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16-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000005072U1

1. Приспособление для окраски волос, содержащее выполненный из эластичного пластикового листа каркас, на котором размещаются окрашиваемые волосы, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено комплектом шаблонов, количество которых в комплекте определяется количеством цветов или количеством тональностей наносимого на волосы рисунка. 2. Приспособление по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каркас выполнен в форме сектора кольца и имеет в верхней части выемку в форме сектора круга. 3. Приспособление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что каркас выполнен многослойным, причем слои отличаются размерами по высоте. (19) RU (11) (13) 5 072 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96114432/20, 11.07.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.10.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Даниловская Татьяна Николаевна (72) Автор(ы): Даниловская Татьяна Николаевна R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Даниловская Татьяна Николаевна 5 0 7 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Приспособление для окраски волос, содержащее выполненный из эластичного пластикового листа каркас, на котором размещаются окрашиваемые волосы, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено комплектом шаблонов, количество которых в комплекте определяется количеством цветов или количеством тональностей наносимого на волосы рисунка. 2. Приспособление по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каркас выполнен в форме сектора кольца и имеет в верхней части выемку в форме сектора круга. 3. Приспособление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что каркас выполнен многослойным, причем слои отличаются размерами по высоте. 5 0 7 2 U 1 (54) ПРИСПОСОБЛЕНИЕ ДЛЯ ОКРАСКИ ВОЛОС RU 5 072 U1 RU 5 072 U1 RU 5 072 U1 RU 5 072 U1 RU 5 072 U1 RU 5 072 U1

10-12-2003 дата публикации

Приспособление для обработки волос

Номер: RU0000034325U1
Автор: Волкова И.И.

1. Приспособление для обработки волос, содержащее зажим и две ленты из гибкого непроницаемого для раствора материала, зажим выполнен в виде прямоугольной пластины, состоящей из двух одинаковых соединенных друг с другом частей, выполненных с возможностью сгибания пластины в месте соединения частей и скрепления их друг с другом, одна часть пластины имеет прорезь, выполненную по центру, и на свободном конце защелку, другая часть пластины имеет колки, расположенные по центру, выполненные с возможностью их размещения в прорези при соединении частей друг с другом, и на свободном конце выступ под защелку, ленты выполнены с возможностью свободного закрепления их на каждой части зажима. 2. Приспособление по п.1, отличающееся тем, что ширина пластины составляет 58-62 мм, длина - 300-400 мм, толщина - 0,08-0,15 мм. 3. Приспособление по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что длина лоты составляет 470-500 мм. 4. Приспособление по любому из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что расстояние между колками составляет 3,8-4,2 мм. (19) RU (11) 34 325 (13) U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003126065/20 , 28.08.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.08.2003 Адрес для переписки: 121609, Москва, Осенний б-р, 11, (609 отделение связи), "ППФ ВИС", Пат.пов. Н.Д. Кольцовой, рег.№ 799 (54) Приспособление для обработки волос 3 4 3 2 5 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Приспособление для обработки волос, содержащее зажим и две ленты из гибкого непроницаемого для раствора материала, зажим выполнен в виде прямоугольной пластины, состоящей из двух одинаковых соединенных друг с другом частей, выполненных с возможностью сгибания пластины в месте соединения частей и скрепления их друг с другом, одна часть пластины имеет прорезь, выполненную по центру, и на свободном конце защелку, другая часть пластины имеет колки, расположенные по центру, выполненные с возможностью их размещения в прорези при ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000051462U1

1. Набор для окраски волос, содержащий подкладку и кисточку, отличающийся тем, что на подкладке размещена, по крайней мере, одна накладка, соединенная с подкладкой с помощью гибкого фрагмента, позволяющего изменять их положение относительно друг друга. 2. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что накладка и подкладка выполнены в виде геометрических фигур, букв, цифр или символов. 3. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что накладка и/или подкладка выполнены с отверстиями в виде геометрических фигур, букв, цифр или символов. 4. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что накладка и подкладка снабжены элементом фиксации их положения, выполненным, например, в виде пружинного зажима. 5. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на торцах накладки и/или подкладки выполнены элементы жесткости. 6. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из биологически и химически инертного полимерного материала. 7. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из светопрозрачного материала и упруго гибкого материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 51 462 (13) U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005122890/22 , 18.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.07.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Пятин Василий Федорович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Пятин Василий Федорович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 5 1 4 6 2 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Набор для окраски волос, содержащий подкладку и кисточку, отличающийся тем, что на подкладке размещена, по крайней мере, одна накладка, соединенная с подкладкой с помощью гибкого фрагмента, позволяющего изменять их положение относительно друг друга. 2. Набор для окраски волос по п.1, отличающийся тем, что накладка и подкладка выполнены в виде геометрических фигур, букв, цифр или символов. 3. Набор ...

10-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000060847U1

1. Устройство для окрашивания волос, состоящее из двух соединяемых элементов, отличающееся тем, что первый элемент выполнен в виде прямоугольной ванночки (1), снабженной по периметру стенок горизонтальными бортиками (2), причем в трех бортиках выполнен продольный паз (3), а четвертый бортик снабжен выступающими поперечными направляющими (4) с треугольным сечением, при этом второй элемент выполнен в виде плоской прямоугольной крышки (5), вдоль трех краев которой снизу выполнен продольный шип (6), а четвертый край снабжен поперечными треугольными выступами (7). 2. Устройство для окрашивания волос по п.1, отличающееся тем, что продольный паз (3) ванночки и продольный шип (6) крышки выполнены с прямоугольным сечением. 3. Устройство для окрашивания волос по п.1, отличающееся тем, что размеры ванночки (1) и крышки (5) выбраны таким образом, что при их соединении продольный шип (6) размещается в продольном пазу (3), а поперечные направляющие (4) располагаются под поперечными треугольными выступами (7). 4. Устройство для окрашивания волос по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выполнено из термопласта или реактопласта. 5. Устройство для окрашивания волос по п.1, отличающееся тем, что ванночка (1) и крышка (5) выполнены прозрачными. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 60 847 (13) U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006125203/22 , 13.07.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.07.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.02.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Паронян Петрос Андраникович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Паронян Петрос Андраникович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 0 8 4 7 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для окрашивания волос, состоящее из двух соединяемых элементов, отличающееся тем, что первый элемент выполнен в виде прямоугольной ванночки (1), снабженной по периметру стенок горизонтальными бортиками (2), причем в трех бортиках выполнен продольный ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000098093U1

1. Дозатор пастообразных и жидких фаз в легкодеформируемых емкостях, содержащий насадку с трубчатым каналом для легкодеформируемой емкости и не менее двух обжимных валов, которые, в свою очередь, с возможностью вращения закреплены между пластинами, при этом пластины, расположенные по одну сторону валов, с одной стороны нежестко связаны между собой, а с другой скреплены фиксатором, одновременно с этим один из валов сопряжен с приводом. 2. Дозатор пастообразных и жидких фаз в легкодеформируемых емкостях по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод выполнен в виде электродвигателя. 3. Дозатор пастообразных и жидких фаз в легкодеформируемых емкостях по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод выполнен в виде ручного вращающего механизма. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 98 093 (13) U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010113262/12, 07.04.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.04.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Азаров Илья Анатольевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Азаров Илья Анатольевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 170008, г.Тверь, а/я 838, В.Ю. Пищальникову 9 8 0 9 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Дозатор пастообразных и жидких фаз в легкодеформируемых емкостях, содержащий насадку с трубчатым каналом для легкодеформируемой емкости и не менее двух обжимных валов, которые, в свою очередь, с возможностью вращения закреплены между пластинами, при этом пластины, расположенные по одну сторону валов, с одной стороны нежестко связаны между собой, а с другой скреплены фиксатором, одновременно с этим один из валов сопряжен с приводом. 2. Дозатор пастообразных и жидких фаз в легкодеформируемых емкостях по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод выполнен в виде электродвигателя. 3. Дозатор пастообразных и жидких фаз в легкодеформируемых емкостях по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод выполнен в виде ручного ...

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000099294U1

1. Набор для локализованного и точного нанесения косметического средства на предназначенную для косметической обработки наружную поверхность тела человека, выбранную из кожи, несущей волосы системы, кожи головы, волос, ногтей или губ, при этом указанный набор содержит: по меньшей мере один шприц, который содержит цилиндр (1) и поршень (8), при этом цилиндр содержит конец (5) с отверстием, который предназначен для приема поршня (8), и конец (2), который лежит противоположно указанному концу (5) с отверстием и снабжен средством соединения, содержащим первый фиксирующий элемент, подходящий для соединения со вторым фиксирующим элементом полой иглы для наружного применения; по меньшей мере одну отсоединяемую полую иглу для наружного применения с тупой вершиной, где игла содержит второй фиксирующий элемент для соединения с первым фиксирующим элементом, расположенным на цилиндре так, что отсоединяемая полая игла имеет изменяющееся внутреннее поперечное сечение, которое шире в части, предназначенной для соединения с первым фиксирующим элементом цилиндра (1), и уже в концевой части (15), приходящей в контакт с указанной кожей, несущей волосы системой, кожей головы, волосами, ногтями или губами, предназначенными для обработки, для обеспечения локализованного и точного нанесения дозировки косметического средства без прокалывания или проникновения через наружную поверхность тела человека, на которую подлежит нанесению косметическое средство; и по меньшей мере одно косметическое средство, по выбору подлежащее нанесению посредством иглы с тупой вершиной на указанную кожу, несущую волосы систему, кожу головы, волосы, ногти или губы, которые предназначены для косметической обработки. 2. Набор по п.1, содержащий более одного типа шприца и/или более одного типа иглы. 3. Набор по п.1, дополнительно содержащий по меньшей мере один контейнер, который является отличным от шприцов и содержит косметическое средство. 4. Набор по п.1, в котором указанное косметическое средство первоначально ...

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000106082U1

Устройство для распределения средств по уходу за волосами, состоящее из гребня, отличающееся тем, что оно включает в себя полую ручку-емкость, которая подвижно соединена с гребнем-распределителем, имеющим полую основу и цельные зубчики, между которыми на основе расположены отверстия для прохождения средства, на противоположном конце ручки-емкости имеется поршневой механизм, подвижно соединенный с ручкой-емкостью, состоящий из поршня, трубки и толкателя, и рычаг, соединенный с ручкой-емкостью с помощью штифта и имеющий неподвижную и подвижную части, соединенные между собой штифтом и пружиной. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 106 082 (13) U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011106710/12, 22.02.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.02.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Ладейщикова Ольга Вячеславовна (RU), Соломатова Лада Олеговна (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2011 1 0 6 0 8 2 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для распределения средств по уходу за волосами, состоящее из гребня, отличающееся тем, что оно включает в себя полую ручку-емкость, которая подвижно соединена с гребнем-распределителем, имеющим полую основу и цельные зубчики, между которыми на основе расположены отверстия для прохождения средства, на противоположном конце ручки-емкости имеется поршневой механизм, подвижно соединенный с ручкой-емкостью, состоящий из поршня, трубки и толкателя, и рычаг, соединенный с ручкой-емкостью с помощью штифта и имеющий неподвижную и подвижную части, соединенные между собой штифтом и пружиной. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ СРЕДСТВ ПО УХОДУ ЗА ВОЛОСАМИ 1 0 6 0 8 2 Адрес для переписки: 614990, г.Пермь, ул. Петропавловская, 26, ГОУ ВПО ПГМА им. ак. Е.А. Вагнера Росздрава, патентный отдел R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ладейщикова Ольга Вячеславовна (RU), Соломатова Лада Олеговна (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000185297U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к парикмахерскому делу и уходу за волосами в салонах красоты, СПА-центрах, институтах красоты и может быть использована при воздействии на волосы клиентов различных ухаживающих и окрашивающих составов. Нагреваемая столешница, содержащая верхний металлический слой, под которым расположен подключенный к источнику электроэнергии нагревательный слой, ниже которого расположен теплоизолирующий слой, а под ним расположен слой, изготовленный из материала с низким коэффициентом теплопроводности, выполняющий функцию основания столешницы, при этом все слои заключены в общую окантовку, а нагревательный слой разделен на участки, автономно подключенные к источнику электроэнергии. Технической проблемой, которая решается при использовании заявляемой полезной модели, является уменьшение времени воздействия химическими составами на волосы человека при косметических процедурах, которым они подвергаются. Технический результат - ускорение скорости протекания химических реакций во время проведения косметических процедур. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 185 297 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/16 (2006.01) A47B 31/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/16 (2018.08); A47B 31/02 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018127973, 30.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Синицкий Антон Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.11.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 1306031 A2, 02.05.2003. CN 103445500 A, 18.12.2013. US 4899027 A1, 06.02.1990. FR 3000880 A1, 18.07.2014. JP 2000279302 A, 10.10.2000. WO 1998041064 A2, 17.09.1998. (45) Опубликовано: 29.11.2018 Бюл. № 34 R U (54) НАГРЕВАЕМАЯ СТОЛЕШНИЦА ДЛЯ КОСМЕТИЧЕСКИХ ПРОЦЕДУР (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель относится к выполняющий функцию основания столешницы, парикмахерскому делу и уходу за волосами в при этом все слои заключены в общую ...

12-02-2019 дата публикации

Приспособление для окрашивания прядей волос

Номер: RU0000186967U1

Полезная модель относится к предметам для ухода за волосами, в частности к приспособлениям для окрашивания и мелирования прядей волос, и может быть использована при выполнении указанных операций в парикмахерских и салонах. Приспособление состоит по меньшей мере из двух подкладок, выполненных в виде полосок из полимерного материала, в качестве которого используют листовой вспененный полиэтилен с односторонним клеевым покрытием. При этом используют листовой вспененный полиэтилен толщиной 1,0-2,5 мм, а одностороннее клеевое покрытие низкой или средней адгезии. Длину и ширину полосок выбирают с учетом типа и состояния волос, длины и объема окрашиваемых прядей. Приспособление позволяет снизить более чем в два раза продолжительность выполнения операций окрашивания и мелирования прядей волос, существенно повысить уровень комфортности для посетителей при выполнении этих операций, а также увеличить продолжительность периода эффективного воздействия краски. 3 з.п. ф-лы; 1 прим. И 1 18696 7 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ )ВО“” 186 967“° Ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 19.07.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 21.07.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 21.07.2022 Бюл. №21 Стр.: 1 па 496931 ЕП

03-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000195619U1

Полезная модель относится к области обработки волос, в частности к устройствам для их окрашивания. Технической задачей полезной модели является расширение функциональных возможностей окраски волос за счет повышения качества окрашивания волос за одно действие, как минимум, в два разных красителя. Техническая задача достигается за счет того, что инструмент для окрашивания волос состоит из двух соединяемых частей - поддона и крышки, поддон выполнен с углублением и разделен вертикально на зоны, причем размер поддона и крышки выполнены таким образом, что при их соединении крышка плотно входит в поддон по всему периметру, а в углах расположены фиксирующие замки. Поддон и крышка выполнены из прозрачного термопласта или реактопласта. Для более удобного раскрытия инструмента на его частях выполнены выступы - на поддоне в виде ручки, например, круглой формы, на крышке, например, квадратной формы, которые располагаются одна выше другой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 619 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019119966, 26.06.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Чугаева Татьяна Валерьевна (RU) Дата регистрации: 03.02.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.06.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 03.02.2020 Бюл. № 4 1 9 5 6 1 9 R U (54) ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДЛЯ ОКРАШИВАНИЯ ВОЛОС (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области вертикально на зоны, причем размер поддона и обработки волос, в частности к устройствам для крышки выполнены таким образом, что при их их окрашивания. соединении крышка плотно входит в поддон по Технической задачей полезной модели всему периметру, а в углах расположены является расширение функциональных фиксирующие замки. Поддон и крышка возможностей окраски волос за счет повышения выполнены из прозрачного термопласта или качества окрашивания волос за одно действие, реактопласта. ...

11-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000200784U1

Полезная модель относится к области парикмахерского искусства и может быть использована при окрашивании волос для растяжки нанесенного окрашивающего состава по длине пряди волос. Роликовая расческа для выделения пряди и растяжки окрашивающего состава по длине выделенной пряди волос включает ручку, соединенную с рабочей частью, содержащую скругленную спинку с продольным и поперечными ребрами жесткости, представляющими собой основание зубцов расчески, а также съемный ролик, установленный в канал, образованный скругленной спинкой и поперечными ребрами жесткости, с возможностью свободного в нем вращения. На цилиндрической поверхности ролика равномерно расположены ряды округлых выступов высотой 0,3-0,5 мм, расстояние между рядами выступов составляет 1,5-2 мм, а расстояние между выступами в одном ряду составляет не более 1 мм. Спинка расчески закрывает не более 40% поверхности ролика. Ручка выполнена заостренной и удлиненной с обеспечением расположения центра тяжести расчески в зоне соединения ручки с рабочей частью и формированием в указанной зоне округлой выемки. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности комбинированного воздействия одним инструментом на волосы при окрашивании, заключающегося в выделении обрабатываемой пряди и растягивании, неравномерном нанесении тонкого слоя краски по выделенной пряди волос для создания градиента цвета, эффекта плавного перехода между окрашенными и неокрашенными участками волос. 3 з. п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 200 784 U1 (51) МПК A45D 24/04 (2006.01) A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 24/04 (2020.08); A45D 19/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020129650, 08.09.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ароян Герасим Вагаршакович (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.11.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.09.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 11.11.2020 Бюл. № 32 2 0 0 7 8 4 R U ...

16-12-2020 дата публикации

Кисть для окрашивания волос со сменными головками

Номер: RU0000201468U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к щеточному производству и может быть использована при изготовлении кистей для окрашивания волос со сменными головками. Технический результат предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в повышении надежности крепления сменной насадки и рукоятки щетки для окрашивания волос и исключения вероятности отсоединения головки в процессе нанесения на волосы красящего состава. Кисть для окрашивания волос содержит рукоять с плоской частью, торец которого совмещен с торцом плоской головки со щетиной, посредством соединения «шип-паз», при этом паз и шип выполнены по всей длине соединения, на элементах соединения «шип-паз» закреплены магниты с возможностью притягивания друг к другу при вхождении шипа в паз. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 468 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020133176, 08.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Овсепян Овсеп Овакимович (RU) Дата регистрации: 16.12.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.10.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 16.12.2020 Бюл. № 35 2 0 1 4 6 8 R U (54) КИСТЬ ДЛЯ ОКРАШИВАНИЯ ВОЛОС СО СМЕННЫМИ ГОЛОВКАМИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к легкой состава. Кисть для окрашивания волос содержит промышленности, а именно к щеточному рукоять с плоской частью, торец которого производству и может быть использована при совмещен с торцом плоской головки со щетиной, изготовлении кистей для окрашивания волос со посредством соединения «шип-паз», при этом паз сменными головками. Технический результат и шип выполнены по всей длине соединения, на предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в элементах соединения «шип-паз» закреплены повышении надежности крепления сменной магниты с возможностью притягивания друг к насадки и рукоятки щетки для окрашивания волос другу при вхождении шипа в ...

11-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000202335U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к области парикмахерского искусства и может быть использована при окрашивании волос для нанесения окрашивающего состава по длине выделенной пряди волос. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании заявляемой расчески, заключается в обеспечении возможности проведения масштабных работ на большом количестве волос, в том числе, за счет двухрядного расположения рядов щетинок разной длины, что способствует формированию в кисти буферных резервуаров для краски. Заявляемый технический результат достигается тем, что в кисти для окрашивания волос, включающей рукоятку с заостренным концом, переходящую в основание, с торцевой стороны которого в гнездах закреплены щетинки, гнезда расположены в два ряда со смещением относительно друг друга с обеспечением возможности образования между пучками щетинок смежных гнезд резервуаров для буферизации краски, при этом диаметр гнезда первого ряда превышает диаметр гнезд второго ряда, длина щетинок первого ряда превышает длину щетинок второго ряда, а расстояние между соседними рядами гнезд составляет не более 1 мм. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 335 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020137191, 12.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ароян Герасим Вагаршакович (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.02.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 12.11.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 11.02.2021 Бюл. № 5 2 0 2 3 3 5 R U (54) ДВУХРЯДНАЯ КИСТЬ ДЛЯ ОКРАШИВАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель относится к рукоятку с заостренным концом, переходящую области парикмахерского искусства и может быть в основание, с торцевой стороны которого в использована при окрашивании волос для гнездах закреплены щетинки, гнезда нанесения окрашивающего состава по длине расположены в два ряда со смещением выделенной пряди ...

19-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000202495U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к области парикмахерского искусства и может быть использована в качестве вспомогательного инструмента при окрашивании волос для создания эффекта вуального мелирования, получаемого в результате небрежного выделения отдельных волос пряди, предназначенных для окрашивания. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании заявляемого инструмента, заключается в обеспечении возможности равномерного выделения отдельных волос в пряди для дальнейшего их окрашивания, с получением эффекта небрежного рисунка окрашивания. Заявляемый технический результат достигается тем, что в инструменте колориста, выполненном в виде преимущественно цилиндрического стержня, содержащего заостренную ручку и рабочую часть, боковая поверхность которой снабжена липучкой, ручка выполнена с ребром жесткости, а липучка выполнена из полотна с закрепленными в нем крючками длиной не более 1 мм, имеющими на конце загиба утолщение, расположенными равномерно параллельными рядами, при этом крючки в ряду расположены попарно и в каждой паре загнуты навстречу друг другу, а расстояние между соседними парами крючков не превышает 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 495 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020141181, 14.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ароян Герасим Вагаршакович (RU) Дата регистрации: 19.02.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 19.02.2021 Бюл. № 5 2 0 2 4 9 5 R U (54) ИНСТРУМЕНТ КОЛОРИСТА (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель относится к области парикмахерского искусства и может быть использована в качестве вспомогательного инструмента при окрашивании волос для создания эффекта вуального мелирования, получаемого в результате небрежного выделения отдельных волос пряди, предназначенных для окрашивания. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании ...

06-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000203470U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к области парикмахерского искусства и может быть использована при окрашивании сухих или влажных волос для нанесения окрашивающего состава по длине выделенной пряди волос. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании заявляемой расчески, заключается в обеспечении возможности легкого и равномерного переноса окрашивающего состава на волосы, как сухие, так и влажные, в том числе, за счет оптимальной формы и расположения пучков щетинок с минимальной площадью контактного края, что способствует формированию в кисти буферных резервуаров для краски. Заявляемый технический результат достигается тем, что в кисти для окрашивания волос, включающей рукоятку с заостренным концом, переходящую в основание, с торцевой стороны которого в ряду гнезд закреплены пучки щетинок, гнезда кисти расположены с обеспечением возможности образования между пучками щетинок соседних гнезд резервуаров для буферизации краски, при этом щетинки выполнены разноразмерными и закреплены в основании кисти с формированием неровного внешнего контактного края кисти, диаметр гнезд не превышает 4 мм, а расстояние между соседними гнездами составляет 2-3 мм, а длина рукоятки и длина основания выбраны с обеспечением размещения центра тяжести кисти в зоне перехода рукоятки в основание. Заявляемое решение позволит проводить качественное окрашивание выделенной пряди волос с минимальным напряжением руки стилиста, не травмирует волосы и обеспечивает расширение арсенала профессиональных известных средств окрашивания волос, в том числе, сухих. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 470 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021100899, 18.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ароян Герасим Вагаршакович (RU) Дата регистрации: 06.04.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.01. ...

22-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000205006U1

Заявляемая полезная модель относится к области парикмахерского искусства и может быть использована при окрашивании волос для нанесения окрашивающего состава по длине выделенной пряди волос. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании заявляемой расчески, заключается в обеспечении возможности проведения быстрого окрашивания, в том числе за счет формирования в кисти буферных резервуаров для краски и перераспределения центра тяжести кисти. Заявляемый технический результат достигается тем, что в кисти для окрашивания волос, включающей рукоятку с заостренным концом, переходящую в основание, с торцевой стороны которого в гнездах, расположенных в три ряда, закреплены щетинки, гнезда соседних рядов расположены со смещением друг относительно друга с обеспечением возможности образования между щетинками соседних гнезд разных рядов резервуаров для буферизации краски, при этом гнезда центрального ряда имеют диаметр, превышающий диаметр гнезд крайних рядов в 1,2-1,8 раза, расстояние между соседними рядами составляет не более 2 мм, а рукоятка выполнена с расширением в средней части. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 006 U1 (51) МПК A45D 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45D 19/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020134913, 23.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ароян Герасим Вагаршакович (RU) Дата регистрации: 22.06.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 23.10.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 22.06.2021 Бюл. № 18 2 0 5 0 0 6 R U (54) ТРЕХРЯДНАЯ КИСТЬ ДЛЯ ОКРАШИВАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель относится к включающей рукоятку с заостренным концом, области парикмахерского искусства и может быть переходящую в основание, с торцевой стороны использована при окрашивании волос для которого в гнездах, расположенных в три ряда, нанесения окрашивающего состава по длине закреплены щетинки, гнезда соседних рядов ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and kit for the multiple treatment of a head of hair

Номер: US20120090632A1

The method includes the sequential steps of: a) gathering a first section ( 11 ) of hair from the head and passing the first section ( 11 ) of hair through a first hollow open-ended shield ( 21 ); b) gathering a second section ( 13 ) of hair from the head, laying the second section ( 13 ) against the outer surface ( 31 ) of the first shield ( 21 ), and treating the second section ( 13 ) of hair with a first colouring agent; c) positioning a second hollow open-ended shield ( 23 ) around the first shield ( 21 ) and the second section ( 13 ) of hair, gathering a third section of hair from the head, laying the third section against the outer surface ( 33 ) of the second shield ( 23 ), and treating the third section of hair with a second colouring agent. A kit of parts for carrying out the method comprises a plurality of hollow open-ended shields ( 21 ) and instructions for carrying out the method. The method enables multiple treatments to be carried out in shorter time and reduces the risk of colour bleeding from one treated section to another.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Blending Color and Control Management System

Номер: US20120296470A1
Автор: Mitchell H. Saranow
Принадлежит: Saranow Group LLC

In but one embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a system having a display to indicate the amount of a material being added to a scale. The system includes tolerance indication software configured to indicate predefined ranged tolerances above and/or below the recommended amounts, such that a user is able to identify whether the amount added to the scale for a colorant and/or dye blending material is within the predefined ranged tolerances. In yet another aspect the memory includes instructions to recreate formulas based on a specific product brand. Software can be provided to permit a user to convert the formula, either a portion or the entire formula, to a second product brand.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Temporary Hair Coloring Kit

Номер: US20130104927A1
Автор: Hurst Regina

A hair coloring apparatus includes a case having a base and a lid. The lid is pivotally coupled to a back wall of the base, the lid being movable between an open configuration providing access to an interior area and a closed configuration preventing access to the interior area. The apparatus includes a minor panel removably and pivotally coupled to the front wall of the base, the mirror panel movable between a storage configuration completely in the case interior area and a deployed configuration substantially displaced from the base interior area. A template member is situated in the base interior area that defines a plurality of recesses. A non-powder coloring substance and a powder coloring substance are situated in respective recesses. The apparatus includes first and second applicators, each one having a tip particularly configured to apply the powder and non-powder coloring substances, respectively. 1. A hair coloring apparatus for use by a person when coloring the roots of her hair , comprising:a case having a base, said base including a back wall, a front wall opposed to said back wall, and defining an interior area;said case having a lid pivotally coupled to said back wall of said base, said lid being movable between an open configuration allowing access to said interior area and a closed configuration preventing access to said interior area;a mirror panel pivotally coupled to said front wall of said base, said mirror panel movable between a storage configuration completely in said case interior area and a deployed configuration substantially displaced from said base interior area;a template member situated in said interior area of said base that defines at least first and second recesses;a non-powder coloring substance situated in said first recess;a powder coloring substance situated in said second recess;a first applicator configured to apply said non-powder coloring substance to hair roots; anda second applicator configured to apply said powder ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133678A1
Автор: Atsushi Nakashima
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

An applicator including an applying part of a liquid absorber impregnated with an application liquid. An indicator portion having a jagged configuration that varies in reflectance of light depending on the quantity of the application liquid in the liquid absorber is formed adjacent to the liquid absorber, and the formed area of the indicator portion of an application liquid feeder can be visually observed from the outside so that the quantity of the application liquid can be displayed by the reflected light of indicator portion. The applicator allows a visual check on whether the application liquid is full or less when the applicator is unused or when the application liquid is decreased after use, from the change of the reflectance of light in indicator. The applicator permits easy confirmation of the liquid quantity and can easily avoid liquid blobbing.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145540A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Provided is an automatic hair washing apparatus for washing person's hair in a safe and effective manner without applying a straining force on person's neck. An automatic hair washing apparatus comprises a bowl having a head support ; washing units L and R arranged with the head support interposed therebetween, the support shafts thereof being attached to the bowl ; a driving section for rotating the washing units L and R about the respective support shafts L and R; and a control section for controlling the driving of the driving section; wherein each of the washing units L and R comprises a plurality of contacts on a surface opposite to the surface supported by the support shaft L and R. 1. An automatic hair washing apparatus comprising:a base having a head support for supporting a person's head;first and second washing units for washing the person's head, being arranged with the head support interposed therebetween, and the support shafts thereof being attached to the base;a driving section for rotating the first and second washing units about the respective support shafts; anda control section for controlling the driving of the driving section; whereineach of the first and second washing units comprises a plurality of contacts on a surface opposite to the surface supported by the support shaft, andeach of the contacts is rotatably driven about rotational shaft provided to the first or second washing unit.2. The automatic hair washing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the contacts are made of rubber material.3. The automatic hair washing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second washing units has a plurality of split units in a longitudinal direction of the respective washing units claim 1 , each split unit comprising a plurality of contacts.4. The automatic hair washing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting shafts of the first and second washing units are arranged parallel to a centerline of the head support.5. ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152299A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Provided is an automatic head care apparatus for caring person's head in an effective and reliable manner in accordance with the shape of person's head. In order to achieve the object, an automatic head care apparatus of the present invention comprises a bowl having a head support for supporting a person's head; a washing unit L configured by fourth arms L, L, L, L comprising a plurality of contacts at an end thereof and a rotation gear having a central axis thereof for rotating the contacts , third arms L, L for rotatably supporting the fourth arms L, L, L, L, a support shaft for rotatably supporting the third arms L, L, a pushing mechanism for moving the support shaft, and a motor L for oscillating the contacts by rotating the rotation gear of the fourth arms L, L, L, L; and a control device for controlling movement of at least the pushing mechanism. 1. An automatic head care apparatus comprising:a base having a head support for supporting a person's head;an arm unit configured by a contact unit comprising a plurality of contacts at an end of the contact unit and a rotation gear having a central axis thereof for rotating the contacts, a tilt stage for rotatably supporting the contact unit, a tilt stage rotational shaft for rotatably supporting the tilt stage, a pushing mechanism for moving the tilt stage rotational shaft, and an oscillating actuator for oscillating the contacts by rotating the rotation gear of the contact unit; anda control section for controlling movement of at least the pushing mechanism; whereinthe control section moves the tilt stage rotational shaft in the direction approaching the head support by moving the pushing mechanism and oscillate the contacts by driving the oscillating actuator, and thereby caring the person's head supported by the head support.2. The automatic head care apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a pair of the two arm units is arranged with the head support therebetween.3. The automatic head care apparatus according ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152300A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An object of the present invention is to care for the occipital region supported with an occipital region supporter, without leaving an uncared-for part thereof, at time of automatic care of the person's head. In order to achieve the object, an automatic head washing apparatus according to the present invention, is an automatic head care apparatus that cares for a person's head automatically, which has a first end effector and a second end effector , and which is controlled by a plurality of modes including: a first mode for rubbing a second region of the occipital region by moving the second end effector in a state in which the first end effector contacts a first region of the occipital region of the person with the first end effector being fixed at a first position; and a second mode for rubbing a first region of the occipital region by moving the first end effector in a state in which the second end effector contacts a second region of the occipital region with the second end effector being fixed at a second position. 1. An automatic head care apparatus for caring a person's head automatically , which comprises:a first contact unit;a second contact unit;a first driving unit for driving the first contact unit;a second driving unit for driving the second contact unit; anda control unit for controlling the first driving unit and the second driving unit,wherein the control unit controls the first driving unit and the second driving unit in a plurality of modes, including:a first mode for rubbing a second region of an occipital region by moving the second contact unit in a state in which the first contact unit contacts a first region of the occipital region of the person with the first contact unit being fixed at a first position; anda second mode for rubbing the first region of the occipital region by moving the first contact unit in a state in which the second contact unit contacts the second region of the occipital region with the second contact unit being fixed at ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160198A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A head care system (hair washing apparatus ) according to the present invention includes a base (bowl ) having a head support for supporting a head of a human. The system includes a pair of arm units (washing unit ) for taking care of the head Each of the arm units has a support shaft mounted to the base. The arm units are arranged such that the head support is located between the pair of arm units. The system includes a pair of shaft driving members for driving the arm units in such a manner that each of the arm units rotates about the corresponding support shaft. The system includes a controller for controlling driving operations of the shaft driving members. Each of the arm units includes a contact arm (third arm L, L, R, R) having a plurality of contacts equipped on tips of the contact arm, a secondary arm (second arm L, R) for rotatably supporting the contact arm, and a main arm (first arm L, R) which rotatably supports the secondary arm and is rotatably supported by the base. The main arm has a four-link mechanism. 1. A head care system comprising:a base having a head support for supporting a head of a human;a pair of arm units for taking care of the head, each of said arm units having a support shaft mounted to said base, and said pair of arm units being arranged in such a manner that said head support is located between said pair of arm units;a pair of shaft driving members for driving said arm units in such a manner that each of said arm units rotates about an axis of the corresponding support shaft; anda controller for controlling driving operations of said shaft driving members, whereineach of said arm units comprises a contact arm having a plurality of contacts equipped on tips of said contact arm, a secondary arm for rotatably supporting said contact arm, and a main arm which rotatably supports said secondary arm and is rotatably supported by said base, said main arm having a four-link mechanism.2. The head care system according to claim 1 , wherein ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160786A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

Provided is an automatic head care system and an automatic hair washing system for caring a person's head in a safe and effective manner without applying a straining force on the person's neck. In order to achieve the object, the following steps are performed in turn: a head receiving step in which a pair of arms L, R are placed at positions for receiving a person's head on a suppotring body ; a water washing step in which water ejected from a plurality of nozzles is poured to the head while the pair of arms L, R are swung; a shampoo step in which washing liquid ejected from the plurality of nozzles is poured to the head while the pair of arms L, R are swung; and a head care step in which the head is cared by performing the push-rotating of the pair of arms L, R in the direction of approaching the head so as to bring the plurality of contacts into contact with the head and by swinging the pair of arms L, R while moving the plurality of contacts 1. A method for controlling an automatic head care system comprising a support body for supporting a person's head , a pair of support shafts respectively arranged on left and right sides the head supported by the support body , a pair of arm shafts being arranged along a direction substantially perpendicular to the support shaft and being rotatable about the support shaft , a pair of arms being capable of swinging in a front and back direction of the head about the support shaft and being capable of push-rotating in a direction of approaching to or separating away from the head about the arm shaft , and a plurality of contacts arranged on the pair of arms , wherein when controlling the automatic head care system , the following steps are executed in the following order:a head receiving step of arranging the pair of arms at positions for receiving the head on the support body; anda care step of caring the head by performing the push-rotating of the pair of arms in the direction of approaching the head so as to bring the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Hair Coloring Cap

Номер: US20130186423A1
Автор: Torrento Debra

An improved hair coloring cap and kit that enables a user to apply two or more different hair coloring agents to the user's hair in a single application and without cross color contamination. The improved hair coloring cap is comprised of a cap portion with a plurality of spaced apart openings formed therein for receipt of select strands of the user's hair to be colored, a plurality of spaced apart panels extending outwardly from the cap portion, and a fastener for removably attaching the cap portion to the user's head. The kit may be comprised of the improved hair coloring cap, a hook for pulling select strands of hair through the openings to be colored or highlighted, and various coloring agents. One or more of the openings and/or panels may be coded to instruct the user on how and where to apply the coloring agents. 1. An improved hair coloring cap for coloring select strands of a user's hair comprising:a cap portion; andat least one panel extending outwardly from said cap portion.2. The improved hair coloring cap of wherein said cap portion is further comprised of a plurality of continuous openings for receipt of said select strands of a user's hair.3. The improved hair coloring cap of further comprising a fastener for removably attaching the cap portion to a user's head.4. The improved hair coloring cap of further comprising at least one additional panel extending outwardly from said cap portion claim 1 , wherein said at least one panel and said at least one additional panel are in spaced apart relationship to one another along an external surface of said cap portion.5. The improved hair coloring cap of claim 1 , wherein said at least one panel is color coded.6. The improved hair coloring cap of claim 2 , wherein at least one of said plurality of continuous openings is color coded.7. The improved hair coloring cap of claim 4 , wherein said cap portion is further comprised of a plurality of continuous openings for receipt of said select strands of a user's hair ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Applicator device for applying at least one application agent to fibrous materials

Номер: US20130199555A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an applicator device for applying at least one application agent ( 10 a ) to fibrous material, in particular an applicator device for applying an application agent ( 10 a ) to hair. Said device comprises a housing unit ( 11 a ) that contains at least one depot volume ( 12 a ) for storing the application agent(s) ( 10 a ) and at least one application volume ( 13 a ) that is connected to the depot volume ( 12 a ).

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199723A1

The removable tattoo is constructed to cover unsightly scars existing as a result of surgeries, such as tummy tucks, C-sections and the like. The removable tattoo is preferably fabricated from silicon or other durable, flexible material, and is provided with an adhesive on its rear face that permits multiple uses. The front face of the tattoo is designed to simulate a decorative, aesthetically pleasing piece of apparel, such as a stylish belt. The removable tattoo may be furnished as a kit that includes a case and a plastic tray that serves as backing for the tattoo in order to provide for storage of the tattoo when not in use. 1. A removable tattoo , comprising:an elongate, decorative member having a front surface and a rear surface, the elongate member being fabricated from durable, flexible material; anda non-bioreactive adhesive coating formed on the rear surface of the elongate member.2. The removable tattoo according to claim 1 , wherein said decorative member simulates a high-fashion belt.3. A method of concealing a surgical scar on the abdomen claim 2 , comprising the step of applying the belt tattoo of to the abdomen to cover the surgical scar.4. The removable tattoo according to claim 1 , wherein said elongate body is made from silicon.5. A removable tattoo kit claim 1 , comprising:an elongate flexible member having a front surface and a rear surface, the elongate member being fabricated from durable material, the front surface having a decorative front face simulating a tattoo;a non-bioreactive pressure sensitive adhesive coating formed on the rear surface of the elongate member, whereby the flexible member is adapted for adhering to the human body;a case defining an enclosure; anda plastic tray disposed in the case, the elongate flexible member being attachable to the tray for storage in the case when not in use, and attachable to the human body for covering a scar when in use, the elongate flexible member being reusable for more than one application to ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206159A1
Автор: KODAMA Daisuke

Provided is a method for hair dyeing or bleaching using a two-part hair dye or bleach kit including a two-part hair dye or bleach composition including a first agent () which contains an alkaline agent and a second agent () which contains hydrogen peroxide, a container body (), and a pump foamer () attached to the container body (). At least one of the first agent and the second agent contains a foaming agent. A viscosity of liquid mixture () is in a range of from 1 to 300 mPa·s at 25° C. A discharge mass of the pump foamer () per single depression operation is 1 g or more. 1: A method for hair dyeing or bleaching using a two-part hair dye or bleach kit comprising:a two-part hair dye or bleach composition comprising a first agent which comprises an alkaline agent and a second agent which comprises hydrogen peroxide,a container body in which liquid mixture of the first agent and the second agent is to be stored, anda pump foamer which is to be attached to the container body and which discharges the liquid mixture in a foam,wherein at least one of the first agent and the second agent contains comprises a foaming agent,a viscosity of the liquid mixture is in a range of from 1 to 300 mPa·s at 25° C.,a discharge mass of the pump foamer per single depression operation is 1 g or more, andthe method comprising:A) mixing the first agent and the second agent in the container body to form a liquid mixture;B) discharging a foam of the liquid mixture by depressing a pump head of a pump foamer container in which the pump foamer is attached to the container body;C) applying the discharged foam of the liquid mixture to hair;D) allowing the liquid mixture applied to hair to stand for 3 to 60 minutes; andE) washing away the liquid mixture applied to hair.2: The method for hair dyeing or bleaching according to claim 1 ,wherein the kit comprises a container body in which the first agent is filled, a container body in which the second agent is filled, the container body in which the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253450A1
Автор: Shelton Laura Marie

The present invention relates generally to the treatment and eradication of lice. More particularly, the present invention relates to a system and method for treatment and eradication of lice through the submersion of an infected area in a liquid solution. 1. A system for the treatment of lice , said system comprising:a basin comprising a walled structure with a concave cavity configured to receive a lice treatment solution, wherein said lice treatment solution contains at least 95% ethyl alcohol.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said walled structure of said basin further comprises a channel on one side configured to receive the neck of an individual to be treated.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said lice treatment solution contains at least 0.05% bittering agent.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said ethyl alcohol is at least 80 proof.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said ethyl alcohol is 180 proof.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein said basin further comprises a timer.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein said timer is configured to produce a noticeable alert upon completion of a lice treatment.8. The system of claim 6 , wherein said timer is integrated into said walled structure of said basin.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein said basin further comprises a back rest portion configured to allow an individual to relax during receipt of a lice treatment session.10. A method for the treatment of lice claim 1 , said method comprising the steps of:filling a basin comprising a walled structure with a concave cavity with a lice treatment solution to a level appropriate for entirely engulfing all hair and scalp of an individual;submerging said hair and scalp of said individual into said basin for a period of not less than five minutes; andremoving said hair and scalp of said individual from said basin.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein said lice treatment solution contains at least 0.05% bittering agent.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein said ethyl alcohol is at ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255708A1

The invention relates to a device for applying at least one application agent to hair, comprising a housing unit () which at least partially encloses at least one depot volume () for accommodating at least one component of the at least one application agent (). According to the invention, the device comprises a dispenser unit () which is designed to discharge the at least one component of the application agent () from an application agent container () that is at least partially inserted into the depot volume (). 1101010111111121212101010a;b;bca;b;ca;b;ca;b;c. A device for applying at least one application agent () to hair , comprising a housing unit () which at least partially encloses at least one depot volume () for accommodating at least one component of the at least one application agent () ,characterized by{'b': 13', '13', '13', '10', '10', '10', '14', '14', '14', '12', '12', '12, 'i': a;', 'b;', 'c', 'a;', 'b;', 'c', 'a;', 'b;', 'c', 'a;', 'b;', 'c, 'a dispenser unit (), which is provided for discharging the at least one component of the application agent () from an application agent container () at least partially inserted into the depot volume ().'}2. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 13', '15', '16, 'i': a', 'a,', 'a, 'the dispenser unit () comprises at least one squeezing element ().'}3. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 13', '13, 'i': a;', 'b, 'the dispenser unit () is provided for manual actuation.'}4. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized by{'b': 28', '14', '13, 'i': a', 'a', 'a, 'a pull-on element (), which is provided for drawing at least a part of the application agent container () through at least a part of the dispenser unit ().'}5. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized by{'b': 18', '14, 'i': c', 'c, 'a pressing element (), which is provided for compressing the application agent container ().'}6. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized by{'b': 19', '19', '14', '14', '12', ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316024A1

A cosmetic kit and the use thereof for improving the appearance of the skin is described. Further described, is the prevention and/or controlling of cellulite or the orange peel syndrome and/or for slimming down the figure, through the increase of the elasticity and firmness of the skin by stepping up collagen synthesis, for increasing blood microcirculation and for improving thermoregulation of the skin. 1. A cosmetic kit comprising:a topical formulation comprising at least one cosmetic active agent, anda textile article constituted at least in part by polymer fibers which have a capacity for emission and/or absorption of infrared radiation in a wavelength range between 2 μm and 20 μm.2. The cosmetic kit as defined by claim 1 , wherein the topical formulation is an aqueous claim 1 , alcoholic or aqueous-alcoholic solution or suspension or an oily suspension or a solution or dispersion of a lotion or a serum claim 1 , an emulsion of liquid or semi-liquid consistency of a milk claim 1 , obtained by dispersion of a fatty phase in an aqueous phase: oil-in-water or vice versa: water-in-oil claim 1 , or a triple emulsion: water-in-oil-in-water or oil-in-water-in-oil claim 1 , or a suspension or emulsion of soft claim 1 , semi-solid or solid consistency of a cream or a gel claim 1 , microemulsions claim 1 , or ionic and/or nonionic vesicular dispersions.3. The kit as defined by claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic active agent is an active agent which has a cellulite-reducing effect.4. The kit as defined by claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic active agent is selected from the group consisting of:1) phosphodiesterase inhibitors,2) plant extracts and extracts of marine origin,3) peptides or proteins,4) active agents which act on the microcirculation,5) firming active agents and/or anti-glycation active agents and/or antioxidant active agents, and6) antilipogenesis agents: interleukin 11 activators.5. The kit as defined by claim 1 , wherein the polymer of which the fibers are composed ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Device and Method for Mixing Hair Coloring Chemicals

Номер: US20130327351A1

A device and method for mixing and applying hair coloring chemicals to a user's hair. The device comprises a brush applicator, a first compartment capable of holding the brush applicator, a second compartment containing a first hair coloring chemical, a third compartment containing a second hair coloring chemical, and a membrane. The brush applicator is movable toward the membrane to puncture the membrane and cause the hair coloring chemicals to be mixed together. In another embodiment, the device contains two or more hair coloring chemicals, at least one in at least one receptacle within the device. The device further comprises a cutting member in the form of a cursor, pull-member, rotatable element, or push-member to cut open the receptacle(s) within the device to release and thereby mix the hair coloring chemicals. The device can include an applicator removably attached to the housing to apply the mixed hair coloring chemicals.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Foam Oxidative Hair Colorant Composition

Номер: US20140060568A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

An oxidative hair colorant composition to be dispensed from a manually-actuable, non-aerosol dispenser as a foam. The oxidative hair colorant composition contains a foam stabilizing agent and is essentially free of surfactant. 1. An oxidative hair colorant composition comprising:a hair dye;an alkalizing agent;an oxidizing agent selected from the group consisting of hydrogen peroxide, percarbonates, perphosphates and mixtures thereof; anda foam stabilizing agent selected from the group consisting of polymeric emulsifiers, polymeric foam stabilizers, and mixtures thereof;wherein the oxidative hair colorant composition comprises a low shear viscosity above 500 mPa·s; and a high shear viscosity of the oxidative hair colorant composition is less than 200 mPa·s.2. The oxidative hair colorant composition of wherein the foam stabilizing agent is a polymeric foam stabilizers selected from the group consisting of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose claim 1 , methylcellulose claim 1 , cecetyl hydroxyethylcellulose and mixtures thereof.3. The oxidative hair colorant composition of wherein the foam stabilizing agent is a polymeric foam stabilizers selected from the group consisting of: Acrylates/Steareth-20 Methacrylate Copolymer claim 1 , Acrylates Copolymer or a mixtures thereof.4. The oxidative hair colorant composition of wherein the foam stabilizing agent is a polymeric foam stabilizers comprising an acrylate/Calkyl acrylate crosspolymer.5. The oxidative hair colorant composition of wherein the foam stabilizing agent is selected as a polymeric foam stabilizers comprising vinyl pyrrolidone (VP) claim 1 , dimethylaminopropyl methacrylamide (DMAPA) and methacryoylaminopropyl lauryldimonium chloride (MAPLAC).6. The oxidative hair colorant composition of wherein the foam stabilizing agent is selected as polymeric foam stabilizers comprising a polyethyleneoxide-polypropyleneoxide-polyethyleneoxide block polymer terminating in primary hydroxyl groups.7. The oxidative hair colorant ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for hairdressing

Номер: US20140069453A1
Принадлежит: JP Features GmbH

An apparatus for dressing hair with a first comb 1 having a longitudinal axis X 1 , including a plurality of teeth 1.1 with a width B 1 offset from each other in the direction of the longitudinal axis X 1 by a gap L 1 and oriented in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis X 1 , and a second comb 2 having a longitudinal axis X 2 , including a plurality of teeth 2.1 with a width B 2 offset from each other in the direction of the longitudinal axis X 2 by a gap L 2 and oriented in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis X 2 , where the two combs are directly or indirectly mechanically coupled to each other. A respective tooth of the one comb meshes with a respective gap of the other comb and thereby the tooth of the one comb closes the gap of the other comb in the direction of the longitudinal axis.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Case for liquid state cosmetics

Номер: US20140076341A1
Автор: Young-Kwang Byun
Принадлежит: Individual

An airtight liquid cosmetic container is provided. The container includes a body configured to eject liquid contents through an ejection hole, a container inserted into the body through an opening of the body to be slidable and filled with the liquid contents therein, a container cap coupled with an inlet, and a valve unit allowing the liquid contents in the container to be transferred to the ejection hole of the body while pressing the container and blocking the transfer of the liquid contents while releasing a force of pressing the container. The valve unit includes an opening and closing element sliding together with the container and the container cap, allows the opening and closing element to open a transfer path of the liquid contents to be ejected while the container is being pressed, and allows the opening and closing element to block an ejection of the liquid contents.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Personal Care Composition Foaming Product and Foaming Dispenser

Номер: US20140084029A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A manually-actuable, non-aerosol dispenser to be used with a personal care composition having a relatively higher viscosity that gives a desired foamed composition generated from a manually-actuable, non-aerosol dispenser. 2. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the total area of the one or more air ingress orifices is from about 1.26 mmto about 1.88 mm.3. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the total area of the one or more liquid ingress orifices is from about 1.8 mmto about 2.3 mm.4. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the total area of the one or more mixing chamber egress orifices is from about 2.512 mmto about 5.652 mm.5. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein: the total area of the one or more air ingress orifices is from about 1.26 mmto about 1.88 mm; the total area of the one or more liquid ingress orifices is from about 1.8 mmto about 2.3 mm; and the total area of the one or more mixing chamber egress orifices is from about 2.512 mmto about 5.652 mm.6. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the mixing chamber further comprises a diffuser plate claim 1 , the diffuser plate comprising the mixing chamber egress.7. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the air of the headspace enters into the mixing chamber by the air ingress orifice; the headspace is in direct communication pathway to the mixing chamber through the air ingress orifice.8. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the personal care composition is fluidly communicated from the reservoir by the dip tube to the mixing chamber by an indirect communication with the mixing chamber.9. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the dip tube comprises a diameter of greater than 2.0 mm10. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the foamer assembly further comprises a ball valve claim 1 , silicone seal or gasket located in communication with the headspace of the reservoir.11. The personal care article of claim 1 , wherein the foam ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Versatile Hair Color Applicator and Related Kits and Methods

Номер: US20140090659A1

A quick and convenient method for coloring hair is disclosed. According to an embodiment, a hair dye applicator is provided. The hair dye applicator includes two containers that can be locked together prior to use. Each container can include at least one hair dye component. In one embodiment, a first container can include a hair color component while the second container can include a developer. 1. A hair dye applicator , comprising:a first container, wherein the first container comprises a first hair dye component; and wherein at least a portion of a first end of the second container is releasably coupled to a second end of the first container such that a contiguous conduit is defined for the first hair dye component and the second hair dye component,', 'wherein a first end of the first container comprises an outlet having a removable closure, and', 'wherein, upon removal of the closure, a mixture of the first hair dye component and the second hair dye component is dispensed from the outlet., 'a second container, wherein the second container comprises a second hair dye component,'}2. The hair dye applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the first container and/or the second container are substantially tubular in shape.3. The hair dye applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the first hair dye component and the second hair dye component are selected from the group consisting of a color component and a developer.4. The hair dye applicator according to claim 3 , wherein the developer is contained in the first container claim 3 , and wherein the color component is contained in the second container.5. The hair dye applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the at least a portion of the first end of the second container further comprises a tip claim 1 , wherein the tip comprises a sealable opening claim 1 , and wherein the tip is dimensioned to engage with a groove positioned adjacent the second end of the first container when the first container is brought into ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Hair dye mixing assembly

Номер: US20140090992A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hair dye mixing assembly comprises a bowl comprising at least one arm and an opening and at least one support member arranged about said bowl, and attached to the bowl through the bowl arm. The support members can be immovably fixed to the bowl, movably connected to the bowl to move or rotate in different directions, or a combination thereof.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096786A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention provides a method of treating hair, the method comprising the following steps: applying a composition to the hair, the composition comprising one or more active ingredients selected from the following: hair conditioning agents; reducing agents; organic or inorganic bases; hair dyes; abrasive solid particles; and moisturizing agents; and combing the hair using a motor-driven combing device () comprising spikes that are driven in an oscillating motion. 1. A method for treating hair , the method comprising:applying a composition to the hair,combing the hair using a motor-driven combing device,whereinthe composition comprises at least one active ingredient selected from the group consisting of a hair conditioning agent, a reducing agent, an organic or inorganic base, a hair dye, an abrasive solid particle, and a moisturizing agent, andthe motor-driven combing device comprises a flexible diaphragm carrying spikes in contact with the hair, and a drive mechanism enabling the flexible diaphragm to be deformed periodically to generate an oscillating movement of the spikes.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hair is combed by the motor-driven device after applying some of the composition to the hair.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hair is combed by the motor-driven device before applying some of the composition to the hair.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a frequency of oscillation of the flexible diaphragm is from 0.5 Hz to 200 Hz.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an envelope surface defined by free ends of the spikes is concave towards scalp with a radius of curvature that varies with deformations of the flexible diaphragm.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a travel axis of the flexible diaphragm is perpendicular to scalp at least while combing base of hair.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the spikes are made from a thermoplastic material.8. The method according to claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000206A1
Автор: DOMIZI Amy Lyn

A protective head cover having selectable size and location of at least one opening for exposure of a portion of a user's hair to an external hair treatment environment. An impermeable outer surface of the protective head cover protects hair thereunder from an external hair treatment environment. A main opening receives a user's head inserted into the protective head cover. An opening on the protective head cover, separate from the main opening, has an opening size that is selectable from a plurality of selectable sizes and an opening location that is selectable from a plurality of selectable locations. 1. A protective head cover having selectable size and location of at least one opening for exposure of a portion of a user's hair to an external hair treatment environment , comprising:an impermeable outer surface of the protective head cover that protects hair thereunder from an external hair treatment environment;a main opening that receives a user's head inserted into the protective head cover;at least one opening on the protective head cover, separate from the main opening, the at least one opening having an opening size that is selectable from a plurality of selectable sizes for the at least one opening and having an opening location that is selectable from a plurality of selectable locations for the at least one opening on the protective head cover, thereby the at least one opening being suitable for selectively exposing through the at least one opening a portion of the user's hair from under the protective head cover to an external hair treatment environment while protecting another portion of the user's hair, that is covered under the protective head cover, from the external hair treatment environment; anda flap at least partially covering the at least one opening on the protective head cover, and with a first plurality of user selectable attachments located along an edge of the flap, that mates with a corresponding second plurality of user selectable ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Cosmetic applicators and cosmetic compositions

Номер: US20190000218A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

Discussed herein is a cosmetic system including a cosmetic applicator, and a cosmetic composition. The cosmetic applicator includes a deformable container that stores the cosmetic composition. The applicator includes an applicator head having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the distal end is connected to the deformable container. The applicator also includes a slit along an axis of the applicator head and an interior channel in the applicator head. Further, the applicator includes a flocked brush covering at least a portion of the slit, wherein the flocked brush includes a plurality of fibers, each fiber having a length in a first range of 0.5 millimeters (mm) to 3.0 mm, and a decitex (dtex) value in a second range of 5-50.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000700A1

The invention relates to an aerosol device comprising:—a container containing:—one or more propellants, and—a composition comprising one or more sebum-absorbing powders with a sebum up-take of greater than or equal to 35 ml/100 g, it being possible for the propellant(s) to be present in the composition or, in the container, separate from the composition,—a means for dispensing said composition comprising:—a body () that is open at its two opposite axial ends,—an engaging part () that is open at its two opposite axial ends, at least partially defining a dispensing orifice (). 2. Aerosol device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sebum-absorbing powder is chosen from modified starches such as starch octenylsuccinates and in particular aluminium starch octenylsuccinate claim 1 , perlite claim 1 , polylactic acids and zeolites claim 1 , and better still from starch octenylsuccinates.3. Aerosol device according to or claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , when the propellant(s) are present in the composition claim 1 , the sebum absorbent powder(s) are present in an amount ranging from 0.1% to 90% by weight claim 1 , preferably from 1% to 30% by weight claim 1 , and even more preferentially from 2% to 15% by weight claim 1 , relative to the total weight of the composition.4. Aerosol device according to any one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the composition comprises one or more styling powders comprising one or more water-insoluble inorganic compounds different from sebum absorbent powders chosen from metal carbonates claim 1 , oxides and sulfates and from silicates containing magnesium.5. Aerosol device according to the preceding claim claim 1 , characterized in that the water-insoluble inorganic compound(s) are chosen from calcium carbonate claim 1 , magnesium carbonate claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , barium sulfate and/or magnesium oxide claim 1 , and better still calcium carbonate.6. Aerosol device according to either of and claim ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Aerosol Hairspray Product Comprising a Spraying Device

Номер: US20150004200A1

The present invention relates to an aerosol hairspray product. The product comprises: a pressurisable container comprising a container wall which encloses a reservoir for storing a hairstyling formulation and a liquefied gas propellant; and a spraying device attached to the container for dispensing the hairstyling formulation from the reservoir of the container. The spraying device comprises a valve and a nozzle and the valve comprises a valve body, a stem and a spring means. The valve body houses an insert and the insert comprises an insert orifice and at least two channels. The channels are tangentially disposed about the insert orifice. Also the valve body comprises at least two vapour taps. Furthermore the insert orifice is capable of being in liquid communication with the hairstyling formulation in the reservoir. 1. An aerosol hairspray product wherein the product comprises:{'b': 118', '201', '204, 'iv. a pressurisable container () comprising a container wall () which encloses a reservoir () for storing a hairstyling formulation and a liquefied gas propellant;'} (d) from about 30% to about 60% water, by total weight of the hairstyling formulation and propellant; and', '(e) from about 5.0% to about 15% hairstyling polymer by total weight of the hairstyling formulation and propellant, wherein the hairstyling polymer is water-soluble; and', '(f) less than about 2% alcohol, by total weight of the hairstyling formulation and propellant, or substantially free of alcohol;, 'v. the hairstyling formulation comprising{'b': 118', '204', '118', '205', '113', '107', '108', '113', '109', '109', '110', '110', '110', '110', '109', '113', '211', '211', '109', '204, 'i': a', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'a, 'vi. a spraying device attached to the container () for dispensing the hairstyling formulation from the reservoir () of the container (), wherein the spraying device comprises a valve () and a nozzle, wherein the valve comprises a valve body (), a stem () and a spring ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007845A1
Автор: TEBOUL Karen

The present invention relates to a device for applying a composition for treating keratin fibres, comprising a hydrophobic film-forming polymer and a volatile solvent, and also to a process for treating keratin fibres using such a device. The composition makes it possible to obtain a shampoo-fast coating, leaving the treated fibres individualized, with improved cosmetic feel and added body and volume. 115-. (canceled)16. A device for applying a treatment composition to keratin fibers , comprising:i) an applicator means that is capable of retaining an amount of the treatment composition in a container, andii) a holding member that can engage with the applicator means, in order, during a longitudinal movement of the device relative to a lock of keratin fibers, to hold the lock in engagement with the applicator means so as to enable the lock to be coated with the treatment composition,wherein the applicator means comprises an applicator tip mounted on the container and comprising an outlet orifice equipped with an opening/closing member, which, in a first position, closes off the outlet orifice, and which, in a second position, at least partially releases the outlet orifice, the passage from the first to the second position taking place in response to a stress exerted on the opening/closing member by engaging the lock between the holding member and the opening/closing member; andwherein the treatment composition comprises at least one hydrophobic film-forming polymer and at least one volatile solvent.17. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the holding member is mobile relative to the applicator means.18. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the holding member and the applicator means form two separate pieces or alternatively are linked via a connecting means and form a single piece.19. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the applicator tip comprises a surface that is capable of storing and releasing the treatment composition.20. The device according ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007712A1
Автор: Blaylock Denise

A hair rinsing device having a cap with an opening on a top portion and an elastic band adjacent a bottom edge. Connected to an inner surface of the cap and aligned with the opening is a disbursement plate. The disbursement plate has a plurality of spaced apart openings. Connected to and in communication with the spaced apart openings are a plurality of fluid conduits. The fluid conduits have a plurality of holes on the bottom portion. On the outer surface of the cap, positioned in the space between the fluid conduits are a plurality of discharge ports. 1. A hair rinsing device , comprising:a cap having an opening on a top portion and an elastic band adjacent a bottom edge; anda plurality of discharge ports on an outer surface of the cap.2. The device of further comprising a disbursement plate having a plurality of spaced apart openings where the disbursement plate is connected to an interior surface of the cap and is aligned with the opening of the cap.3. The device of wherein a fluid conduit is connected to and in fluid communication with each spaced apart opening in the disbursement plate.4. The device of wherein the fluid conduits have a plurality of holes on a bottom portion of the conduits.5. The device of wherein the fluid conduits are closed at an end opposite the spaced apart openings.6. The device of wherein the discharge port are positioned to align with a space between the fluid conduits. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/999,028 filed Jul. 14, 2014.This invention is directed toward a hair rinsing device and more particularly to a hair rinsing device that attaches to a faucet of a shampoo bowl.Rinsing hair products such as color, relaxers, conditioner and touch ups is well known in the art. Typically, a hose, attached to a faucet of a shampoo bowl is manually held and moved back and forth until all products is rinsed from the hair. This process can take as long as twenty minutes. Not only is this process ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007456A1

System for washing the hair, including a first reservoir for receiving a first liquid (L) constituted by or comprising water, a second reservoir for receiving a second liquid (L) comprising a treatment product diluted in water in an amount of less than or equal to 2.5% by weight relative to the total weight of the second liquid (L), a shower head with a supply rate of between 0.3 and 5 L/min, configured to deliver a jet of droplets onto the hair, and a means for supplying the shower head with liquid, taken exclusively from one or other of the reservoirs, with an overpressure. 1. A system for washing the hair , including:a first reservoir for receiving a first liquid constituted by or comprising water,a second reservoir for receiving a second liquid comprising a treatment product diluted in water in an amount of less than or equal to 2.5% by weight relative to the total weight of the second liquid,a shower head with a supply rate of between 0.3 and 5 L/min, configured to deliver a jet of droplets onto the hair,a means for supplying the shower head with liquid, taken exclusively from one or other of the reservoirs, with an overpressure.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , the overpressure being greater than or equal to 2 bar.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , including a pump for supplying the shower head with liquid to be dispensed with overpressure.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , including a pipe with a height difference of greater than or equal to 20 m for supplying the shower head with liquid to be dispensed with overpressure.5. The system as claimed in claim 1 , including a tube to be dipped in one or other of said reservoirs as a function of the liquid that it is desired to dispense on the hair.6. The system as claimed in claim 1 , including at least one valve for selectively connecting one or other of the reservoirs to the shower head.7. The system as claimed in claim 1 , including a tank for recovering the liquid used for treating the hair.8. The ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Hair streaking combs

Номер: US20190008258A1
Автор: David Hallmark
Принадлежит: Individual

A hair streaking comb of the present disclosure has a handle that is integral with a spine. The comb has a plurality of teeth on one side of the spine and a plurality of prongs projecting from an opposing side of the spine. Each prong comprising a U-shaped notch and each prong is separated from an adjacent prong via a gap such that when a section of a person's hair is combed, first portions of the hair fall over and through the prongs and second portions of the hair fall over and through the gaps, thereby enabling a hairdresser to color only the portions of the hair that fall over and through the prongs to provide streaks in the person's hair.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022624A1

An apparatus for dispensing a fluid from a source of fluid comprises a roller and a tray member. The tray member comprises a pair of spaced walls having a contiguous tapered inner surface for defining an arcuate recess in an outer surface of the tray member, the outer surface tapering to an outer edge of each wall. Roller mounting means includes a pair of resilient spaced arms, each one of the arms spanning between and interconnecting the ends of the spaced wall. The tray member defines a pair ports spaced along a central longitudinal axis of the tray member for providing fluid communication between the source of fluid and the tray member. The roller is rotatably mounted to the spaced arms for receiving fluid from the tray member and applying the fluid onto a surface. 2. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the roller is made of elastic material.3. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the roller comprises a solid core.4. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the roller may be removed from the tray member by manually spreading the arms.5. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the tray member defines a pair of spaced elongated channels having an inner and an outer end claim 1 , each channel extending along the central longitudinal axis of the tray member claim 1 , wherein one port of the pair of ports opens into each of the channels for delivering fluid from the fluid source.6. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 5 , wherein the depth of the channels increases as the channels extend outwardly from an inner end to an outer end.7. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 5 , wherein the channels are equally spaced from a midpoint of the central longitudinal axis of the tray member.8. The fluid dispensing apparatus as recited in claim 5 , wherein the each port is adjacent an inner end of the channel.9. The fluid dispensing ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Portable Dual-Sink Hand-Washing Station

Номер: US20220022699A1
Принадлежит: J & J Portable Sanitation Products, LLC

A portable dual-sink hand-washing station which includes a base supporting a sink structure thereabove, the sink structure defining an upper surface area, and a station top supported above the sink structure and having a vertical support structure defining a diagonal divide of the upper surface into two sections, each section having a sink opening with a rear edge along the vertical support structure such that each sink opening has a larger end and a smaller end, whereby each larger end provides increased clearance for hand-scrubbing. At least one of the sink openings has an increased maximum length to accommodate forearm-scrubbing. Various embodiments with preferred features are also disclosed. 1. A portable dual-sink hand-washing station comprising:a base supporting a sink structure thereabove, the sink structure defining a substantially-horizontal upper surface area;a station top supported above the sink structure and including vertical support structure defining a diagonal divide of the upper surface area into two sections; andeach section having a sink opening with a rear edge along the vertical support structure such that each sink opening has a larger end and a smaller end,whereby each larger end provides increased clearance for hand-scrubbing.2. The portable dual-sink hand-washing station of wherein at least one of the sink openings has an increased maximum length to accommodate forearm-scrubbing.3. The portable dual-sink hand-washing station of wherein at least one sink opening is quadrilateral in shape.4. The portable dual-sink hand-washing station of wherein the sections are quadrilateral sections each having at least one pair of opposite sides of unequal length.5. The portable dual-sink hand-washing station of wherein at least one sink opening is quadrilateral in shape.6. The portable dual-sink hand-washing station of wherein the station top includes one or more hang-members configured to hold user accessories.7. The portable dual-sink hand-washing ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and related methods for ultrasonic mist treatment and straightening of hair

Номер: US20170013931A1
Автор: Chen Shirong

An ultrasonic fog treatment and hair straightener is disclosed. Suitably, the hair straightener is provided by an electric device comprising a heating mechanism and restorative or spa means, including storage boxes and atomization means; the storage box may be fixed on the housing; the atomizing sheet and storage box may be mounted on the inside of the storage box. The restorative and spa means for hair styling and spa h effectively alleviate hair damage caused by heating and enhance the straightening effect of the hair. In addition, the spa mechanisms feature an automatic trigger, when upper and lower shells of the housing merge, so that the spa mechanisms turn on when the housing merges and turns off when the housing separates. This automation suitably reduces the user's steps to reduce the use of equipment of difficulty. 1301306301107306301. Ultrasound mist spa hair straightener is characterized in a heating mechanism and a spa mechanism. The mentioned spa mechanism includes water storage box () and mist disc (). The mentioned water storage box () is set on the upper case (). The mentioned mist disc () is mounted in the water storage box ().2301302304302303304101201107. The ultrasound mist spa hair straightener claim 1 , as described in claim 1 , is characterized in that the water storage box () has water filling nozzle () and mist spray nozzle (). The stated water filling nozzle () is equipped with water filling cover (). The stated mist spray nozzle () claim 1 , facing to the closed working area of upper metal sheet () and lower metal sheet () claim 1 , is set obliquely and is located on the left side of upper case ().3304305306307307114301308. The ultrasound mist spa hair straightener claim 2 , as described in claim 2 , is characterized in that the inside of mentioned mist spray nozzle () is set with fixed ring of mist disc () claim 2 , mist disc () and lamp holder of mist disc () successively from the outside to the inside. The mentioned lamp holder of mist ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013943A1
Автор: UCHIDA Kousei

A photoirradiation hair dyeing device includes a supporting portion, a hood arranged to an upper side of the supporting portion, and a light emitting component arranged on an internal surface of the hood. The supporting portion includes a pillar and a base, and includes a height adjusting mechanism. The hood is held in midair by an angle adjusting mechanism via the supporting portion. The hood has a substantially truncated pyramid shape, a substantially truncated cone shape, or a substantially hemispherical shape that is similar to a user's head, and surrounds entire user's head. 1. A photoirradiation hair dyeing device , dyeing a hair by irradiating a light to the hair to which a hair dyeing agent is applied , and the photoirradiation hair dyeing device comprising:a hood, having an opening portion through which a user's head is inserted and an internal surface;a supporting portion, holding the hood in midair; anda light emitting component, arranged on the internal surface of the hood.2. The photoirradiation hair dyeing device according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting portion comprises: a base to be placed on a floor; and a pillar standing on the base.3. The photoirradiation hair dyeing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe hood is a substantially truncated pyramid shape, a substantially truncated cone shape, or a substantially hemispherical shape, anda plurality of the light emitting component is arranged on an entire of the internal surface at equal intervals.4. The photoirradiation hair dyeing device according to claims 1 , further comprising:a light diffuse reflecting component, anda plurality of the light diffuse reflecting component which diffuses light of the light emitting component is arranged on the internal surface of the hood at equal intervals.5. The photoirradiation hair dyeing device according to claim 4 , whereinthe light emitting component is arranged around an apex portion of the hood, andthe light diffuse reflecting component is arranged ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Cosmetic formulation dispensing head for a personal care appliance

Номер: US20160015150A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

A cosmetic formulation applicator is provided for applying cosmetic formulation to a user's skin. The cosmetic formulation applicator includes a reservoir that contains a cosmetic formulation, a brush head base, a plurality of bristles, and one or more dispenser nozzles. The brush head base is attached to the reservoir on a first side of the brush head base and the plurality of bristles extend from a second side of the brush head base. The one or more dispenser nozzles are configured to permit passage of the cosmetic formulation from the reservoir through the brush head base to the plurality of bristles. The cosmetic formulation applicator includes a plunger that is configured to force cosmetic formulation from the reservoir to the plurality of bristles via the plurality of dispenser nozzles. The plunger can be driven to control flow of the cosmetic formulation through the plurality of dispenser nozzles.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Waterproof Hair Accessory

Номер: US20190014878A1

A hair accessory including a liquid impermeable bag comprising a sheet gathered at one end and a band attached to the bag. A method of removing oil from hair including partitioning the hair of the user into a first section and a second section defined by a boundary path on a head of the user which divides the first and the second sections, placing the band along the boundary path, placing the second section inside the bag and washing the first section while keeping the second section dry due to the placing inside the bag. The placement of the band is approximately midway between the front and rear of the head of a 1. A method of removing oil from a first portion of a user's hair comprising:placing an elastic band at a location on a head of the user which divides the first portion of the hair to be washed from a second portion of the hair to remain dry;placing a rigid band comprising a liquid impermeable bag partially attached thereto over the elastic band;moving the second portion of the hair to remain dry to an inside of the liquid impermeable bag through a portion of the liquid impermeable bag which is detached from the rigid band; andwashing the hair, wherein the first portion of the hair is washed and the second portion of the hair remains dry,wherein the location on the head is approximately midway between a front of the head and a rear of the head.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising drying the first portion of the hair.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising tightening the liquid impermeable bag about the second portion to substantially encompass the second portion.4. A method of removing oil from a first portion of a user's hair comprising:placing a band comprising a liquid impermeable bag partially attached thereto at a location on a head of the user which divides the first portion of the hair to be washed from a second portion of the hair to remain dry;moving the second portion of the hair to remain dry to an inside of the liquid impermeable ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015564A1

A hair coloring brush has a central base portion having a curved end portion, a front side, and an indentation formed in the front side, the indentation having a curved bottom end, a first rounded corner, a second rounded corner, a central indented portion, a first curved side positioned between the first rounded corner and the central indented portion, and a second curved side positioned between the second rounded corner and the central indented portion, the indentation providing an area for grasping the brush, a pick handle extending from the central base portion, and a plurality of bristles extending out from the curved end portion of the central base portion, the bristles each have an end portion with the end portions forming a curved surface. 1. A hair coloring brush comprising:a central base portion having a curved end portion, a front side, and an indentation formed in the front side, the indentation having a curved bottom end, a first rounded corner, a second rounded corner, a central indented portion, a first curved side positioned between the first rounded corner and the central indented portion, and a second curved side positioned between the second rounded corner and the central indented portion, the indentation providing an area for grasping the brush, the curved bottom end providing a curved bottom surface against which fingers of an operator may be positioned in a curved manner for controlling the brush and the central indented portion having a central indented surface against which a finger of an operator may be positioned for controlling the brush;a pick handle extending from the central base portion; anda plurality of bristles extending out from the curved end portion of the central base portion, the bristles each have an end portion with the end portions forming a curved surface.2. The hair coloring brush of wherein the central base portion further comprises a first outer curved side between the curved end portion and the pick handle and a second ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Portable Stand System with two plaques

Номер: US20180017205A1
Автор: Del Castillo Nestor

Portable stand system consists of two rigid plaques with perforated slots designed to interlock the two plaques into various configurations. The way to assemble the two plaques is by inserting them using the perforations indistinctively in order to achieve different x-shaped configurations according to the needs of the used. The system allows objects to be rearranged from their original position and/or angle. 111-. (canceled)12. A portable stand system consisting of:Two equally formed single solid rigid plaques,wherein each equally formed single solid plaque consists of four quadrants;wherein each equally formed single solid plaque comprises a horizontal axis and a vertical axis; a first quadrant located at the top half left of said equally formed single solid rigid plaque,', 'a second quadrant located at the bottom half right of said equally formed single solid rigid plaque,', 'a third quadrant located at the bottom half left of said equally formed single solid rigid plaque,', 'a fourth quadrant located at the top half right of said equally formed single solid rigid plaque,, 'wherein the horizontal axis extends horizontally along a horizontal centerline of the equally formed single solid rigid plaque and the vertical axis extends vertically along a vertical centerline of the equally formed single solid rigid plaque, and wherein said the four quadrants consists'}wherein said each equally formed single solid rigid plaque consists of a first perforated slot and a second perforated slot, wherein said first perforated slot consists of a first space and wherein said second perforated slot consists of a second space;wherein said first perforated slot is located at said first quadrant along a said horizontal centerline and wherein said first perforated slot extends from the perimeter of each solid rigid plaque towards the vertical centerline until reaching the said vertical centerline,wherein said second perforated slot is located in the same quadrant as said first ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017262A1

Disclosed is a container for a hair tonic, wherein a nozzle hole () is formed at a center inside a lid () coupled to an upper portion of a container main body (), and an assembly hole () is formed at a center of a scalp stimulation means () coupled to an upper portion of the lid such that a nozzle opening and closing means () protrudes above the scalp stimulation means to be operated under pressure while compressing an elastic spring when the scalp is tapped, wherein an inclined portion () having a taper shape outside the nozzle hole is normally in linear contact with an outer edge of a blocking plate () at a lower portion of the nozzle opening and closing means for tight sealing, but nozzle opening operation is quickly performed to discharge a medicinal fluid when the nozzle opening and closing means is operated under pressure. 110. A container for a hair tonic , in which the container is provided with scalp stimulation protrusions that stimulate a scalp while discharging a medicinal fluid as a nozzle hole is opened by tapping a scalp stimulation means provided at an upper portion of a lid coupled to an upper portion of a container main body () on the scalp ,{'b': 21', '22', '20, 'wherein the nozzle hole () is formed at a center of a partition wall () inside the lid ();'}{'b': 30', '31', '32', '33, 'the scalp stimulation means () is coupled to the upper portion of the lid, with an assembly hole () formed at a center of the scalp stimulation means, a plurality of scalp stimulation protrusions () protrudingly provided on the scalp stimulation means, and medicinal fluid discharge holes () formed outside the assembly hole so as to disperse and discharge the medicinal fluid; and'}{'b': 40', '30', '21', '31', '40', '20, 'a nozzle opening and closing means () protrudes above the scalp stimulation means () through both the nozzle hole () of the lid and the assembly hole () of the scalp stimulation means, the nozzle opening and closing means () being insertedly provided in ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Hair Product Application Device

Номер: US20170020259A1
Автор: Lightsey Larry J.

A hair product application device for dispensing a hair product composition directly from a glove. The hair product application device generally includes a glove having at least one blister pack containing a hair product composition. The blister pack includes a pocket that holds the hair product composition and is at least partially in contact with an exterior surface of the glove. The pocket has a rupturable membrane and optionally, a backing sheet that is located at least partially on the exterior surface of the glove. The hair product composition is released by rupturing the rupturable membrane of the blister pack by applying an external pressure to the exterior surface of the rupturable membrane or an internal pressure to the pocket using a pneumatic device. 1. A hair product application device comprising:a glove comprising a plurality of digit portions; and a pocket containing a hair product composition, the pocket located on at least a portion of an exterior surface of the at least one digit portion of the glove; and', 'a rupturable membrane at least partially forming the pocket and configured to release at least a portion of the hair product composition when ruptured in response to a pressure differential between an internal pressure exerted on the rupturable membrane and an external pressure exerted on the rupturable membrane., 'a blister pack disposed on at least one digit portion from among the plurality of digit portions, the blister pack comprising2. The hair product application device of claim 1 , further comprising:a pneumatic device integrally coupled to the glove; anda tube in fluid communication with the pneumatic device and the blister pack such that the rupturable membrane ruptures in response to an increase in the internal pressure exerted on the rupturable membrane by the pneumatic device.3. The hair product application device of claim 2 , further comprising a one-way valve fluidly coupling the tube and an interior of the pocket of the blister ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Hair Care Tool and Related Methods

Номер: US20180020800A1
Автор: Jackson Madeline

In an exemplary embodiment, a tool for hair care generally includes a handle, a supporting structure extending distally from the handle, and a plurality of curved teeth having curved cross sections. Each tooth terminates in a rounded tip. A lateral one of the teeth extends generally distally from a lateral portion of the supporting structure. At least some others of the teeth extend generally distally from a distal portion of the supporting structure. Tool embodiments can alleviate hair care and styling problems encountered by users who have curly, coarse, and/or coiled hair. 1. A tool for hair care , the tool comprising:a handle;a supporting structure extending distally from the handle; anda plurality of curved teeth having curved cross sections, each tooth terminating in a rounded tip;a lateral one of the teeth extending generally distally from a lateral portion of the supporting structure; andat least some others of the teeth extending generally distally from a distal portion of the supporting structure.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein each tooth has a taper terminating in the rounded tip of the tooth.3. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth vary in length and/or in curvature.4. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the teeth comprise a second lateral tooth longer than the lateral one of the teeth claim 1 , the second lateral tooth extending generally distally from a second lateral portion of the supporting structure.5. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth comprises five teeth.6. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the handle comprises one or more of the following: a generally cylindrical shape claim 1 , a generally flat shape claim 1 , a generally curved shape claim 1 , a hollow area claim 1 , and a textured surface portion.7. The tool of claim 1 , wherein:each tooth has a plurality of segments joined end-to-end, whereby the tooth is curved; and/orthe tooth extending generally distally from the lateral portion of the supporting structure has a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Device and Method for Mixing Hair Coloring Chemicals

Номер: US20150023722A1

A device and method for mixing and applying hair coloring chemicals to a user's hair. The device comprises a brush applicator, a first compartment capable of holding the brush applicator, a second compartment containing a first hair coloring chemical, a third compartment containing a second hair coloring chemical, and a membrane. The brush applicator is movable toward the membrane to puncture the membrane and cause the hair coloring chemicals to be mixed together. In another embodiment, the device contains two or more hair coloring chemicals, at least one in at least one receptacle within the device. The device further comprises a cutting member in the form of a cursor, pull-member, rotatable element, or push-member to cut open the receptacle(s) within the device to release and thereby mix the hair coloring chemicals. The device can include an applicator removably attached to the housing to apply the mixed hair coloring chemicals. 1. A device for mixing and applying hair coloring chemicals to a person's hair , the device comprising:a housing containing a first hair coloring chemical, wherein said housing comprises an interior portion, a first end, a second end, and at least one wall enclosing said interior portion;at least one receptacle containing at least one second hair coloring chemical, wherein said at least one receptacle is located within said interior portion of said housing;a cutting member movably secured to said housing;whereby said cutting member is capable of cutting open said at least one receptacle when moved and thereby releasing said at least one second hair coloring chemical from said at least one receptacle to mix with said first hair coloring chemical within said housing;wherein said at least one wall further comprises a track; and,said cutting member comprises a cursor fitting within said track, wherein said cursor comprises a cutting edge and a handle, wherein said cutting edge is sealably fitted within said interior portion of said housing and ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Automatic Shampoo Bowl/Massage Chair

Номер: US20210022507A1

Automatic Shampoo Bow/Massage Chair consist of an shampoo bowl sink, automatic rubber holes to disperse shampoo/conditioner. On and Off control knobs, control box for the hands motion and speed, an water nozzle, neck rest to support your neck and also an massage chair for relaxation of the back muscle with massage and heating elements. 1. Shampoo equipment for automatic shampooing of the hair and scalp/massage chaira. shampoo bowl having plastic bars on the left and right side on two rubber hands (refillable) with tiny holes on the left and right hand for water dispersement and shampoo.2. Shampoo equipment according towherein said to have hand controller knob at the top middle section of shampoo bowl and to control the firmness or speed of the hands and U shaped head rest to relax the neck in the middle of the bowl.3. The invention where in said in has an extension water sprout on left side of shampoo bowl just in case extra water is needed to rinse manually with a line connected to bowl so that water can pass through.4. The invention where in said in should have an knob on left back side of the bowl to control the reverberation of the motion of the hands to fast or slow with a know in the middle to turn hands on/off while on the right back of the bowl with an knob controlling the pressure firm/light (soft).5. The invention has an chair with massage coils #8 for back relaxation for sprain muscles claim 3 , back spasms claim 3 , etc. heating (optional) on the left and right side of the chair will be arm rest to support left and right arm while receiving shampoo from the Automatic Shampoo Bowl/Massage Chair. This Information Summary relates to a product idea called “AUTOMATIC SHAMPOO BOWL AND CHAIR” which has been disclosed to InventHelp® by Ms. Tameka Williams of Euclid, Ohio. This Information Summary is based upon information and disclosure forms submitted to InventHelp® by the originator along with notes from conversations with our InventHelp® sales representative. ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022973A1

A beauty care product comprising a sealable plastic container, a sealing means and a beauty care component is provided, wherein the container of which is resistant to random, uncontrolled deformation under a substantial pressure differential between the environment and inside the container, yet having an affordable cost of manufacture and/or being appealing to the consumer. A kit comprising said product thereof, a method of manufacturing said product, and a method of using said product for application onto skin and/or hair are also provided. 1(a) providing a first product comprising: a sealable plastic container comprising a base section, a body section, and a neck section forming an aperture; said sections delimiting an inner reservoir; a sealing means, affixed onto the neck section of the container; wherein the reservoir comprises upon storage no more than about 70% of the component by total volume of the reservoir; the remaining volume being filled with gas; wherein the body section is four-panelled and comprises a non-collapsible squeezable front panel, two symmetrical collapsible side panels and a non-collapsible squeezable back panel; wherein the ratio of the average thicknesses between front and/or back panels and the side panels is at least 2:1;(b) providing an additional product being a packaged component selected from a tint component comprising at least one primary precursor, a component comprising at least one secondary precursor, or combination thereof;(c) pouring the additional product into the reservoir remaining volume of the container of the first product;(d) mixing the developer component homogeneously with the additional product(e) applying the mixed composition onto hair.. A method for coloring and/or bleaching hair, comprising the steps of: The present invention relates to a beauty care product comprising a sealable plastic container, a sealing means and a beauty care component; to a kit comprising said product thereof; to a method of ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150026904A1
Автор: Piatetsky Andrey

A bristle of a liquid-reservoir hairbrush with a tube and a roller-ball nozzle located at the tube's end, wherein the tube has a channel bounded by a tube wall, and wherein the tube wall has an internal surface. A feeder is placed into the channel The feeder has an external surface, and a spacing between the external surface of the feeder and the internal surface of the tube wall is great enough so that liquid can flow between the external surface of the feeder and the internal surface of the tube wall only by gravity, but not by capillary action, and air located outside of the roller-ball nozzle can flow through the roller-ball nozzle and then between the external surface of the feeder and the internal surface of the tube wall in the direction from the roller-ball nozzle to the proximal end of the tube. 1. A bristle of a liquid-reservoir hairbrush designed for dispersing water-based solutions and other thin and non-viscous liquids over a user's scalp during hair-brushing , comprising:a tube which has a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the distal end has a roller-ball nozzle, and wherein the tube has a channel bounded by a tube wall, and wherein the tube wall has an internal surface;a feeder placed into the channel, wherein the feeder has an external surface, and wherein the external surface of the feeder either does not contact or only partially contacts the internal surface of the tube wall; and wherein a spacing between the external surface of the feeder and the internal surface of the tube wall is great enough so that liquid can flow between the external surface of the feeder and the internal surface of the tube wall only by gravity, but not by capillary action, and air located outside of the roller-ball nozzle can flow through the roller-ball nozzle and then between the external surface of the feeder and the internal surface of the tube wall in the direction from the roller-ball nozzle to the proximal end of the tube.2. The bristle of the claim 1 , ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Multifunctional personal care devices/apparatuses and compositions for hair or skin

Номер: US20170027301A1
Автор: Mazed Sayeeda

Personal care devices (or apparatuses) are described to deliver/activate a bioactive compound/botanical compound/biologically active molecule (including a regulatory protein/growth factor) or a mixture of bioactive compounds/botanical compounds/biologically active molecules (including regulatory proteins/growth factors) for growth and protection of hair or rejuvenation and protection of skin, which utilizes nanoencapsulation/nanoemulsion and/or activation/photoactivation. Such devices (or apparatuses) utilize a light low intensity module/x-ray and nanooptical elements/three-dimensionally (3-D) printed micro/nanostructures. 1. An apparatus comprising a spray applicator to spray a bioactive compound or a botanical compound or a biologically active molecule or a liquid for rejuvenation or protection of skin ,wherein the spray applicator comprises an ultrasonic wave generator or a vibrator,wherein the spray applicator is activated or set in motion by the ultrasonic wave generator or the vibrator.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the spray applicator comprising the ultrasonic or the vibrator is replaced by a nozzle claim 1 , wherein the spray applicator is set in motion by the nozzle.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising the bioactive compound or the botanical compound or the biologically active molecule encapsulated in a nanoshell.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising the bioactive compound or the botanical compound in an emulsion.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a light module claim 1 , wherein the light module comprises a light emitting diode or a laser claim 1 , wherein the light module activates or photoactivates the bioactive compound or the botanical compound or the biologically active molecule or the liquid claim 1 , [{'sup': 2', '2, 'an optical dose in the range from 0.5 J/cmto 10 J/cmin 600-700 nm wavelength range,'}, 'or', {'sup': 2', '2, 'an optical dose in the range from 0.5 J/cmto 50 J/cmin ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Hair highlighting device

Номер: US20160029765A1
Автор: Mitat Cetinkaya
Принадлежит: Individual

A hair-highlighting device has a handle and a reservoir for storing a highlighting composition. The device is adapted to dispense a tape of barrier material and also adapted to simultaneously dispense highlighting composition via a reservoir outlet to a lock of hair. The device comprises a manually operated mechanism to expel highlighting composition from the reservoir such that when the device is in use a user may vary the amount of highlighting composition dispensed from the reservoir by varying the pressure that is applied to the mechanism.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Hair Dye Applicator

Номер: US20160029766A1
Автор: Huang Ricky

A hair-dye applicator for applying dye onto hair includes at least one retaining member, each retaining member having a leading edge. An insert is affixed adjacent an inner surface of each retaining member, the insert being flexible and resilient and including a plurality of slits, each slit beginning at a first end of the insert and extending into a body portion of the insert. The leading edge of each retaining member extends beyond the first end of the insert. The plurality of slits is unobstructed by the at least one retaining member, such that as a user's hair is combed with the applicator, the user's hair is caused to pass through the slits and dye that is carried on the insert is transferred to the user's hair without the insert touching the scalp. 2. The hair-dye applicator of claim 1 , wherein the insert is removably affixed to the at least one retaining member.3. The hair-dye applicator of claim 1 , wherein the insert is permanently affixed to the at least one retaining member.4. The hair-dye applicator of claim 1 , wherein the insert is absorbent of the hair-dye.5. The hair-dye applicator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one retaining member comprises first and second retaining members claim 1 , wherein the insert is affixed between the first and second retaining members.6. The hair-dye applicator of claim 1 , wherein each retaining member comprises a plurality of teeth claim 1 , such that spacing between successive teeth is greater than a width of each tooth claim 1 , and wherein each slit of the plurality of slits of the insert is within a different spacing between respective successive teeth of the retaining members.7. The hair-dye applicator of claim 6 , wherein each slit is disposed approximately centrally within said different spacing.8. The hair-dye applicator of claim 6 , wherein at least one tooth of the at least one retaining member comprises one or more protrusions that protrude into the insert.9. The hair-dye applicator of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Easy greasing tail comb

Номер: US20190029387A1
Автор: Desiree Sadler
Принадлежит: Individual

A tail comb is disclosed for dispensing a hair product to the roots of a person's hair comprising a comb body, an elongated comb handle outwardly extended from the comb body, a plurality of comb teeth aligned in an array attached at their proximal end to the comb body, extending from and parallel to a longitudinal midline of the body-handle, and an applicator attached to the comb body, wherein the applicator dispenses a hair product to the roots of a person's hair including the person's hair follicles and scalp.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034118A1

A hair treatment accessory for use with a hair styling apparatus includes a substrate base for mounting to a hair styling apparatus and a treatment agent disposed on the substrate base. The treatment agent is applied to one of the hair or skin of a subject during use of the hair styling apparatus. The treatment agent may include a conditioning, strengthening, repairing or revitalizing fluid. The treatment agent may include a conditioning oil. The conditioning oil may include ARGAN oil with or without silicon. The substrate base may include an irregular surface dimensioned to assist in retention of the treatment agent on the substrate base. The irregular surface may include open cells or channels. The irregular surface may be formed through a sintering process. 1a substrate base for mounting to a hair styling apparatus; anda treatment agent disposed on the substrate base, the treatment agent being applied to one of hair or skin of a subject during use of the hair styling apparatus.. A hair treatment accessory for use with a hair styling apparatus, which comprises: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/872,546, filed on Apr/ 29, 2013, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/326,926, filed on Dec. 15, 2011. The entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference.1. Technical FieldThe present disclosure relates to an apparatus for treating hair, and, more particularly, relates to an accessory for a hair styling apparatus in which the accessory is infused with a medicinal/conditioner agent for dispensing on the hair to strengthen, repair, revitalize and/or condition hair during treatment with the apparatus.2. Background of the Related ArtHair styling tools and devices are well known in the art and include heated combs, brushes, curlers, clippers, dryers, rollers and irons. Examples of these devices are disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,490,615, 7,178,532, 7,082,949, 6,742,262, 6,671,460, 6, ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035186A1

A method is provided for preparing a hair dye color mixture. The method includes: providing a control system having at least a memory, input controls, and a display; storing in the memory at least one formula, the formula including one or more colorants and/or dye blending materials, and wherein each colorant and/or blending material is separately assigned to an initial product brand; receiving input from the input controls to change a colorant and/or blending material from the initial product brand to one or more subsequent product brands, and wherein the control system recalculates components of the formula using the one or more subsequent product brands in response to receiving input from the input controls; and matching the color of the hair dye color mixture made from colorants and/or dye blending materials of the initial product brand using colorants and/or dye blending materials of the one or more subsequent product brands, in response to the input. 1. A method for preparing a hair dye color mixture , the method comprising:providing a control system having at least a memory, input controls, and a display;storing in the memory at least one formula, the formula including one or more colorants and/or dye blending materials, and wherein each colorant and/or blending material is separately assigned to an initial product brand;receiving input from the input controls to change a colorant and/or blending material from the initial product brand to one or more subsequent product brands, and wherein the control system recalculates components of the formula using the one or more subsequent product brands in response to receiving input from the input controls;matching the color of the hair dye color mixture made from colorants and/or dye blending materials of the initial product brand using colorants and/or dye blending materials of the one or more subsequent product brands, in response to the input; anddisplaying the matched colorants and/or dye blending materials of the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037889A1

A hair washing support device is disclosed including a hair support body having a first end and a second end, and a body length separating the first and second ends. The first end includes an outer edge defining a U-shaped cavity adapted to receive a user's neck area. The hair support body further includes a bottom surface and an upper surface, wherein the upper surface spans from the first end to a body aperture disposed along the body length. A container is coupled to the hair support body. The container can be seen extending downwardly away from the upper surface of the body and outside of an area projected away from the bottom surface of the hair support body. The container can be conveniently removed and emptied. 1. A hair washing support device comprising: ["a first end and a second end, a body length separating the first and second ends, the first end including an outer edge defining a U-shaped cavity sized to receive a user's neck area; and", 'a bottom surface and an upper surface, the upper surface spanning from the first end to a body aperture disposed along the body length; and, 'a hair support body having extending downwardly away from the upper surface of the body;', 'extending outside of an area projected downwardly away from, and defined by, the outer edges defined by the bottom surface of the hair support body;', 'in fluid communication with the body aperture; and', 'defining a volume of at least 8 fluid ounces., 'a container coupled to the hair support body, the container2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein:the hair support body and the container are portable.3. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a visor rotatably coupled to the first end of the hair support body.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein:the visor includes a first side, a second side, and a curved surface separating the first and second sides of the visor.5. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a resilient padding substantially covering ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Hair coloring brush and system

Номер: US20180035777A1
Автор: Jackie Richardson
Принадлежит: Individual

A hair coloring brush is disclosed having a central base portion, a pick handle extending from the central base portion, and a plurality of bristles extending out from the central base portion, the bristles each have an end portion with the end portions forming a curved surface.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035778A1

A bowl is disclosed having a basin portion having a slanted back wall portion, a bottom portion, a front straight wall portion, a pair of side wall portions, and a top portion, and a handle extending from the top portion. 1. A bowl comprising:a basin portion having a slanted back wall portion, a bottom portion, a front straight wall portion, a pair of side wall portions, and a top portion; anda handle extending from the top portion.2. The bowl of wherein the handle further comprises a bottom portion for stabilizing the bowl when the bowl is placed on a surface.3. The bowl of wherein the basin portion is sized and shaped to contain a hair coloring brush therein and a quantity of dye.4. The bowl of wherein the slanted back wall portion comprises a convex shape having a surface.5. The bowl of wherein the slanted back wall portion has an edge claim 1 , the bottom portion extending between the edge and the front straight wall portion for forming a ledge.6. The bowl of wherein the bowl further comprises an upper lip portion.7. A bowl for use with a hair coloring brush comprising:a basin portion having a slanted back wall portion, a bottom portion having a ledge portion, a front straight wall portion, a pair of side wall portions, and a top portion; anda handle extending from the top portion.8. The hair coloring brush of wherein the handle further comprises a bottom portion for stabilizing the bowl when the bowl is placed on a surface.9. The bowl of wherein the basin portion is sized and shaped to contain a hair coloring brush therein and a quantity of dye.10. The bowl of wherein the slanted back wall portion comprises a convex shape having a surface.11. The bowl of wherein the slanted back wall portion has an edge claim 7 , the bottom portion extending between the edge and the front straight wall portion for forming a ledge.12. The bowl of wherein the bowl further comprises an upper lip portion.13. A hair coloring brush system comprising:a hair coloring brush comprising a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040937A1
Автор: Yang Yoon-Bok

The present invention relates to a multifunctional cosmetic hair treatment apparatus which uses a planar heating element using carbon fibers as a heating cable or a far-infrared film plate. More particularly, the present invention relates to a cosmetic hair treatment apparatus for drying and cosmetic treatment, which has the functions of heating a rod to a low temperature using the heat from a planar heating element or the Far-infrared radiation from a far-infrared film plate during cosmetic hair treatment procedures, such as cosmetic hair treatment perms, straightening and softening, dyeing, Hair-manicuring, treatments, and hair-loss prevention, and of warming up a perm agent during the winter, and which can be used even when the hair is dried using the far-infrared radiation emitted from the far-infrared film plate. 1. A cosmetic hair treatment cap capable of drying and cosmetically treating hair , the cap comprising:{'b': '10', 'a lining () that is located at the innermost portion of the cosmetic hair treatment cap where a head touches, and is made of flame-retardant fiber;'}{'b': 40', '40', '50', '50, 'planar heating elements ( and ′) or far-infrared film plates ( and ′) that are located on a side surface of the lining where the head does not touch, the planar heating elements being made of a carbon fiber material and being used to heat an upper head and a lower head and the far-infrared film plates being capable of radiating far-infrared radiations;'}{'b': 20', '10', '40', '40', '50', '50, 'a temperature maintaining part () that is located on an outer surface of the lining () including the planar heating elements ( and ′) or the far-infrared film plates ( and ′), and is made of cotton fiber to maintain temperatures;'}{'b': 30', '20, 'an inner cover () of the cosmetic hair treatment cap that is located on an outer surface of the temperature maintaining part (), and is made of a water-proof polyester material; and'}{'b': 60', '30', '110', '90, 'an outer cover () ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053917A1
Автор: Johansson Nathalie

The present invention relates to a hair wash station. The hair wash station comprises a top sink configured to wash hair of a person, wherein the top sink comprising a water supply to provide water, and a bottom sink arranged at a lower level relative to the top sink, wherein the bottom sink comprising a drain for draining water from the bottom sink. The hair wash station further comprise a guiding passage connected to the top sink and configured such that water from the top sink flows along the guiding passage and into the bottom sink. 1. A hair wash station comprising:a top sink configured to wash hair of a person, the top sink comprising a water supply to provide water;a bottom sink arranged at a lower level relative to the top sink, the bottom sink comprising a drain for draining water from the bottom sink; anda guiding passage connected to the top sink and configured such that water from the top sink flows along the guiding passage and into the bottom sink.2. The hair wash station of claim 1 , wherein the top sink is height adjustable.3. The hair wash station of claim 2 , being configured such that a height of the top sink is adjustable between approximately 50 cm and 150 cm claim 2 , or between approximately 60 cm and 140 cm claim 2 , or between approximately 70 cm and 130 cm claim 2 , or between approximately 77.5 cm and 127 cm.4. The hair wash station of claim 2 , comprising a stand for supporting at least the top sink claim 2 , wherein the stand comprises a telescopic pole that is extendable in length such that a height of the top sink can be adjusted.5. The hair wash station of claim 4 , wherein the stand comprises a housing for housing parts of the water supply and/or containers for hair products claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises a base part and a sleeve part that is received within the base part when the top sink is lowered.6. The hair wash station of claim 2 , comprising an actuator configured to adjust a height of the top sink.7. The hair wash ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Hair colouring device

Номер: US20180042353A1
Автор: Kieron Dowd
Принадлежит: Dowd Group Pty Ltd

Disclosed are a hair colouring device and method of its use. The device includes a top housing, a bottom housing movably engaged to the top housing at distal ends using an engagement mechanism that enables the device to alternate between a closed position and an open position, a first cartridge carrier for receiving a first colourant-filled cartridge, the first cartridge carrier being removably disposed within an opening provided on the top housing, a second cartridge carrier for receiving a second colourant-filled cartridge, the second cartridge carrier being removably disposed within an opening provided on the bottom housing, a pair of applicator tips, each of the applicator tips being disposed at a proximal end of the first cartridge carrier and the second cartridge carrier. The device allows accurate, non-messy and even application of the hair colouring composition to the selected one or more strands of hair more quickly and effectively.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047669A1
Автор: HUANG Ying-chung

An ice treatment hair conditioning clip structure includes an electronic refrigeration plate of a refrigeration splint for absorbing heat to drop the temperature of a metal refrigeration board below zero, a water-loop pump installed at a cooling module of a cooling host body for pumping a coolant contained in a coolant tank and circulating the coolant in a loop waterway of a heat-exchange metal board, and a heat sink and a fan of the cooling module for dissipating heat. The coolant is returned to the coolant tank of the cooling module, such that the thermal emission reaches a thermal equilibrium to achieve a hair conditioning effect and an excellent stability of the hair conditioning. 1. An ice treatment hair conditioning clip structure , comprising:a cooling host body, including a housing, an operation control circuit panel, a low-voltage power supply device, a cooling module and a heat dissipating module, and the cooling module further including a coolant tank and a water-loop pump, and the coolant tank having an inlet port and an outlet port, and a coolant being filled into the coolant tank, and the water-loop pump also having an inlet port and an outlet port, and the heat dissipating module further including a heat sink and a fan, and the fan being fixed to and combined with an edge of the heat sink, and the heat sink having an inlet port and an outlet port, and the outlet port of the heat sink being connected to the inlet port of the coolant tank through a duct, and the outlet port of the coolant tank being connected to the inlet port of the water-loop pump through a duct, and, the low-voltage power supply device, the fan of the heat dissipating module, and the water-loop pump of the cooling module being electrically connected to the operation control circuit panel through a conductive wire;a delivery pipe set, including a first duct, a second duct, and a jacket tube sheathed on the first and second ducts, and the first duct on a side of the delivery pipe set ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061488A1

A composition dispenser with dynamically adjustable protrusions/bristles for delivery of a cosmetic composition to a substrate, particularly hair coloring agents. The composition dispenser comprises a protrusion unit including one or more protrusion elements and at least one dispensing orifices appointed for fluidic communication with a formulation reservoir. The protrusion unit is operably coupled to a length-adjustment element configured to adjust an exposed protrusion length of the protrusion elements along a direction perpendicular to a rotation plane of the length-adjust element.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Hair Dryer Attachment

Номер: US20160051026A1

A blow dryer attachment for vectoring directional flow of an airstream exiting a barrel of a blow dryer. The attachment features at least two body components in an articulated engagement having a central passage which may be curved by such articulation to reposition and exit aperture in a nozzle end opposite a connection to a blow dryer. A flexible coupling may be provided as an interface to connect the device to a broader range of blow dryers. A rotational engagement of the first component to the blow dryer allows for rotation of the exit aperture around the axis of the blow dryer barrel for additional adjustment of the angle and direction or vector angle of the exiting airstream from the attachment. 1. A blow dryer attachment assembly for vectoring the angle of an airstream exiting a barrel of a blow dryer , comprising:a nozzle, an attachment base and a coupling sleeve, said nozzle, attachment base and coupling sleeve creating a central passageway therethrough,said nozzle having an inlet aperture and outlet aperture forming said central passageway and a first hinge portion, wherein said inlet aperture and said outlet aperture are about 90° to one another; andsaid attachment base having a first aperture and a second aperture forming said central passageway and a second hinge portion, wherein said first aperture and said second aperture are about 90° to one another, said second aperture having a perimeter edge and a rotating means about its perimeter to allow said attachment base to rotate 360° about said rotating means, said nozzle and said attachment base connected by said first and second hinge portions such that said nozzle can be retracted from about 0° to about 90° into said attachment base.220-. (canceled)21. The blow dryer attachment assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising: a liquid applicator configured for engagement at or adjacent to said outlet aperture to allow for application of a liquid to hair which is adjacent to or in said airstream ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Hair Colouring Method

Номер: US20150053232A1

Method for colouring hair wherein a first and a second hair colouring composition are applied to the hair, wherein the concentration of the oxidative dye precursors and the concentration of the alkalizing agents and the concentration of the oxidizing agents comprised in the second hair colouring composition is lower than in the first hair colouring composition. 1. A method for colouring hair comprising the steps of:i) mixing a first dye composition with a first developer composition to obtain a first hair colouring composition, wherein the first dye composition comprises one or more oxidative dye precursors and one or more alkalizing agents and the first developer composition comprises one or more oxidizing agents;ii) applying a portion or all of the first hair colouring composition to the hair roots and to one or more portions of the hair lengths and tips extending from the hair roots;iii) mixing a second dye composition with a second developer composition to obtain a second hair colouring composition, wherein the second dye composition comprises one or more oxidative dye precursors and one or more alkalizing agents and the second developer composition comprises one or more oxidizing agents, wherein the individual concentrations of the oxidative dye precursors, the alkalizing agents, and the oxidizing agents comprised in the second hair colouring composition are lower than the individual concentrations of the oxidative dye precursors, the alkalizing agents, and the oxidizing agents comprised in the first hair colouring composition;iv) applying a portion or all of the second hair colouring composition to the hair.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises the step of:v) rinsing the hair.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in step iv) claim 1 , the portion or all of the second hair colouring composition is applied to the rest of the hair lengths and tips which are free of the first hair colouring composition.4. The method ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047194A1
Автор: EURIPPINI Cecile

The present invention relates to a device for spraying a product, in particular a cosmetic product, makeup product or care product, said device comprising: 1. Device for spraying a product , said device comprising:a container containing the product, anda dispensing head comprising a body, and an endpiece, attached to the body,the body and the endpiece being configured to allow the product to be sprayed through outlet orifices about a longitudinal axis (Y) of the endpiece, in at least two different directions,the dispensing head comprising at least first and second chambers, the first and second chambers being concentric chambers, through which the flow of product successively passes before emerging from the outlet orifices,wherein the flow of product emerging from the diffuser has undergone at least two changes of direction of flow.2. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the two directions form between them an angle of 60 degrees to 180 degrees.3. Device according to claim 2 , the flow emerging from an outlet orifice being oriented non-parallel to a longitudinal axis (X) of the device.4. Device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one opening between the first and second concentric chambers being able to be offset angularly with respect to at least one of the outlet orifices.5. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the outlet orifices lead directly to the outside claim 1 , without an attached nozzle.6. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the endpiece is a diffuser.7. Device according to claim 6 , wherein the at least two changes of direction occur in the diffuser.8. Device according to claim 1 , the endpiece comprising a separation skirt which separates the first and second chambers claim 1 , this separation skirt being pierced with at least two openings allowing the flow of product to pass through.9. Device according to claim 1 , in which the second chamber is surrounded by a peripheral skirt cooperating with the body in such a way as to ensure the closure of ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130821A1

A hair dyeing comb includes a comb body having a longitudinal insertion slot cut through opposing top and bottom sides of the head thereof a plurality of long teeth downwardly extended from the head, and an adjustment member vertically adjustably inserted into the longitudinal insertion slot of the comb body and having a plurality of short teeth disposed at the bottom side thereof for holding a hair color wax. 1. A hair dyeing comb , comprising:a comb body comprising a narrow elongated head, a longitudinal insertion slot cut through opposing top and bottom sides of said narrow elongated head, a plurality of long teeth downwardly extended from the bottom side of said narrow elongated head and arranged in lines at two opposite sides relative to said longitudinal insertion slot, and a handle axially extended from one end of said narrow elongated head;an adjustment member insertable into said longitudinal insertion slot of said comb body, said adjustment member comprising a plurality of short teeth downwardly extended from a bottom side thereof for holding a hair color wax; andpositioning means for securing said adjustment member in said longitudinal insertion slot at one of a number of vertically spaced positions.2. The hair dyeing comb as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said positioning means comprises two longitudinal locating ribs bilaterally disposed in said comb body inside said longitudinal insertion slot claim 1 , and a plurality of positioning grooves horizontally and symmetrically located at two opposite sidewalls of said adjustment member at different elevations and selectively engageable with said longitudinal locating ribs.3. The hair dyeing comb as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said adjustment member comprises a top stop flange disposed at a top side thereof and stoppable at the top side of said narrow elongated head above said longitudinal insertion slot.4. The hair dyeing comb as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said adjustment member comprises a recessed hole ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Hair decoration article and hair dyeing and bleaching method using same

Номер: US20140130823A1
Принадлежит: Kao Corp

A hair cosmetic article includes a composition A including an alkali agent; a composition B including an oxidizing agent; a composition C including a powdery oxidation assistant; and a hair cosmetic applicator including a container part ( 4 ) in which a hair cosmetic material ( 3 ) produced by mixing the compositions A, B and C and having a viscosity of 3 to 30 Pa·s at 30° C., an application part ( 2 ) by which the hair cosmetic material ( 3 ) is applied to a hair-bundle, and an extension part ( 5 ) having a liquid-leading passage ( 51 ) which communicates the container part ( 4 ) to the application part ( 2 ). The application part ( 2 ) includes a discharge port ( 21 ) and a comb part ( 23 ), and the comb part ( 23 ) includes a plurality of comb teeth ( 22 ) which are disposed substantially annularly so as to surround the discharge port ( 21 ).

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058153A1

A hair color delivery system includes a flexible bottle, a dispensing cap having a tapered nozzle, an asymmetric bi-directional valve assembly, and a dispensing tube. The valve assembly comprises a platform, and a pair of valves, comprising tapered extensions through which fluid may be expelled from the bottle and ambient air may enter the bottle. The valves are offset from each other so that they are not co-axial or rotationally symmetric. The delivery system enables a method of substantially continuous delivery of a fluid chemical, yielding a hair treatment that it is easy and safe to use in which the tapered nozzle stays fully charged with product as air can be admitted to a dispensing bottle through a different valve than that used for dispensing. 1. A bi-directional valve assembly , comprising:a platform comprising a first surface and a second surface;a first valve formed by an aperture in the first surface and the second surface of the platform, the first valve having a first tapered extension extending from the first surface of the platform operable to communicate fluid through the first valve in a first direction, and the first valve having a lower extension fluidly coupled to the first tapered extension and extending from the second surface of the platform; anda second valve formed by an aperture in the first surface and the second surface of the platform, the second valve having a second tapered extension operable to communicate a fluid through the second valve in a second direction, opposite the first direction, the second tapered extension extending from the second surface of the platform.2. The bi-directional valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lower extension is cylindrical.3. The bi-directional valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second tapered extensions terminate at respective exit surfaces having respective exit slits.4. The bi-directional valve assembly of claim 3 , wherein each of the first and second exit surfaces is ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055188A1

A heated hair paddle includes a novel bristle arrangement which establishes a large surface area for contacting the length of hair during grooming while also creating a serpentinous path through which the length of hair must traverse thereby enhancing the grooming effect on the hair. 1. A heated hair paddle , which comprises: a plurality of first bristles depending from the brush head, the first bristles having a dimension along the y-axis greater than a corresponding dimension along the x-axis to provide an increased surface area along the y-axis of each first bristle, the first bristles comprising a thermally conductive material;', 'a plurality of second bristles depending from the brush head, the second bristles having a dimension along the z-axis greater than a corresponding dimension along the z-axis of the first bristles;', 'a plurality of third bristles depending from the brush head, the third bristles being more rigid than the second bristles; and', 'a heater thermally coupled to the first bristles to convey heat to the first bristles whereby the first bristles convey heat to a length of hair., 'a brush head defining a central longitudinal x-axis extending along a length of the brush head, a y-axis orthogonal to the longitudinal x-axis extending along a width of the brush head and a z-axis extending along a height of the brush head;'}2. The heated hair paddle according to wherein the first claim 1 , second and third bristles are each arranged to define a plurality of respective first claim 1 , second and third rows extending along the longitudinal axis of the brush head.3. The heated hair paddle according to wherein the first bristles have one of an elliptical claim 2 , oval or oblong cross-section.4. The heated hair paddle according to wherein the first bristles comprise aluminum claim 3 , the second bristles comprise silicone and the third bristles comprise nylon.5. The heated hair paddle according to including:an inner first row of the first bristles ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053596A1
Автор: Wilcher Karol E.

A device includes a pump and a brushhead. The pump includes a housing and plunger. The housing has an upper opening, a cavity configured to store a composition therein, and a tip having a dispensing opening. The plunger is slidably disposed within housing such that it is moveable with respect to the housing. The brushhead includes a first plurality of bristle bores and a second plurality of bristle bores, each of which extend from a bottom surface of the brushhead towards an opposing top surface and have a bristle bundle extending therefrom. The brushhead includes a generally central throughhole extending between the bottom surface and the opposing top surface. The pump is coupled to the brushhead via the tip of the housing such that actuation of the plunger causes a portion of the composition stored in the housing to be dispensed on at least a portion of the bristle bundles. 114-. (canceled)15. A single use hair product applicator comprising: each of the plurality of bristle bores (i) extending from a first surface of the brushhead towards an opposing second surface of the brushhead and (ii) having a bristle bundle extending therefrom,', 'the aperture of the brushhead extending between the second surface of the brushhead and the head-cavity of the brushhead, and', 'the plurality of dispensing openings extending between the head-cavity of the brushhead and the first surface of the brushhead; and, 'a brushhead including a plurality of bristle bores, an aperture, a head-cavity, and a plurality of dispensing openings,'}a pump including a housing and a plunger, the housing having a cavity configured to store a composition therein, the plunger being slidably disposed within the housing such that the plunger is moveable with respect to the housing, the pump being coupled to the brushhead such that actuation of the plunger causes at least a portion of the composition stored in the cavity of the housing to be dispensed through the plurality of dispensing openings and ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Hair Treatment Method, Kit, Recipient, and Use Thereof

Номер: US20150059793A1

A method of treating hair, a hair treatment kit for extemporaneous preparation of hair treatment compositions, a recipient for applying hair treatment compositions, and use thereof are provided. The invention provides a superior hair treatment performance such as a superior hair colouring and/or bleaching performance, particularly for providing superior root to tip treatment evenness. 1. A method for treating hair comprising the steps of:{'sup': '−1', 'i) providing a first composition having a viscosity of from about 20 to about 200 Pa at 10 s;'}ii) providing a second composition, wherein said composition is compatible for mixing with the first composition;iii) providing a recipient comprising a base, a frame attached circumferentially to the base, optionally at least one grasp hold attached to the frame, and a cavity delimitated by the base and the frame and being suitable for containing a hair treatment composition, wherein the frame comprises a partition means and/or indicia for physically or virtually splitting the volume of the cavity into at least two adjacent sub-volumes;iv) optionally providing a mixing and/or application tool;v) pouring the first composition into the cavity of the recipient;vi) applying a first portion of the first composition onto the hair;vii) optionally leaving the applied first composition onto hair, for a time sufficient for treating hair;viii) retaining a second portion of the non-applied first composition, the volume of said second portion corresponding to one of the two sub-volumes of the cavity, and optionally eliminating any excess of the second portion;ix) pouring the second composition into the other sub-volume;x) mixing the second composition with the non-applied first composition;xi) applying the mixed composition obtained in step x) to the hair;xii) optionally leaving the mixed composition onto hair for a time sufficient for treating hair;xiii) optionally rinsing and/or cleansing hair;xiv) optionally providing and applying ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Multifunctional hairbrush for delivering a bioactive compound for growth and protection of hair

Номер: US20150059798A1
Автор: Mazed Sayeeda

Various embodiments of a multifunctional hairbrush are disclosed. The multifunctional hairbrush is configured to deliver a bioactive compound/biologically active molecule or a mixture of bioactive compounds/biologically active molecules for growth and protection of hair. Furthermore, the multifunctional hairbrush can be integrated with a low intensity light module to activate a bioactive compound/biologically active molecule or a mixture of bioactive compounds/biologically active molecules for growth and protection of hair. 1. A device comprising:(a) a spray applicator for a bioactive compound or a biologically active molecule for growth or protection of hair; and(b) a light module, wherein the light module is configured to activate the bioactive compound or the biologically active molecule for growth or protection of hair,wherein the light module is further configured to provide:{'sup': '2', 'a dose in the range of 1-10 J/cmfor the wavelengths in the 600-700 nm range,'}or{'sup': '2', 'a dose in the range of 1-50 J/cmfor the wavelengths in the 780-950 nm range.'}2. The device according to claim 1 , is further configured to enable mechanical vibrations or ultrasound vibrations.3. The device according to claim 1 , is further configured with a wireless electrical charger.4. The device according to claim 1 , is further configured to deliver a bioactive compound consisting of: antiandrogen RU 58841 claim 1 , astressin-B claim 1 , bimatoprost claim 1 , minoxidil claim 1 , ruxolitinib and tofacitinib claim 1 , wherein each bioactive compound is of suitable amount.5. The device according to claim 1 , is further configured to deliver a mixture of bioactive compounds claim 1 , wherein the mixture consists of: catalase claim 1 , niacinamide claim 1 , pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) claim 1 , resveratrol claim 1 , superoxide dismutase (SOD) claim 1 , vitamin A claim 1 , vitamin H and zinc claim 1 , wherein each bioactive compound is of suitable amount claim 1 , wherein ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Detachable Hair Coloring Brush and System

Номер: US20210059391A1
Автор: Leebow Donald
Принадлежит: Betty Dain Creations, LLC

The application provides a hair coloring brush. The hair coloring brush can include a handle and a detachable brush cap that detachably couples to the handle. The handle can include an elongated body, a brush attachment protrusion, where the brush attachment protrusion extends outward from the elongated body and has a first protrusion side and a second protrusion side. The handle can also include a first side ridge and a second side ridge. The detachable brush cap can include a distal brush end, a plurality of bristles, and a cavity opposite the distal brush end, where the cavity has a cavity wall and an internal groove located in the cavity wall. The first side ridge and the second side ridge can tension fit in the internal groove when the detachable brush cap is inserted over the brush attachment protrusion. 1. A hair product application brush , comprising:a handle having a brush attachment end, wherein at least a portion of the handle has a handle concave surface; a distal brush end with a product application end;', 'a cap concave surface on at least a portion of detachable brush cap;, 'a detachable brush cap that detachably couples to the brush attachment end of the handle, wherein the detachable brush cap compriseswherein the handle concave surface and cap concave surface form a continuous concave surface when the detachable brush cap is coupled to the handle.2. The hair product application brush of claim 1 , wherein the handle concave surface is a handle grip surface.3. The hair product application brush of claim 1 , wherein the cap concave surface is a grip surface.4. The hair product application brush of claim 1 , wherein a greater portion of the continuous concave surface is formed by the handle concave surface.5. The hair product application brush of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the handle comprises substantially parallel side edges and the handle concave surface extends beyond the substantially parallel side edges along a length of the handle.6. The ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Hair Dye Applicator

Номер: US20160066673A1
Автор: Pham Nghe

A hair dye applicator operable to assist a user in the application of hair dye to the hair on a human head. The hair dye applicator includes a body that has a handle portion and a brush assembly. The brush assembly includes a lower portion that has alternating rows of rigid comb bristles and brushes. The brush assembly further includes and upper portion having a hair dye assembly with an upper section and a lower section. The upper section and lower section of the hair dye assembly are operably coupled and form an interior volume configured to store hair dye therein. The upper section is movable with respect to the lower section wherein the downward vertical movement of the upper section facilitates the evacuation of hair dye from the interior volume. A piston coupled to the upper section is operable to move hair dye through a plurality of apertures. 1. A hair dye applicator comprising:a body, said body being elongated in manner having a first end and a second end, said body including a handle portion proximate said second end;a brush assembly, said brush assembly being proximate said first end of said body, said brush assembly including a plurality of comb bristles extending downward therefrom, said brush assembly further including a plurality of brushes extending downward therefrom, said brush assembly including an upper portion, said upper portion opposite said body from said plurality of comb bristles and said plurality of brushes, said upper portion having a top section and a bottom section, said top section and said bottom section being operably secured to each other, said top section and said bottom section defining an interior volume, said interior volume operable to receive and store hair dye;a piston, said piston being operably coupled to said top section, said piston operable to facilitate the evacuation of hair dye disposed within the interior volume of the during downward movement of said top section; andwherein said hair dye apparatus is operable to ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064227A1
Автор: Matheny Candace

A hair blow-dryer includes a scent charge receptacle on the side of the air tube, preferably downstream from the heating element. Openings within the scent charge receptacle extend through the air tube to let ambient air flow through the receptacle and into the air stream within the air tube. A scent charge is placed within the scent charge receptacle, providing a fragrant scent that flows into the air stream, and is blown onto a user or hair style customer. Scent charges may take various forms, including absorbent materials that absorb fragrant oils, fragrant gel packs, or solid materials infused with fragrant compositions. Another embodiment includes an extension attachment for a commercially available hair blow-dryer, including the scent charge receptacle on an outer side thereof. 1. A hair blow-dryer for imparting a fragrance to a user , said hair blow-dryer comprising:a handle portion attached to a main body member;said main body member including an electric motor to power means for blowing air;a longitudinal tube operatively connected to said main body member for directing said blowing air in one direction, said longitudinal tube including a heating means for heating said blowing air;a scent charge receptacle affixed to said longitudinally tube downstream from said heating element, wherein said scent charge receptacle includes a series of openings in a bottom portion thereof, so that ambient air may flow through said openings and into said blowing air stream that is directed out and through an effluxive end of said air tube.2. The hair blow-dryer for imparting a fragrance to a user set forth in claim 1 , further including a scent charge that is removably received into said scent receptacle claim 1 , wherein said scent charge is infused with a composition having a fragrance.3. The hair blow-dryer for imparting a fragrance to a user set forth in claim 2 , wherein said scent charge receptacle includes a U-shaped lip extending outwardly from said longitudinal tube ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068514A1
Автор: Warn Catherine

An improved basin system is adapted for use in hair salons. For example, embodiments have been developed to provide a hair wash basin that allows for increased efficiency and reduced adverse effects when washing and/or otherwise working with a person's hair. Embodiments provide wash basins having a central cavity in which a human subject's hair hangs under the influence of gravity, the central cavity being externally accessible by way of a movable panel member (for example, a hinged panel member). This enables the basin to be used for washing of hair (with the panel in a closed configuration) and for accessing the hair to perform various treatments and other actions (with the panel in an open configuration). 1. A basin system configured for washing of human hair , the basin system including:an elongate pillar member, the pillar member having a sidewall that defines a central vertical cavity, wherein the pillar member is configured to be mounted to a surface such that fluid flows through the central vertical cavity into a drain;a collar member that is mounted at a top end of the pillar member, wherein the collar member is configured to support a head and/or neck of a human subject, such that whilst the head and/or neck of the human subject is being supported distal regions of long hair of the human subject vertically hang under influence of gravity within the central vertical cavity;a vertically-extending opening defined in the sidewall, wherein the opening is formed such that the of long hair of the human subject vertically hanging under influence of gravity within the central vertical cavity is accessible through the opening; (i) an open configuration in which the moveable panel member is positioned with respect to the sidewall thereby to expose the opening; and', '(ii) a closed configuration in which the moveable panel bridges the opening thereby to seal closed the sidewall., 'a panel member configured to be movably mounted to the sidewall, wherein the movable ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170065998A1
Автор: TUN Yun-Long

The disclosure is related to a blowing apparatus with expandable functions, an expansion device, and an operating method. The blowing apparatus has an electrical interface used to connect one of the expansion devices with various functions. The blowing apparatus has a control unit used to identify an operating mode of the expansion device connected with the blowing apparatus. A control signal is therefore generated. According to the control signal, the control unit controls rotating speed of a fan unit and a heating temperature of a heating unit. The expansion device can be disposed with a mist unit having a container and a mist generating unit. The mist unit sprays the mist to an outlet cap of the expansion device. The blowing apparatus then blows the mist out of the outlet cap by means of the rotating speed of fan unit and the temperature of heating unit. 1. A system including a blowing apparatus with expandable function and an expansion device , comprising: a control unit, used to identify an operating mode of the expansion device being connected with the blowing apparatus, and generate an identity signal according to the operating mode of the expansion device, and processing signals for the blowing apparatus;', 'an electrical interface, electrically connected with the control unit, including one or more electrical pins for electrically connecting to the expansion device;', 'a fan unit, electrically connected with the control unit, used to control a rotating speed according to the identity signal generated by the control unit;', 'a heating unit, electrically connected with the control unit, used to control a temperature according to the identity signal; and', 'a display unit, electrically connected with the control unit, used to indicate operating status of the blowing apparatus;, 'the blowing apparatus comprising a connection interface configured to have one or more contact pins corresponding to one or more electrical pins of the blowing apparatus, and a locking ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073758A1
Автор: Cui Zhe

The present application is used in the technical field of beautifying and hair conditioning, and provides a vapor beautifying and hair conditioning machine comprising a main machine and an ejection gun; wherein, the ejection gun is communicated with the main machine via a hose, the main machine is provided with a socket, and one end of the hose is provided with a plug that is capable of being inserted in the socket; the socket is provided therein with a hose connector male end and a latching groove, the plug is provided therein with a hose connector female end and a latching member, and the hose connector male end and the hose connector female end engage with each other; when the plug is inserted in the socket, the latching member is inserted and held in the latching groove. 1. A vapor beautifying and hair conditioning machine comprising a main machine and an ejection gun; wherein , the ejection gun is communicated with the main machine via a hose , the main machine is provided with a socket , and one end of the hose is provided with a plug that is capable of being inserted in the socket; the socket is provided therein with a hose connector male end and a latching groove , the plug is provided therein with a hose connector female end and a latching member , and the hose connector male end and the hose connector female end engage with each other; when the plug is inserted in the socket , the latching member is inserted and held in the latching groove.2. The vapor beautifying and hair conditioning machine according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the socket is further provided therein with a power connector male end claim 1 , and the plug is further provided therein with a power connector female end; when the plug is inserted in the socket claim 1 , the power connector male end is electrically connected with the power connector female end.3. The vapor beautifying and hair conditioning machine according to . wherein claim 1 , the socket further includes a top cover and ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087393A1
Автор: Kosecoff David B.

A device for treating hair or scalp, the device comprises a dispenser connected to a cartridge, wherein the cartridge comprises a formulation; a plurality of tips, wherein the tips have at least one opening to dispense the formulation; and a controller that controls the amount of formulation that is dispensed from the tips. 1. A device , comprising:a dispenser connected to a cartridge, wherein the cartridge comprises a formulation;a plurality of tips, wherein the tips have at least one opening to dispense the formulation; anda controller that controls the amount of formulation that is dispensed from the tips.2. The device of claim 1 , comprising a dry shampoo formulation.3. The device of claim 1 , comprising a pump which pumps the formulation to the tips.4. The device of claim 1 , comprising a nebulizer that dispenses the formulation as a mist or vapor.5. The device of claim 1 , comprising tips including a first and a second hollow chamber.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the first and second hollow chambers are made from a shape memory or piezoelectric material.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the shape memory or piezoelectric material is selected from a polymer claim 6 , ceramic claim 6 , and alloy.8. The device of claim 5 , wherein the first and second hollow chambers are made from a conductive material.9. The device of claim 5 , wherein the first and second hollow chambers are half-cylinders claim 5 , each having a half-circle cross section throughout the length.10. The device of claim 5 , wherein the first and second hollow chambers include an inner cylinder and an outer cylinder claim 5 , wherein the inner cylinder has a smaller diameter than the outer cylinder.11. The device of claim 8 , wherein the first and second hollow chambers are connected to a positive and negative terminal of a power supply.12. The device of claim 8 , wherein the first and second hollow chambers are connected to a positive and negative sensing terminal.13. The device of claim 8 , ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Portable hair styling device with massaging bristles and formulation dispenser

Номер: US20220087406A1
Автор: David B. Kosecoff
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

A hair and scalp treatment device that comprises a dispenser connected to a cartridge, wherein the cartridge comprises a formulation; a plurality of tips on the device, wherein the tips have at least one opening to dispense the formulation; and a controller configured to control the dispensing of the formulation through one or more tips individually.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Reusable multi-bowl device for use in hair coloration

Номер: US20190069660A1
Автор: Yvonne M. Teele
Принадлежит: Individual

A device having multiple bowls for mixing colorants. The device includes lateral tabs adjacent each bowl for erasably labeling the tabs with the identification of the contents of the corresponding bowl. A centrally located timer mechanism is provided to time the colorant mixture setting times and a marker ring is rotatably provided around the timer mechanism to selectively indicate the bowl in use and being timed.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160081459A1

An apparatus includes a sink adapter that includes a first side and a second side. The second side is shaped to couple to an edge of a hair wash sink basin. The apparatus includes a pillow. The pillow includes a foam cushion. The pillow includes a gel pack coupled to the foam cushion. The foam cushion and the gel pack are disposed inside the pillow. The apparatus includes an attachment. The attachment includes a first coupler and a second coupler. The first coupler is disposed on the first side of the sink adapter and the second coupler is disposed on the pillow. The first coupler couples to the second coupler. The gel pack is disposed between the second coupler and the foam cushion. The apparatus includes a removable cap disposed around the pillow. 1. An apparatus comprising:a sink adapter comprising a first side and a second side, the second side shaped to couple to an edge of a hair wash sink basin; a foam cushion; and', 'a gel pack coupled to the foam cushion, the foam cushion and the gel pack disposed inside the pillow;, 'a pillow comprisingan attachment comprising a first coupler and a second coupler, the first coupler disposed on the first side of the sink adapter and the second coupler disposed on the pillow, the first coupler coupling to the second coupler, the gel pack disposed between the second coupler and the foam cushion; anda removable cap disposed around the pillow.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sink adapter further comprises a flange disposed on the second side and the flange engages with an edge of the hair wash sink basin.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first side of the sink adapter comprises a surface wider than an edge of the hair wash sink basin where the sink adapter is connected.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sink adapter comprises one or more non-slip surfaces.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sink adapter further comprises a pliable material adaptable to an edge of the hair wash sink basin.6. The ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082403A1
Автор: Ounzar Younes

A multi-color fluid dispenser apparatus includes a cubical container, multiple cartridge members, a mixing unit, and a user interface. The cartridge members are positioned within the cubical container to store and dispense a different colored fluid via tube members attached to each cartridge member. The mixing unit is in communication with the cartridge members include: a dispenser head comprising multiple openings, where each opening is attached to each tube member to dispense a different colored fluid, and a mixing bowl positioned below the dispenser head to receive one or more of the different colored fluids from the openings of the dispenser head, where the mixing bowl mixes the different colored fluids to generate new colored fluid. The user interface is in communication with the mixing unit and facilitates a user to select the different colored fluids, and dispense the different colored fluids at predefined proportions via the dispenser head. 1. A multi-color fluid dispenser apparatus comprising:a generally cubical container;a plurality of cartridge members removably positioned on a holder within the cubical container, each cartridge member configured to store and dispense a different colored fluid via tube members attached to each cartridge member; a dispenser head comprising a plurality of openings, wherein each opening is attached to each tube member, and each opening is configured to dispense a different colored fluid; and', 'at least one mixing bowl positioned below the dispenser head the mixing bowl configured to receive one or more of the different colored fluids from one or more of the openings of the dispenser head, wherein the mixing bowl mixes the different colored fluids to generate new colored fluid;, 'a mixing unit in communication with the cartridge members, the mixing unit comprisinga user interface controlled by at least one processor in communication with the mixing unit, the user interface configured to facilitate a user to select the one or ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079399A1
Автор: MERCIER Michel

A hair-penetrating shield comprises a tooth array having top and bottom surfaces. In some embodiments, for a majority of the teeth, a cross section of each tooth (for example, triangular in shape) has an asymmetric width profile such that the tooth cross section, on average, is narrower near the top of the tooth and wider near the bottom of the tooth. In some embodiments, a ratio between: i) a first average tooth width describing the average tooth width below the top-bottom midpoint; and ii) a second average tooth width describing the average tooth width above the top-bottom midpoint is at least 1.2, or at least 1.6. In some embodiments, a non-viscous hair-coloring agent is dispensed as a mist over the top of the surface of the shield so as to color roots of hair passing through the spaces between the teeth of the user's hair. In some embodiments, closely-spaced teeth of the hair penetrating shield protect the user's scalp from the non-viscous hair-coloring agent. Related methods and kits are disclosed herein. 125-. (canceled)26. A kit for coloring hair roots , the kit comprising: i. each tooth of the majority includes a main portion and a tapered distal portion for facilitating hair penetration; and', A. a cross section of the tooth has an asymmetric width profile along the shield thickness axis such that the tooth cross section, on average, is narrower near the top of the tooth and the tooth cross section, on average, is wider near the bottom of the tooth;', 'B. the tooth cross-section is less than 5 mm̂2; and', 'C. the tooth is separated from a laterally neighboring tooth to provide a minimum gap distance that is between 0.3 mm and 1 mm, and, 'ii. for each tooth of the majority, the main portion includes a section having a length of at least 2.5 cm where for most locations along the tooth axis within the section, 'b. an aerosol assembly, the aerosol assembly including an aerosol outlet elevated above the top surface of the shield, the aerosol assembly configured ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Biodegradable hair sheets for modifying hair color, systems and methods of use

Номер: US20220095762A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

A biodegradable hair sheet comprises a main body having a first surface and a second surface, the first surface having a texture thereon. The main body is appointed to receive a portion of hair on the first surface and texture thereon in an open configuration. At least one fastener for securing the main body in a closed configuration is provided. The biodegradable hair sheet is composed of a material that degrades in water.
