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27-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2140591C1
Принадлежит: Фэн Чаолай (CN)

Изобретение относится к быстродействующим эластичным винтовым механизмам, применяющимся в различных домкратах, тисках, регулируемых столах станков и других подобных устройствах, в которых винтовой механизм является движущим и желателен ускоренный холостой ход. Механизм содержит кронштейн, винт, по крайней мере две полугайки и устройство для сцепления-расцепления полугаек с винтом, причем сцепление осуществляется упругим элементом, в положении зацепления полугайки закрепляются самоблокирующим кулачковым устройством, а расцепление осуществляется кулачковым или пластинчатым механизмом. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности. 6 з.п.ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2052692C1
Принадлежит: Шаолай Фан[CN]

Изобретение относится к станкостроению и может быть использовано в зажимных приспособлениях металлорежущих станков или подвижных столах станков, где требуется быстрый проход холостого хода. Целью изобретения является упрошение конструкции. Указанная цель достигается за счет иного выполнения механического управляющего устройства, которое выполнено в виде штифта со сквозным отверстием, установленного в одном из радиальных отверстий эксцентрикового кулачка и имеющего выступ на одном из своих торцов, одна из боковых поверхностей которого перпендикулярна этому торцу, а другая расположена под углом к нему, кольцевой пружины, размещенной в канавке, и двух продольных пазов, выполненных на винте, форма поверхности каждого из которых ответна поверхности выступа штифта. Пазы вынта предназначены для поочередного взаимодействия с выступом, а форма отверстий в гайке представляет собой два полуцилиндра, на одном из которых выполнена резьба, предназначенная для взаимодействия с резьбой винта. 12 ил.

03-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2728978C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к передачам винт-гайка с ведущим винтом и ведомой гайкой. Устройство содержит винтовую пару, ходовой винт которой связан с неподвижным элементом. Гайка с возможностью поворота вставлена в сквозное цилиндрическое отверстие вкладыша и выполнена в виде цилиндра с радиальным резьбовым отверстием под винт. Вкладыш установлен с возможностью поворота относительно передвижного элемента. Ходовой винт связан с неподвижным элементом посредством оси, которая вставлена с возможностью поворота в сквозное цилиндрическое отверстие дополнительного вкладыша и выполнена в виде цилиндра с радиальным отверстием под конец винта. Передвижной и неподвижный элементы выполнены в виде кронштейна с двумя проушинами. Каждый из вкладышей имеющимися у него цилиндрическими выступами вставлен в отверстия проушин соответствующего кронштейна с возможностью поворота. В результате обеспечивается расширение области применения устройства с обеспечением сохранения его работоспособности ...

07-09-1985 дата публикации

Опорное устройство

Номер: SU1177119A1

ОПОРНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО, содерлсащее размещенные на станине ходовой винт с гайкой и опорные элементы , установленные с возможностью взаимодействия с поверхностью винта по обе стороны гайки, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности и точности путем увеличения жесткости ходового винта, гайка снабжена шкивами, а опорные элементы установлены на станине с возможностью взаимодействия с введенным в устройство и размещенным на станине унором и снабжены гибкими элементами с грузами , связанными с гайкой при помощи шкивов.

01-01-1948 дата публикации

Механизм подачи исполнительного органа машины-орудия

Номер: SU71782A1
Автор: Кауфман Л.М.

07-12-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для автоматического позиционирования на упоре рабочего органа станка

Номер: SU1357192A1

Изобретение относитс  к области станкостроени  и .может быть использовано при разработке устройств позиционировани  рабочих органов станков различного назначени . Делью изобретени   вл етс  повышение точности иутем стабилизации величины нагрузки при одновременном повышении надежности устройства. Устройство дл  автоматического позиционировани  на упоре рабочего органа станка содержит винт 1 подачи рабочего органа 4, св занный с приводом 2. При перемещении рабочего органа 4 последний упираетс  в один из упоров 5 и в ограничитель 7. В этом случае винт 1 за счет своего осевого перемеш,ени  через конечный выключатель 14 разрывает электрическую цепь, останавлива  привод. 1 ил. S 5 SS (Л ICO 01 со Ю

23-05-1984 дата публикации

Шпиндельный узел сверлильного станка

Номер: SU1093427A1

ШПИНДЕЛБНЫЙ УЗЕЛ СВЕРЛИЛБНОГО СТАНКА, в корпусе которого размещен шпиндель, имеющий на одном участке винтовую нарезку, а на другом - щпоночные пазы, зубчатое колесо со ступицей , установленное на участке шпинделя с винтовой нарезкой, и зубчатое колесо, установленное на участке шпинделя со шпоночными пазами, кинематически связанное с предохранительной муфтой, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения производительности и надежности узла, последний снабжен установленной с возможностью взаимодействия с винтовой нарезкой шпинделя гайкой, выполненной в виде двух частей со шпоночными выступами, размещенными в шпоночных пазах, которые вы.полнены в ступице, подпружиненными клиньями, установленными в шпоночных пазах с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси шпинделя, и связанным с корпусом резьбовым элементом , расположенным с возможностью взаимодействия с винтовой нарезкой шпинделя , причем наружная поверхность шпоночных выступов гайки выполнена наклонной для взаимодействия с клиньями.

26-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003927855A1

02-01-1992 дата публикации

Spindle rotor electric motor for positioning and linear drive - with motor housing displaced axially along spindle upon its rotation

Номер: DE0004112350A1

The spindle rotor electric motor has a motor housing (3) enclosing a stator winding (2) supported by the spindle (9) by axially spaced bearings (8) at both ends. The motor housing is displaced axially along the spindle (9) upon rotation of the latter. The armature (15) of the electric motor pref. incorporates spindle washers (13) at each end. USE - For precision positioning and linear drive in machine tool, handling appts. or ind. robot etc.

02-10-1958 дата публикации

Wegabhaengige Steuerung fuer Ausspaeneinrichtungen

Номер: DE0000970564C

12-12-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003732570C2

31-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002332623A1

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Werkzeugmaschine mit Vorrichtung zum Messen und Kompensieren, anhand der Temperatur, von Längenschwankungen einer Bohrstange der Werkzeugmaschine

Номер: DE0010348568B4
Принадлежит: PAMA SPA

Werkzeugmaschine, versehen mit einer Bohrstange (12) und einer Vorrichtung (10) zum Messen von Längenschwankungen der Bohrstange (12), umfassend ein längliches Mittel (18), das ein Verhalten gegenüber thermischer Ausdehnung aufweist, das verschieden ist von jenem der Bohrstange (12), und das sich erstreckt von einem ersten Ende, das an der Bohrstange (12) in einem Punkt (15) befestigt ist, welcher sich am oder in unmittelbarer Nähe des äußeren Endes der Bohrstange (12) befindet, bis zum inneren Ende (17) der besagten Bohrstange, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass von der Bohrstange (12) ein Melder oder Positionssensor (24) getragen wird, der fähig ist, den Abstand () zu messen, der ihn vom inneren Ende (17) trennt, dass das längliche Mittel (18) im Inneren der Bohrstange aufgenommen ist und im Wesentlichen die gleiche Länge aufweist wie jene, wobei das Mittel (18) aus einem Material hergestellt ist, das einen thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten besitzt, der völlig verschieden ist von jenem der ...

30-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0020110805U1

28-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002701430A1

14-04-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003525656C2

31-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069902152T2

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Machine tool for cutting and/or grinding a toothed rack comprises a tensioning table fixed to a machine bed, a machine stand having a carriage assigned to the x-direction running parallel to the longitudinal direction of the table

Номер: DE102005061613A1

Machine tool comprises a tensioning table (4) fixed to a machine bed (2), a machine stand (7) having a carriage (8) assigned to the x-direction running parallel to the longitudinal direction of the table to slid on the machine bed. Preferred Features: The carriage is guided on guiding strips (12) of the machine bed. The carriage is driven by a spindle drive (15) having a spindle arranged on the machine bed and a nut receiving the carriage.

25-07-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9104618U1
Принадлежит: PALIGE, ERWIN, 7951 KIRCHDORF, DE

26-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002550743A1

28-10-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002117539A1

09-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002026099A1

26-11-2009 дата публикации

Spindle drive for use in mechanical engineering, has spindle and spindle nut driven in axial direction by rotating spindle, where additional moving bearing device is provided for mounting spindle

Номер: DE102009005785A1

The spindle drive (1) has a spindle (2) and a spindle nut (3) driven in axial direction by rotating the spindle, where an additional moving bearing device is provided for mounting the spindle. The bearing device is formed as traveling bearing device. The bearing device has a line-shaped or a point-shaped support for the spindle.

25-01-1937 дата публикации

Milling and like machine-tools

Номер: GB0000460231A

... 460,231. Milling-machines. HERBERT, Sm A., LLOYD, A. H., and MACLAREN, G. W. July 24, 1935, No. 21018. [Class 83 (iii)]- A milling or like machine having a table 12 which may be traversed either manually from a handle 15 or by power by means of a drop worm 17 coacting with a wheel 16 on the feed screw 13 has means coacting with projections 33, 36 on the table for engaging opposite ends of a pivoted member 21 connected to the worm box so that the worm mav be moved . positively into and out of driving position responsively to the table position. The worm box 18 is pivoted at 19 and carries a spring pressed plunger 29 coacting with a latch 25 which is loose on the shaft 20 carrying the pivoted member 21. The shaft 20 also carries a forked member 23 engaging, with lost motion, a projection 24 on the worm box. For manual engagement of the power feed. a handle 22 on the pivoted member is raised thus taking up the lost motion of the fork and then causing a projection 31 on the latch to engage ...

27-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001378388A

... 1378388 Actuating slides T D VERTIN 9 Dec 1971 [16 Feb 1971] 57308/71 Heading B3B [Also in Division F2] A machine tool (e.g. a milling machine) rack 15 and worm 26 drive in which the rack has square teeth 20. The disclosure is similar to that of Specification 1,378,387 except that both rack and worm have square teeth 20, 40.

08-06-1911 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Screw and Nut Gearing for Converting Rotary Motion into Rectilinear Motion and vice versa.

Номер: GB0191029303A

... 29,303. Sweet, A., [Sweet, S. G.]. Dec. 16. Drills.-A screw-and-nut mechanism for obtaining an aggregate or augmented rectilinear motion without any axial displacement of the rotary driving or operating member, stated to be applicable to the feeding-mechanism of rock drills &c., comprises a sleeve e slidably mounted upon a feathered or angular rotary shaft d and having opposite external threads f, g, one of which engages a fixed nut j, causing axial motion of the sleeve while the other thread engages a nut h on the member to be operated to which an augmented or aggregate motion is thus imparted. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 1 this motion is imparted to the slide-rest i of a lathe without any displacement of the rotary operating-handle k in relation to its bearing t.

20-03-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to machine tools

Номер: GB0000770314A

... 770,314. Machine-tool details; turning. HAHN, T. July 1, 1954 [July 7, 1953], No. 19324/54. Class 83 (3). In a machine-tool, eg. a lathe, a carriage 15, Fig. 1, is fed, e.g. by a lever 22 having a quadrant 20 engaging a rack 21, or by hydraulic means, at a speed governed by a screwed rod 11 driven from the work-spindle 6 via change-wheels 9, 10. Toothed-wheels 12, 13 in mesh with the rod are mounted in the carriage apron 14 and have fixed thereto discs 23, 24, each having one end 26 shaped to abut a spring-pressed stopplunger 28, and the other end 27 bevelled. Thus, when the carriage is fed towards the work, the wheels are held stationary by ends 26 engaging plunger 28 whereby the feed speed is limited. On retracting the carriage, the wheels rotate and ends 27 depress plunger 28. In another arrangement, for screw-cutting, toothedwheels 48, 52, Fig. 3, mesh with rod 11, and wheel 48 also meshes with a wheel 49 which is changed according to the pitch of the thread being cut to maintain small ...

21-11-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to woodworking machines

Номер: GB0000321835A

... 321,835. Rueger, E. A. Nov. 21, 1928. Drilling- machines.-In a woodworking-machine, the rotary tool is attached to an electric motor fitted to the end of a horizontal arm. Fitted to a pillar 2 is a sleeve 3 on which oscillates a guiding base 4. The sleeve 3 and guiding base 4 may be vertically adjusted on the pillar 2 by means of the verticle spindle 28. A hollow, tubular carrier 7, which has prismatic projections 8, is mounted between rollers 6 in the guiding base 4, Fig. 3, and is arranged to have longitudinal movement. Pins are rotatably mounted at each end of the carrier 7, to which the motor may be directly attached, or the motor is attached to a rotatably mounted pin 20 which is connected to the carrier pin by two slide rests at right angles to each other. The rotatable table 23 is clamped to rails 22 and may be moved transversely in front ot the machine. Specification 250,608 is referred to.

22-10-1931 дата публикации

Номер: GB0000359472A

... 359,472. Grinding. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London.-(Assignees of Gerling, C. H. ; 24, Spruce Street, Schenectady, New York, U.S.A.) April 17, 1930, No. 12231. Convention date, April 19, 1929. Void [Published under Sect. 91 of the Acts]. [Class 60.] Disc apparatus; spindles and spindle mountings. -In a machine for grinding hard substances, especially tungsten carbide tool bits, the grinding wheel 9 is pressed towards the work against a positive stop but is capable of limited movement in a direction away from the work. The work is mounted on a table 2 reciprocated from a motor 3 which also drives the grinding wheel. The latter is mounted in a bearing block 11 adjustable by means of a screw 13 carrying a nut 19 mounted in a bearing member 17 which fits loosely over the part 18 of the screw and which is rotated for adjustment of the wheel by bevel gearing 24. The nut is engaged by a spring 23 which urges the grinding wheel towards the work but a limited movement ...

13-12-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001299656A

... 1299656 Lathes J L JEANNERET 14 May 1970 [21 May 1969] 23326/70 Headings B3B and B3T Apparatus for disconnecting the drive from a driven part of a machine tool, such as the drive between a saddle and lead screw of a lathe comprises a cam 22 mounted on a shaft 3, and rotatable therewith, the cam having three distinct cam surface portions 31, 33, and 34, a roller 23 biased against the cam and being in equilibrium therewith when contacting the first or third cam portion but abruptly rotating the cam between the first and third portions when in contact with the second portion, which action effects disengagement between the split nut 11 and lead screw 12. The apparatus is manually set by movement of a handle 4 to position the cam so that the roller engages the first cam portion 31, and a projecting part 30 of the cam member engages a pin 21 on a trip lever 20, which is mounted on the shaft 3. When the lever engages a stop 15 on the lathe during traverse of the carriage the lever is deplaced ...

24-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001429213A

... 1429213 Machine tool details; spindles TEXTRON Inc 6 July 1973 [10 July 1972] 32216/73 Headings B3C and B3B In a machine tool, the tubular quill 14 supporting a rotatable tool spindle 10, Fig. 1, is in screw-threaded engagement with a nut 18, relative rotation between the screw and nut so as to feed the spindle and quill being provided by drive means 25-28. The nut may be held axially and against rotation, with the quill being rotated by a belt drive 26. Fig. 1. In a modification, the belt drive is replaced by a gear drive (40, 42), Fig. 2 (not shown). In a further modification, the nut (1811), Fig. 3 (not shown), is rotated and fixed axially, with the quill fixed against rotation. The nut 1811, Fig. 4, may be rotated by a fluid-pressure piston 54 which actuates a pulley drive 60, 58. The drive motors may be electrical or hydraulic.

15-07-1987 дата публикации

Ball screw nut

Номер: GB0002185301A

A ball screw nut 2 is provided with a cylindrical extension 35 so that a rotational drive member can be connected to the extension in such a manner that the axis of rotation of the extension, and therefore the nut, is aligned with the drive member whereby vibrations, which might otherwise result from the error in the rotation transmission and the misalignment, are eliminated to ensure stable and accurate rotations. The screw 22 and nut 2 may each be connected to a respective drive motor (M1, M2 Figure 3), the motors being rotatable at slightly different speeds to provide a fine position adjusting facility. ...

19-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002164274A

A control center for workpieces, including a device for transporting workpieces between one or more workpiece assembly or dismantling stations, and one or more machining tools. Also included is a plurality of workpiece carriers having on their underside a transport screw which can be rigidly coupled with the transport screw of one of the machining tools, or with the transport screw of one of the assembly or dismantling stations, or with the transport screw of one or more intermediate carriages disposed between the machining tool or tools and the station or stations. An intermediate shaft is disposed between respective ones of the parts which are to be coupled, with this shaft coupling the screws of these parts. The intermediate shaft has a longitudinal axis about which it is rotatable, and has a further axis which extends at right angles to the longitudinal axis and about which the shaft is pivotable. A common drive mechanism is provided for the rotational and pivotal movements.

15-04-1992 дата публикации

Retracting power tool drive spindle.

Номер: GB0002248566A

A drive shaft 10 of the spindle has a spline portion 20 and a threaded portion 24. During normal operation, the drive spindle is rotated by interconnection of a drive gear 40 with the splined portion 20. When it is desired to retract the drive spindle, a drive spindle feed gear 30 is held stationary and the threaded engagement of the drive spindle feed gear 30 and the drive spindle causes the drive spindle to retract. Stopping movement of the feed gear 30 is by engagement of an idler gear 50 with a coned cap 80. During feed, the idler gear 30 could be engaged by a drive gear acting on the drive gear 40. ...

28-01-2004 дата публикации

Improved tooling system

Номер: GB0000329983D0

28-12-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to feed devices for veneer cutting machines, lathes, milling machines and the like

Номер: GB0000183138A

... 183,138. Aktiebalaget G. Ahrens Mekaniska Verkstad. July 13, 1921, [Convention date]. Lathes; milling.-A feed device for a lathe, milling or like machine has continuously rotating nuts, and spindles mounted therein, the latter being held stationary for feeding the cutter, rotated in either direction for advancing or withdrawing the cutter, or being unconstrained when no motion is required. The nuts 19, 20 are continuously driven through a friction clutch 9, gearing 11, 12, and worms 13. The spindles 21, 22, having right and left hand threads respectively, are axially constrained in bearings 23 mounted on the cutter-slide 24 and carry bevel wheels 26, 27 gearing with wheels 28, 29 secured to a shaft 32, which is rotated in either direction by means of a hand-wheel 33, or by a clutch 34, 52, gearing 38 39, shaft 40, gearing 42, 44, shaft 45, and friction gearing 46 and 48 or 49. In operation, the work is mounted between centres 2, 3, and the slide is given a slow cutting-feed by engaging ...

19-08-1981 дата публикации

"Tool head supporting structure in or for a machine tool"

Номер: GB0002068790A
Автор: Kraus, Siegfried

A tool-head supporting structure having a hollow saddle reciprocally mounted on parallel ways surmounting a bed which is provided with a top portion that structurally directly interconnects the ways and provides a flat surface on which metal chips and the like created by the machining operation can collect ahead of the saddle. The forward feed motion of the saddle is limited by a fixed stop which is mounted on the bed beneath the saddle where, for all practical purposes, it is tamper free. Access is had to the stop for servicing or replacement when necessary through an opening in the front of the saddle, and the access opening normally is closed by a removable plate on which is mounted a wiper that pushes chips ahead of the saddle into a suitable chip trough and disposal system, whereby to prevent the chips from inadvertently lodging and accumulating around the stop and interfering with proper forward positioning of the saddle which in most if not all instances must be precise.

21-01-1970 дата публикации

Lead Screw and Nut Arrangement

Номер: GB0001178752A

... 1,178,752. Screw-and-nut gearing. GEORGE RICHARDS & CO. Ltd. 1 May, 1968 [1 May, 1967], No. 19986/67. Heading F2Q. [Also in Division B3] A lead screw and nut traverse for a machine tool slide comprises a lead screw E clamped at various positions A, B, C along its length to prevent flexing thereof, the clamps being opened and closed automatically to allow the drive nut F to pass so that only one clamp at a time is undamped. The clamps are opened and closed hydraulically by providing cams, limit switches or an electrical pick-off. To prevent "hunting" on to and fro movement of the slide the clamping initiating position is spaced nearer to the actual clamp than the unclamping initiating position. The lead screw may be fixed rotationally with the nut F rotatable, or may be rotated relative to a fixed nut. The lead screw may comprise a number of parts screwed together.

21-05-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in tool rests for lathes and like machine tools

Номер: GB0000672605A

... 672,605. Lathe details. USINES TORNOS, FABRIQUE DE MACHINES MOUTIER SOC. ANON. Oct. 17, 1950 [Oct. 18, 1949], No. 25275/50. Class 83 (iii). A tool rest for lathes and like machine-tools comprises a tool-carrier of the type described in Specification 610,612 pivotally secured to a slide movable on a slideway by a screw and nut, the latter abutting the slide through a ball thrust bearing and on rotation adjusting the slide against the action of a spring. The toolcarrier 11 is pivotally mounted on a slide 10 movable on a guideway 12, to which is secured a screwed rod 13 engaged at its free end by a nut 15. The latter is integral with a wormwheel 15a, shaped at 15b to receive a wrench. The nut is provided with a graduated collar 22 and operates through a thrust bearing 16, a spring 14 returning the slide 10 on reverse rotation of the nut. Coarse adjustment of the slide is effected by direct rotation of the nut by a wrench, and a fine adjustment is obtained from a worm 17, Fig. 3, mounted in ...

23-04-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in worm gearing of the drop-worm type applicable to the saddle of a lathe

Номер: GB0000232446A

... 232,446. Lang, W. B., and Watkins, L. June 14, 1924. Turning. - In means for controlling the engagement of worm-andwheel gearing in the feed-mechanism of lathes, a worm sleeve 5 carries worms 3, 4 alternatively engageable with worm-wheels 1, 2 for longitudinal and transverse feed, respectively, and slides in a box or casing 7 pivoting on a pin 8 carried in the apron and parallel with the worm-wheel shafts. The sleeve rotates on a rod 10 slotted to engage a crank-pin 14 on a shaft 15, which carries pins 17 engaging longitudinal slots in a sleeve 19 carrying a handle 20. A lever 21 engages at one end a lug 23 on the box 7 and, at the other, the end of the sleeve 19. The worm sleeve 5 is splined to a driving-pinion 6, which is geared to the feed driving-shaft 26. When the sleeve 19 is pressed downwards, the lever 21 disengages from the lug 23 and the box 7 falls about the pivot 8, in which position rotation of the handle 20 moves the worms 3, 4 for engagement with their appropriate wheels.

14-09-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to thread-cutting devices for lathes

Номер: GB0000471951A

... 471,951. Screw - cutting. B.S.A. TOOLS, Ltd., and OGILVIE, W. June 13, 1936, No. 16520. [Class 83 (iii)] A thread-cutting attachment for single or multispindle lathes is of the kind wherein a tool carried on a compound slide is operated by mechanism which is adapted to impart a longitudinal feed traverse in the operation of thread cutting, retraction of the tool transversely of the work, return to the commencement of the feed traverse, and engagement of the tool with the work, with automatic repetition of the cycle any desired number of times, and comprises a compound slide 3, 4, mounted on an adjustable base 2, carrying a tool 19, a housing 5 attached to the base having mounted therein a pair of lead screws 8, 9 in parallel relation and rotated in opposite directions by gears 10, 11, a lead nut 18, mounted on the upper slide and adapted for alternate engagement with each of the lead screws and means whereby lateral movement is imparted to the compound slide to bring the lead nut alternately ...

04-10-1995 дата публикации

Mechanical manipulator

Номер: GB0009515921D0

08-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001266132A

17-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001554089A

14-06-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to screw cutting lathes and other machine tools

Номер: GB0000870240A

... 870,240. Screw-cutting lathes. WARNER & SWASEY CO. Nov. 20, 1959 [Dec. 3, 1958], No. 39397/59. Class 83 (3). A screw-cutting lathe or other machine tool is provided with a lead-screw 26, Fig. 1, rotatable in the normal manner by change-gears from the spindle 12, and a feed-shaft 19 which drives the carriage through rack-and-pinion gearing. In place of the usual disengageable lead-screw nut a freely rotatable nut 27 of the re-circulating ball type is employed. This may be locked to the carriage for screw-cutting by a spring- pressed latch 35, Fig. 3, which is withdrawn for the return movement &c. by a hand lever 47 and wedge-member 40. In a modification the leadscrew may be locked against rotation and the nut driven by gearing from the feed-shaft.

21-08-1947 дата публикации

Improvements in capstan lathes

Номер: GB0000591539A

... 591,539. Lathes. WOODHOUSE & MITCHELL, Ltd., and WALKER, D. Aug. 24, 1944, No. 16119. [Class 83 (iii)] A capstan lathe in which the capstan or rotatable tool-holder a is mounted on a top slide b movable longitudinally on a bottom slide c, the latter being slidably supported by the lathe bed is characterised in that the bottom slide is provided with a nut g, Fig. 2, through which works a horizontal screw h having a plain part h<1> journalled in a part i secured to the bed, the outer end h<2> of the screw being adapted to receive a spanner or other device to enable it to be turned. Lock-nuts j may be provided to hold the screw against rotation after adjustment. Alternatively, the screw may be carried by the bottom slide and the nut fixed to the bed.

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414586T

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385449T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499179T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000524264T

15-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000140648T

15-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000142937T

15-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000068248T

15-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000090902T

15-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007115T

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000224287T

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000210789T

15-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000214000T

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000258482T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284289T

18-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007516981A

30-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1120830A

HYDROSTATIC DRIVE FOR LATHES A veneer lathe for peeling a log has a knife carriage and a mechanism for moving the carriage towards and away from the log. There is an electric motor for moving the carriage towards the log at a rate of speed related to the rotational speed of the log so as to peel a required thickness of veneer and a clutch for coupling the electric motor to the mechanism or disengaging the electric motor from the mechanism. A hydraulic motor is connected to the mechanism for rapidly advancing the carriage towards the log or retracting the carriage from the log. A by-pass valve permits free rotation of the hydraulic motor when the clutch is engaged.

08-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1233627A

Transfer Drive for a Machine Tool A ball screw (22) in a transfer drive (10) is rotated to translate first and second carriages (32 and 48) at first and second rates, respectively. First and second ball nuts (32,40) engage the ball screw (22), the first ball nut (32) being fixed to the first carriage (34) and the second ball nut (40) being rotatably mounted on the second carriage (48). A power transmission unit (52) is connected between the ball screw (22) and the second ball nut (40) to establish a specified relationship between the rotation of the ball screw (22) and the second ball nut (40). The relationship is such that rotation of the ball screw (22) causes the first carriage (34) to be translated at the first rate by the first ball nut (32) and the second carriage (48) to be translated at the second rate by the second ball nut (40). (FIGURE 1).

09-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001151443A1

27-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001122391A1

02-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002065260A1

... 2065260 9103145 PCTABS00003 A machine such as a machine tool includes a pair of spaced platforms. One platform (11, 31, 185, 72, 159, 142) may mount an operator such as a tool in a spindle and the other platforms (10, 20, 180, 170, 144, 163) may mount an object such as a workpiece. The spaced platforms are joined by six powered and extensible legs (20-25, 40-45, 64-69, 145-150, 166, 182-84, 187-89) joined to the respective platforms by universal joints. The length of the legs is individually manipulated to vary the position of the platforms and, therefore, the object and operator relative to each other in six axes. The powered legs may be hydraulic cylinders (20-25) or recirculating ball screw driven (195, 197, 198). The distance between the spaced platforms may be measured by separate extensible instrument arms (130, 131, 171) which join the platforms. The instrument arms may use a digital position device (238, 240) to measure the extension and contraction of the instrument arms or may ...

16-07-1927 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000121397A

01-12-1926 дата публикации

Holzfräsmaschine mit automatischem Vorschub.

Номер: CH0000117197A
Принадлежит: MAURER WERNER

01-05-1926 дата публикации

Dispositif pour l'ajustement de la position réciproque de deux organes.

Номер: CH0000114728A

15-12-1939 дата публикации

Getriebe für Drehbanksupporte.

Номер: CH0000207893A

31-07-1957 дата публикации

Maschine, insbesondere Werkzeugmaschine, wie Drehbank.

Номер: CH0000323395A

15-02-1958 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000327852A

15-06-1959 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000339029A

31-05-1943 дата публикации

Werkzeugmaschine mit Vorschubgetriebe.

Номер: CH0000227203A
Принадлежит: ENGLER & CO, ENGLER & CO.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Automatic truss jig setting system

Номер: US20130043631A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A automatic truss jig setting system is disclosed that includes a table including a plurality of segments with a side edge of adjacent segments defining a slot. At least one pin assembly, and optionally a pair of pin assemblies, is movable independently of each other along the slot. Movement apparatus is provided for independently moving the pin assemblies along the slot. Each of the side edges of the segments associated with the slot defines a substantially vertical plane with a zone being defined between the substantially vertical planes of the side edges, and the movement apparatus is located substantially outside of the zone of the slot. The invention may optionally include a system for handling the obstruction of pin assembly movement, and a system for keeping track of the position of the pin assembly when the pin assembly has encountered an obstruction.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Conveying device

Номер: US20130105281A1

A conveying device includes a housing, a linear driving mechanism, a first sliding assembly, a second sliding assembly, and a carrying mechanism. The linear driving mechanism is assembled within the housing. The first sliding assembly is slidably assembled together with the second sliding assembly within the housing, and both sliding assemblies are driven by the linear driving mechanism to slide horizontally. The carrying mechanism is slidably sandwiched between the first sliding assembly and the second sliding assembly. The first sliding assembly and the second sliding assembly are driven by the linear driving mechanism to slide within the housing along either a same direction or along opposite directions. The carrying mechanism may slide linearly together with the first sliding assembly and the second sliding assembly, or slide upwards and downwards perpendicular to the linear sliding direction of the first sliding assembly and the second sliding assembly.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Screw and nut assembly with screw rod support means

Номер: US20130239854A1
Принадлежит: Hiwin Technologies Corp

A screw and nut assembly includes a movable platform, a first screw and nut set with the first screw rod affixed between two locating members and the first screw nut pivotally mounted in the movable platform, a second screw and nut set with the second screw nut pivotally mounted in the movable platform, a driving mechanism for driving first screw nut and said second screw nut simultaneously for causing the first screw nut to create a first speed and the second screw nut to create a second speed slower than and reversed to the first speed, and a first support and a second support respectively affixed to the second screw rod to support and to move with the second screw rod. Thus, the gap between the movable platform and each support is changed subject to movement of the screw nuts.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284477A1
Автор: Braun Willy

A power tool device, in particular a hammer drill device and/or a chisel device, includes at least one torque limiting unit that is configured to limit a torque in a drivetrain in at least one operating state. The at least one torque limiting unit includes at least two force transmission mechanisms configured to transmit the torque in the at least one operating state. The at least two force transmission mechanisms have different transmission characteristics. 1. A power tool device , comprising:at least one torque limiting unit configured to limit a torque in a drive train in at least one operating state, the at least one torque limiting unit including at least two force transmission mechanisms configured to transmit the torque in the at least one operating state,wherein the at least two force transmission mechanisms have differing transmission characteristics.2. The power tool device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two force transmission mechanisms have differing directions of action so as to realize the differing transmission characteristics.3. The power tool device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the force transmission mechanisms has an at least substantially radial direction of action claim 1 , and wherein at least one of the force transmission mechanisms has an at least substantially axial direction of action.4. The power tool device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the force transmission mechanisms have at least partially differing latching elements configured to transmit the torque for a substantially positive engagement so as to realize the differing transmission characteristics.5. The power tool device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the latching elements of the at least two force transmission mechanisms have at least partially differing shapes.6. The power tool device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the force transmission mechanisms have at least partially differing energy storage elements so as to realize the differing ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023668A1

A spindle device of a machine tool in which a tool or a workpiece is retained on a spindle, and which carries out machining by moving the tool and the workpiece relative to one another is provided with a support member having a bearing surface, a housing which releasably contacts the support member on the bearing surface, and which rotatably supports the spindle, a first biasing device which presses the housing against the support member, and a pressing force adjusting unit which adjusts a pressing force of the first biasing device. 1. A spindle device of a machine tool in which a tool or workpiece is retained on a spindle and which performs machining by moving a tool and/or a workpiece relative to each other , the spindle device comprising:a support member having a bearing surface,a housing which releasably contacts the support member on the bearing surface and which rotatably supports the spindle,a first biasing device which presses the housing against the support member, anda pressing force adjustment unit which adjusts a pressing force of the first biasing device.2. The spindle device according to claim 1 , wherein the first biasing device comprises a hydraulic cylinder having a piston for pressing the housing toward the support member.3. The spindle device according to claim 2 , comprising a controller for adjusting a hydraulic pressure supplied to the hydraulic cylinder based on a machining condition from an NC device of the machine tool.4. The spindle device according to claim 2 , further comprising a second biasing device for pressing the housing against the support member with a constant pressing force.5. The spindle device according to claim 4 , wherein the second biasing device comprises an elastic member for pressing the housing toward the support member.6. The spindle device according to claim 5 , wherein the second biasing device comprises a magnet for biasing the housing toward the support member.7. The spindle device according to claim 5 , wherein ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030631A1
Принадлежит: CITIC Dicastal CO, LTD.

Disclosed is a high-precision wheel cap section burr removing device, including a frame, jacking cylinders, guide posts, a servo motor, a lifting table, a bearing seat, a shaft, a bearing, a rotating table, adjusting guide rails, an adjusting cylinder, a left sliding table, a gear rack, a right sliding table, pre-positioning cylinders, pre-positioning guide rails, a sliding plate I, a sliding plate II, pre-positioning posts, corner cylinder pressure claws, a left burr cutter and a right burr cutter. The precision positioning system and the burr removing cutter system are integrated to reduce the combined error, and the rotating centers of the burr cutters are superposed with the central axes of the cap section burrs to realize high-precision burr removal, thereby effectively solving the problems of deviation and non-uniformity of burr removal at the cap section. 1. A high-precision wheel cap section burr removing device , comprising a frame , jacking cylinders , guide posts , a servo motor , a lifting table , a bearing seat , a shaft , a bearing , a rotating table , adjusting guide rails , an adjusting cylinder , a left sliding table , a gear rack , a right sliding table , pre-positioning cylinders , pre-positioning guide rails , a sliding plate I , a sliding plate II , pre-positioning posts , corner cylinder pressure claws , a left burr cutter and a right burr cutter , wherein the left burr cutter and the right burr cutter are symmetrically mounted on the left sliding table and the right sliding table , the top of the left burr cutter comprises a left precision positioning surface and a left cutting edge , the top of the right burr cutter comprises a right precision positioning surface and a right cutting edge , the left precision positioning surface and the right precision positioning surface constitute a precision positioning system , and the left cutting edge and the right cutting edge constitute a cutter system.2. The high-precision wheel cap section burr ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038462A1

Linear actuators and methods for assembling the same are disclosed. A linear actuator according to the disclosure may include 1. A linear actuator having a column-shaped housing that has an internal cross section and having a plurality of components arranged in the housing , the linear actuator comprising:a drive unit having a drive shaft;a spindle mechanism having a spindle, which can be driven by the drive shaft; anda bearing unit, which is configured to support a connecting shaft connecting the drive shaft to the spindle and has a bearing block matched to the internal cross section of the housing;wherein the bearing unit has a preloading device for preloading a rotary bearing inserted into the bearing block, and the spindle is screwed to the connecting shaft via a centering portion and a screw fastening portion.2. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the preloading device has a clamping nut claim 1 , which is concentric with the connecting shaft and surrounds said shaft.3. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotary bearing configured as a double-acting axial rolling bearing.4. The actuator as claimed in claim 3 , wherein two bearing disks of the axial rolling bearing are supported on a flange of the connecting shaft.5. The actuator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a locknut claim 2 , which is screwed onto the spindle claim 2 , subjects the bearing block to a force in an axial direction of the spindle claim 2 , secures the spindle on the connecting shaft and is arranged radially to the inside of the clamping nut.6. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a static seal and a dynamic seal of the bearing unit separate a first space in the housing claim 1 , in which the drive unit is situated claim 1 , from a second space claim 1 , in which the spindle mechanism is situated.7. The actuator as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the first space is formed by two subspaces claim 6 , which are arranged without an overlap in the cross section of the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040972A1
Автор: HUANG Yu-Zhi

A slide block assembly mounted on a thread rod having a slide block and an entraining element. The slide block is coupled up by two slide units with an inner bore of spiral surface for screwing connection. The entraining element is deployed outside of the slide block for restraining the slide units in help of solving the problem as block seizing by slightly enhancing torque onto the block, so as to create a block gap leading an automatic consequence of slide block's restoration from deviation resulted from an inappropriate screw between the thread rod and the thread bore. 1. A slide block assembly mounted on a thread rod comprises:a slide block having two slide units coupled up a thread bore for screwing on the thread rod; andan entraining element girdled on the outside of the slide block for restraining two slide units.2. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the slide units are composed of two compatible blocks.3. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the slide block has a guide slot.4. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 3 , wherein the two slide units compose the guide slot.5. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the slide block has at least one positioning groove for accommodating the entraining element.6. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the entraining element is curve or U shape.7. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 1 , wherein the entraining element is a U-shaped elastic unit claim 1 , and the slide unit have two first positioning grooves for accommodating a loop of the entraining element.8. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 7 , wherein the sidewalls of the slide units are equipped with two second positioning grooves for separately accommodating two arms of the entraining element.9. A slide block assembly as defined in claim 7 , wherein the slide units is deployed with two third positioning grooves away from the first positioning groove claim 7 , and the open ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043510A1

A high-precision two-part flat chuck device includes: a base, a cylinder, a sliding plate, a first clamping plate and a second clamping pate. A piston rod of the cylinder is connected with the sliding plate. Precision sliding rails are arranged at two sides of the base, and two sides of the sliding plate are respectively matched with the precision sliding rails in a sliding manner. An accommodating groove is arranged in a middle part of the sliding plate. The first and second clamping plates are symmetrically distributed in the accommodating groove along a center of the sliding plate, and a spring is arranged between the first and second clamping plates. Side surfaces of the first and second clamping plates are inclined planes, and chucks matched with each other are arranged at end parts of the first and seconding clamp plates. 112345021236136734573845459103109451145. A high-precision two-part flat chuck device , comprising a base () a cylinder () , a sliding plate () , a first clamping plate () and a second clamping pate () , wherein a piston rod () of the cylinder () is connected with the sliding plate (); precision sliding rails () are arranged at two sides of the base () and two sides of the sliding plate () are respectively matched with the precision sliding rails () in a sliding manner , an accommodating groove () is arranged in a middle part of the sliding plate (); the first clamping plate () and the second clamping plate () are symmetrically distributed in the accommodating groove () along a center of the sliding plate (); a spring () is arranged between the first clamping plate () and the second clamping plate (); side surfaces of the first clamping plate () and the second clamping plate () are inclined planes (); rollers () are arranged at two sides of the sliding plate (); the rollers () at the two sides are respectively matched with the inclined planes () of the first clamping plate () and the second clamping plate () in an extrusion manner; and chucks ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049239A1
Автор: Hoover Jason

A mechatronic device, such as a rod-style linear actuator, is disclosed having a shock absorber. In embodiments, the device includes a threaded screw that, when rotated, is also forced to move linearly. A drive nut assembly is disposed about the screw and includes a planetary roller assembly with planetary rollers with threading that engage the threaded screw. The shock absorber is disposed linearly adjacent to the planetary roller assembly and is configured to absorb and/or dissipate a static shock load transmitted through the device so as to protect the screw. The shock absorber may be a polymeric cylindrical member disposed about the screw and contacting the planetary roller assembly via springs. 1. A planetary roller screw configured to convert rotary motion into linear motion or vice versa , the planetary roller screw comprising:an outer housing;a hollow push tube disposed within the outer housing and extending along a linear axis within the outer housing;a threaded spindle configured to move axially along the linear axis and rotate about the linear axis, the threaded spindle having external threading; and a plurality of planetary rollers arranged about the threaded spindle, each planetary roller having (i) internal threading engaged with the external threading of the threaded spindle, and (ii) external threading,', 'an outer ring having (i) internal threading engaged with a portion of the external threading of the planetary rollers, and (ii) an outer surface engaged with an internal surface of the push tube, and', 'a shock absorber mechanically coupled to the outer ring, disposed about the threaded spindle and configured to absorb a shock load provided to the threaded spindle., 'a drive nut assembly disposed radially between the threaded spindle and the push tube, the drive nut assembly including'}2. The planetary roller screw of claim 1 , further comprising a preload spring disposed axially between the outer ring and the shock absorber.3. The planetary roller ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074946A1

Embodiments disclosed herein relate to a multi-axis machining system (e.g., a milling machine) that may have multiple moveable and/or rotatable axes. For instance, the multi-axis machining system may be computer numerically controlled (CNC), such that a controller may activate or control movement along and/or rotation about the axes of the multi-axis machining system. 1. A multi-axis machining system comprising:a first rotary table including a work surface rotatable about an B-axis relative to an approximately horizontal support surface;a second rotary table including a mounting surface rotatable about a A-axis relative to the horizontal support surface, the second rotary table being linearly moveable along a Y-axis that is approximately perpendicular to the horizontal support surface, the first rotary table being secured to the mounting surface of the second rotary table;a spindle head securing a spindle, the spindle head being linearly moveable along a Z-axis relative to the horizontal support surface and toward and away from the work surface of the first rotary table, the Z-axis being approximately perpendicular to the Y axis and approximately parallel to the horizontal surface.2. The multi-axis machining system of further comprising a carriage linearly movable along an X-axis relative to the horizontal support surface claim 1 , the X-axis being approximately perpendicular to the Y-axis and to the Z-axis and approximately parallel to the horizontal support surface claim 1 , the spindle head being movably connected to the carriage.3. The multi-axis machining system of further comprising a screw operably connected to the second rotary table in a manner that rotation of the screw produces linear movement of the second rotary table along the Y-axis.4. The multi-axis machining system of further comprising one or more of a servo motor or a step motor operably connected to the screw in a manner that rotation thereof produces a corresponding rotation of the screw.5. The ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089210A1

Planetary roller screw having a threaded spindle, and having a nut element arranged on the threaded spindle, and having planets arranged distributed around the periphery of the threaded spindle, which mesh on one side with the threaded spindle and on the other side with the nut element, which is rotatably mounted in both axial directions in each case by means of a first bearing on a rotationally driven planet carrier which receives the planets and is rotatably mounted on a housing by means of a second bearing. The planet carrier has a sleeve encompassing the nut element, at the axial ends of which a flange respectively having a first bearing seat of the first bearing and a second bearing seat of the second bearing is arranged, the flanges being connected with play to one another by means of the sleeve in a rotationally fixed manner and axially with actuating play. 1. A planetary roller screw having a threaded spindle , and having a nut element arranged on the threaded spindle , and having planets arranged distributed around the periphery of the threaded spindle , which mesh on one side with the threaded spindle and on the other side with the nut element , which is rotatably mounted via a first bearing pair on a rotationally driven planet carrier that receives the planets and is rotatably mounted on a housing via a second bearing pair , wherein the planet carrier has a sleeve radially surrounding the nut element and a pair of flanges on opposite ends of the sleeve , each flange having a first bearing seat of the first bearing and a second bearing seat of the second bearing , the flanges being connected with play to one another via the sleeve in a rotationally fixed manner and axially with actuating play.2. The planetary roller screw according to claim 1 , wherein the bearings of the second bearing pair are arranged axially between the bearings of the first bearing pair claim 1 , the bearings of the first bearing pair being arranged on mutually facing flange sides of ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Ball Screw

Номер: US20180073616A1
Автор: KAWAGUCHI Hayato

A ball screw () has a bridge member () formed with a linking groove () on its inner surface that makes the rolling track a circulating track. The bridge member () is fit into a bridge window () formed on a barrel of a nut (). The bridge window () has a pair of opposite linear parts or walls (). These linear parts or walls have openings, formed by the helical screw groove, leading to the linking groove of the bridge member. The linear parts or walls are arranged so that they cross the lead angle (θ) of the nut screw groove at a right angle. 1. A ball screw comprising:a screw shaft formed with a helical screw groove on an outer circumference of the screw shaft;a cylindrical nut formed with a helical screw groove on an inner circumference of the nut and the nut engages the screw shaft;a plurality of balls accommodated within a rolling track formed by the opposite screw grooves;bridge members are each formed on its inner surface with a linking groove enabling the rolling track to act as a circulating track, each bridge member adapted to fit in a bridge window formed on a barrel of the nut;the bridge window has a pair of linear parts at its opposite sides,each of the linear parts has an opening leading to the linking groove of the bridge member; andeach of the linear parts is arranged so that it crosses a lead angle (θ) of the screw groove of the nut at a right angle.2. The ball screw of claim 1 , wherein the bridge window has an oval shape with a pair of opposite linear parts and another pair of opposite circular arc parts connecting the linear parts.3. The ball screw of claim 1 , wherein the bridge window has a rectangular shape with a pair of first opposite linear parts and a pair of second opposite linear parts claim 1 , each of the first opposite linear parts having openings leading to the linking groove arranged so that it crosses the lead angle (θ) of the nut screw groove at a right angle.4. The ball screw of claim 1 , wherein arms claim 1 , each having a round ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090659A1
Автор: OKA Keitaro
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

A ball screw includes: a screw shaft () having a spiral first screw groove () formed in an outer peripheral surface thereof; a nut () disposed on the periphery of the screw shaft () and having a spiral second screw groove () formed in an inner peripheral surface thereof; a plurality of balls () accommodated in a rolling path () formed by the opposing screw grooves (); and a circulation piece () that forms a ball return passage () for circulating the plurality of balls () through one circuit or less of the rolling path (). Traffic variation is made to be small by determining the maximum angle of inclination (α) of the ball return passage () in an expression using the lead (L), the ball diameter (Da), and the lead angle (β). 1. A ball screw comprising:a screw shaft, a spiral screw groove being formed on an outer peripheral surface of the screw shaft;a nut disposed around the screw shaft, a spiral screw groove being formed on an inner peripheral surface of the nut;a plurality of balls that are housed in rolling paths formed by the two screw grooves facing each other; anda circulation portion constituting a ball return path for circulating the plurality of balls in one turn or less of the rolling paths, wherein [{'br': None, 'i': L/Da', 'L/Da, 'sup': '2', 'α=22.63()−32.17()+27.00−β±5\u2003\u2003(c1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': L/Da', 'L/Da, 'sup': '2', 'α=5.86()+2.09()+2.45−β±5\u2003\u2003(c2)'}, {'br': None, 'i': L/Da', 'L/Da, 'sup': '2', 'α=7.24()−23.65()+44.83−β±5\u2003\u2003(c3)'}], 'the ball return path of the circulation portion is formed so that when a lead is L, a ball diameter is Da, and a lead angle is β, a maximum inclination angle α of the ball return path satisfies any one of the following (c1) to (c3).'}2. The ball screw according to claim 1 , wherein the circulation portion includes a circulation internal deflector. The present invention relates to a ball screw. More specifically, the present invention relates to an internal circulation type ball screw to ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165754A1

The system comprises a roller screw mechanism which is provided with a screw which comprises at least a first outer threaded portion a nut and a plurality of rollers which cooperate with the first outer portion and an inner thread of the nut. The system further comprises a roller thrust bearing which is mounted on a second outer portion of the screw and which is provided with a bushing and a plurality of rollers which comprise flanks which cooperate with flanks of the second outer portion of the screw and the bushing The flanks of the screw, the bushing and the rollers are configured so that, during a rotation of the screw, the rollers are fixed axially relative to the screw and relative to the bushing 1. A system comprising:{'b': '12', 'claim-text': [{'b': 16', '18, 'a screw () that includes at least a first outer threaded portion (),'}, {'b': '20', 'a nut () arranged around and coaxially with the screw, and'}, {'b': 24', '18', '22, 'a plurality of rollers () cooperating with the first threaded outer portion () of the screw and an inner thread () of the nut, and'}], 'a roller screw mechanism () having;'}{'b': 14', '52', '50', '56', '52', '50', '56', '16', '50, 'a roller thrust bearing () mounted on a second outer portion () of the screw and provided with a bushing () arranged around and coaxially with the screw, and a plurality of rollers () disposed between the screw and the bushing and having flanks which cooperate with flanks of the second outer portion () of the screw and the bushing (), the flanks of the screw, the bushing and the rollers being configured so that, during a rotation of the screw, the rollers () are fixed axially relative to the screw () and relative to the bushing ().'}252505652. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the second outer portion () of the screw is threaded and the bushing () includes an inner thread claim 1 , each roller () of the thrust bearing having an outer thread in engagement with the flanks of the thread of the second ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084377A1
Автор: JEONG Seong-Bin

A rotating shaft assembly having a deployable screw thread is provided. The rotating shaft assembly includes a rotating shaft which transmits rotational force, and a plurality of screw units that are slidable in a longitudinal direction of the rotating shaft. A plurality of deployable portions are moved away from the rotating shaft when the deployable portions are pressed from one side by a pressing device. Additionally, the deployable portions are deployed outward when the screw units are pressed by the pressing device that moves along the rotating shaft. 1. A rotating shaft assembly having a deployable screw thread , comprising:a rotating shaft configured to transmit rotational force; anda plurality of screw units slidable in a longitudinal direction of the rotating shaft, and having deployable portions moved away from the rotating shaft when the deployable portions are pressed from one side by a pressing device,wherein the deployable portions are deployed outward when the screw units are pressed by the pressing device that moves along the rotating shaft.2. The rotating shaft assembly of claim 1 , wherein the screw unit further includes:a connecting portion configured to slide along the rotating shaft; anda plurality of sliders disposed at predetermined intervals along a circumference of the connecting portion and each having a front end to which a rear end of the deployable portion is hingedly connected, andwhen the screw units are pressed by the pressing device, a rear end of the slider of any one screw unit pushes a front end of the deployable portion of another screw unit adjacent to one screw unit at a rear side to deploy the deployable portion.3. The rotating shaft assembly of claim 2 , wherein the sliders claim 2 , which are disposed along the circumference of the connecting portion claim 2 , are connected to the connecting portion at different positions in a longitudinal direction of the sliders.4. The rotating shaft assembly of claim 3 , wherein the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136591A1
Автор: Kato Akio, OBARA Ryousuke

A linear actuator includes a motor , a rotary unit (a screw shaft ) to be rotationally driven by the motor , and a linear motion unit to be screwed with the screw shaft and to linearly move in an axial direction in accordance with rotation of the screw shaft . The linear motion unit includes a linear motion unit main body (a nut and a spring case ), an output member provided to be relatively movable in the axial direction with respect to the linear motion unit main body , and configured to abut an operation target P, and a spring disposed between the linear motion unit main body and the output member in the axial direction.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136592A1

A linear actuator, which is assembled from a plurality of structurally identical individual actuators, each of which has a housing and an output shaft which is arranged to be longitudinally displaceable in the housing and which penetrates the housing, wherein the housing is designed on its outer surface as a polygonal profile with polygonal sides of equal length, which define outer polygonal surfaces arranged around the output shaft, wherein at least one of the polygonal surfaces of the housing is intended to rest against one of the polygonal surfaces of one of the other housings. The output shafts are coupled to one another by a common coupling element for common adjusting movements and for a parallel connection of the actuating forces acting in the individual actuators.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096397A1

A ball screw capable of sensing a torque in real time includes a screw rod, a screw nut sleeved onto the screw rod, a plurality of balls mounted between the screw rod and the screw nut, and a torque sensor haying a first fastening portion and a second fastening portion. The first fastening portion is fixed to a working bench and the second fastening portion is fixed to the screw nut, so the torque sensor can sense how much the torque is while the screw out is driving a working bench to move. In light of this structure, monitoring the voltage value outputted by the torque sensor can sense the torque generated while the working screw rod is working. 1. A ball screw for driving a working bench to move , comprising:a screw rod having an external thread;a screw nut sleeved onto the screw rod and having an internal circulatory passage and an internal thread, a spiral passage being formed between the internal thread of the screw nut and the external thread of the screw rod and linked with the internal circulatory passage to define a load path with the internal circulatory passage;a plurality of halls rollingly mounted within the load path; anda torque sensor having a first fastening portion and a second fastening portion opposite to the first fastening portion, the first and second fastening portions being fixed to the working bench and the screw nut, respectively.2. The ball screw as defined in claim 1 , wherein the first and second fastening portions are parallel to each other.3. The ball screw as defined in claim 1 , wherein the torque sensor comprises a through hole for the screw rod to be inserted through claim 1 , the through hole having a diameter larger than that of the screw rod.4. The ball screw as defined in claim 1 , wherein the torque sensor is electrically connected with an automatic oil supply claim 1 , which supplies the screw nut with oil according to a torque sensed by the torque sensor. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates generally to ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145968A1
Автор: Davies Stephen

A linear actuator includes a screw shaft comprising a screw thread and having a longitudinal axis A, a nut movable along the screw shaft from a retracted position to an extended position, and a plurality of rollers movable with the nut. Each roller includes a cylindrical surface configured to roll along one or more flanks of the screw thread, such that rotation of the screw shaft causes the rollers to roll along the flank(s) so that the nut translates in an axial direction along the screw shaft. The screw thread has a variable lead angle. The actuator can be part of a power door opening system of an aircraft. 1. A power door operating system of an aircraft comprising:a linear actuator, wherein the linear actuator is configured to actuate a component and includes:a screw shaft comprising a screw thread and having a longitudinal axis (A);a nut movable along the screw shaft from a retracted position to an extended position; anda plurality of rollers movable with the nut, each comprising a cylindrical surface configured to roll along one or more flanks of the screw thread, such that rotation of the screw shaft causes the rollers to roll along the flank(s) so that the nut translates in an axial direction along the screw shaft;wherein the screw thread comprises one or more detents configured to lock the nut in one or more axial positions and the rollers rotate about a roller axis, wherein the roller axis of each of the rollers is at a non-perpendicular angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the screw shaft, the non-perpendicular angle being the same for each roller, and a compressive force exerted on the linear actuator by the component of the power door system pushes the cylindrical surface of each of the rollers against the one or more flanks, andwherein the component of the power door operating system is configured to exert the compressive force on the linear actuator in the direction of the longitudinal axis, wherein the compressive force always acts in the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Positioning Unit

Номер: US20170130809A1
Автор: Rath Norbert
Принадлежит: ANTON PAAR GMBH

A positioning unit for a carriage is adjustable by way of a linear drive and a base. The linear drive has an elongate part and a short part. The positioning unit has two compensation rods. In each case two adjacent compensation rods are connected together at one end via a joint and are connected at the other end to the elongate part of the linear drive via one of two joint arrangements that are arranged in each case at the end of the elongate part. The compensation rods and the elongate part of the linear drive are arranged in the form of a triangle and the angle between the compensation rods and the joint is variable by a thermal change in length of the elongate part of the linear drive. The carriage is connected to the joint and the short part of the linear drive is connected to the base. 119-. (canceled)20. A positioning unit , comprising:a linear drive having an elongate part and a short part;a base;a carriage being adjustable by said linear drive;a joint;two joint arrangements;at least two compensation rods, wherein in each case two adjacent said compensation rods being connected to each other at a first end via said joint and being connected at a second end in each case to said elongate part of said linear drive via one of said two joint arrangements which are each disposed at an end of said elongate part of said linear drive, wherein said compensation rods and said elongate part of said linear drive are disposed in a form of a triangle, and an angle between said compensation rods is changeable at said joint by a thermal change in length of said elongate part of said linear drive; andsaid carriage being connected to said joint and said short part of said linear drive is connected to said base, or said carriage is connected to said short part of said linear drive and said base is connected to said joint.21. The positioning unit according to claim 20 , wherein:said joint is one of a plurality of joints;said at least two compensation rods are two of four ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150143935A1
Автор: HSU HUNG-CHIH, Lin Ying-Ju

A ball screw with support devices includes a nut base having two sides equipped with the support devices for preventing the screw from deflection. Two runner structures are provided near two ends of the screw. The runner structure includes a driving wheel and a driven wheel having different diameters and concentrically installed. The nut base is connected to the driving wheel via an active connecting element for driving the driving wheel to rotate. The driven wheel moves with the driving wheel and is connected to the support devices via passive connecting elements so that the support devices and the nut displace synchronously. By controlling a diameter ratio between the driving and driven wheels, the nut and the support devices displace with proportional speeds, thereby allowing the support devices to always stay at the two sides of the nut as designed and provide reliable support. 1. A ball screw with support devices , comprising:a screw;a nut, fixed to a nut base and mounted around the screw;at least one support unit, each including two said support devices, the support device having a bush that is fixed to a bush seat and is slidably mounted around the screw, wherein the two support devices of the support unit are symmetrically arranged at two sides of the nut base; anda speed-controlling unit, including two runner structures, an active connecting element and a plurality of passive connecting elements, wherein each said runner structure has a foundation on which a driving wheel and at least one driven wheel are installed concentrically and rotatably, and the driving wheel has a diameter greater than a diameter of the driven wheel, the runner structures being deposited near two ends of the screw, the active connecting element being wound around the driving wheels of the two runner structures and having two ends thereof fixed to the nut base, and the passive connecting element having one end wound around the driven wheel and an opposite end connected to the bush ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230586A1

The invention concerns a spindle drive for the motorized adjustment of an adjusting element of a vehicle, comprising a drive motor with a motor shaft, a speed reduction gear mechanism, and a feed gear mechanism, the speed reduction gear mechanism having a planetary gear mechanism and the feed gear mechanism being designed as a spindle/spindle nut gear mechanism, the planetary gear mechanism having a rotatable sun gear and coaxially in relation thereto a rotatable planet-gear carrier and a fixed or fixable ring gear, and the planet-gear carrier carrying at least one rotatable planet gear, which is in axially parallel engagement with the sun gear on the one hand and the ring gear on the other hand, the drive motor, the speed reduction gear mechanism and the feed gear mechanism being accommodated one behind the other in a substantially elongate drive housing and aligned with a common longitudinal drive axis. 1. A spindle drive for the motorized adjustment of an adjusting element of a motor vehicle , comprising a drive motor with a motor shaft , a speed reduction gear mechanism , arranged downstream of the drive motor , and a feed gear mechanism , arranged downstream of the speed reduction gear mechanism , the speed reduction gear mechanism having a planetary gear mechanism and the feed gear mechanism being designed as a spindle/spindle nut gear mechanism , the planetary gear mechanism having a rotatable sun gear and coaxially in relation thereto a rotatable planet-gear carrier and a fixed or fixable ring gear , and the planet-gear carrier carrying at least one rotatable planet gear , which is in axially parallel engagement with the sun gear on the one hand and the ring gear on the other hand , the drive motor , the speed reduction gear mechanism and the feed gear mechanism being accommodated one behind the other in a substantially elongate drive housing and aligned with a common longitudinal drive axis , whereinthe engagement between the sun gear and the at least one ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140245847A1

A screw actuated press unit for mounting parts with press fit includes a casing, an actuating screw rotationally journalled in the casing and coupled to a rotation motor, a nut assembly cooperating with the actuating screw, a thrust rod rigidly connected to the nut assembly and extending out of the casing for connection to a work piece, and a locking device effective to rotationally lock the nut assembly to the casing at rotation of the actuation screw, wherein the lock device includes at least three roller studs mounted on and radially extending from the nut assembly and arranged to guidingly cooperate with two parallel guide rails at the edges of an axially extending slot in the casing . The roller studs are spring biased in opposite directions in contact with the guide rails so as to eliminate rotational play between the nut assembly and the casing. 14-. (canceled)5. A screw actuated press unit comprising:a casing;an actuating screw rotationally journalled in the casing;a rotation motor drivingly coupled to the actuation screw;a nut assembly cooperating with the actuation screw;a thrust rod rigidly connected to the nut assembly and extending out of the casing for connection to a work piece;a spring element; anda locking device which rotationally locks the nut assembly to the casing while permitting axial movement of the nut assembly at rotation of the actuating screw;wherein said locking device comprises, at least three radially extending roller studs mounted on the nut assembly in a common axially directed row, an axially extending slot in the casing, and two parallel guide rails disposed on edges of said slot; andwherein said roller studs engage said guide rails to prevent rotation of the nut assembly during press unit operation, and said spring element is arranged to exert a bias force on said roller studs against said guide rails for eliminating rotational play between the nut assembly and the casing, such that a middle one of said at least three roller studs ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207693A1
Автор: OKA Keitaro
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

A piece type ball screw in a screw shaft with a spiral external thread groove on an outer peripheral surface, a nut which is fitted onto the screw shaft and has a spiral internal thread groove on an inner peripheral surface, a plurality of balls rotatably arranged in a track path formed between the external thread groove and the internal thread groove, and a piece member which is attached to the nut and connects the internal thread grooves to each other. The piece member includes a piece body in which a return groove connecting the internal thread grooves is formed and a pair of engaging portions which are provided on the piece body, extend in opposite directions in a circumferential direction of the nut, and engage with the internal thread groove of the nut. A joint portion between the piece body and the engaging portion has a fillet shape. 1. A piece type ball screw comprising:a screw shaft with a spiral external thread groove on an outer peripheral surface,a nut which is fitted onto the screw shaft and has a spiral internal thread groove on an inner peripheral surface,a plurality of rolling elements rotatably arranged in a track path formed between the external thread groove and the internal thread groove; anda piece member which is attached to the nut and connects the internal thread grooves to each other, whereinthe piece member includes a piece body in which a return groove connecting the internal thread grooves is formed and a pair of engaging portions which are provided on the piece body, extend in opposite directions in a circumferential direction of the nut, and engage with the internal thread groove of the nut, anda joint portion between the piece body and the engaging portion has a fillet shape.2. The piece type ball screw according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of the piece body and the engaging portion has a relief portion recessed in a direction away from the nut and the fillet-shaped portion is formed in the relief portion.3. The piece type ball ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180145A1

A spindle drive () having a spindle () with a spindle thread (), and spindle nut () with a nut thread (). The spindle thread () and the nut thread () form a movement thread () having a crown clearance (), a root clearance () and a flank clearance. The spindle () and the spindle nut () can be centered by virtue of a reduced crown clearance () and/or a reduced root clearance (). 114-. (canceled)15. A spindle drive comprising:{'b': 2', '22', '2', '22, 'i': a', 'a, 'a spindle (, ) with a spindle thread (, );'}{'b': 3', '23', '3', '23, 'i': a', 'a, 'a spindle nut (, ) with a nut thread (, );'}{'b': 2', '22', '3', '23', '4', '24', '5', '25', '6', '26', '9, 'i': a', 'a', 'a', 'a, 'the spindle thread (, ) and the nut thread (, ) forming a movement thread (, ) having a crown clearance (, ), a root clearance (, ) and a flank clearance (); and'}{'b': 2', '22', '3', '23', '5', '25', '6', '26, 'the spindle (, ) and the spindle nut (, ) being centered by at least one of a reduced crown clearance (, ) and a reduced root clearance (, ).'}16424. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein the movement thread is a trapezoidal thread ( claim 15 , ).1752562623bb. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein at least one of the crown clearance ( claim 15 , ) and the root clearance ( claim 15 , ) is designed as either a sliding fit or a displacement fit ( claim 15 , ).183a. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein the nut thread () has a reduced root circle diameter (D).192a. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein the spindle thread () has an enlarged crown circle diameter (d).203a. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein the nut thread () has a reduced crown circle diameter (D).212a. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein the spindle thread () has an enlarged root circle diameter (d).225256269. The spindle drive according to claim 15 , wherein at least one of the crown clearance ( claim 15 , ) and the root clearance ( claim 15 , ) is ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184511A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

There are provided a load state diagnosis device and a load state diagnosis method for a servomotor. A PLC diagnoses the load state of the servomotor which rotationally drives a rotary tool in a predetermined rotational drive direction at a constant speed. The PLC includes a detection part that detects the rotational direction of a torque acting on the servomotor, a determination part that determines whether the rotational direction of the torque detected by the detection part is consistent with the predetermined rotational drive direction, and a load index output part that outputs a load index indicating the load state of the servomotor based on a determination result of the determination part. 1. A load state diagnosis device for a servomotor which diagnoses a load state of the servomotor rotationally driving a rotary tool in a predetermined rotational drive direction at a constant speed , comprising:a detection part that detects a rotational direction of a torque acting on the servomotor;a determination part that determines whether or not the rotational direction of the torque detected by the detection part is consistent with the predetermined rotational drive direction; anda load index output part that outputs a load index indicating the load state of the servomotor based on a determination result of the determination part.2. The load state diagnosis device for the servomotor according to claim 1 , the detection part detects the rotational direction of the torque by measuring a command current value for the servomotor.3. The load state diagnosis device for the servomotor according to claim 1 , the load index output part measures an occurrence frequency of a state in which the rotational direction of the torque is inconsistent with the predetermined rotational drive direction for a certain period and outputs the load index based on the occurrence frequency.4. The load state diagnosis device for the servomotor according to claim 2 , the load index output part ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Support Structure for a Ball Screw

Номер: US20150204428A1
Автор: Chang Lung-Yu, Lin Ying-Ju

A support structure for a ball screw includes a base, two pivot seats mounted on the base, a screw disposed between the two pivot seats, at least one guide rail fixed on the base, a first guide block fixed on the base and provided with a first slanting surface, a second guide block fixed on the base and provided with a second slanting surface, a support seat slidably mounted on the guide rails and located below the screw, a nut unit sleeved on the screw and slidably disposed on the guide rails, and a drive assembly fixed at the nut unit. The support structure for a ball screw has a simple structure, a low maintenance cost and a longer service life. 1. A support structure for a ball screw comprising:a base;two pivot seats mounted on the base and located a distance from each other;a screw disposed between the two pivot seats;at least one guide rail fixed on the base and located one side of the screw;a first guide block fixed on the base and located between the two pivot seats, and provided with a first slanting surface;a second guide block fixed on the base, located between the two pivot seats, and provided with a second slanting surface located toward the first slanting surface;a support seat slidably mounted on the guide rails and located below the screw, the support seat including a base portion located above the first and second guide blocks, at least one support fork portion located on the base portion to support the screw, and a slot formed in the base portion, the slot including a first transverse section, a first engaging section connected to the transverse section and located corresponding to the first slanting surface, a connecting section connected to the first engaging section and located corresponding to the first and second slanting surfaces, a second engaging section connected to the connecting section and located corresponding to the second slanting surface, and a second transverse section connected to the second engaging section;a nut unit sleeved on ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Torque Indicating Tarp Deployment Actuator

Номер: US20160207382A1

A deployable trailer coving system includes spaced apart guide tracks mounted on opposite sides of a flat bed trailer. Each of the guide tracks support trolley assemblies support bows for movement along the length of the trailer. The bows support a trailer covering or tarp cover to define a cargo area. A tensioning mechanism is connected to at least one of the bows and applies a load to stretch the covering to a predetermined tension. The tensioning mechanism includes a torque-indicating tensioning actuator that produces one of an audible and a tactile sensation is produced when the predetermined level of tension in the covering is reached. 1. A deployable trailer coving system comprising:spaced apart guide tracks that each support a plurality of trolley assemblies for relative movement therewith;a plurality of bows connected between the plurality of trolley assemblies in the spaced-apart guide tracks, the plurality of bows supporting a covering to define a cargo area; anda tensioning mechanism connected to at least one of the plurality of bows and configured to apply a tension level to the covering, the tensioning mechanism including a tensioning head and a torque-indicating tensioning actuator, the torque-indicating tensioning actuator configured to mate with the tensioning head such that at least one of an audible and a tactile sensation is produced when the tension level is reached.2. The deployable trailer covering system of wherein the tensioning mechanism is an A-frame tensioning mechanism connected to the tensioning head by a screw thread actuator and wherein the torque-indicating tensioning actuator includes a torque-responsive claim 1 , indicating assembly that produces the at least one audible and tactile sensation.3. The deployable trailer covering system of wherein the spaced apart guide tracks are supported on opposite sides of a flatbed trailer claim 1 , the tensioning mechanism is connected between the flatbed trailer and the at least one of the ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202526A1
Автор: WANG Chun-Tu

A reciprocating linear pushrod includes a base, a transmission mechanism and a moving mechanism. The transmission mechanism includes a motor and a rotary shaft, and the rotary shaft has a threaded portion including a left-handed thread groove and a right-handed thread groove crossed with each other, and both ends of the left-handed thread groove are communicated to both ends of the right-handed thread groove respectively. The moving mechanism includes a moving rod and a crescent member, and the moving rod has an axial hole and a radial hole and is sheathed on the rotary shaft by the axial hole, and the crescent member is accommodated in the radial hole and embedded into the threaded portion, so that the moving mechanism can be moved reciprocally according to the rotation of the rotary shaft, and this disclosure has the effects of reducing the total volume and simplifying the structure significantly. 1. A reciprocating linear pushrod , comprising: a base; a transmission mechanism , including a motor mounted onto the base , and a rotary shaft supported by the base and driven by the motor , and the rotary shaft having a threaded portion , and the threaded portion including a left-handed thread groove and a right-handed thread groove crossed with each other , and both ends of the left-handed thread groove communicating with both ends of the right-handed thread groove respectively; and a moving mechanism , including a moving rod and a crescent member , and the moving rod having an axial hole and a radial hole communicated to the axial hole , and the moving rod being sheathed on the rotary shaft by the axial hole , and the crescent member being accommodated in the radial hole and embedded in the threaded portion , so that the moving mechanism can be moved reciprocally according to the rotation of the rotary shaft.2. The reciprocating linear pushrod of claim 1 , wherein the moving rod includes a block and a rod extended from the block claim 1 , and the axial hole is formed ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140298934A1
Принадлежит: Thomson Industries Inc.

An anti-rotation device for use in a linear actuator comprises a hollow body permitting passage of a screw therein. At least one pair of legs extends longitudinally away from the hollow body and each leg of the at least one pair includes a first key feature configured for mating or complementary engagement with a second key feature of an housing used to enclose the screw, nut and anti-rotation device. In one embodiment, each leg is configured to extend or flex radially outward relative to an outer diameter of the hollow body. In another embodiment, the second key features of the housing are substantially longitudinally uniform, whereas the first key feature of at least one of the legs includes a longitudinally non-uniform feature. These pre-loading features induce self-centering of the anti-rotation device that reduces or eliminates play between the components and noise while also improving performance of the linear actuator. 1. An anti-rotation device for use in a linear actuator of the type comprising a screw and a nut enclosed in a housing in which the nut is prevented from rotating by the anti-rotation device in communication with the housing , and in which rotation of the screw causes the nut to move along a longitudinal axis of the screw , the anti-rotation device further comprising:a hollow body permitting passage of the screw therein and comprising a surface configured to operatively connect the hollow body to the nut; andat least one pair of legs extending longitudinally away from the hollow body in a first direction and each leg of the at least one pair of legs comprising a first key feature configured to engage corresponding second key features of the housing,wherein each leg of the at least one pair of legs extends radially outward relative to an outer diameter of the hollow body.2. The anti-rotation device of claim 1 , wherein the first key feature is a protruding tab extending radially away from the outer diameter of the hollow body claim 1 , and ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160221138A1
Автор: Toyama Koji

A feed apparatus includes a base, a moving member that is movable in a predetermined axial direction with respect to the base, a first screw shaft provided on the base so as to be parallel to the axial direction, a second screw shaft provided separately from the first screw shaft on the base so as to be parallel to the predetermined axial direction, a first motor mounted on the base to rotate the first screw shaft, a second motor mounted on the base to rotate the second screw shaft, a first nut provided on the moving member and moving in the predetermined axial direction in conjunction with rotation of the first screw shaft, and a second nut provided on the moving member and moving in the predetermined axial direction in conjunction with rotation of the second screw shaft. The first nut and the second nut are disposed at different positions in the predetermined axial direction. 1. A feed apparatus comprising:a base,a moving member that is movable in a predetermined axial direction with respect to the base,a first screw shaft provided on the base so as to be parallel to the axial direction and rotatably supported by the base,a second screw shaft provided separately from the first screw shaft on the base so as to be parallel to the axial direction and rotatably supported by the base,a first driving source mounted on the base to rotate the first screw shaft,a second driving source mounted on the base to rotate the second screw shaft,a first nut provided on the moving member and screwed over the first screw shaft to move in the axial direction in conjunction with rotation of the first screw shaft, anda second nut provided on the moving member and screwed over the second screw shaft to move in the axial direction in conjunction with rotation of the second screw shaft; whereinthe first nut and the second nut are disposed at different positions in the axial direction.2. The feed apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first nut is provided on one side of the moving ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240922A1

An actuator includes an actuator housing, a screw, a nut, a rod end, a torque bar, and a bidirectional stop. The torque bar extends through the screw and is configured to rotate therewith. The torque bar has a first end and a second end. The bidirectional stop is formed on the first end of the torque bar and is disposed external to the screw. The bidirectional stop has a first side and a second side. The first side has a third dog stop formed thereon, and the second side has a fourth dog stop formed thereon. The first dog stop engages the third dog stop when the nut is in the fully extended position, and the second dog stop engages the fourth dog stop when the nut is in the fully retracted position. 1. An actuator , comprising:an actuator housing;a screw rotationally mounted within the actuator housing, the screw coupled to receive a drive torque and configured, upon receipt of the drive torque, to rotate;a nut having an opening through which the screw extends and configured, upon rotation of the screw, to translate between a fully retracted position and a fully extended position, the nut having a first dog stop formed thereon;a rod end coupled to, and spaced apart from, the nut, the rod end configured to translate with the nut and having a second dog stop formed thereon;a torque bar extending through the screw and configured to rotate therewith, the torque bar having a first end and a second end; and the first dog stop engages the third dog stop when the nut is in the fully extended position, and', 'the second dog stop engages the fourth dog stop when the nut is in the fully retracted position., 'a bidirectional stop formed on the first end of the torque bar and disposed external to the screw, the bidirectional stop having a first side and a second side, the first side having a third dog stop formed thereon, the second side having a fourth dog stop formed thereon, wherein2. The actuator of claim 1 , further comprising:an extension tube coupled between the nut and ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200223025A1

A control system for controlling oil-injection of a machine tool includes a sensor, a signal-processing device and a control device. The sensor senses movement of a machine component of the machine tool and outputs a sense signal to the signal-processing device. The signal-processing device derives analysis signals from the sense signal and sends the analysis signals to the control device. The control device determines whether to output an oiling signal to the machine tool to trigger an oiling device to oil the machine component according to an accumulated moving distance and a variation value that are calculated based on the analysis signals. 1. A control system for controlling oil-injection of a machine tool that includes an oiling device and a machine component , said control system comprising:a sensor that is to be disposed on the machine tool, and that is configured to sense movement of the machine component and to output, based on the movement of the machine component thus sensed, a sense signal related to vibration of the machine component;a signal-processing device that is capable of communication with said sensor to receive the sense signal from said sensor, and that is configured to derive, from the sense signal thus received, a low-frequency signal and a high-frequency signal that correspond respectively to different frequency bands; and receive the low-frequency signal and the high-frequency signal from said signal-processing device,', 'calculate an accumulated moving distance based on the low-frequency signal,', 'calculate a vibration-variation value based on the high-frequency signal,', 'output an oiling signal to the machine tool when the accumulated moving distance thus calculated is greater than a moving-distance threshold, the oiling signal triggering the oiling device to oil the machine component, and', 'output the oiling signal to the machine tool when the vibration-variation value thus calculated is greater than a vibration-variation threshold., ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170248210A1

The present invention provides an adjustment arrangement (), comprising a rotating input element () at which a first torque from a motor arrangement () can be inputted into the adjustment arrangement, a rotating output element () at which a second torque can be outputted by the adjustment arrangement, and a transmission portion for converting the first torque into the second torque, the transmission portion comprising a transmission means () having a first threaded portion () and a second threaded portion (), the first threaded portion converting a rotation of the input element () into an axial movement of the transmission means, and the second threaded portion converting an axial movement of the transmission means into a rotation of the output element (). 1. Adjustment arrangement , comprisinga. a rotating input element at which a first torque from a motor arrangement can be inputted into the adjustment arrangement,b. a rotating output element at which a second torque can be outputted by the adjustment arrangement,c. a transmission portion for converting the first torque into the second torque,wherein the transmission portion comprises a transmission means having a first threaded portion and a second threaded portionwherein the first threaded portion converts a rotation of the input element into an axial movement of the transmission means, and the second threaded portion converts an axial movement of the transmission means into a rotation of the output element, andwherein the first threaded portion and the second threaded portion have different thread pitches from one another.2. Adjustment arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission means comprises a spindle nut and in that the first threaded portion and the second threaded portion are formed on different portions of the spindle nut claim 1 , preferably one of the two threaded portions forming an internal thread of the spindle nut and the other threaded portion forming an external thread of the ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Linear Actuator With Torque Limiter Mounted To A Driven Sprocket

Номер: US20190242466A1
Автор: Brieschke Mark A.
Принадлежит: Aries Engineering Company, Inc.

A driven sprocket configured for rotational use in a linear actuator is provided. The driven sprocket includes an outer circumferential surface extending radially from a main body. The outer circumferential surface has a plurality of spaced apart gear teeth configured to engage corresponding structures of a drive belt. An upper rim and a lower rim bound the outer circumferential surface and are configured to maintain a drive belt in an engaged position with the gear teeth. A plurality of internal apertures extend therethrough and are configured to receive portions of a lead screw and portions of a torque limiter. A plurality of spaced apart apertures are configured to receive fasteners configured to secure the torque limiter to the driven sprocket in a manner such that rotation of the driven sprocket results in rotation of the torque limiter. 1. A driven sprocket configured for rotational use in a linear actuator , the driven sprocket comprising:an outer circumferential surface extending radially from a main body, the outer circumferential surface having a plurality of spaced apart gear teeth, the gear teeth configured to engage corresponding structures of a drive belt;an upper rim and a lower rim bounding the outer circumferential surface and configured to maintain a drive belt in an engaged position with the gear teeth;a plurality of internal apertures extending therethrough, the internal apertures configured to receive portions of a lead screw and portions of a torque limiter; anda plurality of spaced apart apertures configured to receive fasteners configured to secure the torque limiter to the driven sprocket in a manner such that rotation of the driven sprocket results in rotation of the torque limiter.2. The driven sprocket of claim 1 , wherein the driven sprocket and the torque limiter are centered about a common axis.3. The driven sprocket of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of internal apertures extending through the driven sprocket are centered about a ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248788A1
Автор: WU Chou-Hsin

A linear actuator includes a sliding rod, a motor and a buffer assembly. The motor connects the sliding rod to drive the sliding rod. The buffer assembly is disposed at an end of the sliding rod and includes an elastic element and an outer sleeve. The elastic element is received in the outer sleeve. The sliding rod connects the outer sleeve. The outer sleeve is movable along an axial direction of the sliding rod. The elastic element separately pushes an inner wall of the outer sleeve and the sliding rod. The elastic element is pre-compressed along the axial direction of the sliding rod. The buffer assembly can absorb vibration and impact caused by the motor driving the sliding rod. 1. A linear actuator comprising:a sliding rod;a motor, connecting the sliding rod to drive the sliding rod; anda buffer assembly, disposed at an end of the sliding rod, including an elastic element and an outer sleeve, the elastic element being received in the outer sleeve, the sliding rod connecting the outer sleeve, the outer sleeve being movable along an axial direction of the sliding rod, the elastic element separately pushing an inner wall of the outer sleeve and the sliding rod, and the elastic element being pre-compressed along the axial direction of the sliding rod,wherein a sliding spindle is disposed in the outer sleeve, a stopper is provided in the sliding rod, an outside of the sliding spindle is outward formed with a flange, an end of the sliding spindle connects the outer sleeve, another end of the sliding spindle passingly connects the sliding rod and is movable along an axial direction of the sliding rod, and the flange abuts against the stopper to limit a travel end of an extended movement against the sliding rod of the outer sleeve.2. The linear actuator of claim 1 , wherein the sliding rod is provided with a connecting sleeve claim 1 , an end of the connecting sleeve passingly connects the sliding rod and forms the stopper claim 1 , another end of the connecting sleeve ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Linear Actuator

Номер: US20180274642A1

The present invention provides a linear actuator including the gap compensating unit with the joints and the elastic units to provide the elasticity thereby compensating the offset during the linear motion and maintaining the stability and linearity. 1. A linear actuator , comprising:a case, comprising a body and a space;an actuating unit, held in the space; anda gap compensating unit, reciprocating on the actuating unit and comprising a base, a plurality of apertures, a plurality of joints and a plurality of elastic units, wherein the apertures are positioned on two opposite sides of the base, the joints are respectively received in the apertures, and the elastic units are respectively received in the apertures to be disposed against the joints and an inner wall of the body.2. The linear actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gap compensating unit comprises two covers respectively disposed on the two opposite sides of the base claim 1 , each of the cover comprises a plurality of openings claim 1 , and the base comprises a plurality of holes corresponding to the openings to form the apertures.3. The linear actuator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the diameter of the opening is less than the diameter of the hole.4. The linear actuator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the gap compensating unit comprises a plurality of bolts claim 2 , each of the cover comprises a plurality of punctures claim 2 , and the base comprises a plurality of screw holes whereby the bolts are fastened within the punctures and the screw holes.5. The linear actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gap compensating unit comprises an axial hole positioned on the base to hold the actuating unit.6. The linear actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the joints are in the form of ball or pillar.7. A linear actuator claim 1 , comprising:a case, comprising a body and a space wherein the body comprises a plurality of apertures;an actuating unit, held in the space; anda gap compensating unit, ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200271204A1
Автор: MOMOSE Yosuke

A driver can axially rotate and axially extend and retract a driving target. A driver includes a body, a shaft including a threaded portion, a motor that rotates the shaft, and a hollow cylinder through which the shaft extends, movable in Z-direction, and restricted from rotating relative to the body, a camera module rotatably supported on the hollow cylinder and movable in Z-direction with the hollow cylinder, a coil spring that urges the hollow cylinder in the positive Z-direction, a nut screwed with the threaded portion of the shaft and movable in Z-direction while restricting movement of the hollow cylinder in Z-direction, and a clutch engageable with the nut to restrict movement of the nut in Z-direction and rotatable with the camera module. 1. A driver , comprising:a body;a shaft extending axially and including a threaded portion;a motor configured to rotate the shaft;a hollow cylinder through which the shaft extends, the hollow cylinder being axially movable between a first axial position and a second axial position and being restricted from rotating relative to the body;a driving target rotatably supported on the hollow cylinder and axially movable with the hollow cylinder;a first urging member configured to urge the hollow cylinder axially toward the second axial position;a nut screwed with the threaded portion of the shaft and movable axially while restricting axial movement of the hollow cylinder between the first axial position and the second axial position; anda clutch engageable with the nut at a position opposite to the first urging member from the nut to restrict axial movement of the nut, the clutch being rotatable with the driving target.2. The driver according to claim 1 , whereinthe nut moves toward the clutch on the shaft with the hollow cylinder being at the second axial position.3. The driver according to claim 1 , whereinone of the driving target or the hollow cylinder has a first guide groove extending circumferentially, andanother of the ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200271930A1

A drive device includes a drive unit, a lead screw rotationally driven by the drive unit, and a movable member being moved by a driving force of the drive unit. The movable member includes a main body unit, a driving force transmitting unit configured to transmit a driving force of the drive unit to the main body unit, and preload applying units provided separately from the main body unit. The driving force transmitting unit includes a first thread unit to be screwed together with the lead screw and moves the main body unit in an axis direction of the lead screw with a rotation of the lead screw, and the preload applying units include a second thread unit to be screwed together with the lead screw and apply a preload between the first thread unit and the second thread unit. 1. A drive device , comprising:a drive unit;a lead screw rotationally driven by the drive unit; anda movable member being moved by a driving force of the drive unit, whereinthe movable member includes a main body unit, a driving force transmitting unit configured to transmit a driving force of the drive unit to the main body unit, and a preload applying unit provided separately from the main body unit,the driving force transmitting unit includes a first thread unit to be screwed together with the lead screw and moves the main body unit in an axis direction of the lead screw with a rotation of the lead screw, andthe preload applying unit includes a second thread unit to be screwed together with the lead screw and applies a preload between the first thread unit and the second thread unit.2. The drive device according to claim 1 , whereinthe driving force transmitting unit includes the first thread unit, and includes a first nut member provided separately from the main body unit,the preload applying unit includes a second nut member including the second thread unit, and an urging member provided between the first nut member and the second nut member,a nut arrangement unit in which the first nut ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150300467A1
Автор: ABEVI Folly, ALLEGRI Eric

A roller screw mechanism including a screw provided with an outer thread, a nut surrounding and coaxial with the screw, the nut being provided with an inner thread, a plurality of rollers radially disposed between the screw and the nut and each provided with an outer thread and with two outer gear teeth two gear wheels each provided with gear teeth meshing with the gear teeth of the rollers, and two spacer rings for maintaining the rollers circumferentially spaced apart. The spacer rings are axially offset towards the inside relative to the gear teeth of the gear wheels. 1. A roller screw mechanism comprising:a screw having an outer thread,a nut surrounding and coaxial with the screw, the nut being provided with an inner thread,a plurality of rollers radially disposed between the screw and the nut and provided with an outer thread engaging the outer and inner threads and with two outer gear teeth,two gear wheels each provided with gear teeth meshing with the gear teeth of the rollers, andtwo spacer rings for maintaining the rollers circumferentially spaced apart, and whereinthe spacer rings are axially offset towards the inside relative to the gear teeth of the gear wheels.2. The roller screw mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein each spacer ring is axially located between the outer thread of each roller and one of the outer gear teeth of the roller.3. The roller screw mechanism according to claim 2 , wherein each spacer ring includes a plurality of recesses radially open inwardly and axially open on both sides.4. The roller screw mechanism according to claim 3 , wherein each roller provides an outer groove axially located between the outer thread and each outer gear teeth claim 3 , each groove of the rollers being located in one of the recesses of each spacer ring.5. The roller screw mechanism according to claim 4 , further comprising two elastic retainer rings each mounted in a groove provided on the associated spacer ring in order to radially hold therebetween ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Machine Tool and Brake Checking Method

Номер: US20170291271A1
Принадлежит: DMG MORI CO., LTD.

A machine tool for detecting a brake failure more reliably in a mechanism that stops the rotation of a vertical shaft by at least two brakes includes a ball screw extended in a vertical direction, a driving motor that rotates the ball screw, a movable part that vertically moves along the ball screw in accordance with the rotation of the ball screw driven by the driving motor, at least two brakes that prevent a fall of the movable part while power supply to the driving motor is stopped, a brake controller that releases at least one of the at least two brakes while power supply to the driving motor is stopped, and a detector that detects presence/absence of a fall of the movable part or a fall distance of the movable part resulting from the release of the at least one brake, thereby detecting a trouble of an unreleased one of the at least two brakes. 1. A machine tool comprising:a ball screw extended in a vertical direction;a driving motor that rotates said ball screw;a movable part that vertically moves along said ball screw in accordance with the rotation of said ball screw driven by said driving motor;at least two brakes that prevent a fall of said movable part while power supply to said driving motor is stopped;a brake controller that operates said at least two brakes one by one and releases the rest of said at least two brakes while power supply to said driving motor is stopped; anda detector that detects presence or absence of a fall of said movable part or a fall distance of said movable part resulting from the release of said at least one brake, thereby detecting a defect of said at least two brakes.2. (canceled)3. The machine tool according to claim 1 , wherein when powering off the machine tool claim 1 , said brake controller stops power supply to said driving motor claim 1 , and operates said at least two brakes one by one and releases the rest of said at least two brakes andwherein after causing the at least two brakes to function one by one, said detector ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150308549A1

An electromechanical actuator includes a first electric motor, a first motion conversion mechanism, a second motion conversion mechanism, and a rotation restriction mechanism for the second motion conversion mechanism. The first motion conversion mechanism includes a first member that is rotated by an output of the first electric motor and a second member that is fastened to the first member. The second motion conversion mechanism includes a third member that is movable integrally with the first member and a fourth member that is fastened to the third member. The rotation restriction mechanism is configured to be capable of selectively restricting and allowing rotation of the fourth member in accordance with movement of the third member. 1. An electromechanical actuator comprising:a first electric motor;a first motion conversion mechanism;a second motion conversion mechanism; anda rotation restriction mechanism for the second motion conversion mechanism, wherein:the first motion conversion mechanism includes a first screw and a first nut that is fastened to the first screw;the second motion conversion mechanism includes a second screw and a second nut that is fastened to the second screw; a first member that includes one of the first screw and the first nut, the first member being rotated by an output of the first electric motor, and', 'a second member that includes the other of the first screw and the first nut;, 'the first motion conversion mechanism includes'} a third member that includes one of the second screw and the second nut, the third member being movable integrally with the first member, and', 'a fourth member that includes the other of the second screw and the second nut; and, 'the second motion conversion mechanism includes'} an operation that restricts rotation of the fourth member when the third member moves, and', 'an operation that allows rotation of the fourth member when the third member moves., 'the rotation restriction mechanism is configured to ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Electronic Dosing Drive

Номер: US20180318825A1
Принадлежит: Eppendorf SE

An electronic dosing drive comprising a support structure, a threaded spindle with an external thread for driving a plunger, at least one first guide element is firmly connected, and is guided parallel to the threaded spindle on a second guide element, a spindle nut having an internal thread is engaged with the external thread of the threaded spindle, an electric drive motor having a motor shaft is coupled with the spindle nut and is attached to the support structure, an electric control apparatus is connected to the electric drive motor, where the external thread of the threaded spindle has multiple threaded areas that are separated from each other by first flattenings on their circumference extending in the longitudinal direction, and the first flattenings have guide areas that abut the core diameter of the internal thread of the spindle nut.

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Universal Retrofit Kit Apparatus and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20160333994A1

An apparatus and methods are disclosed for retrofitting a manual benchtop milling machine utilizing servo controls and/or stepper motors. The present disclosure provides a retrofit kit for the modification of a milling machine by incorporating ball screws and ball nuts without removing or replacing the original acme nuts, which inherently have been properly configured and aligned to the machine on which they were originally installed. The retrofit kit of the present disclosure allows for the modification using the alignment of the original acme nuts in their proper location and alignment obviating the need for custom machining or alignment. 1. A system for modifying a manual or automatic machine which incorporates one or more acme screws to a manual or automatic machine which incorporates one or more ball screws , in which a retrofit kit provides for the modification without replacing the original acme nut(s) from the machine , thereby eliminating the need to produce a special ball nut that ensures proper alignment.2. The system for modifying a machine in claim 1 , in which an adapter is placed on a ball nut which is placed onto the original acme nut without replacing the acme nut from the machine.3. A method for providing a retrofit kit for modifying a machine in which the retrofit kit provides for adding a ball screw/nut assembly without replacing the original acme nut from the machine claim 1 , thereby reducing the chance of the ball nut becoming misaligned.4. The method of claim 3 , in which a set screw is tightened on the acme nut to lock in the ball nut adapter in place. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Pat. No. 9,339,895, issued on May 17, 2016 and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/660,362, filed on Jun. 15, 2012.The present disclosure relates to a retrofit kit, and in particular, the present disclosure relates to a retrofit kit for a benchtop milling machine utilizing servo or stepper controls. The present disclosure provides for a ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316661A1
Автор: PARKER Simon

A nut for a lead screw comprises two or more concentric annular members which, when aligned, have common axes. One member is contained within another member outside it. A first member has an outer convex spherical periphery and a second member has an inner spherical concave periphery, the peripheries being concentric with the centre, and the inner periphery of the second is engaged with the outer periphery of the first member. The second member is constrained to rotate about the fist member on an axis perpendicular to the common axis. 1. A nut for a lead screw comprising an inner annular member , an intermediate annular member and an outer annular member , the inner , intermediate and outer annular members being concentric and when aligned having common axes , the inner annular member being within the intermediate annular member , and the intermediate annular member being within the outer annular member , in which the inner annular has an outer convex spherical periphery and the intermediate member has an inner spherical concave periphery , the peripheries being concentric with the centre , and the inner periphery of the intermediate member being engaged against the outer periphery of the first member , the intermediate member second member being constrained to rotate about the inner annular member on a first axis perpendicular to the common axis , and in which the intermediate annular member has an outer convex spherical periphery and the outer annular member has an inner spherical concave periphery , the peripheries being concentric with the centre , and the inner periphery of the outer member being engaged against the outer periphery of the intermediate member , the outer annular member being constrained to rotate about the intermediate annular on a second axis perpendicular to both the common axis and the first axis: where the inner annual member has a central bore with an internal screw thread and the outer annular member has at least one pair of parallel ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170370454A1

A disclosed screw device provides an allowance for the accuracy of a recess in an end surface of a nut. A nut has a communicating hole communicating in an axial direction, and is provided at an axial end surface of the nut with a recess communicating with the communicating hole. A circulation member including a turn-around path is placed in the recess. When the circulation member is placed in the recess, the turn-around path of the circulation member is linked to a loaded rolling element rolling groove and the communicating hole of the nut to form a circulation path of a rolling element. A clearance between the circulation member and a wall surface of the recess permits the circulation member to move. The circulation member placed in the recess is not fixed in the recess, and is covered with a lid member to be attached to the nut. 1. A rolling element screw device including:a screw shaft having a helical rolling element rolling groove in an outer peripheral surface thereof; a nut having a through-hole in which the screw shaft is rotatably placed, and a helical loaded rolling element rolling groove in an inner peripheral surface thereof, the helical loaded rolling element rolling groove facing the rolling element rolling groove; and a plurality of rolling elements placed between the rolling element rolling groove of the screw shaft and the loaded rolling element rolling groove of the nut in a manner capable of rolling motion, the nut having a communicating hole penetrating the nut in an axial direction, and a recess in an axial end surface, the recess communicating with the communicating hole and the loaded rolling element rolling groove, the recess of the nut accommodating a circulation member having a turn-around path linking to the loaded rolling element rolling groove and the communicating hole of the nut, the screw device comprisinga clearance between the circulation member and a wall surface of the recess in such a manner as that the circulation member is ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Universal Retrofit Kit Apparatus and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20190360568A1

An apparatus and methods are disclosed for retrofitting a manual benchtop milling machine utilizing servo controls and/or stepper motors. The present disclosure provides a retrofit kit for the modification of a milling machine by incorporating ball screws and ball nuts without removing or replacing the original acme nuts, which inherently have been properly configured and aligned to the machine on which they were originally installed. The retrofit kit of the present disclosure allows for the modification using the alignment of the original acme nuts in their proper location and alignment obviating the need for custom machining or alignment. 1. A system for modifying a manual or automatic machine which incorporates one or more acme screws to a manual or automatic machine which incorporates one or more ball screws , in which a retrofit kit provides for the modification without replacing the original acme nut(s) from the machine , thereby eliminating the need to produce a special ball nut that ensures proper alignment.2. The system for modifying a machine in claim 1 , in which an adapter is placed on a ball nut which is placed onto the original acme nut without replacing the acme nut from the machine.3. A method for providing a retrofit kit for modifying a machine in which the retrofit kit provides for adding a ball screw/nut assembly without replacing the original acme nut from the machine claim 1 , thereby reducing the chance of the ball nut becoming misaligned.4. The method of claim 3 , in which a set screw is tightened on the acme nut to lock in the ball nut adapter in place. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Pat. No. 9,339,895, issued on May 17, 2016 and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/660,362, filed on Jun. 15, 2012.The present disclosure relates to a retrofit kit, and in particular, the present disclosure relates to a retrofit kit for a benchtop milling machine utilizing servo or stepper controls. The present disclosure provides for a ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200368867A1

A milling machine processing system with an intelligently follow-up cutting fluid nozzle and a working method thereof including a workpiece stage, a milling machine box arranged above the workpiece stage, a milling cutter mechanism mounted on the milling machine box for processing workpieces on the workpiece stage, a rotating mechanism mounted on an end surface of the milling machine box located at a side of a milling cutter, the rotating mechanism is connected with a two-axis linkage mechanism and drives the two-axis linkage mechanism to rotate about a center line where the milling cutter is located, the two-axis linkage system is connected with a nozzle through an angle adjusting mechanism and is used for adjusting a position and an angle of the nozzle, and the milling machine processing system has an infrared temperature detection module for collecting the temperature of a processing region. 1. A milling machine processing system with an intelligently follow-up cutting fluid nozzle , comprising a workpiece stage , a milling machine box is arranged above the workpiece stage , a milling cutter mechanism is mounted on the milling machine box for processing workpieces on the workpiece stage , wherein a rotating mechanism is mounted on an end surface of the milling machine box located at a side of a milling cutter , the rotating mechanism is connected to a two-axis linkage mechanism and drives the two-axis linkage mechanism to rotate about a center line on which the milling cutter is located , the two-axis linkage system is connected with a nozzle through an angle adjusting mechanism for adjusting a position and an angle of the nozzle , and the milling machine processing system is further provided with an infrared temperature detection module for collecting the temperature of a processing region.2. The milling machine processing system with an intelligently follow-up cutting fluid nozzle according to claim 1 , wherein the rotating mechanism comprises a large gear ring ...

10-01-1984 дата публикации

Mechanism for screw drive and syringe plunger engagement/disengagement

Номер: US4424720A
Принадлежит: Ivac Medical Systems Inc

A mechanism for screw drive and syringe plunger engagement and disengagement for a syringe infusion pump, wherein a split-nut pair are moveable into and out of engagement with a lead screw by means of rotary cam control, the rotary cam being keyed with a crank disk that is coupled to a crank arm, which operates as the syringe plunger mover. The crank arm is rotatable into and out of engagement with the syringe plunger, such rotation also causing the split-nut pair to move into and out of engagement with the lead screw. Index and cam means are carried by the crank arm to aid in proper alignment with the syringe plunger, and a sensor is provided for monitoring proper engagement of the crank arm with the plunger.

17-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220362898A1
Принадлежит: AMTOS SOLUTIONS d.o.o.

An apparatus for active contact force control is disclosed. The apparatus can have upper flange on which to mount a production tool. The apparatus can be mounted, via a lower flange, on a multi-axis machine to obtain spatial motion together with the corresponding production tool. The apparatus can comprise a housing inside which can be a linear actuator connected to guides. Mechanical connection between a ball screw and the upper flange can contain a force sensor and at least one spherical joint. The connection between the spherical joint and the upper flange can be formed using a mechanical dissipative element made of elastic dissipative elements and a disc plate positioned between the elastic dissipative elements. 1. An apparatus for active contact force control in machining and handling operations comprising:an upper flange to mount a production tool to the apparatus, where, when mounted, the production tool acts with a predefined contact force on a workpiece surface in a production process;a lower flange on a housing of the apparatus to mount the apparatus via the lower flange on a multi-axis machine which performs a spatial motion of the apparatus and the production tool when mounted to the upper flange of the apparatus; anda linear actuator in the housing, the linear actuator including a ball screw and at least one ball screw lever connected as a sliding joint to at least one linear guide having a first end in the housing, where the at least one linear guide limits motion of the ball screw only for axial motion along a linear axis of the linear actuator, and where the at least one linear guide is connected at a second end of a sliding section thereof, using a first mechanical connection, to the upper flange,wherein a second mechanical connection of the ball screw and the upper flange includes a force sensor to measure force by which the linear actuator is acting on the upper flange and thereby on the production tool,wherein the second mechanical connection ...

15-10-1983 дата публикации

Apparatus for protecting tool from breakdown when working a bore

Номер: SU1047615A2

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРЕДОХРАНЕНИЯ ИНСТРУМЕНТА ОТ ПОЛОМОК ПРИ ОБРАБОТКЕ ОТВЕРСТИЙ по авт.св. № 795745, отличающеес  тем, что, с целью повышени  надежности, устройство снабжено упругой диафрагмой, установленной со стороны кольцевой мембраны, имеющей меньший диаметр средней окружности , и образуюш,ей вместе с ней герметичную полость, св занную с магистралью подвода смазочно-охлаждаюш,ей среды в зону резани . THE DEVICE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE TOOL AGAINST BREAKDOWNS WHEN TREATING HOLES on the autor. No. 795745, characterized in that, in order to increase reliability, the device is provided with an elastic diaphragm installed on the side of the annular membrane, having a smaller diameter of an average circumference, and forming, together with it, a sealed cavity connected to the coolant supply line, medium to the cutting zone.

16-01-1992 дата публикации

Ball screw nut

Номер: KR920000544B1
Принадлежит: 히로시 데라마찌

내용 없음. No content.

20-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR200491507Y1

리듀서는 본질적으로 하우징, 경질 기어, 가요성 치형 외부 컵, 파동 발생기, 입력 샤프트, 교차 롤러 베어링, 중공 샤프트, 및 스크류를 포함한다. 스크류의 로킹 힘에 의해 베어링 내부 링의 환형 위치설정 표면과 중공 샤프트의 외부 환형 맞닿음 표면이 서로 협동하여 환형 테이퍼링된 표면의 방식으로 토크를 전달하고, 이는 조립 정밀도를 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라, 토크를 전달하는 기능도 제공한다. 힘이 최대 정격 로드를 초과하면, 출력 샤프트 부분의 토크 전달 불량이 발생하여 리듀서의 내부 부품을 보호할 수 있고, 이에 의해 수명을 연장시킨다. The reducer essentially includes a housing, hard gear, flexible toothed outer cup, wave generator, input shaft, cross roller bearing, hollow shaft, and screw. By the locking force of the screw, the annular positioning surface of the bearing inner ring and the outer annular abutting surface of the hollow shaft cooperate with each other to transmit torque in the manner of an annular tapered surface, which not only improves assembly precision, but also improves torque. It also provides the ability to deliver. When the force exceeds the maximum rated load, a torque transmission failure in the output shaft portion may occur to protect the internal parts of the reducer, thereby extending the life.

03-06-2005 дата публикации

Machine tool

Номер: KR100493596B1

공작 기계는 테이블 본체와 베드 상의 구동계를 갖는다. 테이블 본체는 활주 또는 구름 안내면을 갖는 안내 부재를 통해 선형으로 이동 가능하다. 구동계는 볼 나사 등을 갖고 안내면을 따라 테이블 본체를 이동시킨다. 한 쌍의 안내 부재가 테이블 본체의 무게 중심의 위치에 점 대칭되는 위치에 제공된다. 더욱이, 볼 나사 등을 갖는 한 쌍의 구동계가 테이블 본체의 무게 중심의 위치에 점 대칭되는 위치에 제공된다. 다르게는, 볼 나사 등을 갖는 구동계가 테이블 본체의 무게 중심의 위치에 제공된다. 공작 기계는 구동계에 의한 구조체에 대한 이동 물체(예컨대, 테이블 본체)의 상대 이동 중에 발생하는 구조체(예컨대, 베드)의 진동을 효과적으로 억제하여, 기계 가공 시간을 단축시켜서 생산성을 향상시킨다. The machine tool has a table body and a drive system on the bed. The table body is movable linearly through a guide member having a slide or rolling guide surface. The drive system has a ball screw and the like to move the table body along the guide surface. A pair of guide members are provided at positions that are point symmetric to the position of the center of gravity of the table body. Moreover, a pair of drive systems with ball screws or the like are provided at positions that are point symmetric to the position of the center of gravity of the table body. Alternatively, a drive system having ball screws or the like is provided at the position of the center of gravity of the table main body. The machine tool effectively suppresses vibration of the structure (eg, bed) generated during the relative movement of the moving object (eg, the table body) with respect to the structure by the drive system, thereby shortening the machining time and improving productivity.

08-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5942244A

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

24-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN104589126B
Принадлежит: Jiangsu Yuanli Cnc Machine Tool Co Ltd


15-04-1987 дата публикации

Cutting-off carriage

Номер: SU1303269A1

Изобретение относитс  к области металлообработки, а именно к отрезным .суппортам, и может быть использо- .вано дл  отрезки и прорезки пазов в детал х фрезами или круглыми пилами на станках токарной группы. Целью изобретени   вл етс  повьшение производительности обработки за счет сокращени  вспомогательного времени. 70. г 7/ 7ff 1г f 3 S 20 77 сл с СА: О СО ю О5 СО The invention relates to the field of metalworking, namely, cutting supports, and can be used for cutting and slotting grooves in parts with milling cutters or circular saws on lathes. The aim of the invention is to increase the processing capacity by reducing the auxiliary time. 70. g 7 / 7ff 1g f 3 S 20 77 cl with CA: O CO s O5 CO

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Rotary-to-linear motion converter

Номер: RU2610747C1

FIELD: machine engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to machine engineering, and more particularly to the rotary-to-linear motion converters. A rotary-to-linear motion converter consists of the screw (1) and the assembly casing. The casing consists of part (2) and (3) connected with the fastening screws (4) and the pins (5). Two sleeves (6) are fixed in the casing, each of them has an inner tooth ring, and the rollers (7) are mounted. In addition, a split collet (8), two separators (9) and a thin-walled nut (10) with the annular "A" belt arranged at its end and intended for the axial nut fixing in the casing, are fixed in the casing. EFFECT: invention contributes to the simplification of the structure. 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 610 747 C1 (51) МПК F16H 25/22 (2006.01) F16H 25/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015141579, 01.10.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.10.2015 Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Варочко Алексей Григорьевич (RU), Блинов Дмитрий Сергеевич (RU), Носов Александр Сергеевич (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 01.10.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 15.02.2017 Бюл. № 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1583681 A1, 07.08.1990. RU 2392517 C1, 20.06.2010. RU 2098695 C1, 10.12.1997. US 4080011 A1, 21.03.1978. 2 6 1 0 7 4 7 R U (57) Формула изобретения Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в поступательное движение, содержащее винт, сборный корпус, состоящий из двух соединенных между собой крепежными деталями и штифтами деталей, первая из которых имеет внутреннюю коническую поверхность, закрепленные в сборном корпусе тонкостенную гайку с наружным кольцевым пояском, две втулки с внутренними зубчатыми венцами, цангу и установленные в сборном корпусе с возможностью поворота относительно своей оси два кольцевых сепаратора с отверстиями и n (n≥3) роликов, каждый из ...

03-09-2014 дата публикации

Drill distributing machine for distributing drill for ball mill tube flange locating pin hole

Номер: CN104014842A
Автор: 孙镝, 潘彬, 陆占国
Принадлежит: Angang Group Mining Co Ltd


10-01-2013 дата публикации

Mechanised drive of roller with overload protection

Номер: RU2472051C2
Автор: Петер ЕНКЕР
Принадлежит: Эадс Дойчленд Гмбх

FIELD: machine building. SUBSTANCE: mechanised drive includes motor that consists of mechanical transfer element engaged with roller to bring the latter into movement and to create relative movement in axial direction between roller and motor. Motor is supported in the element fixed in a certain place relative to roller movement; at that, the above element absorbs the motor torque. The above element includes detachable connection that is detached when the specified torque is exceeded and releases the motor for free movement in axial direction of roller relative to the fixed element. EFFECT: improvement of the drive operating reliability. 10 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 472 051 (13) C2 (51) МПК F16H 25/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010116375/11, 12.09.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.09.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЭАДС ДОЙЧЛЕНД ГМБХ (DE) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 27.09.2007 DE 102007046583.3 (72) Автор(ы): ЕНКЕР Петер (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 10.11.2011 Бюл. № 31 2 4 7 2 0 5 1 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2013 Бюл. № 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3714479 A, 30.01.1973. ЕР 1793477 A1, 06.06.2007. US 4947070 A, 07.08.1990. GB 2365830 A, 27.02.2002. SU 1441119 A1, 30.11.1988. SU 1295104 A1, 07.03.1987. 2 4 7 2 0 5 1 R U (86) Заявка PCT: DE 2008/001537 (12.09.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.04.2010 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/039831 (02.04.2009) Адрес для переписки: 119019, Москва, Гоголевский б-р, 11, "Гоулингз Интернэшнл Инк.", Ю.В.Дементьевой (54) МОТОРИЗОВАННЫЙ ПРИВОД ВАЛИКА С ЗАЩИТОЙ ОТ ПЕРЕГРУЗКИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к моторизованному приводу валика для исполнительного механизма. Моторизованный привод содержит двигатель, который содержит механический передающий элемент, входящий в зацепление с валиком, ...

26-03-2014 дата публикации

Hole forming device capable of adjusting aperture of formed hole on line

Номер: CN103659403A
Автор: 刘建东, 张云志, 蒋倩, 邹方


30-11-1990 дата публикации

Lead screw-and-nut mechanism

Номер: SU1610151A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я В-8772

Изобретение относитс  к винтовым механизмам и может быть использовано в приводах поступательных перемещений. Цель изобретени  - повышение надежности за счет предотвращени  ударного воздействи  основной гайки на предохранительную при износе резьбы. С этой целью поводок 6 подпружинен к основной гайке 3 и установлен с возможностью осевого перемещени  относительно обеих гаек. На поводке выполнен паз 8, с которым взаимодействует фиксатор 9. При износе резьбы в основной гайке 3 вследствие уменьшени  рассто ни  между последней и предохранительной гайкой 4 фиксатор 9 выходит из паза 8, поводок 6 перемещаетс  вниз и выходит из паза. При этом основна  и предохранительна  гайки вращаютс  совместно с винтом, вследствие чего прекращаетс  поступательное перемещение исполнительного органа, св занного с корпусом 1. 3 ил.

23-01-1990 дата публикации

Arrangement for preventing tool from break-down

Номер: SU1537403A1

Изобретение относитс  к машиностроению, может быть использовано на машиностроительных заводах, св занных с обработкой отверстий, и предназначаетс  дл  предохранени  режущего инструмента на металлоружущих станках от поломок. Целью изобретени   вл етс  повышение надежности срабатывани  устройства за счет автоматического отвода инструмента при превышении установленной величины нагрузки в период инерционного перемещени  подающей каретки. Упругий элемент, выполненный в виде блока тарельчатых пружин и установленный в коаксиально расположенных обоймах, при превышении осевой нагрузки переходит в другое положение и тем самым освобождает цанговый зажим инструмента, который под действием осевых сил либо отводитс  из опасной зоны, либо прекращает вращатс , что предохран ет его от поломок. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. The invention relates to mechanical engineering, can be used in machine-building plants related to the machining of holes, and is intended to protect the cutting tool on metal-forming machines from damage. The aim of the invention is to improve the reliability of operation of the device due to the automatic removal of the tool when the set load value is exceeded during the period of inertial movement of the feed carriage. The elastic element, made in the form of a disk spring unit and installed in coaxially arranged holders, when the axial load is exceeded, moves to another position and thereby releases the collet clamp of the tool, which, under the action of axial forces, either rotates or rotates, which prevents its from breakage. 1 hp f-ly, 2 ill.

23-12-1982 дата публикации

Device for protecting tool from damage

Номер: SU982856A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я Г-4742

31-03-2020 дата публикации

Turning device for collector ring of generator on fan

Номер: CN110935891A
Автор: 刘闽盛, 包飞, 李长春, 汪静
Принадлежит: CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co Ltd


07-05-1991 дата публикации

Device for overload protection of a tool

Номер: SU1646709A1

Изобретение относитс  к металлорежущим станкам, в частности к устройствам дл  предохранени  сверл малого диаметра от перегрузок по крут щему моменту при глубоком сверлении на станках с гидравлическим приводом подачи. Цель изобретени  - повышение надежности в работе за счет непосредственного включени  устройства в гидропривод подачи. Под воздействием крут щего момента на сверла происходит углова  деформаци  пружин 2 и 4, при этом диск 15 пружины поворачиваетс  относительно диска 16, т.е. уменьшаетс  наклон упругого стержн  13 к оси пружин, в противоположном направлении измен етс  и наклон стержн  14, в результате поршень 3 перемещаетс  вниз и с определенной величины крут щего момента начинает перекрывать щель 9, снижа  рабочую подачу и поддержива  крут щий момент на сверла неизменным. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил. The invention relates to metal cutting machines, in particular, devices for protecting small diameter drills from torque overloads during deep drilling on machines with a hydraulic feed drive. The purpose of the invention is to increase reliability in operation due to the direct inclusion of the device in the hydraulic supply. Under the influence of torque on the drill bits, angular deformation of the springs 2 and 4 occurs, and the spring disk 15 rotates relative to the disk 16, i.e. the inclination of the elastic rod 13 to the axis of the springs decreases, the inclination of the rod 14 changes in the opposite direction, as a result, the piston 3 moves downwards and from a certain amount of torque starts to block the slit 9, reducing the working feed and keeping the torque on the drill unchanged. 1 hp ff, 2 ill.

07-06-1989 дата публикации

System for protecting cutting tools from overload

Номер: SU1484467A1

Изобретение относитс  к области станкостроени  и предназначено дл  защиты различных металлорежущих инструментов при последовательном выполнении ими технологического процесса обработки деталей на станках-автоматах, многооперационных станках типа "обрабатывающий центр" и др. Целью изобретени   вл етс  расширение эксплуатационных возможностей за счет увеличени  диапазона регулировани . В данном устройстве механизм отключени  перемещени  инструмента при перегрузке выполнен в виде многопозиционного поворотного барабана с регулируемыми в осевом направлении концевыми выключател ми, электрически соединенными с приводом (приводами) подач инструментов. Данный барабан синхронно соединен с инструментальным магазином или инструментальной головкой. Причем ось барабана параллельна оси кулачковой предохранительной муфты и ближний к оси муфты концевый выключатель расположен напротив периферии торца осеподвижной полумуфты. При этом поджимной элемент муфты выполнен в виде концентрично расположенных пружин сжати  различной длины и жесткость каждой охватывающей пружины превышает жесткость охватываемой пружины, а длина каждой охватывающей пружины меньше длины охватываемой пружины. 1 ил. The invention relates to the field of machine-tool construction and is intended to protect various metal-cutting tools while sequentially carrying out the process of machining parts on automatic machines, multi-operation machines such as a machining center, etc. The aim of the invention is to expand the operational capabilities by increasing the range of adjustment. In this device, the mechanism for switching off the tool during overload is made in the form of a multi-position rotary drum with axially adjustable limit switches electrically connected to the drive (s) of the tool feeds. This drum is synchronously connected to the tool magazine or tool head. Moreover, the axis of the drum is parallel to the axis of the cam overload clutch and the limit switch closest to the axis of the clutch is ...

21-10-1986 дата публикации

Table transfer device

Номер: JPS61236443A
Принадлежит: Individual

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

04-07-2018 дата публикации

Bearing fixing apparatus for lead ball screw and transport apparatus comprising the same

Номер: KR101874553B1
Автор: 이종기
Принадлежит: 이종기

The present invention relates to a bearing fixing apparatus for a lead ball screw and a transport apparatus including the same, capable of coupling an end of a screw to a fixed end and a support end without processing the end of the screw. The present invention includes: a screw; a fixed end rotationally supporting one end of the screw; a support end rotationally supporting the other end of the screw; a motor connected to the one end of the screw; a table coupled to the screw through a ball nut; and a base for supporting the fixed end and the support end and guiding the table. The fixed end and the support end include bearing fixing devices for supporting the screw, respectively. The bearing fixing device includes: a fixed body, through which the screw passes, for supporting a bearing; and a fastening member fastened to the inside of the fixed body from the outer periphery of the fixed body such that an end of the fastening member adheres to the outer periphery of a threaded bar. The rotated screw does not move in the axial direction and the radial direction due to the fastening member located on the threaded bar.

07-04-1983 дата публикации

Apparatus for protecting tool from overload

Номер: SU1009641A1
Принадлежит: Cherkavskij Zinovij

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРЕДОХРАНЕНИЯ ИНСТРУМЕНТА ОТ ПЕРЕГРУЗКИ по крут щему моменту, например, при сверлении отверстий малых диаметров , содержащее ведущий и рабочий щшгадели , датчик дл  ограничени  их взаимного смещени  и шарики;, йомещенные в углублени х ведущего шпиндел  гак, что выступающа  их часть контактирует с винтовой канавкой на поверхности рабочего шпиндел , отличаюшеес   .тем, что, с целью автоматизации осевого отскока рабочего щпиндел  при перегрузке, в винтовой канавке вьшолнены лунки дл  взаимодействи  с щариками , и в устройство-введена кольцева  пружина дл  поджима щариков в радиальном направлении к рабочему щпинделю . A DEVICE FOR PROTECTION OF TOOL FROM OVERLOADING to torque, for example, when drilling holes of small diameters, containing a lead and a workpiece, a sensor for limiting their mutual displacement and balls; placed in the recesses of the leading spindle so that its protruding part contacts the screw a groove on the surface of the working spindle, which is different. In order to automate the axial rebound of the working pin in the case of overload, in the helical groove there are holes for interacting with the balls and in the device ystvo-inserted annular spring for urging scharikov radially to the working schpindelyu.

02-10-2003 дата публикации

Feed device for a machine tool

Номер: DE10210922A1
Принадлежит: INA Schaeffler KG

Bei einer Vorschubeinrichtung in Teleskopbauweise für eine Werkzeugmaschine, mit einem äußeren Rohr (1), einem darin eingesteckten, als Tauchrohr bezeichneten inneren Rohr (2) und einer Gewindespindel (3), die an einem Ende ein Festlager (4) aufweist, über welches sie in dem äußeren Rohr (1) drehbar gelagert und axial gehalten ist, und die auf einem Teil ihrer Länge von dem inneren Rohr (2) umgeben ist, wobei eine auf die Gewindespindel (3) aufgeschraubte Spindelmutter (7) mit dem inneren Rohr (2) fest verbunden ist, ist erfindungsgemäß zwischen der Spindelmutter (7) und dem inneren Rohr (2) ein weiteres, die Gewindespindel (3) umgebendes, als Reckrohr (6) bezeichnetes Rohr eingefügt, welches ein zweites Festlager (5) für die Gewindespindel (3) trägt und mit Längsschlitzen (9) zum Durchtritt von Nasen (8) versehen ist, über die die Spindelmutter (7) mit dem inneren Rohr (2) verbunden ist.

17-10-2002 дата публикации

Drive for machine units, such as slides, gripping devices and. like.

Номер: DE10117948A1
Автор: Artur Kurz
Принадлежит: Gebrueder Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Der Antrieb hat eine Gewindespindel, die durch einen Motor angetrieben wird und auf der Muttern sitzen, von denen eine in Eingriff mit dem Maschinenaggregat ist. Die Muttern sind in Eingriff mit Spindelbereichen, die entgegengesetzte Steigungen haben. DOLLAR A Um für hohe Positioniergeschwindigkeiten bei Handlingseinrichtungen und Hochgeschwindigkeitszerspanung bei Werkzeugmaschinen eine hohe Beschleunigung sowie hohe Eilgang- und Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten zu erhalten, ist eine der beiden Muttern im Raum fest. Das Antriebsmoment wird über die Spindel eingeleitet. Durch diese Ausbildung wird bei gleicher Motordrehzahl eine Steigerung der Beschleunigung und der Verfahrgeschwindigkeiten des Maschinenaggregates erreicht. DOLLAR A Der Antrieb wird insbesondere für Werkzeugmaschinen eingesetzt. The drive has a threaded spindle, which is driven by a motor and sits on the nuts, one of which is in engagement with the machine unit. The nuts are engaged with spindle areas that have opposite pitches. DOLLAR A To obtain high acceleration and high rapid traverse and feed speeds for high positioning speeds in handling equipment and high-speed machining in machine tools, one of the two nuts is fixed in the room. The drive torque is initiated via the spindle. This design increases the acceleration and travel speeds of the machine assembly at the same engine speed. DOLLAR A The drive is used especially for machine tools.

08-08-1995 дата публикации

Ball screw guide unit

Номер: KR950008798B1
Автор: 다께끼 시라이

내용 없음. No content.

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Half nut assembly

Номер: CN111120608A
Автор: 吴加家


14-09-2010 дата публикации

2-Spindle Type Horizontal Machining Center

Номер: KR100982191B1
Автор: 서대식
Принадлежит: 서대식

본 발명은 이중 스핀들 구조를 가지는 수평형 머시닝센터를 개시한다. 상기의 수평형 머시닝센터는 이송속도 및 위치제어가 동시 또는 독립적으로 제어되는 한 쌍의 스핀들을 구성한 것이며, 이에따라 가공물에 대한 연속 가공시 작업시간을 단축시켜 생산성을 높임은 물론, 인력의 과다 투입에 따른 비효율성을 개선한 것이다. The present invention discloses a horizontal machining center having a dual spindle structure. The horizontal machining center is composed of a pair of spindles in which the feed speed and the position control are controlled simultaneously or independently, thereby reducing the working time during continuous processing of the workpiece to increase productivity as well as excessive input of manpower. Inefficiency has been improved. 수평 머시닝센터, 스핀들, 헤드, Horizontal machining center, spindle, head,

30-05-1987 дата публикации

Arrangement for safe-guarding tool from break-downs

Номер: SU1313585A1

Изобретение относитс  к области обработки металлов резанием и может быть использовано в металлорежущих станках дл  предохранени  инструмента от поломок. Целью изобретени   вл етс  повышение надежности работы 22 (Л со 00 ел 00 ел The invention relates to the field of metal cutting and can be used in machine tools to protect the tool from damage. The aim of the invention is to improve the reliability of operation 22 (L from 00 00 00

15-06-1999 дата публикации

Relay chattering detection device of a machine tool

Номер: KR200146089Y1
Автор: 최재봉
Принадлежит: 기아중공업주식회사, 김재복

공작기계의 릴레이 채터링 검출장치에 관한 것으로서, 마그네트 또는 릴레이 스위치의 온/오프 동작에 의해 발생하는 입력 펄스를 채터링 감지부에서 일정시간 동안 감지하여 감지된 펄스가 복수개 이상이면 경보 알람 및 램프를 통해 채터링 발생을 알린 후 부하측의 전원을 차단함으로써 스위치의 반복적인 온/오프 동작에 따른 채터링 현상에 의해 부하측의 유압장치나 모터의 열화를 방지할 수 있어 안전 사고를 예방할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a relay chattering detection device of a machine tool, wherein an input pulse generated by on / off operation of a magnet or a relay switch is detected by a chattering detector for a predetermined time, and when a plurality of detected pulses are detected, an alarm alarm and a lamp By notifying the occurrence of chattering, the power of the load side is cut off, and the deterioration of the hydraulic device and the motor of the load side can be prevented by the chattering phenomenon caused by the repeated on / off operation of the switch, thereby preventing the safety accident.

07-10-1991 дата публикации

A method of cutting diffraction grating lines and device therefor

Номер: SU1682123A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я Г-4671

Изобретение относитс  к технике изготовлени  дифракционных решеток. Цель изобретени  - повышение качества решеток за счет нарезани  штрихов посто нной глубины. К алмазному резцу 1 прикладывают нагружающее усилие, перемещают его в слое металла относительно заготовки со скоростью, величина которой измен етс  по синусоидальному закону. Величину нагружаемого усили  плавно измен ют по ходу перемещени  резца пропорционально величине скорости перемещени . Способ осуществл етс  устройством, содержащим станину 3, делительную каретку 8, резцовую каретку, корпус 11 которой соединен с помощью шатуна 12 с кривошипом 13. На корпусе 11 шарнирно закреплена плата 14 с резцедержателем 15 с резцом 1. Плата 14 несет рычаг 16 с противовесом в виде посто нного магнита 20, упругой ленты 24. Концы ленты 24 с помощью шарниров 25 соединены жесткими т гами 26 с общей осью 28, установленной с возможностью вертикального перемещени  на стойке 21, размещенной на станине 3. 2 с.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

01-04-2015 дата публикации

Numerical control milling machine realizing moving of gantry under driving of gear and rack

Номер: CN104475837A


14-10-2020 дата публикации

X-axis transfering device of machine tool

Номер: KR102165419B1
Автор: 정성훈
Принадлежит: 두산공작기계 주식회사

본 발명은 지면에 설치되는 베드와, 상기 베드의 상부에서 상기 베드의 좌우방향으로 이동가능하게 설치되는 새들과 상기 새들의 상부에서 상기 새들의 좌우방향으로 이동가능하게 설치되는 컬럼과, 상기 컬럼의 일측에 상기 컬럼의 상하방향으로 이동가능하게 설치되는 스핀들 유닛과, 상기 베드의 일측에 설치되는 테이블을 포함하는 공작기계에 있어서, 상기 베드의 상단면 상에 설치되는 제1 리니어 가이드; 상기 제1 리니어 가이드와 이격되고 평행하도록 상기 베드의 상단면 상에 설치되는 제2 리니어 가이드; 및 상기 제2 리니어 가이드와 이격되고 평행하도록 상기 베드의 상단면 상에 설치되는 제3 리니어 가이드;를 포함하고, 상기 새들은 상기 제1, 2, 3 리니어 가이드에 의해 지지되면서 상기 베드의 좌우방향으로 이동되는 것을 특징으로 하는 공작기계의 X축 이송장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention includes a bed installed on the ground, a saddle installed to be movable in the left and right direction of the bed from the top of the bed, a column installed to be movable in the left and right direction of the bird from the top of the bed, and A machine tool comprising: a spindle unit installed on one side to be movable in a vertical direction of the column, and a table installed on one side of the bed, comprising: a first linear guide installed on an upper surface of the bed; A second linear guide disposed on an upper surface of the bed to be spaced apart and parallel to the first linear guide; And a third linear guide installed on the top surface of the bed to be spaced apart and parallel to the second linear guide, wherein the saddle is supported by the first, second, and third linear guides, It relates to an X-axis feed device of a machine tool, characterized in that it is moved to.

23-11-1986 дата публикации

Device for protecting point tool

Номер: SU1271676A1

Изобретение относитс  к области автоматизации сверлильных, резьбонарезных и фрезерных станков и может быть использовано дл  контрол .наг-; рузки стержневого инструмента. Целью изобретени   вд етс  повышение быс тродействи  устройства за счет того, что контроль перегрузки кольцевого инструмента начинаетс  при меньших значени х скольжени , а именно в наtIaлe режима перегрузки. Ус ; ройство v работает следующим образом. При поступлении сигнала нагрузки на элемент И с двух линий задержки одновременно устройство дает сигнал на прекращение рабочей подачи инструмента. Уставки временных задержек устанавливаютс  перед началом обработки в зависимости от скорости вращени  ведущего шпиндел . 2 ил. The invention relates to the field of automation of drilling, thread-cutting and milling machines and can be used to control rig; ruzki rod tool. The aim of the invention is to increase the speed of the device due to the fact that the overload control of the ring tool starts at lower slip values, namely, in the tIlE overload mode. US; The v-function works as follows. When a load signal arrives at the element And from two delay lines simultaneously, the device gives a signal to stop the working feed of the tool. Time delay settings are set before machining starts, depending on the speed of rotation of the master spindle. 2 Il.

15-04-1987 дата публикации

Apparatus for monitoring tool condition

Номер: SU1303284A1
Принадлежит: Предприятие П/Я А-7555

Изобретение относитс  к области станкостроени  и предназначено дл  использовани  в станках при сверлении отверстий малого диаметра в труднообрабатываемых материалах. Целью изобретени   вл етс  повьшение производительности . Устройство снабжено муфтой, установленной с возможностью проскальзывани  ее полумуфт при перегрузках. На полумуфтах установлены импульсные датчики 7 и 9, св занные с электродвигателем подачи через блок управлени  21, который содержит последовательно включенные блоки формировани  сигнала состо ни  муфты 14, блок сравнени  15, логический блок 16 и выходной блок 20. 1 ил. t6 . 00 о со The invention relates to the field of machine-tool construction and is intended for use in machine tools for drilling small-diameter holes in difficult-to-machine materials. The aim of the invention is to increase productivity. The device is equipped with a clutch installed with the possibility of slippage of its coupling half during overloads. The coupling halves are equipped with pulse sensors 7 and 9 connected with a feed motor through a control unit 21, which contains successively connected units for generating a state signal for coupling 14, a comparison unit 15, a logic unit 16 and an output unit 20. 1 sludge. t6. 00 about with

30-11-1984 дата публикации

Automatic control device for cycle of stepped cutting with rod tool

Номер: SU1126387A1

УСТРОЙСТЮ ДЛЯ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЦИКЛОМ СТУПЕНЧАТОГО РЕЗАНИЯ СТЕРЖНЕВЫМ ИНСТРУМЕНТОМ, содержащее шестеренчатую передачу и узел контрол  крут щего момента, выполненный в виде подпружиненного качающегос  рычага, установленного на подшипниках, размещенных на валу ведущей шестерни, отличающеес   тем, что, с целью повывени  точности измерени  величины крут щего момента, устройство снабжено втулкой с пазом и дополнительньвш подиипниками , котора  размещена между основными подшипниками и качающимс  рычагом , причем в устройство введен жестко закрепленный на корпусе палец дл  взаимодействи  с пазом втулки. (Л ЬУ S V- 1.1. k л fin.t I WILL DEVICE FOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF THE CYCLE OF THE STEPPED CUTTING WITH STEER TOOL, containing a gear transmission and a torque control unit, made in the form of a spring-loaded swinging lever mounted on bearings placed on the shaft of gear, and the set of the set of the set of the set of the set of the set of the set of the set of the set of the set of the set; The device is equipped with a sleeve with a groove and an additional sub-tip, which is located between the main bearings and the swing arm, and GUT introduced rigidly mounted on the housing for engagement with the finger groove of the sleeve. (LU S V- 1.1. K l fin.t

30-06-1984 дата публикации

Static screw

Номер: JPS59113360A
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

01-02-2017 дата публикации

Linear motion transport mechanism for machine body structure of numerical control machine tool

Номер: CN104589129B
Автор: 蒋兴生


08-02-2001 дата публикации

Long bed machine tool has a damper to suppress vibrations at the powered threaded spindle as a cable between the machine frame and the moving machine unit which passes around a damping deflection roller

Номер: DE10012655C1
Принадлежит: Hueller Hille GmbH

The machine tool or workpiece manipulating appts., especially a long bed machine tool, has at least one damper to suppress vibrations at the threaded spindle (4) which moves the machine unit (1) by its drive motor (5). Each damper is moved by at least one drive according to the movement of the machine unit (1), using at least one cable (7) around at least one deflection roller (6). The cable (7) is secured to the machine frame (12) at one end and at the moving machine unit (1) at the other end, using the deflection roller (6) as the damper.

20-09-1984 дата публикации

Device for converting a rotary movement into a linear movement

Номер: DE3248004C2
Принадлежит: Individual

Eine Kugelmutter ist auf eine Schnecke über eine oder mehrere, vorzugsweise zwei, Gruppen von Wälzlagerkugeln aufgesetzt, die entlang innerer und äußerer Schraubengewinde auf der Kugelmutter bzw. der Schnecke abrollen können. Zwei Übergangsbereiche sind längs des Innengewindes der Kugelmutter mit axialem Abstand an diametral gegenüberliegenden Positionen angeordnet und verbinden jeweils zwei benachbarte Windungen der schraubenlinienförmigen Nut der Kugelmutter. Jeder Übergangsbereich ist konkav ausgebildet, um eine Umgehungsbahn für eine Gruppe von Kugeln um das Gewinde auf der Schnecke herum zu bilden. Wenn damit jede Gruppe von Kugeln entlang einer Windung der schraubenlinienförmigen Nut in der Kugelmutter umläuft, wird eine axiale Bewegung der Schnecke entsprechend der Drehung der Kugelmutter hervorgerufen. Die Wandlervorrichtung schließt weiterhin ein Wälzlager mit einem Lageraußenring ein, der die Kugelmutter über Wälzelemente umgibt, die zwischen der Kugelmutter und dem Lageraußenring angeordnet sind, wobei die Kugelmutter als Lagerinnenring des Wälzlagers dient. Diese Wandlervorrichtung kann in Vorschubmechanismen Anwendung finden, die eine oder zwei derartiger Wandlervorrichtungen verwenden. In jedem Fall wird die Kugelmutter über einen Elektromotor und Zahnräder angetrieben, um eine relative längsgerichtete Bewegung der Schnecke zusammen mit einem vorzuschiebenden Gegenstand hervorzurufen. cm zu machen. A ball nut is placed on a worm via one or more, preferably two, groups of roller bearing balls which can roll along inner and outer screw threads on the ball nut or worm. Two transition areas are arranged along the internal thread of the ball nut with an axial spacing at diametrically opposite positions and each connect two adjacent turns of the helical groove of the ball nut. Each transition area is concave to provide a bypass path for a group of balls around the threads on the auger. When each group of balls revolves along one turn of the helical groove in ...

07-08-1983 дата публикации

Device for preventing tool overloads

Номер: SU1033269A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРЕДОХРАНЕНИЯ ИНСТРУМЕНТА ОТ ПЕРЕГРУЗОК по крут щему моменту, содержащее размещенную во втулке соединительную муфту, выполненную из ведущей и ведомой полумуфт с гнездами дл  тел качени , и расположенный в одной из полумуфт найсимной элемент дл  взаимодействи  с командоаппаратом, о т л и ч а ю-щ е е с   тем, что, с целью повышени  надежности и долговечности устройства, ОНО снабжено упорным кольцс 4, закрепленным во втулке с возможностью взаимодействи  с однши из торцов ведомой полумуфты , на втором торце которой выполнены выступы дл  размещени  в пазах, выполненных на торце ведущей полумуфты с возможностью углового о ещени ,. A DEVICE FOR THE PROTECTION OF TOOL FROM OVERLOADS on torque, containing a coupling sleeve placed in the sleeve, made of driving and driven coupling halves with jacks for rolling bodies, and located in one of the coupling halves, a necessary element for interacting with the control device is complete and -sh e so that, in order to improve the reliability and durability of the device, IT is equipped with a stop ring 4 fixed in a sleeve with the possibility of interaction with one of the ends of the driven coupling half, at the second end of which s projections for locating in the grooves formed on the leading end of the coupling halves angularly about escheni,.

16-09-2015 дата публикации

Compound vertical-type milling machine

Номер: CN104907615A


27-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting faults on screw drive mechanism path of loading

Номер: RU2465498C2

FIELD: transport. ^ SUBSTANCE: device for detecting faults on screw drive mechanism path of loading (3) which drive mechanism is intended to actuate element of aircraft wing devices and made with redundant loading path formed by screw (11) and secondary connecting link (21). The screw (1) and the link (21) are connected with each other with fixing against barring after screw pair in direction of power flow and linked with driven aerofoil (1, 2) and which are associated with separate loading paths (10, 20) before screw pair in direction of power flow. The device also includes angular position sensor (15) provided near primary screw (11) and control and signal processing device (30) connected with engine (14), primary brake (13) and primary angular position sensor (15) and containing fault detection function. Method for detecting faults on screw drive mechanism path of loading (3) consists in that it is suggested to fix secondary connecting link (21) against rotation using secondary brake (23) and when the primary brake (13) is released while keeping secondary connecting link (21) fixed using the secondary brake (23), to apply to redundant loading path (10, 20) preset torque moment from engine (14) via the primary screw (11) and rigid-in-torsion connection (29) of the primary screw (11) and the secondary connecting link (21) after screw pair. Herewith, in case of registration on angular position sensor (15) connected with the primary screw (11) a change of angular position which change is out of permissible value range specified for operable screw drive the output signal indicating fault detection is generated. ^ EFFECT: higher efficiency of wing devices system faults identification. ^ 20 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 465 498 (13) C2 (51) МПК F16H 25/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009146857/11, 19.05.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.05.2008 ...

26-11-2014 дата публикации

Horizontal multi-position numerically-controlled boring lathe and milling lathe combined machine tool

Номер: CN104162782A


15-12-1998 дата публикации

Substance feeding apparatus

Номер: KR0129492Y1
Автор: 신정근
Принадлежит: 김광호, 삼성전자주식회사

본 고안은 물체 이송장치에 관해 개시한 것으로서, 종래 물체 이송장치에 있어서 스크류축 양단의 지지 거리가 길어질 경우 발생되는 회전진동의 심화에 따른 파손, 정밀도 저하 및 수명 저하와 같은 문제점을 해소하기 위해, 스크류축의 양단 지지간 거리가 길어지더라도 볼스크류축의 회전축 진동이 최소화되도록 중간 보조 지지수단을 설치하여 고속회전운동이 가능하도록 그 구조를 개량시킨 것에 관한 것이다. The present invention has been disclosed with respect to the object conveying apparatus, in order to solve the problems such as damage, deterioration of precision and deterioration of life due to the deepening of rotational vibration generated when the support distance of both ends of the screw shaft in the conventional object conveying apparatus is long, Even if the distance between the support of both ends of the screw shaft is increased, the structure is improved so that a high-speed rotational movement is possible by installing an intermediate auxiliary support means to minimize the vibration of the rotating shaft of the ball screw shaft.

15-11-1986 дата публикации

Tool protecting device

Номер: SU1269973A1

Устройство дл  защиты концевого инструмента относитс  к станкостроению и предназначено дл  использовани  в сверлильных и расточных станках нри сверлении, фрезеровании, нарезании резьбы с целью защиты инструмента от перегрузки. Сущность изобретени  заключаетс  в том, что к выходу датчика мощности дополнительно подключен блок дифференцировани , к выходу которого через выпр митель подключен второй пороговый элемент, выход которого через элемент задержки подключен на вход элемента совпадени  И, на второй вход которого подключен выход первого порогового элемента, а выход элемента совпадени  И подключен к системе управлени  приводом подачи. 4 ил. The end tool protection device is a machine tool industry and is intended for use in drilling and boring machines for drilling, milling, and threading in order to protect the tool from overload. The invention consists in that a differentiation unit is additionally connected to the output of the power sensor, to the output of which a second threshold element is connected via a rectifier, the output of which is connected through the delay element to the input of the matching element I, to the second input of which the output of the first threshold element is connected the output of the match element AND is connected to the feed drive control system. 4 il.
