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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 8848. Отображено 200.
27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582470C2
Принадлежит: КАО КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Изобретение относится к абсорбирующему изделию, такому как одноразовый подгузник, в частности к абсорбирующему изделию, в котором присутствие или отсутствие выделений можно распознавать визуально. Абсорбирующее изделие, которое содержит верхний лист 1, нижний лист 2 и абсорбент 3, в котором индикаторную часть 6, цвет которой визуально меняется при вхождении в контакт с текучей средой, располагают между нижним листом 2 и абсорбирующим телом 3, и абсорбирующее тело 3 содержит абсорбирующую сердцевину 4, которая содержит волокнистый материал 41 и абсорбирующий полимер 42, и покрывающий лист 5, который покрывает внешнюю поверхность абсорбирующей сердцевины 4, в котором покрывающий лист 5 имеет в виде в поперечном разрезе абсорбирующего тела 3 мешкообразную часть 51, которая покрывает область от контактирующей с кожей стороны поверхности до не контактирующей с кожей стороны абсорбирующей сердцевины 4, и закрывающую устье часть 52, соединенную с мешкообразной частью 51 и расположенную в наружном ...

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2585806C2

Изобретение относится к гомогенной композиции, изменяющей свой цвет при воздействии жидкости на водной основе. Композиция включает образующий матрицу компонент, лейкокраситель, кислоту Льюиса на основе соли металла, нейтральное поверхностно-активное вещество (ПАВ) и органический растворитель. Образующий матрицу компонент выбирают из нерастворимых в воде пленкообразующих полимеров и сополимеров. Массовое отношение количества нейтрального ПАВ к количеству лейкокрасителя составляет менее 10. Описываются также многокомпонентный материал, включающий подложку с нанесенным печатанием слоем, содержащим указанную композицию, и два варианта одноразового абсорбирующего изделия, включающего указанный многокомпонентный материал. Предложенная композиция обладает водостойкостью и одновременно хорошей смачиваемостью, что обеспечивает быстрое изменение цвета комплекса лейкокраситель/кислота Льюиса при предотвращении выщелачивания этого комплекса. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 пр.

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2543592C2
Принадлежит: ЛИНАК А/С (DK)

Оборудование для сигнализации о факте увлажнения постели и способ определения, является ли простыня влажной. Оборудование содержит простыню с двумя электродами, которые выполнены из электропроводного материала и расположены на расстоянии друг от друга внутри простыни или на ней; измерительную цепь, предназначенную для измерения активного сопротивления, емкости или полного сопротивления между электродами; точку электрического подключения, обеспечивающую подключение электродов к измерительной цепи; блок управления, предназначенный для выявления факта увлажнения постели на основе измерений, полученных измерительной цепью. Электроды подсоединены к по меньшей мере одной дополнительной точке электрического подключения на электроде. Способ содержит этапы: а) проверка электродов в простыне на предмет целостности и исправности, а соединений на предмет правильного монтажа, б) проверка изоляции между электродами, в) перевод измерительной цепи в режим ожидания на фиксированный период времени, после ...

06-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2621649C2

Предложено электронное распознающее устройство. Оно содержит комплект бесконтактных электронных датчиков, содержащий газовые датчики и обеспечивающий мониторинг уровней концентрации газов, испускаемых двумя или более летучими соединениями, присутствующими во впитывающем изделии. Устройство также содержит контроллер, сконфигурированный для получения информации от комплекта бесконтактных датчиков и для определения, на основе указанной информации, было ли детектировано поступление загрязнений мочой или продуктами дефекации, при этом контроллер дополнительно сконфигурирован с возможностью отличать поступление только мочи от поступления загрязнений, содержащих продукты дефекации. Устройство также содержит сигнальное устройство, способное осуществлять коммуникацию с контроллером и генерировать первый сигнал, когда контроллер определит присутствие во впитывающем изделии только мочи, и второй сигнал, когда контроллер определит присутствие загрязнений, содержащих продукты дефекации. Причем комплект ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2389460C2

Изобретение относится к медицинским продуктам, а именно к одноразовым впитывающим продуктам. Визуально скоординированный впитывающий продукт содержит компонент - впитывающее изделие, содержащее наружное покрытие со стороны предмета одежды и впитывающую сердцевину, смежную указанному наружному покрытию со стороны предмета одежды, и расположенный в упаковочном компоненте. Упаковочный компонент содержит нетканый материал. Нетканый материал имеет вес основы между около 10 г/м2 и около 40 г/м2. Компонент - впитывающее изделие имеет, по меньшей мере, первую и вторую визуальные характеристики. Упаковочный компонент также содержит, по меньшей мере, первую и вторую визуальную характеристику. Первая характеристика представляет собой цветовой оттенок. Вторая визуальная характеристика представляет собой узорную характеристику. Узорная характеристика образована посредством печати, тиснения, соединения, наслаивания, образования отверстий. Цветовая характеристика содержит оттенок, выбранный из группы, ...

20-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2394541C2

Изобретение относится к средствам личной гигиены, а именно к впитывающим изделиям, включающим элемент изменения температуры. Впитывающее изделие включает непроницаемое для жидкости наружное покрытие, впитывающий элемент, расположенный на указанном наружном покрытии, и элемент изменения температуры, расположенный с указанным впитывающим элементом. Указанный элемент изменения температуры содержит композит для изменения температуры, содержащий матрицу волокон и материал для изменения температуры, перемешанный в указанной матрице волокон, при этом указанный элемент изменения температуры обеспечивает указанное изделие изменением температуры на по меньшей мере 5°С. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить ощущение изменения температуры изделия при увлажнении, что позволяет приучить пользователя к туалету. 21 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

16-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661409C2

Группа изобретений относится к измерению содержания влаги в композитных материалах, имеющих полимерный связующий материал. Представлена система для измерения поглощенной влаги в композитном материале, характеризующаяся тем, что она включает: изделие из композитного материала, включающее множество слоев материала, уплотненного посредством действия давления и теплоты, в котором каждый слой материала получают из матрицы смолы, армированной волоконным материалом, вставку, заделанную в указанном композитном материале, которая установлена между первым и вторым из указанных слоев материала, в ограниченной зоне поверхности раздела, вне которой указанные первый и второй слои материала являются смежными, причем в указанной вставке сформирована, по меньшей мере, одна полость, которая находится в гидравлическом сообщении с указанными первым и вторым слоями материала, и датчик окружающей влажности, установленный внутри указанной полости и способный создавать сигнал, указывающий содержание влаги в атмосфере ...

14-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2783395C2

Предмет личной гигиены с цифровым элементом включает в себя внешний предмет личной гигиены для впитывания биологических жидкостей и узел датчика электропроводности, расположенный внутри предмета личной гигиены, включающий в себя пару проводящих элементов, размещенных параллельно, c зеркальным отображением, по периметру предмета личной гигиены, причем один из пары проводящих элементов проходит от соединительной точки в направлении по часовой стрелке, а другой из пары проводящих элементов проходит от соединительной точки в направлении против часовой стрелки, и по меньшей мере один соединитель, непосредственно контактирующий с парой проводящих элементов, причем указанный узел датчика электропроводности генерирует сигнал, указывающий на подтекание текучей среды в указанном предмете личной гигиены, когда текучая среда достигает зоны между парой проводящих элементов. При этом указанный узел датчика электропроводности расположен и выполнен с возможностью связи с интеллектуальным портативным электронным ...

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699553C1

Изобретение относится к пригодному для ношения впитывающему изделию (10), содержащему проводящее устройство (2). Проводящее устройство (2) содержит множество удлиненных проводников (4), причем каждый проводник (4) проходит по направлению протяженности. По меньшей мере, некоторые из проводников (4) имеют длины в соответствующих направлениях протяженности, отличающиеся друг от друга. Те из, по меньшей мере, некоторых проводников (4), которые имеют бóльшие длины в соответствующих направлениях протяженности, имеют более низкие электрические сопротивления на единицу длины, чем те из, по меньшей мере, некоторых проводников (4), которые имеют меньшие длины в соответствующих направлениях протяженности. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015109089A

... 1. Изменяющая цвет композиция, содержащая лейкокраситель, цветной проявитель, десенсибилизатор, связующее и органический растворитель, где десенсибилизатор выбран из группы, состоящей из карбоксилата тетраалкиламмония, гидроксида тетраалкиламмония, галогенида тетраалкиламмония и их комбинаций.2. Изменяющая цвет композиция по п. 1, где лейкокраситель составляет от 0,1% до 20,0% от общего веса изменяющей цвет композиции.3. Изменяющая цвет композиция по п. 1, где цветной проявитель составляет от 0,1% до 17,0% от общего веса изменяющей цвет композиции.4. Изменяющая цвет композиция по п. 1, где десенсибилизатор составляет от 3,0% до 25,0% от общего веса изменяющей цвет композиции.5. Изменяющая цвет композиция по п. 1, где связующее составляет от 1,0% до 60,0% от общего веса изменяющей цвет композиции.6. Изменяющая цвет композиция по п. 1, где органический растворитель составляет от 30,0% до 95,0% от общего веса изменяющей цвет композиции.7. Изменяющая цвет композиция по п. 1, где десенсибилизатор ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131237A

... 1. Впитывающее изделие, содержащее электроизолирующий нижний лист, имеющий впитывающую сердцевину на обращенной к телу стороне нижнего листа и, по меньшей мере, один датчик жидкого выброса на нижней стороне нижнего листа и, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие через нижний лист, обеспечивающее сообщение, по меньшей мере, одного датчика жидкого выброса с впитывающей сердцевиной, так что датчик жидкого выброса обнаруживает измененные электрические свойства, когда часть впитывающей сердцевины, связанная с датчиком жидкого выброса посредством, по меньшей мере, одного отверстия, переходит из сухого состояния во влажное состояние, причем, по меньшей мере, один датчик жидкого выброса обеспечен посредством электропроводного материала, который частично сообщается с впитывающей сердцевиной с помощью, по меньшей мере, одного отверстия, причем имеется множество электропроводящих линий, формирующих, по меньшей мере, один датчик жидкого выброса, причем каждая из этих линий частично обнажается посредством, ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131052A

... 1. Абсорбирующее изделие, которое содержит верхний лист, расположенный на стороне поверхности, контактирующей с кожей, нижний лист, расположенный на стороне поверхности, не контактирующей с кожей, и абсорбирующее тело, расположенное между обоими листами,причем индикаторная часть, цвет которой визуально меняется при вхождении в контакт с текучей средой, расположена между нижним листом и абсорбирующим телом, и абсорбирующее тело содержит абсорбирующую сердцевину, которая содержит волокнистый материал и абсорбирующий полимер, и покрывающий лист, который покрывает внешнюю поверхность абсорбирующей сердцевины,причем покрывающий лист имеет, в виде в поперечном разрезе абсорбирующего тела, мешкообразную часть, которая покрывает область от стороны поверхности, контактирующей с кожей, до стороны поверхности, не контактирующей с кожей, абсорбирующей сердцевины, и закрывающую устье часть, соединенную с мешкообразной частью и расположенной в наружном направлении от нее, и закрывающая устье часть сформирована ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014119899A

... 1. Электронное распознающее устройство, содержащее:комплект бесконтактных электронных датчиков, содержащий газовые датчики и обеспечивающий мониторинг уровней концентрации газов, испускаемых двумя или более летучими соединениями, присутствующими во впитывающем изделии;контроллер, сконфигурированный для получения информации от комплекта бесконтактных датчиков и для определения, на основе указанной информации, было ли детектировано поступление загрязнений мочи или продуктов дефекации, при этом контроллер дополнительно сконфигурирован с возможностью отличать поступление только мочи от поступления загрязнений, содержащих продукты дефекации, исигнальное устройство, способное осуществлять коммуникацию с контроллером и генерировать первый сигнал, когда контроллер определит присутствие во впитывающем изделии только мочи, и второй сигнал, когда контроллер определит присутствие загрязнений, содержащих продукты дефекации.2. Распознающее устройство по п. 1, дополнительно содержащее корпусной блок.3 ...

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571811C1

Изобретение относится к впитывающему изделию (1), содержащему: температурный датчик (5) и, по меньшей мере, один изменяющий температуру материал (6), расположенный так, что данный материал способен регулировать изменение температуры вследствие поступления экскрементов, и так, что упомянутый температурный датчик (5) способен воспринимать упомянутое регулируемое изменение температуры. Изобретение относится также к системе для обнаружения поступления экскрементов во впитывающее изделие (1), при этом упомянутая система содержит впитывающее изделие (1) в соответствии с изобретением, выполненное с возможностью формирования выходного сигнала, представляющего температуру, и процессорный блок (8), выполненный с возможностью обработки выходного сигнала, сформированного температурным датчиком (5). Процессорный блок (8) выполнен с возможностью определения изменения температуры, при этом упомянутое изменение температуры регулируется изменяющим температуру материалом (6), и обнаружения поступления экскрементов ...

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011107099A

... 1. Датчик для определения присутствия жидкости на водной основе, где датчик содержит субстрат, имеющий по меньшей мере один тип определяющего влажность материала, установленный или нанесенный печатью на слой указанного субстрата; указанный материал содержит по меньшей мере один электронодонорный лейкокраситель и один электронодефицитный рецептор; определяющий материал указанного датчика имеет цвет в сухом состоянии, и цвет ослабевает или исчезает при контакте с содержащей воду жидкостью. ! 2. Датчик по п.1, где указанное электронодонорное красящее соединение выбирают из группы A, включающей кристаллический фиолетовый лактон (синий); малахитовый зеленый лактон (зеленый); 1,3-диметил-6-диэтиламинофлуоран; 6-диэтиламино-бензо[α]-флуоран (красный); 3-циклогексилметиламино-6-метил-7-анилинофлуоран (черный); бензоил лейкометилен синий (синий); этил лейкометилен синий (синий); метоксибензоил лейкометилен синий (синий); 2-(фенилиминоэтандиилиден)-3,3-триметилиндолин (красный); 1,3,3-триметилиндолино ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013134347A

... 1. Поглощающее изделие, предназначенное для поглощения жидких выделений носителя при ношении в промежностной зоне, при этом жидкие выделения представляют собой выделения при мочеиспускании, менструальные выделения или жидкие фекалии, при этом поглощающее изделие содержит, по меньшей мере, один проводящий контур с формой разомкнутого контура, имеющий присоединительные концы, предназначенные для электрического соединения с противоположными полюсами генератора электрического напряжения, так что ток будет течь по всему проводящему контуру между присоединительными концами, когда пространство, ограниченное в пределах формы разомкнутого контура, является сухим, и так что жидкие выделения в пространстве, ограниченном в пределах формы разомкнутого контура, могут вызвать короткое замыкание в проводящем контуре, так что ток будет течь по участку с сопротивлением, уменьшенным по сравнению с полным сопротивлением всего проводящего контура, при этом изменение полного сопротивления может быть измерено ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013130375A

... 1. Система обнаружения влажности для использования с впитывающим изделием, у которого имеется внутренняя поверхность и наружная поверхность, содержащая сигнальное устройство многократного применения, выполненное с возможностью обнаружения влажности без применения проводников внутри впитывающего изделия; и держатель, выполненный с возможностью крепления потребителем на внутренней поверхности или наружной поверхности впитывающего изделия, причем сигнальное устройство имеет конструкцию, рассчитанную на сочленение с держателем, так чтобы при этом сигнальное устройство было расположено с примыканием к внутренней поверхности или наружной поверхности впитывающего изделия.2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что держатель содержит карман.3. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что держатель содержит планку, а сигнальное устройство содержит паз, размер которого обеспечивает прием планки указанным пазом.4. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что держатель содержит гибкие лапки, у которых имеются внутренние ...

30-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008328624D0

23-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009325396D0

27-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002244201A

Disposable baby-training panties are described which consist principally of a liquid-permeable inner sheet, a liquid-impermeable outer sheet and, if necessary, a liquid-absorbing core lying between these sheets, at least one area of the inner sheet being made of hydrophilic material in order to constitute a zone in which moisture can be felt, so that the inner surface of the baby-training panties becomes wet, and the baby feels this when it has evacuated excreta.

26-03-1997 дата публикации

Wet nappy ssensor

Номер: GB0009702467D0

03-03-1993 дата публикации

Disposable training pants with moistness sensor sheet

Номер: GB0002259018A

Disposable training pants are improved for effectively making babies wearing the training pants aware of their own excretions. There is provided on a topsheet 4 of the pants a moistness holding sheet 11 having floating zones 11a serving as moistness sensor means. ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Bed pad for absorbing and detecting urine

Номер: GB0002501561B
Принадлежит: DAVID MUIR GODFREY, David Muir Godfrey

27-11-2013 дата публикации

Personal care articles with tactile visual cues

Номер: GB0002502478A

An absorbent article, for example, a diaper, a training pant, a swimming pant, or a feminine care article, and so forth, includes a topsheet, which forms a body-facing surface of the absorbent article, a backsheet disposed distally from the topsheet, which forms a garment-facing surface of the absorbent article, an absorbent core positioned between the topsheet and the backsheet, and a heat- activatable expandable treatment on the garment-facing surface. The heat- activatable expandable treatment is present on the garment-facing surface in a visually distinctive shape or pattern and provides visual and/or tactile cues to a user of the absorbent article.

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Detection of volatiles in personal care products

Номер: GB0002532559A

Color-change compositions for detecting urine and feces volatiles include the following pH indicator dyes: m-Cresol Purple, Basic Fuchsin, Brilliant Blue G, Brilliant Blue R, Cresol Red and Thymol Blue. The compositions may be applied to various substrates. Such substrates may be used in the construction of a personal care absorbent article such as a diaper, training pant or incontinence garment.

04-09-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent article with highlighted active barriers

Номер: GB0002499939A

An absorbent article for preventing leakage of a liquid insult includes an outer cover, a liner, and an absorbent assembly disposed therebetween, the liner having a body-facing surface; an active barrier disposed between the liner and the outer cover, wherein the active barrier is in fluid communication with the absorbent assembly, and wherein the active barrier is adapted to change dimensions when wetted; and a barrier highlight disposed to overlie the active barrier, wherein the barrier highlight is in fluid communication with the absorbent assembly or the active barrier, and wherein the barrier highlight is configured to change appearance when wetted.

27-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002022423B
Принадлежит: SUPER IRIDE SPA

04-03-2003 дата публикации

Lay down antifuite with luminous sound message with system of dismountable ventilation

Номер: OA0000010973A

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457157T

15-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000538718T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000373457T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512676T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000313340T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000312391T

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000233528T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000215804T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000244545T

15-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000199604T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263226T

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018200920B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Awetness notification systemincludes a sampling unit (5) for contacting and sampling liquid within a space surroundedbyaclothingarticle (10), amoisturedetector 5 (3) mounted in the clothing article (10) and outputting a notification signal, a processor module (6) for transceiving the notification signal, a camera device (9) and a user device (4). The camera device (9) includes a camera (90) facing the sampling unit (5) for capturing 10 an image thereof, and a camera transceiver (902) for transceiving the image. The user device (4) includes a display (47), a device transceiver (41) communicating wirelessly with the processor module (6) and the camera transceiver (902) for receiving the notification signal 15 and the image respectively therefrom, and a device processor (42) electrically connected to the device transceiver (41), and timing a time duration upon receiving the notification signal to output a control signal after the time duration has elapsed to enable the 20 the camera (90) to ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018200920A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A wetness notification system includes a sampling unit (5) for contacting and sampling liquid within a space surroundedbyaclothingarticle (10), amoisturedetector 5 (3) mounted in the clothing article (10) and outputting a notification signal, a processor module (6) for transceiving the notification signal, a camera device (9) and a user device (4) . The camera device (9) includes a camera (90) facing the sampling unit (5) for capturing 10 an image thereof, and a camera transceiver (902) for transceiving the image. The user device (4) includes a display (47), a device transceiver (41) communicating wirelessly with the processor module (6) and the camera transceiver (902) for receiving the notification signal 15 and the image respectively therefrom, and a device processor (42) electrically connected to the device transceiver (41), and timing a time duration upon receiving the notification signal to output a control signal after the time duration has elapsed to enable the 20 the camera (90 ...

11-02-2021 дата публикации

Personal hygiene device for detecting a fluid

Номер: AU2019323802A1

A personal hygiene device may have a main body with an absorbent material configured to absorb a fluid, a sensor disposed within the main body, and a controller configured to communicate with the sensor. The sensor has a conductor and an insulator containing at least a portion of the conductor, and the sensor is configured to detect a first electrical value and a second electrical value that is different from the first electrical value. The sensor is also configured to transmit a signal to the controller upon detection of the second electrical value.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Patient movement and incontinence notification system

Номер: AU2018313982A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Personal hygiene product with a digital element

Номер: AU2018389136A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

A personal hygiene product with a digital element includes an external personal hygiene product to absorb bodily fluids and a conductive sensor assembly disposed therein. The conductive sensor assembly includes a pair of conductive elements disposed in parallel in a mirrored image about the perimeter of the personal hygiene product and at least one connector directly contacting the pair of conductive elements, said conductive sensor assembly generating a signal indicative of fluid leakage of said personal hygiene product when fluid reaches the area between the pair of conductive elements. The conductive sensor assembly is arranged and configured to communicate with a smart hand held electronic device, either directly or through a wireless connection.

08-07-2002 дата публикации

Sensing device, method of its production, and use

Номер: AU2001297814A8
Автор: Bensen, Bent Thorning

22-03-2007 дата публикации

Absorbent article with colour changing properties

Номер: AU2005336448A1

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Moisture monitor system for diapers and alike

Номер: AU2007211830B2

The present invention relates to a system suitable for monitoring multiple leakage events such as wetting of a diaper or alike sanitary product. The system includes two or more than two electrodes that are supported in a spaced apart relationship and a liquid permeable substrate between the electrodes that lacks or has a low capacity for holding or storing liquid. In the event of liquid leakage, an electrical bridge connecting the electrodes can be formed by the liquid, and before the product becomes saturated liquid can freely drain from the permeable substrate and disconnect the electrodes. Upon further liquid leakage, electrical connection between the electrodes can be reformed indicating multiple liquid leakage events. In the situation where the sanitary product becomes saturated and liquid is prevented from draining from the permeable substrate, the electrical connection will continue, indicating that the sanitary product requires changing.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Embedded antenna for a sensing article

Номер: AU2008243903B2

Disclosed is an insult-sensing absorbent article including an absorbent assembly, an insult-sensing means coupled to the absorbent assembly, and a tuned antenna system coupled to the insult-sensing means. Also disclosed is a method for indicating an insult to an absorbent article to be worn by a wearer, the method including providing an absorbent article including a conductive element; providing an antenna system associated with the absorbent article, the antenna system including a signal generator and an antenna, wherein the antenna includes the conductive element, and wherein the antenna system is adapted to transmit a signal; and maximizing the receivability of the signal by optimizing an aspect of the antenna system.

14-07-2011 дата публикации

Method of detecting the presence of an insult in an absorbent article

Номер: AU2006285335B2

A method of detecting the presence of an insult within an absorbent article is disclosed. An electrical property is monitored and the electrical property is compared to a wet/dry threshold value to determine either a wet characteristic or a dry characteristic of the article. If a dry characteristic, then a first and possibly a second test are applied. If a wet characteristic, then the second test is applied. The electrical property is compared to a first threshold value and a second threshold value is set based upon the function of the comparison. A change in the electrical property of the article is monitored to determine if the electrical property has stabilized after activation of an insult alarm.

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Sensor products using conductive webs

Номер: AU2008281450B2

Presented is an absorbent article including a chassis including an outer cover having an interior surface and an exterior surface and an absorbent structure positioned adjacent the interior surface of the outer cover, the chassis including a crotch region positioned in between a front region and a back region, the front region and the back region defining a waist region therebetween; and first and second conductive elements contained in the chassis, the conductive elements extending from the waist region to the crotch region without intersecting, the first and second conductive elements forming part of a circuit that is configured to sense the presence of a substance, wherein the conductive elements include a conductive nonwoven web including conductive fibers.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Signaling device for disposable products

Номер: AU2008291786B2

A signaling device for garments is disclosed. The signaling devices, for instance, may be attached to an absorbent article containing a wetness sensing system. In particular, the signaling device may be configured to emit an audible and/or visible signal when a conductive fluid is sensed in the absorbent article. In accordance with the present disclosure, the signaling device is designed based upon anthropomorphic data so that the signaling device can fit within the small of the back of a wearer while minimizing discomfort. The signaling device can also be made from various materials that provide some protection to the internal components of the signaling device while also minimizing discomfort.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for determining the need to replace an absorbent article

Номер: AU2008291788B2

A wetness monitoring system is provided for an absorbent article, the wetness monitoring system including a signaling device including a counter to count the number of discrete insults, a timer to monitor the elapsed time that the article has been worn, and an alarm to indicate that the number of discrete insults has reached an insult limit or that the elapsed time has reached an elapsed time limit, whichever occurs first. The signaling device can be adapted to indicate one of first, second, and third conditions, the first condition being that the number of discrete insults has reached an insult limit, the second condition being that the elapsed time has reached an elapsed time limit, and the third condition being the first to occur of either of the first and second conditions, and wherein the condition to be indicated is selected by the wearer or by a caregiver.

23-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003293114A1

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Improvements relating to event detection algorithms

Номер: AU2012278931A1

A method for analysing incoming data, comprising the steps of processing the incoming data in segments to output a sequence of segment types by extracting one or more properties of an incoming data segment and forming an Unknown Property Vector for each segment of data in the incoming data, and processing the sequence of segment types to identify events in the incoming data. The sequence of segment types is determined, for each segment, by reference to a set of Reference Property Vectors that are relevant to the Unknown Property Vector. This may involve application of first and/or second and/or further functions to identify at least a first subset of Reference Property Vectors that are relevant to the Unknown Property Vector. Alternatively, a logistic regression algorithm, derived using clustering or classification methods for identifying candidate vectors, may be used.

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Disposable absorbent article having refastenable side seams and a wetness sensation member

Номер: AU2005231141A1

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Body fluid discriminating sensor

Номер: AU2011324845B2

The present subject matter relates to absorbent articles and signaling devices for use therewith. The signaling device can be configured to detect the presence of an insult in the absorbent article and/or in an undergarment. The signaling device can be further configured to determine whether the insult is a urine insult or a feces insult. The signaling device can provide a notification to a user that an insult has occurred and can inform the user whether the insult is a urine insult or a feces insult.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Infrared wetness detection system for an absorbent article

Номер: AU2010332429A1

A signaling device for sensing and indicating the presence of a body exudate in an absorbent article includes a housing and a paired IR generator/detector disposed within the housing, the paired IR generator/detector adapted to sense a change in infrared light reflectance due to an insult to the absorbent article, the paired IR generator/detector including an infrared-generating light-emitling diode and an infrared-detecting phototransistor. In addition, a body exudate collection and detection system includes an absorbent article and a signaling device adapted to be used in conjunction with the absorbent article for detecting the presence of a body exudate therein, the signaling device including a housing and a paired IR generator/detector disposed within the housing, the paired IR generator/detector including an infrared-generating Sight-emitting diode and an infrared-detecting phototransistor.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Disposable diaper

Номер: AU2010323996A1

On the back sheet 120 side, back-side recessed portions 135 recessed toward the top sheet 110 are provided in a surface of the absorber 130 of the disposable diaper 1. The back-side recessed portions 135 include multiple grooves 135a, 135b which are continuous in the longitudinal direction L of the absorber 130. The back-side recessed portions 135 is visible from an outside of the back sheet 120 in a state before the disposable diaper 1 is used, and when the absorber absorbs liquid, the depth D of the back-side recessed portions 135 is made smaller than that before the absorber absorbs liquid. When the hydrophilic fiber and the particulate SAP swells, and thereby the absorber 130 expands in at least the thickness direction thereof, the back-side recessed portions 135 seems to disappear from the outside.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Defecation detection device

Номер: AU2010309090A1

Disclosed is a defecation detection device having a defecation receiving member which faces the body of a person and receives defecation; a first temperature sensor which is disposed at a the defecation position, in the defecation receiving member, which receives defecation; a second temperature sensor which is disposed at a non-defecation position, in the defecation receiving member, which does not receive defecation; and a control unit which detects the presence or absence of defecation on the basis of signals output from the first temperature sensor and signals output from the second temperature sensor.

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Method for detecting a liquid discharge to an absorbent article

Номер: AU2011384251B2

The invention relates to a method for detecting a liquid discharge event in an absorbent article, wherein said absorbent article comprises a sensor adapted to generate an electrical output signal representative of a degree of wetness of said absorbent article, wherein said electrical output signal is received by a processing unit. The method comprising the steps of providing reference data over time representative of a liquid discharge; acquiring liquid discharge dataover time in form of said electrical output signal; analysing said liquid discharge data over time in relation to said reference data over time by means of said processing unit; and detecting a liquid discharge event based on said analysis. The invention relates also to a system for detecting liquid discharge event in an absorbent article, said system comprising an absorbent article comprising a sensor being arranged to generate an output signal representative of an electrical property, and a processing unit adapted to process ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

System for measuring the quantity of urine and detecting the presence of faeces in a nappy

Номер: AU2014289720B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A system is disclosed for measuring and recording a quantity of liquid in an absorbing material (16), such as the quantity of urine in a nappy, which system comprises a sensor (1) comprising a first pair of electrodes (4, 7) for measuring the quantity of liquid, which first pair of electrodes is arranged to be placed around the absorbing material in, for example, a nappy, and a data logger (10), which is arranged to apply an alternating voltage across the first pair of electrodes and, concurrently herewith, to measure the capacitance between the two electrodes of the first pair of electrodes and to calculate, based on the measured capacitance, an estimate of the quantity of liquid in the absorbing material. In an embodiment, the system further comprises a second pair of electrodes (6, 8) for estimating the presence of a substance, such as faeces, there between using a similar method.

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for monitoring excrement data

Номер: AU2013408432A1

The invention relates to a method for monitoring excrement data for seeking a pattern for a monitoring period comprises acquiring excrement data comprising excrement data for at least two different time periods, each substantially corresponding to the monitoring period for which a pattern of events is sought. The excrement data is associated with at least one absorbent article and a person wearing said at least one absorbent article and comprises information of excrement supply into an absorbent article in form of excrement events. Each excrement event has an associated time mark or associated time information from which an associated time mark may be derived. Further, the method comprises providing a series of sequential non-overlapping time intervals, together substantially extending over the monitoring period and associating each time interval with a segment of a diagram. The method comprises also calculating a number of excrement events corresponding to each time interval for all time ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Event-driven transitions in absorbent article management

Номер: AU2013388383B9
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The present discosure provides a method of operating a datalogger adapted for logging sensor data from an absorbent article having at least one sensor element, the method comprising: determining an external event; and on determination of the external event, transitioning from a first operating condition to a second operating condition. The external event can be an event selected from: a disconnection event in which the datalogger is disconnected from the absorbent article; a connection event in which the datalogger is connected to an absorbent article; a charge event in which the datalogger is connected to a charging station; and a user interaction event in which the user interacts with a user interface element of the datalogger. The first and second operation conditions can be selected from: a datalogging condition; a standby condition; a status notification condition; and a data transmission condition. The present disclosure also provides a datalogger adapted for logging sensor data from ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: AU2009241102B2

An absorptive article allowing a person to accurately determine the presence of water content, such as discharged urine, in the article. A discernment element (21) by which water content can be visually discerned is formed on the human body side of an outer surface sheet (9), that is, on that side of the outer surface sheet (9) which faces a liquid absorbing structure (10). A hot-melt composite formed by mixing a pH indicator into an adhesive component is used as the discernment element (21), and the discernment element (21) is formed by applying the hot-melt composite to the outer surface sheet (9). The holt-melt composite forming the discernment element (21) extends in lines in the vertical direction Y and is located at least in a crotch region (7). A blocking sheet (22) is mounted between the discernment element (21) and the liquid absorbing structure (10). The blocking sheet (22) extends from one side of the region of the lines of the hot-melt composite, which lines form the discernment ...

05-11-2009 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: AU2009241102A1

24-06-2010 дата публикации

Absorbent article saturation indication system and method

Номер: AU2009329150A1

02-02-2017 дата публикации

A sensor arrangement for measuring moisture and the presence of a person on a base

Номер: AU2015288984A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Sensor arrangement and method for monitoring a person with a sensor arrangement, which comprises measuring electronics and a sensor structure (100) that can be fitted onto a base. The sensor structure (100) comprises at least one sensor, and the arrangement is adapted to determine, by means of the data measured by the measuring electronics and the sensor, a change in the moisture of the base and the presence of a person on the base.

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Disposable hygienic article with means for diagnostic testing

Номер: AU2014360472B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A disposable, wearable article can be used for collecting a sample and performing urinalysis. The article incorporates a test port feature to simplify this function. The test port has a resealable cover that can be used to selectively expose an aperture through the backsheet of the disposable article. The test port is used to position test devices, such as urine test strips to urine collected in the disposable article.

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Wetness sensor for use in an absorbent article

Номер: AU2011340219B2

A wetness sensor for an absorbent article that is formed from an ink is provided. The ink includes a proton-accepting chromogen and a proton-donating agent (or color developer). Prior to use, the ink is generally dry and in a protonated form so that it has a visible color. However, upon contact with bodily fluids {e.g., urine, fecal matter, mucus, menses, vaginal fluid, etc.), water in the fluid can lead to deprotonation of the chromogen, thereby resulting in a shift of the absorption maxima of the chromogen towards either the red {"bathochromic shift") or blue end of the spectrum ("hypsochromic shift"). To increase the rate of the color change during use, the present inventors have discovered that a specific type of proton-donating agent may be employed. More particularly, the proton- donating agent is an aliphatic carboxylic acid that is highly soluble in the bodily fluid (e.g., urine), and therefore results in a color change that is very rapid and may be detected within a relatively ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Absorbent article comprising a liquid discharge detection sensor

Номер: AU2011347437B2

An absorbent article for absorbing liquid discharge of a wearer when worn in the crotch region. The absorbent article comprises an absorbent core for doing the absorbing of the liquid discharge. A conductive layer is in electrical contact with the absorbent core. The article comprises at least one set of first and second electrical contacts secured in intimate physical and electrical contact with the conductive layer such that when an electric potential is applied between the first and second electrical contacts, an electric current travels between them and through the conductive layer in such a way so as to follow a first relatively high impedance path along the conductive layer when the absorbent core is dry and a relatively low impedance path when the absorbent core is wet (e.g. at least partially through the absorbent core). This system allows a system verification check, even in the dry state, and the determination of the extent of the wet portion of the absorbent core.

01-07-2002 дата публикации

Indicator means for detecting faecal matter

Номер: AU0003579102A

13-12-1999 дата публикации

Wetness awareness training device

Номер: AU0004324299A

14-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002467968C

A wearable article useful for facilitating toilet training is provided. The wearable article includes a wetness sensation member held in close contact with a wearer's skin during use that enhances the wearer's awareness that urination has occurred. The wetness sensation member includes a permeable layer and an impermeable layer. During insults of urine, the permeable layer allows urine to penetrate in the z-direction and provides a medium for the flow of urine in the x-y plane via wicking. The impermeable layer supports the flow of liquid between the permeable and impermeable layers and retains the liquid thereby increasing the wetted area contacting the wearer's skin.

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767525C

The invention relates to a moisture detecting module for monitoring a moisture state of a napkin. The module comprises a moisture sensitive sensor and a moisture non-permeable layer covering the sensor. The moisture non- permeable layer is arranged for attachment to a napkin surface that, during use of the napkin by a person, is facing towards the person's skin such that the moisture sensitive sensor contacts the napkin surface. The moisture detection module is a RLC circuit that acts as a RF-tag thereby transmitting moisture information to a remote reading device.

25-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA949735A

06-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002336020A1

An article to be fitted to a wearer including an agent which is available in an effective concentration to physically or chemically modify some or all of the fecal material or other bodily exudates deposited in the article. The modification of the feces may improve acceptance and/or retention of the exudates within the article to reduce the spreading of fecal material within the diaper and/or to reduce the tendency of the fecal material to adhere to the wearer's skin.

06-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002336068A1

An absorbent article having a support member comprising a top sheet, a backsheet, or an absorbent core, and a translational operative member for enhancing the capacity for containing bodily waste. The translational operative member is capable of being moved from one region of the article to another or within a region via a translating device. The translating device comprises a moisture sensitive element capable of expanding or contracting when wetted.

22-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002489719A1

The invention is directed to an absorbent article, which is preferably a sanitary napkin or a pantiliner, comprising: a body contacting layer; a garment contacting layer; and an absorbent core disposed between the body contacting layer and the garment contacting layer. The absorbent core has a core edge. The core edge defines a core region within the core edge and an outer region outside the core region. The body contacting layer and the garment contacting layer extend outward into the outer region and joined together in the outer region. In one aspect of the invention, the garment contacting layer has a graphic printed on the body facing surface at least in a portion of the outer region. In another aspect of the invention, the body contacting layer has a graphic printed on the garment facing surface at least in a portion of the outer region. The body contacting layer has a first light transmittance so that the graphic can be seen through the body contacting layer in the outer region. Since ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003099150A1

A liquid indicating article is disclosed. It can have a single layer, but generally will have at least two layers bonded together, wherein a visible layer masks a second colored layer wherein the visible layer is a wicking material that becomes semitransparent when wet, wherein the colored layer is a permeable adhesive that bonds to the mask layer.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3121274A1

The present invention relates to a sensor, system and method for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness of an article. Instead of conventional methods for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness of an article such as visual checking which requires constant inspection of the article, and for many articles is not possible, or the use of chemically activated indicators which are generally single use, the present invention uses electrical charge to detect or sense the moisture or wetness of an article. In that way, the present invention aims to provide a reusable way for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness in different articles. The present invention may be used in applications where moisture or wetness changes often.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: US20120089106A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

An absorbent article includes a topsheet having a contact surface in contact with the skin of a wearer; a liquid-impermeable backsheet through which a liquid does not pass; and an absorber provided between the topsheet and the backsheet, a cooling sensation material including a refresher agent in the topsheet or between the topsheet and the backsheet. On the outside of the planar direction of the topsheet from the contact region in which an excretion unit of the wearer is in contact in the topsheet, there is a region having a greater amount of the cooling sensation material per unit area than the amount of the cooling sensation material per unit area in the contact region.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: US20120095424A1
Автор: Shinpei Komatsu, Yuki Noda
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

An absorbent article includes cooling material including refreshing agent, provided between a topsheet and a backsheet. An amount of the cooling material disposed per unit area is larger in a contact portion where the excretion area of a wearer comes into contact than in a portion outside the contact portion.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent article with stimulation composite

Номер: US20120165770A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A stimulation material is partially bonded to a pressure-sensitive adhesive to form a stimulation blend. The stimulation blend, with or without pressure-sensitive adhesive, may be juxtaposed between two substrates to form a stimulation composite. When the pressure-sensitive adhesive is present within the stimulation composite, there are regions of the adhesive that do not contain a significant amount of stimulation material. By arranging regions of stimulation blend with respect to the pressure-sensitive adhesive regions, a pattern defined by the stimulation blend is formed. This pattern may deliver a stimulation effect that is at least as effective as using one-hundred percent stimulation blend within the stimulation composite, it not more effective. The stimulation composite may be cut into countless varieties of pledget shapes for use in personal-care absorbent articles.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Absorbent Articles with Tear Resistant Film

Номер: US20120209230A1
Автор: Todd Leon Mansfield
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A disposable absorbent article that includes an elastic film material. The elastic film resists the growth of a tear and include an SEEPS block copolymer having a T m of between about 10° C. and about 20° C. The film has a time-to-fail of greater than 1 hour.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for evaluating the stickiness of an outer surface on an absorbent article

Номер: US20120304782A1
Автор: Christian Klebba
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A method of evaluating the stickiness of an outer surface of an absorbent article comprises the steps of: (i) providing an absorbent article on a stationary horizontal surface, the absorbent article having an outer surface facing away from the stationary horizontal surface, (ii) affixing an adhesive substrate to the outer surface of the absorbent article, (iii) grasping an end portion of the adhesive substrate, and (iv) lifting the end portion of the adhesive substrate in a direction away from the stationary horizontal surface.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Discriminating Device for Body Exudate Detection

Номер: US20130110061A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An electronic discriminating device incorporating a non-contact electronic sensor array, a controller, and a signaling device that may indicate the presence of urine and/or bowel movement is disclosed. In particular, the electronic discriminating device can discriminate between an insult of urine only and an insult containing bowel movement. The device can then generate different alerts based on the type of insult. The electronic discriminating device may also emit a signal at or near the opening of an absorbent article or transmit the alert wirelessly to a radio, computer device, or smartphone.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123727A1

A disposable wearing article improved so that leakage of body waste can be prevented, a change in color which might develop in an unused state of the wearing article can be inhibited and actually discharged body exudates can immediately cause an indicator to develop a change of color. A disposable diaper includes a topsheet, a backsheet and a liquid-absorbent structure interposed between these top- and backsheets. The backsheet includes first and second backsheets and the first backsheet is formed on its side facing the liquid-absorbent structure with an indicator adapted to develop a color reaction when the indicator comes in contact with at least one of moisture and body exudates. A plurality of such indicators is arranged to extend in a longitudinal direction and to be spaced apart from each other in a transverse direction. The liquid-absorbent structure includes a liquid-absorbent core and a wrapping sheet adapted to wrap the core. A bottom sheet as a hydrophobic bottom element is interposed between a bottom surface of the core and a bottom region of the wrapping sheet as a hydrophobic bottom element. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction , including:a skin-facing side;a non-skin-facing side opposite to the skin-facing side;front and rear waist regions;a crotch region extending between the front and rear waist regions;a liquid-permeable topsheet lying on the skin-facing side;a liquid-impermeable backsheet lying on the non-skin-facing side; anda liquid-absorbent structure interposed between these top- and backsheets and placed at least in the crotch region, whereinthe backsheet is formed on the surface thereof facing the liquid-absorbent structure with at least one indicator adapted to develop a color reaction when the indicator comes in contact with at least one of moisture and body exudates, wherein:the topsheet is formed of a fibrous nonwoven fabric of which most of fibers of the fibrous nonwoven fabric has ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Contactless Passive Sensing For Absorbent Articles

Номер: US20130131618A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An absorbent article facilitating sensing the presence of a body exudate in the absorbent article includes an absorbent member; a sensor coil disposed on or in the article; and an electrical double-layer capacitor disposed on or in the article and in electrical communication with the sensor coil, wherein the capacitor is in fluid communication with the absorbent member. An absorbent article system also includes a detector circuit including an exciter coil configured for electromagnetic communication with the sensor coil, and sensor electronics configured to indicate the presence of a body exudate based on changes in the electromagnetic communication between the exciter coil and the sensor coil.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131619A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A disposable wearing article adapted to prevent indicators from being transferred to a liquid-absorbent structure and to make the indicators develop the color reaction quickly in response to a discharge of body exudates. A disposable diaper has a topsheet, a backsheet and a liquid-absorbent structure interposed between these top- and backsheets. A surface of a first backsheet facing the liquid-absorbent structure is formed with indicators. The indicators contain a hot-melt polymer, an indicator agent adapted to develop a color reaction and a plasticizing oil. The liquid-absorbent structure has a liquid-absorbent core, a liquid-diffusive wrapping sheet adapted to wrap the core. A hydrophilic bottom sheet is interposed between a bottom surface of the core and a bottom surface region of the wrapping sheet. A dimension in the transverse direction of the bottom sheet is larger than a dimension of a region in which the indicators are formed and smaller than a dimension in the transverse direction of the core. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction , including:a skin-facing side;a non-skin-facing side opposite to the skin-facing side;front and rear waist regions;a crotch region extending between the front and rear waist regions;a liquid-permeable topsheet lying on the skin-facing side a liquid-impermeable backsheet lying on the non-skin-facing side and;a liquid-absorbent structure interposed between these top- and backsheets and placed at least in the crotch region, whereinthe backsheet is formed on the surface thereof facing the liquid-absorbent structure with at least one indicator adapted to develop a color reaction when the at least one indicator comes in contact with at least one of moisture and body exudates, wherein:the liquid-absorbent structure includes a liquid-absorbent core and a liquid-diffusive wrapping sheet adapted to wrap the skin-facing surface and the non-skin-facing surface of the core and being ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Wetness Indicator with Hydrophanous Element for an Absorbent Article

Номер: US20130138066A1

An absorbent article is provided for absorbing a liquid, the absorbent article including a chassis including a liner, an outer cover, and an absorbent structure positioned between the liner and the outer cover, the chassis including a front region and a back region, the front region and the back region defining a waist region therebetween. The absorbent article also includes a wetness indicator positioned adjacent the liner or the outer cover, the wetness indicator including a hydrophanous tissue layer having an absorbent-structure-facing side and being in liquid communication with the absorbent structure or the liner, and an indicator material disposed between the absorbent-facing side of the tissue layer and the absorbent structure. The absorbent article can also include a film layer disposed adjacent the tissue layer, and the indicator material can include an active constituent adapted to wick along the tissue layer when the absorbent article is insulted. 1. An absorbent article for absorbing a liquid , the absorbent article comprising:a chassis including a liner, an outer cover, and an absorbent structure positioned between the liner and the outer cover, the chassis including a crotch region positioned in between a front region and a back region, the front region and the back region defining a waist region therebetween;a wetness indicator positioned adjacent the liner, the wetness indicator including a tissue layer having a liner-facing side and an absorbent-structure-facing side and being in liquid communication with the absorbent structure or the liner, a film layer positioned between the liner and the absorbent structure, and an indicator material including an active constituent adapted to wick along the tissue layer when the absorbent article is insulted.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the indicator material includes a plurality of active constituents claim 1 , wherein the active constituents move along the tissue layer at different speeds as ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Sensor Products Using Wicking Materials

Номер: US20130144237A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

An absorbent article includes a chassis including a bodyside liner, an outer cover having an interior surface and an exterior surface, and an absorbent structure positioned adjacent the interior surface of the outer cover, the chassis including an insult zone and a crotch region positioned in between a front region and a back region, the front region and the back region defining a waist region therebetween. The absorbent article also includes a sensor element disposed in or on the chassis, the sensor element extending from a proximal end in the waist region to at least the insult zone and in fluid communication with the insult zone, the sensor element including a multi-layer wicking material.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having Dryness Indicating Graphic

Номер: US20130150816A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article including features facilitating toilet training of a wearer is provided. The article includes at least a first appearing graphic that changes from an initial, less visible state to a subsequent, more visible state in the absence of wetness, thereby to provide positive encouragement to a child during toilet training. The appearing graphic becomes less visible if subjected to liquid. A wetness sensation member may also be provided to give tactile, negative sensation to the child, thereby giving feedback received by at least two different senses. Additionally or alternatively, a second appearing graphic, different from the first appearing graphic, may be provided to increase a child's interest in the toilet training process. The first and second appearing graphics may become visible at different times, thereby providing a sequential or spaced reveal of the image.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent Article With Moisture Indicator

Номер: US20130158492A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A personal absorbent article (e.g., feminine care pad, sanitary napkin, diaper, incontinence pad etc.) has a color change indicator that employs a synergistic combination an acid component and a basic component for signaling to a user when the absorbent article may foster bacterial growth due to moisture absorption. After a certain period of time, the user can visually inspect the color of the color change indicator to obtain an indication of when it is time to replace or remove the article.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Noninvasive detection of meconium in amniotic fluid

Номер: US20130165816A1
Автор: Gideon Mor
Принадлежит: Individual

Meconium stained amniotic fluid can indicate intrauterine fetal distress. The invention provides a system and method for detecting meconium in released amniotic fluid in pregnant women, including a collection body such as a hygienic pad, having a meconium detector. This invention is designed to be employed mainly by a lay person at home; it also may provide possible etiologies for fetal distress.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Disposable Absorbent Articles Having Wetness Appearing Graphics

Номер: US20130178810A1
Автор: Liu Kuang-Kai
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Disposable absorbent articles comprising a liquid pervious topsheet, a liquid impervious backsheet that is at least partially joined to the topsheet, an absorbent core disposed at least partially between the topsheet and the backsheet, and a wetness indicator printed onto a surface of the backsheet wherein the wetness indicator comprises a graphic that further comprises at least one responsive color composition and a varnish coating disposed adjacent to the responsive color composition; wherein upon wetting, the graphic becomes visible to the unaided eye. 1. A disposable absorbent article comprising:a) a liquid pervious topsheet;b) a liquid impervious backsheet that is at least partially joined to the topsheet;c) an absorbent core disposed at least partially between the topsheet and the backsheet; andd) a wetness indicator printed onto a surface of the backsheet; the wetness indicator comprising a graphic that further comprises at least one hydrolyzable color composition and a varnish coating disposed adjacent to the hydrolyzable color composition; the graphic being invisible to the unaided eye;wherein the at least one hydrolyzable color composition comprises a colorant selected from the group consisting of water-soluble inks, solvent-soluble dyes, pigments, and combinations thereof; andwherein upon wetting, the hydrolyzable color composition undergoes a hydrolytic reaction resulting in the invisible graphic becoming visible to the unaided eye.2. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the colorant is a water-soluble ink.3. The article according to claim 2 , wherein the water-soluble ink colorant is selected from direct dyes claim 2 , acid dyes claim 2 , base dyes claim 2 , and combinations thereof4. The article according to claim 2 , wherein the water soluble ink colorant is selected from the group consisting of: C.I. Acid Yellow 73 claim 2 , C.I. Acid Yellow 74 claim 2 , C.I. Acid Orange 11 claim 2 , C.I. Acid Red 87 claim 2 , C.I. Acid Red 91 claim 2 , C.I. ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211354A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A disposable absorbent article includes a chassis and a liquid-absorbent structure. The chassis has an inner sheet lying on a skin-facing side and an outer sheet lying on a garment-facing side. The outer sheet has a first outer sheet and a second outer sheet lying inside the first outer sheet. The second outer sheet is formed on its outer surface with a display area extending in a longitudinal direction. The liquid-absorbent structure is formed with a central void and lateral voids in which core material for a core is not present. The display area can be visually recognized from the garment-facing side through the first outer sheet and from the skin-facing side also through the central void of the liquid-absorbent structure.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Urine Shield

Номер: US20130261419A1
Автор: Davidson Angela

A urine shield comprises an elongate base and side walls connected to the base. At least one of the sides and base is absorbent. The shield further comprises at least one attachment tab for releasably attaching the shield to a user's skin The shield has an hourglass shaped cross-section. A method and device for the collection of a urine sample from an individual is also provided. 1. A urine shield comprising an elongate base and side walls connected to the base , at least one of said side walls and base being absorbent or supporting an absorbent element , the shield further comprising at least one attachment tab for releasably attaching the shield to a user's skin , wherein the shield has an hourglass shaped cross-section.2. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein the hourglass shaped cross-section is either symmetrical or asymmetrical about the waist.3. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein both the side walls and the base are absorbent.4. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one attachment tab is provided with an adhesive.5. A urine shield according to with a detachable portion forming the base.6. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein the shield is stackable with respect to another shield.7. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one attachment tab is attached to the side walls.8. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the base and sides is provided with a urine indicator that changes colour when exposed to urine.9. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein each of the base and side walls further comprise an outer layer claim 1 , the outer layer being substantially water resistant.10. A urine shield according to claim 1 , further comprising a sterile absorbent pad.11. A urine shield according to claim 1 , wherein the sterile absorbent pad is removable.12. A urine shield according to claim 1 , further comprising an assay strip.13. A urine shield according to claim 12 , ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303867A1

An absorbent article for absorbing liquid discharge when worn on the crotch region of the body of a user includes a plurality of detection zones for detecting the liquid discharge. Each detection zone is provided by first and second electrically conductive paths that are electrically isolated from one another and arranged so that a liquid discharge between the first and second conductive paths allows electrical current to flow between the first and second conductive paths which is able to be detected to detect the presence of liquid discharge in the respective zone. The plurality of zones are longitudinally distributed with respect to the absorbent article along an absorbent core of the absorbent article, to allow the longitudinal extent of the discharge to be ascertained. The first and second conductive paths are longitudinally spaced from one another. The first and second conductive paths are elongate and are laterally aligned. 1. An absorbent article for absorbing liquid discharge when worn on the crotch region of the body of a user , the absorbent article comprising a plurality of detection zones for detecting the liquid discharge , each detection zone provided by first and second electrically conductive paths that are electrically isolated from one another and arranged so that a liquid discharge between the first and second conductive paths allows electrical current to flow between the first and second conductive paths which is able to be detected to detect the presence of liquid discharge in the respective zone , wherein the plurality of zones are longitudinally distributed with respect to the absorbent article along an absorbent core of the absorbent article , to allow the longitudinal extent of the discharge to be ascertained , wherein the first and second conductive paths are each connected to contacts for electrically contacting the first and second conductive paths to a control unit by a respective lead insulated from the absorbent core of the absorbent ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent article comprising a liquid discharge sensor

Номер: US20130307570A1

An absorbent article for absorbing liquid discharge of a wearer includes conductive loops each in an open loop shape having terminal ends for electrically communicating with opposing poles of an electric potential generator such that current flows around the full conductive loop between the terminal ends when a space defined within the open loop shape is dry and such that liquid discharge in the space defined within the open loop shape is able to cause a short circuit in the conductive loop so that the current flows around a reduced impedance path. The impedance change is measureable to determine a location relative to the terminal ends where the liquid discharge has caused the short circuit. The conductive loops are oriented such that the direction in which the current travels up an outward leg of the respective conductive loop is in substantially the opposite direction for a first conductive loop as for a second conductive loop.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317468A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A disposable pull-on diaper having a central inelastic region in at least one of a front waist region and a rear waist region, and a method for manufacturing the same. Front and rear waist regions of a disposable pull-on diaper are respectively of an elastically non-stretchable exterior sheet and elastically stretchable interior sheets. In lateral elastic regions of this waist region, the interior sheets are attached under tension to an interior surface of the exterior sheet and, in a central inelastic region, the interior sheets are spaced apart from each other in a transverse direction and regions of the interior sheets are in an elastically contracted and relaxed state in vicinities of the lateral elastic regions. 1. A disposable pull-on diaper having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction being orthogonal to the longitudinal direction , including:a front waist region;a rear waist region;a crotch region;an absorbent chassis extending from the crotch region to the front and rear waist regions;lateral elastic regions formed in at least one of the front and rear waist regions so as to be elastically stretchable in the transverse direction from lateral edges of the absorbent chassis; anda central inelastic region defined between the lateral elastic regions and not being elastically stretchable, wherein:at least one of the front and rear waist regions includes an exterior sheet not being elastically stretchable in the transverse direction and an interior sheets lying on an interior surface side of the exterior sheet and being elastically stretchable in the transverse direction;the interior sheets are attached under tension to the interior surface of the exterior sheet in the lateral elastic regions; andin the central inelastic region, the interior sheets are spaced apart from each other and are in an elastically relaxed state in vicinities of the respective lateral elastic regions.2. The diaper according to claim 1 , wherein the central inelastic region ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Absorbent article comprising a liquid discharge detection sensor

Номер: US20130321007A1

An absorbent article for absorbing liquid discharge of a wearer when worn in the crotch region includes an absorbent core for doing the absorbing of the liquid discharge. A conductive layer is in electrical contact with the absorbent core. The article includes at least one set of first and second electrical contacts secured in intimate physical and electrical contact with the conductive layer such that when an electric potential is applied between the first and second electrical contacts, an electric current travels between them and through the conductive layer in such a way so as to follow a first relatively high impedance path along the conductive layer when the absorbent core is dry and a relatively low impedance path when the absorbent core is wet. This system allows a system verification check, even in the dry state, and the determination of the extent of the wet portion of the absorbent core.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Dressing reduced-pressure indicators, systems, and methods

Номер: US20130324953A1
Принадлежит: Kci Licensing Inc

Dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed, in some embodiments, that involve treating a tissue site with reduced pressure, wherein the dressing includes a dressing reduced-pressure indicator that allows one to ascertain that the reduced pressure applied at the dressing is greater than a threshold reduced pressure. The dressing reduced-pressure indicator may include a moving member that is adapted to move under reduced pressure and a visual indicator associated with the moving member. Another embodiment uses an electro-mechanical indicator to provide a powered visual alert or audible alert or another output signal. Other dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324955A1
Автор: Huang Hao, WONG Sun Hoi, Xu Fei

A wearable article for wearing by a user and comprising wetness sensing electrodes, wherein the wetness sensing electrodes are to be in contact with a wetting electrolytic liquid during normal use when the wearable article is wetted by the electrolytic liquid, and to operate as a capacitor upon application of a direct current at contact terminals of the wetness sensing electrodes when so wetted to facilitate capacitance measurement through the wetness sensing electrodes whereby wetness information of the wearable article is provided. 122-. (canceled)23. A wearable article for wearing by a user comprising wetness sensing electrodes , wherein the wetness sensing electrodes are to be in contact with a wetting electrolytic liquid during normal use when the wearable article is wetted by the electrolytic liquid , and to operate as a capacitor upon application of a direct current at contact terminals of the wetness sensing electrodes when so wetted to facilitate capacitance measurement through the wetness sensing electrodes whereby wetness information of the wearable article is provided.24. A wearable article according to claim 23 , wherein the wetness sensing electrodes are adapted to operate as an electrolytic capacitor or an electrochemical capacitor upon application of a direct current when the wearable article is wetted by an electrolytic liquid such as urine during normal use claim 23 , the applied direct current being below a threshold which will cause electrolysis of the electrolytic liquid.25. A wearable article according to claim 24 , wherein the wetness sensing electrodes comprises a first elongate electrode and a second elongate electrode claim 24 , the second elongate electrode extending alongside the first elongate electrode.26. A wearable article according to claim 25 , wherein the wetness sensing electrodes are printed of carbonized ink.27. A wearable article according to claim 23 , wherein the capacitance measured through the wetness sensing electrodes ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338618A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

An array of disposable absorbent articles comprising a sequence of graphic designs corresponding to a wearer's stage of development. For a disposable diaper, the array of disposable absorbent article graphic designs may comprise a first absorbent article graphic design for newborns and infants, a second absorbent article graphic design for toddlers, and a third absorbent article graphic design for older wearers, and other absorbent article graphic designs, and a wetness indicator. 1. An array of disposable absorbent articles having a sequence of graphics corresponding to a wearer's stages of development , the array comprising:a first absorbent article configured to correspond to a first stage of development, wherein the first absorbent article graphic design is substantially uncolored;a second absorbent article configured to correspond to a second stage of development, wherein the second absorbent article graphic design is partially colored; anda third absorbent article configured to correspond to a third stage of development, wherein the third absorbent article graphic design is substantially colored;wherein at least one of the first absorbent article or the second absorbent article comprise a wetness indicator.2. The array of disposable absorbent articles according to claim 1 , wherein the third absorbent article is designed for bedwetting children.3. The array of disposable absorbent articles according to claim 1 , wherein the wearers of the first absorbent article include newborn and infants.4. The array of disposable absorbent articles according to claim 1 , wherein the wearers of the second absorbent article include toddlers.5. The array of disposable absorbent articles according to claim 1 , wherein the wearers of the third absorbent article include older kids.6. The array of disposable absorbent articles according to claim 1 , wherein the first absorbent article is substantially uncolored claim 1 , such that less than about 20% of the surface area of the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338621A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A feminine hygiene article such as pantiliner having a topsheet and a backsheet. The article further includes a printed pattern and an embossed pattern. The embossed pattern has at least one embossed decorative element and the printed pattern has a printed decorative element which is substantially similar to the embossed decorative element. 1. An absorbent article , comprising:a. a topsheet layer;b. a backsheet layer;c. an absorbent core layer disposed between the topsheet layer and the backsheet layer;d. one or more optional additional layers;e. a printed pattern printed that is printed on the backsheet layer, the printed pattern comprising a printed design that is not visible when viewing the topsheet layer; andf. an embossed pattern that is embossed in at least one of the layers, the embossed pattern comprising an embossed design that is visible when viewing the topsheet layer;g. wherein the printed design is substantially similar to the embossed design.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein some of the printed pattern outside of a perimeter area of the absorbent core layer is visible when viewing the topsheet layer.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the embossed design is embossed into the absorbent core layer.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the printed design is substantially the same design as the embossed design.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the printed design is substantially the same size as the embossed design.6. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein one of the embossed design and the printed design comprises continuous lines and the other of the embossed design and the printed design comprises a series of dots and/or dashes.7. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the topsheet layer comprises a lotion.8. An absorbent article claim 1 , comprising:a. a topsheet layer;b. a backsheet layer;c. an absorbent core layer disposed between the topsheet layer and the backsheet layer;d. a release cover ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Device for detecting moisture for an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient

Номер: US20140012197A1

A device for detecting moisture for an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient for a system by which, via a flexible line, a liquid is fed to a patient and/or a liquid is fed out from the patient, and in particular for monitoring the vascular access in extra-corporeal blood treatment and particularly for monitoring a central venous catheter for acute dialysis includes at least a portion which can be deformed into a sleeve and placed around the circumference of the flexible line or of a connecting system. The portion in sleeve form has fastening means for fixing it in place in the position in which it surrounds the flexible line or the connecting system. The portion in sleeve form allows the device to be fastened quickly and securely to a flexible line or a connecting system.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018636A1

A Health Management System that can assist a user in measuring and regulating his or her dietary intake and optionally his or her physical activity is disclosed. 1. An electronic device for managing a user's health , the device comprising:an enclosure comprising one or more electrical circuits including:one or more sensors configured to detect health related activity of the user;a data link unit configured to communicate with other devices, including at least one extension having a defined interface to receive additional sensory information related to user health;a power source configured to provide power to the one or more electrical circuits;a control panel configured to receive input from the user;a user interface configured to display output to the user;a processor unit configured to execute instructions for analyzing sensory input received from the one or more sensors to take health-related actions; anda memory configured to store data and instructions accessible by the processor unit.2. The device of wherein one of the sensors and the instructions executed by the processor unit are further configured to detect the characteristics of the user.3. The device of wherein one of the sensors is further configured to detect a load and the characteristics of the device's load before claim 1 , during or after being loaded.4. The device of wherein at least one of the sensors is an optical device.5. The device of wherein one or all of the electrical circuits are implanted in a human body part.6. The device of wherein one of the sensors is further configured to detect the tare or the weight of a load even while the device is in motion.7. The device of wherein one of the sensors is further configured to locate the device geographical position.8. The device of wherein one of the sensors is further configured to detect the user's sleep cycles.9. The device of wherein one of the sensors is further configured to detect humidity levels.10. The device of wherein one of the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Absorbent articles with multiple indicating widths

Номер: US20140039433A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article comprises a first location of a first portion of a visual fullness indicating area that is configured to change to a subsequent visual state when indicating the presence of a bodily exudate. At the first location, the first portion has a first overall width. The absorbent article also comprises a second location of a second portion of a visual fullness indicating area that is configured to change to a subsequent visual state when indicating the presence of a bodily exudate. The second location is outboard from the first location. The second location has a second overall width that is wider than the first overall width.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052086A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

An object of the disclosure is to provide an absorbent article that allows the user to visually confirm reduction in residue of highly viscous menstrual blood on the top sheet after its absorption, thereby providing reassurance to the user. The absorbent article of the disclosure is as follows. 1. An absorbent article comprising a liquid-permeable top sheet , a liquid-impermeable back sheet , and an absorbent body between the liquid-permeable top sheet and liquid-impermeable back sheet ,wherein the top sheet exhibits a color difference in the range of 37-80, based on the L*a*b* color system and measured from a skin contact surface of the top sheet in a liquid dropping test.2. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the top sheet has claim 1 , in a liquid residue test claim 1 , a hemoglobin content represented by absorbance of 0.00-0.10 claim 1 , and a blood cell count of 0-30×10/g.3. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the top sheet comprises a color-reducing agent having an IOB of 0.00-0.35 and a melting point of no higher than 45° C.4. The absorbent article according to claim 3 , wherein the color-reducing agent also has a water solubility of 0.00-0.05 g in 100 g of water at 25° C.5. The absorbent article according to claim 3 , wherein the color-reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of following items (i) and (ii) claim 3 , and any combination thereof:(i) a hydrocarbon; and(ii) a compound having (ii-1) a hydrocarbon moiety, and (ii-2) one or more, same or different groups selected from the group consisting of carbonyl group (—CO—) and oxy group (—O—) inserted between a C—C single bond of the hydrocarbon moiety,with the proviso that when 2 or more oxy groups (—O—) are inserted between the compound of (ii), the oxy groups are not adjacent to each other.6. The absorbent article according to claim 3 , wherein the color-reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of following items (i′) and (ii′) claim 3 , and any ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for testing sensorsto be applied on a patient's skin forthe detection of fluid or moisture

Номер: US20140059837A1

A method and device for testing sensors to be applied on a patient's skin for detection of liquid or moisture are described, in particular for monitoring vascular access in an extracorporeal blood treatment, in which a patient's blood is carried away from the patient via an arterial line and is fed to the patient via a venous line. A method for producing sensors to be applied on a patient's skin for detection of liquid or moisture is also described. The method and device according to the present invention are based on the testing of one or more moisture sensors which are taken from current production. The method includes providing a large number of twists of the moisture sensor applied onto a torsion body, the mechanical stresses thus recreating the stresses that can occur in practice when the moisture sensor is applied or stuck onto the patient's skin or forearm.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068839A1

A diaper securement accessory is disclosed. The accessory includes a flexible length of material that is adapted to wrap around a diaper. Securement snaps of the accessory are configured to snap into the exposed snap sockets on the front of the diaper. A first free end of the accessory is adapted to overlap an opposing free end and secured to each other using snaps and snap sockets around the back side of the diaper and beyond the toddler's reach. When the diaper securement accessory is firmly secured to the diaper, the toddler is unable to slide the accessory up or down in an effort to take off the diaper. In particular, the right tab and left tab cannot be pulled off the diaper when the accessory is in place. 1. A diaper securement accessory , the accessory comprising:a flexible length of material configured to wrap around a diaper;a plurality of securement snap studs on an interior surface of the flexible length of material configured to snap into exposed snap sockets on a front of the diaper; anda first free end of the length of material configured to overlap an opposing free end at a rear of the diaper and snap together to secure the accessory around the diaper.2. The diaper securement accessory of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of snap studs on the free end and a plurality of snap sockets on the opposing free end orientated in rows and columns3. The diaper securement accessory of claim 2 , wherein the diaper securement accessory is configured to cover tabs securing the diaper to a child's waist.4. The diaper securement accessory of claim 3 , wherein the diaper is a cloth diaper.5. The diaper securement accessory of claim 4 , wherein the securement snap studs on the interior surface are configured in rows and columns to adjust the accessory to align the securement snap studs with the desired exposed snap sockets on the front of the diaper.6. The diaper securement accessory of claim 5 , wherein the diaper further comprising a cover.7. A diaper ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Absorbent Article With Tear Resistant Film

Номер: US20140081228A1
Автор: Mansfield Todd Leon
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A disposable absorbent article that includes an elastic film material. The elastic film resists the growth of a tear and include an SEEPS block copolymer having a Tof between about 10° C. and about 20° C. The film has a time-to-fail of greater than 1 hour. 1. A disposable absorbent article comprising an elastic film material that resists the growth of a tear , wherein the elastic film material has a High Speed Tensile Strength of between about 15 and about 22 MPa according to the High Speed Tensile Test and a time-to-fail of greater than 1 hour according to the Slow Tear Test.2. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material comprises an SEEPS block copolymer.3. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material has a time-to-fail of greater than 12 hours.4. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material has a time-to-fail of greater than 24 hours.5. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material has an Average Effective Thickness of from about 1 μm to about 1 mm.6. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material has a Tof between about 10° C. and about 20° C.7. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material has a High Speed Notched Tensile Strength of between about 10 and about 20 MPa according to the Notched High-Speed Tensile Strength Test.8. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material is incorporated into a component of the disposable absorbent article selected from the group consisting of a topsheet claim 1 , a backsheet claim 1 , an outer cover claim 1 , a cuff claim 1 , a side panel claim 1 , an ear claim 1 , a fastener claim 1 , and combinations of these.9. The disposable absorbent article of claim 8 , wherein the component is breathable.10. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic film material includes ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid-activated formulation with solvent-based binding matrix

Номер: US20140088530A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A liquid-activated formulation is provided, comprising a liquid-activated colorant, a hydrochromic ionic compound, an opacifier, and a solvent-based binding matrix.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088531A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A liquid-activated formulation is provided, comprising a liquid-activated colorant, a hydrochromic ionic compound, an opacifier, and a binding matrix comprising a leaching inhibitor. 1. A liquid activated formulation comprising: (A) a liquid-activated colorant; (B) a hydrochromic ionic compound; (C) an opacifier; and (D) a binding matrix comprising a leaching inhibitor.2. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the colorant resists leaching from the binding matrix by being chemically bound to the leaching inhibitor.3. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the leaching inhibitor comprises a cationic species.4. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 3 , wherein the cationic species is a quaternary ammonium compound.5. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 3 , wherein the cationic species is a cationic clay compound.6. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 3 , wherein the cationic species is a cationic polymer compound.7. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the colorant is ionically or covalently bound to the leaching inhibitor.8. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , having a colorant Leaching Value of no more than 300 micrograms of colorant leached per gram of the liquid-activated formulation as measured by a 3 Hour Leaching Value Test Method.9. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the binding matrix is a hot melt binding matrix.10. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the binding matrix is a solvent-based binding matrix.11. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , further comprising a permanent colorant.12. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , further comprising one or more selected from the group consisting of a stabilizer claim 1 , surfactant claim 1 , and a structural adjunct.13. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 12 , wherein said stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of monostearyl phosphate claim 12 , citrate esters claim 12 , ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088532A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A liquid-activated formulation is provided, comprising a liquid-activated colorant, a hydrochromic ionic compound, an opacifier, a binding matrix, and a surfactant. 1. A single-layer liquid activated formulation comprising: (A) a liquid-activated colorant; (B) a hydrochromic ionic compound; (C) an opacifier; and (D) a binding matrix; and (E) a surfactant.2. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the formulation comprises from about 1% to about 30% by weight of the surfactant.3. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is Tergitol®.4. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the binding matrix is a hot melt binding matrix.5. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the binding matrix is a solvent-based binding matrix.6. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , further comprising a permanent colorant.7. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , further comprising one or more selected from the group consisting of a stabilizer and/or a structural adjunct.8. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 7 , wherein said stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of monostearyl phosphate claim 7 , citrate esters claim 7 , alcohol ethoxycarboxylates claim 7 , glycolate esters claim 7 , lactate esters claim 7 , fatty acids claim 7 , ether carboxylic acids claim 7 , fatty acid methyl esters claim 7 , sulfate esters claim 7 , fruit acids like citric acid and malic acid claim 7 , inorganic acids like sulfuric acid claim 7 , monoethanolamine claim 7 , diethanolamine claim 7 , triethanolamine claim 7 , dipropyllenetriamine claim 7 , diiosopropyl amine claim 7 , 1 claim 7 ,3-bis(methylamine)-cyclohexane claim 7 , 1 claim 7 ,3-Pentanediamine claim 7 , sodium hydroxide claim 7 , magnesium hydroxide claim 7 , and combinations thereof.9. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 7 , wherein said structural adjunct is selected from the group consisting of HLB modifiers claim 7 , viscosity modifiers claim 7 ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088533A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A liquid-activated formulation is provided, comprising a solvent-soluble or liquid-activated colorant, a permanent colorant, a hydrochromic ionic compound, an opacifier, and a binding matrix. 1. A liquid activated formulation comprising: (A) a solvent-soluble or liquid-activated colorant; (B) a permanent colorant; (C) a hydrochromic ionic compound; (D) an opacifier; and (E) a binding matrix.2. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , comprising a liquid-activated colorant.3. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is selected from the group consisting of methylene blue claim 1 , D&C Yellow No. 11 claim 1 , D&C Red No. 17 claim 1 , D&C Red No. 21. D&C Red No. 27 claim 1 , D&C Violet No. 2 claim 1 , D&C Green No. 6 claim 1 , D&C Orange No. 5 claim 1 , and combination thereof.4. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is organic.5. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is inorganic.6. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , further comprising pigments suspended in the formulation.7. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is hydrophilic.8. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is hydrophobic.9. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is water-soluble.10. The liquid activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the permanent colorant is oil-soluble.11. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the binding matrix is a hot melt binding matrix.12. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , wherein the binding matrix is a solvent-based binding matrix.13. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 1 , further comprising one or more selected from the group consisting of a stabilizer claim 1 , surfactant claim 1 , and a structural adjunct.14. The liquid-activated formulation of claim 13 , wherein said stabilizer is selected from the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Absorbent articles with improved low viscosity waste acquisition

Номер: US20210000655A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article includes a liquid permeable, apertured topsheet, a liquid impermeable backsheet, an absorbent core disposed at least partially intermediate the topsheet and the backsheet, and an acquisition material disposed at least partially intermediate the topsheet and the absorbent core. The acquisition material has a caliper in the range of about 2.5 mm to about 10 mm, according to the Caliper Test, and an Air Permeability in the range of about 5,000 l/m2/s to about 11,000 l/m2/s, according to the Air Permeability Test. The acquisition material has a first surface, a second surface, and a plurality of three-dimensional features extending outwardly from the first surface or the second surface.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000659A1
Принадлежит: Xtrava, Inc.

A system, apparatus, and method for detecting the presence and amount of liquid and/or solid excrement in diapers or other undergarments, using a miniature ultra-low power near-field electromagnetic probe, applicable circuitry, and additional sensor types, that is hand-held or attached to the outside of said garments 1. A method for contactless detection of excrement in diapers and other undergarments by making use of electrical conductance changes thereinAn apparatus attached to the outside of said undergarment or handheld, consisting of a near-field electromagnetic probe that induces currents within contents being detected, which in turn create secondary magnetic fields that alter electromagnetic probe impedanceFrequency variation of magnetic probe excitation current to vary penetration depth of magnetic probe, to help determine which conductive materials and objects are being detected for a particular measurementA magnetic probe consisting of a high Q coil inductor connected within a parallel tuned circuit fed with excitation at a constant level, which is automatically adjusted by a servo loop to its resonant frequency by demanding that its input and output have equal phase.Using the output voltage level of said parallel tuned circuit as a measure of electric current or conductance values within nearby conducting objects2. A method whereby additional sensors contained within said apparatus—including but not limited to acceleration , sound , electrostatics and temperature—that are used along with said electromagnetic probe to increase the reliability of excrement detection in said diapers and other undergarments3. A magnetic probe consisting of a high Q coil inductor connected within a parallel tuned circuit fed with excitation that is automatically adjusted by a servo loop to its resonant frequency by demanding that its input and output have equal phase.A second servo loop that adjusts said tuned circuit excitation level to cause its output voltage level to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000660A1

A sensor system for detecting a property of or within an absorbent article may comprise an absorbent article and a sensor. The absorbent article may comprise a garment-facing layer and an absorbent assembly. The sensor may be disposed in and/or on the absorbent article. The sensor may be separable from the absorbent article. The sensor may be configured to sense a change in condition within the absorbent article. 1. A sensor system for detecting a property of or within an absorbent article , comprising:an absorbent article comprising a garment-facing layer and an absorbent assembly;a sensor;wherein the sensor is disposed in or on the absorbent article;wherein the sensor is separable from the absorbent article;wherein a portion of the sensor has a first width dimension and a second length dimension, wherein the first width dimension is at least 25.4 mm and the second length dimension is at least 50.8 mm; andwherein the sensor is an optical sensor; and wherein the absorbent article comprises a material placed against the garment-facing layer that reacts with urine or feces insult to change color which provides an optical indication for the optical sensor.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a housing.3. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a carrier layer.45. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a housing; wherein the sensor comprises a carrier layer; and wherein the sensor claim 1 , the carrier layer claim 1 , or the housing comprises a shaped portion comprising a radius of curvature greater than mm.5. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a housing; wherein the sensor comprises a carrier layer; and wherein the sensor claim 1 , the carrier layer claim 1 , or the housing comprises one or more apertures.6. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent article comprises a pocket configured to receive the sensor claim 1 , wherein the pocket has a length longer than the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Array of absorbent articles

Номер: US20180000661A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Arrays of absorbent articles having signals or combinations of signals that help communicate functional features of the component article, including the presence and/or absence of channels.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000655A1

A method and an incontinence monitoring system for estimating a volume or a volume range of a bodily output in a combination absorbent article and wetness sensor. The system comprises a combination of an absorbent article and a wetness sensor, and a processor adapted to receive an input representative of an electrical variable of the wetness sensor indicative of the occurrence of a bodily output in the absorbent article and to process the input including: characterising the input to generate a vector that is representative of the bodily output, applying one or more functions to the vector to generate one or more possible volumes of the bodily output, generating a distribution of the possible volumes, and determining a volume or a volume range for the bodily output based on the distribution of the possible volumes. 1. A method for determining a volume or a volume range of a bodily output in a combination absorbent article and wetness sensor , the method comprising:receiving an input representative of an electrical variable of a wetness sensor indicative of the occurrence of a bodily output in the absorbent article; and characterising the input to generate a vector that is representative of the bodily output;', 'applying one or more functions to the vector to generate one or more possible volumes of the bodily output;', 'generating a distribution of the possible volumes; and', 'determining a volume or a volume range for the bodily output based on the distribution of the possible volumes., 'processing the input including2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distribution includes a frequency of the occurrences of the possible volumes in each of a plurality of volume intervals.3. The method claim 2 , wherein determining a volume or a volume range for the bodily output based on the distribution of the possible volumes includes selecting the volume interval with a highest frequency of the occurrences of the possible volumes.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001080A1
Автор: NAITOH Yasuyuki

The present invention provides a nocturnal enuresis treatment device including a sensor for detecting urination; one or more stimulation pads constituted to impart a stimulus to a wearer; and a mechanical portion including the following: (i) a stimulus generation unit for generating a signal for causing the stimulation pads to impart the stimulus to the wearer, and (ii) a control unit for generating a signal for causing the stimulus generation unit to generate the stimulus in response to urination detection by the sensor. 1. A urinary incontinence treatment device including:a sensor for detecting urination;one or more stimulation pads configured to impart a stimulus to a wearer; anda mechanical member including the following:(i) a stimulus generation unit for generating a signal for causing the stimulation pads to impart the stimulus to the wearer, and(ii) a control unit for causing the stimulus generation unit to generate the signal in response to urination detection by the sensor,the stimulation pads being configured to be adhered to the skin over the sacrum at the back.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor claim 1 , the stimulation pads claim 1 , and the mechanical member are attachable to a diaper.3. The device according to claim 2 , further including a diaper claim 2 , wherein the sensor claim 2 , the stimulation pads claim 2 , and the mechanical member are attached to the diaper.4. A urinary incontinence treatment device claim 2 , which is attachable to a diaper with a sensor for detecting urination claim 2 , the device including:one or more stimulation pads configured to impart a stimulus to a wearer, anda mechanical member including the following:(i) a stimulus generation unit for generating a signal for causing the stimulation pads to impart the stimulus to the wearer,(ii) a sensor element connecting part for connecting the sensor to the mechanical member, and(iii) a control unit connected to the sensor element connecting part and for ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005726A1

The present disclosure generally relates to disposable diapers having absorbent cores comprising superabsorbent polymer particles which are immobilized by adhesive. The absorbent cores are attached to the backsheets of the disposable diapers in certain attachment zones to reduce see-through and the formation of tension lines on the backsheets. 1. A disposable diaper comprising a backsheet , a topsheet and therein between an absorbent core , the absorbent core having a longitudinal direction with a longitudinal axis and perpendicular thereto a lateral direction with a transverse axis , the absorbent core comprising a front region , a back region and a crotch region therein between and a front lateral edge , an opposing back lateral edge , and longitudinally extending side edges , wherein the absorbent core comprises superabsorbent polymer particles , the superabsorbent polymer particles being immobilized by a first core adhesive , wherein the absorbent core comprises less than 5% of airfelt , and whereina) the absorbent core is attached to the backsheet of the disposable diaper in attachment zones adjacent to the front lateral edge and the back lateral edge of the absorbent core; andb) the absorbent core is attached to the backsheet of the disposable diaper in the crotch region of the absorbent core in attachment zones adjacent to the longitudinal side edges of the absorbent core.2. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the backsheet comprises a film and one or more nonwoven webs claim 1 , wherein the basis weight of the backsheet including the film and the one or more nonwoven webs is less than 70 g/m claim 1 , and wherein the film has a basis weight of less than 25 g/m.3. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the backsheet is non-elastic.4. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the backsheet is highly non-elastic.5. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent core is attached to the topsheet at least in the front region and in the crotch ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Patient movement and incontinence notification devices

Номер: US20200005622A1
Принадлежит: Parasol Medical LLC

A notification device is provided that includes a sensor pad, and an electronics module generates one or more notifications in response to signals received from the sensor pad. In a first embodiment, the sensor pad includes a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by a patient and generating a pressure signal, and conductive tracings for sensing moisture due to incontinence and generating a moisture detection signal when moisture is detected. In another embodiment, an absorbent sensor pad includes a sensor pad for sensing moisture and includes an absorbent chuck having a moisture-impermeable sheet with an absorbent material on an upper surface thereof, wherein the moisture-impermeable sheet has an aperture for receiving the sensor pad. The absorbent sensor pad may be provided in the form of a diaper.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

A Sensor, System and Method For Detecting Or Sensing Moisture Or Wetness Of An Article

Номер: US20220015955A1

The present invention relates to a sensor, system and method for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness of an article. Instead of conventional methods for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness of an article such as visual checking which requires constant inspection of the article, and for many articles is not possible, or the use of chemically activated indicators which are generally single use, the present invention uses electrical charge to detect or sense the moisture or wetness of an article. In that way, the present invention aims to provide a reusable way for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness in different articles. The present invention may be used in applications where moisture or wetness changes often. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. A system for detecting or sensing moisture or wetness of an article to which the system is attached , the system comprising:a controller or processor,a sensor, the sensor being configured to store an electrical charge, and wherein the electrical charge storing capacity of the sensor is based on the moisture or wetness of the article, 'charge the sensor for a first period of time, and after the first period of time actively at least partially discharge the sensor for a second period of time, and subsequently measure an output of the sensor, optionally at a predetermined time,', 'wherein the controller is configured towherein the controller is configured to determine an output of the sensor indicative of the moisture or wetness of the article based on the measured output of the sensor.22. (canceled)23. The system of claim 21 , wherein the sensor comprise a first and a second plate separated by a dielectric layer claim 21 , and wherein the controller is configured to after the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007179A1
Автор: Abir Eyall

A sensor for indirect estimation of breast milk intake by an infant, the sensor comprising: a housing configured to be externally attached to an incontinence product worn by a subject, said housing comprising: a light-emitting diode (LED) configured to illuminate the incontinence product; a photodetector configured to output an indication of the amount of light reflected from the incontinence product; and an integrated circuit configured to: (a) receive the indication from said photodetector, (b) compute, based on the indication, an amount of urine secreted by the subject into the incontinence product, and (c) estimate the amount of breast milk intake by the infant based on the amount of urine secreted by the subject into the incontinence product. 1. A device , comprising: [ (i) a first light-emitting diode (LED) configured to illuminate a portion of the incontinence product;', '(ii) a first photodetector configured to output an indication of an amount of light reflected from the portion of the incontinence product illuminated by the first LED; and', '(iii) a first integrated circuit, configured to receive an indication from the first photodetector, and compute, based on the indication from the first photodetector, an amount of urine in the incontinence product; or, '(a) a first sensor comprising, (i) a second light-emitting diode (LED) configured to illuminate a portion of the incontinence product;', '(ii) a second photodetector configured to output an indication of the amount of light reflected from the portion of the incontinence product illuminated by the second LED; and', '(iii) a second integrated circuit, configured to receive an indication from the second photodetector, and compute, based on the indication from the second photodetector, a hydration level of the subject; or, '(b) a second sensor comprising, '(c) both sensors (a) and (b)., 'wherein the housing comprises either, 'a housing configured to be externally attached to an incontinence product worn by ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008182A1

Incontinence management systems, methods, and sensors are provided that alert the caregiver when a patient's brief has been soiled. A resonant circuit includes a polyaniline/carbon black (PANI/CB) composite chemiresistor which undergoes a large impedance change upon exposure to the vapor or ‘smell’ of urine or feces. Due to the impedance change of the PANI/CB resistor, characteristics of the resonant circuit change when the sensor is exposed to urine or feces vapor. The sensor responds to an interrogating signal with a signal based least in part on the sensor's impedance and indicates the condition of the brief as soiled or clean. 1. A bodily waste sensor comprising:a circuit comprising a polyaniline/carbon black (PANI/CB) chemiresistor and energized by an interrogating radio frequency (RF) signal to produce a response signal based at least in part on an impedance of the PANI/CB chemiresistor, the impedance of the PANI/CB chemiresistor becoming greater upon exposure to bodily waste than in the absence of bodily waste.2. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the bodily waste comprises urine and/or feces.3. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the impedance of the PANI/CB chemiresistor increases by a factor of approximately 10when in contact with the bodily waste.4. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the circuit is powered by the interrogating RF signal.5. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the circuit is energized by the interrogating RF signal at a distance of up to 5 meters.6. The bodily waste sensor of being disposable.7. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the circuit comprises a flexible circuit.8. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the circuit comprises a resonant circuit.9. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the resonant circuit further comprises an LC-circuit.10. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the response signal is indicative of a quality (Q) factor of the LC-circuit.11. The bodily waste sensor of wherein the Q-factor of the LC-circuit in the presence of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Diapers with urine detection functionality and methods for detecting trace elements

Номер: US20180008478A1
Автор: Jie Xu
Принадлежит: Baby Care Development Technologies Corp

A diaper with urine detection functionalities is provided. The diaper includes a urine isolation layer, an absorbent core layer, and an outer layer. A urine detection device is disposed between the urine isolation layer and the absorbent core layer. The isolation layer has an open end that is embedded in a sleeve of the absorbent core layer. The urine detection device comprises a detection circuit and a test paper composite. The test paper composite includes: a trace element test paper, an antibiotic test paper, and a urine routine test paper. Each test paper is made up of a plurality of test strips for detecting different elements. Each test strip produces results according to a different color indicator scheme.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008479A1
Автор: Joseph Laveeta

An absorbent article comprising an absorbent core having at least two longitudinally extending channel-forming areas and a wetness indicator. The core wrap comprises a top side and a bottom side, which are attached to each other through areas substantially free of absorbent material, so that when the absorbent material swells upon absorption of a liquid the core wrap forms channels along these areas substantially free of absorbent material. The wetness indicator is placed between the channel-forming areas or between at least one channel-forming area and at least one longitudinally extending side edge of the article, as seen for the exterior of the article. 1. An absorbent article having a front edge , a back edge and two longitudinally extending side edges ,the absorbent article comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core between the topsheet and backsheet, andthe absorbent core comprising a core wrap enclosing an absorbent material comprising superabsorbent polymer particles;wherein the core wrap comprises a top side and a bottom side;wherein the absorbent core comprises at least two longitudinally extending channel-forming areas substantially free of absorbent material through which the top side of the core wrap is attached to the bottom side of the core wrap, such that when the absorbent material swells upon absorption of a liquid, the core wrap forms channels along these areas substantially free of absorbent material; andwherein the absorbent article further comprises a wetness indicator placed between the two channel-forming areas and/or between any of the channel-forming areas and any of the longitudinally extending side edges of the article,wherein the wetness indicator comprises a composition that changes appearance when contacted with urine, the composition comprising a stabilizer, a colorant, and a matrix.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the wetness indicator comprises an appearing signal.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008482A1

The present disclosure is directed, in part, to an absorbent article comprising a liquid management system (LMS) and an absorbent core disposed at least partially intermediate a topsheet and a backsheet. The LMS defines one or more channels therein. The one or more channels of the LMS may at least partially overlap or not overlap with channels defined in the absorbent core. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a central longitudinal axis;a longitudinal length extending in a direction parallel to the central longitudinal axis;a front waist region;a rear waist region;a crotch region positioned intermediate the front waist region and the rear waist region, wherein the front waist region, the rear waist region, and the crotch region each define ⅓ of the longitudinal length of the absorbent article;a liquid permeable material;a liquid impermeable material;an absorbent core disposed at least partially intermediate the liquid permeable material and the liquid impermeable material and comprising an absorbent material, wherein the absorbent material is positioned within a core wrap, wherein the absorbent core defines a first channel substantially free of the absorbent material, and wherein the first channel extends substantially through the thickness of the absorbent material; anda liquid management system positioned at least partially intermediate the liquid permeable material and the core wrap, wherein the liquid management system defines a second channel, wherein the second channel extends substantially through the thickness of the liquid management system, wherein the second channel extends into the crotch region and the front waist region, and wherein the second channel is free from overlap with the central longitudinal axis.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the liquid management system comprises a first layer and a second layer claim 1 , wherein the first layer is positioned adjacent to the liquid permeable material claim 1 , and wherein the second layer is ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008698A1
Принадлежит: etectRx, Inc.

An aspect of the invention is a liquid sensor having a galvanically energizable power source capable of activating a remotely detectable signal in response to liquid. In a preferred embodiment, a liquid sensor includes a plurality of electrodes, a circuit, and a transmitter thereon. The electrodes are coupled to generate electrical power when in contact with liquid. The circuit is electrically connected to the electrodes so as to be activated by the electrical power, detect an electrical parameter of the electrical power, and generate a plurality of data packets indicating a degree of wetness corresponding to the detected electrical parameter. The transmitter is electrically coupled to the circuit to receive the plurality of data packets and transmit representations of the plurality of data packets as electromagnetic signals. Other aspects include a liquid absorbent wetness sensor and a computer-based wetness monitoring system, and method of detecting liquid. 1. A liquid sensor comprising:a substrate having a plurality of electrodes, a circuit, and a transmitter thereon;the plurality of electrodes being coupled to generate electrical power when in contact with liquid;the circuit being electrically connected to the electrodes so as to be activated by the electrical power, detect an electrical parameter of the electrical power, and generate a plurality of data packets indicating a degree of wetness corresponding to the detected electrical parameter;the transmitter being electrically coupled to the circuit to receive the plurality of data packets and transmit representations of the plurality of data packets as electromagnetic signals.229-. (canceled) This claims priority to U.S. provisional Application No. 61/509,774, filed Jul. 20, 2011 and titled “A Self-Powered Disposable Wetness Sensor and Response System and Related Methods” and U.S. provisional Application No. 61/512,071, filed Jul. 27, 2011 and titled “A Self-Powered Disposable Wetness Sensor and Response System ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011080A1
Автор: Xu Jie

A diaper, having urine detection functionalities, comprises a urine isolation layer, an absorbent core layer and an outer layer. A urine detection device is disposed in between the urine isolation layer and the absorbent core layer. The urine isolation layer has an open end embedded in a sleeve of the absorbent core layer. The urine detection device comprises a detection circuit and a test paper composite. The test paper composite includes: a trace element test paper, an antibiotic test paper and a urine routine test paper. Each test paper is made up of test strips for detecting different elements. Each test strip produces results according to a different color indicator scheme. The antibiotic test paper includes a specimen absorption pad, a specimen binding pad, a reaction membrane, and an absorbent pad. An antibiotic detection method is provided. 1. A diaper comprising:a urine isolation layer;a urine absorbent core layer disposed on the urine isolation layer;an outer layer disposed on the urine absorbent core layer; anda urine detection device disposed in between the urine isolation layer and the urine absorbent core layer,wherein the urine isolation layer comprises an opening at one end of the urine isolation layer, the opening embedded in a sleeve of the absorption core layer.2. The diaper of claim 1 , wherein the urine detection device comprises a detection circuit and a test paper composite.3. The diaper of claim 2 , wherein the detection circuit comprises:a controller;a temperature sensor communicatively coupled to the controller and configured to obtain a temperature of a user;a humidity sensor communicatively coupled to the controller and configured to detect a humidity of the absorbent core layer;a wireless transmission module communicatively coupled to the controller and configured to communicate signals wirelessly with a remote mobile terminal; anda power supply module configured to provide power to the controller, the temperature sensor, the humidity ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Recyclable Absorbent Article Package Material

Номер: US20220031533A1

A package of one or more absorbent articles is described. The package includes a package material having natural fibers and a plurality of panels, including a consumer-facing panel. The package is sealed such that the one or more absorbent articles are enclosed therein. The package material exhibits a water vapor transmission rate under stress conditions “SCWVTR” in accordance with ASTM F1249, as modified herein, which is about 300 g/(m*day) or less. The package material is recyclable, and wherein each of the one or more absorbent articles includes super absorbent polymer (SAP) in an amount of greater than about 5 grams per article. 1. A package of one or more absorbent articles , the package comprising a package material , wherein the package material comprises natural fibers , wherein the package comprises a plurality of panels , including a consumer-facing panel , wherein the package is sealed such that the one or more absorbent articles are enclosed therein , wherein the package material exhibits a water vapor transmission rate under stress conditions “SCWVTR” in accordance with ASTM F1249 , as modified herein , which is about 300 g/(m*day) or less , wherein the package material is recyclable , and wherein each of the one or more absorbent articles comprise super absorbent polymer (SAP) in an amount of greater than about 5 grams per article.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the package material further comprises a film layer disposed on an inner surface of the package material.3. The package of claim 2 , wherein the film layer comprises an insoluble polymer.4. The package of claim 3 , wherein the film layer comprises a polyolefin.5. The package of claim 1 , wherein the package is substantially free of adhesive.6. The package of claim 1 , wherein the package material exhibits an SCWVTR of from between 20 g/(m*day) to about 300 g/(m*day).7. The package of claim 1 , wherein the package material exhibits an SCWVTR of from about 70 g/(m*day) to about 150 g/(m*day). ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014278A1
Автор: KLOFTA Thomas

An absorbent article of the present invention may comprise a backsheet, a wetness indicator composition, and an absorbent core. The wetness indicator composition may comprise a stabilizer, a colorant, and a matrix. The absorbent core may comprise a nonwoven layer and an absorbent polymer material, and optionally, a thermoplastic adhesive material. The wetness indicator composition may be in direct contact with an inner surface of the backsheet and an outer surface of the nonwoven layer. And, the absorbent polymer material, and optionally, the thermoplastic adhesive material, may be in direct contact with an inner surface of the nonwoven. Further, the absorbent core may be substantially cellulose free. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a backsheet;a wetness indicator composition comprising a stabilizer, a colorant, and a matrix;an absorbent core comprising a nonwoven layer and absorbent polymer material;wherein the wetness indicator composition is in direct contact with an inner surface of the backsheet and an outer surface of the nonwoven layer;wherein at least a portion of the absorbent polymer material is in direct contact with an inner surface of the nonwoven; andwherein the absorbent core comprises less than 10% by weight cellulosic fibers.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the wetness indicator composition comprises materials selected from the group consisting of quaternary ammonium salt compounds claim 1 , ethoxylated quaternary ammonium salt compounds claim 1 , propoxylated quaternary ammonium salts claim 1 , alkyl diammonium pentamethyl chlorides claim 1 , quarternized silicone compounds claim 1 , cationic guars claim 1 , cationic exchange resins claim 1 , cationic clay materials claim 1 , amines claim 1 , ethoxylated amines claim 1 , propoxylated amines claim 1 , polyamines claim 1 , amine oxides claim 1 , amides claim 1 , polyethyleneimines claim 1 , anionic exchange resins claim 1 , polyacrylic acid polymers claim 1 , organic acids claim 1 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014981A1

A patient fluid absorption and estimation device includes an absorbent layer comprising an absorbent material and adapted to absorb fluids. The device's sensing layer includes piezoresistive element(s). The sensing layer abuts the absorbent layer such that changes in at the mass or shape of the absorbent layer cause a change in the strain in the piezoresistive element(s). The device includes memory and processing in communication with the memory. The processing includes a piezoresistive element interface. The processing senses a voltage, representing an estimation of the amount of fluid absorbed, across each element via the interface. The processing then converts each voltage to a digital value, and stores the value in the memory. The device includes wireless communications that receives commands from an external computer system to transmit the values, and transmits the values to the external. A power subsystem powers each subsystem. 1. A patient fluid absorption and estimation device , comprising:an absorbent layer comprising an absorbent material and adapted to absorb fluids; comprising at least one piezoresistive element, and', 'abutting the absorbent layer such that changes in at least one of the mass of the absorbent layer and the shape of the absorbent layer cause a change in the strain in the at least one piezoresistive element;, 'a sensing layera memory; the processing subsystem comprising a piezoresistive element interface; and', sense a voltage across each piezoresistive element via the piezoresistive element interface, the sensed voltage representing an estimation of the amount of fluid absorbed in the absorbent layer;', 'convert each sensed voltage to a digital value; and', 'store each digital value in the memory;, 'the processing subsystem operative to], 'a processing subsystem, in communication with the memorya wireless communications subsystem, in communication with the processing subsystem and the memory, and operative to wirelessly transmit the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015579A1

The absorbent article provides a signal viewable from the top surface of the absorbent article. This signal includes a colored portion having a first shade and a second shade.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017951A1
Принадлежит: Welspun India Limited

Systems and methods are provided for detecting liquid in a textile article using one or more flexible sensors integrated in the textile article. The sensor data is forwarded to a computing device via a communication link by an interface element associated with the textile article. The computing device detects a location of liquid in the textile article proximate to the one or more flexible sensors based on a determination that a criterion is met. 1. A system configured to detect liquid , the system comprising: a textile material;', 'at least one flexible sensor that obtains sensor data that is indicative of liquid in the textile material that is in contact with the at least one flexible sensor, wherein the at least one flexible sensor includes a conductive element is integrated into the textile material; and', 'an interface element that is electrically connected to the at least one flexible sensor, wherein the interface element is configured to forward the sensor data provided by the at least one flexible sensor to a computing device., 'a textile article having2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the conductive element is a conductive yarn.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the conductive yarn includes conductive fibers.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the conductive fibers are stainless steel fibers.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the conductive yarn forms a portion of the structure of the textile material.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the conductive yarn is embroidered into the textile material.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the textile material includes an absorbent layer and a barrier layer adjacent to the absorbent layer.8. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a power and data connector claim 1 , wherein the interface element includes a connector having a plurality of contacts claim 1 , wherein a first contact of the plurality of contacts is configured for power transmission and a second contact of the plurality of contacts is configured for ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Diaper sensor, manufacturing method thereof and diaper

Номер: US20180021183A1
Автор: Yujie Teng

The invention relates to a diaper sensor and a manufacture method therefor. The sensor comprises a detection electrode and a hydrophilic first substrate. The detection electrode comprises a first metal strip belt which is arranged on a first surface of the first substrate and in the shape of a straight line, and a second metal strip belt and a third metal strip belt which are located on the two sides of the first metal strip belt and are parallel to the first metal strip belt. The first, second, and third metal strip belts are correspondingly provided with first, second and third conductive connecting parts. The middle portion of the second metal strip belt or the third metal strip belt is provided with a first through hole dividing the metal strip belt into two sections.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021184A1

An incontinence detection system monitors an area for moisture events and wirelessly transmits moisture-related information to one or more notification devices. The system has a pad that includes a substrate and one or more sensors supported by the substrate. The sensor(s) emit wireless signals indicative of the moisture-related information. A sensor event communication system forwards the sensor signals to another device, such as a notification device. Portions of the system are included in a patient support apparatus, such as a bed. 110.-. (canceled)11. An incontinence monitoring system comprising: a condition-responsive sensor to produce sensor data relating to whether moisture is present on the pad; and', 'an RFID tag comprising an antenna, the RFID tag being programmable, the RFID tag receiving the sensor data and comparing the sensor data to at least one preselected threshold level;, 'a moisture sensor pad, said moisture sensor pad comprising;'}a controller configured to program the RFID tag based on a controller input; said controller and said RFID tag comprising components to provide power to communicate across a preselected distance; anda transceiver, said transceiver being coupled to said controller and wherein said controller is programmed to power said transceiver to transmit intermittently, whereby power density from said transceiver is maintained below a preselected limit.12. The system of claim 11 , wherein said transceiver is powered at a level sufficient to communicate with said RFID tag over the preselected distance.13. The system of claim 12 , wherein said controller is responsive to presence of a comparison signal from said RFID tag to generate an alarm signal.14. The system of claim 13 , wherein said controller communicates the alarm signal to a remote location.15. The system of claim 14 , wherein the controller broadcasts the alarm signal via Wi-Fi.16. The system of claim 14 , wherein said remote location comprises a nurse station.17. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021459A1

A product for monitoring the condition of the wound comprising a biologically inert matrix which absorbs wound exudate and one or more reagents on or in the matrix for measuring one or more markers comprised within the wound exudate. A change in the one or more reagents caused by the one or more markers comprised within the wound exudate provides a visual indication of an alteration in the condition of the wound. Companion wound dressings, kits and methods are also provided. 2. The product according to wherein the one or more reagents comprise a complete test unit integrated on or in the matrix.3. The product according to wherein the one or more reagents form a discrete reaction zone on or within the matrix.4. The product according to wherein the alteration is a deterioration.5. The product according to wherein the matrix is able to absorb and retain a volume of wound exudate sufficient for further analysis of the wound exudate.6. The product according to wherein the matrix has the capacity to absorb a volume of at least 0.2 ml wound exudate.7. The product according to wherein the matrix is dimensioned to facilitate positioning between a wound dressing and the wound.8. The product according to wherein the matrix comprises:(i) a first matrix portion comprising one or more reagents on or in the matrix portion for measuring one or more markers comprised within the wound exudate; and(ii) a second matrix portion which is able to absorb and retain a volume of wound exudate sufficient for further analysis of the wound exudate.9. The product according to wherein:(a) the two matrix portions are laminated together; or(b) the two matrix portions are separate, independent components.10. The product according to wherein the surface of the first matrix portion that is not in contact with the second matrix portion is coated or surrounded by a transparent protective layer.11. The product according to wherein the matrix does not measurably alter the condition of the exudate or its ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025349A1

A pad is disclosed having a grid of absorbent structures (e.g., squares) formed on the pad. The pad may be used to quantify or otherwise assess blood loss by a patient. For example, blood lost by the patient and absorbed by the pad may be quantified by counting the number of saturated squares on the pad and taking into account the known absorbance of each square. 1. A pad , comprising:a backing layer; anda grid of uniformly sized blood-absorbent structures attached to the backing layer.2. The pad of claim 1 , wherein each blood-absorbent structure is a three-inch square.3. The pad of claim 1 , wherein the grid is a five-by-five grid.4. The pad of claim 1 , wherein each blood-absorbent structure comprises:two or more layers of fabric; andan absorbent polymer.5. The pad of claim 4 , wherein the absorbent polymer comprises sodium polyacrylate.6. The pad of claim 1 , wherein the backing layer comprises:a plastic layer; anda matted cotton layer.7. The pad of claim 1 , where each blood-absorbent structure absorbs approximately 50 mL of blood.8. The pad of claim 1 , wherein the pad is capable of measuring blood loss volume with a 100 mL resolution.9. A method for forming a blood-loss measurement pad claim 1 , comprising:forming fabric pieces of a given shape and size;attaching two or more fabric pieces together to form a plurality of open fabric-layer structures;placing a fixed amount of absorbent polymer into each open fabric layer structure;closing an open side of each open fabric-layer structure to form a plurality of closed fabric-layer structures; andattaching the plurality of closed fabric-layer structures to a backing layer in a grid-pattern.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein forming fabric pieces of a given shape and size comprises cutting fabric pieces into 3-inch squares.11. The method of claim 9 , wherein attaching two or more fabric pieces together comprises sewing or gluing the two or more fabric pieces together.12. The method of claim 9 , wherein the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022927A1
Принадлежит: BioLink Systems, LLC

An ink mixture is manufactured by mixing carbon, graphite, and solvents in a mixing system which may include a Cowles disperser. The conductive portions (e.g. carbon, graphite) are evenly and universally dispersed, because an even dispersal means the conductivity of the resulting conductive strip (electrode) will be even, consistent, and reliable. The various embodiments of the ink mixture comprise a blend of different conductive pigments, including but not limited to carbon black and graphite. These embodiments must be grinded until below 6.5 Microns in particle size. 1. A method of manufacturing conductive inks , comprising:combining a combination of carbon, graphite, and solvent at a predetermined ratio;mixing the combination using a pre-mixer;forcing the mixed combination through a media grinding mill;performing the mixing and the dispersing for predetermined drying periods; andaggregating and packaging the completed mixture in a container suitable for shipping to a printer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:performing the manufacturing steps at a first location, and performing one or more printing steps at a second location.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:recirculating the combined mixture repeatedly through the media grinding mill and the pre-mixer.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:the printer being flexographic.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:manufacturing the conductive inks to be alcohol-based.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:forming the solvent to be an alcohol-based solution.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:manufacturing the conductive inks to be water-based.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting carbon and graphite pigments for inclusion in the conductive inks based on their conductivity;mixing the carbon pigments, graphite pigments, and solvents in a mixing system using a pre-mixer; therebyensuring that the carbon and graphite conductive pigments are evenly and ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022928A1
Автор: Radovcic Sergio

A diaper state change notification device has a power source, a micro controller capable of generating a notification, a wireless communications chip, and one or more sensors incorporated in the device or coupled thereto, characterized in that the notification device is attached to or otherwise embedded within a diaper and generates and sends a notification to a monitoring entity upon sensor detection of a diaper state change from a fresh diaper state to a soiled diaper state. 1. A diaper state change notification device comprising:a power source;a micro controller capable of generating a notification;a wireless communications chip;one or more sensors incorporated in the device or coupled thereto;characterized in that the notification device is attached to or otherwise embedded within a diaper and generates and sends a notification to a monitoring entity upon sensor detection of a diaper state change from a fresh diaper state to a soiled diaper state.2. The diaper state change notification device of claim 1 , wherein the power source is a micro battery.3. The diaper state change notification device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors are embedded in the diaper core material and are coupled to the device via one or more conductive traces claim 1 , the device affixed to the outside of the diaper.4. The diaper state change notification device of claim 3 , wherein the device is reusable and may be detached from a used diaper and reattached to a new diaper.5. The diaper state change notification device of claim 3 , wherein the one or more sensors are mounted on the device claim 3 , the device embedded within the diaper core material claim 3 , and wherein the device is not reusable beyond sending one notification of a diaper state change.6. The diaper state change notification device of claim 5 , wherein the power source is a power generating circuit that harnesses ambient radio waves and redirects the energy to generating and sending a notification upon sensor ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022929A1
Автор: Joseph Laveeta

An absorbent article comprising an absorbent core having a longitudinally extending channel-forming area and a wetness indicator. The core wrap comprises a top side and a bottom side, which are attached to each other through areas substantially free of absorbent material, so that when the absorbent material swells upon absorption of a liquid a channel is formed along the area substantially free of absorbent material. 1. An absorbent article having a front edge , a back edge and two longitudinally extending side edges ,the absorbent article comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core between the topsheet and backsheet, andthe absorbent core comprising a core wrap enclosing an absorbent material;wherein the core wrap comprises a top side and a bottom side;wherein the absorbent core comprises a first channel-forming area and a second channel-forming area, wherein each channel-forming area is substantially free of absorbent material and in each channel-forming area, the top side of the core wrap is attached to the bottom side of the core wrap, such that when the absorbent material swells upon absorption of a liquid, the core wrap forms channels along these areas substantially free of absorbent material; andwherein the absorbent article further comprises a wetness indicator, and the wetness indicator is spaced apart from both the first and the second channel-forming areas such that the wetness indicator does not overlap the first or second channel-forming areas.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the wetness indicator comprises a composition that changes appearance when contacted with urine.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the wetness indicator comprises an appearing signal.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the wetness indicator comprises a disappearing signal.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the wetness indicator comprise a color change signal.6. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the composition ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022930A1
Автор: Radovcic Sergio

A disposable diaper having a first sheet of viscose fiber material disposed against a child's skin, an acquisition and diffusion layer (ADL) interposed over top of the first sheet of viscose fiber, a coating layer of tissue fiber interposed over top of the ADL layer, an absorbency core layer interposed over top of the coating layer, a permeable layer of polymer film interposed over top of the absorbency core layer, and a second sheet of viscose fiber material overlaid over top of the permeable polymer film layer, the second sheet functioning as the exterior sheet of the disposable diaper. 1. A disposable diaper comprising:a first sheet of viscose fiber material disposed against a child's skin;an acquisition and diffusion layer (ADL) interposed over top of the first sheet of viscose fiber;a coating layer of tissue fiber interposed over top of the ADL layer;an absorbency core layer interposed over top of the coating layer;a permeable layer of polymer film interposed over top of the absorbency core layer; anda second sheet of viscose fiber material overlaid over top of the permeable polymer film layer, the second sheet functioning as the exterior sheet of the disposable diaper.2. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the absorbency core layer contains a PH strip that changes color to indicate level of acidity within the core layer claim 1 , the color indicated visible to a user and matchable to a chart listing PH levels associated with the colors.3. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the first and second sheets of viscose fiber are compostable bamboo fiber.4. The disposable diaper of claim 2 , wherein the absorbency core layer further includes a super absorbent polymer (SAP) derived from biodegradable plant cellulose and a chlorine free compostable wood pulp material.5. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , wherein the SAP is created by inverse suspension polymerization to avoid chemicals used in emulsification processes.6. The disposable diaper of claim 1 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Health diagnostic systems and methods

Номер: US20160029957A1
Принадлежит: Pixie Scientific LLC

A health monitoring system, and methods of use and manufacture thereof are disclosed. The health monitoring system may include a computing system and a diagnostic test coupled to a diaper. The diagnostic test may include one or more sensors configured to produce a visual indication of one or more analytes contained in a sample produced by a subject. The diagnostic test may include a machine-readable code. The computing system may be configured to read the machine-readable code to allow an application running on the computing system to automatically perform at least one task related to a production of a data point based on the visual indication. The health monitoring system may aid in identifying a potential abnormal health condition of the subject by providing automatic longitudinal analysis of analytes contained in samples produced by the subject over a period of time.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027777A1

A disposable absorbent article to be worn about the lower torso of a wearer that facilitates an easy, intuitive change is provided. The disposable absorbent article includes at least one serviceable indicium that facilitates an easy change by providing alignment of the article relative to an anatomical feature of the wearer or by externally highlighting one or more components of the article thereby indicating alignment and fit about the wearer's lower torso. 1. A disposable absorbent article having a body-facing surface and a garment facing surface; the disposable absorbent article further comprising:a. a first waist region having a first end edge, a second waist region having a second end edge, and a crotch region between the first and second waist regions;b. a longitudinal axis and a transverse axis that intersect in said crotch region of the absorbent articlec. a pair of opposing longitudinal side edges joining the first end edge and the second end edge;d. a liquid pervious topsheet; a liquid impervious backsheet; and an absorbent core disposed between said liquid pervious topsheet and said liquid impervious backsheet;e. a pair of cuffs, each of which comprising one or more elastic strands; andf. at least two different internally visible serviceable indicia;g. wherein the at least two different internally visible serviceable indicia comprises a pattern and/or texture to distinguish one region of the body facing surface from another region of the body facing surface.2. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the at least two internally visible serviceable indicia are disposed beneath the topsheet.3. The disposable absorbent article of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the at least two internally visible serviceable indicia comprises a colored region.4. The disposable absorbent article of further comprising externally visible serviceable indicia disposed on portions of the backsheet proximate to longitudinal side edges claim 1 , wherein the externally ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030260A1

An absorbent article for wearing about the lower torso of a wearer includes a topsheet, a backsheet joined to at least a portion of the topsheet, and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet. The absorbent core includes a first layer and a second layer, wherein the first layer is disposed in fluid communication with the second layer. The first layer has a first shape and the second layer has a second shape. The first shape is different from the second shape. Each of the first layer and second layer comprise less than about 20 percent airfelt. 1. A system of absorbent articles , the system comprising:a. a first absorbent article comprising a first pad length, a first pad width, and a first core width;b. a second absorbent article comprising a second pad length, a second pad width, and a second core width;c. a third absorbent article comprising a third pad length, a third pad width, and a third core width; andd. a product selection guide identifying the first absorbent article, the second absorbent article, and the third absorbent article;e. wherein each of the first absorbent article, the second absorbent article, and the third absorbent article comprises a caliper of 3-6 mm; and i. about 8 to about 29 in pad length;', 'ii. about 7 to about 25 in pad width; and', 'iii. about 8 to about 30 in core width., 'f. wherein the percent difference in pad attributes between the first absorbent article, the second absorbent article, and the third absorbent article is at least one of2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the percent difference in pad attributes between the first absorbent article claim 1 , the second absorbent article claim 1 , and the third absorbent article is at least two of:i. about 8 to about 29 in pad length;ii. about 7 to about 25 in pad width; andiii. about 8 to about 30 in core width.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the percent difference in pad attributes between the first absorbent article claim 1 , the second absorbent article ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having Activated Color Regions in Overlapping Layers

Номер: US20140114271A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present invention relates to an absorbent article comprising activated color regions. The absorbent article has a first layer and a second layer in overlapping relationship with one another. The first layer has a first activatable colorant and the second layer has a second activatable colorant. The first and second activatable colorants change color in response to an external stimulus applied to the overlapping layers producing activated color regions in the first and second layers that are visible from outside the layers.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047430A1
Автор: LUCK Claire
Принадлежит: Essity Hygiene and Health Aktiebolag

An absorbent article including an absorbent core arranged between a topsheet and a backsheet, the absorbent article having a longitudinal axis and a transversal axis extending in a perpendicular direction in relation to the longitudinal axis, the absorbent article having a front portion, a back portion and a crotch portion there between, and at least one wetness indicator, wherein at least one first wetness indicator is arranged in the front portion and/or the back portion. Furthermore, the absorbent article includes at least one permanent visual element arranged in the crotch portion, and the permanent visual element mimics the visual appearance of the wetness indicator. 1. An absorbent article comprising an absorbent core arranged between a topsheet and a backsheet , said absorbent article having a longitudinal axis and a transversal axis extending in a perpendicular direction in relation to said longitudinal axis , said absorbent article having a front portion , a back portion and a crotch portion there between , and at least one wetness indicator , wherein said at least one wetness indicator is arranged in said front portion and/or said back portion , and wherein at least one permanent visual element is arranged in said crotch portion ,wherein said permanent visual element mimics the visual appearance of said wetness indicator,wherein said absorbent core comprises at least two channels, optionally said absorbent core comprises two channel sealings extending along the longitudinal axis.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein said wetness indicator is located between the backsheet and the absorbent core.6. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein said wetness indicator is located only in the front portion or back portion.7. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein said permanent visual element is a print.8. (canceled)9. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein said permanent ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Antenna and System for Wireless Sensing of Health Monitoring

Номер: US20220047431A1

An agent activated non-metal antenna for an ultra-high frequency (UHF) wireless sensor having a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag in electronic communication with the non-metal antenna, and a wireless data communication integrated circuit (IC), includes a conductive stimuli-responsive hydrogel material configured to be inactive prior to an interaction with an activating agent and active upon the interaction with the activating agent. The antenna is further configured to transmit power to turn on the wireless data communication IC only when the non-metal antenna is active upon interaction with the activating agent. 1. An agent activated non-metal antenna for an ultra-high frequency (UHF) wireless sensor having a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag in electronic communication with the non-metal antenna , and a wireless data communication integrated circuit (IC) , the non-metal antenna comprising:a conductive stimuli-responsive hydrogel material configured to be inactive prior to an interaction with an activating agent and active upon the interaction with the activating agent,wherein the non-metal antenna is further configured to transmit power to turn on the wireless data communication IC only when the non-metal antenna is active upon interaction with the activating agent.2. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the activating agent comprises moisture.3. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the activating agent comprises an acid and/or base detecting material.4. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the activating agent comprises a chemical detecting material.5. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogel material is configured to expand upon interaction with the activating agent.6. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogel material is arranged in a powdery state on a base material.7. The antenna of claim 6 , wherein the base material comprises a fabric.8. The antenna of claim 6 , wherein the hydrogel material is arranged in a shape of an RFID antenna.9. The ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029901A1
Автор: Sarhan Sameh
Принадлежит: XTRAVA INC

A health monitoring system contained within an intrinsically safe miniature wearable enclosure, for contactless measurement and communication of a variety of bodily functions of infants or other helpless individuals, utilizing novel sensors and data interpretation methods. 1. A health monitoring system that permits non-invasive measurement and wireless reporting of bodily functions of a subject wearing a diaper or other underwear and an outer layer or layers of clothing outside the diaper or said underwear , the system comprising:a plurality of sensors, a processor, and a memory, the memory containing machine readable instructions configured to be executed by the processor to measure the bodily functions using the plurality of sensors;a square, thin enclosure for housing all components of the system, including the sensors, the processor, the memory, a power management circuitry and the wireless circuitry, the enclosure having an associated coupling clip being configured to sandwich any layer of clothing to removably couple the enclosure to the clothing layer without necessitating any modification to the clothing layer;where the associated coupling clip can be used in any orientation with respect to the enclosure, is easy to install, but cannot be removed by a baby;wherein, every measurement of the bodily functions is configured to occur without any direct contact between a skin of the subject and the enclosure.2. A system as defined in claim 1 , where the enclosure includes Silicon.3. A system as defined in claim 2 , where data from multiple sensors therein is processed and used together by a behavioral firmware layer to accurately assess status of the subject.4. A system as defined in claim 3 , where all functions and data storage are contained within the system until a wireless storage means is available.5. A system as defined in claim 4 , where the sensors includean accelerometer to assess motion of the subject;an electrostatic field module that quantifies ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Wetness indicator with permanent colorant

Номер: US20160038628A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A wetness indicating composition is provided, comprising a liquid-activated colorant, a permanent colorant, and a binding matrix.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035622A1
Автор: Wang Lu

Remotely detecting the presence of urine or feces in a diaper of an infant or adult using a disposable sensor placed inside the diaper, in conjunction with a permanent device that is capable of wirelessly transmitting data to a mobile device or base station is disclosed. The permanent device can also be capable of measuring temperature and body movements. This additional information can be used in conjunction with the detection of urine or feces to identify patterns. 1. A system for detecting waste material comprising:one or more sensors configured to change one or more parameters in the presence of the waste material, anda first device communicatively coupled to the one or more sensors and configured for receiving first data from the one or more sensors associated with the change in the one or more parameters and transmitting second data associated with the first data;wherein the second data is indicative of detected waste material.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors comprise at least two layers claim 1 , with a plurality of electrodes formed on one of the at least two layers.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors comprise at least two layers claim 1 , with a plurality of electrodes formed on different ones of the at least two layers and staggered so as to not rest upon each other.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors include a plurality of electrodes formed with apertures to allow liquid or other substances to pass through.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first device includes at least one of a motion sensing mechanism and a temperature sensing mechanism claim 1 , and the second data includes at least one of motion data and temperature data.6. A system of claim 5 , further comprising a second device for receiving the second data from the first device and generating a notification based on the second data.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein at least one of the first and second devices includes at ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having Dryness Indicating Graphic

Номер: US20170035623A1

An absorbent article including features facilitating toilet training of a wearer is provided. The article includes at least a first appearing graphic that changes from an initial, less visible state to a subsequent, more visible state in the absence of wetness, thereby to provide positive encouragement to a child during toilet training. The appearing graphic becomes less visible if subjected to liquid. A wetness sensation member may also be provided to give tactile, negative sensation to the child, thereby giving feedback received by at least two different senses. Additionally or alternatively, a second appearing graphic, different from the first appearing graphic, may be provided to increase a child's interest in the toilet training process. The first and second appearing graphics may become visible at different times, thereby providing a sequential or spaced reveal of the image. 1. An absorbent article for wearing about a lower torso of a wearer and having a longitudinal axis , two laterally opposed article side edges extending between a laterally extending first waist end edge in a first waist region and a laterally extending second waist end edge in a second waist region , and a crotch region interposed therebetween , the disposable absorbent article comprising:a backsheet having an exterior surface;a topsheet joined to the backsheet and having a body-facing surface;an absorbent assembly disposed intermediate the backsheet and the topsheet; andan appearing graphic disposed on one of the backsheet and absorbent assembly and viewable at the exterior surface, the appearing graphic having an initial state in which the appearing graphic is less visible and, after a period of time, a subsequent state in which the appearing graphic is more visible, wherein the appearing graphic becomes less visible upon exposure to liquid.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , further comprising a second appearing graphic.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the appearing ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036180A1

A leakage assessment system for use with an absorbent article having an outer surface, the system including a computer and a signaling device adapted to be used in conjunction with the absorbent article, the signaling device adapted to sense wetness in the absorbent article, wherein the signaling device is in electronic communication with the computer. The system also includes a wetness detection mat in electronic communication with the computer, and an image capture device configured to continuously detect an absorbent article wearer position, wherein the image capture device is in electronic communication with the computer, wherein the computer is configured to electronically record wetness incidents using the signaling device, the wetness detection mat, and the wearer position captured by the image capture device. 1. A leakage assessment system for use with an absorbent article having an outer surface , the system comprising:a computer;a signaling device adapted to be used in conjunction with the absorbent article, the signaling device adapted to sense wetness in the absorbent article, wherein the signaling device is in electronic communication with the computer;a wetness detection mat in electronic communication with the computer; andan image capture device configured to continuously detect an absorbent article wearer position, wherein the image capture device is in electronic communication with the computer, wherein the computer is configured to electronically record wetness incidents using the signaling device, the wetness detection mat, and the wearer position captured by the image capture device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent article includes edges claim 1 , and wherein the absorbent article edges include wetness detection indicia.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the wetness detection indicia include a color-changing ink.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the signaling device is configured to detect wetness using capacitance.5. The system ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054047A1

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor. 1. A patient movement notification system , comprising:a bed sensor pad comprising a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by a patient on a bed, and a transmitter circuit for transmitting first wireless signals;a chair sensor pad comprising a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by the patient when on a chair, and a transmitter circuit for transmitting second wireless signals; anda monitor having a receiver for receiving the first and second wireless signals, the monitor generating a notification of patient movement in response to one of the first and second wireless signals,wherein the first and second wireless signals include information from which the monitor may identify the type of sensor pad from which the first and second wireless signals are sent, andwherein the monitor determines from the first and second wireless signals whether one of the sensor pads sensed pressure and subsequently did not sense pressure and responds by generating notification of patient movement.2. The patient movement notification system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second wireless signals include an active code that identifies whether the sensor pad from which the first and second wireless signals are sent is active.3. The patient movement notification system of claim 2 , wherein only one of the bed sensor pad and the chair sensor pad is active at any time.4. The patient movement notification system of claim 1 , wherein the monitor is configured to respond to wireless signals from only one sensor pad of a particular type.5. The patient movement notification system of claim 4 , wherein the monitor is configured to respond to wireless signals from only one bed sensor pad and only one chair ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054326A1

There is provided a hygiene monitoring device including a sensing panel. The sensing panel has an elongate flexible panel defining a longitudinal axis. The elongate flexible panel includes a first pair of plates spaced apart from each other in a direction crossing the longitudinal axis. The elongate flexible panel also includes a second pair of plates spaced apart from each other in a direction crossing the longitudinal axis. The first pair of plates and the second pair of plates are disposed on a flexible substrate of the elongate flexible panel. Each plate of the first pair of plates and each plate of the second pair of plates is elongate along the longitudinal axis of the elongate flexible panel. The hygiene monitoring device is configured to measure the impedance between two of the plates. 1. A hygiene monitoring device comprising a sensing panel , the sensing panel comprising:an elongate flexible panel defining a longitudinal axis, the elongate flexible panel comprising a first pair of plates spaced apart from each other in a direction crossing the longitudinal axis and a second pair of plates spaced apart from each other in a direction crossing the longitudinal axis, the first pair of plates and the second pair of plates being disposed on a flexible substrate of the elongate flexible panel,wherein each plate of the first pair of plates and each plate of the second pair of plates is elongate along the longitudinal axis of the elongate flexible panel,wherein the first pair of plates is offset along the longitudinal axis with respect to the second pair of plates, andwherein the hygiene monitoring device is configured to measure an impedance between two of the plates.2. The hygiene monitoring device of claim 1 , wherein the plates are disposed on one side of the flexible substrate claim 1 , and wherein the elongate flexible panel further comprises a grounding plate disposed on the other side of the flexible substrate claim 1 , wherein the grounding plate partially ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042489A1
Автор: LaVon Gary Dean

A sensor system for detecting a property of or within an absorbent article. The system may comprise a first sensor and a first transmitter. The sensor may be disposed in or on the absorbent article. The sensor may have a first status and may be capable of changing to a second status. The first transmitter may be capable of sensing a change in status of the sensor from the first status to the second status. The first transmitter may be capable of checking the status of the sensor noncontinuously. The first transmitter may programmed to check the status of the first sensor at least every 5 minutes but not longer than every 2 hours. 1. A sensor system for detecting a property of or within an absorbent article , comprising:an absorbent article comprising a front and back, the absorbent article further comprising a first sensor and a second sensor;a first transmitter;wherein the first and second sensors are disposed in or on the absorbent article;wherein the first sensor has a first status and are capable of changing to a second status;wherein the second sensor has a third status and are capable of changing to a fourth status;wherein the first transmitter is capable of sensing a change in status of the first sensor from the first status to the second status;wherein the first transmitter is capable of sensing a change in status of the second sensor from the third status to a the fourth status;wherein the first transmitter is programmed to send a signal to check the status of the first sensor noncontinuously; andwherein the first transmitter is programmed to send a signal to check the status of the second sensor only once the first sensor has the second status.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor system comprises a second transmitter.3. The sensor system of claim 2 , wherein the first transmitter is capable of sending a signal to a remote device that comprises the second transmitter.4. The sensor system of claim 3 , wherein the first transmitter is ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038478A1

A diaper includes a medical pad including a piece of substrate with a major surface and an electric circuit on the major surface, a sensor connected with the electric circuit for measuring the electrical resistance of the electric circuit, and a wireless data transceiver or a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag electrically connected with the sensor for receiving results of the measuring from the sensor for subsequent transmission. The system carries out real time self-calibration to adaptively monitor the condition of the medical pad even in the face of changing environment and changing material properties. 1. A diaper including a wetness reporting pad , said wetness reporting pad including:a piece of substrate with a major surface and an electric circuit on said major surface,a sensor connected with said electric circuit for measuring the electrical resistance of said electric circuit, anda data transmitter for receiving results of said measuring from said sensor for wireless transmission,wherein said electric circuit includes a first electrically conductive line with a first terminal and a second electrically conductive line with a second terminal, each said electrically conductive line being in the shape of a comb and interlocking with each other, andwherein at least said first electrically conductive line has a first section and a second section which are of different widths.2. The diaper of claim 1 , wherein said first electrically conductive line has a third section with a width different from the width of said first section and the width of said second section.3. The diaper of claim 1 , wherein said first electrically conductive line and said second electrically conductive line comprise conductive ink printed on said substrate.4. The diaper of claim 1 , wherein said first electrically conductive line and said second electrically conductive line comprise electrically conductive threads sewn onto said substrate.5. The diaper of claim 4 , wherein said ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Body Fluid Sensor Pad

Номер: US20200038254A1
Принадлежит: Sentine, Inc.

The present subject matter relates to absorbent articles and signaling devices for use therewith. The signaling device can be configured to detect the presence of an insult in the absorbent article and/or in an undergarment. The signaling device can be further configured to determine whether the insult is a urine insult or a feces insult. The signaling device can provide a notification to a user that an insult has occurred and can inform the user whether the insult is a urine insult or a feces insult. 1. An adsorbent article comprising a signaling device for detecting and identifying a moisture insult , the signaling device comprising:a substrate;a first adsorbent layer;a second adsorbent layer; anda moisture sensor, wherein said sensor comprises a first and second conductive element, wherein said first adsorbent layer comprises said first conductive element having a first length and a first metal attachment means on a first end of said first conductive element; wherein the second adsorbent layer comprises a second conductive element having a second length and a second attachment means on a first end of said second conductive element;wherein the first conductive element and the second conductive element are disposed on the first and second adsorbent layers respectively such that said first and second conductive elements do not contact each other thereby forming an open circuit;wherein the first and second metal attachment means provide a conductive platform configured to allow power to be supplied to the open circuit through the attachment means; wherein the first and second conductive elements form an open circuit under dry conditions and wherein said open circuit is completed in the presence of a moisture insult causing an alarm signal indicating the presence of said insult.2. The adsorbent article of wherein said article has an adhesive backing.3. The adsorbent article of wherein the alarm signal is transmitted to a caregiver or nursing station.4. The adsorbent ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045934A1
Автор: Schiffer Brian
Принадлежит: Verily Life Sciences LLC

Techniques are disclosed for detecting a presence of a biological substance through an article such as a diaper. For example, a detection system causes a light source to transmit light through the article. The light includes a peak wavelength that corresponds to an excitation wavelength of a biological substance that may be present in the article. The detection system detects a measurement of light intensity within a range of emission wavelengths of the biological substance. By comparing the measurement of light intensity to a threshold, the detection system identifies a presence of the biological substance on the article. 1. A method comprising:causing, at a first time, a first light source to transmit, through an article, light that includes a first peak wavelength that corresponds to a first excitation wavelength of a biological substance, the biological substance comprising multiple excitation wavelengths;detecting, a first measurement of light intensity within a first range of emission wavelengths of the biological substance;causing, at a second time, a second light source to transmit, through the article, light that includes a second peak wavelength that corresponds to a second excitation wavelength of the biological substance;detecting, a second measurement of light intensity within a second range of emission wavelengths; andresponsive to comparing a ratio of the first measurement of light intensity and the second measurement of light intensity against a threshold, identifying a presence of the biological substance on the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first peak wavelength is different from the second peak wavelength.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first excitation wavelength is different from the second peak wavelength.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the presence of the biological substance further comprises comparing the first measurement of light intensity to a first threshold and comparing the second measurement of ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Self-Contained Electronic Device for Detecting and Alerting of the Saturation of a Protection Layer Article for Urofecal Incontinence

Номер: US20160045378A1
Автор: Geloen Jacques

The invention relates to a self-contained electronic device for detecting and alerting of the saturation of a protection layer article used for urofecal incontinence, including at least one self-contained electrical generator module comprising an arrangement of pairs of elements having metal electrodes that are electrically connected to one another and distributed over a predetermined inner area of the article, made of zinc-copper in particular, intended for generating a current upon contact with an acidic and aqueous urofecal medium by means of a redox reaction, in order to electrically control, in a self-contained manner, the inner and outer means for giving notification of the saturation, in particular light means, sound means, or means for analogue or digital transmission of wired or wireless signals. The invention is useful in a protection layer article for urofecal incontinence for seniors or infants. 1. An autonomous electronic device for detecting and signaling the saturation of a protective liner type article intended for urofecal incontinence , comprisingat least one autonomous electrical generator module comprising an arrangement of pairs of metal electrode elements that are electrically connected to one another and distributed over a preset internal zone of the article,each pair of especially zinc/copper electrode elements being able to generate a current on contact with an aqueous and acid urofecal medium via a redox reaction, to electrically and autonomously control internal or external means for signaling the saturation, these means being luminous and/or sonic.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe pairs of formatted metal electrode elements are connected in series electrically with a minimum distance between each pair preventing interactions,the output connection terminals being the first electrode of the first pair and the second electrode of the last pair.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , whereineach electrode element made up of ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045758A1

A disposable absorbent article worn about the lower torso of a wearer includes at least one serviceable indicium that facilitates the process of fitting the absorbent article to the wearer by providing an apparent visual and physical indication when the article is not properly fitted. The apparent visual and physical indication includes a detectable distortion of the waist opening, the leg openings or both the waist opening and the leg openings. The detectable distortion includes at least one serviceable indicium disposed on a portion of the waist opening or leg opening or both that becomes flipped in towards an inner surface of the article or flipped out towards the outer surface of the article when the article is not properly fitted. 1. A disposable absorbent article to be worn about a lower torso of a wearer including a topsheet , a backsheet and a core disposed therebetween , a waist opening defined by a waist opening edge having a front portion having a center and a rear portion and two leg openings defined by respective leg opening edges , the disposable absorbent article comprising:at least one serviceable indicium disposed on the article along the waist opening edge at the center of the front portion to form a first portion of the article including the at least one serviceable indicium, wherein the at least one serviceable indicium comprises a variation of color, wherein the first portion has a first buckling force which is greater than a second buckling force of a second portion of the article immediately adjacent and inboard of the first portion;wherein the first buckling force and the second buckling force are measured by the Buckling Force Test Method set forth herein.2. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the at least one serviceable indicium comprises a separate element attached along the waist opening edge at the center of the front portion.3. A disposable absorbent article to be worn about a lower torso of a wearer claim 1 , the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042744A1
Автор: LaVon Gary Dean

Pull-on disposable absorbent articles comprising an elastomeric belt, a central chassis, and graphics. 1. An absorbent article having an outside surface and an inside surface; a front region , a rear region , and a crotch region disposed therebetween; and comprising:a liquid permeable topsheet; a backsheet, and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet;a central chassis occupying the crotch region and comprising left and right longitudinal edges, and further comprising a first graphic object;a belt structure disposed about the central chassis, the belt structure overlaying the backsheet to the outside thereof in the front and rear regions, the belt structure overlapping and extending laterally and longitudinally outward from the chassis, forming a lower edge seam on the article outside surface where the belt structure overlaps the central chassis closest to the lateral axis and an upper edge seam on the article inside surface where the belt structure overlaps the central chassis farthest away from the lateral axis;the belt structure having a front portion having a front waist edge, and front left and right side edges;the belt structure having a rear portion having a rear waist edge and rear left and right side edges;the respective front and rear left side edges and the respective front and rear right side edges being joined at side seams, the belt structure forming a waist opening and left and right leg openings;wherein the distance from a distal edge of the first graphic object to the upper edge seam is from about 50 mm to about 150 mm;and wherein the distance from a distal edge of the first graphic object and the lower edge seam is from about 2 mm to about 10 mm.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the first graphic object is a wetness indicator.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the front belt portion comprises a second graphic object.4. The absorbent article of claim 3 , wherein the second graphic object does not ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062066A1
Автор: Tuli Raja Singh

An absorbent article is provided herein that comprises a first layer with at least two conductive lines being provided thereon along and throughout its length, and a second porous layer overlaying the first layer. Conductive material is applied onto the second porous layer such that the conductive material impregnated into the second porous layer connects the conductive material on the top surface of the second porous layer to the conductive lines on the first layer. 1. An absorbent article , comprising:a first layer with at least two conductive lines being provided thereon along and throughout its length; anda second porous layer overlaying the first layer;wherein conductive material is applied onto the second porous layer such that the conductive material impregnated into the second porous layer connects the conductive material on the top surface of the second porous layer to the conductive lines on the first layer.2. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein conductive lines are provided with the conductive material on the second porous layer claim 1 , opposite to and in the same number and arrangement as the conductive lines on the first layer.3. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein conductive patterns are provided with the conductive material on the second porous layer.4. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the conductive patterns are provided throughout the second porous layer.5. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the conductive patterns are provided in the end area of the second porous layer where a pod is expected to clip.6. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the conductive patterns are circles or spots.7. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two conductive lines on the first layer is configured to detect the presence and/or amount of wetness in the absorbent article.8. The absorbent article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the conductive ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Patient movement and incontinence notification system

Номер: US20190046081A1
Принадлежит: Parasol Medical LLC

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046082A1

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor. 1. A patient movement notification system , comprising:a first sensor pad comprising a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by a patient, and a transmitter circuit for transmitting first wireless signals;a second sensor pad comprising a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by a patient, and a transmitter circuit for transmitting second wireless signals; anda monitor having a receiver for receiving the first and second wireless signals, the monitor generating a notification of patient movement in response to one of the first and second wireless signals,wherein the monitor comprises an input for allowing a user to cause the monitor to terminate responsiveness to all sensor pads from which it receives wireless signals.2. The patient movement notification system of further comprising a third sensor pad comprising an incontinence sensor for sensing moisture due to incontinence claim 1 , and a transmitter associated with the third sensor pad for transmitting third wireless signals in response to the incontinence sensor claim 1 ,wherein the receiver receives the third wireless signals and the monitor generates a notification of incontinence in response to the third wireless signals.3. The patient movement notification system of claim 1 , wherein the monitor comprises a plurality of inputs and a controller coupled to the plurality of inputs claim 1 , the controller is configured to reset to a factory preset condition in response to simultaneous activation of at least one of the plurality of inputs by the patient caregiver.4. The patient movement notification system of claim 3 , wherein the monitor has a module ID code and the sensor pad is paired with the monitor so that the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046083A1

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor. 1. A patient movement notification system , comprising:a sensor pad comprising a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by a patient, and a transmitter circuit for transmitting a pressure signal; anda monitor having a receiver for receiving the pressure signal from the sensor pad, the monitor generating a notification of patient movement in response to the pressure signal if the pressure signal indicates that the patient is no longer applying pressure to the sensor pad,wherein the monitor comprises a hold input for allowing a patient caregiver to prevent generation of a notification of patient movement in response to the pressure signal from the sensor pad for a first predetermined time period after the hold input has been activated by the patient caregiver to allow the patient caregiver to temporarily remove the patient from the sensor pad.2. The patient movement notification system of claim 1 , and further comprising:an incontinence sensor for sensing moisture due to incontinence;a transmitter associated with the incontinence sensor for transmitting a moisture detection signal in response to the incontinence sensor,wherein the receiver further receives the moisture detection signal, the monitor generates a notification of incontinence in response to receipt of the moisture detection signal,wherein, when the hold input is activated for a predetermined duration, the monitor responds by preventing generation of a notification of incontinence for a second predetermined time period after the hold input has been activated by the patient caregiver wherein the second predetermined time period is longer than the first predetermined time period to allow the patient caregiver an extended period ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046084A1

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor. 1. An incontinence sensing system comprising:an incontinence sensor pad comprising first and second electrically conductive tracings on a surface thereof that extend to a terminal portion of the surface; and electrical contacts for creating an electrical connection to the first and second electrically conductive tracings, and', 'a circuit coupled to the electrical contacts for sensing moisture across the first and second electrically conductive tracings and for generating an incontinence alarm signal when moisture is sensed., 'an incontinence electronic module releasably attached to the terminal portion of the surface of the incontinence sensor pad, the incontinence electronic module comprising2. The incontinence sensing system of claim 1 , wherein the incontinence electronic module includes a clip for clipping onto the terminal portion of the surface of the incontinence sensor pad.3. The incontinence sensing system of claim 2 , wherein the clip includes a pivoting portion that opens into an unclipped position and closes into a clipped position claim 2 , the incontinence electronic module further includes a lock for locking the pivoting portion in the clipped position to prevent release of the terminal portion of the surface of the incontinence sensor pad.4. The incontinence sensing system of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the clip is substantially transparent to allow a user to view the alignment of the electrical contacts with the first and second electrically conductive tracings.5. The incontinence sensing system of claim 1 , wherein the circuit of the incontinence electronic module comprises a transmitter for wirelessly transmitting the incontinence alarm signal.6. The incontinence ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051564A1
Автор: Ford Jerry

A wetness indicating polymeric film and method of making the film is provided. The method includes feeding a polymer film into a flexographic printing apparatus; printing at least one wetness indicator ink onto a first side of the perforated polymer; and perforating the polymer film by forming a plurality of apertures or enlarged micropores that extend from the first side to the second side. The apertures or enlarged micropores permit a sufficient quantity of an aqueous liquid to pass from the second side through the perforated polymer film to the first side. Upon contact, the aqueous liquid reacts with the wetness indicator ink to cause a color change visible by an unaided human eye. In an absorbent article including the inventive film as a backsheet, the total amount of liquid that passes through the backsheet is negligible and the barrier properties of the backsheet as a whole are not compromised. 1. A method of making a wetness-indicating polymer film comprisingfeeding a polymer film having a first side and a second side into a flexographic printing apparatus;printing at least one wetness indicator ink onto the first side of the polymer film; andperforating the polymer film by forming a plurality of apertures or enlarged micropores in the polymer film that extend from the first side to the second side, wherein said plurality of apertures or enlarged micropores, which are in register with the printed at least one wetness indicator ink, permit passage of a sufficient quantity of an aqueous liquid from the second side through the perforated polymer film to the first side to react with said wetness indicator ink printed onto the first side and cause said wetness indicator ink to undergo a color change visible by unaided human eye.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film is a breathable polymer film selected from a microporous film or a monolithic film.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the breathable polymer film comprises a polymer composition selected ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051565A1

An absorbent article comprises a first location of a first portion of a visual fullness indicating area that is configured to change to a subsequent visual state when indicating the presence of a bodily exudate. At the first location, the first portion has a first overall width. The absorbent article also comprises a second location of a second portion of a visual fullness indicating area that is configured to change to a subsequent visual state when indicating the presence of a bodily exudate. The second location is outboard from the first location. The second location has a second overall width that is wider than the first overall width. 1. An absorbent article , comprising:an absorbent core with a total absorbent capacity;a visual fullness indicator, the visual fullness indicator having:a length;a first portion having a first overall width and a first location;a second portion having a second overall width and a second location, wherein the second location is outboard from the first location and the second overall width is wider than the first overall width; and wherein the second location is outboard of the absorbent core;wherein the visual fullness indicator is configured to change from an initial visual state to a subsequent visual state progressively along the length, always starting from the first portion moving toward the second portion along a wet edge, when indicating the presence of bodily exudates.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , which is a disposable absorbent article.3. The disposable absorbent article of claim 2 , which is a disposable wearable absorbent article.4. The absorbent article of claim 3 , wherein the first portion and the second portion are both part of a single visual fullness indicator.5. The absorbent article of claim 4 , wherein the single visual fullness indicator has an overall shape that is substantially elongated.6. The absorbent article of claim 4 , wherein the single visual fullness indicator has an overall shape that is ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046364A1

A notification system is provided that provides notification of patient events such as movement and/or incontinence. The notification system provides for a plurality of different pressure sensor pads as well as an incontinence pad to be used in association with a single monitor. 1. A patient movement notification system , comprising:a sensor pad comprising a pressure sensor for sensing pressure applied by a patient, and a transmitter circuit for transmitting a pressure signal;a monitor having a monitor transceiver for receiving the pressure signal from the sensor pad, the monitor generating a notification of patient movement in response to the pressure signal if the pressure signal indicates that the patient is no longer applying pressure to the sensor pad; anda nurse call relay device having a nurse call transceiver for providing two-way communication with the monitor transceiver,wherein the monitor transceiver transmits notification signals to the nurse call transceiver, and the nurse call transceiver transmits periodic status signals to the monitor transceiver.2. The patient movement notification system of claim 1 , wherein the nurse call relay device is configured for communication with a nurse call system.3. The patient movement notification system of claim 2 , wherein the nurse call relay device communicates with a mobile communication device of a caretaker through the nurse call system.4. The patient movement notification system of claim 2 , wherein the nurse call relay device further includes a plug for plugging into a receptacle of the nurse call system.5. The patient movement notification system of claim 2 , wherein the nurse call relay device further includes a receptacle for receiving a plug of a nurse call button.6. The patient movement notification system of claim 2 , wherein the nurse call relay device periodically transmits a status signal to the monitor.7. The patient movement notification system of claim 6 , wherein the nurse call relay device ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Method of securing conductive thread in an absorbent article

Номер: US20160051416A1

A method of securing a conductive thread in an absorbent article is disclosed. The method includes: passing a thread through a first surface of the absorbent article; and anchoring a first length of the thread on the first surface by applying adhesive at a position on the first length of the thread between a point at which the thread passes through the surface and a first end of the thread to cover at least a portion of the thread and a portion of the surface.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Urine Detection Inductor Suitable For Large-scale Production

Номер: US20160051417A1
Автор: CHIU Joseph

A detector for wet diaper is suitable for large-scale production. The detector comprises a nonwoven fabric () and at least two electrodes () which are carbon powder coated on the nonwoven fabric (). The length of the electrodes () is 2-20 mm while the length thereof is more than 3 times than that of the width. The carbon powder is adaptable to the skin of the infants, the old, and the patients. It will not cause allergy or oppression to the skin. Further, the carbon layer possesses the function of filtration and odor adsorption, which is conducive to the hygiene and health of the subjects, such as, the infant, the old and the patients. 2. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein said third electrode is between said first electrode and said second electrode; the distance between said third electrode and said first electrode or said second electrode is smaller than that between said first electrode and said second electrode.3. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein said third electrode is vertical to said first electrode and said second electrode; the distance between said third electrode and said first electrode or said second electrode is greater than that between said first electrode and said second electrode.4. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein the width of said first electrode or second electrode is 2-20 mm; the length of said first electrode or second electrode is more than 3 times greater than the width thereof.5. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein said first electrode and said second electrode are strip in shape.6. The detector according to claim 1 , wherein a first layer of nonwoven fabric is set above said detector; the density of said first layer of nonwoven fabric is lower than that of said nonwoven fabric in which said electrodes reside.8. The detector according to claim 7 , further comprising a third electrode and a fourth electrode claim 7 , wherein said third and fourth electrodes are between said first and second electrodes. ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051419A1

The present application relates to absorbent articles, including catamenial devices, such as tampons and sanitary napkins, for the absorption of menses. More particularly, the present invention relates to catamenial devices comprising one or more graphical elements wherein the graphical elements highlight the functional area of the absorbent article. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a liquid pervious topsheet, the topsheet having an inner surface oriented toward the interior of the absorbent article and an outer surface oriented toward the skin of the wearer when the absorbent article is being worn;a backsheet joined to the topsheet, the backsheet having an inner surface oriented toward the interior of the absorbent article and an outer surface oriented toward the garment of the wearer when the absorbent article is being worn;an absorbent core having a perimeter disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet, the absorbent core having an inner surface oriented toward the skin of the wearer when the absorbent article is being worn and an outer surface oriented toward the garment of the wearer when the absorbent article is being worn;wherein the topsheet comprises four or more graphical elements; andwherein the graphical elements overlap the perimeter of the absorbent core such that the core perimeter exhibits an ink to clean ratio of between 5% to 60%.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein adjacent graphical elements do not touch.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein no two adjacent graphical elements within a quadrant share a longitudinal centerline that is parallel to the longitudinal axis.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent article is divided into quadrants by a longitudinal axis and a transverse axis and wherein at least one graphical element is located in each quadrant.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent core has a perimeter broken up into octants and wherein at least one graphical element is ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052436A1
Автор: Song Xuedong

A wetness indicating composition can include a mixing solvent including water and a water-miscible volatile organic solvent. The wetness indicating composition can also include an amphiphilic polydiacetylene and a hydrophobic binder. In some embodiments, the wetness indicating composition can be applied to a substrate and serve as a wetness indicator for an absorbent article. 1. A wetness indicating composition comprising:a mixing solvent comprising water and a water-miscible volatile organic solvent;amphiphilic polydiacetylene; anda hydrophobic binder.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic binder is selected from the group consisting of: cellulose derivatives claim 1 , homopolymers and copolymers of polyacrylates claim 1 , polyurethanes claim 1 , and polyesters.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the water-miscible volatile organic solvent is selected from the group consisting of: methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , acetone claim 1 , butanone claim 1 , and tetrahydrofuran.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises at least one of a stabilizer claim 1 , a wettability modifier claim 1 , and an adhesion promoter.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein water comprises at least 60% by weight of the mixing solvent.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is applied to a hydrophobic surface of a substrate with a surface tension of less than 45 dynes/cm.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is configured to undergo a color change from blue to a second hue upon being wetted claim 1 , the second hue being selected from the group consisting of: pink and purple.8. A substrate for indicating wetness claim 1 , the substrate comprising:a basesheet; and a mixing solvent comprising water and a water-miscible volatile organic solvent;', 'amphiphilic polydiacetylene; and', 'a hydrophobic binder., 'a wetness indicating composition applied to a hydrophobic surface of the basesheet, ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170048651A1

A state determination apparatus for a care-receiver is provided, comprising: a communication unit and a protective unit. The communication unit includes at least one first antenna module and a first wireless communication module. The protective unit is configured for accommodating the communication unit and buffering external pressure on the communication unit to protect the communication unit. The state determination apparatus is configured for being disposed on a back of a cushion. The first wireless communication module sends a detection signal through at least the first antenna module so as to communicate with a radio frequency identity (RFID) tag used by the care-receiver. After sending the detection signal, the communication unit determines whether a response signal from the RFID tag is received or information of the response signal is read so as to determine a state of the care-receiver. 1. A state determination apparatus for a care-receiver , comprising: a first antenna module; and', 'a first wireless communication module, coupled to the first antenna module; and, 'a communication unit, comprisinga protective unit, which at least covers the communication unit, for accommodating the communication unit and for buffering external pressure on the communication unit so as to protect the communication unit;wherein the state determination apparatus is configured for being disposed on a back of a cushion;the first wireless communication module sends a detection signal through at least the first antenna module so as to communicate with a radio frequency identity (RFID) tag used by the care-receiver;after the detection signal is sent, the communication unit determines whether a response signal from the RFID tag is received or information of the response signal is read so as to determine a state of the care-receiver.2. The state determination apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the RFID tag is disposed on an outer side of an absorbent article claim 1 , the state ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046573A1

This replacement necessity assessment apparatus for an absorbent member includes: a power generator which is configured to generate power as a result of contact with liquid absorbed in the absorbent member, and of which power generation amount changes in accordance with an amount of the liquid; a signal output unit configured to output a detection signal according to the power generation amount; and a processing unit configured to acquire a parameter regarding the amount of the liquid based on the detection signal, the processing unit configured to determine, based on the parameter, whether or not replacement of the absorbent member is necessary. 1. A replacement necessity assessment apparatus for an absorbent member , the replacement necessity assessment apparatus comprising:a power generator configured to generate power as a result of contact with liquid absorbed in the absorbent member, and of which power generation amount changes in accordance with an amount of the liquid;a signal output unit configured to output a detection signal according to the power generation amount; anda processing unit configured to acquire a parameter regarding the amount of the liquid based on the detection signal, the processing unit configured to determine, based on the parameter, whether or not replacement of the absorbent member is necessary.2. The replacement necessity assessment apparatus for the absorbent member according to claim 1 , whereinthe parameter includes the number of times the liquid has been infused into the absorbent member.3. The replacement necessity assessment apparatus for the absorbent member according to claim 1 , whereinthe parameter includes an amount of the liquid per infusion that has been infused into the absorbent member.4. The replacement necessity assessment apparatus for the absorbent member according to claim 1 , whereinthe signal output unit intermittently outputs the detection signal at a time interval according to the power generation amount, ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046574A1
Автор: Arizti Blanca, REIDY Mark

Sensor devices and systems for monitoring the basic needs of an infant comprising feeding, sleeping, and/or voiding (urinating and/or defecating) are described herein. 1. A system for monitoring the basic needs of an infant , the system comprising:a. a multi-use sensor device configured for attachment to and detachment from an outer cover of a disposable absorbent article, the multi-use sensor device comprising at least one of a urination event sensor and a bowel movement event sensor;b. a plurality of absorbent articles for receiving the multi-use sensor device, each of the plurality of absorbent articles comprising a backsheet comprising a film and an outer cover material comprising a nonwoven layer;c. a software application that is operable on a computer device to display information related to data obtained by the multi-use sensor device; andd. a subscription providing delivery of additional absorbent articles and multi-use sensor devices.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein delivery of the additional absorbent articles and multi-use sensor devices requires an affirmative request by a consumer with access to the subscription.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein delivery of the additional absorbent articles and multi-use sensor devices is automatic according to a set reoccurring schedule.4. The system of claim 1 , comprising two multi-use sensor devices.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-use sensor device comprises a volatile organic compound sensor.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-use sensor device comprises a sensor capable of detecting at least one of the following: skatole claim 1 , mercaptans claim 1 , amines claim 1 , volatile fatty acids claim 1 , acetone claim 1 , methyl acetate claim 1 , and methanol.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-use sensor device comprises a temperature sensor.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-use sensor device comprises a humidity sensor.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-use sensor ...
