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10-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026997U1
Автор: Рьянов А.Ю.

1. Станок дня обработки кромки листового материала шлифованием и полированием, содержащий несущий корпус, приводной и неприводные шкивы с вертикально расположенной абразивной лентой, окно, в нижней части которого расположен стол для установки обрабатываемой детали, блок управления, отличающийся тем, что в нижней части несущего корпуса под шкивом привода ленты расположены привод пылеотсоса и синтетический или бумажный фильтр, перед которыми в выступающей части корпуса выполнены каналы воздуховодов и установлен водяной фильтр, а над неприводными шкивами расположен механизм регулировки натяжения ленты. 2. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен из неметаллических материалов. (19) RU (11) 26 997 (13) U1 (51) МПК B24B 41/053 (2000.01) B24B 21/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002115997/20 , 17.06.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.06.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Ключников Анатолий Николаевич, Рьянов Алексей Юрьевич (72) Автор(ы): Рьянов А.Ю. Адрес для переписки: 603600, г.Нижний Новгород, ул. Минина, 24, НГТУ, ОИС (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ключников Анатолий Николаевич, Рьянов Алексей Юрьевич U 1 2 6 9 9 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Станок дня обработки кромки листового материала шлифованием и полированием, содержащий несущий корпус, приводной и неприводные шкивы с вертикально расположенной абразивной лентой, окно, в нижней части которого расположен стол для установки обрабатываемой детали, блок управления, отличающийся тем, что в нижней части несущего корпуса под шкивом привода ленты расположены привод пылеотсоса и синтетический или бумажный фильтр, перед которыми в выступающей части корпуса выполнены каналы воздуховодов и установлен водяной фильтр, а над неприводными шкивами расположен механизм регулировки натяжения ленты. 2. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен из неметаллических материалов. 2 6 9 9 7 ( ...

10-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000038309U1

Люнет бесцентрово-шлифовального станка, в корпусе которого установлены направляющие с опорными элементами, выполненными в виде пластин, и прижимной элемент, отличающийся тем, что корпус оснащен механизмом перемещения прижимного элемента, пластины установлены под углом друг к другу касательно к наружному диаметру обрабатываемой заготовки, и одна из рабочих поверхностей пластины проходит через точку касания шлифовального круга с заготовкой, прижимной элемент выполнен в форме призмы, наклонные поверхности которой являются касательными к заготовке, одна из рабочих поверхностей призмы проходит через точку касания ведущего круга с заготовкой, и оснащен пружиной, взаимодействующей с механизмом перемещения. (19) RU (11) 38 309 (13) U1 (51) МПК B24B 41/06 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002134504/20 , 25.12.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.12.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.06.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Государственный космический научно-производственный центр им. М.В. Хруничева" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 121309, Москва, ул. Новозаводская, 18, РКЗ, ОНТ, начальнику отдела (72) Автор(ы): Шилин В.М. (RU) , Дроздов В.Н. (RU) 3 8 3 0 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Люнет бесцентрово-шлифовального станка, в корпусе которого установлены направляющие с опорными элементами, выполненными в виде пластин, и прижимной элемент, отличающийся тем, что корпус оснащен механизмом перемещения прижимного элемента, пластины установлены под углом друг к другу касательно к наружному диаметру обрабатываемой заготовки, и одна из рабочих поверхностей пластины проходит через точку касания шлифовального круга с заготовкой, прижимной элемент выполнен в форме призмы, наклонные поверхности которой являются касательными к заготовке, одна из рабочих поверхностей призмы проходит через точку касания ведущего круга с ...

10-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000072898U1

Устройство для исправления угла среза кристаллографически ориентированных пластин, содержащее корпус и линейку-стол с поворотным валом, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено раздаточной коробкой и электромагнитной муфтой, установленными с возможностью обеспечения поворота и фиксации вала линейки-стола на технологически регламентированный угол. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 72 898 (13) U1 (51) МПК B24B 41/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007136435/22 , 03.10.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.10.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Московский государственный технологический университет "СТАНКИН" (RU) U 1 7 2 8 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для исправления угла среза кристаллографически ориентированных пластин, содержащее корпус и линейку-стол с поворотным валом, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено раздаточной коробкой и электромагнитной муфтой, установленными с возможностью обеспечения поворота и фиксации вала линейки-стола на технологически регламентированный угол. 7 2 8 9 8 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИСПРАВЛЕНИЯ УГЛА СРЕЗА КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЧЕСКИ ОРИЕНТИРОВАННЫХ ПЛАСТИН R U Адрес для переписки: 127994, Москва, Вадковский пер., 3а, ГОУ ВПО МГТУ "СТАНКИН", отдел по охране и защите интеллектуальной собственности (72) Автор(ы): Балыков Александр Викторович (RU), Гречишников Владимир Андреевич (RU), Липатова Анна Борисовна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 72 898 U1 Полезная модель относится к абразивной обработке и может быть использована на предприятиях радиоэлектронной промышленности и других отраслей при обработке пластин из монокристаллов кварца, ниобата лития, кремния, германия, сапфира и др. Наиболее близким решением по технической сути является, устройство для исправления угла среза пьезокварцевых ...

27-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000073636U1

1. Шпиндельный узел сверлильного станка, содержащий корпус, включающий в себя, по меньше мере, один впуск для воздуха, по меньшей мере, один впуск для охлаждающего средства и, по меньшей мере, один выпуск для охлаждающего средства; охлаждающий цилиндр, прикрепленный к корпусу, включающий в себя канал для воздуха и, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие для воздуха, соединенное по текучей среде с впуском для воздуха корпуса, по меньшей мере, один канал для охлаждения обмотки и, по меньшей мере, один канал для охлаждения подшипников, соединенный по текучей среде с впуском для охлаждающего средства корпуса; обмотку привода (статор), окруженную охлаждающим цилиндром, имеющую наружное кольцо, по меньшей мере, с частью, образующей зону взаимодействия между, по меньшей мере, одним каналом для охлаждения обмотки охлаждающего цилиндра; шпиндель (ротор), установленный с возможностью вращения в обмотке привода, имеющий наружную поверхность, по меньшей мере, с частью, покрытой проводящим материалом, и включающий в себя фланец, выступающий наружу от наружной поверхности; по меньшей мере, один радиальный подшипник, прикрепленный к охлаждающему цилиндру, имеющий наружную периферийную поверхность с множеством впускных отверстий и внутреннюю периферийную поверхность с множеством эжекционных отверстий, причем впускные отверстия соединены по текучей среде, по меньшей мере, с одним отверстием для воздуха охлаждающего цилиндра и с эжекционными отверстиями, при этом эжекционные отверстия, по существу, параллельны радиальному направлению шпинделя; по меньшей мере, один осевой подшипник, прикрепленный к охлаждающему цилиндру, имеющий впускную поверхность с множеством впускных отверстий, опорную плоскость с множеством эжекционных отверстий и, по меньшей мере, один канал для охлаждающего средства, при этом впускные отверстия соединены по текучей среде с отверстием для воздуха охлаждающего цилиндра и с эжекционными отверстиями, причем эжекционные отверстия, по существу, перпендикулярны фланцу ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129444U1

1. Устройство для абразивной обработки плоских поверхностей, содержащее установленный во вращающемся корпусе с закрепленным внешним шлифовальным кругом блок чашечных шлифовальных кругов-сателлитов, закрепленных на осях с шестернями, находящимися в зацеплении с опорным зубчатым колесом, установленным на оси, зафиксированной на консоли станка, отличающееся тем, что шестерни кругов-сателлитов и опорное зубчатое колесо выполнены в виде некруглых зубчатых колес эллиптического типа с обеспечением непрерывного изменения скорости резания. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что чашечные круги-сателлиты выполнены коническими. 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что рабочая поверхность внешнего шлифовального круга выполнена в плоскости, параллельной плоскости рабочих поверхностей шлифовальных кругов-сателлитов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B24B 41/047 (13) 129 444 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012146181/02, 29.10.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.10.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Мальцев Павел Николаевич (RU), Никифоров Игорь Петрович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2013 Бюл. № 18 1 2 9 4 4 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для абразивной обработки плоских поверхностей, содержащее установленный во вращающемся корпусе с закрепленным внешним шлифовальным кругом блок чашечных шлифовальных кругов-сателлитов, закрепленных на осях с шестернями, находящимися в зацеплении с опорным зубчатым колесом, установленным на оси, зафиксированной на консоли станка, отличающееся тем, что шестерни круговсателлитов и опорное зубчатое колесо выполнены в виде некруглых зубчатых колес эллиптического типа с обеспечением непрерывного изменения скорости резания. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что чашечные круги-сателлиты выполнены коническими. 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что рабочая поверхность внешнего шлифовального круга выполнена в ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000146910U1

Шлифовальная головка, содержащая основание и установленный на нем корпус, электрошпиндель, размещенный внутри корпуса, и шлифовальный круг, закрепленный на выходном конце электрошпинделя, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена установленными внутри корпуса первым червяком и находящимся с ним в зацеплении первым червячным колесом, вторым червяком и находящимся с ним в зацеплении вторым червячным колесом, первым валом, на котором закреплены первое червячное колесо и второй червяк, и вторым валом, на котором закреплено второе червячное колесо, при этом первый червяк соосно соединен с хвостовиком электрошпинделя, второй вал расположен параллельно оси электрошпинделя, выполнен с выступающим из корпуса концом и жестко соединен им с основанием, а корпус выполнен с возможностью вращения относительно второго вала и второго червячного колеса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B24B 41/00 (13) 146 910 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014124072/02, 11.06.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.06.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Либерман Яков Львович (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.06.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2014 Бюл. № 29 1 4 6 9 1 0 R U Формула полезной модели Шлифовальная головка, содержащая основание и установленный на нем корпус, электрошпиндель, размещенный внутри корпуса, и шлифовальный круг, закрепленный на выходном конце электрошпинделя, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена установленными внутри корпуса первым червяком и находящимся с ним в зацеплении первым червячным колесом, вторым червяком и находящимся с ним в зацеплении вторым червячным колесом, первым валом, на котором закреплены первое червячное колесо и второй червяк, и вторым валом, на котором закреплено второе червячное колесо, при этом первый червяк соосно соединен с хвостовиком электрошпинделя, второй вал расположен параллельно оси электрошпинделя, выполнен с выступающим из корпуса концом и ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000153367U1

Люнет шлифовального станка для наружного шлифования, отличающийся тем, что состоит из плиты, на которой жестко установлены две стойки и уголок, стойки жестко закреплены к плите, а стороны уголка расположены под углом 90°относительно друг друга и жестко закреплены на стойках, на каждую сторону уголка установлено по направляющей, на каждой из которой расположено по подвижному блоку, на которых установлено по микрометру, верхняя часть микрометра выполнена в форме цилиндра, на конце которого имеется конус, предназначенный для базирования цилиндра по впадине зуба протяжки при профильном шлифовании, а для обеспечения точного базирования люнета по направляющим стола станка предусмотрена шпонка, которая закреплена к плите винтами, при этом одна из сторон стоек выполнена с большей высотой, причем верхняя часть стоек выполнена под углом 45° к основанию для обеспечения перпендикулярности осей микрометров. И 1 153367 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“” 153 367“ 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 19.12.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 07.10.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 07.10.2019 Бюл. №28 Стр.: 1 па Дд9%5$9 ЕП

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000154589U1

Планетарная шлифовальная головка, содержащая основание и установленный на нем корпус, электрошпиндель, размещенный внутри корпуса, и шлифовальный круг, закрепленный на выходном конце электрошпинделя, установленные внутри корпуса первый червяк и находящееся с ним в зацеплении первое червячное колесо, второй червяк и находящееся с ним в зацеплении второе червячное колесо, первый вал, на котором закреплены первое червячное колесо и второй червяк, второй вал, на котором закреплено второе червячное колесо, причем первый червяк соосно соединен с хвостовиком электрошпинделя, второй вал расположен параллельно оси электрошпинделя, выполнен с выступающим из корпуса концом и жестко соединен им с основанием, а корпус выполнен с возможностью вращения относительно второго вала и второго червячного колеса, отличающаяся тем, что основание снабжено кольцевой направляющей, соосной со вторым валом, а на корпусе соосно с направляющей установлена втулка с радиально закрепленными на ней спицами, размещенными с равномерным угловым шагом в плоскости, расположенной между электрошпинделем и шлифовальным кругом перпендикулярно оси втулки, при этом на свободных концах спиц с возможностью взаимодействия с направляющей закреплены ролики, а в одной из спиц выполнено соосно с электрошпинделем сквозное поперечное отверстие, в котором размещен выходной конец электрошпинделя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 154 589 U1 (51) МПК B24B 5/14 (2006.01) B24B 41/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014152966/02, 25.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.12.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2015 Бюл. № 24 1 5 4 5 8 9 R U Формула полезной модели Планетарная шлифовальная головка, содержащая основание и установленный на нем корпус, электрошпиндель, размещенный внутри корпуса, и шлифовальный круг, закрепленный на выходном конце электрошпинделя, установленные внутри корпуса первый червяк и находящееся с ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000155763U1

1. Устройство для абразивной обработки, содержащее корпус с нанесенным на его рабочий торец слоем абразивного материала, установленную в нем неподвижную пиноль с механически закрепленным на ней зубчатым колесом и установленные внутри корпуса по окружности по меньшей мере два рабочих элемента на осях, отличающееся тем, что первый из рабочих элементов кинематически связан с упомянутым зубчатым колесом непосредственно, а второй - через шестерню-сателлит, при этом на выходе выполненного в пиноли сквозного цилиндрического канала для подвода в зону обработки смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости (СОЖ) установлен разбрызгиватель в виде шнека, а по окружности рабочего торца корпуса выполнены по меньшей мере 12 каналов для отвода СОЖ из зоны обработки. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что каналы для отвода СОЖ выполнены цилиндрическими. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что каналы для отвода СОЖ выполнены фасонными. 4. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что шнек выполнен двухзаходным. 5. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что шнек выполнен трехзаходным. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B24B 41/047 (13) 155 763 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015121100/02, 02.06.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.06.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2015 Бюл. № 29 1 5 5 7 6 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для абразивной обработки, содержащее корпус с нанесенным на его рабочий торец слоем абразивного материала, установленную в нем неподвижную пиноль с механически закрепленным на ней зубчатым колесом и установленные внутри корпуса по окружности по меньшей мере два рабочих элемента на осях, отличающееся тем, что первый из рабочих элементов кинематически связан с упомянутым зубчатым колесом непосредственно, а второй - через шестерню-сателлит, при этом на выходе выполненного в пиноли сквозного цилиндрического канала для подвода в зону обработки смазочно- ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000156712U1

Шпиндельный узел с консольным нагружением, содержащий шпиндель и корпус, выполненный в виде трубы с торцевыми стенками, одна из которых в качестве крышки расположена со стороны консольно нагружаемого конца шпинделя, а вторая в качестве фланца расположена со стороны привода шпинделя, при этом шпиндель установлен с возможностью вращения в подшипниках, расположенных на противоположных концах шпинделя и выполненных в виде газостатических радиальных и упорных подшипников, при этом подшипник, расположенный со стороны консольно нагружаемого конца шпинделя, снабжен магнитопроводом с образованием газомагнитного подшипника, отличающийся тем, что второй газостатический подшипник, расположенный со стороны привода шпинделя, снабжен магнитопроводом с образованием газомагнитного подшипника. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 156 712 U1 (51) МПК B23Q 1/38 (2006.01) B23B 19/02 (2006.01) B24B 41/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015108188/02, 10.03.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.03.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2015 Бюл. № 31 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет" (RU) 1 5 6 7 1 2 R U Формула полезной модели Шпиндельный узел с консольным нагружением, содержащий шпиндель и корпус, выполненный в виде трубы с торцевыми стенками, одна из которых в качестве крышки расположена со стороны консольно нагружаемого конца шпинделя, а вторая в качестве фланца расположена со стороны привода шпинделя, при этом шпиндель установлен с возможностью вращения в подшипниках, расположенных на противоположных концах шпинделя и выполненных в виде газостатических радиальных и упорных подшипников, при этом подшипник, расположенный со стороны консольно нагружаемого конца шпинделя, снабжен магнитопроводом с образованием газомагнитного ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000167532U1

В заявке предлагается шлифовальная головка, предназначенная для перешлифовки упорных центров вальцешлифовальных станков. Головка включает в себя поворотный шлифовальный механизм с электрошпинделем, вращающий конический шлифовальный круг. Ось вращения поворотного шлифовального механизма совпадает с осью перешлифовываемого центра. Вращение электрошпинделя обеспечивает главное движение обработки, вращение поворотного шлифовального механизма - окружную подачу. Особенностью предложения является то, что головка снабжена еще одним зеркально расположенным поворотным шлифовальным механизмом и электродвигателем, вращающим оба механизма. Это позволяет без переустановки головки перешлифовать передний и задний центры вальцешлифовального станка, что повышает точность обработки. Повышение точности, выражающееся в более точном обеспечении соосности центров, является техническим результатом предложения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 167 532 U1 (51) МПК B24B 5/14 (2006.01) B24B 41/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015155117, 22.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.12.2015 21.12.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.12.2015 146910 U1, 20.10.2014. SU 508387 A2, 30.03.1976. WO 98/53953 A1, 27.05.1997. R U (54) ПЛАНЕТАРНАЯ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНАЯ ГОЛОВКА (57) Реферат: В заявке предлагается шлифовальная головка, Особенностью предложения является то, что предназначенная для перешлифовки упорных головка снабжена еще одним зеркально центров вальцешлифовальных станков. Головка расположенным поворотным шлифовальным включает в себя поворотный шлифовальный механизмом и электродвигателем, вращающим механизм с электрошпинделем, вращающий оба механизма. Это позволяет без переустановки конический шлифовальный круг. Ось вращения головки перешлифовать передний и задний поворотного шлифовального механизма центры вальцешлифовального станка, что совпадает с осью перешлифовываемого ...

30-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000168339U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и может быть использована при проектировании и изготовлении направляющих механизмов шлифовальных станов, для прохождения и поперечной фиксации в ней длинномерных изделий, в частности катанки, проволоки или прутков, отличающаяся тем, что направляющая выполнена составной из двух и более частей, в частности из трех и торцы на продольном желобе - скруглены. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 339 U1 (51) МПК B24B 21/16 (2006.01) B24B 41/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015127810, 09.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.07.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Харлов Сергей Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Харлов Сергей Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2493953 C1, 27.09.2013. SU Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.07.2015 1328140 A1, 07.08.1987. US 4676029 A, 30.06.1987. R U 30.01.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 30.01.2017 Бюл. № 4 U 1 1 6 8 3 3 9 R U Стр.: 1 в ней длинномерных изделий, в частности катанки, проволоки или прутков, отличающаяся тем, что направляющая выполнена составной из двух и более частей, в частности из трех и торцы на продольном желобе - скруглены. U 1 (54) НАПРАВЛЯЮЩАЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к машиностроению и может быть использована при проектировании и изготовлении направляющих механизмов шлифовальных станов, для прохождения и поперечной фиксации 1 6 8 3 3 9 Адрес для переписки: 453500, Башкортостан, г. Белорецк, ул. Пушкина, 56А, кв. 2А, Харлову Сергею Николаевичу RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 168 339 U1 Данная полезная модель - направляющая относится к машиностроению и может быть использована при проектировании и изготовлении направляющих механизмов лентошлифовальных станков, где ранее использовались цельные твердосплавные направляющие, предназначенные для удержания в поперечном сечении длинномерных изделий круглого ...

04-07-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для ленточно-планетарного шлифования

Номер: RU0000172331U1

Полезная модель направлена на повышение технологических возможностей, производительности и точности обработки.Указанная задача достигается тем, что устройство для ленточно-планетарного шлифования содержит корпус, вал с водилом, сателлиты со шпинделями и абразивную ленту с контактными роликами. При этом абразивная лента установлена на трех контактных роликах, закрепленных на шпинделях сателлитов, а сателлиты установлены с возможностью вращения вокруг своих осей путем обката по внутренней поверхности зубчатого колеса, являющегося корпусом устройства. 4 ил. Ц 1 172331 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) Сеза за за д (13) < < 5% УХ < <& (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ В24В 21/00 (2006.01) В24В 41/047 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016107047, 26.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.02.2016 Дата регистрации: 04.07.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.02.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 04.07.2017 Бюл. № 19 Адрес для переписки: 427765, Удмуртская Респ., Можгинский р-н, с. Большая Уча, ул. Ленина, 26, Городских М.Н. (72) Автор(ы): Городских Михаил Николаевич (КП) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Городских Михаил Николаевич (КП) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: 50 393072 А, 22.03.1974. 50 446398 А, 14.05.1975. 50 755522 А, 18.08.1980. СН 102672580 А, 19.09.2012. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЛЕНТОЧНО-ПЛАНЕТАРНОГО ШЛИФОВАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель направлена на повышение технологических возможностей, производительности и точности обработки. Указанная задача достигается тем, что устройство ДлЯ ленточно-планетарного шлифования содержит корпус, вал с водилом, сателлиты со шпинделями и абразивную ленту с Стр.: 1 контактными роликами. При этом абразивная лента установлена на трех контактных роликах, закрепленных на шпинделях сателлитов, а сателлиты установлены с возможностью вращения вокруг своих осей путем обката по внутренней поверхности зубчатого колеса, являющегося корпусом ...

23-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000174624U1

Полезная модель предназначена для шлифования плоских поверхностей и поверхностей двойной кривизны лепестковыми кругами, и может быть использована преимущественно в авиа- и судостроении. Устройство содержит револьверный механизм с лепестковыми кругами разных размеров, формы или зернистости, оснащенный механизмом поворота, обеспечивающим возможность поочередного использования любого из кругов. Для гашения колебаний револьверная головка дополнительно оснащена двумя демпферами. Достигается повышение производительности и качества операций шлифования плоских поверхностей и поверхностей двойной кривизны за счет обеспечения равномерности съема по всей обрабатываемой поверхности детали. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 174 624 U1 (51) МПК B24B 29/00 (2006.01) B24B 41/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017104831, 14.02.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.02.2017 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.02.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 23.10.2017 Бюл. № 30 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2567926 C2, 10.11.2015. SU 1 7 4 6 2 4 R U (54) РЕВОЛЬВЕРНАЯ ГОЛОВКА ДЛЯ ШЛИФОВАНИЯ ЛЕПЕСТКОВЫМИ КРУГАМИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель предназначена для поочередного использования любого из кругов. шлифования плоских поверхностей и Для гашения колебаний револьверная головка поверхностей двойной кривизны лепестковыми дополнительно оснащена двумя демпферами. кругами, и может быть использована Достигается повышение производительности и преимущественно в авиа- и судостроении. качества операций шлифования плоских Устройство содержит револьверный механизм с поверхностей и поверхностей двойной кривизны лепестковыми кругами разных размеров, формы за счет обеспечения равномерности съема по всей или зернистости, оснащенный механизмом обрабатываемой поверхности детали. 2 ил. поворота, обеспечивающим возможность Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 1703435 A1, 07.01. ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000192133U1

Полезная модель направлена на повышение качества обработанных поверхностей деталей. Указанная задача достигается тем, что устройство для шлифования содержит корпус, вал с водилом, сателлиты со шпинделями и абразивную ленту с контактными роликами, сателлиты установлены с возможностью вращения вокруг своих осей путем обката по внутренней поверхности зубчатого колеса, являющегося корпусом устройства. При этом абразивная лента установлена на пяти контактных роликах, закрепленных на шпинделях сателлитов. 7 ил. 192133 Ц ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 192 133” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 27.04.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 10.02.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 10.02.2021 Бюл. №4 Стр.: 1 ссср па ЕП

21-07-2020 дата публикации

Шпиндельный узел металлорежущего токарного станка

Номер: RU0000198659U1

Полезная модель относится к области металлорежущих станков. Шпиндельный узел металлорежущего токарного станка содержит шпиндель, имеющий продольную ось, бабку, выполненную с возможностью установки на базовую плоскость станины, и первую и вторую опоры, выполненные с возможностью регулировки и фиксации положения упомянутого шпинделя относительно бабки. Каждая опора включает кольцо, выполненное с возможностью разъемного соединения с бабкой и втулку, выполненную с возможностью установки подшипника и разъемного соединения с кольцом. Торцы кольца и втулки сопряжены по сферической поверхности. Полезная модель направлена на повышение точности расположения продольной оси симметрии шпинделя относительно базовой плоскости станины путем регулировки первой и второй опор бабки по сопряженным сферическим поверхностям. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 659 U1 (51) МПК B23B 19/02 (2006.01) B24B 41/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B24B 41/04 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020110067, 10.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-производственное предприятие Станкостроительный завод Туламаш" (RU) Дата регистрации: 21.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 21.07.2020 Бюл. № 21 1 9 8 6 5 9 R U (54) Шпиндельный узел металлорежущего токарного станка (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области соединения с бабкой и втулку, выполненную с металлорежущих станков. возможностью установки подшипника и Шпиндельный узел металлорежущего разъемного соединения с кольцом. Торцы кольца токарного станка содержит шпиндель, имеющий и втулки сопряжены по сферической поверхности. продольную ось, бабку, выполненную с Полезная модель направлена на повышение возможностью установки на базовую плоскость точности расположения продольной оси станины, и первую и вторую опоры, выполненные симметрии шпинделя относительно базовой с возможностью ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Direct clamp gripper providing maximized part clearance

Номер: US20120018939A1
Автор: James Thomas Buckley
Принадлежит: Acme Manufacturing Co Inc

A finishing system for finishing a part using a robot may include a staging fixture, a gripper, and a regrip fixture. The part may include an inner surface, a protrusion, and a notch. The staging fixture may include first pads adapted to engage the protrusion. The gripper may be adapted to couple to the robot and may include a first outer surface and second pads. The first outer surface may be shaped to engage the inner surface of the part and the second pads may be adapted to clamp the protrusion on the part. The regrip fixture may include a tab adapted to engage the notch.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Centering method for optical elements

Номер: US20120068420A1
Принадлежит: Ophir Optronics Ltd

A method for centering a circular optical element using a non-self-centering chuck adapted to grip the element at two grip strengths. The element is rotated in the chuck while measuring the lateral position of the element's outer rim with a probe. The positions of maximum and minimum run-out of the element as a function of its angular position are determined. Chuck rotation is stopped at an angular position with the maximum rim run-out positioned at a predetermined point. The grip of the chuck is reduced such that the element is still held in the chuck but can be moved in a lateral direction without damaging its surface. The element is moved in a direction connecting the predetermined point of maximum run-out and the axis of rotation of the chuck, in order to reduce the run-out of the element. The procedure is repeated until the desired centering is achieved.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method for grinding the main and rod bearing of a crankshaft by external cylindrical grinding and grinding machine for carrying out the method

Номер: US20120238187A1
Автор: Georg Himmelsbach
Принадлежит: Erwin Junker Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Crankshaft rod bearings are pre-ground and finish-ground in a first grinding station and the crankshaft main bearings are then pre-ground and finish-ground in a second grinding station. The crankshaft is first mounted centered between the two points of the rotary drive. The chuck has two support members which can be moved in the radial direction and which are then positioned against the main bearing in a self-equalizing manner. In the engaged position, the support members are locked tightly to the chuck by locking pins. A pivoting clamping member is then clamped with the operating end thereof against the main bearing.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122791A1

A processing apparatus is provided to process a workpiece. The processing apparatus can have a low-profile nozzle system capable of navigating through spaces in order to process target regions with relatively small clearances. A fluid jet outputted from the nozzle system is used to cut, mill, or otherwise process the target region of the workpiece. 1. A nozzle system configured to generate a high-pressure abrasive media fluid jet , the nozzle system comprising:a nozzle main body including a fluid feed conduit and a media feed conduit extending therethrough, the fluid feed conduit comprising a first section, a second section, and a flow redirector between the first section and the second section which is configured to receive a fluid flow traveling in a first direction through the first section and to direct the fluid flow in a second direction angled with respect to the first direction, and the media feed conduit being configured to deliver abrasives into a fluid jet so as to form a high-pressure abrasive media fluid jet;a nozzle orifice downstream of the flow redirector which is configured to generate the fluid jet;a delivery conduit positioned downstream of the nozzle orifice, the delivery conduit including an outlet through which the high-pressure abrasive media fluid jet exits the nozzle system; anda coupler to removably secure the delivery conduit to the nozzle main body, the coupler including external threads to mate with corresponding threads formed in the nozzle main body.2. The nozzle system of claim 1 , wherein the outlet of the delivery conduit and the nozzle orifice are separated by a distance equal to or less than about 2 inches.3. The nozzle system of claim 2 , wherein the distance is equal to or less than about 1.5 inches.4. The nozzle system of claim 1 , wherein the delivery conduit is a mixing tube defining the outlet of the nozzle system and comprising a channel claim 1 , and wherein a ratio of an axial length of the mixing tube to an average ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149494A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

The present invention relates to a TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold having a main surface and a side surface, in which the side surface has an arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of 1 nm or less, and the side surface has a root mean square (MSFR_rms) of concaves and convexes in the wavelength region of from 10 μm to 1 mm being 10 nm or less. 1. A TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold having a main surface and a side surface , whereinthe side surface has an arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of 1 nm or less, andthe side surface has a root mean square (MSFR_rms) of concaves and convexes in the wavelength region of from 10 μm to 1 mm being 10 nm or less.2. The TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold according to claim 1 , having a chamfered surface intervening between the main surface and the side surface claim 1 , whereinthe chamfered surface has an arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of 1 nm or less.3. The TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold according to claim 1 , having a TiOconcentration of from 3 to 12 mass %.4. The TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold according to claim 1 , having a standard deviation (dev[σ]) of stress caused by striae being 0.05 MPa or less.5. The TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold according to claim 1 , having a difference (Δσ) between the maximum value and the minimum value of stress caused by striae of 0.23 MPa or less.6. A method for producing a TiO-containing quartz glass substrate for an imprint mold having a main surface and a side surface claim 1 , comprising:{'sub': '2', 'polishing a side surface of a TiO-containing quartz glass substrate having a standard deviation (dev[σ]) of stress caused by striae of 0.05 MPa or less,'}thereby controlling arithmetic average roughness (Ra) of the side surface to 1 nm or less andcontrolling root mean square (MSFR_rms) of concaves and convexes of the side surface in the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165025A1
Автор: Kelly Myles Graham

A plate locking mechanism for a surface preparation device comprising a connecting plate having a receiving aperture, a base plate and a floating plate capable of being substantially aligned with the base plate. A fastener extends through a floating plate aperture and engages with a base plate aperture and a resilient member is operatively associated with the fastener to maintain the floating plate in contact with the base plate and wherein, when the base plate is located within the receiving aperture, the floating plate is rotatable to retain the connecting plate in position. 1. A plate locking mechanism for a surface preparation device comprising:(a) a connecting plate having a receiving aperture and at least one blocking member;(b) a base plate having a base plate aperture, the base plate having a shape complimentary to that of the receiving aperture;(c) a floating plate capable of being substantially aligned with the base plate, the floating plate having a first surface, at least one floating plate projection and a floating plate aperture, the first surface in contact with the base plate;(d) a fastener extending through the floating plate aperture and engaging with the base plate aperture; and(e) a resilient member operatively associated with the fastener and in compressing contact with a second surface of the floating plate;wherein, location of the base plate within the receiving aperture enables the floating plate to be rotated to align the at least one floating plate projection with the at least one blocking member to thereby lock the connecting plate in position.2. The plate locking mechanism of wherein the connecting plate is connected to a rotatable plate comprising a grinding tool.3. (canceled)4. The plate locking mechanism of wherein the connecting plate is integral with the rotatable plate.5. The plate locking mechanism of wherein the floating plate further comprises an actuator.6. The plate locking mechanism of wherein the base plate comprises at least ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Grinding Tool for the Simultaneous Sanding and Polishing of Floors

Номер: US20130178137A1

A grinding tool carrier () having substantially circular grinding discs (), on which an abrasive covering is detachably secured, wherein chip-removing cutters () are arranged on the grinding tool carrier () and between the grinding discs (). 1. A grinding tool carrier having substantially circular grinding discs , on which an abrasive covering is detachably secured , wherein chip-removing cutters are arranged on the grinding tool carrier and between the grinding discs.2. The grinding tool carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the cutters are hard-metal indexing plates.3. The grinding tool carrier according to claim 1 , wherein Five grinding discs and five cutters are arranged on the grinding tool carrier.4. The grinding tool carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the grinding discs are coated with a medium wherein the abrasive covering can be detachably secured claim 1 , and this medium is one of two surfaces of a hook-and-loop closure.5. The grinding tool carrier according to claim 1 , having abrasive coverings for securing it to grinding discs claim 1 , which abrasive coverings comprise substantially circular-disc-shaped sandpapers that are coated claim 1 , on their side facing away from the abrasive medium claim 1 , with a medium for detachably securing them to grinding discs claim 1 , wherein selected paper thickness of the sandpapers is such that the height of the abrasive coverings is adjustable in proportion to the height of the cutters.6. The grinding tool carrier according to claim 5 , wherein the paper thicknesses depend on the particle size of the abrasive medium.7. The grinding tool carrier according to claim 4 , wherein at least one piece of sandpaper is firmly joined claim 4 , on the side facing away from the abrasive medium claim 4 , to a felt claim 4 , and the felt is in turn firmly joined to one surface of a hook-and-loop closure.8. A floor sander having a grinding tool carrier according to . The invention relates to a grinding tool carrier having ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196571A1
Принадлежит: BLACK & DECKER INC.

A tool for moving an abrasive media can include a tool body and a drive system housed in the tool body. The drive system can include an output member. A retaining member can be disposed on the tool body. A first platen having a first attachment hub can be selectively coupled with the retaining member in an installed position. The first platen can have a first rotatable member that selectively attaches to the output member in a first mode of operation. A second platen having a second attachment hub can selectively couple with the retaining member in an installed position. The second platen can have a second rotatable member that selectively attaches to the output member in a second mode of operation. 1. A tool for moving an abrasive media , the tool comprising:a tool body;a drive system housed in the tool body and including an output member;a retaining member comprising a wireframe disposed on the tool body;a first platen having a first attachment hub that defines a first groove that selectively receives the retaining member in an installed position, the first platen having a first rotatable member that selectively attaches to the output member in a first mode of operation; anda button disposed on the tool body, the button cooperating with the wireframe and movable to a release position that spreads the wireframe and releases the wireframe from the first groove to release the first platen from the installed position.2. The tool of further comprising a second platen having a second attachment hub that defines a second groove that selectively receives the retaining member in an installed position claim 1 , the second platen having a second rotatable member that selectively attaches to the output member in a second mode of operation.3. The tool of further comprising:a mode selector disposed on the tool body and having a movable member and a key, wherein the movable member is movable between at least a first position corresponding to a first output member speed and a ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Glass plate conveying device and beveling apparatus including the same

Номер: US20130196576A1
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

The present invention provides a conveying device including a transfer mechanism including: a belt portion configured to support a non-pattern surface of a glass plate and transfer the glass plate in a conveying direction; and a pattern surface supporting water guide arranged at a position opposed to the belt portion and configured to apply predetermined water pressure to a pattern surface of the glass plate, wherein the transfer mechanism is configured such that: the glass plate is pressed against the belt portion by water pressure of the pattern surface supporting water guide; and the glass plate is sandwiched between the pattern surface supporting water guide and the belt portion in a state where the pattern surface of the glass plate is in a non-contact state, the conveying device being capable of stably transferring the glass plate without making scratches on the pattern surface of the glass plate.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217311A1

An enclosed polishing apparatus include a housing, a fixing seat, a guiding mechanism, and a chain-driven polishing mechanism. The housing includes a bottom housing and a top housing connected to the bottom housing. The fixing seat is securely placed in the bottom housing. The guiding mechanism is placed in the top housing above the fixing seat. The polishing mechanism is movably mounted on the guiding mechanism above the fixing seat. The polishing mechanism is driven and guided by the guiding mechanism to follow a desired polishing contour on a workpiece. 1. An enclosed polishing apparatus , comprising:a housing comprising a bottom housing and a top housing connected to the bottom housing;a fixing seat securely placed in the bottom housing;a guiding mechanism placed in the top housing and above the fixing seat; anda polishing mechanism movably mounted on the guiding mechanism and above the fixing seat, the polishing mechanism being driven and guided by the guiding mechanism.2. The enclosed polishing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a gap is formed between the fixing seat and the bottom housing to facilitate powder wastes produced during polishing to be extracted out through the gap.3. The enclosed polishing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the bottom housing comprises a body portion and an extension portion extending from the body portion away from the top housing claim 2 , the extension portion is substantially hollow and communicates with the gap.4. The enclosed polishing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the guiding mechanism comprises a mounting base claim 1 , a matching member claim 1 , and a chain assembly claim 1 , the mounting base comprises a main body and a guiding portion claim 1 , the matching member comprises a protrusion extending outward along a periphery of the main body claim 1 , the guiding portion comprises a protrusion extending outward from the main body and separately along the matching member claim 1 , a guiding groove is formed between the matching ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Process for preparing tea products

Номер: US20130260005A1
Принадлежит: Conopco Inc

The present invention relates to a process which allows for the preparation of tea products comprising tea juice which are suitable for diluting to prepare beverages. The present inventors have identified that generation of carbon dioxide during the storage of tea juice in containers can cause problems. It is an object of the present invention to provide a packaged tea juice in a stable form. The present inventors have now surprisingly found that reducing pH of the juice leads to a reduction in CO 2 generation during storage.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267151A1
Автор: Bando Kazuaki

A glass-plate working machine is arranged such that while a cutting head for forming a cut line on a glass plate and a grinding head for grinding a peripheral edge of the glass plate bend-broken along the cut line are being moved simultaneously in parallel under numerical control, the cutting head and the grinding head respectively having angle control motors and are synchronously subjected to angular control about axes perpendicular to the surface of the glass plate and the cutting head and the grinding head are moved such that the orientation of a cutter wheel is adjusted to a processing line, and the press contacting direction of a grinding wheel of the grinding head is kept in a normal direction with respect to a processing line of an edge of the glass plate 1. A glass-plate working machine comprising: a cutting section including a cutting head with a cutter wheel and a cutting table for supporting a glass plate , for causing said cutting head and said cutting table to undergo contour-controlled movement in an orthogonal plane coordinate system by being subjected to numerical control; and a grinding section including a grinding head with a grinding wheel and a grinding table for holding the glass plate , for causing said grinding head and said grinding table to undergo contour-controlled movement in an orthogonal plane coordinate system by being subjected to numerical control , said cutting section and said grinding section being adapted to depict an identical contour moving locus simultaneously in parallel , while said cutting head and said grinding head being adapted to be angularly controlled about an axis perpendicular to the plane coordinate system ,wherein each of said cutting head and grinding head has an angle control motor so as to synchronously operate angular control of said cutting head and angular control of said grinding head.2. The glass-plate working machine according to claim 1 , wherein each of said cutting head and said grinding head is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for finishing glass sheets

Номер: US20130273810A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A method of finishing glass sheets includes forming a stack comprising alternating layers of unfinished glass sheets and spacer pads. The stack is such that there is no physical contact between any two adjacent unfinished glass sheets and outer edges of the spacer pads are recessed relative to outer edges of the unfinished glass sheets. The stack is secured by clamping the unfinished glass sheets and spacer pads together and then supported on a working surface. The unfinished glass sheets of the stack are finished simultaneously while the stack is supported on the working surface. After the finishing, the stack comprises alternating layers of finished glass sheets and spacer pads.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276979A1

A carrier head for a chemical mechanical polishing apparatus includes a retaining ring having a flexible lower portion and a rigid upper portion. 114-. (canceled)15. A retaining ring for a carrier head having a mounting surface for a substrate , comprising:a generally annular first portion having a top surface and a bottom surface configured for contacting a polishing pad during chemical mechanical polishing, wherein the first portion is a plastic first material and wherein the first portion lacks any channel between a top surface and the bottom surface of the first portion; anda generally annular second portion having a lower surface that extends over at least a portion of the first portion and an upper surface configured to be mechanically affixed to and abut a rigid base of a carrier head, wherein the upper surface includes a hole configured to receive a fastener to mechanically affix the retaining ring to the base, wherein the first portion is fixed directly to the second portion without a removable mechanical fastener, and wherein the second portion is a second material which is more rigid than the first material.16. The retaining ring of claim 15 , wherein the first portion has a durometer measurement between about 80 and 95 on the Shore D scale.17. The retaining ring of claim 15 , wherein the first portion is between about 100 and 400 mils thick.18. The retaining ring of claim 15 , wherein the second portion is thicker than the first portion.19. The retaining ring of claim 15 , wherein the plastic first material is selected from the group consisting of polyphenylene sulfide claim 15 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 15 , polyetheretherketone claim 15 , and polybutylene terephthalate.20. The retaining ring of claim 15 , wherein the second material is a metal.21. The retaining ring of claim 20 , wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of steel claim 20 , aluminum claim 20 , and molybdenum.22. The retaining ring of claim 15 , wherein the second ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288010A1

A strengthened glass sheet or article having an edge profile that provides improved edge strength, particularly when the strengthened glass sheet is subjected to a four point bend test, and a method of making a glass sheet having such an edge. The edge is formed by cutting or other separation methods and then ground to a predetermined profile such as a pencil or bullet profile, a bull nose profile, or the like. In some embodiments, the edge is polished and/or etched following grinding to reduce flaw size. 1. A strengthened glass sheet , the strengthened glass sheet comprising:a. a first surface and a second surface joined by at least one edge, wherein each of the first surface and the second surface are under a compressive stress;{'b': '0', 'b. at least one edge joining the first surface and the second surface, wherein the at least one edge forms an angle with at least one of the first surface and the second surface, wherein 90°≦θ≦180°), and wherein a portion of the at least one edge is under a second compressive stress; and'}c. a central region between the first surface and the second surface, wherein the central region is under a tensile stress, and wherein the strengthened glass sheet has a four point bend strength of at least about 350 MPa.2. The strengthened glass sheet of claim 1 , wherein the at least one edge is ground and claim 1 , optionally claim 1 , polished.3. The strengthened glass sheet of claim 2 , wherein the at least one edge has a plurality of flaws claim 2 , the flaws having a mean size of about 22 μm.4. The strengthened glass sheet of claim 2 , wherein the at least one edge is etched.5. The strengthened glass sheet of claim 1 , wherein the second compressive stress is less than or equal to the compressive stress of the first surface and the second surface.6. The strengthened glass sheet of claim 1 , wherein the compressive stress extends from each of the first surface and the second surface to a depth of layer in a range from about 15 μm up to ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for pre-chemical mechanical planarization buffing module

Номер: US20130288578A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

The present invention provides methods and apparatus for a pre-CMP semiconductor substrate buffing module. The invention includes a polishing pad assembly adapted to be rotated against a major surface of a substrate; a chuck adapted to hold the substrate and to rotate the substrate against the polishing pad assembly as the polishing pad assembly is rotated; and a lateral motion motor adapted to oscillate the polishing pad assembly laterally across the major surface of the substrate while the polishing pad assembly is rotated against the rotating substrate. Numerous additional features are disclosed.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Perfected Grinding Machine and Grinding Method

Номер: US20130309945A1
Принадлежит: Tenova SpA

A grinding machine for operative cylinders, of the type comprising a piece-holder head and a tailstock center between which an operative cylinder is positioned for being ground, includes a moving system associated with both the piece-holder head and the tailstock center to allow them to be moved along a common movement direction. A further object of the present invention relates to a grinding method.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316625A1

A grinding machine with 5-axis for cutters is disclosed, the grinding machine includes a grinding machine base () with an circular upper horizontal surface and a pillar () provided on one side of the grinding machine base, the pillar is curved with a radian of 180° along a side edge of the base, a groove body () on the circular base is enclosed by a curved vertical plate on the another side edge, and the height of vertical plate is lower than that of the pillar. The center of a circle is used as machining center of the grinding machine, so that heat is dissipated outwards uniformly and radially from the center of the grinding machine, the deformation caused by heat in all direction is approximate, and it is easy for temperature compensation, the influence on the machining quality caused by heat deformation is reduced, errors are reduced, the grinding machine is specially suitable for machining cutters with high accuracy requirements, the bed body with the circular base has good stability and balance performance. 125622562. A grinding machine with 5-axis for cutters , comprising a grinding machine base () and a pillar () arranged on one side of the grinding machine base () , characterized in that an upper horizontal surface of the base () is circular , the pillar () is curved with a radian of 180° along a side edge of the base () , a groove body on the circular base is enclosed by a curved vertical plate on the another side edge , and the height of vertical plate is lower than that of the pillar.233. The grinding machine with 5-axis for cutters of claim 1 , characterized in that cross-shaped sliding platforms () are symmetrically arranged on a working table of the base claim 1 , a clamp is provided on the sliding platforms ().3. The grinding machine with 5-axis for cutters of claim 1 , characterized in that an inner side of the vertical plate used for enclosing the groove body is a slope surface claim 1 , the vertical plate is provided on an outer side of the outer ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Device For The Fine Machining Of Optically Active Surfaces On, In Particular, Spectacle Lenses

Номер: US20130344778A1
Принадлежит: Satisloh AG

A device for the fine machining of optically active surfaces in particular spectacle lenses, has a spindle shaft which has a tool-holder portion and is mounted in a spindle housing such that it can rotate about a tool rotation axis. The device has an electric rotary drive with a rotor and a stator that rotates the spindle shaft operatively connected to the rotor about the tool rotation axis. The tool-holder portion can be displaced axially in the direction of the tool rotation axis. The rotor and the stator parts are axially guided in a guide tube along the tool rotation axis. The spindle shaft is in the form of a hollow shaft, via which the tool-holder portion, which is configured to hold a membrane chuck, can be subjected to a fluid. 1. A device for fine processing of optically active surfaces of spectacle lenses comprising a spindle shaft , which has a tool mounting section and which is mounted in a spindle housing to be rotatable about an tool axis of rotation , and an electric rotary drive , which comprises a rotor and a stator and by which the spindle shaft operatively connected with the rotor is drivable to rotate about the tool axis of rotation , and the tool mounting section is axially displaceable in the direction of the tool axis of rotation , said device being characterized in that the rotor and the stator of the electric rotary drive and the spindle shaft are coaxially arranged in the spindle housing , which in turn is guided in a guide tube to be capable of defined axial displacement in the direction of the tool axis of rotation , wherein the spindle shaft is constructed as a hollow shaft by way of which the tool mounting section constructed for mounting a diaphragm chuck tool , can be acted on by a fluid.210. Device () A device according to further characterized by the spindle housing comprising a motor housing claim 1 , in which the rotor and the stator of the rotary drive are arranged claim 1 , and a shaft housing claim 1 , which is flange-mounted ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030965A1

A fully symmetric cutter grinding machine with 5-axis includes a grinding machine base and a pillar, sliding rails are vertically arranged on an inside of the pillar, the sliding rails are provided with a grinding wheel head bracket, the grinding wheel head bracket comprises torque motors vertically provided, a lower part of the torque motor is connected to a horizontally provided spindle by means of a bearing of a rotation table, grinding wheels rotating around an axis of the spindle are symmetrically provided at two sides of the spindle, the grinding wheel head bracket further comprises a big rotatable pulley provided at an upper part of the grinding wheel head bracket and driven to rotate by spindle motors, the big pulley is connected to a spindle pulley by a wide synchronous belt. 1. A fully symmetric cutter grinding machine with 5-axis , comprising a grinding machine base and a pillar arranged on one side of the grinding machine base , characterized in that:sliding rails are vertically arranged on an inside of the pillar, the sliding rails are provided with a grinding wheel head bracket movable along the sliding rails;the grinding wheel head bracket comprises torque motors vertically provided, a lower part of the torque motor is connected to a horizontally provided spindle by means of a bearing of a rotation table, grinding wheels rotating around an axis of the spindle are symmetrically provided at two sides of the spindle;the grinding wheel head bracket further comprises a big rotatable pulley provided at an upper part of the grinding wheel head bracket, the big pulley is connected to a spindle pulley by a wide synchronous belt, the spindle pulley is disposed around a middle of the spindle so as to drive the spindle to rotate, two spindle motors are symmetrically arranged at two ends of a center shaft of the big pulley, the two symmetrical spindle motors are used for synchronously driving the center shaft of the big pulley to rotate.2. The fully symmetric ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030966A1

A process is provided for polishing a silicon electrode utilizing a polishing turntable and a dual function electrode platen secured to the polishing, which can comprise a plurality of electrode mounts arranged to project from an electrode engaging face of the dual function electrode platen. The electrode mounts and mount receptacles can be configured to permit non-destructive engagement and disengagement of the electrode engaging face of the electrode platen and the platen engaging face of the silicon electrode. The silicon electrode can be polished by (i) engaging the electrode engaging face of the electrode platen and the platen engaging face of the silicon electrode via the electrode mounts and mount receptacles, (ii) utilizing the polishing turntable to impart rotary, and (iii) contacting an exposed face of the silicon electrode with a polishing surface as the silicon electrode. Additional embodiments are contemplated, disclosed and claimed. 1. A dual function electrode platen comprisinga plurality of axially yielding electrode mounts arranged to project from an electrode engaging face of the dual function electrode platen and to complement respective positions of axially yielding mount receptacles formed in a platen engaging face of a silicon electrode, wherein the axially yielding electrode mounts and the axially yielding mount receptacles are configured to permit non-destructive engagement and disengagement of the electrode engaging face of the electrode platen and the platen engaging face of the silicon electrode in a unitary direction; andplaten adapter abutments positioned radially inward of the axially yielding electrode mounts, wherein the platen adapter abutments are configured to bring a platen adapter centroid of a platen adapter into approximate alignment with an electrode platen centroid of the dual function electrode platen.2. The dual function electrode platen of further comprising a plurality of fluid egress channels extending through an outer ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090774A1

The present invention relates to a mounting sheet comprising a mounting layer. The mounting layer comprises a mounting surface for mounting the substrate. The mounting surface comprises a first mounting area and a second mounting area, and wherein a mounting force of the first mounting area is stronger than a mounting force of the second mounting area. The sheet according to the invention has the different mounting areas, so that the substrate is easily unloaded when polishing is completed. Furthermore, the broken of the substrate due to removal and the duration and the difficulty of removal are reduced. 1. A mounting sheet , comprising a mounting layer; wherein the mounting layer comprises a mounting surface for mounting the substrate , and the mounting surface comprises:a first mounting area and a second mounting area, and wherein a mounting force of the first mounting area is stronger than a mounting force of the second mounting area.2. The mounting sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the first mounting area surrounds the second mounting area.3. The mounting sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting surface further comprises a third mounting area claim 1 , and the mounting force of the second mounting area is stronger than a mounting force of the third mounting area.4. The mounting sheet according to claim 3 , wherein the second mounting area surrounds the third mounting area.5. The mounting sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the first mounting area and the second mounting area are concentric.6. The mounting sheet according to claim 1 , wherein an extending direction of the first mounting area is parallel to an extending direction of the second mounting area.7. The mounting sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the first mounting area comprises a plurality of first mounting points.8. The mounting sheet according to claim 7 , wherein the second mounting area comprises a plurality of second mounting points.9. The mounting sheet according to claim 1 , ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094091A1
Автор: TRIONFETTI Gianni
Принадлежит: Balance Systems S.r.L.

A balancing device for a rotating body is provided, comprising at least one unbalance detector apt to measure the unbalance of the rotating body; two balancing masses apt to be handled along a handling circumference so as to cancel the unbalance; a position sensor apt to detect the mutual position of the balancing masses; and a motor apt to handle independently of each other the balancing masses as a function of their mutual position and unbalance. 1. A balancing device , for a rotating body , comprising: at least one unbalance detector to measure the unbalance of said rotating body; at least one balancing head comprising two balancing masses to be handled along a handling circumference so as to cancel said unbalance of said rotating body , and at least one position sensor to detect the position of said balancing masses; at least one motor to independently handle each of said balancing masses as a function of said position of said balancing masses and of said unbalance of said rotating body.2. The balancing device according to claim 1 , wherein each of said position sensors comprises a displacement sensor to verify the handling and displacement of said masses.3. The balancing device according to claim 2 , wherein said displacement sensor is an encoder functionally connected with a single motor.4. The balancing device according to claim 1 , wherein each of said position sensors comprises a reference sensor to determine the position of said masses with reference to the remaining portion of said balancing head claim 1 , for at least one mutual angular position.5. The balancing device according to claim 1 , further comprising a control card to receive entry signals from said position sensors coupled to at least one of said motors and at least two electric wires to transfer the signals from a plurality of said control cards at the outside of said device.6. The balancing device according to claim 5 , wherein said control card converts the signals received from said ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099866A1
Автор: Zhang Xindi

The present invention provides a dust protection method for glass substrate edge polishing machine, which includes (1) providing an edge polishing machine and a glass substrate to be polished, wherein a dust protection board is arranged above a platform bearing a glass substrate to form a first gap therebetween and an air blow tube is provided in front of a grind stone; (2) fixing the glass substrate on the edge polishing machine; (3) introducing cooling water from the dust protection board to form a water curtain at the first gap; (4) activating the air blow tube to form an air curtain region; and (5) activating the grindstone to set out a grinding operation. The dust protection board and the water curtain block particles generated in grinding and the air curtain region blows residual water that contains particles off edges of the glass substrate. 1. A dust protection method for glass substrate edge polishing machine , comprising the following steps:(1) providing an edge polishing machine and a glass substrate to be polished, wherein the edge polishing machine comprises an edge polishing machine body, a dust protection board mounted on the edge polishing machine body, a grindstone mounted on the edge polishing machine body, and an air blow tube mounted on the edge polishing machine body in front of the grindstone, the edge polishing machine body comprising a platform for bearing a glass substrate, the dust protection board being arranged above the platform, the glass substrate to be polished being positionable on the platform to form a predetermined angle with respect to the horizon, a first gap being formed between the glass substrate to be polished and a lower end of the dust protection board, the grindstone being set relative to the glass substrate to be polished;(2) fixing the glass substrate to be polished on the platform;(3) introducing cooling water from the dust protection board in such a way that the cooling water forms a water curtain at the first gap and ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001515A1

A tool driver for a power trowel, the tool driver comprising a combination of a magnetic fastening arrangement and a friction based fastening arrangement for releasably holding an abrasive tool to the tool driver, wherein the magnetic fastening arrangement is configured symmetrically around a rotational center of the tool driver, wherein the friction based fastening arrangement is adapted to provide increased shear strength during abrasive operation of the tool, and wherein the magnetic fastening arrangement is adapted to provide increased pull strength during lifting of the tool driver. 1. A tool driver for a power trowel , the tool driver comprising a combination of a magnetic fastening arrangement and a friction based fastening arrangement for releasably holding an abrasive tool to the tool driver , wherein the magnetic fastening arrangement is configured symmetrically around a rotational center of the tool driver , wherein the friction based fastening arrangement is adapted to provide increased shear strength during abrasive operation of the tool , and wherein the magnetic fastening arrangement is adapted to provide increased pull strength during lifting of the tool driver.2. The tool driver according to claim 1 , wherein the friction based fastening arrangement comprises a tool driver surface with protrusions configured to engage with a yielding surface material on the abrasive tool to provide the increased shear strength.3. The tool driver according to claim 1 , wherein the friction based fastening arrangement comprises a material with hooks for holding respective loops on the abrasive tool or wherein the friction based fastening arrangement comprises a material with loops for holding respective hooks on the abrasive tool.4. The tool driver according to claim 2 , wherein the yielding surface material or the material with loops is a felt-like cloth claim 2 , a fibrous material claim 2 , a foam claim 2 , rubber claim 2 , and/or a non-synthetic material.5. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Optical Connector Polishing Jig

Номер: US20210001444A1

In a polishing apparatus, an optical connector polishing jig holds the MT ferrule provided at the connection end portion of the optical connector, the optical connector polishing jig includes: a cylinder base; a cylinder shaft held on the cylinder base to be capable of moving in the up-down direction; and a set block connected to an end of the cylinder shaft and having a hole into which the MT ferrule is inserted and in which fixing means for adjusting the pressing force and fixing the MT ferrule is inserted, and a surface of the fixing means that comes into contact with the MT ferrule has a protrusion that partially protrudes to apply a pressing force to the MT ferrule such that when the MT ferrule is fixed, an end surface of the MT ferrule is slightly deformed and a center portion of the end surface in a longitudinal direction swells. 1. An optical connector polishing jig that holds an MT ferrule of a multi-fiber optical fiber connector in a polishing apparatus for polishing an optical connector , wherein:the optical connector polishing jig comprises fixing means for holding the MT ferrule, anda surface of the fixing means that comes into contact with the MT ferrule has a protrusion that partially protrudes to apply a pressing force to the MT ferrule such that when the MT ferrule is fixed, an end surface of the MT ferrule is slightly deformed and a center portion of the end surface in a longitudinal direction swells.2. The optical connector polishing jig according to claim 1 , wherein:the fixing means includes an opening into which the MT ferrule is inserted, an inner piece fitted in the opening to be adjacent to the MT ferrule, and a screw that presses the inner piece against the MT ferrule for adjusting the pressing force.3. The optical connector polishing jig according to claim 2 , wherein:a protrusion formed on a surface of the inner piece that comes into contact with the MT ferrule has any of a center round shape in which only a portion along the center ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Brush-type Deburring Machine for Multiple Cutting with Individual Deburring

Номер: US20160001419A1
Автор: Rattunde Ulrich

The invention relates to a deburring machine for ends of sections () of an elongate profile which are cut to length, with a receiving means () for a stack () or a bundle () of sections () and a separating device for the sections () of the stack () or the bundle (), with a conveying device for the separated sections () and at least one brush () which is arranged along the conveying device and which is in contact with the ends of the separated sections () during the conveying thereof and which deburrs the ends. 1351425035135125035140351. A deburring machine for ends of sections ( , ) of an elongate profile which are cut to length , with a receiving means () for a stack () or a bundle () of sections ( , ) and a separating device for the sections ( , ) of the stack () or the bundle () , with a conveying device for the separated sections ( , ) and at least one brush () which is arranged along the conveying device and which is in contact with the ends of the separated sections ( , ) during the conveying thereof and which deburrs the ends.2111112351. A deburring machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the conveying device has two rows—arranged adjacent to each other in the conveying direction (T)—of conveying discs (T claim 1 , T) claim 1 , which have pairs of notches ( claim 1 , ) mutually opposed at a right angle to the conveying direction (T) for receiving an individual section ( claim 1 , ).3411130. A deburring machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that a receiving means () comprises alternating pairs of notches () and at least one stop () arranged upstream of the alternating pairs of notches and fixed in position.4431. A deburring machine according to claim 3 , characterized in that the receiving means () has at least one holding means () arranged downstream of the pair of notches in the direction of rotation (T).52504111112. A deburring machine according to claim 1 , characterized in that the stack () or the bundle () of sections is capable of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001282A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

A flexible membrane for use in a carrier head has a generally circular main portion with a lower surface, an annular outer portion for connection to a base assembly, and an annular flap extending from the main portion on a side opposite the lower surface for connection to the base assembly. At least one surface of the flap has a surface texture to prevent adhesion. 117-. (canceled)18. A method of making a flexible membrane for a carrier head , comprising:curing a material in a mold to form the flexible membrane having a flap, the mold having a pattern so that a flap on the flexible membrane has a complementary pattern that includes a plurality of protrusions.19. The method of claim 18 , further comprising sandblasting the mold to provide the pattern.20. (canceled)21. The method of claim 19 , wherein sandblasting is performed with sand or glass beads.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein sandblasting forms a surface roughness of about 60-80 microinches on the mold.23. The method of claim 18 , wherein the material is a rubber after being cured.24. An article for use in a carrier head claim 18 , comprising:a flexible membrane having a generally circular main portion with a lower surface, an annular outer portion for connection to a base assembly, and an annular flap extending from the main portion on a side opposite the lower surface for connection to a base assembly, wherein the flap has a horizontal first portion and second portion extending downwardly from the horizontal portion to the main portion, wherein the flap has a protrusion projecting from a surface of the flap, and wherein the protrusion extends along the first portion and the second portion and across a connection between the first portion and the second portion.25. The article of claim 24 , wherein the second portion extends vertically.26. The article of claim 24 , wherein the protrusion is substantially linear.27. The article of claim 26 , wherein the protrusion extends radially.28. The article of claim ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for applying a uniform texture to a substantially vertical surface

Номер: US20200001422A1
Автор: Mark Jack Richardson
Принадлежит: Vertical Concrete Polishing Inc

A surfacing apparatus supported adjacent a substantially vertical surface of a structure for applying an even and uniform texture to the surface of the structure using a selectively adjustable force exerted on a texturing means to engage the surface of the structure. The surfacing apparatus is suited for horizontal and vertical movement in controlled prescribed paths under controlled and prescribed pressure from the adjustable tensioning means.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004882A1
Автор: Hong Dae Sik

An apparatus for grinding a surface of a substrate, the apparatus including an inlet through which a jig accommodating the substrate is put; a grinding part that grinds the substrate conveyed from the inlet; and a washing part that washes the substrate conveyed from the grinding part, wherein the grinding part includes a plurality of rollers, the plurality of rollers having a protruding curved surface facing the jig and rotating on a surface of the substrate to grind the substrate, and the inlet, the grinding part, and the washing part are continuously conveyed by a conveyor. 1. An apparatus for grinding a surface of a substrate , the apparatus comprising:an inlet through which a jig accommodating the substrate is put;a grinding part that grinds the substrate conveyed from the inlet; anda washing part that washes the substrate conveyed from the grinding part,wherein:the grinding part includes a plurality of rollers, the plurality of rollers having a protruding curved surface facing the jig and rotating on a surface of the substrate to grind the substrate, andthe inlet, the grinding part, and the washing part are continuously conveyed by a conveyor.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rollers are orthogonally disposed relative to a conveyance direction of the jig.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the jig includes a substrate disposition part for accommodating the substrate.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the substrate disposition part of the jig is recessed in the jig and faces the rollers.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , wherein:a number of substrate disposition parts of the jig is the same as a number of rollers of the grinding part, andthe substrate disposition parts are disposed to face each of the rollers.6. The apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the substrate disposition part of the jig convexly protrudes toward the roller.7. The apparatus as claimed in claim 6 , wherein:the substrate disposition ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005618A1

A polishing device includes a housing, a flexible base coupled to the housing, and a contact region disposed on a first side of the flexible base, wherein the flexible base expands and contracts based on pressure contained within the housing and a second side of the flexible base to form a contact area on the first side that is less than a surface area of the flexible base. 1. A polishing device , comprising:a housing;a flexible base coupled to the housing; anda contact region disposed on a first side of the flexible base, wherein the flexible base expands and contracts based on pressure contained within the housing and a second side of the flexible base to form a contact area on the first side that is less than a surface area of the flexible base.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact region is raised from the flexible base.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact region is positioned on the base along an arc segment.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact region comprises a plurality of contact pads.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flexible base comprises a raised lip at a perimeter thereof.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact area is adjustable.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the adjustment of the contact area is based on a process recipe.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact region is arc-shaped.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact region is circular.10. A polishing module claim 1 , comprising:a chuck having a substrate receiving surface and a perimeter; anda polishing pad positioned about the perimeter of the chuck, the polishing pad comprising a contact region positioned about a center of a flexible base, wherein the polishing pad is inflatable by pressure application to a backside of the flexible base.11. The module of claim 10 , wherein the contact region is detachably coupled to the flexible base.12. The module of claim 10 , wherein the contact region is arc-shaped.13. The module of claim 10 , ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Workpiece grinding method

Номер: US20220016741A1
Автор: Yoshikazu Suzuki
Принадлежит: Disco Corp

A workpiece grinding method includes a groove formation step, a groove removal step, and a full surface grinding step. In the groove formation step, the workpiece is ground by performing grinding feed of a grinding unit while rotating a spindle without rotation of a chuck table, so that an arcuate groove is formed with a depth not reaching a finish thickness on a side of a back surface of the workpiece. In the groove removal step, rotation of the chuck table is started with the spindle kept rotating, so that the groove is ground at side walls thereof and is removed from the workpiece. In the full surface grinding step, grinding feed of the grinding unit is performed while the spindle and chuck table are rotated, so that the workpiece is ground in an entirety thereof on the side of the back surface until the workpiece has the finish thickness.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011143A1

A bench grinder has a tool rest mounted on a bracket and disposed adjacent a grinding wheel of the grinder. The tool rest has a tool rest platform that is connected to the bracket by a pivot connection and that may be secured in different angular positions by a bolt, such as a hand bolt. The bracket end to which the platform is affixed is provided with a cylindrical surface portion marked with angle marks. An opening is provided in the tool rest platform through which the angle marked surface is visible. An indicator line on the tool rest platform aligns to the angle mark to indicate the angle of the platform. 1. A tool rest for use with an abrading device , comprising:a support bracket having an end;a first marked surface on the support bracket;a tool rest platform having a platform surface and a platform mounting portion, the tool rest the tool rest platform including a second marked surface, wherein the first and second marked surfaces indicate an angle of the tool rest platform relative to the support bracket; anda releasable fastener operable to affix the platform mounting portion of the tool rest platform to the support bracket, the releasable fastener being capable of securing the tool rest platform to the support bracket in a plurality of different angular positions.2. A tool rest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first marked surface includes a cylindrical surface portion marked with angle marks claim 1 , and the second marked surface includes an indicator that moves relative to the first marked surface as the platform is pivoted relative to the support bracket.3. A tool rest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tool rest platform defines an opening in the tool rest platform claim 1 , the first marked surface on the support bracket being visible through the opening in the tool rest platform.4. A tool rest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support bracket is an L-shaped bracket having an end claim 1 , the end having a cylindrical portion surface marked ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009700A1

A system and method for sharpening a tool, such as a cuticle nipper, is provided. A first abrasive component has first abrasive surface and a second abrasive component has a second abrasive surface. A motor drives the first and second abrasive components. A securing device secures the tool. A positioning device receives the securing device and permits movement of the securing device relative to the first and second abrasive devices. 1. An apparatus for sharpening a tool , the tool having blade and wall portions , the apparatus comprising:a first abrasive component comprising a first abrasive surface;a second abrasive component comprising a second abrasive surface;a motor for driving the first and second abrasive components;a securing device adapted to secure the tool; anda positioning device adapted to receive the securing device and permit movement of the securing device relative to the first and second abrasive devices.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the first abrasive component is adapted to sharpen the blade portion of the tool; andthe second abrasive component is adapted to thin the wall portion of the tool.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a surface; anda track located on the surface and comprising vertically extending portions and horizontally extending portions, wherein the track is adapted to permit movement of the positioning device between the first abrasive component and the second abrasive component.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein:the first abrasive component comprises a first portion shaped as a disk and comprising an abrasive material located along an outer edge thereof, a funnel shaped portion extending from an outer surface of the first portion, and a third portion which is annular in shape and located on an outer surface of the funnel shaped portion, wherein said third portion comprises an abrasive material.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein:the abrasive material located on the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Abrasive cutter and method for cutting through a rail of a track

Номер: US20220032420A1

An abrasive cutter for cutting a rail of a track includes a drive for driving a cutting disc holder in rotation. A cutting disc is attached to the cutting disc holder with at least one clamping element. The drive is directly coupled to the cutting disc holder and has a maximum transverse extent which is at most equal to a diameter of at least one clamping element. The drive has an electric drive motor with a power density P Spez ≥0.5 kW/kg. The abrasive cutter allows a reliable, efficient, user-friendly and low-maintenance through-cutting of a rail of a track.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Hand-Held Extender For A Buffing Pad

Номер: US20220032422A1
Автор: Umbrell Richard

An extender for a buffing pad assembly having a first portion configured to be rotated, thereby transferring power from a power tool to a buffing pad, and a second portion that can be held by a user to support, direct, and/or control the buffing pad during operation of the power tool. The extender preferably includes a shaft, a sleeve, and at least one retainer for fixing the sleeve onto the shaft. The shaft preferably includes a first portion near a first end, a second portion near a second end, and a third circular portion located therebetween. In one embodiment, the shaft includes first and second grooves, thereby allowing a first retainer (e.g., C-clip) to be snapped into the first groove, the sleeve slid over the open end of the shaft, and a second retainer (e.g., C-clip) snapped into the second groove, resulting in a fully assembled extender. 1. An apparatus for connecting a buffing pad to a power tool that can be held by a hand of a user during operation of said power tool to support said buffing pad while it is being rotated , comprising:a metal shaft having first and second ends, one of which is configured to mate with a rotatable spindle of said power tool and the other is configure to mate with said buffing pad, said metal shaft comprising a first portion extending from said first end, a second portion extending from said second end, and a third portion that is substantially round and located between said first and second portions, wherein said second portion adjacent said third portion has a circumference that is greater than a circumference of said third portion, thereby creating a shoulder between said second and third portions;a sleeve having a substantially circular aperture with a circumference that is greater than said circumference of said third portion and less than said circumference of said shoulder, said sleeve being configured to slide over said first portion of said metal shaft and onto said third portion, said shoulder preventing said ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Grinding machine for grinding of a profile

Номер: US20180015579A1
Автор: Matthias Schmidt

A grinding machine for grinding of a profile, comprising a machine bed, wherein a machining device is arranged on the machine bed, wherein the machining device comprises a swivel head which carries a first grinding spindle with a first grinding tool, especially with a roughing grinding tool, and a second grinding spindle with a second grinding tool, especially with a finishing grinding tool, wherein a workpiece carrier being a rotary table is arranged on the machine bed. To allow the production of workpieces with a complex geometry in a high precision in an economical manner the invention proposes that the swivel head further carries at least one third grinding spindle with a third grinding tool, wherein the swivel axle of the swivel head is directed horizontally and the axis of rotation of the rotary table is directed vertically.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016413A1

A method for slicing a workpiece with a wire saw which includes a wire row formed by winding a fixed abrasive grain wire having abrasive grains secured to a surface thereof around multiple grooved rollers, the method including feeding a workpiece to the wire row for slicing while allowing the fixed abrasive grain wire to reciprocatively travel in an axial direction thereof, thereby slicing the workpiece at multiple positions aligned in an axial direction of the workpiece simultaneously. The method includes: supplying a coolant for workpiece slicing onto the wire row when the workpiece is sliced with the fixed abrasive grain wire; and supplying a coolant for workpiece drawing, which differs from and has a higher viscosity than the coolant for workpiece slicing, onto the wire row when the workpiece is drawn out from the wire row after the slicing of the workpiece. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for slicing a workpiece with a wire saw which includes a wire row formed by winding a fixed abrasive grain wire having abrasive grains secured to a surface thereof around a plurality of grooved rollers , the method comprising feeding a workpiece to the wire row for slicing while allowing the fixed abrasive grain wire to reciprocatively travel in an axial direction thereof , thereby slicing the workpiece at a plurality of positions aligned in an axial direction of the workpiece simultaneously ,wherein the method comprises:supplying a coolant for workpiece slicing onto the wire row when the workpiece is being sliced with the fixed abrasive grain wire; andsupplying a coolant for workpiece drawing, which is different from the coolant for workpiece slicing and has a higher viscosity than the coolant for workpiece slicing, onto the wire row when the workpiece is drawn out from the wire row after the slicing of the workpiece.7. The method for slicing a workpiece according to claim 6 , whereinthe coolant for workpiece slicing to be used has a viscosity at 25° C. of 5 mPas or less, andthe ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023320A1
Автор: JR. John P., Rizzo

The present disclosure relates generally to a machining tool and method for using said machining tool. The machining tool includes a machining arm including a first arm section, a second arm section, a proximate end, a distal end, and a machining arm longitudinal axis, a belt disposed around the machining arm; and a first motor operably coupled to the machining arm, wherein at least a portion of the machining arm is configured to pivot such that an angle is formed between the distal end and the machining arm longitudinal axis. The method includes the steps of placing the pivotable machining arm in a first orientation, inserting the pivotable machining arm in the desired location, determining whether the belt is in a desired position relative to the raised surface, operating the motor to rotate the belt around the pivotable machining arm, and placing the belt in contact with the raised surface. 1. A machining tool comprising:a machining arm including a first arm section and a second arm section, a proximate end, a distal end, and a machining arm longitudinal axis;a belt disposed around the machining arm; anda first motor operably coupled to the machining arm;wherein at least a portion of the machining arm is configured to pivot such that an angle is formed between the distal end and the machining arm longitudinal axis.2. The machining tool of claim 1 , wherein the machining arm further comprises:a hinge component located between the first arm section and the second arm section;a power pulley located adjacent to the first arm section; andat least one idler pulley located adjacent to the second arm section.3. The machining tool of claim 2 , wherein the first motor is operably coupled to the power pulley.4. The machining tool of claim 2 , further comprising a second motor operably coupled to the hinge component.5. The machining tool of claim 4 , further comprising a controller in communication with the second motor.6. The machining tool of claim 1 , wherein the angle ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Positioning of a spindle with micrometric forwarding control and tilting of its rotation axis

Номер: US20180021901A1
Принадлежит: TENOVA S.p.A.

A positioning of a spindle with micrometric forwarding control and tilting of its rotation axis includes a spindle shaft rotatingly supported inside rotatable supports, wherein the rotatable supports include two spherical elements having housings which are eccentric with respect to the rotation axis that join the centers of the spheres, and wherein the two spherical elements are positioned in a cylindrical housing having at least two parts, and wherein two rotation elements are connected to the two spherical elements and cause their independent rotation. 1. A positioning device of a spindle with micrometric forwarding control and tilting of a rotation axis of the spindle , the device comprising{'b': '11', 'a spindle shaft () rotatingly supported inside at least two rotatable supports,'}{'b': 13', '14', '12', '99', '13', '14', '13', '14', '17', '17', '19', '20, 'wherein said at least two rotatable supports comprise two spherical elements (,) provided with respective housings () eccentric with respect to an axis () of said spherical elements (,) and passing through a center of said spherical elements, said two spherical elements (,) being positioned in a housing having at least two parts (,′; or ,),'}{'b': 23', '24', '13', '14, 'further comprising two rotation elements (,) connected to the two spherical elements (,) for causing an independent rotation.'}213141211. The positioning device of a spindle according to claim 1 , wherein said spherical elements ( claim 1 ,) comprise spheres each having a seat () for the spindle shaft () claim 1 , said seat being a pass-through hole eccentric with respect to said spherical elements.31717192018. The positioning device of a spindle according to wherein said housing having at least two parts ( claim 1 ,′; or claim 1 ,) is positioned in a wheelhead claim 1 , a cartridge claim 1 , or a shaped sleeve () which is adapted to be installed on a wheelhead.4111314. The positioning device of a spindle according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Spindle device for a program-controlled machine tool

Номер: US20180021908A1
Автор: Hans Veittinger

A machining unit for a program-controlled machine tool. In particular, a spindle device for a program-controlled machine tool including a spindle housing; a working spindle which is mounted in the spindle housing in a rotatable manner about a spindle axis and which includes a clamping device for clamping a tool interface that is inserted in a tool receiving section of the spindle device and is configured to hold a milling or boring tool; and a sensor device which is arranged on the spindle housing and which includes at least one structure-borne sound sensor configured to detect structure-borne sounds or vibrations occurring during grinding operations.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023478A1
Принадлежит: Komatsu NTC Ltd.

Provided is a bed () used for a grinding machine (). The bed has a bed front part () on which a workpiece support device () is mounted and a bed rear part () on which a grinding wheel stand () is mounted. An upper portion () of the bed front part () protrudes further to both of the left and the right than a lower portion (). A front installation section () is provided in the lower portion (), and in the bed rear part (), two rear installation sections () are provided spaced apart from each other in the left-right direction. In this configuration, resonant vibration of the bed () due to the vibration of the grinding wheel stand () can be suppressed. 1. A bed for a machine tool , the bed comprising:a bed front part on which a workpiece support device for supporting a workpiece is mounted; anda bed rear part on which a processing device for processing the workpiece is mounted,wherein the bed front part includes an upper portion and a lower portion arranged under the upper portion,wherein the upper portion protrudes further to both of a left and a right than a lower end of the lower portion, andwherein a front installation section is provided on a bottom surface of the lower portion and two rear installation sections are provided on a bottom surface of the bed rear part, the two rear installation sections being arranged with a space between the two in a left-right direction.2. The bed for a machine tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the lower portion of the bed front part is configured so that a width of the lower portion in the left-right direction becomes larger from the lower end toward an upper end thereof.3. A machine tool comprising:a bed;a workpiece support device for supporting the workpiece; anda processing device for processing the workpiece,wherein the bed includes a bed front part and a bed rear part,wherein the workpiece support device is mounted on an upper surface of the bed front part, and the processing device is mounted on an upper surface of the bed ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023488A1
Автор: Alberti John

A grinder tool with blind mounting of a disc includes a center alignment mechanism having a first contact and a second contact and a rotational device including an axle that is movable with respect to the center alignment mechanism. A hub is mounted to the axle including a first coupling interface. The disc has a second coupling interface for mating with the first coupling interface. The center alignment mechanism is movable a mounting distance relative to the hub and contacts the disc with the first contact and the second contact to center align the first coupling interface with the second coupling interface. The rotational device is to slowly rotate the hub to angle align the first coupling interface with the second coupling interface to allow the disc to mate and attach to the hub. 1. A grinder tool with blind mounting of a disc , comprising:a center alignment mechanism having a first contact and a second contact;a rotational device including an axle and movable with respect to the center alignment mechanism; anda hub mounted to the axle including a first coupling interface;wherein the disc has a second coupling interface for mating with the first coupling interface,wherein the center alignment mechanism is movable a mounting distance relative to the hub and contacts the disc with the first contact and the second contact to center align the first coupling interface with the second coupling interface, andwherein the rotational device is to slowly rotate the hub to angle align the first coupling interface with the second coupling interface to allow the disc to mate and attach to the hub.2. The grinder tool of claim 1 , wherein the disc is ferromagnetic claim 1 , and the hub is magnetic.3. The grinder tool of claim 1 , wherein the disc and the hub have a non-magnetic mechanical latching system.4. The grinder tool of wherein the center alignment mechanism is biased to move the first contact and the second contact the mounting distance away from the disc once the disc ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113530A1
Автор: Orlando Paul Frank

A setup platform is provided for a grinder including a cutoff wheel. The setup platform includes an upper planar surface including a first edge, which may be shaped similar to the grinder housing, the first edge including a slot therein for receiving the cutoff wheel. An anchor bar is mounted horizontally to the grinder housing, and a post extending from a lower surface of the setup platform is slidable on the anchor bar such that the setup platform is slidable relative to the anchor bar to removably mount the setup platform to the grinder such that the first edge is disposed adjacent the grinder housing and the cutoff wheel is received in the slot. 1. A setup platform apparatus for a tool , comprising:a setup platform comprising a substantially planar upper surface including a first edge configured to be mounted adjacent the tool, the first edge comprising a slot therein;an elongate member including a first end fixed to the setup platform and a second end extending from a lower surface of the setup platform to define a substantially vertical axis;an anchor bar including a first end configured to be mounted to a portion of the tool to define a substantially horizontal axis orthogonal to the vertical axis, and a second free end configured to slidably engage the second end of the elongate member such that the setup platform is slidable relative to the anchor bar along the horizontal axis; andone or more fasteners for securing the elongate member relative to the anchor bar.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the elongate member comprises a first bar clamp claim 1 , and the one or more fasteners comprise a second bar clamp mounted on the first bar clamp such that the first and second bar clamps define a slot therebetween for receiving the second end of the anchor bar.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the elongate member comprises first and second bar clamps fixed to the setup platform such that the first and second bar clamps define a slot therebetween for ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Devices, systems, and methods for refurbishing one or more lacrosse balls

Номер: US20160031059A1
Принадлежит: Lax Dr LLC

A method and system for resurfacing one or more lacrosse balls is provided. The system includes a container, a rotatable member, and a motor. The container is configured to hold the one or more lacrosse balls. The rotatable member includes an abrasive surface configured to scuff the lacrosse balls while in the container. The motor includes a drive shaft coupled to the rotatable member and configured to facilitate rotation of the rotatable member. With this arrangement, the lacrosse balls are positioned over the abrasive surface such that, upon rotation of the rotatable member, the abrasive surface scuffs the lacrosse balls to, thereby, resurface the balls.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048152A1
Автор: HATTORI Mato

A spindle unit mounted to a processing unit has a collar section extending from an outside surface of the spindle unit in a horizontal direction. The processing unit includes a bottom plate having a through-hole through which a lower portion of the spindle unit penetrates, a holder including a side plate that surrounds the spindle unit with the collar section supported by the bottom plate and that is connected to the bottom plate, and an inclination adjusting mechanism that acts on the collar section to adjust the inclination of the spindle unit. The inclination adjusting mechanism includes a spring interposed between a lower surface of the collar section and an upper surface of the bottom plate and an adjusting section that acts to compress the spring and adjusts the inclination of the spindle unit by a compression amount of the spring. 1. A processing apparatus comprising:a processing unit in which a spindle unit supporting, in a rotatable manner, a spindle having a processing tool that is mounted to a tip thereof and that extends in the vertical direction is mounted; anda chuck table that holds a workpiece,wherein the spindle unit has a collar section extending from an outside surface in a horizontal direction orthogonal to the outside surface,the processing unit includes a holder including a bottom plate having a through-hole through which a lower portion of the spindle unit penetrates and a side plate that surrounds the spindle unit with the collar section supported by the bottom plate and that is connected to the bottom plate, and an inclination adjusting mechanism that acts on the collar section to adjust the inclination of the spindle unit, andthe inclination adjusting mechanism includes a spring interposed between a lower surface of the collar section and an upper surface of the bottom plate and an adjusting section that acts to compress the spring and adjusts the inclination of the spindle unit by a compression amount of the spring.2. The processing ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048154A1

Handheld cutoff grinder including a cutting disk (), a motor housing having a drive unit and a cantilever () with a support arm () and an arm cover (). A stop element () is provided in the arm cover () for the spindle (), the stop element limiting the movement of the spindle () in a plane () perpendicular to the axis of rotation () during operation. 18-. (canceled)9: A handheld cutoff grinder comprising:a spindle;a cutting disk arranged on the spindle and rotatable about an axis of rotation;a motor housing with a drive unit, the spindle being connected to the drive unit via a transmission device; anda cantilever with an arm cover and a support arm having a first end and a second end, the support arm being fixed by the first end on the motor housing and the spindle being fixed via a bearing element to the second end,the arm cover being fastened on the support arm via fasteners;a stop being provided in the arm cover for the spindle, the stop limiting movement of the spindle in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation during operation.10: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the support arm has a first bearing seat and a second bearing seat at the second end claim 9 , a first bearing being arranged in the first bearing seat claim 9 , and a second bearing being arranged in the second bearing seat.11: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the arm cover is a metal material.12: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the metal material is a light metal material.13: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the stop is an insert claim 9 , the insert being arranged in a bearing seat formed in the arm cover.14: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the stop is a bearing arranged in a bearing seat formed in the arm cover.15: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the spindle is mounted in the support arm via the first and second bearings and is mounted in the arm cover via a further bearing.16: The cutoff grinder as recited in wherein the first bearing is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Machine tool having a balancing device

Номер: US20220048158A1
Автор: Harald Ruhland
Принадлежит: FESTOOL GMBH

A machine tool, namely a handheld machine tool or a semi-stationary machine tool, having a drivetrain, which includes a tool shaft rotatably mounted on a drive support by means of a bearing assembly and a tool holder arranged on the tool shaft for an in particular disk-like working tool, wherein the tool shaft is rotationally drivable by a drive motor of the machine tool around a rotational axis, and wherein a balancing device is arranged on the tool shaft, which includes a guide body having at least one orbital path extending around the rotational axis and at least one balancing body movably mounted in the orbital path. It is provided in the machine tool that the drive support is movably mounted on a holder of the machine tool, wherein a relative position of the drive support in relation to the holder is adjustable by the balancing device.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030674A1
Автор: Rothwell Jordan Byron

An example trimming tool includes a floating base having a first side and an opposite, second side, a first rail, and a second rail. At least the second side of the floating base, the first rail and the second rail define a workspace having a first opening and a second opening. The trimming tool also includes a milling apparatus, attached to the floating base, having a base on the first side of the floating base and a milling head on the second side of the floating base. The milling head is spring loaded. The floating base and milling apparatus are configured to remove at least a portion of a foam layer in the workspace. 1. A trimming tool comprising:a floating base having a first side and an opposite, second side, a first rail, and a second rail wherein at least the second side of the floating base, the first rail and the second rail define a workspace having a first opening and a second opening; anda milling apparatus, attached to the floating base, having a milling head on the second side of the floating base, wherein the milling head is spring loaded, wherein the floating base and milling apparatus are configured to remove at least a portion of a foam layer in the workspace.2. The trimming tool of claim 1 , wherein the first rail and the second rail include linear portions to maintain the floating base against a surface.3. The trimming tool of claim 1 , wherein the first rail claim 1 , the second rail claim 1 , and the floating base are unitary.4. The trimming tool of claim 1 , wherein the floating base includes a collection port configured to allow millings to pass through a collection port opening and out of the workspace claim 1 , wherein the collection port is connected to a tube configured to provide suction.5. The trimming tool of claim 1 , wherein the milling apparatus includes a handle and a motor configured to power the milling head.6. The trimming tool of claim 1 , wherein the milling head includes a plurality of protrusions extending about a ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030935A1
Автор: HANG Yujie, WANG Peng, WU Jiafu

The present invention discloses an automatic sandpaper replacement device for CNC production line, comprising an automatic sandpaper supply mechanism which comprises a bracket assembly, and a sandpaper receiving assembly and a sandpaper extracting plate disposed on bracket assembly; and an automatic sandpaper peeling mechanism that is mated with bracket assembly, and comprises a mounting plate, and a peeling drive assembly and a peeling assembly mounted on mounting plate; wherein peeling assembly is drivingly connected with peeling drive assembly, peeling assembly periodically peels off waste sandpaper on a sanding head under driving of peeling drive assembly, and sandpaper extracting plate periodically supplies new sandpaper to sanding head after peeling off sandpaper. The automatic sandpaper replacement device improves peeling efficiency, effectively solves problems of uncleanly peeling and peeling residue, saves cost, solves sandpaper jamming problem in a sandpaper supply process, and improves sandpaper replacement efficiency and success rate, thereby further improving productivity. 1. An automatic sandpaper replacement device for CNC production line , being characterized in that it comprises:an automatic sandpaper supply mechanism, the automatic sandpaper supply mechanism comprising a bracket assembly, and a sandpaper receiving assembly and a sandpaper extracting plate disposed on the bracket assembly; andan automatic sandpaper peeling mechanism that is mated with the bracket assembly, the automatic sandpaper peeling mechanism comprising a mounting plate, and a peeling drive assembly and a peeling assembly mounted on the mounting plate;wherein the peeling assembly is drivingly connected with the peeling drive assembly, the peeling assembly periodically peels off waste sandpaper on a sanding head under driving of the peeling drive assembly, and the sandpaper extracting plate periodically supplies new sandpaper to the sanding head after peeling off sandpaper.2. ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038065A1

A flexible membrane for use in a carrier head has a generally circular main portion with a lower surface, an annular outer portion for connection to a base assembly, and an annular flap extending from the main portion on a side opposite the lower surface for connection to the base assembly. At least one surface of the flap has a surface texture to prevent adhesion. 117-. (canceled)18. A method of making a flexible membrane for a carrier head , comprising:curing a material in a mold to form the flexible membrane having a flap, the mold having a pattern so that a flap on the flexible membrane has a complementary pattern that includes a plurality of protrusions.19. The method of claim 18 , further comprising sandblasting the mold with sand or glass beads.20. An article for use in a carrier head claim 18 , comprising:a flexible membrane having a generally circular main portion with a lower surface, an annular outer portion for connection to a base assembly, and an annular flap extending from the main portion on a side opposite the lower surface for connection to a base assembly, wherein the flap has a vertical portion and a horizontal portion and a protrusion projecting from a surface of the flap, the protrusion extending along the vertical portion and the horizontal portion and across a connection between the vertical portion and the horizontal portion.21. The article of claim 20 , wherein the protrusion is substantially linear.22. The article of claim 21 , wherein the protrusion extends radially.23. The article of claim 20 , wherein the flap includes a plurality of protrusions projecting from a surface of the flap claim 20 , the plurality of protrusions distributed axially symmetrically around a center axis of the membrane.24. A flexible membrane for a carrier head of a chemical mechanical polishing system claim 20 , comprising:a generally circular main portion with an upper surface and a lower surface to provide a mounting surface for a substrate;an outer annular ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036856A1
Автор: Bando Kazuaki

A glass-plate working apparatus includes: two grinding worktables A and B which undergo NC controlled movement or angularly controlled rotation independently of each other and a grinding head which undergoes NC controlled movement in correspondence with the grinding worktables A and B, wherein the grinding worktables A and B are adapted to alternately move in a planar coordinate system in cooperation with the grinding head and alternately repeat operation in which while one of the grinding worktables A and B, while holding a glass plate , is effecting the grinding of the glass plate by the grinding head , the other one of the grinding worktables A and B effects an operation of discharging the glass plate and receiving a next glass plate , to thereby allow the grinding head to proceed with grinding on a continual basis. 1. A glass-plate working apparatus comprising:two grinding worktables which undergo NC controlled movement or angularly controlled rotation independently of each other; anda grinding head which undergoes NC controlled movement in correspondence with the two grinding worktables,wherein the two grinding worktables alternately move in a planar coordinate system in cooperation with the grinding head and alternately repeat operation in which while one of the grinding worktables, while holding a glass plate, is effecting the grinding of the glass plate by the grinding head, another one of the grinding worktables effects an operation of discharging a glass plate and receiving a next glass plate, to thereby allow the grinding head to effect the grinding of consecutively received glass plates on a continual basis.2. A glass-plate working apparatus comprising:a glass-plate transporting device;two grinding worktables which move independently of each other in a Y-axis direction perpendicular to a direction of transporting a glass plate by the glass-plate transporting device and which are arranged in the transporting direction of the glass plate; anda grinding ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055173A1

A wafer held on a delivery pad is lifted from a holding surface, and when a lower surface of the wafer has been spaced in its entirety from the holding surface, an air flow rate regulating valve is opened to eject air from the holding surface. As the distance between the holding surface and the wafer spaced from the holding surface increases by lifting of a delivery unit, the degree of opening of the air flow rate regulating valve is adjusted to increase a flow rate of air from the holding surface, thereby spacing the wafer from the holding surface in a short period of time without rupturing the wafer. 1a chuck table for holding a lower surface of a wafer on a holding surface thereof;a processing unit for processing an upper surface of the wafer whose lower surface is held on the holding surface;a delivery unit for unloading, from the holding surface, the wafer held on the holding surface; anda control unit; a fluid communication passage providing fluid communication between the holding surface and a water supply source,', 'a branching portion included in the fluid communication passage,', 'an air fluid communication passage providing air fluid communication between the branching portion and an air supply source,', 'a water flow rate regulating valve disposed in the fluid communication passage between the holding surface and the water supply source, for regulating a flow rate of water from the water supply source, and', 'an air flow rate regulating valve disposed in the air fluid communication passage, for regulating a flow rate of air from the air supply source, and, 'wherein the chuck table includes'} controls the delivery unit to hold the wafer held on the holding surface,', 'opens the water flow rate regulating valve to eject water from the holding surface,', 'spaces the wafer from the holding surface and lifts the delivery unit holding the wafer, from the holding surface, with the water ejected from the holding surface,', 'opens the air flow rate regulating ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055178A1
Автор: KIM Myung Ki

Polishing systems and methods are described. An exemplar polishing system includes: (i) a jig designed to secure mobile device; (ii) a polishing head designed to contact and polish a mobile device surface; (iii) a spindle disposed above the jig and fitted with the polishing head; (iv) a slurry dispenser arranged adjacent to the spindle and designed to store and dispense polishing slurry on the mobile device surface; and (v) a central controller programmed to control operation of the jig, the spindle, and the slurry dispenser such that during an operative state of the jig and the spindle, and under control of the central controller, the slurry dispenser dispenses polishing slurry to facilitate polishing of the mobile device surface. 1. A polishing system , comprising:a jig designed to secure mobile device;a polishing head designed to contact and polish mobile device;a spindle disposed above said jig and fitted with said polishing head;a slurry dispenser arranged adjacent to said spindle and designed to store and dispense polishing slurry on surface of mobile device; anda central controller programmed to control operation of said jig, said spindle, and said slurry dispenser such that during an operative state of said jig and said spindle, and under control of said central controller, said slurry dispenser dispenses polishing slurry to facilitate polishing surface of mobile device.2. The polishing system of claim 1 , further comprising a first tray that has disposed thereon one or more jig guides that guide displacement of said jig in an X-direction.3. The polishing system of claim 2 , further comprising a first ball-screw drive subassembly that is coupled to said first tray and in conjunction with one or more of said jig guides claim 2 , displaces said jig in said X-direction.4. The polishing system of claim 3 , further comprising:an X-axis motor that operates in conjunction with said first ball-screw drive subassembly to displace said jig in said X-direction; andan X ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039030A1
Автор: SHINOZAKI Hiroyuki

A coupling mechanism capable of preventing vibration of a rotating body from occurring due to a lower-bearing friction torque is disclosed. The coupling mechanism includes an upper spherical bearing and a lower spherical bearing disposed between a drive shaft and a rotating body. The upper spherical bearing has a first concave contact surface and a second convex contact surface, and the lower spherical bearing has a third concave contact surface and a fourth convex contact surface. The first concave contact surface, the second convex contact surface, the third concave contact surface, and the fourth convex contact surface are arranged concentrically. A lower-bearing radius of the lower spherical bearing is determined so that a lower-restoring torque is equal to or less than 0, the lower-restoring torque being the sum of a rotating-body friction torque generated in the rotating body due to a rotating-body frictional force between a polishing pad and the rotating body, and a lower-bearing friction torque generated in the rotating body due to a frictional force between the third concave contact surface and the fourth convex contact surface. 1. A coupling mechanism for tiltably coupling a rotating body to be pressed against a polishing pad to a drive shaft , comprising:an upper spherical bearing and a lower spherical bearing disposed between the drive shaft and the rotating body,wherein the upper spherical bearing has a first concave contact surface and a second convex contact surface which is in contact with the first concave contact surface,the lower spherical bearing has a third concave contact surface and a fourth convex contact surface which is in contact with the third concave contact surface,the first concave contact surface and the second convex contact surface are located above the third concave contact surface and the fourth convex contact surface,the first concave contact surface, the second convex contact surface, the third concave contact surface, and the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046605A1
Автор: Eldridge Kenneth P.

A method of removing material from a surface of an ultrasound directing element comprising a plastic material is provided. The method includes mounting the ultrasound directing element to a mounting block of a sanding apparatus. The mounting block includes an engagement member that moves from a release position to an engagement position thereby engaging the ultrasound directing element. The mounting block is moved along a base of the sanding apparatus bringing a surface of the ultrasound directing element into contact with a sanding surface. Material is removed from the surface of the ultrasound directing element using the sanding surface. 1. A method of removing material from a surface of an ultrasound directing element comprising a plastic material , the method comprising:mounting the ultrasound directing element to a mounting block of a sanding apparatus, the mounting block comprising an engagement member that moves from a release position to an engagement position thereby engaging the ultrasound directing element;moving the mounting block along a base of the sanding apparatus and bringing a surface of the ultrasound directing element into contact with a sanding surface; andremoving material from the surface of the ultrasound directing element using the sanding surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engagement member comprises a clamp that clamps on a top surface of the ultrasound directing element.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the engagement member is a first engagement member claim 2 , the sanding apparatus comprising a second engagement member that moves from a release position to an engagement position thereby engaging the ultrasound directing element at a location different from the clamp.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mounting block has a holding volume that is formed as a recess in the mounting block claim 1 , the holding volume being sized to receive the ultrasound directing element.5. The method of further comprising holding ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043445A1
Автор: LILIENBERG Per-Erik

A grinding/milling machine for levelling of horizontal surfaces, having a mobile drive unit, including a vertically pivotable boom suspended from the mobile unit, a rigid girder pivotally fastened at the end of the boom and two motorized machining and/or milling machines, each being arranged at a respective opposite end of the rigid girder. 1. A grinding/milling machine for levelling of horizontal surfaces comprising:a mobile drive unit, including a vertically pivotable boom, suspended on the mobile unit;a rigid girder arranged in a joint at one end of the boom; andtwo motorized grinding and/or milling heads, each being arranged at a respective opposite end of the rigid girder;whereby the rigid girder is fastened so that it is turnable in a horizontal plane at the same time as it is turnable around a longitudinal axis (a) for the girder, traversing said joint as well as turnable around a transversal axis (b) which also traverses said joint,wherein a hydraulic cylinder is arranged in connection with the joint for controlled tilting of the rigid girder in relation to the boom.2. The grinding/milling machine according to claim 1 , wherein said motors are hydraulic motors.3. The grinding/milling machine according to claim 1 , wherein in connection with the suspension of the boom at the mobile drive unit a hydraulic cylinder is arranged for lifting up of the boom and for adapting the bearing pressure of the machining and/or milling heads against the ground.4. The grinding/milling machine according to claim 1 , wherein the machining and/or milling heads are comprised of circular discs with fasteners for tool carriers in the form of disc elements having a narrower fastening end and a wider working end claim 1 , whereby the fasteners are arranged on the disc elements.5. The grinding/milling machine according to claim 4 , wherein the tool carriers are reversible and carry similar or different tools on their respective sides. The present invention relates to a grinding/ ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043502A1

A grinding machine includes a support and a board which is connected to the connection portion of the support. The board has a first opening and a second opening. A transportation device is connected across over the first and second openings. A grinding device has a driving portion and a grinding portion which is connected to the driving portion. The driving portion is connected to the support so that the grinding portion is located above the transportation device. An angle adjustment device is connected between the board and the transportation device so as to adjust inclination of the transportation device so as to grind a larger area of an object. 1. A grinding machine comprising:a support having a connection portion;a board connected to the connection portion and having a first opening and a second opening;a transportation device connected across over the first and second openings;a grinding device having a driving portion and a grinding portion which is connected to the driving portion, the driving portion connected to the support so that the grinding portion is located above the transportation device, andan angle adjustment device connected between the board and the transportation device so as to adjust inclination of the transportation device.2. The grinding machine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transportation device has a first side thereof connected to the board claim 1 , a second side of the transportation device is connected to the angle adjustment device.3. The grinding machine as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the angle adjustment device has a top plate claim 2 , a bottom plate and a knob claim 2 , the top plate is connected to the second side of the transportation device claim 2 , the bottom plate is connected to one side of the board claim 2 , the top plate is located corresponding to the bottom plate claim 2 , the knob extends through the top plate and is connected to the bottom plate.4. The grinding machine as claimed in claim 3 , wherein a ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050865A1
Автор: Schindler Jens

A sharpening apparatus for a rotating blade is configured such that a rod-shaped grinding tool or a conical cutting-edge surface is movable in the transverse direction. This carried out by a parallelogram linkage. The grinding tool is pressed by a weight under constant contact pressure against the front cutting surface. 1. An apparatus for sharpening rotating blades which have a cutting edge running in the circumferential direction and bounded by a rear cutting-edge surface and a front conical cutting-edge surface running in a manner inclined with respect to the rear cutting-edge surface , comprising:a blade carrying part, to which a rotating blade can be fastened and by which the rotating blade is rotated;a grinding head for regrinding the front conical cutting-edge surface, which has a rotating cutting tool,wherein the relative position between the grinding head with respect to the rotating blade is chosen such that the location of engagement between the rotating cutting tool and rotating blade travels in a direction of an axis of the grinding tool on its lateral surface in dependence on the angular position of the rotating blade.2. The apparatus for sharpening rotating blades according to claim 1 , wherein the relative position of the grinding head and the rotating blade is preset by a linear guide.3. The apparatus for sharpening rotating blades according to wherein the diameter of the grinding tool is small compared with its axial dimension.4. The apparatus for sharpening rotating blades according to claim 1 , wherein the grinding head is connected to a prestressing device claim 1 , in such a manner that the grinding tool is pressed with constant force against the front cutting-edge surface.5. The apparatus for sharpening rotating blades according to claim 4 , wherein the prestressing device comprises a weight or an air cylinder.6. The apparatus for sharpening rotating blades according to claim 5 , wherein the weight is connected to the grinding head via a rope ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Processing machine

Номер: US20220063053A1
Автор: Jiro Genozono
Принадлежит: Disco Corp

Disclosed herein is a processing machine including a processing unit and a workpiece holding unit. The processing unit has a processor wheel with a processor fixed on a lower surface of an annular base, and a mount fixed on a spindle, and processes a workpiece by the processor with the processor wheel mounted on the mount. The processor wheel has a plurality of flange portions arranged at equal angular intervals on an inner peripheral surface of the annular base and extending from the inner peripheral surface toward a center of the processor wheel. The mount has a plurality of clasp portions configured to clasp the flange portions, a plurality of springs biasing the clasp portions in an upward direction in an axial direction of the spindle, and a plurality of support portions configured to support the clasp portions movably in the axial direction.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Inspection substrate

Номер: US20220063134A1
Автор: Yoshikatsu Soejima
Принадлежит: Disco Corp

An inspection substrate for use in inspecting whether or not a constituent element of a cutting apparatus forms a scratch on a top surface of a workpiece when a cutting blade cuts the workpiece, the inspection substrate includes a top surface side of the inspection substrate having a groove portion for simulated cutting, the groove portion having a width that the cutting blade can pass through, and a paint layer disposed on the top surface side of the inspection substrate to improve visibility of a scratch formed on the top surface side.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Automatic High-Shear Low-Pressure Force-Controlled Grinding Device for Complicated Curved Surface and Machining Method Thereof

Номер: US20210053173A1
Принадлежит: Shandong University of Technology

The present invention discloses an automatic high-shear low-pressure force-controlled grinding device for a complicated curved surface and a machining method thereof, which belong to the field of complicated curved surface grinding technologies of difficult-to-machine materials. The device comprises a base, columns, an industrial robot, an electrical spindle, a force-controlled floating tool holder, a workpiece chuck, a grinder plate, a six-dimensional force sensor, a rotary table, a triaxial precision displacement table, a safeguard hood, a safety door, and a pedestal. The grinder plate comprises a grinder plate substrate, a press plate, a lining plate, and an abrasive layer. Each module is effectively communicated, and a control system collects and processes signals as well as transmits commands to achieve automatic force-controlled grinding of the complicated curved surface. The abrasive layer of the grinder plate generates the shear thickening effect; so, the material can be removed in a high-shear low-pressure grinding manner. 1. An automatic high-shear low-pressure force-controlled grinding device for a complicated curved surface , comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3', '1', '4', '1', '5', '1', '6', '1', '7', '1', '9', '1', '10', '1', '11', '1', '12', '1', '13', '1', '14, 'an industrial robot base (-), a safeguard hood (-), columns (-), an industrial robot (-), an electrical spindle (-), a force-controlled floating tool holder (-), a workpiece chuck (-), a grinder plate (-), a six-dimensional force sensor (-), a rotary table (-), a triaxial precision displacement table (-), a safety door (-), and a pedestal (-);'}{'b': 1', '9', '2', '1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '5, 'wherein the structure of the grinder plate (-) comprises inner hexagon bolts (-), a press plate (-), an abrasive layer (-), a lining layer (-), and a grinder plate substrate (-);'}{'b': 2', '3', '6', '1', '6', '2', '6', '3', '6', '4', '6', '5, 'the abrasive layer (-) comprises ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Intelligent continuous polishing machine and process

Номер: US20210053174A1

An intelligent continuous polishing machine and an intelligent continuous polishing process therefor are provided. The intelligent continuous polishing machine includes a base platen, a rotary platen, a multi-beam bridge mechanism, two workpiece holding mechanisms, a lap measuring mechanism, a lap cutting mechanism, a small-conditioner holding mechanism, a large-conditioner holding mechanism, and a control computer. The intelligent continuous polishing process includes a normal polishing procedure, a lap surface shape measuring procedure, and three procedures for correcting the lap surface shape error: a lap cutting procedure, a sub-aperture correcting procedure, and a full-aperture correcting procedure. All of these procedures are controlled by the control computer through CNC programs. 1. An intelligent continuous polishing machine , the machine comprises:a rotary platen mounted on a base platen, the base platen placed on three supporting blocks that are mounted on ground;a multi-beam bridge mechanism installed above the rotary platen, the multi-beam bridge mechanism configured with four horizontal beams. A first linear slide guide configured with a movable block is installed on one side of the first horizontal beam, and a second linear slide guide configured with a movable block is installed on the other side. A third linear slide guide configured with a movable block is installed on the third horizontal beam, and a fourth linear slide guide configured with a movable block is installed on the fourth horizontal beam. A guide base is installed on the second horizontal beam through an adjusting structure, and a precision aerostatic slide guide configured with a movable block is fixed on the guide base;a first workpiece holding mechanism installed on the movable block of the first linear slide guide, and a second workpiece holding mechanism installed on the movable block of the fourth linear slide guide;a lap measuring mechanism installed on the movable block of the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053188A1
Автор: Palushaj Simon

A brush assembly is provided for increasing an effective area and uniformity of performance in an abrasive floor polishing application at a given size of brush mount. The brush assembly includes a pad with slots for receiving abrasive blades. The pad includes variable protrusions to provide varied support to the abrasive blades. The blades have a trapezoidal body shape. The blades include abrading components including an abrasive material such as diamonds. In some embodiments, the abrading components include a metallic material, such as copper material. In some embodiments, the abrading components include a phenolic material. 1. A brush assembly comprising:a substantially round pad including a bottom housing, the bottom housing having a plurality of slots, the plurality of slots being aligned along circumferentially spaced radial directions with respect to the pad, respectively, the bottom housing including a plurality of axially-extending variable protrusions extending from the body and aligned along circumferentially spaced radial directions, the plurality of axially-extending variable protrusions each having a peak end and a base end, the peak ends extending further axially away from the bottom housing than the respective base ends, the plurality of axially-extending variable protrusions each being disposed along one of the plurality of slots with the respective peak end at a radially outward position; anda blade component configured to removeably engage the pad at one of the slots with the blade component laterally oriented along the one of the slots and with the blade component circumferentially interfacing with one of the plurality of the axially-extending variable protrusions, the blade component including a retainer portion configured to engage the one of the slots at a top end and to receive an abrading element at a longitudinally opposing distal end thereof, the top and distal ends of the retainer portion each being laterally centered relative to each ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047304A1

An automatic machine and an automatic method for grinding the edges of glass sheets are disclosed. The machine is provided with a machine body with motorized support and conveyance rollers or belts, an input conveyor with motorized support and conveyance rollers or belts, an output conveyor with motorized support and conveyance rollers and belts. There are at least two elements for conveying the glass sheets, a lower one and an upper one, which actuate respectively the synchronous motions about a lower axis and an upper axis, which engage and convey the glass sheets, which are interfaced alternately, for example the odd sheets with the lower conveyance elements and the even sheets with the upper conveyance. 112333015006001565006003004003450160150260250160150260250860850960978123232311002001211100200abcbbaacc. An automatic machine for grinding the edges of the perimeter of rectangular or non-rectangular contoured glass sheets () that are substantially planar and arranged vertically or slightly inclined with respect to the vertical , comprising a machine body () provided with a pseudovertical resting and sliding surface , preceded by a corresponding upstream pseudovertical resting and sliding surface and followed by a corresponding downstream pseudovertical resting and sliding surface and with corresponding motorized support and conveyance rollers or belts ( , , ) , arranged below respective pseudovertical resting and sliding surfaces and actuating a synchronous axis X for the conveyance of the lower portion of said glass sheet () and of at least one pair of working heads ( , ) , which can move with respect to said glass sheet () along its perimeter with a synchronous feeding motion and provided with a synchronous rotary motion (ϑ , ϑ) , each one of said pair of working heads ( , ) being movable on corresponding vertical carriages ( , ) provided with a synchronous vertical translational motion along the vertical axes (Y , Y) and comprising a fixed body ( , ) and a ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048133A1

Articles with at least one finished edge and methods and systems for forming the same are disclosed. A method of forming a glass article having at least one finished edge includes heating a substrate to a preparation temperature, the substrate having at least one unfinished edge, applying a laser to the at least one unfinished edge of the substrate, the laser causing a temperature of the at least one unfinished edge to increase from the preparation temperature to a finishing temperature, and reducing a power of the laser over a time period of at least about 10 seconds until the laser is deactivated, resulting in the glass article comprising the at least one finished edge. 1. A method of forming a glass article comprising at least one finished edge , the method comprising:heating a substrate to a preparation temperature, the substrate comprising at least one unfinished edge;applying a laser to the at least one unfinished edge of the substrate, the laser causing a temperature of the at least one unfinished edge to increase from the preparation temperature to a finishing temperature; andreducing a power of the laser over a time period of at least about 10 seconds until the laser is deactivated, resulting in the glass article comprising the at least one finished edge.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:scoring and breaking the glass article comprising the at least one finished edge.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the finishing temperature is from about 1000° C. to about 1500° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the substrate to the preparation temperature comprises placing the substrate over one or more infrared heaters until the substrate has reached an average surface temperature from about 450° C. to about 800° C.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:measuring an average surface temperature of the substrate with a thermal camera; anddetermining that the average surface temperature is equal to the preparation temperature prior to applying ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059376A1

A buffing module for buffing a substrate is provided. The buffing module comprises a buff table for supporting the substrate, the buff table being rotatable; and a buff head to which a buff pad is attached, being rotatable and movable in a direction of approaching the buff table and a direction of moving away from the buff table. The buff pad includes a first part and a second part arranged so as to surround the first part on an outer side of the first part, the first part and the second part have different characteristics from each other. 1. A buffing module for buffing a substrate , comprising:a buff table for supporting the substrate, the buff table being rotatable; anda buff head to which a buff pad is attached, being rotatable and movable in a direction of approaching the buff table and a direction of moving away from the buff table;wherein the buff pad includes a first part and a second part arranged so as to surround the first part on an outer side of the first part, the first part and the second part have different characteristics from each other.2. The buff module according to claim 1 ,wherein the characteristics include at least one of a material, hardness, a density, a difference between a single layer and stacked layers, a thickness, a groove shape, compressibility, a pore density, a pore size, a foam structure, a level of water repellency, and a level of hydrophilicity.3. The buff module according to claim 1 ,wherein Shore D hardness is lower in the second part than in the first part.4. The buff module according to claim 1 , whereinan internal supply line for supplying a process liquid for the buffing to the substrate is formed inside the buff head.5. The buff module according to claim 1 , whereinthe first part and the second part are attached to the buff head, andthe first part and the second part are arranged at a certain distance.6. The buff module according to claim 1 ,wherein the buff head further includesan elastic member to which the buff pad is ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056471A1
Автор: Chen Changxu, Hu Weiqin

The present application has disclosed a substrate grinding device, which includes a carrying platform, a lifting platform and a grinding head, the lifting platform is located above the carrying platform and configured to be movable in a direction perpendicular to an upper surface of the carrying platform with respect to the carrying platform upwardly or downwardly; and the grinding head is mounted to the lifting platform and configured to grind a grind region of a substrate to be ground disposed on the carrying platform, the grind region being a region of the substrate where there is a partial scratch. 1. A substrate grinding device , comprising:a carrying platform;a lifting platform located above the carrying platform and configured to be movable in a direction perpendicular to an upper surface of the carrying platform upwardly or downwardly; anda grinding head mounted to the lifting platform and configured to grind a grind region of a substrate to be ground disposed on the upper surface of the carrying platform, the grind region being a region of the substrate where there is a partial scratch.2. The substrate grinding device according to claim 1 , further comprising an up-down guiding pillar provided at an edge of the upper surface of the carrying platform and perpendicular to the upper surface of the carrying platform claim 1 , wherein the lifting platform is mounted on the up-down guiding pillar and configured to be movable in a length direction of the up-down guiding pillar upwardly or downwardly.3. The substrate grinding device according to claim 2 , wherein the upper surface of the carrying platform has a rectangular shape claim 2 , the number of the up-down guiding pillar is two claim 2 , and the two up-down guiding pillars are located at two opposite edges of the upper surface of the carrying platform respectively; andwherein the lifting platform comprises a supporting beam, to which the grinding head is mounted; two opposite ends of the supporting beam are ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056477A1

A polishing system includes a platen having a top surface, an annular polishing pad supported on the platen, a carrier head to hold a substrate in contact with the annular polishing pad, a support structure from which the carrier head is suspended and which is configured to move the hold the carrier head laterally across the polishing pad, and a controller. The platen is rotatable about an axis of rotation that passes through approximately the center of the platen, and the inner edge of the annular polishing pad is positioned around the axis of rotation. The controller is configured to cause the support structure to position the carrier head such that a portion of the substrate overhangs the inner edge of the annular polishing pad while the substrate is contacting the polishing pad. 1. A polishing system , comprising:a platen having a top surface and an aperture in the top surface in approximately a center of the platen such that the top surface is an annular surface to support an annular polishing pad, the platen rotatable about an axis of rotation that passes through approximately the center of the platen;a carrier head to hold a substrate in contact with the annular polishing pad; andan in-situ monitoring system having a probe positioned in or below the aperture and configured to monitor a portion of the substrate that overhangs an inner edge of the annular surface.2. The polishing system of claim 1 , wherein the aperture comprises a recess extending partially but not entirely through the platen.3. The polishing system of claim 2 , comprising a conduit through the platen for liquid polishing residue to drain from the recess.4. The polishing system of claim 1 , wherein the aperture comprises a passage extending entirely through the platen.5. The polishing system of claim 4 , comprising a ring bearing supporting platen.6. The polishing system of claim 5 , wherein the probe is supported on a structure that extends vertically through the ring bearing.7. The polishing ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140134927A1
Принадлежит: STRASBAUGH

A grinding engine includes a work spindle; a work chuck cooperated with the work spindle; a grind spindle; a grind wheel cooperated with the grind spindle; and a plurality of alignment adjustment systems positioned relative to and around the grind spindle, wherein adjustment from any one of the alignment adjustment systems is configured to cause a change in alignment between the work spindle and the grind spindle. 1. A grinding engine , comprising:a work spindle;a work chuck cooperated with the work spindle;a grind spindle;a grind wheel cooperated with the grind spindle;a plurality of alignment adjustment systems positioned relative to and around the grind spindle, wherein adjustment from any one of the alignment adjustment systems is configured to cause a change in alignment between the work spindle and the grind spindle.2. The grind engine of claim 1 , wherein a first alignment adjustment system of the plurality of alignment adjustment systems comprises:an inner adjustment sleeve;an outer adjustment sleeve; anda middle adjustment sleeve mechanically cooperated with the inner adjustment sleeve and the outer adjustment sleeve such that a rotational change of the middle adjustment sleeve induces an axial movement of the outer adjustment sleeve relative to the inner adjustment sleeve.3. The grind engine of claim 2 , wherein the first alignment adjustment system comprises a motor cooperated with the middle adjustment sleeve claim 2 , where activation of the motor is configured to cause rotation of the middle adjustment sleeve.4. The grind engine of claim 3 , wherein the first alignment adjustment system further comprises a reducer coupled between the motor and the middle adjustment sleeve claim 3 , where activation of the motor activates the harmonic drive that rotates the middle adjustment sleeve.5. A method claim 3 , comprising:determining alignment adjustments relative to a grind spindle; andautomatically implementing the adjustments.6. The method of claim 5 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Honing Apparatus for Sharpening Cutting Tools

Номер: US20170057041A1
Автор: Coyle Kevin J

A honing apparatus has a top section which is disposed in a horizontal, transverse plane. First and second guide rails extend along the sides of the top section. A sharpening stone tray is located within the top section between the guard rails and a sharpening stone is positioned within the tray. An electric motor drives the sharpening stone tray in reciprocating motion within a path parallel to the horizontal plane of the top section. A clamp unit is located over the sharpening stone and secures a cutting tool at a given angle on and in relation to the sharpening stone. The reciprocating movement of the sharpening stone allows for precise sharpening of the cutting tool secured in the clamp unit. 1. A honing apparatus for sharpening a cutting tool , said apparatus comprising:a housing having a top section disposed in a horizontal, transverse plane, a first guide rail extending along one side of the top section and a second guide rail extending along the opposite side of the top section;a sharpening stone tray located within the top section and between the guard rails;a sharpening stone positioned within the tray;drive means located in the housing for providing reciprocating movement of the tray within a path parallel to the horizontal, transverse plane of the top section, whereby the reciprocating movement of the tray causes contemporaneous reciprocating movement of the sharpening stone within a path parallel to the horizontal, transverse plane of the top section; andclamp means for securing a cutting tool at a given angle on and in relation to the sharpening stone, whereby the reciprocating movement of the sharpening stone sharpens the cutting tool secured in the clamp means.2. The honing apparatus as in wherein said tray is disposed in a horizontal claim 1 , transverse plane parallel to the horizontal plane of the top section.3. The honing apparatus as in wherein the clamp means comprises clamp rails and a bevel table extending over the sharpening stone claim 1 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057042A1

A grinding or polishing machine () may include a working assembly () and a foldable cart (). The working assembly () may include a grinding head () rotatable to engage a surface for grinding or polishing. The foldable cart () may be releasably coupled to the working assembly (). The foldable cart () may include a mobility assembly () including at least one wheel () and a frame (), and a handle assembly () operably coupled to the frame (). The handle assembly () may include a first frame portion () and a second frame portion (). The first frame portion () and the second frame portion () may be operably coupled to each other via a folding joint (). 1. A grinding or polishing machine comprising:a working assembly including a grinding head rotatable to engage a surface for grinding or polishing; and a mobility assembly including at least one wheel and a frame; and', 'a handle assembly operably coupled to the frame,, 'a foldable cart releasably coupled to the working assembly, the foldable cart comprisingwherein the handle assembly includes a first frame portion and a second frame portion, and the first frame portion and the second frame portion are operably coupled to each other via a folding joint.2. The grinding or polishing machine of claim 1 , wherein the first frame portion is rotatably coupled to the frame claim 1 , andwherein the folding joint is operable to be locked in at least an operating position in which the first frame portion and the second frame portion lie substantially in a same plane and a folded position in which the first frame portion and the second frame portion lie in different planes.3. The grinding or polishing machine of claim 1 , wherein the folding joint is operable to be locked in a plurality of folded positions claim 1 , andwherein the first frame portion lies in a plane substantially parallel to and spaced apart from a plane in which the second frame portion lies in at least one of the folded positions.4. The grinding or polishing machine ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Cooling Device For A Rotating Polishing Disk

Номер: US20210060729A1

A cooling device for a rotating machine has a fan assembly coupled with a backing plate. A hub, on the backing plate, secures the cooling device with a shaft. The backing plate includes one or more vents to enable air to exit the cooling device. The fan includes an opening to enable air to enter the cooling device. A chamber is formed between the fan assembly and the backing plate. During rotation, air is drawn into the opening. The air is passed into the chamber and exits through the vents to cool a work surface or working pad attached to the backing plate. 1. A cooling device for a rotating machine comprising:a fan assembly coupled with a backing plate;the backing plate including one or more vents to enable air to exit the cooling device;the fan assembly including an opening to enable air to enter the cooling device;a chamber formed between the fan assembly and the backing plate; andduring rotation, air is drawn through the fan opening into the chamber and out the one or more vents in the backing plate to cool a work surface or working pad attached to the backing plate.2. The cooling device according to claim 1 , wherein a backing plate hub projects through an aperture in the fan assembly.3. The cooling device according to claim 1 , further comprising a foam pad attached to the backing plate.4. The cooling device according to claim 1 , wherein the fan assembly is of a one piece construction.5. The cooling device according to further comprising:the fan assembly including a shroud with the opening to enable air to enter the cooling device;a separating plate positioned between the shroud and the backing plate;a plurality of vanes positioned between the shroud and the separating plate, the plurality of vanes drawing the air into the cooling device;the chamber is formed between the separating plate and the backing plate.6. The cooling device according to claim 2 , wherein each one of the plurality of vanes is shaped as an airfoil and each vane extends from the shroud ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055163A1

Apparatus and systems are disclosed of a splash guard for a grinder/polisher having a base, a bowl, and a platen having an outer edge to prevent splashing during the grinding/polishing operation. The splash guard includes an inner sidewall, a lower rib, and outer sidewall, and an upper rib. The lower rib has an inner edge that is spaced at least 2.5 centimeters from the outer edge of the platen to prevent pinching of an operator's hands between the platen and the splash guard. The splash guard may also include a recess formed by the upper rib, outer sidewall, and lower rib, and at least a portion of an inner edge of the upper rib is extending further inwardly towards that platen than the inner edge of the lower rib. 1. A splash guard for a grinder polisher having a base , a bowl , and a platen having an outer edge , the splash guard comprising:an inner sidewall having a first end and a second end, and configured to engage with the base such that the first end extends from the base and surrounds the bowl;a lower rib having an inner edge and an outer edge, and extending from the second end of the inner side wall;an outer sidewall having a first end and a second end, and extending from the outer edge of the lower rib such that the first end of the outer sidewall is proximate the outer edge of the lower rib; andan upper rib having an inner edge and an outer edge, and extending inwardly from the second end of the outer sidewall such that the outer edge of the upper rib is proximate the second end of the outer sidewall; andwherein the inner edge of the lower rib is spaced at least 2.5 centimeters from the outer edge of the platen.2. The splash guard of claim 1 , wherein the splash guard further comprises a recess formed by the upper rib claim 1 , outer sidewall claim 1 , and lower rib claim 1 , and at least a portion of the inner edge of the upper rib is extending further inwardly towards the platen than the inner edge of the lower rib.3. The splash guard of claim 1 , ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190057894A1

To detach a substrate from a table without damaging the substrate. According to Embodiment 1, provided is a substrate processing apparatus including a table to hold a substrate, a plurality of lift pins that are arranged at periphery of the table and configured to arrange or separate the substrate on or from the table and to be movable in a direction perpendicular to a surface of the table, a drive mechanism that includes a motor to move the lift pins in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the table, and a control device that is configured to control the drive mechanism. The control device is configured to be capable of moving the lift pins at a first speed and at a second speed different from the first speed. 1. A polishing apparatus comprising:a table configured to support a substrate;a plurality of lift pins arranged at periphery of the table, the lift pins configured to arrange or remove the substrate on or from the table and to be movable in a direction perpendicular to a surface of the table;a drive mechanism including a motor to move the lift pins in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the table;and a control device configured to control the drive mechanism,wherein the control device is configured to be capable of moving the lift pins at a first speed and at a second speed different from the first speed.2. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , an opening defined in its surface; and', 'a fluid passage communicating with the opening., 'wherein the table includes3. The polishing apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the fluid passage is configured to be capable of coupling to at least one of a pure water source, an air source, a nitrogen gas source, a chemical solution source, and a vacuum source.4. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a holding member for holding the lift pins claim 1 ,wherein the holding member is coupled to the drive mechanism and the lift pins are moved by moving the holding member.5. ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141701A1
Автор: MOLLONE Pasquale
Принадлежит: Kunzle & Tasin S.r.l.

A base for sanding machines, grinding machines or the like includes a body () connectable to a machine (M) or integral therewith, the body () being provided with at least three supports (P) arranged in such a manner that their ends (P′) lie on a plane (L) and configured in such a manner that at least one tool (T) of the machine projects at least partly beyond the plane (L) by a portion (D), the body () being provided with elements adapted to vary the position of the plane (L) with respect to the tool (T). 1101010. A base for sanding machines , grinding machines or the like comprising a body () connectable to a machine (M) or integral therewith , said body () being provided with at least three supports (P) arranged in such a manner that their ends (P′) lie on a plane (L) and configured in such a manner that at least one tool (T) of the machine projects at least partly beyond said plane (L) by a portion (D) , said body () being provided with means adapted to vary the position of said plane (L) with respect to said tool (T).2. The base according to claim 1 , wherein said means are configured to vary the position of at least one of said supports (P) with respect to the tool (T) claim 1 , consequently also varying the width of the portion (D).310. The base according to claim 1 , wherein said means are configured to vary the position of the body () claim 1 , and consequently of all the supports (P) with respect to the tool (T).4. The base according to claim 1 , wherein said supports (P) are arranged around a circumference (C) having a larger diameter with respect to that of the tool (T).520. The base according to claim 1 , wherein said supports (P) are provided with swiveling wheels ().620213010. The base according to claim 5 , wherein said swiveling wheels () are spherical wheels comprising at least one ball () placed in a seat () produced in the body () of the base.710111112. The base according to claim 1 , wherein the body () comprises a cover () placed around the tool ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061091A1
Автор: Schmitz Caleb

A processing device is configured for use within a storage container with an interior surface. The processing device can include a chassis with one or more support assemblies. The chassis can support one or more motive assemblies, which can be configured to engage the interior surface for movement of the chassis relative to the interior surface. The one or more support assemblies can be configured to support one or more tools, with the one or more tools being configured to execute one or more processes on the interior surface when the processing device is within the storage container. 1. A processing device for use within a storage container with an interior surface , the processing device comprising:a chassis including one or more support assemblies; andone or more motive assemblies supported by the chassis and configured to engage the interior surface for movement of the chassis relative to the interior surface;the one or more support assemblies being configured to support one or more tools, the one or more tools being configured to execute one or more processes on the interior surface when the processing device is within the storage container.2. The processing device of claim 1 , wherein the chassis includes one or more leg assemblies configured to support the one or more motive assemblies in engagement with the interior surface.3. The processing device of claim 2 , with the storage container including a manhole claim 2 , wherein the one or more leg assemblies are configured to be at least one of telescoping claim 2 , collapsible claim 2 , and foldable claim 2 , to pass through the manhole.4. The processing device of claim 2 , wherein the one or more leg assemblies include one or more suspensions.5. The processing device of claim 2 , wherein the one or more support assemblies to support the one or more tools are distinct from the one or more leg assemblies.6. The processing device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more motive assemblies include one or more Mecanum ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069850A1

The blade holder has a movable plate and a fixture. A rotatable bolt in operative engagement with a block attached to the plate. A motor is in operative engagement with the bolt. The motor rotates the bolt to move the plate towards the fixture to grip a first set of blades until a torque threshold value is reached. The processor determines a number of blades included in the set of blades based on the number of rotations of the bolt. A first grinding portion of a rotating abrasive belt is applied against the set of blades (having width (W)) to sharpen the set of blades. Sliding a vise sideways a distance (W) until a second grinding portion is aligned on top of the second set of blades. 1. A method for automatically sharpening blades , comprising:providing a blade holder having a movable plate and a fixture, a rotatable bolt having a threaded portion in operative engagement with a block attached to the plate, a motor in operative engagement with the bolt;the motor rotating the bolt to move the plate towards the fixture to grip a first set of blades placed therebetween until a torque threshold value is reached;a processor connected to the motor, the processor determining a number of blades included in the set of blades based on the number of rotations of the bolt;{'b': '1', 'applying a first grinding portion of a rotating abrasive belt against the set of blades to sharpen the set of blades, the first grinding portion having a width (W);'}removing the first set of blades and placing a second set of blades between the plate and the fixture; and{'b': '1', 'sliding a vise, attached to the plate, sideways a distance (W) until a second grinding portion is aligned on top of the second set of blades.'}2. The method of wherein the method further comprises the step of the motor automatically reducing a gripping force for a second set of blades wherein the second set of blades includes fewer blades than the first set of blades.3. The method of wherein the method further comprises ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Grinding Head for Floor Grinding Machine and Method of Assembling a Grinding Head, Setting a Belt Tensioner, Servicing, Assembling or Disassembling a Belt Pulley for a Floor Grinding Machine

Номер: US20210069857A1

The present disclosure relates to a grinding head () for a floor grinding machine for grinding floor surfaces of stone or stone-like material. Such a grinding head () comprises a lower casing member (), comprising a lower support () and an upwardly extending edge portion (), and an upper casing number (), comprising an upper cover () and a downwardly extending edge portion (), wherein the upper casing member () is joinable to the lower casing member () by causing axially distal portions of the edge portions to bear on each other. 1. A grinding head for a floor grinding machine for grinding floor surfaces of stone or stone-like material , the grinding head comprising:a hollow grinding head casing enclosing:a drive axle,at least two belt pulleys associated with a respective grinding disk,a belt running over said belt pulleys and said drive axle,a belt tensioner, comprising a tensioner pulley, which is displaceable by rotation about a setting axis, which is spaced from the tensioner pulley by a pulley lever, the setting axis being parallel with an axis of rotation of the grinding head, anda tensioner setting device, for setting a position of the pulley in said direction. by application of a torque about the setting axis,wherein the tensioner setting device is accessible from outside of the grinding head casing, such that the belt tensioner can be adjusted while the grinding head is in an assembled state.2. The grinding head as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a locking device claim 1 , for locking the belt tensioner relative to the grinding head claim 1 , wherein said locking device is also accessible from the outside of the grinding head casing.3. The grinding head as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the locking device comprises a locking lever claim 2 , which is fixedly connected to an axle about which the belt tensioner is rotatable claim 2 , and a locking fastener claim 2 , arranged to releasably fasten the locking lever relative to the casing claim 2 , such ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210074537A1
Автор: GOKITA Yohei

There is provided a wafer grinding method of grinding a wafer having an orientation flat for indicating a crystal orientation in the condition where the wafer is held on a holding surface of a chuck table. The chuck table includes a suction holding portion for holding the wafer under suction and a frame portion surrounding the suction holding portion. The suction holding portion has a first cutout portion corresponding to the orientation flat, and the frame portion has a second cutout portion formed along the first cutout portion. The wafer grinding method includes a holding surface grinding step of grinding the holding surface by using abrasive members of a grinding wheel, and a wafer grinding step of grinding the wafer by using the abrasive members in the condition where the wafer is held on the holding surface ground by the abrasive members. 1. A wafer grinding method of grinding a wafer having an orientation flat for indicating a crystal orientation in a condition where the wafer is held on a holding surface of a chuck table , the chuck table including a suction holding portion for holding the wafer under suction and a frame portion surrounding the suction holding portion , the suction holding portion having a first cutout portion corresponding to the orientation flat , the frame portion having a second cutout portion formed along the first cutout portion , the wafer grinding method comprising:a holding surface grinding step of grinding the holding surface by using abrasive members of a grinding wheel in a condition where the chuck table and the grinding wheel are rotated, the holding surface including an upper surface of the suction holding portion and an upper surface of the frame portion;a holding step of holding the wafer on the holding surface ground by the abrasive members in the holding surface grinding step in a condition where a position of the orientation flat coincides with positions of the first cutout portion and the second cutout portion; anda ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074983A1
Автор: TOYCEN Jeff

The end mill grinding device of the present invention includes a tool spindle assembly and a motor tower which enables multi-axis positioning of a sharpening wheel in relation to an end mill cutting tool being sharpened, for sharpening the end mill tool. The present invention combines linear sharpening and radial tool end grinding capability in the same device. 1. A device for grinding a tool , comprising:a main base having first and second tracks oriented at a right angle to one another in first and second directions;a tool spindle assembly for holding the tool for grinding, the tool spindle assembly including a spindle base reciprocatable on the main base along the first track in the first direction; and a tool spindle mounted on the spindle base for receiving and reciprocating the tool along a longitudinal axis of the tool and parallel to the first direction;a grinding wheel for grinding the tool; anda motor tower assembly for supporting the grinding wheel at different orientations relative to the tool, the motor tower assembly including a tower base reciprocatable on the main base along the second track in the second direction perpendicular to the first direction, the tower base being rotatable on the main base about a vertical tower axis; a motor for rotating the grinding wheel about a motor axis, a motor tower platform rotatable on the tower base about a vertical tower axis; a frame mounted on the platform for supporting the motor with the motor axis intersecting the tower axis, the motor being tiltably mounted in the frame for tilting of the motor axis from horizontal to an angle to horizontal about a tilt axis intersecting with and perpendicular to the motor axis;whereby the motor is movable from a first position wherein an end face of the grinding wheel is parallel to the tool axis and vertical or at different angles from vertical, to a second position wherein the end face is perpendicular to the tool axis and vertical or at different angles from vertical ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Blade Sharpening Devices, Blade Sharpening Systems and Methods of Sharpening a Blade

Номер: US20160074991A1

A blade-sharpening device including a plate having a base and a raised feature. At least one force applicator applies force to a blade placed over the plate deflecting the front and back of the blade toward the plate. A gap may be maintained between the front of the blade and the plate. A blade sharpening system including a blade to be sharpened associated with a support plate. The blade is pre-tensioned over a contact position on the plate. The system includes a sharpening surface for contacting a surface of the blade while the blade is held in a pre-tensioned position. A method of sharpening a blade by providing a blade to be sharpened attached to a surface of the blade to a sharpening surface. 1. A blade sharpening device comprising:a support plate having a base and a raised feature that projects from the base; andat least one force applicator configured to apply force to a blade placed over the support plate and in contact with the raised feature, the at least one force applicator applying force to deflect a front edge of the blade comprising a cutting edge and an opposing back edge of the blade toward the base of the support plate, a gap being present between the front edge of the blade and a front upper surface of the base of the support plate.2. The sharpening device of wherein the raised feature extends widthwise across the base of the support plate and disposed spaced from both a front edge and a back edge of the support plate.3. The sharpening device of wherein the raised feature comprises one or more materials selected from the group consisting of metals claim 2 , metal alloys claim 2 , steel claim 2 , aluminum claim 2 , rubber claim 2 , wood and plastics.4. The sharpening device of wherein the raised feature comprises a magnetized bar having an upper surface claim 2 , wherein a magnetic component is attached a lower surface of the blade claim 2 , and wherein the magnetized component is positioned over the magnetized bar in relationship with adjacent like ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071890A1
Автор: KETELAER Jens
Принадлежит: SAUER GmbH

A method for processing a workpiece made of hard metal for producing a tool main body on a numerically controlled machine tool with tool-carrying work spindle, comprising: accommodating a tool holder that holds a tool on a tool support of the work spindle of the machine tool, wherein the tool holder comprises a vibration generator for generating a vibration of the tool, and processing the workpiece which is clamped on the machine tool and is made of hard metal by the vibrating tool held on the tool holder for working out one or more recesses at the workpiece for producing the tool main body. 1. A method for processing a workpiece made of hard metal for producing a tool main body on a numerically controlled machine tool with a tool-carrying work spindle , comprising:accommodating a tool holder holding a tool at a tool support of the work spindle of the machine tool, wherein the tool holder comprises a vibration generator for generating a vibration of the tool, andprocessing the workpiece which is clamped on the machine tool and made of hard metal by means of the vibrating tool held on the tool holder for working out one or more recesses at the workpiece for producing the tool main body.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe tool is a grinding tool.3. The method according to claim 2 , whereinthe grinding tool comprises a grinding wheel and/or a grinding pencil.4. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibration generator generates vibrations of the tool in a direction axial to the spindle axis direction of the work spindle, in a direction radial to the spindle axis direction of the work spindle and/or in the circumferential direction about the spindle axis of the work spindle.5. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibrations of the tool that are produced by the vibration generator are in the ultrasonic range, in particular at frequencies of greater than 10 kHz.6. The method according to claim 1 , whereina work signal for generating the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088745A1
Автор: Klacking Ryan

A rotor assembly for a floor processing machine includes at least three arms that extend outward from a central axis. Each of the at least three arms include a first surface opposite a second surface and are rigidly fixed from movement relative to each other. A spindle has a proximal end located adjacent the first surface on each of the at least three arms. A distal end has a shaft attachment opening. A distal end of each of the at least three arms include a tool head attachment surface. 1. A rotor assembly for a floor processing machine comprising:at least three arms extending outward from a central axis, each of the at least three arms include a first surface opposite a second surface and are rigidly fixed from movement relative to each other; anda spindle having a proximal end located adjacent the first surface on each of the at least three arms and a distal end having a shaft attachment opening;wherein a distal end of each of the at least three arms include a tool head attachment surface.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least three arms include only three arms with each arm spaced 120 degrees from a circumferentially adjacent arm.3. The assembly of claim 1 , including a separate gusset engaging each of the at least three arms to the spindle.4. The assembly of claim 3 , including a boss attached to a proximal end of the spindle on a first side of the boss and attached to the at least three arms on a second opposite side of the boss.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein each of the gussets engage the spindle and the boss and each of the gussets are removably attached to corresponding one of the at least three arms.6. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the boss is removably attachable to the at least three arms.7. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein a width of first surface of each of the arms is approximately equal to a diameter of the boss.8. The assembly of claim 1 , including a flexible tool head assembly attached to each of the tool head attachment ...
