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27-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000013183U1

1. Анилоксовый вал, выполненный в виде металлической трубы с рельефной поверхностью в форме ячеек, отличающийся тем, что ячейки рельефной поверхности металлической трубы выполнены в виде выступающих над рельефной поверхностью пирамидальных выступов. 2. Анилоксовый вал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что металлическая труба выполнена из нержавеющей стали. (19) RU (11) 13 183 (13) U1 (51) МПК B41F 31/06 (2000.01) B41F 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 99124933/20, 26.11.1999 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.11.1999 (46) Опубликовано: 27.03.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Васильев А.И., Тетеря В.Н. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ВЕСТА-БКС" U 1 1 3 1 8 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Анилоксовый вал, выполненный в виде металлической трубы с рельефной поверхностью в форме ячеек, отличающийся тем, что ячейки рельефной поверхности металлической трубы выполнены в виде выступающих над рельефной поверхностью пирамидальных выступов. 2. Анилоксовый вал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что металлическая труба выполнена из нержавеющей стали. 1 3 1 8 3 (54) АНИЛОКСОВЫЙ ВАЛ R U Адрес для переписки: 113303, Москва, а/я 114, Банкову В.Н. (71) Заявитель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ВЕСТА-БКС" RU 13 183 U1 RU 13 183 U1 RU 13 183 U1

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122334U1

1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, две стенки, замыкающие суживающееся пространство между ракелем и дукторным валом и образующие красочный ящик, включающий устройство для перемешивания краски, отличающийся тем, что устройство для перемешивания краски выполнено в виде цилиндрического стержня, свободно погруженного в краску красочного ящика и ориентированного вдоль оси дукторного цилиндра, причем длина стержня равна длине красочного ящика, а на внешней цилиндрической поверхности стержня выполнена, по меньшей мере, одна винтовая проточка. 2. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что винтовые проточки на внешней цилиндрической поверхности стержня выполнены попарно встречно. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 122 334 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012128620/12, 06.07.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2012 Бюл. № 33 1 2 2 3 3 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, две стенки, замыкающие суживающееся пространство между ракелем и дукторным валом и образующие красочный ящик, включающий устройство для перемешивания краски, отличающийся тем, что устройство для перемешивания краски выполнено в виде цилиндрического стержня, свободно погруженного в краску красочного ящика и ориентированного вдоль оси дукторного цилиндра, причем длина стержня равна длине красочного ящика, а на внешней цилиндрической поверхности стержня выполнена, по меньшей мере, одна винтовая проточка. 2. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что винтовые проточки на внешней цилиндрической поверхности стержня выполнены попарно встречно. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ 1 2 2 3 3 4 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г.Омск, пр-кт Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, информационно-патентный отдел, О.И. Бабенко (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000127680U1

1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположеный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, и пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика, отличающийся тем,что красочный ящик снабжен активатором перемешивания краски, выполненным в виде цилиндра с соосными дисками на торцах, расположенного свободно в красочном ящике параллельно оси дукторного цилиндра. 2. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отношение диаметров дукторного вала к диаметру дисков должно быть в пределах от 1:5 до 1:7, а отношение диаметров цилиндра активатора и дисков, расположенных на его торцах, должно находиться в пределах от 1:1,4 до 1:1,6. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 127 680 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012149505/12, 20.11.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.11.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2013 Бюл. № 13 1 2 7 6 8 0 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположеный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, и пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика, отличающийся тем, что красочный ящик снабжен активатором перемешивания краски, выполненным в виде цилиндра с соосными дисками на торцах, расположенного свободно в красочном ящике параллельно оси дукторного цилиндра. 2. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отношение диаметров дукторного вала к диаметру дисков должно быть в пределах от 1:5 до 1:7, а отношение диаметров цилиндра активатора и дисков, расположенных на его торцах, должно находиться в пределах от 1:1,4 до 1:1,6. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ 1 2 7 6 8 0 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г.Омск, пр-кт Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, Информационно-патентный отдел, О.И. Бабенко (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129047U1

1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, две стенки, замыкающие суживающееся пространство между ракелем и дукторным валом и образующие красочный ящик, включающий устройство для перемешивания краски, отличающийся тем, что устройство для перемешивания краски выполнено в виде лопастей, соединенных единым стержнем, параллельным оси дукторного вала, причем лопасти жестко установлены под углом к стержню. 2. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что лопасти на едином стержне закреплены, по меньшей мере, двумя группами, внутри группы параллельно друг другу под углом α=30°-45°, а между группами - встречно, под углом 2α. 3. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шаг расположения лопастей находится в диапазоне от / до 1 длины лопасти. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (13) 129 047 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012155398/12, 19.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 находится в диапазоне от 1/2 до 1 длины лопасти. R U 1 2 9 0 4 7 Формула полезной модели 1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, две стенки, замыкающие суживающееся пространство между ракелем и дукторным валом и образующие красочный ящик, включающий устройство для перемешивания краски, отличающийся тем, что устройство для перемешивания краски выполнено в виде лопастей, соединенных единым стержнем, параллельным оси дукторного вала, причем лопасти жестко установлены под углом к стержню. 2. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что лопасти на едином стержне закреплены, по меньшей мере, двумя группами, внутри группы параллельно друг другу под углом α=30°-45°, а между группами - встречно, под углом 2α. 3. Красочный аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шаг расположения лопастей Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ 1 2 9 0 4 7 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г.Омск, пр. Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000133052U1

Красочный аппарат ротационной офсетной печатной машины, содержащий установленные на основании краскоподающее устройство, краскопередающий цилиндр, снабженный регулярно расположенными углублениями, и формный цилиндр, углубления выполнены на упругой оболочке, жестко связанной с краскопередающим цилиндром, а ракель краскоподающего устройства снабжен устройством регулирования и установлен с возможностью регулирования усилия прижима его дистального конца к упругой оболочке краскопередающего цилиндра, отличающийся тем, что устройство регулирования усилия прижима дистального конца ракеля к упругой оболочке краскопередающего цилиндра содержит подпружиненный толкатель, связанный с эксцентриком, жестко соединенным с рычагом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 133 052 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013122169/12, 14.05.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.05.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Титов Юрий Владимирович (RU), Титов Андрей Владимирович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2013 Бюл. № 28 1 3 3 0 5 2 R U Формула полезной модели Красочный аппарат ротационной офсетной печатной машины, содержащий установленные на основании краскоподающее устройство, краскопередающий цилиндр, снабженный регулярно расположенными углублениями, и формный цилиндр, углубления выполнены на упругой оболочке, жестко связанной с краскопередающим цилиндром, а ракель краскоподающего устройства снабжен устройством регулирования и установлен с возможностью регулирования усилия прижима его дистального конца к упругой оболочке краскопередающего цилиндра, отличающийся тем, что устройство регулирования усилия прижима дистального конца ракеля к упругой оболочке краскопередающего цилиндра содержит подпружиненный толкатель, связанный с эксцентриком, жестко соединенным с рычагом. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ РОТАЦИОННОЙ ОФСЕТНОЙ ПЕЧАТНОЙ МАШИНЫ 1 3 3 0 5 2 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000139108U1

1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположенный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика и активатор с соосными дисками на торцах, расположенный свободно в красочном ящике параллельно оси дукторного вала, отличающийся тем, что активатор выполнен в виде, по меньшей мере, одной пластины, торцевые поверхности которой проходят через центр дисков, а ширина пластины равна диаметру диска. 2. Красочный аппарат, по п. 1 отличающийся тем, что толщина пластины составляет 0,1÷0,5 диаметра диска. 3. Красочный аппарат, по п. 1 отличающийся тем, что активатор содержит две пластины, расположенные под углом 90° друг к другу. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 139 108 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013151484/12, 19.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.11.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2014 Бюл. № 10 1 3 9 1 0 8 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположенный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика и активатор с соосными дисками на торцах, расположенный свободно в красочном ящике параллельно оси дукторного вала, отличающийся тем, что активатор выполнен в виде, по меньшей мере, одной пластины, торцевые поверхности которой проходят через центр дисков, а ширина пластины равна диаметру диска. 2. Красочный аппарат, по п. 1 отличающийся тем, что толщина пластины составляет 0,1÷0,5 диаметра диска. 3. Красочный аппарат, по п. 1 отличающийся тем, что активатор содержит две пластины, расположенные под углом 90° друг к другу. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ 1 3 9 1 0 8 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г. Омск, пр. Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, Информационно-патентный отдел, ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000141599U1

Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположенный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика и активатор, выполненный в виде цилиндра и расположенный свободно в красочном ящике параллельно оси дукторного вала, отличающийся тем, что в активаторе выполнено сквозное отверстие, продольная ось которого параллельна продольной оси активатора и смещена относительно последней на ε=(1/3÷1/4)R, где R - радиус цилиндра. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 141 599 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013153443/12, 02.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.12.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2014 Бюл. № 16 R U 1 4 1 5 9 9 Формула полезной модели Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположенный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика и активатор, выполненный в виде цилиндра и расположенный свободно в красочном ящике параллельно оси дукторного вала, отличающийся тем, что в активаторе выполнено сквозное отверстие, продольная ось которого параллельна продольной оси активатора и смещена относительно последней на ε=(1/3÷1/4)R, где R - радиус цилиндра. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ 1 4 1 5 9 9 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г. Омск, пр. Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, информационно-патентный отдел, Бабенко О.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Омский государственный технический университет" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 02.12.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Литунов Сергей Николаевич (RU), Тимощенко Ольга Александровна (RU) U 1 U 1 1 4 1 5 9 9 1 4 1 5 9 9 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 141 599 U1 ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000142412U1

Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположенный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика и активатор, отличающийся тем, что в красочном ящике размещен дополнительно цилиндр, контактирующий с активатором по образующей. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 142 412 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013154370/12, 06.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.12.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2014 Бюл. № 18 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ U 1 1 4 2 4 1 2 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Красочный аппарат, содержащий дукторный вал, ракель, расположенный вблизи дукторного вала, дистальный край которого образует зазор относительно наружной поверхности дукторного вала, пару торцевых стенок красочного ящика и активатор, отличающийся тем, что в красочном ящике размещен дополнительно цилиндр, контактирующий с активатором по образующей. 1 4 2 4 1 2 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г. Омск, пр. Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, Информационно-патентный отдел, Бабенко О.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Омский государственный технический университет" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.12.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Литунов Сергей Николаевич (RU), Тимощенко Ольга Александровна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 142 412 U1 Полезная модель относится к полиграфии, в частности к красочным аппаратам печатных машин, которые подают краску к печатной форме посредством дукторного вала. Известен красочный аппарат [Тюрин А.А. Печатные машины. Учебник для вузов. М: изд-во «Книга», 1966. С. 173], который состоит из дукторного цилиндра, ракеля, двух стенок, ограничивающих красочный ящик. Недостатком известного устройства является то, что во время работы ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000163540U1

1. Красочный аппарат, состоящий из дукторного цилиндра, ракеля, пары стенок красочного ящика, активатора, согласно заявляемому техническому решению, активатор выполнен в виде трубки, в стенке которой имеются отверстия, расположенные в виде «пчелиных сот». 2. Красочный аппарат по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что диаметр отверстий в стенке активатора равен 0,2-0,5 диаметра активатора, а расстояние между соседними отверстиями составляет 1,2-1,5 диаметра отверстия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B41F 31/00 (11) (13) 163 540 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016104226/12, 09.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.02.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2016 Бюл. № 20 R U 1 6 3 5 4 0 Формула полезной модели 1. Красочный аппарат, состоящий из дукторного цилиндра, ракеля, пары стенок красочного ящика, активатора, согласно заявляемому техническому решению, активатор выполнен в виде трубки, в стенке которой имеются отверстия, расположенные в виде «пчелиных сот». 2. Красочный аппарат по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что диаметр отверстий в стенке активатора равен 0,2-0,5 диаметра активатора, а расстояние между соседними отверстиями составляет 1,2-1,5 диаметра отверстия. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КРАСОЧНЫЙ АППАРАТ 1 6 3 5 4 0 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г. Омск, пр-кт Мира, 11, ФГБОУ ВПО "ОГТУ", Информационно-патентный отдел, Бабенко О.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Омский государственный технический университет" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Литунов Сергей Николаевич (RU), Тощакова Юлия Дмитриевна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 163 540 U1 Полезная модель относится к полиграфии, в частности к красочным аппаратам печатных машин офсетной и высокой печати. Известен красочный аппарат [Тюрин А.А. Печатные машины. Учебник для вузов. М: изд-во ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Doctor blade assembly

Номер: US20120132095A1
Автор: Renzo Melotti
Принадлежит: Bobst Group Italia SpA

Doctor blade assembly for rotogravure printing units, having a support structure for a doctor blade, a holding device of the support structure and a moving device for moving the holding device. The holding device includes a mounting suitable to fix either a chambered doctor blade or a non-chambered doctor blade to the moving device.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable Inking or Dampening Apparatus for a Variable Cutoff Press and Method

Номер: US20120174807A1
Автор: Lev Zlatin
Принадлежит: Goss International Americas LLC

An adjustable dampening apparatus and an adjustable inking apparatus is provided. The adjustable dampening apparatus includes a rotatable base for supporting a dampening roller, a rotatable socket connected to the rotatable base for adjusting a position of the dampening roller, a first actuating device connected to the rotatable base for positioning the rotatable base in a predetermined position for a given cutoff and a second actuating device connected to the rotatable socket for positioning the rotatable socket between a first position and a second position. Adjustable inking apparatus and variable cutoff printing presses are also provided. A method for adjusting dampening apparatus and inking apparatus are also provided.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for compensating deflection of an ink fountain in printing presses

Номер: US20120216692A1

A method for adjusting ink zone openings in an ink fountain of a printing press uses a computer. The computer calculates a deflection of the ink fountain on the basis of an ink fountain model which contains forces that act on the ink fountain, and takes the calculated deflection of the ink fountain into consideration during the adjustment of the ink zone openings.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Ink fountain liner and blade guard

Номер: US20120240799A1
Автор: Ronald E. Fuller

The present invention is an ink fountain liner and blade guard adapted for prolonging the life of an ink fountain blade and controlling the temperature of the ink by eliminating metal to metal friction and reducing cleaning time and cleaning materials. The liner covers the bottom surface of an ink fountain and includes a strip of double sided adhesive with a backing strip preserving the side of the adhesive not affixed to the liner. The front edge of the preferred embodiment is connected at a creased line to a flap that covers the ink fountain blade.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for Printing a Substrate Using an Anilox Roll, an Anilox Roll for a Printing Method and a Printing Apparatus

Номер: US20120260812A1
Принадлежит: Apex Europe BV

The invention relates to an anilox roll for a printing apparatus. The anilox roll comprises a cylinder having a surface. The surface comprises a fluid distribution structure for receiving, distributing and transferring a fluid such as an ink. The fluid distribution structure comprises a channel formed in the surface having channel walls. This channel is arranged for distributing the fluid over the fluid distribution structure. The channel comprises channel parts, wherein the courses of connected channel parts are at an angle with respect to each other for preventing a linear distribution of the fluids to be received in a course direction of the channel, allowing a meandering distribution of the fluid to be received in the channel. Side walls of the channel are arranged for allowing a meandering flow of the fluid throughout the fluid distribution surface.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Forming an Anilox Roll

Номер: US20120261394A1
Принадлежит: Apex Europe BV

The invention relates to a method and apparatus for forming an anilox roll. The method includes supplying a cylinder of the anilox roll that has an outer surface to be tooled, supplying at least a laser source and laser engraving the outer surface of the anilox roll with a laser spot that is formed by a laser source for obtaining a tooled anilox roll, and applying an optical guide in the light path of the laser for enabling the laser spot to move reciprocally on the outer surface to be tooled.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Ink Valve Assembly for a Printing Press

Номер: US20120291899A1
Автор: Hideaki Suzuki
Принадлежит: Goss International LLC

A rotary ink valve for providing ink in a printing press is provided. The valve includes a stationary outer portion having first and second ends connected by a body, said body having a substantially cylindrical interior area and having at least one bypass aperture and a substantially tubular inner portion lying within and rotatable within said cylindrical interior area of said outer portion and having first and second ends connected by a side wall, and having at least one bypass aperture in said side wall. The ink valve further includes at least one of the substantially cylindrical interior area and the side wall having a plurality of grooves, each of the plurality of grooves holding a lubricant.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Printing Method With a Printing Apparatus Provided With an Anilox Roll

Номер: US20120298002A1
Принадлежит: Apex Europe BV

A printing apparatus has a printing device having a supply for a substrate to be printed and a supply for ink. The printing device has a printing roll with an image and an anilox roll mounted in a bearing. The anilox roll comprising a cylinder having a surface with a fluid distribution structure for receiving the fluid. The fluid distribution structure has a channel formed in the surface for distributing the fluid over the fluid distribution structure. The channel having a course and opposite channel walls positioned next to each other in a relative parallel oscillating fashion. Printing in a first operational mode, heavy layers of ink on said substrate with relatively large fluid droplets and Printing in a second operational mode, details on said substrate with relatively small fluid droplets.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Imaging devices

Номер: US20120304878A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

An imaging device can include an imaging drum to support a carrier fluid. A roller can remove a portion of the carrier fluid from the imaging drum. A fluid container can collect the carrier fluid from the roller. A fluid remover on the container can be used to remove the carrier fluid from the roller.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Flexographic proofing tools and methods

Номер: US20130000501A1
Автор: Ronald K. Westby
Принадлежит: Probity Engineering LLC

A hand holdable ink proofing tool including an anilox roll and an ink transfer roll, supporting a resilient printing plate. A metering roll adjacent the anilox roll is shiftable to be in contact with the anilox roll and to force ink into cells of the anilox roll; and a leading edge doctor blade is positioned to shear excess ink from a surface of the anilox roll.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Squeeze apparatus

Номер: US20130047877A1

A squeeze apparatus includes a body unit and an injection unit. The body unit has a flow path inside the body unit for applying a printing substance on a substrate. The injection unit has a nozzle that fluidly communicates with the flow path to inject the printing substance. The nozzle has a curved surface facing the substrate.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Ink film thickness distribution correction method and apparatus

Номер: US20130061768A1
Принадлежит: Komori Corp

An ink film thickness distribution correction method in an ink supply apparatus including an ink fountain storing an ink, a plurality of ink fountain keys, an ink fountain roller to which the ink is supplied from the ink fountain, an ink ductor roller to which the ink is transferred from the ink fountain roller, and an ink roller group including at least one ink form roller to which the ink transferred to the ink ductor roller is supplied. A throw-off operation of the ink form roller positioned at the end of the ink roller group is performed during test printing or final printing. An ink film thickness distribution correction apparatus is also disclosed.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087058A1

An inking apparatus for a printing press is provided. The inking apparatus includes an anilox roll and at least one ink pump. The anilox roll includes an interior region, a porous layer surrounding the interior region and an outer surface of engraved cells surrounding the porous layer. The at least one ink pump is adapted to pump ink into the interior region and through the porous layer to the outer surface of engraved cells. A printing press and a method for providing ink to an anilox roll are also provided. 1. An inking apparatus for a printing press comprising:an anilox roll, the anilox roll including an interior region, a porous layer surrounding the interior region and an outer surface of engraved cells surrounding the porous layer; andat least one ink pump adapted to pump ink into the interior region and through the porous layer to the outer surface of engraved cells.2. The inking apparatus recited in further comprising at least one ink feed delivering ink from the at least one ink pump through an axial end of the anilox roll to the interior region.3. The inking apparatus recited in further comprising an ink chamber with a doctor blade adapted to fill the engraved cells with ink and removing excess ink from the outer surface.4. A method for providing ink to an anilox roll comprising:rotating the anilox roll;filling engraved cells of the anilox roll with ink from outside of the anilox roll;removing any excess ink from the anilox roll with a doctor blade; andproviding additional ink to the engraved cells from the inside of the anilox roll.5. A printing press comprising:a plate cylinder;a printing liquid supply roll forming a nip with the plate cylinder, the printing liquid supply roll including an interior region and a porous layer surrounding the interior region; andat least one printing liquid pump adapted to pump printing liquid into the interior region and through the porous layer, the printing liquid supply roll adapted to transfer the printing liquid to ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098256A1
Автор: Bonner Michael
Принадлежит: ST. CLAIR SYSTEMS, INC.

A modular decorator ink temperature control system for use with a blanket wheel, the blanket wheel having inker station configured with an inker station panel and at least one roller operatively mounted thereto. The modular decorator ink temperature control system includes a thermal transfer fluid conduit having an entry end distal to the blanket wheel and an exit end proximate to the blanket wheel with the thermal transfer fluid conduit in contact with the at least one roller and configured to convey at least one thermal transfer fluid therethrough. The modular decorator ink temperature control system also includes at least one control manifold device mounted on the inker station panel in operative communication with the thermal transfer fluid conduit. 1. A modular decorator ink temperature control system for use with a blanket wheel , the blanket wheel having inker station configured with an inker station panel and at least one roller operatively mounted thereto , the modular decorator ink temperature control system comprising:a thermal transfer fluid conduit having an entry end distal to the blanket wheel and an exit end proximate to the blanket wheel, the thermal transfer fluid conduit in contact with the at least one roller and configured to convey at least one thermal transfer fluid therethrough;at least one control manifold device mounted on the inker station panel in operative communication with the thermal transfer fluid conduit.2. The modulator decorator ink temperature control system of wherein the control manifold device is positioned downstream of the at least one roller.3. The modulator decorator ink temperature control system of wherein the control manifold is positioned upstream of the at least one roller.4. The modulator decorator ink temperature control system of wherein the control manifold comprises at least one elliptical modulating valve and at least one balancing valve.5. The modulator decorator ink temperature control system of wherein the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104757A1
Автор: Smith Patrick George
Принадлежит: PERGO (EUROPE) AB

An apparatus for printing a variable pattern on a substrate, a method using the apparatus, a product produced by using the apparatus are disclosed. The apparatus includes an ink bath containing a printing agent to be applied to the substrate, a roller that picks up ink from the ink bath, a doctor blade to wipe of excess printing agent on the roller, and a means for intentionally varying the design printed on the substrate from the roller. 1. A method of printing a variable design on a substrate , comprising:(a) applying a plurality of patterns to a substrate via a single design roller; and(b) applying a texture to the coated substrate via a downstream texture roller.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the design roller and the texture roller are of different diameters.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the pattern is repeated more often than the texture.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the texture is repeated more often than the pattern.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the texture roller's diameter and the design roller's diameter are unequal and non-multiples of each other.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the texture applied to the coated substrate is one of a single texture and a plurality of textures.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the texture applied to the coated substrate is in register with the pattern applied to the substrate.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising non-circularly rotating at least one of a roller and a backer roll.9. A product produced by the process of . This application is a continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/054,032 filed Mar. 24, 2008, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/907,320, filed Mar. 28, 2007, both of which are incorporated by reference herein in their entireties.1. Field of the InventionThe invention is a method and device used in printing of images of natural, man-made materials/products, fantasy, animation, or indeed any design capable of human ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118368A1

A liquid supply assembly for use with a printing system of a type in which a liquid is deposited from the liquid supply assembly in a receiving region on a plate and any excess of the liquid in the receiving region is scraped from the plate by the liquid supply assembly. To this end, the liquid supply assembly employs a reusable cup, a disposable cup insert and a scraping element. As assembled, the reusable cup includes a reusable liquid reservoir, the disposable cup insert includes a temporary liquid reservoir holding the liquid within the reusable liquid reservoir, and the scraping element includes a conduit facilitating a flow of the liquid held by the temporary liquid reservoir through the conduit to the plate. 1. A liquid supply assembly for a printing system , the liquid supply assembly comprising:a reusable hollow body having a first end;a disposable cup insert that defines a liquid reservoir for holding ink, the disposable cup insert having a closed base and an opposite open outlet that is positioned at the first end of the reusable hollow body;a doctor ring shaped to be positioned outside at least a portion of the disposable cup insert at the first end of the reusable hollow body and outside at least a portion of the first end of the reusable hollow body in order to define a conduit through which the ink flows from the liquid reservoir of the disposable cup insert to a cliché plate for applying the ink to one or more objects via the cliché plate; anda seal positioned between two or more of the reusable hollow body, the disposable cup insert, or the doctor ring.2. The liquid supply assembly of claim 1 , wherein the seal prevents leakage of the ink in the liquid reservoir of the disposable cup insert outside of the doctor ring.3. The liquid supply assembly of claim 1 , wherein the doctor ring is shaped to be positioned outside of the at least a portion of the disposable cup insert and the at least a portion of the first end of the reusable hollow body such ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147884A1

A liquid container includes an air-tight liquid-storage chamber or reservoir, a movable member for agitating liquid, and a protrusion portion for supporting the movable member. The movable member and the protrusion portion are disposed in the liquid-storage chamber. The movable member includes a first end that is linearly movable along the protrusion portion and a second end that is free. 1a liquid reservoir configured to store liquid;a protrusion member disposed on an inner wall of the liquid reservoir and protruding toward an interior of the liquid reservoir;a plate member configured to agitate the liquid and including an engaging portion engaging with the protrusion member, the engaging portion being slidable on the protrusion member, the plate member being rotatable about the engaging portion; anda supply port configured to supply the liquid in the liquid reservoir to an exterior.. A liquid container comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/729,087, filed Mar. 22, 2010 which claims U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/468,916, filed on Aug. 31, 2006, which is now U.S. Pat. No. 7,708,394 issued on May 4, 2010, which claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2005-255091 filed Sep. 2, 2005, which are hereby incorporated by reference herein in their entireties.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to liquid containers, and particularly, though not exclusively, relates to liquid containers that supply ink to ink-jet heads in ink-jet recording apparatuses.2. Description of the Related ArtInk-jet printers using pigmented ink are well known.When pigmented liquid ink is used, pigment components contained in the ink settle on the bottom of the liquid containers, and as a result, the concentration of pigment components varies from the top to the bottom of the liquid containers.In order to reduce the non-uniformity of the density inclination of the pigmented ink in the containers, an ink tank shown in ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169723A1

There is provided an inkjet print head including: an ink discharge unit including nozzles, pressure chambers, restrictors, manifolds, and actuators; an ink supply unit including an ink tank supplying ink to the manifolds and circuit boards delivering control signals to the actuators; and a connection unit electrically connecting the circuit boards and the actuators, wherein the ink supply unit is formed integrally with the ink discharge unit. 1. An inkjet print head comprising:an ink discharge unit including nozzles, pressure chambers, restrictors, manifolds, and actuators;an ink supply unit including an ink tank supplying ink to the manifolds and circuit boards delivering control signals to the actuators; anda connection unit electrically connecting the circuit boards and the actuators,wherein the ink supply unit is formed integrally with the ink discharge unit.2. The inkjet print head of claim 1 , wherein the ink supply unit includes a penetration hole into which the connection unit is inserted.3. The inkjet print head of claim 2 , wherein the connection unit is a wire inserted into the penetration hole.4. The inkjet print head of claim 3 , wherein the penetration hole is filled with an epoxy resin so as to allow the wire to be stably fixed therein.5. The inkjet print head of claim 3 , wherein an inner wall of the penetration hole is coated with an insulating material.6. The inkjet print head of claim 3 , wherein the penetration hole includes a first oxide film formed on a lower inner wall thereof and a second oxide film formed on an upper inner wall thereof claim 3 , andthe second oxide film has a thickness greater than that of the first oxide film.7. The inkjet print head of claim 1 , wherein the ink supply unit and the ink discharge unit further include an oxide layer formed therebetween.8. The inkjet print head of claim 1 , wherein the ink supply unit includes a channel connecting the manifolds and the ink tank.9. The inkjet print head of claim 8 , wherein the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174751A1
Автор: Puig Vila Jordi

The present invention relates to a scraper device for a printing machine which comprises a scraper body () having longitudinal blades () and lateral sealing elements, and having ink inlet and outlet passages (). The scraper body () is supported by a scraper support () adjacent to an inking roller of a printing machine, and having ink supply and discharge passages () connected to respective ink supply and discharge conduits of an ink circulation device. Positioning and fixing means allow fixing the scraper body () to the scraper support () in an operating position in which openings (a) of said ink inlet and outlet passages () of the scraper body () are in fluid communication with openings () of said ink supply and discharge passages () of the scraper support (). 18-. (canceled)9. A scraper device for a printing machine , the scraper device comprising:a scraper support adjacent to an inking roller of a printing machine;a scraper body elongated in a longitudinal direction, supported by said scraper support, said scraper body having a chamber surface extending along same;longitudinal blades fixed to the scraper body on transversely opposite sides of said chamber surface;lateral sealing elements installed in the scraper body at longitudinally opposite ends of the chamber surface; andat least one ink inlet passage and at least one ink outlet passage formed through the scraper body, open in said chamber surface and arranged for being connected to an ink circulation device,wherein the scraper support comprises an ink supply passage and an ink discharge passage connected to respective ink supply and discharge conduits of said ink circulation device, and positioning and fixing means are arranged for removably fixing the scraper body to the scraper support in an operating position in which openings of said ink inlet and outlet passages of the scraper body are in fluid communication with openings of said ink supply and discharge passages of the scraper support;and wherein the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187992A1
Автор: Matsumoto Akihito

An ink cartridge is adapted to be mounted in a holder of a printer and includes: an ink containing bag which is configured in a bag shape and capable of containing a liquid in an inner portion; a flow path member having a flow path that guides the ink contained in the ink containing bag to an outside and a supply port connected to the flow path; and a containing box including a plant derived material accommodating the liquid containing bag; in which an outermost layer forming an outer surface of the ink containing bag has a shock buffering section that buffers against an impact from the outside via the containing box. 1. A liquid container adapted to be mounted in a liquid container holder of a liquid consuming apparatus , comprising:a liquid containing bag configured in a bag shape and capable of containing a liquid in an inner portion;a flow path member having a flow path that guides the liquid contained in the liquid containing bag to an outside and a supply port connected to the flow path; anda containing box accommodating the liquid containing bag and including a plant derived material,wherein a shock buffering section that buffers against an impact from the outside via the containing box is provided in a layer forming an outer surface of the liquid containing bag.2. The liquid container according to claim 1 , whereinthe shock buffering section is arranged at least at an angular portion of the liquid containing bag.3. The liquid container according to claim 1 , whereinthe shock buffering section is configured by a hollow shock buffering material having a plurality of hollow bodies forming a hollow chamber.4. The liquid container according to claim 1 , whereinthe liquid containing bag is a bag in which at least two flexible sheets are bonded at a bonding section, and the shock buffering section is formed on a surface of the flexible sheet other than the bonding section.5. The liquid container according to claim 1 , whereinthe liquid containing bag has a first ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187994A1
Автор: SHIONO Shohei

A liquid container (ink cartridge) is provided with a containing portion (ink pack) containing a liquid including dispersed particles and a solvent in which the dispersed particles are dispersed, and a stirring member contained in the containing portion, in which the stirring member has flexible portions covering a bottom surface of the containing portion. 1. A liquid container comprising:a containing portion containing a liquid including dispersed particles and a solvent in which the dispersed particles are dispersed, anda stirring member contained in the containing portion,wherein the stirring member has flexible portions covering a bottom surface of the containing portion.2. The liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein a density of a member configuring the stirring member is greater than a density of the solvent.3. The liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein the stirring member has a flat plate shape.4. The liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein an area when the stirring member is seen in planar view is 50% or more of an area of a bottom surface of the containing portion.5. The liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein the stirring member has a plurality of the flexible portions.6. The liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein an area when the flexible portions are seen in planar view is 70% or more of the area when the stirring member is seen in planar view.7. The liquid container according to claim 5 , wherein when a length of the flexible portions is set to a claim 5 , a width is set to b claim 5 , and a thickness is set to t claim 5 , b≦10 mm.8. The liquid container according to claim 5 , wherein when a length of the flexible portions is set to a claim 5 , a width is set to b claim 5 , and a thickness is set to t claim 5 , t≦0.3 mm.9. The liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein the stirring member is further provided with a weight portion with a density of 1 g/cmor more.10. The liquid container according to claim 1 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192483A1

The present disclosure is related to an apparatus for a flexographic printing process with wet on wet capability based on controlled polymer or polymer segment precipitation that leads to gel formation of ink compounds by controlling the solubility parameter of the ink system. Insoluble segments in the ink form a reversible gel that is broken to a liquid by heat and/or shear forces during the application process, allowing application of a liquid ink. After application, the ink reverts to its gel state with such strength as to allow overprinting in the wet on wet flexographic printing process. The disclosure is also related to a flexographic printing apparatus comprising a feeding system for providing a flexographic ink, wherein the ink in a liquid state has a viscosity ranging from about 100 cps to about 4,000 cps, and the ink in a gel state has a measurable hardness. 127-. (canceled)28. A flexographic printing apparatus comprising:a feeding system for providing a flexographic ink, wherein the ink in a liquid state has a viscosity ranging from about 100 cps to about 4,000 cps, and the ink in a gel state has a hardness measurable by ASTM D2240-05.29. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein the feeding system comprises at least one heat source for the ink.30. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein the feeding system comprises at least one component able to deliver shear force to the ink.31. The apparatus according to claim 30 , wherein the at least one component is selected from the group consisting of a stirrer claim 30 , a mixer claim 30 , an agitator claim 30 , and a metering roll.32. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein the feeding system is automatic.33. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein the feeding system is manual.34. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein the apparatus further comprises an ink tray.35. The apparatus according to claim 34 , wherein the feeding system supplies ink to the ink tray.36. The apparatus ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239833A1
Автор: YIANNAKOU Pantelis
Принадлежит: Codus Holdings Limited

An apparatus for printing leather including an ink acceptor applicator that applies ink directly onto a surface of the leather; an ink applicator that applies ink to the ink acceptor and/or the leather surface; an additive applicator that applies additive onto the ink acceptor, the ink and/or the leather surface; a barrier having a surface configured to contact the acceptor, ink and additive on the leather surface; and a heater that heats the surface of the barrier to a predetermined temperature or a temperature within a selected temperature range such that the barrier, which is substantially impervious to the ink and has a melting point higher than the select temperature range, contacts at least the acceptor ink and additive on the surface directly to liquify the acceptor ink and additive into the leather and the acceptor, ink and additive fuses and penetrates into the leather. 1. Apparatus for printing leather comprising:an ink acceptor applicator that applies ink acceptor directly onto a surface of the leather;an ink applicator that applies ink to the ink acceptor and/or the leather surface;an additive applicator that applies additive onto the ink acceptor, the ink and/or the leather surface;a barrier having a surface configured to contact the acceptor, ink and additive on the leather surface; anda heater that heats the surface of the barrier to a predetermined temperature or a temperature within a selected temperature range such that the barrier, which is substantially impervious to the ink and has a melting point higher than the select temperature range, contacts at least the acceptor ink and additive on the surface directly to soften the acceptor ink and additive into the leather and the acceptor, ink and additive softens and penetrates into the leather.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a lowest temperature of the predetermined temperature range is higher than about 100° C.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a highest temperature of the predetermined ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265373A1

A seal member configured to seal a supply port for supplying ink contained in an ink tank to an outside of the ink tank is provided. The seal member includes a first area corresponding to the supply port and an ink absorbing member disposed in a second area located outside the first area. 1. A seal member that seals a supply port for supplying ink contained in an ink tank to an outside , comprising:a first area corresponding to the supply port; andan ink absorbing member disposed in a second area located outside the first area.2. The seal member according to claim 1 ,wherein the ink absorbing member is disposed to surround the supply port.3. The seal member according to claim 1 ,wherein the ink absorbing member is disposed along an outer wall of the supply port without a gap therebetween.4. The seal member according to claim 1 ,wherein the ink absorbing member is formed to have a ring shape.5. The seal member according to claim 1 , further comprising:a base member having a viscosity,wherein the ink absorbing member is disposed on the base member.6. The seal member according to claim 5 ,wherein the ink absorbing member includes a first ink absorbing member disposed on the base member and a second ink absorbing member disposed on the first ink absorbing member.7. The seal member according to claim 6 ,wherein a density of the first ink absorbing member is greater than a density of the second ink absorbing member.8. The seal member according to claim 1 ,wherein a second ink absorbing member is formed in the first area.9. The seal member according to claim 1 ,wherein a thickness of the second ink absorbing member is less than a thickness of the first ink absorbing member.10. A seal member that seals a supply port for supplying ink contained in an ink tank to an outside claim 1 , comprising:a film member;a first area formed on the film member, the first area corresponding to the supply port; andan ink absorbing member disposed in a second area located outside the first ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271536A1

The present invention provides a printing liquid container, a printing liquid filled container, an image forming apparatus, and a printing liquid filled container manufacturing method that may enlarge the opening surface area in a seal membrane. Namely, the printing liquid container includes: a sealing membrane provided to a capping section for sealing an opening in the capping section; a contact portion formed in a central portion of the sealing membrane, the contact portion is contacted by a hole piercing tool for forming a hole in the sealing membrane; and a first rupture portion configured thinner than the sealing membrane and extending out from the contact portion to an outer peripheral portion of the sealing membrane. 1. A printing liquid container comprising:a container main body formed with an opening to fill a liquid for printing;a capping section connected to the opening;a sealing portion provided to the capping section to seal the opening;a contact portion formed at a central portion of the sealing portion and contacted by a hole piercing tool to pierce a hole in the sealing portion; anda first rupture portion configured thinner than the sealing portion and extending from the contact portion to an outer peripheral portion of the sealing portion.2. The printing liquid container of further comprising:a rupture inducing guide portion formed at an outer periphery of the contact portion, configured thinner than the sealing portion, and connected to the first rupture portion to induce and guide rupturing of the first rupture portion.3. The printing liquid container of claim 1 , wherein the contact portion is indented from a front surface of the sealing portion and protrudes out from a rear face of the sealing portion.4. The printing liquid container of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the first rupture portion is configured thicker than a thickness of the rupture inducing guide portion.5. The printing liquid container of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278687A1

A cartridge includes a casing, a printing material containing portion, a printing material flow path and first and second insertion holes formed in a front face of the casing. A rod used for detection of the out-of-printing material state is inserted into the first insertion hole, and a printing material supply tube is inserted into the second insertion hole. The first insertion hole is located on the front face at a middle position between a first side face and a second side face of the casing. 1. A cartridge adapted to be removably attached to a cartridge mounting structure comprising a printing material supply tube fixed to a device front wall member and having a central axis extended in a predetermined direction , a rod provided on the device front wall member and having an axis parallel to the central axis and movable in a direction of the axis , and a sensor configured to detect displacement of the rod ,the cartridge comprising: a front face located along a Z-axis direction,', 'the front face having a first side located on a first side of the Z-axis direction and a second side located on a second side opposite to the first side of the Z-axis direction;, 'a casing including'}a printing material containing portion provided inside the casing;a rod receiving portion formed in the front face and adapted to receive the rod, the rod receiving portion located on the front face at a middle position between the first side and the second side;a tube receiving portion formed in the front face and adapted to receive the printing material supply tube.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , further comprising an abutting element adapted to abut with the rod when the cartridge is attached to the cartridge mounting structure.3. The cartridge according to either claim 1 , whereinthe rod receiving portion is further adapted to receive a rod cover surrounding periphery of the rod.4. The cartridge according to claim 1 , whereinthe casing comprisesa protective case having an ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291745A1

A method for calculating an instantaneous total volume of printing fluid used in a printing press is provided. The method includes inputting parameters of a printing fluid dispenser into a controller, calculating an instantaneous total volume of printing fluid consumed by the printing fluid dispenser using the controller and displaying the calculated instantaneous total volume of printing fluid on a human machine interface. A printing press is also provided. 1. A method for calculating an instantaneous total volume of printing fluid used in a printing press comprising:inputting parameters of a printing fluid dispenser into a controller;calculating an instantaneous total volume of printing fluid consumed by the printing fluid dispenser using the controller; anddisplaying the calculated instantaneous total volume of printing fluid on a human machine interface.2. The method as recited in wherein the printing fluid dispenser is an open fountain inking unit and the instantaneous total volume of printing fluid consumed by the printing fluid dispenser is calculated as a function of a width of ink keys of the open fountain inking unit claim 1 , distances between the ink keys and a fountain roll of the open fountain inking unit claim 1 , and a surface velocity of the fountain roll.3. The method as recited in wherein the printing fluid dispenser is a rail inking unit and the instantaneous total volume of printing fluid consumed by the printing fluid dispenser is calculated as a function of a diameter of orifices of an ink rail claim 1 , a percentage of time each orifice is open claim 1 , and a speed at least one pump supplies ink to the ink rail.4. The method as recited in further comprising inputting a cost of the printing fluid per a unit of volume; calculating the instantaneous total cost of printing fluid consumed by the printing fluid dispenser for a print job; and displaying the instantaneous total cost of printing fluid consumed by the printing fluid dispenser on the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Round Stamp

Номер: US20130305940A1
Принадлежит: Trodat GmbH

The invention relates to a stamp comprising a printing unit, an actuator unit and a connecting element, wherein the printing unit is connected to the actuator unit by means of connecting element, wherein the printing unit further features a support element and a printing plate the cross section of which is round and the printing plate is stabilized by support element and wherein the printing unit is moveable from a neutral setting into a print setting through axial displacement by means of the actuator unit Printing plate can be moved further by axial displacement into positioning setting wherein printing plate can be rotated in its angular position relative to actuator unit. 1. A stamp comprising a printing unit , an actuator unit and a connecting element , wherein the printing unit is connected to the actuator unit by means of the connecting element , and wherein the printing unit includes a support element and a printing plate , and the printing plate is stabilized by the support element , and wherein the printing unit can be moved through axial displacement by means of the actuator unit from its neutral setting into a printing setting , the printing plate can be moved into a positioning setting wherein the printing plate can be rotated in its angular position relative to the actuator unit.2. The stamp according to claim 1 , wherein the printing setting is formed between the neutral setting and positioning setting.3. The stamp according to claim 1 , further comprising a retaining frame arranged on the printing unit to stabilize the printing plate claim 1 , wherein the retaining frame can be rotated in the positioning setting of the printing plate.4. The stamp according to claim 3 , wherein the printing unit comprises a support element for the printing plate claim 3 , the support element connected to the retaining frame by means of a clip-on or snap-in connection.5. The stamp according to claim 4 , wherein the clip-on or snap-in connection comprises a tongue and ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305941A1

An ink supply method in an ink supply apparatus including an ink fountain, a plurality of ink fountain keys, an ink fountain roller, an ink ductor roller, and an ink roller group. An ink film thickness distribution corresponding to an image on a printing plate is formed in the ink roller group. The ink roller group is divided into a plurality of roller subgroups. After or before division, a throw-on operation is performed for at least one of the plurality of roller subgroups, and a plate cylinder on which the printing plate to be used for printing of the next job is mounted. Ink in at least one of the plurality of roller subgroups is supplied to the printing plate mounted on the plate cylinder by rotating the plate cylinder and at least one of the plurality of roller subgroups. An ink supply apparatus is also disclosed. 1. An ink supply method in an ink supply apparatus including an ink fountain storing an ink , a plurality of ink fountain keys arranged in the ink fountain , an ink fountain roller to which the ink is supplied from the ink fountain in accordance with opening ratios of the plurality of ink fountain keys , an ink ductor roller to which the ink is transferred from the ink fountain roller by an ink feed operation , and an ink roller group to which the ink transferred to the ink ductor roller is supplied , comprising the steps of:forming, in the ink roller group, an ink film thickness distribution corresponding to an image on a printing plate for printing of a next job;dividing, into a plurality of roller subgroups, the ink roller group in which the ink film thickness distribution to be used for printing of the next job is formed;performing, after or before division, a throw-on operation for at least one of the plurality of roller subgroups including a most downstream roller subgroup, and a plate cylinder on which the printing plate to be used for printing of the next job is mounted; andsupplying ink in at least one of the plurality of roller subgroups to ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Hand Stamp

Номер: US20130312627A1
Принадлежит: Trodat GmbH

The invention describes a stamp, a printing unit, a semi-finished product, a stamp cartridge and a process for saturating an ink storage body with stamp ink. The stamp includes a printing unit and an actuator unit. A printing plate arranged in or on the printing unit can be moved from a neutral position into a printing position against a resetting force. The printing unit is arranged with a housing, including an element featuring a pan bottom and at least one contiguous lateral wall stabilizing an ink storage body for receiving stamp ink, with a printing plate abutting against ink storage body for accepting stamp ink, and with at least the pan bottom formed to be liquid-tight. The support element features at least one sealable opening to connect with an actuator unit and/or which serves as a refill opening for stamp ink. 1. A printing unit for a stamp comprising a housing including a support element with a pan bottom and at least one lateral wall contiguous thereto , an ink storage body for accepting stamp ink arranged in the support element , and a printing plate arranged against the ink storage body for accepting stamp ink , the support element having an opening , and an actuator unit extending into the opening and connected to the support element , the opening serves as a refill opening for stamp ink , and a sealing element arranged for liquid-tight sealing of the opening.2. The printing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing element comprises a foil and is attached to support element by “glass lidding”.3. The printing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the support element having a plurality of openings sealed by the sealing element.4. The printing unit according claim 1 , wherein ribs are arranged on at least one of an interior surface of the support element or the ink storage body claim 1 , with said ribs movably arranged to be brought into contact with sealing element.5. The printing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the foil comprises a sealing ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Invertible Ink Stamp and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20130327238A1
Автор: Kageyama Tomohiro
Принадлежит: SHACHIHATA INC.

An invertible ink stamp comprises an ink absorber/retainer member disposed on top of the ink pad, an absorbent member disposed on the top of the ink absorber/retainer member and having capillary attraction weaker than that of the ink absorber/retainer member but sufficient to absorb excessive ink, the absorbent member having a vent in at least part of the top side or either of lateral sides for conducting to the atmospheric air, an ink tank having an ink supply tube that has its distal open end connected to the ink absorber/retainer member, and a wall member surrounding the whole circumferential surface of the ink absorber/retainer member for avoiding leakage of ink. 1. An invertible ink stamp , comprisingan inner casing provided with inversion guides inside,an outer casing attached to the inner casing with an elastic element interposed therebetween,a primary ink stamp member having an ink stamp face and invertible by virtue of the inversion guides,an ink pad disposed within the inner casing,an ink absorber/retainer member disposed on top of the ink pad,an absorbent member disposed on the top of the ink absorber/retainer member and having capillary attraction weaker than that of the ink absorber/retainer member but sufficient to absorb excessive ink, the absorbent member having a vent in at least part of the top side or either of lateral sides for conducting to the atmospheric air,an ink tank having an ink supply tube that has its distal open end connected to the ink absorber/retainer member, anda wall member surrounding the whole circumferential surface of the ink absorber/retainer member and covering the bottom surface of the ink absorber/retainer member, the wall member having an ink outlet at the bottom.2. The invertible ink stamp according to claim 1 , wherein the wall member is an ink-blocking wall member and the bottom of the wall member is in contact with an upper major surface of the ink pad.3. The invertible ink stamp according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Closed loop ink control system for a printing press

Номер: US20130327239A1
Принадлежит: Goss International Americas LLC

A method of controlling the ink feed to a printed substrate in a lithographic printing press is provided which includes providing, for each of a plurality of ink zones, an ink coverage requirement for a printing unit of the lithographic printing press; color scanning a first ink zone of a plurality of ink zones on a printed substrate as it exits the printing unit of the lithographic printing press; calculating, for each one of the plurality of ink zones, a dynamic flow change based on the static flow change for said each one of the plurality of ink zones and the ink coverage requirement for said each one of the plurality of ink zones; and providing a flow setting for each one of the plurality of ink zones based on the dynamic flow change for said each one of the plurality of ink zones.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Installing Fluid Container In Fluid Ejection Device

Номер: US20130335491A1

A fluid ejection device includes a fluid ejection unit that ejects a fluid onto an ejection target; a main chassis case that includes a platen disposed in a area for ejecting the fluid by the fluid ejection unit; a container case for containing a pack, the pack containing a fluid for ejection, wherein the container case is pivotably attached to the main chassis case and openable by rotation about a rotation shaft; and a delivery tube that delivers the fluid from the pack to the fluid ejection unit. 1. A fluid ejection device comprising:a fluid ejection unit that ejects a fluid onto an ejection target;a main chassis case that includes a platen disposed in an area for ejecting the fluid by the fluid ejection unit;a container case for containing a pack, the pack containing a fluid for ejection, wherein the container case is pivotably attached to the main chassis case and openable by rotation about a rotation shaft; anda delivery tube that delivers the fluid from the pack to the fluid ejection unit.2. The fluid ejection device according to claim 1 , wherein the container case is pivotably attached to the main chassis case allowing a part above the platen to be opened and closed.3. The fluid ejection device according to claim 1 , further comprising a delivery needle that includes a hollow flow passage connecting with the delivery tube claim 1 , wherein the delivery needle is adapted to connect with an aperture of the pack and arranged along the rotation shaft in the container case. This application is a continuation of, and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 on, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/142,436, filed Jun. 19, 2008, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 on Japanese patent application nos. 2007-162216 and 2008-133804, filed Jun. 20, 2007 and May 22, 2008 respectively. The content of each such related application is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to a fluid ejection device for ejecting a ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000467A1
Автор: Lunnerfjord Allan

A blade shaped tool belonging to that type of tools which comprises doctor blades and coater blades, which have a strip-shaped body of steel which is cold-rolled, hardened and tempered to a hardness between 500 and 700 HV. At least the two wide sides of the body are covered by a hard surface layer () provided through Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation of hard reaction products of type carbides, nitrides and/or oxides. The tool has in comparison with conventional tools of corresponding steel grades an improved bending resistance and in the working edge portion of the tool also a significantly higher resistance to wear. 1. A strip shaped tool belonging to that type of tools which comprises flat , strip shaped doctor blades and coater blades , which have a body of steel and at least one end portion , which is the working part of the tool during use thereof characterized in that the two wide , flat sides of the body are covered by a hard surface layer which contains on one hand one or more of the elements nitrogen , oxygen , and carbon , and on the other hand one or more metals which are reactive with said elements , which elements and metals , respectively , have been implanted into the surface layers of the steel through Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation , and that the body of steel , which is hardenable , is hardened and tempered to a hardness greater than 500 HV.2. A tool according to claim 1 , characterized in that the body consists of a cold-rolled strip of a hardenable steel belonging to the group of hardenable steels claim 1 , which consists of carbon steels claim 1 , low-alloyed steels claim 1 , alloyed but not stainless steels claim 1 , and stainless claim 1 , martensitic chromium steels.3. A tool according to claim 1 , characterized in that the steel in its hardened and tempered condition has a hardness between 500 and 700 HV (Hardness Vickers).4. A tool according to claim 1 , characterized in that the body has a thickness between 0.07 and 0.6 mm claim 1 , for ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002554A1

An inkjet image forming apparatus includes an ink container and a container installed part. The ink container is configured to store an ink. To the container installed part, the ink container is attached/detached along an installing direction. The ink container includes a container case and a shutter. The container case has a lower face to which a supplying port discharging the ink is located. The shutter is located to leave a space from the supplying port and switchable between a closing state covering a bottom of the supplying port and an opening state exposing the supplying port. 1. An inkjet image forming apparatus comprising:an ink container configured to store an ink; anda container installed part to which the ink container is attached/detached along an installing direction,wherein the ink container includesa container case having a lower face side to which a supplying port discharging the ink is located, anda shutter located to leave a space from the supplying port and being switchable between a closing state covering a bottom of the supplying port and an opening state exposing the supplying port.2. The inkjet image forming apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinto an upper face of the shutter, a liquid absorbing member is attached so that the liquid absorbing member is located to leave a space from the supplying port in a situation of the shutter in the closing state.3. The inkjet image forming apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe liquid absorbing member is made of a sponge, a porous ceramic, plastics or a high polymer absorbent.4. The inkjet image forming apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinon an upper face side of the container installed part, a guide protrusion is protruded,the shutter has a hook to come into contact with the guide protrusion,when the ink container is pushed to a first position of the container installed part, the guide protrusion stops the hook in an engaged state to restrict movement of the shutter to a rear side in the ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022316A1

A cartridge includes N number of printing material supply ports, N being a natural number of 2 or more, a printing material containing section, and a negative pressure generating member. The N printing material supply ports are arranged along the Y axis in a surface. The printing material containing section is provided between a pair of side surfaces opposing each other in a direction along a Y axis, and contains a printing material. The negative pressure generating member is provided between the side surfaces, and generates negative pressure in the printing material containing section. A relationship between a length W1 along the Y axis from one of the side surfaces to the other and a length W2 along the Y axis of the negative pressure generating member between the one side surface and the other side surface satisfies W2 Подробнее

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036012A1

An attachment is mounted on a cartridge holder of a printer as a replacement of an ink cartridge. An ink outlet member having a link passage is separably secured to an attachment body. Ink is supplied from the exterior to the ink outlet member through an ink supply tube. When the attachment is mounted on the cartridge holder, a downstream end of the ink outlet member is positioned with respect to and connected to an ink supply needle of the printer. Accordingly, the attachment is easily and quickly installed in a liquid ejection apparatus. This reduces costs and makes it easy to use the attachment. 117-. (canceled)18. A liquid ejection apparatus comprising:a mounting portion having a liquid inlet portion,an attachment that is mountable on the mounting portion,an external tank for storing a liquid being supplied to the attachment through a liquid supply passage, a support portion,', 'a link portion that defines a link passage, the liquid in the liquid supply passage flowing into the mounting portion through the link passage,, 'the attachment includingwherein the link portion is supported by the support portion of the attachment body in such a manner that, when the attachment body is mounted on the mounting portion, a downstream end of the link passage is positioned with respect to and connected to the liquid inlet portion; andwherein a downstream end of the liquid supply passage is connectable to an upstream end of the link passage of the link portion.191. The liquid ejection apparatus according to claim , wherein the link portion is formed by a cylindrical liquid outlet member , the liquid outlet member being detachably mounted on the attachment body.201. The liquid ejection apparatus according to claim , wherein the attachment body further includes:an air inlet port that is positioned with respect to an air outlet port when the attachment body is mounted on the mounting portion; andan air inlet chamber into which the pressurized air is introduced from the air ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043411A1

A liquid holding container is adapted to supply liquid to a liquid introduction portion of a liquid consuming device. The liquid holding container includes a container and a first porous member. The container includes a liquid holding portion for holding the liquid, and a discharge port in communication with the liquid holding portion for discharging the liquid to the liquid introduction portion. The first porous member is provided on the discharge port for contacting the liquid introduction portion. The first porous member has a projecting part projecting in a direction from the liquid holding portion toward the discharge port. 1. A liquid holding container adapted to supply liquid to a liquid introduction portion of a liquid consuming device , the liquid holding container comprising:a container including a liquid holding portion for holding the liquid, and a discharge port in communication with the liquid holding portion for discharging the liquid to the liquid introduction portion; anda first porous member provided on the discharge port for contacting the liquid introduction portion, the first porous member having a projecting part projecting in a direction from the liquid holding portion toward the discharge port.2. The liquid holding container according to claim 1 , further comprisinga biasing member provided on the liquid holding unit side of the first porous member to bias the first porous member in the direction from the liquid holding portion toward the discharge port.3. A liquid supply system comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the liquid holding container according to , and'}the liquid consuming device for introducing the liquid from the liquid holding container, whereinthe liquid consuming device has the liquid introduction portion for introducing the liquid from the liquid discharge port,the liquid introduction portion has a cylindrical body and a second porous member provided on the cylindrical body,the first porous member has ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053746A1
Автор: Ramakrishnan Ed S.

In a flexographic printing system, the both the process parameters and equipment setup and configuration may play a role in producing the desired printed pattern. One component of the equipment setup is the printer roller assembly which may comprise a roller and a flexoplate as well as tape. The properties of the flexoplate and the tape as well as the relative dimensions of each in the assembly may affect the geometry and quality of the transferred pattern, as well as the ability of the system to produce a pattern on a repeatable, consistent basis. 1. An apparatus for flexoprinting patterns on a substrate comprising:a printer roller, comprising a pair of end portions defining a recess between the portions, the recess having a depth;a tape disposed in the recess, the thickness of the tape having the same depth as the recess, and a flexoplate;wherein the tape has a uniform thickness;wherein the tape is disposed in the uniform circumferential recess around at least part of the circumference of the roller;wherein the flexoplate has a pattern on a surface opposite the surface disposed on the tape, and wherein the pattern comprises a plurality of lines;wherein the tape hardness is about 20 on the Shore A scale; andwherein the tape thickness is between 300 μm-500 μm and is +/−10% of the recess depth.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the tape thickness is between 350 μm-450 μm.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an ink source claim 1 , wherein a transfer roller transfers ink from the ink source to an anilox roller.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the printer roller applies the pattern on the flexoplate to print at least one side of a substrate to form a plurality of printed lines claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of printed lines is from 20 μm -45 μm wide.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the printer roller applies the pattern on the flexoplate to print at least one side of a substrate to form a plurality of printed lines claim 3 , wherein ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Square ink filter vessel for a printing press

Номер: US20140060355A1
Автор: Steven E. Boettcher
Принадлежит: Flxon Inc

A square ink filter vessel for a printing press, like a rotogravure printing press, a flexographic printing press, or other like printing presses, includes a container having a substantially rectangular shaped cross-section with an open top, an outlet port on one side approximate the bottom of the container, a sloped bottom, where the sloped bottom being toward the outlet port, an inlet port on one side approximate the top of the container, and an internal ledge. A lid is adapted to close the open top of the container. A hinge couples the lid to the container, where the lid is hinged to the container on one side. A lid compression device is adapted to compress the lid to the container. A containment basket is adapted to fit inside the container, and has a plurality of holes on all sides and a lip adapted to rest on the internal ledge of the container.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Container and Method of Manufacturing Liquid Container

Номер: US20140061200A1

A method of manufacturing a liquid container. The liquid container includes a container portion, a supply opening through which the liquid inside the container portion is supplied outside of the liquid container, and a detection member for detecting an amount of the liquid in the container portion. The container portion is partitioned into a first, second, third, and fourth chambers, which are downstream from each other in this order with respect to flow of the liquid from the container portion toward the supply opening. The fourth container chamber is inside the third container chamber, but partitioned from the third container chamber by a first sheet member. The detection member is inside the fourth container chamber. The method includes forming an injection opening in communication with the container portion at the fourth container chamber or downstream from the fourth container chamber and injecting liquid into the injection opening. 2. The method of manufacturing a liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprising:forming the injection opening at the fourth container chamber.3. The method of manufacturing a liquid container according to claim 2 , wherein the casing includes a channel from the third container chamber to the fourth container chamber claim 2 , the channel includes a first outer wall channel provided on a second outer wall of the casing claim 2 , and the first outer wall channel is sealed by a third sheet member from the outside of the casing claim 2 , wherein the method comprising:forming the injection opening in the third sheet member from the second outer wall side through a region in which the third sheet member overlaps a communication opening that opens from the first outer wall channel into the fourth container chamber.4. The method of manufacturing a liquid container according to claim 1 , wherein a first outer wall of the casing is provided with an opening portion that opens from the outside of the casing into the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140092179A1
Автор: TAMAKI Shuichi

A first part of liquid holders includes at least one liquid holder provided at the first casing. A second part of liquid holders includes at least one liquid holder provided at the second casing. Each of a plurality of flexible tubes has one end and another end. The one end is connected to the first part of the liquid holders. The other end is connected to the second part of the liquid holders. A first supporting section is provided at the first casing and supports the tubes. A second supporting section is provided at the second casing and supports the tubes. A third supporting section supports the tubes at a position between the first supporting section and the second supporting section in such a manner that the tubes are arranged in a direction parallel to a pivotal axis. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a first casing;a second casing configured to pivotally move about a pivotal axis relative to the first casing, the second casing being configured to take an adjacent position at which the second casing is adjacent to the first casing and a spaced position at which the second casing is farther spaced away from the first casing than at the adjacent position;a plurality of liquid holders, a first part of the plurality of liquid holders including at least one liquid holder provided at the first casing, a second part of the plurality of liquid holders including at least one liquid holder provided at the second casing, the second part of the plurality of liquid holders being different from the first part of the plurality of liquid holders;a plurality of flexible tubes each having one end and another end, the one end being connected to the first part of the plurality of liquid holders, the other end being connected to the second part of the plurality of liquid holders;a first supporting section provided at the first casing and configured to support the plurality of tubes;a second supporting section provided at the second casing and configured to support the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000543A1

A liquid supply assembly for use with a printing system of a type in which a liquid is deposited from the liquid supply assembly in a receiving region on a plate and any excess of the liquid in the receiving region is scraped from the plate by the liquid supply assembly. To this end, the liquid supply assembly employs a reusable cup, a disposable cup insert and a scraping element. As assembled, the reusable cup includes a reusable liquid reservoir, the disposable cup insert includes a temporary liquid reservoir holding the liquid within the reusable liquid reservoir, and the scraping element includes a conduit facilitating a flow of the liquid held by the temporary liquid reservoir through the conduit to the plate. 1. A disposable cup insert for holding ink for a printing system that includes a reusable hollow body and a doctor blade , the reusable hollow body having a first end and a first flange extending around the first end , the doctor blade positioned outside the first end of the reusable hollow body to define a conduit through which the ink flows onto a cliché plate for applying the ink to one or more objects via the cliché plate , the disposable cup insert comprising:a hollow reservoir body formed from a closed base and an opposite open outlet, the hollow reservoir body defining a liquid reservoir for holding the ink for the printing system, the open outlet having an outwardly protruding flange extending around the open outlet,wherein the outwardly protruding flange of the hollow reservoir body is shaped to sit within a seat formed by the first flange of the reusable hollow body such that a seal is positioned between two or more of the reusable hollow body, the hollow reservoir body, or the doctor ring to secure the hollow reservoir body to the reusable hollow body.2. The disposable cup insert of claim 1 , wherein the outwardly protruding flange of the hollow reservoir body laterally extends outward from the open outlet of the hollow reservoir body.3. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001634A1
Принадлежит: SEMES Co. Ltd.

An ink tank for a liquid chemical discharging apparatus capable of preventing equipment failure and improving durability by preventing scattering and backflow of a liquid chemical. To this end, the present invention provides an ink tank for a liquid chemical discharging apparatus including: a liquid chemical receiving portion in which a liquid chemical is stored; a liquid chemical discharge port supplying the liquid chemical to an inkjet head; a pressure control port for controlling pressure of the liquid chemical receiving portion; and a partition wall which is provided in the liquid chemical receiving portion to partition the liquid chemical receiving portion. According to the present invention, it is possible to prevent contamination due to a liquid chemical by suppressing the liquid chemical from sloshing and improve durability of an ink tank by preventing the liquid chemical contained therein from flowing backward out of the ink tank. 1. An ink tank for a liquid chemical discharging apparatus comprising:a liquid chemical receiving portion in which a liquid chemical is stored;a liquid chemical discharge port supplying the liquid chemical to an inkjet head;a pressure control port for controlling pressure of the liquid chemical receiving portion; anda partition wall which is provided in the liquid chemical receiving portion to partition the liquid chemical receiving portion.2. The ink tank for the liquid chemical discharging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of scattering prevention holes are formed in the partition wall to prevent the scattering of the liquid chemical.3. The ink tank for the liquid chemical discharging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a scattering prevention hole located in the upper direction among the plurality of scattering prevention holes is formed larger than the size of the scattering prevention hold located in the lower direction among the plurality of scattering prevention holes.4. The ink tank for the liquid chemical discharging ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001616A1

A roller arrangement for printing apparatus comprises a first roller. The first roller comprises a plurality of cells. Each of the plurality of cells receives an amount of a coating material. The roller arrangement further comprises an extractor to remove at least a portion of the coating material from a selected set of the plurality of the cells. 1. A roller arrangement for printing apparatus , the roller arrangement comprising:a first roller, the first roller comprising a plurality of cells, each of the plurality of cells receiving an amount of a coating material; andan extractor to remove at least a portion of the coating material from a selected set of the plurality of cells.2. The roller arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the extractor comprises a first air port to direct a jet of air onto each of the selected set of the plurality of cells to extract at least a portion of the coating material therefrom.3. The roller arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the extractor comprises a second air port to direct an air flow substantially parallel to a surface of the first roller to evacuate the coating material removed from the selected set of the plurality of cells of the first roller.4. The roller arrangement of claim 3 , wherein the velocity of the jet of air from the first air port is substantially greater than the velocity of the air flow of the second air port.5. The roller arrangement of claim 3 , wherein the roller arrangement further comprises at least one blade to remove excess coating material from the surface of the first roller such that a predetermined amount of coating material remains in each of the plurality of cells.6. The roller arrangement of claim 5 , wherein the at least one blade is further to direct the air flow of the second air port towards and/or away from the surface of the first roller and/or to direct the coating material extracted from the selected set of the plurality of cells by the jet of air of the first air port away from the surface of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Device for Cleaning Ink Reservoir, Printing Machine, and Method for Cleaning Ink Reservoir

Номер: US20200001596A1
Автор: IZUME Masayuki

A printing press makes an ink reservoir between an ink fountain and an ink fountain roller and supplies ink to the plate cylinder via a ductor roller advancing and retracting towards and from the ink fountain roller. The printing press is provided with the ink fountain, a base supporting the ink fountain, a slide mechanism sliding the ink fountain along the base in order to control the clearance between the tip of the ink fountain and the ink fountain roller, a cleaner removing the ink from the ink fountain roller, an advancement and retraction mechanism for advancing and retracting the cleaner between a contact position to the ink fountain roller and a non-contact position, and a controller. The controller controls the slide mechanism and the advancement and retraction mechanism, enlarges the clearance in order to pass the dirt with the ink through the clearance, and makes the cleaner in contact with the ink fountain roller to remove the dirt with the ink. 114.-. (canceled)15. A cleaning device for an ink reservoir for a printing press , wherein the ink reservoir is formed between an ink fountain and an ink fountain roller and wherein ink is supplied to a ductor roller advancing and retracting towards and from the ink fountain roller ,wherein one end of the ink fountain towards the ink fountain roller is a tip end, an opposite end of the ink fountain far from the ink fountain roller is a rear end, and a direction parallel to the tip end is a left-right direction,said cleaning device for an ink reservoir comprising: the ink fountain; a base supporting the ink fountain; and a slide mechanism sliding the ink fountain along the base in order to control a clearance between the tip end of the ink fountain and the ink fountain roller,wherein said slide mechanism is configured to slide the ink fountain between a normal position where the ink passes through said clearance and a cleaning position where both dirt in the ink and the ink pass through said clearance,said slide ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001650A1

A liquid supplying mechanism includes: a tank including a liquid storage section configured to store a liquid, and a liquid injection port configured to inject the liquid into the liquid storage section; and a bottle configured to replenish the liquid into the tank. The bottle includes: a bottle section configured to store the liquid; and a protruding section, which protrudes from the bottle section, and is insertable into the liquid injection port so as to inject, into the liquid storage section, the liquid stored in the bottle section. The liquid injection port includes: a protruding section insertion portion into which the protruding section of the bottle is insertable; and a protruding section fixing portion, which is engageable with the protruding section of the bottle, to thereby be capable of fixing the bottle to the tank. 1. A liquid supplying mechanism , comprising: a liquid storage section configured to store a liquid; and', 'a liquid injection port configured to inject the liquid into the liquid storage section; and, 'a tank comprising a bottle section configured to store the liquid; and', 'a protruding section, which protrudes from the bottle section, and is insertable into the liquid injection port so as to inject, into the liquid storage section, the liquid stored in the bottle section,', a protruding section insertion portion into which the protruding section of the bottle is insertable; and', 'a protruding section fixing portion, which is engageable with the protruding section of the bottle, to thereby be capable of fixing the bottle to the tank., 'the liquid injection port comprising], 'a bottle configured to replenish the liquid into the tank, the bottle comprising2. A liquid supplying mechanism according to claim 1 ,wherein the protruding section comprises a first protruding portion, and a second protruding portion that is formed on the bottle section side with respect to the first protruding portion and has an outer diameter smaller than an outer ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001661A1

The present disclosure relates to an apparatus for flexographic printing of a web of packaging material with printing ink and an inlet module for a flexographic printing apparatus. The apparatus may include an ink pan or chamber, and an anilox roll rotary at least partly inside the ink chamber for picking up and transferring printing ink from the ink chamber to an impression cylinder which is rotary in transfer contact with the anilox roll. The ink chamber may be elongated and extend axially along the anilox roll, the ink chamber having a first axial end and a second axial end opposite the first axial end. The apparatus may further include a first printing ink inlet arranged at the first axial end and a second printing ink inlet arranged at the second axial end. 1. An apparatus for flexographic printing of a web of packaging material with printing ink , the apparatus comprising:an ink chamber;an anilox roll rotary at least partly inside the ink chamber, the anilox roll rotary configured for picking up and transferring printing ink from the ink chamber to an impression cylinder which is rotary in transfer contact with the anilox roll;wherein the ink chamber is elongated and extends axially along the anilox roll, and the ink chamber has a first axial end and a second axial end opposite the first axial end; andwherein the apparatus further comprises a first printing ink inlet arranged at the first axial end of the ink chamber and a second printing ink inlet arranged at the second axial end of the ink chamber.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first printing ink inlet and the second printing ink inlet are configured to direct printing ink at least partly parallel to the an axial extent of the anilox roll.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first printing ink inlet and the second printing ink inlet has an elongated exit.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the elongated exit is elongated in an upright direction.5. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001689A1

A liquid discharge apparatus including a liquid discharge head that discharges a liquid by vibrating a vibration plate by a drive element and changing a pressure in an internal space filled with the liquid, a pressurization supply unit that forcibly feeds the liquid into the liquid discharge head, and a controller that restricts drive of the drive element in accordance with a pressure condition in the liquid discharge head. 1. A liquid discharge apparatus comprising:a liquid discharge head that discharges a liquid by vibrating a vibration plate by a drive element and changing a pressure in an internal space filled with the liquid;a pressurization supply unit that forcibly feeds the liquid into the liquid discharge head; anda controller that performs control of either of (A) or (B) below in accordance with a pressure condition in the liquid discharge head,(A) restrict drive of the drive element in accordance with the pressure condition in the liquid discharge head, or(B) reduce a pressure of the liquid in accordance with the pressure condition in the liquid discharge head.2. The liquid discharge apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a valve apparatus that opens/closes according to pressure in the liquid discharge head in a flow path between the pressurization supply unit and the liquid discharge head,wherein the liquid is supplied to the liquid discharge head when the valve apparatus opens, andthe controller performs control of either of the (A) or the (B) when liquid leakage occurs in the valve apparatus.3. The liquid discharge apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe drive element discharges the liquid when a drive waveform is inputted, andthe control of the (A) is control of restricting the drive waveform from being inputted into the drive element.4. The liquid discharge apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe drive element discharges the liquid when a drive waveform is inputted, andthe control of the (A) is control of reducing a discharge ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002589A1

A fluid storage container enables the easy removal of recovered fluid and reuse of the container without incurring the added costs of disassembly and replacing an absorbent material. In one exemplary embodiment, an ink cartridge can have an ink storage unit that stores waste ink, an ink inlet/outlet disposed in a frame part that can be the outside wall of the ink storage unit an ink path of which one end communicates with the ink inlet/outlet and the other end is disposed opening into the ink storage unit, wall parts that divide the ink storage unit into an upper air chamber and a lower fluid chamber that communicate with each other through a communication path and an outside air channel of which one end communicates with the air chamber and the other end enables communication with the outside at a position further from the air chamber than the fluid chamber Other embodiments of fluid storage containers are also disclosed. 18-. (canceled)9. A fluid storage container detachably connected to an apparatus comprising:a body;a first opening disposed on the body;a fluid storage unit provided in the body and configured to store fluid fed through the first opening;an air path having a first end that communicates with the fluid storage unit and a second end that communicates with an outside environment; anda fluid path disposed within the body and communicating with the first opening and the fluid storage unit,wherein the fluid path is defined by a first wall and a second wall, the first wall being located closer to the first end of the air path than the second wall is, and the second wall being shorter than the first wall.10. The fluid storage container described in claim 9 , further comprising:a recess formed in a portion of the fluid storage unit,wherein the terminal end of the first wall is positioned within the recess.11. The fluid storage container described in claim 10 , wherein the terminal end of the second wall is positioned outside of the recess.12. The fluid ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009222A1

A seal member includes an annular seal body extending about a flow axis. The seal body has a first sealing face, second sealing face, and a step face. The first sealing face extends radially from the flow axis and has a planar contour. The second sealing face extends radially from the flow axis, is axially opposite the first sealing face, and has an arcuate contour. The step face extends radially from the flow axis and is defined axially between the first sealing face and the second sealing face, the step face arranged for capture between a spout and a reservoir body to capture the seal member. Fluid reservoirs and methods of making fluid reservoirs are also described. 1. A seal member , comprising: a first sealing face extending radially from the flow axis, the first sealing face having a planar contour;', 'a second sealing face extending radially from the flow axis and axially opposite the first sealing face, the second sealing face having an arcuate contour; and', 'a step face extending radially toward the flow axis from the first sealing face, wherein the step face is arranged axially between the first sealing face and the second sealing face for capture of the seal member., 'an annular seal body extending about a flow axis, the seal body having2. The seal member as recited in claim 1 , wherein the arcuate contour is defined by two or more rib portions extending about the flow axis claim 1 , the two or more rib portions axially overlapped by the first sealing face of the seal body.3. The seal member as recited in claim 1 , wherein the arcuate contour is defined by a radially outer annular portion extending about the flow axis claim 1 , the radially outer annular portion axially overlapped by the first sealing face of the seal body.4. The seal member as recited in claim 1 , wherein the arcuate contour is defined by a radially inner annular portion extending about the flow axis claim 1 , radially inner annular portion axially overlapped by the step face of the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016893A1

A liquid storage container includes: a discharge port member including a discharge port through which liquid stored in a storage portion is discharged; a cover portion configured to be attachable to and detachable from the discharge port member and to be capable of opening and closing the discharge port; a liquid stop valve provided inside the discharge port member; and a protrusion provided inside the cover portion and configured to open the liquid stop valve in closing the cover portion. In the liquid storage container, the storage portion is sealable by at least one of a first sealing portion formed of a contact portion between the cover portion and the discharge port member and a second sealing portion formed of the liquid stop valve, and the first sealing portion and the second sealing portion are configured to be simultaneously unsealed. 1. A liquid storage container comprising:a discharge port member including a discharge port through which liquid stored in a storage portion is discharged;a cover portion configured to be attachable to and detachable from the discharge port member and to be capable of opening and closing the discharge port;a liquid stop valve provided inside the discharge port member; anda protrusion provided inside the cover portion and configured to open the liquid stop valve in closing the cover portion, whereinthe storage portion is sealable by at least one of a first sealing portion formed of a contact portion between the cover portion and the discharge port member and a second sealing portion formed of the liquid stop valve, andthe first sealing portion and the second sealing portion are configured to be simultaneously unsealed.2. The liquid storage container according to claim 1 , wherein unsealing of the liquid stop valve by the protrusion and unsealing by separation of the cover portion and the discharge port member simultaneously occur in opening the cover portion.3. The liquid storage container according to claim 1 , wherein further ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009267A1

In one example, an ink storage unit for an inkjet printer includes multiple bags to hold ink, a single housing enclosing the bags and configured to fit inside the printer, and an outlet from each bag to connect to an ink flow path external to the housing. In another example, a liquid supply unit includes multiple primary containers each holding liquid, a single secondary container enclosing the primary containers, and an outlet from each primary container. In this example, each outlet is positioned at the middle of a vertical column of liquid in the corresponding primary container. 1. An ink storage unit for an inkjet printer , comprising:multiple bags to hold ink;a single housing enclosing the bags and configured to fit inside the printer; andan outlet from each bag to connect to an ink flow path external to the housing.2. The unit of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a tub holding the bags and a lid covering the tub.3. The unit of claim 2 , further comprising absorbent material sandwiched between the lid and the bags.4. The unit of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises an inner shell containing the bags and an outer shell surrounding the inner shell.5. The unit of claim 4 , wherein the inner shell is sealed so that a space surrounding the bags may be pressurized.6. The unit of claim 1 , further comprising a different color ink in each bag.7. The unit of claim 1 , wherein the bags have a capacity sufficient to store enough ink to print a minimum number of pages that corresponds to a predetermined expected useful life of the printer.8. The unit of claim 1 , further comprising a fitment mounted to the housing claim 1 , the fitment including multiple fittings each operatively connected to a corresponding outlet to allow ink to flow from the ink bags to the external flow path.9. An ink storage unit for an inkjet printer claim 1 , comprising:multiple collapsible bags each holding a different color ink;a rigid container containing the bags, the bags arranged ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Can decorator machine, ink station assembly therefor, and can decorating method employing same

Номер: US20170008270A1
Принадлежит: Stolle Machinery Co LLC

An ink station assembly is for a can decorator machine structured to decorate a plurality of cans. The ink station assembly includes a first oscillator roll and a second oscillator roll each having a longitudinal axis and being structured to oscillate back and forth along the longitudinal axis, a printing plate cylinder including a printing plate, and only one single form roll cooperating with the printing plate cylinder to apply a supply of ink to the printing plate, the single form roll cooperating with the first oscillator roll and the second oscillator roll.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008271A1

There is described a multicolour letterpress printing press, in particular a numbering press, comprising a printing group () with at least a first letterpress (e.g. numbering) cylinder () and a second letterpress cylinder () which are inked by an associated inking system (). The inking system () comprises (i) a first inking device () supplying ink to a first chablon cylinder (), (ii) at least a second inking device () supplying ink to a second chablon cylinder (), and (iii) an ink-collecting cylinder () contacting the first and second chablon cylinders () and the first and second letterpress cylinders (). The ink-collecting cylinder () collects a first ink pattern (A, D) from the first chablon cylinder () and a second ink pattern (B, C) from the second chablon cylinder (). As a result, a first multicolour pattern of inks (A-D) is formed on the ink-collecting cylinder (), which first multicolour pattern of inks (A-D) is transferred onto the first letterpress cylinder (). The ink-collecting cylinder () further collects a third ink pattern (A, D) from the first chablon cylinder () and a fourth ink pattern (B, C) from the second chablon cylinder (), thereby forming a second multicolour pattern of inks (A ″D) on the ink-collecting cylinder (), which second multicolour pattern of inks (A ″D) is transferred onto the second letterpress cylinder (). 1. A letterpress printing press , in particular a numbering press , comprising a printing group with at least a first letterpress cylinder and a second letterpress cylinder which are inked by an associated inking system , a first inking device supplying ink to a first chablon cylinder;', 'at least a second inking device supplying ink to a second chablon cylinder; and', 'an ink-collecting cylinder contacting the first and second chablon cylinders and the first and second letterpress cylinders,, 'wherein the inking system compriseswherein the ink-collecting cylinder collects a first ink pattern from the first chablon cylinder and a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009097A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes a liquid ejecting portion capable of ejecting ink, a liquid container provided with an injection port for ink, and a liquid reception portion disposed on a lower side of the injection port. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a liquid ejecting portion that is capable of ejecting a liquid on a medium;a casing body that accommodates the liquid ejecting portion; anda liquid container that is capable of accommodating the liquid, wherein:the liquid container includes a protruding portion that is protruding outside the casing body.2. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a replenishment port for replenishing the liquid, wherein the replenishment port is disposed on the protruding portion.3. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transporting path of the medium, whereinthe liquid container is disposed so that the liquid container does not directly face the transporting path of the medium.4. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a replenishment port for replenishing the liquid, wherein the replenishment port is disposed further downward than the liquid ejecting portion.5. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid container is disposed at a lower portion of the casing body.6. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a lower end of the liquid container is located at a position lower than a lower end of the casing body.7. liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a lower end of the protruding portion of the liquid container is supported.8. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a capacity of the protruding portion of the liquid container is larger than a capacity of a portion of the liquid container accommodated within the casing body.9. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a replenishment port for replenishing ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009102A1

A pinch valve includes first and second pinch arms pivotally mounted about respective pivot axes. A spring interconnects the first and second pinch arms to mutually bias the pinch arms towards each other and provide a pinching force for pinching respective first and second conduits. A cam engages with each of the pinch arms and provides an unpinching force for either one of the pinch arms against the bias of the sprint. 1. A pinch valve comprising:a body;a cam rotatably mounted on the body about a cam axis;a first pinch arm pivotally mounted on the body about a first pivot axis parallel with the cam axis, the first pinch arm comprising a first cam follower for engagement with the cam and a first pinch element for pinching a first conduit, the first conduit being positioned between the first pinch element and the cam axis;a second pinch arm pivotally mounted on the body about a second pivot axis parallel with the cam axis, the second pinch arm comprising a second cam follower for engagement with the cam and a second pinch element for pinching a second conduit, the second conduit being positioned between the second pinch element and the cam axis; anda resilient element interconnecting the first and second pinch arms between respective first and second spring mount locations, the resilient element mutually biasing the first and second pinch arms towards each other,wherein the resilient element provides a pinching force for pinching the first and second conduits.2. The pinch valve of claim 1 , wherein the resilient element comprises a tension spring.3. The pinch valve of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises first and second anvils claim 1 , and wherein the resilient element provides a pinching force on a first conduit positioned between the first anvil and the first pinch element and a pinching force on a second conduit positioned between the second anvil and the second pinch element.4. The pinch valve of claim 1 , wherein the first and second pinch arms are ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010733A1

A process for producing a fluid transfer surface, which process comprises: providing a titanium or titanium alloy surface; subjecting the titanium or titanium alloy surface to surface hardening by interstitial element absorption to provide a hardened surface; and, if required engraving the hardened surface to provide a desired surface topography. 1. A process for producing a fluid transfer surface , which process comprises:providing a titanium or titanium alloy surface;subjecting the titanium or titanium alloy surface to surface hardening by interstitial element absorption to provide a hardened surface; and if required,engraving the hardened surface to provide a desired surface topography.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein surface hardening may be achieved by localised melting of the surface in the presence of a gas including the relevant element(s).3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the gas including the relevant element(s) is used as a mixture with an inert gas.4. The process of claim 2 , wherein the gas is nitrogen.5. The process of claim 2 , wherein the gas is carbon dioxide.5. (canceled)6. The process of claim 1 , wherein localised melting of the surface is carried out using a laser.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hardened surface is engraved using a laser.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hardened surface is engraved by embossing or knurling.9. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hardened surface is engraved by chemical etching.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the titanium or titanium alloy surface is the outer surface of a cylinder.11. The process of claim 1 , wherein the titanium or titanium alloy surface has been produced by cold spraying titanium or titanium alloy powder.12. The process of claim 1 , wherein the titanium or titanium alloy surface has been produced by cold spraying of titanium or titanium alloy particles onto the surface of a base component.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the base component is a cylinder claim 12 , ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024213A1

An inkjet printing apparatus includes a surface acoustic wave module including an inner passage and a surface acoustic wave generator around the inner passage; and an outflow passage connected to the surface acoustic wave module to discharge ink, where the outflow passage includes a first outflow passage connected to the inner passage to discharge first ink particles and a second outflow passage connected to the inner passage to discharge second ink particles having an average diameter smaller than that of the first ink particles, and the surface acoustic wave generator is closer to the second outflow passage than the first outflow passage. 1. An inkjet printing apparatus comprising:a surface acoustic wave module comprising an inner passage and a surface acoustic wave generator around the inner passage; andan outflow passage connected to the surface acoustic wave module to discharge ink,wherein the outflow passage comprises a first outflow passage connected to the inner passage to discharge first ink particles and a second outflow passage connected to the inner passage to discharge second ink particles having an average diameter smaller than that of the first ink particles, andwherein the surface acoustic wave generator is closer to the second outflow passage than the first outflow passage.2. The inkjet printing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a waste ink collection module connected to the first outflow passage to receive the first ink particles; andan inkjet head unit connected to the second outflow passage to receive the second ink particles.3. The inkjet printing apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a first inflow passage and a second inflow passage connected to the inner passage claim 2 ,wherein an ink base material is to be introduced through the first inflow passage,wherein the ink is to be introduced through the second inflow passage, andwherein the surface acoustic wave generator is closer to the second inflow passage than the first inflow ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009557A1

An inkjet printing apparatus includes a tank, a print head including a pressure chamber filled with ink supplied from the tank and an ejection opening which is communicated with the pressure chamber and which ejects ink filled in the pressure chamber a supply flow path for supplying ink from the tank to the print head, a collection flow path for collecting ink from the print head to the tank, a circulation unit configured to circulate ink so as to flow through the supply flow path, an inside of the pressure chamber, and the collection flow path, and a buffer chamber disposed inside the print head or in the collection flow path and which is volume variable. The tank is disposed higher than the print head in a vertical direction, and a one-way valve is provided between the buffer chamber and the tank in the collection flow path. 1. An inkjet printing apparatus comprising:a tank in which ink is contained;a print head including a pressure chamber filled with ink supplied from the tank and an ejection opening which is communicated with the pressure chamber and which ejects ink filled in the pressure chamber;a supply flow path for supplying ink from the tank to the print head;a collection flow path for collecting ink from the print head to the tank;a circulation unit configured to circulate ink so as to flow through the supply flow path, an inside of the pressure chamber, and the collection flow path; anda buffer chamber which is disposed inside the print head or in the collection flow path and which is volume variable, whereinthe tank is disposed higher than the print head in a vertical direction, anda one-way valve is provided between the buffer chamber and the tank in the collection flow path.2. The inkjet printing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a collection pump disposed in the collection flow path, andwherein the one-way valve is disposed downstream of the collection pump in the collection flow path.3. The inkjet printing apparatus according to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032635A1

Management system for the ink in a printing machine, comprising: one or more tanks (), each of which is equipped with hydraulic connections () for quick coupling and an inner layer of insulation; a docking station (), arranged to be placed in a printing machine, which comprises hydraulic connections () for quick coupling, intended to be connected to the hydraulic connections () of one or more tanks (); motor means (), associated with the docking station () and arranged to transfer a tank () between a standby position and an operating position within the docking station, and to produce the coupling of the hydraulic connections (). 12213312124322131) A management system for the ink in a printing machine , characterised in that it comprises: one or more tanks () , each of which is equipped with hydraulic connections () for quick coupling and an inner layer of insulation; a docking station () , arranged to be placed in a printing machine , which comprises hydraulic connections () for quick coupling , intended to be connected to the hydraulic connections () of one or more tanks (); motor means () , associated with the docking station () and arranged to transfer a tank () between a standby position and an operating position within the docking station , and to produce the coupling of the hydraulic connections ( ,).233231) The system according to claim 1 , wherein the docking station () comprises a heater () claim 1 , to which the hydraulic connections () are associated.34412412232131) The system according to claim 1 , wherein the motor means () comprise a slider () claim 1 , structured to hook a tank () claim 1 , wherein the slider () is movable between an outer position claim 1 , in which it can hook a tank () located in the standby position claim 1 , and an inner position claim 1 , in which it positions the tank () in the docking station () claim 1 , producing the coupling of the hydraulic connections ( claim 1 ,).44233321312) The system according to claim 3 , wherein ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032636A1

Provided is an image recording apparatus including: a carriage configured to support a recording head that ejects a liquid to a recording medium and configured to perform reciprocating motion in the scanning direction; a liquid containing portion configured to contain liquid; a tube configured to connect the recording head and the liquid containing portion to supply liquid from the liquid containing portion to the recording head, the tube including a first section that extends in the scanning direction and a second section that extends in the scanning direction above the first section; and a support portion configured to support the first section and be secured to an apparatus main body, and in the support portion, a rotating member is provided below the second section at a position facing the second section. 1. An image recording apparatus comprising:a carriage configured to support a recording head that ejects liquid and configured to perform reciprocating motion in a scanning direction;a liquid containing portion configured to contain liquid that is supplied to the recording head;a tube configured to connect the recording head and the liquid containing portion to supply liquid from the liquid containing portion to the recording head, the tube including a first section that extends in the scanning direction and a second section that extends in the scanning direction above the first section;a support portion configured to support the first section and be secured to an apparatus main body; anda rotating member provided in the support portion at a position facing the second section.2. The image recording apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe first section is a section that extends from a connecting portion connected with the liquid containing portion to a one side in the scanning direction, and is a section that is supported by the support portion so as not to move while the carriage is performing the reciprocating motion, and whereinthe second section is a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032638A1

An ink refill container includes a container main body including an ink storage chamber, an ink outlet-forming portion provided on an end portion of the container main body forming an ink outlet that allows the ink to flow out from the ink storage chamber, and a valve provided in the ink outlet-forming portion configured to openably seal the ink outlet, in which the ink outlet-forming portion includes a positioning portion on an outer side of the ink outlet-forming portion. in which the positioning portion is closer to the container main body than the valve is to the container main body in a central axis direction of the ink outlet, and in which the positioning portion partially abuts against an ink tank when the valve is opened for refilling the ink to the ink tank, to thereby position the valve relative to the ink tank. 1a container main body comprising an ink storage chamber configured to store ink to be refilled to the ink tank;an ink outlet-forming portion that is provided on an end portion of the container main body, in which an ink outlet that allows the ink to flow out from the ink storage chamber is formed; anda valve provided in the ink outlet-forming portion, configured to seal the ink outlet in an openable/closeable manner,the ink outlet-forming portion comprising a positioning portion at a position on an outer side of the ink outlet-forming portion, the positioning portion being closer to the container main body than the valve is to the container main body in a central axis direction of the ink outlet, andthe positioning portion abutting against a part of the ink tank when the valve is opened, so as to position the valve with respect to the ink tank.. An ink refill container configured to refill ink to an ink tank configured to store ink, the ink refill container comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 17/070,064, filed Oct. 14, 2020; which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/857,065, filed Apr. 23, 2020 ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015644A1

An inkjet printer for the labeling of goods includes a main device having at least one outlet opening for ink, in particular for ink droplets, at least one storage container for a liquid flowing through the outlet opening, such as, for example, ink, pigments or solvents, the storage container being detachably connected to the main device, and liquid and mechanical couplings. The liquid coupling has a first coupling portion on the main device and a second coupling portion on the storage container. The mechanical coupling includes a first coupling means on the main device and a second coupling means on the storage container. The storage container further includes a ring-shaped transponder having a ring-shaped second antenna extending about the second coupling portion and a control unit storing data on the liquid contained in the storage container. 2. The inkjet printer according to claim 1 , at least the second coupling portion claim 1 , is made from non-conductive material.3. The inkjet printer according to claim 1 , wherein the main device has an end wall claim 1 , that the storage container has a container wall claim 1 , that the container wall claim 1 , in the assembled state of the storage container on the main device claim 1 , is immediately adjacent to the end wall claim 1 , and that the transponder is located on an inner face of the container wall and a ring-shaped second antenna of a basic unit is located on an inner face of the end wall.4. The inkjet printer according to claim 1 , wherein the storage container comprises a collapsible bag in which the liquid is located claim 1 , and that the bag has an opening tightly connected to the second coupling portion.5. The inkjet printer according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanical coupling has a seal that connects the storage container to the main device in an air-tight manner.6. The inkjet printer according to claim 1 , wherein an air passage is provided in a container wall of the storage container claim 1 , and ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016409A1

A liquid container is mountable on a mount portion in a state of being engaged into a first engaging portion with respect to a supporting portion. The liquid container includes a first wall including a first section mountable on the mount portion; a second wall facing the first wall; a third wall intersecting with the first wall and the second wall; a fourth wall which faces the third wall, and intersects with the first wall and the second wall; and a first engaged portion capable of being engaged into the first engaging portion, in which when a direction from the first wall to the second wall is defined as a Z-axis direction, the first engaged portion is projected to the side opposite to the second wall side from the first wall, and is capable of coming in contact with the first engaging portion in the Z-axis direction.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Liquid Ejecting Apparatus and Liquid Supply Unit

Номер: US20160016410A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes: a printing head; and a liquid supply unit. The printing head has a reservoir, a plurality of liquid supply ports connected to the reservoir, and a liquid introduction inlet. A first liquid supply port and a second liquid supply port are positioned at ends of the plurality of liquid supply ports in a first direction. Outer periphery of the liquid introduction inlet includes one end section and another end section in the first direction. The one end section is closer to the first liquid supply port than the second liquid supply port. The liquid includes a first liquid with a high content of pigment, and a second liquid with a lower content of pigment. The liquid supply unit supplies the second liquid to the one end section of the liquid introduction inlet.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016146A1

A liquid supply unit that includes a liquid ejection apparatus and configured to be mounted onto a holder unit that has a liquid introducing needle that extends in a first direction includes an outer shell, a liquid supply port, and an engagement structure including a first engagement portion, in which the first engagement portion is disposed on a mounting direction side of the outer shell at a position that overlaps with the outer shell when the liquid supply unit is viewed from the demounting direction side. 1. A liquid supply unit that includes a liquid ejection apparatus and configured to be mounted onto a holder unit that has a liquid introducing needle that extends in a first direction , the liquid supply unit comprising:an outer shell;a liquid supply port disposed in the outer shell, the liquid supply port configured to connect to the liquid introducing needle; andan engagement structure including a first engagement portion, the first engagement portion configured to restrict movement in a demounting direction through engaging with the holder unit, the demounting direction opposite to a mounting direction parallel to the first direction, the mounting direction being a direction of mounting the liquid supply unit onto the holder unit,wherein the first engagement portion is disposed on a mounting direction side of the outer shell at a position that overlaps with the outer shell when the liquid supply unit is viewed from the demounting direction side.2. The liquid supply unit in accordance with claim 1 , whereinthe liquid supply port is disposed on one side in a second direction orthogonal to the mounting direction, andthe first engagement portion is disposed on an other side in the second direction in a mounting state in which the liquid supply unit is mounted onto the holder unit.3. The liquid supply unit in accordance with claim 2 , further comprising:a second engagement portion that is disposed on the one side and that is configured to restrict movement of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016885A1

Ink-based digital printing systems useful for ink printing include a photoreceptor layer configured to receive a layer of liquid immersion fluid. The liquid immersion fluid includes dampening fluid, dispersed gas particles, and charge directors that impart charge to the solid particles. The photoreceptor surface is charged to a uniform potential, and selectively discharged using an ROS according to image data to form an electrostatic latent image. The charged liquid immersion fluid adheres to portions of the photoreceptor surface according to the electrostatic latent image to form a fountain solution image. The fluid portion of the fountain solution image can be partially transferred to an imaging member and/or transfer member to form a dampening fluid image, either or both of which may be electrically biased. The dampening fluid image is inked on the transfer member, and the resulting ink image transferred to a print substrate. 1. An ink-based digital printing system useful for ink printing , comprising:an imaging member configured for carrying a fountain solution image on the imaging member;an image forming unit that forms an electrostatic charge image of a first polarity on a surface of the imaging member;a developer unit proximate the imaging member and adapted to form a fog of charged droplets that are attracted to the electrostatic charge image to form the fountain solution image on the imaging member; and,an inking system, the inking system being configured to apply ink to produce an inked image according to the formed fountain solution image; andan ink transfer nip for transferring the inked image to a receiving medium.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:wherein the inking system applies ink to the imaging member according to the fountain solution image on the imaging member to produce the inked image;an ink image transfer station positioned downstream of the inking system in a process direction that transfers the inked image to an image receiving ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016574A1

A print head can suppress contamination due to ink at the time of being mounted on a printing apparatus and/or after being detached from the printing apparatus. For this purpose, a positioning pin longer than a needle is provided in a joint unit of the print head, and the joint unit includes a shutter which closes an opening on a supply side and an opening on a collection side when the print head is detached. 118.-. (canceled)19. A printing apparatus comprising:a storing unit configured to store liquid to be supplied to a print head configured to print by ejecting liquid; anda holder unit configured to be moved by a driving source and hold a joint unit configured to connect the storing unit and the print head, so that the joint unit can move with respect to the holder unit.20. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the joint unit includes a joint opening for supplying liquid from the storing unit to the print head.21. The printing apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein liquid is supplied from the storing unit to the print head under pressure.22. The printing apparatus according to claim 20 , wherein the print head includes a supply port which is connected to the joint unit and a guide member for positioning the joint opening and the supply port.23. The printing apparatus according to claim 22 , wherein the guide member is longer than the supply port.24. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the joint unit includes a positioning member for positioning the joint unit with respect to the print head.25. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the print head is detachably inserted into the printing apparatus along an insertion direction claim 19 , andwherein a connection between the print head and the joint unit is made at a downstream side with respect to the insertion direction.26. The printing apparatus according to claim 19 , wherein the print head is of a full-line type having a plurality of ejection ports ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016575A1

An inkjet printing apparatus includes a print head ejecting ink, a tank reserving ink to be supplied to the print head and a joint unit being capable of connecting the print head and the tank to each other. The joint unit has a connecting portion for supplying ink to the print head and a shaft that is rotatable by a drive source so as to move in an axial direction. The connecting portion moves together with the shaft. The print head includes a head joint connectable to the connecting portion and an engaging portion engageable with one end of the shaft. The shaft is rotated to be engaged with the engaging portion so that the head joint and the connecting portion are connected to each other. 117-. (canceled)18. A printing apparatus comprising:a head unit including a print head configured to eject liquid;a tank configured to reserve liquid to be supplied to the print head; anda connecting unit configured to connect the print head and the tank to each other,wherein the connecting unit includes (a) a connecting portion for supplying liquid to the print head and (b) a shaft axially moved by a drive source, andwherein the head unit includes a head joint connectable to the connecting portion.19. The printing apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the connecting portion and the head joint are connectable to each other in an axial direction of the shaft.20. The printing apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the liquid can be supplied to the print head in a case where the connecting portion and the head joint are connected to each other.21. The printing apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the connecting unit further includes the drive source.22. The printing apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the shaft is rotated around an axial direction thereof by the drive source.23. The printing apparatus according to claim 18 , wherein the connecting unit further includes a second connecting portion for collecting liquid from the print head claim 18 , andwherein the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102324A1
Автор: Caron Glen Roger

A variable cutoff printing press is provided. The variable cutoff printing press includes a plate cylinder, a plate cylinder support removably supporting the plate cylinder, a blanket cylinder, a blanket cylinder support removably supporting the blanket, an impression cylinder, an impression cylinder support and a first actuator for moving the blanket cylinder support toward and away from the plate cylinder support to accommodate different blanket cylinder sizes. The first actuator further moves the impression cylinder support with respect to the plate cylinder support. The variable cutoff printing press also includes a second actuator acting on the impression cylinder support to ensure that the impression cylinder support is moved with the blanket cylinder support by the first actuator and a third actuator for moving the impression cylinder support against the blanket cylinder support to set a desired print load. 1. A variable cutoff printing press comprising:a plate cylinder;a plate cylinder support removably supporting the plate cylinder;a blanket cylinder;a blanket cylinder support removably supporting the blanket;an impression cylinder;an impression cylinder support;a first actuator for moving the blanket cylinder support toward and away from the plate cylinder support to accommodate different blanket cylinder sizes, the first actuator further moving the impression cylinder support with respect to the plate cylinder support;a second actuator acting on the impression cylinder support to ensure that the impression cylinder support is moved with the blanket cylinder support by the first actuator; anda third actuator for moving the impression cylinder support against the blanket cylinder support to set a desired print load.2. The variable cutoff printing press as recited in wherein the impression cylinder support includes a first portion claim 1 , a second portion and a pivot between the first and second portions claim 1 , the third actuator acting on the first ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022595A1
Принадлежит: IBLOCK P.A.

An ink-supply device comprises: a body in which at least one housing space is formed and which is for housing at least one ink pack in the respective housing spaces; ink discharge tubes which are coupled to ink outlets of the respective ink packs; ink-supply tubes which are coupled to a cartridge; and a coupling members which are coupled between the ink-supply tubes and the ink discharge tubes linked to ink packs of the same color. A multiple loading type of ink-supply device is positioned below the cartridge such that excessive ink pressure does not occur in the cartridge and there is therefore the advantage that damage to the cartridge head can be prevented even without providing a separate damper. 1. An ink-supply device for supplying an ink to a printer comprising:a body having a plurality of housing spaces;cases housed in each housing space and having a space for housing an ink pack therein and an ink discharge hole formed at one side thereof so as to allow an ink outlet of the ink pack to be exposed to an outside thereof;ink discharge tubes connected to the ink outlets of each ink pack;ink-supply tubes connected to a cartridge; andcoupling members coupled between the ink discharge tubes, which are coupled to the ink packs of the same color, and the ink-supply tube,wherein at least one ink pack of the ink packs of the same color housed in the cases is a filling ink pack and an upper surface thereof is attached and formed at one side of an upper portion of the case, so that the ink of other ink pack connected to the filling ink pack is sucked into an inside of the filling ink pack through each ink discharge tube when the printer is not used, thereby filling the filling ink pack with the ink.2. An ink-supply device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a sensor for sensing the residual quantity of the ink formed at one side of the case claim 1 , in which the filling ink pack is accommodated.3. An ink-supply device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the sensor is any one ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022598A1
Автор: Urabe Yuichi

A cartridge assembly includes a plurality of ink cartridges each having a cartridge case that holds ink therein, and at least one connecting member that connects the plurality of ink cartridges together in a connection direction. The ink cartridges connected by the at least one connecting member are movable relative to each other in the connection direction of the ink cartridges. 1. A kit for assembling a plurality of ink cartridges in a connection direction into a cartridge assembly , said kit comprising:at least one first connecting member including a first interface part configured to be placed between adjacent ink cartridges to be connected by the first connecting member;at least two first protruding parts that extend from the first interface part in mutually opposite ways along the connection direction, anda first engaging part disposed at the distal end of each first protruding part for engagement with engaged parts of the adjacent ink cartridges so that the ink cartridges are not moveable relative to each other in the connection direction or are moveable relative to each other in the connection direction within a limited play; andat least one second connecting member including a second interface part adapted to be placed between adjacent ink cartridges to be connected by the second connecting member;at least two second protruding parts that extend from the second interface part in mutually opposite directions along the connection direction, anda second engaging part disposed at the distal end of each second protruding part for engagement with engaged parts of the adjacent ink cartridges so that the adjacent ink cartridges connected by the second connecting member are moveable relative to each other in the connection direction within a predetermined distance greater than the limited play permitted by the first connecting member; andat least one elastic member adapted to be disposed between the adjacent ink cartridges connected by the second connecting member, ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022599A1

A cover for a liquid container which exposes at least a portion of a detecting member, having a liquid supply portion to a liquid ejecting apparatus through communicating with the liquid containing unit, and a first surface provided with a first container side engagement portion arranged between the liquid supply portion and the detecting member. The cover includes a first cover side engagement portion engaging with the first container side engagement portion. 1. A cover configured to be attached to a liquid container configured to be mounted on the liquid ejecting apparatus , [ a liquid communication port configured to supply the liquid from the liquid container to a liquid ejecting apparatus,', 'a wall surrounding the liquid communication port, an air communication port configured to introduce air into the liquid container, and', 'a first container side attachment portion;, 'a first surface having'}, 'the wall protruding in a direction from the second surface toward the first surface;', 'a second surface opposite to the first surface,'}, 'a third surface intersecting the first surface and the second surface;', 'a fourth surface intersecting the first surface and the second surface and opposite to the third surface;', 'a fifth surface intersecting the first surface, the second surface, the third surface, and the fourth surface; and', 'a sixth surface intersecting the first surface, the second surface, the third surface, and the fourth surface, and opposite to the fifth surface,', a rib protruding in a direction from the sixth surface toward the fifth surface, and', 'a second container side attachment portion, the first container side attachment portion being located between the wall and the sixth surface in a planer view from a direction extending from the first surface toward the second surface of the liquid container,, 'the fifth surface having'}], 'the liquid container including [ 'an arrangement member configured to be contact with the wall when the cover is ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023455A1
Автор: Miller Lorne, Miller Neil

In an embodiment, a device and method for identifying a change in a predetermined condition. The device is a patch injected with ink that transforms in response to a change in the predetermined condition, such as, a change in temperature or change in the ultraviolet (UV) index level. The ink includes thermochromic ink that transforms or identifiably changes based on a change in a temperature condition, and/or photochromic ink that transforms or identifiably changes based on a change in an UV index level condition. When temperature increases or decreases to reach one or more threshold temperature values, the thermochromic ink transforms in an identifiable manner to indicate a condition has be met. When the UV index level increase or decrease to reach one or more threshold UV index levels, the photochromic ink transforms in an identifiable manner to indicate that a condition has be met. 1. A device , comprising:a patch configured in a particular shape and further configured to be attached to an article; and 'where the patch visually changes its appearance based on the ink identifiably changing when predetermined condition changes from the initial value to the threshold value.', 'ink configured to be stored within the patch, the ink configured to identifiably change based on a change of a predetermined condition from an initial value to a threshold value,'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein ink indefinably changes from a first color to a second color when the predetermined condition changes from the initial value to the threshold value.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ink includes at least one of thermochromic ink and photochromic ink.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ink is configured to identifiably changes in response a changing of a temperature from an initial temperature value to a temperature threshold value.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ink is configured to identifiably changes in response to a changing of an (UV) index level value from an ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023468A1

An ink tank includes: a reservoir that stores ink; a supply port that supplies ink stored in the reservoir to a printer; a supply port sealing member that seals the supply port; an air port that communicates between an inside of the reservoir and an atmospheric space above an upper side of a liquid surface of the ink; and an air port sealing member which a needle tube is capable of inserting and pulling out of, and which seals the air port in a state where the needle tube is not inserted. 1. An ink tank comprising:a reservoir that stores ink;a supply port that supplies ink stored in the reservoir to a printer;a supply port sealing member that seals the supply port;an air port that communicates between an inside of the reservoir and an atmospheric space above an upper side of a liquid surface of the ink; andan air port sealing member which a needle tube is capable of inserting and pulling out of, and which seals the air port in a state where the needle tube is not inserted.2. The ink tank according to claim 1 ,wherein the air port sealing member is formed of an elastic material.3. The ink tank according to claim 2 , further comprising:an atmosphere passage having a plurality of bending sections,wherein the air port communicates with the reservoir through the atmosphere passage.4. A printer comprising:a receiving section that receives supply of ink from a supply port of an ink tank;a needle tube that is capable of penetrating an air port sealing member sealing an air port of the ink tank above an upper side of a liquid surface of the ink; anda needle support section that supports the needle tube such that the needle tube is capable of inserting and pulling out of the air port sealing member.5. The printer according to claim 4 ,wherein an atmosphere passage for introducing atmosphere into the ink tank through the needle tube is formed in the needle support section.6. The printer according to claim 5 ,wherein the atmosphere passage has a plurality of bending sections.7. ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021635A1

A liquid cartridge includes a resin frame, a valve and a wall member. The frame defines a portion of a liquid chamber configured to store liquid and a portion of a valve chamber in communication with the liquid chamber, the valve chamber extending in a first direction away from the liquid chamber and having one end in the first direction at which a liquid outlet is provided to provide communication between the valve chamber and an outside of the liquid cartridge, the frame having a wall portion defining a portion of the valve chamber. The valve is disposed within the valve chamber and movable in a second direction opposite the first direction, the valve having a closing part configured to open and close the liquid outlet in accordance with movement of the valve. The wall member defines the valve chamber together with the wall portion of the frame. 1. A liquid cartridge comprising:a resin frame defining a portion of a liquid chamber configured to store liquid and a portion of a valve chamber in communication with the liquid chamber, the valve chamber extending in a first direction away from the liquid chamber and having one end in the first direction at which a liquid outlet is provided to provide communication between the valve chamber and an outside of the liquid cartridge, the frame having a wall portion defining a portion of the valve chamber;a valve disposed within the valve chamber and movable in a second direction opposite the first direction, the valve having a closing part configured to open and close the liquid outlet in accordance with movement of the valve; anda wall member defining the valve chamber together with the wall portion of the frame.2. The liquid cartridge as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the valve chamber includes a first valve chamber and a second valve chamber in communication with each other claim 1 , the second valve chamber being positioned further in the second direction relative to the first valve chamber claim 1 , a first wall defining ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Doctor Beam

Номер: US20180022083A1

A doctor beam for use in a printing unit, e.g. a flexographic printing unit, wherein the doctor beam has a front side with a U-shaped channel, wherein the doctor beam is made of metal and includes a surface coating produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO), the surface coating at least covering the U-shaped channel, and wherein the doctor beam further includes a non-stick ceramic coating, whereby is achieved the possibility of using metal for making doctor beams without risking their degrading, neither due to chemical impact of the applied inks/lacquers/primers nor due to the destruction of the surface coating by cleaning liquids. The invention also concerns a method for treating the surface of a doctor beam and use of a doctor beam. 1. A doctor beam for use in a printing unit , e.g. a flexographic printing unit , wherein the doctor beam has a front side with a U-shaped channel , wherein the doctor beam is made of metal and includes a surface coating produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) , where the surface coating at least covers the U-shaped channel , and where the doctor beam further includes a non-stick ceramic coating at least covering the U-shaped channel.2. A doctor beam according to claim 1 , wherein the doctor beam is made of aluminium.3. A doctor beam according to claim 1 , wherein the surface coating produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) has a thickness between 5 and 50 μm.4. A doctor beam according to claim 1 , wherein the surface coating produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) covers the entire doctor beam.5. A doctor beam according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic coating has a thickness between 30 and 50 μm.6. A doctor beam according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic coating covers the entire surface of the doctor beam.7. A method for surface treatment of a doctor beam according to for use in a printing unit claim 1 , e.g. a flexographic printing unit claim 1 , wherein the method includes at least the following steps:A ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Customizable Apparatus and Method for Transporting and Depositing Fluids

Номер: US20180022084A1

A system for depositing a fluid on a substrate is disclosed. The system can include a sleeve having a sleeve exit and an inner region and a rotating roll disposed within the inner region. A vascular network can be disposed within the rotating roll, the vascular network being configured for transporting the fluid in predetermined paths from the interior region to the exterior surface through a substantially radial path, the substantially radial path ending at an exit point of a fluid exit, wherein the exit point is associated with a sleeve exit. 1. A rotating roll for depositing a fluid on a substrate , the rotating roll comprising:a central longitudinal axis, wherein the rotating roll rotates about the central longitudinal axis;an exterior surface defining an interior region and substantially surrounding the central longitudinal axis; the main artery comprises an inlet and is substantially parallel to the central longitudinal axis of the rotating roll, wherein the fluid enters the vascular network at the inlet; and', 'wherein the first capillary is associated with the main artery and is in fluid communication with the main artery and at least two fluid exits through substantially radial fluid paths in a first tree expanding both axially and circumferentially in a radial direction from the main artery to the exterior surface., 'a vascular network configured for transporting the fluid in predetermined paths from the interior region to the exterior surface of the rotating roll, the vascular network comprising a main artery, a first capillary and a plurality of fluid exits on the exterior surface, wherein2. The rotating roll of wherein the first tree further comprises a series of sub-capillaries and the first capillary is in fluid communication with the at least two fluid exits through the series of sub-capillaries.3. The rotating roll of claim 1 , wherein the first tree is designed in accordance with the following formula:{'br': None, 'sub': Level', 'Start, 'Diameter= ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022102A1

Provided is a printing apparatus having a support member with a printhead slot, a first tubing to provide a first printing fluid, and a second tubing to provide a second printing fluid. An end portion of the first tubing is arranged in an active position to provide the first printing fluid to a printhead in the printhead slot. An end portion of the second tubing is arranged in a standby position to not provide the second printing fluid to a printhead. A mechanical structure to which the end portion of the first tubing is attached allows to remove the end portion of the first tubing from the active position and to arrange the end portion of the second tubing in the active position. 1. A printing apparatus , comprising:a support member having a printhead slot;a first tubing to provide a first printing fluid; anda second tubing to provide a second printing fluid;wherein a printhead-side end portion of the first tubing is arranged in an active position to provide the first printing fluid to a printhead in the printhead slot;wherein a printhead-side end portion of the second tubing is arranged in a standby position to not provide the second printing fluid to a printhead;wherein a mechanical structure to which the printhead-side end portion of the first tubing is attached allows to remove the printhead-side end portion of the first tubing from the active position and to arrange the printhead-side end portion of the second tubing in the active position.2. The printing apparatus of claim 1 , the apparatus further comprising:a first printing fluid cartridge slot; anda second printing fluid cartridge slot;wherein the first tubing is arranged to receive the first printing fluid from a first printing fluid cartridge in the first printing fluid cartridge slot; andwherein the second tubing is arranged to receive the second printing fluid from a second printing fluid cartridge in the second printing fluid cartridge slot.3. The printing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the printhead- ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040987A1

A liquid supplying device includes a tank and a cartridge. The cartridge is configured to be detachably attached to the tank in an attachment-detachment direction crossing a vertical direction. The cartridge includes a first storage chamber. The tank includes a second storage chamber, a liquid passage, and a gas passage. The liquid passage has a first end, a second end, and a first extending portion. The second end is formed with a second opening open to an atmosphere. The first extending portion extends from the second opening in the attachment-detachment direction. The gas passage has a third end, a fourth end, and a second extending portion. The fourth end is formed with a fourth opening open to the atmosphere. The second extending portion extends from the fourth opening in the attachment-detachment direction. The second opening is at a position different from the fourth opening in the attachment-detachment direction. 1. (canceled)2. A liquid supplying device comprising:a tank comprising a second storage chamber configured to store liquid; anda cartridge configured to be attached to and detached from the tank in an attachment-detachment direction perpendicular to a vertical direction, the cartridge comprising a first storage chamber configured to store the liquid;a liquid passage in communication with the second storage chamber, the liquid passage having a first end connected to the second storage chamber and formed with a first opening, a second end opposite to the first end and formed with a second opening open to an atmosphere, and the liquid passage protruding from the second storage chamber in the attachment-detachment direction; anda gas passage in communication with the second storage chamber, the gas passage having a third end connected to the second storage chamber and formed with a third opening, a fourth end opposite to the third end and formed with a fourth opening open to the atmosphere, and the gas passage protruding from the second storage chamber ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Printing method

Номер: US20190022995A1

Provided is a printing method which enables formation of a high-definition printing pattern with high productivity. The printing method includes a treatment liquid application step of applying a treatment liquid, in a treatment liquid set pattern, to a pattern formation region of a printing plate in the printing plate on which a pattern has been formed; an ink application step of applying an ink, in an ink set pattern, to the pattern formation region of the printing plate to which the treatment liquid has been applied; and a transfer step of transferring the ink applied to the pattern formation region of the printing plate to a substrate. The treatment liquid is used for increasing a second diameter of the ink after application of the treatment liquid compared to a first diameter of the ink landed on the pattern formation region without application of the treatment liquid.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023051A1

Provided are a printing plate, a method for manufacturing a printing plate, and a printing method that allow for high-resolution printing and efficient use of printing ink. The printing plate has an image area and a non-image area. The image area is formed by a layer containing silicone rubber. The non-image area is formed by a layer containing a fluorine compound on a surface of the layer containing silicone rubber. The height difference between a surface of the image area and a surface of the non-image area is 100 nm or less. The method for manufacturing a printing plate has the steps of subjecting a region of a surface of a layer containing silicone rubber to chemical treatment or physical treatment to form hydroxyl groups, the region being a region that becomes a non-image area; and binding a fluorine compound to the region, having the hydroxyl groups formed thereon, of the surface of the layer containing silicone rubber to form a non-image area. The printing method has an ink-applying step of applying a printing ink to an image area and a transfer step of transferring the printing ink from the image area to a substrate. 1. A printing plate comprising an image area and a non-image area , whereinthe image area is formed by a layer containing silicone rubber,the non-image area is formed by a layer containing a fluorine compound on a surface of the layer containing silicone rubber, anda height difference between a surface of the image area and a surface of the non-image area is 100 nm or less.2. The printing plate according to claim 1 , wherein a receding contact angle of a printing ink on the non-image area is larger than an advancing contact angle of the printing ink on the image area.3. The printing plate according to claim 1 , wherein a printing ink contains a solvent claim 1 , and a rate of absorption of the solvent into the image area is higher than a rate of absorption of the same solvent into the non-image area.4. The printing plate according to claim 2 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023646A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes a container on which a liquid container is removably mounted, the container having an engaging portion, the liquid container containing a liquid and having a grip portion that is gripped by a user; an attachment portion into which the container is inserted in an attachment direction from an attachment port and to which the container is attached; and a liquid ejecting head that ejects the liquid supplied from the liquid container mounted at the container. The attachment portion has an engaged portion that is engaged with the engaging portion of the container in a process of pulling out the container from the attachment portion. The container causes the grip portion to be located on an outer side with respect to the attachment port when the container is in an engaged state in which the engaging portion engages with the engaged portion. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a container on which a liquid container is removably mounted, the container having an engaging portion, the liquid container containing a liquid and having a grip portion that is gripped by a user;an attachment portion into which the container is inserted in an attachment direction from an attachment port and to which the container is attached; anda liquid ejecting head that ejects the liquid supplied from the liquid container mounted at the container, wherein the attachment portion has an engaged portion that is engaged with the engaging portion of the container in a process of pulling out the container from the attachment portion, andthe container causes the grip portion to be located on an outer side with respect to the attachment port when the container is in an engaged state in which the engaging portion engages with the engaged portion and the engaging portion and the engaged portion are arranged next to each other in the attachment direction.2. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe container has a first guide that guides the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023850A1

An ink refill container includes a container main body including an ink storage chamber, an ink outlet-forming portion provided on an end portion of the container main body forming an ink outlet that allows the ink to flow out from the ink storage chamber, and a valve provided in the ink outlet-forming portion configured to openably seal the ink outlet, in which the ink outlet-forming portion includes a positioning portion on an outer side of the ink outlet-forming portion. in which the positioning portion is closer to the container main body than the valve is to the container main body in a central axis direction of the ink outlet, and in which the positioning portion partially abuts against an ink tank when the valve is opened for refilling the ink to the ink tank, to thereby position the valve relative to the ink tank. 1. (canceled)2. An ink refill container , when a vertical direction is an up and down direction , one direction perpendicular to the up and down direction is a front-back direction and a direction perpendicular to the up and down direction and to the front-back direction is a left-right direction , configured to refill ink to an ink tank that is provided with ,an ink storage chamber;a needle having a flow passage communicating with the ink storage chamber and extending upward from below; anda receiving surface that extends in a direction intersecting with an extending direction of the needle at a position above an end of the needle, andin which a circular hole-shaped ink inlet including the needle arranged therein, and a pair of rectangular holes continuous to the ink inlet and extending in the front-back direction are formed downward to be open in the receiving surface, a container main body; and', 'an ink outlet-forming portion that is connected to the container main body and has an ink outlet, and, 'the ink refill container comprisingwhen the ink outlet is directed upward, and viewed from the ink outlet in a direction of a central axis of the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027329A1

A gravure printing system is disclosed. A gravure cylinder having a first and a second plurality of discrete cells disposed upon an outer surface. A cell of the first plurality of discrete cells receives a first portion of a fluid from a first reservoir and a cell of the second plurality of discrete cells receives a second portion of the fluid from a second reservoir. The first and second portions of the fluid is fluidically displaceable into the respective first and second reservoirs through a discrete channel having a single entry point at a position external to the gravure cylinder, a first exit point into the first reservoir, and a second exit point into the second reservoir. The discrete channel provides fluid communication of the first and second portions of the fluid from the position external to the gravure cylinder to each of the respective first and second reservoirs. 1. A gravure printing system comprising a gravure cylinder having a first and a second plurality of discrete cells disposed upon an outer surface thereof , a cell of said first plurality of discrete cells being capable of receiving a first portion of a fluid from a first reservoir and a cell of said second plurality of discrete cells being capable of receiving a second portion of said fluid from a second reservoir , said first and second reservoirs each being disposed at a position internal to said gravure cylinder , said first and second portions of said fluid being fluidically displaceable into said respective first and second reservoirs through a discrete channel having a single entry point at a position external to said gravure cylinder , a first exit point into said first reservoir , and a second exit point into said second reservoir , and wherein said discrete channel provides fluid communication of said first and second portions of said fluid from said position external to said gravure cylinder to each of said respective first and second reservoirs.2. The contact printing system of ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027330A1

A method sets the inking in a printing press with multiple ink zones in an inking unit of a printing unit. The method includes: printing a test form onto a printing substrate with an intentional pre-defined color deviation from the intended target color; correcting the previously set ink setting and the defined set color deviation with regard to the respective target value in the wet condition of the printing substrate by a color measuring device; and taking color measurements of the dried printing substrate using the color measuring device. The measured color values established in the dry state and the original of the test form in a computer are compared. The ink setting that belongs to the ink zone with the smallest deviation from the intended target color is used as the target ink setting for the printing process. 1. A method for adjusting ink settings in a printing press having a number of ink zones in an inking unit of a printing unit , which method comprises the steps of:printing a test form onto a printing substrate with an intentional pre-defined color deviation from an intended target color in at least one ink zone in the inking unit of the printing unit;correcting a previously set ink setting and the intentional pre-defined set color deviation with respect to a respective target value in a wet condition of the printing substrate by means of a color measuring device;taking color measurements of a dried printing substrate by means of the color measuring device;comparing measured color values established in a dry state with an original of a test form in a computer; andselecting an ink setting of the ink zone that has a smallest deviation from the intended target color as a target ink setting for the printing process.2. The method according to claim 1 , which further comprises measuring the printing substrate by the color measuring device outside the printing press.3. The method according to claim 1 , which further comprises measuring the printing substrate by ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Liquid Storage Container And Liquid Consumption Apparatus

Номер: US20150029274A1

A liquid storage container comprises a first liquid chamber provided with a filler port, a second liquid chamber partitioned from the first liquid chamber, and communicates with the first liquid chamber via communication opening, and a float member provided in the second liquid chamber. 1. A liquid storage container comprising:a main liquid chamber;a float member in the main liquid chamber;a liquid channel configured to flow liquid out of the main liquid chamber through a channel opening on a lower portion of the main liquid chamber, said liquid channel providing a liquid flow path from the channel opening to a liquid expelling opening; anda valve along the liquid channel, said valve being actuatable from within the main liquid chamber and being responsive to the float member to selectively shut off or open the flow of liquid along the liquid flow path between the channel opening and the liquid expelling opening in accordance with a float level of the float member.2. The liquid storage container of claim 1 , wherein the liquid expelling opening is distant from the main liquid chamber.3. The liquid storage container of claim 1 , wherein:the float member moves in a first direction in accordance with increasing liquid in said main liquid chamber and moves in a second direction in accordance with decreasing liquid in said main liquid chamber; andsaid valve is actuated to shut off the flow of liquid along the liquid flow path in response to the float member moving in the second direction to a location indicative of a predefined reduced liquid content level in said main liquid chamber.4. The liquid storage container of claim 3 , wherein said valve is actuated to open the flow of liquid along the liquid flow path in response to the float member moving in the first direction to a location indicative of a predefined ample liquid content level in said main liquid chamber.5. The liquid storage container of claim 3 , wherein:said valve has an actuation surface contactable by ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Baffled Ink Cup

Номер: US20170028708A1
Автор: Cheng James

A modified ink cup for plate printing is presented, where the ink cup is separated internally into two domains, a storage area and a print area, by a baffle system. The baffling allows only a limited amount of exposure of the ink in the ink cup to the outside air, reducing evaporation of the ink solvent and extending the life of the ink supply in the cup. This system greatly reduces the number of times an ink cup has to be re-filled to perform plate printing and limits the evaporation of possibly toxic solvents to the air. 1. A baffled ink cup , the baffled ink cup comprised of an ink cup and a baffle plate ,the ink cup a flat, cylindrical, hollow structure with an open face, the ink cup placed open-face down on a print plate,the ink cup possessing no moving parts,the baffle plate a flat structure separating the ink cup into two domains,the first domain a storage chamber, the second domain an ink reservoir,the ink reservoir smaller in volume than the entire ink cup and the storage chamber, the ink reservoir formed by the baffle plate above it and the print plate below it, the ink reservoir connected to the storage chamber through the baffle plate by means of one or more ink access openings,the baffle plate held onto the cup removably with a plate attachment means,the ink cup and baffle plate are made of any rigid material, the shape of the ink cup selected from the group of round cylinder or oval cylinder.2. The baffled ink cup of where the ink cup is in a round cylinder shape claim 1 , comprised of steel claim 1 , the baffle plate is comprised of steel claim 1 , the plate attachment means is a plurality of magnets holding the baffle plate to the ink cup claim 1 ,and the ink access openings are comprised of a single, circular, circumferential slot formed by the baffle plate that is smaller in diameter than the diameter of the ink cup and fits circumferentially within the diameter of said ink cup. This invention relates to improvements in the printing process ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028736A1

The invention relates to a reservoir lid for a continuous ink jet printer, including a so-called upper surface (), a so-called lower surface (), between which are included an upper part () and a lower part () of the lid, at least the latter being delimited sideways by a peripheral surface (S), and: at least one 1duct (), which passes through at least one part of the lid, for leading a 1fluid from said upper part to said lower part and direct it, at least partly, sideways, to said peripheral surface (S), at least one 1chamber () delimited by an internal surface into which said duct opens and by said peripheral surface (S), and means () for flowing a liquid contained in this chamber along said peripheral surface. 1. A reservoir lid for a continuous ink jet printer , including a so-called upper surface , a so-called lower surface , between which are included an upper part and a lower part of the lid , at least the latter being delimited sideways by a peripheral surface , and:{'sup': st', 'st, 'at least one 1duct, which passes through at least one part of the lid, for leading a 1fluid from said upper part to said lower part and direct it, at least partly, sideways, to said peripheral surface,'}{'sup': 'st', 'b': 333', '343, 'at least one 1chamber (, ) delimited by an internal surface into which said duct opens and by said peripheral surface, and an at least an aperture for flowing a liquid contained in this chamber along said peripheral surface.'}2. The lid according to claim 1 , wherein at least said 1duct passes at least through one part of the lid along at least one direction parallel to the peripheral surface or at least one part of the duct is directed to said peripheral surface (S) along a direction forming claim 1 , with this peripheral surface claim 1 , an angle between 30° and 60°.3. The lid according to claim 1 , said peripheral surface being cylindrical.4. The lid according to claim 1 , said lower part including at least one peripheral part which projects ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029354A1

An ink delivery system is provided. The ink delivery system includes at least one ink cartridge dispenser including an ink cartridge holder for holding an ink cartridge storing printing ink, at least one ink level sensor, a rotatable ink fountain roller and an ink fountain blade, forming a dispensed ink area receiving printing ink from the ink cartridge. The ink delivery system also includes a support supporting the at least one ink cartridge dispenser movably across a longitudinal axis of the ink fountain roller. The ink cartridge dispenser is movable along the support and fixable to the support manually. A method for supplying printing ink is also provided. 19-. (canceled)10: A method for supplying printing ink to a printing unit of a printing press , comprising:arranging at least one ink cartridge dispenser carrying an ink cartridge on a support;moving the at least one ink cartridge dispenser on the linear support by hand across a longitudinal axis of the ink fountain roller;dispensing printing ink through an open end of the ink cartridge to the dispensed ink area;rotating the ink fountain roller; andtransporting the printing ink to a printing unit in a printing press.11: The method of claim 10 , wherein the at least one ink cartridge dispenser is stationary during a print job.12: The method of claim 10 , further comprising the step of moving an ink agitator blade in the dispensed ink area across the longitudinal axis of the ink fountain roller.13: The method of claim 12 , further comprising the step of moving the ink agitator blade independently from the position of the at least one ink cartridge dispenser.14: The method of claim 10 , further comprising the step of sensing an ink level in the dispensed ink area with an ink level sensor.15: The method of claim 14 , wherein the step of dispensing printing ink is controlled by a signal derived from the ink level.16: The method of claim 14 , wherein the at least one ink level sensor is stationary during a print job. ...
