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01-07-2024 дата публикации

Композиционная звукоизолирующая панель из фанеры с полимерным слоем

Номер: RU2822127C2

Изобретение относится к композиционной звукоизолирующей панели из фанеры с полимерным слоем, предназначенной для использования в автомобиле-, судо- и авиастроении, в гражданском и промышленном строительстве для снижения структурного и воздушного шума в составе различных конструкций. Панель из фанеры с полимерным слоем содержит два слоя фанеры, соединенные полимерным слоем, при этом полимерный слой выполнен из самоклеющейся демпфирующей композиции на основе бутилкаучука. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение звукоизоляционных свойств композиционной звукоизолирующей панели из фанеры с полимерным слоем. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719985C2

Изобретение относится к деревообрабатывающей промышленности и касается способа получения ламинированных плит. Способ осуществляют путем нанесения укладкой в стопу нескольких слоев волокон и/или частиц со связующим материалом и/или другими химическими добавками на конвейерную ленту до образования многослойного ковра, в котором слои физически различаются друг от друга. Способ включает: определение конечной толщины и плотности плиты; определение количества слоев, формирующих плиту, и типа материала, используемого для каждого слоя; выбор и подготовку компонента каждого слоя, который должен быть сформирован; нанесение укладкой в стопу со смещением слоев, предварительно определенных в соответствии с массой на мкаждого слоя; предварительное уплотнение и, необязательно, предварительный нагрев ковра; уплотнение ковра с использованием давления и тепла. Изобретение также описывает плиту, полученную с помощью указанного способа для получения симметричной или асимметричной стабильной плиты. Изобретение ...

30-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2775388C2
Принадлежит: ТАРКЕТТ ГДЛ С.А. (LU)

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления половой плиты с подложкой на древесной основе, например древесноволокнистой подложки средней плотности (ДВПСП) или древесноволокнистой подложки высокой плотности (ДВПВП), на которых формируют декор посредством цифровой печати. Способ включает последовательные этапы: получение подложки, содержащей по меньшей мере верхний слой на древесной основе; нанесение покрытия на подложку, где нанесение покрытия на подложку включает: нанесение по меньшей мере первого слоя покрытия на верхнюю поверхность; термофиксацию первого слоя покрытия с использованием УФ излучения; нанесение второго слоя покрытия на первый слой покрытия; и термофиксацию второго слоя покрытия с использованием УФ излучения; где первый слой покрытия содержит отвердитель, а второй слой покрытия содержит наполнитель; нанесение грунтовочного слоя на подложку с покрытием; цифровую печать декора по грунтовочному слою; и нанесение верхнего покрытия на декор, в котором получение подложки включает ...

27-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU95118222A

... 1. Способ изготовления фасадных поверхностей корпусной мебели, включающий выполнение фасонного элемента путем профильной выборки из листовой заготовки и наклеивание его на несущую основу, отличающийся тем, что для фасонного элемента используют заготовку из древесного волокна мелких фракций на клеевой основе, на которую с двух сторон наклеивают декоративный шпон. 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что несущую основу выполняют в виде контурной рамы. 3. Способ по пп. 1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что фасонный элемент вырезают из заготовки лазерным лучом.

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006144406A

... 1. Шпонированная плита (1), состоящая из несущей плиты (2) и шпона (3), соединенного, по меньшей мере, с одной поверхностью несущей плиты (2), отличающаяся тем, что на стороне шпона (3), противоположной несущей плите (2), предусмотрено накладное покрытие (4). 2. Плита по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что накладное покрытие (4) содержит слой клея (11), предпочтительно смолы, например меламиновой или меламинофенольной смолы, который соединяет его со шпоном. 3. Плита по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что накладное покрытие (4) непосредственно прилегает к шпону. 4. Плита по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что шпон (3) непосредственно прилегает к несущей плите (2). 5. Плита по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что шпон (3) имеет толщину от 0,1 до 1,8 мм, предпочтительно 0,2-0,6 мм, и особо предпочтительно 0,25-0,4 мм. 6. Плита по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что накладное покрытие соединено со шпоном посредством прессования. 7. Плита по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что накладное покрытие содержит бумагу для изготовления ...

11-01-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002628950C3

24-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009306273U1

27-07-2016 дата публикации

Shock mitigation floor

Номер: GB0002534482A

A shock mitigation floor comprising a layer of resilient tubes and a flexible integument attached to the layer of tubes on one side thereof.

11-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385513B

15-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA327275A

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing laminated wood

Номер: AT0000518249B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen von Brettschichtholz welches folgende Verfahrensschritte umfasst: - Bereitstellen von einzelnen Brettern (2); - Auftragen eines Klebstoffes (3), insbesondere Holzleim, auf die einzelnen Bretter (2); - Schlichten der einzelnen Bretter (2) zu einem Stapel (1) mit mehreren Brettebenen (5); - Verpressen der zu dem Stapel (1) geschlichteten Bretter (2) zu einem Brettschichtholz (4) mittels einer Pressvorrichtung (28) durch aufbringen einer Presskraft (9), wobei die Grundfläche (7) der Bretter (2) einer Brettebene (5) an die Deckfläche (6) der Bretter (2) einer darunter liegenden Brettebene (5) angedrückt wird, wobei die Presskraft (9) so groß gewählt ist, dass zumindest einzelne in einer Brettebene (5) liegende Bretter (2) plastisch verformt werden um eine weitestgehend spaltenfreie Verbindung der Grundflächen (7) und Deckflächen (6) von einzelnen Brettern (2) zwischen unterschiedlichen Brettebenen (5) zu erreichen.

15-08-2021 дата публикации

Fundament für einen Turm für eine Windenergieanlage

Номер: AT520607B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Fundament (5) für einen Turm (2) für eine Windenergieanlage (1), wobei das Fundament (5) miteinander lösbar verbundene Segmente (6) aufweist, um einen modularen Aufbau des Fundamentes (5) zu erreichen, wobei mehrere formgleiche Segmente (6) geschichtet angeordnet sind. Um ein Fundament (5) mit reduziertem Errichtungs- bzw. Demontageaufwand und gleichzeitig hoher Stabilität zu erreichen, ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass zumindest ein Segment (6) zumindest teilweise durch mehrere miteinander verbundene, vorzugsweise miteinander verklebte, Furnierschichten (19) gebildet ist.

15-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000029784A

15-09-2013 дата публикации

Ebenes flächiges Holzverbundelement

Номер: AT0000512529A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein durch Biegebelastung zu beanspruchendes, ebenes flächiges Holzverbundelement, welches aus drei miteinander verleimten Lagen von miteinander verleimten Brettern (1, 2, 3) besteht, wobei die Bretter (1, 3) der beiden äußeren Lagen normal zur Achse der zu erwartenden Biegebeanspruchung ausgerichtet sind und die Bretter (2) der Zwischenlage parallel zu dieser Achse. Jene Außenlage, welche an der Druckseite der zu erwartenden Biegebeanspruchung liegt, ist dicker als jene Außenlage, welche zugseitig liegt. Die Jahresringe (1.1) der Bretter (1) der druckseitigen Außenlage liegen zur Ebene der zu erwartenden Biegebeanspruchung in einem spitzeren Winkel als 45°.

15-05-2017 дата публикации

Composite element with a top layer of veneer

Номер: AT0000515811B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verbundelement (100), umfassend ein Kernelement (10), welches Kernelement (10) aus einem nicht brennbaren Material gebildet ist, zumindest eine Deckschicht (11), welche an zumindest einer Außenfläche (12) des Kernelementes (10) angebracht ist, wobei die zumindest eine Deckschicht (11) aus einem Furnierelement (11) gebildet ist, zumindest eine Klebeschicht (13), mittels welcher die zumindest eine Deckschicht (11) mit dem Kernelement (10) verbunden ist, und zumindest eine transparente Lackschicht (14), mittels welcher das zumindest eine Furnierelement (11) zumindest bereichsweise an ihrer Außenfläche (11‘) versehen ist.

15-01-2017 дата публикации

Parquet Panel

Номер: AT0000517360B1

Die erfindungsgemäße Parkettdiele, welche eine Trägerplatte (2, 2') mit einer oberseitigen Deckschicht (3, 3') aufweist, wobei die Deckschicht (3, 3') aus nebeneinander angeordneten Stäben (11, 11', 12, 12', 13, 13', 14) aus Echtholz gebildet ist, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Deckschicht (3, 3') wenigstens drei Stäbe (11, 11', 12, 12', 13, 13', 14) umfasst, welche eine voneinander verschiedene Breite (B1, B2, B3) besitzen, wobei zumindest zwischen zwei Stäben (11, 12, 13, 14) eine sich vorzugsweise in Längsrichtung der Stäbe (11, 12, 13, 14) erstreckende Sichtfuge (15, 16) vorgesehen ist und die Trägerplatte (2) oberseitig mit einer Beschichtung (17) versehen ist.

15-09-2013 дата публикации

Ebenes flächiges Holzverbundelement

Номер: AT0000512529B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein durch Biegebe.last.ung zu beanspruchendes, ebenes flächiges Holzverbundelement, welches aus drei miteinander verleimten Lagen von miteinander verleimten Brettern (1, 2, 3) besteht, wobei die Bretter (1, 3) der beiden äußeren Lagen normal zur Achse der zu erwartenden Biegebeanspruchung ausgerichtet sind und die Bretter (2) der Zwischenlage parallel zu dieser Achse. Jene Außenlage, welche an der Druckseite der zu erwartenden Biegebeanspruchung liegt, ist dicker als jene Außenlage, welche zugseitig liegt. Die Jahresringe (1.1) der Bretter (1) der druckseitigen Außenlage liegen zur Ebene der zu erwartenden Biegebeanspruchung in einem spitzeren Winkel als 45°.

15-02-2020 дата публикации

Wood composite and furniture made therefrom

Номер: AT0000016599U1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Holzverbund aus zumindest zwei unterschiedlichen Holzarten in Brett- oder Plattenform. Dabei wird vorzugsweise ein Weichholz für die Übernahme der Duft- und Wohlfühlfunktion durch den höheren Anteil an ätherischen Ölen verwendet. Der zweite Bestandteil ist ein Hartholz mit den wesentlichen Funktionen der Optik und höheren Oberflächenhärte. Eingesetzt wird der Holzverbund bevorzugt zur Fertigung von Möbeln. Dabei sind einerseits Bettrahmen, Nachtkästchen, Kommoden und Kästen im Schlafzimmer zu nennen, aber auch Möbel in den Wohnräumen, bis hin zu Büromöbel.

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155396T

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000015579U1

Leichtbauplatte mit einer sich parallel zu einer Längsebene erstreckenden oberen und unteren Deckplatte sowie einer sich dazwischen erstreckenden leichten Mittellage, die eine Pappwabenstruktur aufweist, und mit mindestens einer Stützkante, die sich von der zur Mittellage gewandten Seite der oberen Deckplatte zu der zur Mittellage gewandten Seite der unteren Deckplatte erstreckt und in Richtung der Längsebene benachbart zur Mittellage angeordnet ist; die mindestens eine Stützkante weist mehrere separate Einzellagen auf, die miteinander verklebt sind, parallel zur Längsebene verlaufen und aus einem Holzwerkstoff in Form einer Spanplatte bestehen.

25-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000001128U1

26-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000343883B

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Lapper assembly

Номер: AU2018275262A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present disclosure provides embodiments of a lapper assembly for use to overlap successive sheets of wood veneer or other materials along a conveyor. The lapper assembly may include a stop member configured to be rotatably mounted to a roller such that the stop member is pivotable around the rotational axis of the roller independently of the rotational angle of the roller. The lapper assembly may further include a lever arm coupled to one end of the stop member. An actuator may be pivotably coupled to the lever arm and the conveyor frame, and operated to pivot the stop member between a workpiece engaging position, in which the stop member extends into the path of workpiece flow, and a workpiece disengaging position below the path. Optionally, the lapper assembly roller and other rollers upstream/downstream may be operatively connected to a drive. Corresponding systems and methods are also disclosed herein.

01-11-2018 дата публикации

A veneered element and method of producing such a veneered element

Номер: AU2017258368A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

The present disclosure relates to aveneered element (10), comprising a substrate (1), a wood veneer layer (5) having a first surface (14) and a second surface (15), the first surface (14) being opposite to the second surface (15), an adhesive layer (3) adapted to adhere the first surface (14) of the wood veneer layer(5)to a surface of the substrate(1), wherein adhesive (2) from the adhesive layer (3) is present in a first portion (11) of the wood veneer layer (5), extending from the first surface (14) of the wood veneer layer (5) into the wood veneer layer (5), and where in the second surface (15) of the wood veneer layer (5) is substantially free from adhesive (2) from the adhesive layer (3).The disclosure also relates to a method of producing such a veneered element (10).

13-02-2001 дата публикации

Curved veneer laminated stock and method of manufacture

Номер: AU0006115500A

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Laminated veneer lumber

Номер: AU2003204520A1

24-02-2011 дата публикации

Composite Board

Номер: AU2009208044A1

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Laminated shuttering plywood

Номер: AU2015298949A1
Принадлежит: Acumen Intellectual Property

... The utility model relates to the field of construction, in particular to materials for making temporary shuttering during the construction of buildings and during in-situ concreting, in particular for producing floors of buildings; the technical problem consists in producing a laminated shuttering plywood which permits a reduction in the concrete laying time, thus reducing the overall construction time, and which furthermore is protected from the effect of the concrete during pouring, i.e. the laminated shuttering plywood does not lose its properties after the first use and therefore can be used repeatedly; the problem is solved by making laminated shuttering plywood comprising at least two interconnected layers, the first of which comprises a series of veneer layers and the second comprises a laminated film, wherein the film has a marking applied thereto in the form of at least two groups of mutually parallel lines with a defined spacing between neighbouring lines.

30-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002349357A1

The present invention provides the method of manufacturing the artificially figured veneer or artificially figured board at high productivity with the expression of the grain and figure of natural wood in very similar form observed in natural woods, in addition to normal grain of natural wood. The present invention relates to the method of manufacturing an artificially figured veneer or an artificially figured board, comprising the steps of 1) preparing a set of a multiple sheets of material veneers by rotary cutting a log or repeatedly cutting a wood flitch with their grains sequential, 2) embossing simultaneously said material veneers whose number was determined according to the static bending strength (proportional limit) and specific gravity of the material veneers, with press dies having concave-convex patterns corresponding to a site of figure of a natural wood, to form a concave-convex pattern on the material veneers, 3) laminating the set of embossed material veneers such that their ...

05-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1055832A

Plywood is made by continuously propelling a liquid plywood glue in unfoamed condition at a predetermined flow rate, continuously foaming the flue as it is propelled, and continuously extruding or otherwise applying the foamed glue to the surface of a plurality of wood veneers. The flow rate of the unfoamed and foamed glue is maintained substantially the same on a unit weight of liquid glue per unit time basis. The veneers then are laid up into a plywood assembly and pressed, whereupon the pressure breaks the fo?? and unites the veneers. The method is applicable generally to the production of laminar products by the application of a foamed liquid to a solid surface.

12-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002469234A1

The specification describes preserved solid wood or wood composites including a copper ammonium acetate complex wood preservative and a drying oil. The wood preservative is present in the wood in an amount effective to improve the resistance of the treated wood to at least one type of decomposition, such as decay or insect attack. The drying oil is present in the wood in an effective amount to accomplish at least one useful end, such as reducing the water absorption or thickness swell of the treated wood or increasing its mechanical strength, even in a wood composite made using less binding resin than usual. Yet another aspect of the invention is a method of making the treated wood from green wood in solid or flaked form. A copper ammonium acetate complex wood preservative and optionally a drying oil are added to the green wood.

02-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001210682A1

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3120159A1

Wood flooring is described, which provides resistance to surface liquids by reducing or eliminating checking on the surface of the wood and transmission liquid through the seams in an installed wood floor. This is achieved by combining a surface coating, a wood veneer and core or solid wood, a tongue and groove profile, and application of a sealer along the tongue and groove or locking profile.

29-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3013106C
Принадлежит: FRAMERY OY

A wall structure, comprising a first dampening element (A) comprising at least one layer (20,20a-c) configured to form an acoustic inner surface and/or to dampen sound; a first stopping element (B) comprising at least one layer (30) configured to stop sound; a second dampening element (C) comprising at least one layer (40,40',50) configured to form an acoustic inner surface and/or to dampen sound; and a second stopping element (D) comprising at least one layer (60) configured to stop sound; wherein the layers of the first (A) and second (C) dampening element comprise porous and/or open cell material.

23-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003010011C

A multi-layered thermoplastic roofing membrane comprising a planar body including at least three layers, said at least three layers including (i) a top layer that includes magnesium hydroxide dispersed within a thermoplastic resin, (ii) an upper middle layer disposed below said top layer and including magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate dispersed within a thermoplastic resin, and (iii) a lower layer disposed below said upper middle layer and including magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate dispersed within a thermoplastic resin.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003030438A1

The invention relates to a non-flammable panel with real wood veneer and a method for manufacturing such a panel. The non-flammable panel is characterized by a non-flammable carrier board and a thin real wood veneer which was laminated onto the carrier board by means of a mineral glue.

30-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002467396A1

One aspect of the present invention is an adhesive composition formed from two packs. One packs includes an isocyanate-functional prepolymer formed by reacting a polyisocyanate with an alcohol ( e.g., polyol). The isocyanate equivalents from the polyisocyanate exceed the hydroxyl equivalents from the alcohol. The second pack is an aqueous polymer emulsion. These two packs are combined to form the novel adhesive composition. Another aspect of the invention is a method for joining together two surfaces of wood products by application of an adhesive thereto. The first step in this method is to mist with water the wood product surfaces to be joined. An adhesive composition then is applied to the misted wood product surfaces. Alternatively, the water misting can be replaced with an aqueous emulsion being part of the adhesive composition. Finally, the adhesive composition is cured.

03-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002620526C
Принадлежит: OSMOSE, INC.

A method for the preparation of a composite product, as well as the composite product. The composite product comprises at least two layers. At least one of the layers is of wood or another cellulose-containing material. The process comprises differentially treating the layers prior to, during, or after the lamination of the layers into a composite product.

12-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002430980C

The method of this invention adheres a low emissivity radiant barrier material to an underlying lignocellulosic substrate within the primary manufacturing operation of the underlying lignocellulosic substrate. Thus, a - radiant barrier covered substrate is formed by integrally joining the radiant barrier covering to a mat of lignocellulosic material during consolidation thereof with a first adhesive bonding material to form an underlying substrate. The integral joining operation can, for example, be accomplished by bonding the radiant barrier covering to a lignocellulosic mat in a product formation press. This is typically accomplished using a second adhesive bonding material for adhesion of the radiant barrier material to the lignocellulosic mat, and a first adhesive bonding material for consolidating the lignocellulosic mat to form a lignocellulosic substrate. More specifically, this invention is directed to a method whereby a low emissivity radiant barrier material is joined in situ ...

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002518524C

A laminate of laminae of uniform rectangular cross-sections or depths and lengths arranged randomly or otherwise in the laminate, such laminae having been derived from a feedstock comprising a population of logs (single or multigrade) wherein the population of laminae comprises all of the laminae that can be derived from the population of logs (exclusive only of laminae or material for laminae that are not of acceptable rectangular cross-section and/or length), and where each cross-section of each lamina represents a maximum of one thirtieth of the log cross-section, or the thickness of each lamina represents a maximum of one fifteenth of the small end log diameter.

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934896A1

The present disclosure relates to a method of producing a veneered element (10), comprising providing a substrate (1), applying a sub-layer (2) on a surface of the substrate (1), applying a veneer layer (3) on the sub-layer (2), and applying pressure to the veneer layer (3) and/or the substrate (1), such that at least a portion of the sub-layer (2) permeates through the veneer layer (3). The disclosure also relates to such a veneered element (10).

05-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002722881A1

Methods of treating wood and wood products include irradiating untreated wood having a first molecular weight with ionizing radiation to cause an increase in the molecular weight of a cellulosic component of the wood to a second, relatively higher molecular weight.

26-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002722881C

Methods of treating wood and wood products include irradiating untreated wood having a first molecular weight with ionizing radiation to cause an increase in the molecular weight of a cellulosic component of the wood to a second, relatively higher molecular weight.

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002134883A1

... 2134883 9420297 PCTABS00033 Wood composite materials containing veneer layers (10, 30, 50, 70) interposed with a thermoplastic adhesive (20, 40, 60) containing a polyester such as polyethylene terephthalate and other thermoplastic polymers show increased impact resistance. The composite material may be manufactured using an adhesive transfer method or film extrusion.

23-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002316593A1

31-08-1931 дата публикации

Abgesperrte Holzplatte.

Номер: CH0000149153A

31-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000658218A5
Принадлежит: ENIGMA NV, ENIGMA N.V.

15-11-2011 дата публикации

Molded article with Balsahölzern and procedure for their production.

Номер: CH0000703133A2

Mehrschichtiger Formkörper hoher struktureller Belastbarkeit mit zwei gegenüberliegenden Breitseiten (10, 11) und einer seitlich umlaufenden Stirnseite (6a, 6b, 6c), enthaltend lagenweise, Breitseite auf Breitseite, geschichtete Furnierhölzer (2, 3) und zwischen den Furnierhölzern (2, 3) liegend, Klebstoffe. Die Furnierhölzer (2, 3) sind derart geschichtet, dass der Faserverlauf wenigstens eines der Furnierhölzer (2, 3) vom Faserverlauf des oder der anderen Furnierhölzer (2, 3) um 45° bis 90° abweicht und dass der Faserverlauf der Furnierhölzer (2, 3) um 22,5 bis 67,5° bezüglich der Richtung von in den Formkörper über die Stirnseiten eingeleitete Kräfte abweicht.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Lightweight panel and method of making the same.

Номер: CH0000707514A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine neue Leichtbauplatte (100) auf Basis von Holz mit Schichten von genuteten aneinander gebundenen Brettern (2) und ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie mit zumindest zwei mit der Grundform der Leichtbauplatte (100) übereinstimmende Form aufweisenden, flächig aneinander gebundenen jeweils mit Scharen (20) von jeweils im spitzen Winkel (+, ) zu den Längsseitenflanken (200, 200´) der jeweiligen Schicht (01, 02) ausgerichteten, beidseitig formschlüssig aneinander gebundenen Brettern (2) gebildeten Schichten (01, 02) gebildet ist, wobei die einzelnen Bretter jeweils in einem Winkel (2) zueinander windschief angeordnet sind, dass die Bretter (2) jeder der Schichten beidseitig (205, 205´) mit Scharen von einander in Winkeln Nuten (3, 3´) versehen sind, und dass die Leichtbauplatte (100) zumindest an ihren Längsseitenflanken jeweils zumindest eine Anschliessungs-Nut und eine Anschliessungs-Feder für einen beidseitigen formschlüssigen Anschluss von gleichartigen Leichtbauplatten ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Light-weight precast plate.

Номер: CH0000706431A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine neue Leichtbauplatte auf Basis von Holz, welche mit zumindest drei flächig aneinander gebundenen Schichten (101, 102, 103, ... 10n) von seitlich aneinander gebundenen, genuteten Brettern (11, 12, 13, ... 1n) gebildet sind, deren Nuten (2) in einem positiven oder negativen spitzen Winkel (+, ) zur jeweiligen Holzfaser-Längsrichtung (fr) der Bretter ausgerichtet sind, wobei weiters die Längserstreckungen (br) der Bretter unterschiedlicher Schichten selbst und/oder jene(n/r) von deren Nuten innerhalb jeder der Schichten unterschiedlich zu jenen anderer Schichten der Leichtbauplatte (100) ausgerichtet sind, und wobei zumindest eine der Schichten (102), eine Schwerlast-Tragschicht, mit seitlich aneinander gebundenen, in ihrer mit der Brett-Längserstreckungsrichtung (br) gleichen Holzfaser-Längsrichtung (fr) in der Richtung grössten, nach erfolgtem Einbau der Leichtbauplatte (100) in eine Baustruktur zu erwartenden, auf dieselbe einwirkenden (Vertikal-)Gewichtsbelastung ...

27-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200601175A1

18-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000033693B1

Представленное изобретение относится к способу изготовления облицованного шпоном элемента (10), включающему предоставление подложки (1), наложение подстилающего слоя (2) на поверхность подложки (1), наложение слоя (3) шпона на подстилающий слой (2) и прикладывание давления к слою (3) шпона и/или подложки (1) таким образом, чтобы по меньшей мере часть подстилающего слоя (2) проникала через слой (3) шпона. Изобретение также относится к подобному облицованному шпоном элементу (10).

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201691289A1

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Wooden finger joint board and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: CN0111114029A

21-04-2010 дата публикации

Three-dimensional woven veneer and manufacture process

Номер: CN0101695847A
Автор: Lu Tonghua

The invention relates to a three-dimensional woven veneer and a manufacture process. The three-dimensional woven veneer comprises a base veneer. The process comprises the following steps: calendaring a veneer to be attached at high temperature by a flat calendar; then taking the veneer out to be flatly placed, spraying and cooling the surface of the paper or the skin of the veneer and cycling for 2-5 times; weaving the processed veneer according to a vertically and horizontally interlaced compression structure; after carrying out glue coating, cold compression and bonding on the vertically and horizontally compressed surface, hot compressing and bonding; finally calendaring at high temperature by the flat calendar; then taking the veneer to be flatly placed, spraying and cooling the surface of the three-dimensional woven veneer and cycling for 1-3 times; carrying out supplementation and drying on the surface of the base veneer and polishing by a sander so that the planeness of the surface ...

01-12-2010 дата публикации

Veneer board combined into integer by adhesives

Номер: CN0101898375A

The invention relates to a veneer board combined into an integer by adhesives, aiming at solving the problem of high water-absorption thickness expansion ratio of the veneer board. The technical scheme improves a 2004100116451 patent, through pinholes are pricked on a single board so that the plastic film adhesives are combined into the integer through plastics entering the pinholes. The invention solves the problem of high water-absorption thickness expansion ratio of the veneer board by limiting the dimension of the veneer board in a thickness direction and enhances various strengths of the veneer board.

07-04-2020 дата публикации

Flame-retardant base material for customized home

Номер: CN0210257558U

26-09-2017 дата публикации

Three -layer solid wood composite floor

Номер: CN0206521906U

11-12-2018 дата публикации

Real wood composite floor and be used for processing real wood composite floor's mould

Номер: CN0208220105U

22-06-2018 дата публикации

A man-made sheet

Номер: CN0207523129U

07-09-2018 дата публикации

Novel fire -resistant decorative panel of railcar

Номер: CN0207825610U

05-08-2015 дата публикации

Device for wooden dado generates heat

Номер: CN204531246U

16-12-2015 дата публикации

Special compound plywood of multi -functional high -speed railway carriage wall decoration

Номер: CN0204869123U

The utility model provides a special compound plywood of multi -functional high -speed railway carriage wall decoration, the utility model relates to a plywood technical field, the lower part of the fire -retardant panel of padauk is equipped with fire -retardant core one number through WBP glue, the lower part of a fire -retardant core is equipped with fire -retardant cork core one number through WBP glue, the lower part of a fire -retardant cork core is equipped with fire -retardant core two numbers through WBP glue, the lower part of two numbers fire -retardant cores is equipped with fire -retardant cork core two numbers through WBP glue, the lower part of two numbers fire -retardant cork cores is equipped with fire -retardant core three numbers through WBP glue, the lower part of three numbers fire -retardant cores is equipped with fire -retardant bottom plate through WBP glue, it is fire -retardant to have the fire prevention, the shock attenuation, give sound insulation, density is ...

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Sound insulation cover

Номер: CN0209681416U

06-04-2016 дата публикации

Glass fiber reinforces no aldehyde plywood

Номер: CN0205130061U

26-05-2020 дата публикации

Melamine wooden door veneer

Номер: CN0210617534U

08-07-2015 дата публикации

High-strength invisible net rib chip board

Номер: CN204450763U

31-01-2020 дата публикации

Composite damping solid wood floor

Номер: CN0110735509A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Multi-layer glued wood board

Номер: CN0109203118A

01-07-2015 дата публикации

Formaldehyde adsorption furniture sheet material

Номер: CN104742450A

The invention discloses a formaldehyde adsorption furniture sheet material and especially relates to a formaldehyde adsorption furniture sheet material. The formaldehyde adsorption furniture sheet material can effectively adsorb formaldehyde. The formaldehyde adsorption furniture sheet material comprises a base plate, a surface plate and a bottom plate, wherein the surface plate and the bottom plate are respectively arranged at two sides of the base plate. The base plate is provided through holes, and an included angle of the through holes and the surface of the base plate is greater than or equal to 30 degrees and less than or equal to 90 degrees. The surface plate and the bottom plate corresponding to the through holes are provided with ventholes. Formaldehyde adsorption particles are arranged in the through holes and have particle sizes greater than diameters of the ventholes.

26-03-2014 дата публикации

Wood-bamboo-glass-fibre pedal of skate board and production method thereof

Номер: CN102416253B

09-07-2019 дата публикации

Seamless wide wallboard

Номер: CN0209082864U

07-10-2009 дата публикации

Composite underplate for containers

Номер: CN0201320782Y

13-12-2017 дата публикации

조명 패널

Номер: KR1020170137940A
Автор: 매티어 존

... 대향되는 표면들을 구비한 투명 코어; 실질적으로 표면을 뒤덮는 발광 도트들의 매트릭스; 및 상기 표면과 접하는 하나의 보호 레이어를 포함하고, 상기 도트들이 상기 코어를 상기 보호 레이어에 접합하는 접착제로서 작용하는 것을 특징으로 하는 조명 패널.

04-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI9803499A

11-05-1996 дата публикации

Номер: TW0000275602B

14-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006130939A2

The invention refers to the plywood made out of mature trunks of pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) from the family of the palm-trees. The plywood is made of at least one plate of laths of pupunha pressed horizontally with or without heat. This plate can be compressed to other plates through the process of vertical pressing with or without heat. The sides mutually touched of the laths and the plates of pupunha are covered with adhesive. The main objective is to provide the usage of a sub-product of the food industry (mature trunk extracted from the process of selective handling) objectifying the production of a good-quality plywood, economically available, with high index of exploration from the raw material, dimensional stability, flexibility and mechanical resistance.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: WO2019135141A1

Floor panel with a substrate (8) and a provided thereon decorative layer (6) of wood veneer (7) with a thickness (T1) of 1 millimeter or less, wherein said decorative layer (6) is provided on the substrate (8) by means of a glue layer which is situated between the substrate (8) and the decorative layer (6), characterized in that said glue layer comprises hard particles (27) with an average particle size which is at least one third of the thickness (T1) of the wood veneer (7). The invention also relates to methods for manufacturing such floor panels (1).

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011138858A1

Disclosed is a method for producing plywood wherein an adhesive composition for plywood formed by adding 1 - 15 parts by mass of acacia bark powder, 25 - 70 parts by mass of an inorganic filler, and 10 - 50 parts by mass of water to 100 parts by mass of an aqueous solution of a resole type phenol resin for which the resin part is 40 - 50% by mass is applied to single sheets, a plurality of single sheets layered and the plywood produced by applying pressure and heat. Specifically disclosed is an adhesive composition for plywood that controls puncture phenomena and dry-out problems in plywood production by controlling increases in viscosity after the preparation of the adhesive composition for plywood when single sheets with normal or low water content are used and even when single sheets with high water content are used. Also disclosed are a method for producing plywood using this adhesive composition for plywood and plywood produced by this method.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: WO2016049056A1

Various examples are provided for polymer reinforced composite plywood and laminates. In one example, among others, polymer reinforced composite plywood includes a multilayer polymeric film bonded to a first ply of wood veneer and a second ply of wood veneer. A second multilayer polymeric film can be bonded to the second ply of wood veneer and to a third ply of wood veneer. In another example, polymer reinforced composite plywood includes a monolayer polymeric film bonded to a first ply of wood veneer and to a second ply of wood veneer. A second monolayer polymeric film can be bonded to the second ply of wood veneer and to a third ply of wood veneer. In another example, low pressure laminate includes a polymeric film layer bonded to a base layer that forms a protective lamination layer over the base layer.

21-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002092300A2
Автор: MÖLLER, Achim

The invention relates to a method for the production of a distinctively three-dimensionally formed, thin-walled, bowl-shaped body (three-dimensional body) or for coating distinctively three-dimensionally formed structural components made of different materials such a wood, wood-derived products, plastic material, cast aluminum, etc., said method being carried out place in several steps. The two or three-dimensional elements to be formed are initially cut to the required processing size. In the case of multilayered parts to be shaped, the two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface elements to be formed are positioned in a stack for the forming process and optionally fixed temporarily in their position. An individual three-dimensional surface element is thus produced, said element being made of wood (wood-veneer), laminated wood or a composite consisting of wood and one or more surface materials such as plastic films or a nonwoven. The single or multilayered surface elements are then formed ...

10-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003028994A1
Автор: DESMET, Jan

The invention relates to a flexible layered sheet (1) comprising a veneer top layer (2) laminated with its underside (6) to a backing layer (3, 15) which backing layer has a controlled moisture absorbing capacity. The veneer top layer in the sheet (1) is broken up to controlled extent into its fibers along their grain direction when the veneer top layer has a thickness over 0,25 mm. The backing layer (3) comprises preferably a moisture repellent intermediate layer (5), eg. in the form of a metal barrier foil and a moisture absorbing bottom layer (4). The sheet (1) can used as a wall paper whereby the wall is first coated with an adhesive comprising a dispersion of an acrylic polymer in water.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Illumination panel

Номер: US20120011754A1
Автор: John Matyear

An illumination panel comprising a transparent core having opposing surfaces, a matrix of light releasing dots substantially covering one surface, and a protective layer in abutting contact with said surface whereby the dots act as an adhesive bonding the core to the protective layer.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Transparent touch panel with improved cured adhesiveness

Номер: US20120021159A1
Принадлежит: Elan Microelectronics Corp

A transparent touch panel includes a light-pervious substrate, conductive traces on the light-pervious substrate, a protective layer on the conductive traces, and a cured adhesive between the conductive traces and the protective layer for bonding them together. The conductive trace has a light-pervious area to allow the ultraviolet light for curing the adhesive to pass and reach the adhesive behind the conductive trace during the ultraviolet light treatment to the adhesive, and thus improve the cured level of the adhesive.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for packaging products, packaging, and packaging material

Номер: US20120047853A1
Принадлежит: UPM Kymmene Wood Oy

A method for packaging products. At least one product is covered or enveloped with protective boards. A board made of naturally curved wood veneer is used as a protective board. The wood veneer is coated on both sides with a film-like or fibrous reinforcement material. A packaging and a packaging material.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods for affixing overlay sheets to concrete form

Номер: US20120125532A1
Принадлежит: Roy O Martin Lumber Co

A resin impregnated overlay sheet is laid atop a wood veneer to create a concrete form. At a pre-press station, pressure is applied to a veneer assembly having an overlay sheet laid atop it. Thereafter, the pressed overlaid assembly is transferred for final hot pressing. The pre-pressing of the overlay sheet onto the wood veneer ensures the static adherence of the overlay sheet to the veneer prior to final hot pressing.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Outdoor wall padding apparatus and method for forming the same

Номер: US20120137611A1
Автор: Wayne P. Oliver
Принадлежит: Sportsfield Specialties Inc

A temperature compensating outdoor wall padding apparatus in one embodiment incorporates a stretch fabric into the edges of a vinyl cover to provide a tension on the vinyl cover minimizing the possibility of wrinkling of the vinyl cover due to a change in temperature. In another embodiment, the temperature compensating outdoor wall padding apparatus may employ a resilient cover, stretchable in 4 directions and pre-tensioned to provide tension on the resilient cover minimizing the possibility of wrinkling of the resilient cover due to a change in temperature. Methods for forming the same are also disclosed.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Transfer medium, production method thereof, and transferred matter

Номер: US20120156444A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A production method of a transfer medium includes: forming a colored layer on a base material by discharging ink from an ink jet head toward the base material; and forming an adhesive layer on the colored layer by discharging an adhesive liquid from the ink jet head toward the colored layer.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Flexible substrate structure and method of fabricating the same

Номер: US20120164408A1

A flexible substrate structure includes a supporting carrier, a flexible substrate, and a release layer. The flexible substrate is disposed on the supporting carrier. The release layer is disposed between and in contact with the supporting carrier and the flexible substrate. The release layer includes a bonding region with adhesion property, the bonding region is for bonding the flexible substrate and the supporting carrier together, and a release region without adhesion property, the release region is for supporting the flexible substrate.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Backside-illuminated image sensor and fabricating method thereof

Номер: US20120261780A1
Автор: Yu-Tsung Lin
Принадлежит: United Microelectronics Corp

A backside-illuminated image sensor and a fabricating method thereof are provided. The fabricating method includes the following steps. Firstly, a first substrate having a first side and a second side is provided, wherein a sensing structure is formed on the first side of the first substrate, and the sensing structure includes an alignment mark. Then, a second substrate is provided and bonded to the first side of the first substrate. Then, a light-transmissible structure is formed on the second side of the first substrate at a location corresponding to the alignment mark. Afterwards, an optical structure is positioned on the second side of the first substrate by referring to the light-transmissible structure and the alignment mark.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Powder based balancing layer

Номер: US20120263965A1
Принадлежит: CeraLoc Innovation Belgium BVBA

A method to produce a building panel comprising a decorative surface layer, a core and a balancing and/or protective layer is disclosed.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Low Reflected-Sound-Pressure-Level, Low Moisture-Vapor-Transmission-Rate Flooring System

Номер: US20120328867A1
Автор: Craig Patrick Keane
Принадлежит: Craig Patrick Keane

A flooring system having a top floor layer, a sub-floor, and an underlayment material disposed between the sub-floor and the top floor layer is disclosed. The underlayment material may include a cross-linked, polyolefin foam having a moisture vapor transmission rate of less than about 3.0 lb/1000 ft 2 /24 hr, and an average sound pressure level of less than about 15 dB over a range of about 300 Hz to about 1000 Hz. Foam density, gel fraction, and resin blend may combine to provide an underlayment material having such reflective sound and moisture vapor barrier properties.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Rotary Applicator

Номер: US20130017329A1
Автор: Bernard Lasko
Принадлежит: Bernard Lasko

Induction heating of a pattern perforated rotating cylinder susceptor is utilized to melt and apply thermoplastic materials to a substrate.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Thermal expansion control employing platelet fillers

Номер: US20130035411A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Bilayer platelet fillers are employed to compensate for a positive coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of an embedding polymeric material, or even to provide a composite structure having a negative CTE to eliminate or alleviate thermomechanical stress and/or delamination during thermal cycling. A bilayer platelet includes two joined layers having different CTEs. The CTE mismatch induces bending of the bilayer platelets, thereby causing cavities at temperatures lower than the joining temperature at which the bilayers are joined. The decrease in the volume of the polymeric material and the bilayer platelets at low temperatures is compensated by an accompanying increase in the volume of the cavities so that the composite structure has a temperature independent volume, a low net CTE, or even a negative CTE.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068386A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Radiation-crosslinkable hot-melt adhesives containing more than 50% of polyurethane polymers which contain at least one radiation-polymerizable reactive group. The radiation-crosslinkable hot-melt adhesive is prepared by reacting a) a reactive PU prepolymer having a particular block structure b) 20 to 95 mol % of at least one low-molecular-weight compound (B) containing a radically polymerizable double bond and a group reacting with an NCO group; c) 0 to 50 mol % of at least one compound (C) having at least one group reactive to NCO groups but no group that is polymerizable under radical conditions, with a molar mass of 32 to 5000 g/mol; d) 5 to 50 mol % of at least one radical photoinitiator (D) having a primary or secondary OH group, as well as optionally further polymers and/or auxiliary substances. The adhesives can be cured for bonding nonwoven substrates or for coating labels, tapes, films and plasters with pressure-sensitive adhesive coatings. 1. Radiation-crosslinkable hot-melt adhesives containing more than 35% , relative to the hot-melt adhesive , of polyurethane polymers which contain at least one radiation-polymerizable reactive group.2. The hot melt adhesive according to claim 1 , prepared by reactingA) a reactive PU prepolymer comprising a block structure with two or three NCO groups per molecule, there being included therein one block of the structurediisocyanate-polyol-diisocyanateand at least one block of the structure{'sub': 'n', '(diol-diisocyanate),'}where{'sub': 'N', 'polyol=diol or triol having a molecular weight (M) of greater than 1000 g/mol,'}diol=alkylene diol having a molecular weight of less than 300 g/mol and n=4 to 50, withB) 20 to 95 mol % of at least one low-molecular-weight compound (B) containing a radically polymerizable double bond and a group reacting with an NCO group, andC) 0 to 50 mol % of at least one compound (C) having at least one group reactive to NCO groups but no group that is polymerizable under radical conditions, ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Touch display device and a method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130069890A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to a touch display device and a method of manufacturing the same. The touch display device comprises a touch panel, a display module and a first adhesive layer formed by an ultraviolet-curing liquid adhesive, wherein the first adhesive layer laminates the touch panel and the display module. The touch display device further comprises of a lens and a second adhesive layer, wherein the second adhesive layer laminates the touch substrate layer and the lens. The present disclosure overcomes shading effect by curing the first adhesive layer and the second adhesive layer by adjusting the order of laminating the display module with the touch substrate and the lens so as to improve yield of lamination between the touch panel and the display module.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Temporary Outdoor Graphic Film

Номер: US20130089704A1
Автор: SCHNEIDER Robert W.

Temporary graphic films that may be applied to rough, outdoor surfaces such as concrete or asphalt pavement are provided. The temporary graphic films are durable, yet easily removed and may include a fracturable material that permits fluid flow to reduce slip and fall situations. 1. A temporary graphic film assembly , comprising:a printable polymeric layer having a first surface and a second surface and having a thickness of less then 3 mils, the printable film comprising a blend of cellulose acetate butyrate and sucrose acetate iso butyrate;a reflective layer disposed beneath the printable layer;a layer of pressure sensitive adhesive having a first and second surface; andwherein the graphic film assembly is conformable to surfaces having a roughness average Ra of at least 25 microns.2. The graphic film assembly of wherein the reflective layer includes retroreflective beads.3. The graphic film assembly of claim 2 , wherein the retroreflective beads have an average diameter in a range from 25 to 300 microns.4. The graphic film assembly of claim 2 , wherein the retroreflective beads have an index of refraction in the range of 1.9-2.3.5. The graphic film assembly of claim 1 , wherein the reflective layer is a prismatic layer.6. The graphic film assembly of claim 1 , wherein the printable layer is clear claim 1 , transparent claim 1 , opaque claim 1 , or pigmented.7. The graphic film assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the adhesive layer is adhered to the retroreflective layer.8. The graphic film assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the adhesive is adhered to the second surface of the polymeric layer.9. The graphic film assembly of claim 1 , wherein the printable layer includes an identifier selected from a group including a symbol claim 1 , phrase claim 1 , picture claim 1 , word claim 1 , or series of words of a corporation.10. A decorated substrate composite comprising:a substrate comprising at least one surface having a roughness average ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099924A1

A dispenser for dispensing flexible sheet material includes a roll of material, the roll of material having a core. One end portion of the flexible sheet material is adhered to the core by a pickup glue. The dispenser includes a sensor for sensing the pickup glue of the roll of material and a control unit for triggering at least one action of the dispenser in response to the detection of the pickup glue. 1. A dispenser for dispensing flexible sheet material from a roll of material , comprising a roll of material having a core , wherein one end portion of the flexible sheet material is adhered to the core by a pickup glue , the dispenser further comprising:a sensor for sensing the pickup glue of the roll of material; anda control unit for triggering at least one action of the dispenser in response to the detection of the pickup glue.2. The dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the dispenser includes a dispensing mechanism for dispensing the sheet material from the roll.3. The dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the dispenser has at least two drive rollers and the sensor is situated upstream of the drive rollers relative to the flow of dispensing the flexible sheet material.4. The dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is arranged in the proximity of the core.5. The dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is situated on an arm which is arranged to follow the outer surface of the roll.6. The dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is arranged to sense a detectable substance in the pickup glue.7. The dispenser according to claim 6 , wherein the detectable substance in the pickup glue includes a metallic substance claim 6 , a magnetic substance claim 6 , a conductive substance claim 6 , a coloured substance claim 6 , a fluorescent substance claim 6 , or a radioactive substance claim 6 , or any combinations thereof.8. The dispenser according to claim 6 , wherein the sensor is arranged to detect the detectable substance on the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Holding sheet and cutting apparatus provided therewith

Номер: US20130104716A1
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A holding sheet which is set to a cutting apparatus cutting an object to be cut includes a sheet member comprising a flat plate-shaped member and an adhesive portion located on an area of the sheet member located a predetermined distance inside an outer edge of the sheet member. The adhesive portion holds the object so that the object is removable therefrom. The sheet member has a plurality of holes which is defined formed through the sheet member so as to encompass the adhesive portion.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115408A1
Автор: Abrams Louis Brown

A process for forming a flocked article is provided that includes the steps of: (a) cutting a pre-formed or solid adhesive film into a desired shape; (b) removing a first portion of the cut pre-formed adhesive film from a second portion of the cut pre-formed adhesive film; and (c) heating and applying pressure to the cut pre-formed adhesive film to adhere the film to flock to form a flocked article. 1. A flocked article , comprising:a plurality of flock fibers;an elastic film having first and second sides, the elastic film comprising rubber and/or an elastomer;a first adhesive layer bonded to the first side of the elastic film and to the plurality of flock fibers, the first adhesive layer being substantially continuously distributed over the first side of the elastic film; anda second adhesive layer bonded to the second side of the elastic film, the second adhesive layer being substantially continuously distributed over the second side of the elastic film.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first and second adhesive layers are thermoplastic.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the first adhesive comprises one of polyethylene claim 2 , isobutylene claim 2 , polyamide claim 2 , polyvinyl acetate claim 2 , acrylic claim 2 , vinyl-acrylic claim 2 , vinyl claim 2 , urethane claim 2 , styrene-butadiene latexes claim 2 , polyethylene-vinylacetate copolymer claim 2 , polyethylene-ethylacrylate copolymer claim 2 , polyester claim 2 , polyvinyl chloride claim 2 , polyurethane claim 2 , polyester claim 2 , acrylic resin claim 2 , polyvinyl chloride claim 2 , thermoplastic acrylic resin claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , paraffin and rubber derivative and wherein the second adhesive comprises one of polyethylene claim 2 , isobutylene claim 2 , polyamide claim 2 , polyvinyl acetate claim 2 , acrylic claim 2 , vinyl-acrylic claim 2 , vinyl claim 2 , urethane claim 2 , styrene-butadiene latexes claim 2 , polyethylene-vinylacetate copolymer claim 2 , polyethylene-ethylacrylate ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129992A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS B.V.

The invention provides a process for making a multilayer structure with a printed pattern by providing a film substrate having a crystalline organic compound layer, wherein the substrate optionally has a metal or metaloxide layer between the film substrate and the organic compound layer; applying a printed pattern via a plurality of printing rolls wherein the following steps are performed: optionally, applying as a first layer a primer over the whole surface, applying one or more ink layers on the film to obtain a printed pattern, and optionally, applying a cover varnish layer to obtain a film substrate with a crystalline organic compound layer and a printed pattern. The invention further relates to a laminate comprising a multilayer structure and a plastic film; the laminate preferably comprises a primer substantially covering the whole surface of the organic compound layer, on which primer the print is present. 1. A process for making a multilayer structure with a printed pattern bya) providing a film substrate having a crystalline organic compound layer, wherein the substrate optionally has a metal or metaloxide layer between the film substrate and the organic compound layer; b1) optionally, applying as a first layer a primer over the whole surface,', 'b2) applying one or more ink layers on the film to obtain a printed pattern, and', 'b3) optionally, applying a cover varnish layer;, 'b) applying a printed pattern via a plurality of printing rolls wherein the following steps are performedto obtain a film substrate with a crystalline organic layer and a printed pattern.2. A process for making laminates with barrier properties and a printed pattern bya) providing a film substrate having a crystalline organic compound layer 'b1) applying a primer as a first layer over the whole surface to obtain a film substrate with a crystalline organic compound layer and a printed pattern, and', 'b) applying a printed pattern via a plurality of printing rolls wherein the process ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130143009A1
Автор: Wen Minghua

The bi-viewable perspective film and its preparation method as stated in this invention refer to a transparent film with a printed colour rendering layer and a liner pressed upon it. The colour rendering layer contains various types of light-transmitting zones spread out across its entirety. The transparent film is directly attached onto the liner with a variety of adhesive methods. The sum of these processes comprises the perspective film in question. 116-. (canceled)17. A composite film comprising:a) a transparent film layer having a front surface and a back surface, said transparent film layer having printed thereon an image on at least one of the surfaces: said front surface and said back surface;b) a liner layer proximate said back surface of said transparent film liner; andc) a transparent adhesive layer disposed between said back surface of said transparent film layer and said liner layer, said transparent adhesive layer having printed thereon a color rendering layer comprising a plurality of light-transmitting zones, said printed color rendering layer being disposed between said back surface of said transparent film layer and said transparent adhesive layer, whereby said light-transmitting zones appear to be printable and said image on said composite film appears to be three dimensional.181. The composite film in accordance with claim , wherein said printed color rendering layer comprises at least one of the group of inks: white ink , fluorescent ink , and other colors of ink.191. The composite film in accordance with claim , wherein said light-transmitting zones comprise at least one of the group of shapes: circular , quadrilateral , regular polygonal , and irregular polygonal.201. The composite film in accordance with claim , wherein said printed color rendering layer comprises repeating shapes and designs and the unprinted space between said repeating shapes and designs comprise light-transmitting zones.211. The composite film in accordance with claim , ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149483A1

A fiber composite component assembly includes at least two plate-shaped composite structures which in each case are made from synthetic-resin embedded fibers and are integrally interconnected by way of an adhesive layer arranged in between, and additional mechanical reinforcement means, wherein the fiber composite components include several partial regions that do not contain synthetic resin, which partial regions can be brought to flush conformity with each other and which are arranged so as to be spaced apart from each other, through which partial regions the mechanical reinforcement means that can subsequently be bonded-in with synthetic resin have been passed. 1. A fiber composite component assembly comprising:at least first and second plate-shaped composite structures made from synthetic-resin embedded fibers and integrally interconnected by an adhesive layer arranged in between; andmechanical reinforcement means;wherein the at least first and second fiber composite components comprise a plurality of partial regions not containing synthetic resin, the said partial regions configured to be brought to flush conformity with each other and to be arranged so as to be spaced apart from each other; andwherein the mechanical reinforcement means configured to be subsequently be bonded-in with synthetic resin pass through the partial regions.2. The fiber composite component assembly of claim 1 , wherein each partial region not containing synthetic resin is at least largely to fully enclosed by a cured region of the fiber composite component.3. The fiber composite component assembly of claim 1 , wherein the partial region is essentially rectangular or oval to round in shape.4. The fiber composite component assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mechanical reinforcement means are configured as pins to form a pin connection.5. The fiber composite component assembly of claim 1 , wherein the additional mechanical reinforcement means are configured as threads to form a sewn ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149520A1
Автор: Zhu Bizhong
Принадлежит: Dow Corning Corporation

A phosphosiloxane resin comprises a plurality of covalently bonded monomer units selected from phosphosiloxane units SiR—O—P(═O)(R)(OR)(O—), and organosiloxane units R(OR)SiO. Rand each Rare independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, Cto Chydrocarbyl, and Cto Chydrocarbylene; each Ris independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and Cto Chydrocarbyl; p is 0 or 1; q=1−p; m is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4; n is 0, 1, or 2; and m+n is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Curable silicone compositions comprise a phosphosiloxane resin having greater than one silicon-bonded alkenyl group, an organosilicon compound having at least two silicon-bonded hydrogen atoms, and a hydrosilylation catalyst. Fiber-reinforced free-standing films may comprise fibers dispersed in a cured product of the silicone composition. Laminated substrates comprise at least one fiber-reinforced free-standing film. 2. The phosphosiloxane resin of claim 1 , wherein:from 0.001 mol. % to 75 mol. % of the covalently bonded structural units are phosphosiloxane units; andfrom 25 mol. % to 99.999 mol. % of the covalently bonded structural units are organosiloxane units3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The phosphosiloxane resin of claim 1 , wherein:{'sup': 1', '2, 'less than 75 mol. % of all groups Rand Rin the phosphosiloxane resin are hydrogen; and/or'}less than 25 mol. % of all phosphosiloxane units have q=1; and/orless than 5 mol. % of all organosiloxane units have n>0.7. The phosphosiloxane resin of claim 1 , wherein an average of at least one group Ror Rper molecule of the phosphosiloxane resin is an alkenyl group or wherein an average of greater than one group Ror Rper molecule of the phosphosiloxane resin are alkenyl groups.8. (canceled)9. The phosphosiloxane resin of claim 1 , wherein at least 25 mol. % of all groups Rand Rin the phosphosiloxane resin are alkenyl groups or wherein at least 25 mol. % of all groups Rand Rin the phosphosiloxane resin are terminal alkenyl groups or wherein ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149531A1
Принадлежит: Zephyros, Inc.

An adhesive material and articles incorporating the same is disclosed. The adhesive material includes a liquid epoxy resin and rubber, a solid epoxy resin and rubber, one or more curing agents, and a filler. 1. A heat activatable adhesive composition , comprising:a) at least one liquid epoxy including a rubber and present in an amount of at least about 10% by weight to about 40% by weight of the total adhesive composition;b) at least one solid epoxy including a rubber and present in an amount of at least about 30% by weight to about 60% by weight of the total adhesive compositiond) an epoxy cure activator that activates curing at a temperature as low as about 120° C.2. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one epoxy liquid includes a butadiene rubber.3. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one solid epoxy is a CTBN modified resin.4. The adhesive composition of including at least one curing agent accelerator and at least one filler.5. The adhesive composition of claim 4 , wherein the filer is clay and the filler is present in an amount of between about 3 percent and about 10 percent by weight.6. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one epoxy liquid includes a core/shell polymer.7. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one epoxy liquid includes a low viscosity epoxy resin.8. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one epoxy liquid includes a bisphenol-F epoxy resin.9. A heat activatable adhesive composition claim 1 , comprising:a) a solid epoxy including a CTBN rubberb) a liquid epoxy including a core/shell polymer;c) an polyethylene copolymer;d) a plurality of curing agents; andf) a clay filler.10. The adhesive composition of claim 9 , wherein the plurality of curing agents includes a dicyandiamide curing agent and a blocked amine curing agent.11. The adhesive composition of claim 9 , wherein the clay filler is present in an amount of between about 3 percent and ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157039A1

Structural members are disclosed herein. One example of the structural member includes a composite structure and a filler incorporated therein. The filler at least dampens any of sound wave propagation through the composite structure or vibration of the composite structure. The filler includes particles of a shape memory alloy having an Austenite finish temperature (A) that is lower than a temperature encountered in an application in which the structural member is used so that the shape memory alloy exhibits stress-induced superelasticity. Also disclosed herein are other examples of structural members. 1. A structural member , comprising:a composite structure; and{'sub': 'f', 'a filler at least to dampen any of sound wave propagation through the composite structure or vibration of the composite structure, the filler being incorporated into the composite structure and including particles of a shape memory alloy having an Austenite finish temperature (A) that is lower than a temperature encountered in an application in which the structural member is used so that the shape memory alloy exhibits stress-induced superelasticity.'}2. The structural member as defined in wherein the composite structure is formed from thermoplastic materials claim 1 , thermoset materials claim 1 , toughening agents claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The structural member as defined in wherein the shape memory alloy is chosen from a copper-zinc-aluminum-nickel alloy claim 1 , a copper-aluminum-nickel alloy claim 1 , a nickel-titanium alloy claim 1 , a zinc-copper-gold-iron alloy claim 1 , a gold-cadmium alloy claim 1 , an iron-platinum alloy claim 1 , a titanium-niobium alloy claim 1 , a gold-copper-zinc alloy claim 1 , an iron-manganese alloy claim 1 , a zirconium-cobalt alloy claim 1 , a zinc-copper alloy claim 1 , and a titanium-vanadium-palladium alloy.4. The structural member as defined in wherein the composite structure is chosen from an automotive panel structure and an automotive ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Adhering Systems

Номер: US20130157063A1

Adhering systems for magnetizable laminates to assist preventing delamination of magnetizable laminates exposed to direct sunlight; and, relating to preventing fouling of cutting blades during cutting of magnetizable laminates. 1. A system , relating to preventing delamination of magnetizable laminates exposed to direct sunlight and relating to preventing fouling of cutting blades during cutting of magnetizable laminates , said system comprising:a) at least one flexible magnetizable laminate comprising at least two layers; i) at least one magnetizable layer structured and arranged to be capable of magnetization, and', 'i) at least one adhesive structured and arranged to adhere said at least two layers together;, 'b) wherein said at least two layers comprises'}c) wherein said at least one adhesive is resistant to transfer from said at least one flexible magnetizable laminate to the cutting blades during cutting of said at least one flexible magnetizable laminate; andd) wherein said at least one flexible magnetizable laminate is resistant to delamination during use in direct sunlight.2. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least one hot-melt adhesive.3. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least one reactive hot-melt adhesive.4. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least one virtually-thermosetable hot-melt adhesive.5. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least one humidity-curable adhesive structured and arranged to cure using humidity.6. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises primarily polyurethane.7. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least about 90% polyurethane.8. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least about 95% polyurethane.9. The system according to wherein said at least one adhesive comprises at least one thermoplastic ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164478A1

A double-faced pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet, including a first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, and a second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer provided on one side of the aforementioned first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, wherein a primary component of the first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is a two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (I), and a weight average molecular weight of the pertinent two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (I) is 150,000-800,000, and wherein a primary component of the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is a two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (II), and a weight average molecular weight of the pertinent two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (II) is 900,000-2,000,000. 1. A double-faced pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet , comprising a first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer , and a second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer provided on one side of said first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer , wherein a primary component of the first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is a two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (I) , and a weight average molecular weight of said two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (I) is 150 ,000-800 ,000 , and wherein a primary component of the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is a two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (II) , and a weight average molecular weight of said two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (II) is 900 ,000-2 ,000 ,000.2. The double-faced pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet according to claim 1 , wherein a weight average molecular weight of the two-part acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (I) is 350 claim 1 ,000-800 claim 1 ,000.3. The double-faced pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is 1.5-fold to 100-fold of a thickness of the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer.4. The double-faced pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet according to claim ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164507A1
Автор: Shen Aifu

A sports board is made by forming a rough blank that has an inner foam core and an outer cured fiberglass layer. The method further includes the steps of applying a bonding composition to the top and bottom surfaces of the rough blank; placing an upper surface panel and a lower surface panel on the top and bottom surfaces of the rough blank before the bonding composition has cured; heating the molded sports board in a compression mold; and trimming the molded sports board to form the finished sports board. 1. A sports board , comprising:a rough blank, the rough blank having an inner foam core and an outer cured fiberglass layer;an upper surface panel bonded to a top surface of the rough blank without an intermediate plastic layer; anda lower surface panel bonded to a bottom surface of the rough blank without an intermediate plastic layer.2. The sports board of claim 1 , wherein the rough blank is bonded to the upper surface panel and the lower surface panel via a bonding composition.3. The sports board of claim 2 , wherein the bonding composition comprises an adhesive.4. The sports board of claim 2 , wherein the bonding composition comprises an epoxy resin.5. The sports board of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface panel is printed with a design comprising at least one picture claim 1 , pattern claim 1 , or color.6. The thermoformed sports board of claim 1 , wherein the lower surface panel is printed with a design comprising at least one picture claim 1 , pattern claim 1 , or color.7. The sports board of claim 1 , wherein the inner foam core comprises polystyrene claim 1 , expanded polystyrene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , or polyurethane.8. The thermoformed sports board of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface panel and the lower surface panel each comprise a sheet of polyethylene claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , polycarbonate resin claim 1 , or polyethylene terephthalate.9. A method for manufacturing a sports board claim 1 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Composition Capable of Radiation Activated Catalysis and Radiation Curable Urethane Containing the Composition

Номер: US20130171454A1

A composition capable of radiation activated catalysis is provided. The composition comprises a metal compound, a mercapto compound and an olefinic compound. Radiation curable urethane compositions comprising the disclosed composition are also provided. The radiation curable urethane compositions comprise the disclosed composition, a hydroxyl compound and an isocyanate compound. Activation of the composition by radiation in a urethane formulation provides for an efficient method of curing the urethane composition, Coating and adhesive compositions comprising the radiation curable urethane compositions are also provided. In addition, methods for coating and bonding substrates are disclosed. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method of coating an article comprising applying a coating composition to the surface of the article then irradiating the coated article with radiation to cure the coating composition wherein the coating composition comprises a radiation curable urethane composition comprising a) a composition capable of radiation activated catalysis comprising a metal compound having catalytic activity , a mercapto compound which passivates the metal compound by inhibiting the catalytic activity of the metal compound , and an olefinic compound which reacts with the mercapto compound wherein the reaction between the mercapto compound and the olefinic compound is caused by the radiation; b) a hydroxyl compound; and c) an isocyanate compound.15. The method of coating an article as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the article is selected from the group consisting of glass claim 14 , wood claim 14 , metal claim 14 , plastic claim 14 , ceramic claim 14 , stone claim 14 , iron claim 14 , steel claim 14 , aluminum claim 14 , copper claim 14 , galvanized steel claim 14 , zinc claim 14 , wood claim 14 , fiberboard claim 14 , reaction injection molding urethanes claim 14 , (sheet molding compound) claim 14 , vinyl claim 14 , acrylic claim 14 , polymeric material claim 14 , plastic ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181574A1

In one aspect, matching layers for an ultrasonic transducer stack having a matching layer comprising a matrix material loaded with a plurality of micron-sized and nano-sized particles. In another aspect, the matrix material is loaded with a plurality of heavy and light particles. In another aspect, an ultrasound transducer stack comprises a piezoelectric layer and at least one matching layer. In one aspect, the matching layer comprises a composite material comprising a matrix material loaded with a plurality of micron-sized and nano-sized particles. In a further aspect, the composite material can also comprise a matrix material loaded with a plurality of heavy and light particles. In a further aspect, a matching layer can also comprise cyanoacrylate. 1. A matching layer of an ultrasonic transducer comprising a plurality of stacked layers , wherein at least one layer of the plurality of stacked layers comprises the matching layer , and wherein the matching layer comprises cyanoacrylate.2. The matching layer of claim 1 , wherein the matching layer is about a ¼ acoustic wavelength matching layer.3. The matching layer of claim 2 , wherein the acoustic impedance of the matching layer is between about 2.0 MegaRayles to about 3.5 MegaRayles.4. The matching layer of claim 2 , wherein the acoustic impedance of the matching layer is between about 2.5 MegaRayles and about 2.8 MegaRayles.5. The matching layer of claim 1 , wherein at least one layer of the plurality of stacked layers comprises a lens layer claim 1 , and wherein the lens layer overlies and is bonded to the matching layer.6. The matching layer of claim 5 , wherein the lens layer comprises TPX.8. The ultrasonic transducer stack of claim 7 , wherein the first matching layer is about a ¼ acoustic wavelength matching layer.9. The ultrasonic transducer stack of claim 8 , wherein the acoustic impedance of the first matching layer is between about 2.0 MegaRayles (MR) to about 3.5 MegaRayles (MR).10. The ultrasonic ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183473A1
Автор: Lanfranconi Aldo

An adhesive tape () for use in flying reel change applications comprising a double-sided adhesive tape () and a splitable tape (). In order to obtain a splicing tape which provides for easy and reliable use without having to adhere it to the backside of a topmost layer of web material, at least a third self-adhesive layer () of the splitable tape () is narrower than the fixation layer () of the splitable tape (), such that an essentially non-adhesive region () is formed on the lower surface () of the splitable layer (). 11010. Adhesive tape () for use in flying reel change applications , the adhesive tape () comprising:{'b': 100', '100, 'claim-text': [{'b': '110', 'a carrier layer ();'}, {'b': 120', '111', '110, 'a first self-adhesive layer () on an upper surface () of the carrier layer (); and'}, {'b': 130', '112', '110, 'a second self-adhesive layer () on a lower surface () of the carrier layer (); and'}], 'a double-sided adhesive tape (), wherein the double-sided adhesive tape () comprises{'b': 200', '200, 'claim-text': [{'b': '210', 'a splitable layer ();'}, {'b': 230', '212', '210, 'at least a third self-adhesive layer () on a lower surface () of the splitable layer (); and'}, {'b': 220', '211', '210, 'a fixation layer () on an upper surface () of the splitable layer ();'}], 'a splitable tape (), wherein the splitable tape () comprises{'b': 230', '200', '220', '200', '240', '212', '210, 'wherein the third self-adhesive layer () of the splitable tape () is narrower than the fixation layer () of the splitable tape (), such that an essentially non-adhesive region () is formed on the lower surface () of the splitable layer (), and'}{'b': 200', '10', '100', '140', '130', '200, 'wherein the splitable tape () of the adhesive tape () is adjusted relative to the double-sided adhesive tape (), such that an exposed adhesive region () of the second self-adhesive layer () which is not covered by the splitable tape () has a width of approximately 15 mm with a tolerance of ± ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183477A1
Принадлежит: Hans-Peter Leitinger

The invention relates to a method for producing adhesively bonded wood composite products () from raw logs () having substantially the same raw wood length, wherein the wood composite products can be connected to form a freely selectable wood composite width and/or wood composite length, wherein substantially every raw log () is split in each case in the longitudinal direction into log parts () and into outer slab parts () and, after drying and subsequent levelling, profiling () is produced on opposite side surfaces () of each log part (). After being arranged and laid alongside one another in a suitable manner, the log parts () are adhesively bonded at the side surfaces () to form a wood composite, wherein finger joints () are produced on end sides of each wood composite over the entire width thereof, and wood composites are repeatedly adhesively bonded together at the end sides by way of the respective finger joints until a wood composite product having the selected wood composite length is obtained. Also specified are wood composite products produced by the method. 1101324242511013242425aaa,a. A method for producing adhesively bonded wood composite products ( , , , , ) from raw logs () having substantially the same raw wood length , which wood composite products ( , , , ) may be connected to form a freely selectable wood composite width and/or a freely selectable wood composite length , characterized by a sequence of the following production steps:{'b': 1', '18', '18', '18', '18', '18', '35', '36', '34', '2', '20', '21, 'i': e,', 'x,', 'y', 'a,', 'b,, 'a. splitting each raw log () in each case in the longitudinal direction by means of a cutting device alongside cutting planes () into log parts having at least five cut surfaces (, ), wherein there are obtained two outer slab parts () as well as several inner log parts, comprising at least one intermediate plank () as well as at least two intermediate planks () and/or lateral boards ();'}{'b': 27', '18', '18', '35 ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183530A1

A method for quickly applying and spreading adhesive between substrates without leaving air bubbles. The method includes holding two substrates apart from each other with adhesive sides facing, a second substrate being positioned above a first substrate. The second substrate is suspended in a manner so as to cause a portion to warp towards the first substrate. After a liquid filler is applied between the two substrates, rollers are lowered onto the second substrate and moved so as to disperse the liquid filler between the first and second substrates. In accordance with the rolling of the rollers, end portions of the second substrate are lowered towards the first substrate. 1. A method of manufacturing a plate-shaped bonded body , including: a holding step in which respective adhesive surfaces of a first substrate and a second substrate are made to face each other and in which the adhesive surface of the second substrate is held above the first substrate while making the adhesive surface of the second substrate warp towards the first substrate side:a discharging step in which a dispensing nozzle is inserted into a most approximate position of the first substrate and the second substrate and in which a liquid filler is discharged from the dispensing nozzle while adhering to the first substrate and the second substrate; anda filling step in which pressing members are disposed on the second substrate at a position corresponding to the most approximate position and in which the liquid filler is fit and spread between the first and second substrates by making the pressing members move on the second substrate,wherein the second substrate is held in parallel to the first substrate in accordance with moving positions of the pressing members.2. The method of manufacturing a plate-shaped bonded body as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressing members are laminating rollers that roll on the second substrate.3. The method of manufacturing a plate-shaped bonded body as claimed ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189532A1

Moisture curable poly(acrylate) compositions having more environmentally acceptable catalysts and/or faster skin over time. The compositions demonstrate resistance to hydrocarbon fluids, such as transmission fluids, oils and fuels and are useful as gasketing materials. 1. A moisture curable composition , prepared from:a (meth)acrylate component comprising a silyl-functionalized poly(acrylate);a metal catalyst which is not dibutyltin dilaurate and an amine-based catalyst.2. The composition of wherein the amine-based catalyst is selected from 1 claim 1 ,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (“DBU”) claim 1 , tetramethylguanidine (“TMG”) and 1 claim 1 ,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-ene (“DBN”).3. The composition of which is only moisture curable.4. The moisture curable composition of further prepared from a skin enhancing additive.5. The moisture curable composition of further prepared from a skin enhancing additive selected from diphenyldimethoxysilane claim 1 , phenyltrimethoxysilane claim 1 , vinyltrimethoxysilane claim 1 , methyltrimethoxysilane and ethyltrimethoxysilane.9. The composition of claim 1 , further prepared from filler selected from calcium carbonate claim 1 , silica and combinations thereof.10. The composition of claim 1 , further prepared from a component which reduces shrinkage of the cured composition upon exposure of the cured composition to a hydrocarbon fluid claim 1 , wherein the component is present in an amount sufficient to reduce shrinkage of the cured composition when exposed to a hydrocarbon fluid.11. The composition of claim 1 , further prepared from about 0.5 wt % to about 20 wt % by weight of the composition of a polyolefin component which reduces shrinkage of the cured composition upon exposure of the cured composition to a hydrocarbon fluid.12. The composition of claim 1 , further prepared from about 0.5 wt % to about 20 wt % by weight of the composition of a polyolefin component which reduces shrinkage of the cured composition upon exposure ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Light transmissive bendable wood panel

Номер: US20130196119A1
Автор: Gilbert Dobecz, Zsolt Polk

A light transmissive bendable wood panel provides a wood panel that may be finished in a similar manner to traditional wood panels, but is light transmissive to allow the light transmissive bendable wood panel to be illuminated. The light transmissive bendable wood panel may be formed with a bendable substrate to allow various curves or other shapes to be formed. The light transmissive bendable wood panel may comprise a face layer having a permeable backing to ensure full adhesion with the substrate. A back layer may be provided to stabilize the light transmissive bendable wood panel and prevent curling, cupping, and delaminating. The light transmissive bendable wood panel may be backlit or edge lit. One or more illuminated designs may be formed in a face layer of the light transmissive bendable wood panel.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196143A1

An adhesive composition for detachable adhesive bonds is based on adhesive matrices and expansion material. The particles of the expansion material are at least partially encapsulated. A bond of at least two components and an adhesive layer includes an adhesive composition based on adhesive matrices and expansion material. The bonded components may include metal, plastic, wood, glass, natural or synthetic materials or a composite material thereof. 1. An adhesive composition for separable adhesive bonds , comprising an adhesive matrix and an expansion material in particulate form , wherein the particles of the expansion material are at least partially encapsulated and/or coated.2. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the expansion material comprises at least one material selected from the group consisting of an inorganic expansion material and an organic extension material.3. The adhesive composition of claim 2 , wherein the organic expansion material comprises azodicarbonamide (ADC) or the inorganic expansion material comprises expandable graphite (EG).4. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulation material or coating material of the expansion material comprises organic and/or inorganic materials claim 1 , wherein at least one encapsulation material or coating material is selected from the group consisting of glass claim 1 , ceramics claim 1 , metals claim 1 , metal oxides claim 1 , organic-inorganic hybrid systems claim 1 , melamine formaldehyde resin claim 1 , parylene and cyanate-based polymer.5. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the quantitative proportion of the encapsulated expansion material amounts to 1 to 45% by weight claim 1 , referred to the total weight of the adhesive composition.6. The adhesive composition of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulation material or coating material of the encapsulated expansion material further comprises an active filler.7. The adhesive composition of claim 6 , wherein the active filler ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196146A1
Автор: YU SAMMY, Yu Wilson
Принадлежит: Prestige Film Technologies

A protective covering material for protecting solid surface countertop materials is provided. The protective covering material includes a core layer formed from a polymer material such as polyethylene which is formed as an elongate thin sheet of material having uniform thickness. The protective covering material also includes an outer protective clear coat layer attached to a first side of the core layer and an adhesive layer attached to a second side of the core layer. The protective covering material may be permanently attached to a countertop material with the adhesive layer to protect the countertop material from damage during daily use. 1. A protective covering material for solid surface countertop materials comprising:a core layer formed from a polymer material, the core layer defining an elongate thin sheet having uniform thickness;an outer protective clear coat layer attached to a first side of the core layer; andan adhesive layer attached to a second side of the core layer.2. The protective covering material of claim 1 , wherein the outer layer is formed from polymerized acrylate.3. The protective covering material of claim 1 , wherein the core layer is formed from polyethylene terephthalate.4. The protective covering material of claim 1 , wherein the protective covering material is between about 0.005 and about 0.01 inches thick.5. The protective covering material of claim 1 , further comprising a UV inhibiting layer disposed between the outer protective clear coat layer and the core layer.6. The protective covering material of claim 5 , wherein the UV inhibiting layer comprises a silica coating.7. The protective covering material of claim 1 , further comprising an antibacterial agent formed as part of the outer protective clear coat layer.8. The protective covering material of claim 1 , wherein the protective covering material is optically clear.9. A system comprising the protective covering material of claim 1 , and further comprising:a solid surface ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Fluorinated silane coating compositions for thin wafer bonding and handling

Номер: US20130201635A1
Автор: Gu Xu
Принадлежит: Brewer Science Inc

This invention is related to compositions that prepare substrate surfaces to enable temporary wafer bonding during microelectronics manufacturing, especially using a zonal bonding process. This invention, which comprises compositions made from fluorinated silanes blended in a polar solvent, can be used to form surface coatings or treatments having a high contact angle with water (>85°). The resulting silane solutions are stable at room temperature for longer than one month.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202816A1
Автор: Ogawa Kazufumi

Provided are a bonded structure, a sealed structure, an electronic component including the same, a bonding method, and a sealing method, the bonded structure and sealed structure allow hermetic adhesion using an adhesive even when the materials of the bonding surfaces are different, or the bonding surfaces have low wettability for the adhesive. A sealed structure used for an electronic component or the like includes a first bonding surface on a first adherent bonded to a second bonding surface on a second adherent via an adhesive layer , the first and/or second bonding surfaces and having films and of film-forming compounds, the film-forming compounds being bound to the surfaces and at one end of the molecule thereof, and bound to a molecule of the adhesive at the functional group at the other end of the molecule. 112-. (canceled)13. A bonded structure comprising a first bonding surface on a first adherent covalently bonded to a second bonding surface on a second adherent via an adhesive layer , the first bonding surface comprises a first film of a first film-forming compound comprising at a first end of the compound a first functional group covalently bonded to the adhesive layer, and at a second end of the compound a first surface bonding group covalently bonded to the first adherent; and', 'the second bonding surface comprises a second film of a second film-forming compound comprising at a first end of the compound a second functional group covalently bonded to the adhesive layer, and at a second end of the compound a second surface bonding group covalently bonded to the second adherent., 'wherein14. The bonded structure of claim 13 , wherein the first functional group is an amino group or an imino group; the second functional group is an amino group or an imino group claim 13 , and the adhesive comprises an epoxy group.15. The bonded structure of claim 13 , wherein the first surface bonding group is an alkoxysilyl group; and the second surface bonding group is ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202884A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided are a pressure-sensitive adhesive composition for a touch panel, a conductive film, a touch panel and a pressure-sensitive adhesive film. The exemplary pressure-sensitive adhesive composition for a touch panel, the conductive film or the pressure-sensitive adhesive film has excellent durability and optical properties such as transparency. In addition, such physical properties are stably maintained under severe conditions. Particularly, a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is attached to a conductor thin film, and thus resistance change of the conductor thin film is effectively inhibited even when the conductor thin film is exposed to the severe conditions. Therefore, the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition may be effectively used to manufacture a touch panel. 1. A pressure-sensitive adhesive composition for a touch panel , comprising:an acryl polymer and a thiol compound.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acryl polymer includes a polymerized form of a (meth)acrylic acid ester monomer claim 1 , and a copolymerizable monomer having a crosslinkable functional group.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the (meth)acrylic acid ester monomer is an alkyl (meth)acrylate including an alkyl group having 1 to 20 carbon atoms.4. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the crosslinkable functional group is a hydroxyl claim 2 , carboxyl claim 2 , nitrogen-containing claim 2 , epoxy or isocyanate group.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acryl polymer has a weight average molecular weight of 350 claim 1 ,000 to 2 claim 1 ,500 claim 1 ,000.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the thiol compound is represented by Formula 2:{'br': None, 'i': 'HS−R', 'sub': '2', '[Formula 2]'}{'sub': 2', '3', '3', 'n', '4', '(3-n)', '4, 'wherein Ris an alkyl group or -A-C(═O)—O—R, A is an alkylene group or alkylidene group, Ris hydrogen, an alkyl group or -D-C(-E-O—C(═O)-Q-SH)(R), D, E and Q are each independently an ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213582A1

A laminate including a supporting member which is light transmissive; a supported substrate supported by the supporting member; an adhesive layer provided on a surface of the supported substrate which surface faces toward the supporting member; and a release layer which is made of an inorganic material and is provided between the supporting member and the supported substrate, the release layer having a property that changes when the release layer absorbs light coming through the supporting layer, and the release layer having a flat surface which faces the adhesive layer. 1. A laminate comprising:a supporting member which is light transmissive;a supported substrate supported by the supporting member;an adhesive layer provided on a surface of the supported substrate, wherein said surface faces toward the supporting member; anda release layer which is made of an inorganic material and is provided between the supporting member and the supported substrate,the release layer having a property that changes when it absorbs light coming through the supporting member, andthe release layer having a flat surface which faces the adhesive layer.2. The laminate as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the inorganic material is at least one selected from the group consisting of a metal claim 1 , a metal compound claim 1 , and carbon.3. The laminate as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the inorganic material is at least one selected from the group consisting of gold platinum claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , iridium claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , ruthenium claim 1 , osmium claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , antimony claim 1 , lead claim 1 , silver claim 1 , copper claim 1 , iron claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , chrome claim 1 , tin claim 1 , alloys of these metals claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , SiN claim 1 , SiN claim 1 , TiN claim 1 , and carbon.4. The ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Diluents for crosslinker-containing adhesive compositions

Номер: US20130224482A1
Принадлежит: HERCULES LLC

The disclosure relates to an adhesive composition for bonding lignocellulosic substrates. The adhesive composition contains a crosslinker and a non-urea diluent where the non-urea diluent is present in an amount from about 0.01 to about 75 weight % based on the total wet weight of the composition and where the crosslinker contains essentially no formaldehyde and contains no urea. Also disclosed is the adhesive further containing an aqueous mixture of a protein source. The disclosure also relates to a process for making lignocellulosic composites utilizing the disclosed adhesive composition and to the lignocellulosic composites made using the disclosed process.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Flexible Mirror Surface

Номер: US20130225026A1
Автор: Langhorst Phil Gerard

A light reflective film with structural support. The structural support is a layer of adhesive applied to a reflective film, a polyester film attached to the applied adhesive layer, a second adhesive layer applied to the other side of the polyester film, and a fiber layer applied to the second layer of adhesive. A UV light blocker may be sprayed onto the fiber layer. Such reflective surface being ideal for use in tension member solar collection systems. 1. A light reflective device comprising:a light reflective film;a second layer comprising a first adhesive;a third layer comprising polymer;a fourth layer comprising a third adhesive; anda fifth layer comprising a fiber cloth.2. A light reflective device according to claim 1 , wherein said reflective film comprises a flexible sheet composed of multiple layers where one side of the sheet has a high reflectance claim 1 , and wherein said reflective film does not have the rigidity to maintain a planar surface when extended an unsupported distance of twelve inches.3. A light reflective device according to claim 1 , wherein said reflective film has a high light reflectance of greater than 90% claim 1 ,4. A light reflective device according to claim 1 , further comprising a sixth layer comprising a UV light inhibitor.5. A light reflective device according to claim 1 , where said fiber cloth comprises unidirectional fiber formed from at least one of the following materials: cotton claim 1 , fiberglass claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , E-glass claim 1 , glass claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , Kevlar carbon claim 1 , and basalt fiber; and such that said fiber cloth allows stretching under tension claim 1 , but resists creep.6. A light reflective device according to claim 1 , wherein said fiber cloth is infused with resin. Not Applicable.Not Applicable.Not Applicable.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to reflective surface and, more particularly to a mirrored surface with structural support for preventing creep when ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Containing A Cyclic Phosphonate Ester Flame Retardant

Номер: US20130236718A1

Pressure sensitive adhesives containing a cyclic phosphonate ester are described. Methods of preparing such adhesives and articles comprising such adhesives are also described. 1. A flame retardant pressure sensitive adhesive comprising a polymeric component comprising an acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive and a flame retardant comprising at least one cyclic phosphonate ester , wherein the flame retardant comprises less than 2 parts by weight of a phosphorous containing flame retardant other than the cyclic phosphonate ester , wherein the total amount of flame retardant is between 3 and 15 parts by weight , inclusive , per 100 parts by weight of the polymeric component.23-. (canceled)4. The flame retardant pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the total amount of flame retardant is between 3 and 6 parts by weight claim 1 , inclusive claim 1 , per 100 parts by weight of the polymeric component.5. A flame retardant pressure sensitive adhesive comprising a polymeric component comprising an acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive and a flame retardant comprising at least one cyclic phosphonate ester claim 1 , wherein the total amount of cyclic phosphonate ester is no greater than 6 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the polymeric component.6. The flame retardant pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 5 , wherein the total amount of cyclic phosphonate ester is between 3 and 6 parts by weight claim 5 , inclusive claim 5 , per 100 parts by weight of the polymeric component.11. An adhesive article comprising a first substrate and a first adhesive adhered to a first major surface of the first substrate claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive comprises the flame retardant pressure sensitive adhesive according to .12. The adhesive article of claim 1 , further comprising a second adhesive adhered to a second major surface of the first substrate opposite the first major surface of the first substrate claim 1 , wherein the second adhesive comprises the flame retardant ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method of Manufacture of Article for Delivering Health-Benefit Agent

Номер: US20130240139A1

A laminate of nonwoven materials having fine particulate matter attached thereto is made with a lamination process capable of supplying up to about 60 gsm of particulate matter to a substrate. The particulate matter may be applied to the substrate using a powder coating apparatus. The laminate may be used in personal absorbent articles such as diapers, feminine pads, bandages, bed pads, and the like. 1. A method for constructing a laminate comprising the steps of:fluidizing an amount of particulate matter, wherein the particulate matter is selected from a group consisting of menthol, activated charcoal, carbon, silica gel, xylitol, clay, dessicants, prebiotics, probiotics, surfactants, anti-oxidants, disinfectants, antibacterial agents, antiviral agents, pharmaceutical actives, perfumes, deodorants, opacifiers, astringents, preservatives, superabsorbent material and a combination thereof; conveying at a speed of 30 to 600 meters/minute a first substrate and a second substrate, each having an inner surface and an outer surface;', 'attaching a first adhesive layer to the inner surface of the first substrate; and, 'creating a base by'}applying an amount of the fluidized particulate matter onto the first adhesive layer to create a first layer of particulate matter;creating a cover by attaching a second adhesive layer to the inner surface of the second substrate; andattaching the base to the cover so that the outer surfaces of the first substrate and the second substrate are exposed.2. The method of wherein the steps of conveying a first substrate and a second substrate claim 1 , each having an inner surface and an outer surface; attaching a first adhesive layer to the inner surface of the first substrate; and spraying an amount of the fluidized particulate matter onto the first adhesive layer to create a first layer of particulate matter are performed in sequential order.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:attaching a second adhesive layer to a ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Floor covering

Номер: US20130247500A1
Принадлежит: Flooring Industries Ltd SARL

Hard panels formed from a wood-based material and having a decorative layer for floor coverings are provided, at least on two opposite edges, with coupling devices made in one piece with the panels wherein similar panels may be coupled together to form a floor covering, wherein these coupling devices provide for an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of coupled panels, as well as in a direction perpendicular to the edges concerned and parallel to the plane of coupled panels. These coupling devices are constituted of a tongue and a groove. The top side of the tongue has a protrusion that cooperates with a meshing recess located in the lower side of the upper lip of the groove of the coupling devices, and a portion extending generally parallel with the plane of the panel to form a contact surface cooperating with the lower side of the upper lip of the groove.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248104A1

Provided is a method of processing a translucent rigid substrate laminate, whereby it becomes possible to maintain peeling properties and good appearance of the translucent rigid substrate laminate during the processing of the translucent rigid substrate laminate even when a process such as transportation and storage is included in the method. The method of processing a translucent rigid substrate laminate comprises a step 1 for producing a translucent rigid substrate laminate in which at least two translucent rigid substrates are bonded to each other with a photocurable adhering agent; a step 2 for maintaining the translucent rigid substrate laminate, which has been produced in step 1 or which has been subjected to a shape processing subsequent to step 1, under predetermined temperature management conditions and transporting and/or storing the translucent rigid substrate laminate while maintaining the translucent rigid substrate laminate under the above-mentioned conditions; and a step 3 for peeling the translucent rigid substrate laminate which has been subjected to the shape processing or has not been subjected to the shape processing subsequent to step 2. 1. A method of processing a translucent rigid substrate laminate comprising:a step 1 for producing a translucent rigid substrate laminate in which at least two translucent rigid substrates are bonded to each other with a photocurable adhering agent; 1) 10 hours to 4 weeks when the translucent rigid substrate laminate is maintained at a management temperature lower than a glass transition temperature of a cured body of the photocurable adhering agent by 0° C. or more and less than 5° C.,', '2) 10 hours to 6 weeks when the translucent rigid substrate laminate is maintained at a management temperature lower than the glass transition temperature of a cured body of the photocurable adhering agent by 5° C. or more and less than 10° C., and', '3) 10 hours to 8 weeks when the translucent rigid substrate laminate is ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251969A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a transparent protective plate which can easily be attached to a display main body of a flat panel display, and which can suppress e.g. deterioration of properties at the time of attaching. A transparent protective plate to be bonded to a display surface of a display main body of a flat panel display, which comprises a glass substrate having a thickness of from 0.5 to 1.8 mm, and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer having a thickness of from 20 to 150 μm, comprising a pressure-sensitive adhesive having a pressure-sensitive adhesive strength of at least 0.1 N/25 mm as specified by JIS Z0237, laminated directly or indirectly on the side to be bonded to the display surface of the glass substrate. 1. A transparent protective plate to be bonded to a display surface of a display main body of a flat panel display , which comprises:a glass substrate having a thickness of from 0.5 to 1.8 mm, anda pressure-sensitive adhesive layer having a thickness of from 20 to 150 μm, comprising a pressure-sensitive adhesive having a pressure-sensitive adhesive strength of at least 0.1 N/25 mm as specified by JIS Z0237, laminated directly or indirectly on the side to be bonded to the display surface of the glass substrate.2. The transparent protective plate according to claim 1 , which has a size of at least 22 cm in length and at least 42 cm in width.3. The transparent protective plate according to claim 1 , wherein the storage elastic modulus of the pressure-sensitive adhesive is from 1×10to 1×10Pa.4. The transparent protective plate according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is an acrylic or silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive claim 1 , and has a glass transition temperature Tg of at most 0° C.5. The transparent protective plate according to claim 1 , wherein the tanδ of the pressure-sensitive adhesive is from 0.01 to 0.4.6. A flat panel display claim 1 , which comprises the transparent protective plate as defined in bonded to a display surface of a display main body.7. A ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252007A1
Автор: Khabbaz Farideh

The invention relates to an aqueous adhesive composition comprising at least one synthetic polymer and from 1 to 99 wt % on a dry/dry basis of lupin protein. The invention further relates to its preparation, an adhesive system, a method of producing a wood based product, a product obtainable thereby and use of the adhesive composition or the adhesive system. 1. An aqueous adhesive composition comprising at least one synthetic polymer and from 1 to 99 wt % on a dry/dry basis of lupin protein , said at least one synthetic polymer being at least one of homo- or co-polymers of vinylacetate , homo or co-polymers of esters of (meth)acrylic acid , homo- or co-polymers of (meth)acrylic acid , homo- or co-polymers of (meth)acrylamide , homo- or co-polymers of vinyl alcohol , polyurethane , or styrene-butadiene co-polymers.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one synthetic polymer is at least one of polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) claim 1 , polyethylene vinylacetate (EVA) claim 1 , co-polymers of vinylchloride and vinylacetate or ethylene vinylacetate claim 1 , polyethylene-acrylic acid (PEAA) claim 1 , ethylene methyl acrylate copolymer (EMA) claim 1 , polyethyl methacrylate (PEMA) claim 1 , co-polymers of vinylacetate and other esters claim 1 , polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) claim 1 , styrene acrylate co-polymers claim 1 , or styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR).3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the synthetic polymer comprises carboxylic groups or carboxylic anhydride groups.4. The composition as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the synthetic polymer is a co-polymer from monomers comprising vinyl ester monomers claim 3 , (meth)acrylate monomers and carboxylic acid or carboxylic anhydride group containing monomers.5. The composition as claimed in wherein the dry content is from 5 to 90 wt %.6. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of synthetic polymer in the composition is 10 to 90 wt % on a dry/dry basis.7. A method for the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253463A1
Автор: Mansfield Todd Leon
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A stretch laminate includes a first layer including an elastomer film, the first layer having a surface, and a second layer including a nonwoven material, the second layer having a surface that is attached to the surface of the first layer. The tensile behavior in the transverse direction of the stretch laminate is within about 2.5 N/cm of the tensile behavior in the transverse direction of the film at an engineering strain of about 1.5, and exists independent of mechanical activation. A method of making the stretch laminate and an absorbent article having at least one region defined by the stretch laminate are also provided. 1. A stretch laminate comprising:(a) a first layer comprising an elastomer film, the first layer having a surface;(b) a second layer comprising a nonwoven material, the second layer having a surface that is attached to the surface of the first layer;(c) a third layer comprising a nonwoven material, the third layer having a surface that is attached to the first layer on a surface opposite the second layer; and(d) adhesive disposed between the first layer and the second layer, and disposed between the first layer and the third layer;wherein the adhesive disposed between any two layers is applied in (i) a continuous layer, or (ii) a discontinuous pattern; andwherein the tensile behavior in the transverse direction of the stretch laminate is within about 2.5 N/cm of the tensile behavior in the transverse direction of the film at an engineering strain of about 1.5, and exists independent of mechanical activation.2. The stretch laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the tensile behavior in the transverse direction of the stretch laminate is within about 1 N/cm of the tensile behavior in the transverse direction of the film at an engineering strain of about 1.5.3. The stretch laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the laminate has an energy recovery value of 0.1 or higher for engineering strains between about 0.5 to about 2.5.4. The stretch laminate ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260165A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.

A cBN sintered body tool has the following feature. In at least one cross sectional surface of the cBN sintered body tool taken along a plane perpendicular to a joining surface having the largest area in joining surfaces between the cBN sintered body and the joining layer, a point C and a point D are assumed to represent points away by ¼ of the length of a line segment connecting a point A and a point B shown in a figure. A value obtained when an area of a region surrounded by a line segment connecting the point C and the point D, the first cBN particle, the second cBN particle, and the binder phase is divided by the length of the line segment connecting the point A and point B to each other is 0.14-0.6 μm. 1. A cubic boron nitride sintered body tool in which a cubic boron nitride sintered body is joined to a tool base material via a joining layer , whereinsaid cubic boron nitride sintered body contains cubic boron nitride particles by not less than 30 volume % and not more than 95 volume % and a binder phase by not less than 5 volume % and not more than 70 volume %,said binder phase is composed of at least one first compound and at least one Al compound, or is composed of at least one second compound,said first compound is a compound composed of at least one element belonging to one of a group IVa element, a group Va element, and a group VIa element in a periodic table, and at least one element selected from a group consisting of nitrogen, carbon, boron, and oxygen, or is a solid solution of said compound,said second compound is a compound selected from a group consisting of a Co compound, an Al compound, and a W compound, or is a solid solution of said compound,said joining layer contains Ti by 5 mass % or greater and Zr by 5 mass % or greater relative to a whole of said joining layer with a remainder thereof containing Cu while a total of said Ti and said Zr is 90 mass % or smaller, or said joining layer contains Ti by 1 mass % or greater and Cu by 15 mass % or ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273266A1

Provided is an adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material that can easily be bonded to another surface material (such as a display panel) and that, when bonded to another surface material, is less likely to have voids left at the interface between the adhesive layer and another surface material. An adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material comprises an adhesive layer formed on at least one surface of a protective plate (a transparent surface material), wherein the adhesive layer has a layer portion spreading over the surface of the protective plate and a barrier portion surrounding the periphery of the layer portion ; and the layer portion is made of a cured product of a layer portion-forming curable resin composition comprising a curable compound (II) and a non-curable oligomer (D). 1. An adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material comprising a transparent surface material and an adhesive layer formed on at least one surface of the transparent surface material , wherein the adhesive layer has a layer portion spreading over the surface of the transparent surface material and a barrier portion surrounding the periphery of the layer portion; and the layer portion is made of a cured product of a layer portion-forming curable resin composition comprising the following curable compound (II) and the following non-curable oligomer (D):Curable compound (II): at least one curable compound which undergoes a curing reaction at the time of curing the curable resin composition, provided that at least one of said at least one curable compound has a hydroxy group which is not reactive at the time of curing the curable resin composition;Non-curable oligomer (D): an oligomer which does not undergo a curing reaction with the curable compound (II) at the time of curing the curable composition and which has a hydroxy group.2. The adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material according to claim 1 , wherein the curable compound (II) contains a monomer ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273267A1

Provided is an adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material that can easily be bonded to another surface material (a display panel, etc.) and that, when bonded to another surface material, is less likely to have voids left at the interface between the adhesive layer and another surface material. An adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material comprises an adhesive layer formed on at least one surface of a protective plate (a transparent surface material), wherein the adhesive layer has a layer portion spreading over the surface of the protective plate and a barrier portion surrounding the periphery of the layer portion ; and the layer portion has a shear modulus at 35° C. of from 0.5 to 100 kPa. 1. An adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material comprising a transparent surface material and an adhesive layer formed on at least one surface of the transparent surface material , wherein the adhesive layer has a layer portion spreading over the surface of the transparent surface material and a barrier portion surrounding the periphery of the layer portion; and the layer portion has a shear modulus at 35° C. of from 0.5 to 100 kPa.2. The adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material according to claim 1 , wherein the layer portion is made of a cured product of a layer portion-forming curable resin composition comprising the following curable compound (II) and the following non-curable oligomer (D):Curable compound (II): at least one curable compound which undergoes a curing reaction at the time of curing the curable resin composition, provided that at least one of said at least one curable compound has a hydroxy group which is not reactive at the time of curing the curable resin composition;Non-curable oligomer (D): an oligomer which does not undergo a curing reaction with the curable compound (II) at the time of curing the curable composition and which has a hydroxy group.3. The adhesive layer-equipped transparent surface material ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273356A1
Принадлежит: DOW BRASIL S.A.

This invention relates to the modification of polyolefin structures, parts or components, used in assemblies to enhance the bonding of polar adhesives to surface of the polyolefin structures. Disclosed herein are novel articles comprising polyolefin structures having one or more surfaces modified according to the invention. The polyolefin structures have one or more surfaces with an epoxy resin layer disposed directly on the surface and then disposed on the epoxy resin layer is a layer of one or more compounds, oligomers or prepolymers having reactive isocyanate groups. The invention is also a method for modifying one or more surfaces of a polyolefin structure by successively depositing on the surfaces an epoxy resin layer disposed and a layer of one or more compounds, oligomers or prepolymers having reactive isocyanate groups. Also disclosed are kits of the modified polyolefin structures and one or more of adhesives or coatings having polar reactive groups. Further disclosed are methods of bonding the modified polyolefin structures to other substrates by contacting adhesives having polar reactive groups with the modified surfaces and the other substrates with the adhesive disposed therebetween. Also disclosed are coating methods which comprise contacting one or more coatings comprising polar reactive groups with the modified surfaces of the polyolefin structure. 1. An article comprising:a polyolefin substrate;disposed on one of more surfaces of the polyolefin substrate is a layer having a dry thickness of about 1 μm to about 20 μm comprising a resin containing reactive epoxy groups; anddisposed on the layer or a resin containing reactive epoxy groups is a layer having a dry thickness of about 10 μm to about 25 μm of a composition containing one or more compounds, oligomers or prepolymers having reactive isocyanate groups.2. (canceled)3. An article according to wherein the layer of the one or more compounds claim 1 , oligomers or prepolymers having reactive ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273362A1

Described herein is a UV-radiation curable pressure sensitive adhesive comprising: a polymerization reaction product of: (a) 0.5 to 25 wt % of a hydroxyl-containing (meth)acryate monomer of formula (I): wherein R1 is CHor H; and R2 is (i) a hydrocarbon moiety comprising at least 3 carbon atoms and a hydroxide group, or (ii) the hydrocarbon moiety comprising at least 4 carbon atoms, a catenary heteroatom, and a hydroxide group; (b) 0 to 3 wt % of polar crosslinkable monomer; (c) 40 to 99.5 wt % of a Cto C(meth)acrylate ester monomer; (d) 5 to 30 parts of a hydrogenated hydrocarbon tackifier per 100 parts the weight sum of all monomers; and (e) 0.01 to 3 parts (solid/solid) of a cross-linking agent per 100 parts the weight sum of all monomers; and wherein the polymerization reaction product is substantially free of solvent. 2. The pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the Cto C(meth)acrylate ester monomer is selected from at least one of: butyl acrylate claim 1 , isooctyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-ethylhexyl acrylate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the polar crosslinkable monomer is acrylic acid.4. The pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linking agent is selected from: a triazine claim 1 , a multifunctional acrylate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenated hydrocarbon tackifier is a C.6. The pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the polymerized reaction product has a molecular weight of 500 claim 1 ,000 to 3 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.7. The pressure sensitive adhesive of claim 1 , wherein the (meth)acryate monomer of formula (I) is selected from at least one of:{'sub': 2', '2', 'n, 'CH═CZC(O)O—(CH)OH where n is 3 to 20;'}{'sub': 2', '2', 'n, 'CH═CZC(O)O—(CHO)H where n is 2 to 13;'}{'sub': 2', 'n, 'CH═CZC(O)O—[RO]H where n is 1 to 13 and R linear or branched comprising 1 to 20 carbon atoms;'}{'sub': ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280496A1
Принадлежит: Jowat AG

The invention relates to a method for mounting an edge, more particularly plastics edge, onto a material, and also to the products obtained in this way, and to the use thereof. 1. A method for mounting an edge band onto at least one narrow side of a panel-like workpiece by means of adhesive bonding , wherein(a) first, the edge band is provided, on its side to be joined to the workpiece with an adhesive layer which can be activated by means of laser radiation, wherein the laser-activatable adhesive layer is obtained starting from a dispersion or solution of at least one adhesive polymer to which at least one laser radiation-absorbing additive is added, and(b) thereafter, the edge band thus provided with the laser-activatable adhesive layer is mounted, with exposure to laser radiation, onto at least one narrow side of the workpiece, while being adhesively bonded durably to the at least one narrow side of the workpiece.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the edge band comprises a thermoplastic or thermoset material based on (i) polyolefins; (ii) polymethacrylates (PMA); (iii) polymethylmethacrylates (PMMA); (iv) polyvinyl chloride (PVC); (v) polyvinylidene halides; (vi) acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene copolymers (ABS); (vii) polyamides (PA); (viii) polycarbonates (PC); (ix) melamine-formaldehyde resins; (x) epoxy resins; (xi) phenolic resins; and (xii) urea resins; andwherein the workpiece material used is selected among wood, wood substitutes, plastics, metals or glass, preferably wood or wood substitutes.3. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the edge band, before it is provided with the dispersion or solution of the adhesive polymer, is provided with an adhesion promoter or is subjected to a surface-activation.4. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the dispersion or solution of the adhesive polymer used in method step (a) for providing the edge band with a laser-activatable adhesive layer is formed on an aqueous basis or organic basis; andwherein ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280528A1

A method of making a composite material, the method comprising: providing a tile, wherein the tile comprises an inorganic material; and bonding the tile to a ductile backing material using heat-curable adhering material and catalyzed foamable exothermic material between the tile and the ductile backing material, wherein heat generated from the use of the catalyzed foamable exothermic material cures the heat-curable adhering material. In some embodiments, the exotherm from the foaming of the foamable exothermic material cures the heat-curable adhering material for a time sufficient to unite a solid foam body to the heat-curable adhering material of the tile and the ductile backing material. The method is particularly advantageous in bonding a tile composed of nano-particles to a ductile backing material, as it helps retain the nanoscale properties of the nano-particles in the tile. 1. A method of making a composite material , the method comprising:providing a tile, wherein the tile comprises an inorganic material; andbonding the tile to a ductile backing material using heat-curable adhering material and catalyzed foamable exothermic material between the tile and the ductile backing material, wherein heat generated from the use of the catalyzed foamable exothermic material cures the heat-curable adhering material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of bonding comprises:wetting an interior surface of the tile with the heat-curable adhering material;wetting an interior surface of the ductile backing material with the heat-curable adhering material;forming an interior volume between the tile and the ductile backing material, wherein the interior surface of the tile and the interior surface of the ductile backing material are facing one another, and wherein the interior surface of the tile and the interior surface of the ductile backing material each form a boundary of the interior volume;inserting the catalyzed foamable exothermic material into the interior ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280886A1

A wafer processing laminate is provided comprising a support (), a temporary adhesive layer (), and a wafer (). The temporary adhesive layer () has a trilayer structure consisting of a first temporary bond layer (A) of thermoplastic siloxane bond-free polymer, a second temporary bond layer (B) of thermoplastic siloxane polymer, and a third temporary bond layer (C) of thermosetting modified siloxane polymer. In a peripheral region, the second layer (B) is removed so that the first layer (A) is in close contact with the third layer (C). 1. A wafer processing laminate comprising a support , a temporary adhesive layer on the support , and a wafer laid contiguous to the temporary adhesive layer , the wafer having a circuit-forming front surface and a back surface to be processed ,said temporary adhesive layer being a composite temporary adhesive layer having a trilayer structure consisting of a first temporary bond layer (A) of thermoplastic siloxane bond-free polymer which is releasably bonded to the front surface of the wafer, a second temporary bond layer (B) of thermoplastic siloxane polymer which is laid contiguous to a central region of the first temporary bond layer excluding a peripheral region, and a third temporary bond layer (C) of thermosetting modified siloxane polymer which is laid contiguous to the support, wherein in the peripheral region where the second temporary bond layer (B) is removed, a peripheral portion of the first temporary bond layer (A) is in close contact with a peripheral portion of the third temporary bond layer (C).2. The wafer processing laminate of wherein a ratio of the removal of the peripheral region of the secondary temporary bond layer (B) to the radius of the wafer is 0.1 to 20%.3. The wafer processing laminate of wherein the peripheral region where the second temporary bond layer (B) is removed is a region extending between the outermost periphery of the wafer and a position spaced apart 0.5 to 10 mm radially inward from the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Adhesive member for manufacturing printed circuit board, printed circuit board, and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130284505A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Disclosed herein are an adhesive member for manufacturing a printed circuit board, a printed circuit board, and a method of manufacturing the same. The printed circuit board includes a base substrate, an insulating layer formed on the base substrate, a primer layer formed on the insulating layer, and a circuit layer formed on the primer layer.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288012A1
Автор: Wagoner Glenn L.

A contoured wood sheet and a method of making a contoured wood sheet are provided. The contoured wood sheet has a length, a height, and a width, and a top side that is spaced apart from a rear side by the height. The width of the contoured wood sheet varies across at least a part of the length to define the contour of the contoured wood sheet. The contoured wood sheet comprises a plurality of wood elements that have the same length and height as the contoured wood sheet, and the width of at least one wood element varies along its length. The wood elements are joined together along the edges extending in the direction of the length of the wood elements. 1. A method of making a contoured wood sheet , the method comprising:(i) providing a plurality of wood sheets, each wood sheet having a front edge and a rear edge, and a top side and a rear side extending between the front edge and the rear edge, wherein the top side and the rear side are spaced apart from one another by a thickness;(ii) reducing the thickness between the top side and the rear side in at least a part of at least one wood sheet provided in (i) to form an intermediate wood sheet having in at least a part of the sheet a tapered or a curved form;(iii) gluing the top side or rear side of the intermediate wood sheet formed in (ii) to a top side or rear side of another intermediate wood sheet formed in (ii) or to a top side or rear side of a wood sheet provided in (i), such that an adhesion layer is formed between the sheets, whereby a block of wood comprising intermediate wood sheets, or intermediate wood sheets and wood sheets is formed; and(iv) slicing the block of wood formed in (iii) such that the slicing plane extends perpendicularly to the adhesion layers to form a contoured wood sheet.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the contoured wood sheet is a veneer sheet.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wood sheet provided in step (i) is a veneer sheet.4. The method according to claim ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288062A1

A method of producing a layer of a UV-cured silicone rubber composition on a substrate surface, including applying a primer composition to the substrate surface and hardening the primer composition followed by applying a UV-curable silicone rubber composition, and UV-curing the curable silicone rubber composition. At least one UV-sensitive crosslinking catalyst selected from compounds which initiate and promote curing of UV-curable silicone rubber compositions, is added to the silicone primer composition in any desired sequence before, during or after hardening of the silicone primer composition. 1. A method of producing a layer of a UV-cured silicone rubber composition on a substrate surface , the method comprising:applying a silicone primer composition to the substrate surface and hardening said silicone primer composition,followed by applying a UV-curable silicone rubber composition on the silicone primer composition, and UV-curing said UV-curable silicone rubber composition, to obtain an electrical insulator,wherein at least one UV-sensitive crosslinking catalyst which initiates and promotes curing of the UV-curable silicone rubber composition, is added to or applied on the silicone primer composition before, during or after hardening of said silicone primer composition,wherein the UV-sensitive crosslinking catalyst is formed from at least one metal selected from the group consisting of iron, ruthenium, osmium, cobalt, rhodium, iridium, nickel, palladium and platinum.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said UV-curable silicone rubber composition applied to the surface of the hardened silicone primer composition is a room temperature UV-curable silicone rubber composition.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said UV-curable silicone rubber composition applied onto the hardened primer composition is cured by UV-radiation.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the primer composition comprises at least one compound selected from a hydrolysable ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Laminated Composite Material and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20130288554A1
Принадлежит: Mallen Industries, Inc.

Laminated composite materials for industrial molded applications and methods of making same. The laminated composite material includes a fabric layer, an adhesive layer, and a backing layer, wherein the backing layer is vinyl, and wherein the fabric layer is formed from a circular-knit material, thereby providing a laminate composite material having improved stretch and moldability for industrial applications. 1. A laminated composite material for industrial molded applications comprising: a multilayer material further comprising a fabric layer , an adhesive layer , and a backing layer; wherein the adhesive layer is positioned between the fabric layer and the backing layer for fixedly attaching the fabric layer and the backing layer; and wherein the multilayer material is moldable to conform and retain a shape of a three-dimensional object.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer material is moldable to conform and substantially retain the shape of an industrial seating component.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer material is moldable to conform and substantially retain the shape of an automotive interior component.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the multilayer material is moldable to conform and substantially retain the shape of an automotive exterior component.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the backing layer is selected from the group consisting of a vinyl backing layer claim 1 , a film backing layer claim 1 , and a foam backing layer.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is a urethane adhesive.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is applied in the minimum amount required to adhere the layers.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is applied in an amount required to adhere the layers and to achieve an acceptable bond between the fabric layer and the backing layer.9. The material of claim 8 , wherein the material has a breaking strength of at least about 200 lbf in length and at least about ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292031A1

A label material for use with water-based adhesives. The label material includes a synthetic paper having an upper surface and a lower surface. The synthetic paper includes a biaxially-oriented polymeric sheet having a voided layer. A printable coating is optionally provided on an upper surface of the polymeric sheet and an adhesive-receiving coating is provided on a lower surface of the polymeric sheet. The polymeric sheet has a density of not more than 0.55 g·cm. The adhesive-receiving coating includes a polymeric binder and an absorbent pigment and has a surface energy of at least 40 dyne·cm. 1. A label material for use with water-based adhesives , said label material comprising a synthetic paper having an upper surface and a lower surface , the synthetic paper including a biaxially-oriented polymeric sheet having a voided layer , and either no lower skin layer or a lower skin layer with a thickness of no more than 2 μm , and an adhesive-receiving coating on a lower surface of the polymeric sheet , wherein the polymeric sheet has a density of less than 0.55 g·cm , and the adhesive-receiving coating includes a polymeric binder and an absorbent pigment , and has a surface energy of at least 40 dyne·cm.2. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic paper has a grammage of not more than 80 g·m.3. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic paper has a thickness of at least 100 μm.4. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the voided layer has a density of not more than 0.50 g cm.5. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the voided layer has a thickness of at least 90 μm.6. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the biaxially-oriented polymeric sheet includes a substantially unvoided upper skin layer.7. The label material of claim 6 , wherein the upper skin layer has a thickness in the range 5-15 μm.8. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the voided layer has a density of less than 0.5 g·cm.9. The label material of claim 1 , wherein the voided ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295365A1
Автор: Girotra Kapil

A process for the acetylation of wood comprising submerging the wood in an acetylation fluid under pressure, and subsequently heating the wood under controlled conditions to initiate two distinct exothermic reactions. The process permits the simultaneous upgrading of large quantities of commercial wood sizes having a natural durability class 4 or class 5 to a unique product of durability class 1 or class 2. 1. Acetylated wood having:{'sub': 2', 'i', '2', '1, 'a) a radial shrinkage ratio R/Rof 0.27 to 0.64 wherein Ris the radial shrinkage after acetylation and Ris the shrinkage before acetylation, and'}{'sub': 2', '1', '2', '1, 'b) a tangential shrinkage ratio T/Tof 0.26 to 0.48 wherein Tis the tangential shrinkage after acetylation and Tis the shrinkage before acetylation.'}2. The acetylated wood according to wherein the ratio R/Ris 0.30 to 0.58 and the ratio T/Tis 0.29 to 0.44.3. The acetylated wood according to having a loss of dry stiffness after wetting of less than 10%.4. The acetylated wood according to wherein the loss of dry stiffness is not less than 8.6%.5. The acetylated wood piece according to having a width of 2 cms to 30 cms a thickness of 2 cms to 16 cms and a length of from 1.5 metres to 6.0 metres.6. The acetylated wood piece according to having a width of 2 cms to 10 cms a thickness of 2 cms to 10 cms and a length of 1.5 metres to 4.0 metres.7. The acetylated wood according to acetylated to 14% to 22% by weight at its geometrical centre.8. A process for the acetylation of wood comprising the steps:(a) in a reaction pressure vessel submerging wood having a moisture content of 6% to 20% by weight in an acetylation fluid at a temperature of 10° C. to 120°;(b) increasing the pressure in the vessel to 2 to 20 bar for a period of 10 minutes to 300 minutes;(c) removing excess acetylation fluid from the vessel;(d) introducing into the vessel an inert fluid, circulating and heating the fluid until the internal temperature of the wood begins to show an ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295382A1
Принадлежит: UNITIKA LTD.

The present invention provides a polyester film wherein an adhesive layer including a thermoplastic elastomer including a monovinyl substituted aromatic hydrocarbon and a conjugated diene, a compatibilizer having a glass transition temperature of 35 to 150° C., and a polyester resin having a glass transition temperature of 35 to 150° C. and a carboxyl group content of 10 to 100 mg KOH/g is laminated on a polyester substrate. 1. A polyester film wherein an adhesive layer comprising a thermoplastic elastomer including a monovinyl substituted aromatic hydrocarbon and a conjugated diene , a compatibilizer having a glass transition temperature of 35 to 150° C. , and a polyester resin having a glass transition temperature of 35 to 150° C. and a carboxyl group content of 10 to 100 mg KOH/g is laminated on a polyester substrate.2. The polyester film according to claim 1 , being a base film for use in a photosensitive resin printing plate.3. A photosensitive resin structure wherein a photosensitive resin layer is disposed on the adhesive layer of the polyester film according to .4. The photosensitive resin structure according to claim 3 , wherein the photosensitive resin layer comprises a thermoplastic elastomer claim 3 , an ethylenically unsaturated compound and a photopolymerization initiator.5. The photosensitive resin structure according to claim 4 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer included in the photosensitive resin layer comprises a first polymer block including a conjugated diene unit or a hydrogenated conjugated diene unit and a second polymer block including a vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon unit.6. The photosensitive resin structure according to claim 4 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer included in the photosensitive resin layer comprises a first polymer block including a butadiene unit or a hydrogenated butadiene unit and a second polymer block including a vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon unit.7. A photosensitive resin structure wherein a photosensitive resin layer ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295388A1

The present invention relates to an epoxy resin composition and a copper clad laminate manufactured by using same. The epoxy resin composition comprises the following components and weight percentages thereof: epoxy resin 20-70%, curing agent 1-30%, accelerator 0-10%, fluororesin micropowder filler 1-60% and inorganic filler 0-60%, and further comprises a suitable amount of solvent. The copper clad laminate manufactured by using the epoxy resin composition comprises a prepreg and copper foils covering two sides of the prepreg, the prepreg comprising a reinforced material and the epoxy resin composition, which is adhered to the reinforced material after dipping and drying. The copper clad laminate manufactured by using the epoxy resin composition has excellent comprehensive performance, low water absorption, conductive anodic-filament resistance and good processability and meets requirements for processing an assembling of printed circuit boards. 18.-. (canceled)9. An epoxy resin composition , comprising the following components and weight percentages thereof: epoxy resin 20-70% , curing agent 1-30% , accelerator 0-10% , fluororesin micropowder filler 1-60% , and inorganic filler 0-60% , and further comprising a suitable amount of solvent , Wherein the fluororesin of the fluororesin micropowder filler is the homopolymer of the monomer CFHClor copolymer of CFHCland —{CFH(OCH)—} , wherein x=1-4 , y=0-3; m is an integer of greater than or equal to 1; a and n are the integers of greater than or equal to 1; b and c are the integers of greater than or equal to 0; 2a−b−c≧0; said fluororesin is tetrafluoroethylene resin , tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoro alkoxyethylene copolymer resin , tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer resin , tetrafluorethylene-ethylene copolymer resin , vinylidene fluoride resin , trifluorochloroethylene resin or ethylene-trifluorochloroethylene resin.10. The epoxy resin composition according to claim 9 , wherein the fluororesin ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300223A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A molded structure according to the present invention is formed from a molding resin which includes at least a thermosetting resin, a thermoplastic resin, and an electrically insulating inorganic filler subjected to a surface treatment with a coupling agent, and which contains the coupling agent in an amount 0.5 times to 2 times the amount of the coupling agent necessary to cover the total surface area of the inorganic filler. Thus, the adhesion is improved between the resin and the inorganic filler in the molding resin, and a molded structure can be achieved which has a high thermal conductivity and high dimensional stability. 1. A molded structure formed from a molding resin , at least a thermosetting resin;', 'a thermoplastic resin; and', 'an electrically insulating inorganic filler subjected to a surface treatment with a coupling agent, and, 'the molding resin includingthe molding resin containing the coupling agent in an amount 0.5 times to 2 times an amount of the coupling agent necessary to cover a total surface area of the inorganic filler.2. The molded structure according to claim 1 , wherein the thermosetting resin is an unsaturated polyester resin claim 1 , and the thermoplastic resin is a polystyrene resin incompatible with the unsaturated polyester resin.3. The molded structure according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic filler contains a metal hydrate.4. The molded structure according to claim 3 , wherein a content of the metal hydrate is twice or more than a total content of the thermosetting resin and the thermoplastic resin.5. The molded structure according to claim 1 , wherein a total content of the thermosetting resin and the thermoplastic resin in the molding resin ranges from 16% to 25% of the molding resin claim 1 , and a mixture ratio of the thermoplastic resin to the total content ranges from 11% to 67%.6. A motor comprising a molded structure obtained by mold forming of a magnet coil wound on at least an iron core with the molding resin ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302573A1

The invention relates to a method for mounting an edge, more particularly plastics edge, onto a material, and also to the products obtained in this way, and to the use thereof. 1. A method for mounting an edge band onto at least one narrow side of a panel-like workpiece by means of adhesive bonding , wherein(a) first, the edge band, on its side to be joined to the workpiece, is provided with an adhesive layer which is activatable by means of energy input, wherein the adhesive layer activatable by means of energy input is obtained starting from a dispersion or solution of at least one adhesive polymer in the absence of an energy-absorbing additive, wherein the adhesive polymer is selected from polyvinyl acetates; and(b) thereafter, the edge band thus provided with the adhesive layer which can be activated by means of energy input is mounted, with exposure to energy, onto at least one narrow side of the workpiece, while being adhesively bonded durably to the at least one narrow side of the workpiece.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the edge band comprises a thermoplastic or thermoset material based on (i) polyolefins; (ii) polymethacrylates (PMA); (iii) polymethyl methacrylates (PMMA); (iv) polyvinyl chloride (PVC); (v) polyvinylidene halides; (vi) acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene copolymers (ABS); (vii) polyamides (PA); (viii) polycarbonates (PC); (ix) melamine-formaldehyde resins; (x) epoxy resins; (xi) phenolic resins; and (xii) urea resins; andwherein the panel-like workpiece is made of wood, wood substitutes, plastics, metals or glass.3. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the edge band, prior to furnishing with the dispersion or solution of the adhesive polymer, is provided with an adhesion promoter or is subjected to a surface-activation.4. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the dispersion or solution of the adhesive polymer, which is used in method step (a) for providing the edge band with an adhesive layer which is activatable by means of ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302619A1

A substrate manufacturing method includes steps of: providing a transparent substrate; applying an adhesive layer to a surface of the transparent substrate; disposing a flexible substrate on the adhesive layer to form a multi-layer structure; disposing the multi-layer structure over the reflector, in which the reflector has a first reflecting region and a second reflecting region, and the reflectivity of the first reflecting region is greater than the reflectivity of the second reflecting region; and hardening the adhesive layer by performing an ultraviolet radiation toward the multi-layer structure to form a first hardened portion and a second hardened portion. 1. A substrate manufacturing method comprising:providing a transparent substrate, wherein the transparent substrate comprises a first surface and a second surface opposite to each other;applying an adhesive layer to the first surface of the transparent substrate;disposing a flexible substrate on the adhesive layer to form a multi-layer structure;disposing the multi-layer structure over a reflector, wherein the reflector has a first reflecting region and a second reflecting region, and the reflectivity of the first reflecting region is greater than the reflectivity of the second reflecting region; andhardening the adhesive layer by performing an ultraviolet radiation toward the multi-layer structure to form a first hardened portion and a second hardened portion respectively corresponding to the first reflecting region and the second reflecting region, wherein the adhesion between the first hardened portion and the flexible substrate is different from the adhesion between the second hardened portion and the flexible substrate.2. The substrate manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the reflector is disposed at a side of the flexible substrate that is away from the adhesive layer.3. The substrate manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the reflector is disposed on the second surface of the transparent ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302631A1
Автор: Li Kaichang

A formaldehyde-free aqueous adhesive composition comprising (a) soy protein and (b) magnesium oxide or a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide, wherein components (a) and (b) together constitute at least 50 weight percent of the composition, excluding the weight of the water. 1. An aqueous adhesive composition comprising (a) soy protein and (b) magnesium oxide or a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide , wherein components (a) and (b) together constitute at least 50 weight percent of the composition , excluding the weight of the water.2. An aqueous adhesive composition comprising the reaction product of (a) soy protein and (b) magnesium oxide or a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide , wherein components (a) and (b) together constitute at least 50 weight percent of the composition , excluding the weight of the water.3. An adhesive composition , wherein the composition is made from the following active ingredients:(a) soy protein; and(b) magnesium oxide; whereincomponents (a) and (b) together constitute at least 50 weight percent of the active ingredients.4. An aqueous adhesive composition comprising (a) soy protein and (b) magnesium oxide or a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide , wherein components (a) and (b) are the only adhesive-active components in the composition.5. An aqueous adhesive composition comprising the reaction product of (a) soy protein and (b) magnesium oxide or a mixture of magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide , wherein components (a) and (b) are the only active components in the composition.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein components (a) and (b) together constitute at least 90 weight percent of the composition claim 1 , excluding the weight of the water.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the soy protein is selected from soy flour claim 1 , soy protein concentrate claim 1 , soy protein isolate claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303958A1

Provided are medical articles (e.g., wound dressings) that include a pressure sensitive adhesive layer and methods of making the medical articles using immiscible materials that increase moisture vapor transmission rates. 1. A medical article comprising:a PSA layer comprising acid-functional groups or basic-functional groups, wherein the PSA includes at least 0.42 mmoles acidic- or basic-functional groups per gram PSA; andan MVTR-modifying material that is basic when the PSA comprises acidic-functional groups or is acidic when the PSA comprises basic-functional groups;wherein the MVTR-modifying material is immiscible with the PSA, and reacts with the functional groups of the PSA upon contact to form a poly-salt in the presence of fluid; andwherein the PSA comprises a hydrophilic polymer component.2. The medical article of claim 1 , wherein the PSA comprises a functional polymer claim 1 , and wherein said polymer is prepared from at least 3 wt-% acidic- or basic-functional monomers claim 1 , based on the total weight of the PSA.34-. (canceled)5. The medical article of claim 1 , wherein the MVTR-modifying material is disposed on a surface of the PSA layer.6. The medical article of claim 5 , wherein the MVTR-modifying material is pattern coated onto the surface of the PSA layer.7. The medical article of further comprising a second PSA layer claim 1 , wherein the MVTR-modifying material is disposed between the two PSA layers.8. The medical article claim 1 , wherein the MVTR-modifying material is incorporated within a scaffold that is in contact with the PSA layer.9. The medical article of any one of claim 1 , wherein the medical article comprises a backing and the MVTR-modifying material is disposed between the PSA layer and the backing.10. The medical article of further comprising a pH-altering layer claim 1 , wherein the MVTR-modifying material is disposed between the PSA layer and the pH-altering layer claim 1 , and wherein the pH-altering layer comprises a pH- ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312898A1
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

The present invention provides multiple layer interlayers having a soft inner polymer layer and relatively stiff outer layers that can be laminated without unacceptable optical distortion and used in various multiple layer glass panel type applications. Multiple layer interlayers of the present invention have surface topography that is formed by controlling the melt fracture that occurs at the exposed surface of the interlayer, or individual layers of the multiple layer interlayer, during formation of the interlayer. By precisely controlling the surface topography of the interlayer, lamination of the interlayer with a rigid substrate does not lead to unacceptable optical distortion caused by the transfer of the surface topography through outer, stiffer layers into softer, internal layers of the interlayer. 1. A method for producing a poly(vinyl butyral) interlayer comprising:forming a first poly(vinyl butyral) melt, a second poly(vinyl butyral) melt, and a third poly(vinyl butyral) melt;coextruding said first poly(vinyl butyral) melt, said second poly(vinyl butyral) melt, and said third poly(vinyl butyral) melt to form said interlayer comprising, in order, a first low plasticizer content poly(vinyl butyral) layer, a high plasticizer content poly(vinyl butyral) layer with 30 to 100 phr by weight plasticizer, and a second low plasticizer content poly(vinyl butyral), and{'sub': z', 'sm, 'controlling melt fracture during coextruding such that both surfaces of said interlayer have an Rof 20-60 microns and an Rof less than 800 microns that is imparted by melt-fracture;'}wherein the first low plasticizer content poly(vinyl butyral) layer has a tensile break stress that is at least 15 kilograms per square centimeter greater than the tensile break stress of said high plasticizer content poly(vinyl butyral) layer, and said second low plasticizer content poly(vinyl butyral) layer has a tensile break stress that is at least 15 kilograms per square centimeter greater than the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130316112A1

The invention relates to a touch screen protector for a hand held electronic device having a front face that includes a touch screen portion and a non-functional band. The touch screen protector of the invention comprises a film having front and back sides, an outer perimeter that corresponds to that of the device, and a transparent window; an exposed adhesive or adhesive/spacer provided along the outer perimeter of the film surrounding the transparent window, and multiple dots arranged in a prescribed pitch and present on the back side of the film at a density which is sufficiently high to reduce interference patterns when the transparent window of the protector is pressed against the touch screen portion for operation of the electronic device. 1. A touch screen protector for a hand held electronic device having a front face that includes a touch screen portion and a non-functional band , the touch screen protector comprising:a film having front and back sides, an outer perimeter that corresponds to that of the front face of the device, and a transparent window that corresponds in size to the touch screen portion;an exposed adhesive or adhesive/spacer combination provided on the back side of the film along the outer perimeter of the film generally surrounding the transparent window, having a thickness sufficient to space the film near but not in contact with the touch screen portion, for removably mounting the protector upon an outer perimeter of the front face to form a space between the transparent window of the film, the adhesive or adhesive/spacer combination and the touch screen portion of the device, andmultiple dots arranged in a prescribed pitch and present on the back side of the film at a density which is sufficiently high to reduce interference patterns when the transparent window of the protector is pressed against the touch screen portion for operation of the electronic device,wherein the dots extend from the film by a distance that is less than the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323481A1
Автор: Gasworth Steven Marc
Принадлежит: EXATEC, LLC

In an embodiment, a vehicle component comprises a thermoplastic element having a thermoplastic element first surface and a thermoplastic element second surface; a structural element defining an opening, wherein the structural element has a structural element first surface and a structural element second surface, wherein the thermoplastic element is in the opening; and an elastic anisotropic bonding element between the thermoplastic element second surface and the structural element first surface. In an embodiment, a method of forming a plastic assembly comprises forming an anisotropic bonding element comprising a layer comprising a bonding element matrix without elongated members, a layer comprising a bonding element matrix comprising elongated members, and a layer comprising a bonding element matrix without elongated members; attaching the anisotropic bonding element to a structural element and a thermoplastic element, wherein the anisotropic bonding element is between a thermoplastic element second surface and a structural element first surface. 1. A vehicle component , comprising:a thermoplastic element having a thermoplastic element first surface and a thermoplastic element second surface;a structural element defining an opening, wherein the structural element has a structural element first surface and a structural element second surface, wherein the thermoplastic element is in the opening; andan elastic anisotropic bonding element between the thermoplastic element second surface and the structural element first surface.2. The vehicle component of claim 1 , wherein the anisotropic bonding element has a first elastic modulus for deformations in a first orientation direction and a second elastic modulus for deformations in a second orientation direction claim 1 , wherein the second modulus is greater than or equal to 25% larger than the first modulus.3. The vehicle component of claim 2 , wherein the first elastic modulus is for deformations perpendicular to a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Self aligning soldering

Номер: US20130323526A1
Автор: Ron HELFAN, Slava Hasin
Принадлежит: Essence Solar Solutions Ltd

A substrate pad for soldering at least one self-aligning component thereon, wherein at least one edge of a body of the substrate pad is shaped to conform to a corresponding edge of a component pad, and the at least one edge of the body of the substrate pad further include a plurality of pad fingers leading away from the substrate pad. Related apparatus and methods are also described.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323531A1

A bonded body of electrically conductive materials including a bonding interface structure in which paired bonded members () made respectively of electrically conductive materials are surface-bonded to each other. The bonding interface structure has at least: a diffusion bonding region in which the electrically conductive materials are mutually diffused; and a plastic flow bonding region which has a pressure bonded and recrystallized structure through plastic flow of the electrically conductive materials. 110.-. (canceled)11. A bonded body of electrically conductive materials comprising a bonding interface structure in which paired bonded members made respectively of electrically conductive materials are surface-bonded to each other at contact surfaces of the paired bonded members , wherein a diffusion bonding region in which the electrically conductive materials are mutually diffused; and', 'a plastic flow bonding region which has a pressure bonded and recrystallized structure through plastic flow of the electrically conductive materials, wherein the plastic flow bonding region is located outside the diffusion bonding region., 'in the surface-bonded contact surfaces, the bonding interface structure has at least12. The bonded body of electrically conductive materials according to claim 11 , wherein the surface-bonded contact surfaces are extended in a predetermined direction.13. The bonded body of electrically conductive materials according to claim 11 , whereinan intermediate member made of an electrically conductive material having a lower melting point than that of the electrically conductive material forming at least one of the paired bonded members is interposed between the paired bonded members,the intermediate member is discharged or diffused into, and thus exists in, the diffusion bonding region, andthe bonding interface structure further has an intermediate material interposed bonding region including: the intermediate member; and the diffusion bonding ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330545A1

A method for producing a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film includes the step of applying, over the optical film, a coating liquid for anchor layer comprising a mixed solvent comprising 10 to 100% by weight of water and 90 to 0% by weight of an alcohol, and a polyoxyalkylene-group-containing polymer so as to give an applied-coat thickness before drying of 20 μm or less; and next drying the workpiece under drying conditions satisfying both of the following requirements (1) and (2): 2. The method for producing the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the alcohol is isopropyl alcohol and/or ethanol.3. The method for producing the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the period from the time of applying of the coating liquid for anchor layer over the optical film to the time when drying is started is 30 seconds or less.4. The method for producing the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the anchor-layer-formed-side surface of the optical film comprises a norbornene resin or (meth)acrylic resin.5. The method for producing the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , before the step of forming the anchor layer claim 1 , a step of subjecting the anchor-layer-formed-side surface of the optical film to corona treatment or plasma treatment.6. The method for producing the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film is a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying polarizing film.7. A pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film produced by the producing method according to .8. An image display device claim 7 , using the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer-carrying optical film according to . 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333839A1
Принадлежит: IKEA Supply AG

A method of continuous manufacture of a composite hollow board material comprising a first surface and a second surface, and between the first and second surfaces a plurality of distance members is disclosed. The method comprises providing material for the first surface from a first reel via a first guide roller towards an output lane; providing material for the second surface from a second reel via a second guide roller towards the output lane; and providing material for the distance members from a third reel towards the output lane such that the distance members comprises strips arranged, at any cross section perpendicular to the first and second surfaces and the direction of the output lane, perpendicular to the first and second surfaces and continuous along the output lane. The providing of material for the distance members comprises guiding at least some of the strips in a meandering pattern, and applying an adhesive to contact the strips on opposite edges thereof such that adhesion to the material of the first and second surfaces is enabled. The first and second guide rollers press the material of the first and second surfaces to the opposite edges of the strips, respectively, such that the material of the first and second surfaces are adhered to the strips. A machine for continuous manufacture of the composite hollow board material, and a computer program for controlling a machine for continuous manufacture of the composite hollow board material are also disclosed. 1. A method of continuous manufacture of a composite hollow board material comprising a first surface and a second surface , and between the first and second surfaces a plurality of distance members , the method comprisingproviding material for the first surface from a first reel via a first guide roller towards an output lane;providing material for the second surface from a second reel via a second guide roller towards the output lane;providing material for the distance members from a third reel ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344275A1

A decoration film having a mirror effect is used in decoration panels of various home appliances or other devices. A decoration film includes a printing layer, a first base layer, and a second base layer that is adhered to the first base layer. The first base layer is a non-conductive mirror polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film and the second base layer is a scattering prevention film. The printing layer, the first base material layer, and the second base material layer are sequentially laminated. The decoration film also includes a gluing agent configured to enable the decoration film to be attached to a glass panel, thereby obtaining a panel with a mirror effect. 1. A decoration film , comprising:a first base layer, the first base layer being a non-conductive mirror polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film;a second base layer, the second base layer being a scattering prevention film and being adhered to the first base layer by an adhesive;a printing layer, the printing layer, the first base layer, and the second base layer being sequentially laminated; anda gluing agent configured to enable the decoration film to be attached to a glass panel, thereby obtaining a panel with a mirror effect.2. The decoration film of claim 1 , further comprising a third base layer claim 1 , the third base layer being a PET film and the printing layer being formed on a first surface of the third base layer claim 1 ,wherein the gluing agent is coated on a second surface of the third base layer, andwherein the printing layer is adhered to the first base layer by an adhesive coated on a surface of the printing layer.3. The decoration film of claim 2 , wherein the PET film is an optical PET film having high optical transmittance.4. The decoration film of claim 1 , further comprising a third base layer claim 1 , the third base layer being a PET film and the gluing agent being coated on a surface of the third base layer claim 1 ,wherein the printing layer is formed on a surface of the first ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344285A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

Embodiments of the invention provide a robust bonding material suitable for joining semiconductor processing chamber components. Other embodiments provide semiconductor processing chamber components joined using an adhesive material with desired characteristics. In one embodiment, an adhesive material suitable for joining semiconductor chamber components includes an adhesive material having a Young's-modulus lower than 300 psi. In another embodiment, a semiconductor chamber component includes a first surface disposed adjacent a second surface, and an adhesive material coupling the first and second surfaces, wherein the adhesive material has a Young's modulus lower than 300 psi. 1. An adhesive material suitable for joining semiconductor chamber components , comprising:an adhesive material having a Young's modulus lower than 300 psi.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material is a silicone based compound.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material is in sheet form.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material has a thermal stress less than 2 MPa.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material has a thermal conductivity between about 0.1 W/mK and about 5 W/mK.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the adhesive material is between about 100 μm and about 500 μm.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material is a preformed ring.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material has an elongation greater than 150 percent.9. A semiconductor chamber component claim 1 , comprising:a first surface disposed adjacent a second surface; andan adhesive material coupling the first surface to the second surface, wherein the adhesive material has a Young's modulus lower than 300 psi.10. The chamber component of claim 9 , wherein the adhesive material is a silicon based compound.11. The chamber component of claim 9 , wherein the first surface is ceramic and the second surface is metallic.12. The ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004354A1

Benzoylthiourea or benzoylthiourethane derivatives as cure accelerators for two part curable compositions are provided. 2. A composition comprising a bond formed between two mated substrates with the composition of .3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the (meth)acrylate component is with the general structure HC═CGCOR claim 1 , wherein G may be hydrogen or alkyl groups having from 1 to about 4 carbon atoms claim 1 , and Rmay be selected from alkyl claim 1 , cycloalkyl claim 1 , alkenyl claim 1 , cycloalkenyl claim 1 , alkaryl claim 1 , aralkyl or aryl groups having from 1 to about 16 carbon atoms claim 1 , any of which may be optionally substituted or interrupted as the case may be with silane claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , halogen claim 1 , carbonyl claim 1 , hydroxyl claim 1 , ester claim 1 , carboxylic acid claim 1 , urea claim 1 , urethane claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , amine claim 1 , amide claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , sulfonate claim 1 , and sulfone.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the (meth)acrylate component is selected from di-or tri-functional (meth)acrylates like polyethylene glycol di(meth)acrylates claim 1 , tetrahydrofuran(meth)acrylates and di(meth)acrylates claim 1 , hydroxypropyl(meth)acrylate claim 1 , hexanediol di(meth)acrylate claim 1 , trimethylol propane tri(meth)acrylate claim 1 , diethylene glycol dimethacrylate claim 1 , triethylene glycol dimethacrylate claim 1 , tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate claim 1 , dipropylene glycol dimethacrylate claim 1 , di-(pentamethylene glycol)dimethacrylate claim 1 , tetraethylene diglycol diacrylate claim 1 , diglycerol tetramethacrylate claim 1 , tetramethylene dimethacrylate claim 1 , ethylene dimethacrylate claim 1 , neopentyl glycol diacrylate claim 1 , trimethylol propane triacrylate and bisphenol-A mono and di(meth)acrylates claim 1 , and bisphenol-F mono and di(meth)acrylates.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the oxidant is selected from cumene hydroperoxide claim 1 , ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004763A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Laminate lanyards and methods for making the same are disclosed. The laminate lanyards may include a head formed from a reinforcing loop of yarn incorporated within a scrim. The head can be coupled to the head section of a body, which also includes a main section that forms the loop of the laminate lanyard. A gusset can be coupled to ends of the main section of the body to couple the two ends of the body together and facilitate opening and closing of the loop of the laminate lanyard. A slider may also be included in laminate lanyard for adjusting the size of the loop. 1. A laminate material comprising:a fiber layer comprising a plurality of fibers;a first inner adhesive layer coupled to a first side of the fiber layer;a first scrim layer coupled to the first inner adhesive layer; anda first outer adhesive layer coupled to the first scrim layer.2. The laminate material of claim 1 , further comprising:a second inner adhesive layer coupled to a second side of the fiber layer;a second scrim layer coupled to the second inner adhesive layer; anda second outer adhesive layer coupled to the second scrim layer.3. The laminate material of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fibers are comprised of a high strength material.4. The laminate material of claim 1 , wherein the fiber layer comprises untwisted Vectran® yarn.5. The laminate material of claim 1 , wherein the fiber layer comprises at least one of aramid fibers claim 1 , xylow claim 1 , nitinol claim 1 , and steel.6. The laminate material of claim 2 , wherein the fiber layer claim 2 , the first inner adhesive layer claim 2 , the second inner adhesive layer claim 2 , the first scrim layer claim 2 , the second scrim layer claim 2 , the first outer adhesive layer claim 2 , and the second outer adhesive layer are coupled to a laminate material body.7. The laminate material of claim 2 , further comprising at least one additional scrim layer coupled to the first scrim layer.8. A laminate material comprising:an inner cover layer ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017466A1
Автор: Won Jong-Seob

The present invention relates to a double-sided adhesive tape, which is easily peeled off by force applied to an adhered surface in a parallel direction thereby providing excellent reworkability. The present invention provides a double-sided adhesive tape, in which one of layers of an adhesive sheet formed of multiple layers can be easily peeled off and removed. 1. A double-sided adhesive tape comprising:a film-shaped sheet;a first adhesive layer disposed on one surface of the sheet; anda second adhesive layer disposed on the other surface of the sheet;{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein shear strength of the second adhesive layer is from about 0.05 kg/into about 16 kg/inunder the condition that temperature is 60° C., an aluminum strip and a SUS panel are used, and the cross-head speed is 10 mm/min.'}2. The double-sided adhesive tape according to claim 1 , wherein the shear strength of the first adhesive layer is the same as or larger than the shear strength of the second adhesive layer.3. The double-sided adhesive tape according to claim 1 , wherein the shear strength is less than about 1 kg/inunder the condition that the temperature is 60° C. claim 1 , an aluminum strip and a SUS panel are used claim 1 , and the cross-head speed is 10 mm/min.4. The double-sided adhesive tape according to claim 1 , wherein drop time of the second adhesive layer ranges from 20 seconds or more when 1 kg of weight is applied claim 1 , to 600 minutes or less when 3 kg of weight is applied to an area of 4.5 inat 60° C. using PMMA/PC plate and SUS panel.5. The double-sided adhesive tape according to claim 1 , wherein the drop time of the second adhesive layer ranges from 30 seconds or more when 1 kg of weight is applied claim 1 , to 300 minutes or less when 3 kg of weight is applied to an area of 4.5 inat 60° C. using PMMA/PC plate and SUS panel.6. The double-sided adhesive tape according to claim 1 , wherein the film-shaped sheet is selected from a group consisting of an acryl-based resin claim 1 ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030480A1

This invention provides a multi-layer diaphragm which is for use in fluid devices and has excellent maintainability in addition to both operability and pressure resistance. This multi-layer diaphragm is provided with a first and second plate and with an elastic adhesive layer which binds together the first and second metal plates. The elastic adhesive layer has an elastic layer that is elastic in a direction which offsets the first and second metal plates from one another in the in-plane direction. The multi-layer diaphragm is provided with a metal mounting plate which, provided in a position allowing protrusion beyond the first and second metal plates in the outer edge direction, has a mounting unit for mounting to the fluid device. 1. A multi-layer diaphragm to be attached to a fluid device , comprising:a plurality of metallic plate materials;an adhesion layer adhering the plurality of metallic plate materials to each other; andthe adhesion layer including an elastic layer, the elastic layer possessing elasticity in a direction for displacing the plurality of metallic plate materials relative to each other in an in-plane direction thereof.2. The multi-layer diaphragm according to claim 1 , further comprising:a metallic attachment plate material; andthe attachment plate material having an attachment portion configured to be attached to the fluid device, the attachment portion formed in such a manner as to project outward from an outer edge of the plurality of metallic plate materials.3. The multi-layer diaphragm according to claim 2 , wherein the metallic plate materials are adhered respectively to either side of the attachment plate material.4. The multi-layer diaphragm according to claim 3 , wherein an equal number of the plurality of metallic plate materials is attached to each side of the attachment plate material.5. The multi-layer diaphragm according to claim 2 , wherein the attachment portion includes a positioning portion that regulates a positional ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030513A1
Автор: HILL John E.
Принадлежит: LORD Coporation

A two part adhesive system is provided with the first part being a substrate-adhesive containing at least one of a urethane, an acrylic, or an epoxy based adhesive and the second part being an elastomer-primer comprising a halogenated polyolefin and, optionally a nitroso compound. Further provided is a method of post-vulcanization bonding of an elastomer to a substrate employing the adhesive outlined above. 1. A two part adhesive system comprising:(a) a substrate-adhesive comprising at least one of a urethane, an acrylic, or an epoxy based adhesive; and,(b) an elastomer-primer comprising a halogenated polyolefin and, optionally a nitroso compound.2. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the halogenated polyolefin comprises brominated poly(dichlorobutadiene).3. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the halogenated polyolefin comprises chlorinated natural rubber.4. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the halogenated polyolefin comprises chlorosulfonated polyethylene.5. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the nitroso compound comprises poly-dinitrosobenzene.6. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the substrate adhesive comprises a urethane based adhesive and further includes a catalyst.7. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the substrate adhesive comprises an epoxy based adhesive and further comprises an amine hardener.8. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the substrate adhesive comprises an acrylic based adhesive further comprising redox initiator system.9. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the substrate-adhesive is essentially free claim 1 , or free claim 1 , of phenolic resins claim 1 , other than phenolic epoxy materials.10. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the substrate-adhesive is essentially free claim 1 , or free claim 1 , of halogenated polyolefins.11. The two-part adhesive system of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer-primer is ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030540A1
Автор: Valkonen Sanna

The invention relates to a method for producing a binder composition, wherein the method comprises the following steps: (i) forming an aqueous composition comprising reactant components including lignin, a polymerizable substance and a crosslinking agent in the presence of a catalyst; (ii) cooking the formed composition until the composition has a viscosity, which corresponds to 45-95% of a predetermined viscosity value of the final binder composition; (iii) adding tannin as a reactant component to the composition; and (iv) cooking the composition at a temperature of 60-95° C. for polymerizing the reactant components until a binder composition with a predetermined viscosity value is formed. 1. A method for producing a binder composition , wherein the method comprises the following steps:(i) forming an aqueous composition comprising reactant components including lignin, a polymerizable substance and a crosslinking agent in the presence of a catalyst;(ii) cooking the formed composition until the composition has a viscosity, which corresponds to 45-95% of a predetermined viscosity value of the final binder composition;(iii) adding tannin as a reactant component to the composition; and(iv) cooking the composition at a temperature of 60-95° C. for polymerizing the reactant components until a binder composition with a predetermined viscosity value is formed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (i) of forming the aqueous composition comprises the following steps:(ia) forming a dispersion comprising lignin; and(ib) adding polymerizable substance and crosslinking agent to the dispersion for forming the aqueous composition.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein step (ia) and/or step (ib) comprises adding tannin as a reactant component.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein step (ib) comprises adding catalyst.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (i) comprises keeping the composition at a temperature of at most 65° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (ii) comprises keeping ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037893A1

An adhesively bonded article includes a metallic substrate that has an oxide layer thereon, a phosphonate bond promoter coating on the oxide layer, an adhesive material on the bond promoter coating, and a component bonded to the metallic substrate by way of the adhesive material. 1. An adhesively bonded article comprising:a metallic substrate having an oxide layer thereon;a phosphonate bond promoter coating on the oxide layer;an adhesive material on the bond promoter coating; anda component bonded to the metallic substrate by way of the adhesive material.2. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is an aluminum alloy.3. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the bond promoter coating is a monolayer.4. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material is polymeric.5. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the adhesive material is epoxy.6. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is an aluminum alloy and the oxide layer is aluminum oxide.7. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the component includes a honeycomb material.8. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is a sheet.9. The adhesively bonded article as recited in claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is an aluminum alloy sheet. This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/870,892, filed Aug. 30, 2010.This disclosure relates to adhesively bonded joints. Assembled components, such as aircraft components, may utilize an adhesive material to hold two or more sub-components together. Typically, at least one of the sub-components is metallic. A primer layer may be applied to at least one of the sub-components to help form a strong bond. The primer layer may contain hexavalent chromium to protect the metallic sub-component from corrosion and provide a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037923A1

The present invention relates to a dicing tape-integrated film for semiconductor back surface, which includes: a dicing tape including a base material layer, a first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and a second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer stacked in this order, and a film for semiconductor back surface stacked on the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer of the dicing tape, in which a peel strength Y between the first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is larger than a peel strength X between the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and the film for semiconductor back surface, and in which the peel strength X is from 0.01 to 0.2 N/20 mm, and the peel strength Y is from 0.2 to 10 N/20 mm. 1. A dicing tape-integrated film for semiconductor back surface , comprising:a dicing tape comprising a base material layer, a first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and a second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer stacked in this order, anda film for semiconductor back surface stacked on the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer of the dicing tape,wherein a peel strength Y between the first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is larger than a peel strength X between the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and the film for semiconductor back surface, andwherein the peel strength X is from 0.01 to 0.2 N/20 mm, and the peel strength Y is from 0.2 to 10 N/20 mm.2. The dicing tape-integrated film for semiconductor back surface according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio (Y/X) of the peel strength Y to the peel strength X is from 3 to 500.3. The dicing tape-integrated film for semiconductor back surface according to claim 1 , wherein the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer has a thickness of 10 μm or more.4. The dicing tape-integrated film for semiconductor back surface according to claim 2 , wherein the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer has a thickness of 10 μm or ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037952A1

Provided is a pressure-sensitive adhesive capable of realizing a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer having satisfactory adhesion performance and a high ink step absorbability. A radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive, which contains a (meth)acryl-based polymer obtained by polymerizing a monomer component containing 30 to 90% by weight of an alkyl(meth)acrylate having an alkyl group of 10 to 22 carbon atoms at an ester end, and having a radically polymerizable functional group containing a carbon-carbon double bond. 1. A radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive , comprising a (meth)acryl-based polymer obtained by polymerizing a monomer component containing 30 to 90% by weight of an alkyl(meth)acrylate having an alkyl group of 10 to 22 carbon atoms at an ester end , and having a radically polymerizable functional group containing a carbon-carbon double bond.2. The radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the alkyl group of the alkyl(meth)acrylate polymer having an alkyl group of 10 to 22 carbon atoms at an ester end is a branched alkyl group.3. The radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the monomer component further contains 5 to 25% by weight of a cyclic nitrogen-containing monomer.4. The radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the monomer component is a monomer component further containing 1 to 20% by weight of at least one functional group-containing monomer selected from a carboxyl group-containing monomer claim 1 , a hydroxyl group-containing monomer claim 1 , and a cyclic ether group-containing monomer.5. The radiation-curable pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the monomer component is a monomer component further containing 0.5% by weight or more of at least one alkyl(meth)acrylate selected from an alkyl(meth)acrylate having an alkyl group of 1 to 9 carbon atoms at an ester end and an alkyl(meth)acrylate having a ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041845A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Laminated rolls of sealed graphite pouches and methods for making the same are provided. The laminated roll can include a first substrate having a length and a plurality of sealed pouches disposed on the substrate at predetermined intervals along its length. Each sealed pouch can include a graphite sheet having first and second sides, the first side affixed to the substrate, and a second substrate affixed to at least the second side of the graphite sheet and to a portion of the substrate to fully seal the graphite sheet within an enclosed space. In one embodiment, the roll of sealed graphite sheet pouches can be fixed to a roll of another substrate in a roll-to-roll fashion and the combined rolls can be cut into discrete portions for use in a particular application. For example, the roll of the other substrate can be a roll of enhanced spectral reflector (ESR). 117-. (canceled)18. A heat spreading device comprising:a first substrate including a top portion;a graphite sheet affixed to said top portion;a second substrate affixed to said top portion to form an enclosed space between said first substrate and said second substrate;said graphite sheet contained within said enclosed space; andsaid second substrate spaced from said graphite sheet such that an airgap is formed between said graphite sheet and said second substrate.19. A heat spreading device according to further including a reflective layer attached to a bottom portion of said first substrate.20. A heat spreading device according to further including an adhesive layer affixing said graphite sheet and said top portion.21. A heat spreading device according to further including an adhesive layer affixing said reflective layer and said bottom portion.22. A heat spreading device according to further including a spacer adjacent to said graphite sheet in said enclosed space.23. A heat spreading device according to wherein the aforesaid airgap is between said spacer and said second substrate.24. A heat spreading ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044927A1

The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a laminate, comprising the steps of laminating two or more layers of polycarbonate resin film and/or sheet using a (meth)acrylate-based adhesive composition containing a (A) (meth)acrylate monomer, a (B) meth(acrylate) olygomer, an (C) acrylamide derivative, and a (D) silane compound and/or an (E) organophosphorus compound to form a laminate having a thickness of 0.1 mm to 30 mm; heating the laminate at 130° C. to 185° C. so that a temperature difference between a top surface and a bottom surface of the laminate is within 20° C.; and bending the post-heating laminate into a curved shape having a radius of curvature of 10 mm or greater. 1. A laminate manufactured by a method comprising the steps of:laminating two or more layers of polycarbonate resin film and/or sheet using a (meth)acrylate-based adhesive composition containing a (A) (meth)acrylate monomer, a (B) meth(acrylate) oligomer, an (C) acrylamide derivative, and a (D) silane compound and/or an (E) organophosphorus compound to form a laminate having a thickness of 0.1 mm to 30 mm;heating the laminate at 130° C. to 185° C. so that a temperature difference between a top surface and a bottom surface of the laminate is not more than 20° C.; andbending the laminate after heating into a curved shape having a radius of curvature of 10 mm or greater.2. The laminate of claim 1 , which is usable for a cover of an electronic device claim 1 , a shield material for a housing claim 1 , a cover for a vehicle claim 1 , a cover for a semiconductor production devices claim 1 , or a shield material for a window material.3. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein the step of heating the laminate is the step of heating the laminate at 150° C. to 185° C.4. The laminate of claim 1 , wherein one of the two or more layers of polycarbonate resin film and/or sheet is an electromagnetic wave shield layer claim 1 , and at least one of the two or more layers is a protecting layer.5. The ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20140055691A1
Автор: Eiji Oohira

A mobile phone is provided which includes a liquid crystal display device in which a front window and a touch panel are bonded together with an adhesive sheet, wherein a logo having plural layers is formed on a back side of the front window. A touch-panel flexible wiring substrate is mounted to the touch panel. A plane distance between an end portion of the plural layers of the logo and an end portion of the touch panel is set to greater than zero. With this configuration, it is possible to prevent a peeling stress on the adhesive sheet, even if a thickness of the adhesive sheet is smaller than the sum of a thickness of the touch-panel flexible wiring substrate and a thickness of the logo.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Wafer Bonding System and Method for Bonding and Debonding Thereof

Номер: US20140057450A1

A method of treating the surface of a semiconductor wafer through the formation of a bonding system is provided in order to enhance the handling of the wafer during subsequent processing operations. The method generally comprises the steps of applying a release layer and an adhesive to different wafers; bonding the wafers together to form a bonded wafer system; performing at least one wafer processing operation (e.g., wafer grinding, etc.) to form a thin processed wafer; debonding the wafers; and then cleaning the surface of the processed wafer with an organic solvent that is capable of dissolving the release layer or any residue thereof. The adhesive includes a vinyl-functionalized polysiloxane oligomeric resin, a Si—H functional polysiloxane oligomeric resin, a catalyst, and optionally an inhibitor, while the release layer is comprised of either a silsesquioxane-based resin or a thermoplastic resin. 2. A method for treating the surface of a semiconductor wafer to enhance handling during processing , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first uncoated wafer and a second uncoated wafer;applying a release layer to at least one of the first uncoated wafer and second uncoated wafer to form one or more release layer coated wafer;applying an adhesive to the surface of one release layer coated wafer to form an adhesive/release layer coated wafer;bonding the adhesive/release coated wafer together with the other release layer coated wafer or uncoated wafer to form a bonded wafer system;performing at least one wafer processing operation on one of the wafers in the bonded wafer system to form a processed wafer system;debonding the processed wafer system by initiating separation between the release layer and the adhesive to obtain a thin processed wafer; andcleaning the surface of the processed wafer with an organic solvent;wherein the organic solvent is capable of dissolving the release layer;optionally mechanically removing the adhesive after debonding the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065392A1
Принадлежит: Universiteit Van Amsterdam

Laminate comprising a carrier and a coating layer, wherein the coating layer is applied over at least part of the carrier, the coating layer comprising a polyester derived from an aliphatic polyalcohol with 2-15 carbon atoms and a polyacid, the coating layer having a thickness in the range of 10-4000 microns, wherein the aliphatic polyalcohol contains at least 50 mol. % of glycerol and the polyacid contains at least 30 wt. % of tricarboxylic acid. Optionally a second carrier may be applied over at least part of the coating layer. If so desired, a further coating layer is applied over at least part of the second carrier, with optional further carrier-coating stacks applied over the further carrier. 1. A laminate comprising a carrier and a coating layer , wherein the coating layer is applied over at least part of the carrier , the coating layer comprising a polyester derived from an aliphatic polyalcohol with from 2 to 15 carbon atoms and a polyacid , the coating layer having a thickness in a range of from 10 to 4000 microns , wherein the aliphatic polyalcohol comprises at least 50 mol. % of glycerol and the polyacid comprises at least 30 wt. % of tricarboxylic acid.2. The laminate according to claim 1 , comprising a second carrier applied over at least part of the coating layer.3. The laminate according to claim 2 , comprising a further coating layer applied over at least part of the second carrier claim 2 , with optional one or more further carrier-coating stacks applied over the second carrier.4. A laminate comprising a stack of carriers with coating layers sandwiched between the carriers claim 2 , and/or applied on at least one outer surface of the laminate claim 2 , at least one of coating layer comprising a polyester derived from an aliphatic polyalcohol with from 2 to 15 carbon atoms and polyacid and having a thickness in a range of from 10 to 4000 microns claim 2 , wherein the aliphatic polyalcohol comprises at least 50 mol. % of glycerol and the polyacid ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065415A1

A urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive including a polyurethane-based resin, in which: the polyurethane-based resin includes a polyurethane-based resin obtained by curing a composition containing a polyol (A) and a polyfunctional isocyanate compound (B); and the polyol (A) contains a polyol (A1) having 3 OH groups and a number-average molecular weight Mn of 8,000 to 20,000. The urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive is excellent in reworkability, initial wettability, and transparency, and is preferably excellent in adhesive residue-preventing property, that preferably has a large wetting rate, and that is preferably prevented from showing external appearance unevenness due to orange peel. Also provided is a surface protective film using such urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive in its pressure-sensitive adhesive layer. Further provided is an optical member or electronic member to which such surface protective film is attached. 1. A urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive , comprising a polyurethane-based resin , wherein:the polyurethane-based resin comprises a polyurethane-based resin obtained by curing a composition containing a polyol (A) and a polyfunctional isocyanate compound (B); andthe polyol (A) contains a polyol (A1) having 3 OH groups and a number-average molecular weight Mn of 8,000 to 20,000.2. A urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the polyol (A1) in the polyol (A) is 70 wt % or more.3. A urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the polyol (A) contains a polyol (A2) having 3 or more OH groups and a number-average molecular weight Mn of 5 claim 1 ,000 or less.4. A urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 3 , wherein a content of the polyol (A2) in the polyol (A) is 30 wt % or less.5. A urethane-based pressure-sensitive adhesive according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane-based resin contains a deterioration-preventing agent.6. A ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method of fabricating flexible substrate structure

Номер: US20140072724A1

A method of fabricating a flexible substrate structure includes the following steps. A supporting carrier is provided, and a release layer is formed on the supporting carrier, where the release layer includes a photo-sensitive adhesive layer. A local modification process is performed to form a bonding region with adhesion property in modified parts of the release layer, and to form a release region without adhesion property in unmodified parts of the release layer. The local modification process includes performing a local exposure process with a light source to form the bonding region with adhesion property in illuminated parts of the release layer, and to form a release region without adhesion property in unilluminated parts of the release layer.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076480A1
Принадлежит: Cogenra Solar

Systems, methods, and apparatus by which solar energy may be collected to provide heat, electricity, or a combination of heat and electricity are disclosed herein. 1. A method of manufacturing a reflector for a solar energy collector comprising;placing a plurality of linear reflective elements arranged side-by-side on a reflector tray with a long axes of the linear reflective elements parallel to a long axes of the reflector tray; andbonding the linear reflective elements to the reflector tray.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the linear reflective elements are placed side-by-side with a gap between each of the linear reflective elements.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the linear reflective elements are bonded to the reflector tray with an adhesive.4. The method of claim 3 , where the adhesive covers the entire bottom surface of each linear reflective element.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the adhesive seals the edges and bottom surface of the linear reflective elements.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the adhesive fills in the gaps between the plurality of linear reflective elements.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reflector tray comprises a flexible material.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the flexible material is sheet metal.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein portions of the reflector tray that comprise the combination of the reflector tray and the linear reflective elements have a stiffness greater than the portions of the reflector tray positioned between the linear reflective elements.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein an adhesive is used to bond the linear reflective elements to the reflector tray.11. A method of assembling a solar energy collector comprising;placing a reflector tray comprising a plurality of linear reflective elements arranged side-by-side with the long axes of the linear reflective elements parallel to a long axis of the reflector tray over a transverse reflector support;bending the reflector along a short axis of the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079919A1
Автор: Bunnelle William L.
Принадлежит: IFS Industries Inc.

A hot melt adhesive material and articles made using the hot melt adhesive to assemble structures in an article. The adhesive material typically is manufactured by blending amorphous polymer with a heterophase polymer having crystallinity into an adhesive composition. 1. A hot melt adhesive composition comprising:(i) an amorphous polyolefin composition;(ii) a heterophase polyolefin composition comprising amorphous character and crystalline blocks.2. The adhesive of wherein the amorphous polyolefin has less than 5 wt. % crystallinity claim 1 , heterophase polyolefin comprises at least about 5 wt. % crystallinity in at least one sequence or block; wherein the amorphous polymer provides adhesion and the heterophase polymer provides cohesive strength.3. The adhesive of wherein the amorphous polymer comprises greater than 40 wt. % butene and less than 50 wt. % of one or more alpha olefin Cor Cmonomers.4. The adhesive of wherein the heterophase polymer comprises greater than 40 wt. % of propene and less than 60 wt. % of one or more alpha olefin Cor Cmonomers and comprises polymer blocks or sequences that have a crystallinity of greater than 10%.5. The adhesive of wherein the adhesive is substantially free of a tackifier.6. The adhesive of wherein there is about 50 to 90 wt. % of the amorphous polymer and about 10 to 50 wt. % of the heterophase polymer the heterophase polymer comprising at least 30 wt. % crystallinity.7. The adhesive of wherein the density of the adhesive is less than 0.9 g-cm.8. The adhesive of wherein the density of the adhesive is less than 0.87 g-cm.9. A hot melt adhesive composition consisting essentially of:(i) about 90 to 10 wt. % of an amorphous polyolefin composition comprising 1-butene;(ii) about 10 to 90 wt. % of a heterophase polyolefin composition comprising propene and ethylene, 1-hexene or 1-octene and comprising amorphous blocks and crystalline blocks; and(iii) about 0.1 to 30 wt. % of a plasticizer; wherein the adhesive provides cohesive ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140085786A1

An electronic device includes a casing configured to accommodate electronic components. The casing includes an outer layer member formed by a metal and exposed to an outside, and an inner layer member formed by a metal and spaced from an inner surface of the outer layer member . Conductive projections and are each formed between the inner layer member and the outer layer member , and are each configured to extend like a line on a surface of one of the inner layer member and the outer layer member and have a top end that contacts with the other of the inner layer member and the outer layer member , to electrically connect between the inner layer member and the outer layer member 1. An electronic device comprisinga casing configured to accommodate electronic components, whereinthe casing includes an outer layer member formed by a metal and exposed to an outside, and an inner layer member formed by a metal and spaced from an inner surface of the outer layer member, anda conductive projection is formed between the inner layer member and the outer layer member, and is configured to extend like a line on a surface of one of the inner layer member and the outer layer member and have a top end that contacts with the other of the inner layer member and the outer layer member, to electrically connect between the inner layer member and the outer layer member.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive projection is formed on an outer surface of the inner layer member claim 1 , so as to extend like a line on the outer surface claim 1 , and the top end of the conductive projection contacts with the inner surface of the outer layer member to electrically connect between the inner layer member and the outer layer member.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe casing further includes an adhesive layer that is formed between the outer layer member and the inner layer member and adheres the outer layer member and the inner layer member to ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Floor covering

Номер: US20140090330A1
Принадлежит: Flooring Industries Ltd SARL

Hard panels formed from a wood-based material and having a decorative layer for floor coverings are provided, at least on two opposite edges, with coupling devices made in one piece with the panels wherein similar panels may be coupled together to form a floor covering, wherein these coupling devices provide for an interlocking in a direction perpendicular to the plane of coupled panels, as well as in a direction perpendicular to the edges concerned and parallel to the plane of coupled panels. These coupling devices are constituted of a tongue and a groove. The top side of the tongue has a protrusion that cooperates with a meshing recess located in the lower side of the upper lip of the groove of the coupling devices, and a portion extending generally parallel with the plane of the panel to form a contact surface cooperating with the lower side of the upper lip of the groove.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093309A1

A device () for automated connection of two components () in joint region () is proposed. The device () has a rotating winding device, especially a circle-segment-like rotor (), which is arranged to guide a cloth tape () along winding paths () and to create a wound joint connection in the joint region (). 1. Device for automated connection of two components in a joint region , having a rotating winding device , especially a circle-segment-like rotor , which is arranged to guide a cloth tape along winding paths and to create a wound joint connection in the joint region.2. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rotor is mounted in a circle-segment-like stator so as to be movable in a direction of rotation (RR) and the rotor is able to bridge an opening of the circle segment of the stator.3. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rotor has a cloth tape supply spool.4. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rotor has a tensioning unit for tensioning the cloth tape.5. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rotor has an impregnating unit for impregnating the cloth tape with a fluid, especially with a thermosetting system, especially a resin system.6. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe rotor has a guide unit for guiding the cloth tape along the winding paths, which guide unit preferably has one or more filament guide roller(s) and/or ring filament eyelet(s).7. Device according to claim 3 ,whereinthe cloth tape supply spool, the tensioning unit, the impregnating unit and the guide unit are arranged one after the other in the afore-mentioned order in a direction of rotation (RR) on the inner side of the circle-segment-like rotor.8. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinin the region of the impregnating unit the cloth tape runs substantially in the direction of a rotational axis (RA) of the rotor.9. Device according to claim 1 ,whereinthe stator is mounted so as to be movable relative to the two components, especially in such a way that its angular position relative to ...
