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21-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636197C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к переходнику для соединения устройства подачи лекарства с устройством безыгольного доступа, снабженным прямой внешней резьбой, содержащему сопрягающее средство для установки указанного переходника на устройстве подачи лекарства и внутреннюю резьбу, выполненную с возможностью взаимодействия с указанной внешней резьбой на заданной протяженности L. При этом указанная внутренняя резьба имеет на дистальном участке указанной протяженности L внешний диаметр D1, сопрягаемый с внешним диаметром указанной прямой внешней резьбы, отличается переходник тем, что указанная внутренняя резьба имеет на проксимальном участке указанной протяженности L внешний диаметр D2, причем диаметр D2 строго меньше, чем D1, и при этом указанная внутренняя резьба дополнительно имеет конический участок, связывающий указанный проксимальный участок с указанным дистальным участком. Изобретение также относится к устройству подачи лекарства, содержащему такой переходник, ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656552C2
Принадлежит: Аллерган, Инк. (US)

Группа изобретений включает устройство для инъекций и способ коррекции контурных дефектов кожи и признаков старения устройством, относится к области медицинской техники и предназначено для инъекций в области косметологии. Устройство для инъекций содержит шприц, узел иглы и вязкую текучую среду. Шприц имеет корпус с расположенным в нем поршнем и открытым дистальным концом. Узел иглы содержит канюлю и наконечник Люэра, соединяемый с дистальным концом шприца, при этом указанный наконечник Люэра содержит втулку, дистальный конец которой поддерживает канюлю, а проксимальный конец сопрягается с дистальным концом шприца. Вязкая текучая среда имеет вязкость от приблизительно 50000 сП до приблизительно 500000 сП, находится в корпусе шприца и впрыскивается посредством указанного поршня в периферический участок тела человека или животного через канюлю. На дистальном конце шприца расположена внутренняя резьба, а на втулке расположена наружная резьба. Внутренняя резьба и наружная резьба обеспечивают ...

20-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2137509C1

Изобретение предназначено для смешивания первого компонента, такого, как парентерально вводимая текучая среда 27, с вторым компонентом, таким, как неподвижно удерживаемое спорной структурой 50 лекарственное средство, для образования целебного вещества, непосредственно вливаемого больному. Устройство содержит механизмы для соединения с обеспечением сопряжения стеклянного пузырька 30, который содержит первый компонент, с корпусом 12, имеющим выходное отверстие 22 для текучей среды. В корпусе 12 размещен герметично закрытый контейнер 44, содержащий второй компонент. Последующее регулируемое смешивание компонентов производится в стерильных условиях для образования вводимого внутрь раствора, который автоматически вытесняется через выходное отверстие 22 для выхода текучей среды. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности добавления в стерильной среде к растворителю или другой парентерально вводимой текущей среды, содержащейся внутри стеклянного пузырька, заданных компонентов, химических ...

20-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123096A

... 1. Блокирующий механизм (10) для управления взаимным зацеплением между подвижными по отношению друг к другу частями медицинских острых инструментов, включающий фиксатор (12) для удержания медицинского острого предмета (22), имеющий первую фигурную часть (46), выполненную с возможностью взаимного зацепления со второй фигурной частью (70), расположенной на корпусной части медицинского острого инструмента (62), и соединитель (14), выполненный с возможностью перемещения относительно указанной корпусной части в положение, в котором соединитель и фиксатор находятся во взаимном зацеплении, причем соединитель выполнен с возможностью изменения относительной силы зацепления между первой и второй фигурными частями при перемещении в указанное положение взаимного зацепления, что обеспечивает возможность отсоединения фиксатора от корпусной части, фиксатор (12) включает две гибких ножки (30), на каждой из которых размещена указанная первая фигурная часть, а соединитель при зацеплении с фиксатором имеет ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135529A

... 1. Шприц сцилиндром (5) шприца,дистальным концом (7),выполненным в виде конуса шприца, причемдистальный конец (7) имеет участок (9), отступающий в радиальном направлении,так что образуется кромка (11), проходящая в окружном направлении, причемкромка (11) имеет фаску, и снасадкой (13), содержащейзажимной участок (15), причемот насадки (13) через зажимной участок (15) на отступающий в радиальном направлении участок (9) шприца передаются удерживающие силы, при этомзажимной участок (15) содержит дистальную кромку (17),отличающийся тем, что дистальная кромка (17) зажимного участка (15) имеет фаску.2. Шприц по п.1, отличающийся тем, что фаска на отступающем участке (9) дистального конца (7) шприца (1) и фаска на дистальной кромке (17) зажимного участка (15) насадки (13) геометрически соответствуют друг другу.3. Шприц по п.2, отличающийся тем, что обе фаски образуют с продольной осью шприца один и тот же угол (α).4. Шприц по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что зажимной участок (15) содержит ...

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010137861A

... 1. Медицинское устройство, имеющее внутренний путь потока текучей среды, причем указанное устройство содержит: ! выступающий по направлению вперед элемент для выхода текучей среды, выполненный с возможностью вставления в канал для движения текучей среды с фронтальным комплектующим изделием и соединяемый с ним с возможностью разъема; и ! защитное приспособление, выступающее вперед за пределы элемента для выхода текучей среды, для защиты элемента для выхода текучей среды от патогенного загрязнения путем контакта до соединения с возможностью разъема с фронтальным комплектующим изделием. ! 2. Медицинское устройство по п.1, в котором устройство представляет собой шприц, который дополнительно содержит корпус и плунжер, вставляемый в корпус. ! 3. Медицинское устройство по п.2, в котором шприц является заранее наполняемым шприцом. ! 4. Медицинское устройство по п.1, в котором фронтальное комплектующее изделие выбирается из группы, включающей в себя герметизирующую пробку, предохранительный колпачок ...

20-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005102605A

... 1. Система для установки иглы, предназначенная для установки узла (500) с иглой на опору (100, 700) для иглы инъекционного устройства, содержащего узел (500) с иглой и опору (100, 700) для иглы, отличающаяся тем, что один из двух элементов - узел (500) с иглой или опора (100, 700) для иглы - выполнен с множеством выступов (30, 670), и другой из двух элементов - узел (500) с иглой или опора (100, 700) для иглы - выполнен с множеством канавок (120, 588), и при этом выступы (30, 670) выполнены с возможностью взаимодействия с канавками (120, 588). 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна канавка (120, 588) содержит первый участок (130, 561) и второй участок (150, 571). 3. Система по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что узел с иглой содержит ступицу (10), которая прикреплена к игле (510), причем ступица (10) содержит внутреннюю цилиндрическую стенку (20), при этом множество выступов (30) простираются радиально внутрь от внутренней цилиндрической стенки (20) ступицы (10), и опора ...

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004108467A

... 1. Устройство втулки иглы, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит втулку иглы, имеющую внутреннюю полость, и по крайней мере одно ребро, расположенное в ней в контакте с наконечником корпуса, размещенного во внутренней полости. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что наконечник корпуса выполнен вытянутым от дистального конца корпуса. 3. Устройство втулки иглы по п.1, отличающееся тем, что внутренняя полость имеет в основном кольцевую форму. 4. Устройство втулки иглы по п.1, отличающееся тем, что наконечник корпуса образует прочное уплотнение, смежное с по крайней мере одним ребром. 5. Устройство иглы, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит втулку иглы и корпус, причем втулка иглы включает в себя держатель иглы и образует внутреннюю полость вокруг по крайней мере части держателя иглы, в которой сформировано по крайней мере одно ребро, а корпус имеет дистальный конец и проксимальный конец, на котором закреплена втулка иглы и предусмотрен вытянутый от него наконечник корпуса, размещенный во внутренней ...

30-01-1991 дата публикации

Пластмассовый шприц одноразового пользования

Номер: SU1625319A3

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к шприцам одноразового пользования. Целью изобретения является повышение надежности шприца. Шприц содержит цилиндр 1, поршень 3 со штоком 4, выполненным с возможностью разьема с поршнем, крышку 10. включающую диск с центральным отверстием, с двумя коакси- ально расположенными по обе стороны диска цилиндрическими буртиками 13, 14, при этом внутренний буртик имеет длину, по крайней мере равную максимальному диаметру штока. Поршень 3 изготовлен из полиэтилена по форме колоколообразного тела вращения, открытым концом обращенного вверх, и имеет примыкающий к нижней части поршня расположенный в его полости цилиндрический элемент, образующий кол-ьцевую полость 18. Боковая стенка поршня образована тремя участками. Средний участок 19 выполнен цилиндрическим, а примыкающие к нему участки 20, 21 выполнены расходящимися, причем толщина стенки участков 20, 21 уменьшается по направлению к торцам стенки. Цилиндрический участок 19 имеет постоянную толщину ...

09-01-2003 дата публикации

Schutzvorrichtung für eine, in den Körper eindringende Spritzennadel

Номер: DE0069526151T2
Принадлежит: CGM SPA, C.G.M. S.P.A., CORREGIO

27-04-1920 дата публикации

Номер: DE0000320591C

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Medical safety syringe comprises an injection cylinder having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder which is fixed in a positioning section

Номер: DE202005013458U1
Принадлежит: WU WEI SHUI, WU, WEI-SHUI

Medical safety syringe comprising an injection cylinder (1) having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod (2) which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder (3) which is fixed in a positioning section, is new. The hollow chamber has a reduced positioning section in the front which passes through the wall of the injection cylinder. Medical safety syringe comprising an injection cylinder (1) having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod (2) which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder (3) which is fixed in a positioning section, is new. The hollow chamber has a reduced positioning section in the front which passes through the wall of the injection cylinder. The upper end of the positioning section progresses into a cone tapering in the direction of the hollow needle bore.

03-05-1967 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001239808B

31-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050112385D1
Принадлежит: HAGER & WERKEN GMBH & CO KG

04-10-1956 дата публикации

Anordnung an Saugvorrichtungen zum Ansaugen einer Fluessigkeit in Pipetten u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000950035C

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Einwegspritzenset mit verbesserter Eingriffsmöglichkeit

Номер: DE212018000396U1

Spritzenset mit verbesserter Eingriffsmöglichkeit, wobei das Spritzenset eine Struktur aufweist, die umfasst:einen Spritzenkörper (50), in dem ein Einlass (60) für medizinische Flüssigkeit mit einer vorbestimmten Länge so ausgebildet ist, dass er an einer Seite vorsteht, und ein Kolben (55) mit einer Öffnung an der anderen Seite eingepasst und gekoppelt ist;einen ersten Gewindekopplungsabschnitt (65), der an einem Außenumfang des Einlasses (60) für medizinische Flüssigkeit ausgebildet ist;einen Spritzennadelkopf (80), in dem eine Spritzennadel (70) vorgesehen ist und die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie an den Außenumfang des Einlasses (60) für medizinische Flüssigkeit eingepasst und damit gekoppelt werden kann; undeinen zweiten Gewindekopplungsabschnitt (85), der an einem Innenumfang des Spritzennadelkopfs (80) ausgebildet und so konfiguriert ist, dass er mit dem ersten Gewindekopplungsabschnitt (65) gekoppelt werden kann,wobei der erste Gewindekopplungsabschnitt (65) als ein Kopplungsabschnitt ...

08-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE502004002485D1
Принадлежит: PRIMOJEX GMBH

25-05-2000 дата публикации

Tip cap unit for a syringe cylinder comprises inner and outer caps and a sleeve interacting in such a way that the inner cap can be removed only after the outer cap has been removed

Номер: DE0019956243A1

A new tip cap unit (I) for a syringe cylinder has an inner cap (56) which grips and seals the syringe tip (22) when the sleeve (44) is firmly positioned around the syringe tip to seal the substance in the syringe chamber (20). It can be removed from the syringe tip only when outer cap (58) of the unit is removed from the sleeve (44). An Independent claim is also included for a syringe with a syringe cylinder as in (I).

06-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060005627D1

09-07-1924 дата публикации

Abnehmbarer und zum Tragen der Nadel dienender Spritzenboden

Номер: DE0000397953C

18-08-1952 дата публикации

Ansatz fuer Injektionsnadeln und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0000846769C

08-09-2005 дата публикации

Universeller Auslauf für Filtereinheiten

Номер: DE0069919485T2

13-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007919910U1

22-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002245413A1

04-08-1954 дата публикации

Method for imbedding a hollow needle in synthetic resin material

Номер: GB0000712859A

... 712,859. Hypodermic needles. OGLE, R. W. Feb. 14, 1952 [July 9, 1951], No. 3977/52. Class 81(2) A method of imbedding a hollow needle 14 in synthetic resin comprises mounting the needle 14 on a mandrel 15 a portion of which extends from within the needle 14, driving the mandrel 15 in the synthetic resin, driving the needle 14 with the mandrel 15 within the opening formed and removing the mandrel 15 from the needle 14. The extending portion of the mandrel 15 has a sharpened end 16 which is driven into a post 13 of a syringe 10 made of polyethylene. The needle 14 may be driven right through the post 13 or part-way through the post 13 connection between the interior of the syringe 10 and the hollow needle 14 being made by a passage formed by the mandrel 15. The needle openirig. is formed by the separation of the synthetic resin so that the needle is held in its final position by elastic tension of the synthetic resin. Specification 712,860 is referred to.

02-11-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to injection syringes and an injection needle for use therewith

Номер: GB0000739753A

... 739,753. Hypodermic syringes. VOORHORST, J. Jan. 16, 1954, No. 1361/54. Class 81 (2). An orifice is formed in a needle mount which may be opened by relative turning of the mount and syringe nipple on which it is placed, so as to vent the bore of the nipple to atmosphere. Such venting ensures that there shall be no sucking back of the contents of a used needle as this is withdrawn from the syringe. In its simplest form a drilling 4 communicates with the bore 3 of the nipple 1. The needle mount is provided with a longitudinal slot 7, communicating with its axial bore, so that, by rotation, this slot may be aligned with the hole 4 before the needle is removed. The hole 4 and the slot 7 may be replaced by axial surface grooves if desired. In a modification the mount is screwed on to the syringe nipple and has a lateral drilling leading to an internal cavity. When the mount is screwed tightly on to the nipple the end of the latter is pressed tightly against the further end of the cavity and ...

27-11-1974 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001375675A

06-03-2002 дата публикации

A hypodermic needle

Номер: GB0002327614B

15-05-2002 дата публикации

Safety syringe

Номер: GB0002360458B

16-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002380680A

There is described a retractable needle syringe assembly wherein sealing of the grommet 21 is improved by a thin-walled neck (35, fig 2) surrounding a plunger head 24. A sealing grommet with no penetrating bore is also described (fig 3), and means for preventing reuse of the syringe by causing breakage of parts during disassembly is disclosed.

18-08-2004 дата публикации

Safety seringe with re-usable main parts, method for disposable of a needle into a container and container for disposable parts

Номер: GB2398249A

A syringe has a barrel (1) to receive a cartridge (31). The barrel (1) has a front end portion (6) to which a needle (32) is connected for engagement with the cartridge. At its rear end the barrel (1) has a plunger mechanism. A sleeve (15) is slidably mounted on the barrel and can be pushed forwards to sheath the needle. The needle (32) is mounted on the barrel (1) via a push-fit mounting device (22, 34). The needle (32) can be removed for disposal in a container (35) by inserting the syringe into a tube (40) on top of the container so that the protective needle sleeve (15) is pushed back and the needle (32) and mounting device (22, 34) pass through a collar (41) of gripping fingers (42) at an inner end of the tube (40). The fingers (42) catch behind the mounting device (22, 34) so that this is pulled off to drop into the container (35) with the needle (32) when the syringe is withdrawn from the tube. The mounting device (22, 34) may be defined by an adaptor cap (22) on to which a hub ( ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002436526B

25-02-1998 дата публикации

A retractable and destructible safety syringe

Номер: GB0009727303D0

03-04-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in writing instruments with retractable writing tips

Номер: GB0000771574A

... 771,574. Spring clips; spring catches. WAGNER, E. V. Aug. 9, 1955 [Sept. 16, 1954], No. 26866/54. Class 44. [Also in Group XV] In a releasable fastening to hold projected the retractable writing unit 5 of a ball-point pen or pencil (see Group XV), the projector stem 11 has flanges 24, 25 which coact with the toe of a spring-loaded detent 14 releasable by a pocket clip 15, the parts 14, 15 forming an integral hook-shaped member. As shown, a notch 16 pivots on the edge of a blade 17 which is fixed across the lower end of a slot 13 in the barrel, and has a spring tongue 21, struck from its middle, serving both to hold the member 14-16 in position (by engagement behind a heel 22) and to urge the detent 14 into the channel of the stem 11. The member 14- 15 may be cut from an extruded aluminium bar as described in Specification 768,712, or may be of cast or moulded synthetic resin, or of stamped and pressed sheet metal.

05-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008623538D0

04-08-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in and connected with hypodermic needles

Номер: GB0000377891A

... 377,891. Hypodermic needles. EVERETT, S. J.. 939, London Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. May 4, 1931, No. 322/32. Divided on 377,754. [Class 81 (ii).] An interchangeable hypodermic needle is embedded over a substantial length in a mounting consisting of an elongated neck portion and a head portion, said head portion presenting a seating face for abutting against the syringe nozzle, and a shoulder or abutment for facilitating attachment of the needle to the syringe. The mounting, comprising a head portion 2 and neck 3, is of plastic metal such as pewter attached to the needle 1 as by die casting or pressing. The bead has a bevelled shoulder 7 which lodges in the lower part of the cavity 4 in a nipple 5 screwing on to the nozzle 6 and provided with a lateral aperture for inserting the needle; as described in Specification 377,754. The portion 8 of the head abutting the nozzle is conical, while a flaring passage 12 connects the cannula of the needle and the nozzle bore 13. The nozzle 6 may be ...

30-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: GB2585141A

A syringe 200 for use in a medication delivery device (100, Fig 2), the syringe comprising a vial 201 providing a chamber 206 configured to receive a piston 207 and/or a plunger 205, and a needle attachment point 202 for the attachment of a hypodermic needle 204, wherein the chamber is offset from the needle attachment point. In a preferred arrangement the vial comprises a pair of chambers arranged symmetrically about the needle attachment point. The syringe may be configured to provide a plunging action in a direction counter to a medicament delivery direction. The syringe may be received in a medication delivery device comprising a housing (101, Fig 2), an energy storage means (103, Fig 2) and an actuator assembly. The syringe in attached to the energy storage means, wherein the actuator assembly is configured to actuate the energy storage means to move the syringe toward a proximal end of the housing.

14-07-2010 дата публикации

Needle locking mechanism for a syringe

Номер: GB0002466883A

The mechanism comprises a needle portion having a ratchet collar R which in use engages pawls PA1, PA2, PA3 each comprising a cantilever arm A and a shoe S with saw-tooth teeth. The arm extends inwardly from an overhanging portion OH of a syringe body. The needle is axially fitted onto the syringe by pushing the needle portion in the direction indicated so that the pawls engage with the ratchet to prevent outward movement. The mechanism also facilitates the formation of a compressive fluid-tight seal between a needle hub C and an elongate tip N on the barrel. In use the arrangement prevents accidental fly-off of the needle from the syringe body.

24-12-2003 дата публикации

Safety needle

Номер: GB0000327136D0

01-07-1964 дата публикации

Pipette assembly

Номер: GB0000962356A

... 962,356. Pipette assemblies. H. W. GERARDE. Feb. 16, 1962, No. 6103/62. Heading SIX. A pipette assembly for preparing blood count solutions comprises a capillary tube 15 held in a tubular mounting 16 and a reservoir 17 having an opening and a flexible and resilient part, the reservoir containing a volume of diluent 24, and the mounting being arranged to fit in and seal the reservoir with the tube extending into the reservoir, whereby in operation the capillary tube is filled with blood by capillary action, the flexible and resilient part of the reservoir is squeezed and the tube is inserted into the reservoir so that the mounting closes the opening and the blood is sucked into the diluent. In a preferred embodiment the other end of the mounting tube is then connected to the reservoir to discharge the sample through the capillary tube. As shown in Fig. 2, to which the above numerals refer, the reservoir may be sealed by plug 26 with enlarged head portion 25 displaceable into the reservoir ...

02-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001448108A

... 1448108 Syringes MPL Inc 19 Nov 1973 [1 Dec 1972] 53522/73 Heading F1R [Also in Division A5 A rubber hour-glass-shaped plug 25 is removably elastically located in a seat 23b in a piston 23 which slides in a cylindrical tubular glass or plastics barrel 13. The barrel 13 of a syringe 11 has a rubber or plastics portion 17a, into which is threaded a handle 17b, the piston 23, a finger grip 13a and a polypropylene or nylon nose 15 with a flange 15h threaded at 15t for attaching a Luer-hubbed needle after removing cover 41 which may be heat-sealed to the nose at 16. When piston 17a is moved forward a hydraulic ram effect moves piston 23 forward so that plug 25 contacts post 15n, air now being expelled only through slots 15s, instead of axially through the post, to bores 15nb and 15ab. Plug 25 is expelled from seat 23b into chamber 27 which is larger than the plug to allow liquid to pass through the bore vacated by the plug. A rear wall 29 of piston 23 having lips 23i and nodules 23j retains ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Fluid transfer devices

Номер: GB0002514259B

08-06-2005 дата публикации

Couplings for medical fluid delivery systems

Номер: GB0000509128D0

17-06-1959 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to pipettes

Номер: GB0000815199A

... A pipette consists of a capillary tube 18, Fig. 1, of predetermined volume, mounted in a closable chamber 17 having an internal tube 16 opening into the atmosphere, the whole mounted over a reservoir 11 of liquid. Preferably both the reservoir and the capillary are of polyethylene, the latter being cut to the desired length. In operation, by squeezing the flask 11, liquid is forced into the upper chamber 17 submerging the end of the capillary tube which becomes filled with the liquid trapped between the two meniscuses. Pressure is released allowing surplus liquid to return to the flask, and the opening to the tube 16 is then closed by the finger. Further pressure on the flask ejects the known volume of liquid from the capillary tube. In modifications (not shown): (a) the reservoir may be made of glass, enclosed within a polyethylene flask, which when squeezed forces air through an opening in the glass reservoir above the liquid; (b) the tube 16 is replaced by a short ...

31-03-1999 дата публикации

Single-use syringe device.

Номер: AP0009901466A0

The invention relates to an injection material desinged to be impossible to be reused after it has been used once. It is comprised of a syringe of wwhich the nozzle (9)provided with barbs (12)prolonges a cylindricalmouthpiece (6)with which it is weakly integral. The piston of the syringe (13)is provided with an extension (14)which, when the pistion is at the end of the stroke, acts as the pusher thus detaching the nozzle (9)from the mouthpiec (6), and housing it in the cavity (17)(also provided ith barbs (18)) of the mandrel of the needle (16), wherein it remains blocked due to the meshing of the barbs (12 and 18). Unusable after a single utilization, syringe and needle of the invention contribute to the preventation of diseases such as aids, without extra cost with respect to convectional injection material.

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Hypodermic syringe with retractable needle.

Номер: AP2011005539A0

31-01-1987 дата публикации

Device with syringe of sterile injection, in particular for the dentists.

Номер: OA0000008002A

15-03-1966 дата публикации

Together of syringe with cartridge and its process of assembly.

Номер: OA0000000171A

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Hypodermic syringe with retractable needle.

Номер: AP0201105539D0

28-02-2011 дата публикации

Hypodermic syringe with retractable needle.

Номер: AP0201105539A0

25-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397467B

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000416817T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359840T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000393644T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395096T

27-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394950B

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366596T

15-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: ATA145894A

15-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA740978A

15-05-2007 дата публикации

Disposable syringe comprises a needle holder having longitudinal ribs on a region of its outer casing by which the holder is received in a tapered end region of a cylinder

Номер: AT0000502791A4

Disposable syringe comprises a needle holder (26) having longitudinal ribs on a region of its outer casing by which the holder is received in a tapered end region (8) of a cylinder (1). Preferred Features: The needle holder has a head with a wider diameter on its end on the injection side. A needle protective cap (9) is placed on the head. The needle holder has a recess on its end facing away from the injection side. The end of the injection needle facing away from the injection side protrudes into the recess.

15-05-2007 дата публикации

Injection syringe, has plastic needle holder enclosing stainless steel injection needle, where holder receives injection solution in relation to interior of cylinder and is sealed off by sealing insert, by which rear end of needle protrudes

Номер: AT0000502791B1

The syringe has a barrel stopper (12) movable in a syringe cylinder (1) by a piston rod (11), and a needle assembly (25) accommodated in the cylinder. The rod and the assembly are connected by a coupling unit (20) to draw the assembly back into the cylinder after injection is completed. The assembly has a plastic needle holder (26) that encloses a stainless steel injection needle (27). The holder receives an injection solution (50) in relation to the interior of the cylinder. The holder is sealed off by a pharmaceutical rubber sealing insert (36), by which the rear end of the needle protrudes.

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460192T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452674T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433770T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552023T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552022T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553803T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403457T

15-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000138812T

15-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000069170T

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000122242T

15-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000019203T

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000091635T

15-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000183104T

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000114978T

15-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000159859T

15-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000042684T

15-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000036647T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178497T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000313349T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000307545T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342746T

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000296651T

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000102489T

15-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000221792T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173643T

15-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000202289T

15-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000255439T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293467T

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000285264T

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000268617T

17-02-2000 дата публикации

Delivery system and apparatus thereof

Номер: AU00PQ526200D0

19-01-2012 дата публикации

needle magazine

Номер: US20120016315A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk AS

A needle magazine for holding a plurality of injection needles ( 50 ) is described. The needle magazine comprises a first opening adapted to receive the device fluid access portion ( 120 ) of a medical delivery device. Each needle ( 50 ) is selectively moveable from a respective storage position not aligned with said first opening into a needle mounting position aligned with said first opening. The needle magazine further comprises needle positioning means ( 41 ). configured to alter the mutual position between a needle selected from said plurality of needles ( 50 ) relative to a neighbour needle when said selected needle moves from its storage position to the needle mounting position.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Drug delivery device

Номер: US20120029442A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to drug delivery devices. The drug delivery device according to the invention includes a housing with a needle holder suitable for attaching a needle unit to the housing at the distal end, and a cap being capable of covering the distal end of the drug delivery device and comprising a retaining member capable of securing the cap by engaging with the housing, the retaining member is prevented from engaging with the housing with the needle unit being attached to the needle holder. Furthermore, using a cap for covering the distal end of the drug delivery device is disclosed.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Medicated Module with Premix Medicament

Номер: US20120116349A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A medicated module ( 4 ) for an injection system to co-deliver at least two medicaments ( 1, 2 ) is disclosed where a primary delivery device ( 7 ) contains a first drug agent and accepts a medicated module ( 4 ) containing a single dose of a secondary premix medicament ( 2 ) containing the first drug agent and at least a second drug agent, where both the primary medicament ( 1 ) and the secondary premix medicament ( 2 ) are delivered through a single hollow needle ( 3, 16, 21, 31 ).

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Connection assembly for a drug delivery device, and method for making this assembly

Номер: US20120130351A1
Автор: Olivier Alvain
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

This connection assembly includes a tip defining a longitudinal axis and including a mounting area for mounting an adaptor thereon, and the adaptor including a mounting portion of thermoplastic material, forming a radial surface, which define a mounting opening for mounting the adaptor onto the tip. The mounting area includes at least one first portion having an outer surface which is located at a first distance from the longitudinal axis (A) and at least one second portion, adjacent to the first portion, having an outer surface which is located at a second distance from the longitudinal axis, the second distance being different from the first distance, the radial surface being located after assembly of the adaptor over the first portion and the second portion; The mounting opening and the at least one first portion and second portion are so dimensioned such that the radial surface of the mounting portion is in close contact with the outer surfaces of both the first portion and the second portion.

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120168464A1
Автор: Shingo Koyama
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A syringe includes a syringe outer tube having a spout and a spout-mounted cap. The cap has a cap main body sealing the spout in a liquid-tight manner, a mounting section mounted onto the spout, and a breakable breaking section linking the cap main body and the mounting section to release the link upon breaking. The inner circumferential portion of the mounting section includes protrusions inserted into a groove on the outer circumferential portion of the spout which also has a tilted section tilted relative to the axis of the spout outer circumferential portion. When the cap is rotated along the axial direction of the syringe outer tube, the protrusions move along the tilted section of the groove. The mounting section is thus displaced in the base end direction and the braking section is pulled in the direction and breaks to separate the cap main body from the mounting section.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Medicinal biosecurity auto disposable syringe

Номер: US20120179098A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a security syringe comprising a hollow cylinder ( 1 ) with a pair of wings ( 11 ) and a tip ( 12 ), which houses: the injection mechanism ( 3 ), a piston ( 2 ), and an injection mechanism ( 3 ) with a needle ( 31 ), a spring ( 32 ) and a membrane ( 33 ). The piston ( 2 ) has a serrated crown in the lower part ( 21 ) thereof where a chamber seal exists ( 22 ) and breaks only with the interior point of the needle ( 31 ), having the ends of the piston ( 2 ) of an inferior disk ( 24 ) and a superior disk ( 25 ) that steadies the piston ( 2 ) inside the cylinder ( 1 ). Around the cylinder ( 1 ) there is a protective funnel ( 13 ) against accidental injections. The piston comprises a cap ( 26 ) which guarantees the hermeticity of the empty chamber.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Safe Disposable Injector with Changeable and Automatically Retractable Needle

Номер: US20120209247A1
Принадлежит: Wuxi Yushou Medical Applicance Ltd

A safe disposable injector with a changeable and automatically retractable needle includes a needle cylinder ( 1 ) and a plunger ( 2 ), and also includes a medicament-dispensing needle unit ( 3 ) and an injecting needle unit ( 4 ). The medicament-dispensing needle unit ( 3 ) and the injecting needle unit ( 4 ) are changed according to the requirement in use. The present invention will prevent harmful effects caused by needle deformation and variation of smoothness and sharpness during the injection to the human body. The operation of the present invention is the same as the convention injection operation. The present invention is convenient to use and reliable to operate. After injection, the injector needle can be retracted by an automatic retraction mechanism to avoid the accidental hurt to medical staff and patients by a polluted needle tip. The present invention is suitable for automatic production on the assembly line.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Seal Structures For Wet/Dry Automatic Injectors

Номер: US20120220930A1
Принадлежит: Meridian Medical Technologies Inc

An automatic injection device including a housing, a chamber with a first compartment and a second compartment, and a seal structure between the compartments. The seal structure is initially in a sealing condition that seals the first compartment from the second compartment, where the seal includes a plug and an outer sealing member. The plug is slidably movable within the outer sealing member to convert the seal structure from the sealing condition to a mixing condition by opening a path between the first compartment and the second compartment. The automatic injection device also includes a needle assembly and an activation assembly. Activation of the activation assembly causes (1) pressurization of the first compartment, (2) the seal structure to convert from the sealing condition to the mixing condition, and (3) the first and second medicament components to be mixed and forced through the needle assembly.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Pen needle with safety shield system

Номер: US20120226233A1
Автор: Steven Schraga
Принадлежит: Stat Medical Devices Inc

A needle tip for an injection device includes a body having a front portion, a back portion configured to be removably connected to the pre-loaded injection device, and a wall separating the front and back portions. A hollow needle has a first piercing portion projecting back from the separating wall and a second piercing portion projecting forward from the separating wall. A safety shield that is axially movable relative to the body at least between an initial position, a retracted position, and a post use locking position. This Abstract is not intended to define the invention disclosed in the specification, nor intended to limit the scope of the invention in any way.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Medicated module with bypass and needle guard

Номер: US20120226238A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A medicated module attachable to a drug delivery device comprises a connecting body configured for attachment to the drug delivery device. A first needle is fixed within the connecting body and a movable needle hub is operatively coupled to the connecting body. A needle guard is operatively coupled to the connecting body and a biasing member is positioned between the connecting body and needle guard. A second needle is fixed within the needle hub. A first cavity within the connecting body defines a reservoir containing at least one dose of a medicament. The reservoir configured for fluid communication with the first and the second needle. The reservoir comprises a bypass configured to allow medicament from the drug delivery device to bypass the reservoir and exit the second needle.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Syringe Assembly

Номер: US20120259286A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A syringe assembly comprises a syringe barrel having an elongated body defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end, a distal end and a frusto-conically shaped tip extending from the distal end and having a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with the chamber. The chamber has an inside diameter of at least 13.5 mm. A stopper is in fluid-tight engagement inside the barrel. An elongated plunger rod extends proximally from the stopper through the open proximal end of the barrel. A flange is positioned at the proximal end of the plunger rod. The flange is shaped and positioned to limit the distal motion of the plunger rod in the barrel by contacting the proximal end of the barrel. A tip cap is releasably connected to the tip for sealing the passageway and the chamber contains injectable liquid.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Safety pen needle assembly

Номер: US20120277685A1
Автор: Amit Uday Limaye
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

In one aspect, a safety pen needle assembly is provided which includes a hub, a needle fixed to a transverse wall of the hub, and a shield formed to at least partially telescope over the hub. An outer ablumenal surface of the hub and an inner lumenal surface of the shield are formed with cooperating thread elements to permit relative rotation between the hub and the shield. In an initial state, the cooperating thread elements are in threaded engagement with the shield being positioned relative to the hub with a distal end of the shield sidewall being located distally of a distal end of the needle. Also, in the initial state, the shield and the hub are configured with a rotation-resistance arrangement which inhibits relative rotation between the hub and the shield. The rotation-resistance arrangement is surmountable to allow relative rotation between the hub and the shield with an at least threshold amount of torque being applied, the threshold amount of torque being greater than required to mount the pen needle assembly onto an injector body. Advantageously, with the subject invention, a safety pen needle assembly can be provided having a shield threaded onto a hub with the assembly being mountable with the needle being in a shielded state. This minimizes the possibility of needle stick during mounting of the safety pen needle assembly.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Drug delivery system, drug delivery device, needle assembly and method for priming

Номер: US20120283646A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A drug delivery system comprises a drug delivery device which comprises a housing and a cartridge. The drug delivery device has a proximal end and a distal end. The drug delivery system further comprises a needle assembly which is attachable to the drug delivery device. The needle assembly and the drug delivery device are configured such that the cartridge is moved in the proximal direction with respect to the housing when the needle assembly is attached to the drug delivery device.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Injection needle assembly and drug injection apparatus

Номер: US20130006179A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

An injection needle assembly includes a needle tube having a needle tip to be stuck into a skin, a first member, a second member, an adjustment portion, and a pressing force restricting member. The first member holds the needle tube and the second member holds the first member movably toward the axial direction of the needle tube. A discharge portion of the syringe is fitted into this second member The adjustment portion is provided at the periphery of the needle tube and includes a needle protrusion surface which abuts the skin in a case in which the needle tube is stuck to the living body. The pressing force restricting member is arranged between the first member and the second member, and restricts the pressing force added from the first member to the skin.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Syringe needle cap

Номер: US20130012886A1
Автор: Yasushi Kawachi
Принадлежит: Daikyo Seiko Ltd

A syringe needle cap ( 10 ) is filled to the tip of the barrel ( 21 ) of a prefilled syringe ( 20 ). And the tip of a syringe needle ( 22 ) is stuck into a needlepoint receiving section ( 12 A) on the inner layer portion ( 12 ) of the syringe needle cap ( 10 ). The outer circumference of a needle section ( 21 B) on the tip of the prefilled syringe ( 20 ) is closely attached to a joining section ( 12 B) on the inner layer portion ( 12 ) of the syringe needle cap ( 10 ), thereby securely sealing the inner space within the syringe needle cap ( 10 ) which covers the syringe needle ( 22 ). The outer layer portion ( 11 ) functioning as the cap main body of the syringe needle cap ( 10 ) is formed from a transparent resin, and the inner layer portion ( 12 ) is formed from a transparent elastomer as the interior material. As a consequence, the entire syringe needle ( 22 ) of the prefilled syringe ( 20 ), including the tip section, can be seen from the outside.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Needle protection assembly with radially movable locking element

Номер: US20130018312A1
Автор: Kevin David Neale
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

The application relates to needle protection assembly ( 1 )) comprising:—a support ( 2 ) of the needle ( 3 ),—a needle shield ( 8 ) having a longitudinal axis A,—urging means ( 13 ) for displacing said needle shield ( 8 ) from a “in, use” position to a “after use” position,—a locking element ( 10 ) intended to prevent said needle shield ( 8 ) from moving back from its “after use” position to its “in use” position, characterized in that said locking element ( 10 ) has a longitudinal axis B and is radially movable with respect to said needle shield ( 8 ) between a “free” position, in which the longitudinal axis A of the needle shield ( 8 ) and the longitudinal axis B of the locking element ( 10 ) are merged and in which said needle shield ( 8 ) is movable from its “in use” position to’ its “after use” position, and a “locking position”, in which the longitudinal axis B is radially spaced apart from the longitudinal axis A and in which movement of the needle shield ( 8 ) from its “after use” position to its “in use” position is prevented.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Luer-connector with retaining screw for attachment to an administration device

Номер: US20130023833A1
Автор: Ralph Egon Kayser

An attachment part with a coupling part by means of which coupling part the attachment part can be attached to a dispensing unit. The coupling part has a female cone area, with a continuous inlet opening, and a locking structure arranged around the female cone area. The female cone area can be pushed onto a male cone area of the dispensing unit, in order thereby to connect the attachment part to the dispensing unit. The locking structure serves to secure the attachment part on the dispensing unit. The first coupling part additionally has a rotation element, which is rotatable concentrically about the female cone area and on which the first locking structure is formed. The rotation element has an actuating element, which serves to rotate the rotation element relative to the female cone area.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Retractable Syringe with a Cutting Crown

Номер: US20130053773A1
Автор: Teoh Hwa Ang
Принадлежит: Intuitive Creations Pte Ltd

A retractable syringe comprises a cutting head mounted on a plunger of the syringe. When the plunger is advanced to expel fluid from the syringe, the cutting crown cuts a retention mechanism which holds a needle unit of the syringe, allowing a drive mechanism to drive the needle unit into the syringe. The cutting crown is shaped to reduce the force which has to be applied to cut the retention mechanism. Furthermore, a disposable needle assembly for attachment to a syringe unit comprises a needle and connector element for connecting the needle to the syringe unit. The connector element encircles the needle and has a thread on its outer surface for mating with the syringe unit. When the needle assembly is mated with the syringe, a central bore of substantially constant bore extends from the tip of the needle into the interior chamber of the syringe.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Medicated module with dual safety guards

Номер: US20130079724A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A medicated module for an injection system to co-deliver at least two medicaments is disclosed, where a drug delivery device containing a primary medicament accepts a medicated module containing a single dose of a second medicament and where both medicaments are delivered through a single hollow needle. The medicated module comprises two housings removably connected to each other, where each housing contains a sterile needle and needle needle guard assembly that locks out after the needle is inserted in an injection site.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079726A1
Автор: Madin Graham John

A syringe for delivering medication through an intravenous port, or for providing a combination of medications includes a barrel with a plunger in slidable and sealing engagement therein, and a piercing member formed integrally with the barrel. The piercing member includes a bore in communication with the distal end of the barrel, and a piercing point and an aperture at a distal end of the piercing member. The distal end of the barrel sealingly connects to a transport cap, an intravenous port or an injection needle. The distal end of the piercing member is removable and includes an external recess and a corresponding internal step to define a separation plane for the distal end of the piercing member. The piercing member is used to draw up one or more medications into the barrel, and is then removed to enable the transport cap to be attached to seal the contents. 1. A syringe comprising:a barrel having a plunger in slidable and sealing engagement therein; and a bore in communication with a distal end of the barrel, and', 'a piercing point and an aperture at a distal end of the piercing member,, 'a piercing member formed integrally with the barrel, the piercing member includingwherein the distal end of the barrel includes an arrangement for a sealing connection of a transport cap, an intravenous port or an injection needle, andwherein the distal end of the piercing member is removable and includes an external recess and a corresponding internal step to define a separation plane for the distal end of said piercing member.2. A syringe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the distal end of the piercing member is removable by application of a substantially lateral force.3. A syringe as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the syringe includes a separate protective cap for initial protection of the piercing member.4. A syringe as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the protective cap is removed to enable medications to be drawn up claim 3 , and is then used to apply the force to remove the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Syringe barrel adapter and needle assembly

Номер: US20130102973A1

An adapter mountable to a retractable syringe barrel comprises a body that includes a needle portion and a barrel-engaging portion and a needle aperture. The adapter facilitates mounting a needle assembly to the barrel. The needle assembly comprises a needle body and cannula and an immobile, compressible needle seal, wherein the needle body and the needle seal are releasably engaged. The needle seal is engageable with a needle portion of the adapter. The needle body comprises one or more fluid reclaim channels that facilitate efficient delivery of the fluid contents of the retractable syringe. The retractable syringe also comprises dual locking systems to impede or prevent re-use.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Medical Needle Safety Devices

Номер: US20130116626A1

A safety device for shielding the sharp tip of a medical needle has a needle mount which either directly supports a medical needle, or indirectly supports the needle for instance where the needle is provided as a part of a syringe. A sleeve is carried directly or indirectly on the needle mount and is slidably movable to a needle shielding position where the sleeve surrounds the needle sharp tip. A spring including forwardly projecting spring blades when sufficiently loaded acts on an internal conical surface of the sleeve to drive the sleeve to its shielding position and a locking mechanism then locks the sleeve in that position. A camming mechanism serves to load the spring blades in the course of the use of the safety device such that thereafter the interaction of the blades with the conical surface urges the sleeve to its shielding position, the camming mechanism being activated by movement of the sleeve to expose the needle for use. 146.-. (canceled)47. A safety device for shielding the sharp tip of a medical needle , which device comprises the following components:a needle support for directly or indirectly mounting a needle;a sleeve for protecting the sharp tip of a needle mounted on the needle support, said sleeve being slidably mounted directly or indirectly on the needle support and having a needle shielding position where the sleeve surrounds the sharp tip of a mounted needle;a spring separate from the sleeve and arranged to act on the sleeve such that when sufficiently loaded the spring is able to move the sleeve to a needle shielding position; anda control arrangement having a camming surface configured to interact with the spring to increase the loading thereof;wherein said components have respective initial positions when the device is ready for use but the spring has insufficient loading to move the sleeve to said needle shielding position, and in the course of use of the device relative movement between the control arrangement and spring from their ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131602A1

The invention relates to an auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M). A shroud is arranged at least partially inside a housing, the shroud slidable in longitudinal direction between at least a retracted position, in which a hollow injection needle is exposable and an advanced position, in which the needle is covered by the shroud, wherein the shroud is arranged to be locked in the retracted position prior to manual operation of an activation means and wherein the shroud is arranged to be pushed towards the advanced position by a syringe spring when a drive means has been released by the activation means. A protective needle shield is attachable to the needle in a manner to partially protrude beyond the proximal end of the shroud through the orifice with the needle in its advanced position, wherein a syringe carrier is arranged inside the shroud for holding a syringe, the syringe carrier slidable with respect to the shroud, wherein the syringe carrier comprises at least one resilient snap for locking it to the shroud in order to prevent relative axial motion, wherein the snap is arranged to be supportable from inside by the protective needle shield when attached to the needle in order to remain engaged with the shroud and wherein the snap is inwardly biased to disengage from the shroud without support from inside in a manner to automatically disengage upon removal of the protective needle shield thus allowing the syringe and needle to be retracted into the covered position under load of the syringe spring. 1. Auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) , the auto-injector having a distal end (P) and a proximal end (D) with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site and comprising:an elongate housing arranged to contain a syringe with a hollow needle and a stopper for sealing the syringe and displacing the medicament (M), wherein the syringe is slidably arranged with respect to the housing,a drive means ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Syringe with needle

Номер: US20130138047A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

This syringe with needle is provided with a needle tube having a needle tip capable of puncturing a living body, and a syringe by insert molding formed integrally with the needle tube. The syringe includes: a main body which is filled with a drug; and a securing section which is formed to be continuous with the main body. The securing section secures the needle tube in a state that the needle tip of the needle tube is protruded. The securing section of the syringe includes a holding hole in which a chuck member for supporting and securing a circumferential surface of the needle tube during the insert molding is inserted and passed.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Injection Device

Номер: US20130144218A1
Автор: Daniel Mattias
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device comprising a housing,a tubular activation member,a first resilient member,a container holder, a medicament container (), a tubular operation member (), a plunger rod (), a delivery member; wherein the container is a cartridge, having a membrane () and in that the delivery member comprises a retainer member () fixedly connected to the container holder, a hub () coaxially movable within the retainer member, a needle having opposite proximal and distal ends, and a cap () interactively connected to the hub and to the retainer member, wherein the cap comprises a distal end surface abutting with the proximal end surface of the annular contact member such that said hub may be distally moved whereby the needle penetrates the membrane and the cap is detached from the retainer member, allowing the tubular activation member to be moved its activated position. 17.-. (canceled)8. A medicament delivery device , comprising:a tubular housing having opposite proximal and distal ends;a tubular activation member slidably and coaxially arranged inside the tubular housing and comprising a proximal annular contact member;a first resilient member arranged at the distal end of the tubular activation member for moving the tubular activation member in a proximal direction from a non-activated position, in which the annular contact member is in contact with the proximal end of the housing, to an activated position, in which the annular contact member is at a predetermined distance from the proximal end of the housing;a container holder coaxially arranged within the tubular activation member and fixedly attached to the tubular housing;a medicament container arranged within the container holder and including a slidable stopper;a tubular operation member rotatably arranged between the container holder and a tubular extension part at the distal end of the housing and comprising a first co-acting device interactively connected to a corresponding first co-acting device ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144219A1

A rigid needle shield () for covering a distal end of a syringe is provided. The rigid needle shield includes an elongated flexible member () connected to a sidewall of the rigid needle shield for moving the rigid needle shield between a first relaxed position and a second flexed position. When in the first relaxed position, the elongated flexible member is substantially within the rigid needle shield. However, when the elongated flexible member is moved to the second flexed position, the elongated flexible member extends beyond a proximal end of the rigid needle shield to engage a needle hub or a shoulder of the syringe to move the rigid needle shield distally relative to the syringe. 1. A rigid needle shield comprising:an open proximal end;a closed distal end;a sidewall extending between the open proximal end and the closed distal end forming an elongated chamber therein; and a first end connected to the rigid needle shield,', 'a second end slidably connected to the needle shield proximate the open proximal end, and', 'a middle portion extending between the first end and the second end, and deflectable to move the elongated flexible member between a first relaxed position and a second flexed position, wherein the second end extends further beyond the open proximal end in the second flexed position., 'an elongated flexible member having2. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein the first end is connected to at least one of the closed distal end and the sidewall claim 1 , and the second end is a free end.3. The rigid needle shield of claim 2 , wherein the second end slidingly engages an inner portion of the rigid needle shield proximate the open proximal end.4. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein in the first position claim 1 , the second end is within the elongated chamber.5. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein the middle portion is convex claim 1 , bowing outwardly from the sidewall when in the first position.6. The rigid needle shield of ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174518A1

Disclosed is a method of assembling a medicament injection device including the following steps: a step of integrally fixing a needle tube to a needle hub by high-frequency welding; a step of radiation sterilizing the needle tube and the needle hub; a step of subjecting a container to be filled with a medicament to a sterilization treatment which involves generation of heat; a step of aseptically transporting the needle hub which has been subjected to the radiation sterilization into an isolator device; a step of fixing the needle hub to the container in a sterile environment in the isolator device; and a step of filling the container fixing the needle hub with the medicament in the sterile environment. 1. A method of assembling a medicament injection device , comprising:integrally fixing a needle tube to a needle hub for holding the needle tube by high-frequency welding, and the needle tube having a needle tip capable of puncturing a living body;subjecting the needle tube and the needle hub fixing the needle tube to a radiation sterilization treatment;subjecting a container to be filled with a medicament to a sterilization treatment which involves generation of heat;aseptically transporting the needle hub having been subjected to the radiation sterilization treatment into an isolator device;fixing the needle hub having been subjected to the radiation sterilization treatment to the container having been subjected to the sterilization treatment which involves the generation of heat in a sterile environment in the isolator device; andfilling the container fixing the needle hub with the medicament in the sterile environment.2. The method of assembling the medicament injection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the fixing the needle hub to the container is carried out by a mechanical fixing method.3. The method of assembling the medicament injection device according to claim 2 ,wherein the needle hub includes a hub-side engaging claw or a hub-side engaging receptor, ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184648A1
Принадлежит: Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd.

A percutaneous medication device, comprising a syringe to be filled with medical liquid and a needle formation attached to a leading-end of the syringe is provided. The needle formation comprises a needle formation body, from the surface of which a needle projects and a cover portion covers a leading-end of the needle formation body. The needle is inserted into a through-hole formed at the leading-end of the needle formation body and fixed by a fixation member. The needle formation body is mated to the cover portion, a space is formed between an inner surface of the cover portion and the leading-end of the needle formation body, and the needle projects from the leading-end surface of the cover portion through a needle insertion hole formed at the leading-end of the cover portion. 1. A percutaneous medication device , comprising: a syringe to be filled with medical liquid; and a needle formation attached to a leading-end of the syringe , whereinthe needle formation comprises a needle formation body in which a needle projects from a leading-end surface and a cover portion covering a leading-end of the needle formation body,the needle is inserted into a through-hole formed at the leading-end of the needle formation body and the needle is fixed to the needle formation body by a fixation means,the needle formation body is mated to the cover portion and a space is formed between an inner surface of the cover portion and the leading-end surface of the needle formation body, andthe needle projects from a leading-end surface of the cover portion through a needle insertion hole formed at the leading-end of the cover portion.2. The percutaneous medication device according to claim 1 , wherein the cover portion comprises a resilient piece contacting an outer surface of the needle formation body claim 1 , a engaging portion is formed on the outer surface of the needle formation body claim 1 , and an engaged portion which can be engaged to the engaging portion is formed on the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204196A1

A safety device for a pre-filled syringe comprises a hollow support body to retain the pre-filled syringe, a retaining collar and a rotating collar arranged within the support body. The retaining collar is releasably mounted to the support body. The rotating collar is slidable along an axial length of the support body and rotatable around a central axis of the safety device. The retaining collar is movable with respect to the support body in a proximal direction when the retaining collar is released from being mounted to the support body by the rotating collar. 115-. (canceled)16. A safety device for a pre-filled syringe , comprisinga hollow support body to retain the pre-filled syringe therein,a retaining collar releasably mounted to the support body anda rotating collar comprising a central opening for the reception of the prefilled syringe and at least one outwardly protruding guide pin that protrudes through a guide track formed into the support body, whereas the rotating collar is arranged within the support body and slidable along an axial length of the support body and rotatable around a central axis of the safety device and whereas the retaining collar is movable with respect to the support body in a proximal direction when the retaining collar is released from being mounted to the support body by the rotating collar.17. A safety device according to claim 16 , characterized in that an outer body slidably arranged relative to the support body abuts the outwardly protruding guide pin claim 16 , so that the rotating collar jointly moves together with the outer body along a substantial axial length of the support body.18. A safety device according to claim 16 , characterized in that an inclined section of the guide track is oriented at an acute angle relative to an axial section of the guide track claim 16 , whereas the inclined section is connected to the axial section by a narrowed section limited by a flexing gate element that is resiliently deflectable.191. ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204197A1

A needle shield arrangement for a syringe (), having a generally cylindrical body with a needle () at its forward end, includes a shield portion () adapted for shielding the needle (); a syringe engaging portion () for engagement with the syringe body, and a frangible connecting portion () connecting the shield portion and the syringe engagement portion. 111-. (canceled)121016. A needle shield arrangement for a syringe () , the syringe having a generally cylindrical body with a needle () at its forward end , the arrangement comprising:{'b': 20', '16, 'a shield portion () adapted for shielding said needle ();'}{'b': '22', 'a syringe engaging portion () for engagement with said syringe body, and'}{'b': '24', 'a frangible connecting portion () connecting said shield portion and said syringe engagement portion.'}1322. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 12 , wherein said syringe engaging portion () is adapted to engage a forward end portion of the syringe.143022. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 13 , wherein said syringe body is formed with a forward facing circumferential shoulder () at its forward end claim 13 , and said syringe engagement portion () is complimentarily shaped to engage said shoulder.1522. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 13 , wherein said syringe engaging portion () is adapted slideably to receive a forward end of a syringe body.16202224. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 12 , wherein said shield portion () and said syringe engaging portion () are each solids of revolution about a longitudinal axis claim 12 , and said frangible connecting portion comprises a concentric plurality of frangible tabs () connecting said shield portion and said syringe engaging portion.172022. A needle shield arrangement according to claim 12 , wherein an outer peripheral portion of at least one of the shield portion () and the syringe engaging portion () is non-circular claim 12 , thereby in use allowing non-rotational ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Puncturable membrane for safety syringe

Номер: US20130204228A1
Принадлежит: SafeShot Technologies Inc

A safety syringe may define a variable fluid chamber and detached needle assembly. The variable fluid chamber may be hermetically sealed off from the environment or ambient air until the needle assembly is attached to a syringe body of the safety syringe. A proximal end of the variable fluid chamber is sealed off from the environment via a seal between a piston and syringe body. The distal end of the variable fluid chamber may be sealed off from the environment via a barrier covering the distal end of the syringe body. The barrier may be punctured to allow fluid to through therethrough at or about the same time when the needle assembly is attached to the distal end portion of the syringe body.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Safety device for a pre-filled syringe and injection device

Номер: US20130211339A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A needle shield comprising at least two different plastic materials of different flexibility and a central aperture of variable diameter. The central aperture comprises a first diameter for retaining a needle cap therein. The diameter of the central aperture changes upon removal of the needle cap from the first diameter to a second diameter by virtue of a memory effect of the material of the needle shield. The needle shield is made by an injection moulding process.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211345A1
Автор: Jugl Michael, Teucher Axel

The present invention relates to a needle assembly for a drug delivery device comprising of a cup-shaped receptacle having a bottom section supporting a needle element being adapted to penetrate a pierceable seal of a cartridge to be disposed in a cartridge holder of the drug delivery device, wherein the receptacle comprises fastening means for releasably fastening the needle assembly to the cartridge holder, and wherein the fastening means is convertible into a release configuration by way of an elastic deformation of the receptacle. 112-. (canceled)13. A needle assembly for a drug delivery device comprising:a cup-shaped receptacle having a bottom section supporting a needle element being adapted to penetrate a pierceable seal of a cartridge to be disposed in a cartridge holder of the drug delivery device,wherein the receptacle comprises fastening means for releasably fastening the needle assembly to the cartridge holder,wherein the fastening means is convertible into a release configuration by way of an elastic deformation of the receptacle, andwherein the cup-shaped receptacle is initially oval in cross section and comprises a resiliently deformable side wall section,wherein the fastening means comprise at least two radially inwardly protruding latching elements arranged on opposite endpoints of an imaginary short axis of the oval receptacle.14. The needle assembly according to claim 13 , wherein the fastening means is adapted to form a positive interlock with a corresponding fastening means of the cartridge holder.15. The needle assembly according to claim 13 , wherein the fastening means is adapted to establish the positive interlock by displacing the cup-shaped receptacle translationally relative to the cartridge holder in a proximal direction.16. The needle assembly according to claim 13 , wherein the latching elements comprise a bevelled face pointing towards a direction of assembly.17. The needle assembly according to claim 13 , wherein the fastening means ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211376A1
Принадлежит: SeraTouch, LLC

Provided herein is a single dose disposable pharmaceutical delivery apparatus and methods of use and manufacture thereof. One aspect provides a single dose disposable pharmaceutical delivery apparatus that includes a needle hub seal attached to a needle hub and a bladder that can contain a pharmaceutical composition. Another aspect provides for dispensing a pharmaceutical composition from the delivery apparatus by rupturing the needle hub seal and fluidically connecting the needle and the bladder. Another aspect provides manufacturing the delivery apparatus according to steps including attaching a needle hub and a needle hub seal and combining the bladder and the needle hub, thereby forming an apparatus described herein.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Dose Setting Mechanism for a Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130211377A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a dose setting mechanism for a drug delivery device and a method of using same. The mechanism comprises a housing, a mechanism member movable in a first axial direction relative to the housing during dose setting and movable in a second, opposite axial direction relative to the housing during injection, wherein the mechanism member is designed and arranged such that the mechanism member is able to change its condition between a first condition preventing movement in the second axial direction and a second condition allowing movement in the second axial direction, and a switching member forcing the mechanism member to change from its second condition into its first condition at a predefined position of the movement in the first axial direction during dose setting.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218090A1

According to the invention a safety device for a pre-filled syringe comprises a substantially cylindrical and hollow support body and a hollow needle shield slideably arranged relative to the support body. The support body comprises at least one resilient arm and the hollow needle shield or a needle shield assembly comprises at least one curved actuation ramp. The curved actuation ramp protrudes in a lateral direction (L) perpendicular to a central axis (A) of the safety device. The curved actuation ramp comprises a first lateral dimension (L) at a proximal end of the needle shield and a second lateral dimension (L) exceeding the first lateral dimension (L) at a distal end of the needle shield. The resilient arm engages the curved actuation ramp when the needle shield is slid relative to the support body. 112-. (canceled)13. A safety device for a pre-filled syringe , comprisinga substantially cylindrical and hollow support body comprising at least one resilient arm and{'b': 1', '2', '1, 'a hollow needle shield slideably arranged relative to the support body, wherein the needle shield or a needle shield assembly comprises at least one curved actuation ramp protruding in a lateral direction (L) perpendicular to a central axis (A) of the safety device, characterized in that the curved actuation ramp comprises a first lateral dimension (L) at a proximal end of the needle shield and a second lateral dimension (L) exceeding the first lateral dimension (L) at a distal end of the needle shield, whereby the resilient arm engages the curved actuation ramp when the needle shield is slid relative to the support body.'}14. A safety device according to claim 13 , characterized in that the resilient arm is made from a plastics material.15. A safety device according claim 13 , characterized in that the resilient arm is integrally formed to the support body.16. A safety device according to claim 13 , characterized in that the resilient arm is non-energized in a rest position claim ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Medical Injection Device

Номер: US20130218093A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

The present invention relates to injection devices for injecting a medicament from a cartridge () through a needle cannula (). The injection device () includes an actuator () for driving a piston driver () and includes an end of stroke limiter (). When the piston driver () is arrested by the end of stroke limiter () a shielding driver () is automatically triggered to actively shift the needle cannula () into a shielded state. The injection device may include a fluid dispensing interruption mechanism that automatically interrupts fluid flow when the piston driver has moved a predetermined stroke length. The injection device may also include a single pre-stressed spring acting exclusively in a linear compression mode or exclusively in a torsion mode and adapted to sequentially drive the device to enable fully automatic operation. The invention also relates to a method of sterilizing a needle cannula assembly. 23201320330360133013603101310320132031013103101310611341161113413201320310131037013601001100. An injection device as in claim 1 , wherein an actuator connector (;) couples the actuator ( claim 1 ,; claim 1 ,) with the piston driver (;) claim 1 , wherein the actuator connector (;) is configured to move the piston driver (;) during the injection stroke until the piston driver (;) is arrested by the end of stroke limiter ( claim 1 ,; claim 1 ,) whereupon the actuator connector (; ) is capable of movement relative to the piston driver (;) for triggering the shielding driver (;) to shift the injection device (;) from the unshielded state to the shielded state.332013203101310313322400315345131013221400131513453133224001310132214003153451315134531332240013101322140031534513151345611341310. An injection device as in claim 2 , wherein the relative movement of the actuator connector (;) and the piston driver (;) is controlled by a damper ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 ,; claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 ,) claim 2 , said damper comprising a variable volume ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130218094A1
Принадлежит: TecPharma Licensing AG

In an elongated casing, an active agent container connected to an injection needle can be shifted axially by a spring force. Auto-injectors which are sold or distributed filled and with the springs tensed have to be provided with a needle protecting cap to ensure the sterility of the injection needle. When such a needle protecting cap is removed as preparation for using the auto-injector, a tensile force can be exerted on the active agent container. Therefore, the active agent container comprising the injection needle must be prevented from being undesirably pulled forwards. At least one latching tongue prevents the active agent container from being prematurely shifted with respect to the casing, by abutting a flange arranged on a sliding sleeve which accommodates the active agent container. When the auto-injector is placed onto a person's skin, a needle protecting tube is shifted into the casing, forcing the latching tongue away from the flange and, thus, freeing the travel path for needle movement. 17-. (canceled)9. The auto-injector according to claim 8 , wherein the needle protecting tube comprises a cavity formed in the needle protecting tube adjacent to the heel.10. The auto-injector according to claim 8 , further comprising a needle protecting cap for substantially sealing the needle end of the auto injector prior to use claim 8 , wherein the needle protecting cap has an outer sleeve reaching over the needle protecting tube and an inner sleeve reaching over the injection needle and a front end of the active agent container.11. The auto-injector according to claim 10 , wherein the needle protecting cap has an attached position in which it secures the auto-injector against being intentionally or unintentionally triggered by preventing the needle protecting tube from being touched or shifted.12. The auto-injector according to claim 10 , wherein when the needle protecting cap is removed claim 10 , a tensile force is exerted on the active agent container as a ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130226084A1

A barrel adapter mountable to a syringe barrel includes a barrel tip, a biasing member, a locking mechanism, and a needle assembly. A safety syringe includes a barrel, a plunger assembly, and a barrel adapter. The needle assembly includes a needle, a needle hub, and a needle seal. The needle is configured to pass-through the needle assembly, locking mechanism, biasing member, and barrel tip such that, at one end the needle is within the barrel and at another end the needle passes through an aperture in the barrel tip. The barrel may be substantially cylindrical, having along its longitudinal axis a distal end for drug injection, a proximal end for injection control, and at least a portion of the barrel interior for drug containment. The barrel adapter provides needle retraction mechanisms to the barrel to form a safety syringe. Methods of assembling, manufacturing, and using such syringes are also provided. 1. A barrel adapter for a safety syringe having a barrel and a plunger assembly adapted to move within the barrel , the adapter comprising:a barrel tip adapted to be sealingly engaged with a distal end of the barrel,a needle assembly including a needle, a needle hub through which the needle extends, and a needle seal, the needle assembly being disposed at least partially within the barrel tip, the needle adapted to move from an injection position in which the needle extends from a distal end of the barrel tip to a retracted position in which the needle is disposed within at least one of the barrel tip or the barrel, anda needle retraction mechanism, the needle retraction mechanism including a biasing member and an actuable locking arrangement, the locking arrangement being disposed to maintain the biasing member in an energized position when the locking arrangement is locked and release the biasing member when actuated, the locking arrangement being actuable by depression of the plunger assembly, the biasing member being disposed to move the needle from the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Dedicated Needle Assembly

Номер: US20130231614A1

A dedicated needle assembly () that can be attached only to a dedicated drug delivery device () is disclosed. The dedicated needle assembly () comprises a connecting body () extending from a distal end to a proximal end. A dedicated mechanical coupling () is configured at the proximal end of the connecting body (). The dedicated mechanical coupling () forms a releasable connection to a distal end of the dedicated drug delivery device (). The dedicated needle assembly () may comprise a medicated module or, alternatively, a non-medicated module. In one arrangement, the dedicated mechanical coupling () is integral with the dedicated needle assembly (). 1. A dedicated needle assembly configured to be attached to a dedicated drug delivery device , said dedicated needle assembly comprising a dedicated mechanical coupling , wherein said dedicated mechanical coupling is adapted and arranged to form a connection to a distal end section of the dedicated drug delivery device.2. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein said dedicated mechanical coupling is configured to prevent a connection of said dedicated needle assembly to a drug delivery device where said drug delivery device comprises a conventional screw thread.3. The needle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said dedicated mechanical coupling is integral to said needle assembly.4. The needle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said needle assembly is configured to define an engaging cavity which is adapted and arranged to mechanically cooperate with the dedicated drug delivery device to form the connection claim 1 , said engaging cavity comprising an engaging cavity diameter provided on that end of the needle assembly which is configured to be connected to the distal end section of the device claim 1 , wherein said engaging cavity diameter is configured to define a width that is less than a diameter of a conventional needle assembly.5. The needle assembly of claim 4 , wherein the engaging cavity comprises an ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231617A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A syringe body/needle assembly and a method for producing such a syringe body/needle assembly are provided that if free of an organic adhesive bond. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for producing a syringe body/needle assembly , comprising the steps of:providing a needle and a syringe body having a nozzle, the nozzle comprising a first material that absorbs more electromagnetic radiation than a second material of the syringe body;positioning the syringe body and the needle in a relationship for bonding the needle with the syringe body;irradiating the first material with electromagnetic radiation at least in the region of the nozzle to cause the first material to melt at least partially;cooling the syringe body/needle assembly to hermetically sealingly fix the needle in the syringe body.19. The method as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the second material comprises a glass or plastic material.20. The method as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the nozzle further comprises at least one connecting body claim 18 , the at least one connecting body comprising the first material.21. The method as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the at least one connecting body comprises a glass capillary portion.22. The method as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the at least one connecting body comprises a sintered body made of a material selected from the group consisting of glass claim 20 , glass powder claim 20 , glass paste claim 20 , and combinations thereof.23. The method as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the at least one connecting body comprises doped glass.24. The method as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the first material is chemically and/or structurally different from the second material.25. The method as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the electromagnetic radiation comprises radiation selected from the group consisting of UV radiation claim 18 , visible radiation claim 18 , infrared radiation claim 18 , short wave infrared radiation claim 18 , and microwave radiation.26. The method as claimed in ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245553A1
Принадлежит: Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc.

An auto-injector automatically dispenses a predetermined dose of medicament upon activation. The auto-injector includes a needle cover operative to engage an injection site and activate the injector. The needle cover is configured to move from a locked retracted position prior to a medicament dispensing operation to a locked extended position after the medicament dispensing operation. The non-removable needle cover prevents contact with the needle both before and after the medicament dispensing operation. 1. An auto-injector comprising:a housing;a cartridge container disposed within the housing;a cartridge received within the cartridge container, the cartridge having at least one opening therein and containing a medicament, the medicament rearwardly confined by a plunger, the cartridge including a needle assembly to dispense the medicament there through, the needle assembly having a needle;an actuation assembly having a stored energy source capable of being released to drive the plunger within the cartridge to dispense the medicament through the needle assembly; anda needle cover received within the housing, the needle cover having an opening formed therein to permit passage of the needle there through during a medicament dispensing operation, the needle cover having a first locked position wherein the needle cover is in a locked retracted position prior to activation of the auto-injector, the needle cover having a second locked position wherein the needle cover is in a locked extended position after the medicament dispensing operation, the needle cover surrounding the needle on all sides outside of the housing to prevent contact with the needle before activation of the auto-injector and after the medicament dispensing operation.2. The auto-injector of wherein the cartridge further comprises a needle sheath disposed about the needle claim 1 , the needle sheath being compressed between the cartridge container and the cartridge during the medicament dispensing ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Medical Needle Safety Device

Номер: US20130253444A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A safety device 20 for shielding a medical needle 25 having a sharp tip includes a needle mount 28 which is adapted directly or indirectly to support the needle 25 . A needle shielding sleeve 33 is arranged coaxially with the mount 28 for sliding movement between an initial shielding position surrounding the needle 25 and a non-shielding position at which at least the tip of the needle is exposed beyond the sleeve 33 . Resilient fingers 35 urge the sleeve 33 to its needle shielding position. There is a control member 39 for the fingers 35 and which is slidably housed within the coaxial arrangement of the sleeve 33 and the mount 28 . The resilient fingers 35 are essentially undeformed when the control member 39 is in its storage position (FIG. 3 A) but are partially deformed when the control member is moved to a set position (FIG. 5 A). A needle cover 42 is fitted on to the needle 25 to confer protection thereto but is removable from the needle prior to use of the device and is arranged so that removing the needle cover effects movement of the control member to its set position.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261557A1
Автор: EVANS Timothy Simon

An injection device includes a housing to containing a syringe The contents of the syringe are viewable through a window in the mid-section of the housing. The window is concealed by a slideable shutter The slideable shutter is biased by a bias spring which also biases an internal syringe carrier. Also disclosed is a reversible needle cap which operates initially to cap the front end of the housing and, upon removal thereof, pulls a needle sheath off the syringe needle The cap is designed to be reversible so that, after use, it can be reversed and reconnected to the housing to cover the exposed needle. 1. An injection device comprising:an elongate housing for receiving in use a syringe or cartridge, the housing having a forward end and a rearward end;the syringe or cartridge having a needle which projects from the forward end of said housing at least on completion of an injection process, the needle being initially protected by a longitudinally removable sheath; anda removable cap adapted to be fitted to the forward end of the housing in either of a pre-injection orientation and a post-injection orientation respectively, said cap having a rearwardly extending element adapted to engage at its rearward end behind a base of the removable sheath, when said cap is in its pre-injection orientation,wherein upon removal of said cap from the forward end of said housing, said sheath is removed from said needle, andwherein said cap is adapted to be re-fitted to the forward end of the housing in its post-injection orientation in which the rearwardly extending element of the cap extends forwardly of the housing to shroud said needle.2. The injection device according to claim 1 , wherein said rearwardly extending element is of generally hollow cylindrical form with the rearward end thereof including an inwardly directed rib or tooth for engaging behind the base of said sheath.3. The injection device according to claim 1 , wherein the engagement between said rearwardly extended ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Needle Assembly for a Prefilled Syringe System

Номер: US20130261562A1

A needle assembly () for a prefilled injection syringe is described. A needle holder () has a needle () secured to it and is adapted to be secured to a syringe barrel of the injection syringe. A needle sheath () has a distal end forming a releasable sterile seal with the needle holder (), and surrounds and shields the needle (). A needle seal () surmounts the needle tip and is arranged at least in part in the proximal end of the needle sheath () and closed off by a closure element (). A closure connection between the closure element () and the needle sheath () is configured as a non-releasable and sterile barrier () produced by means of bonding or welding. 110210. A needle assembly (; ) for a prefilled injection syringe , comprising:{'b': 12', '212', '14', '214', '12', '212, 'a needle holder (; ) adapted to be secured to a syringe barrel of the injection syringe and a needle (; ) secured to the needle holder (; );'}{'b': 16', '216', '12', '212', '14', '214, 'a needle sheath (; ), releasably connected ate its distal end to the needle holder (; ) to form a sterile seal, and surrounding and shielding the needle (; );'}{'b': 18', '218', '16', '216, 'a needle seal (; ) located on the needle tip and arranged at least in part in the proximal end of the needle sheath (; ); and'}{'b': 20', '220, 'a closure element (; ) that closes off the proximal end of the needle seal;'}characterized by:{'b': 20', '220', '16', '216', '54', '254, 'a closure connection between the closure element (; ) and the needle sheath (; ), configured as a non-releasable and sterile barrier (; ) produced by means of bonding or welding.'}254254. The needle assembly as set forth in claim 1 , characterized in that said sterile barrier (; ) is produced by ultrasonic welding.354254. The needle assembly as set forth in claim 1 , characterized in that said sterile barrier (; ) is produced by laser welding.454254. The needle assembly as set forth in claim 1 , characterized by the use of non-toxic acrylic-based ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Blunt Needle Safety Drug Delivery System

Номер: US20130267907A1
Автор: Jin Yun, Wu Yongxian

Drug delivery devices having non-luer connections and adapters and adaption connectors for providing non-luer connections to drug delivery devices are provided. An exemplary drug delivery device for use with a catheter connection includes a blunt needle component with a non-luer connection and a filter component with a non-luer connection, wherein the non-luer connections of the blunt needle component and filter component are incompatible with standard luer fitting and intravenous route-accessing devices. In one or more embodiments, an adapter having a non-luer connection at one end and a luer connector is provided for use with blunt needle components and filter components wherein one of the blunt needle component and the filter component includes a luer connection and the other of the blunt needle component and the filter component includes a non-luer connection. Methods of delivering liquid medication to a catheter are also provided. 1. A drug delivery device comprising:a blunt needle component including an open distal end, an blunt needle having a non-luer shape extending from the open distal end, the blunt needle having a sidewall including an inside surface and an outside surface, a length greater than 0.5 inches and a lumen in fluid communication with the open distal end; anda filter component including an inlet for receiving the blunt needle, a non-luer connector disposed adjacent to the inlet for engaging the blunt needle, an outlet and a filter attached to one or both of the inlet and the outlet in fluid communication with the inlet and the outlet,wherein the blunt needle and the non-luer connector are incompatible with standard luer connectors and intravenous route-accessing devices.2. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the blunt needle has an outer diameter that prevents attachment of the blunt needle to a standard luer connector.3. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the blunt needle has a tapered outer cross-sectional width to ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Needle Assembly for the Delivery of at Least Two Medicaments

Номер: US20130267932A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Various embodiments of needle assemblies for use with a drug delivery device to deliver two or more medicaments are provided. Additionally, various embodiments of methods for delivering two or medicaments are provided. In one embodiment, a needle assembly comprises an injection needle, a proximal housing member, a distal housing member, and a medicament transfer element. The proximal housing member contains a first medicament and is configured to attach to a drug delivery device containing a second medicament. The distal housing member is movably engaged with the proximal housing member such that relative axial movement between the proximal and distal housing members causes the first medicament to be delivered. Upon activation of the drug delivery device (e.g., activation of a dose button of the drug delivery device) the second medicament is transferred, via the medicament transfer feature, from the drug delivery device to the injection needle of the needle assembly such that the second medicament can be delivered.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274666A1

The invention refers to an auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M), the auto-injector having a distal end (P) and a proximal end (D) with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site and comprising: 115-. (canceled)16. Auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) , the auto-injector having a distal end (P) and a proximal end (D) with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site and comprising:an elongate housing arranged to contain a syringe with a hollow needle and a stopper for sealing the syringe and displacing the medicament (M), wherein the syringe is slidably arranged with respect to the housing, pushing the needle from a retracted position into an advanced position through the orifice and past the proximal end (P), and', 'operating the syringe to supply the dose of medicament (M),', 'a plunger for transmitting power from the drive means to the syringe and/or stopper,, 'a drive means capable of, upon activationactivating means arranged to lock the drive means in a compressed state prior to manual operation and capable of, upon manual operation, releasing the drive means for injection,characterized in that translation of the needle and the syringe and/or translation of the plunger in longitudinal direction is controlled by at least one ramp or one thread so as to cause the syringe and/or the plunger to rotate when translated at least during part of the translation.17. Auto-injector according to claim 16 , characterized in that the plunger is arranged to be rotated by at least one ramp on translation from an initial distal position in proximal direction (P) claim 16 , wherein the activating means comprises a trigger button arranged to be engaged with the plunger so as to prevent rotation and thus translation of the plunger prior to operation claim 16 , wherein the trigger button is arranged to be disengaged from the plunger when operated.18. Auto-injector according to claim 16 , ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274676A1

The invention relates to an auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M), comprising of an elongate housing arranged to contain a syringe with a hollow needle and a bung for sealing the syringe and displacing the medicament (M), the elongate housing having a distal end (D) and a proximal end (P) with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site, wherein the syringe is slidably arranged with respect to the housing; spring means capable of, upon activation, pushing the needle from a covered position inside the housing into an advanced position through the orifice and past the proximal end (P) as well as operating the syringe to supply the dose of medicament (M); and activating means arranged to lock the spring means in a pressurized state prior to manual operation and capable of, upon manual operation, releasing the spring means for injection. The spring means is a torsion spring grounded at one end in the housing and at the other end in a first gear member rotatable about a longitudinal axis but axially fixed wherein the first gear member, upon rotation, is arranged for translatively moving a second gear member, the second gear member prevented from rotating and coupled to the bung in order to push it towards the proximal end (P), wherein the first gear member is engaged with the activating means prior to manual operation in a manner to prevent rotation and disengaged from the activating means upon manual operation. The activating means is a trigger button, arranged at a distal end (D) of the housing and operable by being pressed in proximal direction (P). 114-. (canceled)15. Auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) , comprising:an elongate housing arranged to contain a syringe with a hollow needle and a bung for sealing the syringe and displacing the medicament (M), the elongate housing having a distal end (D) and a proximal end (P) with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site, wherein ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281937A1
Автор: LIMAYE Amit Uday

In one aspect, a safety pen needle assembly is provided which includes a hub having an open proximal end, a needle fixed to the hub having a distal end, and a shield moveably mounted to the hub so as to be movable relative to the hub to selectively cover the distal end of the needle. An interface is defined between the shield and the hub which is sufficiently sealed so as to define a sterility barrier which prevents ingress of contaminants through the interface. At least one sterility barrier is mounted directly to, and across, an open proximal end of the hub and an open distal end of the shield. 1. A safety pen needle assembly comprising:a hub having an open proximal end;a needle fixed to said hub, said needle having a distal end, formed for insertion into a patient, and a proximal end;a shield moveably mounted to said hub so as to be movable relative to said hub to selectively cover said distal end of said needle, said shield having an open distal end, wherein an interface is defined between said shield and said hub, said interface being sufficiently sealed so as to define a sterility barrier which prevents ingress of contaminants through said interface; and,at least one sterility barrier mounted directly to, and across, said open proximal end of said hub and said open distal end of said shield.2. A safety pen needle assembly as in claim 1 , wherein said interface is sealed by a continuous barrier.3. A safety pen needle as in claim 2 , wherein said continuous barrier is defined by one or more selected from the group consisting of adhesion claim 2 , welding claim 2 , fusion claim 2 , portions of said hub claim 2 , and portions of said shield.4. A safety pen needle assembly as in claim 1 , wherein at least one first sterility barrier is mounted to said open proximal end of said hub and at least one second sterility barrier is mounted to said open distal end of said second shield.5. A safety pen needle assembly as in claim 4 , further comprising one or more straps ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281942A1
Автор: Jugl Michael, Teucher Axel

A cartridge holder suitable for an injection device is proposed. The injection device is adapted to administer a dose of a medicament to a patient. The cartridge holder is adapted to receive a medical cartridge containing the dose of the medicament. The cartridge holder comprises an annular collar with a first set (S) of first detents arranged around a circumference of the annular collar. Each first detent projects from an inner surface of the annular collar in a radial inward direction. The first detent is adapted to engage a corresponding second detent of the medical cartridge to mount the medical cartridge to the cartridge holder. The first detent is resiliently arranged and/or supported so as to provide a unidirectional torque limiter that restricts a maximal torque between the cartridge holder and the medical cartridge in a first rotational direction (R). 115-. (canceled)1611. Cartridge holder for an injection device capable of administering a dose of a medicament , wherein the cartridge holder adapted to receive a medical cartridge containing the dose of the medicament comprises an annular collar with a first set (S) of first detents arranged around a circumference of the annular collar , wherein each first detent projects from an inner surface of the annular collar in a radial inward direction , the first detent being adapted to engage a corresponding second detent of the medical cartridge to mount the medical cartridge to the cartridge holder and the first detent being resiliently arranged and/or supported so as to provide a unidirectional torque limiter that restricts a torque between the cartridge holder and the medical cartridge in a first rotational direction (R) to a maximal value.171. Cartridge holder according to claim 16 , characterized in that the first detents of the first set (S) arranged around the circumference of the annular collar are regularly spaced apart from each other.18. Cartridge holder according to claim 16 , characterized in that ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289489A1

A rigid needle shield for covering a distal end of a syringe is provided. The rigid needle shield includes an elongated flexible member connected to a sidewall of the rigid needle shield for moving the rigid needle shield between a first relaxed position and a second flexed position. When in the first relaxed position, the elongated flexible member is substantially within the rigid needle shield. However, when the elongated flexible member is moved to the second flexed position, the elongated flexible member extends beyond a proximal end of the rigid needle shield to engage a needle hub or a shoulder of the syringe to move the rigid needle shield distally relative to the syringe. 1. A rigid needle shield comprising:an open proximal end;a closed distal end;a sidewall extending between the open proximal end and the closed distal end forming an elongated chamber therein; and a first end connected to the rigid needle shield,', 'a second end slidably connected to the needle shield proximate the open proximal end, and', 'a middle portion extending between the first end and the second end, and deflectable to move the elongated flexible member between a first relaxed position and a second flexed position, wherein the second end extends further beyond the open proximal end in the second flexed position., 'an elongated flexible member having2. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein the first end is connected to at least one of the closed distal end and the sidewall claim 1 , and the second end is a free end.3. The rigid needle shield of claim 2 , wherein the second end slidingly engages an inner portion of the rigid needle shield proximate the open proximal end.4. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein in the first position claim 1 , the second end is within the elongated chamber.5. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 , wherein the middle portion is convex claim 1 , bowing outwardly from the sidewall when in the first position.6. The rigid needle shield of claim 1 ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289492A1

The invention refers to an auto-injector comprising an elongate housing, a syringe with a hollow injection needle and a stopper, wherein the syringe is arranged in a syringe carrier slidably with respect to the housing, 111-. (canceled)13. Auto-injector according to claim 12 , characterized in that the activating means comprise a skin trigger sleeve telescoped in the housing claim 12 , translatable in longitudinal direction between an advanced position protruding beyond the proximal end of the housing and a depressed position further into the housing claim 12 , wherein the skin trigger sleeve is biased towards the advanced position claim 12 , wherein in the initial state the thrust tube is arranged to be locked for preventing translation and wherein the skin trigger sleeve is arranged to release the thrust tube on translation into the depressed position for starting an injection cycle.14. Auto-injector according to claim 13 , characterized in that the thrust tube is connected to the housing by at least one bayonet pin engaged in at least one bayonet track claim 13 , wherein in the initial state the skin trigger sleeve claim 13 , the syringe carrier and the plunger are rigidly connected for joint translation and rotation so that translation of the skin trigger sleeve into the depressed position results in translation of the plunger relative to the thrust tube resulting in rotation of the thrust tube about a small angle so that the bayonet pin is rotated out of a circumferential portion into a longitudinal portion of the bayonet track.15. Auto-injector according to claim 12 , characterized in that a lock is arranged partially inside a distal end of the skin trigger sleeve around a piston rod of the plunger and axially coupled to the syringe carrier claim 12 , wherein the piston rod is keyed into the lock for joint rotation claim 12 , wherein the lock comprises at least one resilient arm engageable in a circumferential notch in the piston rod in a manner to couple the ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296800A1

A syringe is provided with a needle that includes a needle tube having a needle tip that can puncture a living body, a needle holding member, and an outer tube that is filled with a drug. The needle holding member is formed integrally and coaxially with the needle tube by insert molding. The needle holding member has a distal end and a proximal end, and can hold the needle tube in a state where the needle tip of the needle tube is protruded from the distal end. The outer tube is fixed to the needle holding member by welding. The needle holding member and the outer tube are formed from essentially the same material. 1. A syringe provided with a needle , comprising:a needle tube having a needle tip capable of puncturing a living body;a needle holding member formed integrally and coaxially with the needle tube by insert molding, having a distal end and a proximal end, and configured to hold the needle tube such that the needle tip of the needle tube protrudes from the distal end; andan outer tube having one end portion to which the proximal end of the needle holding member is fixed by welding, and another end portion located on the side axial-directionally opposite to the one end portion and provided with an opening, the outer tube being configured to be filled with a drug,wherein the needle holding member and the outer tube are formed from essentially the same material.2. The syringe provided with a needle according to claim 1 ,wherein the one end portion of the outer tube is provided with a holding hole into which a proximal part of the needle tube is inserted, the proximal part being located on an opposite side to the needle tip.3. The syringe provided with a needle according to claim 2 ,wherein the holding hole is opened in a tapered shape such that a diameter thereof continuously increases along a direction from a side of the another end portion to a side of the one end portion of the outer tube.4. The syringe provided with a needle according to claim 1 ,wherein ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296801A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide a syringe with a needle and method of forming thereof. The syringe with the needle includes a needle tube having a needle tip to puncture a living body and a syringe. The syringe further includes a main body filled with a drug, a fixing section for fixing the needle tube in a state where the needle tip of the needle tube being protruded, and a connecting section at which the fixing section and the main body are connected. The connecting section is provided with a holding hole into which a proximal portion of the needle tube is inserted. The needle tube and the fixing section are fixed by forming at least a portion of the fixing section from a resin composed of essentially the same material as the syringe, after the proximal portion of the needle tube has been inserted into the holding hole. 1. A syringe provided with a needle , comprising:a needle tube having a needle tip capable of puncturing a living body; anda syringe including a main body configured to be filled with a drug, a fixing section formed continuously with the main body and fixing the needle tube such that the needle tip of the needle tube protrudes therefrom, and a connecting section at which the fixing section and the main body are connected,wherein the connecting section of the syringe is provided with a holding hole into which a proximal part of the needle tube is inserted, the proximal part being located on an opposite side to the needle tip, andthe needle tube is fixed to the fixing section by forming at least a portion of the fixing section from a resin composed of essentially the same material as the syringe after the proximal portion of the needle tube is inserted into the holding hole.2. The syringe provided with a needle according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing section of the syringe is provided with:an insertion hole which is continuous with the holding hole and into which the needle tube is inserted; andan injection section for injecting the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317447A1
Автор: Cowe Toby

An injection device for use with a syringe having a syringe body, a needle coupled thereto, and a plunger moveable through the body to eject medication from the syringe through the needle, includes a housing defining an inner space for holding a syringe and facilitating movement thereof from a first position in which the needle is contained fully within the housing and a second position in which the needle projects from the housing, and a drive member located within the inner space so that in use the drive member can engage the plunger of a syringe held within the housing. The device further includes a force applicator located within the inner space for providing a force to the drive member so as to move the syringe from the first to the second position and thereafter to move the plunger through the syringe body, a trigger mechanism, and a damper. 116-. (canceled)17. An injection device for use with a syringe having a syringe body , a needle coupled to the syringe body , and a plunger which can be moved through the syringe body to eject medication from the syringe through the needle , the injection device comprising:a housing defining an inner space for holding a syringe and facilitating movement of the syringe from a first position in which the needle is contained fully within the housing and a second position in which the needle projects from the housing;a drive member located within said inner space so that in use the drive member can engage the plunger of a syringe held within the housing;a force applicator located within said inner space for providing a force to the drive member which in turn acts on the plunger so as to move the syringe from said first to said second position and thereafter to move the plunger through the syringe body;a trigger mechanism for retaining the force applicator and the drive member in a cocked configuration and, upon activation, for releasing the force applicator and the drive member; anda pneumatic damper for damping the kinetic ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20130324934A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a generally elongated housing (), a drive assembly disposed in said hosing and an actuation assembly operably connected to said drive assembly, wherein said drive assembly comprises a guard member () and an actuator member (), characterised in that the actuation assembly further comprises a locking member () disposed between the guard member and the actuator member, wherein said locking member is configured to be moved by the guard member when the guard member is pressed against a delivery site between a first locking position in which the locking member is blocking the actuator member and a released position in which the locking member allows the actuator member to be operated. 19.-. (canceled)10. A medicament delivery device , comprising:an elongated housing having opposite distal and proximal ends and configured for storing a medicament container assembly;a drive assembly disposed in the housing and configured for acting on the medicament container assembly to expel a dose of medicament; andan actuation assembly operably connected to the drive assembly for activating the drive assembly;wherein the drive assembly comprises a guard member movable in relation to the housing and having a proximal part protruding from the proximal end of the housing, and an actuator member disposed in the housing and operable through the housing; the actuation assembly comprises a locking member that is disposed between the guard member and the actuator member and that is configured to be moved by the guard member when the guard member is pressed against a delivery site between a first locking position, in which the locking member blocks the actuator member, and a released position, in which the locking member allows the actuator member to be operated; and the locking member is further configured to be moved by the actuator member between the released position and a second locking position, in which the locking ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Preservative-Free Follicle Stimulating Hormone Solution Delivery Device

Номер: US20130324965A1

A one-time use device to deliver preservative-free follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) solution is disclosed. The device includes a needle covered by a sliding needle shield, which covers the needle in all modes of the device. The device can be placed into a ready-to-use position in four or fewer user steps. The device has a knob for setting a desired dose of FSH. The knob includes longitudinally spaced elements respectively corresponding to the lock position and the seven or fewer discrete dosing positions. The device locks after one use and cannot be reused thereafter.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Safety needle assembly

Номер: US20130331793A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

The present invention is directed to a safety needle assembly having the high safety and high operability, comprising: a hub; a cannula; a collar; a protector; and a sheath. The sheath includes an opening of housing the cannula; a cannula fixing part of locking the cannula housed in the opening; an attachment part of rotatably supporting the sheath attached to the hub or the collar; and a protrusive stopper which a user pushes by a finger to pivot the sheath thereby to house the cannula in the opening of the sheath. Herein, the stopper is arranged at a vicinity of a central portion of the sheath in a longitudinal direction at the opposite side of the aperture of the opening, or arranged at a portion closer to a distal end side than the central portion of the sheath.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Safety Device for a Pre-Filled Syringe and an Injection Device

Номер: US20130331795A1

A safety device for a pre-filled syringe is proposed that comprises 110-. (canceled)12. A safety device according to claim 11 , characterized in that the torsion spring is arranged within the support body in a pre-tensioned state.13. A safety device according to claim 11 , characterized in that the spinning collar comprises a bearing surface that bears against the mounting collar in the proximal direction.14. A safety device according to claim 11 , characterized in that the mounting collar is releasably mounted to the support body by a catch protruding through an aperture formed into the support body.15. A safety device according to claim 14 , characterized in that an outer body is slidably arranged with respect to the support body claim 14 , wherein the outer body substantially receives the support body at the end of an injection stroke claim 14 , whereby the catch is deflected inwardly to release the mounting collar.16. A safety device according to claim 14 , characterized in that the catch latches to a distal end of the support body to lock the mounting collar in a retracted position.17. A safety device according to claim 11 , characterized in that a needle shroud is slidably arranged with respect to the support body claim 11 , wherein a first flange claim 11 , that is adapted to be pressed against a skin surface claim 11 , is formed to a distal end of the needle shroud.18. A safety device according to claim 11 , characterized in that a second flange claim 11 , that is adapted to be pressed against skin surface claim 11 , is formed to a distal end of the support body.20. An injection device according to claim 19 , characterized in that the outer body abuts a plunger of the pre-filled syringe claim 19 , so that a distal movement of the outer body with respect to the support body causes the plunger to depress into an inner cavity containing a dose of medication claim 19 , whereby the dose of medication is expelled through the injection needle. The present ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Needle Adapter

Номер: US20130331799A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The invention relates to a needle adapter for coupling a needle to an injection device. The needle adapter comprises a proximal portion for receiving a distal end of the injection device, and a distal portion having an opening for receiving the needle.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Injection System with Hidden Needles

Номер: US20140012207A1
Принадлежит: Avant Medical Corp.

An auto-injector confines all functional components inside an enclosed housing, to keep its needle out-of-sight, at all times. Within the housing, a needle holder positions a needle at a location. A drive mechanism then simultaneously engages the needle with a fluid source and accelerates it with a predetermined momentum for insertion into a patient. After fluid delivery, the withdrawn needle is moved to storage within the housing for subsequent disposal. 1an elongated hypodermic needle defining an axis and having a sharp proximal end and a sharp distal end;a fluid reservoir mounted on the housing;a fluid transfer section formed with a fluid chamber and positioned for movement along a pathway inside the housing, said fluid chamber having an input port and an output port, wherein a septum covers the output port;a flexible hose interconnecting the input port of the transfer section with the fluid reservoir to establish fluid communication between the fluid reservoir and the needle;a collar mounted on the hypodermic needle between the proximal end and the distal end thereof with the collar extending radially outward from the needle, wherein the collar limits travel of the needle along the pathway inside the housing between a first position wherein the proximal end of the needle is at a distance from the fluid transfer section and a second position wherein the sharp proximal end of the needle is engaged in fluid communication with the fluid reservoir and the sharp distal end of the needle is inserted into the patient for infusion of the fluid medicament from the reservoir to the patient while said fluid reservoir remains stationary relative to movement of the fluid transfer section wherein the needle and the collar, in combination, establish a needle unit, and wherein the system incorporates a plurality of needle units and the system further comprises a holder mounted on the housing to sequentially present each needle unit for individual travel along the pathway and to ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device Comprising a Locking Mechanism Having a Lever

Номер: US20140018744A1
Автор: Holmqvist Anders
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

Medicament delivery device comprising a movable guard () being movable between a proximal and a distal position and a locking mechanism () having a lever (), the lever () restricting movement of an actuation locking member () until the movable guard is positioned in a distal position and the lever () restricting movement of the guard () in a proximal position after actuation of the device. 116.-. (canceled)17. A medicament delivery device for injection , comprising:a) a guard movable between a proximal position and a distal position; anda locking mechanism having a lever, the lever restricting movement of an actuation locking member until the guard is positioned in the distal position, and the lever restricting movement of the guard in the proximal position after actuation.18. The medicament delivery device of claim 17 , wherein the lever has at least one first portion that is positioned closer than at least one second portion to a plane that is generally parallel to a longitudinal axis of the medicament delivery device and includes a pivot axis about which the lever pivots when the lever is in an initial position.19. The medicament delivery device of claim 18 , wherein the first portion is at least partly provided proximal of the second portion.20. The medicament delivery device of claim 19 , wherein the first portion is at least partly provided proximal of the pivot axis of lever and the second portion is at least partly provided distal of the pivot axis of the lever.21. The medicament delivery device of claim 18 , wherein at least a part of the first portion and at least a part of the second portion are overlapped by the guard or a member moved by the guard when the guard is moved in a distal direction.22. The medicament delivery device of claim 18 , wherein at least a part of the second portion is overlapped by the actuation locking member when the actuation locking member is moved in a proximal direction.23. The medicament delivery device of claim 17 , wherein ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025018A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

A needle mounting system and methods for mounting a needle assembly on a needle mount are disclosed. The needle mounting system includes a needle hub having protrusions extending radially inward. A needle mount has a plurality of slots to receive the protrusions. The slots have a first portion that defines a passageway substantially parallel to a longitudinal axis of the needle mount and a second portion substantially perpendicular to the axis. The needle hub and mount provide a method wherein a needle assembly may be mounted on an injection device without completely rotating the needle hub relative to the needle mount. 1. A mounting system for mounting two different needle arrangements , the mounting system comprising:a threaded surface for threadedly coupling and threadedly mounting a needle assembly, anda surface comprising L-shaped grooves for receiving a bayonet coupling on a medical device, thereby allowing the needle mount to fixedly attach to either a threaded assembly or a bayonet assembly.2. The mounting system of wherein the needle mount is incorporated into an adapter.3. A method of providing a user with a plurality of ways to attach a needle assembly to a medication containing apparatus having a needle mount claim 1 , the method comprising:supplying a needle mount on the medication containing apparatus,supplying a first threaded needle assembly that mounts on the needle mount, andsupplying a second non-threaded needle assembly that attaches to the needle with an axial and rotation movement wherein the rotational movement is less than 360 degrees.4. The method of wherein the second non-threaded needle is secured via bayonet action.5. A mount system for attaching to a distal end of an injection device a bayonet style connector in which a double point needle is disposed within a cylindrically shaped tubular element comprising an inner cylindrical wall from which one or more protrusions extend radially inward and a conventional a pen needle secured to ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Needle sheathing device with flexible end-piece for syringe

Номер: US20140031762A1
Автор: Stéphane Chevalier
Принадлежит: SANOFI SA

The invention relates to a safe support device for a syringe, said support comprising a support sheath for the body of a syringe, and safety means which comprise an inner sheath suitable for sliding relative to said support sheath between a waiting retracted position, in which said inner sheath is substantially retracted inside said support sheath, and an active protection position, in which said inner sheath projects from said support sheath. The inner sheath has a free end portion formed by a flexible end-piece. The invention also relates to an assembly comprising such a safe support device and a syringe having a body, a piston and a needle disposed at one end of said body.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039406A1
Принадлежит: Safety Syringes, Inc.

A safety device for a medicine cartridge comprising a body for receiving a cartridge, a guard for covering a used needle, a plunger to dispense medicine from the cartridge and a spring for activation of the guard. The trigger fingers of the guard are spaced to avoid or minimize contact with the spring flange during assembly to avoid trigger finger unseating. An elongated trigger finger head enables the device to activate for all known syringe and syringe plunger tolerances. The spring end coils have larger diameter than the inner coils to reduce the likelihood of the spring end coil end interfering with the cartridge subassembly. Syringe capture features are configured to retain a syringe having a small round or conventional cut flange in place during use and reduce the stress on the syringe flange during insertion while maintaining the ability to hold the syringe in place during use. 1. A needle guard safety device couplable to a ready-to-fill syringe comprisinga body for receiving a medicine cartridge,a needle guard for covering a used needle,a plunger to dispense medicine from the medicine cartridge, anda spring for activation of the needle guard,wherein trigger fingers of the needle guard are spaced such that the medicine cartridge flange will not come into contact with the trigger fingers during assembly.2. The needle guard safety device of claim 1 , wherein the trigger fingers of the needle guard are spaced such that the medicine cartridge flange minimally contacts the trigger fingers during assembly without unseating the trigger fingers during assembly.3. The needle guard safety device of claim 1 , further comprising syringe capture features on the body claim 1 , wherein the capture features include an angled surface that interfaces with the medicine cartridge flange during insertion requiring a normal force for assembly.4. The needle guard safety device of claim 1 , wherein end coils of the spring at both ends are a larger diameter compared with the inner ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039413A1
Автор: Ergel Turhan, Jugl Michael

Described is a needle assembly comprising of a needle hub having a coupling mechanism adapted to engage corresponding coupling mechanism of a retainer, and a notch formed in a proximal end of the needle hub, wherein the notch is adapted to engage a projection on the retainer. 111-. (canceled)12. A needle assembly comprising:a needle hub having a coupling mechanism adapted to engage corresponding coupling mechanism of a retainer; anda notch formed in a proximal end of the needle hub, wherein the notch is adapted to engage a projection on the retainer.13. The needle assembly according to claim 12 , wherein a shape of the projection corresponds to a shape of the notch.14. The needle assembly according to claims 12 , wherein a feedback is provided when the projection engages the notch.15. The needle assembly according to claim 14 , wherein the feedback is at least one of a tactile feedback and an audible feedback.16. The needle assembly according to claim 12 , wherein a plurality of notches are formed in the proximal end of the needle hub.17. The needle assembly according to claim 12 , wherein a plurality of projections are formed on the retainer.18. The needle assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the plurality of projections are disposed at regular intervals.19. The needle assembly according to wherein the notch is an inverted U-shape.20. The needle assembly according to wherein the notch is triangular.21. The needle assembly according to wherein the notch includes a surface adapted to prevent movement of the projection in a first direction.22. The needle assembly according to claim 12 , wherein the retainer is an injection device. The present application is a U.S. National Phase Application pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §371 of International Application No. PCT/EP2012/056997 filed Apr. 17, 2012, which claims priority to European Patent Application No. 11163250.1 filed Apr. 20, 2011. The entire disclosure contents of these applications are herewith incorporated by ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Dispense interface with lockout element

Номер: US20140042741A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The invention relates to a dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device with an inner body and with a lockout element, wherein the lockout element is coupled to the inner body, wherein the lockout element is movable from a receptive condition to a locked condition, wherein in the receptive condition the dispense interface is attachable to the drug delivery device, wherein in the locked condition the dispense interface is not-attachable to the drug delivery device and wherein the lockout element is configured to move from the receptive condition to the locked condition when said dispense interface is attached to and detached from said drug delivery device. The invention solves the technical problem of reducing the risk of reuse of a dispense interface, after it has already been used with a drug delivery device.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052071A1

The invention relates to a syringe () comprising a syringe barrel (), an ejector unit () arranged at the distal end of the syringe barrel () with a plunger rod (), a coupling part () and a plunger () and a syringe head () arranged at the proximal end of the syringe barrel () with a needle unit () which is arranged in a guide sleeve () and is slidable therein with a cannula () and a cannula holder () and a pinion (), by means of which the needle unit () is axially movable, relative to a syringe barrel () from a rest position to an actuation position. At the distal end of the guide sleeve () a sealing element () is arranged. The pinion () has at least one guide knob (), which can be brought into engagement optionally with one of two slide tracks () provided in the guide sleeve (), wherein the slide tracks () are inclined in opposite directions. 121-. (canceled)222015251521151253421215751231232110510. A syringe () comprising a syringe barrel () for holding a medicine to be administered , an ejector unit () arranged at the distal end of the syringe barrel () , a syringe head () arranged at the proximal end of the syringe barrel () with a needle unit () arranged in a guide sleeve () and slidable therein comprising a cannula () and a cannula holder () and a pinion () , by means of which the needle unit () can be moved axially relative to a syringe barrel () from a position of rest to an actuation position and a sealing element () arranged at the distal end of the guide sleeve () which in the position of the rest of the needle unit () is unpierced by the cannula () and in the activated position of the needle unit () is pierced by the cannula () , wherein the pinion () comprises at least one guide knob () , which can be moved into engagement optionally with one of two slide tracks () provided in the guide sleeve () , wherein the slide tracks () are inclined in opposite directions.23202112110. The syringe () as claimed in claim 22 , wherein the pinion () comprises two guide ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052072A1

The present invention safety device is a one-piece needle assembly that has a base and a housing pivotally connected to the base. The base has a distal portion to which a needle is fitted. At the base there is formed longitudinally along its distal portion a catch mechanism that may be in the form of an anchor projection. At the back wall of the housing there is extended another catch mechanism that may be configured in the form of two clasping fingers. Also providing in the housing is an integral hook. As the housing and the base are pivoted relative to each other, and as the needle makes contact with the hook, the respective catch mechanisms at the base and the housing also make contact with each other, resulting in the coupling of the catch mechanisms and the coupling of the needle to the hook. As a result, the catch mechanisms are interlocked and the needle is fixedly retained by the hook within the housing. The catch mechanisms may also be configured as a hook and a latch in the form of a rib with an opening whereto the hook is fixedly coupled. The catch mechanisms may further be configured as respective interlockable pairs of loops and bosses. The gauge of the needle may be determined by the color of both the base and the housing, which are molded as a unitary single unit. 113-. (canceled)14. A method of preventing exposure of a needle after use for a safety device adaptable to mate with a syringe at its proximal end and having fitted to its distal end the needle , said safety device including a housing and a base pivotally connected to each other , said housing having a back wall and two sidewalls together forming a slot through which the needle passes when said housing is pivoted toward said base to cover the needle , the method comprising the steps of:a) extending one catch mechanism from said back wall; andb) providing an other catch mechanism at said base at a location that ensures said one and other catch mechanisms are non-removably interlocked to each ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Controlled Release Structure for Attaching Medical Devices

Номер: US20140052073A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A medical device for use with a fluid transfer device includes a hub having an open proximal end with a frusto-conically-shaped cavity therein, a distal end and a passageway therethrough. The cavity is part of the passageway. A release element in the passageway of the hub is positioned to block fluid-tight engagement of the frusto-conically-shaped tip with the cavity of the hub. Structure is provided to release at least part of the release element, upon application of a proximally directed force on the hub, to allow the abrupt fluid-tight engagement of the tip and the cavity in the hub.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052078A1
Автор: Heinz Jochen
Принадлежит: Transcoject GmbH

A syringe with a syringe cylinder has a Luer-lock connection arranged at an axial end of the syringe cylinder. The Luer-lock connection includes a Luer cone and a rotatable threaded sleeve surrounding this. The rotatable threaded sleeve of the Luer-lock connection includes a radially outwardly directed prominence. 1. A syringe comprising:a syringe cylinder; anda Luer-lock connection arranged at an axial end of the syringe cylinder, the Luer-lock connection comprising a Luer cone and a rotatable threaded sleeve surrounding the Luer cone, the rotatable threaded sleeve comprising a radially outwardly directed prominence.2. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the radially outwardly directed prominence is arranged at an axial end of the threaded sleeve which is faces the syringe cylinder.3. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the radially outwardly directed prominence is distanced in an axial direction from an axial end of the threaded sleeve which faces the syringe cylinder.4. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the radius of the prominence from a middle axis of the syringe cylinder corresponds to at least half a radius of the syringe cylinder at a syringe cylinder axial end.5. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein a radius of the prominence from a middle axis of the syringe cylinder corresponds to at least two thirds of a radius of the syringe cylinder at a syringe cylinder axial end.6. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the radius of the prominence from a middle axis of the syringe cylinder corresponds at least to a radius of the syringe cylinder at an axial end.7. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the radially outwardly directed prominence comprises a disk or disk portion.8. A syringe according to claim 1 , wherein the prominence extends as a disk or a disk portion parallel to a base of the syringe cylinder claim 1 , which surrounds the Luer cone.9. A syringe according to claim 7 , wherein the radially outwardly directed prominence that ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Eject Button for a Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20140081215A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A medicament delivery device comprises a housing having a longitudinal axis, a medicament delivery mechanism within the housing, a dispense interface disengagement actuator and a detachable dispense interface. The interface is moveable between a first operative position in which the dispense interface is securely engaged and at least partially contained within the housing, and a second non-operative position in which the dispense interface is partially engaged and at least partially extending from the housing such that it can be detached from the housing manually. The travel of the dispense interface from the first position to the second position is along the longitudinal axis in a direction away from the housing and the movement from the first to the second position is actuated by the dispense interface disengagement actuator.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Use of switches to facilitate a safe and convenient attachment and removal procedure

Номер: US20140088558A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention inter alia relates to an apparatus, comprising a detecting arrangement comprising a first and a second detecting unit, wherein the detecting arrangement is configured to at least detect a partial attaching of an attachable unit to the apparatus and a complete attaching of the attachable unit to the apparatus, wherein the attachable unit is configured to be removably attached to the apparatus, and wherein the detecting arrangement is configured to only enable at least one function of the apparatus, when a complete attaching of the attachable unit to the apparatus is detected.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Needle Assembly Cover

Номер: US20140094758A1
Автор: Jugl Michael, Teucher Axel

Described is a needle assembly system comprising a needle assembly including a needle and a needle support, and a cover including a distal portion adapted to house at least a distal end of the needle and a proximal portion adapted to house the needle support. The proximal portion includes a first portion and a second portion. The first portion has a first inner diameter substantially equal to an outer diameter of the needle support and the second portion has a second inner diameter greater than the diameter of the needle support. 17-. (canceled)8. A needle assembly system comprising:a needle assembly including a needle and a needle support;a cover including a distal portion adapted to house at least a distal end of the needle and a proximal portion adapted to house the needle support,wherein the proximal portion includes a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion has a first inner diameter substantially equal to an outer diameter of the needle support and the second portion has a second inner diameter greater than the diameter of the needle support.9. The needle assembly system according to claim 8 , wherein a first inner surface of the first portion frictionally engages the needle support.10. The needle assembly system according to claim 9 , wherein a second inner surface of the second portion does not frictionally engage the needle assembly.11. The needle assembly system according to claim 10 , wherein the second inner surface includes at least one projection claim 10 , and an outer surface of the needle support includes at least one groove.12. The needle assembly system according to claim 11 , wherein engagement of the at least one projection with the at least one groove provides at least one of an audible feedback and a tactile feedback.13. The needle assembly system according to claim 8 , wherein the cover includes at least one extension extending proximally of the proximal portion claim 8 , wherein the at least one extension is adapted to ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001107A1
Автор: Helmer Michael

A medicament injection device includes a main body configured to receive a medicament cartridge sealed by a first penetrable barrier, a cap assembly including a button cap and a carrier unit, the button cap being rotatable with respect to the carrier unit and wherein the button cap is prevented from being displaced axially in a proximal direction unless the button is rotated into alignment with respect to the carrier unit, a needle carrier releasably coupled to the carrier unit, the needle carrier carrying a needle having a proximal end and a distal end, the needle carrier being releasably coupled to the push button. Subsequent to rotational alignment of the button cap with respect to the carrier unit, the button cap is axially displaceable in the proximal direction. Axial displacement of the button cap in the proximal direction causes the needle carrier to be displaced axially in the proximal direction. 1. A medicament injection device comprising:a main body configured to receive a medicament cartridge sealed by a first penetrable barrier;a cap assembly comprising a button cap and a carrier unit, wherein the button cap is dimensioned to fit over the carrier unit, the button cap being rotatable with respect to the carrier unit, and wherein the button cap is prevented from being displaced axially in a proximal direction unless the button cap is rotated into alignment with respect to the carrier unit; anda needle carrier carrying a needle having a proximal end and a distal end,wherein subsequent to rotational alignment of the button cap with respect to the carrier unit, the button cap is axially displaceable in the proximal direction,wherein an axial displacement of the button cap in the proximal direction causes the needle carrier to be displaced axially in the proximal direction, andwherein subsequent to the axial displacement of the button cap in the proximal direction, the button cap is separable from the main body and from the needle in a distal direction.2. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Drug container

Номер: US20210001051A1

The present invention relates to an assembly comprising an injection device comprising a container for a product, wherein the container includes a distal tip encompassing a channel providing a passageway for transferring the product, and an adaptor mounted onto the distal tip. The assembly further includes a heat-shrinkable film covering at least part of the container and at least part of the adaptor, wherein the heat-shrinkable film maintains the adaptor blocked in rotation and in translation relative to the container when the heat-shrinkable film is in heat-shrunk condition.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001006A1

A syringe assembly includes a barrel, and a seal cap mounted to the barrel. The seal cap includes a closed distal end portion, an open proximal end portion, a hollow portion including a barrel end storage portion configured to store a barrel end portion, and a puncture needle storage portion extending from the barrel end storage portion, an insertion allowing portion configured to receive a puncture needle tip of a puncture needle guided to the distal end of the puncture needle storage portion, and a projection portion formed on an inner surface of the barrel end storage portion. The projection portion has a top portion, a distal inclined portion, and a proximal inclined portion extending from the top portion toward the open proximal end portion. A non-stick surface for inhibiting sticking to a barrel end portion of the barrel is formed on an inner surface of the projection portion. 1. A syringe assembly comprising: a barrel body portion,', 'a cylindrical barrel end portion disposed at a distal end of the barrel body portion, the cylindrical barrel end portion including an annular head portion and an annular recessed portion formed at a proximal end of the annular head portion, and', 'a puncture needle having a puncture needle tip at a distal end, the puncture needle having a proximal end fixedly disposed in the barrel end portion; and, 'a barrel includinga seal cap mounted to the barrel, a closed distal end portion;', 'an open proximal end portion;', 'a hollow portion having a barrel end storage portion disposed distal of the open proximal end portion, the barrel end storage portion storing the barrel end portion, and a puncture needle storage portion extending from a distal end of the barrel end storage portion, the puncture needle storage portion storing the puncture needle;', 'an insertion allowing portion configured to receive the puncture needle tip of the puncture needle stored in the puncture needle storage portion; and', 'a projection portion formed on an ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Cap assembly for a drug delivery device, kit for assembling a cap, method for assembling a cap and drug delivery device comprising a cap assembly

Номер: US20200001020A1
Автор: Plumptre David Aubrey

A multi-part cap assembly for a drug delivery device is provided, the cap assembly comprising: a first cap component, and a second cap component, wherein the first cap component is assembled to the second cap component, wherein one of the first cap component and the second cap component is provided with a guide track and the other one of the first cap component and the second cap component is provided with a guide feature, wherein the guide track and the guide feature are arranged to cooperate to form an axial guiding interface between the first cap component and the second cap component, and wherein the axial guiding interface is configured such that relative rotational movement between the first cap component and the second cap component is restricted or prevented. Furthermore, a kit for assembling a cap and a method for assembling a cap are provided as well as a drug delivery device. 1. A multi-part cap assembly for a drug delivery device , comprising:a first cap component; anda second cap component, whereinthe first cap component is assembled to the second cap component, wherein one of the first cap component and the second cap component is provided with a guide track and the other one of the first cap component and the second cap component is provided with a guide feature, wherein the guide track and the guide feature are arranged to cooperate to form an axial guiding interface between the first cap component and the second cap component, and wherein the axial guiding interface is configured such that relative rotational movement between the first cap component and the second cap component is restricted or prevented.2. The cap assembly of claim 1 ,wherein the first cap component and the second cap component are configured such that, aside from the guiding interface, the relative angular orientations of the first cap component and the second cap component, in which the first cap component can be assembled to the second cap component are limited, wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Safety Syringe with Needle Redirection Device

Номер: US20190001075A1
Автор: Shaw Thomas J., Small Mark

A safety syringe comprising a needle redirection device that is desirably configured to bend the needle shaft forwardly of the barrel following an injection to thereby redirect the needle tip from a first position where it projects forwardly in coaxial alignment with the syringe barrel to a second position where the needle tip is covered or protected from incidental or accidental contact and associated needle sticks. Both sliding and pivoting embodiments are disclosed. 1. A safety syringe comprising:a barrel having a nose end further comprising a slide support structure;a needle connected to the nose end of the barrel, the needle having a forwardly extending end comprising a needle tip;a plunger slidably disposed inside the barrel, the plunger further comprising a plunger seal establishing a fluid seal between the plunger and an inside wall of the barrel; anda needle redirection device further comprising a slide member attached to the slide support structure, the slide member further comprising an aperture through which the needle projects forwardly from the nose end of the barrel and a laterally facing touch surface that initiates transverse sliding movement of the slide member relative to the slide support structure upon the application of digital pressure to the touch surface following an injection and removal of the needle from a patient, wherein said transverse sliding movement and the continued application of digital pressure to the touch surface causes the needle to bend from a first position that is coaxially aligned with the barrel to a second position in which the needle tip is substantially transverse to the barrel and is disposed in a protected position behind the slide member.2. The safety syringe of wherein the barrel is configured to administer injections or infusions of not more than about 1 mL.3. The safety syringe of wherein the needle has a nominal length ranging between about 4 mm and about 13 mm.4. The safety syringe of wherein the needle has a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008657A1

A plunger kit including a piston to be slidably inserted into a liquid medicine storage chamber and a plunger rod to be mounted to the piston, a syringe kit, and a prefilled syringe, in which there is formed, on a tip end of the plunger rod, a mounting part having a shaft part that projects to a tip end side with a substantially constant diameter, an engagement part forming an engagement surface increased in diameter from a tip end of the shaft part in a radial direction and formed substantially perpendicular to an axial direction, and a conical part formed on a tip end side of the engagement part and reduced in diameter in a tapered manner toward a tip end in the axial direction, and a cut-out part obtained by cutting out a part in a circumferential direction is formed on the engagement part. 1. A plunger kit comprising:a piston configured to be slidably inserted into a liquid medicine storage chamber of a syringe main body part, and a plunger rod mountable to the piston;wherein the plunger rod has a rod main body that extends in an axial direction and transmits drive force to the piston, and a mounting part that projects from a tip end of the rod main body and is for mounting the plunger rod to the piston;the mounting part includes a shaft part that projects from a tip end part of the rod main body to a tip end side with a substantially constant diameter, an engagement part that projects from a tip end part of the shaft part in a radial direction and forms an engagement surface formed substantially perpendicular to the axial direction, and a conical part disposed on a tip end side of the engagement part and reduced in diameter in a tapered manner toward a tip end;a recess is formed on the piston, the recess having an opening part opened in a base end direction, a narrow part communicating with a tip end side of the opening part and extending in the axial direction, and a storage part communicating with a tip end side of the narrow part and capable of storing the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008660A1
Автор: Okihara Hitoshi

A syringe assembly of a prefilled syringe includes a syringe cap. A tapered section of a second tubular section constituting this cap has, on an outer peripheral surface of the tapered section, a plurality of stepped sections continuously arranged along a center axis of a cover member, so as to gradually increase a protruding amount of the tapered section from an outer peripheral surface of an annular peripheral wall section toward a vicinity of an outer edge of an opening of a first tubular section. 1. A syringe cap configured to be detachable from and attachable to a syringe body , the syringe body including a body section configured to accommodate a drug , and a nozzle section protruding in a distal end direction from a distal end section of the body section and having a drug discharge port at a distal end , the syringe cap comprising:a cap body;a cover member having a tubular shape and covering the cap body; a mounting section including a sealing section that liquid-tightly seals the drug discharge port and being mountable to the nozzle section; and', 'a viewing section located on a distal end side from the mounting section;, 'the cap body includes an engagement section provided on an inner peripheral surface of the cover member, and configured to engage with the cap body to prevent detachment of the cap body in a proximal end direction from the cover member;', 'a first tubular section being substantially opaque, and having an opening at a distal end and a first space capable of internally housing the viewing section; and', 'a second tubular section extending in a distal end direction from the opening of the first tubular section;, 'the cover member includes an annular peripheral wall section extending in a distal end direction from the opening of the first tubular section and having an outer diameter smaller than an outer diameter of the first tubular section;', 'a distal end wall provided at a distal end of the annular peripheral wall section;', 'a second ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007769A1
Принадлежит: Carebay Europe Ltd.

The present invention relates to a shell assembly for a medicament delivery device, which shell assembly comprises at least one first shell section provided with an entry passage and designed such that at least a major part of a medicament delivery device entered through said entry passage is accommodated inside said at least one first shell section, a closure element operably arranged to said at least one first shell section for closing said entry passage, and fixation elements arranged for fixating said medicament delivery device in relation to said at least one first shell section and said closure element. 123-. (canceled)24. A shell assembly for a medicament delivery device , which shell assembly comprisesat least one first shell section provided with an entry passage and designed such that at least a major part of a medicament delivery device entered through said entry passage is accommodated inside said at least one first shell section,a closure element operably arranged to said at least one first shell section for closing said entry passage, andfixation elements arranged for fixating said medicament delivery device in relation to said at least one first shell section and said closure element.25. The shell assembly according to claim 24 , wherein said shell assembly comprises a passage through which at least a medicament delivery member of said medicament delivery device may protrude.26. The shell assembly according to claim 25 , wherein said passage is arranged in said closure element.27. The shell assembly according to claim 24 , further comprising first attachment elements operably arranged to lock said closure element to said first shell.28. The shell assembly according to claim 27 , wherein said first attachment elements are arranged releasable.29. The shell assembly according to claim 28 , wherein said first attachment elements comprise any of threads claim 28 , bayonet connection claim 28 , snap-in elements.30. The shell assembly according to claim 27 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007770A1

A syringe packaging system that includes a tube and a cap for enclosing a pre-filled syringe is disclosed. The tube includes a tube cut flange and the cap includes a cut skirt. With a syringe barrel contained within the tube, a syringe barrel cut flange is aligned with the tube cut flange. With the pre-filled syringe enclosed within the tube and the cap, the cut skirt of the cap surrounds the syringe barrel cut flange. In one embodiment, a film is securable to a portion of the tube and a portion of the cap to connect the tube and the cap with the pre-filled syringe enclosed within the cap and the tube. 1. A syringe packaging system , comprising:a pre-filled syringe including a syringe barrel having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending therebetween and defining a chamber, the proximal end having a syringe barrel cut flange; anda packaging member enclosing the pre-filled syringe, the packaging member including a tube having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end including a tube cut flange,wherein with the syringe barrel contained within the tube, the syringe barrel cut flange is aligned with the tube cut flange.2. The syringe packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the syringe barrel cut flange includes a first flat wall portion and a first arcuate wall portion.3. The syringe packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the tube cut flange includes a second flat wall portion and a second arcuate wall portion.4. The syringe packaging system of claim 1 , further comprising a cap having a first end and a second end claim 1 , the second end including a cut skirt.5. The syringe packaging system of claim 4 , wherein the cut skirt includes a third flat wall portion and a third arcuate wall portion.6. The syringe packaging system of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , with the pre-filled syringe enclosed within the packaging member claim 4 , the cut skirt of the cap surrounds the syringe barrel cut flange.7. The syringe packaging system of claim 4 , further ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007771A1

A syringe packaging system including a shell for enclosing a pre-filled syringe is disclosed. The shell includes a first portion having a proximal end and a distal end having a disk-shaped bottom portion; and a second portion having a proximal end and a distal end. With the first portion engaged with the second portion to form the shell, the proximal end of the first portion and the proximal end of the second portion together define a syringe flange having a top wall that defines a shell proximal aperture, a bottom wall, and a sidewall. 1. A syringe packaging system , comprising: a syringe barrel having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending therebetween and defining a chamber, the proximal end having a flange;', 'a fluid disposed within the chamber of the syringe barrel;', 'a stopper slidably disposed within the chamber of the syringe barrel; and', 'a plunger rod having a proximal end, a distal end engageable with a portion of the stopper, a proximal disk, and a distal disk; and, 'a pre-filled syringe, comprisinga shell enclosing the syringe barrel and having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end including a syringe flange surrounding portion having a top wall that defines a shell proximal aperture, a bottom wall, and a sidewall extending therebetween,wherein with the syringe barrel enclosed within the shell, the proximal disk of the plunger rod limits movement of the plunger rod in a distal direction and the distal disk of the plunger rod limits movement of the plunger rod in a proximal direction.2. The syringe packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the top wall defines an upper surface and a lower surface.3. The syringe packaging system of claim 2 , wherein contact between the proximal disk and the upper surface of the top wall limits movement of the plunger rod in the distal direction.4. The syringe packaging system of claim 2 , wherein contact between the distal disk and the lower surface of the top wall limits movement of the plunger ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007773A1
Автор: Yeh Chin-Min

A syringe is applied to connect with a vial and a needle, and the syringe includes an outer protecting housing, a connecting ring, a vial housing, an inner tube, a bidirectional guiding tube device, a screwing sleeve, a ratchet, a spiral rotating rod and an injection rod unit. The connecting ring is mounted on a front end of the outer protecting housing, and the vial housing is connected with the connecting ring for assembling a vial. The inner tube, the bidirectional guiding tube device, the screwing sleeve, the ratchet, the spiral rotating rod and the injection rod unit are mounted in the outer protecting housing. The injection rod unit is rapidly pulled backward and then is pressed to move forward for injecting. 1. A syringe used for connecting with a vial and a needle , the syringe comprising:an outer protecting housing being tubular and having two openings respectively in a front end and a rear end of the outer protecting housing;a connecting ring mounted on the front end of the outer protecting housing and having an inner ring portion, a ratchet portion formed around in the inner ring portion and having multiple inclined teeth;a vial housing mounted on a front end of the connecting ring for fixing the vial inside, the needle detachably mounted on a front end of the vial housing;an inner tube mounted in the outer protecting housing, a front end of the inner tube fixed in the connecting ring; [ a mounting tube and an end tube formed in a front end of the mounting tube;', 'a spiral recess formed in an inner surface of the mounting tube;', 'multiple ratchet pawls mounted around an outer surface of the end tube and engaged with the ratchet portion of the connecting ring to limit the outer guiding tube to rotate toward one single direction; and, 'an outer guiding tube having'}, 'multiple spiral protrusions formed on an outer surface of a front segment of the inner guiding tube and mounted in the spiral recess to make the inner guiding tube rotate in the outer ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008545A1
Автор: Brothers David B.

A low-waste needle and syringe assembly for injecting a fluid into a patient is provided. The syringe has hatch marks printed on the outer wall of the body to indicate the amount of fluid and/or the concentration of the fluid contained in a fluid chamber of the syringe. A syringe tip defining a substantially frusto-conical interior void extends from an end wall of the syringe. A needle hub holds a needle and is configured so that the hub can be selectively and securedly attached to the syringe. A frusto-conical member of the needle hub matingly engages the frusto-conical void of the syringe tip when the hub is secured to the syringe, forming a fluid-tight seal. A plunger positioned in the fluid chamber can be depressed by a user, and a piston cap attached to the plunger urges fluid in the chamber out of the chamber through the syringe tip and into the needle. The piston cap matingly engages the end wall of the syringe so that substantially all fluid is urged from the chamber to the needle. 1. A low waste syringe , comprising:a hollow body having an inner diameter, an inner wall and an end wall that closes the body at a forward end of the body, wherein the hollow body has an open rear end;a piston means having a piston cap for reciprocal sealing engagement with the inner wall of the body to define a chamber in the hollow body that is configured for selectively containing a fluid;a syringe tip mounted and extending longitudinally therefrom the end wall so that the syringe tip extends longitudinally away from the hollow body of the syringe, wherein an interior void is defined in the syringe tip and an aperture is defined in the end wall to can place the interior void of the syringe tip in sealed fluid communication with the chamber of the hollow body, anda needle assembly configured to matingly engage and secure to the syringe tip.2. The low waste syringe of claim 1 , wherein the body of the syringe has a length of less than about 7.0 cm.3. The low waste syringe of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008553A1

A fluid injection device having a syringe body, a needle, and a needle protection device. The protection device includes a substantially flexible or deformable inner body and a substantially rigid outer body. The inner body closes the dispenser orifice of the needle, and co-operates with the injection device in leaktight manner, and the outer body co-operates with the injection device so as to fasten the protection device on the injection device. The inner body includes a radial projection, and the outer body includes a radial shoulder and a radial end edge that defines a top axial opening. The inner body is inserted in the outer body through the top axial opening, with the radial projection in abutment against the radial shoulder, the axial end edge of the outer body folded down on the inner body so as to fasten the inner body in the outer body. 1. A fluid injection device comprising a syringe body and a needle that is fastened in an axial end projection of the syringe body , said axial end projection being defined between an axial end surface of the syringe body and a radial projection , said injection device further comprising a needle protection device , said protection device being fastened on said injection device in a stored position , said protection device being removable from said injection device , said protection device comprising an inner body that is made of material that is substantially flexible or deformable , and an outer body that is made of material that is substantially rigid , in the stored position said inner body closing the dispenser orifice of said needle in leaktight manner , and co-operating with said injection device in leaktight manner , and in the stored position said outer body co-operating with said injection device so as to fasten said protection device on said injection device , said outer body including a fastener portion that is snap-fastened on said radial projection of said axial end projection , said injection device being ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Syringe With Connector

Номер: US20210007933A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A syringe comprising a syringe barrel having a distal end, a distal tip, a proximal end, a barrel sidewall extending between the distal end to the proximal end and defining a chamber, the barrel sidewall having a barrel sidewall thickness t, the distal end of the syringe barrel including a distal wall is disclosed. The syringe includes a connector extending from the syringe barrel including a collar disposed coaxially around an elongate tip in fluid communication with the barrel to form a channel between the elongate tip and the collar, including an inside surface, an outside surface and a plurality of ribs extending radially outwardly from the outside surface and separated by spaces, each of the plurality of ribs having a height H and a width W, wherein there is a ratio of the height H to the barrel sidewall thickness tin a range of 0.75 and 1.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008786A1
Автор: JEFFREY Peter

A needle retraction medical device including a hollow body () and a plunger (). The hollow body () has a first end () provided with a needle mounting hub () and a plurality of releasable latches () holding the needle mounting hub () against spring () bias. The latches () are formed integrally with the hollow body () and project longitudinally inside the hollow body () from a proximal end at or adjacent the first end () of the hollow body () to a free end. A respective opening () is provided in the body () radially inwards of each of the latches (). The plunger () has a forward end insertable into the body () from a second end thereof, a hollow interior and a closed rear end. The plunger front end is operable, upon insertion of the plunger () into the body (), to deflect the latches () radially outwards and thereby release the needle mounting hub () from the latches () so that the hub () together with the needle mounted thereby retract under spring action into the hollow interior of the plunger (). A respective opening () is also provided in the hollow body () radially outwards of at least some of the latches () so that each such latch () connects to the material of the body () only at each side of its proximal end. 1. A needle retraction medical device comprising a hollow body having a first end and a second end , said first end being provided with a needle mounting hub and with a plurality of releasable latches holding said needle mounting hub against spring bias , the latches being formed integrally with the hollow body and projecting longitudinally inside the hollow body from a proximal end at or adjacent the first end of the hollow body to a free end , and a respective opening being provided in the body radially inwards of each of the latches , and a plunger having a forward end insertable into the body from the second end , a hollow interior and a closed rear end , said plunger front end being operable , upon insertion of the plunger into the body , to deflect ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008275A1

A prefilled syringe is disclosed, which includes: a liquid medicine; a barrel including a cylindrical body section containing the liquid medicine, and a nozzle section provided on a distal end side of the body section that discharges the liquid medicine; a cap sealing a distal end opening; a gasket sliding on an inner circumferential surface of the body section; a plunger that can be mounted to the gasket; and an RFID tag having a fixed location with respect to the outer circumferential surface and has an antenna and a memory, the antenna being structured from an antenna wire wound in a rectangle, an outer diameter of the body section being 14 mm to 33 mm, the maximum circumferential length of the antenna is 9 mm to 25 mm, and the circumferential length of the outer circumferential surface is 2.0 times to 7.0 times the maximum circumferential length of the antenna. 1. A prefilled syringe comprising:a liquid medicine;a barrel including a body section that is cylindrical and that contains the liquid medicine, and a nozzle section that is provided on a distal end side of the body section and configured to discharge the liquid medicine;a cap configured to seal a distal end opening provided on a distal end section of the nozzle section;a gasket configured to slide on an inner circumferential surface of the body section;a plunger configured to be attachable to the gasket;an RFID tag that has a fixed location with respect to an outer circumferential surface of the body section and has an antenna for communication and a memory, the antenna being structured from an antenna wire that is wound in a rectangle;wherein an outer diameter of the body section of the barrel is 14 mm to 33 mm;a maximum circumferential length of the antenna of the RFID tag along a circumferential direction of the body section of the barrel is 9 mm to 25 mm; anda circumferential length of the outer circumferential surface of the body section of the barrel is 2.0 times to 7.0 times the maximum ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008285A1
Автор: Okihara Hitoshi

A syringe of a syringe assembly is provided with a body portion capable of being filled with a drug solution and a female port nozzle portion which extends from a distal end of the body portion and includes a communication port on a proximal end of the female port nozzle. The body portion includes a distal end wall surface and a side wall surface to which a liquid lubricant is applied. The distal end wall surface includes a concave portion arranged radially outside an inner edge portion adjacent to the communication port and concave in a distal end direction more than at least a part of the inner edge portion, and the concave portion is arranged to fully surround the communication port and may store the liquid lubricant. 1. A syringe comprising:a body portion including an inner cavity configured to be filled with a drug solution;a female port nozzle portion that extends from a distal end of the body portion into which a male luer is inserted;a proximal end opening formed on a proximal end portion of the body portion;the female port nozzle portion including a communication port through which an inner portion of the female port nozzle portion is communicated with the inner cavity of the body portion on a proximal end of the female port nozzle portion; and a distal end wall surface that extends radially outward from the communication port of the female port nozzle portion and faces the inner cavity; and', 'a side wall surface that extends from an outer edge of the distal end wall surface in a proximal end direction and faces the inner cavity;, 'the body portion includes an inner edge portion adjacent to the communication port of the female port nozzle portion; and', 'a concave portion arranged radially outside the inner edge portion and is concave in a distal end direction more than at least a part of the inner edge portion; and, 'the distal end wall surface of the body portion includesa liquid lubricant is applied on the side wall surface of the body portion, and ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023548A1
Автор: Moleda Jaroslaw

A method includes protecting an entire length of a needle of a needle-based device protruding from a needle mount coupled to a body thereof based on providing a needle shield completely encompassing the entire protruding length of the needle in a first state of disuse, and retracting the needle shield in a first direction toward the body of the needle-based device to apply a first force in the first direction to cause the needle to emerge out of the needle shield to prepare the needle-based device for a second state of use. The method also includes transitioning the needle-based device back to the first state of disuse following the second state of use in accordance with applying a second force in a second direction diametrically opposite to the first direction, and providing a lock button to lock the needle shield in the first state of disuse. 1. A method comprising:protecting an entire length of a needle of a needle-based device protruding from a needle mount coupled to a body of the needle-based device based on providing a needle shield completely encompassing the entire protruding length of the needle in a first state of disuse of the needle-based device;retracting the needle shield in a first direction toward the body of the needle-based device to apply a first force in the first direction to cause the needle to emerge out of the needle shield to prepare the needle-based device for a second state of use thereof;transitioning the needle-based device back to the first state of disuse thereof following the second state of use in accordance with applying a second force in a second direction diametrically opposite to the first direction;securedly maintaining the encompassing of the entire protruding length of the needle by the needle shield in the first state of disuse of the needle-based device based on coupling between the needle shield and the body of the needle-based device;providing a lock button with a first end, the first end is either integrally formed with ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Huber Safety Needle

Номер: US20200009327A1
Принадлежит: Medical Components Inc

Disclosed is a Huber needle assembly that may include an upper body connected to a lower body, the assembly being structured to retain a needle for insertion/extraction of the needle into/from an insertion site. The upper body can statically retain the needle while the lower body may slidably receive the needle. The lower body can further include a catch that engages a tip of the needle and/or misaligns the tip of the needle with a needle aperture of the lower body to place the assembly in a safety-lock position, preventing rebound, needle-stick injury, and/or any type of exposure of the needle tip to an environment outside of the lower body. The assembly can further bias the needle in a direction so as to prevent re-emergence of the needle tip after being withdrawn into the lower body.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009328A1

A syringe assembly includes: a syringe including: a puncture needle having a needle tip, and a barrel holding the puncture needle; a hollow cylindrical grip fitted on an outer peripheral portion of the barrel; and a protective device including a hollow cylindrical cover member that is axially displaceable relative to the barrel, the protective device being configured such that the cover member covers at least part of the puncture needle in an initial state, the cover member is displaceable in a proximal direction relative to the barrel by being pressed against an object to be punctured when the puncture needle is inserted into the object to be punctured, and the cover member is configured to cover the needle tip after insertion of the puncture needle into the object to be punctured. 1. A syringe assembly comprising: a puncture needle having a needle tip, and', 'a barrel holding the puncture needle;, 'a syringe comprisinga hollow cylindrical grip fitted on an outer peripheral portion of the barrel; anda protective device comprising a hollow cylindrical cover member that is axially displaceable relative to the barrel, the protective device being configured such that the cover member covers at least part of the puncture needle in an initial state, the cover member is displaceable in a proximal direction relative to the barrel by being pressed against an object to be punctured when the puncture needle is inserted into the object to be punctured, and the cover member is configured to cover the needle tip after insertion of the puncture needle into the object to be punctured, a base that comprises outwardly protruding finger-rests,', 'an extension body protruding from the base in a distal direction, and', 'a guide tube extending from the extension body in the distal direction and supporting and guiding the cover member from outside when the cover member is axially displaced relative to the barrel; and, 'wherein the grip compriseswherein the guide tube has an inner ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Safety syringe

Номер: US20150011935A1
Принадлежит: Credence Medsystems Inc

One embodiment is directed to a safety syringe system, comprising a syringe body; a plunger tip positioned within the syringe body; a needle assembly removably coupleable to the distal end of the syringe body such that a medicinal fluid may be transferred through a retractable needle coupled to a needle housing comprising the needle assembly upon insertion of the plunger tip relative to the syringe body; and a plunger control assembly coupled to the plunger tip and configured to facilitate manual insertion of the plunger tip relative to the syringe body; wherein the needle assembly comprises a needle housing member removably coupled to the retractable needle and also removably coupled to a needle cover, the needle cover providing a relatively large geometric guiding surface for aligning a proximal end of the retractable needle as it is guided into fluidic contact with the fluid reservoir of the syringe body.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011936A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A syringe includes a syringe outer tube including a tubular-shaped outer tube main body configured to be filled with a liquid, a reduced diameter section located at a distal end of the outer tube main body in a projecting manner, and configured to allow the liquid to pass therethrough, the reduced diameter section having an outside diameter that is smaller than a diameter of the outer tube main body, and a ring-shaped lock adapter concentrically disposed at an outer circumferential portion of the reduced diameter section and configured to fix a mating member connected to the reduced diameter section; and a cap including a cap main body mounted on the syringe outer tube and configured to seal the reduced diameter section in a liquid-tight manner when the cap main body is in a mounted state, a ring-shaped mounting section disposed at a proximal end side of the cap main body and mounted on an outer circumferential portion of the lock adapter, and a breaking section that forms a link between the cap main body and the mounting section and that is configured to release the link by breakage.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Retractable Syringe with a Cutting Crown

Номер: US20150011945A1
Автор: ANG Teoh Hwa

A retractable syringe comprises a cutting head mounted on a plunger of the syringe. When the plunger is advanced to expel fluid from the syringe, the cutting crown cuts a retention mechanism which holds a needle unit of the syringe, allowing a drive mechanism to drive the needle unit into the syringe. The cutting crown is shaped to reduce the force which has to be applied to cut the retention mechanism. Furthermore, a disposable needle assembly for attachment to a syringe unit comprises a needle and connector element for connecting the needle to the syringe unit. The connector element encircles the needle and has a thread on its outer surface for mating with the syringe unit. When the needle assembly is mated with the syringe, a central bore of substantially constant bore extends from the tip of the needle into the interior chamber of the syringe. 1. An elongate needle assembly for attachment to a syringe unit having a plunger movable within a barrel , to form the syringe assembly , the needle assembly comprising:a hub with an outwardly-facing threaded surface for mating with an inwardly-facing threaded surface of the syringe,a needle extending from a first end of the hub,a neck extending from a second end of the hub and terminating at an end face, the neck having a smooth outer surface suitable as a guiding surface for leading the inwardly-facing threaded surface of the syringe to the outwardly-facing threaded surface of the hub, andwherein the needle assembly defines a central passage of substantially constant bore extending from the end face and along a central axis of the needle to a tip of the needle.2. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the needle is encased in a protector claim 1 , the protector being formed as a single piece together with the hub claim 1 , the protector being connected to the hub by a frangible portion.3. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the protector further comprises a wing extending from an outer wall of the protector claim ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031964A1
Принадлежит: Credence Medsystems, Inc.

A system for injecting includes a syringe body having proximal and distal ends, a syringe interior, and a syringe flange at the proximal end thereof. The system also includes a stopper member disposed in the syringe interior. The system further includes a plunger member coupled to the stopper member. The plunger member includes a rotatable member configured to insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body with rotation of the rotatable member. The plunger member further includes a proximal portion proximal of the rotatable member configured to be moved distally to also insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body to eject about microliters of fluid from the syringe interior. 1. A system for injecting , comprising:a syringe body having proximal and distal ends, a syringe interior, and a syringe flange at the proximal end thereof;a finger flange removably coupled to the syringe flange, the finger flange including proximally directed external threads;a stopper member disposed in the syringe interior; anda plunger member coupled to the stopper member; a rotatable member disposed on the proximally directed external threads and configured to insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body with rotation of the rotatable member, and', 'a portion located proximal of the rotatable member and configured to be moved distally to further insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body., 'the plunger member comprising'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein moving the portion distally to further insert the stopper member distally in the syringe interior relative to the syringe body ejects about 50 microliters of fluid from the syringe interior.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a safety member removably coupled to the portion of the plunger member to prevent distal movement thereof.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014579A1
Автор: Derby Troy M.

A needle device has a needle assembly including a hub having one end fitted with a blunt cannula. The blunt cannula has a base section, a central section and a shaft having a distal apertured end. The needle of the needle assembly extends through an internal passage of the blunt cannula and is sealingly fitted to a portion of the internal passage. The hub of the needle assembly has another end connectable to a syringe. When the device is connected to a syringe, a fluid communication path is established between the apertured end of the shaft and the interior of the syringe via the lumen of the needle. The shaft of the blunt cannula is usable to pierce the seal of a fluid store while maintaining the needle in an unused state for subsequent patient use. The distal end of the shaft may be protected by an end cap. 1. A medical device comprising: a base section adapted to couple to a needle hub;', 'a central section distally adjacent to the base section having an internal central passage;', 'a shaft extending distally from the central section, the shaft having an internal shaft passage in alignment with the central passage along a longitudinal axis to form a longitudinal passage along the blunt cannula; and, 'a blunt cannula having'}a needle assembly having a needle extending from a needle hub;wherein the longitudinal passage is configured to sealingly receive the needle from the needle assembly so that a seal fit is formed between the needle and the longitudinal passage at at least a portion thereof when the needle assembly and the blunt cannula are coupled to each other; andwherein the needle assembly with the blunt cannula coupled thereto is adapted to be attached to a syringe for use with a fluid store.2. The device of claim 1 ,wherein the shaft of the blunt cannula comprises an apertured end; andwherein the needle comprises a sharp distal end;whereby the apertured end is positioned distally from the sharp distal end when the needle is appropriately positioned within ...
