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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-08-1995 дата публикации

Информационный комплекс

Номер: RU0000000670U1

1. Информационный комплекс, содержащий сценическое пространство, экраны, установленные в сценическом пространстве с возможностью поворота и/или перемещения в пространстве по меньшей мере в одном направлении, и источники изображения, соответствующие экранам, отличающийся тем, что экранами служат телевизионные приемники, установленные на общем основании так, что их экраны находятся по меньшей мере в двух вертикальных плоскостях и образуют единый телевизионный экран, а каждый телевизионный приемник соединен с программным устройством управления, к которому через распределительный блок подсоединены источники изображения, соответствующие телевизионным приемникам. 2. Комплекс по п. 1 отличающийся тем, что единый телевизионный экран образован тремя телевизионными приемниками, из которых первый и второй телевизионные приемники расположены на переднем плане на некотором расстоянии один от другого, и их экраны находятся в одной вертикальной плоскости, а третий телевизионный приемник расположен на втором плане и его экран по меньшей мере частично занимает пространство между экранами первого и второго телевизионных приемников. 3. Комплекс по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что первый и второй телевизионные приемники установлены на основании с возможностью одновременного поворота относительно вертикали в противоположных направлениях. 4. Комплекс по п. 2 отличающийся тем, что первый и второй телевизионные приемники установлены на основании с возможностью одновременного перемещения в горизонтальной плоскости. 5. Комплекс по пп. 2 - 4, отличающийся тем, что третий телевизионный приемник расположен с возможностью перемещения в горизонтальной или вертикальной плоскости. 6. Комплекс по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что единый телевизионный экран образован тремя парами телевизионных приемников установленных на общем основании попарно на некотором расстоянии один от другого и одна пара за другой, и еще по меньшей мере одним дополнительным телевизионным приемником, который расположен между ...

16-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000011494U1

1. Демонстрационный комплекс, содержащий помещение, макеты, установленные в нем, при этом по меньшей мере один из макетов выполнен с возможностью его подъема посредством подъемного механизма, экраны, установленные в помещении и выполненные с возможностью формирования на них изображения посредством видеосистемы, перегородки, предназначенные для разделения помещения на части, источники света и источники звука, установленные в помещении, отличающийся тем, что помещение снабжено входом и выходом для обеспечения возможности проникновения внутрь зрителей, введены источники дыма, шлюз, снабженный источниками света и источниками дыма и выполненный с возможностью имитации телепортации зрителей, при этом вход в помещении выполнен зигзагообразным посредством перегородок, на перегородках установлены экраны и источники звука, первый макет с подъемным механизмом выполнен дискообразной формы, имитирующей летающую тарелку, а второй макет, установленный в области видимости первого макета, выполнен с формой, имитирующей космический корабль, вход в помещение соединен с частью помещения, в которой установлены первый и второй макеты посредством шлюза, введена детская площадка, которая размещена в части помещения, в которой установлены первый и второй макеты, в области их видимости, экраны, источники света и источники звука установлены в части помещения, в которой размещены первый и второй макеты, второй макет выполнен с входом в космический корабль, который выполнен зигзагообразным и на его перегородках установлены экраны и источники звука, а внутри второго макета установлены источники света, источники звука, источники дыма и введены манекены, имитирующие инопланетян, и по меньшей мере один манекен снабжен приводом с возможностью перемещения его частей, второй макет выполнен с отдельным выходом из космического корабля, часть помещения, в которой установлены первый и второй макеты, сообщена с другой частью помещения - игровым залом, в который введены игровые автоматы. 2. Демонстрационный ...

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014355U1

1. Аттракцион, содержащий видеопроектор, пульт управления, павильон, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен зеркальными панелями, выполненными одинаковыми по величине, расположенными относительно друг друга под равными углами и образующими замкнутую систему, расположенными относительно горизонтального экрана под углом 45-135, решетчатым полом, горизонтальным экраном, расположенным над решетчатым полом, бортиками, расположенными внутри пространства, образованного зеркальными панелями, при этом видеопроектор расположен над горизонтальным экраном, а павильон выполнен светонепроницаемым. 2. Аттракцион по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что видеопроектор расположен под прямым углом к горизонтальному экрану. (19) RU (11) 14 355 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99112269/20, 10.06.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.06.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 20.07.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Абдурахимов Т.Р. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Абдурахимов Тимур Рулланович R U Адрес для переписки: 127550, Москва, Дмитровское шоссе 35, кв.36, Абдурахимову Т.Р. (71) Заявитель(и): Абдурахимов Тимур Рулланович 1 4 3 5 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Аттракцион, содержащий видеопроектор, пульт управления, павильон, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен зеркальными панелями, выполненными одинаковыми по величине, расположенными относительно друг друга под равными углами и образующими замкнутую систему, расположенными относительно горизонтального экрана под углом 45-135 o, решетчатым полом, горизонтальным экраном, расположенным над решетчатым полом, бортиками, расположенными внутри пространства, образованного зеркальными панелями, при этом видеопроектор расположен над горизонтальным экраном, а павильон выполнен светонепроницаемым. 2. Аттракцион по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что видеопроектор расположен под прямым углом к горизонтальному экрану. 1 4 3 5 5 U 1 (54) АТТРАКЦИОН U ...

10-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014848U1
Автор: Харин В.П.

Световая мозаика, состоящая из набора модулей, создающих изображение, отличающаяся тем, что модулем служит тень, возникающая при солнечном или искусственном освещении от двух групп жестко закрепленных под углом 90 к вертикальной поверхности тонких пластин прямоугольной формы, высота которых зависит от ориентации вертикальной плоскости относительно источника света для получения модуля (тени) в виде квадрата, а ширина пластины зависит от вида получаемого изображения, причем одна группа пластин ориентирована перпендикулярно световому потоку, а вторая - перпендикулярно первой, что позволяет на одной площади формировать последовательно два разных изображения. (19) RU (11) 14 848 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000102009/20 , 20.01.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.01.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.09.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Харин В.П. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Харин Вячеслав Петрович R U Адрес для переписки: 357500, Ставропольский край, г. Пятигорск, ул. Партизанская 1, к.501, Харину В.П. (71) Заявитель(и): Харин Вячеслав Петрович 1 4 8 4 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Световая мозаика, состоящая из набора модулей, создающих изображение, отличающаяся тем, что модулем служит тень, возникающая при солнечном или искусственном освещении от двух групп жестко закрепленных под углом 90 o к вертикальной поверхности тонких пластин прямоугольной формы, высота которых зависит от ориентации вертикальной плоскости относительно источника света для получения модуля (тени) в виде квадрата, а ширина пластины зависит от вида получаемого изображения, причем одна группа пластин ориентирована перпендикулярно световому потоку, а вторая - перпендикулярно первой, что позволяет на одной площади формировать последовательно два разных изображения. 1 4 8 4 8 U 1 (54) СВЕТОВАЯ МОЗАИКА RU 14 848 U1 RU 14 848 U1 RU 14 848 U1 RU 14 848 U1

10-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018235U1
Автор: Петров В.В.

1. Развлекательный комплекс, содержащий зону развлечений, имеющую вход и выход и включающую несколько отделенных друг от друга игровых участков, оборудованных устройствами и принадлежностями для развлечений и соединенных между собой дорожкой для перемещения участников развлечений, транспортные средства для перемещения участников развлечений, звуковое и световое оборудование, отличающийся тем, что зона развлечений размещена на лоне природы, игровые участки отделены друг от друга полосами зеленых насаждений, причем часть участков выполнена в виде площадок для спортивных игр и снабжена снарядами и устройствами для физических упражнений, другая часть участков оснащена игровыми аттракционами для взрослых и детей и устройствами для массовых развлечений, третья часть участков оборудована вольерами для содержания животных, образующими минизоопарк, имеется участок для конного спорта, на части участков расположены водоемы с принадлежностями для плавания и водными аттракционами, часть зоны оставлена в виде участков для "тихого" отдыха, при этом участки и части зоны активного и "тихого" отдыха чередуются друг с другом, дорожка оснащена световым оборудованием и имеет несколько ответвлений для соединения всех частей и участков зоны. 2. Развлекательный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что зона развлечений размещена на острове. 3. Развлекательный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что зона развлечений размещена на берегу водоема. 4. Развлекательный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что зона развлечений размещена в лесу. 5. Развлекательный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на части дорожки расположена детская железная дорога. 6. Развлекательный комплекс по пп. 1, 5, отличающийся тем, что транспортные средства представляют собой вагончики. 7. Развлекательный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что транспортные средства представляют собой велосипеды. 8. Развлекательный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что транспортные средства представляют собой конные экипажи или повозки для ...

20-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000020037U1

Устройство для управления сценическим оборудованием и предметами реквизита, содержащее процессор, предназначенный для управления воспроизведением аудио и видеоданных, а также работой прочего сценического оборудования и предметами реквизита, и системы управления соответствующими исполнительными устройствами, подключенные к указанному процессору, отличающееся тем, что на носителе информации, представляющем собой, например, диск DVD-ROM, содержащий аудио- и/или видеоданные, записана последовательность сигналов управления сценическим оборудованием и реквизитом или их частью, при этом устройство для управления сценическим оборудованием и предметами реквизита снабжено декодером, созданным на базе упомянутого процессора, и предназначенного для преобразования указанной последовательности в потоки стандартных управляющих сигналов и их синхронизации, причем каждый из указанных потоков относится к системе управления соответствующими исполнительными устройствами или предметом реквизита. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что системы управления исполнительными устройствами включают в себя систему управления оборудованием пространственного звука, систему управления приборами воспроизведения изобретения, ароматический декодер для управления приборами формирования запаха, систему управления световым оборудованием, систему управления лазерами, а также декодерами спецэффектов для управления устройствами реализации спецэффектов. 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что процессор запрограммирован с возможностью отслеживания прохождения каждого из потоков стандартных управляющих сигналов, относящегося к управлению соответствующим оборудованием и фиксации в памяти процессора состояния каждого из потоков в случае остановки носителя с возможностью продолжения синхронной передачи потоков указанных сигналов. 4. Устройство по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что процессор запрограммирован с возможностью начала обработки сигналов управления сценическим оборудованием и ...

10-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000020465U1

1. Комплекс видеоаппаратуры, включающий средство для просмотра изображения от источника видеосигналов, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит видеокамеру, подключенную к упомянутому средству для просмотра, предназначенную для установки с обеспечением ориентации, позволяющей осуществлять наблюдение за объектами, находящимися вне помещения, в котором установлено средство для просмотра, при этом средство для просмотра выполнено в виде, позволяющем имитировать элементы оконной конструкции. 2. Комплекс видеоаппаратуры, включающий средство для просмотра изображения от источника видеосигналов, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит видеокамеру, подключенную к упомянутому средству для просмотра, предназначенную для установки с обеспечением ориентации, позволяющей осуществлять наблюдение за объектами, находящимися вне помещения, в котором установлено средство для просмотра, при этом средство для просмотра снабжено дополнительными элементами, позволяющими имитировать элементы оконной конструкции. 3. Комплекс видеоаппаратуры, включающий средство для просмотра изображения от источника видеосигналов и акустическую систему, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит видеокамеру и микрофон, предназначенный для установки вне помещения, в котором установлено средство для просмотра, и подключенный к акустической системе, видеокамера подключена к упомянутому средству для просмотра и предназначена для установки с обеспечением ориентации, позволяющей осуществлять наблюдение за объектами, находящимися вне помещения, в котором установлено средство для просмотра, при этом средство для просмотра выполнено в виде, позволяющем имитировать элементы оконной конструкции. 4. Комплекс видеоаппаратуры, включающий средство для просмотра изображения от источника видеосигналов и акустическую систему, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит видеокамеру и микрофон, предназначенный для установки вне помещения, в котором установлено средство для просмотра, и подключенный к акустической ...

10-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000023242U1

1. Устройство для управления сценическим оборудованием и предметами реквизита, включающее средства хранения аудио- и/или видеоданных, представляющие собой стандартный носитель информации, средства хранения последовательности сигналов управления сценическим оборудованием и предметами реквизита или их частью и процессор, предназначенный для управления воспроизведением аудио- и видеоданных, а также работой прочего сценического оборудования и реквизита, связанный с системами управления соответствующими исполнительными устройствами и запрограммированный с возможностью преобразования указанной последовательности сигналов управления в потоки стандартных управляющих сигналов и их синхронизации, причем каждый из указанных потоков относится к соответствующей системе управления или предмету реквизита, отличающееся тем, что средства хранения представляют собой комплект разнотипных носителей информации, причем информация, относящаяся к аудио- и/или видеоданным, и упомянутая последовательность сигналов управления записаны на носителях разных типов, например, для записи аудио- и/или видеоданных использован диск DVD-ROM, а для записи последовательности сигналов управления носители - диск Мт1-СВ, причем на одном из носителей или на обоих записаны коды ключей, определяющие конкретные средства воспроизведения, и сигналы синхронизации для совместного воспроизведения данных с этих носителей. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что код ключа записан на носителе, на котором записаны управляющие сигналы. (19) RU (11) 23 242 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002103907/20 , 19.02.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.02.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.06.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Шпякин П.В., Крель А.А., Самаркин И.Г. 2 3 2 4 2 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для управления сценическим оборудованием и предметами реквизита, включающее средства ...

10-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026438U1

1. Устройство для интерактивного управления средой, содержащее средства сбора информации, блок обработки информации, к выходам которого подключены средства формирования среды, расположенные в зоне действия устройства, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено блоком выбора режима реагирования и блоком корректировки режима, выход которого подключен к входу блока обработки информации, а входы связаны с выходами блока выбора режимов и средств сбора информации. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок обработки информации включает в себя плату сбора информации, подключенную к ЭВМ с соответствующим программным обеспечением и средства передачи информации, соответствующей функциям управляемых узлов, средствам формирования среды. 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что средства сбора информации включают в себя совокупность приспособлений, реагирующих на всевозможные человеческие импульсы и параметры. 4. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что средства сбора информации включают в себя совокупность приспособлений, реагирующих на скорость перемещения, и/или речь, и/или температуру, и/или объем, и/или частоту пульса, и/или вес. 5. Устройство по любому из пп.1-4, отличающееся тем, что средства сбора информации включают в себя датчики перемещения, объема, температуры, пульса, давления, скорости движения, сейсмодатчик, темброаиализатор, микрофон, часы. 6. Устройство по любому из пп.1-5, отличающееся тем, что средства сбора информации включают в себя систему OptiMusic. 7. Устройство по любому из пп.1-6, отличающееся тем, что средства формирования среды представляют собой комплекс всевозможных аудиоустройств, видеоустройств и устройств для создания спецэффектов, расположенных в зоне действия устройства таким образом, что каждое устройство, работая и отдельности или вместе с другим (другими) устройствами, может менять состояние среды. 8. Устройство по п.7, отличающееся тем, что устройства для создания спецэффектов включают в себя по меньшей мере одно из ...

20-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000028830U1

1. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль, содержащий радиально расположенные упругие спицы с образованием сходящимися концами общего узла и подложку из пленки или ткани, к краям которой прикреплены расходящиеся концы упругих спиц, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен гибкой стяжкой, связывающей с образованием петли расходящиеся концы всех упругих спиц, и дистанционным устройством расфиксации гибкой стяжки. 2. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что дистанционное устройство расфиксации гибкой стяжки выполнено в виде электропережигателя, при этом конец гибкой стяжки, вытягиваемый из петли, прикреплен к электропережигателю. 3. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен дополнительным трансформируемым модулем, прикрепленным к основному, например, в его центральной части. 4. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подложка с наружной и внутренней стороны выполнена разного цвета. 5. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль по пп.1 и 3, отличающийся тем, что основной и дополнительный модули выполнены разного цвета. 6. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что основной и/или дополнительный модули выполнены в виде многолепесткового элемента. 7. Декоративный трансформируемый модуль по пп.1 и 3, отличающийся тем, что на подложке основного или/и дополнительного модуля выполнены надписи или/и рисунки. (19) RU (11) 28 830 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2000.01) G09F 9/30 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002128520/20 , 30.10.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.10.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 20.04.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Комиссаров А.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Комиссаров Александр Николаевич R U Адрес для переписки: 123363, Москва, ул. Аэродромная, 15, корп.1, кв.72, А.Н. Комиссарову (71) Заявитель(и): Комиссаров Александр Николаевич Ñòðàíèöà: 1 2 8 8 3 0 R U U 1 (57) ...

20-09-2003 дата публикации

Спортивно-развлекательная игра

Номер: RU0000032401U1

1. Спортивно-развлекательная игра, содержащая игровое поле, приз, размещенный на игровом поле, за обладание которым соперничают игроки, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит печатный материальный носитель, содержащий наводящие подсказки для обнаружения приза и/или план-карту игрового поля, а приз спрятан на игровом поле, при этом игровое поле выполнено в виде комплекса, состоящего из по меньшей мере двух площадок, изолированных друг от друга или соединенных между собой непосредственно или через по крайней мере одну дополнительную площадку, и сообщающиеся между собой элементами прохода. 2. Спортивно-развлекательная игра по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве игровых площадок используются любые постройки, парки, скверы, площади, проспекты, бульвары, улицы, объединенные в территориальный район, образующий игровое поле. 3. Спортивно-развлекательная игра по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что указанный территориальный район представляет собой любой район населенного пункта. 4. Спортивно-развлекательная игра по любому из перечисленных пунктов, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве печатного материального носителя используют периодическое печатное издание. (19) RU (11) 32 401 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63B 67/00 (2000.01) A63J 23/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003109533/20 , 09.04.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.04.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 20.09.2003 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Логос-Медиа" R U Адрес для переписки: 249039, Калужская обл., г.Обнинск, а/я 9004, пат.пов. Ю.Б. Базанову, рег.№ 28 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Логос-Медиа" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 3 2 4 0 1 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Спортивно-развлекательная игра, содержащая игровое поле, приз, размещенный на игровом поле, за обладание которым соперничают игроки, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит печатный материальный носитель, содержащий наводящие ...

20-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037948U1

Устройство для запуска конфетти и театральной мишуры, включающее по крайней мере один ствол, систему запуска и управления, отличающееся тем, что оно установлено на основании, система запуска содержит электродвигатель с редуктором, а система управления выполнена в виде электронной схемы, обеспечивающей включение и выключение электродвигателя. (19) RU (11) 37 948 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004102874/20 , 03.02.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.02.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 20.05.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "Уренгойгазпром" ОАО "Газпром" (RU) U 1 3 7 9 4 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для запуска конфетти и театральной мишуры, включающее по крайней мере один ствол, систему запуска и управления, отличающееся тем, что оно установлено на основании, система запуска содержит электродвигатель с редуктором, а система управления выполнена в виде электронной схемы, обеспечивающей включение и выключение электродвигателя. 3 7 9 4 8 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАПУСКА КОНФЕТТИ И ТЕАТРАЛЬНОЙ МИШУРЫ R U Адрес для переписки: 629300, ЯНАО, г. Новый Уренгой, ул. Железнодорожная, 8, ООО "Уренгойгазпром", ОНТП и Э (72) Автор(ы): Бойко А.И. (RU), Гаркуша О.О. (RU) , Бахтиаров Е.И. (RU) RU 37 948 U1 RU 37 948 U1 RU 37 948 U1 RU 37 948 U1

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000059431U1

1. Устройство формирования интерактивных эффектов содержащее N>=1 заданных поверхностей, N проекторов, блок управления эффектами и акустическую систему, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно введены, N-1 блоков управления эффектами, N блоков определения координат и идентификации объектов, N-1 акустических систем, координатные выходы i-го блока определения координат и идентификации объектов, где i=1, 2, ...N, подключены к координатным видеовходам и к координатным аудиовходам i-го блока управления эффектами, идентификационный выход блока определения координат и идентификации объектов подключен к идентификационному видеовходу и идентификационному аудиовходу i-го блока управления эффектами, видеовыход i-го блока управления эффектами соединен с i-м проектором, аудиовыход i-го блока управления эффектами соединен с i-ой акустической системой. 2. Устройство формирования интерактивных эффектов по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок управления эффектами состоит из генератора видеоэффектов и генератора аудиоэффектов. 3. Устройство формирования интерактивных эффектов по п.1, отличающееся тем, что генератор аудиоэффектов состоит из постоянного запоминающего устройства координаты х, постоянного запоминающего устройства координаты y, постоянного запоминающего устройства идентификационных образов, трех цифроаналоговых преобразователей, сумматора аналоговых сигналов, входы постоянного запоминающего устройства координаты х подключены к координатным выходам х блока определения координат и идентификации объектов, входы постоянного запоминающего устройства координаты y подключены к координатным выходам y блока определения координат и идентификации объектов, входы постоянного запоминающего устройства идентификационных образов подключены к идентификационным выходам блока определения координат и идентификации объектов, выходы постоянных запоминающих устройств подключены к входам цифроаналоговых преобразователей, выходы которых подключены к сумматору, выход которого является выходом генератора ...

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000065776U1

Цветомузыкальная картинная галерея, содержащая установленные в комнате с возможностью перемещения картины, отличающаяся тем, что комната выполнена без окон, стены комнаты покрыты материалом темного цвета, картины написаны на основе из твердого материала, например оргалита или дерева, а краска нанесена в несколько, преимущественно 8, полупрозрачных не отражающих или сочетания отражающих и не отражающих свет слоев, картины установлены с возможностью поочередного показа одна за другой, напротив представленной картины расположены несколько источников света, выполненных с возможностью независимого изменения яркости освещения и цвета каждым из источников света. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 65 776 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007111005/22 , 27.03.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.03.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Градов Тим Элль (RU), Дунаева Анастасия Дмитриевна (RU) U 1 6 5 7 7 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Цветомузыкальная картинная галерея, содержащая установленные в комнате с возможностью перемещения картины, отличающаяся тем, что комната выполнена без окон, стены комнаты покрыты материалом темного цвета, картины написаны на основе из твердого материала, например оргалита или дерева, а краска нанесена в несколько, преимущественно 8, полупрозрачных не отражающих или сочетания отражающих и не отражающих свет слоев, картины установлены с возможностью поочередного показа одна за другой, напротив представленной картины расположены несколько источников света, выполненных с возможностью независимого изменения яркости освещения и цвета каждым из источников света. 6 5 7 7 6 (54) ЦВЕТОМУЗЫКАЛЬНАЯ КАРТИННАЯ ГАЛЕРЕЯ R U Адрес для переписки: 115563, Москва, ул. Шипиловская, 23, корп.2, кв.310, пат.пов. Л.Ф. Слепневой, рег.№ 629 (72) Автор(ы): Градов Тим Элль ( ...

20-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077170U1

1. Мобильный трансформируемый развлекательный комплекс, включающий в себя установленный на шасси транспортного средства кузов со встроенным в него аудио- и видеооборудованием, выполненный с боковыми сторонами, на одной или каждой из которых предусмотрена откидная, путем поворота вокруг горизонтальной оси панель для использования ее в качестве сценической площадки, имеющей откидные трапы, отличающийся тем, что комплекс снабжен установленными с торца кузова и на одной из боковых сторон торцевым откидным трапом и боковым откидным трапом, предназначенными для прохода через кузов в закрытом его состоянии, в том числе зрителей, при использовании кузова в качестве аудио- и видеоаттракциона, а также для заезда внутрь кузова транспортного средства, и вмонтированным в боковую сторону кузова трапом на крышу кузова, которая выполнена в виде площадки, по периметру которой установлены ограждения и предусмотрен складывающийся тент, при этом торцевой откидной трап выполнен из шарнирно связанных между собой двух частей, в качестве одной из частей которого использована торцевая стенка кузова, а в качестве другой - складная лестница с поручнями, причем каркасом кузова является пространственная рама с радиусно выпуклыми наружу боковыми сторонами, на которой снаружи закреплена обшивка, а изнутри крепится аудио- и видеооборудование и в верхней части кузова - банерные короба. 2. Мобильный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве откидной панели использована центральная часть боковой стороны кузова. 3. Мобильный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен шарнирно связанным с верхней частью пространственной рамы кузова навесным тентом для защиты откидной панели при использовании ее в качестве сценической площадки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 170 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007148840/22 , 29.12.2007 (24) Дата начала ...

20-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000096022U1

1. Устройство проецирования изображения, содержащее первый источник изображения, второй источник изображения, и, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран, расположенный между первым источником изображения и вторым источником изображения, при этом первый источник изображения и второй источник изображения расположены таким образом, что свет, формирующий изображение от первого источника изображения, падает на, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран с одной стороны, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачного экрана, и свет, формирующий изображение от второго источника изображения, падает на, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран с другой стороны, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачного экрана, и, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран расположен под углом к первому источнику изображения и второму источнику изображения. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что первый источник изображения и второй источник изображения установлены по существу параллельно друг другу. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что второй источник изображения представляет собой, по меньшей мере, частично отражающее зеркало. 4. Устройство по любому из пп.2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран установлен под углом 45º по отношению к первому источнику изображения и ко второму источнику изображения. 5. Устройство по любому из пп.1, 2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран представляет собой, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачную натянутую пленку. 6. Устройство по п.5, отличающееся тем, что, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачная пленка натянута под углом 45º по отношению к первому источнику изображения и ко второму источнику изображения. 7. Устройство по любому из пп.1, 2 или 3, отличающееся тем, что содержит каркас, на котором установлены первый источник изображения, второй источник изображения и, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный экран. 8. Устройство по п.7, отличающееся тем, что каркас имеет форму прямоугольного ...

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000105843U1

1. Виртуальный аттракцион 5D с тремя проекциями, включающий экран, динамическую платформу, визуальную систему, звуковую систему, отличающийся тем, что экран выполнен в виде трех плоских экранов, жестко закрепленных на прямоугольных рамах, которые соединены между собой под углом 100-140°. 2. Виртуальный аттракцион 5D с тремя проекциями по п.1, отличающийся тем, что углы выполнены скругленными. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 105 843 (13) U1 (51) МПК A63J 25/00 (2009.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010152802/12, 24.12.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.12.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Йотто Технолоджи" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2011 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.12.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Федченко Олег Анатольевич (RU) Адрес для переписки: 634061, г.Томск, а/я 4177, Н.В. Рыбаковой U 1 1 0 5 8 4 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Виртуальный аттракцион 5D с тремя проекциями, включающий экран, динамическую платформу, визуальную систему, звуковую систему, отличающийся тем, что экран выполнен в виде трех плоских экранов, жестко закрепленных на прямоугольных рамах, которые соединены между собой под углом 100-140°. 2. Виртуальный аттракцион 5D с тремя проекциями по п.1, отличающийся тем, что углы выполнены скругленными. 1 0 5 8 4 3 (54) ВИРТУАЛЬНЫЙ АТТРАКЦИОН 5D С ТРЕМЯ ПРОЕКЦИЯМИ RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 105 843 U1 Полезная модель относится к области развлекательно-образовательных комплексов с использованием виртуальной реальности и может быть использована в области развлечений, образования и культуры. Известен цифровой кинотеатр (http://teatr.realbau.ru/proekt/4d_kinoteatr_oborudovanie.html), состоящий из прямоугольного экрана, специальных кресел, визуальных систем и акустических систем. Недостатком известного технического решения является невозможность ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125481U1

Насадка на фото/видеокамеру представляет собой фигурно вырезанную картинку из картона или листового пластика, с прорезями под объектив и вспышку, при этом насадка выполнена с возможностью ее закрепления на камере с помощью резинового ремешка, или двустороннего скотча, или клипсы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК A63J 21/00 (11) (13) 125 481 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011149957/12, 07.12.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.12.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Кривоногов Николай Евгеньевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кривоногов Николай Евгеньевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 07.12.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2013 Бюл. № 7 (54) НАСАДКА НА ФОТО/ВИДЕО-КАМЕРУ U 1 1 2 5 4 8 1 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Насадка на фото/видеокамеру представляет собой фигурно вырезанную картинку из картона или листового пластика, с прорезями под объектив и вспышку, при этом насадка выполнена с возможностью ее закрепления на камере с помощью резинового ремешка, или двустороннего скотча, или клипсы. 1 2 5 4 8 1 Адрес для переписки: 426006, г.Ижевск, ул. Клубная, 29, кв.24, Н.Е. Кривоногову RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 125 481 U1 1. Название полезной модели: НАСАДКА НА ФОТО/ВИДЕО-КАМЕРУ Насадка на фото/видео-камеру в виде фигурно вырезанной картинки из картона или листового пластика для маскировки непосредственно самой фото/видеокамеры и привлечения внимания, благодаря яркой внешности насадки-маски. Объект фото/видеосъемки видит только яркую картинку, но не видит саму камеру. 2. Область техники, к ко горой относится полезная модель: Видео/фотоаппаратура. 3. Уровень техники: Насадки на объективы для фото/видеотехники. Подобных аналогов не известно. 4. Раскрытие полезной модели: Насадка прикрепляется па лицевую сторону (па объектив) фото/видеокамеры с помощью ремешка или двустороннего скотча, или клипсы. Для маскировки (скрытия) фото/видеокамеры как таковой во ...

21-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000199192U1

Полезная модель относится к кинотехнологическому оборудованию и может быть использовано в залах многоцелевого назначения для демонстрации кинофильмов. Устройство для подъема проекционного экрана содержит каркас с рамой для натяжения экранного полотна, выполненный с возможностью перемещения по вертикальным и горизонтально-наклонным направляющим и грузоподъемный механизм, приводимый в движение электродвигателем, при этом боковая верхняя часть каркаса соединена с роликовыми механизмами, установленными в горизонтально-наклонных направляющих, а боковая нижняя часть каркаса соединена с роликовыми механизмами, установленными в вертикальных направляющих. Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является создание конструкции экрана, жестко закрепленной на каркасе, позволяющей убирать экран со сцены в несвернутом виде. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 192 U1 (51) МПК A63J 1/02 (2006.01) G03B 21/56 (2006.01) A63J 25/00 (2009.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A63J 1/02 (2020.05); G03B 21/56 (2020.05); A63J 25/00 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020113536, 15.04.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Нежинский Евгений Андреевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 21.08.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.04.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.08.2020 Бюл. № 24 1 9 9 1 9 2 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПОДЪЕМА ПРОЕКЦИОННОГО ЭКРАНА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к верхняя часть каркаса соединена с роликовыми кинотехнологическому оборудованию и может механизмами, установленными в горизонтальнобыть использовано в залах многоцелевого наклонных направляющих, а боковая нижняя назначения для демонстрации кинофильмов. часть каркаса соединена с роликовыми Устройство для подъема проекционного экрана механизмами, установленными в вертикальных содержит каркас с рамой для натяжения направляющих. Техническим результатом экранного полотна, выполненный с ...

14-02-2013 дата публикации

System, method, and computer program product for performing actions based on received input in a theater environment

Номер: US20130038702A1
Принадлежит: Imax Corp

A system, method, and computer program product are provided for performing actions based on received input in a theater environment. In operation, content is displayed to a plurality of users in a theater environment. Additionally, input from one or more of the plurality of users is received in response to the displaying. Further, one or more actions are performed based on the received input.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Autostereoscopic display system with one dimensional (1d) retroreflective screen

Номер: US20130083291A1
Принадлежит: Disney Enterprises Inc

An autostereoscopic apparatus for providing a 3D image to a viewer at a range of vertical eye locations. The apparatus includes a projection screen with a light receiving surface that is horizontally retroreflective and vertically diffusive. The apparatus includes a projector assembly including at least two projectors arranged side-by-side such that projection lenses of the projectors are horizontally aligned in a row. The apparatus includes a controller selectively operating the projectors to project at least two differing point-of-view images. The projection screen may take a number of useful embodiments to implement the autostereoscopic apparatus. For example, the projection screen may include a bottom layer including a retroreflective film that is retroreflective at least in the horizontal direction such as a brightness enhancement film and a top layer formed of a transparent sheet of lenticular material arranged for vertical diffusing.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Computer-readable storage medium storing program instructions for a wireless computer gaming system

Номер: US20130150155A1
Принадлежит: Creative Kingdoms LLC

A computer-readable storage medium storing program instructions for conducting a game on a gaming system having a wireless input device for playing an interactive motion-sensitive game using a wireless-compatible game console in which a virtual play environment is represented through one or more computer-animated visual, aural or tactile effects is provided wherein game play is conducted by moving, shaking, twisting, waving or pointing the input device in a particular manner. The input device can include motion-sensitive circuitry and/or command circuitry for generating control signals and/or an effects generator and associated control circuitry to enable the input device to selectively generate at least one visual, aural or tactile effect comprising sound, lighting or vibration. The input device can include a wireless transceiver for providing two-way wireless communication with the wireless-compatible game console. An optional display screen displays short text messages received through wireless communications with the wireless-compatible game console.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242263A1
Автор: Anderson Thomas
Принадлежит: IMAGE LIMITED

A cinema structure () comprises an auditorium () having a flat planar screen () onto which images of a motion picture is projected by a projector () located adjacent a rear wall () of the auditorium (). Seating () comprising rows () of seats () are supported on tiered plinths () which are tiered at an angle α of approximately 25°. A front row () of the seats () is formed in two parts, namely, a left-hand part () and a right-hand part () on a front plinth (), which is also formed in two parts, namely, a left-hand part () and a right-hand part (). The left and right-hand parts of the front row () and the front plinth () define central gaps (, respectively) in order to accommodate the projected beam of the motion picture uninterrupted from the projector () to the screen (). The rows () of seats () are pitched at a horizontal pitch (P) of 1,300 mm, and each plinth () is at a vertical height (h) of approximately 600 mm above its adjacent plinth (). The front plinth () is at a height of approximately 1,200 mm above a floor () of the auditorium (). The screen () extends substantially the width of a front end wall () between opposite side walls () of the auditorium (), and extends substantially the full height of the front end wall () between the floor () and the ceiling () of the auditorium (). 183-. (canceled)84. A cinema structure comprising a front end wall and a rear end wall spaced apart from the front end wall and defining with the front end wall an auditorium , a screen being located adjacent the front end wall , the screen extending from a lower edge to a spaced apart upper edge and from one of a pair of spaced apart side edges to the other side edge , an image projecting means located spaced apart from the screen adapted for projecting a motion picture onto the screen , and tiered seating located in the auditorium , the tiered seating defining tiering angle of the seating in the range of 20° to 40° rising in a general direction from the front end wall to the rear ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Motion Ride Method and Apparatus for Illusion of Teleportation

Номер: US20130324271A1
Автор: Stoker Daniel James

A method and apparatus for a motion ride that creates the illusion of teleportation on passengers in a passenger vehicle. This is accomplished in four steps of the method. Multiple embodiments of varying apparatus are presented for completing the four steps of the method. Passengers in the first step view a primary environment, in the second step passengers are surrounded by a secondary environment, in the third step passengers experience Galilean invariance by viewing the velocity of multiple of images of motion of the secondary environment being relative to the velocity of the passenger vehicle as selected from a group consisting of equal magnitude and same direction, equal magnitude and opposite direction, greater magnitude and same direction, greater magnitude and opposite direction, lesser magnitude and same direction, and lesser magnitude and opposite direction, and in the fourth step passengers again view the primary environment. 1. A method for creating the illusion of teleportation on a multiple of passengers within a passenger vehicle comprising four steps of:moving said passenger vehicle carrying said multiple of passengers through a primary environment with said primary environment in the field of vision of said multiple of passengers and with said primary environment being an area outside of a secondary environment;moving said passenger vehicle carrying said multiple of passengers out of said primary environment and into said secondary environment so that said primary environment is not within the field of vision of said multiple of passengers;moving said passenger vehicle carrying said multiple of passengers with a second velocity and moving said secondary environment in the field of vision of said multiple of passengers with a first velocity simultaneously for a finite amount of time with said first velocity of said secondary environment being relative to said second velocity of said passenger vehicle as selected from a group consisting of equal ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Cinema Light Emitting Screen and Sound System

Номер: US20210001242A1

Light emitting displays can be used in cinemas for cinema presentations that integrate a sound system to achieve immersive conditions in cinema theatres. The cinema screen can include a matrix of light emitters and a diffuser sheet. The matrix of light emitters is configured to form a light-emitting area of the cinema screen. The diffuser sheet includes one or more perforations, and can be positioned between the matrix of light emitters and an audience area in the theatre. The diffuser sheet is positioned with respect to the matrix of light emitters such that the one or more perforations are configured to prevent light outputted by the light emitters from being viewable in the audience area 1. A cinema screen positionable in a theatre , the cinema screen comprising:a matrix of light emitters configured to form a light-emitting area of the cinema screen; anda diffuser sheet including one or more perforations and being positionable between the matrix of light emitters and an audience area in the theatre, the diffuser sheet being positioned with respect to the matrix of light emitters such that the one or more perforations are configured to prevent light outputted by the light emitters from being viewable in the audience area.2. The cinema screen of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser sheet includes one or more gap areas between areas of the diffuser sheet that are positionable for receiving light from the light emitters claim 1 , the one or more gap areas being configured for being absent of light from the light emitters claim 1 , wherein the one or more perforations area aligned with the one or more gap areas.3. The cinema screen of claim 1 , further comprising an optical element positioned between the diffuser sheet and at least one light emitter of the matrix of light emitters.4. The cinema screen of claim 1 , further comprising an emitter-support structure to which the matrix of light emitters is mounted such that the light emitters are spaced apart from each other to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001176A1

Embodiments of the invention provide a unique interactive game that connects both physical and virtual play environments and includes multiple dynamic layers in which a participant may complete a variety of challenges and/or tasks. For example, the participant may obtain a physical gaming item such as a toy from a retail phase that is usable in an interactive entertainment phase that provides virtual play via computer animation. The interactive entertainment phase may include multiple interrelated layers such that progress in one or more layers may affect the participant's experience in one or more other layers. The participant may also receive training on how to use and improve the physical gaming item to help achieve one or more special effects or complete one or more adventures and/or quests. During or following the interactive entertainment phase, the participant may use accumulated points and/or powers to redeem prizes and/or compete against other participants, such as in a duel or other face-off challenge. 110.-. (canceled)11. A gaming platform in which a virtual play environment associated with a game is represented through one or more computer-animated visual , aural or tactile effects , said gaming platform comprising: a processor and associated non-volatile programmable memory;', 'at least one first internal power source;', 'at least one first motion sensing element configured to generate motion data responsive to one or more sensed motions of said base component; and', 'at least one speaker configured to provide audible information to the user;', 'at least one wireless communication processor configured to wirelessly communicate with one or more auxiliary components; and, 'a base component comprising a housing, said housing configured to be manipulated by a hand of a user to play or operate said game, said housing comprising an internal cavity sized and configured to include at least one second internal power source;', 'at least one button configured to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001195A1

A timepiece illusion device is formed to appear as an ordinary analog watch or timepiece with hour and minute hands. A software application (Illusion App) is provided that can be loaded onto a smartphone or other device. The Illusion App allows a user to provide inputs into the smartphone, which are transmitted (e.g., as time commands, etc.) from the smartphone to the timepiece illusion device. The timepiece illusion device then moves the hour and minute hands per the time command or otherwise performs the relevant operation per the input from the smartphone. 1. A timepiece illusion system , comprising: a watch face with hour and minute hands, the hour and minute hands being separately rotatable about the watch face; and', 'a mechanism configured to connect wirelessly to and be controlled by a separate external controlling device with a wireless time command to cause the hour and minute hands to rotate about the watch face to reflect the wireless time command., 'a timepiece illusion device, the timepiece illusion device including2. The timepiece illusion system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the wireless time command is received using a technology selected from a group consisting of Bluetooth claim 1 , radio frequency claim 1 , and radio frequency identification (RFID).3. The timepiece illusion system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the timepiece illusion device further comprises a vibrator mechanism claim 1 , such that when the hour and minute hands are set to reflect the wireless time command claim 1 , the vibrator mechanism vibrates claim 1 , thereby indicating that the hour and minute hands have been set to reflect the wireless time command.4. The timepiece illusion system as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising a controlling device claim 1 , the controlling device having executable instructions stored on a non-transitory computer readable medium claim 1 , such that upon execution of the instructions claim 1 , the controlling device is caused to ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009171A1

An interactive gaming toy is provided for playing a game having both physical and virtual gameplay elements. The gaming toy comprises a physical toy, such as a toy wand, doll or action figure, having an RFID tag pre-programmed with a unique identifier that identifies the toy within an associated computer-animated game. The RFID tag stores information describing certain attributes or abilities of a corresponding virtual character or object in the computer-animated game. Additional information may be stored on the RFID tag as the corresponding virtual character evolves or changes over time based on player performance and/or gameplay progression. The interactive gaming toy thus allows developed character attributes and the like to be stored and easily transported to other games and compatible gaming platforms. One or more optional auxiliary components may be attached to the gaming toy to selectively create a modified gaming toy having additional desired functionality and/or aesthetics. 16.-. (canceled)7. A gaming toy for playing a computer-animated game on a compatible gaming platform , said gaming toy comprising:a toy body corresponding to a character or object in said computer-animated game, said toy body having an internal cavity configured to house one or more electrical components and associated circuitry; (1) a first selection of information comprising a unique identifier that uniquely identifies said gaming toy, and', '(2) a second selection of information that identifies certain powers or abilities of said corresponding character or object in said computer-animated game;, 'a microprocessor and associated non-volatile memory disposed within said internal cavity, said non-volatile memory storinga motion sensing element that generates first sensor state data responsive to one or more sensed motions of said toy body;a touch sensing element that generates second sensor state data responsive to sensed touching of a user's finger thereon; anda radio frequency (RF) ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Drive apparatus of chair assembly for 4d theater

Номер: US20170009856A1
Принадлежит: CJ 4DPLEX Co Ltd

A drive apparatus of a chair assembly for a 4D theater according to the present disclosure includes: a lower plate which is in contact with the ground; an upper plate which is positioned above the lower plate so as to be spaced apart from the lower plate; a first actuator which is positioned at a left portion between the lower plate and the upper plate; a second actuator which is positioned at a right portion between the lower plate and the upper plate; and a spline device, in which the spline device is installed to be positioned on a vertical centerline of the lower plate, and the first actuator is installed to have a predetermined first angle with respect to a horizontal centerline of the lower plate.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Wireless interactive game having both physical and virtual elements

Номер: US20170014714A1
Принадлежит: MQ Gaming LLC

Embodiments of the invention provide a unique interactive game that connects both physical and virtual play environments and includes multiple dynamic layers in which a participant may complete a variety of challenges and/or tasks. For example, the participant may obtain a physical gaming item such as a toy from a retail phase that is usable in an interactive entertainment phase that provides virtual play via computer animation. The interactive entertainment phase may include multiple interrelated layers such that progress in one or more layers may affect the participant's experience in one or more other layers. The participant may also receive training on how to use and improve the physical gaming item to help achieve one or more special effects or complete one or more adventures and/or quests. During or following the interactive entertainment phase, the participant may use accumulated points and/or powers to redeem prizes and/or compete against other participants, such as in a duel or other face-off challenge.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014904A1
Автор: PARK Sangwook

In the present invention, by providing a motion control apparatus comprising an input interface configured to obtain a motion control input, a pattern selector configured to select at least one similar motion pattern corresponding to the motion control input from a plurality of predefined motion patterns, and a motion controller configured to control a seat on which the viewer sits based on the at least one similar motion pattern, the time and cost for providing realistic effect are reduced. 1. A motion control apparatus for providing a realistic effect to a viewer of multimedia contents , comprising:an input interface configured to obtain a motion control input;a pattern selector configured to select at least one similar motion pattern corresponding to the motion control input from a plurality of predefined motion patterns; anda motion controller configured to control a seat on which the viewer sits based on the at least one similar motion pattern.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a conversion point determining interface configured to convert the motion control input into conversion point data based on the conversion point, andwherein the pattern selector selects the at least one similar motion pattern based on the conversion point data.3. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the pattern selector selects the at least one similar motion pattern using a plurality of pattern codes including a condition for each of the plurality of motion patterns.4. The apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the pattern selector selects the at least one similar motion pattern using a plurality of pattern formulas each defining the plurality of motion patterns.5. The apparatus of claim 4 ,wherein the pattern selector compares the motion control input on current frame of the multimedia content with the plurality of pattern formulas and selects at least one motion pattern having a match rate with the motion control input equal to or greater than a threshold value as the at least one ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015364A1

Embodiments of the invention provide a unique interactive game that connects both physical and virtual play environments and includes multiple dynamic layers in which a participant may complete a variety of challenges and/or tasks. For example, the participant may obtain a physical gaming item such as a toy from a retail phase that is usable in an interactive entertainment phase that provides virtual play via computer animation. The interactive entertainment phase may include multiple interrelated layers such that progress in one or more layers may affect the participant's experience in one or more other layers. The participant may also receive training on how to use and improve the physical gaming item to help achieve one or more special effects or complete one or more adventures and/or quests. During or following the interactive entertainment phase, the participant may use accumulated points and/or powers to redeem prizes and/or compete against other participants, such as in a duel or other face-off challenge. 110.-. (canceled)11. A gaming toy for playing a game that combines elements of physical play and virtual play , said gaming toy comprising:a plurality of modular components configured to be selectively and detachably assembled by a game participant to form a doll or action figure;at least one of said modular components comprising a plastic body having an internal cavity formed therein; anda passive radiofrequency identification (RFID) tag disposed within said internal cavity, said RFID tag comprising: (i) a unique identifier; (ii) non-volatile memory storing a first selection of information identifying a virtual game character in a computer-animated game played by said game participant on a compatible gaming platform; (iii) a radiofrequency (RF) transceiver configured to provide two-way wireless communications with said compatible gaming platform over a limited wireless communication range of less than 60 cm; and (iv) an antenna electrically coupled to said ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Wireless entertainment device, system, and method

Номер: US20170036105A1
Принадлежит: MQ Gaming LLC

A wireless input device for playing an interactive motion-sensitive game using a wireless-compatible game console in which a virtual play environment is represented through one or more computer-animated visual, aural or tactile effects is provided wherein game play is conducted by moving, shaking, twisting, waving or pointing the input device in a particular manner. The input device can include motion-sensitive circuitry and/or command circuitry for generating control signals and/or an effects generator and associated control circuitry to enable the input device to selectively generate at least one visual, aural or tactile effect comprising sound, lighting or vibration. The input device can include a wireless transceiver for providing two-way wireless communication with the wireless-compatible game console. An optional display screen displays short text messages received through wireless communications with the wireless-compatible game console.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037212A1

A special effects communication system may include a camera system at a first location that generates a first dataset based on one or more images or impressions of a first user at the first location. The special effects communication system may also include a control system communicatively coupled to the camera system and a special effects system. The control system may receive a second dataset corresponding to a second user present at a second location or to one or more users at one or more locations while the first user is present at the first location. The control system may also provide one or more control signals to cause the special effects system at the first location to generate special effects to present a visual and/or auditory likeness of the second user using special effects material and/or mediums. 1. A special effects communication system , comprising:a camera system configured to generate a first dataset based on one or more images or impressions of a first user at a first location when the first user is present at the first location; anda control system communicatively coupled to the camera system, wherein the control system is configured to:transmit the first dataset to a destination device;receive a second dataset from the destination device or from memory, wherein the received second dataset comprises image data generated by a capture of one or more images or impressions of a second user at a second location;generate one or more control signals based on the received second dataset; andtransmit the one or more control signals to a component that manipulates a special effects material at the first location in response to the one or more control signals, wherein the one or more control signals are configured to cause the component to generate special effects to form a representative contour of the second user from the manipulation of the special effects material at the first location.2. The special effects communication system of claim 1 , wherein ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045838A1

An aroma substance delivery device adapted to deliver an aroma substance exclusively to the nasal cavities of an individual, comprising the following elements: 1. An aroma substance delivery device adapted to deliver an aroma substance exclusively to the nasal cavities of an individual , comprising the following elements:(i) a source of carrier gas flow;(ii) regulating means which receives the carrier gas flow and regulates its passage through a plurality of channels;(iii) downstream of the regulating means a plurality of aroma substance-containing cartridges, one being associated with each channel, and(iv) disseminating means located in close proximity to the cartridges and adapted to deliver the individual aroma substances from the cartridges to nasal cavities by means of a conduit;there being positioned in each channel on the upstream side and in close proximity to the origin of the channel a flow restrictor, the flow restrictor being configured such that the pressure drop across the flow restrictor is higher than the pressure drop across the rest of the device.2. The delivery device according to claim 1 , in which each aroma substance-containing cartridge comprises a reservoir containing an aroma substance and inlet and outlet channels to permit ingress of carrier gas into the reservoir and egress of aroma substance-containing carrier gas from the reservoir claim 1 , the channels being defined by capillaries having internal diameter and length dimensions sufficient to act as closure means to prevent claim 1 , or substantially prevent claim 1 , leakage of aroma substance from the reservoir into a head space external of the cartridge when carrier gas flow is interrupted.3. Means for the provision of individual olfactory sensation as part of an audiovisual educational or entertainment presentation claim 1 , comprising the device according to .4. A method of providing to an individual an olfactory sensation corresponding to a simultaneously-perceived visual and/or ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048683A1
Автор: Wood Richard Paul

Apparatus comprising a first image projecting device for projecting a first image, an optical arrangement located optically downstream of the first image projecting device such that the first image appears to a viewer, to be located on an opposite side of the optical arrangement to said first image projecting device, forwardly of the apparatus at a first image plane, the apparatus further comprising a secondary image and an at least partially transparent screen or surface, the second screen or surface positioned on the same side of the optical arrangement as the viewer and is for displaying the secondary image on the screen which appears to the viewer to be located behind the first image plane. 1. Apparatus comprising an image projecting device for projecting a first image , an optical arrangement located optically downstream of the image projecting device such that a first image appears to a viewer , to be located on an opposite side of the optical arrangement to said image projecting device , forwardly of the apparatus at a first image plane , the apparatus further comprising a secondary image projecting device and an at least partially transparent screen or surface , the screen or surface positioned on the same side of the optical arrangement as the viewer and is for displaying the secondary image on the screen or surface which appears to the viewer to be located behind the first image plane.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A method comprising:projecting a first image from an image projecting device towards an optical arrangement, the first image appearing to a viewer, to be located on an opposite side of the optical arrangement to said image projecting device, to be located forwardly of the optical arrangement in a first image plane, the method further comprising providing a secondary image on an at least partially transparent screen or surface positioned on the same side of the optical arrangement as the viewer for displaying the secondary image on the screen or ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059147A1

A system for winding a screen vertically is provided. The system can include a tube and a smoothing edge feature, such as a tensioning rod. The tube can rotate about a vertical axis and draw the screen over the smoothing edge feature to cause the screen to wind up onto the tube that is positioned vertically. 1. A vertical screen winding system comprising:a tube for being positioned with respect to a vertical portion of a screen;a smoothing edge feature for being positioned parallel to the tube, wherein the tube is rotatable about a vertical axis for drawing the screen over the smoothing edge feature and causing the screen to wind up onto the tube.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tube is rotatable about the vertical axis for drawing a sheet of soft material positioned between the tube and the smoothing edge feature and for causing the sheet of soft material to wind up between winds of the screen onto the tube.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a pulley mountable to a screen support structure and adapted to receive a line attachable to a top portion of the tube for raising and lowering the tube.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein a top portion of the tube is mountable to a screen support structure and a bottom portion of the tube is supportable by a bottom support assembly at a location that is proximate to one side of the screen support structure.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tube is rotatable about the vertical axis for causing the screen to unwind over the smoothing edge feature.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a vertical support structure mountable on a top portion of a screen support structure claim 1 , the vertical support structure being adapted for supporting the tube in a vertical position or the smoothing edge feature in the vertical position.7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising a bottom support assembly adapted for supporting a bottom portion of the tube in a vertical position at a distance from the smoothing ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Multi-projection system using interior surface as projection surface

Номер: US20150062537A1
Принадлежит: CJ CGV CO Ltd

The present invention provides a multi-projection system using an interior surface as a projection surface, the system including a screen installed in a single theater, a plurality of interior surfaces arranged around the screen, and two or more projection devices for projecting synchronized images on the screen and the interior surfaces.

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Double action nose mount quattro stanchion

Номер: US20210068546A1
Принадлежит: Hussey Seating Co

A double action seating unit to be mounted to a nose of a platform is described. The double action seating unit includes a seat assembly, a back assembly and at least two stanchion. Each stanchion has a front bracket, a rear bracket, a stanchion tube and two pivot straps. The front bracket attaches the seat portion to the stanchion, the rear bracket attaches the stanchion to the nose of the platform and the stanchion tube attaches the back assembly to the stanchion. Each pivot strap connects an associated stanchion tube, the rear bracket and the front bracket. The double action seating unit can move between a use configuration and a storage configuration. The two pivot straps cause the seat assembly and the back assembly to simultaneously rotate when the double action seating unit moves between the use configuration and the storage configuration.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200065827A1

The present disclosure provides an anticounterfeiting system based on optical technology that verify the authenticity of protected cinema screens. The optical technology includes taggants embedded or attached to the screen and an optical readout system that can interrogate the taggant layer and receive the taggant output. The taggants are capable of reflecting a pattern that unambiguously demonstrates that the screen contains the taggant. The taggants are covert because they are not visible under normal lighting conditions or during cinema operation, but are detected when interrogated by the optical readout system. 1. An anticounterfeiting system for a projection screen comprising:(a) a taggant comprising an optically-active layer of material patterned with a design, a code, or an image;(b) a light source capable of providing a matching coded optical stimulus; and(c) a detectorwherein the taggant is embedded in or attached to the projection screen and is detectable by interrogating the taggant with the matched coded optical stimulus to provide a coded optical response that is registered by the detector to authenticate the screen.2. The anticounterfeiting system of wherein the taggant is covert or practically invisible to the naked eye but provides a coded optical response when interrogated by a matched coded optical stimulus.3. The anticounterfeiting system of wherein the coded optical response comprises a design claim 1 , a code claim 1 , an image claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The anticounterfeiting system of comprising more than one taggant on the same screen with each taggant having the same or different coded optical responses.5. The anticounterfeiting system of wherein the taggant comprises a single entity or multiple entities.6. The anticounterfeiting system of wherein the taggant comprises a computer-generated hologram.7. The anticounterfeiting system of wherein the taggant comprises at least one fluorescent dye claim 1 , fluorescent ink claim 1 , ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190073897A1

A system in accordance with present embodiments includes a source of electromagnetic radiation that operates to emit electromagnetic radiation into an active playing area. The system also includes a sensing device that operates to receive the electromagnetic radiation after being reflected from a retro-reflective material of an article positioned in the active playing area and operable to generate data based on receiving reflected electromagnetic radiation from a series of article positions. Further, the system includes a controller that operates to process the data generated by the sensing device to determine whether the series of article positions correlate to a stored gesture and output a control signal to actuate an effect when the series of article positions correlate to the stored gesture. 1. A system comprising:a source of electromagnetic radiation configured to continuously emit electromagnetic radiation into an active playing area;a sensing device configured to receive the electromagnetic radiation after being reflected from a retro-reflective material of an article positioned in the active playing area and configured to generate data based on receiving reflected electromagnetic radiation from a series of article positions; anda controller configured to process the data generated by the sensing device to determine whether the series of article positions correlate to a stored gesture and output a control signal to actuate an effect when the series of article positions correlate to the stored gesture, wherein the controller is configured to pre-process the data to remove interference received by the sensing device when the active playing area is in broad daylight.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising the article including the retro-reflective material claim 1 , wherein the retro-reflective material is a solid component of the article or the retro-reflective material is a coating on the article.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the retro-reflective material ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180077775A1

The present invention concerns a projection system for providing a distributed manifestation within an environment. The projection system includes a data generator for generating a plurality of data sets of associated state data and spatial coordinate data. The projection system also includes a projector in communication with the data generator for receiving the data sets. The projector is provided with a signal generating module for generating a plurality of electromagnetic signals, and a projecting module for projecting each of the electromagnetic signals towards a target location within the environment. The projection system also includes a plurality of receiving units distributed within the environment, each receiving unit having a receiver for receiving one of the electromagnetic signals when the receiving unit is positioned in the corresponding target location, each receiving unit being adapted to perform a change of state in response to the state data. 1. A system , comprising:a plurality of receiving units; anda projector unit configured to project directional electromagnetic signals toward a target location at which the plurality of receiving units are located, the electromagnetic signals comprising data defining state information;wherein:the electromagnetic signals comprise a first set of electromagnetic signals and a second set of electromagnetic signals, each one of the first set of electromagnetic signals having a wavelength making the one electromagnetic signal visible, each one of the second set of electromagnetic signals having a wavelength making the one electromagnetic signal non-visible; andeach one of the plurality of receiving units is configured to receive and process the data, the processing comprising the one receiving unit expressing a state in accordance with the state information as a result of being at the target location when the data is received.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the projector unit is mobile.3. The system of claim 1 , ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Container for holding invisible elastic bands therein

Номер: US20170081110A1
Автор: Yigal Mesika
Принадлежит: Individual

A container for holding invisible elastic bands therein is described. The container includes two opposing walls with a cavity therebetween. A series of raised ridges are formed on the opposing side walls. The raised ridges are formed parallel with one another along each of the opposing walls, thereby allowing a user to insert a sheet within the container such that the invisible elastic bands reside safely between adjacent raised ridges. The container is shaped as an envelope with an unblocked opening and is sized to easily fit within a magician's pocket. Due to its size and shape, the magician can easily retrieve invisible elastic bands during a performance.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143520A1

A resistance control system for a passenger support of an amusement attraction includes a first foundation, a second foundation, and a support extending between the first foundation and the second foundation. The second foundation is pivotably coupled to the support at a pivot joint. The resistance control system also includes a motor and a linkage system coupled to the motor and to the second foundation such that the motor is configured to output a torque to adjust, via the linkage system, a resistance to movement of the second foundation about the pivot joint and relative to the first foundation. 1. A resistance control system of an amusement attraction , the resistance control system comprising:a first foundation;a second foundation;a support extending between the first foundation and the second foundation, wherein the support is pivotably coupled to the second foundation via a pivot joint such that the second foundation is configured to move relative to the first foundation via the pivot joint;a back-drivable motor configured to output a torque to adjust a resistance to movement of the second foundation relative to the first foundation via the pivot joint; anda controller communicatively coupled to the back-drivable motor, wherein the controller is configured to instruct the back-drivable motor to output the torque to adjust the resistance to movement of the second foundation relative to the first foundation.2. The resistance control system of claim 1 , wherein the back-drivable motor is configured to output the torque to pitch claim 1 , roll claim 1 , translate claim 1 , or any combination thereof claim 1 , the second foundation relative to the first foundation.3. The resistance control system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is communicatively coupled to a virtual reality (VR) controller claim 1 , and the controller is configured to instruct the back-drivable motor to output the torque based on an input received from the VR controller.4. The resistance ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190091598A1

A ring for performing magic tricks is provided that has a miniaturized vibration motor, an on/off switch, a power supply element, a metallic contact blade, on which the power supply element is positioned, and a printed circuit board which receives wiring to interconnect the battery and the motor on the other, thereby closing the circuit. 1. A finger ring for performing a magic act , wherein it comprises a ring with an annular main body , the upper portion of which developing a flat and slightly recessed top face , receiving the contact blade , connected to the switch and battery , in addition to a metal plate and at least four magnet elements and , finally , the ring stone; the magnets are attached to the metal plate; in the lower portion of the ring there is a motor housing cavity and a second contact blade , which connects to the switch , which is housed in a further cavity , this one positioned laterally said switch , whose on/off button is positioned on the outer face of the main body of said ring , said switch connected to the contact blade through internal wiring; the actuator button of the switch is projected outward the ring through a small hole; the device applied to the ring is composed of a miniaturized vibration motor , an equally miniaturized on/off switch , a battery , metal contact blades , on which the battery and the motor are positioned , in addition to a printed circuit board which receives the wiring.2. The finger ring for performing a magic act according to claim 1 , wherein the power supply element is a battery.3. The finger ring for performing a magic act according to claim 1 , wherein the magnets provided in the upper part of the ring are made of Neodymium.4. The finger ring for performing a magic act according to claim 1 , wherein that the ring has a variant in which the battery is a rechargeable-type lithium battery claim 1 , which is housed in the upper region of the main body of the ring; the electric vibration motor is assembled against ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098635A1

The present invention relates to a special effect chair, and the special effect chair includes a chair; a heating element installed inside the chair; a wind blowing unit for circulating air heated by the heating element; and a discharge unit for discharging the air circulated by the wind blowing unit to the outside of the chair, and the discharge unit is positioned on the front side of the chair. Accordingly, according to the present invention, power consumption can be reduced as much as one twentieth compared with a conventional technique by reducing the distance of injecting hot air and adding a heat storage function. 1. A special effect chair comprising:a chair;a heating element installed inside the chair;a wind blowing unit for circulating air heated by the heating element; anda discharge unit for discharging the air circulated by the wind blowing unit to an outside of the chair, wherein the discharge unit is positioned on a front side of the chair.2. The special effect chair according to claim 1 , wherein the heating element is formed of a material which abruptly increases a resistance value at a specific temperature or higher.3. The special effect chair according to claim 2 , wherein the heating element includes a PTC heater.4. The special effect chair according to claim 1 , wherein the chair includes:a seat unit;a base unit for supporting lower part of the seat unit; anda backrest combined with the seat unit or the base unit and formed to be extended upward.5. The special effect chair according to claim 4 , wherein the discharge unit is positioned on a front side of the backrest.6. The special effect chair according to claim 5 , wherein the discharge unit is positioned at an upper portion on the front side of the backrest claim 5 , and the heating element is arranged between a center portion of the backrest and the upper portion where the discharge unit is formed.7. The special effect chair according to claim 4 , further comprising an armrest combined at ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Dynamic Seat Movement Platform

Номер: US20200101392A1
Автор: JIANG Jiacheng

This patent provides a dynamic seat movement platform, which comprises an upper support frame and a lower support frame, and three electric cylinders are arranged between the upper support frame and the lower support frame. At the same time, it is also provided with a first auxiliary support frame and a second auxiliary support frame. The bottom ends of the first auxiliary support frame and the second auxiliary support frames are arranged on a side of the lower support frame, wherein an end surface of the joint bearing disposed on the first auxiliary support frame is horizontally installed, and an end surface of the joint bearing disposed on the second auxiliary support frame is vertically installed. This patent can make the dynamic motion chair has features of simple structure, accurate simulation and smooth movements, fast response, characteristics of a large range of movement. It can also according to the action instruction files, cooperate with the films used to produce even smooth and precise movements, make the viewer produces in the plot of the film experience and brings viewer feel stimulation from the comprehensive multi-dimension. 1. A dynamic seat movement platform comprising an upper support frame and a lower support frame , wherein three electric cylinders are arranged between the upper support frame and the lower support frame; a first auxiliary supporting frame and a second auxiliary supporting frame positioned between the upper support frame and the lower support frame; wherein bottom ends of the first auxiliary support frame and the second auxiliary support frames are arranged on a side of the lower support frame , wherein top ends of the first auxiliary support frame and the second auxiliary support frame are connected to the upper support frame by joint bearing that extends to a side of the upper support frame opposite to the first auxiliary support frame and the second auxiliary support frame , wherein an end surface of the joint bearing disposed ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Suspended Load Carrying System

Номер: US20160116110A1
Принадлежит: Oceaneering International Inc

Various embodiments of load carrying systems comprise a load supporting frame comprising three or more connection points and an associated set of lifts configured which define six separate triangles defining separate planes configured to brace against surge, sway and yaw with respect to a support frame, such as unintended or unwanted surge, sway and yaw, while allowing intended and/or desired surge, sway and yaw.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113152A1
Автор: Weston Denise Chapman

A playmate toy or similar children's toy is provided having associated wireless, batteryless ID tag that can be read from and/or written to using a radio-frequency communication protocol. The tag is mounted internally within a cavity of the toy and thereby provides wireless communication of stored information without requiring removal and reinsertion of the tag. In this manner, a stuffed animal or other toy can be quickly and easily identified non-invasively, without damaging the toy. Additional information (e.g., unique personality traits, special powers, skill levels, etc.) can also be stored on the ID tag, thus providing further personality enhancement, input/output programming, simulated intelligence and/or interactive gaming possibilities. 110-. (canceled)11. A wireless interactive toy comprising:a body having an inner portion and an outer portion; anda wirelessly-powered radio frequency identification device (RFID) tag located within the inner portion of said body,wherein the wirelessly-powered RFID tag comprises:a unique identifier;a processor; andnon-volatile programmable memory; anda radio frequency (RF) transceiver adapted to facilitate two-way wireless communication with one or more compatible RFID reader devices.12. The toy of claim 11 , wherein the RFID tag comprises a passive RFID tag.13. The toy of claim 11 , wherein the RFID tag is disposed on a support structure.14. The toy of claim 13 , wherein the support structure comprises a plastic sheet substrate.15. The toy of claim 11 , wherein the outer portion comprises a fabric material and wherein the inner portion comprises a stuffing material.16. The toy of claim 15 , wherein the body comprises a form representing an animal.17. The toy of claim 11 , wherein the outer portion comprises a plastic material.18. The toy of claim 11 , wherein the body comprises a form representing an action figure.19. The toy of claim 11 , wherein the inner portion comprises a cavity.20. A wireless interactive toy comprising ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200106989A1

A special effects communication system may include a camera system at a first location that generates a first dataset based on one or more images or impressions of a first user at the first location. The special effects communication system may also include a control system communicatively coupled to the camera system and a special effects system. The control system may receive a second dataset corresponding to a second user present at a second location or to one or more users at one or more locations while the first user is present at the first location. The control system may also provide one or more control signals to cause the special effects system at the first location to generate special effects to present a visual and/or auditory likeness of the second user using special effects material and/or mediums. 1. A special effects communication system , comprising:a camera system at a first location and configured to generate a first dataset based on one or more images or impressions of a first user, wherein the first user is present at the first location;a special effects system configured to generate special effects using a special effects material at the first location; and transmit the first dataset to a destination device;', 'receive a second dataset from the destination device or a stored dataset based on one or more images or impressions of a second user present at a second location while the first user is present at the first location; and', 'provide one or more control signals based on the received second dataset, the one or more control signals being configured to cause the special effects system at the first location to generate the special effects to present a likeness of the second user to the first user using the special effects material., 'a control system communicatively coupled to the camera system and the special effects system, wherein the control system is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the special effects material comprises ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117491A1

The present invention relates to a motion chair included in a 4D theater and a motion chair control system for controlling a plurality of the motion chairs. More specifically, the present invention relates to a motion chair, including a control unit configured to receive control data from an operating server and selectively control some or all of effect device control units, the effect device control units configured to correspond to one or more effect devices and to independently control corresponding effect devices under the control of the control unit, and the effect devices for implementing special effects, and a system for controlling the motion chairs. 1. A motion chair , comprising:a control unit configured to selectively control some or all of a plurality of effect device control units;the plurality of effect device control units configured to correspond to one or more effect devices and to drive corresponding effect devices under a control of the control unit; andthe plurality of effect devices each configured to comprise a device for implementing a special effect and driven under a control of the effect device control units.2. The motion chair of claim 1 , wherein:the control unit receives a motion file comprising a motion schedule from an operating server, andthe control unit controls each of the effect device control units based on the motion file.3. The motion chair of claim 1 , wherein the control unit receives a time code synchronization command from an operating server and performs time code synchronization with the operating server in response to the time code synchronization command.4. The motion chair of claim 3 , wherein after performing the time code synchronization claim 3 , the control unit shares synchronized time code with each of the effect device control units.5. The motion chair of claim 1 , wherein each of the effect device control units accesses an upgrade server every predetermined cycle claim 1 , determines whether upgrade is ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180121886A1
Автор: KIM Soo Jin, OHM Wayne

The present invention relates to a system and method for collecting, by a single server, an overall situation of theaters operating in various areas nationwide or all over the world, for example, state information, maintenance and repair information about each theater, and theater information of screening-related devices and for enabling a user to control a plurality of theaters using such pieces of information. To this end, the present invention includes a theater server included in each theater and a control server configured to receive a variety of pieces of information from the theater server and process the information. 1. A theater control system , comprising:a theater server configured to collect state information from screening-related devices included in a theater, generate a state message based on the state information, and transmit the generated state message to a control server; andthe control server configured to receive the state message from the theater server, extract state information from the state message, and provide the extracted state information to a user.2. The theater control system of claim 1 , wherein the state information comprises at least one of device error information claim 1 , screening schedule information claim 1 , current screening information claim 1 , administrator input information claim 1 , and KDM reception state information.3. The theater control system of claim 1 , wherein the state message further comprises theater information.4. The theater control system of claim 3 , wherein the theater information comprises any one of a theater identifier claim 3 , a telephone number claim 3 , an address claim 3 , a number of screens claim 3 , and installed screening-related devices.5. The theater control system of claim 1 , wherein the state message further comprises maintenance and repair information.6. The theater control system of claim 5 , wherein the maintenance and repair information comprises any one of a maintenance and repair ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160139562A1

Systems and methods herein are directed to creating a holographic image (e.g., in line with Pepper's Ghost Illusion) with a panel display (e.g., Plasma, liquid crystal display (LCD), light-emitting diode (LED), etc.) as the light source for the holographic image. As described herein, such displays may include any size display, such as ranging from personal electronic equipment (e.g., watches, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, monitors, televisions, etc.) through to stage-sized displays for larger venues (e.g., concerts, stage shows, etc.). In addition, a diffusion layer may be provided in order to reduce or generally eliminate a “Moiré effect” that occurs due to physical properties of the interaction between the panel display and transparent screen.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200129878A1

A method may include acquiring, via a capture system, a dataset associated with a user at a first location, detecting, via a control system, the user at a second location, displaying, via an environmental system, one or more images generated from the dataset at the second location in response to detecting the user at or past the second location, and triggering, via a special effect system, a special effect during the displaying at the second location in response to detecting the user at or past the second location. The dataset may include image data of the user. 1. A special effects visualization system , comprising:a capture system configured to generate a dataset associated with a user based on likeness data of the user at a first location;an environmental system configured to display one or more images at a second location different from the first location;a special effects system configured to trigger a special effect at the second location; anda control system communicatively coupled to the capture system, the environmental system, and the special effects system, wherein the control system is configured to:detect a presence of the user at the second location; and transmit one or more control signals to the environmental system based on the dataset, wherein the one or more control signals are configured to cause the environmental system to display the one or more images at the second location after the user has traveled through the second location, wherein the one or more images are generated using the dataset; and', 'transmit one or more additional control signals to the special effects system, wherein the one or more additional control signals are configured to cause the special effects system to trigger the special effect during display of the one or more images at the second location., 'in response to detecting the presence of the user at the second location2. The special effects visualization system of claim 1 , wherein the environmental system is ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and information processing method, display equipped with artificial intelligence function, and rendition system equipped with artificial intelligence function

Номер: US20220286728A1
Принадлежит: Sony Group Corp

Provided is an information processing apparatus that gives a rendition effect using an artificial intelligence function while a user is viewing and listening to content. The information processing apparatus that controls an operation of an external device of a display with use of an artificial intelligence function includes an acquisition unit that acquires a video image or an audio output from the display, an estimation unit that estimates the operation of the external device synchronized with the video image or the audio with use of the artificial intelligence function, and an output unit that outputs an instruction of the estimated operation to the external device. The external device is a rendition device that outputs a rendition effect on the basis of the estimated operation.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for Producing a Fire Special Effect

Номер: US20190143238A1
Принадлежит: Technifex, Inc.

The invention is directed to an apparatus for use in producing a simulated flame/fire effect using steam or theatrical smoke. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes an first chamber for receiving steam or theatrical smoke, an annular second chamber that surrounds the first chamber and defines an annular closed-loop slot through which a closed-loop sheet of steam or theatrical smoke exits, a passageway for conveying smoke from the first chamber to the annular second chamber, a lighting structure for projecting light onto the steam or theatrical smoke exiting the annular slot, and an air modulator for modulating the position of the steam or theatrical smoke exiting the slot. 1. A special effect device for use in creating a simulated fire effect comprising:a pipe for conveying a stream of gas that has a somewhat opaque character when dispersed into an ambient atmosphere from a first terminal end of the pipe to a second terminal end of the pipe;an inner first chamber for receiving a stream of gas from the second end of the pipe, the inner first chamber defining a first enclosed space;wherein the second terminal end of the pipe is located in the first enclosed space;an annular second chamber for receiving a stream of gas from the first chamber, the annular second chamber surrounding the first chamber and defining a second enclosed space that is separate from the first enclosed space, the annular second chamber defining an annular closed-loop slot for directing a closed-loop sheet of gas into the ambient atmosphere; anda passageway for conveying gas from the inner first chamber to the annular second chamber.2. A special effect device claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the inner first chamber includes a first upper wall, a first lower wall separated from the first upper wall, and a first side wall that forms a first closed loop and is located between the first upper wall and first lower wall.3. A special effect device claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:the ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Simulated Afterburner Flame Effect

Номер: US20190143239A1
Принадлежит: Technifex, Inc.

The invention is directed to special effect device that is used to produce a simulated flame that has the shape and, if desired, the color characteristics of the flame produced by a jet afterburner. In one embodiment, the device includes a steam system for providing a stream of steam, a steam accelerator for applying a high-speed and highly linear stream of air to steam provided by the steam system to produce at steam cloud with a highly linear shape similar to the shape of the flame produced by a jet afterburner, and a lighting system to project desired colors onto the linear steam cloud. 1. A special effect device for use in creating a simulated afterburner flame effect , the device comprising:a pipe for conveying a stream of steam from a first terminal end of the pipe to a second terminal end of the pipe;a steam accelerator, disposed adjacent to the second terminal end of the pipe, for causing an output stream of steam ejected from the second terminal end of the pipe to be formed into a steam cloud with a linear columnar shape extending away from the second terminal end of the pipe; anda lighting structure adapted to project light onto a steam cloud with a linear columnar shape and extending away from the second terminal end of the pipe so as to create an illusion of an afterburner-shaped flame.2. A special effect device claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the steam accelerator comprises a nozzle adapted to receive a stream of steam from the second terminal end of the pipe and use the Venturi effect to produce a stream of air that is applied to stream of steam so as to produce the steam cloud with the linear columnar shape.3. A special effect device claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the steam accelerator comprises an air amplifier adapted to receive a stream of steam from the second terminal end of the pipe and use the Coanda effect to produce a stream of air that is applied to the stream of steam to produce the steam cloud with the linear columnar ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Simulated Fire Effect Using Steam

Номер: US20190143240A1
Принадлежит: Technifex, Inc.

The invention is directed to special effect device that is used to produce a simulated flame that has the shape and, if desired, the color characteristics of an actual flame. The device is particularly adapted to applications in which individuals may be in close proximity to the device. In this regard, the device produces little noise that would indicate to such an individual that the simulated being produced by the device is not a real flame. In one embodiment, the device includes a sintered nozzle that receives a stream of steam and outputs a steam cloud, a steam accelerator for applying a linear stream of air to steam cloud output by the sintered nozzle, and a lighting system to project desired colors onto the linear steam cloud. 1. A special effect device for use in creating a simulated flame effect using steam , the device comprising:a pipe for conveying a stream of steam from a first terminal end of the pipe to a second terminal end of the pipe;a sintered nozzle for receiving a stream of steam from the second terminal end of the pipe and producing a steam cloud that extends away from the sintered nozzle and the second terminal end of the pipe;a steam accelerator, disposed adjacent to the second terminal end of the pipe, for applying a linear stream of air to the steam cloud produced adjacent to the sintered nozzle so as produce a linear steam cloud extending away from the sintered nozzle; anda lighting structure adapted to project light onto a steam cloud extending away from the sintered nozzle so as to create an illusion of a flame.2. A special effect device claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a deflector positioned adjacent to the sintered nozzle for causing a linear stream cloud extending away from the sintered nozzle to spread.3. A special effect device claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the steam accelerator comprising:a fan adapted to produce a stream of air;a flow straightener having an input side positioned to receive a stream ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159390A1
Автор: Magpuri Cecil D.

An entertainment structure and apparatus principally comprising a 360-degree 2D and/or 3D cinematic theater. Seating for audience members is arrangeable on a circular motion base platform. A compound curved screen may lower from above to surround the theater upon a circular motion base platform, providing seamless media. A 2D/3D projection system is oriented within the structure to provide 2D/3D images on the screen through projection overlap for edge blending. A control system is used to rotate, pitch and roll the motion base platform. The control system can be synchronized with the media presentation. The structure includes a number of variations such as a variety of seating orientations, a stationary screen, a variety of screen configurations, and modular tracking seating. 112-. (canceled)13. A theater comprising:one or more curved rows of seats on a motion base, with the seats facing inwardly towards a central area of the theater, and with the seats around the central area;a dome-shaped screen around the seats, with substantially each seat having a sight line through the central area;multiple projectors arranged to project images of a media presentation onto the screen;a controller linked to the motion base for coordinating movement of the motion base with the projected media presentation; andwith the curved rows of seats rotatable about the central area of the theater and also tiltable.14. The theater of further including an elevator to provide access for audience members to the seats.15. The theater of wherein the screen is stationary with seats removed to provide ingress and egress into and out of the theater.16. The theater of with the seats in semicircles.17. The theater of with the seats aligned on radii of the screen.18. The theater of with the motion base on a track section in a circular configuration.19. The theater of with the seats between the central area and the screen.20. A theater comprising:one or more rows of seats rotatably supported on a ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190149799A1

The invention is generally directed to a visual attraction which provides a multi-dimensional audio/video experience in which the three dimensional screens provide for a three dimensional appearing display of two dimensional images in anticipation of and leading up to a reveal event in which the screens rise to expose a view behind the screens. The visual attraction also collects and separates the visitors to the visual attraction by collecting a predetermined grouping of the visitors and processing them through the attraction in a fashion which provides a manageable flow of visitors spaced apart by the length of the show which then passes the group of visitors in the attraction to the remainder of the attraction before collecting and passing through the next group. 1. An audiovisual theater , comprising:a theater, having a floor, ceiling, back wall, front wall, and a viewing area for viewers between the back wall and the front wall, the front wall having a region of interest therein;a screen placed between the viewing area and the front wall;the screen defining a planar primary surface with a top, a bottom, and left and right sides; the planar primary surface having a three-dimensional relief visible from the viewing area and extending over a substantial portion of the screen between the left and right sides, the three-dimensional relief having a plurality of forward surfaces, a plurality of side surfaces, and a plurality of top surfaces, wherein the forward, side, and top surfaces define a plurality of polyhedrons extending outwards from the planar primary surface, each forward surface having a respective width between the sides of the screen, a height relative to the bottom of the screen, and a displacement from the primary surface, at least some of the forward surfaces differing from other forward surfaces in one or more of respective width, height, and displacement;a plurality of projectors spaced from the screen and configured to project images on the screen; ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210192399A1

Examples generate and operate a unitary, or composite, interface, having a number of sections or portions that are concurrently and persistently displayed, and using which a user can conveniently navigate through a reserved seat selection process, from selecting a particular theater or venue, through to the final seat selection. In addition, the example unitary interface also proposes various features and mechanisms to enable the user to conveniently locate and purchase a desired or acceptable ticket (e.g., one that is located at a good a viewing angle relative to a screen, or that is contiguously located next to other available seats for friends and family). 1. A method to generate a user-interface for a movie ticket reservation , the method comprising:causing presentation of a unitary interface, the unitary interface having a first portion to receive a first user selection input, a second portion to receive a second selection input, and a seating map portion to display a movie theater seating map, each of the first, second and seating map portions being concurrently presented within the unitary interface;receiving the first selection input;causing presentation of the first selection input in the first portion of the unitary interface;responsive to receiving the first selection input, accessing a movie database to identify a selection subset for the second selection input;causing presentation of the selection subset within the second portion of the unitary interface;receiving the second selection input, from the selection subset as presented within the second portion of the unitary interface,responsive to receiving and using the second selection input, accessing the movie theater seating map; andcausing presentation of the movie theater seating map within the seating map portion of the unitary interface, concurrently with the presentation of the first selection input in the first portion of the unitary interface and the presentation of the second selection input in ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197095A1

A multi-platform vibro-kinetic system comprises a plurality of motion platforms each having actuators to be displaceable to produce vibro-kinetic effects. The system may obtain movements of one or more operator(s), interpret the movements of the operator and identifying from the movements an operator instruction for effect generation, and output a motion signal containing instructions for producing a vibro-kinetic effect on at least one of the motion platforms as a response to the operator instruction. 1. A system for actuating motion platforms of a multi-platform vibro-kinetic system comprising:a processing unit; anda non-transitory computer-readable memory communicatively coupled to the processing unit and comprising computer-readable program instructions executable by the processing unit for:obtaining movements of at least one operator,interpreting the movements of the operator and identifying from the movements an operator instruction for effect generation, andoutputting a motion signal containing instructions for producing a vibro-kinetic effect on at least one of the motion platforms as a response to the operator instruction.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein obtaining movements of at least one operator includes obtaining a stream of a three-dimensional model representation of an operator.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein obtaining movements of the operator includes capturing the movements from at least one motion sensing input device.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein obtaining movements of the operator includes generating the three-dimensional model representation of the operator.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein interpreting the movements of the operator includes obtaining a motion sample as a function of an interpreted type of the movements.6. The system according to claim 5 , wherein outputting a motion signal includes obtaining the motion sample from a database matching motion samples with interpreted types of ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for determining content screening suitabilities in a multi-projection theater

Номер: US20160178361A1
Принадлежит: CJ CGV CO Ltd

The present invention relates to a method of determining content screening suitabilities in a multi-projection theater including a plurality of projection planes. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method of determining content screening suitabilities based on a series of operation equations using content attribute values, such as the horizontal length and vertical length of an output screen when content is played back, and theater attribute values, such as the length and height of the surface of a front or side wall within a theater building. The method may include calculating at least one of a screen attribute value and a theater attribute value, calculating a suitability based on the screen attribute value or the theater attribute value, and determining whether the calculated suitability falls within a predetermined range.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190168130A1
Автор: Billen William D.

A foldable box with a hidden compartment formed from a sheet of semi-rigid material is presented. The box includes a bottom panel, a left inner side panel, a right inner side panel, a mirror panel, a front panel, a top panel, a left outer side panel, a right outer side panel, a back panel and an inner backer panel. The panels are connected to various other panels which when folded present a box with a compartment that is divided into a front compartment and a hidden compartment. The front compartment is viewable through an opening in the front of the box. A mirrored panel viewable through the opening creates an illusion of depth. An object placed in the hidden compartment through the top of the box, unexpectedly cannot be seen through the opening. The box is foldable and configurable by a child for entertainment and enjoyment. 1. A foldable box with a hidden compartment and optical illusion , said foldable box comprising:a sheet of semi-rigid material presenting a bottom panel, a left inner side panel, a right inner side panel, a mirror panel, a front panel, a top panel, a left outer side panel, a right outer side panel, and a back panel;said left inner side panel connected to said bottom panel along a first fold line;said right inner side panel connected to said bottom panel along a second fold line opposite said first fold line;said mirror panel having a reflective surface and connected to said bottom panel along a third fold line;said front panel having an aperture and connected to said bottom panel along a fourth fold line opposite said third fold line;said top panel having an aperture and connected to said front panel along a fifth fold line opposite said fourth fold line;said left outer side panel connected to said top panel along a sixth fold line;said right outer side panel connected to said top panel along a seventh fold line opposite said sixth fold line;said back panel connected to said top panel along an eighth fold line opposite said fifth fold line; ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164268A1

A multi-platform gaming system for amusing or entertaining one or more game participants playing a game on a gaming platform is described. The multi-platform gaming system can include collectible toys depicting or representing one or more game characters or objects relevant to a game adapted to be played on the gaming platform. The collectible toys can have associated therewith an RFID tag including a corresponding unique tag identification number. The RFID tag can include an antenna, integrated circuitry for wirelessly transmitting and receiving information to and from an associated RFID tag reader, and non-volatile programmable memory for storing game-relevant information describing skills, abilities or attributes associated with one of said game characters or objects. 118-. (canceled)19. A method for providing multiple guests with one or more interactive adventures , the method comprising:providing each guest with a portable identification device comprising: (i) a first non-volatile memory storing a first unique identifier and an encryption key; (ii) a first radiofrequency (RF) transceiver; and (iii) a first antenna configured to activate said first RF transceiver when said first antenna is energized by an external RF field;providing, at different locations within a gaming area, multiple RF reader devices, each comprising: (i) a second non-volatile memory storing a second unique identifier; (ii) a second RF transceiver configured to wirelessly communicate with said first RF transceiver; and (iii) a second antenna configured to produce an external RF field that energizes said first antenna by inductive coupling over a predetermined distance;providing, at different locations within said gaming area, multiple display devices for delivering an interactive adventure based at least in part on the first unique identifier and the encryption key, wherein the encryption key is used to authenticate data received from said portable identification device, and wherein the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Receiving apparatus and method, transmitting apparatus and method, and program

Номер: US20190180578A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present disclosure relates to a receiving apparatus and method, a transmitting apparatus and method, and a program, which can vibrate a device in a specific area of a receiving area. An example, in which users wearing respective wearable receiving apparatuses are freely moving in the receiving area, is shown. A directional transmitting device unit transmits an area designation signal, and the reachable range of the signal is shown as a beam irradiation area. Only the user in the beam irradiation area receives the area designation signal transmitted by the directional transmitting device unit. The present disclosure can be applied to, for example, a video projection system that vibrates a receiving apparatus by transmission and reception of a directional wireless signal in the specific area where the video is projected.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213370A1
Автор: Wang Hengzhong

A power supply magic box includes a box body and a box cover provided on the box body, wherein the box cover is provided on the top of the box body; the box body is provided with a first vertical plate and a second vertical plate, the vertical plate divides the box body into a first accommodating cavity and a second accommodating cavity, the second vertical plate is located inside the second accommodating cavity, and the second vertical plate divides the second accommodating cavity into a first accommodating part and a second accommodating part; the box body is provided with a controller and a circuit board, the circuit board is electrically connected to the controller; the box body is further provided with a voltage regulating knob, a voltage display screen and a touch switch, the voltage display screen and the touch switch are both electrically connected with the circuit board. 1. A power supply magic box , comprising a box body and a box cover provided on the box body , whereinthe box cover is provided on the top of the box body;the box body is provided with a first vertical plate and a second vertical plate, the vertical plate divides the box body into a first accommodating cavity and a second accommodating cavity, the second vertical plate is located inside the second accommodating cavity, and the second vertical plate divides the second accommodating cavity into a first accommodating part and a second accommodating part;the box body is provided with a controller and a circuit board, the circuit board is electrically connected to the controller;the box body is further provided with a voltage regulating knob, a voltage display screen and a touch switch, the voltage display screen and the touch switch are both electrically connected with the circuit board, and the pressure regulating knob is electrically connected to the controller.2. The power supply magic box according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is provided in the first accommodating cavity claim 1 , ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215303A1
Автор: Schlapik Kevin D.

Wands of the present disclosure have features that increase entertainment value, improve portability, durability, and balance, making the wands especially well-suited for use in creative routines. The wands include a middle section or an end section that at least partially houses a light engine, and at least one pole configured to couple to the middle section or end section in an axially-aligned assembly. The light engine causes the pole to transmit light. 1. A wand , comprising:a middle section at least partially housing a light engine; anda first pole and a second pole, each being configured to couple to the middle section in an axially-aligned assembly;wherein the light engine causes the first pole and the second pole to transmit light.2. The wand of claim 1 , wherein the light engine comprises at least one light claim 1 , a power source claim 1 , and a controller in electrical communication with each other claim 1 , the controller being programmed with at least one module that controls illumination of the at least one light.3. The wand of claim 2 , wherein the at least one light includes a first light and a second light claim 2 , the first light being located in the middle section adjacent to a first receiver portion thereof claim 2 , and the second light being located in the middle section adjacent to a second receiver portion thereof claim 2 , wherein the first light and the second light are configured to transmit light axially outwardly from the middle section through the first pole and the second pole claim 2 , respectively.4. The wand of claim 3 , wherein the controller and the power source are positioned between the first light and the second light.5. The wand of claim 2 , wherein the at least one light includes a first light and a second light claim 2 , the first light being located in the first pole claim 2 , and the second light being located within the second pole claim 2 , wherein each of the first pole and the second pole have an electrical contact ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

System For Showing Image Having Game Function

Номер: US20140277771A1
Автор: Sang Hee Park
Принадлежит: CJ 4D PLEX Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a system for showing an image, and more particularly, to a system for showing an image having a game function of performing an interactive game for viewers in a theater. To this end, the present invention provides a system for showing an image, including: a plurality of motion chair assemblies including a predetermined number of motion chairs; a center server configured to control the motion chair assembly; and a screen configured to display an image output from the center server, in which a signal generated in the motion chair assembly is transmitted to the center server according to an image displayed on the screen, and when the generated signal does not accord with a preset condition, the center server operates the motion chair assembly, and when the generated signal accords with the preset condition, the center server does not operate the motion chair assembly.

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Scent dispenser device and a head mounting device with the scent dispenser device

Номер: US20200179554A1
Автор: Joshua Roehrig
Принадлежит: Individual

A scent dispenser device and a head mounting device including the scent dispenser device is provided. The scent dispenser device may be used by a subject watching a motion picture in order to enhance the user experience of a motion picture. The scent dispenser device includes a first housing, which in turn includes a tape cartridge and a drive mechanism. The scent dispenser device is positioned close to the nostrils of the subject, and the tape cartridge includes one or more scent zone. The drive mechanism advances the tape cartridge inside the first housing, and the scent from the one or more scent zone is exposed to the nostrils of the subject, in case the drive mechanism is in operation.

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170209804A1
Принадлежит: CJ 4DPLEX CO., LTD

The present specification relates to a scent-generating apparatus and a special-effect experiential chair equipped with same, and more specifically, to a scent-generating apparatus which is installed in the interior or exterior of a movie theater and operates during a movie screening to release scent into the audience and impart olfactory effects, thereby maximizing the degree of immersion of the audience, and to a special-effect experiential chair equipped with the scent-generating apparatus. 122-. (canceled)23. A scent-generating apparatus comprising:a liquid spray unit which has a first chamber that stores a scent liquid, and a sprayer that sprays the scent liquid stored in the first chamber; anda filter unit which has a filter that filters the scent liquid sprayed from the liquid spray unit, a second chamber in which the scent liquid filtered by the filter remains, and an air outlet that discharges scent gas generated as the scent liquid sprayed by the liquid spray unit is filtered.24. The scent-generating apparatus of claim 23 , wherein the liquid spray unit has a partition wall installed between the first chamber and the sprayer claim 23 , an orifice tube is provided in the partition wall claim 23 , compressed air is introduced into the first chamber through the orifice tube when the compressed air is introduced claim 23 , and the scent liquid stored in the first chamber is sprayed by using at least one of the Venturi effect and a pressure difference created by the introduced air.25. The scent-generating apparatus of claim 23 , further comprising:a connecting tube which connects the first chamber and the second chamber,wherein the filter unit filters the sprayed scent liquid, the filtered scent liquid remains in the second chamber, and the scent liquid remaining in the second chamber returns back to the first chamber through the connecting tube by using a pressure difference between the first chamber and the second chamber.26. The scent-generating apparatus of ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210236952A1
Автор: Krauthamer Akiva Meir

An augmented reality system includes a first scene and a second scene. Further, the augmented reality system includes a partially reflective surface positioned relative to the first scene, the second scene, and an audience to facilitate viewing of one of the first scene or the second scene through the partially reflective surface and to facilitate reflection of the other of the first scene or the second scene toward the audience as augmented reality imagery. A sensor of the augmented reality system is designed to detect and generate data indicative of a characteristic of the first scene, and a correlative effect system is operable to receive the data and adjust the second scene based thereon. 1. An augmented reality system , comprising:a first scene;a second scene;a partially reflective surface positioned relative to the first scene, the second scene, and an audience to facilitate viewing of the first scene through the partially reflective surface and to facilitate reflection of the second scene toward the audience as augmented reality imagery;a sensor configured to detect at least one characteristic of the first scene and generate data indicative of the at least one characteristic, wherein the at least one characteristic comprises a positioning of a physical object in the first scene; anda correlative effect system comprises one or more processors and a memory, accessible by the one or more processors, wherein the memory stores instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the one or more processors to receive the data and adjust the second scene based on the data by instructing one or more actuators to reposition the partially reflective surface such that the augmented reality imagery is positioned relative to the positioning of the physical object.2. The augmented reality system of claim 1 , wherein the first scene comprises first lighting claim 1 , the second scene comprises second lighting claim 1 , the at least one characteristic ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238842A1
Автор: Trumbull Douglas
Принадлежит: Magi International, LLC

A portable theater includes a plurality of individual panels assembled together to form a theater enclosure, a plurality of audience seats installed within the assembled theater enclosure, and a projection screen mounted within the assembled theater enclosure. The projection screen has a partial toroidal shaped reflective surface configured to reflect, toward the plurality of audience seats, a moving image as projected by a projector. 1. A portable theater comprising:a plurality of individual panels assembled together to form a theater enclosure;a plurality of audience seats installed within the assembled theater enclosure; anda hemispherically curved projection screen mounted within the assembled theater enclosure, the projection screen having a partial toroidal shaped reflective surface configured to reflect, toward the plurality of audience seats, a moving image as projected by a projector.2. The portable theater of claim 1 , wherein the projector is configured to project the moving image onto the projection screen by flashing individual frames of the moving image one time each in a sequence that alternates between left eye frames as recorded at left eye recordal times and right eye frames as recorded at right eye recordal times claim 1 , each successive frame of the sequence having been recorded at a successive time and projected temporally with respect to one another in the sequence to show the moving image claim 1 , resulting in a projected frame rate of at least 120 frames per second claim 1 , wherein the left eye frames are recorded at at least 60 frames per second and at the left eye recordal times claim 1 , and wherein the right eye frames are recorded at at least 60 frames per second and at right eye recordal times offset from the left eye recordal times.3. The portable theater of claim 2 , further comprising the projector.4. The portable theater of claim 1 , wherein the projection screen has a vertical axis passing through a center point of the ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Entertainment device comprising suspended simulation platform

Номер: US20150224411A1
Принадлежит: Valtiner & Partner, Zt-Gmbh

An entertainment device includes a screen on which a film can be shown, a movable simulation platform, a multiplicity of audience places or locations disposed on the simulation platform, each place or location having a supporting element for spectators to lean against, a drive device for moving the simulation platform, and a controlling or regulating unit for controlling or regulating the movement of the simulation platform. The movable simulation platform can be moved by the drive device under control of the controlling or regulation unit in dependence on a motion data track corresponding to the film. The simulation platform is suspended from cables which can be moved by the drive device.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180214787A1

Interactive entertainment devices including a toy magic wand with integrated electronics for, among other things, detecting wand motion and responding accordingly, such as illuminating one or more LEDs, displaying images on one or more LCD displays, playing sound effects or character speech, emitting infrared (IR) signals via one or more IR emitters, or some combination thereof. An exemplary device may include a “fairy house” or “wizard tower” playset with integrated electronics for receiving one or more received IR signals and responding or reacting accordingly. For example, depending on the nature of the received IR signals, the electronics may illuminate one or more LEDs, display images on one or more LCD displays, play sound effects or character speech, emit IR signals via one or more IR emitters, or some combination thereof. 1. An integrated interactive entertainment device comprising:a wand, said wand being generally cylindrical about a first axis, said wand having a first end and a second end, said wand having a base portion extending from said first end toward the second end, configured to be held in a hand of a user, wherein a length of the base portion widens perpendicularly with respect to the first axis into a middle portion, said wand having a stem section extending from the middle portion towards the second end, wherein said base section, middle portion, and stem section each contain a cavity therein, said cavity generally extending along a length of said first axis;one or more light sources, said light sources positioned at said second end;a first display device, said first display device positioned at said middle portion and oriented such that said first display device is viewable by the user;a second display device, said second display device positioned within the cavity of said stem portion;one or more orientation devices;one or more electronic devices, said electronic devices being operatively connected to said first display device, said second ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Toy interactive entertainment devices

Номер: US20180214788A1
Принадлежит: CEPIA LLC

Interactive entertainment devices including a toy magic wand with integrated electronics for, among other things, detecting wand motion and responding accordingly, such as illuminating one or more LEDs, displaying images on one or more LCD displays, playing sound effects or character speech, emitting infrared (IR) signals via one or more IR emitters, or some combination thereof. An exemplary device may include a “fairy house” or “wizard tower” playset with integrated electronics for receiving one or more received IR signals and responding or reacting accordingly. For example, depending on the nature of the received IR signals, the electronics may illuminate one or more LEDs, display images on one or more LCD displays, play sound effects or character speech, emit IR signals via one or more IR emitters, or some combination thereof.

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225093A1

A light absorbing configuration for a venue in which images are projected to a display screen located at or near a front of the venue, may comprise a light absorbing structure deployed on one or more front portions on one or more of a ceiling, side walls, or a floor of the venue. The light absorbing structure comprises grooves formed at least in part by a first type of light reflective surfaces configured to receive a portion of light rays directly reflected off the display screen and a second type of light reflective surfaces configured to receive light rays reflected off the first type of light reflective surfaces. 1. A light absorbing configuration for a venue in which images are projected to a display screen , comprising:a light absorbing structure deployed on one or more portions on one or more of a ceiling, side walls, or a floor of the venue;wherein the light absorbing structure comprises grooves formed at least in part by a first type of light reflective surfaces configured to receive a portion of light rays directly reflected off the display screen and a second type of light reflective surfaces configured to receive light rays reflected off the first type of light reflective surfaces.2. The light absorbing configuration as recited in claim 1 , wherein the light absorbing structure is rigid.3. The light absorbing configuration as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first type of light reflective surfaces forms one or more acute angles with the second type of light reflective surfaces.4. The light absorbing configuration as recited in claim 1 , wherein a groove of the grooves formed by the first type of light reflective surfaces and the second type of light reflective surfaces is configured to trap incident light received on the first type of light reflective surfaces for two or more internal reflections within the groove.5. The light absorbing configuration as recited in claim 1 , wherein a depth of a groove in the grooves formed by the first type of light ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190215929A1
Принадлежит: ESKI Inc.

The present invention concerns a projection system for providing a distributed manifestation within an environment. The projection system includes a data generator for generating a plurality of data sets of associated state data and spatial coordinate data. The projection system also includes a projector in communication with the data generator for receiving the data sets. The projector is provided with a signal generating module for generating a plurality of electromagnetic signals, and a projecting module for projecting each of the electromagnetic signals towards a target location within the environment. The projection system also includes a plurality of receiving units distributed within the environment, each receiving unit having a receiver for receiving one of the electromagnetic signals when the receiving unit is positioned in the corresponding target location, each receiving unit being adapted to perform a change of state in response to the state data. 1. (canceled)2. A method for producing a distributed manifestation , the method comprising acts of:(A) projecting at least one electromagnetic signal for receipt by a plurality of physically and electrically separate receiving units, each of the receiving units being at a respective location within an environment, the electromagnetic signal(s) comprising state data;(B) receiving, by the receiving units, the electromagnetic signal(s);(C) processing, by the receiving units, the electromagnetic signal(s), the processing resulting in each of the receiving units expressing a state according to state data in the electromagnetic signal(s) as a result of being at a particular location when the state data is processed.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising an act of:(D) wirelessly updating the plurality of receiving units.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the at least one electromagnetic signal is projected by at least one projector claim 3 , and the act (D) comprises the at least one projector wirelessly ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Immersive device comprising a screen and at least two multisensory cases

Номер: US20210252250A1
Автор: Jerome Gachet
Принадлежит: Lab In Bag

The invention relates to an immersive device ( 1 ) comprising a screen ( 2 ) and at least two multisensory cases ( 4 ), each case comprising at least one device ( 32 ) for generating an air flow and a sound-generating device ( 34 ), as well as a control device designed to manage the emission of sound and air by independently controlling each case.

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140318028A1
Автор: Anderson Thomas

A cinema structure () comprises an auditorium () defined between a floor (), a ceiling (), front and rear walls () and side walls (), which is of length (L) similar to its width (W) and of height (H) approximately half its width (W). A screen () which is substantially the width and height of the auditorium () is located adjacent the front wall (). Rows () of seats () are tiered upwardly rearwardly at an angle of approximately 22.5°. The front row () of seats () is located on the floor (), while the second and subsequent rows () of seats () are mounted on corresponding plinths (). The rearmost plinth () is located adjacent the rear wall () and is spaced apart downwardly from the ceiling () a height (H) of approximately 2 metres. A projector () in a projector housing () is located centrally on the rearmost plinth () within the auditorium (), and a lens port () of the projector () is located at a level of approximately 0.5 metre below the ceiling 1136.-. (canceled)137. A cinema structure comprising a floor , a ceiling spaced apart above the floor , a front wall extending between the floor and the ceiling , and a rear wall spaced apart from the front wall extending between the floor and the ceiling and defining with the front wall , the floor and the ceiling an auditorium , the auditorium being of length from the front wall to the rear wall not more than 1.2 times the width of the auditorium along the front wall , the auditorium being of height between the floor and the ceiling adjacent the front wall being in the range of 0.4 times the width of the auditorium adjacent the front wall to 0.6 times the width of the auditorium adjacent the front wall , a screen being located adjacent the front wall , and being of length along the front wall substantially similar to the width of the auditorium adjacent the front wall , and of height substantially similar to the height of the auditorium adjacent the front wall , a plurality of rows of seats located in the auditorium , some ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170232359A1

Provided is a circulating dynamic vehicle viewing system; the system at least comprises: two circulating dynamic vehicles (), i.e. a first cycled vehicle () and a second cycled vehicle (); a drive device used for driving the circulating vehicles () in motion; a rocking platform used for controlling the circulating vehicles () in reciprocating motion, i.e. a first rocking platform () and a second rocking platform (), the first rocking platform () and the second rocking platform () are each provided with several independent motion platform apparatuses () used for securing the circulating dynamic vehicles (); the independent motion platform apparatuses () are provided with airbag apparatuses used for controlling the up and down movement of the circulating dynamic vehicles. When a viewer is seated on the circulating dynamic vehicles (), bump and drop movements are simulated, providing a sense of realism and “really there” three-dimensionality. 1. A circulating dynamic vehicle viewing system at least comprising: two circulating dynamic vehicles , i.e. a first circulating dynamic vehicle , a second circulating dynamic vehicle; a drive device used for driving the circulating dynamic vehicles in motion; a rocking platform used for controlling the circulating dynamic vehicles in reciprocating motion , i.e. a first rocking platform and a second rocking platform; wherein the first rocking platform and the second rocking platform are each provided with several independent motion platform apparatuses used for securing the circulating dynamic vehicles; wherein the independent motion platform apparatuses are provided with an airbag apparatus used for controlling an up and down movement of the circulating dynamic vehicles.2. The circulating dynamic vehicle viewing system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the first rocking platform is provided with a bracket screen at its left side and its right side claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , and the first rocking platform is further ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224834A1
Автор: Schlapik Kevin D.

Wands of the present disclosure have features that increase entertainment value, improve portability, durability, and balance, making the wands especially well-suited for use in creative routines. The wands include a middle section or an end section that at least partially houses a light engine, and at least one pole configured to couple to the middle section or end section in an axially-aligned assembly. The light engine causes the pole to transmit light. 1. A wand , comprising:a middle section at least partially housing a light engine; anda first pole and a second pole, each being configured to couple to the middle section in an axially-aligned assembly;wherein the light engine causes the first pole and the second pole to transmit light.2. The wand of claim 1 , wherein the light engine comprises at least one light claim 1 , a power source claim 1 , and a controller in electrical communication with each other claim 1 , the controller being programmed with at least one module that controls illumination of the at least one light.3. The wand of claim 2 , wherein the at least one light includes a first light and a second light claim 2 , the first light being located in the middle section adjacent to a first receiver portion thereof claim 2 , and the second light being located in the middle section adjacent to a second receiver portion thereof claim 2 , wherein the first light and the second light are configured to transmit light axially outwardly from the middle section through the first pole and the second pole claim 2 , respectively.4. The wand of claim 3 , wherein the controller and the power source are positioned between the first light and the second light.5. The wand of claim 2 , wherein the at least one light includes a first light and a second light claim 2 , the first light being located in the first pole claim 2 , and the second light being located within the second pole claim 2 , wherein each of the first pole and the second pole have an electrical contact ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140340647A1

The present invention provides a multi-projection system and method including direction-changeable audience seats, and the multi-projection system includes a plurality of projection surfaces installed in a single theater; and an audience seat whose direction is changed depending on images projected on the plurality of projection surfaces. 1. A multi-projection system comprising:a plurality of projection surfaces installed in a single theater; andan audience seat whose direction is changed depending on images projected on the plurality of projection surfaces.2. The multi-projection system of claim 1 , wherein the direction of the audience seat is changed toward a specific projection surface among the plurality of projection surfaces by a rotational motion.3. The multi-projection system of claim 2 , wherein the audience seat performs the rotational motion about rotational axes that are present three-dimensionally claim 2 , and the direction of the audience seat is changed toward each projection surface by the rotational motion.4. The multi-projection system of claim 2 , wherein the audience seat moves to be close to or far from the specific projection surface.5. The multi-projection system of claim 1 , wherein when an object in the image moves between the projection surfaces claim 1 , the direction of the audience seat is changed toward a projection surface on which the object in the image is present.6. The multi-projection system of claim 1 , wherein when a specific event in the image occurs only in an image on a specific projection surface among the plurality of projection surfaces claim 1 , the direction of the audience seat is changed toward the specific projection surface.7. The multi-projection system of claim 1 , further comprising a seat control device for controlling the operation of the audience seat.8. The multi-projection system of claim 7 , wherein one or more audience seats are installed in the theater claim 7 , and the seat control device integratedly ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210291071A1
Автор: Brister Michael Keith

Systems and method for generating a vanishing illusion special effect are provided. One approach involves two rooms that mirror each other and are separated by a wall. The wall includes a frame through which the transition glass is configured to move. The transition glass includes a mirrored portion and a transparent portion. A controller may instruct an actuator to move the transition glass such that the mirrored portion is in alignment or out of alignment relative to the frame. In a further embodiment, a first ride vehicle and a second ride vehicle mirror each other and are separated by a transition glass that also includes a mirrored portion and a transparent portion. A controller may regulate the movement of the first ride vehicle and the second ride vehicle from a position in alignment to a position out of alignment relative to the mirrored portion or the transparent portion. 1. A system for generating a vanishing illusion , the system comprising:a first room;a second room, wherein the second room mirrors the first room; a transition glass comprising a mirrored portion and a transparent portion; and', 'a frame through which the transition glass is configured to move; and, 'a wall separating the first room from the second room, wherein the wall comprisesan actuator configured to move the transition glass with respect to the frame such that the mirrored portion is in alignment or out of alignment relative to the frame based on a trigger or a condition being met.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a controller communicatively coupled to the actuator and one or more sensors claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to instruct the actuator to move the transition glass in response to receiving data associated with motion claim 1 , light claim 1 , sound claim 1 , and any combination thereof from the one or more sensors.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more sensors are configured to detect motion in the first room.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200246718A1
Автор: KIM Hyeong Min

The present invention relates to a spray apparatus and a method for controlling the spray apparatus in a system for controlling special effects in a 4D movie theater that are configured to spray water therefrom to provide rain and wind special effects, and more particularly, to a spray apparatus and a method for controlling the spray apparatus that are configured to drain the residual water remaining therein to the outside just after driving stops, while being engagedly operated with a content reproduced in a movie theater to provide rain and wind special effects for customers. 1. A spray apparatus comprising:a sprayer controller engagedly operating with a content reproduced so as to control a sprayer; andthe sprayer for spraying water or draining residual water under the control of the sprayer controller,wherein the sprayer comprises:a water inlet pipe connected to a water supply source on one end thereof and connected to a first solenoid valve on the other end thereof;the first solenoid valve connected to the water inlet pipe on one end thereof and connected to a connection pipe on the other end thereof in such a manner as to be controlled in the connection state thereof by means of the sprayer controller;the connection pipe connected to the first solenoid valve on one end thereof and connected to a second solenoid valve on the other end thereof;the second solenoid valve connected to the connection pipe and a drain pipe on one end thereof and connected to a nozzle tube on the other end thereof in such a manner as to be controlled in the connection state thereof by means of the sprayer controller;the nozzle tube connected to the second solenoid valve on one end thereof and connected to nozzles on the other end thereof; andthe drain pipe connected to the second solenoid valve on one end thereof and having a drain hole formed on the other end thereof.2. The spray apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein through the control of the sprayer controller claim 1 , the ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160269673A1

Systems and methods herein are directed to a travel case for a portable Pepper's Ghost Illusion setup. In particular, various embodiments are described that provide a road case that folds out into a Pepper's Ghost Illusion system, allowing for extended portability. Specifically, in one embodiment, the portable case may be built for air travel (e.g., less than 50 pounds and less than or equal to 62 linear inches (H+W+D)), using a panel display and space-saving designs for legs, holographic foil and frame, and other components (e.g., remotes, wires, etc.). For example, foam used for cushioning and packaging can double as a stage. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a case comprising a first portion and a second portion, the first portion and second portion configured to connect when the apparatus is in a closed position, and separate when the apparatus is in an open position;an image source contained within an inside of the first portion;a holographic screen contained within the apparatus when the apparatus is in the closed position, and extending angularly away from the image source when the apparatus is in the open position, wherein the image source is configured to reflect a holographic image off the holographic screen when the apparatus is in the open position.2. The apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein the apparatus weighs less than 50 pounds.3. The apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein the apparatus measures less than or equal to 62 linear inches total in height claim 1 , width claim 1 , and length when in the closed position.4. The apparatus as in claim 3 , wherein the apparatus is approximately 34 inches wide by 22 inches high claim 3 , and less than 6 inches deep when in the closed position.5. The apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein the image source is a video panel display.6. The apparatus as in claim 5 , wherein the video panel display is an approximately 32-inch flat panel display claim 5 , with an approximately 16:10 widescreen aspect ratio.7. The apparatus as in claim 1 ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Movable Screen

Номер: US20160271503A1
Автор: De-Gol Gino

A movable screen apparatus suitable for use in a themed entertainment environment. The movable screen apparatus includes a screen and a base configured for movement over surface. The movable screen apparatus includes a guidance arrangement and a drive arrangement, wherein said guidance and drive arrangements are operable, in use, to move the screen apparatus along a pre-defined looped path. The looped path is defined by a physical track which is contactable by the guidance arrangement. 1. A movable screen apparatus , the movable screen apparatus including a screen and a base configured for movement over a surface , wherein the movable screen apparatus includes a guidance arrangement and a drive arrangement , wherein further said guidance and drive arrangements are operable , in use , to move the screen apparatus along a pre-defined looped path , wherein the looped path is defined by a physical track which is contactable by the guidance arrangement.2. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the physical track is defined by one or more raised rails.3. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the physical track is defined by one or more recessed channels.4. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the guidance arrangement includes a guide member configured for contact with the physical track.5. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the guide member includes a wheel or roller.6. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the drive arrangement includes a drive member configured for contact with the physical track.7. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the drive member includes a wheel or roller.8. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the guide member comprises a wheel or roller and the drive member wheel or roller is combined with the guide member wheel or roller.9. A movable screen apparatus as claimed in wherein the base is provided with ground engaging formations which support the base for movement ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180271287A1

Powered recliner chairs, assemblies for use in the chairs, and components for use in the assemblies are provided. Electrical systems for use in the chairs, and components for use in the electrical systems are provided. Control systems and methods for operating powered recliner chairs are also provided. Any given chair may be locally and/or remotely controlled. 1. An electric powered chair assembly control system , the system comprising:a controller having at least one chair actuator output and at least one chair heater output;a user interface connected to the controller, wherein the user interface includes at least one chair actuator user control and at least one chair heater user control; andan electric power supply having an electric power supply input and an electric power supply output, wherein the electric power supply is mounted within a first electric powered chair assembly, wherein a first set of electric wiring extends from the electric power supply output to a first electric actuator mounted within the first electric powered chair assembly, wherein a second set of electric wiring extends from the electric power supply output to a first electric chair heater mounted within the first electric powered chair assembly, wherein the controller is configured to control the first electric actuator, via the at least one chair actuator output, based on the at least one chair actuator user control, wherein the controller is configured to control the electric chair heater, via the at least one chair heater output, based on the at least one chair heater user control, and wherein the controller is configure to de-energize the first electric chair heater when the first electric actuator is energized.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:an electrical energy storage device.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:an electric energy storage device charger connected to the electric energy storage device and configured to charge the electric energy storage device ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200261822A1
Автор: CHAU Michel

The invention proposes an apparatus for generating three-dimensional visual effects, characterised in that it comprises, in combination: a controlled smoke generator () comprising a synthetic smoke source and a means for directionally propelling the smoke produced by the generator in order to form a plume of smoke extending in a certain direction, and a controlled light generator (), suitable for generating one or more light beams in the plume of smoke and in the direction in which it extends, the light beam or beams being essentially contained in said plume of smoke. Application in particular to the production of “lightsaber” visual effects, and more generally to varied three-dimensional light effects. 1. An apparatus for generating 3D visual effects , comprising:a controlled smoke generator comprising a synthetic smoke generator and propelling means for directionally propelling smoke produced by the synthetic smoke generator to form a smoke beam elongated in a certain direction; anda controlled light generator for generating one or more light beams in the smoke beam and along the elongation direction thereof, the one or more light beams being contained in the smoke beam.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the synthetic smoke generator comprises a nozzle provided with heating means claim 1 , supplied with a liquid substance that forms a dense smoke when heating up.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the nozzle comprises a fibrous tubular element that forms a buffer storage zone for the liquid substance.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the heating means comprises a resistive wire surrounding the fibrous tubular element.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the resistive wire grips the fibrous tubular element so as to contribute to the mechanical cohesion of the fibrous tubular element.6. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the nozzle and the heating means are surrounded by an air-tight claim 2 , close-ended ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Interactive gaming toy

Номер: US20150290545A1
Принадлежит: MQ Gaming LLC

An interactive gaming toy is provided for playing a game having both physical and virtual gameplay elements. The gaming toy comprises a physical toy, such as a toy wand, doll or action figure, having an RFID tag pre-programmed with a unique identifier that identifies the toy within an associated computer-animated game. The RFID tag stores information describing certain attributes or abilities of a corresponding virtual character or object in the computer-animated game. Additional information may be stored on the RFID tag as the corresponding virtual character evolves or changes over time based on player performance and/or gameplay progression. The interactive gaming toy thus allows developed character attributes and the like to be stored and easily transported to other games and compatible gaming platforms. One or more optional auxiliary components may be attached to the gaming toy to selectively create a modified gaming toy having additional desired functionality and/or aesthetics.

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Immersive Device

Номер: US20190270029A1
Автор: Matson Kaleb

An immersive device may include a floor reflective mirrored surface, a first wall reflective mirrored surface, a second wall reflective mirrored surface, a third wall reflective mirrored surface, a fourth wall reflective mirrored surface, and a ceiling reflective mirrored surface. The reflective mirrored surfaces may form a perimeter of and bound the reflective chamber. One or more light emitting elements may be configured to emit light into the reflective chamber. A processing unit may be in electrical communication with the light emitting elements. A sound device may be in communication with the processing unit, and the sound device may be configured to output sound to a user within the reflective chamber. An electrophysiological monitoring device may be in communication with the processing unit, and the electrophysiological monitoring device may be configured to record electrical activity of a body of the user. 1. An immersive device , the immersive device comprising:a floor sidewall having a floor reflective mirrored surface;a first sidewall having a first wall reflective mirrored surface, the first sidewall coupled perpendicularly to the floor sidewall;a second sidewall having a second wall reflective mirrored surface, the second sidewall coupled perpendicularly to the floor sidewall and coupled perpendicularly to the first sidewall;a third sidewall having a third wall reflective mirrored surface, the third sidewall coupled perpendicularly to the floor sidewall opposite the first sidewall and coupled perpendicularly to the second sidewall;a fourth sidewall having a fourth wall reflective mirrored surface, the fourth sidewall coupled perpendicularly to the floor sidewall opposite the second sidewall and coupled perpendicularly to both the first sidewall and third sidewall;a ceiling sidewall having a ceiling reflective mirrored surface, the ceiling sidewall coupled perpendicularly to the first, second, third, and fourth sidewalls and the ceiling sidewall being ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180279797A1

This invention relates to theater seating, and more particularly to simultaneously controlling a plurality of seats in a theater comprising a user interface and transmitter that can be used to control various elements of the seat, and a receiver and motor control unit attached to each theater seat. In some embodiments, a signal transmitter operated by an individual at a theater may simultaneously control the various elements of any group of seats. 1. A system for simultaneously controlling multiple reclining theater chairs comprising:a transmitter unit comprising a switch or button;a receiver unit structured to receive a signal from the transmitter unit;a control unit coupled to the receiver unit and to a motor driver for modifying the configuration of an individual theater seat, wherein the receiver comprises a radio unit for receiving a signal from the transmitter, a processor and control module structured to assimilate the received signal into motor instructions to be sent to the motor driver to change the configuration of the theater seat.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the configuration of the theater seat comprises moving a footrest and a backrest.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit is structured to move a theater seat to a fully open or a reclined position.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control unit is structured to move a theater seat to a fully closed or upright position.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the transmitter is linked to multiple receiver units inside of the same theater claim 1 , structured to allow multiple seats in the theater to receive the same signal from the transmitter and provide appropriate signals to the control and motor drivers to execute the same instructions on several theater seats simultaneously. This application claims priority benefit to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/477,988 which was filed on Mar. 28, 2017.This invention relates to theater seating, and more particularly to ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275420A1

A wireless input device for playing an interactive motion-sensitive game using a wireless-compatible game console in which a virtual play environment is represented through one or more computer-animated visual, aural or tactile effects is provided wherein game play is conducted by moving, shaking, twisting, waving or pointing the input device in a particular manner. The input device can include motion-sensitive circuitry and/or command circuitry for generating control signals and/or an effects generator and associated control circuitry to enable the input device to selectively generate at least one visual, aural or tactile effect comprising sound, lighting or vibration. The input device can include a wireless transceiver for providing two-way wireless communication with the wireless-compatible game console. An optional display screen displays short text messages received through wireless communications with the wireless-compatible game console. 1. (canceled)2. A gaming system comprising:at least one gaming toy comprising a portable body configured to be moved or positioned selectively by a game participant as part of said game, said portable body having an internal cavity containing a radiofrequency identification (RFID) tag, said RFID tag comprising non-volatile programmable memory storing a first selection of information identifying or describing a virtual game character or object;an intermediary device configured to be communicatively coupled to a game console, said intermediary device comprising: (i) an RFID reader configured to wirelessly power and communicate with said RFID tag over a communication range greater than 1 centimeter and less than 25 centimeters, and (ii) an effects system configured to activate one or more sound effects or lighting effects when said gaming toy is positioned within said communication range of said RFID reader; andnon-transitory storage storing game software comprising program instructions that, when executed, cause said ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190277017A1
Автор: Trumbull Douglas
Принадлежит: Magi International, LLC

A portable theater includes a plurality of individual panels assembled together to form a theater enclosure, a plurality of audience seats installed within the assembled theater enclosure, and a projection screen mounted within the assembled theater enclosure. The projection screen has a partial toroidal shaped reflective surface configured to reflect, toward the plurality of audience seats, a moving image as projected by a projector. 1. A portable theater comprising:a plurality of individual panels assembled together to form a theater enclosure;a plurality of audience seats installed within the assembled theater enclosure; anda projection screen mounted within the assembled theater enclosure, the projection screen having a partial toroidal shaped reflective surface configured to reflect, toward the plurality of audience seats, a moving image as projected by a projector.2. The portable theater of claim 1 , wherein the projector is configured to project the moving image onto the projection screen by flashing individual frames of the moving image one time each in a sequence that alternates between left eye frames as recorded at left eye recordal times and right eye frames as recorded at right eye recordal times claim 1 , each successive frame of the sequence having been recorded at a successive time and projected temporally with respect to one another in the sequence to show the moving image claim 1 , resulting in a projected frame rate of at least 120 frames per second claim 1 , wherein the left eye frames are recorded at at least 60 frames per second and at the left eye recordal times claim 1 , and wherein the right eye frames are recorded at at least 60 frames per second and at right eye recordal times offset from the left eye recordal times.3. The portable theater of claim 2 , further comprising the projector.4. The portable theater of claim 1 , wherein the projection screen has a vertical axis passing through a center point of the projection screen claim 1 , and ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170290430A1

The present invention relates to an effect control system of a screening facility chair and a method thereof, and the effect control system includes an input device for transmitting chair angle control information or effect control information input from a user to a management server; the management server for transmitting the chair angle control information or the effect control information to a corresponding motion chair; and the motion chair for adjusting a slope according to the chair angle control information or providing an effect synchronized with an image according to the effect control information. 1. An effect control system of a screening facility chair , the system comprising:an input device for transmitting chair angle control information or effect control information input from a user to a management server;the management server for transmitting the chair angle control information or the effect control information to a corresponding motion chair; andthe motion chair for adjusting a slope according to the chair angle control information or providing an effect synchronized with an image according to the effect control information.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the management server analyzes and classifies the effect control information into first effect control information and second effect control information claim 1 , and transmits the chair angle control information or the first effect control information to a first motion chair corresponding to the input device or transmits the chair angle control information or the second effect control information to a second motion chair placed in a front row of the first motion chair.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the first motion chair adjusts the slope according to the chair angle control information or provides a first effect synchronized with the image according to the first effect control information.4. The system according to claim 3 , wherein if the slope is adjusted claim 3 , ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180293971A1
Принадлежит: Sonictier, Inc.

Disclosed herein is an apparatus for playing sounds indoors using sound transmission pipes, which includes a processor for extracting audio signals of one or more channels from source data and creating audio signals to be output, speakers for outputting the audio signals, and sound transmission pipes, connected with remote speakers that are parts of the speakers, for transmitting output sounds corresponding to the remote speakers. 1. An apparatus for playing sounds indoors using sound transmission pipes , comprising:a processor for extracting audio signals of one or more channels from source data and creating audio signals to be output;speakers for outputting the audio signals; andsound transmission pipes, connected with remote speakers that are parts of the speakers, for transmitting output sounds corresponding to the remote speakers.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the processor creates predistortion parameters using sound transmission pipe parameters and thereby performs predistortion for the audio signals to be output, andthe sound transmission pipe parameters include information about at least one of a material, a length, a size, and a shape of each of the sound transmission pipes.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the audio signals include side audio signals, among multi-channel audio signals, andthe sound transmission pipes are symmetrically installed on left and right sides of an indoor space.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising:feedback microphones for creating feedback audio signals by receiving sounds transmitted through the sound transmission pipes,wherein the processor performs supplementary distortion for the audio signals to be output, on which predistortion has been performed, using the feedback audio signals.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the predistortion includes distortion for a video signal to be output, andthe predistortion parameters include delay adjustment information for at least one of the video signal to be ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180295354A1

The present invention provides a 4D platform for home use and a 4D system for home use, which have a compact structure allowing the same to be easily connected to a TV monitor and comprise a physical sensation effect execution unit for providing a physical sensation effect according to each scene of an image. 1. A home 4D platform comprising:an outer casing;a physical feeling effect execution unit disposed in the outer casing;a support, fixed to an inner bottom surface of the outer casing, for supporting the physical feeling effect execution unit; anda control unit, electrically connected to the physical feeling effect executing unit, for controlling operation of the physical feeling effect executing unit,wherein the physical feeling effect executing unit comprises:a blower unit for blowing wind to a front of the outer casing;a spray unit for spraying water as mist to a front of the outer casing in sync with each scene of video images; anda light unit for flickering light to a rear of the outer casing unit.2. The home 4D platform of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing comprises: a track-shaped front side portion; a track-shaped rear side portion disposed to face the front side portion; a left side portion claim 1 , formed on one side of the front side portion and the rear side portion claim 1 , for connecting the front side portion and the rear side portion; a right side portion claim 1 , formed on the other side of the front side portion and the rear side portion to face the left side portion claim 1 , for connecting the front side portion and the rear side portion; a top side portion surrounding one side of the left side portion and the right side portion; and a bottom side portion positioned to face the top side portion claim 1 ,wherein a plurality of mist holes for spraying water as mist are formed in a central portion of the front side portion; andwherein a blowhole is formed in a lower portion of the top side-front portion adjacent to the mist spray holes.3. ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190290004A1

A chair mechanism is provided for a seating unit that has a footrest, a seat, and a back. The mechanism is adapted to move the seating unit from a closed position with the footrest stowed beneath the seat, the seat in a generally horizontal orientation, and the back in an upright position, to an extended position with the footrest extended, the seat inclined from back-to-front, and the back in a reclined position. 1. A mechanism for a seating unit having a footrest , a seat , and a back , the mechanism adapted to move the seating unit from a closed position with the footrest stowed beneath the seat , the seat in a generally horizontal orientation , and the back in an upright position , to an extended position with the footrest extended , the seat inclined from back-to-front , and the back in a reclined position , the mechanism comprising:a pair of spaced apart first and second base plates, coupled together in spaced relation, each base plate having a front end and a rear end; and a seat plate pivotally coupled to one of the base plates with a first linkage that moves the seat plate between a first position when the seating unit is in the closed position and a second position when the seating unit is in the extended position;', 'a back mounting link pivotally coupled to the seat plate and to a second linkage that reclines the back mounting link from a first, upright position when the seating unit is in the closed position to a second, reclined position when the seating unit is in the extended position;', 'a footrest linkage pivotally coupled to the seat plate that moves the footrest from a stowed position when the seating unit is in the closed position to an open position when the seating unit is in the extended position;', 'a third linkage coupled to the footrest linkage that moves the footrest linkage between the stowed position and the open position; and', 'a bell crank pivotally coupled to the seat plate, the bell crank having a first section extending in a first ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160317943A1

A viewing system based on a two-layer film and television railcar, comprising a first railcar moving on a first rail track and a second railcar of a second rail track arranged thereabove; at the docking point of the first railcar and the second railcar, the first rail track and the second rail track are positioned on the same plane; and arranged on the bottom of the first railcar is a locking apparatus used for locking the first railcar onto the second rail track when the first railcar moves on the second rail track. Viewers can experience different viewing positions and viewing space by means of the first railcar and the second railcar, and can use the changing movement of the railcars to enjoy different film and television content. 1. A viewing system based on a two-layer film and television railcar comprising a first railcar moving on a first rail track and a second railcar with a second rail track arranged thereabove , wherein at a docking point of the first railcar and the second railcar , the first rail track and the second rail track are positioned on a same plane , wherein a locking apparatus is arranged on a bottom of the first railcar for locking the first railcar onto the second rail track when the first railcar moves on the second rail track.2. The viewing system based on a two-layer film and television railcar according to claim 1 , wherein the second railcar is provided with a sensing device for sensing the first railcar.3. The viewing system based on a two-layer film and television railcar according to claim 1 , wherein the first railcar is provided with several rows of viewing seats.4. The viewing system based on a two-layer film and television railcar according to claim 3 , wherein the viewing seats are provided with a driving device for controlling the viewing seats implementing a six degree of freedom movement. The present disclosure relates generally to a viewing system, and more particularly, to a viewing system based on a two-layer film and ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160320048A1
Автор: Daniels John James

An apparatus and method for encapsulating a light source within a water-tight, robust encapsulating bulk for use, among other things, as a walk paver. The apparatus and method provides a strong, durable, waterproof illuminated paver that includes an array of individually addressable light sources, having the aesthetic appearance of a conventional stone material. A light guide is provided having a light receiving end and a light transmissive end. A light source is provided having a selective on state and a selective off state. The light source is optically coupled to the light receiving end of the light guide to form a light engine comprising the light source and the light guide. The optically coupled light guide and light source are encased within an encapsulating bulk, wherein the encapsulating bulk includes at least one viewable surface, and where the light transmissive end of the light guide is viewable at said at least one viewable surface. An obscuring layer is formed on one or more of the at least one viewable surface for obscuring the transmissive end of the light guide from view when the light source is in the selective off state. 1. A method , comprising:providing a light source embedded in a bulk, the light source comprising at least one light generation element, the bulk having a viewable surface for viewing the light generated from the light source forming a obscuring layer on the viewable surface for obscuring said at least one light generation element when light is not generated from the light generation element2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light generation element comprises at least one light emitting diode.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light generation element comprises a matrix of light emitting diodes.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light generation element comprises a light emitting display comprising one of a CRT claim 1 , OLED claim 1 , LED claim 1 , LCD capable of displaying a video image.5 ...
