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05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735674C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к протезам руки. Протез содержит закрепленный на бандаже с контролируемым натяжением натяжной элемент. Натяжной элемент при приложении усилия натяжения приводит в действие подвижный компонент протезного устройства. Натяжной элемент снабжен сенсорным устройством, которое детектирует срабатывание натяжного элемента и запускает двигатель. Двигатель прилагает к натяжному элементу усилие натяжения для приведения в действие или для поддержания движения подвижного компонента. Достигается возможность обеспечения не вызывающей утомления работы. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2313311C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, к протезостроению и может быть использовано в протезах верхних конечностей. Протез сустава содержит неподвижную гильзу, центральную ось, подвижную гильзу, роликовую муфту с обоймой, ступицей и роликами, вращающимися в противоположные стороны, четыре толкателя, снабженных отверстиями для взаимодействия с осями роликов, вращающихся в одну сторону, и прорезями для исключения взаимодействия с осями роликов, вращающихся в другую сторону. Толкатели попарно соединены между собой и с соответствующими осями вращающихся в противоположные стороны роликов, длина которых равна ширине ступицы, и установлены на ступице, жестко закрепленной на неподвижной гильзе, на которой установлено устройство управления, включающее рычаг. В устройство управления введены водило, с установленной на нем подпружиненной собачкой, и кулачок квадратной формы с восьмизубым храповиком. На неподвижной гильзе установлена подпружиненная собачка-фиксатор. Водило и кулачок контактируют между собой ...

24-09-2024 дата публикации

Устройство для протезирования пальца кисти

Номер: RU229153U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицины, протезирования конечностей, а именно к устройствам для фиксации экзопротезов к телу человека. Технический результат состоит в обеспечении надежного соединения компонентов устройства при обеспечении быстрой и простой их замены. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что устройство для экзопротезирования пальца кисти выполнено сборно-разборным и содержит косметическую и имплантируемую части; имплантируемая часть состоит из абатмента и винта остеоинтегративного, имеющих установочные конусы для их соединения, при этом сопрягаемые поверхности упомянутых конусов соответствуют по конфигурации, а на вершинах конусов выполнена ответная резьба; косметическая часть имеет глухое отверстие для соединения с торцевой частью абатмента, поверхность которого выполнена с лысками, при этом сопрягаемые поверхности глухого отверстия косметической части и торцевой части абатмента соответствуют по конфигурации, а на дне глухого отверстия косметической части ...

20-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2027256C1

Использование: в электрических инородных силовых протезах, имеющих электромеханические системы управления, которые приводятся в действие с помощью аккумулятора. Сущность изобретения: аккумулятор содержит корпус с вставленными со стороны торца контактными вилками для ввода в ножевые контакты, предусмотренные со стороны протеза. Внутри корпуса на плоской стороне, противоположной контактным вилкам, расположен ползунковый выключатель, который перемещается поперек продольной оси корпуса с помощью ползунка, оснащенного контактной пружиной, а с помощью пружинно-упругого защелкивающегося в корпусе фиксатора фиксируется в своей плоскости сдвига. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2123825C1

Эндопротез предназначен для эндопротезирования локтевого сустава и может быть использован в травматологии и ортопедии. Эндопротез относится к локтевому суставу с элементом плечевой кости, элементу локтевой кости и элементу кости предплечья, в котором элемент локтевой кости направляется в зоне элемента плечевой кости в поворотной опоре, а элемент кости предплечья удерживается в гнезде с возможностью поворота и перемещения в области элемента локтевой кости. Элемент кости предплечья установлен с возможностью поворота в элементе скольжения, имеющем возможность, перемещения в гнезде. Технический результат заключается в улучшении сочленения между элементом кости предплечья и элементом локтевой кости в эндопротезе локтевого сустава. 28 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008126166A

... 1. Кистевой протез, содержащий основание и соединительные элементы для закрепления кистевого протеза на культе руки, а также, по меньшей мере, один шарнир для сгибания и разгибания кистевого протеза относительно соединительных элементов, причем основание удерживается в нейтральном положении против усилия пружины, отличающийся тем, что основанию (1; 101) придан, по меньшей мере, один пружинящий элемент (3), имеющий прогрессивную характеристику и по мере увеличения угла сгибания или разгибания создающий возрастающее ответное усилие. ! 2. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пружинящий элемент (3) выполнен в виде торсионной пружины. ! 3. Протез по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что каждый пружинящий элемент (3) выполнен с возможностью действия против разгибания или сгибания. ! 4. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пружинящий элемент (3) выполнен в виде эластомерной детали. ! 5. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пружинящий элемент (3) состоит из нескольких отельных пружин. ! 6. Протез по ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008125985A

... 1. Пальцевый протез с основой, которая выполнена для восприятия усилий и моментов и может быть снабжена эластичным чехлом для придания протезу естественного внешнего вида, отличающийся тем, что основа (20) выполнена в виде формоустойчивого сердечника, который в местах, соответствующих местам расположения мягких тканей естественных пальцев, имеет выемки (30), заполненные эластомерным материалом (40) с образованием контура естественного пальца. ! 2. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что основа (20) выполнена в виде полого тела. ! 3. Протез по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что основа (20) выполнена из пластика, в частности термопласта или композита, или металла, в частности легкого металла. ! 4. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что основа (20) и эластомерный материал (40) обработаны сообща методом двухкомпонентного литья под давлением. ! 5. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что основа (20) имеет прорезную структуру. ! 6. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в основе (20) и/или эластомерном материале ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008125983A

... 1. Кистевой протез с основанием, на котором, по меньшей мере один пальцевый протез шарнирно установлен с возможностью движения вокруг, по меньшей мере, одной оси поворота посредством привода, соединенного с ним через устройство для передачи усилий, отличающийся тем, что устройство (10) для передачи усилий выполнено между приводом (6) и пальцевым протезом (3, 4, 5) жестким на растяжение и податливым при нажиме или изгибно-упругим. ! 2. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство (10) для передачи усилий содержит тросовый или волокнистый компонент (11) или прядь. ! 3. Протез по п.2, отличающийся тем, что тросовый или волокнистый компонент (11) или прядь выполнен в виде замкнутой, открытой или скрученной петли. ! 4. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что устройство (10) для передачи усилий содержит эластомерный компонент (12). ! 5. Протез по п.4, отличающийся тем, что эластомерный компонент (12), по меньшей мере, частично охватывает тросовый или волокнистый компонент (11) или прядь. ! 6.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018114856A

01-01-1951 дата публикации

Замок для локтевого шарнира

Номер: SU92542A1

23-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1829931C

18-04-1963 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Betaetigung einer Handprothese

Номер: DE0001147347B

27-06-1968 дата публикации

Kuenstlicher Arm

Номер: DE0001271313B

21-02-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9012098U1

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069816848T2

20-06-1996 дата публикации

Sprung joint frame for prosthesis

Номер: DE0004445020A1

The joint frame consists of two long flat strip pieces (1,2) which at their head ends (3,4) are connected together by a joint (5). The head end (3) of the first piece is made from two parallel shanks (6) and the flat head end (4) of the second piece (2) engages between these shanks allowing rotational movement about the connecting joint. The angle between the two pieces is fixed by means of a retaining screw (13) but can be up to a maximum of 100 deg. limited by a shaped piece (20) between the shanks.A rubber tie (9) is fixed by a screw (12) in the second piece and at its other end is connected to a pin (8) on the first piece which engages in a connection slot (7) around the joint. The rubber tie acts always to bring the joint into a position such that the frame is in the "extended" position by pulling the pin back around the slot.

11-05-1918 дата публикации

Номер: DE0000305708C

12-06-1918 дата публикации

Номер: DE0000305987C

17-02-1923 дата публикации

Kuenstlicher Arm fuer Geigenspieler

Номер: DE0000369380C
Принадлежит: FRITZ GEMPP

24-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002749465A1

17-04-1920 дата публикации

Kuenstliche Hand

Номер: DE0000320393C

18-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003509879C2

26-07-1917 дата публикации

A Device for Fixing Tools to Apparatus for Prothesis of the Arm.

Номер: GB0000108140A

... 108,140. Jullien, A. Jan. 5, 1917, [Convention date]. Pivoted handles; fixing by chuck-grip sockets.- A tool-holding attachment for an artificial arm comprises a sleeve D provided with collars between which a ring C is loosely mounted; this ring has trunnions mounted in a forked member A which is provided with a screw G for attachment to the arm. The tool is gripped by a spring I engaged by a screw J carried by a collar K.

17-09-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to mechanical artificial hands

Номер: GB0000608640A

... 608,640. Artificial hands. SIMPSON, J. H. Jan. 23, 1946, No. 2179. [Class 81(ii)] An artificial hand, for use in cases where at least a digit or part thereof remains, comprises a palm part shaped to fit the remaining part of the natural hand, artificial digit means articulated thereto and a connection between the artificial digit means and the remaining digit whereby movement of the latter actuates the former. The connection may be such that the full available movement of the remaining digit will impart a lesser movement to the artificial digits. As shown a cranked rod 13 mounted on a palm part 7 connects the remaining finger 4 with the artificial digits 1 and 5, the arrangement being such that the crank is near a dead centre position when the artificial digits 1-3 and 5 are closed. The artificial digits may be formed integrally with the hinged base piece 11. The artificial digits may be pivoted to the palm part by ball and socket joints and be directly coupled to the remaining digit. The ...

20-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008501366D0

05-04-2006 дата публикации

Robotic hand/arm control arrangement

Номер: GB0002418659A

An artificial humanoid hand/arm assembly which incorporates in the forearm a plurality fluidic muscles 4, has muscle control means including a plurality of electrically controlled inlet and exhaust valves 8a, 8b, said means being supported with respect to the skeletal means of said forearm portion on an interface unit 6,12 comprising a muscle anchorage plate 6 and a valve array support plate 12. Both plates have air passages for passing supply air. Push fit connectors (5, Fig 3) pass the supply air to the muscles.

25-02-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in Forde-arm Actuating Mechanism for Artificial Arms.

Номер: GB0000123571A

... 123,571. Dilworth, O. Le G. Feb 25, 1918. Limbs, artificial. - In a limb comprising an upper arm with a forearm pivoted thereto, means are provided for operating the forearm comprising a lever pivoted to the upper arm and so arranged that it may be pressed against the body of the wearer. The upper arm 11 which receives the stump and the lower arm 12 are connected by a pivot 18 passing through straps 19, 48, one of which, the strap 19, is prolonged and has pivoted thereto a link 34. The link 34 is pivoted to a bell-crank lever 33 pivoted to the upper arm and adapted to be actuated by a springy member 32 secured to the opposite side of the arm and provided with a pad 35 which can be pressed against the body. A balancing-arrangement is provided comprising a spring 23, spring-case 22, plunger 25, and strut-rod 29 secured in the pivot 18. The spring-case bears against an abutment 21 which is adjustable by a screw with milled head 110, and the plunger 25 bears on a ball 28 on the rod 29. For ...

08-03-1917 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Artificial Arms.

Номер: GB0000104470A

... 104,470. Adams, A. C. Sept. 25, 1916. Limbs, artificial.-An artificial arm is provided with an antifriction or ball bearing between the usual wrist plate and the article-holding means. Means are provided for locking the bearing in any position. In the form shown in Fig. 3, the holding-device m, to be screwed to the handle of the article held, is connected to the wrist block c through a ball bearing p, pivot joint k, and ballsocket joint g. A disk q with peripheral depressions &c. r may be engaged by a thumbscrew (not shown) passing through the bearing-casing o so as to lock the bearing. The joints g, k may also be provided with locking- recesses. The plate a carrying the ball-andsocket joint may be connected to the arm by a screw b, as shown, or by a bayonet-catch. Fig. 4 shows a modification in which the holding-device consists of a socket m, provided with slots n<1> to receive a pin v passing through the golf-club or other handle w, the end of which is strengthened by a metal sleeve x ...

21-05-1917 дата публикации

Номер: GB0000106511A

08-05-2002 дата публикации

Humanoid robotics

Номер: GB0000206974D0

20-12-1917 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Artificial Limbs.

Номер: GB0000110904A

... 110,904. Bidou, G. A. M. V. Oct. 30, 1916, [Convention date]. Hinges; hinge pins.-A joint for use in artificial limbs comprises a member forked at q, q<1> to embrace a reduced portion of a member r<11> and connected thereto by a pivot pin s<11>. The ends of the parts q, q<1> are rounded to bear on surfaces r, r<1> formed on the member r<11>. The bearing surfaces are fitted with liners s of anti-friction metal, and the pivot s<11> is surrounded by a tube of antifriction metal.

16-10-1919 дата публикации

Номер: GB0000133656A

10-12-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in Artificial Hands.

Номер: GB0000136253A

... 136,253. Anderson, W. P., Clarke, N. C., Whitelaw, J. F., and Read, R. H. Dec. 10, 1918. Limbs, artificial.-Comprises a construction of hand of the type in which the fingers are spring- closed and are opened by a reciprocating slide arranged so that the hand cannot be opened by pressure applied between the fingers and, thumb. The invention consists in the general arrangement and construction of the operating-mechanism, one of the main features of which is the provision of one or more inclined slots in the slide engaging with cranks forming extensions of the fingers or fingers and thumb. The first and second fingers 24, 25 are pivoted on a, shaft 5a fitted with two crank-arms 6, 7. The crank 6 engages the slot in the slide 10, so that when the slide is drawn rearwardly by the cord 11 against the action of the spring 19, the fingers are opened. This movement results in the simultaneous rotation of the crank 7, which opens the thumb through the medium of the slotted tail-piece 15. The angle ...

13-03-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in artificial arms

Номер: GB0000176530A

... 176,530. Hoare, C. G., and Waters, T. C. Dec. 13, 1920. Limbs, artificial.-A lock for an elbow-joint comprises a pair of spring-pressed pawls G engaging the internally toothed rims of a drum C fast on the pivot pin D, which is fixed to the forearm and is rotated in bearings in the upper member A by the strap H. The pawls are riveted to a member E which slides in guides F in a ring F' mounted within, and concentrically with the axis of, the upper arm member, springs 2 normally holding the pawls in engagement with the teeth. Disengagement of the pawls is effected by rotation of levers K about a shaft L, such rotation being derived from an upward pull on the strap P producing rotation of a lever M connected to the shaft L. Mechanism to retain the pawls in the disengaged position is housed within a box Y through which passes a sliding bar X, the projecting ends of which are attached respectively to the strap P and lever M. One edge of the bar X is notched, as shown in Fig. 5, for engagement ...

10-03-1921 дата публикации

Artificial hand

Номер: GB0000159750A

... 159,750. Cillario, A. Jan. 30, 1920. Limbs, artificial.- Comprises special means of utilizing the contraction of the muscles of a plastic motor stump to effect the operation of the fingers of an artificial hand. One end of a link 20 engages a hole in the stump in such manner that the contraction of the muscles transmits a pull to the link. The pull is transmitted to an adjustable rod 17, and moves the upper end of it downwards in the slot 19. This movement is transmitted by the tail-piece 16 to the four fingers, which are moved as an integer about the pivot 12 towards the fixed thumb. A spring 25 restores the fingers to the open position when the closing effort is relaxed The hand rotates as a whole on the stump socket 3 through the medium of a plate 23 which is mounted rotatably on the socket between an inwardlyprojecting flange 26 and a securing-ring 25. The stump socket is strengthened by metal straps and furnished with ventilation holes 22.

17-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002146406B

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Artificial digit with squeezable sack operation

Номер: GB0002488365A

A replacement digit is in communication with a fluid sack or bladder 3. The digit may include pistons 14 that are driven by fluid displaced from the sack when it is compressed, resulting in the digit being able to grip objects. The digit may include return springs to bring it back to a resting position. The digit may be a finger, thumb or toe. The digit and sack may be provided as part of a glove 2. The fluid sack may provide movement possibilities for more than one digit.

24-03-1965 дата публикации

Elbow mechanism for artificial arms

Номер: GB0000986866A

... 986,866. Artificial limbs. HUGH STEEPER Ltd. Aug. 6, 1963 [Aug. 9, 1962], No. 30595/62. Heading A5R. Means for locking and unlocking an elbow joint with alternate pulls on a control cord comprises a pivoted member which is rocked between two positions in one of which it allows a detent to engage a locking quadrant while, in the other, it holds the detent disengaged. When the cord 5H, Fig. 1, is initially pulled, a lever assembly 5 is raised about a pivot 5D and lifts a spring-loaded detent 3C clear of a toothed locking quadrant 3K attached to the forearm 3L. This allows a spring-loaded latch 4A to turn counterclockwise about its central pivot so that its upper surface engages beneath the detent 3C and holds it raised. On subsequent release of the cord 5H the latch 4A is prevented from turning by the detent 3C and its rear surface 4C engages the right-hand pin on a sliding member 6, Fig. 2, which it moves to the right. The subsequent pull on the cord 5H, Fig. 1, consequently brings the lefthand ...

06-10-1921 дата публикации

Improvements in or connected with artificial limbs

Номер: GB0000170066A

... 170,066. Blatchford, C. A., Blatchford, C. D., and Blatchford, W. A. July 6, 1920. Limbs, artificial - Actuating-parts, locking- means, and other movable members of artificial limbs are operated by means moved otherwise than by shoulder and like harness, comprising a base-plate a fitted in the arm pit and pressed against the body of the wearer and a guide-pin b, carried by the plate a, on which slides a sleeve c. A link d is pivoted at one end e to the plate a and, at the other end f, to a second link g, which is pivoted to the sleeve c. By pressing the arm or arm stump inwardly upon a pressure member j, the sleeve c is raised against the spring i to operate a lock k or some movable limb-member as shown in Fig. 3, through a Bowden cable l or other motion-transmission mechanism. Alternatively a strap bound round the arm may replace the pressure member j, and in this case the device is operated by raising the arm or arm stump instead of by pressing inwards.

11-04-1918 дата публикации

An Improved Device for Attachment to Artificial Arms.

Номер: GB0000114565A

... 114,565. Adams, A. C. Aug. 13, 1917 Limbs, artificial.- An arm has connected to it a detachable device adapted to hold down papers &c. on a base to enable the wearer to write or draw upon them, and comprising a pair of legs h, pivoted at g to an axial extension of the arm, and a threaded rod k which is pivoted at l to one leg h, passes through a slot m in the other leg, and is provided with a spring n and a wing- nut j for adjusting the legs. The legs are preferably tubular at their lower ends to receive pads i of rubber &c. The axial extension comprises a threaded member e screwed into and secured by a wing-nut f to a member d which is pivotally secured and locked in any desired position by a wing-nut c to a member a, which in turn is screwed into the wrist plate or other part of the arm and locked by a wing-nut b; or the member a may be secured by a bayonet catch &c. The connexions of the members a, d and d, c may otherwise be cup-and-ball joints locked by wing- nuts. After adjustment ...

02-07-1920 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to artificial hands

Номер: GB0000145267A

... 145,267. Hughes, J. July 3, 1919. Limbs, artificial.-An artificial hand-substitute, of the type in which co-operating jaws are actuated by a cable from body harness, is constructed with two movable jaws and a single actuating-lever, so as to get the mechanical advantage of a compound-lever mechanism between the actuating-cable and the jaws. The appliance consists of a main carrying-bar 7, secured to the arm by suitable means as by the screw and nut 21, and provided at the outer end with an offset extension to which the two jaws are pivoted at 10, 15 respectively, A second offset member between the ends of the bar carries the pivot 8 for the T-shaped operating lever which is operated to close the jaws against the action of the spring 16 by means of a cord threaded through the hole 23. A pivoted screwed rod 20 and nut 19 can be manipulated to limit the opening of the jaws or to loch them in the closed position. One arm of the T-shaped lever is connected to the slightlycurved jaw 6 by the ...

02-06-1983 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to artificial hands

Номер: GB0002109245A

An artificial (right) hand 1 comprises a base support 2 and three cooperating digit members mounted on the support 2, namely a stationary digit member 3 and two movable digit members 4, 5, pivotally mounted on the support 2 so as to be movable relative to each other as well as to the stationary member 3, and means including an eyelet 6 mounted on member 4, operable by a wearer of the hand whereby the relative movement is performed. Digit member 3 simulates the second finger of a right hand and digit members 4 and 5 the thumb and index finger thereof. ...

07-02-1924 дата публикации

An improved joint for elbows and knees of artificial limbs

Номер: GB0000210644A

... 210,644. Hoare, C. G., and Waters, T. C. Feb. 28, 1923. Limbs, artificial.-A knee or elbow joint of an artificial leg or arm is locked in various positions by a bolt 9 which passes through holes in a projection 8 fixed to one portion of the limb and a disc or sector 6 fixed to the other portion as shown in plan in Fig. 1. The projection 8 is formed on a ring 1 in the bucket 2 which also carries a rotatable shaft 4 to which the lower portion of the limb is attached, the sector 6 being keved to the shaft. The projection 8 may be slotted to receive the sector as shown in Fig. 1. The bolt 9 is operated by a toothed rack 15 pivoted on a shaft 16 or on the shaft 4 and engaging a tooth wheel 17 which rides freely over a sleeve 10 through which the bolt 9 passes. To the wheel 17 is fixed a hollow disc 18 which contains a pawl engaging a ratchet wheel which has a boss 19 provided with opposite cam surfaces engaging a pin 11 projecting from the bolt. The rack 15 is operated by a chain 22 fixed to ...

27-03-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in artificial hands

Номер: GB0000326970A

... 326,970. Levasseur, J. W. Feb. 26, 1929. Limbs, artificial.-An artificial hand is characterized by fixed fingers and a pivoted thumb, the latter being normally held in the closed position by means of elastic bands which also serve as flexible gripping surfaces between 1st finger and thumb. The base of the thumb is connected by a strip of leather or like material to the smaller rim of a double-diameter pulley situated transversely within the hand-frame, and a further leather strip, operating on the rim of the larger pulley is attached to the opposite arm of the wearer. Elastic bands are stretched along the inner side of each finger and the thumb in order that a better grip may be obtained on hard objects. Referring to Fig. 6, 45 is the pulley, 47 and 49 the leather operating strip, and 39 the elastic band which normally urges the thumb 33 to the closed gripping position. Another elastic band 40 is stretched between the tip of the first finger 26, over a pin in the bearing-frame 30, and back ...

11-06-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to artificial limbs

Номер: GB0000350082A

... 350,082. Wrists for artificial arms. BLATCHFORD, C. D. W. and BLATCHFORD, W. A. D., 90, Clapham Road, Stockwell, London. March 20, 1930, No. 8995. [Class 81 (ii).] A detachable wrist joint or hand member for an artificial limb comprises a sleeve s on the one member which slides over an extension piece b on the other member and is secured against axial movement by a spring detent q which passes through an aperture in the sheath to engage a groove p in the extension b. The detent may be released by a button n. The sleeve s is provided with teeth u engaging teeth d on a spring-pressed sleeve c mounted on the extension b. Rotation of the sleeve c is prevented by a bolt i; axial movement of the sleeve is normally permitted by a slot o and a hole m<1 >in the sleeve thus permitting rotation of the sleeve s for adjustment while retaining it against accidental displacement. On pushing in the bolt i the hole m<1> is closed by a button k on the shaft locking the joint. The sleeve c may be housed within ...

14-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009311214D0

10-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001333071A

... 1333071 Linkwork DUNLOP HOLDINGS Ltd 21 April 1971 [28 April 1970] 20255/70 Heading F2K [Also in Division A5] An actuator linkage comprises three plates or bars 1-3 pivoted together by a pair of hinges 4 to form a Z-shaped configuration and at least one rigid link 5 connecting the outer members 1, 3 and pivoted thereto. The linkage is actuated by fluid pouches 6, 7 which cause relative rotation of the outer members 1, 3. Alternatively other actuating means such as piston cylinder devices or electric motors may be used. In Fig. 3, additional connecting links 9, 10 are provided, the latter being rigidly secured to a pivot pin 11 rotatable in the plate 1 so that relative rotation of the outer plates 1, 3 can be effected by rotation of the link 10 and the pin 11. The length and position of the connecting link may be chosen to give different relative rotation up to 180 degrees while two devices may be combined to give 360 degrees rotation. As used in an artificial arm, Fig. 6, three devices ...

16-09-1918 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Artificial Limbs.

Номер: GB0000119069A

... 119,069. Adams, A. C. Sept. 14, 1917. Limbs, artificial.-A connecting-device for parts of artificial limbs, attachments, or fittings, comprises a tapered or like member adapted to be inserted in a corresponding, socket and automatically locked therein. A stem member 1 of the artificial arm has a frusto-conical end 2 which is retained in a correspondingly-shaped socket 4 by a transverse spring-pressed pin 5. A forked lever 7 engaging slots in the pin 5 is connected by a spring- operated spindle and a lever to a press-button projecting through the bucket 16. A stem 23, to which various fittings can be screwed, is secured inside the arm stem 1 by a spring-pressed catch plate 26 engaging a groove 25. A polygonal enlargement 22 on the stem 23 enables it to be fixed at various angles in engagement with a correspondingly-shaped opening 21.

25-05-1922 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing artificial hands and feet

Номер: GB0000174948A

... 174,948. Ges. der Echten Markaprothesen, A. A. Marks. Feb. 4, 1921, [Convention date]. Limbs, artificial.-Artificial hands and feet are made of layers or plates of spongy and solid rubber, packed between the sheets which form the outer surface and which are placed first and last in the mould. The plates are coated with an adhesive liquid before they are brought together, and after the form is complete, the mould is subjected to pressure and vulcanizing is then carried out in the usual manner.

13-03-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to wrist joints for artificial arms

Номер: GB0000177124A

... 177,124. Hoare, C. G., and Waters, T. C. Dec. 13, 1920. Limbs, artificial.-Relates to wrist joints permitting relative rotation of two adjacent parts which may be easily assembled or disconnected. A detachable wrist-piece V carries two end flanges or caps V<1>, O; cne cap O carries an axial pin P which fits in a central hole in a disc R fitted at the end of the forearm; a spring- held lever U engages a groove in the end of the pin to hold the wristpiece in position. The adjacent surfaces of the disc R and cap O are provided with steel plates Q, S, the lower plate Q being pierced by a series of holes Q<1>, Q<2> arranged in a circle. The disc R carries one or more spring-pressed balls, which engage the small holes Q<1> in the lower plate Q and temporarily locate the wrist-piece in different axial positions; a spring-bolt T drops into the larger holes Q<2> to lock the wrist-piece in each position. The lower cap V<1> of the wrist-piece is provided with a central socket to receive the shanks ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Prosthetic hand

Номер: GB0002574483A
Автор: MARK HUNTER, Mark Hunter

A prosthetic device comprising an anchor portion 30 connected to a base portion 12 with proximal and distal sides 12a, b and an elongate digit 14 with proximal and distal ends 14a, b extending along a longitudinal axis X. The device comprises a first portion of a pivot connection 16a mounted on the base portion 12 and a second portion of the pivot connection 16b mounted on the proximal end 14a of the digit 14. A linear actuator is provided within the elongate digit 14 having a first portion 40a secured to the elongate digit 14 and a second portion remote therefrom and axially movable and being operable with pivot connection 16a, b to cause pivotal movement of digit 14 around pivot connection 16 a, b upon axial movement of second portion 40b of linear actuator 40. Another similar prosthetic device is included comprising the same feature but the requires an actuator to cause pivotal movement of the digit 14 and further comprising a bearing to allow the anchor portion to rotate about a second ...

27-04-1994 дата публикации

Hand prosthesis

Номер: GB0009404830D0

19-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009719635D0

30-12-2020 дата публикации

Method of controlling an artificial hand

Номер: GB2585054A

A method of controlling digit mechanisms 120 of an artificial hand 100 by fixing the position of an actuable digit mechanism at a predetermined position using a two-stage valve (260, figure 6a). The digit’s position may be fixed when the pressure in a hydraulic actuator chamber reaches a predetermined threshold. The two stage valve comprises: a main fluid flow path between a first opening (450) and a second opening (460); a pilot valve (430) moveable between a first pilot position in which the main fluid flow path is closed, and a second pilot position in which the main fluid flow path is open; and a fluid bypass (434) arranged to bypass the pilot valve. The valve is arranged to open by first opening the fluid bypass, and subsequently opening the main fluid flow path by moving the pilot valve to the second pilot position. The two-stage valve may be contained in a palm unit.

21-07-2021 дата публикации

Palm unit for an artificial hand

Номер: GB2591068A

A method of manufacturing a palm unit for an artificial hand, and a palm unit for an artificial hand. The palm unit comprises a palm unit body 152 defining chambers180 for respective hydraulic components of a hydraulic circuit, and a topology for the hydraulic circuit 200. The palm unit comprises a hydraulic component of the hydraulic circuit disposed within one of the chambers 180 to provide at least part of the hydraulic circuit. The topology of the hydraulic circuit is such that in use the chamber 180 has a low pressure side and a high pressure side and the palm unit body 152 is arranged so that the hydraulic component is inserted into the chamber 180 from the low pressure side of the chamber 180. The method comprises inserting the hydraulic component into the chamber 180 from the low-pressure side of the chamber 180.

25-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000371993B

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000429310T

15-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA718375A

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA877476A

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433308T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433309T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000447381T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477772T

15-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA192974A

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000525042T

15-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA184188A

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556678T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000549132T

15-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000971975A

10-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345973B

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506922T

11-04-1921 дата публикации

Artificial hand for mechanical and muscle conclusion.

Номер: AT0000083582B

10-10-1919 дата публикации

Clamp for arm prostheses.

Номер: AT0000078664B

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000084409T

26-04-1920 дата публикации

Artificial hand. Artificial hand.

Номер: AT0000080571B

15-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000192974A

15-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000171855T

15-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160279T

10-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324541B

25-10-1971 дата публикации

Mechanism to open the grab fingers of a mechanical art hand with the occurrence a limit value of exceeding tensile stress the same

Номер: AT0000293605B

24-11-1998 дата публикации

Artificial sensibility

Номер: AU0007355498A

28-07-2011 дата публикации

Hand prosthesis comprising two drive devices

Номер: AU2006332317B2

The invention relates to a hand prosthesis (1) comprising a chassis (2) to which a finger prosthesis (3, 4, 5) is articulated, said finger prosthesis being movable relative to the chassis (2) by means of a drive (30, 6) and at least one swiveling axis (15, 31). A first drive (6) is located in the chassis (2) and coupled to the finger prosthesis (3, 4, 5) via a force transmission unit (10) and allows the finger prosthesis to be swiveled about a first swiveling axis (15). A second drive (30) is located in the finger prosthesis (3, 4, 5) and allows at least one part of the finger prosthesis (3, 4, 5) to be swiveled about a second swiveling axis (31) relative to the first swiveling axis (15).

19-09-2002 дата публикации

Movement faciliatation device

Номер: AU2002951193A0

17-05-1999 дата публикации

Upper limb prosthesis

Номер: AU0009552598A

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002757370A1

An operating status of a motor in a drive unit is analyzed to extend the life of the motor. A wearable motion assistive device 1 includes a shoulder joint mechanism 5 and an elbow joint mechanism 6 for aiding a movement of the shoulder joint and the elbow joint, and a control unit 100 having a control circuit for controlling drive units 11 for the shoulder and elbow joint mechanisms 5 and 6. The control unit 100 controls the drive units 11 based on a physical quantity and a biosignal detected by an angle sensor, a torque sensor, and a biosignal detecting sensor. A controller in the drive unit 11 includes a motor monitoring unit for monitoring an operational status of the motor, and a motor control unit for limiting a drive signal supplied to the motor based on a monitoring result provided by the motor monitoring unit, in order to prevent an overload state of the motor.

05-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002694736A1

The invention relates to a prosthetic grip unit (1) having a base body (2) on which connection means (3) are disposed for fastening said grip unit to an upper extremity, at least two extensions (10, 20) protruding from said connection means, a first extension (10) being movable relative to the second extension (20) from a protruding position into a flush position, wherein the pivot axis (14) has a perpendicular orientation to the base body (2) and the first extension (10) is motor driven.

17-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001288900C

An inner hand as an orthopedic fitting part of thermoplastic for accommodating a hand mechanism is disclosed. The inner hand has an annular groove which is made on the end portion of the hand and into which a ring which fixes the inner hand on the hand mechanism is inserted. To improve the functioning of the inner hand, a two-component sandwich design is proposed, the utilization region of at least the thumb and index finger being harder than the remaining hand element.

04-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA948448A

11-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001325867C

An artificial hand has its finger gripper swingable about an axis which includes an angle of 30.degree. to 70.degree. with a plane normal to axis of a prosthesis connector and its fingers inclined at an acute angle to the finger carrier to provide a more natural orientation of the hand for picking up objects at pick-up surfaces located above a support surface for the object.

27-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002411095A1

A transcutaneous prosthesis is disclosed comprising a first component (1) shaped for implantation into a bone (2), a second component (4) intended for location between the bone (2) and the skin, and a third component (5) intended for location exterior to the skin surface, having a low surface energy which deters bacterial adhesion. The second component (4) may carry an adhesion- promoting protein.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002983237A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

A digit mechanism for an artificial hand comprises: a lower digit (44) arranged to be rotatably coupled to a palm unit (12) of the artificial hand; an upper digit (48) rotatably coupled to the lower digit (44); a lower digit rotation mechanism (34, 46, 52, 58) for applying a moment to the lower digit (44) to rotate the lower digit (44) relative to the palm unit (12); an upper digit rotation mechanism (50, 54, 56) for applying a moment to the upper digit (48) to rotate the upper digit (48) relative to the lower digit (44); and a force balancing mechanism (60, 58) for mechanically adjusting the magnitude of the moment applied by the lower digit rotation mechanism (34, 46, 52, 58) and/or the upper digit rotation mechanism (50, 54, 56) in accordance with the magnitude(s) of outside forces resisting rotation of the upper digit (48) and/or the lower digit (44) in order to preferentially apply movement to the digit experiencing lower resistance to movement; wherein the force balancing mechanism ...

26-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934405A1

Prostheses include a terminal device, a back-lock mechanism, a wrist, a limb-socket, and a harness system. The terminal device can be a five-fingered mechanical hand that provides a releasable adaptive grasp, and has independently flexible fingers. The limb socket can be 3D printed using a molded model of a remnant limb. The harness strap can encircle an unaffected limb and is coupled to the terminal device with a cable so that a user can control the terminal device. The harness system can include a 3D printed harness ring that couples to the cable.

30-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002226382A1

08-09-2020 дата публикации

Модуль искусственной кисти

Номер: RU0000199579U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицинской техники, в частности к модулю искусственной кисти, применяемому для протеза, а также как исполнительный орган промышленного/бытового манипулятора или робота. Техническим результатом полезной модели является обеспечение максимальной анатомической схожести бионической кисти с биологической кистью и повышение надежности работы модуля искусственной кисти. Модуль искусственной кисти содержит корпус, в котором расположены мотор-редуктор, связанный с ним двухступенчатый планетарный редуктор и контроллер кисти, выполненный с возможностью получения управляющих сигналов с электромиографического датчика по беспроводной связи и передачи их мотору редуктору, направляющие большого, указательного и среднего пальцев с напальчниками и П-образное основание, жестко закрепленное на боковой поверхности корпуса. При этом на основании закреплены нижние и верхние шарнирные соединения, на верхнем шарнирном соединении закреплены направляющие среднего и указательного пальцев, выполненные с возможностью движения вокруг оси поворота верхнего шарнирного соединения при помощи двухступенчатого планетарного редуктора, а на нижнем шарнирном соединении закреплена направляющая большого пальца, выполненная с возможностью движения вокруг оси поворота нижнего шарнирного соединения при помощи стяжки со стопором, один конец которой закреплен между направляющими указательного и среднего пальцев, а другим концом - с направляющей большого пальца. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 579 U1 (51) МПК A61F 2/56 (2006.01) A61F 2/72 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61F 2/583 (2020.05); A61F 2/72 (2020.05); A61F 2002/6836 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020104039, 20.09.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "МОТОРИКА" (RU) Дата регистрации: 08.09.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 08.09.2020 Бюл. № 25 (85) Дата ...

26-05-2021 дата публикации

Электромагнитная искусственная мышца

Номер: RU0000204473U1

Полезная модель относится к управляемым приводам для преобразования электрической энергии в механическую и может быть использована в робототехнике, машиностроении и медицине, в частности при разработке бионических протезов и экзоскелетов. Электромагнитная искусственная мышца содержит на противоположном конце подвижной камеры закреплённый постоянный магнит. Внутренняя полость подвижной камеры заполняется магнитной жидкостью с добавлением в нее присадок для увеличения магнитной восприимчивости, причем подвижная камера выполнена с добавлением частиц, выполненных с возможностью намагничиваться и притягивать к себе частицы магнитной жидкости, при этом подвижная камера заключена во внешнюю оплетку для ограничения ее расширения при сжатии электромагнитной искусственной мышцы. В сердечнике электромагнита и постоянного магнита выполнено глухое отверстие с нарезанной резьбой для закрепления искусственной мышцы в конструкции, приводимой в движение машины или механизма. Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является устранение недостатков известных технических решений, а именно: повышение развиваемого усилия; увеличение надежности; увеличение рабочего хода мышцы. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 473 U1 (51) МПК A61F 2/70 (2006.01) B25J 18/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61F 2/70 (2021.02); B25J 18/02 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021100027, 10.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бирюков Антон Сергеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 26.05.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 26.05.2021 Бюл. № 15 2 0 4 4 7 3 R U (54) Электромагнитная искусственная мышца (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к управляемым приводам для преобразования электрической энергии в механическую и может быть использована в робототехнике, машиностроении и медицине, в частности при разработке бионических протезов и ...

04-06-2021 дата публикации

Многокоординатный привод для протеза с цифровой системой управления

Номер: RU0000204675U1

Использование: область протезирования, конкретнее область приводов, обеспечивающих движение в неимплантируемых протезах суставов.Технический результат: повышение быстродействия привода для протеза, за счет применения постоянных магнитов на роторе привода, постоянного кольцевого магнита и цифровой системы позиционирования ротора.Сущность полезной модели: электромеханический привод протезов, содержащий электродвигатель и выходной элемент, у которого выходной элемент выполнен в виде крепления для механического элемента с возможностью восполнения человеку функции, утраченной при повреждении или утере части тела, ротор с постоянными магнитами, постоянный кольцевой магнит, соединенный с каркасами электромагнитов посредством креплений для постоянного кольцевого магнита, выполненных из немагнитопроводящего материала, три фазные обмотки, закрепленные на каркасах электромагнитов, каркас, выполненный из неэлектропроводящего материала, прикрепленный к каркасам для электромагнитов, датчики положения ротора, прикрепленные к креплениям для постоянного кольцевого магнита, цифровую систему управления и общий источник питания, электрически соединенные между собой и с электродвигателем, корпус, выполненный из биосовместимого неэлектропроводящего материала, и крепление к протезируемой части тела, выполненное из биосовместимого неэлектропроводящего материала, соединенное с корпусом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 675 U1 (51) МПК A61F 2/70 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61F 2/70 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020139674, 01.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Уразбахтин Руслан Рустемович (RU) Дата регистрации: 04.06.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 01.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 04.06.2021 Бюл. № 16 2 0 4 6 7 5 R U (54) МНОГОКООРДИНАТНЫЙ ПРИВОД ДЛЯ ПРОТЕЗА С ЦИФРОВОЙ СИСТЕМОЙ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Использование: область протезирования, ...

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Jointed mechanical devices

Номер: US20120150322A1

A jointed mechanical device is provided. The device includes at least one element ( 204 ) having a fixed end and a deflectable end. The device also includes at least one actuating structure ( 206 ) having a first end coupled to at least the deflectable end of the element, where the actuating structure includes at least one elastic element ( 214 ) in series with at least one non-elastic element. The device further includes at least one force actuator ( 202 ) configured to apply an actuator force to a second end of the actuating structure. Additionally, the device includes a control system ( 315 ) for adjusting an operation of the force actuator based at least one actuation input, an amount of the actuator force, and an amount of displacement generated by the force actuator.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method of controlling a prosthesis

Номер: US20120221122A1
Принадлежит: Touch Emas Ltd

The present invention relates to a method of controlling a movable component of a prosthesis or orthosis. The method ( 100 ) comprises moving the component by means of a motor ( 102 ) and determining when movement of the component is arrested when the component bears against a surface ( 104, 106 ). Thereafter a plurality of driving electrical pulses are applied to the motor ( 110 ) in dependence on the determination and when movement of the component is arrested to thereby drive the motor so as to cause the component to bear against the surface with greater force.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Multiple Grasp Prosthetic Terminal Device

Номер: US20130197671A1

A prosthetic terminal device includes a wrist interface portion, a passive element and an active element. The passive element includes at least two finger-like projections extending from a base in a direction substantially away from the wrist interface portion. The passive element is fixed in relation to the wrist interface portion. The active element is configured to be positioned relative to the passive element and the wrist interface portion to achieve a plurality of grasp positions of the prosthetic terminal device based on one dimension of closure control of the active element in combination with a plurality of different fixable orientation positions of the active element. Each of the different fixable orientation positions is associated with at least one grasp position and at least one of the fixable orientation positions is associated with at least two grasp positions.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Mounting structure for polymer actuator

Номер: US20130207524A1
Принадлежит: Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd

A movable side mounting portion transmits extension and contraction of a polymer actuator to an electric prosthetic hand. The polymer actuator deforms elastically in accordance with voltage application and returns to its original shape in accordance with stoppage of voltage application. A rear end of the polymer actuator is fixed and a front end of the polymer actuator is movable. When one of a pair of electrodes of the polymer actuator is electrically connected to the fixed side mounting portion, the fixed end is fastened by a bolt to the fixed side mounting portion. Also, when the other electrode is electrically connected to the movable side mounting portion, the movable end is fastened by a bolt to the movable side mounting portion.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226315A1
Автор: VARLEY Edward

An artificial hand component comprising a drive motor and at least two digits coupled to be driven by the drive motor. The said at least two digits are coupled to be driven by the drive motor via the intermediary of differential gearing. 1. An artificial hand component comprising a drive motor and at least two digits coupled to be driven by the said drive motor , wherein the said at least two digits are coupled to be driven by the said drive motor via the intermediary of differential gearing.2. An artificial hand component according to claim 1 , wherein the drive of the said drive motor is transmitted to the said digits by way of respective leadscrews.3. An artificial hand component according to claim 2 , wherein a drive spindle of the said drive motor is collinear with one of the said leadscrews.4. An artificial hand component according to claim 1 , wherein the said differential gearing comprises an arrangement of planetary gears.5. An artificial hand component according to claim 1 , wherein the said coupling between the said drive motor and the said digits comprises respective parts which have a common axis of rotation.6. An artificial hand component according to claim 1 , wherein the said digits comprise artificial fingers.7. An artificial hand component according to claim 1 , wherein the artificial hand component comprises a prosthetic device.8. An artificial hand having an artificial hand component as claimed in . The present invention relates to an artificial hand component, comprising a drive motor and at least two digits coupled to be driven by the drive motor.A problem that has been encountered hitherto by such a construction is that when the digits are operated by the drive motor to effect a closing movement of the digits such as occurs when a hand of which they form a part executes a grasping action, one of the digits may close on an object to be grasped before the other, so that the other digit is ineffective.The present invention seeks to provide a ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Control system for a grasping device

Номер: US20130253705A1

A method for operating a grasping device and grasping devices therefrom are provided. The grasping device is configured to use a plurality of parallel, bi-directional state flow maps each defining a sequence of poses for a plurality of joints in the grasping device. The method include receiving at least one control signal, determining a current pose of the grasping device within the one of the plurality of state flow maps currently selected for the grasping device, and selectively actuating the plurality of joints to traverse the sequence of poses, where a direction for traversing the sequence of poses is based on the at least one control signal.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338796A1
Принадлежит: HDT ROBOTICS, INC.

A mechanical finger comprises a plurality of phalanges coupled to a single actuator using a kinematic linkage and a differential linkage arranged in parallel. The mechanical finger is capable of exhibiting consistent predictable motion when moving in free space or when contacting an object at the fingertip, and of curling in order to conform to an object when the contact is at other locations on the finger. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first member and a second member, the first member coupled between a first and a second joint; the first joint being adapted for coupling to an associated base element to permit articulation of the first member with respect to the associated base element;a differential linkage adapted for receiving torque and for transmitting torque to the first and second joints.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a spring for placing a torque on the second joint in a direction that forces the second member to extend with respect to the first member.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a movable stop for limiting rotation of the second joint claim 2 , wherein said movable stop is connected to a stop linkage that moves said movable stop based upon articulation of said first member relative to the associated base element about said first joint claim 2 , wherein the location of an endpoint of the spring is set by the stop linkage.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the second joint comprises an axis of rotation claim 3 , and wherein the stop is mounted for rotation about said axis of rotation of the second joint.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the differential linkage comprises one of:(i) at least one compliant element for transmitting torque to both the first joint and to the second joint, wherein said compliant element is connected to said first member;(ii) a pivot link pivotally connected to said first member, and first and second connecting rods pivotally connected to said pivot link, wherein said first connecting ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345828A1

An artificial hand includes a palm component having a plurality of finger sockets. A plurality of artificial fingers are received in a snap-fit engagement in the plurality of finger sockets of the palm component. At least one of the plurality of fingers has a locking slide including a plurality of locking teeth and a reverse lock including a locking cam, wherein the locking cam is engaged with the locking teeth to lock the finger in a preferred position. In a feature of the disclosed hand, the artificial finger further comprises a connector attached to the reverse lock, such that a tension applied to the connector through the palm component lifts the locking cam, disengaging the locking cam from the locking teeth of the lock slide. 1. An artificial hand comprising:(a) a palm component including a plurality of finger sockets for receiving a plurality of artificial fingers; and (i) a locking slide including a plurality of locking teeth and a reverse lock including a locking cam,', '(ii) wherein the locking cam is adapted to be engaged with the locking teeth to lock the finger in a preferred position., '(b) a plurality of artificial fingers engaged in a snap-fit manner in each of the plurality of finger sockets on the palm component, at least one of the plurality of fingers comprising2. The artificial hand of claim 1 , wherein the at least one artificial finger further comprises: a connector attached to the reverse lock claim 1 , such that a tension applied to the connector through the palm component lifts the locking cam claim 1 , disengaging the locking cam from the locking teeth of the lock slide.3. The artificial hand of claim 2 , wherein the at least one artificial finger is straightened when the locking cam is disengaged from the locking teeth.4. An artificial finger for use in an artificial hand claim 2 , the artificial finger comprising:(a) a locking slide including a plurality of locking teeth and a reverse lock including a locking cam, wherein the locking cam ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081425A1
Принадлежит: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

A gripping device that comprises a first moveable jaw and a second fixed jaw is disclosed. The gripping device has a handle operatively engaged to the first moveable jaw and a connecting link operatively engaged to the first moveable jaw. The connecting link is positioned in at least one of a first position or a second position. The change in the position of the connecting link allows the gripping device to have either a default closed position or a default open position, which can be defined by voluntarily-open or voluntary-close modes of operation, respectively. The first moveable jaw moves in either of the modes of operation. The change in the mode of operation is accomplished through use of a connecting link that is passed through a singularity during the switching process to achieve the different output positions and directions. 1. A gripping device comprising:a first moveable jaw and a second fixed jaw;a handle operatively engaged to the first moveable jaw and movable in a first direction;a connecting link operatively engaged to the first moveable jaw, the connecting link positioned in at least one of a first position or a second position;wherein, in the first position, the connecting link causes the first moveable jaw to move inwardly relative to the second fixed jaw when the handle is moved in the first direction;wherein, in the second position, the connecting link causes the first moveable jaw to move outwardly relative to the second fixed jaw when the handle is moved in the first direction; andwherein, an equilibrium position of the handle remains the same when the connecting link is in the first position or in second position.2. The gripping device of claim 1 , wherein a magnitude of a force exerted on the first moveable jaw is determined by a mode of operation for the device.3. The gripping device of claim 2 , wherein the mode of operation for the device is a voluntary open mode or a voluntary close mode.4. The gripping device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Bio-mechanical prosthetic finger with h-shaped rocker

Номер: US20200000610A1
Принадлежит: RCM Enterprise LLC

The disclosure provides apparatus and methods of use pertaining to a prosthetic finger assembly. In one embodiment, the assembly includes a coupling tip and a distal ring coupled with the coupling tip. The assembly further includes a proximal ring coupled with the distal ring. A rocker formed in an H-shape with a first end forming a first split prong and a second end forming a second split prong may extend between the coupling tip and the proximal ring. The coupling tip, distal ring, proximal ring, and H-shaped rocker may all be hingedly connected such that movements of the residual finger within the proximal ring articulate the distal ring together with the rocker to articulate the coupling tip. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Wearable robotic device for moving a user

Номер: US20220008226A1

A robotic device (100) for the movement of a user, said robotic device (100) comprising an interface frame (105) arranged to connect the robotic device (100) to a lower limbs or to a prosthesis of lower limbs, said interface frame (105) being integral to an axis x, a lower portion (110) integral to an axis y, a resilient element (140) having a first end (141) connected to the interface frame (105) and a second end (142) connected to the lower portion (110), said resilient element (140) being arranged to deform as a function of an angular variation θ between the axis x and the axis y, a switching device (120) comprising a first element (121), connected to the interface frame (105), and a second element (122), connected to the lower portion (110), said first and second element (121,122) arranged to carry out a relative movement s as a function of the angular variation θ between the axis x and the axis y. In particular, the robotic device (100) is configured in such a way that when the relative movement s is less than a predetermined threshold value s* and the angular variation θ increases, the robotic device (100) is in a first configuration and the resilient element (140) deforms storing elastic energy, said switching device (120) being configured in such a way that in the first configuration the relative movement s can take place only in one direction of motion, and that when the relative movements is equal to the predetermined threshold value s*, the robotic device (100) passes in a second configuration and the resilient element (140) releases elastic energy creating an angular moment Mel arranged to oppose the increasing of the angular variation θ.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005898A1
Автор: Williams Faye Annette

A simple and inexpensive prosthetic device for manually challenged patients comprising a tube of moderately elastic material which can be stretched over a portion of the patient's anatomy, such as a hand, forearm stub or the like, and which can receive and firmly hold a variety of tools to enable the patient to perform numerous tasks which normally require the use of fingers. 1. A prosthetic device for manually challenged patients comprising:a sleeve formed of moderately elastic material having a plurality of openings formed therein and having at least one open end formed with a cuff.2. The device of wherein:said openings are arranged in parallel rows.3. The device of wherein:said openings extend over substantially all of said sleeve.4. The device of further comprising:a tool woven through said openings in a manner to enable a patient to utilize said tool.5. The device of wherein:said tool is a pencil.6. The device of wherein:said tool is a tooth brush.7. The device of further comprising:a bar of soap contained within said sleeve.8. The device of wherein:both ends of said sleeve are open and have cuffs.9. The device of wherein:said sleeve is elongated and has an opening formed adjacent said cuff. This invention is described in my copending provisional application, Ser. No. ______, filed ______ and now ______.This invention relates to prosthetic devices and is particularly directed to simple prosthetic devices for manually challenged persons.Each year many thousands of people become manually challenged due to crippling illnesses, such as arthritis, Parkinson's disease and the like, or by partial or complete amputation of their hands by surgery, fire, explosion, automobile or industrial accidents or other causes. Medical science has developed highly sophisticated prosthetic device which can enable manually challenged patients to perform substantially as well as unchallenged persons. However, these sophisticated prosthetic devices require many months to produce and fit ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015929A1
Принадлежит: Otto Bock HealthCare LP

A prosthetic device and related methods includes an elongate support member having a first surface, and an adapter mounted to the support member. The adapter includes a base portion, a movable member, a connector portion, and an adjustment member. The adjustment member is operable to move the movable member relative to the base portion to change an effective length of an interface between the adapter and the first surface of the support member. The connector portion extends from the base portion and is configured to releasably secure the prosthetic foot to a prosthesis. 1. A prosthetic foot , comprising:an elongate support member comprising fiber reinforced material and having a first surface; a base portion;', 'a movable member;', 'an adjustment member operable to move the movable member relative to the base portion to change an effective length of an interface between the adapter and the first surface of the support member., 'an adapter comprising2. The prosthetic foot of claim 1 , wherein one of the base portion and the movable portion has a cavity claim 1 , and the other of the base portion and the movable member is positioned at least partially within the cavity.3. The prosthetic foot of claim 1 , wherein the movable member extends in an anterior direction from the base portion.4. The prosthetic foot of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment member includes a threaded shaft claim 1 , and rotating the threaded shaft moves the adjustment member relative to the base portion.5. The prosthetic foot of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment member includes a motor operable to move the movable member relative to the base portion.6. The prosthetic foot of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sensor configured to detect at least one condition associated with use of the prosthetic foot claim 1 , and generate a sensor signal used to control the adjustment member.7. The prosthetic foot of claim 1 , further comprising a controller and at least one sensor claim 1 , the controller ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007424A1
Автор: Gill Hugh

A digit for a prosthetic hand is provided. The digit has a base member () attachable to the hand and at least one digit member () pivotably connected to the base member. The at least one digit member () has a digit tip () remote from the base member (), and the digit member is at least partially covered with at least one conductive substance () which defines a conductive path which leads from the digit tip towards the base member. A method of manufacturing such a digit is also provided. 1. A digit for a prosthetic hand , the digit comprising:a base member attachable to the hand; andat least one digit member pivotably connected to the base member;wherein the at least one digit member has a digit tip remote from the base member, and the digit member is at least partially covered with at least one conductive substance which defines a conductive path which leads from the digit tip towards the base member.2. The digit of claim 1 , further comprising a cover adapted to fit over at least the digit tip claim 1 , the cover having a cover tip which lies over the digit tip when the cover is in place claim 1 , wherein the cover tip includes at least one aperture extending through the cover claim 1 , and the at least one conductive substance is provided on an exterior of the cover tip and within the at least one aperture such that it defines part of the conductive path from the exterior of the cover tip to the digit tip.3. The digit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one conductive substance is selected from the group comprising: a conductive adhesive claim 1 , a conductive paint and a conductive coating.4. The digit of claim 1 , wherein the digit tip is at least partially covered with a first conductive substance claim 1 , and an adjacent portion of the at least one digit member is at least partially covered with a second conductive substance claim 1 , the first and second conductive substances defining the conductive path.5. The digit of claim 4 , wherein the first conductive ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007425A1
Автор: Veatch Bradley Delton

The present invention is a switchable gripping terminal device that can be switched from a voluntary open prehension mode to a voluntary closed prehension mode, at will by the user. In an embodiment of the present invention, the terminal device may comprise a movable digit attached to a fixed digit, whereby the user can actuate the movable digit, such that the movable digit rotates relative to the fixed digit. The terminal device may comprise a lever, which enables the user to switch from a first mode, voluntary open (VO), to a second mode, voluntary closed (VC). This switchable biasing means, allows the user to decide the prehension mode, and easily switch the mode at will, according to the circumstances. 120-. (canceled)21. A terminal device comprising:a first digit having a proximal end and a distal end positioned along an axis;a second digit mechanically connected to the first digit, such that the second digit is movable relative to the first digit, wherein the movement is substantially within a first plane, and the axis is positioned substantially within the first plane;a lever having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the lever is mechanically connected to the second digit, such that the second end of the lever is reversibly movable from a first position to a second position;a means for applying a passive force attached to the second end of the lever for applying a passive force to the second end of the lever in a first direction substantially towards the distal end of the first digit; anda means for applying an active force attached to the second end of the lever for applying an active force to the second end of the lever in a second direction substantially towards the proximal end of the first digit, wherein:the second end of the lever moves in a second plane that is substantially perpendicular to the first plane when moved from the first position to the second position and when moved from the second position to the first position,when in ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Articulated mechanism, finger, and hand

Номер: US20160008146A1
Принадлежит: THK Co Ltd

An articulated mechanism system includes a plurality of fingers (articulated mechanisms) arranged in parallel, each of which has a mounting member, a first digital part rotatably connected to the mounting member by a first connecting part, a second digital part rotatably connected to the first digital part by a second connecting part, and a first driving part rotatably connected to the second digital part by a fourth connecting part and connected to a third connecting part. By extruding the third connecting part toward the fourth connecting part, the first digital part and the second digital part are integrally rotated about the first connecting part, or the second digital part is rotated about the second connecting part when the rotation of the first digital part is blocked. The third connecting parts are driven by a single driving mechanism for the same distance and in the same direction at a time.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012110A1

A prosthetic device control apparatus includes at least one sensor worn by a user. The sensor(s) determines a user's movement. A control module is in communication with the sensor(s). The control module communicates movement information to a prosthetic. A method for controlling a prosthetic device includes sensing a user's movement, communicating the movement through a control module to a prosthetic device; and controlling the movement of a prosthetic device. 1. A prosthetic device control apparatus comprising:at least one inertial sensor adapted to be worn by a user, the at least one inertial_sensor detecting body movements that are indicative of a desired movement of a prosthetic device; anda control module in communication with the at least one sensor and receiving at least one signal based on the detected body movements therefrom, the control module having a plurality of user selectable control modes, each user selectable control mode defining a different motion for the prosthetic device, the plurality of user selectable control modes including at least a bulk control mode and a finesse control mode;wherein the control module commands a first prosthetic actuator to control movement of the prosthetic device based on the detected body movements indicated by the at least one signal from the at least one inertial sensor to achieve bulk movement of the prosthetic device when the bulk control mode has been selected, thereby moving the prosthetic device into the desired position of the prosthetic device; andwherein the control module commands a second of prosthetic actuator that is different than the first prosthetic actuator to control hand movement of the prosthetic device based on a signal from the same at least one inertial sensor used to control the first prosthetic actuator to achieve finesse movement of the prosthetic device when the finesse control mode has been selected, thereby manipulating the prosthetic hand through hand movement of the prosthetic device.2. ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Intra-oral prostheses and other anatomical prostheses

Номер: US20170014220A1
Принадлежит: University of Pittsburgh

Described herein are intra-oral prostheses that can help replace or augment the function of the native tongue, such as to assist with swallowing. Disclosed prostheses can provide mechanical force, based on the power of mastication, to propel a food bolus into the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. Disclosed prostheses can be used to enhance swallowing rehabilitation as a temporary aid and/or can be used to permanently replace lost tongue functionality. Also disclosed are other anatomical prostheses, such as to provide power for the articulation of dysfunctional extremities, by transforming mechanical force from another nearby functioning muscle group.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014245A9
Автор: Hunter Mark

The invention relates to a mechanical finger comprising, a knuckle, a proximal element, a rod, a motor, a motor driven screw and a distal element. The knuckle has a first and second pivot. The proximal element knuckle end is coupled to the first pivot. The proximal element also has a third pivot at a variable longitudinal distance from the first pivot. The rod has a near end pivotally coupled to the second pivot and a far end pivotally coupled to the third pivot. A motor is coupled to and referenced to the proximal element. A screw is driven to change the distance between the third pivot and the first pivot in response to a command from a controller to the motor. A distal element is pivotally coupled to the proximal element. The distal element rotates with respect to the proximal element in response to a change in the variable distance between the third pivot and the first pivot. 1. A mechanical finger comprising:a knuckle,a proximal element, 'the knuckle having', 'a rod,'}a first pivot anda second pivot separated by 'the proximal element having a knuckle end pivotally coupled to the knuckle first pivot and', 'a first predetermined distance,'} 'the rod having a knuckle end pivotally coupled to the knuckle second pivot and a distal element end pivotally coupled to the third pivot,', 'a third pivot at a variable longitudinal distance from the first pivot,'}a force generator driving a screw, the force generator being coupled to the proximal element, the screw being coupled to the third pivot to change the variable longitudinal distance between the first pivot and the third pivot in response to a command from a control sensor to the force generator, a fourth pivot, the distal element rotating with respect to the proximal element and the fourth pivot in response to', 'a change in the variable distance between the third pivot and the first pivot., 'a distal element, the distal element being pivotally coupled to the proximal element at'}2. The mechanical finger of wherein ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014246A1
Автор: Veatch Bradley Delton

This disclosure relates to the field of prosthetics, more specifically to a pinless anthropomorphic hinge or joint, and a digit comprising one or more phalanges connected by and articulating around pinless joints, whereby the joints provide compliant movement in more than one plane. This disclosure also relates to modular prosthetic systems comprising multiple digits, in particular for partial-hand replacements. 112-. (canceled)13. An external prosthetic biomimetic digit comprising:a first phalange comprising a proximal end, a palmar side, a dorsal side, and a first hole positioned towards the proximal end of the palmar side of the first phalange;a second phalange comprising a distal end, a palmar side, a dorsal side, and a second hole positioned towards the distal end of the palmar side of the second phalange; anda stabilizing cylinder, wherein:the proximal end is positioned adjacent to the distal end,the palmar side of the proximal end of the first phalange is rounded to form a first arc,the palmar side of the distal end of the second phalange is rounded to form a second arc such that the first arc and the second arc form a nip,the stabilizing cylinder is positioned in the nip, andthe proximal end is movably attached to the distal end by a first loop secured through the first hole and the second hole, a second loop secured through the first hole and the stabilizing cylinder, and a third loop secured through the second hole and the stabilizing cylinder such that the first loop, the second loop, and the third loop form a triangular formation.14. The digit of claim 13 , wherein the stabilizing cylinder comprises:a first end and a second end;a first flange positioned at the first end; anda second flange positioned at the second end.15. The digit of claim 13 , further comprising:a base comprising a third hole; anda fourth loop, wherein:the second phalange further comprises a proximal end and a fourth hole positioned towards the proximal end of the palmar side of the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014744A1

A multifunctional wrist orthotic comprising an electromyography (EMG) sensor having at least two electrodes for attachment to a wrist of a user, an intertial measurement sensor (IMU), a microcontroller unit (e.g., a Arduino® Mini) connected to the IMU, a power supply unit. The microcontroller unit is configured to perform two-tiered gesture recognition, with the first tier comprising a fine gesture sensed by the EMG sensor and the second tier comprising a gross gesture sensed by the IMU sensor. 1. A wrist orthotic , comprising:a rigid housing formed to fit around a portion of a forearm, wrist, and a portion of a hand of a user;a plurality of flexible straps for securing the housing to the user;an electromyography (EMG) sensor mounted to the housing and having at least two electrodes for attachment to the pronator muscle of a wrist of the user;an interial measurement unit (IMU) mounted to the housing;a microcontroller unit mounted to the housing and connected to the IMU; anda power supply unit mounted to the housing.2. The wrist orthotic of claim 1 , wherein the power supply unit is a battery.3. The wrist orthotic of claim 1 , wherein the a first electrode is connected to the wrist near a pronator muscle of the user.4. The wrist orthotic of claim 1 , wherein the microcontroller unit is configured to perform two-tiered gesture recognition.5. The wrist orthotic of claim 4 , wherein the first tier comprises a fine gesture sensed by the EMG sensor due to supination-pronation of the user's wrist and the second tier comprises a gross gesture sensed by the IMU sensor.6. The wrist orthotic of claim 5 , wherein a gross gesture of the two-tiered gesture recognition includes a motion comprising moving a hand of the user toward the user body then away from the user body.7. The wrist orthotic of claim 5 , wherein a gross gesture of the two-tiered gesture recognition includes a motion comprising moving a hand of the user away from the user body then toward the user body.8. The ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015532A1

Provided are a fixing module and a motion assistance apparatus including the same, the fixing module including a base body, a plurality of side frames provided on both sides of the base body, and a height adjustment assembly provided on the base body, and on which a driving module is mounted to provide a power, wherein a distance between the plurality of side frames may be adjustable.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015590A1

In a hand exoskeleton device, according to a three-layered sliding spring mechanism, the motion of the device is changed by a single drive mechanism to transmit power to the metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints of a human finger, thereby enabling support of the daily activity motions of the finger. According to the hand exoskeleton device, when compared with a conventional device, there can be realized a device which is small in size and weight and is capable of supporting the gripping motions of the human finger. The hand exoskeleton device is characterized in that the three joints of the finger can be bent and extended by the single drive mechanism and it can transmit large drive power. Further, the device body is flexible, thereby enabling safe movement.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Hydraulic Pump Assembly for Artifical Hand

Номер: US20210015640A1

A hydraulic pump assembly () comprises: a low-pressure hydraulic pump (), a high-pressure hydraulic pump (), and a drive shaft assembly () that passes along an axis of the pump assembly (); wherein both hydraulic pumps () are arranged to be rotated simultaneously by the drive shaft assembly (); and wherein the pump assembly () is formed a single unit arranged to fit into a pump chamber (). 1. A hydraulic pump assembly comprising: a low-pressure hydraulic pump , a high-pressure hydraulic pump , and a drive shaft assembly that passes along an axis of the pump assembly; wherein both hydraulic pumps are arranged to be rotated simultaneously by the drive shaft assembly; and wherein the pump assembly is formed as a single unit arranged to fit into a pump chamber.2. A hydraulic pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic pump assembly is for powering a hydraulic circuit in an artificial hand and the single unit may be arranged to fit into a pump chamber within a palm unit of the artificial hand.3. A hydraulic pump assembly as claimed in or claim 1 , wherein the low-pressure hydraulic pump is capable of operating at pressures from 0 bar up to 10-15 bar and the high-pressure hydraulic pump is capable of operating at pressures from 0-50 bar.4. A hydraulic pump assembly as claimed in claim 1 , or claim 1 , wherein The hydraulic pump assembly includes a seal or a groove for holding a seal at one end of the hydraulic pump assembly.5. A hydraulic pump assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 1 , having a prismatic shape for fitting into a pump chamber of a corresponding prismatic shape.6. A hydraulic pump assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein having a cylindrical shape for fitting into a pump chamber of a corresponding cylindrical shape.7. A hydraulic pump assembly as claimed in any preceding claim claim 1 , comprising a hydraulic axle seal between the two hydraulic pumps for the drive shaft assembly claim 1 , and no seals between ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021947A1
Автор: Veatch Bradley Delton

The present invention is a switchable gripping terminal device that can be switched from a voluntary open prehension mode to a voluntary closed prehension mode, at will by the user. In an embodiment of the present invention, the terminal device may comprise a movable digit attached to a fixed digit, whereby the user can actuate the movable digit, such that the movable digit rotates relative to the fixed digit. The terminal device may comprise a lever, which enables the user to switch from a first mode, voluntary open (VO), to a second mode, voluntary closed (VC). This switchable biasing means, allows the user to decide the prehension mode, and easily switch the mode at will, according to the circumstances. 1. A switchable prehension terminal device , comprising:a first digit having a distal end and a proximal end;a second digit rotatably connected to the first digit via a first connecting means having a dorsal side and a palmar side;a biasing means operatively connected to the second digit via a second connection means;a means for applying a passive force to the biasing means in a direction substantially towards the distal end of the first digit;a means for applying an active force to the biasing means in a direction substantially towards the proximal end of the first digit; andwherein the biasing means is movable between a first position and a second position, wherein the first position is defined by the biasing means positioning the passive force and active force means on the palmar side of the first connecting means, and the second position is defined by the biasing means positioning the passive force and active force means on the dorsal side of the first connecting means.2. The terminal device of claim 1 , wherein when the biasing means is in the first position and the passive force is greater than the active force claim 1 , the biasing means rotates the second digit about the first connection means such that the terminal device is in an open position.3. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020690A1

The disclosure provides apparatus and methods of use pertaining to a prosthetic finger assembly. In one embodiment, the assembly includes a coupling tip and a distal ring coupled with the coupling tip. The assembly further includes a proximal ring coupled with the distal ring. A rocker formed in an H-shape with a first end forming a first split prong and a second end forming a second split prong may extend between the coupling tip and the proximal ring. The coupling tip, distal ring, proximal ring, and H-shaped rocker may all be hingedly connected such that movements of the residual finger within the proximal ring articulate the distal ring together with the rocker to articulate the coupling tip. Other embodiments are also disclosed. 1. A biomechanically driven prosthetic finger assembly , comprising:a distal ring rotatively coupled between a coupling tip and a proximal ring via respective first and second hinged connections; anda rocker rotatively coupled between the coupling tip and the proximal ring via respective third and fourth hinged connections, wherein:the first and second hinged connections define a midline relative to a z-axis;the third hinged connection is located below the midline; andthe fourth hinged connection is located above the midline, such that a relative rotational motion between the proximal ring and the distal ring causes a relative rotational motion between the distal ring and the coupling tip to emulate a finger's natural closing motion.2. The prosthetic finger assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rocker defines an H-shape having opposing first and second ends claim 1 , the first end forming a first split prong at the third hinged connection claim 1 , and the second end forming a second split prong at the fourth hinged connection.3. The prosthetic finger assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the first claim 2 , second claim 2 , third claim 2 , and fourth hinged connections comprises a pair of parallel pivotal hinges that are symmetric about a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020691A1

The disclosure provides apparatus and methods of use pertaining to a biomechanical finger brace assembly. In one embodiment, the assembly includes a coupling tip, a proximal ring configured to concentrically receive a user's finger, a distal ring configured to concentrically receive the finger, and a rocker formed in an H-shape. The distal ring and the rocker are pivotally suspended between a proximal coordinated pivot point anchored on the proximal ring and a distal coordinated pivot point anchored on the coupling tip, such that movements of the finger within the proximal ring articulate the distal ring together with the rocker to articulate the coupling tip. The coupling tip may include an open end or an enclosed recess to accept a minimally-amputated or non-amputated finger. Other embodiments are also disclosed. 1. A biomechanical brace assembly for a user's residual digit , comprising:a coupling tip;a proximal ring configured to concentrically receive the residual digit with a snug fit;a distal ring configured to concentrically receive the residual digit with a snug fit; anda rocker, wherein the distal ring and the rocker are pivotally suspended between a proximal coordinated pivot point anchored on the proximal ring and a distal coordinated pivot point anchored on the coupling tip.2. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 1 , wherein the distal coordinated pivot point comprises a first hinged connection between the distal ring and the coupling tip and a third hinged connection between the rocker and the coupling tip.3. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 2 , wherein the proximal coordinated pivot point comprises a second hinged connection between the distal ring and the proximal ring and a fourth hinged connection between the rocker and the proximal ring.4. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 3 , wherein the distal ring and the rocker lack a direct connection.5. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 3 , wherein the rocker defines an H-shape ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039972A1

Disclosed is a motion-mode- and thumb-position-based motion control system and method of a myoelectric hand, and more particularly a motion-mode- and thumb-position-based motion control system and method of a myoelectric hand that is capable of performing a hand motion indicating emotion or intention expression as well as a grasping motion for holding an object according to restrictive electromyography signals transmitted from two electromyography sensors provided at the myoelectric hand and that is capable of diversifying hand motions and grips depending on the position of a thumb that can be changed by a user, whereby a utilization range of the myoelectric hand is simply extended. 1. A motion-mode- and thumb-position-based motion control system of a myoelectric hand , the motion-mode- and thumb-position-based motion control system comprising:a motion mode switching unit configured to switch a motion that is performed by the myoelectric hand between a hand motion mode for intention and emotion expression and a grasping motion mode for holding an object to change a controller to be enabled;a thumb sensor configured to determine whether a thumb provided at the myoelectric hand is located at a horizontal position or a vertical position to implement a vertical thumb motion mode and a horizontal thumb motion mode;a hand motion controller configured to, when a main hand motion detailed motion mode or a subsidiary hand motion detailed motion mode matched with each of the horizontal thumb motion mode and the vertical thumb motion mode depending on a position of the thumb is selected in the hand motion mode enabled by the motion mode switching unit, receive an electromyography signal transmitted from at least one of first and second electromyography sensors attached to a human body, to enable a control signal for driving the myoelectric hand in order to implement a hand motion matched with the main hand motion detailed motion mode or the subsidiary hand motion detailed ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Prosthetic or Robot Part

Номер: US20140107805A1
Автор: Edward William VARLEY
Принадлежит: RSL STEEPER GROUP Ltd

A prosthetic or robot part, comprising a base, a proximal and a distal. The proximal is mounted on the base so as to be rotatable thereabout in a given sense. The distal is mounted on the proximal so as to be rotatable thereabout in the same sense to effect a gripping action of the prosthetic or robot part. The proximal and the distal are rotatable in the opposite sense to release the grip. One part of a drive of the part is pivoted to the base about a base pivot axis. Another part of the drive is pivoted to the distal about a distal pivot axis. The distal is also pivoted to the proximal about the said distal pivot axis. Thus the proximal, the distal and the said another part of the drive are all pivotable relative to one another about the said distal pivot axis.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022889A1
Автор: Isakov Michael

The present invention is a robotic prosthesis comprising: a mounting plate designed to attach to a wearer; a first joint attached to the mounting plate, wherein the first joint provides for rotation about a fixed number of axes; an arm having a first end and a second end, wherein the first joint is secured to the first end; an attachment, connected to the second end of the arm, wherein the attachment has at least one camera; and a computing device, wherein the computing device is able to collect data from the at least one joints to control the positioning of the attachment. 1. A robotic prosthesis comprising:a mounting plate designed to attach to a wearer;a first joint attached to the mounting plate, wherein the first joint provides for rotation about a fixed number of axes;an arm having a first end and a second end, wherein the first joint is secured to the first end;an attachment, connected to the second end of the arm, wherein the attachment has at least one camera; anda computing device, wherein the computing device is able to collect data from the at least one joints to control the positioning of the attachment.2. The robotic prosthesis of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , a second joint secured to the second end of the arm claim 1 , wherein the second joint is able to rotate about a different axes as the first joint.3. The robotic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the joints are comprised of a first half claim 1 , a second half claim 1 , and an integrated motor claim 1 , wherein a sensor is connected to the first half and another sensor is connected to the second half claim 1 , and both sensors are able to transmit data to the computing device.4. The robotic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is integrated into the attachment.5. The robotic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is integrated into the mounting plate.6. The robotic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the attachment has a camera facing in a first direction and a ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Gait Orthotic Device and Method for Protecting Gait Orthotic Device and User from Damage

Номер: US20160030272A1

A gait orthotic device, such as a powered exoskeleton, includes at least one joint; at least one actuator configured to cause movement of the device at the joint; a cushioning mechanism coupled to the device for absorbing energy or spreading a force during an impact with a surface or object; and a controller. The controller is configured to determine when a fall is occurring and direct the actuator to: orient the device so the cushioning mechanism makes contact with the surface or object during the fall; or reduce a kinetic energy of the device during the fall by performing positive joint work. The cushioning mechanism can take various forms, including an airbag, a spring, a bumper, a roll bar or a kickstand. Preferably, the cushioning mechanism is an airbag in the form of an airbag module that is detachably coupled to the device for removal and replacement. 1. A powered exoskeleton configured to be coupled to a user and including a plurality of joints comprising:right leg, left leg and torso portions configured to be coupled to the user and interconnected through a plurality of joints;a plurality of actuators configured to cause movement of the powered exoskeleton through the plurality of joints;a cushioning mechanism coupled to the powered exoskeleton and configured to absorb energy or spread a force during an impact with a surface or object; and orient the powered exoskeleton so that the cushioning mechanism makes contact with the surface or object during the fall; or', 'reduce a kinetic energy of the powered exoskeleton during the fall., 'a controller configured to determine when a fall is occurring and direct at least one of the plurality of actuators to2. The powered exoskeleton of claim 1 , wherein the cushioning mechanism is an airbag claim 1 , a spring claim 1 , a bumper claim 1 , a roll bar or a kickstand.3. The powered exoskeleton of claim 1 , wherein the cushioning mechanism is an airbag claim 1 , the airbag constituting an airbag module that is ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114439A1
Принадлежит: Motion Control

A prosthetic hand system may include a plurality of prosthetic fingers and a prosthetic thumb. The prosthetic hand system may include a thumb drive mechanism that may be used to actuate the prosthetic thumb. In some examples, the thumb drive mechanism may be configured to enable the prosthetic thumb to perform a pinching or grasping motion and a release motion. The prosthetic hand system may also include a backlock that enables the prosthetic thumb to maintain pinching or gripping pressure after a motor has been disengaged. The prosthetic hand system may also include a gear lock that may be configured to lock a finger joint. The prosthetic hand system may also include an adaptive gripping joint that may be located on each prosthetic finger. In some examples, the adaptive gripping joint may be configured to passively adapt the plurality of prosthetic fingers to one or more differently shaped objects. 1. A prosthetic hand , comprising:a hand chassis having a plurality of finger members mounted to the hand chassis;a thumb member mounted to the hand chassis; a motor mounted within the hand chassis, the motor being operable to drive a gear;', 'a drive crank in communication with the gear;', 'a driven crank attached to the thumb member; and', 'a rod-end bearing attached at one end to the drive crank and attached at an opposite end to the driven crank, such that, upon operation of the motor in a first direction, the thumb member is actuated to perform a pinch motion, and upon operation of the motor in a second direction the thumb member is actuated to perform a release motion., 'a thumb drive mechanism, having2. A prosthetic hand as in claim 1 , wherein the thumb member further comprises mounting the thumb member to the hand chassis for rotation of the thumb member around a thumb axis.3. A prosthetic hand as in claim 2 , further comprising angling the thumb axis from a hand chassis axis that extends along a length of the hand chassis.4. A prosthetic hand as in claim 3 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048200A1

The present application describes a prosthetic or robot part (), comprising at least one phalange member () pivotally coupled to a base () at a pivot axis; and a drive assembly to selectively move the phalange member about the pivot axis along a flexion/extension plane between an open position and a closed position, said drive assembly comprising a drive element () coupled to an actuator () and a driven element () coupled to the phalange member; wherein the driven element () is decouplable from the drive element () when the phalange member is caused to move in a first rotational direction about the pivot axis by an external force. 125-. (canceled)26. A prosthetic or robot part , comprising:at least one phalange member pivotally coupled to a base at a pivot axis; anda drive assembly to selectively move the phalange member about the pivot axis along a flexion/extension plane between an open position and a closed position, said drive assembly comprising a drive element coupled to an actuator and a driven element coupled to the phalange member;wherein the driven element is decouplable from the drive element when the phalange member is caused to move in a first rotational direction about the pivot axis by an external force.27. The part according to claim 26 , wherein the first rotational direction is towards the closed position.28. The part according to claim 27 , wherein the drive assembly is configured such that the drive element drives the driven element in a first translational direction to thereby move the phalange member in the first rotational direction.29. The part according to claim 27 , wherein the drive assembly is configured such that the driven element is urged to follow the drive element when moved in a second translational direction opposed to the first translational direction to thereby move the phalange member in a second rotational direction opposed to the first rotational direction.30. The part according to claim 29 , wherein the second rotational ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048207A1

The present application describes a mechanical hand () comprising a plurality of finger assemblies () each selectively moveable by a respective finger drive assembly about a finger pivot axis along a finger flexion/extension plane and between a finger open position and a finger closed position; a thumb assembly () selectively rotatable by a first thumb drive assembly about a first thumb axis between an opposed position and a non-opposed position with respect to the finger assemblies, and selectively moveable by a second thumb drive assembly about a second thumb axis along a thumb flexion/extension plane and between a thumb open position and a thumb closed position; a controller operatively coupled to the finger and thumb drive assemblies; and a selector operatively coupled to the controller for selecting a desired thumb rotational position or a desired grip to be defined by the finger assemblies and the thumb assembly. A method of operating a mechanical hand is also described. 125-. (canceled)26. A mechanical hand comprising:a plurality of finger assemblies each selectively moveable by a respective finger drive assembly about a finger pivot axis along a finger flexion/extension plane and between a finger open position and a finger closed position;a thumb assembly selectively rotatable by a first thumb drive assembly about a first thumb axis between an opposed position and a non-opposed position with respect to the finger assemblies, and selectively moveable by a second thumb drive assembly about a second thumb axis along a thumb flexion/extension plane and between a thumb open position and a thumb closed position;a controller operatively coupled to the finger and thumb drive assemblies; anda selector operatively coupled to the controller for selecting a desired thumb rotational position or a desired grip to be defined by the finger assemblies and the thumb assembly,wherein the selector comprises at least one switch or sensor configured to send an input signal to the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048208A1

The present application describes apparatus for supporting a mechanical hand, comprising a support member () pivotally coupled at a hinge axis () to a mounting member (); and at least one leaf spring () configured to resist movement of the support member about the hinge axis. Apparatus for supporting a mechanical hand, comprising a lock arrangement () to lock the support member with respect to the mounting member in a rotational position about the hinge axis is also described. 126-. (canceled)27. Apparatus for supporting a mechanical hand , comprising:a support member pivotally coupled at a hinge axis to a mounting member; andat least one leaf spring configured to resist movement of the support member about the hinge axis.28. The apparatus according to claim 27 , wherein the at least one leaf spring is configured to urge the support member towards a neutral equilibrium position with respect to the mounting member.29. The apparatus according to claim 27 , wherein:the at least one leaf spring comprises a first leaf spring configured to resist movement of the support member in a first direction about the hinge axis, anda second leaf spring configured to resist movement of the support member in a second direction about the hinge axis, the second direction being opposed to the first direction.30. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein each spring is configured such that both springs engage the mounting member when the support member is in the neutral equilibrium position.31. The apparatus according to claim 27 , wherein the at least one leaf spring comprises an elongate main portion coupled to the support portion and at least one elongate leg portion extending from the main portion and engageable with the mounting member to provide a reaction force when the support member is forced to move about the hinge axis.32. The apparatus according to claim 31 , wherein the leg portion defines a first angle with respect to a plane of the main portion which is around 5-85 ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035584A1

A battery pack including a case, a battery included in the case and relatively movable with respect to the case, a generator attached to the battery and including a generation axis, and a rotation member connected to the generation axis, wherein the rotation member is configured to act a torque enabling the generation axis to be rotatable when the battery is moved is disclosed. 1. A battery pack comprising:a case;a battery in the case and movable with respect to the case;a generator attached to the battery and including a generation axis; anda rotation member connected to the generation axis,wherein the rotation member is configured to act as a torque enabling the generation axis to be rotatable when the battery is in motion.2. The battery pack of claim 1 , wherein the rotation member comprises:a connecting body, one end of which is connected to the generation axis, and an other end of which is apart from a center of the generation axis; andan elastic body connected to the other end of the connecting body and to the case.3. The battery pack of claim 2 , wherein the connecting body is a torsion spring extended by coiling around the generation axis from the center of the generation axis.4. The battery pack of claim 2 , wherein a plurality of elastic bodies are radially located with respect to the other end of the connecting body.5. The battery pack of claim 4 , wherein at least one of the plurality of elastic bodies has a different spring constant from spring constants of remaining ones of the plurality of elastic bodies.6. The battery pack of claim 2 , wherein the elastic body is provided in four coil springs claim 2 , and the four coil springs are substantially orthogonal with respect to the other end of the connecting body in a balanced condition.7. The battery pack of claim 1 , wherein the case comprises a supporting member configured to support the battery and restrict a movement of the battery in a direction of the generation axis.8. The battery pack of claim 7 ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150039098A1

A system for control of a prosthetic device includes at least one Inertial Measurement Unit detecting orientation of a user's foot. The at least one Inertial Measurement Unit is in communication with a device module configured to command at least one actuator of a prosthetic device. The at least one Inertial Measurement unit sends output signals related to orientation of the user's foot to the device module and the device module controls the at least one actuator of the prosthetic device based on the signals from the at least one Inertial Measurement Unit. 1. A control system for a prosthetic device comprising:at least one sensor module adapted to receive at least one body input signal;at least one device module having at least one prosthetic control mode, the device module being in communication with the at least one sensor module; andat least one actuator of the prosthetic device configured to receive commands from the device module,wherein the device module receives at least one body input signal from the at least one sensor module and commands the at least one actuator in accordance with the at least one body input signal.2. The control system according to further comprising wherein the at least one device module further comprising at least one prosthetic control mode and wherein the device module commands the at least one actuator in accordance with the at least one body input signal and a current control mode of the at least one prosthetic control mode.3. The control system according to further comprising wherein the at least one sensor module comprising at least one inertial measurement unit.4. The control system according to further comprising wherein the at least one inertial measurement unit comprising at least one accelerometer.5. The control system according to further comprising wherein the inertial measurement unit comprising at least one accelerometer configured to detect accelerations in three perpendicular axes.6. The control system according to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054283A1

The disclosure provides apparatus and methods of use pertaining to a prosthetic finger assembly. In one embodiment, the assembly includes a coupling tip and a distal ring coupled with the coupling tip. The assembly further includes a proximal ring coupled with the distal ring. A rocker formed in a Y-shape with a first end forming a single prong and a second end forming a split prong may extend between the coupling tip and the proximal ring. The coupling tip, distal ring, proximal ring, and Y-shaped rocker may all be hingedly connected such that movements of the residual finger within the proximal ring and the distal articulate the distal ring together with the rocker to curl and bend the coupling tip. Other embodiments are also disclosed. 1. A biomechanically driven prosthetic finger assembly , comprising:a coupling tip;a distal ring configured to anchor onto a residual finger, the distal ring rotatively coupled with the coupling tip via a first hinged connection;a proximal ring configured to anchor onto the residual finger, the proximal ring rotatively coupled with the distal ring via a second hinged connection, wherein the first hinged connection and the second hinged connection define a midline relative to a z-axis; anda rocker extending between the coupling tip and the proximal ring, the rocker having a first end and a second end in opposition to one another, the first end rotatively coupling with the coupling tip via a third hinged connection located below the midline, the second end rotatively coupling with the proximal ring via a fourth hinged connection located above the midline;at least one of the first hinged connection, the second hinged connection, the third hinged connection, or the fourth hinged connection outfitted with a hard-stop to prevent relative over-rotation thereof;wherein the distal ring together with the rocker are configured to utilize articulation movements of the residual finger within the proximal and distal rings to emulate a finger's ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038436A1

The disclosure provides apparatus and methods of use pertaining to a biomechanical finger brace assembly. In one embodiment, the assembly includes a coupling tip, a proximal ring configured to concentrically receive a user's finger, a distal ring configured to concentrically receive the finger, and a rocker formed in an H-shape. The distal ring and the rocker are pivotally suspended between a proximal coordinated pivot point anchored on the proximal ring and a distal coordinated pivot point anchored on the coupling tip, such that movements of the finger within the proximal ring articulate the distal ring together with the rocker to articulate the coupling tip. The coupling tip may include an open end or an enclosed recess to accept a minimally-amputated or non-amputated finger. Other embodiments are also disclosed. 1. A biomechanical brace assembly for a user's residual digit , comprising:a coupling tip;a proximal ring configured to concentrically receive the residual digit with a snug fit;a distal ring configured to concentrically receive the residual digit with a snug fit; anda rocker, wherein the distal ring and the rocker are pivotally suspended between a proximal coordinated pivot point anchored on the proximal ring and a distal coordinated pivot point anchored on the coupling tip.2. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 1 , wherein the distal coordinated pivot point comprises a first hinged connection between the distal ring and the coupling tip and a third hinged connection between the rocker and the coupling tip.3. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 2 , wherein the proximal coordinated pivot point comprises a second hinged connection between the distal ring and the proximal ring and a fourth hinged connection between the rocker and the proximal ring.4. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 3 , wherein the distal ring and the rocker lack a direct connection.5. The biomechanical brace assembly of claim 3 , wherein the rocker defines an H-shape ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056588A1

This application relates to a metal coating method for plastic outer part requiring robustness. In the metal coating method, first, provide a plastic outer part as a motion assistance tool. Thereafter, a cold plasma treatment is performed to introduce a polar functional group to a surface of the plastic outer part by treating the plastic outer part with cold plasma. Next, a metal coating layer is formed on the surface of the plastic outer part treated with the cold plasma by an electroless plating method. Thereafter, an adhesive strength improvement process of improving an adhesive strength between the metal coating layer and the plastic outer part to 1,000 g/cmor more by heat treatment of the plastic outer part with the metal coating layer thereon is performed. 1. A metal coating method for plastic outer part requiring robustness , the metal coating method comprising:providing a plastic outer part as a motion assistance tool;performing a cold plasma treatment by treating the plastic outer part with cold plasma to introduce a polar functional group to a surface of the plastic outer part;forming a metal coating layer, by an electroless plating method, on the surface of the plastic outer part which has been treated with the cold plasma; and{'sup': '2', 'increasing an adhesive strength between the metal coating layer and the plastic outer part to 1,000 g/cmor more by heat-treating the plastic outer part with the metal coating layer thereon.'}2. The metal coating method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the increasing of the adhesive strength claim 1 , a heat treatment is performed by heating the plastic outer part with the metal coating layer thereon claim 1 , at a temperature equal to or lower than the softening point of the plastic outer part for 5 minutes to 200 minutes.3. The metal coating method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , due to the increasing of adhesive strength claim 1 , the adhesive strength between the metal coating layer and the plastic outer part is ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045336A1

A prosthetic feeding device and a multi-position prosthetic device are provided herein. In one embodiment, the prosthetic feeding device includes: (1) a multiple position rotator having (1A) a main body having a shaft tunnel and a rotation director, (1B) a rotating body having a pivot shaft and a head with a device receptor, wherein the rotation director is located within the main body and positioned to permit rotation of the pivot shaft within the shaft tunnel in either a clockwise or counter clockwise direction around a longitudinal axis of the main body, and (1C) a cap screw mechanically coupled to the pivot shaft to position the pivot shaft in the shaft tunnel; and (2) an eating utensil mechanically coupled to the head via the device receptor. 1. A prosthetic feeding device , comprising: a main body having a shaft tunnel and a rotation director,', 'a rotating body having a pivot shaft and a head with a device receptor, wherein said rotation director is located within said main body and positioned to permit rotation of said pivot shaft within said shaft tunnel in either a clockwise or counter clockwise direction around a longitudinal axis of said main body, and', 'a cap screw mechanically coupled to said pivot shaft to position said pivot shaft in said shaft tunnel; and, 'a multiple position rotator includingan eating utensil mechanically coupled to said head via said device receptor.2. The prosthetic feeding device as recited in wherein said rotation director is positioned with said shaft tunnel to permit said rotation of said pivot shaft.3. The prosthetic feeding device as recited in wherein said main body further includes an attacher.4. The prosthetic feeding device as recited in wherein said attacher is a threaded male connector.5. The prosthetic feeding device as recited in wherein said device receptor is a threaded female receptor.6. The prosthetic feeding device as recited in wherein said pivot shaft includes a coupling receiver claim 1 , wherein said cap ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042704A1

Provided is an exoskeleton-type glove including: a glove type outer cover; a guide provided at a corresponding position between finger joints of a human body on the outer cover; a wire extended along the guide; an actuation module including an actuator that allows the finger joint of the human body to move by controlling an extension length of the wire and provided at a back side of a hand of the human body; and a buffer provided below the actuation module. 1. An exoskeleton-type glove comprising:a glove type outer cover;a guide provided at a corresponding position between finger joints of a human body on the outer cover;a wire extended along the guide;an actuation module including an actuator that allows the finger joint of the human body to move by controlling an extension length of the wire and provided at a back side of a hand of the human body; anda buffer provided below the actuation module.2. The exoskeleton-type glove of claim 1 , wherein the actuation module further includes a fixation case fixing the actuator at the back side of the hand of the human body.3. The exoskeleton-type glove of claim 2 , wherein the fixation case includesa base part having a seating surface seated on a back of the hand of the human body, anda pair of fixation parts extended upwards at both ends of the base part and fixing the actuator.4. The exoskeleton-type glove of claim 3 , wherein the fixation case further includes a pulley formed at at least any one side of the one pair of fixation parts and rotatably provided by the actuator to wind or unwind the wire.5. The exoskeleton-type glove of claim 4 , wherein the fixation case further includes a separation preventing member formed to cover at least a partial circumference of the pulley to prevent the wire from being separated.6. The exoskeleton-type glove of claim 1 , further comprising:an auxiliary buffer mounted on a hand of the human body.7. The exoskeleton-type glove of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of sensors ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062009A1

A prosthetic foot can have an ankle unit with semi-active adjustable stiffness. In one example, the adjustable stiffness is in the sagittal plane. The ankle stiffness can be varied by the ankle unit in response a user input, which can be received via a wireless communication device. The ankle unit can include two load application locations for one or more cantilever springs so as to provide different stiffness in plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. The positions of the two load application locations can be varied in order to vary the stiffness.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046386A1

A wearable assistance apparatus is disclosed, wherein the wearable assistance apparatus may include a first frame configured to transfer a power in a first direction to assist a user, a second frame configured to transfer the power in a second direction to assist the user, a first wearing portion configured to urge the second frame towards the user in response to the first wearing portion being pulled in the first direction, and a second wearing portion configured to urge the first frame towards the user in response to the second wearing portion being pulled in the second direction. 1. A wearable assistance apparatus , comprising:a first frame configured to transfer a power in a first direction to assist a user;a second frame configured to transfer the power in a second direction to assist the user;a first wearing portion configured to urge the second frame towards the user in response to the first wearing portion being pulled in the first direction; anda second wearing portion configured to urge the first frame towards the user in response to the second wearing portion being pulled in the second direction.2. The wearable assistance apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a driving device configured to generate the power to assist the user; anda supporter configured to contact a target portion of the user to support the user.3. The wearable assistance apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:a guide configured to guide movement of at least one of the first frame and the second frame in a set direction.4. The wearable assistance apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the guide is configured to guide the at least one of the first frame or the second frame to linearly move in the set direction.5. The wearable assistance apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the guide comprises:a rail extendable along the set direction such that the at least one of the first frame and the second frame is configured to move along the rail.6. The wearable assistance apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051382A1

A method for operating a grasping device and grasping devices therefrom are provided. The grasping device is configured to use a plurality of parallel, bi-directional state flow maps each defining a sequence of poses for a plurality of joints in the grasping device. The method include receiving at least one control signal, determining a current pose of the grasping device within the one of the plurality of state flow maps currently selected for the grasping device, and selectively actuating the plurality of joints to traverse the sequence of poses, where a direction for traversing the sequence of poses is based on the at least one control signal. 1. A method for operating a grasping device using a plurality of parallel , bi-directional state flow maps each defining a sequence of poses for a plurality of joints in the grasping device , the method comprising:receiving at least one control signal;determining a current pose of the grasping device within the one of the plurality of state flow maps currently selected for the grasping device; andselectively actuating the plurality of joints to traverse the sequence of poses, wherein a direction for traversing the sequence of poses is based on the at least one control signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selectively actuating the plurality of joints further comprises automatically transitioning to a next one of the sequence of poses in the direction if the at least one control signal meets a threshold criteria based on at least one of an intensity and a length of the at least one signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the actuating of the plurality of joints further comprises:detecting a hindrance to motion for the plurality of joints; andadjusting an amount of actuating allowed for the plurality of joints between the contiguous poses based on a magnitude of the hindrance.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the actuating of the plurality of joints further comprises:measuring a grasping force; andadjusting an amount ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051383A1

A control method for an arm prosthesis having at least one powered joint and at least one inertial measurement sensor (IMS) includes determining a motion and an orientation of the arm prosthesis relative to the inertial reference frame based at least on an output of the IMS and generating control signals for the at least one powered joint based on the motion and the orientation of the prosthetic arm. 1. A method for the control of an arm prosthesis having at least one powered joint and at least one inertial measurement sensor (IMS) , the method comprising:determining a motion of the arm prosthesis relative to the inertial reference frame based at least on an output of the IMS;generating control signals for the at least one powered joint based on the motion and the orientation of the prosthetic arm.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one powered joint comprises a powered elbow joint claim 1 , wherein the IMS measures the motion of an upper arm portion of the arm prosthesis claim 1 , and wherein the generating the control signals comprises controlling an angular movement of the powered elbow joint based on the motion of the upper arm.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the generating of control signals comprises:determining a motion of the powered elbow joint with respect to a body of a user based on the orientation and motion of the arm prosthesis with respect to the body;configuring the control signals to move the powered elbow joint in extension when the powered elbow joint is moving away from the body; andconfiguring the control signals to move the powered elbow joint in flexion when the powered elbow joint is moving closer toward the body.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining the motion of the powered elbow joint with respect to the body comprises determining a change in at least one of a radial distance from the powered elbow joint to at least one of a centerline of the body or a distance of the powered elbow joint from a preselected plane ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051435A1

A main body frame of a walking assist device which is to be fixed to the waist of a user, has first frames to be fixed to the waist of the user, second frames and connection mechanisms which connect the first frames and the second frames such that the relative positions of the second frames with respect to the first frames change according to the motions of the legs of the user. 1. A walking assist device comprising:a drive source;a first orthosis adapted to be attached to a waist of a user;a second orthosis adapted to be attached to a leg of the user;a main body frame adapted to be fixed to the waist of the user by the first orthosis; anda transmission member that connects the main body frame and the second orthosis,wherein the transmission member transmits a force output from the drive source to the leg of the user, andthe main body frame has a first frame adapted to be fixed to the waist of the user, a second frame to which the transmission member is connected, and a connection mechanism that connects the first frame and the second frame such that a relative position of the second frame with respect to the first frame changes according to a motion of the leg of the user.2. The walking assist device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a restricting member that restricts a range in which the relative position of the second frame with respect to the first frame may change.3. The walking assist device according to claim 1 ,wherein the second frame is movable in a direction along a lengthwise direction of the first frame.4. The walking assist device according to claim 1 ,wherein the connection mechanism is configured to move the second frame elastically with respect to the first frame. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a walking assist device adapted to assist a user with walking.2. Description of the Related ArtThere has conventionally been known a walking assist device adapted to assist walking by applying a force output from a drive ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052399A1

A device for enhancing a user's grasping capability comprises a belt-like support configured to be tightly fitted about a user's part of the body; an articulated gripping element having a plurality of phalanxes: proximal, fixed to the support, intermediate and distal, which are articulated to each other by articular joints; a motor unit fixed to the support; a winding drum; a tendon partially wound on the drum and extending along the phalanxes and the joints, arranged so that, by pulling it from the drum, the phalanxes rotate about respective articular joints and move the articulated gripping element from an extended position to a gripping bow-shaped position, causing a flexion/extension movement of the articulated gripping element, the joints configured so that by releasing the tendon from the drum, the phalanxes rotate about the respective joints and move the articulated gripping element between gripping bow-shaped position and extended position. 2100135. The device () according to claim 1 , wherein said flexible articular joints () are configured to be elastically loaded by said flexion movement claim 1 , thereby accumulating elastic energy to be released for causing an extension movement opposite to said flexion movement.3100135131132133135131132133130. The device () according to claim 1 , wherein said articular joints () are manufactured from an elastic body claim 1 , said elastic body consisting of a flexible lamina having two prismatic end portions claim 1 , said phalanxes ( claim 1 , claim 1 ,) providing a cooperating portion having the shape of a prismatic groove such that prismatic portions of an articular joint () can be received into respective prismatic grooves of two adjacent phalanxes ( claim 1 , claim 1 ,) claim 1 , so as to provide a kinematic chain that forms the articulated gripping element ().4100120. The device () according to claim 1 , wherein said motor unit () comprises a mechanically loaded motor member.7100122131110128130128128. The device ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Multi-Grasp Prosthetic Hand

Номер: US20170049583A1

The present invention provides a prosthetic hand capable of multiple grasp types. The prosthetic finger units are underactuated both within and between the finger units using a differential mechanism arrangement. The locking movement of the prosthetic thumb unit is coupled to the differential mechanism. As the user repositions the prosthetic thumb unit, the differential mechanism is effected as to alter both the initial positions and force distribution of the prosthetic finger units. The present invention further provides an additive manufacturing molding method for making the same. 1. A prosthetic hand device comprising:a hand frame having a differential mechanism connected to an actuable index finger unit, at least one actuable secondary finger unit and an actuable thumb unit;wherein the actuable thumb unit includes a plurality of lockable positions, wherein each lockable position corresponds to a different grasping configuration of the prosthetic hand.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the differential mechanism comprises:a first bar having a pin joint at its midpoint and is coupled to at least one tendon line of the at least one secondary finger unit; anda second bar coupled to an index finger tendon line and an index finger orientation cable at one end, to a thumb orientation cable at the opposite end, to a main actuation cable along its length, and to the pin joint of the first bar at a point between the second bar's midpoint and the thumb orientation cable coupling;wherein movement of the first bar opens and closes the at least one secondary finger unit at the same time; wherein movement of the second bar opens and closes the index finger unit independently; and wherein the orientation of the thumb unit alters the configuration of the differential mechanism by applying tension on the thumb orientation cable and the index finger orientation cable.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one secondary finger unit claim 1 , index finger unit and the thumb ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049586A1
Автор: Gill Hugh, MURPHY Jess

A method of controlling a prosthetic hand having at least one motorised component is provided. The method comprises the steps of providing the hand with a first wireless transceiver and a controller in communication with one another, storing at least one manipulation instruction relating to the at least one component, and assigning a code relating to the at least one manipulation instruction to at least one second wireless transceiver. The at least one second transceiver is placed in a location at which the at least one manipulation instruction is to be given, and the controller manipulates the at least one component in accordance with the at least one manipulation instruction when the first transceiver communicates to the controller that the at least one second transceiver is within a predetermined distance of the first transceiver. Related methods and systems for controlling a prosthetic hand are also provided. 1. A method of controlling a prosthetic hand having at least one motorised component , the method comprising the steps of:providing the hand with a first wireless transceiver and a controller in communication with one another;storing at least one manipulation instruction relating to the at least one component;assigning a code relating to the at least one manipulation instruction to at least one second wireless transceiver;placing the at least one second transceiver in a location at which the at least one manipulation instruction is to be given; andthe controller manipulating the at least one component in accordance with the at least one manipulation instruction when the first transceiver communicates to the controller that the at least one second transceiver is within a predetermined distance of the first transceiver.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of storing the at least one manipulation instruction comprises:the wearer of the hand sending one or more control signals to the controller to manipulate the at least one component into a desired ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049660A1
Автор: SUGATA Hikaru

A gait state determination apparatus includes a foot attachment structure disposed in the walking assistance apparatus, the foot attachment structure to be attached to a foot of a user, pressure detection means, disposed in the foot attachment structure, for detecting a pressure exerted on a sole of the user, pressure center calculation means for successively calculating a center position of a pressure exerted on the sole during a gait motion of the user based on the pressure exerted on the sole detected by the pressure detection means, and motion determination means for determining that it is a timing of a start of forward swinging of the leg to which the walking assistance apparatus is attached when the center position of the pressure calculated by the pressure center calculation means is shifted from a position in a heel region of the sole to a toe region thereof. 1. A gait state determination apparatus that determines a gait state of a user with a walking assistance apparatus attached to a leg of the user , the walking assistance apparatus being configured to assist the user to walk , the gait state determination apparatus comprising:a foot attachment structure disposed in the walking assistance apparatus, the foot attachment structure to be attached to a foot of the user;pressure detection means, disposed in the foot attachment structure, for detecting a pressure exerted on a sole of the user;pressure center calculation means for successively calculating a center position of a pressure exerted on the sole during a gait motion of the user based on the pressure exerted on the sole detected by the pressure detection means; andmotion determination means for determining that it is a timing of a start of forward swinging of the leg to which the walking assistance apparatus is attached when the center position of the pressure calculated by the pressure center calculation means is shifted from a position in a heel region of the sole to a toe region thereof.2. The gait ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Minimum Jerk Swing Control for Assistive Device

Номер: US20160058582A1

We present a novel swing phase control module for powered transfemoral prostheses based on minimum jerk theory. The control module allows physiologically appropriate swing movement at any walking speed, regardless of the stance controller action. Preliminary validation in a transfemoral amputee subject demonstrates that the control module provides physiological swing timing, without speed or patient-specific tuning. 1. A method for control of an assistive device , comprising:a. computing a first set of coefficients of a first polynomial function, to determine at least one angle position for an ankle joint of the assistive device when the assistive device is in a swing phase; andb. computing a second set of coefficients of a second polynomial function and a third polynomial function, to determine at least one angle position for a knee joint of the assistive device when the assistive device is in the swing phase.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the at least one angle position for the knee joint and determining the at least one angle position for the ankle joint.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising setting the ankle joint to the determined ankle position and setting the knee joint to the determined knee position.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the ankle joint and the knee joint are set to their respective determined positions by applying a torque to each joint.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third polynomial functions are fifth-order polynomial functions.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of coefficients are computed at least in part on the basis of the position claim 1 , velocity claim 1 , and acceleration of the ankle joint at the start of the swing phase.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of coefficients are computed at least in part on the basis of the desired position and acceleration at the end of the swing phase.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059841A1

The present disclosure provides for a device and method of control for an artificial prosthetic knee. A prosthetic knee according to the present disclosure relies on strictly passive means of providing support during weight bearing and supplements a resistive swing-phase mechanism with a small powered actuator. This actuator adds power to the knee, exclusively during swing phase, to improve swing-phase behavior. In particular, the knee still relies on the resistive swing-phase mechanism to provide nominal swing-phase knee motion, but supplements that motion as needed with the small powered actuator. 1. A knee prosthesis , comprising:a shank link;a thigh link rotatably coupled to the shank link;at least one resistive control element configured to apply both first and second levels of resistance in resisting rotation of the thigh link relative to the shank link;at least one powered control element, distinct and separate from the resistive control element, configured to power rotation of the thigh link relative to the shank link;at least one sensor; and receive sensor measurements from the at least one sensor and determine, based at least on the sensor measurements, a present state of a plurality of states comprising at least a swing state and a stance state;', 'cause the at least one resistive control element to apply a first level of resistance if the present state is a swing state;', 'cause the at least one resistive control element to apply a second level of resistance if the present state is a stance state; and', 'cause the at least one powered control element to power rotation if the present state is a swing state., 'a controller, coupled to the at least one sensor, that is configured to2. The knee prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the at least one powered control element is configured to apply a maximum torque on the knee prosthesis substantially smaller than a maximum torque applied by the at least one resistive control element.3. The knee prosthesis of claim 2 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056208A1

There is disclosed a biomechanically driven prosthetic thumb assembly. Embodiments include an H-shaped rocker and a distal ring configured to receive a user's residual thumb, the distal ring and the rocker each independently and rotatively coupled between a coupling tip and a proximal anchor plate configured for affixing to a hand strap secured to a user. The coupling tip is articulated in response to a pulling force of the H-shaped rocker. Additional embodiments include a bidirectional thumb assembly including a ring mounted upon an adjustable ring tendon that is rotatively coupled between a coupling tip and a proximal anchor plate, which is rotatively coupled with a hand strap attached to the user. Vertical movement of the residual thumb within the ring actuates the coupling tip within a vertical plane. Lateral movement of the residual thumb within the ring actuates the coupling tip within a lateral plane. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A prosthetic thumb assembly , comprising:a coupling tip;a distal ring configured to concentrically receive a residual thumb of a user, the distal ring having a first operable hinged connection with the coupling tip;a proximal anchor plate having a second operable hinged connection with the distal ring, and an anchor attachment point configured for rotatively connecting the proximal anchor plate to the user; and the first and second operable hinged connections define a midline relative to a z-axis;', 'the third operable hinged connection is located below the midline;', 'the fourth operable hinged connection is located above the midline; and', 'the coupling tip is articulated in response to a pulling force provided by the rocker., 'a rocker formed in an H-shape having a first end and a second end in opposition to one another, the first end forming a first split prong of the H-shape, the first end having a third operable hinged connection with the coupling tip, the second end forming a second split prong of the H-shape, the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Lockable Finger System and Related Methods

Номер: US20200054464A1

A prosthetic device having a proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) and a metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP), comprising a first prosthetic digit comprising one or more first phalanges and a four-bar linkage to operatively couple the PIP joint to the MCP joint, a first engagement portion positioned on one of the first phalanges, the first engagement portion comprising a locking linkage extending along the phalange, the locking linkage being part of the four-bar linkage, and a first stopping portion comprising a stopping element configured to be positioned above the locking linkage, wherein the locking linkage is capable of engaging with the stopping element by passing the one of the first phalanges in which the locking linkage is positioned through a mechanical singularity to lock the first prosthetic digit such that each of the one or more phalanges is in a position of flexion in response to a force applied to the first prosthetic digit. 1. A prosthetic device having a proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) and a metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) , comprising:a first prosthetic digit comprising one or more first phalanges and a four-bar linkage to operatively couple the PIP joint to the MCP joint;a first engagement portion positioned on one of the first phalanges, the first engagement portion comprising a locking linkage extending along the phalange, the locking linkage being part of the four-bar linkage; anda first stopping portion comprising a stopping element configured to be positioned above the locking linkage;wherein the locking linkage is capable of engaging with the stopping element by passing the one of the first phalanges in which the locking linkage is positioned through a mechanical singularity to lock the first prosthetic digit such that each of the one or more phalanges is in a position of flexion in response to a force applied to the first prosthetic digit.2. The prosthetic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the one or more first phalanges comprise a first ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054465A1

A lower limb prosthesis comprises a knee chassis (), a shin carrier () pivotally connected to the knee chassis () and a piston and cylinder assembly () pivotally connected to the knee chassis () and the shin carrier (). The piston and cylinder assembly () comprises a piston assembly () comprising a piston () mounted on a piston rod (), a cylinder body (B) having a cavity () defining a cylinder within which the piston () is arranged to reciprocate along the piston and cylinder assembly axis, and a foot component attachment means () for attaching a foot component to the piston and cylinder assembly (). 1. A lower limb prosthesis , comprising:a knee chassis;a shin carrier pivotally connected to the knee chassis; and a piston assembly comprising a piston mounted on a piston rod; and', 'a cylinder body having a cavity defining a cylinder within which the piston is arranged to reciprocate;, 'a piston and cylinder assembly pivotally connected to the knee chassis and the shin carrier, the piston and cylinder assembly comprising the knee chassis is pivotally connected to the shin carrier to pivot around an anterior knee pivot axis (A);', 'the knee chassis is pivotally connected to the piston and cylinder assembly to pivot around a posterior knee pivot axis (C); and', 'the shin carrier is pivotally connected to the piston and cylinder assembly to pivot around a distal pivot axis (B),, 'whereinwherein the piston and cylinder assembly further comprises, distal to the distal pivot point (B), a foot component having a lower surface, and a distance from the anterior knee pivot axis (A) to the distal pivot axis (B) is more that 20% of a distance from the anterior knee pivot axis (A) to the lower surface of the foot component, orthe piston and cylinder assembly further comprises, distal to the distal pivot point (B), attachment means for attaching a foot component to the piston and cylinder assembly, said foot component having a lower surface, and, in use, when said foot component ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054466A1

A prosthesis or an orthosis and method of operating the same. The prosthesis or orthosis comprising a moveable component, a motor operable to move the component, wherein the motor has at least one operating parameter, the application of which to the motor results in the component having at least one operating condition; and an electronic device operable to: determine at least one operating parameter of the motor and determine at least one instantaneous operating condition of the component from a predetermined operating profile of the motor and component and the determined at least one operating parameter of the motor, the predetermined operating profile of the motor and component being based on one or more operating parameter inputs to the motor and one or more resulting operating condition outputs of the component. 120-. (canceled)21. A system for controlling an upper-limb prosthesis , comprising: communicate first and second control signals to the first and second motors, respectively, the first motor configured to manipulate a thumb digit of the upper-limb prosthesis based at least in part on the first control signal, the second motor configured to manipulate a finger digit of the upper-limb prosthesis based at least in part on the second control signal;', 'determine a first current drawn from a power source by the first motor to manipulate the thumb digit,', 'determine a second current drawn from the power source by the second motor to manipulate the finger digit;', compare the first current with one or more first data sets to identify an operating condition of the thumb digit, wherein the one or more first data sets associates different first current values with different operating conditions of the thumb digit including the identified operating condition of the thumb digit,', 'compare the second current with one or more second data sets to identify an operating condition of the finger digit, wherein the one or more second data sets associates different second ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079780A1
Автор: YI Sang Ho

Disclosed is an elbow structure, for an electronic artificial arm, which hinge-connects the humeral part and radioulnar part and enables the joint movement of the humeral part and radioulnar part about one central axis. The elbow structure for an electronic artificial arm comprises: a first connection unit of which one end is connected to the radioulnar part and which has inside the other end a plurality of driving portions provided concentrically with and a predetermined distance away from the central axis and each having a gear on one end; and a second connection unit of which one end is connected to the humeral part and which has teeth portions aligned in a circle so as to interlock and rotate with the gears of the plurality of driving portions in the outer direction. 1100200100200. An elbow structure of an electronic prosthetic hand in which an upper arm () and a lower arm () are hinge-connected and which jointly moves the upper arm () and the lower arm () about one central axis z , the elbow structure comprising:{'b': 300', '200', '320', '321, 'a first connection part () that has one end connected to the lower arm () and is provided with a plurality of driving units () disposed on a concentric circle spaced a predetermined interval (h) from the one central axis (z) in the other end thereof and having one ends provided with gears (); and'}{'b': 400', '100', '410', '321', '320, 'a second connection part () that has one end connected to the upper arm () and has a toothed part () disposed in a circular shape to be engaged with the gears () of the plurality of driving units () in an outward direction and rotated therewith.'}2410410300410ab. The elbow structure of claim 1 , wherein the toothed part () is provided in a pair and includes a first toothed part () located in one side surface direction with respect to the first connection part () and a second toothed part () located in the other side surface direction claim 1 ,{'b': 320', '320', '321', '410', '320', '321', ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067061A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD

An assistive exoskeleton control system has a controller generating a positive assistance by shaping a closed loop integral admittance of a coupled human exoskeleton system to a desired assistance ratio Aby modifying a control transfer function using a cut-off frequency of a low pass filter. 1. An assistive exoskeleton control system comprising:{'sub': 'd', 'a controller generating a positive assistance by shaping a closed loop integral admittance of a coupled human exoskeleton system to a desired assistance ratio Aby modifying a control transfer function using a cut-off frequency of a low pass filter.'}2. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller modifying feedback gains on angular acceleration using the cut-off frequency of a low pass filter.3. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the low pass filter is a Butterworth low-pass filter.5. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller optimizing the desired assistance ratio Aby minimizing an optimization equation defined by: |A−A|+ωR wherein A is an assistance ratio over a desired frequency range and R is a resistance ratio over the desired frequency range.8. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller controlling a damping ratio of a coupled human-exoskeleton system and an unassisted human joint to a desired value.9. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller controlling a damping ratio defined by: |ζ−ζ|/|ζ|<∈ claim 1 , where ζis a damping ratio of the coupled human-exoskeleton system claim 1 , ζis a damping ration of an unassisted human joint and ∈ is a desired variation in the damping ratio of human joint dynamics.10. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller generating a loop transfer function has a gain margin greater than 1.11. The assistive exoskeleton control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller has coupled ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064563A1
Автор: Gill Hugh

Features for a prosthetic wrist and associated methods of rotation are described. The prosthetic wrist attaches to a prosthetic hand. Rotation of the prosthetic wrist is performed in combination with grip formation of the prosthetic hand. An IMU provides data associated with the orientation of the prosthetic hand. A desired grip for the prosthetic hand is selected, for example by gesture control. A rotation for the prosthetic wrist is determined based on the orientation of the prosthetic hand from the IMU data and on the selected desired grip. The prosthetic wrist techniques can also be used in combination with prosthetic arms, elbows and/or shoulders. Example structural configurations for the prosthetic wrist and hand are also provided. 1. A prosthetic hand and wrist system , the system comprising:a prosthetic hand;a prosthetic wrist comprising a fixed portion, an actuator module, and a rotatable portion, the fixed portion configured to attach to an arm, the rotatable portion configured to attach to the prosthetic hand, and the actuator module attached to both the fixed and rotatable portions and configured to actuate the rotatable portion relative to the fixed portion thereby rotating the prosthetic hand;an inertial measurement unit (IMU) attached to the prosthetic hand and configured to detect an orientation of the prosthetic hand; and receive data from the IMU associated with the orientation of the prosthetic hand,', 'identify a desired grip for the prosthetic hand,', 'determine a rotation for the prosthetic hand based on i) the data from the IMU and ii) the desired grip, and', 'cause the actuator module to perform the rotation for the prosthetic hand by actuating the rotatable portion., 'a processor in communication with the IMU and the actuator module and configured to2. The prosthetic hand and wrist system of claim 1 , wherein identifying the desired grip for the prosthetic hand comprises:receiving an electromyography (EMG) signal from a user of the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Driving Assembly for Moving Body Part

Номер: US20210068988A1
Автор: Ho Sze Kit

A driving assembly for moving a first body part relative to a second body part comprising at least one manipulator unit for body part including a housing for accommodating at least partly of an actuator, a torque/force transmission gear, a partial gear wheel operatively connected with each other and a first connector arranged at a first/tail end of the manipulator unit for coupling with the first body part and a second connector movably arranged at a second/head end of the manipulator unit for coupling with the second body part and driven by the partial gear wheel actuated by the actuator via the torque transmission gear for coupling and moving with the second body part, and preferably an arc channel or rail for guiding back and forth movement of the partial gear wheel. 1. A driving assembly for moving or rotating , or assisting or resisting movement of , a first body part relative to a second body part and preferably enabling flexion , extension , pronation , supination , rotation , abduction , and adduction of the first body part relative to the second body part , comprising at least one manipulator unit for body part including a housing for accommodating at least partly of an actuator , a torque/force transmission gear , a partial gear wheel operatively connected with each other and a first connector arranged at a first/tail end of the manipulator unit for coupling with the first body part and a second connector movably arranged at a second/head end of the manipulator unit for coupling with the second body part and preferably further coupled with and driven by the partial gear wheel actuated by the actuator via the torque transmission gear for coupling and moving with the second body part , and preferably an arc channel or rail for confining and/or guiding reciprocal or back and forth movement and preferably rotational movement of the partial gear wheel;wherein the second connector is configured to be operated interchangeably between an idle/inactive state in ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068990A1
Принадлежит: Freedom Innovations, LLC

Powered limb prostheses with multi-stage transmissions are provided. 1. A lower limb prosthesis , comprising:a foot member; anda main body rotatably coupled to the foot member at a joint comprising a joint axis, wherein the main body comprises a housing, an actuator, and a transmission comprising at least one intermediate stage and a final stage, and wherein the actuator is configured to transmit an actuator torque to the transmission, the at least one intermediate stage is configured to transmit an intermediate torque about an intermediate axis, and the final stage is configured to transmit a final torque about the joint axis to the foot member.2. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the main body is rotatably coupled to the foot member through a foot coupler claim 1 , and wherein the final torque is transmitted to the foot member via the foot coupler.3. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the at least one intermediate stage comprises a first intermediate stage and a second intermediate stage engaged with the first intermediate stage claim 1 , wherein the first intermediate stage is configured to transmit a first intermediate torque about a first intermediate axis and the second intermediate stage is configured to transmit a second intermediate torque about a second intermediate axis.4. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 3 , wherein a direction vector of the first intermediate axis and a direction vector of the second intermediate axis are parallel to a direction vector of the joint axis.5. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 3 , wherein a direction vector of the first intermediate axis and a direction vector of the second intermediate axis are perpendicular to a direction vector of the joint axis.6. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the at least one intermediate stage comprises a first intermediate stage and a second intermediate stage engaged with the first intermediate stage claim 1 , wherein the first intermediate stage is ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148918A1

This invention relates to aid devices for assisting people inhibited in their movement of especially the hands and/or wrists, such as people who are physically impaired due to arthritis, injury, or other physiological problems giving reduced strength. This is solved by introducing an aid tool comprising at least two grippers and means to attach each gripper to a finger of a person, where the grippers are adapted to follow the individual finger in a movement in the direction of closing and loosen of a grip, and where an activation of the aid tool includes locking the grippers unidirectionally in the present position. The invention further introduces mounting means for attaching the aid tool to a body part, and where the mounting means comprises coupling means for detaching and attaching this and other tools according to the need. 1. An aid tool to be used in combination with the hand of a person , the aid tool comprising at least two grippers where the grippers are adapted to move at least the in the directions to grab and release an object , wherein the aid tool includes a movable section having a operation position where it is in connection with the hand and/or fingers of the user , and a pushed aside position where it is not in direct connection with the hand and/or fingers of the user or conflicting with the direct up and down rotation of the hand at the wrist.2. The aid tool according to claim 1 , wherein the movable section is connected to the mounting means through joints or a bendable section allowing relative movement of the movable section to the mounting means.3. The aid tool according to claim 2 , wherein the movable section locks in the pushed aside position ether through a locking mechanism or through build in resilience in the joints or bendable section.4. The aid tool according to claim 3 , wherein the movable section being locked in the pushed aside position unlocks again when a switch is activated.5. The aid tool according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148919A1

This invention relates to aid devices for assisting people inhibited in their movement of especially the hands and/or wrists, such as people who are physically impaired due to arthritis, injury, or other physiological problems giving reduced strength. This is solved by introducing an aid tool comprising at least two grippers and means to attach each gripper to a finger of a person, where the grippers are adapted to follow the individual finger in a movement in the direction of closing and loosen of a grip, and where an activation of the aid tool includes locking the grippers unidirectionally in the present position. The invention further introduces mounting means for attaching the aid tool to a body part, and where the mounting means comprises coupling means for detaching and attaching this and other tools according to the need. 1. An aid tool to be used in combination with the hand of a person , the aid tool comprising at least two grippers where the grippers are adapted to move at least the in the directions to grab and release an object , where the device establishes a hold on said object when activated with a pre-defined force , wherein the pre-defined force can be regulated.2. The aid tool as claimed in claim 1 , where the hold includes locking the grippers uni-directionally such that they are locked in their movement in the releasing direction and further and wherein it further moves the grippers in the grapping direction to form a slightly tighter grab than at the time of activation.3. The aid tool as claimed in wherein the actual force by which the grippers grabs onto the object is measured either by including force sensor to the aid tool or measuring the strain gauge of one or more of the grippers.4. The aid tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hold is activated by pressing a activation switch with the pre-determined force.5. The aid tool as claimed in claim 4 , wherein an activation switch is positioned at one of the grippers such that when gripping it ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074179A1
Автор: Arakawa Yutaka

A driving apparatus includes a base member, and a first member rotatably provided on the base member. The first member is rotatable about a rotation shaft along an index finger metacarpal bone of a hand when the base member is placed on a back of the hand. 1. A driving apparatus comprising:a base member; anda first member rotatably provided on the base member,wherein the first member is rotatable about a rotation shaft along an index finger metacarpal bone of a hand when the base member is placed on a back of the hand.2. The driving apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a rotation unit that rotates the first member about the rotation shaft.3. The driving apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation unit includes:a vibrating plate including a piezoelectric body; anda driven part driven in contact with the vibrating plate.4. The driving apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein a projecting portion is provided on the vibrating plate claim 3 , andthe projecting portion is in contact with the driven part.5. The driving apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising an elastic member provided between the first member and the hand.6. A driving method for a driving apparatus including a base member claim 1 , and a first member rotatably provided on the base member claim 1 , comprising:placing the base member on a back of a hand and rotating the first member about a rotation shaft along an index finger metacarpal bone of the hand. 1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to a driving apparatus and a driving method therefor.2. Related ArtJP-A-2011-115248 discloses a wearable motion assist apparatus that assists finger motions worn on a hand by bending and stretching finger joints.Further, regarding the technology of wiring to a joint mechanism, for example, JP-A-2009-125887 discloses that, to reduce load when a finger member of a robot hand is driven, two or more bending points are provided to a wire connected to the finger member for ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087889A1

A frame module includes a frame configured to enclose a portion of a user, and at least one reinforcement belt of which both end portions are connected to both sides of the frame, thereby restricting a splaying level of the frame in a predetermined direction. 1. A motion assistance apparatus comprising:a driver configured to generate power to assist a motion of a user;a rotating member configured to be rotated using power received from the driver to assist a rotary motion of a joint portion of the user; anda frame module including, 'at least one reinforcement belt with an entirety thereof located proximal to the user with respect to the frame when the motion assistance apparatus is worn by the user to reinforce a stiffness of the frame to inhibit an impact of the frame and the user, the at least one reinforcement belt including at least a bone belt and a parallel belt intersecting at the joint mounting portion and configured to directly connect the joint mounting portion of the side portion of the frame, the bone belt being arranged to incline upwardly from the joint mounting portion to the front portion and the parallel belt extending perpendicular to the bone belt and configured to sit about the third portion of the user.', 'a frame configured to enclose a portion of the user, the frame including a rear portion corresponding to a first portion of the user, a side portion corresponding to a second portion of the user, and a front portion corresponding to a third portion of the user, the side portion of the frame including a joint mounting portion configured to have the rotating member mounted thereto, the front portion including a first binding portion and a second binding portion, the second binding portion configured to detachably connect to the first binding portion; and'}2. The motion assistance apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one reinforcement belt is configured to have an adjustable length.3. The motion assistance apparatus of claim 2 , wherein ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071115A1

Prosthetic devices and, more particularly, modular myoelectric prosthesis components and related methods, are described. In one embodiment, a hand for a prosthetic limb may comprise a rotor-motor; a transmission, comprising a differential roller screw; a linkage coupled to the transmission; and at least one finger coupled to the linkage. In one embodiment, a component part of a wrist of a prosthetic limb may comprise an exterior-rotor motor, a planetary gear transmission, a clutch, and a cycloid transmission. In one embodiment, an elbow for a prosthetic limb may comprise an exterior-rotor motor, and a transmission comprising a planetary gear transmission, a non-backdrivable clutch, and a screw. 118-. (canceled)19. A transmission for an elbow joint of a prosthetic limb , the transmission comprising:a motor, a gear set comprising at least one gear, a non-backdrivable clutch, and a screw, adapted to be housed in a frame pivotally attached to a second portion of the limb;the screw adapted to be coupled to a nut and a first portion of the limb that is pivotable with respect to the second portion of the limb;the screw adapted to receive a rotational force in a first direction from the clutch, and in response to the rotational force in the first direction, extend the nut linearly with respect to the transmission; andthe screw further adapted to receive a rotational force in a second direction from the clutch, and in response to the rotational force in the second direction, retract the nut linearly with respect to the transmission.20. The transmission of claim 19 , wherein the non-backdrivable clutch comprises:a cam comprising an annulus, an input side that is adapted to receive an input force, and an output side that is adapted to provide an output force;a pin and a roller, each located adjacent to the input side of the cam;wherein the cam is adapted so that movement of the cam in response to the input force causes the pin to push the roller out of contact with the annulus ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069439A1

An artificial limb. The artificial includes a finger part and a drive unit for the finger part. The drive unit includes: a drive output part, a movable part and a drive rope. The movable part is configured to be connected with the drive output part and is capable of moving under a drive of the drive output part. The drive rope is configured to be disposed in the finger part and connected with the movable part and is capable of converting a movement of the movable part into a motion of the finger part. 1. An artificial limb , comprising a finger part and a drive unit for the finger part , wherein the drive unit comprises:a drive output part;a movable part, wherein the movable part is configured to be connected with the drive output part and is capable of moving under a drive of the drive output part; anda drive rope, wherein the drive rope is configured to be disposed in the finger part and connected with the movable part and is capable of converting a movement of the movable part into a motion of the finger part.2. The artificial limb according to claim 1 , further comprising a body part claim 1 , whereinthe finger part comprises a rotary joint,the rotary joint is configured to be pivotally connected with the body part, andthe drive rope of the drive unit is configured to be connected with the rotary joint so as to convert the movement of the movable part of the drive unit into a rotary motion of the finger part relative to the body part.3. The artificial limb according to claim 1 , wherein the finger part comprises at least two pivotally connected finger sections claim 1 , andan end of the drive rope is configured to be connected with a far finger section of the at least two finger sections, the far finger section is far away from the movable part, and a remaining end of the drive rope is configured to be connected with the movable part, so that the drive rope converts the movement of the movable part into a bending motion between the at least two finger sections ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Assisting torque setting method and apparatus

Номер: US20200070335A1

Provided is an assisting torque setting apparatus and method, wherein the apparatus is configured to calculate an evaluation value of at least one index based on gait data of a user, set a stable assisting torque based on the evaluation value, set a basic assisting torque corresponding to a gait motion of the user based on the gait data, and set a final assisting torque based on the stable assisting torque and the basic assisting torque.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077280A1
Принадлежит: Victoria Hand Project

Various aspects of upper arm prosthetic system for a human subject having a body and a partial arm are described. According to one aspect, the system may comprise any one or more of a force amplification apparatus, a terminal unit apparatus, and/or an adjustable elbow apparatus. Each apparatus may be body-powered and/or comprise 3D printable structures. Related upper arm prosthetic apparatus, kits, methods, and systems also are described. 1. An upper arm prosthetic system for a human subject having a body and a partial arm extending from the body , the system comprising: a support wearable on the partial arm; and', 'a force amplifier rotatably engaged with the support and configured to receive input forces from an input member engageable with a harness wearable on the body, amplify the input forces into output forces, and transfer the output forces to an output member; and, 'a force amplification apparatus comprising a socket wearable on a distal portion of the partial arm;', 'a hand body engageable with the socket;', 'force transfer elements engageable with the output member; and', 'finger digits rotatably engaged with the hand body and the force transfer elements,, 'a terminal unit apparatus comprising the input forces are caused by operative movements of the support on the partial arm relative to the harness on the body;', 'the force amplifier is rotatable relative to the support during the operative movements to maintain a generally linear alignment between the input member and the force amplifier; and', 'the force transfer elements are operable with the output forces to cause a first portion of the plurality of digits to move toward the hand body faster than a second portion of the plurality of digits., 'wherein, when the harness, the support, and the socket are worn2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support is configured to locate the force amplifier on a posterior side of the proximal portion of the partial arm.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the force ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085491A1

A system and method for creation and function of an advanced prosthetic hand includes: a base palm, comprising the primary body of the prosthetic hand; a set of actuating digits, wherein each actuating digit is connected to the palm; a sleeve, connected to the palm, providing an interface; a sensor system, comprising sensors integrated on a subset of the set of actuating digits; and a feedback system, connected to the sensor system enabling sensory feedback from the sensor system. In preferred variations, the base palm comprises, at least partially, a carbon-fiber shell. The system may further include a set of water sealing elements integrated into the prosthetic hand. The system functions as a hand prosthesis with actuating digit and hand components. 1. A method for a high precision prosthetic hand component comprising:printing a negative mold, comprising a 3D-printed negative mold of a prosthetic hand component;from the negative mold, casting an intermediary mold;from the intermediary mold, creating a production mold;from the production mold, shaping the prosthetic hand component using a base material; andfinishing the prosthetic hand component.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prosthetic hand component is a prosthetic palm and the base material is prepreg carbon-fiber.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein shaping the prosthetic hand further comprises curing the base material.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein finishing the prosthetic hand component comprises adhering the shaped carbon-fiber to an internal substructure.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein finishing the prosthetic hand comprises adhering together the multiple parts of the prosthetic component.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prosthetic hand component is a prosthetic finger and the base material is silicone.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein shaping the finger prosthetic hand component comprises overmolding silicone around a prosthetic bone.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the intermediary ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085551A1
Автор: GREGG Robert D., Zhu Hanqi

The present disclosure includes, in one embodiment, an orthosis device. The orthosis device, in one embodiment, includes an actuator housing, an electric motor contained within the actuator housing, the electric motor including a motor stator and a motor rotor forming an inner diameter, and the electric motor further having high output torque. The orthosis device according to this embodiment further includes a transmission including a gear system contained within the actuator housing, the gear system positioned within the inner diameter of the electric motor, and a body attachment coupled to an output of the gear system. 1. An orthosis device , comprising:an actuator housing;an electric motor contained within the actuator housing, the electric motor including a motor stator and a motor rotor forming an inner diameter, and the electric motor further having high output torque;a transmission including a gear system contained within the actuator housing, the gear system positioned within the inner diameter of the electric motor; anda body attachment coupled to an output of the gear system.2. The orthosis device of claim 1 , wherein the gear system is a single stage gear system.3. The orthosis device of claim 1 , further including high thermal conductivity material substantially surrounding the stator cores and stator windings.4. The orthosis device of claim 1 , further including a forced air cooling system contained within the actuator housing.5. The orthosis device of claim 4 , wherein the forced air cooling system has one or more fans.6. The orthosis device of claim 1 , further including a heat sink at least partially surrounding the electric motor.7. The orthosis device of claim 1 , wherein the transmission is an extremely low-ratio transmission.8. The orthosis device of claim 1 , wherein the transmission is an excessively low-ratio transmission.9. The orthosis device of claim 1 , wherein the transmission has a ratio ranging from about 8:1 to about 3:1.10. The ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Biomechanical finger brace assembly

Номер: US20180085236A1
Принадлежит: RCM Enterprise LLC

The disclosure provides apparatus and methods of use pertaining to a biomechanical finger brace assembly. In one embodiment, the assembly includes a coupling tip, a proximal ring configured to concentrically receive a user's finger, a distal ring configured to concentrically receive the finger, and a rocker formed in an H-shape. The distal ring and the rocker are pivotally suspended between a proximal coordinated pivot point anchored on the proximal ring and a distal coordinated pivot point anchored on the coupling tip, such that movements of the finger within the proximal ring articulate the distal ring together with the rocker to articulate the coupling tip. The coupling tip may include an open end or an enclosed recess to accept a minimally-amputated or non-amputated finger. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Device

Номер: US20180085237A1

A powered ankle-foot prosthesis and associated methods of use are described herein. Such prostheses can employ an actuator and elastic components, the actuator being controlled to deliver net positive work to propel the wearing amputee forward and the elastic components being used to store and release negative energy to improve efficiency. Elastic components can be linear springs coupled with a cam and configured in parallel to the actuator. The cam profile can be designed to generate a desired spring torque versus angle curve rather than a spring stroke versus angle curve, thereby reproducing human ankle controlled dorsiflexion stiffness. Such configurations improve system energy efficiency and reduce both actuator torque and power requirements. Such prostheses can also operate in a passive mode, in which a nearly normal gait can be achieved even without powered assist. 1. A powered ankle-foot prosthesis for restoring a natural gait to an amputee wearing the prosthesis , the prosthesis comprising:a motor configured to modulate impedance of an ankle joint that defines an ankle angle between a shin bracket and a bracket support foot during stance phase, and control the ankle angle of the ankle joint during swing phasea parallel spring mechanism configured in parallel with the motor so as to reproduce torque characteristics of an intact human ankle during controlled dorsiflexion phase, and bias an output torque of the motor in push-off phase.2. (canceled)3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the parallel spring mechanism comprises linear springs claim 1 , sliders claim 1 , rods claim 1 , and a cam.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the cam is configured to compress the linear springs and then generate a torque on the ankle joint claim 3 , when the ankle angle of the ankle joint of the prosthesis is larger than zero that corresponds to a non-displaced ankle joint position when standing.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the cam is designed to ensure the parallel spring ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089251A1

An artificial finger for prosthetics and gripping technology, with a base, a first finger member mounted on the base in articulated manner, at least one secondary member mounted on the first finger member in articulated manner, and a drive for adjusting the secondary member relative to the first finger member and the first finger member relative to the base. At least one reset element is provided for resetting the first finger member and the secondary member, and the first finger member is acted upon with a resetting force which differs from the secondary member. 1. An artificial finger for prosthetics and gripping technology , comprising:a base;a first finger member mounted on the base in an articulated manner;at least one secondary member mounted on the first finger member in an articulated manner;a drive for adjusting the secondary member relative to the first finger member and the first finger member relative to the base;at least one reset element is provided for resetting the first finger member and the at least one secondary member, and the first finger member is acted upon with a resetting force which differs from the at least one secondary member.2. The artificial finger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reset element is coupled to a force transmission mechanism or is formed as a spring element with differing spring constants over the a length of the spring element.3. The artificial finger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a first resetting spring provides the secondary member with resetting forces in relation to the first finger member claim 1 , and a second resetting spring provides the first finger member with resetting forces in relation to the base in a direction of a starting position claim 1 , wherein spring constants of the resetting springs are different.4. The artificial finger as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the spring constant of the first resetting spring is greater than the spring constant of the second resetting spring.5. The artificial finger ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220133508A1
Принадлежит: Victoria Hand Project

Low-cost prosthetic apparatus, methods, kits, and systems with improved force transfer elements are disclosed. For example, the prosthetic apparatus may comprise: a plurality of first components manufactured from a first material to define 3D shapes with exterior surfaces resembling digits of a human hand; and a plurality of second components manufactured from a second material to define 2D shapes that are rotatably engageable with the 3D shapes to define force transfer elements operable to close the digits around an object responsive to a pull force applied to the force transfer elements, wherein the first material is different from the second material. Methods for manufacturing and assembling prosthetic apparatus also are disclosed along with related kits and systems.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142792A1

A prosthetic adaptor includes a post plate, a grip plate coupled to the post plate, and an equipment interface coupled to the post plate. The equipment interface can be coupled to the post plate at an end of the post plate distal from the grip plate. The post plate can include a concave surface. The concave surface can be configured to receive a Hosmer-like prosthetic hook. 1. A prosthetic adaptor comprising:a post plate;a grip plate coupled to the post plate; andan equipment interface coupled to the post plate.2. The prosthetic adapter of claim 1 , wherein the equipment interface is coupled to the post plate at an end of the post plate distal from the grip plate.3. The prosthetic adapter of claim 1 , wherein the equipment interface is a Picatinny interface claim 1 , or an m-lock interface.4. The prosthetic adapter of claim 1 , wherein the post plate includes a concave surface.5. The prosthetic adapter of claim 4 , wherein the concave surface is configured to receive a Hosmer-like prosthetic hook.6. The prosthetic adapter of claim 4 , wherein the concave surface is to pinch a finger of the hook when the hook is drawn toward the post plate along the grip plate.7. The prosthetic adapter of claim 4 , wherein the grip plate extends forward from the concave surface.8. The prosthetic adapter of claim 4 , wherein a top cavity is formed between a top surface of the grip plate and the concave surface of the post plate.9. The prosthetic adapter of claim 8 , wherein the top cavity is configured to receive a finger of a Hosmer-like prosthetic hook.10. The prosthetic adapter of claim 8 , wherein a bottom cavity is formed between a bottom surface of the grip plate and the concave surface of the post plate.11. The prosthetic adapter of claim 10 , wherein the bottom cavity is configured to receive a second finger of the Hosmer-like prosthetic hook.12. The prosthetic adapter of claim 1 , wherein the grip plate is coupled to the post plate approximately perpendicular to the post ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091040A1

Features for a prosthetic wrist and associated methods are described. The wrist couples with a prosthetic socket and a prosthetic hand. The wrist may rotate the hand. The wrist includes features to prevent or mitigate undesirable separation of the wrist from the socket. The wrist may have an expanding coupling, such as an expanding ring, to better secure the wrist with the socket. An actuator may cause the coupling to expand outward to prevent or mitigate undesirable separation of the wrist from the socket. Alternatively or in addition, the wrist may include torque control features to prevent undesirable or premature separation of the hand from the wrist, for example when using a “quick wrist disconnect” (QWD) apparatus. A torque control method may tailor or limit multiple torques to be applied by the wrist to the hand based on operational requirements and phases, such as anticipated torque loads and operational timing. 1. A prosthetic wrist comprising:a body extending along an axis from a proximal end to a distal end, the proximal end configured to couple with a prosthetic socket of a user and the distal end configured to couple with a prosthetic hand;a first actuator coupled with the body and configured to rotate the prosthetic hand when the prosthetic wrist is coupled with the prosthetic hand; anda coupling extending circumferentially about the body providing an expansive circumferential barrier to the body and configured to expand.2. The prosthetic wrist of claim 1 , wherein the coupling is attached to an outer portion of the body.3. The prosthetic wrist of claim 1 , wherein the coupling comprises an expanding ring.4. The prosthetic wrist of claim 3 , wherein the expanding ring extends at least partially around the body and is configured to have an increased width in an expanded configuration as compared to an unexpanded configuration.5. The prosthetic wrist of claim 3 , wherein the expanding ring extends at least partially around the body and is configured to ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Voice-Activated, Compact, and Portable Robotic System

Номер: US20220143826A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Tech Research Corp

In a joint movement device (100) for selective flexion and extension of a joint (20), a tendon (120) is disposed adjacent to the first and second joint members. A tendon securing device (112) is secured to the second joint member (12), the tendon (120) being secured to the tendon securing device (112). At least one phalange ring (110) is secured to a joint member and includes a tending routing mechanism (113) configured to route the tendon through the phalange ring (110). An actuator (140) is coupled to the tendon (120) and pulls the tendon (120) inwardly to cause the joint (20) to flex. An elastic member (130) is coupled to the phalange ring (110) and tendon securing device (112) and applies an extension force thereto, thereby causing the joint (20) to extend when the actuator (140) releases the tendon (120).

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180104075A1
Принадлежит: Dephy, Inc.

The present invention is directed to an autonomous exoskeleton device that includes one or more actuators, one or more controllers, one or more sensors with one or more unidirectional transmissions. The present invention provides a mechanical joint in parallel with a biological joint. The exoskeleton device preferably includes and electric motor and winch, chain, belt, cam transmission or other mechanism for providing unidirectional force to assist rotation about the biologic joint. Moreover, a controller, a motor angle sensor, joint angle sensor and/or force sensor may be used for additional control and monitoring of the device. The motor may be any type of motor, but is preferably brushless in configuration where its diameter is larger than its length to provide a compact and lightweight exoskeleton device. 1. A biomechanical joint for generating torque about an axis of a body joint , comprising:a first structure connected to a first body segment on the proximal side of a body joint;a second structure connected to a second body segment on the distal side of the body joint;the first structure and the second structure being pivotally connected to each other;an electric motor having a motor axis of rotation; the motor attached to the first structure;the motor axis of rotation being perpendicular to the major axis of the first body segment; the electric motor being configured and arranged with a unidirectional transmission; andthe unidirectional transmission connected to both the first structure and second structure.2. The biomechanical joint of claim 1 , wherein the first structure and the second structure are connected via a rotational joint.3. The biomechanical joint of claim 2 , wherein the rotational joint includes a rotary encoder.4. The biomechanical joint of claim 2 , wherein the rotational joint includes a plurality of bearings.5. The biomechanical joint of claim 1 , wherein a mass of the exoskeleton is located on a lateral claim 1 , anterior claim 1 , and/or ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105184A1

A prosthetic finger includes a main body and a terminal gripper at an end of the main body for enabling fine-motor grasping skills. The terminal gripper has at least two tongs movable relative to one another. The prosthetic finger includes a gripping mode and a flexion mode. In the gripping mode, the tongs of the terminal gripper are able to move relative to one another while the main body is not able to flex, and in the flexion mode, the main body is able to flex while the at two tongs is not able to move relative to one another. 1. A prosthetic finger , comprising:a main body; anda terminal gripper at an end of the main body for enabling fine-motor grasping skills, the terminal gripper having at least two tongs movable relative to one another.2. The prosthetic finger of claim 1 , further comprising an actuation mechanism for driving the terminal gripper.3. The prosthetic finger of claim 1 , wherein the main body includes a proximal segment attached to a palm and a distal segment pivotally attached to a distal end of the proximal segment claim 1 , the main body being flexed when the distal segment is pivoted relative to the proximal segment and the proximal segment is pivoted relative to the palm.4. The prosthetic finger of claim 3 , wherein the prosthetic finger has a gripping mode and a finger flexion mode claim 3 , in the gripping mode claim 3 , the at least two tongs of the terminal gripper being able to move relative to one another while the main body being not able to flex claim 3 , and in the finger flexion mode claim 3 , the main body being able to flex while the at least two tongs of the terminal gripper being not able to move relative to one another.5. The prosthetic finger of claim 4 , further comprising a mode switch for switching between the finger flexion mode and the gripping mode.6. The prosthetic finger of claim 5 , wherein the mode switch is a lock for enabling/disengaging the gripping mode/the finger flexion mode.7. The prosthetic finger of claim ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Coordinated control for an arm prosthesis

Номер: US20190105185A1

A control method for an arm prosthesis having at least one powered joint and at least one inertial measurement sensor (IMS) includes determining a motion and an orientation of the arm prosthesis relative to the inertial reference frame based at least on an output of the IMS and generating control signals for the at least one powered joint based on the motion and the orientation of the prosthetic arm.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113830A1
Автор: ROH Chang Hyun

Supporting modules, motion assistance apparatuses including the supporting module, and/or methods of controlling the motion assistance apparatus may be disclosed. The supporting module including a supporting member configured to cover at least a portion of a support object, and a sensor module configured to sense information regarding whether the support object is out of a neutral position with respect to the supporting member may be provided. 1. A supporting module comprising:a supporting member configured to cover at least a portion of a support object; anda sensor configured to sense information regarding whether the support object is out of a neutral position with respect to the supporting member.2. The supporting module of claim 1 , wherein the information sensed by the sensor includes at least one of a direction of force and torque applied from the support object to the supporting member.3. The supporting module of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is further configured to verify a portion of the supporting member toward which the support object leans.4. The supporting module of claim 3 , wherein the sensor comprises at least one of a pressure sensor claim 3 , a temperature sensor claim 3 , a blood flow sensor claim 3 , and an electromyography (EMG) sensor.5. The supporting module of claim 3 , wherein the sensor comprises a pair of pressure sensors facing each other with respect to the support object.6. The supporting module of claim 1 , further comprising:a buffering member between the supporting member and the support object.7. A motion assistance apparatus comprising:a driving source configured to provide power to be used to assist a motion of a user;a supporting member configured to apply force to a support object of the user using power received from the driving source;a sensor configured to sense information regarding whether force is applied to the support object in a direction other than a motion assistance direction; anda controller configured to control ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175555A1

A mobility augmentation system monitors data representative of a user's motor intent and augments the user's mobility based on the monitored motor intent data. A machine-learned model is trained to identify an intended movement based on the monitored motor intent data. The machine-learned model may be trained based on generalized or specific motor intent data (e.g., user-specific motor intent data). A machine-learned model initially trained on generalized motor intent data may be re-trained on user-specific motor intent data such that the machine-learned model is optimized to the movements of the user. The system uses the machine-learned model to identify a difference between the user's monitored movement and target movement signals. Based on the identified difference, the system determines actuation signals to augment the user's movement. The actuation signals determined can be an adjustment to a currently applied actuation such that the system optimizes the actuation strategy during application. 1. A method comprising:collecting a first set of motor intent data of one or more users from a database;labeling the first set of motor intent data with an intent label representative of intended motion characterized by the first set of motor intent data;creating a first training set based on the labeled first set of motor intent data;training a machine learning model using the first training set, the machine learning model configured to output, based on monitored motor intent data, a movement prediction corresponding to likely motion characterized by the monitored motor intent data;creating a second training set based on the movement prediction and a labeled second set of motor intent data corresponding to movement signals of a target user; andre-training the machine learning model using the second training set such that the machine learning model is customized to motions of the target user.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first set of motor intent data comprises ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175558A1

The present invention concerns a device for controlling a robotic system for assisting the mobility of a user, said robotic system comprising at least one active mobility assistance element capable of assisting a given mobility action of the user, characterized in that the device comprises a detection system capable of detecting a compensatory movement of the user associated with the mobility action, said compensatory movement being a movement made by a user who is disabled, or able-bodied but locally and/or temporarily constrained, in order to perform at least part of the mobility action, and which at least partially substitutes the normal movement an unconstrained, able-bodied user would make in order to perform this mobility action, and a control system capable of controlling the at least one active element when the compensatory movement is detected. 1. A device for controlling a robotic system for assisting the mobility of a user , said robotic system comprising at least one active mobility assistance element capable of assisting a given mobility action of the user , characterized in that the device comprises a detection system capable of detecting a compensatory movement of the user associated with the mobility action , said compensatory movement being a movement made by a user who is disabled , or able-bodied but locally and/or temporarily constrained , in order to perform at least part of the mobility action , and which at least partially substitutes the normal movement an unconstrained , able-bodied user would make in order to perform this mobility action , and a control system capable of controlling the at least one active element when the compensatory movement is detected.2. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the active element is a robotic arm prosthesis or an assistance arm exoskeleton.3. The device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the mobility action is to reach a target claim 2 , and in that the compensatory movement is ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110631A1
Автор: Cazenave Blain Joseph

The disclosed invention is an innovative, cost-efficient driving mechanism for the prosthetic hand industry that makes the use of only one motor to individually control each digit on a prosthetic hand separately. The use of the novel electromagnetic actuation system, locking mechanism, and spline nut and shaft configuration coupled with the single motor greatly reduces the weight, size and power usage of the prosthetic, increases functionality, minimizes noise, increases and speeds and forces, and orients the parts of the device in a manner that creates an aesthetically appealing design. 1. An apparatus designed for use as a prosthetic or artificial hand comprising:at least one locking mechanism;an electromagnetic actuation system;a spline nut and shaft assembly;a timing belt;a spline shaft pulley;a motor; anda hand configuration.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the locking mechanism comprises:at least one ratchet gear;at least one pawl; anda one-way bearing.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the hand configuration comprises:at least one digit unit; anda mechanism platform.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ratchet gears are located on the spline shaft with the spline nut and shaft assembly.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the pawls and one-way bearing are located on the pawl train shaft claim 2 , which is parallel to the spline shaft.7. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the pawls are driven by the timing belt which is operated directionally through the one-way bearing.8. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , during operation claim 2 , the spline shaft spins with the ratchet gears claim 2 , causing the pawl to ratchet on top of the ratchet gear until the spline shaft stops spinning.9. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein each digit unit is spring-loaded.10. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein each digit unit comprises:a proximal phalange;an intermediate phalange;a distal phalange;a finger rod;a spring; anda finger cable;wherein the finger ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176569A1

A robotic hand is provided including a main body defining the body of the robotic hand and a longitudinal axis; a finger hinged to the main body; an attachment defining the attachment surface for attaching to an external member; and a hinge defining a mutual rotation axis between the attachment and main body so as to vary the angle between the longitudinal axis and the normal to the attachment surface. 1. A robotic hand comprising:a main body defining the body of said robotic hand and a longitudinal axis;at least one finger hinged to said main body;an attachment defining an attachment surface for attaching to a member external to said main body and therefore to said robotic hand;anda hinge defining a mutual rotation axis between said attachment and said main body so as to vary the angle between said longitudinal axis and the normal to said attachment surface.2. The robotic hand according to claim 1 , wherein said main body defines a proximal face proximal to said attachment claim 1 , and a distal face distal to said attachment; and wherein said rotation axis is between said proximal face and said distal face.3. The robotic hand according to claim 2 , wherein said rotation axis is basically perpendicular to said normal to said attachment surface and to said longitudinal axis.4. The robotic hand according to claim 3 , wherein said attachment comprises a fastening plate that fastens said main body to said external member; and at least one arm fastening said hinge overhanging said fastening plate.5. The robotic hand according to claim 1 , wherein said hinge comprising a locking system for locking the mutual rotation between said attachment and said main body; andwherein said locking system defines a plurality of locking positions for locking said mutual rotation between said attachment and said main body; and wherein said locking positions are equally angularly spaced apart from one another.6. A robotic hand comprising:a main body defining the body of said robotic hand ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160120664A1
Автор: SCHULTZ Marin Renner

In alternative embodiments, provided is an internally powered prosthetic limb and method for controlling same, offering hands-free control of a prosthetic limb. The internally powered prosthetic limb controlled by an input control device, comprising: a breath inlet configured to receive air pressure exerted from a user's mouth to be converted into a first electronic signal, wherein the first electronic signal is proportional to the exerted pressure; a motion sensor configured to sense tilting of the user's head and operable to convert the user's head tilting motion into a second electronic signal, wherein the second electronic signal is proportional to the user's head tilting motion; and a processor in communication with the breath inlet and the motion sensor, the processor operable to convert the exerted air pressure into the first electronic signal and further process the first electronic signal into first positional data for transmission to a plurality of digit-actuators in the prosthetic limb, the processor further operable to process the second electronic signal into second positional data for transmission to a wrist-actuator in the prosthetic limb; wherein the plurality of digit-actuators in the prosthetic limb can be controllably actuated in proportion to the air pressure exerted by the user, and the wrist-actuator can be controllably actuated to rotate in proportion to the head tilting motion of the user. 2. The input control device according to claim 1 , wherein the breath inlet and the motion sensor are housed in a headset wearable by the user.3. The input control device according to claim 1 , wherein the motion sensor comprises an accelerometer.4. The input control device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor comprises a breath pressure sensor claim 1 , an amplifier and an analog to digital converter (ADC).5. The input control device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is in wireless communication with the breath inlet claim 1 , the motion ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116826A1

Powered limb prostheses with multi-stage transmissions are provided. 123-. (canceled)24. A lower limb prosthesis , comprising:a foot member;a main body rotatably coupled to the foot member at a joint comprising a joint axis, wherein the main body comprises a housing, an actuator, and a transmission, and wherein the actuator is configured to transmit an actuator torque to the transmission, and the transmission is configured to transmit a final torque to the foot member; anda spring coupled to the foot member and the main body, wherein the spring is configured to apply a spring force to the foot member, and wherein the spring force acts in parallel to the final torque.25. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 24 , further comprising an engagement mechanism claim 24 , wherein the engagement mechanism is configured to engage and disengage the spring.26. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 25 , wherein when the spring is engaged claim 25 , the spring is configured to apply the spring force to the foot member claim 25 , and when the spring is disengaged claim 25 , the spring is not configured to apply the spring force to the foot member.27. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 25 , wherein when the spring is engaged claim 25 , the spring engages the main body at an engagement position.28. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 27 , wherein the engagement mechanism is further configured to adjust the engagement position.29. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 28 , wherein adjusting the engagement position changes a neutral position of the lower limb prosthesis claim 28 , and wherein the neutral position of the lower limb prosthesis is an angular position of the foot member relative to the main body at which the engaged spring is in equilibrium.30. The lower limb prosthesis of claim 28 , further comprising a controller in electronic communication with the engagement mechanism claim 28 , wherein the engagement mechanism is configured to engage the spring claim 28 , disengage the spring ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116829A1

A method of transferring intrinsic hand muscles along with a respective nerve and blood supply; and allowing signal detection by a surface electrode is provided. The method further includes transferring muscles of a forearm along with a respective nerve and blood supply; and allowing signal detection by a surface electrode. 1. A method comprising: transferring intrinsic hand muscles along with a respective nerve and blood supply; and allowing signal detection by a surface electrode.2. The method of further comprising transferring muscles of a forearm along with a respective nerve and blood supply; and allowing signal detection by a surface electrode.3. The method of further comprising transferring a median nerve in the forearm muscle to a recipient forearm muscle; and producing a signal for detection by a surface electrode.4. The method of wherein said median nerve is an ulnar nerve.5. The method of wherein transferring a nerve to supinator is to a superficial forearm muscle claim 3 , such as brachioradialis to control supination of a myolectric wrist rotator.6. The method of wherein transferring a nerve comprises transferring a terminal branch of an anterior interosseous nerve to a forearm muscle or transfer of the pronator quadratus with a neurovascular pedicle for pronation control of a myoelectric wrist rotator. This application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional application Ser. No.: 62/415,872, filed on Nov. 1, 2016; the entirety of which is incorporated by reference herein.This invention relates to medical devices with surface electrodes for detecting signals produced by muscles thus allowing prosthetic control (referred to from this point forward in this application as myoelectric prosthesis). Specifically, this application refers to a method of muscle and nerve transfers to allow new signals to be detected by surface electrodes and allow additional myoelectric inputs for myoelectric prostheses.There are several types of prostheses available for upper ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119550A1
Автор: Sankai Yoshiyuki

Provided are a prosthesis-mounted action-assist device and a wearable action-assist device that enable step-over-step stair ascending and descending and achieve smooth switching between tasks in accordance with a motion of a wearer. The device includes an actuator applying power to the prosthetic leg, an absolute angle sensor detecting a hip angle relative to a vertical direction, an angle sensor detecting a knee angle, a floor reaction force sensor detecting a floor reaction force to a wearer, a data storage unit storing reference parameters of phases of tasks, and a control unit comparing the hip angle, the knee angle, and the floor reaction force with the reference parameters stored in the data storage unit to estimate a phase of a task of the wearer and generating an autonomous command signal for causing the actuator to produce power for the phase. 1. A prosthesis-mounted action-assist device that assists an action of a knee disposed between an upper leg frame and a lower leg frame of a prosthetic leg , the device comprising:an actuator disposed outside the knee and connected to the upper leg frame and the lower leg frame, the actuator applying power to the prosthetic leg;an absolute angle sensor detecting a hip angle relative to a vertical direction;an angle sensor disposed in the actuator, the angle sensor detecting a knee angle;a floor reaction force sensor detecting a floor reaction force to a wearer;a data storage unit storing reference parameters of minimum motion units (phases) of action patterns of the wearer classified as tasks, each task including a series of phases; anda control unit comparing the hip angle, the knee angle, and the floor reaction force with the reference parameters stored in the data storage unit to estimate a phase of a task of the wearer and generating an autonomous command signal for causing the actuator to produce power for the phase.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit calculates a target knee angle based ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154028A1
Автор: MARSH Garry, Sykes James

A rotary drive member drives a driven member. A ring surrounding the driven member has two cam recesses containing lock members between cam surfaces of cam recesses and the ring. Each recess accommodates an associated lock member at different locations where the recess is shallower. Driving the driven member is permitted in a given rotation relative to the ring, but each lock member inhibits rotation of the driven member in the opposite sense. The recesses extend in opposite directions. Coupling between the driven members is free-play whereby reversal in the rotation disengages members and reengages. Protuberances extending into cam recesses retain a lock member associated with one recess at the deeper location permitting movement of the other lock member towards the shallower location. Upon reversal of the rotation, the protuberances retain another lock member at the deeper location permitting movement of one lock member. 1. An anti-back drive device comprising a rotary drive member coupled to a rotary driven member to enable the rotary drive member to drive the rotary driven member , the device further comprising a ring which surrounds the rotary driven member , the rotary driven member being provided with at least two cam recesses on its periphery containing respective lock members between respective cam surfaces of the cam recesses and the said ring , each recess being sufficiently deep towards one of its ends to accommodate its associated lock member but not at locations towards its other end where the recess is shallower relative to the ring , whereby drive of the driven member by the drive member will be permitted by each lock member in a given sense of rotation of the driven member relative to the ring but each lock member will inhibit back drive rotation of the driven member in the opposite sense of rotation relative to the ring , wherein the said at least two cam recesses extend from their deeper to their shallower locations in opposite directions around ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154029A1

A prosthesis system having at least two sensors, at least one control device, which is coupled to the sensors and processes sensor signals of the sensors, at least one actuator, which is coupled to the control device and can be activated or deactivated on the basis of control signals of the control device, and at least one movably mounted prosthesis component, which can be displaced by the actuator. A standard program, which assigns an actuator action to each sensor independently of the duration and/or intensity of the sensor signal, is stored in the control device or can be called up by the control device. 1. A prosthesis system comprising:at least two sensors;at least one control device, which is coupled to the sensors and processes sensor signals of the sensors;at least one actuator, which is coupled to the control device and can be activated or deactivated on the basis of control signals of the control device;at least one movably mounted prosthesis component, which can be displaced by the actuator;a standard program, which assigns an actuator action to each sensor independently of at least one of the duration and intensity of the sensor signal, is stored in the control device or can be called up by the control device.2. The prosthesis system according to claim 1 , wherein the standard program operates all functions of the at least one prosthesis components.3. The prosthesis system according to claim 1 , further comprising an energy store claim 1 , which is coupled to the at least one actuator and integrated in the prosthesis system or assigned to the prosthesis system.4. The prosthesis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensors are configured to be touch-sensitive.5. The prosthesis system according to claim 1 , wherein the control device is freely programmable claim 1 , and the standard program is different from an application program.6. The prosthesis system according to claim 1 , wherein only one actuator action is assigned to each sensor.7. The ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190125550A1

A jointed mechanical device is provided. The device includes at least one element having a fixed end and a deflectable end. The device also includes at least one actuating structure having a first end coupled to at least the deflectable end of the element, where the actuating structure includes at least one elastic element in series with at least one non-elastic element. The device further includes at least one force actuator configured to apply an actuator force to a second end of the actuating structure. Additionally, the device includes a control system for adjusting an operation of the force actuator based at least one actuation input, an amount of the actuator force, and an amount of displacement generated by the force actuator. 1. A device , comprising:at least one deflectable element having a fixed end and a deflectable end;at least one actuating structure having a first end coupled to at least said deflectable end of said deflectable element, said actuating structure comprising at least one elastic element in series with at least one non-elastic element;at least one force actuator configured to apply an actuator force to a second end of said actuating structure;at least one first sensor for detecting a displacement of the deflectable element; anda control system for adjusting an operation of said force actuator based on an actuation input signal, an amount of said actuator force, and an amount of the displacement of the deflectable element in response to said amount of said actuator force, wherein the actuation input signal is an input current to an electric motor;wherein said non-elastic element comprises at least one cable, wherein said force actuator comprises said electric motor and a pulley for actuating said cable, and wherein said force actuator further comprises a roller clutch between said electric motor and said pulley.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said control system further comprises a computing device coupled to said at least one sensor ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200121478A1

The invention relates to a device () for pivoting an arm () relative a joint (). The device comprises at least one artificial tendon () attached to a distal end () of the arm and a driving mechanism (), the driving mechanism being connected to and adapted to pull the tendon and the distal end of the arm, and a method of operating the device. 127.-. (canceled)28. A device for pivoting a body member around a joint , the device comprising:an actuation device configured for being arranged at a distal portion of the body member beyond the joint for generating a torque around the joint;a driving mechanism configured for being arranged at a proximal portion of the body member before the joint; anda motor for driving the driving mechanism;said actuation device comprising a first artificial tendon, a distal end of which is configured for being arranged at the distal portion of the body member and extending in a first path along the body member beyond the joint and a proximal end of which is attached to the driving mechanism;wherein the actuation device comprises a second artificial tendon, a distal end of which is configured for being arranged at the distal portion of the body member and extending along a second path of the body member beyond the joint and a proximal end of which is attached to the driving mechanism; andwherein the driving mechanism comprises a driving wheel operatively coupled to the motor, the driving wheel being operatively arranged between the motor and each proximal end of the tendons, which driving mechanism is arranged, when operated by the motor to move the driving wheel, to pull the first artificial tendon and simultaneously and actively enabling the second artificial tendon to follow this movement of the first artificial tendon for generating a torque in a first direction around the joint, and to pull the second artificial tendon and simultaneously and actively enabling the first artificial tendon to follow this movement of the second artificial ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160135967A1
Принадлежит: HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc.

A mechanical finger comprises a plurality of phalanges coupled to a single actuator using a kinematic linkage and a differential linkage arranged in parallel. The mechanical finger is capable of exhibiting consistent predictable motion when moving in free space or when contacting an object at the fingertip, and of curling in order to conform to an object when the contact is at other locations on the finger. 1. A mechanical finger comprising:a proximal phalanx and a medial phalanx, the proximal phalanx coupled between a first and a second joint;the first joint being adapted for coupling to an associated base element to permit articulation of the proximal phalanx with respect to the associated base element;a differential linkage adapted for receiving torque from an associated drive output and for transmitting torque to both of the first and second joints, said differential linkage comprising a pivoting link pivotally connected to said proximal phalanx, said pivoting link operably connected at a one end to the associated drive output and operatively connected at a second end to said medial phalanx.2. The mechanical finger of claim 1 , further comprising a spring for placing a torque on the second joint in a direction that forces the medial phalanx to extend with respect to the proximal phalanx.3. The mechanical finger of claim 1 , wherein the pivoting link of the differential comprises a pivoting compliant link for transmitting torque to both the first joint and to the second joint claim 1 , said pivoting compliant link comprising a spring that provides series elasticity and shock mitigation.4. The mechanical finger of claim 1 , wherein the differential linkage further comprises first and second connecting rods pivotally connected to said pivoting link claim 1 , wherein said first connecting rod is adapted for connection to the associated drive output and wherein said second connecting rod is connected to said medial phalanx.5. The mechanical finger of claim 1 , ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Palm Unit for Artificial Hand

Номер: US20180133028A1

A palm unit for an artificial hand comprises: a palm unit body (); a motor () held by the palm unit body (); a hydraulic pump assembly () held by the palm unit body () and comprising a low-pressure hydraulic pump () and a high-pressure hydraulic pump (), wherein both hydraulic pumps () are powered simultaneously by the motor (); and a hydraulic circuit held by the palm unit body () and coupled to both hydraulic pumps (), wherein the hydraulic circuit has a low-pressure configuration in which the discharge sides of both hydraulic pumps () a re coupled to one or more hydraulic actuator(s) () for the artificial hand and a high-pressure configuration in which the discharge side of the low-pressure pump () is isolated from the hydraulic actuator(s) () and recirculates fluid to the suction side of the low pressure pump () with the discharge side of the high-pressure pump () remaining coupled to the hydraulic actuator(s) (), and wherein the hydraulic circuit is arranged to switch from the low-pressure configuration to the high-pressure configuration automatically during a closing grip pattern when the pressure in the system increases beyond a threshold value. 1. A palm unit for an artificial hand , the palm unit comprising:a palm unit body;a motor held by the palm unit body;a hydraulic pump assembly held by the palm unit body and comprising a low-pressure hydraulic pump and a high-pressure hydraulic pump, wherein both hydraulic pumps are powered simultaneously by the motor; anda hydraulic circuit held by the palm unit body and coupled to both hydraulic pumps,wherein the hydraulic circuit has a low-pressure configuration in which the discharge sides of both hydraulic pumps are coupled to one or more hydraulic actuator(s) for the artificial hand and a high-pressure configuration in which the discharge side of the low-pressure pump is isolated from the hydraulic actuator(s) and recirculates fluid to the suction side of the low pressure pump with the discharge side of the high ...
