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20-06-2014 дата публикации

Изменяемая подложка

Номер: RU0000141947U1

1. Изменяемая подложка, содержащая в целом плоское основание и борт, проходящий вокруг основания, причем борт содержит бортовые части, соединенные вместе при помощи перемычек, представляющих собой отдельные по существу не изгибаемые перемычные части, обеспечивающие возможность совместного перемещения бортовых частей между первым положением, в котором они расположены в одной плоскости с основанием, и вторым положением, в котором они наклонены, тем самым формируя поднос, причем перемычные части тоньше, чем основание и бортовые части.2. Подложка по п.1, в которой борт проходит от периферии основания.3. Подложка по п.1, в которой борт шарнирно соединен с основанием.4. Подложка по п.1, в которой борт сформирован за одно целое с основанием.5. Положка по п.1, в которой борт выполнен с возможностью перемещения в любом направлении по отношению к плоскости основания таким образом, что подложка является двусторонней.6. Подложка по п.1, в которой основание является жестким.7. Подложка по п.1, в которой бортовые части являются жесткими.8. Подложка по п.1, в которой основание является по существу прямоугольным.9. Подложка по п.1, в которой борт содержит две бортовые части, проходящие вдоль двух коротких сторон основания, каждая из которых содержит ручку.10. Подложка по п.1, в которой по меньшей мере одна из бортовых частей имеет в целом форму трапеции.11. Подложка по п.1, в которой перемычки имеют в целом форму треугольника.12. Подложка по п.1, в которой перемычки являются гибкими.13. Подложка по п.1, в которой перемычки присоединены к концам смежных бортовых частей по линиям сгиба.14. Подложка по п.1, в которой во втором положении плоскость перемычек п� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A47G 23/06 (13) 141 947 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013128912/12, 08.12.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.12.2011 (72) Автор(ы): БАБИНГТОН, Дункан Джон ( ...

15-12-2017 дата публикации

Охлаждаемый модуль

Номер: RU0000175728U1

Охлаждаемый модуль содержит корпус 1 с расположенными в нем блоками/слоями 2 свежих продуктов и, охлаждающими элементами 3, при этом охлаждающие элементы чередуются с блоками/слоями свежих продуктов и сопряжены с ними и с внутренней поверхностью корпуса, при этом внутренняя поверхность корпуса модуля выполнена из материала, нейтрального по отношению к свежим продуктам, а охлаждающие элементы выполнены в виде бутылок, с возможностью защиты блоков свежих продуктов от деформации при внешних воздействиях. Преимущественно, охлаждающий элемент содержит хладагент в упаковке. Хладагентом охлаждающего элемента является вода, или солевой раствор, или гель, или сухой лед. Преимущественно, хладагент в охлаждающих элементах используется в замороженном состоянии. Лучший результат достигается, когда корпус модуля выполнен из картона или гофрокартона или ткани или нетканого текстильного материала, а корпус модуля дополнительно термоизолирован. Преимущественно, термоизоляция корпуса выполнена, путем оборачивания материалом с низкой теплопроводностью. Лучший результат достигается, когда охлаждающие элементы и блоки свежих продуктов в модуле образуют пространственную сотовую конструкцию, а охлаждающие элементы сопрягаются между собой и с внутренней поверхностью корпуса модуля посредством фиксирующих элементов. Фиксирующие элементы выполнены в виде охлаждающих элементов. Лучший результат достигается, когда корпус модуля выполнен в виде параллелепипеда, при этом длина охлаждающего элемента составляет 1,0–0,9 размера меньшего ребра корпуса модуля, и охлаждающие элементы расположены параллельно ребрам корпуса модуля, а суммарный вес жидкости в охлаждающих элементах составляет 0,15-0,25 суммарного веса свежих продуктов в модуле. При использовании полезной модели достигается увеличение продолжительности сохранения пониженной температуры повышение прочности и исключение, тем самым, деформации свежих продуктов при транспортировании, а также упрощение конструкции устройства для хранения и ...

09-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000188363U1

Решение относится к производству подставок под стаканы, пивные кружки или другую посуду для напитков. Задачами настоящей полезной модели является разработка подставки с повышенной информативностью печатного изображения лицевой панели, а также создание дополнительного функционала выключателя светового модуля подставки. Технический результат состоит в том, что верхний (лицевой) слой подставки изготавливается из прозрачного пластического материала, на котором формируется печатным способом дистанционное (псевдообъемное) расположение изображений, а введение в выключатель светового модуля элемента из эластомера позволяет регулировать величину тарирующего усилия за счет подбора эластомера по модулю упругости (модулю Юнга) и/или по его конструкционной толщине, что повышает информативность и образность печатного изображения и создает дополнительный функционал подставки. Техническая осуществимость полезной модели вытекает из описания подставки с практическим достижением указанного технического результата. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 363 U1 (51) МПК A47G 23/03 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A47G 23/03 (2018.08) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018125836, 13.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.07.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "МИДИ ПРИНТ" (RU) 09.04.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2005/0013129 A1, 20.01.2005. US (45) Опубликовано: 09.04.2019 Бюл. № 10 1 8 8 3 6 3 R U (54) ПОДСТАВКА (57) Реферат: Решение относится к производству подставок под стаканы, пивные кружки или другую посуду для напитков. Задачами настоящей полезной модели является разработка подставки с повышенной информативностью печатного изображения лицевой панели, а также создание дополнительного функционала выключателя светового модуля подставки. Технический результат состоит в том, что верхний (лицевой) слой подставки изготавливается из ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Beverage cooler

Номер: US20120024005A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A beverage cooler for cooling one or more beverages and a method for assembled the beverage cooler are disclosed herein. The beverage cooler includes a frame member having a cooling chamber defined within at least a portion of the frame member, and a beverage support surface that is mounted with respect to the frame member for movement between a deployed position and a retracted position. In the deployed position of the beverage support surface, the beverage support surface is positioned to support at least one beverage container. In the retracted position of the beverage support surface, the beverage support surface is not positioned to support at least one beverage container.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Temperature regulating fabric with removable thermal modifying inserts

Номер: US20120048506A1
Автор: Betty G. Webb
Принадлежит: Individual

In one embodiment, the invention is a mechanical and synthetic material composition using a cationic carbon base infrastructure that incorporates specially designed compartments for housing thermal modifying inserts. Using both the temperature regulating fabric and one of three optional inserts, depending on desired effect, in combination creates a suitable solution for temperature regulation. By placing the temperature modifying source in its assigned compartment in key locations allows for a transfer of energy throughout the fabrics construction like a conduit and in close proximity to the subject surface.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Portable holding device

Номер: US20120049030A1
Автор: Kevin Alan Tussy
Принадлежит: Individual

A holding device comprising a holder designed to hold an object such as a beverage container, a tray extending laterally outward from the bottom of holder, and a stabilizing member extending downward from the holder and tray. In various exemplary embodiments, the beverage container is a mug with a handle, a soda can, or any other form of beverage container. In one embodiment the stabilizing member extends downward perpendicular to the plane of the bottom of the holder, and the surface of said stabilizing member may be textured. The stabilizing member may have removable extensions, and may extend downward from the middle of the holder or from one edge of the holder. The tray may be completely or partially removable.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Food safe ceramic serving tray and related method

Номер: US20120124817A1
Автор: Adriana SINGH

A method of painting on a generally planar ceramic front surface of a tile in a food safe manner includes the steps of cleaning the front surface with a food safe cleaning agent, preparing a food safe paint to apply to the front surface, painting the front surface with the food safe paint in an aesthetically pleasing manner, resting front surface for a predetermine dwell time and heating the painted front surface to at least three hundred degrees Fahrenheit (300° F.) for at least thirty minutes (30 min). The predetermined dwell time is at least twelve hours (12 hrs).

12-07-2012 дата публикации

"improved portable beverage-dispensing device for use by groups"

Номер: US20120175013A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The dispensing device ( 1 ) has a beverage receptacle ( 2 ) with holes ( 200 ) in the base thereof, said holes being stopped with valves ( 3 ); a supporting base ( 4 ) that supports the receptacle; serving mechanisms ( 5 ) for opening the valves; and a cooling element mounted between the receptacle and the stand. The base ( 20 ) of the receptacle has, within, a convex central portion ( 201 ) and a peripheral portion ( 202 ) with the emptying holes, and the outer part thereof has a concave central portion ( 203 ) and a peripheral zone ( 204 ) with housings ( 205 ) for mounting a respective valve. The stand has an upper portion ( 40 ) in which the receptacle fits, and supporting legs ( 41 ). The serving mechanisms ( 5 ) are mounted in the upper portion of the stand, operationally facing the respective valve. The cooling element ( 6 ) is designed to be fitted inside the upper portion of the stand, with the base of the receptacle located above said element.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Tray Device

Номер: US20120211454A1
Автор: Megan Streit Wilson
Принадлежит: Individual

A tray device that is detachably connectable to a surface, such as a table surface, providing an eating and/or playing surface for a child. The tray provided with a lip that extends upwardly and outwardly toward the child's body so as to catch items and/or food or drink dropped by the child and direct the slipped item onto the tray surface. The tray may also be provided with a removable insert and various attachment mechanisms to firmly hold the tray onto the table surface.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Extension Device

Номер: US20120255963A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A extension device is a long flexible rod that is attached to a plastic cup holder and is designed to assist a disabled users who is able to drink a cold beverage from a small cup without using their hands.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Disposable liner for a cooler

Номер: US20120261422A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A liner for use with a cooler. is disclosed. In one embodiment, the liner has a body forming a containment space. An opening is connected to the containment space, wherein the opening comprises two pairs of opposed sides with adjacent sides connected together by corners, the opening thereby forming either a rectangular or square shape. Further, at least one of the corners has an extended portion extending outwardly from the respective sides associated with the corner. In some embodiments, two or more of the corners has an extended portion extending outwardly from the respective sides associated with the corner. In other embodiments, the liner has a straight edge where none of the corners have an extended portion extending outwardly from the respective sides associated with the corners.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Container jacket for a beverage glass

Номер: US20120285973A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A container jacket is provided having a perimeter portion, the perimeter portion having a first lateral edge, a second lateral edge, a plurality of eyelets formed adjacent the first lateral edge, and a second plurality of eyelets formed adjacent the second lateral edge, the perimeter portion forming an interior volume for receipt of a container therein in a deployed condition of the container jacket, and an interconnecting element. The interconnecting element extends to and between the first plurality of eyelets and the second plurality of eyelets, the interconnecting element being operable to maintain the first lateral edge and the second lateral edge within a predetermined spacing of one another.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Staked stemmed glass holder

Номер: US20120305716A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A glass holder may be placed into the ground for holding one or more glasses. The glass holder may include a framework, a slot, and a glass hole cut-out for holding a glass. The glass holder may also include a rod fitted into the framework that may be placed into the ground.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Liquid holder system with arched support and adjustable clasp

Номер: US20130026118A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A efficient and economical liquid holder/caddy that allows a liquid container to remain in an inverted position to make full use of the contents of near-empty containers; an arched support system and adjustable clasp to fit any size bottle spout; and compartments for placement of household accessories held in place by rubber grip support. The liquid holder also has a dish that catches any excess drainage from the contents of the liquid containers and can be replaced with multiple dishes.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for minimizing or preventing leakage from an outer container into an inner container and from an inner container into an outer container

Номер: US20130036751A1
Автор: Forney Barry Lile
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments may include one or more containers which may be placed inside an ice chest (or other container which is intended to control contents temperature) to prevent leaking of the ice or water into the one or more containers. Embodiments may also include an outer container which is intended to control contents temperature which is capable of securely holding one or more inner containers disposed therein and effectively segregating contents of the outer container from the contents of the one or more inner containers. In some embodiments, the one or more inner containers are securely positionally supported with respect to the outer container by a base of the outer container.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Serving Tray for use with Left or right Hand

Номер: US20130057006A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An object-carrying tray is provided that can be used by both left and right-handed users. The tray has a flat upper surface and a lower surface having a molded depression of two hands. The hands are positioned so that the palms, and several inner fingers overlap and the thumbs point in opposing directions. This configuration permits both a left or right-handed user to place his or her hand within the depressions. The user places his or her hand within the appropriate depressions to reduce the likelihood that the tray will slide around on a user's hand while the device is in use.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Intake and Content Management System

Номер: US20130060224A1
Автор: Diane Young Jones
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for managing the fluid intake of a person is disclosed. The system consists of multiple containers of various volumes, a common lid configured to incorporate a flow control valve, multiple flow control valves having varying flow rates, a date indicator ring incorporated circumferentially on said containers, a content indicator disposed on said lid, a chiller insert, and an optional slip on handle. The user selects a container based on the fluid needs of a person and a flow control valve based on the drinking ability of the person. The user fills the container with a drinkable fluid, and indicates the nature of the contents with the content indicator and the date of filling with the date indicator ring. The chiller insert allows the user to cool the contents without the possibility of dilution as with standard ice cubes.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092808A1
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

The cup holder includes a base adapted to be fixed to an attached portion; a lid body provided switchably between a closed position and an open position by turning relative to the base, overlapped with the base in the closed position, and supporting the cup from a lower side thereof in the open position; and a holder supported at the base or the lid body through an arm, and moving in association with a turning of the lid body to become a housed state when the lid body is in the closed position, and to become a used state when the lid body is in the open position. The arm includes a support portion controlling the lateral movement of the cup in the used state of the holder. 1. A cup holder , comprising:a base adapted to be fixed to an attached portion;a lid body provided switchably between a closed position and an open position by turning relative to the base, overlapped with the base in the closed position, and supporting a cup from a lower side thereof in the open position so as to receive a bottom of the cup;an arm turnably attached to the base or the lid body; anda holder supported by the arm, and moving in association with turning of the lid body to become a housed state, in which the holder is housed between the lid body and the base, when the lid body is in the closed position, and to become a used state, in which the holder controls a lateral movement of the cup, when the lid body is in the open position, andwherein the arm includes a support portion controlling the lateral movement of the cup in the used state of the holder.2. A cup holder according to claim 1 , wherein the holder includes a holding hole controlling the lateral movement of the cup in the used state claim 1 , and the support portion and the holding hole have a substantially equal curvature respectively in a horizontal direction in an abutted surface against the cup.3. A cup holder according to claim 1 , wherein the arm is turnably connected to a corresponding portion of the holder through a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cellulose Based Recyclable Container

Номер: US20130112694A1
Автор: Kevin William Bentley
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a portable cooler device comprised of recyclable materials. Some embodiments of the device comprise components constructed entirely of, or substantially of, cellulose. Other embodiments may be comprised of recyclable materials not classified as cellulose such as, but not limited to, cotton, bamboo, hemp, or other natural fibers. The specific percentages of recycled and/or recyclable content are not limiting factors for the invention; however, most embodiments have consistent materials of construction such that the entire device may be recycled in a single recycling process without the need for deconstruction. Further, if not recycled, embodiments may be suited to biodegrade within a reasonable amount of time when exposed to the elements in a landfill. Typical embodiments are comprised of an inner shell, an outer shell and pressed cellulose insulating boards sandwiched between the shells.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164470A1

In order to reduce the wall thickness of housing parts produced by means of plastic injection molding and equipped with decorative layers, such as battery covers of mobile devices, it is recommended to change to a starting material that is a fiber composite material equipped on one side with the decorative layer, from which starting material the housing part is formed in a deep drawing process. Even if a thick decorative layer the outer surface of which is highly embossed for haptic reasons is applied, the resulting wall thickness remains far below the wall thickness for a housing part that can be produced by means of injection molding. An even further reduction of the wall thickness is achieved if a fiber composite material is used as the deep drawing starting material for the shaped part, the decorative material being directly foamed or injected onto the surface of the fiber composite material. 18-. (canceled)9. A thin-walled flat-domed molded part , in particular a housing part for mobile electronic appliances , which comprises a blank of a thermoformable web- or sheet-form , sandwich-type multi-ply fiber composite material laminated with a plastics matrix , as a support for a laminated-on decorative layer.10. The molded part as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the decorative layer is applied to one of the surfaces of the fiber composite material.11. The molded part as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the decorative layer is adhesively bonded claim 9 , fused or welded on.12. The molded part as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the decorative layer is foamed or sprayed on.13. The molded part as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the decorative layer is applied with interposition of a backing film using adhesive tape.14. The molded part as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the fiber composite material is laminated on just one side and the decorative layer is applied to the uneven surface claim 9 , opposite the plastics matrix claim 9 , of the woven fabric penetrated by matrix material.15. ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Double walled thermal container with ring seal

Номер: US20130175278A1
Автор: Carl L.C. Kah, Jr.
Принадлежит: Individual

A double walled thermal container includes an outer container with an inner container mounted therein. Structural support is provided by an internal connection between the inner container and the outer container to minimize stress on the connection point. A separate elastomeric seal is preferably provided to prevent moisture from entering the area between the inner and outer containers.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Self-Heatable Container

Номер: US20130193152A1
Принадлежит: FAST DRINKS 2005, S.L.

A self-heating container and a method of manufacturing the container. The container has a simple structure in which the metallic outer body holds the consumable product, and a metallic inner body and plastic housing contain the two components which react to produce the heat for the self-heating function. A lower lid is crimped over flanges on the lower ends of the inner body and the outer body, forming a double seal. When a flexible portion of the housing is pressed, a seal is punctured, causing the two components to mix and generate heat through an exothermic chemical reaction which heats the contents of the container. 1. A self-heatable container for a consumable product , comprising:a metallic hollow outer body for receiving the consumable product, having an upper edge forming an upper flange and a bottom edge forming a lower flange, the outer body comprising an upper part having a length and a diameter and a lower part having a length and a diameter, the diameter of the lower part being smaller than the diameter of the upper part, with a tapered area formed between the upper part and the lower part;an upper lid fastened around a rim to the upper flange;a metallic inner body, received within the outer body, having a length greater than the length of the lower part of the outer body, a diameter smaller than the diameter of the lower part of the outer body, a closed upper end and a lower end forming a projecting flange, the projecting flange being sized such that when the inner body is fully received within the lower part of the outer body, the projecting flange overlaps the lower flange of the outer body, supporting the inner body within the outer body; a cylindrical body having a diameter smaller than the diameter of the inner body, an upper end and a lower end and a length therebetween, the length of the cylindrical body of the housing being smaller than the length of the inner body,', 'a lip on the lower end of the cylindrical body having a diameter larger than ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200064A1
Автор: Alexander Clayton

An actively heated mug or travel mug is provided. The mug or travel mug can include a body that receives a liquid therein and a heating system at least partially disposed in the body. The heating system can include one or more heating elements that heat a surface of the receiving portion of the body and one or more energy storage devices. The mug or travel mug can include a wireless power receiver that wirelessly receives power from a power source and control circuitry configured to charge one or more power storage elements and to control the delivery of electricity from the one or more power storage elements to the one or more heating elements. The mug or travel mug also can have one or more sensors that sense a parameter of the liquid or sense a parameter of the heating system and communicates the sensed information to the control circuitry. The control circuitry can turn on, turn off, and/or operate the heating element to actively heat at least a portion of the body to maintain the liquid in a heated state generally at a user selected temperature setting based at least in part on the sensed parameter information. The mug or travel mug can also be paired with a remote device or mobile electronic device to send or receive communications or commands. 1. An actively heated mug or travel mug , comprising:a body having a receiving portion for receiving and holding a liquid; and one or more heating elements configured to heat one or more surfaces of the receiving portion of the body,', 'one or more power storage elements,', 'a wireless power receiver configured to wirelessly receive power from a power source,', 'control circuitry electrically connected to the wireless power receiver, the control circuitry configured to charge the one or more power storage elements and to control the delivery of electricity from the one or more power storage elements to the one or more heating elements, and', 'one or more sensors configured to sense a parameter of the liquid and/or sense ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207359A1
Принадлежит: H & M Innovations, LLC

A cooler includes a main body which includes a base, an upper rim, and one or more cooler walls extending therebetween. The cooler in some embodiments further includes a removable wheel assembly which includes two coaxial wheels, and an axle. The two coaxial wheels are removably securable to the axle. The cooler still further comprises a wheel fastening system configured to secure the removable wheel assembly to the base of the main body which includes a mount, a clip hingedly connected to the mount, and a locking clasp configured to lock the clip into a closed position to secure the wheel assembly. The cooler yet further comprises a lid including two wheel storage recesses, each being sized and dimensioned to receive and retain one of the coaxial wheel of the wheel assembly, and an axle storage recess sized and dimensioned to receive and retain the axle of the wheel assembly.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207360A1
Принадлежит: H & M Innovations LLC

A cooler includes a main body which includes a base, an upper rim, and one or more cooler walls extending therebetween. The cooler in some embodiments further includes a removable wheel assembly which includes two coaxial wheels, and an axle. The two coaxial wheels are removably securable to the axle. The cooler still further comprises a wheel fastening system configured to secure the removable wheel assembly to the base of the main body which includes a mount, a clip hingedly connected to the mount, and a locking clasp configured to lock the clip into a closed position to secure the wheel assembly. The cooler yet further comprises a lid including two wheel storage recesses, each being sized and dimensioned to receive and retain one of the coaxial wheel of the wheel assembly, and an axle storage recess sized and dimensioned to receive and retain the axle of the wheel assembly.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Thermal Energy Storage Assembly

Номер: US20130213976A1
Автор: Jeff Steininger
Принадлежит: Individual

A thermal energy storage assembly is described and which includes a supporting collar, which defines an internal passageway and which includes a resilient locking member mounted on one end thereof; a plurality of resilient arms are mounted on the supporting collar and which are operable to locate the supporting collar in spaced relation relative to the mouth of the fluid dispensing vessel, and a thermal energy storage material enclosure matingly couples in a non-detachable fashion with the supporting collar and is operable to be positioned within a fluid dispensing vessel, and wherein the thermal energy storage material enclosure encloses a thermal energy storage material for changing the temperature of a fluid to be dispensed and which is enclosed in the fluid dispensing vessel.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Mixing Devices

Номер: US20130215708A1
Автор: Davis Stephen

In one preferred form of the present invention, there is provided a mixing device () comprising a bowl structure () for receiving material. A connector () is provided for allowing a motor () to turn a mixing implement () within the bowl structure (). The connector () is arranged to allow the mixing implement () to move by rotating away from the central axis () of the bowl structure () in a desirable manner. 138-. (canceled)39. A mixing device comprising:a bowl structure for receiving material; anda connector for allowing a motor to turn a mixing implement within the bowl structure wherein the connector is arranged to allow the mixing implement to move by rotating away from a central axis of the bowl structure.40. The mixing device as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the connecter is arranged to allow the mixing implement to automatically move such that the mixing implement naturally circulates in a desirable manner when being turned in the bowl structure by the motor.41. The mixing device as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the bowl structure has a substantially hemispherical inner mixing surface arranged to allow the mixing implement to be rotated by at least 10 degrees away from the central axis of the bowl structure.42. The mixing device as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the bowl structure has a substantially hemispherical inner mixing surface arranged to allow the mixing implement to be rotated by at least 20 degrees away from the central axis of the bowl structure.43. The mixing device as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the bowl structure has substantially hemispherical inner mixing surface arranged to allow the mixing implement to be rotated by at least 40 degrees away from the central axis of the bowl structure.44. The mixing device as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the connector includes at least two location members for centrally locating the connector relative to the central axis of the bowl structure.45. The mixing device as claimed in claim 44 , wherein each of ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Utensil Mat

Номер: US20130216755A1
Автор: Debra Lynn Adimey
Принадлежит: Individual

The Utensil Mat is a paper product or a thin plastic film attached to or laid upon a table for the protection of silverware or eating utensils to keep them from being exposed to germs or bacteria before and during a dining experience. Design specifically for silverware only.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Inverted Bottle Holder

Номер: US20130220969A1
Автор: Miller Alexander K.

An inverted bottle holder is described for holding a bottle with a neck upside down inside a container having an exterior wall. The bottle holder includes a first clip that is intended to fit glasses with a first range of angles of exterior wall, and a second clip that is intended to fit glasses with a second range of angles of exterior wall, wherein each clip is formed having an arc corresponding to the arc of the container, and a deck integrally formed with the first and second clips and extending into the container, the deck including an aperture sized to accept the neck of the bottle, such that the bottle is held upside down in the container when inserted into the aperture. 1. An inverted bottle holder intended to hold a bottle with a neck upside down inside multiple types of containers when attached thereto , each type container having an exterior wall having an arc and oriented at an angle with respect to the vertical orientation of the container , the bottle holder comprising:a first clip sized to accept the exterior wall of the container in between, wherein the first clip is formed at an arc corresponding to the arc of the exterior wall of the container, and the first clip is oriented to fit onto containers having a first range of angles of exterior walls;a second clip sized to accept the exterior wall of the container in between, wherein the second clip is formed at the arc corresponding to the arc of the exterior wall of the container, and the second clip is oriented to fit onto containers having a second range of angles of exterior walls; anda deck connected in a permanently fixed relationship to the first clip and the second clip and extending into the container, the deck including an aperture sized to accept the neck of the bottle, such that the bottle is held upside down in the container when inserted into the aperture.2. The inverted bottle holder of wherein the first clip is at a substantially right angle to the deck to accept containers having ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228582A1
Автор: BODUM Jørgen
Принадлежит: PI-DESIGN AG

The invention relates to a howl for mixing food. At least one group of at least three knobs () is attached to the outside of the base () of said bowl. All the knobs of a group protrude outwards to a common plane so that the bowl can be placed onto an even surface () in an orientation that is inclined with respect to the direction of gravity in such a manner that said bowl lies on the even surface () with all the knobs () of said group. 1. A bowl for the mixing of food , comprising a curved base having a convex outer surface , wherein on the outer surface is configured at least a group of at least three knobs , which respectively all project outward as far as a common plane , so that the bowl can be placed onto a plane surface , in an oblique position and in an orientation inclined with respect to the gravitational direction , such that it rests with all knobs of this group on the plane surface.2. The bowl as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the group of knobs is configured and arranged such that the bowl claim 1 , when it rests with the knobs of this group on a plane surface claim 1 , is movable into a different orientation with respect to the gravitational direction only when a tilting force is surmounted.3. The bowl as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the group of knobs is configured and arranged such that the empty bowl claim 1 , when it rests with the knobs of this group on a plane surface claim 1 , stands stably on the surface.4. The bowl as claimed in one of claims 1 , wherein the bowl has a multiplicity of knobs claims 1 , which form a plurality of groups of respectively at least three knobs claims 1 , wherein the knobs of each group respectively all project outward as far as a common plane.5. The bowl as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the knobs of a common group has an end which forms a plane claim 1 , outward facing bearing surface claim 1 , and wherein the bearing surfaces of all knobs of a group run in a common plane.6. The bowl as claimed in claim 1 , ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233002A1
Принадлежит: ICYBREEZE, LLC

A device includes a portable chest, a radiator in the chest, a liquid pump in the chest that moves liquid through the radiator, and a fan for providing an airflow across the radiator. The portable chest stores a quantity of chilled water that is pumped through the radiator by the liquid pump to chill the airflow provided by the fan. 1. A device comprising:a portable chest;a radiator in the chest;a liquid pump in the chest that moves liquid through the radiator; anda fan for providing an airflow across the radiator;wherein the portable chest stores a quantity of liquid that is pumped through the radiator by the liquid pump to chill the airflow provided by the fan.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the portable chest is a portable ice-based cooler.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a remote control that activates the liquid pump and fan.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a power supply retained in the chest for powering the pump and fan.5. The device of claim 4 , further comprising a user accessible control panel providing at least controls for turning the liquid pump and fan on and off6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the control panel further provides a control for allowing a user to adjust between at least two operating fan speeds.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the portable chest comprises a lid and an ice reservoir.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the lid is hinged to the ice reservoir and retains the radiator and fan claim 7 , and the ice reservoir retains the liquid pump.9. The device of claim 7 , wherein the lid defines an airflow path for directing air through the radiator and outside the device.10. The device of claim 9 , wherein the airflow path comprises a flexible portion that may be manipulated by a user to at least partially define the airflow path.11. The device of claim 5 , wherein the ice reservoir comprises an outer shell and a liner.12. The device of claim 7 , wherein at least the outer shell is molded to accept an axle ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236690A1
Автор: Babington Duncan John

A convertible mat () is provided and comprises a generally planar base () and a border extending around the base, the border comprising border sections () joined together by webs, the webs being single, substantially non-folding web sections () which cause the border sections to be movable together between a first position in which they are coplanar with the base and a second position in which they are inclined whereby to form a tray. 1. A convertible mat comprising a generally planar base and a border extending around the base , the border comprising border sections joined together by webs , the webs being single , substantially non-folding web sections which cause the border sections to be movable together between a first position in which they are coplanar with the base and a second position in which they are inclined whereby to form a tray , wherein the web sections are thinner than the base and border sections.2. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the border extends from the periphery of the base.3. A mat as claimed claim 1 , in which the border is hingedly connected to the base.4. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the border is movable by folding.5. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the border is formed integrally with the base.6. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the border is moveable in either direction with respect to the base plane such that the mat is reversible.7. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the border includes one or more handles.8. A mat as claimed in claim 7 , in which the handles comprise openings in respective border sections.9. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the base is rigid.10. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the border sections are rigid.11. A mat as claimed in claim 1 , in which the mat comprises a covering.12. A mat as claimed in claim 11 , in which the covering comprises leather or leatherette.13. A mat as claimed in any preceding claim 1 , in which the base is substantially rectangular.14. A mat ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for transport of temperature sensitive materials

Номер: US20130240537A1
Автор: Bruce McCormick

A transport system for temperature sensitive materials includes a contents container and one or more thermal batteries in a stacked relationship in a thin-walled, flexible transport sleeve. The sleeve facilitates insertion and removal of the contents with respect to a thermally insulated container. The sleeve can be closed with a tamper-evident closure and may also be transparent to allow an observer to view indicia on the contents container indicating the temperature-sensitive nature of the contents.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Insulated container and insert

Номер: US20130247606A1
Автор: Glen R. Suchecki
Принадлежит: Individual

The insulated container and insert are formed of relatively soft and flexible panels having relatively thick cores of thermal insulation captured between thin impervious sheets. The outer container has a closable top, and the insert has an open top. The insert is about half the height of the outer container, allowing ice or other cooling material, beverage cans and/or bottles, etc., to be placed in the bottom of the outer container with the insert resting thereon for the carriage of food therein. As the outer bottom surface of the insert will be moist from contact with ice or the like therebelow, the outer container includes a drop down panel that may be lowered for placement of the insert thereon to preclude contamination of the bottom of the insert with loose sand or the like. Additional carrying handles and straps are provided, as well as outer pockets on the outer container.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248537A1
Автор: Lane Marvin
Принадлежит: THERMOS L.L.C.

A food container has an inner container for holding the food items and an outer sleeve into which the inner container fits. The inner container may be held in the outer sleeve by a friction fit or a bayonet latch or other fastening means. The inner container includes two handles by with the inner container is lifted from the outer sleeve or by which the entire container is carried. A threaded lid with a gasket fastens onto the inner container. The lid and the outer sleeve may be insulated. 1. A food container , comprising:an outer sleeve having an outer wall and an inner wall so as to define an insulating space therebetween, the outer sleeve defining an interior space and an opening to access the interior space;a lip of the outer sleeve at the opening to the interior space of the outer sleeve;an inner container having an inner body that fits within the interior space of the outer sleeve, the inner body defining a food containing cavity;a collar on the inner container, the collar fitting over the lip of the outer sleeve when the inner body is disposed within the interior space of the outer sleeve, the collar defining a portion of an exterior surface of the food container;at least one handle extending from the collar; anda lid selectively fastenable to the collar in sealing engagement.2. A food container as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a bayonet latching structure securing the inner container to the outer sleeve.3. A food container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one handle includes two handles extending from opposing sides of the inner container.4. A food container as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the handles each include oppositely projecting rims at a perimeter and a web extending between the perimeter of the handle and a body of the inner container.5. A food container as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the handles each include a handle surface defining a finger space opening toward a closed end of the inner container.6. A food container as ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273350A1

The present invention relates to a process for the production of a surface coated support material wherein said process comprises contacting a support material with an aqueous dispersion of nanocellulose. The surface coated support material can be used in a composite material. The invention therefore further relates to the surface coated support material per se, a composite comprising the material, a process for the production of the composite material and an article produced from the composite material. 1. A process for the production of a surface coated support material; comprisingcontacting a support material with an aqueous dispersion of nanocellulose.2. The process as claimed in wherein the support is immersed or dipped in the aqueous dispersion of nanocellulose.3. The process as claimed in further comprising the steps ofremoving the coated support material from the dispersion; andoptionally drying the support material.4. The process as claimed in wherein the support material is dried at 70 to 90° C.5. The process as claimed in wherein the support material is dried by layering the support material between two pieces of absorbent material claim 3 , followed by drying in an air oven at 30 to 50° C.6. The process as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the coated support material is removed from the dispersion by filtration and dried at 50 to 70° C.7. The process of wherein the dispersion of nanocellulose is prepared by mixing the nanocellulose with water.8. The process of wherein the support material is a hydrophilic polymer or a hydrophilic fibre.9. The process of wherein the support material is one or more selected from wheat gluten claim 1 , corn zein claim 1 , wool claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , starch or a fibre extracted from one or more of abaca claim 1 , bamboo claim 1 , banana claim 1 , coir claim 1 , coconut husk claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , flax claim 1 , henequen claim 1 , hemp claim 1 , hop claim 1 , jute claim 1 , palm claim 1 , ramie or sisal.10. A surface ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Cooler can dispenser

Номер: US20130277259A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention is to revolutionize and improve the basic ice chest cooler by completely reinventing the functionality of the cooler. This cooler structure dispenses a can from the outside of the cooler instead of having to access your cans from the inside. This is a can dispensing cooler which keeps your cans cold without having to submerge them in ice and allows access without touching ice and water. 14-12 oz. cans are stored in a storage unit within the cooler surrounded by ice and retrieved from a sliding exterior access door on the side wall of the cooler body.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277375A1
Автор: Hickox Mary

The invention described herein is generally directed to a snack or dip or food holder assembly that can attach to bowls, dishes, plates, trays and the like. Specifically, a snack or dip holder is provided that can be removeably attached to a bowl or plate edge. 1. A food/dip holder assembly comprising:a container member having a interior surface and an exterior surface forming a wall, said interior surface and said exterior surface terminating at a lip portion; anda clamping means adapted to be cooperatively coupled to said container member in a manner to provide the food/dip holder assembly with a means of being removably attached to a serving member.2. The food/dip holder of wherein said clamping means and said container member are formed as a single molded product.3. The food/dip holder of wherein said single molded product is made of a material selected from a group consisting of rubber claim 2 , polyurethane claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , polypropylene claim 2 , polyvinylchloride (PVC) and silicone.4. The food/dip holder of wherein the food/dip holder is made of a material selected from a group consisting of rubber claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyvinylchloride (PVC) and silicone claim 1 , metal claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , glass and reinforced cardboard.5. The food/dip holder of wherein said clamping means is adapted to be coupled to at least a portion of said lip portion.6. The food/dip holder of wherein said clamping means is comprised of one or more clamps disposed on a side of the container member.7. The food/dip holder of wherein said clamping means is adapted to be removably attached to a portion of said container member.8. The food/dip holder of wherein said clamping means is selected from the group consisting of a clamp claim 7 , a clip claim 7 , a hanger claim 7 , a curve wire claim 7 , a fastener and a hook.9. The food/dip holder of wherein said clamping means is selected from the group consisting ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Multi-purpose service napkin

Номер: US20130280450A1
Автор: Briggs Nathan

A napkin having a pliable silicone insert, said napkin being sized to fit in one's hand. The napkin being fashioned with at least one absorbent side and optionally a non-absorbent or non-skid side. The napkin further may be embroidered with a friction point formed with silicone or rubberized thread. Optionally, a pair of windows may be provided on one side of said napkin to expose the silicone insert allowing a grip function for said napkin. 1. A napkin comprising:a first piece of material and a second piece of material of substantially equivalent size, said first and second piece of material affixed to one another forming a sleeve; andan insert of heat resistant material of substantially uniform thickness, said insert sized substantially smaller than said sleeve such that said insert may be housed firmly therein.2. The invention of wherein:said insert comprises pliable, heat resistant silicone.3. The invention of wherein:said sleeve being enclosed after insertion of said silicone piece.4. The invention of wherein:at least one piece of material comprising an absorbent fabric material.5. The invention of wherein:said second piece of material comprising a substantially non-absorbent material.6. The invention of wherein:said second piece of material having an adherent or non-skid property.7. The invention of further comprising:a friction point formed by the embroidering of silicone or rubberized thread upon either first piece of material or said second piece of material.8. The invention of further comprising:a pair of windows provided in either of said first or said second piece of material, said windows exposing said silicone piece thereunder, said windows substantially equidistant from the center of said sleeve, said windows positioned apart a distance approximately the diameter of the bottom of a bottle of champagne.9. A napkin comprising:a first piece of material and a second piece of material of substantially equivalent size, said first and second piece of ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291584A1
Автор: Chapman, Jr. Learmond A.

The present invention relates to a box system for keeping medicine and other payloads at a desired temperature for prolonged periods of time. The system generally includes three or more insulating materials between a refrigerant and the payload so that the payload is not cold-shocked by the refrigerant but instead maintains a desired temperature range during shipment. An advantage of the box system of certain embodiments of the present disclosure is that the system allows a shipper to use a temperature controlled system that is effective in controlling temperature without the need for any expensive phase change materials. A box having foldable tabs for securing the materials to each other is also disclosed herein. 1. A box system comprising:a) a first outer box having an exterior and an interior;b) a refrigerant disposed in said first outer box interior;c) a container comprising an interior and an exterior, said container disposed interior to said refrigerant within said first outer box;d) a payload disposed in said container interior;e) a first insulating material disposed between said refrigerant and said container;f) a second insulating material disposed between said first insulating material and said container; andg) a third insulating material disposed between said second insulating material and said container,wherein said second insulating material is different from said first insulating material and said third insulating material; andfurther wherein said box system is configured to maintain said payload at a temperature of between about 2 degrees and about 8 degrees Celsius for at least about 72 hours.2. The box system of claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises a fourth insulating material disposed between said third insulating material and said payload claim 1 , wherein said fourth insulating material is different from said third insulating material.3. The box system of claim 1 , wherein said first claim 1 , second and third insulating material each ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292388A1

A device for tempering food held in rectangular pan-shaped containers of standardized sizes. The device has two opposing side walls and a cover panel connecting the side walls at the top. A rectangular opening is provided in the cover panel. The size of the opening is determined as a function of the standard-size containers to be placed in the opening. A laterally projecting opposite edges of the containers extend beyond the opening. Two opposing groove-like slots are on each of side walls below the opening. A tub for the purpose of tempering has two opposing, laterally projecting edges which are dimensioned to extend over the edges of the opening when the tub is placed in the opening, and which can be slid into the opposing slots in the side walls.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Foldable Coaster Attachable to Keychain or the Like

Номер: US20130292536A1

A coaster for use in conjunction with a beverage container so as to absorb associated moisture or heat, and that is foldable into multiple sections and attachable to an attachment device so that the coaster may be carried compactly from one location to another. 1. A coaster , comprising:a coaster body being foldable into a plurality of sections in which one or more of the sections comprises one or more holes extending therethrough so as to receive an attachment device.2. The coaster according to claim 1 , wherein:the coaster is foldable so that one coaster body section is foldable onto another coaster body section.3. The coaster according to claim 1 , wherein:the coaster is circular in shape.4. The coaster according to claim 1 , wherein:the coaster is square in shape. The preset invention relates to structures for absorbing and/or preventing liquid or associated heat from coming into contact with an adjacent surface, and more specifically, to a beverage coaster that is attachable to a keychain or the like so as to protect furniture or the like from liquid and/or from heat from a beverage container being placed on the furniture.Ordinarily, beverage coasters enabling the absorption and prevention of contact of moisture or heat that are used in conjunction with a beverage container are sold in packages, in which a particular one of the coasters is intended for repeated usage in a household or eatery. That is, the coaster is intended to be used and reused in the same location so as to be uses within the confines of only that location. As such, the coaster, as will be understood, remains the property of the homeowner or the owner of the establishment, typically a restaurant or a bar.As will also be understood, it is within the discretion of the homeowner or eatery owner to provide such a coaster. Thus, a beverage consumer wishing to obtain the moisture or heat absorbing advantage of a coaster needs to ordinarily ask to obtain such a coaster, if not already provided. A ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292537A1
Автор: Dirico Jonathan

A coaster for use in conjunction with a beverage container so as to absorb associated moisture or heat, and that is foldable into multiple sections and attachable to an attachment device such as a key chain so that the coaster may be carried compactly from one location to another. 1. A coaster , comprising:a coaster body being foldable into a plurality of sections in which one or more of the sections includes a hole extending there through so as to receive an attachment device.2. The coaster according to claim 1 , wherein:the coaster is foldable so that one of said coaster body section is foldable onto another coaster body section.3. The coaster according to claim 1 , wherein:indicia in the form of advertising material is provided on at least one of said sections of said coaster.4. The coaster according to claim 1 , wherein:the coaster is square in shape.5. The coaster as defined in and in which the holes of said sections are aligned.6. The coaster as defined in and including a key chain extending through said hole to carry said coaster in its folded condition. This Application claims priority of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/640,848, filed May 1, 2012, which is incorporated herein by reference.The present invention is directed to beverage coasters and more particularly to a foldable beverage coaster that can be carried in its folded position on a keychain or the like.The present invention relates to structures for absorbing and/or preventing liquid or associated heat from coming into contact with an adjacent surface, and more specifically, to a beverage coaster that is attachable to a keychain or the like so as to protect furniture or the like from liquid and/or from heat from a beverage container being placed on the furniture.Ordinarily, beverage coasters enabling the absorption and/or prevention of contact of moisture or heat that are used in conjunction with a beverage container are sold in packages, in which a particular one of the coasters is ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295807A1

A fabric treatment composition including a sizing agent and a silicone solvent is provided. The sizing agent is a hydrogenated rosin ester. The silicone solvent is a volatile silicone solvent. Optionally, co-solvents and dispersing agents may be included. A method of treating a fabric article and the treated fabric article are provided. 1. A fabric treatment composition comprising:a sizing agent comprising a hydrogenated rosin ester; anda silicone solvent.2. The fabric treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenated rosin ester is a polyol ester of a hydrogenated rosin acid.3. The fabric treatment composition of claim 2 , wherein the polyol ester comprises a polyol moiety selected from the group consisting of triethylene glycol claim 2 , glycerol and pentaerythritol.4. The fabric treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenated rosin ester comprises a hydrogenated wood rosin.5. The fabric treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein the silicone solvent is decamethylcyclopentasiloxane.6. The fabric treatment composition of further comprising:a dispersing agent; anda co-solvent.7. The fabric treatment composition of claim 6 , wherein the dispersing agent is white mineral oil claim 6 , and wherein the co-solvent is selected from the group consisting of dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether claim 6 , dipropylene glycol monobutyl ether claim 6 , dipropylene glycol monoethyl acetate claim 6 , dipropylene glycol monopropyl acetate claim 6 , dipropylene glycol monobutyl acetate claim 6 , diethylene glycol monomethyl ether claim 6 , diethylene glycol monobutyl ether claim 6 , diethylene glycol monoethyl acetate claim 6 , diethylene glycol monopropyl acetate claim 6 , or diethylene glycol monobutyl acetate claim 6 , or combinations thereof.9. The fabric treatment composition of claim 1 , wherein an operative mixture of the composition comprises about 0.1 wt % to about 5 wt % of the hydrogenated rosin ester claim 1 , wherein the weight percent is based on ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Beverage cooling module

Номер: US20130305774A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A cooling module ( 1 ) for use with a beverage container ( 21 ) is provided. The module includes at least one hermetically sealed reservoir ( 7 ) containing a potable liquid ( 5 ) which may be frozen therein. The reservoir ( 7 ) is specifically adapted for this purpose. The module ( 1 ) also has an engagement formation ( 3 ) adapted to engage the beverage container ( 21 ), thereby enabling the beverage container ( 21 ) and the cooling module ( 1 ) to be supplied as a unit to a consumer. The module ( 1 ) may, for example, be attached to the neck of a bottle ( 21 ) containing a beverage or may rest on top of a glass ( 73 ) containing a beverage.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Inverted Bottle Holder

Номер: US20130306589A1
Автор: Miller Alexander K.

An inverted bottle holder intended to hold two bottles with necks upside down inside a container is described. The bottle holder includes a clip having an inner wall and an outer wall spaced to accept the exterior wall of the container in between, where the clip is formed at an arc corresponding to the arc of the exterior wall of the container, and a deck connected in a permanently fixed relationship to the clip and extending into the container. The deck includes two apertures each sized to accept the neck of one of the bottles, such that each bottle is held upside down in the container when inserted into the aperture. In addition the bottle holder may include an integral bottle opener in either the single bottle or double bottle designs. 1. An inverted bottle holder intended to hold two bottles with necks upside down inside a container when attached thereto , the container having an exterior wall having an arc and oriented at an angle with respect to the vertical orientation of the container , the bottle holder comprising:a clip having an inner wall and an outer wall spaced to accept the exterior wall of the container in between, wherein the clip is formed at an arc corresponding to the arc of the exterior wall of the container; anda deck connected in a permanently fixed relationship to the clip and extending into the container, the deck including two apertures each sized to accept the neck of one of the bottles, such that each bottle is held upside down in the container when inserted into the aperture.2. The inverted bottle holder of wherein the first clip is at a substantially right angle to the deck to accept containers having substantially vertical exterior walls.3. The inverted bottle holder of wherein the second clip is formed by a first and second inner brace and a first and second outer brace that form an angle to accept containers having substantially angled exterior walls.4. The inverted bottle holder of wherein the first and second inner braces extend ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Portable Liquid Warmer

Номер: US20130306617A1
Автор: Soule Randall

An apparatus for warming consumable liquids and for controllably maintaining the elevated temperature of the liquid that includes a housing having an upper portion, a tapered lower portion and a side wall defining a tapered receiving chamber for receiving the container containing the consumable liquid. Disposed within the housing in close proximity to the tapered receiving chamber is an electric heater for heating the receiving chamber. Operably associated with the electric heater is a controller that includes an electrical circuit for energizing the electric heater and for controllably maintaining the electric heater at a selected one of a plurality of elevated temperatures. 1. An apparatus for warming liquids contained within a container and for maintaining the elevated temperature of the liquid , said apparatus comprising:(a) a housing having an upper portion, a tapered lower portion, a bottom wall and a curved side wall defining a tapered receiving chamber for receiving the container, said sidewall having oppositely disposed openings to permit grasping of the container;(b) a heater assembly, including an electric heater, carried by said housing for heating liquids contained within the container; and(c) a controller comprising an electrical circuit operably associated with said electric heater for energizing said electric heater.2. The apparatus as defined in in which said sidewall includes oppositely disposed claim 1 , downwardly curving portions that define said oppositely disposed openings to permit grasping of the container.3. The apparatus as defined in in which said housing includes a shoulder located between said upper and lower portions.4. The apparatus as defined in in which said upper portion of said housing includes a protuberance defining a chamber claim 1 , said electrical circuit of said controller being mounted within said chamber.5. The apparatus as defined in in which said heater assembly further comprises a heater frame for holding said electric ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Insert to Hold a Can for Use With an Inverted Bottle Holder

Номер: US20130306664A1
Автор: Miller Alexander K.

A holder intended to hold a can upside down inside a container when attached thereto is described. The holder includes a clip having an inner wall and an outer wall spaced to accept an exterior wall of the container in between, where the clip is formed at an arc corresponding to the arc of the exterior wall of the container and a deck connected in a permanently fixed relationship to the clip and extending into the container, the deck including an aperture. The holder also includes an insert inserted into the aperture in the holder, the insert formed by a can receptacle having a first ledge to hold the top of the can when inserted therein and a neck insert, the neck inserted into the aperture until a second ledge on the insert comes to rest against the deck of the holder. 1. A holder intended to hold a can upside down inside a container when attached thereto , the container having an exterior wall having an arc and oriented at an angle with respect to the vertical orientation of the container , the holder comprising:a clip having an inner wall and an outer wall spaced to accept the exterior wall of the container in between, wherein the clip is formed at an arc corresponding to the arc of the exterior wall of the container;a deck connected in a permanently fixed relationship to the clip and extending into the container, the deck including an aperture; andan insert inserted into the aperture in the holder, the insert formed by a can receptacle having a first ledge to hold the top of the can when inserted therein and a neck insert, the neck inserted into the aperture until a second ledge on the insert comes to rest against the deck of the holder.2. The inverted bottle holder of wherein the clip is at an angle to the deck claim 1 , the angle corresponding claim 1 , to the angle of the exterior wall of the container.3. The inverted bottle holder of wherein the clip is a universal clip comprising a first clip and a second clip claim 1 , the first clip sized to accept the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307393A1

A mobile device for storing, moving, and insulating a beverage includes a base wall, one or more side was attached to the base wall, and a top wall attached to the top of the side all. The top wall has an opening for receiving a beverage container and may include insulating material to assist in maintaining a beverage at a desired temperature. The base wall is provided with retractable wheels to allow the device to be readily moved from one location to another on a floor of other surface. The walls of the device may include advertisements, decorative material, or other printed matter. A remote control is provided to wirelessly operate the device. A drawer for storing items is formed in the side walk. 1. A device for storing a beverage container , comprising:a bottom wall;at least one side wall attached to said bottom wall, said at least one side wall having a bottom edge and a top edge;a top wall attached to the top edge of said at least one side wall, said top wall having a portion defining an opening for receiving a beverage container; anda plurality of wheels attached to said bottom wall.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of wheels are retractable.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a non-slip material attached to said bottom wall to prevent lateral movement of the device on a surface.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein said side wall is generally pyramidal in shape.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein said side wall comprises a truncated claim 4 , four-sided pyramid having four distinct surfaces.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein said side wall comprises a truncated claim 4 , three-sided pyramid having three distinct surfaces.7. The device of claim 4 , wherein said side wall comprises a truncated cone.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein said bottom wall claim 1 , said side wall claim 1 , and said top wall are formed using a plastic injection molding process.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein said opening for receiving a beverage container ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309455A1
Автор: FRANK Stefan, JOERN Tina

A method for manufacturing a lining element is provided. The method comprises laying a textile membrane onto a positive molding tool, applying first fibers and a matrix material onto at least one first region of the textile membrane for creating a semi-finished product of a framework supported textile, providing at least one sealing element along outer edges of the molding tool, covering the textile membrane and the at least one sealing element in an air tight manner by a covering means, evacuating the space between the molding tool and the covering means and curing the matrix material by heating the semi-finished product. Thereby, a lining element with a low weight and at the same time a sufficient directional stability is provided that furthermore allows to easily recycle the components of the lining element. 1. A method for manufacturing a lining element , comprising:laying a textile membrane onto a positive molding tool;applying first fibers and a matrix material onto at least one first region of the textile membrane for creating a semi-finished product of a framework supported textile;providing at least one sealing element along outer edges of the molding tool;covering the textile membrane and the at least one sealing element in an air tight manner by a covering means;evacuating the space between the molding tool and the covering means; andcuring the matrix material by heating the semi-finished product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first region is positioned on the textile membrane such that the first fibers constitute at least one outer edge of the lining element to be manufactured.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the textile membrane is pre-tensioned before applying the first fibers onto the textile membrane.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the textile membrane is pre-tensioned by means of a pulling lever mechanism on at least one outer edge of the molding tool.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the tensioning force applied onto the textile ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327777A1
Автор: Boyer Stephen Richard

A cover shell and container assembly comprising the cover shell and a tray or pan is disclosed. The cover shell includes inward projecting standoffs which restrict movement of a food product in the pan or tray and reduces damage to decorative elements of the food product during distribution and/or transport. 1. A cover shell for packaging a bakery good , comprising:a top element comprising a top surface;a side wall comprising an upper side wall integrally connected to the top element and a lower side wall integrally connected to an outward projecting peripheral rim element;the outward projecting peripheral rim element comprising a flange member extending downward from a terminating end of the outward projecting peripheral rim element, wherein the outward projecting peripheral rim element is configured to receive a rim element of a pan or tray comprising an outer peripheral edge and an inner peripheral edge, the flange member configured to releasably engage the outer peripheral edge of the rim element of the pan or tray to secure the cover shell to the pan or tray;the side wall comprising a plurality of upward extending reinforcing ribs and a plurality of inward projecting standoffs, each inward projecting standoff comprising a base region which is integral to the outward projecting peripheral rim element, the base region having a crust supporting surface wherein the crust supporting surface extends inwardly beyond the inner peripheral edge of the pan or tray when the cover shell is secured to the pan or tray.2. The cover shell according to claim 1 , wherein the crust supporting surface of the inward projecting standoff comprises a lower crust supporting surface or upper crust supporting surface abutting a top edge or exterior side wall of a pie crust when the cover shell is secured to a pan or tray comprising the pie crust.3. The cover shell according to claim 1 , wherein the top surface includes a generally planar region and a center region located in the middle ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Phase change thermal-sink apparatus

Номер: US20140008042A1
Принадлежит: Biocision LLC

Cartridges for maintaining objects at a desired temperature for 100 extended periods of time can be constructed by sealing a thermoconductive 105 cover on a flexible base container filled with a phase change material with a phase change temperature identical to the desired temperature.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021320A1

A coaster for positioning on a surface within a refrigerator to provide a barrier between the refrigerator surface and consumables stored in the refrigerator can include an elongate panel having a first substantially straight side edge, and a second substantially straight side edge extending substantially parallel to the first straight side edge. First and second opposed contoured side edges connect the first and second straight side edges, and there is at least one perforated line, by which a portion of the panel is removable by tearing along the perforated line. As such, the size and shape of the panel can be varied to conform to a various shelves and bins within a refrigerator. 1. A coaster apparatus for positioning on a surface of a refrigerator and providing a moisture barrier thereon , comprising:(a) a first substantially straight side edge;(b) a second substantially straight side edge extending substantially parallel to the first straight side edge and having a length shorter than the first side edge; and(c) first and second opposed contoured side edges connecting the first and second straight side edges.2. A coaster apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is comprised of a liquid absorbent material.3. A coaster apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is comprised of a water repelling material.4. A coaster apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is comprised of one or more selected from the group consisting of cellulose paper board and starch paper board.5. A coaster apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus includes a top surface and a bottom surface claim 1 , and further comprising a decorative design on the top surface.6. A coaster apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is adapted for positioning on a surface of refrigerator shelves and bins.7. A coaster apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is adapted for positioning on a surface of interior door shelves of ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System and method for portable beverage holding device

Номер: US20140048550A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for a beverage holding device according to various aspects of the present invention is configured to provide a receiving section for a beverage container and at least one accessory receiving area. In one embodiment, the system for a beverage holding device comprises a center receiving portion and two accessory receiving areas disposed opposite each other along an exterior surface of the center receiving portion. A stabilizing device for securing the beverage holder to the ground may extend downwardly from a base of the center receiving portion.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Tool for inserting containers into ice

Номер: US20140049061A1
Автор: Timothy D. Crawford
Принадлежит: Individual

Tools for inserting containers into ice are disclosed herein. An embodiment of a tool includes a first end and a second end. A ring is located proximate the first end. The ring has having a hole, wherein a container is receivable in the hole. The tool has a first state when no container is received in the hole and a second state when a container is received in the hole. At least one sheet extends between the ring and the second end, the sheet forms a substantially conical shape when the tool is in the first state and a less conical shape when the tool is in the second state. An opening is located proximate the second end, wherein the container exits the tool via the opening.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Multilayer Thermoformable Materials and Sanitary Food Containers Made Therefrom

Номер: US20140054292A1
Автор: Wallce Millard F.
Принадлежит: Converter Manufacturing, Inc.

A multilayer stack of polymeric sheets can be used in thermoforming processes to make objects wherein each sheet has substantially the same shape. The stack includes at least one sheet of a thermoformable polymer, and can include many such sheets. A barrier layer is interposed between at least an overlapping portion at least two of the polymeric sheets in order to prevent fusion of the sheets in the overlapping portion during the thermoforming process. The barrier layer can include an adhesive that adheres the sheets in the overlapping portion. In formed articles including such an adhesive, the sheets can be manually peeled from one another if a suitable adhesive is selected. The stack (and object formed using the stack) can include polymeric sheets that are not thermoformable, but are adhered to the surface of a thermoformable sheet. The sheets and objects can include multiple separable and/or peelable sheets. The stack can be used, for example, to make peelable, re-usable food service trays. In such trays, a rigid base has multiple peelable sheets adhered to at least one surface thereof, the sheets being peelable from the surface to reveal a sanitary surface amenable to food contact. 2. The container of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of the second sheets.37-. (canceled)8. The container of claim 1 , wherein the first barrier composition peelably adheres the rigid sheet and the adhesion face of the second sheet adjacent the rigid sheet.9. The container of claim 1 , wherein the first surface is sanitary.10. The container of claim 1 , comprising at least three second sheets.11. The container of claim 1 , comprising at least six second sheets.12. The container of claim 1 , comprising at least ten second sheets.1316-. (canceled)17. The container of claim 1 , further comprising a protective coat that removably overlaps the second sheet most distal from rigid sheet at over the entire first surface.18. (canceled)19. The container of claim 1 , having a conformation ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054305A1

A cup holder sidewall having a sidewall including a pair of recesses situated on opposite sides of a vertical midline, each of the recesses including at least one socket portion. A pair of handle elements adapted to be received wholly within the pair of recesses in the sidewall, each of the handle elements including at least one socket engaging portion received in the at least one socket portion of one of the recesses. The socket engaging portions being pivotable within the socket portions so as to permit the handle elements to be displaced from within the sidewall recesses to a position projecting outward from the sidewall sufficiently to permit the pair of handle elements to be grasped in one hand. 1. A cup holder comprising:a sidewall having an inner surface and an outer surface, an upper margin of the sidewall surrounding an opening into an interior, the sidewall including a pair of recesses situated on opposite sides of a vertical midline, each of the recesses including at least one socket portion; anda pair of handle elements adapted to be received wholly within the pair of recesses in the sidewall, each of the handle elements including at least one socket engaging portion received in the at least one socket portion of one of the recesses, the at least one socket engaging portions being pivotable within the at least one socket portions so as to permit the handle elements to be displaced from within the sidewall recesses to a position projecting outward from the sidewall sufficiently to permit the pair of handle elements to be grasped in one hand.2. The cup holder of claim 1 , wherein the at least one socket portion comprises upper and lower sockets situated at upper and lower ends of the recess portions.3. The cup holder of claim 1 , wherein the vertical midline is arranged parallel to an axis of the cup holder.4. The cup holder of claim 2 , wherein each of the pair of handle elements comprise upper and lower ball portions received in the upper and lower ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054432A1
Автор: Entis Allan C.

A stack of coasters each having a liquid absorbent layer and a material that prevents liquid from penetrating through the coaster, the coasters adhered together in the stack by an adhesive that enables each coaster to be readily removed from the stack. 1. A product comprising:a stack of coasters, each coaster having first and second surfaces and comprising a liquid absorbent layer having a first surface that is the first surface of the coaster and a second surface, which absorbent layer absorbs liquid through the first surface;a material that operates to prevent the liquid from penetrating from the first surface of the coaster through the coaster; andan adhesive on the second surface of each coaster lying above another coaster in the stack that holds the coaster to the coaster beneath it so that the coaster may readily be removed from the coaster below it.2. A product according to wherein the material that operates to prevent the liquid from penetrating through the coaster comprises an impermeable layer bonded to the second surface of the absorbent layer.3. A product according to wherein the adhesive is located on the impermeable layer.4. A product according to wherein the absorbent layer is adapted for writing thereon.5. A product according to wherein the material that operates to prevent the liquid from penetrating from the first surface through the coaster comprises a material that impregnates the absorbent layer.6. A product comprising:a stack of coasters, each coaster comprising a liquid absorbent layer having first and second surfaces, which absorbent layer absorbs liquid through the first surface, and a material that operates to prevent the liquid from penetrating from the first surface through the coaster; anda layer of bonding material that adheres to edges of the coasters located along a same side of the stack and holds the coasters in the stack so that each coaster in the stack may readily be removed from the stack.7. A product according to wherein the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Two-State Automatically Deploying Container Insulators and Methods of Use

Номер: US20140061210A1
Принадлежит: RINGSULATE, LLC

Two-state automatically deploying container insulators and methods of making same are disclosed. In some embodiments, an insulated container may include a container for holding therein one or more substances in need of insulation. The insulated container may also include an insulator disposed inside the container. The insulator may be moveable between a compressed state when the container is pressurized and an expanded state when the container is de-pressurized. 1. An insulated container comprising:a container for holding therein one or more substances in need of insulation;an insulator disposed inside the container, the insulator being moveable between a compressed state when the container is pressurized and an expanded state when the container is de-pressurized.2. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the insulator defines an inner volume for holding an insulating material.3. The insulated container of claim 2 , wherein the inner volume defined by the insulator is divided into a plurality of smaller volumes for holding the insulating material.4. The insulated container of further comprising a stiffener disposed within the inner volume for supporting the insulator in the expanded state.5. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the insulator is a double-wall insulator having a first wall and a second wall defining a sealed inner volume filled with an insulating material.6. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the insulator is moveable to the compressed state to permit thermal transfer between the one or more substances and the environment outside of the container.7. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the insulator is moveable to the expanded state to reduce thermal transfer between the one or more substances and the environment outside of the container.8. The insulated container of claim 1 , wherein the insulator is formed by a wall of the container and a flexible secondary wall positioned inwardly of the wall of the container.9. The ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid container protector with cooling and heating capability

Номер: US20140069606A1
Автор: Lee Simon Sung

A container protector, which is capable of heating or cooling a liquid within the container. The heating or cooling is achieved using a heating jacket or a cooling packet which is present or placed within the container protector. Heat transfer from the heating jacket or cooling packet may be improved by use of an agitator which is present within the container. The agitator may be turned by a magnetic coupling. Power to operate the heating jacket or the agitator is supplied by a battery which is internal to the container protector, and additional power may be supplied through the battery using an external power feed such as a USB type connection. 1. A container protector having heating , cooling , or both heating and cooling capability , said container protector comprising:at least one exterior wall which surrounds the container and which provides impact protection;at least one heat transfer element which provides heat transfer in the form of cooling, or heating;at least one internal battery power supply which is present within said at least one exterior wall ;at least one connection through said at least one exterior wall, for the input of external power into said at least one internal battery power supply.2. A container protector in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said container protector facilitates handling of a liquid claim 1 , and comprises a heat transfer element in the form of a heating jacket.3. A container protector in accordance with or claim 1 , wherein said container protector facilitates handling of a liquid claim 1 , and comprises a space for placement of a heat transfer element in the form of a cooling packet.4. A container protector in accordance with claim 1 , or claim 1 , or claim 1 , wherein said container protector comprises both a heat transfer element in the form of a heating jacket and a space for a heat transfer element in the form of a cooling packet.5. A container protector in accordance with claim 1 , or claim 1 , wherein an agitator ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Insulated Cooler with Pole Receiving Channel

Номер: US20140077467A1
Автор: Galante Michael

The present invention relates to an insulated cooler that is configured for the reception of an umbrella therein. The cooler comprises upper and lower surfaces that house two internal compartments and a central section separating the compartments. The central section comprises a central channel that extends from the upper section to the lower section of the cooler, whereby the central channel is configured to receive an umbrella pole therethrough. Moreover, the doors of the cooler surface comprise half-moon cutouts that enable the doors of the cooler to open and close without becoming obstructed by an umbrella secured within the central channel. The insulated cooler enables users to easily transport food and beverages across sand or gravel using attached wheels, and eliminates the problem of an umbrella blowing away. 1) An insulated cooler , comprising:a lower surface and upstanding sidewalls forming an internal volume;a first and second door attached to said upstanding sidewalls at a hinge joint, whereby said doors comprise each comprise a mating surface opposite of said hinge joint;said mating surfaces adapted to abut one another and a pair of aligned cutouts adapted to form a through-hole through said first and second door when in a closed position;a central section separating said internal volume into a first and second compartment;a central channel extending through said central section and through said lower surface;whereby said aligned cutouts align with said central channel for reception of a pole therethrough;said first and second door adapted to independently seal said first and second compartment, respectively when in a closed position.2) The insulated cooler of claim 1 , wherein said hinge joints are positioned along opposing portions of said upstanding sidewall.3) The insulated cooler of claim 1 , further comprising a first and second rotatably supported roller wheel.4) The insulated cooler of claim 1 , further comprising an extendable handle attached ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Ventilated tray with riser

Номер: US20140091096A1
Автор: Aaron Cozadd
Принадлежит: Union Joints

A serving tray configured to hold fresh baked pizza and hot-served food items in a prolonged hot and crispy state. The tray comprises a circular ventilated platform made of a perforated inner region surrounded by a solid rim. Stand-off dividers form a plurality of segregated breathing chambers below the ventilated platform. The stand-off dividers guide moisture vapor from the hot baked food item through the ventilated platform and toward a cool remote surface where the water vapors condense. External air drafts are obstructed by the stand-off dividers. The stand-off dividers include one annular riser divider and two internal cross-brace dividers that together form four sector-shaped breathing chambers. A flat handle extends between the two cross-brace dividers inside the annular riser divider. As slices of pizza are removed, the remaining portions of pizza on the tray stay hot and crispy as radiated heat is reflected within the still breathing chambers.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091099A1
Автор: Prchal Ronald L.
Принадлежит: RP Promotional Designs LLC

A beverage container holder may include an insulating sleeve including a first end opposite a second end. The first end may be defined by an opening sized to receive a beverage container. The beverage container holder may include a lining affixed to an internal surface of the sleeve along a length of the internal surface, forming an enclosed pocket between the sleeve and the lining. A beverage container holder may include an insert positioned within the pocket and including at least one sealed compartment containing refreezable material. 1. A beverage container holder , comprising:an insulating sleeve including a first end opposite a second end, the first end defined by an opening sized to receive a beverage container;a lining affixed to an internal surface of the sleeve along a length of the internal surface, forming an enclosed pocket between the sleeve and the lining; andan insert positioned within the pocket and including at least one sealed compartment containing refreezable material.2. The beverage container holder of claim 1 , wherein the insulating sleeve is formed of a material selected from: neoprene; scuba foam.3. The beverage container holder of claim 1 , wherein the lining is formed of a material selected from: nylon fabric; polyester interlock fabric.4. The beverage container holder of claim 1 , wherein the insert is formed of a material selected from: elastomer plastic; thermoplastic plastic.5. The beverage container holder of claim 1 , wherein the refreezable material is formed of a material selected from: aqueous liquid; freezer gel.6. The beverage container holder of claim 1 , wherein the second end is defined by a notched connecting tab.7. The beverage container holder of claim 1 , wherein the lining is further affixed to the internal surface of the sleeve along a first longitudinal seam and a second longitudinal seam claim 1 , partitioning the pocket into a first pocket and a second pocket between the sleeve and the lining.8. The beverage ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000275A1

A container sleeve apparatus includes an arcuate or cylindrical body that can be positioned on a cylindrical or conical container, such as a tumbler, cup, can or bottle. A transparent or translucent insert section that can be releasably attached to the sleeve body. The sleeve body can be made of a non-slip, elastic material, such as neoprene rubber. The insert section can be made of plastic, and can include a logo printed or engraved thereon. The apparatus can include a light emitting device that illuminates the transparent/translucent insert section. 1. An apparatus for positioning on a beverage container comprising:(a) an arcuate body adapted to receive and frictionally engage a beverage container; and(b) a light assembly attached to the arcuate body, the light assembly comprising a light emitting device, a power source operatively connected to the light emitting device to supply power to the light emitting device, and an on/off mechanism operatively connected to the light emitting device, wherein engaging the on/off mechanism causes the light emitting device to emit light.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light emitting device comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a flexible printed circuit board claim 1 , a light emitting diode claim 1 , and an illuminated fiber optic cable.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the power source comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a battery and a solar cell.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the on/off mechanism comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a button and a switch.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the arcuate body includes a concave inner surface and a convex outer surface.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the light emitting device comprises a flexible printed circuit board attached to the outer surface of the arcuate body.7. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the arcuate ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000248A1
Автор: Shen Ruyi

A cup holder with an adjustable depth includes: a cup-holder base, having at least one accommodation hole; a fixed cup holder, fixed in the accommodation hole of the cup-holder base; and a moveable cup holder, moveably sleeved over the fixed cup holder and capable of rotating around the fixed cup holder to ascend and descend, where during ascending and descending of the moveable cup holder, an inner cavity of the moveable cup holder and an inner cavity of the fixed cup holder jointly define a container placement hole for placement of containers of different heights. The present invention solves the problem that containers of different heights placed in the cup holder easily fall out when the automobile is accelerating, hard braking or travelling over uneven road surfaces. In addition, after the moveable cup holder descends to the lowest position, the moveable cup holder can completely overlap the fixed cup holder, so that the entire cup holder has a small height and is therefore suitable for installation in a thin interior trim part of the automobile, for example, in the armrest at the rear seat, thereby saving interior trim space in the automobile. 1. A cup holder with an adjustable depth , comprising:a cup-holder base, having at least one accommodation hole;a fixed cup holder, fixed in the accommodation hole of the cup-holder base; anda moveable cup holder, moveably sleeved over the fixed cup holder and capable of rotating around the fixed cup holder to ascend and descend, wherein during ascending and descending of the moveable cup holder, an inner cavity of the moveable cup holder and an inner cavity of the fixed cup holder jointly define a container placement hole for placement of containers of different heights.2. The cup holder with an adjustable depth according to claim 1 , wherein the fixed cup holder and the moveable cup holder both have a cup wall claim 1 , and the cup wall of the moveable cup holder is inserted between a hole wall of the accommodation ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000266A1

A label with improved physical properties comprising: a base layer having a microstructured area; a composite microstructure having a first, second and third set of microstructures disposed on the microstructured area; a dry lift force attributable to the composite microstructure greater than 7 pounds according to lift testing; a wet lift force attributable to the composite microstructure greater than 7 pounds according to lift testing; an adhesive layer affixed to the base layer for affixing the label to a container; and, thereby providing a microstructured label having improved gripping physical properties that can be affixed to a container. 1. A contact surface for an object comprising:a base layer having a microstructured area; a first set of microstructures having a first micro-feature with a first width between 80 μm and 120 μm; and', 'a second set of microstructures having a second micro-feature with a second width less than the first width., 'a composite microstructure disposed on the microstructured area comprising2. The contact surface of further comprising an adhesive layer affixed to the base layer configured to affix the base layer to the object.3. The contact surface of claim 1 , wherein the second width is between 25% and 41% of the first width.4. The contact surface of claim 2 , the composite microstructure further comprising a third set of microstructures having a third micro feature with a third width between 3% and 6% of the first width.5. The contact surface of wherein the first micro-feature includes deformed edges such that the first set of microstructures provides peaks and valleys on the base layer.6. The contact surface of wherein the composite microstructure has a height in the range of 30 μm to 100 μm.7. The contact surface of wherein the composite microstructure includes a contact percentage of the composite microstructure to skin of a hand in contact with the contact surface in the range of 1% to 7%.8. The contact surface of wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000273A1
Автор: Jesseph Bonnie

A musical insulated beverage cozy or container is formed from a unitary member designed to embody an electrical sound synthesizer component. This sound synthesizer component is connected via insulated wire, on the interior of the embodiment, to an on-demand on/off button which the user can press to play or stop pre-loaded or user-recorded music or messages. 1. An insulated beverage cozy or beverage container , comprising:an electrical sound synthesizer component;a unitary member configured to house the electrical sound synthesizer component;an on-demand on/off button on the embodiment which is electrically connected to the electrical sound synthesizer component via insulated wiring on the interior of the beverage cozy or beverage container; andperforations on the unitary member housing the electrical sound synthesizer component.2. The insulated beverage cozy or beverage container of claim 1 , wherein the electrical sound synthesizer is configured to:store and play pre-loaded music and audio; andallow a user to record and re-play original audio.3. The insulated beverage cozy or beverage container of claim 1 , further comprising:an approximately 0.5-inch-deep groove in the top rear of the embodiment for receiving a user's mouth, whereby the user can drink their beverage without their mouth touching the insulated beverage cozy.4. The insulated beverage cozy or beverage container of claim 1 , wherein the unitary member further comprises a false bottom configured to house the electrical sound synthesizer component. This is a non-provisional application of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/870,182, filed Jul. 3, 2019, which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present invention is an insulated beverage cozy or beverage container embodying an electronical sound synthesizer component, which allows users to play pre-recorded music or to record their own audio, and to play and stop the sound on-demand by pushing a button.Oftentimes, insulated ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Drinking vessel with detachable container

Номер: US20200002054A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A drinking vessel containing a drink container and a storage container, wherein the one or more magnets of the bottom wall of the drink container are configured to engage the one or more magnets the upper lid wall such that the storage container is removably secured to the drink container. Also, a kit containing the drinking vessel and one or more additional storage containers.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Cup Sleeve and Cup Assembly

Номер: US20180002083A1
Автор: Wen-Chin Liu
Принадлежит: Individual

A cup sleeve is capable of engagement with a cup lid when being sleeved around a cup. The cup lid has a sleeve engaging member. The cup sleeve includes a sleeve body formed with a receiving space for receiving the cup, and including a bottom portion, a top portion that is opposite to the bottom portion, a surrounding wall that extends from the bottom portion to the top portion, and a lid engaging unit that is formed on the surrounding wall that is proximal to the top portion for interlocking with the sleeve engaging member of the cup lid. A cup assembly is also provided.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002079A1

Disclosed herein are systems for controlling and maintaining the temperature of a drink. The system may include a receptacle defining a recess for receiving a drinking vessel. The system may have a stand for holding the receptacle upright. The stand may be releasably attached to the receptacle. The receptacle may include a top end portion, a bottom end portion, an inner wall portion, and an outer wall portion. The top end portion may define a top opening of the recess. A system may include a first receptacle defining a first recess for receiving a drinking vessel. The system may include a second receptacle for receiving a drinking vessel, wherein the second receptacle defines a second recess. The system may include a first stand operable to releasably attach to the first receptacle and the second receptacle. Also disclosed are methods for controlling and maintaining the temperature of a drink. 1. A system for controlling the temperature of a drink , the system comprising:a receptacle defining a recess for receiving a drinking vessel;a stand for holding the receptacle upright, the stand releasably attached to the receptacle, wherein:the receptacle comprises a top end portion, a bottom end portion, an inner wall portion, and an outer wall portion; andthe top end portion defines a top opening of the recess.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the inner wall portion comprises a multivessel contour claim 1 , the multivessel contour comprising:a top incline having a top slope;a middle incline having a middle slope, wherein the magnitude of the middle slope is less than the magnitude of the top slope;a bottom incline, the bottom incline connected to the middle incline; anda curved surface connecting the top incline to the middle incline.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the bottom end portion defines a bottom opening of the recess;the receptacle defines a side opening;the side opening extends laterally from the inner wall portion to the outer wall portion; andthe side ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002184A1

An insulative sleeve for a beverage cup is disclosed which includes a flexible insulative sheet having a first end and a second end, when the flexible insulative sheet being rolled into the insulative sleeve, the first and the second end being next to each other without overlapping, and a joinery strip having approximately the same length as the first end, approximately one half of the joinery strip removably engaging the first end and approximately another half of the joinery strip removably engaging the second end. 1. An insulative sleeve for a beverage cup comprising:a flexible insulative sheet having a first end and a second end, when the flexible insulative sheet being rolled into the insulative sleeve, the first and the second end being next to each other without overlapping; anda joinery strip having approximately the same length as the first end, approximately one half of the joinery strip removably engaging the first end and approximately another half of the joinery strip removably engaging the second end.2. The insulative sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the flexible insulative sheet is shaped like a hand fan when being flattened claim 1 , so that the insulative sleeve is a tapered tube.3. The insulative sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the flexible insulative sheet is made of a foam rubber material.4. The insulative sleeve of claim 3 , wherein the flexible insulative sheet is laminated with a cloth.5. The insulative sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the joinery strip has a first and a second protruding member for engaging the first end and the second end claim 1 , respectively.6. The insulative sleeve of claim 5 , wherein the first and second protruding member leans toward each other by a predetermined angle.7. The insulative sleeve of claim 5 , wherein the first and the second protruding members are round pegs for being tightly fit into round holes in the flexible insulative sheet positioned near the first and the second end claim 5 , respectively.8. The insulative ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003063A1

A refrigerant bunker comprises a refrigerant covering comprising a first thermally insulating material configured to enclose a solid refrigerant and an outer container comprising a container body and a container cover. The container body comprising an outer surface, an inner surface defining a partially enclosed space configured to accept the solid refrigerant and an opening for accessing the partially enclosed space. The container cover is configured for covering the container opening. The container body comprises a second thermally insulating material. A plurality of spacers protrude from the inner surface of the outer container in the partially enclosed space. The plurality of spacers are positioned to have gas fillable gaps between the spacers. Coolers employing the refrigerant bunker are also disclosed. 1. A refrigerant bunker configured for use with a portable cooler , the refrigerant bunker comprising:a refrigerant covering comprising a first thermally insulating material configured to enclose a solid refrigerant, the first thermally insulating material of the refrigerant covering being in a form of a sleeve configured to hold a solid refrigerant, the refrigerant covering further comprising an opening for inserting the solid refrigerant into the sleeve and a sleeve cover for covering the sleeve opening;an outer container comprising a container body and a container cover, the container body comprising an outer surface, an inner surface defining a partially enclosed space and an opening for accessing the partially enclosed space, the enclosed space configured to accept the solid refrigerant enclosed in the refrigerant covering, the container cover configured for covering the container opening, the container body comprising a second thermally insulating material; anda plurality of spacers protruding from the inner surface of the outer container in the partially enclosed space, the plurality of spacers positioned to have gas fillable gaps between the spacers.2. A ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007856A1

The present teachings generally relate to a countertop shield and kit therefor, the countertop shield includes: a center panel including at least one long edge; at least one short edge; and at least one first center panel attachment feature, located adjacent to the at least one long edge and at least one second center panel attachment feature located adjacent to the at least one short edge; and at least one side panel including at least one side panel attachment feature; wherein the at least one first or second center panel attachment feature is configured to engage the at least one side panel attachment feature, wherein the center panel, the at least one side panel, or both are adapted to stand upright on a surface. 1. A protective shield comprising: at least one long edge;', 'at least one short edge; and', 'at least one first center panel attachment feature, located adjacent to the at least one long edge and at least one second center panel attachment feature located adjacent to the at least one short edge; and, 'a center panel including'} 'at least one side panel attachment feature;', 'at least one side panel including'}wherein the at least one first or second center panel attachment feature is configured to engage the at least one side panel attachment feature to connect together the center panel and the at least one side panel,wherein the center panel, the at least one side panel, or both are adapted to stand upright on a surface or countertop.2. The protective shield of claim 1 , wherein the center panel is supported by the at least one side panel from the at least one first center panel attachment feature adjacent to the at least one long edge or the at least one second center panel attachment feature adjacent to the at least one short.3. The protective shield of claim 2 , wherein in a first configuration claim 2 , the at least one first center panel attachment feature is configured to engage the at least one side panel attachment feature.4. The protective ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Novel multi-mount handsfree beverage container holder system with counterweight/support element

Номер: US20220007868A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention comprises a novel multi-mount handsfree beverage container holder system consisting of an attached mounting system and storage slot for small personal items. The mounting system may consist of a fixed or non-fixed attachment configuration to the beverage container holder. The mounting system contains adequate space for storage of small personal items. The counterweight may comprise of enough size and weight to counterbalance the weight of a beverage container when placed in the mounting system. The counterweight may also contain one or more small apparatus of adequate size to be used for opening a beverage container and in some embodiments may be comprised of a flat shape. In other embodiments, the counter weight may be of a concave or convex shape.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Rigid Refreezable Portable Storage Container Insert

Номер: US20200003474A1
Автор: Jennie Scott M

An apparatus is described herein for storing and transporting food and beverages, comprising a rigid housing configured to fit within a container, the housing comprising a base and a wall extending outwardly from the base, the wall having an inner layer and an outer layer defining a space therebetween, a refreezable material disposed in the space, and a divider panel configured to be removably mounted in the housing. Other products, systems and methods also are disclosed. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a rigid housing configured to fit within a portable storage container, the housing comprising a base and a wall extending outwardly from the base, the wall having an inner layer and an outer layer defining a space therebetween that is configured to receive a refreezable material, anda divider panel configured to be mounted in the housing.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the base contains a refreezable material.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the divider panel is configured to be removably mounted in the housing.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing is configured to hold ingestible substances.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the base is configured to allow the housing to nest in another housing.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the refreezable material comprises at least one of a liquid and a gel.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a divider storage compartment formed on the housing.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the divider storage compartment includes clamps configured to support the dividers.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the divider panels have projections configured to be received in the clamps.10. An apparatus claim 8 , comprising:a rigid, unitary housing configured to fit within a portable storage container, the housing comprising a base and a wall extending outwardly from the base, the wall having an inner layer and an outer layer defining a space therebetween, the wall being configured to allow the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Insulated seat cooler with vented backrest and optional air intake and circulation system

Номер: US20150007603A1
Автор: Thomas Keenan
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides a cooling apparatus with vented backrest and an optional air intake and circulation system for dual functioning as (1) a cooler effective to maintain food and beverages below ambient temperatures and (2) a seat with vented backrest that provides cooled air to the individual seated on the apparatus.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007054A1

An avocado serving board including a board and at least one avocado-shaped indentation in the board for holding an avocado or avocado half. The board may also include at least one more avocado-shaped indentation in the board for holding at least one more avocado or avocado half. In addition, the board may include indentation(s) for condiments or condiment holders, for example cylindrical shaped indentations. In some aspects, the board is made of avocado tree wood. Also, methods of hand-making and machine manufacturing such avocado serving boards as well as methods of using the board. 1. An avocado serving board , comprising:a board; andat least one avocado-shaped indentation in the board for holding an avocado or avocado half.2. An avocado serving board as in claim 1 , further comprising at least one more avocado-shaped indentation in the board for holding at least one more avocado or avocado half3. An avocado serving board as in claim 1 , further comprising at least one or more other indentations in the board shaped differently than avocado-shaped.4. An avocado serving board as in claim 3 , wherein the one or more other indentations have a cylindrical shape.5. An avocado serving board as in claim 3 , wherein the one or more other indentations are adapted to hold condiments or condiment holders.6. An avocado serving board as in claim 1 , wherein the board comprises avocado tree wood.Also, methods of hand-making and machine manufacturing such avocado serving boards as well as methods of using the board. The present disclosure generally relates to an avocado serving board, for example with two avocado-shaped indentations for two avocado halves and possibly with one or more indentations for condiments or condiment holders.Aspects of the subject technology include an avocado serving board including a board and at least one avocado-shaped indentation in the board for holding an avocado or avocado half. The board may also include at least one more avocado-shaped ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Cooling Mat Comprising Expandable Elements for Cooling a Body or Body Part for Medical or Performance-Enhancing Purposes (COOL APP)

Номер: US20170007444A1

Disclosed is a device for cooling a body or body part for medical or performance-enhancing purposes, said device consisting of one or more cooling elements (), said cooling element () being provided with a cover () that is filled with meltable cooling solid (). The disclosed device is characterized in that an additional apparatus for displacing the already melted portion () of the cooling solid () from the contact surface () to the body is provided inside the cover (), the expandable member () being preferably designed in the form of a filled member () of a spring element () or of a foamed article. Also disclosed is an additional device which is characterized in that a layer () of thermochromic material indicates when a threshold temperature is exceeded, said layer () being applied to the bottom side of the expandable member and thus being pressed against the remaining solid portion of the cooling solid, the cover () being transparent in this case. 1. An apparatus for cooling a body or body part for medical or performance-enhancing purposes , consisting of one or more cooling elements , wherein the cooling element comprises a cover which is filled with a meltable cooling solid , wherein an additional apparatus for displacing the already melted portion of the cooling solid from the contact surface to the body is provided inside the cover.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the additional apparatus is formed as an expandable body claim 1 , preferably in form of a gas-filled body of a spring dement or a foamed article.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the exceeding of a temperature threshold is indicated by a layer made of thermochromic material which is applied to the bottom side of the expandable element and thus pressed against the remaining solid portion of the cooling solid claim 1 , wherein the cover formed in a transparent manner in this case. The invention relates to an apparatus for cooling a body or a body part by means of a heat- ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007782A1

A container assembly includes a container including an interior space for holding a substance. A heating element is supported by the container for heating the substance in the interior space. A power source including a manually operated hand crank generator is mountable on the container and connectable to the heating element for energizing the heating element to heat the substance in the interior space. 1. A container assembly comprising:a container including an interior space for holding a substance;a heating element supported by the container for heating the substance in the interior space; anda power source including a manually operated hand crank generator mountable on the container and connectable to the heating element for energizing the heating element to heat the substance in the interior space.2. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the container comprises an inner wall defining the interior space and an outer wall radially spaced from the inner wall forming a chamber between the inner and outer walls claim 1 , the heating element being disposed in the chamber.3. The container assembly of claim 2 , wherein the inner wall is formed from a heat conducting material and the outer wall is formed from a non-heat conducting material.4. The container assembly of claim 2 , wherein the heating element comprises a helically wound resistance wire extending around an outer surface of the inner wall.5. The container assembly of claim 4 , wherein the heating element is evenly distributed within the chamber and extends generally from a base of the container to a top of container to provide for even heat distribution throughout the interior space in the container.6. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the interior space is sized to hold at least about 10 fluid ounces.7. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the power source is releasably mountable on the container.8. The container assembly of claim 1 , wherein the power source is mountable near a bottom ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007522A1

A surface foundation utilizing negative air pressure which may have a contiguous retention wall extending between an upper rim and a waist and a contiguous suction member extending between a pull ledge and the waist. The waist may further define a planer membrane joining the retention wall and the suction member. The retention wall may be configured to frictionally engage with an object placed internal to the retention wall and the suction member may be configured to have a pressurized engagement with any surface by use of an ambient atmospheric air pressure external to the suction member and a fractional atmospheric air pressure which is less than the ambient internal to the suction member. The pressurized retention of the surface suctioning receptacle permitting single handed manipulation of objects placed internal to the retention wall. 1. A surface mounting apparatus utilizing negative air pressure comprising:a contiguous retention wall extending between an upper rim and a waist, a contiguous suction member extending between a pull ledge and the waist, the waist defining a planer membrane joining the retention wall and the suction member; and,the retention wall configured to frictionally engage with an object placed internal to the retention wall and the suction member configured to for pressurized engagement with a surface.2. The surface mounting apparatus utilizing negative air pressure of claim 1 , wherein the suction member claim 1 , the waist claim 1 , and the retention wall are circumferentially shaped;the pull ledge and the upper rim having a larger diameter than the waist,the pull ledge, the membrane, and the suction member defining a vacuum cavity for pressurized retention onto a surface; and,the suction member configured to deflect radially outward away from the waist when engaged with a surface such that the volume of the vacuum cavity is reduced thereby resulting in lower air pressure inside the vacuum cavity than outside the vacuum cavity.3. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Table top food cover that protects items on the table from debris, bugs, flying insects and bird droppings

Номер: US20180008070A1
Автор: Sparks Dexter

A table top food cover made of three plastic or metal parts, and two clamps that collapse into the rear tray of the unit for easy storage. The unit is design to cover food trays, plates and pans to protect the food from the element, both indoors and outdoors. By lifting the front panel of the unit you can serve yourself and lower the panel to protect the food from debris or bugs. 1) (canceled)2) (canceled)3) (canceled)4) A food cover configure to protect food from outside elements , the food cover comprising of a four part collapsible unit , whereas the four parts has a , front panel , middle panel , rear panel , and clamps made of plastic or metal , the rear panel accommodate smaller trays , the middle panel slides into the rear panel for storage , and the front panel configure to swing open to access the interior of the unit , with two clamps on the rear panel configure to help stabilize the unit. 1) The invention pertain to keeping food safe from the outside elements. When food is served outdoors, or in large crowds of people. It is design to protect food from flying debris, bugs, inadvert items drop by individuals. And bird dropping. It also eliminate the traditional foil used to cover food trays. That can save you money, and you don't have to chase the foil in the park when it blows away. Or individuals not placing the foil back in a secure position on the tray.2) As a person that loved the outdoors, picnics family reunions, the beach or just have fun in your back yard it's always on my mind about keeping the food and utensils safe from any objects that can harm or make someone sick the unit can be of plastic or metal. At the time the food is prepaired the cook places the food in a pan before serving. The food cover can keep it safe from bugs until the food is served. With millions of people enjoying the outdoors and ever changing ways we interact with each other it's the best way to ensure the food products we eat are safe from any items or germs that can ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008072A1
Автор: Paige Jionni

A container sleeve is disclosed which include a body configured to hold a container. The body contains an attachment element that is concealed behind a cover, and is suitable for temporarily, but securely attaching the sleeve, container, and the container's contents to a vertical surface. The body and the cover over the attachment element have different coefficients of friction, optimized for their roles of gripping vertical surfaces, and human hands, respectively. 1. A container sleeve comprising:a body having an interior surface and an exterior surface, the interior surface defining an inner volume that holds a fluid container;an attachment element coupled to the body, wherein the attachment element exerts a magnetic pull force; anda friction enhancer operably connected to the exterior surface of the body and positioned to at least partially enclose the attachment element, wherein the friction enhancer supports a combined weight of at least the container, the attachment element, and the friction enhancer , and wherein the friction enhancer has a coefficient of friction that is at least a ratio of the combined weight divided by the magnetic pull force.2. The container sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the friction enhancer has an elastic modulus and thickness such that when compressed by the magnetic pull force claim 1 , exerts an elastic force that is less than the magnetic pull force.3. The container sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a waterproof lining.4. The container sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a porous material.5. The container sleeve of wherein the exterior surface further comprises a recess claim 1 , wherein the attachment element is disposed in the recess and confined to the recess by the cover.6. The container sleeve of wherein the exterior surface further comprises a recess claim 1 , wherein the attachment element is press fit in the recess and confined to the recess by the friction enhancer7. The container sleeve of wherein the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008300A1
Автор: Gräber Marco

The invention relates to a cover which is also known under the name “sleeve” and serves for picking up and insulating thin-walled cups and containers. This sleeve prevents the user from burning his fingers when hot drinks such as coffee, tea or hot broth, bouillon, are introduced into the thin-walled cup and that the warm hands of the user heat a cold drink that was filled into the cup. Furthermore, by the materials used it supports the cleaning and through the attached joints a space-saving transportation is possible. The construction and the materials used allow for a long-term reuse. 114231101. Cover for holding and carrying of cups and containers with hot or cold contents , whereby the cup or container is covered with the sleeve , thereby the sleeve is made for different sizes of cups and containers , and delivers a heating and cooling protection to the user of the sleeve against the contents in the cup or container and a sleeve foldable through two hinges to be opened or closed , characterized in that a conical sleeve () is connected on the right and left lateral outer edge with a hinge () in connection with the sleeve unfolded () and the sleeve part () , where by putting pressure on the lateral outer edges of the sleeve () a placement on a cup and container () from below is feasible and the sleeve () is made of heat and cold protective material.21234466162635515253. Sleeve according to characterized in that the sleeve () and the respective sleeve unfolded () and the sleeve part () are connected with a hinge () and this hinge () is firmly locked in via rivets ( claim 1 , . claim 1 , . claim 1 , .) and holes for the rivets ( claim 1 , . claim 1 , . claim 1 , .).36616263. Sleeve as claimed in and claim 1 , characterized by the fact that for the rivets ( claim 1 , . claim 1 , . claim 1 , .) various forms of rivets and rivet variants can be selected as well as forms of eyelets and eyelet variants are given.41231. Sleeve according to characterized in that the sleeve ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008303A1
Автор: Weir Dennis Douglas

The present invention solves the problem of possible contamination of unconsumed liquid contained by communion cups that remain in the circular apertures of the cup array of the tray cover. The problem has been solved by moving the empty cup disposal openings from their current central locations in the tray cover to the four corners thereof. The new configuration makes it awkward for a congregant to dispose of his cup by reaching over cups containing unconsumed liquid. Although the improved tray cover is configured to hold 34 cups rather than 36, the loss of capacity of 2 cups is considered to be an acceptable compromise for decreasing the spread of disease causing organisms. 1. A liquid distribution communion tray assembly comprising:a unitary tray bottom having a floor, an upwardly-extending perimetric wall, and a perimetric edge atop the perimetric wall;a handle secured to the floor; anda generally rectangular tray cover having a central oblong aperture that fits over the handle, a plurality of cup-retaining apertures for receiving a plurality of liquid-filled miniature drinking cups, said cup-retaining apertures sized so that a miniature drinking cup cannot pass through any one of them, an empty cup disposal opening at each corner of the tray cover through which empty drinking cups can dropped into a cup-disposal space defined by inner surfaces of the lower tray and a lower surface of the tray cover, and a downwardly-projecting perimetric flange that fits over the perimetric edge atop the perimetric wall.2. The liquid distribution communion tray assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the corners of the generally rectangular tray cover is rounded.3. The liquid distribution communion tray assembly of claim 1 , where the handle is generally U-shaped claim 1 , and both ends thereof are secured to the floor.4. The liquid distribution communion tray assembly of claim 1 , wherein the central oblong aperture is too narrow for empty miniature drinking cups to pass through ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022672A1
Автор: Murray Andrew

A reusable beverage container has a glass cup having a formed mouth having a smooth exterior frustoconical surface which widens in exterior diameter towards a rim of the mouth. The mouth has a height of greater than 15 mm. A lid engages the mouth. The lid has a top section and an elastomeric skirt, the top section having a drinking aperture therethrough and the skirt defining an inner frustoconical surface and an outer surface. The inner frustoconical surface conforms in shape and size to the outer frustoconical surface and the skirt thickening towards a lower edge thereof. 1. A reusable beverage container comprising a glass cup having a formed mouth having a smooth exterior frustoconical surface which widens in exterior diameter towards a rim of the mouth , the mouth having a height of greater than 15 mm and a lid for engaging the mouth , the lid comprising a top section and an elastomeric skirt , the top section having a drinking aperture therethrough , the skirt defining an inner frustoconical surface and an outer surface , the inner frustoconical surface conforming in shape and size to the outer frustoconical surface and the skirt thickening towards a lower edge thereof.2. The reusable beverage container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the lid is engaged to the mouth claim 1 , the outer surface of the lid is cylindrical.3. The reusable beverage container as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cup narrows to the mouth at a shoulder.4. The reusable beverage container as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the skirt has a height matching the height of the mouth such that a lower edge of the skirt meets the shoulder.5. The reusable beverage container as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the skirt is configured such that claim 4 , when the skirt engages the mouth claim 4 , an exterior diameter of the skirt matches an adjacent exterior diameter of the cup.6. The reusable beverage container as claimed in claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , when the skirt is not engaged to the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008596A1
Автор: Aguirre Javier F.

A dish caddy includes base and top members and a least one vertical supporting rod connecting the base to the top member. The supporting rod includes a hand grip and dish holders distributed at multiple levels along the supporting rod such that a user's hand does not interfere with dishes or food carried within the dish caddy. The dish holders may include notches carved into the supporting rod for accepting an edge of a dish such as a plate. Pivot arms and doors may hold the dishes within the notches during food transport. The dish holders may include top and bottom pressure pads and the distance between the pads on each individual dish holder may be user-adjustable to accommodate different sized dishes. The top and bottom pressure pads may be coupled by a gear system allowing the distance between the pads on a particular dish holder to be dynamically adjusted. 1. A dish caddy comprising:a base member;a supporting rod mounted to the base member and extending upwards from the base member;a plurality of dish holders mounted to the supporting rod;wherein each of the dish holders faces in a respective radial direction from the supporting rod; andthe respective radial direction of all the dish holders is within a range of one-hundred and eighty degrees around the supporting rod.2. The dish caddy of claim 1 , wherein:the supporting rod is coupled to the base member at a location away from a center of gravity of the base member;the range of one-hundred and eighty degrees around the supporting rod has a center direction at ninety degrees indicating a front direction of the dish caddy; andthe center direction extends from the supporting rod towards the center of gravity of the base member.3. The dish caddy of claim 2 , wherein the base member has a straight back edge perpendicular to the front direction.4. The dish caddy of claim 3 , wherein:each of the dish holders comprises a top pressure pad and a bottom pressure pad; andat least one of the top pressure pad and the bottom ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Placemat with interchangeable attachments

Номер: US20150010719A1
Автор: Beverly Kuzman
Принадлежит: Individual

A convertible placemat comprising a placemat; a removable attachment, where the removable attachment fastens to a top surface of the placemat; and a securing means, where the securing means fastens the removable attachment to the placemat. The removable attachment may illustrate themes and holidays with a variety of shapes like a clover, heart, basket, pumpkin, turkey, Christmas tree or birthday cake. The convertible placemat provides a user with one placemat that may interchange decorative appearances at will by the user.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Temperature Controlled Storage Device

Номер: US20220026131A1

A temperature controlled storage device for storing food and beverages includes a shell, which defines an interior space and is resiliently flexible. The shell comprises an inner layer and an outer layer that define an internal space, to which addition of air selectively inflates the shell from a collapsed configuration to a semirigid configuration. A top of the shell is reversibly couplable to opposing sides and a front of the shell so that the top is hingable relative to a back of the shell to allow access to the interior space. A closure that extends between the top of the shell and both the opposing sides and the front of the shell is positioned to selectively couple the top to the shell. A temperature control module that is coupled to and positioned in the shell selectively warms and cools the interior space and contents thereof. 1. A temperature controlled storage device comprising:a shell defining an interior space, the shell comprising an inner layer and an outer layer defining an internal space, the shell being resiliently flexible wherein the shell is configured for addition of air to the internal space for selectively inflating the shell from a collapsed configuration to a semirigid configuration wherein the shell being is substantially rectangularly box shaped;a top of the shell being reversibly couplable to opposing sides and a front of the shell such that the top is hingable relative to a back of the shell for accessing the interior space;a closure extending between the top of the shell and both the opposing sides and the front of the shell and such that the closure is positioned for selectively coupling the top to the shell; anda temperature control module coupled to the shell and positioned in the interior space wherein the temperature control module is configured for selectively warming and cooling the interior space and contents thereof.2. The device of claim 1 , further including the outer layer comprising canvas.3. The device of claim 1 , further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009972A1
Принадлежит: Base Brands, LLC

Embodiments of the present invention including an insulated, multi-size vessel container are described. In an embodiment, the container includes a body for receiving a vessel of various shapes and sizes. The container may further include a removable lid configured to engage an opening of the container, where the lid is configured to retain the vessel within the container. The lid may further include a collar for securely retaining the neck of the vessel so that the vessel remains firmly established in the container. The container may further include a body having a tapered or otherwise varying interior, such that vessels of various shapes and sizes can be retained within the body equally well. The container may further include a vacuum insulated layer that serves to maintain the temperature of the vessel's contents. Additional embodiments are described. 1. An apparatus for housing a vessel , comprising:a body for receiving at least a portion of the vessel;a lid having an opening through which at least a portion of the vessel protrudes;the lid further including a collar having a plurality of raised, pliable members, having a slot there-between, for snugly fitting around the portion of the vessel protruding through the lid, whereby the collar and one or more raised members help support the vessel in the apparatus;the body having a tapered interior and a lower region having different inside diameters for receiving vessels of various sizes and shapes while allowing at least a portion of the vessel to protrude through the lid; anda bottom,whereby the lid and/or the bottom are removable for receiving the vessel into the apparatus.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The apparatus of further including an interface between the collar and the portion of the vessel that protrudes through the lid claim 1 , wherein said interface is substantially airtight.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The apparatus of wherein the body and/or the lid is insulated.10. The ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015034A1

A foldable mobile restaurant booth and a method of its use are configured for ease of mobility and storage by allowing the seat portion to fold upward toward the seat back. The booth has a seat back and seat portion coupled to a base, and a linkage arrangement coupling the seat portion to the seat back. The base may have a plurality of wheels for allowing the booth to roll easily on the ground. The linkage arrangement permits the seat portion to move between a first, operative position to a second, folded position in which the seat portion extends at an angle no more than 45 degrees from vertical. 1. A collapsible booth seating comprising:a generally vertically extending seat back, wherein the seat back comprises an interior frame and an exterior covering;a seat portion located in front of the seat back and having an interior frame and an exterior covering, the seat portion having a first seating surface and a second surface disposed generally opposite the first surface;a linkage arrangement coupling the seat portion to the seat back so as to permit the seat portion to move from a first, operative position in which the first surface extends at least generally horizontally away from the seat back, to a second, folded position in which the seat portion extends at an angle of no more than 45 degrees from vertical.2. The collapsible booth seating of claim 1 , wherein the seat portion extends at an angle of no more than 30 degrees from vertical.3. The collapsible booth seating of claim 1 , wherein the seat portion extends at an angle of no more than 15 degrees from vertical.4. The collapsible booth seating of claim 1 , wherein the linkage arrangement comprises a pivot link with a first attachment to a front end of the seat portion and a second attachment to a back end of the seat portion.5. The collapsible booth seating of claim 4 , wherein the first and second attachments are pivot joints which allow at least 45 degree rotation of the seat portion toward the seat back ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Internet of Things

Номер: US20200013303A1

An internet of things interactive learning device, system and method for a child comprises a talking table set including a display screen, a speaker, interactive handle buttons, a multimedia processor with memory and drivers for all components thereof in communication therewith. The multimedia processor is configured to record and play back a parent's message and a child's voice as speech and song on-demand and to display on the screen a parent's video and a recording of the child's eating habits. The disclosure also includes eating and drinking utensils comprising interactive handle buttons and circuitry configured to talk wirelessly to the talking table set per real time input from the child and the parent. An internet subscription service module provides multimedia content including licensed songs, stories and music to the talking table set. A real-time language translator broadcasts the message and voice into as many as 30 spoken languages. 1. An interactive learning device for a child , comprising:a talking table set comprising an internet of things' interactive display screen, a speaker, a plurality of handle buttons, a multimedia processor with memory and drivers for all components thereof in communication therewith, whereinthe multimedia processor is configured to record and play back a parent's message and a child's voice as speech and song on-demand and to display on the screen a parent's video and a content for the child thereof.2. The interactive learning device for a child of claim 1 , wherein the talking table set is configured to talk aurally to the child claim 1 , to talk wirelessly to at least one eating and drinking utensil and to talk visually to a child through sign language on the display screen and to talk tactilely to a child via a dynamic bubble braille system presented on the interactive display screen.3. The interactive learning device for a child of claim 1 , wherein the talking table set is adapted to mount to a walking stroller and to a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014674A1

An assembled cup structure includes an outer cup body and an inner cup body disposed inside the outer cup body. The outer cup body is formed with a first curved portion on an inner wall thereof close to an outer cup mouth and a first mating portion beneath the first curved portion. An end edge of an inner cup mouth of the inner cup body is formed with a contact portion. The contact portion holds against the first curved portion. The inner cup body is formed with a second mating portion on an outer wall thereof beneath the contact portion. The second mating portion is attached to the first mating portion closely. The beverage filled in the inner cup body won't flow to the space between the two cup bodies when it is spilt. 1. An assembled cup structure , comprising an outer cup body and an inner cup body disposed inside the outer cup body; the outer cup body being formed with an outwardly inclined curved surface disposed in an outer cup mouth thereof , a first curved portion on an inner wall thereof close to the outer cup mouth and , a first mating portion beneath the first curved portion; an end edge outwardly elongated from an inner cup mouth of the inner cup body being formed with a contact portion , the contact portion holding against the first curved portion , the inner cup body being formed with a second mating portion on an outer wall thereof beneath the contact portion , the second mating portion being attached to the first mating portion closely ,wherein the first curved portion is an annular groove, and the inner cup body is retained in the outer cup body through the annular groove to engage with the contact portion.2. The assembled cup structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first mating portion and the second mating portion are bevels having a same slope.3. The assembled cup structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first mating portion and the second mating portion have a mating length of 1 mm to 4 mm.4. The assembled cup structure as claimed in ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Thermally Insulated Container

Номер: US20180014675A1
Автор: Awala Barry

A thermally insulated container for maintaining food and beverages in a cold state includes a tube and a shell. The tube has an inner sidewall and an outer sidewall. A bottom is coupled to the inner sidewall proximate to a lower end of the tube. The shell has an inner wall and an outer wall. The shell has a top that is open and complementary to the lower end of the tube. A first coupler that is coupled proximate to the lower end of the tube and a second coupler that is coupled proximate to the top of the shell are positioned to couple the shell to the tube. A cavity defined by the inner wall is positioned to fill with water to freeze into ice. A reservoir defined by the inner sidewall and the bottom is configured to position items, such as food and beverages. 1. A thermally insulated container comprising:a tube having an inner sidewall and an outer sidewall defining an internal space;a bottom coupled to said inner sidewall proximate to a lower end of said tube, such that said inner sidewall and said bottom define a reservoir;a shell having an inner wall and an outer wall defining an interior space, said inner wall defining a cavity, said shell having a top complementary to said lower end of said tube, said top being open;a first coupler coupled proximate to said lower end of said tube;a second coupler coupled proximate to said top of said shell, said second coupler being complementary to said first coupler, wherein said second coupler is positioned on said shell such that said second coupler is positioned to couple to said first coupler to couple said shell to said tube, such that said shell and said bottom of said tube define a chamber; andwherein said cavity of said shell is positioned for filling with water, such that the water positioned in said cavity is freezable, wherein said second coupler is positioned to couple to said first coupler to couple said shell to said tube, wherein ice positioned in said cavity is contained in said chamber, such that said ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Luminous base

Номер: US20180014677A1
Автор: Chia-Shin Kuo, Yu-Feng Kuo
Принадлежит: Individual

A luminous base includes a base body, a light guide structure, a light emitting module and a power supply module. The base body has a cover with a light outlet; the light guide structure is installed at the base body and configured to be corresponsive to the light outlet; the light emitting module is installed in the base body for projecting light towards the light guide structure; the power supply module is electrically connected to the light emitting module. Therefore, light can be illuminated upwardly from the bottom of a cup and/or a beverage bottle in a surface emitting manner, and the existence of the cup and/or the beverage bottle can be highlighted to provide a glare effect in a dark environment, and the light can be illuminated uniformly upward from the bottom of the cup and/or the beverage bottle to provide a light staining effect.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Straw Guide Container that Holds Dry Ice

Номер: US20160015195A1

A onetime and disposable use straw guide container that holds dry ice. The container uses a locking mechanism that uses a locking mechanism that uses a double lock to ensure that once the locking mechanism is locked it will not be unlocked or inadvertently opened, thereby ensuring that the straw guide container is a onetime use and disposable item that is safe for human use. 1. An improved straw guide container that holds dry ice , the container comprises:a housing, the housing has a top, a bottom, a first and a second side, the first and the second side have four walls that form an octagonal shape when closed, the first and second side are fixedly attached to each other along the length of one of the walls, the walls of the first and second side that are not fixedly attached define a one way locking mechanism, the one way locking mechanism comprises of at least one L-shaped arrow head that extends from one of the walls that is not fixedly attached and at least one arrow head receiver from the other wall that is not fixedly attached, each receiver defines a cavity in which each L-shaped arrow head is inserted through, each cavity defines a pair diametrically opposed pawls that allow each arrow head to enter into the cavity permanently, the top and the bottom sides define walls that merge toward a center point of the housing, the first and the second side wall define a plurality of vertical slits that run along the length of the first and second side wall, the top and bottom sides define a plurality of apertures; anda straw guide, the straw guide is fixedly attached to one of the walls of the second side of the housing and runs vertically along the length of the second side wall.2. The improved straw guide container of claim 1 , wherein the length of the side walls are approximately 2.625 inches from the top to the bottom side claim 1 , the diameter between the opposing side walls of the housing are approximately 0.850 of an inch claim 1 , and the length of the straw ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Drinking glass with cushioning base

Номер: US20190014931A1
Автор: Khayman Yevgeniy

A drinking glass includes a glass member with a ring-shaped indentation and a bowl-shaped base member, including a base bottom with a dampening structure, base sidewalls, with a ring-shaped protrusion such that the ring-shaped protrusion snaps into the ring-shaped indentation, such that the base member is removably attachable to the glass member. The base member can be made from a rubber material, including silicone rubber. Also claimed is a drinking glass system, including: different glass members and a base member, which is attachable to any one of the different glass members. 1. A drinking glass , comprising:a) a glass member, which comprises an interior configured to contain a beverage; andb) a base member;wherein the base member is connected to a bottom portion of the glass member;wherein the base member has a flat bottom, such that the drinking glass is configured to be positionable on a flat surface, such that the base member is stably positioned on the flat surface.2. The drinking glass of claim 1 , wherein the glass member and the base member are configured with interlocking portions claim 1 , such that the interlocking portions are configured to snap together claim 1 , such that the base member is removably attached to the glass member.3. The drinking glass of claim 2 , wherein the glass member is configured with a ring-shaped indentation claim 2 , which is positioned around an outer periphery of an upper part of the bottom portion; and wherein the base member comprises a ring-shaped protrusion that protrudes inward in an inner periphery of an upper part of the base member; such that the ring-shaped indentation is configured to match with the ring-shaped protrusion claim 2 , such that the ring-shaped protrusion is configured to snap into the ring-shaped indentation claim 2 , such that the base member is removably attached to the glass member.4. The drinking glass of claim 1 , wherein the base member is bowl-shaped and comprises a base bottom and a base ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014932A1
Автор: Booska Raymond

A liquid receptacle has an inner vessel for holding a liquid, an insulated outer shell spaced from the inner vessel, and a chamber defined between the inner vessel and the outer shell. A phase change material is disposed in the chamber for absorbing thermal energy from the liquid and then releasing the thermal energy back to the liquid to maintain the temperature of the liquid. 1. A phase change apparatus for rapidly lowering the temperature of a liquid contained in an insulated cup of the type having an open upper end , a closed lower end and a side wall extending therebetween , the apparatus comprising:a generally tubular housing having an open upper end and an open lower end with a side wall extending therebetween, the sidewall having an inner surface and an outer surface, the sidewall further having a chamber defined therein, the upper end of the generally tubular housing formed of a material having less thermal conductivity than a material forming a remainder of the generally tubular housing;a phase change material disposed within the chamber for regeneratively absorbing thermal energy from a liquid and then releasing the thermal energy to the liquid to maintain the temperature of the liquid;the upper end of the generally tubular housing being configured to engage an upper end of an insulated cup such that the generally tubular housing extends down into the insulated cup inside the side walls of the insulated cup;at least one passage being defined between the inner surface and outer surface of the side wall of the generally tubular housing, the at least one passage being defined in the upper end of the generally tubular housing such that liquid disposed between the outer surface of the generally tubular housing and the side wall of the insulated cup flows through some of the at least one passage when the insulated cup is tilted for drinking.2. The phase change apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:the generally tubular housing is tapered such that the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Cup handle connector

Номер: US20200015613A1
Автор: Russell Edward Gray
Принадлежит: Individual

A cup handle connector is described. In some examples, the cup handle connector can include a sleeve portion having a surface that substantially conforms to an exterior profile of a cup and an intermediate portion attached to the sleeve portion. The cup handle connector can also include a handle attachment portion attached to the intermediate portion, with the handle attachment portion constructed to attach a weapon handle.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015633A1

A bathtub tray used for feeding s child that is bathing. The bathtub tray is comprised of a tray that has a top and a bottom. The top of the tray defines a wall that surrounds the circumference of the top of the tray. The top of the tray defines a first pit wherein a plate is placed. The top of the tray defines a second pit wherein a cup is placed. The top of the tray defines a third pit wherein a smaller food item is placed. The bottom of tray defines a set of hinges, each hinge is parallel to the other hinge and the hinges are centrally placed along the width of the tray. A pair of u-shaped legs, each u-shaped leg is attached to each hinge. The u-shaped legs are designed to expand outward when placed on the sidewalls of a bathtub. 1. A bathtub tray that allows a child to be fed while bathing , the bathtub tray comprises:a tray that has a top and a bottom side and the tray has a length and a width, the top of the tray defines a wall that surrounds the circumference of the top of the tray, and the top of the tray defines a first pit wherein a plate is placed;a set of hinges are attached to the bottom of the tray, each hinge is parallel to the other hinge and the hinges are centrally placed along the width of the tray; anda pair of u-shaped legs, each u-shaped leg is attached to each hinge.2. The bathtub tray that allows a child to be fed while bathing of claim 1 , wherein the u-shaped legs are designed to expand outward when placed on a bathtub's sidewalls.3. The bathtub tray that allows a child to be fed while bathing of claim 2 , wherein the top of the tray defines a second pit wherein a cup is placed claim 2 , and wherein the top of the tray defines a third pit for holding a food item.4. The bathtub tray that allows a child to be fed while bathing of claim 3 , wherein the width of the tray is at least 18 inches and the length of the tray is at least 12 inches. The present invention is directed a bathtub tray that is used to feed a child whom is bathing.The ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Thermally Insulated Container Assembly

Номер: US20180017311A1

The present invention provides a thermally insulated container comprising an expanded foam layer, a further layer, internal of the expanded foam layer, formed of a plurality of cool packs or insulation panels, and a locking lid. The cool packs consist of a combination of cool packs with stepped edges and individual side wall cool packs side wall cool packs formed with a living hinge, wherein the cool packs consist of a protruding fill point on one edge and blanking protrusions on the remaining three edges, and the cool packs comprise recesses on the top and bottom edges to accommodate either the fill point or the blanking protrusion of each adjacent cool pack. The insulation panels are pre-assembled on a sheet ready for insertion into the container. The expanded foam layer includes a number of individual preformed sections assembled to form a main body of the container, the main body consisting of a rectangular base and four wall sections, wherein inner faces of opposed pairs of wall sections are substantially parallel to each other. The locking lid comprises a main body formed from an expanded foam and a locking member formed from expanded foam, the main body being arranged to be received in and to close a mouth of the container and the locking member being arranged to rotate to lock the lid in place. The lid in accordance with the invention may provide a particularly efficient thermal barrier. 1. A cool pack comprising at least two rigid compartments each containing a sealed in coolant , the two compartments being joined by a living hinge.2. The cool pack as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the two compartments and the living hinge are integrally formed.3. The cool pack as claimed in claim 2 , formed by blow moulding.4. The cool pack as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the cool pack is formed from a high density polyethylene or polypropylene.5. The cool pack as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coolant is a phase change material.6. The cool pack as claimed in claim 1 , ...
