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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 15166. Отображено 200.
13-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2809606C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к колпачку наконечника для медицинского инъекционного устройства. Колпачок содержит соединитель (100) наконечника, выполненный с возможностью взаимодействия с наконечником медицинского инъекционного устройства; закрывающий колпачок (101), выполненный с возможностью герметичного закрытия дистального отверстия наконечника, при этом закрывающий колпачок съемным образом соединен с соединителем (100) наконечника; метку (2) РЧИ, содержащую чип (20) и антенну (21), в котором чип (20) выполнен накладным формованием в одном из следующих элементов: соединитель (100) наконечника и закрывающий колпачок (101), а антенна выполнена накладным формованием в другом из элементов: соединитель (100) наконечника и закрывающий колпачок (101), при этом чип (20) и антенна (21) электрически соединены перемычкой (22), выполненной с возможностью разрушения при инициировании относительного перемещения закрывающего колпачка (101) и соединителя наконечника (100) для ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413543C2
Автор: ЛИН ЛИ Ли (CN)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, в частности, касается автоматически втягивающегося безопасного медицинского шприца с поршневой группой, которым можно манипулировать одной рукой и который после использования обеспечивает втягивание иглы в его корпус. Безопасный медицинский шприц состоит из соединенного с иглой иглодержателя, полого цилиндра для размещения иглодержателя после завершения безопасным медицинским шприцем процесса инъекции и направления иглодержателя при втягивании в полый цилиндр и поршневой группы, расположенной в полом цилиндре. Поршневая группа состоит из муфтового соединения втягивающегося поршня и полой втулки, формирующего таким образом область муфтового соединения с втягивающимся поршнем. На внешней боковой стенке втягивающегося поршня сформирован, по крайней мере, один выступ в области муфтового соединения для соответствующей плотной посадки, по крайней мере, в одно углубление, сформированное на внутренней боковой стенке полой втулки. Втягивающийся поршень ...

10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2220747C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано для инъекций лекарственных средств. Безопасный шприц одноразового применения содержит закрывающую иглу гильзу, которая установлена со скольжением на цилиндре шприца. Гильза удерживается в своем втянутом положении покоя при помощи удерживающих язычков, которые захватывают указанную гильзу у ее заднего ободка. В конце хода инъекции плунжера задний фланец штока плунжера радиально раздвигает удерживающие язычки, которые за счет этого освобождают закрывающую иглу гильзу. Затем последняя перемещается вперед по оси при помощи пружины в выдвинутое положение безопасности, в котором она полностью закрывает иглу, и закрепляется при помощи кольца зажима гильзы, которое предусмотрено на переднем конце цилиндра шприца. Для этого кольцо зажима гильзы имеет периферические упругие удерживающие язычки, которые взаимодействуют с соответствующими удерживающими зубьями на внутренней части закрывающей иглу гильзы и препятствуют любому движению ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578376C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к защитным устройствам для предварительно заполненного шприца. Защитное устройство содержит поддерживающий корпус, приспособленный для установки предварительно заполненного шприца, первое устройство защиты иглы, расположенное с возможностью скольжения по отношению к поддерживающему корпусу, и второе устройство защиты иглы, расположенное с возможностью скольжения по отношению к поддерживающему корпусу и разъемно удерживаемое в отведенном положении. Причем проксимальное перемещение первого устройства защиты иглы по отношению к поддерживающему корпусу освобождает удерживание второго устройства защиты иглы в отведенном положении. При этом второе устройство защиты иглы содержит спиральную выемку, вмещающую выступ поддерживающего корпуса, так чтобы обеспечить его скольжение параллельно центральной оси защитного устройства в дистальном направлении в направлении выдвинутого положения, причем его заставляют вращаться по отношению к поддерживающему ...

25-04-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2818165C2
Принадлежит: САНОФИ (FR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовым инъекционным устройствам. Инъекционное устройство содержит корпус, содержащий механизм для установки дозы, держатель картриджа, содержащий картридж с лекарственным препаратом, и термоусадочную этикетку, которая содержит информацию и/или символы относительно лекарственного препарата. Инъекционное устройство является одноразовым инъекционным устройством с держателем картриджа, несъемно сцепленным с корпусом. Термоусадочная этикетка выполнена с возможностью термоусадки на корпусе и держателе картриджа так, чтобы она, по меньшей мере, частично покрывала корпус и держатель картриджа. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2270033C2
Принадлежит: ЮНИТРЭКТ ПТИ ЛТД (AU)

Изобретение относится к области медицинской техники, а именно к одноразовым шприцам с втягиваемой внутрь иглой и поршню к нему. Поршень одноразового шприца с втягиваемой внутрь иглой имеет взаимодействующий с ним корпус шприца, снабженный, по меньшей мере, одним выступом и втягиваемой иглой, сопряженной с ним. Поршень выполнен с возможностью сцепления с втягиваемой иглой для втягивания иглы и содержит множество взаимосвязанных пазов, сопрягаемых с возможностью скольжения, по меньшей мере, с одним выступом для поворота поршня и дополнительно содержит средство для ограничения перемещения, выполненное с возможностью ограничения перемещения со скольжением и предотвращения повторного использования шприца. Технический результат - предотвращение возможности непреднамеренного поражающего контакта с иглой. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532893C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Терапевтическое устройство содержит терапевтический элемент, имеющий одноразовую и многоразовую части, в котором расположен процессор, соединенный с датчиком температуры нагреваемой ткани. Терапевтический элемент имеет место для введения инъекции препарата в ткань в заданном месте на ткани в определенный момент времени. Управляемый процессором нагревательный элемент расположен в терапевтическом элементе или смежно с ним, прикладывает тепло к ткани в указанном месте в течение заданного периода времени: до, во время и/или после введения лекарственного средства, и нагревает ткань до заданной температуры, которая меньше заданной предельной температуры. В зависимости от температуры ткани процессор стабилизирует нагрев на заданной температуре. Одноразовая часть содержит элемент идентификации для определения факта ее использования. Индикатор терапевтического элемента выполнен с возможностью указания факта использования конкретного места инъекции. Применение ...

22-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2614109C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к саморазрушающимся и самоблокирующимся шприцам. Шприц содержит корпус с конусным наконечником, в котором размещены поршень с уплотнителем и крестообразный шток, связанные между собой посредством узла соединения, который включает в себя полую стойку квадратного поперечного сечения, расположенную в центре поршня на нерабочей стороне с отходящими от ее боковых стенок захватами в виде симметричных расходящихся упругих лепестков, в верхней части которых имеются профильные отверстия, а нижняя часть крестообразного штока входит внутрь полой стойки с запасом хода и содержит также симметрично расположенные в боковых плоскостях игольчатые отростки, направленные вверх под острым углом к штоку, форма которых и высота расположения соответствуют форме и высоте расположения профильных отверстий лепестков поршня, при этом на рабочей стороне поршня укреплена оболочка с быстротвердеющим клеем, имеющая по центру изогнутую вверх форму с утонченной нижней ...

10-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2136321C1
Принадлежит: Томас Шоу (US)

Изобретение предназначено для использования при одноразовых инъекциях. Шприц имеет иглу для инъекцирования и содержит механизм отвода и подвижный элемент, перемещающийся внутри корпуса. Механизм отвода включает в себя иглодержатель и смещающий элемент для приложения усилия к иглодержателю и освобождающий механизм. Иглодержатель и освобождающий механизм представляют собой соединенные между собой с возможностью разделения элементы, ориентированные в подвижном интерфейсе, и могут отводиться за счет их относительного перемещения, вызванного передвижением подвижного элемента. Технический результат - изготовление практичного одноразового шприца при низкой стоимости производства. 4 с. и 20 з.п.ф-лы, 13 ил.

30-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2025137C1

Использование: в медицине для проведения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: в корпусе размещены сплошной поршень, поршень с отверстиями и кольцевой поршень. В отверстиях установлены с возможностью выхода из них пробки. 3 ил.

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019196C1

Использование: в медицине для проведения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: в корпусе 1 размещены поршень 3 и шток 4. В поршне 3 выполнена полость, в которой установлены сухарики 6 с канавкой 7. Шток установлен между сухариками и связан с поршнем с возможностью разъединения посредством разрезного кольца 11. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2080881C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к шприцам, используемым только для одной инъекции. Цель изобретения - уменьшение вероятности возможности повторного использования за счет повышения надежности рассоединения поршня со штоком путем уменьшения прикладываемого к штоку усилия. Шприц содержит корпус с иглодержателем, внутри которого размещен поршень с полостью, шток и приспособление для соединения поршня со штоком, включающее выполненный на штоке продольный разрез 10 с выемкой 11 на внутренней боковой поверхности, стопор 9, имеющий возможность перемещения в выемку 11 и выполненные с возможностью контактирования между собой выступ 12 и буртик 13. Новым в шприце является то, что лепестки 8, образованные продольным разрезом штока, выполнены упругими, выступ 12 выполнен на наружной боковой поверхности лепестков, а буртик 13 - на внутренней боковой поверхности поршня. 4 ил.

27-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2048819C1

Использование: в медицинских целях для одноразовых инъекций. Сущность изобретения: шприц снабжен дополнительным поршнем, а узел соединения поршня со штоком выполнен в виде перфоратора, установленного на штоке, и разрушаемой мембраны, закрепленной на поршне. 3 ил.

30-10-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2829408C1

Изобретения относятся к области медицинской техники, а именно к устройству для введения и/или доставки лекарственного средства, к системе, в которой можно использовать устройство, и к способу введения, и к дополнительному способу, связанному с системой. Устройство для введения лекарственного средства содержит держатель лекарственного средства, первый датчик, второй датчик, запоминающее устройство и процессор. Держатель лекарственного средства выполнен с возможностью удержания в нем лекарственного средства. Первый датчик выполнен с возможностью сбора данных относительно первой характеристики, связанной с пациентом. Второй датчик выполнен с возможностью сбора данных относительно второй характеристики, связанной с пациентом. Запоминающее устройство выполнено с возможностью хранения в нем алгоритма, включающего по меньшей мере один переменный параметр. Процессор выполнен с возможностью контроля доставки первой дозы лекарственного средства из держателя лекарственного средства пациенту путем ...

27-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2058795C1
Автор: Вахитов А.М.

Использование: для проведения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: шприц содержит корпус с инъекционной иглой, выполненной за одно целое со второй иглой, имеющей возможность перфорировать поршень, расположенный внутри корпуса. Вторая игла выполнена с поперечным сечением в виде незамкнутых колец, монотонно увеличивающихся размеров от острия до внутренней торцовой стенки корпуса. Зона перфорации торцовой стенки поршня выполнена с возможностью радиальных перемещений, например в виде эластичного кольцевого основания. 1 ил.

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019195C1

Использование: в медицине для проведения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: на корпусе 1 с возможностью продольного перемещения установлен стакан 7, к дну которого прикреплен один конец штока 6, другой конец которого контактирует с поршнем 5. Шток и поршень связаны между собой посредством разрушаемых элементов в виде тяговых стержней, на которых выполнены упругие ограничители 16 в виде раструбов. На стержнях 9 между поршнем 5 и ближайшим к нему ограничителем выполнены ослабленные участки 7 в виде кольцевых канавок. 7 ил.

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2080882C1

Использование: в медицине, для одноразового применения. Сущность изобретения: шприц 1 выполнен в виде цилиндрического корпуса 2 с проходным концом 3, в котором закрепляется игла для подкожных инъекций 8. С помощью штока 9 и поршня 10, размещенных в корпусе 2, жидкость переносится в шприц 1 и обратно через проходной конец 3. Шток 9 включает блокирующее устройство, сформированное в заданном положении. Вкладыш 25, устанавливаемый на удаленном конце корпуса 2, включает, по крайней мере, один закрепленный на одном конце, простирающийся в продольном направлении гибкий лепесток 28а с радиально действующим направленным внутрь ведомым элементом 31 на свободном конце, который скользит по поверхности штока 9. При перемещении штока 9 в блокирующее положение ведомый элемент 31 входит в зацепление с блокирующим устройством штока 9 с целью блокирования любого дальнейшего продольного перемещения штока 9 и поршня 10, предотвращая какое-либо последующее использование шприца 1. 2 с. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил.

10-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2104047C1

Шприц для однократной инъекции содержит корпус, инъекционную иглу, поршень и шток. У поршня с нерабочей стороны расположен цилиндрический наконечник с круговой проточкой прямоугольного сечения. Полый шток у торца имеет два внутренних кольцевых выступа и снабжен незамкнутым кольцом - пружиной прямоугольного сечения. 1 ил.

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014094C1
Автор: Дикалов Б.А.

Использование: в медицине для проведения одноразовой инъекции. Сущность изобретения: поршень шприца имеет с внешнего торца глухое цилиндрическое отверстие и по меньшей мере два диаметрально расположенных паза. Каждый паз разделен упругим изогнутым лепестком 9 на две полости 7 и 8. На внешнем торце поршня жестко закреплены упругие изогнутые пластины 12, заходящие в пазы и касающиеся свободными концами внешних поверхностей лепестков 9. В отверстие поршня вставлен укороченный конусный шток, имеющий по меньшей мере два изогнутых в поперечном сечении выступа, которые заходят в полости пазов поршня. 1 з.п. ф - лы, 6 ил.

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005114488A

... 1. Сборный одноразовый шприц, содержащий цилиндр с боковой стенкой, внутренняя поверхность которой образует полость, предназначенную для заполнения жидкостью, открытым задним торцом и передним торцом, на стенке которого расположен удлиненный наконечник с отверстием, сообщающимся с внутренней полостью цилиндра, иглу с задним концом, передним заостренным концом и отверстием, сообщающимся с отверстием наконечника цилиндра и образующим канал для прохода жидкости в полость, шарнирно закрепленный на цилиндре удлиненный закрывающий иглу защитный козырек, который имеет две боковые стенки, образующие продольное углубление, и расположенную между боковыми стенками заднюю стенку, образующую вместе с боковыми стенками нишу с внутренней поверхностью, и который допускает возможность его поворота из открытого положения, в котором игла находится снаружи, в закрытое положение, в котором передний конец иглы находится в углублении козырька, перемещающийся внутри цилиндра поршень, содержащий удлиненный шток ...

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004103440A

Шприц одноразовый, содержащий корпус с отверстием для установки иглы и шток с поршнем, отличающийся тем, что имеет в корпусе шприца проточку, а на поршне - выточку.

20-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123096A

... 1. Блокирующий механизм (10) для управления взаимным зацеплением между подвижными по отношению друг к другу частями медицинских острых инструментов, включающий фиксатор (12) для удержания медицинского острого предмета (22), имеющий первую фигурную часть (46), выполненную с возможностью взаимного зацепления со второй фигурной частью (70), расположенной на корпусной части медицинского острого инструмента (62), и соединитель (14), выполненный с возможностью перемещения относительно указанной корпусной части в положение, в котором соединитель и фиксатор находятся во взаимном зацеплении, причем соединитель выполнен с возможностью изменения относительной силы зацепления между первой и второй фигурными частями при перемещении в указанное положение взаимного зацепления, что обеспечивает возможность отсоединения фиксатора от корпусной части, фиксатор (12) включает две гибких ножки (30), на каждой из которых размещена указанная первая фигурная часть, а соединитель при зацеплении с фиксатором имеет ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005108975A

... 1. Устройство с блокировочным приспособлением, содержащее стопорно-зажимной механизм с рабочей пружиной и скачкообразно выталкиваемым ею элементом, в котором закреплен поршень, подвижно установленный в цилиндре, а также имеющее состоящий из двух частей корпус, в котором размещены все эти детали и который образован верхней и нижней корпусными деталями, которые выполнены с возможностью их поворота вручную относительно друг друга, при котором происходит сжатие рабочей пружины упорно-винтовым механизмом и одновременно срабатывание механического счетчика, содержащего ходовой винт, размещенный в стенке нижней корпусной детали, и ползунок, перемещающийся по ходовому винту на расстояние, зависящее от числа совершенных поворотов обеих корпусных деталей относительно друг друга, при этом в наружной стенке нижней корпусной детали и во внутренней стенке верхней корпусной детали предусмотрено по выемке, обе выемки при нахождении обеих корпусных деталей в повернутом друг относительно друга на заданный ...

20-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93016264A
Автор: Бабенко С.С.

Инъекционный шприц однократного применения содержит полый поршень, выполненный за одно целое с уплотнительными кольцами и имеющий отверстие на участке от удаленного от иглы конца до ближайшего уплотнительного кольца. Обращенный к поршню конец иглы заострен и введен внутрь корпуса на расстояние l, превышающее толщину стенки поршня. По окончании инъекции поршень прокалывается концом иглы и шприц становится непригодным для повторного использования. Благодаря простой конструкции и технологии изготовления и сборки шприц имеет низкую стоимость.

20-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2466754C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к колпачку в сборе для наконечника для герметичного закрывания дистального конца резервуара, например, корпуса шприца или трубки, и к способу изготовления колпачка для наконечника. Колпачок в сборе содержит хрупкий наконечник резервуара, крепежное кольцо и колпачковый элемент, прикрепленный к крепежному кольцу с помощью внутренней и наружной резьбы или байонетного соединения. Крепежное кольцо крепится на резервуаре или на нижнем участке наконечника с помощью кольцевого выступа. Колпачковый элемент содержит множество стопорных лепестков. В закрытом положении колпачка в сборе стопорные лепестки окружены стопорными выемками соответствующей формы, снабженными выступающими стопорными элементами. Резервуар содержит вышеуказанный колпачок в сборе, который предварительно наполнен медикаментом. Способ получения вышеуказанного колпачка в сборе включает навинчивание на крепежное кольцо колпачкового элемента, который содержит множество стопорных ...

27-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92016563A

Предлагается одноразовый шприц в виде цилиндрического корпуса с проходным концом, в котором закрепляется игла для подкожных инъекций. С помощью штока и поршня, размещенных в корпусе, жидкость переносится в шприц и обратно через проходной конец. Шток включает блокирующее устройство, сформированное в заданном положении. Вкладыш, устанавливаемый на удаленном конце корпуса, включает по крайней мере один, закрепленный на одном конце, простирающийся в продольном направлении гибкий лепесток с радиально действующим, направленным внутрь ведомым элементом на свободном конце, который скользит по поверхности штока. При перемещении штока в блокирующее положение ведомый элемент входит в зацепление с блокирующим устройством штока с целью блокирования любого дальнейшего продольного перемещения штока и поршня, предотвращая какое-либо последующее использование шприца.

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010152351A

... 1. Новый самоблокирующийся, саморазрушающийся безопасный шприц, который содержит полый цилиндр (1), поршень (2), скользящий внутри цилиндра (1), резиновый уплотнитель (3) спереди поршня (2) и держатель (4) иглы спереди цилиндра (1), отличающийся тем, что поршень (2) снабжен круглой платформой (14), которая снабжена упругой защелкой (15), наклонно выступающей в сторону внутренней стенки цилиндра; в конце цилиндра обеспечен участок (6) увеличенного диаметра; в промежуточной позиции цилиндра между участком (7) нормального диаметра и участком (6) увеличенного диаметра расположена скошенная ступенька (8), под которой имеется канавка (9), где может захватываться упругая защелка (15), когда поршень оттягивается назад; и участок (6) увеличенного диаметра имеет внутри пружинное стопорное кольцо (10), которое может надавливать на нижнюю плоскость круглой платформы (14). ! 2. Новый самоблокирующийся, саморазрушающийся безопасный шприц по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутое пружинное стопорное кольцо ...

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013104399A

... 1. Защитное устройство (1) для предварительно заполненного шприца (2), содержащее- по существу цилиндрическое полое опорное тело (1.2), содержащее, по меньшей мере, один упругий рычаг (1.2.3), и- полый кожух (1.1) иглы, выполненный с возможностью скольжения относительно опорного тела (1.2), при этом кожух (1-1) иглы или сборочный узел кожуха иглы содержит, по меньшей мере, один криволинейный приводной скат (1.1.2), выступающий в боковом направлении (L) перпендикулярно центральной оси (А) защитного устройства (1.1), отличающийся тем, что криволинейный приводной скат (1.1.2) имеет первый боковой размер (L1) на проксимальном конце кожуха (1.1) иглы и второй боковой размер (L2) на дистальном конце кожуха (1.1) иглы, превышающий первый боковой размер (L1), при этом упругий рычаг (1.2.3) входит в зацепление с криволинейным приводным скатом (1.1.2), когда кожух (1.1) иглы скользит относительно опорного тела (1.2).2. Защитное устройство (1) по п.1,отличающееся тем, что упругий рычаг (1.2.3) выполнен ...

20-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94038517A

Настоящее изобретение предусматривает наличие иглоприемного элемента, обеспечивающего отделение иглы от шприца и заключающего внутри себя упомянутую иглу, причем иглоприемный элемент содержит вытянутый в осевом направлении элемент продолговатой формы, имеющий внутри расположенную в осевом направлении иглоприемную камеру и снабженный расположенным в осевом направлении отверстием в стенке камеры, через которое иглу можно вводить туда по меньшей мере частично в поперечном направлении, а также содержит средства для отделения иглы от корпуса шприца. В изобретении предлагается также конструкция шприца, в котором плунжер, приводящий в движение поршень шприца, выполнен таким образом, чтобы обеспечивать наличие иглоприемного элемента, располагаемого предпочтительно в той части стержня плунжера, которая может быть отделена от остающейся части стержня плунжера благодаря применению хрупкого соединения одноразового применения, в результате чего шприц может быть приведен в неработоспособное состояние ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94035666A

В другом предпочтительном варианте исполнения корпус имеет пару криволинейных прорезей на удаленном конце и пару удерживающих прорезей на ближнем конце, причем прорези имеют такие размеры, чтобы в них ходил кольцевой буртик, выполненный на узле, содержащем баллончик и иглу, и прорези расположены так, чтобы удерживать узел, содержащий баллончик и иглу, в положении использования и в безопасном положении. Держатель проще в использовании и в изготовлении и уменьшает вероятность случайных уколов медицинских работников иглами.

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013103801A

... 1. Медицинское устройство, имеющее цилиндр, отводимую иглу, узел для отведения иглы, и поршень, который со скольжением входит в зацепление с цилиндром, где:узел для отведения иглы смещается для того, чтобы выдвинуть иглу в заднем направлении относительно цилиндра во время отведения иглы, и удерживается на месте относительно цилиндра перед отведением иглы по меньшей мере частично посредством удерживающего элемента, который контактирует с цилиндром; ипоршень содержит внутреннюю полость для отведения, сконфигурированную так, чтобы вмещать достаточно узла для отведения иглы, чтобы игла не была видна после отведения, эластомерное уплотнение поршня, расположенное на поршне, по меньшей мере часть которого способна перемещаться в заднем направлении на поршне, причем уплотнение поршня дополнительно содержит эластомерное полотно, которое перекрывает и уплотняет отверстие внутрь полости для отведения до или во время отведения иглы.2. Медицинское устройство по п.1, в котором узел для отведения иглы ...

15-09-1992 дата публикации

Одноразовый шприц

Номер: SU1761155A1

Использование: в медицине для одноразовых инъекций. Сущность изобретения: поршень со штоком выполнены с возможностью разъема, при этом на поршне выполнено приспособление для закупоривания наконечника. 4 ил.

30-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1837896C

07-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1779385C

23-09-1992 дата публикации

Одноразовый шприц

Номер: SU1762937A1

Использование: в медицине для совершения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: в поршне выполнены полости, перекрытые мембранами с возможностью их разрушения . 1 ил.

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Шприц одноразового использования

Номер: SU1740011A1

Использование: в медицине для проведения подкожных инъекций. Сущность изобретения: поршень со штоком связаны между собой посредством узла соединения. Узел соединения выполнен в виде пластины 13, скоб, пуансона и планшайбы 6 с отверстиями . В отверстиях планшайбы установлены скобы и пластина. Концы пластины посредством пуансона могут быть выведены из скоб. 7 ил.

23-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: SU1706639A1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Целью изобретения является уменьшение вероятности повторного использования за счет повышения нарушаемое™ | разгерметизации) корпуса. Для этого шприц содержит разрушающее средство, выполненное в виде дисков 7 с острыми выступами и тяг 4. Тяги 4 шарнирно соединены между собой, противоположные концы тяг 4 соединены с поршнем 5 и штоком 6. на другие стороны свободно установлены диски 7. 2 ил.

30-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: SU1811861A1

Использование: в медицине для проведения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: в корпусе 1 размещены поршень 6 и инъекционная игла 4. Основание 3 иглы выполнено в виде цанги с коническим отверстием, в котором размещен конический выступ 5 поршня. Основание 3 с натягом фиксируется в наконечнике 2. 2 ил.

23-03-1993 дата публикации

Одноразовый шприц

Номер: SU1803136A1

Использование: в медицине для проведения инъекций. Сущность изобретения: поршень содержит направляющие каналы, выполненные под углом к стенкам цилиндра , содержащие свободно размещенные режущие элементы, установленные с возможностью взаимодействия со штоком, выступающие из направляющих каналов над поверхностью поршня, контактирующей со штоком, на высоту равную толщине стенки цилиндра, 1 ил.

15-10-1991 дата публикации

Одноразовый шприц

Номер: SU1683770A1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, в частности к одноразовым шприцам. Цель изобретения - упрочцение конструкции поршня. При заполнении шприца лекарственным веществом эластичный полый поршень 3 с помощью штока 7, жестко связанного с поршнем , из исходного состояния перемещают в сторону, противоположную канюле, заполняя корпус 1 до необходимого объема. При проведении инъекции поршень 3 перемещается посредством штока 7. Благодаря тому, что выступ штока 8 выполнен заостренным при окончании инъекции острие прокалывает переднюю стенку поршня. Герметичность полости 4 поршня 3 нарушается, давление внутри него падает до атмосферного , боковые стенки спадают. Тем самым исключается повторное использование шприца. 3 ил. § (Л ...

23-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: SU1082305A3

... 1. ШПРИЦ, содержащий корпус , внутри которого расположен поршень со штоком и приспособление для блокировки хода поршня, отличающийся тем, что, с целью исключения повторного использования шприца, приспособление для блокировки хода шприца вьтолнено в виде установленного на поршне по меньшей мере одного эластичного элемента, а корпус имеет по меньшей мере одну кольцевую канавку для вхождения в нее элемента. (Л ...

19-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202009013096U1
Принадлежит: CHERRY, LI

Wegwerf-Sicherheitsspritze mit einer automatisch einziehbaren Nadel, die einen Zylinder, einen Kolben und einen Nadelsitz aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass: der Nadelsitz aus einem großen Nadelsitz und einem kleinen Nadelsitz besteht, wobei der große Nadelsitz mit dem Zylinder verbunden ist; der kleine Nadelsitz innerhalb des großen Nadelsitzes angeordnet ist, um die Nadel zu montieren; das Innere des Kolbens ein Durchgangsloch ist und eine elastische Rückholvorrichtung im vorderen Abschnitt des Durchgangsloches angeordnet ist, um den kleinen Nadelsitz nach der Injektion zurück in das Durchgangsloch des Kolbens zu verlagern.

23-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020109807U1

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Medical safety syringe comprises an injection cylinder having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder which is fixed in a positioning section

Номер: DE202005013458U1
Принадлежит: WU WEI SHUI, WU, WEI-SHUI

Medical safety syringe comprising an injection cylinder (1) having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod (2) which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder (3) which is fixed in a positioning section, is new. The hollow chamber has a reduced positioning section in the front which passes through the wall of the injection cylinder. Medical safety syringe comprising an injection cylinder (1) having a hollow chamber for receiving an injection solution, a slide rod (2) which is inserted into the cylinder and a hollow needle holder (3) which is fixed in a positioning section, is new. The hollow chamber has a reduced positioning section in the front which passes through the wall of the injection cylinder. The upper end of the positioning section progresses into a cone tapering in the direction of the hollow needle bore.

04-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060318143T2

08-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE502004002485D1
Принадлежит: PRIMOJEX GMBH

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Mit einer Feder selbstsperrende Spritze

Номер: DE112012003917T5

Bei der vorliegenden Erfindung handelt es sich um eine selbstsperrende Spritze mit einem Injektionsröhrchen (21), das an einem Nadelsitz (13) befestigt ist, und einer Injektionsnadel (11), die an einem selbstsperrenden Element (12) befestigt ist. Das an der Injektionsnadel (11) befestigte selbstsperrende Element (12) ist auf dem Nadelsitz (13) aufgesetzt. Innen im Injektionsröhrchen (21) sind ein Stöpsel (302) und ein hohles Druckröhrchen (301) vorgesehen. Innen im Druckröhrchen (301) ist eine Federauflage (304) gebildet, die in einer Feder (306) und in einem Anschlagblock (313) aufgenommen ist. An einem unteren Ende (14) des selbstsperrenden Elements (12) ist ein Haken (15) und am oberen Ende der Federauflage (304) eine Hakennut (305), in die der Haken (15) einrückt, gebildet. Zwischen dem Druckröhrchen (301) und der Federauflage (304) ist eine Patrone (314) vorgesehen, wobei ein oberer Teil dieser Patrone (314) in einem Stöpsel (302) aufgenommen ist und an einem unteren Teil der Patrone ...

25-05-2000 дата публикации

Tip cap unit for a syringe cylinder comprises inner and outer caps and a sleeve interacting in such a way that the inner cap can be removed only after the outer cap has been removed

Номер: DE0019956243A1

A new tip cap unit (I) for a syringe cylinder has an inner cap (56) which grips and seals the syringe tip (22) when the sleeve (44) is firmly positioned around the syringe tip to seal the substance in the syringe chamber (20). It can be removed from the syringe tip only when outer cap (58) of the unit is removed from the sleeve (44). An Independent claim is also included for a syringe with a syringe cylinder as in (I).

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Verbessertes medizinisches Spritzensystem

Номер: DE102015107011A1

Die Erfindung offenbart ein medizinisches Spritzensystem, mit – einer Injektionskanüle (102, 104), die dazu ausgebildet ist, einen medizinischen Wirkstoff in einen menschlichen oder tierischen Patienten abzugeben; und – einer Aufziehkanüle (150, 152), die dazu ausgebildet ist, den medizinischen Wirkstoff aus einem Behälter aufzunehmen; und – einer Spritze (100), die – einen Kolben (122), der den medizinischen Wirkstoff bewegt; – einen zylinderförmigen Hohlraum (112), in dem sich der Kolben (122) bewegt; – einen im Inneren hohlen Außenkonus (110), an dem die Injektionskanüle (102, 104) und die Aufziehkanüle (150, 152) aufgesteckt werden können, der an einer Abdeckung des zylinderförmigen Hohlraums (112) angeordnet ist und sich in Fluidkommunikation mit dem zylinderförmigen Hohlraum (112) befindet; und – ein Rückholelement (124, 126) aufweist, das dazu ausgebildet ist, die Injektionskanüle (102, 104) bei einer Bewegung des Kolbens (122) weg von dem Außenkonus (110) in den zylinderförmigen ...

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Vorgefüllte Einmalspritze und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0050107405D1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

06-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060035889T2

27-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060216467T2

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Disposable syringe for use with safety features, particularly for medical applications, has syringe body and syringe piston, where syringe body and plunger of syringe piston have triangular cross section with rounded corners

Номер: DE102011052878A1

The disposable syringe has a syringe body (1) and a syringe piston (2), where the syringe body and a plunger (6) of the syringe piston have a triangular cross section with rounded corners. The reinforcing ribs are arranged in the longitudinal direction on the syringe piston in a radial manner. A conical projection is arranged on an angular or round extension rod (12). The syringe plunger has a predetermined breaking point (10) and is movably fitted in the syringe body. An outlet opening is formed for a needle holder (4) in the region of a syringe head (3).

05-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008308489D0

14-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002240718A

A device for implanting an object, such as a hormone pellet or an electronic transponder beneath the skin of an animal, includes a hollow needle (1) with an actuating rod (11) slidable therein, a cover (2) movable relative to the needle to enable at least the sharp end of the needle to be shrouded, and a locking mechanism in the form of an abutment (10) movable into a rebate (6), from which it cannot then return. The needle (11) may be mounted at one end of a body (4) which incorporates the locking rebate (6).

22-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002256146B

14-06-1995 дата публикации

Single use hypodermic syringe

Номер: GB0002284554A

A single-use hypodermic syringe having, a pre-stressed hydrophilic insert 5 consisting of a copolymer of acrylonitrile and vinylpyrrolidine in contact with the liquid flow path of the syringe. Said insert hydrates on contact with the injectant and expands to block the flow path rendering the syringe unsuitable for re-use. Two further embodiments are described the second having a hydrophilic insert comprising the point of the needle which deforms the tip on hydration, the rate of hydration being controlled by a thin metallised coating. In the third embodiment the needle tip is mounted on the insert which withdraws on hydration and retracts said tip. ...

28-04-1999 дата публикации

Anti-reuse syringe

Номер: GB0002330537A

An Anti-Reuse Syringe (Mode C) comprising: a hollow body (10) having a protruding conduit (14 to 16) at one end, a plunger (20) associated with the body (10) for reciprocal movement therein, a needle (37) mounted within a carrier (30), wherein the carrier (30) is mounted externally onto the wall of the protruding conduit (14 to 16) of the body (10), the plunger (20) comprising a piston (201) connected to an end of a shaft (23), the shaft (23) being manually operable to move the piston (201) towards the carrier (30) to expel liquid from the body (10) through the needle (37) wherein the piston (201) and the protruding conduit (14 to 16) include an interlocking means (141 and 202) for locking the plunger (20) with the protruding conduit (14 to 16) upon fully depressing the plunger (20) thereby trapping the plunger (20) firmly inside the body (10) wherein the shaft (23) of the plunger (20) includes a fragile portion adjacent the piston (201) to allow the shaft (23) to break upon a reuser trying ...

18-10-2000 дата публикации

Anti reuse syringe (Mode C)

Номер: GB0002330537B

28-04-2004 дата публикации

Needle sheath

Номер: GB0002359754B

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Syringe cover stopping second use

Номер: GB0002443796A

A syringe needle device 10 comprises a needle 1, a ring 2 and a cover 3, wherein a needle seat 12 of the needle 1 can be engaged with the cover 3, a stopping portion 121 is mounted on the needle seat 12 for stopping the ring 2, thereby the needle 1 is retained in the cover 3 after taking out the ring 2 and mounting on the cover 3. Hooks 122 are provided to prevent needle and cover separation.

28-03-2012 дата публикации

Cannula/needle systems

Номер: GB0002457361B

23-09-1987 дата публикации

Disposable syringe

Номер: GB0002187961A

A once-only hypodermic syringe has spikes (18) provided in the end of the barrel which the piston approaches as fluid is ejected from the syringe, the piston having a frangible disc (26) which is ruptured by that spike at the end of the stroke. ...

10-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002239608A

A hypodermic syringe for the injection of an innoculant liquid including a housing (1), a plunger assembly (2) slidably supported by the housing (1), and a hollow needle (3) which can be fully accommodated within and be extendible from the housing (1). The needle (3) is supported by the plunger assembly (3) and retracts into the housing (1) during an injection stroke of the syringe. The syringe further includes safety means (22, 24) for trapping the needle (3) within the housing (1) after the completion of the injection stroke. ...

01-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002315414B

13-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002284554B

21-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000329269D0

18-03-2015 дата публикации

Auto-destruct, pre-loaded syringe

Номер: GB0002503815B

06-04-2016 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: GB0002530714A

An injection device 1 for the delivery of medicament comprises a housing 10, a plunger 40 formed from two telescopic sections 42 48 slidably mounted within the housing, an actuation mechanism 30 to move the plunger 40 relative to a syringe 20, an indicator element 50 responsive to the forward movement of the plunger 40 and providing an audible and/or tactile and/or visual indication when the plunger reaches or approaches its forward position. The actuation mechanism 30 acts on the plunger 40, in use, to expand the telescopic sections and to sequentially move each of the sections forward within the housing. The indicator element 30 is responsive to the forward movement of the trailing telescopic section 48. The indicator element is preferably biased into the indicator position and is held in the retracted position by the plunger, the noise or tactile indication being caused by the impact of the released element. The indicator may be a moving shuttle (254 Fig 2) which may enter a window ( ...

17-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008926825D0

19-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009127255D0

23-03-1994 дата публикации

Surgical needle assembly

Номер: GB0009401518D0

30-06-2007 дата публикации

Exchange needle retractable safety syringe

Номер: AP0200704025D0

30-06-2008 дата публикации

Safety syringe with plunger locking means

Номер: AP0200804513A0

31-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: OA0000009106A

31-10-1991 дата публикации

Not-reusable syringe.

Номер: OA0000009085A

30-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AP0200603666A0

30-04-2008 дата публикации

Single use safety syringe having a retractable needle

Номер: AP0200804421D0

30-04-2008 дата публикации

Single use safety syringe having a retractable needle

Номер: AP0200804422D0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Syringe with integrally formed piercing member and luer slip.

Номер: AP0201005472D0

30-09-2004 дата публикации

One use retracting syringe with positive needle retention

Номер: AP0200403099D0

02-02-2004 дата публикации

Self-destructing one-use syringe.

Номер: AP0000001242A

The invention relates to an injection syringe for one-time use. Said syringe comprises a cylinder which has, on the bottom thereof, an outflow to the cannual and has, on the top end thereof, a collar. Said collar serves as a finger grip when using the syringe. The cylinder comprises two or more offset inner projections or bulges (20)which interact with recesses (17)of the piston shaft. The syringe also comprises a stopper with a slit (11)that is surrounded on all sides by one or more stopper sides (12), whereby, during filling, the inner projection (14)of the stopper walls interacts with the extreme tip (19)of the piston shaft by virture of the fact that the extreme tip (19), during emptying, forces the stopper to rotate when the tip (19)of the piston shaft meets the slanted surface (15)of the stopper. The piston shaft and the stopper are, at the latest when emptying is ceased, mechanically and permanently separated from one another. The invention is characterized in that the stopper is ...

27-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000000917A

A syringe comprises a barrel (1) having a plunger (7) in slidable and sealing engagement therewith. In order to provide an autodestruct system, so that the syringe can be used once only, being rendered disabled'after one normal use, the barrel (1) has means interrupting the cylindrical surface of its inner wall in the form of grooves (10, 11) or a projection (29), and the plunger (7) has a locking means (17, 20) which operates on engagement with a groove (10, 11) or projection (29) , on withdrawal of the plunger (7) to prevent further withdrawal movement. The locking means (17, 20) is provided on the head of the plunger (7) adjacent an elastomeric sealing cap (15). The locking means may comprise a pair of flukes (17) or a cross-shaped disc (20).

23-07-1997 дата публикации

Nonreusable medical device with front retraction.

Номер: AP0000000599A

A nonreusable medical device has a needle (34)for injecting or collecting fluid which is retractable by depression of a plunger (54)slidingly mounted in the medical device. A front-mounted retraction mechanism (22)has a needle holder connected to the needle. The needle holder is supported along the axis of the device by means of a frictionally engaged retainer ring (102)member coupled to the needle holder along an axially aligned sliding interface. The needle holder and retainer ring are positioned in the front portion of a hollow body. The front of a movable member or plunger presses against the retainer member passing around the needle holder which cannot move forward, thereby separating the retainer member from the needle holder. The separation occurs by gradually reducing the extent of the sliding interface area until the retainer member pops loose from the needle holder whereupon the needle holder and needle are retracted into a cavity in the plunger in response to a retraction force ...

13-08-2008 дата публикации

Single use syringe and plunger rod locking device therefor.

Номер: AP0000001877A

A single use syringe assembly is provided as well as a locking element for such an assembly. The single use syringe assembly includes a barrel, a plunger rod assembly and a locking element positioned within the barrel. The locking element includes one or more barbs for engaging the inside surface of the barrel. The barbs present the locking element from moving proximally within the barrel, but allow its distal movement therein with the plunge rod assembly. A spring member may be provided for urging the barbs towards the inside surface of the barrel. The barbs are preferably positioned on the edge portions of opposing legs that form part of the locking element.

21-03-2007 дата публикации

One-use retracting syringe with positive needle retention.

Номер: AP0000001728A

A retracting syringe (10) of one use has a plunger (38, 40) comprising a handle portion (38) and a needle retention portion (400) forward of the handle portion (38) which serves as the plunger (38, 40) and preferably also serves to trigger the re-traction mechanism (20) when the handle (38) is moved forward beyond the forward end-of-injection position. The positive locking structure (66) in the syringe barrel (12) permits one withdrawal of the handle (38) in the-rearward direction to fill the variable fluid chamber (56) and one movement in the forward direction to empty the variable fluid chamber (56) but thereafter limits the rearward movement of the needle retention chamber (40) and/or the handle (38) to ensure that the syringe (10) cannot be reused even if the user fails to trigger the retraction device 9200 to retract the needle (18).

31-07-1996 дата публикации

Hypodemic syringe with retractable needle mount

Номер: AP0009600815A0

31-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009901450A0

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Disposable pen needle with re-use prevention features

Номер: US20120016300A1
Автор: Tieming Ruan
Принадлежит: Individual

A pen needle ( 521 ) for a drug delivery device ( 100 ) includes a hub ( 511 ) and a needle ( 502 ) fixedly connected to the hub ( 511 ). An outer cover ( 501 ) removably receives the hub ( 511 ) and the needle ( 502 ). A locking member ( 505 ) locks the hub ( 511 ) and the needle ( 502 ) in the outer cover ( 501 ). The hub ( 625 ) may have a colored portion ( 629 ) visible to the user to indicate that the needle ( 623 ) has been used.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

System and method for pain reduction during skin puncture and breakable tip therefor

Номер: US20120029422A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An instrument, article and method are provided for minimizing pain during administration by injection of a liquid, such as, an anesthetic. The instrument has a forward end. A rod or lightpipe mounted freely for vibration projects out of the forward end. The article, a single use tip, is composed of a tip sleeve removably mounted on the forward end of the instrument and a tip member removably mounted on the projecting rod or lightpipe to vibrate a preselected injection site on a human or animal. The tip sleeve and tip member are covered by an elastic overmold that enables the tip member to vibrate freely with respect to the tip sleeve and light from the lightpipe to illuminate the injection site. The overmold of the single use tip is torn during removal of the single use tip from the instrument.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Single use safety syringe

Номер: US20120035541A1
Автор: Graeme Walton
Принадлежит: Individual

A single use safety syringe ( 10 ) has a barrel ( 12 ) having a leading end ( 14 ) and a trailing end ( 16 ). A needle 18 is sealably, but removably, attached to an opening in the leading end. A plunger ( 20 ) is slidably received through an opening in the trailing end. Upon completion of an injection, the plunger ( 20 ) engages the needle ( 18 ) and the needle can then be manually re-tracted into the barrel ( 12 ). A locking tab assembly ( 42, 44, 50, 52 ) is securely connected to a main body of the barrel ( 12 ) and forms the opening in the trailing end ( 16 ). The locking tab assembly includes two locking fingers ( 78, 80 ). The plunger ( 20 ) has a locking plate ( 41 ) which includes two locking ports ( 86, 88 ). The locking fingers ( 78, 80 ) and locking ports ( 86, 88 ) form a needle locking assembly. The locking fingers ( 78, 80 ) are adapted to engage by a hooked fit the locking ports ( 86, 88 ) when the needle ( 18 ) is fully retracted after use to prevent any subsequent movement of the plunger ( 20 ) with the engaged needle towards the leading end. Upon such engagement, a holding plate ( 36 ) secured to the plunger ( 20 ) below the locking plate ( 41 ) butts up against the bottom of holding rings ( 82, 84 ) of the locking tab assembly to prevent any subsequent movement of the plunger with the engaged needle towards the trailing end.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Safety Pen Needle Device

Номер: US20120041368A1
Автор: Sebastian Karlsson
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The present invention relates to a safety pen needle device comprising a generally tubular hub having a proximal and a distal end, said hub comprising attachment means arranged at its distal end for attaching the safety pen needle device to a medicament container assembly, and a coaxially arranged needle attachment member; an injection needle having an injection end and a non injection end, said injection needle being attached inside said hub and extending through the needle attachment member; wherein said device further comprises a generally tubular rotatable sleeve rotatable arranged on said hub, said rotatable sleeve comprising on its outer circumferential surface at least one guide track comprising flexible means; a generally tubular needle shield slidably arranged on said rotatable sleeve, said needle shield comprising at least one guide protrusion on its inner circumferential surface, wherein said at least one protrusion is arranged to interact with said at least one guide track and with said flexible means; and resilient means co-acting with said needle shield for urging said needle towards the distal end of the device.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Hinged cap for needle device

Номер: US20120059332A1
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

A hinged cap device for use with a syringe includes a base defining an interior cavity for mounting onto a tip and a cap connected to the base by a living hinge. The cap is moveable from a ready position to an open position to expose a needle, and from the open position to a secured position to prevent relative rotation between the cap and the base. A first latching mechanism is on the cap for engaging the needle, the first latching mechanism locatable on a first side of the needle in the ready position and locatable on a second side of the needle in the secured position. The needle is disengageable from the first latching mechanism in the ready position, and the needle is not disengageable from the first latching mechanism in the secured position.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Spindle and Bearing Combination and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20120165739A1
Автор: David Plumptre
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

An improved spindle and bearing combination for a drug delivery device is provided that has a first connection between the spindle ( 1 ) and bearing ( 4 ) comprising a web ( 5 ) and a second connection that replaces the first connection when the web ( 5 ) is severed that allows the spindle ( 1 ) to rotate relative to the bearing ( 4 ).

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120168464A1
Автор: Shingo Koyama
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A syringe includes a syringe outer tube having a spout and a spout-mounted cap. The cap has a cap main body sealing the spout in a liquid-tight manner, a mounting section mounted onto the spout, and a breakable breaking section linking the cap main body and the mounting section to release the link upon breaking. The inner circumferential portion of the mounting section includes protrusions inserted into a groove on the outer circumferential portion of the spout which also has a tilted section tilted relative to the axis of the spout outer circumferential portion. When the cap is rotated along the axial direction of the syringe outer tube, the protrusions move along the tilted section of the groove. The mounting section is thus displaced in the base end direction and the braking section is pulled in the direction and breaks to separate the cap main body from the mounting section.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Medicinal biosecurity auto disposable syringe

Номер: US20120179098A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a security syringe comprising a hollow cylinder ( 1 ) with a pair of wings ( 11 ) and a tip ( 12 ), which houses: the injection mechanism ( 3 ), a piston ( 2 ), and an injection mechanism ( 3 ) with a needle ( 31 ), a spring ( 32 ) and a membrane ( 33 ). The piston ( 2 ) has a serrated crown in the lower part ( 21 ) thereof where a chamber seal exists ( 22 ) and breaks only with the interior point of the needle ( 31 ), having the ends of the piston ( 2 ) of an inferior disk ( 24 ) and a superior disk ( 25 ) that steadies the piston ( 2 ) inside the cylinder ( 1 ). Around the cylinder ( 1 ) there is a protective funnel ( 13 ) against accidental injections. The piston comprises a cap ( 26 ) which guarantees the hermeticity of the empty chamber.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

System Comprising a Drug Delivery Device and a Cartridge Provided with a Bung and a Method of Identifying the Cartridge

Номер: US20120195182A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a bung ( 20 ), to a drug containing cartridge ( 10 ) and to a drug delivery device, wherein the bung ( 20 ) comprises a coding feature ( 28 ) for carrying information regarding at least one of the cartridge ( 10 ) and the content of the cartridge ( 10 ). Furthermore, it relates to a method for identifying a cartridge ( 10 ) containing a medicinal product.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Safe Disposable Injector with Changeable and Automatically Retractable Needle

Номер: US20120209247A1
Принадлежит: Wuxi Yushou Medical Applicance Ltd

A safe disposable injector with a changeable and automatically retractable needle includes a needle cylinder ( 1 ) and a plunger ( 2 ), and also includes a medicament-dispensing needle unit ( 3 ) and an injecting needle unit ( 4 ). The medicament-dispensing needle unit ( 3 ) and the injecting needle unit ( 4 ) are changed according to the requirement in use. The present invention will prevent harmful effects caused by needle deformation and variation of smoothness and sharpness during the injection to the human body. The operation of the present invention is the same as the convention injection operation. The present invention is convenient to use and reliable to operate. After injection, the injector needle can be retracted by an automatic retraction mechanism to avoid the accidental hurt to medical staff and patients by a polluted needle tip. The present invention is suitable for automatic production on the assembly line.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Syringe assembly with plunger having a secondary dispensing reservoir

Номер: US20120220950A1
Автор: James L. Carlyon

A method of supplying a flush/lock solution to a catheter assembly is disclosed which includes the steps of securing a distal end of a syringe assembly to the catheter assembly, advancing a plunger rod of the syringe assembly within a body of the syringe assembly until the plunger bottoms out on a distal wall of the body to eject a first fluid from a first fluid reservoir of the body from the fluid outlet of the syringe assembly, and after the plunger bottoms out on the distal wall of the body, advancing the plunger rod further within the body to advance a piercing member to pierce the plunger to eject a second fluid from a second fluid reservoir defined by the plunger from the fluid outlet.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Pen needle with safety shield system

Номер: US20120226233A1
Автор: Steven Schraga
Принадлежит: Stat Medical Devices Inc

A needle tip for an injection device includes a body having a front portion, a back portion configured to be removably connected to the pre-loaded injection device, and a wall separating the front and back portions. A hollow needle has a first piercing portion projecting back from the separating wall and a second piercing portion projecting forward from the separating wall. A safety shield that is axially movable relative to the body at least between an initial position, a retracted position, and a post use locking position. This Abstract is not intended to define the invention disclosed in the specification, nor intended to limit the scope of the invention in any way.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Syringe Assembly

Номер: US20120259286A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A syringe assembly comprises a syringe barrel having an elongated body defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end, a distal end and a frusto-conically shaped tip extending from the distal end and having a passageway therethrough in fluid communication with the chamber. The chamber has an inside diameter of at least 13.5 mm. A stopper is in fluid-tight engagement inside the barrel. An elongated plunger rod extends proximally from the stopper through the open proximal end of the barrel. A flange is positioned at the proximal end of the plunger rod. The flange is shaped and positioned to limit the distal motion of the plunger rod in the barrel by contacting the proximal end of the barrel. A tip cap is releasably connected to the tip for sealing the passageway and the chamber contains injectable liquid.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Single use syringe with plunger arm safety cover

Номер: US20130030364A1
Автор: Ming-Yuan Wu
Принадлежит: Individual

A single use syringe with plunger arm safety cover comprising a plunger arm, plunger tip, syringe body, and tip retaining sleeve is disclosed. The tip retaining sleeve surrounds tip retaining arms of the plunger tip allowing the tip retaining arms to grasp the plunger arm. After the plunger arm is pulled backwards, sleeve ribs prevent the tip retaining sleeve from moving in a forward direction. As the plunger arm is pushed forward, the tip retaining arms are no longer surrounded by the tip retaining sleeve and the tip retaining arms move outwards and release the plunger tip. After the plunger tip has been released from the plunger arm, the plunger tip and the plunger arm cannot be reconnected and the single use syringe cannot be reused. The plunger arm is removed from the syringe body and locked onto a guide lock and covers the needle tip.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Retractable Syringe with a Cutting Crown

Номер: US20130053773A1
Автор: Teoh Hwa Ang
Принадлежит: Intuitive Creations Pte Ltd

A retractable syringe comprises a cutting head mounted on a plunger of the syringe. When the plunger is advanced to expel fluid from the syringe, the cutting crown cuts a retention mechanism which holds a needle unit of the syringe, allowing a drive mechanism to drive the needle unit into the syringe. The cutting crown is shaped to reduce the force which has to be applied to cut the retention mechanism. Furthermore, a disposable needle assembly for attachment to a syringe unit comprises a needle and connector element for connecting the needle to the syringe unit. The connector element encircles the needle and has a thread on its outer surface for mating with the syringe unit. When the needle assembly is mated with the syringe, a central bore of substantially constant bore extends from the tip of the needle into the interior chamber of the syringe.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Retractable safety syringe

Номер: US20130066269A1

A retractable safety syringe comprises a needle body, a syringe barrel, and a pusher plunger. The needle body has a needle and a needle seat having an upper needle seat and a lower needle seat; the upper needle seat is used for fixing the needle thereon and is provided with a connecting portion on the bottom; and the removable lower needle seat can be embedded to the upper needle seat from below. The pusher plunger has a piston in the front end thereof; the piston has a connecting member, which can connect to the connecting portion on the bottom of the upper needle seat, so that after injection, by applying a force to press and deform the piston till connecting to the connecting portion, the needle body can depart from the needle socket and the abutment and can be drawn back to the interior of the syringe barrel.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Retractable syringe with improved delivery efficiency and locking system

Номер: US20130079716A1

A plunger, a needle assembly and a retractable syringe comprising same are provided. The plunger comprises a plunger member and a plunger outer having a lock spring that prevents or impedes movement of the plunger member after needle retraction. The plunger further comprises another locking member for engaging the barrel to prevent or impede further movement of the plunger outer after delivery of fluid contents. The plunger member has a plunger seal which engages a retractable needle of the needle assembly for retraction. The retractable needle comprises a cannula and needle body with a plurality of fluid channels that co-operate with a fluid conduit of the plunger seal to efficiently direct fluid to the cannula. A needle retainer comprises a plurality of barbed arms releasably coupled to the needle body, whereby an ejector with tabs facilitates release of the retractable needle from the needle retainer to allow compressed spring-driven retraction. 1. A plunger for a retractable syringe comprising a barrel and a retractable needle , said plunger comprising a plunger member , a plunger outer and one or more locking members , a first of said one or more locking members mounted to the plunger outer and capable of preventing or impeding further movement of said plunger member relative to said plunger outer and/or said barrel after needle retraction.2. The plunger of claim 1 , wherein the first locking member comprises a lock spring.3. The plunger of claim 2 , wherein the first locking member is capable of engaging the plunger member after needle retraction to thereby prevent or impede further movement of said plunger member relative to said plunger outer and/or said barrel.4. The plunger of claim 1 , which comprises a second locking member which is capable of engaging the barrel at the end of injection of fluid contents to thereby prevent or impede further movement of the plunger outer relative to the barrel.5. The plunger of claim 1 , wherein the plunger further ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Syringe Having a Removable Cover for Use as a Plunger Rod in Rotational Engagement

Номер: US20130085447A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

A syringe assembly includes a syringe barrel defining a chamber, a stopper disposed within the chamber, and a plunger assembly. The plunger assembly includes an elongated plunger rod, a housing, and a handle portion connecting the plunger rod and housing. The plunger assembly transitions from a first position disposed about the syringe barrel, to a second position with the plunger rod engaged with the stopper. Transition of the plunger assembly includes rotational engagement of the plunger rod and stopper.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Patient Access Port Reporting

Номер: US20130096501A1

A method is disclosed for detecting, by a sensing and data acquisition circuit module, at least one parameter associated with an access port. The method includes wiping at least a portion of an access port, allowing the access port to dry for a predetermined amount of time, accessing the access port with an access device, such as a syringe, and detecting at least one parameter associated with the access port by the sensor and acquisition module. An access port is disclosed that includes a sensor and a data acquisition module for sensing, recording, and providing an alert associated with the detection of the at least one parameter associated with the access port. 1. A method , comprising:detecting, by a sensing and data acquisition circuit module, at least one parameter associated with an access port.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recording claim 1 , by the sensing and data acquisition circuit module claim 1 , the at least one parameter associated with the access port.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reporting claim 1 , by the sensing and data acquisition circuit module claim 1 , the at least one detected parameter associated with the access port.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing an alert claim 1 , by the sensing and data acquisition circuit module claim 1 , based on the at least one detected parameter associated with the access port.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the detecting of the at least one parameter associated with the access port comprises detecting a presence of a cleaning solution at the site of the access port.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the detecting the presence of a cleaning solution comprises detecting via at least one of chemical detection claim 5 , temperature detection claim 5 , impedance detection claim 5 , dielectric detection claim 5 , and ultrasonic detection.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the detecting of the at least one parameter associated with the access port comprises ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Syringe barrel adapter and needle assembly

Номер: US20130102973A1

An adapter mountable to a retractable syringe barrel comprises a body that includes a needle portion and a barrel-engaging portion and a needle aperture. The adapter facilitates mounting a needle assembly to the barrel. The needle assembly comprises a needle body and cannula and an immobile, compressible needle seal, wherein the needle body and the needle seal are releasably engaged. The needle seal is engageable with a needle portion of the adapter. The needle body comprises one or more fluid reclaim channels that facilitate efficient delivery of the fluid contents of the retractable syringe. The retractable syringe also comprises dual locking systems to impede or prevent re-use.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Syringe with Disabling Mechanism

Номер: US20130110044A1

Syringe assemblies having a passive disabling system to prevent reuse are provided. According to one or more embodiments, the syringe assembly comprises a barrel, plunger rod and stopper wherein the plunger rod further comprises a flexible protrusion that locks the plunger rod within the barrel. Certain embodiments further include a frangible portion on the plunger rod that breaks when reuse is attempted. 1. A syringe assembly comprising:a barrel including a cylindrical sidewall having an interior surface with a first cross-sectional width defining a chamber for retaining fluid, an open proximal end and a distal end including a distal wall having an opening therethrough in fluid communication with said chamber, said sidewall including a rib adjacent said proximal end defining a second cross-sectional width that is less than the first cross-sectional width;an elongate plunger rod including a proximal end, a distal end, and a main body extending between the proximal and distal end, the plunger rod being distally and proximally movable within said chamber, the proximal end including a thumb press, the distal end including a stopper-engaging portion, the plunger rod further including a flexible protrusion between the thumb press and the main body, the protrusion having a cross-sectional width greater than the cross-sectional width of the barrel at the rib and the plunger rod further including a first support member disposed perpendicularly to the plunger rod that includes an annular projection having a distally facing surface, a proximally facing surface and an outer edge; a strut element disposed on the distally facing surface between the flexible protrusion and the annular projection and at least one frangible portion comprising disposed proximally adjacent to the support member and comprising two or more point connections are disposed adjacent to the edge of the support member;a stopper having a proximal end and a distal end, the stopper attached to the stopper- ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123699A1

A monitor for an extracorporeal therapy access site is disclosed. The monitor includes a bandage atop or adjacent the access site and a sensor for monitoring the bandage. The bandage includes a layer of polymer that expands when wetted with blood. The expansion causes a break in continuity of the sensor, or in an alternate embodiment, causes a sensor to cease detecting a target. When the break occurs, the control circuit monitoring the bandage sends a signal that a break has occurred, and a remote monitor then takes appropriate action, such as ceasing therapy, sending an alert, or sounding an alarm. In another embodiment, connecting wires in a continuity circuit are held apart by a polymer that dissolves when contacted by blood. If a leak occurs and a small portion of the polymer dissolves, the wires make contact, thus detecting a blood leak. 1. An access disconnect detector comprising:a first layer including a dissolving polymer and a first at least one conductor; anda second layer including a second at least one conductor,wherein the access disconnect detector is configured (i) for placement near or atop a patient access site for an extracorporeal therapy, and (ii) such that when blood contacts the dissolving polymer, the polymer dissolves sufficiently so that the first at least one conductor contacts the second at least one conductor so as to complete an electrical circuit.2. The access disconnect detector of claim 1 , which includes a cover layer removably adhered to the first layer.3. The access disconnect detector of claim 1 , wherein the second at least one conductor includes a plurality of conductors claim 1 , and which includes a cover layer positioned over the second layer claim 1 , the cover layer configured to electrically insulate the plurality of conductors from each other.4. The access disconnect detector of claim 1 , which includes a control circuit claim 1 , wherein the control circuit is configured to send an alert signal indicative of a presence ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Occlusion detection for a fluid infusion device

Номер: US20130133438A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

A device for delivering fluid to a user includes a housing, a drive motor assembly in the housing, a force sensor, and an electronics module. The drive motor assembly regulates delivery of fluid by actuating a piston of a fluid reservoir, and the force sensor generates output levels in response to force imparted thereto during, for example, fluid delivery operations. The electronics module processes the output levels of the force sensor to assess the operating health of the force sensor, to check for occlusions in the fluid delivery path, and to monitor the seating status of the fluid reservoir.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Device for detecting moisture, for use with an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient

Номер: US20130150769A1
Автор: John Heppe

The present invention relates to a moisture detection system which takes the form of a covering to be applied to the patient's skin, and to a monitoring system for monitoring a vascular access for a blood-treating apparatus. The covering of the moisture detection system has a flexible substrate material to which an electrically conductive structure having printed conductors is applied as a moisture sensor. In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, because a terminating resistor is not part of a moisture detection system, the device can be inexpensively produced in large quantities. This is of advantage in that the moisture detection system is generally intended for once-only use. With the separate terminating resistor, there is no risk of the terminating resistor being damaged or its resistance changing due to movements on the part of the patient.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150786A1
Автор: Hiles John

A keying insert for use with a cartridge assembly containing a fluid. The insert comprises a main body defining a bore that extends from a proximal end to a distal end of the main body and allows the fluid to dispense from the distal end of the cartridge through a septum. The main body includes a septum for sealing the fluid within the cartridge and a coding feature that is keyed to a cartridge holder or other dispense interface. 119-. (canceled)20. A cartridge assembly comprising a cartridge , a keying insert inserted in the dispensing distal end of the cartridge , the keying insert comprising:a main body defining a bore, the main body extending from a proximal end to a distal end and where the bore is configured for receiving a septum,a side wall extending from the proximal end to the distal end and where at least a portion of the side wall is configured to form a seal within the cartridge containing a fluid,a pass through to allow dispensing of the fluid from the cartridge,and a coding feature being configured to cooperate with a corresponding coding feature provided by a fluid delivery device, the coding feature being located on the main body,where the keying insert is configured such that a portion of its proximal end is within the cartridge and a portion of its distal end is outside of the cartridge and where the coding feature is located on the distal end of the keying insert.21. A cartridge assembly comprising a cartridge , a keying insert inserted in the dispensing distal end of the cartridge , the keying insert comprising:a main body defining a bore, the main body extending from a proximal end to a distal end and where the bore is configured for receiving a septum,a side wall extending from the proximal end to the distal end and where at least a portion of the side wall is configured to form the seal within the cartridge containing a fluid,a pass through to allow dispensing of the fluid from the cartridge,a second body in sealing relationship to the main ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165851A1

The disclosure relates to tube with a tube head () and a container () made of resilient material, wherein the tube head () is connected to the container (), wherein the tube head () comprises a female Luer lock fitting () with a flow passage (), the female Luer lock fitting () being designed for sealingly receiving a male Luer lock fitting () of a syringe (), wherein a tamper-evident closure () is arranged at the inner surface of the female Luer lock fitting () such that it closes the flow passage () in a closed state of the tube (). 145454717792111213147171. A tube with a tube head () and a container () made of resilient material , wherein the tube head () is connected to the container () , wherein the tube head () comprises a female Luer lock fitting () with a flow passage () , the female Luer lock fitting () being designed for sealingly receiving a male Luer lock fitting () of a syringe () , and wherein a tamper-evident closure (; , , ) is arranged at the inner surface of the female Luer lock fitting () such that it closes the flow passage () in a closed state of the tube () , wherein the tamper-evident closure comprises a lid that is sealingly arranged at the inner surface of the female Luer lock fitting in a closed state of the tube such that it closes the flow passage , with the lid being connected to the inner surface of the female Luer lock fitting through a hinge and a predetermined breaking line that connects to the hinge , wherein a receiving space is provided in the inner surface of the female Luer lock fitting for receiving the lid in an open state of the tube.23-. (canceled)4. The tube according to claim 1 , wherein the dimensions of the receiving space are designed such that the lid claim 1 , once entirely received from the receiving space claim 1 , does not project into the flow passage of the female Luer lock fitting of the tube head.5. The tube according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the tube is a mono material or a barrier laminate.6. ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172818A1
Автор: SCHRAGA Steven

Needle assembly having the following modes of operation; a first mode wherein the safety shield can move to a first retracted position allowing injection of the piercing portion of needle from a position at least partially covering the piercing portion of the needle and a second mode wherein the safety shield moves to a position protecting the piercing portion of the needle after the first mode and is prevented from moving back to a position exposing the piercing portion of the needle. 1. A needle assembly comprising:a body having a front portion, a back portion configured to be connected to device configured to inject or withdraw fluids, and a wall or needle support separating the front and back portions;a needle having a piercing portion projecting forwardly from the wall or needle support; anda safety shield that is axially movable relative to the body at least between an initial position, at least partially retracted position, and a post use locking position,wherein the safety shield at least one of:is at least partially disposed within the front portion of the body, includes a locking system which is prevented from being contacted by a user's fingers, and moves linearly without also rotating;rotates at least partially in opposite directions as it moves from the initial position to the retracted position;rotates at least partially in opposite directions as it moves from the initial position to the retracted position;includes at least one projection that extends into a guide recess comprising at least a linear section and a curved section;includes at least one projection that extends into a guide recess comprising at least a linear section and an angled section;includes at least one projection that extends into a guide recess comprising at least one locking mechanism for retaining the safety shield in the post use locking position;includes at least one mechanism for preventing a locking of the safety shield when said shield in not in the post use locking position ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172819A1

A pharmaceutical injection device () comprises a main body (), a movable member (), a pharmaceutical holding member (), and a first detector (). The movable member () is mounted movably in the lengthwise direction of the main body (). The pharmaceutical holding member () is mounted to the movable member (), has a needle mount () for an injection needle () on one end, and houses a pharmaceutical syringe () containing the drug to be injected into a body. The first detector () is provided to the movable member () and detects the mounting of the needle () on the needle mount (). The pharmaceutical injection device () improves the accuracy of detecting the mounting of a needle and/or a pharmaceutical syringe. 1. A pharmaceutical injection device , comprising:a main body;a movable member mounted movably in a lengthwise direction of the main body;a pharmaceutical holding member mounted to the movable member and includes a needle mount for an injection needle on one end, the pharmaceutical holding member being configured to house a pharmaceutical syringe containing a drug to be injected into a body; anda first detector provided to the movable member and being configured to detect a mounting of an injection needle on the needle mount.2. The pharmaceutical injection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first detector detects the mounting of an injection needle to the needle mount by detecting a mounting of the pharmaceutical holding member to the main body.3. The pharmaceutical injection device according to claim 1 ,further comprising a detection member configured to move with respect to the movable member when an injection needle has been mounted to the needle mount of the pharmaceutical holding member,wherein the first detector detects movement of the detection member.4. The pharmaceutical injection device according to claim 3 ,wherein the detection member includes a first detection member and a second detection member that is movable by contact with the first detection ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190683A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

A medical device includes a first housing portion (FHP) and a second housing portion (SHP) configured to be to be movable relative to each other from a first position to operatively engage at a second position to couple at least one of a drive device and a needle-inserting device supported by one of the FHP and the SHP to a reservoir supported by the other of the FHP and the SHP. Electronic circuitry configured to detect at least one of a first magnetic interaction between a magnet and at least one of a first magnetically attractive material and a first magnet-responsive device and a second magnetic interaction between the magnet and at least one of a second magnetically attractive material and a second magnet-responsive device, and to provide a signal or a change in state in response to detecting at least one of the interactions. 119.-. (canceled)20. A medical device for treating a user , the device comprising:a first housing portion adapted to be carried by a user;a second housing portion configured to be selectively operatively engaged with and disengaged from the first housing portion, the first housing portion and the second housing portion configured to be movable relative to each other from a first position to a second position to operatively engage each other at the second position;a first interactive element supported on the first housing portion;a second interactive element supported on the second housing portion in a position to interact with the first interactive element when the first housing portion and the second housing portion are in the first position;a third interactive element supported on the second housing portion in a position to interact with the first interactive element when the first housing portion and the second housing portion are in the second position; andelectronic circuitry configured to detect at least one of a first interaction between the first interactive element and the second interactive element, and a second interaction ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204186A1

A medicated module () for an injection system to co-deliver at least two medicaments is disclosed where a primary delivery device containing a primary medicament accepts a medicated module () containing a single dose of a secondary medicament and where both medicaments are delivered through a hollow needle (). The medicated module () does not require the user to manually engage a reservoir () containing the secondary medicament. Instead, a biasing member () automatically activates the reservoir () when the needle guard () is retracted. The needle guard () prevents accidental needle sticks before and after an injection, and locks after dose delivery. 1. A medicated module attachable to a drug delivery device comprising:an outer housing comprising at least one needle cannula,a needle guard configured to provide protection of the needle cannula, a coupling member adapted and arranged to mechanically cooperate with the needle guard, at least one track being provided on an outer surface of the coupling member,a reservoir provided within the coupling member, the reservoir comprising a single dose of a medicament,wherein the needle guard comprises at least one drive tooth provided on an inner surface of the needle guard, the drive tooth being configured to mechanically cooperate with the at least one track.2. The medicated module of claim 1 , wherein each drive tooth is configured to mechanically cooperate with one respective track.3. The medicated module of claim 1 , comprising a lower hub configured to be engaged with the coupling member and to be engaged with the needle guard claim 1 , wherein the lower hub is configured to hold a further needle cannula.4. The medicated module according to claim 1 , wherein the needle guard is axially moveable with respect to the housing between an extended and a retracted position claim 1 , and wherein the medicated module comprises a biasing member configured to bias the needle guard towards the extended position.5. The medicated ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204187A1

A method and system for retaining a drug cartridge in a cartridge holder. As an example, a retaining member for retaining a drug cartridge in a cartridge holder includes at least one connection feature for connecting to the drug cartridge. The at least one connection feature is on an outer wall of the retaining member. The retaining member further includes at least one retention feature, and this at least one retention feature extends from an inner wall of the retaining member. When the retaining member is connected to the cartridge holder, the retaining member retains the drug cartridge in the cartridge holder. 120-. (canceled)21. A cartridge assembly for connection to a drug delivery device , the cartridge assembly comprising:a cartridge holder;a drug cartridge held in the cartridge holder;a retaining member;wherein the retaining member is connected to the cartridge holder so that the retaining member retains the drug cartridge in the cartridge holder,and wherein the retaining member is a retaining ring.22. The cartridge assembly of claim 21 , wherein the retaining member is connected to a proximal end of the cartridge holder.23. The cartridge assembly according to claim 21 , wherein at least one of the retaining member and the cartridge holder is mechanically coded to a given drug delivery device.24. The cartridge assembly according to claim 21 , wherein the retaining ring comprises at least one connection feature for connecting the retaining ring to the cartridge holder claim 21 , and wherein the at least one connection feature is a threaded connection feature or at least one protrusion claim 21 , wherein the protrusion is capable of snapping into an indentation in the proximal end of the cartridge holder.25. The cartridge assembly according to claim 21 , wherein the retaining ring comprises at least one ratchet feature located on an outer wall of the retaining ring.26. The cartridge assembly according to claim 21 , wherein the retaining ring comprises at least ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Coded drug reservoir connection element with bendable locking elements

Номер: US20130204201A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A locking mechanism is provided for use with a reservoir and a reservoir holder so as to prevent unwanted tampering with the reservoir. The mechanism comprises a main body that is coupled to the reservoir. A first bendable feature is provided on the main body. The first bendable feature snaps from a first position to a second position. In the second position, at least a portion of the bendable feature retains the reservoir within the locking mechanism.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Coded Cartridge Holder System for a Fluid Delivery Device

Номер: US20130211326A1

A coded cartridge holder system is disclosed for use with a cartridge assembly () containing a fluid and a delivery device (), where the system has keyed connectors (′) to prevent accidental attachment of the wrong fluid delivery device (). The system comprises a coupling () attachable to the dose setting portion () of the device () and keyed to the proximal end of the cartridge holder (). The cartridge holder () may also contain medical coding () to correspond to matching coding (′) on the distal end of a cartridge assembly (). 1. A coded cartridge holder system comprising:a coupling having a proximal end, a distal end, and an inner wall, the inner wall comprising a plurality of keyed connectors and the proximal end being configured for attachment to a dose setting portion of a fluid delivery device,a cartridge holder comprising corresponding keyed connectors which are adapted and arranged to match the keyed connectors provided on the coupling, wherein the cartridge holder comprises a distal end, the distal end comprising an interior wall comprising a mechanical coding, wherein the mechanical coding comprises three equally spaced protrusions and a fourth protrusion offset an angle β from one of the three equally spaced protrusions, anda cartridge comprising a distal end, wherein the distal end comprises three equally space radial slots and a fourth slot offset from one of the three equally spaced slots by an angle equal to β, the slots being configured to match the mechanical coding provided on the interior wall of the cartridge holder.2. The coded cartridge holder system according to claim 1 ,wherein the inner wall is configured to define a bore that extends from the proximal end to the distal end.3. The coded cartridge holder system according to claim 1 ,wherein the keyed connectors are provided on the distal end of the inner wall.4. The coded cartridge holder system according to claim 1 ,wherein the cartridge holder comprises a proximal end, the corresponding ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Cartridge Assembly Having Shared Fastening Means and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130211327A1

A cartridge assembly () having a shared fastening features for use with a drug delivery device (). The cartridge assembly includes a cartridge holder (), a drug cartridge (), and a connector (). The connector may be attached to the drug cartridge. The cartridge assembly further includes a fastening means () for fastening to a drug delivery device, and this fastening means is shared between the cartridge holder and the cartridge or between the cartridge holder and the connector. The drug delivery device may be a reusable drug delivery device or a disposable drug delivery device. 1. A cartridge assembly comprising:a cartridge holder,a cartridge,the cartridge holder being provided with a first fastening feature;the cartridge being provided with a second fastening feature,the first fastening feature and the second fastening feature being provided as a fastener of the cartridge assembly to a drug delivery device; anda connector that is attached to the cartridge, wherein the second fastening feature is provided on the connector.2. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first fastening feature is a protrusion from the cartridge holder and the second fastening feature is a protrusion from the connector.3. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector allows the cartridge holder to be connected to a drug delivery device when the connector is attached to the cartridge.4. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector comprises a non-rotation feature that prevents relative rotation between the cartridge holder and the connector.5. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector is fitted around a sidewall of the cartridge.6. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the connector is coded to the cartridge holder or wherein the first fastening feature and the second fastening feature are coded to a drug delivery device.7. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe connector has a first sidewall that extends a partial extent of the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211328A1

A drug delivery device with differentiating features is provided. The drug delivery device comprises a dose setting mechanism, a cartridge holder, and a cartridge contained within the cartridge holder. The cartridge holder is secured to the dose setting mechanism and comprises a collar or ring. The ring has the same color as other differentiation features on either the dose setting mechanism or the cartridge, or both. The color-coded ring is configured on the cartridge holder such that when the cartridge holder is assembled with the dose setting mechanism, the color-coded ring remains visible. 117-. (canceled)18: An assembly comprising:a cartridge and a cartridge holder, wherein the cartridge is provided with a differentiation feature, wherein said differentiation feature is arranged to remain visible when said cartridge is inside the cartridge holder and the cartridge or the cartridge holder is assembled to a dose setting mechanism of a drug delivery device, wherein a main body is affixed to a proximal end or near the proximal end of said cartridge, and wherein the differentiation feature is provided along said main body, characterized in that said main body comprises a color-coded ring or collar, wherein said color-coded ring or collar wraps around an exterior circumference of said cartridge.19: The assembly of claim 18 , wherein the differentiation feature is arranged near or at the proximal end of the cartridge.20: The assembly of claim 18 , wherein the differentiation feature comprises a color.21: The assembly of further comprising a cap for covering at least a distal end of said cartridge or said cartridge holder claim 18 , wherein when said cap is removably affixed to said cartridge or cartridge holder claim 18 , said differentiation feature remains visible. The present application is a U.S. National Phase Application pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §371 of International Application No. PCT/EP2011/063847 filed Aug. 11, 2011, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211329A1

A liquid leakage detection system requiring no power supply from an outer source and configured to be relatively simple and moderate in price. A liquid leakage detection system () including an infusion tube (), a syringe needle () coupled to the infusion tube (), an absorbent element () adapted to be placed in the vicinity of a point () of the syringe needle () to be pricked through a patient skin and a sensor unit () located on an upper side or within the absorbent element ().

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Medical Injection Device

Номер: US20130211330A1
Принадлежит: Novo Nordisk A/S

The present invention relates to medicament injection devices (). A cartridge () with a septum and a needle unit () having front and rear needles () are configured for relative movement from a state where the septum is sealed to a state where the septum is pierced by the rear needle (). The injection device () may include a needle shield () and be configured for piercing the septum by the rear needle () when the front needle () is operated relative to the needle shield (). The injection device () may also include a damping mechanism configured for limiting the speed of movement of the cartridge relative to the needle unit. The injection device () may also include an indicator generating a signal when a piston driver has travelled the complete stroke length, wherein the indicator has a deflection element that is deflected prior to or during movement of the cartridge relative to the housing. 1. An injection device comprising:a medicament cartridge having an a cartridge septum adapted to be pierced by a needle for establishing fluid communication with the cartridge interior and having a slideably arranged piston which is driveable towards the cartridge septum,a piston driver capable of driving the piston towards the cartridge septum,a needle unit having a front needle for penetrating the skin of a subject user and a rear needle for piercing the cartridge septum, the front needle and rear needle being adapted for fluid communication, the cartridge and the rear needle being configured for relative movement from a first state where the cartridge septum is sealed to a second state where the cartridge septum is pierced by the rear needle,a needle shield associated with the needle unit, the needle shield and the front needle being configured for relative movement from a shielded state where the front needle is shielded into an unshielded state where the front needle protrudes from the needle shield, anda holding mechanism associated with to the needle unit and the cartridge ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Safety device for a pre-filled syringe and injection device

Номер: US20130211338A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

According to the invention, an injection device (D) comprises a pre-filled syringe and a safety device. The pre-filled syringe comprises a barrel with an inner cavity in fluid communication with a hypodermic needle attached to a distal end of the pre-filled syringe and a piston fluid-tightly sealing a proximal end of the inner cavity. The safety device comprises a support body for retaining the pre-filled syringe therein, an outer body operably connected to the piston, a needle shield and a releasable retaining means (R). The retaining means comprises a radial projection and a longitudinal recess adapted to receive the radial projection. The radial projection is connected to or integral part of one of the support body or the outer body and a longitudinal recess formed into the other of the support body or the outer body. The needle shield, the support body and the outer body are telescopable relative to each other. The piston is movable in a distal direction to expel a medicament contained in the inner cavity through the hypodermic needle by a manual actuation of the outer body. A telescoping movement of the outer body with respect to the support body is restricted by the retaining means (R) when the needle shield is moved with respect to the support body in a proximal direction from an initial position (I) towards a retracted position (II). The retaining means (R) is released when the needle shield reaches the retracted position (II) allowing for a telescoping movement of the outer body with respect to the support body to expel the medicament contained in the pre-filled syringe through the hypodermic needle.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Coding System for a Drug Delivery Device and Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130218078A1

A coding system for a drug reservoir, where the drug reservoir is intended for use with a reservoir holder of a drug delivery device. The coding system includes a collar fitted around the drug reservoir. The collar includes a coding feature that is configured to pass through a corresponding coding feature provided by the reservoir holder of the drug delivery device. 1. A coding system for a drug delivery device , comprising:a first feature comprising a first coding feature of a component of the drug delivery device anda second ring feature comprising a second coding feature of a reservoir holder, whereinthe first coding feature and the second coding feature are keyed to each other.2. The coding system of claim 1 , wherein the coding features comprise at least one of a protrusion and an indentation.3. The coding system of claim 2 , wherein the coding features comprise at least one protrusion and at least one indentation.4. The coding system of claim 3 , wherein the coding features comprise a pin and an indentation configured for receiving the pin.5. The coding system of claim 1 , further comprising: a dose setting mechanism provided with the first coding feature.6. The coding system of claim 1 , further comprising: a drug reservoir or cartridge provided with the first coding feature.7. The coding system of claim 6 , wherein the first feature is a first ring feature or collar fitted around the drug reservoir or cartridge claim 6 , wherein the first ring feature or collar comprises the first coding feature claim 6 , and wherein the first coding feature is configured to pass through the corresponding second coding feature provided by the reservoir holder of the drug delivery device.8. The coding system of claim 7 , wherein the collar is fitted around a shoulder of the drug reservoir or cartridge.9. The coding system of claim 7 , wherein the collar comprises at least one protrusion on an inner diameter of the collar claim 7 , and wherein the at least one protrusion is ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Medicated Module with Interlock

Номер: US20130226086A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi-Aventid Deutschland GmbH

A medicated module attachable to a drug delivery device comprising a connecting body configured for attachment to the drug delivery device. A first needle held within a first needle hub of the connecting body and a second needle fixed within a second needle hub of the connecting body. A recess within the connecting body defining a reservoir. The reservoir containing at least one dose of a medicament and configured for fluid communication with the first needle. The connecting body further comprises a lockout feature that prevents the medicated module from being reconnected to the drug delivery device after the medicated module has been connected to the drug delivery device a first time. 1. A medicated module attachable to a drug delivery device , said medicated module comprising:a connecting body configured for attachment to said drug delivery device;a first needle fixed within a first needle hub of said connecting body;a second needle fixed within a second needle hub of said connecting body; anda recess within said connecting body defining a reservoir, said reservoir containing at least one dose of a medicament, said reservoir configured for fluid communication with said first needle,wherein said connecting body further comprises a lockout feature that prevents said medicated module from being reconnected to said drug delivery device after said medicated module has been connected to said drug delivery device a first time.2. The medicated module of claim 1 , further comprising:a needle guard operatively coupled to said connecting body; anda biasing element positioned between said connecting body and said needle guard.3. The medicated module of claim 2 , wherein when a dose of said medicament is injected by said medicated module claim 2 , said needle guard moves in a proximal direction against a force created by said biasing element.4. The medicated module of claim 2 , wherein said needle guard is locked from moving in a proximal direction until said medicated module ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for determining information related to a drug reservoir

Номер: US20130226139A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Disclosed herein are methods and systems for detecting information related to a drug reservoir. According to one example disclosed herein, a method includes a detector feature determining an electrical property related to a coded material for a drug reservoir, wherein the coded material comprises at least one circuit. The at least one circuit may be printed onto the drug reservoir. The method further includes determining information related to the drug reservoir based at least on the determined electrical property.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228171A1
Принадлежит: SONARMED, INC.

The present disclosure relates to a leak detection system and method for tube or catheter placement. The system and method includes acoustically sensing a leak in the seal between a tube or catheter within a body and the body cavity against which it is sealed, assisting the user in adjusting the system until the leak has been substantially sealed, and establishing system parameters to be used thereafter to maintain the system in an operating state that will substantially prevent leakage, all using a noninvasive acoustic technique. 1. A leak detection system for tube or catheter placement , the system comprising:a vibration detection device configured to detect acoustic waves generated by vibrations caused by a leak of fluids between a cuff and an anatomical conduit; andan inflation device in communication with the cuff and the vibration detection device, wherein the inflation device is configured to increase a pressure in the cuff when the vibration detection device indicates that the leak is detected.2. The leak detection system of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure sensor in communication with the cuff.3. The leak detection system of claim 2 , wherein the inflation device is in communication with a processor claim 2 , wherein the processor is configured to automatically respond to the vibration detection device and activate the inflation device to increase the pressure in the cuff when the leak is detected.4. The leak detection system of claim 3 , further comprising a sound profile of fluids leaking past the cuff claim 3 , wherein the leak is detected when the acoustic waves detected by the vibration detection device is within the sound profile.5. The leak detection system of claim 3 , further comprising a sound profile baseline for normal passage of fluids for a patient without the leak claim 3 , wherein the leak is detected when the acoustic waves detected by the vibration detection device does not match the sound profile baseline.6. The leak detection ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237911A1
Автор: Von Schuckmann Alfred

The invention relates to a syringe cap () for a medical syringe (), having two cap parts () displaceable toward each other, wherein a motion of the cap parts () toward each other takes place when the syringe cap () is first removed from the syringe (). In order to disclose a syringe cap for a medical syringe, wherein a first use can be advantageously determined and handling is simple, according to the invention an indicator element is displaced into a display setting and the display element () can be removed from the syringe () together with the cap parts () of the syringe cap (). 114-. (canceled)1512823231286628231. A syringe cap () for a medical syringe () , comprising two cap parts ( , ) that are moveable toward one another , a movement of the cap parts ( , ) toward one another taking place when the syringe cap () is removed for the first time from the syringe () , and by virtue of this , a displacement of an indicator element () into an indicating position takes place , and the indicator element () can be removed from the syringe () together with the cap parts ( , ) of the syringe cap ().16123. The syringe cap according to claim 15 , wherein the syringe cap () consists of an outer cap () and an inner cap ().1723. The syringe cap according to claim 15 , wherein the cap parts ( claim 15 , ) are in first instance twistable relative to one another and at the end of their being twisted relative to one another claim 15 , they can be transferred into a latching position that results in a twist coupling.18. The syringe cap according to claim 17 , wherein the twist coupling is not reversible.1923. The syringe cap according to claim 16 , wherein in the course of the twisting of the outer cap part () relative to the inner cap part () claim 16 , no telescopic movement results.2026. The syringe cap according claim 16 , wherein the outer cap () is configured as a thimble-like sleeve claim 16 , the indicator element () forming the end face or a substantial part of the end face ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245553A1
Принадлежит: Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc.

An auto-injector automatically dispenses a predetermined dose of medicament upon activation. The auto-injector includes a needle cover operative to engage an injection site and activate the injector. The needle cover is configured to move from a locked retracted position prior to a medicament dispensing operation to a locked extended position after the medicament dispensing operation. The non-removable needle cover prevents contact with the needle both before and after the medicament dispensing operation. 1. An auto-injector comprising:a housing;a cartridge container disposed within the housing;a cartridge received within the cartridge container, the cartridge having at least one opening therein and containing a medicament, the medicament rearwardly confined by a plunger, the cartridge including a needle assembly to dispense the medicament there through, the needle assembly having a needle;an actuation assembly having a stored energy source capable of being released to drive the plunger within the cartridge to dispense the medicament through the needle assembly; anda needle cover received within the housing, the needle cover having an opening formed therein to permit passage of the needle there through during a medicament dispensing operation, the needle cover having a first locked position wherein the needle cover is in a locked retracted position prior to activation of the auto-injector, the needle cover having a second locked position wherein the needle cover is in a locked extended position after the medicament dispensing operation, the needle cover surrounding the needle on all sides outside of the housing to prevent contact with the needle before activation of the auto-injector and after the medicament dispensing operation.2. The auto-injector of wherein the cartridge further comprises a needle sheath disposed about the needle claim 1 , the needle sheath being compressed between the cartridge container and the cartridge during the medicament dispensing ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20130253427A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A component for a drug delivery device comprises a key validation part and a safety part. The key validation part is configured to interact with a key part of another component of the drug delivery device during the assembly of the drug delivery device. In order to support the use of matching components, the safety part is configured to have a different impact if the key part is matched to the key validation part compared to if the key part is not matched to the key validation part.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Piston rod for a container

Номер: US20130253435A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson France SA

The invention relates to a piston rod for an injection device, comprising a first and a second legs, each leg being foldable on itself and comprising a proximal region, said piston rod being in one of a folded position and an unfolded position, said piston rod comprising coupling means for coupling the proximal region of the first leg to the proximal region of the second leg when said piston rod is in said unfolded position. The invention also relates to a kit comprising said piston rod.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Medical Needle Safety Device

Номер: US20130253444A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A safety device 20 for shielding a medical needle 25 having a sharp tip includes a needle mount 28 which is adapted directly or indirectly to support the needle 25 . A needle shielding sleeve 33 is arranged coaxially with the mount 28 for sliding movement between an initial shielding position surrounding the needle 25 and a non-shielding position at which at least the tip of the needle is exposed beyond the sleeve 33 . Resilient fingers 35 urge the sleeve 33 to its needle shielding position. There is a control member 39 for the fingers 35 and which is slidably housed within the coaxial arrangement of the sleeve 33 and the mount 28 . The resilient fingers 35 are essentially undeformed when the control member 39 is in its storage position (FIG. 3 A) but are partially deformed when the control member is moved to a set position (FIG. 5 A). A needle cover 42 is fitted on to the needle 25 to confer protection thereto but is removable from the needle prior to use of the device and is arranged so that removing the needle cover effects movement of the control member to its set position.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Flow Control Device with Retractable Cannula

Номер: US20130261551A1
Принадлежит: Retractable Technologies, Inc.

A device having a housing; a cannula projecting forwardly from the housing; a connector useful for attaching the device to a fluid source or receptacle; a fluid flow path establishing fluid communication between the cannula and the connector; a retraction mechanism biasing the cannula away from its projecting position; and an actuator supported by the housing and configured to modify the fluid flow path so as to terminate fluid flow through the device, seal off the fluid flow path, and release the retraction mechanism to retract the cannula into the housing. The subject device is particularly preferred for use in the medical field, for example, as part of an infusion set or as a collection device for blood, or other fluids or flowable matter. 120-. (canceled)21. A device comprising:a housing;a cannula;a connector attachable to a fluid source or receptacle external to the device;a fluid flow path in fluid communication with the connector;a retraction mechanism biasing the cannula rearwardly;a retraction cavity having a front portion, wherein the retraction cavity is connected to the housing such that at least the front portion of the retraction cavity can move laterally from a first position to a second position, and wherein the retraction mechanism is separate from and not coaxial with the fluid flow path;wherein when the front portion of the retraction cavity is in the first position, the cannula projects forwardly from the housing, the cannula is in fluid communication with the connector through the fluid flow path, and the retraction cavity is not coaxial to or aligned with the cannula;wherein when the front portion of the retraction cavity is in the second position the front portion of the retraction cavity is aligned with the cannula and the retraction mechanism retracts the cannula into the retraction cavity such that it no longer projects forwardly from the housing and the cannula is no longer in fluid communication with the connector.22. The device of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261552A1
Автор: Jugl Michael, Teucher Axel

The present invention relates to a drug delivery device for injecting a dose of a medicament, comprising of a cartridge holder adapted to house a cartridge filled with the medicament and comprising a displaceable piston, and at least a body adapted to house a drive mechanism comprising a piston rod to be operably engaged with the piston of the cartridge for expelling a dose of the medicament, wherein the cartridge holder and the body are interconnected with each other and wherein the cartridge holder and/or the body comprise at least one fractionizing means adapted to irreversibly abrogate the interconnection of cartridge holder and body. 19-. (canceled)10. Drug delivery device for injecting a dose of a medicament , comprising:a cartridge holder housing a cartridge filled with the medicament and comprising a displaceable piston,a body housing a drive mechanism comprising a piston rod to be operably engaged with the piston of the cartridge for expelling a dose of the medicament,wherein the cartridge holder and the body are interconnected with each other andwherein the cartridge holder and/or the body comprise at least one fractionizing means adapted to irreversibly abrogate the interconnection of cartridge holder and body to remove the cartridge from the cartridge holder, characterized in thatthe fractionizing means comprise at least one bendable and/or pivot-mounted lug disposed at the cartridge holder and/or at the body, wherein the body and/or the cartridge holder mutually overlap in an interface section, in which the body comprises a receptacle portion which is adapted to receive an insert portion of the cartridge holder, or vice versa, and wherein the lug is disposed on the receptacle portion of the body or cartridge holder and comprises a radially inwardly extending protrusion adapted to engage with a corresponding receptacle disposed on the insert portion of cartridge holder or body.11. The drug delivery device according to claim 10 , wherein the fractionizing ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274661A1
Автор: Jugl Michael, Teucher Axel

The present invention relates to a drug delivery device for injecting a dose of a medicament, comprising of a cartridge holder adapted to house a cartridge filled with the medicament and comprising a displaceable piston, a body adapted to house a drive mechanism comprising a piston rod to be operably engaged with the piston of the cartridge for expelling a dose of the medicament, wherein the cartridge holder and the body are interconnected with each other and wherein the cartridge holder and/or the body comprise at least one separate fractionizing piece irreversibly detachable from the cartridge holder and/or from the body to irreversibly abrogate the interconnection of cartridge holder and body. 113-. (canceled)14. Drug delivery device for injecting a dose of a medicament , comprising:a cartridge holder housing a cartridge filled with the medicament and comprising a displaceable piston,a body housing a drive mechanism comprising a piston rod to be operably engaged with the piston of the cartridge for expelling a dose of the medicament,wherein the body and/or the cartridge holder mutually overlap in an interface section, in which the body comprises a receptacle portion which is adapted to receive an insert portion of the cartridge holder, or vice versa, and wherein the cartridge holder and the body are interconnected with each other andwherein the cartridge holder and/or the body comprise at least one fractionizing means by way of which the body and the cartridge holder are positively engaged, and wherein the fractionizing means is adapted to irreversibly abrogate the interconnection of cartridge holder and body to remove the cartridge from the cartridge holder, andwherein the fractionizing means further comprises at least one separate fractionizing piece irreversibly detachable from the cartridge holder and/or from the body,wherein the receptacle portion of body or cartridge holder is at least partially provided with an adhesive cover or foil covering the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274662A1

According to the invention, an auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) comprises of a substantially cylindrical housing arranged to contain a pre-filled syringe filled with the medicament (M), a needle shroud slibably arranged with respect to the housing and adapted to rest on the skin of a patient receiving an injection, a releasable drive means arranged within the housing that is capable of, upon release, translating the needle shroud in a proximal direction (P) towards a safe position (PS) and a rotating collar rotatably arranged within the housing. The needle shroud in the safe position (PS) surrounds the injection needle after the injection has been carried out. The rotating collar engages the needle shroud in a manner that forces the rotating collar to rotate within the housing when the needle shroud is translated in the proximal direction (P). 113-. (canceled)14. Auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) , comprisinga substantially cylindrical housing arranged to contain a pre-filled syringe filled with the medicament (M),a needle shroud slibably arranged with respect to the housing and adapted to rest on the skin of a patient receiving an injection,a releasable drive means arranged within the housing that is capable of, upon release, translating the needle shroud in a proximal direction (P) towards a safe position (PS),a rotating collar rotatably arranged within the housing,wherein the needle shroud in the safe position (PS) surrounds the injection needle and wherein the rotating collar engages the needle shroud in a manner that forces the rotating collar to rotate within the housing when the needle shroud is translated in the proximal direction (P) towards the safe position (PS).15. Auto-injector according to claim 14 , characterized in that the rotating collar comprises a pin that engages a helical recess formed into the needle shroud.16. Auto-injector according to claim 14 , characterized in that the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274663A1
Автор: Heppe John

The present invention proposes another woven moisture sensor having at least one printed conductor for monitoring a patient's vascular access for blood loss to the surroundings, in particular for use in an extracorporeal blood treatment. 1. A woven moisture sensor for monitoring a patient's vascular access having at least one printed conductor produced by weaving , having a monitoring section of the printed conductor which is produced by weaving for function-testing the printed conductor.2. The woven moisture sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that the monitoring section of the printed conductor which is produced by weaving is configured as a terminating resistor.3. The woven moisture sensor according claim 2 , characterized in that the terminating resistor is a high-resistance electrically conductive thread and the specific electrical resistivity of the control thread is much greater than the specific electrical resistivity of the electrically conductive threads forming the printed conductor.4. The woven moisture sensor according to claim 3 , characterized in that the high-resistance electrically conductive threads have a specific electrical resistivity in the value range from 10ohm/cm to 10ohm/cm claim 3 , in particular in the value range from 10to 10ohm/cm claim 3 , based on the length of the thread.5. The woven moisture sensor according to claim 4 , characterized in that the high-resistance electrically conductive thread has a carbon nanotube coating.6. The woven moisture sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that the monitoring section of the printed conductor which is produced by weaving is a section of the printed conductor which is provided and configured for being cut off from the printed conductor.7. The woven moisture sensor according to claim 6 , characterized in that the monitoring section of the printed conductor claim 6 , which is configured and provided for separation from the printed conductor claim 6 , is arranged in an area of ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274664A1

Included are embodiments of an ambulatory infusion device. Some embodiments include an energy storage for storing electrical energy utilized for powering the ambulatory infusion device. The energy storage may serve as a primary power source of the ambulatory infusion device. Also included is a dosing unit with an electrically powered actuator and an electronic controller, where the electronic controller controls operation of the electrically powered actuator. Some embodiments also include a testing unit for testing the energy storage. The testing unit may be configured to repeatedly carry out a test during operation of the ambulatory infusion device. Additionally, the test may include determining a control variable, the control variable being indicative of a capability of the energy storage for further powering the ambulatory infusion device. 1. Ambulatory infusion device which administers a drug or substance to a patient , comprising:an energy storage which depletes; anda testing unit for testing the energy storage, the testing unit configured to repeatedly carry out a test during operation of the ambulatory infusion device, the test including determining a control variable, the control variable being indicative of a capability of the energy storage to further power the ambulatory infusion device, wherein the testing unit is configured to vary the testing of the energy storage in dependence of the control variable.2. The ambulatory infusion device according to claim 1 , wherein the testing unit is configured to vary the testing by reduce a testing interval for carrying out consecutive tests as a change of the control variable indicates a decreasing capability of the energy storage for further powering the ambulatory infusion device.3. The ambulatory infusion device according to claim 1 , wherein the testing unit comprises a test load having a test load resistance claim 1 , wherein the test includes connecting the test load to the energy storage and the testing unit ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281962A1

A drug reservoir comprises of a housing having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the housing is configured to hold a medicament; and a removable feature disposed on at least one of the proximal end and the distal end, wherein the removable feature covers at least in part one of the proximal end and the distal end. 118-. (canceled)19. A drug reservoir comprising:a housing having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the housing is configured to hold a medicament;a removable feature disposed on at least one of the proximal end and the distal end, wherein the removable feature covers at least in part one of the proximal end and the distal end.20. The drug reservoir of claim 19 , wherein the removable feature is a tear-away feature that acts as a tamper-evident feature claim 19 , and wherein the tamper-evident feature at least partially covers at least one of a warning feature claim 19 , a fastening feature claim 19 , and a coding feature.21. The drug reservoir of claim 20 , wherein the tear-away feature prevents attachment of a dispense interface to the distal end of the drug reservoir.22. The drug reservoir of claim 20 , wherein the distal end comprises an opening and a septum claim 20 , wherein the tear-away feature covers the opening and the septum.23. The drug reservoir of claim 20 , wherein the tear-away feature is a tear-away label or a tear-away strip.24. The drug reservoir of claim 20 , wherein the tear-away feature comprises at least one of foil claim 20 , vinyl claim 20 , polyester claim 20 , and acetate.25. The drug reservoir of claim 20 , further comprising a colored element claim 20 , wherein the tear-away feature covers the colored element claim 20 , and wherein the colored element comprises a color that serves to indicate information about the drug reservoir.26. The drug reservoir of claim 20 , further comprising a fastening feature claim 20 , wherein the tear-away feature is disposed over the fastening feature.27. The drug reservoir of claim ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296784A1
Автор: TSOUKALIS Achilleas
Принадлежит: MICREL Medical Devices S.A.

The invention is directed to an analgesia and/or an anesthesia drug/device, system and an analgesic and/or an anaesthetic method utilizing a drug storage bag prefilled pharmaceutically or in a pharmaceutical compounding facility with a drug which system or method involves long-term stability of the thug prefilled storage bag, thus enabling the simplification of both, home treatment and hospital treatment procedures, in particular, the system or method is utilizing a storage bag comprising multi-layered flint. the surface of which is drug-compatible while subsequent layers constitute a barrier against any gases, e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and/or humidity, and optionally ultraviolet radiation. This system and method comprises preferably a label/marking, providing information in a visual and/or wireless way to the pump system and the supporting services, directly or through the internet, in order to avoid medical errors regarding the administration of analgesic and/or anesthetics drugs. The system and method also enables for the unlocking of any drug prefilled storage bag, preferably a drug cassette, which is protected against abuse. 1. Drug/medical device system for administering an analgesic and/or an anaesthetic drug to a patient preferably via the IV route or the central nerve block or the peripheral nerve block comprising(a) a pump for administering at least one analgesic and/or anaesthetic drug,(b) a storage bag or a storage bag set prefilled with the at least one analgesic and/or anaesthetic drug, and(c) at least one means whereby the pump (a) and the storage bag or storage bag set (b) are designed to exclusively cooperate with each other when administered to an individual patient,and wherein the method used to provide the pre-filled storage bag or a storage bag set (b) is in compliance with the guidelines of a competent drug regulatory authority applicable for pre-filled systems, preferably for pre-filled systems for long-term storage.2. Drug/ ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324900A1

A dialysis system comprising: a blood circuit including a blood pump, a dialyzer, and an air removal apparatus; an arterial line of the blood circuit extending from the blood pump to an arterial access needle; a venous line of the blood circuit extending from the air removal apparatus to a venous access needle; arterial and venous conductive connections placed along the arterial and venous lines, respectively; a first electrical potential source configured to apply a first electrical potential between (i) the arterial and venous conductive connections and (ii) the arterial and venous access needles; and a second electrical potential source configured to apply a second electrical potential between (a) the arterial and venous conductive connections and (b) one of the blood pump, dialyzer or air removal device. 1. A dialysis system comprising:a blood circuit including a blood pump, a dialyzer, and an air removal apparatus;an arterial line of the blood circuit extending from the blood pump to an arterial access needle;a venous line of the blood circuit extending from the air removal apparatus to a venous access needle;arterial and venous conductive connections placed along the arterial and venous lines, respectively;a first electrical potential source configured to apply a first electrical potential between (i) the arterial and venous conductive connections and (ii) the arterial and venous access needles; anda second electrical potential source configured to apply a second electrical potential between (a) the arterial and venous conductive connections and (b) one of the blood pump, dialyzer or air removal device.2. The dialysis system of claim 1 , wherein the second electrical potential is applied between the arterial conductive connection and the blood pump.3. The dialysis system of claim 1 , wherein the second electrical potential is applied between the arterial conductive connection and a third conductive connection placed along the blood circuit.4. The dialysis ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331785A1
Автор: Wozencroft Robert

An autoinjector has a body portion () containing a syringe () or cartridge with a needle at its forward end, the autoinjector having a drive arrangement ( . . .) for effecting operation of the autoinjector and including a drive element that moves from a first position to a second position during the operation, the body including a first () and a second body portion () connected together by a snap fit arrangement including a resiliently moveable latch finger () on one of the body portions that cooperates with a latch surface () on the other thereof to hold the two portions connected, wherein the drive element in the second position () limits or prevents resilient movement of the moveable latch finger (), thereby preventing disconnection of the first and second body portions after operation. 110121360101213814260142. An autoinjector having a body portion ( , ) containing a syringe () or cartridge with a needle at its forward end , the autoinjector having a drive arrangement ( . . . ) for effecting operation of said autoinjector and including a drive element that moves from a first position to a second position during said operation , said body including a first () and a second body portion () connected together by a snap fit arrangement including a resiliently moveable latch finger () on one of said body portions that cooperates with a latch surface () on the other thereof to hold the two portions connected , wherein said drive element in said second position () limits or prevents resilient movement of said moveable latch finger () , thereby preventing disconnection of said first and second body portions after operation.2. An autoinjector according to claim 1 , wherein first and second body portions comprise front and rearward generally tubular body portions that are snap fitted together during assembly.3. An autoinjector according to claim 1 , wherein said snap fit arrangement includes a plurality of respective removable latch fingers and latch surfaces.4. An ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338584A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed, Inc.

A delivery device includes first and second housing portions that selectively engage and disengage. A reservoir on one housing portion operatively engages a drive device and/or a needle inserting device on the other housing portion. Upon proper engagement of the housing portions, the reservoir operatively couples to the drive device and/or the needle inserting device. A first magnet on the first housing portion and a second magnet (or a magnetically-attractive material) on the second housing portion are positioned to magnetically interact with each other, upon operative engagement of the housing portions. A third magnet on the second housing portion may be opposed to the first magnet to help align the housing portions for connection. A magnet-responsive device may be on one or both housing portions to detect alignment and/or connection of the housing portions. 148.-. (canceled)49. A medical device for delivering an infusion medium to a user , the device comprising:a first housing portion adapted to be carried by a user;a second housing portion configured to be selectively operatively engaged with and disengaged from the first housing portion;a reservoir supported by one of the first and second housing portions;at least one of a drive device and a needle inserting device supported by the other of the first and second housing portions relative to the housing portion that supports the reservoir, such that upon the first and second housing portions being operatively engaged, the reservoir is operatively coupled to the at least one of a drive device and a needle inserting device;a first magnet supported on the first housing portion; anda second magnet supported on the second housing portion in a position to magnetically interact with the first magnet upon the first and second housing portions being improperly aligned when brought toward each other for operative engagement.50. The medical device according to claim 49 , wherein the second magnet is supported on the second ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338585A1

The present invention relates to a drug delivery device for administering a dose of a medicament by way of injection, the device comprising of a housing to receive a cartridge at least partially filled with a medicament and being sealed with a piston slidably disposed therein, a drive mechanism having a piston rod to be displaced in a distal direction to operably engage with the piston of the cartridge, an actuation means operably engaged with the drive mechanism to prepare and/or to initiate a dose dispensing action of the drive mechanism, and a protective member adapted to impede actuation of the actuation means, wherein the protective member is releasably connected to the housing by means of a breakable seal. 114-. (canceled)15. Drug delivery device for administering a dose of a medicament by way of injection , the device comprising:a housing to receive a cartridge at least partially filled with a medicament and being sealed with a piston slidably disposed therein,a drive mechanism having a piston rod to be displaced in a distal direction to operably engage with the piston of the cartridge,an actuation means operably engaged with the drive mechanism to prepare and/or to initiate a dose dispensing action of the drive mechanism, anda protective member adapted to impede actuation of the actuation means, wherein the protective member is releasably connected to the housing by means of a breakable seal, characterized in thatthe seal comprises a first ring member and a second ring member, positively engaged or frictionally engaged, integrally joined or firmly bonded to the housing and/or to the protective member, respectively, and wherein the first ring member comprises a number of ring segments interconnected by predetermined breaking points and being individually connected to the second ring member.16. The drug delivery device according to claim 15 , wherein the first ring member is positively engaged with the housing and wherein the second ring member is integrally ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140005596A1
Автор: Schuster Ralf

The invention relates to an injection device for delivering a drug, comprising a housing arranged to receive a drug container and an electrical energy source, wherein a driver is arranged to displace a dose of the drug from the container under load of a drive spring upon release, wherein an electric motor powered by the electrical energy source is arranged for tensioning the drive spring, wherein control means are arranged for controlling the electric motor so as to tension the drive spring when an injection has been performed. 115-. (canceled)16. Injection device for delivering a drug , comprising a housing arranged to receive a drug container and an electrical energy source being a battery , wherein a driver is arranged to displace a dose of the drug from the container under force of a drive spring upon release irrespective of a state of the battery , wherein an electric motor by the electrical energy source is arranged for tensioning the drive spring , wherein control means are arranged for controlling the electric motor so as to tension the drive spring immediately or after a short time period when an injection has been performed.17. Injection device according to claim 16 , arranged to notify the user immediately claim 16 , if a charge level of the battery is too low to tension the spring after the injection.18. Injection device according to claim 16 , characterized in that the battery is a rechargeable battery.19. Injection device according to claim 17 , arranged to remind the user to recharge the battery if the charge level of the battery is too low to tension the spring after the injection.20. Injection device according to claim 16 , characterized in that auxiliary manual means are arranged for tensioning at least the drive spring.21. Injection device according to claim 19 , arranged to tension the drive spring as soon as a charger is connected or when the charging is complete or when the state of the battery is sufficient for tensioning the spring during ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Dispense Interface for Use with a Drug Delivery Device for Delivery of Two or More Drug Agents

Номер: US20140005603A1

A dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device. The dispense interface comprises a main outer body and an inner body. The inner body may be configured for connection to a drug delivery device and defines a first reservoir and a second reservoir. A first piercing needle is in fluid communication with the first reservoir and positioned for piercing a first cartridge of a drug delivery device. A second piercing needle is provided and in fluid communication with the second reservoir and positioned for piercing a second cartridge contained with a drug delivery device. A manifold is positioned adjacent the inner body and comprises a fluid groove arrangement. A valve arrangement is positioned between the inner body and the manifold and controls fluid communication of a first fluid contained in the first cartridge and a second fluid contained in the second cartridge by way of the fluid groove arrangement to a holding chamber. The dispense interface may further comprise a lockout preventing dispense interface reuse. 114-. (canceled)15. A dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device , said dispense interface comprising:a main outer body,an inner body positioned within at least a portion of said main outer body and configured for connection to a drug delivery device, said inner body defining a first inner body reservoir and a second inner body reservoir,a first piercing needle provided by said inner body, said first piercing needle in fluid communication with said first inner body reservoir and positioned for piercing a first cartridge contained within the drug delivery device,a second piercing needle provided by said inner body, said second piercing needle in fluid communication with said second inner body reservoir and positioned for piercing a second cartridge contained within the drug delivery device,a manifold positioned adjacent a generally flat surface of said inner body, said manifold comprising a fluid groove arrangement;a valve arrangement ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012198A1
Автор: Wuepper Andreas

A moisture sensor for monitoring an access to a patient for a system by which, via a flexible line, a liquid is fed to and/or out from a patient, for monitoring the vascular access in extra-corporeal blood treatment or for monitoring a central venous catheter for acute dialysis, and a method of producing a moisture sensor are described. The moisture sensor has a substrate material with an electrically conductive structure having conductor paths arranged at a distance from one another and connected together across a terminating resistor. The terminating resistor is an electrically conductive film which is applied in a section of the substrate material on which are formed electrical contacting regions for connecting the terminating resistor to the conductor paths, such that an external terminating resistor is not required and the moisture sensor can be produced easily in large numbers complete with the terminating resistor. 1. A moisture sensor for monitoring an access to a patient for a system by which , via a flexible line , a liquid is fed to a patient and/or a liquid is fed out from the patient , or for monitoring a vascular access in extra-corporeal blood treatment , the moisture sensor comprising:a substrate material to be applied to a patient's skin, the substrate material including an electrically conductive structure with conductor paths arranged at a distance from one another and connected together across a terminating resistor,wherein the terminating resistor is an electrically conductive film applied to a section of the substrate material on which are formed electrical contacting portions for connecting the terminating resistor to the conductor paths.2. The moisture sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a covering film extending over and applied to the conductive film, the covering film and the substrate material being adhesive bonded together.3. The moisture sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the conductive film and the substrate material ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012199A1

A device for detecting moisture for an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient for a system by which, via a flexible line, a liquid is fed to and/or out from the patient, for monitoring the vascular access in extra-corporeal blood treatment and for monitoring a central venous access in acute dialysis, an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient, and a method of producing a device for detecting moisture for connection to a monitoring arrangement are described. The device for detecting moisture is characterised in that at least a part or portion of the device takes the form of a resilient attaching element having parts which fit round a flexible line and/or a system for connecting a flexible line. The attaching element, which is formed after the fashion of a clip, allows the device for detecting moisture to be attached quickly and securely to a flexible line. 1. A device for detecting moisture for an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient for a system by which , via a flexible line , a liquid is fed to the patient and/or a liquid is fed out from the patient , or for monitoring a vascular access in extra-corporeal blood treatment , the device comprising:a moisture sensor including an electrically conductive structure; andat least one resilient attaching element situated in at least one portion of the device, the at least one resilient attaching element having parts which fit round the flexible line and/or a system for connecting the flexible line.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the device is a one-piece body which is resilient in at least one region.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the device is an elongated body.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one resilient attaching element is an annular body having a slit extending in a longitudinal direction of the device.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the annular body has claim 4 , in a region of the slit claim 4 , sections folded over ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018733A1

A replaceable cap () for a transdermal liquid dosing device) such as an insulin pen is provided. The cap includes an elongate hollow body () with a first open end () which can be placed over a front part () of the dosing device and a second closed end () opposite the first end. The cap body also includes a cavity which opens into the interior () of the cap body and which houses a control unit () which includes a timer unit, a switch mechanism () that stands at least partially proud of the cavity so as to project into the interior of the body, and a timer display unit () which displays time counted by the timer unit on an outer surface of the body of the cap. The switch mechanism is engaged by abutment of a surface of the front part of the dosing device when the cap is placed on the dosing device, and released when the cap is removed from the dosing device, the engagement and/or releasing of the switch mechanism causing the timer unit to reset after the elapse of a predetermined period of time, the time since the timer unit was last reset thereby indicating the time that has elapsed since the dosing device was last used. 1. A replaceable cap for a transdermal liquid dosing device comprising an elongate hollow generally tubular body with a first open end which can be placed over a front part of the dosing device from which the liquid is dosed and a second closed end opposite the first end , the cap being releasably received on the dosing device , wherein the cap body includes a cavity which houses a timer unit coupled to a switch , and a timer display unit which displays time counted by the timer unit on an outer surface of the body of the cap , wherein the switch is opened or closed by the presence of a surface of the front part of the dosing device when the cap is placed on the dosing device , and the switch is closed or opened when the cap is removed from the dosing device , the operation of the switch causing the timer unit to reset either immediately or after a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039390A1

The invention is related to an apparatus comprising a dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device, the dispense interface comprising a lockout element being arranged at least partially between an outer body of the dispense interface and an inner body of the dispense interface and wherein the lockout element is configured to be removeably maintained in a first position, such that when the dispense interface is first attached and then removed from said drug delivery device, the lockout element moves into a second position, wherein the lockout element in the second position is configured to prevent said dispense interface from being reattached to a drug delivery device. 115-. (canceled)16. A dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device , the dispense interface comprisinga lockout element being arranged at least partially between an outer body of the dispense interface and an inner body of the dispense interface,wherein the lockout element is maintained in a first position,wherein the lockout element in the first position is configured to move into a second position when the dispense interface is first attached and then removed from said drug delivery device,wherein the lockout element is configured to prevent said dispense interface from being reattached to a drug delivery device in the second position.17. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the lockout element is arranged in the first position such that it is engaged by the drug delivery device on attachment of the dispense interface to the drug delivery device and moved into a third position.18. The apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein the lockout element is configured to move from a third position to the second position on removal of the drug delivery device from the dispense interface.19. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the lockout element comprises a spring assembly.20. The apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the spring assembly comprises two or more sprung ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Dispense interface with lockout element

Номер: US20140042741A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The invention relates to a dispense interface for use with a drug delivery device with an inner body and with a lockout element, wherein the lockout element is coupled to the inner body, wherein the lockout element is movable from a receptive condition to a locked condition, wherein in the receptive condition the dispense interface is attachable to the drug delivery device, wherein in the locked condition the dispense interface is not-attachable to the drug delivery device and wherein the lockout element is configured to move from the receptive condition to the locked condition when said dispense interface is attached to and detached from said drug delivery device. The invention solves the technical problem of reducing the risk of reuse of a dispense interface, after it has already been used with a drug delivery device.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Needle Assembly Reuse Prevention Mechanism

Номер: US20140046256A1

Described is a needle assembly reuse prevention mechanism comprising a barrier movable between a retracted position and an extended position, a spring coupled to the barrier, a pin formed on the barrier, and a slot receiving the pin. When in the extended position, the barrier substantially covers an opening of a needle assembly storage compartment. The spring forces the barrier in a first direction. The slot has at least one abutment face for abutting the pin and preventing movement of the barrier in the first direction. 19-. (canceled)11. The needle assembly reuse prevention mechanism according to claim 10 , wherein the barrier comprises:a stem; andan arm, the arm having a first portion connected to the stem and a second portion connected to the first portion,wherein the pin is disposed on a first lateral surface of the second portion.12. The needle assembly reuse prevention mechanism according to claim 11 , wherein the barrier comprises:a ledge formed on a second lateral surface of the second portion, wherein the ledge at least partially covers the opening of the needle assembly storage compartment.13. The needle assembly reuse prevention mechanism according to claim 11 , wherein the barrier comprises:a resetting member for engaging the needle assembly storage compartment, wherein movement of the needle assembly storage compartment moves the barrier in a second direction, opposite the first direction.14. The needle assembly reuse prevention mechanism according to claim 10 , wherein the at least one abutment face comprises:a first abutment face, wherein when the pin abuts the first abutment face, the barrier is in the refracted position;a second abutment face, wherein when the pin abuts the second abutment face, the barrier is in an intermediate position; anda third abutment face, wherein when the pin abuts the third abutment face, the barrier is in the extended position.15. The needle assembly reuse prevention mechanism according to claim 12 , wherein the pin ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Reuse Protection for Disposable Parts

Номер: US20140052102A1
Автор: Nessel Christian

The present invention inter-alia relates to an apparatus comprising a receiving opening configured to receive a connecting part of a medical device in a spread condition of the receiving opening and to block receiving the connecting part of the medical device in a relaxed condition of the receiving opening, and a spreader configured to spread the receiving opening in the spread condition such that an opening diameter of the receiving opening is at least as big as an outer diameter of the connecting part of the medical device. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus , comprising:a receiving opening configured to receive a connecting part of a medical device in a spread condition of said receiving opening and to block receiving said connecting part of said medical device in a relaxed condition of said receiving opening, anda spreader configured to spread said receiving opening in said spread condition such that an opening diameter of said receiving opening is at least as big as an outer diameter of said connecting part of said medical device.17. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein said spreader is further configured to relax said receiving opening in said relaxed condition such that said opening diameter of said receiving opening is smaller than said outer diameter of said connecting part of said medical device.18. The apparatus according to claim 16 , said apparatus further comprising:a connector configured to connect to said connecting part of said medical device, wherein said connector is arranged in said receiving opening.19. The apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein said receiving opening is formed from blades arranged cylindrical and/or tapered around said connector.20. The apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein said spreader is movable from a spreading position in said receiving opening of said apparatus to a relaxing position in said receiving opening of said apparatus.21. The apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein said receiving opening is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069202A1
Автор: Fisk Thomas E.

A medical device comprising a wall, a coating of SiO, and a piezochromic material is disclosed. The piezochromic material is associated with the wall, and changes its appearance when the wall is exposed to mechanical stress exceeding a threshold intensity. Also disclosed is a method of interrogating a closed medical device for processing damage, comprising at least the acts of providing a closed medical device and inspecting the medical device. The medical device is inspected from the exterior for a change in the appearance of at least some of its piezochromic material that is characteristic of exposure of the wall to mechanical stress exceeding a threshold intensity greater than zero. Optionally in any embodiment inspecting is carried out using a spectrophotometer to determine the change in the color of at least some of its piezochromic material. 1. A medical device comprising:a wall having an interior surface defining a lumen and an exterior surface;a coating or layer on the interior surface; anda piezochromic material associated with the wall, the piezochromic material having the property of changing its appearance when the wall is exposed to mechanical stress exceeding a threshold intensity.2. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer is a barrier coating or layer.3. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer has the ratio of elements SiOx claim 1 , in which x in this formula is from about 1.5 to about 2.9.4. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer is applied using chemical vapor deposition.5. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the coating or layer is applied using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition6. (canceled)7. The medical device of claim 1 , in which at least a portion of the wall is comprised of thermoplastic material.8. The medical device of claim 1 , in which the piezochromic material is coated ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Multi-chamber fluid delivery device and methods

Номер: US20140074023A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid delivery device includes a cartridge and a syringe. The cartridge includes a housing and a stopper positioned within a fluid chamber defined by the housing. The syringe includes a needle, and an outer body and an inner core which cooperate to receive at least a portion of the housing. When the fluid delivery device is in a first configuration, at least a portion of the cartridge is positioned within the syringe and the stopper is connected to the inner core. In a second configuration, a lumen defined by the needle is in fluid communication with the fluid chamber.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074024A1
Автор: Jugl Michael, Teucher Axel

The present invention relates to a drug delivery device for administering a dose of a medicament, comprising of a first housing component; a second housing component releasably interconnectable with the first housing component in a locked configuration, in which the second housing component covers a dispensing end of the device; and a safety lock member to mechanically engage with the first and with the second housing component in order to inhibit unintentional release of first and second housing component. 113-. (canceled)14. Drug delivery device for administering a dose of a medicament , comprising:a first housing component;a second housing component releasably interconnectable with the first housing component in a locked configuration, in which the second housing component covers a dispensing end of the device;a safety lock member to mechanically engage with the first and with the second housing component in order to inhibit unintentional release of first and second housing component, characterized in thatthe safety lock member comprises an upper and a lower clamping member adapted to receive first and second housing components, wherein upper and lower clamping members are pivot-mounted with respect to each other, with the pivot axis extending in longitudinal direction of first and/or second housing components.15. The drug delivery device according to claim 14 , wherein the safety lock member at least partially encloses the outer circumference of the first and the second housing components when in locking configuration.16. The drug delivery device according to claim 14 , wherein the upper and lower clamping member are releasably interconnectable in the locking configuration.17. The drug delivery device according to claim 14 , wherein the upper and/or the lower clamping member are positively engaged with the first housing component and with the second housing component when in interlock configuration.18. The drug delivery device according to claim 17 , wherein the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Medical Assembly Comprising Monitoring Device

Номер: US20140081206A1

A method of preparing at least part of a medical device for application and a medical assembly for preparing or storing the at least one disposable unit of the medical device is presented. The medical assembly comprises a chemical or physical monitoring device for counting and/or displaying a time period of application and/or time remaining before required disposal or replacement of the disposable unit. The monitoring device is automatically activated by moving the at least one disposable unit relative to a second unit of the medical assembly for preparing or positioning the disposable unit for use with the medical device; assembling the at least one disposable unit and the medical device; and/or withdrawing the disposable unit of a storage compartment of the second unit. 1. A disposable medical device for use in combination with a further medical device , the medical device comprising:a monitoring device for counting and/or displaying a time period of application and/or time remaining before required disposal or replacement of the disposable or replaceable unit, the monitoring device switches, upon activation, from an inactive state to an active state where its counts and/or displays the time period of application and/or time remaining before required disposal,wherein the monitoring device is automatically activated along with carrying out a preparatory or handling step for preparing the disposable medical device for use.2. The disposable medical device according claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device is pressure sensitive.3. The disposable medical device according to claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device comprises an interaction area automatically activated along with carrying out the preparatory or handling step.4. The disposable medical device according to claim 1 , wherein the monitoring device comprises at least one activating chamber including a first reactant and at least one indication chamber including a second reactant claim 1 , wherein the activating ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081212A1
Автор: Nessel Christiane

An apparatus is presented comprising a lock out member configured to be implemented into a medical device, in particular a dispense interface, attachable to a second medical device, in particular a main body, wherein said lock out member is configured to prevent a second attachment of said medical device to said second medical device, wherein said lock out member has at least a first area with a first cross-sectional area, wherein said lock out member has at least a second area having a second cross-sectional area smaller than the first cross-sectional area, such that an electric resistance is defined between opposite ends of the lockout member and wherein said lock out member, at least in the second area, is made of a conductive material. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus , comprising:a lock out member configured to be implemented into a medical device, in particular a dispense interface, attachable to a second medical device, in particular a main body,wherein said lock out member is configured to prevent a second attachment of said medical device to said second medical device,wherein said lock out member has at least a first area with a first cross-sectional area andwherein said lock out member has at least a second area having a second cross-sectional area smaller than the first cross-sectional area,such that an electric resistance is defined between opposite ends of the lockout member, andwherein said lock out member, at least in the at least one second area, is made of a conductive material.1715. Apparatus according to claim , wherein said apparatus further comprises means configured to be conductively attached to a device , capable of measuring the resistance of at least said second area of said lock out member.1815. Apparatus according to claim , wherein said second cross section is at most 30% , in particular 20% , preferably 10% , of said first cross section.1915. Apparatus according to claim , wherein said lock out member is substantially made of metal.2015 ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Use of switches to facilitate a safe and convenient attachment and removal procedure

Номер: US20140088558A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention inter alia relates to an apparatus, comprising a detecting arrangement comprising a first and a second detecting unit, wherein the detecting arrangement is configured to at least detect a partial attaching of an attachable unit to the apparatus and a complete attaching of the attachable unit to the apparatus, wherein the attachable unit is configured to be removably attached to the apparatus, and wherein the detecting arrangement is configured to only enable at least one function of the apparatus, when a complete attaching of the attachable unit to the apparatus is detected.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Methods for Detecting Failure States in a Medicine Delivery Device

Номер: US20140094772A1
Принадлежит: Cequr SA

A fluid medicament delivery device includes a patient attachment unit, containing the fluid medicament, and an indicator unit adapted to be detachably coupled to the patient attachment unit. A method for monitoring the fluid medicament includes independently setting a flow rate of a fluid medicament with the patient attachment unit. A pressure and/or a flow rate of the fluid medicament is sensed with a sensor located in a separate indicator unit in a sensing mode. A status of the fluid medicament delivery device is determined based at least in part on the pressure and/or the flow rate. 1. A system for monitoring a fluid medicament delivery device , the system comprising:a patient attachment unit for independently setting a flow rate of a fluid medicament contained therein; and a sensing module for receiving a signal from a sensor located in the patient attachment unit, the signal indicating at least one of a pressure and a flow rate of the fluid medicament;', 'a status determination module for determining a status of the fluid medicament delivery device based at least in part on the received signal; and', 'a notification module for notifying a patient of the status., 'an indicator unit, adapted to be detachably coupled to the patient attachment unit, for monitoring a parameter of interest of the fluid medicament, the indicator unit comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the patient attachment unit is adapted to be attached to a skin surface of the patient.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensing module comprises a MEMS sensor.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an initialization module for performing a system initialization test.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the system initialization test comprises a battery status test.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the notification module notifies the patient based on a result of the battery status test.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein a result of the battery status test is based at least in part ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000994A1
Автор: Blomquist Michael L.

An apparatus for indicating acceptable programmable dosing of an infusate, for delivery by a medical infusion pump programmable with a protocol library defining at least one dosing range of the infusate is disclosed. A method of indicating acceptable programmable dosing of an infusate, for delivery by a medical infusion pump programmable with a protocol library defining at least one dosing limit of the infusate is also disclosed. 1. An apparatus for indicating acceptable programmable dosing of an infusate , for delivery by a medical infusion pump programmable with a protocol library defining at least one dosing range of the infusate , the apparatus comprising:a monitor; and receive a protocol library defining (i) a hard limit dosing range of acceptable programmable dosing values of the infusate, and (ii) a soft limit dosing range of typical and acceptable programmable dosing values of the infusate, the soft limit dosing range being within the hard limit dosing range, and', 'display on the monitor a meter and an indicator, a first location and a second location on the meter corresponding to the hard limit dosing range, a third location and a fourth location corresponding to the soft limit dosing range, the third location and the fourth location being between the first location and the second location, a first color being displayed on the meter related to the hard limit dosing range, a second color different from the first color being displayed on the meter related to the soft limit dosing range, and the indicator having a selectable positional relationship to the meter such that a selected position of the indicator within at least one of (i) the first color, or (ii) the second color, corresponds to an acceptable programmable dosing value., 'a programmable circuit in electrical communication with the monitor, the programmable circuit programmed to2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first location comprises an upper hard dosing limit claim 1 , and the second ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000996A1

The invention relates to a device and a method for receiving of a syringe in a fluid-dispensing apparatus without play, said apparatus having at least two elastically prestressable clamping means which grip the plunger flange of a syringe, such that an elongated hole is provided for each clamping means, the clamping means sliding in the elongated hole and thus executing a rotational movement and a translatory movement at the same time during the gripping operation. In addition, the invention relates to a method for doing so and a device having such an apparatus. 1. An apparatus for receiving a syringe in a fluid-dispensing apparatus having at least two clamping means , which can be prestressed resiliently , such that the clamping means grip the plunger flange of a syringe plunger , the clamping means consist of a holding element and an actuating element,', 'the clamping means have a cross brace,', 'at least two protrusions are formed on the cross brace of the clamping means and', 'the clamping means are held in a housing by means of the cross brace, such that an elongated hose, at least one elevation and at least one recess, which are connected to the cross brace and its protrusions accordingly are formed in the housing for each clamping means., 'characterized in that'}2. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized in thatthe holding element and the actuating element of the clamping means are designed in one piece.3. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized in thatat least one spring mounted in the housing is connected to one of the protrusions of the cross braces and thus prestresses the clamping means.4. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized in thatone of the protrusions on the cross brace is designed like a hook and the other one of the protrusions on the cross brace is designed like a curve.5. The device according to claim 1 ,characterized in thatthe hook-like protrusion of the cross braces is connected to the pressure plate, and the curve-like ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Syringe label and drug solution-filled syringe using the same

Номер: US20160001012A1
Принадлежит: Teva Pharma Japan Inc

Slightly above a rupture-intended line, a peripheral surface of a projection portion of a stopper cap is pushed in a direction from an outer side to an inner side (in an arrow direction). The stopper cap is pushed over on the principle of leverage in an oblique direction with, as a fulcrum P, the side (the back side) opposite in a circumferential direction to the side (the near side) at which a pushing force PW acts, so that an intermittent portion is ruptured due to bending of the flexible stopper cap. Then, a residual area remains at the syringe side, and a separation area is separated together with the stopper cap from the syringe to perform unsealing. Thus, a syringe label which allows for easy unsealing along the intermittent portion and with which an unsealed state is easily confirmed, and a drug solution-filled syringe using the label, are provided.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Detection Device and Injection Device Comprising It

Номер: US20160001016A1

A detection device () configured to assist injection of a media () is intended for assisting injection of a media () by using a hypodermic syringe () having a needle () attached to a needle hub (). The detection device () includes a device () for identifying the characteristics of the media () entering the needle head () or being present in the needle head (). The detection device () may include a light source () configured to irradiate the needle head () with light; a light detection member () adapted to detect light () emitted from the light source (), and a control unit configured to identify the characteristics of the media () entering the needle head () on the basis of light detected by the detection section (). An auto-injection device () including a detection device () is also disclosed. 1. An auto-injection device comprising:a hypodermic syringe including a needle hub and a needle attached to the needle hub;a detection device configured to assist injection of a medium with the hypodermic syringe, wherein the detection device comprises means for identifying characteristics of the medium when entering the needle hub or when present in the needle hub; at least one light source configured to irradiate the needle hub with light;', 'a light detection member adapted to detect light; and', 'a control unit configured to identify characteristics of the medium entering the needle hub based on light detected by the light detection member., 'wherein the detection device comprises'}2. An auto-injection device according to claim 1 , wherein the detection device comprises means for identifying:if a needle hub is attached to the hypodermic syringe; orif a needle cover is attached to the needle hub; or both.3. An auto-injection device according to claim 2 , wherein the detection device comprises means for identifying a characteristic of the needle hub selected from the group consisting of color claim 2 , size claim 2 , shape claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. An auto- ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001017A1
Автор: Ogawa Junichi

A prefilled syringe includes: a syringe barrel including a syringe barrel body and an outer barrel; a cap; a gasket; and a plunger which allows the gasket to slide by pressing a press portion located on the base end of a shaft to discharge a drug solution inside the syringe barrel body. The outer barrel has a window and a mask which hides the inside of the outer barrel on a wall thereof. A part of the shaft has a mark which has a color different from the color of other parts of the plunger. The mark is covered with the mask and is not visually recognizable through the window before discharge of the drug solution. The outer peripheral surface of the mark is visually recognizable through the window along with movement of the plunger when the discharge of the drug solution is completed. 1. A prefilled syringe comprising:a syringe barrel including a syringe barrel body and an outer barrel, the syringe barrel body having a drug solution discharge portion located on a tip end and an insertion port open on a base end, at least a part of the outer barrel extending in a tubular shape from the insertion port toward a base end side, the outer barrel having an opening located on a base end and having an inner diameter that is larger than an inner diameter of the syringe barrel body in a region between the insertion port and the opening;a cap configured to seal the drug solution discharge portion;a gasket disposed in the syringe barrel body;a plunger having a shaft disposed in the syringe barrel through the opening and a press portion disposed on a base end of the shaft, the plunger being configured to move toward the tip end by a pressing operation to the press portion to allow the gasket to slide toward the drug solution discharge portion; anda drug solution stored between the drug solution discharge portion and the gasket inside the syringe barrel body, the drug solution being dischargeable from the drug solution discharge portion by the sliding of the gasket,wherein the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001023A1

A compliance monitoring system is provided for an injection device having an unused state and a used state. The system includes one or more radio frequency tags attached to a surface of the injection device and a portable monitoring accessory that includes a housing, a radio frequency antenna disposed within the housing, a wireless transmitter module disposed within the housing, and a processing circuit disposed within the housing. The processing circuit is configured to receive, via the radio frequency antenna, a first signal from the one or more radio frequency tags via a radio frequency communication protocol. The processing circuit is also configured to transmit, via the wireless transmitter, a second signal to a mobile device via a wireless communication protocol different from the radio frequency communication protocol. Both of the first signal and the second signal include state information of the injection device. 115-. (canceled)16. A compliance monitoring system for an injection device having at least an unused state and a used state , the system comprising:one or more radio frequency tags attached to a surface of the injection device and configured to collect and store state information from the injection device, the state information including at least a confirmation that the injection device is in the used state; and receive, via the radio frequency antenna, a first signal from the one or more radio frequency tags via a radio frequency communication protocol, the first signal including the stored state information of the injection device, and', 'transmit, via the wireless transmitter, a second signal to a mobile device via a wireless communication protocol different from the radio frequency communication protocol, the second signal including the state information., 'a portable monitoring accessory including a housing, a radio frequency antenna disposed within the housing, a wireless transmitter module disposed within the housing, and a processing ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Safety Syringe with Needle Redirection Device

Номер: US20190001075A1
Автор: Shaw Thomas J., Small Mark

A safety syringe comprising a needle redirection device that is desirably configured to bend the needle shaft forwardly of the barrel following an injection to thereby redirect the needle tip from a first position where it projects forwardly in coaxial alignment with the syringe barrel to a second position where the needle tip is covered or protected from incidental or accidental contact and associated needle sticks. Both sliding and pivoting embodiments are disclosed. 1. A safety syringe comprising:a barrel having a nose end further comprising a slide support structure;a needle connected to the nose end of the barrel, the needle having a forwardly extending end comprising a needle tip;a plunger slidably disposed inside the barrel, the plunger further comprising a plunger seal establishing a fluid seal between the plunger and an inside wall of the barrel; anda needle redirection device further comprising a slide member attached to the slide support structure, the slide member further comprising an aperture through which the needle projects forwardly from the nose end of the barrel and a laterally facing touch surface that initiates transverse sliding movement of the slide member relative to the slide support structure upon the application of digital pressure to the touch surface following an injection and removal of the needle from a patient, wherein said transverse sliding movement and the continued application of digital pressure to the touch surface causes the needle to bend from a first position that is coaxially aligned with the barrel to a second position in which the needle tip is substantially transverse to the barrel and is disposed in a protected position behind the slide member.2. The safety syringe of wherein the barrel is configured to administer injections or infusions of not more than about 1 mL.3. The safety syringe of wherein the needle has a nominal length ranging between about 4 mm and about 13 mm.4. The safety syringe of wherein the needle has a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Fluid line occlusion detection system and methods

Номер: US20150005732A1
Принадлежит: CareFusion 303 Inc

The systems, methods and articles described herein are directed to at least one pressure sensor along a downstream fluid line which senses fluid pressure and assists an occlusion detection feature in determining the presence of occlusions in the downstream fluid line. In addition, the system can dynamically adapt the occlusion detection feature based on a delivery of fluid, such as a bolus, in order to prevent the system from creating a false alarm regarding an occlusion of the downstream fluid line.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007766A1
Автор: Basile Peter A.

A drug delivery device comprising a main body extending between distal and proximal ends comprising a hollow cylinder comprising an outer and an inner surface, wherein the inner surface comprises threads; a screw within the main body, comprising a hollow cylinder comprising an inner and an outer surface, wherein said outer surface comprises threads, wherein threads of outer surface of the screw are engaged with threads of inner surface of the main body; a plunger extending between distal and proximal ends, wherein the distal end of the plunger engages the proximal end of the screw; and a drug container extending between distal and proximal ends, and comprising a change in cross section from proximal to distal end, wherein the container is within the screw, and wherein the proximal end of the drug container is fixed to the screw and distal end of the container is fixed to the main body. 1. A drug delivery device comprising:a main body extending between distal and proximal ends comprising a hollow cylinder comprising an outer surface and an inner surface, wherein the inner surface comprises threads;a screw situated within the main body, comprising a hollow cylinder comprising an inner surface and an outer surface, wherein said outer surface comprises threads, wherein the threads of the outer surface of the screw are engaged with the threads of the inner surface of the main body;a plunger extending between distal and proximal ends, wherein the distal end of the plunger engages the proximal end of the screw; anda drug container extending between distal and proximal ends, and comprising a change in cross section from proximal end to distal end, wherein the drug container is located within the screw, and wherein the proximal end of the drug container is fixed to the screw and the distal end of the drug container is fixed to the main body.2. The drug delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the main body comprises helical threads.3. The drug delivery ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007771A1

A syringe packaging system including a shell for enclosing a pre-filled syringe is disclosed. The shell includes a first portion having a proximal end and a distal end having a disk-shaped bottom portion; and a second portion having a proximal end and a distal end. With the first portion engaged with the second portion to form the shell, the proximal end of the first portion and the proximal end of the second portion together define a syringe flange having a top wall that defines a shell proximal aperture, a bottom wall, and a sidewall. 1. A syringe packaging system , comprising: a syringe barrel having a proximal end, a distal end, and a sidewall extending therebetween and defining a chamber, the proximal end having a flange;', 'a fluid disposed within the chamber of the syringe barrel;', 'a stopper slidably disposed within the chamber of the syringe barrel; and', 'a plunger rod having a proximal end, a distal end engageable with a portion of the stopper, a proximal disk, and a distal disk; and, 'a pre-filled syringe, comprisinga shell enclosing the syringe barrel and having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end including a syringe flange surrounding portion having a top wall that defines a shell proximal aperture, a bottom wall, and a sidewall extending therebetween,wherein with the syringe barrel enclosed within the shell, the proximal disk of the plunger rod limits movement of the plunger rod in a distal direction and the distal disk of the plunger rod limits movement of the plunger rod in a proximal direction.2. The syringe packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the top wall defines an upper surface and a lower surface.3. The syringe packaging system of claim 2 , wherein contact between the proximal disk and the upper surface of the top wall limits movement of the plunger rod in the distal direction.4. The syringe packaging system of claim 2 , wherein contact between the distal disk and the lower surface of the top wall limits movement of the plunger ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008549A1

An assembly for a drug delivery device is provided, the assembly comprising an actuator which is configured to be operated in order to dispense a dose of medication and a feedback feature being configured to give a feedback signal to a user at the end of a dwell period after the actuator has reached an end position. 115-. (canceled)16. An assembly for a drug delivery device , the assembly comprising an actuator which is configured to be operated in order to dispense a dose of medication and a feedback feature being configured to give a feedback signal to a user at the end of a dwell period after the actuator has reached an end position.17. The assembly according to claim 16 , comprising a resilient member claim 16 , wherein the resilient member is deformed during the setting and/or the dispensing of a dose claim 16 , and wherein a feedback signal occurs after a relaxation of the resilient member.18. The assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the resilient member is configured as a spring member.19. The assembly according to claim 17 , wherein a relaxation of the resilient member causes the feedback signal to be given by the feedback feature.20. The assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the feedback feature comprises the resilient member claim 16 , and wherein the feedback signal is given by the resilient member.21. The assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the feedback feature comprises a snap feature claim 16 , wherein the snap feature is configured to snap through at the end of the dwell period.22. The assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the feedback feature is configured to axially move during the dwell period.23. The assembly according to claim 16 , wherein the feedback feature comprises at least one flexible arm.24. The assembly according to claim 17 , comprising a ratchet feature claim 17 , wherein the resilient member is coupled to the ratchet feature.25. The assembly according to claim 24 , wherein the resilient member is decoupled from the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Quick release plunger

Номер: US20180008780A1
Принадлежит: Bayer HealthCare LLC

A syringe system and components thereof are disclosed. The system may include a syringe body having a hollow lumen, a proximal open end, and a distal end. The syringe body may be configured to house a fluid therein. The syringe system may further include a plunger positioned in the hollow lumen of the syringe body, forming a seal with an inner wall of the syringe body. The plunger may include a removable piston having a shaft extending from the distal end towards the proximal open end, a stopper removably connected to a distal portion of the shaft, and at least one coupler attached to the distal portion of the shaft. The stopper may be configured to slidably move within the hollow lumen to facilitate movement of the fluid within the syringe body. The coupler may be configured to facilitate removal and attachment of the stopper from the piston.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008786A1
Автор: JEFFREY Peter

A needle retraction medical device including a hollow body () and a plunger (). The hollow body () has a first end () provided with a needle mounting hub () and a plurality of releasable latches () holding the needle mounting hub () against spring () bias. The latches () are formed integrally with the hollow body () and project longitudinally inside the hollow body () from a proximal end at or adjacent the first end () of the hollow body () to a free end. A respective opening () is provided in the body () radially inwards of each of the latches (). The plunger () has a forward end insertable into the body () from a second end thereof, a hollow interior and a closed rear end. The plunger front end is operable, upon insertion of the plunger () into the body (), to deflect the latches () radially outwards and thereby release the needle mounting hub () from the latches () so that the hub () together with the needle mounted thereby retract under spring action into the hollow interior of the plunger (). A respective opening () is also provided in the hollow body () radially outwards of at least some of the latches () so that each such latch () connects to the material of the body () only at each side of its proximal end. 1. A needle retraction medical device comprising a hollow body having a first end and a second end , said first end being provided with a needle mounting hub and with a plurality of releasable latches holding said needle mounting hub against spring bias , the latches being formed integrally with the hollow body and projecting longitudinally inside the hollow body from a proximal end at or adjacent the first end of the hollow body to a free end , and a respective opening being provided in the body radially inwards of each of the latches , and a plunger having a forward end insertable into the body from the second end , a hollow interior and a closed rear end , said plunger front end being operable , upon insertion of the plunger into the body , to deflect ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011936A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A syringe includes a syringe outer tube including a tubular-shaped outer tube main body configured to be filled with a liquid, a reduced diameter section located at a distal end of the outer tube main body in a projecting manner, and configured to allow the liquid to pass therethrough, the reduced diameter section having an outside diameter that is smaller than a diameter of the outer tube main body, and a ring-shaped lock adapter concentrically disposed at an outer circumferential portion of the reduced diameter section and configured to fix a mating member connected to the reduced diameter section; and a cap including a cap main body mounted on the syringe outer tube and configured to seal the reduced diameter section in a liquid-tight manner when the cap main body is in a mounted state, a ring-shaped mounting section disposed at a proximal end side of the cap main body and mounted on an outer circumferential portion of the lock adapter, and a breaking section that forms a link between the cap main body and the mounting section and that is configured to release the link by breakage.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014581A1
Автор: Larson Byron William

A patient line dislodgement detection device and method. An example device includes a body having an entrance and an exit. The entrance and the exit are each configured to receive a tubing line therethrough. Applying a force to a tubing line causes the body to restrict fluid flow through the tubing line, thereby indicating a dislodgement condition. An example method includes receiving a tubing line through a dislodgement device. The method also includes restricting fluid flow by the dislodgment device through the tubing line in response to application of a force on the tubing line. The method also includes detecting a dislodgment condition based on restricting the fluid flow through the tubing line. 1. A patient line dislodgement detection method , comprising:receiving a tubing line through a dislodgement device;restricting fluid flow by the dislodgment device through the tubing line in response to application of a force on the tubing line;detecting a dislodgment condition based on restricting the fluid flow through the tubing line.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the dislodgment device restricting fluid flow in a needle line connected to a needle claim 1 , catheter claim 1 , or patient fluid connection.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising measuring a physical change caused by restricting the fluid flow.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein measuring is by at least one of pressure sensing claim 3 , flow rate sensing claim 3 , and other restriction sensing caused by a strain on the tubing line.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the physical change is at least one of the following: geometric claim 3 , optical claim 3 , capacitive claim 3 , resistive.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the physical change is in a component of the dislodgement device.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the physical change is in the tubing line.8. The method of claim 3 , wherein the physical change in a fluid in the tubing line.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Disposable Pen Needle With Re-Use Prevention Features

Номер: US20180015236A1
Автор: Ruan Tieming

A needle assembly, comprising hub, a needle fixedly connected to said hub, an outer cover for removably receiving said hub and said needle, said outer cover covering a first end of said needle and an inner shield adapted to be connected to said hub for covering a second end of said hub. 1. A needle assembly , comprising:a hub;a needle fixedly connected to said hub;an outer cover for removably receiving said hub and said needle, said outer cover covering a first end of said needle; andan inner shield adapted to be connected to said hub for covering a second end of said hub.2. The needle assembly according to claim 1 , whereinsaid inner shield is threadably connected to said hub.3. The needle assembly according to claim 1 , whereinflexible arms connected to said hub prevent removal of said inner shield from said hub.4. The needle assembly according to claim 3 , whereinsaid inner shield has a stepped base for engaging said flexible arms.5. The needle assembly according to claim 4 , whereina user manually flexes the flexible arms outwardly to disengage the inner shield from the hub.6. The needle assembly according to claim 1 , whereinthe outer cover covers the patient end of the needle; andthe inner shield covers the non-patient end of the needle.7. A method of preventing reuse of a needle of a needle assembly for use with a inserting a used needle assembly in an outer cover to cover at least a first end of said needle assembly; and', 'locking the needle assembly in the outer cover to prevent reuse., 'drug delivery device, comprising the steps of8. The method of preventing reuse according to claim 7 , further comprisingcovering a second end of said needle assembly.9. The method of preventing reuse according to claim 7 , further comprisingconnecting a hub of the needle assembly to the outer cover.10. The method of preventing reuse according to claim 7 , further comprisingmoving a tab of a cap into a recess of the cap to prevent the cap from being removed from the outer ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015905A1

Injection device of fluid product () comprising a syringe body () and a needle () fixed in an axial end projection () of the syringe body, said injection device comprising a needle protection device (), said protection device being, in a storage position, fixed on said injection device, said protection device being removable from said injection device, said protection device comprising an inner body () made of substantially supple and/or deformable material and an outer body () made of substantially rigid material, said inner body (), in a storage position, sealingly closing the distribution orifice () of said needle () and sealingly cooperating with said injection device (), and said outer body () in a storage position, cooperating with said injection device () to fix said protection device () onto said injection device (), characterized in that said outer body () comprises a fixing part () fixed to said injection device () and a protection part () fixed to said inner body (), said protection part () being connected to said fixing part () by at least one breakable material bridge (), said at least one breakable material bridge () being broken to remove said protection part () and said inner body () from said injection device ().

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015910A1

The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical injection device, and it is an object thereof to prompt the user to replace the injection needle as needed. To achieve this object, the present invention is configured such that a needle detector switch that directly or indirectly detects the mounting of an injection needle to a pharmaceutical syringe is provided to a main case , this needle detector switch is connected to a controller , and the controller displays on a display component an injection needle removal message that directly or indirectly prompts the user to remove an injection needle from the pharmaceutical syringe when the mounting of the injection needle to the pharmaceutical syringe has been detected by the needle detector switch in the switching off the a power switch

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Inlet tube set for source ingredient delivery

Номер: US20190015588A1
Принадлежит: Baxter Corp Englewood

A medical tube set is provided, including a length of tubing having a first end, and an opposite second end, the first end connected to a spike. An outlet valve is connected to the second end and forms a connector configured for affixing the second end to a medication delivery device, the connector having a connector body having an inlet end and an opposite delivery end. A tip cover is slidably engaged on the delivery end and is movable between an extended position in which the cover obscures the delivery end, and a retracted position in which the delivery end is exposed for delivery of fluid from the tubing in a medical apparatus.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Methods for Detecting Failure States in a Medicine Delivery Device

Номер: US20160022926A1

A fluid medicament delivery device includes a patient attachment unit, containing the fluid medicament, and an indicator unit adapted to be detachably coupled to the patient attachment unit. A method for monitoring the fluid medicament includes independently setting a flow rate of a fluid medicament with the patient attachment unit. A pressure and/or a flow rate of the fluid medicament is sensed with a sensor located in a separate indicator unit in a sensing mode. A status of the fluid medicament delivery device is determined based at least in part on the pressure and/or the flow rate. 130.-. (canceled)31. A system for monitoring a fluid medicament delivery device , the system comprising:a patient attachment unit for delivering a fluid medicament contained therein to a patient; and a timer adapted to measure a usage time of the system;', 'a processor in electrical communication with the timer; and', receive an input from the patient;', 'in response to the input, determine if a first threshold operating time has elapsed; and', 'provide the patient with an appropriate response., 'a memory in electrical communication with the processor, the memory comprising instructions which program the processor to], 'an indicator unit adapted to be coupled to the patient attachment unit, the indicator unit comprising32. The system of claim 31 , wherein claim 31 , if the first threshold operating time has elapsed claim 31 , the appropriate response comprises a warning signal relating to replacement of the patient attachment unit.33. The system of claim 31 , wherein claim 31 , if the first threshold operating time has not elapsed claim 31 , the appropriate response comprises at least one of: (i) a normal-operation response claim 31 , and (ii) no response.34. The system of claim 31 , wherein the instructions further program the processor to:determine if a second threshold operating time has elapsed; andif the second threshold operating time has elapsed, provide the patient with a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Medical device comprising a visual and an audio alarm signal generator

Номер: US20180021513A1
Автор: Lionel DORIS

A medical device ( 2, 3, 20 ), in particular a medical infusion device ( 2, 3, 20 ), comprises a control unit ( 200 ) for controlling operation of the medical device ( 2, 3, 20 ), a visual alarm generator ( 201 ) for generating a visual alarm signal (V), and an audio alarm generator ( 202 ) for generating an audio alarm signal (S). Herein, the control unit ( 200 ) is constituted to control the visual alarm generator ( 201 ) and the audio alarm generator ( 202 ), in case of an alarm condition, for producing a visual alarm signal (V 1, V 2 ) and an audio alarm signal (S 1, S 2 ) which are offset with respect to each other by a predetermined time difference (T 1 ). In this way a medical device is provided which allows to enhance the perception of a user to help the user to quickly identify a medical device on which an alarm condition has occurred.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022336A1
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

The present invention relates to drug delivery systems that cannot be reloaded or reused and further include a passive safety shield system. The drug delivery devices described herein comprise a drug container comprising at least one bellow, wherein the at least one bellow comprises a first surface and an opposing second surface, wherein the first surface is comprised of a first Belleville spring and the opposing second surface is comprised of a second Belleville spring, wherein the second Belleville spring has a higher spring rate than the first Belleville spring; or a drug container extending between distal and proximal ends, and comprises a continuous change in cross section from proximal end to distal end; a needle, wherein the needle is in liquid communication with the drug container; a plunger extending between a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the plunger is in communication with the drug container and where upon axial movement of the punger, the drug container is compressed. 1. A drug delivery device comprising:a drug container comprising at least one bellow, wherein in the at least one bellow comprises a first surface and an opposing second surface, wherein the first surface is comprised of a first Belleville spring and the opposing second surface is comprised of a second Belleville spring, wherein the second Belleville spring has a higher spring rate than the first Belleville spring; or a drug container extending between distal and proximal ends, and comprises a continuous change in cross section from proximal end to distal end;a needle, wherein the needle is in liquid communication with the drug container;a plunger wherein the plunger extending between a proximal end and a distal end and wherein the plunger is in communication with the drug container where upon axial movement of the punger, the drug container is compressed;a main body extending between a proximal end and a distal end and comprising an inner body and an outer body, wherein the inner ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Adhesive and Peripheral Systems and Methods for Medical Devices

Номер: US20190022337A1
Автор: Gray, Jr. Larry B.

A system is disclosed. The system includes a reservoir for containing a fluidic medium, the reservoir including a front surface, a resilient cylindrical flexure portion connected to the front surface, the resilient cylindrical flexure portion comprising an accordion-like structure that is able to expand and contract to change an interior volume within the resilient cylindrical flexure portion, a central passageway within the resilient cylindrical flexure, and a collection chamber connected to the central passageway. Also, a system including a reservoir, a plunger head located within the reservoir, a plunger arm connected to the plunger head, a driving shaft connected to the plunger arm, and a motor connected to the driving shaft, the motor controllable to move the drive shaft in a first motion and a second motion so as to move the advance plunger head and retract the plunger head within the reservoir. 1. A system comprising: a resilient cylindrical flexure portion that is able to expand and contract to change an interior volume within the resilient cylindrical flexure portion, wherein the resilient cylindrical flexure portion comprising a first end and a second end;', 'a central tube within the resilient cylindrical flexure portion extending from the first end to the second end of the resilient cylindrical flexure portion;', 'a collection chamber directly connected to the central tube; and', 'a pumping chamber coupled in fluid communication with the collection chamber and the central tube, wherein fluid flows from the collection chamber through the central tube and directly into the pumping chamber,', "wherein during a pumping mechanism's compression stroke, a pumping actuation member applies force directly on to, and deforms, a collection chamber wall forcing fluid to flow through the central tube and into the pumping chamber."], 'a reservoir comprising2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a disposable housing assembly adapted to be secured to a user's skin ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140107577A1

A needle-protection device () for a syringe () includes a protector support () having at least one recess (A) that extends therethrough and at least one rib () that extends across at least a portion of the recess. The rib is generally centrally positioned within the recess. A needle protector () has an inner diameter that is at least slightly greater than an outer diameter of the protector support, such that at least a portion of the protector support can be inserted within at least a portion of the needle protector. At least one hook () extends radially inwardly from the needle protector. The needle protector is rotatable with respect to the protector support such that the at least one hook snaps over the at least one rib and locks the rotational position of the protector support with respect to the needle protector. 121. A needle-protection device () for a syringe () , the device comprising:{'b': 120', '126', '128', '126', '170', '34', '16, 'a protector support () having a main portion () and a secondary portion (), the main portion having a generally tubular shape and including at least one recess (A) extending therethrough and at least one rib () extending across at least a portion of the recess, the rib being generally centrally positioned within the recess, the secondary portion includes at least one projection () or groove capable of fixing the protector support to a neck () of the syringe; and'}{'b': 22', '56, 'a needle protector () having a generally tubular shape, an inner diameter of the needle protector being at least slightly greater than an outer diameter of the protector support such that at least a portion of the protector support can be inserted within at least a portion of the needle protector, at least one hook () extending radially inwardly from the needle protector,'}{'b': '56', 'wherein the needle protector is rotatable with respect to the protector support such that the at least one hook () snaps over the at least one rib and locks the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

System and method for detecting occlusions in a medication infusion system using pulsewise pressure signals

Номер: US20140107613A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A medical fluid communication system is disclosed comprising a pump controller and a fluid detector. The fluid detector detects characteristics of the fluid and provides fluid measurements to the pump controller, which detects if the fluid is flowing in the medication delivery system. In the event fluid is not flowing due to an occlusion, the pump controller may attempt to resolve the occlusion or may provide a warning to a user that an occlusion is occurring.
