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27-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000060343U1

1. Чистящая головка для зубной щетки, содержащая несущее основание и закрепленную на нем полимерную щетину, отличающаяся тем, что полимерная щетина сосредоточена в центральной части основания, а по периметру основания расположены или отдельные, или объединенные в единую ячеистую структуру полые ворсины из эластомера с отверстиями на свободном конце. 2. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ворсины имеют разную длину. 3. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что глубина отверстий составляет 1-7 мм, преимущественно 3-5 мм. 4. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отверстия имеют овальное сечение. 5. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отверстия имеют прямоугольное сечение. 6. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отверстия имеют секторальное сечение. 7. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что отверстия имеют шестигранное сечение. 8. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в ячеистой структуре одновременно присутствуют отверстия разной формы. 9. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в ячеистой структуре одновременно присутствуют отверстия разного размера. 10. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в ячеистой структуре одновременно присутствуют отверстия разной глубины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 60 343 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61C 17/02 A46B 13/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006132799/22 , 12.09.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.09.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кузнецов Валерий Владимирович (RU), Гонец Валерий Николаевич (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 0 3 4 3 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Чистящая головка для зубной щетки, содержащая несущее основание и закрепленную на нем полимерную щетину, отличающаяся тем, что полимерная щетина сосредоточена в центральной части основания, а по периметру основания расположены или ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000062801U1

1. Чистящая головка для электромеханической зубной щетки, состоящая из несущего стержня и закрепленной на его конце с возможностью вращения U-образно изогнутой пластины, с внутренней стороны которой прикреплена сменная накладка с полыми ворсинами, отличающаяся тем, что накладка прикреплена к U-образно изогнутой пластине только в ее центральной части, полости в ворсинах выполнены сквозными, а сами ворсины расположены на куполообразных возвышениях, открытых с противоположной стороны сменной накладки, которая примыкает к U-образно изогнутой пластине. 2. Чистящая головка для электромеханической зубной щетки по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что куполообразное возвышение может иметь округлую, эллипсоидную, овальную или прямоугольную форму. 3. Чистящая головка для электромеханической зубной щетки по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что куполообразное возвышение может иметь высоту от 1 до 5 мм. 4. Чистящая головка для электромеханической зубной щетки по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что сечение полых ворсин может быть круглым, овальным или прямоугольным. 5. Чистящая головка для электромеханической зубной щетки по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что полые ворсины могут иметь высоту от 0,5 до 3 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 62 801 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61C 17/02 A46B 13/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006141256/22 , 21.11.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.11.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кузнецов Валерий Владимирович (RU), Гонец Валерий Николаевич (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 2 8 0 1 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Чистящая головка для электромеханической зубной щетки, состоящая из несущего стержня и закрепленной на его конце с возможностью вращения U-образно изогнутой пластины, с внутренней стороны которой прикреплена сменная накладка с полыми ворсинами, отличающаяся тем, что накладка прикреплена к U-образно изогнутой ...

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000063656U1

Щетка подметальной машины, содержащая цилиндрический барабан с закрепленными на его поверхности направляющими, имеющими продольные пазы, в которых установлены кассеты с радиальными гнездами, ворсодержатели, каждый их которых состоит из расположенного в гнезде кассеты стакана со сплошными стенками, переходящими в решетчатую расширяющуюся часть с поперечными кольцами и продольными перемычками, перегнутые пополам пучки ворса, расположенные в месте сгиба внутри стакана ворсодержателя, и проволоку, пересекающую гнезда кассеты и находящиеся в них стаканы ворсодержателей с пучками ворса, отличающаяся тем, что радиальные гнезда кассеты выполнены в виде открытых с обеих сторон цилиндрических полостей с внутренним отверстием, в котором установлен с натягом стакан ворсодержателя, причем дно стакана расположено за границей внутреннего отверстия гнезда, а наружное отверстие гнезда упирается в поперечное кольцо ворсодержателя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 63 656 (13) U1 (51) МПК A46B 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006115936/22 , 11.05.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.05.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Лыченко Леонид Владимирович (RU), Алексеев Александр Анатольевич (RU) Адрес для переписки: 197375, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 25, ООО "А.Т.В." U 1 6 3 6 5 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Щетка подметальной машины, содержащая цилиндрический барабан с закрепленными на его поверхности направляющими, имеющими продольные пазы, в которых установлены кассеты с радиальными гнездами, ворсодержатели, каждый их которых состоит из расположенного в гнезде кассеты стакана со сплошными стенками, переходящими в решетчатую расширяющуюся часть с поперечными кольцами и продольными перемычками, перегнутые пополам пучки ворса, расположенные в месте сгиба внутри стакана ворсодержателя, и проволоку, пересекающую гнезда кассеты и находящиеся в них стаканы ...

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000063674U1

1. Чистящая головка для зубной щетки, содержащая несущее основание, в центральной части которого сосредоточена щетина, а по периметру расположена кольцевая структура из эластомера с ворсинами, отличающаяся тем, что щетина укреплена на отдельной подвижной площадке, подпружиненной с противоположной стороны, а ворсины могут быть выполнены как полыми, так и без полостей. 2. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что часть щетины может быть укреплена на подвижной площадке, а другая часть - на несущем основании. 3. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что подвижных площадок со щетиной может быть несколько. 4. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что вместо пружины может быть использован иной упругий материал. 5. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что щетина на разных подвижных площадках может быть выполнена из разного полимерного материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 63 674 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61C 17/02 A46B 13/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007105675/22 , 14.02.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.02.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кузнецов Валерий Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кузнецов Валерий Владимирович (RU) U 1 6 3 6 7 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Чистящая головка для зубной щетки, содержащая несущее основание, в центральной части которого сосредоточена щетина, а по периметру расположена кольцевая структура из эластомера с ворсинами, отличающаяся тем, что щетина укреплена на отдельной подвижной площадке, подпружиненной с противоположной стороны, а ворсины могут быть выполнены как полыми, так и без полостей. 2. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что часть щетины может быть укреплена на подвижной площадке, а другая часть - на несущем основании. 3. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что подвижных площадок со щетиной может ...

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067436U1

1. Чистящая головка для зубной щетки, состоящая из основания, на котором укреплена кольцевая структура с ворсинами из эластомера, внутри которой расположена подвижная площадка со щетиной, отличающаяся тем, что подвижная площадка укреплена в центре мембраны, являющейся частью кольцевой структуры из эластомера. 2. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что мембрана может иметь воронкообразную форму. 3. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на мембране может быть укреплено несколько подвижных площадок со щетиной. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 436 (13) U1 (51) МПК A61C 17/02 A46B 13/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007119871/22 , 28.05.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.05.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Кузнецов Валерий Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кузнецов Валерий Владимирович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 634034, г.Томск, ул. Кулева, 3, кв.60, В.В. Кузнецову U 1 6 7 4 3 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Чистящая головка для зубной щетки, состоящая из основания, на котором укреплена кольцевая структура с ворсинами из эластомера, внутри которой расположена подвижная площадка со щетиной, отличающаяся тем, что подвижная площадка укреплена в центре мембраны, являющейся частью кольцевой структуры из эластомера. 2. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что мембрана может иметь воронкообразную форму. 3. Чистящая головка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на мембране может быть укреплено несколько подвижных площадок со щетиной. 6 7 4 3 6 (54) ЧИСТЯЩАЯ ГОЛОВКА ДЛЯ ЗУБНОЙ ЩЕТКИ U 1 U 1 6 7 4 3 6 6 7 4 3 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 67 436 U1 Настоящая полезная модель относится к зубным щеткам. Известна чистящая головка для зубной щетки (Заявка №2007105675/22(06157), Кузнецов В.В., содержащая несущее основание, по периметру которого ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077756U1

Разборная оптоволоконная зубная щетка с подсветкой, отличающаяся тем, что имеет элемент подсветки для полости рта в виде съемной оптоволоконной щеточной насадки и полый корпус ручки с вставленными в него лампочкой и батарейкой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 756 (13) U1 (51) МПК A46B 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008119222/22 , 15.05.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.05.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Коновалов Евгений Борисович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коновалов Евгений Борисович (RU) Формула полезной модели Разборная оптоволоконная зубная щетка с подсветкой, отличающаяся тем, что имеет элемент подсветки для полости рта в виде съемной оптоволоконной щеточной насадки и полый корпус ручки с вставленными в него лампочкой и батарейкой. 7 7 7 5 6 (54) РАЗБОРНАЯ ОПТОВОЛОКОННАЯ ЗУБНАЯ ЩЕТКА С ПОДСВЕТКОЙ R U Адрес для переписки: 603041, г.Нижний Новгород, ул. Толбухина, 12, кв.2, Е.Б. Коновалову R U 7 7 7 5 6 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 7 7 7 5 6 7 7 7 5 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 77 756 U1 Устройство полезной модели оптоволоконной зубной щетки с подсветкой для полости рта. В которой используется элемент подсветки, в виде съемной оптоволоконной пластмассовой щеточной насадки, для чистки зубов и корпуса ручки, включающую в себя лампочку, батарейку и кнопку соединения питания. Уровень техники. Полезная модель оптоволоконной зубной щетки с подсветкой относится к области бытового использования. Данная полезная модель отличается от всех, выпускаемых производителями зубных щеток тем, что имеет элемент оптоволоконной подсветки, которая доставляет световые лучи от лампочки до выхода на щеточной насадке. В настоящее время существует множество производителей зубных щеток. Как и многие другие инновационные технологические продукты модель новой, ионной зубной щетки KISS YOU, ...

20-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000100369U1

1. Щетка для подметальной машины, содержащая протяженный профиль с выполненными в нем сквозными гнездами, ворсодержатели в виде стаканов, установленных в гнездах, и согнутые пучки ворса, вставленные в стаканы местом изгиба и зафиксированные за изгиб проволокой, прошитой вдоль профиля сквозь гнезда и стаканы ворсодержателей, отличающаяся тем, что протяженный профиль выполнен полым и снабжен внутренними перегородками, а стаканы ворсодержателей выполнены со сплошными стенками. 2. Щетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что пучки ворса выполнены из проволочного ворса. 3. Щетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что пучки ворса согнуты пополам. 4. Щетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что наружная поверхность стаканов ворсодержателей выполнена конической. 5. Щетка по п.1 или 4, отличающаяся тем, что наружная поверхность каждого стакана ворсодержателя выполнена в форме двух конических поверхностей с образованием на ней кольцеобразного упора. 6. Щетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на кромке каждого стакана ворсодержателя выполнен кольцеобразный выступ. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 100 369 (13) U1 (51) МПК A46B 7/04 (2006.01) A46B 7/10 (2006.01) A46B 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010133920/12, 09.08.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.08.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "ТрансТех" (RU) U 1 1 0 0 3 6 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Щетка для подметальной машины, содержащая протяженный профиль с выполненными в нем сквозными гнездами, ворсодержатели в виде стаканов, установленных в гнездах, и согнутые пучки ворса, вставленные в стаканы местом изгиба и зафиксированные за изгиб проволокой, прошитой вдоль профиля сквозь гнезда и стаканы ворсодержателей, отличающаяся тем, что протяженный профиль выполнен полым и снабжен внутренними перегородками, а стаканы ворсодержателей ...

23-01-2017 дата публикации

Щеточная головка для устройства со щеткой для кожи

Номер: RU0000168201U1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль

Предложены щеточные головки, выполненные и установленные так, что вращение или колебание щеточных головок генерирует эффективное движение пучков и/или нитей. Некоторые щеточные головки включают в себя пучки щетинок, также называемые нитями (волокнами), имеющие одинаковые характеристики (например, материалы, диаметры, высоты и т.п.), в то время как другие щеточной головки включают в себя пучки, имеющие множество щетинок с различающимися характеристиками (например, материалами, диаметрами, высотами и т.п.). Характеристики могут отличаться от пучка к пучку или в каждом пучке. Высоты щетинок могут изменяться за счет неплоских поверхностей щеточной головки с пучками, путем обрезки щетинок до разных высот, и т.д. В результате данных и других конфигураций отдельные щетинки, а также все пучки или группы пучков обеспечивают пространственную (3D) подвижность. 3D движение пучка и/или щетинки в пространстве может обеспечивать улучшенное очищение, массирование и/или пилинг кожи субъекта. 3 н. и 11 з. п.ф-лы, 16 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 201 U1 (51) МПК A46B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014139295, 01.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.11.2013 (72) Автор(ы): БРЮЭР Джеральд Кит (US) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR) R U Дата регистрации: 23.01.2017 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.06.2013 US 61/838,783 1 6 8 2 0 1 (45) Опубликовано: 23.01.2017 Бюл. № 3 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 29.09.2014 (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2013/002427 (01.11.2013) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 1 6 8 2 0 1 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) ЩЕТОЧНАЯ ГОЛОВКА ДЛЯ УСТРОЙСТВА СО ЩЕТКОЙ ДЛЯ КОЖИ (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Щеточная головка, содержащая: множество пучков, закрепленных на основании щетки, причем ...

26-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000183571U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, в частности к уборочной технике, а именно к конструкциям щеток для подметальных машин, и преимущественно может быть использована с целью очистки дорожных покрытий и взлетно-посадочных полос аэродромов от снега и мусора. Щетка содержит основание в виде металлической профильной трубы с прямоугольным поперечным сечением, держатели ворса в виде стаканов из полимерного материала, установленные в выполненных в профильной трубе сквозных отверстиях, и согнутые пучки проволочного ворса, которые вставлены местом изгиба в держатели ворса и зафиксированы за изгиб проволокой, пропущенной сквозь стаканы держателей ворса и закрепленной на профильной трубе. Профильная труба снабжена выступами, выполненными на ее противоположных наружных стенках и имеющими в поперечном сечении форму трапеции с меньшим основанием, примыкающим к стенке профильной трубы, а также накладками из полимерного материала, имеющими в поперечном сечении форму трапеции и охватывающими выступы. Полезная модель обеспечивает улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик и достижение технического результата, заключающегося в расширении арсенала используемых технических средств. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. 183571 И 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 183 571? 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 06.06.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 20.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 20.03.2020 Бюл. №8 Стр.: 1 АЗ З па ЕП

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Rotary brush with bi-directional mounting arrangement

Номер: US20120066854A1
Автор: Frank Hettes
Принадлежит: Weiler Corp

A rotary brush for use with a surface finishing tool with a drive shaft for transmitting rotary motion to the brush. The brush is in the form of a circular disc that supports circumferentially disposed brushing elements, and includes a nut having internal threads for engagement with the drive shaft. The nut extends axially outward from each face of the disc an approximately equal distance to facilitate bi-directional mounting of the brush on the drive shaft.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Cleaning Cylinder Apparatus

Номер: US20120096660A1
Принадлежит: TUNG AN DEV Ltd

A novel cleaning tool is provided. A net-like carrier is twined on an inner cylinder. Protrusions of the inner cylinder are butted again a cleaning unit. With the net-like carrier and the protrusions, a bond between the cleaning unit and the inner cylinder is enhanced to strengthen the whole structure. Thus, stability of high-speed rotation of the cleaning unit is further improved to avoid separating the cleaning unit and the inner cylinder.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Portable washing device

Номер: US20120189372A1
Автор: Michael Burnett
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable wash device includes an elongated shaft having a water inlet unit on one end and one or more rotating brush pads on the other end. The brush pads are rotated by a motor under instruction from a control handle. The device also includes a detergent reservoir for combining cleaning solution with water for projection by a nozzle, and an adjustable spray device for allowing a user to manually direct water to an object. A spray shield is located near to the brushes to prevent water and debris from impacting a user while operating the device.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Suction tool for electric cleaner and electric cleaner using same

Номер: US20120297570A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A suction tool for an electric cleaner of the present invention includes suction tool main body with suction inlet, rotary brush rotatably provided inside suction tool main body, brush body provided protruding from an outer periphery of rotary brush, and friction body rotatably provided to come into contact with brush body. This improves durability of brush body, and enables stable supply of negative ions to a cleaning surface.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Cleaning apparatus

Номер: US20120311799A1
Автор: Anton Jaeger
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an apparatus for cleaning surfaces, having a cleaning head which includes at least one base part and at least one brush arrangement, in particular a cylindrical brush roller, attached to the base part; and a fluid drive for the brush arrangement which is at least partly integrated into the base part and which is designed to convert the flow energy of a fluid supplied to the base part under pressure into a cleaning movement of the brush arrangement.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067666A1
Автор: Liao Fu-Chang

An automatic machine for cleaning wallboards, such as the wallboards of wall, glass or solar panels. Pluralities of long axial tracks are arranged parallel in an array. Water guide pipes and electric rails are formed on the long axial tracks. The walls of the water guide pipes are provided with a plurality of magnetic valves at intervals. Sliding engine bases are arranged on the long axial tracks. The sliding engine bases are provided with conduction frames corresponding to the electric rails and a long axial magnet body which can open and close cleaning water by magnetic force relative to the magnetic valves. At least two brush supporting bases are provided movably on the corresponding sliding engine bases to close to or leave away from the sliding engine bases by a power extending object. A long axial brush is provided between two nearby brush supporting bases of the sliding engine bases. The setting direction of the long axial brush is vertical to that of the long axial tracks. The long axial brush is driven by a shaking device to brush and wash the wallboards. Protective cover plates are arranged at the outer side of the long axial brush. 1. An automatic machine for cleaning wallboards comprisingtwo long axial tracks being separated and being parallel to each other;at least two sliding engine bases respectively mounted slidably on the long axial tracks, and each sliding engine base driven by a main driving device to slide along a corresponding long axial track;at least two brush supporting bases respectively mounted movably on the at least two sliding engine bases, and each brush supporting base driven by a power extending object and selectively moving toward or away from a corresponding sliding engine base; and an elongated tube having multiple bristles; and', 'at least one vibrator mounted in the long axial brush., 'at least one long axial brush rotatably mounted around at least one elongated rod and being perpendicular to the long axial tracks, and each of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139332A1
Автор: Salahshor Sina

A device for cleaning a rain gutter is provided herein. The device includes an arm assembly with a first end and a second end. The device includes a shaft assembly for extending the arm assembly to the rain gutter, the shaft assembly also having a first end and a second end. The device includes a rotatable locking joint connecting the second end of the shaft assembly with the first end of the arm assembly for setting an angle between the shaft assembly and the arm assembly. The device includes a brush assembly mounted on the second end of the arm assembly, the brush assembly including a brush and a motor, preferably an electric motor for rotating the brush. Structure is provided for mounting the brush to the motor. In use, the motor is actuated to rotate the brush to remove material from the rain gutter. 1. A device for cleaning a rain gutter , comprising:an arm assembly with a first end and a second end;a shaft assembly for extending the arm assembly to the rain gutter, the shaft assembly having a first end and a second end;a rotatable joint connecting the second end of the shaft assembly with the first end of the arm assembly, for setting an angle between the shaft assembly and the arm assembly; anda brush assembly mounted on the second end of the arm assembly, the brush assembly comprising:a motor for rotating a brush; andstructure for mounting the brush to the motor;whereby, in use the motor rotates the brush to remove material from the rain gutter.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the brush comprises a plurality of flexible bristles.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of flexible bristles are flexible bristles and are characterized by a stiffness sufficient for removing material from the rain gutter but which have a stiffness which is not damaging to the rain gutter.4. The device of claims 1 , further comprising:at least one guide for guiding the device along an outer edge of the rain gutter.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the at least one ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157548A1
Автор: Palushaj Simon

An improved low pressure low speed concrete polishing apparatus and method of cleaning and polishing a floor is used with a conventional rotary flooring machine. A polishing pad has interchangeable polymer strips that are slideably received within the housing of the pad. The polymer strips have an abrasive material embedded therein which collectively work to polish the floor while cleaning the floor during normal low speed floor cleaning conditions. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of polishing a floor using a floor cleaning machine comprising:operating the floor cleaning machine during low speed and low pressure conditions and rotating a first abrasive brush; andoperating the flooring cleaning machine during low speed and low pressure conditions and rotating a second abrasive brush,wherein said brushes are progressively changed so as to provide a smoother floor finish.22. The method as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the grit size of each abrasive brush is different.23. The method as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the first abrasive brush is made by the following steps:a. making a flexible polymer portion;b. coating the flexible polymer portion with a material;c. adding an aggregate to the coating; andd. curing the coating.24. The method as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the first abrasive brush is made by the following steps:a. making a metal strip; andb. applying an abrasive material to the metal strip.25. The method as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the step of operating the floor cleaning machine includes rotating a shaft of the machine at a speed in the range of 150-200 revolutions per minute.26. The method as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the step of operating the floor cleaning machine includes rotating a shaft of the machine and applying a pressure in the range of 125-200 pounds per square inch.27. The method as claimed in claim 21 , further comprising the step of applying water to a floor.28. The method as claimed in claim 21 , further comprising periodically ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205519A1

An accessory for a reciprocating power tool, the accessory including an attachment portion, a body portion, an accessory block, and an accessory element. The attachment portion is configured to be coupled to the reciprocating power tool. The body portion extends from the attachment portion and includes a mating member. The accessory block includes an accessory mating portion configured to mate with the mating member of the body portion. The accessory mating portion includes a locating member that projects towards the mating member. The locating member is received within the mating member for mating with the mating member. The accessory element is coupled to the accessory block for engaging a workpiece.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Toothbrush with powered head

Номер: US20130247312A1
Автор: Alan Sorrentino
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

A powered toothbrush includes a handle having a neck. A head is mounted to the neck and has a first surface and an opposed second surface. At least one fixed tuft block is mounted to the head in a fixed orientation and has a plurality of tooth cleaning elements extending outwardly away from the first surface. A movable tuft block is flexibly connected to each fixed tuft block and has a plurality of tooth cleaning elements extending outwardly away from the first surface. A drive assembly is operably connected to the movable tuft block to move the movable tuft block with respect to each fixed tuft block.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Hands-free Pot Scrubber

Номер: US20130269127A1
Автор: Brent McNair Estep
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable, hands-free device for cleaning a cooking utensil includes a motor, a source of electrical power electrically coupled to the motor, and scrub brushes mechanically coupled to the motor.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Oral care implement

Номер: US20130269128A1
Автор: Eduardo J. Jimenez
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

An oral care implement that rotates about a longitudinal axis. In one aspect, the invention can be an oral care implement comprising: a head; a handle extending along a longitudinal axis and having a flat base surface; a mechanical vibratory device operatively connected to a power source, the mechanical vibratory device comprising an eccentric imparting movement to the head when activated; and wherein the flat base surface is oriented relative to the longitudinal axis of the handle so that the oral care implement can stand in a self-supporting upright orientation on a horizontal flat surface, and wherein when the oral care implement stands in the self-supporting upright orientation and the mechanical vibratory device is activated, the oral care implement rotates about the longitudinal axis while maintaining the self-supporting upright orientation.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318729A1
Автор: Suwanbutr Saksit

An electric back scrub brush that includes a support handle housing having a push button control switch disposed on an outer surface of the support handle housing, a first spur gear coupled to an output end of a motor drive shaft, the motor drive shaft is coupled to a second spur gear which is coupled at a first end of a central drive shaft disposed in a center portion of a neck and a motor energized by a battery disposed within the support handle housing and a second end of a central drive shaft is coupled to a first bevel gear. The electric back scrub brush also includes a brush support housing coupled to the support handle housing, the brush support housing includes the neck and a head and a bristle roll that is protected by a cover member disposed over the head covering the bristle roll. 1. An electric back scrub brush , comprising:a support handle housing having a push button control switch disposed on an outer surface of the support handle housing; anda brush support housing coupled to the support handle housing, the brush support housing includes a neck and a head, the head has a plurality of bristles disposed on the head.2. The electric back scrub brush according to claim 1 , further comprising a first spur gear coupled to an output end of a motor drive shaft claim 1 , the motor drive shaft is coupled to a second spur gear which is coupled at a first end of a central drive shaft disposed in a center portion of the neck.3. The electric back scrub brush according to claim 1 , further comprising a motor energized by a battery disposed within the support handle housing.4. The electric back scrub brush according to claim 1 , further comprising a second end of a central drive shaft coupled to a first bevel gear claim 1 , wherein an inclined drive shaft is coupled to a bristle roll shaft and the central drive shaft claim 1 , the inclined drive shaft to slant or angle the bristle roll.5. The electric back scrub brush according to claim 4 , wherein the first bevel ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Hair Styling Tool With Movable Dividers

Номер: US20130340782A1
Принадлежит: M. M. & R. PRODUCTS, INC.

A hair styling tool having a plurality of bristles and one or more movable members extending radially outward from the core and movable between opposing positions is provided. The movable members move between a retracted position where the divider is fitted between and even with or slightly above or slightly below the bristles to engage the hair and an extended position where the divider is moved out beyond the bristles to disengage the hair from the bristles. The hair styling tool having the movable member which engages and disengages the hair with the bristles minimizes tangling of the hair while brushing. The hair styling tool may be a rotating brush optionally equipped with a motor. 1. A hair styling tool comprising:a) a handle;b) a core having a longitudinal axis and attached to the handle;b) a plurality of projections extending radially outwardly from the core a first distance from the longitudinal axis; and (i) a retracted position wherein the movable member distal surface is distant radially from the longitudinal axis a second distance that is less than the first distance, and', '(ii) an extended position wherein the movable member distal surface is distant radially from the longitudinal axis a third distance that is more than the second distance., 'c) a movable member having a distal surface, the movable member extending radially outward from the core and movable between opposing positions comprising2. The hair styling tool according to wherein the tool comprises first and second movable members claim 1 , the movable members being connected and positioned at opposing sides of the core claim 1 , and movable together with respect to the core.3. The hair styling tool according to wherein the first movable member is positioned in the extended position when the second movable member is positioned in the retracted position claim 2 , wherein the second movable member is positioned in the extended position when the first movable member is positioned in the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Rotary tool

Номер: US20140008091A1
Автор: Katsuyoshi Kouguchi
Принадлежит: Individual

A rotary tool includes a first longitudinal member, a second longitudinal member disposed across a region of a rod-shaped brush, a first elastic between the first longitudinal member and the second longitudinal member, and for causing the rod-shaped brush to rotate with a turn of the first longitudinal member, and a turn of the second longitudinal member, and a second elastic between the first longitudinal member and the second longitudinal member, and attached to the first and second longitudinal members. The first elastic is located on one side and the second elastic is located on the other side, regarding a boundary of a first axis or a second axis.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Hand-held vibratory dispensing instrument for applying therapeutic compositions to teeth and methods of using same

Номер: US20140011163A1
Автор: R. Eric Montgomery
Принадлежит: Oraceutical LLC

A vibratory fluid dispensing instrument holds a rheologically non-Newtonian (shear-thinning) liquid, gel, cream, or paste therapeutic composition in a container section of a disposable applying device from which the composition is manually dispensed into an applicator brush for application to one or more surfaces in an oral cavity. The instrument includes a vibratory appliance mounted to the device and mechanically coupled thereto to enable application of the composition in conjunction with mechanical energy that reduces the viscosity of the composition due to vibratory shear forces and thereby leads to better penetration of the composition into hard and soft tissue surfaces. The vibratory appliance can be separate from the applying device so that it can be removed from an applying device after the container section is empty and reused with a replacement applying device.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Brush head component connection system

Номер: US20140013525A1
Автор: Mingdong Zhou

A brush head component connection system, applied in a personal care utensil, comprises: a brush head component and a motor bracket ( 11 ) mounted on a personal care utensil casing ( 13 ), a motor ( 10 ) disposed in the motor bracket ( 11 ), and a seal ring ( 12 ) located between the motor bracket ( 11 ) and the personal care utensil casing ( 13 ). A driving shaft of the motor ( 10 ) is disposed in holes at the center of the bottoms of the motor bracket ( 11 ), the personal care utensil casing ( 13 ) and the seal ring ( 12 ), and has an end connected to one end of an eccentric shaft ( 14 ). The other end of the eccentric shaft ( 14 ) deviates from the central position and is connected to the driving shaft connected onto the brush head component. In the brush head component connection system, the motor ( 10 ) is connected to the brush head component only through simple components such as the eccentric shaft ( 14 ) and the driving shaft, and the motor ( 40 ) drives the eccentric shaft to rotate through rotation of the driving shaft, so as to drive the brush head component to rotate; therefore, the energy consumption is low.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Flexible handle liquid dispenser with rotating brush head

Номер: US20140099154A1
Автор: Dennis L. O'Neill
Принадлежит: Individual

A dispenser, liquid applicator with a flexible (hand-manipulated) gripping end and a second brush head end with rotatable bristles. It further includes an elongated central chamber into which may be added soap, shampoo, cleaner or another liquid/lotion for dispensing through a plurality of apertures in the brush head end. Rotation of the brush head bristles can be accomplished electrically (via a battery powered motor mechanism) or by the passage of water into and through the applicator's handle element.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000251A1

A makeup brush for use with a motorized handle has a substantially cylindrical body portion defining a first end, a second end, a blind bore formed in the first end, an outer wall that extends from the first end to the second end, and a coupling assembly formed at the second end that is configured for coupling the body portion to a motorized handle. An applicator is at least partially received in the blind bore and coupled therein. At least one finger grip is formed on the outer wall proximate to the first end and extends radially outward from the outer wall. The at least one finger grip is configured to enable a user to releasably couple the body portion adjacent a motorized handle without the user having to touch the applicator. In various embodiments, the blind bore has a solid bottom wall that separates the bore from the coupling assembly. 1. A makeup brush for use with a motorized handle , the makeup brush comprising: i. a first end;', 'ii. a second end;', 'iii. a blind bore formed in the first end;', 'iv. an outer wall that extends from the first end to the second end; and', 'v. a coupling assembly formed at the second end that is configured for coupling the substantially cylindrical body portion to a motorized handle;, 'a. a substantially cylindrical body portion comprisingb. an applicator at least partially received in the blind bore and coupled therein;c. at least one finger grip formed on the outer wall proximate to the first end, the at least one finger grip extends radially outward from the outer wall, and', 'the at least one finger grip is configured to enable a user to releasably couple the makeup brush adjacent a motorized handle without the user touching the applicator., 'wherein'}2. The makeup brush of claim 1 , wherein a first diameter of said substantially cylindrical body portion proximate said first end is larger than a second diameter of said substantially cylindrical body portion proximate to said second end.3. The makeup brush of claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000299A1
Автор: Junkins Mitch

An improved apparatus and method for cleaning is provided. More specifically, the present invention provides an improved apparatus having a vibratory portion adapted to a traditional scrubber apparatus such as a body scrubber. Additionally, the present invention provides an improved apparatus and method wherein the apparatus may have at least a vibratory portion adapted to fit about the body scrubber which may be activated and/or de-activated by the user. Moreover, the apparatus may include a reservoir for storage of a cleansing agent that may be dispensed from the vibratory portion to the body scrubber portion to help facilitate cleansing of the portion of the body to be cleaned. Still further, the invention may include at least a handle assembly in combination with the vibratory portion to provide a handle for use by the individual user. 1. An apparatus for cleaning an object , the apparatus comprising:a handle portion;said handle portion connected to a vibratory portion;a scrubber assembly whereby the vibratory portion is removably attached to the scrubber assembly; anda motor to drive the vibratory portion.2. The apparatus described in wherein said vibratory portion may have a reservoir contained therein wherein the reservoir is configured to contain a cleansing agent.3. The apparatus described in wherein said cleaning apparatus has an on/off switch whereby the on/off switch activates and deactivates the motor.4. The apparatus described in wherein the cleaning apparatus may have a vibratory portion having a male and female portion which may be attached to one another while in use and may be disconnected from the scrubber assembly and placed on another scrubber apparatus as desired by the individual user.5. The apparatus described in wherein the vibratory portion comprises a first portion and a second portion hinged together.6. The apparatus described in wherein the vibratory portion comprises a generally circular body configured to circumscribe the scrubber ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000566A1
Автор: Wagner Robert D.

A toothbrush including a chassis assembly, an output shaft configured to connect to a brush head and extending at least in part through a portion of the chassis assembly, a power train assembly operably connect to the output shaft, where the power train assembly oscillates the output shaft. The toothbrush also includes a fluid connector operably coupled to the chassis assembly and fluidly coupled to the output shaft via the power train assembly. The fluid connector rotates 360 degrees relative to the chassis assembly. 1. A toothbrush comprising:a chassis assembly;an output shaft configured to connect to a brush head and extending at least in part through a portion of the chassis assembly;a power train assembly operably connected to the output shaft, wherein the power train assembly oscillates the output shaft; anda fluid connector operably coupled to the chassis assembly and fluidly coupled to the output shaft via the power train assembly, wherein the fluid connector rotates 360 degrees relative to the chassis assembly.2. The toothbrush of claim 1 , wherein the power train assembly comprises a rocker arm including a first arm extending from a first side and a second arm extending from a second side claim 1 , wherein during operation the first arm and the second arm are configured to engage directly or indirectly with one or more surfaces of the chassis assembly to absorb and reapply moment to the output shaft.3. The toothbrush of claim 1 , further comprising a latch coupled to the chassis assembly claim 1 , wherein the latch releasably secures the fluid connector to the chassis such that the fluid connector rotates relative to the latch.4. The toothbrush of claim 3 , wherein the latch engages the fluid connector within a grooved portion of the fluid connector claim 3 , wherein the grooved portion extends about an outer surface of the fluid connector.5. The toothbrush of claim 3 , wherein the fluid connector comprises:a fitting defining an outlet in fluid ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001386A1

Rotary devices and methods of use thereof are disclosed. The rotary devices may be configured as cleaning apparatuses. A cleaning apparatus may include an elongated tube member with an attachment end portion, a holding end portion, an internal cavity, and a helical slot. The cleaning apparatus may also include a handle with a following pin, the tube member extending through the handle with the following pin extending through helical slot. The cleaning apparatus may further include a guide element, a stop member, a first resilient biasing element of a first stiffness and a second resilient biasing element of a second stiffness positioned within the internal cavity. Longitudinal translation of the handle along the tube member from the holding end portion to the attachment end portion rotates the tube member about the longitudinal axis and resiliently deforms the first and second resiliently deforms the biasing elements. 1. A rotary cleaning apparatus , comprising:an elongated tube member defining a longitudinal axis and a longitudinal length, an attachment end portion at a first end of the longitudinal length, a holding end portion at a second end of the longitudinal length, an internal cavity extending from the first end to the second end and through the attachment end portion and the holding end portion, and a helical slot passing from the exterior surface to the internal cavity extending along at least a portion of the longitudinal length and about the longitudinal axis;a handle comprising a through hole and a following pin portion, the tube member extending within the through hole and the following pin portion extending through the helical slot and into the internal cavity;at least one guide element positioned within the internal cavity and configured to translate therein longitudinally;a stop member positioned within the internal cavity in the attachment end portion;a first resilient biasing element positioned within said internal cavity between the following pin ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001329A1
Автор: Brennan Patrick F.

A foldable, compact electric brush for removing dirt and sand from a body including a brush, a handle with at least one handle extension; a tubular component with two swivel joints on opposite sides for attaching the brush and handle extension; a motor to turn the brush; a rechargeable power source and a power button to power on and off. 1. An electric brush for removing dirt and sand from a body comprising:{'b': '1', 'a brush ();'}{'b': '7', 'a handle ();'}{'b': '5', 'at least one handle extension ();'}{'b': 2', '3', '1', '4', '5, 'a tubular component () with a first swivel joint () to attach said brush () and a second swivel joint () to attach said handle extension ();'}{'b': 16', '1, 'a motor () to turn said brush ();'}{'b': 18', '16, 'a rechargeable power source () which provides power to said motor (); and'}{'b': 8', '18, 'a power button () to turn said power source () on and off.'}22118. The electric brush according to claim 1 , further comprising a USB port () for recharging said power source ().36. The electric brush according to claim 1 , further comprising an additional handle extension ().422. The electric brush according to claim 1 , further comprising an indicator light ().59. The electric brush according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the compacted device () is between 8 to 16 inches.61. The electric brush according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the handle () is between 4 to 8 inches.711. The electric brush according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the brush () is between 1 to 6 inches.812. The electric brush according to claim 1 , wherein the length of the extended device () is between 16 to 26 inches.913. The electric brush according to claim 1 , wherein the length of said handle extension () is between 5 to 8 inches.1014. The electric brush according to claim 1 , wherein the length of said additional handle extension () is between 5 to 8 inches.1115532. The electric brush according to claim 1 , further comprising a brush attachment () to ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002914A1
Автор: Jung Scott

A reconfigurable vacuum attachment may include a bell-shaped housing. The bell-shaped housing may have a bell-opening and a hose-interface. The hose-interface may be configured to hydraulically couple with a vacuum hose. A skimmer-plate may be attachable to the bell-opening and include a skimmer-aperture extending through the skimmer-plate. The reconfigurable vacuum attachment may further include a removable brush assembly. The brush assembly may host a rotatable brush coupled to a brush driver. The brush driver may be configured to hydraulically couple with the vacuum hose and convert water flow into a torque and spin the bristles. A buoy may be attached to the housing allowing the reconfigurable vacuum attachment to be used as a pool skimmer. The reconfigurable vacuum attachment is useful for skimming a pool surface and dislodging and vacuuming matter from a pool wall.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008033A1
Автор: Dahlberg Cecil
Принадлежит: Svenska Industriborstar I Vasteras AB

A brush () intended for industrial use comprises one or more bristle bunches formed by a plurality of elongated bristles, one or more cassette elements having said bristle bunches, and a cassette element holding member () at which said cassette elements may be removably secured. At least one of said cassette elements comprises a body, one or more recesses configured to receive said bristle bunches therein, and a securing wire configured to secure said bristle bunches in said recesses. Said at least one cassette element further comprises means configured to counteract movement of the bristles of a bristle bunch with respect to each other and/or with respect to the securing wire. 117-. (canceled)181. A brush () intended for industrial use comprising:{'b': 9', '10, 'one or more bristle bunches (), each formed by a plurality of elongated bristles (),'}{'b': 5', '9, 'one or more cassette elements (), each having at least one said bristle bunch (), and'}{'b': 3', '4', '4', '5', '3, 'a cassette element holding member () provided with one or more fastening members (), each fastening member () being configured to removably secure at least one said cassette element () at the holding member (),'}{'b': '5', 'at least one of said cassette elements () comprising{'b': '6', 'a body (),'}{'b': 7', '8', '6', '7', '11', '9, 'one or more recesses () at a first outer surface () of said body (), each recess () being configured to receive a middle portion () of a bristle bunch () therein, and'}{'b': 14', '11', '9', '7', '11', '9', '7', '11', '12', '13', '9', '7', '8', '6', '10', '15', '9', '9', '15', '9', '7', '9', '17', '18', '7, 'a securing wire () configured to secure said middle portion () of said bristle bunch () in said recess (), with the middle portion () of the bristle bunch () pushed down in the recess () such that the middle portion () forms a substantially U-shape therein and a first () and a second end portion () of the bristle bunch () extends out of the recess () in a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008269A1
Автор: Stango Robert J.
Принадлежит: Marquette University

A device for processing a surface of a work piece. A motor is configured to produce a rotary force. A driving pulley is operatively coupled to the motor such that the rotary force produced by the motor causes rotation of the driving pulley. A belt is operatively coupled to the driving pulley such that rotation of the driving pulley causes rotation of the belt. A second pulley is also operatively coupled to the belt such that rotation of the belt causes rotation of the second pulley. Bristles are coupled to the belt and extend away from the belt. The rotary force produced by the motor causes the plurality of bristles to move relative to the motor. The surface of the work piece is processed when the bristles contacts the surface while the bristles are moving. 1. A device for processing a surface of a work piece , the device comprising:a motor configured to produce a rotary force;a driving pulley operatively coupled to the motor, wherein the rotary force produced by the motor causes rotation of the driving pulley;a belt having an outer side and an inner side, wherein the inner side is operatively coupled to the driving pulley such that rotation of the driving pulley causes rotation of the belt;a second pulley that is also operatively coupled to the inner side of the belt, wherein rotation of the belt causes rotation of the second pulley; anda plurality of bristles each having an anchor end and a bristle tip opposite the anchor end, wherein each anchor end is coupled to the belt, and wherein each bristle extends away from the belt;wherein the rotary force produced by the motor causes the plurality of bristles to move relative to the motor; andwherein the surface of the work piece is processed when the bristle tip of a given bristle in the plurality of bristles contacts the surface while the given bristle is moving.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bristles extend outwardly from the outer side of the belt claim 1 , and wherein the device further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008332A1
Принадлежит: NSE Products, Inc.

A cleansing device for mammalian skin includes a cleansing head having a plurality of elastomeric cleansing features extending away from a first surface of the cleansing head. The cleansing head is attached to a handle. The cleansing device includes an actuator coupled to a rotating drive shaft and adapted to apply oscillating movement to one or more cleansing head sections of the cleansing head at a frequency of about 5 Hz to 30 Hz. 1. A cleansing device comprising:a handle;a cleansing head having a first major surface and a second major surface, the first major surface comprising a plurality of elastomeric cleansing features extending away from the first major surface;a motor comprising a drive shaft, the drive shaft rotatable about a drive shaft axis; and a driving member coupled to the drive shaft such that rotation of the drive shaft causes rotation of the driving member about the input axis of the actuator;', 'an oscillating member having a longitudinal axis aligned with the output axis of the actuator; and', 'a rotating arm connecting the driving member to the oscillating member to convert the rotation of the driving member to oscillations of the oscillating member, the rotating arm configured to traverse a conical path around the input axis of the actuator., 'an actuator coupled to the drive shaft, the actuator having an input axis aligned with the drive shaft axis and an output axis angled to the input axis, the actuator being operably coupled to the second major surface of the cleansing head and configured to convert continuous rotation of the drive shaft into an oscillating movement of at least a section of the cleansing head at a frequency of about 5 Hz to 30 Hz, wherein the actuator comprises2. (canceled)3. The cleansing device of claim 1 , wherein the input and output axes of the actuator intersect at a point and wherein a longitudinal axis of the rotating arm intersects a plane defined by the input and output axes of the actuator through the point.4. ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008569A1

A brush () for delivering a glutinous substance () to a workpiece () from an end-effector () is disclosed. The brush () comprises a body (), having a rotational axis () and comprising a first channel () that comprises an inlet () and a first outlet (). The inlet () is coaxial with the rotational axis () and the first outlet () is offset from the rotational axis (). The brush () also comprises tufts (), extending from the body () and each comprising at least one bristle () and a tip (). The brush () further comprises a first tube (), communicatively coupled with the first outlet () of the first channel () of the body (). 145-. (canceled)46300168170102170237230232237170233235300. A method () of delivering a glutinous substance () to a workpiece () from an end-effector () , wherein the workpiece () comprises a surface () and a fastener () , having a head () that extends from the surface () of the workpiece () and comprises a lateral surface () and an end surface () , the method () comprising:{'b': 102', '200', '170', '238', '202', '200, 'claim-text': [{'b': 202', '200', '208', '209', '280, 'the body () of the brush () comprises a first channel () that comprises an inlet () and a first outlet (),'}, {'b': 209', '238', '280', '238, 'the inlet () is coaxial with the rotational axis () and the first outlet () is offset from the rotational axis (),'}, {'b': 202', '200', '222', '202', '227', '220, 'the body () of the brush () further comprises tufts (), extending from the body () and each comprising a tip () and at least one bristle (), and'}, {'b': 200', '210', '280', '208', '202, 'the brush () comprises a first tube (), communicatively coupled with the first outlet () of the first channel () of the body ();'}], 'using the end-effector () to rotate a brush () relative to the workpiece () about a rotational axis () of a body () of the brush (), wherein{'b': 200', '170', '238', '202', '102', '168', '208', '202', '200', '209', '208', '280', '208', '210', '222, 'while rotating ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009419A1

A brush construction for motor vehicle washing systems comprises a base plate () that supports a plurality of bristles () each of which has a base end (), fixed to the plate (), and a free end (); the base plate () is suitable for being removably fixed to a rotating construction that is suitable for rotating the base plate () around the central axis thereof; the bristles () are fixed to the base plate () with different tilts both in radial directions, inwardly and outwardly, both in non-radial directions, clockwise and anticlockwise, with respect to the rotation direction of the base plate () or in any other direction that is different from the preceding directions; the bristles () being arranged with mutually converging and/or diverging tilt directions. 12331232223223. A brush construction for motor vehicle washing systems , characterized in that it comprises a base plate () supporting a plurality of bristles () each of which has a base end () , fixed to the plate () and a free end (); said base plate () is suitable for being removably fixed to a rotary structure that is suitable for rotating said base plate () around a central axis thereof; said bristles () are fixed to said base plate () with different tilts both in radial directions , inwardly and outwardly , both in non radial directions , either in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction , with respect to a rotary direction of the base plate () or according to any other direction that is different from the preceding directions; said bristles () being arranged with mutually converging and/or diverging tilt directions.2332. The brush construction claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that the degree of tilt of each bristle () claim 1 , that is the angle formed by the bristle () with the plate base () claim 1 , is variable.332. The brush construction claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized in that said bristles () are fixed to said plate () so as to be arranged at a given spacing from one ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Head for Washing Vehicle Wheels

Номер: US20190009755A1

It comprises a housing () wherein a ring-shaped brush () and a central axis () to which a central brush () is joined are integrally fastened. The ring-shaped brush () delimits an inner space wherein the central brush () as well as other intermediate brushes () arranged around the central brush are housed. The head further comprises a front disc () with idler rotation; wherein said front disc () separates two opposing areas: a first area where the central brush as well as the intermediate brushes are, and a second area where a transmission mechanism is located that transmits a rotational movement to the intermediate brushes fastened to satellite axes () fitted in tubular junctions () secured to the front disc. It enables the correct cleaning of the inner surface of the gaps in the rims of the wheels. 1. A head for washing vehicle wheels , comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '3', '4', '2', '4', '5', '4, 'a housing (), comprising a ring-shaped brush () and a central axis portion () to which a central brush () is fastened; wherein the ring-shaped brush () delimits an inner space that houses the central brush (), and wherein a plurality of intermediate brushes () are arranged around the central brush ();'}{'b': 6', '3', '6', '2', '6', '4', '5', '5', '3', '5', '12, 'a front disc () coupled around the central axis () to allow free rotation; wherein said front disc () is located inside the inner space delimited by the ring-shaped brush (); and wherein said front disc () separates two opposing areas: a first area wherein at least the central brush () and the plurality of intermediate brushes () are located, and a second area wherein a transmission mechanism is located that is configured for transmitting a rotating revolution movement to the intermediate brushes () around the central axis portion () and a rotating rotational movement to the intermediate brushes () around their own satellite axes ();'}{'b': 9', '3', '7', '12, 'wherein the transmission mechanism comprises a driving ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013086A1

A cosmetic applicator system for mascara which is compatible with a wide variety of traditional mascara applicators and provides automated movement of the applicator to facilitate applying the mascara, Embodiments of the present invention may include an applicator system configured to receive and retain a wide variety of mascara applicators (e.g., brushes) and/or mascara container caps. The present invention may also include a motor which may provide all or a combination of rotation, oscillation, or vibration movement of the mascara applicator, and buttons or other means for actuating the motor, controlling the rotational direction of the motor, and the speed of the rotation, oscillation, or vibration. Alternatively, or in addition, cam surfaces are used to translate the rotation into oscillation. 1. A mascara applicator system , comprising:a housing unit;a grip unit connected to the housing unit and including an inner portion defining a cavity configured to receive and retain a handle of a mascara brush;a motor mounted to the housing unit;a means for controlling the motor;a power supply for the motor;the motor connected to the inner portion for rotating the inner portion of the grip unit to rotate the mascara brush;means on the housing unit and on the inner portion for translating rotation of the motor into axial movement of the inner portion; anda retaining liner comprising flexible retaining members that extend radially inward, said retaining liner being secured to an inner surface of the inner portion, wherein the flexible retaining members are for providing frictional retention of the handle of the mascara brush within the cavity when deflected in a direction parallel to a central axis of the cavity.2. The mascara applicator system of wherein the inner portion is configured with a first open end and a second closed end claim 1 , the first open end defining the cavity claim 1 , and the grip unit further comprising an outer shell member claim 1 , the inner ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013713A1
Автор: Palmieri Herman David

An device not limited to the application of a cosmetic, includes a means for shearing mascara; a means for loading mascara evenly onto the applicator head; a means for choosing the direction of the rotation motion; a means for simultaneous rotation, reciprocation and vibration of the applicator head; a means for choosing when to activate and deactivate the device; a means for vibration of an applicator head; and a means for converting an rotation motion into a reciprocating rotating motion thereby enabling the applicator head to simultaneously travel back and forth and rotate for the application of mascara to the eyelashes. The incorporation of above mentioned means results in a device for applying mascara to the eyelashes by way of a simultaneous reciprocation, rotation and vibration motion in a clockwise or counterclockwise manner, a simultaneous reciprocation and rotation motion in a clockwise or counterclockwise manner or a vibration only means. 1. Applicator for applying mascara to the eyelashes , the applicator comprising:a handle;a battery compartment in said handle wherein a battery power source having at least one battery is confined;a first switching means disposed in said handle between said battery power source and a DC motor whereby the said first switching means selectively electrically controls the direction of current flow, so that the said DC motor selectively turns normally, reversely or not at all;a said DC motor having a rotatable motor shaft;a said battery power source powers the rotation of the said rotatable motor shaft on which is carried a mating male spline gear;a mating female slidable oblong multipurpose component having an embedded looping cam groove track therein is slidably connected to said mating male spline gear by way of the series of narrow keys of the said mating male spline gear with the series of corresponding grooves of the said mating female slidable oblong multipurpose component;a rotatable shaft having a first free end ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Brush Head for a Personal Grooming Device

Номер: US20220031058A1
Автор: Liu Xinlan

A removable brush head for a personal groom device, the removable brush head having a stationary portion, wherein the stationary portion is annular and includes a plurality of outwardly-extending brush bristles. The removable brush head also includes a movable portion positioned within the stationary portion, wherein the movable portion is configured to at least partially rotate relative to the stationary portion, and further wherein the movable portion includes a plurality of outwardly-extending brush bristles. Additionally, the removable brush head includes a locking collar, wherein the locking collar is slidably couplable to the stationary portion so as to axially retain the movable portion within the stationary portion while allowing the movable portion to at least partially rotate relative to the stationary portion. 1a stationary portion, wherein the stationary portion is annular and includes a plurality of outwardly-extending brush bristles;a movable portion positioned within the stationary portion, wherein the movable portion is configured to at least partially rotate relative to the stationary portion, and further wherein the movable portion includes a plurality of outwardly-extending brush bristles; anda locking collar, wherein the locking collar is slidably couplable to the stationary portion so as to axially retain the movable portion within the stationary portion while allowing the movable portion to at least partially rotate relative to the stationary portion.. A removable brush head for a personal groom device comprising: This patent document is a continuation of, and claims priority to, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/750,796 filed Jan. 13, 2020, which claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/254,719 filed Jan. 23, 2019, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,531,729 issued Jan. 14, 2020. The disclosures of both priority applications are fully incorporated into this document by reference.This disclosure relates to the field of removable and ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Hair Massage Device

Номер: US20170013932A1
Автор: Nichols Thomas

The device combines the detangling capability of a comb or brush with the ability to massage lotions and other hair treatments into the hair follicles and through the entire length of each hair strand. A two-jaw clamping or clamshell design is provided with an interchangeable brush or comb element attached to one of the jaws and a pair of soft rollers extending from the other jaw element. The two jaws are detachable from one another in order to permit the user to operate the comb or brush portion separate from the rollers. When fully assembled, the comb or brush protrudes through the pair of rollers when the jaws of the device are clamped together. There may be an additional mechanism within the device to provide internal vibrations in the housing to propagate through the entire device and into the user's hair in order to aid in the detangling, smoothing and treatment application processes. One or more additional versions may also include vibrating or oscillating rows of bristles in the brush or comb element. Another embodiment provides a combination motor and offset weight on the end of the upper jaw assembly. In another form, the upper housing and jaw assembly are separable from the lower jaw assembly and housing, so as to provide a vibrating comb/brush without the need to use the rollers on the lower jaw assembly. 1. A hair treatment device , comprising:a first arm assembly comprising an upper housing and an upper jaw assembly extending therefrom, said upper jaw assembly defined by an upper jaw housing having an upper face and an opposing lower face, said lower face defined by an elongate channel along substantially the length of said lower face;a first hair treatment element detachably attached to said elongate channel; anda vibration generating assembly enclosed within and associated with said first arm assembly whereby activation of said vibration generating assembly causes said first arm assembly to vibrate.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said first hair ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Makeup Brush System and Method

Номер: US20170013951A1
Автор: Peterson Erik

An ultrasonic makeup brush and method of applying makeup with an ultrasonic brush is disclosed. The brush includes a handle with an ultrasonic vibrating mechanism. The mechanism causes the bristles in the brush to vibrate. The vibrating affects application of the makeup and the amount of makeup required. A variety of differently shaped or configured brush attachments (e.g., depending on the type of makeup being applied) can be used with the handle. 1. A brush for applying makeup comprising:a handle;a holder having a plurality of bristles configured for applying makeup connected at a first end of the handle;a source of power associated with the handle;a vibrating motor in the handle connected to the source of power, the vibrating motor for creating ultrasonic vibration in the bristles; and,a switch for activating the vibrating motor on the handle.2. The brush of wherein the vibrating motor is adjustable.3. The brush of wherein the switch provides for variable speed adjustment.4. The brush of wherein the power source is contained in the handle.5. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles extend in a direction generally parallel to an axis of the handle.6. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles are configured for use with foundation makeup.7. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles are configured for use with blush makeup.8. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles are configured for use with liquid makeup.9. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles are configured for use with powdered makeup.10. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles are configured for use with eye shadow makeup.11. The brush of wherein the plurality of bristles are configured for use with a bronzer makeup.12. The brush of wherein the holder includes a magnetic that is coupled to a magnet in the handle.13. The brush of comprising a second bristle holder for holding the bristles.14. A method of applying makeup comprising:providing a makeup brush having a handle, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014460A1

Provided is a disclosure for embodiments for a brush with communication capabilities, which is configured to clean a surface of, for example, a semiconductor wafer, as well as an offline brush conditioning system and a CMP system that can communicate with the brush. 120-. (canceled)21. A brush using system for brushes used for cleaning a surface of a semiconductor wafer , comprising:at least one brush station configured to be coupled with a brush comprising a wireless device; anda user interface configured for wireless communication with the wireless device.22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the user interface is configured to use radio frequency identification (RFID) protocol for the wireless communication.23. The system of claim 21 , wherein the brush using system is an offline brush conditioning system.24. The system of claim 21 , wherein the brush using system is a chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) system.25. The system of claim 21 , wherein the brush is in the brush station.26. The system of claim 21 , wherein the brush is external to the brush using system.27. A method for communicating with a brush configured for cleaning a surface of a semiconductor wafer claim 21 , comprising communicating by a brush monitoring system with a wireless device associated with the brush claim 21 , to perform one or both of writing first data to a memory in the wireless device and reading second data from the memory in the wireless device.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the wireless device is a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag comprising memory claim 27 , and the brush monitoring system is configured to transmit brush characteristic data associated with the brush to be stored in the wireless device.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the brush characteristic data comprises one or more of: a brush identification number claim 28 , a batch number claim 28 , a product identifier claim 28 , brush dimensions claim 28 , conditioning history claim 28 , ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for cleaning a poultry carcass

Номер: US20160015045A1
Принадлежит: Meyn Food Processing Technology BV

In one exemplary aspect, a conveyor is applied for conveying the carcass along a track and brush means are positioned next to the track for brushing the carcass exterior, wherein the brush means are embodied with at least one rotatable drum, and to which drum brush hairs are connected, such that opposite ends of the brush hairs are connected to the drum so as to arrange that the brush hairs form a closed loop with the drum.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015164A1
Автор: Bugg Eddie

A solar panel cleaning brush assembly including a trolley frame having parallel first and second side frame members. A first guide member is connected to the first side frame member. A second guide member is connected to the second side frame member. A first belt rotatably disposed about a perimeter of the first guide member directly contacts a first array edge of a solar panel array. A second belt rotatably disposed about a perimeter of the second guide member directly contacts a second array edge of the solar panel array. At least one brush set is connected to the trolley frame, the at least one brush set having multiple fixed, non-rotating brushes each frictionally contacting and spanning across a module face of individual ones of multiple solar panel modules defining a solar panel array.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Cleansing Brush Head

Номер: US20190014899A1

A cleansing brush head for a facial brush is described. The brush head has connector to couple the brush head to a brush body, and radially symmetric ribbons forming ribbons and channels out of silicone or a similar material. 1. A brush head for a facial brush comprising:a connector to couple the brush head to a brush body;one or more radially symmetric ribbons and channels, at least one ribbon having varying heights.2. The brush head of claim 1 , wherein each ribbon extends straight from a center location toward an exterior circumference of the brush head.3. The brush head of claim 2 , wherein each ribbon is less than one half the radius of the brush head.4. The brush head of claim 1 , wherein each ribbon is curvilinear.5. The brush head of claim 1 , wherein the ribbons cumulatively form a pattern which directs water and lotion toward the exterior circumference of the brush head.6. The brush head of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of ribbons form a wedge shape claim 1 , and the brush head includes a plurality of wedge shapes.7. The brush head of claim 1 , wherein the brush head is made of silicone.8. The brush head of claim 1 , wherein the varying height of the ribbon is between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm from a base of the brush head.9. A facial brush comprising:a brush body;a connector on a first side of a brush head, to couple the brush head to a brush body;one or more radially symmetric ribbons forming ribbons and channels, on a second side of the brush head, the ribbons being substantially evenly spaced, and made of an elastomer.10. The brush head of claim 9 , wherein the ribbons have curvilinear shapes.11. The brush head of claim 10 , wherein the curvilinear shape is parabolic.12. The brush head of claim 9 , wherein a spacing of the ribbons varies between 0.5 mm and 3 mm.13. The brush head of claim 9 , wherein a height of the one or more ribbons is between 0.5 mm and 2 mm from a base of the brush head.14. The brush head of claim 13 , wherein the one or more extension ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015247A1
Принадлежит: Purity (Xiamen) Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.

A brushing sprayer includes a pipe body, a diverter, a control assembly and a brushing head. A pipe body includes an inlet end and an outlet opening communicating with each other. A diverter is positioned in the pipe body, and includes a first flow way, a second flow way and a third flow way communicating with each other and communicating with the inlet end and the outlet end of the pipe body. A control assembly passes through the pipe body, and is connected to the diverter. The control assembly is adapted to plug two selected from the group consisting of the first flow way, the second flow way and the third flow way, whereby a water flow could be regulated by the control assembly to outlet from the first flow way, the second flow way or the third flow way. The brushing head is positioned on the outlet end of the pipe body. 1. A brushing sprayer , comprising:a pipe body, comprising an inlet end and an outlet opening, wherein the inlet end has an inlet opening, and the outlet end has a first outlet opening, a second outlet opening and a third outlet opening, the inlet opening, the first outlet opening, the second outlet opening and the third outlet opening communicate with each other;a diverter, positioned in the pipe body, and comprising a first flow way, a second flow way and a third flow way communicating with each other, wherein the first flow way, the second flow way and the third flow way communicate with the inlet opening, the first outlet opening, the second outlet opening and the third outlet opening;a control assembly, passing through the pipe body, and connected to the diverter; the control assembly is adapted to plug two selected from the group consisting of the first flow way, the second flow way and the third flow way, whereby a water flow could be regulated by the control assembly to outlet from the first flow way, the second flow way or the third flow way; anda brushing head, positioned on the outlet end of the pipe body.2. The brushing sprayer of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037149A1

According to one embodiment, a substrate treatment method of removing an upper end of a protrusion on a substrate is disclosed. An unevenness is formed on a surface of the substrate. The method can supply a first liquid on the surface of the substrate. The unevenness is formed on the surface. The method can form a protective layer. The protective layer covers the surface of the substrate from the first liquid supplied to the surface of the substrate. The method can supply a second liquid onto the protective layer. In addition the method can physically remove the protective layer which is on the upper end of the protrusion, and can bring the second liquid into contact with the upper end of the protrusion. The protective layer is removed from the upper end of the protrusion. 1. A substrate treatment method of removing an upper end of a protrusion on a substrate , an unevenness being formed on a surface of the substrate , the method comprising:supplying a first liquid on the surface of the substrate, the unevenness being formed on the surface;forming a protective layer, the protective layer covering the surface of the substrate from the first liquid supplied to the surface of the substrate;supplying a second liquid onto the protective layer; andphysically removing the protective layer, the protective layer being on the upper end of the protrusion, and bringing the second liquid into contact with the upper end of the protrusion, the protective layer being removed from the upper end of the protrusion.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe upper end of the protrusion is a layer including at least any one of a metal or a metal oxide, andthe metal oxide is a oxide of the metal.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe first liquid includes a vaporizable rust inhibitor.4. The method according to claim 3 , whereinthe vaporizable rust inhibitor is at least one selected from the group consisting of Benzo triazole, Tolyl triazole (Methyl benzotriazole), ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020276A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The appliance includes a housing and an attached brushhead which oscillates at a selected frequency and amplitude by a motor and drive system. A system recognizes a hair tangle as the brushhead is drawn through the hair by a decrease in amplitude of movement of the brushhead. A control system changes the operation of the brushhead in response to the recognizing system in such a manner as to untangle the hair. 1. A brush appliance for detangling hair , comprising:an appliance body;a brushhead mounted to the appliance body;a motor for oscillating the brushhead at a selected frequency and amplitude;a system for recognizing a hair tangle as the brushhead is moved through the hair; anda control system for changing the driving of the brushhead and/or providing a detangling solution to the brushhead so as to detangle the hair as the brushhead encounters the tangle.2. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the recognizing system includes a system for recognizing a change in amplitude of brushhead movement sufficient to indicate a tangle.3. The appliance of claim 2 , wherein the change in amplitude is a decrease in amplitude.4. The appliance of claim 2 , wherein the amplitude recognizing system is an optical encoder.5. The appliance of claim 2 , wherein the amplitude recognizing system is a Hall effect assembly.6. The appliance of claim 2 , wherein the amplitude recognizing system is a magnetic switch.7. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the recognizing system includes a sensor assembly for recognizing back EMF in the motor sufficient to indicate a tangle.8. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the recognizing system includes a sensor for determining a change in audio from the appliance.9. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the recognizing system uses one to five cycles of brushhead operation to determine that a tangle has been encountered.10. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the brushhead in operation oscillates at a frequency between 70-115 Hz claim 1 , with an amplitude ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021480A1
Автор: Kern Dale G.

A cleansing device for mammalian skin includes a cleansing head having a plurality of elastomeric cleansing features extending away from the first surface and having an aspect ratio of about 1:5 to 10:1. The cleansing head is attached to a handle adapted to apply oscillating movement to one or more cleansing head sections to provide a total displacement per oscillation of about 2 mm to 8 mm at a frequency of about 5 Hz to 30 Hz. 124-. (canceled)25. A cleansing device comprisinga handle;a motor disposed within the handle and comprising a drive shaft rotatable about a drive shaft axis;a first gear coupled to the drive shaft such that it rotates along with the drive shaft;an engagement member centered on the drive shaft axis and operatively coupled to the first gear such that rotation of the first gear results in arcuate oscillation of the engagement member about the drive shaft axis;a planetary gear assembly operatively driven by the engagement member and comprising:a sun gear operatively coupled to a first portion of a cleansing head to cause the first portion to move in an arc in a first direction responsive to the arcuate oscillation of the engagement member; anda ring gear operatively coupled to the sun gear via a plurality of planetary gears of the planetary gear assembly, and operatively coupled to a second portion of the cleansing head to cause the second portion of the cleansing head to move in an arc in a second direction, opposite the first direction, while the first portion moves in an arc in the first direction.26. The cleansing device of further comprising a collar disposed between the engagement member and the first gear claim 25 , the engagement member being operatively attached to the collar such that the engagement member moves along with the collar.27. The cleansing device of further comprising a pivot arm extending radially from the collar and operatively engaged with the first gear to cause arcuate oscillation by the collar responsive to the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Teeth cleaning device and method

Номер: US20150024340A1
Автор: Jean-Marie De Gentile
Принадлежит: de Gentile Hugo

A device for cleaning teeth, allows the simultaneous cleaning of the teeth of at least one arch. The device includes: a single or a double arc-shaped tray which can enclose the teeth of one arch or both arches at once and which, via the free edge(s) thereof, can be fitted to the corresponding gum or gums, the tray made from a flexible material allows reversible deformation and is compatible with medical use; and fluid-injection/-removal elements for injecting fluid into the tray and removing fluid from the interior thereof. Once the tray is in place on the teeth, the fluid-injection/-removal elements subject them to repeated cycles of fluid injection/removal to clean the teeth by the combined action, within the tray, of fluid circulation over and between the teeth and mechanical action of the tray's internal surface on the teeth, resulting from the deformation of the tray during the injection/removal cycles.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Wheel flange drainage channel cleaning device

Номер: US20190022709A1
Автор: Huiying Liu, Xiao Liu
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal Co Ltd

Disclosed is a wheel flange drainage channel cleaning device, comprising a frame, lifting cylinders, guide posts, a servo motor, a lifting platform, a bearing seat, a shaft, a bearing, a rotating platform, a sleeve and the like. Four clamping cylinders move synchronously to clamp a wheel, the lifting cylinders may control ascending and descending of the lifting platform, the servo motor may control rotation of the rotating platform, and when the linear motor drives the racks to reciprocate up and down, the brushes swing left and right, so that aluminum scraps blocked in drainage channels beside the central hole and outside the central hole are easily cleaned.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022488A1

A method () for determining an orientation of a user's head with an oral care device (), the method including the steps of: (i) providing () an oral care device comprising a device head (), a sensor (), and a controller (); (ii) determining () when the device head is located within a calibration area () within the user's oral cavity (); and (iii) estimating (), by the controller based on an orientation of the device head within the calibration area, an orientation of the user's head. 1. A method for determining an orientation of a user's head with an oral care device , the method comprising the steps of:providing an oral care device comprising a device head, at least one sensor, and a controller;determining when the device head is located within a calibration area within the user's oral cavity; andestimating, by the controller, based on an orientation of the device head within the calibration area, an orientation of the user's head.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of receiving data from the sensor regarding motion of the oral care device in an area outside the calibration area.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the step of determining claim 2 , based on the estimated orientation of the user's head and on the motion data generated by the sensor claim 2 , an orientation of the device head with respect to the user's oral cavity for an area outside the calibration area.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of providing feedback to the user regarding the determined orientation and/or location of the device head with respect to the user's oral cavity.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining when the device head is located within a calibration area within the user's oral cavity comprises data from a second sensor.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of generating claim 1 , based on a plurality of estimates of the orientation of the device head with respect to the user's oral cavity claim ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029779A1
Автор: Woods Ethan

A device for cleaning a surface (e.g., a barbeque grill, etc.) generally includes an enclosure having at least a lower side, an upper side, and a peripheral edge. The device includes a plurality of motors each having a rotational shaft selectively fixable with a rotatable brush. At least a portion of bristles of each brush projects below a plane of the lower side of the enclosure. The device also includes a circuit adapted for connecting power from a power source to each of the motors for a preset period of time upon actuation of an electrical switch connected thereto. The circuit is adapted to run each motor in a first direction and then an opposing direction, such that if the device becomes stuck at an obstruction, it will eventually turns around due to the alternating directions of the motors. 1. A device for cleaning a surface of a grill , comprising:an enclosure having at least a lower side, an upper side, and a peripheral edge;a plurality of motors each contained within the enclosure, each motor of the plurality of motors having a rotational shaft fixed with a rotatable brush, each rotatable brush having a plurality of bristles radially projecting from a rotational axis thereof, at least a portion of the bristles of each brush projecting below a plane of the lower side of the enclosure, the bristles being made of material capable of withstanding heat emanating from the surface of the grill for cleaning the surface of the grill after the grill has just been used, wherein the brushes simultaneously serve as the cleaning and motive force for the device when the brushes are rotated by the motors; anda circuit adapted for connecting power from the power source to each of the motors for a preset period of time upon actuation of an electrical switch connected thereto, the circuit adapted to run each motor of the plurality of motors in a first direction and then an opposing direction, respectively;whereby with the enclosure placed upon the surface of the grill and the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029410A1

A rotary scrubber apparatus, the apparatus includes a tube member having a helical slot, an attachment end portion, a holding end portion, and an internal cavity extending therethrough. A biasing element is contained within the internal cavity of the tube member. A following pin extends through the helical slot. The following pin has an external portion that engages a handle, and an internal portion that engages the biasing element. A scrubbing element is coupled with the attachment end of the tube member and rotationally fixed therewith. When the handle is pressed towards the attachment end and the handle is prevented from rotating about the tube member, the tube member rotates to rotate the scrubber element. The apparatus thereby provides rotational movement of the scrubber to be generated from only linear movement of the handle provided by a user. 1. A container cleaning apparatus , comprising:an elongated tube member defining a longitudinal axis and a longitudinal length and comprising an internal cavity, an exterior surface, an attachment end portion at a first end of the longitudinal length, a holding end portion at a second end of the longitudinal length, and a helical slot passing from the exterior surface to the internal cavity extending along at least a portion of the longitudinal length and about the longitudinal axis;a handle;a following pin extending through said helical slot, said following pin having an internal portion positioned within said internal cavity and an external portion engaged with said handle;a biasing element positioned within said internal cavity and engaged with the internal portion of the following pin and the tube member; anda scrubbing element coupled to said attachment end portion such that said scrubbing element and said tube member are rotationally fixed,wherein longitudinal translation of the handle along the tube member from the handle end portion to the attachment portion rotates the tube member and the scrubbing element ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140115798A1
Автор: Tominaga Kazuto

In a brush-type processing device, a base portion of a processing brush is fixed to a reciprocating rotating shaft provided to a drive source. A brush portion extends from the base portion to one side along the radius of the reciprocating rotating shaft. When the reciprocating rotating shaft reciprocatingly rotates, a plurality of brush bristles of the brush portion reciprocatingly oscillates in a circumferential direction of the reciprocating rotating shaft. Accordingly, an object to be removed on a processed surface can be scraped off by allowing distal ends of the brush bristles to be pressed against the processed surface. In this case, the distal ends of the brush bristles that reciprocatingly oscillate repeatedly collide with the object to be removed from both sides in a reciprocating oscillation direction, thereby making it possible to effectively remove the object to be removed. 1. A processing brush comprising:a base portion formed so as to be fixed to a reciprocating rotating shaft, the reciprocating rotating shaft being provided to a drive source and reciprocatingly rotating about an axis; anda brush portion that extends from the base portion to one side along a radius of the reciprocating rotating shaft and reciprocatingly oscillates in a circumferential direction of the reciprocating rotating shaft by the reciprocating rotation of the reciprocating rotating shaft.2. The processing brush according to claim 1 , wherein a brush mounting portion fitted with a bottom of the brush portion; and', 'a fixation portion extending from one end of the brush mounting portion to a side opposite to the brush portion, and, 'the base portion comprisesthe fixation portion is fixed to the reciprocating rotating shaft such that the brush mounting portion is formed along the reciprocating rotating shaft and the brush portion extends to a side opposite to the reciprocating rotating shaft through the brush mounting portion.3. The processing brush according to claim 2 , ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030572A1
Автор: EKLUND Bertil

The invention relates to a brush head for an electric toothbrush comprising a brush head shaft () with two ends, one end () with a tuft plate () being oscillatable about its centre axis, and one end adapted for detachable connection to a handle of the electric toothbrush, wherein the oscillatable tuft plate comprises at least three tufts (), each tuft being non-rotatably attached to the tuft plate, wherein each tuft comprises a free end () and an end () fixedly attached to the oscillatable tuft plate. 1. Brush head for an electric toothbrush comprising a brush head shaft with two ends , one end with a tuft plate being oscillatable about its centre axis , and one end adapted for detachable connection to the electric toothbrush , wherein the oscillatable tuft plate comprises at least three tufts , each tuft being non-rotatably attached to the tuft plate , wherein each tuft comprises a free end and an end fixedly attached to the tuft plate , wherein each tuft of the tufts comprises mono filaments of varying length , wherein the varying length of the mono filaments is configured to create a teeth brushing surface of each tuft having a rotational symmetrical cambered outline , preferably rounded , and that the oscillatable tuft plate comprises between three and five tufts , and that each tuft has a diameter in the range of about 3-4 mm.2. Brush head according to claim 1 , wherein each tuft protrudes perpendicularly out from the tuft plate and/or perpendicularly to a longitudinal direction of the brush head shaft.3. Brush head according to claim 1 , wherein the tufts are arranged equidistant to each other along a periphery of the tuft plate.4. Brush head according to claim 1 , wherein each tuft is arranged at a distance from the centre axis of the tuft plate.5. Brush head according to claim 4 , wherein each tuft is arranged at the distance of between 2-8 mm claim 4 , or between 3.5-6.5 mm claim 4 , or between 2-4 mm from the centre axis of the tuft plate.6. Brush head ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030841A1

An apparatus () for loading and unloading a brush () to and from a brush-arm assembly () of an end-effector () is disclosed. The apparatus () comprises a base () and a carriage (), which is movable along an axis (A) at least to a first position, a second position, or a third position relative to the base (). The carriage () comprises a brush receptacle (), configured to prevent movement of the brush () in a first direction, but not in a second direction, opposite to the first direction, when the brush () is placed in the brush receptacle (). The apparatus () also comprises a stationary component (), fixed relative to the base () and configured to prevent movement of the brush-arm assembly () in the second direction. Additionally, the apparatus () comprises a linear actuator (), configured to move the carriage (). 1. (canceled)27900822802102900. A method () of manipulating a brush () relative to a brush-arm assembly () of an end-effector () , the method () comprising:{'b': 818', '820', '832', '818', '832, 'locating a carriage (), comprising a brush receptacle (), in one of a first position or a second position relative to a stationary component (), wherein the carriage () is selectively movable relative to the stationary component () along an axis (A);'}{'b': 818', '832', '802', '102', '832', '802', '832, 'with the carriage () in one of the first position or the second position, different from the first position, relative to the stationary component (), locating the brush-arm assembly () of the end-effector () with respect to the stationary component () so that the brush-arm assembly () is in contact with the stationary component (); and'}{'b': 818', '832', '822', '802', '102', '818', '832', '822', '802, 'moving the carriage () in a second direction along the axis (A) toward the stationary component (), from the first position to a third position, to load the brush () onto the brush-arm assembly () of the end-effector (), or moving the carriage () in a first ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031241A1
Автор: Dollinger Martial

A system for polishing capsules includes a brush located at least partially inside a wall arranged around an axis (Z). The brush has bristles arranged around the axis (Z) to form a helical conveying ramp for the capsules. The lengths of the bristles of the brush are distinct and a protrusion is mechanically coupled to the wall to bend at least some of the bristles of the brush when the latter is in rotational movement around the axis (Z). 1. A system for polishing capsules comprising:an inlet;an outlet;a wall arranged around an axis (Z) extending from said inlet to said outlet;a brush located at least partially inside the wall and comprising bristles arranged around said axis (Z) to form a helical conveying ramp for said capsules, from said inlet to said outlet,each of said bristles comprising a free end facing an inner face of said wall; anda mechanical unit configured to generate a rotational movement of said brush about said axis (Z) to convey said capsules from said inlet to said outlet;wherein:a distance between said axis (Z) and said free end of a first bristle of said brush, and a distance between said axis (Z) and said free end of a second bristle of said brush differ by at least 2 mm;said system comprising at least one protrusion;at said inner face of said wall, and arranged to bend at least some of said bristles of said brush during said rotational movement of said brush around said axis (Z).2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein:the first bristle configured to support said capsules;said free end of said second bristle is configured to contact said capsules; andsaid protrusion is configured to contact said capsules to influence a trajectory of said capsules during said rotational movement of said brush around said axis (Z).3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said bristles are arranged along straight line segments orthogonal to said axis (Z) to coincide with said straight line segments;said straight line segments corresponding to cross ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037902A1
Автор: Grez Joseph

An adjusting brushhead includes a base assembly which is removably connectable to an electric skin care appliance. The brushhead also includes an inner brush assembly which oscillates in operation by a drive member with motor action. The brushhead further includes an outer brush assembly which is mounted to the base assembly by mounting elements, permitting the outer brush assembly to move in accordance with facial contours. 1. An adjusting brushhead for a skin care appliance , comprising:a base member removably connected to a head portion of a skin care appliance;an inner brush assembly which is driven by a driving member and is connected to the base member in a manner such that it is removable with the base member; andan outer brush assembly, which is positioned around the inner brush member, the outer brush assembly being flexibly mounted to the base member so that the outer brush assembly moves in response to contact with facial contours.2. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the inner brush assembly is driven in an oscillating manner.3. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the outer brush assembly includes bristles which extend upwardly therefrom claim 1 , having tips which are in the same plane as the tips of the inner brush assembly when the appliance is at rest.4. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the outer brush assembly is spring-mounted to the base member.5. The brushhead of claim 4 , including a plurality of coil springs connecting the outer brush assembly to the base assembly.6. The brushhead of claim 4 , including a plurality of leaf springs connecting the outer brush assembly to the base assembly.7. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the outer brush assembly is connected to the base assembly by elements which permit movement of the outer brush assembly in one direction only claim 1 , in and out relative to the base assembly.8. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the outer brush assembly is segmented claim 1 , with each segment being individually spring- ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035853A1
Автор: LIN Hsia-Sen

A multi-functional window washing and wiping device comprises mainly a device body and a retractable rod connected to the device body, wherein on the device body are disposed a toothed gear assembly comprising a plurality of toothed gears and a vortex rod for driving the toothed gear assembly, whose two ends are pivotally connected to wheels disposed on two sides of the device body. At least two tube bodies are disposed above the device body. When using the present invention, assemble a cleaning tool such as a brush, a sponge, or a piece of cloth on the toothed gear assembly; input detergent and water via the tube bodies; and hold the retractable rod, place the device body on a glass window, and move the device body along the glass window. The purpose of washing glass windows in buildings is achieved by rolling the cleaning tool by driving the toothed gear assembly via wheels or a motor without the risk of having window washers hang in mid-air. 1. A multi-functional window washing and wiping device , comprising:a device body, in an interior thereof is disposed a toothed gear assembly comprising a plurality of toothed gears for allowing a cleaning tool such as a brush, a sponge or a piece of cloth to be disposed thereon; the toothed gear assembly is meshed with a vortex rod, whose two ends are respectively pivotally connected to wheels protruding and exposed on two sides of the device body; tube bodies are respectively connected above the device body, so that when moving the device body to rotate the wheels, the vortex rod is driven to drive the entire toothed gear assembly, which rotates the cleaning tool disposed on the toothed gear assembly;a retractable rod, a bottom end thereof is pivotally connected to the device body, and on a top end thereof is disposed a handle: the tube bodies disposed above the device body are fixed appropriately on the retractable rod and are pulled out along the retractable rod for connecting to detergent and water; andwhen using the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053811A1

Devices, systems, and methods for real-time peeling are disclosed. Peeling can include including evaluating and controlling one or more peelers to remove peel from organic materials. Evaluation can be performed by an evaluation system including a convolutional neural network to determine a peel value. Control can be performed by a machine learning model on the basis of the peel value. Control can include determination of real-time settings for peeler tool speed and/or gate position. 1. A system for peeling organic material having a peel , the system comprising:one or more peelers each having at least one peeler tool for engaging organic material for peeling and a gate for operation to govern rate of discharge of organic material;a peel evaluation system for analyzing image information of peeled organic material to determine a peel value; anda control system configured to govern operation of the one or more peelers based on the determined peel value, wherein the control system comprises a machine learning model configured to determine, in real-time, a gate position and a peeler tool speed for each of the one or more peelers, based on the determined peel value.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the machine learning model is defined based on a simulation model comprising a physical simulation of organic material within the one or more peelers.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the simulation model comprises line data of peeled organic material.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the physical simulation of organic material and the line data are applied as a reduced order model and the simulation model comprises the physical simulation defined by the reduced order model.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the machine learning model comprises a reinforcement learning model.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the simulation model is configured to provide training datasets applied by the machine learning model to generate numerical coefficients for operation of the machine ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054242A1

A toothbrush that is configured to emit a solution responsive to a user interaction with the toothbrush. 1. A dental device comprising:a base with a reservoir, the reservoir being configured to house a solution;a neck with a conduit, the conduit having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end of the conduit being in communication with the reservoir;a head with a recess and a dimple, the distal end of the conduit being configured to supply the solution from the conduit onto the recess, wherein the recess is a depression within a surface of the head, wherein the dimple increases a surface area of the recess.2. The dental device of claim 1 , wherein the dimple is positioned at a midpoint of a longitudinal axis of the head claim 1 , and the recess is positioned between the dimple and a lower boundary of the head.3. The dental device of claim 1 , further comprising:a one way valve positioned within the recess, the one way valve being configured to allow fluid to flow onto the recess.4. The dental device of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir has a first cross sectional area that is larger than a variable cross sectional area of the conduit.5. The dental device of claim 4 , wherein the conduit has a decreasing cross sectional area from the proximal end to the distal end of the conduit.6. The dental device of claim 1 , further comprising:a first set of bristles positioned on the head; anda second set of removable bristles positioned on the head, the second set of removable bristles being hollow silicon tubes that are shorter than that of the first set of bristles.7. The dental device of claim 1 , further comprising:a rim positioned around a circumference of the head, the rim extending away from an upper surface of the head.8. The dental device of claim 7 , further comprising:a foam layer positioned adjacent to an inner surface of the rim, the foam layer having a height that is greater than that of the rim.9. The dental device of claim 1 , further comprising:a puck ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

An Electric Utility Brush Having A Flexible Drive Shaft

Номер: US20190038011A1

The present invention is concerned with an electric utility brush having a flexible drive shaft, and in particular an electric toothbrush having a substantially spherical head mounted on the flexible drive shaft and which can be driven rotationally in at least two different orientations in order to provide comprehensive brushing capabilities. 1. An electric utility brush comprising a head having a tufted surface , wherein the head can be displaced into at least two orientations for rotation; a drive shaft to impart rotational drive to the head , wherein the drive shaft comprises a flexible portion to facilitate the displacement between the at least two rotation orientations.2. The electric utility brush of in which the tufted surface comprises a curved surface.3. The electric utility brush of in which the flexible drive shaft enables drive to be maintained to the head between and at the two rotation orientations.4. The electric utility brush of in which the flexible portion comprises a spring.5. The electric utility brush of in which the spring comprises a helical coil spring.6. The electric utility brush of in which the drive shaft directly imparts rotation to the head.7. The electric utility brush of in which the flexible portion enables an axis of rotation of the head to be displaceable to define two of the rotation orientations.8. The electric utility brush of in which the flexible portion is curved when the head is in the first rotation orientation.9. The electric utility brush of in which the head comprises an incomplete spherical tufted surface.10. The electric utility brush of in which the head comprises a substantially complete spherical tufted surface.11. The electric utility brush of in which the brush comprises an actuator operable to displace the head between the at least two rotation orientations.12. The electric utility brush of in which the actuator is operable to effect the longitudinal displacement of the drive shaft.13. The electric utility brush ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045521A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The brushhead includes an outer brushhead which is fixed in operation when the brushhead is attached to a skin brush appliance and an inner brushhead which oscillates in operation. The outer brushhead includes three spaced sections of elastomeric fingers and three spaced sections of tufts positioned, respectively, between the elastomeric finger sections. The inner brushhead includes a plurality of non-circular concentric rows of tufts. 1. A cleansing brushhead for use with a skin cleansing appliance , comprising:an outer brushhead base member, attachable to a handle of the skin cleansing appliance, wherein the outer brushhead base member remains fixed in position during operation of the appliance;an outer brushhead mounted on the outer brushhead base member, the outer brushhead including at least two spaced sections each comprising a plurality of rows of elastomeric fingers and at least two sections of tufts positioned, respectively, between the spaced sections of elastomeric fingers; andan inner brushhead mounted on an inner brushhead base member, which oscillates in operation by the appliance, the inner brushhead including a plurality of non-circular rows of tufts.2. The cleansing brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the heights of the tufts in the inner brushhead and the elastomeric fingers and tufts in the outer brushhead decrease from a center of the cleansing brushhead to a surrounding outer edge thereof claim 1 , defining a curved surface with a radius of between 100-200 mm.3. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the outer brushhead includes three sections of elastomeric fingers and three sections of tufts claim 1 , the elastomeric fingers extending around the circumference of the outer brushhead for a distance which is greater than the distance of the tufts.4. The brushhead of claim 3 , wherein the elastomeric finger sections are equally spaced and have the same distance around the brushhead.5. The brushhead of claim 1 , wherein the rows of tufts in the outer ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045599A1

Disclosed is a vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner includes: a cleaner main body configured to generate suction force; and a suctioner including a head having a suction inlet to suck dust by the suction force and a brush drum rotatably provided in the suction inlet to sweep dust on a floor. The brush drum includes convex portions projected from an outer circumferential surface of the brush drum and spirally extended in a rotational axial direction of the brush drum. 1. A vacuum cleaner comprising:a cleaner main body configured to generate suction force; anda suctioner having a suction inlet to suck dust by the suction force and a brush drum rotatably provided at the suction inlet to sweep dust on a floor,wherein the brush drum comprises convex portions formed on an outer circumferential surface of the brush drum which spirally extend along a rotational axial direction of the brush drum.2. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein the brush drum comprises:a drum main body which includes the convex portions and the outer circumferential surface of the brush drum on which the convex portions are formed; anda cleaning member comprising a base surrounding the drum main body and a plurality of bristles supported by the base.3. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein the brush drum comprises:a cylindrical drum main body; anda cleaning member comprising a base surrounding the drum main body and having the convex portions, and a plurality of bristles provided in the base.4. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein the convex portions are first convex portions claim 1 , andthe brush drum comprises a cleaning member which includes second convex portions.5. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 4 , wherein each of the convex portions is formed to surround a rotational shaft of the brush drum and comprise at least one contact point configured to contact a surface of the floor.6. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein the convex portions are ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045081A1
Автор: Kern Dale G.

A cleansing device for mammalian skin includes a cleansing head having a plurality of elastomeric cleansing features extending away from the first surface and having an aspect ratio of about 1:5 to 10:1. The cleansing head is attached to a handle adapted to apply oscillating movement to one or more cleansing head sections to provide a total displacement per oscillation of about 2 mm to 8 mm at a frequency of about 5 Hz to 30 Hz. 1. A cleansing device comprisinga handle;an electrical motor disposed within the handle and attached to an actuator, said motor and actuator adapted to apply an oscillating movement at a frequency of about 5 Hz to 30 Hz; anda cleansing head having a first major surface and a second major surface, the first major surface comprising a plurality of elastomeric cleansing features extending away from the first surface and having an aspect ratio of about 1:5 to 10:1,wherein the actuator is attached to the second major surface of the cleansing head to apply oscillating movement thereto, wherein the oscillating movement provides a total displacement per oscillation of about 0.5 mm to 8 mm.2. The cleansing device of wherein the cleansing head is partitioned into two or more cleansing head sections3. The cleansing device of wherein the oscillation is an arcuate or circular oscillation.4. The cleansing device of wherein the cleansing head first surface comprises more than one cleansing feature shape claim 1 , relative cleansing feature orientation claim 1 , or both.5. The cleansing device of wherein the first major surface comprises between 2 and 100 cleansing features per square centimeter.6. The cleansing device of wherein the cleansing features are integral with the cleansing head first surface.7. The cleansing device of wherein the elastomer is characterized by a fully reversible strain of about 5%-700% claim 1 , Shore A hardness of about 10 to 50 claim 1 , and a coefficient of friction against human facial skin of about 0.2 to 0.8.8. The cleansing ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042318A1
Автор: McGaugh Kevin

A motorized hair brush apparatus for providing a plurality of rotating cylinders full of brush bristles which can be employed to brush one's hair includes a base housing defining a rigid, substantially hollow structure having a rigid top exterior surface and an open bottom from which a plurality of aligned rotary brush members extending. The base housing, shaped and sized to allow a user to hold it with one hand, additionally includes a plurality of textured sections provide an enhanced gripping surface. An internal electric motor is operatively connected to each of the brush members so as to allow mechanical energy produced by the motor to rotate each of the brush members in a brushing direction simultaneously. According, a user can either hold or stroke the motorized hair brush apparatus over their hair and the rotating brush members will execute the desired brushstrokes. 1. A motorized hair brush apparatus , comprising:a base housing defining a rigid, substantially hollow body having an exterior top surface and a bottom brush opening;a plurality of rotary brush members integral with said base housing and aligned to rotate over a single plane, wherein said brush members are configured such that no more than half of each brush members extends from the bottom brush opening; andan electric motor operatively connected to a power source and said brush members such that the provision of electricity from the power source to the motor causes the motor to rotate each of the brush members in the same direction.2. The motorized hair brush apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said exterior top surface defines an arcuate structure which includes a plurality of textured sections claim 1 , thereby providing an enhanced gripping surface.3. The motorized hair brush apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said motor is operative to rotate each of the brush members simultaneously at the same speed.4. The motorized hair brush apparatus of claim 1 , additionally comprising an electric switch ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042319A1

A surface cleaning head is disclosed. The surface cleaning head includes a housing, a brush system, and a panel open detector. The brush system includes a brush and a brush drive member drivingly connected to the brush. The brush is moveably mounted in the brush chamber and removably from the brush chamber. A panel open detector is operatively connected to a brush interruption member and the brush interruption member is operatively connected to the brush system. When the panel open detector detects that a panel on the housing is opened, the brush interruption member interacts with the brush system to prevent the brush drive member driving the brush. 1) A surface cleaning head comprising:(a) a housing having a front end, a rear end, a brush chamber and an openable panel;(b) a brush system comprising a brush and a brush drive member drivingly connected to the brush, wherein the brush is moveably mounted in the brush chamber and removable from the brush chamber; and,(c) a panel open detector operatively connected to a brush interruption member and the brush interruption member is operatively connected to the brush system wherein when the panel open detector detects that the panel is opened, the brush interruption member interacts with the brush system to prevent the brush drive member driving the brush.2) The surface cleaning head of wherein the brush is rotatably mounted in the brush chamber.3) The surface cleaning head of wherein the panel is provided in an upper surface of the housing.4) The surface cleaning head of wherein the panel is removably mounted to the housing.5) The surface cleaning head of wherein the panel is moveably mounted with respect to the housing between an open position claim 3 , in which the brush is removable claim 3 , and a closed position.6) The surface cleaning head of wherein a front portion of the panel is moveably mounted to the housing and a rear portion of the panel is moveable upwardly to the open position.7) The surface cleaning head ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Intelligent Multi-Directional Swimming Pool Cleaning Robot

Номер: US20200040596A1
Автор: Kwan Nam LO
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an intelligent multi-directional swimming pool cleaning robot which includes a rectangular mounting platform, a driving wheel disposed at the bottom of the mounting platform, a control device and a plurality of brush mechanisms. All of the brush mechanisms include a first brush mechanism disposed at the bottom of the mounting platform, a second brush mechanism and a third brush mechanism both disposed vertically. The top of the mounting platform is provided with a double-head driving device which drives reciprocating movement of the second brush mechanism and the third brush mechanism. Four guide columns are respectively vertically disposed at four corners of the top of the mounting platform. The second brush mechanism and the third brush mechanism are slidably engaged with the guide columns respectively by a horizontal sliding rod. All horizontal sliding rods respectively limit the second brush mechanism and the third brush mechanism to maintain the vertical state while reciprocating. The bottom and the side wall of the pool are simultaneously cleaned, which increases the cleaning efficiency and shorten the cleaning time.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043490A1

The present application relates to a device () for treating a part of a body of a person to be treated. The device has a treating unit () and an angular orientation identifier () to generate information indicative of the angular orientation of the treating unit (). The angular orientation identifier comprises an orientation sensor to generate information indicating the angular orientation with respect to the horizontal. A controller is configured to adjust one or more characteristics of the device () in response to information indicative of the angular orientation of the treating unit () provided by the angular orientation identifier (). The present application also relates to a method of treating a part of a body of a person to be treated. 1. A device for treating a part of a body of a person to be treated comprisinga treating unit,an angular orientation identifier configured to generate information indicative of the angular orientation of the treating unit, said angular orientation identifier comprising an angular orientation sensor configured to generate information indicative of the angular orientation of the treating unit relative to horizontal;a controller configured to refer to a reference profile indicative of a desired angular orientation of the treating unit, to generate information indicative of the angular orientation of the treating unit relative to the desired angular orientation based on the information generated by the angular orientation identifier and the reference profile, the controller configured to adjust one or more characteristics of the device in response to information indicative of the angular orientation of the treating unit provided by the angular orientation identifier; anda user input, wherein the controller is configured to modify and/or form the reference profile based on the user input.2. (canceled)3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to adjust one or more characteristics of the device when the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047135A1

A rotatable brush assembly for a cleaning apparatus includes a cylindrical roller formed by first and second arcuate members. Each arcuate member has an inner longitudinal portion and an opposing longitudinal free end, the inner longitudinal portions being adjacently hinged together. The longitudinal free ends are positioned adjacently when the hinge is in a closed position. A web includes spaced-apart cleaning members extending outward from its external surface. Opposing longitudinal ends substantially conform to the opposing longitudinal free ends of the roller and its width is dimensioned such that an inner surface of the web wraps around and directly covers an outer surface of the cylindrical roller. Each longitudinal end of the web terminates in a U-shaped flange which defines a channel that conforms to and interfaces with one of the longitudinal free ends of the roller. Opposing end caps are disposed over opposing ends of the elongated cylindrical roller. 1. A rotatable brush assembly for a self-propelled robotic cleaning apparatus for cleaning a submerged surface of a pool or tank comprising:an elongated cylindrical roller formed by a first arcuate member and a second arcuate member, each arcuate member having an inner longitudinal portion and an opposing longitudinal free end, the inner longitudinal portions being positioned adjacently and hinged together, the longitudinal free ends being positioned adjacently when the hinge is in a closed position to form the elongated cylindrical roller;a web material having spaced-apart cleaning members extending outwardly on an external surface of the web material, opposing longitudinal ends that substantially conform to the opposing longitudinal free ends of the cylindrical roller, and a width dimensioned such that an inner surface of the web material wraps around and directly covers an outer surface of the elongated cylindrical roller, each longitudinal end of the web material terminating in a U-shaped flange which ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062723A1
Принадлежит: Kleen Swing LLC

The present invention provides a portable golf club head cleaning device designed to more conveniently and effectively clean golf club heads and comprising a housing with a top surface defining an enclosed club entrance aperture, a liquid storage cavity defined within the housing and operably configured to house a liquid therein, at least one cleaning brush with a central core, an upper brush end , a lower brush end , a plurality of bristles disposed along the brush length and extending radially outward from the central core and operably configured to rotate 360°, and at least one DC motor electrically coupled to a battery-powered power source and an electronic switch operably configured to selectively complete a circuit with the battery-powered power source and the at least one DC motor and cause rotation of the at least one cleaning brush about a central core axis.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064927A1
Автор: JOUKOV Herman, ZUKOV Oleg

Systems and methods of cleaning toilets are described; the system includes a structural frame, a foldable arm extendible from the structural frame and a rotatable brush, accommodated while being folded within and retracted into the foldable arm, at an idle state, while protruded from the foldable arm and being sprawl, during the operation of a cleansing cycle.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047668A1

A rotary cleaning apparatus for underwater cleaning including a housing, a battery, a motor and a flexible hub system. The flexible hub system includes a toroidal brush system coupled to a circular centrifugal pump assembly. The flexible hub system includes a flexible hub allowing the flexible hub system to bend out of plane. When the flexible hub system is rotated underwater at a curved surface, the brush system cleans the surface while the suction of the centrifugal pump assembly flexes the flexible hub system to evenly contact the surface. 1. A flexible hub system arranged about a rotational axis , comprising:a rigid disk-shaped impeller plate having an upper side and a lower side, the impeller plate centered on the rotational axis and including a flexible portion centered on the rotational axis and comprised of a flexible material, the impeller plate further including a plurality of discharge outlets proximate to an outer edge of the impeller plate, a plurality of radial impeller vanes, each radial impeller vane extending outward from the lower side, and wherein the impeller plate is configured for coupling to a drive shaft centered on the rotational axis; anda volute centered on the rotational axis and including a central volute hole, wherein the volute is coupled to the impeller plate such that the impeller vanes are interposed between the volute and the impeller plate and the discharge outlets are located within a perimeter base of the volute, whereby upon submerging of the flexible hub system in a fluid and rotation of the flexible hub system around the rotational axis the flexible hub system is rotated and fluid is drawn into the central volute hole and is discharged out the discharge outlets, whereby suction is created.2. The flexible hub system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible portion is disk-shaped.3. The flexible hub system of claim 1 , wherein the flexible portion includes a central circular portion and an outer ring.4. The flexible hub system of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049221A1

A brush for back surface treatment (BST) is provided. The brush includes a base portion and a brushing portion. The brushing portion is connected to the base portion. The brushing portion has a plurality of gutters disposed on a surface away from the base portion, in which at least one of the gutters has at least one open end located at least partially on a perimeter of the surface. 1. A brush for back surface treatment (BST) , the brush comprising:a base portion; anda brushing portion connected to the base portion, the brushing portion having a plurality of gutters disposed on a surface away from the base portion, wherein at least one of the gutters has at least one open end located at least partially on a perimeter of the surface.2. The brush of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the gutters is in a shape of a strip.3. The brush of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the gutters is in a shape of a wave.4. The brush of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the gutters is in a shape of a spiral.5. The brush of claim 1 , wherein the brushing portion comprises a material of polyvinyl alcohol.6. The brush of claim 1 , wherein the base portion comprises a plastic material.7. A back surface treatment (BST) assembly claim 1 , comprising:a carrier head configured for holding a substrate;a brush, comprising:a base portion; anda brushing portion having a first surface and a second surface opposite to each other, the first surface configured for contacting with the substrate, the second surface being connected to the base portion, the brushing portion having a plurality of gutters disposed on the first surface; anda brush holder configured for holding the base portion.8. The back surface treatment assembly of claim 7 , wherein at least one of the gutters has at least one open end located at least partially on a perimeter of the first surface.9. The back surface treatment assembly of claim 7 , further comprising:a compression force exerting mechanism configured for exerting a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049278A1

A bodycare device such as a facial skincare device performs a skincare procedure on a subject, in a series of zones of the skin of the subject, with each zone receiving a different skincare routine. The device () has an interchangeable treatment head () to perform the skincare procedure. A controller () controls the treatment head to perform the skincare procedure. A sensor () detects an individual treatment head () when fitted to the device, by detecting and reading data from a tag () on the treatment head, which automatically selects the sequence of skincare routines to be performed by the device on the zones of the skin of the subject. 1. A skincare device for performing a skincare procedure on a subject , comprising:a drive train to receive and drive an interchangeable treatment head to perform the skincare procedure, wherein the drive train includes a drive shaft to receive the interchangeable treatment head, a motor configuration to rotate the drive shaft and/or apply a vibratory motion to the drive shaft;a controller to control the drive train so that the treatment head performs the skincare procedure; anda sensor to detect an individual treatment head when fitted on the drive train;the controller being responsive to the sensor to control the drive train to perform the skincare procedure in a sequence of individual skincare routines suited to respective zones of the body of the subject in dependence on the individual treatment head fitted to the drive train, and wherein the controller is further operable to control the motor configuration so as to control drive parameters for the drive train for each of the skincare routines individually2. A device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the controller has an associated memory with stored values for the drive parameters of the sequence of individual skincare routines suited to respective zones of the skin of the subject in dependence on the individual treatment head fitted to the drive train.3. A device as claimed in ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047272A1
Принадлежит: DAZCOM Ltd.

There is provided an applicator device () for applying a composition to an end of a pipe. The applicator device comprises an applicator head (), the applicator head having a cavity () with an opening into which the end of the pipe can be inserted. The applicator head comprises at least one brush () and at least one aperture () for delivering the composition into the cavity, each brush having bristles which extend into the cavity () to wipe against the end of the pipe, each aperture being closer to the opening of the cavity than to a base of the cavity. There is further provided an applicator device () comprising a supplementary brush for wiping the composition over an internal surface of the pipe, a container () of flux composition for connecting to the applicator device, and a method of applying a composition to an end of a pipe. 1. An applicator device for applying a composition to an end of a pipe , the applicator device comprising an applicator head , the applicator head having a cavity with an opening into which the end of the pipe can be inserted , wherein the applicator head comprises at least one brush and at least one aperture for delivering the composition into the cavity , each brush having bristles which extend into the cavity to wipe against the end of the pipe , each aperture being closer to the opening of the cavity than to a base of the cavity.2. The applicator device of claim 1 , wherein each brush extends from adjacent the base of the cavity to adjacent the opening of the cavity claim 1 , to wipe over a length portion of the pipe at the end of the pipe.3. The applicator device of claim 1 , wherein each brush comprises a base from which the bristles extend and wherein the at least one apertures extend through the bases of the at least one brushes claim 1 , to deliver the composition to the brushes.4. The applicator device of claim 3 , wherein each aperture extends through the base at a location in between the bristles that extend from the base.5. ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050219A1
Автор: Kalfe Ahmet

A rotating cleaning brush () includes a connection pin () to be clamped in a chuck of a machine for rotatingly driving the cleaning brush () about its longitudinal axis (). The cleaning brush () includes a bristle carrier () including a plurality of openings (). The bristle carrier () includes a first bristle bundle () and a second bristle bundle () being adjacent along the longitudinal axis (). The first bristle bundle () is located closer to the first end region of the cleaning brush () than the second bristle bundle (). Each of the bristle bundles () includes a plurality of bristles () and is located in one of the openings (). The bristles () of the first bristle bundle () are designed to be bent towards the longitudinal axis () such that they overlap the opening () in which the second bristle bundle () is arranged. 1. A rotating cleaning brush , comprising:a longitudinal axis;a first end region;a second end region, the first end region and the second end region being spaced apart along the longitudinal axis;a connection pin, the connection pin being located in the first end region and being designed and arranged to be clamped in a chuck of a machine for rotatingly driving the cleaning brush about the longitudinal axis; and the bristle carrier having a shell surface and a top surface, the top surface being located in the second end region and having a rounded shape,', 'the bristle carrier including a plurality of openings being arranged in the shell surface, and', 'the bristle carrier including a first bristle bundle and a second bristle bundle being adjacent along the longitudinal axis, the first bristle bundle being located closer to the first end region than the second bristle bundle, each of the bristle bundles including a plurality of bristles and being located in one of the openings, the bristles of the first bristle bundle being designed to be bent towards the longitudinal axis such that they overlap the opening in which the second bristle bundle is ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071459A1

A surface cleaning head includes a housing having a front side and back side, a brush roll rotatably mounted to the housing within a suction conduit and having at least a portion proximate the opening of the suction conduit, a leading roller mounted to the housing in front of the brush roll, and a drive mechanism operatively coupled to the brush roll and the leading roller for driving the brush roll and the leading roller at same time. The brush roll includes an agitator body and a first bristle/flap arrangement comprising a first deformable flap extending from the agitator body and a first bristle strip and/or row of tufts extending from the agitator body and disposed adjacent to the first deformable flap. The first deformable flap is disposed at an aggressive angle and the first bristle strip and/or row of tufts is arranged at a passive angle. 1. An agitator for a vacuum cleaner comprising:an agitator body; and a first deformable flap extending from the agitator body; and', 'a first bristle strip and/or row of tufts extending from the agitator body and disposed adjacent to the first deformable flap;', 'wherein the first deformable flap is disposed at an aggressive angle and the first bristle strip and/or row of tufts is arranged at a passive angle., 'a first bristle/flap arrangement comprising2. The agitator of claim 1 , wherein the first bristle strip and/or row of tufts is arranged generally parallel to the first deformable flap.3. The agitator of claim 1 , wherein a length of the first bristle strip and/or row of tufts is the same as a length of the first deformable flap.4. The agitator of claim 1 , wherein a length of the first bristle strip and/or row of tufts is less than a length of the first deformable flap.5. The agitator of claim 1 , wherein a length of the first bristle strip and/or row of tufts is greater than a length of the first deformable flap.6. The agitator of claim 1 , further comprising a second deformable flap disposed adjacent to and ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Cleaning apparatus and cleaning method

Номер: US20170053816A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, there is provided a cleaning apparatus including a substrate cleaner and a member cleaner. The substrate cleaner has a substrate cleaning member placed over a first region to be opposite a substrate and a second region different from the first region. The member cleaner is placed adjacent to the second region.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Drill-Powered Brush with Electrical Shock Protection and Long Reach Functionality

Номер: US20160058169A1
Автор: Taylor Wade

A drill-powered rotational brush apparatus features an electrically non-conductive tubular housing, and a metal input shaft rotatably supported in the housing has an external end reaching out from the housing for engagement in the chuck of the drill. A connection is provided between an internal end of the metal input shaft and a brush whose radial bristles reside externally of the housing at the second end thereof. The connection features an electrical insulator that electrically isolates the metal input shaft from the brush and any portion of the connection that lies externally of the tubular housing beyond the second end thereof, thereby protecting the user form the risk of electrical shock. The connection end of the brush matches the cross-sectional size and peripheral shape of the external end of the input shaft to allow coupling together of two like apparatuses to collectively form a longer brush assembly. 1. A rotational brush apparatus arranged for driven operation by a hand drill , the apparatus comprising:an electrically non-conductive tubular housing having opposing first and second ends spaced apart in a longitudinal direction and a hollow interior space spanning between said first and second ends and bound by a circumferential wall;a metal input shaft lying in the longitudinal direction and reaching into the hollow interior space of the tubular housing from the first end thereof to place an internal end of said metal input shaft inside the tubular housing, while leaving an external end of the metal input shaft exposed outside the tubular housing beyond the first end thereof for engagement in a chuck of the hand drill, the metal input shaft shaft being rotatably supported within the tubular housing;a brush comprising a central core lying parallel to, and in alignment with, the metal input shaft, with bristles of the brush radiating outwardly from said central core at locations outside the tubular housing beyond the second end thereof;a connection between ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055299A1

A cleaning brush apparatus that is mountable onto a platform that is suitably suspended from a building for cleaning exterior and/or interior surfaces of the building. The cleaning brush apparatus includes a cleaning brush that is rotatable relative to the platform about a rotation axis that is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the platform. The cleaning brush apparatus is mounted to the platform in a manner to define a walkway on the platform to the rear of the rotation axis that permits a human operator to walk on the platform behind the rotation axis and along at least a length of the cleaning brush apparatus. The cleaning brush apparatus may also be adjustably mounted on the platform to permit the cleaning brush apparatus to be adjusted in position on and relative to the platform in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis. 1. A cleaning system that is configured to clean a surface of a building , comprising:a platform that is suspendable from the building, the platform has a longitudinal axis, and the platform is configured to support at least one human operator during use when suspended from the building;a cleaning brush apparatus mounted on the platform, the cleaning brush apparatus includes a cleaning brush that is rotatable relative to the platform about a rotation axis that is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the platform;the cleaning brush apparatus is slidably mounted on the platform to permit the cleaning brush apparatus to be adjusted in position on and relative to the platform in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis.2. The cleaning system of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning brush apparatus is slidably mounted to the platform by a rail system that includes front and rear carriage rails fixed to the platform and carriages mounted on the cleaning brush apparatus and slidably supported on the front and rear carriage rails.3. The cleaning system of claim 1 , further comprising a shroud around at least a portion of the cleaning brush.4. ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055692A1
Автор: Wobill Kennedy A

A hand held tool for cleaning surfaces of a bathtub or other basin type fixtures is a portable unit that has a rotatable brush portion, a rechargeable battery system for operating a motor for rotating the brush portion, and a hose connected to a water source. 1. A cleaning machine comprising:a body having a handle portion and a wand portion opposite said handle portion, said wand portion configured extendable;a brush coupled to said body proximate said wand portion, said brush configured to rotate and swivel relative to said wand portion;a pipe nested in said body and configured to fluidly couple a supply of liquid and discharge said liquid out of said brush; anda trigger coupled to said brush, said trigger configured to actuate motion of said brush.2. The machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a water regulator fluidly coupled to said pipe, said water regulator configured to control flow of said fluid.3. The machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a motor coupled to said brush and configured to rotate said brush.4. The machine according to claim 2 , further comprising:a battery system coupled to said body, said battery system electrically coupled to said motor.5. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein said wand portion is configured retractable and extendable relative to said handle portion.6. The machine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a trigger guard configured to protect said trigger from impact.7. The machine according to claim 1 , wherein said brush is detachable claim 1 , wherein a least one of an abrasive claim 1 , a sponge claim 1 , a scouring pad and a soft fabric can be interchanged with said brush.8. A device for cleaning a bathtub comprising:an L-shaped body having a handle portion and a wand portion, said wand portion configured to adjust in length;a brush rotatably coupled to a swivel, said swivel coupled to said L-shaped body proximate said wand portion opposite said handle portion;an electric motor nested in said L ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Water Powered Back Scrubber

Номер: US20170055785A1
Автор: Bennett Charles E.

The present invention relates generally to the field of personal hygiene devices, and to a back scrubbing device for use in bathing or showering for cleaning and/or exfoliating an individual's own back. Primarily the invention provides an improved water powered back scrubber or back washing device that easily mounts in a hand shower or on wall and provides a large cleansing surface having rotating scrubber that do not require electricity and are easily adjustable so as to accommodate users of differing heights, and is capable of regulating water pressure. The water powered back scrubber or back washing device of the current invention uses wash rag as scrubbing device and the water from the hose for continuously turning of the scrubbing device. The device consists of double ended paddle wheel shaft installed side to side by sponge covered cylinder attached to shaft with mini hooks to grab wash rags. 1. A water powered back scrubber unit comprises:scrubbing device;grabber;first attaching means;second attaching means;adjusting means;paddle wheel shaft;a tube; anda clamp.2. The water powered back scrubber unit of claim 1 , wherein said unit is adjustable to accommodate users of differing heights claim 1 , and is capable of regulating water pressure and providing a large cleansing surface.3. The water powered back scrubber unit of claim 1 , wherein said scrubbing device is attached to said grabber using said first attaching means.4. The water powered back scrubber unit of claim 1 , wherein said first attaching means is Velcro.5. The water powered back scrubber unit of claim 1 , wherein said paddle wheel shaft is a double ended paddle wheel shaft installed side to side by sponge covered cylinder attached to shaft.6. The water powered back scrubber unit of claim 1 , wherein said unit is connected to shower walls second attaching means.7. The water powered back scrubber unit of claim 1 , wherein said second attaching means is suction cups or sliding tubes that allows ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055793A1
Автор: Zhu Xue Lin

A sweeper machine comprises a support frame, a machine body, and a garbage collection case. The support frame includes two fixing arms. The machine body is disposed between and mounted to the two fixing arms. The garbage collection case is inserted to the rear side of the machine body. Each fixing arm includes a driving wheel. The machine body includes a body casing and a roll brush. The roll brush is disposed inside the body casing. The body casing includes an opening. The lower part of the roll brush is exposed from the opening. Two first connection holes are respectively formed on two ends of the body casing. Each driving shaft extends out of the fixing arm and penetrates one connection hole. Two ends of the roll brush are respectively firmly connected with the two driving shafts separately penetrating the two first connection holes. 1. A sweeper machine , comprising:a support frame, including two fixing arms, wherein each fixing arm includes a driving wheel, a first gear and a second gear, and wherein the driving wheel protrudes from the terminal of the fixing arm where the driving wheel is installed, and wherein the driving wheel is coaxially coupled to the second gear, and the second gear is meshed with the first gear, and wherein the first gear is further coaxially coupled to a driving shaft, and wherein the driving shaft is extended out of the fixing arm where the driving shaft is installed;a machine body, disposed between and mounted to the two fixing arms and including a body casing and a roll brush, wherein the roll brush is disposed inside the body casing, and wherein the body casing includes an opening formed and extended in the rear side of the bottom of the body casing, and wherein the lower part of the roll brush is exposed from the opening, and wherein two first connection holes are respectively formed on two ends of the body casing, and wherein each driving shaft, which extends out of the fixing arm, penetrates one of the first connection holes, ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056938A1

The present document describes a device for clearing an area around an elevated object. The device comprises: a main frame; a blower device operably mounted on the main frame for blowing high flow air towards the area around the elevated object; and a sweeping device operably mounted to and extending from the main frame for clearing the area around the elevated object. The present document further describes a method for clearing the area around an elevated object. 1. A device for clearing an area around an elevated object , the device comprising:a main frame;a blower device operably mounted on the main frame for blowing high flow air towards the area around the elevated object; anda sweeping device operably mounted to and extending from the main frame for clearing the area around the elevated object.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the blower device comprises a rotary blower comprising:a main frame portion mounted to the main frame; anda turbine rotatably mounted within the main frame portion for providing the high flow air.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the blower device further comprises a motor in driving arrangement with the turbine for operating the rotary blower.4. The device of or claim 2 , wherein the blower device further comprises a high flow air outlet fluidly connected to the rotary blower for allowing the high flow air to exit the blower device in at least one of: a direction towards a surface around the elevated object and a direction towards the elevated object.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the high flow air outlet is displaceable relative to the main frame claim 4 , thereby allowing the blower device to direct the high flow air towards at least one of: the surface around the elevated object and the elevated object.6. The device of claim 2 , wherein the blower device further comprises an opening on the main frame portion for allowing entry of air into the rotary blower.7. The device of claim 2 , further comprising:a fuel engine mounted on ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Refill head for an oral care implement handle

Номер: US20140137346A1
Автор: Joseph E. Fattori
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

A refill head, and an oral care implement including the same, wherein the refill head comprises a tubular sleeve having a cavity. First and second upper cam surfaces are provided in the cavity that form transverse shoulders within the cavity. The first and second upper cam surfaces are separated by first and second axial slots through which first and second bosses of a stem of a handle of the oral care implement can be passed.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056684A1
Автор: DIAMOND David

An indexed drive system () for mechanised tools, in particular an electric toothbrush, for selectively imparting various drive modes to a pair of concentrically-arranged drive shafts () thereby imparting various brushing modes to the head (H) of the mechanised tool, in particular an electric toothbrush. 1. A drive system for an electric toothbrush comprising concentric inner and outer rotatable shafts , the inner shaft extending beyond the outer shaft; an indexing assembly comprising a carriage located about the inner shaft and reciprocally displaceable longitudinally of the inner shaft; and a first coupling selectively operable to transmit drive from the inner shaft to the carriage , wherein the drive system further comprises a pair of the converters for translating linear displacement of the carriage in one direction into a first limited angular displacement of the carriage and linear displacement of the carriage in a second direction opposite to the first direction into a limited second angular displacement of the carriage.2. A drive system according to wherein at least a first converter comprises a cam and follower.3. A drive system according to wherein the cam is fixed relative to the shafts and the follower is provided on the carriage.4. A drive system according to wherein the cam defines a helical cam surface concentric with the shafts.5. A drive system according to wherein the follower extends longitudinally from an end of the carriage.6. A drive system according to wherein the follower comprises a pair of diametrically opposed follower elements.7. (canceled)8. A drive system according to wherein one of the converters extends longitudinally from each of the opposed ends of the carriage.9. A drive system according to wherein the drive system comprises an actuator operable to effect the linear displacement of the carriage.10. A drive system according to wherein the actuator comprises a forked yoke received in an annular channel circumscribing the carriage.11. ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079405A1

A vacuum cleaner comprising: a cleaner main body configured to generate suction power; and a suction unit configured to suck dust using the suction power. The suction unit comprising: a drum brush comprising a cylindrical drum rotatable to brush away dust from a floor, and conductive bristles provided on an outer circumferential surface of the drum; and a conductive dust guide unit comprising a guide portion connectable to the cleaner main body and configured to guide the sucked dust to be transferred to the cleaner main body, and a contact portion formed to extend from the guide portion, provided to be in contact with the bristles of the drum brush, and configured to transfer static electricity, which is charged as the vacuum cleaner is operated, from the cleaner main body to the conductive bristles of the drum brush. 1. A vacuum cleaner comprising:a cleaner main body configured to generate suction power; anda suction unit configured to suck dust using the suction power, the suction unit including:a drum brush including a drum that is cylindrical and rotatable to brush away dust from a floor, and conductive bristles provided on an outer circumferential surface of the drum; anda conductive dust guide unit including:a guide portion connectable to the cleaner main body and configured to guide the sucked dust to be transferred to the cleaner main body, anda contact portion formed to extend from the guide portion and be in contact with the conductive bristles of the drum brush, the contact portion being configured to transfer static electricity, which is charged as the vacuum cleaner is operated, from the cleaner main body to the conductive bristles of the drum brush.2. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 1 , further comprising:a drum motor configured to rotate the drum; anda motor wire configured to supply electric power from the cleaner main body to the drum motor, and provided to be in contact with the dust guide unit.3. The vacuum cleaner according to claim 2 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079414A1
Автор: Desu-Kalyanam Anu R.
Принадлежит: AISHWARYA, LLC

Devices, systems and methods for cleaning and disinfecting footwear items are disclosed herein. In an aspect, an apparatus is disclosed comprising an ultraviolet light element configured to emit ultraviolet light toward a top covering element configured to receive one or more contaminated item, wherein the ultraviolet light element is located within a lower frame element. In another aspect, a grating element is disclosed comprising a frame of bars configured to support the one or more contaminated item; wherein the grating element is a ceiling enclosure portion of the lower frame element. In yet another aspect, a brush frame element mounted to an underside of the grating element is disclosed, wherein the brush frame element comprises a set of brush strips configured to protrude through at least one space between the frame bars. 1. A system comprising:an ultraviolet light element configured to emit ultraviolet light toward a top covering element configured to receive one or more contaminated item, wherein the ultraviolet light element is located within a lower frame element;a grating element comprising a frame of bars configured to support the one or more contaminated item; wherein the grating element is a ceiling enclosure portion of the lower frame element;a brush frame element mounted to an underside of the grating element, wherein the brush frame comprises a set of brush strips configured to protrude through at least one space between the frame of bars; andan alternative brush retention element configured to distribute a load force applied to the grating element, wherein the alternative brush retention element connect with the brush frame element and the lower frame element.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the alternative brush retention element comprises a structure with at least two arm branch portions connected to the grating element and at least two leg branch portions connected to the lower frame element.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the brush frame ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080932A1

A method for operating a vehicle treatment system, in particular a vehicle washing system, includes treating at least one vehicle surface with at least one rotating brush with a brush material at an immersion depth of the brush, and controlling during the treatment of the vehicle surface, the rotating brush based on a setpoint value for the friction of the brush material on the vehicle surface, the immersion depth of the rotating brush on the vehicle surfaces treated therewith being monitored at the setpoint value during the treatment of the vehicle surface in order to determine the state of the brush material. In addition, a vehicle treatment apparatus, a use thereof, and a computer program product are provided. 1. A method for operating a vehicle treatment installation , in particular a vehicle washing installation , the method comprising:treating at least one vehicle surface with at least one rotating brush with a brush material at an immersion depth of the brush; andcontrolling during the treatment of the vehicle surface the rotating brush based on a desired value for the friction of the brush material on the vehicle surface,wherein during the treatment of the vehicle surface the immersion depth of the rotating brush on the vehicle surfaces treated therewith is monitored at the desired value in order to determine the condition of the brush material.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the data for at least one element selected from the immersion depth of the brush and the condition of the brush material are obtained during the treatment of the vehicle surface claim 1 , and/orwherein during the treatment, in order to compensate for a changing condition, in particular a decreasing quality condition, of the brush material, the setpoint for the friction is adjusted accordingly, in particular reduced, and/orwherein the immersion depth of the brush is monitored during at least one treatment and/or a sequence of treatments of vehicle surfaces.3. The method ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064299A1
Автор: Searle Rhett

The disclosure concerns a system for cleaning lavatory plumbing fixtures, an instrument forming part of the system for cleaning lavatory plumbing fixtures, and a method for utilizing the system and instrument for cleaning lavatory plumbing fixtures. The instrument generally includes a shaft and a brush head configured to couple with the shaft. In certain embodiments, a rotary device is provided; the rotary device is coupled to the instrument for supplying power rotation for enhanced cleaning. 1. A system for cleaning lavatory plumbing fixtures , the system comprising:a rotary device;a shaft having a length associated therewith, the length extending from a proximal end to a distal end; anda brush head, the brush head being configured to couple with the shaft at the distal end;wherein the rotary device is configured to engage the shaft at the proximal end thereof and further configured to implement a rotary motion for rotating the shaft and the brush head.2. The system of claim 1 , said shaft including a polygonal cross section taken along the length of the shaft claim 1 , said brush head comprising a polygonal socket having three or more walls collectively forming a circumference of the polygonal socket claim 1 , wherein said polygonal socket is configured to engage at least a portion of the shaft at the distal end thereof.3. The system of claim 1 , said shaft comprising a tapped hole disposed at the distal end of the shaft claim 1 , and said brush head comprising a threaded member extending therefrom claim 1 , wherein the threaded member is configured to engage the tapped hole of the shaft.4. The system of claim 1 , said brush head comprising a tapped hole claim 1 , and said shaft comprising a threaded member extending from the distal end thereof claim 1 , wherein the threaded member is configured to engage the tapped hole of the brush head.5. The system of claim 1 , said brush head comprising a plurality of bristles extending radially outwardly from a core of the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068529A1
Автор: TREVISANI Andrea

An electric toothbrush includes a main body, a head connected to the main body, having a stem and a rotating element rotating in first and second rotation directions, a transmission shaft rotating the rotating element, a motor generating rotary motion transmitted via transmission shaft to the rotating element, and first, second and third push switches. Pressing the first switch, which is pressed when the transmission shaft is inclined in a first flexion direction, causes rotation of the rotating element in the first rotation direction. Pressing the second switch, which is pressed when the transmission shaft is inclined in a second flexion direction, causes rotation of the rotating element in the second rotation direction. Pressing the third switch, which is pressed by the transmission shaft when inclined with respect to the main body in a third flexion direction, causes rotation of the rotating element in the first or second rotation direction. 1. An electric toothbrush for teeth cleaning , comprising:a main body;a head comprising a stem and a rotating element, arranged at one end of said stem; the rotating element including a plurality of bristles and being able to rotate according to a first rotation direction and a second rotation direction opposite to said first rotation direction; said head being connected to said main body in an articulated manner;a transmission shaft at least partially located in the stem of the head and provided to rotate the rotating element of the head;a motor powered by a power supply means and adapted to generate a rotary motion transmissible through the transmission shaft to the rotating element of the head, so as to generate rotation of said rotating element according to the first rotation direction and the second rotation direction; the motor and the power supply means being arranged inside the main body;said electric toothbrush further comprising:a first push switch provided to detect a relative inclination of the head with respect ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068600A1

A rolling brush assembly includes a rolling brush having a rolling brush roller, at least two brush bars, and a protruding strip extending lengthwise along an axis. Each brush bar extends lengthwise in a longitudinal direction of the rolling brush roller. The brush bars are arranged at intervals along a circumferential direction of the rolling brush roller with the protruding strip located between adjacent two brush bars. The at least two brush bars are fixed on the rolling brush roller in one of a flocking or an inserting manner. An engagement portion is formed between the brush bars and the rolling brush roller. A distance from an outer end of the engagement portion to the axis is less than a distance from an outer end of the protruding strip to the axis. 110-. (canceled)11. A rolling brush assembly , comprising:a rolling brush having a rolling brush roller, at least two brush bars, and a protruding strip extending lengthwise along an axis, each of the brush bars extending lengthwise in a longitudinal direction of the rolling brush roller, the at least two brush bars being arranged at intervals along a circumferential direction of the rolling brush roller, the protruding strip being located between adjacent two brush bars; andwherein the at least two brush bars are fixed on the rolling brush roller in an one of a flocking or an inserting manner, an engagement portion being formed between the brush bars and the rolling brush roller, a distance from an outer end of the engagement portion to the axis being less than a distance from an outer end of the protruding strip to the axis.12. The rolling brush assembly of claim 11 , further including a tooth mechanism including a supporting rod extending lengthwise parallel to the axis and a plurality of teeth extending from the supporting rod towards the rolling brush claim 11 , a distance from extending ends of the teeth to the axis being less than a distance from an outer end of the brush bar to the axis.13. The rolling ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066023A1
Автор: STOLZE Martin

Device for cleaning the outer surface of the circumferential wall of plant pots, including: 1. Device for cleaning the outer surface of the circumferential wall of plant pots , comprising:a frame;a pot track arranged on the frame, which track extends from an input end to an output end and forms a support surface for the plant pots;a movement device for moving the plant pots from the input end to the output end;a rotation device for rotating the plant pots about their pot axis;a brush for brushing the outer surface of the circumferential wall of the plant pots during said movement;a first brush drive for rotating the brush about a lying axis; anda second brush drive for moving the rotating brush up and down, while engaging the outer surface of the pot's circumferential wall, between a first position and a second position, wherein the first position is situated at a lower level than the second position.2. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and the second brush drives are operable for simultaneous action.3. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the first brush drive is configured for both in the upward stroke and in the downward stroke of the brush having the brush rotate with a vertical downward directional component at the location of the contact with the plant pots.4. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the second brush drive is configured for repeatedly moving the brush up and down in the period in which a plant pot is moved from the input end to the output end by the movement device.5. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the speed claim 1 , the size and/or the level of the up-and-down stroke of the brush is adjustable relative to the pot track.6. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation device is configured for continuously rotating the plant pots during their movement from the input end to the output end.7. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation device comprises a circumferentially extending claim 1 , elongated element claim ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087489A1

The present disclosure relates to a cleaner including a main body, a brush head connected to the main body by a connection pipe and having a suction port, and a brush drum rotatably mounted to the brush head, wherein the brush drum includes a shaft unit rotatably mounted to the brush head, a cylindrical elastic member provided to surround an outer circumferential surface of the shaft unit, a brush provided in a cylindrical shape to surround an outer circumferential surface of the elastic member and formed of soft bristles, a pair of brackets assembled at both ends of the shaft unit and allowing the shaft unit to be rotatably mounted to the brush head, a handle unit detachably mounted on the brush head and detachably mounted to one of the pair of brackets. 1. A cleaner , comprising:a main body;a brush head connected to the main body by a connection pipe and having a suction port; anda brush drum rotatably mounted to the brush head;wherein the brush drum includes:a shaft unit rotatably mounted to the brush head;an elastic member having a cylindrical shape and provided to surround an outer circumferential surface of the shaft unit;a brush provided in a cylindrical shape to surround an outer circumferential surface of the elastic member and formed of soft bristles;a pair of brackets assembled at both ends of the shaft unit and allowing the shaft unit to be rotatably mounted to the brush head; anda handle unit detachably mounted on the brush head and detachably mounted to one of the pair of brackets.2. The cleaner according to claim 1 , whereinthe shaft unit includes a shaft formed of a rigid body and a pipe having a cylindrical shape and in which the shaft is accommodated.3. The cleaner according to claim 2 , whereinthe shaft and the pipe are provided integrally, or provided separately and assembled.4. The cleaner according to claim 1 , whereinthe elastic member is formed of a sponge or plastic formed of an elastic material having a mesh shape.5. The cleaner according ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Go Anywhere Bidet

Номер: US20180070781A9
Автор: Culton, SR. Steven Edwards

This device is a portable, self-contained, manually operated, personal toilet hygiene device to be used externally as a portable bidet for anal and genital water-spray hygiene completion after toileting. It is a substantial modification of a two liter, plastic, manually filled and hand-pressure-pumped garden weed sprayer. Where weed sprayers are designed to spray toxic liquids AWAY from the user, this device has been modified to direct non-toxic liquids TOWARD the user; specifically, toward the anal and genital area after toileting. This device consists of a two liter, heavy walled, plastic cylindrical reservoir, a removable center-mount hand-pump, a nylon reinforced plastic hose, a hand-held hose handle with a control release lever, a plastic wand extension with 135 degree modified bend at the tip and an adjustable spray nozzle. 1. This is a utility toileting hygiene devise singularly unique in its volume portability , independence of usability and utility which represents a significant change in use from a garden weed sprayer due to the modification providing 135 degree re-angulation of spray toward the user and therefore it is unique and cannot be used to teach the use of a garden weed sprayer.2. The removable cord loop lariat adds a unique feature by facilitating suspension of the device providing its use in contaminated public toileting environments which further establishes its unique application and use-ability as a toileting hygiene devise.3. The portable , two litre volume and manual free-standing pressure delivery ability substantially differentiates this devise from all other utilities and designs in the bidet hygiene field. The present invention relates to a portable hand-held, manually operated/pressurized liquid delivery, personal toilet hygiene device to be personally placed between the legs of the user while sitting on a toilet and used externally as a bidet to accomplish the successful completion of thorough, more complete toilet hygiene in lieu of ...
