpole-shaped profile.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Zipper head structure

Номер: US20120297584A1
Автор: Yu-Pau Lin
Принадлежит: Chung Chwan Enterprise Co Ltd

A zipper head structure is disclosed, which includes a slider body, a pull-tab, and a locking hook. The slider body has a protrusion which is formed on the slider body. The pull-tab has a holding portion and an opening. The protrusion is located in the opening of the pull-tab. The locking hook has a base portion which is located over the hinge portion. The locking hook is disposed on the slider body. The base portion has a through hole. A stopper is downwardly formed by one side of the through hole. The hinge portion is disposed between the protrusion and the stopper. Thereby, by utilizing the stopper of the locking hook which is integrally formed, the movement of the hinge portion is effectively confined for preventing the pull-tab from separating with the slider body when pulling the zipper.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Metal Double-Sided Tooth and Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130007993A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

Provided are a metal double-sided tooth that prevents a flow protruding portion from protruding from the boundary between a coupling concave portion and a body, and a slide fastener using the metal double-sided tooth. The inner side of a coupling concave portion is formed in a substantially bowl shape and a concave portion is formed throughout the boundary between the coupling concave portion and a body and a front side and a rear side of the body. Further, when the metal double-sided tooth is attached to a fastener tape, it is possible to prevent a flow protruding portion generated by caulking a pair of legs from protruding outward from the coupling concave portion or the front side and the rear side of the body until sliding friction is generated in a slider.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Waterproof zipper, method and apparatus for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130014355A1
Автор: Young Hee Lee
Принадлежит: UNIZIN Co

A waterproof zipper, a method and an apparatus for manufacturing the same are provided, which can be provided with water resistance, implement diverse shapes and colors through a print layer formed on the zipper, and prevent the print layer from peeling off due to ultraviolet rays or a sliding operation of a slider. The waterproof zipper includes a zipper having one surface to which a plurality of elements are attached so that the elements are engaged with each other in a length direction of the zipper, and a waterproof film made of a transparent polyurethane material and having one surface on which a print layer is formed and which is attached to the other surface of the zipper.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Structure of zipper's teeth with either english letter or symbol appearence for identification

Номер: US20130014356A1
Автор: Chang-Wen Tsao
Принадлежит: Individual

Present invention relates to a kind structure of zipper's teeth with either in English letter or symbol appearance which will be used for brand's or maker's identification while using subject unique zipper to be on their commodity. Herein claimed object especially indicates onto zipper's teeth made by Zinc-alloy via Thermal Press Forming process or POM teeth made by Injection Molding method. To make the shape of tiny teeth appearing either in English letter or symbol and each subject tooth is pressed to snap tightly on the zipper strap, finally to form a zipper properly. While such unique zipper (along with selected English letter or symbol appearance on teeth) is applied on each developing commodity, so as to represent who makes this commodity or easily identify the commodity source from which Brand. Meanwhile, subject teeth structure is able creating an additional feature of anti-counterfeit effectively.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Concealed Zipper Assembly

Номер: US20130014357A1
Автор: Sandra L. Smith
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A concealed zipper assembly and a method of binding a first material to a second material with the concealed zipper assembly.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Electrical components and circuits constructed as textiles

Номер: US20130020313A1
Принадлежит: Intelligent Textiles Ltd

Electrical components are formed in a fabric during the weaving process by a series of crossing conductors in the warp and weft fibres of the fabric. Some of the crossing points provide permanent Separation of the crossing conductors, others permanent connection of the crossing conductors and others connection upon the application of pressure to the fabric. The structure provides the possibility of forming a greater range of components and more reliable component characteristics than heretofore possible.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for assembling at least one chip using a fabric, and fabric including a chip device

Номер: US20130033879A1

A method for assembling a device on two substantially parallel taut threads. The device includes an electronic chip and two substantially parallel grooves open on opposite sides of the device. The distance separating the grooves corresponds to the distance separating the threads. The device presents a penetrating shape along an axis perpendicular to the plane of the grooves, having a base at the level of the grooves and an apex of smaller size than the distance separating the threads. The method includes the steps consisting in placing the apex of the device between the two threads; in moving the device between the two threads resulting in the threads being separated from one another by the penetrating shape of the device; and in continuing movement of the device until the threads penetrate into the grooves reverting to their initial separation distance.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Closure arrangement with opening in stationary member

Номер: US20130036576A1
Принадлежит: Under Armour Inc

A closure arrangement comprises a first side with a first plurality of closure elements and a second side with a second plurality of closure elements. A slider is moveably positioned on the first side and an insertion pin assembly is positioned on the second side. The insertion pin assembly includes a mouth defined between an inner jaw and an outer jaw and an insertion pin positioned within the mouth. The mouth is configured to receive the slider and the insertion pin is configured for insertion into the slider.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Zipper repairer and extender

Номер: US20130061434A1
Автор: Tammy Rice Hampton
Принадлежит: Individual

A zipper device for repairing and extending the life of a standard zipper used on boat tops, covers and enclosures, or the tops, covers and enclosures on other equipment that use a zipper for fastening and snapping together their openings. The use of the zipper device of the present invention also widens a standard zipper to provide slack to tops, covers and enclosures on boats and other equipment.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Tight Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130067700A1
Автор: Kusayama Masahiro
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A liquid-tight slide fastener, wherein a pair of right and left coil-like coupling element rows, through which a core thread is respectively passed, is attached by sewing along opposing side edges of a pair of right and left fastener tapes, the fastener tapes having a liquid-tight layer on one surface thereof, and the core thread is coated with a water repellent agent or oil repellent agent. Consequently, even if water or oil invades into a space portion in the coupling element rows through a joint portion in the liquid-tight slide fastener, the core thread repels the water or oil, thereby blocking a further invasion of water or oil, and exerting excellent water repellency or oil repellency without provision of a water stop flap. 110.-. (canceled)11. A liquid-tight slide fastener , comprisinga pair of right and left, coil-like coupling element rows being sewn to an opposing side edge of a pair of right and left fastener tapes;a pair of right and left core threads passing through the pair of coil-like coupling element rows, wherein the coupling element rows and the core threads are sewn to the fastener tapes anda pair of right and left liquid tight layers formed on surfaces of the pair of right and left fastener tapes that are opposite to surfaces to which the coil-like coupling element rows are attached, and opposing side edges thereof being in contact when the pair of right and left coil-like coupling element rows are coupled, wherein the liquid tight layers extend to the edges of the fastener tapes, and wherein at least surfaces of the liquid tight layers and the core threads are coated with a water repellant agent or oil repellant agent.12. The liquid-tight slide fastener according to claim 11 , wherein the surfaces of the fastener tapes that are opposite to the surfaces on which the liquid tight layers are formed claim 11 , are also coated with the water repellant agent or oil repellant agent. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a liquid- ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Packaging for steaming and related methods

Номер: US20130071047A1
Принадлежит: EXOPACK LLC

A strainable bag with a hook-and-hook closure can include walls formed of a material having multiple layers of polymer or paper or mixtures thereof, and which can include at least one gusset. The hook-and-hook closure allows for liquids or gases to be vented from the bag, as well as for liquids to be removed from the bag interior. The bag can be formed into a full open mouth configuration for ease of filling and ease of dispensing product. The hook-and-hook closure also allows for an imprecise alignment of the closure track to substantially close the bag around the gusset area. Methods of using and manufacturing a strainable bag with a hook-and-hook closure for preparing various food products are also presented.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130074292A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A slide fastener according to the invention includes a pair of first and second separable interfitting parts fixed to first and second fastener stringers. A protruding part is arranged at a front end of the second separable interfitting part and if a width dimension of the protruding part is defined as a first dimension A, a dimension between a back end of a side surface of the protruding part and an opposed end on a side opposite to the first separable interfitting part is defined as a second dimension B, and a dimension between a diamond and a flange of the slider is defined as a third dimension C, the protruding part has a relationship of the first dimension A Подробнее

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130074293A1
Автор: Mikuma Ryo
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

There is provided a slide fastener including a pair of fastener tapes each having a waterproof layer, a pair of fastener element rows each having a plurality of fastener elements, an upper opening slider, a box pin, and an insert pin. At least one recess which is elongated in a longitudinal direction of the pair of fastener tapes is formed on each of both the front and back surfaces of the box pin and both the front and back surfaces of the insert pin. 1. A slide fastener comprising:a pair of fastener tapes each having a waterproof layer;a pair of fastener element rows each having a plurality of fastener elements which are respectively arranged along opposing side edges of the pair of fastener tapes;an upper opening slider configured to disengage engagement of the pair of fastener element rows from above;a box pin attached to both front and back surfaces of one end of one of the fastener tapes, the one end where the fastener elements are not present; andan insert pin attached to both front and rear surfaces of one end of the other one of the fastener tapes, the one end where the fastener elements are not present,wherein at least one recess which is elongated in a longitudinal direction of the pair of fastener tapes is formed on each of both front and back surfaces of the box pin and both front and back surfaces of the insert pin.2. The slide fastener according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one recess comprises a plurality of recesses, andwherein at least one through-hole is formed on each of the fastener tapes at a position between the plurality of recesses.3. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , further comprising:the upper opening slider configured to disengage the engagement of the pair of fastener element rows from above; and a lower opening slider configured to disengage the engagement of the pair of fastener element rows from below,wherein the recess which is formed on the box pin is configured such that a width dimension thereof increases with ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Mechanical And Adhesive Based Reclosable Fasteners

Номер: US20130091667A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hybrid reclosable fastener with both mechanical mating and adhesive reclosable mating elements and a method of forming the hybrid reclosable fastener is described herein. Mechanical mating elements include mating portions having cooperating coupling parts configured to provide mechanical mating along with adhesive mating elements including an adhesive material formed on the cooperating coupling parts configured to provide an adhesive mating.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Fastening Member and Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130097819A1
Автор: Kojima Masayoshi
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A fastening member contains a synthetic resin, in which flat metal foil containing aluminum is mixed with the synthetic resin and an average particle diameter of the metal foil is set to be equal to or more than 3 μm and equal to or less than 8 μm. Accordingly, the fastening member has both an advantage of a synthetic resin of being inexpensive and light and an advantage of a metal of having strength and gloss having a high-grade sense, and an outer appearance or a texture thereof can be viewed like the metallic member. In the fastening member, a weld mark can be restrained from being generated, and even if the weld mark is generated, the weld mark can be made difficult to be visually recognized relatively and the weld mark can be mixed with the gloss. 1. A fastening member containing a synthetic resin , wherein flat metal foil containing aluminum is mixed with the synthetic resin , and an average particle diameter of the metal foil is set to be equal to or more than 3 μm and equal to or less than 8 μm.2. The fastening member according to claim 1 , wherein the metal foil contained in the synthetic resin is equal to or more than 0.4 wt % and equal to or less than 5.0 wt %.3. The fastening member according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening member has at least one flat surface on an exposure surface exposed to the outside claim 1 , and areas of the flat surfaces are set to be equal to or more than 0.4 mmand equal to or less than 4.0 mm.4. The fastening member according to claim 1 , wherein an exposure surface of the fastening member exposed to the outside includes only a curved surface or a convexo-concave surface.5. The fastening member according to claim 1 , wherein the synthetic resin has permeability.6. The fastening member of any one according to claim 1 , wherein the fastening member is a fastener component forming a slide fastener.7. The fastening member according to claim 6 , wherein the fastener component is a fastener element claim 6 , the fastener element ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Roller-Loaded Zipper Slide

Номер: US20130097820A1
Автор: Lien-Chou Wang

A roller-loaded zipper slide includes first and second roller brackets respectively mounted in top and bottom slide body blocks of the slide body thereof to carry a respective front roller in flush with the front edges of the top and bottom slide body blocks and in proximity to the zipper's interlocking teeth and in direct contact with the zipper tapes for guiding the interlocking teeth into the internal chamber of the roller-loaded zipper slide smoothly and accurately, avoiding scratching or damaging the stitches of the zipper tapes, improving zipper slide sliding mobility, reducing zipper teeth wear and prolonging zipper slide lifespan.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102217A1
Автор: Jeon Byung-Ok
Принадлежит: SILVERAY CO., LTD.

The present invention discloses to relates to an electrically conductive fabric, and a manufacturing method and an apparatus thereof, and more specifically to an electrically conductive fabric, and a manufacturing method and an apparatus thereof, wherein part of electrically conductive wire woven together into fabric is selectively exposed to the outside of the fabric to perform the tying of electrically conductive wires and the connection of various elements and modules quickly and conveniently, so that workability and productivity can be improved. 1. An electrically conductive fabric comprising:multiple strands of warps arranged lengthwise;multiple strands of wefts knitted with the warps: andat least one strand of electrically conductive wire arranged lengthwise and woven in a planar shape,wherein an electrically conductive wire weaving section in which the electrically conductive wire is knitted to the warp and/or weft to be bound monolithically to the electrically conductive fabric and an electrically conductive wire exposing section in which the electrically conductive wire is not knitted to the warp and/or weft but is exposed to the outside of the electrically conductive fabric by a predetermined length are repetitively formed.2. The electrically conductive fabric of claim 1 , further comprising a binding-and-releasing weft which is fed simultaneously at the time of weaving the electrically conductive wire claim 1 , wherein the binding-and-releasing weft is knitted with the warp and/or weft so that the electrically conductive wire is knitted so as to be bound to the warp and/or weft in the electrically conductive wire weaving section claim 1 , and is knitted with the warp and/or weft so that the electrically conductive wire is knitted so as not to be bound to the warp and/or weft in the electrically conductive wire exposing section.3. The electrically conductive fabric of claim 1 , wherein the weft includes a first warp-knitting weft which is knitted with the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Copper-Zinc Alloy Product and Process for Producing Copper-Zinc Alloy Product

Номер: US20130104349A1

A copper-zinc alloy product of the invention contains zinc in an amount of higher than 35% by weight and 43% by weight or less and has a two-phase structure of an α-phase and a β-phase. Further, the ratio of the β-phase in the copper-zinc alloy is controlled to be higher than 10% and less than 40% and the crystal grains of the α-phase and the β-phase are crushed into a flat shape and arranged in a layer shape through cold working. According to the copper-zinc alloy product, it is possible to decrease the copper content and to appropriately secure the strength and cold workability by appropriately controlling the ratio of the β-phase. 1. A copper-zinc alloy product including a copper-zinc alloy containing zinc in an amount of higher than 35% by weight and 43% by weight or less and having a two-phase structure composed of an α-phase and a β-phase , wherein the ratio of the β-phase in the copper-zinc alloy is controlled to be higher than 10% and less than 40% and the crystal grains of the α-phase and the β-phase are crushed into a flat shape and arranged in a layer shape through cold working.2. The copper-zinc alloy product according to claim 1 , wherein the crystal grains of the β-phase having a flat shape are formed in a layer shape in a direction intersecting a direction in which cracks caused by season cracking due to residual stress or cracks caused by stress corrosion cracking progress.3. The copper-zinc alloy product according to claim 1 , wherein the crystal grains of the α-phase and β-phase having a flat shape are arranged along an external surface of the copper-zinc alloy product.4. The copper-zinc alloy product according to claim 3 , wherein the crystal grains of the β-phase having a flat shape are formed such that a ratio of the length of the long side in a direction parallel to the external surface to the length of the short side in a direction perpendicular to the external surface is 2 or higher claim 3 , when viewed in the cross section.5. The copper- ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106081A1

The present invention relates to an airbag fabric comprising a polyester fiber, and more particularly to a polyester fabric, a preparation method for the same, and an airbag for vehicle comprising the same, where the polyester fabric has a tensile strength Tof at least 95 kgf/inch as measured according to the ASTM D 5034 method, a tear strength Tof at least 6.5 kgf as measured according to the ASTM D 2261 TONGUE method, and the ratio (T/T) of tensile strength Tto tear strength Tin the range of 4.0 to 16.4. 118-. (canceled)21. The polyester fabric as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the polyester fabric comprises a polyester fiber having a fineness of 200 to 395 denier.22. The polyester fabric as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the polyester fabric has a cover factor of 1 claim 19 ,800 to 2 claim 19 ,300 as defined by the following calculation formula 3:{'br': None, 'Cover factor(CF)=warp density(thread/inch)×√{square root over (warp denier)}+weft density(thread/inch)×√{square root over (weft denier)}.\u2003\u2003Calculation Formula 323. The polyester fabric as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the polyester fabric has a stiffness of 1.2 kgf or less as measured according to ASTM D 4032 method.24. The polyester fabric as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the polyester fabric has a static air permeability of 2.5 cfm or less with ΔP of 125 pa claim 19 , and 10 cfm or less with ΔP of 500 pa claim 19 , as measured according to ASTM D 737 method.25. The polyester fabric as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the polyester fabric comprises a polyester fiber having a breaking elongation of 14 to 23% and a dry shrinkage of 1.0 to 6.5%.26. The polyester fabric as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the polyester fabric comprises a polyester fiber having Young's modulus at 1% elongation in the range of 75 to 95 g/de claim 19 , and Young's modulus at 2% elongation in the range of 25 to 55 g/de claim 19 , wherein the Young's modulus is measured according to ASTM D 885 method.27. The polyester fabric as ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Wound treatment device

Номер: US20130116635A1
Автор: Wilhelm Fleischmann
Принадлежит: Individual

A wound treatment device comprises a wound surface contacting plug and a cover for covering the wound surface and the plug, wherein said plug consists of a flat textile isolating material comprising at least one first surface layer, one second surface layer and one intermediate space arranged between said surface layers. At least the first surface layer is provided with a biocompatible surface and a structure which enables a liquid to pass and prevents a wound tissue from growing in said structure. The intermediate space is provided with isolating threads elastically holding the first surface layer and the second surface layer at a certain distance from each other.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125351A1
Автор: CHOU Chao-Mu

A continuous-coil type waterproof slide fastener includes two support tapes each having opposing first face and second face, two rows of coupling elements respectively formed of a continuous length of monofilament and respectively secured to along the inner longitudinal edge of the second face of each of the two support tapes, a high polymer elastic member bonded to the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge of each support tape and transversely extending from the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge to a predetermined distance, each high polymer elastic member further having a covering portion on the inner longitudinal edge of the second face of the associating support tape and a filling portion penetrates into inner chinks in the associating row of coupling elements, and a fluid impervious film covered at least on the first face of each support tape and the associating high polymer elastic member. 1. A continuous-coil type waterproof slide fastener , comprising:a pair of symmetrical support tapes each having a first face, a second face opposite to said first face forming an inner edge between the second face and a vertical wall of an inner longitudinal edge joining said first face and said second face;two rows of coupling elements respectively formed of a continuous length of monofilament and respectively secured to said support tapes along the said inner edge of the second face of each of said two support tapes;wherein a high polymer elastic member is bonded to the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge of each of said two support tapes and transversely extending from the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge of each of said two support tapes to a predetermined distance, said high polymer elastic member further comprising a covering portion on said inner edge of the second face of each of said two support tapes and a filling portion penetrates into inner chinks in each of said two rows of coupling elements;a fluid impervious film is ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125352A1
Автор: CHOU Chao-Mu

A continuous-coil type waterproof slide fastener includes two support tapes each having opposing first face and second face, two rows of coupling elements respectively formed of a continuous length of monofilament and respectively secured to along the inner longitudinal edge of the second face of each of the two support tapes, a high polymer elastic member bonded to the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge of each support tape and transversely extending from the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge to a predetermined distance, each high polymer elastic member further having a covering portion on the inner longitudinal edge of the second face of the associating support tape and a filling portion penetrates into inner chinks in the associating row of coupling elements, and a fluid impervious film covered at least on the first face of each support tape and the associating high polymer elastic member. 110-. (canceled)11. A continuous-coil type waterproof slide fastener , comprising:a pair of symmetrical support tapes each having a first face, a second face opposite to said first face forming an inner edge between the second face and a vertical wall of an inner longitudinal edge joining said first face and said second face;two rows of coupling elements respectively formed of a continuous length of monofilament and respectively secured to said support tapes along said inner edge of the second face of each of said two support tapes;wherein a high polymer elastic member is bonded to the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge of each of said two support tapes and transversely extending from the vertical wall of the inner longitudinal edge of each of said two support tapes to a predetermined distance, said high polymer elastic member further comprising a covering portion on said inner edge of the second face of each of said two support tapes and a filling portion penetrates into inner chinks in each of said two rows of coupling elements, said high ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131721A1

A lockable flexible element including an attachment and a substantially elongated and flexible body defining a body first end and a substantially opposed body second end, the body defining a body serrated surface substantially longitudinally spaced apart from the body second end. The attachment includes a collar provided substantially adjacent the body second end; a tongue provided at least partially inside the collar and extending substantially longitudinally thereinto, the tongue defining a tongue serrated surface, the tongue being deformable between a tongue extended configuration and a tongue retracted configuration; and a safety catch removably insertable between the tongue and the collar with the tongue between the body serrated surface and the safety catch. 1. A styptic device for substantially hemostatically sealing a percutaneous puncture in a blood vessel of a patient , said styptic device comprising:a bracelet defining a bracelet first end and a substantially opposed bracelet second end; anda compression element mechanically coupled to said bracelet and provided between said bracelet first and second ends, said compression element defining a compression surface compressible against said patient for substantially hemostatically sealing said percutaneous puncture;said bracelet including an attachment, said attachment including an attachment first element and an attachment second element provided respectively substantially adjacent said bracelet first and second ends;said bracelet being configurable between an open configuration in which said attachment first and second elements are disjoint from each other and a closed configuration in which said attachment first and second elements are mechanically coupled to each other and said bracelet forms a loop with said compression surface facing inwardly;wherein, with said bracelet in said closed configuration, said attachment is configurable between a locked configuration and an unlocked configuration, wherein, in ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Vapor resistant closure

Номер: US20130133129A1
Автор: Thomas S. Martin
Принадлежит: Lion Apparel Inc

A vapor resistant closure including a closure mechanism, for example, a zipper having a start end in an inner portion of material and a stop end in an outer portion of material with the outer portion containing the stop end overlapping the inner portion containing the start end. The closure mechanism forming a seal between the outer portion containing the stop end and the inner portion containing the start end when the closure mechanism is closed at the stop end. The seal that is formed is generally impermeable to fluids, gases, vapors, aerosols and particulates. The vapor resistant closure may also include a compressible body between the outer portion of material containing the stop end and the inner portion of material containing the start end. The compressible body is compressed therebetween when the closure mechanism is closed at the stop end.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130139361A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A slide fastener in which a fastener element has first and second leg portions continuously disposed at both ends of the coupling head is folded in half at its center, and the first leg portion is attached to a coupling element attaching portion of a fastener tape by a sewing thread. A vulnerable portion which is cut out into a V is formed on the bent end face of the coupling head. 15.-. (canceled)6. The slide fastener according to claim 7 , wherein the plurality of coupling elements re coil-like or zigzag-like continuous coupling elements in which the ends of the first and second leg portions are connected via each reversal connecting portion.7. A slide fastener in which coupling elements are attached to plural positions along right and left coupling element attaching portions which are side edge portions of a pair of fastener tapes opposing each other claim 7 , and opposing coupling element rows are capable of being coupled and separated claim 7 ,wherein each of the coupling elements includes a coupling head, and a first leg portion and a second leg portion which are continuously disposed by sandwiching the coupling element attaching portions,a sewing portion at which the first leg portion and the second leg portion are sewn to one of the fastener tapes is provided,a vulnerable portion whose breaking resistance is weakened is provided on a part of the coupling head of an outer surface of the first leg portion or the second leg portion, andthe vulnerable portion includes a cut-out portion which is cut out of an outer face of the coupling head.8. The slide fastener according to claim 7 , wherein the cut-out portion is cut into a V shape. The present invention relates to a slide fastener which has a predetermined resistance to a lateral pulling force and is cleaved when a lateral pulling force larger than a cleavage lateral pulling force is applied, and particularly, to a slide fastener for use in an airbag expansion opening which allows the airbag to expand when an ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130139363A1
Автор: Hideki Sato
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

A slide fastener in which one of the fastener stringers is separable from a tape insertion path at one side of a body of each of sliders in the width direction when a lateral pulling force directed outward in the width direction of the fastener tapes is applied to a pair of fastener stringers. The rear ends of the upper and lower flanges at the one side of the body of the upper slider in the width direction are positioned forward with respect to the rear end of the upper slider at a side of a rear mouth. It is therefore possible to prevent fastener elements from being damaged and easily separate one of the fastener stringers from the upper slider using a simple structure.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130139365A1
Автор: SATO Hideki
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

There is provided a slide fastener that includes a pair of fastener stringers provided with fastener element rows having a plurality of fastener elements along opposing tape-side edges of fastener tapes, and a slider slidably attached to the fastener element rows to engage an disengage the fastener elements. One of the fastener stringers is separated from the slider when a lateral pulling force directed outward in a width direction of the fastener tapes is applied to the pair of fastener stringers. Inner surfaces of the upper and lower flanges at one side of the body in the width direction, are formed as inclined surfaces in which thicknesses of the inclined surfaces gradually increase as the inclined surfaces extend from an inside to an outside in the width direction. 1. A slide fastener comprising:a pair of fastener stringers provided with fastener element rows having a plurality of fastener elements along opposing tape-side edges of a pair of fastener tapes; anda slider slidably attached to the fastener element rows to engage and disengage the fastener elements,wherein one of the fastener stringers is separated from the slider when a lateral pulling force directed outward in a width direction of the fastener tapes is applied to the pair of fastener stringers, a body having an upper blade and a lower blade which are disposed in parallel while being spaced apart from each other in an up-down direction, a guide post connecting the upper blade and the lower blade at front ends thereof, an upper flange protruding downwardly along both left and right edges of the upper blade, a lower flange protruding upwardly along both left and right edges of the lower blade, and a pull tab attachment portion provided on an upper surface of the upper blade; and', 'a pull tab rotatably attached to the pull tab attachment portion, and wherein inner surfaces of the upper and lower flanges at one side of the body in the width direction are formed as inclined surfaces in which thicknesses ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for providing haptic feedback from haptic textile

Номер: US20130155020A1
Принадлежит: Immersion Corp

A system includes a haptic textile comprising a plurality of haptic threads configured to provide haptic feedback, and an ancillary electronic device configured to transfer data to or from the haptic textile.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157029A1
Автор: Oschatz Christian
Принадлежит: Jan D'Haemer

A novel pure natural and regenerative automotive and aircraft upholstery fabric made from linen and blends of linen and cotton, bamboo, wool and/or viscose with physiological and fastness properties comparable with those of currently-used materials and meeting all the requirements of the automobile and aircraft industry. 1. An automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric made exclusively from renewable and environmental-friendly natural fiber material wherein the major component is linen.2. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that it consists of linen and additionally incorporated cellulose fibers such as cotton claim 1 , bamboo and/or admixed viscose.3. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that it consists of at least 50% linen and the balance consists of cotton claim 1 , bamboo and/or viscose filament in mixing ratio of cotton and/or other natural cellulose fibers each between 0 and 50% and viscose filament 0 up to maximum 50%.4. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that it consist of 50% linen and 50% cotton wherein up to 40% of cotton is replaced by viscose filament.5. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that each one of these fabrics has a weight between 100 and 700 g/m claim 1 , preferably between 200 and 600 g/m.6. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fabric is washed claim 1 , desized claim 1 , demineralized claim 1 , bleached and mercerized.7. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according to claim 1 , characterized in that the fabric is semi- or fully continuously dyed in pieces claim 1 , or discontinuously by exhaustion dyeing as yarn or pieces.8. Automotive or aircraft seat upholstery fabric according of claim 7 , characterized in that there are used high lightfast mono- or multifunctional ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174386A1

The present disclosure relates to zipper for a reclosable package, particularly a zipper which has been foamed with the use of bioresins or biodegradable additives to increase the degradability of the zipper. The combination of the process of foaming with the use of bioresins or biodegradable additives typically increases the rate of degradability of the zipper, particularly in biodegradable environments, such as landfills. 1. A zipper for a reclosable package or bag , the zipper being comprised of components made from polymeric material , wherein the polymeric material is foamed and includes an additive chosen from the group consisting of bioresins and biodegradable additives.2. The zipper of wherein the additive is polylactic acid.3. The zipper of wherein the additive is an oxo-biodegradable additive.4. The zipper of wherein the additive is thermoplastic starch.5. The zipper of wherein the additive is a plant-derived sugar.6. The zipper of wherein the additive is cellulosic material.7. The zipper of wherein the additive is a resin derived from a chemical chosen from the group consisting of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 1 , and polyamide 11.8. The zipper of wherein the zipper includes a first profile and a second profile.9. The zipper of wherein the first profile includes a first interlocking element and the second profile includes a second interlocking element.10. The zipper of wherein the first interlocking element is a male element and the second interlocking element is a female element.11. The zipper of further including a slider for interlocking the first and second profiles when moved in a closing direction and for separating the first and second profiles when moved in an opening direction. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/583,642 filed on Jan. 6, 2012, the contents of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.1. Field of the DisclosureThe ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130174388A1
Автор: Ren Zhiyu
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

The slide fastener includes a pair of fastener tapes, a pair of fastener element rows respectively including a plurality of fastener elements and coupling yams coupling the plurality of fastener elements, and a slider configured to engage and disengage the pair of fastener element rows. Each of the fastener elements includes a body portion, a neck portion, an engaging head, portion and a pair of shoulder portions provided at both sides of the neck portion in the tape longitudinal direction and configured to come in contact with opposite engaging head portions. The pair of fastener tapes have stretchability in the tape longitudinal direction. 1. A slide fastener comprising:a pair of fastener tapes;a pair of fastener element rows respectively including a plurality of fastener elements arranged in a tape longitudinal direction along opposing tape-side edge portions of the pair of fastener tapes, and coupling yarns coupling the plurality of fastener elements which are adjacent to each other in the tape longitudinal direction, the fastener element rows respectively sewn to the tape-side edge portions; anda slider configured to engage and disengage the pair of fastener element rows, a body portion sewn to the fastener tape;', 'a neck portion extending from the body portion in a tape width direction and in a direction toward an opposite fastener tape, and constricted in the tape longitudinal direction;', 'an engaging head portion further extending from a tip end portion of the neck portion in the tape width direction and in a direction toward the opposite fastener tape and swelling up in the tape longitudinal direction, the engaging head portion being engageable with opposite fastener elements; and', 'a pair of shoulder portions provided at both sides of the neck portion in the tape longitudinal direction, and configured to come in contact with opposite engaging head portions in an engaging state, and, 'wherein each of the fastener elements includeswherein the pair of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Fastener Stringer Provided with Knit Tape

Номер: US20130174767A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

The present invention provides a fastener stringer comprising a knit fastener tape of a warp knit structure having an element mounting portion and a tape main portion, and a coiled plastic element row sewed on the element mounting portion wherein, two needle yarns for sewing the element row on the element-mounting portion are so arranged that they interpose a wale whereby two sewing lines, are formed, and any one of knitting yarns that straddle an inside sewing line of the two sewing lines has a fineness of 72-330 dTex and substantially all of the other knitting yarns have a fineness of 56-167 dTex, provided that the one of the knitting yarns that straddle the inside sewing line of the two sewing lines is thicker than substantially all of the other knitting yarns. The fastener stringer has both a light weight and a high strength. 1. A fastener stringer comprising a knit fastener tape of a warp-knit structure having an element-mounting portion and a tape main portion , and a coiled plastic element row sewed on the element-mounting portion wherein:two needle yarns for sewing the element row on the element-mounting portion are so arranged that they interpose a single wale, whereby two sewing lines are formed, andany one of knitting yarns that straddle an inside sewing line of the two sewing lines has a fineness of 72-330 dTex, and substantially all of the other knitting yarns have a fineness 56-167 dTex,provided that the one of knitting yarns that straddle the inside sewing line of the two sewing lines is thicker than substantially all of the other knitting yarns.2. A fastener stringer comprising a knit fastener tape of a warp-knit structure having an element-mounting portion and a tape main portion , and a coiled plastic element row sewed on the element-mounting portion , wherein:two needle yarns for sewing the element row on the element-mounting portion are so arranged that they interpose a single wale, whereby two sewing lines are formed,any one of knitting yarns ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Woven Tape for Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130177734A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A woven tape for a slide fastener comprising an element mounting portion and a tape main portion, wherein the tape portion includes warp having a fineness of 30-100 dTex and a weaving density of 100-220 yarns/inch (2.54 cm), weft having a fineness of 60-180 dTex and a weaving density of 30-80 yarns/inch (2.54 cm), and a ratio of the number of yarns in the warp constituting a plain weave structure to the total number of yarns in the warp in the tape main portion is at least 40%. The woven tape for a slide fastener has a low weight and yet a high strength. 1. A woven tape for a slide fastener comprising an element-mounting portion and a tape main portion , wherein said tape main portion includes warp having a fineness of 30-100 dTex and a weaving density of 100-220 yarns/inch (2.54 cm) , weft having a fineness of 60-180 dTex and a weaving density of 30-80 yarns/inch (2.54 cm) , and a ratio of the number of yarns in the warp constituting a plain weave structure to the total number of yarns in the warp in the tape main portion is at least 40%.2. The woven tape according to claim 1 , wherein the element-mounting portion comprises bunches of paralleled warp yarns each bunch having at least two warp yarn wherein a single warp yarn having shifted interlacing points is disposed inbetween adjacent bunches of paralleled warp yarns.3. The woven tape according to claim 1 , wherein the element-mounting portion includes warp having a fineness of 60-100 dTex and a weaving density of 60-100 yarns/inch (2.54 cm) claim 1 , and weft having a fineness of 140-180 dTex and a weaving density of 30-70 yarns/inch (2.54 cm).4. The woven tape according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the number of yarns in the warp constituting a plain weave structure to the total number of yarns in the warp in the tape main portion is at least 60% but at most 80%.5. The woven tape according to claim 1 , wherein an area density of the tape is 140-160 g/m.6. The woven tape according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener and Method of Producing Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130180087A1

Provided is a slide fastener that has a flexible fastener tape, exhibits liquid-tightness, and can prevent a gap from being formed in a coupling portion, and a method of producing the slide fastener. An overlay material is formed on a front surface of a fastener tape so that the overlay material formed on a surface of a core member extends beyond a centerline in a front-rear thickness direction of a tape member. When a pair of fastener element rows engages with each other, a tip of an intermeshing head of a fastener element presses the overlay material formed on the opposite core members. 1. A slide fastener including:a pair of left and right fastener tapes, each of which includes a tape member and in which a core member that is larger than the tape member is formed along a side edge of the tape member;a fastener element row in which a plurality of fastener elements is arranged at an equal interval along each of the core members; anda slider that is attached so as to be slidable along the pair of left and right fastener element rows so that the fastener elements disposed to face each other are engaged and disengaged, wherein:the fastener element includes an intermeshing head and a body portion that extends from the intermeshing head;when the pair of fastener element rows disposed to face each other engages with each other according to sliding of the slider, a tip of the intermeshing head comes into contact with the side edges of the opposing fastener tapes; an overlay material that has liquid-tightness and is elastically deformable is formed on an entire surface of one of front and rear surfaces of each of the fastener tapes closer to one surface side of the tape member and a surface of the core member continuous to the one surface side of the tape member; andthe overlay material formed on the core member extends toward another surface side beyond a centerline in a front-rear thickness direction of the tape member.2. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , wherein ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Fastener and Article Provided with Fastener

Номер: US20130180088A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

Provided is a fastener that can be recycled as paper. The fastener comprises a tape member and an engaging element attached to the tape member, and the total weight of the cellulose fibers included in the tape member and the engaging element is 51 to 100 wt % of the total weight of the tape member and the engaging element. 1. A fastener comprising:a tape member; andan engaging element attached to said tape member, whereina total weight of a cellulose fiber included in said tape member and said engaging element is 51 to 100% by weight per the total weight of said tape member and said engaging element.2. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein said tape member is formed by weaving or knitting paper yarns including 80% by weight of the cellulose fiber claim 1 , and said engaging element is an injection molded product that includes 25 to 100% by weight of the cellulose fiber claim 1 , 0 to 75% by weight of a polyolefin claim 1 , and 0 to 30% by weight of starch where the total weight of these three ingredients is equal to or greater than 90% by weight per the weight of said engaging element.3. The fastener of claim 2 , wherein said engaging element is an injection molded product that includes no starch claim 2 , 35 to 70% by weight of the cellulose fiber claim 2 , and 30 to 65% by weight of the polyolefin.4. The fastener of claim 2 , wherein said engaging element is an injection molded product that includes no polyolefin claim 2 , 70 to 90% by weight of the cellulose fiber and 10 to 30% by weight of the starch.5. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein said fastener is a slide fastener comprising a slider that is an injection molded product that includes 25 to 100% by weight of the cellulose fiber claim 1 , 0 to 75% by weight of a polyolefin claim 1 , and 0 to 30% by weight of starch where the total weight of these three ingredients is equal to or greater than 90% by weight per the weight of said slider.6. The fastener of where said fastener is a slide fastener comprising a slider ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130185841A1

A zipper closure includes a first coil fixed to a first panel of an article and a second coil fixed to a second panel of the article, the second coil engagably securable to the first coil. A slide selectively engages and disengages the first coil and the second coil when a pull connected thereto is moved. A flap is fixed to the one of the panels and is releasably fixed to the other panel. A positioned on an underside of the panel is sized to receive the pull when the slider is in a first position. This holds the slider in place against forces acting on the zipper or article itself. 1. A zipper closure comprising:a first coil fixed to a first panel;a second coil fixed to a second panel, the second coil engagably securable to the first coil;a slider for selectively engaging and disengaging the first coil and the second coil;a pull secured to the slider for actuating the slider;a flap fixed to the first panel and releasably fixed to the second panel; anda pocket positioned on a first side of the panel, wherein the pocket is sized to receive the pull when the slider is in a first position.2. The zipper closure of claim 1 , wherein the flap comprises a hook-and-loop fastener for releasably fixing the flap to the second panel.3. The zipper closure of claim 1 , wherein the flap comprises a first snap element and the second penal comprises a mating snap element claim 1 , wherein engagement of the first snap element and the mating snap element releasably fixes the flap to the second panel.4. The zipper closure of claim 1 , wherein the pocket is located on an underside of the flap.5. The zipper closure of claim 1 , wherein the pocket comprises at least one of an angled upper edge and a curved upper edge.6. The zipper closure of claim 1 , wherein the flap defines a slit for receiving a button claim 1 , wherein the button is secured to the second panel claim 1 , wherein engagement of the button and the slit releasably fixes the flap to the second panel.7. An article comprising ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Fastener Chain and Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130185903A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

In a fastener chain, at least some warps constituting a woven fastener tape are provided with a flame retardant phosphorus-copolymerized polyester fiber fiber and wefts constituting the same fastener tape are provided with a synthetic fiber that is not phosphorus-copolymerized and that has a higher degree of tensile strength than the flame retardant polyester fiber. With this configuration, superior flame retardancy can be stably obtained and there is no variance in the flame retardancy of the fastener chains. In the fastener chain, the heat contraction of the warp is used to improve the chain horizontal pull force, and by increasing the frictional resistance between the warp and the weft, shifting of the weave pattern of the fastener tape can be prevented. Further, the fastener chain can be provided at a low cost because of the small amount of flame retardant polyester fiber used.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Woven-Knit Apparatus For Container Utensil Counterpart

Номер: US20130200091A1
Автор: Miranda Scott-Womack
Принадлежит: Individual

An encasement apparatus is positioned around a glass jar or other container utensil counterpart, closed at an end and having an adjoined handle-like portion, but not limited to, for hand(s) to snugly slip beneath. The encasement apparatus is woven-knit formed of fabric-like material, whereby appropriating as an enrobed structure therearound the container counterpart. The apparatus is re-usable, durable, washable, and facilitates function, comfort, and aesthetic appeal as well as a degree of insulation if container counterpart contains hot or cold contents, during intended use.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202844A1

High tenacity, high elongation multi-filament polymeric tapes as well as ballistic resistant fabrics, composites and articles made therefrom. The tapes are fabricated from multi-filament fibers/yarns that are twisted together, bonded together, compressed and flattened. 1. A polymeric tape comprising a flattened multi-filament yarn , said yarn comprising a plurality of continuous polymeric filaments that are twisted together and bonded together; wherein said tape has an ultimate tensile strength of at least 15 g/denier and wherein the value of the ultimate tensile strength (g/denier) of the tape multiplied by the ultimate elongation (%) of the tape (UTS*UE) is at least 150.2. The polymeric tape of wherein the tape comprises polyethylene filaments and has an ultimate tensile strength of at least 20 g/denier.3. The polymeric tape of wherein said tape has an ultimate elongation of at least 5.0%4. The polymeric tape of wherein the tape has an average cross-sectional aspect ratio of at least about 10:1.5. The polymeric tape of wherein said plurality of continuous polymeric filaments are twisted together with at least about 3 twists per inch of yarn length and less than about 11 twists per inch of yarn length.6. The polymeric tape of wherein the tape comprises at least 95% by weight of UHMW polyethylene filaments.7. A non-woven laminate comprising a plurality of tapes of arranged unidirectionally in a side-by-side claim 1 , substantially parallel claim 1 , planar relation to each other and laminated together.8. A non-woven laminate article comprising a plurality of the laminates of claim 7 , wherein said laminates are stacked together and consolidated claim 7 , wherein adjacent laminates are oriented at different angles relative to the central longitudinal axis of the component tapes of each laminate.9. An article fabricated from a plurality of polymeric tapes of claim 1 , wherein said article comprises at least two different polymeric tape types claim 1 , each polymeric ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205548A1
Автор: Wehner Stefan

The invention relates to an insulated curved zipper with two zipper chains extending adjacent to one another in the longitudinal direction in a zipper plane, wherein the zipper is made curved in the zipper plane in at least one curve portion, wherein at least one fastening tape made curved in each case in the zipper plane for application to a flat element is arranged in each case in at least one curve portion on each of the zipper chains. 1. An insulated curved zipper comprising:two zipper chains extending adjacent to one another in a longitudinal direction in a zipper plane, wherein the zipper is made curved in the zipper plane in at least one curve portion and there is arranged at each of the two zipper chains in each case at least one carrier tape cut in a plurality of times transversely to the longitudinal direction, characterized in that at least one fastening tape fixing the curved shape of the zipper in the zipper plane in a permanent manner in the curved state is arranged in the at least one curve portion along each carrier tape.2. An insulated curved zipper according to claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one fastening tape has an adhesive outer side for adhesion to a flat element.3. An insulated curved zipper according to claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one fastening tape is arranged at a distance from and along the zipper chains in the curve portion.4. An insulated curved zipper according to claim 2 , characterized in that the at least one fastening tape is arranged at a distance from and along the zipper chains in the curve portion.5. An insulated curved zipper according to claim 3 , characterized in that the at least one fastening tape is comprised of polyester.6. An insulated curved zipper according to claim 1 , further comprising a wall opening that is substantially covered with a foil capable of being cut claim 1 , the closed insulated curved zipper glued to a side of the foil claim 1 , so that as the glued zipper is opened ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Sliding Fastener

Номер: US20130205550A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

In a sliding fastener, a fastener element is adhered at a predetermined pitch. The fastener element includes: a close-contact portion; and first and second engaging/disengaging portions which are respectively disposed on the first and the second tape surface sides of the close-contact portion. The close-contact portion has a first close-contact surface and a second close-contact surface which are respectively disposed in one direction and the other direction along the tape length direction. In addition, the pitch is set smaller than a sum of a dimension between the first and the second close-contact surfaces and a dimension between the first and the second close-contact surfaces. As a result, it is possible to make an element row rigid in a line in a more firm manner when a left and right element rows are coupled. 1. A sliding fastener including a pair of left and right fastener stringers which include a plurality of fastener elements adhered to facing tape side edges of a pair of fastener tapes at a predetermined pitch , whereinthe left and right fastener elements come in close-contact with each other when the fastener elements are coupled to make the sliding fastener rigid,the fastener element includesa close contact portion which comes in close contact with a corresponding fastener element at the time of coupling, anda first engaging/disengaging portion and a second engaging/disengaging portion which are disposed on the first tape surface side and the second tape surface side of the close-contact portion and are mutually engageable and disengageable with those of the corresponding fastener element,the close-contact portion includesa first close-contact surface which is disposed on one side in the tape length direction, anda second close-contact surface which is disposed on the other side in the tape length direction, andthe pitch is set to be smaller than a sum of a dimension between the first and the second close-contact surfaces at a predetermined portion of ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Zipper Assembly and Method of Use Thereof

Номер: US20130209727A1
Автор: Mark W. Orr
Принадлежит: Individual

A zipper assembly is described wherein the facing tapes having interlocking teeth along facing edges each have a plurality of eyelets distributed longitudinally therein. The eyelets permit the receipt of zip ties therethrough for securing the assembly to an opening in a net. When installed a user may selectively open and close the opening by zipping and unzipping the zipper assembly.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130212841A1

A simple, easy to manufacture, replacement zipper pull for zippers and slide fasteners suitable for mounting and safely displaying cabochons and jewels is described where a solid blank body with a display surface for mounting a cabochon or jewel, has an open hexahedral slot, drilled, routed, molded and/or cast, penetrating into the blank body beneath the display surface, and where transverse passageway is created within the blank body having a width greater than that of the slot for establishing a base-end of the slot and creating an anchor hole in each side of the slot for receiving outward extending distal tips of legs of a U-shaped, spring wire bail sized for insertion into the hexahedral slot, where the distal tips of the legs of the U-shaped spring bail span outward to a width greater than the width of the hexahedral slot, and snap into the created anchor holes at the base-end of the slot, for securing the blank body to the loop tang atop a zipper or slider fastener through which the U-shaped spring bail is threaded. 1. A method for manufacturing a zipper pull attachable to zipper and fastener sliders , comprising the steps of:{'sub': S', 'S', 'S', 'T, "a) forming a U-shaped spring bail from a stiff wire material with small diameter (D), and a Young's Modulus of elasticity (E) ranging between 23 and 30, having legs extending in a common plane of a specified length (L), with an outside cord width (W) and with distal tips extending perpendicularly outward spanning to a greater width (W) in the common plane;"}{'sub': M', 'M', 'M, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': W', '≦W', ' Подробнее

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218289A1
Автор: Cochran Amy, Gao Yingxin

The invention is directed to an endoluminal device () comprising a stent () and a sleeve (). In one embodiment, the endoluminal device is implanted in a portion of the gastrointestinal tract. The stent has a first region () and a second region () where the first and second regions provide different levels of radial force. The first region is made from a plurality of first wires having a first diameter and the second region is made from a plurality of second wires having a second diameter which is smaller than the first diameter. In other embodiments, the endoluminal device has at least one engagement mechanism () engaging the stent to the sleeve, the endoluminal device to a body lumen, and any combination thereof. In at least one embodiment, the endoluminal device has a wall with at least one opening therein. 1. An endoluminal device , the endoluminal device comprising: a plurality of interwoven wires, the plurality of interwoven wires forming a first region and a second region of the stent, each of the plurality of interwoven wires having a diameter, the diameter of at least some of the wires in the first region being greater than the diameter of the wires in the second region,', 'a plurality of openings between the first and second ends of the stent, the plurality of openings defined by the plurality of interwoven wires; and, 'a stent, the stent having a first end and a second end, the stent comprisingan expansible sleeve, the expansible sleeve attached to the stent so that it extends over at least some of the plurality of openings of the stent.2. The endoluminal device of claim 1 , wherein the first region has a first radial force and the second region has a second radial force claim 1 , the second radial force being less than the first radial force.3. The endoluminal device of claims 1 , wherein the density of the plurality of interwoven wires in the first region is greater than the density of the plurality of wires in the second region.4. The endoluminal device ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fastener Stringer, Slide Fastener, and Method for Manufacturing Fastener Stringer

Номер: US20130219674A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

In a fastener stringer, a continuous fastener element includes a plurality of fine projections disposed on a circumferential surface of a monofilament continuously along a length direction of the monofilament. Moreover, at least the projections disposed on the upper and lower leg parts are twisted with respect to an extension direction of the upper and lower leg parts, and a plurality of the projections disposed on the upper leg part or the lower leg part a twisted state face the same direction. Due to this, a larger number of projections can appear on an exposed surface of the fastener element, light can be diffused and reflected from these projections, and the luster of the monofilament can be stably reduced or removed. Moreover, it is possible to prevent the strength of the monofilament from locally decreasing and to prevent deterioration of the operability of a slider.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fastener Stringer and Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130219675A1
Автор: Yamakita Yoshimichi
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A fastener stringer is configured such that a fastener element of a continuous shape includes a plurality of fine projected rims which are continuously disposed on a peripheral surface of the monofilament (); along a length direction of the monofilament and a plurality of fine concave grooves which are disposed between the projected rim and in a cross section of the monofilament, a cross-sectional area of a space region of the concave groove is set to be larger than that of the projected rim. With this configuration, when performing dyeing process employing a beam dyeing or a continuous dyeing method while appropriately securing the strength of the monofilament, it is possible to prevent dyeing irregularities and dyeing defects from arising. Further, when performing a coloring according to an inkjet, scheme, it is possible to finely form a desired pattern with clear outlines on the fastener element. 1. A fastener stringer for a slide fastener in which a continuous fastener element formed of a monofilament is attached to a tape side edge portion of a fastener tape and at least a part of the fastener element is subjected to coloration or surface treatment , wherein:the fastener element includes a plurality of fine projected rims which are continuously disposed on a peripheral surface of the monofilament along a length direction of the monofilament and a plurality of fine concave grooves which are disposed between the projected rims; andin a cross section of the monofilament, a cross-sectional area of a space region of the concave groove which is defined by connecting apexes of the adjacent projected rims is set to be larger than a cross-sectional area of the projected rim which is defined by connecting bottoms of the adjacent concave grooves.2. The fastener stringer according to claim 1 , whereinthe height of the projected rim is set to 2.5 μm or more and 200 μm or less.3. The fastener stringer according to claim 1 , whereinin the cross section of the monofilament, ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Sliding Fastener

Номер: US20130219676A1
Автор: Shigeto Takahashi
Принадлежит: YKK Corp

There is provided a slide fastener. A pair of fastener tapes are made by weaving. A pair of fastener element rows are respectively provided on opposing tape side edge portions of the pair of fastener tapes. Each of the pair of fastener element rows has a plurality of fastener elements. A slider is configured to engage and disengage the pair of fastener element rows. End stops are respectively provided on end portions of the pair of fastener element rows to stop movement of the slider. Stripe patterns are respectively formed along a longitudinal direction of the fastener tapes in the tape side edge portions at the outer side of the end stops in the longitudinal direction of the fastener tapes.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220475A1
Принадлежит: Heimbach GmbH & Co. KG

The invention relates to a fabric for forming a fibrous paper web having an embossed surface. The fabric comprises longitudinal and transverse threads interwoven with one another in a weave repeat defining a machine side and a paper side. Some of the longitudinal threads form embossing threads having projecting paper side floats on the paper side of the fabric passing over more than one transverse thread. The fabric comprises a first woven fabric layer forming the paper side on its outside and having longitudinal and transverse first threads interwoven with one another and a second woven fabric layer forming the machine side on its outside and having longitudinal and transverse second threads interwoven with one another. At least some of the longitudinal second threads form embossing threads, which penetrate the first woven fabric layer for forming the paper side floats and connect the two woven fabric layers. 111214162111214162148242872811311121416215251121416212224524253236782728297282221131232223. A fabric ( , , , , ) for forming a fibrous paper web having an embossed surface , the fabric ( , , , , ) comprising longitudinal and transverse threads (-; -) interwoven with one another in a weave repeat unit defining a machine side and a paper side , wherein some of the longitudinal threads form embossing threads ( , ) having projecting paper side floats ( , ) on the paper side of the fabric ( , , , , ) passing over more than one transverse thread ( , ) , characterized in that the fabric ( , , , , ) comprises a first woven fabric layer ( , ) forming the paper side on its outside and having longitudinal and transverse first threads ( , , , ) interwoven with one another and a second woven fabric layer ( , ) forming the machine side on its outside and having longitudinal and transverse second threads ( , , , , , ) interwoven with one another , wherein at least some of the longitudinal second threads form embossing threads ( , ) , which penetrate the first woven fabric ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130232736A1
Автор: SATO Hideki
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

There is provided a slide fastener in which one of the fastener stringers is separated from a tape insertion path at one side of a body in the width direction when a lateral pulling force directed outward in the width direction of the fastener tapes is applied to a pair of fastener stringers. At least one opposing surfaces of an upper and lower flange at one side of the body in the width direction has a protrusion on the rear end portion thereof, and the opposing surfaces of the upper and lower flanges at one side of the body in the width direction respectively have straight portions which are parallel with each other except for the position at which the protrusion is formed. 1. A slide fastener comprising:a pair of fastener stringers in which fastener element rows including a plurality of fastener elements are arranged along opposing tape side edges of a pair of fastener tapes; anda slider slidably attached along the fastener element rows to engage and disengage the fastener elements, a body including an upper blade and a lower blade which are disposed in parallel while being spaced apart from each other in an up-down direction, a guide post which connects the upper blade and the lower blade at front ends thereof, upper flanges provided along both left and right side edges of the upper blade and protruding downward, lower flanges provided along both left and right side edges of the lower blade and protruding upward, and a pull-tab attachment portion provided on an upper surface of the upper blade; and', 'a pull-tab rotatably attached to the pull-tab attachment portion,, 'wherein the slider includeswherein a tape insertion path is formed between the upper flanges and the lower flanges, for inserting and guiding the fastener tapes of the pair of fastener stringers thereinto,wherein one of the fastener stringers is separated from the tape insertion path at one side of the body in a width direction when a lateral pulling force directed outward in the width direction of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Fastener Stringer and Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130232737A1
Автор: Shimono Muchiji
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A fastener tape of a fastener stringer extends beyond an edge of a fastener element closer to a connecting portion and an extension length is restricted to be smaller than 12 mm. In this way, when the fastener stringer is curved in a tape width direction of the fastener tape, it is possible to effectively suppress a tape extension portion of the fastener tape from partially floating. Thus, it is possible to stably sew the fastener stringer while maintaining the tape extension portion in an approximately flat form even when the fastener tape is curved. Moreover, since floating or the like of the sewn fastener tape occurs rarely, it is possible to prevent deterioration of the quality of external appearance. 1. A fastener stringer for a slide fastener , including a fastener tape and a continuous fastener element attached to one side edge portion of the fastener tape , and in which the fastener element includes a coupling head , upper and lower leg portions extending in a tape width direction from the coupling head , and a connecting portion that connects the adjacent fastener elements , and the other side edge portion of the fastener tape extends beyond an edge of the fastener element closer to the connecting portion , wherein:an extension length of the fastener tape in the tape width direction from a position of an end edge at the connecting portion side of the fastener element to a tape end edge of the fastener tape at the other side edge side is restricted to be smaller than 12 mm.2. The fastener stringer according to claim 1 , wherein the extension length is restricted to 10 mm or smaller.3. The fastener stringer according to claim 2 , wherein the extension length is restricted to 6 mm or smaller.4. The fastener stringer according to claim 1 , wherein:the fastener tape is formed of fabrics and includes a tape body portion and an element attaching portion disposed closer to one side edge side of the tape body portion;an ear portion is disposed in the other side edge ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener and Method for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130232738A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

There is provided a slide fastener including a pair of fastener stringers in which a plurality of fastener elements, are attached to opposing one-side edges of a pair of fastener tapes each of which is formed by coating a woven and tape-shaped core material with a coating material to form respective fastener element rows, and a slider slidably attached to the fastener element rows to engage and disengage the fastener elements. The tape-shaped core material is formed with a plurality of holes penetrating in a front back direction thereof the holes disposed at positions outer than the fastener elements in a width direction and arranged along a longitudinal direction of the fastener tapes. An edge of the each of the holes is molten, and the coating material is formed so as to cove the plurality of holes. 1. A slide fastener comprising:a pair of fastener stringer in which a plurality of fastener elements are attached to opposing one-side edges of a pair of fastener tapes each of which is formed by coating a woven and tape-shaped core material with a coating material, to form respective fastener element rows; anda slider slidably attached to the fastener element rows to engage and disengage the fastener elements,wherein the tape-shaped core material is formed with a plurality of holes penetrating in a front-back direction thereof, the holes disposed at positions outer than the fastener elements in a width direction and arranged along a longitudinal direction of the fastener tapes, andwherein an edge of each of the holes is molten, and the coating material is formed so as to cover the plurality of holes.2. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , wherein a total area of the plurality of holes formed in the tape-shaped core material is smaller than an area of a portion of the tape-shaped core material claim 1 , the portion outer than the fastener elements in the width direction and other than the holes.3. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , wherein when a distance ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237109A1
Принадлежит: Tempnology, LLC

A fabric for thermal management including the cooling of an object, such as a person's skin. The fabric is formed of a plurality of materials including at least one liquid transport enhancing material and at least one evaporative transport impeding material. When the fabric is in use, the transport enhancing material is located near an object to be cooled, while the evaporation impeding material is spaced away from the object. The fabric is peached so that there is an entanglement of the two materials. Peaching is performed on both sides of the fabric, but initially on the side with the transport enhancing material such that a portion of the evaporation impeding material is pulled into the fabric core. A method of making the fabric is also described. 1. A fabric having a front side , a back side and an interior between the front side and the back side , wherein the front side of the fabric is the side adjacent to the environment when the fabric is in use and the back side is the side adjacent to an object to be cooled when the fabric is in use , the fabric comprising:one or more fiber materials wherein at least one of the one or more fiber materials has a liquid diverting trait, wherein the at least one of the fiber materials is positioned at the back side of the fabric and wherein the one or more fiber materials are arranged to establish a network of interstices in the interior of the fabric sufficient to slow the progression of liquid from the interior out of the fabric through the front side thereof.2. The fabric as claimed in wherein the one or more fiber materials include a first fiber material and a second fiber material claim 1 , wherein the second fiber material is the at least one of the one or more fiber materials.3. The fabric as claimed in wherein the one or more fiber materials includes a hollow fiber material.4. The fabric as claimed in claim further comprising an additive material.5. The fabric as claimed in wherein the additive is a silver fiber.6. ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237110A1
Автор: Morales Francisco J.
Принадлежит: 5.11, Inc.

A ripstop fabric having multi-component polyester filament yarns interwoven into spun yarns in a ripstop pattern. 1. A ripstop fabric , comprising:spun yarn; andmulti-component polyester filament yarns interwoven into the spun yarn in a ripstop pattern.2. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spun yarn comprises warp yarns for the fabric claim 1 , and the multi-component polyester filament yarn comprises are weft yarns.3. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the spun yarns are weft yarns for the fabric claim 1 , and the multi-component polyester filament yarns are warp yarns4. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises a pattern of multiple adjacent multi-component polyester filament yarns woven in the same weaving direction in regular intervals.5. The ripstop fabric of claim 4 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises at least one spun yarn skipped consistently at regular intervals during weaving of the multi-component polyester filament yarn.6. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises a pattern of multiple adjacent weft yarns woven in the same weaving direction in regular intervals.7. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , wherein the ripstop pattern comprises at least one weft yarn skipped consistently during weaving and at regular intervals.8. The ripstop fabric of claim 1 , further comprising a stain and oil repellant finish that is added during a finishing process.9. Police clothing made with the ripstop fabric of .10. Military clothing comprising the ripstop fabric of .11. A method of forming a ripstop fabric claim 1 , comprising:weaving multi-component polyester filament yarn into a ripstop fabric pattern in spun warp yarns.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein weaving comprises weaving a pattern of multiple adjacent multi-component polyester filament yarns woven in the same weaving direction at regular intervals.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein weaving comprises skipping at least one weft yarn ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243985A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A two- or more ply flat woven textile in which a texture A including a yarn A and a texture B including a yarn B are interwoven, wherein the yarn A and the yarn B are both a warp yarn or both a weft yarn, and shrinkage percentage of the yarn A (SA (%)) and shrinkage percentage of the yarn B (SB (%)) satisfies a specific range. The woven textile, when heat is applied, is spontaneously formed into a tube with a sufficient overlap in the circumferential direction. The tube provides easy insertion of lead wires and is able to protect the lead wires reliably without exposing the inserted lead wires.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247268A1

A cloth for swimsuits includes synthetic fiber multifilament yarns and elastic fibers, wherein a front surface and a back surface of the cloth have a water-repellent finish(es); bumps and hollows are formed on the back surface; the bumps and hollows on the back surface have a height difference of 150 μm to 650 μm; and the hollows have a width of 100 μm to 5000 μm. 1. A cloth for swimsuits comprising synthetic fiber multifilament yarns and elastic fibers , wherein a front surface and a back surface of the cloth have a water-repellent finish(es); bumps and hollows are formed on the back surface; the bumps and hollows on the back surface have a height difference of 150 μm to 650 μm; and the hollows have a width of 100 μm to 5000 μm.2. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein said synthetic fiber multifilament yarns are at least one selected from the group consisting of polyester fibers claim 1 , polyamide fibers claim 1 , and polypropylene fibers.3. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein a composite yarn composed of said elastic fibers as a core yarn and said synthetic fiber multifilament yarns as a sheath yarn is used for warp and weft.4. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein bumps and hollows are formed also on said front surface; the bumps and hollows of the front surface have a height difference of 0.5 μm to 130 μm; and an interval between the bumps is 0.5 μm to 180 μm.5. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein on said back surface claim 1 , the hollows account for 30% or more of the total area of the back surface.6. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein the bumps and hollows on said back surface are formed by a cloth construction and/or embossing.7. The cloth according to claim 6 , wherein said cloth construction is a double-cloth construction.8. The cloth according to claim 1 , wherein said front surface is smoothed.9. A swimsuit comprising at least a portion of the cloth according to claim 1 , wherein said front surface of the cloth is on its right side ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Low Profile Insect-Proof Closure for an Encasement

Номер: US20130255041A1
Автор: WEINSTEIN Bernard
Принадлежит: CABER SURE FIT, INC.

A low-profile insect-proof closure is provided for an encasement of insect-impervious fabric. A zipper is provided for closing an opening in the encasement. The zipper is stitched to the encasement and has a zipper head, and a zipper track on a fabric zipper belt. A fabric backing panel is stitched to the encasement behind the zipper at a closure zone of the zipper. A finger-shaped insert is provided attached to the fabric backing panel. The insert, which is made of compressible elastomer, is arranged so as to physically block or apply pressure to the zipper head to keep the zipper head in closed position when the encasement is on the mattress. The insert has a width no greater than the width of the zipper belt and a thickness less than about 10 millimeters. 1. A low-profile insect-proof closure for an encasement of insect-impervious fabric , the closure comprising:a zipper for closing an opening in the encasement, the zipper being stitched to the encasement and having a zipper head, and a zipper track on a fabric zipper belt, the zipper having a terminal end where the zipper track is approximately fully closed by the zipper head;a fabric backing panel stitched to the encasement behind the zipper within a closure zone surrounding the terminal end; anda finger-shaped insert made of compressible elastomer attached to the fabric backing panel and arranged within the closure zone but spaced away from the terminal end, such that the zipper head can be zipped to a position beyond the insert, wherein the insert acts to physically block the zipper head to keep the zipper head in closed position at the terminal end when the encasement is positioned on an article; the insert having a width no greater than the width of the zipper belt and a thickness less than about 10 millimeters.2. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer is thermoplastic rubber.3. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the insert has a sloped approach.4. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the insert has a ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Slider for Slide Fastener with Automatic Stopper

Номер: US20130255042A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A slider for a slide fastener with an automatic stopper, includes a body forming an element guide passage into which fastener elements are insertable, a locking member swingably supported in the body by a pin and having a locking claw which is protrudable from a locking window hole formed in the body to the element guide passage and an urging member configured to urge the locking member so that the locking claw protrudes from the locking window hole to the element guide passage. A pair of lateral plate portions of the cover, which are disposed at both end portions of the pin are respectively provided with crimping protrusions which are abuttable against end faces of the pin and which are arranged at peripheral portions of a through-hole of the pair of lateral plate portions through which the pin penetrates. 1. A slider for a slide fastener with an automatic stopper , the slider comprising:a body forming an element guide passage into which fastener elements are insertable;a locking member swingably supported in the body by a pin, and having a locking claw which is protrudable from a locking window hole formed in the body to the element guide passage; andan urging member configured to urge the locking member so that the locking claw protrudes from the locking window hole to the element guide passage,wherein a pair of lateral plate portions disposed at both end portions of the pin are respectively provided with crimping protrusions which are abuttable against end faces of the pin and which are arranged at peripheral portions of a through-hole of the pair of lateral plate portions, through which the pin penetrates.2. The slider for the slide fastener with the automatic stopper claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the pair of lateral plate portions are formed with recess portions at the peripheral portions of the through-hole claim 1 , the recess portions in which the crimping protrusions extend.3. The slider for the slide fastener with the automatic stopper claim 1 ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260630A1

A woven fabric having a high shrinkage yarn that has a predetermined shrinkage ratio and a low shrinkage yarn that has a relatively lower shrinkage ratio than the high shrinkage yarn, includes an inductive portion that is formed by the high shrinkage yarn, and allows displacement in a planar direction. At least a portion of the low shrinkage yarn is engaged with the inductive portion and bent in the planar direction. 1. A woven fabric having a high shrinkage yarn that has a predetermined shrinkage ratio and a low shrinkage yarn that has a relatively lower shrinkage ratio than the high shrinkage yarn , comprising:an inductive portion that is formed by the high shrinkage yarn, and allows displacement in a planar direction,wherein at least a portion of the low shrinkage yarn is engaged with the inductive portion and bent in the planar direction.2. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the inductive portion includes a first inductive portion that allows displacement in a predetermined direction of the planar direction claim 1 , and a second inductive portion that allows displacement in a direction opposite the predetermined direction of the planar direction claim 1 , the first inductive portion being formed alternately with the second inductive portion; and the at least a portion of the low shrinkage yarn is engaged with the inductive portion and bent alternately in the predetermined direction and in the direction opposite the predetermined direction of the planar direction.3. The woven fabric according to claim 2 , further comprising a restraining portion that is formed by the high shrinkage yarn between the first inductive portion and the second inductive portion claim 2 , and with which the low shrinkage yarn engages claim 2 , and in which a range over which the displacement of the low shrinkage yarn is allowed is smaller than that of the inductive portion.4. The woven fabric according to claim 2 , wherein the inductive portion is a location where a yarn ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270389A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

A reinforcing fiber structure for a composite material part is woven as a single piece by multilayer weaving between plural layers of weft yarns and plural layers of warp yarns arranged in adjacent manner between two faces of the structure. The fiber structure includes at least one arcuate portion extending over one of the faces of the fiber structure, the arcuate portion including at least some of the warp yarns continuous with at least two adjacent warp yarn layers present on one of the faces of the structure. The warp yarns of the arcuate portion are of a length that is longer than the warp yarns of at least two underlying warp yarn layers of the structure. In addition, the warp yarns of the arcuate portion are not interlinked with other warp yarns of the fiber structure. 111-. (canceled)12. A composite material part comprising:fiber reinforcement densified by a matrix;the reinforcement including a reinforcing fiber structure for the composite material part, the structure being woven as a single piece by multilayer weaving between a plurality of layers of weft yarns and a plurality of layers of warp yarns arranged in adjacent manner between two faces of the fiber structure;wherein the fiber structure includes at least one arcuate portion extending over one of the faces of the fiber structure, the arcuate portion comprising at least some of the warp yarns continuous with at least two adjacent warp yarn layers present on one of the faces of the fiber structure, the warp yarns of the arcuate portion being of a length that is longer than the warp yarns of at least two underlying warp yarn layers of the fiber structure, and the warp yarns of the arcuate portion are not interlinked with other warp yarns of the fiber structure.13. A part according to claim 12 , wherein the fiber structure includes a plurality of arcuate portions arranged in adjacent manner in the weft direction.14. A part according to claim 12 , wherein the fiber structure includes a plurality of ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener and Slider for Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130276270A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corportion

A slider for a slide fastener includes a stopper mechanism formed for “forward use,” in which the surface where coiled fastener elements are attached on a fastener tape is the front surface, can be used for “reverse use,” in which the surface where the coiled fastener elements are attached on the fastener tape is the back surface. The inner surface of the lower blade of the slider body of a slider has a protrusion that extends in the forward-reverse direction from a guiding bar towards a posterior opening. The protrusion has a first horizontal upper surface on the guide bar end of the protrusion that is highest and a second upper surface on the posterior opening end that is lower than the first upper surface. 1. A slide fastener comprising:left and right fastener tapes;left and right coil-shaped fastener elements which are attached onto side ends opposite to each other on the rear surfaces of the left and right fastener tapes, respectively; anda slider for engaging or separating the left and right coil-shaped fastener elements with or from each other,wherein the slider includes a slider body and a stopper mechanism for preventing the movement of the slider body, the slider body including an upper wing plate having a pawl hole, a lower wing plate and a guide post for connecting the upper and lower wing plates,wherein the slider body includes: two front openings which are open on the left and right sides of the guide post between the upper and lower wing plates and through which the left and right coil-shaped fastener elements in a separation state are passed, respectively; one back opening which is open on the side opposite to the guide post in the front-back direction and through which the left and right coil-shaped fastener elements in an engaged state are passed; and a Y-shaped element guide groove which is formed between the front openings and the back opening,wherein the stopper mechanism includes a locking pawl that can protrude to the element guide groove ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Slider for actuating profiled closing shapes with preferred fold lines

Номер: US20130291349A1
Автор: Antony Roger
Принадлежит: S2F Flexico SARL

A slider for actuating profiled closure tracks, especially for a bag, having a base and two flanks parallel to a median central longitudinal plane and configured for stressing the profiled closure tracks between a closed latch position and an open separated position. A longitudinal rib subdivides the internal space of the slider into two non parallel channels. A first axial end of the channels wherein the channels are convergent makes an input end of the channels, while a second axial end of the channels wherein the channels are divergent makes an output end of the channels.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291350A1

A burst zipper system includes a flexible zipper, a close-only slider and a set of handles. The burst zipper system is configured to be closed by operation of the close-only slider and opened by pulling on the set of handles in opposite directions. The burst zipper system can be used in sports bags, such as duffle bags, and backpacks, in tents, and the like. 1. A burst zipper system , comprising:a zipper having a length, the zipper including a first closure strip and a second closure strip, wherein the first closure strip includes a first interlocking member and a first web portion, and the second closure strip includes a second interlocking member and a second web portion;a slider configured to fit around the zipper; anda set of handles, the set of handles including at least two handles which are arranged substantially directly opposite each other across the zipper,wherein the zipper is configured to be closed by the slider, which joins the first and second interlocking members as the slider runs along the length of the zipper, and opened by pulling on the set of handles.2. The burst zipper system of claim 1 , wherein the slider is a bi-directional claim 1 , close-only slider.3. The burst zipper system of claim 1 , wherein the zipper is a flexible zipper extruded from a polymeric material.4. The burst zipper system of claim 1 , wherein the first interlocking member is an arrow-head shaped male member and the second interlocking member is a female member configured to receive the arrow-shaped male member claim 1 , the female member including barbs to secure the arrow-head shaped male member in the female member claim 1 , wherein the first closure strip includes a first tab claim 1 , and the first tab and the first web portion extend in the same direction away from the arrow-shaped male member claim 1 , and the first tab and the first web portion define a first channel behind the arrow-shaped male member claim 1 , and wherein the second closure strip includes a ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291995A1

A method of forming a nanocomposite material that includes nanoparticles includes disposing in a forming apparatus a fiber material, a carrier material with nanoparticles dispersed therein, the carrier material having a releasing trigger to release the nanoparticles, the releasing trigger being at least one of a releasing temperature and a releasing pressure, and a resin having an infusion temperature, increasing the temperature within the forming apparatus to a temperature at least equal to the infusion temperature of the resin to allow the resin to impregnate the fiber material without triggering the releasing trigger of the carrier material, and triggering the releasing trigger of the carrier material in the forming apparatus by increasing at least one of the temperature and the pressure within the forming apparatus to cause dispersion of the nanoparticles.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Incorporated Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130298358A1
Автор: Nishida Eiji
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

An incorporated slide fastener that is incorporated simultaneously with the weaving of the fastener tape for a zigzag-type continuous element row. The weft yarn of the fastener tape is woven with one thread traversing and doubling back in the tape width direction, forming a set of two threads. Fastener elements have: engaging heads; first and second leg portions that each extend in the width direction of the tape; first connecting portions that connect first legs that are adjacent in the longitudinal direction of the tape; and second connecting parts that connect second legs that are adjacent in the longitudinal direction of the tape. Of the two yarns configuring the weft yarn, one yarn is woven diagonally straddling the first surface of a first leg and the second surface of a second leg of adjacent fastener elements. 1. A slide fastener , including:an element attaching portion which is extended in a longitudinal direction along one edge and incorporates and fixes respective fastener elements of a zigzag type continuous element row; anda tape main body portion which is extended in a width direction of the tape adjacent to one edge of the element attaching portion,the zigzag type continuous element row being incorporated into opposing edges of a pair of left and right fastener tapes simultaneously with weaving of a fastener tape,wherein the fastener tape is constituted by warps and a weft yarn, in the weft yarn, one thread reciprocates and is weft-inserted in a width direction of the tape in the same opening formed among the warps, is returned over fastening warps at a tape edge of the element attaching portion side and sequentially reciprocates and is weft-inserted in a subsequent opening, and the thread is woven by repeating the operation,the fastener element includes an engaging head which is formed from a synthetic resin monofilament and has an engaging portion bulged in a longitudinal direction of the tape in a bending portion bent in a U shape, first and second ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Slide Fastener

Номер: US20130305498A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

In a slide fastener according to the invention, each fastener element includes an upper half element portion disposed at a first surface side of a fastener tape and a lower half element portion disposed at a second surface side of the fastener tape. The upper half element portion includes a first tape-sandwiching portion, a first head portion of a tapered form, and a thin walled portion which has a downward inclined surface that is inclined downward toward the forefront of the first head portion from the thin walled start portion set on the upper half element portion to the first head portion side. Thereby, the fastener element can be formed lightweight and can make coupling breaking difficult to occur. 1. A slide fastener including:a pair of left and right fastener tapes; anda plurality of synthetic resin fastener elements lined along opposing tape side edge portions of the fastener tapes, whereineach fastener element includes an upper half element portion disposed at a first surface side of the fastener tape and a lower half element portion disposed at a second surface side of the fastener tape,the upper half element portion includes a first tape-sandwiching portion having a predetermined dimension in a tape length direction, and a first head portion of a tapered form that extends from the first tape-sandwiching portion toward an outside of the tape up to a forefront of the lower half element portion and has a dimension in the tape length direction that gradually decreases toward the forefront,the lower half element portion includes a second tape-sandwiching portion that sandwiches the fastener tape together with the first tape-sandwiching portion, a neck that extends from the second tape-sandwiching portion toward the outside of the tape and has a shape constricted in a front and rear of the tape length direction, and a second head portion that extends from a forefront portion of the neck and bulges in a front and rear of the tape length direction,wherein a thin ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Fastener Chain with Separable Bottom End Stop and Method for Producing the Same

Номер: US20130305499A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

There are provided arc a fastener chain with a separable bottom end stop capable of increasing the reinforcement force of a portion to which the separable bottom end stop is attached—without using a reinforcing tape and keeping aesthetic appearance, and a method for producing the fastener chain. The fastener chain includes reinforced portions into which a curing adhesive has penetrated and cured, and has a misalignment-free strength of 100 N or more at the reinforced portion. The method for producing a fastener chain includes preparing a fastener chain including a plurality of element intermittent portions, attaching separable bottom end stop to each of the element intermittent portions, impregnating each of the element intermittent portions with a curable curing adhesive having a viscosity of 100 to 2,000 mPa S and a curing the curing adhesive which has penetrated into the element intermittent portions. 1. A fastener chain with a separable bottom end stop comprising:a pair of fastener tapes;rows of fastener elements attached to both edges of the fastener tapes which face each other;a separable bottom end stop attached to ends of the fastener tapes and contacted with the rows of elements;a reinforced portion provided on at least portions of the fastener tapes to which the separable bottom end stop is attached, the reinforced portion into which a curing adhesive has penetrated and cured; andwherein the reinforced portion has a misalignment-free strength of 100 N or more.2. The fastener chain with the separable bottom end stop according to claim 1 , wherein the curing adhesive has a viscosity of 100 to 2000 mPa·S when penetrating into the fastener tapes.3. The fastener chain with the separable bottom end stop according to claim 1 , wherein the curing adhesive comprises a two-component curing adhesive.4. The fastener chain with the separable bottom end stop according to claim 1 , wherein a weight of the curing adhesive remaining in the reinforced portions is 50 to 300 ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Spaced multi-rib zipper

Номер: US20130305500A1

The present disclosure relates to a one piece multi-rib fastener including at least two groups of ribs, each rib with one or more hooks, wherein the groups are separated by a space less than the width of the maximum number of ribs within one of the groups.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Collecting, Mixing, and Pouring of Materials

Номер: US20130308878A1

An apparatus is formed from a sheet of substantially rectangular material in which a seam is formed joining two sides, thus forming an envelope having a bottom, one sealed end, an open top, and one open side. The open top has an edge folded and seamed into a series of handles extending around an entire perimeter of the open top. 1. An apparatus comprising:a sheet of substantially rectangular material comprising a seam joining two sides, thus forming an envelope having a bottom, one sealed end, an open top, and one open end;the open top having a perimeter, the perimeter of the open top folded and seamed to form a series of handles extending around the entire perimeter.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the handles are formed using a substantially triangular seam around the perimeter of the open top.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the substantially triangular seam is a clipped triangular pattern.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the handles are formed using a wave seam around the perimeter of the open top.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , the sheet made of flexible plastic material.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a total of ten handles.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a volume-limiting seam across a corner of the sealed end and the bottom.8. A method comprising:folding over between three and six inches of material from each of two edges of a rectangular sheet of plastic, and stitching each of the folded material to the sheet using a continuous seam along each of the two edges, thus forming a series of handles extending the entire length of each of the two edges; andfolding the sheet in half and seaming two ends of the two edges together on one side, thus forming the sheet into an envelope having an enclosed bottom, an open top, one open end, and one sealed end.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the continuous seam is a substantially triangular pattern.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the continuous seam is a clipped triangular ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312155A1
Принадлежит: Toyobo Specialties Trading Co., Ltd.

An object of the present invention is to provide a woven fabric having high transparency that a batting is made see-through, having a strength necessary for side clothes of clothing or futons, and further having a low air-permeability in order to provide an unprecedented clothing or futon whose batting is seen through. A woven fabric of the present invention is characterized in comprising a multifilament having a single yarn fineness of 0.5 to 3.0 dtex and a total fineness of 3 to 25 dtex, wherein the woven fabric has a cover factor of 1300 to 2500, a visible light transmittance of 25% to 80%, and an L* value of 37 or higher. 1. A woven fabric , comprising a multifilament having a single yarn fineness of 0.5 to 3.0 dtex and a total fineness of 3 to 25 dtex , whereinthe woven fabric has a cover factor of 1300 to 2500,a visible light transmittance of 25% to 80%, andan L* value of 37 or higher.2. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , whereinthe multifilament has a refractive index of 1.47 to 1.57 in a fiber cross-sectional direction.3. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , whereinthe multifilament contains titanium oxide in an amount of 0% to 0.5% by mass, andthe multifilament has a breaking strength of 3.5 to 10 cN/dtex.4. The woven fabric according to claim 1 , whereinat least one surface of the woven fabric is subjected to calendering, andthe woven fabric has a fluorine resin coating on a surface thereof.5. A down jacket comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a woven fabric as set for in as a side cloth; and'}a colored batting. (1) Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a woven fabric having transparency, particularly to a woven fabric used suitably for a side cloth of a down wear, a down jacket, a futon (Japanese-style mattress), a sleeping bag or others.(2) Description of Related ArtA woven fabric used for a side cloth of a down wear or a feather futon is required to be high in woven fabric strength and low in air- ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312230A1

A zipper puller () has a one piece structure including a molded plastic body () and an integral molded looped tether (). The looped tether is molded in a first size and shape, and after molding the looped tether is permanently deformed to a second size and second shape by aligning the crystalline structure of the looped tether material. 1. A one-piece zipper puller , comprising:a molded, elastomeric puller body;a molded tether defining a loop integrally formed with said puller body; andsaid tether being oriented by permanent deformation of the molded shape thereof.2. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said tether being permanently deformed in a size sufficiently large for said body to pass through said loop defined by said tether.3. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said tether being permanently deformed by stretching.4. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said tether being permanently deformed longer and thinner than in the molded shape thereof.5. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said tether and said body being molded of the same material.6. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said tether and said body being formed as a monolithic structure of different materials in a two-shot molding process.7. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said body including a hole for receiving an insert.8. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said body provided with a grip enhancing surface configuration.9. The one-piece zipper puller of claim 1 , said tether including a proximal solid rib portion and a distal loop portion.10. A one-piece zipper puller claim 1 , comprising:a molded, elastomeric puller body;a molded tether integral with said puller body and defining a loop; andsaid tether being oriented in the direction of its length to provide different load bearing characteristics in a first direction than in a second direction, with a crystalline structure thereof having a greater degree of alignment along the length of the loop.11. The one-piece ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318751A1

The instant disclosure relates to a zipper head. The zipper head includes a main structure, a flexible member, a securing member, a pull tab, a guiding member, and a shaft. The main structure has a first fixing portion and receives the flexible member. The securing member has a second fixing portion corresponding to the first fixing portion. The securing member contacts with the flexible member. The guiding member is pivotally connected to one end of the main structure and contacts with the securing member. A receiving space is cooperatively defined by the main structure, the securing member, and the guiding member. A fixing end of the pull tab is disposed in the receiving space. The shaft penetrates the main structure and is pivotally connected to the securing member. The instant disclosure also discusses a method for replacing the pull tab of the zipper head. 1. A zipper head structure with a replaceable pull tab , comprising:a main structure, having a first fixing portion;a flexible member, disposed within the main structure;a securing member, having a second fixing portion corresponding to the first fixing portion, disposed in the main structure and abutting the flexible member;a pull tab, having a fixing end;a guiding member, pivotally connected to one end of the main structure, wherein the guiding member and the securing member abut each other, the main structure, the securing member, and the guiding member define a receiving space there-between, and the fixing end is disposed in the receiving space; anda shaft, passing through the main structure and pivotally connected to the securing member.2. The zipper head structure with a replaceable pull tab according to claim 1 , wherein the main structure comprises a zipper head and a crown claim 1 , the zipper head has a first groove and a second groove claim 1 , the first groove and the second groove are interconnected at the surface of the zipper head claim 1 , the crown has a blocking piece within claim 1 , the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318752A1

A releasable fastening features a first fastening strip including an elongated, flexible base carrying an array of discrete fastener elements arranged in rows and columns, and a second fastening strip configured to releasably engage with the first fastening strip. The first fastening strip also includes a longitudinally continuous rib supported by the upper surface of the base of the first fastening strip, the rib extending sufficiently far from the base of the first fastening strip to engage a sealing portion of the second fastening strip, and of a bending strength sufficiently low that the rib is placed in an elastically bent state, when the first and second fastening strips are in the engaged state, thereby forming with the sealing portion of the second fastening strip a non-interlocking barrier to resist flow across the fastening with the first and second fastening strips in the engaged state. 1. A releasable fastening comprising:a first fastening strip comprising an elongated, flexible base carrying an array of discrete fastener elements arranged in rows and columns, the array extending across a portion of a width of the base, each of the fastener elements having a resin stem extending from an upper surface of the base, and a lip disposed at a distal end of the stem and overhanging the base; the upper surface of the base and the stems of the fastener elements together forming a contiguous mass of resin; anda second fastening strip configured to releasably engage with the first fastening strip, the second fastening strip comprising a flexible base with a field of fastener elements carried on a fastening side thereof, the field of fastener elements arranged to overlap with the array of discrete fastener elements of the first fastening strip, such that when the first and second fastening strips are brought into engagement the overhanging lips of the discrete fastener elements of the first fastening strip cooperate with the fastener elements of the second fastening ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Slider Fastener and Method for Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20130333166A1
Автор: Shimono Muchiji
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A slide fastener is provided. A pair of fastener element rows respectively provided along opposing one side edge portions of pair of fastener tapes. A slider is configured to engage and disengage the pair of fastener element rows. Tape members are respectively provided in parallel along another side edge portions of the pair of fastener tapes, that are opposite to the one side edge portions. The tape members are respectively sewn to the another side edge portions of the fastener tapes with sewing threads which bridge over the fastener tapes and the tape members. 1. A slide fastener comprising:a pair of fastener tapes;a pair of fastener element rows respectively provided along opposing one side edge portions of the pair of fastener tapes;a slider configured to engage and disengage the pair of fastener element rows; andtape members respectively provided in parallel along another side edge portions of the pair of fastener tapes, that are opposite to the one side edge portions,wherein the tape members are respectively sewn to the another side edge portions of the fastener tapes with sewing threads which bridge over the fastener tapes and the tape members.2. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the fastener tapes and the tape members are disposed coplanar in a side-by-side arrangement claim 1 , and are sewn with the sewing threads that is laterally swung in a width direction to bridge the fastener tapes and the tape members.3. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , wherein a waterproof layer is formed on at least one side of the fastener tapes and the tape members.4. The slide fastener according to claim 1 ,wherein a thickness of the another side edge portions of the fastener tapes is greater than a thickness of tape main body portions, andwherein the sewing threads are sewn so as to bridge over the another side edge portions.5. The slide fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the sewing threads are thicker than weft of the fastener tapes and the tape ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Slider for Slide Fastener

Номер: US20140000069A1
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation

A slider has an upper blade of a slider body having an insert groove of a locking pawl, a temporary engagement portion for which temporary engages and fixes the locking pawl, and a claw hole. The temporary engagement portion is adapted so that, with the locking pawl fixed in position, the position in height of the upper end of the temporary engagement portion is the same as or lower than that of the upper surface of the upper blade. This prevents the temporary engagement portion from being pressed and crushed when the temporary engagement portion is in contact with the tab and so on. As a result, an automatic stop mechanism of the slider can stably function. 16.-. (canceled)7. A slider for a slide fastener comprising:a slider body, in which front end portions of upper and lower blades are connected to each other by a connection post and a Y-shaped element guide lane is disposed between the upper and lower blades;a tab whose one end portion is rotatably retained in the upper blade; anda locking pawl which is disposed in the upper blade and whose one end is provided with a claw portion,the slider body including an insert groove which is disposed in a concave shape from an upper surface of the upper blade and into which the locking pawl is inserted, a temporary engagement portion which is disposed on the front end portion of the upper blade and fixes another end portion of the locking pawl, and a claw hole which is penetrated so as to receive the claw portion,wherein a tab retaining portion which rotatably retains the tab is disposed to protrude from the upper surface of the upper blade,wherein the locking pawl is disposed so that the claw portion can be inserted into and detached from the element guide lane through the claw hole by falling and erecting operations of the tab,wherein rising portions which rise from the upper surface of the upper blade and allow the tab to contact with the rising portions when the tab is fallen down to the side of the connection post are ...
