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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 27693. Отображено 200.
27-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2167616C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии, и может быть использовано для иридопластики и репозиции интраокулярной линзы с шовной ирис-фиксацией. Устройство выполнено в виде трубки и содержит расположенную внутри нить. Нить образует петлю у рабочего конца. Рабочий конец имеет заостренный выступ для вкола с петлей нити в радужную оболочку со стороны передней камеры глаза и для выкола в переднюю камеру со стороны пигментного листа радужки. На трубе установлена насадка для подсоединения к шприцу и для вращения устройства вокруг предельной оси. В результате уменьшается травматичность при проведении шва в радужной оболочке глаза и вероятность связанных с этим осложнений. 3 ил.

23-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2724396C2
Принадлежит: ДЖЕТЕМА КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к шовной нити, в частности к шовной нити для подтяжки лица и тела. Шовная нить для подтяжки лица и тела выполнена из полимера или золота с парными выступами или элементами выступов, образованных на внешней периферической поверхности основного тяжа шовной нити как единое целое с нитью, в которой выступ имеет стереоструктуру в форме конуса, многоугольного конуса, усеченного конуса, модифицированного многоугольного конуса, усеченного многоугольного конуса, модифицированного усеченного многоугольного конуса, цилиндра, модифицированного цилиндра, многоугольного цилиндра, или модифицированного многоугольного цилиндра, которая сформирована с образованием радиальной симметричной структуры вокруг основного тяжа шовной нити или имеет форму воронки, в которой часть или все пространство, за исключением внешней периферийной поверхности стереоструктуры и основной части тяжа шовной нити стереоструктуры, присутствующее внутри, является полым, а парные ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2254830C2

Изобретение относится к медицине и может использоваться в кардиохирургии для коррекции размеров и/или усиления отверстий клапанов сердца. Устройство содержит соединительный элемент из рассасывающегося материала и соединен на одном из своих концов с нитью, которая обеспечивает создание продольного тянущего усилия для введения соединительного элемента в ткань кольца клапана для установки. Второй вариант устройства отличается выполнением иглы. Иглу вводят в эндомиокард кольца клапана, пропускают через часть периметра отверстия, выводят иглу, при помощи нити проводят соединительный элемент в эндомиокард таким образом, чтобы свободный конец соединительного элемента оказался в точке введения, фиксируют его в эндомиокарде, пропускают соединительный элемент через кольцо до того положения, когда другой конец будет расположен в точке извлечения и выйдет из эндомиокарда. Фиксируют второй конец. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить нормальный рост кольца клапана у детей. 3 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2471014C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к аппарату и способу для термической обработки и окрашивания хирургических игл. Аппарат для термической обработки и окрашивания множества изогнутых хирургических игл содержит: конвейер для переноса игл из источника изогнутых хирургических игл в приемник, корпус, расположенный вблизи конвейера, где корпус имеет первый конец, второй конец и отверстие, идущее от первого конца ко второму концу, источник тепла, расположенный внутри корпуса, для нагрева множества игл при их переносе конвейером от первого конца корпуса ко второму концу корпуса, и систему для обеспечения газовой смеси, содержащей частичную концентрацию кислорода для окисления и окрашивания поверхностей игл при их прохождении сквозь корпус. Способ термической обработки и окрашивания игл включает: перенос игл от источника изогнутых хирургических игл к приемнику, нагрев игл до температуры ниже температуры рекристаллизации при их прохождении от источника изогнутых хирургических ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2732882C2
Принадлежит: МАНИ, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к медицине. Медицинская хирургическая игла выполнена из аустенитной нержавеющей стали и содержит компонент с режущими кромками и основную часть, продолжающуюся к компоненту с режущими кромками. При этом компонент с режущими кромками имеет острие и выполнен с формой, показатель толщины которой уменьшается от основной части к острию, содержит первую часть с режущими кромками, продолжающуюся от острия, и вторую часть с режущими кромками, продолжающуюся от первой части с режущими кромками. Причем первая часть с режущими кромками содержит две первые наклонные поверхности, сформированные расположением между ними вершины, и первую нижнюю поверхность, расположенную между двумя первыми наклонными поверхностями; при этом режущие кромки сформированы на краю, составляющем вершину, и на краях, где пересекаются первая нижняя поверхность и две первые наклонные поверхности; и вторая часть с режущими кромками содержит две первые наклонные поверхности, сформированные расположением между ...

15-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664160C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ЭлЭлСи (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Устройство для ушивания раны включает нитевидный элемент, имеющий проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и множество микрошипов, выступающих наружу от нитевидного элемента. У каждого микрошипа есть основание, соединенное с нитевидным элементом, наконечник, удаленный от основания, и внешний край, расположенный между основанием и наконечником. Внешний край включает первую часть, имеющую вогнутую поверхность, которая расположена между основанием и точкой перехода микрошипа, и вторую часть, имеющую выпуклую поверхность, которая расположена между точкой перехода микрошипа и наконечником микрошипа. На внешнем крае вогнутая поверхность первой части переходит в выпуклую кривую второй части в точке перехода микрошипа. Наконечник микрошипа имеет выпукло-изогнутую поверхность, обращенную к дистальному концу нитевидного элемента. Форма внешнего края микрошипов с двумя радиусами сводит к минимуму сопротивление при протягивании нитевидного элемента в первом ...

17-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709388C2
Принадлежит: СОПРАН (FR)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к способу изготовления хирургической иглы, полученной из прутообразной заготовки, выполненной из сверхупругого или сверхэластичного сплава, включающего основу из никеля (Ni) и титана (Ti). Способ включает осуществление холодного формования или формования при комнатной температуре изогнутого профиля иглы в надлежащем креплении. Способ предусматривает термическую обработку иглы в указанном креплении для запоминания приданной геометрии изогнутого профиля посредством отжига при температуре нагревания 470°С в течение 15 мин с последующим охлаждением водой для запоминания приданной геометрии изогнутого профиля. Способ включает очистку иглы посредством химического травления типа электрохимической или электролитической полировки или посредством раствора химического реагента для удаления слоя оксида, осажденного на игле в процессе ее термической обработки. Техническим результатом является усовершенствование способа изготовления сверхупругой иглы ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2518578C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано в хирургии для наложения швов. Упаковка в форме лотка для хирургических нитей состоит из дна и нескольких криволинейных стенок. Стенки установлены на верхней части дна, формируют проходы для нитей и отходят по спирали из центральной части дна к периферии. Платформы, отходящие к периферии, связаны с проходами и могут содержать крепления для игл и компрессов. Упаковка обеспечивает защиту нитей и облегчает их извлечение в ходе хирургических операций. 2 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2392880C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к иглам для торакоскопической аортостернопексии. Игла для аортостернопексии содержит трубку, один конец которой заострен и скошен. К другому концу трубки прикреплена втулка с горловиной для фиксации. Через просвет трубки проведен упругий захват в форме замкнутого контура. Захват выступает за острый конец трубки и горловину и образует симметричные концевые петли. Диаметр концевых петель можно изменять путем втягивания упругого захвата в просвет трубки с ее острого конца или горловины. В результате при использовании иглы достигается надежная фиксация лигатуры в просвете иглы и атравматизм аортостернопексии. 1 ил.

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2218879C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к технологии изготовления атравматических офтальмологических игл с шовной нитью. Способ включает ковку наконечника, термическую его закалку, удаление облоя, заточку профиля острия, электрохимическое полирование, прошивку отверстия для шовной нити, укрепление нити и гибку наконечника. Гибку наконечника выполняют до укрепления шовной нити в отверстии наконечника, а после операции гибки наконечника осуществляют дополнительную термообработку для снятия наведенной внутриструктурной напряженности металла и максимального увеличения упругости. В результате достигается стабилизация упругости наконечника иглы при пользовании ею.

10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2463006C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Изготовление изогнутых хирургических игл из вольфрамового сплава включает в себя этап нагрева заготовок для изготовления игл из вольфрамового сплава или хирургических игл из вольфрамового сплава. Нагрев производят до некоторой температуры ниже температуры перекристаллизации используемого сплава. В результате хирургические иглы из вольфрамового сплава обладают желаемым сочетанием жесткости, прочности, пластичности и цвета поверхности. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

14-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674985C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Описан способ нанесения покрытия на хирургические иглы, состоящий в том, что раствор покрытия наносится на хирургическую иглу и на нее направляется поток воздуха в направлении, по существу параллельном центральной продольной оси дистального концевого участка иглы, тем самым обеспечивается отличное качество и работоспособность покрытия. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 4 табл., 4 пр.

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2233627C1

Группа изобретений относится к травматологии и ортопедии и может быть применена для восстановления повреждений менисков коленного сустава. Хирургическая шовная игла содержит заостренный стержень со сквозным поперечным лигатурным ушком у рабочего торца. Ушко сообщается с основными продольными лигатурными каналами. Каналы ориентированы к нерабочему торцу. Рабочий торец иглы выполнен в виде отводящего скоса для скольжения по тканям. Между рабочим торцом и сквозным поперечным ушком выполнен продольный лигатурный канал. Канал сообщается с ушком и имеет выход на отводящий скос, продольная ось симметрии которого расположена в плоскости продольных осей лигатурных каналов и поперечного лигатурного ушка. Направитель хирургической шовной иглы содержит удлиненную трубку с торцевым выступом в виде участка стенки, который выполнен в виде репонатора для сопоставления и удержания частей мениска. Репонатор имеет опорный фланец на нерабочем конце и установочную резьбу на прилегающем к фланцу участке. Участок ...

10-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU22027U1

Инструмент с плоскими браншами, содержащий две плоские бранши с рабочими поверхностями в виде губок и секции для захвата с наружным рифлением, отличающийся тем, что последние выполнены в виде выступов, имеющих форму усеченных конусов с наклоном образующей к основанию, например, 60и высотой, равной h ≤ 0,3 D, где D - диаметр большого основания усеченного конуса, равного, например, 1,0-2,5 мм, при этом выступы расположены в узлах условной сетки из правильных фигур, например треугольников со стороной а ≤ 2D.

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182972U1

Устройство относится к медицине, а именно к рентгенохирургии и интервенционной радиологии и может быть использовано как вспомогательное устройство для выполнения чрезкожных трансторакальных биопсий с использованием полуавтоматических одноразовых биопсийных игл под контролем компьютерной томографии с целью получения гистологического материала в онкологии.Техническим результатом полезной модели является возможность полностью исключить воздействие рентгеновского ионизирующего излучения на врача, выполняющего трепанбиопсию под контролем компьютерной томографии.Устройство состоит из пластины с закругленными краями прямоугольной формы на основе силикона телесного цвета размерами 140 мм на 80 мм, толщиной 30 мм. К основанию пластины прикрепляется защитная пленка. Посередине боковой поверхности имеется прямой, сквозной разрез длинной 40 мм для заведения биопсийной иглы. 2 ил.

27-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU97044U1

Носитель для нитей хирургических представляет собой прямоугольную вертикально ориентированную развертку с линиями перегиба, образующими панель для размещения хирургической нити с двумя техническими отверстиями, к которой с одной стороны через линию перегиба примыкает панель для защиты хирургической нити, а с другой стороны через линии перегиба расположены дополнительные панели, в том числе для защиты от элементов иглы, отличающийся тем, что дополнительная панель, расположенная через линию перегиба к панели для размещения нити, имеет перфорации для фиксации острия иглы любого размера, расположенные на одной оси с вырезом для хирургической нити по левому краю панели, к которой через дополнительную линию перегиба примыкает панель-крышка для защиты хирургической нити сверху от острия иглы, а панель-дно, защищающая хирургическую нить снизу, со стороны выреза для хирургической нити, имеет боковой защитный клапан, закрывающий торцевой конец иглы и предотвращающий ее боковое смещение, что препятствует ...

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU40162U1

Устройство для наложения лигатурных швов предназначено для прошивания кожи животных, в том числе крупного рогатого скота Устройство для наложения лигатурных швов содержит корпус, снабженный средством удержания и лапкой, в которой выполнена прорезь для прохода иглы, и держатель иглы, корпус выполнен в виде пустотелого стержня, в который установлен с возможностью ограниченного перемещения держатель иглы, выполненной со средством для удержания нити. Держатель иглы снабжен средством удержания, средство для удержания нити выполнено в виде прорези.

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU132333U1

Игла атравматическая с шовной нитью двухигольчатая, иглы которой содержат заостренную рабочую часть и корпус, любые сечения которого, перпендикулярные оси атравматической иглы, выполнены в виде квадрата, углы которого притуплены радиусом, отличающаяся тем, что на двух диагонально противоположных углах корпуса нанесены насечки, сечение которых выполнено в форме треугольника, покатая сторона которого расположена со стороны заостренной части, а задняя сторона перпендикулярна оси иглы.

21-09-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для механической заточки трехгранных хирургических игл

Номер: RU183422U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к устройствам для заточки хирургических игл.Устройство для механической заточки трехгранных хирургических игл, включающее корпус с внутренней резьбой в начальной части корпуса и хомут на другом конце корпуса. На наружной стороне хомута закреплен упор, а внутри хомута на подшипнике установлена державка со вставкой, содержащей зажим, паз, прижимной винт для установки иглы. Упор хомута и державка корпуса соединены пружиной, устройство установлено на столе заточного станка, снабженного ползуном, передвигающим корпус устройства в режиме равномерного возвратно-поступательного движения в направлении шлифовального круга заточного станка.

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Хирургическая игла

Номер: RU207752U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к медицине, хирургии, пластической хирургии, реконструктивной хирургии, онкологии и предназначена для восстановления контуров тела. Технический результат - исключение контурной деформации кожи восстанавливаемой молочной железы, то есть сохранение целостности кожного покрова. Хирургическая игла содержит дугообразное основание длиной в диапазоне от 15 до 30 см, выполнена обоюдоострой и оснащена двумя режущими концами с двумя закрытыми ушками, причем диаметр хирургической иглы выполнен в диапазоне от 2 до 2,6 мм. Режущие концы могут быть выполнены треугольной формы.

30-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU213857U1

Эндоскопический иглодержатель относится к медицинской технике и предназначен для проведения иглы через ткани при наложении швов. Инструмент состоит из рабочей части, ствола, тяги, подвижной и неподвижной кольцевых ручек, которые соединены шарниром. Ручки изогнуты по ребру относительно ствола вниз на 20°, а задняя половина кольца подвижной ручки под большой палец руки изогнута в противоположную от ладони сторону на 50°, что предупреждает соответственно локтевое отведение и сгибание лучезапястного сустава при переводе инструмента в основную рабочую позицию. Ствол размещен на уровне средней фаланги полусогнутого указательного пальца удерживающей руки, что обеспечивает соосное вращение рабочей части и предплечья. Шарнир между ручками размещен выше ствола, что исключает появление непроизвольных движений рабочей части при манипуляциях инструментом. Техническим результатом, обеспеченным совокупностью существенных признаков, является увеличение точности и объема движений инструмента, снижение утомления ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151513U1

Игла для наложения швов в полости носа в виде иглы для спинномозговой пункции с острым рабочим концом, отличающаяся тем, что у острого рабочего конца выполнено дополнительное отверстие для продевания нити диаметром не менее 0,5 мм, при этом проксимальная часть дополнительного отверстия расположена под тупым углом к поверхности иглы для предупреждения повреждения нити.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU159168U1

... 1. Устройство замковое лигатурное, состоящее из головного конца с замком со сквозным каналом, тела лигатуры, у которого внешняя сторона выполнена гладкой, а внутренняя - рельефной, и хвостового заостренного конца, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополняют фиксирующим кольцом прямоугольного сечения со скругленными углами, на одной длинной стороне которого выполняют два закругленных зубца, расположенных параллельно оси тела лигатуры, а размещают фиксирующее кольцо у головного конца устройства так, чтобы зубцы находились с внутренней стороны тела лигатуры и были направлены в сторону головного конца.2. Устройство замковое лигатурное по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что заостренный хвостовой конец соединяют с инъекционной иглой.

16-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU4063U1

Устройство для армирования аутодермального шовного материала, содержащее корпус, на одном конце которого с помощью фиксатора закреплена полая игла, соосная со сквозными отверстиями в корпусе и фиксаторе, отличающееся тем, что корпус закреплен на основании, имеющем сквозное отверстие, образующее со сквозными отверстиями в игле, фиксаторе и корпусе единый сквозной канал.

22-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU191060U1

Устройство относится к медицине, а именно к медицинскому инструментарию, и может быть использовано при проведении хирургических операций на паренхиматозных органах.Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение надежности, расширение функциональных возможностей иглы и спектра ее применения, повышение экономичности и сокращение времени операции вследствие удобства применения, облегчение работы хирурга, снижение травматизации, предупреждение развития интра- и послеоперационных осложнений.Устройство состоит из прямого металлического стержня с круглым поперечным сечением, соединяющего собой два идентичных рабочих конца, каждый из которых включает в себя заостренную оливообразную головку, следующую за ней шейку с диаметром, меньшим диаметра тела и головки, при этом шейка переходит в уплощенное ушко с прорезью для лигатуры.

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014011C1

Использование: в медицине, при наложении швов в ложе простаты при аденомэктомии. Сущность изобретения: в корпусе 1 имеется прорезь 10, в которой размещен замок 8, конец которого выполнен с закруглением, определяемым отношением r≥ a , а место расположения оси 9 замка определяется соотношением a/b≥ 1/2 , где a - расстояние от центра оси 9 до выпуклой поверхности корпуса 1; b - расстояние от центра оси 9 до вогнутой поверхности корпуса 1; z - радиус закругления. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

21-01-2022 дата публикации

Иглодержатель хирургический

Номер: RU2764871C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, в частности к хирургическим инструментам, и может быть использовано при сшивании живых тканей во время проведения различных хирургических операций. Иглодержатель хирургический содержит корпус с неподвижной браншей в его передней части и соединенную с ним подвижную подпружиненную браншу, подпружиненный курок, выполненный с возможностью перемещаться вдоль корпуса и упруго возвращаться в исходное положение и имеющий связанный с курком скос для воздействия на браншу и ее поворота, и связанный с курком и подпружиненный относительно курка фиксатор с возможностью вращения вокруг поперечной оси при воздействии на выступающую из корпуса кнопку фиксатора. Фиксатор имеет зуб для зацепления с зубчатой поверхностью корпуса, выполненной на его внутренней поверхности. Использование изобретения позволяет обеспечить снижение усилий, которые прилагает хирург для управления браншами. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU115642U1

Атравматическая игла, содержащая дугообразный или прямой заостренный стержень с колющим или режущим острием и держатель нити, размещенный на тупом прямолинейном конце иглы, отличающаяся тем, что держатель нити выполнен в виде втулки, жестко соединенной со стержнем, позиционирование которой в месте ее крепления выполнено с использованием центрирующих поверхностей, выполненных на стержне иглы, при этом внутренняя поверхность втулки образует углубление для размещения конца нити, внешние и внутренние кромки которого у торцевой поверхности скруглены, а держатель выполнен с возможностью крепления конца нити путем изменения формы внешней поверхности втулки и взаимодействия внутренней поверхности втулки с концом нити.

09-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2036613C1

Изобретение относится к производству медицинской техники и позволяет получить хирургическую или атравматическую иглу оригинальной конструкции с улучшенными характеристиками по усилию прокола биологических тканей. Сущность: пилообразные режещие кромки с микрозубчиками, расположенными под углом к режущим кромкам, направленными своими вершинами к острию иглы. Способ включает в себя правку проволоки, резку ее на заготовки, предварительную заточку острия, оформление канала для закрепления нити, механическую заточку острия по граням, образующим режущие кромки, термообработку. Механическую заточку производят по граням в зависимости от сечения острия в направлении от корпуса иглы к кончику острия под углом к режущим кромкам с последующим электрохимическим полированием до образования вогнутых поверхностей. 2 с. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2027408C1

Использование: в медицине, при лечении варикозно расширенных вен нижних конечностей. Сущность изобретения: инструмент проводится с нитью вокруг вены нижней трети бедра и выводится наружу, при этом витки рабочей части, выполненной в виде винтовой спирали, ориентируют инструмент в нужном направлении и обеспечивают обвод лигатуры вокруг вены. 3 ил.

12-03-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2815221C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к нити для лифтинга тяжёлых тканей, выполненной асимметричной и содержащей опорную часть в виде нити, на которой расположены захватная и удерживающая части. Захватная часть содержит цилиндрические зацепы. Удерживающая часть содержит z-образные зацепы. Цилиндрический зацеп имеет форму усечённого конуса с одного края, ориентированного к ближнему относительно захватной части краю нити, и содержит пару крючков с другого своего края. Техническим результатом является максимальный лифтинг кожи и долгосрочная надежная фиксация мягких тканей, позволяющая использовать нить преимущественно для мужских лиц, исходя из особенностей строения, и тяжелых тканей женских лиц. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

09-08-2019 дата публикации

Способ лечения сером в послеоперационном периоде у больных с вентральными грыжами

Номер: RU2697058C1

Предложен способ лечения сером в послеоперационном периоде у больных с вентральными грыжами, включающий пункцию полости серомы стерильным шприцем, эвакуацию серозной жидкости. Пункционную иглу не извлекают и в полость серомы однократно вводят 1 мл дипроспана, и накладывают на рану асептическую повязку. Технический результат - улучшение результатов лечения серомы в послеоперационном периоде у больных с вентральными грыжами. 2 пр.

20-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2159085C1

Контейнер относится к медицинской технике и может быть использован в качестве держателя или упаковки, например для шовных хирургических игл. Контейнер содержит корпус и крышку. Корпус имеет минимум одну установочную поверхность для размещения в средстве хранения, и/или в средстве переноски, и/или в транспортном средстве и минимум одну рабочую полость. Рабочая полость выполнена с фигурным поперечным сечением, например в виде параболы. Соотношение максимального продольного и максимального поперечного размеров минимум одной рабочей полости соответствует соотношению максимального продольного и максимального поперечного размеров соответствующего медицинского инструментария, например шовных хирургических игл. В результате получается наилучшее взаимодействие рабочих полостей контейнера с их содержимым, стерилизация инструмента, а также достигается максимальное удобство работы с ним. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Способ лечения сером в послеоперационном периоде у больных с вентральными грыжами

Номер: RU2697196C1

Предложен способ лечения сером в послеоперационном периоде у больных с вентральными грыжами включающий пункцию полости серомы стерильным шприцем, эвакуацию серозной жидкости. Пункционную иглу не извлекают и в полость серомы однократно вводят 1 мл преднизолона и накладывают на рану асептическую повязку. Технический результат – улучшение результатов лечения серомы в послеоперационном периоде у больных с вентральными грыжами. 2 пр.

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008824C1

Использование: в медицине, для наложения печеночных швов при резекции органа. Сущность изобретения: при проведении нити во время вкола иглы атравматические направляющие винтовые канавки выполняют роль тормоза, при этом дополнительный лигатурный фиксатор в виде стопора и прорезей облегчает закрепление нити на игле. 3 з. п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2300326C1

Изобретение относится к хирургии и может быть использовано для лечения больных с рецидивными послоперационными астральными грыжами методом аутодермопластики. Игла выполнена в виде стержня с заостренным передним концом, с изогнутой рабочей частью и с замком для кожного шнура в задней части. Замок имеет подвижную зажимающую часть с зубцом для прижимания кожного шнура, ограничивающий выступ, корпусную неподвижную часть с выемкой и зубец. Зубец размещен для прижимания шнура в выемке. Стержень выполнен полуокруглым, а замок выполнен для фиксации муфтой. Муфта имеет возможность взаимодействия с ограничивающим выступом. В результате уменьшается травматизация тканей во время операции. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012247C1

Использование: в медицинской технике для получения корпусов атравматических хирургических игл. Сущность изобретения: пакет корпуса формируется в виде навитой на оправке проволоки с односторонней лыской под иглодержатель. При этом, канавки под лигатуру формируются врезаниями абразивного круга в поверхность лыски, а заточку корпусных торцев производят дополнительным врезанием абразивного круга, между витками пакета, после его поворота на 180. Разделение корпусов осуществляют посередине канавок. 5 ил.

21-06-2021 дата публикации

Способ наложения швов на печень

Номер: RU2749939C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к абдоминальной хирургии, и может быть использовано при проведении хирургических операций на печени. Первый шов накладывают на нижний край раневой поверхности при помощи двусторонней хирургической атравматической иглы, зарядив один из рабочих концов иглы нитью. Проводят иглу сквозь толщу паренхимы от висцеральной поверхности органа на диафрагмальную, отступив от края раневой поверхности печени на 10 мм, после чего нить извлекается из рабочего конца иглы и завязывается, а игла остается в толще паренхимы органа. Затем в каждый рабочий конец иглы заряжается по нити. Игла проводится путем обратной тракции за второй рабочий конец в толще паренхимы печени до достижения первым рабочим концом ½ плоскости раневой поверхности культи печени. После производится наклон иглы в сторону непрошитой части органа и первый рабочий конец иглы, заряженный нитью, выводится под сформированным углом наклона на диафрагмальной поверхности печени, отступив от края раны на ...

10-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96108638A

... 1. Способ ушивания раны после лапароцентеза, включающий послойное ушивание раны брюшной стенки, отличающийся тем, что мышечно-апоневротический слой на расстоянии не менее 0,5 см от края с обеих сторон последовательно прокалывают иглой-крючком, протягивают нить, затем обратным движением иглу извлекают, после чего нить связывают. 2. Устройство по п. 1, имеющее рифленую ручку, отличающееся тем, что игла содержит изогнутый в сагитальной плоскости заостренный конец, в 3-х мм от которого располагается ушко.

27-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94023169A1

Сущность изобретения: хирургическая атравматическая шовная игла содержит дугообразный заостренный стержень с ложементным зажимным ушком, торцы краев ложементного ушка ориентированы к стержневой оси и выполнены в виде дополнительных лигатурных прижимов, при этом на выпуклой стороне стержня расположена поверхность под иглодержатель, стержневое заострение расположено на дуге с радиусом 150 - 250 мм, а наружная поверхность ушка выполнена в виде не менее трех сопряженных между собой радиусных участков, стержневое заострение выполнено резанием, поверхность под иглодержатель выполнена в виде лыски, стержень выполнен из проволоки с крупным поперечным сечением.

20-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000131838A

... 1. Игла-троакар для наложения швов на вульву, содержащая гильзу и расположенный в ней стилет с крючком на затупленном конце, отличающаяся тем, что гильза с одного конца снабжена емкостью в виде рукоятки для укладывания лигатуры и замком для фиксации стилета в гильзе. 2. Игла-троакар по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что она укомплектована зажимом для извлечения стилета из гильзы и протаскивания лигатуры.

20-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99107707A

Устройство для эндохирургических инструментальных манипуляций, отличающееся тем, что содержит наружную трубку и внутреннюю трубку с приспособлением для крепления шланга электроотсоса, с рукоятками на проксимальном кольце и рабочей частью в виде бранш на дистальном конце в модификации ножниц, зажима, диссектора, иглодержателя, биопсийных кусачек.

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010133437A

... 1. Медицинское устройство, изготовленное из вольфрамового сплава и имеющее синюю, желтую или черную окраску поверхности. ! 2. Медицинское устройство по п.1, где упомянутый вольфрамовый сплав содержит по меньшей мере один или более металлов, выбранных из группы, включающей в себя рений, тантал, осмий или молибден. ! 3. Медицинское устройство по п.2, где упомянутый вольфрамовый сплав содержит рений. ! 4. Медицинское устройство по п.3, где упомянутый вольфрамовый сплав содержит до 30 вес.% рения, остальное - вольфрам. ! 5. Медицинское устройство по п.4, где упомянутый вольфрамовый сплав содержит от приблизительно 20 до приблизительно 26 вес.% рения, остальное - вольфрам. ! 6. Медицинское устройство по п.1, где устройство выбирается из группы, включающей в себя ортопедическое устройство, скобку для соединения краев раны, катетер и хирургическую иглу. ! 7. Медицинское устройство по п.5, где устройство представляет собой хирургическую иглу. ! 8. Медицинское устройство по п.7, где упомянутая хирургическая ...

20-06-2003 дата публикации

Способ изготовления атравматических офтальмологических игл

Номер: RU2001125461A

Способ изготовления атравматических офтальмологических игл, включающий ковку наконечника, термическую его закалку, удаление облоя, заточку профиля острия, электрохимическое полирование, прошивку отверстия для шовной нити, укрепление нити и гибку наконечника, отличающийся тем, что гибку наконечника выполняют до укрепления шовной нити в отверстии наконечника, а после операции гибки наконечника осуществляют дополнительную термообработку для снятия наведенной внутриструктурной напряженности металла и максимального увеличения упругости.

20-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94044443A

Лейкопластырную повязку, повязку на рану, подобный сшиванию механизм или химическую простыню, предназначенную для наложения поверх раны, изготавливают из слоистой структуры гибкой резины, гидрофильного гидрогельного полимера, связанного с одной стороной гибкой резины, и клейкого вещества, связанного с гидрофильным гидрогельным полимером, по крайней мере на первом участке лейкопластырной повязки, повязки на рану, подобного сшиванию механизма или хирургической простыни. Клейким веществом предпочтительно является гидрогельное клейкое вещество с целлюлозной, полиуретановой или полиакрилатной основой, тогда как гибкой резиной предпочтительно является резина, которая предварительно обработана гидрогельным полимером перед лечением. Лекарственное средство, типа пиридихлорцетила или бензиламмония, можно связывать с гидрофильным гидрогельным полимером на не имеющей клейкого вещества части лейкопластырной повязки, повязки на рану или хирургической простыни для обеспечения медленного выделения лекарственного ...

27-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99114587A

Хирургическая игла, имеющая обратно-режущее острие, изогнутое тело и обжатый вокруг нити конец, отличающаяся тем, что острие иглы в поперечном сечении имеет гипоциклоидальный вид с режущими кромками в вершинах.

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110062A

... 1. Устройство для шовного материала, выполненное таким образом, чтобы заправлять сшивающий инструмент шовным материалом, причем устройство для шовного материала содержит:колпачок, прикрепленный к концу шовного материала;контейнер для шовного материала, выполненный с возможностью вместить часть шовного материала; идержатель колпачка, содержащий стенку и канал для шовного материала, образованный в стенке, причем канал шовного материала выполнен таким образом, чтобы вмещать отрезок шовного материала, а стенка выполнена с возможностью предотвратить прохождение колпачка в канал шовного материала и выровнять в одну линию колпачок с отрезком шовного материала для заправки в сшивающий инструмент.2. Устройство для шовного материала по п.1, где контейнер для шовного материала содержит:первый фланец, выступающий из первой бобинной части; ивторой фланец, выступающий из второй бобинной части, причем поверхность намотки шовного материала образуется соединением первой и второй бобинных частей, и первый ...

27-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98123776A

Игла для ушивания троакарных ран, выполненная из медицинской нержавеющей стали с крючком на конце, отличающаяся тем, что она выполнена в виде двух взаимосвязанных частей, причем, крючок, выполненный со скругленным атравматичным концом, помещен с возможностью перемещения внутри трубчатой корпус-иглы, имеющей заостренный конец, позволяющий осуществлять прокол ушиваемых тканей, одновременно корпус-игла является защитным кожухом для крючка и дополнительно снабжена гайкой, фиксирующей детали в сборе, а крючок снабжен фиксатором, ограничивающим его движение, и пружиной, осуществляющей возврат крючка в исходное положение.

10-02-2004 дата публикации

Устройство дл оперативного лечени грыж передней брюшной стенки

Номер: RU2002119107A

Устройство для оперативного лечения грыж передней брюшной стенки, содержащее рукоятку и изогнутый стержень с отверстием, отличающееся тем, что конец стрежня выполнен изогнутым под углом 8-10°, поперечное сечение стержня имеет размеры: 3,5-4,0×6,0-7,0 мм, длина стержня - 200,0-250,0 мм, отверстие стержня выполнено замкнутым с размерами 3,0-4, 0×13,0-15,0 мм.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011146469A

... 1. Нить (100; 200; 300), в частности типа безузлового или самофиксирующегося шовного материала, содержащая удлиненную основу (110; 210; 310) нити, которая содержит на своей поверхности выступающие закрепляющие элементы (120; 220; 320) для закрепления в биологических тканях, в частности в тканях человека и/или животных, отличающаяся тем, что закрепляющие элементы (120; 220; 320) имеют придающее жесткость покрытие (130; 230; 330).2. Нить (100; 200; 300) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что придающее жесткость покрытие (130; 230; 330) сформировано только в области закрепляющих элементов (120; 220; 320).3. Нить (100; 200; 300) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что придающее жесткость покрытие (130; 230; 330) сформировано только на закрепляющих элементах (120; 220; 320).4. Нить (100; 200; 300) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что придающее жесткость покрытие (130; 230; 330) только частично сформировано на закрепляющих элементах (120; 220; 320).5. Нить (100; 200; 300) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что придающее жесткость ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002125436A

... 1. Иглодержатель хирургический, содержащий шарнирно соединенные бранши с кольцевыми ручками и кремальеру, соединенные через трубчатый корпус и тягу расположенную в нем с губками, отличающийся тем, что одна губка (подвижная) имеет углевидную (клиновую) форму с прижимной (радиусной) рабочей поверхностью, а рабочая поверхность другой (неподвижной) губки имеет продольное опорное углубление трапециевидной формы. 2. Иглодержатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что глубина и ширина продольного опорного углубления соответствует максимальной кривизне (минимальному радиусу) используемых изогнутых хирургических игл.

20-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002129869A

Хирургический шовный материал в виде нити из сплава на основе никелида титана с равными критическими напряжениями знакопеременной деформации в интервале рабочих температур 10-45°С, отличающийся тем, что сплав имеет указанные критические напряжения 250-400 МПа.

27-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU96120744A

... 1. Атравматическая медицинская игла, выполненная в виде изогнутого стержня, имеющего острый и тупой концы, в тупом конце которого выполнен торцевой осевой канал, в котором закреплена нить, отличающаяся тем, что ее поверхность покрыта углеродной пленкой толщиной а острый конец выполнен с закруглением, радиус которого R = 0,1 - 1 мкм. 2. Способ изготовления атравматической медицинской иглы, включающий правку проволоки, резку ее на заготовки с образованием копья иглы, термообработку заготовки, предварительную механическую заточку копья иглы, с последующими электрохимической заточкой и полировкой, оформление торцевого осевого канала для закрепления нити, с последующим обжимом иглы с нитью, гибку иглы по радиусу, отличающийся тем, что после электрохимической полировки заготовки осуществляют плазменную обработку копья иглы, а после оформления торцевого осевого канала для закрепления нити, осуществляют покрытие заготовки углеродной пленкой. 3. Способ изготовления атравматической медицинской иглы ...

27-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97104810A

... 1. Иглодержатель, содержащий перекрещивающиеся бранши с кремальерой, ручками и прижимными губками, имеющими фигурные рабочие стороны и сквозную продольную прорезь в первой губке, отличающийся тем, что его вторая прижимная губка выполнена цельной, а фигурные рабочие стороны сформированы вогнутыми, или прямыми, или выгнутыми, например, в виде частей цилиндров, или частей эллипсов, или частей овалов, или гипербол, или парабол, или конических сечений, или в виде сочетаний вогнутых поверхностей, прямых поверхностей и поверхностей выгнутых, например, в виде частей цилиндров, эллипсов, овалов, гипербол, парабол и конических сечений. 2. Иглодержатель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что его рабочие стороны имеют армирование износостойкими твердыми сплавами, или сплавом, или износостойкое твердое покрытие или покрытия, или диффузное упрочнение, например, хромирование, или лазерное упрочнение, или электроискровое лигирование. 3. Иглодержатель по п. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что рабочая сторона второй ...

27-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99114588A

Хирургическая игла, имеющая первый тупой конец, изогнутое и уплощенное тело, обжатый вокруг нити второй конец, отличающаяся тем, что на ее первом конце расположен коаксиально выступающий элемент в виде треугольной пирамиды с режущими кромками.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012111818A

Хирургическая игла, которая имеет острие иглы для введения в биомедицинскую ткань, которое сформировано на ведущем конце, где размер острия иглы в направлении толщины материала медицинской хирургической иглы представляет собой значение, не превышающее 5% от толщины медицинской хирургической иглы.

27-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014132781A

... 1. Атравматичная канюля для нитевого лифтинга, включающая в себя полую иглу, закрепленную нерабочим концом в полом основании, внутренний диаметр которого не меньше внутреннего диаметра иглы, а размеры достаточны для надежной фиксации основания пальцами руки, при этом рабочий конец иглы выполнен в виде заостренного наконечника с конической внешней поверхностью, а выходное отверстие выполнено вверху иглы на ее боковой поверхности, края отверстия по ходу от конца иглы образованы наклонным срезом по цилиндрической части наконечника иглы по направлению к продольному плоскому срезу наконечника, а также продольными гранями в полой части иглы и плоским срезом в радиальном направлении к оси иглы, при этом от продольного плоского среза наконечника внутрь иглы выполнена наклонная поверхность, соприкасающаяся с внутренней поверхностью иглы.2. Атравматичная канюля для нитевого лифтинга по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что углы наклона к оси иглы наклонного среза по цилиндрической части наконечника иглы, а ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95105703A1
Автор: Зигмонд Г.В.

Изобретение относится к медицинским инструментам, используемым в косметологической, дерматологической и хирургической практике для удаления из пораженных участков кожи (акне, комедоны, милиумы, угревая сыпь и др.) секрета сальной железы, гнойной жидкости, спущенного эпителия, а также для удаления инородных тел из кожи. Целью изобретения является создание инструмента, обеспечивающего полное удаление содержимого из пораженного участка кожи с наименьшей травматизацией, а также высокую маневренность (возможно удаление в наиболее неудобных и малодоступных местах, например в ушах), соединяя в одном инструменте необходимые детали для всех этапов работы, связанной с чисткой пораженных участков кожи. Указанная цель достигается тем, что "Галиватор" выполнен в виде плоского дугообразного стержня с головкой полусферой и шейкой, плавно переходящей в расширенную часть стержня, являющуюся держателем, и плавно переходящего в игольчатое окончание, что обеспечивает два рабочих конца.

27-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95103934A1

Изобретение относится к медицинским инструментам, в частности к хирургическим иглам, и предназначено для ушивания ран после лапараскопии. Игла выполнена в виде спирали 1, на остром конце выбрано ушко 2 с прорезью 3, на противоположном конце иглы прикреплен барашек 4. Лигатура имеет на конце петлю с ершиком, снабженным эластичными лепестками. Петля надеваемся на конец иглы, а лигатура пропускается через ушко 2. Игла вкалывается или в стенку раны, или у ее края. Вращательными движениями с помощью барашка 4 игла погружается в ткани вокруг раневого канала, достигает нужной глубины вместе с лигатурой. При обратном вращении иглы 1 с помощью барашка 4 произойдет незначительное натяжение лигатуры, что приведет к расплавлению лепестков ерша и фиксации кончика лигатуры на этом месте. Дальнейшее обратное вращение иглы 1 приведет к извлечению иглы и удалению ее. Подтягивание за конец лигатуры, который спиралеобразно охватывает раневой канал, приведет к закрытию раны.

20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006144439A

... 1. Снабженный шипами шовный материал, содержащийудлиненную основную часть,один острый конец,множество шипов, выступающих из периферии основной части, позволяющих шовному материалу продвигаться через ткань в направлении движения острого конца и препятствующих движению шовного материала в направлении, противоположном движению острого конца, иодин конец со стопором, содержащим по меньшей мере одно дугообразное ответвление, простирающееся наружу от периферии основной части в большей степени, чем шипы, и препятствующим движению шовного материала в направлении движения острого конца.2. Снабженный шипами шовный материал по п.1, в котором стопор имеет множество дугообразных ответвлений, расположенных, по существу, на равном расстоянии друг от друга вокруг основной части шовного материала.3. Снабженный шипами шовный материал по п.1, в котором стопор имеет множество дугообразных ответвлений, расположенных, по существу, на различном расстоянии друг от друга вокруг основной части шовного материала.4 ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004105594A

... 1. Способ вырезания зазубрин на нити с продольной осью, включающий в себя следующие этапы: обеспечение наличия нити, обеспечение наличия режущего лезвия, создание зазубрины на указанной нити путем смещении лезвия с учетом его режущего воздействия на нить в трех измерениях по осям X-Y-Z нити, обусловленного сочетанием геометрической формы лезвия и его смещения, и использование средства для смещения лезвия, обеспечивающего указанное режущее воздействие для создания зазубрины. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором геометрическая форма лезвия обеспечивает режущее воздействие на нить вдоль двух осей при смещении этого лезвия, обеспечивающем режущее воздействие вдоль оставшейся оси. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором ось Y является продольной осью нити, ось Х перпендикулярна продольной оси, а ось Z расположена под углом 90° к оси X. 4. Способ по п.3, в котором геометрическая форма лезвия обеспечивает режущее воздействие вдоль осей Y и Z при смещении этого лезвия, обеспечивающем режущее воздействие вдоль оси X ...

07-07-1992 дата публикации

Стерильная упаковка для хирургической нити

Номер: SU1745215A1

Использование: в медицине для хранения хирургических шовных материалов. Сущность изобретения: корпус содержит мембрану, нить, расположенную на шпульке, и заполнен консервантом, а на его наружной поверхности установлена крышка с отверстием и выполнен конусный капилляр. 3 ил.

30-08-1986 дата публикации

Игла хирургическая

Номер: SU1253629A1

30-11-1992 дата публикации

Вспомогательное устройство для микрохирургического анастомоза сосудов

Номер: SU1777838A1

Использование: в микрохирургии при выполнении анастомозов сосудов с диаметром от 0,4 до 2 мм. Сущность изобретения: цилиндрический стержень 1, выполненный с закругленным торцом 2 снабжен поверхностью в виде усеченного конуса 4 с лыской 5 и продольной направляющей канавкой 6 под иглу. Усеченный конус 4 и закругленный торец 2 позволяют легко вводить устройство в просвет сосуда, а расположенная на лыске 5 продольная направляющая канавка 6 обеспечивает вкол иглы перпендикулярно стенке сосуда 5 ил.

15-07-1984 дата публикации

Держатель для шприца

Номер: SU1102582A1

... 1. ДЕРЖАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ШПРИЦА, содержащий две шарнирно соединенные бракши, стопорное приспособление, отличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения осложнений при проведении инфекции в рубцовоизмененные ткани путем увеличения силы обхвата шприца, он снабжен двумя парами губок, выполненных в виде полуколец, и фиксатором иглы, а обе бранши изогнуты под тупым углом, причем губки закреплены на рабочих концах бранш, а фиксатор иглы установлен на рабочем конце первой бранши с возможностью перемещения. 2.Держатель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что рабочие концы обеих бранш выполнены с возможностью изменения их длины. 3.Держатель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно снабжен осветительным блоком расположенным на рабочем конце второй бранши. pua.i ...

15-05-1979 дата публикации

Атравматическая игла

Номер: SU662078A1

23-03-1985 дата публикации

Способ наложения однорядного рассасывающегося шва пищеварительного тракта

Номер: SU1146016A1

СПОСОБ НАЛОЖЕНИЯ ОДНОРЯДНОГ . РАССАСЫВАЮЩЕГОСЯ ШВА ПИЩЕВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО ТРАКТА, включающий прошивание стенок органа за исключением слизистой оболочки по всей длине анастомоза с точным сопоставлением одноименных анатомических структур сшиваемых полых органов и завязывание узлов, отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения послеоперационных осложнений, прошивание выполняют синтетической рассасывающейся нитью последовательно перемежающимися швами, один из которых выполняют проколом серозной, мышечной, подслизистой и основания слизистой оболочек с выколом в торец слизистой оболочки и последующим вколом в торец слизистой оболочки противоположной стороны разреза и выколом со стороны серозной оболочки через те же слои, а дру (Q гой шов выполняют как серозно-мышечно (/) подслизистый, при этом узлы всех швов завязывают со стороны серозной оболочки.

15-08-1983 дата публикации

Игла хирургическая

Номер: SU1034728A1

ХИРУРГИЧЕСКАЯ ИГЛА, выполненная в виде изогнутого стержня, имеющего острый и сплющенный тупой концы, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью снижения травматизма тканей щеки и языка при ушивании альвеолярного гребня, стержень выполнен в виде 1,3-1,7 витка спирали диаметром 1,6-2 см с шагом, равным 1/3-1/4 диаметра спирали.

15-08-1983 дата публикации

Хирургический шовный материал

Номер: SU1034726A1

ХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЙ ШОВНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ, состоящий из хирургической нити с иглой, отличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения травматичности при соединении тканей и улучшения механических свойств иглы, игла выполнена многослойной , причем внутренний слой выполнен из серебра, а последующие из меди, никеля, хрома, причем игла и нить покрыты эластичной оболочкой.

15-08-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для проведения лигатуры

Номер: SU1754075A1

Использование: в медицине при перевязке различных анатомических образований . Сущность изобретения: шарнирные опоры 7 и 8 обеспечивают лигатурному крюку 10 огибание анатомического образования , подлежащего перевязке. 4 ил.

05-04-1973 дата публикации

Устройство для наложения лигатурных швов

Номер: SU376089A1

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Складной пакет для шовного материала

Номер: SU1367836A3

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Цель изобретения - об (US) ям ри АТЕциноб1в легчение извлечения иглы из пакета. Пакет содержит основание 1, разделенное линиями 2 перегиба на несколько частей 3 и 5 с возможностью складывания . Средняя часть 4 основания име- ет ЯЗЫЧ01Г 8, окно 9 для закрепления концов иглы 10, вьфез 11 и выступ 13 для направления шовного материала 12 при извлечении. Часть 3 имеет вырез 14, который при складывании пакета совпадает с вырезом 11, и вьфез 15, в котором при складывании фиксируется срез 16. Части 4 и 5 имеют средства крепления основания в сложенном состоянии в виде язычков 17. Пакет запечатывают в прозрачную оболочку и сте-- рилизуют. 1 з.п. ф-лы. 6 ил. Л,10 31S со ОО О) 00 00 Од С/ 5 ...

05-01-1978 дата публикации

Шовный хирургический материал

Номер: SU587843A3
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК (ФИРМА)

30-01-1993 дата публикации

Хирургическая игла М.А.Мороза

Номер: SU1792322A3
Принадлежит: М.А.Мороз

Использование: в медицине при мало- травматичном ушивании тканей. Сущность изобретения: игла имеет лигатурную петлю, выполненную из капрона толщиной 0,15 мм и расположенную в ушке диаметром 0,4 мм. 3 ил.

13-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069434176D1

10-09-1998 дата публикации

Needle instrument with elongated guide body, especially for piercing tissue in surgery

Номер: DE0019707851A1

The guide body (2) has at least two holes (3,4) extending in a longitudinal direction, and into which at least two needles (5,6) are in inserted until their points (10,11) protrude beyond one outlet end (14) of the guide body. The holes and needles match in size so that a filament threaded through an eye (12,13) in a needle fits into the guide body. The needles with their ends facing the points fit into a fixture piece (8). The guide body is rounded near the outlet end.

14-12-2006 дата публикации

Surgical needle, comprises imprinted structure and pointed tip created by electrodischarge machining

Номер: DE202006014649U1

The needle is made of a blank (10) which can be a metal wire of a cylindrical shape (12). The wire comprises a shaft (14) and a tip segment (16). In a first step the blank (10) is positioned between two dies in order to be provided with a pattern on two sides consisting of a multitude of pyramidal depressions with straight bridges between them. The wire can now be optionally bent if a curved needle is required. The tip (16) of the needle is inserted into an electrolytic bath and the shaft (14) connected to a positive electrode. A repeated dipping determines the length of the pointed tip (16).

10-07-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003323867C2
Принадлежит: JASCH, HANS-PETER

04-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000134913A5

07-05-2009 дата публикации

Medizinisches Instrument

Номер: DE112007001095T5

Ein medizinisches Instrument (10), das eine Punktionsnadel zur Einführung von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (20); eine Punktionsnadel zum Ergreifen von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (30), die im wesentlichen parallel mit der Punktionsnadel zur Einführung von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (20) bereitgestellt ist, wobei sie von dieser einen vorbestimmten Abstand getrennt ist; einen Führungsstab (40), der gleitend in das Innere der Punktionsnadel zum Ergreifen von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (20) eingeführt wird; und ein Fixierungsteil (50), an dem die Punktionsnadel zur Einführung von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (20) und die Punktionsnadel zum Ergreifen von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (30) befestigt sind, umfasst, wobei der Führungsstab (40) am distalen Ende desselben mit einem Ringteil (42) versehen ist, das aus einem elastischen Material hergestellt ist und im Inneren der Punktionsnadel zum Ergreifen von chirurgischem Nahtmaterial (30) unterbringbar ist, und wenn das Ringteil (42) aus dem distalen ...

26-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060239746D1

22-01-2009 дата публикации

Maschine und Verfahren zur Herstellung von Nahtmaterial mit Widerhaken

Номер: DE0069840351D1

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Chirurgische Nähnadel

Номер: DE0069821067T2
Принадлежит: MANI INC, MANI, INC.

14-08-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007513482U
Принадлежит: STORZ K

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Energy based devices and methods for treatment of patent foramen ovale

Номер: US20120010608A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

Methods and apparatus for treatment of patent foramen ovale (PFO) provide for applying energy to tissues adjacent the PFO with a catheter device to substantially close the PFO acutely. Apparatus generally includes a catheter device having at least one energy transmission member at or near its distal end configured to apply energy to PFO tissues to acutely, substantially close the PFO. Applied energy may be monopolar or bipolar radiofrequency energy or any other suitable energy, such as laser, microwave, ultrasound, resistive heating or the like. Some embodiments of a catheter device fuirther include one or more tissue apposition members near the distal end for helping bring PFO tissues together, such as a PFO covering member, a vacuum applying member and/or the like. PFO closure via energy-based approaches of the invention may help prevent stroke, treat migraine headache, and possibly treat or prevent other medical conditions.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Fold-Resistant Pelvic Implant System and Method

Номер: US20120016182A1
Принадлежит: AMS Research LLC

A pelvic non-folding hammock implant is provided. Such an implant can be constructed of a polymer material to provide an implant portion, e.g., support portion, having one or more extending and independent teeth-like features defining a fold control portion in a generally comb-like construct. The individual teeth resist folding by providing independently reacting extensions along the fold control portion.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for fusing a human or animal joint as well as fusion device and tool set for carrying out the method

Номер: US20120022535A1
Принадлежит: WW Tech AG

The fusion device for fusing a synovial joint of a human or animal patient, in particular a human facet joint, finger joint or toe joint, includes two pin-shaped anchorage portions ( 1 ) and arranged therebetween a stabilization portion ( 2 ). The anchorage portions ( 1 ) include a thermoplastic material which is liquefiable by mechanical vibration. The stabilization portion ( 2 ) preferably has a surface which is equipped for enhancing osseointegration. The anchorage portions ( 1 ) have a greater thickness (T 1 ) and a greater depth (D) than the stabilization portion ( 2 ). Then the fusion device is pushed between the articular surfaces and mechanical vibration, in particular ultrasonic vibration, is applied to the proximal face ( 4 ) of the fusion device. Thereby the liquefiable material is liquefied where in contact with the bone tissue and penetrates into the bone tissue, where after re-solidification it constitutes a positive fit connection between the fusion device and the bone tissue.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Multiple anchor delivery tool

Номер: US20120022557A1
Принадлежит: Valtech Cardio Ltd

An anchor deployment tool includes a flexible outer tube, within which is positioned a flexible inner shaft, and a rotating deployment element coupled to a distal end of the shaft. The tool is configured to provide an anchor storage area, which initially stores a plurality of tissue anchors, such that the inner shaft passes through channels of the anchors along entire longitudinal lengths of the anchors, and the anchors are within the outer tube. The rotating deployment element is configured to directly engage the anchors in the anchor storage area one at a time, advance each of the anchors while engaged in a distal direction, and deploy each of the anchors through the distal tube end and into tissue of a subject. Other embodiments are also described.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Compression bone staple, apparatus and method of the invention

Номер: US20120024937A1
Автор: Drew Allen
Принадлежит: Dallen Medical Inc

A method and apparatus for interosseous bone fixation uses a compression staple, generally U-shaped, having a pair of legs with sharp front ends and proximal ends interconnect by a bridge portion that is resilient and bowed, the staple having an initial configuration and capable of a tensioned configuration by spreading apart the legs by a certain amount causing the curvature of the bowed bridge to lessen and the legs urged towards each other with certain compressive spring force. A staple applicator supports and guides the staple and positions the tensioned staple with its pointed ends forward, adjacent an ejection port at the front of the applicator. A powered strike member is mounted for longitudinal movement and has a front end that will strike the rear of the tensioned staple with percussive force and eject it in tensioned configuration from the applicator.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Medical product, in particular for management of tissue repair

Номер: US20120027804A1
Принадлежит: Aesculap AG

A medical product includes at least one elongate body including cells and a method for manufacturing the medical product.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Surgical Tack and Tack Drive Apparatus

Номер: US20120029538A1
Автор: Steven M. Reeser
Принадлежит: Laprotx Llc

A fastener is provided for attaching body tissue to body tissue or another material to body tissue. The fastener includes a head portion, a body portion, and an anchoring element. The anchoring element is on the distal end of the fastener, and has one or more barbs or similar anchoring devices that are configured to prevent removal of the fastener once it is attached to the body tissue. The head is located on the proximal end of the fastener, and anchors the body tissue or other material when the fastener is attached to the body tissue. The disclosure also provides a driver apparatus for inserting the fasteners. The applicator device includes an indexer for sequentially indexing one or more fasteners, and a driver for applying an insertion force to a fastener that is sufficient to insert the fastener and attach it to body tissue. The disclosure also provides a method of using the fastener and applicator device.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Meniscal repair systems and methods

Номер: US20120035625A1
Принадлежит: Cayenne Medical Inc

A device for repairing a tear in a portion of tissue comprises a proximal actuator portion, a transfer needle extending distally from the proximal actuator portion and a catch needle extending distally from the proximal actuator portion. A suture needle is disposed in the transfer needle, and is extendable from the transfer needle toward the catch needle and retractable from the catch needle toward the transfer needle. An extendable catch plunger is disposed in the catch needle for capturing suture therein when it is transferred from the transfer needle. A retractable insertion sheath is provided for covering the transfer needle and the catch needle when the device is inserted into a procedural site. A depth limiting apparatus limits the depth of insertion of the needle into the procedural site.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable Compression Staple and Method for Stapling with Adjustable Compression

Номер: US20120046692A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A method for applying and maintaining optimal tissue compression with a staple includes piercing tissue with deformable distal ends of staple legs, each distal end defining a stapling point shaped to pierce material, the two staple legs coupled to each other at base ends thereof by a bridge and together forming a substantially U-shaped staple body. The two staple legs enter the tissue until the tissue applies a compressive force to a compression device disposed at least partly between the two staple legs. The compression device has a compression surface movably disposed between the two staple legs and a compression resistor that is connected to the bridge and to the compression surface and operable to resist movement of the compression surface towards the bridge with a force. The two staple legs are deformed to maintain the compressive force between the tissue and the compression device.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Staple drive assembly

Номер: US20120055971A1

A staple drive assembly includes an actuation sled and at least one staple pusher. The staple drive assembly is adapted to fit within a staple cartridge having a plurality of staples and a corresponding number of retention slots. The at least one staple pusher includes at least one pusher plate for releasably engaging a backspan of a staple. The staple pusher may include a plurality of pusher plates that may be laterally and longitudinally spaced apart. An actuation member has at least one angled camming surface for engaging a complimentary angled surface of the at least one staple pusher. Camming engagement between the actuation member and the at least one staple pusher causes vertical movement of the at least one staple pusher. Lateral and longitudinal offset of the actuation member camming surfaces and the corresponding staple pusher following surfaces improves stability and control of the staple pusher during firing.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Septal defect closure device

Номер: US20120065673A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for closing a septal defect of a patient comprising a covering member and at least one retaining leg. The covering member has a first configuration for delivery and a second configuration for placement on the first side of the defect. The at least one retaining leg is configured to contact tissue on the second side of the defect to retain the covering member and has a first configuration for delivery and a second configuration for placement on the second side of the defect.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for inserting an artificial implant between two adjacent vertebrae along a coronal plane

Номер: US20120071984A1
Автор: Gary Karlin Michelson

A method for inserting an artificial implant between two adjacent vertebrae along a corona plane,

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for Surgical Stapling

Номер: US20120080494A1
Принадлежит: Cardica Inc

An exemplary surgical method of treating tissue within the body of a patient, may include providing an endocutter having a knife, a staple holder along which the knife is slidable, feeder belts located on each side of the knife, staples having a first size, those staples integral with and breakable from at least one feeder belt, and staples having a second size different from the first size, those staples integral with and breakable from at least one feeder belt; engaging tissue of the patient with the staple holder; deploying at least two staples having a first size; disengaging tissue of the patient from the staple holder; once again engaging tissue of the patient with the same staple holder; and deploying at least two staples having a second size.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Mechanical method and apparatus for sequential tissue fastening

Номер: US20120083831A1
Автор: James A. Peterson
Принадлежит: Incisive Surgical Inc

A mechanical system for rotatably, sequentially securing opposing sides of a tissue wound with a fastener. An applicator apparatus is capable of imparting rotatable motion to a falcate tissue penetrator that sequentially pierces and carries a fastener into a first side and a second side of the tissue wound. The first side and second side of tissue can be simultaneously captured and positioned with respect to a tissue definition member or alternatively, the first tissue side and second tissue side can be individually, sequentially captured and positioned relative to the tissue definition member. The applicator apparatus can comprise a single fastener for small tissue wounds or resections or alternatively, the applicator can comprise a plurality of staged fasteners for use in closing a larger wounds or wounds with increased tension.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical stapler and method of surgical stapling

Номер: US20120085809A1
Автор: Simcha Milo
Принадлежит: QuickRing Medical Tech Ltd

Surgical stapling methods and tools which allow a surgeon to create several different predetermined amounts of tissue constriction using the same staple ( 11 ) loaded in such a tool ( 31 ). An improved staple construction ( 61 ) of increased rigidity is also shown.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for guiding a suture thread

Номер: US20120095481A1
Принадлежит: Synthes USA LLC

A suture device is configured to guide a suture thread. The device includes a sleeve that defines an opening, and a plunger to which a suture thread can be attached. The plunger can be inserted into the opening of the sleeve, and movable between a retracted position and an advanced position. When the plunger is in the retracted position, a distal portion of the suture thread is located proximal with respect to the distal end of the suture device. When the plunger is in the advanced position, the distal portion of the suture thread is driven out the distal end of the suture device.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for providing surgical access

Номер: US20120095504A1

One embodiment is directed to a method for providing surgical access across a wall of a tissue structure, comprising: measuring a thickness of the wall of the tissue structure at a targeted entry location; and providing a helical needle having a helical needle pitch selected to pull an intercoupled suture member across the wall with a distal portion of the needle such that a deployed suture pattern is formed, the deployed suture pattern being characterized in that it is substantially helical and represents a number of helical loops substantially encapsulated by the wall of the tissue structure that is greater than about one helical loop, and is less than about three helical loops.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

High-Strength Suture

Номер: US20120101523A1
Принадлежит: Teleflex Medical Inc

A surgical suture is made of an elongate, hollow braid of high strength fibers. The braid defines an elongate, longitudinally-extending, central chamber that is open and without any core material extending therein so that, when a surgeon's knot is tied with the suture, the cross-sectional shape of the braid collapses upon itself and is reduced in size in response to pressures experienced when the knot is tightened thereby producing a low profile knot that resists slippage. Preferably, the braid is of a size corresponding to a USP size 5-0 to USP size 7 suture and has one or more, preferably a pair, of color contrasting monofilaments woven therein to enhance suture visibility. Methods of making a flattened suture and of utilizing the high strength suture to maintain body tissues in an engaged position to promote healing are also provided.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Surgical tilt anvil assembly

Номер: US20120104073A1

A surgical tilt anvil assembly including a rod and a head assembly including an anvil plate having staple deforming pockets. The head assembly is pivotally secured to the rod and pivotal in relation to the rod between a first tilted position, a non-tilted position and a second different tilted position. The head assembly passes from the first tilted position, through the non-tilted position to the second tilted position.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Staple Formed Over the Wire Wound Closure Procedure

Номер: US20120111920A1
Автор: Stanislaw Kostrzewski

An anvil assembly is provided and includes an anvil member having a plurality of staple bending pockets formed in a face of the anvil member and a length of reinforcing material suspended across the staple bending pockets. Longitudinal channels are provided in the face of the anvil member to releasably retain the reinforcing material. The longitudinal channels transect the staple bending pockets and support and suspend the reinforcing material over the staple bending pockets such that a leg of a surgical staple can be bent around the reinforcing material. Various configurations of fully formed staples are also disclosed and include a backspan having first and second legs extending from the backspan. First portions of each of the first and legs extend from the backspan and define a plane with the backspan. Second portions of each of the first and second legs extend from the first portions and project outwardly from the plane defined by the backspan and the first second portions.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for treatment of hemorrhoids

Номер: US20120130403A1
Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

A device and method for treatment of hemorrhoids, in which the devices includes: a housing insertable into the rectum; a tissue port configured to receive a tissue segment containing at least a portion of a hemorrhoidal blood vessel; opposing needle chambers including at least one pair of corresponding needles coupled by a suture in which the pair of corresponding needles are substantially opposite to one another and in an active position substantially aligned with the tissue segment; a needle driver that advances the pair of corresponding needles through the tissue segment to encircle a portion of the hemorrhoidal blood vessel with the suture, thereby ligating the hemorrhoidal blood vessel; and an actuator coupled to at least one of the needle chambers that actuates the needle chambers such that another pair of corresponding needles is in the active position.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Suture system

Номер: US20120130405A1

A suture system includes a plurality of double-stranded needles connected in sequence with a single-stranded needle at each end. The double-stranded suture needles incorporates two suture strands into a single needle. The suture system of the present invention facilitates the implantation of valve prostheses.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for circulatory valve repair

Номер: US20120143217A1
Принадлежит: Columbia University of New York

An apparatus for the repair of a cardiovascular valve has leaflets comprising a grasper capable of grabbing and co-apting the leaflets of the valve. In a preferred embodiment, the grasper has jaws that grasp and immobilize the leaflets, and then a fastener is inserted to co-apt the leaflets. The apparatus is particularly useful for repairing mitral valves to cure mitral regurgitation.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Method for Fastening a Hinged Surgical Fastener on Tissue

Номер: US20120143247A1
Принадлежит: ID LLC

A method for fastening a two-piece surgical fastener to bodily tissue whereby the surgical fastener has a safety position. The method comprises inserting first and second piercing posts through at least two layers of tissue and attaching a receiving portion to the coupling ends of the first and second piercing posts. Each of the first and second piercing posts have a fixed end and a coupling end, the first piercing post being fixedly-attached at its fixed end to a first base portion, the second piercing post being fixedly-attached at its fixed end to a second base portion, the first and second base portions being foldably coupled to one another by a hinge, where a bias device imparts a bias force on at least one of the first base portion and the second base portion in a direction toward the other and substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the hinge.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and devices for reducing gastric volume

Номер: US20120165845A1

The present invention involves new interventional methods for reducing gastric volume, and thereby treating obesity. The procedures are generally performed laparoscopically and may generally be described as laparoscopic plication gastroplasty (LPG) in which, after obtaining abdominal access, spaced apart sites on a gastric wall are engaged, approximated and fastened to create one or more tissue folds forming one or more plications projecting into the gastrointestinal space. The serosal tissue may optionally be treated during the procedure to promote the formation of a strong serosa-to-serosa bond that ensures the long-term stability of the tissue plication. These procedures are preferably carried out entirely extragastrically (i.e. without penetrating through the gastrointestinal wall), thereby minimizing the risks of serious complications.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Cellulose suture and method for gradual vessel occlusion using the same

Номер: US20120172900A1
Автор: Guillaume R. Ragetly
Принадлежит: Guillaume Ragetly

A method for occluding a vessel includes exposing a vessel and wrapping a cellulose tube suture around the vessel. The cellulose tube includes first and second opposed ends. The first opposed end is fixed to the second opposed end, and the cellulose tube extends around the vessel. The method further includes inflaming the vessel adjacent to the cellulose tube, inflammation of the vessel gradually occluding the vessel.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Surgical Fastener Applying Apparatus

Номер: US20120193398A1

A surgical stapler is provided. The stapler includes a tubular body portion. A cartridge assembly is disposed at a distal end of the body portion for expelling an annular array of staples. Each of the staples of the annular array of staples has a generally bent backspan. An anvil member disposed at the distal end of the tubular body portion is positioned opposite the cartridge assembly to clinch the staples in tissue upon expulsion of the staples from the cartridge assembly. The anvil member has a corresponding annular array of staple forming buckets. Each of the buckets is configured to accommodate the generally bent configuration of the staples to facilitate formation thereof.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for anastomosis

Номер: US20120197274A1
Автор: Joseph P. Orban, III

Apparatus and methods for performing a surgical anastomotic procedure are disclosed herein. Apparatus according to the present disclosure include at least one fastener including a first fastener portion having an anchoring leg portion, a second fastener portion including an anchoring leg portion, wherein the first and second fastener portions are operatively associated with one another to selectively fix the position of the first fastener portion relative to the second fastener portion.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of preparing a packaged antimicrobial medical device

Номер: US20120199502A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Inc

A method of making a packaged antimicrobial suture comprising the steps of providing a containment compartment that is substantially free of an antimicrobial agent; positioning a suture within the containment compartment, said suture comprising one or more surfaces having an antimicrobial agent disposed thereon, said antimicrobial agent being selected from the group consisting of halogenated hydroxyl ethers, acyloxydiphenyl ethers, and combinations thereof; placing the containment compartment having the suture in an outer package; and subjecting the outer package, the containment compartment and the suture to time, temperature and pressure conditions sufficient to transfer an effective amount of the antimicrobial agent from the suture to the containment compartment, while retaining an effective amount of said antimicrobial agent on the suture, thereby substantially inhibiting bacterial colonization on the suture and the containment compartment.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Detecting Clamping or Firing Failure

Номер: US20120205419A1
Принадлежит: Intuitive Surgical Operations Inc

Systems and methods are provided for detecting failure in clamping of a material and/or firing of a staple into a clamped material and indicating such failure to a user on a user interface. The system and methods are particularly suited for use with end effectors having closing and/or firing mechanisms coupled to an actuator. By monitoring a driving parameter of an actuator that effects the clamping and/or firing, the systems and methods provide an indication of failure in response to the monitored drive parameter. In some embodiments, an indication of failure is output when the monitored drive parameter is outside an acceptable range of desired driving parameters during clamping and/or firing. The disclosed systems and methods are particularly beneficial when used for minimally invasive surgery.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Vessel closure system

Номер: US20120209317A1
Автор: Randolf Von Oepen
Принадлежит: Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc

A power driven vessel closure device is configured for closing a hole in a wall of a body lumen. The vessel closure device can include a power operated drive system and a closure element delivery system. The closure element delivery system can be removably, operably, couplable with the power operated drive system. That is, the closure element system can be directly or indirectly attached to and removed from the power operated drive system, or components thereof. The operation of the power operated drive system can operate the closure element delivery system so as to move the closure element within the vessel closure device and deploy the closure element to close the hole.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for fixing sheet-like materials to a target tissue

Номер: US20120211543A1
Автор: Charles L. Euteneuer
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for attaching a sheet-like implant to a target tissue. The device includes a fastener push rod including a first portion, a second portion and a force limiting mechanism operably coupled between the first portion and the second portion. A fastener is carried by the second portion of the fastener push rod. The force limiting mechanism transmits longitudinal movement of the first portion to the second portion while the forces applied to the fastener by the fastener push rod are less than a predetermined value such that longitudinal movement of the first portion of the fastener push rod causes substantially equivalent longitudinal movement of the second portion. The force limiting mechanism allows relative longitudinal motion between the first and second portions while the forces applied to the fastener are equal to or greater than the predetermined value such that the application of undue forces to the fastener is prevented.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising structure to produce a resilient load

Номер: US20120241501A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge assembly for an end effector of a surgical instrument can comprise a cartridge body, a deformable tube, and a fastener moveable between an initial position and a fired position. The deformable tube can be longitudinally positioned along a length of the cartridge body. When the fastener is moved to the fired position, the fastener can compress a portion of the deformable tube. The deformable tube can comprise a resilient material such that deformation of the deformable tube generates a restoring force. The deformable tube can comprise a lattice of strands woven together to form a tube wall. Further, the deformable tube can be bioabsorbable and can hold a therapeutic agent. The fastener cartridge assembly can comprise multiple, substantially parallel deformable tubes positioned side-by-side and/or within each other.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Knot tying surgical needle driver

Номер: US20120245601A1
Автор: Steven Preston Benson
Принадлежит: Individual

A modification to a standard needle driver in the form of a deployable and retractable projection at the working end of the needle driver with which the operator can control the suture in order to facilitate tying a knot in the suture. This modification solves the difficult problem of controlling the suture during the rate-limiting step of knot tying allowing for faster, easier knot tying in laparoscopic and single port surgery.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Probe coupler assembly

Номер: US20120253368A1
Автор: Chun Kee Lui
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

An assembly for joining two vessel segments of a patient includes a coupler formed of adjoining coupler halves. Each coupler half includes an aperture for receiving an end of one of the vessel segments. One of the coupler halves includes a connector element configured for connection to the other coupler half. The vessel segments are alignable in the respective coupler halves such that a path for fluid flow is formed therebetween upon connection of the coupler halves. A probe is aligned in engagement with a coupler half for generating a signal corresponding to fluid flow through the path.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Surgical Filament Snare Assemblies

Номер: US20120253390A1
Автор: Mehmet Sengun
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek LLC

A surgical filament snare assembly including an anchor capable of being fixated in bone and having a filament engagement feature. A first filament has a noose with first and second noose limbs connected, preferably slidably, to the filament engagement feature. The first and second noose limbs emerge from the anchor as first and second free filament limbs that are capable of being passed through tissue to be repaired and then passable through the noose. The noose is capable of receiving the free filament limbs and strangulating them when tension is applied to at least one of the free filament limbs and the noose to enable incremental tensioning of the tissue after anchor fixation. Preferably, the snare assembly further includes a flexible sleeve joining at least some portion of the first and second free filament limbs to facilitate passing of the free filament limbs as a single unit.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Surgical staplers with tissue protection and related methods

Номер: US20120255986A1
Принадлежит: Wake Forest University Health Sciences

Surgical staplers include: (a) a stapler head having opposed first and second elongate jaws with opposing proximal and distal end portions; (b) a staple cartridge held in at least one of the first and second jaws, the stapler cartridge configured to concurrently deliver a plurality of parallel rows of staples; and (c) a tissue protection segment held in a proximal portion of at least one of the first and second jaws. The jaws are configured to close against target tissue and, at stapler firing, staples are delivered to a subset of tissue held inside the jaws so that tissue held by the tissue protection segment adjacent the proximal end portion of the stapler is not stapled.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Surgical instrument with indicator

Номер: US20120265178A1
Автор: Keith L. Milliman

A surgical stapling instrument including a handle assembly, an elongated body portion extending distally from the handle assembly, a head portion and an indicator. A firing trigger is movable between first and second positions. The head portion includes an anvil assembly and a shell assembly. The anvil assembly is movable in relation to the shell assembly between spaced and approximated positions. The indicator is disposed in mechanical cooperation with the handle assembly and is movable between a first position and a second position in response to movement of the anvil assembly towards its approximated position. The indicator is movable between the second position and a third position in response to firing of the instrument.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Suturing instrument having a fixing means

Номер: US20120271325A1
Автор: Sang Jin Yoon
Принадлежит: RIMSCIENCE CO Ltd

Provided is a suture apparatus having a fixing means. In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a suture apparatus including: a support, a needle driving unit, and a surgical needle, wherein the surgical needle is accommodated in the needle driving unit to move with respect to the support, and a first suture from the surgical needle and a second suture from the support are entangled according to the movement, wherein the suture apparatus further includes a fixing unit for fixing a tissue to be sutured to the support and releasing the fixation of the tissue.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Transoral endoscopic gastroesophageal flap valve restoration device, assembly, system and method

Номер: US20120277776A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides a device, assembly, and method for transoral endoscopic restoration of a gastroesophageal flap valve. The invention also provides a self-steering and self-closing tissue fixation device for tissue fixation, and an invaginator device for gripping and maneuvering tissue. The restoration device includes a longitudinal member arranged for transoral placement into a stomach, a tissue shaper carried on the longitudinal member that causes stomach tissue to assume a shape related to a gastroesophageal flap, and a tissue fixation device that maintains the shaped stomach tissue in a shape approximating a gastroesophageal flap. The tissue shaper may include a mold. The device may include the invaginator device for gripping and maneuvering esophageal tissue to aid restoration of the gastroesophageal flap, and may include the tissue fixation device.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Source/seed delivery surgical staple device for delivering local source/seed direclty to a staple margin

Номер: US20120289762A1
Автор: Nazly Makoui Shariati
Принадлежит: Individual

A source delivery surgical staple device delivers a source/seed to a staple margin. The surgical staple delivery device includes a main staple body segment hingedly attached to a second body segment. Each of the segments is appointed for engagement to dispense the sources/seeds and/or a surgical staple to the staple margin. The device also includes a cartridge removably attached and snapped onto the main staple body segment. The cartridge has at least one staple line appointed for housing surgical staples, and being operative to form at least one staple line of surgical staples, and at least one cut line. The cartridge also has at least one source/seed/brachy staple line forming a brachy or radioactive seeds and/or chemotherapy agent dosage source. The radioactive seeds have a radioactive and/or chemotherapy source supported by leg portions that are manipulated during insert for fastening the radioactive staples to tissue at an incision margin. With this arrangement, a hybrid of chemotherapy agent and radiation is delivered directly into the staple lines and different dosage brachy loads can be loaded in the cartridge.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Tissue graft anchoring

Номер: US20120290002A1
Принадлежит: Smith and Nephew Inc

A method of securing a tissue graft includes providing a fixation member having a suture attached thereto, attaching the suture to the tissue graft, and adjusting the length of the suture between the fixation member and the tissue graft by pulling an end of the suture. A fixation device includes a member defining at least two openings and a suture passing through the at least two openings. The suture has a first end received within the suture through an open second end of the suture and exits the suture through a first opening in the suture between the first and second suture ends. A fixation device includes a suture having two closed loop portions that pass through openings in a member. A first suture end is received within the suture through a first opening in the suture, and a second suture end is received within the suture through a second opening in the suture.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Clip Apparatus for Closing Septal Defects and Methods of Use

Номер: US20120296346A1
Автор: Richard S. Ginn
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for closing a septal defect, such as a patent foramen ovale, includes a clip formed from a superelastic material that is inserted into a septum wall of a heart. The clip is advanced through a patient's vasculature, e.g., within a delivery apparatus, until the clip is disposed within a first chamber adjacent the septal defect. Tines of the clip are directed through a flap of tissue of the septal defect until the tines of the clip are disposed within a second opposing chamber. The clip then transforms into its relaxed state, wherein the tines of the clip engage with a surface of the second chamber, thereby substantially closing the septal opening.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Corkscrew Annuloplasty Device

Номер: US20120296417A1
Автор: Jason Hill, Mark L. Jenson
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

An annuloplasty device having a plurality of corkscrew anchors is herein disclosed. In some embodiments, the annuloplasty device includes a core wire extending along the length of the device, and at least one corkscrew wire which is operably connected to the corkscrews to screw the corkscrews into heart tissue. In certain embodiments, one or more of the corkscrew wires includes a drive key and the corkscrew anchors are connected to a sleeve with a keyway that engages the drive key on the corkscrew wires. In addition, in some embodiments, the device includes a retractable sheath, which is disposed over the corkscrews to protect them during insertion of the device.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Variable compression surgical fastener cartridge

Номер: US20120298723A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical fastener applying apparatus having a first jaw and a second jaw. The first jaw includes a cartridge body having plurality of surgical fasteners disposed therein. The plurality of surgical fasteners include a plurality of first surgical fasteners having a first backspan with a first configuration, and a plurality of second surgical fasteners having a second backspan with a second, different configuration such that the plurality of first surgical fasteners apply a first compressive force to tissue upon formation and the plurality of second surgical fasteners apply a second, different compressive force to tissue upon formation.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Cartridge for Applying Varying Amounts of Tissue Compression

Номер: US20120305628A1

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple cartridge and an anvil member. The staple cartridge includes a plurality of surgical fasteners disposed in rows of retention slots. The staple cartridge may have an annular or linear configuration of retention slots. The tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge may be tapered or stepped. The anvil member has a tissue contacting surface that includes a number of pockets arranged for substantially aligning with the retention slots. In addition, the tissue contacting surface of the anvil member may complement the tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Surgical fastener applying apparatus

Номер: US20120312858A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical fastener applying apparatus for applying fasteners to body tissue. The apparatus includes a clamping lever including a cantilevered locking member for engaging a catch member positioned at the proximal portion of a cartridge receiving half-section of the apparatus to retain the clamping lever in a clamped position. The clamping lever can include a protrusion which is receivable in a depression on the cartridge receiving half-section. The apparatus includes a disposable firing assembly and cartridge.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Suturing assembly providing bi-directional needle movement through uni-directional actuator movement

Номер: US20120323261A1
Принадлежит: Coloplast AS

A suturing assembly includes shaft attached between a handle and a head. The handle includes a brace and an actuator attached to the handle, where the actuator has a neutral position that is distal the brace. The shaft defines a longitudinal axis of the assembly. The head includes a proximal portion housing a needle that is movable through a needle exit port, and a distal end spaced apart from the proximal portion by a throat. The distal end is radially offset from the longitudinal axis and defines a cavity. Movement of the actuator from the neutral position to the brace moves the needle both in a first direction out of the needle exit port into the cavity and in a second direction out of the cavity and into the needle exit port.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Suturing system and assembly

Номер: US20120323263A1
Принадлежит: Coloplast AS

A suturing assembly is provided that is configured to pull a capsule attached to a suture through tissue. The suturing assembly includes a shaft aligned on a longitudinal axis of the suturing assembly, and a head coupled to the shaft. The head includes a proximal portion and a distal end spaced apart from the proximal portion by a throat. The proximal portion houses a needle that is movable through a needle exit port. The proximal portion of the head and the needle exit port are both aligned on the longitudinal axis. A proximal side of the distal end of the head defines a cavity adapted to receive the capsule and a distal side of the distal end of the head defines a slot adapted to allow the suture to pass through the distal end of the head and into the cavity.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods and devices for the treatment of urinary incontinence

Номер: US20120330094A1
Автор: Robert F. Rioux
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

Methods and devices for treating female stress urinary incontinence are disclosed. The methods include transvaginally accessing the pelvic cavity and introducing a suburethral sling into the retropubic space. In some embodiments the ends of the sling are attached to an anatomical support structure. In other embodiments, the ends of the suburethral sling are not attached to an anatomical support structure. The devices include a surgical instrument for blunt dissection of the pelvic cavity which includes a curved shaft and a blunt distal end. A hook deployment device may optionally be attached to the surgical instrument.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling Apparatus Having a Wound Closure Material Applicator Assembly

Номер: US20130008937A1
Автор: Frank J. Viola

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple anvil and a staple cartridge having a working surface, one or more rows of individual staple slots formed in the working surface, a knife track formed along a length of the working surface, and a plurality of surgical staples individually disposed within the individual staple slots. The apparatus further includes an actuation sled having a knife and being configured and adapted to movably position the knife axially within the knife track. The apparatus also includes a wound closure material applicator assembly having a needle secured to the knife to dispense a quantity of wound closure material along a length of the knife track as the actuation sled and knife are moved therealong.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Tack and Tack Drive Apparatus

Номер: US20130012961A1
Автор: Steven M. Reeser
Принадлежит: Laprotx Llc

An applicator for applying a barbed fastener to a body tissue-is provided. The applicator comprises an elongated tubular portion having a longitudinal axis extending from a proximal end to a distal end and having a tube interior sized and configured for receiving the barbed fastener. An elongate driver is disposed at least partially inside the tube interior, the driver having a driver engaging portion at its distal end. The driver engaging portion is adapted to engage the barbed fastener in a firing position adjacent the distal end of the elongated tubular portion. The applicator also comprises; a driver actuator assembly adjacent the driver at its proximal end, the driver actuator assembly being adapted for selectively imparting an impulse force to the driver. The driver is configured for transmitting the impulse force to the barbed fastener.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Suture passer and method

Номер: US20130012965A1
Принадлежит: MTP Solutions LLC

Instruments and techniques to pass a suture are presented. The instruments and techniques are particularly useful where access to confined spaces and the ability to pass a suture through difficult to penetrate materials are needed. The instruments and techniques are particularly useful in surgery of the hands and feet.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Suturing method

Номер: US20130023904A1

A suturing method includes inserting an endoscope having a pressing part attached to a distal end thereof into a body cavity, and moving the endoscope to a near side of tissue; inserting a suturing instrument having a suturing unit mounted thereon into a channel of the endoscope, and projecting a distal part from the distal end of the endoscope; moving the anchor holder having the plurality of anchors accommodated therein to a back side opposite to the near side of the tissue; and inserting the distal end of the anchor holder into the tissue from the back side opposite to the near side while the tissue is pressed by the pressing part from the near side, and ejecting at least one of the plurality of anchors from the anchor holder which is attached to ends of a suture thread in the suturing unit.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapler Having an Articulation Mechanism

Номер: US20130032627A1
Автор: Frank J. Viola
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An articulation mechanism for use with a surgical instrument includes a shaft, a first member disposed in mechanical cooperation with the articulation shaft, a second member disposed in mechanical cooperation with the shaft, and a flexible shaft having proximal and distal portions. The flexible member is operatively coupled to the first and second members. Upon rotation of the articulation shaft, at least one of the first and the second members moves longitudinally with respect to the other of the first and second members between a first position where the first and second members are approximated to each other and a second position where the first and second members are spaced apart from each other. This longitudinal motion causes the distal portion of the flexible member to articulate relative to the proximal portion.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Interlocking Buttress Material Retention System

Номер: US20130037600A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapler is provided having a pair of jaws including a staple containing cartridge and an anvil. Buttress material is releasable affixed to the staple containing cartridge and the anvil. One of the jaws includes a pair of longitudinal projections at a first end of the jaw and configured to frictionally engage corresponding slots in a first end the buttress material. One of the jaws includes a post at a second end of the jaw. The buttress material includes a hole in a second end of the buttress material for receipt of the post.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Bi-directional fixating transvertebral body screws and posterior cervical and lumbar interarticulating joint calibrated stapling devices for spinal fusion

Номер: US20130053962A1

A self-drilling bone fusion screw apparatus is disclosed which includes at least first and second sliding boxes. A first screw member having a tapered end and a threaded body is disposed within the first sliding box, and a second screw member having a tapered end and a threaded body disposed within the second sliding box. An adjuster adjusts the height of the sliding boxes. The screw members are screwed into vertebral bodies in order to fuse the vertebral bodies together. A plurality of the self-drilling bone fusion screw apparatuses may be attached together and/or integrated via a plate or cage. Also disclosed is a cervical facet staple that includes a curved staple base and at least two prongs attached to the bottom surface of the curved staple base.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130062392A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument comprising a handle portion, an elongated portion defining a longitudinal axis and extending distally from the handle portion, and first and second jaw members dimensioned to clamp tissue therebetween. The first jaw member has at least one row of fasteners arranged in a row substantially transverse to the longitudinal axis. A pin is disposed in mechanical cooperation with the first jaw member and is movable between a first position where the engagement section is spaced from the second jaw member and a second position where the engagement section engages the second jaw member. The pin has a non-circular cross-section. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a handle portion;an elongated portion defining a longitudinal axis and extending distally from the handle portion;an end effector disposed adjacent a distal portion of the elongated portion, the end effector including a first jaw member and a second jaw member, the first and second jaw members dimensioned to clamp tissue therebetween, the first jaw member having at least one row of fasteners arranged in a row substantially transverse to the longitudinal axis; anda first pin disposed in mechanical cooperation with the first jaw member and including an engagement section, the first pin movable between a first position wherein the engagement section is spaced from the second jaw member and a second position wherein the engagement section engages the second jaw member, wherein the first pin has an L-shaped cross-section; anda knife movable between distal and proximal positions, the knife having an upper edge terminating alongside the first pin, wherein the L-shaped cross-section of the first pin defines a gap dimensioned to accommodate the knife.2. The surgical instrument of claim 1 , further comprising two rows of fasteners claim 1 , the knife positioned between the two rows of fasteners.3. The surgical instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first pin is at least partially circular in cross-section. ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068817A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An anvil and anvil delivery system is provided which includes a head assembly and a center rod defining a longitudinal axis. The head assembly defines a transverse axis and is pivotally secured to the rod and movable from an operative position wherein the transverse axis is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and a tilted position wherein the transverse axis defines an acute angle with respect to the longitudinal axis. A flexible tube is secured to the center rod which includes gradations along the length of the tube. The gradations are positioned to provide an indication of a length of the tube remaining in a patient during removal of the tube from the patient. An adapter is secured to one end of the flexible tube and to the center rod. The adapter is configured to secure the anvil assembly to the flexible tube. 1. An anvil and anvil delivery system comprising:an anvil assembly including a head assembly and a center rod defining a longitudinal axis, the head assembly defining a transverse axis and being pivotally secured to the rod and movable from an operative position wherein the transverse axis is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and a tilted position wherein the transverse axis defines an acute angle with respect to the longitudinal axis;a flexible tube secured to the center rod, the flexible tube including gradations along the length of the tube, the gradations being positioned to provide an indication of a length of the tube remaining in a patient during removal from a patient; andan adapter secured to one end of the flexible tube and to the center rod, the adapter being configured to secure the anvil assembly to the flexible tube2. A tilt anvil assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the head assembly further comprises a post and a backup member claim 1 , wherein the backup member being movable about the post from a first position in which the backup member is positioned to prevent pivotal movement of the head assembly ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Instrument for Joining Tissue

Номер: US20130068818A1
Автор: Kasvikis Dino
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument for surgically joining tissue is provided. The surgical instrument includes a handle assembly that includes an actuator member. An end effector is operatively disposed adjacent a distal portion of an elongated shaft of the surgical instrument. The end effector includes a first jaw member pivotably disposed with respect to a second jaw member. The end effector is movable between a first position where the jaw members are spaced from one another, and a second position where the jaw members are in an approximated position. Each of the first and second jaw members includes a respective longitudinal track. An actuation assembly is disposed in mechanical cooperation with the end effector, wherein actuation of the actuation member causes the actuation assembly to translate from a distal portion of the end effector towards a proximal portion of the end effector through the tracks in the first and second jaw members. 1. A surgical stapling instrument , comprising:a handle assembly having an actuator member;an elongated shaft extending distally from the handle assembly and defining a longitudinal axis;an end effector at a distal end of the shaft and having a first jaw member with a first distal, free end and a second jaw member with a second distal, free end, at least one of the first jaw member and second jaw member being pivotably movable about a pivot portion at a proximal portion of the jaw members;an actuation head at the first distal, free end of the first jaw member and being connected to a flexible actuation member;the first jaw member being a surgical stapling cartridge; anda locking feature at the first distal free end of the first jaw member.2. A surgical instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the second jaw member is an anvil assembly.3. A surgical instrument according to claim 2 , wherein proximal movement of the actuation head causes staples to be ejected from the cartridge assembly towards the anvil assembly.4. A surgical instrument ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Structure Containing Wound Treatment Material

Номер: US20130068819A1
Автор: Viola Frank J.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, an anvil assembly for a circular stapling apparatus, is disclosed. The anvil assembly includes an anvil head configured to support an anvil plate thereon; a shaft extending from the anvil head and configured to selectively engage a connection member of the circular stapling apparatus; an anvil plate operatively connected to the anvil head, the anvil plate defining a plurality of staple forming pockets therein; and a wound treatment material disposed in each staple forming pocket of the anvil plate. The wound treatment material is at least one of an adhesive, a sealant, a hemostat and a medicament. 1. A surgical stapling apparatus comprising:a tubular body portion having a connection member;a staple cartridge assembly operably supported on the tubular body portion, the staple cartridge assembly having a plurality of staple retaining slots and a surgical staple in each of the staple retaining slots;an anvil head configured to support an anvil plate thereon, the anvil plate defining a plurality of staple forming pockets in registration with the staple retaining slots;a shaft extending from the anvil head and configured to selectively engage the connection member of the tubular body portion; anda wound treatment material disposed within each of the plurality of staple forming pockets of the anvil plate, wherein the wound treatment material is at least one of an adhesive, a sealant, a hemostat and a medicament, wherein the wound treatment material is contained in a capsule, wherein each capsule is configured for retention within the staple forming pockets.2. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive includes at least one of an adhesive which cures upon tissue contact claim 1 , an adhesive which cures upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light claim 1 , and an adhesive which is pressure sensitive.3. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive includes at least ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072955A1

A surgical stapling device is disclosed for performing circular anastomoses. The surgical stapling device includes a handle portion, an elongated body portion and a head portion including an anvil assembly and a shell assembly. A removable trocar for attachment to the anvil assembly is also disclosed which includes a rib positioned proximally of a mounting projection. The rib is positioned to align the mounting projection with associated engagement structure of the anvil assembly. 1. A removable trocar comprising:a body having a proximal end and a distal end, a trocar tip formed at the distal end of the body, a cantilevered arm extending along a longitudinal axis of the body, the cantilevered arm including a distal end secured to the body and a proximal end having a protrusion formed thereon, the protrusion being dimensioned to be releasably received within an opening of an anvil center rod, and a rib extending proximally of the protrusion, the rib being dimensioned to slide between flexible arms of an anvil center rod to properly align the projection with the opening of the anvil center rod.2. A removable trocar according to claim 1 , wherein the projection includes an angled proximal face.3. A removable trocar according to claim 1 , wherein the cantilevered arm includes a distal tab claim 1 , the distal tab being positioned to facilitate deflection of the cantilevered arm to disengage the projection from an anvil center rod.4. A removable trocar according to claim 1 , further including at least one spline offset from the rib.5. A removable trocar according to claim 1 , further including a throughbore formed through the body claim 1 , the throughbore being dimensioned to receive a suture. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/515,660, filed Sep. 5, 2006, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/528,975, filed Mar. 23, 2005, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,303,106, which claims the benefit of and ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072971A1

Provided are a medical suture having micro cogs on a surface thereof and a method of manufacturing the medical suture. The method of manufacturing a medical suture includes steps of: producing a suture preform where micro cogs are formed on a surface thereof by heating and pressing a raw material of a suture for surgery in an overflow mould in a heat-press solid-phase forming method; and producing a suture with twist maintained by applying a tensile force and a rotational force to the suture preform in a vacuum state where a specific temperature condition is maintained. 1. A method of manufacturing a medical suture comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, '(1) producing a suture preform where micro cogs are formed on a surface thereof by heating and pressing a raw material of a suture for surgery in an overflow mould at a temperature condition from a point less than a melting point of the raw material of the suture to a point more than a glass transition temperature at a pressure condition from 10 kgf/cmto 200 kgf/cmin a heat-press solid-phase forming method; and'}(2) producing a suture with twist maintained by heating the suture preform and applying a tensile force and a rotational force to the suture preform in a vacuum state where the temperature condition from a point less than the melting point of the raw material of the suture to a point more than the glass transition temperature is maintained.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the raw material of the suture is a medical polymer material having bio-absorbable property which is made of any one selected among polydioxanone claim 1 , poly-(1-lactic) acid claim 1 , poly-glycolic acid claim 1 , and copolymers thereof.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the raw material of the suture is a medical polymer material having non-bio-absorbable property which is made of any one selected among polyprophylene claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the overflow mould is ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Knotted Suture End Effector

Номер: US20130072972A1
Автор: Nicholas Maiorino
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A suture including a knotted end effector is provided. The suture includes a body portion defining a longitudinal axis and an end effector integrally formed from the body portion. The end effector includes first and second extensions extending outwardly from the longitudinal axis in opposite directions. Each of the first and second extensions includes at least one throw.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Knotted Suture End Effector

Номер: US20130072973A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A suture including a knotted end effector is provided. The suture includes a body portion defining a longitudinal axis and an end effector formed from the body portion. The end effector includes first and second extensions which extend outwardly from the longitudinal axis in opposite directions when the end effector is in a permanent configuration. The extensions of the end effector extend substantially along the longitudinal axis when the end effector is in a temporary position. In embodiments, at least a portion of the end effector includes a shape memory material. 1. A suture comprising:an elongate body; and a first extension including a first plurality of throws formed about a first loop and a second loop formed about the first plurality of throws; and', 'a second extension including a second plurality of throws formed about the first loop and a third loop formed about the second plurality of throws., 'an end effector formed from the elongate body, the end effector including'}2. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the first extension includes three (3) throws.3. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the second extension includes three (3) throws.4. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the end effector defines a substantially T-shape.5. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the end effector is formed on a distal end of the body portion.6. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the end effector is fixed relative to an end of the elongate body7. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the end effector is formed from a single continuous length of the elongate body.8. The suture of claim 1 , wherein each of the throws defines a central axis that is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body portion.9. The suture of claim 1 , further including a suture formed on the elongated body.10. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the number of the first plurality of throws equals the number of the second plurality of throws.11. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the number of the first plurality of throws is not ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072974A1
Автор: DAgostino William L.

The present invention provides that coatings applied to natural, synthetic and recombinant expressed polymer filaments can be used to modify the properties of monofilament and multifilament self-retaining sutures. In an embodiment of the invention, the coating enables the suture to be easily inserted into tissue, whereupon the extended interaction of the coating and the tissue increase the ability of the tissue retainers to hold the suture in the tissue. In an embodiment of the present invention, the coated polymers have a melting point in the range from between approximately 40° C. to approximately 180° C. while retaining tensile strength. In an embodiment of the invention, the increased strength is due in part to the tissue specific reaction generated by the suture coating. 1. A suture comprising:at least one filament;a coating including at least one coating material, wherein the coating is applied to one or more filament, wherein the coating assists the suture passing through the tissue during suturing.2. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one coating material is selected from the group consisting of natural wax claim 1 , synthetic wax claim 1 , low viscosity glycolic acid polymers claim 1 , lactic acid polymers claim 1 , trimethylene carbonate polymers claim 1 , paradioxanone polymers claim 1 , epsilon-caprolactone polymers claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 1 , urethane claim 1 , collagen claim 1 , silicones and polyhydroxyalkanate polymers.3. The suture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one coating material is selected based on the at least one coating material melting point temperature claim 1 , wherein the coating is solid during suturing claim 1 , wherein the coating melts as the suture is heated to the temperature of the tissue claim 1 , wherein after the coating melts the suture is retained in the tissue.4. The suture of claim 1 , further comprising at least one tissue retainer claim 1 , wherein the tissue retainer is introduced into the ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075443A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

In one general aspect, the present invention is directed to a surgical instrument. According to one embodiment, the surgical instrument comprises an end effector comprising a movable firing member. A first sensor transponder may be positioned to sense a position of the movable firing member. A firing trigger may actuate the movable firing member. A motor may be mechanically coupled to the firing trigger. A control unit may be configured to wirelessly receive at least one input from the first sensor transponder; and control the motor based on the at least one input, wherein, via the coupling between the motor and the firing trigger, movements of the motor cause a force applied to the firing trigger. 1. A surgical instrument comprising:an end effector comprising a movable firing member;a first sensor transponder positioned to sense a position of the movable firing member;a firing trigger for actuating the movable firing member;a motor mechanically coupled to the firing trigger; and wirelessly receive at least one input from the first sensor transponder; and', 'control the motor based on the at least one input, wherein, via the coupling between the motor and the firing trigger, movements of the motor cause a force applied to the firing trigger., 'a control unit, wherein the control unit is configured to2. The surgical instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor transponder is positioned at the end effector.3. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the control unit comprises an inductive element to sense wireless signals from the first sensor transponder.4. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the control unit is further configured to transmit at least one input to the first sensor transponder.5. The instrument of claim 1 , further comprising:a secondary element positioned intermediate the control unit and the first sensor;a distal element in electrical communication with the secondary element and positioned intermediate the secondary element and the first sensor ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Locking Articulation Mechanism for Surgical Stapler

Номер: US20130075444A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapler is provided and comprises a handle assembly, an elongated body, an articulable tool assembly, and an articulation mechanism. The articulation mechanism has: a main shaft member connected to an articulation linkage; a retainer having an opening for receiving a shaft portion of the main shaft member; a cam lock having cam locking surfaces and a locking tab; a locking cover defining recesses for receiving the locking tab; an articulation handle having cam surfaces configured to engage the cam locking surfaces of the cam lock. 1. A surgical stapler , comprising:an elongated body;an articulable tool assembly; and a main shaft member connected to an articulation linkage, the articulation linkage extending through the elongated body;', 'a retainer having an opening for receiving a shaft portion of the main shaft member;', 'a cam lock having cam locking surfaces and a locking tab;', 'a locking cover defining recesses for receiving the locking tab;', 'a biasing member disposed between the retainer and the cam lock, the locking tab being biased toward the locking cover recesses; and', 'an articulation handle having cam surfaces configured to engage the cam locking surfaces of the cam lock, the articulation handle being movable to move the articulation linkage., 'an articulation mechanism having2. The surgical stapler according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses are defined by dividers.3. The surgical stapler according to claim 2 , wherein the dividers differ in size.4. The surgical stapler according to claim 1 , further comprising an articulating tool assembly.5. The surgical stapler according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses of the locking cover include a central recess positioned to correspond to an unarticulated position of the articulating tool assembly.6. The surgical stapler according to claim 4 , wherein the tool assembly includes an anvil and a staple cartridge.7. The surgical stapler according to claim 6 , wherein the staple cartridge has staples ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079778A1
Принадлежит: Atex Technologies Inc

A continuous loop of material for use in mammals, particularly humans. One embodiment may have an air entanglement section therein and method of making the same. Another embodiment includes a hollow braided length having a first inner section and a second inner section, the sections formed by radially inserting the ends into the hollow braid and passing it along a portion of the hollow interior. These embodiments may also include a bone engagement member incorporated therein. A further embodiment is a loop assembly having a length of fiber, the length of fiber having two ends, and a bone engagement member having an end receiving member to securely receive the two respective ends therein.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079814A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

A staple having a crown, a deformable leg extending from the crown, and a spring extending from the crown configured to compress tissue between the spring and the deformable member. Owing to the flexibility of the spring, the staple can accommodate a wide range of tissue thicknesses while still compressing the tissue captured therein. As a result, a single staple design can be used in a wide variety of surgical procedures thereby reducing the amount of staple designs that must be provided to the surgeon. In at least one embodiment, the staple includes a crushable member. This crushable member can include a plastically deformable first portion and an elastically deformable second portion. The present invention can also include, in various embodiments, a crown, a first deformable member extending from the crown, and means for compressing the tissue against the first deformable member. 1. A surgical staple assembly , comprising:(a) at least one wire defining a pair of staple legs, wherein the at least one wire is comprised of a first material; and(b) a crown secured to the staple legs, wherein the crown extends between the staple legs, wherein the crown is comprised of a second material that is different than the first material, wherein the crown includes staple forming features configured to deform the staple legs in response to the staple legs being driven into the crown;wherein the at least one wire and the crown are configured to cooperate to form a surgical staple.2. The surgical staple assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one wire further defines a base extending between the staple legs.3. The surgical staple assembly of claim 2 , wherein at least part of the base is embedded in the crown.4. The surgical staple assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one wire comprises a single piece of wire defining the pair of staple legs and the base.5. The surgical staple assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second material is a bioabsorbable material.6. The surgical ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087597A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

A surgical instrument. The surgical instrument has an end effector and a trigger in communication with the end effector. The surgical instrument also has a first sensor and an externally accessible memory device in communication with the first sensor. The first sensor has an output that represents a first condition of either the trigger or the end effector. The memory device is configured to record the output of the first sensor. In various embodiments, memory device may include an output port and/or a removable storage medium. 120-. (canceled)21. A surgical instrument , comprising:a handle comprising a force delivery system, wherein the force delivery system is configured to operably deliver a changing force to a user holding the handle;a shaft;an end effector extending from the shaft;a firing element configured to move between a plurality of positions within the end effector, wherein the plurality of positions comprises a distal position; anda sensor configured to detect when the firing element reaches the distal position, wherein the sensor operably communicates with the force delivery system, and wherein the sensor signals the force delivery system to deliver the changing force when the firing element reaches the distal position.22. The surgical instrument of claim 21 , wherein the force delivery system comprises a firing trigger claim 21 , wherein the force delivery system operably moves the firing trigger in a direction claim 21 , and wherein the direction of the firing trigger is changed when the force delivery system delivers the changing force.23. The surgical instrument of claim 21 , wherein the force delivery system comprises a motor that generates the changing force.24. The surgical instrument of claim 23 , wherein the motor reverses its rotational direction when generating the changing force.25. The surgical instrument of claim 21 , wherein the changing force comprises a force that changes direction.26. The surgical instrument of claim 21 , wherein the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Grasping Jaw Mechanism

Номер: US20130087600A1
Автор: Scirica Paul A.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical device is disclosed which includes a handle assembly, an elongated member and a disposable loading unit. The handle assembly includes a mode selection mechanism configured to alternate the surgical device between a first grasping mode of operation and a second clamping mode of operation. The handle assembly includes a rotation control member and an articulation lever. The rotation control member is configured to facilitate rotation of the elongated member with respect to the handle assembly. The articulation lever is configured to facilitate articulation of the tool assembly about an axis substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of elongated member. In one embodiment, the tool assembly includes a cartridge assembly having a plurality of staples and an anvil assembly configured to clamp and staple tissue in the second clamping mode of operation of the device. 123-. (canceled)24. A surgical device comprising:a handle assembly having a stationary handle and a movable handle, the movable handle having a mode selection mechanism configured to alternate the surgical device between a first mode of operation and a second mode of operation, the mode selection mechanism comprising a slide button configured to be movable between a first position and a second position;an elongated member extending distally from the handle portion, the elongated member defining a longitudinal axis extending the length of the elongated member; anda tool assembly mounted to the distal end portion of the elongated member, wherein the tool assembly is configured to grasp tissue in the first mode of operation and clamp tissue in a second mode of operation.25. A surgical device according to claim 24 , wherein the tool assembly includes a cartridge assembly having a plurality of staples supported therein and an anvil assembly claim 24 , at least one of the anvil assembly and the cartridge assembly being movable in relation to each other between spaced and approximated positions. ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Tissue Stop for Surgical Instrument

Номер: US20130087601A1
Автор: Farascioni David
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical including a handle assembly, an elongated portion, an end effector, and a stop member is disclosed. The elongated portion extends distally from the handle assembly. The end effector is disposed adjacent a distal portion of the elongated portion and includes a first jaw member and a second jaw member. At least one jaw member is movable with respect to the other jaw member between spaced and approximated positions. The stop member is disposed adjacent a distal portion of the first jaw member and is pivotable with respect to the first jaw member between a first position, a significant portion of the stop member being positioned external to the first jaw member, and a second position capturing the tissue between the first jaw member and second jaw member. 1. A surgical instrument for surgically joining tissue , the surgical instrument comprising:an elongated portion defining a longitudinal axis; andan end effector disposed adjacent a distal portion of the elongated portion, the end effector including a cartridge assembly and an anvil assembly, the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly being curved with respect to the longitudinal axis and wherein the elongated portion is straight.2. The surgical instrument of claim 1 , further comprising a stop member disposed adjacent a distal portion of the cartridge assembly claim 1 , the stop member being pivotable with respect to the cartridge assembly between a first position claim 1 , in which a significant portion of the stop member is positioned external to the first jaw member claim 1 , and a second position capturing the tissue between the first jaw member and second jaw member.3. The surgical instrument of claim 2 , further comprising a biasing member disposed in mechanical cooperation with the stop member claim 2 , wherein the biasing member biases stop member towards its first position.4. The surgical instrument of claim 1 , wherein the stop member includes a base and a stopping portion claim 1 , the base being ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Staple Drive Assembly

Номер: US20130087602A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A staple drive assembly includes an actuation sled and at least one staple pusher. The staple drive assembly is adapted to fit within a staple cartridge having a plurality of staples and a corresponding number of retention slots. The at least one staple pusher includes at least one pusher plate for releasably engaging a backspan of a staple. The staple pusher may include a plurality of pusher plates that may be laterally and longitudinally spaced apart. An actuation member has at least one angled camming surface for engaging a complimentary angled surface of the at least one staple pusher. Camming engagement between the actuation member and the at least one staple pusher causes vertical movement of the at least one staple pusher. Lateral and longitudinal offset of the actuation member camming surfaces and the corresponding staple pusher following surfaces improves stability and control of the staple pusher during firing.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Variable Compression Surgical Fastener Apparatus

Номер: US20130087603A1
Автор: Viola Frank
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical fastener applying apparatus includes an anvil section and a cartridge section, where the cartridge section and the anvil section are movable from an unclamped position to a clamped position. The cartridge section has a plurality of retention slots, a plurality of first surgical fasteners and a plurality of second surgical fasteners. The plurality of first surgical fasteners has a first backspan with a first configuration and the plurality of second surgical fasteners has a second backspan with a second different configuration. In addition, when the first configuration applies a first compressive force to tissue and the second configuration applies a second different compressive force to tissue. 1. A surgical fastener applying apparatus comprising:a fastener assembly including an anvil section and a cartridge section, at least one of the cartridge section and the anvil section being movable from an unclamped position to a clamped position to clamp tissue therebetween, the cartridge section having a tissue contacting surface with a plurality of retention slots formed therein, the cartridge section and anvil section defining a longitudinal axis;a plurality of surgical fasteners retained within the cartridge section, each surgical fastener disposed within a corresponding retention slot;a plurality of pushers positioned within the cartridge section, at least one of the pushers being arranged to form a recess in a backspan of at least one of the first surgical fasteners; andan actuation member movable through the cartridge section and engagable with the plurality of pushers.2. The surgical fastener applying apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pushers includes a plurality of first pushers and a plurality of second pushers positioned within the cartridge section claim 1 , the first pushers corresponding to first surgical fasteners and the second pushers corresponding to second surgical fasteners claim 1 , at least one of the first pushers ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090670A1

A suture delivery system is described. The system includes an anchor and a cooperating driver, the driver facilitating a delivery of the anchor into the abdominal cavity. The system allows for the deployment of a suture internally into an abdominal wall. 1. A suture delivery system comprising an anchor coupled to suture and co-operable with a driver , the driver being configured to allow an operator operably apply pressure onto the anchor to effect delivery of the anchor into or through tissue.2. The system of wherein the suture is coupled to the anchor at a midpoint thereof such that the anchor will hang from the suture in an inverted T configuration.3. The system of wherein the suture is coupled to the anchor using a knot provided on outer surface of the anchor.4. The system of wherein the knot is pre-tensioned.5. The system of wherein the knot comprises a knot tail and wherein the knot tail is heat formed.6. The system of wherein the knot tail has an aglet.7. The system of wherein the suture is provided in a loop configuration through which a second anchor may be passed.8. The system of wherein the anchor comprises a contoured outer surface including a recess within which the knot may be located.9. The system of wherein the anchor is hollow.10. The system of wherein the suture is coupled to the anchor using a knot provided within the anchor.11. The system of wherein the driver is receivable through the anchor such that a portion of the driver projects through the anchor.12. The system of wherein the driver comprises a needle end portion which on receipt of the driver through the anchor claim 11 , the needle end portion projects through the anchor such that the anchor is located on the driver between the driver needle end portion and a main body portion of the driver.13. The system of wherein the needle end portion is sharpened to allow a piercing of the tissue as necessary.14. The system of wherein the anchor comprises a trailing surface that engages with the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090671A1

An endoscopic suturing device for suturing a surgical site in the body using an endoscope. Each of first, second and third modules () has a needle which sutures the surgical site at the distal end thereof, a clamp which holds a suturing thread of the needle, and a clamp and cutter which cuts the suturing thread of the needle, and in which each of the first, second and third modules is rotated upward and downward and tilted forward and backward and to the left and right by a location control means () in order to adjust the location thereof. It is possible to simply move the modules to a suturing site and to simplify the operation of suturing the surgical site using the needle or the operation of binding and fixing the surgical thread and cutting the surgical thread, thereby making surgical operability excellent. 1. An endoscopic suturing device for suturing a surgical site in a human body using an endoscope , the device comprising:a first module disposed inside a tubular body which is insertable into the human body, the first module being rotatable upward and backward and tilting-adjustable forward and backward and to left and right, and having a needle which stitches a suturing site;a second module being rotatable upward and backward and tilting-adjustable forward and backward and to left and right, and having a clamp which holds and binds a stitching fiber; anda third module being rotatable upward and backward and tilting-adjustable forward and backward and to left and right, and having a cutter and clamp which holds and cuts the suturing thread.2. The endoscopic suturing device of claim 1 , wherein each of the first claim 1 , second and third modules comprises a position control means which controls each of the first claim 1 , second and third modules to rotate upward and downward and tilt forward and backward and to left and right toward the suturing site claim 1 , wherein the position control means includes a first lever claim 1 , a second lever and a third ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Bioactive Substance in a Barbed Suture

Номер: US20130090686A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Barbed surgical sutures are provided which include an elongated body and a plurality of barbs extending therefrom. A bioactive agent is disposed within barb angles formed between the barbs and the elongated body. The barbs may be made from a shape memory polymer having a permanent shape which may be deformed to a temporary shape, such that barbs of the suture extend at different barb angles in the different shape configurations. The barb angles of the permanent shape may be greater than the barb angles of the temporary shape, thereby exposing and/or releasing a bioactive agent after placement in tissue.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092717A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

The present disclosure is directed to a surgical instrument, which includes a handle assembly and an elongate member having two jaw members. The second jaw member is movable in relation to the first jaw member between an open position and a closed position. The first jaw member is supported by the elongate body and contains a plurality of fasteners. The elongate member extends distally from the handle assembly and defines both a longitudinal axis and a distal portion. A switch is placed about the handle assembly to allow the handle assembly to operate in multiple modes. 110-. (canceled)11. A surgical instrument comprising:a handle assembly including at least two sides;an elongate body extending distally from the handle assembly;an end effector supported on a distal end portion of the elongate body; anda switch extending through the at least two sides of the handle assembly and being configured to alternate the handle assembly between at least two modes of operation.12. The surgical instrument of claim 11 , wherein the modes of operation include at least one selected from a group consisting of a firing mode claim 11 , a clamping mode claim 11 , and a retraction mode.13. The surgical instrument of claim 11 , further comprising an actuation member operatively connected to the handle assembly claim 11 , the actuation member being movable relative to the end effector to effectuate a sequential ejection of fasteners supported within the end effector.14. The surgical instrument of claim 11 , wherein the handle assembly includes a rack member having teeth arranged in a diametrically opposed relation.15. The surgical instrument of claim 11 , further comprising an articulation mechanism configured to pivot a distal portion of the elongate body about a longitudinal axis defined by the elongate body.16. The surgical instrument of claim 15 , wherein the articulation mechanism includes a motor.17. The surgical instrument of claim 16 , further comprising a power supply.18. The ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092718A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A multi-part surgical staple assembly is provided to provide uniform compression across stapled tissues. The staple assembly generally includes a U-shaped staple, a staple plate positionable against a backspan of the staple for engagement with one side of a stapled tissue section and a platen for receipt of tissue penetrating tips of the staple and engageable with an opposite side of a stapled tissue section. The staple plate and platen are provided with holes to receive the legs of the staple. In one embodiment, the staple plate is provided with a biasing member to bias the staple plate away from the backspan of the staple and toward the stapled tissue. 1. An anvil for use with a surgical staple assembly incorporating a compression member comprising:a plate having first staple clinching pocket and a second staple clinching pocket spaced apart from the first staple clinching pocket; andat least one recess formed in the plate and extending from one of the first and second staple clinching pockets, wherein the at least one recess is provided for receipt of an end of a compression member associated with a surgical staple assembly.2. The anvil as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one recess includes a first recess formed adjacent the first staple clinching pocket and a second recess formed adjacent the second staple clinching pocket.3. The anvil as recited in claim 2 , wherein the first staple clinching pocket includes a first center point claim 2 , the first recess includes a first recess center point and the second staple clinching pocket includes a second center point such that the first center point claim 2 , first recess center point and the second center point lie along a common axis.4. The anvil as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plate further includes a central recess intermediate the first and second staple clinching pockets claim 1 , the central recess having a raised portion claim 1 , such that the raised portion is positioned beneath a central ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method of endoscopic suturing

Номер: US20130096581A1
Принадлежит: Apollo Endosurgery, Inc.

An endoscopic suturing system and method are disclosed as are devices for use with the system and method such as a suture dispenser, a cinch device, and a tissue grasper. In one embodiment the suturing system includes a cap assembly arranged at the distal end portion of an endoscope or guide member, with the cap assembly including a rotatable needle holder. The needle holder is actuated through a transmission element extending outside the endoscope or guide member. A needle capture device may be inserted through a channel of the endoscope or guide member in order to capture a needle held in the needle holder when the needle holder is rotated so that the needle punctures tissue. 171.-. (canceled)72. A method of suturing tissue of a mammal using an endoscopic suturing system , comprising the follow steps:(a) inserting a guide tube and/or endoscope into a body with a suturing device coupled to the endoscope and or guide tube;(b) opening a needle arm of the suturing device having a removable needle;(c) pushing the needle against tissue at a desired suture site;(d) closing the needle arm of the suturing device;(e) piercing the tissue with the needle;(f) recovering the needle by using a needle capture device;(g) removing the needle from the tissue;(h) opening the needle arm to remove it from tissue;(i) closing the needle arm; and(j) removing the suturing device from the body.73. A method according to claim 72 , further comprising:after step (b) and before step (c), engaging a tissue adjacent a desired suture site using a tissue grasper; andafter step (h) and before step (i), releasing the tissue from the tissue grasper.74. A method according to claim 72 , further comprising:(k) after step (i) and before step (j), inserting the needle into the needle arm endoscopically using the needle capture device; andrepeating steps (b) through (i) and (k) as needed.75. A method of suturing tissue of a mammal using an endoscopic suturing system claim 72 , comprising the follow steps:(a ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Tube-Type Medical Needle Unit And Method Of Inserting Plurality Of Medical Sutures Into Tube-Type Medical Needle

Номер: US20130096609A1
Автор: Lee Heeyoung, Yang Hyunjin

Provided are a tube-type medical needle unit and a method of mounting a plurality of medical sutures in a tube-type needle. The tube-type medical needle unit includes a tube-type needle including an end in the shape of a probe and including a communication hole formed therein to communicate the end with another end and a plurality of sutures inserted into the communication hole of the tube-type needle, the sutures including adhesion protrusions formed on surfaces thereof, in which the plurality of sutures are arranged in parallel and mounted in the tube-type needle. 1. A tube-type medical needle unit comprising:a tube-type needle comprising an end in the shape of a probe and comprising a communication hole formed therein to communicate the end with another end; anda plurality of sutures inserted into the communication hole of the tube-type needle, the sutures comprising adhesion protrusions formed on surfaces thereof,wherein the plurality of sutures are arranged in parallel and mounted in the tube-type needle.2. The tube-type medical needle unit of claim 1 , wherein a cluster portion formed by clustering the plurality of sutures is formed in at least a position.3. The tube-type medical needle unit of claim 2 , wherein the at least a position where the cluster portion is formed comprises end portions of the plurality of sutures adjacent to an end portion of the tube-type needle.4. The tube-type medical needle unit of claim 2 , wherein the at least a position where the cluster portion is formed comprises end portions of the plurality of sutures adjacent to an end portion of the tube-type needle.5. A method of mounting a plurality of sutures in a tube-type needle which comprises an end in the shape of a probe and comprises a communication hole formed therein to communicate the end with another end claim 2 , the method comprising:a clustering operation of clustering end portions of the plurality of sutures to form a cluster portion; anda suture mounting operation of ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling and Cutting Device

Номер: US20130098964A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

A medical device comprises a control handle and a surgical end effector connected to the control handle through a passive articulating connection. A medical device end effector connection assembly comprises a passive articulation joint for connecting an end effector to a control handle. In a medical device having an end effector connected to a control handle, an end effector connection assembly comprises a passive articulation joint connecting the end effector to the control handle. A medical device comprises a control handle and a surgical end effector passively articulated with respect to the control handle. A medical device comprises a control handle having a first portion of a passive articulation joint and a surgical end effector having a second portion of the passive articulation joint, the first and second portions of the passive articulation joint connecting the end effector to the control handle. 1. A medical device end effector connection assembly , comprising:a passive articulation joint for connecting an end effector to a control handle.2. In a medical device having an end effector connected to a control handle , an end effector connection assembly comprising:a passive articulation joint connecting the end effector to the control handle.3. A medical device , comprising:a control handle; anda surgical end effector connected to the control handle through a passive articulating connection.4. A medical device , comprising:a control handle; anda surgical end effector passively articulated with respect to the control handle.5. A medical device , comprising:a control handle having a first portion of a passive articulation joint; anda surgical end effector having a second portion of the passive articulation joint, the first and second portions of the passive articulation joint connecting the end effector to the control handle.6. A medical device , comprising:a control handle; anda surgical end effector having a passive articulation joint connecting the end ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098967A1
Принадлежит: Barosense, Inc.

In a method of stapling layers of tissue within a body cavity, an engaging instrument is passed between a stapler cartridge and anvil and used to engage a region of tissue. The engaging instrument is retracted to move the engaged tissue into the stapling position, and driving staples from the cartridge through at least two layers of the engaged tissue. The method and associated system may be used to form plications in body tissue, such as stomach wall tissue. Staples simultaneously driven thorugh tissue may simultaneously capture a reinforcing elements positioned adjacent the cartridge and/or anvil prior to stapling. 1. A method of stapling layers of tissue within a body cavity , comprising the steps of:positioning a stapler having a cartridge, an anvil and a stapling position between the cartridge and anvil, within the body cavity;passing an engaging instrument through the stapling position and engaging the region of tissue using the engaging instrument;retracting the engaging instrument to move the engaged tissue into the stapling position; anddriving staples from the cartridge through at least two layers of the engaged tissue.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein driving the staples from the cartridge includes driving a staple driver into the cartridge using fluid pressure.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein engaging the region of tissue includes applying suction to the region of tissue.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein engaging the region of tissue includes pinching the region of tissue.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein driving the staples forms a fold of stapled tissue.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein driving the staples includes driving the staples through a reinforcing element adjacent to the engaged tissue claim 1 , causing the staples to engage the reinforcing element.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the method includes positioning the reinforcing element adjacent to the anvil prior to driving the staples.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the method ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103055A1
Принадлежит: Benvenue Medical, Inc.

Methods and systems for closing an opening or defect in tissue, closing a lumen or tubular structure, cinching or remodeling a cavity or repairing a valve preferably utilizing a purse string or elastic device. The preferred devices and methods are directed toward catheter-based percutaneous, transvascular techniques used to facilitate placement of the devices within lumens, such as blood vessels, or on or within the heart to perform structural defect repair, such as valvular or ventricular remodeling. In some methods, the catheter is positioned within the right ventricle, wherein the myocardial wall or left ventricle may be accessed through the septal wall to position a device configured to permit reshaping of the ventricle. The device may include a line or a plurality of anchors interconnected by a line. In one arrangement, the line is a coiled member. 1. A method to alter the shape of a ventricle of a heart , the method comprising:advancing a distal end of a catheter assembly into a first ventricle of the heart;positioning the catheter assembly proximate a septal wall of the heart;creating a passage within an external wall of the heart with the distal end of the catheter assembly, the passage circumscribing a second ventricle;advancing a cinching device through the passage; andapplying force to the cinching device to alter the shape of the second ventricle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first ventricle comprises the right ventricle and the second ventricle comprises the left ventricle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein positioning the catheter assembly comprises positioning the catheter assembly at a junction of the septal wall and the external wall of the heart.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein creating the passage comprises boring through tissue with a tip of the distal end of the catheter assembly.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein boring through tissue comprises applying a pushing force and rotation to the distal end of the catheter assembly.6. The ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Placing sutures

Номер: US20130103056A1
Автор: Michael S.H. Chu
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

A suturing instrument is configured for to apply sutures to approximate, ligate, or fixate tissue in, for example, open, mini-incision, trans-vaginal, or endoscopic surgical procedures. The suturing instrument includes an elongate body member, a needle exit port, a needle receiving port, and a needle deployment mechanism. The suturing instrument eliminates the need for a preassembled needle and suture and reduces or eliminates the possibility of needle loss during suturing.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130103057A1

A laparoscopic port closure device is described. The device allows for the deployment of a suture internally into an abdominal wall and the subsequent use of that deployed suture to effect a closing of the wound that was used for the port. The deployed suture may be used during the surgical procedure to effect a securing or anchoring of the device. 1. A suture closure system comprising:a housing defining a lumen for receipt of surgical instrumentation;the housing further comprising a first needle guide channel and a second needle guide channel provided on opposite sides of the lumen respectively, each of the needle guide channels having an entry port for receiving a needle driver and an exit port through which a suture may exit the housing, the entry and exit ports for each needle wide channel being provided on the same side of the lumen, the guide channels providing a convex surface proximal to the lumen such that the suture will exit away from the lumen on being displaced out of the needle guide channel.2. The system of wherein the lumen is dimensioned for receiving a trocar.3. The system of configured for engagement with an aperture provided in an abdominal wall claim 1 , the housing comprising an abdominal wall piercing or engaging portion and an outer resting portion which in use will rest against an outer surface of the abdominal wall4. The system of wherein the housing is provided in a multi-part construction comprising first and second parts that are co-operable with one another to encapsulate a third central part.5. The system of wherein the third part comprises a shoulder element that is seatable within a channel provided in inner surfaces of each of the first and second parts.6. The system of wherein on bringing the first and second parts together the channel defines a continuous surface that extends circumferentially about the third part retaining the shoulder therein and restricting vertical movement of the third part relative to the first and second ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Biocompatible extremely fine tantalum fiber scaffolding for bone and soft tissue prosthesis

Номер: US20130103165A1
Автор: James Wong
Принадлежит: Composite Materials Technology Inc

A tissue implant member for implanting in living tissue is provided. The implant is formed of a fibrous mat of tantalum filament having a diameter less than about 10 microns.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105546A1

A surgical stapling device an elongated body pardon having proximal and distal portions, and a head portion positioned adjacent the distal portion of the elongated body portion. The head portion includes a shell assembly and an anvil assembly movable relative to the shell assembly between un-approximated and approximated positions. The anvil assembly includes a center rod and an anvil head connected to the center rod. The center rod includes at least one aperture extending transversely therethrough and configured and dimensioned to receive a flexible member such that the flexible member extends transversely through the center rod. 1. A method of performing a surgical procedure comprising:inserting an anvil assembly including an anvil head, and a center rod extending proximally from the anvil head, into an opening in a patient;inserting a proximal end of the center rod into an anvil retainer of a surgical fastener applying apparatus such that a first engagement member extending outwardly from an outer surface of the center rod engages an internal surface of the anvil retainer, and a second engagement member extending outwardly from an outer surface of the center rod engages a shell assembly of the surgical fastener applying apparatus;positioning target tissue between the anvil head and the shell assembly;approximating the anvil head and the shell assembly; andfiring the surgical fastener applying apparatus.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein inserting the proximal end of the center rod into the anvil retainer includes causing the first engagement member to engage a corresponding recess formed in the anvil retainer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein inserting the proximal end of the center rod into the anvil retainer includes causing the second engagement member to frictionally engage the shell assembly.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein approximating the anvil head and the shell assembly includes manipulating an approximation knob.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling Instruments including a Cartridge Having Multiple Staples Sizes

Номер: US20130105549A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple cartridge and an anvil member. The staple cartridge includes a plurality of surgical fasteners disposed in rows of retention slots. The staple cartridge may have an annular or linear configuration of retention slots. The tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge may be tapered or stepped. The anvil member has a tissue contacting surface that includes a number of pockets arranged for substantially aligning with the retention slots. In addition, the tissue contacting surface of the anvil member may complement the tissue contacting surface of the staple cartridge. 156-. (canceled)57. An instrument for applying surgical fasteners to tissue , comprising a circular anvil assembly and a staple cartridge having a stepped tissue contacting surface and a plurality of fasteners in annular rows , the anvil assembly having rows of fastener forming depressions corresponding to the rows of fasteners , at least one of the fasteners having a different size from the other fasteners of the plurality of fasteners , the stepped tissue contacting surface having different heights.58. The instrument according to claim 57 , wherein the tissue contacting surface defines a plurality of staple retaining slots claim 57 , the slots being arranged in the annular rows.59. The instrument according to claim 58 , wherein the annular rows of slots include a first row and a second row.60. The instrument according to claim 59 , wherein the second row is disposed outwardly of the first row.61. The instrument according to claim 57 , wherein the plurality of fasteners includes first fasteners and second fasteners.62. The instrument according to claim 61 , wherein the first fasteners are smaller than the second fasteners.63. The instrument according to claim 62 , wherein the second fasteners are disposed outwardly of the first fasteners.64. The instrument according to claim 57 , wherein the stepped tissue contacting surface includes a first surface and ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105550A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling apparatus having a housing with an actuator and an elongated member extending from the housing. An end effector is disposed on one end of the elongated member. The end effector houses a plurality of fasteners that are operatively coupled to a plurality of pusher members. An actuation mechanism is operatively coupled to the actuator; the actuation mechanism includes a longitudinally translatable drive member and an actuation sled. The actuation sled is configured for engaging the plurality of pusher members. A pressure responsive element is also disposed in one of the jaws. The pressure responsive element communicates a signal to a controller. The signal is representative of pressure applied to the pressure responsive element. The controller is configured to activate a feedback response. 1. An end effector for performing a surgical function , the end effector comprising:a cartridge member defining a plurality of fastener retaining slots dimensioned to support a plurality of fasteners;an anvil member defining a plurality of fastener forming pockets dimensioned to form the plurality of fasteners upon a firing of the end effector;a pressure responsive element supported on a top surface of the anvil member opposite a tissue contacting surface of the anvil member and being configured to communicate a signal representative of pressure applied to the pressure responsive element upon the firing of the end effector; anda beam supported between the anvil member and the cartridge member, the beam being engageable with the cartridge member and the anvil member to effectuate a closure of the end effector upon a distal advancement of the beam, wherein the beam engages the pressure responsive element as the beam is advanced.2. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the pressure responsive element includes a plurality of staggered pressure sensors.3. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the pressure responsive element includes a circuit.4. The end effector of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling Apparatus

Номер: US20130105553A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapling apparatus is provided including a cartridge assembly defining a tissue contacting surface; an anvil assembly defining a tissue contacting surface; and a surgical buttress releasably secured to at least one of the tissue contacting surface of the cartridge assembly and the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly by at least one anchor. A loading unit is provided including a surgical buttress releasably secured to an anvil assembly and/or a staple cartridge secured thereto by at least one anchor, and a drive assembly including a knife blade, wherein movement of the drive assembly from a proximal position to a distal position results in the knife blade cutting the at least one anchor and freeing each surgical buttress from the anvil assembly and/or cartridge assembly. 146-. (canceled)47. A surgical stapling apparatus , comprising:a tool assembly having a cartridge assembly configured and adapted to releasably support a staple cartridge having a plurality of surgical fasteners therein, and an anvil assembly movably secured in relation to the cartridge assembly,the anvil assembly including an anvil plate,each of the anvil plate and the staple cartridge defining an elongate longitudinal slot for the passage of a drive bar; anda surgical buttress releasably secured to a tissue contacting surface of at least one of the anvil plate and the staple cartridge,each surgical buttress being secured to the at least one of the anvil assembly and the cartridge assembly by at least one anchor,each surgical buttress being fabricated from a non-absorbent material.48. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 47 , wherein each surgical buttress is fabricated from a bio-absorbable material.49. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 47 , wherein each surgical buttress is fabricated from a synthetic polyester.50. The surgical stapling apparatus according to claim 47 , wherein the synthetic polyester is a copolymer of glycolide claim 47 , ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105555A1
Автор: Kasvikis Dino
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument having a handle portion, an elongated portion defining a longitudinal axis therethrough, an end effector, and a pin. The elongated portion extends distally from the handle portion. The end effector is disposed adjacent the elongated portion and includes a first jaw member and a second jaw member. The pin is disposed in mechanical cooperation with the first jaw member and includes an engaging section. In operation, the pin moves between a first position and a second position. While in the first position, the engaging portion of the pin is spaced from the second jaw member. In the second position, the engaging portion of the pin engages the second jaw member. The second jaw member includes a locking structure configured to maintain the position of the second jaw member with respect to the first jaw member during actuation of the end effector. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a handle portion;an elongated portion defining a longitudinal axis and extending distally from the handle portion;an end effector disposed adjacent the elongated portion, the end effector including a first jaw member and a second jaw member, the first and second jaw members configured to clamp tissue therebetween, the second jaw member including a groove;a pin disposed in mechanical cooperation with the first jaw member and including an engagement section, the pin being movable between a first position where the engagement section is spaced from the second jaw member and a second position where the engagement section of the pin engages the second jaw member;a protrusion extending radially from the pin, the protrusion slidably receivable in the groove of the second jaw member wherein the geometry of the groove is adapted to cause the pin to rotate from a first orientation to a second orientation; anda locking structure disposed in the second jaw member, the locking structure being configured to secure the pin to the second jaw member to maintain a position of the second ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Flexible Endoscopic Stitching Devices

Номер: US20130110136A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An endoscopic stitching device is provided including a handle assembly and an end effector operatively connected to the handle assembly. The handle assembly includes a housing; a trigger operatively supported on the housing; and an actuation cable operatively connected to the trigger and extending from the housing in such a manner that an actuation of the trigger imparts axial translation and rotation to the actuation cable. The end effector includes a tool assembly configured and adapted to perform at least a pair of operations. The actuation cable is operatively connected to the tool assembly in such a manner that the actuation cable is capable of effecting a first operation of the pair of operations of the end effector upon the axial translation thereof and/or effecting a second operation of the pair of operations of the end effector upon the rotation thereof. 1. An endoscopic stitching device , comprising:a housing assembly including an actuation cable configured for axial translation and rotation; andan end effector operatively connected to the housing assembly, the end effector including a tool assembly configured and adapted to perform at least a pair of operations, wherein the actuation cable is operatively connected to the tool assembly in such a manner that a first operation of the pair of operations of the end effector is effected upon an axial translation of the actuation cable and a second operation of the pair of operations of the end effector is effected upon the rotation of the actuation cable.2. The endoscopic stitching device according to claim 1 , further comprising an articulatable neck assembly interconnecting the housing assembly and the end effector claim 1 , wherein the neck assembly is configured and adapted for articulation in at least one direction transverse to a longitudinal axis thereof.3. The endoscopic stitching device according to claim 1 , further comprising a suture needle operatively associated with the tool assembly claim 1 , ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112729A1

The present disclosure describes a surgical fastener applying apparatus that includes an elongate body portion having proximal and distal ends, an end effector including a first movably coupled to a second jaw that is positioned at the distal end of the elongate body portion, and an introducer member. The introducer member has proximal and distal portions, and is configured and dimensioned for releasable connection with the end effector. The introducer member is at least partially formed from a flexible material, and is configured and dimensioned to separate target tissue from collateral tissue prior to positioning of the target tissue between the first and second jaws of the end effector. 1. A surgical fastener applying apparatus , comprising:an elongate body portion having proximal and distal ends;an end effector positioned at the distal end of the elongate body portion; andan introducer member having a proximal end, and a distal end including an elongate profile configured to facilitate atraumatic advancement of the introducer member through tissue, the proximal end of the introducer member including discrete first and second branches configured to receive a portion of the end effector such that the proximal end of the introducer member is releasably connectable to the end effector.2. The surgical fastener applying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second branches of the introducer member are configured in a diverging arrangement such that the first and second branches define a space therebetween configured to receive the portion of the end effector.3. The surgical fastener applying apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the proximal end of the introducer member defines a Y-shaped configuration.4. The surgical fastener applying apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the introducer member includes attachment structure claim 1 , and the end effector includes engagement structure claim 1 , the attachment structure and the engagement structure ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112730A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical device is provided that includes a jaw portion, having a first jaw in opposed correspondence with a second jaw, the second jaw including a surgical member. The surgical device may include a shaft portion coupled to a proximal end of the jaw portion and at least one motor configured to rotate the jaw portion relative to the shaft portion, to move the jaw portion relative to the shaft portion, move the first jaw relative to the second jaw and move the surgical member within the second jaw. The surgical member may be prevented from moving within the second jaw unless the first jaw is in a closed position relative to the second jaw. Advantageously, the surgical member may include one or both a cutting element or a stapling element, disposed within one of the jaws. 1. A surgical device , comprising:a first jaw;a second jaw in opposed correspondence to the first jaw;a shaft pivotably coupled to at least one of the first and second jaws, the shaft defining a longitudinal axis therethrough;a first driver configured to be coupled to a first rotatable drive shaft;a second driver configured to be coupled to a second rotatable drive shaft;a first gear train having a first gear element arrangement;a second gear train having a second gear element arrangement; anda wedge member mechanically cooperating with a wedge driver, the wedge member having a blade rotatably coupled thereon, such that the blade rotates between a first and a second position, wherein the wedge driver is actuated by one of the first gear train and the second gear train.2. The surgical device according to claim 1 , wherein the wedge member is slidably supported within the second jaw and the wedge driver is rotatably supported within the second jaw.3. The surgical device according to claim 1 , wherein the wedge driver is configured to retract the wedge member from a distal end to a proximal end of a staple tray supported within the second jaw.4. The surgical device according to claim 3 , wherein at the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112732A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A loading unit for use with a surgical stapling apparatus is provided and includes a tool assembly having a cartridge assembly and an anvil assembly that are movable in relation to one another; a surgical buttress releasably secured to a tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly, wherein each surgical buttress is secured to the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly by at least one anchor; a release assembly associated with the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly; and a drive assembly slidably translatable through the tool assembly between proximal and distal positions, wherein the drive assembly actuates the release assembly to thereby release the anchor to free the surgical buttress from the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a cartridge assembly including a cartridge having a plurality of surgical fasteners therein; a surgical buttress overlying the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly; and', 'a first suture securing the surgical buttress to the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly; and, 'an anvil assembly defining a longitudinal axis and a tissue contacting surface and disposed in juxtaposed relation to the cartridge assembly, at least one of the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly being movable in relation to the other of the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly, the anvil assembly includinga release assembly associated with the anvil assembly, wherein the release assembly is configured to urge the first suture away from the anvil assembly to release the surgical buttress from the anvil assembly.2. The surgical instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the release assembly urges the first suture laterally away from the longitudinal axis.3. The surgical instrument according to claim 1 , further comprising a drive assembly translatable through the surgical instrument from a proximal position to a distal position.4. The surgical instrument ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112733A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A loading unit for use with a surgical stapling apparatus is provided and includes a tool assembly having a cartridge assembly and an anvil assembly that are movable in relation to one another; a surgical buttress releasably secured to a tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly, wherein each surgical buttress is secured to the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly by at least one anchor; a release assembly associated with the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly; and a drive assembly slidably translatable through the tool assembly between proximal and distal positions, wherein the drive assembly actuates the release assembly to thereby release the anchor to free the surgical buttress from the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a cartridge assembly including a cartridge having a plurality of surgical fasteners therein; and a surgical buttress overlying the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly; and', 'a first suture passing through an aperture in the anvil assembly to secure the surgical buttress to the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly., 'an anvil assembly defining a tissue contacting surface and disposed in juxtaposed relation to the cartridge assembly, at least one of the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly being movable in relation to the other of the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly, the anvil assembly including2. The surgical instrument according to claim 1 , further comprising a release assembly associated with the anvil assembly and configured to hold the first suture.3. The surgical instrument according to claim 2 , further comprising a drive assembly translatable through the surgical instrument from a proximal position to a distal position.4. The surgical instrument according to claim 3 , wherein the drive assembly actuates the release assembly to thereby release the first suture and to free the surgical buttress from the anvil ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112734A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A loading unit for use with a surgical stapling apparatus is provided and includes a tool assembly having a cartridge assembly and an anvil assembly that are movable in relation to one another; a surgical buttress releasably secured to a tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly, wherein each surgical buttress is secured to the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly by at least one anchor; a release assembly associated with the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly; and a drive assembly slidably translatable through the tool assembly between proximal and distal positions, wherein the drive assembly actuates the release assembly to thereby release the anchor to free the surgical buttress from the anvil assembly and/or the cartridge assembly. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a cartridge assembly including a cartridge having a plurality of surgical fasteners therein; and a surgical buttress overlying the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly; and', 'the first suture disposed within the slot, and frictionally retained therein and releasably securing the surgical buttress to the tissue contacting surface of the anvil assembly., 'an anvil assembly defining a longitudinal axis and a tissue contacting surface and disposed in juxtaposed relation to the cartridge assembly, at least one of the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly being movable in relation to the other of the cartridge assembly and anvil assembly, the anvil assembly defining a slot for receiving a first suture, the slot having an enlarged head portion for allowing the passage of the first suture, a uniform width portion, and an open end, the anvil assembly including2. The surgical instrument according to claim 1 , further comprising a release assembly associated with the anvil assembly.3. The surgical instrument according to claim 2 , further comprising a drive assembly translatable through the tool assembly from a proximal position to a distal ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Instruments for delivering transfascial sutures and methods of transfascial suturing

Номер: US20130116709A1
Принадлежит: CR Bard Inc

An instrument for delivering a suture transfascially may include a handle, a shaft extending from the handle, and at least one needle that is moveable to an extended position beyond the end of the shaft. A suture may be delivered transfascially with the instrument. The instrument may include a suture catch associated with each needle for retaining and releasing a suture segment. A shield may be provided to shield the sharp end of each needle when it is moved to the extended position. A method of delivering a transfascial suture may include inserting an instrument into an abdominal cavity and deploying, from within the abdominal cavity, each needle through a soft tissue repair patch and then through at least part of the abdominal wall. A suture or suture segment may be advanced across the fascia with the at least one needle.
