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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 17523. Отображено 200.
27-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2191694C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для изготовления растяжимой оберточной пластмассовой пленки и, в частности, хранению такой пластмассовой пленки, которая перед хранением в рулоне была подвергнута растяжению. Способ включает растяжение пленки, удаление противоположных краевых зон растянутой пленки, частичное ослабление пленки и ее хранение. Растяжение пленки осуществляют с превышением ее предела текучести до относительного удлинения, превышающего 100%. После удаления противоположных краевых зон растянутой пленки получают пленку, обладающую относительно равномерной толщиной. Частичное ослабление пленки производят для высвобождения части компонента упругой деформации пленки и сохранения приблизительно 20% - 80% упругой деформации. Хранение пленки для будущего использования осуществляют в частично ослабленном состоянии. Описана также пленка, изготовленная описываемым способом, и способ обертывания груза. Изобретение позволяет изготавливать пленку равномерной толщины и использовать ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316427C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе для изготовления упаковочного ламината в форме листа. Способ включает экструдирование пленки полимерного материала вниз в зазор между охлаждающим валком и противодействующим валком. При этом пленку полимерного материала соединяют с по меньшей мере одним слоем упаковочного материала в указанном зазоре. На охлаждающий валок наносят покрытие в виде поверхностного слоя композиции на водной основе, содержащей сухое вещество. Эту композицию переносят в виде тонкого слоя на пленку полимерного материала в зазоре, пока пленка является горячей. Описана также система для изготовления упаковочного ламината. Система содержит экструдер, охлаждающий и противодействующий валки, средства для введения в зазор между ними по меньшей мере одного слоя упаковочного ламината и устройство для покрытия охлаждающего валка поверхностным слоем композиции. Изобретение позволяет получать очень тонкое однородное поверхностное покрытие, а также изготавливать упаковочный ламинат ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2514831C2
Принадлежит: СТРАТАСИС, ИНК. (US)

Расходный материал (34) для использования в экструзионной цифровой системе (10) изготовления имеет длину (36) и профиль (38) поперечного сечения, по меньшей мере участка длины (36), который является осеасимметричным. Профиль (38) поперечного сечения сконфигурирован для обеспечения времени реакции с помощью нецилиндрического ожижителя (48) экструзионной цифровой системы (10) изготовления, которое быстрее времени реакции, достигаемого с помощью цилиндрического филамента в цилиндрическом ожижителе для такой же термически ограниченной максимальной объемной скорости потока. Способ изготовления трехмерной модели в экструзионной цифровой системе (10) изготовления содержит этапы, на которых подают расходный материал в нецилиндрический ожижитель, плавят его, и экструдируют расплавленный расходный материал послойным образом для формирования по меньшей мере участка трехмерной модели. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании расходного материала по изобретению, заключается в уменьшении ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2553464C2

Изобретение относится к этиленовому сополимеру. Описан этиленовый сополимер для получения продукта литьевого формования. Получают полимеризацией этилена и C3-C18 α-олефинового сомономера. Этиленовый сополимер характеризуется энергией активации 40 кДж/моль или более и молекулярно-массовым распределением 2,4 или более. Удовлетворяет соотношениям между осциллирующим крутящим моментом и фазовым углом в сечении Р≤168,8-97,4×t+32,2×t-4,0×t3 и Р≥204,3-157,7×t+58,0×t-7,5×t, где t представляет собой осциллирующий крутящий момент (мкН·м) и находится в диапазоне от 60 до 6000 мкН·м, Р представляет собой фазовый угол (°). Также описан продукт литьевого формования. Технический результат - улучшение эластичности и технологичности без ухудшения сопротивления ударной нагрузки и негибкости этиленового сополимера. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 4 табл., 14 пр.

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508989C2

В изобретении растягивающуюся пленку обрабатывают за счет пропускания полотна содержащей вещество для повышения клейкости, неблумированной тонкой полимерной пленки через нагревательное устройство, так что полотно нагревается до температуры, достаточной для того, чтобы вызвать блумирование вещества для повышения клейкости, до того, как полотно доходит до следующей стадии поточного процесса. Кроме того, рисунок может быть нанесен на тонкую полимерную пленку. Ориентированное полотно тонкой полимерной пленки пропускают по меньшей мере через один нагретый ролик, имеющий гравированный на нем рисунок, имеющий лицевые области и заглубленные области, совместно образующие этот рисунок. Когда полотно контактирует с областями поверхности ролика, участки полотна, расположенные поверх заглубленных областей, получают меньше теплоты, чем участки полотна, расположенные поверх лицевых областей. Это обеспечивает соответствующие участки полотна подвергаться различной, вызванной теплотой, усадке, которая переносит ...

20-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2144548C1

Изобретение относится к области химии полимеров, в частности к производству пленочного материала на основе поливинилхлорида. Способ включает в себя последовательное прохождение композиции на основе ПВХ между валами каландра с формованием и калиброванием поливинилхлоридной пленки в зазоре между валами трехвалкового каландра и подогревательным валом, пропуск пленки через подкладочный вал, тиснение, охлаждение и намотку. Формование пленки осуществляют при разности температур 2-го и 3-го плавильных валов, равной 15-30°С, 3-го плавильного и подогревательного валов, равной 1-8oС, а последующие операции проводят при разности скоростей между 2-м и 3-м плавильными валами, равной 0,3-9 м/мин, между 3-м плавильным и подогревательным валами, равной 0,1-0,3 м/мин, между 3-м плавильным и подкладочными валами, равной 0,1-0,6 м/мин, между подкладочным и тиснильным валами, равной 0,1-0,5 м/мин, между тиснильным и охлаждающим барабаном, равной 0,3-3,0 м/мин, и между охлаждающим барабаном и намоточным устройством ...

20-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2106973C1

Использование: для изготовления ориентированной слоистой пленки с продольно-поперечным расположением слоев. Сущность изобретения: слоистая полимерная пленка выполнена с ребрами, толщина которых больше средней толщины слоистой пленки, имеющими в основном вогнутые и в основном выпуклые поверхности, образующие изгибы ребер в поперечном направлении пленки. Материал около ребер и на их краях в ненапряженном состоянии пленки согнут в противоположном направлении по отношению к ребру для придания материалу между двумя соседними ребрами в основном выпрямленной формы. Способ изготовления слоистого материала предусматривает поперечное вытягивание слоистых полимерных пленок при температуре ниже температуры плавления термопластичного материала, стабилизацию во время процесса придания складчатой формы. Условия вытягивания подбирают так, чтобы стабилизированные складчатые участки сохраняли эту форму пли память о ней. Эти складчатые участки восстанавливают, по меньшей мере, частично создавая ребристую ...

03-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707995C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения армированных термопластичных вибропоглощающих пленок, используемых в составе композиционных вибропоглощающих материалов, предназначенных для защиты различных конструкций от вибрации. Предложен способ получения армированной термопластичной вибропоглощающей пленки, включающий следующие этапы: смешение поливинилацетата или бутилакрилата или их смеси с одним или более пластификаторами; нагревание полученной композиции при температуре 70-90°С в течение не менее 2 часов; непрерывная подача указанной нагретой композиции в экструдер; непрерывное пропускание указанной композиции через экструдер при температуре 120-150°С; непрерывная подача расплавленной полимерной композиции через щелевую головку экструдера в виде расплавленного полотна на армирующий материал, который непрерывно подается на подложке на охлаждаемый валок, с образованием армированной термопластичной пленки. Данный способ позволяет получать армированные самоклеящиеся пленки небольшой толщины ...

10-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2110407C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения многослойного полимерного материала высокой прочности. Сущность изобретения: в способе получения многослойного полимерного материала для внутреннего армирующего слоя с фибриллярной структурой используют материал, состоящий из смеси полиэтилена высокой плотности и полиэтилена низкой плотности. При этом полиэтилен высокой плотности имеет молекулярный вес, значительно превышающий молекулярный вес полиэтилена низкой плотности. Полиэтилен низкой плотности выбирают из группы сополимеров и/или разветвленных полиэтиленов, обладающих одинаковым или более высоким удлинением при разрыве при комнатной температуре и медленном растяжении, чем полиэтилен высокой плотности. Указанные сополимеры и/или разветвленные полиэтилены обладают также способностью заметно отслаиваться от полиэтилена высокой плотности при образовании четкой микрофазы при охлаждении расплавленной гомогенной смеси компонентов материала внутреннего слоя. Кроме того, материал внутреннего армирующего ...

27-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93042443A

Материал для закрытия осевых отверстий цилиндрических конденсаторов и способ его получения относится к области получения полимерного материала со специальными свойствами. Цель изобретения - повышение качества закрытия любых по диаметру осевых отверстий секций конденсаторов путем образования оптимального по высоте гофра на полотне материала при его нагревании. Новым является применение для каждого диаметра отверстий (ряда отверстий) материала со свойствами неоднородной температурной усадки, причем усадочные и безусадочные участки материала равны между собой, расположены в шахматном порядке и равны 2 - 3 величинам осевого отверстия конденсатора. Материал получают в виде пленки из кристаллизующегося термопласта со свойствами термоусадки. Новым является то, что с целью получения периодических неоднородных по величине усадки участков, полотно при воздействии на него силового поля проходит по нагретому до температуры дезориентации структуры материала поверхности валка, имеющей выступы в виде ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011149181A

... 1. Состав для нанесения фторполимерного покрытия на полиимидную пленку, представляющий собой водную дисперсию фторсодержащего полимера, в которую введен 50%-ный водно-спиртовой раствор в соотношении 1:1.2. Устройство для нанесения фторопластового покрытия на поверхность полиимидной пленки, включающее опорный барабан с нагреваемой наружной поверхностью, снабженный приводом, задающим скорость вращения барабана, обеспечивающую заданное натяжение полиимидной пленки, и узел напыления водной дисперсии фторосодержащего полимера на поверхность полиимидной пленки, включающий форсунки, перемещающиеся в поперечном направлении относительно полиимидной пленки.3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что включает шабер, предназначенный для удаления капель фторопластового покрытия и других загрязнений с поверхности опорного барабана.4. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что опорный барабан состоит из двух цилиндров - наружного и внутреннего, при этом наружная поверхность внутреннего цилиндра имеет шестизаходную ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94027688A

Применяют плоскую в качестве промежуточных пленочных слоев при изготовлении многослойных защитных стекол, предпочтительно силикатных стекол.

27-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93018999A

Изобретение относится к клеющим веществам. В качестве клеющих пленок широко применяются пленки на основе поливинилбутираля, имеющие недостаточную свето- и теплостойкость. Клеющие пленки из сополимера этилена и винилацетата с содержанием винилацетата 20-40%, сшитые в процессе склеивания с помощью органической перекиси, лишены этого недостатка. Применение таких пленок сопряжено с повышением газовыделением и длительным процессом склеивания. С целью увеличения теплостойкости, адгезии и снижения газовыделения при использовании предлагается оптически прозрачную пленку из сополимера этилена и винилацетата в процессе изготовления обрабатывать пучком ускоренных электронов до содержания гель-фракции 10-50%.

01-01-1962 дата публикации

Способ изготовления тисненых термопластичных пленок

Номер: SU145739A1
Автор: Графов Д.И.

23-01-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для намотки пленки

Номер: SU1622154A2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для намотки ленточных гибких материалов, в частности к устройствам для намотки тонких полимерных материалов, и может найти применение в целлюлозно-бумажной, полиграфической, химической, радиотехнической и других отраслях промышленности , связанных с производством и обработкой длинномерных гибких материалов Цель изобретения - повышение надежности устройства в работе Устройство для намотки пленки снабжено дополнительным приводным валиком 18, взаимодействующим с поверхностью бобины 2 своей наружной поверхностью и кинематически связанным с валиком 7 с возможностью синхронного и равноскоростного движения их наружных рабочих поверхностей в направлении движения пленки. Дополнительный приводной валик смонтирован на конце дополнительного рычага 14, подпружиненного пружиной 15 к рычагу 4 валика 7 к связанного с ним посредсвом шарнира в виде кулисы. 4 ил ...

15-06-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для получения полимерных пленок

Номер: SU1740186A1

Изобретение относится к устройству для получения полимерных пленок и м.б. использовано в химико-фотографической промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение производительности и экономичности устройства. Для этого в корпусе отливочной машины размещены верхний и нижний сушильные каналы, сообщенные между собой. Сушильные каналы образованы стенками корпуса и бесконечной металлической лентой. Устройство снабжено средством подвода тепла к металлической ленте и холодильной камерой с элементом конденсации. Воздушная полость холод ильной камеры непроточна для теплоносителя и сообщена с по меньшей мере одним сушильным каналом. Элемент конденсации расположен ниже соответствующей ветви бесконечной ленты. При работе холодильная камера отводит растворитель непосредственно из канала при минимальном расходе теплоносителя и повышенном сушильном потенциале. 3 ил.

07-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1833311C

23-11-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для обработки поверхности полиэтиленовой пленки коронным разрядом

Номер: SU1353653A1

Изобретение относится к обработке полиэтиленовой пленки коронным разрядом и может быть использовано в химической промышленности . Цель изобретения - повышение качества обработки пленки путем обеспечения тонкой регулировки межэлектродного зазора. Для этого между валковым и активным электродами образован межэлектродный зазор для прохода пленки. Механизм регулирования этого зазора выполнен в виде пары несуш,их рычагов для закрепления активного электрода. Несушие рычаги установлены на оси вместе с опорными рычагами . На концах опорных рычагов расположены ролики для контакта с валковым электродом . Несущие рычаги соединены коромыслом . Между корпусом и коромыслом расположена распорная пружина. Между несуш,ими и опорными рычагами смонтированы регулировочные винты. При работе настраивают оптимальную величину межэлектродного зазора . Коромысло передает усилие распорной пружины опорным рычагам и роликам. Ролики нажимают на валковый электрод с постоянным усилием. Это усилие равно половине усилия ...

15-12-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для формования пленок

Номер: SU1781074A1

Использование: получение пленок в устройствах для производства пленок или мембран путем полива раствора или расплава полимера движущейся поверхности. Сущность: выполнение механизма перемещения фильеры в виде двух рычагов, одни концы которых жестко закреплены на приводном валу, а другие концы размещены на опорных кронштейнах и жестко связаны с фильерой посредством осей. Механизм содержит также одно жестко и одно свободно установленные на одном конце приводного вала червячные колеса. Причем свободно установленное червячное колесо жестко связано с размещенной на приводном валу шестерней. Эта шестерня связана с шестерней , установленной на оси рычага, размещенного со стороны червячных колес, посредством промежуточной шестерни, которая установлена на промежуточной оси. 3 ил.

23-01-1990 дата публикации

Гладильно-компенсирующее устройство для полимерных рукавных пленок

Номер: SU1537567A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для получения полимерных рукавных пленок. Оно может быть использовано в химической промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение качества пленок за счет предотвращения их вытяжки в месте нагрева. Для этого гладильно-компенсирующее устройство содержит гладильный узел в виде противоположно расположенных по обе стороны пленки нагретого барабана и прижимного подпружиненного валка и компенсатор в виде ряда свободно вращающихся роликов. Устройство дополнительно снабжено гладильным узлом, имеющим барабан и валок. Барабан и валок одного гладильного узла расположены X-образно соответственно барабану и валку другого гладильного узла. При работе обеспечивается двустороннее тепловое воздействие на пленки, что создает одинаковые условия для отжига, выравнивания и разглаживания обеих сторон пленки. Это способствует равномерности придания обеим сторонам пленки плоскораскатанного сплющенного состояния. Кроме того, исключается вытяжка пленки в месте ее нагрева, т.к. одна ...

11-12-2008 дата публикации

Weiße Polyesterfolie für Karten

Номер: DE102007026553A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine weiß-opake Polyesterfolie mit spezifischen optischen Eigenschaften insbesondere für die Kartenanwendung. Die Folie enthält Bariumsulfat als Weißpigment und ein Additiv zur Verschiebung der UV-Absorptionsbande. Durch den Zusatz dieses Additivs wird die UV-VIS-Absorptionsbande selektiv in Richtung höherer Wellenlängen verschoben.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung einer Folie für elektrische Energiespeicher

Номер: DE102017211492A1

Bei einem Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Folie (2) für elektrische Energiespeicher, insbesondere für Batterien und Akkumulatoren, wird Polyethylen (5) und erwärmtes Öl (7) durch mindestens eine Zuführöffnung (33, 34) in mindestens zwei Gehäusebohrungen (23) einer Mehrwellen-Schneckenmaschine (3) zugeführt. In den mindestens zwei Gehäusebohrungen (23) sind mindestens zwei Behandlungselementwellen (26) drehantreibbar angeordnet, die jeweils mindestens ein dreigängig ausgebildetes Behandlungselement (43‘, 44‘, 45‘) aufweisen. Mittels der mindestens dreigängigen Behandlungselemente (43‘, 44‘, 45‘) wird durch Drehantreiben der mindestens zwei Behandlungselementwellen (26) aus dem Polyethylen (5) und dem Öl (7) eine Mischung (M) erzeugt. Aus der Mischung (M) wird anschließend die Folie (2) hergestellt. Dadurch, dass erwärmtes Öl (7) zugeführt wird, muss mittels der Mehrwellen-Schneckenmaschine (3) nur noch wenig Energie in das Polyethylen (5) eingebracht werden, um dieses aufzuschmelzen. Durch ...

07-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002413221B2

22-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002443164B1
Принадлежит: HOECHST AG

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elastischen Verbundfolie

Номер: DE0060123351T3

12-09-1985 дата публикации

Process and device for producing unstretched, polypropylene-containing polymer films with improved weldability

Номер: DE0003408613A1

The present invention relates to a process for producing unstretched, polypropylene-containing polymer films with improved weldability, the films emerging from a sheet extruder die being cooled using at least one cooling roll, preferably by the chill roll process, with a roll temperature of 35 to 59 DEG C, preferably 41 to 57 DEG C, without the cooling substantially affecting their transparency and weldability and subsequently subjected to a further thermal treatment in the form of heating using a roll temperature below 100 DEG C, preferably below 80 DEG C, and subsequently cooling to ambient temperature. The invention further relates to a device for carrying out the process consisting of a sheet extruder and at least one cooling roll disposed downstream of the sheet extruder die, preferably a chill roll or chill casting roll, with a diameter greater than 450 mm, preferably greater than 500 mm, downstream of which one or more heating rolls and subsequently at least one cooling roll are ...

19-02-2004 дата публикации

Low orientation thermoplastic film production involves extrusion of plastic film between polishing rolls with a specified relationship between film speeds in first and second polishing nips

Номер: DE0010236045A1

Extruded thermoplastic film(5), 20-1000 microns thick is delivered to a polishing stack with three or four rolls, the first pair(1,2) of which forms a first polishing nip and further rolls(3,31) form a second polishing nip or a pressure nip. The ratio of the die gap width to film thickness is 1:1 - 1:6. Extruded thermoplastic film(5), 20-1000 microns thick is delivered to a polishing stack with three or four rolls, the first pair(1,2) of which forms a first polishing nip and further rolls(3,31) form a second polishing nip or a pressure nip. The ratio of the die gap width to film thickness is 1:1 - 1:6. The quotient of film speed in the second polishing gap or in the pressure gap divided by the film speed in the first polishing gap is 0.8-1.05. A third roll(3) may be positioned close enough to one of the rolls to create the second polishing nip. An Independent claim is included for a film produced by the process.

22-02-2007 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zur Extrusion eines Folienschlauches

Номер: DE102005038731A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt eine Extrusionsvorrichtung (1) zur Extrusion eines Folienschlauches in einer Bewegungsrichtung (z), welche (1) einen Düsenkopf mit einem ringförmigen Spalt, aus welchem der Folienschlauch austritt, umfasst und welche (1) eine Innenkühlvorrichtung umfasst, mit welcher der extrudierte Folienschlauch nach dessen Austreten aus dem ringförmigen Spalt von innen her kühlbar ist. DOLLAR A Neu und erfinderisch ist das Kühlelement, welches die gleiche Querschnittsform aufweist wie der Folienschlauch und welches in der Bewegungsrichtung (z) des extrudierten Folienschlauches eine Oberfläche aufweist, die bewegbar ist.

20-11-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung mehrfarbiger Folien

Номер: DE102005056222B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung mehrfarbiger trägerloser Folien im Umkehrstreichverfahren, wobei zunächst eine Trägerstruktur mit einer ersten Kunststoffschicht aus mehreren gleichzeitig nebeneinander aufgetragenen flüssig-pastösen Kunststoff-Chargen unterschiedlicher Farbgebung beschichtet wird und danach auf diese erste Kunststoffschicht eine zweite Kunststoffschicht in Form einer Schaumfolie aufgetragen und weitere Lack- oder Kleberschichen auf die zweite Kunststoffschicht aufgebracht werden, wobei nach ausreichender Trocknung des Schichtverbundes die Trägerstruktur abgezogen und die darunter liegende Oberfläche des Schichtverbundes lackiert und mit einer geprägten Oberflächenstruktur versehen und danach geschnitten wird, wobei die Kunststoff-Chargen unterschiedlicher Farbgebung bis kurz vor dem Anhaften auf der Trägerstruktur getrennt geführt und die Trägerstruktur über Walze und Rakel bzw. Streichmesser mit einem flüssigen Kunststoff beschichtet wird, wobei der Massenstrom über den Kanalquerschnitt ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Dickenprofilregelung

Номер: DE102011018320B4

Verfahren zur Regelung des Foliendickenprofils von in Folienblasanlagen hergestellten ein- oder mehrschichtigen Schlauchfolien durch Erfassen des Dickenprofils des Folienschlauches, anschließendem Vergleich des erfassten Istprofils mit den vorgegebenen Sollprofilen zur Erzeugung einer Regelgröße zum Beeinflussen des Dickenprofils des herzustellenden Folienschlauchs, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Regelung zur Erzeugung der Regelgröße eine kaskadierte Regelung aus einer Überlagerung folgender Profile umfasst: ein Grundprofil, welches die Dicke der extrudierten Schlauchfolie über den Schlauchfolienumfang auf ein vorgegebenes Dickensollprofil mittels eines Foliendickenprofilregelsystems regelt, ein Rollenprofil, welches aus dem Dickenistprofil die Foliendicke über die Wickelbreite summatorisch über die Länge des Schlauchs hochrechnet und bei Entstehen von Kolbenringen auf dem Wickel ein Regeleingriff vorgenommen wird, sodass die Solldickenverlagerung über die Folienbreite angepasst wird, ...

04-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002521030A1

15-09-2005 дата публикации

Moisture sensitive product packaging film manufacture involves supplying a heat sealable base film and placing drying material sections or strips onto inner side of film to face product

Номер: DE102004013664A1

A base packaging film (V), in particular a heat sealable film, is prepared and a drying material (T) is prepared separately in the form of one or more flat sections or strips. The drying material is applied, preferably sealed, onto one side of the base film (V) which, on completion of a package manufacture, lies on the inner side of the package facing the moisture sensitive product. The base packaging film (V) is a continuously moving endless band and the drying material (T) is initially produced as an intermittently moving endless strip. Continuous drying material is cut (40) transverse to the conveying direction to form individual flat sections or strips (Tp). The dimensions of the cut sections or strips are such that when they are applied onto the base film and the package is finished they lie completely inside the package and not is the area of the sealing edges. The endless drying material is intermittently fed to a cutting area in which the continuously moving base film is heated ...

19-05-2011 дата публикации

Bahn- oder Filmbildungswalze, Bahn- oder Filmbildungsvorrichtung und Balligkeitssteuerverfahren

Номер: DE102006061040B4

Bahn- oder Filmbildungswalze (10), umfassend: ein inneres zylindrisches Element (20) mit einem elastischen zylindrischen Körper (25) mit: einer Druckkammer (28) mit einer hermetisch geschlossenen Struktur darin; und einem Wellenabschnitt (22), der einen ersten Durchgang (29) besitzt, welcher inkomprimierbares Fluid zu der Druckkammer (28) leitet; einem elastischen äußeren zylindrischen Element, das exzentrisch zu dem inneren zylindrischen Element (20) derart angeordnet ist, dass eine innere Umfangsfläche des elastischen äußeren zylindrischen Elements in Kontakt mit einer äußeren Umfangsfläche des elastischen Körpers kommt, wobei das elastische äußere zylindrische Element mit einer dünnwandigen Struktur versehen und aus Metall hergestellt ist.

24-02-2011 дата публикации

Cooling device for film in blown film system, has discharging unit discharging cooling fluid and exerting suction force on cooling force, and longitudinal distribution unit provided for distributing suction force on film

Номер: DE102009037524A1

The device has feeding units feeding cooling fluid on a film, and a discharging unit discharging the cooling fluid. The discharging unit exerts suction force on cooling force. A longitudinal distribution unit is provided for distributing the suction force on the film, and is provided with a fluid outlet on the feeding units. The feeding units include a cooling ring, and a sealing unit is provided in a region between the feeding units. The discharging unit is operatively arranged on the feeding units, where distance between the feeding units is adjusted.

18-02-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002030718A1

11-09-1963 дата публикации

Improvements relating to films of fluorine-containing polymers

Номер: GB0000936398A

A biaxially oriented film of polyvinyl or polyvinylidene fluoride is made by continuously elongating in two mutually perpendicular directions such a film containing a latent solvent. In addition to homopolymers of vinyl and vinylidene fluoride, copolymers thereof with other monoethylenically unsaturated monomers, especially those containing at least 75%, preferably at least 80%, by weight of the vinyl or vinylidene fluoride may be used. Such films may be made by heating a mixture of particulate, high molecular weight, orientable polyvinyl or polyvinylidene fluoride and a latent solvent until the particles of the polymer coalesce and form a single fluid composition, which is then extruded as a film containing up to 80% by weight of the latent solvent, or alternatively by spreading a mixture of the polymer and the latent solvent or a smooth non-adherent surface and heating the mixture sufficiently to cause the polymer particles to coalesce, the resulting film being quenched with cold water ...

10-02-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001221877A

... 1,221,877. Flat yarns. DEUTSCHE LINOLEUM-WERKE A.G. 21 June, 1968 [24 June, 1967], No. 29857/68. Headings D1R and D1W. A web, preferably a fleece, is characterised in that it contains flat yarns shrinkable at least in the longitudinal direction and which are preferably cut from a shrinkable sheet. The. yarn may be made to shrink under the influence of heat or other agents. The web may be reinforced by impregnation. The yarn may be tufted into a non-woven fabric, needled, knitted or woven. Other organic and/or inorganic fibres and/or filaments may be incorporated in the web. The shrinkage of the yarns in the web may also cause the yarns to crump.

17-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001225138A

30-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001372501A

... 1372501 Controlling thickness of foamed plastics extrusions OWENS-ILLINOIS Inc 3 Oct 1972 45551/72 Heading B5A [Also in Division G3] In the production of a foamed thermoplastics sheet, e.g. of polystyrene, by extrusion either from a flat sheet die or, as in the described embodiment, by extrusion of a tube 30 which is slit by knives 34 at diametrically opposed locations 31, uniformity of thickness of the sheet transversely of its direction of advancement from the die is obtained by measuring the thickness at a number of locations spaced transversely across the advancing sheet, and either manually or automatically raising or lowering the temperature of the die lips, in areas forming the regions of the sheet at which the thickness are measured, respectively to increase or decrease the thickness of the sheet at the locations. The temperatures are controlled by a plurality of independently controlled heating and/or cooling heat exchangers circumferentially spaced around at least one die lip, ...

12-11-1952 дата публикации

Preparation of polymerized methyl methacrylate sheets

Номер: GB0000682415A

Sheets of methyl methacrylate polymer or copolymers with styrene, vinyl chloride, acrylates, methacrylates or ethacrylates, are made, optionally continuously, by distributing on the surface of a saturated aqueous salt solution having a specific gravity at least as great as the polymer, a liquid consisting of the monomer or monomers, a polymer capable of further polymerization or a mixture of monomer and polymer, and water in an amount at least sufficient to saturate the liquid 70 per cent and effecting or completing the polymerization at a temperature between 0 DEG and 80 DEG C. in the presence of a polymerization catalyst and/or actinic light. Catalysts mentioned are benzoyl, lauroyl, and acetyl benzoyl peroxides, t.-butyl perbenzoate, alpha, alpha1 - azodiisobutyronitrile, alpha, alpha1 - azobis - (alpha, gamma - - dimethylvaleronitrile) and benzoin. Specified salts are sodium, potassium, lithium, magnesium, calcium and barium chlorides, sodium and potassium bromides, sodium iodide, sodium ...

03-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002175622A

A tape-like object such as a fastener tape the shrinkage curve of which is known traverses a plurality of rollers disposed within a heating unit. In order for the tape to travel through the heating unit in a substantially tension-free state or under a prescribed tension, a suitable feed speed based upon the shrinkage curve is obtained. The rollers are driven by drive means, responsive to commands from control means, in accordance with the feed speed in such a manner that each roller rotates at a speed different from the other rollers, or in such a manner that groups of the rollers each rotate at a speed which is different for each group.

18-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001314297A

... 1314297 Coating RANSBURG CORP 29 Oct 1971 [16 Nov 1970] 50365/71 Heading B2E [Also in Division B5] Films are made from a vinyl chloride polymer powder which contains at least 90% (by weight) of polymerized vinyl chloride units and which does not fuze to form a film when heated in the absence of pressure. The polymer is substantially free from copolymerized monomer units which would soften the polymer or increase its solubility in solvents. The powder is formed, preferably by electrodeposition, on to a supporting substrate, which may be metallic, and there exposed to the action of the vapour of an organic solvent for polyvinyl chloride. The vapour is at a temperature of at least 100‹C. The particles are at a lower temperature than the vapour, preferably between 10‹ and 25‹C below it, and the vapour condenses on to the polyvinyl chloride and freezes the particles into a film. The vapour may be an inert solvent, e.g. a ketone or an unsaturated monomer such as styrene, vinyl toluene or methyl ...

30-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001372539A

... 1372539 Rollers CONSTRUCTIONS MECANIQUES PIERRE HANSSEN & CIE SA 6 Dec 1971 [16 Dec 1970] 56487/71 Heading F2U A roller (for removing folds from webs, e.g. of fibrous, metal and plastics materials) comprises a curved shaft 2 (shown straight) supporting end and intermediate ball bearings 11, 12, 26, 26a supporting a flexible tube 4 (e.g. of metal slit at 5, 6 ... 7) there being an oil-resistant fluid-tight sleeve 29, (e.g. of plastics) between the bearings and the tube, the ends 31 of the sleeve being clamped by bands 35 in grooves 33 with circumferentially extending ridges fixed to the bearings. The roller may be covered with another elastic sleeve similarly clamped, Fig. 2 (not shown). Oil may be supplied via a passage 54 which is then plugged as at 55. Oil deflectors 38, 39 may be included.

28-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001403401A

... 1403401 Strengthening glassware OWENS ILLINOIS Inc 30 June 1972 [30 June 1971 30659/72 Heading C1M [Also in Divisions B5 B8 and F2] Glass bottles B are provided with shrunk-on plastics sleeves 69 by winding blanks 69a of thermoplastics material biaxially orientated in lengthwise and widthwise directions M and T on mandrels 66 of a rotating turret, heat-seaming the overlapped ends of each respective wound blank by turret-mounted, radially-movable electrical resistance-heated seams 75, to form sleeves 69, ejecting the formed sleeves upwardly from the mandrels by cam-operated strippers 70 on to bottles, which are moved in synchronism with the turret into overlying registry with the mandrels by bottle-carrying chucks 54 mounted on an endless chain 53, and shrinking the sleeves on to the bottles by passing the sleeved bottles through an oven 77. The chucks 54 each have a centre spindle provided with a roller 63 running in a cam track 64, which has depressed portions 64a and 64d, Figs. 12 (not ...

19-10-1983 дата публикации

Quenched nylon multilayer casings

Номер: GB0002117702A

An exact-fit tubular food casing for pressurized filling comprises a tubular polymeric laminate having an outer layer of crystallized and moisturized nylon and an interior moisture barrier layer. In one advantageous mode, the nylon is heat crystallized from a substantially amorphous state and simultaneously moisturized. Associated method and apparatus for making said casing are also provided. In use, the casing is stuffed to within its elastic limit so that radial deformation is uniform along the length of the tubular casing. As the exposed nylon dries out, the casing shrinks, thus further elastically stretching tightly over the stuffed food roll contained therein.

22-03-2017 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for forming non-diffractive light control structures in or on a surface of a polymer substrate

Номер: GB0002542463A

A method of forming non-diffractive light control structures comprises: providing a polymer substrate 90 with a thermoplastic, curable coating 92; thermally embossing the light control structures into the curable coating while the coating is at a temperature at which it can be plastically deformed: and curing the deformed coating during or after the embossing process;wherein the temperature of the coating during the embossing process is such that the coating is plastically deformed while the substrate is at a lower temperature than that at which the substrate can be deformed (i.e. the coating has a softening temperature lower than the substrate). The substrate may comprise one of (bi-axially oriented) polypropylene, polyethylene, polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride, nylon, acrylic, cyclic olefin polymer, cyclic olefin copolymer or any combination thereof. Various further methods and apparatus are disclosed for forming non-diffractive light control structures, manufacturing security documents ...

15-10-2003 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to compositions

Номер: GB0000321410D0

22-01-1964 дата публикации

Heat-weldable cellular material

Номер: GB0000947473A

... 947,473. Heat weldable cellular material. PRODUITS SYNTHETIQUES APPLIQUES. Oct. 18, 1962 [Oct. 20, 1961], No. 39411/62. Heading B5A. A process for the manufacture of articles from elements of a heat weldable cellular material comprises completely expanding the elements and then welding them together by heating to the softening temperature of the material whilst they are kept in a state of compression the compression originating outside the elements. Compression may be carried out in a perforated mould having a lid slidable in piston fashion. Alternatively compression may be obtained (a) by locating in a mould a vessel of variable volume, into which fluid under pressure may be introduced; (b) by injecting the cellular elements under pressure into a closed mould; (c) by passing the elements between calendering rolls; (d) by the worm of an extruder; (e) between a moving piston and a fixed closing device, retractable on completion of the process to allow ejection of the article. Compression ...

13-02-1980 дата публикации

Thermoplastic mixtures for producing plastics films having antiblocking properties

Номер: GB0002027036A

There are provided thermoplastic polymer containing mixtures suitable for making synthetic resin films with antiblocking properties containing 0.05 to 70 weight % of a pulverulent zeolite.

26-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001437316A

... 1437316 Rollers SONY CORP 1 Feb 1974 [3 Feb 1973] 04900/74 Heading F2U Apparatus for treating magnetic tape 13 comprises a metal roller 12 heated to a surface temperature of between 40-200‹ C., a second roller 11 having a polyurethane surface of a hardness of at least 70 degrees Shore D, and means to apply pressure in the direction of arrows 18, 19 of between 50-500 kg/cm. The roller 12 may be made of steel with a stub axle 14 connected to a rotary drive. The roller 11 may be a layer of polyurethane around a shaft 17 of iron or steel and cool air may be blown across its surface to keep the surface temperature below 100‹C. when the surface temperature of the steel roller is maintained at 200‹ C.

19-04-1967 дата публикации

Improvements relating to films

Номер: GB0001066123A

... 1,066,123. Polypivalolactone film; laminates. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. April 15, 1965 [April 20, 1964], No. 16369/65. Headings B5B and B5N. [Also in Division F4] A film is made by heating and/or shaping a polymer having recurring structural units -CH 2 -C(CH 3 ) 2 -COO- into a completely molten film not more than 10 mil thick, and quenching in a liquid held at below - 25‹ C. The starting polymer may be bulk polymer or shaped products and has inherent viscosity of at least 0À8. The film may be made continuously, e.g. by extrusion of a melt directly into the liquid quenching bath. Alternatively, the polymer may be pressed in a heated hydraulic press with the upper plate at a higher temperature or with a lower heat capacity than the lower plate. It should then enter the quenching liquid preferably within 2 seconds. With films of thickness less than 3 mils, e.g. 1 mil or less, metal plates may be employed to help maintain the film in a molten state while being transferred to the quenching ...

18-07-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of films, foils or the like

Номер: GB0000332255A

... 332,255. Frenkel, G. Feb, 18, 1929. Processes and apparatus for making films of cellulose esters and ethers.-The first layer of a composite film is made of minimum thickness e.g. 0.01 mm., so as to require a minimum period for drying, and after being stripped from its support is used as a carrier band for the further layers, which are preferably also of minimum thickness. The first layer may be made by pouring solution on to a. metal drum or band, taking off the film, and passing it to a series of rollers where drying is completed. The layer is then used as a carrier for subsequent layers, and the whole operation of forming a composite film may be continuous. Since the first layer becomes an integral part of the composite film the only stripping that occurs is when the first layer is removed from the drum or band on which it has been made. Preferably adjacent layers of the composite film have different solubility characteristics and this may be obtained by using different cellulose derivatives ...

18-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008519981D0

18-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001377664A

... 1377664 Producing cross-linked polyethylene sheets N LAING 8 June 1972 [15 June 1971] 26842/72 Heading B5A [Also in Division C3] A process for the production of cross linked polyethylene sheet material which is transparen to infra red radiation and resistant to ultra violet radiation comprises extruding a polyethylene tube, heating the tube in an inert gas to cross link it (without the use of means such as irradiation or radical initiators) and cutting the tube to form a sheet. The heating effect may be provided either by subjecting the tube to a pressure of 3000 to 15000 atmos. or by blowing the tube against a mould which has been inductively heated to 450‹ C. The sheet is suitable for use as a roofing material.

18-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009201880D0

23-02-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001264351A

16-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001464414A

... 1464414 Polytetramethylene 2,6-naphthalate TEIJIN Ltd 11 June 1974 [13 June 1973 29 Aug 1973] 25869/74 Heading B5B [Also in Division C3] Films of polytetramethylene 2,6-naphthalate having a density not in excess of 1À318 and being unstretched are produced by extruding the polymer into a film and cooling at from 75‹ C. to room temperature rapidly so as to produce a density not in excess of 1À318. The polyester preferably has a reduced viscosity of at least 0À70 and a light transmittance, or a 150 micron thick film of at least 20%. The polyester may contain up to 10 mol per cent of other polyesters.

09-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001466826A

... 1466826 Laminates SPRELA WERKE SPREMBERG VEB 14 Aug 1975 [15 Aug 1974] 33886/75 Heading B5N [Also in Division D1] Decorative laminated sheet materials containing unsaturated polyester resins are produced by passing a web 2 of paper, fleece or fabric, insulated on one side, between winding- off and winding-on devices 1, 12, in undulating manner over temp. controlled guide rollers 6 and catalysed resin applicator rollers 7, whereat resin 8 is applied in free-fall to the non-insulated side of the web so that the resin accumulates in troughs in front of the rollers 7, the web being combined on the winding up device 12 with a second web 4 impregnated or un-impregnated with accelerator soln., a further applicator roller 10 for applying accelerator soln. to the insulated side of either web being provided upstream of the winding-up device in the latter case.

03-05-1961 дата публикации

Method of and means for coating surfaces by electro-deposition

Номер: GB0000866780A

... 866,780. Coated paper; coated fabrics; seaming non-metallic sheet materials. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. June 4, 1957 [June 14, 1956; March 26, 1957], No. 17809/57. Drawings to Specification. Classes 42 (1), 96, and 140. [Also in Groups XVI, XX, XXIII and XXXVI] A coherent deposit is formed on a surface by electrophoresis (see Group XXXVI) from a dispersion in an electrically-insulating carrier liquid of a particulate material coated as by ball-milling with a control agent which effects maintenance of a chosen surface charge when the particles are suspended in the carrier liquid. Welding plastics.-Sheets of plastic arranged on a conducting former are joined together by such an electrophoretic deposition process along the gaps between the sheets using the former as the electrode to which the particles migrate. A suitable dispersion comprises methyl methacrylate in chloroform. The surface to be coated may form one electrode in the coating bath or may be disposed between positive and negative ...

31-05-1981 дата публикации

New process of spinning or working of cellulose solutions and articles thus obtained.

Номер: OA0000005781A

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: ATA9072001A

27-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359272B

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000382476T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368069T

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000437986T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452018T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000485157T

15-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA548879A

15-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA292076A

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing polarizing plate, method of manufacturing display apparatus having the same and the display apparatus

Номер: US20130088663A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A method of manufacturing a polarizing plate includes disposing a non-conductive material on a base substrate, pressing the non-conductive material using a mold and forming a resist pattern, the resist pattern including a plurality of protruding portions, and forming a metal layer on the protruding portions of the resist pattern. Accordingly, a luminance of a display apparatus can be improved and a manufacturing process can be simplified.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Soft Extensible Nonwoven Webs Containing Multicomponent Fibers with High Melt Flow Rates

Номер: US20130099408A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

The present invention provides nonwoven webs comprising multicomponent fibers that enable the nonwoven web to possess high extensibility. The multicomponent fibers will comprise a first component comprising a polypropylene composition having a melt flow rate of from about 100 to about 2000 grams per 10 minutes and a second component comprising a polymer composition having a melt flow rate lower than the melt flow rate of the first component. The first component comprises at least about 10% of a surface of the multicomponent fiber. 1. A method of making multi-component fibers having an outside surface , said method comprising the steps of:a. providing a first component comprising a polypropylene having a single melt flow rate in the range of from about 100 to about 2,000 grams per 10 minutes;b. providing a second component comprising a polymer having a single melt flow rate in the range of from about 10 to about 80 grams per 10 minutes; the first component comprises at least about 50% of the outside surface of the multi-component fibers, and said first component consists essentially of a single melt flow rate in the range of from about 100 to about 2,000 grams per 10 minutes, and', 'the second component of the fibers is spatially separate from said first component, and said second component consists essentially of a single melt flow rate in the range of from about 10 to about 80 grams per 10 minutes., 'c. directing separate feed streams of each component into a spinnerette configured to form a spatial configuration of the components, and melt spinning said first component and said second component into multi-component fibers which have a diameter of from about 5 to about 50 microns, wherein2. The method of wherein the first component is a sheath and the second component is a core.3. The method according to wherein the ratio of the first component to the second component is from about 10:90 to about 90:10 by weight.4. The method according to wherein the ratio of the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149405A1
Автор: KAZAMA Kenichi
Принадлежит: Konica Minolta Advanced Layers, Inc.

Provided is a device for manufacturing an optical film having satisfactorily reduced thickness unevenness, by using a melt-casting film forming method, which device includes a casting die for discharging a molten film-forming material including a thermoplastic resin into a film-like shape; a pair of a first rotation roll and a second rotation roll between which the discharged film-shaped molten article is pinched to be cooled and solidified to make the film shaped molten article; and two pairs of wind shield plates each of which pairs are arranged between the shaft-direction ends of the first and second rotation rolls and an end part in the width-direction of the film-shaped molten article, wherein the wind shield plates are placed approximately perpendicular to the surface of the film-shaped molten article, and wherein each pair of the wind shield plates are placed approximately in parallel. 1. A device for manufacturing an optical film comprising:a flow casting die configured to discharge in a film state a molten film-constituting-material containing a thermoplastic resin to form a film-shaped molten article;a pair of rotation rolls configured to cool and solidify the film-shaped molten article by pinching the molten film-shaped article therebetween; and a first wind shield plate; and', 'a second wind shield plate provided on an outer side of the first wind shield plate in the shaft direction, the first wind shield plate and the second wind shield plate being approximately perpendicular to a surface of the film-shaped molten article and approximately parallel to each other., 'a pair of wind shield members each of which is provided between ends of the rotation rolls on each side of a shaft direction the rotation rolls and the film-shaped molten article, each of the wind shield members including2. The device for manufacturing an optical film of claim 1 , comprising:a pair of heaters each of which is configured to heat at least one wind shield plate in each of the ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Porous Membrane, Method for Producing Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polytheylene Film, and Porous Membrane and Film Obtained By These Methods

Номер: US20130157035A1

A method for producing an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene porous membrane, including: a step of molding a film using an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene raw material; a step of biaxially stretching the obtained film in X-axis and Y-axis directions at a temperature of from a melting point of the film to 180° C.; and a pore-forming step of stretching the stretched film along at least one axis of the X-axis and Y-axis at from 142° C. to 170° C. Alternatively, a method for producing an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene film, including: a step of molding a film by two steps of press-molding and roll-molding using an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene raw material; and a step of biaxially stretching the film obtained in the above step, in X-axis and Y-axis directions at a temperature of from a melting point of the film to 180° C. 1. A method for producing an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene porous membrane , comprising:a step of molding a film using an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene raw material having a viscosity average molecular weight of from 1,000,000 to 12,000,000;a step of biaxially stretching the film obtained in the above step, in X-axis and Y-axis directions in a temperature range of from a melting point of the film to 180° C.;a step of shrinking the biaxially stretched film obtained in the above step, along at least one axis of the X-axis or Y-axis; anda pore-forming step of stretching the shrunk film obtained in the above step, along at least one axis of the X-axis or Y-axis in a temperature range of from 142° C. to 170° C.2. The method for producing an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene porous membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the step of shrinking is performed in a temperature range of from 120° C. to 180° C.3. The method for producing an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene porous membrane according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of annealing the film at a temperature of from 80° C. to ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Oriented Film Produced In-Process For Use in the Stretch Film Market

Номер: US20130161860A1
Принадлежит: PARAGON FILMS, INC.

Pre-stretched films may be used to increase the rate at which loads can be wrapped and to minimize the exertion required when using conventional stretch films. However, pre-stretched films must generally be stretched in a separate step and stored for several days in order for cling to fully develop. The present disclosure describes compositions, devices, systems, and methods for producing film that eliminate the stretching and storage steps. In particular, the present disclosure relates to the use of selected resins and an angled die to increase the level of orientation in the film as it is formed, thus eliminating the need to stretch the film in a separate step. The present disclosure also relates to the use of a cling agent which eliminates the storage time traditionally required to develop the film's cling properties. 1. An apparatus for producing oriented film in-process , said apparatus comprising:a heated enclosure for heating a resin composition to a predetermined temperature that is equal to or greater than an associated melting temperature for said resin composition;a die disposed in fluid communication with said heated enclosure for extruding a curtain of melted resin; anda casting roll for receiving the curtain of melted resin.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a secondary chill roll for receiving and quenching said curtain of melted resin.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said die is disposed at an approximately perpendicular angle measured relative to the plane of the curtain of melted resin as said curtain travels from the die to the casting roll.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said die is disposed at an approximately horizontal angle measured relative to the plane of the curtain of melted resin as said curtain travels from the die to the casting roll.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said die is disposed at an angle between approximately perpendicular and approximately horizontal measured relative to the plane of the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161875A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

An extruded air cooled blown film having 2. A method according to where the extruded air cooled blown film exhibits a Modulus according to EN ISO 527 enhanced by at least 10% versus a reference film without a nucleating agent of the formula (IA) claim 1 , (IB) or (IC).3. A method according to claim 1 , where the extruded air cooled blown film is composed of 20 to 100% by weight claim 1 , relative to its total weight claim 1 , of a polypropylene homopolymer or copolymer.4. A method according to claim 1 , where the layer L contains a blend of polypropylene with another synthetic polymer.5. A method according to claim 1 , where the polymer of I) is a propylene copolymer with ethylene at an ethylene content of 0.5 to 15% by weight claim 1 , relative to the total weight of the propylene copolymer.6. A method according to claim 1 , where the polymer of I) is a polypropylene homopolymer or copolymer with a melt flow rate of 0.3 to 5 dg/min at 230° C. and 2.16 kg according to ASTM D1238.7. A method according to claim 1 , where the blown film contains at least one coextruded layer of low- claim 1 , linear-low- or high-density polyethylene (LDPE claim 1 , LLDPE claim 1 , HDPE) or metallocene polyethylene claim 1 , adjacent to the polypropylene layer L.8. A method according to claim 1 , where the blown film consists of 3 coextruded layers claim 1 , the layer L is the inner polypropylene layer and two layers S1 and S2 are the outer layers claim 1 , where the layers S1 and S2 contain at least 50% of low- claim 1 , linear-low- or high-density polyethylene (LDPE claim 1 , LLDPE claim 1 , HDPE) or metallocene polyethylene (m-PE) or any mixtures thereof.9. A method according to claim 1 , where in the blown film one or more layers contain ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer claim 1 , ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene or polyethylene claim 1 , copolymers of acrylic-acid esters with propylene or ethylene claim 1 , acrylic acid copolymers ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181364A1
Автор: Rasmussen Ole-Bendt

A method of forming a film () of molten polymer material, by extruding said material in a direction () out of a narrow exit slot (), which is an integral part of a wider die chamber () of which the major dimension of extension is parallel with the major dimension of the exit slot (), characterized in that the molten polymer material is formed into one or more flows generally parallel with said major dimension of the exit slot (), each said flow being pumped in a re-circulating arrangement from the chamber inlet () to the outlet () through conduits connecting the inlet to the outlet, while fresh molten polymer material is administered from a reservoir into each re-circulating flow. 112343319. A method of forming a film () by mono-extrusion of molten polymer material , by extruding said material through a flat-die in a direction () out of a narrow exit slot () , which is an integral part of a wider die chamber () of which the major dimension of extension is parallel with the major dimension of the exit slot () , characterized in that the molten polymer material is formed into one or more flows generally parallel with said major dimension of the exit slot () , each said flow being pumped in a re-circulating arrangement from at least one chamber outlet to at least one chamber inlet through a conduit () connecting the said at least one chamber inlet to the said at least one chamber outlet , while fresh molten polymer material is administered from a reservoir entering into the conduit for each re-circulating flow.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that throughout the die the throughput of circulating polymer material exceeds the throughput of molten film forming material passing through the exit slot.3. The method according to claim 2 , characterized in that this throughput of material passing through the exit slot is lower than 50% claim 2 , preferably lower than 25% and most preferably lower than 15% of the throughput of circulating material.4578. The ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193609A1
Автор: Weinhold Jens

The invention relates to a method and to a device for producing strand-shaped goods in the form of small bands, fiber strands, monofilaments, or films, which are extruded from a polymer melt. After cooling in a cooling bath, a thermal treatment occurs between rolling feed units, wherein the goods are brought into contact with a hot medium. In order to be able to perform an individual thermal treatment depending on the thermoplastic material, the hot medium is provided optionally in the form of hot air or hot water according to the invention. For this purpose, the heating apparatus is formed from a forced-air oven and a water bath apparatus, which can be optionally activated to thermally treat the goods. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method for production of strand-like goods in the form of strips , fiber strands , monofilaments or films , the method comprising:extruding goods from a polymer melt;cooling the goods in a water bath; andheat treating the goods between roll delivery systems, in which the goods are brought into contact for heat treatment with a hot medium,wherein the hot medium for heat treatment is furnished to the goods alternately in the form of hot air or in the form of hot water.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the goods are passed for heat treatment in a treatment plane that extends between the roll delivery systems.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the hot air is furnished by a forced air oven and the hot water is furnished by a water bath claim 15 , which are kept alternately in the treatment plane by a height adjustment.17. The method according to claim 14 , wherein during heat treatment the goods are exposed to hot air or hot water on all sides.18. A device for production of strand-like goods in the form of strips claim 14 , fiber strands claim 14 , monofilaments or films claim 14 , the device comprising:a melt spinning device;a cooling device;several roll delivery systems; anda heating device between the roll delivery ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207299A1
Автор: Mizoguchi Keisuke
Принадлежит: KONICA MINOLTA , INC.

An aspect of the present invention is a method for producing a resin film, including a casting step of casting a resin solution containing a transparent resin from a casting die onto a running support to form a cast membrane, and a releasing step of releasing the cast membrane from the support, wherein, in the casting step, a velocity at which the resin solution is discharged from longitudinally opposite ends of a discharge port of the casting die is 0.95 times to 1.5 times a velocity at which the resin solution is discharged from a longitudinally central portion of the discharge port of the casting die. 1. A method for producing a resin film , comprising:a casting step of casting a resin solution containing a transparent resin from a casting die onto a running support to form a cast membrane; anda releasing step of releasing the cast membrane from the support,wherein, in the casting step, a velocity at which the resin solution is discharged from longitudinally opposite ends of a discharge port of the casting die is 0.95 times to 1.5 times a velocity at which the resin solution is discharged from a longitudinally central portion of the discharge port of the casting die.2. The method for producing a resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the resin solution has a viscosity of 30 Pa·s to 80 Pa·s as measured at 30° C. using a rotational viscosimeter.3. The method for producing a resin film according to claim 1 , wherein a running speed of the support is 60 m/min to 150 m/min.4. The method for producing a resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the resin film has a width of 1 claim 1 ,500 mm to 3 claim 1 ,000 mm.5. A casting die for casting a resin solution containing a transparent resin onto a running support to form a cast membrane claim 1 , the die comprising:a slit portion through which the resin solution passes.wherein longitudinally opposite ends of the slit portion are subjected to a surface treatment in such a manner that a velocity at which the resin ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207300A1
Автор: Mizoguchi Keisuke
Принадлежит: KONICA MINOLTA , INC.

An aspect of the present invention is a method for producing a resin film, wherein in a casting step of a solution cast film-forming method, a dope is discharged from a discharge port of the casting die to cast the dope onto the support while a solvent capable of dissolving a transparent resin is flowed from the positions above the discharge port of the casting die through the outer surface of the casting die, and further from the longitudinally opposite ends of the discharge port of the casting die. The casting die has a surface energy of a first region which is 10 mN/m to 30 mN/m higher than a surface energy of a second region, the first region being the region, on the outer surface of the casting die, surrounded by the positions above the longitudinally opposite ends of the discharge port of the casting die and the longitudinally opposite ends of the discharge port of the casting die, and the second region being a region which is closer to a longitudinally central portion of the discharge port of the casting die than the first region.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213581A1

The present invention provides a film of an oriented material which exhibits the property of expansion in at least one of its machine and transverse directions at a first temperature and of shrinkage at a second, higher, shrink onset temperature, the film having been annealed after orientation at a temperature above the first temperature and selected with reference to an intended recycling wash-off process to promote expansion of the film at the selected temperature of the wash-off process. 1. A film of an oriented material which exhibits the property of expansion in at least one of its machine and transverse directions at a first temperature and of shrinkage at a second , higher , shrink onset temperature , the film having been annealed after orientation at a temperature above the first temperature and selected with reference to an intended recycling wash-off process to promote expansion of the film at the selected temperature of the wash-off process.2. The film of claim 1 , which upon exposure to a wash fluid having a temperature at or greater than the first temperature but beneath the shrink onset temperature of the film claim 1 , the film expands in at least one direction.3. The film of claim 2 , wherein the expansion in the wash fluid is by:a. no more than 15% in any single direction, orb. an amount such that the area of the film is increased by no more than 15%.4. The film of claim 3 , wherein the expansion is by about 5% or less in any single direction.5. The film of claim 4 , wherein the expansion is by about 2% or less in any single direction.6. The film of claim 3 , wherein the area expansion is 10% or less.7. The film of claim 6 , wherein the area expansion is 5% or less.8. The film of claim 2 , wherein the film does not curl substantially in the wash.9. The film of claim 2 , wherein the first temperature is the minimum temperature of the wash fluid required to cause the film to expand.10. The film of claim 2 , wherein the first temperature is 40° C. or ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216782A1

Provided are a decorative resin sheet that sufficiently brings together embossing property and embossment-retaining property, and a molded resin article on which an embossment excellent in design is formed and a method of manufacturing the molded resin article. The method of manufacturing a molded resin article includes the steps of: providing a resin sheet having a mold layer containing a polyolefin-based resin as a main component, followed by formation of an embossment on the resin sheet so that the embossment is formed on a surface of the mold layer; crosslinking the mold layer on which the embossment is formed so that a 100% modulus of the resin sheet at 200° C. becomes 0.02 MPa or more, which is measured in conformity with JIS K6251 (2004 version); placing the resultant resin sheet () in an injection molding die () so that the surface () of the mold layer faces a side from which a molten resin () is injected; injecting the molten resin () onto a side of the surface () of the mold layer in the injection molding die () to mold a molded resin article; and separating the molded resin article and the mold layer. 1. A method of manufacturing a molded resin article , comprising:an embossment-forming step of providing a resin sheet having a mold layer containing a polyolefin-based resin as a main component, followed by formation of an embossment on the resin sheet so that the embossment is formed on a surface of the mold layer;a crosslinking step of crosslinking the mold layer on which the embossment is formed so that a 100% modulus of the resin sheet at 200° C. becomes 0.02 MPa or more, which is measured in conformity with JIS K6251 (2004 version);a placing step of placing the resin sheet obtained in the crosslinking step in an injection molding die so that the surface of the mold layer faces a side from which a molten resin is injected;a molding step of injecting the molten resin onto a side of the surface of the mold layer in the injection molding die to mold a ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217126A1

A dried vitrigel membrane is produced by a method including the following steps of (1) a step of keeping a hydrogel in the inside of a wall surface mold with a shape the same as the desired shape disposed on a substrate, and discharging a part of free water within the hydrogel from a gap between the substrate and the wall surface mold; (2) a step of removing the wall surface mold from the top of the substrate; (3) a step of drying the hydrogel to remove the residual free water, thereby fabricating a vitrified dried hydrogel; (4) a step of rehydrating the dried hydrogel to fabricate a vitrigel membrane; and (5) a step of redrying the vitrigel membrane to remove free water, thereby fabricating a vitrified dried vitrigel membrane. 1. A dried vitrigel membrane , characterized by not having on amorphous outer peripheral edge.2. The dried vitrigel membrane according to claim 1 , characterized by attaching to a substrate.3. The dried vitrigel membrane according to claim 1 , characterized in that the dried vitrigel membrane is superposed with a film possessing a capacity facilitating the detachability of the dried vitrigel membrane.4. The dried vitrigel membrane according to claim 3 , characterized in that the film is Parafilm.5. A dried hydrogel claim 3 , characterized by not having claim 3 , an amorphous outer peripheral edge.6. The dried hydrogel according to claim 5 , characterized by attaching to a substrate.7. The dried hydrogel according to claim 5 , characterized in that the dried hydrogel is superposed with a film possessing a capacity facilitating the detachability of the dried hydrogel.8. The dried hydrogel according to claim 7 , characterized in that the film is Parafilm.9. A method for producing a dried vitrigel membrane having a desired shape claim 7 , characterized by including the following steps of:(1) a step of keeping a hydrogel in the inside of a well surface mold with a shape the same as the desired shape disposed on a substrate, and discharging a part ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220527A1
Автор: Kelly Kevin P.

A modular wall system is provided. The modular wall system includes a support base, a plurality of horizontal panels, each having opposite vertical edges, and a plurality of vertical members secured to the support base. Each of the vertical members has at least one groove for receiving the opposite vertical edges of the horizontal panels. A decorative layer is applied on at least the exterior surfaces of the horizontal panels and the vertical members. 1prepare an image for application to a 3D surface to create a converted adjusted distortion-print image;prepare a printed sheet based on this converted adjusted distortion-print image;attach the printed sheet to a skin;align the attached sheet and skin within a mold using the converted adjusted distortion-print image and mold; andmold the aligned attached sheet within the mold to form a printed decorative panel.. A method for preparing a printed decorative panel comprising: Conventional concrete-like barriers such as those used for fencing or privacy-walls as part of a landscaping scheme are typically composed of pre-cast concrete, hand-laid concrete block, or hand-laid or poured concrete. Such walls often have exterior surfaces comprised of stone, aggregate, brick, stucco, rock, marble, or other natural materials. The labor and expense of building and maintaining these conventional concrete-like barriers is considerable. Further to the considerable expense, the physical properties of such barriers (e.g., their substantial weight) make them virtually “permanent” structures.Accordingly, there remains a need for an improved fencing or privacy-wall system with a natural-looking facade that is easy to install and maintain, versatile (e.g., the material appearance can be easily changed, as desired), and cost effective.The present invention provides a modular wall system including a support base, a plurality of horizontal panels, each having opposite vertical edges, and a plurality of vertical members secured to the support ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221565A1
Автор: NORITSUNE Masahiko
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

According to a process for producing a thermoplastic resin film according to one aspect of the present invention, a molten resin, while the molten resin is discharged from a die and thereafter lands onto a cooling roller, is uniformly heated in a direction of a flow by a heater. Thereby, a thermoplastic resin film having very slight thickness unevenness in a longitudinal direction can be formed. Moreover, according to the process for producing a thermoplastic resin film, heating by the heater can reduce a viscosity of the molten resin at the time of landing, and can suppress generation of retardation at the time of landing. 1. A process for producing a thermoplastic resin film in which a molten thermoplastic resin is discharged into a sheet-like shape from a die , landed onto a rotating cooling roller , and cooled and solidified to produce a film , characterized in thatthe molten resin, while the molten resin is discharged from the die and thereafter lands onto the cooling roller, is heated by a heater that can change an output in a direction of a flow of the molten resin, thereby to control temperature distribution in the direction of the flow of the molten resin within 10° C. (inclusive).2. The process for producing a thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the heater can change an output in a width direction of the molten resin claim 1 , and control temperature distribution in the width direction of the molten resin within 10° C. (inclusive).3. The process for producing a thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein thickness unevenness of the thermoplastic resin film after film forming is controlled so as to be not more than 1 μm.4. The process for producing a thermoplastic resin film according to claim 2 , wherein thickness unevenness of the thermoplastic resin film after film forming is controlled so as to be not more than 1 μm.5. The process for producing a thermoplastic resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the molten resin for ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230614A1
Принадлежит: Windmoeller & Hoelscher KG

A film blowing head () for the production of film tubing from a single or multi-layer film, 11. A film blowing head () for the production of a film tubing from a single or multi-layer film ,{'b': 1', '4', '4', '5', '6, 'which () comprises at least one extrusion gap () to form a film layer, which () is embodied between to boundary walls (, ),'}{'b': 22', '4, 'with at least one melt pipeline () mouthing into the extrusion gap (),'}{'b': 4', '4, 'which converts inside the extrusion gap () into a first melt channel (),'}{'b': 11', '12', '13', '14', '10', '3', '7', '5', '6', '4, 'which is formed in at least one section (, , ,) of the progression of at least one first melt channel () by recesses (, ) in the two boundary walls (, ) of the extrusion gap (),'}{'b': 4', '10', '10', '14', '4, 'and which distributes the melt in the extrusion gap (), while it () tapers in its progression in the direction of transportation of the melt (h), and finally in its () end section () converts entirely into the extrusion gap (),'}{'b': 10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '3', '7', '5', '6, 'in which at least one first melt channel () is formed in one of its sections (, , , ) only by recesses (, ) in one of its two boundary walls (, ),'}{'b': 24', '25', '3', '7, 'with the axes of symmetry (, ) of both recesses (, ) being aligned with each other at least up to a boundary line, characterized in that'}{'b': 10', '3', '7', '5', '6, 'the section of the first melt channel (), which is only formed by recesses (, ) in one of its two boundary walls (, ), represents at least the last overflow section.'}21123756111213141010. A film blowing head () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the depth (T claim 1 , T) of the recesses ( claim 1 , ) increases at least in one of the two boundary walls ( claim 1 , ) in at least one section ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of at least one first melt channel () in the direction of transportation of the melt of this melt channel ().31. A film blowing head () ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233463A1
Принадлежит: KRONOTEC AG

A method for the wet gluing of wood fibres, which have been previously defibrated in a refiner () from wood comminuted into chips, in order that these chips, following the wet gluing in a gluing zone (BZ), can be dried in a dryer (), then spread, in a spreading arrangement (), to form a fibre mat and pressed, in a hot press (), to form a wood-material panel of desired thickness, wherein the wood fibres are transported into the gluing zone (BZ), within a conveying tube (R), in a stream of saturated steam, is distinguished in that:—in order to calm the fibre stream, the conveying tube (R) widens at the start (A) of the gluing zone (BZ), within which a plurality of gluing nozzles (D, D, . . . D, . . . , D) are situated, as a result of which the speed of the fibre stream is reduced even before the first gluing nozzle Dhas been reached,—the fibres in the calmed fibre stream are glued with adhesive by means of the gluing nozzles (D, D, . . . D, . . . D), and then—are fed to the dryer (). 1. A method for wet gluing wood fibres , which have previously been defibered in a refiner from wood broken down into chips , in order that , following the wet gluing in a gluing zone (BZ) , these can be dried in a dryer , then scattered in a scattering apparatus to form a fibre cake and pressed in a hot press to form a wood material board of desired thickness , the wood fibres being transported into the gluing zone (BZ) within a conveyor pipe (R) in a stream of saturated steam , comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '1, 'in order to calm the fibre stream, the conveyor pipe (R) widens at the start (A) of the gluing zone (BZ), within which a plurality of gluing nozzles (D, D, . . . Db . . . DL) are present, by which means the speed of the fibre stream is reduced before reaching the first gluing nozzle D,'}{'b': 1', '2, 'the fibres in the calmed fibre stream are glued with adhesive by means of the gluing nozzles (D, D, . . . Di, . . . DL), and'}and then are fed to the dryer.2. The method according to ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234360A1
Автор: KATANO Syougo
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

Fatty acid is dissolved in a second solvent to prepare a fatty acid solution. The fatty acid solution is added to a dope prepared by dissolving cellulose acylate and a plasticizer in a first solvent. Thereby, a casting dope containing the fatty acid is prepared. The mass of the fatty acid to be added to the dope is in the range of 1×10to 3×10relative to the sum of the mass of the cellulose acylate and the mass of the plasticizer. The casting dope is discharged from a casting die to the circumferential surface of a drum to form a casting film. The casting film is peeled from the drum and dried to be a film. 1. A method for producing a cellulose acylate film comprising the steps of:{'sup': −4', '−3, '(A) adding fatty acid having a carbon number in the range of not less than 12 to not more than 22 to a cellulose acylate solution obtained by dissolving cellulose acylate and a plasticizer in a solvent, in a state that proportion of mass of said fatty acid with respect to sum of mass of said cellulose acylate and mass of said plasticizer is in the range of 1×10to 3×10;'}(B) casting said cellulose acylate solution containing said fatty acid on a surface of a support to form a casting film, said support circulating through a casting position and a peeling position, said casting position being a position at which said cellulose acylate solution is cast, and said peeling position being a position at which said casting film formed by the casting is peeled off;(C) peeling said casting film from the surface of said support; and(D) drying said casting film thus peeled off.2. The method for producing a cellulose acylate film according to claim 1 , wherein said fatty acid is linear fatty acid.3. The method for producing a cellulose acylate film according to claim 1 , wherein said fatty acid is saturated fatty acid.4. The method for producing a cellulose acylate film according to claim 2 , wherein said fatty acid is saturated fatty acid.5. The method for producing a cellulose ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235309A1
Принадлежит: KONICA MINOLTA , INC.

A method for producing a continuous polymer film includes: (1) overlapping and bonding the rear end section of a preceding raw film and the front end section of a following raw film, along a bonding line; and (2) supporting both end sections by means of a plurality of gripping tools and obliquely stretching the bonded raw film while conveying the bonded raw film in order to produce a polymer film. In the bond between the rear end section of the preceding raw film and the front end section of the following raw film, the angle (φ1) between the bonding line for the polymer film and the width direction of the polymer film and the angle (θ1) between the in-plane slow axis of the polymer film and the width direction of the polymer film fulfill formula (I). 1. A method for producing a long-sized polymer film , comprising:(1) overlapping and joining a rear end portion of a preceding raw film and a front end portion of a following raw film along a joining line;(2) heating the joined raw film, supporting both end portions thereof by a plurality of holding implements and obliquely stretching the raw film under continuous conveyance of the raw film to thereby make a polymer film; and(3) subjecting the polymer film to a heat treatment for stress relaxation under continuous conveyance of the polymer film,wherein the oblique stretching is carried out so that an angle formed by an in-plane slow axis of the polymer film obtained after the oblique stretching and the transverse direction of the polymer film obtained after the oblique stretching is in the range of 40 to 50°; and{'sub': 1', '1, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'sub': 1', '1, '|φ−θ|≦10°\u2003\u2003Equation (1):.'}, 'the joining of the rear end portion of the preceding raw film and the front end portion of the following raw film is carried out so that an angle φformed by the joining line of the polymer film and the transverse direction of the polymer film and an angle θformed by the in-plane slow axis of the polymer film and ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Ink-printable Compositions

Номер: US20130236660A1

A composition includes a mixture of a first polymer and a second polymer. The first polymer is selected from the group consisting of a polymer including ethylene residues and vinyl alcohol residues and a polymer including vinyl alcohol residues. The second polymer includes ethylene residues, vinyl acetate residues and maleic anhydride residues. An amount of the first polymer in the mixture is about 50% to about 95% by weight. An ink-printable composition includes the above composition as an ink-receiving material. 1. A composition comprising a mixture of (i) a first polymer selected from the group consisting of a polymer comprising ethylene residues and vinyl alcohol residues and a polymer comprising vinyl alcohol residues and (ii) a second polymer comprising ethylene residues , vinyl acetate residues and maleic anhydride residues wherein an amount of the first polymer in the mixture is about 50% to about 95% by weight.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first polymer comprises ethylene residues and vinyl alcohol residues and an amount of vinyl alcohol residues in the first polymer is about 50% to about 99% by weight.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein an amount of vinyl acetate residues in the second polymer is about 20% to about 30% and an amount of maleic anhydride residues in the second polymer is about 0.05% to about 5%.4. An ink-printable composition comprising an ink-receiving material in extruded form claim 1 , the ink-receiving material comprising a mixture of (i) a first polymer selected from the group consisting of a polymer comprising ethylene residues and vinyl alcohol residues and a polymer comprising vinyl alcohol residues and (ii) a second polymer comprising ethylene residues claim 1 , vinyl acetate residues and maleic anhydride residues wherein an amount of the first polymer in the mixture is about 50% to about 95% by weight.5. The ink-printable composition according to further comprising a support associated with the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing pvdf-based polymer and method of manufacturing multilayered polymer actuator using the same

Номер: US20130264912A1

A method of manufacturing a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-based polymer film includes: applying a solution formed by dissolving a PVDF-based polymer in a solvent, on a first substrate; forming a PVDF-based polymer film by evaporating the solvent; bonding a support film on the PVDF-based polymer film; weakening an adhesive force between the PVDF-based polymer film and the first substrate; and separating the first substrate from the PVDF-based polymer film.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Process for annealing photovoltaic encapsulation polymer film

Номер: US20130273685A1
Автор: Johan Willy Declerck

A process for annealing photovoltaic polymer encapsulation film ( 3 ), the film comprising polymer molecules substantially oriented along a machine direction, characterized in that the film is heated, supported on a support surface of support means ( 12 ), with heating means to a relaxation temperature to increase the isotropy of the polymer molecules such that the film is at least partly annealed, the support means ( 12 ) comprising a fluid ( 13 ) between the film ( 3 ) and the support surface.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280512A1
Автор: HSU Yen-Huey, Sun Der-Jen
Принадлежит: Mortech Corporation

Disclosed herein is a polyimide film having inorganic particles. The polyimide film is 12-250 μm in thickness. The polyimide film includes about 50-90 weight parts of polyimide and about 10-50 weight parts of the inorganic particles. The particle size of each of the inorganic particles is about 0.1 μm to about 5 μm. The polyimide film is characterized in that the thermal expansion coefficient is equal to or less than 30 ppm/° C. in any direction, the difference between two thermal expansion coefficients in two mutually perpendicular directions on the film surface is less than 10 ppm/° C., and the Young's modulus of the polyimide film is greater than 4 GPa in any direction. The dimensional stability of the polyimide film measured by the standard of IPC-TM-650 is less than 0.10% in any direction. A method for manufacturing the polyimide film is disclosed as well. 1. A polyimide film having inorganic particles prepared by a process including the steps of: (a) mixing a plurality of inorganic particles with a solvent , and stirring the inorganic particles and the solvent to form a suspending liquid , wherein each of the inorganic particles has a particle size of about 0.1 μm to about 5 μm; (b) mixing and string a diamine monomer and a tetracarboxylic dianhydride monomer with the suspending liquid to polymerize the diamine monomer and the tetracarboxylic dianhydride monomer , and thus forming a polyamic acid mixture containing the inorganic particles; (c) coating the polyamic acid mixture on a substrate and then performing a drying process to form a dried layer of polyamic acid mixture on the substrate; (d) separating the dried layer of polyamic acid mixture from the substrate to form a polyamic acid mixture film; and (e) uniaxially stretching and heating the polyamic acid mixture film simultaneously to convert the polyamic acid mixture film into the polyimide film;wherein the polyimide film is about 12 μm to about 250 μm in thickness, a difference between two thermal ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292873A1

The present invention relates to a method for preparing a polyimide film through a roll-to-roll method, and more specifically to a method for preparing a polyimide film with excellent optically isotropic properties through an annealing process during the manufacture of the polyimide film. 1. A method of preparing a polyimide film using a roll to roll method , wherein annealing is performed at 200˜400° C. for 200˜2000 seconds under the condition that tension in a machinery direction (MD) is 10 N or less.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:dissolving and reacting a dianhydride and a diamine in a solvent to obtain a polyamic acid solution; andcasting the polyamic acid solution on a support and then heating it to 200˜400° C. for 5˜400 seconds to imidize the polyamic acid solution.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising the steps of:dissolving and reacting a dianhydride and a diamine in a first solvent to obtain a polyamic acid solution;imidizing the polyamic acid solution;introducing the imidized solution into a second solvent and then filtering and drying the imidized solution to obtain a polyimide resin solid;dissolving the polyimide resin solid in the first solvent to form a polyimide solution; andcasting the polyimide solution on a support and then drying the polyimide solution.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the solvent is at least one organic solvent selected from the group consisting of m-cresol claim 2 , N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) claim 2 , dimethylformamide (DMF) claim 2 , dimethylacetamide (DMAc) claim 2 , dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) claim 2 , acetone claim 2 , and diethyl acetate.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first solvent is at least one organic solvent selected from among m-cresol claim 3 , N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) claim 3 , dimethylformamide (DMF) claim 3 , dimethylacetamide (DMAc) claim 3 , dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) claim 3 , acetone and diethyl acetate claim 3 , and the second solvent is a solvent having lower polarity than the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320596A1

This invention relates to a molten plastic film pinning apparatus for polyamide (PA) or polylactic acid (PLA) film manufacturing process. The apparatus includes a die for extruding a molten plastic, a chill roll placed under the die for forming and quenching the molten plastic film to the plastic film, an air knife positioned between the die and the chill roll and above the molten plastic film first contacting the chill roll parallelly along the molten plastic film's width, and an electrostatic pinning electrode placed parallel to the air knife. This invention also relates to a molten plastic film pinning method for polyamide (PA) or polylactic acid (PLA) film manufacturing process. 1. A molten plastic film pinning apparatus for polyamide or polylactic acid film manufacturing process comprising:a die for extruding a molten plastic to form the molten plastic film,a chill roll placed under the die for forming the melt-extruding plastic film and quenching the molten plastic film to the plastic film,an air knife placed between the die and the chill roll in a position above the molten plastic film, first contacting the chill roll parallelly along the molten plastic film's width providing high pressure air onto the molten plastic film's surface over the entire width of the molten plastic film while the molten plastic film in contact with the chill roll to closely contact the molten plastic film to the chill roll,an electrostatic pinning electrode placed parallel to the air knife for generating electrostatic charges onto the molten plastic film's surface over the entire width of the molten plastic film to closely contact the molten plastic film to the chill roll better,wherein the air pressure of the air knife is in a range of 0.4-0.7 bars, the voltage of the electrostatic pinning electrode is in a range of 6-15 kV, and the chill roll speed is in a range of 20-120 m/min.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the air pressure of the air knife is in a range of 0.5-0 ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328238A1

A device and a method for specifically influencing the technological properties of individual regions of a sheet-like material are provided, including the following steps: a) fixing the sheet-like material or a pre-compacted material nonwoven or a material fibre cake on a workbench, b) placing at least one applicator on the upper side and/or the underside of the sheet-like material, the material nonwoven or the material fibre cake, c) specifically moving the at least one applicator on the upper side and/or the underside and pressing an improving medium into partial regions of the sheet-like material, the material nonwoven or the material fibre cake in a predetermined amount and under a predetermined pressure, d) optionally, subsequently pressing the pre-compacted material nonwoven or the material fibre cake to form a sheet of the desired thickness. 1. A method for influencing the technological properties of individual regions of a sheet-like material comprising:a) fixing the sheet-like material or a pre-compacted material nonwoven or a material fiber cake on a workbench,b) placing at least one applicator on the an upper side and/or the underside of the sheet-like material, the material nonwoven or the material fiber cake,c) specifically moving the at least one applicator on the upper side and/or the underside and pressing an improving medium into partial regions of the sheet-like material, the material nonwoven or the material fiber cake in a predetermined amount and under a predetermined pressure, andd) optionally, subsequently compressing the pre-compacted material nonwoven or the material fiber cake to form a sheet of the desired thickness.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one applicator is sealed off with respect to the upper side and/or underside of the sheet-like material claim 1 , the material nonwoven or the material fiber cake.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one applicator is guided over the upper side and ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid Adhesive and the Use Thereof in Engineered Wood Boards

Номер: US20130331484A1
Принадлежит: KRONOTEC AG

The present invention relates to a hybrid adhesive, in particular for use in the production of engineered wood such as particle boards, fiber boards, plywood or glued-laminated timber, comprising at least one polycondensation adhesive, at least one polyaddition adhesive, and at least one particular, in particular a nanoparticle smaller than 500 nm, wherein the at least one particle is modified with at least one compound of the general Formula (I) RSiX, or the general Formula (II) OX(OH)RSiO. The present invention also relates to the use of the adhesive in engineered wood boards and to methods for the production thereof. 2. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein X is selected from a group including fluorine claim 1 , chlorine claim 1 , bromine claim 1 , iodine claim 1 , Calkoxy claim 1 , in particular methoxy claim 1 , ethoxy claim 1 , n-propoxy and butoxy claim 1 , Caryloxy claim 1 , in particular phenoxy claim 1 , Cacyloxy claim 1 , in particular acetoxy or propionoxy claim 1 , Calkylcarbonyl claim 1 , in particular acetyl claim 1 , monoalkylamino or dialkylamino with Cto C claim 1 , in particular Cto C.3. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein R is selected from a group comprising substituted and non-substituted C-Calkyl claim 1 , in particular C-Calkyl claim 1 , substituted and non-substituted C-Calkenyl claim 1 , substituted and non-substituted C-Calkinyl claim 1 , and substituted and non-substituted C-Caryl.4. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein R is selected from the group including methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , n-propyl claim 1 , isopropyl claim 1 , n-butyl claim 1 , s-butyl claim 1 , t-butyl claim 1 , pentyl claim 1 , hexyl claim 1 , cyclohexyl claim 1 , vinyl claim 1 , 1-propenyl claim 1 , 2-propenyl claim 1 , butenyl claim 1 , acetylenyl claim 1 , propargyl claim 1 , phenyl and naphthyl.5. The adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the functional group Q is an epoxide claim 1 , in particular a glycidyl or glycidyloxy group claim 1 , ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Plastic film stretching apparatus

Номер: US20130337098A1
Автор: Mikio Totani
Принадлежит: Totani Corp

A plastic film is drawn by a method different from a conventional one. The plastic film is intermittently fed in the longitudinal direction. A drawing member and a support base are installed in a plastic film feeding path, oppositely to each other, on both sides of the plastic film in the thickness direction. When the plastic film is temporarily stopped, the drawing member advances toward the support base between the lateral both side edges of the plastic film and is pressed against the plastic film and the support base to draw the plastic film in the longitudinal direction. Then, the drawing member retreats from the support base, and is separated from the plastic film.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Polymeric materials

Номер: US20130338308A1
Принадлежит: Colomatrix Holdings Inc

A method of introducing an additive, for example a dye, into a polymeric material comprises using a liquid formulation comprising the additive, a vehicle and an active compound added to increase the melt viscosity of the polymeric material. The active compound may be a multi-functional anhydride. The liquid formulation is suitably contacted with the polymeric material in a melt processing apparatus and suitably a cavity transfer mixer is used in the process. A fibre is suitably subsequently produced.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001680A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A method of stretching a film in a longitudinal direction thereof by a difference in circumferential speed between front and rear rolls comprising radiating infrared rays onto the film from above the film and below the film with photo-concentration heaters wherein a represents an irradiated-area length in the longitudinal direction of an area of the film irradiated with converged light of the infrared rays radiated from above the film and b represents an irradiated-area length in the longitudinal direction of an area of the film irradiated with converged light of the infrared rays radiated from below the film, the area having the length a and the area having the length b overlap with each other, and a and b are each 10 mm or more to 40 mm or less. 1. A method of stretching a film in a longitudinal direction thereof by a difference in circumferential speed between front and rear rolls comprising radiating infrared rays onto the film from above the film and below the film with photo-concentration heaters , wherein a represents an irradiated-area length in the longitudinal direction of an area of the film irradiated with converged light of the infrared rays radiated from above the film and b represents an irradiated-area length in the longitudinal direction of an area of the film irradiated with converged light of the infrared rays radiated from below the film , the area having the length a and the area having the length b overlap with each other , and a and b are each 10 mm or more to 40 mm or less.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when A represents a distance from a lower end of a housing of the photo-concentration heater above the film to one of both surfaces of the film claim 1 , and B represents a distance from an upper end of a housing of the photo-concentration heater below the film to the other surface of the film claim 1 , the A and the B are each 10 mm or more to 30 mm or less.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein lengths a and b are each 25 ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004702A1
Автор: Singh Harmeet

A heating plate for a substrate support assembly in a semiconductor plasma processing apparatus, comprises multiple independently controllable planar heater zones arranged in a scalable multiplexing layout, and electronics to independently control and power the planar heater zones. Each planar heater zone includes one or more heater element made of an insulator-conductor composite. A substrate support assembly in which the heating plate is incorporated includes an electrostatic clamping electrode and a temperature controlled base plate. Methods for manufacturing the heating plate include bonding together ceramic having planar heater zones, power supply lines, power return lines and vias. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. A method of making a heating plate comprising planar heater zones laterally distributed across an electrically insulating layer configured to form part of a substrate support assembly used to support a semiconductor substrate in a semiconductor processing apparatus , each heater zone comprising one or more heater elements made of an insulator-conductor composite , the method comprising: mixing powders of an insulator and a conductor with a liquid (e.g. methanol , ethanol , acetone , isopropyl alcohol , water , mineral oil) into a slurry , and sintering the slurry.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the liquid is selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 14 , ethanol claim 14 , acetone claim 14 , isopropyl alcohol claim 14 , water claim 14 , mineral oil and a mixture thereof.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the powders have particle sizes from 0.2 to 10 microns.17. A method for manufacturing a heating plate comprising an electrically insulating layer claim 14 , planar heater zones comprising at least first claim 14 , second claim 14 , third and fourth planar heater zones claim 14 , each ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008834A1

The invention relates to wetting agents for wetting working material for producing pressed material boards, comprising polyols, acylglycerides or acylglyceride derivatives, surfactants, and water. 1. A wetting agent for wetting a material used for preparing pressed material boards , comprising polyols , acylglycerides or derivatives thereof , surfactants , and water.2. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein said polyol is a glycol.3. The wetting agent according to wherein said acylglycerides are selected from mono- claim 1 , di- and triacylglycerides.4. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein said acylglyceride derivatives are sulfated or phosphated acylglycerides.5. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein said surfactants are ionic.6. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , comprisingfrom 5 to 20 parts by weight of polyol;from 2 to 10 parts by weight of acylglycerides or acylglyceride derivatives;from 10 to 30 parts by weight of surfactants;from 10 to 100 parts by weight of water.7. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein further auxiliaries claim 1 , especially colorants or perfumes claim 1 , are comprised therein.8. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein thickening agents are comprised therein.9. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein fillers or adhesion promoters are comprised therein.10. The wetting agent according to claim 1 , wherein said material is a wood-based material.11. A process for producing pressed material boards claim 1 , preferably wood-based material boards claim 1 , comprising the following steps:preliminary pressing a material to form a cake of material;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wetting said cake of material with a wetting agent according to ;'}pressing the cake of material to form a material board.12. The process according to claim 11 , wherein said material board is a wood-based material board.13. The process according to claim 11 , wherein said wetting agent ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014274A1

Thermoplastic laminates are fabricated in a continuous compression molding production line. A lay-up of laminate plies is placed in a recess on a carrying tool, and the tool is moved through successive forming operations on the line, including preforming and consolidation operations. The tool is separated from the fully formed part at the end of the line and may be reused. Use of the carrying tool reduces material scrap. 1. Tooling used in a continuous process for forming laminated thermoplastic parts using a lay-up of laminate plies , comprising:a rigid body having first and second ends,the body including a recessed area,the first and second ends of the rigid body extending beyond the recessed area.2. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the recess defines first and second shoulders in the body for respectively engaging an end of the part.3. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the recess has a depth substantially equal to a thickness of the part.4. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the recess has a depth such that outer surfaces of the tooling are substantially coplanar with outer surfaces of the part.5. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the body has a cross sectional shape generally matching the cross sectional shape of the consolidated part.6. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the body is elongate and the recess is formed in the body between the first and second ends of the body.7. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the first and second ends of the body have an outer surface extending substantially coplanar with an outer surface of the part.8. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the recessed area has the general shape of a part and the part is carried in the recessed area.9. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the recessed area has a depth that varies in at least one direction across the recessed area.10. The tooling of claim 1 , wherein the body includes tooling features within the recessed area for forming shapes in a part.11. Tooling for carrying a lay-up of laminate plies ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Dies and Methods for Improving Physical Properties of Stretch Film

Номер: US20140021644A1

Dies and methods of extruding stretch film are provided, wherein the die includes at least an upper die lip and a lower die lip; the upper and lower die lips at least partially define a die gap; and at least one of the die lips includes a channel. Another die disclosed includes at least a die gap; and at least one jet for directing a stream of air onto the polymer as it is extruded through the die gap. Stretch films and methods for extruding stretch films are provided, wherein selected areas of the polymer extruded through the die have a gauge that exceeds the film's base gauge. The film includes at least a layer of film having a base gauge and a plurality of strength bands running longitudinally along a length of the film; and have a gauge that is greater than the base gauge. 1. A die for extruding stretch film , the die comprising:an upper die lip and a lower die lip, wherein the upper die lip and the lower die lip at least partially define a die gap;wherein at least one of said die lips further comprises a channel.2. The die according to claim 1 , wherein said upper die lip further comprises at least one channel.3. The die according to claim 1 , wherein said lower die lip further comprises at least one channel.4. The die according to claim 1 , where said lower die lip and said upper die lip both further comprise at least one channel.5. The die according to claim 4 , wherein the channels of the upper die lip are disposed opposite the channels of the lower die lip.6. The die according to claim 4 , wherein the channels of the upper die lip are offset from the channels of the lower die lip.7. A die for extruding stretch film claim 4 , the die comprising:a die gap through which molten polymer is extruded; andat least one jet for directing a stream of air onto the polymer as it is extruded through the die gap.8. A method for extruding stretch film claim 4 , the method comprising:heating a polymer to a molten condition;delivering the polymer through a transfer pipe to a ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030500A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present invention relates to films comprising a number of repeating microlayer units. The repeating units include one layer made from a barrier resin derived from one or more monomers having at least one oxygen atom, and one layer comprising a non-polar polyolefin. By ensuring that the micro layers are a micron or less it has been discovered that the microlayers adequately adhere to each other without the need for a tie layer between the polar and non-polar layers. 1. A multilayer film or sheet comprising:{'sub': 'n', 'a microlayer sequence comprising a number, n, of repeating units, each repeating unit comprising at least two microlayers, (a) and (b), wherein (a) is a first resin derived solely from one or more alpha-olefinic mononomers; and wherein (b) comprises at least 20% by weight of a second resin derived from one or more monomers having at least one oxygen atom, wherein the oxygen containing monomer comprises at least 35 mol % of the second resin, said microlayer sequence being characterized by the absence of any tie layer between microlayers (a) and (b), such that the resulting structure has the formula {(a)(b)(c)}, where (c) represents one or more optional additional layers which may be the same or different from layers a and b, but which are not tie layers;'}and wherein each of the layers (a) and (b) are one micron or less in thickness.2. The multilayer film or sheet of further comprising one or more additional layers on at least one side of the microlayer sequence.3. The multilayer film or sheet of wherein the polyolefin resin is a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) resin.4. The multilayer film or sheet of wherein the polar resin is ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH)5. The multilayer film or sheet of wherein microlayer (a) and microlayer (b) each have a thickness of 900 nanometers or less.6. The multilayer film or sheet of wherein n is from 3 to 1000.7. A method of producing a film having anisotropic tear properties is provided claim 1 , said method ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Pest Control Films and Methods for Making Same

Номер: US20140037706A1
Автор: Bagwell James
Принадлежит: ProvisionGard Holdings, LLC

The invention relates to methods for forming a pest control composition, comprising the steps of providing a lower polymer weave; providing an upper polymer film; and mixing a pest control agent with a polymer and extruding the resulting mixture between the lower polymer weave and the upper polymer film. In another embodiment, the method of forming a pest control composition comprises providing a lower polymer weave layer and mixing a pest control agent with a polymer and extruding the resulting mixture on the lower polymer weave layer. Other embodiments involve pellets and monolayer films of pest control agent and polymer. In other embodiments, the invention relates to pest control compositions formed by such processes. 1. A package structure comprising:an outer polymer layer having a first surface that is exposed and a second surface;an intermediate layer adjacent to the second surface comprising a polymer selected from the group consisting of polyethylene, polypropylene, and combinations thereof, the intermediate layer being an extrusion product of the polymer and at least one active composition for controlling pests; anda base layer adjacent to the intermediate layer and opposite the second surface.2. A method for forming a pest control composition , the method comprising the steps of:(a) providing a lower polymer film;(b) providing an upper polymer film;(c) mixing a pest control agent with a polymer and extruding the mixture between the lower polymer weave and the upper polymer film.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the lower polymer film is a polymer weave.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the polymer of the lower polymer weave comprises polypropylene.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polymer of the upper polymer film comprises polypropylene.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polymer that is mixed with the pest control agent comprises polypropylene.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polymer that is mixed with the pest control agent comprises a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037974A1
Автор: KONDO Kaname

A method of manufacturing a transparent recycled sheet using a multilayer sheet as a recycled resin, the multilayer sheet including a base layer and a surface layer being layered on each other and each including a crystalline resin, includes: melt-extruding a mixed resin into a raw sheet, the mixed resin being prepared by mixing a virgin resin including the crystalline resin, the recycled resin and a metallocene ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymer having a melt flow rate of 0.5 g/10 min to 6 g/10 min; and cooling the raw sheet. 1. A method of manufacturing a transparent recycled sheet , the method comprising:mixing (i) a virgin resin comprising a crystalline resin, (ii) a recycled resin comprising a multilayer sheet comprising a base layer and a surface layer, wherein the base layer and the surface layer are layered on each other, and each comprises the crystalline resin, and (iii) a metallocene ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymer having a melt flow rate of 0.5 g/10 min to 6 g/10 min, to obtain a mixed resin;melt-extruding the mixed resin into a raw sheet; andcooling the raw sheet.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe base layer is formed of comprises the virgin resin comprising the crystalline resin, andthe surface layer is disposed on at least one surface of the base layer and comprises the virgin resin comprising the crystalline resin having a larger melt flow rate and a shorter relaxation time than a melt flow rate and a relaxation time of the crystalline resin of the virgin resin of the base layer.3. The method of recycled sheet according to claim 1 , whereinthe base layer comprises a transparent recycled sheet, andthe surface layer comprising the crystalline resin is layered on the base layer.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising thermally treating the raw sheet at a temperature in a range from a crystallization temperature to a melting point.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a content of the metallocene ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymer in the raw sheet is in ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042671A1

A double-sided, slip resistant material is produced using a blown film process which produces a film having an interior heat sealable layer, a core layer of flexible polyolefin and an exterior polyolefin elastomer layer in combination with a blowing agent and optionally grit to produce a double-sided slip resistant material. A number of rollers may be provided after nip rollers have fused the film together, and which form part of a machine direction orienter (MDO) that may be used in line in the manufacturing process to heat, and then cool and condition (anneal and relieve any stresses and/or thickness inconsistencies in the film) prior to the film being wound onto a roll for storage. 1. A method of making a double-sided film comprising the following acts:using a film blowing machine to co-extrude a multi-layer film through a circular die to form a tube, wherein the tube includes at least three co-extruded layers of film including an inner layer, an outer layer and a middle layer, said inner layer including a heat sealable layer having a predetermined softening point, and wherein said outer layer includes a plurality of gas bubbles formed by the addition of a blowing agent added to film making material provided to the circular die, said film blowing agent causing said gas bubbles to be created in said outer layer as said outer layer is co-extruded in said circular die, wherein said plurality of gas bubbles are collapsed thereby forming a rough, nonslip surface on said fused double-sided film, said tube having a first side and a second side, each said side including said at least three layers;drawing the co-extruded multi-layer film tube away from the circular die at a predetermined speed; andat a predetermined distance from the circular die, collapsing the co-extruded multi-layer film tube by passing the film tube through at least two rollers placed in close proximity to one another such that said first roller contacts said first side of said coextruded multilayer ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048478A1
Автор: Bai Renbi, Zhu Xiaoying

A polymeric membrane for separating oil from water has a pore size of 0.005 μm to 5 μm, a thickness of 50 μm to 1,000 μm, a water contact angle of 0° to 60°, an oil contact angle of 40° to 100°. The membrane contains a hydrophobic matrix polymer and a functional polymer that contains a hydrophobic backbone and side chains. The side chains each have an oleophobic terminal segment and a hydrophilic internal segment. The weight ratio of the matrix polymer to the functional polymer is 99:1 to 1:9. Also disclosed is a method of making the above described membrane. 2. The polymer of claim 1 , wherein m is 10 to 500 claim 1 , n is 5 to 500 claim 1 , x is 50 to 500 claim 1 , y is 1 to 100 claim 1 , xis 5 to 50 claim 1 , and yis 5 to 50.3. The polymer of claim 2 , wherein m is 10 to 20 claim 2 , n is 5 to 10 claim 2 , x is 90 to 100 claim 2 , y is 5 to 10 claim 2 , xis 5 to 10 claim 2 , and yis 5 to 10.4. A polymeric membrane for separating oil from water claim 2 , the membrane comprising:a matrix polymer that is hydrophobic, anda functional polymer that contains a hydrophobic backbone and side chains, the side chains each having an oleophobic terminal segment and a hydrophilic internal segment, wherein the membrane has a pore size of 0.005 μm to 5 μm, a thickness of 50 μm to 1,000 μm, a water contact angle of 0° to 60°, an oil contact angle of 40° to 100°, and a weight ratio of the matrix polymer to the functional polymer of 99:1 to 1:9.5. The membrane of claim 4 , wherein the membrane has a pore size of 0.05 μm to 0.5 μm claim 4 , a thickness of 100 μm to 500 μm claim 4 , a water contact angle of 5° to 55° claim 4 , an oil contact angle of 40° to 95° claim 4 , and a weight ratio of the matrix polymer to the functional polymer of 95:5 to 6:4.6. The membrane of claim 5 , wherein the membrane has a pore size of 0.1 μm to 0.3 μm claim 5 , a thickness of 250 μm to 350 μm claim 5 , a water contact angle of 10° to 50° claim 5 , an oil contact angle of 40° to 90° claim 5 , and a ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051317A1
Автор: Ganey Timothy, Meisel Jorg

A method for producing a sheet material is disclosed, comprising the steps of providing a carrier material solution comprising a carrier material, and depositing the carrier material onto a collector by electrospinning the carrier material solution out of a spinning device, the collector having a first electrical polarity and the spinning device having a second electrical polarity being opposite to the first polarity. The collector comprises at least one differential section, the electrical polarity of which is adjusted during deposition of the carrier material in such a manner that it either resembles the electrical polarity of the remaining sections of the collector or differs from it. The invention further relates to a device for carrying out said method and a sheet material which can be produced by said method. 1. A method for producing a sheet material , comprising the following steps:providing a carrier material solution comprising a carrier material, anddepositing the carrier material onto a collector by electrospinning the carrier material solution out of a spinning device, the collector having a first electrical polarity and the spinning device having a second electrical polarity being opposite to the first polarity,whereinthe collector comprises at least one differential section, the electrical polarity of which is adjusted during deposition of the carrier material in such a manner that it either resembles the electrical polarity of the remaining sections of the collector or differs from it.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the collector is moved during deposition of the carrier material with respect to the spinning device claim 1 , wherein the position of the differential section remains constant with respect to the spinning device.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the collector comprises a plurality of differential sections claim 1 , the polarity of which is individually adjusted during deposition.4. The method according to claim 1 ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053870A1

Herein is disclosed a cleaning wipe comprising an activated spunbonded nonwoven web, and methods of making and using such cleaning wipes. 1. A cleaning wipe comprising an activated spunbonded web comprising a multiplicity of slits.2. The wipe of claim 1 , wherein the slits are arranged in a multidirectional array comprising at least a first plurality of slits that are oriented in a first general direction and a second plurality of slits that are oriented in a second general direction that is at least 45 degrees away from the first general direction.3. The wipe of wherein the slits of the first plurality of slits are oriented at first angles that are from about 30 degrees to about 60 degrees away from a long axis of the wipe claim 2 , and wherein the slits of the second plurality of slits are oriented at second angles that are from about 30 degrees top about 60 degrees away from the long axis of the wipe.4. The wipe of wherein the slits comprise an average length of less than about 10 mm and wherein the slits are arranged at an average spacing of less than about 10 mm.5. The wipe of wherein at least some of the slits are through-slits that extend through the entire thickness of the web.6. The wipe of wherein the slits are configured so that a longest uninterrupted distance between slits is less than about 20 mm.7. The wipe of wherein the slits are configured so that a longest uninterrupted distance between slits is less than about 10 mm.8. The wipe of wherein the spunbonded web comprises melt-bonded sites arranged so that an average distance between adjacent melt-bonded sites that is less than a longest uninterrupted distance between slits.9. The wipe of wherein the spunbonded web comprises compressively melt-bonded sites that are arranged at an average spacing that is less than an average spacing of the slits.10. The wipe of wherein the compressively melt-bonded sites occupy from about 4% to about 15% of the area of the spun-bonded web.11. The wipe of wherein the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Process for Particleboard Manufacture

Номер: US20140054816A1
Принадлежит: University of Connecticut

Improved particleboard and methods for fabricating improved particleboard (e.g., natural fiber/material-based particleboard) are disclosed. More particularly, the present disclosure provides systems/methods for fabricating particleboard (e.g., formaldehyde-free particleboard) utilizing natural fibers/materials (e.g., lignocellulosic materials), wherein the particleboard has improved performance characteristics and/or mechanical properties. Methods for fabricating fiber-reinforced biocomposites (e.g., natural fiber-reinforced wheat gluten biocomposites) are disclosed. For example, systems/methods for fabricating particleboard from lignocellulosic materials (e.g., coconut materials), along with a binder material (e.g., wheat gluten), are provided. In general, the fiber or lignocellulosic material is treated with sodium hydroxide and/or a silane coupling agent as an adhesion promoter to enhance interfacial adhesion between the fiber and the binder. For example, (3-triethoxysilylpropyl)-t-butylcarbamate (MISO) (a masked isocyanate functional silane) was utilized to improve interfacial adhesion between the binder and the natural fibers. 1. A method for fabricating a particleboard comprising:a) soaking a portion of a lignocellulosic material in an alkali solution;b) drying the lignocellulosic material after soaking;c) soaking a portion of the lignocellulosic material in a masked isocyanate functional silane solution;d) drying the lignocellulosic material after soaking; ande) molding the lignocellulosic material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the lignocellulosic material is derived from natural fibers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein prior to step a) claim 1 , the lignocellulosic material is dried to a moisture content of from about 3% to about 4.5%.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein step a) is performed by soaking the lignocellulosic material in about a 5% w/v alkali solution for about 4 hours at about room temperature.5. The method of claim 1 ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057012A1

The present invention is a process for performing a planarization treatment of pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA). The process includes positioning a first substrate onto a support surface of a planarization tool. The process further includes placing at least one layer of PSA onto the first substrate. The process further includes positioning a second substrate onto the layer(s) of PSA. The process further includes applying a pressure to the second substrate via a flexible membrane, said pressure being applied in a generally uniform, unidirectional and localized manner. Further, the applied pressure flattens the PSA between the first substrate and the second substrate for promoting suitability of the PSA for use in rigid-to-rigid lamination processes. 1. A system for performing planarization treatment of pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) , comprising:a planarization tool, the planarization tool including a support portion and a carriage, the support portion including a support surface configured for supporting at least one PSA block, the carriage having at least one aperture formed therethrough, the carriage configured for being placed upon the support surface, the support portion and the carriage further configured for forming a partial enclosure when the carriage is placed upon the support surface;a pressurization tool configured with a partial enclosure, the partial enclosure of the pressurization tool having a port configured for connection to a pressurizing source;a flexible membrane configured for being positioned between the planarization tool and the pressurization tool, the flexible membrane being further configured for sealing the partial enclosure of the pressurization tool to create a first sealed cavity and for sealing the partial enclosure of the planarization tool to create a second sealed cavity when placed between the planarization tool and pressurization tool, the flexible membrane is further configured for applying a pressure created within the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057057A1

[Problem] 1. A process for manufacturing a laminated porous film , comprising:layering a covering layer on a surface of a polyolefin-based resin porous film by coating a resin solution comprising a filler wherein a filler and a resin binder are dissolved or dispersed in a solvent,drying the laminated film wherein the covering layer is layered,removing the solvent, andwinding the dried film,wherein a film tension (Ta) in the drying is controlled at 40 N/m or less.2. A process for manufacturing a laminated porous film , comprising:layering a covering layer on a surface of a polyolefin-based resin porous film by coating a resin solution comprising filler wherein a filler and a resin binder are dissolved or dispersed in a solventdrying the laminated film wherein the covering layer is layered,removing the solvent, andwinding the dried film, [{'br': None, 'Ta≦40 N/m,'}, {'br': None, 'Tb≦40 N/m, and'}, {'br': None, '|Ta—Tb|<10 N/m.'}], 'wherein a film tension (Ta) in the drying and a film tension (Tb) in the winding satisfiy the following expressions35-. (canceled)6. The process of claim 1 , wherein after a surface of the polyolefin-based resin porous film has been treated claim 1 , a covering layer is layered on a treated surface.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein in the surface treatment claim 6 , a temperature of the film is controlled to be 50° C. or less.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the temperature is controlled by cooling a support roll in the surface treatment.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the temperature of the support roll is controlled at 50° C. or less.10. The process of claim 7 , wherein a wrap angle of the support roll in the surface treatment is controlled at 120 degrees or less.11. The process of claim 7 , wherein the support roll in the surface treatment is a metal roll.12. The process of claim 7 , wherein the surface treatment is selected from the group consisting of corona treatment claim 7 , plasma treatment claim 7 , plasma treatment under ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057081A1
Автор: Rothen Josef

The invention relates to a device for producing and/or applying a substantially planar material combination which is formed from at least two surface regions and has a predefined combined width, combined height, and/or combined length. Said device comprises a conveying unit that defines a direction of travel and has a conveying surface. The device also comprises an application unit including an application nozzle which has a slit-shaped outlet extending substantially transverse to the direction of application and which allows the first surface region made of a first extrudate and the second surface region made of a second extrudate to be extruded onto the conveying surface. The application nozzle () comprises at least one conveying unit (′) for conveying an extrudate onto the conveying surface. The conveying unit allows the conveyed volume, the conveyed mass, the conveying speed, and/or the conveying time of at least one of the extrudates to be controlled. 1. A device for producing and/or applying an essentially two-dimensional composite formed of at least two areal regions in predeterminable composite width , predeterminable composite height and/or predeterminable composite length , said device comprising a transporting appliance having a transport area and defining a transport direction and also an applicator appliance having an applicator die , which includes a slot-shaped outlet disposed essentially transversely to the application direction and with which the first areal region comprising a first extrudate and the second areal region comprising a second extrudate is extrudable onto the transport area , characterized in that the applicator die comprises at least one conveying appliance for conveying an extrudate onto the transport area , wherein the conveyed volume , the conveyed mass , the conveyance velocity and/or the metering time of at least one of the extrudates is controllable using the conveying appliance.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Oriented Film Produced In-Process for Use in the Power Stretch Film Market

Номер: US20140057088A1
Автор: Pirtle Shaun Eugene

The present disclosure describes compositions, devices, systems, and methods for producing films which simplify the application process by eliminating the need to stretch film before it is wrapped around a load. Such films also provide enhanced load containment and increased resistance to punctures and breaks. In particular, the present disclosure relates to the use of selected resins and an angled die to increase the level of orientation in the film as it is formed. 1. An oriented film produced in-process , the oriented film having a majority component and a minority component , as measured in percent of total film thickness , wherein:the majority component is comprised of a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) copolymer; andthe minority component is comprised of resins chosen from the group consisting of polyethylenes, polyethylene copolymers, metallocene catalyzed polypropylenes, polypropylenes, and polypropylene copolymers.2. The oriented film according to claim 1 , wherein the minority component has a thickness ranging from 8 to 30 percent of the total film thickness.3. The oriented film according to claim 2 , wherein the minority component has a thickness of approximately 16 percent of the total film thickness.4. The oriented film according to claim 1 , wherein the resins comprising the minority component have a melt index ranging from 0.5 to 12 (g/10 min. @ 190° C./2.16 kg).5. The oriented film according to claim 4 , wherein the resins comprising the minority component have a melt index ranging from 3 to 5 (g/10 min. @ 190° C./2.16 kg).6. The oriented film according to claim 1 , wherein the resins comprising the minority component have a density ranging from 0.850 g/cmto 0.960 g/cm.7. The oriented film according to claim 6 , wherein the resins comprising the minority component have a density of approximately 0.917 g/cm.8. The oriented film according to claim 1 , wherein the majority component is comprised of a higher alpha-olefin LLDPE.9. The oriented film ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057515A1

The present invention provides a prepreg comprising: a primary pre-pregnant made of a reinforced fiber substrate and an epoxy resin composition containing at least epoxy resin and thermoplastic resin impregnated into the reinforcing fiber that forms the reinforced fiber substrate; and a surface layer made of epoxy resin composition containing at least an epoxy resin and an epoxy resin-soluble thermoplastic resin that dissolves in the epoxy resin, the surface layer being formed on one or both surfaces of the primary prepreg; the prepreg being characterized in that only one of either the epoxy resin composition of the primary prepreg or the epoxy resin composition of the surface layer contains a hardening agent for an epoxy resin. 1. A prepreg comprising:a primary prepreg composed of a reinforcing fiber substrate and an epoxy resin composition containing at least an epoxy resin and a thermoplastic resin, impregnated into a reinforcing fiber layer formed by the reinforcing fiber substrate, anda surface layer composed of an epoxy resin composition containing at least an epoxy resin and an epoxy resin-soluble thermoplastic resin dissolved in the epoxy resin, the surface layer being formed on one side or both sides of the primary prepreg,wherein only either of the epoxy resin composition of the primary prepreg and the epoxy resin composition of the surface layer contains a curing agent for epoxy resin.3. The prepreg according to claim 2 , wherein at least 30% by mass of the total amount of the epoxy resins contained in the epoxy resin composition [A] and the epoxy resin composition [B] is a tri-functional epoxy resin.4. The prepreg according to claim 2 , wherein the thermoplastic resin contained in the epoxy resin composition [A] contains at least an epoxy resin-soluble thermoplastic resin.5. The prepreg according to claim 4 , wherein the epoxy-resin-soluble thermoplastic resin is at least one kind selected from polyethersulfone claim 4 , polysulfone claim 4 , ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058007A1
Автор: Cruz Carlos A.

Technologies and implementations for providing melt processable poly(vinyl alcohol) blends and poly(vinyl alcohol) based membranes are generally disclosed. 124.-. (canceled)25. A method for producing a purification membrane , the method comprising:blending a first polymer including poly(vinyl alcohol), a second polymer including 2-glucosyloxyethyl methacrylate and a third polymer configured to provide post melt processing flexibility to a polymer blend to form a melt processable polymer blend;extruding the melt processable polymer blend;forming a membrane from the extruded melt processable polymer blend; and crosslinking at least a portion of the first polymer to form the purification membrane.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the forming the membrane from the extruded melt processing blend comprises at least one of film blowing or casting.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the crosslinking the first polymer comprises applying radiation.28. The method of claim 25 , wherein the crosslinking the first polymer comprises a post membrane formation treatment including applying a chemical configured to crosslink poly(vinyl alcohol).29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the chemical comprises at least one of boric acid claim 28 , glutaraldehyde claim 28 , amic acid claim 28 , maleic acid or polyacrylic acid.30. The method of claim 25 , wherein the crosslinking the first polymer comprises an in situ application of reactive components configured to crosslink the first polymer.31. The method of claim 25 , wherein the third polymer comprises at least one of a poly(vinylidene fluoride) polymer claim 25 , a rubber claim 25 , a thermoplastic elastomer claim 25 , a polyolefin polymer claim 25 , a polyethylene polymer claim 25 , a polypropylene polymer claim 25 , a nylon or a polyester.32. The method of claim 25 , wherein the second polymer comprises the 2-glucosyloxyethyl methacrylate incorporated in a linear acrylic polymer.33. The method of claim 25 , further comprising: ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061967A1
Принадлежит: CPG International, Inc.

A polymer composite and its method of manufacture using a recycled multilayer material. An example of the recycled multilayer material is comprised of a polyethylene/polyethylene terephthalate/aluminum film that may be extruded with organic filler to obtain desirable performance in wood-substitute products such as deck boards, railing, fencing, pergolas, residential cladding/siding, sheet products, and other applications. 1. A polymer composite comprising:recycled multilayer material in an amount of 20-60% by weight; andorganic filler in an amount of 40-60% by weight.2. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material comprises an olefin claim 1 , a polyester claim 1 , and a metal.3. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material comprises polyethylene claim 2 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 2 , and aluminum.4. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material is comprised of recycled aluminized packaging.5. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material is comprised of at least one recycle stream such that said recycled multilayer material is comprised of polyethylene in an amount of about 70-92% by weight claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate in an amount of about 1-20% by weight claim 1 , and aluminum in an amount of about 1-20% by weight.6. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material is in an amount of about 20-35% by weight.7. A polymer composite comprising:polyethylene in an amount of 10-30% by weight;recycled multilayer material in an amount of 10-30% by weight; andorganic filler in an amount of 40-60% by weight.8. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material comprises an olefin claim 7 , a polyester claim 7 , and a metal.9. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer material comprises polyethylene claim 8 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 8 , and aluminum.10. The polymer composite of wherein said recycled multilayer ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065382A1

A monoaxially oriented film including an ethylene-propylene copolymer elastomer, a non-elastomeric propylene-based random copolymer, and a low density polyethylene, which is oriented at least about 2.5 times in one direction and exhibits excellent linear directional tear properties parallel to the orientation direction, excellent heat seal performance in terms of high heat seal strengths and low seal initiation temperature, and is less than 50 μm in thickness after orientation. This “thin” film formulation and orientation is suitable for pouch applications requiring an “easy-tear” linear tear feature and excellent hermetic seal properties. 1. A monoaxially oriented polyolefin film comprising:40-60 wt % ethylene-propylene copolymer elastomer;20-40 wt % non-elastomeric propylene-based copolymer; and20-40 wt % low density ethylene homopolymer,wherein the film is monoaxially at least 2.5 times in one direction, exhibits excellent linear directional tear characteristics in a direction parallel to the orientation direction, and is less than 50 μm in thickness after orientation.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the film is heat sealable.3. The film of claim 1 , comprising about 50 wt % ethylene-propylene copolymer elastomer claim 1 , about 20 wt % non-elastomeric propylene-based copolymer claim 1 , and about 30 wt % low density ethylene homopolymer.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the film after orientation is 25 μm-37.5 μm.5. The film of claim 1 , wherein the film is monoxially oriented 4.0-6.0 times.6. The film of claim 1 , wherein the film is a single layer film.7. The film of claim 1 , further comprising a slip additive.8. The film of claim 1 , further comprising an antiblock component selected from the group consisting of amorphous silicas claim 1 , aluminosilicates claim 1 , sodium calcium aluminum silicates claim 1 , glass microspheres claim 1 , talcs claim 1 , micas claim 1 , minerals claim 1 , crosslinked silicone polymers claim 1 , and ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070442A1

A method for producing a multi-layer foam sheet having a foam layer and a resin layer laminated on at least one side of the foam layer, includes coextruding a foamable molten resin composition which contains a low density polyethylene and a physical blowing agent and a molten resin composition which contains 80 to 20% by weight of a specific ethylene-propylene random copolymer and 20 to 80% by weight of a specific polyethylene resin so that the foamable molten resin composition forms the foam layer and the molten resin composition forms the resin layer. 1. A method for producing a multi-layer polyethylene resin foam sheet having a polyethylene resin foam layer and a polyolefin resin layer laminated on at least one side of the polyethylene resin foam layer , comprising the steps of:providing a foamable molten polyethylene resin composition comprising a polyethylene resin (A) containing a low density polyethylene, and a physical blowing agent,providing a molten polyolefin resin composition comprising 20 to 80% by weight of an ethylene-propylene random copolymer obtained using a metallocene polymerization catalyst and having a melting point of 135° C. or lower, and 20 to 80% by weight of a polyethylene resin (B) selected from the group consisting of low density polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene and mixtures thereof, wherein the sum of the ethylene-propylene random copolymer and the polyethylene resin (B) is 100% by weight, andcoextruding the foamable molten polyethylene resin composition and the molten polyolefin resin composition to form the multi-layer polyethylene resin foam sheet wherein the foamable molten polyethylene resin composition forms the polyethylene resin foam layer and the molten polyolefin resin composition forms the polyolefin resin layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the molten polyolefin resin composition has a melt viscosity ηof not lower than 500 Pa·s and not higher than 1 claim 1 ,500 Pa·s at ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070449A1
Принадлежит: TEIJIN ARAMID B.V.

A process for rolling and stretching of a sheet into a tape is provided. A sheet may be rolled into a rolled sheet in the nip between two rolls of the calender and the rolled sheet is stretched immediately thereafter into a tape on the surface of one of the two calender rolls. The speed of the rolled sheet on the surface of the calender roll may be higher than the speed of the calender roll. The position of the start of the neck-down of the rolled sheet and the rate of neck-down can be easily controlled by the proposed process. 1. A process for rolling and stretching a sheet into a tape wherein the sheet is rolled into a rolled sheet in a nip between two rolls of a calender in such a way that a length of the sheet is increased and a thickness of the sheet is reduced without significantly reducing a width of the sheet and the rolled sheet is stretched into a tape while being in contact with a surface of one of the two rolls of the calender in such a way that the length of the rolled sheet is increased and both the width of the rolled sheet and the thickness of the rolled sheet are reduced.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the two rolls of the calendar rotate in opposite directions.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the two rolls of the calendar rotate at the same speed.4. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the two rolls of the calendar rotate at different speeds.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the two rolls of the calendar rotate in the same direction.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein one or both of the calendar rolls is/are temperature controlled.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein one or both of the calendar rolls is/are heated.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the thickness of the sheet to the thickness of the rolled sheet is at least 3.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the cross sectional area of the rolled sheet to the cross sectional area of the tape ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Bonded Web and Manufacturing Thereof

Номер: US20140072788A1

Disclosed are highly extensible bonded webs or multilayered sheets containing these. These products can be processed in a ring-roll process without damage. The bonded webs or multilayered sheets can be used, for example in the manufacture of diapers. 1. A bonded web comprising filaments comprising a first polymer material with a first melt temperature and a second polymer material with a second melt temperature which is higher than the first melt temperature , said bonded web havinga neckdown modulus in cross machine direction of at least 800 N/m,an extensibility in cross machine direction of at least 70%, anda tensile strength in cross machine direction of at most 4 N/cm.2. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the neckdown modulus in cross machine direction is at least 1000 N/m and wherein the tensile strength in cross machine direction is less than 2.5 N/cm.3. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the denier of the filaments is between 1 and 3 dtex.4. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the bonds are realized by calendering.5. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the bonding area of the nonwoven is between 16% and 35%.6. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the spunbond nonwoven has an abrasion in the Sutherland Ink Rub test of less than 0.25 mg/cm2.7. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the filaments are mono-component filaments made from combinations of different polyolefins.8. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the filaments are bi-component filaments made from combinations of different polyolefins.9. A bonded web according to claim 8 , wherein the filaments are sheath-core filaments having a polypropylene core and polyethylene sheath.10. A bonded web according to claim 9 , wherein the cross-section area of the core makes up between 15 and 85% of the filament and the cross-section area of the sheath makes up between 85% and 15% of the filament.11. A bonded web according to claim 1 , wherein the bonded web has ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090577A1

Methods for making composite products are provided. In at least one specific embodiment, the method can include combining a plurality of lignocellulose substrates and one or more free radical precursors to produce a mixture of the lignocellulose substrates and the one or more free radical precursors. The method can also include maintaining the mixture at a temperature less than 60° C. for at least 10 minutes while retaining at least 11 wt % of the one or more free radical precursors charged to the mixture. The method can then include heating the mixture comprising at least 11 wt % of the one or more free radical precursors charged to the mixture to a temperature of at least 60° C. to about 300° C. to produce a composite product. The composite product can have a density less than 1 g/cmand an internal bond strength of at least 0.35 MPa. 1. A method for making a composite product , comprising:combining a plurality of lignocellulose substrates and one or more free radical precursors to produce a mixture of the lignocellulose substrates and the one or more free radical precursors;maintaining the mixture at a temperature less than 60° C. for at least 10 minutes while retaining at least 11 wt % of the one or more free radical precursors charged to the mixture; and then{'sup': '3', 'heating the mixture comprising at least 11 wt % of the one or more free radical precursors charged to the mixture to a temperature of at least 60° C. to about 300° C. to produce a composite product having a density less than 1 g/cmand an internal bond strength of at least 0.35 MPa.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixture is maintained at the temperature less than 60° C. for at least 20 minutes while retaining at least 25 wt % of the one or more free radical precursors charged to the mixture claim 1 , and wherein the mixture comprising at least 25 wt % of the one or more free radical precursors charged to the mixture is heated to the temperature of at least 60° C. to about 300° C. to ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090776A1
Принадлежит: Reynolds Consumer Products Inc.

A blown-film process for making a fiber-reinforced film comprises providing and melting at least one thermoplastic resin. The at least one thermoplastic resin is extruded through an extension die to form a film bubble. A plurality of fibers is introduced inside of the film bubble. The fibers are distributed inside of the film bubble. The film bubble is collapsed after introducing the plurality of fibers so as to form a fiber-reinforced film. The fiber-reinforced film has a first thermoplastic layer, a second thermoplastic layer, and a plurality of fibers dispersed therebetween. The film may be formed in a bag. 1. A cast-film process for making a fiber-reinforced film , comprising:providing at least a first thermoplastic resin;melting the at least first thermoplastic resin;extruding the at least first thermoplastic resin through a first extension die to form a first thermoplastic film;providing at least a second thermoplastic resin;melting the at least second thermoplastic resin;extruding the at least second thermoplastic resin through a second extension die to form a second thermoplastic film;transporting the first and second thermoplastic films along respective casting rollers; andintroducing a plurality of fibers between the first and second thermoplastic films so as to form a fiber-reinforced film, the fiber-reinforced film having a first thermoplastic layer, a second thermoplastic layer, and a plurality of fibers dispersed therebetween.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fibers is in a continuous sheet.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first thermoplastic resin and the second thermoplastic resin are the same.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic resin is selected from the group consisting of polyolefins claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , nylons claim 1 , alkenyl aromatic polymers claim 1 , polyvinyl chlorides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The process of wherein the plurality of fibers is a thermoplastic ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Single Crystal Graphene or Polycrystalline Graphene Matrix Composite Containing Carbon-Based Fillers

Номер: US20180010028A1
Автор: Jang Bor Z., Zhamu Aruna
Принадлежит: Nanotek Instruments, Inc.

A process for producing a unitary graphene matrix composite, the process comprising: (a) preparing a graphene oxide gel having graphene oxide molecules dispersed in a fluid medium, wherein the graphene oxide gel is optically transparent or translucent; (b) mixing a carbon or graphite filler phase in said graphene oxide gel to form a slurry; (c) dispensing said slurry onto a surface of a supporting substrate or a cavity of a molding tool; (d) partially or completely removing the fluid medium from the slurry to form a composite precursor; and (e) heat-treating the composite precursor to form the unitary graphene composite at a temperature higher than 100° C. This composite exhibits a combination of exceptional thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, surface hardness, and scratch resistance. 1. A graphene matrix composite comprising:a. a single crystal graphene matrix material, containing closely packed and chemically bonded graphene planes having an inter-graphene plane spacing of 0.335 to 0.40 nm and an oxygen content of 0.001% to 10% by weight;b. a carbon or graphite filler phase selected from a carbon or graphite fiber, carbon or graphite nanofiber, carbon nanotube, carbon nanorod, mesophase carbon particle, mesocarbon microbead, exfoliated graphite flake with a thickness greater than 100 nm, exfoliated graphite or graphite worm, coke particle, needle coke, carbon black or acetylene black particle, activated carbon particle, or a combination thereof;wherein the filler phase is covalently bonded to the matrix material, and wherein the filler phase has a weight fraction of 0.01% to 99% based on the total composite weight.2. A graphene matrix composite comprising: (a) a polycrystalline graphene matrix material having incomplete grain boundaries , containing closely packed and chemically bonded graphene planes having an inter-graphene plane spacing of 0.335 to 0.40 nm and an oxygen content of 0.001% to 10% by weight; (b) a carbon or graphite ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014405A1
Принадлежит: Celanese Acetate LLC

Cellulose ester films may include taggants to provide for product authentication and counterfeit identification, especially in packaging applications. In some instances, a tagged cellulose ester film may include cellulose ester, a plasticizer, and a taggant, wherein the taggant comprises at least one taggant component selected from the group consisting of an elemental marker, a molecular fluorophore, a particulate fluorophore, and any combination thereof. 1. A tagged cellulose ester film comprising cellulose ester , a plasticizer , and a taggant , wherein the taggant comprises one or more taggant components selected from the group consisting of elemental markers , molecular fluorophores , particulate fluorophores , and any combination thereof.2. The tagged cellulose ester film of claim 1 , wherein the cellulose ester comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of cellulose diacetate claim 1 , cellulose dibutyrate claim 1 , cellulose dipropionate claim 1 , cellulose di(acetate butyrate) claim 1 , cellulose di(acetate propionate) claim 1 , cellulose di(butyrate propionate) claim 1 , cellulose di(acetate butyrate propionate) claim 1 , cellulose triacetate claim 1 , cellulose tributyrate claim 1 , cellulose tripropionate claim 1 , cellulose tri(acetate butyrate) claim 1 , cellulose tri(acetate propionate) claim 1 , cellulose tri(butyrate propionate) claim 1 , cellulose tri(acetate butyrate propionate) claim 1 , and any combination thereof.3. The tagged cellulose ester film of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of glycerol triacetate (triacetin) claim 1 , triethyl citrate claim 1 , dimethoxy-ethyl phthalate claim 1 , dimethyl phthalate claim 1 , diethyl phthalate claim 1 , methyl phthalyl ethyl glycolate claim 1 , o-phenyl phenyl-(bis) phenyl phosphate claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol diester claim 1 , diester claim 1 , dipropionate ester of triethylene glycol claim 1 , dibutyrate ester of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032523A1

A method of making a flexible package made of polymeric film is provided. The method comprises the steps of: a) obtaining post-industrial recycled material from post-industrial recycling of precursor polymeric film formed of precursor polymeric material which is substantially the same as the virgin polymeric material of step c), b) providing at least 30 weight-% post-industrial recycled material obtained in step a) based on the overall weight of the polymeric film, c) providing up to 70 weight-% of virgin polymeric material based on the total weight of the polymeric film, and d) jointly melting the virgin polymeric material and the post-industrial recycled material. The method comprises the steps of: e) extruding the molten polymeric material and molten post-industrial recycled material to form a polymeric film, f) providing print on one or both surfaces of the polymeric film, and g) converting the polymeric film into the flexible package. 1. A method of making a flexible package made of polymeric film , the method comprising the steps of:a) obtaining post-industrial recycled material from post-industrial recycling of precursor polymeric film formed of precursor polymeric material which is substantially the same as the virgin polymeric material of step c);b) providing at least 30 weight-% post-industrial recycled material obtained in step a) based on the overall weight of the polymeric film;c) providing up to 70 weight-% of virgin polymeric material based on the total weight of the polymeric film;d) jointly melting the virgin polymeric material and the post-industrial recycled material to form a molten polymeric material and molten post-industrial recycled material;e) extruding the molten polymeric material and molten post-industrial recycled material to form a polymeric film;f) providing print on one or both surfaces of the polymeric film; andg) converting the polymeric film into the flexible package.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the precursor polymeric film ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015833A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A cellulose acylate film that contains at least one kind of cellulose acylate that has a substitution degree of an acyl group that contains an aromatic group of from 0.1 to 2.0, or a substitution degree of an acyl group having from 2 to 4 carbon atoms of from 2.0 to 2.6, and has an in-plane retardation at a wavelength of 550 nm Re(550) of from 80 to 350 nm, and the number of bright spots caused from irregular retardation regions having a major axis diameter of from 0.01 to 0.05 mm of 500 or less per 1 cmcauses less light leakage irrespective of Re of 80 nm or more, so as to enhance the display capability of IPS type and FFS type liquid crystal display devices. 1. A cellulose acylate film ,comprising at least one kind of cellulose acylate that has a substitution degree of an acyl group that contains an aromatic group of from 0.1 to 2.0, or a substitution degree of an aliphatic acyl group having from 2 to 4 carbon atoms of from 2.0 to 2.6,having an in-plane retardation at a wavelength of 550 nm Re(550) of from 80 to 350 nm, and{'sup': '2', 'wherein when two polarizing plates are disposed to form crossed nicols and the cellulose acylate film is inserted between the two polarizing plates to observe bright spots caused from irregular retardation regions having a major axis diameter of from 0.01 to 0.05 mm with a polarizing microscope, the number of the observed bright spots is 500 or less per 1 cm.'}2. The cellulose acylate film according to claim 1 , wherein the irregular retardation region has a solid particle present at center thereof claim 1 , and satisfies the relationship claim 1 , L>2D claim 1 , wherein D represents the diameter of the solid particle claim 1 , and L represents the major axis of the irregular retardation region.3. The cellulose acylate film according to claim 1 , having an in-plane retardation at a wavelength of 550 nm Re(550) of from 200 to 350 nm.4. The cellulose acylate film according to claim 1 , having a thickness of from 20 to 60 μm.5. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033068A1

Provided is the film that can reduce aerodynamic drag and enhance aerodynamic performance. The film according to an embodiment is a film () to be attached to a moving body that moves in a predetermined moving direction, extends along a second direction (D) being the moving direction, and includes recesses and protrusions (A) configured to enhance aerodynamic performance of the moving body on a surface of the film. 1. A film to be attached to a moving body that moves in a predetermined moving direction , the film comprises:recesses and protrusions configured to enhance aerodynamic performance of the moving body on a surface of the film.2. The film according to claim 1 , further comprising a hydrophilic coating layer configured to coat the recesses and protrusions.3. The film according to claim 1 , further comprising a hydrophobic coating layer configured to coat the recesses and protrusions.4. The film according to claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive agent layer configured to cause the film to adhere to the moving body.5. The film according to claim 4 , further comprising an intermediate layer that is positioned between the recesses and protrusions and the adhesive agent layer. One aspect of the present disclosure relates to a film.Patent Document 1 describes a method of reducing a resistance force and a resistance-force reduction item. As the resistance-force reduction item, a sheet material is described. The sheet material includes a pattern surface on a front surface, and a cross section of a pattern layer is a serrated cross section having a plurality of mountains and a plurality of valleys. Further, the sheet material including an adhesive layer on a surface opposite to the pattern surface is described. The sheet material reduces a resistance force of an item when the adhesive layer is attached to the surface of the item.Incidentally, a moving body, for example, a vehicle, an airplane, a blade of a wind power plant, or the like exerts a function of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017413A1
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD

A thermoplastic liquid polymer film and a method of producing the same are provided. The method includes preparing a thermoplastic liquid crystal polymer film that has dielectric constants of not larger than 3.25 both in an MD direction and in a TD direction; and performing drawing of the film while heating the film at a temperature in a range from a temperature (Td-60° C.) that is 60° C. lower than a heat deformation temperature (Td) of the film to a temperature (Td-5° C.) that is 5° C. lower than Td. The temperature of the heating during the drawing of the film may be in a range from a temperature (Td-40° C.) that is 40° C. lower than a heat deformation temperature (Td) of the film subjected to the drawing to a temperature (Td-10° C.) that is 10° C. lower than Td. 1. A method for producing a thermoplastic liquid crystal polymer film , at least comprising:preparing a film of a thermoplastic polymer being capable of forming an optically anisotropic melt phase (hereinafter, referred to as a thermoplastic liquid crystal polymer) and having dielectric constants of not larger than 3.25 both in an MD direction and in a TD direction; andperforming drawing of the film while heating the film at a temperature in a range from a temperature (Td-60° C.) that is 60° C. lower than a heat deformation temperature (Td) of the film to a temperature (Td-5° C.) that is 5° C. lower than Td.2. The method for producing a thermoplastic liquid crystal polymer film according to claim 1 , wherein the film is drawn alone without utilizing a support body in the drawing of the film.3. The method for producing a thermoplastic liquid crystal polymer film according to claim 1 , the method further comprising claim 1 , prior to the drawing of the film:forming a laminated body by bonding a support body and a raw film of a thermoplastic liquid crystal polymer;performing adjustment of dielectric constants by subjecting the laminated body to a heat treatment such that dielectric constants in an MD ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018442A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention discloses a method for preparing a microporous polyolefin film comprising: a step of injecting a composition comprising polyolefin 30 to 60 wt % and a diluent mixture comprising a diluent, which can make liquid-liquid phase separation with the polyolefin thermodynamically 40 to 70 wt %, into an extruding machine, and melting and kneading thereof to prepare a single phase melt; and a step of extruding the melt while conducting liquid-liquid phase separation by passing through a section having the temperature below the liquid-liquid phase separation temperature and forming thereof in the form of a sheet, and a microporous polyolefin film prepared according to the method. 1. A method for preparing a microporous polyolefin film comprising:(a) a step of injecting a composition comprising polyolefin 30 to 60 wt % and a diluent mixture 40 to 70 wt % into an extruding machine, and melting and kneading thereof to prepare a single phase melt, wherein the diluent mixture comprises a diluent, which can make liquid-liquid phase separation with the polyolefin thermodynamically and a supplementary diluent forming a thermodynamic single phase with the polyolefin, and weight ratio of the diluent and the supplementary diluent is 3:7 to 7:3; and{'sup': 3', '1/2, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': Ra', 'D', '−δD', 'P', '−δP', 'H', '−δH, 'sup': 3', '1/2', 'P', 'D', '2', 'P', 'D', '2', 'P', 'D', '2', '1/2, '(J/cm)=[4*(δ)+(δ)+(δ)]'}, '(b) a step of extruding the melt while conducting liquid-liquid phase separation by passing through a section having the temperature below the liquid-liquid phase separation temperature and forming thereof in the form of a sheet, wherein Hansen solubility parameter distance (Ra), expressed by the following formula of the diluent mixture to the polyolefin is 4.0 to 6.5 (J/cm){'sup': P', 'P', 'P, '(wherein δD, δPand δHrepresent polyolefin solubility parameter generated by non-polar dispersion energy, polyolefin solubility parameter generated ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016795A1

The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a hyaluronate film and a hyaluronate film manufactured thereby, and more particularly to a method of manufacturing a hyaluronate film through a solvent-casting process or using an automatic film applicator that facilitates mass production and to a hyaluronate film manufactured thereby, which is useful as a mask pack for cosmetics, a patch for medicaments and medical devices, a film-type adhesion inhibitor, etc. Unlike conventional liquid products, the hyaluronate film according to the present invention has a dry surface and thus entails no concern about microbial contamination, is easy to produce/manage/distribute/use, and has superior mechanical properties, whereby it can be utilized for various applications such as packs, patches, artificial skin and the like for cosmetics, medicaments, and medical devices. 1. A method of manufacturing a hyaluronate film , the method comprising:(a) preparing a hyaluronate solution by dissolving hyaluronate in a solvent; and(b) drying the hyaluronate solution through a solvent-casting process or a casting process using an automatic film applicator.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent-casting process includes:(a) preparing a 0.1 to 30 wt % hyaluronate solution by dissolving hyaluronate in a solvent; and(b) placing the hyaluronate solution in a mold and drying the hyaluronate solution under conditions of a relative humidity of 30 to 70% and a drying temperature of 30 to 50° C.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the hyaluronate has a molecular weight of 0.1 to 2.5 MDa.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the solvent is water or a 0.01 to 29 vol % ethanol aqueous solution.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the drying the hyaluronate solution is performed using a constant-temperature and constant-humidity chamber.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the casting process using the automatic film applicator includes:(a) preparing a 0.1 to 30 wt % hyaluronate solution by ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028515A1

A monoaxially oriented film including heat sealable layer including an ethylene-propylene impact copolymer and a metallocene-catalyzed propylene-butene elastomer. The heat sealable layer may include a metallocene-catalyzed ethylene-butene elastomer. The film is oriented at least 4 times in the machine direction and exhibits excellent linear directional tear properties in the machine direction and excellent heat seal performance. This film formulation and orientation is suitable for pouch applications requiring an “easy-tear” linear tear feature and excellent hermetic seal properties, particularly for retort pouches. 1. A method of making a film comprising:extruding a film comprising a heat sealable first layer comprising an ethylene-propylene impact copolymer and 3-15 wt % of a metallocene-catalyzed propylene-butene elastomer; andmonoaxially orienting the film 4 times its original length in the machine direction.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising quenching the film before orienting the film.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising annealing the film after orienting the film.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the film further comprises a second layer co-extruding with the first layer5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second layer comprising a polyolefin resin.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second layer comprises an ethylene-propylene impact copolymer.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second layer comprises the same type of ethylene-propylene impact copolymer as the heat sealable first layer.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat sealable first layer further comprises a metallocene-catalyzed ethylene-butene elastomer.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallocene-catalyzed propylene-butene elastomer comprises 15-30 wt % butene.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene-propylene impact copolymer comprises 75-97 wt % of the heat sealable layer.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene-propylene impact copolymer has ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113132A1

A bio-based polyester thin film substrate for thermal transfer printing ribbon. The bio-based polyester thermal transfer ribbon substrate film has a radiocarbon content of at least 12 pMC. The film exhibits excellent uniformity, handling, and processability, substantially equivalent to petroleum-based counterparts, while being derived wholly or partly from non-petroleum sources. 1. A film for thermal transfer printing comprising:a biaxially oriented base film comprising polyester, wherein the polyester in the base film comprises bio-based polyester and has a radiocarbon content of at least 12 pMC.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the base film is a single layer film.3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the base film is a multilayer film.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the base film comprises crystalline polyethylene terephthalate.5. The film of claim 4 , wherein the polyester has a radiocarbon content of at least 18 pMC.6. The film of claim 1 , wherein the base film comprises recycled polyester.7. The film of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive layer on a surface of the base film.8. The film of claim 7 , further comprising a colored dye coating on the adhesive layer.9. The film of claim 7 , further comprising a low friction coating on a surface of the base layer opposite the adhesive layer.10. The film of claim 1 , wherein the base film comprises a first type of lubricant particle.11. The film of claim 10 , wherein the base film comprises a second type of lubricant particle.12. The film of claim 1 , wherein the base film comprises at least two layers comprising at least partially bio-based polyester.13. A film structure for thermal transfer printing comprising:a biaxially oriented base film comprising at least partially bio-based polyester, a first type of lubricant particles, and a second type of lubricant particles;an adhesive layer on a surface of the base film;a colored dye coating on the adhesive layer; anda low friction coating on a surface of the biaxally ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029589A1

Polymer foam and a method for preparing the same are disclosed. In the present disclosure, the method sequentially comprises the following steps: providing a polymer body; performing a pressure-induced flow (PIF) process on the polymer body at a first predetermined temperature and a first predetermined pressure for a pressure holding time, to obtain a polymer sheet; and performing a foaming process on the polymer sheet by using a foaming agent at a second predetermined temperature and a second predetermined pressure for a saturation time, to obtain polymer foam. 1. A method for preparing polymer foam , comprising the following steps:providing a polymer body;performing a pressure-induced flow (PIF) process on the polymer body at a first predetermined temperature and a first predetermined pressure for a pressure holding time, to obtain a polymer sheet; andperforming a foaming process on the polymer sheet by using a foaming agent at a second predetermined temperature and a second predetermined pressure for a saturation time, to obtain polymer foam.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first determined temperature is lower than a melting point of the polymer body.3. The method claim 1 , wherein the first predetermined temperature is in a range from 100° C. to 160° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first predetermined pressure is in a range from 20 MPa to 420 MPa.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pressure holding time is in a range from 10 sec to 300 sec.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second predetermined temperature is in a range from 130° C. to 160° C.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second predetermined pressure is in a range from 11.7 MPa to 17.3 MPa.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the saturation time is in a range from 10 min to 120 min.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer body is semi-crystalline thermoplastics or thermoplastic elastomers.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer body comprises at least one selected ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Polymeric Membrane Useful As A Commercial Roofing Membrane

Номер: US20220048231A1

The present disclosure provides a polymeric membrane. The polymeric membrane includes a first thermoplastic elastomer layer. The thermoplastic elastomer layer includes a filler component that is at least about 30 wt % of the thermoplastic elastomer layer. The polymeric membrane can further include an optional second thermoplastic elastomer layer in contact with the first polyolefin layer. 1. A polymeric membrane comprising:a first thermoplastic elastomer layer, comprising a styrenic thermoplastic and a filler component that is at least about 30 wt % of the thermoplastic elastomer layer.2. The polymeric membrane of wherein the styrenic thermoplastic comprises ethylene and butadiene blocks.3. The polymeric membrane of wherein the styrenic thermoplastic is a styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene thermoplastic.4. The polymeric membrane of claim 1 , further comprising a second thermoplastic elastomer layer in contact with the first thermoplastic elastomer layer.5. The polymeric membrane of claim 4 , wherein at least one of the first and the second thermoplastic elastomer independently comprises a thermoplastic polymer having at least one glass transition temperature in a range of from about 30° C. to about 150° C.6. The polymeric membrane of claim 4 , wherein the second thermoplastic elastomer layers independently comprises an acrylate claim 4 , a methacrylate claim 4 , a poly(methyl methacrylate) claim 4 , a siloxane claim 4 , a styrene-isoprene block copolymer claim 4 , a styrene ethylene butylene styrene polymer claim 4 , a hydrogenated styrene ethylene butylene styrene polymer claim 4 , a polyamide-imide claim 4 , a polyethersulphone claim 4 , a polyetherimide claim 4 , a polyarylate claim 4 , a polysulphone claim 4 , a polyvinylchloride claim 4 , an acrylonitrile butadiene styrene claim 4 , a polystyrene claim 4 , a polyetherimide claim 4 , a metallocene-catalyzed polyethylene claim 4 , a polyethylene claim 4 , a polyurethane claim 4 , a fluoroelastomer claim 4 , a ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Optical element and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20170031096A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

An optical element includes a support substrate and an optical material layer provided over the support substrate. A first fine pattern is formed on the surface of the support substrate. When forming the optical material layer, a second fine pattern, to which the first fine pattern P 3 is transferred, is formed on the surface of the optical material layer.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150035199A1

An aromatic polyimide film having a TD linear expansion coefficient lower than that MD linear expansion coefficient is produced by an industrially advantageous process which is performed under such conditions that a self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor film having a solvent content 25-45 wt % and an imidation ratio 5-40% is prepared and stretched in the transverse direction under heating initially at 80-240° C. and the stretched self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor film is subsequently converted to a self-supporting aromatic polyimide film by heating the precursor film at 350-580° C. 1. (canceled)3. The aromatic polyimide film of claim 2 , in which the polyimide film is prepared from a carboxylic acid component comprising 3 claim 2 ,3′ claim 2 ,4 claim 2 ,4′-biphenyltetracarboxylic acid dianhydride as a predominant ingredient and a diamine component comprising p-phenylene diamine as a predominant ingredient.4. A process for producing an aromatic polyimide film of claim 2 , which comprises the steps in order of: spreading an aromatic polyimide precursor solution in which an aromatic polyimide precursor is dissolved in a solvent on a surface of a running continuous support to form an aromatic polyimide precursor solution layer; heating the aromatic polyimide precursor solution layer to remove a portion of the solvent by evaporation claim 2 , thereby converting it to a self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor layer; separating the self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor layer from the continuous support thereby obtaining a self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor film; stretching the self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor film under heating; and heating the stretched self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor film at an elevated temperature claim 2 , thereby converting it to a self-supporting aromatic polyimide film claim 2 ,wherein the self-supporting aromatic polyimide precursor film has a solvent content in the range of 33 to 40 ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140120027A1
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD.

The object of the present invention is to provide a high-resolution conductive pattern. A conductive film formation method for forming a conductive film in a prescribed pattern comprises: a step in which a conductive carbon nanotube layer is formed; and an ultraviolet ray irradiation step in which areas of the conductive carbon nanotube layer formed in the above step, other than parts corresponding to the prescribed pattern, are irradiated with ultraviolet rays. Conductive carbon nanotubes in the ultraviolet ray irradiation areas turn insulating. Conductive carbon nanotubes in ultraviolet ray non-irradiation areas retain their conductive property. 1. A conductive film formation method for forming a conductive film in a prescribed pattern , the method comprising:forming a conductive carbon nanotube layer; andirradiating areas of the conductive carbon nanotube layer, other than parts corresponding to the prescribed pattern, are irradiated with ultraviolet rays,wherein:conductive carbon nanotubes in the areas irradiated with the ultraviolet rays become insulating; andnon-irradiated conductive carbon nanotubes in non-irradiated areas retain their conductive property.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:forming an overcoat layer on the surface of the conductive carbon nanotube layer before the irradiating of areas of the conductive carbon nanotube layer.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the overcoat layer comprises a hydrolysate of a hydrolyzable organosilane.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive carbon nanotubes are single-wall carbon nanotubes that have undergone acid treatment.5. The method according to wherein the ultraviolet ray irradiation is performed via a mask having a function of blocking the ultraviolet rays in the parts corresponding to the prescribed pattern.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ultraviolet rays are ultraviolet rays whose wavelength is in a range of 150-180 nm.7. The method ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038043A1

The present invention provides for concentrated aqueous silk fibroin solutions and an all-aqueous mode for preparation of concentrated aqueous fibroin solutions that avoids the use of organic solvents, direct additives, or harsh chemicals. The invention further provides for the use of these solutions in production of materials, e.g., fibers, films, foams, meshes, scaffolds and hydrogels. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for processing a silk film by contacting the film with water vapor in the absence of alcohol.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising a step of forming the silk film from a concentrated aqueous silk solution containing at least 10% silk fibroin.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the concentrated aqueous solution contains between about 10% and about 30% silk fibroin.9. The method of or claim 7 , further comprising a step of stretching the film mono-axially or bi-axially.10. The method of wherein the step of contacting the silk film with water vapor comprises placing the silk film under vacuum in the presence of distilled water.11. The method of wherein the step of forming the silk film comprises combining the aqueous silk solution with a biocompatible polymer.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the biocompatible polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene oxide (PEO) claim 11 , polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 11 , collagen claim 11 , fibronectin claim 11 , keratin claim 11 , polyaspartic acid claim 11 , polylysine claim 11 , alginate claim 11 , clitosan claim 11 , chitin claim 11 , hyaluronic acid claim 11 , pectin claim 11 , polycaprolactone claim 11 , polylactic acid claim 11 , polyglycolic acid claim 11 , polyhydroxyalkanoates claim 11 , dextrans claim 11 , polyanhydrides claim 11 , and combinations thereof.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the film comprises from about 50 to about 99.99 part by volume aqueous silk protein solution and from about 0.01 to about 50 part by volume biocompatible polymer.14. The method of claim 6 , ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038663A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

The invention relates to a multistage drawing process for the drawing of polymeric elongated objects, containing a first drawing stage and a final drawing stage and optionally containing at least one intermediate drawing stage subsequent to the first drawing stage and prior to the final drawing stage, comprising in the following order the steps of: a. providing a polymeric elongated feed object; b. drawing the elongated object in the first drawing stage with a draw ratio of between 30% and 90% of the maximum drawing ratio achievable in the first drawing step; c. optionally drawing the elongated object in the at least one intermediate drawing stage with a draw ratio of between 30% and 90% of the maximum drawing ratio achievable in the at least one intermediate drawing step; d. drawing the elongated object in the final drawing stage with a draw ratio of at most 5, preferably of at most 3. 1. A multistage drawing process for drawing polymeric elongated objects , containing a first drawing stage and a final drawing stage and optionally containing at least one intermediate drawing stage subsequent to the first drawing stage and prior to the final drawing stage , comprising in the following order the steps of:a. providing a polymeric elongated feed object;b. drawing the elongated object in the first drawing stage with a draw ratio of between 30% and 90% of the maximum drawing ratio achievable in the first drawing step;c. optionally drawing the elongated object in the at least one intermediate drawing stage with a draw ratio of between 30% and 90% of the maximum drawing ratio achievable in the at least one intermediate drawing step;d. drawing the elongated object in the final drawing stage with a draw ratio of at most 5, preferably of at most 3.2. The process of wherein the polymeric elongated object is a fiber.3. The process of wherein the fiber has a length and transverse dimensions and having a ratio of its highest transverse dimension to its lowest transverse dimension ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036690A1

A method for preparing a polygraphene membrane includes adding graphite and sodium nitrate into sulfuric acid to form a first mixture; adding potassium permanganate solution into the first mixture to form a second mixture; adding hydrogen peroxide solution to the second mixture to form a mixture including soluble manganese ions; filtering the mixture including soluble manganese ions to form an aqueous suspension; centrifuging the aqueous suspension; performing ultrasonication of the suspension to obtain graphene oxide sheets; acylating the graphene oxide sheets to prepare an acylated graphene oxide sheet; and polymerizing the acylated graphene oxide sheets to prepare polygraphene. 2. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the graphene oxide sheet is acylated by mixing the graphene oxide sheet with thionyl chloride (SOCl).3. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the acylated graphene oxide sheet is polymerized by mixing with at least one of an amine claim 1 , an amine derivative claim 1 , a thiol claim 1 , a thiol derivative claim 1 , an amide claim 1 , and an amide derivative.4. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 3 , wherein the amine is selected from the group consisting of diamine claim 3 , diethylamine claim 3 , dialkylamine claim 3 , triamines claim 3 , and bis(hexamethylene)triamine.5. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 1 , further comprising polymerizing the polygraphene with a second polymer.6. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 5 , wherein the second polymer is polyamide or polysulfone.7. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 5 , further comprising introducing at least one of silver and titania during the step of polymerizing the polygraphene with a second polymer.8. The method for preparing a polygraphene membrane according to claim 1 , further ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055283A1

The invention relates to a film installation and a method for producing a film web, in particular a cast film installation or smoothing calender installation, having: a machine direction in which the film web is conveyed through the film installation; a roll apparatus which processes a film material melt and comprises at least one film-producing roll and a film-producing gap having temperature control apparatuses for thermally treating the film web; and a stretching apparatus for stretching the film web, wherein the stretching apparatus is situated downstream of the at least one film-producing roll in the machine direction, circumventing a critical cooling section. The invention further relates to the use of a roll apparatus which processes film material melt. 1. Film installation for producing a film web , in particular cast film installation or smoothing calender installation , having a machine direction in which the film web is conveyed through the film installation , having a roll apparatus which processes a film material melt and comprises at least one film-producing roll or a film-producing gap , having temperature control apparatuses for thermally treating the film web and a stretching apparatus for stretching the film web , characterized in that the stretching apparatus is arranged downstream of the at least one film-producing roll , circumventing a critical cooling section in the machine direction.2. Film installation according to claim 1 , characterized in that a distance and/or a transfer distance between the at least one film-generating roll and an input roll of the stretching apparatus is less than 1000 mm or less than 800 mm claim 1 , preferably 500 mm or less.3. Film installation according to claim 1 , characterized in that a distance and/or a transfer distance between the at least one film-producing roll and an input roll of the stretching apparatus is more than 200 mm or more than 250 mm claim 1 , preferably more than 450 mm.4. Film installation ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039331A1

A pre-preg product, such as a tape or sheet suitable for forming a composite having reinforcement fibers and a liquid crystal thermoset (LCT) precursor is provided. Further aspects of the invention are directed to a method for preparation of the pre-preg product and to composite products based on the pre-preg product. 1. Pre-preg product , such as a tape or sheet suitable for forming a composite , comprising reinforcement fibers and a liquid crystal thermoset (LCT) precursor that is a reactive precursor capable of forming an LCT upon reaction , wherein said pre-preg product is obtainable by a pultrusion process wherein an arrangement of the reinforcement fibers is moved through the melt comprising the liquid crystal thermoset (LCT) precursor.2. Pre-preg product according to claim 1 , wherein the LCT precursor has a director n that is substantially oriented along the longitudinal axis of the nearest reinforcement fiber.3. Pre-preg product according to claim 1 , wherein the LCT precursors have an orientational order parameter

of between 0.1 and 1.4. Pre-preg product according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement fibers are selected from the group consisting of carbon fibers claim 1 , fiber glass claim 1 , aramid fibers claim 1 , ceramic fibers claim 1 , polybenzimidazole (PBI) fibers claim 1 , polybenzoxazole (PBO) fibers claim 1 , carbon nanotube fibers and combinations thereof.5. Pre-preg product according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid crystal thermoset (LCT) precursor is a liquid crystal thermoset (LCT) oligomer claim 1 , optionally comprising a liquid crystal backbone selected from the group consisting of an ester claim 1 , an ester-imide and an ester-amide claim 1 , wherein at least 95 mol % of the monomers present in the backbone of the oligomer are aromatic.7. Pre-preg product according to claim 5 , wherein the LCT oligomer has a number average molecular weight (M) of 1 claim 5 ,000-13 claim 5 ,000.8. Pre-preg product according to claim 5 , wherein the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043644A1
Автор: HIGUCHI Naotaka

A sheet manufacturing apparatus includes an impeller mill defibrating, in a dry process, a raw material containing a fiber, a mixer mixing a defibrated material and a resin, using an air stream to produce a mixture of the defibrated material and the resin, a sieve having an opening through which the mixture passes, a belt, a heater, and a nozzle. The mixture is accumulated on an upper side of the belt to form a web. The heater heats the web to form a sheet so that the fiber is bonded by the resin. The nozzle is arranged between the belt and the heater and applies a liquid to a partial portion of the web so that bonding between the fiber and the resin in a first portion of the sheet is weaker than bonding between the fiber and the resin in a second portion of the sheet. 1. A sheet manufacturing apparatus comprising:an impeller mill which defibrates, in a dry process, a raw material that contains a fiber;a mixer which mixes a defibrated material that the impeller mill unit has defibrated and a resin, using an air stream to produce a mixture of the defibrated material and the resin;a sieve having an opening through which the mixture passes;a belt the mixture which has passed through the opening being accumulated on an upper side of the belt to form a web;a heater to which heats the web to form a sheet so that the fiber is bonded by the resin; anda nozzle which is arranged between the belt and the heater and which applies a liquid to a partial portion of the web so that the sheet, which is formed by the heater, has a first portion and a second portion, and bonding between the fiber and the resin in the first portion is weaker than bonding between the fiber and the resin in the second portion.2. The sheet manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprisinga roller which pressurizes the web, the roller being arranged upstream, relative to the nozzle, in a transfer direction of the web, whereinthe nozzle applies the liquid to the web that the roller has ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048540A1

The present invention provides a method for producing a long stretched film, including at least the steps of: forming a long film containing a thermoplastic resin; stretching the long film in an oblique direction; and winding the long film having been subjected to the oblique stretching. The oblique stretching is performed in a heating section including a preheating section, a stretching section, and a thermosetting section, the preheating section and the stretching section are separated from each other by a partition wall. The stretching section and the thermosetting section are separated from each other by a partition wall, each of the partition walls has an opening for permitting the long film to pass, and slide members independently movable on the opposite sides of the opening and in widthwise directions of the long film, the slide members can adjust the width of the opening and the widthwise position of the opening. 1. A method for producing a long stretched film , comprising at least the steps of:forming a long film containing a thermoplastic resin;stretching the long film in an oblique direction greater than 0° but smaller than 90° with respect to a widthwise direction of the long film by feeding to an oblique stretching apparatus in a specific direction different from a direction along which the long film runs after being stretched, and then allowing the long film to run while widthwise ends of the long film are gripped by gripping tools of a gripping tool running device of an oblique stretching tenter; andwinding the long film having been subjected to the oblique stretching, wherein:the oblique stretching is performed in a heating section including a preheating section, a stretching section, and a thermosetting section,the preheating section and the stretching section are separated from each other by a partition wall, and the stretching section and the thermosetting section are separated from each other by a partition wall,each of the partition walls has an ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048548A1

In a stretching zone (Z) included in a plurality of zones for performing temperature control for heating or cooling of a film, the plurality of zones being arranged in the conveyance direction of the film, the film is stretched in a direction tilted in relation to the width direction of the film. The film is heated by a heating unit () having a heating region (H) positioned facing the conveyed film and positioned along a direction intersecting at an intersection angle φ with the conveyance direction in the plane of the film, in at least one zone including the stretching zone (Z) and positioned further downstream in the conveyance direction form the stretching zone (Z). At this time the intersection angle φ of the heating region (H) is adjusted in accordance with the orientation direction of the film stretched in the stretching zone (Z). 1. A method for production of a stretched film , involving stretching a film in a direction oblique to a width direction in a stretching zone included in a plurality of zones arranged in a film transport direction where temperature control is performed to heat or cool the film ,the method comprising: to face the film being transported and in addition', 'to extend along a direction intersecting the transport direction at an intersection angle φ in a plane of the film; and, 'a heating step of heating the film by a heating portion having a heating region, the heating region being located in at least one of the stretching zone and any zone located on a downstream side thereof with respect to a transport direction so as'}an adjusting step of adjusting the intersection angle φ of the heating region according to an orientation direction of the film stretched in the stretching zone.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein, in the adjusting step, the intersection angle φ of the heating region is adjusted such that the orientation direction of the stretched film is substantially parallel to the intersection direction of the heating region ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Biaxially oriented polypropylene film

Номер: US20220064388A1
Принадлежит: Toyobo Co Ltd

Provided is a biaxially oriented polypropylene film that has high stiffness, has excellent heat resistance at a high temperature of 150° C., easily maintains a bag shape when being made into a packaging bag, and has less pitch shift during printing or fewer wrinkles in a sealed portion when being heat-sealed. A biaxially oriented polypropylene film, wherein a maximum elongation of the biaxially oriented polypropylene film at 150° C. or lower measured by a thermomechanical analyzer (TMA) is not larger than 1.5 mm in a longitudinal direction and not larger than 0.1 mm in a width direction, and a heat shrinkage rate of the biaxially oriented polypropylene film at 150° C. is not higher than 10% in the longitudinal direction and not higher than 30% in the width direction.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047199A1

A method of continuously manufacturing a cured membrane includes continuously compounding and mixing a vulcanizable rubber composition in a mixing extruder while continuously removing gasses from the vulcanizable rubber composition during mixing with a vacuum. The vulcanizable rubber composition may be continuously extruded to form an extrudate, which may be continuously calendered to form a green membrane. The green membrane may be continuously cured, such as by a hot air conveyor curing system, to form a cured membrane. 1. A system for continuously manufacturing cured membranes comprising:(i) a planetary mixing extruder including a vacuum adapted to subject a vulcanizable rubber composition therein to a reduced pressure in a portion of the mixing extruder;(ii) a roller head die for extruding and calendering the vulcanizable rubber composition to form a green membrane; and(iii) a hot air conveyor for continuously curing the green membrane to produce a cured membrane.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a pre-mixing extruder in communication with the planetary extruder for premixing one or more components of the vulcanizable rubber composition.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a pump in communication with the planetary mixing extruder and the roller head die to increase the pressure of the vulcanizable rubber composition.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the planetary mixing extruder includes a barrel claim 1 , a main spindle claim 1 , and a plurality of planetary spindles positioned radially between the barrel and the main spindle.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the planetary mixing extruder includes a feed section and at least one compounding section.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said planetary spindles is a back-cut spindle to provide for back mixing within a portion of the planetary mixing extruder.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein said planetary mixing extruder includes at least 6 planetary spindles.8. The system ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Polymer interlayers comprising special effect metal pigments

Номер: US20160053084A1
Автор: Howard D. Booth, Jr.
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc

An interlayer comprised of a thermoplastic resin and at least one special effect metal pigment. The use of a thermoplastic resin and at least one special effect metal pigment provides a special effect metal appearance without sacrificing other characteristics of the interlayer, and wherein the color of the interlayer measured in reflectance mode is different from the color measured in transmission mode.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056430A1

This method includes the arrangement of a first sheet (A) of porous material on a first face () of a base layer and of a second sheet (B) of porous material of a second face () of the base layer before a heating step. Each sheet (A, B) of porous material has a thickness of less than that of the formed layer (). 1. A method for manufacturing an equipment part of an automotive vehicle comprising the following steps:providing a base layer including ceramic fibers and heat fusible polymer fibers;heating and compressing the base layer on at least one supporting wall for melting the hot melt polymer fibers and having the molten polymer adhere to the ceramic fibers in order to obtain a preformed layer;confining the preformed layer in a pressurized mold in order to make up a formed layer the polymer of the formed layer being advantageously at least partly crystallized,wherein the method includes the arrangement of a first sheet of porous material on a first face of the base layer and of a second sheet of porous material on a second face of the base layer before the heating step, each sheet of porous material having a thickness of less than that of the formed layer, the sheets of porous material confining between them the molten polymeric martial stemming from the heat fusible polymer fibers during the heating step, the sheets of porous material being bound to the formed layer after the step for making up the formed layer, in order to form a first composite body.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each sheet of porous material has a surface mass of less than 100 g/m claim 1 , advantageously less than 85 g/m claim 1 , in particular less than 60 g/m.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first sheet of porous material and the second sheet of porous material is formed with paper or a planar web of fibers bound mechanically or by a resin.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the surface tension of the first sheet and/or of the second ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Polyester film, method for producing the same, back sheet for solar cell, and solar cell module

Номер: US20140130867A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A polyester film has excellent resistance to hydrolysis, excellent heat resistance in high temperatures and low humidity, and mechanical strength. The polyester film satisfies a stress heat resistant coefficient f(125)≧3 and a wet thermo retention (=100×S(120)/S(0)) of 30% or more. f(125) is a value obtained by substituting t=125° C. in an approximation represented by f(t); t represents a temperature (° C.) at thermo processing; f(t) represents a stress heat resistant coefficient f at the thermo temperature t and represents an approximation to a straight line obtained by linear approximation by a least squares method of values plotted from a relationship between the thermo temperature t and a logarithm (log T(t)) of time T at which a rupture stress is 50% when t is 150° C., 160° C., 170° C., or 180° C.; T(t) is a time (hr) at which the maximum stress in a tensile test after thermo processing at t° C. and 0% RH is 50% of the maximum stress in a tensile test before thermo processing; S(120) is breaking elongation (%) after aging for 100 hours at 120° C. and 100% RH, and S(0) represents a breaking elongation (%) before aging.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059526A1

A surface covering includes a base layer, a wear layer, and a topcoat layer. The wear layer is laminated to the base layer. The wear layer comprises a polymeric binder system having wear resistant particles dispersed therein. The wear layer is formed by dispersing a plurality of wear resistant particles into a liquid to form a stable liquid dispersion, blending the stable liquid dispersion into a polymeric resin to form a mixture, and extruding the mixture to form the wear layer. 2. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the first major surface of the surface covering comprises the upper surface of the topcoat layer.3. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the topcoat layer is continuous.4. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of second thickness to the first thickness ranges from about 1:1 to about 1:40.5. The surface covering of claim 4 , wherein the ratio of second thickness to first thickness ranges from about 1:1 to about 1:12.6. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the second thickness of the topcoat layer to a size of wear resistant particles ranges from about 2500:1 to about 50:1.7. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the laminate structure further comprises a print layer positioned between the base layer and the wear layer.8. The surface covering of claim 7 , wherein the print layer is embossed.9. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the wear resistance particles have a size ranging from about 10 nm to about 500 nm.10. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the wear resistance particles are present in an amount of 0.1 parts to 5 parts per hundred parts by weight of the polymer binder in the wear layer.11. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the base layer has a third thickness as measured from an upper surface to a lower surface of the base layer claim 1 , the third thickness ranging from about 35 mils to 170 mils.12. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the first thickness of the wear layer ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059956A1

A percutaneous absorption preparation is disclosed. The percutaneous absorption preparation contains donepezil for treatment of dementia, wherein the preparation includes: (a) donepezil or its pharmaceutically acceptable salt as active component, (b) propylene glycol monocaprylate as solubilizer, and (c) styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer (“SIS”) as adhesive. The percutaneous absorption preparation has low skin irritation and high skin penetration. 1. A percutaneous absorption preparation for the treatment of dementia comprising a backing layer , a drug-containing layer , and a release liner ,wherein the drug-containing layer of percutaneous absorption preparation for treating dementia comprises (a) donepezil or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof as an active component, (b) a propylene glycol monocaprylate as solubilizer, and (c) a styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer.2. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the donepezil as an active component is donepezil free base.3. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the propylene glycol monocaprylate make up 1-40 wt % of the total weight of the drug-containing layer.4. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 3 , wherein the propylene glycol monocaprylate makes up 3-30 wt % of the total weight of the drug-containing layer.5. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 4 , wherein the propylene glycol monocaprylate makes up 5-25 wt % of the total weight of the drug-containing layer.6. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer make up 10-70 wt % of the total weight of the drug-containing layer.7. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the drug-containing layer further comprises a plasticizer.8. The percutaneous absorption preparation according to claim 7 , wherein the plasticizer is selected from the group ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Stone-Made Green Energy Paper and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20140135423A1
Автор: Hsien Chung Chou
Принадлежит: Real Green Material Technology Corp

The present invention relates to relates to a stone-made green energy paper and a method for making the same, wherein the stone-made green energy paper is made of some non-toxic materials consisting of a stone powder, a pure-white silica powder and a non-toxic resin. This stone-made green energy paper can be used as a base paper for further machining to a green energy writing paper or a green energy art-using paper. The stone-made green energy paper includes the advantages of good ink absorption, high waterproof, high strength, high folding performance, and free-pollution. Moreover, the most important is that the stone-made green energy paper has no CaCo 3 ingredient, so that the stone-made green energy paper can be incinerated through an incinerator, without producing any acid gas.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140135469A1
Автор: Kim Young Shin, Zhao Xinyu
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A film formed from a polymer composition containing one or more thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers is provided. The specific nature of the polymer or blend of polymers is selectively controlled so that the resulting polymer composition possesses both a low viscosity and high melt strength. The present inventor has discovered that this unique combination of thermal properties results in a composition that is both highly melt processible and stretchable, which allows the resulting film to be oriented to a degree greater than previously thought possible. 1. A film comprising a polymer composition that includes a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer , wherein the polymer composition has a melt viscosity of from about 35 to about 500 Pa-s , as determined in accordance with ISO Test No. 11443 at 15° C. higher than the melting temperature of the composition and at a shear rate of 400 seconds , and wherein the composition exhibits a maximum engineering stress of from about 340 kPa to about 600 kPa , as determined at the melting temperature of the composition with an extensional viscosity fixture and a rotational rheometer , and further wherein the melting temperature of the composition is from about 300° C. to about 400° C.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition has a melt viscosity of from about 35 to about 250 Pa-s claim 1 , as determined in accordance with ISO Test No. 11443 at 15° C. higher than the melting temperature of the composition and at a shear rate of 400 seconds.3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition has a complex viscosity of about 5 claim 1 ,000 Pa-s or less at angular frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 500 radians per second claim 1 , as determined by a parallel plate rheometer at 15° C. above the melting temperature and at a constant strain amplitude of 1%.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition exhibits a maximum engineering stress at a percent strain of from about 0.3% to about 1.5% claim 1 , as ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Textured caul plate and method of use

Номер: US20170057182A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system for manufacturing a composite article may include a resin-wetting control layer configured to be placed in contact with a composite ply of a composite preform. The resin-wetting control layer may be configured complementary to a ply surface of the composite ply.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150065597A1

Disclosed is a method for producing a porous polymer film. This method includes the steps of: (I) irradiating a polymer film with an ion beam of accelerated ions so as to form a polymer film that has collided with the ions in the beam; and (II) chemically etching the polymer film formed in the step (I) so as to form openings and/or through holes corresponding to tracks of the colliding ions left in the polymer film. In the step (I), the polymer film is placed in an atmosphere with a pressure of 100 Pa or more, and the polymer film placed in the atmosphere is irradiated with the ion beam that has passed through a beam line maintained at a lower pressure than the pressure of the atmosphere and through a pressure barrier sheet disposed at an end of the beam line to separate the beam line from the atmosphere. 1. A method for producing a porous polymer film , comprising the steps of:(I) irradiating a polymer film with an ion beam of accelerated ions so as to form a polymer film that has collided with the ions in the beam; and(II) chemically etching the formed polymer film so as to form openings and/or through holes corresponding to tracks of the colliding ions left in the polymer film, whereinin the step (I), the polymer film is placed in an atmosphere with a pressure of 100 Pa or more, andthe polymer film placed in the atmosphere is irradiated with the ion beam that has passed through a beam line maintained at a lower pressure than the pressure of the atmosphere and through a pressure barrier sheet disposed at an end of the beam line to separate the beam line from the atmosphere.2. The method for producing a porous polymer film according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure barrier sheet is a titanium sheet.3. The method for producing a porous polymer film according to claim 2 , wherein the titanium sheet has a thickness of 10 to 50 μm.4. The method for producing a porous polymer film according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure barrier sheet is an aluminum sheet having a ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061981A1

The present invention relates to a hard coating film and an image display apparatus comprising same, the hard coating film having a hard coating layer formed on at least one surface of a polyimide-based substrate, the hard coating layer comprising the cured product of a hard coating composition, wherein the hard coating composition comprises a solvent for swelling a polyimide-based resin, and the hard coating film is configured such that when the reflectivity thereof is measured in the range of 400 nm to 800 nm, the maximum amplitude difference in the oscillations of the reflectivity is controlled at 0.5% or less, and thus can prevent an interference pattern. 1. A hard coating film comprising:a polyimide-based substrate; anda hard coating layer provided on at least one surface of the polyimide-based substrate,wherein the hard coating layer includes a cured product of a hard coating composition, wherein the hard coating composition contains a solvent that allows the polyimide-based substrate to swell, and wherein the maximum amplitude difference in the reflectance oscillations is 0.5% or less when the reflectance of the hard coating film is measured in the range of 400 nm to 800 nm.2. The hard coating film of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is one or more selected from the group consisting of ketones claim 1 , acetates claim 1 , and amides.3. The hard coating film of claim 1 , wherein the maximum amplitude difference in the reflectance oscillations is 0.2% or less.4. The hard coating film of claim 1 , wherein the hard coating composition further contains one or more selected from the group consisting of a light-transmitting resin claim 1 , a photoinitiator claim 1 , a solvent claim 1 , and an additive.5. An image display apparatus comprising the hard coating film of .6. The image display apparatus of claim 5 , which is a flexible image display apparatus. This invention relates to a hard coating film and an image display apparatus including the hard coating film.In an ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Slipsheet, Divider Sheet and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20140144106A1
Автор: Bazbaz John
Принадлежит: Fresh Pak Corp.

The present disclosure provides a slipsheet and/or divider sheet and method for making the same, and method for moving and storing containers with use of the slipsheets or divider sheets. The sheets have an imprint or an embossing that provides a raised planar surface. The raised planar surface preferably comprises a plurality of ridges, crowns or crests, which are preferably arranged in a pattern throughout an upper surface of the sheet. To make the sheet, a die can be etched to have protuberances or bumps, and the die is preferably pressed into a sheet of pliable thermoplastic material. The sheet thus made has a plurality of indentation formed by the protuberances or bumps on the die, and the sheet has a planar outer surface comprising a plurality of ridges, crowns and crests between the indentations. 1. A method for forming a slipsheet or divider sheet , comprising the steps of:forming a sheet of material having planar surface, the planar surface having an area of x square units; andreducing the planar surface to x minus y square units by forming indentations to a non-random depth in the sheet through the planar surface.2. A method for making a slipsheet comprising the steps of forming a first sheet comprising high density polyethylene;forming a second sheet comprising linear low density polyethylene; andpassing the first and second sheets through a set of rollers, wherein the set of rollers press the first and second sheets together and form a single unitary sheet, andwherein one of the rollers has a surface indented by an etching process, the indented surface of the roller imparting a raised surface on the single unitary sheet.3. A method for forming a slipsheet or divider sheet , comprising the steps of:providing a die having indentations; andpressing the die on a sheet so that the indentations on the die form a raised surface on the sheet, whereinthe indentations on the die are not made by sandblasting the die.4. The method for limning a slipsheet or divider ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150338A1

[Task] The objects of the present invention are to provide: a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film for plant cultivation which is capable of suppressing root penetration while exhibiting excellent nutrient permeability; a method for producing the same; and a method for plant cultivation using the same. 1. A polyvinyl alcohol film for plant cultivation , wherein a thicknesswise-directional average value of birefringence in a machine direction of the film is from 4.0×10to 12.0×10and a swelling degree of the film is from 150 to 180%.2. The polyvinyl alcohol film for plant cultivation according to claim 1 , wherein a penetration resistance of the film is 15.0 N or more in terms of a maximum load measured by a method comprising immersing the film in water at 20° C. for 1 minute and then piercing the film with a thick iron wire nail (CN65) defined in JIS A5508:2009 claim 1 , provided that the maximum load is a converted value exhibiting a maximum load when the thickness of the film is 60 μm.3. A method for producing a polyvinyl alcohol film for plant cultivation claim 1 , which comprises a step in which a polyvinyl alcohol film having a moisture content of from 5 to 20% by mass is stretched in the ratio of from 1.3 to 1.7 times and a step in which the stretched film is heat-treated at a temperature in the range of from 130 to 170° C.4. The method according to claim 3 , which further comprises claim 3 , after the said step of stretching and before the said step of heat treatment claim 3 , a step in which the film is dried so that the moisture content of the film becomes from 1 to 15% by mass.5. A method for plant cultivation claim 3 , which comprises cultivating the plant in the manner in which the plant and the polyvinyl alcohol film for plant cultivation according to or are directly contacted. The present invention relates to a polyvinyl alcohol film used as a film for plant cultivation, a method for producing the same, and a method for plant cultivation using the same.In the ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150076743A1

A method of continuously manufacturing a cured membrane includes continuously compounding and mixing a vulcanizable rubber composition in a mixing extruder while continuously removing gasses from the vulcanizable rubber composition during mixing with a vacuum. The vulcanizable rubber composition may be continuously extruded to form an extrudate, which may be continuously calendered to form a green membrane. The green membrane may be continuously cured, such as by a hot air conveyor curing system, to form a cured membrane. 1. A method of continuously manufacturing a cured membrane , the method comprising:charging rubber, filler, oil, and a curative to a mixing extruder;mixing the rubber, filler, oil and curative to form a vulcanizable rubber composition;subjecting the vulcanizable rubber composition to a reduced pressure;extruding the vulcanizable rubber composition to form a continuous extrudate;applying a compressive force to the extrudate to form a green membrane; andapplying energy to the green membrane to form a cured membrane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said step of charging includes continuously charging the mixing extruder with EPDM.36-. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mixing includes conveying the vulcanizable rubber composition downstream toward an outlet end of the mixing extruder.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mixing includes back-mixing the vulcanizable rubber composition in a portion of the mixing extruder.9. The method of any claim 1 , wherein the step of mixing includes maintaining the temperature of the vulcanizable rubber composition at any point along the length of the mixing extruder within +/−5° C. of a desired temperature.1011-. (canceled)12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of mixing includes maintaining the temperature of the vulcanizable rubber composition at all points on a section plane through the mixing extruder within a temperature variance of +/−5° C.1314-. (canceled)15. The method ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075095A1

Apparatus for longitudinal orientation of thermoplastic film material comprises a width-reduction station upstream of a longitudinal stretching station, through which a width of the film is gradually reduced so as to allow longitudinal stretching without necking. 1. An apparatus for longitudinal orientation of a thermoplastic film comprising , in sequence in the machine direction: a) a pitch of corrugations, measured from a middle of a tip to a middle of each neighboring tip, is 20 mm or less;', 'b) a perimeter from the middle of the tip to the middle of each neighboring tip, measured along a corrugated roller surface, divided by the pitch is in a range between 1.10 and 1.80; and', 'c) a diameter of the mini-roller or discs, measured at the tips of the corrugations, is at the highest 4 times the pitch; and, 'i) a width-reducing station comprising at least one set of pleating rollers comprising an intermeshing set of grooved mini-rollers or and intermeshing set of discs to form regular longitudinally extending pleats across a width of a film passing through the width-reducing station, where the at least one set of pleating rollers is characterized byii) a longitudinal stretching station comprising at least one smooth stretching roller downstream of the width-reducing station.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the longitudinal stretching station further comprises at least two smooth stretching rollers, andthe width-reducing station further comprises at least two sets of pleating rollers, the downstream set of pleating rollers being mounted in close proximity upstream of a first smooth stretching roller.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the downstream set of pleating rollers comprises two parallel mini-rollers claim 2 , one on each side of the film claim 2 , each of the mini-rollers are mounted on reciprocating mounts so that alternately one mini-roller then the other mini-roller presses against the film claim 2 , whereby the film alternately ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072031A1
Автор: Matsuo Naoyuki

The present invention provides a method for producing a porous silicone sheet comprising a freezing step of freezing a wet gel of a porous silicone body having communicating pores and a three-dimensional network silicone skeleton which forms the pores and which is formed by a copolymerization of a bifunctional alkoxysilane and a trifunctional alkoxysilane, to obtain a frozen body, a sheet forming step of forming the frozen body into a sheet to obtain a porous silicone sheet, and a cleaning step of cleaning the porous silicone sheet. According to the method of the present invention, a porous silicone body from which impurities have been sufficiently removed can be produced. In the course of the production, occurrence of fracture of a wet gel can be effectively prevented. 1. A method for producing a porous silicone sheet comprisinga freezing step of freezing a wet gel of a porous silicone body having communicating pores and a three-dimensional network silicone skeleton which forms the pores and which is formed by a copolymerization of a bifunctional alkoxysilane and a bifunctional alkoxysilane, to obtain a frozen body,a sheet forming step of forming the frozen body into a sheet to obtain a porous silicone sheet, anda cleaning step of cleaning the porous silicone sheet.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet forming step comprises subjecting the frozen body to a skiving processing.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a rolling step of rolling the porous silicone sheet.4. A frozen body obtained by freezing a wet gel of a porous silicone body having communicating pores and a three-dimensional network silicone skeleton which forms the pores and which is formed by a copolymerization of a bifunctional alkoxysilane and a trifunctional alkoxysilane.5. A porous silicone sheet rolled-body having communicating pores and a three-dimensional network silicone skeleton which forms the pores and which is formed by a copolymerization of a bifunctional ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Highly Flexible Foil Composite Material and Its Use in Card Bodies

Номер: US20140151923A1
Автор: BRAUN Andreas, Riedl Josef

A foil composite material usable as a layer in a card body of a portable data carrier, that includes one outer plastic layer, one inner plastic layer and one second outer plastic layer. All the layers jointly form a coextruded composite, and the plastic of one outer layer is a thermoplastic polymer or a mixture thereof. The plastic of the one inner layer is a mixture of at least one thermoplastic elastomer and at least one thermoplastic polymer. The plastic of the second outer layer is a thermoplastic polymer or a mixture thereof. 1. A method for manufacturing a foil composite material comprising a coextrusion of at least one first outer layer plastic material , at least one second outer layer plastic material , and at least one inner layer plastic material , comprising the steps:all the plastic materials are extruded and merged so as to form a foil composite material having an inner plastic layer covered on both sides by a first and a second outer plastic layer,the at least one first outer layer plastic material comprises a thermoplastic polymer or a mixture of thermoplastic polymers,the at least one second outer layer plastic material comprises a thermoplastic polymer or a mixture of thermoplastic polymers, andthe at least one inner layer plastic material comprises a mixture of at least one thermoplastic elastomer and at least one thermoplastic polymer.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an inner plastic layer is formed from an interior layer and a first exterior and a second exterior layer claim 1 , and the first and second outer plastic layer are extruded at a nozzle temperature of 200 to 280° C. claim 1 , the first and the second exterior inner plastic layer are extruded at a nozzle temperature of 200 to 270° C. claim 1 , and the interior inner plastic layer is extruded at a nozzle temperature of 190 to 270° C.3. A method for manufacturing a card body claim 1 , usable as a portable data carrier claim 1 , and having a plurality of plastic layers claim 1 ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089344A1
Автор: SAMARAS Peter L.

A carrier and method of manufacture for a carrier that results in a package of containers includes a plastic sheet having an array of container apertures and a portion having a printed matte finish where the printed matte finish includes a lower coefficient of friction relative to a container than a remaining surface of the plastic sheet. A plurality of containers are each positioned within an aperture of the array so that the printed matte finish of the plastic sheet is positioned along an inner portion of the package and the remaining surface of the plastic sheet is positioned along an outer portion of the package. 1. A method for manufacturing a container carrier having an array of apertures each for receiving a container , the method comprising:feeding a flexible plastic sheet across a roller;printing a matte finish to a portion of the plastic sheet;forming the plastic sheet into the container carrier so that the matte finish is positioned in a desired location.2. The method of additionally comprising:corona treating of the plastic sheet in preparation for said printing of the matte finish.3. The method of wherein the corona treating comprises application of a minimum of 38 dynes/cm.4. The method of wherein the matte finish is printed via flexography.5. The method of wherein the flexography comprises UV-curable flexography.6. The method of wherein the printed matte finish is aligned in a plurality of longitudinal strips along the plastic sheet.7. The method of wherein the printed matte finish is positioned between outer edges of the plurality of container apertures.8. The method of wherein the printed matte finish has a different coefficient of friction relative to a sidewall of the container than the plastic sheet.9. The method of wherein the printed matte finish has a roughness value Ra of at least 100 microinches.10. The method of wherein the printed matte finish has a roughness value Ra in a range of 100-125 microinches.11. The method of wherein the matte ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150079337A1

Polymeric layer having first and second, generally opposed major surfaces, comprising an array of openings extending between the first and second major surfaces. The polymeric layers are useful, for example, as components in personal care garments such as diapers and feminine hygiene products. They can also be useful for filtering (including liquid filtering) and acoustic applications. 1. A polymeric layer having first and second , generally opposed , parallel major surfaces , comprising an array of openings extending between the first and second major surfaces , wherein the openings each have a series of areas through the openings from the first and second major surfaces ranging from minimum to maximum areas , wherein there is a total area and a total open area for each of the first and second major surfaces , wherein the total open area for each of the first and second major surfaces is not greater than 50 percent of the total area of the respective major surface , and wherein for at least a majority of the openings , the minimum area is not at either major surface.2. The polymeric layer of claim 1 , wherein the total open area for each of the first and second major surfaces is in a range from 0.1 percent to not greater than 50 percent of the total area of the respective major surface.3. The polymeric layer of claim 1 , wherein the total open area for each of the first and second major surfaces is not greater than 1 percent of the total area of the respective major surface.4. The polymeric layer of claim 1 , wherein the openings have at least two pointed ends.5. The polymeric layer of having in a range from 50 claim 1 ,000 to 6 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 openings/m.6. The polymeric layer of claim 1 , wherein the openings have a length and a width claim 1 , and a ratio of lengths to widths in a range from 1:1 to 1.9:1.7. The polymeric layer of claim 1 , wherein the layer has a thickness up to 2 mm.8. The polymeric layer of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150082757A1

A composition, a mixed power and a material for molding have polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component. Each includes polytetrafluoroethylene that can be fibrillated, a non-hot melt processable component that is not fibrillated, and a hot melt processable component with a melting point of lower than 320° C. that is not fibrillated. The hot melt processable component is contained at equal to or more than 0.1% by weight but less than 20% by weight of a total weight. A filtering medium for an air filter includes a porous membrane made of these components, and an air permeable support. The porous membrane is manufactured, by mixing these components, extruding the mixture, rolling and drawing. 1. A composition having polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component , the composition comprising:polytetrafluoroethylene that can be fibrillated;a non-hot melt processable component that is not fibrillated; anda hot melt processable component with a melting point lower than 320° C. that is not fibrillated,the hot melt processable component being contained at equal to or more than 0.1% by weight but less than 20% by weight of a total weight of the composition.2. A mixed powder having polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component , the mixed powder comprising:polytetrafluoroethylene that can be fibrillated;a non-hot melt processable component that is not fibrillated; anda hot melt processable component with a melting point lower than 320° C. that is not fibrillated,the hot melt processable component being contained at equal to or more than 0.1% by weight but less than 20% by weight of a total weight of the mixed powder.3. A material for molding having polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component , the material for molding comprising:polytetrafluoroethylene that can be fibrillated;a non-hot melt processable component that is not fibrillated; anda hot melt processable component with a melting point lower than 320° C. that is not fibrillated,the hot melt processable component being ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150084223A1
Автор: LIN Chin-Sheng

The present invention relates to a composition for preparation of latex pads, comprising natural latex, artificial latex, sliver nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles, and active carbon mixed in a specified proportion. The present invention also provides a method for manufacturing latex pads from the composition. 1. A composition for producing latex pads , comprisingabout 20 parts by weight of natural latex, containing about 50% of water;about 80 parts by weight of artificial latex, containing about 40% of water;about 3% by weight of sliver nanoparticles, based on the total weight of the natural latex and the artificial latex;about 5% by weight of zinc oxide nanoparticles, based on the total weight of the natural latex, the artificial latex and the sliver nanoparticles; andabout 5% by weight of active carbon, based on the total weight of the natural latex, the artificial latex, the sliver nanoparticles and the zinc oxide nanoparticles.2. A method for producing latex pad , comprising:(step 1) mixing a natural latex with about 50% moisture content and an artificial latex with about 40% moisture content at a proportion of about 20 parts to 80 parts (by weight) in an agitating machine at a stirring speed of 1200 rpm for 20 minutes to obtain a mixture of latexes;(step 2) adding sliver nanoparticles to the mixture of latexes obtained in step 1 at a proportion of about 3% (by weight) to the total weight of the mixture of latexes, and stirring continuously at a speed of 1200 rpm for 30 minutes until the sliver nanoparticles are evenly dispersed in the latexes to form a nano silver-latex mixture;(step 3) adding zinc oxide nanoparticles to the nano silver-latex mixture obtained in step 2 at a proportion of about 5% (by weight) to the total weight of the nano silver-latex mixture, and stirring continuously at a speed of 1200 rpm for 15 minutes until the zinc oxide nanoparticles are evenly dispersed in the latexes to form a nano zinc oxide-nano silver-latex mixture;(step 4) ...
