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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000009371U1

1. Устройство для розлива охлажденных напитков, включающее раму со столешницей, снабженной по меньшей мере одним разливочным краном, по меньшей мере одну емкость с напитком, охладитель, источник углекислого газа и системы подвода углекислого газа в емкость с напитком и напитка в разливочный кран, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит изотермический корпус, закрепленный на раме, в котором размещены по меньшей мере одна емкость с напитком и охладитель, охладитель выполнен автономным с возможностью контакта с емкостью для напитка, при этом устройство имеет возможность перемещения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что охладитель выполнен в виде льда. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что охладитель выполнен в виде аккумулятора холода. 4. Устройство по любому из пп.1 - 3, отличающееся тем, что одна из стенок корпуса закреплена на его раме шарнирно. 5. Устройство по любому из пп.1 - 3, отличающееся тем, что одна из стенок корпуса выполнена с возможностью перемещения в пазах рамы. 6. Устройство по любому из пп.1 - 5, отличающееся тем, что емкость для пива выполнена в виде кега. 7. Устройство по п.6, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено колесами. (19) RU (11) (13) 9 371 U1 (51) МПК A47F 10/00 (1995.01) A47F 13/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ Адрес для переписки: 191186, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 230, "АРС Патент" (72) Автор(ы): Иванов В.Е., Синицын К.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Иванов Виталий Евгеньевич, Синицын Константин Адольфович Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 9 3 7 1 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для розлива охлажденных напитков, включающее раму со столешницей, снабженной по меньшей мере одним разливочным краном, по меньшей мере одну емкость с напитком, охладитель, источник углекислого газа и системы подвода углекислого газа в емкость с напитком и напитка в разливочный кран, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит изотермический корпус, закрепленный на раме, ...

10-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014331U1

1. Система взаимодействия между клиентами, средствами передачи информации и службами доставки, включающая средство для взаимодействия клиентов со средствами передачи информации, отличающаяся тем, что по крайней мере один из клиентов является производителем продукции, а другой - потребителем. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что между клиентами установлена дополнительная связь, с помощью которой формируются требования потребителя. 3. Система по пп. 1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что по крайней мере один из клиентов представлен субподрядчиком или субподрядчиками. 4. Система по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что связь может быть осуществлена как с помощью Интернета, так и электронной почты, и/или телефона, и/или любым другим способом. 5. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что содержит средство доставки, размещенное между производителем продукции и потребителем. 6. Система по пп. 1 и 5, отличающаяся тем, что доставка продукции осуществляется силами почты, курьерскими службами, и/или собственными силами производителя, и/или потребителя, и/или любым другим способом. (19) RU (11) 14 331 (13) U1 (51) МПК H04B 7/00 (2000.01) A47F 13/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000103792/20 , 18.02.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.02.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.07.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Назаров М.Н., Данилов Н.В., Рабекин А.В. 1 4 3 3 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система взаимодействия между клиентами, средствами передачи информации и службами доставки, включающая средство для взаимодействия клиентов со средствами передачи информации, отличающаяся тем, что по крайней мере один из клиентов является производителем продукции, а другой - потребителем. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что между клиентами установлена дополнительная связь, с помощью которой формируются требования потребителя. 3. Система по пп. 1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что по крайней мере один из клиентов ...

10-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014491U1
Автор: Хохлов А.Л.
Принадлежит: Хохлов Антон Львович

1. Устройство доставки товаров потребителю, содержащее блок приема сигналов информации от потребителей и отличающееся тем, что блок приема сигналов информации от потребителя связан с дополнительно введенным блоком обработки информации, управления и анализа, который с одной стороны связан с блоками базовой и вспомогательной информации, а с другой стороны - с исполнительными блоками, которые, в свою очередь, через блоки базовой и/или вспомогательной информации связаны с потребителем, причем в качестве исполнительного блока использованы малолитражные автомобили с объемом двигателя не более 2000 см. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что исполнительные блоки снабжены холодильными и нагревательными устройствами. 3. Устройство по п. 1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что блоки базовой и вспомогательной информации связаны между собой. (19) RU (11) 14 491 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47F 13/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000108350/20 , 07.04.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.04.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.08.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Хохлов А.Л. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хохлов Антон Львович R U Адрес для переписки: 194017, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 71, Сабуровой Г.П. (71) Заявитель(и): Хохлов Антон Львович 1 4 4 9 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство доставки товаров потребителю, содержащее блок приема сигналов информации от потребителей и отличающееся тем, что блок приема сигналов информации от потребителя связан с дополнительно введенным блоком обработки информации, управления и анализа, который с одной стороны связан с блоками базовой и вспомогательной информации, а с другой стороны - с исполнительными блоками, которые, в свою очередь, через блоки базовой и/или вспомогательной информации связаны с потребителем, причем в качестве исполнительного блока использованы малолитражные автомобили с объемом двигателя не более 2000 см 3. 2. Устройство по п.1 ...

10-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000022014U1

1. Горизонтальная несущая балка, представляющая собой короб прямоугольного сечения, вертикальные стенки концевых участков которого сжаты до соприкосновения по внутренним их поверхностям с образованием общей стенки, на кромке которой расположены крюки-зацепы, отличающаяся тем, что указанная общая стенка образована кроме вертикальных стенок короба и за счет его горизонтальных стенок, изогнута с образованием П-образного профиля, крюки-зацепы расположены на дальней от тела короба и перпендикулярной его продольной оси части общей стенки, при этом в параллельной продольной оси короба части общей стенки выполнены сквозные отверстия, а фронтальные кромки крюков-зацепов выполнены в форме, отличной от прямоугольной. 2. Горизонтальная несущая балка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что заходная часть каждого из крюков-зацепов выполнена со скосом под углом 20-26. 3. Горизонтальная несущая балка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что кромки крюков-зацепов выполнены в форме, отличной от прямоугольной, за счет скругления внешних их частей или выполнения кромок скошенными. (19) RU (11) 22 014 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47F 13/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (71) Заявитель(и): ООО "Максстор" (21), (22) Заявка: 2001125334/20 , 25.09.2001 (23) Дата поступления дополнительных материалов к ранее поданной заявке: 26.09.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Субботин Ю.П. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Субботин Юрий Петрович (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2002 2 2 0 1 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Горизонтальная несущая балка, представляющая собой короб прямоугольного сечения, вертикальные стенки концевых участков которого сжаты до соприкосновения по внутренним их поверхностям с образованием общей стенки, на кромке которой расположены крюки-зацепы, отличающаяся тем, что указанная общая стенка образована кроме вертикальных стенок короба и за счет его горизонтальных стенок, изогнута с образованием П-образного профиля, крюки-зацепы расположены на дальней от ...

27-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000024082U1

1. Совок для сыпучих продуктов, содержащий лоток радиусной формы, имеющий с одной стороны открытый участок с кромкой, и ручку, расположенную у стенки лотка, противолежащей кромке, отличающийся тем, что для удобства захвата и удержания продукта стенки лотка имеют толщину, уменьшающуюся в сторону кромки, а краевой участок лотка наклонен к его поверхности под углом около 170, при этом ручка расположена в плоскости, параллельной продольной оси лотка, выполнена полой и шириной, увеличивающейся в сторону от лотка. 2. Совок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на концевом участке ручки имеется отверстие для подвески. 3. Совок по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из полимерного материала. (19) RU (11) 24 082 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47F 13/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002110581/20 , 24.04.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.04.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.07.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Пономарев А.М. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Пономарев Александр Михайлович, Открытое акционерное общество "Полимербыт" U 1 2 4 0 8 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Совок для сыпучих продуктов, содержащий лоток радиусной формы, имеющий с одной стороны открытый участок с кромкой, и ручку, расположенную у стенки лотка, противолежащей кромке, отличающийся тем, что для удобства захвата и удержания продукта стенки лотка имеют толщину, уменьшающуюся в сторону кромки, а краевой участок лотка наклонен к его поверхности под углом около 170 o, при этом ручка расположена в плоскости, параллельной продольной оси лотка, выполнена полой и шириной, увеличивающейся в сторону от лотка. 2. Совок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на концевом участке ручки имеется отверстие для подвески. 3. Совок по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из полимерного материала. 2 4 0 8 2 (54) СОВОК ДЛЯ СЫПУЧИХ ПРОДУКТОВ R U Адрес для переписки: 109202, Москва, ул. 2-я Карачаровская, 3, ОАО "Полимербыт" ...

27-03-2003 дата публикации

Несущий элемент

Номер: RU0000028431U1
Автор: Кулагин С.П.

Несущий элемент, содержащий три или более продольных стержня, скрепленных между собой связующими элементами, образующие объемную конструкцию, отличающийся тем, что связующие элементы продольных стержней выполнены в виде одного или нескольких непрерывных изогнутых стержней, имеющих повторяющуюся форму изгиба. (19) RU (11) 28 431 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47F 13/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002124978/20 , 23.09.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.09.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Агроспецмашина" (72) Автор(ы): Кулагин С.П. Адрес для переписки: 656023, г.Барнаул, ул. 4-я Западная, 79, ООО "Агроспецмашина" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Агроспецмашина" (57) Формула полезной модели Несущий элемент, содержащий три или более продольных стержня, скрепленных между собой связующими элементами, образующие объемную конструкцию, отличающийся тем, что связующие элементы продольных стержней выполнены в виде одного или нескольких непрерывных изогнутых стержней, имеющих повторяющуюся форму изгиба. 2 8 4 3 1 (54) Несущий элемент R U (46) Опубликовано: 27.03.2003 R U 2 8 4 3 1 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 28 431 U1 RU 28 431 U1 RU 28 431 U1 RU 28 431 U1 RU 28 431 U1 RU 28 431 U1 RU 28 431 U1

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000093644U1

1. Совок для сыпучих продуктов, характеризующийся тем, что он содержит лоток с ручкой, представляющий собой нижнюю поверхность с передней кромкой, криволинейную верхнюю поверхность, сопряженную с нижней поверхностью с образованием накопительной полости и открытого участка у передней кромки для подбора сыпучих продуктов, при этом ручка выполнена со сквозным отверстием для сброса сыпучих продуктов, а накопительная полость выполнена сообщающейся с отверстием ручки. 2. Совок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что нижняя поверхность выполнена плоской. 3. Совок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что верхняя поверхность выполнена в форме части конуса. 4. Совок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен заглушкой, расположенной с торца ручки. 5. Совок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен литым из полистирола, полипропилена или другого полимерного материала. 6. Совок для сыпучих продуктов, характеризующийся тем, что он содержит лоток с ручкой, представляющий собой нижнюю поверхность с передней кромкой, криволинейную верхнюю поверхность, сопряженную с нижней поверхностью и частью передней кромки с образованием у передней кромки накопительной полости и открытого участка для подбора сыпучих продуктов, при этом в зоне сопряжения верхней поверхности с частью передней кромки выполнено сквозное отверстие для сброса сыпучих продуктов. 7. Совок по п.6, отличающийся тем, что нижняя поверхность выполнена плоской. 8. Совок по п.6, отличающийся тем, что верхняя поверхность выполнена серпообразной формы. 9. Совок по п.6, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен заглушкой, расположенной в ссыпном отверстии. 10. Совок по п.6, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен литым из полистирола, полипропилена или другого полимерного материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 93 644 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47F 13/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009148654/22, 29.12.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Controller for photographing apparatus and photographing system

Номер: US20120019615A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A picture photographed by a camera portion is sent to a video capturing portion of a computer. The picture is displayed in an operation, area of a monitor. A panorama picture of which pictures in part or all moving range of a pan tiler are combined is displayed in a panorama operation area. A pan tilter portion sends positional information of pan and tilt to the computer through a mode controller. With a mouse, the operation area and the panorama operation area are operated so as to select an object. The computer obtains data for driving the pan tilter. Thus, the selected object is displayed at the center of the operation area.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Inspection apparatus and measuring method

Номер: US20120044349A1
Автор: Fumio Hori
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An inspection apparatus includes: an insertion portion which is inserted into a device under inspection; a projection unit which projects a striped pattern including a plurality of linear patterns onto an object; an imaging unit which is provided in the insertion portion and images the object onto which the striped pattern is projected and generates image data; a specification unit which specifies an area of interest of the object in an image based on a position of the striped pattern in the image based on the image data; and a measurement unit which measures the area of the object using the image data.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Image communication method and apparatus

Номер: US20120044364A1

A user terminal and an image communication method and apparatus include outputting a captured image without performing left-and-right reversion when the captured image includes a symbol. Further, an image camera includes an image generate to generate a captured image, and a camper control unit to transmit the captured image to a user terminal without performing left-and-right reversion when the captured image includes a symbol.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Endoscope apparatus

Номер: US20120057010A1
Автор: Hideyoshi Yamauchi
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An endoscope apparatus includes an insertion tube including a flexible tube portion, a bending system, and an image pickup device, the bending system including a plurality of actuators which are provided in the flexible tube portion. The endoscope apparatus further includes a drum around which the insertion tube is wound. The plurality of actuators in the endoscope apparatus are positioned such that when the insertion tube is pulled out from the drum by a first length, a single symmetrical direction movement is enabled, and when the insertion tube is pulled out from the drum by a second length, a double symmetrical direction movement is enabled.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Location-based av flashlight and method of displaying map related video thereof

Номер: US20120069165A1
Принадлежит: PHAROBIT Co Ltd

An audio and video (AV) flashlight has a head portion, a body portion and a rear portion. Mounted on the head portion is a video camera module incorporating a visible light source and an infrared light source. Mounted on the body portion are a GPS module, an electronic compass module, a display module, a map database module, and a control module to read map information from the map database within a predetermined angle range with reference to an azimuth angle detected through the electronic compass module, display the read information on the display module, and display current location information and current location information of one or more main objects in a forward direction along with linear distance information to the current location. The flashlight enables relative measuring of distance with an eye with respect to a monitoring object based on the linear distance information of the main objects.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Process of real time adjustment of the sensitivity of a video image sensor of a videoendoscopic probe

Номер: US20120075443A1
Автор: Jean Rovegno
Принадлежит: TOKENDO

The invention relates to a method for adjusting the sensitivity of an image sensor, comprising: adjusting an integration duration of the image sensor between a minimum duration and an image frame duration, receiving from the image sensor a frame signal, amplifying the frame signal by applying an adjusted amplification gain between different minimum and maximum gain values, and for each frame of the frame signal, if an integration duration calculated as a function of an average value of the frame signal, is comprised between the minimum duration and a maximum duration equal to several times the frame duration, establishing the integration duration at the integration duration calculated and maintaining the amplification gain at a fixed value, otherwise maintaining the integration duration at the minimum or maximum duration and adjusting the amplification gain between the minimum and maximum values as a function of the average value.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Gps device with integral camera

Номер: US20120182421A1
Автор: Pavel ASANOV
Принадлежит: Individual

A GPS device includes GPS receiver/calculator that receives and calculates signals from satellites and generates locational data, a camera selectively taking images of inside or outside the motor vehicle and a processor that processes the images, and them with GPS location information.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Packs of Plastic Bags and Racks for Supporting Packs of Plastic Bags

Номер: US20120228246A1
Принадлежит: Alvarado Alejandro J, Monterrosa Pedro A

A pack of bags with a sleeve that provides an envelope for the pack of bags is disclosed. In the plurality of bag units in the pack of plastic bags, each front sheet and back sheet is cut to form an opening and a grab tab for each bag. A tongue may be inserted in the opening to push forward the grab tab when the pack of plastic bags is suspended from a rack.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for thumbnail-based camera control

Номер: US20120307052A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system includes a video sensing device, a computer processor coupled to the video sensing device, and a display unit coupled to the computer processor. The system is configured to display a field of view of the video sensing device as a thumbnail on a main display of an area, receive input from a user, wherein the input received from the user is received via one or more of a pan icon, a zoom icon, and a tilt icon, automatically calculate a change in one or more of a pan, a tilt, and a zoom of the video sensing device as a function of the input, alter one or more of the pan, the tilt, and the zoom of the video sensing device as a function of the calculations, and display a new field of view of the video sensing device in the thumbnail as a function of the alteration of the pan, tilt, and zoom of the video sensing device.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Remote Activation Of Video Share On Mobile Devices

Номер: US20130095813A1

A method for initiating a video share service of a mobile device based on commands from a remote source. The method includes receiving a request from the remote source to initiate the video share service, authenticating the sender of the request, receiving a command to start the video share service; and transmitting the output of the service. There is also a system configured for receiving a request from a first mobile device to initiate a service from a second mobile device, for authentication of the request, for commanding the second mobile device to start a service under control of the first mobile device, and for delivery of the output of the service. 1. A remote user device comprising a processor; and memory coupled to the processor , the memory comprising instruction that when executed by the processor cause the processor to effectuate operations comprising:initiating a content share service;determining if a local user device is powered on;in response to determining that the local user device is not powered on, then providing instructions indicative of remotely powering on the local user device;in response to determining that the local user device is powered on, then receiving by the remote user device content of the content share service, the content of the content share service being indicative of being provided by the local user device; wherein after, in response to determining that the local user device is powered on, then determining if the local user device is in use, and if the local user device is in use, then querying whether to interrupt the use of the local user device, and if the local user device is not in use, then providing instructions to set parameters of the local user device.2. The remote user device of claim 1 , wherein the content share service comprises video share claim 1 , and the content comprises video indicative of being taken by the local user device.3. The remote user device of claim 1 , wherein the content share service comprises ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107025A1
Автор: Kuchimaru Toru

An endoscopic image pickup unit includes: a first fixed lens frame which holds a first objective lens group; a second fixed lens frame which, being fitted over the first fixed lens frame, holds a second objective lens group; a movable lens frame which, being installed in the second fixed lens frame so as to be able to move forward and backward along a photographic optical axis, holds a movable lens; and a deformation preventing member which, being interposed between a distal end body and the second fixed lens frame, prevents the second fixed lens frame from being deformed by fixing force of the fixing member when the endoscopic image pickup unit is fixed to the distal end body. 1. An endoscopic image pickup unit which , being fixedly fitted in a distal end body of an endoscope by a fixing member , can change optical characteristics of an objective optical system , the endoscopic image pickup unit comprising:a first fixed lens frame which holds a first objective lens group;a second fixed lens frame which holds a second objective lens group;a movable lens frame which, being installed in the second fixed lens frame so as to be able to move forward and backward along a photographic optical axis, holds a movable lens;an urging member which urges the movable lens frame in a first direction along the photographic optical axis;an actuator which extends the movable lens frame in a second direction along the photographic optical axis against urging force of the urging member;wherein the actuator includes at least;an abutting member; andan urging body configured to urge the abutting member in the second direction along the photographic optical axis, the second direction being opposite to the first direction; andwherein the movable lens frame includes an abutted surface which is configured to be in contact with the abutting member,wherein, when the abutting member which is urged in the second direction by the urging body comes in contact with the abutted surface and thereby a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128020A1
Автор: FUJIMORI Noriyuki

An image pickup apparatus includes: a cover glass portion having a function of a right angle prism; an image pickup device substrate portion including an image pickup device on a first principal surface and a back-face electrode on a second principal surface, the back-face electrode being connected to the image pickup device via a through-wiring; and a bonding layer that bonds the cover glass portion and the image pickup device substrate portion that have a same outer dimension. 1. An image pickup apparatus comprising:a transparent substrate portion including an optical path conversion element function portion;an image pickup device substrate portion including an image pickup device on a first principal surface and a back-face electrode on a second principal surface, the back-face electrode being connected to the image pickup device via a wiring portion; anda bonding layer that bonds the transparent substrate portion and the image pickup device substrate portion that have a same outer dimension.2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent substrate portion includes a perpendicular surface perpendicular to the first principal surface and an inclined surface inclined relative to the first principal surface claim 1 , and the inclined surface includes a reflective surface of the optical path conversion element function portion.3. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the optical path conversion element function portion includes a right angle prism claim 2 , the inclined surface of which is inclined by 45 degrees relative to the first principal surface.4. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the image pickup apparatus is manufactured by wafer-level chip-size packaging.5. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein a reflective film is provided on the inclined surface.6. An endoscope comprising:an image pickup optical system including a plurality of lens portions;an image pickup ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135457A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

An apparatus for inspecting a turbomachine includes a plurality of horoscopes, a device to rotate the rotor of the turbomachine and a processor having reference measurements of the rotor blades and/or reference measurements between the rotor blades and the horoscopes. A boroscope is inserted in a casing aperture upstream of the blades to view the leading edge and a portion of one of the surfaces of each blade as the rotor is rotated. A boroscope is inserted in a casing aperture downstream of the blades to view the trailing edge and a portion of one of the surfaces of each blade as the rotor is rotated. The boroscopes supply the images of each of the blades to the processor. The processor analyses the images of the blades and uses the reference measurements to determine the position and size of any defect on any of the rotor blades. 1. A method of inspecting a turbomachine , the turbomachine comprising a rotor having at least one stage of rotor blades and a casing surrounding the rotor and at least one stage of rotor blades , each rotor blade comprising a platform portion and an aerofoil portion , the aerofoil portion having a leading edge , a trailing edge , a concave surface , a convex surface and a tip , the method comprising the steps of a) providing a plurality of boroscopes , b) inserting each boroscope through a respective one of a plurality of apertures in a casing of the turbomachine , at least one of the apertures in the casing being upstream of the rotor blades , at least one of the apertures in the casing being downstream of the rotor blades , c) rotating the rotor of the turbomachine , d) providing reference measurements of the rotor blades and/or reference measurements between the rotor blades and the boroscopes , e) viewing the leading edge and at least a portion of the concave surface or viewing the leading edge and at least a portion of the convex surface of each of the rotor blades of the turbomachine as the rotor is rotated using the boroscope in ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137377A1

A wireless image communication system comprises a transmitter that wirelessly transmits image data and a receiver that receives the image data transmitted by the transmitter. The transmitter comprises: a communication channel change instruction unit that accepts, from an operator, an instruction to change a communication channel currently used in the wireless communication with the receiver for the transmission of the image data to a predetermined communication channel different from the currently used communication channel; and a transmitting unit that wirelessly transmits, on the basis of the instruction, information related to the predetermined communication channel to the receiver. The receiver comprises: a receiving unit that receives the information wirelessly transmitted by the transmitter; and a wireless communication control unit that performs a process to change the communication channel currently used in the wireless communication with the transmitter to the communication channel indicated by the received information. 1. A wireless image communication system comprising a transmitter that wirelessly transmits image data and a receiver that receives the image data transmitted from the transmitter , wherein a communication channel change instruction unit configured to receive an instruction to change a communication channel, which is in use in wireless communication with the receiver related to transmission of the image data, to a predetermined communication channel different from the communication channel in use from an operator; and', 'a transmitting unit configured to wirelessly transmit information regarding the predetermined communication channel based on the instruction to the receiver, and, 'the transmitter comprises a receiving unit configured to receive the information wirelessly transmitted from the transmitter; and', 'a wireless communication control unit configured to perform a process of changing the communication channel in use in the wireless ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147950A1
Автор: IWAKI Shinnosuke
Принадлежит: DWANGO CO., LTD.

A video of a field of view of a patron in a venue is made different from a video delivered to a viewer of a user terminal. A video from an imaging device that images the video is received as an input, and the video includes all or a part of an image display device arranged near a performer and the performer. A mask process is performed on all or a part of a portion of the video in which the image display device is imaged. The video that has been subjected to the mask process is transmitted via a network. 1. A video transmission system , comprising:a video input unit that receives a video from an imaging device that images the video as an input, the video including all or a part of an image display device arranged near a performer and the performer;a mask-processing unit that performs a mask process on all or a part of a portion of the video in which the image display device is imaged; anda transmitting unit that transmits the video that has been subjected to the mask process via a network.2. The video transmission system according to claim 1 ,wherein the image display device displays all or a part of the video imaged by the imaging device.3. The video transmission system according to claim 1 ,wherein the mask-processing unit determines the portion of the video in which the image display device is imaged as a masking portion, and synthesizes another image on the masking portion.4. A video transmission method claim 1 , comprising:receiving a video from an imaging device that images the video as an input, the video including all or a part of an image display device arranged near a performer and the performer;performing a mask process on all or a part of a portion of the video in which the image display device is imaged; andtransmitting the video that has been subjected to the mask process via a network.5. A computer-readable recording medium in which a computer program is recorded claim 1 , the computer program causes a computer to execute:receiving a video from an ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154213A1
Автор: Marquez-Molina Karen

One example embodiment includes a system for assisting a user in carrying bags or other items. The system includes a body, wherein the body is configured to support the weight of the system and one or more personal items. The system also includes one or more hooks, wherein the one or more hooks are configured to allow a user to hang the one or more personal items from the body. 1. A system for assisting a user in carrying bags or other items , the system comprising:a body configured to support the weight of the system and one or more personal items; andat least one hook configured to allow a user to hang the one or more personal items from the body.2. The system of further comprising a base configured to support the body.3. The system of further comprising one or more legs configured to support the body.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more legs includes three legs.5. The system of further comprising at least one wheel on each of the one or more legs.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the body is configured to be adjustable in length.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the body is configured to telescope.8. The system of further comprising a handle configured to allow a user to direct the movement of the system.9. The system of further comprising a handle configured to allow a user to direct the movement of the system.10. The system of further comprising a hinge attached the handle.11. A system for assisting a user in carrying bags or other items claim 1 , the system comprising: one or more legs; and', 'a wheel attached to each of the one or more of the legs;, 'a base, wherein the base includesa body, wherein the body is configured to support the weight of the system and one or more personal items;one or more hooks, wherein the one or more hooks are configured to allow a user to hang the one or more personal items from the body; anda storage area, wherein the storage area is formed by the one or more legs.12. The system of further comprising a hinge on ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155231A1
Принадлежит: LIVEU LTD.

A transceiver unit for generating bonded streams of data includes a data processor to bond a first multiplicity of outgoing streams of data into an outgoing bonded stream. A scheduler transmits the outgoing bonded stream via a second multiplicity of modems for communication over a third multiplicity of wireless or wired channels. An assembly engine receives and assembles the incoming bonded stream from the third multiplicity of wireless or wired channels into a fourth multiplicity of output data. 1. A transceiver unit for generating bonded streams of data , the unit comprising:a data processor to bond a first multiplicity of outgoing streams of data into an outgoing bonded stream;a scheduler to transmit said outgoing bonded stream via a second multiplicity of modems for communication over a third multiplicity of wireless or wired channels; andan assembly engine to receive and assemble said incoming bonded stream from said third multiplicity of wireless or wired channels into a fourth multiplicity of output data.2. The unit according to and wherein said outgoing data stream comprises at least one of IP audio/video claim 1 , non IP audio/video claim 1 , non-embedded separated audio and non-audio/video data.3. The unit according to and also comprising a decoder to decode said at least one of said IP audio/video streams.4. The unit according to and also comprising an encrypter to encrypt any outgoing data per individual data streams.5. The unit according to and also comprising an encrypter to encrypt any outgoing data per bonded data stream.6. The unit according to and also comprising a decrypter to decrypt any incoming data per individual data stream.7. The unit according to and also comprising a decrypter to decrypt any incoming data per bonded data stream.8. The unit according to and wherein each said wireless channel is one of the following wireless channels: a cellular channel claim 1 , a satellite channel claim 1 , a Wi-Fi channel claim 1 , a WiMax channel claim 1 ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162822A1

In a method for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a camera to capture images of a target, the computing device sets coordinates of a target, initial coordinates of the camera, and an initial viewing direction of the camera. Real-time coordinates and a real-time viewing direction of the camera are obtained when the UAV flies around the target. Accordingly, adjustment parameters of the camera are calculated and transferred to a driver system connected to the camera, such that the driver system adjusts the camera to face the target according to the adjusting parameters. 1. A method for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a camera to capture images of a target being executed by a processor of a computing device , the method comprising:setting coordinates of the target, initial coordinates of the camera, and an initial viewing direction of the camera, and storing the coordinates of the target, the initial coordinates of the camera, and the initial viewing direction of the camera into a storage system of the computing device;obtaining real-time coordinates of the camera and a real-time viewing direction of the camera when the UAV flies around the target;calculating adjustment parameters of the camera according to the initial coordinates, the initial viewing direction, the real-time coordinates, and the real-time viewing direction of the camera; andadjusting the camera to face the target according to the adjusting parameters by transferring the adjusting parameters of the camera to a driver system connected to the camera.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining current coordinates and a current viewing direction of the camera when the camera faces the target;updating the initial coordinates of the camera stored in the storage system with the current coordinates of the camera; andupdating the initial viewing direction of the camera stored in the storage system with the real-time viewing direction of the camera.3 ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169798A1

A device for detecting objects includes a vessel intended to contain the objects. A sensor is configured to capture at least one image of the vessel. A processing device is configured to process at least one captured image by detecting objects of the at least one captured image, extracting characteristics of each detected object, and generating a list of the characteristics of each detected object. A memory stores the generated list, the memory also configured to store a first reference list of object characteristics. The processing device further generates a second list of characteristics from a captured image. The characteristics of each object of the second list are compared with, respectively, the characteristics of each object of the reference list. 127-. (canceled)28. A device for detecting objects , comprising:a vessel configured to contain the objects to be detected;an imaging device configured to capture at least one image of the vessel;a processing device configured to process said at least one captured image so as to detect objects in said at least one captured image, extract characteristics of each detected object, and generate a list of the characteristics of each detected object; anda memory configured to store said generated list, the memory further configured to store a first reference list of object characteristics;wherein said processing device is further configured to generate a second list of characteristics from a captured image, and compare characteristics of each object from the second list with, respectively, the characteristics of each object from the first reference list.29. The device according to claim 28 , wherein the processing device is further configured to generate said first reference list from a captured reference image.30. The device according to claim 28 , wherein said processing to extract characteristics comprises operation by the processing device to segment unrecognized objects out of detected objects and perform a second ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Virtual window for aircraft

Номер: US20130169807A1
Принадлежит: Embraer SA

To create an environment in which the passenger has the same emotion, feel and visual experience that a pilot has with regard to freedom of flight and proximity to the exterior of the aircraft and where passengers have the impression that they are looking out of an actual panoramic window, a “virtual window” includes internal and the external aspects of a real window. The internal part can comprise a folded or flexible high resolution color display that conforms to the internal profile of the aircraft fuselage as if it were an actual window. The external part comprises a paint scheme that is indistinguishable from an actual window and which is placed on the outside of the aircraft fuselage in registry with the conformal display in the aircraft's interior.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Lamp socket type camera

Номер: US20130169814A1
Автор: Da-Ming Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is to provide a lamp socket type camera which includes an outer housing, a bulb socket connected to the outer housing and capable of being threadedly and electrically connected to an existing lamp socket for receiving electric power from the lamp socket, a power module received in the receiving space and electrically connected to the bulb socket for converting the electric power received from the bulb socket into a required specification, a control module received in the receiving space and connected to the power module, a wireless transmission module received in the receiving space and connected to the control module, and an image capturing element connected to the power module and the control module respectively for capturing image data from outside of the outer housing and transmitting the image data to the control module which will send the image data out via the wireless transmission module wirelessly.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182113A1

A car side video assist system activated by light signals is revealed. The system includes at least two cameras respectively disposed on the left, right or rear side of a car for capturing images at corresponding sides and forming image signal sources. By using different light signals including left/right turn, warning or reversing signals as the activation signal sources, at least one camera is selected and activated and the images capture form at least one image/picture on a screen. The video signal source switch processor further includes a light signal interpretation processor that starts interpretation after a preset critical time such as 8 milliseconds when a light signal is activated and input. The interpretation continues for a preset period of time such as 300 milliseconds to output the result for preventing misinterpretation and interpreting the light signal is a single left/right turn signal or a warning signal accurately. 2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the car side cameras further include at least one rear side camera.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light signal interpretation processor starts interpretation after the critical time of 8 milliseconds claim 1 , continues the interpretation for 300 milliseconds claim 1 , and then outputs the interpretation result.4. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the car side picture on the screen is set to be retained for a period of continuous display time when the light signal interpretation processor already output the interpretation result of the light signal selected from the group consisting of the left turn signal claim 1 , the right turn signal and the warning signal claim 1 , at least one car side camera is activated to capture car side images and the image captured at the corresponding car side is output to form at least one picture on the screen; the continuous display time is longer than a time gap between on-and-off of the light signal; within the continuous display ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Trail camera

Номер: US20130188047A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for improving battery life and accessibility of an outdoor imager, including use of high-power RF directional RF/WiFi for long range image and video transmission with cellphone coverage and use of ultrabright LEDs.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Networked freezer stocking management

Номер: US20130194420A1
Принадлежит: Spinnaker Process Instruments

A system for an ice merchandiser having a compressor in a compressor enclosure to cool the ice merchandiser includes a sensor disposed within the ice merchandiser, and a communications component disposed within the compressor enclosure and coupled to the sensor to receive signals from the sensor representative of the amount of ice in the ice merchandiser, wherein the communications component is configured to convert the received signals to a digital format and publish the signals via a network connection.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201328A1

Systems are provided for receiving the video data from the camera. In one embodiment, a system is provided to compare, for all frames of the video, one frame with another frame of the video data, to determine if there are dynamic objects between the two frames, wherein the determination is based on movements of corresponding pixels between the two frames; filtering out the dynamic objects in each frame; applying special effects to highlight the dynamic objects by coloring the dynamic objects in each frame; applying special effects to grey out static objects, or the non-dynamic objects, by coloring the static objects in each frame where the dynamic objects are found. 1. A real-time network-based video processing system for detecting and modifying particular objects of a video stream , comprising: receiving, from a user, a selection that indicates a mode of operations;', 'receiving video images, in form of frames;', 'receiving instructions with respect to the mode of operations selected; and', 'sending video data to video systems for image processing through a wireless network;, 'a camera configured to perform a series of steps, comprising receive streaming videos; and', 'display streaming videos;, 'a mobile device including a video display, wherein the mobile device is configured to'}a processor; anda memory storing instructions to cause the processor to execute a method.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the method comprises:receiving the video data from the camera;comparing a first frame with a second frame of the video data, to determine if there are moving objects between the two frames, wherein the determination is based on movements of corresponding pixels between the first and second frames;filtering out the moving objects in the first and second frames;applying a first special effect to the moving objects by coloring the moving objects in the first and second frames;applying a second special effect to static objects, or the non-moving objects, by coloring the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215247A1
Автор: LEWIN Asaf
Принадлежит: PICK'NTELL LTD.

The subject matter discloses a system for communicating between a customer at a retail store and a mirror point used to generate media files at the retail store using a capture device, the system comprises a storage for storing contact information of the customer; a processor for enabling access of a customer's device to the mirror point; a communication module for transmitting the media files generated by the mirror point at the retail store to the customer's desired destination using the contact information stored at the storage structure. 1. A method , comprising:receiving information related to a customer communicating with a mirror point positioned at a retail store, the customer communicating with the mirror point via the customer's at least one mobile device, said mirror point comprising a mirror camera;receiving a command at the mirror point from the customer's at least one mobile device, said command relates to operations performed by the mirror camera in the mirror point;wherein the at least one mobile device transmits the command to the mirror point wirelessly;generating a media file by the mirror camera according to the commands received wirelessly from the at least one mobile device;wirelessly transmitting the media file to the at least one mobile device;wherein the customer's mobile device is configured to transmit the command to two or more mirror points.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprises a step of identifying that the customer's device is at the retail store.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the identifying is performed according to a GPS signal received from the customer's device.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein transmitting the media file to the customer's mobile device while the customer's mobile device is identified to reside in the retail store.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the identifying is performed via a mobile application on the at least one customer's device; said mobile application ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215268A1
Принадлежит: THALES

A system for rescue of a target by aircraft, comprises control means to plot at least one contour delimiting an area of interest, computation means identifying, on at least one camera, at least one area of interest, in which a predetermined object is likely to be located, an expert system assigning a likelihood coefficient to one identified area of interest, computation means assigning a likelihood coefficient to at least one plotted area of interest, and computation means determining at least one relevant area of interest from the positions and likelihood coefficients assigned to areas of interest comprising at least one identified area of interest in which said object is likely to be located and/or at least one plotted area of interest on a set of images comprising at least one pilot image and/or at least one output image, said display means presenting at least one first relevant area of interest. 1. A system for aiding in the rescue of a target by aircraft , comprising , installed in the aircraft:at least one camera capable of supplying images, being output images of said camera, of a scene of the environment of the aircraft,a display module making it possible to present, to the crew, images, being pilot images, corresponding to output images of said at least one camera which have undergone modifications enabling the crew to view them correctly, on at least one screen,a control module enabling the crew to plot at least one contour delimiting an area of interest, being a plotted area of interest, on the pilot images which are presented to it,a first computation module configured to identify, on output images of said at least one camera, at least one area of interest, being an identified area of interest, in which a predetermined object is likely to be located,an expert system making it possible to assign a likelihood coefficient to said at least one identified area of interest,a second computation module configured to assign a likelihood coefficient to said at ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215273A1
Принадлежит: SaferPlace, Ltd.

An apparatus for monitoring and reporting suspect traffic violations is provided. The Apparatus comprises at least one video camera for capturing a video clip of a suspect traffic violation by an offending vehicle; a processor coupled to the at least one video camera, the processor configured to detect the suspect traffic violation based on a particular set of traffic violations and definitions of triggering events; and an interface to a network for reporting the detected suspect traffic violation. 1. An apparatus for monitoring and reporting suspect traffic violations comprising:at least one video camera for capturing a video clip of a suspect traffic violation by an offending vehicle;a processor coupled to the at least one video camera, the processor configured to detect the suspect traffic violation based on a particular set of traffic violations and definitions of triggering events; andan interface to a network for reporting the detected suspect traffic violation.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the suspect traffic violation comprises at least one of: a moving traffic violation and a parking traffic violation.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprises:at least one still image camera for capturing one or more still images of the offending vehicle in conjunction with the video clip.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to identify vehicle information of the offending vehicle claim 1 , wherein vehicle information includes at least one of: a vehicle license plate claim 1 , a vehicle color claim 1 , and a vehicle model.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the network is at least one of: a wireless network claim 1 , a wired network claim 1 , a local area network (LAN) claim 1 , a wide area network (WAN) claim 1 , a metro area network (MAN) claim 1 , a world wide web (WWW) claim 1 , and the Internet.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the reporting the suspect traffic violation comprises: sending the video clip of the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216350A1
Автор: Harris Terry

A magnetic retrieval device includes a magnet and a helical thread fixed relative to the magnet. The helical thread is screwed onto a proximal end of a grip of a golf club. The golf club can be used by a golfer to retrieve a laying golf club already on a playing surface without the need for the golfer to bend over or bend down. The helical thread may include a pointed distal end and a cutting slot or a drill distal end. A body may surround the magnet, where the body includes a base and a top. The top may include an elastomeric material such as rubber. A metallic ball marker may be magnetically attached to the body. 1. A magnetic retrieval device removably attachable to a grip of a golf club without the need of a tool , comprising:a magnet; anda helical thread fixed relative to the magnet in non-movable relation, where the helical thread is configured to be screwed directly onto a proximal end of the grip of the golf club without the need of the tool, wherein the golf club can be used by a golfer to retrieve a laying golf club already on a playing surface without the need for the golfer to bend over or bend down.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the helical thread comprises a cutting slot for cutting threads when the device is screwed onto the proximal end of the grip of the golf club.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the helical thread comprises a thread-cutting screw type.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the helical thread comprises a self-drilling thread type.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the helical thread comprises a drill distal end.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the magnet comprises a rare earth magnet.7. The device of claim 1 , including a body surrounding the magnet.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the body comprises an elastomeric material.9. The device of claim 8 , including a metallic ball marker magnetically attached to the body claim 8 , such that the ball marker is removable for use to mark the position of a golf ball.10. The device of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222600A1
Принадлежит: KD SECURE LLC

The present invention is a method to ensure business processes and safety procedures are followed, comprising the steps of capturing sensory data from one or more sensors; storing the sensory data from the one or more sensors in a data storage device; processing the sensory data from the sensors to detect primitive events in the sensory data using a computer processor; correlating two or more primitive events to determine one or more correlated events using the computer processor; and performing one or more actions to ensure business processes and safety procedures are followed based on the correlation performed in the correlating step. 120-. (canceled)21. A business process monitoring system to ensure business processes and safety procedures are followed , comprising:one or more sensors for capturing sensory data;a data storage device for storing the sensory data from the one or more sensors;one or more processors, operatively coupled to the one or more sensors; and capture sensory data from the one or more sensors;', 'process the sensory data from the one or more sensors to detect primitive events in the sensory data;', 'correlate two or more primitive events to determine one or more correlated events; and', 'perform one or more actions to ensure business processes and safety procedures are followed based on the correlation performed in the correlating step., 'one or more memories, operatively coupled to the one or more processors, the one or more memories comprising program code which when executed causes the one or more processors to22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the one or more sensors are selected from the group consisting of surveillance camera claim 21 , surveillance microphone claim 21 , temperature probe claim 21 , pressure probe claim 21 , speedometer claim 21 , chlorine meter claim 21 , radon meter claim 21 , dust particle meter claim 21 , COmeter claim 21 , water meter claim 21 , electrical meter claim 21 , blood pressure meter claim 21 , and ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229524A1

An imaging device and method for producing an image of a vehicle surroundings of a vehicle with at least one camera includes recording a first partial image in a first position or alignment of the camera and recording at least a second partial image in at least a second position or alignment of the camera, each partial image corresponding to the entire coverage area of the camera. The first partial image and the second partial image are assembled to form the image of the vehicle surroundings such that the image shows a larger area than each partial image. The imaging device includes the camera and an image synthesis device with which the first partial image and the second partial image can be assembled to form the image. 1. Method for producing an image of a vehicle surroundings of a vehicle with at least one camera comprising:recording a first partial image in a first position or alignment of the camera; andrecording at least a second partial image in at least a second position or alignment of the camera,each partial image corresponding to the entire coverage area of the camera,wherein the first partial image and the second partial image are assembled to form the image of the vehicle surroundings such that the image shows a larger area than each partial image.2. Method according to claim 1 ,wherein the image has a virtual viewpoint above the vehicle.3. Method for supporting a driver during parking by producing the image in accordance with claim 1 , in which the image shows a parking space which was recorded in at least one of the partial images.4. Method according to claim 3 ,wherein the driver is shown one or more of the partial images in a normal mode, and the entire assembled image in an extended mode when the parking space is detected as free.5. Method according to claim 3 ,wherein the parking space is measured by at least one ultrasonic sensor.6. Method according to claim 3 ,wherein there is inserted into the image an artificial image element which represents ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229525A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A device for monitoring surroundings of a vehicle mounted in a vehicle, captures an image of surroundings of the vehicle, extracts from the captured image an image area for a predetermined part of a desired type of object, and sets a predetermined area below the extracted image area. The device extracts candidates for the desired type of object present outside the vehicle based on the predetermined area and determines, for each of the extracted object candidates, whether the object candidate is the desired type of object. When no pattern different from the background is captured in the predetermined area, or when a pattern different from the background is captured only in one of a first and a second areas, then the object in the image area is excluded from the candidates for the desired type of object. Thus, a pedestrian, for example, can be distinguished from an artificial structure. 1. A vehicle surroundings monitoring device comprising:imaging unit which is mounted in a vehicle and captures an image of surroundings of the vehicle; andan image processing unit having a processor and a memory,the image processing unit being configured to:extract an image area for a predetermined part of a desired type of object in the captured image;extract, on the basis of a predetermined area below the extracted image area, a candidate for a desired type of object;determine, for each object candidate extracted, whether the object candidate is the desired type of object; andexclude an object in the image area from candidates for the desired type of object when no pattern different from a background is captured in the predetermined area, or when a pattern different from the background is captured only in one of a first and a second areas each of which is a half of the predetermined area divided in a horizontal direction.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the imaging unit is an infrared camera claim 1 , and the extracted image area in the captured image is a high-intensity ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235194A1

Disclosed herein is an imaging apparatus including: an imaging portion capturing an image of a subject, thereby acquiring a video signal; a first coding portion compression-coding the video signal through intra-frame compression and inter-frame compression, thereby generating a first coded signal; a second coding portion compression-coding the video signal through the intra-frame compression, thereby generating a second coded signal an amount of information on which is less than that of the first coded signal; and a signal sending portion sending the first coded signal and the second coded signal to a coaxial cable. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an imaging portion capturing an image of a subject, thereby acquiring a video signal;a first coding portion compression-coding the video signal through intra-frame compression and inter-frame compression, thereby generating a first coded signal;a second coding portion compression-coding the video signal through the intra-frame compression, thereby generating a second coded signal an amount of information on which is less than that of the first coded signal; anda signal sending portion sending the first coded signal and the second coded signal to a coaxial cable.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the first coding portion compression-codes the video signal in accordance with a Moving Picture Experts Group system, thereby generating the first coded signal having an I picture, a P picture, and a B picture, andthe second coding portion compression-codes the video signal in accordance with the Moving Picture Experts Group system, thereby generating the second coded signal having only the I picture obtained through thinning-out of the P picture and the B picture in the first coded signal.3. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga multiplexing portion multiplexing the first coded signal and the second coded signal,wherein the signal sending portion sends a multiplexed signal obtained ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Throwable camera and network for operating the same

Номер: US20130250047A1
Автор: Hollinger Steven J.

A camera thrown or projected into an airborne trajectory, and an image capture system with network devices collaborating for the purpose of generating panoramic images and video sourced from network cameras thrown or projected in independent trajectories, and cameras capable of capturing stable image and video from spinning, spiraling and precessing apertures, and a throwable cameras streamlined in response to aerodynamic forces acting on respective housings. 1. An image capture apparatus comprising:a housing suitable for being thrown into an airborne trajectory;at least one camera positioned in the housing with at least a partial view to the exterior environment;at least one orientation sensor positioned in the housing that determines the orientation of the image capture apparatus along its trajectory; anda processing unit having inputs electrically connected to the at least one camera and the at least one orientation sensor, the processing unit rotating a captured image in response to a signal from the at least one orientation sensor.2. The image capture apparatus of whereinthe housing shape is substantially the shape of an oblate spheroid;the housing is substantially centered around the center of mass; andthe at least one orientation sensor determines the orientation of the minor axis of the oblate spheroid shaped housing.3. The image capture apparatus of whereinthe housing shape is substantially the shape of a disc having a central axis of symmetry;the center of mass of the apparatus is on the axis of symmetry; andthe at least one orientation sensor determines the orientation of the axis of symmetry.4. The image capture apparatus of further comprising a transmitter positioned in the housing for sending an image wirelessly; whereinthe rotated image is transmitted to a ground-based user.5. The image capture apparatus of wherein the processing unit stitches a first captured image to a second captured image to obtain a substantially seamless panoramic image.6. The ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250118A1
Автор: KAWAKAMI Hiroki

An image processing apparatus, includes: a moving image acquisition unit which acquires a moving image captured under a first capturing situation; a trajectory correction unit which corrects a trajectory of a moving object in the moving image acquired by the moving image acquisition unit to fit the trajectory to a second capturing situation, which is different from the first capturing situation; and a display control unit which causes a display unit to display the trajectory corrected by the trajectory correction unit. 1. An image processing apparatus , comprising:a moving image acquisition unit which acquires a moving image captured under a first capturing situation;a trajectory correction unit which corrects a trajectory of a moving object in the moving image acquired by the moving image acquisition unit to fit the trajectory to a second capturing situation, which is different from the first capturing situation; anda display control unit which causes a display unit to display the trajectory corrected by the trajectory correction unit.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the trajectory correction unit corrects the trajectory of the moving object in the moving image captured under the first capturing situation based on a difference between a first characteristic point in the moving image captured under the first capturing situation and a second characteristic point in a moving image captured under the second capturing situation claim 1 , which is different from the first capturing situation.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first and the second capturing situations include a direction and/or a position in which the moving image of a series of motion of a subject is captured with a capturing unit.4. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the trajectory correction unit includes:a first trajectory acquisition unit which acquires the trajectory of the moving object from the moving ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258079A1
Автор: Kruger Timo, Rose Andreas
Принадлежит: Fiagon GmbH

A method for presenting image data, in which an optical implement captures the position and positional information is obtained thus and, with the aid of the positional information, image data are determined and displayed or processed further. The image data to be displayed are at least in part based on virtual image data, not real image data captured directly by the optical implement. These virtual image data represent an object or body part situated in the field of view of the optical implement. Within the scope of the method, real image data are recorded by means of the optical implement, the position and/or alignment of the optical implement is captured simultaneously and positional information is derived therefrom. 2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the virtual image data are obtained by means of a tomographic method and/or are data of a three-dimensional model of an object or body part.3. (canceled)4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that processing the image data includes selecting image data to be displayed and/or transforming the image data.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the optical implement is an endoscope.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that processing the recorded image data includes a photogrammetric evaluation of the real image data in order to obtain a three-dimensional model of the object or body part.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that processing the image data includes a superposition of virtual image data onto the respective real image data.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , characterized in that contours of object or body part structures claim 7 , which are represented by virtual image data claim 7 , are superimposed onto real image data.9. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that image data to be displayed are determined taking into account virtual image data in the form of tomographic images and taking into ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258109A1
Автор: MURAOKA Masaru

A monitoring apparatus includes an imaging unit that takes an image of a monitoring area, an intrusion detection sensor that detects intrusion into the monitoring area, and a display unit that displays a range that can be detected by the intrusion detection sensor overlaid on an image of the monitoring area taken by the imaging unit. The range that can be detected by the intrusion detection sensor in the monitoring area is less than or equal to an imaging range of the monitoring area that can be imaged by the imaging unit. 1. A monitoring apparatus comprising:an imaging unit that takes an image of a monitoring area;an intrusion detection sensor that detects intrusion into the monitoring area; and{'b': '1', 'a display unit that displays a range that can be detected by the intrusion detection sensor overlaid on an image of the monitoring area taken by the imaging unit, wherein p the range that can be detected by the intrusion detection sensor in the monitoring area is less than or equal to an imaging range of the monitoring area that can be imaged by the imaging unit.'}2. The monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , configured such that the range that can be detected by the intrusion detection sensor is displayed on the display unit overlaid on an image of the monitoring area taken by the imaging unit in a format that includes a shape and/or color that can be visually identified by an operator.3. The monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the imaging unit claim 1 , the intrusion detection sensor claim 1 , and the display unit are arranged on a same side of the monitoring apparatus.4. The monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the intrusion detection sensor is arranged adjacent the imaging unit.5. The monitoring apparatus according to claim 1 , configured such that:for a prescribed time before a monitoring operation is started, the display unit displays the range that can be detected by the intrusion detection sensor overlaid on an image of ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265422A1

Methods of connecting network-based cameras to video station such that the ownership between the network-based camera with the respective connected socket can be locked, such that at any time, each of the at least one socket can lock ownership of only one network-based camera, and receives video from the only one network-based camera with ownership locked by the respective socket. As the socket of the current invention can now engage into “locking” relationship with only one network-based camera with camera-identification tag acceptable to the video station, and preferably with the lock key, the chance of spoofing can be substantially reduced. 1. A method of connecting at least one network-based camera to a video station , said video station having at least one socket for connecting said network-based camera , said method including the steps of:a) sending a camera-advertising signal from the network-based camera to the video station for notifying the presence of the network-based camera, said camera-advertising signal includes a camera-identification tag for identification of the network-based camera;b) if the network-based camera is in an unlock state, locking ownership of the network-based camera with the respective connected socket; andc) if the network-based camera is in a lock state and is not locked by the respective socket, terminating connection between the network-based camera and the video station can lock ownership of only one network-based camera; and', 'receives video from the only one network-based camera with ownership locked by the respective socket., 'such that at any time, each of the at least one socket'}2. The method of further including the steps of:a1) after receiving the camera-advertising signal, determining whether the camera-identification tag is acceptable to the video station; anda2) if the camera identification tag is not acceptable to the video station, terminating connection between the network-based camera and the video station.3. The ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265428A1

Disclosed herein are an apparatus and a method of setting a parking position based on an around-view (AV) image. After the continuous AV images of the parking space are obtained in cooperation with an around-view monitoring (AVM) system, a parking space, designated by a driver in various designating schemes, is set to a parking position, allowing the driver to select the parking space and easily identify a surrounding space limitations of the selected parking space. 1. An apparatus for setting a parking position based on an around-view (AV) image , the apparatus comprising:an AV image collecting unit configured to collect a plurality of AV images;a parking space recognizing unit configured to identify a plurality of parking spaces in the plurality of AV images;a designation region inputting unit configured to receive a designated parking space from a driver;a designation region recognizing unit configured to identify the designated parking space received in the designation region inputting unit in cooperation with the parking space recognizing unit to determine whether the designated parking space is effective wherein the designated parking space is effective when the parking space is substantially large to accommodate a vehicle;a display unit configured to display together the plurality of AV images; anda parking position setting unit configured to set the designated parking space to a parking position when the designated parking space is effective.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the designation region inputting unit receives any region in which a parking line is not present in the displayed AV image as the designated parking space.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the designation region inputting unit receives a region of a quadrangle drawn by the driver in the displayed AV image as the designated parking space.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the designation region recognizing unit corrects the quadrangle received through the designation region ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265434A1

An image of each frame output from an image sensing device is sequentially acquired. A situation appearing in the image is recognized through recognition processing performed on the image, and, if the recognized situation is a prescribed situation, an object of a type related to the prescribed situation is detected from the image and from an image of each frame containing the image. A detection position, in the image, of each object is used to determine whether the objects come in contact with each other in a physical space. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a unit that sequentially acquires an image of each frame output from an image sensing device;a detection unit that recognizes a situation appearing in the image, through recognition processing performed on the image, and, if the recognized situation is a prescribed situation, detects an object of a type related to the prescribed situation from the image and from an image of each frame containing the image; anda determination unit that determines whether objects come in contact with each other in a physical space, based on a result of the detection by the detection unit.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the determination unit:sets an image, among the images of the frames, in which a distance between respective detection positions, in the image, of a first object and a second object that constitute the prescribed situation is equal to or less than a threshold, as a target image, anddetermines that the first object and the second object come in contact with each other in the physical space, if a magnitude of acceleration, in the target image, of the first object is greater than or equal to a threshold, and an angle formed by a vector representing the acceleration and a vector representing velocity, in the target image, of the second object is less than a threshold.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the detection unit recognize a situation ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270160A1
Автор: ENJOUJI Takashi
Принадлежит: I. T. I. CO., LTD.

Provided is a dialysis treatment instrument monitoring system capable of communicating with an extrahospital terminal via the Internet without affecting an intrahospital network. In the hospital equipped with a dialysis treatment instrument monitoring system monitoring dialysis treatment instruments including a dialysate feeding device, a bulk powder dissolving device, and a RO device, while a staff is absent in the hospital, the dialysate feeding device and the bulk powder dissolving device perform a dialysis preparation processing of cleaning and sterilizing inside the devices, and stop if an error occurs during execution of the dialysis preparation processing. If an error occurs in any of the dialysis treatment instruments, a network camera takes an image of a display of the dialysis treatment instrument in which the error occurred, and transmits image data to the terminal on the Internet via a mobile router dedicated to the dialysis treatment instrument monitoring system. 1. A dialysis treatment instrument monitoring system monitoring each of a plurality of dialysis treatment instruments operable to perform a dialysis treatment on a patient in a facility during a time period when an operator of the dialysis treatment instruments is absent in the facility , the dialysis treatment instrument monitoring system comprising:an imaging device taking an image of an indicator indicative of information on an operating condition of the dialysis treatment instruments;a control unit controlling the imaging device to selectively take an image of the indicator of any dialysis treatment instrument among the indicators mounted on each dialysis treatment instrument;a data transmission unit acquiring image data indicative of an image of the indicator taken by the imaging device and transmitting the image data; anda relay instrument establishing a connection with an external communication network when the data transmission unit transmits the image data to a terminal outside the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

SURVEILLANCE device with display and light-emitting modules

Номер: US20130271600A1
Автор: Hsu Min-Chieh

A surveillance device with display and light-emitting, is a photographic apparatus including a cover body, a display module and a plurality of light-emitting modules, wherein the cover body covers a photographic unit and there are the display module and the plurality of light-emitting modules set around the cover body, which power is provided by a power supply module. The text message shown by the display module and the flashing light of the light-emitting modules, both increase the highlighting effect of the photographic apparatus and become malfunction indications. 1. A surveillance device with a display module and light-emitting modules , comprising:a cover body having an accommodating space;a display module located on the cover body; anda plurality of light-emitting modules located on the cover body,wherein the accommodating space is for a camera, the display module is for message displaying and the light emitting module is for warning.2. The surveillance device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the surveillance device is one shape of spherical and rectangular.3. The surveillance device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cover body is a hemispherical transparent body.4. The surveillance device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cover body is cuboids.5. The surveillance device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a power supply module providing current to the display module and the light-emitting modules.6. The surveillance device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the cover body covers a photographic unit. 1. Field of the InventionThis invention is related to a surveillance device with a display and light-emitting modules, and more particular to a photographic device with a message display module and an obvious module.2. Description of Related ArtThe well known traditional surveillance camera device has the function of image recording, which is used as a remote monitor to replace the guards. Its application fields include: banks, airports, shopping malls and ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271606A1
Автор: Chiang Paul

A display method includes: detecting objects by sensor array; utilizing an environment reconstruction unit for receiving sensing information from the sensor array and perform a reconstruction process based on the sensing information and transforming the latter into object coordinate based on user-chosen mode; and utilizing a display device to display an iconized environment video or scene resulted by integrating an indicative icon of the object with the object coordinate. 1. A method of displaying an assistant screen for improving driving safety of a vehicle , comprising:utilizing a sensor array including at least one sensor that is adapted to disposed within or around the vehicle to detect at least one object around the vehicle and that generates a sensing information which contains a position or distance of said object;utilizing an environment reconstruction unit for receiving said sensing information through wired or wireless connections and for performing a reconstruction process based on said sensing information, wherein said environment reconstruction unit includes an object icon database for recording at least one indicative icon for said object of different types and an object coordinate transformation unit for transforming said sensing information into an object coordinate according to user-chosen display mode, said environment reconstruction unit integrating with said indicative icon of said object into an iconized environment video; andutilizing a display device for receiving and displaying said iconized environment video over the assistant screen.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said user-chosen display mode is selected from a group consisting of a bird's eye view claim 1 , a lateral side view or a 3D view.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said sensor array further includes a plurality of said sensors disposed at different positions within or around the vehicle claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , each of said sensors being selected ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Mobile Device Management System

Номер: US20130271609A1

A mobile device management system including a method for monitoring a remote video camera and event scheduling, synchronization and modification using location information. Video from a remote camera is encoded by a computer and streamed in real time over a network to a mobile device for decoding and display. The computer encoder and mobile device decoder are software-based. Event calendar and schedule information is incorporated, shared and automatically updated among multiple mobile devices. Location information, such as from a locator network or a satellite-based global positioning system, is used to provide real time updates to a mobile device calendar or event schedule. A map or other indicia of the location of other mobile devices may be provided. 1. A wireless monitoring system comprising:a camera for capturing live video image;a computer coupled to the camera and comprising a software-based video encoder for encoding and streaming the video image; anda mobile device comprising a software-based video decoder for receiving, decoding and displaying the video image.222-. (canceled) The present invention relates to mobile communication systems and, in particular, relates to a mobile device management system.The industrialized world is becoming increasingly reliant on mobile technologies, such as wireless voice and data transmission. In addition to voice and data transmission, users now demand useful and innovative video and multimedia applications that are supported by their cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). One video application that would be of particular utility to a mobile device user is the ability to view and monitor feed from a remote video camera on their mobile device. The delivery of live video feed generally requires broadband transmission media capable of supporting a very high data rate signal. Wireless systems, however, are typically characterized by lower device processing power and channels having reduced bandwidth and lower ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277995A1
Автор: LEE Christopher Ryan

A hand tool including a handle and a tool head. The tool head is a V-shaped or modified V-shaped tool head. 120.-. (canceled)21. A hand tool , comprising:at least two prongs connected together and defining a gripping receiver; andat least one resilient gripping member provided on an end manipulating edge of at least one of the two prongs.22. A hand tool , comprising:at least two prongs connected together and defining a gripping receiver; andat least one resilient gripping member provided on an inner gripping edge and an end manipulating edge of at least one of the two prongs.23. A hand tool , comprising:at least two prongs connected together and defining a gripping receiver;a first gripping member provided on an inner gripping edge of at least one of the prongs; anda second resilient gripping member provided on an end manipulating edge of at least one of the two prongs.24. The tool according to claim 23 , wherein the gripping member extends along at least a portion of an inner gripping edge and along at least a portion of the end manipulating edge of the at least one of the two prongs.25. The tool according to claim 23 , wherein the first gripping member and second gripping member are set at an angle relative to each other.26. The tool according to claim 23 , wherein the first gripping member and the second gripping member of at least one of the two prongs is a unitary gripping member.27. The tool according to claim 26 , wherein the gripping member comprises a curved outer gripping edge extending around a corner defined by the inner gripping edge and the end manipulating edge of at least one of the two prongs.28. The tool according to claim 23 , wherein the inner gripping edge and the end manipulating edge are set at an angle relative to each other.29. The tool according to claim 25 , wherein the inner gripping edge and the end manipulating edge are set at an angle relative to each other.30. The tool according to claim 29 , wherein the angle between the first ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278751A1

A device for detecting the position of an object in a machine tool includes a camera configured to provide an image of the object and an object carrier to which the object is connected and whose position within the machine tool is known. A first processing unit is configured to identify a position of the object relative to the camera based on geometric features of the object which are obtained from the image. A second processing unit is configured to identify a position of the object carrier relative to the camera based on geometric features of the object carrier which are obtained from the image. A third processing unit is configured to determine a position of the object relative to the object carrier from the identified positions of the object and the object carrier relative to the camera. 111-. (canceled)12. A device for detecting the position of an object in a machine tool , the device comprising:a camera configured to provide an image of the object;an object carrier to which the object is connected and whose position within the machine tool is known;a first processing unit configured to identify a position of the object relative to the camera based on geometric features of the object which are obtained from the image;a second processing unit configured to identify a position of the object carrier relative to the camera based on geometric features of the object carrier which are obtained from the image; anda third processing unit configured to determine a position of the object relative to the object carrier from the identified positions of the object and the object carrier relative to the camera.13. The device as recited in claim 12 , wherein the object is a workpiece to be machined or a clamping device for fixing a workpiece on a work carrier.14. The device as recited in claim 12 , wherein the first processing unit includes a memory area having geometric information of different objects stored therein.15. The device as recited in claim 14 , wherein the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286176A1

An endoscopic video system and method using a camera with a single color image sensor, for example a CCD color image sensor, for fluorescence and color imaging and for simultaneously displaying the images acquired in these imaging modes at video rates in real time is disclosed. The tissue under investigation is illuminated continuously with fluorescence excitation light and is further illuminated periodically using visible light outside of the fluorescence excitation wavelength range. The illumination sources may be conventional lamps using filters and shutters, or may include light-emitting diodes mounted at the distal tip of the endoscope. 1. A method for real-time acquisition of fluorescence and white-light endoscopic images with a single CCD color image sensor , comprising the steps of:continuously illuminating tissue with fluorescence excitation light,periodically illuminating the tissue with illumination light,detecting with the single CCD color image sensor tissue fluorescence from the tissue induced by the fluorescence excitation light when the tissue is not illuminated with the illumination light,detecting with the single CCD color imager a combined tissue fluorescence and white-light image from the tissue when the tissue is additionally illuminated with the illumination light,reading image fields from the single CCD color image sensor in an interlaced fashion,processing the image fields to produce corresponding full-frame fluorescence and white-light images,subtracting from each full-frame combined fluorescence and white-light image the corresponding fluorescence image on a pixel-by pixel basis, anddisplaying or storing the real-time fluorescence and white-light images of the tissue.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the illumination light is switched on for one cycle and switched off for two cycles.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein a different image field of the combined tissue fluorescence and white-light image is read out during each of the two cycles ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286184A1
Автор: Paul Gunther

The invention relates to an apparatus for detecting and measuring cylindrical surfaces on fireproof ceramic components in metallurgical applications. 1. Method for the detection and measuring of cylindrical surfaces of fireproof ceramic components in metallurgical applications , with a device which has the following features:{'b': '30', '1.1 a measuring pipe ()'}{'b': 38', '30', '40', '30, '1.2 a camera () is arranged inside or on the measuring pipe (), whose objective is aligned with at least one reflection surface () which is arranged inside the measuring pipe (), wherein'}{'b': 40', '30, '1.3 the reflection surface () runs with a distance to the objective and tilted towards the axial direction (A) of the measuring pipe (),'}{'b': 30', '40, '1.4 the measuring pipe () is translucent in a perimeter-segment opposite the reflection surface (),'}{'b': 44', '30, '1.5 a device () for the distance measurement is arranged inside or on the measuring pipe (), wherein'}{'b': 38', '18', '18', '30', '40, 'i': 'z', '1.6 the camera () captures a segment of the cylindrical surface () of the adjacent fireproof ceramic component () which runs in a radial distance to the measuring pipe (), at a corresponding focal length between the objective and the reflection surface (), and wherein'}{'b': 18', '18', '38, 'i': 'z', '1.7 the distance of a point or an area segment on a part of the cylindrical surface () of the fireproof ceramic component () captured by the camera () to a fixed reference point is determined by said device.'}2444446304230181838lz. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the device () for the distance measurement includes a laser or a diode which directs an optical beam () onto a mirror () which is arranged in the measuring pipe () claim 1 , which then directs the beam through the translucent perimeter segment () of the measuring pipe () towards the part of the cylindrical surface () of the ceramic component () which is captured by the camera ().3. (canceled)440. Method ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293692A1
Автор: HIRAKAWA Katsumi

An image display apparatus that can shorten time for observing a series of images of an interior of a subject without hampering observation of a desired region of interest is provided. The image display apparatus according to the present invention is an image display apparatus for displaying the series of images of the interior of the subject picked up at time series, including an image extracting unit that extracts images each having a feature of a desired region in the interior of the subject and that identifies the extracted images as images of the desired region among the series of images, and a frame rate controller that sets a display frame rate for the identified images of the desired region to be different from a display frame rate for images of regions other than the desired region. 1. An image display apparatus for displaying a series of images of an interior of a subject picked up along time series , comprising:an image extracting unit that extracts at least one of the series of images having a feature of a region of interest, and identifies the at least one of the series of images as an image of the region of interest of the interior of the subject;a frame-rate controller that sets a display frame rate for the at least one of the series of images and excludes rest of the series of images from the series of the display-target images; anda controller that controls to display the at least one of the series of images at the display frame rate and skips displaying the rest of the series images.2. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe image extracting unit assigns a skip mark to the rest of the series of images, andthe controller skips displaying the rest of the series of images to which the skip mark is assigned.3. The image display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the region of interest is an examination target organ site.4. The image display apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the examination target organ site is one of ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293693A1

An endoscope apparatus includes a light source device, an image pickup device, and an observation monitor. The video processor applies, on the basis of a difference between a first image signal having a peak wavelength of a spectral characteristic and a second image signal having a peak wavelength of the spectral characteristic that a value in the absorption characteristic is lower than the value in the absorption characteristic of the first image signal and a scattering characteristic of the living tissue is suppressed more than the scattering characteristic of the first image signal between a wavelength band including a maximum value and a wavelength band at a minimum value in an absorption characteristic of a living tissue, processing for enhancing the first image signal and generates an enhanced and corrected image signal. 1. An endoscope apparatus comprising:an illumination section configured to irradiate at least one or more illumination lights having a predetermined wavelength band on a subject;an image pickup section configured to pick up an image of return light from the subject based on the irradiation by the illumination section;an image processing section configured to set a correction coefficient on the basis of change amounts concerning luminance values of a signal corresponding to a first wavelength band having a spectral characteristic of a narrowband and a signal corresponding to a second wavelength band having a spectral characteristic of a narrowband in which an absorption coefficient in the hemoglobin absorption characteristic is lower than an absorption coefficient of the signal corresponding to the first wavelength band and a scattering characteristic of the living tissue is suppressed more than the scattering characteristic of the signal corresponding to the first wavelength band between a wavelength band including a maximum value and a wavelength band including a minimum value on a hemoglobin light absorption characteristic of a living tissue ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293694A1

There is provided a medical support system in which a plurality of photography apparatuses and a portable-type viewer apparatus including a display unit are communicably connected to a server. The portable-type viewer apparatus includes: a selection unit that selects one of the plurality of photography apparatuses; and a photographer ID input unit that inputs a photographer ID that is an ID of a photographer photographing a subject using the selected photography apparatus. The selected photography apparatus further includes a transmission unit that transmits image data of the subject photographed by the selected photography apparatus to the server, and the server includes a recording unit that records the photographer ID and the transmitted image data in association with each other in a case where the photographer ID is input. 1. A medial support system in which a plurality of photography apparatuses and a portable-type viewer apparatus including a display unit are communicably connected to a server ,wherein the portable-type viewer apparatus comprises:a selection unit that selects one of the plurality of photography apparatuses; anda photographer ID input unit that inputs a photographer ID that is an ID of a photographer photographing a subject using the selected photography apparatus,wherein the selected photography apparatus further comprises a transmission unit that transmits image data of the subject photographed by the selected photography apparatus to the server, andthe server comprises a recording unit that records the photographer ID and the transmitted image data in association with each other in a case where the photographer ID is input.2. The medical support system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a case where the subject is photographed by a photography apparatus other than the selected photography apparatus out of the plurality of photography apparatuses claim 1 , the recording unit does not record the photographer ID and the image data in ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300846A1

A method for processing video can include storing input video frame data at a video data buffer and outputting the stored video frame data from the video data buffer at an output video frame rate based on at least an amount of video frame data stored at the video data buffer. 1. A method for processing video , comprising:storing, at a video data buffer, an input video frame data; andoutputting stored video frame data from the video data buffer at an output video frame rate based on at least an amount of video frame data stored at the video data buffer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outputting of the stored video frame data at an output video frame rate comprises varying the output video frame rate relative to a nominal output video frame rate based on at least the amount of video frame data stored at the video data buffer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein if the amount of video frame data stored at the video data buffer is lower than a threshold claim 2 , then the outputting of the stored video frame data comprises outputting the stored video frame data at an output video frame rate that is lower than the nominal output video frame rate.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein if the amount of video frame data stored at the video data buffer is higher than the threshold claim 3 , then the outputting of the stored video frame data comprises outputting the stored video frame data at an output video frame rate that is higher than the nominal output video frame rate.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the nominal output video frame rate is a current output video frame rate.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein if the amount of video frame data stored at the video data buffer is higher than a threshold claim 2 , then the outputting of the stored video frame data comprises outputting the stored video frame data at an output video frame rate that is higher than the nominal output video frame rate.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the input video frame data comprises image ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300847A1
Автор: HASHIMOTO Hidenori

An image pickup system includes an image pickup device (CIS) provided with a TG which generates a first reference synchronization signal and includes a synchronization signal self-generating counter, and a processor provided with a TG that generates a second reference synchronization signal and a reference synchronization signal comparing section that compares the first reference synchronization signal superimposed on a video signal with the second reference synchronization signal, in which when a shift occurs between the first reference synchronization signal and the second reference synchronization signal, the processor transmits the second reference synchronization signal or phase correction amount information to the CIS, and the TG changes a timing of the first reference synchronization signal according to the second reference synchronization signal or the phase correction amount information. 1. An image pickup system comprising: an image pickup section that outputs an electric signal after photoelectric conversion, as image information, from a plurality of pixels;', 'a signal processing section that performs signal processing on a signal including the image information outputted from the image pickup section;', 'a first reception section that receives a signal transmitted from outside;', 'a first transmission section that transmits the signal processed by the signal processing section to outside; and', 'a first reference synchronization signal generation section that generates, at a predetermined cycle, a first reference synchronization signal for the signal processing, and, 'an image pickup apparatus including a second reference synchronization signal generation section that generates, at a predetermined cycle, a second reference synchronization signal for video calculation processing with respect to the signal processed by the signal processing section;', 'a second transmission section that is connected to the reception section in the image pickup apparatus ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300851A1
Автор: Lind Henrik Olof

An instrument cluster arrangement adapted for mounting in a dashboard panel of a vehicle includes a display having a display surface providing a graphics area of the instrument cluster arrangement. The arrangement also includes a detector for monitoring a subject inside the vehicle, which is arranged to receive radiation providing information regarding the subject. The arrangement also includes a reflector arranged to redirect radiation from the subject toward the detector, where the detector and the reflector are both arranged in the instrument cluster arrangement, adjacent the display. 1. An instrument cluster arrangement adapted for mounting in a dashboard panel of a vehicle , the arrangement comprising:a display having a display surface providing a graphics area of the instrument cluster arrangement;a detector for monitoring a subject inside the vehicle, said detector being configured to receive radiation providing information regarding the subject; anda reflector configured to redirect radiation from said subject towards said detector; wherein the detector and the reflector are both configured to be arranged adjacent the display.2. The instrument cluster arrangement in accordance with claim 1 , the detector having an optical axis claim 1 , and said detector configured to be arranged with said optical axis forming an angle with said display surface in the range −10 to 30 degrees.3. The instrument cluster arrangement in accordance with claim 2 , wherein said detector is configured to be arranged with said optical axis being essentially parallel to said display surface.4. The instrument cluster arrangement in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said reflector is configured to be arranged between the detector and the display surface.5. The instrument cluster arrangement in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said display is configured to extend between an upper edge and a lower edge claim 1 , and said reflector and said detector are configured to be arranged adjacent ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300866A1

A wireless home security system comprising a camera sized to fit through a conventional door peephole, a camera lens attached to the camera to facilitate capturing an image of the camera field of view, a wi-fi facility for transferring the image to a remote device, and a motion sensor disposed in close proximity to the camera lens for activating the camera and the wi-fi facility in response to detecting a visitor in the camera field of view. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a camera sized to fit through a conventional door peephole;a camera lens attached to the camera to facilitate capturing an image of the camera field of view;a wi-fi facility for transferring the image to a remote device; anda motion sensor disposed in close proximity to the camera lens for activating the camera and the wi-fi facility in response to detecting a visitor in the camera field of view.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the remote device comprises one of a smart phone claim 1 , wi-fi router claim 1 , personal digital assistant claim 1 , and mobile phone.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the camera lens is weather resistant.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the motion sensor is disposed to detect a visitor in the camera field of view through a portion of the camera lens.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein activating the camera comprises taking a picture of the visitor.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein activating the wi-fi facility comprises sending the picture of the visitor to the remote device.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein activating the camera comprises taking a video of the camera field of view.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein activating the wi-fi facility comprise sending the video to the remote device.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the camera field of view ranges up to 3 meters from the camera lens.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detecting a visitor comprises detecting a visitor up to 3 meters from the camera lens.11. An apparatus claim 1 ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300870A1
Принадлежит: FLIR SYSTEMS, INC.

A traffic monitoring device may comprise a radar and a camera, said radar having a radar field of view extending around a radar central axis and said camera having a camera field of view extending around a camera central axis in such a manner that said radar field of view is situated within said camera field of view. The radar and the camera may be positioned so that their central axis of their field of view make a predetermined angle with respect to each other, said radar being provided for determining coordinates of moving objects. The device may comprise selecting means for selecting within said image an image section or portion representing at least part of said radar field of view and may also comprise transformation means for transforming said coordinates of said moving object within said image portion into further coordinates relative to an image reference frame for display. 1. A method for monitoring a traffic stream circulating on a road , the method comprising:collecting video images and data of said traffic stream, wherein the video images of said traffic stream are recorded by a camera and the data are measurements of vehicles of said traffic stream that are collected by a measurement member; and determining a reference frame for pixels composing a selected image, and', 'determining an orientation angle indicating an angle between an axis extending along said road and a central axis of a measurement beam emitted by the measurement member by sampling subsequent positions on said road reached by a vehicle of said traffic stream travelling on said road., 'calibrating said video images to said data by2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:said camera and said measurement member are located at a common location offset with respect to a central axis of said road;said measurement member comprises a field of view extending around a measurement member central axis and said camera comprises a camera field of view extending around a camera central axis;said measurement ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for image acquisition

Номер: US20130307977A1
Автор: Claudio Saporetti
Принадлежит: Datalogic IP Tech SRL

A method for image acquisition of an object in transit on a movable supporting surface includes detecting a presence signal of the object in a preset position, and at least one dimension and/or position signals, the signals being generated by at least one sensor arranged upstream of a linear camera; detecting a “trigger event” signal, generated on the basis of the presence signal, the linear camera starting to acquire an image on the basis of the “trigger event” signal; starting to acquire an image of the object, when the object has travelled a preset distance from the preset position, the distance being calculated by an advance sensor suitable for generating a signal comprising an electric pulse at each preset movement of the movable supporting surface; and setting a mode for image acquisition of the linear camera on the basis of a resolution of the advance sensor.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Increased filling of Plastic Gusseted T-Shirt Bags

Номер: US20130330163A1
Автор: Karl Marsh
Принадлежит: Individual

A bag rack and packing system for a plastic grocery bag having a pair of handles has a base to which is connected (1) a three-sided rack having a reservoir bag holder for plastic bags and two arms and (2) a three-sided support having two side supports and an intermediate back support, with each of the side supports having a forward upper tab close to the three-sided rack, an intermediate top and then a rearward edge. The three-sided rack and three-sided support have open faces that face each other so that the three-sided support temporarily creates a defined physical frame for a first plastic grocery bag when its handles are secured over the forward upper tabs of the two side supports. The forward upper tabs help separate an individual bag from a reservoir of bags and the individual bag may remain attached to, or be detached from, the reservoir of bags as it is being filled.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002625A1
Автор: Yanagidate Masaharu

Provided is an image processing device which includes a storage unit and a selection unit. The storage unit stores a plurality of data formats corresponding to different image qualities, as data formats specifying at least two elements from among resolution, color expression, update cycle, and gradation which are elements relating to the image quality of an image displayed by a display device which continuously subjects frame image data to display processing and displays images. Furthermore, the storage unit stores importance information indicating the importance of an element. If a detection unit detects that the communication environment has degraded, the selection unit selects, for an element selected based on the importance information stored in the storage unit, a data format having a lower quality specified format than the format specified by the data format currently selected. 1. An image processing device comprising:an input unit configured to receive frame image data front an imaging device that images a subject and continuously outputs the frame image data;a storage unit configured to store a plurality of data formats corresponding to different image qualities, the data formats defining a format of at least two elements among resolution, color representation, update period and gradation that are elements related to image quality of an image displayed on a display unit, the display unit continuously performing display processing on the frame image data and displaying the image, the storage unit being configured to store importance degree information indicating an importance degree of the element;an image processing unit configure to perform image processing on the frame image data input to the input unit according to the data format selected from the data formats stored in the storage unit;a wireless communication unit configured to transmit continuously wirelessly the frame image data subjected to the image processing by the image processing unit to the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002633A1
Автор: OKUDA Osamu

A component mounter includes: a head having a first illuminating unit disposed between a first nozzle and a second nozzle and which illuminates a side surface of a first component and a side surface of a second component with light, a first reflecting unit which reflects the light from the first illuminating unit off a first region and toward an imaging unit, and a second reflecting unit which reflects the light from the first illuminating unit off a second region and toward the imaging unit; and the imaging unit which captures an image of the first region in the first reflecting unit or the second region in the second reflecting unit to obtain an image of the side surface of the first component or the side surface of the second component. 1. A component mounter which mounts a first component and a second component on a board , the component mounter comprising:a head including a first nozzle for holding the first component and a second nozzle for holding the second component; andan imaging unit configured to capture an image of the first component and an image of the second component,wherein the head includes:a first illuminating unit disposed between the first nozzle and the second nozzle and configured to illuminate a side surface of the first component and a side surface of the second component with light;a first reflecting unit disposed lateral to the first nozzle such that the first nozzle is positioned between the first illuminating unit and the first reflecting unit and configured to reflect the light from the first illuminating unit, the light reflected off a first region of the first reflecting unit and toward the imaging unit; anda second reflecting unit disposed lateral to the second nozzle such that the second nozzle is positioned between the first illuminating unit and the second reflecting unit and configured to reflect the light from the first illuminating unit, the light reflected off a second region of the second reflecting unit and toward the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002648A1
Автор: DiPoala William
Принадлежит: Bosch Security Systems, Inc.

A modular building system arrangement includes a plurality of electrical building systems. Each electrical building system has a housing with a mechanical connector that is connectable with a like connector of each other building system housing. Members of any subset of the building system housings are connectable with each other to form a building system assembly. The building systems of the building system assembly conjointly define an electrically conductive pathway interconnecting each of the building systems of the building system assembly. The pathway carries power and/or data. 1. A building surveillance system arrangement , comprising:a rotatable camera;a controller that adjusts a position of the rotatable camera using a camera control signal; anda passive infrared (PIR) detection ring including a PIR sensor outputting motion information, wherein:the rotatable camera and the PIR detection ring conjointly define an electrically conductive pathway configured to carry at least one of camera control signal and the motion information to the rotatable camera, andthe controller adjusts the position of the rotatable camera based on the motion information.2. The building surveillance system of claim 1 , wherein:the rotatable camera has a first field of view at a first camera position,the PIR sensor has a predetermined second field of view different than the first field of view, andthe controller adjusts the rotatable camera from the first camera position to a second camera position based on the motion information where the rotatable camera has a third field of view at least partially overlapping the second field of view.3. The building surveillance system of claim 2 , wherein the PIR detection ring includes a plurality of PIR sensors providing motion quadrant information.4. The building surveillance system of claim 1 , wherein:the rotatable camera and the PIR detection ring conjointly define a connection including the electrically conductive pathway, the connection ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008930A1
Автор: JAMES Gavin

A hand-held reacher for gripping an object comprises a handle portion, a jaw portion, and a shaft extending between the handle portion and the jaw portion. The jaw portion has jaws moveable between an open position and a closed position. The handle portion has a manually-operable trigger for moving the jaws between the open and closed position, and a locking member for releasably locking the jaws in a closed or partially closed position. 1. A hand-held reacher for gripping an object , the hand-held reacher comprising:a handle portion;a jaw portion; anda shaft extending between the handle portion and the jaw portion, the jaw portion having jaws moveable between an open position and a closed position, and the handle portion having a manually-operable trigger for moving the jaws between the open and closed position, and a locking member for releasably locking the jaws in a closed or partially closed position.2. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 1 , in which the trigger is pivoted to the handle portion about a first pivotal axis.3. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 1 , in which a cable connects the trigger to the jaws.4. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 1 , in which a spring is provided in the jaw portion for biasing the jaws to the open position.5. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 4 , in which the trigger is returned to a return position when the jaws are moved to the open position by the spring.6. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 2 , in which the locking member is a locking pawl pivoted to the handle portion about a second pivotal axis.7. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 6 , in which the locking pawl is provided with teeth which engage with corresponding teeth on the trigger claim 6 , to retain the trigger in an operative position and the jaws in a closed or partially closed position.8. A hand-held reacher as claimed in claim 6 , in which the trigger and locking pawl can move independently of one another.9. A hand-held reacher ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009592A1
Автор: ISHIDA Yuya

According to this invention, there is provided an image pickup unit for an endoscope, including a lens barrel portion includes a movable lens holding barrel that holds the movable lens and is movable to advance and retract and a drive mechanism portion which is disposed at a side surface portion of the lens barrel portion and drives the movable lens holding barrel. The unit has a holding portion which is disposed at the side surface portion of the lens barrel portion and is configured to position and hold the drive mechanism portion, a gap between the lens barrel portion and the drive mechanism portion is filled with an adhesive which is made to have a difference in hardness such that hardness is lower on a proximal end side than on a distal end side. 1. An image pickup unit for an endoscope , comprising:a lens barrel portion which is configured to hold an objective lens including a movable lens disposed on a distal end side and an image pickup device disposed closer to a proximal end side than the objective lens and includes a movable lens holding barrel that holds the movable lens and is movable to advance and retract; anda drive mechanism portion which is disposed at a side surface portion of the lens barrel portion and drives the movable lens holding barrel,wherein the unit has a holding portion which is disposed at the side surface portion of the lens barrel portion and is configured to position and hold the drive mechanism portion,the drive mechanism portion is shaped to extend in a direction toward a proximal end with a gap with the lens barrel portion on a side closer to the proximal end than the holding portion, andthe gap between the lens barrel portion and the drive mechanism portion is filled with an adhesive which is made to have a difference in hardness such that hardness is lower on a proximal end side than on a distal end side.2. The image pickup unit for an endoscope according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive made to have the difference in hardness ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009609A1

A system for monitoring an entrance to a building comprising a door camera system for generating image data of a person at a predetermined location and a television system for displaying the image data, wherein the television system is configured to display the image data in coordination with a program. 1. A system for monitoring an entrance to a building comprising:a door camera system configured to generate image data of a person at a predetermined location;a television system configured to display the image data, wherein the television system is further configured to display the image data in coordination with image data from programming that is being shown on the television system and without interrupting the programming that is being shown on the television system.2. The system of wherein the television system further comprises a door monitor system configured to generate a picture-in-picture image of the person at the predetermined location without interrupting the programming that is being shown on the television system.3. The system of further comprising a door audio processor configured to perform acoustic echo cancellation audio processing of an audio signal generated by a microphone of the television system.4. The system of further comprising a door audio processor configured to perform audio processing of an audio signal generated by the door camera system to adjust the door camera audio signal to a predetermined level at the television.5. The system of further comprising a facial recognition system configured to determine whether a viewer is present claim 1 , and activate a chime generator if it is determined that a viewer is not present.6. The system of further comprising a television status monitor configured to generate television status control to activate a chime generator if the television is in standby or inactive mode.7. The system of further comprising a chime monitor system configured to monitor an audio signal generated by a microphone of the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009610A1

Method for detecting pulsed laser radiation having two-dimensional resolution of the direction of incidence with a CCD sensor having an imaging optic. Method includes generating, in signal processing having sampling frequency of at least 5 kHz, single images by comparing each pixel of CCD sensor to respective threshold values and by storing a pixel value exceeding the respective threshold value for an image processing, ascertaining, in the signal processing, a mean or peak value of stored pixel values of the single image pixel-by-pixel over at least 10 samples, forwarding a signal image obtained in signal processing for image processing at image frequency of 10 Hz to 500 Hz, and identifying from signal image, in an image processing, at least one signal pixel representing incident laser radiation. Method further includes determining direction of incidence of laser radiation from position of signal pixels on signal image. 1. A method for detecting pulsed laser radiation having two-dimensional resolution of the direction of incidence with a CCD sensor having an imaging optic , comprising:generating, in a signal processing having a sampling frequency of at least 5 kHz, single images by comparing each pixel of the CCD sensor to a respective threshold value and by storing a pixel value that exceeds the respective threshold value for an image processing;ascertaining, in the signal processing, a mean value or peak value of the stored pixel values of the single image pixel-by-pixel over at least 10 samples;forwarding a signal image obtained in the signal processing for image processing at an image frequency of 10 Hz to 500 Hz;identifying from the signal image, in an image processing, at least one signal pixel representing incident laser radiation; anddetermining a direction of the incidence of the laser radiation from a position of the signal pixels on the signal image.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising continuously deriving from a preceding signal image ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015977A1

A driver assist system for a vehicle includes a camera and a video display screen viewable by a driver of the vehicle. The video display screen is operable to display images derived, at least in part, from image data captured by the camera. A visual cue is displayed by the video display screen in conjunction with display of the captured image data. During a reversing maneuver of the vehicle, image data captured by the camera is displayed by the video display screen as video images so as to assist the driver in reversing the vehicle. When a reversing maneuver of the vehicle is not being executed, the display screen may be operable to display information associated with at least one of (i) a navigational system, (ii) a telematics system and (iii) a vehicle information system. 1. A driver assist system for a vehicle , said driver assist system comprising:a CMOS camera disposed at a vehicle equipped with said driver assist system and having a field of view exterior of the equipped vehicle;wherein said CMOS camera is mounted at the rear of the equipped vehicle;a video display screen viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle when the driver is normally operating the equipped vehicle, wherein said video display screen is operable to display images derived, at least in part, from image data captured by said CMOS camera with a display intensity of at least about 200 candelas/sq. meter for viewing by the driver of the equipped vehicle;wherein a visual cue is displayed by said video display screen in conjunction with display of said captured image data, said visual cue comprising an electronically-generated overlay;wherein said video display screen comprises a TFT liquid crystal display screen backlit by a plurality of white light emitting light emitting diodes;a human machine interface, said human machine interface comprising a user input;wherein said user input comprises at least one of a (i) a vocal input, (ii) a non-vocal input, (iii) a key input and (iv) a touch input; ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022353A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Phillips Electronics N.V.

The present invention relates to safety in a dynamic 3D healthcare environment. The invention in particular relates to a medical safety-system for dynamic 3D healthcare environments, a medical examination system with motorized equipment, an image acquisition arrangement, and a method for providing safe movements in dynamic 3D healthcare environments. In order to provide improved safety in dynamic 3D healthcare environments with a facilitated adaptability, a medical safety-system () for dynamic 3D healthcare environments is provided, comprising a detection system (), a processing unit (), and an interface unit (). The detection system comprises at least one sensor arrangement () adapted to provide depth information of at least a part of an observed scene (). The processing unit comprises a correlation unit () adapted to correlate the depth information. The processing unit comprises a generation unit () adapted to generate a 3D free space model (). The interface unit is adapted to provide the 3D free space model. 1. A medical safety-system for dynamic 3D healthcare environments , comprising:a detection system;a processing unit; andan interface unit;wherein the detection system comprises at least one sensor arrangement adapted to provide depth information of a free space of at least a part of an observed scene;wherein the processing unit comprises a correlation unit adapted to assign the depth information;wherein the processing unit comprises a generation unit adapted to generate a 3D free space model, wherein the 3D free space model is spatial or volumetric date defining a space which is free of objects and structures and which can be used for movement; andwherein the interface unit is adapted to provide the 3D free space model.2. Medical safety-system according to claim 1 , wherein the detection system comprises at least one time-of-flight camera as sensor arrangement.3. Medical safety-system according to claim 1 , wherein the detection system comprises a plurality ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028831A1

The invention present disclosure relates to a sub-assembly of a drape-forming head (), comprising, downstream, at least one member () for depositing the prepreg strip, at least one roller () for compacting the prepreg strip, and a device () for checking the play between the strips, consisting of a profilometer including a camera (), a laser light source () projecting a line of light onto the surface to be checked, and a prism () arranged near the surface to be checked, in the axis of the camera (), so as to send, to the camera (), the image of the projected line of light that reaches the camera at a certain angle. The camera () and the light source () are placed side-by-side in an offset housing () arranged remotely from the compacting rollers (), the prism () being connected to the housing () and to the camera () via an elongate casing () vertically arranged between the compacting rollers (). 1. A subassembly of a draping head for laying onto a layup tool a strip of prepreg brought to the subassembly , the subassembly comprising , downstream , at least one layup member and at least one compacting member for the prepreg strip , and a device for checking the surface of the strip and notably the clearance or play between strips , this device being a profilometry device which comprises a laser light source that shines a line of light onto the surface to be checked and a camera for capturing the image of the line of light that has been shone , wherein the device comprises a prism situated near the surface to be checked along the axis of the camera so as to return to the camera the image of the shone line of light that reaches it at a certain angle.2. The subassembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the camera and the light source are housed side by side in a remote unit located at a distance very much above the compacting member or members claim 1 , the prism being connected to the unit and to the camera by an elongate casing positioned vertically near the compacting ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035305A1
Принадлежит: DMS HOLDINGS, INC.

A reaching apparatus is provided for allowing a user to utilize gross motor skills to actuate the reaching apparatus. The reaching apparatus includes a fixed and a sliding handle on a shaft. An internal pulley system is connected between the first and second handles such that sliding of the second handle activates the pulley system to move the claw of the reaching apparatus between an open and closed configuration. The claw may be locked in an open and/or closed configuration by rotation of the handle on the shaft. The pulley system can be set to specific resistance to activate the claw upon different gross motor levels. 1. A reaching apparatus , comprising:a shaft having first and second ends;a fixed handled positioned on the shaft adjacent the first end of the shaft;a second handle positioned on the shaft and movable in relation thereto;a claw positioned at the second end of the shaft and having an open configuration and a closed configuration; anda pulley system generally within the shaft connected to the fixed handle, second handle, and claw;wherein sliding the second handle on the shaft away from the fixed handle causes the claw to move from the open configuration to the closed configuration.2. The reaching apparatus of further comprising a locking mechanism operatively attached to the second handle and pulley system.3. The reaching apparatus of wherein the locking mechanism is configured to lock the claw in a closed configuration when the second handle is rotated.4. The reaching apparatus of wherein the locking mechanism comprises first and second comb members configured to selectively interlock with one another to hold the claw in the closed position.5. The reaching apparatus of wherein the claw comprises two fingers movable relative to one another.6. The reaching apparatus of wherein the pulley system comprises:a fixed block; anda shuttle operatively connected to the fixed block and the claw such that movement of the second handle towards the claw moves the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043456A1
Автор: DOI Takahiro

An endoscope system is provided with: an endoscope apparatus capable of recording a picked-up endoscopic image; a memory card attachable to and detachable from the endoscope apparatus, the memory card transmitting the picked-up endoscopic image; and a PC or a mobile terminal having a function of communicating with the memory card and recording the endoscopic image transmitted from the memory card. The endoscope apparatus, and the PC or the mobile terminal are connected via wireless communication. When freeze processing is executed, the endoscope apparatus transmits an endoscopic image from the endoscope apparatus to the PC or the mobile terminal. 1. An endoscope system comprising:an endoscope apparatus capable of recording a picked-up endoscopic image;a communication device attachable to and detachable from the endoscope apparatus, the communication device transmitting the picked-up endoscopic image; anda mobile device having a function of communicating with the communication device and recording the endoscopic image transmitted from the communication device; whereinthe endoscope apparatus and the mobile device are connected via wireless communication; andthe endoscope apparatus transmits the endoscopic image from the endoscope apparatus to the mobile device when freeze processing is executed.2. The endoscope system according to claim 1 , wherein the endoscopic image is recorded in the endoscope apparatus when the freeze processing is executed.3. The endoscope system according to claim 1 , wherein the endoscopic image is not recorded in the endoscope apparatus when the freeze processing is executed.4. The endoscope system according to claim 1 , wherein transmission of the endoscopic image to the mobile device is inhibited while moving image photographing processing is being executed in the endoscope apparatus.5. The endoscope system according to claim 1 , wherein the endoscope apparatus transmits only the endoscopic image at a time when the freeze processing is ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043462A1
Автор: Ghosh Kunal
Принадлежит: INSCOPIX, INC.

System and methods are provided for distributed microscopy. A plurality of microscopes may capture images and send them to a media server. The microscopes and the media server may be part of a local area network. The microscopes may each have a distinct network address. The media server may communicate with an operations console, which may be used to view images captured by the microscopes. The operations console may also accept user input which may be used to selectively control the microscopes. 1. A system for distributed microscopy comprising:a plurality of microscopes, each microscope capable of capturing an image and having a network address;a media server in communication with the microscopes over a network, wherein the microscopes are capable of simultaneously providing image data to the media server; andan operations console in communication with the media server, capable of displaying at least one image based on the image data.2. The system of wherein the network is a local area network.3. The system of wherein the network is a cloud-based network.4. The system of wherein the operations console communicates with the media server through a local area network.5. The system of wherein the operations console communicates with the media server over a wide area network.6. The system of wherein the operations console is capable of accepting an input that affects the operation of at least one microscope of said plurality.7. The system of wherein the input specifies a corresponding network address of the at least one microscope.8. The system of wherein the microscopes are mounted on a live being claim 1 , or on several live beings claim 1 , while capturing the image.9. The system of wherein the live beings are capable of moving freely while the microscopes are mounted.10. The system of wherein the microscopes weigh less than 3 grams.11. The system of wherein the microscopes have a volume of 5 cubic centimeters or less.12. The system of wherein the operations console ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043464A1

A coordinate measuring machine has a workpiece support for holding a measurement object, and a measuring head displaceable relative to the workpiece support. An evaluation and control unit determines geometric properties on the measurement object depending on the position of the measuring head relative to the workpiece support and on sensor data from an optical sensor carried on the measuring head. The optical sensor includes a camera and a lens assembly having a lens body, which forms a light-entry opening and a light-exit opening with an interface for connecting the camera. The lens assembly comprises a number of lens elements arranged in the lens body. A separate cover glass is arranged in the region of the light-entry opening, and sits in front of the lens elements as a first transparent component. Preferably, the lens elements are corrected depending on optical characteristics of the cover glass. 1. A coordinate measuring machine for determining spatial coordinates on a measurement object , comprising:a workpiece support for holding the measurement object,a measuring head which can be displaced relative to the workpiece support and carries an optical sensor, andan evaluation and control unit configured to determine geometric properties on the measurement object depending on a position of the measuring head relative to the workpiece support and depending on sensor data from the optical sensor;wherein the optical sensor includes a lens assembly and a camera which is configured to record an image of the measurement object through the lens assembly,wherein the lens assembly has a lens body which has a light-entry opening and a light-exit opening with an interface for connecting the camera,wherein the lens assembly further comprises a stop and a number of lens elements, which are arranged in the lens body and together define an optical axis, andwherein a separate cover glass is arranged in the region of the light-entry opening, which cover glass sits in front of the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055583A1
Автор: Kato Shuichi

An endoscope system may include: an insertion section that is inserted into an object under examination, having an image capturing unit that successively outputs a pixel signal of a strength responsive to the amount of light of the pixel, and a time converter that converts the intensity of the pixel signal to time information representing a time interval by a time width and that transmits the converted time information; a transfer section that guides the outside of the object under examination the time information transmitted from the time converter; and an external apparatus positioned outside the object under examination, having a time interval converter that receives the time information guided by the transfer section and converts to a digital signal and outputs the intensity of the pixel signal represented by the received time information and an image processing unit that outputs an image responsive to the pixel signal. 1. An endoscope system comprising:an insertion section that is inserted into an object under examination, having an image capturing unit that successively outputs a pixel signal of a strength responsive to the amount of light of the pixel, and a time converter that converts the intensity of the pixel signal to time information representing a time interval by a time width and that transmits the converted time information;a transfer section that guides the outside of the object under examination the time information transmitted from the time converter; andan external apparatus positioned outside the object under examination, having a time interval converter that receives the time information guided by the transfer section and converts to a digital signal and outputs the intensity of the pixel signal represented by the received time information and an image processing unit that outputs an image responsive to the pixel signal that has been converted to the digital signal by the time interval converter.2. The endoscope system according to claim 1 , ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071265A1
Автор: Kanzaki Kazuhiro

This endoscope is provided with: a main housing unit that is formed from a material having a surface resistance of 1 GΩ or less; a display unit that is mounted on one surface of the external surfaces of the main housing unit and displays images of an observation subject; an operating input portion that is mounted on the one surface of the main housing unit; and a sun-blocking shade that is fixed to the one surface of the main housing unit and protrudes from the one surface in a direction that intersects the one surface so as to surround a portion of the periphery of the display unit, and that is formed from a flexible resin whose surface resistance is 1 GΩ or less, and is characterized by the fact that the entire display unit and operating input portion are located within a space that is defined by the main housing unit and the shade. 1. An endoscope comprising:a main housing unit that is formed from a material having a surface resistance of 1 GΩ or less;a display unit that is mounted on one surface of the external surfaces of the main housing unit and displays images of an observation subject;an operating input portion that is mounted on the one surface of the main housing unit; anda sun-blocking shade that is fixed to the one surface of the main housing unit and protrudes from the one surface in a direction that intersects the one surface so as to surround a portion of the periphery of the display unit, and that is formed from a flexible resin whose surface resistance is 1 GΩ or less, whereinthe entire display unit and operating input portion are located within a space that is defined by the main housing unit and the shade.2. The endoscope according to claim 1 , further comprisinga protruding portion that sandwiches the display unit and the operating input portion between itself and the shade, and that protrudes from the one surface towards the same side as the side towards which the shade protrudes from the one surface.3. The endoscope according to claim 2 , ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140078287A1
Автор: ICHIHASHI Masaki

In the endoscope of the present invention, first electronic components and second electronic components are provided inside an elongated insertion portion, and a solid ground pattern that extends over a greater range than the first electronic components is interposed between the first electronic components and the second electronic components. 1. An endoscope comprising:an elongated insertion portion;a main unit to which one end of the insertion portion is attached;first electronic components that are provided inside the insertion portion;second electronic components that are provided inside the insertion portion and are supplied with drive power from a separate system from that used for the first electronic components;a first substrate that is formed as a thin plate or film, and on one surface of which in the thickness direction thereof the first electronic components are packaged;a second substrate that is formed as a thin plate or film, and on one surface of which in the thickness direction thereof the second electronic components are packaged;a plurality of power limiting portions that limit to a predetermined value or less the drive power that they supply to the first electronic components and the second electronic components respectively via mutually different systems;a first wiring of which at least a portion is placed inside the insertion portion, and that electrically connects together one of the power limiting portions and the first electronic components and supplies drive power to the first electronic components; anda second wiring of which at least a portion is placed inside the insertion portion, and that electrically connects together another of the power control limiting portions and the second electronic components and supplies drive power to the second electronic components, whereinthe first substrate has a solid ground pattern that is formed either on the opposite surface of the first substrate from the surface thereof on which the first electronic ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Far Field In Situ Maximum Horizontal Stress Direction Estimation Using Multi-Axial Induction And Borehole Image Data

Номер: US20140078288A1
Автор: Wu Peter T.

A method for determining far field maximum stress direction of formations penetrated by a wellbore from multiaxial electromagnetic induction measurements and formation image measurements made in the wellbore includes determining whether fractures exist in a far field from the wellbore using the multiaxial electromagnetic induction measurements. The fractures are determined to be naturally occurring or induced using the formation image measurements. Orientation of the fractures when determined to be induced are determined. The far field maximum stress direction is then determined based upon the determined orientation. 1. A method for determining far field maximum stress direction of formations penetrated by a wellbore from multiaxial electromagnetic induction measurements and formation image measurements made in the wellbore , comprising:determining in a computer whether fractures exist in a far field from the wellbore using the multiaxial electromagnetic induction measurements;determining in the computer whether the fractures are naturally occurring or induced using the formation image measurements;determining in the computer an orientation of the fractures when the fractures are determined to be induced from the multiaxial electromagnetic induction measurements; anddetermining in the computer the far field maximum horizontal stress direction from the determined orientation.2. The method of wherein the determining whether the fractures are naturally occurring or induced comprises determining in the computer if at least one of the following conditions exists:the fractures stack together over depth and appear over the same azimuth of the wellbore;the fractures do not completely intersect the wellbore;the fractures appear in the tensile quadrants of the wellbore; orthe fractures are asymmetrically developed.3. The method of further comprising:inducing fractures in at least one selected subsurface formation in a plurality of wellbores drilled therethrough;in a computer, ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085449A1

Systems and methods for improved thermophotonic imaging are provided in which both amplitude and phase image information is obtained with a high signal to noise ratio and depth-resolved capabilities. Image data obtained from an imaging camera is dynamically averaged and subsequently processed to extract amplitude and/or phase image data. The system may be configured for a wide range of imaging modalities, including single frequency modulation (thermophotonic lock-in imaging), Thermal-Wave Radar imaging or Thermophotonic Radar imaging involving chirp modulation, and Binary Phase Coded Modulation. Such imaging modalities may find application in many diverse areas, including non-destructive testing and biomedical diagnostic imaging including the imaging of teeth and monitoring changes in the tooth over time which are due to pathology such as dental caries or erosion. 1. A method of performing thermophotonic imaging , said method comprising the steps of:providing a sample;providing an optical source having a wavelength selected to generate photothermal radiation within said sample;providing an imaging camera with an optical bandwidth selected for detection of said photothermal radiation;generating a reference waveform comprising a plurality of modulation cycles;producing a modulated optical beam by modulating an intensity of an optical beam emitted by said optical source according to said reference waveform;illuminating said sample with said modulated optical beam;imaging said photothermal radiation with said imaging camera;recording a plurality of dynamically averaged image frames at time offsets corresponding to different values of said reference waveform; andprocessing said dynamically averaged image frames and said reference waveform to obtain an image relating to said photothermal radiation.2. The method according to wherein said dynamically averaged image frames are obtained according to the following steps:recording a plurality of image frames at times ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085468A1

A method for providing a signal to a light control unit of at least one headlight of a vehicle that has a camera for acquiring a surrounding environment of a vehicle, the method including a step of determination of an interval between the vehicle and another vehicle using the camera. The method further includes a step of determination of a distance between the vehicle and the other vehicle using a camera-independent sensor. In addition, the method includes a step of plausibilization of the interval using the distance, the interval being plausibilized if a difference between the interval and the distance is smaller than a tolerance value. Finally, the method includes a step of provision the interval via an interface to a light control unit of the headlight. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for providing a signal for a light control unit for at least one headlight of a vehicle that has a camera for acquiring an environment surrounding the vehicle , the method comprising:determining an interval between the vehicle and another vehicle, using the camera;determining a distance between the vehicle and the other vehicle, using a camera-independent sensor;performing a plausibilization of the interval using the distance, the interval being plausibilized if a difference between the interval and the distance is smaller than a tolerance value; andproviding the interval via an interface to the light control unit of the headlight.12. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the step of determining the interval includes determining the interval based on a comparison of an angle between two light objects of a light object pair of the other vehicle to an expected angle claim 11 , the angle being determined using the camera.13. The method as recited in claim 11 , wherein the step of determining the interval includes determining the interval based on a horizontal angle between the two light objects of the light object pair and an expected horizontal angle claim 11 , the expected ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092246A1
Автор: KOO Bon-hyun, Ryu Je-Hyok

A gateway apparatus for monitoring whether something is wrong with electronic devices and a control method thereof are provided. The gateway apparatus includes at least one communication section which communicates with a plurality of electronic devices, a camera for taking an image of the plurality of electronic devices, and a user terminal or a management server, and a controller configured to determine whether there is something wrong with at least one of the plurality of electronic devices based on energy information received from the plurality of electronic devices, to receive a taken image of the at least one electronic device with which something is wrong from the camera by transmitting position information of the at least one electronic device with which something is wrong to the camera, and to transmit a monitoring image based on the received taken image of the at least one electronic device with which something is wrong to the user terminal or to the management server. 1. A gateway apparatus for monitoring whether something is wrong with electronic devices , the gateway apparatus comprising:at least one communication section which communicates with a plurality of electronic devices, a camera for taking an image of the plurality of electronic devices, and a user terminal or a management server; anda controller configured to determine whether there is something wrong with at least one of the plurality of electronic devices based on energy information received from the plurality of electronic devices, to receive a taken image of the at least one electronic devices with which something is wrong from the camera by transmitting position information of the at least one electronic device with which something is wrong to the camera, and to transmit a monitoring image based on the received taken image of the at least one electronic device with which something is wrong to the user terminal or to the management server.2. The gateway apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092249A1

A perimeter detection system for a vehicle has a plurality of sensors provided on an exterior of the vehicle for sensing an object in a peripheral field of view during motion of the vehicle. The plurality of sensors includes a front sensor configured for sensing substantially forward the vehicle, a rear sensor configured for sensing substantially rearward the vehicle; and a side sensor configured for sensing substantially laterally adjacent the vehicle. The perimeter detection system also has a controller for processing the plurality of sensors to detect the object in the peripheral field of view when the vehicle is stopped, such as when a transmission of the vehicle is in park. An output signal is generated that is indicative of the object detected in the peripheral field of view. The output signal may be audible and visual and may include a door lock signal and a window raising signal. 1. A perimeter detection system for a vehicle comprising:a plurality of sensors coupled with an exterior of the vehicle for monitoring a peripheral field and generating input signals;a detector indicative of a parked state of the vehicle;a controller on the vehicle for processing the input signals from the plurality of sensors to detect an object in the peripheral field and generating an output signal when the object is detected and the vehicle is in the parked stated; anda device that is actuated based upon the output signal.2. The perimeter detection system of claim 1 , wherein the detector includes a switch coupled with an interior of the vehicle claim 1 , and wherein the switch is actuated for the controller to process the plurality of sensors.3. The perimeter detection system of claim 1 , wherein the parked state is includes at least one of the vehicle being stopped claim 1 , a transmission of the vehicle being in park claim 1 , and a switch within the vehicle being actuated.4. The perimeter detection system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sensors includes:a front sensor ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092250A1

A visual guidance system includes an image display to present an image overlaid on a windshield in front of a driver of a vehicle and a processor to output image information on the image display. The processor outputs image information for presenting a virtual line extending from an upper side of the driver to a visual guidance target seen within the windshield in such a manner that the virtual line is overlaid on the windshield. 1. A visual guidance system comprising:an image display to present an image overlaid on a windshield in front of a driver of a vehicle; anda processor to output image information on the image display,wherein the processor outputs image information for presenting a virtual line extending from above the driver to a visual guidance target seen within the windshield in such a manner that the virtual line is overlaid on the windshield.2. The visual guidance system according to claim 1 , wherein the processing unit outputs image information which extends from above the driver to along a course of the vehicle seen within the windshield in such a manner that a pointing end of the virtual line is overlaid on a road surface on the course seen within the windshield.3. The visual guidance system according to claim 1 , wherein the processor outputs image information for presenting the virtual line in such a manner that a pointing end of the virtual line becomes narrower.4. The visual guidance system according to any one of claims 1 , further comprising:a vehicle speed detector to detect the speed of the vehicle,wherein the processor outputs image information for presenting the virtual line in such a manner that a pointing end of the virtual line extends to a point on the road surface far away from the driver in accordance with increase in the value of the vehicle speed.5. The visual guidance system according to any one of claims 1 , further comprising:a steering input detector to detect a steering input,wherein the processor outputs image information ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140098196A1
Автор: GUAN Haike

A line recognition apparatus for recognizing a line on a surface over which a vehicle moves, using an image of an area ahead of the vehicle captured by an image capturing unit mounted on the vehicle, includes a dividing line setting unit to set a dividing line in the captured image area ahead of the vehicle to divide the captured image area into a first image area corresponding to a surface close to the vehicle and a second image area in the captured image area corresponding to a surface far from the vehicle; a straight line recognition unit to conduct a linear approximation to an image in the first image area to recognize a straight line; and a curved line recognition unit to conduct a curved line approximation to an image in the second image area to recognize a curved line. 1. A line recognition apparatus for recognizing a line on a surface over which a vehicle moves , using an image of an area ahead of the vehicle captured by an image capturing unit mounted to the vehicle , the line recognition apparatus comprising:a dividing line setting unit to set a dividing line in the captured image area ahead of the vehicle to divide the captured image area into a first image area corresponding to a surface close to the vehicle and a second image area in the captured image area corresponding to a surface far from the vehicle;a straight line recognition unit to conduct a linear approximation to an image in the first image area to recognize a straight line in the captured image area ahead of the vehicle; anda curved line recognition unit to conduct a curved line approximation to an image in the second image area to recognize a curved line in the captured image area ahead of the vehicle.2. The line recognition apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a stereo image capturing unit having two image capturing units; anda parallax image computing unit to compute parallax of the captured image area ahead of the vehicle based on the stereo image to obtain a parallax image,wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Pick Up Device With Telescoping Tube

Номер: US20160001442A1
Автор: Buzby David, McKenney John

This invention provides hand operated portable adjustable length devices for grasping and manipulation of objects as well as methods of their use. 123.-. (canceled)24. An adjustable length device to operably connect at least two components , the device comprising:a) a cable having a first end and a second end;b) a toothed rod having a first end and a second end, wherein the toothed rod comprises a plurality of teeth;c) a toothed rod locking mechanism operably attached to the cable, wherein the toothed rod locking mechanism comprises a movable lever and wherein the movable lever comprises one or more teeth which can mate with the teeth of the toothed rod;wherein movement of the cable causes the movable lever to operably engage or disengage with the toothed rod.25. The device of claim 24 , wherein the toothed rod locking mechanism can be moved along the toothed rod when the movable lever is disengaged and is stationary on the toothed rod when the movable lever is engaged.26. The device of claim 24 , wherein the adjustable length device comprises an adjustable length tube claim 24 , which tube encloses the toothed rod locking mechanism claim 24 , at least a part of the cable claim 24 , and at least a part of the toothed rod.27. (canceled)28. (canceled)29. The device of claim 24 , wherein the first end of the cable operably engages or disengages with the toothed rod via the toothed rod locking mechanism and wherein the second end of the cable is operably connected to a trigger mechanism and wherein squeezing the trigger mechanism engages the lever of the toothed rod locking mechanism with the toothed rod.30. The device of claim 24 , wherein the second end of the toothed rod operably engages or disengages with the cable via the toothed rod lockin mechanism and wherein the first end of the toothed rod is operably connected to one or more additional components.31. The device of claim 30 , wherein the one or more additional components comprise a pair of opposable jaw ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Self Opening Wide Mouth Carryout Bag Pack, Apparatus and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20210001584A1
Автор: Tan Gregorio Lim

An apparatus for making a self-opening wide mouth bag pack includes a supply of flexible film material. An extruder forms a continuous tube. A flattener flattens the tube. A first sealer forms a bottom seal across a width of the flattened tube. A cutter cuts the flattened tube into bag blanks has a bag mouth at a predetermined distance from the bottom seal. Second and third sealers form angled seals at lower corners of the bag blank forming a flat bottomed bag. An adhesion knife penetrates the bag pack adhering adjacent bag blanks together in the bag pack. An aperture maker forms apertures for suspending the bag pack from a dispensing rack. The pack is attached to the dispensing rack and the front wall of the subsequent bag is adhered to the rear wall of a first bag, thereby causing the first bag to open when pulled from the rack. 1. An apparatus for making a self-opening wide mouth carryout bag pack comprising:a supply of flexible film material;an extruder, said extruder forming a continuous tube of film;a folder, said folder folding in first and second side gussets;a flattener, said flattener forming a continuous flattened tube;a first sealer, said first sealer forming a bottom seal across a width of said flattened tube at a predetermined interval;a cutter, said cutter cutting said flattened tube into bag blanks at a predetermined distance from said bottom seal;said bag blanks having front and rear walls, first and second side edges, a top edge, a bottom edge and a mouth portion;a second sealer, said second sealer forming a first angle seal, said first angle seal extending from said first side edge of said front and rear walls across said bottom seal at a point spaced outwardly from an innermost portion of said first side gusset at said bottom edges of said front and rear walls;a third sealer, said third sealer forming a second angle seal, said second angle seal extending from said second side edge of said front and rear walls across said bottom seal at a point ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001713A1
Автор: Wang Yuhua

A camera device () for an automobile backing-up video assembly is disclosed. The device () comprises a base () and a camera box () attached to the base () and having a camera (). The installation on the rear of the automobile is conducted as follows: arranging an electrical plug () on the base () to allow the electrical plug () to fit into an electrical socket at the rear of the automobile, thus completing the installation and fixation, and then connecting a power supply; alternatively, arranging on the base () a magnet capable of being attracted to the metal of the iron family, such that the entire device is firmly attached to the iron surface of the automobile shell via the magnetic force. 1. A camera device , wherein the base has a U-shaped space, a distance between two sides of the U-shape is approximately equal to a length of the camera box so that the camera box is exactly laid within the U-shaped space,', 'pivot and bearing structures which enable the camera box to be rotated by an angle with respect to the U-shaped space of the base are provided at positions where each of both ends of the camera box adjoins to or connects with the U-shaped space,', 'an electrical plug which is matchable with an electrical socket in the tail portion of the automobile so as to be connected to a power supply is provided integrally with the base, and', 'a transmission device which transmits an image signal picked up by the camera in a wireless manner is provided in the camera box or the base so that a display screen device in the automobile receives the image signal in a wireless manner and displays the picked up image., 'the camera device includes a base and a camera box attached to the base, the camera device is adapted to be mounted outside a tail portion of an automobile so that a camera in the camera box faces rearward of the automobile,'}2. The camera device according to claim 1 , wherein a fixing catch which matches with a spring closing cap of the electrical socket in ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001891A1
Автор: Goto Jun, SUZUKI Masashi
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A vehicle roof mounted system includes a stereo camera, a display, and a controller. The stereo camera is provided in a vehicle and captures an image including the face of a driver P seated in a driver's seat of the vehicle. The display is provided on a roof panel of the vehicle and is located on a front side of the vehicle in a front-rear direction between an auxiliary seat provided on the side of the driver's seat in a vehicle width direction and the driver's seat. Then, the display displays an image captured by the stereo camera such that the image is visually recognizable from a rear seat provided on a rear side of the vehicle in the front-rear direction and the driver's seat. The controller controls the display. 1. A vehicle roof mounted system comprising:a first image capturing section provided in a vehicle to capture an image including a face of a driver seated in a driver's seat of the vehicle;an image display section that is provided on a roof panel of the vehicle so as to be located on a front side of the vehicle in a front-rear direction between an auxiliary seat provided on a side of the driver's seat in a vehicle width direction and the driver's seat and displays the image captured by the first image capturing section such that the image is visually recognizable from a rear seat provided on a rear side of the vehicle in the front-rear direction and the driver's seat; anda controller that controls the image display section.2. The vehicle roof mounted system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second image capturing section provided in the vehicle to capture an image including a face of an occupant seated in the rear seat; anda changeover section that changes over an image displayed on the image display section, whereinthe controller displays one of the image captured by the first image capturing section and the image captured by the second image capturing section on the image display section in accordance with changeover by the changeover section ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Generating Accurate Sensor Corrections Based on Video Input

Номер: US20150002663A1
Автор: Hu Liang, Pan Weibin
Принадлежит: GOOGLE INC.

A portable device includes a sensor, a video capture module, a processor, and a computer-readable memory that stores instructions. When executed on the processor, the instructions operate to cause the sensor to generate raw sensor data indicative of a physical quantity, cause the video capture module to capture video imagery of a reference object concurrently with the sensor generating raw sensor data when the portable device is moving relative to the reference object, and cause the processor to calculate correction parameters for the sensor based on the captured video imagery of the reference object and the raw sensor data. 1. A portable device comprising:a sensor;a video capture module;a processor; and cause the sensor to generate raw sensor data indicative of a physical quantity,', 'cause the video capture module to capture video imagery of a reference object concurrently with the sensor generating raw sensor data when the portable device is moving relative to the reference object, and', 'cause the processor to calculate correction parameters for the sensor based on the captured video imagery of the reference object and the raw sensor data., 'a computer-readable memory that stores instructions thereon, wherein the instructions, when executed by the processor, operate to2. The portable device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions claim 1 , when executed by the processor claim 1 , further operate to identify the reference object as a standard real-world object having known geometric properties.3. The portable device of claim 2 , wherein the standard real-world object is a two-dimensional (2D) image on a 2D surface.4. The portable device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions claim 1 , when executed by the processor claim 1 , further operate to match the captured video imagery to a digital 3D model of the reference object claim 1 , wherein:the digital 3D model is stored in a database to which the portable device is coupled via a communication network, andthe digital ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002666A1

Disclosed herein is an apparatus for monitoring an image with low power including: an image sensor unit; a low compression unit encoding image data acquired by the image sensor unit with a first compression rate; an event sensor unit generating an event signal when an event is sensed; a high compression unit operated by receiving the event signal and encoding the image data of the image sensor unit and the low compression unit with a second compression rate higher than the first compression rate; and a memory unit storing the image data encoded by the low compression unit and the high compression unit. 1. An apparatus for monitoring an image with low power , the apparatus comprising:an image sensor unit;a low compression unit encoding image data acquired by the image sensor unit with a first compression rate;an event sensor unit generating an event signal when an event is sensed;a high compression unit operated by receiving the event signal and encoding the image data of the image sensor unit and the low compression unit with a second compression rate higher than the first compression rate; anda memory unit storing the image data encoded by the low compression unit and the high compression unit.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the high compression unit encodes the image data acquired by the image sensor unit and the image data decoded by the low compression unit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a switch unit controlling a connecting among the image sensor unit, the low compression unit, the high compression unit, and a power supply.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the switch unit includes:a switching node;a first switch selectively switching a connection between the image sensor unit and the low compression unit or the switching node;a second switch selectively switching a connection between the high compression unit and the low compression unit or the switching node; anda third switch switching between the high compression unit and the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003953A1
Автор: Vail Thomas

A handheld golf tee marker transport device including a handle with an adjustable grasping mechanism at the base is provided. The adjustable grasping mechanism can be used to lift and position a plurality of golf tee marker geometries. The device eliminates the need for a user to bend over to pick up a tee marker or to place a tee marker on a tee box. 1. A tee marker transport device comprising:(a) a first member, said member having a first end and a second end and a body, said first end including a handle connected thereto, said second end including a support structure having at least one grasping member connected thereto, said body including at least one aperture therethrough;(b) a second member, said second member having a first end, a second end, and a body, said first end including at least one aperture therethrough, said second end including a support structure having at least one grasping member connected thereto; and(c) a fastener, wherein said fastener passes through at least one aperture in said first member and at least one aperture in said second member thereby forming a pivoting grasping mechanism between said first and second members.2. The apparatus of wherein said fastener is a quick release fastener.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein quick release fastener is a detent ring pin.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said handle further includes a grip.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first member includes two grasping members and said second member includes two grasping members.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first member includes at least two grasping members and said second member includes at least four grasping members.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said grasping members are truncated cone shaped.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said grasping members comprise an elastomeric material.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first member has one aperture therethrough and said second member has at least two ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007857A1

A twist-tie dispenser comprises a twist-tie cluster and a base. The base includes a top portion, a rear wall extending downward from the top portion, and an open front. A latching structure for removably mounting the base to a fixture is defined at least in part by a first hook-like extension protruding from the rear wall of the base, the first hook-like extension defining a pocket formed by an upper stop surface and a vertical retention surface, the latching structure also defined at least in part by a flexible portion of the rear wall that is configured to elastically deflect through a cut-out provided on the rear wall in a direction from the rear wall toward the open front when a rod-like mounting structure of the fixture is inserted into the pocket of the first hook-like extension, the flexible portion also defining a lower stop surface that opposes the upper stop surface of the first hook-like extension when the rod-like mounting structure is within the pocket and is captured between the lower stop surface and the upper stop surface. 1. A twist-tie dispenser , comprising:a base including a top portion defining a twist-tie cluster mounting surface, a rear wall extending downward from the top portion, and an open front;a latching structure configured for removably mounting the base to a fixture including at least one rod-like mounting structure, the latching structure defined at least in part by a first hook-like extension protruding from the rear wall of the base, the first hook-like extension defining a pocket formed by an upper stop surface and a vertical retention surface, the latching structure also defined at least in part by a flexible portion of the rear wall that is configured to elastically deflect through a cut-out provided on the rear wall in a direction from the rear wall toward the open front when the rod-like mounting structure of the fixture is inserted into the pocket of the first hook-like extension, the flexible portion also defining a lower ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002860A1

A remote operation system for a working machine includes a control device enabling an operator wearing a wearable display to grasp the surrounding situation of himself/herself. The control device includes an operation intention judgment section judging the presence/absence of an operator's operation intention to a remote operation lever based on the contents of acquired judgment information, and a display image switching section. With judgment of presence of the operation intention, the display image switching section makes a working area image taken by a working area image taking camera be displayed in a particular display area of the wearable display. With judgment of absence of the operation intention, the display image switching section stops the display of the working area image in the at least a part of the particular display area and switches it to a surrounding visual-recognition allowing area allowing the operator to visually recognize the surroundings. 1. A remote operation system for remotely operating a working machine , the remote operation system comprising:a remote operation lever that is disposed at a position distant from the working machine and allows an operation to be applied to the remote operation lever by an operator of the working machine while being held by the operator;at least one judgment information acquisition device capable of acquiring judgment information for judging presence or absence of an operation intention that is an intention of the operator to apply an operation to the remote operation lever;a working area image taking camera that is disposed on the working machine and capable of taking a working area image that is an image of surroundings of the working machine;a wearable display capable of displaying an image to the operator while being worn on the operator, the wearable display having a particular display area in which the working area image can be displayed; anda control device that causes the wearable display to display ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004902A1
Автор: CASAS Victor

A method for processing, saving and viewing a digital image of a microscope slide includes inserting a microscope slide into a digital slide scanner connected to an acquisition computer. A pre-scan formed from a plurality of image tiles uploaded to a network server while the pre-scan is being generated. The network server analyzes the image tiles in realtime to identify an area of interest. The acquisition computer generates a high magnification local scan of the area of interest. The local scan is formed from a plurality of local image tiles that are uploaded to the network server while the local scan is being generated. Each local image tile is viewable by a client computer in communication with the computer network while the plurality of local image tiles is being uploaded. A raw final image is then saved on the network server independent of the acquisition computer. 15.-. (canceled)6. A method for processing , saving and viewing a digital image of a sample comprising:providing an acquisition computer connected to a network server in communication with a computer network;inserting at least one sample into a digital scanner connected to the acquisition computer;the acquisition computer generating a first image of the sample at a first magnification and resolution;the acquisition computer uploading the first image to the network server;the network server analyzing the first image while the first image is being generated to identify an area of interest in the first image;the acquisition computer generating a local scan of the area of interest at a second magnification higher than the first magnification, the local scan comprising a plurality of local image tiles;the acquisition computer uploading each of the plurality of local image tiles to the network server while the local scan is being generated, each local image tile being viewable by a client computer in communication with the computer network in real time while the plurality of local image tiles are being ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005189A1

Approaches are described for rendering augmented reality overlays on an interface displaying the active field of view of a camera. The interface can display to a user an image or video, for example, and the overlay can be rendered over, near, or otherwise positioned with respect to any text or other such elements represented in the image. The overlay can have associated therewith at least one function or information, and when an input associated with the overlay is selected, the function can be performed (or caused to be performed) by the portable computing device. 1. A computing system , comprising:a display element;a camera;at least one processor; and capture image data by the camera, the image data including a representation of text;', 'analyze the image data to locate the representation of text;', 'analyze the representation of the text to determine an action associated with the text;', 'display, on the display element, over a view being captured by the camera, a graphical representation of the text, the graphical representation of the text being rendered with respect to a location of the representation of the text and appearing more prominent than the representation of the text; and', 'perform, in response to a selection of the graphical representation, the action associated with the text., 'memory including instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the computing system to2. The computing system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions when executed by the processor further enable the computing system to:detect an interaction with the graphical representation of the text; andperform the action associated with the text.3. The computing system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions when executed by the processor further enable the computing system to:determine an application associated with the action;detect an interaction with the graphical representation of the text;instantiate an instance of the application; andperform the action by the instance of ...
