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04-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2795532C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическому щипцовому инструменту, в частности к лапароскопическому инструменту, а также к способу его изготовления. Щипцовый инструмент для обработки биологических тканей содержит первую браншу, удерживаемую на основании и отходящую от него, и вторую браншу, установленную на основании с возможностью поворота вокруг поворотной оси. Для установки второй бранши с возможностью поворота предусмотрена опорная структура с двумя опорными элементами, которые расположены соосно друг другу и совместно образуют разделенную опорную цапфу. Опорная структура выполнена на выполненном из пластика опорном вкладыше, который соединен с основанием. Способ монтажа опорной структуры в щипцовом инструменте по одному из предшествующих пунктов, характеризующийся тем, что берут опорную структуру, представляющую собой развернутую деталь, в которой обе опорные части и соединяющая их перемычка расположены в общей плоскости, перемещают опорные части в ...

27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2240740C2

Изобретение относится к хирургии и может использоваться, в частности, при эндохирургических операциях. Хирургический инструмент содержит ручки, тягу и корпус со сменными рабочими подвижными частями в виде ножниц, щипцов или зажимов. Рабочие части установлены с возможностью поворота и фиксации. Инструмент снабжен курком в виде двухплечего рычага, в пазу которого на оси закреплены одна сторона Г-образного подпружиненного крючка. Вторая сторона крючка соединена осью с неподвижной ручкой и взаимосвязана с зубчатой кремальерой подвижной ручки. Двухплечий курок имеет в нижней части фиксирующий выступ. Выступ размещен с возможностью взаимодействия с пазом на радиусной поверхности неподвижной ручки. Цилиндрическая посадочная часть с проточкой для фиксации, кнопка, пружина, втулка и фиксатор выполнены для съема и замены рабочих подвижных частей. Петли ручек снабжены съемными кольцами из силиконовой резины. Передняя кромка неподвижной ручки имеет переменно-радиусный профиль. В результате хирургу ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766266C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическому инструменту для осуществления хирургического вмешательства на пациенте. Инструмент для осуществления хирургического вмешательства на пациенте имеет рабочий орган, исполнительный зубчатый механизм, первое передаточное средство и второе передаточное средство. Рабочий орган имеет по меньшей мере две подлежащие перемещению со смещением во времени части рабочего органа. Исполнительный зубчатый механизм имеет первую выходную часть механизма для первой из частей рабочего органа и вторую выходную часть механизма для второй из частей рабочего органа. Исполнительный зубчатый механизм имеет кулачковый механизм, который соединен с первой выходной частью механизма. Первое передаточное средство с одной стороны соединено с первой частью рабочего органа, а с другой стороны с первой выходной частью механизма. Второе передаточное средство с одной стороны соединено со второй частью рабочего органа, а с другой стороны со второй выходной ...

27-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95102507A

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, используемой в хирургии. Цель изобретения - расширение функциональных возможностей инструмента за счет быстроразъемного безрезьбового соединения рабочего органа с рукояткой, исключения возможности скручивания тяги и самопроизвольного проворота рабочего органа за счет проточек на полдиаметра взаимодействующих концов неподвижной втулки и подвижного наконечника. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что инструмент содержит гибкий рабочий орган, включающий соосно расположенные тягу и наружную неподвижную трубку с закрепленными на ней неподвижной и подвижной браншами, установленный в направляющем поворотном ниппеле, который закреплен в фиксирующем приспособлении в виде цанговой втулки с возможностью быстроразъемного соединения рабочего органа с рукояткой, а приводной механизм выполнен в виде рычага, взаимодействующего с плоской пружиной, установлен на рукоятке с возможностью взаимодействия с подвижным наконечником и передачей продольного перемещения ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014102587A

... 1. Интракорпоральный хирургический ретрактор тканей, содержащий:a) фиксатор, избирательно размещаемый в первой ткани, не подвергаемой ретракции;b) зажим, избирательно размещаемый на второй ткани, подвергаемой ретракции;c) избирательно перемещаемую в продольном направлении опору, продеваемую через упомянутый фиксатор и прикрепляемую по существу на дистальном конце упомянутой подвижной опоры к упомянутому зажиму; а такжеd) пользовательский интерфейс размещения, прикрепляемый к упомянутой подвижной опоре и имеющий проксимальный конец, которым пользователь может манипулировать экстракорпорально, и дистальный конец, разъемно прикрепляемый как к упомянутому фиксатору, так и к упомянутому зажиму, выполненный с возможностью интракорпорального размещения упомянутого фиксатора в первой ткани, а упомянутого зажима - на второй ткани,при этом, когда упомянутый зажим размещен на второй ткани, а упомянутая подвижная опора избирательно перемещается в проксимальном направлении, вторая ткань избирательно ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012210763A1

Greifinstrument (1) mit zwei Maulteilen (2, 4), die über ein Drehgelenk (3) miteinander verbunden und durch Zusammendrücken (Z) zweier mit den Maulteilen (2, 4) verbundener Griffschenkel (12, 14) aufeinander zu beweglich und durch Auseinanderdrücken (A) der Griffschenkel (12, 14) voneinander weg beweglich sind, wobei der Griffschenkel (12) ein Biegegelenk (15) aufweist, durch das beim Zusammendrücken (Z) der Griffschenkel (12, 14) eine durch eine Nachgiebigkeit des Biegegelenks (15) begrenzte Kraft über den das Biegegelenk (15) aufweisenden Griffschenkel (12) auf das entsprechende Maulteil (2, 4) übertragen wird und das einen Richtungsanschlag (9) umfasst, wobei durch den Richtungsanschlag (9) beim Auseinanderdrücken (A) eine aufgeprägte Handkraft unmittelbar wirkt.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015101450U1

Laparoskopie-Zange mit einer Griffanordnung und einem länglichen Schaft (5), wobei der Schaft (5) ein Maulteil (1) aus einer ersten Maulhälfte (2) und einer zweiten Maulhälfte (3) umfasst, welches durch die Griffanordnung betätigbar ist, wobei die erste Maulhälfte (2) und die zweite Maulhälfte (3) über ein gemeinsames Maulgelenk (4) zueinander verstellbar sind, wobei die erste Maulhälfte (2) eine erste Aufrauhung (6) aufweist, welche mit einer zweiten Aufrauhung (7) der zweiten Maulhälfte (3) in Wirkverbindung bringbar ist, wobei ausserdem die erste Maulhälfte (2) eine erste Maulspitze (8) aufweist, welche mit einer zweiten Maulspitze (10) formschlüssig schließbar ist, wobei zwischen der ersten Maulspitze (8) und der ersten Aufrauhung (6) eine erste Verrippung (9) vorhanden ist und zwischen der zweiten Maulspitze (10) und der zweiten Aufrauhung (7) eine zweite Verrippung (11) vorhanden ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das die erste Maulhälfte (2) eine erste Schneide (12) und die zweite ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Medizinisches Instrument

Номер: DE102017204010A1

Das medizinische Instrument weist eine proximale Handhabe (3) zum Steuern eines distalen Werkzeugs auf. Die Handhabe (3) weist zwei relativ zueinander schwenkbeweglich angeordnete und federkraftbeaufschlagte Griffstücke (4, 5) auf, die über eine Bahnführung miteinander bewegungsgekoppelt sind, wobei die Bahnführung ein einen Führungsbahn aufweisendes Bahnbauteil (7) und ein in die Führungsbahn eingreifenden Führungskörper an einem Führungsbauteil 8 aufweist. Die Bauteile (7, 8) sind an den Griffstücken angeordnet und zueinander quer zu einer Schwenkebene der Griffstücke federkraftbeaufschlagt. Eines der Bauteile (7, 8) ist schwenkbar an einem Griffstück (4, 5) angeordnet. Zwischen den Bauteilen (7, 8) ist mindestens eine Raststellung gebildet, in welcher die Schwenkstellung der Griffstücke (4, 5) in eine Richtung blockiert ist. Unabhängig vom Führungskörper und Führungsbahn ist für die Rastfunktion ein Rastkörper und mindestens eine den Rastkörper in einer Raststellung aufnehmende Rastaufnahme ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Instrument, insbesondere medizinisch-endoskopisches Instrument oder Technoskop

Номер: DE102014217796A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Instrument und insbesondere ein medizinisch-endoskopisches Instrument oder Technoskop. Dieses Instrument weist einen Schaft und einen an dem distalen Schaftende angeordneten Instrumentenkopf auf. Der Instrumentenkopf ist über ein zwischen dem Schaft und dem Instrumentenkopf angeordnetes Gelenk relativ zu dem Schaft abwinkelbar ist und weist ein Werkzeug mit zwei relativ zueinander verschwenkbaren Maulteilen auf. Zur Steuerung der Maulteile sind diese jeweils mit zwei Seilzügen bewegungsgekoppelt. Jeder dieser Seilzüge ist im Bereich des Gelenks jeweils um ein Umlenkrollenpaar mit zwei in Längsrichtung des Instruments nebeneinander angeordneten Umlenkrollen gelenkt. Hierbei sind beidseitig einer Mittelachse des Instruments jeweils zwei Umlenkrollenpaare angeordnet, von denen die Umlenkrollen eines ersten Umlenkrollenpaares einen kleineren Durchmesser als die Umlenkrollen eines zweiten Umlenkrollenpaares aufweisen.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Handhabungseinrichtung für ein mikroinvasiv-chirurgisches Instrument

Номер: DE102011007121A1

Eine Handhabungseinrichtung (50) für ein mikroinvasiv-chirurgisches Instrument (10) umfasst eine Griffeinrichtung (58, 59) zum manuellen Halten und Führen der Handhabungseinrichtung (50), eine Schaftkupplung (53) zum lösbaren mechanischen Koppeln der Handhabungseinrichtung (50) mit einem proximalen Ende (32) eines Schafts (30) und eine Stangenkupplung (55), die in der Handhabungseinrichtung zwischen einer vorbestimmten distalen Montageposition und einem vorbestimmten proximalen Bereich von Arbeitspositionen linear verschiebbar ist, zum lösbaren mechanischen Koppeln mit einem proximalen Ende (42) einer Übertragungsstange (40), die in einem mit der Schaftkupplung (53) gekoppelten Schaft (50) verschiebbar ist. Die verschiebbare Stangenkupplung (55) ist ausgebildet, um in der vorbestimmten Montageposition ein proximales Ende (42) einer Übertragungsstange (40) aufzunehmen oder freizugeben, und um in dem vorbestimmten Arbeitsbereich von Positionen der Stangenkupplung (55) ein in die Stangenkupplung ...

13-04-2011 дата публикации

Flexible endoscope controllable between extended and crossed configurations

Номер: GB0002474253A

A surgical endoscope has a straight elongate hollow rod 7. Adjacent to this, short, moveable segments 3 form joint regions arranged between long segments 32, 34, 36, 38, such that the instrument can move between a first, extended configuration and a second, folded configuration in which two spaced parts of the rod cross over each other. The segments may have angled faces (12, see figure 1), with ridges 13 to prevent unwanted movement. Tensioning wires 10 may run through bores 11 in the segments (see figures 1 and 2), and may be tightened to effect folding. The distal end segment 42 may be connected by a control cable 28 to the shaft 7 at recess 32 (see figure 6), which assists folding or relaxing.

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Surgical instrument insert and surgical instrument system

Номер: GB0002490151B

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Actuation handle utilising a double scissor hinge

Номер: GB0002509211A

The present invention relates to an actuation grip 1 for a microsurgical instrument having an inner shank 16 axially movable relative to an outer shank 15. Two grip parts 11, each with two ends 111, 112, are coupled pivotably at a proximal end 1' of the actuation grip 1. Each grip part 11 is articulated to a first lever pair 12 between the ends of the grip part 11. The first levers 12 are coupled rotatably at an intersection pin 124, and their ends 121, 123 are also connected rotatably to the ends of a second lever pair 13, the second levers being coupled to each other at the other end at common pin 14. Pin 14 is attached to a shank wall, preferably the inner shank. A double scissor hinge or parallelogram linkage is thus formed, which serves to move the two shanks 15, 16 relative to each other when the handles are actuated. Rollers (125, see figure 3) may be mounted on the protruding ends of pin 124 and restrained within slot 161 in the inner shank. The actuator may be locked in a particular ...

16-06-2010 дата публикации

Mechanisms for connecting a handle to a surgical instrument

Номер: GB0002466180A

A surgical instrument 4 is a coaxial arrangement of an inner shaft 14 and an outer sleeve 12 with grasping forceps or a cutting tool at the distal end 6. The proximal end of the instrument can be attached to an operating handle 2 by one of two locking mechanisms. In the first, a relief 24 is cut into the proximal end of the inner shaft and can be engaged by translation of a keyhole shaped element (38, figure 3) in the handle in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the instrument. In the second, a hole is bored through the outer tube and receives a pin (46, figure 4) mounted in the handle. Preferably, the locking elements are biased by a spring into their locked positions and a release lever is used to permit attachment or removal of the instrument from the handle.

06-02-2019 дата публикации

Bipolar surgical instruments

Номер: GB0002565132A

A bipolar surgical instrument 1 comprises a body 2 and first and second opposed jaws located at the distal end of a shaft, movable between an open position in which the first and second jaws are spaced apart from one another, and a closed position. An actuation grip 8 is movably mounted on the body 2, is arranged to operate an actuation shaft, and is biased towards the open position by an actuation grip return force. An actuation assistor 60 is located in the body 2 of the instrument 1 and comprises an aperture 84 and a resiliently biased portion to engage the aperture 84 when the jaws are closed. This is arranged to hold the actuation grip 8 in the closed position with a predetermined force greater than zero and less than the actuation grip return force.

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489902T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000547992T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507563B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein medizinisches Instrument mit einem länglichen Element, das vorzugsweise für die transorale Platzierung in einem Magen konfiguriert ist, und einem an einem Ende des länglichen Elements angeordneten Endeffektor (100), wobei der Endeffektor (100) über einen hydraulischen Betätigungsmechanismus (1) betätigbar ist, wobei der hydraulischer Betätigungsmechanismus (1) einen Zylinder (20) mit zumindest einem, vorzugsweise zwei, drei, vier oder fünf Überströmkanälen (21a, 21b, 21c, 21d) für eine Hydraulikflüssigkeit, die über zumindest eine Bohrung (22a, 22b, 22b', 22c, 22c', 22d, 22d') mit dem Zylinderinneren verbunden sind, aufweist, ein in dem Zylinder (20) angeordneter, entlang der Längsachse des Zylinders (20) bewegbarer Kolben (30) vorgesehen ist, wobei der Kolben (30) den Innenraum (23) des Zylinders (20) in einen ersten Zylinderraum (23a) und in einen zweiten Zylinderraum (23b) teilt und über eine Kolbenstange (31) mit dem Endeffektor (100) in Verbindung steht, ...

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508161B1

Surgical jaw type grab has actuating element (4) shiftable against the force of spring (5) to pivot head tube (6) carrying the jaws (3) on one end of rear shaft tube; jaws pivoted between open and closed positions by actuating rod assembly formed of rigid rear rod extending coaxially in rear tube adjacent the rod, and rigid front rod extending coaxially through the head tube; and flexible flat bar fixed between front and rear ends of rear and front rods. The rear end of rear rod is connected to actuating lever (2) so that pivoting the lever control the opening and closing of jaws.

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508161A1

A grab for a surgical instrument has an elongated tube having a rigid outer part and a rigid inner part interconnected by a pivot pin extending along an axis transverse to the parts. A pair of jaws are pivotal on an outer end of the outer part between open and closed positions. An elongated actuating rod has a rigid outer part in the outer tube part and connected to the jaws, a rigid inner part in the inner tube part, and a flexible center part longitudinally interconnecting the rod inner and outer parts and passing through or around the pivot pin. The pivot pin is formed on the pivot axis with a throughgoing slot and the flexible part of the rod extends through the slot.

15-05-2015 дата публикации

Instrument zum chirurgischen Nähen bei der minimal-invasiven Chirurgie und Nadelhalterkupplung für ein derartiges Instrument

Номер: AT514923A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Instrument (1) zum chirurgischen Nähen bei der minimal-invasiven Chirurgie, insbesondere Einzelport- Chirurgie, mit einer über einen Port (P) zu einer Operationsstelle (O) zuführbaren Greifeinrichtung (3) mit einer Zange (4) zum Greifen einer chirurgischen Nadel (N) am distalen Ende (5) und einer Einrichtung (6) zur Betätigung der Zange (4) am proximalen Ende (7), und eine Nadelhalterkupplung (2) für ein derartiges Instrument (1). Zur Erleichterung des chirurgischen Nähens bei der minimal-invasiven Chirurgie ist eine durch den Port (P) einführbare Nadelhalterkupplung (2) vorgesehen, welche Nadelhalterkupplung (2) ein die Greifeinrichtung (3) umhüllendes Rohr (9) beinhaltet, an dessen distalem Ende (10) eine von der Zange (4) der Greifeinrichtung (3) beabstandete Vorrichtung (10) zum Halten der chirurgischen Nadel (N) angeordnet ist.

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010971U1

TIFF 00000004.TIF 276 214 ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Control unit for a medical device

Номер: AU2017231052A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A control unit for a medical instrument is provided. The control unit includes a housing having a curved top surface capable of accommodating a hand of the user, the housing being attachable to the medical instrument. The control unit further includes a first interface engageable by a purlicue of the hand for controlling a first function of the medical instrument and a second interface engageable by one or more fingers of the hand for operating at least a second function of the medical instrument.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Surgical ligation clip

Номер: AU2017305440B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A surgical clip may be configured to ligate tissue. The surgical clip may include first and second leg members. The first leg member may have a proximal portion, a distal portion, a convex first inner surface, and a convex first outer surface. The first leg member may also include an inner portion at least partially defining the first inner surface and an outer portion at least partially defining the first outer surface. The inner and outer portions may be joined at first and second portions of the first leg member and separated by a channel. The second leg member may include a proximal portion, a distal portion, a second inner surface, and a second outer surface. The first and second leg members may be movable relative to each other between open and closed configurations, and the first and second inner surfaces may be configured to ligate the tissue when in the closed configuration.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Method of securing the shaft of a surgical instrument to the instrument housing

Номер: AU2019380422A1

A surgical instrument having a housing, an outer shaft extending from the housing along a longitudinal axis, an inner shaft extending within the outer shaft along the longitudinal axis, a rotator knob position about the outer shaft, and a tube stop coupling the rotator knob to the outer shaft for collective rotation about the longitudinal axis and fixed within the housing against movement along the longitudinal axis. The tube stop has a pair of bearing surfaces that extend into a pair of longitudinal tracks of the outer shaft, and the rotator knob includes a pair of rails that extend into the pair of tracks of the outer shaft and block the tube stop exiting the tracks. The tube stop is captured between a pair of ribs in the housing to hold the tube stop in place while allowing the rotator knob to rotate the outer shaft.

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Forceps drive shaft

Номер: AU2020253804A1

Surgical forceps can include a drive pin an outer tube, a first jaw, a second jaw, and an inner tube. The outer tube can define a longitudinal axis. The first jaw can be pivotably connected to the outer tube. The first jaw can include a pair of flanges located at a proximal portion of the first jaw, where each flange can include a track receiving the drive pin. The inner tube can be located within the outer tube and can extend along the longitudinal axis. The inner tube can include a pair of arms extending from a distal portion of the inner tube. The drive pin can be securable to the pair of arms. The inner tube can be translatable within the outer tube to drive the drive pin along the tracks to move the second jaw between open and closed positions.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Reload cover for surgical stapling system

Номер: AU2020253285A1

Surgical stapler systems can include a jaw assembly with one jaw defining a reload support capable of receiving and firing multiple disposable reload cartridges in a single surgical procedure. The reload cartridge can be protected by a reload cover engageable therewith. The reload cover can include snap features configured to prevent manual removal of the reload cover from the reload cartridge before proper positioning and installation in the reload support. The reload cover can desirably maintain a plurality of staples within staple pockets in the reload cartridge and can maintain a staple deployment mechanism in an unfired position.

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Forceps motion transfer assembly

Номер: AU2020253238A1

Forceps including a frame and a motion transfer assembly to transfer forces from or more actuators to an end effector. The motion transfer assembly can include a body having a passageway, a drive shaft extending through the passageway, and a drive link. The body and the drive shaft slidable with respect to the frame, and the body rotationally fixed to the drive shaft to transfer a rotational input received from a first actuator into a rotational motion of the drive shaft relative to the frame. The drive link operably coupled to the frame and the body to transfer a force received from a second actuator into a linear motion of the body and the drive shaft relative to the frame.

23-04-2009 дата публикации

Minimially invasive repair of a valve leaflet in a beating heart

Номер: AU2008311754A1

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Surgical instruments with reconfigurable shaft segments

Номер: AU2011307379B2

A surgical instrument having a handle assembly and an elongated shaft assembly protruding therefrom. Various embodiments of the elongated shaft assemblies include reconfigurable shaft segments that have portions that may be selectively arranged in coaxial alignment with each other and in other configurations wherein at least some portions thereof are not in coaxial alignment with each other. Various locking arrangements are disclosed for releasably locking the reconfigurable shaft segments in desired orientations. A movable closure tube is supported on the elongated shaft segment and is oriented to provide actuation motions to an end effector coupled to the distal end of the elongated shaft.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Articulating surgical tools and tool sheaths, and methods of deploying the same

Номер: AU2012240201A1

A system for performing a medical procedure includes an articulating probe including inner and outer sleeves, and a surgical tool including a functional element positioned at a distal end of a tool shaft, the tool shaft having an articulation region. The articulating probe and the surgical tool are independently controllable.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Vessel sealing instrument with electrical cutting mechanism

Номер: AU2008200725B2

VESSEL SEALING INSTRUMENT WITH ELECTRICAL CUTTING Abstract An end effector assembly (100) for use with an instrument for sealing vessels s and cutting vessels includes a pair of opposing first and second jaw members (110, 120), which are movable relative to one another from a first spaced apart position to a second position for grasping tissue therebetween. Each jaw member (110, 120) includes an electrically conductive tissue contacting surface (112, 122) connected to an electrosurgical energy source (500). At least one of the jaw members (110, 120) includes io an electrically conductive cutting element (127) disposed within an insulator defined in the jaw member. At least one channel is included in the insulator (113, 123) which is configured to deliver fluid between the jaw members (110, 120). OcQ ii ,0) 0) Cj ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Bipolar electrosurgical sealer and divider

Номер: AU2015369954A1
Автор: LE RICHARD, Le, Richard
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An electrosurgical instrument is provided that captures, compresses, fuses and cuts tissue between upper and lower jaws connected to pivotably movable handles. The instrument includes a force and over compression regulation mechanism that is configured such that in a clamped configuration, the jaws delivers a gripping force between the first jaw and the second jaw between a predetermined minimum force and a predetermined maximum force.

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Urethral anastomosis device

Номер: AU2013318237A1

Provided herein is a two-part coupling assembly for re-connecting a first hollow body part to a second body part and an instrument (90) and method for emplacement. The coupling assembly comprises coupling parts (2, 52) having securement elements (20, 70) that are actuated by separate deployment mechanisms of the instrument and attach to the first and second body parts. The first and second coupling parts having interconnecting elements (48, 62) that couple the two-part assembly together and re-connect the first and second body parts.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Closure lockout systems for surgical instruments

Номер: AU2015275140B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A surgical instrument is disclosed. The surgical instrument can include a first jaw, a second jaw, and a jaw closure lockout system (1250). The first jaw can comprise a pivot pin slot (1214) and a slide pin slot (1211, 1217 or 1219). The second jaw can comprise an anvil (1220) and, in addition, a mounting portion (1223) comprising a pivot pin (1230), which can be movably positioned in the pivot pin slot. A shiftable guide (1240) can be movably positioned in the first jaw and can comprise a body (1242) and a barrier wall (1241). The body can comprise a slide pin (1243, 1245 or 1249) movably positioned in the slide pin slot. The barrier wall can be aligned with a portion of the pivot pin slot when the slide pin is positioned within a range of positions in the slide pin slot, and the barrier wall can be offset from the pivot pin slot when the slide pin is positioned outside the range of positions.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Articulating surgical instruments and methods of deploying the same

Номер: AU2013271906B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

A surgical tool comprises an elongated first assembly and an elongated second assembly. The second assembly comprises an elongated support element, an elongated activation element moveable relative to the support element, and a functional mechanism coupled to the activation element. A movement of the functional mechanism is in response to a movement of the activation element. A force imparted by the movement of the activation element is isolated from the first assembly by the support element.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017210548A1
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

A medical device control handle or catheter includes deflection assembly and at least one of the following: a disk actuator, a lever actuator and a ring actuator for actuating additional puller wires in manipulation of multiple features of the medical device or catheter independently of each other. The disk actuator has a common rotational axis with the deflection assembly as the disk actuator is mounted on a portion of the pulley arm but is rotationally independent of the pulley arm. The lever actuator has a separate rotational axis from that of the pulley arm and can be distal of the pulley arm with its rotational axis is oriented generally perpendicular of the rotational axis of the pulley arm. The ring is mounted outside of the control handle and rotatable relative to the control handle to actuate another puller wire for manipulating another feature of the catheter. Each of the disk, lever and ring actuators are of a design that allows existing control handles and catheters to be readily ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021204243A1

A bendable surgical apparatus comprises a steerable member that is bendable and has a plurality of bending segments. A plurality of bending actuation wires pass through the steerable member and cause the steerable member to bend. A flexible member comprising a flexible material is provided at the proximal end of the steerable member. The surgical apparatus also includes least one sleeve forming a path of travel for a wire passing through the steerable member or the flexible member, both ends of which are fixed to the inside thereof. [FIG. 1] ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Devices and systems for pyloric occlusion

Номер: AU2019242549A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

According to exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure, devices and systems for pyloric occlusion in an endoscopic procedure may include a first flange and a second flange connected to the first flange by a saddle region having a lumen. The second flange may be proximal to the first flange. The pyloric occlusion device may further include a closure element. The closure element may be configured to occlude a flow of material through the lumen, including across the pylorus when deployed. The closure element may be a closure of the lumen by rotation of one of the first or second flanges about the saddle region relative to the other of the first or second flange.

13-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002581852C
Принадлежит: EVALVE, INC.

... ²²²Devices, systems and methods are provided for stabilizing and grasping tissues ²such as valve leaflets, assessing the grasp of these tissues, approximating ²and fixating the tissues, and assessing the fixation of the tissues to treat ²cardiac valve regurgitation, particularly mitral valve regurgitation.² ...

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002776535A1

Surgical tools that can be used in single port laparoscopic procedures can include a low-profile handle assembly to minimize tool interference adjacent the incision site. For example, a handle assembly for a surgical instrument can have a generally in-line configuration extending linearly along a central longitudinal axis of an elongate shaft of the instrument. A linkage mechanism including a trigger ( 20 ), an actuation link ( 24 ), and an actuation shaft ( 26 ) can be positioned within the in-line handle. The linkage mechanism can be pivoted between an open position in which end effectors of the instrument are open and a toggle position in which the end effectors are locked closed. A locking mechanism such as a ratchet mechanism can also be used to lock the end effectors. A surgical dissector can include gripping jaws having a curved profile or an angled elongate shaft to minimize tool interference and maximize visibility within a procedure site.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3135443A1

Surgical stapler systems can include a jaw assembly with one jaw defining a reload support capable of receiving and firing multiple disposable reload cartridges in a single surgical procedure. The reload cartridge can be protected by a reload cover engageable therewith. The reload cover can include snap features configured to prevent manual removal of the reload cover from the reload cartridge before proper positioning and installation in the reload support. The reload cover can desirably maintain a plurality of staples within staple pockets in the reload cartridge and can maintain a staple deployment mechanism in an unfired position.

30-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002561034A1

An endoscopic forceps is disclosed including an end effector assembly having two jaw members movable from a first position in spaced relation relative to one another to at least a second position closer to one another for grasping tissue therebetween. Each of the jaw members is connectable to an electrosurgical energy source for conducting energy through tissue held therebetween. The jaw members are biased to the first position. The end effector assembly of the endoscopic forceps further includes a wire snare having a proximal end connectable to an electrosurgical energy source and a distal end translatably extending out of one of the jaw members and operatively associated with the other of the jaw members. In use, withdrawal of the proximal end of the wire snare results in movement of the jaw members from the first position to a second position and clamping of the tissue between the jaws.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003094709A1

A surgical applicator for a fastener, the surgical applicator comprising: a handle; a trigger movable relative to the handle between an initial position, an actuated position, and an intermediate position between the initial position and the actuated position; and a lockout mechanism movable relative to the trigger between a locked position and an unlocked position, the lockout mechanism operatively arranged to: lock the trigger in the intermediate position when the trigger is moved from the initial position toward the actuated position; and permit movement of the trigger from the intermediate position toward the initial position or the actuated position when the lockout mechanism is moved from the locked position to the unlocked position.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003088262A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

According to exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure, devices and systems for pyloric occlusion in an endoscopic procedure may include a first flange and a second flange connected to the first flange by a saddle region having a lumen. The second flange may be proximal to the first flange. The pyloric occlusion device may further include a closure element. The closure element may be configured to occlude a flow of material through the lumen, including across the pylorus when deployed. The closure element may be a closure of the lumen by rotation of one of the first or second flanges about the saddle region relative to the other of the first or second flange.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3117963A1

A method includes engaging a clamp over a length of tissue to be sutured. A helical needle is advanced along a length of the clamp such that the helical needle passes through the tissue to be sutured. A leading end of a suturing thread is attached at a tip of the helical needle. The leading end of the suturing thread is captured. The helical needle is retracted back through the tissue so as to leave the thread in place. The clamp is disengaged from the tissue. A device for automatic suturing includes a clamp configured to be positioned over a length of tissues to be sutured. A helical needle is configured to be advanced and retracted along a length of the clamp. The needle has a tip. A suturing thread having a leading end is attached to the tip of the helical needle.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003048492A1

The disclosure provides a surgical apparatus comprising: a steerable member that is bendable and comprises a plurality of bending segments with channels therein; and a plurality of bending actuation wires that are arranged to pass through the steerable member and cause the steerable member to bend, the steerable member comprising at least one outwardly opening lumen through which the bending actuation wires pass.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002997314A1

The invention relates to a surgical instrument (1) with an elongate body(2) with a longitudinal axis (3) having a distal end (4) and a proximal end (11). The instrument has a pitch capstan (22,34) having an axis (17,20) transversely to the longitudinal axis (3) at one end of the elongate body. At least two pairs of cables (27,28;29,30) extend along the elongate body (2), along the pitch axis (17,20) to a respective work member (5,6;14,15) to which they are attached. The invention is characterized in that, the cables (27,28;29,30) are guided in sliding contact along a slide bearing (22,34,42,43) situated at or near the pitch axis (17,20). The invention also relates to a handle (10) for a medical instrument having a hinging connection (18, 31,32,34,35) with the elongate body situated near an inside hand region of the user.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003034980A1

Surgical instruments and, particularly, ophthalmic surgical instruments are disclosed. Example surgical instruments include forceps for removal of an internal limiting membrane (ILM). The example forceps may include a textured surface formed at a distal end of the forceps jaws. The textured surface may have a plurality of microposts that operate to increase a coefficient of friction between the ILM and the forceps in order to reduce a normal force, applied by the forceps, needed to engage the ILM.

15-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002604994C
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical device is disclosed which includes a handle assembly, an elongated member and a disposable loading unit. The handle assembly includes a mode selection mechanism configured to alternate the surgical device between a first grasping mode of operation and a second clamping mode of operation. The handle assembly includes a rotation control member and an articulation lever. The rotation control member is configured to facilitate rotation of the elongated member with respect to the handle assembly. The articulation lever is configured to facilitate articulation of the tool assembly about an axis substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of elongated member. In one embodiment, the tool assembly includes a cartridge assembly having a plurality of staples and an anvil assembly configured to clamp and staple tissue in the second clamping mode of operation of the device.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002961213A1

The various embodiments disclosed herein relate to arms or forearms of medical devices that are configured to couple with quick-release end effectors, quick-release end effectors for use with such medical devices, and arms or forearms coupled to such quick-release end effectors. Certain forearms and end effectors have magnetic couplings, while others have mechanical couplings, and further implementations have both magnetic and mechanical couplings.

09-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002907227C

A bone repair system, kit and method for percutaneous repair of a bone segment containing a first bone segment and a second bone segment in a patient, each bone segment having a drill hole. The system (1) comprises a longitudinal member (4) configured to contact the first bone segment and the second bone segment and having at least one opening (11, 12) and cleats (5) on the side adapted to contact the first bone segment and the second bone segment; a first fastener assembly (6) configured to be disposed through the opening of the longitudinal member to hold the longitudinal member in place through the opening and the hole in the first bone segment; and a second fastener assembly (7) configured to be disposed through the opening of the longitudinal member to hold the longitudinal member in place through the opening and the hole in the second bone segment.

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002900314A1

A medical device and a system including same are provided. The medical device includes an elongated device body, at least a portion of which is steerable within a body of a subject via at least one control wire; and a plurality of control wire guides disposed along the elongated device body and being deployable to deflect the at least one control wire away from a longitudinal axis of the elongated device body.

29-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA2902866C

A apparatus includes a shaft, an end effector, an articulation joint, and a locking feature. The end effector is pivotable from a first position to a second position. The end effector is aligned with a longitudinal axis of the shaft in the first position and angled relative to the longitudinal axis of the shaft in the second position. The articulation joint couples the shaft with the end effector and pivots the end effector from the first position to the second position. The locking feature is coupled with the articulation joint and translates from a proximal position to a distal position. The locking feature locks the articulation joint when the locking feature is in the distal position.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002914820A1

A surgical instrument comprises a steering mechanism. The steering mechanism comprises a handle at a proximal end of the surgical instrument. The handle includes a plurality of controls for controlling a movement of the surgical instrument. The steering mechanism also comprises a hub that rotatably mates with the handle and a housing positioned about the hub. The handle, the housing, and the hub communicate with each other to provide at least a first degree of freedom and a second degree of freedom. An articulation region is at a distal end of the surgical instrument. A movement of the steering mechanism handle in one and only one of the first or second degrees of freedom relative to at least one of the housing or the hub translates to a movement of the articulation region in a single plane of motion.

01-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974930C

An ultrasonic clamp coagulator assembly (100) that is configured to permit selective cutting, coagulation and clamping of tissue during surgical procedures. An elongated portion of the instrument can be configured for endoscopic applications and has an outside diameter of less than 6mm. The construction includes a clamping mechanism, including a clamp arm pivotally mounted at the distal portion of the instrument, which is specifically configured to create a desired level of tissue clamping forces, exceeding 4 pounds when the trigger is fully closed. The clamping mechanism includes a two-piece pad design and pad material that enables the higher tissue clamping forces and a force-limiting mechanism that effectively smooths out abusive tissue forces. The assembly also features hand activation configured to provide an ergonomical grip and operation for the surgeon. Hand switches are placed in the range of the natural swing of the surgeon's thumb, whether gripping the surgical instrument right-handed ...

08-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974928C

An ultrasonic clamp coagulator assembly (100) that is configured to permit selective cutting, coagulation and clamping of tissue during surgical procedures. An elongated portion of the instrument can be configured for endoscopic applications and has an outside diameter of less than 6mm. The construction includes a clamping mechanism, including a clamp arm pivotally mounted at the distal portion of the instrument, which is specifically configured to create a desired level of tissue clamping forces, exceeding 4 pounds when the trigger is fully closed. The clamping mechanism includes a two-piece pad design and pad material that enables the higher tissue clamping forces and a force-limiting mechanism that effectively smooths out abusive tissue forces. The assembly also features hand activation configured to provide an ergonomical grip and operation for the surgeon. Hand switches are placed in the range of the natural swing of the surgeon's thumb, whether gripping the surgical instrument right-handed ...

24-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974924C

An ultrasonic clamp coagulator assembly (100) that is configured to permit selective cutting, coagulation and clamping of tissue during surgical procedures. An elongated portion of the instrument can be configured for endoscopic applications and has an outside diameter of less than 6mm. The construction includes a clamping mechanism, including a clamp arm pivotally mounted at the distal portion of the instrument, which is specifically configured to create a desired level of tissue clamping forces, exceeding 4 pounds when the trigger is fully closed. The clamping mechanism includes a two-piece pad design and pad material that enables the higher tissue clamping forces and a force-limiting mechanism that effectively smooths out abusive tissue forces. The assembly also features hand activation configured to provide an ergonomical grip and operation for the surgeon. Hand switches are placed in the range of the natural swing of the surgeon's thumb, whether gripping the surgical instrument right-handed ...

20-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002982615C

An end effector apparatus for a surgical instrument is disclosed. The apparatus includes a first jaw mounted on a first revolute joint, the first jaw having a manipulating portion extending forwardly from the first revolute joint and a lever arm projecting rearwardly from the first revolute joint. The apparatus also includes a second jaw having a manipulating portion generally opposing the manipulating portion of the first jaw, and a coupler having an actuation end disposed overlapping the lever arm of the first jaw, the first and second jaws being laterally spaced apart to provide clearance for the actuation end of the coupler. The apparatus further includes a linkage extending rearwardly between the actuation end of the coupler and the lever arm of the first jaw, the linkage being operable to cause opening and closing movements of the first jaw about the first revolute joint in response to reciprocating movement of the coupler.

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002938177C

Provided herein are expandable endoscopic devices. In accordance with certain aspects of an embodiment of the invention, an endoscopic expandable device is disclosed that comprises an expandable jaw at the distal tip, a control wire connected to the jaw, a sheath enclosing the control wire, and a handle connected to the sheath or wire having an actuating trigger. The expandable jaw is configured to allow its delivery in a retracted configuration to a target site within a patient's body through the working channel of an endoscope, after which the jaw may reconfigure to an expanded configuration that is larger than the retracted configuration. This allows the expandable jaw to be easily delivered to the target site while allowing an operable jaw size that is larger than would be allowed if limited to size of the working channel. The expandable jaw of the endoscopic expandable device may optionally be detachable from the sheath, in which case a jaw release mechanism may also be provided and ...

06-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002695558A1

Methods and devices are provided for providing surgical access into a body cavity. In one embodiment, a surgical access device is provided that includes a housing coupled to a retractor. The housing can be have one or more movable sealing ports for receiving surgical instruments. Each movable sealing port can include one or more sealing elements therein for sealing the port and/or forming a seal around a surgical instrument disposed therethrough. Each movable sealing port can be rotatable relative to the housing and each sealing element can be rotatable relative to the housing along a predetermined orbital path.

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002806350A1

Surgical instruments are disclosed. Various non- limiting embodiments may include an elongated shaft (14) that has a distal end portion that is configured to operably support a circular staple cartridge (30) therein. A tissue acquisition shaft may be rotatably supported within said elongated shaft and have a distal portion that protrudes distally beyond the distal end portion of the elongated shaft. At least one tissue acquisition member may be pivotally attached to the distal end portion of the tissue acquisition shaft such that the tissue acquisition members are selectively pivotable from a retracted position to deployed positions upon application of a deployment motion thereto. A rotatable cutting member may be operably supported adjacent to the tissue acquisition member and being selectively rotatable about the central axis upon application of a cutting actuation motion thereto.

07-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002843700A1

The invention relates to a surgical suture apparatus (1) for open and/ or endoscopic surgery configured to pass a double-ended surgical needle (100) backwards and forwards between a first jaw element (2) and a second jaw (3) element, the jaw elements each comprising a holding device (5, 6)to hold a respective needle end of the surgical needle, wherein the first and/or second jaw element are biased to an open position with a first biasing force. The apparatus further comprises an operating device (13) to operate the first and second holding devices, wherein the operating device comprises a first operating organ (14) biased in the normal position by one or more second spring elements (20) with a second biasing force, wherein the first biasing force is smaller than the second biasing force such that exerting an actuation force on the first operating organ first results in movement of the first and second jaw element towards each other, and subsequently in actuation of the operating device.

22-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002746432A1

Surgical instrument unit suitable for mini-invasive surgery, consisting of a multivalve device with adjustable separator for accessing the patient internally and with at least one simultaneous approach system consisting of a number of components which includes a surgical operating device composed of control means, a movement transmission element and working grippers equipping needle grippers composed of control means, a head connection sheath with connecting needle arranged inside it and the working head; and a cauterization device which comprises control means, a movement transmission element and the cauterizer.

23-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002748617C

Devices, systems and methods are provided for stabilizing and grasping tissues such as valve leaflets, assessing the grasp of these tissues, approximating and fixating the tissues, and assessing the fixation of the tissues to treat cardiac valve regurgitation, particularly mitral valve regurgitation.

18-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002733272A1

A surgical instrument for minimally invasive surgical procedures having a handle portion, an elongated body portion extending distally from the handle portion, an end effector movable between a first position and a second position, and an elongated tissue probe movably positioned within the elongated portion. The probe is movable between a retracted position and an advanced position, wherein movement of the probe moves the end effector from the first position to the second position.

08-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002732604A1

A system and method including an elongate member having a proximal end and a distal end, the elongate member defining a longitudinal axis and configured to rotate relative to the longitudinal axis is presented. The instrument further includes a handle member configured to be attached to the proximal end of the elongate member, the handle member operatively associated with a rotation mechanism. The instrument also includes an end effector configured to be attached to the distal end of the elongate member, the end effector operatively associated with an articulation mechanism and configured to be pivotable throughout a plurality of directions relative to the longitudinal axis of the elongate member. A software algorithm is used to identify, track, and control directional movement of the end effector in accordance with rotational movement of the elongate member.

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002802066C
Принадлежит: CAREFUSION 2200 INC., CAREFUSION 2200 INC

A laparoscopic surgical device is provided, including a removable tool-comprising shaft having an outer shaft and an inner actuation rod that may be removably or permanently connected together. A handle of the device includes a two-button mechanism for engaging and releasing the removable tool-comprising shaft. The two-button mechanism is configured to engage overlapping corresponding apertures of the outer shaft and the inner rod that extends through the outer shaft.

07-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002828725A1

A surgical instrument (10) including an end effector (12) having at least one sensor (368). The instrument includes a distal stapling unit for performing at least one surgical task operatively connected to a remotely controllable user interface. The instrument further includes an electrically conductive shaft (8) having a distal end connected to the end effector, wherein the sensor is electrically insulated from the shaft. The instrument also includes a housing (6) at a proximate end of the shaft configured to receive mechanical or electrical inputs. In addition, the instrument has a receiver unit (300) electrically insulated from the shaft configured to receive and send wireless signals from and to the sensor.

11-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002831898A1

A system for performing a medical procedure includes an articulating probe including inner and outer sleeves, and a surgical tool including a functional element positioned at a distal end of a tool shaft, the tool shaft having an articulation region. The articulating probe and the surgical tool are independently controllable.

09-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2828466C

A process and system are disclosed for downloading sensor data, stored in a memory device of a surgical cutting and fastening instrument (10), to an external or remote computer device (2420). The process may involve storing data from one or more sensors of a surgical cutting and fastening instrument in a memory device (2406) of a control unit (2400) of the surgical cutting and fastening instrument during a surgical procedure involving the surgical cutting and fastening instrument. Next, after the surgical procedure, a data link (2422) between the control unit and the remote computer device is established. Then, the sensor data can be downloaded from the control unit to the remote computer device.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002816888A1

An electrosurgical device comprises an end effector, a cutting member, and en electromechanical driver. The end effector comprises a pair of jaws that clamp tissue. The jaws include electrodes that deliver RF energy to clamped tissue. The cutting member cuts tissue clamped between the jaws. The electromechanical driver drives the cutting member. A control module commands the electromechanical driver, and regulates the delivery of RF energy to the electrodes, based on a combination of user input and feedback signals from the electrodes and from the electromechanical driver. The device may provide tactile feedback to the user through the user input feature, based on a load encountered by the cutting member. The device may alert the user when the exterior of end effector makes incidental contact with tissue, to avoid inadvertently burning the tissue. The device may include a removable battery pack to power the electromechanical driver and the electrodes.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002858365A1

A removable tip attachable to an instrument handpiece, including a back hub at a proximal end of a tip body and having back hub screw threads configured to threadedly engage outer tube threads of an outer tube of the handpiece, an end effector at a distal end of the tip body, and a yoke at the proximal end of the tip body and having yoke screw threads configured to engage shaft screw threads of an inner shaft of the handpiece, the yoke configured to move within the backhub to actuate the end effector, wherein the yoke screw threads engage with the inner shaft screw threads before the back hub screw threads engage the outer tube threads upon attachment of the tip to the handpiece, and the distance between a proximalmost point of the yoke and a beginning of the back hub screw threads is between 0.533" and 0.608".

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002795196A1

A surgical instrument for treating tissue, the instrument including a housing and a shaft with an articulating portion and an end effector. The surgical instrument including a first casing connected to and rotatable with the proximal end of said shaft with an internal frame housed within the first casing and a plurality of posts supported by the internal frame and connected on their distal ends to at least one drive wire, and connected on their proximal ends to a threaded shaft; and a second casing connected to the first casing and rotatable therewith, said second casing housing the threaded shafts. The surgical instrument includes a first electric motor driving a first gear interfacing with the threaded shafts such that a first pair of the plurality of threaded shafts rotate in the same direction and cause the articulating portion to articulate in a first plane.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002872661A1

An applicator instrument for dispensing surgical fasteners includes a housing, a firing system disposed in the housing, an actuator coupled with the housing for actuating the firing system, an elongated shaft extending from the housing, the elongated shaft having an outer diameter, and a cap secured to the distal end of the elongated shaft, whereby the cap has a lower distal edge that extends laterally beyond the outer diameter of the elongated shaft. The lower distal edge of the cap has a length that is greater than the outer diameter of the elongated shaft. The cap has a distal end face that slopes upwardly and proximally from the lower distal edge, and the cap has a surgical fastener delivery window formed in the distal end face for dispensing surgical fasteners. The delivery window has a lower end that is spaced from the lower distal edge.

06-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002185759C

A surgical instrument which has a frame, an elongated shaft, an end effecto r with first and second jaws for clamping tissue, a post cooperatively engaged with the proximal end of the second jaw received in a slot on the sidewall of a chann el included as part of the first jaw, a pusher member affixed to the proximal end of the second jaw, and an actuator to effect movement of the pusher member from a forward position to a rearward position, is disclosed. When the pusher member moves rearwardly, the post rides in the slot in the sidewall and the second jaw moves from a closed position where it is adjacent the first jaw for clamping tissue to an open position for placing tissue between the jaws. The combination of cooperating elements of the instrument provides a convenient and simple mechanism for clamping or graspi ng tissue between the jaws. This mechanism decreases the force necessary to cla mp the tissue and utilizes more of the effective length of the second jaw. These benefits in ...

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201691159A1

28-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA201190112A1

Инструментальное хирургическое оборудование, подходящее для минимально инвазивного хирургического вмешательства, содержит многоклапанное устройство с регулируемым сепаратором для проникновения в тело пациента и по меньшей мере с одним портом для одновременного доступа для множества элементов, которые включают операционное хирургическое устройство, содержащее управляющий элемент, элемент для передачи движения и операционный крепежный зажим игольчатых щипцов, содержащих управляющий элемент, соединяющую с головкой оболочку, с соединительной иглой, расположенной в ее внутренней части, и операционную головку; и каутеризационное устройство, содержащее управляющий элемент, элемент для передачи движения и каутер.

30-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000032197B1

Изобретение относится к узлу (1), содержащему по меньшей мере один инвазивный инструмент (10, 20) и устройство (30) доступа, для введения инструмента в объект через открывающее доступ отверстие объекта. Управляемый инструмент (10, 20) сдержит удлиненное трубчатое тело (18), имеющее участок (11, 21) проксимального конца, содержащий по меньшей мере одну гибкую зону (14, 15, 24, 25), участок (13, 23) дистального конца, содержащий по меньшей мере одну гибкую зону (16, 17, 26, 27) и жесткий промежуточный участок (12, 22). Инструмент дополнительно содержит управляющее устройство для преобразования отклонения по меньшей мере части участка (11, 21) проксимального конца относительно жесткого промежуточного участка (12, 22) в соответствующее отклонение по меньшей мере части участка (13, 23) дистального конца. Устройство (30) доступа содержит устройство задания отклонения для задания по меньшей мере одного угла между по меньшей мере частью участка (11, 21) проксимального конца и жестким промежуточным ...

30-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201170586A1

Хирургическое инструментальное приспособление, пригодное для мини-инвазивной хирургии, вводимое через естественные отверстия или разрезы, образованное устройством для получения доступа в тело пациента, которое содержит жесткое кольцо, из которого в дистальном направлении отходят по меньшей мере две выступающие части, при этом выступающие части действуют как распорки, и гибкую многоклапанную головку, которая при использовании обеспечивает охват внешней стороны упомянутого жесткого кольца и которая содержит по меньшей мере один операционный вводный канал для доступа по меньшей мере одного рабочего инструмента; соединитель для вдувания и вливания текучих сред; и воронку для удерживания текучих сред, которая удерживает упомянутую гибкую многоклапанную головку, которая охватывает жесткое кольцо, с образованием в сборе прохода для упомянутого рабочего инструмента, который обеспечен внутри по меньшей мере одного вводного канала и, в свою очередь, содержит ручку зажима, устройство передачи перемещения ...

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Bone fracture reduction forceps capable of positioning perforation

Номер: CN0106388905A

23-11-2016 дата публикации

Arc larynx tissue forceps

Номер: CN0205697935U

02-11-2018 дата публикации

Damage-free peritoneoscope sucking forceps imitating principle of suction cup

Номер: CN0108720899A

16-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN0111295145A

17-07-2018 дата публикации

For surgical instrument frequency agile generator

Номер: CN0108289705A

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0212186655U

28-08-2013 дата публикации

Combined device of complete set of instruments for laparoscope gall bladder protection operation

Номер: CN103263285A
Автор: Lu Junzhong, Shen Yu

The invention relates to a combined device of a complete set of instruments for a laparoscope gall bladder protection operation. The combined device comprises a forceps body component, a forceps holder component, a passageway component and a laparoscope, wherein the forceps holder component is installed on the forceps body component, the laparoscope is sleeved in the forceps body component, and the forceps body component is sleeved in the passageway component. The combined device is reasonable in structural design, the laparoscope and various forceps holder surgical instruments can be used in one instrument passageway, an application range is wide, and operation is convenient.

29-12-2010 дата публикации

Blood vessel occlusion grasping forceps

Номер: CN0201683952U

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Novel minimally invasive surgical instrument endoscope forceps

Номер: CN0211156071U

17-07-2020 дата публикации

Operating forceps

Номер: CN0211023325U

10-07-2020 дата публикации

Choledochoscope holding forceps

Номер: CN0210962211U

14-09-2016 дата публикации

Reverse nucleus pulposus pincers

Номер: CN0205569025U

07-05-2019 дата публикации

Laparoscope aspirator with gripping tongs

Номер: CN0208822897U

20-09-2019 дата публикации

A draws out the arm system

Номер: CN0209404879U

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Adapter direct drive with manual retraction, lockout, and connection mechanisms for improper use prevention

Номер: CN104434247A

Adapter direct drive with manual retraction, lockout, and connection mechanisms for improper use prevention is disclosed. A surgical device adapter for coupling an end effector to a handle assembly is provided. The surgical device adapter includes a housing and a drive mechanism disposed within the housing and couplable to the handle assembly and the end effector. The surgical device adapter also includes a drive coupling assembly coupled to the surgical device adapter and selectively couplable to the handle assembly. The drive coupling assembly includes retraction assembly movable from a first configuration to a second configuration, wherein in the first configuration the retraction assembly is disengaged from the drive mechanism and in the second configuration the retraction assembly is engaged with the drive mechanism and prevents coupling of the handle assembly to the surgical device adapter.

29-04-2015 дата публикации

Rotary actuatable closure arrangement for surgical end effector

Номер: CN104582602A

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Surgical Tool with Crossbar Lever

Номер: US20120022583A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A crossbar lever of a surgical tool has a bridge portion which extends forward and a transverse portion. The bridge portion is retained between the second and third fingers of the surgeon's hand, and this retention establishes greater control and stability of the surgical tool. The crossbar lever pivots relative to a handgrip of a handle assembly and a shaft assembly extends from the handle assembly. Tissue contacting or manipulating devices such as jaws are located at the forward end of the shaft assembly. The surgical tool is particularly useful in performing minimally invasive surgical procedures.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Minimal access tool

Номер: US20120041450A1
Принадлежит: University of Michigan

A minimal access tool includes a frame arranged to be attached to an arm of a user, a tool shaft having a proximal end and a distal end, where the tool shaft proximal end is connected to the frame. The tool further includes an input joint having a first end connected to the frame and a second end arranged to receive user input, the input joint including a virtual center-of-rotation (VC) mechanism which provides a center of rotation that generally coincides with a wrist joint of the user. An output joint is connected to the tool shaft distal end, where the output joint is coupled to the input joint via a mechanical transmission connected therebetween to correlate motion of the input joint to motion of the output joint.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Control features for articulating surgical device

Номер: US20120078244A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

An electrosurgical device includes a body, an end effector, a cutting member, and a shaft. The end effector comprises a pair of jaws and at least one electrode that is operable to deliver RF energy to tissue clamped between the jaws. The cutting member is operable to cut tissue clamped between the jaws. The shaft includes an articulation section that is operable to selectively articulate the end effector relative to the shaft. The body includes a controller operable to selectively actuate the articulation section. The controller may include a trigger that also drives the cutting member, a rotator that also rotates the shaft and end effector, a wedge-shaped pivoting member, a pivotally coupled pair of housing portions, or a pivoting cam member, etc. A release member may selectively release the articulation section from the controller, allowing a resilient bias to return the end effector into alignment with the shaft.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Articulation joint features for articulating surgical device

Номер: US20120078247A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

An electrosurgical device comprises a body, an end effector, a cutting member, and a shaft. The end effector includes a pair of jaws that are operable to deliver RF energy to tissue that is clamped between the jaws. The cutting member is operable to sever tissue that is clamped between the jaws. The shaft extends between the body and the end effector. The shaft includes an articulation section that is operable to selectively position the end effector at non-parallel positions relative to the longitudinal axis of the shaft. Some versions include a rotation section that is distal to the articulation section. The rotation section is operable to rotate the end effector relative to the articulation section.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Laparoscopic medical device with de-mateable tip

Номер: US20120083778A1
Принадлежит: Microline Surgical Inc

A laparoscopic instrument assembly with a handle member and a removable tip. The handle member and removable tip are mated using a double threaded design which provides a secure connection with low electrical resistance. Electrical energy is provided through an inner shaft to the removable tip, and a return energy path is formed using an outer tubing of the instrument assembly. The removal tip includes a cutting and sealing device with a resistive member that is provided with the electrical energy, thereby enabling the tip to cut and seal tissue.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical Forceps

Номер: US20120095460A1

A forceps includes an end effector assembly having first and second jaw members moveable with respect to one another between an open position and a closed position. A knife channel having a body and a base is defined within each jaw member. A knife assembly includes a knife having a bifurcated distal end. The bifurcated end includes first and second cutting members each defining an opposed cutting surface and having a tab at a free end thereof for translation through the base of a knife channel. The knife is translatable into the channels when the jaw members are in the closed position such that the cutting members are approximated when translated through the channels. The knife is also translatable into the channels when the jaw members are in the open position such that the cutting members are flexed apart when translated through the jaw members.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical instrument with magnetic clamping force

Номер: US20120101488A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical instrument comprising an end effector, the end effector comprising first and second opposing jaw members, wherein at least one of the first and second jaw members are moveable such that the first and second jaw members are transitionable between open and closed positions. The first jaw member may comprise a permanent magnet. The second jaw member may also comprise a magnet (e.g., permanent or soft). The magnetic motive force between the magnets of the first and second jaw members may attract each other to thereby reduce the external force required to transition the first and second jaw members to the closed position. In addition, the magnets may be configured to repeal each other to thereby aid in opening the jaw members.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Ergonomic handpiece for laparoscopic and open surgery

Номер: US20120101495A1
Принадлежит: SRA Developments Ltd

A surgical tool having an elongate shaft, with a directional operative element at its distal end, is provided with a mechanism to rotate the shaft and the operative element about a longitudinal axis shaft. This allows the operative element to be aligned with an element of tissue without excessive hand movement by the user. In a preferred version, the mechanism is electrically powered and is regulated to produce smooth, controlled, accurate motion between selected rotational positions. The mechanism may include a linear magnetic motor drive to move a drive element longitudinally along the tool. This drive element is engaged with a helical formation on a drive shaft, such that longitudinal motion of the drive element is converted to rotational motion of the drive shaft, and of the shaft and operative element, to which the shaft is mounted.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Manipulator with manual hold and comfortable articulation

Номер: US20120130355A1

A manipulator includes a control unit ( 1 ), with handle ( 4 ) and control buttons ( 4 a -4 d ), and a connecting arm ( 2 ) which, at its proximal end ( 2 a ), carries the control unit ( 1 ) and, at its distal end ( 2 b ), carries a work unit ( 3 ). The handle ( 4 ) is articulated about at least one transverse articulation axis ( 4 e ), which is itself situated at an intermediate position along the handle ( 4 ). A particularly ergonomic manipulator is thus obtained which is easy to learn to use and which efficiently separates the stresses arising from movements of the tool support ( 5 ) and the stresses arising from holding and moving the manipulator itself.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Endoscopic Surgical Forceps

Номер: US20120136353A1
Автор: Paul R. Romero

An end effector assembly for an endoscopic surgical instrument includes a pair of jaw members disposed in opposing relation relative to one another. One or both of the jaw members is moveable relative to the other between a spaced-apart position and an approximated position for grasping tissue therebetween. Each jaw member defines an arcuate configuration and includes a proximal segment and a distal segment coupled to the proximal segment. The distal segment is moveable with respect to the proximal segment between a use position, wherein the proximal segment and the distal segment cooperate to define the arcuate configuration of the jaw member, and an insertion position, wherein the distal segment is offset relative to the proximal segment to interrupt the arcuate configuration of the jaw member.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for performing multiple anastomoses

Номер: US20120143229A1
Принадлежит: Vitalitec International Inc

Methods and devices for creating a seal in a vessel for performing multiple anastomoses. The device includes an expandable region at the shaft assembly distal end with a sealing membrane that spans the expandable region, and a corresponding clamping member moveable toward the expandable region. Once inserted into the vessel lumen the expandable region is deployed from a first low-profile position into a second expanded position, and positioned at the target site of the anastomoses. Movement of the distal end of the clamping member, which remains located outside the vessel, against the expanded region creates a seal at the target site allowing a blood-free, graft site area that is large enough to accommodate multiples anastomoses.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic curved blade

Номер: US20120179182A1
Принадлежит: United States Surgical Corp

An ultrasonic dissection and coagulation system for surgical use is provided. The system includes an ultrasonic instrument, a control module, and a remote actuator. The ultrasonic instrument has a housing and an elongated body portion extending from the housing. An ultrasonic transducer supported within the housing is operatively connected to a cutting jaw by a vibration coupler. The vibration coupler conducts high frequency vibration from the ultrasonic transducer to the cutting jaw. A trocar assembly including a cannula may be provided to slidably receive the elongated portion of the ultrasonic instrument.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Surgical instrument

Номер: US20120232530A1
Автор: David Main, Michael White
Принадлежит: Surgical Innovations Ltd

A surgical instrument including an elongate portion arranged, in use, to be inserted through a restricted opening into a body, the elongate portion being movable from a first configuration to a second, different configuration in which two parts of the instrument that are spaced from each other in the first configuration at least partially cross each other in the second configuration.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Integrated medical apparatus for non-traumatic grasping, manipulating and closure of tissue

Номер: US20120239081A1
Принадлежит: Ension Inc

The integrated medical apparatus includes an operator handle end and a multi-prong grasping member positioned within and movable relative to a grasper lumen that extends from the handle end, wherein the grasping prongs are moved between an open and closed position by relative axial movement between the prongs of the grasping member and the grasper lumen. The medical apparatus includes a contractible snare and a plurality of axially moveable snare pushing arms. At least two of the snare pushing arms include a snare holding and release mechanism, wherein the snare pushing arms are configured to advance the snare in an open, encircling position to a final deployed position where the snare can be released through the activation of the holding and release mechanism of the pushing arms, and finally tightened in a conventional fashion, such as pulling on an end of the snare at the handle end.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Aspiration catheters for thrombus removal

Номер: US20120253313A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Systems for less invasive medical procedures comprise a filter device mounted on an integrated guiding structure and an aspiration catheter. These components can be used together or separately, and the system can be used with other medical devices that are designed for less invasive procedures, such as procedures in a patient's vasculature. The catheter can have a radiopaque band that is held in place under metal wire embedded within the polymer forming the tube of the catheter. In some embodiments, the aspiration catheter has a small diameter distal portion that can access into small diameter vessels in which the distal portion has a smaller average diameter than the remaining tube of the catheter.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Hand held surgical handle assembly, surgical adapters for use between surgical handle assembly and surgical end effectors, and methods of use

Номер: US20120253329A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Adapter assemblies are provided for selectively interconnecting a surgical end effector that is configured to perform at least a pair of functions and a surgical device that is configured to actuate the end effector, wherein the end effector includes a first axially translatable drive member and a second axially translatable drive member, and wherein the surgical device includes a first rotatable drive shaft and a second rotatable drive shaft.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Handling device for a micro-invasive surgical instrument

Номер: US20120259358A1
Принадлежит: Karl Storz SE and Co KG

A handling device for a micro-invasive surgical instrument includes a gripping device to manually hold and guide the handling device, a shaft coupling to detachably mechanically couple the handling device with a proximal end of a shaft, a rod coupling that can slide inside the handling device for detachable mechanical coupling with a proximal end of a transmission rod that can be slid inside a shaft coupled with the shaft coupling, and an orientation device to rotate a proximal end of a transmission rod, which has been inserted into the handling device, into a predetermined orientation or into one of several predetermined orientations.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Surgical instrument with control for detected fault condition

Номер: US20120310221A1
Принадлежит: Intuitive Surgical Operations Inc

A method and system of controlling a surgical instrument including an end effector are provided. The method includes detecting a first signal indicating that an end effector component of a surgical instrument is positioned between a first position and a second position, and automatically controlling operation of the end effector component after a second signal is not received within a predetermined time period after detecting the first signal. The second signal indicates that the end effector component is in one of the first position or the second position. The system includes a surgical instrument and a controller to implement the method.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Treatment apparatus

Номер: US20120310222A1
Автор: Kimihiko NAITO

A treatment apparatus includes a grip operation linear portion extending from a grip operation section into a flexible tube section and moved along a longitudinal directions axis by a grip operation, and an actuated member provided to be connected to a grip portion and whose actuated state changes between a first actuated state in which the grip portion is a closed state and a second actuated state in which the grip portion is an open state. The treatment apparatus includes a junction coupling portion coupling between the grip operation linear portion and the actuated member so as to change the actuated state of the actuated member in accordance with movement of the grip operation linear portion along the longitudinal directions axis and to allow the grip operation linear portion and the actuated member to rotate directions about an axis relative to each other.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Surgical instrument

Номер: US20120316560A1
Автор: Basel Hassoun
Принадлежит: Basel Hassoun

A surgical apparatus for use in endoscopic surgery having a user interface operatively coupled to an articulating tool assembly via an elongate tubular member. Movement at the articulating tool mirrors movement at the user interface thereby providing intuitive operation of the surgical apparatus. The apparatus is configured such that the range of motion of the articulating tool assembly emulates the range of motion of the human wrist.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Lever Latch Assemblies for Vessel Sealer and Divider

Номер: US20120316601A1
Автор: John R. Twomey

A surgical instrument includes a housing and an end effector spaced from the housing and transitionable between first and second conditions. A drive bar is coupled to the end effector and extends into the housing. The drive bar is translatable between first and second positions for transitioning the end effector between the first and second conditions. A handle assembly is moveable between initial and actuateds position for translating the drive bar between the first and second positions. One or more linkages couple the drive bar, the handle assembly, and the housing to one another by at least first, second and third pivots. At least one of the pivots is fixed and at least one of the pivots is floating. The second pivot is movable relative to the first and third pivots between an unlatched position and an over-center latched position for latching the end effector in the second condition.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Swinging Bars with Axial Wheels to Drive Articulating Cables

Номер: US20130012929A1
Автор: Jaroslaw T. Malkowski

Disclosed is an articulation mechanism for a surgical instrument including a housing defining a longitudinal axis. The housing has a first slot extending at least partially through the housing and a second slot extending at least partially through the housing offset from the first slot. The articulation mechanism further includes a first bar member which is adapted for insertion into the first slot. The articulation mechanism further includes a second bar member which is adapted for insertion into the second slot. Each bar member is rotatable within its respective slot to articulate a cable. Each end portion of each bar member includes a pulley inserted into a channel of the end portion which is adapted for the engagement with a cable.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Coaxial Coil Lock

Номер: US20130023923A1
Автор: Peter M. Mueller

A surgical instrument includes a housing and an elongated shaft extending distally therefrom. The elongated shaft includes a proximal portion, a distal portion and a flexible portion supported therebetween. The flexible portion permits pivotal movement of the distal portion of the elongated shaft and an end effector supported thereon. A locking mechanism is operatively associated with the flexible portion of the elongated shaft to selectively impede pivotal motion of the distal portion. The locking mechanism includes a locking coil disposed about an axis defined by the flexible portion of the elongated shaft. A distal end of the locking coil is coupled to the distal portion of the elongated shaft, and a proximal end of the locking coil is rotatable about the longitudinal axis to laterally approximate the locking coil to flexible portion, and thus frictionally engage the flexible portion of the elongated shaft to selectively impede articulating motion thereof.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Snare with Electrosurgical Tip and Method of Use

Номер: US20130041372A1
Принадлежит: Transenterix Inc

A medical device includes a tissue dissector and a snare loop on a common shaft. At least the distal tip of the snare loop is energizable to function as an electrosurgical element for tissue dissection. In use the snare loop is partially extended from the shaft to expose the electrosurgical element for electrosurgical dissection, and the snare loop is fully extended from the shaft to deploy the snare loop for retrieval and positioning of an implant such as a gastric banding device. The snare loop may be deployed through a pair of jaws also mounted on the shaft for use in tissue dissection.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Surgical instrument for endoscopic surgery

Номер: US20130046141A1

Surgical instrument for endoscopic surgery that permits the simulation of the articulation movements of a surgeon finger, comprising a rigid tube ( 3 ) whose distal end has a first phalanx ( 4 ) articulated, being in turn articulated to a second phalanx ( 5 ), which is linked to the rigid tube ( 3 ) by means of cables housed in cross ducts ( 12 ), situated in the interior of the first phalanx ( 4 ), linking the movement of the second phalanx ( 5 ) to that of the first phalanx ( 4 ), whose articulation takes place due to the actuation of the transmission rod ( 11 ), the rigid tube ( 3 ) being attachable to a handle ( 1 ) that incorporates a controller ( 2 ) for the actuating of the instrument articulation movement by the surgeon, which operates a fork ( 14 ), which in turns actuates the transmission rod ( 11 ).

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Surgical cutting and fastening device with descendible second trigger arrangement

Номер: US20130053831A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A nested trigger assembly for a surgical instrument may generally comprise a first trigger and a second trigger, wherein the first trigger and the second trigger are movable together on a first stroke of the nested trigger assembly, wherein the second trigger is configured to be biased away from the first trigger after the first stroke and before a second stroke, and wherein the second trigger is configured to be moved toward to the first trigger during the second stroke. A surgical instrument may generally comprise a shaft comprising a proximal end and a distal end, a handle extending from the proximal end, wherein the handle comprises a gripping portion, and a nested trigger assembly extending from the handle. The nested trigger assemble may comprise one of a separable trigger assembly and a divisible trigger assembly.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072752A1

A forceps support device is constituted by an endoscope holding portion that holds an endoscope a base portion that holds the endoscope holding portion so as to be rotatable in a circumferential direction of the endoscope, a forceps support portion that supports forceps and is attached relative to the base portion so as to be movable back and forth in an extension direction of the forceps, a first drive means that rotates the endoscope holding portion held by the base portion in the circumferential direction of the endoscope, a second drive means that rotates the forceps support portion and the base portion in the circumferential direction of the endoscope with the endoscope holding portion as a fulcrum, and a third drive means that moves the forceps support portion back and forth in the extension direction of the forceps. 1. A forceps support device for supporting forceps used in endoscopic treatment , comprising:an endoscope holding portion that holds an endoscope;a base portion that holds the endoscope holding portion so as to be rotatable in a circumferential direction of the endoscope;a forceps support portion that supports the forceps and is attached relative to the base portion so as to be movable back and forth in an extension direction of the forceps;a first drive means for rotating the endoscope holding portion held by the base portion in the circumferential direction of the endoscope;a second drive means for rotating the forceps support portion and the base portion in the circumferential direction of the endoscope with the endoscope holding portion as a fulcrum; anda third drive means for moving the forceps support portion back and forth in the extension direction of the forceps.2. The forceps support device according to claim 1 ,wherein the forceps support portion rotatably supports the forceps, andthe forceps support device comprises a fourth drive means for rotating the forceps supported by the forceps support portion.3. The forceps support device ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Surgical instrument with increased reliability

Номер: US20130096498A1
Принадлежит: Erbe Elecktromedizin GmbH

A surgical instrument having a long shaft comprises, in the shaft, a sealing element produced by primary shaping at the installation location. The sealing element is produced such that any actuating mechanisms are installed and held in place in the shaft and then a curable plastic material is injected into the shaft such that the material encloses the actuating element along a length that is greater than the inside diameter and smaller than its length.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Instrument Motor Pack Latch

Номер: US20130110129A1
Принадлежит: Intuitive Surgical Operations Inc

A latch mechanism selectively retains a first assembly to a second assembly. The first and second assemblies are configured for sliding engagement along an engagement axis. The latch mechanism includes a latch shaft mounted to the first assembly to rotate about a latch shaft axis, a torsion spring to bias the latch shaft relative to the first assembly, and a transverse latch member coupled with the second assembly. The latch mechanism is configured to automatically latch in response to the first assembly being pushed toward the second assembly. The transverse latch member interacts with the latch shaft to rotate the latch shaft in a first direction in response to movement of the first assembly toward the second assembly. Further motion of the first assembly toward the second assembly results in rotation of the latch shaft opposite to the first direction into a retention configuration that retains the transverse latch member.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Device for Sheet Insertion

Номер: US20130110156A1

Disclosed is a device for sheet insertion includes: a cylindrical mantle tube of which the front and back ends are opened and the inside is formed to be a sheet receiving part and an extruding member for sheet extrusion that is inserted into the mantle tube in a state of moving in a back and forth direction that is a tube-axis direction and of rotatable, wherein the extruding member has a shaft having a longer length than that of the mantle tube and a forked sheet winding part disposed at a tip portion of the shaft, and axial slits having a size enough to insert the sheet are formed therethrough on walls facing each other at the front end of the mantle tube over approximately the same length as that of the sheet winding part. 1. A device for sheet insertion used to insert a sheet of a synthetic absorbable anti-adhesion sheet and the like into a targeted in vivo site through a lumen of a trocar in an endoscopic operation , comprising:a cylindrical mantle tube of which front and back ends are opened and inside is formed to be a sheet receiving part, and an extruding member for extruding a sheet, the extruding member being inserted into the mantle tube in a state of moving in a back and forth direction that is a tube-axis direction and of rotatable,wherein the extruding member has a shaft having a longer length than that of the mantle tube, a forked sheet winding part disposed at a tip portion of the shaft, and a gripping part for operation disposed at a back end of the shaft, the sheet winding part is received in the mantle tube by a movement of the extruding member backward while being protruded from a front opening of the mantle tube by a movement of the extruding member forward; and the mantle tube has axial slits having a size enough to insert the sheet therethrough, which are formed on walls facing each other at the front end of the mantle tube over approximately the same length as a length of the sheet winding part.2. The device for sheet insertion according to ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Endoscopic Vessel Sealer and Divider for Large Tissue Structures

Номер: US20130116690A1
Автор: Unger Jeffrey R.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An endoscopic bipolar forceps includes a housing having a shaft affixed thereto, the shaft including jaw members at a distal end thereof. The forceps also includes a drive assembly which moves the jaw member relative to one another for manipulating tissue and a knife assembly for cutting tissue disposed between jaw members. The forceps also includes a knife lockout mechanism operatively connected to the drive assembly. Movement of the drive assembly moves the knife lockout mechanism from a first orientation in obstructive relationship with the knife bar to prevent movement thereof to a second position which allows selective, unencumbered movement of the knife assembly to cut tissue disposed between the jaw members. 1. An endoscopic bipolar forceps , comprising:a housing;a shaft affixed to the housing having jaw members at a distal end thereof, the shaft having a longitudinal axis defined therethrough, the jaw members adapted to connect to a source of electrosurgical energy such that the jaw members are capable of conducting energy through tissue held therebetween to effect a tissue seal;a drive assembly including a selectively advanceable drive sleeve configured to move the jaw members relative to one another from a first position wherein the jaw members are disposed in spaced relation relative to one another to a second position wherein the jaw members are closer to one another for manipulating tissue;a movable handle being rotatable about a pivot to force a drive flange of the drive assembly to move the jaw members between the first and second positions, the pivot being located a fixed distance above the longitudinal axis whereas the drive flange being located generally along the longitudinal axis;a selectively advanceable knife assembly having a knife bar which moves a knife to cut tissue between jaw members;a knife lockout mechanism operatively connected to the drive assembly, the knife lockout mechanism being generally hook-like including an upper hook element ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131666A1

An endoscopic surgical instrument includes a stationary component, an elongate shaft extending from the stationary component, and an end effector located at the distal end of the shaft. The stationary component includes at least one contact portion adapted to be engaged by the fingers of a user, the instrument also including a movable component including a contact portion adapted to be engaged by the thumb of a user. Longitudinal movement between the contact portions of the movable component and the stationary component cause the movable component to move longitudinally with respect to the stationary component between a first proximal position, a second distal position, and a third position, the third position being distal of the second position by a relatively small distance. The movement of the movable component between the first and second positions causes a corresponding movement of the end effector between corresponding first and second positions. 1. An endoscopic surgical instrument including a stationary component , an elongate shaft extending from the stationary component , and an end effector located at the distal end of the shaft , the stationary component including at least one contact portion adapted to be engaged by the fingers of a user , the instrument also including a movable component including a contact portion adapted to be engaged by the thumb of a user , longitudinal movement between the contact portions of the movable component and the stationary component causing the movable component to move longitudinally with respect to the stationary component between a first proximal position , a second distal position , and a third position , the third position being distal of the second position by a relatively small distance , the movement of the movable component between the first and second positions causing a corresponding movement of the end effector between first and second end effector positions , the instrument further including a biasing ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131672A1
Автор: Romero Paul R.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An open electrosurgical forceps includes a pair of first and second shaft members each having a jaw member disposed at its distal end. The jaw members are movable about a pivot assembly from an open position in spaced relation relative to one another to a closed position wherein the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue. Each of the jaw members includes an electrically conductive sealing surface for communicating electrosurgical energy through grasped tissue. One or both of the jaw members includes a knife channel defined along its length. The pivot assembly includes a knife slot and is configured to prevent reciprocation of a cutting mechanism when the jaw members are disposed in the open position and to permit reciprocation of the cutting mechanism when the jaw members are disposed in the closed position. An actuator selectively advances the cutting mechanism from a first position to at least one subsequent position. 1. An open electrosurgical forceps , comprising: a pair of insulative shoulders having a first end defining a cap and a second end operably coupled to opposing sides of an insulative hub having a knife slot defined therein, wherein one of the jaw members is configured to rotate about one of the insulative shoulders,', 'the pivot assembly configured to prevent reciprocation of a cutting mechanism when the jaw members are disposed in the open position and to permit reciprocation of the cutting mechanism therethrough when the jaw members are disposed in the closed position., 'a pair of first and second shaft members each having a jaw member disposed at a distal end thereof, the jaw members movable about a pivot assembly from an open position in spaced relation relative to one another to a closed position wherein the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween, the pivot assembly including2. An open electrosurgical forceps according to claim 1 , further comprising a knife channel defined along a length of at least one of the jaw members.3. An open ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138104A1
Автор: Romero Paul R.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An open electrosurgical forceps includes a pair of first and second shaft members each having a jaw member disposed at its distal end. The jaw members are movable about a pivot assembly from an open position in spaced relation relative to one another to a closed position wherein the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue. Each of the jaw members includes an electrically conductive sealing surface for communicating electrosurgical energy through grasped tissue. One or both of the jaw members includes a knife channel defined along its length. The pivot assembly includes a knife slot and is configured to prevent reciprocation of a cutting mechanism when the jaw members are disposed in the open position and to permit reciprocation of the cutting mechanism when the jaw members are disposed in the closed position. An actuator selectively advances the cutting mechanism from a first position to at least one subsequent position. 1. A pivot assembly for use with an open electrosurgical forceps for sealing tissue , comprising: align with a knife channel when the forceps is disposed in a first configuration to permit advancement of the cutting mechanism from a retracted position proximal to the pivot assembly to an advanced position through the pivot assembly and into tissue grasped by the forceps; and', 'misalign with the knife channel when the forceps is disposed in a second configuration to prevent advancement of the cutting mechanism from the retracted position to the advanced position., 'a pair of insulative shoulders having a first end defining a cap and a second end operably coupled to opposing sides of an insulative hub, the insulative hub including a knife slot defined therein, wherein the insulative hub is configured to prevent reciprocation of a cutting mechanism through the knife slot in a first configuration and to permit reciprocation of the cutting mechanism through the knife slot in a second configuration, and wherein the knife slot is configured to2. A pivot ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Medical Tubular Shaft Instrument

Номер: US20130158526A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A medical tubular shaft instrument comprises a tubular shaft, a handle at a proximal end of the shaft and a movable working part at a distal end of the shaft, wherein the shaft comprises a shaft section having a curvature and being arranged between the distal end and the proximal end of the shaft, wherein the handle and the working part are operatively connected via a force transmission element extending through the shaft and being movable in a longitudinal direction of the shaft, wherein the force transmission element has a section arranged within the curved shaft section of the shaft which is guided on an inner surface of the shaft and which comprises a plurality of interconnected single elements arranged one after the other along the longitudinal direction of the shaft. The single elements are pairwise connected by means of a pin forming a hinged joint, wherein each of the pins defines a rotation axis oriented substantially perpendicular relative to the shaft.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158549A1
Автор: Chojin Edward M.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A jaw member for use with an electrosurgical forceps includes a support member having a first surface and a pair of depending sides which extend therefrom forming a generally U-shaped configuration. The free end of the sides each including a flange which extends outwardly therefrom which is designed to attach to an electrically conductive plate such that the plate bridge the two flanges to enclose the U-shaped support member to form a box-like skeleton having a cavity defined therein. An insulative material is disposed within the cavity and an insulative cover is disposed about a periphery of the box-like support skeleton to insulate surrounding tissue during activation of the conductive plate. 1. A jaw member for use with an electrosurgical forceps , the jaw member comprising:a support member having a first surface and a pair of sides that depend therefrom, a free end of the sides each including a flange that extends outwardly therefrom;a conductive plate adapted to connect to an electrosurgical energy source and attached to bridge the flanges to enclose the support member to form a box-like skeleton having a cavity defined therein;a filler material disposed within the cavity; andan insulative cover disposed about a periphery of the box-like support skeleton to insulate surrounding tissue during activation of the conductive plate.2. The jaw member according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the filler material and the insulative cover includes at least one of a plastic claim 1 , epoxy claim 1 , polymer-based materials claim 1 , resin claim 1 , gel and combinations thereof.3. The jaw member according to claim 1 , wherein the filler material and the insulative cover are made from different insulative materials selected from the group consisting of plastic claim 1 , epoxy claim 1 , resin claim 1 , polymer-based materials claim 1 , and gel.4. The jaw member according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive plate includes a knife slot defined therein.5. The jaw member ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158593A1

An endoscopic medical device system includes an elongated shaft assembly, a cam assembly and an articulating distal end assembly. The elongated shaft assembly extends along a main axis and includes first and second actuator rods arranged parallel to each other and the first actuator rod is longer than the second actuator rod. The cam assembly includes a cam, and the proximal ends of the first and second actuator rods are configured to be slidably attached to first and second locations of the cam, respectively, and the distal ends of the first and second actuator rods are positioned at the same distance from the cam center. The articulating distal end assembly extends along the main axis and is pivotally connected to the distal ends of the first and second actuator rods. Rotation of the cam around an axis perpendicular to the main axis provides angular displacement of the distal end assembly relative to the main axis. 1. A device system comprising:an elongated shaft assembly extending along a main axis and comprising first and second actuator rods arranged parallel to each other and wherein said first actuator rod is longer than said second actuator rod;a cam assembly comprising a cam, and wherein the proximal ends of the first and second actuator rods are configured to be slidably attached to first and second locations of said cam, respectively, and the distal ends of the first and second actuator rods are positioned at the same distance from the cam center;an articulating distal end assembly extending along the main axis and being pivotally connected to the distal ends of the first and second actuator rods; andwherein rotation of the cam around an axis perpendicular to the main axis provides angular displacement of the distal end assembly relative to the main axis.2. The system of wherein clockwise rotation of the cam around an axis perpendicular to the main axis pivots the distal end assembly upwards relative to the main axis and counter-clockwise rotation of the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172885A1

A surgical device which is configured to apply energy to living tissue and to be used to perform a surgical procedure includes a grasping portion, an incising portion, an introduction portion and a treatment portion. The grasping portion grasps the living tissue having a first surface and a second surface. The incising portion is movable forward and backward with respect to the living tissue and incises the living tissue. The introduction portion is movable forward and backward with respect to the living tissue and introduces a biocompatible material, which is chemically bound with the living tissue, to a space between the first surface and the second surface. The treatment portion is configured to apply high-frequency energy and thermal energy to the living tissue. 1. A surgical device which is configured to apply energy to living tissue and to be used to perform a surgical procedure , the device comprising:a grasping portion which is configured to grasp the living tissue having a first surface and a second surface facing the first surface;an incising portion which is movable forward and backward with respect to the living tissue grasped by the grasping portion and is configured to incise the living tissue;an introduction portion which is movable forward and backward with respect to the living tissue and is configured to introduce a biocompatible material, which is chemically bound with the living tissue by application of high-frequency energy, to a space between the first surface and the second surface of the incised living tissue; anda treatment portion which is configured to apply the high-frequency energy to the living tissue to chemically bind the biocompatible material with the living tissue, is also configured to apply thermal energy to the living tissue to weld the first surface and the second surface, and is provided on the grasping portion.2. The device according to claim 1 ,wherein the introduction portion includes a cover member which is configured to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172887A1

A treatment system includes: an absorbent member which is arranged to be discharged into the biological tissues as the fusion targets from the first jaw, thermally deformed when the thermal energy is applied thereto; a first energy discharge portion which is configured to discharge the absorbent member toward the second holding surface, and which is configured to supply the high-frequency energy and the thermal energy to the biological tissues; a second energy discharge portion which is configured to come into contact with at least a part of the absorbent member when the absorbent member is discharged, and which is configured to supply the high-frequency energy and the thermal energy to the biological tissues; and a control unit which is configured to control the energy source to supply the thermal energy after discharging the absorbent member to the biological tissues. 1. A treatment system configured to apply energy to biological tissues as fusion targets and give a treatment to the biological tissues , comprising:an energy source which is configured to generate high-frequency energy and thermal energy;an insertion portion which includes a distal end portion, a proximal end portion, and a longitudinal direction defined by the distal end portion and the proximal end portion, and which is extended from the proximal end portion toward the distal end portion along the longitudinal direction;a first jaw which is provided at the distal end portion of the insertion portion and includes a first holding surface;a second jaw which is provided at the distal end portion of the insertion portion, and which includes a second holding surface that faces the first holding surface and that is configured to hold the biological tissues as the fusion targets in cooperation with the first holding surface;an absorbent member which is arranged to be discharged into the biological tissues as the fusion targets from the first jaw through the first holding surface, thermally deformed when ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Instrument with Articulating Assembly

Номер: US20130178837A1
Автор: Jaroslaw T. Malkowski
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument includes a housing having an elongated member assembly extending from the housing. The elongated member has a first portion and a second portion. The second portion is movably coupled to the first portion by a cable that facilitates the relative movement of the first portion and the second portion.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197516A1

A medical device including an elongate member having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending therebetween. The medical device may further include an end-effector disposed at the distal end of the elongate member. The end-effector may include a plurality of arms pivotally connected to one another, wherein each arm includes a tissue-contacting surface, a first portion of the tissue-contacting surface including a plurality of ridges configured to grasp tissue. Further, the tissue-contacting surface may include a channel oriented substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the medical device. 1. A medical device comprising:an elongate member having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending therebetween; andan end-effector disposed at the distal end of the elongate member, the end-effector including a plurality of arms pivotally connected to one another, wherein each arm includes a tissue-contacting surface, a first portion of the tissue-contacting surface including a plurality of ridges configured to grasp tissue,wherein the tissue-contacting surface includes a channel oriented substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the medical device.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein only one of the plurality of arms is configured to move.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the entire tissue-contacting surface includes ridges.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein a second portion of the tissue-contacting-surface includes a mating surface having one or more teeth or ridges.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the channel extends in a direction that is substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the elongate member.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a cutting element configured to be advanced through the channel.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the cutting element includes a cautery device.8. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a locking device for selectively fixing a position of at least one of the plurality of arms.9. The device ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Endoscopic suture systems

Номер: US20130211428A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

A surgical instrument for applying sutures to tissue includes a needle deployment mechanism and a catch mechanism. In some embodiments, the needle deployment mechanism employs a linear path. Alternatively, it can employ a curved needle. The surgical instrument may include a rotatable head, a bend, and/or a malleable elongated body member formable into various shapes.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218199A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An endoscopic forceps is provided and includes a housing having a shaft. An end effector assembly operatively connects to a distal end of the shaft and has a pair of first and second jaw members. One of the first and second jaw members is movable relative to the other jaw member from an open position, to a clamping position. One of the first and second jaw members includes one or more cam slots defined therein and configured to receive a cam member that upon movement thereof rotates the movable jaw member from the open position to the clamping position. A resilient member is operably coupled to the jaw member that includes the one or more cam slots. The resilient member is configured to provide a camming force to the cam slot and to bias the first and second jaw members in the clamping position. 1. An endoscopic forceps , comprising:a housing having at least one shaft that extends therefrom that defines a longitudinal axis therethrough;an end effector assembly operatively connected to a distal end of the at least one shaft and including a pair of first and second jaw members, at least one of the first and second jaw members being movable relative to other jaw member from an open position wherein the first and second jaw members are disposed in spaced relation relative to one another, to a clamping position wherein the first and second jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween; anda resilient member including a flexible upright portion extending from a proximal end of the at least one movable jaw member, the upright portion supporting an elongated member having a cam slot with a cam pin housed therein, the resilient member configured to provide a force that biases the first and second jaw members in the clamping position.2. An endoscopic forceps according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient member is defined by the at least one movable jaw member.3. An endoscopic forceps according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient member is operably coupled to a drive rod of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for performing an electrosurgical procedure

Номер: US20130226226A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument is provided and includes a housing having a shaft. An end effector assembly is operatively connected to a distal end of the shaft and has a pair of first and second jaw members one of which is movable with respect to the other. A heat activated drive assembly operably couples to an actuation mechanism that is operably associated with the forceps and configured to supply thermal energy to the heat activated drive assembly. The heat activated drive assembly operably coupled to movable jaw member and configured to impart movement of the movable jaw member when the actuation mechanism is activated.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Medical Instrument With A Lockable Bend Control Mechanism

Номер: US20130237907A1
Принадлежит: Karl Storz SE and Co KG

A medical instrument includes a shaft whose distal end is bendable. Arranged at the proximal end of the shaft there is a handle on which a bend control mechanism for controlling the bending movement is arranged. The bend control mechanism has a pivotable control element. The pivotable control element runs over a friction element, and an actuating element is provided via which the friction element can be brought out of a locking engagement with the control element.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237986A1
Автор: Mueller Peter M.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument includes a handle, and an elongated shaft extending from the handle. An end effector extending from the elongated shaft is in communication with a source of electrosurgical energy and defines an end effector axis. A roll joint couples the end effector to the elongated shaft and includes a first tubular structure extending distally from the elongated shaft and a second tubular structure rotatably coupled to the first tubular structure. The second tubular structure supports the end effector such that the end effector is rotatable about the end effector axis. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a handle having an elongated shaft extending distally therefrom, the elongated shaft including a proximal portion coupled to the handle and a distal portion pivotally coupled to the proximal portion, the proximal portion defining a longitudinal axis;an end effector defining an end effector axis, the end effector in communication with a source of electrosurgical energy by an electrosurgical conductor extending through the elongated shaft; anda roll joint disposed between the distal portion of the elongated shaft and the end effector, the roll joint including a first tubular structure coupled to the distal portion of the elongated shaft and a second tubular structure coupled to the end effector, the second tubular structure rotatably coupled to the first tubular structure such that the end effector is rotatable about the end effector axis, wherein the electrosurgical conductor is coupled to a conductive slip ring disposed within the first tubular structure, and wherein an electrically conductive receptor is coupled to the second tubular structure such that the receptor maintains electrical contact with the slip ring regardless of the rotational position of the second tubular structure with respect to the first tubular structure.2. The instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the second tubular structure includes a flange claim 1 , wherein the flange ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Tissue Retractor Assembly

Номер: US20130253275A1

An intracorporeal surgical tissue retractor is provided having an anchor selectively deployable in a first tissue not to be retracted and a grasper selectively deployable on a second tissue to be retracted. A longitudinally selectively movable support is threadable through the anchor and attached at a substantially distal end of the movable support to the grasper. A deployment user interface is couplable to the movable support and has a proximal end manipulable by a user extracorporeally and a distal end releasably attachable to both the anchor and the grasper, adapted to intracorporeally deploy the anchor into the first tissue and the grasper onto the second tissue. The user interface includes a first actuator having an anchor positioning tool enabling selective deployment of the anchor in the first tissue, and a second actuator enabling selective opening and closing of the jaws of the grasper. 1. An intracorporeal surgical tissue retractor , comprising:a) an anchor selectively deployable in a first tissue not to be retracted;b) a grasper selectively deployable on a second tissue to be retracted;c) a longitudinally selectively movable support threadable through said anchor and attached at a substantially distal end of said movable support to said grasper; andd) a deployment user interface, couplable to said movable support and having a proximal end manipulable by a user extracorporeally and a distal end releasably attachable to both said anchor and said grasper, adapted to intracorporeally deploy said anchor into the first tissue and said grasper onto the second tissue.2. An intracorporeal surgical tissue retractor according to claim 1 , wherein when said grasper is deployed on the second tissue and said movable support is selectively moved proximally claim 1 , the second tissue is selectively retracted.3. An intracorporeal surgical tissue retractor according to claim 1 , wherein when said anchor is deployed in the first tissue claim 1 , said grasper is deployed on ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253507A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument includes a housing having an elongated shaft extending distally therefrom. An end effector for treating tissue is supported by the elongated shaft. One or more tensile members extend at least partially through the elongated shaft. A proximal end of a tensile member is operatively coupled to at least one actuator and a distal end is operatively coupled to the end effector such that manipulation of the actuator induces movement of the tensile member to move the end effector. A de-tensioning mechanism is operatively associated with the tensile member to move the tensile member between a first relaxed configuration and a second stressed configuration. The de-tensioning mechanism includes a spacer insertable into a cavity defined in the housing to move the tensile member to the first relaxed configuration and removable from the cavity to move the at least one tensile member to the second stressed configuration. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a housing having an elongated shaft extending distally therefrom, the elongated shaft supporting an end effector for treating tissue;at least one actuator adapted for manipulation by a user to control the end effector;at least one tensile member extending at least partially through the elongated shaft, the at least one tensile member including a proximal end operatively coupled to at least one actuator and a distal end operatively coupled to the end effector such that manipulation of the at least one actuator induces movement of the at least one tensile member to move the end effector; anda de-tensioning mechanism operatively associated with the at least one tensile member to move the at least one tensile member between a first relaxed configuration wherein the distal end of the at least one tensile member is disposed at a first distance from the housing and a second stressed configuration wherein the distal end of the at least one tensile member is disposed at a second distance from the housing, the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267948A1

The present disclosure provides a bipolar forceps. The bipolar forceps includes a housing having a handle assembly including a movable handle and one or more shafts. An end effector assembly operatively connects to a distal end of the shaft and includes a pair of first and second jaw members. A solenoid is in operative communication with the movable handle and operatively couples to a drive rod operatively coupled to at least one of the first and second jaw members for causing movement thereof. One or both of the first and second jaw members includes one or more teeth configured to engage one or more teeth located on the drive rod such that rotation of the solenoid imparts one of longitudinal and rotational movement of the drive rod such that at least one of the first and second jaw members moves between the open and closed positions. 1. An electrosurgical forceps , comprising:a housing having a movable handle and a shaft that extends therefrom;at least one electromechanical device in operative communication with the movable handle and operatively coupled to a drive rod that extends through the shaft, the at least one electromechanical device configured to receive an actuation signal from an electrosurgical energy source configured to provide electrosurgical energy to the electrosurgical forceps when the movable handle is actuated; andan end effector assembly operably coupled to a distal end of the shaft and including a pair of first and second jaw members, at least one of the first and second jaw members operably coupled to the drive rod for imparting movement thereof from an open configuration to a closed configuration to grasp tissue,wherein the drive rod includes at least one mechanical interface at a distal end thereof configured to engage a corresponding mechanical interface on the at least one moveable jaw member such that actuation of the movable handle energizes the at least one electromechanical device to impart movement of the drive rod to move the at ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267949A1
Автор: Kerr Duane E.

An endoscopic forceps is provided and includes a housing having a shaft that extends therefrom. An end effector assembly is operatively connected to a distal end of the shaft and includes a pair of pivotably coupled first and second jaw members. One of the jaw members is movable relative to the other jaw member. A drive mechanism includes a driving structure in operative communication with a cam slot operably disposed on one of the first and second jaw members. The driving structure includes a detent. 1. An endoscopic forceps , comprising:a housing having a shaft that extends therefrom and defines a longitudinal axis therethrough;an end effector assembly operatively connected to a distal end of the shaft and including a pair of first and second jaw members pivotably coupled to one another, at least one of the first and second jaw members movable relative to the other jaw member from an open position, wherein the first and second jaw members are disposed in spaced relation relative to one another, to a clamping position, wherein the first and second jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween; anda drive mechanism including a driving structure having at least one detent supported thereon, the driving structure including a distal end with a distal tip in operative communication with at least one cam slot operably defined within the at least one movable jaw member, the distal end disposed distally relative to the at least one detent and proximally relative to the distal tip,wherein the distal end of the driving structure is substantially resilient and functions as a cantilever spring configured to flex away from the longitudinal axis when the distal tip is positioned at a proximal end of the cam slot and tissue is positioned between the first and second jaw members.2. An endoscopic forceps according to claim 1 , wherein a distal end of at least one stop member disposed within the shaft contacts a proximal end of the at least one detent when the driving structure ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267950A1

In a surgical instrument, a reciprocating element controls jaw opening and closing as it moves over a first range of motion and cuts tissue clamped between the jaws as it moves over a second range of motion. A first control input controls the reciprocating element's motion over the first range of motion, and a second control input controls the reciprocating element's motion over the second range of motion. As a result, over control by the first control input will not result in inadvertent tissue cutting. 1. A computer-controlled surgical system , comprising:a surgical instrument having a working end; anda control system configured to separately control a grasping function of the working end and a cutting function of the working end, wherein the control system is operatively connected to a first input device for controlling the grasping function of the working end and a second input device for controlling the cutting function of the working end.2. The computer-controlled surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the working end includes a set of jaws for grasping the tissue and a reciprocating element with a tissue cutting element.3. The computer-controlled surgical system of claim 2 , wherein the first input device controls movement of the reciprocating element within a first range to move the jaws from an open position to a closed position without advancing the tissue cutting element into a tissue grasping area of the jaws.4. The computer-controlled surgical system of claim 3 , wherein the second input device controls movement of the reciprocating element within a second range in which the tissue cutting element is advanced into the tissue grasping area to cut tissue between the jaws.5. The computer-controlled surgical system of claim 1 , wherein the second input device controls both a cutting function and a fusing function of the working end.6. The computer-controlled surgical system of claim 5 , wherein the second input device comprises a first function control for ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Endoscopic Vessel Sealer and Divider Having a Flexible Articulating Shaft

Номер: US20130274741A1

An electrosurgical instrument for treating tissue includes a housing having a shaft extending therefrom having an axis A-A defined therethrough. The shaft is at least partially flexible and includes first and second jaw members attached at a distal end thereof. Each jaw member includes an electrically conductive tissue contacting surface adapted to connect to a source of electrosurgical energy such that the electrically conductive tissue contacting surfaces are capable of conducting electrosurgical energy through tissue held therebetween. A drive assembly is disposed in the housing and has a first actuator operably coupled to a drive rod for reciprocation thereof to move the jaw members from a first position in spaced relation to one another to a second position closer to one another for engaging tissue. A second actuator is disposed on the housing and is actuatable to articulate the shaft. 1. (canceled)2. An endoscopic forceps , comprising:a housing;a shaft extending from the housing and defining a longitudinal axis, the shaft including a flexible portion;an end effector supported adjacent a distal end of the flexible portion of the shaft, the end effector including a pair of jaw members configured and dimensioned to connect to a source of electrosurgical energy, at least one jaw member being pivotable relative to the other jaw member, said end effector including structure to accommodate a drive rod having a flexible distal portion mounting a knife;a drive assembly disposed within the housing, the drive assembly operable to pivot the at least one jaw member relative to the other jaw member from a first position wherein the movable jaw member is disposed in spaced relation relative to the other jaw member to a second position wherein the movable jaw member is closer to the other jaw member for manipulating tissue;a movable handle pivotably supported on the housing, the movable handle in mechanical cooperation with the drive assembly such that the movable handle is ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Laparoscopic Instrument and Cannula Assembly and Related Surgical Method

Номер: US20130281783A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A laparoscopic port assembly includes a cannula unit including three cannulas each extending at an acute angle relative to a base. The cannulas are flexible for receiving respective angulated laparoscopic instruments. The cannula unit is rotatingly received in a port holder for rotation about a longitudinal axis of the holder, the holder being disposable in an opening in a patient's skin.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Segmented instrument shaft with antirotation features

Номер: US20130281924A1
Автор: Carson Shellenberger
Принадлежит: Transenterix Inc

Deflectable instrument shafts are formed of a plurality of vertebral segments. One embodiment utilizes alternating segments, each of which has a first end or face contacting an adjacent segment along a first plane, and a second end or face contacting an adjacent segment along a second plane that is transverse to the first plane. In some embodiments, the alternating segments are first and second segments having differently shaped contacting ends/faces. In other embodiment the alternating segments are identical to one another but are positioned such that segments having their first contacting end/face facing distally are alternated with segments having their second contacting ends/faces facing distally. In other embodiments, embodiments having semi-spherical articulating surfaces are used.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130282010A1

A bipolar forceps for sealing tissue includes an end effector assembly having opposing first and second jaw members each having a proximal end and a distal end. A first electrically conductive surface having two or more conductive sealing plates and a dielectric layer is operably coupled to the first jaw member. Each sealing plate is connected to a reactive element and positioned along the first electrically conductive surface from the proximal end to the distal end. The reactive element of the sealing plate have different impedances. A second electrically conductive surface having one or more conductive sealing plates is operably coupled to the second jaw member. Each electrically conductive surface on the jaw members connects to a source of electrosurgical energy such that the sealing plates are capable of conducting energy through tissue held therebetween to effect a tissue seal. 1. A bipolar forceps for sealing tissue , comprising: a first slotted electrically conductive surface including a plurality of electrically isolated conductive sections extending across a width thereof;', 'a sealing plate disposed on a center portion of the slotted electrically conductive surface and having a variable width along the length of the first jaw member thereby providing a varying change in capacitance along the length of the first jaw member; and, 'an end effector assembly having opposing first and second jaw members each having a proximal end and a distal end and movable relative to one another to grasp tissue therebetween, a first jaw member includinga second electrically conductive surface having at least one conductive sealing plate operably coupled to the second jaw member,wherein the sealing plate and the second electrically conductive surface are adapted to connect to a source of electrosurgical energy, andwherein impedance to the tissue is increased towards the proximal end of the first slotted and second electrically conductive surfaces which increases current ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130282050A1

A laparoscopic tool includes a base having a bore that receives the proximal end of an elongate outer tube having a lumen in axial alignment with the bore. An elongate inner rod is slideably mounted in the lumen and the bore. A clamp is detachably secured to a distal end of the elongate inner rod. A handle controlled by a user advances and retracts the inner rod. A nitinol clamp is connected to the distal end of the inner rod and an electrically conductive suture thread holds the clamp to the inner rod. A wedge block positioned at the proximal end of the inner rod has a slit that releasably engages the suture thread so that the suture thread is pulled until it is taut and wedged into the slit. The clamp closes when heated by an electrical current flowing through the suture thread and opens when the current stops. 1. A laparoscopic tool , comprising:a solid base in the form of a handle having a longitudinally-extending bore formed therein;an elongate outer tube secured to said base, said elongate outer tube having a lumen in axial alignment and in open communication with said bore;an elongate inner rod slideably mounted in said lumen of said elongate outer tube and within said bore;a proximal end of said elongate inner rod being engageable by a user of said tool to selectively slide said elongate inner rod in a proximal-to-distal forward or extended direction and a distal-to-proximal rearward or retracted direction;a clamp, formed of a memory alloy, detachably secured to a distal end of said elongate inner rod;a longitudinally-extending, electrically-conductive suture thread holding said clamp to said distal end of said elongate inner rod;said elongate inner rod and clamp having a combined length such that when said elongate inner rod is slideably disposed within said lumen and said bore in an engaged or extended position, the distal end of said clamp extends beyond the distal end of said elongate outer tube, and when said elongate inner rod is slideably disposed ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Medical manipulator

Номер: US20130282051A1
Автор: Makoto Jinno
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A medical manipulator is provided. The medical manipulator includes an end effector that is configured to perform motions with respect to at least two different axes, and that is inserted in a body cavity during operation of the medical manipulator. The medical manipulator also includes at least two cylindrical motors that each include a longitudinal axis and that drive at least a part of the end effector. The motors remain outside a living body during operation of the medical manipulator and the motors are mounted on at least one bracket. A shaft interconnects the bracket and the end effector. A longitudinal axis of the shaft extends substantially parallel to each of the longitudinal axes of the motors.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289616A1

An endoscope treatment tool includes a treatment portion, a manipulation portion, and a manipulation wire connecting the treatment portion and the manipulation portion, the manipulation portion includes a manipulation portion main body, a shaft, a clutch plate having a through-hole into which the shaft is slidably inserted, a manipulation member slidably attached to the manipulation portion main body, and a force adjustment member compressed in accordance with manipulation of the manipulation member, and the clutch plate is inclined with respect to the shaft in accordance with compression of the force adjustment member, and thereby the manipulation member is fixed to the manipulation portion main body by the clutch plate which is fixed to the shaft so as not to slide with respect to the shaft. 1. An endoscope treatment tool comprising:a treatment portion which is provided at a distal end of the endoscope treatment tool;a manipulation portion which is configured to manipulate the treatment portion; anda manipulation wire which connects the treatment portion and the manipulation portion, wherein a manipulation portion main body;', 'a shaft which is attached to the manipulation portion main body and extends parallel to the manipulation portion main body;', 'a clutch plate which has a through-hole into which the shaft is slidably inserted;', 'a manipulation member which is slidably attached to the manipulation portion main body so as to manipulate the manipulation wire; and', 'a force adjustment member which is compressed in accordance with manipulation of the manipulation member, and, 'the manipulation portion includesthe clutch plate is inclined with respect to the shaft such that a first axis of the through-hole is non-parallel to a second axis of the shaft in accordance with compression of the force adjustment member, and thereby the manipulation member is fixed to the manipulation portion main body by the clutch plate which is fixed to the shaft so as not to slide ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289617A1

An endoscopic treatment tool includes a sheath, a support portion which is attached to a distal end of the sheath, a pair of forceps members which are provided on the support portion, a linear portion which is inserted through the sheath so that the linear portion is capable of advancing and retracting, the linear portion causing facing surfaces each provided on the pair of forceps members to approach each other, and the linear portion separating the pair of facing surfaces from each other, an engaging portion which is provided in the support portion, an engaged portion which is provided in the linear portion, and a moving mechanism that moves the position of the distal end portion of the linear portion to a distal end position closer to the distal end side than the engaged portion. 1. An endoscopic treatment tool comprising:a sheath;a support portion which is attached to a distal end side of the sheath;a pair of forceps members which are placed ahead of the sheath and is supported to be rotatable relatively around a rotation axis provided on the support portion;a linear portion which is inserted through the sheath so that the linear portion is capable of advancing and retracting, the linear portion causing facing surfaces each provided on the distal end side rather than the rotation axis in the pair of forceps members to approach each other as a distal end portion of the linear portion is separated from the rotation axis, and the linear portion separating the pair of facing surfaces from each other as the distal end portion of the linear portion approaches to the rotation axis;an engaging portion which is provided between the distal end portion of the sheath and the rotation axis in the support portion;an engaged portion which is provided on a position closer to a proximal end side than the distal end portion in the linear portion, and is engaged to the engaging portion when the linear portion moves toward the distal end side; anda moving mechanism which moves the ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296854A1
Автор: Mueller Peter M.

An end effector assembly for use with a forceps includes a pair of jaw members, a knife assembly, and one or more cam assemblies. One or more of the jaw members are moveable relative to the other about a pivot between open and closed positions. One or more of the jaw members include a knife channel. The pivot includes first and second sections defining a passage therebetween. The knife assembly includes a knife blade and an actuation shaft. The knife blade is disposed distally relative to the pivot. The actuation shaft is configured for slidable translation through the passage to allow selective advancement of the knife blade through the knife channel. The one or more cam assemblies are operably coupled to the one or more moveable jaw members and are actuatable to move the one or more jaw members between the open and closed positions for grasping tissue therebetween. 1. An end effector assembly comprising:a pair of jaw members, at least one of the pair of jaw members moveable about a pivot between an open position and a closed position relative to the other jaw member for grasping tissue, the pivot including first and second sections and defining a passage between the first and second sections;a knife blade supported between the pair of jaw members distal to the pivot and coupled to an actuation shaft that slidably translates through the passage of the pivot to advance the knife blade;a cam pin coupled to at least one of the pair of jaw members to move the at least one jaw member upon selective longitudinal translation of the cam pin through a cam slot defined in at least one of the pair of jaw members; anda knife tube mounted to the pivot, the cam pin slidably engaged with the knife tube, the first and second sections of the pivot being engageable with a recess defined by the knife tube.2. The end effector assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a trigger assembly configured to enable slidable translation of the actuation shaft upon actuation of the ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Surgical instrument for grasping and cutting tissue

Номер: US20130296909A1
Принадлежит: Take5 Endotech

A surgical instrument for cutting and grasping tissue comprising a handle assembly, an elongated member and first and second jaws. A first movable member moves the second jaw in a first direction about a first pivot axis in a grasping action and a second movable member moves the second jaw in a second direction different than the first direction and about a second pivot axis in a cutting action. A switch is positioned at the proximal portion of the instrument and a selecting member is actuated by movement of the switch, the selecting member movable between a first position to enable movement of the second jaw in the first direction and prohibit movement in the second direction and a second position to enable movement of the second jaw in the second direction and prohibit movement in the first direction.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Local magnetic actuation of surgical devices

Номер: US20130298715A1

A method of actuating a surgical device is described. A surgical tool is inserted into a body cavity of a patient through a natural orifice. A distal end of an actuation tool is inserted through a surgical access port in the body of the patient. The distal end of the actuation tool is positioned proximal to an external wall of the body cavity opposite the surgical tool. A magnetic coupling is established between the distal end of the actuation tool and the surgical tool. When the magnetic coupling is established, distal end of the actuation tool is located at the external wall of the body cavity and the surgical tool is located at the internal wall of the body cavity. The surgical tool is manipulated using the actuation tool through the magnetic coupling.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Handling device for a medical instrument

Номер: US20130304041A1
Принадлежит: Karl Storz SE and Co KG

A handling device for a medical instrument includes a main body with a coupling for releasable mechanical connection to a proximal end of an outer shaft, a first actuation device movable relative to the main body, a second actuation device movable relative to the main body, a first coupling device coupling the first actuation device to a first transfer device for transferring at least a force or a torque, and a second coupling device coupling the second actuation device to a second transfer device for transferring at least a force or a torque. The coupling devices each have a decoupling position, in which the associated actuation device is decoupled from the associated transfer device. The decoupling positions of both coupling devices can only be reached when the outer shaft is not connected to the coupling on the main body in the manner provided for use of the medical instrument.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Forceps

Номер: US20130304058A1
Автор: Stephen M. Kendrick

A forceps includes a housing defining a window and having an outer shaft extending therefrom. An end effector assembly disposed at a distal end of the outer shaft includes first and second jaw members including distal portions and proximal portions and movable between spaced-apart and approximated positions. An inner shaft is slidably disposed within the outer shaft such that, when the jaw members are disposed in the spaced-apart position, the inner shaft is disposed in a distal position. When the jaw members are moved to the approximated position, the proximal portions urge the inner shaft to a proximal position. An indicator member coupled to the inner shaft includes first and second indicators. The first indicator is visible through the window when the inner shaft is disposed in the distal position. The second indicator is visible through the window when the inner shaft is disposed in the proximal position.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Micro-Invasive Medical Instrument

Номер: US20130304063A1
Принадлежит: Karl Storz SE and Co KG

A medical instrument includes an outer shaft, a manipulation device at the proximal end of the outer shaft, a tool at the distal end of the outer shaft, with a first effecting device for a first function and a second effecting device for a second function, a first transmission device in the outer shaft for transmitting at least either a force or a torque for controlling the first effecting device, and a second transmission device in the outer shaft for transmitting at least either a force or a torque for controlling the second effecting device. The outer shaft is at least either curved or able to be curved or has a pivot joint. The first transmission device and the second transmission device are each designed to be flexible at least in sections.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304105A1
Автор: ONUMA Ryu

A grasping treatment device includes a first sheath section, a second sheath section including a bending cylindrical section, and a rotating transmitting portion configured to rotate to allow a grasping section and the first sheath section to rotate in one of periaxial directions of a longitudinal axis with respect to the second sheath section. The grasping treatment device includes an opening/closing transmitting portion configured to move a movable portion of the first sheath section toward a proximal direction with respect to a probe fixed portion by being pulled toward the proximal direction, and an acting force transmitting portion configured to transmit an acting force from the probe fixed portion to the bending cylindrical section, the acting force being configured to act on the probe fixed portion from the movable portion toward the proximal direction. 1. A grasping treatment device comprising:a grasping section which includes a probe extended along a longitudinal axis, and a jaw which is openable/closeable with respect to the probe;a first sheath section which is extended to a proximal direction side of the grasping section along the longitudinal axis, the first sheath section including a probe fixed portion provided being fixed to the probe, and a movable portion which is connected to the jaw and which is movable with respect to the probe fixed portion along the longitudinal axis;a second sheath section which is provided to the proximal direction side of the first sheath section, the second sheath section including a non-bending cylindrical section which is extended along the longitudinal axis, and a bending cylindrical section which is provided to a distal direction side of the non-bending cylindrical section and which is configured to bend to change a bending angle of the first sheath section relative to the non-bending cylindrical section;a rotating transmitting portion which is extended in the second sheath section along the longitudinal axis, and ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304115A1
Автор: MIYAMOTO Manabu

A treatment tool includes a long shaft member, a pair of grasping members installed at a distal end portion of the long shaft member, a driving force transmission member connected to the pair of grasping member, a driving manipulation member, and a switch unit having a first sliding section and a second sliding section, and configured to switch a ratio of a magnitude of a force for moving the driving force transmission member with respect to a magnitude of a force for moving the driving manipulation member when the driving manipulation member is manipulated to be moved by switching a position at which the driving manipulation member is slid between the first sliding section and the second sliding section. 1. A treatment tool comprising:a long shaft member having a distal end portion and a proximal end portion, and a longitudinal axis extending from the distal end portion to the proximal end portion;a pair of grasping members installed at the distal end portion of the long shaft member so as to be freely opened and closed with each other to grasp a target area;a driving force transmission member connected to the pair of grasping members and extending along the longitudinal axis so as to be freely moved along the longitudinal axis with respect to the long shaft member;a driving manipulation member connected to a proximal end portion of the driving force transmission member and configured to be capable of being manipulated so that the driving force transmission member moves with respect to the long shaft member; anda switch unit having a first sliding section configured to support the driving manipulation member so as to be capable of sliding at a position at which a magnitude of a force for moving the driving force transmission member with respect to a magnitude of a force for moving the driving manipulation member becomes a first ratio when the driving manipulation member is manipulated to be moved, and a second sliding section configured to support the driving ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310832A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument is provided and includes a housing having a shaft. An end effector assembly operatively connects to the shaft and has a pair of first and second jaw members. A jaw insert is operably associated with the first and second jaw members. The jaw insert includes one or more cam slots defined therein configured to receive a cam pin that upon movement thereof rotates the first and second jaw members from an open position to a clamping position and an opening defined therein configured to securely house a pivot pin that provides a point of pivot for the first and second jaw members. The jaw insert is manufactured from an insulative medium to dielectrically isolate the first and second jaw members. 120-. (canceled)21. A forceps , comprising:a housing;at least one shaft extending from the housing, the at least one shaft defining a longitudinal axis;an end effector assembly operatively connected to a distal end of the at least one shaft having first and second jaw members, the first and second jaw members movable relative to one another from an open position wherein the first and second jaw members are disposed in spaced relation relative to one another, to a clamping position wherein the first and second jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween; anda jaw insert operably disposed within at least one of the first and second jaw members, the jaw insert defining an opening configured to securely house a pivot pin, the pivot pin providing an axis of pivot for the first and second jaw members, the jaw insert including a moveable member defining a cam slot, the cam slot configured to receive a cam pin that upon movement of the cam pin rotates the jaw members from the open position to the clamping position, the moveable member configured to provide a camming force to the cam slot and a portion of a sealing force to the jaw members when the first and second jaw members are in the clamping position.22. The forceps of claim 21 , wherein the moveable member ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317522A1

A multi-degree-of-freedom forceps includes a insertion portion that has a first bending portion and a second bending portion connected to each other at both ends via an operating member; a treatment portion that is attached to the first bending portion and is used for tissue treatment; and an operating portion that is attached to the second bending portion to bend the second bending portion to thereby bend the first bending portion. The operating portion has a handle body capable of being swung relative to the insertion portion with the second bending portion as an operation center. The handle body has a grip portion that is gripped by a user in use. The grip portion is provided around the operation center or closer to the insertion portion side than the operation center. 1. A multi-degree-of-freedom forceps comprising:a insertion portion which is longitudinal, extends along a longitudinal axis and has a joint portion at a proximal end portion;an operating portion which has a handle body that is coupled to the joint portion so as to be rotatable in a direction intersecting the longitudinal axis of the insertion portion and that is provided so as to be capable of swinging and operating relative to the insertion portion;a bending portion which is provided at a distal end portion of the insertion portion so as to be bendable according to the swinging operation of the handle body relative to the insertion portion;a bending locking mechanism which enables fixation of the rotation of the insertion portion in the direction intersecting the longitudinal axis of the insertion portion relative to the handle body, and release of the fixation;an access port which has a pivot portion that supports the insertion portion so as to be movable along the longitudinal axis and supports the insertion portion so as to be pivotally operable and that is mountable on a body wall;a pivot locking mechanism which enables fixation of the pivot operation of the insertion portion relative to the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325049A1
Принадлежит: National Central University

The present invention provides a replaceable micro-surgical instrument which comprises a pull structure and a hollow tube attached to a grip. The hollow tube has a sleeve at one end with a U-type elastic element sliding in. The U-type elastic element includes a spring tension section and two opposite extending arms and the outer edge of each arm is against the inner wall of the sleeve. Two arms could move according to the pull structure to selectively extend out of the sleeve to be opened or pull back into the sleeve to be clip together. Particularly, there is a replaceable micro-surgical element set in the front-end of each arm, so when the micro-surgical element becomes blunt or broken, the doctor could only replace the micro-surgical element without replace a whole new instrument in order to reduce instrument cost, increase replacement rate, and maintain the quality of medical surgery. 1. A replaceable micro-surgical instrument , which comprises:a grip;a pull structure attached to the grip; anda hollow tube having a sleeve at one end with a U-type elastic element sliding set in the sleeve, another end of the hollow tube attached to the grip, and a wire set within the hollow tube with one end attached to the pull structure and another end attached to the U-type elastic element;wherein the improvement comprises:the U-type elastic element including a spring tension section and two arms opposite extending from the spring tension section, the outer edge of each arm against inner wall of the sleeve, and front-end of each arm having a replaceable micro-surgical element.2. The replaceable micro-surgical instrument as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the micro-surgical element and the correspondingly arm of the U-type elastic element connect to each other using a dovetail joint.3. The replaceable micro-surgical instrument as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the micro-surgical element and the correspondingly arm of the U-type elastic element connect to each other using a bolt.4. ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331646A1

Apparatus, systems, and methods for laparoscopic abdominal surgery are disclosed. For example, a system or kit is provided for performing a procedure within a surgical space within a patient's body that includes a plurality of tool heads, and a tool head carrier including features for removably receiving one or more tool heads, the tool head carrier sized for introduction through a trocar or other port into a surgical space. The system or kit may also include a surgical tool including a tool shaft introduceable into the surgical space and including features for securing a tool head to the tool. Optionally, the tool head carrier may include a clip for securing the tool head carrier to an endoscope. 1. A surgical tool transfer system , comprising:a tool head;an introduction tool comprising a distal end sized to be introduced into a surgical space;a surgical tool comprising a control shaft including a distal end sized to be introduced into a surgical space independently of the introduction tool distal end, and comprising a first actuator for coupling the tool head to the control shaft distal end;the tool head configured to be coupled to the introduction tool distal end in a first static position and receive the control shaft distal end therein in the first position, whereupon the first actuator may be activated to rotate a portion of the tool head relative to the introduction tool distal end, thereby directing the tool head to a second active position releasing the tool head from the introduction tool distal end.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the surgical tool comprises a second actuator claim 1 , the second actuator coupled to an end effector of the tool head after the first actuator directs the tool head to the second active position claim 1 , whereupon the second actuator may be activated to operate the end effector.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the end effector is locked with the tool head in the first static position.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Surgical instrument

Номер: US20130331826A1
Автор: Adam T.C. Steege
Принадлежит: Agile EndoSurgery Inc

A surgical instrument for minimally invasive surgery. The surgical instrument includes a manipulator, a proximal universal joint mounted to the manipulator, a tube mounted to the proximal joint, a distal universal joint mounted to the tube, and an end effector including at least one movable jaw mounted to the distal joint. Cables operatively couple the manipulator, proximal joint, and distal joints and concurrently operatively couple the manipulator and the end effector. Four cables may control two degrees of freedom of the distal joint and one degree of freedom of the jaw. Pivoting of the manipulator and a proximal yoke of the proximal joint results in a corresponding motion in a distal yoke of the distal joint. Actuation of an anchor in the manipulator results in operation of any moveable jaws in the end effector. The distal universal joint and the end effector may be integrated into one end segment part.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Endoscope apparatus and medical system

Номер: US20130345513A1

An endoscope apparatus includes: a light source apparatus that emits light in a wavelength band including a first wavelength band for exciting a first fluorescent substance and a second wavelength band; an image pickup section that picks up an image of first fluorescence emitted when the first fluorescent substance is excited and an image of second fluorescence emitted when a second fluorescent substance provided on a treatment instrument is excited, to generate a fluorescence image; an information storing section that stores shape information including information on a shape of the second fluorescent substance; and an operation section that performs an operation to estimate an actual size of a region in which the first fluorescence is generated, based on a scaling factor calculated based on the shape information and a size of a draw region of the second fluorescence, and a size of a draw region of the first fluorescence.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Instrument for Fusing and Severing Tissue

Номер: US20130345702A1
Автор: Wandel Waldemar

An instrument () for fusing and severing vessels in accordance with the invention comprises a first branch () with a first electrode () and a second branch that is supported so as to be movable toward and away from the first electrode (), wherein the second branch () has a longitudinal slit (). A knife () is arranged in said slit so as to be movable longitudinally relative to the shaft (). The knife () is associated with a vertical adjustment mechanism () for adjusting the knife () perpendicularly to the longitudinal movement as a function of the longitudinal movement of said knife. As a result of this, a premature dulling of the tip () or the sliding edge () of the knife due to contact with the ceramic base body () or the edges or the step () is avoided. 110. Instrument () for fusing and severing vessels , the instrument comprising:{'b': 11', '12, 'an elongated shaft () extending away from a housing (),'}{'b': 19', '33, 'a first branch () with an electrode (),'}{'b': 20', '33', '20', '31, 'a second branch () that is supported so as to be movable toward and away from the first electrode (), wherein the second branch () has a longitudinal slit (),'}{'b': 21', '11', '31, 'a knife () that is arranged so as to be movable with a longitudinal movement along the shaft () and arranged so as to extend into or be movable into the longitudinal slit (),'}{'b': 21', '54', '21, 'wherein the knife () is associated with a vertical adjustment mechanism () for adjusting the knife () perpendicularly to the longitudinal movement as a function of the longitudinal movement of said knife.'}2192332253738393323. Instrument as in claim 1 , wherein the first branch () comprises an electrically insulating base body () having a groove-like recess () and a guide slit () claim 1 , wherein holding means ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) for stationarily supporting the first electrode () are arranged on the base body () claim 1 , said electrode being curved.354213333. Instrument as in claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345735A1
Автор: Mueller Peter M.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A one-piece handle assembly and a method of assembling the one-piece handle assembly. The one-piece handle assembly includes an outer tube connected to a fixed jaw and an inner tube connected to a moveable jaw. The inner tube is installed within the outer tube. The surgical instrument assembly further includes a handle body overmolded onto the outer tube and a handle grip connected to the handle body. The handle grip controls movement of the moveable jaw along an axis about defiend through the outer tube. The one-piece handle assembly further includes a knife plunger for controlling activation of a knife rod assembly. The one-piece handle assembly is void of any welds, adhesives, or fasteners to complete the final assembly of the one-piece handle assembly. 1. A method for assembling a surgical instrument , comprising:attaching a fixed jaw to an outer tube;overmolding a handle body to the outer tube;inserting a grip pivot pin to connect a handle grip to the handle body, wherein the grip pivot pin includes a cam surface; andconnecting a moving jaw to the fixed jaw while engaging an inner tube to control the moving jaw.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the fixed jaw is connected to the moving jaw using an end effector pivot pin at pivot point between the fixed jaw and the moving jaw.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:overmolding a bushing to the inner tube;sliding a jaw spring over the inner tube, wherein a proximal end of the jaw spring contacts the bushing;sliding the inner tube through a spring cartridge bore in a spring cartridge; andsliding the inner tube into the outer tube.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising:sliding a knife plunger through a handle body bore in the handle body;aligning a cross bore on the knife plunger with an assembly bore in the handle body;aligning a relief slot on the handle grip with the assembly bore;inserting an assembly pin into the assembly bore to engage the knife plunger and the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345743A1
Принадлежит: OLYMPUS Winter and Ibe GmbH

A handle of a surgical instrument including a shaft, a handle body, a stationary handle lever, with a movable handle lever, with a receptacle that is disposed on the movable handle lever for a proximal end piece of an actuating rod that extends through the shaft, at the distal end of the shaft, an end effector, wherein the receptacle receives or releases, in the receiving position of the movable handle lever, the end piece for assembly or disassembly of the shaft, and with a handle spring that applies force to the movable handle lever when the actuating rod is not installed, and on a stop means on the movable handle lever. The handle includes a deactivation means that deactivates the application of force to the movable handle lever by means of the handle spring, when the actuating rod is installed on the handle.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012087A1
Автор: OMOTO Keijiro

In an embodiment of the present invention, an endoscope includes an insertion unit having a bending portion on a distal end side thereof, an endoscope main body provided on a proximal end side of the insertion unit, a left-and-right direction bending mechanism coupled with the bending portion, a left-and-right direction bending drive unit generating drive force to bend the bending portion in a left-and-right direction, a drive force transmission mechanism transmitting the drive force to the left-and-right direction bending mechanism and a cord portion extending from the endoscope main body and supplies electrical power from the outside to the left-and-right direction bending drive unit, wherein the left-and-right direction bending drive unit is provided on the endoscope main body and arranged along an extending direction of the cord unit. 1. An endoscope comprising:an insertion unit having a bending portion on a distal end side thereof;an endoscope main body provided on a proximal end side of the insertion unit;a left-and-right direction bending mechanism coupled with the bending portion;a left-and-right direction bending drive unit which generates drive force to bend the bending portion in a left-and-right direction;a drive force transmission mechanism which transmits the drive force to the left-and-right direction bending mechanism; anda cord portion which extends from the endoscope main body and supplies electrical power from the outside to the left-and-right direction bending drive unit,wherein the left-and-right direction bending drive unit is provided on the endoscope main body and arranged along an extending direction of the cord unit.2. The endoscope according to claim 1 ,wherein the endoscope main body has an operation unit which operates the bending portion,the operation unit comprises:an up-and-down direction bending operation input unit which is provided to a first shaft portion, which is protruded from a first position of the operation unit, to allow ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018822A1
Автор: Main David

A surgical positioning assembly for use with a surgical instrument which has an elongated shaft defining a longitudinal axis, for example a minimally invasive surgical instrument. The positioning assembly comprises: a base member comprising a skin contact surface, wherein the base member defines an opening for the elongated shaft; a rotating assembly configured to rotate relative to the base member about a rotation point located below the skin contact surface wherein the rotating assembly defines an opening for the elongated shaft; and a locking mechanism for locking the position of the positioning assembly on the elongated shaft and for locking the orientation of the rotating assembly relative to the base member. 1. A surgical positioning assembly for use with a surgical instrument having an elongated shaft which defines a longitudinal axis , wherein the positioning assembly comprises:a base member comprising a skin contact surface, wherein the base member defines an opening for the elongated shaft;a rotating assembly configured to rotate relative to the base member about a rotation point located below the skin contact surface wherein the rotating assembly defines an opening for the elongated shaft; anda locking mechanism for locking the position of the positioning assembly on the elongated shaft and for locking the orientation of the rotating assembly relative to the base member.2. A surgical positioning assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation point is at least 2 mm below the skin contact surface.3. A surgical positioning assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the locking mechanism comprises means for reducing the effective diameter of the opening defined by the rotating assembly.4. A surgical positioning assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the locking mechanism comprises means for the rotating assembly to engage the base member.5. A surgical positioning assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the opening defined by the rotating assembly is ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Endoscopic tool assembly

Номер: US20140024892A1
Автор: Pavel Menn
Принадлежит: Microline Surgical Inc

A surgical tool assembly is provided having a surgical tool, a scope; and a detachable clip which couples the tool and scope. The clip includes a first grip which engages a peripheral surface of the tool and a second grip which engages a peripheral surface of the scope. Additionally, the first and second grips may be formed continuously with one another.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025067A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument includes an end effector including first and second jaw members movable relative to one another between a first, spaced-apart position and a second position proximate tissue. In the second position, the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween. A first optical fiber is disposed within the first jaw member and is configured to provide a first signal, and a second optical fiber is disposed within the first jaw member and is configured to provide a second signal. A controller is coupled to the first and second fibers and is configured to determine the temperature and the strain of the first jaw member as a function of the first and second signals, respectively. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:an end effector including first and second jaw members movable relative to one another between a first, spaced-apart position and a second position proximate tissue, wherein in the second position, the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween;a first optical fiber disposed within the first jaw member and configured to provide a first signal;a second optical fiber disposed within the first jaw member and configured to provide a second signal; anda controller coupled to the first and second fibers and configured to determine the temperature and the strain of the first jaw member as a function of the first and second signals, respectively.2. The surgical instrument according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second optical fibers includes at least one Bragg grating.3. The surgical instrument according to claim 2 , wherein the first optical fiber is disposed within a first cavity defined in the first jaw member and the second optical fiber is disposed within a second cavity defined in the first jaw member.4. The surgical instrument according to claim 3 , wherein the first optical fiber is secured within the first cavity.5. The surgical instrument according to claim 3 , wherein the second optical fiber is unsecured within the ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025070A1

A surgical forceps includes a housing having a movable handle coupled thereto and movable between an initial position and a compressed position. A drive bar is operably coupled to the movable handle such that movement of the movable handle between the initial and compressed positions effects longitudinal translation of the drive bar. The drive bar further includes a coupling member disposed at a distal end thereof. An end effector assembly includes first and second jaw members movable between spaced-apart and approximated positions. Each jaw member defines a cam slot. A cam pin is slidably disposed within the cam slot of each of the jaw members. The coupling member is configured to releasably engage the cam pin such that movement of the movable handle between the initial position and the compressed position effects movement of the jaw members between the spaced-apart position and the approximated position. 1. A surgical forceps , comprising:a housing including a movable handle coupled thereto, the movable handle movable between an initial position and a compressed position;a drive bar operably coupled to the movable handle at a proximal end of the drive bar such that movement of the movable handle between the initial position and the compressed position effects longitudinal translation of the drive bar, the drive bar including at least one coupling member disposed at a distal end thereof; and first and second jaw members, at least one of the first and second jaw members movable relative to the other between a spaced-apart position and an approximated position for grasping tissue therebetween, each jaw member defining a cam slot; and', 'a cam pin slidably disposed within the cam slot of each of the first and second jaw members, wherein the at least one coupling member of the drive bar is configured to releasably engage the cam pin such that movement of the movable handle between the initial position and the compressed position effects movement of the jaw members ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025071A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A connection mechanism and manufacturing method for a surgical instrument includes an inner shaft member that extends at least partially through an elongated shaft member of the instrument and defines proximal and distal ends and is selectively movable in a longitudinal direction with respect to the elongated shaft member and includes at least one aperture that extends partially along the longitudinal direction and disposed distally from the proximal end. The inner shaft member enables a drive collar member to slide on the inner shaft member and reciprocate along the longitudinal direction. A drive collar stop member slides on the inner shaft member and moves along the longitudinal direction. The drive collar stop member then moves in a direction relative to the longitudinal axis to engage the aperture and limit further longitudinal motion of the drive collar member. An inner shaft stop member limits movement of the inner shaft. 1. A connection mechanism for a surgical instrument comprising:an inner shaft member configured to extend at least partially through an elongated shaft member of a surgical instrument and defining proximal and distal ends, the inner shaft member selectively movable in a longitudinal direction with respect to the elongated shaft member;the inner shaft member including at least one aperture defined therein and extending partially along the longitudinal direction of the inner shaft member and disposed distally from the proximal end;the inner shaft member configured to enable a drive collar member to slide on the inner shaft member and reciprocate along the longitudinal direction of the inner shaft member; anda drive collar stop member disposed to slide on the inner shaft member and to move along the longitudinal direction of the inner shaft member,wherein the drive collar stop member moves in a direction relative to the longitudinal axis defined by the inner shaft member to engage the at least one aperture and limit further longitudinal motion ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025074A1

An end-effector assembly includes first and second jaw members disposed in opposing relation relative to one another, at least one of the jaw members moveable from an open position to a closed position for grasping tissue therebetween. First and second conductive plates are disposed on opposing surfaces of corresponding first and second jaw members. First and second compressible membranes are configured to electrically connect corresponding first and second conductive plates to a surgical field when subjected to a compression bias. 1. An end-effector assembly , comprising:first and second jaw members disposed in opposing relation relative to one another, at least one of the jaw members moveable from an open position to a closed position for grasping tissue therebetween;first and second conductive plates disposed on opposing surfaces of corresponding first and second jaw members;first and second compressible membranes configured to electrically connect corresponding first and second conducive plates to a surgical field when subjected to a compression bias.2. The end-effector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second compressible membranes electrically connect the corresponding first and second conductive plates through the portions of the first and second compressible membranes adjacent the applied compression bias.3. The end-effector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second compressible membranes form a capacitive connection between the corresponding first and second conductive plates through the portions of the first and second compressible membranes adjacent the applied compression bias.4. The end-effector assembly of claim 3 , wherein the capacitance of the compressible membranes is configured to vary in magnitude in response to the applied compression bias.5. The end-effector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second compressible membranes form a resistive connection between the corresponding first and second conductive plates through ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Motorized surgical instruments

Номер: US20140025089A1
Автор: Mordehai Sholev
Принадлежит: Human Xtensions Ltd

A motorized surgical instrument that may be held by the surgeon or be attached to the surgeon's limb by means of a special adapter that includes an interface between the surgeon and the surgical tool. The motorized surgical instrument includes mechanism, motors, gears, interface and power source that enable the surgeon to easily control the motorized surgical tools in order perform the surgical procedure. The system differs from prior art systems in that the surgeon operates the tools by using the natural hand motions he would use if he were performing direct manual surgery on the subject. The described motorized surgical tool has a wider range of movement and reach than commonly used surgical tools. These new properties increase the possibilities of tool maneuvering by the surgeon, while allowing the surgeon to operate the motorized surgical tool segments easily while maintaining a comfortable posture.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031819A1
Принадлежит: Covidien AG

An endoscopic bipolar forceps includes an elongated shaft having opposing jaw members at a distal end thereof. The jaw members are movable relative to one another from a first position wherein the jaw members are disposed in spaced relation relative to one another to a second position wherein the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween. The forceps also includes a source of electrical energy connected to each jaw member such that the jaw members are capable of conducting energy through tissue held therebetween to effect a seal. A generally tube-like cutter is included which is slidably engaged about the elongated shaft and which is selectively movable about the elongated shaft to engage and cut tissue on at least one side of the jaw members while the tissue is engaged between jaw members. 123-. (canceled)24. An endoscopic bipolar forceps , comprising:an elongated shaft having first and second jaw members at a distal end thereof, the first and second jaw members movable relative to one another from a first position in spaced relation relative to one another to a second position where the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween;a rotating assembly selectively operable to rotate the elongated shaft;each jaw member adapted to connect to an energy source such that upon activation thereof the first and second jaw members selectively conduct energy through tissue held therebetween to effect a tissue seal;a first cable lead cooperating with a plurality of first cable guides to route the first cable lead through the rotating assembly and the elongated shaft; anda second cable lead cooperating with a plurality of second cable guides to route the second cable lead through the rotating assembly and the elongated shaft,wherein the first cable lead transmits a first electrical potential from the energy source to the first jaw member and the second cable lead transmits a second electrical potential from the energy source to the second jaw member, such that ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039518A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

Methods and devices are provided for performing minimally invasive surgical procedures. In one embodiment, a surgical device is provided that include an elongate shaft having a distal portion configured to be movable between a first configuration in which the distal portion of the shaft is substantially straight or linear and a second configuration in which the distal portion of the shaft is articulated at a compound angle. The shaft's distal portion can include two articulation joints to facilitate formation of the compound angle. 119-. (canceled)20. An articulating laparoscopic access device , comprising:an elongate shaft;a first linkage having proximal and distal ends, the proximal end of the first linkage being pivotally coupled to a distal end of the elongate shaft at a first pivot point;a second linkage having proximal and distal ends;a linkage bar having proximal and distal ends, a proximal end of the linkage bar being pivotally coupled to the distal end of the first linkage at a second point, and the distal end of the linkage bar being pivotally coupled to the proximal end of the second linkage at a third pivot point;wherein the first and second linkages and the linkage bar are configured to move from a first position in which the first and second linkages and the linkage bar are longitudinally aligned to a second position in which the distal end of the first linkage, the proximal end of the second linkage, and the proximal and distal ends of the linkage bar are displaced from the longitudinal axis of the elongate shaft.21. The system of claim 20 , wherein the first and second linkages extend substantially perpendicular to one another when the first and second linkages are in the second position.22. The device of claim 20 , further comprising an actuator coupled to the distal end of the second linkage and being longitudinally movable in proximal and distal directions relative to the elongate shaft.23. The device of claim 22 , wherein in the second position ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046323A1

An electrosurgical instrument includes a handle assembly and an end effector assembly operatively coupled with the handle assembly. The end effector assembly includes a first jaw member including a first jaw housing and a first electrically conductive surface, a second jaw member including a second jaw housing and a second electrically conductive surface, and a knife assembly. The knife assembly includes a base member translatably disposed in the first jaw housing, a pivot portion coupled with the base portion, and a blade pivotally associated with the pivot portion. The knife assembly is transitionable between a retracted state in which the blade is disposed within the first jaw housing and an extended state in which the blade is disposed at least partially within the second jaw housing. 1. An electrosurgical instrument for sealing and/or cutting tissue comprising:a handle assembly; and a first jaw member including a first jaw housing and a first electrically conductive surface;', 'a second jaw member including a second jaw housing and a second electrically conductive surface, the first and second jaw members movable relative to the other between a first position in which the first and second jaw members are disposed in spaced apart relation relative to one another and a second position in which the first and second jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween; and', a base member translatably disposed in the first jaw housing;', 'a pivot portion coupled with the base portion; and', 'a blade pivotally associated with the pivot portion, wherein the knife assembly is transitionable between a retracted state in which the blade is disposed within the first jaw housing and an extended state in which the blade is disposed at least partially within the second jaw housing., 'a knife assembly including], 'an end effector assembly operatively coupled to the handle assembly, the end effector assembly including2. The electrosurgical instrument according to claim 1 , ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048581A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical device including a handle assembly, an elongated body extending from the handle assembly, and an articulation mechanism connected to the handle assembly and configured to selectively articulate and lock an articulable tool assembly in one or more positions is provided. The articulation mechanism includes a main shaft member mounted for rotation and connected to an articulation linkage, a locking member configured to be received about the shaft portion of the main shaft member, the locking member defining a plurality of notches, an articulation handle fixedly secured to shaft portion of the main shaft member and configured for rotation relative to the locking member, and a lug member operatively mounted on the articulation handle and including a locking tab configured to be selectively received within a notch of the plurality of notches formed in the locking member. 114-. (canceled)15. A surgical device comprising:a handle assembly;a body extending from the handle assembly;a surgical tool assembly at a distal end of the body; and a main shaft member mounted for rotation and connected to an articulation linkage;', 'a circular locking member configured to be received about the main shaft member and rotationally fixed relative to the elongated body, the locking member defining a plurality of notches around an outer periphery of the locking member;', 'an articulation handle fixedly secured to the main shaft member and rotatable relative to the locking member, the articulation handle including a movable member receivable within notches of the locking member., 'an articulation mechanism operably connected to the handle assembly and configured to selectively articulate the tool assembly to at least one of a plurality of predetermined positions, the articulation mechanism including16. The surgical device of claim 15 , wherein the plurality of notches are evenly spaced.17. The surgical device of claim 15 , where the plurality of notches includes a central notch for ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052128A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A forceps includes an end effector assembly having first and second jaw members. One (or both) of the first and second jaw members is moveable relative to the other between a spaced-apart position and an approximated position for grasping tissue therebetween. One (or both) of the jaw members includes a jaw frame a disposable jaw housing and an elastomeric ring member. The disposable jaw housing is releasably engageable with the jaw frame. The elastomeric ring member is removably positionable about a distal end of the jaw housing. The elastomeric ring member is configured to define a gap distance between the first and second jaw members upon movement of the first and second jaw members to the approximated position. 120-. (canceled)21. A forceps , comprising: an electrically-conductive plate;', 'a jaw housing supporting the plate thereon; and', 'a ring member surrounding a portion of the jaw housing, the ring member spaced-apart from the plate and extending beyond the plate towards the other jaw member such that, in the approximated position of the jaw members, the ring member contacts a portion of the other jaw member to define a minimum gap distance between the plate and the other jaw member., 'an end effector assembly including first and second jaw members, at least one of the first and second jaw members movable relative to the other between a spaced-apart position and an approximated position for grasping tissue therebetween, at least one of the jaw members including22. The forceps according to claim 21 , wherein the minimum gap distance is in a range of about 0.001 inches to about 0.006 inches.23. The forceps according to claim 21 , wherein the ring member is elastomeric and is configured to resiliently compress upon contact with the portion of the other jaw member.24. The forceps according to claim 21 , wherein the ring member is releasably positionable about the jaw housing.25. The forceps according to claim 21 , wherein the at least one jaw member further ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058388A1
Принадлежит: Aesculap AG

A surgical system for bonding body tissue includes a surgical instrument having tool elements movable relative to each other, each of which includes an HF electrode defining a minimum distance from each other, being opposed to each other and facing each other in an approximating position of the tool elements so as to bond body tissue held between the tool elements, and including a cutting element for transecting and/or resecting body tissue, the cutting element being adapted to be brought from a tissue bonding position, in which body tissue can be bonded to the tool elements and in which the cutting element cannot contact body tissue, into a cutting position such that faulty operation of the system is minimized. The instrument includes a means for retaining the cutting element in the tissue bonding position. An improved control method for a surgical system for bonding body tissue is also described. 110.-. (canceled)11. A surgical system for bonding or transecting body tissue by a surgical instrument having two instrument branches each equipped with at least one HF electrode which are supported on a branch holder , an instrument handle for opening and closing the instrument branches and a cutting element equally supported on the branch holder , preferably the instrument handle , separately from the instrument branches , wherein the surgical instrument is equipped with a retaining means in the form of a blocking mechanism of the cutting element which in the non-activated or non-operated condition mechanically completely locks a cutting movement of the cutting element and can be actively transferred into an unlocking condition to permit a cutting motion , and wherein active unlocking of the retaining means is only possible when a predefined tissue bonding cycle is completed , preferably when the two instrument branches are in the open condition and/or no current is fed to the HF electrodes at the instrument branches.12. The surgical system according to claim 11 , ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Specimen Retrieval Device

Номер: US20140058403A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A specimen retrieval device is provided. The specimen retrieval device includes an applicator. A specimen retrieval pouch operably is disposed within the applicator and deployable therefrom. The specimen retrieval pouch defines a longitudinal axis therethrough and includes a closed bottom portion and an open upper portion. The closed bottom portion includes a plurality of spikes configured to grasp a specimen positioned within the confines closed bottom portion. The upper closed portion includes one or more axial folds that are movable from a folded configuration to an unfolded configuration when a predetermined force is applied to a portion of the specimen retrieval pouch.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058404A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A retrieval device is provided for retrieving stones, calculi, and other objects from a body. The device allows for a retrieval basket to be articulated and extended simultaneously. The device also allows for the basket to be articulated and retracted simultaneously. 123-. (canceled)24. A medical device , the device comprising:a body;an articulator movably connected to the body;at least a first and a second wire having distal ends;the first and second wire in communication with the articulator;a tool disposed at the distal end of the first and second wire, wherein the articulator is capable of moving the tool outside the longitudinal plane; andwherein the tool is capable of being extended and retracted in a longitudinal plane simultaneously with movement outside the longitudinal plane.25. The device according to wherein the tool is a basket claim 24 , a grasping device claim 24 , or a sampling device.26. The device according to wherein the articulator further comprises two finger grooves or two finger-holes.27. The device according to wherein the articulator is movably connected to the body via a pivot pin.28. The device according to wherein the articulator further comprises at least a first and a second pivot pin claim 24 , wherein at least one wire is in communication with the first pivot pin or the second pivot pin.29. The device according to wherein the articulator further comprises at least a first and a second pivot pin claim 24 , wherein the first wire and the second wire are in communication with the first pivot pin and the second pivot pin.30. The device according to wherein the articulator further comprises a first pivot pin claim 24 , a second pivot pint claim 24 , and a third pivot pin; wherein the first wire is connected to the first pivot pin and the second pivot pin claim 24 , and the second wire is connected to the third pivot pin.31. The device according to further comprising a wire connection point; wherein the distal ends of the first wire and the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066693A1

Devices, systems and methods are provided for stabilizing and grasping tissues such as valve leaflets, assessing the grasp of these tissues, approximating and fixating the tissues, and assessing the fixation of the tissues to treat cardiac valve regurgitation, particularly mitral valve regurgitation. 1. A method comprising:advancing a minimally invasive device into a chamber of a heart having a valve with valve leaflets, wherein the chamber comprises the left atrium and the valve comprises the mitral valve, and wherein the device comprises a stabilizer;temporarily stabilizing the valve leaflets by reducing movement of the valve leaflets by positioning the stabilizer against the ventricular side of the leaflets so as to reduce flail of the leaflets,wherein temporarily stabilizing the valve leaflets comprises temporarily slowing the natural pace of the heart with a pacing instrument member against the chordae.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer comprises an expandable member claim 1 , a flap or at least one loop.3. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the device includes at least one loop claim 1 , and wherein temporarily stabilizing comprises positioning the at least one loop against the leaflets so as to reduce movement of the leaflets.4. A method as in claim 3 , wherein temporarily stabilizing further comprises moving the at least one loop along the leaflets toward the center of the valve so as to reduce movement of the leaflets.5. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the chamber comprises a ventricle including chordae extending from the ventricle to the valve leaflets claim 1 , and wherein temporarily stabilizing comprises holding the chordae with the device so as to reduce movement of the valve leaflets.6. A method as in claim 5 , wherein the device includes an expandable member and wherein holding the chordae comprises expanding the expandable member against the chordae. The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/239, ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066978A1

The present invention relates to a laparoscopic apparatus. The apparatus comprises a handle having a body portion, a top surface, opposite bottom surface, a proximal and distal end. The top surface of the base is contoured to compliment the natural curve of the palm. The apparatus further includes a shaft projecting from the distal end of the handle. The shaft has a proximal and distal end. A control sphere is located on the handle. The control sphere can be moved by one or more of a user's fingers to indicate direction. An end effector is located at the distal end of the shaft. The end effector is connected to the control sphere such that movements made to the control sphere control cause movement (articulation) of the end effector. 1. (canceled)2. An article of manufacture , comprising:an ergonomic handle comprising a plurality of controls, the handle comprising a body portion having a top surface, an opposite bottom surface, a proximal end, and a distal end, the top surface contoured to complement the natural curve of a user's palm; the plurality of controls comprising a squeeze grip, a control sphere, and a collet mechanism; anda plurality of shafts, each shaft having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the proximal end of each shaft is interchangeably connectable with the distal end of the handle; wherein the distal end of each shaft comprises an end effector, wherein the end effector of each shaft comprises a different tool, wherein the tool is selected from the group consisting of graspers, cutting forceps, jaws, and an cauterizer;wherein, upon operably connection of the proximal end of one of the plurality of shafts to the distal end of the handle, the squeeze grip on the handle actuates the tool on the end effector; the control sphere actuates the pitch and yaw of the end effector; and the collet mechanism turns the end effector about the axis of the shaft.3. The article of manufacture of claim 2 , wherein the handle is about 150-165 mm in length claim ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074085A1
Автор: Kerr Duane E.
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical instrument includes a reusable base component including a handle and an electrically activatable modular component removably coupled to the base component. The modular component includes an end effector operable from the handle to treat tissue. The end effector is responsive to manipulation of the handle. A first energy storage component is disposed onboard the base component and is electrically coupled to a source of electricity. A second energy storage component is disposed onboard the modular component and is electrically insulated from the first energy storage component. The second energy storage component is arranged such that a current may be selectively induced in the modular component by delivery of electrical energy to the first energy storage component. 1. A surgical instrument , comprising:a reusable base component, the base component including a handle assembly;an electrically-activated modular component removably coupled to the base component, the modular component including an end effector operable from the handle assembly to treat tissue, the end effector responsive to manipulation of the handle assembly to move between first and second configurations;a first energy storage component disposed onboard the base component, the first energy storage component electrically coupled to a source of electricity, the first energy storage component includes a first capacitor having a pair of conductive plates separated by a dielectric material; anda second energy storage component onboard the modular component, the second energy storage component electrically insulated from the first energy storage component and arranged with respect to the first energy storage component such that a current may be selectively induced in the modular component by delivery of electrical energy to the first energy storage component the second energy storage device includes a second capacitor having a pair of conductive plates arranged on opposite sides of the first ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074091A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A method of sealing bowel tissue includes grasping bowel tissue between first and second electrically-conductive surfaces, applying a clamping pressure to the grasped bowel tissue in a range of about 1 kg/cmto about 2.5 kg/cm, supplying energy to at least one of the first and second electrically-conductive surfaces such that the energy is conducted between the first and second electrically-conductive surfaces and through the grasped bowel tissue to seal the grasped bowel tissue, and monitoring one or more parameters during the supplying of energy to the electrically-conductive surface(s). Instruments, end effector assemblies, generators, and systems suitable for this purpose are also provided. 1. A method of sealing bowel tissue , comprising:grasping bowel tissue between first and second electrically-conductive surfaces;{'sup': 2', '2, 'applying a clamping pressure to the grasped bowel tissue in a range of about 1 kg/cmto about 2.5 kg/cm;'}supplying energy to at least one of the first and second electrically-conductive surfaces such that the energy is conducted between the first and second electrically-conductive surfaces and through the grasped bowel tissue to seal the grasped bowel tissue; andmonitoring at least one parameter during the supplying of energy to the at least one of the first and second electrically-conductive surfaces.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one parameter is bowel tissue temperature.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising controlling the supply of energy to the at least one of the first and second electrically-conductive surfaces to maintain the bowel tissue temperature between a lower temperature limit and an upper temperature limit.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the lower temperature limit corresponds to the minimum bowel tissue temperature for sealing bowel tissue claim 3 , and wherein the upper temperature limit corresponds to the maximum bowel tissue temperature prior to occurrence ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081265A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An end effector assembly for use with an instrument for sealing and cutting tissue includes a pair of opposing first and second jaw members movable relative to the to grasp tissue therebetween. Each jaw member including a jaw housing and an electrically conductive surface adapted to connect to a source of electrosurgical energy such that the electrically conductive surfaces are capable of conducting electrosurgical energy through tissue held therebetween to effect a tissue seal. One of the electrically conductive surfaces including a channel defined therein and extending along a length thereof that communicates with a nozzle disposed in the jaw housing. The nozzle is configured to direct high pressure fluid from a fluid source into the channel for cutting tissue grasped between the jaw members. 119.-. (canceled)20. An end-effector assembly for use with an electrosurgical instrument , the end-effector assembly comprising:opposing jaw members, at least one of the jaw members movable relative to the other from a first position wherein the jaw members are disposed in spaced relation relative to one another to at least a second position closer to one another wherein the jaw members cooperate to grasp tissue therebetween;at least one of the jaw members including an electrically-conductive surface adapted to connect to a source of electrosurgical energy such that the electrically-conductive surface is capable of conducting electrosurgical energy through tissue held between the jaw members and an electrical return to effect a tissue seal; andthe at least one jaw member including an elongated perforation strip that extends inwardly from the electrically-conductive surface thereof, the elongated perforation strip configured to perforate tissue upon closure of the jaw members against tissue and activation of electrosurgical energy.21. The end-effector assembly of claim 20 , wherein the elongated perforation strip is formed of an electrically-conductive material.22. The end- ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Medical Devices for the Identification and Treatment of Bodily Passages

Номер: US20140088355A1
Автор: Schaeffer Darin

Medical devices are described. More particularly, medical devices and methods for the identification and treatment of bodily passages, such as sinus cavities, are described herein. An exemplary medical device comprises an elongate member, a handle, and a wire member. The elongate member is moveable between a first straight, or substantially straight, configuration to a second curved configuration. 1. A medical device comprising:an elongate member having an elongate member proximal end, an elongate member distal end, and defining a first lumen and a second lumen;a handle disposed on the elongate member and having an actuator moveable between an actuator first position and an actuator second position, the actuator having a first portion and a second portion;a wire member having a wire member first end attached to the first portion of the actuator and a wire member second end disposed within the first lumen and attached to the elongate member; anda cannula having a cannula proximal end attached to the second portion of the actuator and a cannula distal end disposed within the second lumen, the cannula moveable between a cannula first position when the actuator is in the actuator first position and a cannula second position when the actuator is in the actuator second position, in the cannula first position the cannula distal end is disposed at a first location, in the cannula second position the cannula distal end is disposed at a second location that is proximal to the first location;wherein the elongate member is moveable between a substantially straight configuration when the actuator is in the actuator first position and a curved configuration when the actuator is in the actuator second position.2. The medical device of claim 1 , wherein the elongate member has an elongate member first portion and an elongate member second portion claim 1 , the elongate member first portion extending from the elongate member proximal end towards the elongate member distal end to a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Detachable End Effector with Lateral Lock

Номер: US20140088638A1
Автор: Shailendra K. Parihar
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical device comprises an elongate shaft comprising a distal end and a proximal end. An actuator is operably connected to the proximal end of the elongate shaft. The actuator may be a manual handle. An end effector is adapted for in vivo attachment to and detachment from the distal end of the elongate shaft. A loader is sized to receive the end effector. A lock extends laterally from the end effector and is operative to prevent the end effector from leaving the loader. The lock may move medially relative the end effector to allow the end effector to leave the loader.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Multifunctional Surgical Instrument With Flexible End Effector Tools

Номер: US20140094781A1
Принадлежит: Encision Inc

A surgical tool having proximal and distal ends and adapted to transverse a curved passageway comprises an end effector disposed on the distal end of the surgical tool, the end effector having a first body section and a second body section and a releasable connector joining the end effector first body section with the end effector second body section. The connector is operable to reversibly engage the first and second end effector body sections in a first fixed position and in a second movable position. The surgical tool further comprises an actuation device for moving the first and second end effector body sections from the first fixed position to the second movable position. The end effector is adapted to maneuver through a larger radius of curvature in the second movable position than in the first fixed position.
