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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2126736C1
Принадлежит: Сандвик АБ (SE)

Использование: процесс изготовления фрезы для обработки резанием предпочтительно металлов. Достигаемый технический результат: увеличение количества гнезд под пластины в корпусе фрезы для каждого данного диаметра по сравнению с известными корпусами фрез, обеспечение процесса получения гнезда простым и эффективным путем с использованием минимума инструментов. Сущность изобретения: корпус фрезы имеет крепежную часть для закрепления на вращающемся приводном устройстве и часть, предназначенную для размещения режущих пластин, которая по периферии оснащена несколькими съемно закрепленными режущими пластинами, каждая режущая пластина закреплена в гнезде, которое, по крайней мере частично расположено на периферийном участке части фрезы, предназначенной для размещения режущих пластин. Каждое гнездо под пластину имеет нижнюю опорную поверхность и боковую опору, имеющую по крайней мере одну боковую опорную поверхность, стружечный карман, расположенный впереди каждого гнезда под пластину в направлении ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2241578C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано для чистовой обработки с одновременным поверхностным упрочнением стальных и чугунных деталей. Инструмент содержит корпус в виде втулки, на которой установлены под острым углом к плоскости, перпендикулярной оси вращения инструмента, диски и подвижный и неподвижный фланцы для фиксации дисков на втулке. Один из дисков выполнен упрочняющим и гладким с рабочей поверхностью на его периферии из материала с низким коэффициентом теплопроводности. Остальные диски выполнены с расположенными по их периферии отверстиями для крепления U-образных пучков проволочного ворса и установлены со смещением один относительного другого. Пучки ворса одного из дисков размещены между пучками другого. Расстояние между осями отверстий двух рядом расположенных по длине втулки дисков равно половине расстояния между осями пары отверстий в диске. Такая конструкция повышает производительность обработки и качество упрочненного слоя детали, увеличивая ...

10-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239547C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано при изготовлении инструмента для чистовой иглоабразивной обработки заготовок из различных материалов, предрасположенных к дефектообразованию. Инструмент содержит шлифовальный круг с устройством его крепления на оправке, диски, имеющие размещенные по периферии отверстия для крепления U-образных пучков проволочного ворса, и фланцы для фиксации дисков на оправке. Шлифовальный круг выполнен из отдельных алмазно-абразивных брусков, закрепленных на наружной поверхности торообразной упругой оболочки. За счет подачи сжатого воздуха в упругую оболочку осуществлено восстановление изношенного наружного диаметра круга из условия увеличения его диаметра до размера, меньше диаметра размера дисков с проволочным ворсом на удвоенную величину натяга, с которым инструмент прижимается к детали. Такая конструкция позволяет повысить производительность и качество обработки с увеличением длительности работы инструмента без переналадок и восстановлением ...

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2233737C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано для эффективной отделочной чистовой обработки круглых и плоских поверхностей заготовок из различных материалов, предрасположенных к дефектообразованиям в виде прижогов и микротрещин. Для осуществления способа заготовке и комбинированному инструменту сообщают вращательные движения и движение подачи вдоль обрабатываемой поверхности. При этом используют игло-абразивно-алмазный комбинированный инструмент с аксиальным смещением в направлении продольной подачи рабочих поверхностей шлифовального круга и иглоинструмента. Последние располагают на оправке с устройством их крепления в виде четырех косых шайб, по две с каждого торца инструмента. Шлифовальный круг и иглоинструмент установлены с возможностью поворота в плоскости, проходящей через ось комбинированного инструмента, с последующей фиксацией из условия расположения их рабочих поверхностей в одной касательной к ним плоскости. Такие действия повышают стойкость инструмента ...

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU113985U1

... 1. Приспособление для фрезерования деталей конструкций, содержащее корпус, включающий защитный кожух, ограничивающий зону резания, торцовую фрезу, расположенную внутри защитного кожуха, и привод фрезы, отличающееся тем, что торцовая фреза выполнена в виде ступенчатой фрезы в форме диска, рабочая поверхность которого имеет выпуклую или вогнутую ступенчатую структуру, ступени которой расположены по концентрическим окружностям или по спирали Архимеда, центр которой находится в зоне центра диска, при этом на рабочей поверхности диска выполнены секторные вырезы, которые предназначены для отвода частиц материала, снимаемого при фрезеровании, и делят указанную ступенчатую структуру на рабочие секторы, чередующиеся с секторными вырезами, причем на ступени рабочих секторов нанесено абразивное покрытие, а привод фрезы установлен в держателе, подпружиненном относительно защитного кожуха и имеющем средство для обеспечения удержания приспособления оператором. ! 2. Приспособление по п.1, отличающееся ...

10-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2296652C1

Изобретение относится к области механической обработки, очистке поверхности металлов и обработке плоскостей на станках. Устройство для обработки плоскостей включает иглофрезу, содержащую корпус с закрепленными на нем пучками проволочного ворса. Для расширения технологических возможностей на торце корпуса выполнены радиальные Т-образные пазы, в которых с возможностью радиального перемещения установлены планки. При этом иглофреза снабжена жестко установленными на планках стаканами сегментной формы, в которых закреплены проволочные пучки ворса, подшипниками, расположенными по обе стороны Т-образных пазов, на которые опираются стаканы, пружинами растяжения, расположенными в канавках корпуса и закрепленными на наружном торце планки и корпусе, для смещения планки к центру иглофрезы, генератором гидравлических импульсов и волноводом, наружная поверхность которого контактирует с внутренним торцом планки и расположена под острым углом α к его продольной оси. Волновод воспринимает удары бойка гидравлического ...

20-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291766C1

Изобретение относится к области технологии машиностроения, обработке материалов резанием. Иглофреза содержит корпус с имеющими на внутренней поверхности выточку гнездами, в каждом из которых свободно размещен стакан с пучком ворса, на наружной поверхности имеющий буртик, ширина которого меньше ширины выточки, и крышку. Для расширения технологических возможностей за счет управления глубиной срезаемого слоя и микрорельефом обработанной поверхности корпус жестко закреплен на шпинделе и выполнен в виде диска с радиально расположенными гнездами с поперечным сечением в виде прямоугольника с закругленными углами, в которых расположены подвижные в радиальном направлении стаканы, имеющие форму, ответную форме гнезда, причем гнезда закрыты крышками, закрепленными на периферийной поверхности диска и имеющими отверстия для пучков ворса, между крышкой и буртиком стакана расположена пружина сжатия, при этом иглофреза снабжена неподвижной опорой, контактирующей с днищем подвижного стакана, и неподвижными ...

27-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2094184C1

Использование: в области машиностроения, медицины для обработки различных конструкционных материалов, в частности в стоматологии может использоваться в качестве одноразового инструмента. Сущность: режущий инструмент состоит из набора металлических зубчатых дисков 2, соосно установленных на оправке 3. При этом, каждый из дисков выполнен из сплава алюминия и имеет поверхностное упрочняющее покрытие. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012144790A

Способ изготовления дисковых фрез с помощью автоматической линии, в соответствии с которым отрезают заготовку из стального прутка на отрезном станке, подают заготовку на токарный станок с числовым программным управлением (ЧПУ) и протачивают за один проход, затем обрабатывают заготовку последовательно на двух лазерных установках, на первой из которых проводят очистку поверхности металла потоком ионов и создают развитую поверхность, а на второй на подготовленную поверхность металла наносят карбид хрома с добавкой никеля, после чего заготовку подают на токарный станок с ЧПУ и протачивают по покрытию без использования охлаждающей жидкости до получения требуемого диаметра фрезы, проточенную заготовку термообрабатывают в печи в вакууме при температуре 1000°±10°С в течение 30-40 мин, причем нагрев осуществляют со скоростью 10-15°С в мин, после чего заготовку охлаждают со скоростью не более 20-30°С в мин, далее заготовку передают на электроэрозионную установку и осуществляют выполнение канавок ...

20-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU96124498A

... 1. Режущая пластина для использования во вращающемся режущем инструменте, имеющем ось вращения, причем режущая пластина имеет по существу призмоидальный корпус, имеющий верхнюю, базовую и боковые поверхности и режущие кромки, образованные на пересечениях верхней и боковых поверхностей; режущая пластина, когда установлена в инструменте, имеет по меньшей мере одну неработающую боковую поверхность, при этом указанная боковая поверхность имеет по меньшей мере одну выемку, образованную симметрично относительно середины длины боковой поверхности, причем верхняя часть выемки расположена по существу в непосредственной близости от указанной верхней поверхности; выемка имеет заднюю стенку, ориентированную по существу в одном направлении с указанной боковой поверхностью, и пару боковых стенок, ориентированных по существу перпендикулярно указанной боковой поверхности, выемка имеет такую конструкцию, что, когда режущая пластина установлена в инструменте, по меньшей мере одна стенка выемки образует осевую ...

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007148795A

... 1. Фреза для измельчения материала, содержащая барабан с осью вращения, на наружной поверхности которого закреплены сменные режущие элементы, отличающаяся тем, что барабан выполнен в виде установленных на оси вращения, по меньшей мере, двух периферийных ступиц, связанных между собой продольными крепежными элементами, расположенными вокруг оси вращения, на продольных крепежных элементах закреплены режущие элементы с возможностью смены их положения относительно барабана по мере износа, причем режущий элемент выполнен в виде пластины с зубьями, установленной в плоскости, пересекающей плоскость, в которой вращается барабан, а смена положения режущего элемента осуществляется за счет его поворота в плоскости расположения пластины относительно продольного крепежного элемента. ! 2. Фреза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ступицы дополнительно связаны между собой при помощи трубы, расположенной соосно с осью вращения и выполненной с радиусом, меньшим радиуса, на котором расположены продольные крепежные ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014101972A

1. Фреза, содержащая основной корпус (1), который выполнен с возможностью вращения на основной центральной оси (С1) и включает в себя передний и задний концы (4, 5), между которыми расположена огибающая поверхность (6), которая вращательно симметрична относительно центральной оси (С1), и гнездо (7), которое выполнено в периферийном переходе между огибающей поверхностью и передним концом и которое вмещает, с одной стороны, полупостоянно закрепленную прокладку (3), которая включает в себя нижнюю сторону (15), прижатую к нижней поверхности (8) гнезда (7), верхнюю сторону (14), образованную с опорной поверхностью (21), и боковую поверхность (16), продолжающуюся между верхней и нижней сторонами, а с другой стороны, сменную режущую пластину (2), которая включает в себя верхнюю сторону (30), которая переходит в поперечную заднюю поверхность (26) через множество поочередно используемых режущих кромок (28а, 28b, 28c, 28d), и нижнюю сторону, которая обращена к верхней стороне (14) прокладки, причем отдельные режущие кромки равноудалены от вспомогательной центральной оси (С2), которая определяет пространственное положение режущей пластины в основном корпусе (1), и одна (28а) из двух режущих кромок (28а, 28b), аксиально наиболее удаленная от основного корпуса (1), расположена радиально снаружи другой, чтобы быть рабочей во время снятия стружки, а другая (28b) является нерабочей, отличающаяся тем, что прокладка (3) включает в себя выступ (20), в котором предусмотрена вспомогательная режущая кромка (31), которая ограничена между поверхностью (32) для стружки и задней поверхностью (33) и которая расположена в области нерабочей режущей кромки (28b) режущей пластины (2) и выступает в с РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B23C 5/00 (13) 2014 101 972 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014101972/02, 22.01.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): САНДВИК ИНТЕЛЛЕКЧУАЛ ПРОПЕРТИ АБ (SE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

10-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95104455A

Использование: при обработке различных конструкционных материалов, в частности, в стоматологии, в качестве одноразового инструмента. Сущность: состоит из профильных листовых элементов, собранных соосно на оправке. Листовые элементы изготавливаются из алюминиевых сплавов и имеют поверхностную упрочненную пленку (покрытие).

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012113305A

... 1. Зуборезный станок для нарезания зубьев на заготовке, в частности зубчатом колесе, посредством фасонного фрезерования, имеющий по меньшей мере одну шпиндельную бабку для установки по меньшей мере одной концевой фрезы,отличающийся тем, чтошпиндельная бабка или концевая фреза и/или держатель заготовки выполнены с возможностью регулирования, а ось концевой фрезы может быть выровнена приблизительно параллельно обрабатываемой боковой поверхности зуба зажатой заготовки, при этом ось фрезы выполнена с возможностью наложения на контур боковой поверхности и концевая фреза имеет внешний контур, соответствующий контуру боковой поверхности.2. Зуборезный станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что концевая фреза пригодна для изготовления эвольвентного зубчатого венца и/или циклоидного зубчатого венца и/или нарезания зубьев по дуге окружности и/или для изготовления профилей, подобных зубчатому венцу.3. Зуборезный станок по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что на зуборезном станке может быть выполнена односторонняя ...

27-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97112186A

... 1. Корпус фрезы для обработки резанием, предпочтительно металлов, имеющий крепежную часть (2) для закрепления корпуса на вращающемся приводном средстве, и часть, предназначенную для размещения режущих пластин, которая по периферии оснащена несколькими съемно закрепленными режущими пластинами (23), каждая режущая пластина (23) закреплена в гнезде, которое по крайней мере частично расположено в периферийном участке (12) части, которая предназначена для размещения режущих пластин, который составляет одно целое с корпусом фрезы, каждое гнездо имеет нижнюю опорную поверхность (10) и боковую в виде по крайней мере одной боковой поверхности (9), и стружечный карман, расположенный перед каждым гнездом под пластину в направлении вращения, отличающийся тем, что боковая опора имеет, как по крайней мере одну по крайней мере частично закругленную боковую опорную поверхность, так и по крайней мере две прямые боковые опорные поверхности, внутренний угол между которыми меньше, чем 90o, предназначенные ...

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015135496A

10-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU93051539A

Сменная вставка для фазы по существу квадратной формы предназначена для установки в цилиндрическую фрезу при фрезеровании выемок в обрабатываемой детали под углом 90o и имеет четыре поворачиваемые режущие кромки, каждая из которых включает первую, вторую и третью следующие одна за другой и наклоненные под углом одна к другой части, расположенные так, что при фрезеровании первая и вторая части режущей кромки обрабатывают перпендикулярную к основанию поверхность выемки обрабатываемой детали, а третья часть прилегающей режущей кромки служит для выглаживания поверхности основания выемки, причем по меньшей мере первая и вторая части каждой режущей кромки расположены так, что все их точки лежат на цилиндрической поверхности, образованной прямой, параллельной оси вращения фрезы при ее вращении вокруг этой оси на радиусе, равном радиусу резания.

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007100230A

... 1. Концевая фреза с внешним диаметром D, имеющая повышенную жесткость, содержащая тело для закрепления в станке и режущую часть, имеющую множество стружечных канавок, выполненных машинной обработкой с образованием режущих зубьев, смежных с указанными стружечными канавками, причем тыльная часть каждого зуба содержит короткий периферийный разгрузочный участок, начинающийся на режущей кромке, и проходящую по длине зуба дуговую заднюю поверхность, примыкающую к указанному периферийному разгрузочному участку и заканчивающуюся уголком, образованным между указанной проходящей по длине зуба задней поверхностью и указанной стружечной канавкой, при этом указанный уголок отстоит на расстоянии С от внешнего диаметра D, причем величина расстояния С находится в диапазоне от 0 до 0,2 D. 2. Концевая фреза по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что указанный периферийный разгрузочный участок соединен с указанной дуговой задней поверхностью, проходящей по длине зуба, посредством вогнутого плавного сопряжения малого радиуса ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137433A

Инструмент для обработки деталей, по меньшей мере, часть поверхности которого выполнена криволинейной, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен в виде цилиндрической или конической фрезы с рабочей частью и для нее выполняются соотношения 0≤ϕ<γmax≤90° и R>Rвращ, где ϕ - угол конусности конической концевой фрезы, γmax - максимальный из всех угол отклонения между осью инструмента и касательной плоскостью к криволинейной поверхности рабочей части фрезы, R - радиус кривизны криволинейного участка поверхности рабочей части фрезы, Rвращ - максимальный радиус вращения криволинейного участка поверхности фрезы.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014152686A

... 1. Индексируемая режущая пластина (1) для фрезы (101), содержащая:верхнюю сторону (2), образующую верхнюю плоскость (P) протяженности,нижнюю сторону (3), образующую нижнюю плоскость (P) протяженности параллельную верхней плоскости (P) протяженности,при этом центральная ось (С2) продолжается перпендикулярно через верхнюю плоскость (P) протяженности и нижнюю плоскость (P) протяженности,боковую поверхность (4), соединяющую верхнюю сторону (2) и нижнюю сторону (3) и содержащую множество верхних главных задних поверхностей (5) и вспомогательных задних поверхностей (6, 6а, 6b), ипо меньшей мере шесть идентичных и поочередно используемых верхних режущих кромок (7), продолжающихся вокруг верхней стороны (2), причем каждая режущая кромка (7) содержит участок (8) для удаления стружки главной режущей кромки и по меньшей мере один участок (9, 10) вспомогательной режущей кромки, причем участок (8) главной режущей кромки образован в переходе между верхней стороной (2) и одной из указанных верхних задних ...

30-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1771893C

23-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: SU1284735A1

Изобретение относится к конструкциям металлорежущих инструментов. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности обработки путем сокращения времени на закрепление режущих вставок. Фреза состоит из корпуса 1, выполненного из немагнитного материала. В корпусе установлены .цилиндрические режущие вставки 2, расположенные во втулках, состоящих из колец 3, 4 и 5. Кольца 3 и 5 жестко установлены в корпусе, а кольцо 4- с возможностью радиального перемещения и связано со стержнем 6 из магнито- стрикционного материала. Стержень одним концом жестко закреплен в корпусе . В исходном положении кольцо 4 смещено от оси колец 3 и 5. Дпя установки или поворота режущей вставки необходимо воздействовать на маг- нитострикционньй стержень электромагнитным полем, что вызовет его удлинение и совмещение осей .колец. После этого можно установить вставку. , Прекращение действия злектромагнитно го поля заставит стержень с кольцом 4 стремиться занять исходное положение , что обеспечит надежный зажим вставки. 4 ил.

21-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002338276A1

30-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002257653A1

05-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000742065T1

19-04-2007 дата публикации

Zerspanungswerkzeug mit Schneidenbeschichtung

Номер: DE102005048474A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Zerspanungswerkzeug (10) mit zumindest einer geometrisch bestimmten Schneide (16, 18) und einer die zumindest eine Schneide (16, 18) erfassenden Hartstoffbeschichtung, wobei DOLLAR A die Hartstoffbeschichtung auf eine entlang der zumindest einen Schneide (16, 18) verlaufende Oberflächenzone (22) des Zerspanungswerkzeugs (10) begrenzt ist, die sich ausgehend von der Schneidkante (16a, 18a) des Schneidkeils der zumindest einen Schneide (16, 18) nur in diejenigen Bereiche der Span- und/oder Freifläche (16b, 16c, 18b, 18c) ausdehnt, die an der Spanbildung maßgeblich beteiligt sind.

05-03-1980 дата публикации

Milling cutter

Номер: GB0002028200A

A milling cutter is disclosed that comprises a rotatable adapter plate having a central protrusion on one side of the plate. A cutter ring, having recesses for mounting inserts therein, is provided with bayonet slots and a central opening so it can be fitted with and bolted to the adapter plate. The central protrusion is tapered and a conical grind is put on one of the mating surfaces between the adapter and the cutter plate to aid in disassembly after use of the milling cutter.

06-11-1985 дата публикации

Rotary cutting tool

Номер: GB0002157991A

This invention relates to rotary cutting tools, which are held in a chuck when in operation. Chucks commonly used in the art are threaded to accept a tool with a threaded shank which allows the tool to be firmly secured. The threading of tools formed from a single piece of steel is readily achieved and presents no problem. However, for some operations tungsten carbide is required as the cutting material. This material is difficult and expensive to machine. The rotary cutting tool of this invention comprises a two piece construction of a tungsten carbide shank 3 provided with cutting flutes 4 at its working end and secured (e.g. by brazing) to a rear end 1 of machined steel which may be threaded to cooperate with a threaded chuck. ...

08-07-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to milling cutters

Номер: GB0000963192A

... 963,192. Milling-cutters. W. C. JONES. April 30, 1963 [Jan. 31, 1962], No. 3570/62. Heading B3K. A cutter comprises two milling-cutter bodies, one of which can be retracted into the other by screw or cam means to permit the other to take a rouching cut and can then be advanced to take a finishing cut.

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411129T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367234T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000451995T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487556T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000377472T

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000136248T

15-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012025T

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000099584T

15-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000018017T

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157574T

15-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000028587T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337877T

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000170118T

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000102518T

15-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000211041T

25-03-1970 дата публикации

Device for fastening and release from tools in a machine tool spindle

Номер: AT0000280002B

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000294656T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000294660T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000266492T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000278497T

21-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036493813T

05-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031955228T

04-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034749665T

25-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039216042T

14-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033506355T

01-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030089769T

26-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036403286T

25-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036845559T

01-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033636067T

30-12-1998 дата публикации

A cutting tool assembly and a replaceable cutting head for use therein

Номер: AU0007448098A

11-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000531088B2

10-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000567969B2

18-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000470536B2

23-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002230888A

29-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002570016A1

26-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1116910A
Принадлежит: SACK GMBH

A gear hob includes a body comprising at least one disc-shaped body segment. A helix of successive teeth extends around the body and is formed by the periphery of the body, each tooth having a leading face, a top and two flanks, and having a seat cut into the leading face and extending along one of the flanks at the top, first cutter plates replaceably mounted at the top of respective tooth flanks for cutting both with a topcutting edge and a single side-cutting edge. The first cutter plates comprise interchangeable hard metal reversible plates having straight edges and being mounted in respective seats in the tooth flanks, each plate having a broad face and a narrow face, the narrow face serving as leading face defining the top-cutting and side-cutting edges. In a preffered embodiment, second metal cutter plates are replaceably mounted at a radial distance inwardly from the top of respective opposing tooth flanks for cutting with a side-cutting edge only, the first and second cutter plates ...

20-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA967736A

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003050371A1
Принадлежит: WILSON LUE LLP

A cutting tool (20) includes a tool body (24) having a peripherally disposed outer insert receiving pocket (58) and an interiorly disposed inner insert receiving pocket (46) with a cutting insert (22) resiliently clamped therein. The tool body (24) includes a through recess (30) at least partially circumferentially bounded by a recess circumferential surface (32). A resilient clamping member (36) extends into the through recess (30). The inner insert receiving pocket (58) is formed by the resilient clamping member (36) and a recess pocket portion (34) of the recess circumferential surface (32). A chamfering cutting insert (22) may be retained by the resilient clamping member (36), without the use of an additional, separate clamping device.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003030627A1

A tool body for a shell end mill is described with at least one spiral chip guiding groove arranged at the circumference of the tool body for chip dissipation and at least two receptacles for indexable cutting inserts arranged at the chip guiding groove. In this case, the receptacles each comprise a base surface having a bore for receiving an indexable cutting insert fastening screw and at least one first abutment surface adjacent to the base surface. The transition between the base surface and the first contact surface is a groove. In addition, a cutting tool is described with such a tool body, wherein a two-sided indexable cutting insert is attached in each receptacle.

18-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002681123A1

Cutting tool comprising a structural member (1, 1') provided with means ( 301, 401 ) for engagement with operating means, and a plurality of cutting e dges (201, 201') connected to said structural member (1, 1'), intended to fo llow a given cutting path; said cutting edges (201, 201') are each connected to said structural member (1, 1') by means of a suitable support part (101, 101') connected at one end to said structural member (1, 1'), oriented in a manner substantially perpendicular to the plane of said cutting path and ha ving said cutting edge (201, 201') at its free end, the cutting edges (201, 201') connected to two adjacent support parts being arranged in substantial opposition to each other with respect to said cutting path.

03-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002239380A1

A rotating tool (10) mateable with the spindle of a machine tool for high speed rotation is disclosed. The tool is comprised of a shank (12) and a disk (14). The disk (14) has attached to its periphery cutting inserts (20). These inserts (20) may be attached directly to recesses in the disk or to lugs (22) protruding from the disk (14). If the inserts are attached to lugs (22), then the disk (14) will further have opposing counterweight lugs (24) protruding from the disk (14) in an opposite direction. A band (34) of high tenacity material extends around the disk (14) to restrain radial expansion. Additionally, the disk (14) may be encompassed in a restraining material to restrain any disk parts that may separate from the disk body.

03-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002288674A1

A cutting tool assembly (1, 101) for rotary cutting operations comprising a replaceable cutting head (2, 102) and a tool shank (4, 104) having a common longitudinal axis (6, 106) and mating peripheral surfaces (16, 43, 120). The cutting head has a cutting head mounting portion (14, 114) at a trailing end (15, 130) thereof and the tool shank has a cutting head receiving portion (44, 144) at a front face thereof. The cutting head mounting portion (14, 114) and the cutting head receiving portion (44, 144) of the tool shank each have at least two coupling portions (20, 120) bound by associated peripheral surface of the cutting head (2, 102) and the tool shank (4, 104) and mating in shape and dimensions. Each coupling portion has a base surface (22, 48, 122, 148), a torque transmission wall (26, 52, 126, 152) and a fixation wall (28, 54, 128, 154), the fixation wall of each cutting head coupling portion having an angular extension smaller than a corresponding angular distance between adjacent ...

31-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000670969B

15-03-1945 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000236811A

31-01-1946 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Bearbeitung von verhältnismässig weichen Materialien.

Номер: CH0000240853A

15-10-1941 дата публикации

Maschine zum Zerkleinern von Metallen.

Номер: CH0000217295A

31-07-1965 дата публикации

Werkzeug zum Einsatteln von Rohrenden

Номер: CH0000395909A

15-04-1957 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000320843A

15-03-1957 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000320034A

15-06-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000576313A5

31-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000573786A5

15-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000555718A
Принадлежит: SANDVIK AB

31-08-1966 дата публикации

Rotierendes, spanabhebendes Werkzeug

Номер: CH0000419788A

30-06-1966 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000416269A

15-04-1963 дата публикации

Tête rotative pour outils en diamant

Номер: CH0000368687A

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Polymer-Based Micro-Needle Array Designs, Fabrication Processes, and Methods of Use Thereof for Drug Delivery

Номер: US20130096532A1

A micro-needle array is provided that may be used to deliver a bioactive agent to a therapeutic target. The micro-needle array preferably includes a substrate, a plurality of micro-needles integral with the substrate, and a bioactive agent. At least one micro-needle preferably includes a top surface, a bottom surface, a side surface, and a cavity defined by an inner surface. The bioactive agent may be disposed on the substrate and the plurality of micro-needles. The at least one micro-needle may further include a slit connecting the cavity to an aperture, the slit extending from the top surface to the bottom surface. A plurality of micro-needles on a patch is also disclosed for transdermal drug delivery applications. 1. A micro-milled patch comprising a plurality of micro-needles , said micro-needles comprising a structure comprising a base at a proximal end and a vertex or tip , defining a vertex angle , at a distal end , said needle not extending into the dermis when applied to the skin , wherein said micro-needle is optionally biodegradable.2. The patch of claim 1 , wherein said micro-needles are fabricated using a biodegradable polymer.3. The patch of claim 2 , wherein said micro-needles comprise a bio-active agent.4. The patch of claim 3 , wherein said bioactive agent is a vaccine.5. The patch of claim 1 , wherein said micro-needle comprises a conical configuration.6. The patch of claim 1 , wherein said micro-needle comprises a pyramidal configuration.7. The patch of claim 1 , wherein said micro-needle comprises a cylindrical configuration.8. A single flute straight cutting edge tungsten carbide engraving tool for fabrication of micro-needles having the geometrical parameters of Table 2.9. A method for delivering a bioactive agent to a patient in need thereof comprising applying the patch of to the skin of said patient such that a bioactive agent gains access to the blood stream of said patient wherein said micro-needle does not penetrate the dermis of said ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Roughing cutting insert

Номер: US20130195564A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A cutting insert for use in a chipforming material removal operation that includes a cutting insert body, which has a seating surface, a flank face, and a corner cutting region at the intersection of a peripheral edge and the flank adjacent corresponding corners thereof. The cutting insert body contains a central aperture. The seating surface contains a coolant delivery trough, which has a radial orientation toward a corresponding corner cutting region. The coolant delivery trough has a radial outward end terminating at the peripheral edge and a radial inward end opening into the central aperture. There are a pair of lateral topographic regions wherein the one lateral topographic region is along one side of the coolant delivery trough and the other lateral topographic region is along other side of the coolant delivery trough.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Finishing cutting insert

Номер: US20130195565A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A cutting insert for use in a chipforming material removal operation that includes a cutting insert body, which has a seating surface, a flank face, and a corner cutting region at the intersection of a peripheral edge and the flank adjacent corresponding corners thereof. The cutting insert body contains a central aperture. The seating surface contains a coolant delivery trough, which has a radial orientation toward a corresponding corner cutting region. The coolant delivery trough has a radial outward end terminating at the peripheral edge and a radial inward end opening into the central aperture. There are a pair of lateral topographic regions wherein the one lateral topographic region is along one side of the coolant delivery trough and the other lateral topographic region is along other side of the coolant delivery trough.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196578A1

The invention relates to a device for milling and polishing methacrylate, consisting essentially of a saw or milling blade () having multiple teeth that is integrally attached in an axial manner to a plate body () having the same diameter as the saw or milling blade () such that same acts as a support for said saw blade () and comprises an insert () having at least one diamond tip (), which is located in a position near the outer perimeter of said saw blade (); and wherein said insert () is anchored to the support plate () and externally enclosed by the saw blade (), such that only the edge of the diamond tip () of the insert () protrudes with respect to the surface of the saw blade (). 1212233312331231332. A device for milling and polishing methacrylate , consisting essentially of a saw or milling blade () having multiple teeth that is integrally attached in an axial manner to a plate body () having the same diameter as the saw or milling blade () such that same acts as a support for said saw blade () , and characterized in that it comprises an insert ( , ′) having at least one diamond tip () , which is located in a position near the outer perimeter of said saw blade (); and wherein said insert ( , ′) is anchored to the support plate () and externally enclosed by the saw blade () , such that only the edge of the diamond tip () of the insert ( , ′) protrudes with respect to the surface of the saw blade ().231. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the diamond tip () is made of natural diamond.331. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the diamond tip () is made of polycrystalline diamond.43123132322. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the insert () is located in a portion of the outer crown of the plate ()—saw () assembly and is formed by a flat rectangular pellet () comprising the diamond tip () at its upper part claim 1 , such that the edge of said diamond tip () protrudes with respect to the upper surface ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230361A1
Принадлежит: Techniks, Inc.

A machine tool assembly has a tool holder, a cutting tool, a collet, and a collet nut. The tool holder defines a keyed recess having multiple corners and/or multiple flats formed around an inner surface of the keyed recess. The keyed recess can be integral with the tool holder or can be a separate positioning chuck rotationally and axially secured within the tool holder. The cutting tool is inserted into the collet and has multiple edges and/or multiple flats formed on a keyed end of shank that are matingly received by the keyed recess to prevent relative rotation between the tool holder and the cutting tool and make the cutting tool rotationally and axial fixed within the tool holder. The keyed recess includes a spacer preventing the keyed end of the cutting tool from contacting a base of the keyed recess, thereby preventing radial misalignment of the cutting with the axis of the tool holder from the axial translation and force applied during tightening of the collet nut and collet. 1. A machine tool holder for receiving a cutting tool having a keyed end , comprising:a machine tool end;a cutting tool end;a collet receptacle for receiving a collet and the cutting tool in the cutting tool end; and rotationally and axially fixed with the tool holder;', 'in communication with the collet section; and', 'defines a base and an inner surface axially aligned with the collet receptacle, the inner surface having a non-circular cross section along its length, shaped to receive the keyed end of the cutting tool; and,, 'a keyed recess defined between the machine tool end and the collet, the keyed recesswherein the keyed end of the cutting tool received within the keyed recess prevents rotation of the cutting tool relative to the tool holder.2. The machine tool holder of claim 1 , further comprising a spacer extending between the base of the keyed recess and the keyed end of the cutting tool claim 1 , and wherein the spacer is compressible and axially positions the keyed end of ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266392A1
Автор: Lee Young Ho

An indexable hexahedral cutting insert has opposing top and bottom abutting faces, opposing rake faces connecting to opposing side faces, and a central hole passing through the abutting faces. Each rake face is wider in the top-to-bottom direction at a different one of the side faces. Arcuate corner portions with one-directional curvature are formed along intersecting portions between the abutting faces and the side faces. Each abutting face has first and second wedge-shaped inclined planes adjoining and inclining toward corresponding first and second rake faces. Each inclined plane has a base side at a cutting edge formed at the border with one of the rake faces, and a width which gradually increases from one corner portion to the opposite corner portion along the abutting face. Each corner portion has an associated inclined arcuate surface adjacent to the wide end of the wedge-shaped inclined planes. 1. A hexahedral insert having an opposed pair of top and bottom abutting faces , an opposed pair of rake faces , and an opposed pair of side faces with a central hole passing through each central portion of the abutting faces , whereinarcuate corner portions with one-directional curvature are formed along the intersecting portions between the abutting faces and side faces;the central hole is substantially perpendicular to the abutting faces and parallel to the rake faces and side faces; a first wedge-shaped inclined plane adjoining and inclining toward a first rake face, the first wedge-shape having a base side at a cutting edge formed at an edge border to the first rake face and having a width starting at a first border with a first corner portion and increasing gradually to a maximum at a second border with a second corner portion, and', 'a second wedge-shaped inclined plane adjoining and inclining toward a second rake face, the second wedge-shape having a base side at a cutting edge formed at an edge border to the second rake face and having a width starting at a ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272807A1

A cutting tool for machining a workpiece. The cutting tool comprises a holder and at least two cutting inserts which are separated from each other by a spacer element. The cutting tool may be used to produce two or more bevels (and/or joints and/or grooves) at precisely defined spacings in only one operation. Through the use of spacer elements of different lengths, it is possible to produce bevels at different spacings. The spacer element preferably has an interface which comprises only radial contact surfaces, which run parallel to a longitudinal axis of the spacer element, and a substantially flat axial contact surface, which runs transverse to the longitudinal axis. The length of the spacer element can therefore be shortened on the rear side of the spacer element without destroying said interface. 1. A cutting tool for machining a workpiece , comprising:a holder having a central holder bore that extends along a longitudinal axis, and having a first interface that is arranged at a front end of the holder;a first cutting insert having a second interface, which is arranged at a rear side of the first cutting insert and corresponds to the first interface, for coupling the first cutting insert to the holder, and having a third interface that is arranged at a top face of the first cutting insert opposite the rear side of the first cutting insert;a spacer element having a fourth interface, which is arranged at a rear side of the spacer element and corresponds to the third interface, for coupling the spacer element to the first cutting insert, and having a fifth interface that is arranged at a top face of the spacer element opposite the rear side of the spacer element,a second cutting insert having a sixth interface, which is arranged at a rear side of the second cutting insert and corresponds to the fifth interface, for coupling the second cutting insert to the spacer element;at least one fastening element for fastening together the two cutting inserts, the spacer ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079495A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A cutting insert for use in a chipforming material removal operation that includes a cutting insert body, which has a seating surface, a flank face, and a corner cutting region at the intersection of a peripheral edge and the flank adjacent corresponding corners thereof. The cutting insert body contains a central aperture. The seating surface contains a coolant delivery trough, which has a radial orientation toward a corresponding corner cutting region. The coolant delivery trough has a radial outward end terminating at the peripheral edge and a radial inward end opening into the central aperture. There are a pair of lateral topographic regions wherein the one lateral topographic region is along one side of the coolant delivery trough and the other lateral topographic region is along other side of the coolant delivery trough. 1. A cutting insert for use in a chipforming material removal operation , the cutting insert comprising:a cutting insert body having a seating surface and a flank face, a corner cutting region at the intersection of a peripheral edge and the flank adjacent corresponding corners thereof;the cutting insert body containing a central aperture;the seating surface containing a coolant delivery trough, the coolant delivery trough having a radial orientation toward a corresponding corner cutting region, the coolant delivery trough having a radial outward end terminating at the peripheral edge and a radial inward end opening into the central aperture; anda pair of lateral topographic regions wherein the one lateral topographic region is along and adjacent to one side of the coolant delivery trough and the other lateral topographic region is along and adjacent to other side of the coolant delivery trough.2. The cutting insert according to wherein the coolant delivery trough having a depth which decreases in a radial outward direction.3. The cutting insert according to wherein the seating surface lying in a seating plane claim 1 , and the peripheral edge ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001414A1

The milling cutter according to the present invention consists of insert holders where these insert holders project from a carrier disc which is adapted for clamping onto the spindle of a machine tool, and the individual holders are connected with one another by braces. Arms are provided between the holders and the carrier disc, 1. A milling cutter comprising:(a) a carrier disc adapted for clamping onto a spindle of a machine tool;(b) a plurality of insert holders;(c) a plurality of braces that connect the insert holders;(d) a plurality of arms disposed between the insert holders and the carrier disc;(e) a collar that does not project beyond an envelope of inserts, wherein the insert holders are arranged around the collar; and(f) a plurality of stiffeners disposed between the insert holders and the collar,further comprising struts disposed between the arms and the braces, with each strut connecting a respective one of the arms to a respective one of the braces.2. The milling cutter according to claim 1 , said struts being disposed between the arms and the insert holders.3. The milling cutter according to claim 1 , further comprising nozzles protruding from the carrier disc.4. A milling cutter comprising:(a) a carrier disc adapted for clamping onto a spindle of a machine tool;(b) a plurality of insert holders spaced circumferentially relative to one another;(c) a plurality of braces that connect the insert holders;(d) a plurality of arms, with each arm connecting the carrier disc and a respective insert holder;(e) a collar that does not project beyond an envelope of inserts, wherein the insert holders are arranged around the collar; and(f) a plurality of radially-extending stiffeners connected to the collar and to respective insert holders.5. The milling cutter according to claim 4 , further comprising struts disposed between the arms and the braces.6. The milling cutter according to claim 5 , each of said struts connecting a respective one of the arms to a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009043A1

A milling device is rotatable in one direction around a longitudinal center axis defining a forward direction and an opposite rearward direction, and includes a front part and a rear part. The front part has cutting edges, each having a longitudinal extension, and chip flutes, each having a longitudinal extension. The front part is made of a monolithic piece of ceramic. The rear part is configured to be fixed in a rotatable tool body or a rotatable chuck. The rear part is also made of a monolithic piece of cemented carbide. A front end surface of the rear part has a smaller area than a rear end surface of the front part. The front end surface of the rear part and a rear end surface of the front part are permanently bonded or brazed to each other by a joint. 1. A milling device , rotatable in one direction around a longitudinal center axis defining a forward direction and an opposite rearward direction , comprising:a front part including a plurality of cutting edges, the front part having a longitudinal extension, the front part including a plurality of chip flutes each having a longitudinal extension, wherein the front part is made of a monolithic piece of ceramic; anda rear part configured to be fixed in a rotatable tool body or a rotatable chuck, wherein the rear part is made of a monolithic piece of cemented carbide, a front end surface of the rear part having a smaller area than a rear end surface of the front part, the front end surface of the rear part and a rear end surface of the front part being permanently bonded or brazed to each other by a joint.2. The milling device according to claim 1 , wherein the rear part has a thread for fixing the milling device in a corresponding thread in a rotatable tool body claim 1 , wherein the rear part includes radially external grip surfaces arranged to be engaged by a key or wrench when fixing the milling device in and releasing the milling device from the tool body through a rotational movement claim 1 , and the grip ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023960A1

A tool for the rotary and cutting machining of workpieces includes a plurality of blades arranged on the tool body and arranged in blade arrangements, and having a securing element that secures the blade arrangements to the tool body so that the blades cannot detach from the tool body during operation. The tool body is produced from plastic. The blades are incorporated into the tool body and the securing element provides a securing strip that is incorporated into the tool body and partially encloses the blade arrangements. 1. A tool for the rotary and cutting machining of workpieces , comprising:a plastic tool body;a plurality of blades partially incorporated into the tool body and arranged in blade arrangements; anda securing element securing the blade arrangements to the tool body and configured to prevent the blades from detaching from the tool body during operation, the securing element comprising a securing strip incorporated into the tool body and at least partially surrounding the blade arrangement.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the securing strip surrounds the tool body in a circumferential direction.3. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the securing strip comprises a fiber composite material with a fiber content of at least 10% and the fiber comprises at least one of glass claim 1 , aramid or carbon fibers.4. The tool of claim 2 , wherein the securing strip comprises a fiber composite material comprises an organic sheet.5. The tool of claim 3 , wherein fibers in the securing element comprise at least one continuous fiber.6. The tool of claim 3 , wherein the fiber composite material comprises unidirectional fibers and is arranged such that the unidirectional fibers are oriented in a circumferential direction of the tool.7. The tool of claim 5 , wherein the securing element is formed by wrapping the tool body with the at least one continuous fiber.8. The tool of claim 7 , wherein a winding direction of the at least one continuous fiber is parallel to a broadside ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016904A1
Автор: LIN Ping-Da

A combination-type machining tool has a handle segment and a head segment. The handle segment is made of stainless steel or carbon steel and has a clamping handle and a body. The body is axially formed on and protrudes from a front end of the clamping handle and has a protruding rod axially formed on and protruding from a front side of the body. The head segment is made of tungsten steel, is mounted around the protruding rod and has a through hole axially formed through a front side and a rear side of the head segment, and an inner peripheral surface of the through hole is securely mounted around the protruding rod to enable the rear side of the head-segment to abut against the front side of the body. 1. A combination-type machining tool having: a clamping handle having a front end and a diameter; and', a diameter being smaller than the diameter of the clamping handle;', 'an external surface;', 'a front side; and', 'a protruding rod axially formed on and protruding from the front side of the body; and, 'a body axially formed on and protruding from the front end of the clamping handle and having'}], 'a handle segment made of stainless steel or carbon steel and having'} a rear side securely mounted in and abutting against the front side of the body;', 'a front side;', 'an external surface; and', 'a through hole axially formed through the front side and the rear side of the head segment and having an inner peripheral surface securely mounted around the protruding rod to enable the rear side of the head segment to abut against the front side of the body., 'a head segment made of tungsten steel, mounted around the protruding rod of the handle segment and having'}2. The combination-type machining tool as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe body of the handle segment has a length; andthe head segment has a length being shorter than half of a sum of the length of the head segment and the length the body of the handle segment.3. The combination-type machining tool as claimed in ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015553A1
Автор: KOERNER Ulrich

A rotating tool includes a tool body having an axis of rotation and a first recess for receiving an ID chip having a first mass and a first exterior geometry. The tool includes a dummy chip receivable in the first recess and the tool is rotationally balanced with the dummy chip in the first recess, wherein after balancing the dummy chip is removed and the ID chip is insertable in the first recess. 1. A rotatable tool , comprising:a tool body having an axis of rotation and a first recess, having a first geometry, arranged to receive an ID chip having a first mass anda dummy chip located in the first recess, wherein the tool is rotationally balanced with the dummy chip disposed in the first recess.2. The tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the tool body includes a second recess for rotationally balancing the tool while the dummy chip is disposed in the first recess.3. The tool as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the second recess is disposed on a geometrically opposite side of the tool from the first recess.4. The tool as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the second recess has a second geometry different from the first geometry of the first recess.5. The tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the dummy chip has a mass equal to the first mass of the ID chip.6. The tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the dummy chip has substantially the same geometry as the first geometry of the first recess.7. The tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the dummy chip is secured in the first recess by means for resisting a centrifugal force of at least 1200 N.8. The tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the dummy chip is secured in the first recess by a male fastener that mates with a female fastener provided in the tool body claim 1 , the dummy chip including a female threaded portion and a male threaded portion that mates with the female threaded portion and causes part of the dummy chip to expand radially outwardly claim 1 , the radially expandable part of the dummy chip being ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030625A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal CO.,LTD

Disclosed is a pneumatic milling wheel cap section burr device, which includes a lifting cylinder, guide posts, guide sleeves, a lifting table, adjusting guide rails, an adjusting slide block, an adjusting cylinder, a connecting rod, a turnover platform, feeding guide rails, a feeding platform, a feeding cylinder, an air compressor and a pneumatic milling cutter. A servo motor drives a rotating table to turn over 90 degrees, and the clamped wheel can turn over 90 degrees, so that the wheel is upright; the lifting cylinder drives the lifting table to move up and down to adjust the height of the pneumatic milling cutter; and the adjusting cylinder adjusts the angle of the turnover platform to adjust the contact angle of the pneumatic milling cutter and the cap section edge. 1. A pneumatic milling wheel cap section burr device, comprising a frame, bearing seats, bearings, a rotating table, a servo motor, a coupling, clamping guide rails, a left sliding table, a right sliding table, a gear rack, a clamping cylinder, rotating drive motors, clamping wheels, a wheel feeding roller bed, a turnover roller bed, a wheel discharge roller bed, a lifting cylinder, guide posts, guide sleeves, a lifting table, adjusting guide rails, an adjusting slide block, an adjusting cylinder, a connecting rod, a turnover platform, feeding guide rails, a feeding platform, a feeding cylinder, an air compressor and a pneumatic milling cutter, wherein the servo motor drives the rotating table to turn over 90 degrees, and a clamped wheel is configured to turn over 90 degrees, so that the wheel is upright; the lifting cylinder drives the lifting table to move up and down to adjust the height of the pneumatic milling cutter, thereby meeting the requirement for removing burrs from wheels having different cap section diameters; and the adjusting cylinder adjusts the angle of the turnover platform to adjust the contact angle between the pneumatic milling cutter and the cap section edge, thereby meeting ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038979A1
Автор: FAIR Jonathan

A hob for a cutting apparatus including a hollow body of a sintered hard metal composition and a cavity located within the body, the cavity having a volume in the range of about 10% to about 90% of the volume of the body. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of forming a hob of a cutting apparatus , comprising:providing a hollow body of a sintered hard metal composition, wherein at least one cavity is located within the body, the at least one cavity having a volume in the range of about 10% to about 90% of the volume of the body, and at least one sintered part is fused to the body, and wherein providing the hollow body includes providing a core having opposed sides and fusing a sintered element fused to each side of the core so as to seal the at least one cavity.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the hard metal composition is solid cemented carbide.15. (canceled)16. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the hard metal composition is tungsten carbide bonded with a cobalt alloy binder.17. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the hard metal composition is selected from the group consisting of tungsten claim 13 , silicon claim 13 , chromium claim 13 , vanadium claim 13 , tantalum claim 13 , niobium claim 13 , titanium claim 13 , nickel claim 13 , cobalt claim 13 , iron and combinations thereof.18. (canceled)19. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the core and each sintered element are cemented carbide of the same composition or one or more different compositions.20. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the at least one sintered part is a cemented carbide.21. The method according to claim 13 , further comprising the step providing a vibration dampening medium within the at least one cavity.22. The method according to claim 13 , further comprising forming a plurality of coolant holes in the body.23. The method according to claim 13 , further comprising providing a plurality of cavities in the body claim 13 , the total volume of the plurality of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140126968A1
Автор: Van Den Boogard Wilco
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A milling tool () includes a tool body () having a longitudinal axis (A) and a first end (), a plurality of flutes () provided in the tool body () and extending to the first end () of the tool body (), and a plurality of cutting edges (), each cutting edge being associated with a respective one of the plurality of flutes (), each cutting edge being substantially identical to each other one of the plurality of cutting edges except that at least one but not all of the cutting edges is a recessed cutting edge () and at least one but not all of the cutting edges is a non-recessed cutting edge (), each recessed cutting edge () beginning at a non-zero distance from the first end () of the tool body () and each non-recessed cutting edge () extending to the first end () of the tool body (). 12121121221321. A milling tool ( , ′ , , , ) , comprising:{'b': 23', '123', '223', '323', '25', '125', '225', '325, 'a tool body (, , , ) having a longitudinal axis (A) and a first end (, , , );'}{'b': 27', '27', '127', '227', '327', '23', '25', '125', '225', '325', '23, 'a plurality of flutes (, ′, , , ) provided in the tool body () and extending to the first end (, , , ) of the tool body (); and'}{'b': 29', '29', '29', '29', '129', '129', '229', '229', '329', '329', '27', '27', '127', '227', '327, 'i': r', 'u', 'r', 'u', 'r', 'u', 'r', 'u', 'r', 'u, 'a plurality of cutting edges (, ; ′, ′; , ; , ; , ), each cutting edge being associated with a respective one of the plurality of flutes (, ′, , , ),'}{'b': 29', '29', '129', '229', '329', '29', '29', '129', '229', '329', '29', '29', '129', '229', '329', '25', '125', '225', '325', '23', '123', '223', '323', '29', '29', '129', '229', '329', '25', '125', '225', '325', '23', '123', '223', '323', '29', '29', '29', '29', '129', '129', '229', '229', '329', '329', '27', '27', '127', '227', '327', '33', '33, 'i': r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'r', 'u', 'r', 'u', 'r', 'u', 'r', 'u ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056036A1

A workpiece machining method that machines a workpiece surface by moving a rotating tool, which has a cutting blade for interrupted cutting of the workpiece surface, relative to the workpiece comprises: a first process of determining the pattern of arrangement of multiple cavities on the surface of the workpiece formed after cutting by the cutting blade; and a second process of determining the tool path of the rotating tool so that the multiple cavities are disposed on the surface of the workpiece according to the pattern of arrangement determined in the first process. 1. A machining method of a workpiece making a rotary tool having a cutting blade for intermittently cutting a workpiece surface move relative to the workpiece to machine the workpiece surface , including:a first step of determining a pattern of arrangement of a plurality of dimples at the workpiece surface formed after cutting by the cutting blade; anda second step of determining a tool path of the rotary tool so that the plurality of dimples are arranged at the workpiece surface in accordance with the pattern of arrangement determined at the first step.2. The machining method of a workpiece according to claim 1 , wherein the first step includes determining a shape and size of the plurality of dimples.3. The machining method of a workpiece according to claim 1 , wherein the second step includes successively connecting a plurality of machining points corresponding to the plurality of dimples to determine the tool path and determining an amount of rotation of the rotary tool between the machining points.4. The machining method of a workpiece according to claim 3 , further including a third step of making the rotary tool rotate while making the rotary tool move relatively along the tool path claim 3 , wherein the third step controls an amount of feed and rotational phase of the rotary tool so that the rotary tool rotates by just one blade's worth of angle between the machining points.5. The machining ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056407A1
Автор: Knebel Alexander
Принадлежит: Albert Knebel Holding GmbH

The invention relates to a milling cutter () comprising a substantially cylindrical tool body () and at least one peripheral cutting edge () protruding exclusively radially over the tool body (), to which cutting edge a chip removal space () is assigned, wherein at least one section of the chip removal space (), which is trough-shaped in particular, is provided behind the cutting edge (), at least in the peripheral direction. 114-. (canceled)15111212313212414818414313414. A milling cutter ( , ) comprising a substantially cylindrical tool body ( , ) and at least one peripheral cutting edge ( , ) protruding exclusively radially over the tool body ( , ) , to which cutting edge a chip removal space ( , ) is assigned , wherein at least one section ( , ) of the chip removal space ( , ) , which is trough-shaped , is provided behind the cutting edge ( , ) , at least in the peripheral direction , wherein the chip removal space ( , ) is open exclusively on a peripheral side and not on an end face.16414. The milling cutter according to claim 15 , wherein the chip removal space ( claim 15 , ) is designed in such a way that chip material is forced to come loose from the tool body.17414717313. The milling cutter according to claim 15 , wherein the chip removal space ( claim 15 , ) is disposed in such a way that one section ( claim 15 , ) is situated laterally with respect to the cutting edge ( claim 15 , ).18414515313. The milling cutter according to claim 15 , wherein the chip removal space ( claim 15 , ) is disposed in such a way that one section ( claim 15 , ) is situated in front of the cutting edge ( claim 15 , ).19818313616. The milling cutter according to claim 15 , wherein a chip-removal-space section ( claim 15 , ) disposed behind the cutting edge ( claim 15 , ) forms an acute angle with a cutting edge back ( claim 15 , ).20414313. The milling cutter according to claim 15 , wherein the chip removal space ( claim 15 , ) surrounds the cutting edge ( claim 15 , ) by more ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063928A1

Provided are: an exchangeable tip cutting tool in which breakage of the threaded section and breakage of the thread ridges during installation of the machining head and under increased cutting load during cutting are limited and which is capable of performing machining with high efficiency; and a machining head and a holder to be used in the exchangeable tip cutting tool. The flank angle (α) of the pressure flank () is set to be larger than the flank angle (β) of the clearance flank (); and a holder () having a female threaded fastening section () wherein the angle of the screwing surface of the pressure flank is set to be larger than the angle of the screwing surface of the clearance flank. 1. A machining head comprising:a cutting edge section provided at the tip thereof;a male threaded fastening section to be screwed to a holder having a female threaded fastening section, the male threaded fastening section being provided at the rear of the cutting edge section in an axial direction; anda notch to be attached to the holder, the notch being provided between the cutting edge section and the male threaded fastening section, wherein a flank surface of a pressure flank;', 'a flank surface of a clearance flank; and', 'a crest surface and a root surface connecting two types of flank surfaces wherein,', 'a flank angle of the pressure flank is provided to be larger than the flank angle of a clearance flank., 'a thread ridge of the male threaded fastening section comprises2. The machining head according to claim 1 , wherein the flank angle of the pressure flank is larger in the range between 10° and 60° than the flank angle of the clearance flank.3. The machining head according to claim 1 , wherein the flank angle of the pressure flank is between 35° and 60° claim 1 , the flank angle of the clearance flank is between 0° and 25° claim 1 , one pitch of a thread ridge is between 15% and 30% of the nominal diameter of the male threaded fastening section claim 1 , and each of ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071840A1

A rotating tool includes a tool body which rotates around an axial line, four or more chip discharge grooves which are formed on an outer periphery of the tool body with gaps therebetween in a circumferential direction, and a plurality of cutting inserts which are arranged in multiple stages along the chip discharge grooves. In a cross-sectional view perpendicular to the axial line, when a center angle formed between a pair of virtual straight lines which connects each of the cutting edges of the cutting inserts disposed in a pair of chip discharge grooves adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction and the axial line to each other is defined as an angle, a plurality of angles formed around the axial line include one maximum angle (θmax), one minimum angle (θmin), and two or more angles other than the angle (θmax) and the angle (θmin). 1. A rotating tool , comprising:a tool body which is formed in a columnar shape and rotates around an axial line;a chip discharge groove which is formed on an outer periphery of the tool body and gradually extends toward a side opposite to a tool rotation direction around the axial line from a distal end of the tool body toward a posterior end side of the tool body; anda plurality of cutting inserts which include cutting edges protruding from the outer periphery of the tool body toward the outside in a radial direction and are arranged in multiple stages along the chip discharge groove on a wall surface of the chip discharge groove facing the tool rotation direction,wherein at least four chip discharge grooves are provided on the outer periphery of the tool body with gaps therebetween in a circumferential direction,wherein in a cross-sectional view perpendicular to the axial line, when a center angle formed between a pair of virtual straight lines which connects each of the cutting edges of the cutting inserts disposed in a pair of chip discharge grooves adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction and the axial ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Rotary cutting tool with effective chip evacuation

Номер: US20140161543A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A rotary cutting tool, such as a milling cutter ( 10 ) includes a central hub ( 12 ), a cutting rim ( 14 ) and a plurality of spokes ( 22 ) connecting the central hub ( 12 ) to the cutting rim ( 14 ). Each spoke ( 22 ) is separated by an opening ( 32 ) and polygonal in cross-sectional shape formed by two side walls ( 22 a, 22 b ), two front walls ( 22 c, 22 d ) and a rear wall ( 22 e ). One of the side walls ( 22 a ) of each spoke ( 22 ) is formed at a pitch angle ( 42 ) with respect to a central axis ( 11 ) of the cutting tool ( 10 ) that is sufficient to cause lift of chips through the opening ( 32 ), thereby providing effective chip evacuation during a material removal operation.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Cutting tool for face milling composite material, corresponding method of face milling, cutting insert and tool body

Номер: US20140161544A1

A cutting tool for face milling includes insert pockets for the fixing of cutting insert. The cutting inserts can be fixed in the insert pockets, wherein the cutting inserts and insert pockets are designed such that, when the cutting inserts are fixed within the corresponding insert pocket, each cutting insert presents: a primary and a secondary cutting edge. The intersection between the primary and the secondary cutting edge of one cutting insert being axially inwardly and radially outwardly offset from the intersection between the primary and the secondary cutting edge of another cutting insert. A lead angle defined between the primary and the secondary cutting edges is less than 30°. 1. A cutting tool for face milling a work piece perpendicularly to an axis of the cutting tool , the cutting tool comprising:a tool body including at least a first and a second insert pocket each for the fixing thereto of one cutting insert; andat least a first and a second cutting insert each fixed in a respective first or second insert pocket, the first and second cutting inserts and insert pockets being arranged such that when the first and second cutting inserts are fixed within the respective insert pocket, each cutting insert presents; a primary cutting edge for radial machining of the work piece; a secondary cutting edge associated with the primary cutting edge, the secondary cutting edge being a wiper edge for axial machining of the work piece, wherein an intersection between the primary cutting edge and the secondary cutting edge of the second cutting insert is axially inwardly and radially outwardly offset from an intersection between the primary cutting edge and the secondary cutting edge of the first cutting insert; and a lead angle, the lead angle of each cutting insert defined between the primary and the secondary cutting edge being less than 30°.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the tool body includes a plurality of insert pockets claim 1 , and a ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085835A1

A milling cutter includes a cutting section extending from a shank along an axis. The shank includes a free end as a first end of the milling cutter. The cutting section includes a free end as a second end of the milling cutter. The cutting section includes at least one right-hand cutting unit, at least one left-hand cutting unit and at least two grooves about the axis. Each of the grooves is made between the right-hand cutting unit and the left-hand cutting unit. The right-hand cutting unit includes several right-hand blades extending at a first helical angle relative to the axis. The left-hand cutting unit includes several left-hand blades extending at a second helical angle relative to the axis. 1203020201130122030. A milling cutter comprising a shank () and a cutting section () connected to the shank () , the shank () comprising a free end as a first end () of the milling cutter , the cutting section () comprising a free end as a second end () of the milling cutter , the shank () and the cutting section () comprising a same rotational axis , the milling cutter being characterized by:{'b': 30', '31', '32', '35', '31', '32, 'the cutting section () comprising at least one right-hand cutting unit () and at least one left-hand cutting unit () about the rotational axis, at least one groove () being made between the right-hand cutting unit () and the left-hand cutting unit () for containing debris and separating;'}{'b': 31', '33', '32', '34', '33', '34, 'the right-hand cutting unit () comprising several right-hand blades (), the left-hand cutting unit () comprising several left-hand blade (), each of the right-hand and left-hand blades (, ) extending at a helical angle relative to the rotational axis;'}{'b': 33', '34', '331', '341', '332', '342', '331', '341', '332', '342', '335', '345', '331', '33', '341', '34, 'each of the right-hand and left-hand blades (, ) comprising a leading face (, ) and a following face (, ), the leading face (, ) intersects the following face ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Cutting Tool and Replaceable Cutting Head Having Spiral Driven Surfaces Therefor

Номер: US20140169892A1
Автор: Hecht Gil
Принадлежит: Iscar, Ltd.

A replaceable cutting head includes a forward cutting portion and a rearward mounting portion. The mounting portion includes a male coupling member that protrudes rearwardly from a base surface. The male coupling member includes three circumferentially spaced apart head fixation members, where each head fixation member has a head peripheral surface that spirals inwardly in a direction against the direction of rotation and diverges. A tool holder includes a female coupling member extends rearwardly from a holder forward surface. The female coupling member includes three circumferentially spaced apart holder fixation members, where each holder fixation member has a holder peripheral surface that diverges rearwardly. When a cutting tool, which includes said cutting head and tool holder, is in a locked position, the male coupling member of the replaceable cutting head is removably retained within the female coupling member of the tool holder by means of a self-lock mechanism. 12222. A replaceable cutting head () , for rotary cutting operations , having a head longitudinal axis (A) around which the replaceable cutting head () rotates in a direction of rotation (R) , the head longitudinal axis (A) extending in a forward (D) to rearward direction (D) , comprising:{'b': 26', '28, 'a forward portion forming a cutting portion () and a rearward portion forming a mounting portion ();'}{'b': '26', 'claim-text': {'b': '30', 'a plurality of cutting members () extending radially with respect to the head longitudinal axis (A); and'}, 'the cutting portion () comprising{'b': 28', '40', '42', '42', '26', '28', '40, 'claim-text': {'b': 44', '44', '46, 'three circumferentially spaced apart head fixation members (), each head fixation member () comprising a head peripheral surface () spiraling inwardly in a direction against the direction of rotation (R) and diverging rearwardly with respect to the head longitudinal axis (A).'}, 'the mounting portion () comprising a male coupling member ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099816A1
Принадлежит: Západoceská univerzita v Plzni

The milling cutter according to the present invention consists of insert holders () where these insert holders () project from a carrier disc () which is adapted for clamping onto the spindle of a machine tool, and the individual holders () are connected with one another by braces (). Arms () are provided between the holders () and the carrier disc (). 1. A milling cutter comprising insert holders , wherein the insert holders project from a carrier disc which is adapted for clamping onto a spindle of a machine tool , wherein the insert holders comprise individual holders that are connected by braces.2. The milling cutter according to claim 1 , wherein arms are provided between the insert holders and the carrier disc.3. The milling cutter according to claim 1 , wherein struts are provided between the arms and the braces.4. The milling cutter according to claim 1 , wherein struts are provided between the arms and the holders.5. The milling cutter according to claim 1 , wherein the holders are arranged around a collar which does not project beyond an envelope of the inserts claim 1 , and the holders are attached to the collar with stiffeners. The present invention concerns a milling cutter which consists of insert holders that project from a carrier disc which is adapted for clamping onto the spindle of a machine tool.Milling cutters known to this date comprise insert holders arranged along the circumference of the tool body. These insert holders are separated by flutes whose primary role is to facilitate chip removal and their secondary role is to supply cutting fluid to the face of the insert. This design can be seen, for instance, in the milling cutter described in document no. CZ 278929. Milling cutters of such design are usually made of steel. Their weight tends to be substantial, which helps stabilize their rotation speed during operation by damping the shocks from inserts' engagement, but also extends the time needed to bring the spindle to its operating speed ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107244A1

A tool () has a machine-side machine connection () for connecting the tool to a machine tool () for driving the tool in rotation () about a rotation axis () and for advancing () the tool relative to a workpiece, a workpiece-side tool head () having one or more cutting edges () for machining a workpiece, wherein the diameter (D) of the tool head is greater than 20 mm and wherein the cutting edges () of the tool () are arranged such that they travel over an area perpendicular to the rotation axis (), a vibration unit () which is designed to set the tool head into rotary vibration () about the rotation axis (), and a power receiving means () for wirelessly receiving supplied energy and for supplying electrical energy to the vibration unit (). 120. A tool () , comprising:{'b': 21', '1', '27', '29', '26, 'a machine-side machine connector () for connecting the tool to a machine tool () for the rotational driving () of the tool around a rotation axis () and the advancement () of the tool relative to a workpiece,'}{'b': '22', 'a workpiece-side tool head () having one or more cutting edges for machining a workpiece, wherein the diameter of the tool head is larger than 20 mm, and wherein the cutting edges of the tool may be arranged such that they pass over a surface extending perpendicular to the rotation axis,'}{'b': 23', '28, 'a vibration unit () adapted to evoke a rotation vibration () of the tool head around the rotation axis,'}{'b': '24', 'a power receiving means () for wireless receipt of power and supplying electric power to the vibration unit.'}22423. The tool according to claim 1 , wherein the power receiving means () comprises a coil flooded by a magnetic field claim 1 , the coil being directly or indirectly connected with one or more vibration drives () in the vibration unit.329. The tool according to claim 2 , wherein the coil is ring-shaped and concentric to the rotation axis () and is adapted for cooperation with a stationary coil facing it in axial direction. ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180117684A1
Автор: Harms Brian, Trautner Paul

A milling cutter includes a milling drum having a body with a first end, a second end, an outer surface extending around a circumference of the body between the first and second ends, and a slot formed in the outer surface. The milling cutter also includes a cutting insert positioned at least partially within the slot and removably secured to the body. The cutting insert includes a cutting profile defined by rounded peaks and pointed valleys to cut a tooth form into a saw blade. 1. A milling cutter comprising:a milling drum including a body having a first end, a second end, an outer surface extending around a circumference of the body between the first and second ends, and a slot formed in the outer surface; anda cutting insert positioned at least partially within the slot and removably secured to the body, the cutting insert including a cutting profile defined by rounded peaks and pointed valleys to cut a tooth form into a saw blade.2. The milling cutter of claim 1 , wherein the body includes a plurality of slots formed in the outer surface claim 1 , and further comprising a plurality of cutting inserts claim 1 , wherein each cutting insert is positioned at least partially within one of the slots and removably secured to the body claim 1 , and further wherein each cutting insert includes a cutting profile defined by rounded peaks and pointed valleys.3. The milling cutter of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of slots and the plurality of cutting inserts are circumferentially spaced around the outer surface of the body.4. The milling cutter of claim 3 , wherein each slot is continuous from the first end of the body to the second end of the body.5. The milling cutter of claim 4 , wherein each slot is linear.6. The milling cutter of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of slots are evenly spaced around the outer surface of the body.7. The milling cutter of claim 1 , wherein the cutting insert includes a unitary body that extends from the first end of the body to the second ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140205389A1
Автор: Abe Taro, Azegami Takayuki

An exchangeable head cutting tool contains a tool main body made of a hard material and a connecting member made of a metal material having a lower hardness than the hard material. The tool main body and the connecting member are joined by inserting a cylindrical mounting portion of the connecting member into a mounting hole formed in the tool main body, and by plastically deforming the mounting portion so as to expand a diameter thereof, thereby bringing an outer peripheral surface of the mounting portion into close contact with the inner peripheral surface of the mounting hole and thus making the outer peripheral surface of the mounting portion engage with a concave portions of the tool main body. A diameter expanding member having a higher hardness than the connecting member is press-fitted into and fixed to an inner peripheral portion of the mounting portion. 1. An exchangeable head cutting tool comprising:a tool main body made of a hard material and having a mounting hole with concave portions in an inner peripheral surface thereof;a connecting member made of a metal material having a lower hardness than the hard material and having a cylindrical mounting portion; anda diameter expanding member having a higher hardness than the connecting member, whereinthe tool main body and the connecting member are joined by inserting the cylindrical mounting portion into the mounting hole, and by plastically deforming the mounting portion so as to expand a diameter thereof, thereby bringing an outer peripheral surface of the mounting portion into close contact with the inner peripheral surface of the mounting hole and thus making the outer peripheral surface of the mounting portion engage with the concave portions,the diameter expanding member is press-fitted into and fixed to an inner peripheral portion of the mounting portion, andthe mounting portion is plastically deformed by the diameter expanding member.2. The exchangeable head cutting tool according to claim 1 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281019A1
Автор: AOKI Tomoya, KOIKE Yusuke
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A rotating tool according to an aspect of the present disclosure is a rotating tool used in a state held by a tool holder, and the rotating tool includes a shaft portion having an end attached to the tool holder, a blade attaching portion or a blade portion provided at an end of the shaft portion opposite to the end, and a plurality of sensors attached to the shaft portion, and the plurality of sensors include an acceleration sensor and a strain sensor. 1. A rotating tool used in a state held by a tool holder , comprising:a shaft portion having an end attached to the tool holder;a blade attaching portion or a blade portion provided at an end of the shaft portion opposite to the end; anda plurality of sensors attached to the shaft portion,wherein the plurality of sensors include an acceleration sensor and a strain sensor.2. The rotating tool according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sensors further include at least any one of a temperature sensor and a sound sensor.3. The rotating tool according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing attached to the shaft portion claim 1 , wherein the housing stores the sensors.4. The rotating tool according to claim 1 , further comprising a wireless communication apparatus attached to the shaft portion claim 1 ,wherein the wireless communication apparatus transmits sensor information indicating a measurement result of each of the sensors.5. The rotating tool according to claim 4 , wherein the wireless communication apparatus further transmits identification information that enables each of the plurality of sensors to be identified.6. The rotating tool according to claim 4 , wherein the wireless communication apparatus further transmits positional information indicating a positional relationship between each of the sensors and the blade attaching portion or a positional relationship between each of the sensors and the blade portion.7. A module attachable to a shaft portion of a rotating tool including the shaft portion and a ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140227047A1

According to the invention a tool system for machining a workpiece is recommended, having a cylinder-shaped retaining shank () that has a cutting head holder () on an end surface () facing the workpiece, a drive mount () on an end surface facing the drive (), a cutting head () having at least one cutting edge (), a cutting head hub () corresponding to the cutting head holder () on the retaining shank (), a tool coupling () with a tool interface (), and a coupling hub corresponding to the drive mount (), wherein the coupling hub () and/or the cutting head hub () have elevated areas () with contact surfaces (), wherein the elevated areas () are distributed in an arrangement in both the circumferential () and longitudinal directions of the coupling hub () and/or the cutting head hub (), wherein the contact surfaces () make contact on support surfaces () on the drive mount () and/or on the cutting head holder () on the retaining shank (), and wherein the drive mount () and/or the cutting head holder () is permanently connected to the coupling hub () and/or the cutting head hub () by means of a joining material () in intermediate spaces () between the elevations (). 1. A cutting tool system for machining a workpiece , comprising:a cylindrical holding shank with a workpiece-side end and an opposing drive-side end, wherein a cutting head fixture is arranged on the workpiece-side end, and wherein a drive fixture is arranged on the drive-side end;a cutting head with at least one cutting edge and with a cutting head hub matching with the cutting head fixture of the holding shank; anda tool coupling with a tool interface and with a coupling hub matching with the drive fixture;wherein the coupling hub comprises elevated regions with bearing faces, wherein the bearing faces bear against corresponding supporting faces of the drive fixture of the holding shank, wherein the elevated regions are distributed both in a circumferential direction of the coupling hub and along the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Tool body of cutting tool for indexable inserts, and round milling insert

Номер: US20220288706A1
Принадлежит: Tungaloy Corp

Provided are a tool body of a cutting tool for indexable inserts and a round milling insert that are configured not to cause floating or rattling when the round milling insert is mounted, by keeping the contact part between the round milling insert and the tool body at a predetermined part. The tool body includes a recessed portion provided so that only one of a plurality of protrusions is fitted thereto, the plurality of protrusions being formed in the round milling insert so as to protrude in the radial direction, wherein the recessed portion has both inner surfaces thereof formed of curved surfaces in such a manner that the distance therebetween gradually decreases toward a depth portion, at the contact area between the recessed portion and said protrusion fitted thereto out of the plurality of protrusions. The round milling insert mounted onto such tool body includes a plurality of protrusions formed so as to protrude in the radial direction, any of the plurality of protrusions being able to be fitted into a recessed portion provided on a mounting seat of the tool body, wherein each of the protrusions has both outer surfaces thereof formed of curved surfaces in such a manner that the distance therebetween gradually decreases toward a tip of the protrusion, at the contact area between the protrusion and the recessed portion into which the protrusion is fitted.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150158094A1

A surface-coated cutting tool includes a body and a hard coating layer coating the cutting tool body. In the surface-coated cutting tool, the (TiAl)(CN) layer with a cubic crystal structure (X and Y are atomic ratio, and satisfy 0.600≦X≦0.90 and 0.0005≦Y≦0.005, respectively) is vapor-deposited on the body by a chemical vapor deposition method. The Al content Xis 0.55≦X≦0.70, and the grain size Dis 0.1 μm or less in the (TiAl)(CN) layer near the interface between the body and the complex carbonitride layer. The Al content X0.80≦X≦0.95 and the average grain size Dis 0.5 μm to 2 μm in the (TiAl)(CN) layer near the outer surface side. Furthermore, the Al content ratio and the grain size in the (TiAl)(CN) layer gradually increase to the outer surface side. 1. A surface-coated cutting tool comprising:a cutting tool body made of any one of tungsten carbide-based cemented carbide, titanium carbonitride-based cermet, and cubic boron nitride nitride-based ultra-high pressure sintered material; anda hard coating layer coated on a surface of the cutting tool body, wherein(a) the hard coating layer comprises at least a complex carbonitride layer of Ti and Al with a cubic crystal structure, the complex carbonitride layer being vapor-deposited by a chemical vapor deposition method and having an average thickness of 1-20 μm,{'sub': 1-X', 'X', 'Y', '1-Y, '(b) an Al content ratio X and a C content ratio Y satisfy 0.60≦X≦0.90 and 0.0005≦Y≦0.005, respectively, in the complex carbonitride layer: an average composition of the complex carbonitride layer being expressed by a composition formula, (TiAl)(CN); and X and Y being in atomic ratio,'}{'sub': L', 'L', 'L, 'claim-text': [{'sub': H', 'H', 'H, 'an Al content ratio Xis 0.80≦X≦0.95: a location H being a location 0.3 μm from an interface of the complex carbonitride layer on an outer surface side of the complex carbonitride layer to the internal part of the complex carbonitride layer; compositional analysis being performed on a cross- ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Cutting Tool

Номер: US20160158853A1
Автор: DAVIS Robert P.

A cutting tool may include a cutter body, and a cutting insert group coupled to the cutter body, wherein the cutter body includes a working length, wherein the cutting insert group forms a continuous cutting edge, and wherein the continuous cutting edge extends continuously through the working length of the cutter body. 1. A cutting tool comprising:a cutter body; anda cutting insert group coupled to said cutter body,wherein said cutter body comprises a working length,wherein said cutting insert group forms a continuous cutting edge, andwherein said continuous cutting edge extends continuously through said working length of said cutter body.2. The cutting tool of wherein said continuous cutting edge is precision-ground.3. The cutting tool of wherein said continuous cutting edge is helical.4. The cutting tool of wherein said cutting insert group comprises a plurality of cutting inserts arranged in an end-to-end orientation claim 1 , and wherein said cutting inserts comprise metal carbide5. The cutting tool of further comprising a flute formed in said cutter body claim 1 , wherein said flute extends through said working length of said cutter body claim 1 , and wherein said cutting insert group is coupled to said cutter body within said flute.6. The cutting tool of wherein said flute is helical.7. The cutting tool of wherein said cutting insert group comprises a plurality of cutting inserts arranged in an end-to-end orientation along said flute.8. The cutting tool of wherein said cutting inserts comprise metal carbide.9. The cutting tool of further comprising a plurality of pockets formed in said cutter body along said flute claim 7 , wherein said plurality of cutting inserts is removably coupled to said cutter body within said plurality of pockets.10. The cutting tool of wherein each pocket defines cutting insert support surfaces supporting a cutting insert.11. A cutting tool comprising:a cutter body comprising a longitudinal axis and a working length;a flute formed in ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160555A1
Принадлежит: Iscar, Ltd.

A slotting tool body includes a disc-like cutter portion and a shank portion projecting rearwardly therefrom. The cutter portion includes a resilient clamping portion having a peripherally disposed insert receiving slot. The shank portion includes a peripherally disposed forward shank recess that is axially adjacent the cutter portion. A radially inward portion of the insert receiving slot merges in the rearward direction with the forward shank recess. A cutting insert is releasably and resiliently clamped in the insert receiving slot to form a rotary slot cutting tool. The cutting insert includes two cutting portions that each include a long and short insert lateral extension, the long insert lateral extension being longer than the short insert lateral extension. The longest insert lateral extensions are orated on opposite sides of the cutting insert. 1222222. A slotting tool body () , having a body central axis (B) that defines opposite forward and rearward directions (D , D) and about which the slotting tool body () is rotatable in a rotational direction (R) , the slotting tool body () comprising:{'b': 26', '38, 'a disc-like cutter portion () comprising a resilient clamping portion having a peripherally disposed insert receiving slot (); and'}{'b': 56', '26', '56', '58', '60', '58', '26, 'claim-text': {'b': 38', '60, 'sub': 'R', 'a radially inward portion of the insert receiving slot () merges in the rearward direction (D) with the forward shank recess ().'}, 'a shank portion () projecting rearwardly from the cutter portion (), the shank portion () comprising a shank peripheral surface () which extends circumferentially about the body central axis (B) and a forward shank recess () recessed in, and opening out to, the shank peripheral surface () adjacent to the cutter portion (); wherein222265622. The slotting tool body () claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the cutter portion () and the shank portion () are integrally formed so that the slotting tool body () ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Rotary Cutting Tool Having Disk-Shaped Cutter Body Provided With Support Pads

Номер: US20150174675A1
Автор: Roohi MOKTHAR, Yaron Eisen
Принадлежит: Iscar Ltd

A cutting tool and cutter body assembly, including a disk-shaped cutter body and a plurality of support pads removably retained therein, the cutter body having an axis of rotation, two opposing end surfaces and a body peripheral surface extending therebetween. Each support pad intersects one of two annular-shaped planes equidistantly offset from opposite sides of a median plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation, and the cutter body intersects neither of the two annular-shaped planes. Each support pad is configured to make operative contact with a machined surface of a workpiece perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Each support pad has opposing upper and lower surfaces and a pad peripheral surface extending therebetween, the pad peripheral surface having an upper portion intersecting the upper surface, and the upper portion exhibiting N-fold rotational symmetry about a pad axis non-perpendicular to the lower surface.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190167278A1
Автор: Gradel Thomas

A method for the production of a reamer, such as a burr for milling a patient's acetabular cavity, including a substantially hemispherical, hollow cutting body with a perforated wall. The method includes a step of forming at least one tooth by stamping the wall, during which an area of the thinned portion of the wall, adjacent to a hole, is pressed between a punch and an anvil. 18-. (canceled)9. A method for producing a reamer , such as a milling cutter intended to mill the acetabular cavity of a patient , comprising a substantially hemispherical hollow cutter body with a perforated wall , said method comprising a step in which at least one tooth is formed by stamping the wall by means of a punch plastically deforming a portion of the wall extending radially from and away from a hole formed in the wall , wherein , in the stamping of the tooth , a zone of the deformed portion of the wall , adjacent to the hole , is thinned and pressed by the punch against an anvil.10. The production method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein:the punch comprises a free end with a set pressing surface,{'b': '1', 'in the step of forming of the tooth, a generatrix (I-I) of the pressing surface is oblique relative to a plane (P) defined by the orifice of the hole.'}11. The production method as claimed in claim 10 , wherein:{'b': '1', 'the anvil comprises a set pressing surface whose generatrix (II-II) is oblique relative to the plane (P) defined by the orifice of the hole,'}{'b': 2', '1', '1', '1, 'in the forming of the tooth, the angle (A) between the generatrix (II-II) of the pressing surface of the anvil and the plane (P) defined by the orifice of the hole is smaller than the angle (A) between the generatrix (I-I) of the pressing surface of the punch and the plane (P) defined by the orifice of the hole, preferably by approximately 2 degrees.'}12. The production method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein claim 9 , until the step of forming of the tooth claim 9 , the cutter body takes the form ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140277686A1

A method for performing a milling operation includes providing a milling cutter and a workpiece having an non-machined workpiece surface; receiving a set of milling cutter geometry parameters; creating a curvilinear profile from the workpiece surface; extracting a radius parameter from the curvilinear profile; determining an initial step-over value in response to the set of milling cutter geometry parameters; determining a surface roughness value in response to the set of milling cutter geometry parameters, the curvilinear profile of the workpiece surface, the radius parameter, and an initial tool inclination angle; determining a minimum surface roughness value in response to the cutter inclination angle value; and adjusting a calculated step-over value in response to the minimum surface roughness value where the calculated step-over value and the calculated inclination angle value are applied to operating the milling cutter. 6. The method of claim 1 , further including establishing the initial step-over value as 100-percent of a selected one of the milling cutter geometry parameters.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the selected one of the milling cutter geometry parameters is a diameter of a portion of the milling cutter.8. The method of claim 1 , further including establishing the initial inclination angle value as zero degrees.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the milling cutter is a face mill cutter.10. A method of performing a milling operation claim 1 , the method comprising:positioning a contoured workpiece;positioning a milling tool in relation to the contoured workpiece;creating a machining surface profile of the contoured workpiece;determining a dynamic inclination angle value in response to the machining surface profile of the contoured workpiece and a set of parameters of the milling tool;determining a minimum surface roughness profile in response to the dynamic inclination angle value, the machining surface profile of the contoured workpiece, and a ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197257A1
Автор: ASO Takahiro

An indexable roughing end mill having a peripheral surface provided with a plurality of spiral grooves. When the positions of cutting inserts () arranged in each spiral groove () are defined as a first segment to an nsegment from a leading end surface () side of a tool body () toward a base end surface () side, all of the angles β . . . βm between lines connecting a rotational axis (O) and the cutting inserts () in the first segments of the respective spiral grooves () are different from each other, as viewed from the leading end, and an angle (αt) between the cutting insert () in the first segment and the cutting insert () in the uppermost nsegment in a spiral groove is different from any of the angles β . . . βm between the lines, as viewed from the leading end. 110. An indexable rotary cutting tool () , comprising:{'b': 20', '40', '20, 'a substantially cylindrical tool body () having a rotational axis (O); and cutting inserts () mounted on the tool body (),'}{'b': 20', '23', '28', '30, 'the tool body () having a peripheral surface () provided with a plurality of spiral grooves () in which a plurality of insert seats () is formed,'}{'b': 40', '30', '40', '28', '22', '21', '20, 'sup': 'th', 'the cutting inserts () being removably arranged on the insert seats (), wherein, when positions of the cutting inserts () arranged in each of the spiral grooves () are defined as a first segment to an nsegment (where n is an integer of 2 or higher) from a leading end surface () side to a base end surface () side of the tool body (){'b': 20', '1', '40', '28, 'as viewed from the leading end surface side of the tool body (), all of angles (β, . . . βm (where m is an integer of 2 or higher)) between lines connecting the rotational axis (O) and the cutting inserts () in the first segments of the respective spiral grooves () are different from each other; and'}{'b': 20', '40', '40', '28', '1, 'sup': 'th', 'as viewed from the leading end surface side of the tool body (), an angle (αt) ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Rotary cutting tool with internal balancing feature

Номер: US20170197258A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A rotary cutting tool has a central, longitudinal axis. One or more internal balancing features are disposed within a cavity of the rotary cutting tool. Each internal balancing feature includes a balancing mass suspended within the cavity by a spring-like element, and an adjusting screw for effecting radial movement of the balancing mass. Each internal balancing feature can be integrally-formed with the rotary cutting tool using a 3-D printing technique. The rotary cutting tool can be any rotary cutting tool, such as a milling cutter, a boring bar, and the like. The internal balancing features are arranged at predetermined locations within the rotary cutting tool to enable static and/or dynamic balancing of the rotary cutting tool.

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Cutting tool and corresponding assembly

Номер: US20150209054A1
Автор: Fuat Atabey
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

A one-piece cutting tool has a shank portion with a mounting end and a cutting end. The cutting end has a body portion and a substantially hemispherical portion. The cutting end further comprises a plurality of flutes, each flute helically extending adjacent to one another about the cutting end along a length from the body portion to the hemispherical portion. Each flute has a cutting edge divided into a first cutting edge section and a second cutting edge section, the first cutting edge section extending along the body portion and being substantially straight-edged or serrated, and the second cutting edge section extending along the hemispherical portion and being serrated along at least a part of the hemispherical portion. A cutting tool assembly is also provided.

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207128A1
Автор: FAIR Jonathan

A hob for a cutting apparatus including a hollow body of a sintered hard, metal composition and a cavity located within the body, the cavity having a volume in the range of about 10% to about 90% of the volume of the body. 1. A hollow hob for a cutting apparatus comprising a body of a sintered hard metal composition and at least one cavity located within the body , wherein the cavity has a volume in the range of about 10% to about 90% of the volume of the body.2. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein the hard metal composition is solid cemented carbide.3. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein the hard metal composition is solid tungsten carbide.4. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein the hard metal composition is tungsten carbide bonded with a cobalt alloy binder.5. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein the hard metal composition is selected from the group of tungsten claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , iron and combinations thereof.6. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein the body includes a core having opposed sides and a sintered element fused to each side of the core so as to seal the cavity.7. The hob according to claim 6 , wherein the core and each sintered element are cemented carbide of the same composition or of one or more different compositions.8. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein at least one sintered part is fused to the body.9. The hob according to claim 8 , wherein the at least one sintered part is a cemented carbide.10. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein a vibration dampening medium is disposed with the at least one cavity.11. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of cavities are formed in the body.12. The hob according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of coolant holes are disposed in the body.13. A method of forming a hob of a cutting apparatus comprising the steps of providing a hollow body of a ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Tool holder attaching/detaching structure of machine tool

Номер: US20140294523A1
Принадлежит: DMG Mori Seiki Co Ltd

In a case where a tool holder 5 having a plurality of cutting tools T are attachably/detachably mounted on a base member 8, the tool holder 5 is formed in a ring shape and has depressions 5 a and projections 5 b on an inner periphery, and by aligning the depressions and projections 5 a, 5 b of the tool holder 5 with projections 9 b and depressions 9 a formed on an outer periphery of a rotating member 9 rotatably mounted on the base member 8, the tool holder 5 is mountable to or removal from the base member 8. The tool holder 5 is clamped to the base member 8 by being pressed against a seating surface 8 e of the base member 8.

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225840A1

A method for depositing a hard and wear resistant layer onto a tool body of a hard alloy of, for example, cemented carbide, cermet, ceramics, cubic boron nitride based material or high speed steel, includes depositing the layer by highly ionised physical vapour deposition using elemental, composite and/or alloyed source material comprising the elements Me, where Me is one or more of Ti, V, Cr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, W, B, Al, and Si, using a process gas o one or more of the elements C, N, O, and S, and applying a first substrate bias potential, Ub1, where −900 V0.05Dtot, and applying a second substrate bias potential, Ub2, where 150 V0.05D, whereby one first sublayer is formed during the at least one fraction D; and'}{'sub': b2', 'b2', 'li', 'tot', 'li', 'tot', 'li', 'hi', 'li, 'b': '4', 'applying a second substrate bias potential, U, where −150 V0.05D, said fractions Dbeing ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210125A1
Автор: HENRY Nicholas, Ning Li
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A modular cutting tool includes a cutting head, a shank and a mechanism which assists in assembling and locks the cutting head to the shank. The cutting head includes a cutting portion rotatable about a central longitudinal axis and a cylindrical skirt extending axially from the cutting portion and terminating at a contact face disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The skirt has a number of curved inner surfaces which generally define a bore disposed about the longitudinal axis. The shank includes a cylindrical portion of a first diameter disposed about the central longitudinal axis and a central protrusion disposed in the bore of the cutting portion. The central protrusion has a second diameter less than the first diameter and extends longitudinally from a contact face disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis at a leading end of the cylindrical portion. 1. A modular cutting tool comprising: a cutting portion rotatable about a central longitudinal axis; and', 'a cylindrical skirt extending axially from the cutting portion and terminating at a contact face disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, the skirt having a number of curved inner surfaces which generally define a bore disposed about the longitudinal axis; and, 'a cutting head comprising a cylindrical portion of a first diameter disposed about the longitudinal axis; and', 'a central protrusion disposed in the bore of the cutting portion, the central protrusion having a second diameter less than the first diameter and extending longitudinally from a contact face disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis at a leading end of the cylindrical portion; and, 'a shank comprisinga mechanism which assists in assembling and locks the cutting head to the shank.2. The modular cutting tool of claim 1 , wherein the skirt further includes a number of cut-out regions which extend from the contact face toward the cutting portion between the number of inner surfaces and an outer surface claim 1 , ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Hardware fastener with movable threaded element and one or more spring-like members

Номер: US20200215627A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A hardware fastener with a movable threaded element suspended within a cavity formed in a body. The movable threaded element has an internal surface with threads for cooperating with a threaded fastener. The movable threaded element is suspended in the cavity by the one or more spring-like members such that an area, A, of reduced stiffness is created in the cavity proximate the movable threaded element, thereby allowing the movable threaded element to move a predetermined distance within the cavity when torque is applied to the threaded fastener. The one or more spring-like members store elastic potential energy to prevent the loss of pretension of the threaded fastener that can be caused by heat or vibration. The invention also eliminates the need for a torque wrench when tightening the threaded fastener to a specified torque value.

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Cutting Insert, A Cutting Insert Holder, A System Including The Cutting Insert And Cutting Insert Holder, And A Method Of Manufacturing Thereof

Номер: US20140321927A1
Автор: Craig Karen Anne
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A cutting insert for metalworking operations is retained within a cutting insert holder by a resilient tab on the holder that engages a recess on the stem of the insert. The cutting insert and the holder may be fabricated using rapid prototyping techniques such as 3D printing. 1. A cutting insert , comprising:a body having a head at an end of the body and a stem at an opposite end of the body, wherein the stem extends along a longitudinal axis;a cutting edge at the head; anda locking surface at the stem, wherein the locking surface is made up of a locking recess extending into the stem.2. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein the body has a length claim 1 , width and depth claim 1 , the length being greater than the width.3. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein the width of the head is greater than the width of the stem.4. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein the cutting edge is formed along the perimeter at a top face of the head and a relief surface is formed behind the cutting edge.5. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein the locking recess is formed at a top face of the stem and in the shape of a channel oriented in the direction of a width direction of the cutting insert.6. The cutting insert of claim 5 , wherein the locking surface is substantially normal to the stem longitudinal axis.7. The cutting insert of claim 5 , wherein the locking surface forms an angle α with the stem longitudinal axis of between 60-90 degrees.8. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein a bottom face of the stem has a semi cylindrical shape.9. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein a bottom face of the head has a hemispherical shape.10. The cutting insert of claim 1 , wherein top faces of the head and stem of the body are substantially planar.11. A cutting insert holder adapted to receive at least one cutting insert claim 1 , comprising;a holder body;a cavity formed within the body for receiving a cutting insert; anda resilient locking tab disposed within the cavity and ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Milling cutter

Номер: US20190232396A1
Автор: Böck Benjamin

A milling tool has a shank and a milling portion arranged along a longitudinal axis of the milling tool. The milling portion has at least one peripheral blade and a flute that adjoins a cutting edge of the peripheral blade. A radial spacing between the cutting edge and the longitudinal axis is selected on the basis of a specified compensation rotational speed such that a shell surface formed by the rotating cutting edge is circular cylindrical in the case of a rotation of the milling tool at the compensation rotational speed. The radial spacing of the cutting edge increases continuously or decreases continuously as the distance from the shank increases. 16.-. (canceled)7. A milling tool , comprisinga shank and a milling portion which are arranged along a longitudinal axis of the milling tool,wherein the milling portion comprises at least one peripheral blade that extends over the milling portion, in the direction of the longitudinal axis, at least in portions with a flute that adjoins a cutting edge of the peripheral blade,wherein a radial spacing between the cutting edge and the longitudinal axis is selected on the basis of a specified compensation rotational speed at which a radial deflection of the cutting edge of the rotating milling tool occurs, such that a shell surface formed by the rotating cutting edge is circular cylindrical when the milling tool rotates at the compensation rotational speed.8. The milling tool according to claim 7 , wherein the radial spacing of the cutting edge increases or decreases continuously as a distance from the shank increases.9. The milling tool according to claim 8 , wherein the radial spacing of the cutting edge increases or decreases proportionally claim 8 , in the direction of an end face of the milling tool claim 8 , with the distance from the shank.10. The milling tool according to claim 7 , wherein the milling tool comprises a single peripheral blade that extends over the milling portion claim 7 , in the direction of the ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180242470A1

Various components of an electronic device housing and methods for their assembly are disclosed. The housing can be formed by assembling and connecting two or more different sections together. The sections of the housing may be coupled together using one or more coupling members. The coupling members may be formed using a two-shot molding process in which the first shot forms a structural portion of the coupling members, and the second shot forms cosmetic portions of the coupling members. 1. A housing for a portable electronic device , comprising:a first side wall characterized as having a first grain pattern elongated in a first direction;a second side wall characterized as having a second grain pattern elongated in a second direction; anda housing section that includes a third side wall, a fourth side wall, and a bottom wall that together define a cavity, the housing section having a third grain pattern elongated in a third direction, wherein the housing is capable of carrying a component within the cavity, and the first side wall and the second side wall are joined to opposite ends of the housing section such that the first grain pattern and the second grain pattern are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the third grain pattern.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the first side wall claim 1 , the second side wall claim 1 , and the housing section are formed from a material that is opaque to radio frequency radiation.3. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the first side wall is joined to the housing section by one or more coupling members that interface with locking members of the housing section.4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the first grain pattern and the second grain pattern being parallel to each other and perpendicular to the third grain pattern minimizes an appearance of grain boundaries between the housing section and the first side wall and the second side wall.5. The housing of claim 4 , wherein the one or more coupling members are formed of a ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Side Milling Cutter and Production Method

Номер: US20170252839A1
Автор: Donisi Sven, Graf Gregor

The invention relates to a side milling cutter () which comprises a disk body () with a central hub () for accommodation in a milling drive, and a plurality of cutters () which are arranged on the outer periphery thereof. A plurality of inner cooling lubricant channels () extend in the disk body (), said channels having two or more outlet openings () in the area of each cutter (). Said outlet openings () are oriented such that a cooling lubricant jet (K) which exits from the cooling lubricant channel () can be directed to the cutter (). The invention also relates to a production method for the side milling cutter (). 115-. (canceled)161. A generatively produced side milling cutter () , comprising:{'b': 11', '12', '21', '11', '11', '3', '11, 'a disk body () comprising a central hub () to be received in a milling drive and further comprising a plurality of cutting lips () on an outer circumference of the disk body (), the disk body () further comprising a plurality of internal cooling lubricant passages () extending through the disk body ();'}{'b': 3', '31', '31', '21, 'each of the cooling lubricant passages () having at least two outlet openings (, ′) in the region of each cutting lip ();'}{'b': 31', '31', '3', '21, 'the at least two outlet openings (, ′) arranged such that in each case one cooling lubricant jet (K), which emerges from the cooling lubricant passage (), is able to be directed onto the cutting lip ();'}{'b': 31', '31', '21', '11, 'the at least two outlet openings (, ′) configured to direct the cooling lubricant jets (K) onto the cutting lip () with a predetermined angular offset in order to support the transporting away of chips and to cool the disk body ();'}{'b': '21', 'wherein at least one of the cooling lubricant jets (K) is directed at a chip detachment zone of the cutting lip () during operation.'}171313121. The side milling cutter () as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the at least two outlet openings ( claim 16 , ′) are configured to direct one ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257154A1
Автор: WIHLBORG Lennart
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

A tool body of a cutting tool includes at least one insert pocket having a bottom surface with a support face configured to provide support to a lower surface of an insert to be received in the pocket and having at least one cutting edge formed between a top surface and a side surface connecting the lower surface and the top surface. The bottom surface of the pocket has a countersunk central portion surrounded by a peripheral bottom surface portion configured to form the only support face of the bottom surface to the lower surface of an insert to be received in the pocket. 1. A cutting tool , comprising:a tool body having at least one pocket;at least one cutting insert releasably fixed to the pocket, the insert having a lower surface, a top surface, a surrounding side surface connecting the lower surface and the top surface and at least one cutting edge formed between the top surface and the side surface, the pocket having a bottom surface with a support face configured to provide support to the lower surface of the insert, anda fastening device configured to secure the insert in the pocket while pressing portions of the lower surface of the insert against the support face, wherein the bottom surface of the pocket has a countersunk central portion has a design arranged to keep the lower surface of the insert to be received in the pocket out of contact therewith and a peripheral portion surrounding the central portion configured to provide the only support face for the lower surface of the insert by supporting a portion of the lower surface of the insert bearing thereupon.2. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting insert has a flat lower surface.3. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein a maximum distance between and perpendicular to the bottom surface of the pocket of the countersunk central portion to the support face of the peripheral portion is≥5×10×a largest dimension of the bottom surface.4. The cutting tool according to claim 1 , ...

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210323082A1
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A hardware fastener with a movable threaded element suspended within a cavity formed in a body. The movable threaded element has an internal surface with threads for cooperating with a threaded fastener. The movable threaded element is suspended in the cavity by the one or more spring-like members such that an area, A, of reduced stiffness is created in the cavity proximate the movable threaded element, thereby allowing the movable threaded element to move a predetermined distance within the cavity when torque is applied to the threaded fastener. The one or more spring-like members store elastic potential energy to prevent the loss of pretension of the threaded fastener that can be caused by heat or vibration. The invention also eliminates the need for a torque wrench when tightening the threaded fastener to a specified torque value. 1. A hardware fastener comprising a movable threaded element suspended in a cavity of a body by one or more spring-like members to create an area , A , of reduced stiffness in the cavity , thereby allowing the movable threaded element to move a pre-determined distance relative to the body within the cavity when torque is applied to a threaded fastener , thereby placing the threaded fastener under pretension.2. The hardware fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more spring-like members extend radially outward from an exterior surface of the movable threaded element to act as a cantilever having a predetermined amount of flexure.3. The hardware fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more spring-like members extend radially outward from an exterior surface of the movable threaded element to act as a wave spring having a predetermined amount of flexure.4122. The hardware fastener according to claim 3 , wherein the one or more spring-like members having a first length claim 3 , L claim 3 , when the hardware fastener is in a loose or non-tightened condition claim 3 , and wherein the one or more spring-like members ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150275348A1

The present invention relates to a coated cutting tool with a coating comprising a multilayer structure consisting of alternating layers A and B forming the sequence A/B/A/B/A . . . or alternating layers A and B and an intermediate layer C between the alternating layers A and B forming the sequence A/C/B/C/A/C/B . . . . Layer A consists of ZrAlN and layer B consists of TiN. Layer C comprises one or more metal elements from each of layers A and B and is of different composition and structure than layers A and B. A method for forming the coated cutting tool is also provided. The method comprises heat treatment of the coated cutting tool prior to use. 1. A coated cutting tool comprising a substrate and a coating on the substrate , wherein said coating comprises a multilayer structure , whereby said multilayer structure comprises:alternating layers A and B forming the sequence A/B/A/B/A . . . with an individual layer thickness of layer A and layer B of 1-30 nm, whereby layer A consists of Zr1-xAlxN, where 0 Подробнее

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Slot milling disc and a rotatable mounting shaft for such a milling disc

Номер: US20150290726A1
Автор: LEHTO Ralf

A milling disc is formed as a generally circular disc having a center axis and including an outer peripheral surface provided with a number of cutting edges, a first side having a bearing surface around the center axis, and attachment means arranged to interact with mating attachment means of a rotatable mounting shaft to allow rotary preventing attachment of the milling disc to the rotatable shaft and forcing of the bearing surface towards a mounting surface at an end surface of the shaft. The milling disc is provided with at least one flushing fluid channel having a confined cross-section and extending within the milling disc from an inlet opening in its bearing surface to at least one outlet opening in its peripheral surface. There is also provided a rotatable mounting shaft for the rotatable attachment of such a milling disc. 1. A slot milling disc having a center axis , and comprising:an outer peripheral surface provided with a number of cutting edges;a first side surface having a bearing surface around the center axis;a second side surface opposite the first side surface;attachment means arranged to interact with mating attachment means of a rotatable mounting shaft to allow rotary preventing attachment of the slot milling disc to the rotatable shaft and forcing of the bearing surface towards a mounting surface at an end surface of the shaft; andat least one flushing fluid channel having a confined cross-section and extending within the milling disc from an inlet opening in its bearing surface to at least one outlet opening in its peripheral surface.2. The slot milling disc according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one flushing fluid channel extends between at least two consecutive cutting edges.3. The slot milling disc according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing surface extends from a maximum to half of the diameter from the center axis to the outermost periphery of the slot milling disc.4. The slot milling disc according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180318940A1
Автор: Höß Johannes, Zankl Max

Milling tool which is suitable, in particular, for producing a cyclo-palloid toothing. The milling tool has a holder and multiple first cutting plates which are fastened to the holder. The holder comprises a clamping portion in the region of its rear end for clamping the holder and a holder head, which projects radially compared to the clamping portion in the region of its front end and on which multiple first cutting plate receptacles, which are arranged distributed in the circumferential direction, are provided. The first cutting plates are fastened in the first cutting plate receptacles, and project radially outward beyond the holder head at least in regions, wherein the radially outermost points of the first cutting plates lie in each case on a common circle, the center point of which lies on the center axis of the holder. The first cutting plates are arranged at an angle to an orthogonal plane which is aligned orthogonally to the center axis of the holder. Multiple first partly conical surfaces, which lie on a common, imaginary first envelope cone, the imaginary tip of which lies on the center axis of the holder and the surface line of which encloses a first angle with an orthogonal plane aligned orthogonally to the center axis of the holder, are provided on a top side of the holder head facing the clamping portion. Multiple second partly conical surfaces, which lie on a common, imaginary second envelope cone, the imaginary tip of which lies on the center axis of the holder and the surface line of which encloses a second angle with the orthogonal plane, are provided on an end side of the holder head which is remote from the clamping portion and is situated opposite the top side. 1. A milling tool for machining a workpiece , comprising:a holder which is rotated about a center axis when the milling tool is used, wherein the holder comprises in a region of its rear end a clamping portion for clamping the holder and comprises in a region of its rear end a holder ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200368830A1
Автор: ASO Takahiro

An indexable roughing end mill capable of suppressing generation of chattering is provided. When the positions of cutting inserts () arranged in each spiral groove () are defined as a first segment to an nsegment (where n is an integer of 2 or higher) from a leading end surface () side of a tool body () toward a base end surface () side, all of the angles (β . . . βm (where m is an integer of 2 or higher)) between lines connecting a rotational axis (O) and the cutting inserts () in the first segments of the respective spiral grooves () are different from each other, as viewed from the leading end surface side of the tool body (), and an angle (αt) between the cutting insert () in the first segment and the cutting insert () in the nsegment (the uppermost segment) in a spiral groove is different from any of the angles β . . . βm (where m is an integer of 2 or higher) between the lines, as viewed from the leading end surface side of the tool body (). 110. An indexable rotary cutting tool () , comprising:{'b': 20', '40', '20, 'a substantially cylindrical tool body () having a rotational axis (O); and cutting inserts () mounted on the tool body (),'}{'b': 20', '23', '28', '30, 'the tool body () having a peripheral surface () provided with a plurality of spiral grooves () in which a plurality of insert seats () is formed,'}{'b': 40', '30', '40', '28', '22', '21', '20, 'sup': 'th', 'the cutting inserts () being removably arranged on the insert seats (), wherein, when positions of the cutting inserts () arranged in each of the spiral grooves () are defined as a first segment to an nsegment (where n is an integer of 2 or higher) from a leading end surface () side to a base end surface () side of the tool body (){'b': 20', '1', '40', '28, 'as viewed from the leading end surface side of the tool body (), all of angles (β, . . . βm (where m is an integer of 2 or higher)) between lines connecting the rotational axis (O) and the cutting inserts () in the first segments of the ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190388980A1

A tool head is for machining edges of a workpiece and includes a first tool section with first blades and a second tool section with second blades. The second blades are positioned between the first blades when seen in the circumferential direction. The second section is movable relative to the first section in the direction of the longitudinal axis between a passive and active position. The second blades are axially recessed relative to the first blades in the passive position and project axially outwards between the first blades in the active position. The tool head has a pressure switching mechanism for moving the second tool section between the passive and active position. In a tool system, the tool head and an actuation element can be moved axially relative to each other. The at least one actuation surface and the actuation element are configured to be axially pressed towards each other. 1. A tool head for machining edges of a workpiece , the tool head comprising:a tool head body extending along a longitudinal axis and being configured to be driven rotationally about said longitudinal axis;said tool head body including a first tool section defining a first circumference and having a set of first blades distributed over the first circumference;said tool head body including a second tool section defining a second circumference and having a set of second blades distributed over the second circumference;said second blades being positioned between said first blades when seen in a circumferential direction;said second tool section being configured to be moveable relative to the first tool section in a direction of the longitudinal axis back and forth between a passive position and an active position;said second blades being axially recessed relative to said first blades in said passive position;said second blades projecting axially between said first blades in said active position; and,said tool head body having a pressure switching mechanism configured to move said ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Cutting insert and tool body for a milling tool

Номер: US20200406376A1
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A cutting insert for a milling tool including an upper side having a central surface, a lower side, a peripheral side surface, and a cutting edge formed between the upper side and the peripheral side surface. The cutting edge having a positively inclined main cutting edge projecting at least partly above the central surface. The upper side includes a rake surface extending inside of and along the at least one cutting edge, sloping downward toward the central surface. A plateau, elevated with respect to the central surface and extending along the main cutting edge, is formed inside the rake surface. A transition between the rake surface and the plateau extends at an angle ϕ 2 with respect to an upper extension plane, wherein ϕ 2 >0°.

28-03-1989 дата публикации

드로우 어웨이식 커터

Номер: KR890002418U

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Toolholder with chip ejection segment thereupon

Номер: WO2007126647A2
Принадлежит: KENNAMETAL INC.

A toolholder (100) for use in a metalworking operation, with a body (105) extending along a longitudinal axis (110) and a recess (120) extending within the first end (115) of the body. Adjacent an insert pocket (125) adapted to receive a cutting insert (130) in the recess (120) is at least one wall (135) with a portion having a surface with multiple interruptions (142) to form a chip ejection segment (145). The chip ejection segment (145) may be an integral part of the toolholder body (105) or may be a discrete piece removably attached to the toolholder body. A method of imparting to a toolholder (100) such a chip ejection segment (145) is also disclosed.

14-08-2008 дата публикации

Toolholder with chip ejection segment thereupon

Номер: WO2007126647A3

A toolholder (100) for use in a metalworking operation, with a body (105) extending along a longitudinal axis (110) and a recess (120) extending within the first end (115) of the body. Adjacent an insert pocket (125) adapted to receive a cutting insert (130) in the recess (120) is at least one wall (135) with a portion having a surface with multiple interruptions (142) to form a chip ejection segment (145). The chip ejection segment (145) may be an integral part of the toolholder body (105) or may be a discrete piece removably attached to the toolholder body. A method of imparting to a toolholder (100) such a chip ejection segment (145) is also disclosed.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

A tool body and a milling tool

Номер: WO2019206626A1
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A tool body (2) for a milling tool (1), comprising: a front end (3) and a rear end (4) between which a centre axis (C) and a peripheral envelope surface (5) extend, the tool body (2) being configured to be rotated in a direction of rotation (R) around the centre axis (C), at least one insert seat (6) configured to support a cutting insert (7), a chip pocket (8) provided in front of the insert seat in the direction of rotation, delimited by a wall surface (9), wherein a surface pattern comprising a plurality of first grooves and second grooves is formed on at least a portion of the wall surface, wherein the second grooves intersect the first grooves and wherein each groove of the first grooves and/or each groove of the second grooves has a concave groove profile.

16-03-2011 дата публикации

Toolholder with chip ejection segment thereupon

Номер: EP2295175A1
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A toolholder (10) for use in a metalworking operation, with a body (105) extending along a longitudinal axis (110) and a recess (120) extending within the first end (115) of the body. Adjacent an insert pocket (125) adapted to receive a cutting insert (130) in the recess (120) is at least one wall (135) with a portion having a surface with multiple interruptions (142) to form a chip ejection segment (145). The chip ejection segment (145) may be an integral part of the toolholder body (105) or may be a discrete piece removably attached to the toolholder body. A method of imparting to a toolholder (100) such a chip ejection segment (145) is also disclosed.

06-01-2010 дата публикации

Toolholder with chip ejection segment thereupon

Номер: EP2001623A4
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

17-12-2008 дата публикации

Toolholder with chip ejection segment thereupon

Номер: EP2001623A2
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A toolholder (100) for use in a metalworking operation, with a body (105) extending along a longitudinal axis (110) and a recess (120) extending within the first end (115) of the body. Adjacent an insert pocket (125) adapted to receive a cutting insert (130) in the recess (120) is at least one wall (135) with a portion having a surface with multiple interruptions (142) to form a chip ejection segment (145). The chip ejection segment (145) may be an integral part of the toolholder body (105) or may be a discrete piece removably attached to the toolholder body. A method of imparting to a toolholder (100) such a chip ejection segment (145) is also disclosed.

16-06-2009 дата публикации

Toolholder with chip ejection segment thereupon

Номер: US7546786B2
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A toolholder for use in a metalworking operation, with a body extending along a longitudinal axis and a recess extending within the first end of the body. Adjacent an insert pocket adapted to receive a cutting insert in the recess is at least one wall with a portion having a surface with multiple interruptions to form a chip ejection segment. The chip ejection segment may be an integral part of the toolholder body or may be a discrete piece removably attached to the toolholder body. A method of imparting to a toolholder such a chip ejection segment is also disclosed.

01-05-2001 дата публикации

End mill tool

Номер: TW431921B
Принадлежит: Toshiba Machine Co Ltd

28-08-2019 дата публикации

Cutting insert and tool body for a milling tool

Номер: EP3530391A1
Принадлежит: SECO TOOLS AB

A cutting insert (1) for a milling tool, comprising: - an upper side (2) comprising a central surface (9), - a lower side (3), - a peripheral side surface (5), - a cutting edge (6a, 6b, 6c, 6d) formed between the upper side and the peripheral side surface, comprising a positively inclined main cutting edge (7a, 7b, 7c, 7d) projecting at least partly above the central surface, wherein the upper side (2) comprises a rake surface (10) extending inside of and along the at least one cutting edge, sloping downward toward the central surface, wherein a plateau (13), elevated with respect to the central surface, extending along the main cutting edge, is formed inside the rake surface, wherein a transition (14) between the rake surface and the plateau extends at an angle φ 2 with respect to an upper extension plane, wherein φ 2 >0°. Furthermore, a tool body for a milling tool is proposed.

24-03-2005 дата публикации

Cutting insert for tools for machining workpieces and tools for the use of this insert

Номер: DE10144449A1
Автор: Gustav Werthwein
Принадлежит: Gustav Werthwein

Die Schneidplatte für Werkzeuge zur spanabhebenden Bearbeitung von Werkstücken weist zumindest eine ebene Unterseite (31) und eine davon abgekehrte Oberseite (32) sowie im Bereich ihrer Oberseite (32) wenigstens eine Schneidkante (23) auf. In der Schneidplatte (22) ist ein Durchgangsloch vorhanden, das wenigstens einen axialen Abschnitt (41) aufweist, dessen Umfangsfläche als Anlagefläche (42) für den Kopf einer Befestigungsschraube ausgebildet ist und sich in Richtung zur Oberseite (32) der Schneidplatte (22) hin erweitert. Die Rotationsachse (43) der Anlagefläche (42) ist gegenüber einer Flächennormalen der Unterseite (31) der Schneidplatte (22) geneigt, wobei der Neigungswinkel (alpha) im Bereich von 2 DEG bis 30 DEG gelegen ist und wobei die Neigungsebene zumindest annähernd rechtwinklig zur Grundrißprojektion der Schneidkante (23) ausgerichtet ist. The cutting insert for tools for machining workpieces has at least one flat underside (31) and a top side facing away from it (32) and at least one cutting edge (23) in the region of its top side (32). In the cutting plate (22) has a through hole is present, which has at least one axial portion (41) whose peripheral surface is formed as a bearing surface (42) for the head of a fastening screw and toward the top (32) of the cutting plate (22) extended. The axis of rotation (43) of the abutment surface (42) is inclined to a surface normal of the underside (31) of the cutting plate (22), wherein the inclination angle (alpha) is in the range of 2 ° to 30 ° and wherein the inclination plane is at least approximately at right angles to Plan view projection of the cutting edge (23) is aligned.

07-06-2017 дата публикации

A cutter with braces

Номер: CZ306748B6
Принадлежит: Západoceská univerzita v Plzni

The cutter consists of the tip carriers (2), where the carriers (2) protrude from the catch driver (1) adapted for clamping into the spindle of the machine tool. The individual carriers (2) are interconnected with the braces (3). Between the carriers (2) and the catch driver (1), there incorporated the arms (5).

21-01-2003 дата публикации

Milling cutter capable of using inserts of various geometrical shapes

Номер: US6508612B1
Автор: John J. Baca
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A milling cutter includes a generally cylindrical body whose outer periphery is formed with angularly spaced pockets capable of accepting indexable cutting inserts of various cutting geometrical shapes, such as inserts having octagonal, square or round cutting geometry's and a different seating geometry, such as a generally round seating geometry. This is accomplished by each insert including a generally frustconical transition face extending between the clearance or faceted faces and the rear face of the insert. This transition face provides a transition area between the various cutting geometry's and the generally round seating geometry.

01-04-2003 дата публикации

Cutting tool with improved insert seat arrangement for indexable cutting inserts

Номер: US6540448B2
Автор: William B. Johnson
Принадлежит: Ingersoll Cutting Tool Co

A cutting tool with a cutting tool holder and a plurality of replaceable indexable cutting inserts releasably attached to the holder. The holder has seats located about the circumference of one end of the holder for mounting of the cutting inserts. The seats are oriented with respect to the central axis of the tool holder such that not all seats have the same orientation, and this change in orientation allows greater use of the cutting edge of each insert.

03-05-2007 дата публикации

Rotary cutting tool with non-uniform distribution of chip-breaking features

Номер: US20070098506A1
Автор: Clifford Flynn
Принадлежит: Berkshire Precision Tool LLC

A rotary cutting tool with a longitudinal axis is provided that includes a shank portion, a cutting portion, and a plurality of chip-breaking features. The cutting portion, which extends out from the shank portion, includes a length, a plurality of blades and a plurality of flutes. The blades and flutes extend substantially all of the length of the cutting portion. Each blade includes a leading face side, a trailing face side, and a land surface that extends between the leading face side and the trailing face side. The plurality of chip-breaking features are disposed in the land surfaces of the blades, and non-uniformly distributed among the blades.

10-12-2001 дата публикации

Milling tools comprising a rotatable body and tangentially separated cutting means

Номер: SE516252C2
Принадлежит: Sandvik Ab

A rotatable milling tool includes a body, and at least one set of circumferentially spaced cutting members that are intersected by a common plane oriented perpendicularly to a longitudinal center axis of the body. The set of cutting members includes at least three cutting members mounted in an envelope surface of the body. Each cutting member includes a flank surface and a cutting edge disposed adjacent to the flank surface. Each cutting edge has axially spaced apart ends. The flanked surface of each cutting member forms a clearance angle with a tangent extending through the respective cutting edge. The flank surface of the insert has a larger clearance angle than the flank surfaces of at least two other inserts in the same set. During a milling operation, the cutting members with smaller clearance angles tend to produce stability and vibration-free rotation, while the cutting member having the larger clearance angle ensures a high precision (smooth) machining.

04-06-2013 дата публикации

Cutting inserts

Номер: US8454274B2
Принадлежит: Kennametal Inc

A cutting insert for use in a chipforming material removal operation that includes a cutting insert body, which has a seating surface, a flank face, and a corner cutting region at the intersection of a peripheral edge and the flank adjacent corresponding corners thereof. The cutting insert body contains a central aperture. The seating surface contains a coolant delivery trough, which has a radial orientation toward a corresponding corner cutting region. The coolant delivery trough has a radial outward end terminating at the peripheral edge and a radial inward end opening into the central aperture. There are a pair of lateral topographic regions wherein the one lateral topographic region is along one side of the coolant delivery trough and the other lateral topographic region is along other side of the coolant delivery trough.

29-08-1978 дата публикации

Multi-blade cutting tools

Номер: JPS5398593A
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

01-07-1992 дата публикации

Patent JPH0440122B2

Номер: JPH0440122B2
Автор: Hideo Tanifuji
Принадлежит: Hitachi Tool Engineering Ltd

28-05-2019 дата публикации

Milling tool with recessed cutting edge

Номер: KR101983406B1
Принадлежит: 쎄코 툴스 에이비

밀링 공구 (21) 는, 길이방향 축선 (A) 및 제 1 단부 (25) 를 갖는 공구 보디 (23); 상기 공구 보디 (23) 에 제공되고 상기 공구 보디 (23) 의 상기 제 1 단부 (25) 까지 연장되는 복수의 플루트 (27); 및 복수의 절삭날 (29r, 29u) 을 포함하고, 각 절삭날은 복수의 플루트 (27) 의 개별 플루트와 연관되고, 모든 절삭날은 아니지만 적어도 하나의 절삭날이 오목한 절삭날 (29r) 이고 모든 절삭날은 아니지만 적어도 하나의 절삭날이 오목하지 않은 절삭날 (29u) 이라는 점을 제외하면, 각 절삭날은 상기 복수의 절삭날 중 하나와 서로 실질적으로 동일하고, 각각의 오목한 절삭날 (29r) 은 공구 보디 (23) 의 상기 제 1 단부 (25) 로부터 0 이 아닌 거리에서 시작되고, 각각의 오목하지 않은 절삭날 (29u) 은 상기 공구 보디 (23) 의 상기 제 1 단부 (25) 까지 연장된다. The milling tool (21) comprises a tool body (23) having a longitudinal axis (A) and a first end (25); A plurality of flutes (27) provided in the tool body (23) and extending to the first end (25) of the tool body (23); And a plurality of cutting edges (29r, 29u), each cutting edge being associated with a respective flute of a plurality of flutes (27), at least one but not all cutting edges being a concave cutting edge (29r) Each cutting edge is substantially the same as one of the plurality of cutting edges and each of the concave cutting edges 29r is formed so as not to be a cutting edge but at least one cutting edge is a non- Of the tool body 23 starts at a non-zero distance from the first end 25 of the tool body 23 and each non-concave cutting edge 29u extends to the first end 25 of the tool body 23 do.

27-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of making part from blank by hobbing

Номер: RU2465103C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to machine building and may be used for milling. Milling tool penetrating into blank material with deflection from milling tool orientation is automatically turned in direction of lengthwise feed and/or sideway relative to lengthwise feed direction for subsequent milling. EFFECT: higher reliability, decreased costs. 25 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 465 103 (13) C2 (51) МПК B23C 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 15.07.2008 DE 102008033130.9 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОУПЕН МАЙНД ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ АГ (DE) (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2012 Бюл. № 30 2 4 6 5 1 0 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 19903216 A1, 05.08.1999. SU 1720809 A1, 30.09.1986. RU 2238182 С2, 22.06.2000. ЕР 1356889 A1, 29.10.2003. (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 15.02.2011 2 4 6 5 1 0 3 R U (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2010/006768 (21.01.2010) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2009/005118 (14.07.2009) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ДЕТАЛИ ИЗ ЗАГОТОВКИ ПОСРЕДСТВОМ ФРЕЗЕРНОГО ИНСТРУМЕНТА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано при изготовлении деталей посредством фрезерного инструмента. Фрезерный инструмент во время врезания в материал заготовки по отношению к пути врезания с отклонением от ориентации фрезерного инструмента автоматически поворачивают в направлении продольной подачи и/или вбок относительно направления продольной подачи для осуществления непосредственно следующей за этим обработки. Повышается надежность процесса обработки заготовок из труднообрабатываемых материалов, сокращаются производственные расходы. 24 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. Ñòð.: 1 ru R U (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.07.2009 (72) Автор(ы): БРАМБС ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Tools for processing molds for making Fresnel lens of mobile devices, and mold processing method of using the same

Номер: KR102206185B1
Автор: 정명수
Принадлежит: 정명수

본 발명은 모바일기기의 프레넬 렌즈 제작용 금형의 가공을 위한 공구 및 이를 이용한 모바일기기의 프레넬 렌즈 제작용 금형의 가공방법에 관한 것이다. 그 구성은, 원통형의 섕크; 및 상기 섕크의 상단부에 형성된 절삭날;을 포함하되, 상기 절삭날은 상측에서 바라보았을 때에 상기 섕크의 중앙에서 가장자리 부근까지 연결되도록 배열된 다수의 투스를 포함한다. 그리고 그 가공방법은, 사각 판 형상의 모재를 준비하는 모재 준비 단계; 상기 모재를 상기 공구가 장착된 공작기계의 테이블에 고정시키는 모재 고정 단계; 상기 공구를 회전시키며 상기 모재와 접촉시켜 모재에 다수의 성형홈을 형성시키는 성형홈 형성 단계; 상기 각 성형홈이 분리되도록 상기 모재를 분할하는 모재 분할 단계; 및 분할된 상기 모재의 외형을 가공하는 외형 가공 단계;를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a tool for processing a mold for manufacturing a Fresnel lens for a mobile device, and a processing method for a mold for manufacturing a Fresnel lens for a mobile device using the same. Its configuration is a cylindrical shank; And a cutting edge formed on the upper end of the shank; the cutting edge includes a plurality of teeth arranged to be connected from the center of the shank to the vicinity of the edge when viewed from the top. And the processing method, a base material preparation step of preparing a base material of a square plate shape; A base material fixing step of fixing the base material to a table of a machine tool equipped with the tool; Forming a plurality of forming grooves in the base material by rotating the tool and contacting the base material; A base material dividing step of dividing the base material so that the respective forming grooves are separated; And an external shape processing step of processing the external shape of the divided base material.

20-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN113695652B


10-08-2015 дата публикации

Фреза с режущей кромкой с выемкой

Номер: RU2014103439A
Принадлежит: Секо Тулз Аб

1. Фреза (21, 21′, 121, 221, 321), содержащая:корпус (23, 123, 223, 323), имеющий продольную ось (A) и первый конец (25, 125, 225, 325);множество канавок (27, 27′, 127, 227, 327), выполненных в корпусе (23) и продолжающихся до первого конца (25, 125, 225, 325) корпуса (23); имножество режущих кромок (29r, 29u; 29r′, 29u′; 129r, 129u; 229r, 229u; 329r, 329u), каждая из которых связана с соответствующей одной из множества канавок (27, 27′, 127, 227, 327),при этом каждая режущая кромка по существу идентична другой из множества режущих кромок, за исключением того, что по меньшей мере одна, но не все режущие кромки, является режущей кромкой (29r, 29r′, 129r, 229r, 329r) с выемкой, и по меньшей мере одна, но не все режущие кромки, является режущей кромкой (29u, 29u′, 129u, 229u, 329u) без выемки, причем каждая режущая кромка (29r, 29r′, 129r, 229r, 329r) с выемкой начинается на ненулевом расстоянии от первого конца (25, 125, 225, 325) корпуса (23, 123, 223, 323), и каждая режущая кромка (29u, 29u′, 129u, 229u, 329u) без выемки продолжается к первому концу (25, 125, 225, 325) корпуса (23, 123, 223, 323), причем каждая из множества режущих кромок (29r, 29u, 29r′, 29u′, 129r, 129u, 229r, 229u, 329r, 329u) расположена на пересечении ее соответствующей канавки (27, 27′, 127, 227, 327) и соответствующей ленточки (33, 33′),отличающаяся тем, что каждая ленточка (33, 33′), связанная с каждой режущей кромкой (29r, 29r′, 129r, 229r, 329r) с выемкой, имеет по существу плоскую выемку (35, 35′,35′′, 135, 235, 335) в ней, продолжающуюся от начала режущей кромки (29r, 29r′, 129r, 229r, 329r) с выемкой до первого конца (25, 125, 225, 325) корпуса (23, 123, 223, 323).2. Фреза (21) по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что каждая режущая кромка (29r, 29u) содержит множество зубьев (31a, 31b, 31c, 31d), которые продолжаются дальше от продольной оси (A) с увеличением расстояния от первого конца (25) корпуса (23).3. Фреза (21) по п. 1 или 2, от РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B23C 5/10 (13) ...

19-09-2003 дата публикации

Milling cutter body and manufacturing method

Номер: KR100390255B1
Автор: 롤프 칼슨
Принадлежит: 산드빅 악티에볼라그

본 발명은 금속 등을 절삭 가공하기 위한 밀링 공구의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 밀링 공구는 회전 구동 정렬부 상에 밀링 커터 공구를 고정시키기 위한 보유부(2)와 외주에 분리 가능한 몇 개의 체결 절삭 인서트(23)가 장착된 절삭 인서트 이송부를 포함하고, 각각의 절삭 인서트는 외주 인서트 이송 밀링 공구부(12) 내에 부분적으로 위치된 인서트 시트 내에 체결된다. 각각의 인서트 시트는 하부 지지면(10)을 포함하고, 측면 지지부는 하나 이상의 측부 지지면(9)을 포함하며, 칩 포켓(25)이 회전 방향에서 각각의 인서트 시트의 전방에 제공되어 있다. 본 발명의 이점은 측면 지지부의 적어도 일부 이상이 볼-노브 엔드 밀(8)에 의해 만들어진다 것이다. 이러한 점에 의해 소정의 밀링 공구에서 인서트 시트의 수가 실질적으로 감소될 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a milling tool for cutting a metal or the like. The milling tool comprises a retaining portion 2 for holding the milling cutter tool on a rotational drive alignment and a cutting insert feeder equipped with several fastening cutting inserts 23 detachable on the periphery, each cutting insert It is fastened in an insert seat partially located in the outer insert feed milling tool part 12. Each insert seat comprises a lower support surface 10, the side support comprises one or more side support surfaces 9, and chip pockets 25 are provided in front of each insert sheet in the direction of rotation. An advantage of the present invention is that at least some of the side supports are made by the ball-knob end mill 8. This may substantially reduce the number of insert sheets in a given milling tool.

15-11-2021 дата публикации

Cutting plate and milling cutter with cooling

Номер: RU2759550C1

FIELD: processing of materials.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to processing of materials by cutting and can be used in processing of products made of hard-processing materials. The cutting plate comprises at least one main cutting edge, at least one support surface located opposite the front surface. The mounting hole comprises a section with clamping parts in the form of a second-degree surface. The surfaces of the clamping parts of the mounting hole are alternating consecutively in a circle with the cooling grooves extending along the hole from the support surface and along the front surface with an expansion to each main cutting edge. The milling cutter comprises a body in the form of a body of rotation, made on the periphery whereof are sockets for placing and securing the cutting plates with screws. The sockets have side surfaces and a support surface, located wherein is a threaded hole for the mounting screw. A central hole for the lubricating and cooling fluid is located in the body along the axis of rotation, and holes with a smaller diameter extend therefrom to the sockets in the radial direction.EFFECT: design features of execution of the cutting plate and milling cutter provide an increase in the durability of the cutting plates and milling cutters due to the effective cooling of the cutting plates and the cutting area.10 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 759 550 C1 (51) МПК B23C 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B23C 5/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021118489, 23.06.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 15.11.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 15.11.2021 Бюл. № 32 2 7 5 9 5 5 0 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 150005 U1, 27.01.2015. SU 1780943 A1, 15.12.1992. RU 2448816 C2, 27.04.2012. US 4283163 A1, 11.08.1981. (54) РЕЖУЩАЯ ПЛАСТИНА И ФРЕЗА С ОХЛАЖДЕНИЕМ (57) Реферат: Группа изобретений относится к ...

13-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN106735487B


31-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN107442829B


03-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CN1129498C
Автор: 佩德·阿维德松
Принадлежит: Sandvik Ab


03-11-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for cutting a hrsa

Номер: KR101672298B1
Автор: 김숙환, 박광수

In order to prevent breakage of a cemented carbide insert tip when machining a hard material having high hardness and high toughness and to easily adjust the angle of a cutter according to the cutting condition of the hard material, the present invention provides a cutter device for machining hard materials, comprising: a cutting tool body having a fastening part in the center thereof; at least one cutter having a cemented carbide insert tip fixed to an end of the cutting tool body; an angle adjuster installed in an inner space of the cutter to adjust the angle of the cutter by opening or closing the cutter; and a power transmission means of an angle adjuster connected to the angle adjuster.

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN103282149B
Автор: E.恩格尔伯特
Принадлежит: Techspace Aero SA


27-10-1998 дата публикации

Cutting tools

Номер: JP2814760B2
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Cutting tool and replaceable cutting head having spiral driven surfaces therefor

Номер: RU2648960C2
Автор: Джил ХЕЧТ
Принадлежит: Искар Лтд.

FIELD: molding. SUBSTANCE: replaceable cutting head (22) includes forward cutting portion (26) and rearward mounting portion (28). Mounting portion includes male coupling member (40) that protrudes rearwardly from base surface (42). Male coupling member includes three circumferentially spaced apart head fixation members (44), where each head fixation member has head peripheral surface (46) that spirals inwardly in a direction against direction of rotation (R) and diverges. Tool holder (24) includes female coupling member (52) which extends rearwardly from holder forward surface (54). Female coupling member includes three circumferentially spaced apart holder fixation members (56), where each holder fixation member has holder peripheral surface (58) that diverges rearwardly. When a cutting tool (20), which includes said cutting head and tool holder, is in a locked position, the male coupling member of the replaceable cutting head is removably retained within the female coupling member of the tool holder by means of a self-lock mechanism. EFFECT: increased accuracy and reliability of positioning the head relative to the holder is achieved. 22 cl, 16 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 648 960 C2 (51) МПК B23B 51/00 (2006.01) B23C 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B23B 51/00 (2006.01); B23C 5/10 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2015128073, 28.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ИСКАР ЛТД. (IL) Дата регистрации: 28.03.2018 R U 28.11.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ХЕЧТ, Джил (IL) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 20040208716 A1, 21.10.2004. SU 1620221 A1, 15.01.1991. RU 2215620 C2, 10.11.2003. RU 2326755 C1, 20.06.2008. RU 2363565 C1, 10.08.2009. 13.12.2012 US 13/714,024 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 16.01.2017 Бюл. № 2 (45) Опубликовано: 28.03.2018 Бюл. № 10 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 13.07. ...

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Tool comprising a fastening unit

Номер: KR101637048B1
Автор: 페터 프랑크

The invention relates to a milling machine comprising a main tool body (2) rotatable with respect to a tool axis and a cutting insert which is fastenable to the main tool body (2) and which has a cutting insert seat or a cutting element for receiving a cutting insert Or a boring tool (1). It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for fastening a cutting element to a main tool body which can be easily produced at low cost and which allows the cutting element to be positioned very precisely in the main tool body, To design a fastening system. The centering pin 23 whose axis does not coincide with the tool axis is arranged in one part, parallel to the main tool body or cutting element and corresponding centering opening is arranged in the other part, cutting element or main tool body.

27-12-1998 дата публикации

Rotary tool with balancing rings

Номер: RU2123914C1

FIELD: high rotation number tools such as drills and milling cutters. SUBSTANCE: tool includes at least two balancing rings having different mass along their perimeter and radially directed support on their peripheral surface. EFFECT: lowered length of tool due to improved arrangement of balancing rings, elimination of possibility of disrupture of balancing rings by centrifugal forces due to securing them at least partially along outer periphery. 9 cl, 3 dwg Утгбзстс ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ "” 2 123 914. (51) МПК 13) С1 В 23С 5/00, В 23 В 51/00 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 96121254102, 11.02.1995 (30) Приоритет: 29.03.1994 ОЕ ©9405559.9 (46) Дата публикации: 27.12.1998 (56) Ссылки: 1. 4$ 5263995 А, 23.11.93. 2. $Ч 1764860 АЛ, 30.09.92. 3. ЗЧ 367353 А, 19.04.73. 4. ЗЦ 200857 А, 02.10.67. 5. ЗЧ 1310652 А\Л, 15.05.87. 6. 4$ 5074123 А, 21.10.91. 7. Шатин В.П. и др. Режущий и вспомогательный инструмент. Справочник. -М.: Машиностроение, 1968, с. 343. 8. Сахаров Г.Н, и др. Металлорежущие инструменты. -М.: Машиностроение, 1989, рис. 2, ЭОд. (86) Заявка РСТ: ЕР 95/00576 (17.02.95) (71) Заявитель: Кеннаметал Хертель АГ Веркцойге + Хартштоффе (0Е) (72) Изобретатель: Хорст Йегер (ОЕ), Гебхард Мюллер (0Е) (73) Патентообладатель: Кеннаметал Хертель АГ Веркцойге + Хартштоффе (0Е) (54) РОТАЦИОННЫЙ ИНСТРУМЕНТ С БАЛАНСИРОВОЧНЫМИ КОЛЬЦАМИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к скоростным инструментам, в частности к фрезам и сверлам. Достигаемый технический результат -уменьшение конструктивной длины инструмента за счет улучшения компоновки балансировочных колец, по крайней мере частичное закрепление балансировочных колес по наружной окружности для уменьшения опасности их разрушения центробежными силами. Инструмент содержит по меньшей мере два балансировочных кольца с различной по периметру массой, имеющих по наружной окружности опору в радиальном направлении. 8 3.П.ф-ЛЫ, 3 ИЛ. И” в г г РУ, 2227 3 Г | ...

10-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN111644677B


26-04-2017 дата публикации

Bur eliminating machine for the processed stainless steel plate

Номер: KR101730053B1
Автор: 이효종
Принадлежит: 주식회사 성도 에프에이

The present invention relates to an apparatus to deburr a corner of a surface-processed stainless steel plate, and more specifically, relates to a deburring apparatus to be operated by corresponding to bending with respect to a linear deburring apparatus by bending of the place generated during cutting of the stainless steel plate difficult to be fixated by a magnetic force. According to the present invention, the apparatus comprises: a plate fixation unit (100) to press and fixate the surface-processed stainless steel plate; a deburring unit (200) to cut burr generated in the stainless steel plate fixated in the plate fixation unit; and a processing position adjustment unit (300) to adjust a processing position for the stainless steel plate of the deburring unit. Thus, the burr generated after surface processing is able to be automatically removed. In particular, the burr of the plate bent during the processing is able to be removed while a cutter is automatically operated in accordance with the degree of bending, and thereby productivity is increased and at the same time, an accident generated when a worker performs deburring is able to be prevented.

01-08-2000 дата публикации

Throw-away type end mill

Номер: KR100258298B1

엔드밀본체(1)의 선단외주부에 제1, 제2의 팁(4A,4B)이 엔드밀본체(1) 둘레방향으로 어긋나서 또, 엔드밀본체(1)의 축선(0)주위에 있어서의 절삭날(6,6)의 회전궤적이 서로 오우버랩하며, 또한 제1의 팁(4A)의 절삭날(6)이 제2의 팁(4B)의 절삭날(6)보다도 약간 선단측으로 돌출하도록 배치되어 있다. 더욱이, 이 제2의 팁(4B)의 기단측에는 제3의 팁(4C…)이 그 절삭날(6)의 회전궤적을 제2의 팁(4B)의 절삭날(6)의 후단으로 연속시켜서 기단측으로 향함에 따라서 엔드밀회전방향 후방측으로 향해서 나선을 그리도록 배치되어 있다. 각 팁(4…)은, 같은모양, 같은크기의 1종류의 팁으로 되어 있다. The first and second tips 4A, 4B are displaced in the circumferential direction of the end mill body 1 at the tip outer peripheral part of the end mill body 1, and around the axis 0 of the end mill body 1 Rotational trajectories of the cutting edges 6 and 6 of each other overlap each other, and the cutting edge 6 of the first tip 4A protrudes slightly to the tip side of the cutting edge 6 of the second tip 4B. It is arranged to. Furthermore, at the proximal end of the second tip 4B, the third tip 4C ... continues the rotational trajectory of the cutting edge 6 to the rear end of the cutting edge 6 of the second tip 4B. It is arrange | positioned so that a spiral may be drawn toward the end mill rotation direction back side as it goes to a base end side. Each tip 4... Is a tip of the same shape and the same size. 팁 관리를 대폭으로 간소화하고, 또 특히 제1의 팁(4A)의 소모를 억제하여 팁전체의 소모정도의 균일화를 도모할 수 있다. The tip management can be greatly simplified, and in particular, the consumption of the first tip 4A can be suppressed, so that the degree of consumption of the entire tip can be equalized.

17-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113399723A


19-12-1986 дата публикации

Surface coated end mill

Номер: JPS61288914A
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008124178A

1. Режущий инструмент, содержащий корпус инструмента, включающий в себя множество приемных гнезд под режущие пластины и, по меньшей мере, одну режущую пластину, установленную в каждом гнезде, причем каждое гнездо содержит основную стенку гнезда, проходящую радиально наружу от корпуса инструмента, боковую стенку, по существу, перпендикулярную основной стенке гнезда, и разгрузочную канавку между ними, при этом корпус инструмента дополнительно содержит верхнюю поверхность на одном его конце, которая включает в себя первый участок, по существу, перпендикулярный основной стенке гнезда, и второй участок, по существу, перпендикулярный боковой стенке, причем верхняя поверхность дополнительно включает в себя разделитель напряжения, который проходит от разгрузочной канавки, пересекает первый и второй участки и уменьшает напряжение в режущем инструменте во время механической обработки. ! 2. Режущий инструмент по п.1, в котором разделитель напряжения имеет высоту в пределах от приблизительно 0,001 дюйма до максимальной высоты, приблизительно равной радиусу разгрузочной канавки. ! 3. Режущий инструмент по п.1, в котором разделитель напряжения имеет высоту в пределах от приблизительно 0,001 дюйма до максимальной высоты, приблизительно равной режущей кромке режущей пластины. ! 4. Режущий инструмент по п.1, в котором разделитель напряжения проходит от разгрузочной канавки до задней поверхности приемного гнезда под режущую пластину корпуса инструмента. ! 5. Режущий инструмент по п.1, в котором разделитель напряжения проходит участок расстояния от разгрузочной канавкой до задней поверхности приемного гнезда под режущую пластину � РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2008 124 178 (13) A (51) МПК B26D 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008124178/02, 07.11.2006 (71) Заявитель(и): КЕННАМЕТАЛ ИНК. (US) (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 17.11.2005 US 11/281,275 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2007/ ...
