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20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587300C2
Принадлежит: ДЖИОКО ЛИМИТЕД (GB)

Группа изобретений включает тепловой пакет для лечения млекопитающего, систему терапевтического лечения и систему управления текучей средой, относится к медицинской технике и предназначена для нагревания или охлаждения выбранной области тела млекопитающего. Тепловой пакет для терапевтического лечения млекопитающего содержит эластичную теплопроводящую камеру, непроницаемую для жидкости, имеющую средство для впуска и выпуска текучей среды. Камера содержит пару листов, наложенных друг на друга и скрепленных вместе для обеспечения проходного канала для текучей среды внутри камеры, и разделительный элемент внутри проходного канала для текучей среды. Разделительный элемент предусматривает непрерывную проводящую канавку для текучей среды, которая проходит по всей длине проходного канала для текучей среды между листами, наложенными друг на друга, от впускного отверстия для текучей среды до выпускного отверстия и поддерживает листы, наложенные друг на друга, на удалении друг от друга, для поддержания ...

20-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2792204C2
Принадлежит: БРАЙНЦЕПТ АГ (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Нагревательное и охлаждающее устройство содержит нагревательную и охлаждающую пластину, которая может быть соединена с телом человека. Нагревательная и охлаждающая пластина имеет верхнюю сторону и нижнюю сторону, и на нижней стороне обеспечена клейкая поверхность для крепления нагревательной и охлаждающей пластины к поверхности кожи человека. Нагревательная и охлаждающая пластина содержит по меньшей мере один нагревательный и охлаждающий элемент, с помощью которого электрическая энергия, вырабатываемая источником электрической энергии, может быть преобразована в тепловую и холодовую энергию. Нагревательное и охлаждающее устройство дополнительно содержит блок управления, который выполнен с возможностью фиксированного или съемного размещения источника энергии и содержит процессор обработки сигналов. Блок управления выполнен с возможностью вывода сигнала управления с разомкнутым контуром и/или с замкнутым контуром, посредством которого можно ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Способ лечения очаговой склеродермии

Номер: RU2627153C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к дерматологии, и может быть использовано для лечения очаговой склеродермии. Для этого на очаги поражения воздействуют низкоэнергетическим лазерным излучением инфракрасного диапазона частотой следования импульсов - 1500 Гц, длительностью импульса 110-160 нс, импульсной мощностью 4-6 Вт/имп, по 1-3 минут на поле. Общая продолжительность воздействия составляет не более 15 минут. Непосредственно перед воздействием лазерным излучением на очаги склеродермии накладывают гель для тела NOLLA naturelle®. При этом воздействие лазерным излучением чередуют через день с аппликациями парафина на очаги склеродермии, температурой 48-52°C, временем 20 минут. Курс лечения составляет 8-10 комплексных процедур. Способ обеспечивает многофакторное воздействие на все звенья обменных процессов в патологически изменённых фиброзированных кожных очагах при снижении побочных эффектов и противопоказаний к проведению лечения. 2 пр.

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU126262U1

... 1. Устройство для индукции терапевтической гипотермии, содержащее аппликатор, предназначенный для контакта с поверхностью головы человека, выполненный в виде герметичной оболочки с возможностью циркуляции в нем жидкой среды, средства для подведения и отведения жидкой среды, соединенные с аппликатором, по меньшей мере, одно средство, обеспечивающее циркуляцию жидкой среды, и средство для охлаждения жидкой среды, отличающееся тем, что средство для охлаждения жидкой среды снабжено, по меньшей мере, одним элементом, установленным в области его наиболее низкой температуры, образующим канал с возможностью проведения через него средства для подведения раствора, предназначенного для инфузионного введения.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средство для охлаждения жидкой среды представляет собой теплообменник, соединенный с источником хладагента, содержащий емкость с жидкой средой и испаритель хладагента, обеспечивающий охлаждение жидкой среды, при этом на наружной поверхности теплообменника ...

20-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2093117C1

Использование: в медицине, а именно в гипотермических средствах, применяемых для оказания скорой медицинской помощи. Сущность: полевой медицинский криопанет с дозируемым гипотермическим эффектом, включающий герметичный полимерный пакет, в полости которого размещены несколько термоактивных химических веществ, расфасованных на упаковки, часть которых имеет герметичную оболочку, а остальные выполнены из бумаги, вода в отдельных упаковках и элемент разрушения герметичности упаковок, выполненный в виде заостренного ребристого стержня, при этом герметичный полимерный пакет размещен в наружном пакете, на одной из сторон которого размещены термоизолирующие слои и жидкокристаллический термоиндикатор, а на другой - теплоотражающий слой. Технический результат: обеспечение дозирования гипотермии тканей и пролонгирование действия. 2 ил.

10-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2103958C1

Использование: в медицине, а именно в устройствах для физиотерапии при лечении, например, мочекаменной болезни. Технический результат: повышение эффхктивности лечения за счет воздействия тепловым и электромагнитным излучением при исключении травматизации окружающих тканей. Сущность: медицинское средство содержит гибкую оболочку, снабженную конструктивными элементами и креплением, в которой размещен активный элемент, включающий кристаллическое вещество, предварительно подвергнутое воздействию электромагнитного излучения с частотой в диапазоне 16,6 - 25,2 мГц, с возможностью образования при этом кристаллами замкнутых кольцеобразных структур. Активный элемент может быть снабжен дополнительной гибкой оболочкой, из материала, пропускающего микроволновое излучение, и содержать парафин, смесь органических соединений, мелкодисперсные частицы ферро-, диа-, или парамагнетика, при этом гибкая оболочка активного элемента выполнена в виде пояса с карманами, размещенными на определенном расстоянии. 8 ...

27-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2165746C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской промышленности, а именно к фармацевтической композиции для изготовления горчичника. Заявляемая композиция содержит, мас.%: горчичный порошок 28,5-59,5; смесь измельченных ядер горчичных семян (1-2 вес.ч.) и измельченного горчичного жмыха (9-8 вес.ч.) 70-40; масло пихтовое или эвкалиптовое 0,5-1,5. Ядра горчичных семян и горчичный жмых используют измельченными до размера 600-700 мкм. Горчичную массу заявляемого состава помещают в контурную упаковку в виде закрытого пакета из пористой неразмокаемой термосвариваемой бумаги или в виде закрытого пакета, состоящего из пористой неразмокаемой термосвариваемой бумаги - с одной стороны, и материала, комбинированного на бумажной основе, или бумаги, упаковочной с полимерным покрытием, - с другой стороны. Предлагаемая композиция горчичной массы позволяет в одном горчичнике (лечебном приспособлении для терапевтических целей) одновременно использовать терапевтический эффект пихтового (эвкалиптового) масла и смеси горчичного ...

05-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745970C1

Изобретение относится к физиотерапии и косметологии для применения в лечебно-профилактических целях, а именно к лечебно-косметической-профилактической композиции. Композиция содержит, мас.%: парафин 50–55, шунгит 25–30, тальк 5–7, кватерниум-18 бентонит 4–5, воск микрокристаллический 3–4, сорбитан стеарат 3–4, полиизобутилен 1–1,5, полисорбат-60 1–1,5, стеарат цинка 0,5–1,0. Технический результат – разработка продукта для тепловых аппликаций, имеющего свойства теплоотдачи не хуже импортных аналогов, пластичного при 50°С, который не крошится, легко моделируется, не прилипает к телу, при этом его производство осуществляется с использованием недорогих и доступных материалов; способен использоваться многократно, не менее 50 раз, путем переплавки, последующей стерилизации при температуре до 140°C, фасовки и охлаждения до требуемой температуры. 1 ил.

20-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94037245A1

Теплосохраняющая повязка для наложения на ткани человека или животного содержит теплоотражающие средства, прилегающие к указанной ткани, для отражения тепла от указанной ткани обратно к этой ткани, средства из изолирующего материала, покрывающие теплоотражающие средства и текстильные средства, покрывающие средства из изолирующего материала. Теплоотражающие средства включают в себя многослойную структуру из первого слоя тонкой пленки из полимерного материала, прилегающей к указанной ткани, второго слоя фольги из алюминия, покрывающей указанную первую пленку и связанной с ней, и слоя стекловолокнистой ткани, покрывающей слой фольги, и связанной с ней. Между теплоотражающими средствами и тканью человека или животного могут быть введены дополнительные текстильные средства. Соответственные текстильные средства и теплоотражающие средства соединяются вместе сшивкой или с помощью адгезива с созданием пакета для получения средств из изолирующего материала.

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012103555A

... 1. Терапевтическая накладка (10; 70) для теплового лечения части тела человека или животного, содержащая:два слоя (32, 34), образующие между собой канал связи по текучей среде;впускное отверстие (14) для текучей среды и выпускное отверстие (22) для текучей среды, выполненные с возможностью соединения канала связи по текучей среде с внешним резервуаром для текучей среды; иперекрывающее средство, по существу, для предотвращения контакта между указанными двумя слоями (32, 34).2. Накладка по п.1, содержащая слоистую структуру (42; 52; 62; 72, 74) между двумя внешними слоями.3. Накладка по п.2, в которой слоистая структура располагается внутри и/или окружает канал связи по текучей среде.4. Накладка по п.2, в которой слоистая структура изготавливается из гибкой пластмассы, полиуретана, полихлорвинила, пены, волокнистого материала, нейлоновой сетки и/или из нетканого материала или полотна.5. Накладка по п.3, в которой слоистая структура изготавливается из гибкой пластмассы, полиуретана, полихлорвинила ...

27-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95108976A

Изобретение относится к фармацевтической промышленности. Согревающее лечебное средство представляет собой измельченную шунгитовую породу, помещенную в мешочек из хлопчатобумажной ткани. Предлагаемое средство обладает выраженным физиотерапевтическим эффектом при наружном применении на кожу. Оно не требует предварительного внешнего нагрева и имеет длительный срок годности.

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153229A

... 1. Устройство для снижения температуры для предметов или гибких изделий плоской формы, которые находятся в непосредственном тепловом контакте с телом живого существа, причем в предмет или гибкое изделие плоской формы по меньшей мере частично интегрированы изменяющий фазу материал (РСМ) и теплообменник, и функциональность предмета сохраняется, причем изменяющий фазу материал находится в теплопередающем контакте с теплообменником.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором теплообменник пропускает среду, с помощью которой температура изменяющего фазу материала удерживается ниже и/или в диапазоне плавления.3. Устройство по п. 1 или 2, в котором изменяющий фазу материал присутствует в виде содержащих изменяющий фазу материал модулей и/или состоит из засыпки содержащих изменяющий фазу материал частиц.4. Устройство по п. 1, в котором изменяющий фазу материал предпочтительно состоит из парафина, гидрата соли и их модификаций, например, в виде компаундов.5. Устройство по п. 4, в котором компаунд находится ...

20-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003132306A

Способ лечения асцита, включающий прием лекарственных препаратов, отличающийся тем, что в качестве лекарственного препарата применяют витурид В, который пациент принимает внутрь по 5 мл 3 раза в день в течение 3 дней и затем по 10 мл 3 раза в день в последующие 27 дней, кроме того, в первый день начала лечения пациент принимает дополнительно ряд процедур: скипидарную ванну с белой эмульсией, взятой из расчета 70 мл на ванну, при этом при каждом следующем сеансе ее количество увеличивают на 10 мл, затем пациенту делают клизму из смеси теплого настоя травы чистотела и витурида В, взятых в количествах соответственно равных 25 и 10 мл, после чего тело пациента, кроме головы и области щитовидной железы, обертывают льняной тканью, пропитанной неразведенным бефунгином, и сверху полиэтиленом на 24 ч, по мере высыхания ткань дополнительно пропитывают бефунгином, а на последуюших сеансах обертывания ранее высушенную льняную ткань, использовавшуюся на предыдущем сеансе, пропитывают раствором, приготовленным ...

10-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96106682A
Автор: Яковлев С.И.

... 1. Медицинское средство, содержащее основу из неагрессивного физиологического материала, располагаемую свободно на теле пациента с обеспечением фиксации, и наполнитель медицинского назначения, отличающееся тем, что наполнитель содержит вещество, находящееся в кристаллической или жидкокристаллической фазе или проходящее через нее, прибывая в твердой фазе, и предварительно подвергнутое воздействию электромагнитного излучения в диапазоне 16,6 - 25,2 МГц с возможностью образования при этом замкнутых кольцеобразных энергетически непрерывных кристаллических структур. 2. Медицинское средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что основа выполнена в виде пояса, имеющего один или несколько карманов для удержания наполнителя. 3. Медицинское средство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что пояс выполнен из соединенных между собой полос ткани, а карманы расположены между полосами. 4. Медицинское средство по п. 2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что карманы снабжены застежками-липучками, части которых расположены в верхней части ...

13-09-1990 дата публикации

Cold compress made of water repellent material - has pockets filled with hydrophilic granular material

Номер: DE0004005718A1

A cold compress for the treatment of sprains or bruises, consists of a bandage of elastic material which is also water repellent. A number of pockets (2) are attached to the bandage (1) and these pockets are filled with a granular material which is hydrophillic. The bandage is cooled to a sub-zero temperature so that the water contained in the granular material is frozen. The bandage is then applied to the affected part. The walls of the pockets (2) are made from a textile which is woven from water-repellent yarn. USE - Treatment of sprains and bruises.

19-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202011107576U1
Принадлежит: Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG

Wärmedecke (10), insbesondere zur medizinischen Wärmetherapie, mit einem inneren, beutelartigen Behälter (12), der in mehrere längs einer ersten Richtung (L) parallel zueinander angeordnete, geschlossene und voneinander getrennte Kammern unterteilt ist, wobei jede Kammer mit einem wärmespeichernden Material (26) befüllt ist, und einer den inneren Behälter (12) umgebenden Schutzhülle (28), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass – jede Kammer längs einer zweiten, von der ersten Richtung (L) verschiedenen Richtung (Q) in mehrere nebeneinander angeordnete, geschlossene und voneinander getrennte Kammern (18, 20, 22) unterteilt ist, wobei – die Größe der Kammern (18, 20, 22) von einem Außenrand (24) des inneren Behälters (12) zu seiner Mitte hin längs der ersten Richtung (L) abnimmt, und wobei – die Schutzhülle (28) mit dem inneren Behälter (12) nicht oder nur an seinem Außenrand (24) verbunden ist.

17-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060023118D1

09-06-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002844810C2

05-10-2000 дата публикации

Anlegeband zum Kühlen des menschlichen Schädels

Номер: DE0020012063U1

17-12-2009 дата публикации

Kühlvorrichtung zur physikalischen Rheumatherapie

Номер: DE202008010410U1

01-08-1996 дата публикации

Selbstkühlende, -haftende Kompressionsbandage

Номер: DE0029518881U1

27-05-1999 дата публикации

Wärme- und Kühlkissen

Номер: DE0029904396U1

06-10-2005 дата публикации

Wärmefilm mit Dampferzeugung für die Augen

Номер: DE0060301459D1

19-02-1953 дата публикации

UEberzug fuer ein Waermegeraet von der Art eines Heizkissens od. dgl.

Номер: DE0000867586C

09-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE202018001914U1
Принадлежит: LE SAULNIER PHILIPPE, Le Saulnier, Philippe

Kompressenstirnband,dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kompresse in einer Stirnbandtasche fixiert ist.

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE502007001008D1

28-07-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008233638U1

18-01-1996 дата публикации

Handwärmegerät für unterkühlte Personen

Номер: DE0009421524U1

11-01-1996 дата публикации

Sweat band for use on head or wrist

Номер: DE0004423084A1

Sweat band for use on the forehead or wrist during sport etc., pref. of thin linen or cotton has pockets (3) on the inside in which are formed by looping and stitching, in which plastic cartridges contg. a cold storage medium are placed as cooling elements. Pref. two elements are inserted, one from each side of a loop. The pockets may be confined to the temple region or the pulse region.

07-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069703749T2

20-11-2008 дата публикации

Auflageelement zum Auflegen auf einen Körperbereich des Menschen

Номер: DE202008009573U1

Auflageelement (1) zum Auflegen auf einen Körperbereich eines Menschen, umfassend eine Hülle mit einer ersten Oberfläche (2a) und einer zweiten Oberfläche (2b), wobei die Hülle einen Innenraum begrenzt, der mit einem kälte- und/oder wärmespeichernden Medium befüllt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens die erste Oberfläche (2a) als eine Auflagefläche ausgebildet ist, die wenigstens teilweise mit einem textilen Material (3) abgedeckt ist.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Nasenkühl-/und Wärmekompresse

Номер: DE202015000129U1

Nasenkühlkompresse zum Auflegen auf gestauchte, geschwollene oder entzündete Nasen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein in der Form gespiegeltes Silikonpad (1) in der Form und der Größe dem Nasenrücken und den Nasenseitenwänden gestaltet ist, so dass das Sichtfeld des Anwenders nicht merklich eingeschränkt wird.

23-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019900197C2

13-10-1925 дата публикации

Erwaermungsvorrichtung fuer Kompressen

Номер: DE0000420092C
Принадлежит: JOSEF VATTER

12-04-2001 дата публикации

Wärm- oder Kühlkissen zum Auflegen auf den Körper

Номер: DE0020100266U1

28-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020103432U1

14-05-1980 дата публикации

Chest and back heating harness - has double walls and straps with wire or plate element and switch-box and thermostat

Номер: DE0002848088A1

A chest and back thermal device is made to measure for the patient. It consists of a chest harness (1, 2) with double walls with a given distance between the two sections. There are straps attached to the double walls and the chest harness to make adjustments to the size of the patient. The neck (7) is attached to the straps and there is a girdle attached to the bottom of the straps. The breast harness is heated by an electric current, which passes through an element of wire or plate incorporated in the harness. There is also a switch box with a thermostat to control the temp. The temp. is measured by a thermometer which regulates the thermostat.

21-04-2011 дата публикации

Kosmetische oder dermatologische Behandlungsmethoden und Geräte

Номер: DE602006020539D1
Принадлежит: OREAL, L'OREAL

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Combination of electrically operated and electronically controlled heating pad and grain cushion for use in therapeutic treatment, has grain cushion filled with grains or fruit stones and electrically heated by heating pad

Номер: DE102011121511A1

The combination has a grain cushion (2) filled with grains or fruit stones and electrically heated by an electrically operated and electronically controlled heating pad (1). Temperature of the heated grain cushion is controlled by using an appropriate device.

07-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0006610191U

05-09-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE8515987U1

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000325840D0

15-12-1948 дата публикации

Sudorific garments

Номер: GB0000614393A

... 614,393. Surgical heating appliances. LAMBERGEON, L. L. S. M. April 6, 1945. Nos. 8618 and 8619. Convention dates, Dec. 17, 1943, and Nov. 20, 1944. [Class 81 (ii)] [Also in Groups VII and XI] A tight-fitting garment of impervious material for inducing rapid perspiration may be provided with one or more heating plates. As shown, the plate 5, which is applied to the inner side of the garment, is held in place by corner pockets 16 and removable straps 17, 17<2>. A cover flap 19, of felted and water-proofed material, is provided to protect the skin of the patient. The heating plate may be in the form of a zig-zag resistance housed in a chamber and separated from the outer face thereof by insulating material.

17-10-1912 дата публикации

Improved Hot-water-bottle, and General Warmer, adaptable for Continuous Heating.

Номер: GB0191123371A

... 23,371. Munro, C. S. Oct. 23. Hot-water bottles. - A hot-water bottle A having inner and outer pockets A<1>, A<2> for warming small articles, is connected bv a double conduit C with a waterheater D adapted to circulate hot water therethrough.

30-05-1912 дата публикации

An Aseptic Medical Compress Constructed in a Manner to Obtain & Retain the Maximum of Heat.

Номер: GB0191125134A

... 25,134. Johnson, R. D., Hudson, E. S., and Hudson, H. B. Nov. 11. Hydropathic bandages and pads.-Medical compresses for applying hot fomentations consist of an india-rubber or like waterproof envelope 2, 3, Fig. 1, enclosing a layer of asbestos or like heat-insulating material 1 and faced on one side by a sheet 4 of loofah. The compress may be in the form of a pad for local application, as shown in Fig. 2, or in the form of a boot sock, or may be tubular, as shown in section in Fig. 6, so as to serve as a glove, finger-stall, sleeve, or complete body bag. The tubular appliances are provided with an additional waterproof cover 13.

31-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008628187D0

01-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008908597D0

25-02-1998 дата публикации

An ice-pack containing glass beads

Номер: GB0002316318A

A re-usable flexible ice-pack, intended for the treatment of injury, consists of a sealed plastic envelope containing glass beads, which may be stored in a freezer. Preferably, the bag is covered with a cotton cover-slip to minimise skin damage.

02-12-1998 дата публикации

Temperature control structure for a body portion

Номер: GB0002325625A

The structure comprises a pocket-like "shield" 14 formed from inner and outer members 24, 30 secured around their peripheries and means at least partly within the pocket for regulating the temperature of the "shield", the outer surface of the inner member at least being manufactured as a mirror image of the surface of the body portion by being moulded on a casting thereof. A coiled tube 36 or a manifold through which fluid may be passed is secured to the inner surface of the outer member and a gelatinous substance 38 may be positioned between the tube(s) and the inner member. The "shield" may also include an inflatable pocket on or in the outer member for controlling the pressure at which the "shield" is applied during cryogenic therapy.

12-02-2003 дата публикации

Muscle healer with various hot massage pads

Номер: GB2378388A

A muscle healer comprising pads incorporating heating elements, which may also have a massaging effect. The pads are preferably shaped to fit the knee, thigh, back, stomach, elbows and shoulder. The muscle healer may be operated by a control box to direct the flow of massage to the body. The flow may be adjusted to provide pulsing or circular movement in various directions to suit the muscle. The muscle healer may be used for relieving muscle injuries, pain, arthritis, or to improve circulation.

23-10-2002 дата публикации

Therapeutic animal coat

Номер: GB0002374535A

A therapeutic animal coat with pockets sewn in the underside in various positions 1 where injuries and joint diseases may occur. A pain relieving/anti-inflammatory product can be placed in the pocket adjacent to the area of injury to help the affliction. The pocket shape, size and number would vary from animal to animal. A heat product can be placed in the pockets also for added heat 2 for the animal if required. The pockets and pain relieving/anti-inflammatory products are secured in place when the animal is in motion by the coat structure and nylon webbing with quick release plastic clips around waist and front chest 4.

07-04-2004 дата публикации

Heat generating formulation/device

Номер: GB2393732A

A heat generating article comprises a coherent/solid mass of iron powder 12, surrounded by gas permeable inner wrapping 13, and positioned between overlapping sheets 21, 22. Sheet 21 is adjacent to a patient when in use, and may have insulating later 23. Sheet 22 is formed with apertures 24, sealed by removable cover 25. On removal of sheet 25, oxygen contacts the heat-generating iron, thus initiating an exothermic reaction. The formulation may also comprise sodium chloride solution, and absorbent material, activated carbon, and a binder. The iron powder may be formed into a strip or tablet by compression. The heat-generating device may be incorporated into a blanket. It may be disposable and sterile.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

A garment with a self contained and removable heat source

Номер: GB0002465802A

A garment (2, fig. 1) for warming a person is provided, the garment comprising a torso portion (4, fig. 1) for extending over the torso of the person when the garment is being worn; heat emitting means 12; means for retaining (10, fig. 1) the heat emitting means 12 in the torso portion of the garment, such that heat emitted is transmitted to the torso of the person; wherein the heat emitting means is self-contained and removable from the garment. The heat emitting means is preferably filled with a heat storage material that may be reheated. The retaining means is preferably a pocket 10 disposed in or on the garment. The heat emitting means is preferably held within a cover 16 having a portion of high thermal conductivity 16b facing the body of the wearer.

13-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008315906D0

06-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002170680A

A thin flexible lightweight electrical heat wrap unit usable on the human body, usually with a vibratory massaging device. In the heat wrap unit, electrical resistance wires are arranged in a serpentine pattern and sealed together with a thermostat between two thin flexible composite sheets. The composite sheets comprise a knapped loop fabric material inseparably laminated to a base of electrically insulating pliable material. The base faces of the sheets are bonded together thereby causing the fabric loops to be on all exterior sides of the heat wrap. The heat wrap unit operates on 12-24 volts and has an enclosed socket electrically connected to the resistance wires and structurally attached to an edge of the wrap unit. The socket is connected through an external temperature control unit and transformer to a power supply. Also, a vibrator massage device can be electrically connected to the control unit and physically attached by a Velcro (R.T.M.) fastener to the heat wrap unit outer surface ...

21-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002243300B

27-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002124084B

16-11-1916 дата публикации

Improvements in Surgical and like Heating Appliances.

Номер: GB0000102075A

... 102,075. Skliros, G. E. Jan. 21, 1916. Heating - appliances.-A hotwater bag, of rubber, to be worn on the person, is made of the shape shown, the upper part A being intended to cover the lower part of the body, the neck B to pass between the thighs, and the part C to cover the lower part of the back. The bag is provided with a cover, to which suitable straps &c. are attached.

14-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002051369B

03-08-1983 дата публикации

Hot or cold pack

Номер: GB0002113096A

An article for the production or absorption of heat, intended for treating injuries, which has two or more substances each separately stored in the article and which, in use, has the substances intermixed by, for example, rupturing a partition separating the substances so that heat is produced or absorbed on solution of one substance within the other.

08-01-2014 дата публикации

Bamboo massage stick warming device

Номер: GB0002503699A

A mobile bag for heating the bamboo sticks 2 used in massage therapies. The portable device consists of a heating element 1 attached to an aluminium board, with a dual power facility; either an indoor mains AC power plug or a car cigarette lighter plug 6 can power the bag. The heating element is controlled by a controller 4. The bag contains an inner PVC bag 7 which is used for containing and reheating oiled massage sticks. A heat resistant isolation foam lid 3 insulates the heat in the bag as well restricting movement of the heating bamboo massage sticks 2. The bag has a handle and shoulder strap to carry the case.

27-06-2012 дата публикации

Thermal treatment device

Номер: GB0002486823A

A thermal treatment device 10 for wrapping around a human or animal subject, or a part thereof to modify the local temperature of the person or animal at the device 10, comprising a generally flexible jacket 12 having an inner surface and an outer surface; a resistive heating element 38; at least one concave region 22, 24, 26 for accommodating a body part in use, and attachment means 14, 16 for maintaining the device in position on the body part in use. Preferably there are four concave portions, with four straps connecting the corner portions.

23-12-1981 дата публикации

Apparatus for use in cryotherapy

Номер: GB0002077595A
Автор: Arkans, Edward Jan

A therapeutic device comprising, a sleeve for covering a portion of a patient's body and having a space to receive liquid, a device for circulating a liquid through the space of the sleeve, and a device for cooling the circulated liquid.

17-07-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to a hand exerciser

Номер: GB0001119925A

... 1,119,925. Hand exerciser; hand warming devices. M. A. HILLMAN. 18 April, 1966 [19 April, 1965], No. 16914/66. Headings A5R and A6M. A hand exerciser that comprises an elongated hand muff open at one end and closed at the other, the muff consisting of an inner shell formed of a material having a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, a heat generator to heat the shell, located between the shell and cover adjacent to the closed end of the muff, and a resiliently compressible hand-grip located within the muff and near to the closed end. The exerciser is illustrated in Figure 1. The metallic shaft 14 acts as a rigid support for the exercising medium 19. This shaft contacts and is heated by the electric heating coil 21. The exercising medium or compressible handgrip is preferably made of rubber, thus permitting the fingers of the hand to perform a kneading operation and also serving as an electro-insulative cover over the shaft 14.

11-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001366631A

16-03-1994 дата публикации

Device for preventing or reducing the incidence or intensity of pain in the body

Номер: GB0009401176D0

03-08-1937 дата публикации

Improvements relating to bandages and like appliances for heat treatment of the head

Номер: GB0000469769A

... 469,769. Head bandages. RYNER, H. Feb. 3, 1936, No. 3170. [Class 81 (ii)] A head bandage comprises four thicknesses of iron-containing asbestos cloth a wider in the occipital region than at the forehead and secured by elastic tapes c wound several times around the bandage and tied as at c<1>. Cotton-wool padding is provided as at d and friction producing pads e, e<1> made from copper sheeting or hemp twine fabric interwoven with zinc and copper shavings, are inserted in the wider part of the bandage. A woollen cap and wristlets, both padded with asbestos, may be worn with the bandage. Specification 461,294 is referred to.

30-04-1997 дата публикации

Apparatus for cooling human scalps

Номер: GB0009704957D0

03-11-1999 дата публикации

A device and method for applying massage,cooling or warming to the body

Номер: GB0009920309D0

07-04-1999 дата публикации

Device and method for alleviating the trauma of tissue wounds and tears

Номер: GB0009903630D0

13-11-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hot water bottle and like container covers

Номер: GB0000786367A

... 786,367. Hot-water bottles. FREEMAN, W. S. Aug. 13, 1956 [Oct. 3, 1955; Oct. 19, 1955], No. 28151/55. Class 64(2) A fabric cover for a container such as a hot-water bottle 10 has an opening closable as by a slide fastener 15 and has a rubber shroud 17 stitched at its periphery to the cover just inside the opening and with a central hole surrounded by a ring 18 fitting elastically around the bottle neck below the bottle closure 11.Four quadrant-shaped pads 19 of sponge rubber are stuck to the underface of the shroud 17 to fill the spaces between the bottle shoulders 16 and the cover opening, i.e. when that opening is closed, as shown in Fig. 3 and the shroud is folded up. The material of the shroud 17 does not terminate at the ring 18 but extends below it as shown at 170, being cut away to reach past the shoulders 16 of the bottle. Specification 516,731 [Group XVII] is referred to.

25-05-2022 дата публикации

A wearable cooling apparatus for on-site treatment of heat illness

Номер: GB0002601180A

A wearable cooling pad or wrap, e.g. for treating exertional heatstroke, comprises a flexible backing pad 4, a skin-facing thermally conductive membrane 10 secured thereto, and an inlet valve 6 in fluid communication with a conduit 11 defined between the pad and membrane, the conduit comprising one or more channels 8 recessed into one or both of the opposed surfaces of the pad and membrane. The membrane may comprise skin-adherent hydrogel, e.g. incorporating a flexible mesh to which the insulating pad is bonded. The conduit or channels may follow one or more spiral paths, e.g. spiralling inwardly and/or arranged in a grid of spirals. The channels may be cut or moulded into the membrane and/or the backing pad, e.g. integrally formed when moulding the pad of self-skinning polyurethane foam, and may contain hydrocolloid material. Compressed gas, e.g. carbon dioxide, may be injected via the inlet valve from a portable cannister, e.g. adjusting the flow rate to control its temperature, and an ...

31-01-1980 дата публикации

Apparatus of generation of cold, mainly for the application of the cold by contact on the body of living beings.

Номер: OA0000004358A

25-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361111B

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349989T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000430293T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489949T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486536T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421262T

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA275679A

15-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA190075A

15-02-2019 дата публикации

Rolling bodies or cushion

Номер: AT0000519917B1

Anordnung mit: - einem Rollkörper oder einem Kissen (1) mit einem Kern (3), einem lösbar um den Kern (3) angeordneten und diesen zumindest teilweise abdeckenden Überzug (4), einer elektrischen Temperiervorrichtung (5) und einem Akku (2) zur Versorgung der elektrischen Temperiervorrichtung (5), wobei der Akku (2) im Kern (3) und die elektrische Temperiervorrichtung (5) im Überzug (4) angeordnet ist oder der Akku (2) im Überzug (4) und die elektrische Temperiervorrichtung (5) im Kern (3) angeordnet ist und - einer Lagervorrichtung (9), an welcher der Rollkörper oder das Kissen (1) rollbar gelagert ist.

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000532826T

21-07-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для накопления тепла и передачи его внешнему объекту

Номер: RU0000198643U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике и может использоваться как устройство для накопления тепла и передачи его внешнему объекту в медицинских учреждениях и в домашних условиях; также может быть применена в областях техники, связанных с обеспечением вторичной передачи накопленного в устройстве тепла в окружающую среду (внешнему теплоносителю) от циклически работающих источников тепловой энергии при заданных параметрах окружающей среды. Устройство для накопления тепла и передачи его внешнему объекту состоит из полого корпуса и размещенного внутри него твердого теплоаккумулирующего элемента. Корпус устройства выполнен из твердых материалов разрезным в виде двух теплоизолированных частей. Устройство снабжено приводом разведения частей корпуса, выполненным в виде двух скрещивающихся рычагов, установленных на общей оси. Один конец каждого рычага закреплен на своей части корпуса, а другие концы связаны между собой термочувствительным элементом из материала с памятью формы. Устройство позволяет многократно накапливать тепло при повышенной температуре окружающей среды и передавать его внешнему объекту при достижении заданной пониженной температуры окружающей среды. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 643 U1 (51) МПК A61F 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61F 7/08 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020120023, 17.06.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.07.2020 Бюл. № 21 1 9 8 6 4 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 48766 U1, 10.11.2005. SU 1790400 A3, 23.01.1993. US 20090143844 A1, 04.06.2009. KR 200278130 Y1, 20.06.2002. KR 20030067388 A, 14.08.2003. (54) Устройство для накопления тепла и передачи его внешнему объекту (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к медицинской устройства выполнен из твердых материалов технике и может использоваться как устройство разрезным в виде двух ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Head coller

Номер: US20120041526A1
Автор: Johan Stormby
Принадлежит: Dignitana AB

A head cooler ( 10 ) comprises a thermal exchange cap ( 11 ) and an outer insulating cover ( 12 ) to be arranged on a patient's head. The cap ( 11 ) has a channel system ( 31, 32 ) for a cooling fluid forming an inside heat exchange surface to be applied on said head for cooling the head. The thermal exchange cap ( 11, 60 ) is adjustable and/or adaptable to compensate for a discrepancy in shape and size between the inside surface of the head cooler ( 10 ) and the head. The head cooler ( 10 ) may further comprise an eyebrow cooler ( 140 ) for cooling the area of the eyebrows. The head cooler ( 140 ) is used in medicine. A method for preventing hair loss of a patient is provided by arranging the head cooler ( 10 ) on the head of said patient.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Cold/hot therapy device with temperature control

Номер: US20120165908A1
Принадлежит: Tatung Co Ltd, Tatung University

A cold/hot therapy device with temperature control includes a housing, a pump, a cooling chip, a cooling head, a cooling fin, and a bag. The pump, the cooling chip and the cooling head are fixedly arranged in the accommodating chamber of the housing. The cooling chip includes a cool-effecting surface and a cooling surface. The cooling head is adjacent to the cool-effecting surface, and includes a water inlet and a water outlet, where the water inlet communicates with the pump outlet. The cooling fin is fixedly arranged on the cooling surface of the cooling chip, and is positioned in the hollow passage of the housing. The bag includes an inlet tube and an outlet tube, where the inlet tube communicates with the water outlet of the cooling head, and the outlet tube communicates with the pump inlet. Accordingly, a cold or hot therapy function can be achieved.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Device for Applying Cold Therapy to Feet

Номер: US20120172958A1
Автор: Kenneth C. Snyder
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for applying cold therapy to the foot of a wearer is disclosed. The device comprises a foot pad having a premolded configuration for directly contacting the bottom of the foot and surrounding heel area. The foot pad includes a heel portion sized to receive and surround the heel of the foot. The foot pad also includes a raised and contoured arch portion positioned to lie beneath and place localized pressure on the arch of the foot where the plantar fascia and tendons of the foot are located. The entire foot pad is formed of an ice pack that includes a container or shell for receiving and containing a substance capable of maintaining an extremely low temperature for an extended period of time during application to the foot. The device also includes a securement mechanism that is arranged for engaging the foot pad to the bottom of the wearer's foot.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Wrap around cooling apparatus or assembly

Номер: US20120245662A1
Автор: George Page
Принадлежит: Individual

A compartmentalized wrap around cooling element, assembly, or device for cooling relief or swelling may be provided. The compartmentalized wrap may include a series of poly-vinyl alcohol dividers to provide distinctly separate cooling sections, for long lasting cooling relief. Tube connector joints, tube loops, button snaps, and Velcro connectors may provide a secure means for forming a wrap around or loop, to encircle an area multiple times. An encasement design may provide an alternative means of securing the wrap to a large area, such as an adult head.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Device for Cooling Persons

Номер: US20120304678A1
Автор: Petra Buck-Heitmann
Принадлежит: Individual

Device for cooling persons comprises a housing, which extends from an inlet end to an outlet end, and a snow generator, which opens out at the inlet end of the housing. A snow outlet is provided at the outlet end of the housing and a swirling module, which the snow particles generated by the snow generator pass on their way from the inlet end to the outlet end of the housing, is provided in the housing.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods to regulate body temperature

Номер: US20120305231A1
Принадлежит: EMBRACE LLC

Systems and methods are disclosed for regulating body temperature. The system includes a housing that comprises compartments for a phase change material and a heat transfer material. The compartments are configured to transfer heat from the heat transfer material to the phase change material. A temperature sensor is used to determine when the phase change material has reached a pre-determined temperature. When the pre-determined temperature is reached, a release mechanism or lever is coupled to the temperature sensor to separate the phase change material compartment from the heat transfer material compartment or to remove the heat transfer material away from the phase change material compartment. The heated phase change material compartment can be used to regulate body temperature.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Method of Inducing Thermogenesis by Manipulating the Thermoregulatory Status of a Human

Номер: US20130013037A1
Автор: Jason K. Adams
Принадлежит: Individual

This invention provides methods and devices for decreasing the core temperature of a human to cause weight loss. The methods involve contacting the body or a portion of the body with a cooling medium in a sealable chamber to induce a decrease in the core temperature.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Layered Support System

Номер: US20130025053A1
Автор: John H. Vrzalik, Kz Hong
Принадлежит: Huntleigh Technology Ltd

In various embodiments, a support system includes a cover sheet with a number of layers. In certain embodiments, a top layer and a bottom layer are bonded to a middle spacer layer.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Warmer device and its operational method

Номер: US20130028578A1
Автор: ShengQuan Liang
Принадлежит: Individual

A warmer device includes a rechargeable warmer bag containing liquid, a protection device for disposing the rechargeable warmer bag thereat, a charging unit for charging the rechargeable warmer bag to heat up liquid at a usable temperature, and a monitoring device for monitoring the rechargeable warmer bag, wherein the monitoring device includes an actuator operatively linked to the charging device and arranged in such a manner that the actuator is switched on to ensure the heating unit being operated to heat up the liquid, wherein the actuator is actuated by the bag when the bag is expanded, such that the actuator is switched off in response to an expansion of the bag at the protection device to cut off a power supply of the charging unit for preventing the bag being over-expanded.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Tissue treatment methods

Номер: US20130066309A1
Автор: Mitchell E. Levinson
Принадлежит: Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc

Methods are provided herein for affecting a region of a subject's body, comprising exposing the region to a cooling element under conditions effective to cool subcutaneous adipose tissue in said region; and increasing the blood flow rate to the cooled tissue by exposing the tissue to an energy source. Methods are also provided for treating subcutaneous adipose tissue in a region of a subject's body, comprising exposing said region to a cooling element under conditions effective to cool said tissue; and exposing the tissue to an energy source to increase the blood flow rate to the cooled tissue, thereby stimulating reperfusion in, and/or causing an ischemia-reperfusion injury to, the cooled tissue.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Bacterial Cellulose-Based Ice Bags and the Production Method Thereof

Номер: US20130073019A1
Автор: Zhong Chunyan

This invention relates to bacterial cellulose-based ice bags and their production methods thereof. Bacterial cellulose membranes used in the present invention are produced through the fermentation of cellulose-producing microorganisms. Ice bags with three sealed sides and one open side are made from water-impermeable (under room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure) bacterial cellulose membranes. The bags are filled with filler materials and then sterilized at 120 degrees C. for 30 minutes and sealed aseptically. The use of bacterial cellulose as the packaging material solves the problems associated with conventional ice bags. The advantages of the present invention include: no condensation at the bag surface, smaller temperature changes during the course of application, and longer lasting ice therapy session. In addition, bacterial cellulose membrane is safe and non-toxic, and has excellent biocompatibility, plasticity and higher mechanical strength, making it an ideal packaging material for ice bags. 1) A bacterial cellulose ice bag of which the packaging material is made of bacterial cellulose membranes.2) The production method for the bacterial cellulose ice bag in consists of the following steps:a) Selection of a cellulose-producing microorganism as starting culture for the fermentation of bacterial cellulose membranesb) Making an ice bag according the shape of the affected area with three sealed side and one open side from water-impermeable cellulose membranes (under normal room temperature and pressure) with appropriate mechanical strengthc) Filling the bag with filler materials and then sterilizing at 120 degrees C. for 30 minutes and sealing the bag aseptically.3) The microorganism in for the production of bacterial cellulose ice bag is Gluconacetobacter xylinum 323 strain.4) The filling materials in are cooling agent claim 2 , a mixture of cooling agent and thickener claim 2 , a mixture of cooling agent and distilled water claim 2 , or a mixture of ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085552A1
Автор: Mandel William R.

At least one thermoelectric assembly controlled by a microprocessor and disposed on a thermal conduction pad configured to conduct energy to and from the thermoelectric assembly and adjacent the treatment area positioned with removable electronics and a breathable liner. The hot intensity, cold intensity and time delay between sequences can also be selected as well as alternating temperature sequences with both vibration and tension monitoring to promote blood flow and speed up healing. 1. An apparatus for treating pain in an area of a human body by creating a series of temperature patterns on a surface of the body over a treatment area , said apparatus comprising:a thermal conduction member;at least one thermoelectric means for producing a temperature change in response to an electrical input disposed on said thermal conduction member, wherein said thermoelectric means comprises Peltier-effect means;a metallic member interposed between said thermoelectric means and said thermal conduction member;at least one heat sink member disposed on said thermoelectric means;electronic controller means connected to said thermoelectric means for controlling said thermoelectric means such that said thermoelectric means creates changeable temperature patterns on said treatment area; said electronic controller means adapted to be connected to a portable power source; wherein said electronic controller means comprises a programmable microcomputer configured to generate pulse trains at various power levels and with various modulation patterns thereby controlling one of a group consisting of: time of warm temperature by said thermoelectric means, time of cold temperature by said thermoelectric means, intensity of warm temperature by said thermoelectric means, and intensity of cold temperature by said thermoelectric means;a synchronization assembly coupled to the microcomputer and adapted to communicate with said at least one thermoelectric means; andtherapy control means connected to ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085553A1
Автор: Kang Sungwon

The present invention relates to a functional health band, including a health band unit configured to have a first pocket formed at a center of a body, wherein the first pocket has an opening having a rear side thereof opened, and to have first and second fastening units provided at both ends of the body and a main body inserted into the first pocket in attachable and detachable manners and configured to comprise a low frequency generation unit for generating a low frequency and a heat generation unit for generating hot heat. If sweat is soaked in or alien substances are adhered to the health band unit after the functional health band is used for a specific duration of time, the main body can be separated from the health band unit and washed sanitarily. 1110118112118118114115112120118122123b. A functional health band , comprising a health band unit configured to have a first pocket formed at a center of a body , wherein the first pocket has an opening having a rear side thereof opened , and to have first and second fastening units and provided at both ends of the body and a main body inserted into the first pocket in attachable and detachable manners and configured to comprise a low frequency generation unit for generating a low frequency and a heat generation unit for generating hot heat ,{'b': 120', '122', '121', '123', '124', '122', '123', '125', '124', '126', '122', '123', '127', '122', '123', '128', '121', '129, 'wherein the main body comprises a low frequency generation unit provided within a housing and configured to generate the low frequency, a heat generation unit configured to generate the hot heat, a first control unit configured to control the low frequency generation unit and the heat generation unit , a first power source unit configured to supply a driving power source to the first control unit , a manipulation unit configured to control a driving of the low frequency generation unit and the heat generation unit , a display unit configured to display ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085555A1
Автор: Tuller Jeff
Принадлежит: Savvier, LP

A system and method for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body is provided comprising a resilient, expandable, and flat wrap oriented around the targeted portion of a human body; the wrap is configured to increase the external temperature of the targeted portion of the human body; and the wrap further is configured to provide compression to the targeted portion of the human body by stretching a material that is included in a portion of the wrap. 1. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body , comprisinga resilient, expandable, and flat wrap oriented around said targeted portion of a human body;wherein said wrap is configured to increase the external temperature of the targeted portion of the human body; andsaid wrap is further configured to provide compression to said targeted portion of the human body by stretching a material that is included in a portion of the wrap.2. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein said material comprises a plurality of woven sections.3. A system for targeting lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein said material is configured to be breathable.4. A system for targeting lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein said material is configured to occlusively seal the targeted portion of the human body.5. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein at least one of said woven sections is a substantially oval section.6. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein at least one of said woven sections is a substantially round section.7. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein at least one of said woven sections is a substantially rectangular section.8. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein said wrap encases the abdominal region of the human body.9. A system for targeted lipolysis on a portion of a human body as in wherein said wrap ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090710A1
Автор: Rimoli Claudia

A back alleviative pillow uses hot and cold packs combined with memory foam in a pillow to provide comfort and alleviation from pain to an operator. The pillow includes a plurality of adjustable straps such that the pillow may be positioned at a desired location on the operator's body. The straps may secure the pillow to the operator, to a chair back, or other structure proximal to the desired point of contact on an operator's body. 1. An alleviative pillow comprising:a pillow having one or more pockets;one or more hot/cold packs capable of being placed within the one or more pockets;a backpack having two or more attachment straps and an interior compartment into which the pillow may be placed; and,one or more multifunctional straps removably attachable to the two or more attachments straps.2. The alleviative pillow of wherein the pillow has two pockets on opposite sides of the pillow and two hot/cold packs.3. The alleviative pillow of wherein the backpack has four attachment straps.4. The alleviative pillow of wherein the cavity of the backpack may be sealed by a zipper.5. The alleviative pillow of wherein the one or more multifunctional straps comprise three multifunctional straps each having an adjustable length.6. The alleviative pillow of wherein the backpack is rectangular and the two or more attachment straps comprise four attachment straps claim 2 , one on each of the corners of the backpack;wherein the one or more multifunctional straps comprise three multifunctional straps each having an adjustable length; and,wherein the multifunctional straps are attachable to the four attachment straps by means of snap hooks.7. An alleviative pillow comprising:a pillow having one or more pockets;one or more hot/cold packs capable of being placed within the one or more pockets;two or more attachment straps; and,one or more multifunctional straps removably attachable to the two or more attachments straps.8. The alleviative pillow of wherein the pillow has two pockets on ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to affect body-temperature regulation

Номер: US20130104569A1
Автор: Douglas P. Ballnik
Принадлежит: Individual

Disrupting an ability to regulate core body temperature of a human includes a cooling device having various components, and the cooling device is controlled in various manners to remove heat from an anatomical region (e.g., distal extremity). The cooling device might be programmed to maintain a range of temperatures designed to affect an ability to regulate body temperature. In addition, the cooling device might be programmed to operate in cycles. By disrupting core-body-temperature regulation, biological rhythms (e.g., Circadian) can also be disrupted and sleep induction may be countered. Countering sleep incidents in an automobile driver might make it more difficult for the driver to fall asleep or become drowsy while driving.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116758A1
Принадлежит: Zeltiq Aesthetics, Inc.

A system and method of monitoring, controlling and/or detecting events during the removal of heat from subcutaneous lipid-rich tissue is described. In some examples, the system detects an increase in temperature at a treatment device in contact with the skin of a subject, determines that the increase in temperature is related to a treatment event, and performs an action based on the determination. In some examples, the system shuts off the treatment device, alerts an operator, or reduces the cooling in response to a determined treatment event. 120.-. (canceled)21. A non-invasive treatment system for transdermally removing heat from subcutaneous lipid-rich cells of a subject , comprising:a transdermal treatment device configured to contact an area of skin of a subject and to remove heat from subcutaneous lipid-rich cells of the subject to affect the subcutaneous lipid-rich cells; anda controlling device that modifies operation of the non-invasive treatment system in response to an increase in power demand of one or more components of the non-invasive treatment system, wherein the increase in power demand is caused, at least in part, by at least partial freezing of the subject's skin.22. The non-invasive treatment system of claim 21 , further comprising a temperature monitoring device including a plurality of temperature sensors configured to detect a temperature of at least one of the subject's skin claim 21 , a portion of the transdermal treatment device claim 21 , and/or a protection device between the subject and the transdermal treatment device.23. The non-invasive treatment system of claim 21 , further comprising a temperature monitoring device that includes a first sensor and a second sensor spaced apart from the first sensor claim 21 , wherein the controlling device determines heat flux based on output from the first and second sensors and compares the heat flux to a reference heat flux.24. The non-invasive treatment system of wherein the transdermal treatment ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cooling device having a plurality of controllable cooling elements to provide a predetermined cooling profile

Номер: US20130116759A1
Принадлежит: Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc

A cooling device for removing heat from subcutaneous lipid-rich cells of a subject having skin is provided. The cooling device includes a plurality of cooling elements movable relative to each other to conform to the contour's of the subject's skin. The cooling elements have a plurality of controllable thermoelectric coolers. The cooling elements can be controlled to provide a time-varying cooling profile in a predetermined sequence, can be controlled to provide a spatial cooling profile in a selected pattern, or can be adjusted to maintain constant process parameters, or can be controlled to provide a combination thereof.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116760A1
Принадлежит: Medivance Incorporated

A medical pad has multiple layers. A first layer is for containing a first thermal-exchange fluid circulatable therethrough, with the medical pad being operable for thermal exchange between the first thermal-exchange fluid and a patient through a first side of the first layer. A second layer of the medical pad is interconnected to a second side of the first layer, opposite to the first side of the first layer. The second layer encloses a second thermal-exchange fluid that may have a freezing point of 0° C. or less. The medical pad is operable for thermal exchange between the second thermal-exchange fluid and the patient. 1. A medical pad comprising:an upper containment sheet layer;an intermediate sheet layer having a plurality of depressions formed in a top surface defining a corresponding plurality of projections on a bottom surface; anda lower patient interface sheet layer having a top surface juxtaposed against the projections of the bottom surface of the intermediate sheet layer, wherein peripheries of the lower patient interface sheet layer and the intermediate sheet layer are connected such that spaces between the projections and the lower patient interface sheet layer collectively define a fluid circulation layer for containing a first thermal-exchange fluid circulatable therethrough; andwherein the upper containment sheet layer is disposed over the top surface of the intermediate sheet layer and peripheries of the upper containment sheet layer and the intermediate sheet layer are interconnected to define a fluid containment layer enclosing a second thermal-exchange fluid.2. The medical pad of claim 1 , wherein the upper containment sheet layer claim 1 , intermediate sheet layer and lower patient interface sheet layer comprise polymer materials and the peripheries are welded.3. The medical pad of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of depressions have a substantially equal depth and each of the plurality of projections has a substantially equal height.4. ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Wearable horse cooling device

Номер: US20130123886A1
Автор: Gary Chiu, Naijian FU
Принадлежит: Individual

A wearable horse cooling device has at least one cold water circulating module and a fixing module. Each one of the at least one cold water circulating module has a cooling unit, a wrap and a connection hose assembly. The wrap has a water bag and an air bag for generating a holding force. The connection hose assembly is connected between and communicates with each cooing unit and the water bag of the wrap. The fixing module is securely connected with each one of the at least one cold water circulating module and tied to the body of a horse to bind the cold water circulating unit on the body of the horse so that the cold water circulating unit can be firmly mounted and worn on the body of the horse without causing discomfort of the horse.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Therapeutic Cooling Devices

Номер: US20130123890A1
Автор: Jeffrey W. Latham
Принадлежит: TraumaTec Inc

A thermal regulatory system to reduce swelling caused by trauma to a variety of tissues and limbs is provided. One or more substantially flexible, at least partially thermally conductive housing containing optionally activatable thermal regulatory medium may be coupled with one or more applicator, such as a splint, that is adapted to apply the medium housing to the tissue. Methods of therapeutically regulating tissue temperature are also provided.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Cool fat burner

Номер: US20130131764A1
Автор: P. Eric Grove
Принадлежит: Individual

An ice harness for cooling brown adipose tissue. The ice harness includes a front section, wherein the front section is configured to be placed on a user's chest. The ice harness also includes a rear section, wherein the rear section is configured to be placed on the user's upper back. The ice harness further includes a first cold-gel pack, wherein the first cold-gel pack is attached to the front section. The ice harness additionally includes a second cold-gel pack, wherein the second cold-gel pack is attached to the rear section.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Litter with Integrated Power Supply

Номер: US20130150928A1

This invention is a portable collapsible field litter comprising: a frame for supporting a tent and having a plurality of frame sections hingeably attached wherein the frame and the tent have a collapsed position for storage and transportation and an extended position for supporting an individual; a cavity defined internal to one of the frame sections for receiving a power cell within the frame section; a medical device connector attached to the frame and in electrical communications with the power cell through a plurality of contacts disposed in the cavity providing an electrical connection between the power cell and the medical device connector; a heated wrap electrically connected to the medical device connector so that the heated wrap is heated using power delivered from the power cell, the heated wrap is disposed around the individual supported by the tent; and, a heat loss fabric disposed around the individual and the heated wrap to reduce heat radiating away from the individual to assist in preventing hypothermia. 1. A portable collapsible field litter comprising:a frame for supporting a tent and having a plurality of frame sections hingeably attached wherein said frame and said tent have a collapsed position for storage and transportation and an extended position for supporting an individual;a cavity defined internal to one of said frame sections for receiving a power cell within said frame section;a medical device connector attached to said frame and in electrical communications with said power cell through a plurality of contacts disposed in said cavity providing an electrical connection between said power cell an said medical device connector;a heated wrap electrically connected to said medical device connector so that said heated wrap is heated using power delivered from said power cell, said heated wrap is disposed around the individual supported by said tent; and,a heat loss fabric disposed around said individual and said heated wrap to reduce heat ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Pain management system

Номер: US20130158635A1

A pain management system that includes a support undergarment with a pouch configured to removeably secure a therapy pack, wherein the support undergarment comprises an anti-microbial material and at least one moisture barrier. The system further includes a therapy pack configured to form into a contoured design.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204332A1
Автор: Amalfi Michael
Принадлежит: Body Cool LLC

A body cool harness is disclosed. The body cool harness may have a body portion for overlaying the back region of a person, a first wrap-around portion, and at least one cooling device. 1. A body cool harness having a body portion for overlaying the back region of a person , a first wrap-around portion , a second wrap-around portion , and at least one cooling device , wherein the first wrap-around portion and the second wrap-around portion fasten to one another with a strap.2. The body cool harness of claim 1 , further comprising a third wrap-around potion claim 1 , and a fourth wrap-around portion claim 1 , wherein the third wrap-around portion and the fourth wrap-around portion are configured to fasten around the legs of a person for overlaying the groin region of a person.3. The body cool harness of claim 2 , wherein the first claim 2 , second claim 2 , third claim 2 , and fourth wrap around portions each include a cooling device.4. The body cool harness of claim 3 , wherein the body portion comprises an insulating fabric claim 3 , a breathable fabric claim 3 , a base fabric claim 3 , and a stretchable fabric.5. The body cool harness of claim 4 , wherein the base fabric includes at least one cut out region for housing the cooling device.6. The body cool harness of claim 5 , wherein the cooling device is disposed between the insulating fabric and the breathable fabric.7. The body cool harness of wherein the stretchable fabric is disposed between base fabric.8. The body cool harness of claim 7 , wherein the cooling device has an impermeable bag having a selectively breakable barrier therein claim 7 , thereby dividing the bag into a first package and a second package.9. The body cool harness of claim 8 , wherein the first package contains water.10. The body cool harness of claim 9 , wherein the second package contains a reactant claim 9 , such as ammonium nitrate.11. The body cool harness of claim 1 , wherein the cooling device has a selectively breakable bag inside ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Therapeutic Brain Cooling System and Spinal Cord Cooling System

Номер: US20130211484A1
Автор: Rozental Renato

This disclosure relates to a brain cooling and spinal cord cooling system, device or mechanism for use in military helmets, and in an adapted format in non-military helmets. The system is comprised of an inflatable pad, or a set of interconnected pads, attached to the interior surface of the helmet, together with a series of valves that allow cooling gases to be delivered from a high pressure canister. The use of different cooling gases permits the achievement and maintenance of cooling of the brain for 24 to 96 hours at a mild (36° C.) or moderate (33° C.-35° C.) brain hypothermia, which is 1.5° C.-4.5° C. below the core temperature. 1. A helmet for protection of a user's brain , said helmet comprising:a. a helmet body;b. one or more inflatable pads attached to said helmet body;c. one or more bi-directional pressure-sensitive valves;d. a temperature-sensitive probe capable of determining the user's brain temperature; ande. at least one coolant-containing canister capable of inflating said inflatable pads and cooling the user's brain; wherein the coolant is capable of providing a cooling rate to the brain ranging from about 0.1° C. to about 0.5° C./hour.2. The helmet of claim 1 , wherein the helmet is capable of lowering the user's brain temperature to a mean temperature ranging from about 33° C. to about 36° C.3. The helmet of claim 2 , wherein the helmet is capable of maintaining the temperature of the user's brain within the range of about 33° C. to about 36° C. for about 24 hours to about 96 hours.4. The helmet of claim 3 , wherein the helmet is capable of maintaining the temperature of the user's brain within the range of about 33° C. to about 36° C. for about 48 hours to about 72 hours.5. The helmet of claim 4 , wherein the helmet is capable of maintaining the temperature of the user's brain within the range of about 33° C. to about 36° C. for about 48 hours to about 56 hours.6. The helmet of claim 1 , wherein the helmet is capable of cooling the user's brain ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218245A1
Принадлежит: ALKANTIS SA

The invention concerns the manufacture of personal care articles consisting of compresses having a cooling effect by swelling with water which are presented individually in vacuum packaging. According to the invention, successive doses of powder comprising absorbent particles are placed in grooves formed by elastic deformation in a lower sheet made of water-permeable textile material, which is continuously unwound, and covered with a upper sheet, which is continuously unwound at the same time as the lower sheet. Said lower sheet is then heat-welded in the intervals between adjacent grooves thus isolating the grooves from each other. Successive compartments each containing a dose of said powder are then enclosed in each groove by heat-welding said sheets along transverse weld lines across the width of the moving sheet assembly. 1. A plant for manufacturing compresses having a cooling effect , comprising a large-scale manufacturing unit for dry compresses designed to absorb water to produce said cooling effect , wherein means are provided to:pass a water-permeable textile lower sheet which is continuously unwound and delivered flat by lamination a delivery end of said unit, underneath an absorbent particle powder feed hopper;deposit successive doses of said powder in grooves formed longitudinally in said lower sheet by reversible heat deformation;cover the assembly with an upper sheet which is continuously unwound and delivered flat by lamination at the same time as said lower sheet to said delivery end of said unit;isolate adjacent powder-filled grooves from each other transversely by welding said upper sheet and lower sheet together along intervals between said adjacent grooves;close successive compartment in each groove each containing a dose of said absorbent particle powder by welding said sheets together along transverse weld lines across the width of the moving assembly;cut the resulting assembly into successive dry compresses by passing them between rollers ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130238043A1
Принадлежит: Dynatronics Corporation

A hand-held probe device capable of providing electro-stimulation and thermo-stimulation to a patient is described herein. While the probe device can include any suitable component, in some instances, it includes a probe head made with an electrically and thermally-conductive material. In some instances, the probe device also includes a temperature control mechanism that is configured to raise and lower a temperature of the probe head. The probe head is also connectable to an electro-stimulation unit (such as a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation unit) such that the probe head is able to provide electro-stimulation simultaneously with thermo-stimulation. Although the temperature control mechanism can include any suitable component, in some instances, it includes a thermoelectric device, such as a Peltier circuit. Other implementations are also described. 1. A thermo-electro-stimulation probe device , comprising: a probe head that comprises an electrically and thermally-conductive material; and', 'a temperature control mechanism configured to raise and lower a temperature of the probe head,', 'wherein the probe head is configured to attach to an electro-stimulation unit such that the probe head is able to provide a patient with electro-stimulation simultaneously with thermo-stimulation., 'a hand-held probe comprising2. The probe device of claim 1 , wherein the temperature control mechanism comprises a thermoelectric device.3. The probe device of claim 2 , wherein the thermoelectric device comprises a Peltier circuit.4. The probe device of claim 1 , wherein the temperature control mechanism is configured to use a fluid to raise and lower the temperature of the probe head.5. The probe device of claim 1 , wherein the electro-stimulation unit is disposed in the probe device.6. The probe device of claim 1 , wherein the hand-held probe comprises a self-contained power source.7. The probe device of claim 1 , wherein the probe head comprises a shape having a convex ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Gradient sequential thermal compression therapy apparatus and system

Номер: US20130253383A1
Принадлежит: Maldonado Medical LLC

A method for providing a combined DVT and sequential gradient and targeted compression therapy to a patient is provided. The method includes providing a control unit configured to condition heat transfer fluid and to selectively provide a compressed gas, providing a thermal sequential gradient compression device that is mountable to a select portion of the patient, and programming the control unit to supply heat transfer fluid to the thermal compression device and to supply compressed gas to the thermal compression device.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261712A1
Принадлежит: PFIZER INC

The present invention is directed to a device for absorbing heat from a body. More particularly, the invention pertains to an improved device which utilizes a gel material comprising liquids and solids to absorb, over an extended period of time, heat from a body. The present invention also includes methods of providing cold therapy treatment to a user 1. A multi-use cold pack device comprising:a. an attachment wrap having a highly adjustable fastening zone;b. a body-side insulation layer;c. a clothing-side insulation layer; andd. a multi-cell gel composition, wherein said gel composition does not include an antifreeze component.2. A multi-use cold pack device comprising:a. an attachment wrap comprising a Z-configuration and having a highly adjustable fastening zone;b. a body-side insulation layer;c. a clothing-side insulation layer; andd. a multi-cell gel composition, wherein said gel composition does not include an antifreeze component.3. A multi-use cold pack device comprising:a. an attachment wrap comprising a Z-configuration and having a highly adjustable fastening zone, and further comprising a corrugated material;b. a body-side insulation layer;c. a clothing-side insulation layer; andd. a multi-cell gel composition, wherein said gel composition does not include an antifreeze component.4. A multi-use cold pack device comprising:a. an attachment wrap comprising a corrugated material and having a highly adjustable fastening zone;b. a body-side insulation layer;c. a clothing-side insulation layer; andd. a multi-cell gel composition, wherein said gel composition does not include an antifreeze component.5. A multi-use cold pack device according to any one of to , wherein the thickness of said body-side insulation layer is thinner than the thickness of said clothing-side insulation layer.6. A multi-use cold pack device according to any one of to , wherein said body-side insulation layer has an R-value of 0.001 m-K/W to 0.01 m-K/W.7. A multi-use cold pack device ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267925A1

Dual purpose adhesive bandages comprise a backing, a pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on the backing, and an absorbent pad adhered to the backing. The absorbent pad is configured so as to form a pouch having at least one open end for releasably receiving a thermal pack. Thermal management kits comprise the dual purpose bandage and a thermal pack. 2. The adhesive bandage of wherein the absorbent pad is folded to form a tube.3. The adhesive bandage of wherein the absorbent pad is folded in a c-fold.4. The adhesive bandage of wherein the absorbent pad comprises cotton gauze laminated to netting.5. The adhesive bandage of wherein the absorbent pad comprises a nonwoven material.6. A thermal management kit comprising:(a) an adhesive bandage comprising a backing, a pressure sensitive adhesive disposed on the backing, and an absorbent pad adhered to the backing by the pressure sensitive adhesive, wherein the absorbent pad is configured so as to form a pouch having at least one open end for releasably receiving a thermal pack; and(b) a thermal pack comprising a flexible sealed envelope and a thermal agent within the envelope.7. The thermal management kit of wherein the thermal pack is a cold pack.8. The thermal management kid of or wherein the thermal agent is a gel.9. The thermal management kid of wherein the thermal agent is a thixotropic gel.10. The thermal management kit of wherein the thermal pack contains between about 3 g/inand about 5 g/inof thermal agent.11. The thermal management kit of wherein the thermal pack contains between about 3 g/inand about 4 g/inof thermal agent.12. The thermal management kit of wherein the thermal pack is from about 1 inch to about 2 inches wide and from about 1 inch to about 4 inches long.13. The thermal management kit of wherein the thermal pack is from about 1 inch to about 1.5 inches wide and from about 2 inches to about 4 inches long.14. The thermal management kit of wherein the thermal pack contains from about 10 grams to about ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Therapeutic Cold Compress Apparatus and Method for Use

Номер: US20130296986A1
Автор: Alan Lynn Dukes
Принадлежит: Individual

Various embodiments are disclosed for applying a cool compression effect. One embodiment, among others, is an adjustable wrap configured as a sleeve with a variable peripheral size. The wrap comprises a first elongated layer comprising a liquid-absorbent sheet and a second elongated layer. The first elongated layer and the second elongated layer are substantially coextensive in size, and one of the first elongated layer and the second elongated layer is configured to be applied directly to a selected body part and provide a cold compression effect to the body part. The adjustable wrap further comprises a fastener coupled to one of the first elongated layer and the second elongated layer, the fastener comprising a first section and a second section for providing an adjustable peripheral size of the wrap.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Systems, Methods and Apparatus for Delivering Nerve Stimulation to a Patient with Physician Oversight

Номер: US20130296987A1

The present invention provides devices, systems and methods for delivering one or more thermal waveforms to the vestibular system and/or the nervous system of a patient. In some embodiments, the present invention provides a vestibular stimulation device configured both to generate a prescription for delivering one or more thermal waveforms and to deliver the prescribed thermal waveforms. 1. A vestibular stimulation device comprising:an earpiece;a thermoelectric device (TED) thermally coupled to said earpiece; and a prescription comprising a set of instructions for delivering one or more thermal waveforms to the vestibular system and/or the nervous system of a patient; and', 'a control module configured to activate said TED to deliver the prescribed thermal waveform(s)., 'a controller operatively connected to said TED, said controller comprising2. The vestibular stimulation device of claim 1 , wherein said set of instructions for delivering one or more thermal waveforms to the vestibular system and/or the nervous system of a patient is stored in a prescription database.3. The vestibular stimulation device of claim 1 , wherein said vestibular stimulation device further comprises a sensor operatively connected to said controller claim 1 , said sensor configured to transmit data associated with the temperature of the earpiece to said controller.4. The vestibular stimulation device of claim 3 , wherein said control module is configured to use said data associated with the temperature of the earpiece to ensure that the appropriate thermal waveform(s) is/are delivered to the vestibular system and/or the nervous system of said patient.5. The vestibular stimulation device of claim 4 , wherein using said data associated with the temperature of the earpiece to ensure that the appropriate thermal waveform(s) is/are delivered to the vestibular system and/or the nervous system of said patient comprises adjusting an activation signal used to drive said TED responsive to said data ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Device and Method for Treating Skin Disorders with Thermal Energy

Номер: US20130310906A1
Автор: Neev Joseph

A device and a method for thermal treatments of target material with various thermal interactions are disclosed. A preferred treatment includes at least one capacitor and thermal heat generator that provides a predetermined known quota of energy to the target surface. In particular, the launching of thermal energy quanta from various energy sources in lumps of energy quanta and leading to the treatment and healing of a variety of skin conditions are disclosed. 1. A method for treating acne comprising:providing a device comprising a circuit having a capacitor, wherein the circuit is configured for charging a capacitor from a power source and for releasing a pre-determined amount of energy from the capacitor, wherein the circuit comprises a power button configured to activate charging of the capacitor from the power source, and the circuit further comprises a discharge button configured to activate release of the pre-determined amount of energy from the capacitor;{'sup': 2', '2, 'providing a heating element configured to absorb at least some of the energy discharged from the capacitor and converting it to thermal energy, wherein the heating element comprises a resistive heating element and a heat transfer surface, and wherein the heat transfer surface has an area of 0.2 cmto 4 cm;'}switching the power button to activate charging of the capacitor by the power source;bringing the heat transfer surface adjacent to and against the skin to be treated; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'switching the discharge button to activate release of the pre-determined amount of energy from the capacitor to the heating element to thereby heat an upper layer of the skin to a temperature in the range from 50° C. to 400° C., wherein the amount of thermal energy provided to the skin is between 0.1 J/cmand 50 J/cm.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the layer below the epidermal dermal junction remains below 50° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the layer below the mid-reticular dermis remain below ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310907A1

A device for delivering caloric vestibular stimulation to an individual, includes: (a) an earpiece configured to be at least partially insertable into the ear canal of the individual for delivering a first thermal stimulus; (b) an input unit for receiving a user input indicating efficacy of said first thermal stimulus, and (c) a controller operatively associated with said earpiece and said input unit for: (i) controlling said earpiece to provide said first thermal stimulus, and (ii) receiving a signal corresponding to the user input and generating a control signal to control the earpiece and delivering a subsequent thermal stimulus different from said first thermal stimulus. In some embodiments, each thermal stimulus is an actively controlled time varying waveform stimulus. 1. A device for delivering caloric vestibular stimulation to an individual , comprising:(a) an earpiece configured to be at least partially insertable into the ear canal of the individual for delivering a first thermal stimulus;(b) an input unit for receiving a user input indicating efficacy of said first thermal stimulus, and (i) controlling said earpiece to provide said first thermal stimulus, and', '(ii) receiving a signal corresponding to the user input and generating a control signal to control the earpiece and delivering a subsequent thermal stimulus different from said first thermal stimulus., '(c) a controller operatively associated with said earpiece and said input unit for2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said input unit comprises a touch screen.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a heat sink operatively associated with said earpiece and a power supply operatively associated with said controller.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein said earpiece is comprised of metal.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:(d) a thermoelectric device connected to said earpiece, wherein said earpiece is operatively associated with said controller through said thermoelectric device.6. The ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317459A1

A dressing for treatment of a body part surface of a human or animal patient. The dressing includes a compress with a plurality of loose fill granules contained in an enclosure. The plurality of loose fill granules is configured to deliver moist heat. The dressing also includes antibacterial medication that is activated by the moist heat delivered from the compress and released toward the body part surface. The fill granules substantially retain at least one antimicrobial metal material therein and allow repeated absorption and dissipation of moisture to and from the fill granules. 1. A dressing for treatment of a body part surface of a human or animal patient , the dressing comprising:a compress comprising a plurality of loose fill granules contained in an enclosure, the plurality of loose fill granules configured to deliver moist heat;antibacterial medication that is activated by the moist heat delivered from the compress and released toward the body part surface; andwherein the fill granules substantially retain at least one antimicrobial metal material therein and allow repeated absorption and dissipation of moisture to and from the fill granules.2. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the antibacterial medication comprises liposomes.3. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the antibacterial medication comprises microspheres.4. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of loose fill granules comprises zeolites.5. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of loose fill granules comprises at least one of a group comprising activated alumina claim 1 , silica gel claim 1 , bentonite and molecular sieves.6. The dressing of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of loose fill granules have a beaded construction.7. The dressing of claim 1 , further comprising a heat transmissive pad permanently secured to the compress claim 1 , wherein the antibacterial medication is impregnated within the heat transmissive pad.8. The dressing of claim 1 , further comprising a heat ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317460A1

A method of providing moisture therapy to a subject by applying a moist therapy compress against a treated body portion. The moist therapy compress includes a fluid-permeable shell, a flexible backing fastened to the shell to define an enclosure, and a hydrophilic zeolite fill granules loosely contained within the enclosure. The therapy compress is exposed to a source of moisture to cause absorption of water into the a hydrophilic zeolite, and the moisture is delivered from the hydrophilic zeolite through the fluid permeable shell to the treated body portion. 1. An article for use as an antimicrobial wound dressing and compress for moist heat therapy of a treated body part of a patient , the article comprising:a shell for application to the treated body part of the patient, the shell forming at least one enclosure comprising a shape and size configured to rest in an eye hollow of a human face; anda plurality of fill granules loosely contained within the at least one enclosure for delivering the moist heat therapy from the fill granules to the treated body part of the patient, the fill granules comprising hydrophilic zeolite molecular sieve particles comprising at most twenty percent weight content of silver.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic zeolite molecular sieve particles are configured to allow repeated absorption and dissipation of moisture to and from the hydrophilic zeolite material.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises a synthetic microwave non-responsive fabric.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the shell is fluid permeable.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the silver comprises at least one of the group comprising atomic silver claim 1 , silver compounds claim 1 , silver salts claim 1 , silver chloride claim 1 , and silver nitrate.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic zeolite molecular sieve particles comprise loaded zeolite and unloaded zeolite.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the shell and the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325001A1
Принадлежит: Relievant Medsystems, Inc.

System and methods for channeling a path into bone include a trocar having a proximal end, distal end and a central channel disposed along a central axis of the trocar. The trocar includes a radial opening at or near the distal end of the trocar. The system includes a curveable cannula sized to be received in the central channel, the curveable cannula comprising a curveable distal end configured to be extended laterally outward from the radial opening in a curved path extending away from the trocar. The curveable cannula has a central passageway having a diameter configured to allow a probe to be delivered through the central passageway to a location beyond the curved path. 1. (canceled)2. A method of energy delivery to a nerve within a vertebral body , comprising:identifying a target energy delivery region within an inner cancellous bone portion of a vertebral body corresponding to a likely location of a portion of a basivertbral nerve,wherein the target energy delivery region is located within a posterior section of the vertebral body;inserting a cannula and a first stylet within the inner cancellous bone portion of the vertebral body, the first stylet being slidably received within a passageway of the cannula,wherein a distal portion of the cannula and a distal portion of the first stylet are curved,wherein a distal end of the curved portion of the first stylet extends beyond a distal end of the curved portion of the cannula,wherein the curved stylet and the curved cannula have mating proximal ends that align the curve of the first stylet with the curve of the curved cannula;advancing the distal end of the first stylet and the distal end of the cannula together toward a midline of the vertebral body, thereby forming a curved path toward the target energy delivery region;removing the first stylet from the cannula;inserting a channeling stylet within the passageway of the cannula and advancing a distal end of the channeling stylet beyond the distal end of the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Thermal therapy system and method of use

Номер: US20130331914A1

A system that can be used to provide highly controlled thermal therapy and compression to both cool and heat a skin surface and a joint and surrounding tissue below the skin surface is provided. The system includes a joint conforming wrap; a power supply module for supply power to the joint conforming wrap and a cable operably coupling the wrap and the power supply module. The joint conforming wrap and power supply module include opposing thermoelectric modules. The joint conforming wrap is designed to provide heat transfer processes to the body of a patient to warm or cool the skin and a joint and surrounding tissue disposed under the skin.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Devices and Systems for Stimulation of Tissues

Номер: US20140005759A1

NMES systems and methods for stimulating muscle tissue, and in some embodiments deep muscle tissue. The impedance near the surface of the skin is controllably increased to increase the percentage of energy delivered to a subject that stimulates muscle tissue. 1. A method of stimulating muscle comprising:positioning a plurality of muscle stimulation electrodes on a patient proximate muscle to be stimulated;positioning a first thermal element associated with a first thermal source and a second thermal element associated with a second thermal source relative to a patient proximate the plurality of electrodes;activating the first thermal source to cause a temperature change in the patient's tissue; andstimulating the patient's muscle by delivering stimulating energy to the plurality of muscle stimulation electrodes.2. The method of wherein the placement of the first and second thermal elements occurs sequentially.3. The method of further comprising activating the second thermal source to further change the temperature of the tissue.4. The method of wherein the step of positioning the first thermal element activates the first thermal source to cause a temperature change in the patient's tissue.5. The method of wherein positioning the first thermal element comprises positioning a cooling pack relative to a patient proximate the plurality of electrodes to thereby activate the first thermal source and cause a temperature change in the patient's tissue.6. The method of wherein positioning a first thermal element associated with a first thermal source comprises positioning a first thermal element contained within the second thermal element.7. The method of wherein positioning a plurality of muscle stimulation electrodes on a patient comprises positioning a stimulation pad comprising the plurality of muscle stimulation electrodes on the patient claim 1 , and wherein the pad comprises the first thermal element such that positioning the plurality of muscle stimulation electrodes ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018887A1
Автор: KOCH Jochim

A thermotherapy device with a reclining surface () for a patient and with two radiant heaters () directed towards the reclining surface () and with a control unit (), which is set up to control the heat output of each of the radiant heaters (). The reclining surface () includes structure for pivoting about an axis of rotation () at right angles to a body axis () of the patient. An angle or slope sensor () detects the deviation of the position of the reclining surface () from the horizontal plane. The control unit () is connected to the angle or slope sensor and adapts the heat output of each of the first radiant heater and of the second radiant heater () as a function of the detected measured value of the slope such that the heat output of each heater differs by a predetermined factor and the heat output of each heater is equal when the reclining surface is in the horizontal position . 1. A thermotherapy device comprising:a reclining surface for accommodating a patient in a body axis direction;a first radiant heater in an area of a head end of the patient on the reclining surface;a second radiant heater in an area of the foot end of the patient on the reclining surface;a bracket extending in the body axis direction and arranged above the reclining surface, the bracket receiving the first radiant heater in the area of the head end of the patient and the second radiant heater in the area of the foot end of the patient;a pivot means associated with the reclining surface for pivoting the reclining surface about an axis of rotation that is at right angles to the body axis;an angle or slope sensor detecting a deviation of a position of the reclining surface from a horizontal plane to detect a slope measured value; anda control unit connected to the angle or slope sensor and connected to the first radiant heater and the second radiant heater and setting a heat output of each of the first radiant heater and the second radiant heater as a function of the detected slope ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025144A1
Автор: Ragan Cindy Robin

An icy eyewear apparatus comprising: a front sinusoidal rim having a convex section in its center, and two concave sections, such that, when the icy eyewear apparatus is worn by the user, each concave section mirrors the shape of the bottom of the eye of the user from the respective side and each concave section lies proximate to the bottom of the respective eye, such that the user's vision is not obstructed; two temple pieces, one temple piece associated with each side, such that, when the icy eyewear apparatus is worn by the user, the two temple pieces hold the icy eyewear apparatus in place by securing it to the ears of the user; and, two icy packets, one icy packet attached to each concave section of the front sinusoidal rim, such that, the icy packets rest on the swollen areas below the eyes of the user. 1. An icy eyewear apparatus comprising: a front sinusoidal rim having a convex section in its center , which , when the icy eyewear apparatus is worn by a user , rests on the nose of the user , such that it supports most of the weight of the icy eyewear apparatus , and two concave sections , one on each side , left and right , of the convex section , such that , when the icy eyewear apparatus is worn by the user , each concave section corresponds to the shape of the bottom of the eye of the user from the respective side and each concave section lies proximate to the bottom of the respective eye , such that the user's vision is not obstructed; two temple pieces , one temple piece associated with each side , left and right , of the front sinusoidal rim , such that , together , when the icy eyewear apparatus is worn by the user , the two temple pieces hold the icy eyewear apparatus in place by securing it to the ears of the user; and , two icy packets , one icy packet attached to each concave section of the front sinusoidal rim , such that , when the icy eyewear apparatus is worn by the user , the icy packets rest on the swollen areas below the eyes of the user.2. ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Circuit for Applying Heat and Electrical Stimulation

Номер: US20140052198A1

A circuit () for applying heat and electrical stimulation comprises a substrate (). The substrate () comprises an electrode () for applying electrical stimulation and a heating element (). At least one of the electrode () and the heating element () comprises an electrically conducting region patterned on a surface of the substrate (). The substrate () can be flexible. 1. A circuit for applying heat and electrical stimulation , the circuit comprising a substrate , the substrate comprising an electrode for applying electrical stimulation and a heating element , wherein at least one of the electrode and the heating element comprises an electrically conducting region patterned on a surface of the substrate.2. A circuit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a first surface and a second surface claim 1 , the first surface being oppositely oriented to the second surface claim 1 , wherein the electrode is provided on the first surface and the heating element is provided on the second surface.3. A circuit in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the position on the second surface of at least a portion of the heating element corresponds to the position on the first surface of the electrode claim 2 , such that the at least a portion of the heating element is operable to heat the electrode.4. A circuit in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the heating element comprises one or more resistors claim 3 , wherein the position of the one or more resistors on the second surface corresponds to the position on the first surface of the electrode.5. A circuit in accordance with any of the preceding claims claim 3 , wherein the heating element comprises one or more resistors mounted on a surface of the substrate.6. A circuit in accordance with any of the preceding claims claim 3 , wherein the heating element comprises a plurality of resistors claim 3 , and wherein the resistors are positioned so as to produce a predetermined heat distribution when a current is applied to ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058326A1
Автор: Cull Kimberly Jo

A cooling device and method inhibit the infectious growth of pathogens in a body cavity, primarily to cure VulvoVaginal Candidiasis (VVC) and Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) in the vagina, and to reduce biofilms. The device has a shell having an internal chamber containing a freezable or cooling filler that reduces the body cavity temperature. The device may be comprised of an optional coating compound (agent) covering at least a portion of an outer surface of the shell and an optional stainless steel sleeve that covers the shell or optional stainless steel particles that are impregnated into the shell material to enhance both thermal conductance and cooling efficacy. Pathogenic biofilms dissolve and bacteria colony counts decrease at lowered temperatures in body cavities, and infectious, temperature sensitive organisms (fungi, yeast, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protozoans) become dormant, change morphology, or cease growing under the same lowered body cavity temperatures. 1. A device for inhibiting the growth of an infectious pathogen and for disrupting biofilms in a body cavity , comprising:a shell having an internal chamber containing a filler that can be cooled or frozen, the shell sized and adapted for insertion into the body cavity; andan optional coating compound covering at least a portion of an outer surface of the shell.an optional stainless steel sleeve,an optional exterior component,an optional removal attachment.2. The device of wherein the shell comprises thermoplastic polymer or like material with or without stainless steel particles impregnated into the shell claim 1 , and when the device is inserted into the body cavity claim 1 , the frozen or cooling filler cools the body cavity to disrupt the biofilm and forces pathogens into dormancy.3. The device of wherein the coating compound comprises a gel carrier and an agent claim 1 , the gel carrier comprising a chemical hydrogel having a network of covalently linked biopolymer chains claim 1 , the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058486A1
Автор: JR. Wardell, Moore

An ice pack device that may be secured to an appendage to be treated. The ice pack device may include a body portion that includes an ice pack compartment. The ice pack compartment may secure ice, refrigerant gel, or liquids. Extending from the body portion may be at least one first strap and at least one second strap. The ice pack device may be secured to the appendage by wrapping the straps around the appendage and releasably connecting them. 1. An ice pack device comprising:a body portion comprising a first side, a second side, a top end, a bottom end, a front surface, and a rear surface wherein the body portion comprises an ice pack compartment; andat least one first strap extending from the first side of the body portion and at least one second strap extending from the second side of the body portion.2. The ice pack device of claim 1 , further comprising a connector releasably connecting the first strap and the second strap.3. The ice pack device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first strap comprises two straps and the at least one second strap comprises two straps.4. The ice pack device of claim 2 , wherein the connector comprises at least one of a hook and loop fastener claim 2 , a clip claim 2 , a button claim 2 , a snap button claim 2 , and a coupler.5. The ice pack device of claim 1 , wherein the first strap comprises a hook component on a rear surface and the second strap comprises a loop component on a front surface claim 1 , wherein the hook and loop components releasably attach.6. The ice pack device of claim 1 , wherein the ice pack compartment forms an opening near the top end and front surface of the body portion claim 1 , wherein the opening is formed to receive ice.7. The ice pack device of claim 6 , further comprising a connector that opens and closes the opening.8. The ice pack device of claim 7 , wherein the connector is a hook and loop fastener.9. The ice pack device of claim 1 , wherein the ice compartment comprises a refrigerant gel.10. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060546A1
Принадлежит: Regents of the University of Minnesota

Care units and related methods providing a comfortable environment for a patient are disclosed. A care unit can include a base member and a plurality of petal members. Each petal member can extend from a first end, engaged with the base member, to a second end, spaced from the base member. Inward-facing surfaces of at least two petal members and the base member can collectively define a cavity for receiving at least a portion of the patient. The care unit can further include one or both of a therapy component, configured to provide a treatment to the patient, or a sensor component, configured to monitor a condition of the patient. The therapy component can be coupled to, or integrated with, one or both of the base member or a petal member and can include an optical light source, a thermal energy source, an oxygen or air source, a sound wave source, a sound wave-cancelling source, or a pulsating source, for example. 1. A care unit , comprising:a base member; anda plurality of petal members, each petal member extending from a first end, engaged with the base member, to a second end, spaced from the base member, and having an inward-facing surface and an outward-facing surface,the plurality of petal members including at least a first petal member, disposed on a first side of the base member, and a second petal member, disposed on a second, different side of the base member, andthe inward-facing surfaces of the base member and the first and second petal members configured to define a cavity for receiving at least a portion of a patient.2. The care unit of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of petal members includes at least three petal members.3. The care unit of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of petal members are disposed around at least half of a perimeter of the base member.4. The care unit of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the plurality of petal members includes a rigidity sufficient to maintain a shape of the cavity.5. The care unit of claim 4 , wherein the one or ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Maxillofacial bandage

Номер: US20140074006A1
Автор: JR. Richard S., Manley
Принадлежит: Avcor Health Care Products, Inc.

Therapeutic bandages or support wrappings in the form of elongated strips of stretchable material carrying a pocket on one surface are used for therapeutic treatment and support of facial and jaw tissues. The pocket material is non-elastic and moisture-impervious. A thermal packet positioned in the pocket is held adjacent an affected body part and compressive force applied thereto by adjusting the tension on the elastic wrapping strip. 1. A bandage adapted for maxillofacial application comprising:a) an elongated elastically expandable strip of wrapping material defining a length, a width, opposite ends, an inner surface and an outer surface;b) a pocket strip attached to one surface of said elastically expandable strip defining at least one pocket adapted to contain a thermal packet, said pocket strip formed of non-elastic material which prevents passage of moisture therethrough; andc) closure means adapted to secure said elongated strip in a wrapped position with said pocket adjacent a human body part and apply compressive pressure on said body part.2. A bandage as defined in wherein:a) said elongated strip comprises an elastic spun-bond polypropylene laminate; andb) said pocket strip comprises a non-elastic spun-bond polypropylene which is impervious to moisture.3. A bandage as defined in wherein said pocket strip is secured to said elongated strip at the edges of both said strips and a point intermediate the ends of said pocket strip to define two pockets with opposed open ends.4. A bandage as defined in wherein said elongated strip is approximately thirty-six to approximately forty-eight inches long and approximately three and one-half inches wide.5. A bandage as defined in wherein said closure means comprises a Velcro® strip on the inner surface of one end of said elongated strip and a second Velcro® strip on the outer surface of the opposite end of said elongated strip.6. A method of applying therapeutic thermal compression to a maxillofacial body part of a ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074196A1

An improved heating pad which minimizes or eliminates skin burns due to improper uses in three ways: by monitoring an absolute temperature of each surface of the heating pad; by monitoring a temperature difference between each surface of the heating pad, where a small temperature difference indicates that both sides of the heating pad are covered; and by monitoring the duty cycle of a heating element, where a large off portion of the duty cycle indicates both sides of the heating pad are covered. 1. A method of monitoring a heating pad to prevent skin burns comprising:{'sub': '1', 'measuring a first surface temperature (T) of the heating pad, wherein the first surface is a surface of the heating pad which is positioned adjacent to a surface of a body;'}{'sub': '2', 'measuring a second surface temperature (T) of the heating pad, wherein the second surface faces away from the surface of the body; and'}{'sub': 1', '2', 'diff', '1', '2', 'diff,min, 'comparing the first surface temperature (T) and the second surface temperature (T), wherein when a temperature difference (T=T−T) is less than a minimum temperature difference (T) the heating pad shuts off.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the minimum temperature difference (T) equals approximately 6° F.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein when the first surface temperature (T) exceeds a maximum temperature (T) the heating pad shuts off.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the maximum temperature (T) varies based on the amount of time the heating pad has been on.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating pad includes a dead-man switch claim 1 , wherein the dead-man switch must be depressed for the heating pad to heat up.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating pad includes a timer switch claim 1 , wherein the timer switch turns on the heating pad for a set period of time.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the ratio the heating pad is off is calculated as an average over a plurality of periods.9. The method of claim ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081361A1
Автор: Dhayan Ishigaki
Принадлежит: KARSTARK LTD.

A portable head-mounted device for cooling the under-eye area of skin, said device comprising at least one cooling element arranged to be located adjacent the skin of the under-eye area when the device is mounted to the head, the cooling element having a first side that faces the under-eye area of skin when the device is mounted to a head and a second side that faces away from the skin of the under-eye area; said at least one cooling element comprising: liquid retaining means adapted to retain a liquid provided thereto; and heat transfer means adapted to transfer heat by conduction to a liquid retained by the liquid retaining means to promote evaporation of said liquid thereby providing a cooling effect when the device is mounted to the head in use 1. A portable head-mountable device for cooling the under-eye area of skin , said device comprising at least one cooling element arranged to be located adjacent the skin of the under-eye area when the device is mounted to the head , the cooling element having a first side configured to faces the under-eye area of skin when the device is mounted to a head and a second side configured to faces away from the skin of the under-eye area;said at least one cooling element comprising:liquid retaining means adapted to retain a liquid provided thereto; andheat transfer means adapted to transfer heat by conduction to a liquid retained by the liquid retaining means to promote evaporation of said liquid thereby providing a cooling effect when the device is mounted to the head in use.2. The device of wherein the cooling element is arranged such that a liquid retained by said liquid retaining means may come into contact with the skin of the under-eye area when the device is worn in use.3. The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one reservoir for holding a liquid to be supplied to the liquid retaining means claim 1 , wherein said at least one reservoir is in fluid communication with said at least one cooling ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000252A1
Автор: WANG Mu-Jen

A warming blanket includes a warm-air generator, a blanket unit, an air-providing tube and a returning tube. The warm-air generator includes a blower that has an air inlet for drawing air, and a heating member for heating air. The blanket unit has first and second air channels. The warm air which is heated by the heating member is transmitted into the first air channel through the air-providing tube, flows through the first and second air channels, and is transmitted back to the air inlet of the blower. 1. A warming blanket comprising: a housing,', 'a blower that is disposed in said housing, and that has an air inlet for drawing air therethrough into said housing, and an outlet tube, and', 'a heating member that is disposed in said housing for heating the air advanced from said outlet tube;, 'a warm-air generator including'} a first tube-connecting member,', 'a first air channel that is connected to said first tube-connecting member,', 'a second air channel that is serpentine and that is connected to said first air channel, and', 'a second tube-connecting member that is connected to said second air channel;', 'an air-providing tube connected between said outlet tube of said blower and said first tube-connecting member of said blanket unit; and, 'a blanket unit having'}a returning tube connected between said second tube-connecting member of said blanket unit and said air inlet of said blower;wherein the warm air which is heated by said heating member is transmitted into said first air channel through said air-providing tube, flows through said first and second air channels, and is transmitted back to said air inlet of said blower.2. The warming blanket as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said blanket unit further has two opposite short edges, and two opposite long edges that interconnect said short edges;said first and second tube-connecting members are disposed on one of said short edges;said first tube-connecting member is disposed in and extends through said second ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Eyeball Cooling Module, Eyeball Cooling Apparatus Comprising Same, Eyeball Cooling Eye Patch Comprising Same, Eyeball Cooling Glasses Comprising Same and Eyeball Cooling Goggle Comprising Same

Номер: US20160000600A1
Автор: Lee Yong-heum

An eyeball cooling module includes a cooling device and a heat dissipation unit. The cooling device generates a cooling stimulation to human eyeballs by absorbing heat from a first side in which the human eyeballs are disposed and dissipating heat to a second side opposed to the first side. The heat dissipation unit is disposed at the second side of the cooling device, and dissipates heat from the second side of the cooling device externally. Accordingly, cooling stimulation to eyeballs of a human may be generated to human eyeballs, fatigue of eyes and eyeballs may be relieved at home and eyeball fever may be reduced at hospitals. 1. An eyeball cooling module comprising:a cooling device to generate a cooling stimulation to human eyeballs by absorbing heat from a first side in which the human eyeballs are disposed and dissipating heat to a second side opposed to the first side; anda heat dissipation unit, disposed at the second side of the cooling device, to dissipate heat from the second side of the cooling device externally.2. The eyeball cooling module of claim 1 , wherein the cooling device includes a Peltier device that includes two metal plates spaced apart from each other claim 1 , and the Peltier device absorbs heat from the first side and dissipates heat to the second side when a potential occurs between the two metal plates.3. The eyeball cooling module of claim 2 , wherein the Peltier device comprises:a heat absorption unit including a first metal plate and a second metal plate that are disposed at the first side and are spaced apart from each other, the potential being induced between the first metal plate and the second metal plate;a heat dissipation unit including a third metal plate disposed at the second side;a p-type device disposed between the first metal plate and the third metal plate; andan n-type device disposed between the second metal plate and the third metal plate.4. The eyeball cooling module of claim 1 , wherein the heat dissipation unit ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Thermal Body Suit

Номер: US20210000642A1
Автор: Stewart Shawn L.

A thermal body suit that provides heat therapy to selected areas of the body includes a garment having an outer layer, an insulation layer, a middle layer, and an inner layer, such that the insulation layer and the middle layer are disposed between the outer layer and the inner layer. The garment includes a pair of closure fasteners on opposing sides that each extend from the collar to the lower torso portion of the garment. Multiple vents are disposed on the outer layer of the garment for air circulation. The insulation layer includes a plurality of FIR coils operably connected to a power supply. A controller includes an input mechanism configured receive instructions for selecting a desired temperature of the plurality of FIR coils. In this way, the wearer can selectively apply heat to the desired areas of the body while wearing the garment. 1) A thermal body suit , comprising:a garment comprising an outer layer, an insulation layer, a middle layer, and an inner layer, wherein the insulation layer and the middle layer are disposed between the outer layer and the inner layer;a first closure fastener extending from a collar of the garment to a lower torso portion of the garment on a first side of the garment;a second closure fastener extending from the collar of the garment to the lower torso portion of the garment on a second side of the garment;a plurality of vents disposed on the outer layer of the garment;a plurality of FIR coils disposed within the insulation layer and operably connected to a power supply;a controller comprising an input mechanism configured to receive instructions for selecting a desired temperature of the plurality of FIR coils; anda USB port disposed on the outer layer of the garment, wherein the USB port is in electrical communication with the FIR infrared coils.2) The thermal body suit of claim , wherein first closure fastener and the second closure fasteners are zippers.3) The thermal body suit of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000664A1
Автор: McMahon David
Принадлежит: Solana Health, Inc.

The disclosure concerns an improved system for administering moisture therapy to a patient, the system including: a conventional moisture therapy compress, and a therapeutically adaptive cover configured to contain the conventional moisture therapy compress and further adapted to communicate a therapeutic delivery of hot or cold moisture through a fluid permeable material to a treatment site of a patient. The therapeutically adaptive cover communicates hot or cold moisture therapy while isolating the compress from the treatment site, allowing for re-use of the compress by way of replacing the cover, or washing the cover prior to subsequent use for maintaining optimum sterility and cleanliness. Other features and advantages are disclosed in the appended detailed description of the preferred embodiments. 1. A moisture therapy compress , comprising:a flexible first shell, the first shell forming at least one enclosure, and being microwave compatible for repeated microwave heating;a plurality of hydrophilic zeolite fill granules loosely contained within the at least one enclosure for delivery of moist heat therapy from the hydrophilic zeolite fill granules through the flexible outer shell, the hydrophilic zeolite fill granules retaining at least one antimicrobial metal material disposed therein;wherein the hydrophilic zeolite fill granules are microwave compatible and substantially retain said at least one antimicrobial metal material therein upon multiple exposures to microwave irradiation, but allow repeated absorption and dissipation of moisture to and from the hydrophilic zeolite fill granules;wherein the moisture therapy compress further comprises:a flexible second shell, the second shell comprising a first opening extending along an edge thereof, the flexible second shell forming a cover for enclosing the flexible first shell therein.2. The moisture therapy compress of claim 1 , the flexible second shell comprising a pair of slots claim 1 , the slots each being ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000665A1
Автор: Dow Rebecca America

A thermal wrap having identical side portions, each having a pocket formed therein for receiving thermal material such as gel packs or instant/single use chemically activated thermal packs. The side portions are made of an expandable material and connected at the top by at least two independently attached non-elasticated side straps or loop straps which slide through buckles and attach to two adjacent hook pieces, and at the bottom by a pair of cooperating chin straps made from the same material as the main structure that connects the two pouches which further ensures that the pockets allow for even application as well as increased pressure of thermal energy to the head, neck, or face including the mandibular region of the face according to the users desirable fit and pressure. The pockets are sized to receive standard sized gel packs with dimensions relative to the region of the body being treated. 1. A thermal wrap for positioning about a user's head comprising:said wrap having a pair of opposing side portions, each of said side portions having inner and outer sheets, said side portions selectively connected by at least a pair of horizontally spaced connecting straps, the connecting straps connecting top ends of the side portions;said wrap including a chin strap or connecting portion between the two side portions pockets, that also includes a permanently attached strap or loop strap portion connected to lower edges of said side portions which connects to a hook fastener on the opposite side portion exterior of the pocket;each of said side portions including a pocket for receiving a pack of thermal treatment material;one of said side portions having a pair of co-extensive strips of hook and loop type fastening material positioned on the outer sheet in overlapping relation to said pocket to form a primary pressure and adjustment treatment side of said wrap;said straps engageable with said strips of hook and loop material to secure the wrap in position about the user ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000666A1
Автор: BRUDER Mark H.

A therapeutic mask system for treatment of the eyes, including a mask portion for attachment to the head of a patient and an eye coverage pod that is detachably coupled to the mask portion. The mask portion can include an eye coverage portion comprising a receiver in which the pod is releasably secured. The pods can also be directly secured to a mask strap. The pod includes material for delivering thermal, moisture and/or medication therapy and treatment to the eye. The system can also include a heat-transmissive treatment pad positioned between the pod and the eye of the user. 1. A therapeutic mask system treatment of an eye region of a human or animal patient , the system comprising:a mask body configured for attachment to the patient; andat least one treatment pod comprising a loose, granular fill material contained within an outer shell;wherein the at least one treatment pod is releasably coupled to the mask body.2. The therapeutic mask system of claim 1 , wherein the outer shell of the pod is formed from a fabric material.3. The therapeutic mask system of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the fabric material of the pod comprises an antimicrobial material embedded in the fabric material.4. The therapeutic mask system of claim 3 , wherein the antimicrobial material comprises yarn comprising silver particles and wherein the silver yarn is woven into at least a portion of the fabric material of the pod shell.5. The therapeutic mask system of claim 1 , wherein the mask body comprises a strap configured for placement around a patient's head.6. The therapeutic mask system of claim 5 , wherein the at least one treatment pod is directly attached to the strap.7. The therapeutic mask system of claim 6 , wherein the at least one treatment pod can attach to the strap at multiple points along the strap.8. The therapeutic mask of claim 1 , wherein the pod delivers heat to the eye.9. The therapeutic mask of claim 1 , wherein the pod delivers cold therapy to the eye.10. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000627A1

Disclosed herein are dual temperature, dual reservoir devices for providing contrast therapy. An example device has separate liquid heating and cooling systems, each of which have their own designated liquid reservoir. In some embodiments, each system is served by its own dedicated energy source, and has its own water flow circuit that is equipped with pressure relief valves and check valves. Some exemplary systems also include electronically controlled three way valves that ensure that either heated liquid or cooled liquid is flowing to and from the therapy pad at any given time, but never simultaneously. This allows for nearly instantaneous switching between the cooling and heating functions. Certain embodiments of the contrast therapy devices disclosed herein also have programmable features that enable a user to adjust certain variables of the therapy, or allow for a personalized therapy regimen to be developed. 1. A contrast therapy device for alternating the application of cooler and warmer temperatures to a body surface , the contrast therapy system comprising;a liquid-perfused pad for application to a body surface,an inlet path for routing liquid into the liquid-perfused pad,an outlet path for routing liquid out of the liquid-perfused pad,a liquid heating system comprising a heated liquid reservoir, a heating element, and a heated liquid outlet valve configured to control release of heated liquid into the inlet patha liquid cooling system comprising a cooled liquid reservoir, a cooling element, and a cooled liquid outlet valve configured to control release of liquid into the inlet path, anda first valve fluidly connected to the outlet path and configured to route liquid from the outlet path into either the liquid heating system or the liquid cooling system.2. The contrast therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises at least one flow rate sensor claim 1 , wherein the flow rate sensor is operatively connected to at least one of the liquid-perfused ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000629A1
Автор: Taylor Gregory S.

A thermal control unit for delivering temperature-controlled fluid to one or more patient therapy devices (e.g. pads, blankets, etc.) that are in contact with a patient is disclosed. The thermal control unit includes a fluid circuit with an inlet and outlet, a reservoir, a heat exchanger, a pump, and a controller. The thermal control also includes any one or more of the following: (1) an air eliminator with an air filter for filtering air vented from the fluid circuit to the ambient surroundings; (2) a plug that moves in response to changing fluid levels and that fluidly isolates the air filter from the fluid; (3) a second air filter coupled to the reservoir; (4) a check valve to prevent fluid from back flowing into the reservoir; and/or (5) a liquid filter coupleable to the reservoir to filter liquid entering or exiting the reservoir. 1. A thermal control system comprising a thermal control unit and a disinfection unit adapted to selectively couple to , and decouple from , the thermal control unit , the thermal control unit comprising:(a) a fluid outlet adapted to supply fluid to a first heat exchanger in contact with a patient;(b) a fluid inlet adapted to receive the fluid back from the first heat exchanger;(c) a circulation channel coupled to the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet;(d) a first pump for circulating fluid through the circulation channel from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet;(e) a second heat exchanger adapted to add or remove heat from the fluid circulating in the circulation channel; and(f) a thermal controller adapted to control the second heat exchanger in order to control a temperature of the patient;wherein the disinfection unit comprises:(i) an outlet port adapted to fluidly couple to the fluid inlet of the thermal control unit;(ii) a second pump adapted to pump disinfecting solution from the disinfection unit to the thermal control unit via the outlet port; and(iii) a disinfection controller adapted to control the second pump, to communicate ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000630A1

A disposable dressing forms a compartment around and above a wound site and a volatile antimicrobial compound is allowed to sublimate/evaporate into the compartment. A heating element is included in the dressing, with heat stimulating wound healing and simultaneously accelerating sublimation/evaporation of the antimicrobial compound. 1. A wound treatment system , comprising:a body structured and arranged to surround a wound area, said body having an opening above the wound area;a cover attached to the body and covering the opening, said cover suspended above the wound area;said opening and said cover forming an enclosed and empty wound treatment compartment;an autonomous heating element incorporated into the body or into the cover; anda medically useful agent evaporating or sublimating at an accelerated speed at a temperature from about 40 to about 80° C.,said medically useful agent in fluid communication with the compartment.2. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the amount of said agent is effective to inhibit bacterial infection of said wound.3. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is structured and arranged to heat said agent to a temperature sufficient to inhibit bacterial infection of said wound.4. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the medically useful agent is located on the heating element.5. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the medically useful agent is located close enough to the heating element to receive radiant heat from the heating element.6. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the cover is a transparent or semi-transparent film.7. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the cover is a transparent or semi-transparent dome.8. The wound treatment system of claim 1 , wherein the medically useful agent is an antimicrobial agent.9. The wound treatment system of claim 8 , wherein the antimicrobial agent is selected from the group consisting of halogenated hydroxyl ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000631A1

An apparatus is provided. The apparatus may include a gel pack. The gel pack may contain the gel filling. The gel filling may measure between about 110-250 grams. The apparatus may include a top cover and a bottom cover. The top cover and the bottom cover may be comprised of nylon and PVC. The top cover and the bottom cover may measure between about 22-26 centimeters long and between about 6.5-8.5 centimeters wide, when measured flat. The gel pack may be frozen and/or heated. 1. An apparatus comprising: 10-20% glycerin;', '70-80% carboxymethyl cellulose (“CMC”); and', '5-15% water;, 'a gel filling, said gel filling between about 110-250 grams, said gel filling comprisinga top cover and a bottom cover, said top cover and bottom cover being sealed together to form a sealed gel pack, using a high-frequency sealing method, said gel pack containing the gel filling, said top cover and bottom cover measuring between about 22-26 centimeters long and between about 6.5-8.5 centimeters wide, when measured flat;wherein, when the gel pack is frozen to a temperature of less than twelve degrees Fahrenheit, the gel filling maintains a temperature under 60 degrees Fahrenheit after being placed in skin contact for a minimum of 27 minutes.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the top cover and the bottom cover are comprised of a combination of nylon and polyvinyl chloride (“PVC”).3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the gel filling is between about 661.10735481932 and about 1 claim 1 ,202.0133723988 milligrams per centimeter squared.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a closable pouch for partial and/or total enclosure of the gel pack.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the pouch is comprised of cotton and polyester blend terry cloth fabric.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the cotton percentage claim 5 , included in the terry cloth fabric claim 5 , is between about 70-100 percent and the polyester percentage claim 5 , included in the terry cloth fabric claim 5 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Simultaneous Thermal and Cooling Therapeutic Device

Номер: US20200000632A1

A therapeutic device combines both hot and cold therapy to work simultaneously together. The therapeutic device has a first portion being made of a material capable of being heated to a first temperature and a second portion having a fastener capable of connecting to a cold pack having a second temperature. The application of both hot and cold to the site of an injury of a user stimulates blood circulation to an injured muscle with heat and reduces inflammation with cold to facilitate a faster and more efficient recovery process of the afflicted area. 1. A simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device , comprising:said therapeutic device having an outer perimeter edge, said outer perimeter edge is a first pack having a first temperature;said therapeutic device having a substantially central portion configured to receive a removable second pack having a second temperature; and,said first temperature of said first pack is of a different temperature than said second temperature of said second pack.2. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device of claim 1 , further comprising said outer perimeter edge of said therapeutic device being made of a thermally conductive material.3. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device of claim 1 , further comprising said first pack configured to be heated to said first temperature.4. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device of claim 3 , further comprising said first pack having a compartment retaining water.5. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device of claim 3 , further comprising said first pack having a compartment retaining a thermally conductive gel.6. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device of claim 3 , further comprising said first pack having a compartment retaining a liquid.7. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device of claim 3 , further comprising said first pack is a hot pack.8. The simultaneous thermal and cooling therapeutic device ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000633A1

Cryosplint. In some embodiments, a cryosplint may include a vacuum splint and a cold pack. The vacuum splint may be configured to be wrapped around a body part of a patient and then have air evacuated therefrom in order to stabilize the body part. The cold pack may be configured to be attached to the vacuum splint in order to provide application of cold to the body part simultaneous to the vacuum splint stabilizing the body part. 1. A cryosplint comprising:a vacuum splint configured to be wrapped around a body part of a patient and then have air evacuated therefrom in order to stabilize the body part; anda cold pack configured to be attached to the vacuum splint in order to provide application of cold to the body part simultaneous to the vacuum splint stabilizing the body part.2. The cryosplint of claim 1 , wherein the cold pack is configured to be temporarily attached to the vacuum splint using hook-and-loop fasteners that are attached to the vacuum splint and to the cold pack.3. The cryosplint of claim 2 , wherein the cold pack is transparent such that the hook-and-loop fasteners that are attached to the vacuum splint are visible event when facing away from a user.4. The cryosplint of claim 1 , wherein the cold pack is a single-use cold pack.5. The cryosplint of claim 4 , wherein the single-use cold pack is configured to activate to become colder without refrigeration.6. The cryosplint of claim 4 , wherein the vacuum splint is a reusable vacuum splint configured to be used repeatedly.7. The cryosplint of claim 1 , wherein the cold pack includes multiple sealed chambers.8. The cryosplint of claim 7 , further comprising a second cold pack configured to be attached to an interior surface of the vacuum splint and including multiple sealed chambers.9. A cryosplint comprising:a vacuum splint configured to be wrapped around a body part of a patient and then have air evacuated therefrom in order to stabilize the body part; anda cold pack configured to be temporarily ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000635A1
Автор: McGregor Andrew J.

At least some aspects of the present disclosure feature a combination, comprising: a garment, a configurable convective device, and an attachment device configured to attach the configurable convective device to the garment. The configurable convective device comprises a pneumatic structure having a first portion, a second portion, and an inflatable channel connecting the first portion and the second portion and at least one opening into the pneumatic structure. In some cases, the relative positions of the first portion and the second portion of the pneumatic structure can be rearranged. 1. A combination , comprising:a garment, a flexible first layer having air permeable surface;', 'a flexible second layer joining the first layer by a seal around a common periphery to form a pneumatic structure, the pneumatic structure having a first edge and an opposing second edge, wherein the pneumatic structure comprises a first portion, a second portion, and an inflatable channel connecting the first portion and the second portion;', 'at least one opening into the pneumatic structure;', 'a separation device disposed on the first edge and between the first portion and the second portion, comprising: an enclosure seal extending from the first edge toward the second edge, a separation element within the enclosure seal, wherein the separation element comprises at least one of a line of weakness, perforation, and slit; and, 'a configurable convective device configured to be disposed on the garment, comprisingan attachment device configured to attach the configuration convective device to the garment.2. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the configurable convective device further comprises:an air-guide device disposed proximate to a periphery of the inflatable channel connecting the first portion and the second portion, the air-guide device configured to direct flow of inflation medium when at least one of the first and second portions is bent.3. The combination of claim 2 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001084A1
Автор: Harrison, JR. Donald Ira

A universal modularized portable therapeutic limb and body rest pain management device is disclosed. The portable therapeutic pain management device is coupled with a biostable spring slap mechanism which allows the device to be adjusted to enclose a user's limb or body part at a convenient location. 1. A portable heat , cold , thermo-electro stimulation compression apparatus for pain management , the apparatus comprising:a layer including first, second, third and fourth portions having respective edges that are connected to each other while being spaced apart from each other by a separator;a therapeutic apparatus configured to be positioned between the layer and an extremity or body part of a user when the extremity or body part is positioned within an opening defined by the layer; anda biostable spring slap flap connected to the fourth portion of the layer; anda locking mechanism attached to the biostable spring slap flap; anda microchip disposed within the apparatus; anda touch screen controller; anda rechargeable battery pack; andan adjustable tripod stand;2. The portable thermo-electro stimulation compression apparatus recited in claim 1 , wherein the first portion is comprising kevlar claim 1 , nanowhiskers claim 1 , or nanoparticles wherein the Kevlar claim 1 , nanowhiskers claim 1 , or nanoparticles are eco-friendly and resistant to hot or cold temperature; the second portion comprising kinectic sand enclosed in a leak proof fabric claim 1 , the third portion is comprising canvas for support claim 1 , and the fourth portion comprising silicone or polypropylene snap rubber.3. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , wherein the biostable spring slap is a tightening mechanism comprised of silicone or polypropylene snap rubber;4. The apparatus as recited in claim 1 , further comprising vibrators claim 1 , cooling and heating coils claim 1 , diathermy claim 1 , piezoelectric apparatus or a TENS unit disposed between the silicone or polypropylene snap rubber and the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Applicator for cold treatment

Номер: US20220008245A1
Автор: Albert Swane
Принадлежит: Theotclab Holding BV

Applicator (3) for cold treatment, comprising an applicator housing (5) with an inlet opening (18) and a leak tight tip (23). The applicator housing (5) encloses a channel body (20) extending between the inlet opening (18) and the leak tight tip (23). The applicator (3) is mounted or mountable in a releasable manner onto a pressurized dispenser (2) comprising a nozzle (7), such that the inlet opening (18) is in fluid communication with the nozzle (7). The applicator housing (5) is moveable between a rest position and a pressed position to activate the nozzle (7). The applicator housing (5) has release openings (26) which are closed in the pressed position.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Thermal eye compress systems and methods of use

Номер: US20220015942A1
Автор: Seth A. Biser
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus includes a flexible frame, a coupling portion, and an insulating portion. The flexible frame is configured to support a thermal therapeutic member and is transitioned between a first configuration and a second configuration to place the therapeutic member in substantially continuous contact with a target portion of the body. The coupling portion is coupled to the flexible frame and is transitioned from a first configuration to a second configuration to retain the flexible frame in its second configuration. The insulating portion is transitioned from a first configuration to a second configuration to be coupled to the flexible frame. The insulating portion at least partially controls a transfer of thermal energy between the thermal therapeutic member and the target portion of the body.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008167A1
Автор: Mahler Finn

A cryotherapy device includes a flexible strip () having a receiving compartment () and a fixing section (), and an insert having at least one chamber filled with a cooling fluid for maintaining a decrease in temperature and shaped in such a way as to be housed and held in the receiving compartment (). The insert is a flexible silicone pouch filled with a thermal material gel able to maintain thermal cooling. The receiving compartment () is arranged on a first end of the fixing section () of the flexible strip (). The flexible strip () is a self-adhesive strip having a length (L) longer than 1.0 m, which has self-attaching means for allowing the first surface of the strip to attach and adhere to the second surface of the strip. 1. A device for treatment by cold , comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '4', '5, 'i': a', 'b, 'a flexible bandage () with a first face () and second face (), having a receiving compartment () and a fixing portion (),'}{'b': 9', '9', '9', '4, 'i': b', 'c, 'an insert () which has a flexible pouch () filled with a gel of thermal material () able to maintain a reduction of the temperature, and which is shaped so as to be accommodated and retained in the receiving compartment (),'}wherein:{'b': 1', '5, 'the flexible bandage () comprises a single fixing portion (),'}{'b': 4', '5', '1, 'the receiving compartment () is arranged at a first end of the single fixing portion () of the flexible bandage (),'}{'b': 1', '10', '11', '1', '1, 'i': a', 'b, 'the flexible bandage () is a self-adhesive bandage, of which the length (L) is greater than 1.0 m and which has self-fastening means (, ) distributed so as to permit adherence of any part of a substantial portion of its first face () to any part of a substantial portion of its second face ().'}21. The device for treatment by cold according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible bandage () has a length (L) of between 1.0 m and 3.5 m claim 1 , preferably of between 1.7 m and 1.9 m claim 1 , for applications to the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008168A1

The present application discloses a transfer device for warming an infant patient during movement of the patient. The transfer device comprises a center section positionable beneath the patient, and the center section comprises a warming device. The transfer device also comprises a first side section connected to the center section and including a first handle and a second side section connected to the center section and including a second handle. The first and the second side sections are movable toward each other such that the first and second handles are located proximate to each other and the first and second side sections surround the patient. 1. A transfer device for warming an infant patient during movement of the patient , comprising:a center section positionable beneath the patient, the center section comprising a warming device;a first side section connected to the center section and including a first handle; anda second side section connected to the center section and including a second handle;wherein the first and the second side sections are movable toward each other such that the first and second handles are located proximate to each other and the first and second side sections surround the patient.2. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the warming device is removably positioned within the center section.3. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the warming device is coupled to an exterior side of transfer device.4. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the warming device comprises an exothermic chemical reaction pouch.5. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the warming device comprises a phase change material.6. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the warming device is a battery-operated electrical heating device.7. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the center section comprises a pocket claim 1 , a portion of which is fixedly attached to the center section.8. The transfer device of claim 1 , wherein the center section ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007883A1
Автор: KIM Gun-ho

This application relates to a hand-held cooling device for supplying a cryogen to a target region for cryotherapy. The device can include a cryogen transfer unit configured to receive a first cryogen from an external cryogen reservoir, the first cryogen including i) a first amount of a liquid phase cryogen and ii) at least one of a first solid phase cryogen and a first gas phase cryogen. The device can also include a nozzle configured to spray a first modified cryogen to the target region. The device can further include a cryogen liquefier disposed between the cryogen container and the nozzle and configured to cool the first cryogen received from the cryogen transfer unit and output the first modified cryogen to the nozzle, the first modified cryogen including at least a second amount of the liquid phase cryogen more than the first amount of the liquid phase cryogen. 1. A hand-held cooling device for supplying a cryogen to a target region for cryotherapy , the hand-held cooling device comprising:a cryogen transfer unit configured to receive a first cryogen from an external cryogen reservoir, the first cryogen including i) a first amount of a liquid phase cryogen and ii) at least one of a first solid phase cryogen and a first gas phase cryogen;a nozzle configured to spray a first modified cryogen to the target region, the first modified cryogen including at least a second amount of the liquid phase cryogen more than the first amount of the liquid phase cryogen;a valve disposed between the cryogen transfer unit and the nozzle and configured to regulate a flow of the first modified cryogen into the nozzle, the valve including an inlet and an outlet, the outlet being in fluid communication with the nozzle,a cryogen liquefier disposed between the cryogen transfer unit and the valve and configured to receive the first cryogen from the cryogen transfer unit, and output the first modified cryogen to the valve, the cryogen liquefier disposed closer to the cryogen transfer ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007887A1
Автор: ISHIKAWA Shuji

A heating implement includes a sheet-shaped main body sheet having an exothermic element, and a projection part sheet provided on a surface on one side of the main body sheet; the projection part sheet has a projection part projecting toward the one side, where a profile of a relationship between a load and an amount of crush includes a first region in which the amount of crush increases as the load increases, and a second region located on a side in which a value on a first axis is larger than that in the first region and having a larger increase rate of the amount of crush associated with increase in the load than the first region; and a range of the second region is wider than that of the first region in a direction of the first axis. 1. A heating implement comprising:a sheet-shaped main body sheet comprising an exothermic element; anda projection part sheet provided on a surface on one side of the main body sheet, whereinthe projection part sheet comprises a projection part projecting toward the one side, a first region in which the amount of crush increases as the load increases; and', 'a second region located on a side in which a value on the second axis is larger than a value on the second axis in the first region and having a larger increase rate of the amount of crush associated with increase in the load than the first region, and', 'in a direction of the second axis, a range of the second region is wider than a range of the first region., 'assuming that a magnitude of a load when the projection part is pressed in a direction opposite to a projecting direction of the projection part is set to a first axis, and an amount of crush of the projection part is set to a second axis, a profile of a relationship between the load and the amount of crush comprises2. The heating implement according to claim 1 , wherein the profile further comprises a third region located on a side in which a value on the second axis is larger than the value on the second axis in the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008455A1
Принадлежит: PROCCARE IO

The present invention relates to methods and devices for the personalization of thermal treatment protocols. In particular, standard thermal treatment protocols are adapted and personalized based on individual-specific information, allowing more effective treatment protocols. Also systems for automated planning of the thermal treatment of an individual or a part thereof with individual-specific consideration are provided. 1. Computer-implemented method for the personalized planning of the thermal treatment of an individual , the method comprising:providing a standard thermal treatment protocol adapted to the condition of said individual;receiving individual-specific information;applying said individual-specific information to said standard thermal treatment protocol, thereby adjusting parameters of said standard thermal treatment protocol such as the duration, number of intervals and/or intensity of the standard thermal treatment protocol; andoutputting the adjusted thermal treatment protocol as the personalized protocol for the thermal treatment of said individual.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said thermal treatment protocol comprises an inslope phase claim 1 , a treatment phase and an outslope phase claim 1 , and wherein the treatment phase comprises temperature modulations.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said individual-specific information comprises general information chosen from age claim 1 , gender claim 1 , mass claim 1 , height claim 1 , fitness or a combination thereof as well as individual-specific anatomical information such as subcutaneous fat content of the treated body part claim 1 , the depth of the injury or a combination thereof.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the subcutaneous fat content of the treated body part is calculated based on the general information; and/or wherein the individual-specific information is obtained from anatomy measurements of the individual.5. The method according to claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008456A1

The invention provides fluid warming apparatus comprising: a fan; a heater, the fan and the heater being configured to generate a heated fluid flow having a principle flow direction and an inhomogeneous temperature distribution in a distribution direction perpendicular to the said principle flow direction; and a plurality of temperature sensors offset from each other in the said distribution direction, wherein at least two of the temperature sensors are configured to measure temperatures of respective portions of the heated fluid flow having different temperatures. 1. Fluid warming apparatus comprising: a fan; a heater , the fan and the heater being configured to generate a heated fluid flow having a principle flow direction and an inhomogeneous temperature distribution in a distribution direction perpendicular to the said principle flow direction; and a plurality of temperature sensors offset from each other in the said distribution direction , wherein at least two of the temperature sensors are configured to measure temperatures of respective portions of the heated fluid flow having different temperatures.2. A fluid warming apparatus according to wherein the heated fluid flow is a first heated fluid flow claim 1 , and wherein the apparatus further comprises a controller configured to predict and/or regulate a temperature of a second heated fluid flow downstream of the first heated fluid flow taking into account the temperatures measured by the said temperature sensors.3. The fluid warming apparatus according to wherein the controller is configured to predict and/or regulate the temperature of the said second heated fluid flow taking into account a variation in the fluid velocity of the heated fluid flow along the distribution direction.4. The fluid warming apparatus according to wherein the controller is configured to predict and/or regulate the temperature of the said second heated fluid flow taking into account a variation in the fluid velocity of the heated ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007924A1

Techniques for a cervical orthotic device are provided. In an example, the device can include a base, sidewalls extending upwardly from the base, and a cervical support surface opposite the base and configured to unite the sidewalls. In certain examples, the sidewalls can include opposingly paired lateral sidewalls and first and second longitudinal sidewalls. In some examples, the cervical support surface can include a first planar portion adjacent the first longitudinal sidewall, a second planar portion adjacent the second longitudinal sidewall, and an arcuate portion intermediate the planar portions. 1. A cervical orthotic device comprising:a base;sidewalls extending upwardly from the base;a cervical support surface opposite the base and configured to unite the sidewalls;wherein the sidewalls include opposingly paired lateral sidewalls and first and second longitudinal sidewalls; andwherein the cervical support surface can include a first planar portion adjacent the first longitudinal sidewall, a second planar portion adjacent the second longitudinal sidewall, and an arcuate portion intermediate the first and second planar portions.2. The cervical orthotic device of claim 1 , wherein the arcuate portion is a ridge extending between claim 1 , and perpendicular to claim 1 , the opposingly paired lateral sidewalls claim 1 , the ridge configured to engage a posterior portion of a cervical spine of a user.3. The cervical orthotic device of claim 1 , wherein the arcuate portion does not include a channel.4. The cervical orthotic device of claim 1 , wherein the cervical orthotic device is configured to engage a posterior portion of a neck of a user; andwherein the cervical orthotic device is not configured to support an anterior portion of a head of the user when the posterior portion of the neck is engaged with the cervical orthotic device.5. The cervical orthotic device of claim 1 , wherein the arcuate portion forms a channel extending between claim 1 , and ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Heat Transfer Vest with Hook and Loop Securement

Номер: US20190008676A1
Автор: Kilbey Bryan E.

The present invention comprises a heat transfer vest. The vest is configured to mount a plurality of heat transfer packs on its interior surface. In the preferred embodiments the appropriate portions of the interior surface are covered in a hook-compatible material. In these versions, the thermal transfer packs include one or more hook panels that are used to attach the packs to the interior surface. 1. A thermal transfer vest configured to be worn by a user , comprising:(a) a back panel:(b) a left yoke panel connected to said back panel;(c) a right yoke panel connected to said back panel;(d) a left front panel connected to said let yoke panel;(e) a right front panel connected to said right yoke panel;(f) said back panel, left front panel, and right front panel each having an interior surface;(g) at least a portion of each of said interior surfaces being covered in loop material;(h) a first thermal transfer pack, including an interior filled with a thermal transfer medium, a hook panel on a first side, and a cover material on a second side configured to limit heat transfer between said first thermal transfer pack and said user, said first thermal transfer pack attached to said interior surface of said left front panel by said hook panel on said first thermal transfer pack being engaged to said loop material on said interior surface of said left front panel;(i) a second thermal transfer pack, including an interior filled with a thermal transfer medium, a hook panel on a first side, and a cover material on a second side configured to limit heat transfer between said second thermal transfer pack and said user, said second thermal transfer pack attached to said interior surface of said right front panel by said hook panel on said second thermal transfer pack being engaged to said loop material on said interior surface of said second front panel;(j) a third thermal transfer pack, including an interior filled with a thermal transfer medium, a hook panel on a first side, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Therapeutic Textile Articles and Methods of Use

Номер: US20190008677A1

The present invention relates generally to therapeutic articles comprised of carbonaceous blend textile materials comprising yarns having about 25 to 100 weight % carbonaceous fiber and about 0 to 75 weight % fiber made of polyester, nylon, rayon, lyocell, cellulose, wool, silk, linen, bamboo, m-aramid, p-aramid, modacrylic, novoloid, melamine, regenerated cellulose, polyvinyl chloride, antistatic fiber, poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) (PBO), polybenzimidazole (PBI), polysulphonamide (PSA), and combinations thereof, or other fibers not listed that are capable of being made into yarn and textile fabrics that are knit, woven, or nonwoven, and wherein the fabric has a weight from about 3 oz/ydto about 20 oz/yd. Also encompassed within this invention is a method for using therapeutic textile articles having carbonaceous blend textile materials of the present disclosure for treatment of humans and animals with developmental neurological disorders, central nervous system disorders, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, pain management, and diabetes. 1. A method of treating a user with a neurological disorder , comprising: 25 to 100 weight % carbonaceous fiber, and', '0 to 75 weight % blending fiber;, 'providing a textile article comprisingat least partially covering the user with the textile article;absorbing with the textile article convective and radiant energy generated by the user; andemitting back to the user from the textile article at least 50% of convective and radiant energy received from the user when the textile article is in proximate contact with the user,wherein the emitted energy is in the far infrared spectrum, andwherein the emitted energy provides a therapeutic benefit to the user.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbonaceous fiber is an oxidized polyacrylonitrile fiber that absorbs convective and radiant energy generated by the user claim 1 , and responsively emits the absorbed energy in the far ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023515A1

A method of cooling a mammal with an implantable blood pump. The method includes measuring a temperature of an internal controller, the internal controller being in communication with the implantable blood pump. an alert is generated if the temperature of the internal controller exceeds a predetermined temperature threshold. 1. A method of cooling a patient with an implantable blood pump , comprising:measuring a temperature of an internal controller, the internal controller being in communication with the implantable blood pump;generating an alert if the temperature of the internal controller exceeds a predetermined temperature threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alert instructs the patient to place a heating pad on a body of the patient.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the alert instructs the patient to place the heating pad on the back of a neck of the body of the patient.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alert instructs the patient to go to a hospital.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined temperature threshold is 39 degrees Celsius.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined temperature threshold is between 39 degrees Celsius and 43 degrees Celsius.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined temperature threshold is 43 degrees Celsius.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further includes communicating the measured temperature to an external controller in communication with the internal controller.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the alert is generated by the external controller.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alert instructs the patient to thermally stimulate the back of a neck of the body of the patient.11. A system for cooling a patient with an implantable blood pump claim 1 , comprising:an internal controller configured to be in communication with the implantable blood pump;an external controller configured to be in communication with the internal controller, the external controller being ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008967A1
Автор: HADJEBI Ouadah

A therapeutic splint for the treatment of one or more joint areas of a patient. The splint includes longitudinal housings extending along a longitudinal axis (L) and arranged parallel to this longitudinal axis (L); one or more modular cartridges with therapeutic effect suitable for being arranged in the housings according to the joint area (s) to be treated. The splint further includes at least one transverse and/or oblique housing extending along one or more transverse and/or oblique axes (O), respectively, with respect to the longitudinal axis (L) of the splint. The transverse and/or oblique housing is arranged so as to cover an area extending around a joint to be treated. The modular cartridge or cartridges are arranged in the transverse and/or oblique housings according to the joint area(s) to be treated. 1. Therapeutic splint for the treatment of one or more joint areas of a patient , the splint including longitudinal housings extending along a longitudinal axis (L) and arranged parallel to this longitudinal axis (L); one or more modular cartridges with therapeutic effect suitable for being arranged in said housings according to said joint area(s) to be treated , wherein:the splint further includes at least one transverse and/or oblique housing extending along one or more transverse and/or oblique axes (O), respectively, with respect to said longitudinal axis (L) of the splint,the transverse and/or oblique housing is arranged so as to cover an area extending around a joint to be treated, andthe modular cartridge or cartridges are arranged in said transverse and/or oblique housings according to said joint area(s) to be treated.2. Therapeutic splint according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge(s) have a predetermined shape and size and are adapted to the dimensions of the longitudinal housings and of the transverse and/or oblique housing of the splint.3. Therapeutic splint according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge includes a thermotherapy effect for heat ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Migraine Tension Headache Wrap

Номер: US20200008968A1
Автор: Forster Cynthia

A migraine tension headache headband including a sleeve that is connected at both ends. The sleeve creates a closed annular body. The body is a headband. The sleeve has an elastic first material and a cushioned second material. The sleeve has at least one opening at a top portion of the sleeve. The opening has a hook and loop fastener located therein such that the opening can be secured in a closed position. The opening is sized to fit an ice pack or heat pack therein. The headband will be able to apply pressure to a majority of the wearers head and apply pressure thereby releasing the tension during a migraine. 1) A migraine tension headache headband , comprising:a sleeve, wherein the sleeve is connected together at each end;at least one opening in a top portion of the sleeve, wherein the opening goes from the top portion of the sleeve to a bottom portion of the sleeve.2) The migraine tension headache headband of claim 1 , further comprising a fastener located within the opening claim 1 , wherein the opening can go from an open to a closed position.3) The migraine tension headache headband of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve is comprised of more than one material.4) The migraine tension headache headband of claim 3 , wherein an inner material is an elastic material.5) The migraine tension headache headband of claim 3 , wherein an outer material is a padding material.6) The migraine tension headache headband of claim 1 , wherein an ice pack is inserted into the sleeve.7) The migraine tension headache headband of claim 1 , wherein a heat pack is inserted into the sleeve.8) A migraine tension headache headband claim 1 , comprising:a sleeve, wherein the sleeve is connected together at each end;the sleeve is comprised of more than one material, wherein an inner material is an elastic material and wherein an outer material is a padding materialat least one opening in a top portion of the sleeve, wherein the opening goes from the top portion of the sleeve to a bottom portion ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008974A1
Автор: Williams Kesha

An apparatus for providing prolonged topical cooling to the external female genitalia as a therapeutic benefit to and relief from female itching and burning is disclosed as a lightweight, portable cooling unit in combination with one or more labial inserts which are specifically designed to conform to the user's anatomy. The cooling unit is typically a container capable of both cooling and transporting the labial inserts during travel, and providing easy access to relief when needed by the user. A cooled labial insert can be applied to the external female genitalia for treatment of the acute symptoms associated with vulvar inflammation and irritation. The inventive apparatus can maintain a cooling temperature to the affected area for an extended period of time, limited only by the life of the cooling power source. The labial inserts can be worn in public with minimum disruption to the user's clothing and mobility. 1. An apparatus for providing immediate relief from burning and itching of the female external genitalia , the apparatus comprising:a) a cooling unit; andb) one or more labial inserts,wherein the cooling unit is portable and operable to cool the one or more labial inserts to a desired target temperature, and wherein each of the one or more labial inserts can be applied to the external female genitalia of a user to maintain a controlled temperature to the affected area for an extended period of time.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more labial inserts includes: i) a top contact surface for contacting the female external genitalia; (ii) a bottom surface defining a flange having an anterior end and a posterior end claim 1 , wherein the flange has a curvature from the anterior end to the posterior end in order to conform to the user's anatomy.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the top contact surface includes a ridge raised above the level of the flange claim 2 , the ridge including a rounded crest at the highest point above the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Heating/Cooling Therapy System

Номер: US20200008975A1

A thermal therapy system includes at least one Peltier device having a heating side and a cooling side; a cold fluid channel adjacent the cooling side of the at least one Peltier device, and a hot fluid channel adjacent the heating side of the at least one Peltier device. A controllable cooling fluid pump in fluid communication with the cold fluid channel drives cooling fluid to an applicator pad, and an independently-controllable heating fluid pump in fluid communication with the hot fluid channel drives hot fluid to the applicator pad. 1. An electrical cooling/heating system comprising:at least one Peltier device having a heating side and a cooling side;a cold fluid channel adjacent the cooling side of the at least one Peltier device;a hot fluid channel adjacent the heating side of the at least one Peltier device;a cooling fluid pump in fluid communication with the cold fluid channel;a heating fluid pump in fluid communication with the hot fluid channel;a flexible pad having an application side, an insulation side and a continuous liquid flow channel, the continuous liquid flow channel having an inlet and an outlet;an intake fluid path having an end connected to the inlet and fed from each of the cooling fluid pump and the heating fluid pump; anda return fluid path having an end connected to the outlet and splitting to connect with each of the cold fluid channel and the hot fluid channel.2. The electrical cooling/heating system of further comprising a first temperature sensing device in the intake fluid path.3. The electrical cooling/heating system of further comprising a second temperature sensing device in the return fluid path.4. The electrical cooling/heating system of further comprising a controller responsive to the first temperature sensing device for controlling any of the cooling fluid pump claim 2 , the heating fluid pump and/or the at least one Peltier device.5. The electrical cooling/heating system of further comprising a heat sink adjacent the hot ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012074A1
Автор: Devine John

In one form, an eye mask includes an eye mask core assembly, a band, and first and second insulated wires. The eye mask core assembly has first and second heat producing areas separated by a distance corresponding to a separation of human eyes and having first and second ends. The eye mask core assembly produces heat in response to the application of a voltage thereto. The covering surrounds the eye mask core assembly. The band is attached to the first and second ends of said eye mask core assembly. The first and second insulated wires have first ends connected to the eye mask core assembly, and second ends for connection to a power supply. 1. An eye mask , comprising:an eye mask core assembly having first and second heat producing areas separated by a distance corresponding to a separation of human eyes and having first and second ends, said eye mask core assembly producing heat in response to an application of a voltage thereto;a band attached to the first and second ends of said eye mask core assembly; andfirst and second insulated wires having first ends connected to said eye mask core assembly, and second ends for connection to a power supply.2. The eye mask of claim 1 , wherein when the eye mask is attached to a user's head using said band claim 1 , said eye mask core assembly disposes said first and second eye-shaped portions in proximity to the user's eyes without substantial pressure on corresponding first and second eyelids of the user.3. The eye mask of claim 1 , wherein when the eye mask is attached to a user's head using said band claim 1 , said eye mask core assembly disposes first sides of said first and second eye-shaped portions in proximity to the user's eyes and second sides of said first and second eye-shaped portions are in free space.4. The eye mask of claim 1 , wherein said eye mask core assembly comprises:a support member attached to said first and second ends of said band; anda heating element attached to said support member and coupled to ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150012075A1

Systems and methods are disclosed for regulating body temperature. The system includes a housing that comprises compartments for a phase change material and a heat transfer material. The compartments are configured to transfer heat from the heat transfer material to the phase change material. A temperature sensor is used to determine when the phase change material has reached a pre-determined temperature. When the pre-determined temperature is reached, a release mechanism or lever is coupled to the temperature sensor to separate the phase change material compartment from the heat transfer material compartment or to remove the heat transfer material away from the phase change material compartment. The heated phase change material compartment can be used to regulate body temperature. 1. A method for regulating body temperature , the method comprising:coupling a first compartment to a second compartment in a housing, the second compartment comprising a phase change material and the first compartment comprising a heat transfer material and adapted to transfer heat to the second compartment;determining by a temperature sensor in the housing that the phase change material in the second compartment has reached a pre-determined temperature; andresponsive to the determination, decoupling the first compartment from the second compartment, such that the transfer of heat is ceased.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:removing the second compartment from the housing; andplacing the second compartment adjacent to or directly under an infant to regulate the body temperature of the infant.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein decoupling the first compartment from the second compartment comprises removing the heat transfer material from the first compartment.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein decoupling the first compartment from the second compartment comprises moving the first compartment away from the second compartment.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein decoupling the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Managing Patient Body Temperature Using Endovascular Heat Exchange in Combination With Body Surface Heat Exchange

Номер: US20220031498A1

The present disclosure includes devices, systems and related methods useable for controlling a patient's body temperature by endovascular heat exchange as well as body surface heat exchange. 155.-. (canceled)56. A system for controlling a body temperature of a subject , the system comprising:a first source of a heat exchange fluid;a first heat exchange device configured to heat or cool the body temperature of the subject by transferring heat between the heat exchange fluid and the subject;a first pump configured to circulate the heat exchange fluid through the first heat exchange device from the first source of the heat exchange fluid;a controller configured to control the first pump to circulate the heat exchange fluid; and a second source of a heat exchange fluid;', 'a second pump;', 'a second heat exchange device through which the second pump is configured to circulate heat exchange fluid from the second source; and', 'an electronic storage medium storing instructions configured to cause the controller to control the second pump to control the body temperature of the subject., 'a removable secondary heat exchange system that is configured to interface with the controller, the removable secondary heat exchange system comprising57. The system of claim 56 , wherein the second heat exchange device comprises a body surface heat exchange device claim 56 , and wherein the first heat exchange device comprises an endovascular heat exchange device.58. The system of claim 56 , further comprising:an air trap configured to remove air from a first fluid loop in communication with the first pump or a second fluid loop in communication with the second pump.59. The system of claim 56 , wherein the controller is configured to detect that the second pump claim 56 , the second source claim 56 , or the second heat exchange device is connected for heating or cooling the body of the subject claim 56 , wherein the controller automatically controls the second pump to circulate the heat ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Limb Immobilizer Device

Номер: US20170014254A1
Автор: Jones Joni

A limb immobilizer device is provided for bracing and immobilizing the limb of a wearer. The device comprises an elongated cuff having a substantially rectangular body that is adapted wrap around the limb of the wearer. A plurality of cuff straps extend across the opening of the cuff to secure the cuff into a tubular shape around the limb, while one or more elongated wraps extend from the ends of the cuff to secure the cuff in position along the wearer's limb. The elongated wraps encircle the elongated cuff and the wearer's limb several times to secure the cuff to the limb and thus prevent movement. The wraps are preferably elastic and in some embodiments are removably attached to the cuff. Additionally, the interior surface of the cuff may support one or more pockets therealong that are adapted to support thermal packs for additional limb treatment. 1) A limb immobilizer device for immobilizing a limb of a wearer , comprising:an elongated cuff having a substantially rectangular body with a height, a width, a first side and a second side;the elongated cuff further comprises an upper portion, a midportion, and a lower portion;whereby the elongated cuff is adapted to wrap around a limb of a wearer, the length of the elongated cuff extending along the limb and the width extending around the limb;a plurality of cuff straps extending from the first side of the elongated cuff to the second side of the elongated cuff, whereby the cuff forms a tubular shape when wrapped around the limb and the cuff straps draw the first side and the second side together;whereby the elongated cuff further comprises an upper end and a lower end; andwhereby an elongated wrap is affixed to one of the upper end or the lower end of the elongated cuff, whereby the elongated wrap is adapted to be wrapped around the elongated cuff and the limb adjacent to the elongated cuff to secure the elongated cuff to the limb.2) The limb immobilizer device of claim 1 , wherein:the upper end of the elongated ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Microwaveable Compression Gloves

Номер: US20170014265A1

Persons find heated gloves desirable for a variety of reasons, including arthritis and cold weather. Having gloves that can be heated in a microwave provides a convenient way to supply heat. By having gloves that are fingerless, use of touch-screen devices and precise work, such as sewing and knitting, is permitted. By having gloves that offer compression, persons with conditions such as arthritis or edema may find them desirable. Additionally, compression may make limbs colder and so the ability to supply heat may be advantageous. This invention offers a set of gloves with combinations of heat, fingerlessness, and compression. 1. A set of gloves with two or more of the following features:Material removed from one or more fingertip areas of the said gloves so that the fingertips of a hand placed inside it are exposedMicrowave-heatable material so that the said gloves can be heated temporarily by use of a microwave ovenThe said gloves apply compression to the hand inside it2. The gloves of such that the said microwave-heatable material does not cover the entire glove3. The gloves of such that the said microwave-heatable material spans one or more knuckles4. The gloves of such that the said microwave-heatable material span the wrist5. A set of gloves withMaterial removed from one or more fingertip areas of the said gloves so that the fingertips of a hand placed inside it are exposedWarming means for being heatable in a microwave ovenCompressing means for applying compression to the hand inside it6. The gloves of such that the said warming means do not span the entire glove7. The gloves of such that the said warming means span at least one of the wrist or a plurality of knuckles Gloves have been a part of daily life since ancient times. Several features are now available in gloves, but an exact combination of desirable features is not currently available.Often gloves are manufactured without fingertip material (so-called “fingerless gloves”). This permits the gloves to ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014266A1
Автор: Surace Kevin

A heat transfer system may include a heat transfer machine adapted to thermally couple to an heat transfer pack housed within an heat transfer device and transfer heat from the heat transfer pack using a power supply. The heat transfer device may include a housing and a heat transfer pack. The heat transfer pack may be adapted to thermally couple to the heat transfer machine, transfer heat to the heat transfer machine while thermally coupled to the heat transfer machine, and transfer heat from a mammal's skin when the heat transfer device is in contact with the mammal's skin and uncoupled from the heat transfer machine. 1. A heat transfer system comprising:a heat transfer machine adapted to thermally couple to an heat transfer pack housed within an heat transfer device and transfer heat from the heat transfer pack using a power supply; and ["the housing adapted to house the heat transfer pack and conform to a portion of a mammal's skin; and", "the heat transfer pack, the heat transfer pack being adapted to thermally couple to the heat transfer machine, transfer heat to the heat transfer machine while thermally coupled to the heat transfer machine, and transfer heat from a mammal's skin when the heat transfer device is in contact with the mammal's skin and uncoupled from the heat transfer machine."], 'the heat transfer device comprising2. The heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer pack is removably attached to the heat transfer device.3. The heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer machine is adapted to transfer heat to the heat transfer pack and the heat transfer pack is adapted to transfer heat to the mammal's skin4. The heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer machine comprises:a Peltier device;a metal plate;a heat sink adapted to absorb heat from the Peltier device; anda fan adapted to dissipate heat from the heat sink; anda power supply.5. The heat transfer system of claim 1 , wherein the heat transfer ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014967A1
Автор: Taylor Gregory S.

A thermal control unit for delivering temperature-controlled fluid to one or more patient therapy devices (e.g. pads, blankets, etc.) that are in contact with a patient is disclosed. The thermal control unit includes a fluid circuit with an inlet and outlet, a reservoir, a heat exchanger, a pump, and a controller. The thermal control also includes any one or more of the following: (1) an air eliminator with an air filter for filtering air vented from the fluid circuit to the ambient surroundings; (2) a plug that moves in response to changing fluid levels and that fluidly isolates the air filter from the fluid; (3) a second air filter coupled to the reservoir; (4) a check valve to prevent fluid from back flowing into the reservoir; and/or (5) a liquid filter coupleable to the reservoir to filter liquid entering or exiting the reservoir. 1. A thermal control unit comprising:a fluid circuit having a fluid outlet adapted to couple to a fluid supply line and a fluid inlet adapted to couple to a fluid return line;a reservoir for supplying fluid to the fluid circuit;a heat exchanger in the fluid circuit and adapted to change a temperature of the fluid in the fluid circuit;a pump for circulating fluid supplied by the reservoir through the fluid circuit;an air eliminator for venting air from the fluid circuit to the ambient surroundings;an air filter coupled to the air eliminator, the air filter adapted to filter the air vented to the ambient surroundings; anda controller adapted to control the heat exchanger such that a temperature of the circulating fluid is adjustable toward a desired temperature.2. The thermal control unit of wherein the air eliminator includes a plug having a position that varies in response to a level of fluid in the thermal control unit claim 1 , the plug adapted to fluidly isolate the air filter from the fluid in the thermal control unit if the level of fluid in the thermal control unit exceeds a threshold.3. The thermal control unit of wherein the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014969A1
Автор: WURAPA Raymond K.

Anatomically contoured assistive devices, particularly for extremities such as the hand, are form fitting to the tissue to ensure targeted delivery of therapeutic treatment to specific tissue, remain stably affixed without pinching or binding, and allow for motion and use of the tissue while delivering targeted therapeutic treatment. 1. An anatomically contoured assistive device comprisinga flexible sleeve, andat least one therapeutic padthe flexible sleeve comprising at least one segment that is contoured to fit at least a portion of an anatomical structure, and formed of a flexible and breathable material, and adapted to retain the at least one therapeutic padthe therapeutic pad comprising one or a combination of therapeutic treatment materials, the pad being conformable to all or a part of the anatomical structure.2. An anatomically contoured assistive device according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve slips over or is fitted and fastened to and closely conforms to the anatomy to be treated.3. An anatomically contoured assistive device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the at least one therapeutic pads comprises one or a combination of therapeutic materials selected from thermal energy storage phase change materials.4. An anatomically contoured assistive device according to claim 1 , the therapeutic material positioned adjacent to the flexible sleeve for targeted treatment of at least one select anatomical structure.5. An anatomically contoured assistive device according to claim 1 , the assistive device further comprising at least one or a plurality of inserts comprising one or more pads claim 1 , the inserts removably positionable in or on the flexible sleeve.6. An anatomically contoured assistive device according to claim 1 , at least one pad comprising one or more retaining elements for retaining therapeutic material.7. An anatomically contoured assistive device according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more fasteners that secure the device in place ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Cooling Compression Sleeve

Номер: US20180014995A1
Автор: Gensch Richard Wesley

A cooling compression sleeve device generally comprising three layers, a flexible bottom layer, a flexible middle layer, and a flexible top layer, and two voids, the first void substantially filled with a cooling agent and the second void comprising a selectively inflatable air bladder, which in its preferred form is portable, cleanable, reusable, and useful to provide cooling therapy to the limbs of humans or animals and particularly to the knee, shoulder, and elbow joints. 1. A cooling compression sleeve device for providing therapy to limbs , said device comprising:a. a flexible bottom layer comprising a first surface and a second surface opposite said first surface;b. an interior first void facing said second surface and substantially filled with a cooling agent, wherein said second surface is substantially impermeable to said cooling agent;c. a flexible middle layer comprising a third surface facing said first void and a fourth surface opposite said third surface, wherein said third surface is substantially impermeable to said cooling agent, and wherein said fourth surface is substantially impermeable to air;d. an interior second void facing said fourth surface, wherein said second void comprises a selectively inflatable air bladder;e. a flexible top layer comprising a fifth surface facing said second void and a sixth surface opposite said fifth surface, wherein said fifth surface is substantially impermeable to air, wherein said sixth surface faces an outer environment; andf. a valve coupled to said air bladder, wherein said valve is removably attachable to tubing, and wherein said tubing is coupled to a pump suitable for selectable inflation and deflation of said air bladder.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said bottom layer substantially comprises material with high thermal conductivity.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein said first surface substantially comprises water absorbent material.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein said water absorbent material ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Heated Undergarment for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Номер: US20160015559A1

An undergarment for the treatment of Fibromyalgia is provided. The undergarment is shaped to be worn about the torso of a patient and the undergarment includes a plurality of electrical heating elements secured to the undergarment, each of the plurality of electrical heating elements positioned at a location substantially coincident with a Fibromyalgia trigger point of the patient. The use of the undergarment allows the patient to be active while continually receiving therapeutic treatment for the discomfort caused by Fibromyalgia.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Heatable and Coolable Therapeutic Device

Номер: US20160015561A1
Автор: Leichter Richard

A heatable and coolable therapeutic device provides a soothing sensation to areas of pain on a person's body. The device includes a first ball. The first ball is spaced from a second ball. Each of the first and second balls has a hollow interior. A spacer is coupled to and extends between the first ball and the second ball. The first ball, the second ball and the spacer define a cohesive unit. A heat-retentive material is positioned in the hollow interior of each of the first ball and the second ball. The heat-retentive material maintains a selectable one of an elevated temperature and a decreased temperature relative to ambient temperature over an extended period of time.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Infant Care Transport Device with Shock and Vibration System

Номер: US20160015586A1

A shock and vibration system for an infant care transport system with an enclosed infant care device. The shock and vibration system utilizes multiple damping systems that create a floating patient support system that allows the infant care device to move in the various axes of motion instead of being rigidly mounted to the frame or sub-frame, or any substructure.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Post-Breast Surgery Thermal Therapy Apparatus

Номер: US20190015248A1
Автор: Russell Melissa

The present disclosure provides a post-breast surgery thermal therapy apparatus including a vest including at least two compartments, wherein each compartment can accommodate at least one thermal therapy source (e.g., ice pack, frozen veggies, heat packs, etc.). The apparatus can include a neck strap and waist strap to secure the vest body to the chest area of a user. 1. A vest garment to be secured to a user's torso , wherein the vest garment comprises:a vest body including at least one compartment, wherein a thermal source can be inserted into the compartment through an opening along at least one edge of the compartment;a neck strap connected to a top portion of the vest body; anda waist strap connecting a bottom portion of the vest body, wherein the waist strap can wrap around a waist of the user to secure the vest garment to the user.2. The vest garment of claim 1 , wherein the vest body includes a right chest portion and a left chest portion claim 1 , wherein each the right chest portion and the left chest portion includes at least one compartment.3. The vest garment of claim 1 , wherein the vest body includes a right chest portion and a left chest portion claim 1 , wherein each the right chest portion and the left chest portion includes at least two vertically aligned compartments.4. The vest garment of claim 1 , wherein the waist strap includes a fastener for adjusting the size of the waist strap.5. The vest garment of claim 1 , wherein the vest body includes a waist strap channel along the lower edge of the vest body claim 1 , wherein the waist strap extends through the waist strap channel.6. The vest garment of claim 1 , wherein the vest body includes a triangular wing connected to each side of the vest body claim 1 , wherein the waist strap connects to each triangular wing.7. The vest garment of claim 6 , wherein the triangular wing includes a compartment for receiving a thermal source.8. The vest garment of claim 1 , wherein the compartments include an ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Cerebral protection system

Номер: US20190015249A1
Автор: Jeffrey Foster
Принадлежит: Individual

A cerebral protection system generally includes an array of cold packs, an insulating cover, and optionally a set of trays. The cold pack contains two reactive materials separated by a rupturable membrane. When the first reactive material and the second reactive material are mixed, an endothermic reaction occurs. The system can be used to induce hypothermia in selected regions of the brain when used. The system can be used to treat conditions including concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), heatstroke, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, anoxic brain injury, ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015682A1
Автор: CHEN Chien-Chen

A heating device with a contactless temperature control includes a temperature sensor for sensing a surface temperature of an object, a control circuit connected to the temperature sensor, and a heating unit coupled to the control circuit. The control circuit controls the heating unit to generate thermal energy based on the surface temperature sensed by the temperature sensor. A more comfortable and safer environment can be provided by instantly sensing the surface temperature of a user's body and simultaneously controlling the heating unit to generate thermal energy. Moreover, the device can prevent the overheating, which may cause the secondary damage of the user. Besides, the device can also prevent the poor efficiency caused by the insufficient heating. 1. A heating device with a contactless temperature control , comprising:a temperature sensor for sensing a surface temperature of an object;a control circuit connected to the temperature sensor; anda heating unit coupled to the control circuit, wherein the heating unit comprises a lamp for emitting thermal energy and a lampshade connected to the lamp, the control circuit controls the lamp of the heating unit to generate the thermal energy based on the surface temperature sensed by the temperature sensor, the heating unit further comprises a tri-axial drive shaft connecting to the lampshade, and the control circuit controls the tri-axial drive shaft to move and controls the lamp to generate the thermal energy based on the surface temperature.2. The heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the lamp is any one or two of a halogen lamp claim 1 , a carbon lamp claim 1 , and a ceramic lamp.3. The heating device according to claim 1 , wherein the heating unit comprises a lamp for emitting the thermal energy claim 1 , a lampshade connected to the lamp claim 1 , and at least a reflective cover disposed inside the lampshade claim 1 , and the control circuit controls the reflective cover to move and controls the lamp ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Fluidic Bladder Pressure Control in a Therapeutic System

Номер: US20210015660A1

A process for a therapeutic bladder pressure estimator is operative with a pump connected, in sequence, to a first hose, a supply pressure sensor, a second hose, a bladder having an inlet coupled to the second hose, a bladder outlet coupled to a third hose of substantially equal length to the second hose, a return pressure sensor, and a fourth hose coupled to the return pressure sensor and returning fluid from the pump to the reservoir. The process forms an error signal from the difference between a setpoint and the average of the supply and return pressures. A head pressure measurement may be done by turning the pump off after a steady state reading is made. 123-. (canceled)24. A method for regulating pressure in a pressurized cooling system comprising:a reservoir coupled to a pump, the pump providing a pressure;the pump coupled to, in sequence, a first hose having a first length, a supply pressure sensor coupled to a second hose having a second length, the second hose coupled to an inlet of a bladder, the bladder having an outlet coupled to a third hose having a third length, the third hose coupled to a return pressure sensor configured to return fluid pumped through the third hose to the reservoir;the bladder located at a first elevation different from a second elevation of at least one of the supply pressure sensor or the return pressure sensor;the second length being substantially equal to the third length;the method comprising:estimating a pressure in the bladder by averaging a pressure sensor measurement of the supply pressure sensor and a pressure sensor measurement from the return pressure sensor;comparing the estimated bladder pressure to a setpoint pressure to output a pump control voltage coupled to the pump;the controller establishing the setpoint pressure by adding a head pressure offset to the desired cuff pressure, the head pressure offset derived from a difference between the first elevation and the second elevation.25. The method of where an inner ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015998A1
Автор: Hueton lain, Swyer Mark L.

Systems and methods for improving or preventing a condition, such as the treatment of pain syndromes and migraine headaches are disclosed. A method for treating pain can include one or more of the steps including identifying a region of the patient comprising glabrous tissue; positioning the region of the patient comprising glabrous tissue into an enclosed chamber; adjusting the relative humidity of the enclosed chamber sufficient to create a physiologic effect. The method need not involve altering the temperature within the enclosed chamber. 1. A system for stimulating glabrous tissue of a patient , comprising:a housing surrounding an enclosed chamber;a humidifer configured to supply humidified air to the chamber sufficient to minimize heat loss from the glabrous tissue, the humidifed air having a relative humidity of between about 90% and about 99%; anda patient port operably connected to the chamber and configured to house a region of the skin surface of a patient comprising the glabrous tissue, the patient port being configured to reversibly create an air-tight seal upon isolation of the region of the skin surface with respect to an interior of the chamber.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the humidifier is operably connected to the enclosed chamber via a conduit.3. The system of claim 2 , configured to have a first state in which the humidifier delivers humidified air via the conduit to the interior of the chamber; and a second state in which the conduit is disconnected from the chamber and humidified air remains sealed within the interior of the chamber.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to adjust the relative humidity of the humidified air into the chamber.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor configured to detect the humidity within the chamber.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a display configured to provide information regarding the humidity within the chamber.7. The system of claim 1 , ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018903A1
Автор: Vapaavalta Panu
Принадлежит: PKV HOUSING OY

A device for cold therapy using cooling mist. Ice baths and cryogenic chamber are previously known solutions for cold therapy, but both suffer from several disadvantages, such as space requirements. The present device for cold therapy includes elements, such as a nozzle, for producing mist from liquid provided for the device, which mist stream is sprayed to a surface area of a treated object in order to cool the treated object, wherein the Sauter mean diameter of the mist is at most 150 μm. 1. A device for cold therapy comprising means , such as a nozzle , for producing mist from liquid provided for the device , which mist stream is sprayed to a surface area of a treated object in order to cool said treated object , wherein Sauter mean diameter of the mist is at most 150 μm.2. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , the temperature of said liquid is below the normal human body temperature.3. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , wherein air stream is provided in connection with mist stream for improving the cooling effect in said skin area.4. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises at least one arm comprising at least one nozzle claim 1 , which nozzle is connected to the liquid supply and configured to spray mist in a desired direction.5. A device for cold therapy according to claim 4 , wherein the number of the nozzles in the arm is configurable.6. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , wherein the direction of the mist stream from the nozzle is adjustable.7. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , wherein the direction of the arm is adjustable.8. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature of mist is adjustable by adjusting the temperature of liquid.9. A device for cold therapy according to claim 8 , wherein the liquid is further cooled with an additional cooling means.10. A device for cold therapy according to claim 1 , wherein mist stream is adjustable by ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018904A1
Автор: Lafontaine Daniel M.

Devices and methods for cooling vessel walls to inhibit restenosis in conjunction with medical procedures such as coronary artery angioplasty. One catheter device includes a distal tube region having coolant delivery holes radially and longitudinally distributed along the distal region. In some devices, holes spray coolant directly onto the vessel walls. In other embodiments, a balloon or envelope is interposed between the coolant and the vessel walls and the coolant returned out of the catheter through a coolant return lumen. Some direct spray devices include an occlusion device to restrict blood flow past the region being cooled. Pressure, temperature, and ultrasonic probes are included in some cooling catheters. Some cooling catheters are coiled perfusion catheters supporting longer cooling periods by allowing perfusing blood flow simultaneously with vessel wall cooling. 1. A catheter for creating a plurality of cold zones within a vessel , comprising:a tubular shaft having a distal region;a plurality of coolant distribution tubes disposed within the tubular shaft and extending distally therefrom, the coolant distribution tubes each having a lumen and a distal delivery port in fluid communication with the lumen, wherein the coolant distribution tubes are rotatable within the tubular shaft to point the ports toward a target area within a vessel to create a plurality of cold zones within the vessel; andan inflatable balloon disposed near the distal region having an interior in fluid communication with the delivery ports.2. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the delivery ports are laterally facing claim 1 , and a length of each tube extending distally from the tubular shaft is different from the other tubes claim 1 , creating a pattern of cold zones disposed longitudinally along an inner wall of the inflatable balloon.3. The catheter of claim 1 , wherein the balloon includes an exhaust port for exhausting fluid.4. The catheter of claim 3 , wherein the exhaust port is ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for modulating sleep

Номер: US20150018905A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatuses and methods to enhance sleep, reduce sleep onset latency, extend sleep duration and/or increasing the duration of deeper sleep stages relative to stage 1 sleep. In general, these apparatuses and methods apply and maintain one or more target “warm” temperatures to a subject's forehead for a time period. The target temperature may be between 25° C. and 42° C. The target temperature may be a fixed amount greater than ambient temperature. The time period may be a fixed time period or a variable time period. These methods and apparatuses may limit the application of thermal energy to the subject's forehead region.
