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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-08-1995 дата публикации

Складной мольберт

Номер: RU0000000657U1

Складной мольберт, содержащий корпус с поворотной крышкой и телескопически складывающимися ножками, шарнирно связанными с корпусом с возможностью фиксации на нем в сложенном положении мольберта, отличающийся тем, что откидная крышка включает рамку из П-образного профиля, образующего направляющие для установки съемной плоскости, выполненной прозрачной, например из стекла или органического стекла, при этом поперечины рамки снабжены замками, а корпус снабжен выдвижными ящиками, с которыми взаимодействуют замки рамки в сложенном положении мольберта. (19) RU (11) (13) 657 U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/08 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94004542/12, 08.02.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.08.1995 (71) Заявитель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич (73) Патентообладатель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич U 1 6 5 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Складной мольберт, содержащий корпус с поворотной крышкой и телескопически складывающимися ножками, шарнирно связанными с корпусом с возможностью фиксации на нем в сложенном положении мольберта, отличающийся тем, что откидная крышка включает рамку из П-образного профиля, образующего направляющие для установки съемной плоскости, выполненной прозрачной, например из стекла или органического стекла, при этом поперечины рамки снабжены замками, а корпус снабжен выдвижными ящиками, с которыми взаимодействуют замки рамки в сложенном положении мольберта. 6 5 7 (54) Складной мольберт R U (72) Автор(ы): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич RU 657 U1 RU 657 U1 RU 657 U1

16-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002179U1

1. Устройство для размещения наглядных пособий, содержащее средство для крепления наглядных пособий и средство для их навешивания, отличающееся тем, что средство для крепления выполнено в виде набора рамок, а средство для навешивания рамок с наглядными пособиями включает закрепленный на вертикальной поверхности объекта уголковый кронштейн, смонтированные на кронштейне параллельно расположенные направляющие, и крючки установленные на направляющих посредством роликов с возможностью перемещения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено выдвижной шторкой для закрывания набора рамок в нерабочем положении. (19) RU (11) (13) 2 179 U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94036844/20, 30.09.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.06.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич (73) Патентообладатель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич U 1 2 1 7 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для размещения наглядных пособий, содержащее средство для крепления наглядных пособий и средство для их навешивания, отличающееся тем, что средство для крепления выполнено в виде набора рамок, а средство для навешивания рамок с наглядными пособиями включает закрепленный на вертикальной поверхности объекта уголковый кронштейн, смонтированные на кронштейне параллельно расположенные направляющие, и крючки установленные на направляющих посредством роликов с возможностью перемещения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено выдвижной шторкой для закрывания набора рамок в нерабочем положении. 2 1 7 9 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РАЗМЕЩЕНИЯ НАГЛЯДНЫХ ПОСОБИЙ R U (72) Автор(ы): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич RU 2 179 U1 RU 2 179 U1 RU 2 179 U1

16-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004664U1

1. Устройство для демонстрации иллюстративного материала, содержащее соединенные друг с другом планшеты, отличающееся тем, что планшеты, имеющие борта и синтетические тяжи с эластичными вставками для фиксации на их поверхности иллюстративного материала, жестко скреплены посредством пазов и фиксаторов и прикреплены при помощи скользящих фиксаторов к сборной штанге. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что для удобства пользования оно снабжено вращающимся креплением для соединения сборной штанги с вертикальной разъемной штангой, которая соединена со струбциной, служащей для прикрепления устройства к горизонтальному выступу. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что для удобства пользования планшеты выполнены из магнитного материала и снабжены штырями, вставляемыми перпендикулярно поверхности планшетов в отверстия на планшетах и используемыми для прикрепления иллюстративного материала большого формата, а также устройство снабжено подвесом для его подвешивания и магнитными накладками для размещения иллюстративного материала на поверхности планшетов в виде аппликаций. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 664 U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96111372/20, 05.06.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.08.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Титов Евгений Викторович (72) Автор(ы): Титов Евгений Викторович R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Титов Евгений Викторович 4 6 6 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для демонстрации иллюстративного материала, содержащее соединенные друг с другом планшеты, отличающееся тем, что планшеты, имеющие борта и синтетические тяжи с эластичными вставками для фиксации на их поверхности иллюстративного материала, жестко скреплены посредством пазов и фиксаторов и прикреплены при помощи скользящих фиксаторов к сборной штанге. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что для удобства пользования оно снабжено вращающимся креплением для соединения ...

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036761U1

1. Перегородка с элементом для установки навесного аксессуара, содержащая, по меньшей мере, один модуль в виде панели с боковыми стойками, отличающаяся тем, что элемент для установки навесного аксессуара выполнен в виде планки, одна сторона которой имеет средство для соединения с аксессуаром, а другая выполнена с возможностью соединения с крепежным приспособлением, установленным в пазу, по крайней мере, одной боковой стойки с возможностью перемещения вдоль этого паза и фиксации в нем на любом уровне. 2. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что планка имеет плоскую тыльную поверхность, предназначенную для контакта с модулем, и выпуклую лицевую поверхность, а средство для соединения с аксессуаром выполнено в виде размещенной на лицевой поверхности планки, по меньшей мере, одной продольной выемки-направляющей и/или, по меньшей мере, одного выступа. 3. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что крепежное приспособление выполнено в виде, по меньшей мере, одной прямоугольной или круглой с лысками гайки, установленной в пазу боковой стойки, соединенной с винтом, проходящим через образованное в планке отверстие. 4. Перегородка по любому из пп.2 и 3, отличающаяся тем, что планка снабжена съемным фиксатором положения аксессуара, выполненным в виде рейки, имеющей сечение в форме швеллера, и установленной в выемке-направляющей, и парой торцевых заглушек. 5. Перегородка по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что выемка планки и паз боковой стойки имеют Т-образное поперечное сечение. 6. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что панель выполнена из светонепроницаемого или светопроницаемого материала или их комбинации, а боковая стойка - из алюминиевого профиля. 7. Перегородка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что аксессуар выполнен в виде полки, лотка для канцелярских принадлежностей или бумаг, светильника, держателя для компакт-дисков, магнитной панели и другого. (19) RU (11) 36 761 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ...

20-11-2004 дата публикации

Мебельная боковая стенка с подсветкой для жилых помещений

Номер: RU0000041963U1

В заявке описана мебельная боковая стенка с подсветкой для жилых помещений, которая отличается тем, что она выполнена в виде Г-образной стеллажной перегородки (1) со встроенными в нее с ее обратной стороны светильниками (2) и в соответствии с индивидуальными требованиями встроена в мебель для жилых помещений, такую как секционная мебель-стенка или шкаф-витрина. (Фиг.) Ил 41963 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) 7% 7 27 г 7 77 й (11) х хх (13) №: о “\ КО 41 963 91 (51) МК’ А 47 В 65/00 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ 12 ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004105471/22, 01.03.2004 (72) Автор(ы): ХЕНТШКЕР Дитмар (0Е) (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭВМ АЙЗЕНБЕРГЕР ВОНМЁБЕЛЬ ГМБХ УНД (30) Конвенционный приоритет: КО, КГ (ОЕ) 29.10.2003 (пп.1, 2) ОЕ 20316638.8 (74) Патентный поверенный: Адрес для переписки: 101000, Москва, пер. М.Златоустинский, 10, кв.15, бюро "ЕВРОМАРКПА"Т", пат.пов. М.Б.Веселицкому (54) МЕБЕЛЬНАЯ БОКОВАЯ СТЕНКА С ПОДСВЕТКОЙ ДЛЯ ЖИЛЫХ ПОМЕЩЕНИЙ ММЛК - Досрочное прекращение действия патента (свидетельства) Российской Федерации на полезную модель из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента (свидетельства) в силе (21) Регистрационный номер заявки: 2004105471 Дата прекращения действия патента: 02.03.2006 Извещение опубликовано: 20.12.2007 БИ: 35/2007 Страница: 1 па сСЭбГР ЕП

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000044243U1
Автор: Валек А.М.

1. Сборная мебель, содержащая модульные конструктивные элементы и узлы их соединений, отличающаяся тем, что модульный элемент выполнен в виде рамки, собранной из бруса прямоугольного сечения, установленного на ребро, а узлы соединения выполнены в виде кронштейнов с опорными отверстиями под сечение бруса рамки, при этом кронштейны выполнены с возможностью соединения рамок между собой под разными углами. 2. Мебель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рамка имеет две и более ячейки, сформированные из бруса прямоугольного сечения, установленного на ребро. 3. Мебель по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что брус, формирующий ячейки в рамке, выполняющей функцию столешницы, расположен крестообразно. 4. Мебель п.1, отличающаяся тем, что оснащена осью поворота кронштейнов относительно друг друга, сечение которой представляет собой многогранник. 5. Мебель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что оси опорных отверстий кронштейна, соединяющего вертикальную и горизонтальную рамки, взаимно перпендикулярны. 6. Мебель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве столешницы она содержит полку, и дополнительно зажим в виде кронштейна, с опорным отверстием под полку. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 44 243 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004112693/22 , 28.04.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.04.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Валек А.М. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Валек Алексей Михайлович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 4 2 4 3 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Сборная мебель, содержащая модульные конструктивные элементы и узлы их соединений, отличающаяся тем, что модульный элемент выполнен в виде рамки, собранной из бруса прямоугольного сечения, установленного на ребро, а узлы соединения выполнены в виде кронштейнов с опорными отверстиями под сечение бруса рамки, при этом кронштейны выполнены с возможностью соединения рамок между собой ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000044244U1
Автор: Розов Г.Э.

1. Направляющая для компакт-дисков, представляющая собой профиль из полимерного материала с выполненными в нем прямоугольными вырезами для размещения в них дисков, отличающаяся тем, что профиль изготовлен из гибкого полимерного материала и имеет вертикальную стяжку посередине. 2. Направляющая по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стороны профиля имеют продольные буртики для крепления профиля к боковым стойкам отсека мебели. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 44 244 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 (2000.01) G11B 23/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004131284/22 , 25.10.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.10.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Розов Г.Э. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Розов Георгий Эдуардович (RU) U 1 4 4 2 4 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Направляющая для компакт-дисков, представляющая собой профиль из полимерного материала с выполненными в нем прямоугольными вырезами для размещения в них дисков, отличающаяся тем, что профиль изготовлен из гибкого полимерного материала и имеет вертикальную стяжку посередине. 2. Направляющая по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стороны профиля имеют продольные буртики для крепления профиля к боковым стойкам отсека мебели. 4 4 2 4 4 (54) НАПРАВЛЯЮЩАЯ ДЛЯ КОМПАКТ-ДИСКОВ R U Адрес для переписки: 196143, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Ю. Гагарина, 38, корп.4, кв.40, Г.Э. Розову RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 44 244 U1 Полезная модель относится к устройствам для хранения дисковых носителей информации и используется в качестве фурнитуры для офисной, компьютерной и бытовой мебели, где предусматривается хранение компакт-дисков. Известен стеллаж для компакт-дисков, видео- и аудиокассет (1), выполненный в виде двух боковых стенок, соединенных сверху и снизу стяжками и имеющих на своих внутренних поверхностях параллельные между собой направляющие элементы, выполненные, в ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000044245U1
Автор: Розов Г.Э.

1. Стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки с параллельно расположенными на их внутренней стороне направляющими элементами для размещения компакт-дисков и соответствующими отверстиями и приливами для компоновки в мебель с одной стороны и приливом-упором для дисков с другой стороны боковой стенки, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стенки соединены между собой опорной поверхностью и закрывающим элементом с выполненными в них прорезями для установки в них боковых стенок. 2. Стойка для компакт-дисков по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стенки имеют соответствующие конфигурациям прорезей опорной поверхности и закрывающего элемента пазы для сборки стойки. 3. Стойка для компакт-дисков по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что закрывающий элемент выполнен в виде крышки с желобом и прорезью для захвата крышки рукой на передней ее части. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 44 245 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 (2000.01) G11B 23/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004131714/22 , 01.11.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.11.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Розов Г.Э. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Розов Георгий Эдуардович (RU) U 1 4 4 2 4 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки с параллельно расположенными на их внутренней стороне направляющими элементами для размещения компакт-дисков и соответствующими отверстиями и приливами для компоновки в мебель с одной стороны и приливом-упором для дисков с другой стороны боковой стенки, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стенки соединены между собой опорной поверхностью и закрывающим элементом с выполненными в них прорезями для установки в них боковых стенок. 2. Стойка для компакт-дисков по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые стенки имеют соответствующие конфигурациям ...

10-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000051838U1

1. Мольберт-этюдник, состоящий из опорной стойки, имеющей П-образную форму с выдвижными ножками, ящик для художественного материала, основание для планшета, фиксатор, отличающийся тем, что опорная стойка телескопически соединена с П-образной рамой, установленной на двух колесах, и ручкой, выполненной П-образно с расположенным на ней фиксатором, к опорной стойке подвижно присоединены откидной стол, имеющий телескопическую ножку, на конце которой размещен округленный наконечник, и две симметричные выдвижные телескопические опорные ножки, выполненные Г-образно в месте соединения с опорной стойкой, имеющие на конце каждой из них выступы, при этом все телескопически соединенные детали скреплены, например, барашками. 2. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что телескопическая ножка, присоединенная к столу, выполнена с округленным наконечником. 3. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что ящик для художественного материала расположен на оси с возможностью поворота на 180°. 4. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит ящики для художественных материалов, укрепленные на оси так, что днище одного ящика является крышкой другого. 5. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стойка, рама и ручка выполнены из материала трубчатого профиля. 6. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что откидной стол, выдвижные телескопические опорные ножки соединены с опорной стойкой шарнирно. 7. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1, или 2, или 3, отличающийся тем, что основание для планшета жестко прикреплено на опорной стойке. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 51 838 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005123467/22 , 22.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.07.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального ...

27-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000057570U1

1. Мольберт складной, содержащий треногу, имеющую упор для установки планшета и струбцину для его зажима, отличающийся тем, что нижние части ножек соединены царгой, верхние части ножек мольберта расположены на одной оси и стянуты шпилькой, проходящей внутри распорных труб, на которые в свою очередь посредством кронштейнов с проушинами опирается поворотный брус с металлической направляющей пластиной, в прорезях которой продвигается вверх или вниз Т-образная подвижная опора, снабженная фиксирующим устройством в виде шарнирно соединенной с ней штанги из квадратного трубчатого профиля и стяжного винта, находящихся в прорезях центральной ножки мольберта. 2. Мольберт по п.1, отличающийся тем, что штанга фиксирующего устройства зажимается во фронтальной прорези центральной ножки. 3. Мольберт по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стяжной винт фиксирующего устройства находится в профильной прорези центральной ножки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 57 570 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006117053/22 , 17.05.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.05.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Омский государственный институт сервиса" (ГОУ ВПО ОГИС) (RU) U 1 5 7 5 7 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Мольберт складной, содержащий треногу, имеющую упор для установки планшета и струбцину для его зажима, отличающийся тем, что нижние части ножек соединены царгой, верхние части ножек мольберта расположены на одной оси и стянуты шпилькой, проходящей внутри распорных труб, на которые в свою очередь посредством кронштейнов с проушинами опирается поворотный брус с металлической направляющей пластиной, в прорезях которой продвигается вверх или вниз Т-образная подвижная опора, снабженная фиксирующим устройством в виде ...

10-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000058871U1

1. Мольберт-этюдник, содержащий телескопические стойки, устройство для закрепления стоек и устройство для установки картины, отличающийся тем, что верхний конец трубки большего диаметра телескопической стойки снабжен вставкой с резьбовой втулкой, в которую установлен винт с четырехгранным упором под головкой, а в верхний конец трубки меньшего диаметра установлена заглушка с диаметрально закрепленным в ней винтом, резьбовая ножка которого введена в продольную прорезь трубки большего диаметра и зафиксирована в ней поворотным зажимом. 2. Мольберт-этюдник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство для закрепления стоек выполнено в виде Т-образной пластины с отогнутыми концевыми площадками и ограниченной с трех сторон их ребрами перегиба центральной площадкой, каждая из отогнутых концевых площадок имеет вырез для установки в нем четырехгранного упора винта, головка которого прижимается к поверхности отогнутой концевой площадки вращением телескопической стойки. 3. Мольберт-этюдник по п.2, отличающийся тем, что устройство для установки картины содержит опорную планку с двумя продольными вырезами и закрепленными на поверхности планки пластинчатыми упорами, отогнутыми вперед и вверх относительно верхнего ребра опорной планки, а также два кольца с радиально установленными в них резьбовыми стержнями, надетых на передние телескопические стойки, и верхний фиксатор, выполненный в виде проволочного стержня с загнутым верхним концом, установленного с возможностью продольного перемещения в опоре, которая жестко закреплена на центральной площадке Т-образной пластины, при этом резьбовые стержни колец введены в продольные вырезы опорной планки и зафиксированы в них поворотными зажимами. 4. Мольберт-этюдник по п.3, отличающийся тем, что опора выполнена в виде бруска, имеющего сквозное продольное отверстие для установки проволочного стержня и сквозное поперечное отверстие, в котором установлена цилиндрическая втулка с диаметральным сквозным отверстием, соосным продольному отверстию бруска, ...

10-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000059948U1

1. Формообразующий элемент сборной мебели, выполненный в виде бруса, отличающийся тем, что брус выполнен сечением, имеющим не менее шести граней. 2. Формообразующий элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что брус выполнен сечением, имеющим форму восьмигранника. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 59 948 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006127145/22 , 26.07.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.07.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Валек Алексей Михайлович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Валек Алексей Михайлович (RU) U 1 5 9 9 4 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Формообразующий элемент сборной мебели, выполненный в виде бруса, отличающийся тем, что брус выполнен сечением, имеющим не менее шести граней. 2. Формообразующий элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что брус выполнен сечением, имеющим форму восьмигранника. 5 9 9 4 8 (54) ФОРМООБРАЗУЮЩИЙ ЭЛЕМЕНТ СБОРНОЙ МЕБЕЛИ R U Адрес для переписки: 620137, г.Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, 16, ОАО "ВНИИМТ", патентный отдел, В.А. Щербининой RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 59 948 U1 Полезная модель относится к предметам домашнего обихода и может быть использована в производстве деревянной сборной модульной мебели, как домашней, так и уличной. Полезная модель создана в развитие технических решений по созданию модульных конструкций мебели, содержащих в своей основе рамку из бруса, установленного на ребро. Рамка с помощью соединительных кронштейнов может соединяться с другой рамкой, образуя при этом модульные мебельные конструкции различного назначения (Патент РФ №44243, публ. 2005 г.). Формообразующий элемент - брус, используемый в известном решении, имеет прямоугольное сечение. При создании более массивных конструкций прямоугольная форма сечения, при сохранении ее конструктивной жесткости, может иметь большее количество граней. Увеличение ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070759U1

Стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки, закрепленные на основании и связанные в верхней части крышкой, при этом на обращенных навстречу друг другу поверхностях боковых стенок выполнены параллельно расположенные направляющие элементы в виде узких полок для горизонтального размещения компакт-дисков, вставляемых между полками с одной стороны корпуса, с другой стороны которого напротив каждого проема между полками у боковых стенок выполнены выступы для ограничения перемещения компакт-дисков по глубине полок, отличающаяся тем, что на каждой боковой стенке между смежными по высоте полками закреплены фиксаторы положения компакт-дисков в полках, каждый из которых выполнен в виде плоской пружинной ленты с дугообразной частью, обращенной в сторону противолежащей боковой стенки корпуса, а ширина боковой стенки до выступов со стороны установки компакт дисков в полки выполнена меньше длины стороны компакт-диска. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 70 759 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 G11B 23/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007135823/22 , 27.09.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.09.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "СаундБокс" (RU) U 1 7 0 7 5 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки, закрепленные на основании и связанные в верхней части крышкой, при этом на обращенных навстречу друг другу поверхностях боковых стенок выполнены параллельно расположенные направляющие элементы в виде узких полок для горизонтального размещения компакт-дисков, вставляемых между полками с одной стороны корпуса, с другой стороны которого напротив каждого проема между полками у боковых стенок выполнены выступы для ограничения перемещения компакт-дисков ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070760U1

1. Секционная стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая прямоугольной формы корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки, связанные между собой в нижней и в верхней части пластинами, нижняя из которых является основанием, по крайней мере одну перегородку между боковыми стенками для образования секций между перегородкой и боковыми стенками для размещения компакт-дисков, при этом на обращенных навстречу друг другу поверхностях боковых стенок и перегородок выполнены параллельно друг другу направляющие элементы в виде узких полок для горизонтального размещения компакт-дисков, вставляемых между полками с одной стороны корпуса, с другой стороны которого напротив каждого проема между полками у боковых стенок выполнены выступы для ограничения перемещения компакт-дисков по глубине полок, отличающаяся тем, что указанные выступы выполнены в виде отбортовки боковых стенок и перегородки, направленной перпендикулярно к поверхности этих стенок и перегородки, полки на боковых стенках и перегородки выполнены по всей ширине указанных стенок и перегородки, которая выполнена со стороны установки компакт-дисков в полки с закруглением, диаметр которого больше толщины стенки перегородки, а в боковых стенках и в перегородке между полками выполнены удлиненные сквозные вырезы, длина которых меньше ширины этих стенок и перегородки соответственно, ширина полок равна ширине отбортовки боковой стенки или перегородки и меньше длины стороны компакт-диска. 2. Стойка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что с тыльной стороны корпуса верхняя и нижняя пластины выполнены с отбортовками, направленными перпендикулярно к поверхности этих стенок для образования элементов жесткости корпуса. 3. Секционная стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая прямоугольной формы корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки, связанные между собой в нижней и в верхней части пластинами, нижняя из которых является основанием, по крайней мере одну перегородку между боковыми стенками для образования секций между перегородкой и боковыми ...

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070761U1

1. Стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки, связанные между собой в нижней и в верхней частях перемычками, нижняя из которых выполнена в виде основания, при этом на обращенных навстречу друг другу поверхностях боковых стенок, выполненных параллельно друг другу, расположены направляющие элементы в виде узких полок для горизонтального размещения компакт-дисков, вставляемых между полками с одной стороны корпуса, с другой стороны которого, напротив каждого проема между полками, у боковых стенок выполнены выступы для ограничения перемещения компакт-дисков по глубине полок, отличающаяся тем, что верхняя перемычка выполнена в виде цилиндрообразной ручки, боковые стенки выполнены дугообразными и вогнутыми со стороны установки компакт-дисков в полки для обеспечения размещения каждого последующего компакт-диска по высоте расположения стойки компакт-диска смещенным вглубь полки относительно предыдущего компакт-диска, уложенного в полку, боковые стенки выполнены тонкостенными с отбортовкой по периметру, направленной в сторону полок, а основание выполнено в виде двух перемычек, на одной боковой стороне выполнены по крайней мере два выступа, а на другой боковой стороне выполнены ответные выступам отверстия для присоединения дополнительной стойки, при этом на каждой боковой стенке между смежно расположенными по высоте этой с полками выполнены выступы для ориентирования положения компакт-диска в полках. 2. Стойка для компакт-дисков, содержащая корпус, в состав которого входят боковые стенки, закрепленные, связанные между собой в нижней и в верхней части перемычками, нижняя из которых выполнена в виде основания, при этом на обращенных навстречу друг другу поверхностях боковых стенок выполнены параллельно друг другу расположенные направляющие элементы в виде узких полок для размещения компакт-дисков, вставляемых между полками с одной стороны корпуса, с другой стороны которого напротив каждого проема между полками у боковых стенок ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000078050U1

1. Фоторамка, содержащая лицевую часть в виде прозрачной пластины, задник в виде пластины и размещенный между ними листок полиграфического вкладыша, отличающаяся тем, что лицевая часть имеет по всему периметру загнутые боковые края, при этом между лицевой частью и листком полиграфического вкладыша расположено паспарту, боковые края которого по всему периметру загнуты аналогично лицевой части, а задник выполнен с боковыми утолщениями по всему периметру с возможностью входить в углубление, образованное отогнутыми боковыми краями паспарту. 2. Фоторамка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что паспарту выполнено цветным. 3. Фоторамка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что задник имеет вырубки для формирования отгибаемого лепестка в виде ножки, линия отгиба которого перпендикулярна нижней кромке задника. 4. Фоторамка по одному из пп.1 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что задник имеет вырубки для формирования отгибаемого лепестка в виде ножки, линия отгиба которого перпендикулярна боковой кромке задника. 5. Фоторамка по одному из пп.1, 2 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что задник на своей наружной стороне снабжен, по крайней мере, одной пластинкой из магнитного винила. 6. Фоторамка по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что задник на своей наружной стороне снабжен, по крайней мере, одной пластинкой из магнитного винила. 7. Фоторамка по одному из пп.1, 2, 3 или 6, отличающаяся тем, что задник снабжен двумя элементами для подвески с фигурными углублениями, при этом один элемент для подвески расположен у бокового утолщения задника на центральной продольной его оси, а другая - у бокового утолщения задника на центральной поперечной его оси. 8. Фоторамка по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что задник снабжен двумя элементами для подвески с фигурными углублениями, при этом одна бобышка расположена у бокового утолщения задника на центральной продольной его оси, а другая - у бокового утолщения задника на центральной поперечной его оси. 9. Фоторамка по п.5, отличающаяся тем, что задник снабжен двумя элементами для подвески с фигурными ...

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000087332U1

Планшет, содержащий жесткий корпус с бортами, фиксатором и ручкой, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде короба и снабжен верхней крышкой, установленной на валике, закрепленном на рычаге с возможностью поворота на оси, закрепленной в верхней части боковых бортов корпуса, а рабочая поверхность планшета состоит из двух створок, закрепленных на одной оси, одна из створок выполнена прозрачной и в ее верхней части установлены пластинчатые прижимные элементы радиусной формы, а на нижней створке, на внутренней поверхности закреплены приспособления с инструментарием, причем верхняя и нижняя створки размещены в нише, образуемой бортами корпуса, причем один из бортов выполнен с выемкой, а на боковых бортах корпуса установлены элементы с расположенными внутри гибкими прижимами, ручка закреплена на верхней части планшета, а фиксация верхней крышки в закрытом положении осуществляется прикрепленными к крышке ремнями и фиксаторами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 87 332 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009114775/22, 21.04.2009 Адрес для переписки: 140007, Московская обл., г. Люберцы, ул. 8-е Марта, 8а, ОАО "Камов" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Камов" (RU) (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.04.2009 U 1 8 7 3 3 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Планшет, содержащий жесткий корпус с бортами, фиксатором и ручкой, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде короба и снабжен верхней крышкой, установленной на валике, закрепленном на рычаге с возможностью поворота на оси, закрепленной в верхней части боковых бортов корпуса, а рабочая поверхность планшета состоит из двух створок, закрепленных на одной оси, одна из створок выполнена прозрачной и в ее верхней части установлены пластинчатые прижимные элементы радиусной формы, а на нижней створке, на внутренней поверхности ...

20-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000087824U1

1. Держатель компакт-дисков, представляющий собой профиль из полимерного материала, изготовленный методом литья, с выполненными в нем прямоугольными вырезами для размещения в них компакт-дисков диаметром 12 см в индивидуальных коробках типа JEWEL CASE и DOUBLE CD JEWEL CASE толщиной 10 мм, причем профиль изготовлен из полимерного материала с вертикальной стяжкой посредине и изготавливается из полипропилена марки 01030. 2. Держатель компакт-дисков по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ширина вырезов составляет 10,2 мм и это обеспечивает более надежное крепление дисков в ячейках и увеличивает механические свойства стойки в целом. 3. Держатель компакт-дисков по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеет с боков продольные буртики шириной 3 мм, ширина вертикальной стяжки равна 6,2 мм, а толщина профиля держателя равна 2,2 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 87 824 (13) U1 (51) МПК G11B 23/02 A47B 97/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007104058/22, 01.02.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.02.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2009 (72) Автор(ы): Татауров Владимир Борисович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Татауров Владимир Борисович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 620103, г.Екатеринбург, ПСО-103, а/я 13, Татаурову В.Б. U 1 8 7 8 2 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Держатель компакт-дисков, представляющий собой профиль из полимерного материала, изготовленный методом литья, с выполненными в нем прямоугольными вырезами для размещения в них компакт-дисков диаметром 12 см в индивидуальных коробках типа JEWEL CASE и DOUBLE CD JEWEL CASE толщиной 10 мм, причем профиль изготовлен из полимерного материала с вертикальной стяжкой посредине и изготавливается из полипропилена марки 01030. 2. Держатель компакт-дисков по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ширина вырезов составляет 10,2 мм и это обеспечивает более надежное крепление дисков в ячейках ...

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000096476U1

1. Рамка для информации, выполненная в виде четырехугольного каркаса, образованного профилями, отличающаяся тем, что снабжена, по крайней мере, одной парой шарниров вращения и одной парой разъемных шарниров с потайными замками, в каркасе закреплен прозрачный экран, а профили каркаса выполнены в виде уголка. 2. Рамка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что шарниры вращения и разъемные шарниры расположены на противолежащих профилях каркаса. 3. Рамка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на профиле каркаса, в котором расположены шарниры вращения, выполнена отбортовка. 4. Рамка для информации, выполненная в виде четырехугольного каркаса, образованного профилями, отличающаяся тем, что профили каркаса имеют L-образное поперечное сечение, причем три профиля каркаса соединены между собой неразъемно и в пазах профилей закреплен прозрачный экран, а четвертый профиль выполнен с возможностью отсоединения от смежных с ним профилей и снабжен потайными запорами. 5. Рамка по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что потайные запоры расположены на боковых сторонах съемного профиля и принимают потайные запирающие элементы, установленные в смежных профилях каркаса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 96 476 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47F 5/08 (2006.01) A47B 97/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010111712/22, 26.03.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.03.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.08.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Марнов Виталий Владимирович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 445056, Самарская обл., г. Тольятти, ул. 40 лет Победы, 84, а/я 1261, Н.Е. Романеевой U 1 9 6 4 7 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Рамка для информации, выполненная в виде четырехугольного каркаса, образованного профилями, отличающаяся тем, что снабжена, по крайней мере, одной парой шарниров вращения и одной парой разъемных шарниров с потайными замками, в каркасе закреплен прозрачный экран, а профили каркаса выполнены ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112819U1

1. Стенд информационный, содержащий сборную раму для носителя информации, выполненную из пластмассовых труб, соединенных плавными уголковыми переходами, по меньшей мере, одну опору в виде изогнутого профиля, связанную стойками с верхней и нижней трубами рамы, верхний конец каждой из стоек закреплен к трубе раме через шарнирный кронштейн-тройник, состоящий из продольной втулки со сквозным отверстием для трубы рамы и радиальной втулки с отверстием для верхнего конца стойки, при этом верхняя и нижняя трубы рамы установлены в отверстиях продольных втулок с возможностью поворота вокруг своей оси, причем к верхней трубе рамы закреплена, по меньшей мере, одна стойка, выполненная сменной, с большей длиной, чем стойка, закрепленная к нижней трубе рамы. 2. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с одной опорой и с тремя стойками, одна из которых закреплена к верхней, а две - к нижней трубе рамы, при этом опора выполнена в виде изогнутого профиля, соединенного с нижним концом каждой стойки. 3. Стенд по п.2, отличающийся тем, что опора выполнена в виде профиля круглого сечения, изогнутого с образованием П-образной установочной части и двух вертикальных частей, соединенных коническими раструбами с нижними концами стоек, закрепленных к нижней трубе рамы. 4. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с двумя опорами и четырьмя стойками, две из которых закреплены к верхней трубе и выполнены сменными, причем каждая опора выполнена в виде изогнутого профиля, соединенного с нижними концами двух стоек, одна из которых закреплена к нижней, а другая, выполненная сменной, - к верхней трубе рамы. 5. Стенд по п.4, отличающийся тем, что каждая опора выполнена в виде профиля круглого сечения, изогнутого с образованием установочной части, соединенной одним концом с одной из двух сменных стоек, а другим концом - с одной из двух других стоек коническим раструбом. 6. Стенд по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что уголковые переходы рамы выполнены с коническими раструбами по краям. ...

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112820U1

1. Стенд информационный, содержащий сборную раму для носителя информации, выполненную из пластмассовых труб, соединенных уголковыми переходами, по меньшей мере, одну опору, связанную с рамой стойкой, верхний конец которой закреплен к раме через шарнирный кронштейн-тройник, состоящий из продольной втулки со сквозным отверстием для нижней трубы рамы, установленной в нем с возможностью поворота вокруг своей оси, и радиальной втулки с отверстием для верхнего конца упомянутой стойки, причем кронштейн-тройник выполнен с тормозящими выступами на внутренней цилиндрической поверхности сквозного отверстия продольной втулки и снабжен пластиковыми хомутами, охватывающими втулки с возможностью фиксации рамы в различных угловых положениях. 2. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая опора выполнена полусферической, с радиальным отверстием для стойки. 3. Стенд по п.2, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с двумя полыми полусферическими опорами. 4. Стенд по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с двумя стойками, а опора выполнена в виде изогнутого профиля, соединенного с нижним концом каждой стойки. 5. Стенд по п.4, отличающийся тем, что опора выполнена в виде профиля круглого сечения, изогнутого с образованием П-образной установочной части и двух вертикальных частей, соединенных с нижними концами стоек коническими раструбами. 6. Стенд по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что тормозящие выступы на внутренней цилиндрической поверхности сквозного отверстия продольной втулки выполнены радиальными, с жесткостью, выбранной из условия обеспечения упругой деформации установленной в этом отверстии пластмассовой трубы рамы. 7. Стенд по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что кронштейн-тройник выполнен сборно-разборным. 8. Стенд по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что уголковые переходы рамы выполнены с коническими раструбами по краям. 9. Стенд по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что носитель информации выполнен в виде сменного текстильного полотна, натянутого на раме эластичными ...

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000133395U1

1. Мольберт, содержащий держатель планшета и механизм установки планшета на горизонтальную поверхность, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит механизм произвольного изменения положения планшета относительно горизонтальной плоскости, жестко установленный между механизмом установки планшета на горизонтальную плоскость и держателем планшета. 2. Мольберт по п.1, отличающийся тем, что механизм произвольного изменения положения планшета относительно горизонтальной плоскости выполнен в виде шарнира Гука с установленными на двух смежных концах крестовины по устройству для регулирования усилия перемещения планшета. 3. Мольберт по п.1, отличающийся тем, что механизм произвольного изменения положения планшета относительно горизонтальной плоскости выполнен в виде двойного шарнира Гука с установленными на двух смежных концах каждой крестовины по устройству для регулирования усилия перемещения планшета. 4. Мольберт по пп.2 и 3, отличающийся тем, что устройства для регулирования усилия перемещения планшета отрегулированы на равновеликую величину. 5. Мольберт по п.3, отличающийся тем, что взаимосвязанные друг с другом вилки шарниров Гука смещены относительно друг друга на величину в 45°. 6. Мольберт по пп.2 и 3, отличающийся тем, что каждое из устройств для регулирования усилия перемещения планшета выполнено в виде цангового зажима. 7. Мольберт по п.1, отличающийся тем, что механизм произвольного изменения положения планшета относительно горизонтальной плоскости выполнен в виде шара, охваченного двумя шайбами, связанными друг с другом устройствами для регулирования усилия перемещения планшета, при этом внутренняя поверхность каждой шайбы выполнена повторяющей форму контактирующей поверхности шара. 8. Мольберт по п.4, отличающийся тем, что в качестве устройства для регулирования усилия перемещения планшета использованы стяжные болты для шайб. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A47B 97/08 (13) 133 395 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ ( ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000149023U1

1. Муштабель, выполненный в виде трезвенного шарнирного механизма, первое звено из которых представляет элемент дополнительно введенного крепежного приспособления, второе и третье - планки, второе звено выполнено с возможность вращения относительно первого звена, третье звено - с возможностью вращения относительно второго, отличающийся тем, что второе звено по отношению к первому звену расположено под небольшим углом - до 10°. 2. Муштабель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на конце третьего звена установлена ручка. 3. Муштабель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что сумма длин второй и третьей планок равна или больше диагонали планшета (мольберта), на котором крепится муштабель. 4. Муштабель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что крепежное приспособление выполнено в виде двух планок, одна из которых первое звено трехзвенного шарнирного механизма, и расположенных в рабочем состоянии параллельно друг другу с возможностью изменения расстояния между собой с помощью двух крепежных элементов, каждый из которых представляет собой пару болт-гайка. 5. Муштабель по п. 4, отличающийся тем, что первое звено со стороны второй планки крепежного приспособления снабжено выемкой в виде прямоугольного треугольника, расположенного между крепежными элементами. 6. Муштабель по п. 4, отличающийся тем, что крепежные элементы снабжены пружинами, расположенными между планками. 7. Муштабель по п. 4, отличающийся тем, что каждый болт крепежного соединения жестко закреплен на первом звене. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 149 023 U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014128091/12, 08.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.07.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Буйко Олег Брониславович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Буйко Олег Брониславович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.07.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2014 Бюл. № 35 1 4 9 0 2 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Муштабель, ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164396U1

1. Выставочный стенд, содержащий вертикальные стойки, каждая из которых с помощью замка закреплена в собственном горизонтальном основании, две гибкие полосы, образованные секциями, попарно соединяющими смежные стойки в верхней и нижней частях, и гибкую фотопанель, также образованную секциями, прикреплёнными к смежным стойкам посредством магнитной ленты, отличающийся тем, что секции гибких полос выполнены в виде стальных лент, на каждом конце которых установлен кронштейн, прикреплённый к соответствующей стойке посредством плавающего соединения. 2. Выставочный стенд по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что плавающее соединение образовано бобышкой с шляпкой, установленной на свободной полке кронштейна, и полостью в стойке, выходное отверстие которой обеспечивает возможность свободного перемещения бобышки, но препятствует выходу её шляпки. 3. Выставочный стенд по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что стойки выполнены разборными. 4. Выставочный стенд по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что фотопанели прикреплены к гибким полосам посредством магнитной ленты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 396 U1 (51) МПК E04B 2/74 (2006.01) A47B 97/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016115096/03, 19.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.04.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Скрипкарь Владимир Георгиевич (RU), Силин Александр Максимович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2016 U 1 1 6 4 3 9 6 R U Стр.: 1 Фотопанель также образована секциями, прикрепленными к смежным стойкам посредством магнитной ленты. Секции гибких полос выполнены в виде стальных лент. На каждом конце лент установлен кронштейн, прикрепленный к соответствующей стойке посредством плавающего соединения. Полезная модель позволяет упростить конструкцию стенда. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. U 1 (54) ВЫСТАВОЧНЫЙ СТЕНД (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к выставочному оборудованию, а именно, к сборно-разборным стендам сложной формы на основе фотопанелей. ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000167716U1

Полезная модель относится к художественным принадлежностям и предназначено для использования в помещениях и на открытом пространстве. Мольберт содержит установленную на опорном основании вертикальную стойку, доску (1), средство (5) для размещения предметов, например, подставку или ящик, также две соединительные планки (4). Данные соединительные планки (4) связывают доску (1) и средство (5) для размещения предметов. Каждая из планок (4) расположена с соответствующих краевых сторон доски (1) и средства (5) для размещения предметов, причем указанное средство и соединительные планки образуют функциональное звено. Связь соединительных планок (4) со средством (5) для размещения предметов выполнена с возможностью его поворота вокруг горизонтальной оси, проходящей через соответствующие концевые участки соединительных планок (4) со стороны указанного средства (5), и с возможностью его фиксации в горизонтально ориентированном рабочем положении, связь соединительных планок (4) с доской (1) выполнена с возможностью поворота функционального звена вокруг горизонтальной оси, проходящей через концевые участки соединительных планок (4) со стороны доски (1), и с возможностью фиксации указанного звена. Доска (1) с тыльной стороны установлена на вертикальной стойке с возможностью поворота вокруг горизонтальной оси на 180° и фиксации в любых положениях между первым вертикальным положением и вторым вертикальным положением. Поворот доски (1), функционального звена и средства (5) для размещения предметов обеспечивает соответствующее складное положение или рабочее положение мольберта. Вертикальная стойка выполнена с возможностью регулирования по высоте. Технический результат: удобство в использовании благодаря повороту основных элементов вокруг параллельных горизонтальных осей и фиксации в выбранном рабочем положении основных элементов: доски, функционального звена и ящика (или подставки), исключающем необходимость в сборке-разборке мольберта; простота конструкции с оптимальным количеством ...

06-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000178543U1

Многочасовое сидение за столом причиняет большой вред организму людей. В связи с этим в последнее время появились регулируемые по высоте столы, а также разного рода и типа устройства-трансформеры для работы в режиме сидя-стоя. Они позволяют при необходимости менять свое положение за письменным столом, не отрываясь от работы. Они очень удобны для этой цели, однако имеют следующие недостатки: - Не всегда вписываются в интерьер, а иногда выглядят несолидно. - Многие не хотят менять свои красивые, а иногда оригинальные или антикварные столы. - Регулируемые по высоте столы дорогостоящие. - Устройства-трансформеры по внешнему виду громоздкие и выглядят несолидно, также дорогостоящие. Оригинальная альтернатива – доски-трансформеры. Доски-трансформеры - это устройство регулировки высоты, для работы за столом в режиме сидя-стоя, характеризующееся тем, что в сложенном (закрытом) состоянии выглядят как очень тонкая доска, которая расширяется по вертикали после раскрывания находящегося внутри подъемного механизма. Верхняя поверхность поднимается на определенную высоту и доска-трансформер принимает пространственную форму. Доски-трансформеры имеют ряд достоинств и преимуществ: - Недороги. - Легкие, их можно легко переносить и переставить на любой стол или другое удобное место. - По удобству в использовании не уступают другим столам и устройствам-трансформерам. - Их можно использовать не только для работы на компьютере или ноутбуке, а также в других случаях: в ремонтных мастерских, производственных цехах (швейное, сборочное, ювелирное), индивидуальные мастерские, татуировки, маникюры, педикюры, обувщики и т.д. - Одним из главных достоинств досок-трансформеров является их небольшая толщина в сложенном состоянии, поэтому они выглядят достаточно красиво, солидно и гармонично сочетаются с разными столами в разных обстановках. И 1 178543 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 178 543” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Этюдник для получения видеопродукции при рисовании

Номер: RU0000192167U1

Полезная модель относится к вспомогательным устройствам для получения видеопродукции при рисовании, в частности может быть использована для получения видеопродукции при выполнении рисунков и зарисовок художником живописцем, в том числе и в условиях пленэра. Устройство для получения видеопродукции при рисовании, содержащее содержит держатель и корпус, выполненный в виде прямоугольного основания со скругленными краями. На одной из боковых сторон основания выполнена прямоугольная выемка, к внутренней стороны которой жестко прикреплена планка-упор. В ее торце выполнено отверстие, в которое установлен проволочный кронштейн для размещения стакана–непроливайки с водой. К основанию, выше прямоугольной выемки, жестко прикреплена палитра. Крепления листа к основанию осуществляется магнитами, для чего на его верхней и средней частях основания жестко закреплены металлические пластины. Для фиксации пенала с рисовальными принадлежностями в нижней части основания расположены два упора. Кисти размещаются в отверстиях разного диаметра, выполненных на верхней или боковой поверхности основания. Для удержания корпуса на теле человека, с двух противоположных сторон основания по диагонали друг к другу выполнены отверстия с установленными в них карабинами, соединенными, со съемным, регулируемым по длине, ремнем. Для переноски устройства к левой стороне основания жестко прикреплен кронштейн, служащий для закрепления ремня при переноске устройства. Аппарат для съемки размещен в держателе -формы, имеющем карман для размещения в нем связующей пластины, скрепленной с несущей пластиной, выполненной в форме дугообразного петлевого кронштейна для крепления на шее рисовальщика. Полезная модель найдет применение среди рисовальщиков, так как позволяет одновременно осуществлять процессы съемки и рисования. 3 ил. 192167 Ц ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“ 192 167” 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента ...

25-03-2020 дата публикации

Узел крепления съемных навесных аксессуаров системы хранения

Номер: RU0000197024U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам конструкции настенной системы хранения, обеспечивающей удержание нескольких аксессуаров для хранения различных предметов, обычно предназначенной для установки в жилых помещениях, таких как, например, кухня, ванная комната, гараж или любое другое помещение дома или квартиры. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности узла крепления с одновременным обеспечением удобства эксплуатации. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что в узле крепления съемных навесных аксессуаров системы хранения, включающем направляющие, жестко закрепленные на стене и состоящие, по меньшей мере, из двух вертикальных и четырех размещенных попарно горизонтальных перекладин, и крепежный элемент навесных аксессуаров, выполненный из прямоугольного стального листа, имеющего в верхней и нижней частях по всей ширине загибы вовнутрь Z-образной формы, развернутые в противоположные стороны, при этом верхний загиб крепежного элемента при закреплении навесных аксессуаров на направляющих входит в зацеп между верхней и нижней горизонтальными парными перекладинами, а нижний загиб входит в зацеп с верхней и нижней перекладиной соседней пары горизонтальных перекладин, при этом горизонтальные перекладины закреплены поверх вертикальных. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 197 024 U1 (51) МПК A47B 97/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A47B 97/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019134406, 28.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АРБУЗОВ Владимир Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: 25.03.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 25.03.2020 Бюл. № 9 1 9 7 0 2 4 R U (54) Узел крепления съемных навесных аксессуаров системы хранения (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к элементам размещенных попарно горизонтальных конструкции настенной системы хранения, перекладин, и крепежный элемент навесных ...

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Cable interface furniture for a conference table

Номер: US20120097418A1
Автор: Rami Ruotsala
Принадлежит: PRESSON OY

The object of the invention is a cable interface furniture for a conference table, which cable interface furniture comprises at least a space enabling connections that is disposed below an openable and closable table hatch in the table. The cable interface furniture comprises a casing extending from the bottom upwards that is intended to be placed under and that stands on the floor resting on support means that are adjustable in their height, the top part of which casing contains a bed provided with at least lead-in apertures, above which is a space enabling connections, with at least the connectors of the connecting cables being supported in which bed, and which connecting cables are fitted when free to be disposed in the space below the intermediate bed in the casing.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Display Positioning Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20120187056A1
Принадлежит: Ergotron Inc

Embodiments of the invention include an apparatus for positioning an electronic display. The apparatus can be combined with an existing work surface to provide a multi-position workstation. In some cases the apparatus includes a mounting portion configured to support an electronic display and a keyboard. The mounting portion may be movable with respect to the work surface between multiple positions, including for example, a sitting position and a standing position. Methods for positioning an electronic display and a keyboard are also included.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Bilateral rotation apparatus and furniture including the same

Номер: US20130081559A1
Автор: Jae Gyun Roh
Принадлежит: KOAS CO Ltd

A bilateral rotation apparatus including a support member, a first connecting rod hingedly connected to one side of the support member in a longitudinal direction to be rotated along a locus of an arc, a second connecting rod hingedly connected to an opposite side of the support member in the longitudinal direction to be rotated along a locus of an arc, and connecting members disposed on an upper side of the support member is provided. The bilateral rotation apparatus is provided to a panel of furniture to open a wiring cap for wiring operation independently in one direction or in an opposite direction, thereby eliminating restriction on a wiring direction.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Hoots Hanger

Номер: US20130087668A1
Автор: Leonard Gibson
Принадлежит: Individual

The inventor has produced a device to simplify the supporting of the artist's reference material. The device being conveniently mounted to the drawing board to support the reference.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112834A1
Автор: Oh Chul Keun

A reading desk for use in a sitting or lying position includes a downwardly open box-shaped housing secured to the ceiling of a building, a take-up roll mounted within the housing, a rotation assembly mounted at one side of the take-up roll to rotate the take-up roll in the forward or reverse direction, a pair of belts, each of which has one end connected to the take-up roll to be wound on or unwound from the take-up roll and the other end extending downward from the housing, and a book holder having an upper portion connected to the other ends of the pair of belts and adapted to ascend or descend by the operation of the rotation assembly to be inserted into the housing or exposed to the outside. 1. A reading desk for use in a sitting or lying position , the reading desk comprising:a downwardly open box-shaped housing secured to the ceiling of a building;a take-up roll mounted within the housing;a rotation assembly mounted at one side of the take-up roll to rotate the take-up roll in the forward or reverse direction;a pair of belts, each of which has one end connected to the take-up roll to be wound on or unwound from the take-up roll and the other end extending downward from the housing; anda book holder having an upper portion connected to the other ends of the pair of belts and adapted to ascend or descend by the operation of the rotation assembly to be inserted into the housing or exposed to the outside.2. The reading desk according to claim 1 , further comprising foldable parts claim 1 , each of which has an upper end connected to one side of the housing and a lower end connected to one side of the book holder claim 1 , and whose length is adjustable in the vertical direction in conjunction with the ascending or descending operation of the book holder.3. The reading desk according to claim 2 , wherein the foldable parts are foldable connectors that are folded or unfolded in the vertical direction.4. The reading desk according to claim 2 , wherein the foldable ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Shelf for a locker

Номер: US20130140973A1
Автор: Keith Crowley
Принадлежит: Individual

A locker device for a locker may include a drawer housing to house a drawer, a frame support member extending from the drawer housing and a second shelf wall being supported by the frame support member. The frame support member may be detachably connected to the drawer housing, and the second shelf wall may be detachably connected to the frame support member.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163232A1
Автор: KASUGA Hirofumi

A lighting equipment has a configuration including an illumination section capable of illuminating a surface to be an illumination object, an image projection section making it possible to project an image on the surface to be the illumination object, and a control section adapted to electrically control the illumination section and the image projection section. 1. A lighting equipment comprising:an illumination section capable of illuminating a surface to be an illumination object;an image projection section capable of projecting an image on the surface to be the illumination object; anda control section adapted to electrically control the illumination section and the image projection section.2. The lighting equipment according to claim 1 , whereinthe control section makes a light source of the image projection section light to thereby make the image projection section function as an auxiliary illumination section.3. The lighting equipment according to claim 2 , whereinthe control section has a function of calculating illuminance of the surface to be the illumination object in a state in which the illumination section performs illumination, and a function of determining whether or not the illuminance calculated is within an appropriate illuminance range set as a range of an appropriate illuminance, and then performing an illuminance adjustment so that the illuminance falls within the appropriate illuminance range based on a result of the determination, and adjusts brightness of the illumination section so that the illuminance falls within the appropriate illuminance range.4. The lighting equipment according to claim 3 , whereinthe control section adjusts the brightness of the illumination section so that the illuminance falls within the appropriate illuminance range in one of a case in which the illuminance, which is obtained when the image projection section is made to function as the auxiliary illumination section, exceeds an upper limit value of the appropriate ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Retractable Step Stool/ Access Device

Номер: US20130186709A1
Автор: Ralph Layne White
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is for a step stool to be used by a child, diminutive person or an adult of average height to gain vertical reach. The retractable step stool/access device is positioned by one's foot between an elevated, retracted position or a lowered, deployed step accessible position. Internal stored energy mechanisms can be employed to ease some of the physical effort required, especially by a child or diminutive person, to complete the deployment/retraction cycle with either of their feet. In the raised, retracted position, the step stool is elevated from contact with the floor and clear of the standing area for general usage and allowing access for cleaning and maintenance of the floor.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188338A1
Автор: Melhaff Oliver

A power supply system for lighting furniture comprises at least one conducting bar having a multi-pole current-carrying capacity comprising a positive and a negative pole. A shelf can be reversibly secured to an item of furniture by means of a cylindrical peg and the lighting on the shelf is in conductive contact with the at least one conducting bar. Several axially oriented, conducting surfaces that are independent of one another and electrically insulated are provided for multi-pole current carrying and are mutually spaced around the circumference of the at least one cylindrical peg. Spring-loaded contact rails are located on the at least one conducting bar at a distance from one another for receiving the at least one cylindrical peg and providing the latter with a multi-pole current. Spring-loaded contacts are located on the shelf for receiving the at least one cylindrical peg and providing the latter with a multi-pole current. 1. An electrical supply system for lighting of furniture with height-adjustable shelves , comprising:{'b': 1', '6', '7', '1', '1', '1, 'i': a', 'b, 'a conducting bar () embedded within a wall () having vertically spaced holes (), the conducting bar () comprising two oppositely arranged spring-loaded electrical contact rails (, ) which are insulated against each other;'}{'b': 5', '4', '2', '7', '6, 'at least one shelf () comprising a light (), the at least one shelf being supported by at least one removable cylindrical peg () within a hole () in the wall (); and'}{'b': 3', '3', '5', '2', '3', '3', '4, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'two oppositely arranged spring-loaded electrical contacts (, ) embedded within the at least one shelf () for receiving the at least one cylindrical peg (), the spring-loaded electrical contacts (, ) being electrically connected to the light (),'}{'b': 2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '3', '3', '7', '6, 'i': a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'wherein the at least one removable cylindrical peg () comprises three or more ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Furniture bow beam structure

Номер: US20130193099A1
Автор: Chia-Wei Chang
Принадлежит: NEW CHANNEL CO Ltd

A furniture bow beam structure. By means of pressing, metal board materials are processed into different assembling members and connecting members. The same assembling member and connecting member are respectively formed with varied curvatures and cross-sectional shapes in at least different parts in conformity to different sections of the beam structure. Each assembling member has an opening that obliquely diverges to one side in width. The connecting member is connected to the opening and mated with the assembling member to form multiple hollow tubular supports with closed peripheries. The multiple supports are then connected with each other. Especially, the correspondingly connected end sections of the supports are formed with identical curvature and cross-sectional shape so that the supports can be continuously and smoothly connected with each other.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Artist's Easel and Method

Номер: US20130256495A1
Автор: Mark S. Jewett
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is a tripod easel in which the first, second and third legs are elastically deformable in the forward and rearward directions between a first position and a second position. In the second position, the first and third legs define arcs in the forward direction and the second leg defines an arc in the rearward direction. In the second position, the three legs define a free-standing tripod. The first and third legs define rows of supporting holes that can support an artwork support apparatus, a cantilevered shelf, a palette holder, a paper towel holder or other accessories.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340955A1
Автор: III Lonnie Thomas, Parker

Provided is a multiply configurable modular study carrel. Also provided is a study carrel having at least one locking post; and at least one panel affixed to the locking post. Also provided is a study carrel including a panel having a bottom edge, and a first and second panel brace; the first and second panel brace supporting the panel such that the bottom edge of the panel is perpendicular to the first and second panel braces. Also provided is study carrel having a first panel, and a second panel; the first panel having a slot in the middle of the bottom edge; the second panel having a slot in the middle of the top edge; and the slot of the first panel seated in the slot of the second panel such that the first and second panel are perpendicularly affixed to each other. 1. A study carrel , comprising:at least one locking post having a plurality of slots therein; andat least one panel having at least one tab;the at least one panel affixed to the locking post via insertion of the at least one tab into one of the plurality of slots.2. The study carrel of claim 1 , wherein said locking post comprises:a cylindrical portion with a flat bottom, anda support with a collar;said support including an insert for said cylindrical portion and fixing the cylindrical portion in a perpendicular position with respect to the flat bottom.3. The study carrel of claim 2 , wherein the at least one panel comprises:a top edge,a bottom edge opposite the top edge, andtwo vertical side edges opposite one another;at least one of the two vertical side edges having at least one tab for insertion into one of the plurality of slots of the locking post.4. The study carrel of claim 3 , wherein at least one of the two side edges includes a semi-circular curve at the bottom edge for accommodating clearance of said support with a collar.5. The study carrel of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of slots of the locking post further comprise:at least two sets of longitudinally aligned keyhole slots disposed ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Adjustable Footrest for Adjustable-Height Desk

Номер: US20140020606A1
Автор: Benden Mark E.

An adjustable desk has base members or sidewalls supporting the desk on a surface. Each sidewall has at least one support movably vertically relative to the sidewall. A tabletop is disposed above the base member and is supported on the supports. A footrest is disposed between the base members beneath the tabletop and can move between a back position toward a back of the desk and a front position toward a front of the desk. One or more mechanisms operatively couple to at least one of the supports and to the footrest. The one or more mechanisms move the at least one support vertically relative to the base member to raise and lower the tabletop relative to the sidewall. Likewise, the one or more mechanisms move the footrest between the back and front positions. Preferably, movement of the footrest is coordinated with the movement of the tabletop so that the footrest moves to the front position when the tabletop is raised for standing and moves to the back position when the tabletop is lowered for sitting. 1. A desk , comprising:a tabletop;at least one base member supporting the tabletop;a footrest disposed on the at least one base member beneath the tabletop, the footrest movable between a back position toward a back of the desk and a front position toward a front of the desk; andone or more mechanisms disposed on the at least one base member and operatively coupled to the footrest, the one or more mechanisms moving the footrest between the back and front positions.2. The desk of claim 1 , wherein the at least one base member comprises a support supporting the tabletop above the at least one base member and movable vertically relative to the at least one base member.3. The desk of claim 2 , wherein the one or more mechanisms are operatively coupled to the support and move the support vertically to raise and lower the tabletop between raised and lowered positions.4. The desk of claim 1 , wherein the at least one base member comprises adjacent base members supporting the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060395A1

A table includes a base and a table top that is movably disposed at the base and is movable relative to the base between a generally centered position, where the table top is generally centered at the base, and an extended position, where the table top is extended from the base. A braking device may be operable to retain the table top relative to the base in selected positions between the generally centered position and the extended position and to allow for movement of the table top relative to the base between the generally centered position and the extended position. The braking device may include a braking element that engages a braking rail to limit movement of the table top relative to the base. The table tops of two separated tables may be selectively joined when extended towards one another and separated when centered. 1. A conference room table comprising:a base;a table top movably disposed at said base and movable relative to said base between a generally centered position, where said table top is generally centered at said base, and an extended position, where said table top is extended from said base;a braking device that is operable to retain said table top relative to said base in selected positions between said generally centered position and said extended position and to allow for movement of said table top relative to said base between said generally centered position and said extended position; andwherein said braking device comprises a braking element that engages a braking rail to limit movement of said table top relative to said base.2. The conference room table of claim 1 , wherein said table top is movably disposed at said base via a bearing mechanism having a first rail mounted along one of said base and said table top and a second rail mounted along the other of said base and said table top.3. The conference room table of claim 1 , wherein said table top supports at least one electrical accessory claim 1 , and wherein wiring extends from ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Grow-With-Me Easel Apparatus

Номер: US20140091194A1
Принадлежит: Crayola LLC

An adjustable easel for configuring into multiple positions is described. The adjustable easel includes a work surface, an accessory tray, and a frame having a first and second pair of frame members that are selectively adjustable into a plurality of positions. The plurality of positions includes a first position, where the accessory tray and the plurality of frame members are configured to provide a portable storage case. In a second position, a first work surface is secured relative to the frame members, with the first pair of frame members positioned at a distance from the second pair of frame members. In a third position, a second work surface is secured relative to the frame members. A work surface support, coupled to the first and second work surfaces, is pivoted about a longitudinal axis of the frame when adjusting the position of the adjustable easel. 1. An adjustable easel comprising:a first work surface;a second work surface;an accessory tray; and (1) a first position, wherein the adjustable easel is configured to provide a portable storage case in the first position;', '(2) a second position, wherein the adjustable easel is configured to position the first work surface in the second position, wherein the first work surface is secured relative to the frame members; and', '(3) a third position, wherein the adjustable easel is configured to position the second work surface in the third position, wherein the second work surface is secured relative to the frame members., 'a frame having a plurality of frame members selectively coupled to one another, wherein the plurality of frame members comprises a first pair of frame members and a second pair of frame members, wherein the plurality of frame members are selectively adjustable into each of a plurality of positions, wherein the plurality of positions comprises2. The adjustable easel of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the first work surface and the second work surface is a wipe-away surface.3. The adjustable ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000232A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

Providing a construction that can allow a ceiling side base to be relocated easily even after the overturn preventing device has been mounted between a top surface of an article and a ceiling. A grip member is attached to an overturn preventing device including a damper to be mounted between the top surface of the furniture and a pair of bases respectively connected to both ends of the damper. One of the bases abuts against the top surface of the furniture and the other base abuts against the ceiling. The grip member includes a through hole part locked to the ceiling side second base and a grip part connected to the through hole part and drooping below the second base in a mounted state where the second base is in abutment against the ceiling 1. A grip member for an overturn preventing device including a damper to be mounted between a top surface of an article installed on an installation surface and a ceiling , and a pair of bases respectively coupled to both ends of the damper , one of which bases abuts against the top surface of the article and the other of which abuts against the ceiling , the grip member comprising:a locking part locked to the base at the ceiling side; anda grip part connected to the locking part and drooping below the ceiling side base in a mounted state in which the ceiling side base is in abutment against the ceiling.2. The grip member according to claim 1 , wherein:the ceiling side base includes a body and a rotating shaft member which is assembled to the body and rotatably holds one of the ends of the damper;the rotating shaft member has two ends respectively protruding at both sides of a central axis of the damper along a direction intersecting with the central axis; anda pair of the locking parts is locked to the ends of the rotating shaft member respectively.3. The grip member according to claim 2 , further comprising connecting parts connected to the respective locking parts claim 2 , wherein:the connecting parts are caused to come ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000216A1
Автор: Benden Mark E.

A desk includes a tabletop and at least one base member supporting the tabletop. A footrest is disposed on the at least one base member beneath the tabletop. The footrest is movable between a stowed position toward a back of the desk and a deployed position toward a front of the desk. At least one mechanism is disposed on the at least one base member and operatively coupled to the footrest. The at least one mechanism moving the footrest between the stowed and deployed positions. A floor mat is disposed with the footrest. The floor mat is movable with the footrest between a stowed mat position and a deployed mat position. 1. A desk , comprising:a tabletop;at least one base member supporting the tabletop, the at least one base member being slidably movable between a sitting position and a standing position;a connection bar rotatably coupled to the at least one base member;a footrest coupled to and displaced from the connection bar, the footrest rotatable with the connection bar between a stowed position toward a back of the desk and a deployed position toward a front of the desk; andat least one mechanism disposed on the at least one base member and operatively coupled to the footrest, the at least one mechanism rotating the footrest from the stowed position to the deployed position.2. The desk of claim 1 , comprising two spaced base members.3. The desk of claim 2 , wherein the connection bar is disposed between the two spaced base members.4. The desk of claim 1 , wherein the footrest rotates about the connection bar.5. (canceled)6. The desk of claim 1 , wherein the footrest is coupled to the connection bar by at least one arm.7. The desk of claim 1 , wherein the base member moves telescopically.8. A desk claim 1 , comprising:at least one base member having a support movable vertically relative to the at least one base member;a tabletop supported on the support above the at least one base member, the tabletop being movable with the support between a sitting position ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Automatically adjusting writing board

Номер: US20220007835A1
Автор: Gajapala Nadun

A display board, for writing and drawing with an interchangeable whiteboard, blackboard, or electronic surface that is pressure sensitive to a marker, chalk, or stylus through the use of a pressure sensitivity matrix. A software system implemented with the pressure sensitive matrix will be able to learn from the user's natural writing behavior, natural spaces and pauses in writing, and their writing size, and with these metrics, will be able to identify or predict a long pause in the action of writing. When this pause happens, the surface physically shifts upwards through the use of two linear actuators; the shift amount being determined by the user's writing size. The board is also able to shift upwards once the writer progresses to the opposite vertical edge of the drawing surface or can shift either upwards or downwards manually with two buttons on the side of the board. 1. A support structure comprising:A base element;A vertical element extending from the left edge of said base;A vertical element extending from the right edge of said base; andWheels attached to the bottom facing side of said base;2. A lift system apparatus comprising:One or more linear actuators affixed on the base of said support structure, adjacent to a vertical element of said structure;The rod end of the linear actuator(s) attaching to a horizontal support element in assistance to the writing surface; andA horizontal support element with a mounting bracket to be able to attach and detach the writing surface;3. A base element as previously described in comprising:A power source housed inside or affixed to said base element; andA charging port connected to said power source;4. One or both of the edge vertical components as previously described in comprising:A touchscreen interface on the front facing side;A plurality of buttons that allow the user to shift the surface upwards, downwards, or lock the surface's position in placeA computer to analyze and interpret data given by the pressure ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015540A1
Автор: Roach Michael

A modular support assembly system includes a first support assembly including a first stand, a first adjustable arm extending from the first stand, and at least one first receiving bracket provided with the first stand; a second support assembly including a second stand, a second adjustable arm extending from the second stand, and at least one second receiving bracket provided with the second stand; and a connector configured to mate with one of the at least one first receiving bracket and one of the at least one second receiving bracket to mate the first support assembly and the second support assembly. 1. A modular support assembly system comprising:a first support assembly including a first stand, a first adjustable arm extending from the first stand, and at least one first receiving bracket provided with the first stand;a second support assembly including a second stand, a second adjustable arm extending from the second stand, and at least one second receiving bracket provided with the second stand; anda connector configured to mate with one of the at least one first receiving bracket and one of the at least one second receiving bracket to mate the first support assembly and the second support assembly.2. The modular support assembly of , wherein the connector is a first connector and the second stand includes multiple receiving brackets , and which includes a third support assembly having a third stand , a third adjustable arm extending from the third stand , and at least one third receiving bracket provided with the third stand; anda second connector configured to mate with one of the multiple second receiving brackets and one of the at least one third receiving bracket to mate the third support assembly with the mated first and the second support assemblies.3. The modular support assembly of , wherein the first , second and third adjustable arms are configured to be set at the same or different angles for operation.4. The modular support assembly of , wherein ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006367A1
Автор: Domash Kenneth Niles

Disclosed are exemplary embodiments of visual and/or acoustic privacy features. For example, exemplary embodiments are disclosed that include visual and/or acoustic privacy features for furniture (e.g., office chair, desk, table, cubicle, etc.). The visual and/or acoustic privacy features are movable relative to the user and/or furniture between at least a first configuration and a second configuration. In the first configuration, the visual and/or acoustic privacy features may be configured such that they do not inhibit the user from interacting with others. In the second configuration, the visual and/or acoustic privacy features may be configured to provide the user with at least some visual and/or acoustic privacy and isolation from others. 1. An apparatus comprising one or more privacy features each including:a support member;an element coupled to or supported by the support member; ["a first configuration in which the element is positioned to be spaced apart from a user's head; and", "a second configuration in which the element is positioned to be adjacent and alongside the user's head;"], 'whereby the one or more privacy features are reconfigurable into a plurality of different configurations, including at least the element is not electronic; or', 'the element comprises plastic, vinyl, acrylic, resin, nylon, marker board, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polypropylene, thermoplastic, 3D printed material, fabric or mesh; or', 'the element is configured to allow the user to be at least partially visible through the element., 'wherein2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when the apparatus is mounted to or supported by a furniture piece having a front surface:the elements are parallel to the front surface when the elements are in the first configuration;the elements are perpendicular to the front surface when the elements are in the second configuration; andthe elements are reconfigurable into a third configuration in which the elements are generally ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006714A1
Автор: Jia Xinhua, LI Huijun

Disclosed is a display device which is capable of being selectively placed in a desk-mounted manner or a wall-mounted manner so that it has a good utility. The display device includes: a display screen on which a first mounting member and a second mounting member are provided; and a mounting base on which a wall-mounted member is provided. The display screen may be supported by the mounting base in a horizontal plane when the mounting base is connected to the first mounting member on the display screen via a first connecting member, and the display screen may be supported by the mounting base in a wall plane with its wall-mounted member being connected to the wall when the mounting base is connected to the second mounting member on the display screen via a second connecting member. 1. A display device , comprising:a display screen on which a first mounting member and a second mounting member are provided to arrange the display screen in a first mounting position and a second mounting position, respectively; anda mounting base on which a wall-mounted member is provided, wherein,the display screen is supported by the mounting base in a horizontal plane when the mounting base is connected to the first mounting member on the display screen via a first connecting member, such that the display screen is arranged in the first mounting position, andthe display screen is supported by the mounting base in a wall plane with its wall-mounted member being connected to the wall when the mounting base is connected to the second mounting member on the display screen via a second connecting member, such that the display screen is arranged in the second mounting position.2. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein the wall-mounted member comprises at least one wall-mounted slot.3. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein the wall-mounted member comprises a wall-mounted slot which is formed by a hollow structure inside the mounting base.4. The display device ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007021A1

A dissipator for interfacing between the ground and supporting structures, which comprises a supporting base that can be fixed to the ground and supports a contact base that can be associated, by way of kinematic connection elements, with a supporting structure, interface elements being provided between the contact base and the supporting base and being adapted to allow the movement of the contact base with respect to the supporting base at least along two directions that are parallel to the ground, control elements being further provided which act between the supporting base and the contact base and are adapted to control the relative movement between the supporting base and the contact base; the dissipator comprises at least one rod-like dissipation body that acts between the ground and the supporting structure, the rod-like dissipation body having at least partially a behavior of the dissipative type. 125-. (canceled)26. A dissipator for interfacing between the ground and supporting structures , which comprises a supporting base that can be fixed to the ground and supports a contact base that can be associated , by way of kinematic connection means , with a supporting structure , interface means being provided between said contact base and said supporting base and being adapted to allow the movement of said contact base with respect to said supporting base at least along two directions that are parallel to the ground , control means being further provided which act between said supporting base and said contact base and are adapted to control the relative movement between said supporting base and said contact base , characterized in that it comprises at least one rod-like dissipation body that acts between the ground and said supporting structure , said rod-like dissipation body having at least partially a behavior of the dissipative type.27. The dissipator according to claim 26 , further comprising at least one device of the fuse-equipped type that connects the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007752A1

A shelving assembly includes a support plate, left and right side supports, and a front anti-tip and retention feature. The side supports each include a front end located adjacent to a front edge of the support plate, and a rear end located adjacent to a rear edge of the support plate. A portion of the front anti-tip and retention feature is disposed above the support plate for preventing tipping and for retaining the support plate on the side supports. The front anti-tip and retention feature is configured such that a majority of the top surface of the support plate along opposite left and right side edges is freely exposed and unencumbered. 1. A shelving assembly , comprising:a support plate having opposite top and bottom surfaces, opposite left and right side edges, and opposite front and rear edges extending laterally between the left and right side edges;left and right side supports arranged adjacent to the bottom surface of the support plate at the left and right side edges, respectively, for supporting the support plate in a cavity of an appliance, each of the left and right side supports including a front end located adjacent to the front edge of the support plate, and a rear end located adjacent to the rear edge of the support plate;a front anti-tip and retention feature connected to the front end of at least one of the left and right side supports, at least a portion of the front anti-tip and retention feature disposed above and adjacent to the top surface of the support plate adjacent to the front edge for preventing tipping of the support plate and for retaining the support plate on the left and right side supports; andwherein the front anti-tip and retention feature is configured such that a majority of the top surface of the support plate along the left and right side edges is freely exposed and unencumbered.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the front anti-tip and retention feature comprises a front trim form extending along the front edge of the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007753A1

A shelving assembly includes a support plate, left and right side supports, and a support frame. The side supports each include a front end located adjacent to a front edge of the support plate, and a rear end located adjacent to a rear edge of the support plate. The support frame includes a front frame member, a rear frame member, and opposite left and right side frame members that extend from the rear frame member to the front frame member. The front frame member is disposed adjacent to the bottom surface of the support plate at the front edge and the rear frame member is disposed adjacent to the bottom surface of the support plate at the rear edge. The left and right side frame members are disposed adjacent to the left and right side supports, respectively. 1. A shelving assembly , comprising:a support plate having opposite top and bottom surfaces, opposite left and right side edges, and opposite front and rear edges extending laterally between the left and right side edges;left and right side supports arranged adjacent to the bottom surface of the support plate at the left and right side edges, respectively, for supporting the support plate in a cavity of an appliance, each of the left and right side supports including a front end located adjacent to the front edge of the support plate, and a rear end located adjacent to the rear edge of the support plate; anda support frame having a front frame member, a rear frame member, and opposite left and right side frame members, the front frame member disposed adjacent to the bottom surface of the support plate at the front edge and the rear frame member disposed adjacent to the bottom surface of the support plate at the rear edge, the left and right side frame members extending from the rear frame member to the front frame member and disposed adjacent to the left and right side supports, respectively.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein each left and right side frame member includes a contoured form portion and a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007485A1
Автор: Marsden Andrew
Принадлежит: Elbee Pty Ltd.

A furniture securing system includes abase attachable to a wall, abase attachable to a piece of furniture, and a connector connected to both bases to help prevent tipping of a piece of furniture. One or both of the bases include a pivotable attachment element that attaches the connector to the base. By allowing pivoting of the attachment element, the force from the connector when the furniture pulls on the connector orients the attachment element along the same direction as the force. The system may include limited parts, a low profile, and have a straightforward assembly. The base may limit the total pivot sweep angle of the attachment element. 1. A furniture securing system comprising:a connector;a first base arranged to be mounted to a first surface, the first base including a first attachment element adapted to hold a first end of the connector;a second base arranged to be mounted to a second surface, the second base including a second attachment element adapted to hold a second end of the connector;wherein the first attachment element pivots relative to the first base, and the first attachment element has a total pivot swing angle of 150 degrees or less.2. The furniture securing device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element has a total pivot swing angle of 120 degrees or less.3. The furniture securing device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element has a total pivot swing angle of 90 degrees or less.4. The furniture securing device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element has an upward pivot swing angle of 45 degrees and a downward pivot swing angle of 45 degrees.5. The furniture securing device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element has a downward pivot swing angle of 45 degrees and an upward pivot swing angle of zero degrees.6. The furniture securing device of claim 1 , wherein the first attachment element includes a pin claim 1 , and the first base includes a snap-fit section to receive the pin.7. The furniture ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008041A1
Автор: Graffa Todd

A water damage protection system can be installed in an existing cabinet or provided as a repair kit. The water damage protection system is disposed within a hidden compartment of a cabinet and includes at least one water tub which catches water from a potential leak. In an embodiment for use with double-doored cabinets, the compartment includes two tubs for catching water. The tub(s) sits directly on the floor, and may include adjustable legs or the like. The water tub(s) may include at least one water sensor which is activated when the tank starts to fill. In an embodiment, the water damage protection system includes grate shelves which sit on top of the device, the shelves having openings to allow water to pass through. The shelving is sturdy enough to support various household items and cleaning supplies stored in the cabinet. 1. A water damage protection system , comprising:at least one tub of size and dimensions to fit within a hidden compartment of the interior of a water-damaged cabinet and rest upon the ground; anda grate shelf removably supported by the at least one water tub.2. The water damage protection system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one tub includes legs adjustable as to height.3. The water damage protection system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one tub is downwardly slanted.4. The water damage protection system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one tub includes a water reservoir.5. The water damage protection system of claim 1 , further comprising a water sensor.6. The water damage protection system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one tub is a dual tub.7. The water damage protection system of claim 6 , wherein the dual tub includes two separate interlocking tubs.8. The water damage protection system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one tub includes a flange of size and dimensions to fit into a preexisting groove formed on interior walls of the cabinet.9. A water-protected cabinet claim 1 , comprising:a cabinet; at least one tub of size ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008044A1
Автор: Holt Gerald Dwayne

An apparatus for holding a computer peripheral device (including, but not limited to, an external hard drive, a smartphone, and an external CPU) securely and conveniently to a flat screen monitor is presented. A system for securing a computer peripheral device to a laptop computer to optimize the use of space and practice clean organization is also presented. Further presented is a method and system that provides privacy during the use of a laptop computer. 1. A mounting apparatus for securing a device to a flat monitor comprising:a primary panel with an inner surface, an outer surface, an upper edge and a lower edge; 'wherein the back edge being secured to the lower edge of the primary panel;', 'said base panel has an inner surface, an outer surface, a pair of side edges, a back edge and a front edge,'}, 'at least one base panel emanating in a perpendicular fashion from the lower edge and the inner surface of the primary panel,'} said angled panel having an inner surface, an outer surface, a pair of side edges, and upper edge and a lower edge,', 'wherein the lower edge being secured to the front edge of at least one base panel,', 'wherein the angle of alignment between the base panel and the angled panel is between 45 degrees and 90 degrees;}, 'an angled panel secured to the front edge of at least one base panel,'} 'wherein the upper panel is secured by its front edge to the top edge of the primary panel at an angle substantially perpendicular to the primary panel; and', 'an upper panel with an inner surface, an outer surface, a front edge and a back edge,'} 'wherein the hanging panel is secured by its upper edge to the back edge of the upper panel at an angle substantially perpendicular to the upper panel and substantially parallel to the primary panel.', 'a hanging panel with an inner surface, an outer surface, and upper edge and a lower edge,'}2. The apparatus of wherein said hanging panel being long enough to obscure a camera located on the top of the flat ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008051A1

An alert system includes an audio speaker or video display, and a communications unit. The communications unit is retained and supported by a power and data unit, and is configured to access data sources that include at least one of schedule information, environmental information, news reports, fire/police alerts, weather statements/information, and user-specific information, and to communicate with the audio speaker based upon the accessed data sources. The communications unit is configured to network with a computing device associated with a first user. The communications unit is configured to access the one or more data sources as defined by user-specific parameters associated with the first user. The first user is identified based upon a user ID associated with the networked computing device. The communications unit is configured to direct the audio speaker or the video display to issue an alert in response to the one or more accessed data sources. 1. An integrated alert system comprises:a power and data unit configured for mounting to a work surface in a work area;an audio speaker or a video display; anda communications unit retained and supported by the housing body, the communications unit configured to access one or more data sources that include at least one of schedule information, environmental information, news reports, fire/police alerts, weather statements/information, and user-specific information, and to communicate with the audio speaker based upon the accessed data sources;wherein the communications unit is configured to network with a computing device associated with a first user, wherein the communications unit is configured to access the one or more data sources as defined by user-specific parameters associated with the first user, wherein the first user is identified based upon a user ID associated with the networked computing device; andwherein the communications unit is configured to direct the audio speaker or the video display to issue an ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008277A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

Providing an overturn preventing device in which a plurality of dampers can be mounted between a top surface of an article and a ceiling and which can suppress increase in working man-hour and increase in an installation space. The overturn preventing device includes a plurality of dampers mounted between a top surface and a piece of furniture installed on an installation surface and a ceiling. The dampers each have first and second ends and all of the first ends are coupled to the article-side base. The second ends of the dampers are coupled to one or a plurality of ceiling-side bases. 1. An overturn preventing device comprising:a plurality of dampers to be mounted between a top surface of an article installed on an installation surface and a ceiling;an article-side base to be placed on the top surface of the article, the dampers each having first and second ends, all of the first ends of the dampers being configured to be coupled to the article-side base; andone or a plurality of ceiling-side bases to which the second ends of the dampers are coupled.2. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein the second ends of the dampers are individually coupled to the respective ceiling-side bases.3. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein the second ends of a plurality of or all of the dampers are coupled to different positions of a common ceiling-side base.4. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein the ceiling-side bases are respectively disposed at both sides of an imaginary vertical line passing a central part of the article-side base in a state where the overturn preventing device is mounted between the top surface of the article and the ceiling.5. The overturn preventing device according to claim 4 , wherein the damper disposed at one of the sides of the imaginary line has a first inclination to a vertical direction and the damper disposed at the other side of the imaginary line has a second inclination to a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008278A1
Автор: UNE Masaya
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

The overturn preventing device includes a damper, a length adjusting member and a pair of bases. The damper has a cylinder having an outer peripheral surface formed with a screw thread, and a rod. The cylinder is bottomed. The rod is inserted. into the cylinder and has a distal end protruding out of an open end of the cylinder. The length adjusting member has a first end and a second end. The first end has an opening. The length adjusting member has an inner peripheral surface formed with a screw thread so that the cylinder is screwed through the first end into the length adjusting member. The bases are rotatably coupled to the second end of the length adjusting member and the distal end of the rod respectively. The bases abut against a top surface of an article installed. on an installation surface and a ceiling respectively. 1. An overturn preventing device comprising:a damper including a bottomed cylinder having an outer peripheral surface formed with a screw thread, and a rod, the cylinder having two ends one of which is an open end and the other of which is a closed end, the rod being inserted into the cylinder and having a distal end protruding out of the open end of the cylinder;a length adjusting member having a first end and a second end, the first end having an opening, the length adjusting member having an inner peripheral surface formed with a screw thread so that the cylinder is screwed through the first end into the length adjusting member; anda pair of bases rotatably coupled to the second end of the length adjusting member and the distal end of the rod respectively, the bases being configured to abut against a top surface of an article installed on an installation surface and a ceiling respectively.2. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein the cylinder includes a cylinder body into which the rod is inserted claim 1 , and a screw member into which the cylinder body is inserted to be fixed claim 1 , the screw member having an ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010622A1
Автор: WU Kuan-Yen

A connection clamp includes a base member defining an operating space in a front side thereof and two bearing surfaces at two opposite lateral sides relative to the operating space, and a clamping mechanism including two clamping members of V-shaped cross section pivotally mounted in the operating space with an axle and a spring member mounted on the axle with two opposing angled end pieces respectively fastened to the clamping members to force the clamping plates into abutment against the respective bearing surfaces of the base member for clamping two flat mobile electronic devices to hold them side by side in the same plane. 1. A connection clamp , comprising:a base member comprising an operating space defined in a middle part of a front side thereof, and two bearing surfaces disposed at two opposite lateral sides relative to said operating space; anda clamping mechanism comprising two clamping members pivotally mounted in said operating space of said base member at two opposite lateral sides, an axle mounted in said operating space to pivotally connect said two clamping members together and a spring member mounted around said axle and adapted to force said two clamping members into abutment against the respective said bearing surfaces of said base member, each said clamping member comprising a clamping plate forced by said spring member to clamp on one respective said bearing surface of said base member and an operating plate extended from said clamping plate at a predetermined angle and operable to bias said clamping plate away from the respective said bearing surface.2. The connection clamp as claim in claim 1 , wherein said base member comprises a bracket located on the front side thereof; said operating space is defined in said bracket; said axle of said clamping mechanism is inserted through said spring member claim 1 , having two end portions respectively extended out of opposing top and bottom sides of said spring member and respectively connected to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014097A1

An integrated application assembly for a multimedia system includes a multimedia system module comprised of a panel and a multimedia circuit module. The multimedia circuit module includes a Bluetooth module, a plurality of USB connection modules, an audio input device, an AUX indicating lamp, and a volume adjusting module. The Bluetooth module includes a Bluetooth module switch and a Bluetooth connection indicating lamp. The Bluetooth module switch and the Bluetooth connection indicating lamp are mounted on the panel. A plurality of audio output devices is connected to the multimedia system module. The multimedia system module and the audio output devices are mounted on a piece of furniture to achieve an integrated application. 1. An integrated application assembly for a multimedia system comprising:a multimedia system module comprised of a panel and a multimedia circuit module, with the multimedia circuit module including a Bluetooth module, a plurality of USB connection modules, an audio input device, an AUX indicating lamp, and a volume adjusting module, with the Bluetooth module including a Bluetooth module switch and a Bluetooth connection indicating lamp, and with the Bluetooth module switch and the Bluetooth connection indicating lamp mounted on the panel;a plurality of audio output devices connected to the multimedia system module; anda piece of furniture, with the multimedia system module and the plurality of audio output devices mounted on the piece of furniture to achieve an integrated application.2. The integrated application assembly for a multimedia system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the audio input device is a 3.5 mm socket claim 1 , wherein when an end of an audio line of a microphone or an audio source is inserted into the 3.5 mm socket claim 1 , the AUX indicating lamp is turned on claim 1 , and another end of the audio line is connected to a multimedia player.3. The integrated application assembly for a multimedia system as claimed in claim 2 ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Auxiliary bracket for electrronic display

Номер: US20180014645A1
Автор: McCrate Mark Patrick

Disclosed is an auxiliary display bracket system comprising two brackets, each bracket comprising a lower section having a laptop shelf, an upper section having an auxiliary shelf, the upper section an opening disposed between the upper surface and lower surface, and a tension member, the tension member secured to each bracket through the opening between the upper surface and lower surface. In certain embodiments, the auxiliary display bracket allows for an auxiliary display to be disposed on a laptop monitor. 1. An auxiliary bracket comprising: a laptop shelf, the laptop shelf extending from an opening defined by a lower front wall inner surface, a lower rear wall inner surface, and two lower side wall inner surfaces; and', 'a lower wall outer surface; and, 'a lower section, the lower section comprising an auxiliary shelf, the auxiliary shelf extending from an opening defined by an upper front wall inner surface, an upper rear wall inner surface, and two upper side wall inner surfaces; and', 'an upper wall outer surface., 'an upper section, the upper section comprising2. The auxiliary bracket of further comprising:an opening disposed between the upper surface and lower surface.3. The auxiliary bracket of wherein the upper section is disposed at an angle of fifteen degrees relative to the lower section.4. The auxiliary bracket of wherein a hinge is disposed between the upper section and lower section.5. The auxiliary bracket of further comprising:a lower sliding feature; andan upper sliding feature.6. The auxiliary bracket of further comprising:a hinge disposed between the upper section and lower section;an upper sliding feature; anda lower sliding feature.7. The auxiliary bracket of further comprising horizontal teeth disposed through lower section.8. The auxiliary bracket of further comprising vertical teeth disposed through the lower section.9. The auxiliary bracket of further comprising horizontal teeth disposed through the upper section.10. The auxiliary ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015262A1
Автор: III Eddie L., Mitchell

A modular standing board for use with a standing desk or an adjustable height desk. The modular standing board includes a rigid base having an outer top perimeter which has a raised lip configured to securely contain a plurality of mat modules. The rigid base also has a bottom side having a recessed round area for receiving a balancing dome. The balancing dome has a flat top side and a curved bottom side. The flat top side of the balancing dome is magnetically attached to the recessed round area of the bottom of the rigid base. The plurality of mat modules provide a substantially continuous top surface when contained within the raised lip of the rigid base. The standing board alleviates problems that typically arise due to standing for a long time at a standing desk by providing a comfortable, balanced, and changeable standing board having swappable standing mat modules. 1. A modular standing board for use with a standing desk or an adjustable height desk , the modular standing board comprising:a rigid base, the rigid base having an outer top perimeter, the outer top perimeter having a raised lip configured to house a plurality of mat modules, the rigid base also having a bottom side, the bottom side having a recessed round area for receiving a balancing dome, the recessed round area having a perimeter specifically matching the perimeter of a flat side of the balancing dome;a plurality of mat modules configured so as to provide a substantially continuous top surface when housed within the raised lip of the rigid base; anda balancing dome, the balancing dome having a flat top side and a curved bottom side, the flat top side of the balancing dome configured to be attached to the recessed round area of the bottom of the rigid base.2. The modular standing board of claim 1 , further comprising:a ferrous metal insert in the rigid base; andmagnets on the flat top side of the balancing dome, the magnets configured to be cooperative with the ferrous metal insert such that ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Strain relieved mounting method and apparatus for screen material

Номер: US20180017855A1
Принадлежит: RealD Inc

A method of mounting screen material may include a screen mounted to a frame at multiple mounting points. One embodiment may include mounting patches attached along the perimeter of the screen. These mounting patches may be strain relieved in order to enable rolling the screen without sacrificing the in-plane rigidity of the patches when the screen is mounted to a frame. Stated differently, the strain relieved patches may reduce the strain on the screen in the circumstance the screen is rolled onto a core. The mounting patches may be strain relieved by locating notches or slits in the mounting patch.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017564A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

Providing an overturn preventing device which can easily be mounted between a top surface of an article and a ceiling and a method of mounting the overturn preventing device. The overturn preventing device includes a damper. The damper is mounted between a top surface of a piece of furniture (an article) and a ceiling. The damper includes a cylinder and a piston. A hydraulic fluid (operating liquid) and a compressed gas are enclosed in the cylinder. The piston is slidably housed in the cylinder. When the damper is to be mounted between the top surface of the furniture and the ceiling, the piston is housed in the compressed gas enclosed above the hydraulic fluid. The piston can be moved into the hydraulic fluid when the furniture is tilted and the damper is contracted by a predetermined length. 1. An overturn preventing device comprising:a damper to be mounted between a top surface of an article installed on an installation surface and a ceiling, the damper including a cylinder enclosing an operating liquid and a compressed gas and a piston housed in the cylinder to be slidable,wherein the piston is housed in the compressed gas enclosed above the operating liquid in the cylinder when the damper is to be mounted between the top surface of the article and the ceiling.2. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein the piston is moved into the operating liquid when the article is tilted with a result that the damper is contracted by a predetermined length.3. A method of mounting the overturn preventing device as defined in claim 1 , comprising a step of mounting the damper between the top surface of the article and the ceiling while the damper is in a contracted state and the piston is housed in the compressed gas enclosed above the operating liquid in the cylinder.4. A method of mounting the overturn preventing device as defined in claim 2 , comprising a step of mounting the damper between the top surface of the article and the ceiling while the damper ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018952A1
Автор: FINCKH Michael

A screen rack for two screens, comprising a case for electric components, whereby power supply adapters for a PC and two screens that can be installed on the screen rack are arranged in the case. 1. A screen rack for two screens , comprising a case for electric components whereby power supply adapters for a PC and two screens (that can be installed on the screen rack are arranged in the case.2. A screen rack according to claim 1 , wherein the case has a flexible and/or removable case section in order to open or to close the case at least partially.3. A screen rack according to claim 1 , wherein at least the main circuit board of the PC is arranged in the case claim 1 , whereby the main circuit board of the PC preferably contains the central process unit and claim 1 , where required claim 1 , a hard disc drive of the PC.41. A screen rack () according to claim 1 , wherein the power supply adapters for the PC and the two screens that can be attached to the screen rack are supplied with power through a joint power cable claim 1 , whereby the joint power cable is preferably designed as a double cable with an integrated network cable.51. A screen rack () according to claim 1 , wherein the case is essentially has a cuboid-shaped design claim 1 , whereby the case is preferably aligned in an upright position claim 1 , whereby the smallest side areas of the cuboid point upwards or downwards and/or the largest side areas of the cuboid point to the front or the rear.6. A screen rack according to claim 1 , wherein the case has at last two vertically offset ventilation apertures between which at least one of the power supply adapters and/or the CPU of the PC is arranged so that the power supply adapter and/or the CPU of the PC is cooled by air that enters the case through a lower ventilation aperture and that flows out of the case through the upper ventilation aperture after heating the power supply adapter and/or the CPU of the PC by means of exhaust air.71. A screen rack () ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Easel with a built-in Connecting Device for a Mounting Mechanism

Номер: US20170020288A1
Автор: Selwa Robert Allen

A way to convert a camera tripod into an artist easel. The easel consists of a one or two arm design employing a built-in adapter, or connecting device in the center of the arm(s) of the attaching easel whereby the easel arm attaches directly to the mounting device of the tripod by way of the connecting device, allowing the tripod features to be extended to the easel. Attributes such as the tilting, raising, and rotating features of the tripod are then incorporated and translated as new easel functions. 1at least one easel arm with an embedded connecting device secured into the center of said arm(s) allowing for the direct attachment of said arm(s) to said mounting mechanism, and may include at least one hole on said arm to mate with a nipple(s) on the mounting mechanism.. An easel arm that attaches directly to a mounting mechanism comprising: This application claims the benefit of provisional application Ser. No. 62/195,550, filed Jul. 22, 2015 by the present inventor.This application relates to an easel, specifically artist and display easels.U.S. Pat. No. 5,791,623—granted to Michael C. Louridas on Aug. 11, 1998 performs the same function of combining, adapting, and connecting an easel to a camera tripod as this embodiment. I found that Louridas' solution was too complicated. This embodiment is much simpler and eliminates the need for a middle carriage bracket to interface between the camera tripod and easel arm.This embodiment features an easel arm, or arms, that attaches directly to a camera tripod-like mounting mechanism using an embedded connecting device and optional drill hole for a mount nipple(s) or guide. This empowers the user to cost and space savings, along with adding the tripod-like features to the easel. The easel allows for the work piece to be secured to the tripod, and be manipulated for height adjustment—to tilt, be rotated, and/or swivel according to the capabilities of the tripod. Now the easel performs more than just a resting place for the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Multipurpose Desk with an Integrated Computer System

Номер: US20180020824A1
Автор: Purifoy Albert A.

A multipurpose with an integrated computer system uses a desk and a drawer computer to provide a user with enhanced safety for themselves and their data. The desk has a support structure, a tabletop, an antiballistic shell, a concealment cavity, a computer enclosure, and a storage compartment. The support structure is a rigid frame onto which the tabletop is mounted. The antiballistic shell is a protective layer of material that wraps around the lateral surface of the support structure so that bullets and flying debris cannot harm the user or the drawer computer. The concealment enclosure is a cavity within the desk that functions as a personal bunker into which the user can crawl. The drawer computer is a personal computing device that is mounted within the computer enclosure. Finally, the storage compartment is a drawer or cabinet that can be used for storing personal items. 1. A multipurpose desk with an integrated computer system comprises:a desk;a drawer computer;the desk comprises a support structure, a tabletop, an antiballistic shell, a concealment cavity, a computer enclosure, and at least one storage compartment;the tabletop being connected onto the support structure;the antiballistic shell being connected around a lateral surface of the support structure, adjacent to the tabletop;the concealment cavity laterally traversing through the antiballistic shell into the support structure, adjacent to the tabletop;the storage compartment being integrated into the support structure, adjacent to the concealment cavity;the computer enclosure being integrated into the support structure, adjacent to the concealment cavity;the storage compartment and the computer enclosure being positioned opposite to each other about the concealment cavity;the drawer computer being slidably mounted within the computer enclosure;2. The multipurpose desk with an integrated computer system as claimed in comprises:a door;the door being mounted across the concealment cavity;3. The ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140106610A1

A work surface coupling system has power and data capability with an elongate housing defining an internal passageway and having first and second coupling regions for coupling to one or more work surface. The housing may be a one-piece unit or multi-piece assembly, and can support at least one power or data outlet positioned therealong. The internal passageway unobtrusively supports a plurality of electrical conductors associated with power or data outlets. Optional features include one or more removable side panels, laterally-extending support pads, an accessory mounting surface, and various work surface accessories such as shelving, privacy panels, and lighting. 1. A work surface coupling system adapted to provide power or data access , said system comprising:an elongate housing configured to be positioned along a work surface, said elongate housing comprising upper and lower portions, and left and right side portions;wherein at least one of said left and right side portions comprises a removable side panel;at least one power or data outlet supported at said removable side panel; anda work surface coupler at or below said lower portion of said elongate housing, said work surface coupler configured for coupling to an outer perimeter edge portion of the work surface.2. The work surface coupling system of claim 1 , wherein said elongate housing defines an internal passageway configured to receive wiring associated with said at least one power or data outlet.3. The work surface coupling system of claim 1 , wherein said upper portion of said elongate housing comprises an accessory coupling surface that is configured to be engaged by a work surface accessory.4. The work surface coupling system of claim 1 , wherein said work surface coupler is configured to releasably engage respective outer perimeter edge portions of two adjacent work surfaces claim 1 , whereby said adjacent work surfaces are coupled together by said work surface coupler.5. The work surface coupling ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021497A1

Providing an overturn preventing device which can maintain a mounted state against earthquake or the like with multidirectional shaking and thereby can prevent an article from overturn. The overturn preventing device includes a damper and a pair of bases. The damper is mounted between a top surface of a piece of furniture installed on a floor and a ceiling. Both ends of the damper are respectively coupled to the bases so as to be rotatable about respective rotation axes. Furthermore, both ends of the damper are respectively coupled to the bases so as to be swingable in a direction intersecting a rotation direction. The first base abuts against the top surface of the furniture and the second base abuts against the ceiling. 1. An overturn preventing device comprising:a damper to be mounted between a top surface of an article installed on an installation surface and a ceiling; anda pair of bases to which both ends of the damper are respectively coupled so as to be rotatable about respective rotation axes and swingable in a direction intersecting a rotation direction, one of the bases being configured to abut against top surface of the article, the other base being configured to abut against the ceiling.2. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein the bases respectively have:rotating shaft members extending about the rotation axes and supporting both ends of the damper so that the damper is rotatable about the rotation axes; andcylindrical bushes through which the rotating shaft members are respectively inserted, the bushes allowing the damper to swing in the direction intersecting the rotation direction.3. The overturn preventing device according to claim 2 , wherein the bushes are elastic bodies.4. The overturn preventing device according to claim 2 , wherein an end of the damper is coupled to the bush claim 2 , and the bush has both ends having respective inner peripheral surfaces diameters of which are outwardly enlarged.5. The overturn ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021498A1
Принадлежит: Roemtech LLC

An accessory bracket for mounting accessory devices and cables to the backside of flat screen displays. The accessory bracket provides a more secure way of mounting accessories to the backside of flat panel displays. The accessory bracket may be made of sheet metal and have a hole in it so that a standard wall mount bolt can pass through the hole allowing the accessory bracket to be fastened securely to the backside of a flat panel display utilizing the standard threaded holes on the back of most current flat panel displays. The accessory bracket may also have a tab that protrudes off to the side from it's main body so that it may be mounted next to an installed flat panel display wall mount without interfering with the wall mount's intended function. 1. A method of reliably securing an accessory bracket to the backside of a flat panel display by;bolting or screwing it in place utilizing existing structural mounting holes in the flat panel display typically used for traditional wall mounts;by way of an integrated tab that protrudes from the accessory bracket long enough to mount the accessory or cables without interfering with a typical wall mount.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a mounting tab integrated with the accessory bracket is thin enough to be installed underneath or on the top side of a typical flat panel display wall mount without significant structural claim 1 , or functional impact to the flat panel display wall mount.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the accessory bracket features a hole or “U” shaped cutout in the accessory bracket so that an appropriate sized and threaded screw or bolt can be inserted to fasten the accessory bracket securely to the backside of the flat panel display utilizing one of the structural claim 1 , threaded holes in the backside of the flat panel display. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional patent application No. 62/535,449, filed Jul. 21, 2017, which is herein incorporated by reference.The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021499A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

Providing an overturn preventing device which can prevent an article from overturn while maintaining the mounted state against an earthquake or the like with multidirectional shaking. The overturn preventing device includes a damper and a pair of a first base and a second base. The damper is mounted between a top surface of a piece of furniture installed on a floor and a ceiling. Two ends of the damper are respectively coupled to the first and second bases so as to be swingable in multiple directions. The first base abuts against the top surface of the furniture and the second base abuts against the ceiling. 1. An overturn preventing device comprising:a damper to be mounted between a top surface of an article installed on an installation surface and a ceiling, the damper having two ends; anda pair of bases to which the ends of the damper are respectively coupled so as to be swingable in multiple directions, one of the bases being configured to abut against the top surface of the article and the other base being configured to abut against the ceiling.2. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein:the ends of the damper are each formed with circular coupling hole extending therethrough in a direction perpendicular to an axis line extending in an extension/contraction direction of the damper;the bases each have a shaft member inserted through the coupling hole, and a part of the shaft member inserted through the coupling hole has a columnar outer shape;the coupling hole has an inner diameter that us larger than an outer diameter of the part of the shaft member inserted through the coupling hole; andthe damper is swingable in a direction of central axis of the shaft member by using a space defined between the coupling hole and the shaft member.3. The overturn preventing device according to claim 1 , wherein:when a pair of the overturn preventing devices are mounted between the top surface of the article and the ceiling, lower ends of the dampers are ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022503A1
Автор: GWAK Taeyeong

Disclosed is a posture correction device. According to the present invention, the posture correction device includes: a base part; and a recognizing part having a frame whose one side is coupled to the base part in such a manner as to allow one or more of a height and an angle to be adjusted, wherein the recognizing part is recognized visually and tactilely according to a user's posture. 1. A posture correction device comprising:a base part; anda recognizing part having a frame whose one side is coupled to the base part in such a manner as to allow one or more of a height and an angle to be adjusted, wherein the recognizing part is recognized visually and tactilely according to a user's posture.2. The posture correction device according to claim 1 , further comprising a contact part coupled to one side of the base part in such a manner as to protrude toward the user's abdomen.3. The posture correction device according to claim 2 , wherein the contact part is slidably coupled to both sides of the base part in such a manner as to be adjusted in a length protruding from the base part toward the user's abdomen.4. The posture correction device according to claim 3 , wherein the contact part comprises:slide slots formed on both sides of the base part in a longitudinal direction of the base part;one pair of sliders slidable forward and backward along the slide slots;slider fixing means adapted to fix one pair of sliders to the slide slots; andan abdomen contact member adapted to connect ends of one pair of sliders to each other in such a manner as to come into contact with the user's abdomen.5. The posture correction device according to claim 1 , further comprising coupling means located rotatable to left and right sides on the base part in such a manner as to be coupled to one side of the frame to allow the recognizing part to be pivoted in left and right directions with respect to the user.6. The posture correction device according to claim 1 , wherein the base part has ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027967A1

A fiber optic adapter module and tray. The fiber optic adapter module supports fiber optic adapters for fiber optic connections. The fiber optic adapter module may be included on an extendible tray portion of a fiber optic equipment tray and selectively configured to be tilted when extended for providing enhanced access to the fiber optic adapter module. In one embodiment, an adapter module panel of the fiber optic adapter module that supports fiber optic adapters contains at least two forward facing panel surfaces angled to one another to provide more surface area for supporting a higher density of fiber optic adapters and/or for neat routing and organizing of fiber optic connections. One or more fourth flared panel surfaces may also be included on an end(s) of the adapter module panel to provide sufficient interior space for fiber optic connections adjacent or proximate to sides of the fiber optic equipment tray. 1. A fiber optic adapter module tray , comprising:at least one fixed receiver;an extendible tray coupled to the at least one fixed receiver and selectively extendible from an interior position within the at least one fixed receiver to an exterior position generally external to the at least one fixed receiver;wherein the extendible tray further includes a pivot mechanism configured to selectively tilt the extendible tray about a pivot plane at a tilt angle relative to the at least one fixed receiver; and a housing including a cover spanning a first and second side walls and an adapter module panel supporting a plurality of fiber optic adapters; and', 'wherein the adapter module panel comprises a first and second forward facing surfaces angled to one another., 'a fiber optic adapter module coupled to the extendible tray, wherein the fiber optic adapter module comprises2. The fiber optic adapter module tray of claim 1 , wherein the first forward facing surface is aligned along a first longitudinal axis claim 1 , and the second forward facing surface is ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Shelf for a Desktop Computer

Номер: US20160029797A1
Автор: King Steven G.

A shelf for a desktop computer is disclosed, as are shelf and desktop computer combinations. The desktop computer is generally of the type having a computing unit and a support arm that extends downward at an angle and tapers. The shelf has an open slot along a rear edge. The slot allows the shelf to be placed on the support arm, where it remains, cantilevered, extending generally horizontally from the support arm at a defined vertical position. The shelf is without external mounting hardware, support flanges, or other such elements, although in some embodiments, small, internal set screws may be included. 1. A shelf , comprising:an upper surface, a lower surface, a front edge, and a rear edge; opposite interior sidewalls of the slot are angled inwardly at a first angle, such that the slot is wider at the lower surface than at the upper surface, and', 'a pair of opposing channels are defined in the opposite interior sidewalls of the slot, the pair of opposing channels being inclined at a second angle;, 'an opening defined in the rear edge of the shelf, the opening being contiguous with a slot that extends through a thickness of the shelf and has a width that is wider than the opening, such that a pair of opposed projections are defined between the opening and the slot, the slot being configured such that'}wherein the configuration of the opening is such that the shelf is adapted to rest in a defined position on a support that tapers at a taper angle that approximates or equals the first angle and that extends at an angle to the vertical that approximates or equals the second angle.2. The shelf of claim 1 , further comprising an insert adapted to engage the slot claim 1 , the insert being configured to at least partially define the opposite interior sidewalls of the opening with their first angle and the pair of opposing channels inclined at the second angle.3. The shelf of claim 2 , wherein the insert is formed of a plastic.4. The shelf of claim 3 , wherein the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Pillow Stand for Tablet Computer

Номер: US20160029798A1
Автор: Lo Jack

Tablet computers typically cannot stand up on their own. There are prior art padded stands for supporting tablet computers but they support the computers too low for reading, are too uncomfortable, or are oddly shaped. The present pillow stand includes an outer shell with flexible top and bottom panels connected by a planar seam to form an elongated olive-shaped cross section. A soft filler is enclosed within the outer shell. A receiving member is positioned on an exterior of the top panel for supporting a tablet computer in a standing position only along its lower end. A stabilizing member is positioned within the outer shell and connected to the receiving member through the top panel. The stabilizing member is engaged against the filler to support the receiving member and the computer. The stabilizing member spreads the weight of the computer across a large enough area of the soft filler to stably support the computer. The present pillow stand raises the tablet computer to reduce neck strain, it provides a soft hand rest in front of the computer, and it blends in with home decor by masquerading as an ordinary throw pillow. 110-. (canceled)11. A pillow stand for a tablet computer , comprising:a shell comprising a flexible top panel connected to a flexible bottom panel along a horizontal seam;loose stuffing inside the shell;a receiving member on the top panel of the shell, wherein the receiving member comprises an upwardly directed slot for engaging a lower edge of the tablet computer, and the slot is angled backwards for supporting the tablet computer in a backwardly tilted freestanding position away from the top panel;a stabilizing member inside the shell supported by the loose stuffing, wherein the stabilizing member has a front end connected to the receiving member through the top panel, and a rear end projecting backwards away from the receiving member for supporting the tablet computer which is tilted backwards and a center of gravity thereof is positioned ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029799A1
Автор: Hickman Robert W.

A space saving, door or wall-mountable artist's easel with a framework adapted to receive and hold an artist's canvas, art panel, clipboard, or some other item that would normally be affixed to an easel with a mounting bracket attached to the frame so the entire device may be hung on a door or wall. The easel can be used while mounted. In one example, a front pivoting frame enables the mounted piece to be extended outward from a back stationary frame. A height adjustment mechanism allows the mounted piece to be raised or lowered to a desired position, enabling the artist to stand or sit. The compactness of the easel enables an art piece being worked on to be left mounted to the easel for drying or viewing, and the door can still be opened and closed normally with the easel mounted to it. 1. A hangable artist's easel , comprising:at least one frame comprised of at least one substantially vertical support member and at least one substantially horizontal support member, the members being coupled to each other to form a substantially planar, upright supporting structure;a longitudinal, workpiece supporting fixture, having an artist-side face, an opposite side face, a top portion and a bottom portion, and a single accommodation for vertical travel of a workpiece securing member, wherein the workpiece supporting fixture is vertically attached approximately to a vertical centerline of the at least one frame, wherein the accommodation is coincident with the vertical centerline of the frame;at least one workpiece securing member, substantially horizontal in orientation having a horizontal face for securing a bottom or top horizontal side of a workpiece placed in the easel, releasably mounted to the artist-side face of the workpiece supporting fixture, being position-adjustable along the accommodation for vertical travel of the workpiece supporting fixture;at least one releasable securing fixture, securing the at least one workpiece securing member to the workpiece supporting ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027964A1
Автор: SERURE Mark

A modular furniture set having three parts: two side parts configured as sitting furniture units; and at least one middle part, wherein all parts are configured such as to allow connecting each part to another part to build different furniture units and sets thereby, where the furniture units and sets comprise at least a bed with at least two different sizes and two sitting units which are formed by the two side parts. 1. A modular furniture set having multiple parts:two side parts configured as one type of furniture design; andat least one middle part,at least one board;wherein all parts are configured such as to allow connecting each part to another part to build different type of furniture designs, wherein at different furniture design unit, the at least one board is configured to be attached to a different part, providing different functionality at each design.2. The modular furniture set according to claim 1 , wherein each of said parts comprises a base structure framed such as to connect to another part of the modular furniture set through connecting means.3. The modular furniture set according to wherein the side part are deigned as sitting platform4. The modular furniture set according to claim 2 , wherein said side parts also comprise back and/or side support structures.5. The modular furniture set according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one board is connected to at least one side part functioning as a top table.6. The modular furniture set according to wherein the at least board is connected at the back side of side part.7. The modular furniture set according to wherein the at least board is connected at the front side of side part.8. The modular furniture set according to claim 1 , wherein the at least board is connected to at least one side part functioning as a seat.9. The modular furniture set according to claim 1 , wherein the at least board is connected on the top of middle part functioning as table.10. The modular furniture set according to ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Ventilated shelf cover

Номер: US20140113103A1
Автор: James CASHION, Jeff Hansel

A novel ventilated shelving cover is disclosed that transforms the appearance of wire shelves to cover the white vertical and horizontal bars with a clean sleek decorative trim (crown molding) giving the shelves a custom made look. While also utilizing a custom insert/liner to enhance the functionality by keep items from tipping or falling through the wire portion of the shelves. This system contains a decorative trim piece, decorative cover, specially engineered clasps and an insert/liner. The system also includes a custom saw and miter to provide “All You Need” to accomplish the transformation of your pantry, linen, bedroom closets or garage shelves.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029423A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

Providing an article equipped with an overturn preventing device, which can add an overturn preventing function to the article itself and can reduce work burdens and management burdens at the time of the mounting. A piece of furniture includes a furniture body to be disposed between an installation surface and a ceiling at a time of installation and an abutting member to be disposed between the ceiling and the furniture body at the time of installation. The furniture further includes an operating part having a damper having two ends one of which is coupled to the furniture body and the other of which is coupled to the abutting member. The operating part is operated such that the damper becomes a contracted state when the abutting member is disposed at an initial position near the article body side and that the abutting member is moved to a developed position upwardly farther away from the furniture body than the initial position according to extension of the damper thereby to be caused to abut against the ceiling. 1. An article equipped with an overturn preventing device , comprising:an article body to be disposed between an installation surface and a ceiling;an abutting member to be disposed between either the installation surface or the ceiling and the article body; andan operating part including a damper having two ends one of which is coupled to the article body and the other of which is coupled to the abutting member, the operating part being configured to move the abutting member to an initial position near the article body side according to contraction of the damper and move the abutting member to a developed position farther away from the article body than the initial position according to extension of the damper.2. The article according to claim 1 , wherein:two damper sets each including a pair of the dampers are respectively mounted at both sides in a predetermined width direction of the article body; andeach damper set has a distance increasing part in ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029424A1
Автор: Tong Jianlun

Disclosed is a vertical workbench, including a framework (), a mobile structure (), an L-shaped board () and a fixing structure. The framework () includes a slide rail (), an elbow bracket and a base (). The slide rail () includes a linear slide rail, semicircular slide rails (), a circular slide rail () and an outer frame slide rail (). The L-shaped board (), short for L-shaped writing board, is of an axially symmetrical structure, and is provided on each of the left and right sides of the front face with a width-adjustable book clamping structure. The fixing structure includes a brake-clamping space structure, a connecting frame-clamping space structure, and a “nut-bolt” structure. The vertical workbench enables a person to naturally maintain the correct reading and writing posture to overcome the disadvantages of traditional tools. 1. A vertical workbench comprising a framework , a mobile structure , an L-shaped board and a fixing structure; wherein the framework comprises a slide rail , an elbow bracket and a base; a plurality of slide rails are provided; the slide rail comprises a linear slide rail and a rotary slide rail; the rotary slide rail is divided into a mobile slide rail and a fixed slide rail; the rotary slide rail comprises an upper semicircular slide rail , a lower semicircular slide rail , a circular slide rail and an outer frame slide rail; the outer frame slide rail comprises a closed type slide rail and a non-closed type slide rail; and the slide rail is provided with a plurality of clamping spaces; the elbow bracket is in a T shape; a cross bar of the T shape is a bracket and a vertical bar of the T shape is a supporting bracket; the elbow bracket comprises a mobile type elbow bracket provided with a groove and a fixed type elbow bracket; the L-shaped board , short for an L-shaped writing board , is of an axially symmetric structure; and on a left side and a right side of a front face thereof are respectively provided with a book clamping ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116299A1

A stand for an electronic device includes a front plate having a channel at a bottom edge thereof for accepting an edge of an electronic device therein, a back plate hingedly connected to the front plate, and a pair of arms extending from opposed sides of the front plate. The arms are adjustable so as to vary a distance between distal ends of the arms to accommodate the electronic device therebetween. 1. A stand for an electronic device , comprising:a front plate having a channel at a bottom edge thereof for accepting an edge of said electronic device therein;a back plate hingedly connected to said front plate; anda pair of arms extending from opposed sides of said front plate, said arms being adjustable so as to vary a distance between distal ends of said arms to accommodate said electronic device therebetween.2. The stand of claim 1 , wherein:said back plate is slidably connected to a desk.3. The stand of claim 1 , wherein:said back plate is hingedly connected to said front plate via a living hinge.4. The stand of claim 2 , wherein:said front plate includes a pair of feet, said feet defining said channel for retaining said edge of said electronic device.5. The stand of claim 1 , wherein:said pair of arms are slidably connected to said front plate.6. The stand of claim 4 , wherein:said front plate is foldable substantially against said black plate; andwherein said stand is movable from an extended position in which said feet are supported on a surface of said desk, to a stowed position in which said front plate is folded against said back plate and said stand is generally below a surface of said desk.7. The stand of claim 6 , wherein:said desk includes a pocket for accommodating said stand therein when in said stowed position.8. The stand of claim of claim 5 , wherein:each of said arms include a channel at said distal end thereof for receiving an edge of said electronic device.9. The stand of claim 1 , further comprising:a tether connected to said front plate and ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Intensive Use Furniture

Номер: US20210030152A1
Принадлежит: Norix Group, Inc.

Intensive use furniture having a concealed attachment device. The concealed attachment device comprising a building bracket attached to the floor or wall having a tab flange and a pin flange. A tab attached to the furniture in a mounting saddle. The tab extending out from a tab seat to slidingly engage the building bracket. A ball pin inserted into a hole in the side wall of the furniture is guided by a guide tube having a recessed shoulder for supporting the head of the ball pin. The ball pin in the tube having a head on the recessed shoulder and a shaft extending through the pin flange where the ball engages the building bracket. The tab connection providing support in the x, y and z axis direction. The ball pin connection supporting the tab connection in the x, y and z axis direction. 1. A concealed attachment device for use attaching furniture to a building surface , the furniture comprising an outer shell , a mounting surface and a shell mounting hole , the outer shell comprising an shell outside , a shell inside and a hollow shell interior , the shell mounting hole extending from the shell outside to the mounting surface , the shell mounting hole is generally parallel to the building surface , the concealed attachment device comprising:a building bracket, the building bracket comprising a first building flange and a pin flange, the pin flange comprising a first end, a second end and a connector hole, the first pin flange end on the first building flange, the pin flange disposed generally perpendicular to the first building flange, the first building flange on the building surface, the pin flange bearing against the mounting surface;an elongate connector, the elongate connector having a shaft, a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end on the outer skin, the shaft in the shell mounting hole, the distal end removably connected to the pin flange,2. The concealed attachment device of claim 1 , further comprising a shoe claim 1 , the shoe comprising a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Locking device and stabilizer for a stabilizing table

Номер: US20210030153A1
Автор: Ronald Giery
Принадлежит: Rockless Table LLC

A table with a stabilizing system is disclosed. The table has a primary shaft having a bottom portion, a lower portion, and an upper portion, wherein the primary shaft has a cut-out at a bottom portion, a locking hole at a lower portion, and a stabilization mounting hole at the upper portion, a secondary shaft inserted into the primary shaft and when inserted, movably affixed to the primary shaft, wherein the secondary shaft has a bottom portion, a lower portion, and an upper portion, and wherein the secondary shaft a locking hole at the lower portion, and a stabilization mounting hole at the upper portion, a pivot positioned through the primary shaft stabilization mounting hole and the secondary shaft mounting hole to movably affix the secondary shaft to the primary shaft about a single point of movement, a lock positioned through the primary shaft locking hole and the secondary shaft locking hole, wherein the lock fastens the secondary shaft to the primary shaft.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Painting Support Board

Номер: US20150034792A1
Автор: Duffy William P.

A painting support system has a painting support board for holding smaller artist's panels or canvases that is colored so the area surrounding the panel or canvas mimics the frame for the finished painting. A reference line grid are scribed on the painting support board more accurately draw and observe straight lines. A continuous loop strip of a hook and loop system placed on all four sides of the support board. A mahl stick with a hook patch of the hook and loop system placed on a tip of the mahl stick allows the artist to attach the mahl stick anywhere on the support board to the loop strip to steady and support the hand while painting. Panel securing clips are placed in receiving fasteners inserted in fastener holes at fixed locations on the painting support board to allow attaching several different sizes of the paint canvases and panels. 1. An artist's painting , sketching , or drawing medium support system configured for supporting the artist's painting , sketching , or drawing medium to allow ease of work and transportation of the artist's painting , sketching , or drawing medium , the support system comprising:a rectangular painting support board formed of a rigid material having dimensions for accommodating the artist's painting, sketching, or drawing media having differing dimensions;a coating applied to the painting support board of a material configured with a color such that the painting support board mimics the structure of a frame on which a painting, sketch or drawing on the artist's drawing or painting material may be mounted;a plurality of equally spaced lines placed on the surface of the painting support board to form a grid such that the artist is able to more accurately paint straight lines and gauge distance when painting on the surface of the artist s drawing or painting material; anda loop strip of a hook and loop fastener system adhered near the periphery of the painting support board for temporarily attaching a mahl stick to the painting ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031204A1
Автор: TAKEHANA Akira

It is an object of the present invention to provide a wrist rest or a wrist-rest cushion which is detachably attached onto a hand-rest part on an embedding apparatus and which can be easily and selectively adjustable in thickness on the hand-rest part. As a solution, the apparatus according to the present invention is a wrist rest () detachably attached to an embedding apparatus () configured to dispense and embed an embedding material into an embedding tray, and includes an attachment mechanism () configured to attach at a position covering a hand rest part () of the embedding apparatus () entirely or partly. 1. A wrist rest to be detachably attached onto an embedding apparatus configured to dispense and embed an embedding material into an embedding tray , comprising:an attachment mechanism configured to attach the wrist rest to a hand-rest part of the embedding apparatus at a position covering the hand-rest part entirely or partly.2. The wrist rest according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism is an engaging piece which is disposed at front and rear positions or at right and left positions with the hand-rest part interposed therebetween and is an engaging piece configured to engage a predetermined portion of the embedding apparatus.3. The wrist rest according to claim 2 , wherein the engagement piece is formed by using either one or both of an engagement groove which a protrusion disposed at a predetermined portion of the embedding apparatus engages claim 2 , and an engagement protrusion which an engagement hole disposed at a predetermined portion of the embedding apparatus engages.4. The wrist rest according to claim 1 , wherein a top surface is formed in an inclined shape declining toward an end of the embedding apparatus.5. The wrist rest according to claim 1 , comprising a lid opening mechanism for opening a lid of a cassette configured to accommodate a sample claim 1 , wherein the lid opening mechanism includes one end portion provided at a position ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140118995A1
Автор: Chen Ching-Hui

The invention discloses a floor lamp with a drawer, which comprises a frame body, wherein a lampshade is disposed on the upper portion of the frame body, and a partition is arranged inside the frame body which is provided with at least one drawer. Compared with the prior art, as the floor lamp with the drawer, provided by the invention, is provided with the drawer capable of holding articles, the articles can be conveniently stored and taken out, so that the lamp has multiple functions. Moreover, the floor lamp with the drawer, provided by the invention has the advantages of simple structure and convenient assembly and installation. 1. A floor lamp with a drawer , comprising a frame body , wherein a lampshade disposed on the upper portion of the frame body , and a partition arranged inside the frame body provided with at least one drawer.2. The floor lamp with the drawer according to claim 1 , wherein the drawer is arranged under the partition.3. The floor lamp with the drawer according to claim 1 , wherein the frame body has at least two uprights; each upright is composed of at least two struts; various struts of the same upright are on the same straight line; and each partition is disposed between two adjacent struts which are connected with each other.4. The floor lamp with the drawer according to claim 3 , wherein the drawer is arranged under the partition.5. The floor lamp with the drawer according to claim 3 , wherein the number of the uprights is four.6. The floor lamp with the drawer according to claim 1 , wherein the drawer is connected with the frame body through a slide construction.7. The floor lamp with the drawer according to claim 6 , wherein two supports constitute the slide construction; each support is provided with a chute; the two supports are respectively disposed on both sides of the drawer; two side plates of the drawer are provided with a slider respectively; and the sliders are extended into the chutes of respective corresponding supports ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034494A1

Described is a mobile computing device holder that mounts to a piece of furniture, specifically to the corner of a piece of furniture. The mobile computing device holder holds a mobile computing device base, such as a docking station or charger, and a mobile computing device. The mobile computing device holder includes a corner mount fixture that mounts to a corner of a piece of furniture and holds the mobile computing device base such that the mobile computing device is cradled in the mobile computing device base. The mobile computing device holder also includes a tether device that tethers the mobile computing device to the mobile computing device base so the mobile computing device can be used, but cannot be moved more than the length of the tethering device from the corner mount fixture. 1. A mobile computing device holder comprising: a base bracket, wherein the base bracket is in the shape of an eight-sided polygon;', 'a first side coupler coupled to the base bracket, wherein the first side coupler is perpendicular to the base bracket; and', 'a second side coupler coupled to the base bracket, wherein the second side coupler is perpendicular to the base bracket;', 'wherein the first and the second side coupler couple the corner mount fixture to the piece of furniture;, 'a corner mount fixture, wherein the corner mount fixture removeably couples to a piece of furniture, and wherein the corner mount fixture comprisesa mobile computing device base coupled to the corner mount fixture;a mobile computing device, wherein the mobile computing device base cradles the mobile computing device;a coupling apparatus coupled to the mobile computing device; anda tether device coupled to both the mobile computing device base and the coupling apparatus, wherein the tether device couples the coupling apparatus to the mobile computing device base.2. The mobile computing device holder of claim 1 , wherein the base bracket sits on a top surface of the piece of furniture with a corner ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Cable Box Rack for Testing Stations

Номер: US20180035110A1

A testing rack for infrared cable boxes has a bottom panel and a series of opposing top arms. The bottom panel and the top arms are spaced apart by a substantially planar back panel, and each of the top arms is configured to deflect relative to the back panel to allow a cable box to be installed and removed. An emitter bar on the back panel includes a channel and a series of slots, each corresponding to one of the top arms. The slots are each located next to an IR emitter port formed in the back panel, and are sized to accommodate an IR emitter cable. The channel is sized to hold a plurality of IR emitters such that each IR emitter is visible to a cable box through an IR emitter port with the IR emitter cable extending through a slot. 1. A testing rack for cable boxes having IR receivers , the testing rack comprising:a bottom panel and a plurality of top arms, the bottom panel and the top arms spaced apart by a substantially planar back panel;each of the top arms configured to individually deflect relative to the back panel;an emitter bar disposed on the back panel, the emitter bar comprising a plurality of first slots corresponding to the top arms and further comprising a channel;each of the plurality of first slots disposed individually adjacent a plurality of IR emitter ports, the IR emitter ports formed in the back panel;each of the plurality of first slots sized to accommodate an IR emitter cable; andwherein the channel sized to hold a plurality of IR emitters such that each IR emitter is visible to a cable box through an IR emitter port.2. The testing rack of wherein the bottom panel comprises a bottom edge guard for retaining cable boxes installed in the testing rack.3. The testing rack of wherein the bottom panel comprises cable box dividers configured to align the cable boxes with the top arms installed in the testing rack.4. The testing rack of wherein each of the plurality of top arms comprises a tab for deflecting relative to the back panel.5. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037920A1

A furniture apparatus including a frame; and a hidden container. The hidden container configured transition between an open state and a closed state, the hidden container being visible when the hidden container is in the open state, and the hidden container being hidden from view when the hidden container is in the closed state. 1. A furniture apparatus comprising:a frame; anda hidden container configured transition between an open state and a closed state, the hidden container being visible when the hidden container is in the open state, and the hidden container being hidden from view when the hidden container is in the closed state.2. The furniture apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an unhidden container configured to be at least drawn out horizontally in a first direction from the frame when transitioning from the closed state to the open state, the unhidden container being a container that is visible when in each of the open state and the closed state, the unhidden container removable from the frame by transitioning the unhidden container beyond the open state.3. The furniture apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the hidden container is configured to be at least drawn out horizontally in the first direction from the frame when transitioning from the closed state to the open state.4. The furniture apparatus of claim 2 , whereinthe hidden container is configured to be at least drawn out horizontally in a second direction from the frame when transitioning from the closed state to the open state, andthe first direction is a different direction from the second direction.5. The furniture apparatus of claim 2 , whereinthe unhidden container is configured to be received by an opening formed by a top portion of the frame, the top portion of the frame including a set of runners configured to allow the unhidden container to be at least drawn out horizontally, and the unhidden container forms a first enclosure with the top portion of the frame when the unhidden container ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040923A1
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

Providing a damper which exerts a damping force in an entire stroke range and an overturn preventing device which can successfully prevent an article from overturn by equipment of the damper. The damper includes a cylinder, a rod guide, a piston, a rod, and a cylindrical member. In the damper, a hydraulic fluid and a compressed gas are enclosed in the cylinder. The cylindrical member regulates a position of the piston so that the piston is immersed in the hydraulic fluid enclosed below the gas in a state where a bottom of the cylinder is located lower than an opening and the rod protrudes upward from the cylinder and where central axes of the cylinder and the rod are inclined at a predetermined angle with respect to a horizontal plane. 1. A damper comprising:a bottomed cylindrical cylinder having an opening;a rod guide closing the opening of the cylinder;a piston slidably housed in the cylinder; anda rod having a proximal end coupled to the piston and slidably inserted through the rod guide, so that a distal end side of the rod protrudes out of the cylinder,wherein an operating liquid and a gas are enclosed in the cylinder,the damper further comprising a regulator which regulates a position of the piston so that the piston is immersed in the operating liquid enclosed below the gas in the cylinder in a state where a bottom of the cylinder is located lower than the opening and the rod protrudes upward from the cylinder and where central axes of the cylinder and the rod are inclined at a predetermined angle with respect to a horizontal plane.2. The damper according to claim 1 , wherein the cylinder has an interior divided by the piston into a rod-side pressure chamber in which the proximal end of the rod is housed and a counter-rod-side pressure chamber claim 1 , and the regulator is disposed between the piston and the rod guide in the rod-side pressure chamber and has a predetermined length along a central axis of the rod.3. The damper according to claim 2 , wherein ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042379A1
Автор: Muskopf Thomas Omer

A wall anchoring assembly for securing furniture to a vertical support is provided. The wall anchoring assembly includes a wall anchoring mount and a furniture anchoring mount, both attach to the vertical support and the furniture, respectively, in a face to face orientation. Each anchoring mount and attachment portion provides horizontal flanges that nest so that the flanges' fastener holes align for an elongated fastener to secure the vertical support and furniture in a locked engagement. 1. An anchoring assembly , comprising:a wall anchoring mount having a wall anchoring flange perpendicularly joined to a wall anchoring body;a wall attachment portion having a wall attachment flange perpendicularly joined to a wall attachment body;a furniture anchoring mount having a furniture anchoring flange perpendicularly joined to a furniture anchoring body;a furniture attachment portion having a furniture attachment flange perpendicularly joined to a furniture attachment body;an attachment aperture provided in the furniture attachment body;a plurality of fastener holes, one of the plurality of fastener holes provided in each anchoring flange and attachment flange; andthe anchoring mounts and attachment portion being movable to a stacked arrangement, wherein the plurality of fastener holes align, while the furniture anchoring flange protrudes through the attachment aperture.2. The anchoring assembly of claim 1 , wherein the stacked arrangement the anchoring flanges sandwich the attachment flanges.3. The anchoring assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an elongated fastener having an elongated pin ending in a fastener head claim 1 , wherein the elongated in is adapted and dimensioned to slide through each of the plurality of fastener holes but the fastener head is not.4. The anchoring assembly of claim 3 , wherein the elongated pin is movable between an unlocked engagement and a locked engagement slid through the plurality of fastener holes.5. The anchoring assembly of claim ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048177A1

A lighting device fixing structure and a shelf lighting fixing structure are provided. The fixing structure of the lighting apparatus has a first fastener unit wrapping a surface of a shelf, a second fastener unit wrapping the surface of the shelf, wherein one of the first fastener unit and the second fastener unit is fixed to a light body, the first fastener unit and the second fastener unit are connected in a rotatable manner. The fixing structure of the lighting apparatus also has a fastener unit for locking the first fastener unit and the second fastener unit to each other, wherein the first fastener unit and the second fastener unit wrap and fix to a shelf. 1. A fixing structure of a lighting apparatus , comprising:a first fastener unit wrapping a surface of a shelf;a second fastener unit wrapping the surface of the shelf, wherein one of the first fastener unit and the second fastener unit is fixed to a light body, the first fastener unit and the second fastener unit are connected in a rotatable manner; anda fastener unit for locking the first fastener and the second fastener to each other, wherein the first fastener comprises a first rotation portion, a first shape imitation part and a first fixing part connected in order, the second fastener comprises a second rotation portion, a second imitation part and a second fixing part connected in order, the first rotation portion and the second rotation portion are connected in a rotatable manner, the fastener unit is used for fixing the first fixing part to the second fixing part, wherein the lighting structure further comprises a rotation shaft, the first rotation portion has a third connection hole, the second rotation portion has a forth connection hole, the rotation shaft passes through the third connection hole and the forth connection hole.2. (canceled)3. The fixing structure of claim 1 , wherein the first fixing part has a first connection hole claim 1 , the second fixing part has a second connection hole ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048224A1
Автор: Patterson Emory

A device for supporting a television includes a compressible, adjustable length pole on which is slidably mounted a bracket. The pole includes first and second elongated members that are joined in a telescoping relationship. A pair of springs resiliently urges the first and second members apart and thereby enables the pole to be easily and reliably installed in a vertical orientation between the floor and ceiling of a room. The mounting bracket includes a flat plate to which the television is coupled and a pair of arms, the distal end of each arm being dimensioned for fitted insertion into a corresponding longitudinal side channel formed in the pole. As such, the mounting bracket is designed to be linearly displaced along the length of the pole and subsequently locked in place relative thereto. In this manner, the viewing height of a television mounted on the bracket can be adjusted. 1. A device for supporting a television , the device comprising:(a) an adjustable length pole; and(b) a mounting bracket coupled to the pole.2. The device as claimed in wherein the pole is compressible and outwardly spring-biased.3. The device as claimed in wherein the pole comprises:(a) a first elongated member; and(b) a second elongated member connected to the first elongated member in a telescoping relationship.4. The device as claimed in further comprising at least one spring coupled to the first and second elongated members claim 3 , the at least one spring resiliently biasing the second elongated member away from the first elongated member.5. The device as claimed in wherein the pole further comprises a spacer member adapted to be releasably secured to one of the first and second elongated members.6. The device as claimed in wherein the mounting bracket is slidably coupled to the pole.7. The device as claimed in wherein the mounting bracket is adapted for vertical displacement along the pole and to be selectively locked in position relative thereto.8. The device as claimed in ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048236A1
Принадлежит: Quanta Computer Inc.

An outer-hanging touch apparatus is hanged on a display apparatus. The display apparatus has a front surface, a top surface, and a rear surface. The outer-hanging touch apparatus includes a touch module and a hanging assembly. The hanging assembly includes a hanging member, an adjusting member, and a driving member. The hanging member is fixed to the touch module and extends to the rear surface. The hanging member includes a guiding structure. The adjusting member is slidably engaged with the guiding structure. The adjusting member abuts against a junction between the top and rear surfaces. The driving member is engaged with the hanging member and the adjusting member for moving the adjusting member relative to the hanging member. When the adjusting member moves toward or away from the touch module along the guiding structure, the hanging member correspondingly moves away from or toward the top surface. 1. An outer-hanging touch apparatus hanged on a display apparatus , the display apparatus having a front surface , a top surface , and a rear surface , the top surface connected between the front surface and the rear surface , the outer-hanging touch apparatus comprising:a touch module abutting against the front surface; and a hanging member fixed to the touch module and extending to the rear surface via the top surface, the hanging member comprising a guiding structure, the guiding structure facing the rear surface;', 'an adjusting member slidably engaged with the guiding structure so as to move toward or away from the touch module along the guiding structure, the adjusting member having an inclined surface for abutting against a junction between the top surface and the rear surface; and', 'a driving member, engaged with the hanging member and the adjusting member, for driving the adjusting member to move relative to the hanging member,, 'a hanging assembly comprisingwherein, when the driving member drives the adjusting member to move toward the touch module along ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Desktop Fan Clamp

Номер: US20220061532A1
Автор: Ediger Glen

A fan clamp is provided for supporting a fan on a support surface by clamping to the support surface. The fan clamp includes a clamp assembly having an upper clamp member for engaging a top side of the support surface, a lower clamp member for engaging a bottom side of the support surface and a screw adjustment assembly extending through the lower and upper clamp members for clamping the upper clamp assembly and lower clamp assembly to the support surface. The clamp assembly further includes a shield extending from the lower clamp assembly through the upper clamp assembly that partially surrounds the screw adjustment assembly to block the screw adjustment assembly from being visible when the lower and upper clamp assemblies move away from each other to engage a support surface. The fan clamp may further include an arm extending from the clamp assembly for supporting the fan. The arm may be a swing arm that is rotativity connected to the fan clamp. 1. A fan clamp comprising:a screw adjustment assembly, the screw adjustment assembly having a screw attached at one end to an adjustment knob;a lower clamp member having a lower plate with a lower pad affixed to the upper surface of the lower plate and a C-shaped tubular member positioned behind the lower pad on the upper surface of the lower plate, the C-shaped tubular member surrounding an opening in the lower plate for receiving the screw of the screw adjustment assembly from underside of the lower plate of the lower clamp member; anda upper clamp member positioned opposite the lower clamp member, the upper clamp member including a upper plate having an upper pad affixed to the lower surface of the upper plate, the upper clamp member further including a cylindrical member positioned on the top side of the upper plate, the cylindrical member including C-shaped channel for receiving the C-shaped tubular member of the lower clamp member and a shaft for engaging the screw of the screw adjustment assembly, whereby the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046119A1
Автор: Katayama Kazuhiro

Providing a new article falling prevention device capable of preventing an article placed on a mounting plate from falling due to vibration such as an earthquake without using any electrically operating member as a component at all. A left end of a load support member is connected to a left rotating rod pivotally supported rotatably by a left support shaft disposed at a front end side middle portion or a rear end side middle portion, a right end of the load support member is connected to a right rotating rod pivotally supported rotatably by a right support shaft disposed at a front end side middle portion or a rear end side middle portion, and the load support member supports all or part of the load of an article W. In a case where the load support member supports the load of the article W, a falling prevention member moves down or rotates when the left rotating rod and the right rotating rod rotate, the falling prevention member is provided on the front side of the article W when the falling prevention member is most lowered, and when the falling prevention member is most lowered or rotate, an insertion space into which an article lifting unit is inserted from the front side is formed below the falling prevention member 110-. (canceled)11. An article falling prevention device in which an article housing space storing an article inside is formed , and a front side is opened , the article falling prevention device comprising:a rotating rod having a length in a front-rear direction; a support shaft configured to rotatably support the rotating rod; a load support member on which the article is placed; a falling prevention member that is disposed on the front side and moves in a vertical direction in the article housing space; a connecting member configured to connect the rotating rod and the falling prevention member; and an elastic member configured to energize the rotating rod against a rotating direction about the support shaft,wherein the rotating rod and the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052533A1

A supporting bracket is suitable for standing on a working platform and adapted to hold an electronic device having a screen and provide illumination. The supporting bracket includes a base, a supporting arm apparatus, and a lighting device. The base is suitable for being fixed to the working platform. The supporting arm apparatus has a first segment and a second segment. One end portion of the first segment is connected to the base. The first segment is able to rotate relative to the base. One end portion of the second segment is connected to the other end portion of the first segment. The other end portion of the second segment serves to hold the electronic device. The second segment is able to rotate relative to the first segment. The lighting device is fixed to the supporting arm apparatus to provide illumination. 1. A supporting bracket suitable for standing on a working platform and adapted to hold an electronic device and provide illumination , the electronic device having a screen , the supporting bracket comprising:a base suitable for being fixed to the working platform;a supporting arm apparatus having a first segment and a second segment, wherein one end portion of the first segment is connected to the base, the first segment is rotatable relative to the base, one end portion of the second segment is connected to the other end portion of the first segment, the other end portion of the second segment is adapted to hold the electronic device, and the second segment is rotatable relative to the first segment; anda lighting device fixed to the second segment of the supporting arm apparatus and adapted to be moved to a required lighting position through changing the posture of the supporting arm apparatus to provide illumination.2. The supporting bracket according to claim 1 , wherein an angle between the second segment and the working platform does not vary with a rotation of the first segment.3. The supporting bracket according to claim 2 , wherein the first ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Hanger Assemblies for Use in Storage Systems

Номер: US20150053632A1
Принадлежит: Clairson Inc

A shelving unit includes a wire shelf having multiple wire members arranged to form a platform, at least one bracket configured to releasably couple to wire members of the wire shelf, and a rod coupled to the bracket. The bracket includes a hook-shaped end portion and an elbow portion. The hook-shaped end portion of the bracket defines a channel that opens toward the elbow portion for receiving a first one of the wire members, and the elbow portion of the bracket defines a bend for receiving a second one of the wire members to thereby releasably couple (e.g., snap fit, etc.) the bracket to the wire shelf. The shelving unit may also include a stop for inhibiting movement of hangers along the rod and past the stop, and/or a connector for coupling the shelving unit to a rod of another shelving unit for allowing movement of hangers between the rods.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Cooling And/Or Freezer

Номер: US20180049548A1
Автор: Lercher Dominik

The present invention relates to a refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit having a unit carcass and a unit door that is pivotable about an axis, preferably about a vertical axis, and that closes the cooled inner space at the front side, wherein removable protection against tilting is attached to the unit body and at least extends the tilt point of the unit body to the front and/or to the side beyond the normal footprint of the body. 1. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit having a unit body and having a unit door that is pivotable about an axis and that closes the cooled inner space at the front side ,characterized in thatremovable protection against tilting is attached to the unit body and at least extends the tilting point of the unit body to the front and/or to the side beyond the normal footprint of the body.2. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 ,characterized in that the unit body has rollers that at least partly define the normal footprint of the body.3. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the unit body has adjustable feet.4. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the protection against tilting is attached to the unit body without tools.5. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit in accordance with claim 3 , characterized in that the protection against tilting is clamped between the platform of the adjustable feet and the bottom of the unit body.6. A refrigerator unit and/or freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the protection against tilting is multipart.7. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit in accordance with claim 6 , characterized in that the protection against tilting is a rail.8. A refrigerator unit and/or a freezer unit in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the extended footprint of the body at least extends up to and into the plane of the unit opening.9. A ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049549A1
Автор: Conrad Hannah

A foldable easel blank includes a main panel defining a first side and a second side, the first side positioned opposite from the second side, the main panel defining a locking aperture extending through the main panel from a front main surface to a rear main surface, the front main surface positioned opposite from the rear main surface; a support panel hingedly connected to the main panel, the support panel defining a locking tab configured to engage the locking aperture; a first side panel hingedly connected to the first side of the main panel; a second side panel hingedly connected to the second side of the main panel; and a base panel, the base panel hingedly connected to the main panel, the base panel configured to secure to the first side panel and the second side panel to form a base stand. 1. A foldable easel blank comprising:a main panel defining a first side and a second side, the first side positioned opposite from the second side, the main panel defining a top and a bottom, a portion of the main panel extending along the first side and the bottom defining a first leg, a portion of the main panel extending along the second side the bottom defining a second leg, the first leg and the second leg defining a bottom main surface at the bottom of the main panel, the top positioned opposite from the bottom on the main panel, the main panel defining a locking aperture extending through the main panel from a front main surface to a rear main surface, the front main surface positioned opposite from the rear main surface;a support panel hingedly connected to the main panel by a support hinge, the support panel extending upwards from the support hinge towards the top of the main panel, the support panel defining a locking tab configured to engage the locking aperture, the locking tab extending upwards from the support panel, the locking tab positioned between the support hinge and the top of the main panel;a first side panel hingedly connected to the first side of ...
