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20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000118359U1

Малоразмерный пневмопривод, содержащий корпус с проточной частью, пневмодвигатель с приводным валом и регулятор частоты вращения приводного вала, включающий в себя регулировочную камеру со сквозными окнами, расположенную в пределах проточной части и закрепленную на приводном валу, и орган регулирования, причем регулировочная камера содержит цилиндрическую стенку, соосную приводному валу, и две боковые стенки, выполненные в виде дисков, образующих пространство регулировочной камеры, а орган регулирования выполнен в виде упругого кольца, размещенного в пределах указанного пространства, отличающийся тем, что упругое кольцо установлено с прилеганием к наружной поверхности вышеупомянутой цилиндрической стенки, вышеупомянутые сквозные окна выполнены по меньшей мере в одном из дисков, а обращенные друг к другу боковые поверхности дисков на участке, простирающемся в диаметральном направлении от сечения наружной поверхности цилиндрической стенки до периферийного цилиндрического сечения регулировочной камеры, имеют геометрическую форму профиля, при которой величина зазора между указанными боковыми поверхностями дисков в цилиндрическом сечении любого диаметра эквивалентна ширине упругого кольца, растянутого до указанного диаметра эквидистантно наружной поверхности цилиндрической стенки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 118 359 U1 (51) МПК F01D 17/06 (2006.01) F01D 21/02 (2006.01) B24B 47/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012112268/06, 29.03.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.03.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Кузнецов Юрий Павлович (RU), Чуваков Александр Борисович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2012 Бюл. № 20 1 1 8 3 5 9 R U Формула полезной модели Малоразмерный пневмопривод, содержащий корпус с проточной частью, пневмодвигатель с приводным валом и регулятор частоты вращения приводного вала, включающий в себя регулировочную камеру со сквозными окнами, расположенную в ...

31-03-2017 дата публикации

Пневматический привод вращения для ручной шлифовальной машины

Номер: RU0000169771U1

Полезная модель относится к области пневматических приводов, применяемых, в частности, в ручных шлифовальных машинах. Важнейшими требованиями, предъявляемыми к пневматическим приводам ручных шлифовальных машин, являются энергетическая эффективность и эргономичность. В пневматическом приводе, содержащем корпус с камерой высокого давления и камерой низкого давления, упругий элемент, вал, привод вращения, тормозной диск, установленный на валу, и тормозную колодку, установленную в камере низкого давления с возможностью смещения вдоль оси вала и прижатую к тормозному диску упругим элементом, в валу со стороны камеры высокого давления выполнена осевая расточка. В тормозном диске со стороны вала выполнена внутренняя полость, образованная двумя боковыми стенками и периферийной стенкой. Внутренняя полость сообщена с камерой высокого давления через осевую расточку вала. В боковой стенке внутренней полости тормозного диска, обращенной к камере низкого давления, выполнена группа сквозных отверстий. Тормозная колодка имеет форму кольца и установлена напротив указанной группы сквозных отверстий с прилеганием к упомянутой боковой стенке. Технический результат от использования полезной модели заключается в повышении энергетической эффективности пневматического привода и снижении времени инерционного вращения вала после отключения подачи сжатого воздуха. 1 с.п.ф., 2 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 771 U1 (51) МПК B24B 47/14 (2006.01) F01D 15/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016102011, 21.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.01.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 21.01.2016 1795127 A1, 15.02.1993;RU 2113969 C1, 27.06.1998;RU 156420 U1, 10.11.2015;WO 2007008621 A2, 18.01.2007. US 5186603 A, 16.02.1993. R U (54) Пневматический привод вращения для ручной шлифовальной машины (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области внутренняя ...

04-12-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для микроподачи заготовки при финишной обработке резанием

Номер: RU0000175431U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, в частности к обработке материалов резанием. На фигуре 1 изображена структурная схема приспособления для механической обработки деталей, обеспечивающего микрометрическую подачу. Целью полезной модели является повышение точности и увеличение диапазона микроперемещения заготовки при финишной обработке резанием. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 175 431 U1 (51) МПК B24B 47/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016150769, 22.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.12.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 04.12.2017 Бюл. № 34 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2167042 C1, 20.05.2001. RU 2092299 C1, 10.10.1997. RU 2177400 C1, 27.12.2001. DE 2805893 A, 17.08.1978. 1 7 5 4 3 1 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) Устройство для микроподачи заготовки при финишной обработке резанием (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к подачу. машиностроению, в частности к обработке Целью полезной модели является повышение материалов резанием. точности и увеличение диапазона На фигуре 1 изображена структурная схема микроперемещения заготовки при финишной приспособления для механической обработки обработке резанием. деталей, обеспечивающего микрометрическую 1 7 5 4 3 1 Адрес для переписки: 644046, г. Омск, пр-кт Маркса, 35, ФГБОУ ВО "Омский государственный университет путей сообщения" R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Омский государственный университет путей сообщения" (RU) 04.12.2017 U 1 (72) Автор(ы): Аверков Константин Васильевич (RU), Кисель Антон Геннадьевич (RU), Шульева Анастасия Александровна (RU) U 1 U 1 1 7 5 4 3 1 1 7 5 4 3 1 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 175 431 U1 Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, в частности к обработке материалов резанием. На сегодняшний ...

16-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000209425U1

Полезная модель относится к области ручных пневматических шлифовальных машин с вращающимися шлифовальными инструментами. Пневматическая шлифовальная машина содержит корпус с камерой высокого давления и камерой низкого давления, боковую стенку с группой сквозных отверстий, тормозную колодку, размещенную напротив указанных отверстий, и упругий элемент, установленный с прилеганием к тормозной колодке. Камера высокого давления сообщена с камерой низкого давления с помощью группы сквозных отверстий. Тормозная колодка установлена с возможностью перемещений вдоль оси вала под воздействием сжатого воздуха и упругого элемента. На валу в пределах камеры высокого давления установлен тормозной диск. Боковая стенка закреплена неподвижно в корпусе. Тормозная колодка установлена в осевом зазоре между боковой стенкой и тормозным диском и прижата к последнему с помощью упругого элемента. Повышается энергетическая эффективность пневматической шлифовальной машины. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 425 U1 (51) МПК B24B 23/00 (2006.01) B24B 47/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B24B 23/00 (2021.08); B24B 47/14 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021132131, 02.11.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 02.11.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 16.03.2022 Бюл. № 8 2 0 9 4 2 5 R U (54) ПНЕВМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области ручных установлена с возможностью перемещений вдоль пневматических шлифовальных машин с оси вала под воздействием сжатого воздуха и вращающимися шлифовальными инструментами. упругого элемента. На валу в пределах камеры Пневматическая шлифовальная машина содержит высокого давления установлен тормозной диск. корпус с камерой высокого давления и камерой Боковая стенка закреплена неподвижно в низкого давления, боковую стенку с группой корпусе. Тормозная колодка установлена в сквозных ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Eyeglass lens processing apparatus

Номер: US20120083186A1
Автор: Ryoji Shibata
Принадлежит: Nidek Co Ltd

In an eyeglass lens processing apparatus, if a material selector selects a thermoplastic material for the lens, a control unit performs a first step and then a second step. In the first step, the control unit controls a lens rotating unit to position a lens in a plurality of lens rotation angles and controls an axis-to-axis distance changing unit to cause a roughing tool to cut into the lens up to a roughing path for each of the plurality of lens rotation angles, the lens being not rotated by the lens rotating unit when the roughing tool is cutting into the lens up to the roughing path. In the second step, the control unit controls the lens rotating unit and the axis-to-axis distance changing unit to rough the lens based on the roughing path while the lens rotating unit rotates the lens.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Sheet for mounting a workpiece and method for making the same

Номер: US20120094584A1
Принадлежит: San Fang Chemical Industry Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a sheet for mounting a workpiece and a method for making the same. The method includes the steps of: (a) providing a sheet body having a top surface, a bottom surface, at least one side surface and a plurality of pores, wherein some of the pores open at the side surface; and (b) sealing or narrowing the pores that open at the side surface. Since the pores that open at the side surface are sealed or narrowed, the slurry is prevented from entering into the interior of the sheet body. Therefore, the infiltration distance reaches a predetermined value slowly, thereby increasing the effective life of the sheet.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Predictive calculation method for calculating a simulated shape of an engagement ridge to be arranged on the edge face of an ophthalmic lens of a pair of eyeglasses, and a method of beveling

Номер: US20120108144A1

A predictive calculation method for calculating the shape of a cross-section of an engagement ridge of an ophthalmic lens obtained by beveling the lens with a beveling grindwheel driven in accordance with an initial path setting. The method includes the following steps: acquiring the initial path setting for the beveling grindwheel relative to the lens; determining at least two approximations (S ii , S ij ) of the shape of the cross-section under consideration of the engagement ridge, the approximations being deduced from the intersection between the beveling grindwheel and the ophthalmic lens when the beveling grindwheel is situated at two distinct positions of the initial path setting; determining the intersection between these two approximations; and deducing therefrom the shape (S i ) of the cross-section under consideration of the engagement ridge.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Power tool

Номер: US20120255756A1
Автор: Yonosuke Aoki
Принадлежит: Makita Corp

Provided is a power tool which is capable of more reliably detecting excessive reaction torque acting on a tool body. More specifically, provided is a handheld power tool which causes a tip tool to rotate so as to carry out a predetermined machining operation, the handheld power tool comprising a tool body, a motor which is housed in the tool body and causes the tip tool to rotate, a first sensor which detects the torque state of the tip tool, a second sensor which detects the motion state of the tool body, and a torque cut-off mechanism which cuts off the transmission of torque between the motor and the tip tool. The torque cut-off mechanism is configured to cut off the transmission of torque on the condition that the first sensor and the second sensor respectively detect a preset threshold value for the first sensor and the second sensor.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149939A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed is a substrate polishing method capable of minimizing a difference of polishing amounts between a center portion and a rim portion of a large scale plate during a plate polishing process. 1. A method for polishing a substrate by moving an upper plate having a polishing pad installed thereto ,wherein the upper plate performs a polishing process along a quadrangular path, and{'b': 1', '2, 'wherein a travel range (S) by which the upper plate moves in the longitudinal direction of the substrate and a travel range (S) by which the upper plate moves in the transverse direction of the substrate are 90% to 100% of a diameter (D) of the polishing pad installed to the upper plate.'}2. The method for polishing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the path forms a rectangle.4. The method for polishing a substrate according to claim 2 , wherein the path forms a square.5. A large scale plate produced by the method defined in .6. A large scale plate produced by the method defined in .7. A large scale plate produced by the method defined in .8. A large scale plate produced by the method defined in The present application is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/KR2011/005657 filed Aug. 1, 2011, which claims priority to Korean Patent Application No. 10-2010-0074710 filed in the Republic of Korea on Aug. 2, 2010, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates to a large scale plate and its polishing method, and more particularly, to a polishing method capable of minimizing a difference of polishing amounts between a center portion and a rim portion of a large scale plate during a plate polishing process, and a large scale plate produced by the method.Generally, due to mechanical limits, a polishing machine is designed smaller than a large scale plate. In this case, in order to polish the entire surface of the large scale plate, the polishing machine moves while polishing the substrate.Referring to , a travel ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Polishing Pad and Method For Polishing A Semiconductor Wafer

Номер: US20130157543A1
Принадлежит: SILTRONIC AG

A semiconductor wafer is polished, wherein in a first step, the rear side of the wafer is polished by a polishing pad comprising fixedly bonded abrasives having a grain size of 0.1-1.0 μm, while supplying a polishing agent free of solid materials having a pH of at least 11.8, and, in a second step, the front side of the semiconductor wafer is polished, wherein a polishing agent having a pH of less than 11.8 is supplied. A polishing pad for use in apparatuses for polishing semiconductor wafers, has a layer containing abrasives, a layer composed of a stiff plastic and also a compliant, non-woven layer, wherein the layers are bonded to one another by means of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers. 1. A polishing pad for use in apparatuses for polishing semiconductor wafers , comprising a layer containing abrasives , a layer composed of a stiff plastic and also a compliant , non-woven layer , wherein the layers are bonded to one another by means of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers.2. The polishing pad of claim 1 , wherein the layer composed of a stiff plastic comprises a polycarbonate.3. The polishing pad of claim 1 , wherein the polishing pad comprises an additional layer composed of polyurethane foam.4. The polishing pad of claim 1 , wherein the compliant layer comprises polyester fibers.5. The polishing pad of claim 1 , wherein the layer containing abrasives comprises particles of oxides of the elements cerium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , silicon or zirconium or particles of hard materials such as silicon carbide claim 1 , boron nitride or diamond.6. The polishing pad of claim 1 , wherein the layer containing abrasives is a layer containing microreplicated structures.7. The polishing pad of claim 4 , wherein the compliant layer comprises non-woven polyester fibers impregnated with polyurethane.8. The polishing pad of claim 1 , comprising the following layers claim 1 , in order:a) a compliant layer;b) optionally, a foam layer;c) a stiff plastic layer; andd) a fixed ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157549A1

A carrier head for chemical mechanical polishing that has a base, a mounting assembly connected to the base having a surface for contacting a substrate, and a retaining ring secured to the base. The retaining ring can include perfluoroalkoxy, polyetherketoneketone, polybenzimidazole, a semi-crystalline thermoplastic polyester, or a long molecular chain molecule produced from poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide. 1. A retaining ring for a chemical mechanical polishing head , comprising:an upper portion configured to be secured to a base; anda lower portion having a bottom surface to contact a polishing pad during polishing, wherein the lower portion includes a material selected from the group consisting of perfluoroalkoxy and polyetherketoneketone.2. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the lower portion consists of perfluoroalkoxy.3. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the lower portion consists of polyetherketoneketone.4. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the lower portion includes at least one of graphite or carbon fibers.5. The retaining ring of claim 4 , wherein the lower portion includes perfluoroalkoxy.6. The retaining ring of claim 4 , wherein the lower portion includes polyetherketoneketone.7. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion is more rigid than the lower portion.8. The retaining ring of claim 7 , wherein the upper portion comprises stainless steel or aluminum.9. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion and the lower portion are the same material.10. A carrier head for chemical mechanical polishing claim 1 , comprising:a base;a mounting assembly attached to the base having a surface for contacting a substrate; anda retainer having an upper portion configured to be secured to a base and a lower portion having a bottom surface to contact a polishing pad during polishing, wherein the lower portion includes a material selected from the group consisting of perfluoroalkoxy and polyetherketoneketone.11. The ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165028A1

An improved retaining ring used for chemical mechanical polishing of substrates, such as semiconductor wafers, to hold a substrate in place during the polishing process. The retaining rings are configured with inserts through which fasteners are positioned to securely affix the retaining ring to the polishing head. The inserts assist in dissipating the force of the fasteners, thereby allowing a more uniform polishing surface. The opening through which the fastener is positioned may be configured with concave or convex side walls to assist in dissipating the force of the fasteners during installation of the retaining ring or the polishing process. 1. A retaining ring for chemical mechanical polishing comprising:a substantially annular retaining ring having an upper portion, a lower portion, an inner portion and an outer portion; wherein said upper portion is configured with a plurality of grooves and said lower portion is adapted to contact a polishing pad and a semiconductor wafer during polishing; andinserts fixably insertable into said grooves, wherein an opening in said inserts allows a fastener to be passed therethrough to secure said retaining ring to a carrier head, and wherein said openings do not penetrate said lower portion.2. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein said retaining ring is made from polycarbonate claim 1 , polyethylene terpthalate claim 1 , polyethersulphone claim 1 , polyetheretherketone claim 1 , or polyphenelynesulfide.3. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein said insert is made of stainless steel.4. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein said insert is made from a material which deforms less during stress than said retaining ring.5. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein said insert is affixed in said grooves of said retaining ring through use of an adhesive claim 1 , press-fit connectors claim 1 , injection molding claim 1 , overmolding claim 1 , or ultrasonic welding. This utility application is a continuation application claiming ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Template for calibrating a machine used to machine an ophthalmic lens, device and method using such a template

Номер: US20130190919A1

A calibration template for calibrating a machining device that has blocking elements for blocking an ophthalmic lens, and machining elements for machining the ophthalmic lens, the template including a fastener portion suitable for being fastened to the blocking elements and a calibration portion arranged around the fastener portion. The calibration portion is made out of a material that is suitable for being machined by the machining elements, and presents firstly a plurality of shape patterns, and secondly a plurality of visual identifiers each visually associated with one of the shape patterns.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Head structure of pneumatic tool

Номер: US20130206442A1
Автор: Nan-Hsin WANG
Принадлежит: Master Air Tool Co Ltd

A head structure of a pneumatic tool has an accommodation room in a pneumatic tool body. A driving gear and a transmission unit are pivoted in the accommodation room. The transmission unit includes a gear member having a transmission gear to mesh with the driving gear. The rear end of the gear member is provided with a gear rod. A bearing fitted on the gear rod is limited to a first limit portion at the distal end of the transmission gear. The gear rod is connected with a connection member which has a second connection portion to engage with the first connection portion. The connection member has a second limit portion adapted to limit another side of the bearing. The limit member is secured to the distal end of the accommodation room. The limit member is adapted to limit the bearing in the accommodation room.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210324A1

The present invention relates to a polishing apparatus for polishing an object to be polished (substrate) such as a semiconductor wafer to a flat mirror finish. The polishing apparatus includes a polishing table configured to support a polishing pad, a polishing head having a top ring configured to press an object to be polished against the polishing pad while the object to be polished is rotated, and a dresser head having a dresser configured to dress the polishing pad. The polishing apparatus has a head cover having a purge gas introducing unit configured to introduce a purge gas into the head cover and an exhausting unit configured to exhaust the interior of the head cover. The pressure in the head cover is set to a pressure level slightly higher than the pressure outside the head cover, and main components of the polishing head are housed in the head cover. 1. A polishing apparatus comprising:a polishing table configured to support a polishing pad;a polishing head having a top ring configured to press an object to be polished against the polishing pad while the object to be polished is rotated;a dresser head having a dresser configured to dress the polishing pad; anda head cover having a purge gas introducing unit configured to introduce a purge gas into the head cover and an exhausting unit configured to exhaust the interior of the head cover;wherein the pressure in the head cover is set to a pressure level slightly higher than the pressure outside the head cover, and main components of the polishing head are housed in the head cover.2. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a pressure of the purge gas introduced into the head cover is in the range of 0.15 to 0.25 MPa and a flow rate of the purge gas is in the range of 40 to 60 L/min.3. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the head cover is formed into a hollow box composed of a plurality of plate-like members joined together claim 1 , and hermetic seals are applied to ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Oscillating rotary electric power tool

Номер: US20130220659A1
Принадлежит: Makita Corp

An oscillating rotary electric power tool, in which a spindle with a distal end tool attached thereto is projected downward from a front end portion of a housing accommodating a motor, and the housing also accommodates a coupling member rotatable integrally with an output shaft of the motor, a crankshaft fitted with the coupling member in a depression and projection fitting structure, and a link member to which the spindle is fixed and power is transmitted from the crankshaft to rotate clockwise and counterclockwise in an oscillating manner so that the link member will be driven by the motor to rotate the spindle clockwise and counterclockwise in the oscillating manner, wherein an elastic body is interposed between the coupling member and the crankshaft in the same axial direction as the output shaft.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Stepped Retaining Ring

Номер: US20130231031A1

A two part retaining ring is described. A rigid upper portion has an annular recess along its inner diameter. An annular wearable lower portion has an inner diameter, an annular extension defined by the inner diameter and a vertical wall that is perpendicular to a surface of the second portion and opposite to the inner diameter. The annular extension fits into the annular recess of the annular first portion. A bonding material is on the vertical wall of the annular second portion. 118-. (canceled)19. A retaining ring , comprising:an annular lower portion of a first material, the lower portion having a lower surface to contact a polishing pad and an upper surface, wherein the upper surface of the lower portion includes an upwardly projecting step positioned along an inner diameter of the lower portion, and wherein a remainder of the upper surface of the lower portion between the step and an outer diameter of the lower portion is flat;an annular upper portion of a different second material, the upper portion having a lower surface and an upper surface, wherein the lower surface of the upper portion includes a recess positioned along an inner diameter of the upper portion and the step fits into the recess, and wherein a remainder of the lower surface of the upper portion between the recess and an outer diameter of the upper portion is flat; anda bonding layer securing the lower portion to the upper portion.20. The retaining ring of claim 19 , wherein the bonding layer includes an epoxy material.21. The retaining ring of claim 19 , wherein the bonding layer is between about 4 mils and 20 mils.22. The retaining ring of claim 19 , wherein the step is annular.23. The retaining ring of claim 19 , wherein the step includes a vertical wall on a side of the step closer to the outer diameter of the lower portion claim 19 , and the recess includes a vertical wall on a side of the recess closer to the outer diameter of the upper portion claim 19 , the vertical wall of the step ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252518A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

A method and apparatus for chemical mechanical polishing of substrates, and more particularly a method and apparatus related to a carrier had for use in chemical mechanical polishing is provided. in one embodiment the carrier head assembly comprises a base assembly for providing support to the substrate, a flexible membrane mounted on the base assembly haying a generally circular central portion with a lower surface that provides a substrate mounting surface, and a plurality of independently pressurizable chambers formed between the base assembly and the flexible membrane, comprising an annular outer chamber and a non-circular inner chamber, is provided. 1. A carrier head assembly capable of rotation about a centerline for chemical mechanical polishing of a substrate , comprising:a base assembly configured to provide support for the substrate; anda flexible membrane mounted on the base assembly having a generally circular central portion with a lower surface that provides a substrate mounting surface, wherein an annular outer chamber and a non-concentric inner chamber are formed between the base assembly and the flexible membrane, the non-concentric inner chamber is non-concentric relative to the centerline, and the annular chamber and the non-concentric inner chamber are independently pressurizable.2. The carrier head assembly of claim 1 , wherein the non-concentric inner chamber is defined by an annular flap secured to the base assembly to form the independently pressurizable chambers.3. The carrier head assembly of claim 2 , wherein the flexible membrane further comprises an annular perimeter portion that extends away from the lower surface for connection to the base assembly claim 2 , wherein the annular flap extends from an inner surface of the of the central portion.4. The carrier head assembly of claim 3 , wherein the annular flap is secured to the base assembly to divide the volume between the flexible membrane and the base assembly into the independently ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260641A1
Автор: KIKUCHI Yoshihiro

There is provided a circumference calculating device including an expected shape specifying part configured to obtain an expected finish shape of a bevel in consideration of an interference amount of a beveling tool when beveling is performed to an uncut spectacle lens; and a theoretical circumference calculating part configured to obtain a bevel circumference of the spectacle lens having the expected finish shape obtained by the expected shape specifying part , as a theoretical circumference of this spectacle lens. 1. A method of calculating a circumference , comprising:obtaining an expected finish shape of a bevel in consideration of an interference amount of a beveling tool when beveling is performed to an uncut spectacle lens; andsetting a bevel circumference in a spectacle lens having the expected finish shape as a theoretical circumference of the spectacle lens.2. The method of calculating a circumference according to claim 1 , comprising:obtaining a contact mode of a probe of a measuring machine for measuring the bevel circumference of the spectacle lens, in contact with a bevel of the spectacle lens having the expected finish shape; andobtaining the theoretical circumference of the spectacle lens based on a locus of the probe when the probe moves in a circumferential direction of the spectacle lens in contact with the bevel, as a theoretical circumference of the spectacle lens.3. The method of calculating a circumference according to claim 2 , comprising:obtaining the expected finish shape at each measurement point set at a plurality of places in the circumferential direction of the spectacle lens; andobtaining the contact mode of the probe, in contact with the bevel having the expected finish shape at each measurement point.4. A method of manufacturing a spectacle lens claim 2 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'comparing a theoretical circumference obtained using the method of calculating a circumference described in , and a ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Carrier head for chemical mechanical polishing system

Номер: US20130260654A1
Автор: Joon Mo Kang
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed herein is a carrier head for a chemical mechanical polishing system. The carrier head for a chemical mechanical polishing system includes a base. A substrate receiving member having an outer surface against which a substrate can be mounted is connected to a lower part of the base. Inside of the substrate receiving member, at least two bladders are connected to the lower part of the base. The at least two bladders can apply pressure independently to predetermined areas of an inner surface of the substrate receiving member by expanding and contacting the inner surface. At least one wall structure is connected to the lower part of the base, wherein the at least one wall structure can limit lateral expansions of the at least two bladders.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273816A1

The present invention discloses an automatic polishing device and the method of using the device for the surface finishing of a workpiece such as complex-curved-profile parts. Automatic polishing is performed by mounting the workpiece on an apparatus which enables different orientations along multiple axes and immerging the workpiece in a controlled flow of abrasive slurry. The device of the present invention provides a uniform finish on free form surface. It is also precise, low cost, non-destructive, and non-polluting. 1. An automatic polishing device for the surface finishing of a workpiece comprisingat least one container for holding an abrasive slurry;one or more driving apparatuses for controlling the relative movement between said abrasive slurry and the workpiece in said abrasive slurry; andone or more mounting apparatuses for mounting at least one workpiece inside said abrasive slurry,wherein said one or more mounting apparatuses automatically adjust the orientation of said at least one workpiece along one or more axes in a controlled manner.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said abrasive slurry comprises one or more ofa plurality of abrasive particles, a carrying liquid, a plurality of elastic polymer particles, and/or a plurality of magnetic particles.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein said abrasive slurry is magnetic or non-magnetic.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein said abrasive particles are silicon carbide (SiC) and/or aluminum oxide (AlO).5. The device of claim 1 , wherein said one or more driving apparatuses provides a controlled driving force for controlling the relative movement between said abrasive slurry and said at least one workpiece in said abrasive slurry by exerting mechanical force claim 1 , electromagnetic force claim 1 , or a combination of both mechanical and electromagnetic forces.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein said one or more driving apparatuses comprises one or more of liquid pumps claim 1 , magnetic boards claim 1 , rotating ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273818A1

A manipulator includes a controlling seat, a robot arm assembly and a polishing mechanism. The robot arm assembly is rotatably connected to the controlling seat; and the polishing mechanism is mounted on the robot arm assembly. The polishing mechanism includes a housing with a first mounting portion and a second mounting portion, a pair of magnetic valves mounted in the housing and electrically connected to the controlling seat, a first polishing assembly partially received in the first mounting portion, and a second polishing assembly partially received in the second mounting portion. The first polishing assembly and the second polishing assembly define an angle therebetween and are respectively connected to the pair of magnetic valves, such that the pair of magnetic valves controls the first and the second polishing assembly respectively to polish one or more workpiece. The present invention further discloses a polishing mechanism of the manipulator. 1. A manipulator configured for polishing one or more workpiece , comprising:a controlling seat;a robot arm assembly rotatably connected to the controlling seat; anda polishing mechanism mounted on the robot arm assembly, the polishing mechanism comprising:a housing comprises a first mounting portion and a second mounting portion;a pair of magnetic valves received in the housing and electrically connected to the controlling seat;a first polishing assembly partially received in the first mounting portion; anda second polishing assembly partially received in the second mounting portion, wherein the first polishing assembly and the second polishing assembly define an angle therebetween and are respectively connected to the pair of magnetic valves, such that the pair of magnetic valves controls the first polishing assembly and the second polishing assembly, respectively, to polish a workpiece.2. The manipulator of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a rear cover and a front cover combined to the rear cover claim 1 , ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316623A1

An apparatus for chemical mechanical planarization includes a spindle assembly structure and at least one substrate carrier, which make a linear lateral movement relative to each other while abrasive surfaces of a plurality of cylindrical spindles in the spindle assembly structure contact, and rotate against, at least one substrate mounted on the at least one substrate carrier. The direction of the linear lateral movement is within the plane that tangentially contacts the plurality of cylindrical spindles, and can be orthogonal to the axes of rotation of the plurality of cylindrical spindles. 1. An apparatus for chemical mechanical planarization comprising:a spindle assembly structure including a plurality of cylindrical spindles, wherein each of said cylindrical spindles is configured to rotate around its axis of cylindrical symmetry, and a two-dimensional plane tangentially contacts cylindrical surfaces of said plurality of cylindrical spindles; andat least one substrate carrier that is configured to hold at least one substrate and mounted on a carrier platform, wherein said spindle assembly structure and said carrier platform are configured to move relative to each other along a direction that is parallel to said two-dimensional plane.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein multiple cylindrical spindles in said plurality of cylindrical spindles have axes of cylindrical symmetry that are parallel to one another.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said axes of cylindrical symmetry are arranged in a one-dimensional array having a pitch.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said multiple cylindrical spindles in said plurality of cylindrical spindles have a same radius.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said axes of cylindrical symmetry are oriented along a first direction that is parallel to said two-dimensional plane claim 2 , and said direction along which said spindle assembly structure and said carrier platform are configured to move relative to each other is ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316627A1
Принадлежит: Edmond Arzuman Abrahamians

A carrier assembly includes carrier protrusions extending outward from a base plate front face, one protrusion for each wafer to be polished. Each carrier protrusion has a front face separated from the base plate front face. An optional detachable ring may surround each protrusion front face to form a cavity for holding a wafer. In some examples of a carrier assembly, a frame having a separate aperture for each carrier protrusion holds all the detachable rings against the base plate front face. In other examples of a carrier assembly, the detachable rings are omitted, or a separate retaining ring for each carrier protrusion replaces the frame. A carrier protrusion may optionally be formed with edge relief to allow part of the wafer to deflect away from a polishing pad during polishing. A compressible elastic material may optionally be placed between a wafer and a carrier protrusion. 1. A carrier assembly for wafer polishing , comprising:a base plate comprising a base plate front face; a protrusion front face separated from said base plate front face and from any other of said at least three carrier protrusions; and', 'a peripheral wall extending from said base plate to a perimeter of said protrusion front face; and, 'at least three carrier protrusions extending outward from said base plate front face, wherein each of said carrier protrusions comprisesa frame comprising a front surface, wherein said frame is removably attachable to said base plate front face with a plurality of threaded fasteners, said frame is formed with a separate carrier protrusion aperture for each of said at least three carrier protrusions, and each of said carrier protrusion extends into a separate one of said carrier protrusion aperture with said front surface of said frame farther from said base plate front face than each of said protrusion front face.2. The carrier assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least three detachable rings claim 1 , wherein each of said at least three ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316628A1

A flexible membrane for a polishing head includes a main part having a first surface configured to make contact with a surface of a substrate and a second surface opposite to the first surface, a plurality of extensions extending substantially perpendicularly from the second surface of the main part so as to define a plurality of independent spaces, respectively, and an inner ring coupled with an inner side of an outermost extension of the extensions to support an edge portion of the main part. A bottom surface of the inner ring is substantially flat. 1. A flexible membrane for a polishing head , the flexible membrane comprising:a main part having a first surface configured to make contact with a surface of a substrate and a second surface opposite to the first surface;a plurality of extensions extending substantially perpendicularly from the second surface of the main part so as to define a plurality of independent spaces, respectively; andan inner ring coupled with an inner side of an outermost extension of the extensions to support an edge portion of the main part, wherein a bottom surface of the inner ring being substantially flat.2. The flexible membrane of claim 1 , wherein the main part and the extensions comprise a flexible material.3. The flexible membrane of claim 1 , wherein the inner ring comprises one of a flexible material or a nonflexible material.4. The flexible membrane of claim 1 , wherein the inner ring has a sidewall having a shape corresponding to a shape of a sidewall of the outermost extension claim 1 , and the sidewall of the inner ring is disposed in the sidewall of the outermost extension.5. The flexible membrane of claim 1 , wherein the inner ring has a same height along a circumference of the inner ring.6. The flexible membrane of claim 1 , wherein an inner wall of the inner ring is vertical.7. The flexible membrane of claim 1 , wherein an inner wall of the inner ring includes a first portion having a vertical slope claim 1 , a second ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324017A1

A retaining ring includes an annular lower portion and an annular upper portion. The annular lower portion has a main body with a bottom surface for contacting a polishing pad during polishing, an inner rim projecting upward from the main body, an outer rim projecting upward from the main body and separated from the inner rim by a gap, and a plurality of azimuthally separated interlock features positioned between the inner rim and the outer rim, each interlock feature projecting upwardly from the main body. The annular upper portion has a top surface and a bottom surface and a plurality of azimuthally separated recesses in the bottom surface, the recesses defining thin portions of the upper portion, the plurality of interlock features fitting into the plurality of recesses. The lower portion is a plastic and the upper portion is a material that is more rigid than the plastic. 1. A retaining ring , comprising:an annular lower portion having a main body with a bottom surface for contacting a polishing pad during polishing, an inner rim projecting upward from the main body, an outer rim projecting upward from the main body and separated from the inner rim by a gap, and a plurality of azimuthally separated interlock features positioned between the inner rim and the outer rim, each interlock feature projecting upwardly from the main body, wherein the lower portion is a plastic; andan annular upper portion having a top surface and a bottom surface and a plurality of azimuthally separated recesses in the bottom surface, the recesses defining thin portions of the upper portion, the plurality of interlock features fitting into the plurality of recesses, and wherein the upper portion is a material that is more rigid than the plastic.2. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the material is a metal or ceramic.3. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the lower portion has a durometer measurement between about 80 and 95 on the Shore D scale.4. The retaining ring of claim 1 , ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334752A1

A flexible membrane for use in a carrier head has a generally circular main portion with a lower surface, an annular outer portion for connection to a base assembly, and an annular flap extending from the main portion on a side opposite the lower surface for connection to the base assembly. At least one surface of the flap has a surface texture to prevent adhesion. 120-. (canceled)21. A flexible membrane for a carrier head of a chemical mechanical polishing system , comprising:a generally circular main portion with an upper surface and a lower surface to provide a mounting surface for a substrate;an outer annular portion extending upwardly from an outer edge of the main portion, the outer annular portion including a rim to contact and be clamped to the carrier head; andan annular flap extending upwardly from the upper surface of the main portion at a position spaced inwardly from the outer edge, the annular flap ending in an edge portion to contact and be clamped to the carrier head,wherein the mounting surface and a surface of the annular flap between the upper surface and the lip portion have a first surface texture, and the edge portion has a different second surface texture that is smoother than the first surface texture.22. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein the upper surface has the first surface texture.23. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein only one side of the annular flap has the first surface texture.24. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein both sides of the annular flap has the first surface texture.25. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein the second surface texture is provided by an inherent surface roughness of a material of the membrane.26. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein the first surface texture is a regular array.27. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein the first surface texture is a random surface texture.28. The flexible membrane of claim 21 , wherein the first surface texture comprises a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004779A1

A substrate holding apparatus is used for holding a substrate such as a semiconductor wafer in a polishing apparatus for polishing and planarizing the substrate. The substrate holding apparatus includes an elastic membrane, a top ring body for holding the elastic membrane, and a plurality of pressure chambers partitioned by at least one partition wall of the elastic membrane. The substrate is held by a lower surface of the elastic membrane and pressed against the polishing surface with a fluid pressure by supplying a pressurized fluid to the pressure chambers. The substrate holding apparatus further include a stopper configured to limit the inflation of the elastic membrane by being brought into contact with a part of the partition wall of the elastic membrane or an extending member extending from a rear surface of the elastic membrane whose surface serves as a substrate holding surface. 1. A substrate holding apparatus for holding a substrate to be polished and pressing the substrate against a polishing surface , comprising;an elastic membrane;a top ring body for holding said elastic membrane;a plurality of pressure chambers partitioned by at least one partition wall of said elastic membrane between said elastic membrane and a lower surface of said top ring body, the substrate being held by a lower surface of said elastic membrane and being pressed against the polishing surface with a fluid pressure by supplying a pressurized fluid to said plurality of pressure chambers; anda stopper configured to limit the inflation of said elastic membrane by being brought into contact with a part of said partition wall of said elastic membrane or an extending member extending from a rear surface of said elastic membrane whose surface serves as a substrate holding surface, when the pressurized fluid is supplied to at least one of said pressure chambers in a state that the substrate held by said elastic membrane is not brought into contact with the polishing surface.2. A substrate ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Grinding tool with eccentric rotation shaft

Номер: US20140011435A1
Автор: Koji Kaneko
Принадлежит: KEITECH CO Ltd

A grinding tool with an eccentric rotation shaft of a grinding disc with attached grinding material installed via a hearing at a position that is shifted from the central drive shaft line of a rotating disc fixed on a drive shaft, comprises a clutch in which a grinding disc-side clutch component member installed on the grinding disc or on the eccentric rotation shaft that is fixed to the grinding disc and a rotating disc-side clutch component member installed on the rotating disc are linked via a sliding surface capable of sliding and of transmitting the drive force. The rotation rate of the grinding disc is limited to a stable range of rotation rates, preventing extreme elevation in the rotation rate and extreme reduction in the rotation rate; the workpiece is ground efficiently; and the tool does riot generate marks or patterns on the ground surface.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Hand-Held Tool With Rotary-Oscillatory Drive

Номер: US20140020918A1
Автор: KLABUNDE Olaf

The invention discloses a hand-held tool having a housing with a gear head, having a motor shaft that can be driven in rotation by a motor and that can be coupled, by means of an eccentric coupling mechanism, to a tool spindle in order to drive the latter, wherein the tool spindle can be driven in an oscillatory rotating manner about the longitudinal axis thereof and is configured to receive a tool, wherein the eccentric coupling mechanism has a coupling member which is coupled to the motor shaft and to the tool spindle, and wherein the coupling member is furthermore mounted pivotably on a carrier element coupled to the housing. The carrier element is preferably capable of being moved in translation or pivoted relative to the housing. 1. A hand-held tool comprising;a housing;a gear head received within said housing;a motor received within said housing and having a motor shaft that is rotatingly driven by said motor;a tool spindle received within said housing substantially perpendicularly to said motor shaft and having one end protruding from said gear head for receiving a tool;a carrier element received on said housing;an eccentric coupling mechanism received within said housing, said eccentric coupling mechanism being coupled to said motor shaft and to said tool spindle for driving said tool spindle in an oscillatory rotating manner about a longitudinal axis thereof, said eccentric coupling mechanism comprising a coupling member being configured as a lever and being mounted pivotably on said carrier element, said coupling member being coupled to said motor shaft and to said tool spindle; anda mass balancing arrangement being coupled to said eccentric coupling mechanism and being configured to impart to said eccentric coupling mechanism a balancing motion opposed to an oscillatory rotary output motion of said tool spindle.2. The hand-held tool of claim 1 , wherein said coupling member comprises two lever sections between which there is provided a bearing location ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Retaining Ring With Shaped Surface

Номер: US20140053981A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

A retaining ring can be shaped by machining or lapping the bottom surface of the ring to form a shaped profile in the bottom surface. The bottom surface of the retaining ring can include flat, sloped and curved portions. The lapping can be performed using a machine that dedicated for use in lapping the bottom surface of retaining rings. During the lapping the ring can be permitted to rotate freely about an axis of the ring. The bottom surface of the retaining ring can have curved or flat portions. 19-. (canceled)10. A retaining ring for a chemical mechanical polisher , comprising:a generally annular body having a top surface, an inner diameter surface, an outer diameter surface and a bottom surface, wherein the bottom surface includes a generally horizontal portion adjacent the inner diameter surface and a sloped portion adjacent the outer diameter surface, wherein a difference in height across the bottom surface is between 0.001 mm and 0.03 mm, and wherein an edge of the bottom surface at the inner diameter surface is below an edge of the bottom surface at the outer diameter surface.11. The retaining ring of claim 10 , wherein the bottom surface has a continuous curve from the inner diameter surface to the outer diameter surface.12. The retaining ring of claim 10 , wherein the slope of the bottom surface increases toward the outer diameter surface.13. The retaining ring of claim 10 , wherein the bottom surface consists of the generally horizontal portion consists of the sloped portion claim 10 , and wherein in a cross section across a radius of the retaining ring claim 10 , the sloped portion is linear.1416-. (canceled)17. A retaining ring for a chemical mechanical polisher claim 10 , comprising:a generally annular body having a top surface, an inner diameter surface, an outer diameter surface and a bottom surface, wherein the bottom surface includes a convex portion adjacent the inner diameter surface and a concave portion adjacent the outer diameter surface, ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for grinding wafers by shaping resilient chuck covering

Номер: US20140057531A1
Автор: Kassir Salman M.

This method facilitates and improves the production of quality thin wafers by adhering traditional resilient back-grind tape that has been perforated over the area that will contact the wafer on the ceramic porous grind chuck, so as to allow vacuum to be applied to the wafer back surface to hold the wafer for processing. The tape adhering to the chuck is ground with a abrasive grind wheel, bringing the surface of the tape parallel to the chuck surface which was previously ground by the same grinding device. Grinding the tape while it is mounted on the chuck establishes the plane perpendicular to the grind wheel spindle, removes the bumpiness from the perforation holes and evens out the non-uniformity of the tape, resulting in improved wafer back side grinding and thus good site flatness. 1. A method of grinding a first wafer having first and second surfaces comprising the steps of:providing a grind chuck having first and second surfaces;providing a first resilient member having top and bottom surfaces;cutting the resilient member to a size and shape that conforms to said first surface of said chuck;placing said bottom surface of said resilient member on the first surface of said chuck;grinding the top surface of the resilient member to remove debris therefrom and shape the top surface thereof utilizing a first grinding apparatus;placing said first wafer on said top surface of said resilient member;securing said first wafer to said grind chuck; andgrinding the first surface of said first wafer to the desired shape using said first grinding apparatus.2. The method of wherein openings are formed in said resilient member.3. The method of wherein said grinding chuck is porous.4. The method of wherein openings are formed in said grind chuck.5. The method of further including the step of removing said first wafer from said grinding chuck and inverting said first wafer such that said second surface thereof faces said first chuck surface.6. The method of wherein a vacuum is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065934A1

An elastic membrane is used in a substrate holding apparatus for holding a substrate such as a semiconductor wafer and pressing the substrate against a polishing surface. The elastic membrane includes a plurality of concentrically circumferential walls configured to define a plurality of pressurizing areas for pressing the substrate. The pressurizing areas includes a central pressurizing area located at a central part of the elastic membrane, an annular edge pressurizing area located at the outermost part of the elastic membrane, and a plurality of intermediate pressurizing areas located between the central pressurizing area and the annular edge pressurizing area. The area width of at least one of the intermediate pressurizing areas is set in a range to allow a polishing rate responsive width not to vary even when the area width is varied. 1. An elastic membrane for use in a substrate holding apparatus for holding a substrate , said elastic membrane comprising:a plurality of concentrically circumferential walls configured to define a plurality of pressurizing areas for pressing the substrate, said plurality of pressurizing areas comprising a central pressurizing area located at a central part of said elastic membrane, an annular edge pressurizing area located at the outermost part of said elastic membrane, and a plurality of intermediate pressurizing areas located between said central pressurizing area and said annular edge pressurizing area;wherein an area width of at least one of said intermediate pressurizing areas is set in a range to allow a polishing rate responsive width not to vary even when the area width is varied.2. The elastic membrane according to claim 1 , wherein said polishing rate responsive width corresponds to a radial area of the substrate determined in each of said plurality of intermediate pressurizing areas; andan absolute value of variation between a polishing rate when the substrate is polished under certain pressure condition and a ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Machine tool braking apparatus

Номер: US20140069756A1
Автор: Florian Esenwein

A machine tool braking apparatus, in particular a hand-held machine tool braking apparatus, of a portable machine tool, includes at least one mechanical braking unit that has at least one movably mounted braking element and includes at least one output unit that has at least one output element. The braking unit includes at least one actuating element that is intended to move the braking element, at least in one operating state, at least substantially perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the output element.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Electric Hand Power-Tool Appliance Having Means of Securing a Tool Against Loss

Номер: US20140080387A1
Автор: Ludwig Kuether
Принадлежит: Metabowerke GmbH and Co

An electric hand power-tool appliance is described and which includes a spindle, a tool mounted on the spindle, a supporting element mounted on the spindle and which is movable along the spindle on a path L, and against a force F, and in the direction of the electric hand power-tool appliance, and which increases the safety of the electric hand power-tool appliance.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Modified Microgrinding Process

Номер: US20140094094A1

A method of forming a substrate is performed by grinding a substrate using abrasives so that both major surfaces of the substrate achieve desired flatness, smoothness, or both. In an embodiment, a coarser abrasive is used to grind one major surface, while a finer abrasive is simultaneously used to grind the other major surface. A single grinding step can used to produce a substrate having opposing surfaces of different surface roughnesses. This may help to eliminate a typical second downstream fine polishing step used in the prior art. Embodiments can be used with a wide variety of substrates, including sapphire, silicon carbide and gallium nitride single crystal structures grown by various techniques. 1. A method of machining a wafer having first and second opposing major surfaces , the method comprising:grinding a first major surface of a wafer using a first fixed abrasive; andgrinding a second major surface of the wafer using a second fixed abrasive, the second fixed abrasive having a grit size that is coarser than the grit size of the first fixed abrasive, wherein at least a portion of the grinding of the first and second major surfaces of the wafer occurs simultaneously.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wafer is a sapphire substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first fixed abrasive has a mean abrasive particle size of no more than 5 microns claim 1 , no more than 20 microns claim 1 , no more than 35 microns claim 1 , or no more than 75 microns.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second fixed abrasive has a mean abrasive particle size of at least 60 microns claim 1 , at least 80 microns claim 1 , at least 100 microns claim 1 , or at least 200 microns.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the difference between the average abrasive particle size in the upper fixed abrasive disk and the average abrasive particle size in the lower fixed abrasive disk is at least 20 microns claim 1 , at least 50 microns claim 1 , or at least 100 microns.6. The method ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094100A1
Автор: YANG Tai-Her

The present invention is an original direct motor-drive portable angle grinder with a disc type motor installed in a position adjacent to the grinding wheel and an outer motor rotating part coaxially and directly driving the grinding wheel. By means of the direct drive, the present invention prevents the emission of noise made by angle type transmission devices. Moreover, an inertial body is installed on the rotating housing that is integrated with the rotating part to form a flywheel or the rotating housing and the inertial body are integrated into a single reinforced structure to enable a flywheel function in order to improve the grinding, polishing and machining or cutting abilities of the grinding wheel. 1. A direct motor-driven angle grinder , comprising:a drive motor having an inner housing part, a rotating outer housing part that encloses the motor and surrounds the inner housing part, and a spindle connected to the rotating outer housing part;a handle fixed to an extending from the inner housing part, wherein an angle between an axis of the handle and an axis of the housing is between 30° and 150°; andone of a grinding wheel and a circular saw fixed to the spindle so as to rotate with the rotating outer housing and be directly driven by the drive motor,wherein the rotating outer housing part of the drive motor serves as a flywheel during operation of the motor to rotate the grinding wheel or circular saw.2. A direct motor-driven angle grinder as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a guard installed on one side of grinding wheel or circular saw and the rotating outer housing part claim 1 , and adjacent to the handle.3. A direct motor-driven angle grinder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the manually operated electro-mechanical control device is arranged to carry out one or more of the following control functions: turn the motor on and off and control a rotational speed of the motor.4. A direct motor-driven angle grinder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001493A1
Автор: Liaw Yi-Jung

A grinding package fitted on robotic arm includes a main body, a pneumatic motor, a bridging part and a grinding tool. The main body is formed with a first space, a second space, a communicating hole communicating the first space to the second space, a connecting wall within the first space, an intake channel, an exhaust channel, openings of the first space and the second space respectively located on each of two parallel sides of the main body, the connecting wall having a ventilation hole. The pneumatic motor includes a motor body within the first space, and a transmission shaft connected to the motor body while extended from the second space through the communicating hole. The bridging part is combined with the main body and the robotic arm, the bridging part closing off the first space, the grinding tool facing the second space and being joined to the transmission shaft. 1. A grinding package fitted on a robotic arm , comprising:a main body forming a first space, a second space, a communicating hole communicating the first space to the second space, a connecting wall being provided within the first space and separating the first space into an intake region and a working region, an intake channel communicated to the intake region, an exhaust channel communicated to the working region, openings of the first space and the second space being respectively located on each of two parallel sides of the main body, the main body provided with a bearing mounting groove which is located within the second space and corresponding to the communicating hole, and the connecting wall being provided with a ventilation hole communicating the intake region to the working region;a pneumatic motor including a motor body provided within the working region, and a transmission shaft connected to the motor body while extended from the second space through the communicating hole;a first bearing located in the bearing mounting groove and provided for the transmission shaft to pass through;a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001463A1

A workpiece polishing apparatus including a polishing pad to polish a workpiece, a polishing agent supplying mechanism to supply a polishing agent, and a polishing head to hold the workpiece such that a back surface of the workpiece is held by a backing pad and an edge of the workpiece is held by an annular template. This apparatus polishes the workpiece by pressing the workpiece and the template against the polishing pad and thereby bringing the workpiece into sliding contact with the polishing pad. The template is made of a resin containing filler or woven fabric and has fine depressions created by filler or woven fabric exposed on the surface on the side that presses the polishing pad. This apparatus can stabilize the polishing rate of the outer circumferential portion of the workpiece and thereby polish the workpiece into a very flat workpiece. 1. A workpiece polishing apparatus comprising:a polishing pad configured to polish a workpiece;a polishing agent supplying mechanism configured to supply a polishing agent; anda polishing head including a backing pad and an annular template configured to hold the workpiece such that a back surface of the workpiece is held by the backing pad and an edge of the workpiece is held by the template;the apparatus being configured to polish the workpiece by pressing the workpiece and the template against the polishing pad and thereby bringing the workpiece into sliding contact with the polishing pad, whereinthe template is made of a resin containing filler and has fine depressions on a surface on a side that presses the polishing pad, the fine depressions being created by the filler exposed on the surface on the side that presses the polishing pad, anda surface coverage of the depressions on the surface of the template on the side that presses the polishing pad ranges from 5% to 85%.2. The workpiece polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the depressions has a depth of 0.05 mm or more.3. The workpiece polishing ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004884A1
Автор: OBAYASHI Hirokatsu
Принадлежит: NIDEK CO., LTD.

There is provided an eyeglass lens processing apparatus including a first rotational shaft which holds and rotates an eyeglass lens, a finishing tool, a chamfering tool which performs chamfering on an angular portion of an edge of the eyeglass lens, a second rotational shaft to which the chamfering tool is attached, an adjustment unit which adjusts a relative positional relationship between the first rotational shaft and the second rotational shaft, a chamfering angle setting portion which sets a chamfering angle formed between a rotational center axis of the first rotational shaft and a processing tool surface, an edge information acquisition portion which acquires information regarding an edge surface shape of the eyeglass lens, an angle correction portion which corrects the chamfering angle based on the information regarding the edge surface shape, and a control portion which controls the adjustment unit and performs chamfering based on the corrected chamfering angle. 1. An eyeglass lens processing apparatus comprising:a first rotational shaft which is configured to hold and rotate an eyeglass lens;a finishing tool which is configured to perform finishing on a rim of the eyeglass lens to have a target shape of the eyeglass lens;a chamfering tool which is configured to perform chamfering on an angular portion of an edge of the eyeglass lens which is finished by the finishing tool;a second rotational shaft, to which the chamfering tool is attached;an adjustment unit which is configured to adjust a relative positional relationship between the first rotational shaft and the second rotational shaft;a control portion which is configured to control driving of the adjustment unit;a chamfering angle setting portion which is configured to set a chamfering angle which is an angle formed between a rotational center axis of the first rotational shaft and a processing tool surface of the chamfering tool when performing the chamfering;an edge information acquisition portion ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015247A1
Автор: CHEN Bach Pangho

A power supply structure of an electric grinding tool machine comprises a power management module, a power connecting wire and a battery socket, wherein the power management module is arranged on a main body of the electric grinding tool machine, the power connecting wire is electrically connected with the power management module and extends outside the main body of the electric grinding tool machine, and the battery socket is connected with the power connecting wire and can be randomly changed in position on the basis of the power connecting wire, the battery socket being used for a replaceable battery which is selectively arranged on the battery socket, and the battery socket being provided with a guide chute formed corresponding to a boss on the replaceable battery in shape and at least two conductive terminals arranged in the guide chute. 1. A power supply structure of an electric grinding tool machine comprising:a power management module, arranged on a main body of the electric grinding tool machine;a power connecting wire, electrically connected with the power management module and extending outside the main body of the electric grinding tool machine; anda battery socket, connected with the power connecting wire and being able to be randomly changed in position on a basis of the power connecting wire, the battery socket being used for a replaceable battery which is selectively arranged on the battery socket, and the battery socket being provided with a guide chute formed corresponding to a boss on the replaceable battery in shape and at least two conductive terminals arranged in the guide chute.2. The power supply structure of an electric grinding tool machine of claim 1 , wherein the power management module comprises a first connecting seat arranged on an outer surface of the main body of the electric grinding tool machine claim 1 , and one end of the power connecting wire which is not connected with the battery socket comprises a first connector capable of ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007430A1

Implementations disclosed herein allow a printed circuit board (PCB) to be removeably secured to a lapping carrier. The lapping carrier may include a clamping mechanism and one or more alignment pins that thread through corresponding holes in the PCB. In other implementations, the lapping carrier includes insulation that prevents current leakage or short-circuiting of electrical paths on the PCB during contact with the clamping mechanism. 1. Apparatus comprising:an alignment mechanism to align a PCB relative to a lapping carrier; anda clamping mechanism to secure the PCB to the lapping carrier.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the clamping mechanism is electrically insulated from contact with electrical paths of the PCB.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the clamping mechanism includes a clamping rod with a variable diameter.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the clamping mechanism includes a clamping rod with bends in first direction and bends in a second direction opposite the first direction claim 1 , the bends in the first direction corresponding to regions that do not contact the PCB when the clamping mechanism is secured.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the clamping mechanism applies pressure along a length of the PCB to hold the PCB flat against a surface of the lapping carrier.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the alignment mechanism includes at least one pin to thread through a hole on the PCB.7. Apparatus comprising: a means for aligning a PCB relative to the lapping carrier; and', 'a means for clamping the PCB against an adjacent surface of the lapping carrier., 'a lapping carrier including8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the means for aligning the PCB relative to the lapping carrier includes an alignment pin.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , further comprising a PCB with a hole configured to receive the alignment pin.10. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising:a means for preventing electrostatic charge from transferring between ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006212A1

A wafer producing apparatus for producing an SiC wafer from a single-crystal SiC ingot includes an ingot grinding unit, a laser applying unit that applies a pulsed laser beam having a wavelength that is transmittable through the single-crystal SiC ingot while positioning a focal point of the pulsed laser beam in the single-crystal SiC ingot at a depth corresponding to the thickness of the SiC wafer to be produced from an upper surface of the single-crystal SiC ingot, thereby forming a peel-off layer in the single-crystal SiC ingot, a wafer peeling unit that peels the SiC wafer off the peel-off layer in the single-crystal SiC ingot, and a delivery unit assembly that delivers the single-crystal SiC ingot between the ingot grinding unit, the laser applying unit, and the wafer peeling unit. 1. A wafer producing apparatus for producing an SiC wafer from a single-crystal SiC ingot , comprising:an ingot grinding unit that includes a first holding table for holding the single-crystal SiC ingot thereon and grinding means for grinding and planarizing an upper surface of the single-crystal SiC ingot held on the first holding table;a laser applying unit that includes a second holding table for holding the single-crystal SiC ingot thereon and laser applying means for applying a pulsed laser beam having a wavelength that is transmittable through the single-crystal SiC ingot while positioning a focal point of the pulsed laser beam in the single-crystal SiC ingot at a depth corresponding to the thickness of the SiC wafer to be produced from the upper surface of the single-crystal SiC ingot held on the second holding table, thereby forming a peel-off layer in the single-crystal SiC ingot;a wafer peeling unit that includes a third holding table for holding the single-crystal SiC ingot thereon and wafer peeling means for holding the upper surface of the single-crystal SiC ingot held on the third holding table and peeling the SiC wafer off the peel-off layer;a wafer housing unit ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Workpiece grinding method

Номер: US20220016741A1
Автор: Yoshikazu Suzuki
Принадлежит: Disco Corp

A workpiece grinding method includes a groove formation step, a groove removal step, and a full surface grinding step. In the groove formation step, the workpiece is ground by performing grinding feed of a grinding unit while rotating a spindle without rotation of a chuck table, so that an arcuate groove is formed with a depth not reaching a finish thickness on a side of a back surface of the workpiece. In the groove removal step, rotation of the chuck table is started with the spindle kept rotating, so that the groove is ground at side walls thereof and is removed from the workpiece. In the full surface grinding step, grinding feed of the grinding unit is performed while the spindle and chuck table are rotated, so that the workpiece is ground in an entirety thereof on the side of the back surface until the workpiece has the finish thickness.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008945A1

A device () for cutting an ophthalmic lens (L) to be mounted onto a spectacle frame, includes: elements () for locking and rotating the ophthalmic lens about a locking axis (A); a tool holder which supports at least one first tool () rotatable about a rotational axis (A) and a second tool () rotatable about a finishing axis (A) and which has a spacing mobility (ESC) for the spacing apart thereof from the locking axis, a shifting mobility (TRA) for the axial positioning thereof along the locking axis, and a pivoting mobility (PIV) for adjusting the orientation of the rotational axis relative to the locking axis; and elements for controlling the three mobilities of the tool holder. The rotational and finishing axes are separate from one another. 1. A trimming device for trimming an ophthalmic lens to be mounted on a spectacles frame , comprising:rotation blocking and driving means for blocking and driving the rotation of the ophthalmic lens about a blocking axis,a tool holder which carries a first tool able to rotate about a rotational axis and a second tool able to rotate about a finishing axis and which is able to move with respect to said blocking and driving means with three types of mobility, these being:a separation mobility for adjusting the radial separation of said first and second tools from the blocking axis,an offsetting mobility for adjusting the axial position of said first and second tools with respect to said blocking and driving means on the blocking axis, anda mobility in pivoting about a pivot axis transverse or orthogonal to the blocking axis, for adjusting the orientation of said rotational axis and said finishing axis with respect to said blocking axis, andmeans of controlling the three mobilities of the tool holder with respect to the blocking and driving means,wherein said rotational axis and said finishing axis are distinct axes.2. The trimming device as claimed in claim 1 , in which claim 1 , with the first tool having an outside diameter ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009081A1

Disclosed is a turntable cloth peeling jig including: a cylindrical winding cylinder including a slit formed on an outer periphery of the cylindrical winding cylinder and extending in an axial direction thereof; a cloth clamping member disposed inside the winding cylinder and configured to clamp an outer peripheral edge of a cloth inserted into the slit; an extension bar attached to one end portion of the winding cylinder so as to extend coaxially therewith; an engaging portion provided at a tip end portion of the extension bar and engaged with a rotation jig configured to rotate the winding cylinder; and a handle provided in the engaging portion and configured to support the winding cylinder when rotating the rotating jig. 1. A turntable cloth peeling jig comprising:a cylindrical winding cylinder including a slit formed on an outer periphery of the cylindrical winding cylinder and extending in an axial direction thereof;a cloth clamping member disposed inside the winding cylinder and configured to clamp an outer peripheral edge of a cloth inserted into the slit;an extension bar attached to one end portion of the winding cylinder so as to extend coaxially therewith;an engaging portion provided at a tip end portion of the extension bar and engaged with a rotation jig configured to rotate the winding cylinder; anda handle provided in the engaging portion and configured to support the winding cylinder when rotating the rotating jig.2. The turntable cloth peeling jig of claim 1 , wherein the engaging portion is a gear wrench that reduces a rotational torque of the rotating jig.3. The turntable cloth peeling jig of claim 1 , wherein the cloth clamping member includes an upper member and a lower member that clamp the outer peripheral edge of the cloth from an upper side and a lower side thereof claim 1 , andthe upper and lower members include mutually engageable teeth provided on mutually facing surfaces thereof.4. The turntable cloth peeling jig of claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011143A1

A bench grinder has a tool rest mounted on a bracket and disposed adjacent a grinding wheel of the grinder. The tool rest has a tool rest platform that is connected to the bracket by a pivot connection and that may be secured in different angular positions by a bolt, such as a hand bolt. The bracket end to which the platform is affixed is provided with a cylindrical surface portion marked with angle marks. An opening is provided in the tool rest platform through which the angle marked surface is visible. An indicator line on the tool rest platform aligns to the angle mark to indicate the angle of the platform. 1. A tool rest for use with an abrading device , comprising:a support bracket having an end;a first marked surface on the support bracket;a tool rest platform having a platform surface and a platform mounting portion, the tool rest the tool rest platform including a second marked surface, wherein the first and second marked surfaces indicate an angle of the tool rest platform relative to the support bracket; anda releasable fastener operable to affix the platform mounting portion of the tool rest platform to the support bracket, the releasable fastener being capable of securing the tool rest platform to the support bracket in a plurality of different angular positions.2. A tool rest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first marked surface includes a cylindrical surface portion marked with angle marks claim 1 , and the second marked surface includes an indicator that moves relative to the first marked surface as the platform is pivoted relative to the support bracket.3. A tool rest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tool rest platform defines an opening in the tool rest platform claim 1 , the first marked surface on the support bracket being visible through the opening in the tool rest platform.4. A tool rest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the support bracket is an L-shaped bracket having an end claim 1 , the end having a cylindrical portion surface marked ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009845A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A method for manufacturing a member to be treated includes: a first bonding step of bonding a member to be treated containing metal oxide and a first support to each other with a first adhesive layer; a first surface processing step of forming a first processed surface on the member to be treated; a first surface contact step of bringing a support having adhesiveness, an adsorption support which adsorbs the member to be treated, or a second adhesive layer, into contact with the first processed surface; a second bonding step of bonding the member to be treated and a second support with the second adhesive layer; and a second surface processing step of forming a second processed surface on a rear surface of the first processed surface of the member to be treated. In a case where the support having adhesiveness or the adsorption support and the first processed surface are in contact with each other, the support having adhesiveness or the adsorption support is removed in the first surface contact step. A first adhesive layer removing step of removing the first adhesive layer from the member to be treated is included between the first surface contact step and the second surface processing step. 1. A method for manufacturing a member to be treated comprising:a first bonding step of bonding a member to be treated containing metal oxide and a first support to each other with a first adhesive layer;a first surface processing step of processing the member to be treated to form a first processed surface;a first surface contact step of bringing one of a support having adhesiveness, an adsorption support which adsorbs the member to be treated, and a second adhesive layer, into contact with the first processed surface;a second bonding step of bonding the member to be treated and a second support with the second adhesive layer which is in contact with the first processed surface; anda second surface processing step of processing the member to be treated to form a second processed ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Automotive wheel CNC (Computed Numerical Control) Lathe

Номер: US20210011452A1
Автор: Brian Len
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is a novel system with a cutting tool and a probe, said probe configured to measure surface features, and generate a plurality of data points including a computer with a program configured for input and output of data wherein said input is at least one probe measured data point; a computer generated averaging data point, and a computer plus manually adjusted data point and provides an operator the option to select and switch during a single cutting operation between a computer-controlled movement of said cutting tool and a manual controlled movement of said cutting tool.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Work tool

Номер: US20170012572A1

To provide a work tool capable of suppress temperature rise in a motor or a switching element. The work tool includes: a motor; a switching element switchable between an ON-state and an OFF-state, the switching element allowing a current to flow through the motor during the ON-state, the switching element prohibiting a current from flowing through the motor during the OFF-state; target rotation number setting means for setting a target rotation number of the motor; rotation number controlling means for controlling the motor such that the rotation number thereof is brought in coincidence with the target rotation number by changing an ON-duration, during which the switching element is in the ON-state, in one switching period of the switching element; and temperature detecting means for detecting at least one of a temperature of the motor and a temperature of the switching element. The rotation number controlling means is capable of setting an upper limit with respect to the ON-duration on the basis of the temperature detected by the temperature detecting means and changes the ON-duration within a range not more than the upper limit.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013026A1

A wafer scale ultrasonic sensing device includes a substrate assembly, an ultrasonic component, a first protective layer, a first conductive circuit, a second conductive circuit, a second protective layer, a conductive material, electrical connection layers, and soldering portions. The substrate assembly includes a first wafer and a second wafer, and the second wafer covers a groove on the first wafer to define a hollow chamber. The first wafer, the second wafer, and the first protective layer are coplanar with the first conductive circuit on a first side surface and coplanar with the second conductive circuit on a second side surface. The second protective layer has an opening, where the conductive material is in the opening and is in contact with the ultrasonic component. The electrical connection layers are on the first side surface and the second side surface, and the soldering portions are respectively connected to the electrical connection layers. 1. A wafer scale ultrasonic sensing device , comprising:a substrate assembly, comprising a first wafer and a second wafer, wherein the first wafer is provided with a groove, and the second wafer is bonded with the first wafer and covers the groove to define a hollow chamber;an ultrasonic component on the second wafer, wherein projections of the ultrasonic component and the hollow chamber are overlapped in a perpendicular direction;a first protective layer on a first surface of the second wafer and surrounding the ultrasonic component;a first conductive circuit and a second conductive circuit on the first protective layer, and connected to an upper surface of the ultrasonic component, wherein the first wafer, the second wafer, the first protective layer and the first conductive circuit are coplanar on a first side surface, and the first wafer, the second wafer, the first protective layer and the second conductive circuit are coplanar on a second side surface;a second protective layer covering the first conductive ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017883A1

One or more slider bars are attached to at least one component of a multi-component carrier device. The multi-component carrier device is attached to a lapping arm of a lapping machine and the one or more slider bars attached to the carrier device are lapped. The at least one component of the multi-component carrier device is attached to a grinding/cutting machine. At least one of a grinding operation or a cutting operation is performed on the one or more slider bars. 1. A method comprising:attaching one or more slider bars to at least one component of a multi-component carrier device;attaching the multi-component carrier device to a lapping arm of a lapping machine and lapping the one or more slider bars attached to the carrier device;attaching the at least one component of the multi-component carrier device to a grinding/cutting machine; andperforming at least one of a grinding operation or a cutting operation on the one or more slider bars.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising detaching the at least one component of the multi-component carrier device from the lapping arm before attaching the at least one component of the multi-component carrier device to the grinding/cutting machine.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein detaching the at least one component of the multi-component carrier device from the lapping arm and attaching the at least one component of the multi-component carrier device to the grinding/cutting machine comprises detaching the entire multi-component carrier device form the lapping arm and attaching the entire multi-component carrier device to the grinding/cutting machine.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein attaching one or more slider bars to at least one component of a multi-component carrier device comprises attaching the one or more slider bars to a modular extender of the multi-component carrier device.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein detaching the at least one component of the multi-component carrier device from the lapping arm and ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017890A1
Автор: Masumura Hisashi

The present invention provides a polishing head including: an annular rigid ring; an elastic film bonded to the rigid ring; and an upward and downward movable mid-plate, the mid-plate defining a first sealed space together with the rigid ring and the elastic film; an incompressible fluid enclosed in a sealed space; and a mid-plate positioning device for adjusting vertical position of the mid-plate, to hold a back surface of a workpiece on a lower surface of the elastic film and polish a front surface by bringing the front surface into contact with a polishing pad attached to a turn table, wherein the mid-plate can adjust a shape of the lower surface of the elastic film by adjusting the vertical position of the mid-plate. The polishing head polishes a workpiece without generating surface defects on the workpiece surface and easy detachment of the workpiece from a polishing pad after polishing. 110-. (canceled)11. A polishing head comprising: an annular rigid ring; an elastic film bonded to the rigid ring; and a mid-plate joined to the rigid ring so as to be movable upward and downward , the mid-plate defining a first sealed space together with the rigid ring and the elastic film ,the polishing head being configured to hold a back surface of a workpiece on a lower surface of the elastic film and to polish a front surface of the workpiece by bringing the front surface into sliding contact with a polishing pad attached to a turn table,the polishing head further comprising an incompressible fluid enclosed in the first sealed space and a mid-plate positioning means for adjusting a vertical position of the mid-plate, whereinthe mid-plate positioning means can adjust a shape of the lower surface of the elastic film by adjusting the vertical position of the mid-plate.12. The polishing head according to claim 11 , further comprising a second sealed space defined by the mid-plate claim 11 , a polishing head body disposed above the mid-plate claim 11 , and an upper portion of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Compact electric grinding machine

Номер: US20150017891A1
Автор: Caj Nordström
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention particularly relates to a hand-held sanding machine with an outer housing ( 1 ), a tool shaft ( 2 ) and a brushless electric drive motor. In the present invention, the rotor of the drive motor is fastened to the tool shaft ( 2 ) of the sanding machine, and the stator ( 6 ) is positioned in the outer housing ( 1 ). The present invention also relates to a control method for an electric sanding machine.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Carrier Head, Chemical Mechanical Polishing Apparatus and Wafer Polishing Method

Номер: US20160020133A1

Provided is a carrier head. The carrier head includes: a body having a ring shape, wherein a first locking part is formed on an external surface of the body; a support unit surrounding lateral and lower parts of the body to be elevatably coupled to the body, wherein a second locking part vertically facing the first locking part is formed on an internal surface of the support unit; a regulating member located in a space between the first locking part and the second locking part; a retainer ring having a ring shape and located at the external bottom of the support unit; and an elevating unit coupling the retainer ring to the support unit to enable a height to be regulated relative to the support unit.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Power Tool with High-Speed Electric Motor

Номер: US20150020391A1
Принадлежит: Makita Corp

A hand-held power tool includes a motor having a stator and a rotor, the motor being configured to rotate the rotor at a speed of at least 40,000 rpm, an output shaft directly driven by the rotor, a tool accessory shaft configured to support a tool accessory, and a two-stage speed reducing transmission operably connecting the output shaft to the tool accessory shaft. The two-stage speed reducing transmission is configured to drive the tool accessory shaft at a rate less than the rotor speed, for example, at a rate less than or equal to 37.5% of the rotor speed.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Electric Lacrosse Ball Resurfacer Method And Apparatus

Номер: US20160023318A1
Автор: Steven R. Jackson
Принадлежит: Individual

A novel electric method and apparatus for resurfacing Lacrosse balls wherein regulation size and shape of the balls is maintained, and abraded surface debris is safely evacuated into removable bags. The ball resurfacer vastly improves on any method known in the art by causing a more uniform and accurate abrasion and makes resurfacing balls safer for the user.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023323A1

Provided are a carrier head and a chemical mechanical polishing apparatus. The carrier head includes a body having a ring shape; a supporting unit surrounding the body; a retainer ring having a ring shape, the retainer ring surrounding the supporting unit; a membrane member on the supporting unit and within an inner circumference of the retainer ring; and an external ring on an outer surface of the membrane member, the external ring having a hydrophobic surface. 1. A carrier head , comprising:a body having a ring shape;a supporting unit surrounding the body;a retainer ring having a ring shape, the retainer ring surrounding the supporting unit;a membrane member on the supporting unit and within an inner circumference of the retainer ring; andan external ring on an outer surface of the membrane member, the external ring having a hydrophobic surface.2. The carrier head as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the external ring includes a metal frame.3. The carrier head as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the metal frame is coated with a hydrophobic material.4. The carrier head as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the hydrophobic material is a fluoride compound.5. The carrier head as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the hydrophobic material is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).6. The carrier head as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the external ring supports an outer surface of the membrane member, andan outer surface of the external ring and the outer surface of the membrane are spaced apart from an inner surface of the retainer ring.7. The carrier head as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the membrane member presses against a substrate during a polishing process of the substrate; anda contact angle between a surface of the external ring and a drop of slurry supplied to the substrate during the polishing process is 90° or more.8. A chemical mechanical polishing apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a base;a platen on the base and having a polishing pad on a surface thereof;a slurry supply arm adjacent to the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021471A1

In order to provide a handheld abrading machine which is of robust construction and is easy and comfortable to handle, it is proposed that the handheld abrading machine comprise a holding device for holding the abrading machine, a drive motor and a tool head, wherein the tool head is arranged on the holding device such as to be moveable by means of a moving device, wherein the tool head is pivotal relative to the holding device about one or more pivotal axes by means of the moving device and wherein a distance of the tool head from the holding device is variable by means of the moving device. 1. A handheld abrading machine comprising a holding device for holding the abrading machine , a drive motor and a tool head , wherein the tool head is arranged on the holding device such as to be movable by means of a moving device , wherein the tool head is pivotal relative to the holding device about one or more pivotal axes by means of the moving device and wherein a distance (A) of the tool head from the holding device is variable by means of the moving device.2. An abrading machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the distance (A) of the tool head from the holding device is variable by means of the moving device by pivoting the tool head about one or more pivotal axes.3. An abrading machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a distance (A) of a bearing point of the tool head that is arranged on a fork element from a distal end of the holding device is variable by means of the moving device.4. An abrading machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the moving device comprises a rotating device for pivoting the tool head about one or more pivotal axes and a displacing device for displacing the tool head relative to the holding device.5. An abrading machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the moving device comprises a displacing device for displacing the tool head relative to the holding device claim 1 , wherein the displacing device is integrated into a fork ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021910A1

Provided is a self-sharpening polishing device with magnetorheological flexible polishing pad formed by dynamic magnetic field and polishing method thereof. The device includes a polishing disc revolution mechanism and a multi-magnetic-pole synchronous rotary drive mechanism, the polishing disc revolution mechanism including a transmission shaft motor, a transmission shaft, a transfer disc, an eccentric shaft fixing disc, a cup-shaped polishing disc and a transmission shaft transmission mechanism, the multi-magnetic-pole synchronous rotary drive mechanism including an eccentric spindle, a synchronous rotary drive disc, flexible eccentric rotating shafts, eccentric sleeves, magnetic poles, the eccentric shaft fixing disc, and a spindle motor, etc. The device does not need a circulating device to renew magnetorheological fluid and does not need to renew the magnetorheological fluid during the finishing process; in fact the entire process from rough polishing to precise polishing can be done at one time. The device maintains a consistent workpiece surface and delivers a low cost and very efficient polishing process that is eminently suitable for the planes of optical elements with large diameter; it is also suitable for studying the material removal mechanism of planar optical materials and detecting sub-surface damage, as well as other experimental studies. 1. A self-sharpening polishing device with magnetorheological flexible polishing pad formed by dynamic magnetic field , wherein the self-polishing device comprises a polishing disc revolution mechanism and a multi-magnetic-pole synchronous rotary drive mechanism , the polishing disc revolution mechanism comprising a base , a transmission shaft motor , a transmission shaft , a transfer disc , an eccentric shaft fixing disc , a cup-shaped polishing disc and a transmission shaft transmission mechanism , the multi-magnetic-pole synchronous rotary drive mechanism comprising an eccentric spindle , a synchronous rotary ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021911A1
Автор: MIYAMOTO Hiroki

A grinding apparatus includes a holding unit including a holding table having a holder for holding a workpiece and a grinding water suction part for drawing in grinding water outside of the holder, a rotational shaft having an end fixed centrally to a bottom surface of the holding table, a tubular rotary joint surrounding the rotational shaft, and a motor rotating the rotational shaft about its own axis. The rotational shaft has a first suction channel held in fluid communication with the holder of the holding table and a second suction channel held in fluid communication with the grinding water suction part. The rotary joint has a communication channel by which the first suction channel and the second suction channel are held in fluid communication with at least a suction source. 1holding means for holding a workpiece; andgrinding means for grinding the workpiece held by said holding means with a grinding stone while supplying grinding water to the workpiece,wherein said holding means includesa holding table having a holder for holding the workpiece under suction and a grinding water suction part for drawing in grinding water outside of said holder,a rotational shaft having an end fixed centrally to a bottom surface of said holding table,a tubular rotary joint surrounding said rotational shaft, androtating means for rotating said rotational shaft about its own axis,said rotational shaft has a first suction channel held in fluid communication with said holder of said holding table and a second suction channel held in fluid communication with said grinding water suction part,said tubular rotary joint has a communication channel by which said first suction channel and said second suction channel are held in fluid communication with at least a suction source, andgrinding water flowing into said second suction channel is present between said rotational shaft and said rotary joint.. A grinding apparatus comprising: The present invention relates to a grinding apparatus ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150024664A1
Автор: Brechemier Bernard

A system includes a positioning and centering pin () configured to be attached to an ophthalmic lens, an attachment member () configured to be positioned on and attached to the pin and to be attached to the lens, a tool () for positioning the attachment member on the pin, and which includes a body () provided with at least one receiving recess configured to at least partially receive at least one of the attachment members and the pin, at least one centering member () and at least one guide member (), which are configured such that, when the attachment member and the pin are mounted on the tool, the attachment member is centered relative to the body and the pin is guided relative to the body, whereby the attachment member is positioned in a predetermined position on the pin. 141042043042410420430425105205305410420430422012022032051052053054104204304201202203204214224234251052053054104204304485614815625751052053054857148157256410420430448561481562574857148157256510520530541042043042012022032051052053054214224234241042043044214224234251052053054104204304. A system comprising a positioning and centering pin (; ; ; ) for an ophthalmic lens () , said positioning and centering pin (; ; ; ) being configured to be attached to said ophthalmic lens () , and an attachment member (; ; ; ) configured to be positioned on said positioning and centering pin (; ; ; ) and to be attached to the latter and also to be attached to said ophthalmic lens () , characterized in that said system also has a tool (; ; ; ) for positioning said attachment member (; ; ; ) on said positioning and centering pin (; ; ; ) , said tool (; ; ; ) having a body (; ; ; ) provided with at least one receiving recess configured to at least partially receive at least one of said attachment member (; ; ; ) and said positioning and centering pin (; ; ; ) , at least one centering member ( , ; , ; ) for centering said attachment member (; ; ; ) , and at least one guiding member ( , ; , ; ) for guiding said position ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023489A1

A polishing-pad laminated structure which allows for easy alignment of a through-hole of a polishing pad with a sensor head installed in a polishing table is disclosed. The polishing-pad laminated structure includes a polishing pad and a release sheet. The polishing pad has a through-hole located at a position corresponding to a position of a sensor head disposed in the polishing table. The release sheet covers an adhesive surface of the polishing pad. The release sheet is divided into at least a first release sheet and a second release sheet. The first release sheet has a surface area smaller than a surface area of the second release sheet. 1. A polishing-pad laminated structure comprising:a polishing pad having a through-hole located at a position corresponding to a position of a sensor head disposed in a polishing table; anda release sheet covering an adhesive surface of the polishing pad, the release sheet being divided into at least a first release sheet and a second release sheet, the first release sheet having a surface area smaller than a surface area of the second release sheet.2. The polishing-pad laminated structure according to claim 1 , wherein the second release sheet has a through-hole at a same position as a position of the through-hole of the polishing pad.3. The polishing-pad laminated structure according to claim 1 , further comprising: a release assisting projection connected to an edge of the second release sheet.4. A polishing-pad positioning instrument for positioning a polishing pad with respect to a polishing table claim 1 , comprising: (i) a first positioning protrusion configured to be inserted into a table hole formed in a pad support surface of the polishing table, and', '(ii) a second positioning protrusion fixed to the first positioning protrusion, the second positioning protrusion having a cross-sectional shape corresponding to a cross-sectional shape of a through-hole formed in the polishing pad., 'a positioning structure configured ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023673A1
Автор: ISHII Kaoru, UENO Junichi

A polishing head includes at least: an annular ceramic ring; a template attached to the ceramic ring and having a backing pad integrated with a guide ring; and a back plate joined to the ceramic ring to form a space together with the backing pad and the ceramic ring. The polishing head holds a back surface of a wafer on a lower surface portion of the backing pad and brings a front surface of the wafer into sliding contact with a polishing pad attached on a turntable for polishing the wafer. An incompressible fluid is enclosed in the space, and has a viscosity of 10 mPa·s or more and 1200 mPa·s or less. A polishing head and polishing method is capable of reducing backing pad deformation at a small gap between the template and wafer, and improving polishing uniformity at the wafer outermost peripheral portion. 1. A polishing head comprising at least:an annular ceramic ring;a template attached to the ceramic ring and having a backing pad and a guide ring integrated therewith; anda back plate joined to the ceramic ring to form a space together with the backing pad and the ceramic ring,the polishing head being configured to hold a back surface of a wafer on a lower surface portion of the backing pad and to bring a front surface of the wafer into sliding contact with a polishing pad attached on a turntable for polishing the wafer, whereinan incompressible fluid is enclosed in the space, andthe incompressible fluid has a viscosity of 10 mPa·s or more and 1200 mPa·s or less.2. The polishing head according to claim 1 , wherein the incompressible fluid is a water-soluble polymer dissolved in water.3. A wafer polishing method using the polishing head according to claim 1 , the method comprising:supplying a polishing agent onto the polishing pad attached on the turntable; andbringing the front surface of the wafer held by the polishing head into sliding contact with the polishing pad to polish the wafer.4. A wafer polishing method using the polishing head according to claim 2 , ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113531A1
Автор: Masumura Hisashi

A polishing head comprising an annular rigid ring; a rubber film attached to the rigid ring by using uniform tensile force; a back plate that is connected to the rigid ring and forms a space portion with the rubber film and the rigid ring; and an annular template that is provided at a peripheral portion of a lower surface portion of the rubber film concentrically with the rigid ring and configured to hold an edge portion of a workpiece, the polishing head holding a back surface of the workpiece on the lower surface portion of the rubber film and sliding a front surface of the workpiece on a polishing pad attached to a turn table to perform polishing. The polishing head and the polishing apparatus can be used for final polishing and uniformly polish the entire front surface regardless of the thickness of the template. 18-. (canceled)9. A polishing head comprising an annular rigid ring; a rubber film attached to the rigid ring with an uniform tensile force; a back plate connected to the rigid ring , the back plate defining a space together with the rubber film , and the rigid ring; and an annular template configured to hold an edge portion of a workpiece , the template being provided concentrically with the rigid ring in a peripheral portion on a lower surface of the rubber film and , the polishing head configured to hold a back surface of the workpiece on the lower surface of the rubber film and to polish the workpiece by bringing a front surface of the workpiece into sliding contact with a polishing pad attached to a turn table , wherein an incompressible fluid is enclosed in the space.10. The polishing head according to claim 9 , wherein the incompressible fluid is water or an incompressible fluid whose main component is water.11. The polishing head according to claim 9 , wherein the incompressible fluid is a polishing agent used for the polishing of the workpiece or an aqueous solution containing at least one of components contained in the polishing agent.12. The ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031058A1

A lens edging method of performing edging to a spectacle-lens, using an edger equipped with a plurality of types of edging tools, including: a step of dividing an edging portion to be edged during edging of the spectacle-lens, into a plurality of shape element portions, based on three-dimensional shape data of the spectacle-lens; a step of allocating an edging tool used for edging each of the plurality of shape element portions, from the plurality of types of edging tools, in accordance with a previously set tool selection reference; an step of determining a using order of each edging tool allocated to each of the plurality of shape element portions, in accordance with a previously set using priority order; and a step of making the edger perform edging using each edging tool allocated in the tool allocation step, in accordance with the using order determined in the edging order determination step. 1. A lens edging method of performing edging to a spectacle lens , using an edger equipped with a plurality of types of edging tools , comprising:a shape division step of dividing an edging portion to be edged during edging of the spectacle lens, into a plurality of shape element portions, based on three-dimensional shape data of the spectacle lens;a tool allocation step of allocating an edging tool used for edging each of the plurality of shape element portions, from the plurality of types of edging tools, in accordance with a previously set tool selection reference;an edging order determination step of determining a using order of each edging tool allocated to each of the plurality of shape element portions, in accordance with a previously set using priority order; andan edging instruction step of making the edger perform edging using each edging tool allocated in the tool allocation step, in accordance with the using order determined in the edging order determination step.2. The lens edging method according to claim 1 , wherein the shape division step is the step of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031061A1

A drive unit for imparting rotation to a drum assembly of a floor grinder. The drive unit includes a rotatable pulley positioned adjacent to and in contact with a rotatable drive surface of a driven pulley of the drum assembly and a drive surface of the drum assembly. The rotatable drive surface of the driven pulley is configured to impart rotation to the rotatable drive pulley during rotation of the rotatable drive surface, and the rotatable drive pulley is configured to impart rotation thereof to the drum assembly 1. A floor grinder , comprising:a motor having a rotatable output shaft;a drum assembly comprising a drive pulley connected to the output shaft of the motor, at least two driven pulleys, and a traveling belt travelable around the output shaft and the two driven pulleys and configured to have a direction of travel imparted to it by the output shaft during operation of the motor to rotate the output shaft, the traveling belt arranged to impart travel to one of the driven pulleys in a direction corresponding to the direction of travel imparted to the traveling belt and to impart travel to the other one of the driven pulleys in a direction of travel opposite to the direction of travel imparted to the traveling belt, one of the driven pulleys having a shaft extending above an exterior portion of the drum assembly to provide a rotatable drive surface;a motor mount connected to the motor;a bearing between the motor mount and the drum assembly to enable the drum assembly to rotate relative to the motor;a drive surface operatively associated with the drum assembly; anda drive unit for imparting rotation to the drum assembly, the drive unit comprising a rotatable pulley positioned adjacent to and in contact with the rotatable drive surface of the driven pulley of the drum assembly and the drive surface of the drum assembly, the rotatable drive surface of the driven pulley being configured to impart rotation to the rotatable drive pulley during rotation of the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048152A1
Автор: HATTORI Mato

A spindle unit mounted to a processing unit has a collar section extending from an outside surface of the spindle unit in a horizontal direction. The processing unit includes a bottom plate having a through-hole through which a lower portion of the spindle unit penetrates, a holder including a side plate that surrounds the spindle unit with the collar section supported by the bottom plate and that is connected to the bottom plate, and an inclination adjusting mechanism that acts on the collar section to adjust the inclination of the spindle unit. The inclination adjusting mechanism includes a spring interposed between a lower surface of the collar section and an upper surface of the bottom plate and an adjusting section that acts to compress the spring and adjusts the inclination of the spindle unit by a compression amount of the spring. 1. A processing apparatus comprising:a processing unit in which a spindle unit supporting, in a rotatable manner, a spindle having a processing tool that is mounted to a tip thereof and that extends in the vertical direction is mounted; anda chuck table that holds a workpiece,wherein the spindle unit has a collar section extending from an outside surface in a horizontal direction orthogonal to the outside surface,the processing unit includes a holder including a bottom plate having a through-hole through which a lower portion of the spindle unit penetrates and a side plate that surrounds the spindle unit with the collar section supported by the bottom plate and that is connected to the bottom plate, and an inclination adjusting mechanism that acts on the collar section to adjust the inclination of the spindle unit, andthe inclination adjusting mechanism includes a spring interposed between a lower surface of the collar section and an upper surface of the bottom plate and an adjusting section that acts to compress the spring and adjusts the inclination of the spindle unit by a compression amount of the spring.2. The processing ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048153A1
Автор: HSIEH Jung-Fu

A output shaft rotation restriction structure of a hand-held machine tool having a shell, a drive shaft in the shell, and an output shaft in the shell, perpendicular to the drive shaft, provided with a grinding piece, and in linkage with the drive shaft via a steering gear set; two sides of the hand-held machine tool may be defined according to an extension line of the drive shaft. The output shaft rotation restriction structure includes a mounting hole on the shell, specifically, one of the two sides of the hand-held machine tool, a restriction hole on the output shaft and facing the mounting hole, and a rotation restriction group including a holder in the mounting hole, a restriction plug on the holder, and a spring, the restriction plug being forced into the restriction hole to interfere with the rotation of the output shaft. 1. An output shaft rotation restriction structure of a hand-held machine tool , the hand-held machine tool comprising a shell , a drive assembly disposed in the shell , a drive shaft disposed in the shell and driven by the drive assembly , and an output shaft disposed in the shell and perpendicular to the drive shaft in an extension direction thereof , wherein the output shaft is provided with a grinding piece , connected to the drive shaft via a steering gear set , and driven by the drive shaft , and wherein two sides of the hand-held machine tool is defined on the basis of an extension line of the drive shaft; the output shaft rotation restriction structure comprising:a mounting hole provided on the shell and positioned on one of the two sides of the hand-held machine tool,a restriction hole provided on the output shaft and facing the mounting hole, anda rotation restriction group including a holder disposed in the mounting hole, a restriction plug disposed on the holder and exposed outside the shell, and a spring disposed in the holder and provides the restriction plug with a restoring force, wherein the restriction plug is inserted into ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048155A1
Принадлежит: Kioxia Corporation

A polishing apparatus includes a first substrate holder capable of holding a substrate coated with a film. The apparatus also includes a first pad holder capable of holding a first pad. The apparatus further includes a first driver configured to translate the first pad on a surface of the film so as to cause the first pad to polish the film. 1. A polishing apparatus comprising:a first substrate holder arranged to hold a substrate coated with a film;a first pad holder arranged to hold a first pad; anda first driver configured to translate the first pad on a surface of the film so as to cause the first pad to polish the film.2. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first pad holder has a linear shape in plan-view.3. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a length of a longer side of the first pad holder is longer than a diameter of the first substrate holder.4. The polishing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second pad holder configured to hold a second pad; anda second driver configured to rotate the second pad on the surface of the film so as to cause the second pad to polish the film.5. The polishing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the second pad holder has a circular shape in plan-view.6. The polishing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein a diameter of the second pad holder is shorter than the diameter of the first substrate holder.7. The polishing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the first or second pad holder is configured to apply to the first pad or the second pad an asymmetrical load with respect to a center plane or a center axis of the first pad or the second pad.8. The polishing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the first pad or the second pad has a curved or inclined side surface at least on a center axis side of the substrate.9. The polishing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein a surface of the first pad or the second pad has friction coefficients of an asymmetrical ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048157A1

A substrate holding apparatus which can adjust polishing profile precisely is disclosed. The substrate holding apparatus includes an elastic membrane that forms a plurality of pressure chambers for pressing a substrate, and a head body to which the elastic membrane is coupled. The elastic membrane includes a contact portion to be brought into contact with the substrate for pressing the substrate against a polishing pad, an edge circumferential wall extending upwardly from a peripheral edge of the contact portion, and a plurality of inner circumferential walls arranged radially inwardly of the edge circumferential wall and extending upwardly from the contact portion. At least two adjacent inner circumferential walls of the plurality of inner circumferential walls include slope circumferential walls inclined radially inwardly. The slope circumferential walls are inclined radially inwardly in their entirety from their lower ends to upper ends, and extend upwardly. 1. A substrate holding apparatus comprising:an elastic membrane that forms a plurality of pressure chambers for pressing a substrate; anda head body to which the elastic membrane is coupled; a contact portion to be brought into contact with the substrate for pressing the substrate against a polishing pad;', 'an edge circumferential wall extending upwardly from a peripheral edge of the contact portion; and', 'a plurality of inner circumferential walls arranged radially inwardly of the edge circumferential wall and extending upwardly from the contact portion;, 'wherein the elastic membrane compriseswherein at least two adjacent inner circumferential walls of the plurality of inner circumferential walls comprise slope circumferential walls inclined radially inwardly; andthe slope circumferential walls are inclined radially inwardly in their entirety from their lower ends to upper ends, and extend upwardly, andwherein the head body has inclined surfaces to which an upper end of each slope circumferential walls is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Rigid-flexible coupling-driven robot for removing oxide scales on super large shaft forgings online

Номер: US20220048159A1

A rigid-flexible coupling-driven robot for removing oxide scales on super large shaft forgings online includes a heavy-duty manipulator main body, four walking systems, a movable arm lifting system, a clamping system, a power system, two oxide scale removal systems and a visual identification system. The two oxide scale removal systems are respectively installed on the two trapezoidal plates of the clamping system. Each of the two oxide scale removal systems adopts rigid-flexible coupling drive technology, that is, the rigid drive of the overhead hydraulic cylinder, cable-stayed hydraulic cylinder, the long stroke scissor retractable bracket and the rack and pinion device is combined with the flexible drive of the wire rope, so that the retraction and the angle tilt of the parallelogram end removal device are realized, which makes the oxide scale removal more flexible and efficient, thus greatly improving the product quality of large forgings. 1. A rigid-flexible coupling-driven robot for removing oxide scales on super large shaft forgings online , the rigid-flexible coupling-driven robot comprising a heavy-duty manipulator main body , four walking systems , a movable arm lifting system , a clamping system , a power system , two oxide scale removal systems and a visual identification system , wherein: 'the two guide rails are installed on foundation in parallel, the two side plates respectively contact with the two guide rails through the four walking systems which are installed below the two side plates, the front beam and the balancing weight are fixed between the two side plates, the front beam is located at a front of the two side plates, the balancing weight is located at a rear of the two side plates, both the front lifting arm beam and the rear lifting arm beam are rotatably installed between the two side plates;', 'the heavy-duty manipulator main body comprises a front beam, a front lifting arm beam, a rear lifting arm beam, two side plates, a balancing ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Stepped Retaining Ring

Номер: US20190030679A1

A two part retaining ring is described. A rigid upper portion has an annular recess along its inner diameter. An annular wearable lower portion has an inner diameter, an annular extension defined by the inner diameter and a vertical wall that is perpendicular to a surface of the second portion and opposite to the inner diameter. The annular extension fits into the annular recess of the annular first portion. A bonding material is on the vertical wall of the annular second portion. 120-. (canceled)21. A retaining ring of a carrier head of a polishing apparatus , the retaining ring comprising:an annular lower portion of a first material, the lower portion having a lower surface to contact a polishing pad and an upper surface;an annular upper portion of a different second material, the upper portion having a lower surface and an upper surface configured to attach to the carrier head;wherein a first surface selected from the group consisting of the lower surface of the upper portion and the upper surface of the lower portion includes a first region having a projection surrounded by a flat area and a different second surface selected from the group consisting of the lower surface and the upper surface includes flat second region that spans the first region, and wherein the projection of the first surface contacts the flats second region of the second surface; anda bonding layer between the upper portion and the lower portion.22. The retaining ring of claim 21 , wherein the bonding layer includes an epoxy material.23. The retaining ring of claim 22 , wherein the epoxy material includes polyamide.24. The retaining ring of claim 21 , wherein the bonding layer is between about 4 mils and 20 mils thick.25. The retaining ring of claim 21 , wherein the projection is annular and extends entirely around the retaining ring.26. The retaining ring of claim 21 , wherein the first region has a plurality of projections surrounded by the flat area claim 21 , and wherein the plurality of ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051897A1
Автор: CHANG Karen

A processing method for a wafer having a chamfered portion at a peripheral edge includes a holding step of holding the wafer by a holding table, and a chamfer removing step of rotating the holding table while causing a first cutting blade to cut into the peripheral edge of the wafer while supplying a cutting liquid from a first cutting liquid supply nozzle to cut the peripheral edge of the wafer. In the chamfer removing step, a second cutting unit is positioned at a position adjacent to the first cutting unit at such a height that a second cutting blade does not make contact with the wafer and on the side of the center of the wafer as compared to the first cutting unit, and the cutting liquid is supplied from a second cutting liquid supply nozzle. 1. A processing method for a wafer having a chamfered portion at a peripheral edge , the processing method comprising: a holding table that holds the wafer,', 'a first cutting unit having a first cutting blade for cutting the wafer held by the holding table, and a first cutting liquid supply nozzle for supplying a cutting liquid to the first cutting blade, and', 'a second cutting unit having a second cutting blade for cutting the wafer held by the holding table, and a second cutting liquid supply nozzle for supplying the cutting liquid to the second cutting blade;, 'a preparation step of preparing a cutting apparatus, the cutting apparatus including'}a holding step of holding the wafer by the holding table; anda chamfer removing step of rotating the holding table while causing the first cutting blade to cut into the peripheral edge of the wafer at least to a grinding finish thickness of the wafer while supplying the cutting liquid from the first cutting liquid supply nozzle to cut the peripheral edge of the wafer, thereby removing the chamfered portion in a region reaching the grinding finish thickness, after the holding step is carried out,wherein, in the chamfer removing step, the second cutting unit is positioned at a ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Device for Fine Machining of Optically Effective Surfaces on In Particular Spectacle Lenses and Flexible Production Cell Comprising Such a Device

Номер: US20150038061A1

The invention relates to a polishing machine for spectacle lenses, including a least one workpiece spindle protruding into a workspace for a rotary drive of the spectacle lens about a workpiece rotational axis. At least one feed device lowers and raises a polishing tool relative to the spectacle lens. An oscillation drive unit moves the feed device back and forth in an oscillation direction, which during the polishing runs substantially transversely to the workpiece rotational axis. A swivel drive unit swivels the feed device about a swivel-adjusting axis which runs substantially perpendicular to the workpiece rotational axis and substantially normal to the oscillation direction. A swivel mechanism is provided to swivel the feed device, the oscillation drive unit and the swivel drive unit relative to the workpiece. 1. A device for the finish-processing of optically effective surfaces of , in particular , spectacle lenses as workpieces , comprisingat least one workpiece spindle, which projects into a working space and by way of which a workpiece to be processed is drivable to rotate about a workpiece axis of rotation,at least one feed device for a tool, by which the tool is movable towards the workpiece and away therefrom,an oscillatory drive unit by the feed device is reciprocatingly movable in a direction of oscillation which when processing takes place extends substantially transversely to the workpiece axis of rotation, anda pivot drive unit by which the feed device is pivotable about a pivot adjusting axis extending substantially perpendicularly to the workpiece axis of rotation and substantially normal to the direction of oscillation,characterized by a pivot mechanism by which the feed device, the oscillatory drive unit and the pivot drive unit are pivotable relative to the workpiece spindle from a closed relative position to an open relative position with opening of the working space and conversely.2. A device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038062A1

A processing apparatus including a chuck table having a holding surface for rotatably holding a workpiece, a laser beam applying mechanism having a laser beam generating unit for generating a laser beam and focusing the laser beam to the inside of the workpiece held on the chuck table, a relatively moving unit for relatively moving the chuck table and the laser beam applying mechanism in a direction parallel to the holding surface of the chuck table while applying the laser beam to the workpiece to thereby form a modified layer inside of the workpiece, a separating unit for separating a part of the workpiece along the modified layer as a boundary formed inside the workpiece, and a grinding/polishing unit having a grinding/polishing wheel for grinding or polishing the modified layer left on the workpiece after separating the part and a spindle for rotatably mounting the grinding/polishing wheel. 1. A processing apparatus comprising:holding means having a holding surface for rotatably holding a workpiece;a laser beam applying mechanism having laser beam generating means for generating a laser beam and focusing means for focusing said laser beam generated by said laser beam generating means to the inside of said workpiece held by said holding means;relatively moving means for relatively moving said holding means and said laser beam applying mechanism in a direction parallel to said holding surface of said holding means while applying the laser beam to said workpiece to thereby form a modified layer inside of said workpiece;separating means for separating a part of said workpiece along said modified layer as a boundary formed inside said workpiece; andgrinding/polishing means having a grinding/polishing wheel for grinding or polishing said modified layer left on said workpiece after separating said part and a spindle for rotatably mounting said grinding/polishing wheel.2. The processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisingpositioning means for selectively ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036864A1
Автор: KAWASAKI Tomonori

An object is to provide a single-wafer processing single-side polishing method and a single-wafer processing single-side polishing apparatus, which increase the flatness of a semiconductor wafer and reduce variations in flatness. The single-wafer processing single-side polishing method includes a polishing step of polishing a semiconductor wafer; and a shifting step of transferring the semiconductor wafer from a polishing plate to a tray outside the polishing plate, moving the relative position of the semiconductor wafer and the polishing head in the rotation direction of the polishing head, and then holding the semiconductor wafer with the polishing head. The polishing step is performed a plurality of times, and the shifting step is performed at least once between the plurality of polishing steps. 1. A single-wafer processing method of polishing one side of a semiconductor wafer , comprising:a polishing step of pressing the semiconductor wafer held by a polishing head against a polishing plate thereby polishing the semiconductor wafer; anda shifting step of transferring the semiconductor wafer held by the polishing head from the polishing plate to a tray outside the polishing plate, then detaching the semiconductor wafer from the polishing head, placing the semiconductor wafer on the tray, moving a relative position of the semiconductor wafer placed and the polishing head in a rotation direction of the polishing head, and then holding the semiconductor wafer placed with the polishing head,wherein the polishing step is performed a plurality of times, and the shifting step is performed at least once between the plurality of polishing steps.2. The single-wafer processing method of polishing one side of a semiconductor wafer claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein when the plurality of times is N times (where N is an integer of 2 or more) claim 1 , the shifting step is performed (N−1) times.3. The single-wafer processing method of polishing one side of a semiconductor ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038615A1

The present invention relates to the technical field for detecting a display substrate, and discloses a substrate detection apparatus and a protrusion height detection method. The substrate detection apparatus comprises a carrier configured to carry a substrate to be detected as well as a sensor bracket, a height measuring sensor is disposed at one end of the sensor bracket, the height measuring sensor is of a cone structure, and a diameter of an end face, which is configured to detect the substrate to be detected, of the height measuring sensor is smaller than that of the other end face. The substrate detection apparatus and the protrusion height detection method can solve problems such as inaccurate measurement and inaccurate calculation for a height of a protrusion defect on a color filter substrate. 1. A substrate detection apparatus , comprising:a carrier configured to carry a substrate to be detected; anda sensor bracket,wherein a height measuring sensor is disposed at one end of said sensor bracket, said height measuring sensor is of a cone structure, and a diameter of an end face, which is configured to detect said substrate to be detected, of said height measuring sensor is smaller than that of the other end face.2. The substrate detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein an end face claim 1 , which is configured to detect said substrate to be detected claim 1 , of said height measuring sensor is a spherical surface claim 1 , and a radius of said spherical surface is 5-20 um.3. The substrate detection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at least one reference point is disposed on said carrier so as to perform zero height calibration on said height measuring sensor by using a height of said reference point as a preset reference height.4. A protrusion height detection method claim 1 , which employs the substrate detection apparatus according to claim 1 , said method comprising:measuring a height of a protrusion with said substrate detection ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Wafer Thinning Method and Wafer Structure

Номер: US20210035793A1
Автор: YI Hongsheng

A wafer thinning method and a wafer structure are provided. In the wafer thinning method, a to-be-thinned wafer is provided, and the to-be-thinned wafer is grinded on a rear surface of the to-be-thinned wafer. Then, a first planarization process is performed on a rear surface of the grinded wafer to restore surface flatness of the grinded wafer, and a second planarization process is performed on a rear surface of the wafer obtained after the first planarization process is performed until a target thinned thickness is reached. 1. A wafer thinning method , comprising:providing a to-be-thinned wafer;grinding the to-be-thinned wafer on a rear surface of the to-be-thinned wafer;performing a first planarization process on a rear surface of the grinded wafer to restore surface flatness of the grinded wafer; andperforming a second planarization process on a rear surface of the wafer obtained after the first planarization process is performed until a target thinned thickness is reached.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first planarization process and the second planarization process is a chemical-mechanical planarization process.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the to-be-thinned wafer is a silicon wafer.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the to-be-thinned wafer is bonded to another wafer.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an error of the surface flatness of the grinded wafer is less than 0.5 μm.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein an error of the surface flatness of the grinded wafer is less than 0.5 μm.7. The method according to claim 3 , wherein an error of the surface flatness of the grinded wafer is less than 0.5 μm.8. The method according to claim 4 , wherein an error of the surface flatness of the grinded wafer is less than 0.5 μm.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the grinding is controlled by performing the following processes comprising:controlling a grinder to grind the to-be-thinned wafer ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055173A1

A wafer held on a delivery pad is lifted from a holding surface, and when a lower surface of the wafer has been spaced in its entirety from the holding surface, an air flow rate regulating valve is opened to eject air from the holding surface. As the distance between the holding surface and the wafer spaced from the holding surface increases by lifting of a delivery unit, the degree of opening of the air flow rate regulating valve is adjusted to increase a flow rate of air from the holding surface, thereby spacing the wafer from the holding surface in a short period of time without rupturing the wafer. 1a chuck table for holding a lower surface of a wafer on a holding surface thereof;a processing unit for processing an upper surface of the wafer whose lower surface is held on the holding surface;a delivery unit for unloading, from the holding surface, the wafer held on the holding surface; anda control unit; a fluid communication passage providing fluid communication between the holding surface and a water supply source,', 'a branching portion included in the fluid communication passage,', 'an air fluid communication passage providing air fluid communication between the branching portion and an air supply source,', 'a water flow rate regulating valve disposed in the fluid communication passage between the holding surface and the water supply source, for regulating a flow rate of water from the water supply source, and', 'an air flow rate regulating valve disposed in the air fluid communication passage, for regulating a flow rate of air from the air supply source, and, 'wherein the chuck table includes'} controls the delivery unit to hold the wafer held on the holding surface,', 'opens the water flow rate regulating valve to eject water from the holding surface,', 'spaces the wafer from the holding surface and lifts the delivery unit holding the wafer, from the holding surface, with the water ejected from the holding surface,', 'opens the air flow rate regulating ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055181A1

The present disclosure relates to retaining rings that include tunable chemical, material and structural properties, improved structural and fluid transport configurations and new methods of manufacturing the same. According to one or more embodiments of the disclosure, it has been discovered that a retaining ring with improved properties may be produced by an additive manufacturing process, such as a three-dimensional (3D) printing process. Embodiments of the present disclosure provide an advanced retaining ring that has discrete features and geometries, formed from at least two different materials that are formed from one or more polymers. The layers and/or regions of the advanced retaining ring may include a composite material structure, such as a polymer that contains at least one filler, such as metals, semimetal oxides, carbides, nitrides and/or polymer particles. 1. A retaining ring comprising: a top surface;', 'a bottom surface;', 'an outer surface extending from the top surface at an outer top perimeter to the bottom surface at an outer bottom perimeter;', 'an inner surface extending from the top surface at an inner top perimeter to the bottom surface at an inner bottom perimeter; and', 'a plurality of concentric portions arranged between the inner and outer surfaces, at least two of the concentric portions comprising a first polymer and at least one of the concentric portions comprising a second polymer, the first polymer having a different hardness from the second polymer., 'an annular body formed by additive manufacturing including2. The retaining ring of claim 1 , wherein the at least two of the concentric portions comprise an outer portion comprising the outer surface and an inner portion comprising the inner surface are the same.3. The retaining ring of claim 2 , wherein the at least one of the concentric portions is a central portion disposed between the outer portion and the inner portion claim 2 , wherein the first polymer comprises a hardness ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039024A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a top ring for holding a substrate. The top ring comprises a substrate supporting surface, a retainer member disposed to surround an outer periphery of the substrate supporting surface, and a retainer guiding device configured to guide the retainer member so as to allow the retainer member to be displaced in a direction perpendicular to the substrate supporting surface, and support the retainer member so as to inhibit the retainer member from being displaced in a direction parallel to and away from the substrate supporting surface. The retainer guiding device is disposed in an inner side of the retainer member surrounding the substrate supporting surface. 1. A top ring for holding a substrate , comprising:a substrate supporting surface;a retainer member disposed to surround an outer periphery of the substrate supporting surface; anda retainer guiding device configured to guide the retainer member so as to allow the retainer member to be displaced in a direction perpendicular to the substrate supporting surface, and support the retainer member so as to inhibit the retainer member from being displaced in a direction parallel to and away from the substrate supporting surface, whereinthe retainer guiding device is disposed in an inner side of the retainer member surrounding the substrate supporting surface.2. The top ring according to claim 1 , whereinthe retainer guiding device includes a supporting roller, and the supporting roller has a rotation axis parallel to the substrate supporting surface.3. The top ring according to claim 1 , whereinthe substrate supporting surface is substantially quadrangular.4. The top ring according to claim 1 , whereinthe retainer member comprises a plurality of plate-like members, and at least one of the retainer members is disposed correspondingly to each side of the substrate supporting surface having a quadrangular shape.5. The top ring according to claim 1 , whereinthe retainer guiding ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039025A1

Provided is a jig for assisting the dismounting and mounting of a top ring. 1. A jig for mounting/dismounting at least a part of a top ring for holding a substrate , comprising:a movable plate for supporting at least a part of the top ring, which is in a dismounted state;a plurality of posts for positioning the jig at a predetermined position relative to the top ring, the plurality of posts being configured to be engaged with the top ring; anda drive mechanism for moving the movable plate in a direction toward and away from the top ring.2. The jig according to claim 1 , further comprising a moving mechanism for moving the jig.3. The jig according to claim 1 , further comprising a stopping mechanism for fixing a position of the jig to prevent the jig from moving.4. The jig according to claim 1 , whereinthe jig is disposed on a polishing table for supporting a polishing pad.5. The jig according to claim 4 , further comprising:an extension table including a surface which is level with a surface of the polishing table or a polishing surface of the polishing pad placed on the polishing table, the extension table being mountable on/dismountable from the polishing table, whereinthe jig is disposed on the polishing table and the extension table.6. A method of dismounting at least a part of a top ring for holding a substrate claim 4 , comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'setting the jig according to on a polishing table or a polishing surface of a polishing pad placed on the polishing table;'}moving the jig to right under the top ring;raising a movable plate of the jig to make the movable plate support the part of the top ring;separating the part of the top ring from a top ring body; andlowering the movable plate.7. A method of mounting at least a part of a top ring for holding a substrate onto a top ring body claim 4 , comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'setting the jig according to on a polishing ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220060085A1

A power tool comprising a housing and a brushless direct-current (BLDC) motor disposed within the housing. The motor includes a stator and a rotor rotatable relative to the stator. The power tool is configured to generate a power output from the motor such that a quotient obtained by the power output measured in Watts (Wout), divided by an input measured in Volt-Amperes (Vain), and further divided by a diameter of the motor measured in meters (m), is greater than 10 Wout/Vain/m. 1. A power tool , comprising:a housing; anda brushless direct-current (BLDC) motor disposed within the housing, the motor including a stator having a plurality of windings and a rotor rotatable relative to the stator, wherein the power tool is configured to generate a power output from the motor such that a quotient obtained by the power output measured in Watts (Wout), divided by an input measured in Volt-Amperes (Vain), and further divided by a diameter of the motor measured in meters (m), is greater than 10 Wout/Vain/m.2. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the power tool is configured to generate an output that is greater than 1200 continuous hot Watts out.3. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the power tool is powered by an alternating-current (AC) power source and further includes:a circuit board residing in the housing;a rectifier mounted on the circuit board and configured to receive AC power from the AC power source and output a direct current (DC) power on a bus line;a capacitor mounted on the circuit board and electrically connected across the bus line parallel to the rectifier; anda switching arrangement mounted on the circuit board and having a plurality of motor switches connected electrically between the bus line and the motor and configured to deliver the DC power to the motor.4. The power tool of claim 3 , wherein the power source has a maximum steady-state current of 15 Amperes at a voltage in the range of 90 Volts to 265 Volts.5. The power tool of claim 4 , wherein the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044494A1

A method of manufacturing a substrate for an acoustic wave device includes: a substrate joining step of joining a piezoelectric material layer to a surface on one side of a support substrate; a grinding step of grinding the piezoelectric material layer; a removal amount map forming step of measuring in-plane thickness of the piezoelectric material layer by an optical thickness meter, and calculating a removal amount for the piezoelectric material layer for adjusting thickness variability of the piezoelectric material layer to or below a threshold on the basis of each coordinate in the plane, to form a removal amount map; a laser processing step of applying a pulsed laser beam of such a wavelength as to be absorbed in the piezoelectric material layer, to selectively remove the piezoelectric material layer, based on the removal amount map; and a polishing step of polishing the surface of the piezoelectric material layer. 1. A method of manufacturing a substrate for an acoustic wave device , the substrate having a piezoelectric material layer with a predetermined thickness formed along a surface on one side of a support substrate , the method comprising:a substrate joining step of joining the piezoelectric material layer to the surface on the one side of the support substrate;a grinding step of holding the support substrate side by a chuck table of a grinding apparatus and grinding and thinning the piezoelectric material layer, after the substrate joining step;a removal amount map forming step of measuring in-plane thickness of the piezoelectric material layer by an optical thickness meter, calculating a removal amount for the piezoelectric material layer for adjusting thickness variability of the piezoelectric material layer to or below a threshold on the basis of each coordinate in the plane, to form a removal amount map, after the grinding step;a laser processing step of applying a pulsed laser beam of such a wavelength as to be absorbed in the piezoelectric ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043814A1

In an embodiment, a system includes: a pad comprising a first side and a second side opposite the first side, wherein the first side is configured to receive a wafer during chemical mechanical planarization (CMP), and a platen adjacent the pad along the second side, wherein the platen comprises a suction opening that interfaces with the second side; a pump configured to produce suction at the suction opening to adhere the second side to the platen; and a sensor configured to collect sensor data characterizing a uniformity of adherence between the pad and the platen, wherein the pump is configured to produce the suction at the suction opening based on the sensor data. 1. A system , comprising:a pad comprising a first side and a second side opposite the first side, wherein the first side is configured to receive a wafer during chemical mechanical planarization (CMP), anda platen adjacent the pad along the second side, wherein the platen comprises a suction opening that interfaces with the second side;a pump configured to produce suction at the suction opening to adhere the second side to the platen; anda sensor configured to collect sensor data characterizing a uniformity of adherence between the pad and the platen, wherein the pump is configured to produce the suction at the suction opening based on the sensor data.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the suction opening is in fluid communication with the pump.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pad is configured to slide along the platen on the second side.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first side is textured differently than the second side.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the second side is smoother than the first side.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the suction opening is part of a plurality of suction openings along an upper surface of the platen claim 1 , wherein there is at least one suction opening per 5 square centimeters to least one suction opening per 30 square centimeters along the upper ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124307A1
Автор: Esenwein Florian

A power tool braking device of a portable power tool includes at least one braking unit configured to brake a movement of a working tool at least in one operating mode. The at least one braking unit includes at least one rolling-contact element configured to activate at least one braking mode of the at least one braking unit. 1. A power-tool braking device of a portable power tool , comprising:at least one braking unit configured to brake a motion of a working tool, at least in one operating mode,wherein the at least one braking unit includes at least one rolling element configured to activate at least one braking mode of the at least one braking unit.2. The power-tool braking device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one braking unit further includes at least one driver element configured to move at least one frictional element of the at least one braking unit claim 1 , at least in the at least one braking mode claim 1 , via a combined action with the at least one rolling element.3. The power-tool braking device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one frictional element is at least partially surrounded claim 2 , along a circumferential direction claim 2 , by at least one braking element of the at least one braking unit.4. The power-tool braking device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one driver element has at least one clamping contour configured to clamp-in the at least one rolling element between the at least one frictional element and the at least one driver element claim 2 , at least in the at least one braking mode.5. The power-tool braking device as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the at least one clamping contour is configured as a ramp.6. The power-tool braking device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one frictional element has a frictional extension configured to be disposed at least partially along an axial direction between at least two braking elements of the at least one braking unit when in a mounted state.7. The ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Retainer ring structure for chemical-mechanical polishing machine and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20150050869A1
Принадлежит: CNUS Co Ltd

A retainer ring structure for a chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) machine includes: an insert ring made of metal and having a plurality of holes formed at the top surface thereof and coupled to a head of the CMP machine; an insert pin made of resin, including a body having a hollow portion of which the top surface is opened and one or more elongated grooves formed at side surfaces thereof in a longitudinal direction, and press-fitted into a hole of the insert ring so as to be subjected to a tapping process; and an outer ring formed to surround the insert pin and the insert ring.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050870A1
Принадлежит: CNUS CO., LTD.

A retainer ring structure for a chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) machine includes: a upper ring made of metal and having a plurality of bolt holes formed on the top surface thereof and coupled to a head of the CMP machine; and a lower ring made of resin and having a coupling groove formed in the center thereof and coupled to the upper ring, wherein the upper ring and the lower ring are coupled to each other such that the top surface of the upper ring and the circumferential top surface of the lower ring are positioned on the same plane. 1. A retainer ring structure for a chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) machine , comprising:a upper ring made of metal and having a plurality of bolt holes formed on the top surface thereof and coupled to a head of the CMP machine; anda lower ring made of resin and having a coupling groove formed in the center thereof and coupled to the upper ring,wherein the upper ring and the lower ring are coupled to each other such that the top surface of the upper ring and the circumferential top surface of the lower ring are positioned on the same plane.2. The retainer ring structure of claim 1 , wherein the bottom of the upper ring made of metal has a multi-stage structure claim 1 , the coupling groove coupled to the bottom of the upper ring has a multi-stage structure corresponding to the bottom of the upper ring claim 1 , and the bottom of the upper ring is coupled to the coupling groove through a fitting method or welding method.3. The retainer ring structure of claim 1 , wherein the upper ring made of metal has a male screw thread formed on the bottom thereof claim 1 , the coupling groove coupled to the bottom of the upper ring has a female screw thread formed on an inner wall thereof claim 1 , and the upper ring and the lower ring are screwed to each other.4. A retainer ring structure for a CMP machine claim 1 , comprising:an upper ring made of metal, having a plurality of bolt holes formed on the top surface thereof and coupled to a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for cutoff machining sintered magnet

Номер: US20220063049A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

A sintered magnet sawing apparatus is provided comprising a cylindrical work carrier mounted on a horizontal rotating spindle and having a regular polygonal shape in a perpendicular cross section, and a plurality of endless elastic belts adapted to force a work of sintered magnet against the carrier surface to secure the work thereto and adapted to travel synchronously with and counter to the rotation of the carrier in a circulatory manner. In accordance with rotation of the carrier, the work is delivered to the peripheral surface of the carrier, secured thereto by the elastic belts, moved further forward and cutoff machined by an outer cutoff blade. The divided work is moved further forward, released and discharged from the carrier.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063051A1
Автор: GENOZONO Jiro

A grinding apparatus includes a chuck table that holds a wafer on a holding surface; a grinding unit that has a spindle unit in which a spindle with an annular grindstone mounted to a tip thereof is rotatably supported and that grinds the wafer by use of the grindstone; a grinding feeding mechanism that puts the grinding unit into grinding feeding in a grinding feeding direction perpendicular to the holding surface; a first height gauge that measures the height of the holding surface; a second height gauge that measures the height of an upper surface of the wafer; and a calculation section that calculates the difference between the height of the holding surface and the height of the upper surface of the wafer, as the thickness of the wafer. In the grinding apparatus, the first height gauge and the second height gauge are disposed in the grinding unit. 1. A grinding apparatus comprising:a chuck table that holds a wafer on a holding surface;a grinding unit that has a spindle unit in which a spindle with an annular grindstone mounted to a tip thereof is rotatably supported and that grinds the wafer by use of the grindstone;a grinding feeding mechanism that puts the grinding unit into grinding feeding in a grinding feeding direction perpendicular to the holding surface;a first height gauge that measures a height of the holding surface;a second height gauge that measures a height of an upper surface of the wafer held on the holding surface; anda calculation section that calculates a difference between the height of the holding surface measured by the first height gauge and the height of the upper surface of the wafer measured by the second height gauge, as the thickness of the wafer,wherein the first height gauge and the second height gauge are disposed in the grinding unit.2. The grinding apparatus according to claim 1 , 'a holder having a support plate that has an opening for exposing a lower portion of the spindle and that supports the spindle unit, and a side plate ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063055A1
Автор: WATANABE Hiroyuki

A spindle unit includes a spindle having a processing tool fitted to a distal end of the spindle; and a spindle housing having a thrust bearing and a radial bearing configured to support the spindle by air in a rotatable and noncontact manner, the thrust bearing including an air supply portion configured to supply air to a gap between an outer surface of the spindle, the outer surface being in a direction orthogonal to an axial direction of the spindle, and an inner surface of the spindle housing, and an adjusting unit capable of adjusting a distance of the gap in a direction perpendicular to the outer surface of the spindle.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063059A1
Автор: Saito Yoshinobu

A grinding wheel includes an annular base having a free end portion and a plurality of segment grindstones fixed on the free end portion of the annular base in a state of being spaced from one another in a circumferential direction. The plurality of segment grindstones are divided into a plurality of grindstone groups each including a predetermined number of segment grindstones. Each of the segment grindstones included in each of the grindstone groups has a grinding surface formed into a rectangular shape having a long side and a short side. The segment grindstones of the grindstone group are sequentially fixed on the free end portion of the annular base from an outer circumferential side toward an inner circumferential side such that directions in which the long sides of the segment grindstones extend are changed from the circumferential direction to a diametric direction of the free end portion. 1. A grinding wheel comprising:an annular base having a free end portion; anda plurality of segment grindstones fixed on the free end portion of the annular base in a state of being spaced from one another in a circumferential direction,wherein the plurality of segment grindstones are divided into a plurality of grindstone groups each including a predetermined number of segment grindstones,each of the segment grindstones included in each of the grindstone groups has a grinding surface formed into a rectangular shape having a long side and a short side, andthe segment grindstones of the grindstone group are sequentially fixed on the free end portion of the annular base from an outer circumferential side toward an inner circumferential side such that directions in which the long sides of the segment grindstones extend are changed from the circumferential direction to a diametric direction of the free end portion.2. A wafer grinding method using a grinding wheel that includes an annular base having a free end portion and a plurality of segment grindstones fixed on the free ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047115A1

An electric power tool, for example, a polisher includes a tip end tool 67an output shaft extending in a direction perpendicular to a work surface, a main body housing extending in a direction perpendicular to the output shaft a motor housed in the main body housing and an electric circuit board disposed parallel to the motor in an direction in which the main body housing extends. 1. Aa electric power tool , comprising:a tip end tool;an output shft extending in a direction perpendicular in a work surface;a main body housing extenidng in a direction perpendicular to the output shaft;a motor that is housed in the main body housing; andan electrical circuit board that is disposed parallel to the motor in a direction in which the main body housing extends.2. An electric power tool comprising:a motor with a rotor shaft that extends in a front-to-rear direction;a motor housing that houses the motor;a gear housing that is disposed at the front side of dm motor;an output shaft that is held by the gear housing and disposed approximately perpendicular to the rotor shaft;a handle housing that is disposed at the rear side of the motor housing; andan electrical circuit board, that is disposed further outward than the outer periphery of the motor.3. An electric power tool , comprising:a motor with a rotor shaft that extends in the front-to-rear direction;a motor housing that houses the motor;a gear housing that is disposed at the front side of the motor;an output shaft that is held by the gear housing and disposed approximately perpendicular to the rotor shaft;a handle housing that is disposed at the rear side of the motor housing; andan electrical circuit board that is disposed between the motor and the handle housing,wherein the electrical circuit board is tilted in a front-to-rear direction or disposed in a perpendicular manner with respect to the front-to-rear direction.4. The electric power tool according to claim 2 , wherein there is a rib present extending in the up-to- ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052105A1
Автор: CHEN Jun-Fan

An auxiliary equipment for valve grinding is provided, including a main body, a driving shaft, a first linkage, a second linkage, a third linkage and a driven shaft. The driving shaft defines a first axial direction. The driving shaft is for connecting to a rotating tool. One end of the first linkage is connected to the driving shaft. The second linkage and the other end of the first linkage are connected to a first movable connecting portion. One end of the third linkage and the second linkage are connected to a second movable connecting portion. The driven shaft defines a second axial direction. When the first linkage rotates together with the driving shaft, the first movable connecting portion rotates about the first axial direction, the second linkage swings about the first movable connecting portion, and the second movable connecting portion swings about the second axial direction. 1. An auxiliary equipment for valve grinding , comprising:a main body;a driving shaft, defining a first axial direction, rotatably assembled with the main body, and for connecting to a rotating tool;a first linkage, one end of the first linkage fixedly connected to the driving shaft radially;a second linkage, movably connected with the other end of the first linkage via a first movable connecting portion;a third linkage, one end of the third linkage and the second linkage movably connected with each other via a second movable connecting portion;a driven shaft, defining a second axial direction and fixedly connected to the other end of the third linkage axially;wherein the first linkage, the second linkage and the third linkage are swingable relative to the first axial direction, when the first linkage rotates together with the driving shaft, the first movable connecting portion rotates about the first axial direction, the second linkage swings about the first movable connecting portion and the second movable connecting portion swings reciprocatedly about the second axial direction.2. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053182A1

A carrier head for a chemical mechanical polishing apparatus includes a carrier body, an outer membrane assembly, an annular segmented chuck, and an inner membrane assembly. The outer membrane assembly is supported from the carrier body and defines a first plurality of independently pressurizable outer chambers. The annular segmented chuck supported below the outer membrane assembly, and includes a plurality of concentric rings that are independently vertically movable by respective pressurizable chambers of the outer membrane assembly. At least two of the rings having passages therethrough to suction-chuck a substrate to the chuck. The inner membrane assembly is supported from the carrier body and is surrounded by an innermost ring of the plurality of concentric rings of the chuck. The inner membrane assembly defines a second plurality of independently pressurizable inner chambers and has a lower surface to contact the substrate. 1. A carrier head for a chemical mechanical polishing apparatus , the carrier head comprising:a carrier body;an outer membrane assembly supported from the carrier body and defining a first plurality of independently pressurizable outer chambers;an annular segmented chuck supported from the outer membrane assembly, the substrate chuck including a plurality of concentric rings that are independently vertically movable by respective pressurizable chambers of the outer membrane assembly, at least two of the rings having passages therethrough to suction-chuck a substrate to the chuck; andan inner membrane assembly supported from the carrier body, the inner membrane assembly surrounded by an innermost ring of the plurality of concentric rings of the chuck, the inner membrane assembly defining a second plurality of independently pressurizable inner chambers and having a lower surface to contact the substrate.2. The carrier head of claim 1 , further comprising a cushion extending below and secured to the substrate chuck and configured to contact ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047308A1

Provided is a substrate holding device used in a substrate polishing apparatus that polishes a substrate using a polishing pad. The substrate holding device includes: a retainer ring configured to hold a peripheral edge of the substrate; and a drive ring fixed to the retainer ring so as to rotate together with the retainer ring. The surface of the retainer ring at the polishing pad side has a convex portion at a position other than an innermost circumference following a shape of the drive ring. 1. (canceled)2. A substrate holding device used in a substrate polishing apparatus that polishes a substrate using a polishing pad , the substrate holding device comprising:a retainer ring including an inner retainer ring configured to hold a peripheral edge of the substrate and an outer retainer ring provided outside the inner retainer ring; anda drive ring fixed to the retainer ring to rotate together with the retainer ring,wherein a surface of the inner retainer ring and/or a surface of the outer retainer ring at a polishing pad side have a convex portion following a shape of the drive ring.3. (canceled)4. A substrate holding device used in a substrate polishing apparatus that polishes a substrate using a polishing pad , the substrate holding device comprising:a retainer ring configured to hold a peripheral edge of the substrate;a drive ring fixed to the retainer ring to rotate together with the retainer ring; anda ring-type annular member configured, substantially over an entire circumference thereof, to be in contact with the drive ring at one portion thereof and to be in contact with the retainer ring at another portion thereof,wherein a surface of the retainer ring at a polishing pad side has a convex portion following a shape of the annular member.5. The substrate holding device of claim 4 , wherein the retainer ring includes an inner retainer ring configured to hold the peripheral edge of the substrate and an outer retainer ring provided outside the inner retainer ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056897A1
Автор: CHEN Bach Pangho

A sander capable of correcting airflow amount comprises a body and a correction valve. The body includes an air intake passage to receive pressurized air, a drive motor driven by the pressurized air to rotate at a rotational speed including a preset range and an excessive range, and a regulation valve located on the air intake passage to adjust the rotational speed of the drive motor in the preset range. The correction valve includes an adjustment portion operable in an adjustment displacement and a mask wall movable by the adjustment portion to block the air intake passage. The adjustment portion determines the flow amount of the pressurized air passing through the correction valve according to the adjustment displacement thereof to confine the rotational speed of the drive motor from the excessive range to the preset range, thereby controls the rotational speed of the drive motor in the preset range. 1. A sander providing airflow correction , comprising:a body including an air intake passage to receive pressurized air, a drive motor driven by the pressurized air to rotate at a rotational speed including a preset range and an excessive range, and a regulation valve located on the air intake passage and operable manually by a user to adjust the rotational speed of the drive motor in the preset range; anda correction valve which is located on the air intake passage and coupled with the regulation valve, and includes an adjustment portion operable by a mechanical tool to proceed an adjustment displacement and a mask wall movable by the adjustment portion to block the air intake passage, the adjustment portion determining flow amount of the pressurized air passing through the correction valve according to the position thereof during the adjustment displacement to confine the rotational speed of the drive motor from the excessive range to the preset range.2. The sander of claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the excessive range to the preset range is less than 30%.3. The ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Processing method of wafer

Номер: US20210057261A1
Автор: Kohei Tsujimoto
Принадлежит: Disco Corp

A wafer processing method includes sticking an adhesive tape to the front surface of a wafer, disposing a thermocompression bonding sheet on the adhesive tape stuck to the front surface of the wafer. The thermocompression bonding sheet is heated and pressed by a flat member to execute pressure bonding of the thermocompression bonding sheet to the adhesive tape and integrate the thermocompression bonding sheet with the wafer. The processing method also includes holding the side of the thermocompression bonding sheet on a chuck table of a grinding apparatus and grinding the wafer into a desired thickness while supplying grinding water to the back surface of the wafer. The integrated wafer is separated from the chuck table and the thermocompression bonding sheet is separated from the adhesive tape.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072676A1
Автор: CHEN Bach Pangho

An electric grinding machine tool comprises a grip body, a grinding disc and a battery, the grip body is arranged with a tool shaft connected with the grinding disc, a driving component capable of rotating the tool shaft when receiving power, and a circuit board electrically connected with the driving component and the battery, and the grip body has a battery mount exposed to an outer surface. The board surface of the circuit board is not perpendicular to the tool shaft, the circuit board and the battery mount are respectively positioned on opposite sides of the tool shaft, and a line passes through the circuit board, the battery mount, and the tool shaft. By changing the position of the circuit board, the height of the grip body is reduced, so that the gravity center of the grip body is reduced to improve stability of a grinding operation. 1. An electric grinding machine tool , comprising a grip body , a grinding disc and a battery , wherein the grip body is arranged with a tool shaft connected with the grinding disc , a driving component capable of rotating the tool shaft when receiving power , and a circuit board electrically connected with the driving component and the battery , the grip body comprising a battery mount exposed to an outer surface , and the electric grinding machine tool is characterized in that:a board surface of the circuit board is not perpendicular to the tool shaft, the circuit board and the battery mount are respectively positioned on opposite sides of the tool shaft, and a line passes through the circuit board, the battery mount and the tool shaft.2. The electric grinding machine tool of claim 1 , wherein the grip body is formed with a plurality of ventilation holes forming a air passage passing through the circuit board.3. The electric grinding machine tool of claim 1 , wherein the grip body is formed with a plurality of ventilation holes forming a first air passage passing through the circuit board and a second air passage flowing at a ...
