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20-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2179434C2
Принадлежит: Л`ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение касается косметических композиций для волос, содержащих в косметически приемлемой водной среде один катионный полимер и тройной акриловый полимер, а также способ их обработки. Тройной акриловый полимер содержит 20 - 70 мас.% α,β -моноэтиленненасыщенной карбоновой кислоты; 20 - 80 мас. % моноэтиленненасыщенного мономера, не обладающего поверхностно-активными свойствами, и 0,5 - 60 мас.% неионного уретанового мономера, который является продуктом реакции неионного поверхностно-активного вещества, содержащего один подвижный атом водорода, с моноэтиленненасыщенным моноизоцианатом. Изобретение касается, в частности, средств для волос, содержащих, когда они находятся в несмываемой форме, кватернизованные или некватернизованные сополимеры винилпирролидона и диалкиламиноалкилакрилата или диалкиламиноалкилметакрилата или кватернизованные полимеры винилпирролидона и винилимидазола. Изобретение придает волосам мягкость, естественность на ощупь, обладая фиксирующими свойствами. 2 с. и 17 ...

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2341247C2

Изобретение относится к области косметической промышленности. Кондиционирующий шампунь характеризуется тем, что содержит (а) 8-18% вес. анионного поверхностно-активного вещества; (b) 0,5-0,8% вес. кондиционирующей системы, содержащей (i) 0,1-0,75% вес. силиконового Кватерниума-8; (ii) 0,1-0,5% вес. низкомолекулярной гуаровой смолы с молекулярной массой менее 100000 сантипуаз в качестве водного модифицированного полисахаридного прозрачного катионного раствора; и (iii) 0,1-0,5% вес. Поликватерниума-10; (с) 1,0-6,0% вес. амфотерного поверхностно-активного вещества; (d) 0,5-5,0% вес. компонента, выбранного из группы, состоящей из кокодиэтаноламида и кокомоноэтаноламида; и (е) остатка в виде воды. Изобретение позволяет получить прозрачный, стабильный, с благоприятными кондиционирующими свойствами шампунь. 19 з.п. ф-лы.

27-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2180832C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Предметом изобретения является косметическая композиция для фиксации волос или поддержания прически, содержащая по меньшей мере один разветвленный сульфоновый полиэфир и по меньшей мере один кондиционирующий агент, выбираемый из группы, в которую входят нелетучие силиконы, катионные или амфотерные полимеры и катионные или амфифильные поверхностно-активные агенты, а также аэрозольное устройство, вмещающее названную композицию и способ фиксации волос или поддерживания прически с использованием названной композиции, а также применение этой композиции в косметическом составе для укладки волос или для его приготовления. Технический результат: композиция обеспечивает хорошие косметические свойства волос в отношении блеска, расчесывания, мягкости, восприятия на ощупь и тонуса, позволяет легко переуложить волосы. 3 с. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2180212C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к новым эмульсиям масло-в-воде, содержащим 1) по меньшей мере, одно производное 1,3,5-триазина и 2) по меньшей мере, один полиалкил-полиэфир-силоксан, имеющий полиоксиалкиленированные группы, привитые к основной силиконсодержащей цепи, при условии, что названные эмульсии не содержат хлорид цетилстеарилтриметиламмония, а также к применению таких эмульсий для изготовления косметических или дерматологических композиций, предназначенных для фотозащиты кожи, и/или волос, и/или других кератиновых материалов человека, таких как ресницы, брови или ногти, от ультрафиолетового излучения, в частности солнечного излучения, и к применению производных 1,3, 5-триазина в качестве стабилизирующего агента для получения названной эмульсии. Изобретение позволяет получать косметические или дерматологические композиции с хорошими поглощающими свойствами в отношении УФ-лучей, обладающие к тому же улучшенной стойкостью без использования традиционных поверхностно-активных эмульгаторов. 3 с ...

27-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2180831C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметической промышленности и касается новых моющих композиций, в частности, для волос. Композиция содержит в косметически приемлемой среде моющую основу, по меньшей мере один катионный полимер и по меньшей мере один анионный продукт поликонденсации, содержащий по меньшей мере один полиуретановый и/или поликарбамидный блок, при этом указанный продукт поликонденсации является водорастворимым. Эти композиции обладают улучшенным причесывающим действием и применяются для очищения волос, ухода за волосами и укладки волос. 2 с. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2183953C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение касается косметической композиции для кератиновых материалов, содержащих в косметически приемлемой среде по меньшей мере одно кремнийорганическое соединение и по меньшей мере один полимер, содержащей звенья типа диаллилдиметиламмония с низкой средневесовой молекулярной массой (5000<М< 20000). Заявлен и способ обработки кератиновых материалов с помощью предложенной композиции. Волосы, обработанные этими композициями, не кажутся на ощупь отяжеленными или жирными. 2 с. и 10 з.п. ф-лы., 1 табл.

10-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2184522C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Предметом изобретения являются новые косметические композиции для мытья и кондиционирования кератиновых материалов, таких как волосы, содержащие поверхностно-активную основу, по меньшей мере один жирный спирт или смесь нормальных насыщенных жирных спиртов с длинными цепочками, из которых по меньшей мере 50 мас.% составляет спирт с 22 атомами углерода, и по меньшей мере один матирующий агент и/или перламутровый краситель, а также применение жирного спирта или смеси нормальных насыщенных жирных спиртов с длинными цепочками, из которых по меньшей мере 50 маc.% составляет спирт с 22 атомами углерода для придания и/или улучшения перламутрового оттенка композиции, содержащих по меньшей мере одну поверхностно-активную основу и по меньшей мере один матирующий агент и/или перламутровый краситель. Композиции по изобретению используют, в частности, в качестве смываемых продуктов, в особенности для мытья и кондиционирования кератиновых материалов. Технический результат: использование жирного спирта ...

20-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2185144C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к области медицины. Жидкая композиция для обработки подмышек включает деодорирующее и/или антиперспирантное активное вещество, сшитый неэмульгирующий силоксановый эластомер и летучий силикон. Композиция не вытекает из упаковок. Композиция обеспечивает более быстрое поглощение пота и другие свойства. 5 с. и 10 з.п.ф-лы, 9 табл.

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2325898C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

Настоящее изобретение раскрывает водную композицию для кондиционирования волос, включающую а) от 1 до 50 мас.% очищающего поверхностно-активного вещества, b) дискретные, диспергированные капли, включающие нерастворимое в воде силиконовое кондиционирующее масло со средним диаметром по Саутеру от 2 до 100 микрометров и с) от 0,01 до 0,4 мас.% поверхностно-активного блок-сополимера согласно формуле (I): НО(СН2СН2O)m[-Si(СН3)2-O-]n(СН2СН2O)mН, где m представляет собой 30 или более, n представляет собой 5 или более и соотношение n/m составляет от 0,1 до 1,2. Изобретение раскрывает также способы получения водной композиции для кондиционирования волос, способы очистки и кондиционирования волос и применение композиции. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшенное кондиционирование кончиков волос. 6 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

10-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2260085C2
Принадлежит: Л`ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к обработке кератиновых волокон, в частности к обработке кератиновых волокон перед окислительной или прямой окраской аминированным силиконом. Описывается компонент композиции для предварительной обработки кератиновых волокон, в особенности волос человека перед окислительной окраской или прямой окраской, в частности, для повышения интенсивности окраски и/или улучшения состояния волокна после окраски, а также для повышения стойкости окраски к шампуням, представляющий собой аминированный силикон с аминоэтилимино-(С4-С8)-алкильными группами. Описываются также два варианта способа крашения кератиновых волокон с использованием предварительной обработки указанным силиконом с последующим нанесением композиции для прямого или окислительного крашения. Изобретение позволяет улучшить структуру окрашенных волокон, а именно обеспечить мягкость, легкую расчесываемость волос, повысить интенсивность окраски и ее устойчивость к шампуням. 3 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2161952C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к вспенивающей моющей и кондиционирующей композиции для кератиновых материалов, содержащей, по меньшей мере, один силикон, по меньшей мере, одно поверхностно-активное вещество с моющими свойствами и, по меньшей мере, один диалкиловый эфир, находящийся в твердом состоянии при температуре ниже или равной 30oС и имеющий формулу R-O-R', где R и R', одинаковые или различные, означают насыщенный или ненасыщенный, линейный или разветвленный алкильный радикал C12 - C30, причем содержание поверхностно-активного вещества составляет 5 - 50% от общей массы композиции. Изобретение относится также к способу мытья и кондиционирования кератиновых материалов с помощью названной композиции. 2 с. и 29 з.п. ф-лы.

10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2186558C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметическим композициям для мытья и ухода за кератиновыми материалами, такими как волосы, кожа, ресницы, брови, ногти, губы, включающим в косметически приемлемой среде по крайней мере один сополимер диметикона с двойной связью и диметикона с вязкостью 106-100•106 сП и по крайней мере один катионный полимер, а также к способу обработки кератиновых материалов, таких как волосы. Технический результат: это сочетание придает такие косметические свойства кератиновым материалам, как способность к разглаживанию, легкость, мягкость, без явления повышения их жирности. 2 с. и 11 з.п. ф-лы.

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2183448C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к новым косметическим композициям. Композиция содержит в косметически приемлемой среде по меньшей мере один кондиционирующий агент, выбранный из числа поли-альфа-олефинов, фторированных масел, фторированных восков, фторированных смол, эфиров карбоновых кислот, катионных полимеров, силиконов, не растворимых в данной среде, масел минерального, растительного или животного происхождения, а также содержит по меньшей мере один полиоксиалкиленированный аминированный силикон типа (АВ)n, где А обозначает полисилоксановый блок, а В обозначает полиоксиалкиленированный блок, содержащий по меньшей мере одну аминогруппу. Композиция обладает косметическими свойствами (в смысле гладкости, мягкости наощупь) при мытье и уходе за волосами. 2 с. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

20-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2242214C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметической композиции, предназначенной для обесцвечивания или необратимой деформации кератиновых волокон человека, и, в частности волос, включающий, в косметически приемлемой среде (i) по меньшей мере один восстановитель и (ii) по меньшей мере один аминированный силикон с аминоэтилимино-(С4-С8 )-алкильными группами; а также к способу получения композиции, способу обесцвечивания и способу необратимой деформации кератиновых волокон человека и, в частности волос, и к набору. Технический результат: достижение кондиционирующих и устойчивых эффектов, превосходящих эффекты ранее известных систем, без ухудшения интенсивности и однородности обесцвечиваний или необратимых деформаций, а также достижение улучшения состояния волокна, которое сохраняет свою мягкость на ощупь, легкость расчесывания и свой блеск после нескольких обработок шампунем. 5 н. и 15 з.п.ф-лы.

10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2220705C2

Изобретение относится к косметической композиции. Антиперспирантная композиция содержит активное вещество - силиконовый гель, ПАВ со значением ГЛБ-8-16. Композиция обладает пониженным пленкообразованием, а также улучшенной характеристикой и эстетическими свойствами, обеспечивает устранение запаха. 34 з.п. ф-лы, 8 табл.

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238080C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметической композиции для обработки кератиновых волокон, в частности волос, включающей, в косметически приемлемой среде, (i) один окисляющий компонент и (ii) один аминированный силикон с аминоэтилимино-(С4-С8)-алкильными группами. Изобретение также относится к способу для обесцвечивания или окраски, или необратимой деформации кератиновых волокон с помощью предложенной композиции. Изобретение обеспечивает волосам мягкость на ощупь, легкость расчесывания и блеск без ухудшения интенсивности и однородности необратимых деформаций, окрасок и обесцвечивания. 4 с. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

10-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2162686C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметологии и касается косметических и/или дерматологических композиций для защиты кожи и/или волос. Композиция для защиты кожи и/или волос содержит в косметически приемлемом носителе, в частности, типа масло в воде, в качестве первого фильтра по меньшей мере одно особое производное 1,3,5-триазина и в качестве второго фильтра кремнийорганическое производное с бензотриазольной группой, причем первый и второй фильтры присутствуют в указанных композициях в количестве, необходимом для того, чтобы произвести синергическое действие на уровне придаваемых солнцезащитных свойств. Косметическая композиция позволяет сохранить эластичность кожи и предотвратить преждевременное старение, а также фототоксические или фотоаллергические реакции. 3 с. и 19 з.п.ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2246930C2
Принадлежит: Л`ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к красящей композиции для кератиновых волокон человека, в частности волос, содержащая в косметически приемлемой среде по меньшей мере один прямой краситель, или по меньшей мере один окислительный краситель и по меньшей мере один аминосиликон определенного строения, а также к способам и наборам для окрашивания с использованием названной композиции. Технический результат: повышение стойкости окрасок, в частности в стойкости к шампуням, а также улучшение состояния волокна, а именно уменьшение пористости или растворимости в щелочи волокна, улучшение его гладкости, мягкости и способности к расчесыванию и укладке. 5 н. и 30 з.п. ф-лы.

23-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685712C2

Представлена композиция для местного применения, содержащая 4-гексилрезорцин и твердый порошок с шириной распределения частиц по размеру по меньшей мере 15 мкм в диапазоне размеров 80% частиц (10-90%). Твердый порошок представляет собой сшитый полимер винилдиметикона/метикона силсесквиоксана. Также представлен способ косметической обработки кожи млекопитающих, включающий местное нанесение на кожу указанной композиции. Композиция по изобретению обеспечивает сохранение активности 4-гексирезорцина. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

10-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2195926C2

Изобретение относится к косметологии и касается дерматологических и/или косметических композиций, позволяющих избежать появления симптомов гиперчувствительности и кожной непереносимости, которые включают эффективную комбинацию ингибиторов размножения микробов, содержащую первый ингибитор размножения микробов, который состоит из водной смеси полиакрилата натрия, по меньшей мере, одного полиола и, по меньшей мере, одного гликольного соединения формулы (I) R1-O-(R2-O)nR3, в которой R1 и R3 независимо представляют собой Н или С1-С5 алкильную группу с прямой или разветвленной цепью, R2 представляет собой С1-С5 алкиленовую группу с прямой или разветвленной цепью и n равно числу между 1 и 400000, и второй ингибитор размножения микробов, который состоит, по меньшей мере, из одного моноалкильного простого эфира глицерина или его сложного эфира формулы (II) R4OCH2CH(OH)CH2OR5, в которой R4 представляет собой алкильную группу с прямой или разветвленной цепью, содержащей от 6 до 24 атомов углерода, ...

27-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2212881C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Настоящее изобретение касается материала, который может быть получен методом золь-геля, имеющего длину волны максимального поглощения (λmax), которая находится в интервале от 370 до 400 нм, при этом вышеупомянутый материал содержит, по меньшей мере, один органический солнцезащитный фильтр УФ-А, имеющий длину волны максимального поглощения меньше 370 нм, по меньшей мере, один алкоксид металла, выбираемый среди алкоксидов циркония, титана и алюминия, по меньшей мере, один функционализованный органический полимер или предшественник такого полимера или, по меньшей мере, один функционализованный кремнийорганический полимер или предшественник такого полимера, по меньшей мере, один растворитель и воду в количестве, достаточном для частичного и/или полного гидролиза алкоксида металла и его конденсации. Настоящее изобретение касается также способа смещения в интервал от 370 до 400 нм длины волны максимального поглощения (λmax) органического солнцезащитного фильтра УФ-А, имеющего (λmax) меньше 370 ...

27-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2203026C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение касается косметических композиций для мытья и ухода за кератиновыми материалами, такими как волосы, кожа, ресницы, брови, ногти, губы и кожа волосистой части головы, содержащее в косметически приемлемой среде по меньшей мере один особый амфотерный крахмал и по меньшей мере один катионный кондиционер, выбираемый среди поверхностно-активных веществ четвертичных солей аммония, циклополимеров алкилдиаллиламина или диалкилдиаллиламмония, катионных полимеров, содержащих четвертичные группы аммония в основной цепи, и катионных силиконов, а также способа обработки кератиновых волокон, таких как волосы с использованием названных косметических композиций. Технический результат: изобретение позволяет устранить проблемы, связанные с применением композиций для волос на основе кондиционеров, а именно таких, как утяжеление, недостаточная гладкость и мягкость волос, при сохранении других положительных косметических свойств, которые связаны с композициями на основе кондиционеров. 2 с. и 17 з.п.ф-лы ...

27-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2313335C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

Изобретение описывает водную очищающую и кондиционирующую композицию для волос, включающую: а) от 1 до 50 мас.% очищающего поверхностно-активного вещества, b) дискретные, диспергированные капельки, включающие водонерастворимое силиконовое кондиционирующее масло, характеризующееся тем, что средний диаметр капелек (D3,2) составляет от 2 до 100 мкм, и с) от 0,01 до 0,4 мас.% поверхностно-активного блок-сополимера со средней молекулярной массой 4000 единиц атомной массы или более, включающего полиэтиленоксидные и полипропиленоксидные блоки, причем каждый блок состоит из 2 или более этиленоксидных или пропиленоксидных мономерных звеньев, и где среднее количество пропиленоксидных мономерных звеньев в блок-сополимере составляет 25 или более, и d) воду. Изобретение обеспечивает увеличенное отложение капелек эмульсии силиконового кондиционирующего масла на области кончиков волос. 6 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

10-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2177779C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметологии, касается очищающей и кондиционирующей композиции для ухода за волосами, содержащей в подходящей косметической среде моющую основу и кондиционирующую систему, включающую в себя по меньшей мере один аминированный силикон и по меньшей мере один привитой силиконовый полимер, содержащий одну полисилоксановую часть и одну часть, представленную органической несиликоновой цепочкой, и одна из этих двух частей образует главную цепочку полимера, а вторая прививается к указанной главной цепочке. Изобретение относится также к способу мытья и кондиционирования кератиновых волокон. Композиция обладает улучшенными свойствами в отношении причесывающего эффекта и может использоваться для очищения, ухода за волосами и причесывания волос. 2 с. и 48 з. п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2157179C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметической промышленности и касается производства моющих и кондиционирующих средств. Композиции содержат в косметически приемлемой среде (A) моющую основу, содержащую анионное поверхностно-активное вещество и амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество типа алкилбетаин с C10 - C14, и кондиционирующую систему (B), содержащую по меньшей мере одну катионную гуаровую смолу и по меньшей мере один нерастворимый силикон, причем названный силикон вводят в композицию в виде эмульсии. Композиция сохраняет форму, волнистость, блеск и мягкость обработанных волос, а также обладает высокой моющей способностью. 2 с. и 16 з.п. ф-лы.

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2130767C1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль (FR)

Изобретение относится к парфюмерно-косметической промышленности. Эмульсия масло-в-воде для косметических и дерматологических средств содержит гелеобразователь, а также термопластичные полые вспученные частицы полимера или сополимера акрилонитрила, обеспечивающие дисперсию масляной фазы в водной гелеобразной. Эти частицы представляют собой в основном частицы вспученного сополимера акрилонитрила и акрилового или стирольного мономера и/или винилиденхлорида. Эмульсия обеспечивает уход и очистку кожи или волос, а также для макияжа кожи. 3 с. и 17 з.п. ф-лы.

10-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139033C1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметике и касается композиции для обработки кератиновых материалов. Композиция для обработки волос содержит в косметически или дерматологически приемлемой среде по меньшей мере один привитой кремнийорганический полимер с полисилоксановым скелетом, на который привиты органические мономеры, не содержание силиконовых групп и по меньшей мере один силикон, выбираемый среди силиконов, содержащих по меньшей мере одну квартернизованную или некватернизованную аминогруппу силиконовых смол и силиконовых каучуков. Композиция обеспечивает кондиционирование волос, сохраняя прическу, придавая ей необходимую форму. 2 с. и 25 з.п. ф-лы.

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2229281C1
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Настоящее изобретение касается косметической композиции для обработки кератиновых волокон и, более конкретно, волос, содержащей в косметически приемлемой среде: (i) по меньшей мере один окислитель и (ii) по меньшей мере один определенный аминосиликон, и ее применения для окрашивания, обесцвечивания и постоянной деформации кератиновых волокон человека, и ее применения для окрашивания, обесцвечивания и постоянной деформации кератиновых волокон человека. Изобретение также касается способов для обесцвечивания, или для окрашивания, или для постоянной деформации кератиновых волокон человека с использованием указанной композиции. Изобретение обеспечивает длительное кондиционирующее действие, не ухудшая при этом эффективности и однородности постоянной деформации, окрашивания или обесцвечивания волос. 4 с. и 29 з.п. ф-лы.

10-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2153870C2
Принадлежит: Л'ОРЕАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметической промышленности и касается композиции для обработки кепатиновых волокон, в частности человеческих волос. Композиция содержит по меньшей мере один анионогенный, неионогенный, амфотерный или цвиттерионогенный фиксирующий полимер и по меньшей мере одно соединение керамидного типа, а также к способу обработки с использованием этой композиции. Композиция позволяет достигнуть хороший защитный эффект против ломкости волос, а именно во время сушки феном. 2 с. и 19 з.п.ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2206313C1

Изобретение относится к косметической промышленности и касается средств для укладки волос различной степени фиксации. Мусс для укладки волос содержит Лувискол VA 64 на основе сополимера винилпирролидона с винилацетатом, сополимер винилпирролидона и винилацетата, сополимер винилпирролидона и кватернизированного винилимидазола, кремофор RH-40 на основе глицеринполиэтиленгликольоксистеарата, бензофенон-4, углеводородный пропеллент и деминерализованную воду. Мусс улучшает защитные свойства волос от воздействия окружающей среды, предотвращается перхоть и жирность волос. 5 з.п.ф-лы, 3 табл.

27-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2122399C1

Изобретение относится к парфюмерно-косметической промышленности и касается средств для ухода за волосами. Лак для волос содержит пленкообразователь, нейтрализующий агент, цетилдиметил-(2)-гидроксиламмонийдигироген фосфат, провитамин B5, отдушка, защитное средство, эвакуирующий газ, растворитель, пластификатор. Компоненты взяты в определенных количественных соотношениях. Лак для волос обладает повышенным фиксирующим и кондиционирующим действием и придает защитные свойства волосам. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2150265C1
Принадлежит: Л'Ореаль (FR)

Изобретение относится к косметическим композициям для мытья и кондиционирования волос. Косметическая детергентная композиция содержит в косметически приемлемой среде моющую основу, включающую, по крайней мере, одно анионное поверхностно-активное вещество алкилэфирсульфатного типа и, по крайней мере, одно поверхностно-активное вещество алкилбетаинового типа и кондиционирующую систему, включающую, по крайней мере, один катионный диметилдиаллиламмониевый полимер, и по крайней мере, один аминированный силикон, а также способ мытья и кондиционирования волос путем нанесения эффективного количества композиции на намоченные волосы. Композиция обеспечивает мягкость волос, расчесывание, придание объема волосам и обладает хорошей моющей способностью. 2 с. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2106856C1
Принадлежит: Рыбка Игорь Олегович

Изобретение относится к косметологии, касается средств для временного декодирования волос. Средство содержит пленкообразователь, пигмент, этиловый спирт, отдушку, соль четвертичного аммониевого основания, глицерин, воду, компоненты берут в определенном количественном соотношении. Средство обладает высокой агрегативной устойчивостью, не расслаивается и не образует оседания пигмента длительное время. 3 з.п.ф-лы.

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005121552A

... 1. Водная композиция для кондиционирования волос, включающая a) от 1 до 50 мас.% очищающего поверхностно-активного вещества; b) дискретные, диспергированные капли, включающие нерастворимое в воде силиконовое кондиционирующее масло, где средний диаметр капель по Саутеру (D3,2) составляет от 2 до 100 мкм; и c) поверхностно-активный блок-сополимер согласно формуле I НО(СН2СН2O)m[-Si(СН3)2-O-]n(СН2СН2O)mН (I) где m представляет собой 30 или более, n представляет собой 5 или более и соотношение n/m составляет от 0,1 до 1,2. 2. Композиция по п.1, включающая от 0,01 до 0,4 мас.% поверхностно-активного блок-сополимера. 3. Композиция по п.1, в которой силиконовое кондиционирующее масло имеет вязкость от 5000 до 1000000 мм2·с-1при 25°С. 4. Композиция по п.1, в которой силиконовое кондиционирующее масло включает функционализированный силикон. 5. Композиция по п.4, в которой функционализированный силикон представляет собой силиконовый сополиол с гидрофильным/липофильным балансом 10 или менее. 6. Композиция ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Аэрозольное средство дл укладки волос

Номер: RU2002120884A

... 1. Аэрозольное средство для укладки волос, содержащее пленкообразователь, нейтрализующий агент, растворитель, отдушку и эвакуирующий газ, отличающееся тем, что в качестве пленкообразователя используется сополимер "Хитопол-1", марки В, и терполимер акриловый "Лувимер 100 П" при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Сополимер "Хитопол-1", марки В 4,0-12,0 Терполимер акриловый "Лувимер 100 П" 0,1-1,0 Нейтрализующий агент 0,1-1,0 Растворитель 50,0-62,0 Отдушка 0,1-0,6 Эвакуирующий газ Остальное до 100 2. Аэрозольное средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит полезные добавки при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Сополимер "Хитопол-1" марки В 4,0-12,0 Терполимер акриловый "Лувимер 100 П" 0,1-1,0 Нейтрализующий агент 0,1-1,0 Растворитель 50,0-62,0 Отдушка 0,1-0,6 Полезные добавки 0,01-1,5 Эвакуирующий газ Остальное до 100 3. Аэрозольное средство по пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что в качестве нейтрализующего агента содержит аминоспирт - триэтаноламин или 2-амино-2 ...

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002129800A

... 1. Способ перманентной деформации кератиновых волокон, в частности, волос, включающий по меньшей мере операции, состоящие в (i) нанесении на кератиновые волокна восстановительной композиции, (ii) проведении окисления кератиновых волокон, отличающийся тем, что он включает, кроме того, нанесение на кератиновые волокна перед операцией (i) и/или после операции (ii) косметической композиции для предварительной и/или заключительной обработки, содержащей в косметически приемлемом носителе по меньшей мере один аминосиликон, не имеющий форму микроэмульсии, одной из приведенных ниже формул I или II Аминосиликоны формулы I в которой m и n обозначают такие числа, что сумма (n+m) может варьировать, в частности, от 1 до 1000, более конкретно от 50 до 250 и, предпочтительно, от 100 до 200, причем n может обозначать число от 0 до 999, в частности, от 49 до 249 и, более предпочтительно, от 125 до 175, а m может обозначать число от 1 до 1000, в частности от 1 до 10 и, более предпочтительно, от 1 до 5; R1 ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006128323A

Система доставки биологически активных веществ с помощью ниосом, изготовленных на основе модифицированных силиконовых эмульгаторов (диметикон кополиолов) путем их включения в количестве 5%, содержащих 15% экстракта стволовых клеток и ниосом, содержащих липидную фракцию в количестве 12%, в состав геля, содержащего мас.%: Триэтаноламин 2 Гелеобразователь 2,5 Гиалуроновая кислота 0,1 Отдушка 0,15 Консервант 0,05 Дистиллированная вода До 100 ...

23-06-1993 дата публикации

Средство для стимулирования роста волос

Номер: SU1822769A1

Изобретение относится к косметологии. Средство для стимулирования роста волос, содержащее кремнийорганический препарат , относящийся к классу силатранов в виде раствора в смеси диметилсульфоксида с касторовым маслом в соотношении 1-хлор- метилсилатран 2-5%, диметилсульфоксид 20-50%, касторовое масло - остальное.

22-11-2011 дата публикации

Haarkonditionierende Mittel mit aminofunktionellen Siliconen

Номер: DE202005021949U1

Haarkonditionierendes Mittel, enthaltend a) mindestens eine quartäre Ammoniumverbindung, b) mindestens ein aminofunktionelles Silikon der Formel (III)worin R für -OH, -O-CH3 oder eine -CH3-Gruppe steht und m, n1 und n2 Zahlen sind, deren Summe (m + n1 + n2) zwischen 1 und 2000, vorzugsweise zwischen 50 und 150 beträgt, wobei die Summe (n1 + n2) vorzugsweise Werte von 0 bis 1999 und insbesondere von 49 bis 149 und m vorzugsweise Werte von 1 bis 2000, insbesondere von 1 bis 10 annimmt. c) mindestens eine Polyhydroxyverbindung mit mindestens 2 OH-Gruppen, wobei das Gewichtsverhältnis von aminofunktionellen Silikonen zu Polyhydroxyverbindungen [b) zu c)] 1:1 bis 100:1 beträgt.

02-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069937901T2

22-02-1995 дата публикации

Oral compositions

Номер: GB0009425933D0

12-01-2000 дата публикации

Carbonate and hydroxy carbamate functionalized silicones

Номер: GB0009926060D0

15-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008509409D0

05-07-2000 дата публикации

Carbonate and hydroxy carbamate functionalized silicones

Номер: GB0002311073B

12-12-2001 дата публикации

Cosmetic compositions

Номер: GB0000125449D0

21-09-1994 дата публикации

Cosmetic compositions

Номер: GB0009415323D0

03-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009110123D0

18-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009123251D0

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000363926T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385775T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000447925T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442397T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000476225T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000480300T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403414T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000424806T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: ATA296983A

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353237T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000296983A

15-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160501T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000275921T

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000318639T

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Hair-Treatment Compositions with Corneocyte Proteins or Polypeptides and Silicone(s)

Номер: US20120039837A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Hair-treatment compositions with advantageous properties comprise 0.01 to 5% by weight of at least one corneocyte protein or polypeptide, and 0.05 to 95% by weight of at least one silicone.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Sunscreen compositions

Номер: US20120058192A1
Автор: Laura C. Singleton
Принадлежит: Individual

Sunscreen compositions containing a discontinuous oil phase dispersed in a continuous water phase, at least 10% by weight of an organic UV-filter, a water-insoluble, C 2 -C 8 , liquid silicone, a branched fatty acid ester of a polyprotic carboxylic acid; and at least 2% by weight of a mineral particulate having a starch coating applied to the surface thereof.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Cosmetic Nanocomposites based on in-situ crosslinked POSS materials

Номер: US20120128746A1
Принадлежит: Avon Products Inc

A cosmetic composition for caring for and/or making up the skin, lips and/or body in the form of a film, which is non-transferable, long-lasting with a comfortable feeling of use to consumers over long periods of wear time. The composition contains graftable POSS which forms a film when it cures in situ. The invention also relates to using such film for preparing a cosmetic composition and a makeup process and makeup kit comprising the product.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079368A1

Provided is a dermo-cosmetic composition to improve rough skin that: improves chapped or dry skin, particularly roughened cuticles; improves skin texture; results in smooth skin; and has excellent safety, stability and feel. The disclosed dermo-cosmetic is characterised by having: (A) one or more of D-amino acids, their salts and derivatives; and (B) a swollen material prepared by swelling one or more of non-emulsifying cross-linked silicone with an oil which is in a liquid form at room temperature. 1. A dermo-cosmetic composition for improving skin comprising:(A) one or more selected from the group consisting of D-amino acids, their salts and derivatives; and(B) a swollen material prepared by swelling one or more of non-emulsifying cross-linked silicone with an oil which is in a liquid form at room temperature.2. The dermo-cosmetic composition for improving skin according to claim 1 , wherein: the D-amino acid is selected from the group consisting of D-glutamic acid claim 1 , D-alanine claim 1 , D-methionine claim 1 , D-hydroxyproline claim 1 , D-aspartic acid claim 1 , D-cysteine claim 1 , D-proline claim 1 , and D-serine.3. The dermo-cosmetic composition for improving skin claim 1 , according to claim 1 ,wherein: the non-emulsifying cross-linked silicone is one or more types selected from the group consisting of dimethicone cross polymer, (dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone) cross polymer, (dimethicone/phenylvinyl dimethicone) cross polymer, (vinyl dimethicone/lauryl dimethicone) cross polymer, and lauryl polydimethylsiloxyethyl dimethicone/bis-vinyl dim ethicone cross polymer.4. The dermo-cosmetic composition for improving skin according to of claim 1 ,wherein: the content of the ingredient (A) is from 0.1 to 5.0% by mass and the content of the ingredient (B) is from 0.1 to 5.0% by mass based on the total weight of the dermo-cosmetic composition.5. The dermo-cosmetic composition for improving skin claim 2 , according to claim 2 , wherein: the non-emulsifying cross- ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Silicone fine particles and production method thereof

Номер: US20130095324A1
Автор: Yoshinori Inokuchi
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A method for producing silicone fine particles is provided. The particle comprises a spherical fine silicone elastomer particle and polyorganosilsesquioxane particles attached to the surface of the spherical fine silicone elastomer particle. The polyorganosilsesquioxane particle has a particle size of 200 to 2,000 nm which is smaller than the spherical fine silicone elastomer particle. The method comprises the steps of adding an organotrialkoxysilane to water for hydrolysis, and adding spherical fine silicone elastomer particles having a volume average particle size of 0.5 to 100 μm, an anionic surfactant, and an alkaline substance to the organotrialkoxysilane hydrolysate and allowing the mixture to stand to thereby promote condensation of the organotrialkoxysilane hydrolysate so that the polyorganosilsesquioxane is deposited on the surface of the spherical fine silicone elastomer particles.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109824A1

The present invention relates to a method for preparing poly(organic oxidized silicon) particles having UV-absorbing groups, including reacting an organoalkoxysilane precursor having a UV-absorbing group selected from a group consisting of organotrialkoxysilane, diorganoalkoxysilane and a mixture thereof, in the presence of a base, with a silane compound selected from a group consisting of tetraalkoxysilane, alkyltrialkoxysilane, tetraalkoxysilane, aryltrialkoxysilane, dialkyldialkoxysilane, diaryldialkoxysilane, arylalkyldialkoxysilane and a mixture thereof, serving as a crosslinking regulator and UV stability enhancer, so as to prepare poly(organic oxidized silicon) particles selected from a group consisting of polysilsesquioxane, silsesquioxane-siloxane copolymer, silsesquioxane-silica copolymer, silsesquioxane-siloxane-silica copolymer and silsesquioxane-siloxane copolymer, having UV-absorbing groups. The poly(organic oxidized silicon) particles significantly solves the problem of poor UV stability, while maintaining UV absorption by the UV-absorbing group contained in the particles. Since the poly(organic oxidized silicon) particles having UV-absorbing groups do not exhibit white turbidity, they can be effectively used in cosmetics. In accordance with the present invention, the poly(organic oxidized silicon) particles having UV-absorbing groups can be prepared economically as compared to the existing methods. 1. A method for preparing poly(organic oxidized silicon) particles having UV-absorbing groups , comprising reacting an organoalkoxysilane precursor having a UV-absorbing group selected from a group consisting of organotrialkoxysilane , diorganoalkoxysilane and a mixture thereof , in the presence of a base , with a silane compound selected from a group consisting of tetraalkoxysilane , alkyltrialkoxysilane , tetraalkoxysilane , aryltrialkoxysilane , dialkyldialkoxysilane , diaryldialkoxysilane , arylalkyldialkoxysilane and a mixture thereof , serving as a ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Cosmetic process for making-up and/or caring for the skin and/or the lips

Номер: US20130142743A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

A cosmetic process for making up and/or caring for skin and/or lips, includes the application to skin and/or lips of a cosmetic composition including, in a physiologically acceptable medium, at least one supramolecular polymer and at least one hydrophobic film-forming polymer. Particular compositions may be used in the process.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Cosmetic composition comprising at least one organopolysiloxane elastomer and at least one tackifying resin

Номер: US20130164235A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

The invention relates to a cosmetic composition for caring for and/or making up keratin materials, comprising, in a physiologically acceptable medium: (i) at least one tackifying resin; (ii) at least one organopolysiloxane elastomer; and (iii) at least one liquid fatty phase.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164248A1
Автор: Khenniche Samira
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The invention relates to a cosmetic composition comprising: (i) one or more products (A) of the reaction of: (a) one or more oxirane or oxetane compounds comprising at least two oxirane or oxetane groups; and (b) one or more aminosilanes corresponding to the formula (1a): N(H)(R)RSi(OR)(OR)(RSi(OR)(R))R(1a) in which: Ris selected from the group constituted by H or a monovalent hydrocarbon-based radical comprising from 1 to 20 carbon atoms; Ris selected from the group constituted by a divalent, linear or branched, hydrocarbon-based radical, comprising from 1 to 60 carbons; Ris a hydrocarbon-based radical containing 3 to 200 carbon atoms; Ris selected from the group constituted by oxygen or a divalent, linear or branched, hydrocarbon-based radical comprising from 1 to 60 carbons; R, R, Rand Rare each independently selected from the group constituted by monovalent, linear or branched, hydrocarbon-based radicals having from 1 to 200 carbon atoms; the sub-script b is equal to zero or is a positive number and has a value ranging from 0 to 3; the subscript a is equal to zero or is a positive number below 3, the subscripts b and c are equal to zero or are positive and have a value ranging from 0 to 3 on condition that (a+b+c)<3; the subscripts d and e are equal to zero or are positive and have a value ranging from 0 to 3 on condition that (d+e)=3; and (ii) one or more acrylic thickening polymers. The invention also relates to a cosmetic method for treating keratin materials with this composition, and also to the use of this composition for caring for keratin materials. 1. Cosmetic composition comprising:(i) one or more products (A) of the reaction of:(a) one or more oxirane or oxetane compounds comprising at least two oxirane or oxetane groups; and {'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'sub': 3-a-b-c', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'c, 'N(H)(R)RSi(OR)(OR)(RSi(OR)(R))R\u2003\u2003(Ia)'}, '(b) one or more aminosilanes corresponding to the formula (Ia)in which:{'sup ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Transfer Resistant Cosmetic Composition

Номер: US20130171078A1
Автор: Lawson Clement

The present invention relates to a transfer-resistant cosmetic composition comprising at least one silicone film forming polymer derived from acrylic acid, at least one naturally derived volatile solvent and a cosmetically acceptable carrier. 1. A transfer-resistant cosmetic composition comprising:a) at least one film forming polymer;b) at least one naturally derived volatile solvent; andc) a carrier.2. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein said film forming polymer is a silicone acrylate polymer.3. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein said film forming polymer is selected from the group consisting of butyl acrylate/hydroxypropyl dimethicone acrylate copolymer claim 1 , acrylates/dimethicone copolymer claim 1 , acrylates/ethylhexyl acrylate/dimethicone methacrylate copolymer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein said alkanes solvent comprises coconut alkane and caprylate/caprate.5. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a particulate colorant.6. A cosmetic composition according to claim 5 , wherein said particulate colorant is selected from the group consisting of a color extender claim 5 , dye claim 5 , pigment claim 5 , lake claim 5 , toner claim 5 , and combinations thereof.7. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein said volatile alkane is sourced from a vegetable oil feedstock.8. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more ingredients selected from the group consisting of shine agents claim 1 , waxes claim 1 , pigments claim 1 , fillers claim 1 , additional film formers claim 1 , emollients claim 1 , thickeners claim 1 , anesthetics claim 1 , anti-allergenics claim 1 , antifungals claim 1 , anti-inflammatories claim 1 , antimicrobials claim 1 , antiseptics claim 1 , chelating agents claim 1 , emollients claim 1 , emulsifiers claim 1 , fragrances claim 1 , humectants claim 1 , lubricants claim 1 , masking ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253072A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention relates to a solid cosmetic makeup and/or care composition in the form of a powder comprising, in a physiologically acceptable medium, at least: a fatty phase containing at least one silicone polyamide and a silicone resin, and—at least one pulverulent phase containing at least perlite. 1. A solid cosmetic makeup and/or care composition in the form of a powder comprising , in a physiologically acceptable medium , at least:a fatty phase containing at least one silicone polyamide and a silicone resin, andat least one pulverulent phase containing at least perlite.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , which is in the form of a loose powder or a pressed powder.3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising less than 5% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the composition.4. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , having a total silicone polyamide content representing from 0.5% to 45% claim 1 , of the total weight of the composition.6. The composition as claimed in claim 5 , wherein X and/or Y represent an alkylene group containing in its alkylene part at least one of the following elements:1) one to five amide, urea, urethane or carbamate groups,{'sub': 5', '6, '2) a Cor Ccycloalkyl group, and'}{'sub': 1', '3, '3) a phenylene group optionally substituted with 1 to 3 identical or different Cto Calkyl groups,'} a hydroxyl group,', {'sub': 3', '8, 'a Cto Ccycloalkyl group,'}, {'sub': 1', '40, 'one to three Cto Calkyl groups,'}, {'sub': 1', '3, 'a phenyl group optionally substituted with one to three Cto Calkyl groups,'}, {'sub': 1', '3, 'a Cto Chydroxyalkyl group, and'}, {'sub': 1', '6, 'a Cto Caminoalkyl group.'}], 'and optionally substituted with at least one element chosen from the group formed from7. The composition as claimed in claim 5 , wherein R claim 5 , R claim 5 , Rand Rindependently represent a linear or branched Cto Calkyl group claim 5 , a polyorganosiloxane chain or a phenyl group optionally substituted with 1 ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259820A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Embodiments of a hair conditioning composition comprise a silicone polymer comprising one or more quaternary groups, at least one silicone block comprising greater than 200 siloxane units, at least one polyalkylene oxide structural unit, and at least one terminal ester group, the silicone polymer having a viscosity of up to 100,000 mPa·s, and wherein the a hair conditioning composition comprises a gel matrix comprising a cationic surfactant, a high melting point fatty compound, and an aqueous carrier. 1. A hair conditioning composition comprising: i. one or more quaternary groups;', 'ii. at least one silicone block comprising greater than 200 siloxane units;', 'iii. at least one polyalkylene oxide structural unit; and', 'iv. at least one terminal ester group, 'a) a silicone polymer comprisingwherein said silicone polymer has a viscosity of up to 100,000 mPa·s, and i. a cationic surfactant;', 'ii. a high melting point fatty compound; and', 'iii. an aqueous carrier., 'b) a gel matrix comprising2. The hair conditioning composition of claim 1 , wherein said silicone block comprises from about 300 to about 500 siloxane units.3. The hair conditioning composition of claim 1 , wherein said silicone polymer is present in an amount of from about 0.05% to about 15% by weight of the composition.4. The hair conditioning composition of claim 1 , wherein said silicone polymer is present in an amount of from about 0.1% to about 10% by weight of the composition.5. The hair conditioning composition of claim 1 , wherein said silicone polymer is present in an amount of from about 0.15% to about 5% by weight of the composition.7. The hair conditioning composition of whereby the K residues in the —K—S—K— moiety are identical or different claim 6 , and are bound to the silicon atom of the residue S via a C—Si-bond.9. The hair conditioning composition of whereby the K residues in the —K—S—K— moiety are identical or different claim 8 , and are bound to the silicon atom of the residue S via ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280189A1

The present invention relates to topical compositions comprising a non adhesive film forming silicone acrylate hybrid composition, at least one physiologically acceptable ingredient and at least one physiologically acceptable solvent. Such non adhesive film forming silicone acrylate hybrid compositions tend to provide comfortable films for topical compositions. 1. A topical composition comprising a non adhesive film forming silicone acrylate hybrid composition and at least one physiologically acceptable ingredient and at least one physiologically acceptable solvent.2. The topical composition of where the non adhesive film forming silicone acrylate hybrid composition comprises the reaction product of:I. a silicon-containing pressure sensitive adhesive composition comprising acrylate or methacrylate functionalityII. an ethylenically unsaturated monomer having a glass transition temperature above room temperature; selected from the group of aliphatic acrylates, aliphatic methacrylates, cycloaliphatic acrylates, cycloaliphatic methacrylates, and combinations thereof, each of said compounds having up to 20 carbon atoms in the alkyl radical, andIII. an initiator.3. The topical composition as claimed in wherein the topical composition is compatible with keratin materials.4. The topical composition of wherein the keratin materials include the skin claim 3 , mucous membranes claim 3 , the hair claim 3 , the eyelashes claim 3 , the eyebrows and the nails.5. The topical composition as claimed in wherein the at least one physiologically acceptable ingredient is selected from emollients claim 1 , waxes claim 1 , moisturizers claim 1 , surface active materials such as surfactants or detergents or emulsifiers claim 1 , sebum absorbents or sebum control agents claim 1 , vegetable or botanical extracts claim 1 , pigments claim 1 , colorants claim 1 , thickeners claim 1 , physiologically acceptable solvents claim 1 , UV absorbers and sunscreen agents claim 1 , preservatives claim 1 , ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Cosmetic Or Pharmaceutical Composition Comprising Modified Polyorganosiloxanes

Номер: US20130344021A1

Cosmetic or pharmaceutical compositions comprising one or more substituted aminopolyorganosiloxanes (S) with substituted amino groups which are bonded to silicon atoms of the polysiloxane basic structure via alkylene bridges or mono- or oligo(alkylenamino)alkylene bridges, where the amino groups present in the aminopolyorganosiloxanes (S) are substituted at least partially by a radical of the formula (ε) 118.-. (canceled)19. A method for protecting and preserving color in colored keratin fibers , wherein the method comprises the step of contacting the colored keratin fibers with a treatment composition comprising at least one substituted aminopolyorganosiloxanes (S) with substituted amino groups which are bonded to silicon atoms of a polysiloxane basic structure via alkylene bridges or mono- or oligo(alkylenamino)alkylene bridges , where the amino groups present in the aminopolyorganosiloxanes (S) are substituted at least partially by a radical of the formula (ε){'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2, 'T-CH—CHOH—CH—\u2003\u2003(ε),'}{'sub': 'H', 'in which T is the radical of a surfactant monoalcohol polyglycol ether with emulsifier character, the amino groups present in the aminopolyorganosiloxanes (S) being substituted in the average ratio of at least 1.5 radicals of the formula (ε) per Si-bonded aminoalkyl group or amino-mono- or -oligo-(alkylenamino)-alkyl group and mixtures thereof.'}20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the treatment composition comprises from 0.01 to 10% by weight of the at least one substituted aminopolyorganosiloxanes (S) claim 19 , based on the treatment.21. (canceled)22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the colored keratin fibers are colored human hair.23. The method of claim 19 , wherein the substituted aminopolyorganosiloxane (S) has an average molecular weight in the range from 15 000 to 2 000 000.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein the aminopolyorganosiloxane (S) has an amine number in the range from 0.05 to 3.25. The method of claim 19 , wherein ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018508A1

The present invention provides a novel (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer that is preferably used for cosmetics and the like. The (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer of the present invention is a copolymer obtained by reacting the following radically polymerizable monomers (a) to (d): 2. The (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer according to claim 1 , which further has a repeating unit derived from a (meth)acrylic derivative other than (a) to (d).3. The (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein with regard to the ratio of the monomers (a) to (d) used claim 1 , (a)=20 to 50 mass % claim 1 , (b)=0.5 to 4 mass % claim 1 , (c) and (d)=46 to 79.5 mass % claim 1 , and (c)/(d)=0.5 to 1.5.4. The (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein when the copolymer is dissolved at a level of 20 mass % in 99.5% ethanol claim 1 , the viscosity of the ethanol solution at 25° C. is 50 to 250 mPa·s (CS).5. A cosmetic comprising a (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer according to any one of to .6. The cosmetic according to claim 5 , which is a hair cosmetic. The present invention relates to a novel cationic (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer and a cosmetic containing the same. More specifically, the present invention relates to a cationic (meth)acrylic silicone-based graft copolymer that is particularly suitable for out-bath type hair cosmetics and the like.Since (meth)acrylic polymer is transparent and it forms a film and has good workability, it has been widely used as a coating material, an adhesive material, a material for ink, a material for external use on skin, a cosmetic material, etc. However, since acrylic resin has high polarity, it has also had many problems. As such, various copolymers have been developed so far. Examples of the thus developed copolymers include: an acryl-silicone-based graft copolymer obtained by radical copolymerization of a dimethylpolysiloxane ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Solid Coloring Compositions

Номер: US20140048093A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corporation

The present invention relates to solid colouring compositions for fibrous materials. The solid colouring compositions comprise a silicone in powder form and a solid colour modifying composition. 1. A solid coloring composition comprising(A) a solid color modifying composition(B) a silicone in powder formwherein the solid color modifying composition (A) comprises at least one color modifying agent such as a synthetic dye, a natural dye, a bleaching agent, or a mixture thereof.2. (canceled)3. The composition of where the color modifying agent is selected from synthetic dyes claim 1 , natural dyes or mixtures thereof.4. The composition of where the color modifying agent is a bleaching agent.5. The composition of as claimed in where (B) comprises a silicone polymer claim 1 , a carrier and optionally a binder.6. The composition as claimed in where the silicone polymer in (B) is selected from silicone oils claim 1 , silicone waxes claim 1 , silicone resins claim 1 , silicone gums and silicone polymers modified with organofunctional groups.7. The composition of as claimed in wherein the silicone polymer in (B) is selected from polyalkylsiloxanes containing trimethylsilyl end groups claim 1 , polyalkylsiloxanes containing dimethylsilanol end groups claim 1 , silicone polymers modified with organofunctional groups such as phenyl claim 1 , amine groups claim 1 , polyether groups claim 1 , quaternary ammonium groups claim 1 , saccharide groups claim 1 , amino acids claim 1 , vinyl groups claim 1 , hydroxyl groups; and mixtures thereof8. The composition as claimed in where the silicone polymer in (B) is an emulsion of dimethicone claim 1 , a dimethiconol claim 1 , an amino functional silicone or a divinyldimethicone/dimethicone copolymer.9. The composition as claimed in where the weight ratio of silicone polymer to carrier in (B) is in the range 2:98 to 40:6010. The composition as claimed in where (B) has a mean particle size in the range of 0.02 to 1.50 mm.11. A method of ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Hair Care Compositions

Номер: US20140050688A1
Принадлежит: AVON PRODUCTS, INC.

Compositions and methods are disclosed for imparting a long-wearing shine to keratin fibers, including hair. The compositions comprise an aminosilicone polymer having a viscosity from about 800 to about 1,600 mm/s at 25° C., and a functional group equivalent weight from about 8,000 to about 14,000 g/mol. The compositions comprise an aminosilicone polymer and optionally a shine enhancer. The compositions are useful for imparting a long-wearing shine to hair. 1. A method for imparting a long-wearing shine to hair , comprising applying to the hair a composition comprising an aminosilicone polymer having a viscosity from about 800 to about 1 ,600 mm/s at 25° C. , and a functional group equivalent weight (FGEW) from about 8 ,000 to about 14 ,000 g/mol , and a suitable vehicle.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said aminosilicone polymer has a viscosity from about 1 claim 1 ,000 to about 1 claim 1 ,400 mm/s at 25° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said aminosilicone polymer has a functional group equivalent weight from about 10 claim 1 ,000 to about 12 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said aminosilicone polymer has a refractive index greater than 1.4 at 25° C.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein x is 3 and y is 2.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises a film former.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said composition is substantially anhydrous.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said composition further comprises a shine enhancer.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein said shine enhancer is an aryl-silicone having a refractive index greater than 1.4 at 25° C.11. The method according to claim 9 , wherein said shine enhancer is a phenyltrimethicone or dimethicone.12. A hair care composition comprising:{'sup': '2', '(a) from about 1 to about 25 percent by weight of an aminosilicone polymer having a viscosity from about 800 to about 1,600 mm/s at 25° ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Hair conditioning composition for improved deposition

Номер: US20220000736A1
Принадлежит: Conopco Inc

A composition comprising (i) 0.01 to 10 wt % of a linear, cationic conditioning surfactant; (ii) 0.1 to 10 wt % of a linear fatty material; (iii) a particulate benefit agent; (iv) 0.01 to 5 wt %, at 100% active, of a branched cationic co-surfactant, selected from structure (1) wherein: ⋅R1, and R2 comprise linear alkyl chains, saturated or unsaturated, with carbon-carbon chain lengths of from C4 to C20, preferably from C6 to C18; more preferably from C8 to C12, most preferably from C6 to C10, ·n has a range of from 0 to 10, preferably selected from 0 and 1; ·m has a range of from 1 to 6, preferably selected from 1 and 2; ⋅R3 comprises an alkyl chain having a carbon-carbon chain length of from C1 to C4, preferably C1 to C2; ·R4 comprises a proton or an alkyl chain having a carbon-carbon chain length of from C1 to C4, preferably C1 to C2; and ·X is an organic or inorganic anion; wherein the molar ratios of branched cationic co-surfactants (iv) to linear cationic surfactants (i) are in the range of from 1:20 to 1:1, preferably from 1:10 to 1:1, most preferably 1:5 to 1:2 provides superior benefit agent deposition.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000701A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

A method for the color retention of dyed keratin fibers is provided herein. The method includes i. applying a cosmetic composition to dyed keratin fibers as a pretreatment agent for keratin. The method further includes ii. subjecting the keratin fibers to a dyeing and/or brightening within a period of about 5 seconds to about 24 hours after to step i. The cosmetic composition has, based on its own weight, from about 0.01 to about 4.00% by weight of at least one alum and a pH value in the range of about 2.5 to about 5. 1. A method for the color retention of dyed keratin fibers , the method comprising:i. applying a cosmetic composition to dyed keratin fibers as a pretreatment agent for keratin,andii. subjecting the keratin fibers to a dyeing and/or brightening within a period of about 5 seconds to about 24 hours after to step i.,wherein the cosmetic composition has, based on its own weight, from about 0.01 to about 4.00% by weight of at least one alum and a pH value in the range of about 2.5 to about 5.2. Method according to claim 1 , further comprising subjecting the keratin fibers in step ii. to an oxidative dyeing.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition comprises an alum of the formula MAl(SO)×12 HO claim 1 , in which Mis a potassium claim 1 , ammonium claim 1 , or guanidinium ion.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition claim 1 , based on its own weight claim 1 , comprises from about 0.05 to about 3.50% by weight of at least one potassium claim 1 , sodium claim 1 , ammonium and/or guanidinium alum.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has a pH value of from about 3.0 to about 4.9.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition claim 1 , based on its weight claim 1 , additionally comprises from about 0.001 to about 5.00% by weight of at least one silicone.7. Method according to claim 6 , wherein at least one compound known under the INCI name Amodimethicone/ ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Conditioner Composition Comprising a Chelant

Номер: US20180000706A1

Described herein is a hair conditioner composition and methods of using the same, the hair conditioner composition including an effective chelant. The hair conditioner composition further includes one or more high melting point fatty compounds and a cationic surfactant. 2. The hair care composition of claim 1 , wherein the hair care composition further comprises silicone.3. The hair care composition of claim 1 , wherein the hair care composition further comprises one or more benefit agents.4. The hair conditioner composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic surfactant comprises at least one alkyl group with a carbon chain comprising at least 22 carbon atoms.5. The hair conditioner composition of claim 1 , wherein one or more chelants are selected from the group consisting of 2 claim 1 ,3-triethylenetetramine claim 1 , tetraethylenepentamine claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,4-tetraethylenepentamine claim 1 , pentaethylenehexamine claim 1 , tris(2-aminoethyl)amine claim 1 , ethylenedinitrilotetrapropan-2-ol claim 1 , 1 claim 1 , 1′ claim 1 , 1″ claim 1 , 1′″ [(2-hydroxypropyl)imino]bis(2 claim 1 ,1ethanediylnitrilo)]tetrakis-2-propanol claim 1 , tetraethylenepentaamine-(1-EO) claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,5 claim 1 ,9 claim 1 ,13-Tetraazatridecane claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. The hair conditioner composition of claim 3 , wherein the one or more benefit agents is selected from the group consisting of anti-dandruff agents claim 3 , vitamins claim 3 , chelants claim 3 , perfumes claim 3 , brighteners claim 3 , enzymes claim 3 , sensates claim 3 , attractants claim 3 , anti-bacterial agents claim 3 , dyes claim 3 , pigments claim 3 , bleaches claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.7. The hair conditioner composition of claim 1 , wherein the log P value of the one or more chelants is from about −4 to about 1.8. The hair conditioner composition of claim 1 , wherein the log P value of the one or more chelants is from about −3 to about 0.9. The hair conditioner composition of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000718A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Hair cleansing conditioners which include—in relation to the weight of the total composition— 1. A hair cleansing conditioner comprising—in relation to the weight of the total composition—a) from about 0.0001 to about 10 wt. % of a cationic 3-acrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium salt homopolymer, andb) from about 0.01 to about 20 wt. % of at least one non-ionic surfactant and/or at least one amphoteric surfactant.2. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , wherein the 3-acrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium salt homopolymer a) is selected from (3-acrylamidopropyltrimethylammonium chloride homopolymers.3. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , comprising at least one non-ionic surfactant (bi).4. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 3 , comprising—in relation to its weight—from about 0.01 to about 10 wt. % of the at least one non-ionic surfactant (bi).5. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , comprising at least one amphoteric surfactant (bii).6. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 5 , comprising—in relation to its weight—from about 0.10 to about 15.00 wt.7. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , substantially free from anionic surfactants.8. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , which is present in the form of an aerosol mousse in an aerosol container and additionally comprises at least one propellant in a proportion by weight of from about 1.00 to about 50 wt. % in the total weight of the composition.9. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , comprising at least one protein hydrolysate in a proportion by weight of from about 0.01 to about 5.00 wt. % in the total weight of the composition.10. A hair cleansing conditioner according to claim 1 , comprisinga. from about 0.0001 to about 10 wt. % of a cationic 3-acrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium salt homopolymer,b. from about 0.01 to about 10 wt. % of at least one non-ionic surfactant (bi), andc. from about 1.00 to about 50 wt. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000703A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

A mascara composition includes a vehicle comprising water; a primary film-forming polymer that is a non-ionic and water-soluble or water dispersible copolymer comprising a first cyclic amide monomer, a cyclic amine monomer, and an acrylamide monomer; at least one nonionic secondary film-forming polymer having a fraction of a second cyclic amide monomer that is at least about 70% by weight of the at least one secondary film-forming polymer; and from about 0.5% to about 8% by weight of a C2-C5 alcohol. 1. A mascara composition , comprising:a vehicle comprising water; anda primary film-forming polymer that is a non-ionic and water-soluble or water dispersible copolymer comprising a first cyclic amide monomer, a cyclic amine monomer, and an acrylamide monomer;at least one nonionic secondary film-forming polymer having a fraction of a second cyclic amide monomer that is at least about 70% by weight of the at least one non-ionic secondary film-forming polymer; andfrom about 0.5% to about 8% by weight of a C2-C5 alcohol.2. The mascara composition of claim 1 , further comprising a dimethicone copolymer.3. The mascara composition of claim 1 , further comprising a polydimethylsiloxane/vinyl copolymer.4. The mascara composition of claim 1 , further comprising less than about 1% by weight of a dimethicone copolymer.5. The mascara composition of wherein the non-ionic and water-soluble or water dispersible copolymer is present in a concentration by weight that is from about 10 percent to about 60 percent.6. The mascara composition of wherein the non-ionic and water-soluble or water dispersible copolymer is present in a concentration by weight that is from about 10 percent to about 20 percent.7. The mascara composition of wherein the first cyclic amide monomer is a vinyl pyrrolidone.8. The mascara composition of wherein the cyclic amine monomer is an imidazole.9. (canceled)10. The mascara composition of wherein the non-ionic and water-soluble or water dispersible copolymer is a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Emulsion Of Cross-linked Aminosiloxane Polymer

Номер: US20170000722A1
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corporation

An emulsion includes a liquid continuous phase and a dispersed phase including a cross-linked aminosiloxane polymer. The cross-linked aminosiloxane polymer includes a first siloxane backbone, a second siloxane backbone, and at least one intramolecular structure cross-linking a silicon atom of the first siloxane backbone and a silicon atom of the second siloxane backbone. The intramolecular structure has the chemical structure: (Formula (I)) wherein X is chosen from the following groups; (Formula (II); (Formula (III)); or (Formula (IV)) wherein each R is independently a C--C-hydrocarbon group, each Ris independently a C--C-hydrocarbon group, each Ris independently a hydrogen atom, OH, a C--C-hydrocarbon group, a phenyl group, R′(OR″)wherein m is 1 to 3, or R′OH, wherein each of R′ and R″ is independently an alkyl group, and wherein a is 0 or 1. This disclosure also provides a method of forming the emulsion. 5: The emulsion of wherein said cross-linked aminosiloxane polymer comprises the reaction product of a polyorganosiloxane having an amino group and a polyorganosiloxane that has an α claim 1 ,β-unsaturated carboxy acid amide group.8: The emulsion of wherein said polyorganosiloxane that has said α claim 7 ,β-unsaturated carboxy acid amide group is the reaction product of a second polyorganosiloxane and maleic anhydride and/or itaconic anhydride claim 7 , wherein said second polyorganosiloxane has an amino group.9: The emulsion of wherein said maleic anhydride and/or said itaconic anhydride reacts in an amount of from 0.01 to 0.33 moles per 1 mole of said amino group of said second organopolysiloxane.10: The emulsion of wherein said polyorganosiloxane and said second polyorganosiloxane are the same or different.11: The emulsion of comprising one or more of limitations a) through f)a) wherein a is 1 or a is 0;b) wherein said cross-linked aminosiloxane polymer of said dispersed phase is a gel or liquid;c) wherein said cross-linked aminosiloxane polymer is present as ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005396A1

Provided is an oil-in-water emulsion composition which, while having a fresh feel without stickiness when used, has a skin unevenness correction effect and persistence thereof, and provides excellent smoothness, moisture and shininess, and feeling of tension. The oil-in-water emulsion composition is characterized by containing, in a specific ratio: (A) a non-emulsifying cross-linked polymethyl siloxane, which contains (a1) a dimethicone crosspolymer and (a2) a non-emulsifying cross-linked polymethyl siloxane other than a dimethicone crosspolymer; (B) an associative thickener; (C) a polyether-modified silicone; (D) a silicone oil; and (E) water in a specific ratio. The oil-in-water emulsion composition is further characterized in that the mass ratio ((a2)/(a1)) of (a2) the non-emulsifying cross-linked polymethyl siloxane other than a dimethicone crosspolymer to (a1) the dimethicone crosspolymer falls within a range of 0.1 to 2.5. 2. The oil-in-water emulsion composition according to claim 1 , wherein:the mass ratio ((a2)/(a1)) of the non-emulsifying crosslinked polymethylsiloxane (a2) except the dimethicone cross polymer relative to the dimethicone cross polymer (a1) falls within the range of 0.1 to 1.5.3. The oil-in-water emulsion composition according to claim 1 , wherein:the non-emulsifying crosslinked polymethylsiloxane (a2) except the dimethicone cross polymer is one or two or more selected from the group consisting of a dimethicone/vinyldimethicone cross polymer, a dimethicone/phenylvinyldimethicone cross polymer and a vinyldimethicone/lauryldimethicone cross polymer.4. The oil-in-water emulsion composition according to claim 1 , wherein:the content of the silicone oil is 3.0 to 30 mass % in the entire composition.5. The oil-in-water emulsion composition according to claim 2 , wherein:the non-emulsifying crosslinked polymethylsiloxane (a2) except the dimethicone cross polymer is one or two or more selected from the group consisting of a dimethicone/ ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031591A1
Автор: BOTTO Anna, XAVIER Liliana

The disclosure relates to compositions comprising (a) at least one negatively charged amino acid and a derivative thereof, (b) at least one positively charged amino acid and a derivative thereof, (c) at least one silicone copolymer, and (d) at least one emulsifier. The disclosure also relates to packaging systems and kits comprising the compositions, and methods of using the compositions. 1. A composition for treating or caring keratin fibers comprising:(a) at least one negatively charged amino acid or a derivative thereof in an amount of at least about 1% by weight;(b) at least one positively charged amino acid or a derivative thereof in an amount of at least about 1% by weight;(c) at least one silicone copolymer; and(d) at least one nonionic emulsifier;wherein all amounts are relative to the total weight of the composition;wherein the composition is in the form of an emulsion.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one negatively charged amino acid or derivative thereof is chosen from glutamic acid, aspartic acid, derivatives thereof, or mixtures thereof; andthe at least one positively charged amino acid or derivative thereof is chosen from arginine, lysine, histidine, ornithine, derivatives thereof, or mixtures thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one negatively charged amino acid or derivative thereof is present in an amount ranging from about 2% to about 10% by weight, relative to the total weight of the composition; andthe at least one positively charged amino acid or derivative thereof is present in an amount ranging from about 2% to about 10% by weight, relative to the total weight of the composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the at least one negatively charged amino acid or derivative thereof to the at least one positively charged amino acid or derivative thereof ranges from about 1:5 to about 5:1.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one silicone copolymer is chosen from ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031600A1

The present invention is in the field of rinse-off conditioner compositions; in particular, relates to rinse-off conditioner compositions for hair frizz reduction. Deposition of conditioning materials onto the hair surface results in hair having a greasy feel and look which is undesired. Therefore, there still exists the opportunity to increase the conditioning benefits delivered through hair care compositions, preferably without hair having to look and feel greasy. It is therefore the object of the present invention to provide a conditioning product with superior frizz control even after multiple washes and which does not make the hair look and feel greasy. It has been found that a conditioner composition providing superior frizz control can be obtained using a specific combination of silicones and a tricarboxylic acid. 1. A rinse-off conditioner composition for hair comprising:a 0.1 to 10% by weight of a conditioning surfactant; i 0.1 to 0.3% by weight of an amino functional silicone, and', 'ii 0.5 to 6% by weight of a silicone blend of dimethicone and amodimethicone in a ratio of 9:1 and, 'b a silicone combination comprisingc 1 to 20% by weight of a tricarboxylic acid.2. The conditioner composition according to wherein the composition comprises 3 to 20% by weight of a tricarboxylic acid.3. The conditioner composition according to wherein the composition comprises 0.1% by weight of amino functional silicone.4. The conditioner composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 2 to 4% by weight of the silicone blend.5. The conditioner composition according to claim 1 , wherein the tricarboxylic acid is citric acid.6. The conditioner composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 0.1 to 15% by weight of a fatty material.7. The conditioner composition according to for hair frizz control.8. A method of treatment of hair for frizz reduction comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a applying to the hair the composition ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015022A1
Автор: EFTHIMIOS Anastasiou
Принадлежит: FREZYDERM S.A.

The invention provides a 100% anhydrous sunscreen composition and a use of this sunscreen composition with very high water and sweat resistance properties which can be applied on a wet skin, either in the presence of water by repelling water or water droplets respectively or in under-water conditions. The present invention describes a sunscreen composition comprising a silicone organic elastomer blend comprising Dimethicone/Bis-Isobutyl PPG-20 Crosspolymer in Isododecane in a concentration range from about 30% to about 90% w/w and a silicone elastomer comprising Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer and Silica in a concentration range from about 0.1% to about 10% w/w. The sunscreen may be applied on the skin in the presence of water (in wet and/or under-water conditions). Further, the new sunscreen product allows the consumer to enter water directly after the application of the sunscreen product on his dry or already wet skin. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for applying a sunscreen composition , said sunscreen having an SPF>=50 , 50 , 30 , or <30 or according to any Sun Protection Factor that conforms to any current cosmetic legislation , wherein the sunscreen comprises a silicone organic elastomer blend and a silicone elastomer , wherein the silicone organic elastomer blend comprises Dimethicone/Bis-Isobutyl PPG-20 Crosspolymer in Isododecane in a concentration range from about 30% to about 90% w/vv , wherein the silicone elastomer comprises Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer and Silica in a concentration range from about 0.1% to about 10% w/w , comprising:applying the sunscreen on skin in the presence of water.18. The method of claim 17 , comprising conducting the application step when the skin is under water or when the skin is already wet by repelling water or water droplets.19. The method of claim 17 , wherein the skin is dry or wet when the sunscreen composition is applied on the skin claim 17 , and wherein the skin can come into contact with water ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015317A1

The present invention provides sunscreen composition comprising a hydrophobically modified polyurethane, a viscosity increasing polymer, and glyceryl stearate. This composition has surprisingly light aesthetics while providing excellent UV protection. 1. A sunscreen composition comprising:(a) at least about 10 weight percent of one or more UV filters;(b) about 0.55 to about 1 weight percent of a hydrophobically modified polyurethane;(c) about 0.1 to about 0.6 weight percent of a viscosity increasing polymer selected from the group consisting of taurate copolymers and acrylate crosspolymers; and(d) at least about 0.1 weight percent of glyceryl stearate.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said viscosity increasing polymer is a taurate copolymer.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said viscosity increasing polymer is an acrylate crosspolymer.4. The composition of comprising at least about 0.1 weight percent avobenzone.5. The composition of further comprising octocrylene and homosalate.6. The composition of further comprising hyaluronic acid.7. The composition of further comprising silica.8. The composition of further comprising a humectant selected from the group consisting of glycerin claim 1 , pentylene glycol claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.9. A sunscreen composition comprising at least about 10 weight percent of one or more UV filters and having a linear complex viscosity of about 1500 to about 5000 cP at 100 rad/s.10. The composition of comprising at least 0.1 weight percent avobenzone.11. The composition of claim 10 , further comprising octocrylene and homosalate.12. The composition of further comprising hyaluronic acid.13. The composition of further comprising silica.14. The composition of further comprising a humectant selected from the group consisting of glycerin claim 9 , propylene glycol claim 9 , and mixtures thereof.15. A sunscreen composition comprising:(a) at least about 10 weight percent of a combination of UV filters comprising avobenzone, ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015318A1
Автор: MORIYA Hiroyuki

The present invention provides an emulsified cosmetic, including: an anionic acryl silicone copolymer (A) having an acryl chain as the main chain, the copolymer including, as monomer units, (I) 1 to 30% by mass of a polymerizable hydrophilic monomer having carboxylic acid, phosphoric acid, or sulfonic acid neutralized with a base, and (II) 10% by mass or more of a silicone macromonomer represented by the following general formula (1), or a silicone dendron group-containing polymerizable monomer; an oil material (B); and water (C). Accordingly, the present invention provides an emulsified cosmetic having excellent emulsification stability and non-stickiness. 17-. (canceled)9. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 8 , wherein the oil material (B) is a silicone oil.10. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 8 , wherein the oil material (B) is a polar oil.11. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 10 , wherein the emulsified cosmetic is in the form of a multiphase emulsion.12. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 8 , further comprising an aqueous system thickener (D).13. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 9 , further comprising an aqueous system thickener (D).14. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 10 , further comprising an aqueous system thickener (D).15. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 11 , further comprising an aqueous system thickener (D).16. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 8 , further comprising a surfactant (E) other than the component (A).17. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 9 , further comprising a surfactant (E) other than the component (A).18. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 10 , further comprising a surfactant (E) other than the component (A).19. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 11 , further comprising a surfactant (E) other than the component (A).20. The emulsified cosmetic according to claim 12 , further comprising a surfactant (E) other than the component (A).21. The ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021245A1

The present invention relates to an aerosol device comprising a container containing: —one or more propellants, —a hair composition comprising: (i) one or more polymers containing a silicone unit bearing alkoxy-(aminomethyl)-silyl functional groups; (ii) one or more amphoteric fixing polymers and/or one or more cationic fixing polymers; the propellant(s) possibly being present in the composition or, in the container, separate from the composition. 3. Device according to claim 2 , in which the C-Calkyl groups are methyl or ethyl groups.4. Device according to the preceding claim claim 2 , in which Rand Rform claim 2 , with the nitrogen atom that bears them claim 2 , a 5- to 8-membered heterocycle comprising from 1 to 3 heteroatoms.5. Device according to the preceding claim claim 2 , in which Rand Rform claim 2 , with the nitrogen atom that bears them claim 2 , a cyclic group claim 2 , preferably morpholino claim 2 , and Rrepresents an ethyl group.6. Device according to any one of to claim 2 , in which n ranges from 1 to 10 000 claim 2 , preferably from 5 to 1000 and even more preferably from 8 to 400.7. Device according to any one of to claim 2 , in which SiRR—[OSiRR]n- of formula (I) is a unit derived from a linear silicone with a weight-average molecular mass (Mw) ranging from 200 to 40 000 and more preferentially from 400 to 25 000 g/mol.8. Device according to any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , in which the polymer(s) containing a silicone unit bearing alkoxy-(aminomethyl)-silyl functional groups claim 2 , preferably of formula (I) claim 2 , represent from 0.1% to 40% by weight claim 2 , preferably from 0.5% to 30% by weight and more particularly from 1% to 10% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition claim 2 , when the propellant(s) are present in the composition.10. Device according to any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , characterized in that the amphoteric fixing polymer(s) are chosen from copolymers containing acidic vinyl units ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022984A1
Автор: KONISHI Masayuki

This cosmetic contains: (a) 30 mass % or less of a highly oil-absorbing powder; (b) a volatile oil solution; and (c) a nonvolatile oil solution having a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of 5 to 100 mm/s. The mixture mass ratio represented by (a)/(c) is 0.37 to 2.0. 1. A cosmetic comprising (a) a highly oil-absorbent powder having an oil absorption of at least 50 mL/100 g , (b) a volatile oil and (c) a nonvolatile oil having a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of from 5 to 100 mm/s , wherein the weight ratio in which components (a) and (c) are included , expressed as (a)/(c) , is from 0.37 to 2.0.2. The cosmetic of claim 1 , wherein the oil absorption of component (a) is at least 70 mL/100 g.3. The cosmetic of claim 1 , wherein component (a) is one or more selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , as defined in the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI): (vinyl dimethicone/methicone silsesquioxane) crosspolymer claim 1 , (diphenyl dimethicone/vinyl diphenyl dimethicone/silsesquioxane) crosspolymer claim 1 , polysilicone-22 and polysilicone-1 crosspolymer.4. The cosmetic of claim 1 , further comprising (d) a powder other than component (a).5. The cosmetic of claim 4 , wherein the combined amount of components (a) and (d) is not more than 45 wt % of the cosmetic.6. The cosmetic of claim 4 , wherein the weight ratio in which components (a) and (d) are included claim 4 , expressed as (a)/(d) claim 4 , is at least 0.3.7. The cosmetic of claim 1 , wherein component (c) is a nonvolatile oil that has a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of from 5 to 100 mm/s and is selected from the group consisting of silicone oils claim 1 , low-polarity oils claim 1 , high-polarity oils and ultraviolet absorbers.8. The cosmetic of claim 7 , wherein component (c) is selected from silicone oils having a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of from 5 to 100 mm/s and high-polarity oils having an inorganic-organic balance (IOB) of from 0.1 to 0.6 and a kinematic viscosity at 25° C. of at ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Cosmetic care system

Номер: US20180027943A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

The present invention relates to a cosmetic care system comprising ( 1 ) a composition comprising at least one silicone elastomer, at least one non-volatile oil, at least one silicone resin, at least one volatile solvent, at least one polyorganosiloxane copolymer; and ( 2 ) and an applicator.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028416A1

Cosmetic compositions in the form of stable, pleasant feeling W/O or W/Si emulsions include an aqueous phase and an oil phase. The oil phase includes at least one silicone elastomer gel comprising at least one emulsifying elastomer, and at least one non-swelling non-emulsifying silicone elastomer. The composition also includes at least one stabilizing agent/spherical powder, water, and one or more additional components selected from actives and other additives. The compositions provide a smooth, non-greasy, silky feel when applied to the skin and other keratinous tissues, and impart to the skin a soft focus or hazy effect and the appearance of an even complexion. 1. A cosmetic composition comprising:a water-in-oil emulsion comprising an oil phase, the oil phase comprising at least one silicone elastomer gel comprising at least one emulsifying silicone elastomer and at least one non-swelling non-emulsifying silicone elastomer;at least one stabilizing agent/spherical powder;water; andone or more actives or additives,wherein the composition exhibits freeze thaw stability, and confers a smooth, non-greasy, silky feel when applied to the skin and other keratinous tissues, and imparts to the skin a soft focus or hazy effect and the appearance of an even complexion.2. A cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , the at least one silicone elastomer gel present at a concentration claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , from about 1% to about 20% by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition claim 1 , the at least one silicone elastomer gel comprising at least one emulsifying silicone elastomer selected from emulsifying/self-emulsifying polyether silicone elastomers claim 1 , polyglyceryl silicone elastomers claim 1 , polyether dimethicone copolymers claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. A cosmetic composition according to claim 2 , the at least one emulsifying silicone elastomer being selected from dimethicone (and) dimethicone/PEG-10/15 crosspolymer claim 2 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028434A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

The present invention is on a styling composition for keratin fibers, preferably hair, a use and method to style hair. The composition comprises an acrylates crosspolymer, polyols, and aminosilicones. The composition has been proven to enhance the curl retention of hair. 1. A cosmetic composition comprising:(a) a first film forming polymer prepared from one or more monomers selected from the group consisting of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and methacrylic acid esters, and one or more crosslinkers selected from the group consisting of glycol dimethacrylate, trimethylolpropane triacrylate and trimethylolpropane diallyl ether, at a concentration in the range of 0.01 to 10% by weight, calculated to the total of the composition,(b) one or more polyols at a concentration from 8% to 18% by weight, calculated to the total of the composition,(c) one or more aminosilicones.2. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more second film-forming polymers selected from copolymers or homopolymers of polyvinylpyrrolidone.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the second film-forming polymer is a homopolymer of polyvinylpyrrolidone.4. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the the weight ratio of the first film forming polymer to the second film forming polymer is in the range from 1 to 10.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyols are selected from molecules comprising 2 or more hydroxyl groups and having a linear carbon chain length from C2 to C8 or branched carbon chain length from C3 to C8.6. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein component (b) consists of glycerine as the polyol.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is an aqueous composition with a concentration of less than 25% by weight of organic solvents other than polyols claim 1 , preferably with less than 20% by weight other than polyols claim 1 , and more preferably with less than 15% by weight other than polyols claim 1 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047485A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The present disclosure relates to an active ingredient composition for the care and surface modification of human hair. In particular, the present disclosure relates to a cosmetic composition for treating a keratinous material comprising a) at least one organic silicon compound and b) a polyorganosiloxane, the cosmetic composition being particularly suitable for caring for damaged hair. 1. A cosmetic composition for treating a keratinous material comprisinga) at least one organic silicon compound containing one to three silicon atoms, andb) at least one polyorganosiloxane.3. A cosmetic composition for treating a keratinous material according to claim 1 , wherein{'claim-text': ['(3-Aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane;', '(3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane;', '(2-Aminoethyl)trimethoxysilane;', '(2-Aminoethyl)triethoxysilane;', '(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)trimethoxysilane;', '(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)triethoxysilane;', '(2-dimethylaminoethyl)trimethoxysilane; and', '(2-dimethylaminoethyl)triethoxysilane,'], '#text': 'the agent for treating a keratinous material contains at least one organic silicon compound of formula (I) selected from the group consisting of:'}{'claim-text': ['3-(trimethoxysilyl)-N-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]-1-propanamine;', '3-(Triethoxysilyl)-N-[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]-1-propanamine;', 'N-methyl-3-(trimethoxysilyl)-N-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]-1-propanamine;', 'N-Methyl-3-(triethoxysilyl)-N-[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]-1-propanamine;', '2-[Bis[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]amino]-ethanol;', '2-[Bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]amino]ethanol;', '3-(Trimethoxysilyl)-N,N-bis[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]-1-propanamine;', '3-(Triethoxysilyl)-N,N-bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]-1-propanamine;', 'N1,N1-Bis[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]-1,2-ethanediamine;', 'N1,N1-Bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]-1,2-ethanediamine;', 'N,N-Bis[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]-2-propen-1-amine; and', 'N,N-Bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]-2-propen-1-amine.'], '#text': 'or wherein the agent for treating a keratinous ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030215A1

The present invention relates to a composition comprising: (a) one more compound(s) of thiolactone type, and (b) one or more silicones. 117-. (canceled)23. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the at least one compound of formula (I) is chosen from compounds of formula (I′a) and n is 1.25. The composition according to claim 24 , wherein the at least one compound of formula (I) is chosen from the compounds of formulae (38) to (122) and (153) to (258).26. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein the at least one compound of formula (I) is present in an amount ranging from 0.01% to 50% by weight claim 18 , relative to the total weight of the composition.27. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein the composition comprises one or more functionalized silicone comprising at least one functional group chosen from amino groups claim 18 , alkoxy groups claim 18 , or hydroxyl groups.30. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein the at least one silicone is present in an amount ranging from 0.01% and 10% claim 18 , inclusively claim 18 , by weight relative to the total weight of the composition.31. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein the composition has a pH of less than or equal to 7.32. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein the composition does not comprise any thiol-based reducing agents.34. The process for treating the keratin materials according to claim 33 , wherein applying the composition to the hair is followed by shaping the keratin materials by means of a heat treatment at a temperature of at least 100° C.35. The process according to claim 34 , wherein the shaping comprises straightening the keratin materials at a temperature between 100° C. and 300° C. The present invention relates to a composition comprising at least one compound of thiolactone type and at least one silicone and to a process for treating keratin materials, in particular human keratin fibres, comprising the application of the composition, in ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030660A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Provided herein are methods, compositions, and kits for coating or coloring keratinous fibers, such as human hair. In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, a method of coating mammalian hair includes (a) providing an oil phase that includes at least one reactive condensation-curable film-forming amino-silicone pre-polymer, (b) after subjecting said oil phase to a pre-treatment duration to obtain a pre-treated oil phase, emulsifying the pre-treated oil phase with an aqueous phase that includes water, so as to obtain a pre-treated oil-in-water emulsion, (c) applying, on an external surface of individual hairs of the mammalian hair, the pretreated oil-in-water emulsion, (d) after partial condensation curing of said pre-polymer of the pre-treated oil-in-water emulsion has occurred so as to form an at least partially cured amino-silicone coat on the external surface of the individual hairs, optionally washing the hair. 1. A method of coating mammalian hair , the method comprising:(a) providing an oil phase comprising at least one reactive condensation-curable film-forming amino-silicone pre-polymer, said oil phase fulfilling at least one of the following:(i) said at least one reactive condensation-curable film-forming amino-silicone pre-polymer includes at least one reactive condensation-curable film-forming amino-silicone monomer having a molecular weight of at most about 1,000 g/mole;(ii) said oil phase further comprises a non-amino cross-linking agent adapted or selected to cure said pre-polymer, said non-amino cross-linking agent having a molecular weight in the range of at most about 1,000 g/mole;(iii) said oil phase according to (i) and/or (ii) further comprising at least one of a silicone oil, an amino-silicone oil, a pigment dispersant or a reactive hydrophobic inorganic filler; andwherein said oil phase comprises at least about 0.01 wt. %, at least about 0.05 wt %, at least about 0.1 wt %, at leastabout 0.15 wt %, at least about 0.2 wt %, at least about 0.25 ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037273A1

Low viscosity polyorganosiloxanes comprising a) at least one polyorganosiloxane group, b) at least one quaternary ammonium group, c) at least one terminal ester group, methods of the manufacture thereof and their use for the modification of surfaces of substrates. 1. A polyorganosiloxane compound comprising:a) at least one polyorganosiloxane group,b) at least one quatemary ammonium group,c) at least one terminal ester group,wherein the molar ratio of the quatemary ammonium groups b) and the terminal ester groups c) is less than 100:15.2. A polyorganosiloxane compound according to claim 1 , further comprisingd) at least one polyalkylene oxide group.3. A polyorganosiloxane compound according to claim 1 , comprising at least one polyalkylene oxide group of the general formula:{'br': None, '-A-E-A′-'}wherein A and A′ each are independently from each other selected from a single bond or a divalent organic group having up to 10 carbon atoms and one or more hetero atoms, and {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', 'q', '2', '3', 'r', '2', '2', '5', 's, '—[CHCHO]—[CHCH(CH)O]—[CHCH(CH)O]—'}, 'E is a polyalkylene oxide group of the general formulaewithq=0 to 200,r=0 to 200,s=0 to 200and q+r+s=1 to 600.7. A polyorganosiloxane compound according to claim 1 , wherein the terminal ester groups are selected from the group of:—OC(O)—Z{'sub': '2', '—OS(O)—Z'}{'sub': '2', '—OS(O)O—Z'}—OP(O)(O—Z)OH{'sub': '2', '—OP(O)(O—Z)'}wherein Z is selected from monovalent organic residues having up to 40 carbon atoms, optionally comprising one or more hetero atoms.9. A polyorganosiloxane compound according to claim 1 , having protonated ammonium groups.10. A process for the manufacture of polyorganosiloxane compounds according to claim 1 , which comprises the reaction of(i) at least one ditertiary diamine,(ii) at least one amino-alkylating compound, comprising at least one diepoxide, and(iii) at least one monofunctional organic acid,wherein at least one compound among compounds (i) and (ii) comprises ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038402A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition for making up and/or caring for the lips, which is in the form of a liquid emulsion comprising: a) at least 5% by weight, relative to the total weight of the composition, of one or more non-volatile oils; b) 1 to 30% by weight of active substance, relative to the total weight of the composition, of at least one film-forming agent chosen from vinyl polymers comprising at least one carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit; c) at least 10% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the composition, d) least one coloring material. It also relates to a process for making up and/or caring for the lips, wherein the abovementioned composition is applied to the lips. It further relates to a device comprising a container () in which is packaged the composition according to the invention, and comprising an application member which has a porous application surface (). 1: A liquid emulsion composition , comprising:a) at least 5% by weight, relative to a total weight of the composition, of at least one non-volatile oil;b) 1 to 30% by weight of active substance, relative to the total weight of the composition, of at least one film-forming agent, which is a vinyl polymer comprising a carbosiloxane dendrimer-based unit;c) at least 10% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the composition, andd) a coloring material.2: The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one non-volatile oil is selected from the group consisting of a non-volatile silicone oil claim 1 , a non-volatile fluoro oil claim 1 , a polar or non-polar non-volatile hydrocarbon-based oil claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.3: The composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the at least one non-volatile oil is at least 8% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition.7: The composition according to claim 1 , wherein from 1% to 20% by weight of the active material claim 1 , relative to the total weight of the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Pulverulent/pasty composition comprising a silicone elastomer gel, solid particles and a hydrocarbon-based oil, and lip treatment process

Номер: US20180036210A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

An anhydrous composition in powder or paste form, containing: 30% to 55% by weight, relative to the weight of the composition, of a pulverulent phase containing organic, mineral or composite solid particles, and mixtures thereof; a mixture of at least one organopolysiloxane elastomer conveyed in at least a first silicone or hydrocarbon-based non-volatile oil, the content of organopolysiloxane elastomer representing from 2% to 10% by weight relative to the weight of the composition, expressed as active material; and a binder phase representing 30% to 65% by weight, relative to the weight of the composition, containing: a second non-volatile hydrocarbon-based oil different from the first oils, the content of the second non-volatile hydrocarbon-based oil representing greater than 10% to 20% by weight, relative to the weight of the composition; and optionally at least one wax in a content not exceeding 5% by weight, relative to the weight of the composition.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054394A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The subject of the present application is an agent for coloring keratinous material, in particular human hair, which contains in a cosmetic carrier (a) at least one special organic silicon compound, and (b) at least one coloring compound. The present disclosure further relates to a multicomponent packaging unit (kit-of-parts) for dyeing keratinous material, in particular human hair, which comprises, packaged separately from one another in three different containers, agents (I), (II) and (III), agent (I) containing the at least one organic silicon compound (a) and the at least one color-imparting compound (b) being contained either in agent (II) together with water and/or in agent (III) together with at least one film-forming, hydrophilic polymer (c). Finally, the present disclosure also relates to processes for dyeing keratinous material using the agents described, and to processes for preparing the organic silicon compound (a). 1. A composition for dyeing keratinous material , especially human hair , comprising in a cosmetic carrier {'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2', '3', 'a', '4', '3-a, 'RRN-L-Si(OR)(R)\u2003\u2003(I),'}, '(a) at least one organic silicon compound obtainable by partial condensation under reduced pressure of at least one amino silane (a1) of the formula (I),'} {'sub': 1', '2', '1', '6', '1', '6', '2', '6', '1', '6', '1', '6', '1', '6, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sub': c', '6', 'b', '5', '3-b, '-(L′)-Si(R)(OR)\u2003\u2003(III),'}, 'R, Rindependently represent a hydrogen atom, a C-Calkyl group, a hydroxy-C-Calkyl group, a C-Calkenyl group, an amino-C-Calkyl group, an amino-C-Calkyl-amino-C-Calkyl group or a group of formula (III),'}, 'wherein'} [{'sub': 1', '20, 'L and L′ each independently represent a linear or branched C-Cdivalent alkylene group,'}, {'sub': 3', '5', '1', '6, 'Rand Rindependently represent a hydrogen atom or a C-Calkyl group,'}, {'sub': 4', '6', '1', '6', '2', '6, 'Rand Rindependently represent a C-Calkyl or a C-Calkenyl group,'}, 'a and ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044156A1

Cosmetic compositions include at least one thickener selected from associative thickeners; crosslinked homopolymers of acrylic acid; crosslinked copolymers of (meth)acrylic acid and alkyl(C) acrylate; nonionic homopolymers and copolymers including monomers with ethylenically unsaturated bonds of the ester and/or amide type; homopolymers of ammonium acrylate or copolymers of ammonium acrylate and acrylamide; fatty acid amides and the mixtures thereof with at least one hydroxy-terminated organopolysiloxane of formula (I) as described herein. 2. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the R is selected from the group consisting of: methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , n-propyl claim 1 , isopropyl claim 1 , n-butyl claim 1 , isobutyl claim 1 , sec-butyl claim 1 , tert-butyl claim 1 , n-pentyl claim 1 , and n-hexyl residues.3. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein R is methyl.4. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein residues R claim 1 , Rare selected from the group consisting of: ethylene claim 1 , n-propylene claim 1 , iso-butylene and n-butylene residues.5. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein Ris selected from the group consisting of: methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , n-propyl claim 1 , isopropyl claim 1 , n-butyl claim 1 , isobutyl claim 1 , sec-butyl claim 1 , tert-butyl claim 1 , n-pentyl claim 1 , and n-hexyl residues.6. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein Ris methyl or ethyl.5. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxy-terminated organopolysiloxane(s) of general formula (I) constitutes 0.00001 to 10 wt. % of the composition.6. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , relative to the weight thereof claim 1 , the cosmetic composition includes 0.00001 to 5 wt. % branched claim 1 , ethoxylated tridecanol (INCI name: Trideceth-5) or α-iso-tridecyl-w-hydroxy polyglycol ether (INCI name: Trideceth-10) or mixtures thereof. ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045990A1

A dispersible powder includes a powder treated with a surface treatment agent, and the surface treatment agent contains a (meth)acrylic polymer having a repeating unit with a phosphorylcholine group. Thus, provided are: a dispersible powder having excellent dispersibility in an aqueous medium and high dispersion stability; and a cosmetic blended with this powder, the cosmetic being capable of forming a uniform cosmetic film and having favorable spreadability upon application, stretchability, adhesiveness, and feeling on use as well as high stability. 1. A dispersible powder comprising a powder treated with a surface treatment agent , whereinthe surface treatment agent comprises a (meth)acrylic polymer containing a repeating unit having a phosphorylcholine group.2. The dispersible powder according to claim 1 , wherein the surface treatment agent further comprises a nonionic surfactant.3. The dispersible powder according to claim 2 , wherein the nonionic surfactant is selected from sorbitan fatty acid ester claim 2 , glycerin fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyglycerin fatty acid ester claim 2 , propylene glycol fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyethylene glycol fatty acid ester claim 2 , sucrose fatty acid ester claim 2 , methyl glucoside fatty acid ester claim 2 , alkyl polyglucoside claim 2 , polyoxyethylene alkyl ether claim 2 , polyoxypropylene alkyl ether claim 2 , polyoxyethylene alkyl phenyl ether claim 2 , polyoxyethylene fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyoxyethylene sorbitan fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyoxyethylene sorbitol fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyoxyethylene glycerin fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyoxyethylene propylene glycol fatty acid ester claim 2 , polyoxyethylene castor oil claim 2 , polyoxyethylene hydrogenated castor oil claim 2 , polyoxyethylene phytostanol ether claim 2 , polyoxyethylene phytosterol ether claim 2 , polyoxyethylene cholestanol ether claim 2 , polyoxyethylene cholesterol ether claim 2 , polyether-modified organopolysiloxane claim 2 , ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062121A1
Автор: ABE Takuya

A microemulsion composition containing: (A) an anionic surfactant; (B) an organopolysiloxane having at least two hydrosilyl groups in one molecule thereof shown in the following formula (I); (C) an organopolysiloxane having at least two olefinic unsaturated groups in one molecule thereof shown in the following formula (II); (D) a monohydric or polyhydric alcohol; and (E) water, where the microemulsion composition has a transparent or translucent appearance at 25° C. This provides a microemulsion composition having a transparent or translucent appearance when an organopolysiloxane having reactive functional groups such as hydrosilyl groups and olefinic unsaturated groups is used for an oil phase.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051028A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention relates to an application device comprising: a container (); a composition for making up and/or caring for the lips (P), stored in the container, which is in the form of a liquid emulsion comprising: at least 8% by weight, relative to the total weight of the composition, of one or more non-volatile oils; at least one film-forming agent; at least 10% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the composition; an application member which has a porous application surface (). It also relates to a process for making up and/or caring for the lips, wherein the above mentioned composition is applied to the lips. 1. Application device comprising:a container;a composition for making up and/or caring for the lips (P), stored in the container, which is in the form of a liquid emulsion comprising:a) at least 8% by weight, relative to the total weight of the composition, of one or more non-volatile oils;b) at least one film-forming agent;c) at least 10% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the composition; and{'b': 14', '120, 'an application member which has a porous application surface (; ).'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the non-volatile oil(s) is (are) chosen from non-volatile silicone oils claim 1 , which may or may not be phenylated claim 1 , non-volatile fluoro oils claim 1 , polar or non-polar non-volatile hydrocarbon-based oils claim 1 , or mixtures thereof; and preferably from non-volatile silicone oils claim 1 , which are more particularly phenylated claim 1 , and polar non-volatile hydrocarbon-based oils claim 1 , and also mixtures thereof.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the content of non-volatile oil(s) is between 10% and 30% by weight relative to the weight of the composition.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises at least one film-forming agent chosen from synthetic polymers claim 1 , of polycondensate type or of radical type; silicone resins; alkylcelluloses; and combinations thereof.8. The ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071876A1

A composition comprising: (i) 0.01 to 10 wt % of a linear, cationic conditioning surfactant; (ii) 0.1 to 10 wt % of a linear fatty material; (iii) a particulate benefit agent selected from conditioning actives, scalp actives, encapsulated fragrance, emulsified fragrance, and mixtures thereof; (iv) 0.01 to 5 wt %, at 100% active, of a branched cationic co-surfactant, selected from structure 1, structure 2, structure 3 and mixtures thereof wherein: R, R, Rand Rcomprise linear alkyl chains, saturated or unsaturated, with carbon-carbon chain lengths of from Cto C, preferably from Cto C; Rand Rcomprise linear or branched alkyl chains, saturated or unsaturated, with carbon-carbon chain lengths of from Cto C; preferably from Cto Cn and m have a range of from 0 to 10, preferably selected from 0 and 1; p has a range of from 1 to 6, preferably selected from 1 and 2; Rcomprises an alkyl chain having a carbon-carbon chain length of from Cto C, preferably Cto C; Rcomprises a proton or an alkyl chain having a carbon-carbon chain length of from Cto C, preferably Cto C; and X is an organic or inorganic anion; wherein the molar ratios of branched cationic co-surfactants (iv) to linear cationic surfactants (i) are in the range of from 1:20 to 1:1. results in improved particulate benefit agent deposition onto hair. 2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the linear cationic conditioning surfactant has the formula 1: N(R)(R)(R)(R) claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rare independently Cto Calkyl or benzyl.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the linear claim 2 , cationic conditioning surfactant is selected from behenyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 2 , behentrimonium methosulphate claim 2 , cetyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 2 , or mixtures thereof.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the conditioning actives are silicone emulsions.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the silicone emulsions do not comprise a hydrophobic ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058688A1

The present invention relates to agents for lightening keratinic fibers, comprising at least two preparations (A) and (B) packaged separately from each other, and optionally a further preparation (C) packaged separately from (A) and (B), which are mixed immediately before use to form an application mixture, wherein preparation (A) comprises at least one persulfate and preparation (B) is flowable and includes at least one oxidizing agent, and preparation (B) and/or preparations (C) moreover comprise at least one natural polymer, and preparation (A)—based on the weight thereof—comprises a1) 0 to 3 wt. % keratin hydrolysate(s) and/or a2) 0 to 5 wt. % silicone oil(s), with the proviso that preparation (A)—based on the weight thereof—comprises 0.1 to 6 wt. % compound(s) from the groups a1) and a2). 1. An agent for lightening keratinic fibers , comprising at least two preparations (A) and (B) packaged separately from each other , and optionally a further preparation (C) packaged separately from (A) and (B) , which are mixed immediately before use to form an application mixture , whereinpreparation (A) comprises at least one persulfate;preparation (B) is flowable and includes at least one oxidizing agent; andpreparation (B) and/or preparation (C) moreover contain at least one natural polymer,wherein preparation (A)—based on the weight thereof—comprises,a1) 0 to 3 wt. % keratin hydrolysate(s) and/ora2) 0 to 5 wt. % silicone oil(s),with the proviso that preparation (A)—based on the weight thereof—comprises 0.1 to 6 wt. % compound(s) from groups a1) and a2).2. The agent according to claim 1 , wherein preparation (A) comprises 0.01 to 1 wt. % claim 1 , hydrolysate(s) having molar masses from 400 to 1200 dalton claim 1 , obtained from the cortex and/or the cuticle of keratinic fibers.3. The agent according to claim 1 , wherein preparation (A) comprises 0.05 to 0.75 wt. % hydrolysate(s) having molar masses from 400 to 1200 dalton claim 1 , obtained from the cortex and/or the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079143A1
Автор: TAKIZAWA Hiroyuki

The present invention relates to an oil-in-water type pest repellent composition containing the following components (A) to (C): 1. An oil-in-water type pest repellent composition comprising the following components (A) to (C):(A) 13% by mass or more and 50% by mass or less of at least one non-volatile liquid oily component selected from the group consisting of a silicone oil, an ester oil, an ether oil, a hydrocarbon oil, an aliphatic alcohol, and a polyhydric alcohol, the non-volatile liquid oily component having a surface tension at 25° C. of 40 mN/m or less and a viscosity at 23° C. as measured with a B-type rotational viscometer of 400 mPa·s or less;(B) 0.5% by mass or more and 35% by mass or less of hydrophobic particles having a volume median particle diameter of 0.1 μm or more and 40 μm or less; and(C) 30% by mass or more and 86.5% by mass or less of water.2. An oil-in-water type pest stay inhibition composition comprising the following components (A) to (C):(A) 13% by mass or more and 50% by mass or less of at least one non-volatile liquid oily component selected from the group consisting of a silicone oil, an ester oil, an ether oil, a hydrocarbon oil, an aliphatic alcohol, and a polyhydric alcohol, the non-volatile liquid oily component having a surface tension at 25° C. of 40 mN/m or less and a viscosity at 23° C. as measured with a B-type rotational viscometer of 400 mPa·s or less;(B) 0.5% by mass or more and 35% by mass or less of hydrophobic particles having a volume median particle diameter of 0.1 μm or more and 40 μm or less; and(C) 30% by mass or more and 86.5% by mass or less of water.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (A) is at least one selected from the group consisting of a silicone oil claim 1 , an ester oil claim 1 , and a hydrocarbon oil.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (B) contains resin particles constituted of at least one resin selected from the group consisting of a silicone ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060211A1

A method for preparing silicone elastomers containing hydrophilic skin actives with excellent characteristics is described. The elastomer shows enhanced efficacy with respect to the skin actives compared to skin care compositions formulated with individual elastomer and active components. Skin care compositions containing the inventive silicone elastomers and methods of skin treatment are also described. 1. A method for making a silicone elastomer with entrapped active , comprising the steps of: (i) 0.05 to 8% by weight of a hydride functionalized silicone elastomer precursor;', '(ii) 2 to 60% by weight of a vinyl functionalized silicone elastomer precursor;', '(iii) 0.5 to 97% by weight of a solvent;', '(iv) 0.25 to 65% by weight emulsifier having an HLB from 3 to 12; and', '(v) 0.25 to 60% by weight hydrophilic active comprising glycerine, the hydrophilic active forming the internal phase of the oil continuous emulsion; and; and, '1. combining, in no particular order to produce an unpolymerized mixture with oil continuous emulsion2. adding to the unpolymerized mixture with oil continuous emulsion catalyst at an amount effective to catalyze polymerization of the hydride and vinyl functionalized elastomer precursors; and (i) the silicone elastomer produced entraps hydrophilic active comprising glycerine and solvent as oil continuous emulsion;', '(ii) at least 20% of total solvent used to make the silicone elastomer is provided before polymerization is initiated; and', '(iii) from 10 to 50% by weight of the total solvent used is provided with the oil continuous emulsion comprising hydrophilic active wherein any remainder of solvent used is added gradually within 5 to 30 minutes after 90 to 99% of the hydride precursor has polymerized and the silicone elastomer with entrapped hydrophilic active has a viscosity from 50 to 3000 cps and a G′ storage modulus from 700 to 10,000 PA., '3. recovering silicone elastomer with entrapped hydrophilic active wherein2. The method ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079869A1

Disclosed is a cosmetic composition comprising (i) 0.5 to 20 wt % of an organic sunscreen; and (ii) 2 to 60 wt % of a blend comprising a silicone elastomer gel of the Formula (I) and a non-silicone solvent selected from a hydrocarbon, an oil, a modified oil, an ester, an ether, an alcohol or a mixture thereof; wherein the composition comprises less than 1 wt % volatile silicone solvent. Formula (1) 2. The cosmetic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the non-silicone solvent is a hydrocarbon.3. The cosmetic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon is an alkane.4. The cosmetic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organic sunscreen is a UVA sunscreen selected from a group consisting of dibenzoylmethane or derivatives thereof claim 1 , a triazine derivative claim 1 , or benzophenone or a derivative thereof.5. The cosmetic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organic sunscreen is a UVB sunscreen selected from a group consisting of a benzophenone claim 1 , an anthranilate claim 1 , a salicylate claim 1 , a cinnamate claim 1 , a camphore claim 1 , benzylidene malonate claim 1 , a triazone claim 1 , or a derivative thereof.6. The cosmetic composition as claimed in wherein the Rof the silicone elastomer gel is a Calkyl group.7. The cosmetic composition as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the Rof the silicone elastomer gel is a phenyl group.8. The cosmetic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein alkyl mole content of the silicone elastomer gel is from 0.01 to 0.99 claim 1 , where alkyl mole content means the ratio of moles of alkyl substituted dimethicone units to the total moles of dimethicone units per mole of the silicone elastomer gel unit.9. The cosmetic composition as claimed in wherein phenyl mole content of the silicone elastomer is from 0.01 to 0.50 claim 1 , where phenyl mole content means the ratio of moles of phenyl substituted dimethicone units to the total moles of dimethicone units per mole of the silicone ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060565A1

The present invention provides a bio-electrode composition including a silsesquioxane bonded to a sulfonic acid salt shown by the following general formula (1): 3. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive resin as a component (B) in addition to the silsesquioxane bonded to a sulfonic acid salt as a component (A).4. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 2 , further comprising an adhesive resin as a component (B) in addition to the silsesquioxane bonded to a sulfonic acid salt as a component (A).5. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 3 , wherein the component (B) is one or more resins selected from a silicone resin claim 3 , a (meth)acrylate resin claim 3 , and a urethane resin.6. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 4 , wherein the component (B) is one or more resins selected from a silicone resin claim 4 , a (meth)acrylate resin claim 4 , and a urethane resin.7. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 3 , wherein the component (B) contains diorganosiloxane having an alkenyl group claim 3 , and organohydrogenpolysiloxane having an SiH group.8. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 5 , wherein the component (B) contains diorganosiloxane having an alkenyl group claim 5 , and organohydrogenpolysiloxane having an SiH group.9. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 7 , wherein the component (B) further contains a silicone resin having an RSiOunit (wherein claim 7 , R represents a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms claim 7 , and “x” is a number in a range of 2.5 to 3.5) and an SiOunit.10. The bio-electrode composition according to claim 8 , wherein the component (B) further contains a silicone resin having an RSiOunit (wherein claim 8 , R represents a substituted or unsubstituted monovalent hydrocarbon group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms claim 8 , and “x” is a number in a range of 2.5 to 3.5) and an SiOunit.11. The ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060960A1

The present invention relates to a composition for dyeing keratin fibers, comprising at least (i) one or more copolymers derived from the polymerization of at least one crotonic acid monomer or crotonic acid derivative and of at least one vinyl ester monomer, (ii) at least one silicone, the total amount of silicone(s) ranging from 0.1% to 15% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition, and (iii) one or more pigments. The invention also relates to a dyeing process in which said composition is applied to keratin fibers, the operation optionally being followed by drying. The composition makes it possible to obtain temporary dyeing having the advantage of forming a transfer-resistant deposit, leaving the treated fibers individualized, with an improved cosmetic feel. 121.-. (canceled)22. A composition comprising (i) at least one copolymer derived from the polymerization of at least one crotonic acid monomer or crotonic acid derivative and of at least one vinyl ester monomer , (ii) at least one silicone , wherein the total amount of the at least one silicone ranges from 0.1% to 15% by weight , relative to the total weight of the composition , and (iii) at least one pigment.23. The composition according to claim 22 , wherein the at least one copolymer is derived from the polymerization of at least one crotonic acid monomer and of at least one vinyl ester monomer.24. The composition according to claim 22 , wherein the at least one crotonic acid derivative is chosen from crotonic acid esters claim 22 , or amides.25. The composition according to claim 22 , wherein the at least one crotonic acid derivative is chosen from the crotonic acid esters of formula CHCH═CHCOOR′1 with R′1 representing a linear claim 22 , branched claim 22 , or cyclic claim 22 , saturated or unsaturated claim 22 , optionally aromatic claim 22 , carbon-based chain claim 22 , containing 1 to 30 carbon atoms claim 22 , optionally comprising at least one function chosen from —OH claim 22 , —OR ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071200A1
Автор: MORIYA Hiroyuki

Disclosed is a cosmetic that provides smooth spreadability, non-stickiness upon application, suppressed color transfer as a make-up cosmetic, and easy removability by cleansing. The cosmetic of the invention includes a urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer that is a urethanization reaction product of a (a) radical polymer derived from a radical reactive vinyl monomer and having a hydroxyl group and an (b) isocyanate silicone represented by the following general formula (1), 2. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , wherein the (a) radical polymer claim 1 , as the radical reactive vinyl monomer claim 1 , includes at least one radical reactive vinyl monomer having a hydroxyl group selected from any of hydroxyethyl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , hydroxypropyl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , glyceryl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , and hydroxyethyl acrylamide.3. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the unit derived from the isocyanate silicone represented by the general formula (1) in the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer is 40 wt % or more.4. The cosmetic according to claim 2 , wherein the content of the unit derived from the isocyanate silicone represented by the general formula (1) in the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer is 40 wt % or more.5. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , wherein the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer includes at least one hydroxyl group.6. The cosmetic according to claim 2 , wherein the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer includes at least one hydroxyl group.7. The cosmetic according to claim 3 , wherein the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer includes at least one hydroxyl group.8. The cosmetic according to claim 4 , wherein the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer includes at least one hydroxyl group.9. The cosmetic according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the urethane group-containing silicone vinyl polymer is 0.05 to 40 wt % claim 1 , relative ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069556A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

Disclosed are compositions, systems and methods for treating keratinous fibers such as hair. The compositions and systems comprise an oxazoline functionalized polymer and an amino silicone compound. The compositions and methods are employed to improve the quality of the keratinous fibers. 1. A composition for treatment of keratinous fibers comprising:at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer; andat least one amino silicone compound.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer is chosen from a waterborne crosslinker polymer claim 1 , a granule type claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer is a waterborne crosslinker polymer is chosen from acrylic-based oxazoline functionalized polymers claim 2 , styrene/acrylic-based oxazoline functionalized polymers claim 2 , and a mixture thereof.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amino silicone compound is chosen from amodimethicones claim 1 , trimethylsilylamodimethicones claim 1 , quaternary ammonium silicones claim 1 , multiblock polyoxyalkylenated amino silicones claim 1 , of type (AB)n claim 1 , A being a polysiloxane block and B being a polyoxyalkylenated block containing at least one amine group claim 1 , alkyl amino silicones claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer is present in a concentration claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of from about 0.1% to about 20% claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one amino silicone compound is present in a concentration claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of from about 0.001% to about 20% claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the mole ratio of the oxazoline group(s) of the at least one oxazoline ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069557A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

Disclosed are compositions, systems and methods for treating keratinous fibers such as hair. The compositions and systems comprise an oxazoline functionalized polymer and a carboxyl group-containing polymer. The compositions and methods are employed to improve the quality of the keratinous fibers. 1. A composition for treatment of keratinous fibers comprising:at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer; andat least one carboxyl group-containing polymer;wherein the mole ratio of the oxazoline group(s) of the at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer to the carboxyl group(s) of the at least one carboxyl group-containing polymer ranges from about 1:80 to about 80:1.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer is chosen from a waterborne crosslinker polymer claim 1 , a granule type claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one oxazoline functionalized polymer is a waterborne crosslinker polymer is chosen from acrylic-based oxazoline functionalized polymers claim 2 , styrene/acrylic-based oxazoline functionalized polymers claim 2 , and a mixture thereof.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one carboxyl group-containing polymer is chosen from a carboxysilicone polymer claim 1 , a cationic polymer claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.9. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the cationic polymer comprises at least one carboxyl group and is chosen from polymers that have a negative charge but remain cationic overall claim 4 , polymers that are amphoteric and can carry a cationic charge based on pH claim 4 , polymers that remain amphoteric in nature at any pH (zwitterionic or betaine polymers) claim 4 , and a mixture thereof.10. The composition according to claim 9 , wherein the cationic polymer compound is formed from the homopolymerization or copolymerization of ethylenically unsaturated monomers chosen from: (i) at least one ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069558A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The present invention relates to a topcoat composition for basecoat compositions including at least one volatile oil and at least one ethylenic polymer, as well as to systems, kits and methods of treating, making-up and enhancing the appearance of lips, wherein the topcoat composition includes at least one polyamine compound, at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum. 1. A cosmetic system comprising (1) a basecoat composition comprising at least one volatile oil and at least one ethylenic polymer , and (2) a topcoat composition comprising at least one polyamine compound , at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum.2. The cosmetic system of claim 1 , wherein the topcoat composition consists essentially of at least one polyamine compound claim 1 , at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum.3. A kit comprising (1) a basecoat composition comprising at least one volatile oil and at least one ethylenic polymer claim 1 , and (2) a topcoat composition comprising at least one polyamine compound claim 1 , at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum.4. The kit of claim 3 , wherein the topcoat composition consists essentially of at least one polyamine compound claim 3 , at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum.5. A method for making-up lips comprising applying a basecoat composition comprising at least one volatile oil and at least one ethylenic polymer to the lips claim 3 , and applying a topcoat composition comprising at least one polyamine compound claim 3 , at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum to the basecoat composition6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the topcoat composition consists essentially of at least one polyamine compound claim 5 , at least one non-volatile silicone oil and at least one silicone gum to the basecoat composition.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein when the topcoat composition is applied ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079015A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

Disclosed are low wax mascara compositons comprising a liquid fatty substance, an emulsifying system including a gemini surfactant and a co-emulsifier, a viscosity increasing agent, a film forming system including a film forming polymer and a co-film former, and water. Also disclosed are methods for making up and/or enhancing the appearance of eyelashes by applying said compositions to the lashes. 1. A mascara composition comprising:(a) from about 0.1% to about 30% of at least one liquid fatty substance;(b) from about 3.3% to about 20% of an emulsifying system comprising (i) from about 0.3% to about 5% of at least one gemini surfactant; and (ii) from about 3% to about 15% of at least one co-emulsifier;(c) from about 0.2% to about 1.5% of at least one viscosity increasing agent;(d) from about 5% to about 40% of at least one film forming system comprising (i) from about 7% to about 25% of at least one film forming polymer selected from a styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, and (ii) from about 0.2% to about 5% of at least one co-film former; and 'wherein ratio of the gemini surfactant to the co-emulsifier is between about 1:10 to about 1:50, by weight based on the total weight of the composition as a whole, said composition having a viscosity from about 4.7 to about 16.5 Pa*s.', '(e) from about 30% to about 70% water;'}2. A mascara composition comprising:(a) from about 0.1% to about 30% of a liquid fatty substance;(b) from about 3.3% to about 20% of an emulsifying system comprising (i) from about 0.3% to about 5% of at least one gemini surfactant; and (ii) from about 3% to about 15% of at least one co-emulsifier;(c) from about 0.2% to about 1.5% of at least one viscosity increasing agent;(d) from about 5% to about 40% of a film forming system comprising (i) from about 7% to about 25% of at least one film forming polymer selected from a styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, and (ii) from about 0.2% to about 5% of at least one co-film former;( ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079016A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

Disclosed are low wax mascara compositons comprising a liquid fatty substance, an emulsifying system including a sucrose fatty acid ester and a co-emulsifier, a viscosity increasing agent, a film forming system including a film forming polymer and a co-film former, and water. Also disclosed are methods for making up and/or enhancing the appearance of eyelashes by applying said compositions to the lashes. 1. A mascara composition comprising:(a) from about 0.1% to about 30% of at least one liquid fatty substance;(b) from about 3.3% to about 20% of an emulsifying system comprising (i) from about 0.3% to about 5% of at least one sucrose fatty acid ester; and (ii) from about 1% to about 10% of at least one co-emulsifier;(c) from about 0.2% to about 10% of at least one viscosity increasing agent;(d) from about 5% to about 40% of at least one film forming system comprising (i) from about 1% to about 20% of at least one film forming polymer selected from a styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, and (ii) from about 0.2% to about 5% of at least one co-film former; and(e) from about 30% to about 70% water;wherein ratio of the sucrose fatty acid ester to the co-emulsifier is between about 1:1 to about 1:20, by weight based on the total weight of the composition as a whole, said composition having a viscosity from about 4.7 to about 16.5 Pa*s.2. A mascara composition comprising:(a) from about 0.1% to about 30% of at least one liquid fatty substance;(b) from about 3.3% to about 20% of an emulsifying system comprising (i) from about 0.3% to about 5% of at least one sucrose fatty acid ester; and (ii) from about 1% to about 10% of at least one co-emulsifier;(c) from about 0.20% to about 10% of at least one viscosity increasing agent;(d) from about 5% to about 40% of at least one film forming system comprising (i) from about 1% to about 20% of at least one film forming polymer selected from a styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, and (ii) from about 0.2% to ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Slurry Powder Cosmetic Compositions and Methods

Номер: US20140154294A1
Принадлежит: ELC Management LLC

Slurry powder cosmetic composition comprising particulates coated with a binder composition, a silicone gel composition, and the evaporation residue of an alcohol based composition and a method for making the composition.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Composition for reduction of hair split ends, use and process thereof

Номер: US20190076341A1
Принадлежит: KAO Germany GmbH

The present inventions relates to a composition for treating hair, especially human hair, the use of the composition, a process to treat human hair and a kit of parts comprising the composition. The inventors surprisingly found that a composition comprising a silicone vinyl dendrimer, a homopolymeric olefin, monomeric alkanes and/or cyclic silicones, and copolymers comprising olefinic and aromatic monomers mends hair split ends whose effect sustains several washes.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Novel Organo Polysiloxane Elastomer And Use Therefor

Номер: US20140161758A1

The present invention relates to an organopolysiloxane elastomer having a group having a siloxane dendron structure bonded to a silicon atom, and having a crosslinked structure that includes a carbon-silicon bond in the crosslinking portion, and relates to a glycerin derivative-modified organopolysiloxane elastomer having a siloxane dendron structure bonded to a silicon atom and a hydrophilic group bonded to a different silicon atom from the silicon atom, and having a crosslinked structure that includes a carbon-silicon bond in the crosslinking portion. The organopolysiloxane elastomer of the present invention, for example, has affinity with a variety of oil agents, has excellent structuring properties and gelling characteristics, and further retains excellent tactile sensation, particularly a velvety thick smoothness, and moreover imparts an excellent tactile sensation from initial application to after drying without producing any stickiness at all, and furthermore, provides superior cosmetic effects, such as wrinkle concealing effect (masking effect), and the like. 6. The organopolysiloxane elastomer according to claim 1 , the organopolysiloxane elastomer being obtained by causing reactions between at least the following: (A) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane;(B) a siloxane dendron having one reactive unsaturated group in a molecule; and(C) at least one organic compound selected from the group consisting of (C1) organic compounds having an average of more than one reactive unsaturated groups in a molecule, and (C2) organic compounds having at least one reactive unsaturated group and at least one epoxy group in a molecule.7. The organopolysiloxane elastomer according to claim 1 , the organopolysiloxane elastomer being obtained by causing reactions between at least the following: (A) an organohydrogenpolysiloxane;(B) a siloxane dendron having one reactive unsaturated group in a molecule;(C) at least one organic compound selected from the group consisting of (C1) organic ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Gentle oxidation hair color with medium oxidan composition

Номер: US20140165301A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

The subject matter of the present invention is an oxidative coloring agent for oxidatively changing the color of keratinic fibers, in particular human hair, which is produced immediately before utilization by mixing at least one composition (A) containing, in a cosmetically suitable carrier, at least one alkalizing agent, at least one oxidation dye precursor of the developer type, and at least one oxidation dye precursor of the coupler type, with at least one composition (B) containing, in a cosmetically suitable carrier, at least one cosmetic oil in a total quantity from 10 to 80 wt % based on the weight of composition (B), and hydrogen peroxide, wherein at least one of the compositions (A) or (B) contains at least one 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone of formula (V).

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089312A1

The invention relates to a cosmetic composition comprising at least an oily phase, the said oily phase comprising at least: (i) a silicone elastomer present in aqueous droplets which are dispersed in said oily phase, (ii) at least one particular surfactant chosen from: —a) silicone surfactants having a chemical structure comprising silicone side chains and hydrophilic side chains, of which the general formula (I) is: (I) —b) silicone surfactants having a chemical structure comprising hydrophilic chains at both ends (α- substitution) of the main chain, of general formula (II) below: (II) —c) hydrocarbon-based surfactants resulting from the esterification of a mixture of polyglycerol with (i) a polyhydroxystearic acid, with 2 to 5 polyglycerol units, (ii) linear or branched aliphatic dicarboxylic acids containing 4 to 14 carbon atoms, and (iii) saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched fatty acids containing from 16 to 20 carbon atoms. 2. Composition according to claim 1 , in the form of a W/O or O/W/O emulsion.3. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the silicone elastomer in dispersed aqueous droplets is a partially or totally crosslinked elastomeric organopolysiloxane particle.4. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the silicone elastomer in dispersed aqueous droplets is present in the composition in an active material amount ranging from 0.1% to 30% by weight.5. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the particular surfactant is PEG-9 polydimethylsiloxyethyl dimethicone.6. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the particular surfactant is a silicone surfactant of general formula (II) for which:{'sup': '2', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'p', '2', '4', 'x', '3', '6', 'y, 'sup': '1', 'R=—(CH)O—(CHO)(CHO)R'}, 'all the radicals Rrepresent methyl radicals;'}in which:{'sup': '1', 'sub': 3', '2', '3, 'Rrepresents H, CHor CHCH,'}p ranges from 2 to 4,x ranges from 3 to 100,y ranges from 0 to 50, andm ranges from 50 to 200.9. Composition ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Hair Conditioning Compositions Comprising Low Viscosity Emulsified Silicone Polymers

Номер: US20150093420A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Embodiments of a hair conditioning composition include a silicone polymer comprising one or more quaternary groups, at least one silicone block comprising greater than 200 siloxane units, at least one polyalkylene oxide structural unit, and at least one terminal ester group. The silicone polymer has a viscosity of up to 100,000 mPa·s. The silicone polymer is a pre-emulsified dispersion with a particle size of less than about 1 micron. The hair conditioning composition includes a gel matrix including a cationic surfactant, a high melting point fatty compound, and an aqueous carrier.

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Methods and Compositions for Preventing or Reducing Frizzy Appearance of Hair

Номер: US20150093422A1

Compositions and methods are disclosed for preventing or reducing frizzy appearance of keratin fibers, including hair, and reducing the amount of fly-away strands of hair, particularly in humid conditions, by forming a coating on hair that is resistant to water vapors from the air or surrounding environment. The compositions comprise a combination of a hydrophobic particulate material comprising a hydrophobically surface-modified aluminum oxide and one or more hydrophobic film formers in a cosmetically acceptable vehicle. 1. A method for preventing or reducing frizzy appearance of hair comprising applying to the hair a composition comprising:(a) a hydrophobic particulate material having a median particle size between about 10 nm and about 20 μm comprising a hydrophobically surface-modified aluminum oxide, said hydrophobic particulate material comprising from about 0.1% to about 2.0% by weight of said composition;(b) a silicone-based hydrophobic film former comprising from about 0.5% to about 20% by weight of said composition; and(c) a volatile hydrocarbon or silicone fluid having a vapor pressure above about 0.01 mmHg at 20° C.;wherein the aggregate weight percentage of all non-volatile water-soluble or water-dispersible organic constituents in said composition is less than 5%, based on the entire weight of the composition.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said aluminum oxide is surface modified with alkylsilane groups.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said alkylsilane is caprylylsilane.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said aluminum oxide is fumed alumina.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said aluminum oxide is fumed aluminum oxide that is surface modified with alkylsilane groups.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said silicone-based hydrophobic film former comprises dimethicone claim 1 , amodimethicone claim 1 , dimethiconol claim 1 , silicone polyurethane claim 1 , silicone acrylate claim 1 , or a combination ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170100A1

The subject matter of the present invention is a method for oxidative lightening and/or coloring of keratinic fibers, in particular of hair, wherein 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying in step a) comprises applying the pretreatment agent comprising at least one 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone of formula (V) in which m>(n+o) resp. (a+b+c)>(n+o).3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein applying in step a) comprises applying the pretreatment agent comprising at least one 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone of formula (V) in which m>200(n+o) resp. (a+b+c)>200(n+o).4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying in step a) comprises applying the pretreatment agent comprising claim 1 , based on its weight claim 1 , a 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone in a total quantity from about 0.001 to about 5 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the pretreatment agent.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein applying in step a) comprises applying the pretreatment agent comprising claim 4 , based on its weight claim 4 , a 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone in a total quantity from about 0.02 to 0.1 wt % claim 4 , based on the total weight of the pretreatment agent.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying in step a) comprises applying the pretreatment agent comprising claim 1 , based on its weight claim 1 , at least one 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone of formula (V) that comprises at least one of the structural units (I) claim 1 , (II) claim 1 , and (III) claim 1 , in a total quantity from about 0.001 to about 5 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the pretreatment agent.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying in step a) comprises applying the pretreatment agent comprising a hydroxy-terminated 4-morpholinomethyl-substituted silicone in which a molar ratio of hydroxy to alkoxy is in a range from about 0.2:1 to about 0.4:1.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein applying in step a ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085720A1

A composition comprises (A) a silicone elastomer. The (A) silicone elastomer comprises the reaction product of: (a) an organohydrogensiloxane having an average of at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule; (b) a crosslinking agent having an average of at least two ethylenically unsaturated groups per molecule; and (c) a hydrosilylation catalyst. The reaction product is formed in the in the presence of (d) a silicone polyether polymer; and (e) particles. The composition further comprises (B) a carrier fluid. The (e) particles are dispersed in the (A) silicone elastomer in the composition. A method of preparing the composition is also disclosed. 1. A composition comprising: (a) an organohydrogensiloxane having an average of at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms per molecule;', '(b) a crosslinking agent having an average of at least two ethylenically unsaturated groups per molecule; and', '(c) a hydrosilylation catalyst;', 'in the presence of:', '(d) a silicone polyether polymer; and', '(e) particles; and, '(A) a silicone elastomer comprising the reaction product of 'wherein said (e) particles are dispersed in said (A) silicone elastomer.', '(B) a carrier fluid;'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said (a) organohydrogensiloxane comprises siloxy units of average formula:{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '2, 'sub': 3', '1/2', 'v', '2', '2/2', 'x', '2/2', 'y, '(RSiO)(RSiO)(RHSiO)'}{'sup': 1', '2', '2, 'wherein each Rindependently is hydrogen or R, each Rindependently is a substituted or unsubstituted hydrocarbyl group, v≥2, x≥0, and y≥2.'}3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said (b) crosslinking agent comprises an α claim 1 ,ω-unsaturated hydrocarbon.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein said α claim 3 ,ω-unsaturated hydrocarbon comprises an α claim 3 ,ω-diene of the formula CH═CH(CH)CH═CH claim 3 , an α claim 3 ,ω-diyne of the formula CH≡C(CH)C≡H claim 3 , an α claim 3 ,ω-ene-yne of the formula CH═CH(CH)C≡H claim 3 , or mixtures thereof claim 3 ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140171351A1

Personal care compositions and cleansing products including a silicone reactive amino containing dimethicone copolyol are disclosed herein. The compositions and products provide an enhanced wiping experience including improved softness and smooth afterfeel. Further, wipe products including the silicone reactive amino containing dimethicone copolyol provide improved drape of the basesheet, as well as provide a smooth wiping experience with the right amount of glide and a non-tacky afterfeel. 2. The cleansing product of wherein a is an integer ranging from 100 to 450.3. The cleansing product of wherein b is an integer ranging from 2 to 10.4. The cleansing product of comprising from about 0.05% by weight to about 50% by weight silicone reactive amino containing dimethicone copolyol.5. The cleansing product of comprising from about 0.01% by weight to about 25% by weight silicone reactive amino containing dimethicone copolyol.6. The cleansing product of wherein the substrate is a nonwoven substrate.7. The cleansing product of wherein the substrate is a woven substrate.9. The wet wipe of wherein a is an integer ranging from 100 to 450.10. The wet wipe of wherein b is an integer ranging from 2 to 10.11. The wet wipe of wherein the wetting solution comprises from about 0.05% by weight to about 50% by weight silicone reactive amino containing dimethicone copolyol.12. The wet wipe of wherein the wetting solution comprises from about 0.01% by weight to about 25% by weight silicone reactive amino containing dimethicone copolyol.13. The wet wipe of wherein the wetting solution further comprises one or more electrolytes.14. The wet wipe of wherein the electrolyte is selected from the group consisting of sodium chloride claim 13 , sodium bromide claim 13 , potassium chloride claim 13 , ammonium chloride claim 13 , ammonium sulfate claim 13 , zinc chloride claim 13 , calcium chloride claim 13 , magnesium chloride claim 13 , magnesium sulfate claim 13 , sodium nitrate claim 13 , ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Organic and mineral hybrid sunscreen spray

Номер: US20210093547A1
Принадлежит: LOreal SA

A sunscreen composition is provided as a metastable oil-in-water emulsion that includes aqueous and oil phases, including a UV filter system that includes at least one of each of mineral UV filters and organic UV filters; an emulsification system that includes at least one ionic surfactant, at least one surfactant having a high HLB, and at least one surfactant having a low HLB, and at least one anionic emulsifier; and a solvent system that includes one or a combination of emollients and silicones.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091132A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

A cosmetic composition capable of forming a multilayer structure after application to a keratinous material, wherein the cosmetic composition comprises at least two immiscible components A and B, wherein the component A comprises at least one silicone and/or hydrocarbon-containing film-forming agent and wherein the component B comprises one or more silicone compounds. 1: A cosmetic composition capable of forming a multilayer structure after application to a keratinous material , wherein the cosmetic composition comprises at least two immiscible components prior to application and wherein the at least two immiscible components are Component A and Component B.2: A cosmetic composition capable of forming a multilayer structure after application to a keratinous material ,wherein the cosmetic composition comprises at least two immiscible components A and B:wherein component A comprises about 0.01% to 60% by weight with respect to the total weight of the composition of at least one silicone and/or hydrocarbon-containing film-forming agent having at least one glass transition temperature which is lower than 60° C.; andwherein component B comprises about 0.01% to 90% by weight with respect to the total weight of the composition of one or more silicone compounds in an amount sufficient to achieve a viscosity of about 1,000 cSt to 22,000,000 cSt; andwherein the weight ratio of silicone and/or hydrocarbon-containing film forming agent(s) in Component A to silicone compound(s) in Component B is from about 1:50 to 50:1.3: The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition comprises at least two immiscible components prior to application.4: The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one colorant.5: The cosmetic composition according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one colorant is an inorganic pigment.6: The cosmetic composition according to claim 5 , wherein the inorganic pigment is selected from the group ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Active Agent-Containing Matrix Particles and Processes for Making Same

Номер: US20200093711A1

Matrix particles containing one or more matrix materials and one or more hydrophobic active agents, agglomerated particles made therefrom, fibrous structures containing such matrix particles and/or agglomerated particles, and processes for making same are provided. 1. A matrix particle comprising one or more matrix materials in the form of a porous structure comprising a plurality of pores , wherein one or more hydrophobic active agents are present within one or more of the pores.2. The matrix particle according to wherein at least one of the one or more hydrophobic active agents is released from the matrix particle upon the matrix particle contacting water.3. The matrix particle according to wherein at least one of the one or more matrix materials is a water-soluble matrix material.4. The matrix particle according to wherein at least one of the one or more matrix materials is selected from the group consisting of: polyvinyl alcohol claim 1 , polysaccharides claim 1 , gums claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , dextrins claim 1 , polyethylene glycols claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , larch claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , tragacanth claim 1 , locust bean claim 1 , guar claim 1 , alginates claim 1 , carrageenans claim 1 , cellulose gums claim 1 , karaya claim 1 , polyacrylic acid claim 1 , polyvinylpyrrolidone claim 1 , polyacrylamide claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.5. The matrix particle according to wherein at least one of the one or more matrix materials comprises polyvinyl alcohol.6. The matrix particle according to wherein the matrix particle comprises from about 10% to 90% by weight of the one or more matrix materials.7. The matrix particle according to wherein at least one of the one or more hydrophobic active agents is selected from the group consisting of: perfumes claim 1 , essential oils claim 1 , oils claim 1 , vitamin oils vegetable oils claim 1 , silicones claim 1 , shea butter claim 1 , cocoa butter claim 1 , petrolatum claim 1 , grapeseed oil claim 1 , sunflower oil claim ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093731A1

The present invention relates to a cosmetic process for treating keratin fibres, preferably human keratin fibres such as the hair, in particular for conditioning keratin fibres, using a combination of at least two different compositions, the first composition comprising one or more oxyalkylenated and preferably oxyethylenated silicones and one or more cationic surfactants and the second composition comprising water and one or more amino silicones. The invention also relates to a kit comprising the two compositions. Finally, the invention relates to a ready-to-use cosmetic composition for treating keratin fibres. 1. A cosmetic process for treating keratin fibres comprising: a first composition comprising one or more oxyalkylenated silicones and one or more cationic surfactants, and', 'a second composition comprising water and one or more amino silicones, so as to obtain a final cosmetic composition, and then, '(i) a step of mixing at least(ii) a step of applying the final cosmetic composition to the keratin fibres,the first composition comprising less than 10% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the first composition.2. The process according to wherein the first composition comprises less than 9% by weight of water relative to the total weight of the composition.4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the oxyalkylenated silicone(s) of the first composition are chosen from non-amino oxyethylenated silicones.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the oxyalkylenated silicone(s) of the first composition represent from 0.01% to 10% by weight.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the cationic surfactant(s) of the first composition are chosen from those of formula (VI) or (IX) claim 6 , and mixtures of these compounds.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the cationic surfactant(s) of the first composition are chosen from cetyltrimethylammonium claim 1 , behenyltrimethylammonium and dipalmitoylethylhydroxyethylmethylammonium salts ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Compositions, Methods and Uses for Improving a Skin or Hair Region

Номер: US20190099336A1
Автор: Alimi Emma
Принадлежит: Collidion, Inc.

The present specification discloses a composition comprising hypochlorous acid or free available chlorine and one or more silicones, and methods to improve and/or support the appearance, beauty and/or health of a skin region or a hair region in an individual by topically applying a disclosed composition. 1. A composition comprising hypochlorous acid or free available chlorine and one or more silicones.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more silicones comprise one or more silicone amines claim 1 , one or more anionic silicone claim 1 , or both one or more silicone amines and one or more anionic silicone3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more anionic silicones includes a polydimethylsiloxane claim 1 , a silicone carboxylate claim 1 , a silicone phosphate claim 1 , a silicone sulfate claim 1 , a silicone sulfosuccinate claim 1 , a silicone sulfonate claim 1 , a siloxane claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The composition according to claim 3 , wherein the polydimethylsiloxane includes a dimethicone claim 3 , a vinyl dimethicone claim 3 , a dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone copolymer claim 3 , a dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer or a cyclodimethicone.5. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more rheology agents.6. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein the one or more rheology agents include a polyurethane-based polymer claim 5 , a polyether polyol-based polymer claim 5 , a castor oil derivative claim 5 , a silica claim 5 , a hydrophilic clay claim 5 , a steareth-100/PEG-136/HDI copolymer claim 5 , or any combination thereof.7. The composition according to claim 6 , wherein the hydrophilic clay includes a hectorite clay or a silicate clay.8. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more surfactants claim 1 , a humectant claim 1 , a preservative claim 1 , an emulsifier claim 1 , a fragrance claim 1 , a chelating agent claim 1 , an astringent claim 1 , a ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186270A1

The present invention is directed towards a composition comprising, in a cosmetically acceptable carrier, at least one silicone-organic polymer hybrid compound; at least one nonionic film forming polymer; at least one amphoteric film forming polymer; and a neutralizer. The present invention also relates to methods for imparting shape to or maintaining the shape of hair wherein the composition provides style memory, strong hold and good shine, while at the same time, providing smoothness and a natural feel to the hair. 1. A composition comprising , in a cosmetically acceptable carrier:(a) at least one silicone-organic polymer hybrid compound;(b) at least one nonionic film forming polymer;(c) at least one amphoteric film forming polymer; wherein the cosmetically acceptable carrier comprises water, alone, or in combination with at least one organic solvent chosen from volatile organic solvents, non-volatile organic solvents, and mixtures thereof;', 'wherein when the cosmetically acceptable carrier comprises the combination of water and a volatile organic solvent, the volatile organic solvent is present in an amount of from about 0.01-10% by weight, based on the total weight of the composition., '(d) at least one neutralizer; and'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (a) includes a silicone polyvinyl acetate compound.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (a) is Crotonic Acid/Vinyl C8-12 Isoalkyl Esters/VA/Bis-Vinyldimethicone Crosspolymer.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (a) is present in an amount of from about 0.05 to about 20% by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (b) is chosen from vinyl pyrrolidone/vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , polyvinylpyrrolidone and mixtures thereof.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (b) is vinyl pyrrolidone/vinyl acetate copolymer.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (b) is present in an amount of from about 0.05 to about 15% by weight claim 1 , based on ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186282A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

Disclosed herein are cosmetic compositions comprising at least one film-forming polymer, at least one silicone elastomer blend, and at least one wax. Also disclosed herein are methods for making up and/or enhancing the appearance of a keratinous substrate comprising applying said composition to the keratinous substrate. 1. A cosmetic composition comprising:(a) at least one film-forming polymer, present in an amount greater than or equal to 20% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition;(b) at least one silicone elastomer blend comprising at least one silicone cross-polymer dispersed in at least one oil, present in an amount greater than or equal to 2% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition; and(c) at least one wax, present in an amount greater than or equal to 4% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition.2. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one film-forming polymer is chosen from synthetic polymers claim 1 , of the free-radical type or of the polycondensate type claim 1 , and polymers of natural origin claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The cosmetic composition of claim 2 , wherein the at least one film-forming polymer is chosen from vinyl (co)polymers claim 2 , (meth)acrylic (co)polymers claim 2 , urethane (co)polymers claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one film-forming polymer is present in the cosmetic composition in an amount ranging from about 20% to about 60% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition.5. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one silicone elastomer blend is at least one silicone cross-polymer dispersed in at least one oil chosen from silicone oils and organic oils.6. The cosmetic composition of claim 5 , wherein the at least one silicone elastomer blend is dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone cross-polymer dispersed in dimethicone.7. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the at ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113859A1

The present invention relates to a topical composition comprising a silicone oil and a porous cross-linked polymethylmethacrylate bead having a particle size D0 of greater 0.3 μm a D100 of less than 35 μm, a D50 selected in the range of 6-15 μm and an oil absorption capacity selected in the range of 1.2-2.5 cc/g, characterized in that the silicone oil constitutes at least 5 wt.-% of the total oil phase of the topical composition. Furthermore the invention relates to the use of such polymethylmethacrylate beads to boost the silicone feel of a cosmetic composition comprising such silicone oils. 1. A topical composition comprising at least one silicone oil and a porous cross-linked polymethylmethacrylate bead having a particle size D0 of greater 0.3 μm , a D100 of less than 35 μm , a D50 selected in the range of 6 to 15 μm and an oil absorption capacity selected in the range of 1.2-2.5 cc/g in an amount selected in the range of 0.1 to 5 wt.-% based on the total weight of the composition , wherein the silicone oil(s) constitutes at least 5 wt.-% of the total oil phase of the topical composition.2. The topical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the porous polymethylmethacrylate bead is selected in the range of 0.5-4 wt.-% based on the total weight of the cosmetic composition.3. The topical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the particles size D50 is selected in the range of 9 to 12 μm and the oil absorption capacity is selected in the range of 1.5-2.0 cc/g.4. The topical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one silicone oil is selected from the group consisting of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane claim 1 , decamethylcyclopentasiloxane claim 1 , dimethicone and polysilicone-15 as well as mixtures thereof.5. The topical composition according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one silicone oil is octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and/or decamethylcyclopentasiloxane.6. The topical composition according to claim 4 , wherein the at least ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113860A1
Автор: KIKUCHI Hiroko

Provided are: an oil-based thickening agent which is capable of providing an oil-based composition that has a high thickening effect on an oil component such as a silicone oil, while achieving excellent feeling of use; an oil-based thickening composition which contains this oil-based thickening agent and a liquid oil component; and a cosmetic preparation in which this oil-based thickening agent or oil-based thickening composition is blended. An oil-based thickening agent which is composed of a silicone-modified polysaccharide compound represented by formula (1) and a silicone emulsifying agent. 3. The oil-based thickening agent according to or , wherein the silicone emulsifying agent is one , two or more selected from among polyoxyalkylene-modified silicones and polyglycerol-modified silicones.4. An oil-based thickening composition characterized by comprising the oil-based thickening agent of and an oil-based ingredient.5. The oil-based thickening composition according to claim 4 , wherein the oil-based ingredient is a liquid oil component.6. The oil-based thickening composition according to claim 5 , wherein the oil-based liquid component is selected from among low-viscosity silicone oils having a kinetic viscosity of not more than 50 mm/s claim 5 , light isoparaffin and light liquid isoparaffin.7. A cosmetic preparation formulated with at least one of the oil-based thickening agent according to or the oil-based thickening composition according to . The present invention relates an oil-based thickening agent, especially an oil-based thickening agent which has a large thickening effect on oil-based ingredients and is capable of forming oil-based compositions that are pleasant to use; an oil-based thickening composition which contains the oil-based thickening agent and a liquid oil component; and a cosmetic preparation formulated with the oil-based thickening agent or the oil-based thickening composition.In this invention, “oil-based thickening composition” refers to ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Compositions and Methods for Application Over Skin

Номер: US20220176013A1
Автор: Akthakul Ariya

Disclosed herein are compositions that can be used to create a thin film on the skin of a subject in a single application step to the skin of the subject. More specifically, a composition provided herein does not have to be stored in multiple compartments, nor mixed with another composition or component before application to the skin. Instead, a single composition can be manufactured, stored in a single compartment, and then applied to the skin of a subject to create a film on the skin of the subject. In certain embodiments, because there is no need to mix a composition provided herein prior to application to the skin, the container comprising a composition provided herein may also include an applicator suitable for application of the composition to the skin. 1. A composition , comprising(a) at least one transition metal;(b) at least one unsaturated organopolymer;(c) at least one hydride functionalized polysiloxane; and(d) at least one ligand at a concentration sufficient to slow down cross-linking reaction between the unsaturated organopolymer and the hydride functionalized polysiloxane,such that these components can be formulated and stored together as a mixture without significant cross-linking.2. A composition , comprising(a) at least one transition metal;(b) at least one vinyl functionalized organopolysiloxane;(c) at least one hydride functionalized polysiloxane; and(d) at least one ligand at a concentration sufficient to slow down cross-linking reaction between the vinyl functionalized organopolysiloxane and the hydride functionalized polysiloxane,such that these components can be formulated and stored together as a mixture without significant cross-linking.3. A method of forming a thin film on the skin of a subject , wherein the method comprises:(i) applying a composition to the skin of the subject, wherein the composition comprises (a) at least one transition metal; (b) at least one vinyl functionalized organopolysiloxane; (c) at least one hydride ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137807A1

The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition comprising: 117.-. (canceled)19. The composition according to claim 18 , comprising at least one cationic surfactant of formula (Ia) wherein:R5 represents a saturated linear C8-C30 alkyl group, or a (C12-C22)alkylamido(C2-C6)alkyl group; and/orR6 represents a saturated linear C8-C30 alkyl group, or a (C12-C22)alkyl acetate group; and/orR7 and R8, which may be identical or different, represent a saturated linear alkyl group comprising from 1 to 6 carbon atoms.20. The composition according to claim 18 , comprising at least one cationic surfactant of formula (Ia) chosen from di(C8-C30)alkyldimethylammonium salts.21. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the di(C8-C30)alkyldimethylammonium salts are chosen from distearyldimethylammonium halides claim 20 , dicetyldimethylammonium halides claim 20 , benzyldimethylstearylammonium halides claim 20 , stearamidopropyldimethyl(myristyl acetate)ammonium halides claim 20 , di(C8-C30)alkyldimethylammonium (C1-C4)alkyl sulfates claim 20 , or mixtures thereof.22. The composition according claim 18 , wherein the at least one surfactant of formula (Ia) is present in a total amount ranging from 0.1° A to 10% by weight claim 18 , relative to the total weight of the composition.24. The composition according to claim 23 , wherein the at least one cationic surfactant of formula (Ib) is chosen from (C8-C30)alkyltrimethylammonium salts.25. The composition according to claim 24 , wherein the (C8-C30)alkyltrimethylammonium salts are chosen from cetyltrimethylammonium salts claim 24 , behenyltrimethylammonium salts claim 24 , palm itylam idopropyltrimethylammonium salts claim 24 , (C8-C30)alkyltrimethylammonium halides claim 24 , (C8-C30)alkyltrimethylammonium (C1-C4)alkyl sulfates claim 24 , or mixtures thereof.26. The composition according to claim 18 , wherein the at least one surfactant different from the cationic surfactants of formula (Ia) is present in a total amount ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116948A1
Автор: Cox Bruce, Liu Conglin
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

The present disclosure relates to a hair conditioning composition comprising a polyoxyalkylenated aminosilicone, a monoalkyl quaternary ammonium cationic surfactant and dialkyl acyloxyethyl hydroxyethylmonium cationic surfactant, and to a method of treating hair using the hair conditioning composition. 2. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) claim 1 , the index a is an integer of from 5 to about 200.3. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 2 , wherein in formula (1) claim 2 , the index b is an integer of from 4 to about 200.4. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) claim 1 , Rand Rare each independently Cto Chydrocarbonylene optionally containing one or more hetero atoms.5. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) claim 1 , Ris each independently selected from the group of ethylene claim 1 , n-propylene claim 1 , iso-propylene claim 1 , n-butylene claim 1 , iso-butylene claim 1 , tert-butylene and —CHCHCHOCH(OH)CH—.6. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) claim 1 , Ris independently selected from the group of ethylene claim 1 , n-propylene claim 1 , iso-propylene claim 1 , n-butylene claim 1 , iso-butylene and tert-butylene.7. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) claim 1 , x is an integer chosen such that the siloxane block represents between 70 and 85 mol % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polyoxyalkylenated aminosilicone.8. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (1) claim 1 , n is an integer of from 1 to about 1 claim 1 ,000.9. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (2) claim 1 , Ris a linear or branched alkyl having 14 to 22 carbon atoms.10. The hair conditioning composition according to claim 1 , wherein in formula (2) claim 1 , Rto Rare methyl.11. The hair ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125411A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

The invention relates to a fluid cosmetic skin makeup composition comprising, in a physiologically acceptable medium: (i) at least one continuous oil phase, (ii) at least one sebum-pump filler and pulverulent dyestuffs, (iii) at least one hydrophobic film-forming polymer, and (iv) at least one lipophilic gelling agent which is preferably particulate, the said particulate gelling agent also possibly being a sebum pump, characterized in that the composition comprises a solids content of greater than or equal to 15% and in particular greater than or equal to 20%. The composition according to the invention is comfortable on application and has improved colour remanence, especially in the presence of sebum and/or sweat. 1. A fluid cosmetic skin makeup composition , comprising , in a physiologically acceptable medium:a continuous oil phase;a sebum-pump filler with an oil uptake greater than or equal to 1 ml/g and a pulverulent dyestuff;a hydrophobic film-forming polymer, and;a lipophilic gelling agent which may be a sebum pump;wherein the composition comprises a solids content of greater than or equal to 15%.2. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetic composition has a viscosity claim 1 , at 25° C. and at a shear rate of 200 min claim 1 , ranging from 0.5 to 5 Pa·s.3. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the continuous oil phase comprises a fast volatile oil with an evaporation rate between 0.5 mg/cm/min and 200 mg/cm/min.4. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , wherein the continuous oil phase comprises a slow volatile oil with an evaporation rate between 0.01 mg/cm/min and 0.05 mg/cm/min.5. The cosmetic composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of a non-volatile solvent claim 1 , a polyol and a surfactant claim 1 , in a content of less than or equal to 15% by weight relative to the total weight of the cosmetic composition.6. The cosmetic composition ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125413A1
Автор: TEBOUL Karen

The present invention relates to a non-colouring composition for treating keratin fibres comprising an aqueous dispersion of particles of hybrid hydrophobic acrylic film-forming polymer and a linear block silicone copolymer, and also to a method for treating keratin fibres using such a composition. The composition makes it possible to obtain a coating which is persistent towards shampooing operations, which leaves the treated fibres individualized, with an improved cosmetic feel and a provision of mass and volume. 115-. (canceled)16. A non-coloring composition for treating keratin fibers comprising:at least one aqueous dispersion of particles of at least one hybrid acrylic film-forming polymer, andat least one linear block silicone copolymer.17. The non-coloring composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one linear block silicone copolymer is in the form of particles in dispersion in an aqueous medium.18. The non-coloring composition according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one linear block silicone copolymer is obtained by a chain extension reaction claim 16 , in the presence of at least one catalyst claim 16 , from at least:(a) a polysiloxane (i) having at least one reactive group per molecule; and(b) an organosilicone compound (ii) which reacts with the polysiloxane (i) by a chain extension reaction.20. The non-coloring composition according to claim 19 , wherein the reactive groups are chosen from hydrogen; aliphatically unsaturated groups; hydroxyl;alkoxy groups; alkoxy-alkoxy groups; acetoxy; amino groups; and mixtures thereof.21. The non-coloring composition according to claim 19 , wherein Ris a methyl group and Rat the chain end is a vinyl group.22. The non-coloring composition according to claim 18 , wherein the organosilicone compound (ii) is chosen from polysiloxanes of formula (I) and chain-extending agents.23. The non-coloring composition of claim 22 , wherein the chain-extending agents are chosen from silanes claim 22 , siloxanes and ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125500A1
Принадлежит: Nissin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

A silicone-based copolymer resin powder is prepared by reacting a siloxane oligomer obtained from ring-opening of (a1) a cyclic organosiloxane in the presence of (a3) an acid catalyst and (a4) an anionic surfactant with (a2) a silane coupling agent having an alkoxy group and a polymerizable double bond to obtain (A) a linear or branched organopolysiloxane containing at least 2 silicon-bonded hydroxyl groups per molecule, 1. A silicone-based copolymer resin powder which is prepared by the steps of:reacting a siloxane oligomer obtained from ring-opening of (a1) a cyclic organosiloxane in the presence of (a3) an acid catalyst and (a4) an anionic surfactant with (a2) a silane coupling agent having an alkoxy group and a polyrmerizable double bond to obtain (A) a linear or branched organopolysiloxane containing at least 2 silicon-bonded hydroxyl groups per molecule,copolymerizing 100 parts by weight of (A) the linear or branched organopolysiloxane with 1 to 899 parts by weight of (B) an ethylenically unsaturated monomer to form a copolymer as a core, andfurther polymerizing to the copolymer 1 to 899 parts by weight of another ethylenically unsaturated monomer as a shell, provided that the total amount of components (B) and (C) is 2 to 900 parts by weight,the powder containing up to 0.3% by weight of the cyclic organosiloxane and up to 1% by weight of the anionic surfactant.4. A cosmetic composition comprising the silicone-based copolymer resin powder of .5. A method for preparing a silicone-based copolymer resin powder claim 1 , comprising the steps of:reacting in water a siloxane oligomer obtained from ring-opening of (a1) a cyclic organosiloxane in the presence of (a3) an acid catalyst and (a4) an anionic surfactant with (a2) a silane coupling agent having an alkoxy group and a polymerizable double bond to obtain an emulsion of (A) a linear or branched organopolysiloxane containing at least 2 silicon-bonded hydroxyl groups per molecule,copolymerizing 100 parts by weight ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119632A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Disclosed herein is a hair care product is provided, which comprises an oil-in-water emulsion A and an oil-in-water emulsion C, wherein emulsion A has a pH-value from greater than 7.0 to 12.0 and contains: a1) at least one cationic surfactant A, and a2) at least one amino-functionalized silicone A; and emulsion C has a pH-value from 2.0 to lower than 7.0, and contains: c1) at least one cationic surfactant C, wherein surfactant A and surfactant C may be identical with or different from each other, and c2) at least one silicone C, wherein silicone C and the amino-functionalized silicone A may be identical with or different from each other, wherein emulsion A and emulsion C are separated from each other before use. Also disclosed herein is a process for hair caring by using the hair care product as contemplated herein. 2. The hair care product according to claim 1 , wherein component a1) and component c1) claim 1 , independent from each other claim 1 , are selected from quaternary ammonium compounds.3. The hair care product according to claim 1 , wherein component a2) is selected from amodimethicones and their derivatives.4. The hair care product according to claim 1 , wherein component c2) is different from component a2) claim 1 , and component c2) is selected from dialkylpolysiloxanes; methylphenylpolysiloxanes; cyclic silicones; amino- claim 1 , fatty acid- claim 1 , alcohol- claim 1 , polyether- claim 1 , epoxy- claim 1 , fluorine- claim 1 , glycoside- and alkyl-modified silicone compounds; alkyloxylated silicones; their derivatives and any combinations thereof.5. The hair care product according to claim 1 , wherein emulsion A comprises:about 0.1 to about 10.0 wt.-% of component a1), andabout 0.1 to about 20 wt.-% of component a2), based on the total amount of 100 wt % emulsion A.6. The hair care product according to claim 1 , wherein emulsion C comprises:about 0.1 to about 10 wt.-% of component c1), andabout 0.1 to about 25 wt.-% of component c2), based on the ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Cosmetics Concealing Wrinkles

Номер: US20190117526A1

The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition for concealing wrinkles. The cosmetic composition according to the present invention causes diffuse reflection of light on a wrinkled spot without using powder and effectively fills the wrinkled spot of skin, thereby enabling a temporary concealing of the wrinkle. Because powder is not used, the cosmetic composition has an excellent feeling of use when applied to the skin and prolonged adhesion to the skin, with no white turbidity. 1. A cosmetic composition for concealing wrinkles comprising an oil-wax gel.2. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the oil-wax gel comprises silicone oil and wax.3. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein the oil-wax gel comprises 5 to 95 parts by weight of the silicone oil and 1 to 50 parts by weight of the wax.4. The cosmetic composition of claim 1 , wherein hardness of the oil-wax gel is 100 to 4000 dyn/cm.5. The cosmetic composition of claim 2 , wherein the silicone oil is at least one selected from the group consisting of cyclopentasiloxane claim 2 , cyclomethicone claim 2 , cyclotetrasiloxane claim 2 , cyclohexasiloxane claim 2 , cycloheptasiloxane claim 2 , decamethylcyclopentasiloxane claim 2 , cyclotetrasiloxane claim 2 , cyclotrisiloxane claim 2 , dimethicone claim 2 , capryldimethicone claim 2 , caprylyl trimethicone claim 2 , caprylyl methicone claim 2 , cetearylmethicone claim 2 , hexadecylmethicone claim 2 , hexylmethicone claim 2 , lauryl methicone claim 2 , myristyl methicone claim 2 , phenyl methicone claim 2 , stearyl methicone claim 2 , stearyl dimethicone claim 2 , trifluoropropyl methicone claim 2 , cetyl dimethicone claim 2 , polyphenylmethylsiloxane claim 2 , dimethylpolysiloxane claim 2 , methylphenylpolysiloxane claim 2 , methyltrimethicone claim 2 , diphenylsiloxyphenyl trimethicone claim 2 , and phenyl trimethicone.6. The cosmetic composition of claim 2 , wherein the wax is at least one selected from the group consisting of:mineral wax ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113791A1

This invention relates according to a solid cosmetic composition for makeup or treatment comprising: —a continuous fatty phase comprising at least one silicone polyamide, at least one non-volatile polar hydrocarbon-based oil and at least one polar wax of which the melting point is less than or equal to 90° C.; and —an aqueous phase dispersed in the continuous fatty phase, said silicone polyamide representing at most 9% by weight with respect to the total weight of said composition, and said wax representing at least 7% by weight with respect to the total weight of said composition. 2. The composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the silicone polyamide is between 2 and 20% by weight by weight in relation to the total weight of the composition.3. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising at least 7% by weight of polar wax in relation to the total weight of the composition.4. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising at least 5% by weight of silicone resin with respect to the total weight of the composition.5. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising at least 7% by water weight with respect to the total weight of the composition.6. The composition according to claim 1 , having a hardness that varies from 20 to 90 Nm.8. The composition according to claim 7 , wherein X and/or Y are an alkylene group containing in its alkylene portion at least one of the following elements:i. 1 to 5 amide, urea, urethane, or carbamate groups,{'sub': 5', '6, 'ii. a Cor Ccycloalkyl group, and'}{'sub': 1', '3, 'claim-text': a hydroxy group,', {'sub': 3', '8, 'a Cto Ccycloalkyl group,'}, {'sub': 1', '40, 'one to three Cto Calkyl groups,'}, {'sub': 1', '3, 'a phenyl group possibly substituted with one to three Cto Calkyl groups,'}, {'sub': 1', '3, 'a Cto Chydroxyalkyl group, and'}, {'sub': 1', '6, 'a Cto Caminoalkyl group.'}], 'and/or substituted with at least one element chosen from the group comprising, 'iii. a phenylene group possibly substituted ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150132243A1
Автор: TEBOUL Karen

A subject-matter of the present invention is a method for dyeing human keratinous fibres, which consists in applying a dyeing composition using a container comprising a removable applicator comprising a permeable material through which the composition can pass, the composition being applied by bringing the applicator into contact with the dry or wet fibres, the said composition comprising at least one aqueous dispersion of particles of hybrid hydrophobic film-forming acrylic polymer, at least one linear block silicone copolymer and at least one pigment. The method according to the invention makes it possible to obtain a coloured coating which is persistent towards shampooing operations or washing operations and which leaves the treated fibres individualized, with an improved cosmetic feel; the treated fibres being the hair (roots, sidelocks); non-head hair (beard, moustache); eyelashes or eyebrows. 118-. (canceled)19. A method for dyeing human keratinous fibers , comprising applying a dyeing composition using a container comprising a removable applicator comprising a permeable material through which the composition can pass , the composition being applied by bringing the applicator into contact with the keratinous fibers ,wherein the dyeing composition comprises:at least one aqueous dispersion of particles of at least one hybrid hydrophobic film-forming acrylic polymer,at least one linear block silicone copolymer, andat least one pigment.20. The method according to claim 19 , wherein the keratinous fibers are chosen from hair claim 19 , roots claim 19 , sidelocks claim 19 , non-head hair claim 19 , beard hair claim 19 , moustache hair claim 19 , eyelashes claim 19 , and eyebrows.21. The method according to claim 19 , wherein the at least one linear block silicone copolymer is in the form of particles in dispersion in an aqueous medium.22. The method according to claim 19 , wherein the at least one linear block silicone copolymer is obtained by a chain extension ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128916A1
Автор: Patel Amit

Disclosed is a water-in-silicone emulsion comprising a discontinuous water phase, a continuous silicone phase, and a silicone polyglucoside containing emulsifier, wherein the discontinuous water phase does not include a salt. 1. A water-in-silicone emulsion comprising a discontinuous water phase , a continuous silicone phase , and a silicone polyglucoside emulsifier , wherein the discontinuous water phase does not include a salt.2. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 1 , wherein the silicone polyglucoside emulsifier includes an octyl radical and a sugar glucoside.3. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 2 , wherein the sugar glucoside is a 6 carbon monosaccharide ranging from 1-8 monomers in length.4. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 3 , wherein the silicone polyglucoside emulsifier has a molecular weight of at least 450 daltons.5. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 1 , further comprising a co-emulsifier.6. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 5 , wherein the co-emulsifier is a glucolipid.7. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 6 , wherein the glucolipid includes an alkyl chain 8-20 carbons in length and a 5 carbon monosaccharide.8. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 7 , wherein the weight ratio of the silicone polyglucoside emulsifier to the glucolipid co-emulsifier is between 8:1 to 12:1.9. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 1 , wherein the silicone polyglucoside emulsifier is present in an amount of between 3% to 8% by weight based on the total weight of the emulsion.10. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 1 , comprising a viscosity of 20 claim 1 ,000 to 30 claim 1 ,000 cps at 25° C. as measured on a Brookfield Viscometer using a TC spindle at 2.5 rpm.11. The water-in-silicone emulsion of claim 1 , wherein the continuous silicone phase comprises a cyclomethicone claim 1 , an aryl silicone claim 1 , a dimethicone copolyol claim 1 , a cyclopentasiloxane claim 1 , a dimethicone claim 1 , a short chain siloxanes claim 1 , or a ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128928A1

There is provided an organopolysiloxane which is excellent in extensibility as well as solubility and dispersibility in water and lower alcohols. There is provided an organopolysiloxane with a poly(N-acylalkyleneimine) segment having a repeating unit represented by the following general formula (1): 2. A hair cosmetic comprising the organopolysiloxane according to .4. The hair cosmetic according to claim 3 , wherein the organic solvent is at least one selected from dipropylene glycol claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,3-butanediol claim 3 , benzyl alcohol claim 3 , phenoxyethanol claim 3 , 2-benzyloxyethanol claim 3 , propylene carbonate claim 3 , and polypropylene glycol (number-average molecular weight claim 3 , 300 to 500).5. The hair cosmetic according to claim 3 , wherein the organic solvent is a lower alcohol having 1 to 6 carbon atoms.6. The hair cosmetic according to comprising an organic carboxylic acid which may have a hydroxy group or a salt thereof.7. The hair cosmetic according to claim 6 , wherein the organic carboxylic acid which may have a hydroxy group is a hydroxycarboxylic acid having 2 to 6 carbon atoms.8. The hair cosmetic according to any one of to further comprising a set polymer.9. The hair cosmetic according to or claim 6 , wherein the pH is 2.5 to 4.5 at 25° C. when diluted 20-fold by mass with water.10. The hair cosmetic according to any one of to claim 6 , which is a semisolid styling composition. The present invention relates to a novel organopolysiloxane and a hair cosmetic containing the same.Since organopolysiloxanes (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “silicones”) have many features such as low surface tension, excellent lubricating property and mold releasing property, high thermal stability, generally very low glass transition points, and excellent gas permeability, silicones in various forms are very widely used as lubricants, heat medium, electric insulators, paint leveling agents, mold releasing agents, cosmetic additives, textile treating ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Method and Device for Scar Management

Номер: US20160129231A1
Автор: Rowen Jessica

A device for scar management includes an applicator head including a recess having a rotating means therein, a reservoir containing a silicone composition fluidly connected to the applicator head, and a metering valve fluidly connected to the reservoir. The composition has viscosity of 3,000 to 8,000 cps, and consists of a mixture of cyclopentasiloxane, dimethiconol, dimethicone, and dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer. A metered dose of the silicone composition is delivered from the reservoir to the applicator head upon the application of external pressure to the metering valve. The invention also relates to a method for scar management using such device by identifying a target skin area having a wound or scar, contacting the outward surface of the applicator head to the target skin area, massaging the rotating means of the applicator head on the target skin area, and applying the silicone composition to the target skin area via the rotating means. 1. A device for scar management consisting of:an applicator head including three recesses each having a rotating ball therein;a reservoir containing a silicone composition fluidly connected to the applicator head, said composition having a viscosity of 3,000 to 8,000 cps, and consisting of a mixture of cyclopentasiloxane, dimethiconol, dimethicone, and dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer; anda metering valve fluidly connected to the reservoir, wherein a metered dose of the silicone composition having a volume of 0.03 to 1.0 mL is delivered from the reservoir to the applicator head upon the application of external pressure to the metering valve.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ball is spherical.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the silicone composition further consists of a sun protection agent.4. A device for scar management consisting of:an applicator head including three recesses each having a rotating ball therein;a reservoir containing a silicone composition fluidly connected to the applicator ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273553A1
Автор: KONISHI Masayuki

A solid cosmetic that has an excellent glossy feeling, excellent adhesion, and excellent storage stability and provides an excellent sensation when used. The solid cosmetic contains 1. A solid cosmetic composition comprising(a) diphenylsiloxy phenyl trimethicone,(b) hydrogenated polyisobutene which is soluble with component (a),(c) at least one member selected from among isotridecyl isononanoate, isononyl isononanoate, triethylhexanoin, ethylhexyl palmitate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, neopentyl glycol dicaprate, diisostearyl malate, mineral oil, polyglyceryl polyisostearate, and sorbitan sesquiisostearate, and(d) wax.2. The solid cosmetic composition of wherein the content of component (a) is 5 to 50% by weight of the solid cosmetic composition.3. The solid cosmetic composition of wherein the content of component (b) is 0.5 to 30% by weight of the solid cosmetic composition.4. The solid cosmetic composition of claim 1 , further comprising (e) a phenyl silicone other than component (a) claim 1 , wherein the components are combined such that when components (a) claim 1 , (b) claim 1 , (c) claim 1 , and (e) are mixed claim 1 , component (e) is soluble with the other components.5. The solid cosmetic composition of claim 1 , further comprising (f) a silicone powder.6. The solid cosmetic composition of claim 1 , for use on lips. This invention relates to a solid cosmetic composition. Herein, the cosmetic composition is also referred to as cosmetics.Solid cosmetics containing a solidifying component such as wax are required to be finished to provide a pleasant feeling on use and particularly in the case of lip cosmetics, further required to have gloss and adhesion. For the purpose of imparting gloss and adhesion, a method of combining a phenyl silicone with a highly polymerized hydrocarbon oil, ester oil or the like and solidifying them with wax or the like is known. However, those components which are likely to impart gloss and adhesion tend to be poorly compatible ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190125655A1

A subject matter of the invention is a molecularly imprinted polymer obtained by polymerization of a mixture comprising a silane, a tetra(C-C)alkyl orthosilicate, a porogenic solvent and a C-Cfatty acid. Cosmetic composition comprising such a polymer. Cosmetic method for preventing and/or treating dandruff of the scalp using such a polymer. 114.-. (canceled)15. A cosmetic composition comprising at least one molecularly imprinted polymer , prepared by polymerizing a mixture , said mixture comprising:at least one silane;{'sub': 1', '4, 'at least one crosslinking agent chosen from tetra(C-C)alkyl orthosilicates;'}water;at least one porogenic solvent; and{'sub': 14', '20, 'at least one C-Cfatty acid.'}16. The cosmetic composition according to claim 15 , wherein the at least one silane corresponds to the following formula (I):{'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2', 'z', '3', 'x, 'RSi(OR)(R)\u2003\u2003(I)'} [{'sub': 1', '1', '6, 'Ris a saturated or unsaturated, linear or branched, and cyclic or acyclic C-Chydrocarbon chain substituted by a group chosen from, {'sub': 2', '1', '4, 'an amine NHor NHR group, with R chosen from a C-Calkyl group,'}, {'sub': 1', '4, 'an aryl or aryloxy group substituted by an amino group or by a C-Caminoalkyl group,'}, {'sub': 1', '1, 'wherein Ris optionally interrupted in its chain by a heteroatom chosen from O, S, or NH, or a carbonyl (CO) group, and Ris bonded to the silicon atom directly via a carbon atom,'}, {'sub': 2', '3, 'Rand R, which are identical or different, each represent a linear or branched alkyl group comprising from 1 to 6 carbon atoms,'}, 'z is an integer ranging from 1 to 3, and', 'x is an integer ranging from 0 to 2,, 'whereinwherein z+x=3.17. The cosmetic composition according to claim 15 , wherein at least one crosslinking agent can be chosen from tetraethoxysilane or tetramethoxysilane.18. The cosmetic composition according to claim 15 , wherein the at least one porogenic solvent is chosen from polar protic organic solvents claim ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136084A1
Автор: TEBOUL Karen

The present invention relates to a composition for treating keratin fibres, comprising at least an aqueous dispersion of hybrid hydrophobic film-forming acrylic polymer particles and at least one amino silicone and also to a process for treating keratin fibres using such a composition. 1. Composition for treating keratin fibres , comprising at least an aqueous dispersion of hybrid hydrophobic film-forming acrylic polymer particles and at least one amino silicone.2. Composition according to claim 1 , in which the amino silicone is chosen from the compounds corresponding to formula (I) below:{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '1', '1, 'sub': a', '3-a', '2', 'n', 'b', '2-b', 'm', '3-a', 'a, '(R)(T)-Si[OSi(T)]-[OSi(T)(R)]—OSi(T)-(R)'}in which:{'sub': 1', '8', '1', '8, 'T is a hydrogen atom or a phenyl, hydroxyl or C-Calkyl radical, and preferably a methyl, or a C-Calkoxy radical, more preferably methyl,'}a denotes the number 0 or an integer from 1 to 3, and preferably 0,b denotes 0 or 1, and in particular 1,m and n are numbers such that the sum (n+m) can range especially from 1 to 2000 and in particular from 50 to 150, n denoting a number from 0 to 1999 and especially from 49 to 149, and m denoting a number from 1 to 2000 and especially from 1 to 10;{'sup': '1', 'sub': q', '2q, 'Ris a monovalent radical of formula —CHL in which q is a number from 2 to 8, one or more hydrogen atoms possibly being substituted with a hydroxyl group and L is an optionally quaternized amino group chosen from the groups{'sup': 2', '2, 'sub': 2', '2', '2, '—N(R)—CH—CH—N(R)'}{'sup': '2', 'sub': '2', '—N(R)'}{'sup': +', '2', '−, 'sub': '3', '—N(R)Q'}{'sup': +', '2', '−, 'sub': '2', '—N(R)(H)Q'}{'sup': +', '2', '−, 'sub': '2', '—N(R)HQ'}{'sup': 2', '+', '2', '−, 'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'N(R)—CH—CH—N(R)(H)Q'}{'sup': 2', '−, 'sub': 1', '20, 'in which Rdenote a hydrogen atom, a phenyl, a benzyl or a saturated monovalent hydrocarbon-based radical, for example a C-Calkyl radical, and Q represents an anion such as, ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Consumer Product Compositions Comprising Organopolysiloxane Emulsions

Номер: US20150140052A1

Consumer product compositions providing enhanced hydrophobic benefit agent deposition. The benefit agent is provided as a benefit agent/deposition aid emulsion, where the benefit agent is physically adsorbed to the deposition aid before the emulsion is added to the balance of ingredients. 2. The emulsion of claim 1 , wherein said organopolysiloxane has a charge density of from 0.1 meq/g to 12 meq/g claim 1 , or from 0.2 to 7 meq/g claim 1 , or from 0.4 to 5.3. The emulsion of claim 1 , wherein the siloxyl residue of said organopolysiloxane has a molecular weight of from 1 claim 1 ,000 to 30 claim 1 ,000 Daltons.4. The emulsion of claim 1 , further wherein said organopolysiloxane has a charge density of from 0.1 meq/g to 8 meq/g claim 1 , and the siloxyl residue of said organopolysiloxane has a molecular weight of from 1 claim 1 ,000 to 30 claim 1 ,000 Daltons.5. The emulsion of claim 1 , wherein said cationic organopolysiloxane deposition aid is adsorbed onto the benefit agent.6. The emulsion of claim 1 , wherein said benefit agent is hydrophobic.7. The emulsion of claim 1 , wherein said benefit agent comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a silicone claim 1 , a vinyl polymer claim 1 , a polyether claim 1 , a material comprising a hydrocarbon wax claim 1 , a hydrocarbon liquid claim 1 , a fluid sugar polyester claim 1 , a fluid sugar polyether claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.8. The emulsion of claim 1 , where the ratio of benefit agent to organopolysiloxane is from 1000:1 to 1:1; or from 500:1 to 5:1; or from 250:1 to 5:1; or from 100:1 to 5:1; or from 100:1 to 10:1.9. The emulsion of claim 1 , where the ratio of benefit agent to organopolysiloxane is from 40:1 to 20:1; or from 30:1 to 15:1.10. A consumer product composition comprising:(a) the emulsion of any one of the preceding claims; and(b) an auxiliary composition.11. The consumer product composition of claim 10 , wherein said composition comprises surfactant selected from the group ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133135A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Hair cleansing conditioners which—relative to the weight of the total compositions—contain 114-. (canceled)15. A hair cleansing conditioner comprising:a) from about 0.01 to about 10 wt. % of at least one polyether-modified polysiloxane, relative to the weight of the entire composition;b) from about 0.01 to about 10 wt. % of at least one amino-functional silicone, relative to the weight of the entire composition;c) from about 0.01 to about 15 wt. % of at least one hydrophobically-modified starch compound, relative to the weight of the entire composition; andd) from about 0.10 to about 30 wt. % of at least one amphoteric tenside, relative to the weight of the entire composition.16. The hair cleansing conditioner of claim 15 , wherein the hair cleansing conditioner comprises:a) from about 0.025 to about 8.00 wt. % of the at least one polyether-modified polysiloxane, relative to the weight of the entire composition;b) from about 0.025 to about 8.50 wt. % of the at least one amino-functional silicone, relative to the weight of the entire composition;c) from about 0.10 to about 12.50 wt. % of the at least one hydrophobically-modified starch compound, relative to the weight of the entire composition; andd) from about 0.50 to about 25.00 wt. % of the at least one amphoteric tenside, relative to the weight of the entire composition.17. The hair cleansing conditioner of claim 15 , wherein the hair cleansing conditioner comprises:a) from about 0.05 to about 6.00 wt. % of the at least one polyether-modified polysiloxane, relative to the weight of the entire composition;b) from about 0.05 to about 7.00 wt. % of the at least one amino-functional silicone, relative to the weight of the entire composition;c) from about 0.25 to about 10.00 wt. % of the at least one hydrophobically-modified starch compound, relative to the weight of the entire composition; andd) from about 0.75 to about 20.00 wt. % of the at least one amphoteric tenside, relative to the weight of the entire ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133142A1

The present invention relates to a cosmetic preparation with improved viscosity for treatment of keratin fibers, comprising the mixture of a first cosmetic mask composition and a second potentiating cosmetic composition, which is intended for the treatment of keratin fibers. The present invention further contemplates a process for increasing viscosity of said cosmetic preparation from the use of viscosity modifying ingredients, as well as a method for treating keratin fibers. 1. A cosmetic preparation with improved viscosity for the treatment of keratin fibers , comprising a mixture of:a) a first cosmetic mask composition for treatment of keratin fibers, comprising a mixture of behetrimonium methosulfate/quaternium 87/cetearyl alcohol, keratin fiber conditioning agents and cosmetically acceptable excipients; andb) a second potentiating cosmetic composition for treatment of keratin fibers, comprising a mixture of PEG-150/decyl alcohol/SMDI copolymer/propylene glycol/water, keratin fiber conditioning agents and cosmetically acceptable excipients.2Carya illinoensis, Prunus amygdalusAvena sativa. The preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the conditioning agents are selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , hydrolyzed wheat protein claim 1 , claim 1 , cyclopentasiloxane claim 1 , dimethicone claim 1 , dimethiconol claim 1 , isopropyl palmitate claim 1 , panthenol claim 1 , lactic acid claim 1 , copolymer of hydroxypropyl dimethicone/PPG-8 methylaminopropyl/PEG-40 claim 1 , stearamidopropyl dimethylamine and a mixture of alanine/sodium lactate/arginine/aspartic acid/glycine/serine/isoleucine/sodium L-pyrrolidone carboxylate (PCA)/phenylamine/proline/histidine.3. The preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the cosmetically acceptable excipient is selected from the group consisting of cetearyl alcohol claim 1 , cetrimonium chloride claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , di-sodium EDTA claim 1 , PEG-90M claim 1 , phenoxyethanol claim 1 , triethanolamine claim 1 , ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133896A1

An emulsified composition includes an amino-modified silicone oil, an aqueous solvent, and a surfactin. The surfactin is represented by the following formula: 2. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising an oily component.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the surfactin is contained in a concentration of 0.1 mM or more and 50 mM or less.4. A cosmetic comprising the emulsified composition according to . One or more embodiments of the present invention relate to an emulsified composition having excellent emulsifying characteristics and a cosmetic containing the emulsified composition.Silicone has a structure in which mostly the side chains or polysiloxane are substituted with lower alkyl groups. By having excellent heat resistance or the like and also high safety to human body, and for exhibiting various property states such as an oil state, a rubber state, and resin state depending on molecular weight or the like, silicone is widely used in many fields. For example, as silicone oil exhibits an excellent lubricating property or water repellency, for the purpose of providing skin with fresh use feel by suppressing stickiness or for the purpose of providing hair with silky texture by enhancing the softness, silicone oil is blended with other oily components in a cosmetic.However, silicone is chemically inactive and has low affinity for other compounds in some cases. As such, amino-modified silicone having an amino substituent introduced to a side chain is being developed. From the viewpoint that the amino-modified silicone is chemically active, the amino-modified silicone is used as an adhesive component or even for a coatable silicone sealant. Furthermore, from the viewpoint that the amino-modified silicone has an improved adhesion property and can provide flexibility or a lubricating property, the amino-modified silicone is also used as a component of a hair cosmetic for improving smoothness or preventing entanglement. Other than those, ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133918A1

Disclosed is a cosmetic make-up or keratin material care composition including at least one silicone-polyurethane polymer and a silicone resin in a physiologically acceptable medium. Also disclosed is a make-up or keratin substance care method involving applying the composition to the keratin material, and the use of an MQ-functional trimethylsiloxy silicate silicone polymer for improving the resistance to rubbing-off and the fastness of a cosmetic composition including at least one silicone-polyurethane polymer in an physiologically acceptable medium. 1. Cosmetic composition for make-up or for caring for keratinous materials comprising , in a physiologically acceptable medium , at least one silicone-polyurethane polymer and a silicone resin.2. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone-polyurethane polymer is the product of a reaction of a polyorganosiloxane functionalised by hydroxyl groups with a diisocyanate compound.5. Composition according to claim 4 , wherein the diisocyanate compound is chosen from the group consisting of 1 claim 4 ,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate claim 4 , methylene dicyclohexyl diisocyanate claim 4 , isophorone diisocyanate and the combinations thereof.6. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer of silicone-polyurethane is present in a concentration ranging from 8 to 16% claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of polymer active material claim 1 , with respect to the total weight of the composition.7. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone resin is a resin of the type MQ claim 1 , the type T or the type MQT.8. Composition according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone resin is a resin of the type MQ alkylsiloxysilicates having the formula [(R1)Si](SiO)in which x and y are integers ranging from 50 to 80 claim 1 , and the group R1 is a hydrocarbon radical having 1 to 10 atoms of carbon claim 1 , a phenyl group claim 1 , a phenylalkyl group or a hydroxyl group.9. Composition according to the claim 8 , wherein the MQ ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129413A1

A dispersion containing a dispersed phase comprising drops and a continuous aqueous phase, preferably in the form of gel, in which the drops comprise a fatty phase containing at least one gelling agent, and in which the fatty phase comprises at least one non-volatile hydrocarbon oil H1 containing more than 90%, and preferably more than 95%, fatty acids having at least 18 carbon atoms and preferably at least 20 carbon atoms. 1. A dispersion containing a dispersed phase comprising drops and a continuous aqueous phase , wherein the drops comprise a fatty phase containing at least one gelling agent , and wherein the fatty phase comprises at least one non-volatile hydrocarbon oil H1 containing more than 90% of fatty acids having at least 18 carbon atoms.2. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein at least 60% of the drops have a mean diameter larger than or equal to 100 μm.3. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein the drops having a diameter larger than or equal to 100 μm represent a volume greater than or equal to 60% of the total volume of the dispersed phase.4. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein the drops comprise a shell.5. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein the fatty phase comprises between 1% and 50% by weight of oil(s) H1 relative to the total weight of said fatty phase.6. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein oil H1 is selected from among vegetable oils.7. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein oil H1 comprises more than 90% of fatty acids selected from the group consisting of: oleic acid claim 1 , eicosenoic acid claim 1 , docosanoic acid claim 1 , docosadienoic acid claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.8. The dispersion of claim 1 , wherein the gelling agent is selected from the group consisting of: organic or mineral claim 1 , polymeric or molecular lipophilic gelling agents; fats solid at ambient temperature and pressure claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.9. The dispersion of claim 1 , comprising from 0.5% to 99% by weight of gelling agent(s) relative to the total weight of the ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160143840A1

Provided are body corrective cosmetic formulations and methods of use thereof. 1. A formulation for application to the skin , comprising: 1) a reactive constituent comprising as ingredients at least one alkenyl functionalized organopolysiloxane and at least one hydride functionalized polysiloxane; and', '2) a reinforcing constituent; and, 'a) a reactive reinforcing component comprising'}b) a cross-linking component comprising as ingredients at least one catalyst and a vinyl terminated organopolysiloxane;wherein said cross-linking component facilitates a reaction to form a film in situ on the skin.2. The formulation of claim 1 ,wherein said reactive reinforcing component and said cross-linking component are prevented from coming into contact prior to use.3. The formulation of claim 1 ,wherein said reactive reinforcing component has a viscosity of between about 50,000 and 500,000 cSt or cP at 25° C.4. The formulation of claim 1 ,wherein said alkenyl functionalized organopolysiloxanes comprise vinyl groups, andwherein said reactive reinforcing component has a vinyl to functional hydride ratio of between about 1:10 and about 1:100.58.-. (canceled)9. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein said alkenyl functionalized organopolysiloxane has a viscosity of between about 100 claim 1 ,000 and about 500 claim 1 ,000 cSt or cP at 25° C.10. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein said alkenyl functionalized organopolysiloxane is selected from the group consisting of vinyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane; vinyl terminated diphenylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymers; vinyl terminated polyphenylmethylsiloxane claim 1 , vinylphenylmethyl terminated vinylphenylsiloxane-phenylmethylsiloxane copolymer; vinyl terminated trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymer; vinyl terminated diethylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymer; vinylmethylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymer claim 1 , trimethylsiloxy terminated; vinylmethylsiloxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymers claim 1 , silanol ...
