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16-07-1995 дата публикации

Пишущий предмет

Номер: RU0000000572U1
Автор: Киреев С.Е.
Принадлежит: Патентное бюро N 1

1. Пишущий предмет, содержащий размещенную на нем рекламу, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения его привлекательности и эффективности рекламы, она размещена на торцевой стороне пишущего предмета в виде товарного знака, причем торцевая сторона может быть скошена. 2. Пишущий предмет по п.1, отличающийся тем, что товарный знак имеет округлую форму, в том числе вписывающуюся в окружность. (19) RU (11) (13) 572 U1 (51) МПК B43K 29/07 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 93053303/12, 26.11.1993 (46) Опубликовано: 16.07.1995 (71) Заявитель(и): Патентное бюро N 1 (72) Автор(ы): Киреев С.Е. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Патентное бюро N 1 (54) Пишущий предмет U 1 5 7 2 R U U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 5 7 2 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Пишущий предмет, содержащий размещенную на нем рекламу, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения его привлекательности и эффективности рекламы, она размещена на торцевой стороне пишущего предмета в виде товарного знака, причем торцевая сторона может быть скошена. 2. Пишущий предмет по п.1, отличающийся тем, что товарный знак имеет округлую форму, в том числе вписывающуюся в окружность. RU 572 U1

16-10-1995 дата публикации

Пишущее устройство

Номер: RU0000000916U1

1. Пишущее устройство, содержащее корпус со съемным колпаком, размещенный в корпусе подпружиненный стержень с пастой, имеющий поясок, упирающийся под действием пружины в опорную ступень корпуса, и индикаторный элемент, отличающееся тем, что индикаторный элемент включает съемный стопор, расположенный на свободном конце колпачка и взаимодействующий со свободным концом стержня, и указатель, размещенный на пояске стержня под пружиной, при этом корпус имеет продольную продолговатую прорезь для размещения конца указателя с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения при снятом колпачке для определения усилия нажима при письме на пишущий шарик стержня. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено регулировочными шайбами, расположенными на стержне между его пояском и указателем. (19) RU (11) (13) 916 U1 (51) МПК B43K 29/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94004543/12, 08.02.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.10.1995 (71) Заявитель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич (73) Патентообладатель(и): Базарный Владимир Филиппович, Коновалов Юрий Николаевич U 1 9 1 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Пишущее устройство, содержащее корпус со съемным колпаком, размещенный в корпусе подпружиненный стержень с пастой, имеющий поясок, упирающийся под действием пружины в опорную ступень корпуса, и индикаторный элемент, отличающееся тем, что индикаторный элемент включает съемный стопор, расположенный на свободном конце колпачка и взаимодействующий со свободным концом стержня, и указатель, размещенный на пояске стержня под пружиной, при этом корпус имеет продольную продолговатую прорезь для размещения конца указателя с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения при снятом колпачке для определения усилия нажима при письме на пишущий шарик стержня. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено регулировочными шайбами, ...

16-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000009796U1

Канцелярская принадлежность для письма, содержащая корпус с наконечником пишущего элемента, отличающаяся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде пластины, одно ребро которой выполнено в виде остроконечного ножа для резки бумаги с делениями мерной линейки, а в конец второго овального ребра вмонтирован постоянный магнит, предназначенный для отыскивания и удержания мелких металлических предметов и магнитопрессуры. (19) RU (11) (13) 9 796 U1 (51) МПК B43K 29/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (71) Заявитель(и): Патрасенко Валентин Степанович (21), (22) Заявка: 95103781/20, 01.03.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Патрасенко Валентин Степанович (73) Патентообладатель(и): Патрасенко Валентин Степанович R U Адрес для переписки: 344010, Ростов-на-Дону, пр.Соколова, 73, кв.12, Патрасенко В.С. (54) ПРИНАДЛЕЖНОСТЬ ДЛЯ ПИСЬМА U 1 9 7 9 6 R U U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 9 7 9 6 (57) Формула полезной модели Канцелярская принадлежность для письма, содержащая корпус с наконечником пишущего элемента, отличающаяся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде пластины, одно ребро которой выполнено в виде остроконечного ножа для резки бумаги с делениями мерной линейки, а в конец второго овального ребра вмонтирован постоянный магнит, предназначенный для отыскивания и удержания мелких металлических предметов и магнитопрессуры. RU 9 796 U1 RU 9 796 U1 RU 9 796 U1 RU 9 796 U1

10-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037598U1
Автор: Гасанов Э.Г.

1. Значок, содержащий носитель изображения и средство для крепления носителя изображения на одежде, отличающийся тем, что средство для крепления носителя изображения на одежде выполнено в виде упругого зажима, включающего в себя вертикальную полоску, присоединенную к вертикальному трубчатому корпусу, внутри которого размещено пишущее устройство, при этом вертикальная полоска размещена на лицевой стороне элемента одежды, а вертикальный трубчатый корпус - с противоположной стороны. 2. Значок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что носитель изображения имеет форму диска. 3. Значок по п.2, отличающийся тем, что диск и вертикальная полоска выполнены за одно целое. 4. Значок по п.2, отличающийся тем, что изображение нанесено на лицевую поверхность диска. 5. Значок по п.2, отличающийся тем, что на лицевой поверхности диска выполнена плоская площадка, на которой закреплена вставка с изображением. 6. Значок по п.2, отличающийся тем, что диск закреплен на нижнем конце вертикальной полоски. 7. Значок по п.6, отличающийся тем, что он имеет дополнительное информационное поле на лицевой поверхности вертикальной полоски. 8. Значок по п.2, отличающийся тем, что диск закреплен на верхнем конце вертикальной полоски. 9. Значок по п.8, отличающийся тем, что он имеет дополнительное информационное поле на лицевой поверхности вертикальной полоски. 10. Значок по п.2, отличающийся тем, что диск закреплен в средней части вертикальной полоски. 11. Значок по п.10, отличающийся тем, что он имеет дополнительное информационное поле, размещенное на незакрытой диском лицевой поверхности вертикальной полоски. 12. Значок по любому из пп.1-11, отличающийся тем, что диск, вертикальная полоска и трубчатый корпус выполнены из пластмассы. (19) RU (11) 37 598 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44C 3/00 (2000.01) B43K 29/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004104656/20 , 17.02.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.02.2004 (46) ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067925U1

1. Пишущая ручка, включающая трубчатый корпус с размещенным в нем пишущим средством и с размещенным в корпусе с возможностью извлечения и обратного убирания в корпус рулонным материалом, отличающаяся тем, что указанный рулонный материал выполнен в виде информационного листка с печатной справочной информацией, при этом сверху над указанной информацией нанесен защитный прозрачный слой. 2. Пишущая ручка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что защитный прозрачный слой выполнен в виде ламинирующего покрытия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 925 (13) U1 (51) МПК B43K 29/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006137668/22 , 25.10.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.10.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Пивоваров Валерий Владимирович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 127106, Москва, Гостиничный пр-д, 6, корп.2, оф.5, Компания ЗЕТА, пат.пов. В.Я. Никулину, рег.№ 135 U 1 6 7 9 2 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Пишущая ручка, включающая трубчатый корпус с размещенным в нем пишущим средством и с размещенным в корпусе с возможностью извлечения и обратного убирания в корпус рулонным материалом, отличающаяся тем, что указанный рулонный материал выполнен в виде информационного листка с печатной справочной информацией, при этом сверху над указанной информацией нанесен защитный прозрачный слой. 2. Пишущая ручка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что защитный прозрачный слой выполнен в виде ламинирующего покрытия. 6 7 9 2 5 (54) ПИШУЩАЯ РУЧКА R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Полиграф Принт" (RU) U 1 U 1 6 7 9 2 5 6 7 9 2 5 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 67 925 U1 Полезная модель относится к пишущим приспособлениям, а, именно, к пишущим ручкам со специальным приспособлением со справочным материалом. Известна пишущая ручка, включающая трубчатый корпус с размещенным в нем пишущим средством и ...

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000099380U1

Ручка для письма с подсветкой нижней части корпуса, содержащая полый корпус, выполненный в виде одной или нескольких гильз, внутри которого расположен пишущий стержень, конец которого выходит через отверстие за пределы нижней части корпуса, и осветительный элемент, последовательно соединенный с включателем и источником питания, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя часть корпуса выполнена из любого прозрачного или полупрозрачного для света материала, а также в нижней части корпуса расположен осветительный элемент, например светодиод, кроме того, в электрической цепи установлен прерыватель электрической цепи, снабженный, по желанию пользователя, регулятором мощности светового потока. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 99 380 (13) U1 (51) МПК B43K 29/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010115802/12, 20.04.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.04.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Шалимов Сергей Игоревич (UA) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Шалимов Сергей Игоревич (UA) U 1 9 9 3 8 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Ручка для письма с подсветкой нижней части корпуса, содержащая полый корпус, выполненный в виде одной или нескольких гильз, внутри которого расположен пишущий стержень, конец которого выходит через отверстие за пределы нижней части корпуса, и осветительный элемент, последовательно соединенный с включателем и источником питания, отличающаяся тем, что нижняя часть корпуса выполнена из любого прозрачного или полупрозрачного для света материала, а также в нижней части корпуса расположен осветительный элемент, например светодиод, кроме того, в электрической цепи установлен прерыватель электрической цепи, снабженный, по желанию пользователя, регулятором мощности светового потока. 9 9 3 8 0 (54) РУЧКА "ФЕЯ" ДЛЯ ПИСЬМА С ПОДСВЕТКОЙ НИЖНЕЙ ЧАСТИ КОРПУСА R U Адрес для переписки: 91057, Украина, г. Луганск, кв-л ...

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000155395U1

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B43K 29/08 (13) 155 395 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015119386/12, 22.05.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.05.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Рытик Андрей Петрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рытик Андрей Петрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.05.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2015 Бюл. № 28 1 5 5 3 9 5 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для контроля негативных факторов в процессе письма, характеризующееся тем, что оно выполнено в виде ручки для письма, содержащей корпус с расположенным внутри пишущим стержнем, на поверхности корпуса размещены сенсоры прикосновения, расположенные в местах правильной постановки пальцев руки, в корпусе размещена плата с микроконтроллером и соединенные с ним источник питания, датчик расстояния, датчик освещенности, средство индикации, при этом сенсоры прикосновения соединены с микроконтроллером. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на поверхности корпуса в местах правильной постановки пальцев руки выполнены углубления, обеспечивающие однозначное расположение пальцев руки при письме. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средство индикации представляет собой светодиод и/или микромотор с эксцентриком и/или динамик. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОНТРОЛЯ НЕГАТИВНЫХ ФАКТОРОВ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ПИСЬМА 1 5 5 3 9 5 Адрес для переписки: 410000, г. Саратов, Главпочтамт, а/я 62, ООО "ПатентВолгаСервис", Романовой Н.В. RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 155 395 U1 Устройство для контроля негативных факторов в процессе письма Полезная модель относится к области к гигиене, охране труда и медицинской технике и может быть использована для обучения детей письму в детских садах и школах. Заявляемое устройство предназначено для предупреждения низкой освещенности области письма, излишнего наклона головы над ручкой и контроля постановки пальцев в процессе письма. Известна ...

19-03-2018 дата публикации

Нажимной механизм для канцелярских принадлежностей нажимного типа

Номер: RU0000178013U1
Автор: Хан Ву

Нажимной механизм для канцелярских принадлежностей нажимного типа включает установочную пластину (1), кнопку (400) и гибкий компонент. Передний верхний край установочной пластины утоплен с формированием паза (11). Ограничитель положения (12) представлен на передней поверхности установочной пластины в таком пазе. Закрытая направляющая сформирована между внешними стенками ограничителя положения и внутренними стенками паза. Гибкий компонент включает пружину (2) и гибкую стяжку (3). Ограничитель положения обладает первой (122) и второй (123) наклонными поверхностями с уклоном в одну сторону. Концевые части нижних краев первой и второй наклонных поверхностей находятся на одной стороне гибкой стяжки. Верхние края первой и второй наклонных поверхностей располагаются на другой, противоположной стороне гибкой стяжки. Контактная часть (4), располагающаяся внутри направляющей, представлена в концевой части верхнего края гибкой стяжки. Нажимной механизм использует позиционные отношения между гибкой стяжкой, ограничителем положения и слотом фиксации положения таким образом, что контактная часть может задействовать исключительно эластичность гибкой стяжки для достижения скольжения по направляющей. Нажимной механизм обладает длительным сроком службы и прост в конфигурации. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 178 013 U1 (51) МПК B43K 24/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B43K 24/08 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017119000, 09.11.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Цюаньчжоу Иян Твинго Стейшионери Ко. Лтд (CN) Дата регистрации: 19.03.2018 2011093184 A, 12.05.2011. US 3814524 A, 12.10.1974. (45) Опубликовано: 19.03.2018 Бюл. № 8 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 21.07.2017 (86) Заявка PCT: 1 7 8 0 1 3 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3552868 A, 05.01.1971. JP Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.11. ...

26-09-2018 дата публикации

Многостержневой механический карандаш

Номер: RU0000183579U1

Полезная модель относится к канцелярским предметам, используется в быту и области искусства. Многостержневой механический карандаш, содержащий корпус с одним или более выдвижными цветными стержнями, связанными с механизмом их выдвижения, фиксации и возврата, причем в каждом выдвижном чехле находится стержень из материалов: алюминий, серебро, свинец, которые в свою очередь отличаются диаметром. Техническим результатом данной полезной модели является повышение удобства использования устройства и длительности эксплуатации без замены стержней. И 1 183579 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 183 579? Ц1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 16.05.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.03.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.03.2020 Бюл. №8 Стр.: 1 па 619581 ЕП

17-08-2020 дата публикации

Писчая насадка для механического ластика-карандаша

Номер: RU0000199109U1

Полезная модель относится к автоматическим средствам для письма, рисования, черчения и т.д. с возможностью выполнения ими нескольких операций. Писчая насадка для механического ластика-карандаша содержит корпус 1, включающий наконечник 2 с направляющей пишущего стержня и шейку 4 корпуса, крепежный узел для соединения его с ластиком-карандашом, а также пишущий стержень 3 и тормоз 5 стержня. Для удобства использования писчей насадки для выдвижения ластика 9 на образующей корпуса наконечника между направляющей стержня и шейкой 4 выполнена выемка 7 с опорной плитой 28 (удобной плоской поверхностью для того, чтобы надавить на ее пальцем). Крепежный узел выполнен в виде патрубка 6 с размещенной на нем резьбовой втулкой 22, внутри которого размещен винт 27 регулировки величины выдвижения пишущего стержня. 6 ил. 199109 Ц ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 199 109” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 02.06.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 30.06.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 30.06.2022 Бюл. №19 Стр.: 1 601661 па ЕП

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Knife With Light

Номер: US20120081886A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a knife that includes a knife blade and a tang configured for cutting a material. The tang of the knife includes a slot configured therewithin. Further, the knife includes a first handle plate. The first handle plate includes a protruding member configured therewithin. The first handle plate also includes a first cavity portion configured therewithin. Furthermore, the knife includes a second handle plate. The second handle plate includes a second cavity portion therewithin. Further, the knife includes an integrated circuit board mounted within the second cavity portion of the second handle plate. The knife also includes a holding member. The holding member is configured to receive at least one power source therewithin that is electrically coupled with the integrated circuit board. Further, the knife includes a micro-switch disposed within the first cavity portion of the first handle plate. The knife also includes at least one light-emitting member.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Sharpener for pencils and/or cosmetic pencils

Номер: US20120124845A1
Автор: Thomas Tauschek
Принадлежит: Eisen GmbH

A sharpener is disclosed for writing, drawing, and/or cosmetic pencils. The housing includes a collection container, a sharpening blade, and an adjacent cone-shaped sharpening channel having an insert opening. Walls of the housing include an opaque and/or translucent material. The sharpening blade comprises a sharpening channel facing a bottom portion of the housing and a top facing a shaving removal section. The sharpener also includes a viewing channel that extends from a wall of the housing through the sharpening channel to enable viewing of the bottom of the sharpening blade.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Knife With Carabiner

Номер: US20120272534A1
Автор: Anthony Lee
Принадлежит: JPJ Investment Holding Corp

A knife is disclosed. The knife comprises a handle having carabiner loop integrally formed with an arm extending from one end of the handle and a gate extending from a second end, the gate pivotally attached to the handle whereby the carabiner loop can be opened or closed.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

"Y" shaped writing implement with a mechanical eraser that is located at the writing end of the writing instrument placing the eraser close to the paper and easy to access

Номер: US20120301205A1
Автор: Steve Joseph Pyle
Принадлежит: Individual

A writing implement with a mechanical eraser cartridge, having a forward-positioned eraser and method. The eraser and eraser cartridge runs practically the full length of the writing implement before splitting and deviating at a slight angle outward, near the writing end of the implement, slightly above the position, where upon, the writing end of the implement is held. The eraser is mechanically advanced through the eraser cartridge by the user, and exits the eraser cartridge down at the writing end of the implement.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Novelty writing instrument with pneumatic feature

Номер: US20120308291A1
Автор: Zachary Tov Weiner
Принадлежит: Individual

A novelty writing instrument with pneumatic feature with a rigid elongate hollow writing instrument housing, a pneumatic pump mechanism, a pneumatic pump activating push button, one or more flexible inflatable members and a relief valve. The pump mechanism is located within the hollow writing instrument housing. The pump activating button protrudes through an aperture on the surface of the housing and is activated when the user presses on the surface of the pneumatic push button. The inflatable members are attached in an air tight manner to the pneumatic pump. The housing has apertures that allow the flexible inflatable members to exit the housing when the pump mechanism is activated. The relief valve lets the user deflate the inflatable members. A preferred embodiment includes inflatable members are made of latex balloons.

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120308292A1
Автор: Yuan-Ning LEE
Принадлежит: Individual

A penholder provides a consumer to change by oneself a pattern, color or even model of pan body. The said penholder includes an inner sleeve, at least one outer sleeve and a dismountable fixing cap. The dismountable fixing cap is provided on a top end of the inner sleeve and forms a limiting function to the outer sleeve to prevent it from dropping. Selectively, at least one protruded member is provided on the inner sleeve or the dismountable fixing cap at a place where the inner sleeve or the dismountable fixing cap is abutted at the outer sleeve. Moreover, a recess is provided on an end rim of the outer sleeve to be latched in by the protruded member. Therefore, a penholder is provided, wherein by simply replacing the outer sleeve, a pattern, color or even model of the pen body can be changed.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Lighter Accessory for a Cigarette Lighter and Smoking Device Using Same

Номер: US20120315588A1
Автор: Brett Kondrat
Принадлежит: Individual

A lighter accessory for a cigarette lighter and a smoking device using the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the lighter accessory, a shell includes a side wall and a bottom wall defining an open chamber sized to slidably and frictionally receive the cigarette lighter. The opened chamber has an opening opposite the bottom wall that is configured to accept the cigarette lighter. A housing is coupled to the shell to define an interior chamber configured to accept a supply of fibrous wick. A conduit connects the housing to another opening, a wick opening, and a dispenser advances the fibrous wick from the interior chamber through the conduit to the wick opening. In use, the cigarette lighter may light the wick which in turn is used to ignite tobacco or other smokable herb.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Stackable grips for hand-held writing and drawing tools

Номер: US20120318707A1

Provided are stackable grips for writing or drawing utensils. The stackable grips comprise an axial hole that allows the grips to slid onto and removably retained on the handle of a writing or drawing tool, and generally comprise ornamentation on an outer portion. By combining multiple stackable grips on a single writing or drawing tool, the tool can be personalized. Also provided are kits comprising a plurality of stackable grips, as well as methods of personalizing a writing or drawing tool.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104314A1
Принадлежит: WAGIC, INC.

A utility tool comprising a body having a first end and a second end positioned on opposite ends of the body; a removable device; as well as a first tool and a second tool configured to be selectively coupled to each other or one of either the first end and second end of the body. 124-. (canceled)25. A removable blade cartridge in combination with a corresponding blade cartridge bay , the blade cartridge comprising:a. a removable blade cartridge body having a recess slot within and a knife slot in communication with the recess slot;b. a knife blade positionable within the recess slot and configured to slidably move between an open position and a closed position; andc. a guide assembly coupled with the knife blade, wherein the guide assembly drives the knife blade between the closed position and the open position, wherein the knife blade is restricted from moving to the open position when the blade cartridge is outside of the blade cartridge bay, and wherein the knife blade is always biased towards a retracted position when the blade cartridge body is positioned within the blade cartridge bay.26. The removable blade cartridge in combination with a corresponding blade cartridge bay of further comprising an engaging mechanism which is engaged when the blade cartridge body is positioned within the blade cartridge bay and disengaged when the blade cartridge body is outside of the blade cartridge bay27. The removable blade cartridge in combination with a corresponding blade cartridge bay of further comprising a leaf member for engaging and disengaging the blade cartridge to the blade cartridge bay.28. The removable blade cartridge in combination with a corresponding blade cartridge bay of wherein the blade cartridge body further comprises:a. a first blade member; andb. a second blade member in communication and positioned substantially parallel to the first blade member, wherein the recess slot is located between the first blade member and the second blade member, the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Method Of Forming Polysilicon, Thin Film Transistor Using The Polysilicon, And Method Of Fabricating The Thin Film Transistor

Номер: US20130126880A1

A method of forming polysilicon, a thin film transistor (TFT) using the polysilicon, and a method of fabricating the TFT are disclosed. The method of forming the polysilicon comprises: forming an insulating layer on a substrate; forming a first electrode and a second electrode on the insulating layer; forming at least one heater layer on the insulating layer so as to connect the first electrode and the second electrode; forming an amorphous material layer containing silicon on the heater layer(s); forming a through-hole under the heater layer(s) by etching the insulating layer; and crystallizing the amorphous material layer into a polysilicon layer by applying a voltage between the first electrode and the second electrode so as to heat the heater layer(s).

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Writing instrument

Номер: US20130142562A1
Автор: Hariolf Briggl

A writing instrument ( 1 ) having a writing instrument housing ( 3 ), with a writing nib ( 8 ) protruding beyond one end of said writing instrument housing, wherein the writing instrument ( 1 ) has a machine-readable data memory. The invention provides a functional element ( 5 ) at that end of the writing instrument housing ( 3 ) which is remote from the writing nib ( 8 ) and attaching at least one subregion of the functional element ( 5 ) to the writing instrument ( 1 ) in a detachable manner, and allowing the functional element ( 5 ) or its detachably attached subregion to contain the machine-readable data memory. 2212431-1

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160778A1
Автор: Magnone Antonio A.

This invention relates to a smoking accessory which includes one or more of a lighter for lighting a smokable substance, a grater for breaking apart the smokable substance in to smaller pieces, a smoking device for smoking the substance, and a container for depositing an amount of the smokable substance and holding it therein until needed. 1. A device comprising:a main housing;a lighter disposed in the main housing; anda grinder connected to the main housing.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a lighter section defined by the main housing; andwherein the lighter is disposed in the lighter section.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a compartment section defined by the main housing.4. The device of claim 3 , further comprising:a bolt;whereby the bolt secures the grinder to the main housing.5. The device of claim 3 , further comprising:a pipe; anda pipe compartment defined by the compartment section and sized to removably receive the pipe therein.6. The device of claim 3 , further comprising:a container; anda container compartment defined by the compartment section and sized to removably receive the container therein.7. The device of claim 6 , further comprising:a pipe; anda pipe compartment defined by the compartment section and sized to removably receive the pipe therein.8. The device of claim 7 , further comprising:a bottom cap; andwherein the bottom cap is movable between an open position and a closed position.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein the bottom cap abuts the container section and the lighter section when the bottom cap is in the closed position.10. A device comprising:a main housing;a lighter section defined by the main housing and adapted to receive a lighter therein;a container section defined by the main housing and adapted to receive one of a container and a pipe therein;a grinder movable between an open position and a closed position, whereby the grinder is disposed between the lighter section and the container section when in ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171905A1
Автор: Truckai Csaba
Принадлежит: Hermes Innovations, LLC

A modular combination toy and desktop writing accessory apparatus comprising a plurality of structural elements each having at least one nodal connector portion to which a complementary connector portion of another structural element can be coupled. The structural elements can be assembled into a barrel-like form that is configured with a passageway for carrying a writing component of the invention. The writing component can be a pen, pencil, marker, crayon, eraser or the like. The modular combination toy and writing instrument has multiple functions in playtime as well as in everyday desk-bound activities. 1. A combination toy and writing accessory comprising:a writing cartridge; anda plurality of structural elements connectable to one another in a surrounding arrangement relative to the writing cartridge;wherein the structural elements are connectable to one another in a plurality of non-surrounding arrangements in the absence of the writing cartridge to form a toy.2. The combination of wherein the writing cartridge is selected from the group consisting of pens claim 1 , pencils claim 1 , markers and crayons.3. The combination of wherein the structural elements are at least in part plastic claim 1 , rubber claim 1 , foam and metal.4. The combination of wherein the structural elements have a plurality of colors.5. The combination of wherein the structural elements have a substantially rigid medial portion.6. The combination of wherein the structural elements include a flexible medial portion.7. The combination of wherein each structural element includes a first connector portion capable of releasable mating with a second connector portion of another structural element.8. The combination of wherein the first and second connector portions comprise cooperating projecting structures and receiving structures.9. The combination of wherein the first and second connector portions comprise cooperating snap-fit structures.10. The combination of wherein at least one of the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Electric pencil sharpener with a replaceable cutter assembly

Номер: US20130186517A1
Принадлежит: SDI Corp

An electric pencil sharpener has a body, a cover and a cutter assembly. The body has a transmission device and a waste case having an opening. The cover is mounted on and closes the opening of the waste case. The cutter assembly is mounted in the waste case, is detachable from the waste case via the opening and has a connection base, a cutter bracket and a cutter. The connection base has a combining hole defined through the connection base. The cutter bracket is connected rotatably with the connection base and has a connection element connected with transmission device to make the cutter bracket driven by and rotate with the transmission device. The cutter is mounted on the cutter bracket. Accordingly, the cutter assembly is easily and conveniently replaceable when the cutter of the cutter assembly is damaged or worn off.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for surgical marking

Номер: US20130197358A1

Device, method and kit are described herein for marking tissue involved in surgery and evaluated using fluorescing imaging systems are described. Generally the device, method, and kit comprises the components to visibly mark an area of interest such that the same area fluoresces and can be viewed simultaneously through a fluorescent imaging system.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243515A1

A hand-writing input system includes a hand-writing input device and an image capture device. The hand-writing input device includes a penholder, a writing head and an infrared light source. The penholder includes a writing end and an opposite top end. The writing head is arranged on the writing end. The writing head actually writes on paper, and the image capture device picks up the track of the infrared light source or the track of the target of the IR light. 1. A hand-writing input system , comprising: a penholder comprising a writing end and an opposite top end;', 'a writing head arranged on the writing end, the writing head being capable of leaving color distinguishable traces on an object;', 'an infrared light source positioned on the writing end adjacent to the writing head, the infrared light source comprising two electrodes;', 'an ink-receiving tube in communication with the writing head, the ink-receiving tube being configured for receiving writing ink;', 'a cell in the penholder, the cell being configured for providing electric energy to the infrared light source, the cell comprising an anode and a cathode at an opposite side of the anode;', 'a push switch comprising a spring member, the spring member being spaced from the cathode in a natural state thereof; and', 'two leads, one end of each lead electrically connected with a respective one of the two electrodes of the infrared light source, the other end of one of the leads electrically connected with the anode, the other end of the other lead electrically connected with the spring member;', 'wherein when the writing head is pressed on a writing paper for writing, the ink receiving tube generates a pressure to the spring member because of the pressing of the writing head, the spring member bends and then contacts the cathode of the cell due to the pressure of the ink receiving tube, thereby the infrared light source and the cell form an electric loop to enable the infrared light source to emit infrared ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247382A1

A utility knife has a handle and a blade holder that holds a utility blade for selective removal and replacement of the utility blade. The blade holder is pivotally carried by the handle for pivotal movement in an arcuate path relative to the handle between a retracted position and an extended position. 1. A utility knife , comprising:a handle;a blade holder pivotally carried by the handle for pivotal movement about at least axes in an arcuate path relative to the handle between a retracted position and an extended position; anda utility blade replaceably attached to the blade holder for selective removal and replacement of the utility blade.2. The utility knife of claim 1 , wherein the handle further comprises a first aperture from which the blade holder projects in the extended position.3. The utility knife of claim 2 , wherein the handle further comprises a second aperture from which the blade holder projects as it is moved between the retracted position and the extended position.4. The utility knife of claim 3 , wherein the handle further comprises a right side claim 3 , a left side claim 3 , a front face claim 3 , and a top side claim 3 , wherein the first aperture is in the front face and the second aperture is in the top side.5. The utility knife of claim 4 , wherein the blade holder further comprises a slot having a vertical portion perpendicular to a horizontal portion claim 4 , which cooperate to provide the blade holder with ability to move in the arcuate path with respect to the handle.6. The utility knife of claim 5 , and further comprising a button assembly that cooperates with the slot in the blade holder claim 5 , wherein the button assembly pushes the blade holder to the extended position and the blade holder moves with respect to the button assembly.7. The utility knife of claim 1 , and further comprising a first linkage and a second linkage claim 1 , wherein the first linkage and the second linkage are pivotally attached to the handle and ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Automatic pencil-feeding device for pencil sharpener

Номер: US20130255835A1
Автор: Xinfu Wang
Принадлежит: Fujian Soundy Enterprise Co Ltd

An automatic pencil-feeding device for a pencil sharpener, comprising a bracket ( 1 ) and a rotary disc ( 3 ), rotating shafts ( 5 ) respectively located at two pairs of clamping wheel bearing seats ( 11 ) of the bracket ( 1 ), rotating wheels ( 51 ) and friction wheels ( 52 ) for clamping pencils successively nested on the rotating shafts ( 5 ), and the two friction wheels ( 52 ) located at the ends of the two rotating shafts which are remote from each other. The rotary disc ( 3 ) is arranged in the middle of the two pairs of clamping wheel bearing seats ( 11 ), in the middle of the bracket ( 1 ) and the rotary disc ( 3 ) is provided a through-hole ( 31 ) enabling a pencil to be passed through. In a sinking shaft seat ( 12 ) located at the side of the bracket ( 1 ) facing towards the rotary disc ( 3 ) there is provided a driving plate ( 2 ), in the centre of the driving plate ( 2 ) there is provided a connecting hole ( 21 ) which enables a hob-seat ( 4 ) of a hollow pencil holder ( 41 ) to be interposed and guided to the end of a tapered-hole; on the periphery of the end face of the driving plate ( 2 ) there are provided two or more grooves ( 22 ), and each of the grooves ( 22 ) has a sloping bottom; there is a raised corresponding shift lever ( 32 ) on the end face of the rotary disc ( 3 ) on the side adjacent to the driving plate ( 2 ), and the shift lever ( 32 ) is inserted into the grooves ( 22 ) to form a linkage. When a driving force for rotation is transmitted via the driving plate ( 2 ), the sloping bottom on each of the grooves ( 22 ) thereof has contact with the rotary disc ( 3 ) with different strengths when rotating in a forward and in a reverse direction, such that the friction forces produced between the rotary disc ( 3 ) and the friction wheels ( 52 ) are different, causing two different manual sensations of tightness and relaxation respectively when the pencil is fed and released therefrom.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

TextBook Study Tool

Номер: US20130272771A1
Автор: Tennyson Derek Joseph

This invention is a non-obvious combination and improvement of existing office tools. It consists of a six inch straight edge with a molded clasp to be used as a grasping bookmark. The end of the molded clasp will be hollowed (as a locking receptacle) to accept and secure a slim and short writing instrument. The writing instrument can be an ink pen, mechanical pencil or a highlighter. All writing instruments will be interchangeable and replacement writing instruments will be separately available. This non-obvious combination and improvement of existing tools produces a novel, unique and patentable product. 1. A multi-purpose tool combined in a non-obvious fashion , adapted selectively to be used as a writing instrument , a highlighter , a straight edge , a ruler or a bookmark.2. A multi-purpose combination tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the improvement includes a straight edge for clean and even underlining and/or highlighting.3. A multi-purpose combination tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the improvement includes a straight edge to visually delineates textbook lines for isolated observation and improved assimilation.4. A multi-purpose combination tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the improvement includes a six inch ruler can be used for the purposes of any common ruler.5. A multi-purpose combination tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the improvement includes an ink pen claim 1 , mechanical pencil or highlighting instrument with a receiving end that will snap the marking instrument into the combination tool and securely hold the writing instrument.6. A multi-purpose combination tool as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the improvement includes a bookmark that will clasp onto a selected page to identify place in text. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application, No. 61/623,051, filed Apr. 11, 2012, titled TextBook Study Tool.Not Applicable.Not Applicable.Not Applicable.(1) Field of InventionIt is the object of the invention ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272772A1
Автор: Lee Pao-Feng

An amusement writing instrument with a mechanical toy consists of an elongated pen body having a seat mounted on an end, a toy housing said seat and a working piece passing through said seat. The working piece comprises of a rod, pluralities of driving elements driven by the rod and pluralities of resilient devices for providing reciprocal movement. The ornament composes of a frontal and rear casings and a decorating object is further attached to the seat. The working piece is driven as the user propels the cartridge to disengage the frontal casings from the rear casing, creating a slit for allowing the decorating object to be extended and exposed. 1. A writing instrument with a movable ornament mounted thereon , comprises of an elongated pen body with a seat mounted on an end thereof , an ornament covers said seat , a working piece is provided inside said ornament and engaging with said seat to drive the ornament; said working piece consists essentially of a movable connecting rod which is disposed in said pen body , a first driving element is disposed in said ornament and connected to said connecting rod , a second driving element is pivotably jointed to said first driving element and seat respectively , a third driving element is pivotably jointed to said second driving element , a fourth driving element is pivotably jointed to said third driving element and the seat respectively , a first elastic element is provided at where said fourth driving element is pivotably jointed to the seat , and at least one second elastic element is disposed in the pen body and surrounding said first driving element;Said ornament is characterized in that:The ornament is assembled by a frontal and rear casing, and consists of a decorating object which is pivotably jointed to said second driving element;Said rear casing is screw fixed on said seat;An extendable resilient device is provided inside said ornament for fixing the frontal casing to the rear casing, which is characterized in ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Reusable gift bag

Номер: US20130295550A1
Автор: Lakshmi Mullaguru
Принадлежит: Individual

A reusable gift bag of the present invention includes a portion of the bag that can receive a temporary marking. Reusable gift bags for holding a gift therein can be re-used after the gift has been removed. The message receiving panels are reactive to a disappearing ink solution and accordingly can be repeatedly written on allowing the ink fade away to become invisible. Alternatively, without using a specific ink-receiving panel, the entire portion of the gift bag handbags may be made from materials which are reactive to a disappearing markers.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Products Incorporating Fiber Optics

Номер: US20130314930A1
Автор: Barry Silberman
Принадлежит: Inkology Inc

An object has fiber optics or other light emitting portion, the operation of which is triggered by temperature, sound, fingerprint or motion. In preferred embodiments the light emitting portion cooperates with a non-light emitting portion to enhance the ornamental design, and in especially preferred embodiments a portion of the ornamental design appears to be moving by virtue of triggering of different bundles of fiber optics.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Tool with Variable Functions for Casino Operations

Номер: US20130315649A1
Автор: Mendicino Patrick

A hand held variable tool for use in casino operations that has optional functions of, at least, (i) a small tip writing instrument such as a pencil or pen, (ii) a large tip writing instrument such as a marker, and (iii) a cutting or scoring tool, such as a sharp-tipped needle or nail to aid in “scoring” and opening the cellophane around a new deck of playing cards. The tool can be clipped to the badge of a user for ease of transport while not in use. 1. A hand held variable tool for use in casino operations consisting of:a hollow, tubular container,a small tip writing instrument positioned inside the container,a large tip writing instrument positioned inside the container,a scoring instrument positioned inside the container, andan activation mechanism that activates each instrument from inside the container2. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the tool further consists of a clip that allows the tool to be clipped to a user.3. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the small tip writing instrument is selected from the group consisting of a pen claim 1 , pencil claim 1 , and crayon.4. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the large tip writing instrument is selected from the group consisting of a marker and large-tipped pen.5. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the large tip writing instrument uses a permanent ink or pigment.6. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the scoring instrument is capable for use in opening the cellophane around a new deck or decks of playing cards.7. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the scoring instrument is sharp tipped and selected from the group consisting of a needle claim 1 , nail claim 1 , and narrow blade.8. The tool as recited in claim 1 , wherein the activation mechanism is located at the bottom of the container and pushes a selected instrument upward from the top of the container.9. The tool as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a counterfeit detector pen instrument positioned inside the container ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Multi-functional stylus

Номер: US20130322952A1

A multi-functional stylus includes a housing defining a coupling hole, and a stylus body assembly removably connected to the housing. The stylus body assembly includes a main body, a stylus head located at one end of the main body and a pen located at the other end of the main body. Either the stylus head or the pen can be presented out of the coupling hole. A flange is formed on a peripheral surface of the main body. At least one protrusion is located on an inner surface of the coupling hole. The flange passes over the at least one protrusion and is blocked by the at least one protrusion to mount the stylus body assembly to the housing.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Stick puppet

Номер: US20130324007A1
Автор: Brent Alan Geppert
Принадлежит: Learning Resources Inc

A puppet includes a hollow outer shaft having a first end and a second end, an inner shaft disposed substantially within the outer shaft and slidable in a longitudinal direction relative to the outer shaft. The inner shaft includes a first end and an opposing second end. The puppet further includes a first puppet piece attached to the outer shaft near the first end thereof, a second puppet piece attached to the inner shaft near the first end thereof, and a lever connected to the inner shaft and extending outward therefrom through a first slot formed in the outer shaft. The second end of the inner shaft extends outside of the outer shaft. One of the first and second puppet pieces is movable relative to the other by sliding the lever longitudinally relative to the outer shaft or by moving the second end of the inner shaft away from the outer shaft.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130330115A1

A marking pen including a body including a pen and a cap. The cap includes a clip including a first leg that extends from the cap body and away from the cap body in a first direction that is along a transverse axis of the cap body, a second leg that extends from the first leg and away from the first leg in a second direction to create a gap between the second leg and the cap body, and a third leg that extends from the second leg in a third direction along a longitudinal axis of the cap body and the third leg also extends toward the cap body along the transverse axis of the cap body. The clip is configured to attach the cap to an article of clothing in the gap between the second leg and the cap body. 1. A marking pen comprising:a body including a pen; and a cap body having a length, a width, an aperture that receives the pen to cover the pen, a longitudinal axis that extends centrally through the aperture and parallel to the length, a transverse axis that extends through the longitudinal axis normal to the longitudinal axis and parallel to the width, the pen movable into and out of the aperture along the longitudinal axis, and', 'a clip including a first leg that extends from the cap body and away from the cap body in a first direction that is along the transverse axis of the cap body, a second leg that extends from the first leg and away from the first leg in a second direction such that the second leg is spaced a distance from the cap body in the first direction to create a gap between the second leg and the cap body, and a third leg that extends from the second leg in a third direction along the longitudinal axis of the cap body and along a majority of the length of the cap body and the third leg also extends toward the cap body along the transverse axis of the cap body,, 'a cap removably coupled to the body to cover the pen, the cap including,'}wherein the clip is configured to attach the cap to an article of clothing in the gap between the second leg and the cap ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000119A1
Автор: CHEN Szu-Yu

A pencil sharpener has a waste case, a blade base, a blocking chunk, a blade, a rotating knob and an adjusting shaft. The waste case has a mounting hole and multiple positioning segments formed on the inner wall of the mounting hole. The blocking chunk is moveably mounted on the bottom of the blade base along an axial direction of the blade base. The blade is mounted securely on the blade base. The rotating knob is mounted rotatably in the mounting hole in the waste case and has at least one engaging segment selectively engaging the positioning segments of the waste case. The adjusting shaft is connected securely with the rotating knob and is disposed on the blocking chunk. When the rotating knob is rotated, the adjusting shaft is rotated to push the blocking chunk to move along the axial direction of the blade base. 1. A pencil sharpener comprising: a mounting hole defined in the waste case and having an inner wall; and', 'multiple positioning segments formed on the inner wall of the mounting hole;, 'a waste case having'}a blade base mounted in the waste case and having a bottom;a blocking chunk moveably mounted on the bottom of the blade base along an axial direction of the blade base and having a bottom;a blade mounted securely on the blade base;a rotating knob mounted rotatably in the mounting hole of the waste case and having at least one engaging segment, wherein each one of the at least one engaging segment selectively engaging one of the positioning segments of the waste case; andan adjusting shaft connected securely with the rotating knob and disposed on the bottom of the blocking chunk, wherein when the rotating knob is rotated, the adjusting shaft is rotated to push the blocking chunk to move along the axial direction of the blade base.2. The pencil sharpener as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjusting shaft hasa shaft body connected securely with the rotating knob; andan adjusting wheel connected securely with one end of the shaft body and having a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023424A1

A hygienic modular writing utensil and method of using for eliminating or minimizing the spread of germs, bacteria and the like between a first and a second user. The utensil has an External Protective Shield with a first holding area for use by the first user and a removable Internal Writing Utensil with a second holding area for use by the second user. The External Protective Shield has an internal cleaning element and the Internal Writing Utensil has a removable cap on its outer end, whereby when the first user pulls the Internal Writing Utensil out from the External Protective Shield or reinserts the Internal Writing Utensil back into the External Protective Shield by grasping the exterior surface of the removable cap, an outer surface of the Internal Writing Utensil, including the second holding area is cleaned. 1. A modular hygienic writing instrument having a pair of separate components: a first of the pair of components consisting of an elongated , hollow exterior protective shield having a first open end and a second open end; a second of the pair of components consisting of an interior writing utensil having a writing tip end and a capped outer end held in the elongated , hollow exterior protective shield with the writing tip end extending out of the first open end and the outer capped end secured over the second open end: the exterior protective shield having a first holding area thereon adjacent the first open end and the interior writing utensil having a second separate holding area thereon , adjacent the tip end.2. The modular hygienic pen of claim 1 , further including a cleaning system secured in the interior of the elongated claim 1 , hollow exterior protective shield adjacent the second open end and in contact with an exterior surface of the interior writing instrument.3. The modular hygienic pen of wherein the cleaning system includes a cleaning element having a sanitizing agent held therein secured in the interior of the elongated claim 2 , ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030664A1
Автор: Maimon Albert

Methods and devices for combining a lighter with a consumable product dispenser are presented. In exemplary embodiments of the present invention, the combined dispenser can have a fragrance that matches or compliments the consumable. The lighter portion of the dispenser can be non-disposable, for example, and the consumable portion can be disposable. The consumable portion can be, for example, slidably attached so that it can be readily removed when emptied. The consumable can be, for example, a perfume or fragrance, a mint or candy, a hand sanitizer gel, chewing gum, or an anti-bacterial lotion. The consumable dispensing portion can have a button, for example, that when pressed, allows it to slide into the lighter. When the button is released, the lighter and consumable can, for example, become locked into a single combined unit. 1. An integrated device , comprising:a refillable lighter; anda consumable product dispenser,wherein the lighter and the dispenser are removably attached by removably attaching the bottom surface of the lighter and a surface of the dispenser.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the lighter and the dispenser are removably attached via at least one of snaps claim 1 , grooves claim 1 , flaps claim 1 , and flexible sleeves.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the lighter and the dispenser are removably attached at their respective bottom surfaces.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein one of the lighter and the dispenser is provided with a female groove in its bottom surface claim 3 , and the other is provided with a complementary male protrusion that fits into said groove.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein one of the lighter and the dispenser is provided with one or more female holes in its bottom surface claim 3 , and the other is provided with one or more complementary male protrusions that fit into said groove.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the dispenser is provided with a closable opening from which product is dispensed.7. The device of claim ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Writing Utensil with Two Handles for Writing with Both Hands Simultaneously

Номер: US20140037361A1
Автор: Kalif Dorin

A symmetric rigid writing device comprises two arms and a writing utensil. The writing utensil is permanently attached to the arms. The arms and the writing utensil are made of rigid materials. The arms are symmetric and the writing utensil is positioned at the center between the arms. Each of the arms is shaped like a curved pole. At least one end of each arm is attached to the writing utensil. The user may grasp the writing device by the arms with both hands and execute a writing action. 1. A symmetric rigid writing device that Comprises two arms and a writing utensil; wherein said writing utensil is permanently attached to said arms;wherein said arms and said writing utensil are made of rigid materials; wherein said arms are symmetric and wherein said writing utensil is positioned at the center between said arms; wherein each of said arms is shaped like a curved pole; wherein at least one end of each said arm is attached to said writing utensil; wherein the user may grasp said writing device by said arms with both hands and execute a writing action.2. A symmetric , rigid handle into which a pen can be integrated that comprises a central part and two arms; wherein the central part is shaped like a cylinder with a vertical cavity; wherein each of said arms is shaped like a curved pole; wherein at least one end of said arms is attached to said central part; wherein said handle and said central part are made of rigid materials; wherein said arms are symmetric and wherein said central part is positioned at the center between said arms; wherein the user may insert a pen into the vertical cavity , grasp the handle by said arms with both hands , and execute a writing action. This application is a continuation in part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/591,080 filed on 6 Nov. 2009 which claimed priority of a U.S. Provisional Patent Application 61/198,705 filed on 10 Nov. 2008.The present invention refers to a writing utensil with two handles, whereby the user writes ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Writing Device

Номер: US20140044470A1
Принадлежит: Andrew Alexander Jewson

An apparatus comprises a writing device and an electronic device. The electronic device comprises a headphone socket and the writing device is elongate and comprises first and second ends. The first end is shaped to be received by and releasably retained in the headphone socket of the electronic device. The second end is shaped to allow a user to withdraw the writing device from the headphone socket of the electronic device when the first end is retained in the headphone socket. In a first, housed configuration the first end is releasably retained in the headphone socket and the second end is exposed remote from the electronic device. In a second, writable configuration the second end is releasably retained in the headphone socket and the first end is exposed remote from the electronic device to enable the writing device, in combination with the electronic device, to be used to write with.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Assisted opening compact novelty utensil

Номер: US20140064820A1
Автор: James John Mach
Принадлежит: Individual

A compact utensil which has two utility components connected by an assisted opening hinge.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Pencil eraser adapter

Номер: US20140068907A1
Автор: Philip Anderson
Принадлежит: Individual

A pencil adapter for attaching a new eraser to a pencil. The pencil adapter may include a hollow body forming a first cavity on a first end and a second cavity on a second end, with a divider in between. The first end may be attached to the eraser end of a pencil and a new eraser may fit in the second end.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Pencil Sharpener

Номер: US20140075681A1
Автор: Hammer Walter

A pencil-sharpener tool for carpenter pencils includes a housing, a pencil-tip-insertion hole, and a hex-bit-drive hole. The pencil-tip-insertion hole may configured in to receive a portion of a carpenter pencil. The hex-bit-drive hole may extend at least partially through the housing opposite the pencil-tip-insertion hole. The hex-bit-drive hole may also be in axial alignment with the pencil-tip-insertion hole and the central axis of the housing. The housing, the pencil-tip insertion hole, and the hex-bit-drive hole may be in fixed relation to each other, and may move in unison when the hex bit is inserted inside the hex-bit-drive hole and rotates clockwise or counterclockwise. 1. A manual carpenter pencil sharpener capable of conversion to a powered carpenter pencil sharpener via attachment to a drill using ¼″ drive hole opposite the sharpening cavity , carpenter pencils are described as “a pencil that has a body with a rectangular or elliptical cross-section to stop it from rolling or blowing away , the adapter comprises: a housing including:a. a carpenter pencil sharpener cavity capable of use as a manual or powered sharpener;b. and a ¼ drive hole extending in a lengthwise and axial position opposite the sharpening cavity, wherein said drive hole has an inner shape and size complementary to receive a substantial portion of a hex-bit.2. The sharpener of claim 1 , wherein said drive hole is surrounded by a solid material forming a portion of the sharpener.3. A method comprising the making of a housing claim 1 , sharpener cavity and hex bit hole in fixed relation to each other such that the housing claim 1 , the sharpener cavity and the hex bit drive hole move as a single unit when the hex bit drive hole is inserted over a hex bit attached to a drill or mechanical device that rotates clockwise or counter clockwise.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising configuring the hex bit drive hole to be coextensive with a hex bit.5. The method of claim 9 , further ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Assembly made of a flat writing instrument and of an element that holds the writing instrument inside an exercise book or notebook

Номер: US20140086663A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An assembly is made of a flat writing instrument ( 1 ) and of an element ( 2 ) for holding the writing instrument ( 1 ) against a supporting surface of an exercise book or notebook, for immobilizing the instrument ( 1 ) in a storage position in which it extends parallel to the supporting surface. The element ( 2 ) is made of a body ( 21 ) having a first fixing face ( 211 ) which is intended to be applied to the supporting surface, and a second face ( 221 ) opposite to the fixing face ( 211 ) and carrying elements for immobilizing the instrument ( 1 ), the fixing face ( 211 ) carrying elements for fixing the holding element ( 2 ) to the supporting surface such that the element ( 2 ) can be fixed to the supporting surface without protruding from the exercise book or notebook.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090180A1

A combined oxygen tank key, glass breaker, bottle opener and cutter includes an elongated handle portion defining a first plane and having first and second ends that define the length thereof and first and second side edges that define the width thereof. A socket is integrally formed within the handle portion and is adapted to fit onto the rectangularly shaped end of an oxygen tank valve control stem. A hardened point is formed at the first end of the handle portion and is capable of breaking vehicle glass. A bottle opener is carried by the first side edge of the handle portion as is a blade for cutting a seat belt. 1. A combined oxygen tank key , glass breaker , bottle opener and cutter comprising:an elongated handle portion defining a first plane and having first and second ends that define the length thereof and first and second side edges that define the width thereof;a socket integrally formed within said handle portion and being adapted to fit onto the rectangularly shaped end of an oxygen tank valve control stem;a hardened point at said first end, said hardened point being capable of breaking vehicle glass;a bottle opener carried by said first side edge of said handle, anda knife blade carried by said handle adapted to cut through the seat belt of a vehicle.2. The oxygen tank key as claimed in wherein said socket is located intermediate said ends of said handle portion.3. The oxygen tank key as claimed in further including an elongated slot passing through said handle portion claim 1 , said slot extending in the direction of the length of said handle portion.4. The oxygen tank key as claimed in wherein said slot is adapted to fit over the lever of a regulator for said oxygen tank to help release the regulator from said tank.5. The oxygen tank key as claimed in wherein said slot includes champhered ends. This application is a Continuation-in-Part of application Ser. No. 13/200,624, filed Sep. 27, 2011, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,595,874 which claims the benefit of ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140093300A1
Автор: Schwartzberg Deborah

A decorative writing instrument includes a writing instrument and a resilient member having an opening therein. The writing instrument is disposed within the opening, wherein the decorative element is removably retained on the writing instrument. A decorative element is secured to the resilient member. 1. A decorative writing instrument comprising:a writing instrument;a resilient member having an opening therein, the writing instrument disposed within the opening wherein the decorative element is removably retained on the writing instrument, a decorative element being secured to the resilient member.2. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 1 , wherein an attachment device is disposed between the decorative element and the resilient member for fixedly securing the decorative element to the resilient member.3. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 1 , wherein the resilient member includes an O-ring device having a generally circular cross-section.4. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 1 , wherein the attachment device includes a ring securably attached to the resilient member and to the decorative element.5. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 1 , wherein a pliable member is properly secured to the resilient member at one end and to a decorative element at the other end.6. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 1 , further including a plurality of pliable members each having a different length.7. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 1 , wherein the decorative element includes a sleeve having a longitudinal extent.8. The decorative writing instrument as defined in claim 7 , wherein the sleeve has a generally planar longitudinally extending sidewall.9. A decorating apparatus for a writing instrument comprising:a first decorative device removably securable to a writing instrument, the decorative device including a first resilient member having an opening for accommodating ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001452A1

A utility knife has a handle and a blade holder that holds a utility blade for selective removal and replacement of the utility blade. The blade holder is pivotally carried by the handle for pivotal movement in an arcuate path relative to the handle between a retracted position and an extended position. 1. A utility knife , comprising:a handle;a blade holder connected to the handle;a first linkage and a second linkage, the first linkage and the second linkage are each pivotally attached to the handle at one end and each pivotally attached to the blade holder at another end to move the blade holder in a curvilinear path with respect to the handle between a retracted position and an extended position; anda utility blade replaceably attached to the blade holder for selective removal and replacement of the utility blade.27-. (canceled)8. The utility knife of claim 1 , wherein the utility blade further comprises a first and second parallel linear edges claim 1 , a mounting notch formed in the first linear edge claim 1 , and a cutting edge claim 1 , wherein a portion of the blade holder engages the mounting notch and locks the utility blade to the blade holder claim 1 , the utility blade extending out of an aperture in a front face of the handle when the blade holder is in the extended position claim 1 , the utility blade not extending out of the aperture when the blade holder is in the retracted position.9. The utility knife of claim 8 , wherein the extended position is an operative position in which the blade is locked to the blade holder and the cutting edge is partially exposed for cutting.10. The utility knife of claim 9 , wherein the retracted position is a safety position in which the blade holder and the blade is fully retracted so that no portion of the blade holder and the utility blade extends from an aperture in a front face of the handle.11. A utility knife claim 9 , comprising:a handle;a blade holdera pair of linkages each combined at a first end to the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001661A1
Автор: HOSOYA Tomohiro

A knocking-type writing instrument has a writing refill, such as a pencil lead or an ink cartridge, that is advanced by knocking a knocking member, and an eraser held by an eraser holder disposed at a rear part of the knocking member. When the writing instrument is inclined so that the eraser side faces downward, a control pin provided in the eraser holder and a movable stopper drop by their own weights along a sliding groove of the knocking member. When the control pin drops a predetermined distance and enters a circumferential locking groove provided at a rear end of the sliding groove, detachment of the control pin is prevented by the stopper, and the eraser holder is unable to retract to the inside of the knocking member. In this state, a radial projection on the control pin abuts a rear end face of the knocking holder, whereby the knocking member is locked and can no longer be knocked, and feeding of the writing refill is prevented. 1. A knocking-type writing instrument equipped with an eraser , comprising: a writing instrument body which houses a refill; a knocking member inserted into the writing instrument body to undergo forward and backward movement to forwardly advance the refill , the knocking member having a sliding groove which extends in a forward and backward direction , and a locking groove which extends in a circumferential direction from a rear end of the sliding groove; an eraser held at a rear part of the knocking member; a control pin movable between the sliding groove and the locking groove of the knocking member , the control pin having an outward end which extends in a radial direction of the writing instrument body and which is slidably engageable with the sliding groove and the locking groove; a movable stopper inserted into a forward side of the sliding groove forward of the control pin , the movable stopper being freely movable in the forward and backward direction in the sliding groove; and an abutment part provided in the writing ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001467A1
Автор: KIM Hak Jae

The heating eraser for removing thermally changeable ink comprises a heating eraser unit that removes or changes a color by instantaneously applying heat at 50 to 65° C. as a color changing temperature range of a phase transition material selectively along a handwriting written or drawn by a writing instrument using the thermally changeable ink containing thermally changeable fine particles of 10 wt % to 70 wt % including a core portion containing the transition material including a phenol-based compound containing an aliphatic functional group having carbon atoms of 6 or more and a shell layer covering the core portion and made of a polymer resin on a substrate. 1. A heating eraser for removing thermally changeable ink comprising a heating eraser unit that removes or changes a color by instantaneously applying heat at 50 to 65° C. as a color changing temperature range of a phase transition material selectively along a handwriting written or drawn by a writing instrument using the thermally changeable ink containing thermally changeable fine particles of 10 wt % to 70 wt % including a core portion containing the transition material including a phenol-based compound containing an aliphatic functional group having carbon atoms of 6 or more and a shell layer covering the core portion and made of a polymer resin on a substrate , wherein the heating eraser unit is integrally coupled with the writing instrument , separated from the writing instrument , has the writing instrument form , or detachably coupled with at least a part of the writing instrument.2. The heating eraser for removing thermally changeable ink of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': '50', 'a heat supply unit supplying hot air or heat by facing the substrate, a heat generating unit disposed adjacently to the heat supply unit for supplying the heat to the heat supply unit to instantaneously generate heat at 50 to 65° C., a temperature control unit controlling the temperature of the heat generated from the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001644A1
Автор: CHEN Jason, Mark Richard
Принадлежит: Pengea Inc.

A multi-purpose combination writing instrument is provided. The instrument can comprise a writing instrument holder, with 2 casing members connected together by a retractable unwinding tool. The retractable unwinding tool can be automatically retractable. One or more removable individual writing instruments can be reversibly attached to the writing instrument holder. An individual writing instrument is provided that comprises a male connector adapted to be mated to a corresponding female connector or that comprises an external screw thread. A casing member of a writing instrument holder is provided, comprising an automatic retracting mechanism stored in the casing member and adapted to be attached to a retractable unwinding tool and adapted to allow the retractable unwinding tool to automatically retract. Another multi-purpose combination writing instrument is provided, comprising a writing instrument holder that is fan-shaped (like a hand-held fan). Yet another multi-purpose combination writing instrument is provided, comprising a writing instrument holder comprising zero, one, or two casing members comprising a hinge assembly, which comprises a hinge. 139-. (canceled)40. A multi-purpose combination writing instrument comprising: a writing instrument holder comprising zero , one , or two casing members , comprising a hinge assembly at around the middle of the holder , said hinge assembly comprising a hinge adapted to allow the instrument holder to bend , wherein the hinge comprises two hinge leaves , 3 knuckle portions and 2 hinge pins , wherein the hinge assembly comprises one to four internal screw threads , each screw thread adapted to receive an individual writing instrument comprising an external screw thread , and said multi-purpose combination writing instrument comprising one to four individual writing instruments attached to the hinge assembly , and the hinge assembly further comprises hinge assembly locks and the hinge further comprises hinge locks.41. A ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001736A1
Автор: KUMAR DHAL Amulya

The method of present disclosure relates to a writing apparatus for dispensing writing fluid on a writing surface. The writing apparatus comprises a sensor, containers for storing one or more mixing elements, a processor and a memory communicatively coupled to the processor. The writing apparatus compares the characteristics with predefined characteristics to determine quality of the writing surface. Further, the writing apparatus also determines a quality of the writing fluid suited for the writing surface. Based on the quality of the writing surface and the writing fluid, the writing apparatus modifies at least one property of the writing fluid before dispensing the writing fluid on the writing surface. For modifying the property, the one or more mixing elements are added into the writing fluid. Once the writing fluid is modified, the writing apparatus dispense the writing fluid on the writing surface. 1. A method of dispensing writing fluid , present in a writing apparatus , on a writing surface , the method comprising:scanning, by a sensor of the writing apparatus, the writing surface, wherein the scanning results in determination of one or more characteristics of the writing surface;comparing, by the writing apparatus, the one or more characteristics with predefined characteristics, wherein the one or more characteristics are associated with a quality of the writing surface;determining, by the writing apparatus, the quality of the writing surface and a quality of the writing fluid suited for the writing surface based on the comparison; andmodifying, by the writing apparatus, at least one property of the writing fluid based on the quality of the writing surface and the quality of the writing fluid before dispensing the writing fluid on the writing surface.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the one or more characteristics comprises at least one of a coat weight claim 1 , color claim 1 , glossiness claim 1 , opacity claim 1 , surface topography claim 1 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004090A1

Disclosed are a portable read-write pen and a control method for a portable read-write pen. The control method for a portable read-write pen includes the following steps: step S of detecting a state of a pen point of the portable read-write pen; and step S of controlling, according to the state of the pen point of the portable read-write pen, the portable read-write pen to enable a touch-read mode or a write-record mode. 1. A control method for a portable read-write pen , the portable read-write pen having a touch-read mode and a write-record mode , characterized in that , the portable read-write pen is controlled to automatically switch between the touch-read mode and the write-record mode based on a pressure state of a pen point of the portable read-write pen , and the pen point may be received in or protrude from a pen head , wherein the control method for a portable read-write pen comprises following steps:{'b': '1', 'step S of detecting a state of the pen point of the portable read-write pen; and'}{'b': '2', 'step S of controlling, according to the state of the pen point of the portable read-write pen, the portable read-write pen to enable the touch-read mode or the write-record mode,'}{'b': '12', 'wherein detecting a state of the pen point of the portable read-write pen specifically comprises step S ofdetecting a pressure state of the pen point of the portable read-write pen; and{'b': '22', 'wherein controlling, according to the state of the pen point of the portable read-write pen, the portable read-write pen to enable the touch-read mode or the write-record mode specifically comprises step S ofdetermining whether a pressure on the pen point of the portable read-write pen is greater than a pre-set pressure threshold, wherein if yes, the portable read-write pen is controlled to enable the write-record mode; and if no, the portable read-write pen is controlled to enable the touch-read mode.2. The control method for a portable read-write pen according to claim 1 ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011885A1
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

A writing instrument having at least one retraction mechanism for actuating a retractable writing tip, the retraction mechanism being configured to produce a predetermined sound that communicates a command to an electronic device. 1. A writing instrument comprising a plurality of retraction mechanisms , wherein each of the plurality of retraction mechanisms is configured to actuate a respective retractable writing tip , each retraction mechanism being configured to produce a different predetermined sound that is suitable for being detected by an electronic device.2. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein each of the different predetermined sounds is configured to communicate a different command to the electronic device.3. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of retraction mechanisms comprises a button claim 1 , the length of each button and/or the length of the actuating path of each button is different from each other in order to produce different predetermined sounds.4. (canceled)5. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein each retraction mechanism is provided with a different shock absorber in order to produce different predetermined sounds.6. A method for commanding an electronic device with a writing instrument according to claim 1 , the method comprising:placing the writing instrument in a sound capture area of the electronic device, andproducing the predetermined sound to command the electronic device by actuating at least one of the plurality of retraction mechanisms.7. A system comprising a writing instrument according to and an electronic device claim 1 , the electronic device comprising a sound sensor and a central processing unit configured to identify the predetermined sound and to execute a predetermined action in the electronic device.8. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , comprising four retraction mechanisms.9. The system according to claim 7 , comprising a writing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008332A1
Автор: Blom Brandon, MATTIS Eric

There is provided a reversible ink-stylus assembly that includes an ink cartridge assembly. The ink cartridge assembly includes an ink cartridge and an ink tip, where the ink tip is attached to a first end of the ink cartridge. The reversible ink-stylus assembly also includes a stylus tip having a plurality of ribs along a longitudinal axis of the reversible ink-stylus assembly. The stylus tip is attached to a second end of the ink cartridge, and the ink cartridge assembly is insertable into a longitudinal cylindrical opening of a writing device. 1. A reversible ink-stylus assembly , comprising:an ink cartridge assembly including an ink cartridge and an ink tip, wherein the ink tip is attached to a first end of the ink cartridge; anda stylus tip having a plurality of ribs along a longitudinal axis of the reversible ink-stylus assembly,wherein the stylus tip is attached to a second end of the ink cartridge, and wherein the ink cartridge assembly is insertable into a longitudinal cylindrical opening of a writing device.2. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 1 , wherein the writing device includes a cartridge holder that attaches to the reversible ink-stylus assembly.3. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 1 , wherein the stylus tip has four ribs.4. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 3 , wherein each of the four ribs is separated by 90 degrees.5. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 1 , wherein the writing device produces a common event when the stylus tip is inserted into the writing device and when the ink tip is inserted into the writing device.6. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 1 , wherein the stylus tip includes a fingernail-groove section.7. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 6 , wherein the fingernail-groove section extends along a circumference of the stylus tip.8. The reversible ink-stylus assembly of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of ribs extends above the fingernail-groove section.9. The reversible ink- ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Scrapper knife/scrapper knife adaptor

Номер: US20160008992A1

The scrapper knife has multi-purpose abilities utilized as a cutting tool used in food preparation. There are two edges or blades on the scrapper knife. The sharp blade and the dull or scrapper blade. On the sharp or cutting blade employs differential sharpening along the length of the blade. The fine tip,is used for precision work such as mincing, and might be ground with a very sharp, acute cutting bevel, the midsection or belly of the blade receives a moderately sharp edge for general cutting, chopping and slicing, while the heavy heel or back of the cutting edge is given a strong thick edge for such heavy-duty task like disjointing beef. 1. I Ricky D. Russell , claim the new and useful utility invention for the scrapper knife shown in drawing .2. I Ricky D. Russell , claim the new and useful utility invention for the scrapper knife adapter shown in drawing . I RICKY D. RUSSELL, have invented a scrapper knife and scrapper knife adapter for use in kitchens and restaurants. These knifes will help save time,money and the cutting edge as well as transport food product during food processing.The scrapper knife is a one piece combination knife, one edge is a dull transporting knife and the other edge is a sharp cutting knife. This knife will be made of food grade knife making material.The scrapper knife adapter with a dull straight transporting edge will accommodate the dull edge of a sharp cutting food processing knife This knife will be made of food grade knife making material.A scrapper knife or scrapper knife adapter is a fantastic food processing and transporting knife for use in kitchens and restaurants, it not only will save time but will save the sharp cutting edge. You simply cut the food with the sharp edge and transport the food with the dull edge of the knifeThe inspiration for the scrapper knife and scrapper knife adapter inventions came to me after watching cooking programs on PBS TV. The chefs use there food processing chefs knife to scoop up the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009900A1
Принадлежит: WRIGO LLC

As device adapted to hold accessories is disclosed. The device may be adapted to hold one or more erasers, one or more markers, one or more styluses and other accessories. The one or more erasers may include an offset angle compared to the one or more markers. The one or more erasers and/or the one or more markers may be removable and interchangeable. 1. A device adapted to hold one or more accessories , the device comprising:a body with an upper portion and a lower portion;one or more erasers configured with the upper portion; anda first holding element configured with the lower portion;wherein the first holding element is adapted to hold one or more first writing devices.2. The device of further comprising a second holding element configured with the upper portion wherein the second holding element is adapted to hold one or more second writing devices.3. The device of wherein the one or more erasers includes at least one whiteboard eraser claim 1 , and the one or more first writing devices includes at least one whiteboard marker.4. The device of wherein the longitudinal axis of at least one of the one or more erasers is offset by a first angle from the longitudinal axis of at least one of the one or more first writing devices configured with the first holding element.5. The device of wherein the longitudinal axis of at least one of the one or more second writing devices configured with the second holding element is offset by a second angle from the longitudinal axis of the lower portion.6. The device of wherein the first holding element includes a cavity.7. The device of wherein the one or more erasers includes a total of two erasers wherein the first eraser includes an angular offset compared to the second eraser.8. The device of wherein at least one of the one or more writing devices includes at least one stylus.9. The device of wherein the at least one stylus includes an active stylus or a passive stylus.10. The device of further comprising a pivot element ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010698A1

A device for capturing “selfie” images is integrated into a writing device. The device includes an extendable (e.g., telescopic) section, such that when refracted the device is useful as a writing instrument (e.g., a pen, stylus, etc.), and when extended, provides a way of capturing selfie images, or other images that benefit from a point of view that is removed from the user beyond the user's reach. Advantages of one or more embodiments of the device include low cost, in some cases through the use of an optical trigger rather than more complex radio frequency (e.g., Bluetooth) transmission. Other advantages can include portability as a result of the device being integrated into a writing device, which is more compact than a smartphone 1. A device comprising:a proximal section having a writing implement and a trigger;a distal section having a camera and a trigger receiver coupled to the camera; anda hollow telescopic section coupling the proximal section and the distal section, and configured to allow transmission of a trigger signal from the trigger to the trigger receiver inside the telescopic section.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the trigger comprises a push button on a surface of the proximal section.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the trigger comprises an optical transmitter claim 1 , and the trigger receiver comprises an optical receiver.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the optical transmitter comprises a light emitting diode (LED).5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the optical receiver comprises a digital luminescence sensor.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distal section is pivotably coupled to the telescoping section.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distal section is coupled to the telescoping section through a hinge portion.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distal section further comprises a mirror.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distal section further comprises a mirror covered by a cover plate that rotates between a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031423A1
Автор: Halpert Eli

A disposable marker for use in preparation for medical procedures. The marker is made of plastic or such similar material that does not show up on an x-ray monitor. The marker includes one or more metallic elements that have an elongated aspect disposed in proximity to the marker tip. As such, a clinician may introduce the marker into an x-ray field and view it in space by following the metallic element an x-ray monitor. 113-. (canceled)14. A method of performing an x-ray guided interventional procedure , comprising:marking or locating a puncture site on a patient, said method comprising the steps of: focusing an x-ray generator on an external surface of a patient; radiating x-rays on the external surface of the patient to form an x-ray field; viewing anatomical features of the patient on an x-ray monitor associated with the x-ray generator; introducing a marker having a marking tip into the x-ray field, whereby the marker comprises a material that does not obstruct the passage of radiant energy, and whereby the marker further comprises a metallic element having an elongated aspect disposed in proximity to the marking tip; viewing the metallic element in said x-ray field on the monitor;moving the marker in relation to the anatomical features displayed on the monitor; locating an area of interest on the external surface of the patient; and pressing the marking tip on said area of interest to transfer ink to the area of interest or locating the area of interest; and performing the interventional procedure on the patient.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the interventional procedure is vascular surgery.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the interventional procedure comprises inserting a line into an artery or body site through a small incision claim 14 , wherein the incision is at the puncture site marked or located on the patient's skin.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the interventional procedure is on a spinal column. The invention relates to the field of ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016425A1
Автор: Huffman Andrew Lee

An autograph ball with built in writing utensil may include a ball having an outer skin, an inner core, and a hole through the outer skin into the inner core. A writing utensil may be removably placed within the hole of the ball. A spring and cap mechanism may be placed within the hole before placing the writing utensil within the hole. The autograph ball may further include a hatch that may cover the hole and a latch that may removably secure the hatch in place. The autograph ball may be for various sports, be of various sizes, and be made from various materials.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Multifunctional instrument with combination flashlight and stylus

Номер: US20170016613A1
Автор: David A. Laemle
Принадлежит: Davro Products Inc

A multifunctional instrument includes a housing, a writing member positioned in the housing with a writing tip accessible from the housing, a stylus positioned at one end of the housing and having an aperture, and an illumination device positioned inside the stylus, wherein the illumination device emits a light through the aperture when activated.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016595A1

A writing instrument may include an upper barrel rotatably connected to a lower barrel. Writing fluid reservoirs may be housed in the upper barrel. A writing tip secured to the lower barrel may be in selective fluid communication with the writing fluid reservoirs. The upper barrel may be rotatable relative to the lower barrel of the writing instrument. 1. A writing method , comprising the steps of:a) connecting an upper pen barrel and a lower pen barrel rotatable relative to one another;b) securing a writing nib to said lower pen barrel;c) providing an ink pathway port, wherein rotation of said upper pen barrel relative to said lower pen barrel aligns an outlet port of said upper pen barrel with said ink pathway port; andd) compressing a region of a sidewall of said upper pen barrel to cause ink to flow from said upper pen barrel to said writing nib.2. The method of including dividing a spool cavity of said upper pen barrel to form a plurality of chambers claim 1 , each said plurality of chambers including an outlet opening.3. The method of including inserting an ink cartridge into said spool cavity claim 2 , said ink cartridge further including a plurality of ink reservoirs received in a respective said plurality of chambers.4. The method of including providing a sliding seal between said upper pen barrel and said lower pen barrel.5. The method of including providing a cap removably secured to said upper pen barrel claim 1 , said cap including a check valve.6. The method of including providing said upper pen barrel with a removable cap claim 3 , said cap including a plurality of check valves actuable to provide an air inlet to a respective said plurality of paint reservoirs.7. A writing method claim 3 , comprising the steps of:a) rotatably connecting an upper pen barrel and a lower pen barrel to one another;b) securing a writing nib to said lower pen barrel;c) providing said upper pen barrel with a plurality of ink reservoirs in fluid communication with said ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Adjustable eraser assembly for a wooden pencil

Номер: US20160023501A1
Автор: Hernandez Cathy M.

The assembly consists of guide rails, a ferrule, a circular raceway, an eraser platform with threaded extrusions, and a threaded barrel with an outer stop. The guide rails, ferrule, and circular raceway are rigidly attached to the wooden pencil. The threaded barrel is attached to the circular raceway, allowing for free rotation of the threaded barrel while restricting its longitudinal movement. The eraser platform is located inside the threaded barrel with its threaded extrusions positioned between the guide rails and interlocking with the barrel's threads. The eraser platform is limited in its overall longitudinal travel by the outer stop of the barrel. The eraser is firmly attached to the eraser platform. This assembly allows for longitudinal movement of the eraser platform, providing adjustability to the exposed length of the eraser. 1. A writing assembly comprising of:a lead pencil, guide rails, a ferrule, a circular raceway, an eraser platform with threaded extrusions and a threaded barrel with an outer stop;2. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly can be a wooden pencil.3. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly can be a non wooden pencil.4. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly can be a mechanical pencil.5. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly allows for 3:1 lead to eraser ratio.6. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly has a threaded barrel and guide.7. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly has a threaded barrel and guide that is ergonomic.8. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly has an eraser that can be replaced.9. The writing assembly of claim 1 , wherein said assembly has an eraser that is exposed by turning the threaded barrel and guide assembly claim 1 , which moves the eraser up. Graphite pencils are writing instruments that are frequently used in various occupations and hobbies. Pencils have a center made from graphite and clay ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023631A1
Автор: Chu Jiun-Yu

A combination writing instrument and seat belt cutter, includes a barrel and a writing implement incorporated into the barrel, a cap, and a seat belt located on the cap. The cap has a longitudinal axis, a closure end, and opposite an open end that is installable onto the barrel. The cap includes a notch defined thereon having an apex oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cap and a slot defined along a lower portion of the notch parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cap. The seat belt cutter is located within the slot and includes a blade portion thereof spanning the notch. 1. A combination writing instrument and seat belt cutter , comprising:a barrel and a writing implement incorporated into the barrel;a cap having a longitudinal axis, a closure end, and opposite an open end that is installable onto the barrel, the cap including a notch defined thereon having an apex oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cap and a slot defined along a lower portion of the notch parallel to the longitudinal axis of the cap; anda seat belt cutter located within the slot and including a blade portion thereof spanning the notch.2. The combination writing instrument and seat belt cutter of claim 1 , wherein the notch is an angled notch having a substantially vertical sidewall and an angled sidewall defining an angle therebetween of from about 45 to about 55 degrees.3. The combination writing instrument and seat belt cutter of claim 1 , wherein the slot extends to the closure end of the cap and the combination writing instrument and seat belt cutter includes a clip having a head that is shaped to fit over the closure end of the cap to cover the slot. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Design Patent Application No. 29/497,365, filed Jul. 23, 2014, entitled Pen With Seat Belt Cutter, and incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.The present disclosure relates to a combination writing instrument and seat belt cutter. More particularly, the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Modular magnet writing instrument and hobby tool

Номер: US20150023718A1
Автор: Andrew Gardner
Принадлежит: INDIEDESIGN Ltd

A modular magnet writing instrument and hobby tool comprises a plurality of permanent magnet segments and a writing cartridge. Each magnet segment is magnetized axially. An aperture extends longitudinally through the entirety of each magnet segment. The writing cartridge has an elongate body, which is sized for coaxial insertion within a magnet segment, or plurality of magnet segments, such that the magnet segments are in sliding engagement with the elongate body. In operation, different combinations of magnet segments can be axially positioned on the elongate body, in a variety of like-pole and unlike-pole interactions, to produce a plurality of writing and hobby tool configurations.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Training Correct Positioning and Pressure of Digits on a Marking Instrument

Номер: US20170021662A1

A system and method for training correct positioning and pressure of digits on a marking instrument helps teach correct positioning and pressure of digits on a marking instrument, and a correct marking angle of the marking instrument relative to a reference plane. The system provides an electronic marking instrument having pressure sensors that detect the position and a predetermined, uniform pressure from three digits. The marking instrument further comprises tilt sensor that measures the marking angle of the marking instrument to determine whether a predetermined marking angle, between 45 to 90 degrees has been achieved. A determination of a predetermined pressure by the digits, and a predetermined marking angle of the marking instrument actuates a marking portion on the marking instrument to enable marking. However, a determination of an improper position and pressure of the digits and orientation of the marking instrument deactivates the marking portion to restrict marking. 1. A system for training correct positioning and pressure of digits on a marking instrument , the system comprising:a marking instrument, the marking instrument defined by a proximal end, a longitudinal axis, and a distal end;a plurality of pressure sensors, the plurality of pressure sensors disposed along the longitudinal axis of the marking instrument, the plurality of pressure sensors configured to enable detection of pressure from a plurality of digits;a tilt sensor, the tilt sensor disposed at the distal end of the marking instrument, the tilt sensor configured to enable measurement of a marking angle of the longitudinal axis of the marking instrument relative to a reference plane;a marking portion, the marking portion disposed at the distal end of the marking instrument, the marking portion configured to produce a mark; anda circuit, the circuit configured to operatively connect to the plurality of pressure sensors.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the marking instrument includes at ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150024355A1

A lighter and a method for monitoring smoking behavior include a lighter having a housing and a lockable lighting element secured to the housing. A smoking reduction plan includes smoking reduction goals specific to the user of the lighter, such as a maximum number of daily cigarettes, and a time interval between cigarette smoking events. The user operates a trigger to activate the lighting element to light a cigarette. When the lighting element is activated for a sufficient duration of time, the lighter records a smoking event. A microprocessor is configured for controlling the operation of the lighting element. When the elapsed time since the most recent smoking event is less than the target smoking interval, or when a user has reached the maximum daily cigarette limit, the microprocessor may optionally render the lighting element inoperable. 1. A lighter for lighting a user's smokable product , monitoring smoking behavior and promoting smoking cessation and reduction , the lighter comprising:a housing;a lighting element secured to the housing, the lighting element being selectively activated for lighting a user's smokable product;a microprocessor in electrical communication with the lighting element; andthe microprocessor being operable to control the lighting element;wherein the microprocessor is further configured to be capable of preventing a user from activating the lighting element to, in turn, light a smokable product therewith.2. The lighter of claim 1 , wherein the smokable product is selected from the group consisting of cigarettes and cigars.3. The lighter of claim 1 , further comprising:a trigger electrically connected to the microprocessor, the trigger selectively activating the lighting element.4. The lighter of claim 1 , wherein the lighting element is selected from the group consisting of an electrical heating coil and a butane fired flame.5. The lighter of claim 1 , further comprising at least one of:a wired computer communication port secured to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Braille Color-Indicating Writing Instruments

Номер: US20220041007A1
Автор: Stanley Christy K.

A writing instrument that has a tip for directly contacting and writing on a medium and a body contiguous with the tip, the body configured for grasping the writing instrument for writing on the medium. The writing instrument further has a first recess on a first side of the writing instrument, the first recess comprising a first braille color indicator comprising a first plurality of raised dots. 1. A writing instrument , comprising:a tip for directly contacting and writing on a medium;a body contiguous with the tip, the body configured for grasping the writing instrument for writing on the medium; anda first recess on a first side of the writing instrument, the first recess comprising a first braille color indicator comprising a first plurality of raised dots.2. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first recess is adjacent a blunt end of the writing instrument.3. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein a top of the first plurality of raised dots is flush with a surface of the side of the writing instrument.4. The writing instrument of claim 1 , where the writing instrument exhibits a triangular cross-section having the first side claim 1 , a second side claim 1 , and a third side.5. The writing instrument of claim 4 , further comprising a second recess on the second side.6. The writing instrument of claim 5 , wherein the second recess comprises a second braille color indicator comprising a plurality of raised dots.7. The writing instrument of claim 6 , wherein the second recess is adjacent a blunt end of the writing instrument.8. The writing instrument of claim 7 , wherein the second recess comprises a second braille color indicator comprising a second plurality of raised dots.9. The writing instrument of claim 8 , wherein a top of the second plurality of raised dots is flush with a surface of the second side of the writing instrument.10. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument exhibits a scent.11. The writing instrument ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022523A1

A processing device for processing fruit and/or vegetables. The processing device may have a lip and at least one blade. The processing device may be mounted on cup or bowl. A user of the processing device will move the fruit and/or vegetable against the lip of the processing device. The skin or rind of the fruit or vegetable will be removed via the motion of the fruit and/or vegetable against the lip of the processing device. When there are blades present the blades can also slice the fruit or vegetable during the same movement that removes the skin from the fruit and/or vegetable. 1. A processing device for fruits or vegetables comprising;a lip, wherein the lip is adapted to remove a skin from a fruit or vegetable when the fruit or vegetable is pressed on the lip; andat least one blade located proximate to the lip, wherein the at least one blade is positioned to slice the fruit or vegetable during the movement of the fruit or vegetable over the lip.2. The processing device of claim 1 , wherein the processing device is adapted to be secured to a glass.3. The processing device of claim 1 , wherein the processing device is adapted to be secured to a mason jar.4. The processing device of claim 1 , wherein the processing device comprises more than the at least one blade.5. The processing device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one blade is serrated.6. A method for processing a fruit or vegetable comprising:pressing a fruit or vegetable against a processing device, wherein the processing device comprises a lip and at least one blade;moving the fruit or vegetable in a direction that moves the fruit or vegetable against the lip of the processing device, wherein movement of the fruit or vegetable against the lip of the processing device removes the skin of the fruit or vegetable and movement against the at least one blade slices the fruit or vegetable.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein removal of the skin of the fruit or vegetable and slicing of the fruit or vegetable ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023054A1

The present utility model refers to a page marker device of the type that can be used between the pages of a book or publication, being that the marker incorporates a writing graphite. The device comprises a strip of graphite partially embedded in the elongate body. The recessed portion of the graphite strip has a length greater than the length of the non-embedded part of the graphite strip, and the elongate thin body has a flat part with a surface suitable for printing. 1. A page bookmark device comprising:an elongate thin body; anda graphite strip having a recessed portion embedded in the elongate body, and a free portion extending longitudinally outward from said elongate body;said recessed portion having a length greater than a length of said free portion;said elongate body having a flat part with a surface suitable for printing;said graphite strip being rectangle-shaped and having opposing flat major surfaces;said free portion of said graphite strip having a rectangle-shaped distal end.2. The page bookmark device according to wherein said elongate body comprises first and second sheets; and wherein said graphite strip is embedded between said first and second sheets.3. The page bookmark device according to wherein said elongate body has first and second opposing longitudinal sides claim 1 , the first opposing longitudinal side defining a recess for supporting of a finger.4. (canceled)5. The page bookmark device according to wherein said graphite strip has a length of 2.5 cm; wherein said graphite strip has a width of about 0.5 cm; wherein said graphite strip has a thickness of about 0.2 cm; wherein said recessed portion has a length between 1.5 cm and 2.0 cm; and wherein a flat part said elongate body has a thickness of 0.1 cm.6. The page bookmark device according to wherein said the recess comprises a curved recess.7. The page bookmark device according to wherein said the recess comprises a curved portion claim 3 , and a straight portion extending from said ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Writing Instrument with Magnetic Features and Quick Refill Capability

Номер: US20190023057A1
Автор: Leighton Davies-Smith
Принадлежит: Scribe Technical Consulting LLC

A writing instrument assembly has a writing instrument with a body and a working tip extended or extendable from the body. A holder has a landing spot for the writing instrument. The writing instrument is magnetically and detachably retained at the landing spot when attached to the holder. The working tip is sheathed or covered automatically when the writing instrument is attached to the holder and is unsheathed or uncovered when detached from the holder.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Electronic pen and electronic pen main body unit

Номер: US20190025951A1
Принадлежит: Wacom Co Ltd

An electronic pen has increased strength, especially a pen tip portion that is not bent or broken even if the electronic pen is slimmed down. A core unit includes a ferrite core on which a coil is wound and a core rod. The core rod is fixed from a first end of the ferrite core to a second end of the ferrite core at a position including a center axis of the ferrite core and projects at an end thereof from the first end of the ferrite core. The ferrite core includes a first coil non-winding portion on which the coil is not wound provided on the pen tip side of the ferrite core. In operation, the end of the core rod and part of the first coil non-winding portion of the ferrite core project from an opening of a housing of the electronic pen.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150029164A1
Автор: Liu Po-Chun

An accessory for digitally recording writing on a surface includes an accessory body, a sensing panel, a gyroscope, an accelerating sensor, and a processor. The accessory body is fastened to a pen. The sensing panel is located on the accessory body to sense being held in a hand. The gyroscope can determine an inclination angle shift of the body relative to a predefined writing plane. The accelerating sensor can detect an offset of the body within the predefined writing plane. The processor can simulate the writing according to the inclination angle shift and the offset and record and display the writing. 1. A attachable accessory for recording a writing digitally comprising:a body fastened to a pen;a sensing panel located on the body to sense a hand holding;a gyroscope configured to determine an inclination angle shift of the body relative to a predefined writing plane;an accelerating sensor configured to detect an offset of the body within the predefined writing plane; anda processor being configured to simulate the writing according to the inclination angle shift and the offset.2. The attachable accessory of claim 1 , further comprising a battery located on the body.3. The attachable accessory of claim 1 , wherein the body is deformably fastened to the pen.4. The attachable accessory of claim 1 , wherein the sensing panel is covered on the body.5. The attachable accessory of claim 1 , wherein a cross section of the body is substantially C-shaped.6. The attachable accessory of claim 1 , further comprising a locator claim 1 , wherein the locator is configured to detect a lifting distance between the gyroscope and the surface along the pen.7. The attachable accessory of claim 6 , wherein the processor is configured to calculate a practical writing on the surface according to the lifting distance and the simulated writing.8. The attachable accessory of claim 1 , further comprising a wireless module claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to send the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Pen Plant

Номер: US20170027260A1
Автор: McCurdy Sandra Starr

An artificial house plant, hereby named ‘Pen Plant’, made from artificial wired plants wherein each individual shoot comprises of a ballpoint pen arranged in a pot or vase to realistically resemble a house plant. Floral tape may be used to create the illusion of the extension of the plants shoot or root. Pieces of the plant may be used to decorate vase or pot with, in some cases and as shown in FIG. -, ribbon. 1. An artificial house plant hereby named ‘Pen Plant’ , made from artificial wired plants wherein each individual shoot comprises of a ballpoint pen.2. The ‘Pen Plant’ made of artificial wired plants of claim 1 , wherein the wired shoot of each comprising of a pen claim 1 , thus enabling the user to easily manipulate the plant shoot to bend the greenery for a unique look or too quickly access the pen for domestic or business use.3. An artificial house plant with individual shoots comprising of a pen. This is a new patent application.A useful, unique and classy way to decorate a home, business, hotel, or restaurant, while reducing pen replacement cost. Decorate a desk at home or office, make pens available for customers with staying power thus reducing overhead, resell in a flower shop, gift shop, place a small arrangement on a restaurant table, or offer guests a take home item in hotel rooms to increase profit. Made from artificial house plants, and ball point pens. A practical, low maintenance, decoration or gift.This invention relates generally to artificial house plant designs, and, more particularly, the invention relates to artificial house plant designs featuring a ball point pen incorporated into each shoot to create a realistic looking house plant with purpose.There is no prior art relating to the incorporation of a pen into an artificial house plant, but several designs for a faux flower incorporating a pen into its stem are present. Among these are:U.S. Design Pat. No. 20150151564 to Katrina Jones shows floral arrangement featuring a ball point pen ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140112696A1

Twirling writing instrument bodies include a writing instrument body, a gripping member, and a rotary assembly that is configured to facilitate selective twirling of the writing instrument body relative to the gripping member by a user. Twirling accessories for writing instruments include a gripping member, a connector that is configured to be operatively coupled to a writing instrument body, and a rotary assembly that is configured to facilitate selective twirling of the connector relative to the gripping member. 1. A twirling writing instrument body , comprising:a writing instrument body;a gripping member; anda rotary assembly that operatively couples the gripping member to the writing instrument body, wherein the rotary assembly is configured to facilitate selective twirling of the writing instrument body relative to the gripping member by a user.2. The twirling writing instrument body of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument body is a pen body claim 1 , a pencil body claim 1 , a marker body claim 1 , or a stylus body.3. The twirling writing instrument body of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument body is configured to support and/or protect marking material.4. The twirling writing instrument body of claim 1 , wherein the gripping member has opposed gripping surfaces.5. The twirling writing instrument body of claim 1 , wherein the gripping member is sized to be held between a thumb and forefinger of the user.6. The twirling writing instrument body of claim 1 , wherein the gripping member projects from the writing instrument body in a transverse direction;wherein the rotary assembly defines an axis of rotation, about which the writing instrument body is permitted to be selectively rotated relative to the gripping member; andwherein the axis of rotation intersects the writing instrument body.7. The twirling writing instrument body of claim 6 , wherein the axis of rotation approximately coincides with a center of mass of the writing instrument body.8. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Multi-Tool Assembly

Номер: US20170028572A1
Автор: Raymond Daniel J.

The multi-tool assembly includes a housing which is made of two pieces that are joined together with a screw. The housing extends between opposite longitudinal ends and has opposite lateral sides which extend between the longitudinal ends. The assembly also includes a blade which extends out of one of the longitudinal ends of the housing. At least one spirit level is attached with the housing and is oriented either perpendicular or parallel to at least one of the lateral sides. The blade allows a person to use the multi-tool assembly as a utility knife, and the orientation of the lateral side in parallel with or perpendicular to the spirit level allows a user to use the multi-tool assembly as a torpedo level. 1. A multi-tool assembly , comprising:a housing made of two pieces that are joined together with a screw, said housing extending between opposite longitudinal ends, and said housing having opposite lateral sides which extend between said longitudinal ends;a blade extending out of one of said longitudinal ends of said housing;at least one spirit level attached with said housing and oriented either perpendicular or parallel to at least one of said lateral sides.2. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in further including a magnet.3. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in wherein said magnet is incorporated into a head of said screw;4. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in further including a laser head oriented perpendicularly relative to said at least one spirit level.5. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in wherein said laser head is configured to project a spread laser beam.6. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in wherein said laser head is disposed adjacent one of said longitudinal ends of said housing.7. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in wherein said at least one spirit level is a pair of spirit levels oriented perpendicularly to one another.8. The multi-tool assembly as set forth in wherein said lateral sides are in parallel with one another ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031112A1
Автор: Nasrallah Jeffrey W.

A magnetic knife wedge attachment for use with a knife has a spine-mounting portion carrying a permanent magnet adapted to be placed in magnetic contact on the spine of the knife blade, and a blade-mounting portion carrying another permanent magnet forming an L-shaped cross-section with the spine-mounting portion and adapted for magnetic attachment to the side surface of the knife blade. The blade-mounting portion has beveled surfaces tapering to sharp edges so as to form a wedge shape around the edges of the blade-mounting portion for forcing cut food material to tilt outward to prevent adhesion of the cut material to the knife blade. By its magnetic attachment onto two contiguous portions of the metal knife blade, the wedge device provides magnetic strength and holding forces to remain locked onto the knife blade during use for cutting food material. 1. A magnetic knife wedge attachment , for use with a knife of the type having a handle , a blade made of metal that is mounted to a mounting end of the handle and having a given blade height at a maximum proximate a hilt at the mounting end of the handle between an upper knife blade spine and a lower knife blade edge , opposite side surfaces tapering edgewise respectively from the upper blade spine to the lower blade edge , and a blade length that extends along the knife blade spine in a longitudinal direction of the blade from the hilt to a knifepoint on a distal end thereof , comprising:a unitary wedge attachment body having a spine-mounting portion with a linear length adapted to be placed in abutting contact on an intermediate portion of the spine of a knife extending in the longitudinal direction of the knife blade, and a blade-mounting portion coupled to the spine-mounting portion along an upper longitudinal edge thereof forming an L-shaped cross-section with the spine-mounting portion, said blade-mounting portion having a lower longitudinal edge spaced in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Magnetic Pen

Номер: US20180029404A1
Автор: Koga Ritsuo

A magnetic pen can be used with a magnetic panel. The magnetic pen includes a body with an end portion. A holder made of a magnetic material is attached to the end portion and an internal space is formed in the holder. A magnet having an S pole and an N pole is arranged in the internal space of the holder so that the S pole and the N pole are opposite the magnetic panel. 1. A magnetic pen for use in drawing arbitrary characters , figures , and symbols on a magnetic panel for a display by applying a magnetic field , the magnetic pen comprising:a body that includes an end portion;a holder made of a magnetic material attached to the end portion, an internal space formed in the holder; anda magnet having an S pole and an N pole arranged in the internal space of the holder so that the S pole and the N pole are opposite the magnetic panel, wherein an end surface of the magnet is located so as to be recessed from an edge of the holder.2. The magnetic pen according to claim 1 , further comprising an adjusting mechanism configured to adjust a position of the magnet with respect to the edge of the holder.3. The magnetic pen according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of cylindrical magnets are arranged in the internal space of the holder and a magnetic member is arranged in a space formed at the center of the plurality of cylindrical magnets.4. The magnetic pen according to claim 1 , further comprising a grip portion connected to the end portion claim 1 , wherein the end portion is connected to the grip portion through a universal joint and the end portion includes a sliding guide for sliding on a surface of the magnetic panel.5. The magnet pen according to claim 4 , wherein an axis of the holder is substantially perpendicular to a plane of the magnetic panel.6. The magnetic pen according to claim 5 , wherein the universal joint is attached so as to offset from the center of the holder.7. The magnet pen according to claim 1 , wherein the holder is rotatable about the end ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029405A1
Автор: Feys Stephen Thomas

A writing implement with a high voltage circuit and an evacuated noble glass globe attached that responds to human touch is disclosed. The apparatus utilizes a mini high voltage circuit and mini globe to produce the plasma. 1. A writing implement , comprising:a lower body containing a retractable writing tip extensible from a first end of the lower body;an upper body having a bottom end attached to a second end of the lower body, the upper body containing a high voltage circuit; anda noble gas globe containing at least one noble gas, operatively connected to a top end of the upper body, the noble gas globe configured to produce a plasma discharge responsive to a user's touching of the noble gas globe.2. The writing implement of claim 1 , further comprising:a low voltage power source operatively connected to the high voltage circuit.3. The writing implement of claim 2 , wherein the high voltage circuit is configured to convert an output of the low voltage power source to a high voltage output.4. The writing implement of claim 3 , further comprising:a switch extending through an outer sidewall of the upper body operable to selectably connect the low voltage power source to the high voltage circuit.5. The writing implement of claim 4 , wherein the writing tip is in communication with an ink cartridge carrying a volume of ink.6. The writing implement of claim 4 , wherein the noble gas globe contains a plurality of noble gasses.7. The writing implement of claim 4 , wherein the high voltage circuit comprises:an oscillator operatively connected to a flyback transformer. The present invention relates to writing implements and, more particularly, to a writing implement with an entertainment article attached thereto.Noble gas globes have long provided a fascinating and intriguing form of entertainment that has sparked the imagination of many users. Writing can often lead to periods of time where the author is in need of a creative spark. Often they are left twirling or ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047273A1

A tourniquet includes windlass having a cavity and a writing instrument configured to be stored in the cavity. The writing instrument is retained in the cavity through a friction fit and without threads, such that a frictional force decreases as the writing instrument is removed from the cavity. 1. A tourniquet to restrict a flow of blood in a limb , the tourniquet comprising:a strap for wrapping around a portion of a limb;a windlass for tightening the strap around the portion of the limb to suppress blood flow to and from that limb, the windlass having a cavity having an inner diameter and an interior wall; and a shaft for containing a marking substance;', a friction fit portion, the friction fit portion providing a non-localized friction fit with the inner wall of the windlass cavity;', 'a standoff portion; and', 'an end portion, separated from the end of the windlass by the standoff portion when the writing instrument is inserted into the windlass cavity, the end portion including a knurled surface for facilitating grip by a user to overcome the friction and remove the writing instrument from the windlass., 'a head, attached to the shaft, the head comprising'}], 'a writing instrument adapted to be secured in part in the windlass cavity without threads, the writing instrument including2. The tourniquet of claim 1 , wherein friction fit portion includes a contact portion claim 1 , the contact portion comprising ridges forming an interference fit with the cavity walls.3. The tourniquet of claim 2 , wherein the ridges are parallel to the long axis of the shaft.4. The tourniquet of claim 1 , wherein the friction fit portion includes a contact portion adapted to provide continuous friction as the contact portion is withdrawn from the windlass cavity.5. The tourniquet of claim 1 , wherein the friction fit portion includes a contact portion adapted to continue to provide friction as the writing instrument is withdrawn a distance of at least 3 mm from the windlass cavity. ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Color Changing Protective Cover for a Writing Instrument

Номер: US20220048313A1
Автор: Gibson Loretta

The present invention relates generally to the field of writing utensil accessories. More specifically, the present invention relates to a color changing protective cover for a writing instruments, such as a pen, pencil, marker, etc. The uniquely designed and initially transparent cover changes color when harmful pathogens, germs, bacteria, or viruses are detected on the surface of the cover to prevent an individual from using a writing implement with a contaminated surface/cover. The invention also ensures that each writing instrument is clean before use, thereby greatly reducing the possibility of the individual contracting germs, pathogens, viruses, bacteria from using the writing instrument. 1. A protective cover for a writing instrument comprising:a body portion; anda pocket for receiving the writing instrument, wherein at least a portion of the body portion experiences a change in color when a contamination is detected.2. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the pocket is integrally formed with the body portion.3. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the pocket is attached to the body portion by stitching.4. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the pocket is attached to the body portion by an adhesive.5. The protective cover for a writing instrument of further comprising an adhesive tab.6. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the handle is curved.7. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the pocket comprises a first opening at a first end and a second opening at a second end.8. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 7 , wherein the first opening is larger than a diameter of the writing instrument to allow the writing instrument to be inserted into the pocket.9. The protective cover for a writing instrument of claim 8 , wherein the second opening is smaller than the diameter of the writing instrument ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Erasing implement and writing implement provided with erasing implement

Номер: US20150033499A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

Provided are an erasing implement and a writing implement equipped with the erasing implement, the erasing implement being capable of erasing writing regardless of the type of ink or lead of the writing implement, even writing with thermochromic ink or writing with pencil lead. The erasing implement is equipped with a first erasing member for erasing writing with thermochromic ink and a second erasing member for erasing writing of types other than thermochromic ink, and is configured by covering the outer surface of the second erasing member with the first erasing member.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Seat Belt Buckle With Built-in Cutter

Номер: US20190031135A1

A seat-belt buckle with built-in belt cutter is disclosed. The invention being comprised of four parts. A first part being a conventional locking latch assembly, a second part being a serrated blade slidably configured inside a third part comprised of a two-piece, buckle case. A fourth part being an easy-to-reach handle allowing the user to pull and sever a belt thereon. An object of the invention is to allow a user to escape a seat belt quickly during an emergency. 1. The Seat-belt Buckle with Built-in Belt Cutter in a emergency can save the life of a person(s) when the release mechanism jams and/or malfunctions due to an accident. The handle of the serrated blade easily cuts through the seat belt in one pull. It is most especially lifesaving when the vehicle has rolled over , and/or has been submerged in water and the person(s) can't remove their seat-belt , thus remaining trapped.1. The seat belt looped through the two openings in the middle of the buckle , rests flat at the center of the buckle. The handle of the serrated blade easily cuts through the seat belt in one pull , allowing the person(s) mobility from their seat(s).2. The unique construction of the Seat-belt Buckle with Built-in Belt Cutter is like no other in the market , Consisting of three pieces sandwiched together , the base , the blade handle in the center , and the top cover , completes the fundamental components of this invention. Additional plastic covers are added for aesthetic purposes.3. The buckle is designed to fit and/or accommodate to any car manufacturer brand by itself or adding the plastic covers from the car manufacturer brand. The present invention generally relates to seat belts. More specifically, it relates to a system of severing a seatbelt using a large handle device built into a seat belt latch.Seat belt restraints were first invented by an engineer named George Cayley to help keep pilots inside gliders. The first patented seat belt was created by Edward Claghorn 1885 in ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Lighter With Flame Director

Номер: US20140120481A1
Автор: Buchbinder Joseph

An adjustable lighter in which the flame angle is controlled by a switch located on the lighter a safe distance from the flame. In one embodiment, a thumb slide switch is used to rotate the flame output to one or more flame angles. An alternative embodiment uses a flame output in the form of in the form of a wheel. An optional features include an integral LED lamp, and/or a transparent window that allows the user to view the inside of the lighter. 1. A lighter , comprising:a fuel supply;a flame output;switch means between the fuel supply and the flame output to control the fuel flow from the fuel supply to the flame output;an igniter to ignite fuel at the flame output; andan angle control operatively connected to the flame output for controlling the angle at which the flame is output in relation to the lighter, the angle control located on the body of the lighter;whereby the user of the lighter can control the flame angle without coming in close proximity to the flame.2. A lighter claim 1 , as in claim 1 , wherein the angle control is a slide switch that is operatively connected to the flame output such that when the slide switch is moved claim 1 , the angle of the flame output is adjusted.3. A lighter claim 2 , as in claim 2 , wherein the slide switch is positioned away from the flame output such that the slide switch is operable without requiring the user's finger to be in close proximity with the flame output.4. A lighter claim 2 , as in claim 2 , wherein the slide switch stops at predetermined locations.5. A lighter claim 2 , as in claim 2 , wherein the slide switch stops at arbitrary locations chosen by the user.6. A lighter claim 2 , as in claim 2 , wherein the flame output is pivotably attached to the slide switch.7. A lighter claim 2 , as in claim 2 , further comprising an ignition switch operatively connected to the igniter claim 2 , the ignition switch separate from claim 2 , and independent of claim 2 , the slide switch.8. A lighter claim 2 , as in claim ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Utility Knife

Номер: US20160039100A1
Автор: Wang Weiyi

The present invention discloses a utility knife, which includes a housing () that has an internal chamber (); a blade carrier for carrying a single blade; a locking piece () for locking the single blade in the blade carrier; and a spare blade cartridge () for storing more than one spare blade; the blade carrier (), the locking piece () and the spare blade cartridge () are arranged in the internal chamber (), the blade carrier () is arranged to be movable between a first position and a second position, and when the blade carrier () is at the first position, the blade carried by the blade carrier () extends out of the housing, when the blade carrier () is at the second position, the blade carried by the blade carrier () retracts into the housing; the spare blade cartridge () is connected to the housing () via an axis pin (), and is arranged to be able to rotate around the axis pin () and out of the internal chamber to load the spare blade. 1. A utility knife , comprisinga housing having an internal chamber;a blade carrier for carrying a single blade;a locking piece for locking the single blade on the blade carrier;a spare blade cartridge for storing more than one spare blade; andwherein the blade carrier, the locking piece and the spare blade cartridge are arranged in the internal chamber, the blade carrier is arranged to be movable between a first position and a second position, and when the blade carrier is at the first position, the single blade carried by the blade carrier extends out of the housing, when the blade carrier is at the second position, the single blade carried by the blade carrier retracts into the housing;characterized in that a magnetic element is arranged on the blade carrier, and the magnetic element is arranged such that when the blade carrier is empty and at the second position, the nearest spare blade to the blade carrier is transferred from the spare blade cartridge to the blade carrier by magnetic force.2. The utility knife as defined in ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039242A1

A marking device that is supported by a personal mobility vehicle, such as a scooter, is movable from a first position, in which the marking device does not contact the riding surface, and a second position, in which the marking device contacts the riding surface. The marking device includes an attachment portion and a marking portion that creates markings on the riding surface as a result of frictional contact with the riding surface. The marking device can also include an actuation portion which is accessible to the user and allows the user to move the marking device to the second position. In one arrangement, the marking device includes an elastic marking member which is configured to bend in order to maintain contact with the riding surface. 1. A marking device for a personal mobility vehicle , the marking device comprising:an attachment portion configured to be supported by the personal mobility vehicle;a marking portion that generates markings when in frictional contact with a riding surface, the marking portion comprising at least one elastic portion supporting a marking material, the marking device having a first position in which the marking portion does not contact the riding surface, the marking device having a second position in which the marking portion contacts the riding surface;an actuation portion accessible to the foot of a user;a locking mechanism configured to hold the marking device in the second position;wherein the marking device can be fixed in the second position so that the user does not need to act upon the marking device in order for the marking device to remain fixed in the second position;wherein the user can move the marking device to the second position by applying a downward force on the actuation portion, and the user can release the marking device from being locked in the second position by applying a downward force on the actuation portion.2. The marking device of claim 1 , wherein the attachment portion of the marking device is ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036479A1
Автор: Truckai Csaba
Принадлежит: Hermes Innovations, LLC

A modular combination toy and desktop writing accessory apparatus comprising a plurality of structural elements each having at least one nodal connector portion to which a complementary connector portion of another structural element can be coupled. The structural elements can be assembled into a barrel-like form that is configured with a passageway for carrying a writing component of the invention. The writing component can be a pen, pencil, marker, crayon, eraser or the like. The modular combination toy and writing instrument has multiple functions in playtime as well as in everyday desk-bound activities. 1a writing cartridge; anda plurality of structural elements connectable to one another in a surrounding arrangement relative to the writing cartridge;wherein the structural elements are connectable to one another in a plurality of non-surrounding arrangements in the absence of the writing cartridge to form a toy.. A combination toy and writing accessory comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/338,223 filed Jul. 22, 2014, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/564,089 filed Aug. 1, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,790,150, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/829,681 filed Jul. 2, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,257,131, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/582,421 filed on Oct. 18, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,780,499, the contents of each of which are incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.Field of the InventionThe invention relates generally to a toy with modular parts, and in particular relates to a combination toy and writing accessory that has multiple functions in playtime as well as in everyday desk-bound activities.Description of the Prior ArtThe assembly of toy structural members or building blocks into models and pre-determined assemblies that represent figures, machines, vehicles and the like is a universally practiced activity among ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Customizable therapy clip for a writing instrument

Номер: US20220055398A1

A clip comprised of removably attached components. The clip may be attached to a writing instrument, such as a pencil, or stylus. The surface of the clip has male elements that allow the components to snap on to the clip so that the clip may be adorned. The components are secured to the clip so that they may rotate freely around the male element. The components may be comprised of decorative elements, such as jewels, initials, logos, or pictures. The components may be comprised of a utilitarian element, such as a lanyard, or a flashing light to indicate an incoming email. The components may have a tactile surface comprised of bumps, or waves. The components may comprise of movable elements such as a rolling ball, or star that spins. The tactile surface and moving elements of a component may aid in the treatment of anxiety and attention deficit disorders. 1. The invention claimed is a writing instrument clip comprising: a band with stem; said stem having male elements; and removably attachable components secured to said male elements along the stem.2. The clip as sited in further comprises of a band that attaches to claim 1 , and may be removed from claim 1 , a writing device such as a pencil claim 1 , pen claim 1 , or stylus.3. The band as sited in further comprising of an inner lining that may grasp the writing instrument to prevent the clip from slipping down the writing instrument.4. The male elements of the stem as sited in further comprising of a shaft with lip that removably inserts into said component.5. The component as sited in further comprising of a cavity wherein a narrow opening leads to a larger opening within the component.6. The component as sited in wherein said female cavity is compatible with said male element on the stem as sited in .7. The attachable component as sited in claim 6 , wherein the component attached to said male element is free to rotate around said male element on the stem.8. The said attachable component as sited in wherein the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042694A1

A marking/drying tool applies ink to biological tissue using a single handheld device. A cylindrical body retains a felt tip movable between a retracted position within the body and an extended position outside the body for marking the tissue. A gas source has a manual valve to selectably dispensing a drying gas onto the tissue. In a preferred embodiment, an interlock prevents dispensing of drying gas when the tip is in the extended position and prevents the tip moving to the extended position when the manual valve is dispensing the drying gas. 1. A wet tissue marking system comprising:a marking tip;a gas nozzle;a holding body containing the marking tip and gas nozzle whereby a user dries a wet tissue surface by metering a drying gas onto the surface and reconfigures the system to mark the surface with the marking tip.2. The system of wherein the marking tip is selected from the group comprising a methylene blue felt tip claim 1 , a laser claim 1 , a tattoo unit claim 1 , a heating element claim 1 , or a cold burning element.3. The system of wherein the marking tip is shielded from the drying gas ejected from the gas nozzle.4. The system of wherein at least one of the marking tip and the gas nozzle is retractable into the holding body.5. The system of wherein the holding body includes a malleable support shaft carrying the marking tip.6. A marking/drying tool for applying ink to biological tissue comprising:a cylindrical body,a felt tip movable between a retracted position within the body and an extended position outside the body for marking the tissue;a gas source with a manual valve to selectably dispensing a drying gas onto the tissue; andan interlock for preventing dispensing of drying gas when the tip is in the extended position.7. The tool of wherein the interlock prevents the tip moving to the extended position when the manual valve is dispensing the drying gas.8. The tool of further comprising a malleable support shaft for the felt tip. This application ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046026A1

A tool includes a housing and a slidable blade assembly configured to move between a first, second and third positions. The blade assembly is configured to receive a removable blade, such that the blade is stored within the housing when the blade assembly is in the first position, a portion of the blade extends outwardly from the housing when the blade assembly is in the second position, and the blade is completely outside of the housing when the blade assembly is in the third position, facilitating removal from the blade assembly. The housing comprises a guide path associated with movement of the blade assembly. The guide path includes a first path portion associated with the blade assembly being in the first position or the second position, and a second path portion associated with the blade assembly being in the third position, the first and second path portions being noncontiguous. 1. A tool comprising:a housing;a slidable blade assembly configured to slidably move between a first position, a second position, and a third position, the slidable blade assembly configured to selectively receive a removable blade such that the blade is stored within the housing when the slidable blade assembly is in the first position, a portion of the blade extends outwardly from the housing when the slidable blade assembly is in the second position, and the blade is completely outside of the housing when the slidable blade assembly is in the third position, facilitating removal of the blade from the slidable blade assembly;wherein the housing comprises a guide path associated with movement of the slidable blade assembly, the guide path including a first path portion associated with the slidable blade assembly being in the first position and the second position, and a second path portion associated with the slidable blade assembly being in the third position; andwherein the first path portion is noncontiguous with the second path portion.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the guide ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043729A1
Автор: Perez Rolando

A toy and method of operation provides: a marking instrument for marking on a substrate, a container for containing candy or medicine or a toy; and a spinning toy for entertainment. The toy comprises a marking device defined by a mark end and a cap end, with the cap end having a circular flange. The toy also comprises a dispenser for containing candy, medicine, or a toy. A toy portion separates into a first toy member, a central spinner, and a second toy member. A cord extends between the first and second toy members, passing through a channel in central spinner. Twisting the cord in a first direction generates torque, causing the central spinner to be rotatably carried towards the first toy member. Twisting the cord in a second direction releases momentum from the generated torque, rotatably carrying the central spinner towards the second toy member. 1. A toy , the toy comprising:a toy portion configured to separate into a first toy member, a central spinner, and a second toy member, the first toy member defined by a first end wall, a first continuous sidewall, and a circular recess, the central spinner defined by a middle continuous sidewall and a transversely disposed wall having a generally concentric channel, the central spinner disposed between the first toy member and the second toy member, the second toy member defined by a second end wall and a second continuous sidewall; anda cord configured to extend between the first end wall of the first toy member and the second end wall of the second toy member, the cord further configured to pass through the channel of the central spinner, the cord further configured to rotatably carry the central spinner, whereby the cord is configured to twist in a first direction to generate torque and rotatably carry the central spinner towards the first toy member, whereby the cord is configured to twist in a second direction to release momentum from the generated torque and rotatably carry the central spinner towards the second ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043989A1

A winged corkscrew with one or more secondary utensils. The winged corkscrew secondary utensils may comprise: a shaft, body, two levers, and two pins. The shaft may comprise: a handle portion, secondary utensils, a rack portion, and a helical portion. The handle portion may comprise an opening and a lip disposed along the inner edge of the opening. The blade may be hingedly disposed between the handle portion and the rack portion, which is positioned adjacent to the helical portion. The body may comprise: a through hole, base, and two shoulders. The two levers may pivotally engage with the two shoulders via the two pins. The shaft may engage and extend through the through hole of the body, such that the helical portion of the shaft is disposed within the body. The base may be substantially cylindrical and may be adapted to engage with a neck portion of a bottle. 1. A winged corkscrew with one or more secondary utensils , comprising:a shaft;a body; andtwo levers;wherein each of said two levers comprise a pin, such that there are two pins;wherein said shaft comprises: a handle portion, one or more secondary utensils, a rack portion, and a helical portion;wherein said handle portion is positioned at an upper end of said shaft;wherein said one or more secondary utensils are hingedly disposed between said handle portion and said rack portion;wherein said rack portion is disposed between said one or more secondary utensils and said helical portion;wherein said helical portion is positioned at a bottom end of said shaft and is configured to engage with and remove a cork from a bottle;wherein said body comprises a through hole, two shoulders, and a base;wherein said through hole is positioned approximately at said upper end of said body, between said two shoulders, and above said base;wherein said shaft engages with and extends through said through hole of said body;wherein a proximal ends of said two levers comprises a plurality of gear teeth;wherein said proximal ends of ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200042112A1
Автор: Osterhout Ralph F.

Aspects of the present invention relate to external user interfaces used in connection with head worn computers (HWC). 1. A method , comprising:a. Presenting a virtual line as digital content in a see-through display of a head-worn computer as a guide for alignment of pen strokes written by a wearer of the head-worn computer;b. Tracking a relative motion of a pen held by the wearer as the pen is moving along a surface when guided by the virtual line, wherein the tracking involves using a camera in the head-worn computer to capture images of the pen motion, and overlaying on the captured images of the motion the virtual line; andc. Interpreting the relative motion of the pen to determine a written pattern.2. The user interface of claim 1 , wherein the pen includes an IMU that detects pen movements claim 1 , and wherein the IMU detected pen movements are used in connection with the relative motion to determine the written pattern.3. The user interface of wherein the virtual line is presented as a portion of a note.4. The user interface of wherein the virtual line is presented as a portion of a message template.5. The user interface of wherein the virtual line is presented as a portion of an email template.6. The user interface of wherein the virtual line is presented as a portion of a writing teaching platform.7. The user interface of wherein the virtual line is presented as a portion of a painting teaching platform.8. The user interface of wherein the virtual line is presented as a portion of a drawing teaching platform.9. The user interface of claim 1 , wherein the written pattern is presented in the see-through display relative to the virtual line.10. The user interface of claim 9 , wherein the presentation is in real time. This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 14/280,752 (now U.S. Publication No. 2015/0205388) filed May 19, 2014, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. No. 14/158,198, filed Jan. 17, 2014 (now U.S. Pat. No. 9,939,934), the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Marker with decorative fluid sleeve

Номер: US20150050066A1
Принадлежит: Arrow International LLC

A dual chamber container includes an inner hollow body containing a marker fluid which is adapted to be dispensed. The inner hollow body is at least partially surrounded by an outer hollow body containing a decorative fluid which is retained in the container as the marker fluid is dispensed.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063322A1
Автор: BEAUCHER Laurent
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

A thermochromic ink writing instrument comprising a body extending along an axis, the body having a first end and a second end opposed to the first end along the axis, the first end being provided with a writing tip and with an eraser, wherein the writing tip is fed with thermochromic ink, wherein the writing tip is fixed with regard to the body and the eraser is movable along the axis with regard to the body, and the thermochromic ink writing instrument further comprising a helical-cam propelling mechanism configured to move the eraser along the axis between a retracted position and a protruding position.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063323A1
Автор: BEAUCHER Laurent
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

An erasable ink writing instrument comprising a body extending along an axis, the body having a first end and a second end opposed to the first end along the axis, the first end being provided with a writing tip and with an eraser, wherein the writing tip is fed with erasable ink, wherein the writing tip is fixed with regard to the body and the eraser is movable along the axis with regard to the body, and the erasable ink writing instrument further comprising a helical-cam propelling mechanism configured to move the eraser along the axis between a retracted position and a protruding position. The erasable ink is a peelable ink and the eraser is a friction body. 1. An erasable ink writing instrument comprising a body extending along an axis , the body having a first end and a second end opposed to the first end along the axis , the first end being provided with a writing tip and with an eraser , wherein the writing tip is fed with erasable ink , wherein the writing tip is fixed with regard to the body and the eraser is movable along the axis with regard to the body , and the erasable ink writing instrument further comprising a helical-cam propelling mechanism configured to move the eraser along the axis between a retracted position and a protruding position wherein the erasable ink is a peelable ink and the eraser is a friction body.2. The erasable ink writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the eraser and the writing tip are coaxial claim 1 , the eraser being disposed around the writing tip claim 1 , the writing tip comprising a writing end claim 1 , and claim 1 , when the erasable ink writing instrument is seen perpendicular to the axis claim 1 , the writing end is concealed by the eraser when the eraser is in the protruding position and the writing end is free from the eraser when the eraser is in the retracted position.3. The erasable ink writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the helical-cam propelling mechanism comprises a first part having ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047540A1
Автор: ITO Yoshihiro

A thermochromic writing instrument including a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body; a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, wherein the writing instrument further includes a friction unit, for rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel. 1. A thermochromic writing instrument , comprising:a writing body, storing a thermochromic ink therein, stored in a barrel; an operation body provided in the barrel to be operated to longitudinally move the writing body;a nib of the writing body configured to be capable of appearing from a front end of the writing instrument, whereinthe writing instrument further includes a friction unit, rubbing handwriting in the thermochromic ink and capable of thermally changing the color of the handwriting by frictional heat generated at that time, and at least one clip body as the operation body, the friction unit is provided at a rear end of the barrel, and the clip body is provided in an area other than the rear end of the barrel.2. The thermochromic writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument includes only a single of the clip body as the operation body claim 1 , and by operating the single clip body claim 1 , the nib of the writing body is enabled to be put in a projection condition and a retraction condition.3. The thermochromic writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument further includes a longitudinally extending slide hole is provided in a side wall of the barrel and an appearance mechanism putting the nib of the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Ink-type pointer

Номер: US20200047541A1

An ink-type pointer is provided, including a housing, a circuit unit, a pen and ink writing module, and an electromagnetic unit. The housing includes an end opening and an accommodation space. The end opening is in communication with the accommodation space. The circuit unit is disposed inside the accommodation space. The pen and ink writing module is disposed inside the accommodation space, and includes a cartridge, a nib, and liquid ink. The cartridge includes a chamber, the nib is connected to the cartridge and extends out of the end opening, and the liquid ink is accommodated in the cartridge and is output through the nib. The electromagnetic unit is disposed inside the accommodation space and includes a magnet and a coil. The magnet includes a through hole, the coil is wound round the magnet and is electrically connected to the circuit unit, and the cartridge passes through the through hole.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Pen Plant

Номер: US20170050461A1
Автор: Sandra Starr McCurdy
Принадлежит: Individual

An artificial house plant, hereby named ‘Pen Plant’, made from artificial wired plants wherein each individual shoot comprises of a ballpoint pen arranged in a pot or vase to realistically resemble a house plant. Floral tape may be used to create the illusion of the extension of the plants shoot or root. Pieces of the plant may be used to decorate vase or pot with, in some cases and as shown below, a ribbon.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050462A1

A housing is formed with an opening for the receipt of a cosmetic pencil to be sharpened. A shaping funnel within the housing is formed of a plurality blades in operative proximity around the opening. A motor rotates the shaping funnel and the plurality of blades for sharpening the cosmetic pencil within the shaping funnel. 1. A portable motorized cosmetic sharpener system comprising:a housing formed with an opening for the receipt of a cosmetic pencil to be sharpened;a shaping funnel within the housing, the shaping funnel formed of a plurality blades in operative proximity around the opening; anda motor to rotate the shaping funnel and the plurality of blades for sharpening the cosmetic pencil within the shaping funnel.2. A portable motorized cosmetic sharpener system for trimming a cosmetic pencil and collecting the trimmed debris , the trimming and the collecting being done in a safe , convenient , and economical manner , the system comprising , in combination:a housing having a generally rectilinear configuration with a front plate and a parallel rear plate, an upper section and a parallel lower section, and a left section and a parallel right section, the housing being hollow with a front internal chamber and a rear internal chamber, a cylindrical opening in the front plate extending into the front internal chamber, the cylindrical opening and the front internal chamber having a central axis;a shaping cone assembly formed of a front cylindrical plate and a rear cylindrical plate and three blades supported by the front and rear cylindrical plates, the three blades being circumferentially spaced around the central axis, the shaping cone having a blade axis coincident with the central axis, the blade forming an acute angle with respect to the blade axis, the shaping cone being positioned in the front internal chamber, the shaping cone having a rotary gear extending into the rear internal chamber;a motor located in the rear internal chamber, the motor having a ...
