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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000001831U1

1. СДВОЕННОЕ КОЛЕСО АВТОМОБИЛЯ, содержащее ступицу с равномерно расположенными по окружности внешними и смещенными относительно последних по шагу внутренними выступами, ободы с ушками, имеющими отверстия под крепежные шпильки и устройства для центровки, отличающееся тем, что устройства для центровки выполнены в виде сопряженных конических поверхностей на гайках крепежных шпилек и отверстиях ушек. 2. Колесо по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что ушки приварены к ободам. 3. Колесо по пп. 1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что внешний обод установлен с разворотом на 180 вокруг оси, перпендикулярной оси вращения относительно внутреннего обода. (19) RU (11) (13) 1 831 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/06 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94034773/11, 20.09.1994 (71) Заявитель(и): Аюшеев Чингис Ширапович (46) Опубликовано: 16.03.1996 (72) Автор(ы): Аюшеев Чингис Ширапович R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Аюшеев Чингис Ширапович 1 8 3 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. СДВОЕННОЕ КОЛЕСО АВТОМОБИЛЯ, содержащее ступицу с равномерно расположенными по окружности внешними и смещенными относительно последних по шагу внутренними выступами, ободы с ушками, имеющими отверстия под крепежные шпильки и устройства для центровки, отличающееся тем, что устройства для центровки выполнены в виде сопряженных конических поверхностей на гайках крепежных шпилек и отверстиях ушек. 2. Колесо по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что ушки приварены к ободам. 3. Колесо по пп. 1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что внешний обод установлен с разворотом на 180 o вокруг оси, перпендикулярной оси вращения относительно внутреннего обода. 1 8 3 1 U 1 (54) СДВОЕННОЕ КОЛЕСО АВТОМОБИЛЯ RU 1 831 U1 RU 1 831 U1 RU 1 831 U1 RU 1 831 U1 RU 1 831 U1

27-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000056853U1

1. Переходное устройство для сдваивания бездисковых взаимозаменяемых колес, содержащее тонкостенный цилиндр с коническими поясками на наружной поверхности, обращенными вершинами к торцам цилиндра, один из поясков расположен на торце цилиндра, обращенном к основному колесу, а другой - к дополнительному, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено запорными устройствами, каждое из которых выполнено в виде стяжки, на одном конце которой закреплено звено, соединенное посредством узла крепления со ступицей основного колеса, а другой конец соединен с зажимом при помощи крепежного элемента, выполненного в виде гайки и жестко закрепленного на полуосях, установленных со смещением по продольной оси относительно шарнира и с возможностью свободного вращения вокруг своей оси, на зажиме шарнирно закреплен захват, выполненный с выступом и нажимной поверхностью для обеспечения надежного прижима дополнительного колеса к основному. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что запорные устройства расположены по окружности обода колеса равномерно для оптимального распределения прижимных усилий. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что узел крепления выполнен в виде пальца, входящего одновременно в звено стяжки и скобу, установленную на шпильке ступицы и затянутую гайкой. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что форма выступа и нажимной поверхности захвата выполнена в соответствии с профилем обода колеса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 56 853 (13) U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005137654/22 , 02.12.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.12.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФГОУ ВПО Рязанская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им. профессора П.А. Костычева (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 5 6 8 5 3 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Переходное устройство для сдваивания бездисковых взаимозаменяемых колес, ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000080667U1

1. Пресс универсальный, предназначенный для прямого прессования полимерных материалов в пресс-формах, содержащий станину со столом и направляющими для ползуна, установленного с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения от гидроагрегата, и выталкиватель отпрессованных изделий из пресс-формы, отличающийся тем, что пресс выполнен с этажами из обогреваемых плит, которые разнесены относительно друг друга по вертикальной оси устройства и закреплены в пространстве между ползуном и столом, причем на каждом этаже размещены одна или группа съемных пресс-форм, а выталкиватель отнесен за пределы станины пресса, при этом его привод функционально связан с гидроагрегатом пресса. 2. Пресс универсальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он предназначен для одновременного прессования в группе съемных пресс-форм разнотипных изделий как из реактопластов, так и резинотехнических изделий. 3. Пресс универсальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он включает четыре обогреваемых плиты, одна из которых размещена на столе, а другие подвешены на четырех колонках к ползуну. 4. Пресс универсальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выносной выталкиватель включает подставку, на которой установлены верхняя и нижняя неподвижные траверсы, соединенные между собой двумя колонками с образованием рабочего пространства между ними для размещения съемных пресс-форм, при этом к верхней траверсе закреплен гидравлический цилиндр со штоком, привод которого связан с гидроагрегатом пресса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 80 667 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/00 B30B 15/32 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008133198/22, 14.08.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.08.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Российские железные дороги" (RU) U 1 8 0 6 6 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Пресс универсальный, ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000136985U1

1. Устройство для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства, содержащее дополнительное колесо и средство его крепления на основном колесе транспортного средства, причем дополнительное колесо выполнено большего диаметра, чем основное, отличающееся тем, что указанное средство крепления включает кольца, снабжённые соосными бонками под направляющие штифты и зафиксированные на дисках основного и дополнительного колёс, соосно закреплённый на ступице основного колеса крепежный элемент, установленную на нём несущую трубу, проходящую через центральное отверстие в диске дополнительного колеса, и стягивающую гайку, расположенную на снабжённом резьбой свободном конце несущей трубы. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что полости между дисками колес и/или полость диска дополнительного колеса заполнены материалом с положительной плавучестью, например пенополистиролом. 3. Вездеход, выполненный в виде автомобиля, каждое основное колесо которого снабжено устройством для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства по п.1. 4. Вездеход по п.3, отличающийся тем, что снабжён опорными штангами, полностью блокирующими подвеску автомобиля. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 136 985 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/00 (2006.01) B60B 19/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013141261/11, 10.09.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.09.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Заварзин Владимир Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Заварзин Владимир Николаевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.09.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2014 Бюл. № 3 1 3 6 9 8 5 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства, содержащее дополнительное колесо и средство его крепления на основном колесе транспортного средства, причем дополнительное колесо выполнено большего диаметра, чем основное, отличающееся тем, что указанное средство ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000142680U1

1. Устройство для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства, содержащее колесо и средство его крепления на транспортном средстве, включающее опорную трубу, отличающееся тем, что указанное средство крепления содержит несущий элемент, один конец которого закреплен в опорной трубе с помощью фиксирующих элементов с возможностью регулирования его выноса, а на другом конце с возможностью вращения установлена ступица указанного колеса и разъёмные крепежи для установки на днище или раме колесного транспортного средства. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что несущий элемент выполнен в виде жёсткой балки или торсиона. 3. Устройство по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что содержит дополнительные колесо, ступицу и несущий элемент, установленные аналогичным образом с другой стороны опорной трубы. 4. Вездеходный комплекс, содержащий автомобиль и прицеп, отличающийся тем, что снабжён устройством для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства по п.1. 5. Вездеходный комплекс по п.4, отличающийся тем, что устройство для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства содержит дополнительные колесо, ступицу и несущий элемент, установленные аналогичным образом с другой стороны опорной трубы. 6. Вездеходный комплекс по любому из пп.4 и 5, отличающийся тем, что устройство для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства установлено на днище или раме автомобиля. 7. Вездеходный комплекс по п.6, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна ступица устройства для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства и, по меньшей мере, одна ступица штатного приводного колеса автомобиля снабжены шкивами, соединёнными ремнём, канатом или лентой для передачи вращательного момента. 8. Вездеходный комплекс по п. 6, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна ступица устройства для повышения проходимости колесного транспортного средства и, по меньшей мере, одна ступица штатного приводного колеса автомобиля снабжены звёздочками, ...

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151136U1

Стабилизатор продольной устойчивости колесного трактора, содержащий силовой гидроцилиндр, гидросистему трактора, отличающийся тем, что в конструкции присутствует прижимно-разгрузочный механизм, выполненный из трех плоских пружин рессорного типа, взаимоскрепленных через проушины, реактивную тягу, кронштейн с шарниром, установленный на раме трактора, вилочный направитель силового гидроцилиндра, при этом две пружины установлены с верхней и нижней частей переднего управляемого моста, их прилежащие окончания объединены через проушины реактивной тягой с резиновыми втулками, причем последующее окончание верхней пружины с проушиной объединено болтовым соединением в вилочном направителе силового гидроцилиндра с проушиной третьей плоской пружины, которая другим окончанием с проушиной устанавливается в косыночном кронштейне с шарниром на раме трактора, куда также установлена последующая проушина нижней плоской пружины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 151 136 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014138208/11, 22.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.09.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2015 Бюл. № 8 1 5 1 1 3 6 R U Формула полезной модели Стабилизатор продольной устойчивости колесного трактора, содержащий силовой гидроцилиндр, гидросистему трактора, отличающийся тем, что в конструкции присутствует прижимно-разгрузочный механизм, выполненный из трех плоских пружин рессорного типа, взаимоскрепленных через проушины, реактивную тягу, кронштейн с шарниром, установленный на раме трактора, вилочный направитель силового гидроцилиндра, при этом две пружины установлены с верхней и нижней частей переднего управляемого моста, их прилежащие окончания объединены через проушины реактивной тягой с резиновыми втулками, причем последующее окончание верхней пружины с проушиной объединено болтовым соединением в вилочном направителе силового гидроцилиндра с проушиной ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000154992U1

Универсальная колесная система для сельхозтехники, содержащая основное и дополнительное колеса с установленной между ними проставочной трубой, стянутые между собой крепежными элементами, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве крепежных элементов колес используют стяжки, крючкообразные концы которых заведены в скобы, закрепленные на внутренней поверхности основного колеса, прямой конец каждой стяжки выполнен резьбовым с надетым на него замком и навинченной гайкой, обеспечивающей фиксацию замка от перемещения, при этом замок снабжен зацепом с возможностью зацепления его за силовое кольцо, закрепленное на дополнительном колесе. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 154 992 U1 (51) МПК B60B 15/26 (2006.01) B60B 11/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015106118/11, 25.02.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.02.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Хахалев Антон Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хахалев Антон Владимирович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.02.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2015 Бюл. № 26 1 5 4 9 9 2 R U Формула полезной модели Универсальная колесная система для сельхозтехники, содержащая основное и дополнительное колеса с установленной между ними проставочной трубой, стянутые между собой крепежными элементами, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве крепежных элементов колес используют стяжки, крючкообразные концы которых заведены в скобы, закрепленные на внутренней поверхности основного колеса, прямой конец каждой стяжки выполнен резьбовым с надетым на него замком и навинченной гайкой, обеспечивающей фиксацию замка от перемещения, при этом замок снабжен зацепом с возможностью зацепления его за силовое кольцо, закрепленное на дополнительном колесе. Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к устройствам для крепления дополнительных колес на ступицы, изменяющих колею транспортного средства и, используемого на полях при ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000155845U1

Корректор сцепного веса агротехнического агрегата, содержащий жёсткую силовую связь, соединяющую дышло прицепа со сцепным устройством трактора, управляемую балку и поворотное устройство прицепа, шаровую опору, отличающийся тем, что содержит прижимной механизм, состоящий из кронштейна с шаровой опорой и гаечным переходником, размещённого посредине управляемой балки прицепа, силового гидроцилиндра, удерживающей плиты с креплением, опирающейся на раму прицепа и электрофиксаторов вертикального перемещения, установленных в узлах крепления дышла вблизи шарниров, в которых выполнены фиксирующие отверстия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 155 845 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B62D 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015117368/11, 06.05.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.05.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2015 Бюл. № 29 1 5 5 8 4 5 R U Формула полезной модели Корректор сцепного веса агротехнического агрегата, содержащий жёсткую силовую связь, соединяющую дышло прицепа со сцепным устройством трактора, управляемую балку и поворотное устройство прицепа, шаровую опору, отличающийся тем, что содержит прижимной механизм, состоящий из кронштейна с шаровой опорой и гаечным переходником, размещённого посредине управляемой балки прицепа, силового гидроцилиндра, удерживающей плиты с креплением, опирающейся на раму прицепа и электрофиксаторов вертикального перемещения, установленных в узлах крепления дышла вблизи шарниров, в которых выполнены фиксирующие отверстия. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КОРРЕКТОР СЦЕПНОГО ВЕСА АГРОТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО АГРЕГАТА 1 5 5 8 4 5 Адрес для переписки: 675005, Амурская обл., г. Благовещенск, ул. Политехническая, 86, ФГБОУ ВПО ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164315U1

Автоматический корректор сцепного веса агротехнического агрегата, содержащий жесткую силовую связь, соединяющую дышло прицепа со сцепным устройством трактора, управляемую балку и поворотное устройство прицепа, шаровую опору, прижимной механизм, силовой гидроцилиндр, электрофиксаторы, отличающийся тем, что содержит блок управления и автоматические датчики буксования и распределения усилий, установленные на движителях буксирующего транспортного средства. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 315 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B62D 13/00 (2006.01) B62D 63/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015153393/11, 11.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.12.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2016 Бюл. № 24 R U 1 6 4 3 1 5 Формула полезной модели Автоматический корректор сцепного веса агротехнического агрегата, содержащий жесткую силовую связь, соединяющую дышло прицепа со сцепным устройством трактора, управляемую балку и поворотное устройство прицепа, шаровую опору, прижимной механизм, силовой гидроцилиндр, электрофиксаторы, отличающийся тем, что содержит блок управления и автоматические датчики буксования и распределения усилий, установленные на движителях буксирующего транспортного средства. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИЙ КОРРЕКТОР СЦЕПНОГО ВЕСА АГРОТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО АГРЕГАТА 1 6 4 3 1 5 Адрес для переписки: 675005, Амурская обл., г. Благовещенск, ул. Политехническая, 86, ФГБОУ ВО ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.12.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Щитов Сергей Васильевич (RU), Кузнецов Евгений Евгеньевич (RU), Худовец Валентина Ивановна (RU), Дудников Сергей Анатольевич (RU) U 1 U 1 1 6 4 3 1 5 1 6 4 3 1 5 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ...

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164616U1

Догрузочное устройство колесного транспортного средства, содержащее жесткую силовую связь, соединяющую дышло прицепа со сцепным устройством трактора и гибкую тросовую силовую связь, отличающееся тем, что одно окончание гибкой тросовой силовой связи, проходящее через поперечину дышла прицепа и роликовую направляющую, установленную в нижней части заднего ведущего моста колесного транспортного средства, зафиксировано в сцепном устройстве буксирующего транспортного средства, а последующее окончание гибкой силовой связи зафиксировано в проушине штока силового пневморегулятора, закрепленного на поперечной траверсе рамы колесного транспортного средства. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 616 U1 (51) МПК B62D 53/04 (2006.01) B60B 11/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016108202/11, 09.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.03.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2016 U 1 1 6 4 6 1 6 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) ДОГРУЗОЧНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО КОЛЁСНОГО ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Догрузочное устройство колесного достигается тем, что догрузочное устройство транспортного средства относится к транспорту, колесного транспортного средства выполнено в а именно к дополнительно-устанавливаемым виде конструкции, состоящей из гибкой тросовой вспомогательным устройствам для увеличения силовой связи (стандартного буксировочного проходимости и повышения производительности троса), одно окончание которой зафиксировано колесных транспортных средств. Увеличение в сцепном устройстве буксирующего проходимости и повышение производительности транспортного средства, проходящей через колесных транспортных средств при поперечину дышла прицепа, роликовую агрегатировании с прицепами в условиях их направляющую, установленную в нижней части передвижения по скользкой дороге, бездорожью, заднего ведущего моста колесного транспортного в глубоком снежном покрове, малой несущей средства, при чем ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации

Гидропружинный корректор сцепного веса полурамного трактора

Номер: RU0000166666U1

Гидропружинный корректор сцепного веса полурамного трактора, содержащий прижимной механизм, гидроцилиндр, полуэллиптическую рессору, шарнир, кронштейн, резиноармированный демпфер, отличающийся тем, что содержит пружинно-прижимной механизм, состоящий из полуэллиптической листовой рессоры с центральным фиксатором, одно окончание которой закреплено опорным шарниром в кронштейне, установленном в тыльной части корпуса трактора, проходящей через вилочную рабочую часть штока силового гидроцилиндра, зафиксированного шарниром в косыночном упоре, закрепленном в тыльной части передней полурамы, и опирающейся другим окончанием с резиноармированным демпфером на упорную площадку, имеющую вид грузонесущей плиты и смонтированную на верхней части задней полурамы трактора. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 666 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B60B 39/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016119438/11, 19.05.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.05.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2016 Бюл. № 34 1 6 6 6 6 6 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Гидропружинный корректор сцепного веса полурамного трактора, содержащий прижимной механизм, гидроцилиндр, полуэллиптическую рессору, шарнир, кронштейн, резиноармированный демпфер, отличающийся тем, что содержит пружинно-прижимной механизм, состоящий из полуэллиптической листовой рессоры с центральным фиксатором, одно окончание которой закреплено опорным шарниром в кронштейне, установленном в тыльной части корпуса трактора, проходящей через вилочную рабочую часть штока силового гидроцилиндра, зафиксированного шарниром в косыночном упоре, закрепленном в тыльной части передней полурамы, и опирающейся другим окончанием с резиноармированным демпфером на упорную площадку, имеющую вид грузонесущей плиты и смонтированную на верхней части задней полурамы трактора. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ГИДРОПРУЖИННЫЙ КОРРЕКТОР СЦЕПНОГО ВЕСА ПОЛУРАМНОГО ...

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000166832U1

Прижимной корректор собственной нагрузки полурамного трактора, содержащий прижимной механизм, гидроцилиндр, полуэллиптическую рессору, шарнир, кронштейн, резиноармированный демпфер, отличающийся тем, что содержит механизм, состоящий из плоской пружины рессорного типа с центральным крепежным фиксатором, одно окончание которой закреплено опорным шарниром в кронштейне, установленном в тыльной части корпуса трактора, опирающейся другим окончанием с резиноармированным демпфером на упорную площадку, имеющую вид грузонесущей плиты, смонтированную на верхней части задней полурамы трактора и силового гидроцилиндра, зафиксированного шарниром в косыночном упоре, закрепленном в тыльной части корпуса трактора выше кронштейна крепления плоской пружины рессорного типа, вилочная рабочая часть штока которого установлена при помощи шарнирного пальца в центральном крепёжном фиксаторе. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 832 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B60B 39/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016120575/11, 25.05.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.05.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2016 Стр.: 1 U 1 1 6 6 8 3 2 R U U 1 (54) ПРИЖИМНОЙ КОРРЕКТОР СОБСТВЕННОЙ НАГРУЗКИ ПОЛУРАМНОГО ТРАКТОРА (57) Реферат: Повышение функциональности и простоты собственной нагрузки полурамного трактора агрегатирования, проходимости колесного выполнен в виде механизма, состоящего из трактора полурамного типа при проведении плоской пружины рессорного типа с центральным сельскохозяйственных работ, безопасность крепежным фиксатором, одно окончание которой эксплуатации и увеличение скоростей его закреплено опорным шарниром в кронштейне, движения по грунтам с низкой несущей установленном в тыльной части корпуса способностью, снижение переуплотняющего и трактора, опирающейся другим окончанием с техногенного воздействия движителей на почву резиноармированным демпфером на упорную за счет ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Устройство корригирования сцепного веса тракторно-транспортного агрегата

Номер: RU0000167458U1

Устройство корригирования сцепного веса тракторно-транспортного агрегата относится к транспорту, а именно к дополнительно устанавливаемым вспомогательным конструкциям. Увеличение проходимости и повышение производительности колесных тракторов при агрегатировании с прицепами, оборудованными передним ведущим мостом, в условиях необходимости их передвижения по скользкой дороге, бездорожью, малой несущей способности почв, наличия подстилающего мерзлотного слоя при достаточно простой конструкции вспомогательного устройства, простоте его изготовления, высокой надежности, удобстве в обслуживании и эксплуатации достигается тем, что устройство корригирования сцепного веса тракторно-транспортного агрегата выполнено в виде конструкции, состоящей из силового гидроцилиндра, установленного в кронштейне на фронтальной части поворотной рамы прицепа и торсионной оси, проходящей через вилочную рабочую часть силового гидроцилиндра и встроенной между поперечинами дышла прицепа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B60B 11/02 B60B 39/00 B62D 13/00 B62D 53/04 (11) (13) 167 458 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016125048, 22.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.06.2016 16.12.2016 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.06.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2017 Бюл. № 1 2484979 C1, 20.06.2013. DE 1630559 A1, 09.09.1971. DE 1280063 B, 10.10.1968. R U (54) Устройство корригирования сцепного веса тракторно-транспортного агрегата (57) Реферат: Устройство корригирования сцепного веса при достаточно простой конструкции тракторно-транспортного агрегата относится к вспомогательного устройства, простоте его транспорту, а именно к дополнительно изготовления, высокой надежности, удобстве в устанавливаемым вспомогательным обслуживании и эксплуатации достигается тем, конструкциям. что устройство корригирования сцепного веса Увеличение проходимости и повышение ...

21-03-2017 дата публикации

Автоматический пружинный регулятор устойчивости колёсного трактора моноблочной схемы

Номер: RU0000169463U1

Автоматический пружинный регулятор устойчивости колесного трактора моноблочной схемы относится к транспорту.Увеличение проходимости, устойчивости к опрокидыванию, снижение буксования, повышение безопасности эксплуатации и производительности колесных тракторов моноблочной схемы при проведении хозяйственных работ, движении по скользкой дороге, бездорожью достигается тем, что автоматический пружинный регулятор устойчивости колесного трактора моноблочной схемы выполнен в виде тягово-догружающего устройства, состоящего из силового гидроцилиндра и прижимно-разгрузочного механизма, включающего спаренную плоскую пружину рессорного типа, реактивную тягу и фиксирующую серьгу. При этом вилочный направитель силового гидроцилиндра объединен болтовым соединением с верхней проушиной спаренной плоской пружины рессорного типа, срединная часть которой установлена в шарнире косыночного упора, закрепленного болтами на раме трактора моноблочной схемы, создавая двуплечий рычаг, а проушина реактивной тяги прижимно-разгрузочного механизма, установленной с верхней части переднего управляемого моста трактора, закреплена при помощи болтового соединения в косыночном упоре, другая же проушина объединена фиксирующей серьгой с окончанием спаренной плоской пружины рессорного типа, а на колесных движителях установлены датчики буксования, соединенные с приемно-решающим устройством. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 463 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B62D 13/00 (2006.01) B60B 39/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016120561, 25.05.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.05.2016 21.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.05.2016 U 1 1 6 9 4 6 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2578903 C1, 27.03.2016. RU 2303547 C1, 27.07.2007. RU 2297938 C1, 27.04.2007. RU 2137652 C1, 20.09.1999. (54) Автоматический пружинный регулятор ...

21-03-2017 дата публикации

Автоматический корректор осевой нагрузки неполноприводного колёсного трактора моноблочной схемы

Номер: RU0000169466U1

Автоматический корректор сцепного веса агротехнического агрегата относится к транспорту, а именно к дополнительно-устанавливаемым вспомогательным устройствам для увеличения проходимости и повышения производительности колесных транспортных средств. Увеличение проходимости и повышение производительности колесных транспортных средств при агрегатировании с прицепами в условиях их передвижения по скользкой дороге, бездорожью, почвам с малой несущей способностью, наличии подстилающего мерзлотного слоя при достаточно простой конструкции вспомогательного устройства, высокой степени его автоматизации, простоте изготовления, высокой надежности, удобстве в установке, обслуживании и эксплуатации достигается тем, что вспомогательное устройство - автоматический корректор сцепного веса агротехнического агрегата выполнено в виде прижимного механизма, состоящего из кронштейна с шаровой опорой и гаечным переходником, размещенного посредине управляемой балки прицепа, силового гидроцилиндра, удерживающей плиты с креплением, опирающейся на раму прицепа и электрофиксатора вертикального перемещения дышла, имеющего вид соленоидного электроклапана с подвижным сердечником-штоком, установленного в узлах крепления дышла вблизи шарниров, в которых выполнены фиксирующие отверстия. Устройство включает в себя блок управления и автоматические датчики буксования и распределения усилий, установленные на движителях буксирующего транспортного средства. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 466 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B60B 39/00 (2006.01) B62D 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015153451, 11.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.12.2015 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.12.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 21.03.2017 Бюл. № 9 U 1 1 6 9 4 6 6 2297938 C1, 27.04.2007. RU 2496674 C1, 27.10.2013. RU 2137652 C1, 20.09.1999. (54) Автоматический корректор осевой ...

29-03-2017 дата публикации

Разборная универсальная колесная система для сельхозтехники

Номер: RU0000169700U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для установки дополнительных колес на ступицы, изменяющих колею транспортного средства. Разборная универсальная колесная система для сельхозтехники содержит проставочную трубу, состоящую из двух частей (1) и (2) с установленными на них колесными дисками (3). К стыкуемым частям (1) и (2) проставочной трубы приварены фланцы (4). По диаметру фланцев (4) выполнены отверстия (5). Фланцы (4) частей (1) и (2) проставочной трубы соединены между собой посредством болтового соединения (6). Обеспечивается снижение затрат по содержанию колесной системы транспортного средства за счет уменьшения износа резины колес с повышением удобства обслуживания путем изменения его габаритов по ширине. 3 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 700 U1 (51) МПК B60B 15/26 (2006.01) B60B 11/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015156037, 28.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.12.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Хахалев Антон Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хахалев Антон Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 150339 U1, 10.02.2015. RU Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.12.2015 154992 U1, 20.09.2015. RU 2491176 C2, 27.08.2013. US 3039825 А, 19.06.1962. R U 29.03.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 29.03.2017 Бюл. № 10 U 1 1 6 9 7 0 0 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) Разборная универсальная колесная система для сельхозтехники (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для выполнены отверстия (5). Фланцы (4) частей (1) установки дополнительных колес на ступицы, и (2) проставочной трубы соединены между собой изменяющих колею транспортного средства. посредством болтового соединения (6). Разборная универсальная колесная система для Обеспечивается снижение затрат по содержанию сельхозтехники содержит проставочную трубу, колесной системы транспортного средства за счет состоящую из двух частей (1) и ...

23-05-2018 дата публикации

Догружающее устройство управляемого моста трактора

Номер: RU0000179726U1

Догружающее устройство управляемого моста трактора относится к транспорту, а именно к дополнительно-устанавливаемым вспомогательным устройствам для увеличения проходимости, устойчивости к опрокидыванию. Увеличение проходимости, устойчивости к опрокидыванию, снижение техногенного воздействия движителей на почвы достигается тем, что догружающее устройство управляемого моста трактора выполнено в виде конструкции, состоящей из двух силовых гидроцилиндров с вилочными направителями, подключенных к разным точкам включения в гидросистему с раздельным управлением, зафиксированных в кронштейне, закрепленном в болтовых соединениях на нижней части картера коробки передач трактора, вертикальных нажимных тяг, установленных в шарнире опорного кронштейна, смонтированного на раме трактора, и прижимно-разгрузочного механизма, выполненного из двух плоских пружин рессорного типа и передающей реактивной тяги с резиновыми втулками. При этом две плоские пружины установлены с верхней и нижней части переднего управляемого моста, их прилежащие окончания объединены через проушины передающей реактивной тягой с резиновыми втулками, причем последующее окончание верхней пружины объединено болтовым соединением с верхней частью вертикальных нажимных тяг, а нижняя пружина установлена в шарнире опорного кронштейна. Ц 179726 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 179 726” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 28.04.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 04.07.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 04.07.2019 Бюл. №19 Стр.: 1 па 916 др ЕП

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Межосевой стабилизатор ходовой системы колёсного трактора

Номер: RU0000183194U1

Межосевой стабилизатор ходовой системы колесного трактора относится к транспорту, а именно к дополнительно-устанавливаемым вспомогательным устройствам для стабилизации ходовой системы колесного трактора. Стабилизация ходовой системы колесного трактора в движении при повреждении движителя передней управляемой оси трактора или снижении его перекатывающей способности при достаточно несложной конструкции вспомогательного устройства, простоте его изготовления, высокой надежности, удобстве в обслуживании и эксплуатации достигается тем, что межосевой стабилизатор ходовой системы колесного трактора выполнен в виде тягово-догружающего устройства, состоящего из гибкой тросовой силовой связи (стандартного буксировочного троса с петлевыми окончаниями), закрепленной одним окончанием на поворотной цапфе поврежденного движителя, проходящей через переднюю буксировочную скобу трактора, обвитой вокруг установочной оси неповрежденного движителя, протянутой под днищем трактора и установленной последующим окончанием в продольной верхней тяге противоположного от поврежденного движителя борта задней навески трактора, регулируемой силовым гидроцилиндром. Ц 183194 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 183 194” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 27.08.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 18.11.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 18.11.2019 Бюл. №32 Стр.: 1 па УбЕС8 ЕП

17-04-2019 дата публикации

Корректор-догружатель ходовой системы транспортного агрегата

Номер: RU0000188613U1

Корректор-догружатель ходовой системы транспортного агрегата относится к транспорту, а именно к устройствам для увеличения проходимости и повышения производительности энергетических средств.Увеличение проходимости и повышение производительности колесных энергетических средств при агрегатировании с прицепами (транспортными агрегатами), в условиях необходимости их передвижения по скользкой дороге, бездорожью, малой несущей способности почв, наличия подстилающего мерзлотного слоя при достаточно несложной конструкции вспомогательного устройства, низкой себестоимости, простоте изготовления, высокой надежности, удобстве в обслуживании и эксплуатации достигается тем, что корректор-догружатель ходовой системы транспортного агрегата выполнен в виде конструкции, включающей силовой нагружающий гидроцилиндр и равноплечий регулирующий балансир с шарниром, смонтированные в кронштейне на поперечной траверсе рамы прицепа, при этом вилочная часть рабочего штока гидроцилиндра установлена в плече регулирующего балансира, а также гибкую тросовую силовую связь с петлевыми окончаниями, одним окончанием закрепленную в поперечине дышла прицепа, проходящую через поддерживающий узел с подшипником, фиксированный на передней оси прицепа, противолежащее плечо балансира и последующим окончанием смонтированной болтовым соединением в технологическом отверстии силовой траверсы прицепа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 613 U1 (51) МПК B60B 11/02 (2006.01) B62D 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60B 11/02 (2018.08); B62D 13/00 (2018.08) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018130157, 20.08.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.08.2018 17.04.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 17.04.2019 Бюл. № 11 U 1 1 8 8 6 1 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 167513 U1, 10.01.2017. RU 2484979 C1, 20.06.2013. RU 2297938 C1, 27.04.2007. DE 1630559 A1, 09.09.1971. (54) Корректор-догружатель ходовой системы ...

16-09-2019 дата публикации

Стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости колёсного трактора

Номер: RU0000192386U1

Стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости колесного трактора относится к транспорту, а именно к дополнительно-устанавливаемым вспомогательным устройствам для стабилизации поперечной устойчивости трактора Создание устанавливаемых на раме узлах ходовой системы и стандартном оборудовании - задней навески трактора вспомогательного, тягово-догружающего устройства - стабилизатора поперечной устойчивости колесного трактора, способного перераспределять часть весовой нагрузки между движителями и осями трактора в целях стабилизации его поперечной устойчивости на склонах, с навесными сельскохозяйственными орудиями на полях с высоким уклоном местности достигается тем, что стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости колесного трактора выполнен в виде тягово-догружающего устройства, состоящего из гибкой тросовой силовой связи (стандартного буксировочного троса с петлями), закрепленной окончанием в кронштейне, смонтированном в технологических отверстиях рамы трактора, обвитой вокруг оси крепления колесного движителя, проходящей через кронштейн с кольцевым ограничителем, смонтированным на тыльной части трактора, и установленной последующим окончанием в продольной нижней тяге противоположного борта задней навески трактора, регулируемой силовым гидроцилиндром. И 1 192386 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 192 386” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 22.08.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 10.11.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 10.11.2020 Бюл. №31 Стр.: 1 па 93$$С6 1 ЕП

21-07-2020 дата публикации

Догрузочное устройство агротехнического агрегата

Номер: RU0000198619U1

Догрузочное устройство агротехнического агрегата относится к транспорту, а именно к дополнительно-устанавливаемым вспомогательным устройствам для увеличения проходимости, снижения буксования в целях повышения производительности и эффективности эксплуатации колесных мобильных энергетических средств в составе агротехнических агрегатов: тракторно-транспортного (ТТА) или машинно-тракторного агрегата (МТА) при движении по скользкой дороге, бездорожью, почвам с низкой несущей способностью или наличии подстилающего мерзлотного слоя. Увеличение проходимости, снижение буксования, повышение агротехнической скорости, производительности и эффективности использования колесных достигается тем, что догрузочное устройство агротехнического агрегата выполнено в виде конструкции, содержащей гидроцилиндр регулировки навески трактора, нижние тяги навески, гибкую цепную связь, установленную в проушинах нижних тяг навески трактора и рым-болт с проушиной, вваренный методом сварки в середину нижней части силовой траверсы дышла сельскохозяйственной машины (прицепа), при этом гибкая цепная связь проходит через проушину рым-болта. И 1 198619 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 198 619” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 03.06.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 10.09.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 10.09.2021 Бюл. №25 Стр.: 1 па 61986 | ЕП

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Устройство догружения ходовой системы автомобиля

Номер: RU0000205034U1

Полезная модель относится к транспорту, а именно к вспомогательным устройствам для увеличения проходимости и повышения производительности колесных транспортных средств, оборудованных лебедочным натяжным устройством барабанного типа с тыловым выходом, при агрегатировании с прицепами. Создание устанавливаемого на дышле прицепа и чулке заднего моста устройства догружения ходовой системы автомобиля, способного передавать часть собственной нагрузки агрегатируемого прицепа через гибкую тросовую силовую связь и лебедочное устройство на ходовую систему, ведущие колеса, раму и сцепное устройство буксирующего транспортного средства в целях увеличения его проходимости, снижения буксования, повышения производительности при выполнении работ достигается тем, что устройство догружения ходовой системы автомобиля выполнено в виде конструкции, состоящей из лебедочного устройства с вытяжной гибкой тросовой силовой связью и чалочным крюком, который зафиксирован в срединной петле следующей гибкой тросовой связи, проходящей через роликовую направляющую, встроенную в силовую траверсу дышла прицепа вблизи крепежных шарниров, при этом петля образована при оборачивании окончаний гибкой тросовой связи вокруг чулка заднего ведущего моста автомобиля. И 1 205034 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ЭВО“” 205 034° ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 29.03.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 07.06.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 07.06.2022 Бюл. №16 Стр.: 1 па $509 0с ЕП

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Tire condition monitoring system and installation position ascertaining method

Номер: US20120136530A1
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

A tire condition monitoring system stores information representing a number of dual wheels having two tires arranged closely adjacent to each other on, for example, a commercial vehicle. The system measures internal air temperatures of the tires on all of the wheels, and stores temperatures measured when a system reset is executed as reference temperatures. The system determines calculated values based on the temperatures measured for each tire until a measured temperature exceeds the corresponding reference temperature by 20 degrees Celsius or more. The system arranges the calculated values in an order and determines that a number of the calculated values high in the order are calculated values of temperatures of tires mounted on the inside wheel. The number of calculated values corresponding to a dual wheel is equivalent to the number of dual wheels. Thus, the system determines which tires are mounted on an inside wheel.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Automatic tire inflation system

Номер: US20120234447A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An automatic tire inflation system including an air pump, a pressure sensor, a microprocessor and a rechargeable battery power supply all housed in a water resistant housing. The housing conforms to the diameter of the rim of a standard vehicle tire and is held to the tire by rim retaining fingers. A recharging jack is mounted inside the housing and is accessed through an aperture on the housing which is sealed by a removable waterproof cover. The microprocessor monitors air tire pressure being sent from the pressure sensor and activates the air pump when the pressure is determined to be too low by the microprocessor. The air pump turns off when the air tire pressure reaches a predetermined set point. The rechargeable battery is recharged by a standard charging device attached by a plug to the recharging jack. Similar automatic tire inflation systems can be mounted to each tire of the vehicle.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Independent dual wheel tractor drive

Номер: US20120247843A1
Автор: Leo P. Oriet
Принадлежит: Navistar Canada ULC

A casing has an inner end, an outer end, and an internal drive mechanism. The internal drive mechanism has an outer wheel mounting hub at the outer end of the casing and an inner wheel mounting hub at the inner end of the casing, both supported for rotation about an axis. A motor operates the internal drive mechanism to impart rotation to the wheel mounting hubs with equal force whilst allowing the wheel mounting hubs to rotate at different speeds. The internal drive mechanism further has a carrier that is disposed between the inner wheel mounting hub and the outer wheel mounting hub and that is rotated about the axis by the motor. The carrier contains a differential gear mechanism having an outer output shaft for imparting rotation to the outer wheel mounting hub and an inner output shaft for imparting rotation to the inner wheel mounting hub.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire security system

Номер: US20130020004A1
Автор: Ronald Kyle
Принадлежит: Hybrid Electric Conversion Co LLC

A system for allowing vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires to continue operating after a tire failure which would normally cause deflation of the tire employs one or more airbags stored in deflated configuration either about the exterior surface of the rim supporting the pneumatic tire or externally of the tire. The system further includes a container for compressed gases. A sensor connected to the inflated tire to detect sudden deflation releases the compressed gases so as to inflate the airbag to either support the tire or provide an exterior running surface adjacent to the deflated tire. The system may employ a rim with a specially deep drop-center section to allow mounting and dismounting a tire in a conventional manner despite the space in the drop-center section occupied by airbags.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle Wheel

Номер: US20130140875A1
Автор: Cragg Stephen R.
Принадлежит: GKN Land Systems Limited

A wheel for a vehicle, including a rim () having axially-spaced support portions () on which respective annular tyre—supporting elements () are engageable; wherein one of the support portions is of ] arger diameter than the other. 1. A twin-wheel arrangement for a vehicle , comprising an outboard wheel and an inboard wheel having respective rims; the outboard wheel rim having axially-spaced support portions on which respective annular tyre-supporting elements are engageable; the support portion at the inboard edge of the wheel being of larger diameter than the support portion at the outboard edge of the wheel; the inboard wheel rim having adjacent the outboard wheel , a support portion on which an annular tyre support element is removably supported; wherein the support portion of the inboard wheel is of substantially the same diameter as the adjacent support portion of the outboard wheel.2. A twin-wheel arrangement according to wherein an external peripheral surface of the outboard rim between the support portions includes a transition surface portion of gradually-changing diameter.3. A twin-wheel arrangement according to wherein the transition surface portion is frusto-conical.4. A twin-wheel arrangement according to wherein the inclination of the transition surface portion is resistant to frictional self-locking with a component engaging the surface.5. A twin-wheel arrangement according to wherein the transition surface is provided on a separate transition element claim 1 , connected to respective ring parts affording the support portions.6. A twin-wheel arrangement according to wherein an edge of the outboard wheel rim is provided with a guide formation extending axially therefrom claim 1 , the guide formation having a guide surface tapering from a diameter substantially equal to the overall diameter of the edge of the rim.7. A twin-wheel arrangement according to wherein the guide surface is generally frusto-conical.8. A twin-wheel arrangement according to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169025A1
Автор: Granström Thorvald
Принадлежит: T Granstrom Konsult AB

An apparatus () for preventing the skidding or sliding of a wheeled vehicle on a road surface (), and the apparatus comprises an annular element () defining a first central axis (a-a, a-a) and having an outer wall (), the outer wall extending around the first central axis and facing away from the first central axis and being provided with friction means () arranged to engage the road surface, and mounting means () for mounting the element to one of the rotatable wheels () of the vehicle and around a second central axis (b-b, b-b) defined by the mounting means, the mounting means being arranged to be attached to the wheel so that the second central axis is substantially collinear with an axis of rotation (c-c; c-c) defined by the wheel and so that the mounting means and the element are rotatable, and the element is movable in a direction about the first central axis in relation to the mounting means, wherein the mounting means and the element comprise complementary guide means movable in relation to one another. When the wheel skids or slides on the road surface, the guide means are arranged move at least one section () of the element away from the second central axis to force the friction means of the at least one element section () towards braking engagement with the road surface. When the wheel rolls on the road surface, the guide means are arranged to rotate the element about the first central axis. A vehicle wheel comprising the above-mentioned apparatus. 1102202302164106206306331083081103101142143141162163163333162362162362. An apparatus (; ; ) for preventing the skidding or sliding of a wheeled vehicle on a road surface () , and the apparatus comprises an annular element (; ; ) defining a first central axis (a-a , a-a) and having an outer wall (; ) , the outer wall extending around the first central axis and facing away from the first central axis and being provided with friction means (; ) arranged to engage the road surface , and mounting means (; ; ) for ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Auxiliary wheel, unassisted lifting jack and apparatus for unlocking and locking self-locking device of auxiliary wheel

Номер: US20130300184A1
Автор: Lixin Zhou
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is an auxiliary wheel comprising a wheel hub and a tire. The auxiliary wheel is fixedly mounted on a wheel of an automotive vehicle in a manner that the auxiliary wheel and the wheel have a common rotary axis. The auxiliary wheel may further comprise one or more locking components located on the wheel hub, and the locking component is used to fix the auxiliary wheel on the wheel hub of the wheel, so that the auxiliary wheel is driven by the wheel hub of the wheel. The present invention further relates to an unassisted lifting jack used when the auxiliary wheel is mounted. The unassisted lifting jack comprises a climbing block and a supporting block connected in a rotary way, the climbing block and the supporting block have a common supporting bottom, and the climbing block has a slope provided to the auxiliary wheel for climbing.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300185A1
Автор: Zhavi Israel

A mobility device designed to be installed on a wheel of a vehicle comprises a device body extending longitudinally along a wheel axis and having a mechanism, the mechanism being provided with a scroll plate extending generally radially and having opposing inner and outer plate faces, and a plurality of stakes each extending generally radially away from a hub, the scroll plate having at least one spiral groove formed therein, the spiral groove being associated with, and driving the plurality of stakes reciprocably extending and/or retracting generally radially relative to the device body by a pin associated with each of the plurality of stakes and being engaged by the spiral groove of the scroll plate. 1. A mobility device designed to be removably installed to a wheel of a vehicle comprises a device body extending longitudinally along a wheel axis and having a mechanism , the mechanism being provided with a scroll plate and a plurality of stakes , each of the plurality of stakes extending generally radially away from a hub , the scroll plate being rotatable relative to the body , extending generally radially away from the wheel axis , and having at least one spiral groove formed thereon , the spiral groove being associated with and driving the plurality of stakes to retractably extend generally radially relative to the device body.2. The mobility device of claim 1 , wherein the scroll plate comprises at least two spiral grooves formed therein.3. The mobility device of claim 2 , wherein the at least two spiral grooves nest therebetween.4. The mobility device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one spiral groove is formed on an inner plate face of the scroll plate.5. The mobility device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one spiral groove is formed on an outer plate face of the scroll plate.6. The mobility device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of stakes are driven to retractably extend by a pin associated with each of the plurality of stakes and being engaged by the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Travel device for transport vehicle

Номер: US20130341883A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Travel devices for a transport vehicle are arranged in a longitudinal direction and a width direction of a loading platform to allow traveling of the loading platform. In this travel device, an arm includes an upper end turnably supported at a lower portion of the loading platform. The arm includes a lower end where an axle box is supported swingably in up and down directions. A wheel has a mid-plane that intersects with a swing plane of an axle shaft disposed at the axle box, and is supported at the axle shaft. Accordingly, this ensures a small vehicle width L 2 of the transport vehicle.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Wheel Spacer

Номер: US20150008722A1
Автор: Cory Bride
Принадлежит: Individual

A wheel spacer for dual wheels that allows for larger tires to be mounted to the dual-wheel assembly of a motor vehicle. The wheel spacer has a main body surrounding a central aperture. A plurality of attachment apertures are located along the main body and a plurality of threaded bolts extent from the main body's front surface.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008936A1
Автор: ALMOG Eran
Принадлежит: Yadin TRP LTD

A self-inflation device for maintaining pressure in a tire includes a piston compartment, a piston, and an intake opening for fluidically connecting the piston compartment to ambient atmosphere. A valve controls airflow between the piston compartment and the inner space of the tire. Airflow between the piston compartment and the inner space is allowed when the valve is opened and prevented when the valve is closed. The piston is movable within the piston compartment between an air intake position, in which the intake opening fluidically connects the piston compartment and the ambient atmosphere, and a compression position, in which the piston fluidically seals the piston compartment from the intake opening, thereby creating a compression chamber. The piston opens and closes the valve, and cycles between the air intake and the compression positions, through application of centrifugal force onto the self-inflation device by rotation of the tire. 1. A self-inflation device for maintaining pressure in a tire , comprising:a piston compartment,a piston housed in the piston compartment,an intake opening configured to be external to an inner space of the tire when the self-inflation device is installed in an operational position, the intake opening configured for fluidically connecting the piston compartment to ambient atmosphere external to the inner space, anda valve for controlling airflow between the piston compartment and the inner space of the tire, wherein airflow between the piston compartment and the inner space is allowed when the valve is opened and prevented when the valve is closed; an air intake position in which the intake opening fluidically connects the piston compartment and the ambient atmosphere, and', 'a compression position, in which the piston fluidically seals the piston compartment from the intake opening, thereby creating a compression chamber; and, 'wherein the piston is movable within the piston compartment between'}wherein, when the self- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009924A1

A wheel end assembly for a tire pressure management system including an axle having an axle end portion and a rotary joint assembly disposed outboard of the axle end portion. The rotary joint has a rotary hub, a non-rotating tube spindle at least partially disposed within the rotary hub, the tube spindle having a tube spindle hollow central chamber, an air seal provided between the rotary hub and the tube spindle, and a bearing assembly provided between the rotary hub and the tube spindle. The bearing assembly is positioned outboard of the air seal. 1. A wheel end assembly for a tire pressure management system , comprising:an axle having an axle end portion; (i) a rotary hub,', '(ii) a non-rotating spindle at least partially disposed within the rotary hub, the spindle having a first fluid conduit extending therethrough,', '(iii) a rotary air seal disposed between the rotary hub and the spindle, and', '(iv) a bearing assembly provided between the rotary hub and the spindle, the bearing assembly being positioned outboard of the rotary air seal., 'a rotary joint assembly disposed outboard of the axle end portion, the rotary joint assembly comprising2. The wheel end assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid conduit has a first end in fluid communication with a port disposed in the rotary hub.3. The wheel end assembly of claim 2 , wherein the port includes a first diameter portion and a second diameter portion claim 2 , and the spindle extends through the first diameter portion and into the second diameter portion.4. The wheel end assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotary hub includes a first portion coupled to a second portion claim 1 , the first portion being positioned outboard of the second portion and including an inner will portion that defines an opening and that is spaced apart from the spindle.5. The wheel end assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotary air seal is attached to one of the rotary hub and the spindle and the rotary air seal is in sealing contact ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015148A1
Принадлежит: VERSEC SPRL

A wheel hub assembly of a bicycle wheel is disclosed that include a wheel axle, a rotary pump that may be composed of a pump housing, a pump rotor, a first fluid port configured for fluidly coupling to a pneumatic tire and a second fluid port configured for fluidly coupling to a fluid reservoir. The assembly allows for conveniently and efficiently modifying the tire pressure in bicycles at will while riding, in as many cycles as desired and without contaminating the air inside the tires. 1. A wheel hub assembly of a bicycle wheel , comprising:a wheel axle; a pump housing;', 'a pump rotor;', 'a first fluid port configured for fluidly coupling to a pneumatic tire and a second fluid port configured for fluidly coupling to a fluid reservoir, wherein the pump rotor is configured for displacing fluid between the first and second fluid ports; and', 'a control means for controlling actuation of the pump rotor,, 'a rotary pump comprisingwherein the pump rotor is configured for rotating relative to the pump housing coaxially with the wheel axle, and the pump housing is configured for rotating relative to the wheel axle.2. An assembly for regulating pressure of a pneumatic tire of a bicycle wheel , comprising:a fluid reservoir configured for mounting on the wheel, concentric to an axle of the wheel and configured for storing fluid at a higher pressure than the pressure in the pneumatic tire, a pump housing;', 'a pump rotor;', 'a first fluid port configured to be in fluid communication with the pneumatic tire; and', 'a second fluid port configured to be in fluid communication with the reservoir; and, 'a rotary pump comprisinga control means for controlling actuation of the pump rotor, wherein the pneumatic tire, the reservoir, the pump rotor, and the first and second fluid ports are configured to form a closed fluid circuit and wherein the pump rotor is configured for displacing fluid between the first and second fluid ports,wherein the pump rotor is configured to rotate ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015780A1
Автор: Moyna John P.

A dual tire mounting device having an inner hub mount, a plurality of spaced fins connected to and extending outwardly from the inner hub mount, and a plurality of U-shaped ribs aligned with and connected to the spaced fins. An outer ring is received within and connected to slots in the U-shaped ribs. 1. A dual mounting device , comprising:an inner hub mount;a plurality of spaced fins are connected to and extend outwardly from the inner hub mount; andan outer ring connected to the spaced fins.2. The device of wherein the outer ring is received within slots of U-shaped rings that are aligned with and connected to the spaced fins.3. The device of wherein a first tire is mounted to the inner hub mount claim 1 , a second tire is mounted to the outer ring; and the tires have aligned slots that receive a separator ring.4. The device of wherein the outer ring has a diameter smaller than a diameter of the inner hub mount. This invention is directed to a device for mounting tires to a vehicle and more particularly a dual tire mounting device.The use of multiple tires on heavy construction equipment is well-known within the art. While useful, current devices for mounting multiple tires present problems. As one example, in part due to the weight and required tire pressure, heavy equipment has a tendency to sink in wet and/or muddy soil conditions. Also, debris can become caught between tires during operation. Therefore, a need exists in the art for a device that addresses these deficiencies.An objective of the present invention is to provide a tire mounting device that permits equipment to float over wet and muddy soil conditions.Another objective of the present invention is to provide a tire mounting device that reduces ground pressure.A still further objective of the present invention is to provide a tire mounting device that conserves fuel, increase operational speed, stability, and safety.A dual tire mounting device having an inner hub mount connected to an axle. Connected ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041011A1

An attachment is provided for a vehicle wheel, having a rim and a tire arranged on the rim, for enabling a driving operation with a restricted tire function in an operating state in which the attachment is fastened on the vehicle wheel. The attachment may include a stationary section configured to be fastened immovably with respect to the rim in the operating state in which the attachment is fastened on the vehicle wheel, a tread section with a tread for contacting the road, and at least two clamping devices configured to engage behind a section of the rim to fasten the attachment on the vehicle wheel, wherein the tread includes at least one tread segment arranged movably in a circumferential direction with respect to the stationary section in the operating state in which the attachment is fastened on the vehicle wheel. 12. An attachment for a vehicle wheel , having a rim and a tire arranged on the rim () , for enabling a driving operation with a restricted tire function in an operating state in which the attachment is fastened on the vehicle wheel , the attachment comprising:a stationary section configured to be fastened immovably with respect to the rim in the operating state in which the attachment is fastened on the vehicle wheel,a tread section with a tread for contacting the road, andat least two clamping devices configured to engage behind a section of the rim to fasten the attachment on the vehicle wheel,wherein the tread includes at least one tread segment arranged movably in a circumferential direction with respect to the stationary section in the operating state in which the attachment is fastened on the vehicle wheel.2. The attachment according to claim 1 , further comprising an assembly section claim 1 , wherein the attachment is configured such that the assembly section is first fastened in a position provided for the operating state and then the tread section is fastened and brought into a position provided for the operating state claim 1 ,wherein the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Air Motion Powered Devices for Vehicle Wheels

Номер: US20190023085A1
Автор: Chemali Roland E.
Принадлежит: Pygmalion Technologies LLC

Air-motion powered devices may be used to automatically maintain a target tire inflation pressure or to equip vehicle wheels with additional functionality. One illustrative device embodiment is an air compressor that attaches to the wheel of a vehicle, moving with the wheel as the wheel rotates. An action member extends from the compressor body to be acted upon by air through which the vehicle moves, the air causing motion of the action member relative to the compressor body to power the air compressor. Another illustrative device embodiment is an energy harvester that attaches to the wheel of a vehicle to move with the wheel as the wheel rotates. An action member attached to the base of the energy harvester is acted upon by air through which the vehicle moves, causing motion of the action member relative to the base to generate electrical power for sensors, lights, or other transducers. 1. An air compressor that comprises:a compressor body that attaches to a wheel of a vehicle to move with the wheel as the wheel rotates; andan action member that extends from the compressor body to be acted upon by air through which the vehicle moves, the air causing motion of the action member relative to the compressor body, said motion powering the air compressor.2. The air compressor of claim 1 , wherein the action member is a propeller-style turbine rotated by flow of the air parallel to the turbine's axis.3. The air compressor of claim 1 , wherein the action member is a Savonius-style turbine rotated by drag from the air flowing perpendicular to the turbine's axis.4. The air compressor of claim 1 , wherein the action member is a Darrieus-style turbine rotated by lift from the air flowing perpendicular to the turbine's axis.5. The air compressor of claim 1 , wherein the action member is a vane in a trailing orientation kept by the air as the compressor body turns with the wheel.6. The air compressor of claim 1 , wherein said motion includes rotation of the action member ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117636A1
Автор: Gilbert David
Принадлежит: KIDS II, INC.

A front wheel assembly for a child support device including a first castor wheel coupled to first swivel joint and a second castor wheel coupled to a second swivel joint, the first and second swivel joints being operatively coupled together by a linkage that steers the wheels in unison and maintains a generally parallel alignment between the wheels. The wheels are sufficiently spaced apart to allow for 360-degree pivoting of each of the wheels. Also a child support device such as a stroller, including such a front wheel assembly. 1. A wheel assembly for a child support device comprising:a first wheel coupled to a first swivel mechanism;a second wheel coupled to a second swivel mechanism; anda linkage coupling the first swivel mechanism to the second swivel mechanism and configured to allow the first wheel and second wheel to swivel in generally synchronized motion.2. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the linkage comprises a gear train.3. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the linkage comprises a belt looped over pulleys.4. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the linkage comprises a roller chain looped over sprockets.5. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the linkage comprises a parallel arm linkage.6. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second wheels are disposed at a non-zero camber angle.7. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first and second wheels are sufficiently spaced apart to allow 360-degree swiveling.8. A wheel assembly comprising:a first wheel and a second wheel maintained in substantially aligned orientation, the first wheel being coupled to a first swivel mechanism and the second wheel being coupled to a separate second swivel mechanism;a first gear coupled to the first swivel mechanism;a second gear coupled to the second swivel mechanism; andat least one additional gear engaged with first gear and second gear to form a gear train, and wherein the gear ratio between the first gear and the second gear is ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Multi-diameter tire and wheel assembly for improved vehicle mileage with passive transfer between tire diameters

Номер: US20140117746A1
Автор: Kendall W. Pope
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is a three tire and rim wheel assembly called the TTAssembly. The assembly consists of a large diameter center wheel with two identical smaller diameter wheels on the inboard and outboard sides respectively. The TTAssembly replaces the standard rim/tire assemblies on a vehicle, one for each hub. This maximizes gas mileage and the safety requirements of the vehicle. It also reduces maintenance costs and eliminates the need for a spare tire.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042148A1

The Dual Tire Shield of the invention mounts between dual tires and helps to prevent debris from getting into the gap between dual tires and/or damaging the tires when it does so. In some embodiments it can also serve as a runflat for dual tires. Debris can become wedged between the sidewalls of dual tires that face each other, or “inner sidewalls” of such tires. The dual tire shield prevents debris from getting stuck between the inner sidewalls of the dual tires and thereby prevents flats caused by sidewall puncture or bead de-seating due to such debris. The device accomplishes this by: Blocking debris from entering the gap between duals and/or prevent debris from being wedged in the gap; keeping such debris from contact with one or both of the tires even if wedged therebetween; and/or ejecting debris from between the tires. Further, the dual tire shield may be made rigid enough and/or include rigid portions so as to act as a runflat in case a tire goes flat regardless of the reason. 1. A system for use with and protection of dual tires , where such tires include a pair of circular wheel rims adapted for coaxial mounting to a vehicle hub , wherein each said wheel rim has formed coaxially on opposite ends thereof outwardly flaring circumferential flange sections disposed to be engaged by the beads of tubeless tires mounted on said rim , wherein each said wheel rim has a disc section extending transversely of the axis of each of said rims by which it is mounted to the vehicle hub , and wherein said disc sections are adjacent and parallel when mounted to said vehicle hub , comprising:an attachment portion by which said system is affixed intermediate said tires; andat least one of a tire shield portion depending from said attachment portion and excluding debris from between said tires, a tire shield portion depending from said attachment portion and blocking debris entering between said tires from direct tire contact, a tire shield portion depending from said ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046787A1
Автор: Richardson Brandon

The inflation system includes a pump and a dehumidifier fluidly connected between the pump and a reservoir, such as a tire. 1a pump mounted on a wheel, the pump fluidly connected to a tire mounted on the wheel;a dehumidifier mounted on the wheel and fluidly connected between the pump and the tire; anda regeneration system selectively fluidly connecting the dehumidifier and the tire to purge the dehumidifier with working fluid from the tire.. An inflation system comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/404,341, filed 6 May 2019, which is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/184,848 filed 8 Nov. 2018 which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/584,584 filed 10 Nov. 2017, which is incorporated in its entirety by this reference.This application is related to U.S. application Ser. No. 14/863,119 filed 23 SEP 2015, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/204,674 filed 11 Mar. 2014, each of which is incorporated in its entirety by this reference.This invention relates generally to the pumping field, and more specifically to a new and useful inflation system in the pumping field.In many inflation applications, such as tire inflation applications, it is highly desirable to keep water or other liquids from entering the target reservoir (e.g., end container, such as a tire), and to fill the end container with dry working fluid (e.g., air) instead of humid working fluid. This can be particularly desirable in applications where tire life maximization is desired (e.g., such as in tires-as-a-service applications) and/or in applications where the tire is being repeatedly inflated and deflated (e.g., in dynamic tire pressure control applications), because water in the tire lumen can contribute to increased tire degradation and tire imbalance. Thus, there is a need in the pumping field to create a new and useful inflation system with water management.As shown in , the inflation system ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046157A1

A rim mounted control assembly receives therethrough the tire valve stem from an air maintenance tire. A control assembly regulator controls a flow of air to and from a tire-mounted air pumping tube. The control assembly includes a bi-directional air distribution block having multiple parallel air pathways, each air pathway coupled to a respective conduit connected to an air pumping tube mounted within a tire sidewall. The pathways alternatively operate to deliver ambient non-pressurized air to the air pumping tube in response to directional tire rotation against a ground surface. 1. An air maintenance tire assembly comprising:a tire having a tire cavity bounded by first and second sidewalls extending to a tire tread region;a tire-mounted air pumping means for pumping pressurized air into the tire cavity to maintain air pressure within the tire cavity at a preferred pressure level;a tire having an elongate valve stem projecting outward from the tire cavity, valve stem having an internal valve stem air passageway in communication with the tire cavity operative to direct pressurized air from the valve stem air passageway into the cavity;a pressure control assembly positioned at a control location in proximal relationship to the valve stem and operative to selectively control a flow of pressurized air from the tire-mounted air pumping means into the tire cavity responsive to a detected air pressure level within the tire cavity;wherein the pressure control assembly comprises a bi-directional air distribution block having a plurality of air pathways, each air pathway coupled to a respective conduit connected to the tire mounted air pumping means, wherein the plurality of conduits alternatively operating to deliver ambient non-pressurized air to the air pumping means in response to directional tire rotation against a ground surface.2. The air maintenance tire assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the air pathways comprises a plurality of serial check valves mounted within ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046159A1

A pressure control assembly for an air maintenance tire includes a control valve assembly. The pressure control assembly mounts in proximal relationship to a tire valve stem and operably controls a flow of pressurized air through the tire valve stem from an ancillary tire-mounted pressurized air source. The ancillary tire-mounted pressurized air source and an external pressurized air source share the valve stem for delivery of pressurized air to the tire cavity. The pressure control assembly mounts to a surface of a rim body supporting the tire at a control location in proximal relationship with the valve stem. 1. An air maintenance tire assembly comprising:a tire having a tire cavity bounded by first and second sidewalls extending to a tire tread region;a tire-mounted air pumping means for pumping pressurized air into the tire cavity to maintain air pressure within the tire cavity at a preferred pressure level;a tire having an elongate valve stem projecting outward from the tire cavity, valve stem having an internal valve stem air passageway in communication with the tire cavity operative to direct pressurized air from the valve stem air passageway into the cavity;a pressure control assembly positioned at a control location in proximal relationship to the valve stem and operative to selectively control a flow of pressurized air from the tire-mounted air pumping means through the valve stem air passageway and into the tire cavity responsive to a detected air pressure level within the tire cavity.2. The air maintenance tire assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pressure control assembly selectively passes and blocks a flow of non-pressurized ambient air into the tire-mounted air pumping means from the control location claim 1 , whereby regulating from the control location the pumping of pressurized air from the tire-mounted air pumping means through the valve stem air passageway and into the tire cavity.3. The air maintenance tire assembly of claim 2 , wherein the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043622A1
Принадлежит: GOLDHOFER AG

A heavy goods vehicle () having a vehicle frame () and at least one driving axis (A), which has on either longitudinal side () of the vehicle () a bogie () comprising a wheel assembly (), each wheel assembly () comprising at least two wheels arranged symmetrically in relation to a central axis (S), and a wheel suspension () by means of which said wheel assembly is fastened to a rotary plate () of the bogie (), this rotary plate () being mounted on a rotary bearing () of the bogie () which is engaged with the vehicle frame () so as to be rotatable about a steering swivel axis (X). According to the invention, the rotary bearing () of the bogie () can be adjusted in the width direction (B) of the vehicle relative to the vehicle frame () and can be detachably connected to the vehicle frame () in an operationally stable manner. 224381230101102. Heavy goods vehicle according to claim 1 , characterised in that the rotary bearing () is fastened to an adapter plate () which is mounted on the vehicle frame () claim 1 , for example by means of an additional bogie () claim 1 , so as to be rotatable about an adjustable axis of rotation (Y) claim 1 , the central axis (S) being arranged to be offset from the steering swivel axis (X) in the width direction (B) of the vehicle () by one predetermined non-zero distance (d) claim 1 , and the adjustable axis of rotation (Y) being arranged to be offset from the steering swivel axis (X) in the width direction (B) of the vehicle () by another predetermined nonzero distance (d).312l. Heavy goods vehicle according to claim 2 , characterised in that the one predetermined distance (d) and the other predetermined distance (d) are different from one another.421. Heavy goods vehicle according to claim 3 , characterised in that the other predetermined distance (d) is double the length of the one predetermined distance (d).5462228482224. Heavy goods vehicle according to claim 1 , characterised in that a rotation stop element () is associated with ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053391A1
Автор: TSIBERIDIS Konstantin

This disclosure relates to a clamping device for tensioning an attachment on a rim of a vehicle wheel, wherein the attachment configured to enable a driving operation with a restricted tire function in an operating state in which it is fastened on the vehicle wheel. 1. A clamping device for tensioning an attachment on a rim of a vehicle wheel , wherein the attachment is configured to enable a driving operation with a restricted tire function in an operating state in which it is fastened on the vehicle wheel , the clamping device comprising:a rear grip section, configured as a hook, which protrudes in an axial direction and runs radially inwards in a section through a section plane running in a radial and axial direction for positive engagement behind the rim flange,the rear grip section transitions into a contact surface configured to contact the rim flange from axially outside,the rear grip section has a retaining section configured to take up clamping forces, and an insertion section configured to enable insertion of the rear grip section between the rim flange and a tire side wall adjacent to the rim flange, wherein the insertion section is arranged axially inside relative to the retaining section, andthe insertion section has a surface on the rim flange side that runs, viewed in the section plane running in a radial and axial direction, at a flatter angle relative to the axial direction than a surface of the retaining section on the rim flange side.2. A clamping device for tensioning an attachment on a rim of a vehicle wheel , wherein the attachment is configured to enable a driving operation with a restricted tire function in an operating state in which it is fastened on the vehicle wheel , the clamping device comprising:a rear grip section configured for positive engagement behind the rim flange,the rear grip section is pivotable about an axis, which runs tangentially to the circumferential direction, relative to at least a part of the rest of the clamping ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047570A1

The invention concerns a device and a method for detecting a tire on a vehicle to determine whether there is a single or twin tire on an axle. The device has an optical sensor for this purpose, the sensor detecting at least one region of a rim on which a tire to be determined is mounted. An evaluation unit is also provided which is designed to determine a shape of the area of the rim from the sensor signals and to generate a signal from the shape which represents the type of tire. 112363840202420244648264648. Device for detecting a tire of a vehicle () for determining whether single or twin tires are present on an axle ( , , ) , having an optical sensor ( , ) , characterized in that the sensor ( , ) detects at least one region of a rim ( , ) , on which a tire to be determined is mounted , and in that an evaluation unit () is provided which is designed to determine a shape of the region of the rim ( , ) from the sensor signals and , as a function of the determined shape , generates a signal which represents the type of tire.2. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sensor is designed as a distance-measuring laser scanner.3. A device according to claim 2 , characterized in that a scanning plane of the laser scanner is not horizontally aligned.4. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sensor detects not only the rim but also the vehicle.5. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the evaluation unit is designed to carry out a vehicle classification.6. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the evaluation unit is adapted to determine a number of axles for a vehicle.7. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the sensor is designed as a 2D or 3D camera.8. Method for detecting a tire of a vehicle for determining whether there is a single or twin tire on an axle claim 1 , comprising the steps:providing an optical sensor,detecting with the sensor at least one region of a rim, on which a tire to be ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072921A1
Автор: Ostrowski Steven

A dual wheel assembly comprising a hub body that includes a central hub having a plurality of apertures to connect to bolts of a vehicle. The hub body includes a tire rim integrated with the central hub and having an outboard flange, an inboard flange and a drop center between the outboard flange and the inboard flange. The hub body includes a rail wheel integrated with at least one of the central hub and tire rim. The embodiments further include a triple wheel assembly and a vehicle with at least one of the dual wheel assembly and the triple wheel assembly. 1. A dual wheel assembly , comprising:a hub body including:a central hub having a plurality of apertures to connect to bolts of a vehicle;a tire rim integrated with the central hub and having an outboard flange, an inboard flange and a drop center between the outboard flange and the inboard flange; anda rail wheel integrated with at least one of the central hub and tire rim.2. The dual wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rail wheel is permanently affixed to the inboard flange.3. The dual wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rail wheel comprises:a wheel ring having an inner circle edge and an outer circle edge;an inner hoop connected to the tire rim and the inner circle edge; andan outer hoop configured to engage a rail track and connected to the outer circle edge.4. The dual wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rail wheel comprises:a vibration dampening ring;an inner hoop connected to the tire rim and the vibration dampening ring; andan outer hoop configured to engage a rail track and connected to the vibration dampening ring.5. The dual wheel assembly of claim 4 , wherein the vibration dampening ring comprises a lattice structure between the inner loop and the outer loop.6. The dual wheel assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a tire configured to mount to the tire rim claim 1 ,wherein a diameter of the tire is greater than a diameter of the rail wheel.7. The dual wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055332A1
Принадлежит: Wheels India Limited

The present invention relates to a novel design for quick tyre change in rear dual wheel assembly in a heavy transport vehicle. The invention provides a safe design that comprises a two-piece segmented saddle lock ring retained in position by an endless ring. A self-locking taper provided on the inside of endless ring can be pressed against the taper provided on the two-piece segmented saddle lock ring. The endless ring retaining the two-piece segmented saddle lock rings due to wedge action of self-locking taper cannot move from its position until an external force is applied on the endless ring towards the direction of the tyre position. The endless ring acts as a hood over the two-piece segmented saddle lock rings and prevents any loose parts flying off the rim during the tyre burst. Further in this safe design both inboard and outboard rim tyre support components are identical as both rims are of same diameter. 1. A rear dual wheel assembly with a novel self-locking mechanism in a heavy transport vehicle comprisesa common axle hub, an inboard wheel assembly and an outboard wheel assembly at each side of the heavy transport vehicle;wherein each outboard wheel assembly comprises,a knave for connecting the wheel rim to the axle hub;a removable bead seat in an outer and inner portion of the outboard wheel;an endless ring in the inner portion;a two-piece segmented saddle lock ring in the inner portion;a split lock ring in the outer portion;a tyre flange at both outer and inner portion; andan O-ring at the inner and outer portion of the outboard wheel.wherein each inboard wheel assembly comprises,a knave for connecting the wheel rim to the axle hub;a removable bead seat in an outer portion of the inboard wheel;a fixed bead seat in an inner portion of the inboard wheel;a split lock ring;a tyre flange at both outer and inner portion;an annular flange at inner portion; andan O-ring at the outer portion of the inboard wheel.2. The rear dual wheel assembly of claim 1 , the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061441A1
Принадлежит: HUTCHINSON

Embodiments of the disclosure relate to devices for controlling the pressure of bicycle tire. The devices generally include a casing configured to be housed inside a bicycle wheel and in which are arranged: a measurement unit comprising at least one sensor capable of measuring a pressure of the bicycle tire and producing a signal indicative of the value of the pressure, a transmission unit electrically connected to the measurement unit and capable of transmitting the signal to an external display, and a battery. The casing includes an opening passing through the casing, from an upper face to a lower face, the opening presenting at least one part flaring from its lower face towards the upper face, so as to define a slope adapted to fit a flared support, corresponding to a foot of the valve of the wheel. 1. A device for controlling a pressure of a tire mounted on a bicycle wheel , said device comprising:a casing configured to be housed inside the wheel and in which are arranged;a measurement unit comprising at least one sensor configured to measure a pressure of said tire and producing a signal indicative of the pressure;a transmission unit electrically connected to said measurement unit and configured to transmit said signal to a display that is external to the device; anda battery configured to electrically supply the device,wherein said casing comprises an opening passing through the casing, from an upper face of the casing to a lower face of the casing, said lower face being opposite to the upper face, said opening presenting at least one part flaring from its lower face towards the upper face, so as to define a slope adapted to fit a flared support, for example conical, corresponding to a foot of a valve of the wheel.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises at least one adaptor housed in the opening and configured so as to adjust a diameter and the slope of said opening to another type of valve.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062048A1

A chassis mounted energy extraction and delivery system. In one embodiment, a gravity-referenced, external tire inflation facility is integrated into an aerodynamic fairing mounted on the chassis of a vehicle. In one other embodiment, a torsion bar coupled between a hub-mounted energy extraction or delivery facility and a selected portion of the chassis provides a cross-referenced fixed point of reference. In a dual-axle embodiment, a first end of the torsion bar is coupled to the hub of one axle and a second end of the torsion bar is coupled to the hub of the other axle. In a single-axle embodiment, the second end of the torsion bar is coupled to the chassis. 1. An external tire inflation facility adapted for use with: a chassis;', 'a first axle coupled to the chassis and having a first hub;', 'a first wheel mounted on the first hub and having a first valve stem;', 'a source of compressed air;', 'a fairing panel configured to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle when the vehicle is in motion; and', 'a bracket coupled to the chassis and to the panel;, 'a vehicle comprising a first compressed air coupler adapted to be coupled to the compressed air source;', 'a first rotary union coupled to the first hub; and', a first pressure hose coupled between the first rotary union and the first valve stem; and', 'a second pressure hose coupled between the first compressed air coupler and the first rotary union, at least a portion of the second pressure hose being supported by the bracket., 'a compressed air distribution facility comprising], 'the tire inflation facility comprising2. The tire inflation facility of :wherein the faring panel is further characterized as a wheel cover having a central orifice adapted to facilitate connection of the second pressure hose to the rotary union; andwherein the bracket is further characterized as coupling both the first rotary union and the wheel cover to the first hub.3. The tire inflation facility of :wherein the faring panel is ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148990A1

A disclosed system for monitoring and locating a position of a tire pressure monitoring device within a tire includes a controller configured to detect a first transmission from a first sensor installed within a first wheel and a second transmission from a second sensor installed within a second wheel coupled to the first wheel. The controller and system utilizes a relative angular position corresponding to receipt of the transmissions to identify a lead and trailing tire pressure monitoring device. The controller is then enabled to correlate the signals with a known sequence of sensors to determine within which of the coupled tire assembly includes which tire pressure monitoring device. 1. A method of configuring a controller to detect a location of a tire pressure monitoring sensor comprising:configuring a controller to detect a first transmission from a first sensor installed within a first wheel;configuring the controller to detect a second transmission from a second sensor installed within a second wheel coupled to the first wheel, the first wheel and the second wheel comprised in a wheel assembly;configuring the controller to correlate a first angular wheel assembly position with one of the first and second transmissions and a second angular wheel assembly position with the other of the first and second transmissions; anddetermining the location of each of the first and second sensors relative to the wheel assembly based on a comparison between the first angular wheel assembly position, the second angular wheel assembly position, and a predetermined relative angular relationship between the first sensor and the second sensor.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first angular wheel assembly position is separated from the second angular wheel assembly position by less than 180 degrees.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first angular wheel assembly position is separated from the second angular wheel assembly position by about 90 ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Wheel Valve Assembly With Vent To Atmosphere And The Tire Inflation System Made Therewith

Номер: US20180072112A1

A tire inflation system wheel valve assembly is provided. The wheel valve assembly may include a body portion coupled with a cover portion. A diaphragm may be disposed between the body portion and the cover portion. The diaphragm and the body portion define a control cavity; and the diaphragm and the cover portion define a cover cavity. At least one control port is in fluid communication with the control cavity. In addition, a tire port is in selective fluid communication with the control cavity. Further, the cover portion defines an aperture in fluid communication with the atmosphere and the cover cavity. 1. A wheel valve assembly comprising:a body portion;a cover portion coupled with said body portion;a diaphragm disposed between said body portion and said cover portion;a control cavity defined by said body portion and said diaphragm;a cover cavity defined by said cover portion and said diaphragm;at least one control port in fluid communication with said control cavity;a tire port in selective fluid communication with said control cavity; andwherein said cover portion defines an aperture in fluid communication with an atmosphere and said cover cavity.2. The wheel valve assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said cover portion comprises an axially inward extending portion concentric with said aperture.3. The wheel valve according to claim 1 , wherein said axially inward extending portion further comprises a stepped outer surface.4. The wheel valve assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising:a vent assembly disposed in said aperture, wherein said vent assembly includes a membrane which impedes water and debris.5. The wheel valve assembly according to claim 4 , wherein said aperture defines a threaded portion.6. The wheel valve assembly according to claim 5 , wherein:said vent assembly includes a threaded portion, whereby said vent assembly is coupled with said aperture threaded portion.7. The wheel valve assembly according to claim 4 , wherein:said vent ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Pressure Equalization Valve Assembly

Номер: US20190077203A1

A pressure equalization valve assembly may include a valve body forming fluid chamber configured to receive pressurized fluid from a fluid pressure source, a first port configured for sealed communication with a first vehicle tire, and a second port configured for sealed communication with a second vehicle tire; a first one-way valve disposed in the valve body between the fluid chamber and the first port so as to allow one-way fluid communication from the fluid chamber to the first port when the first one-way valve opens; a second one-way valve disposed in the valve body between the fluid chamber and the second port so as to allow one-way fluid communication from the fluid chamber to the second port when the second one-way valve opens; and a two-way valve disposed in the valve body between the first port and the second port so as to allow two-way fluid communication between the first port and the second port when the two-way valve opens. 1. A valve assembly comprising:a valve body forming fluid chamber configured to receive pressurized fluid from a fluid pressure source, a first port configured for sealed communication with a first vehicle tire, and a second port configured for sealed communication with a second vehicle tire;a first one-way valve disposed in the valve body between the fluid chamber and the first port so as to allow one-way fluid communication from the fluid chamber to the first port when the first one-way valve opens;a second one-way valve disposed in the valve body between the fluid chamber and the second port so as to allow one-way fluid communication from the fluid chamber to the second port when the second one-way valve opens; anda two-way valve disposed in the valve body between the first port and the second port so as to allow two-way fluid communication between the first port and the second port when the two-way valve opens.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first one-way valve and the second one-way valve are each pneumatically ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for reducing vehicle oscillations

Номер: US20160082789A1

A method for reducing vehicle oscillations for an agricultural vehicle with a drive engine, a running gear cooperating with the drive engine for driving wheels having pneumatic tires, and a control unit for regulating a tire pressure of at least one tire requires a number of steps. For example, the method includes generating a sensor signal as a function of at least one determined vehicle oscillation and regulating a tire pressure of at least one tire by the control unit as a function of the sensor signal in order to reduce the determined vehicle oscillation. 1. A method for reducing vehicle oscillations for an agricultural vehicle comprising a drive engine and a running gear cooperating with the drive engine for driving wheels having pneumatic tires and a control unit for regulating a tire pressure of at least one tire , the method comprising the steps of:generating a sensor signal (S, S′, S″) as a function of at least one determined vehicle oscillation; andregulating, by the control unit, a tire pressure of at least one tire as a function of the sensor signal (S, S′, S″) in order to reduce the at least one determined vehicle oscillation.236. The method according to claim 1 , including specifying a limit value (S) for the sensor signal (S claim 1 , S′ claim 1 , S″) and storing the limit value in the control unit () claim 1 , and wherein the step of regulating the tire pressure of at least one tire is carried out until the limit value (S) is exceeded.3. The method according to claim 2 , including lowering the tire pressure of the at least one tire to a minimum tire pressure claim 2 , wherein the minimum tire pressure depends on a tire load capacity limit of the tire; and{'sub': G', 'G, 'raising, in a stepwise manner, the tire pressure when the sensor signal (S, S′, S″) continuously exceeds the limit value (S), until the sensor signal (S, S′, S″) drops below the limit value (S).'}4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a tire load capacity limit claim 1 , a ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079158A1
Автор: TSIBERIDIS Konstantin

The invention relates to a vehicle with a compressor assembly for supplying pressure medium to a tire cavity of a tire of the vehicle wheel mounted on a wheel hub, wherein the wheel hub is mounted on a wheel carrier so as to be rotatable about an axis of rotation. The compressor assembly is located at or in the wheel hub mount. 110242226181816291026. A vehicle that has a compressor assembly () for supplying a pressure medium to a tire cavity () of a tire on a vehicle wheel () , wherein the vehicle wheel () comprises a wheel hub mount () and is mounted on a wheel hub () , wherein the wheel hub () can be mounted on a wheel mount () such that it can rotate about an axis of rotation () , wherein the compressor assembly () is located at or in the wheel hub mount ().21010404218. The vehicle that has a compressor assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the compressor assembly () comprises at least one compression chamber ( claim 1 , ) connected to the wheel hub () for conjoint rotation therewith.31040426238244042. The vehicle that has a compressor assembly () according to claim 2 , wherein a volume of the compression chamber ( claim 2 , ) is altered by a translatory movement () of a hub-side compressor component () claim 2 , wherein a pressure medium conducted into the tire cavity () is pressurized by a reduction in the volume of the compression chamber ( claim 2 , ).4101054. The vehicle that has a compressor assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the compressor assembly () comprises an electric drive ().51038622910. The vehicle that has a compressor assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the compressor component () executes an oscillating translatory movement () in a direction of the axis of rotation () when the compressor assembly () is in operation.61038627610. The vehicle that has a compressor assembly () according to claim 1 , wherein the compressor component () executes an oscillating translatory movement () in a radial direction () when the compressor ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086683A1
Автор: TSIBERIDIS Konstantin

An attachment for a vehicle wheel allows operation when the tire is flat. The attachment may include a main body which is circular or substantially annular when seen in an axial direction, a positioning device for positioning the attachment on a rim of the vehicle wheel, and a fastening device for fastening the attachment to the rim of the vehicle wheel. The fastening device may be adapted to be actuated independently of the positioning device. 140-. (canceled)41. An attachment for a vehicle wheel for enabling driving operation with a flat tire , the attachment comprising:a base body which, when seen in an axial direction, is circular or annular in shape,a positioning device for positioning the attachment on a rim of the vehicle wheel, anda fastening device to fasten the attachment to the rim of the vehicle wheel, the fastening device configured to be actuated independently of the positioning device.42. The attachment of claim 41 , wherein the positioning device comprises at least two contact elements distributed uniformly on the base body in a circumferential direction thereof claim 41 , the at least two contact elements configured to be fixed in at least a specified fixing position claim 41 , corresponding to a standardized diameter of a rim flange of the rim claim 41 , in order to position the attachment in a centered manner on the rim with the standardized rim flange diameter.43. The attachment of claim 41 , wherein the fastening device comprises at least one pressure measuring device configured to detect a clamping of the fastening device against the rim.44. The attachment of claim 41 , wherein the fastening device comprises at least one detachable fastening member configured to be mounted so as to be movable in a radial direction relative to the rim.45. The attachment of claim 44 , wherein the at least one detachable fastening member comprises at least two fastening members claim 44 ,and wherein the fastening device further comprises a coupling mechanism which ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086694A1

A rotary union having a housing, a shaft rotatably disposed within the housing, and a tube having a first end sealingly disposed within the shaft and a second end sealingly coupled to the housing. A tire inflation system may comprise a rotary union externally mounted to a vehicle wheel end or mounted to a vehicle fairing. 110-. (canceled)11. A tire inflation system for a vehicle having a tire and a fairing mounted over the tire , the system comprising:a fluid pressure source; anda rotary union mounted to the fairing, the rotary union being in sealed fluid communication with the fluid pressure source and the tire.121. The vehicle tire inflation system of claim , the rotary union being mounted to the fairing by a bracket.131. The vehicle tire inflation system of claim , the rotary union comprising:a housing;a shaft rotatably disposed in the housing, the shaft being configured for fluid communication with the pressure source;a tee body removably and non-rotatably coupled to the housing, the tee body having a fluid channel formed therein for conveying pressurized fluid to the vehicle tire;a tubular member configured to convey pressurized fluid between the shaft and the tee body, the tubular member having a first end sealingly disposed in the shaft and a second end sealingly disposed in the tee body.143. The vehicle tire inflation system of claim , the rotary union further comprising:a radial bushing or radial bearing disposed within the housing about the shaft; anda thrust bushing or thrust bearing disposed between a first end of the tubular member and an interior surface of the housing.154. The vehicle tire inflation system of claim , the rotary union further comprising a first annular seal disposed between the shaft and the first end of the tubular member; and a second annular seal disposed between the tee body and the second end of the tubular member.165. The vehicle tire inflation system of claim , the rotary union being mounted to the vehicle fairing whereby the ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Tire Inflation System Having a Pressure Equalization Valve Assembly

Номер: US20150096655A1
Принадлежит: ArvinMeritor Technology, LLC.

A tire inflation system for a vehicle. The tire inflation system may include a pressure equalization valve assembly that may receive the pressurized gas from a pressurized gas source and may control the flow of pressurized gas with respect to a first tire and a second tire. 1. A tire inflation system for a vehicle , comprising:a pressurized gas source that supplies a pressurized gas; anda pressure equalization valve assembly that receives the pressurized gas from the pressurized gas source and that is fluidly connected to a first tire and a second tire;wherein the pressure equalization valve assembly permits the pressurized gas to flow between the first tire and the second tire to substantially equalize an inflation pressure of the first tire with an inflation pressure of the second tire.2. The tire inflation system of wherein the pressure equalization valve assembly inhibits the pressurized gas from flowing from the first tire and the second tire to the pressurized gas source.3. The tire inflation system of wherein the pressure equalization valve assembly inhibits pressurized gas from flowing from the first tire to the pressurized gas source when the pressure equalization valve assembly permits the pressurized gas to flow between the first tire and the second tire.4. The tire inflation system of wherein the pressure equalization valve assembly inhibits pressurized gas from flowing from the second tire to the pressurized gas source when the pressure equalization valve assembly permits the pressurized gas to flow between the first tire and the second tire.5. The tire inflation system of wherein the first tire and the second tire are disposed on a common wheel.6. The tire inflation system of wherein the first tire and the second tire are disposed on different wheels.7. The tire inflation system of wherein the pressure equalization valve assembly is fluidly connected to a tire valve of the first tire via a first connection conduit and fluidly connected to a tire valve ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094350A1
Автор: Cindrich Joe

A vehicle traction system that is operably coupled to a vehicle and is deployable to assist in providing improved traction on surfaces such as but not limited to snow or ice. The present invention includes a housing that is annular in diameter and mounted intermediate inner and outer dual wheel flanges. Movably coupled with the housing are a plurality of connection members. The connection members have secured thereto tractions pads. The connection members are configured to extend outward to place the traction pads in position to engage a surface on which the vehicle is superposed. The connection members include an engagement plate distally mounted from the traction pads. The connection members are configured to extend outward to place the traction pads in position to engage a surface on which the vehicle is superposed. The connection members include an engagement plate distally mounted from the traction pads. An air bladder is adjacent the engagement plate and is operable to transition the connection member to its second position. A biasing member is operably coupled with the connection member and is configured to return the connection member to its first position. 1. A vehicle traction system operably coupled to a vehicle and configured to provide improved traction on conditions such as snow or ice wherein the vehicle traction system comprises:a housing, said housing being operably mounted adjacent a wheel of a vehicle, said housing being annular in shape;at least one connection member, said at least one engagement member being operably coupled to said housing, said at least one connection member being movable intermediate a first position and a second position, said at least one connection member configured to extend outward from said housing in said second position; anda traction pad, said traction pad being secured to said at least one connection member, said traction pad having an upper surface configured to enhance traction on snow or ice, said traction pad ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Tire Inflation System with Axle Driven Pump

Номер: US20150101723A1

A tire inflation system having a spindle, a pump actuating member, and a pump. The pump actuating member may actuate the pump when the pump rotates about an axis, thereby causing the pump to output a pressurized gas. 1. A tire inflation system comprising:a spindle that extends along an axis;a wheel end assembly that is rotatably disposed on the spindle and configured to rotate about the axis and with respect to the spindle;a pump actuating member that is disposed proximate the spindle;a pump that rotates about the axis with the wheel end assembly, wherein the pump actuating member actuates the pump when the pump rotates about the axis, thereby causing the pump to output a pressurized gas; anda conduit that supplies the pressurized gas from the pump to a tire.2. The tire inflation system of wherein the pump is a reciprocating positive displacement pump.3. The tire inflation system of wherein the wheel end assembly further comprises an axle shaft having an axle flange claim 1 , wherein the pump is disposed proximate the axle flange.4. The tire inflation system of wherein the pump is disposed between the axle flange and the spindle.5. The tire inflation system of wherein the pump is disposed on the axle flange and is spaced apart from the spindle.6. The tire inflation system of wherein the wheel hub assembly further comprising a hub that is rotatably disposed on the spindle claim 1 , wherein the pump is disposed on the hub.7. The tire inflation system of wherein the pump actuating member extends continuously around an external surface of the spindle.8. The tire inflation system of wherein the pump includes a displacement member that moves in a reciprocating motion claim 1 , wherein the displacement member completes one stroke per revolution of the pump about the axis.9. A tire inflation system comprising:a spindle having a hole;an axle shaft that extends through the hole and that is configured to rotate about an axis with respect to the spindle, wherein the axle shaft ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100961A1

A multi-functional active container (e.g., luggage or suitcase) with a plurality of sensors and actuators is described. The container may include a body defining an enclosure and having at least one opening. The container may include a processor, a wireless receiver, and an electronically controllable lock. The processor can selectively lock or unlock the electronically controllable lock based on signals received via a wireless receiver (e.g., via Wi-Fi or BLUETOOTH connections). In some examples, a distance between the active container and a remote device (e.g., a smart phone) can be determined (e.g., based on relative GPS signals or connection strength) and if the distance exceeds a threshold, the electronically controllable lock can be activated to secure the container. Further, the container may include a rechargeable power source for powering external devices and an integrated weight sensor for detecting the weight of the container. 127-. (canceled)28. A wheel for an active container , the wheel comprising:a hollow inner hub;a hollow outer wheel; anda bearing member disposed between the hollow inner hub and the hollow outer wheel, wherein the hollow outer wheel is operable to rotate relative to the hollow inner hub, and the hollow inner hub is attached to a mounting member for mounting the wheel.29. The wheel of claim 28 , further comprising a motor coupled to the wheel and operable to rotate the outer wheel relative to the inner hub.30. The wheel of claim 28 , further comprising a generator coupled to the wheel and operable to generate current in response to the outer wheel being rotated relative to the inner hub.31. The wheel of claim 28 , wherein the mounting member comprises a vertically oriented rod.32. The wheel of claim 28 , further comprising a motor coupled to the wheel and operable to steer the wheel.33. The wheel of claim 28 , wherein the bearing member comprises plastic.34. The wheel of claim 28 , wherein the bearing member comprises a ball bearing ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169084A1

System for inflating a tire of a wheel, configured to be build inside or onto a hub of a vehicle, comprising a stationary section and a rotary section wherein the stationary section comprises a first clutch part, wherein the rotary section comprises a second clutch part, configured to selectively engage the first clutch part; an actuator, a driving unit, a pumping unit, and a housing, for housing at least the pumping unit, wherein the housing and the pumping unit are arranged to move together with movement of a wheel, in particular rotate together with the wheel. 116-. (canceled)17. A system for inflating a tire of a wheel , configured to be built inside or onto a wheel hub of a vehicle , comprising:a stationary section configured to be connected to a stationary part of the wheel hub; anda rotary section configured to be connected to a wheel mounting part of the wheel hub; 'a first clutch part configured to be attached to the stationary part of the wheel hub;', 'wherein the stationary section comprises a second clutch part configured to selectively engage the first clutch part;', 'an actuator configured to move the second clutch part between an engaging position and a non-engaging position;', 'a driving unit connected to the second clutch part and including a cam shaft;', 'a pumping unit positioned radially around the driving unit and including at least one pump element configured to be driven by the cam shaft of the driving unit and pump ambient air, wherein the pumping unit is configured to be attached to an inflatable tire of the wheel, to provide air to the tire; and', 'a housing, for housing at least the pumping unit, wherein the housing and the pumping unit are configured to rotate together with movement of the wheel;, 'wherein the rotary section compriseswherein, in the non-engaging position, the first and second clutch parts are positioned at a distance, and are mutually rotatable, and wherein in the engaging position the first and second clutch parts are ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Active container

Номер: US20170103598A1
Принадлежит: Bluesmart Inc

A multi-functional active container (e.g., luggage or suitcase) with a plurality of sensors and actuators is described. The container may include a body defining an enclosure and having at least one opening. The container may include a processor, a wireless receiver, and an electronically controllable lock. The processor can selectively lock or unlock the electronically controllable lock based on signals received via a wireless receiver (e.g., via Wi-Fi or BLUETOOTH connections). In some examples, a distance between the active container and a remote device (e.g., a smart phone) can be determined (e.g., based on relative GPS signals or connection strength) and if the distance exceeds a threshold, the electronically controllable lock can be activated to secure the container. Further, the container may include a rechargeable power source for powering external devices and an integrated weight sensor for detecting the weight of the container.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114537A1
Автор: Loewe Richard

A device for maintaining a desired inflation pressure within a tire mounted on a wheel of a vehicle which includes a flexible compression chamber and a magnetic element not on the wheel. As the compressor passes the magnet each wheel revolution, a small amount of atmospheric air is pumped into the tire, if needed. The magnet and the compressor need no other contact with the vehicle or the wheel and require no energy source on the wheel. 1. A device for maintaining a desired inflation pressure of an interior of a tire mounted on a wheel of a vehicle , the wheel being rotatably connected to a stationary member of a vehicle wheel assembly and defining an axis of rotation , the device comprising:at least one magnetic element being mounted on the stationary member at a radial distance from the axis of rotation, the magnetic element producing a magnetic field wherein the magnetic element produces at least one of two opposing forces;a magnetically driven air compressor being mounted on the wheel and being radially disposed from the axis of rotation relative to the magnetic element to transit the magnetic field during each revolution of the wheel, the compressor being in fluid communication with the atmosphere and the interior of the tire, the compressor being operative to intake air from the atmosphere and to output compressed air to the interior of the tire in response to transiting the magnetic field wherein the compressor includes a flexible compression chamber defining a variable chamber volume; andmeans for regulating output pressure of the compressor to the desired inflation pressure without off-wheel aid;an actuator being operative to increase and decrease the chamber volume, the actuator being operative to effect an intake stroke to increase chamber volume and thereby intake air from the environment through an intake check valve, the actuator further being operative to effect an output stroke to decrease chamber volume and thereby expel air through an output check ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114635A1
Автор: LAMGADAY Robin

An air maintenance tire assembly includes a tire having a tire cavity to a tire tread region, a pressure control assembly attached to an elongate valve stem projecting from a rim, the pressure control assembly being external to the tire cavity, the elongate valve stem projecting outward from the tire cavity and operative to admit pressurized air into the tire cavity through the pressure control assembly, the first sidewall having an elongate sidewall air passageway therein operatively located to compress segment by segment from an expanded diameter to a substantially reduced diameter responsive to a bending strain introduced into the first sidewall from a rolling tire footprint thereby forcing air, segment by segment, along the air passageway, and a connecting tube connected to the air passageway and the pressure control assembly. 1. An air maintenance tire assembly comprising:a tire having a tire cavity bounded by first and second sidewalls extending to a tire tread region;a pressure control assembly attached to an elongate valve stem projecting from a rim, the pressure control assembly being external to the tire cavity, the elongate valve stem projecting outward from the tire cavity and operative to admit pressurized air into the tire cavity through the pressure control assembly, the first sidewall having an elongate sidewall air passageway therein operatively located to compress segment by segment from an expanded diameter to a substantially reduced diameter responsive to a bending strain introduced into the first sidewall from a rolling tire footprint thereby forcing air, segment by segment, along the air passageway; anda connecting tube connected to the air passageway and the pressure control assembly, the connecting tube operative to sequentially direct air forced along the air passageway, first, into the pressure control assembly and, then, into the elongate valve stem as the tire rolls over a ground surface.2. The air maintenance tire assembly set forth in ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220176735A1
Автор: Achcar Ricardo

An auxilairy traction assembly adapted to be connected to a first wheel of a first tire of a vehicle. The auxiliary traction assembly including a second tire and a second wheel, the second wheel is a one-piece elongated tube having a first end adapted to be connected to the first wheel of the first tire and a second end housed in the second tire, the first end of the second wheel has a first flange having a curved inward shape that fits into a central hole of the first wheel, the second end of the second wheel has a second flange having a curved outward shape; and when the auxiliary traction assembly is connected to the first wheel, the first tire is spaced apart from the second tire by 2 inches by the one-piece elongated tube of the second wheel. 1. An auxilairy traction assembly adapted to be connected to a first wheel of a first tire of a vehicle , the auxiliary traction assembly comprising:a second tire and a second wheel,wherein the second wheel is a one-piece elongated tube having a first end adapted to be connected to the first wheel of the first tire and a second end housed in the second tire;wherein the first end of the second wheel has a first flange having a curved inward shape that fits into a central hole of the first wheel;wherein the second end of the second wheel has a second flange having a curved outward shape; andwherein the second tire includes voids, angled central lugs, and sidewall lugs;{'b': '2', 'wherein when the auxiliary traction assembly is connected to the first wheel, the first tire is spaced apart from the second tire by inches by the one-piece elongated tube of the second wheel.'}2. An auxiliary traction system for imparting auxiliary traction to a vehicle , the system is adapted to be connected to a traction system of a vehicle and comprises:a first traction assembly including a first tire and a first wheel, the first wheel is placed inside the first tire, the first traction assembly is operatively connected to the traction system of ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170113485A1

Wheel assemblies and strollers comprising wheel assemblies are provided. The wheel assembly can comprise a standard wheel and a modular wheel, where the standard wheel has a first diameter that is greater than the diameter of the modular wheel. The modular wheel can be fixedly or removably attached to the standard wheel. The stroller can comprise at least one rear wheel assembly located proximate to a rear of the base. The stroller can also comprise at last one front wheel assembly located proximate to a front of the base. The stroller can also comprise a pulling and/or steering mechanism. 1. A wheel assembly comprising:at least one standard wheel, andat least one modular wheel,wherein the at least one standard wheel has a first diameter and the at least one modular wheel has a second diameter, andwherein the first diameter is greater than the second diameter.2. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one modular wheel is removably attached to the at least one standard wheel.3. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one modular wheel is fixedly attached to the at least one standard wheel.4. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one modular wheel is attached on the same rotational axis to the at least one standard wheel by means of a pivot axle.5. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one modular wheel is attached to the at least one standard wheel via a snap-on fit mechanism.6. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one standard wheel has a first surface area and the at least one modular wheel has a second surface area claim 1 , andwherein the first surface area is smaller than the second surface area.7. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one standard wheel has a first tread pattern and the at least one modular wheel has a second tread pattern claim 1 , andwherein the first tread pattern is different than the second treat pattern.8. The wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Tyre Pressure Monitor

Номер: US20140196530A1
Автор: Stephen John WEBSTER
Принадлежит: Castaa Enterprises Pty Ltd

A tyre pressure monitor for the paired wheels at one end of a vehicle axle in the form of a hub which bolts to the wheel using the wheel nuts. The hub contains a tyre pressure gauge for the inner wheel and a gauge for the outer wheel. Air tubes connect each tyre to the gauge and an exterior air input coupling for each tyre projects from the hub in order to be accessible to the depot air hose. The driver reads the gauge and adjusts the tyre pressure using the air input coupling when necessary. Versions with a single gauge with a separate scale for each tyre of the pair and with one gauge for a single front wheel are described.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150123453A1
Автор: Benoit, JR. Wayne J.

A kit for a dual wheel assembly for a vehicle is provided having a drive shaft adapter with an outwardly projecting extension attachable to an inner wheel by a flange and a drive shaft coupler having an outwardly projecting receiver attachable to an outer wheel with a flange, whereby drive shaft extension and receiver are telescopically engageable over a range of distances, which allows the inner wheel and outer wheel to be mounted with the tires abutting or the tires spaced apart by incorporating a spacer element into the assembly. 1. A dual wheel assembly for a vehicle having an inner wheel mounted on a hub and an outer wheel , comprising:(a) a drive shaft adapter having a flange and a drive shaft extension perpendicularly from the flange, whereby the drive shaft adapter flange has a plurality of spaced openings corresponding to wheel studs extending from the hub of the vehicle and the flange is mounted on the studs, over an exterior facing side of the inner wheel, and whereby the drive shaft extension is characterized by an outer surface along its length;(b) a drive shaft coupler having a flange and a drive shaft receiver extending perpendicular from the flange, whereby the drive shaft coupler flange has a plurality of spaced apart openings corresponding to opening in the outer wheel for mounting the outer wheel on a vehicle hub and a central opening, and the flange is fastened to the outer wheel by fasteners extending through the openings in the flange and the outer wheel, and whereby the drive shaft receiver has an interior opening extending along its length and the interior opening characterized by inner surface corresponding to the shape of the exterior surface of the drive shaft extension, and the drive shaft receiver is telescopically engaged with the drive shaft extension with the inner wheel and outer wheel in parallel alignment, such that power is transferred from the outer surface of the drive shaft extension to the inner surface of the drive shaft ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121667A1
Автор: BENEDICT Robert Leon

A tire management system for a vehicle in accordance with the present invention includes four wheels on each of which is mounted an air-inflatable tire defining a tire cavity. The system includes a bidirectional pump on each wheel for selectively pumping air from each tire to atmosphere for deflating each tire and for pumping air from atmosphere into each tire cavity for inflating each tire and a battery assembly mounted to each wheel for powering the bidirectional pumps, the battery assemblies each including a chargeable battery and a magnet for continually charging the chargeable battery. 1. A tire management system for a vehicle including four wheels on each of which is mounted an air-inflatable tire defining a tire cavity comprising:a bidirectional pump on each wheel for selectively pumping air from each tire to atmosphere for deflating each tire and for pumping air from atmosphere into each tire cavity for inflating each tire; anda battery assembly mounted to each wheel for powering the bidirectional pumps, the battery assemblies each including a chargeable battery and a magnet for continually charging the chargeable battery.2. The tire management system as set forth in further comprising a sensor provided on each wheel for sensing air pressure in each tire cavity.3. The tire management system as set forth in further comprising a control unit provided in a passenger compartment of the vehicle for displaying air pressure sensed by the sensors and electrical interconnection units for electrically interconnecting the control unit to each bidirectional pump claim 2 , each battery assembly claim 2 , and each sensor for controlling application of electrical power from the battery assemblies to the sensors and the bidirectional pumps.4. The tire management system as set forth in wherein the vehicle includes an axle on which two wheels are rotatably mounted and each corresponding interconnection unit includes first electrical contacts which are provided on an inner ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120698A1

In accordance with an example embodiment, a method comprising determining a change in configuration of a mobile machine, and in response to determining the change in configuration, initiating adjustment of a pressure of at least one tire of the mobile machine is disclosed. 1. A method for use with a mobile machine having a frame movable between a transport configuration and a field-use configuration , a configuration sensor to determine the configuration of the mobile machine and a central tire inflation system operable to adjust a pressure of at least one tire of the mobile machine , the method comprising:determining a change in configuration of a mobile machine; andin response to determining the change in configuration, initiating operation of the central tire inflation system to adjust a pressure of the at least one tire of the mobile machine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment of the pressure comprises changing the pressure from a first predetermined level to a second predetermined level claim 1 , wherein the first and second predetermined levels are set by an operator of the mobile machine.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment of the pressure of the at least one tire of the mobile machine comprises increasing the pressure of the at least one tire of the mobile machine in response to determining that the configuration of the mobile machine has changed from the field-use configuration to the transport configuration.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment of the pressure of at the least one tire of the mobile machine comprises reducing the pressure of the at least one tire of the mobile machine in response to determining that the configuration of the mobile machine has changed from the transport configuration to the field-use configuration.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the change in configuration of the mobile machine is based at least in part on an input received from an operator ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Agricultural tyre

Номер: US20160128266A1
Автор: PHELY Olivier, Piou Denis
Принадлежит: OTICO

A non-inflatable tire for an agricultural implement, including a sole, a tread, and a pair of sidewalls connecting the sole to the tread is provided. A first sidewall extends from the sole to the tread, while the second includes an internal portion which extends from the sole to the tread and an external portion projecting from the tread. The first sidewall and the tread are designed so as to jointly hold the external portion of the second sidewall in line with the internal portion. 1. A non-inflatable tire for an agricultural implement comprising:a sole;a tread; anda pair of sidewalls connecting the sole to the tread, wherein a first of sidewall extends from the sole to the tread, while the second sidewall comprises an internal portion which extends from the sole to the tread and an external portion projecting from the tread, and wherein the first sidewall and the tread are designed so as to jointly hold the external portion of the second sidewall in line with the internal portion.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the external portion is rigid while the first sidewall and the tread are flexible.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the external portion comprises teeth distributed around its periphery.4. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the external portion has a height of between 45% and 70% of an overall height of the second sidewall.5. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the external portion has a profile which narrows in a radial direction oriented from the inside to the outside.6. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the second sidewall bears a lateral surface that is oriented towards the outside of the tire and is substantially continuous between the internal portion and the external portion.7. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the first sidewall and the tread comprise an elastomer and the second sidewall comprises an elastomer claim 1 , a thermoplastic elastomer and/or a thermoplastic with a hardness greater than that of the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129280A1

A wheel includes a circular wheel main body and at least one grouser. The at least one grouser is provided along an outer circumference of the wheel main body and has a contact surface capable of drawing a first tangent line. The first tangent line is inclined opposite to a rotational direction of the wheel main body from the center line of the wheel main body. 1. A wheel , comprising:a circular wheel main body; andat least one grouser that is provided along an outer circumference of the wheel main body and has a contact surface capable of drawing a first tangent line, the first tangent line being inclined opposite to a rotational direction of the wheel main body from the center line of the wheel main body.2. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one grouser includes a projection member claim 1 , the projection member being provided to be inclined opposite to the rotational direction of the wheel main body from the center line of the wheel main body and having the contact surface of a rectangular shape.3. The wheel according to claim 2 , wherein the center line of the wheel main body and the contact surface of the projection member defines an angle of approximately 90 degrees.4. The wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one grouser includes a quarter cylindrical member having the contact surface of an almost quarter arc shape.5. The wheel according to claim 4 , wherein the center line of the wheel main body and a second tangent line of the quarter cylindrical member at a positon on the outer circumference of the wheel main body almost coincide with each other.6. The wheel according to claim 5 , wherein when a height of the quarter cylindrical member in a direction of the center line of the wheel main body is denoted as hand a radius of the quarter cylindrical member is denoted as r claim 5 , the following expression is satisfied:{'br': None, 'i': r', '/h, 'sub': 1', '1, '0.5≦≦3.'}7. The wheel according to claim 6 , wherein the r/his ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190143765A1
Автор: Richardson Brandon

The inflation system includes a pump and a dehumidifier fluidly connected between the pump and a reservoir, such as a tire. 1. An inflation system comprising:a pump mounted on a wheel, the pump fluidly connected to a tire mounted on the wheel;a dehumidifier mounted on the wheel and fluidly connected between the pump and the tire; anda regeneration system selectively fluidly connecting the dehumidifier and the tire to purge the dehumidifier with working fluid from the tire.2. The inflation system of claim 1 , wherein the dehumidifier comprises desiccant.3. The inflation system of claim 2 , wherein the regeneration system further comprises a heating element thermally connected to the dehumidifier.4. The inflation system of claim 3 , further comprising a control system connected to the regeneration system that controls dehumidifier purging and controls the heating element to heat the dehumidifier during dehumidifier purging claim 3 , based on operation parameters of the dehumidifier.5. An inflation system for a tire mounted to a wheel claim 3 , the inflation system comprising:a pump configured to mount to the wheel;a tire connector connected to the pump by a fluid path, the tire connector configured to connect to the tire; anda dehumidifier, arranged within the fluid path between the pump and the tire connector, that is configured to mount to the wheel.6. The inflation system of claim 5 , wherein the dehumidifier comprises desiccant.7. The inflation system of claim 5 , further comprising a second dehumidifier claim 5 , separate and distinct from the dehumidifier claim 5 , that is connected to the fluid path downstream of the pump and upstream of the dehumidifier.8. The inflation system of claim 5 , further comprising a regeneration system connected to the dehumidifier claim 5 , the regeneration system is configured to mount to the wheel.9. The inflation system of claim 8 , wherein the regeneration system comprises:a regeneration valve connected between the dehumidifier ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Mecanum wheel and mecanum-wheeled vehicle

Номер: US20140232174A1
Принадлежит: Omniroll AG

A Mecanum wheel having a first wheel rim ( 2 ) which bears a multiplicity of rollers ( 4 ) which are arranged adjacent to one another in a circumferential direction and which are in each case mounted so as to be rotatable about a roller axis of rotation ( 38 ) arranged at an angle with respect to a first wheel rim axis of rotation ( 24 ), wherein said Mecanum wheel is characterized by a second wheel rim ( 3 ) which can be driven together with the first wheel rim ( 2 ) by means of a common drive shaft ( 33 ) and which bears a multiplicity of rollers ( 4 ) which are arranged adjacent to one another in a circumferential direction and which are in each case mounted so as to be rotatable about a roller axis of rotation ( 38 ) arranged at an angle with respect to a second wheel rim axis of rotation ( 25 ), which second wheel rim is connected to the first wheel rim ( 2 ) via damping means ( 7 ) formed so as to permit a limited relative movement of the first and the second rim ( 3 ) relative to one another. It is provided according to the invention that the damping means ( 7 ) are formed so as to permit a damped, limited relative movement between the first and the second wheel rim ( 2, 3 ) in the circumferential direction and/or perpendicular to a Mecanum wheel axis of rotation ( 9 ) and/or perpendicular to the first and/or to the second wheel rim axis of rotation ( 25 ) and/or at a tilt angle relative to one another.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200139769A1
Принадлежит: CODA Innovations s.r.o

A device for maintaining and changing the pressure in a is provided whereby the inner pressure space of the tire is connected through a pump to a pressure accumulator which, at its input and/or output into the inner pressure space of the tire, is fitted with at least one pressure control element. The pump can be a peristaltic pump in the shape of a deformable hose placed on the perimeter of the tire, fitted with an air inlet and an air outlet, while the air inlet and the air outlet are positioned on the perimeter of the tire distant from each other by a preset length, dependent on the deformation of the tire. 1. A device for maintaining pressure in a tire , comprising:a first accumulator;a second accumulator;a first pump arranged to interconnect an inner pressure space of the tire and the first accumulator,a valve arranged to interconnect the first accumulator and the second accumulator,a second pump arranged to interconnect the second accumulator and the inner pressure space of the tire.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first pump comprises a chamber having deformable walls at least partially defining the chamber claim 1 , the walls having shape memory.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second pump comprises a chamber having deformable walls at least partially defining the chamber claim 1 , the walls having shape memory.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises a check valve.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second accumulator is interconnected with a second valve claim 1 , and the second valve connected to the environment.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first pump comprises a peristaltic pump including a deformable hose positioned on a perimeter of the tire.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second pump comprises a peristaltic pump including a deformable hose positioned on a perimeter of the tire.8. The device of claim 3 , wherein the tire is deformed over the length of deformation when the tire is inflated to a pressure ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178808A1
Автор: Mason Douglas P.

A vehicle wheel for mounting at least two tires, an assembly comprising the vehicle wheel, methods of making the vehicle wheel, and methods of using the vehicle wheel. The vehicle wheel comprises a generally cylindrical first region, a generally cylindrical second region, a third region, and a fourth region. The first region comprises a first tire mount disposed about a circumference of an outer surface of the first region. The second region comprises a second tire mount disposed about a circumference of an outer surface of the second region. The third region is disposed intermediate and connecting the first region and the second region. The fourth region is integral with and extends radially inward from an inner surface of the third region. The fourth region is configured to mount to a vehicle axle. The first, second, third, and fourth regions are regions of a monolithic body. 1. A vehicle wheel comprising:a generally cylindrical first region comprising a first tire mount disposed about a circumference of an outer surface of the first region;a generally cylindrical second region comprising a second tire mount disposed about a circumference of an outer surface of the second region;a third region disposed intermediate and connecting the first region and the second region; anda fourth region integral with and extending radially inwardly from an inner surface of the third region, the fourth region configured to mount to a vehicle axle, wherein the first, second, third, and fourth regions are regions of a monolithic body.2. The vehicle wheel of claim 1 , wherein the first region and the second region extend in directions that are substantially parallel.3. The vehicle wheel of claim 1 , wherein the fourth region extends in a direction that is substantially perpendicular to the inner surface of the third region.4. The vehicle wheel of claim 1 , wherein the fourth region comprises a generally circular plate shape.5. The vehicle wheel of claim 4 , wherein a center portion ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170157999A1

An air maintenance tire system and method in accordance with the present invention includes an air pumping mechanism configured to maintain air pressure within a first tire and a second tire in a dual tire arrangement. The system includes a control valve assembly attached to an elongate valve stem projecting from a rim of a first tandem tire, and a one-way valve carrying connecting tube from a sidewall air pumping passageway within a sidewall of the first tire. The control valve assembly further includes first and second outlet tubes connected to the elongate valve stem to selectively pass pressurized air into the tire cavities of both tandem mounted tires on an as-needed basis. 1. An air maintenance assembly for dual-mounted tires comprising:a first tire and second tire mounted in a side-by-side dual relationship mounted to an axle, the first and the second tires each mounted respectively to a first rim and a second rim and each of the first and the second tires having a tire cavity bounded by first and second sidewalls extending to a tire tread region;a control valve assembly including a control valve housing having an internal air passageway, the control valve housing attached to an elongate valve stem projecting from a rim of the first tire, the control valve housing being external to the tire cavity, the elongate valve stem projecting outward from the control valve housing cavity and operative to direct pressurized air into the control valve housing internal air passageway and into the tire cavity of the first tire and the tire cavity of the second tire, the first sidewall of the first tire having an elongate sidewall air passageway therein operatively located to compress segment-by-segment from an expanded diameter to a substantially reduced diameter responsive to a bending strain introduced into the first sidewall from a rolling tire footprint thereby forcing air, segment-by-segment, along the air passageway;a connecting tube connected to the air passageway ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140246896A1
Автор: Japala Vishweshwarrao

An enhanced static runflat system is disclosed. According to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, at least one predefined structural stopper provided on the outer peripheral surface of the cylindrical section of the wheel rim, whereby at least one predefined structural stopper secures, an inner circumference of the annular static runflat to an outer circumference of the wheel for arresting a movement of the static runflat over the wheel rim 1. An enhanced static runflat system , comprising:a wheel rim comprising a cylindrical section intermittent and a rim base comprising a flange extending radially outwards from two axial ends, whereby a plurality of circular beads of a tire securely mounted on the wheel rim;an annular static runflat system removably secured to an outer peripheral surface of the cylindrical section of the wheel rim, whereby the annular static runflat system further spaced from the properly inflated tire and to be engaged to an inner peripheral surface of the tire; andat least one predefined structural stopper provided on the outer peripheral surface of the cylindrical section of the wheel rim, whereby the at least one predefined structural stopper secures an inner circumference of the annular static runflat system to an outer circumference of the wheel for arresting a movement of the static runflat system over the wheel rim.2. The enhanced static runflat system assembly of claim 1 , wherein the wheel rim comprising at least one of:a drop center wheel rim;a bolt on wheel rim;multi piece wheel;anda flat wheel rim.made by rolling steel sheets and joined by welding or and casting/forging process.3. The enhanced static runflat system of claim 1 , wherein the annular static runflat system comprising a plurality of segments.4. The enhanced static runflat system assembly of claim 1 , wherein an inner peripheral surface of the annular static runflat system comprising at least one structural provision for securing with the outer peripheral ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166017A1

An air maintenance system includes a rotating inner ring secured to a vehicle wheel, a stationary outer ring maintaining a constant angular position, an occlusion roller rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring, the occlusion roller having a protruding portion centered axially at a radially outer surface of the occlusion roller with axially outer portions of the occlusion roller being radially recessed from the protruding portion and supported by bearing surfaces of the rotating inner ring, spacer rollers rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring and rotationally supported by the bearing surfaces, and a flexible tube defining a pump cavity, the air maintenance system pumping a fluid from the ambient environment into a pneumatic tire by applying an occluding force against the flexible tube, periodically occluding portions of the pump cavity. The spacer rollers have axially outer surfaces for rotational support by bearing surfaces of the rotating inner ring and a recess centered axially at the outer surface of the spacer rollers for avoiding any contact between the spacer rollers and the flexible tube. 1. An air maintenance system comprising:a rotating inner ring secured to a vehicle wheel;a stationary outer ring maintaining a constant angular position;an occlusion roller rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring, the occlusion roller having a protruding portion centered axially at a radially outer surface of the occlusion roller with axially outer portions of the occlusion roller being radially recessed from the protruding portion and supported by bearing surfaces of the rotating inner ring;spacer rollers rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring and rotationally supported by the bearing surfaces of the rotating inner ring; anda flexible tube defining a pump cavity, the air maintenance system pumping a fluid from the ambient environment into a pneumatic tire by applying an occluding force against the flexible tube, periodically occluding ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166018A1

An air maintenance system includes a rotating inner ring associated with a vehicle wheel, a stationary outer ring maintaining a constant angular position, the stationary outer ring including ring segments secured together by a plurality of connecting shafts, an occlusion roller rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring by a first connecting shaft of the plurality of connecting shafts, the occlusion roller having a protruding portion centered axially at a radially outer surface of the occlusion roller with axially outer portions of the occlusion roller being radially recessed from the protruding portion and supported by bearing surfaces of the rotating inner ring, spacer rollers rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring by second and third connecting shafts of the plurality of connecting shafts and rotationally supported by the bearing surfaces, and a flexible tube defining a pump cavity, the air maintenance system pumping a fluid from the ambient environment into a pneumatic tire by applying an occluding force against the flexible tube, periodically occluding portions of the pump cavity. The spacer rollers have axially outer surfaces for rotational support by bearing surfaces of the rotating inner ring and a recess centered axially at the outer surface of the spacer rollers for avoiding any contact between the spacer rollers and the flexible tube. 1. An air maintenance system comprising:a rotating inner ring associated with to a vehicle wheel;a stationary outer ring maintaining a constant angular position, the stationary outer ring including ring segments secured together by a plurality of connecting shafts;an occlusion roller rotationally fixed to the stationary outer ring by a first connecting shaft of the plurality of connecting shafts, the occlusion roller having a protruding portion centered axially at a radially outer surface of the occlusion roller with axially outer portions of the occlusion roller being radially recessed from the protruding ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156405A1

Disclosed is a drive assembly for an in-wheel motor, which in-wheel motor has a rotor, the rotor having an axis of rotation, a peripheral outer surface and a transverse road side surface, wherein the drive assembly is provided with a assembly adapted for supporting two tyres and includes a circumferential first part and a circumferential second part, each part provided with a rim-section for carrying a respective one of the two tyres, wherein the first part and second part are adapted to be mounted on the rotor from and at the transverse road side surface of the rotor and are detachable from the rotor from the transverse road side surface, and wherein the second part is detachable from the rotor independent from the first part. 120-. (canceled)211. A drive assembly () for a vehicle , comprising:{'b': 30', '60', '63', '3, 'an in-wheel electric motor with a stator () and a rotor (), the rotor being provided with a plurality of magnets at or near its inner circumference, wherein the rotor has an axis of rotation, a peripheral outer surface () and a transverse road side surface (), wherein the stator is arranged within the rotor and comprises electromagnets at or near an outer circumference of the stator, wherein the stator and rotor are both arranged at least partially within the wheel;'}{'b': 200', '210', '250', '210', '250', '211', '251, 'a rim assembly () adapted for supporting two tyres and comprising a circumferential first part () and a circumferential second part (), each part provided (, ) with a rim-section (, ) for carrying a respective one of said two tyres;'}{'b': 210', '250', '3', '3', '250', '210, 'wherein said first part () and second part () are both adapted to be mounted on the rotor from and at the transverse road side surface () of the rotor and are detachable from the rotor from said transverse road side surface (), wherein the second part () is detachable from the rotor independent from said first part ().'}2221125121025012212252210250. The drive ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210197903A1
Автор: Meager Benjamin

Vehicles are disclosed that are configured to carry loads in a stabilized manner, such that the load is maintained in a substantially constant position or orientation relative to a predetermined reference point or frame even as the vehicle moves. A stabilization controller in such a vehicle receives information about movement of the vehicle relative to the reference point or plane from one or more sensors on the vehicle, and uses the information to control one or more movable objects by which the load is secured to the vehicle so as to maintain a relatively constant relationship between the load and the reference point or plane. 1. A vehicle comprising:a frame comprising a plurality of axles having a plurality of axes;a plurality of wheels, each wheel rotatably connected to a corresponding axle of the plurality of axles and defining an inner volume;a plurality of frame mounts, each frame mount positioned within the inner volume of one of the plurality of wheels and connected to the corresponding axle, each frame mount further having a portion extending below an axis of the corresponding axle, which portion supports a propulsion unit drivingly coupled to the wheel;a load supported by the frame via one or more selectively movable objects; anda stabilization controller that controls the one or more selectively movable objects based on information about movement of the vehicle relative to a reference point or plane;wherein the center of gravity of each of the plurality of wheels is below the axis of the corresponding axle.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the one or more movable objects include a rotatable arm having at least two portions that are movable relative to one another.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein the information comprises inputs received by the stabilization controller from one or more sensors mounted to the frame or to one or more of the plurality of wheels.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the inputs received from the one or more sensors enable ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160176244A1
Автор: REISS Brian

A system for controlling bicycle tire air pressure on the go is provided. The system has a wheel mounted portion and a control unit in communication with one another. The wheel mounted portion attached to each wheel has a gas source, manifold, regulator to control air flow into and out of the tire, and a communication device. The control unit monitors air pressure in each tire, and has a user interface allowing input of a higher or lower tire pressure. Based on user input, the control unit instructs operation of the wheel mounted portion, controlling pressure within the tire. 1. A system for controlling a tire pressure comprising:a control unit; and a manifold attached to a hub of a wheel;', 'a compressed gas source, wherein the gas source is a compressed gas canister, having an outlet connected to the manifold, the compressed gas canister connected to the wheel by the manifold;', 'an air line extending from the manifold in fluid communication with the compressed gas source through the manifold, the air line attachable to a stem of the wheel;', 'a pressure sensor in communication with the air line configured to measure a pressure within the tire;', 'a regulator configured to allow gas to exit the stem of the tire, and configured to allow gas from the compressed gas source to flow into the tire; and', 'a transceiver configured to send a data from the pressure sensor relating to the pressure within the tire, and configured to receive a signal instructing the regulator action;, 'a first and second wheel mounted portion, each wheel mounted portion comprising a second transceiver in communication with the transceiver of each of the first and second wheel mounted portions; and', 'a user interface in communication with the microprocessor allowing an input instructing an increase in tire pressure and an input instructing a decrease in tire pressure;', 'a microprocessor in communication with the transceiver of the control unit programmed and configured to communicate ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170126A1

A system is used with a pneumatic tire mounted on a wheel rim to keep a tire cavity of the pneumatic tire from becoming underinflated from a set pressure. The first system includes a plurality of pumps attached circumferentially to the wheel rim, each pump having a piston for inflating the tire cavity and a weight for moving the piston, and a stop mechanism for each pump, the stop mechanism including a stop piston, a stop cylinder, a first spring, and a second spring, when air pressure in the tire cavity reaches the set pressure, the set pressure overcomes a force of the first spring against the stop piston and moves the stop piston into a stopping engagement with the weight, when air pressure in the tire cavity is below the set pressure, the second spring overcomes the force of the first spring and moves the stop piston away from the weight. 1. A system for use with a pneumatic tire mounted on a wheel rim to keep a tire cavity of the pneumatic tire from becoming underinflated from a set pressure , the system comprising:a plurality of pumps attached circumferentially to the wheel rim, each pump having a piston for inflating the tire cavity and a weight for moving the piston; anda stop mechanism for each pump, the stop mechanism including a stop piston, a stop cylinder, a first spring, and a second spring,when air pressure in the tire cavity reaches the set pressure, the set pressure overcomes a force of the first spring against the stop piston and moves the stop piston into a stopping engagement with the weight,when air pressure in the tire cavity is below the set pressure, the second spring overcomes the force of the first spring and moves the stop piston away from the weight.2. The system as set forth in wherein the first spring is disposed internally to the stop cylinder with the first spring engaging both an upper end of the stop cylinder and the stop piston.3. The system as set forth in wherein the second spring is disposed internally to the stop cylinder with ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200164682A1
Автор: TSIBERIDIS Konstantin

An attachment for a vehicle wheel enables driving operation with limited tire function. The attachment includes a base body and a fastening device for fastening the attachment to a rim of the vehicle wheel, wherein the base body, when seen in an axial direction, is circular or annular in shape. 125.-. (canceled)26. An attachment for a vehicle wheel for enabling driving operation with limited tire function , the attachment comprising:a base body, anda fastening device for fastening the attachment to a rim of the vehicle wheel,wherein the base body, when seen in an axial direction, is circular or annular in shape.27. The attachment as claimed in claim 26 , wherein the fastening device comprises at least one detachable fastening member.28. The attachment as claimed in claim 27 , wherein the fastening device is configured such that the at least one detachable fastening member claim 27 , in at least two positions which are arranged offset relative to one another in the radial direction claim 27 , can be connected to the base body claim 27 , wherein the at least two positions are each adapted to a specific rim diameter.29. The attachment as claimed in claim 26 , wherein the fastening device is configured to be adaptable in respect of the rim diameter.30. The attachment as claimed in claim 26 , wherein the fastening device comprises at least one fastening member which claim 26 , in a state connected to the base body claim 26 , is movable in at least one of a radial or axial direction relative to the base body.31. The attachment as claimed in claim 27 , wherein the fastening device comprises a coupling mechanism which couples a movement of at least two movable fastening members in at least one of a radial or an axial direction.32. The attachment as claimed in claim 26 , wherein the fastening device comprises at least one of a spring mounted fastening member or a spring mounted holding lug to fasten the fastening device to the attachment.33. The attachment as claimed in ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185164A1
Автор: Thiesse Chad M.
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Paving Products Inc.

A paving machine including a pneumatic tire, a compressor and vent unit coupled to the pneumatic tire, and a pressure regulation controller system is disclosed. The compressor and vent unit are configured to adjust tire pressure of the pneumatic tire according to a tire adjustment pressure. The compressor and vent unit is also coupled to the pressure regulation controller system. The pressure regulation controller system measures a current tire inflation pressure of the pneumatic tire. Further, the pressure regulation controller system determines the target tire inflation pressure according to a predetermine mode. The pressure regulation controller system is also configured to determine the tire adjustment pressure according to the current tire inflation pressure and the target tire inflation pressure. Moreover, the pressure regulation controller system is configured to transmit the tire adjustment pressure to the compressor and vent unit for adjusting the tire pressure of the pneumatic tire. 1a pneumatic tire;a compressor and vent unit coupled to the pneumatic tire, the compressor and vent unit configured to adjust tire pressure of the pneumatic tire according to a tire adjustment pressure;a pressure regulating controller system coupled to the compressor and vent unit configured to:measure a current tire inflation pressure of the pneumatic tire;determine a target tire inflation pressure for the paving machine according to a predetermined mode;determine the tire adjustment pressure according to the difference between the current tire inflation pressure and the target tire inflation pressure;transmit the tire adjustment pressure to the compressor and vent unit; andinflate or deflate the pneumatic tire to adjust the tire pressure of the pneumatic tire to achieve the target tire inflation pressure.. A paving machine comprising: The present disclosure generally relates to a paving machine and more particularly, to an apparatus for automatically controlling tire pressure ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180178599A1

A control valve suitable for use with a tire and pump assembly is described that controls the flow of air from the pump into the tire. The control valve includes an optional bi-directional feature. The pathways alternatively operate to deliver ambient non-pressurized air to the air pumping tube in response to directional tire rotation against a ground surface. 1. A control valve for controlling the pressure of a tire cavity during operation of a pump having a pump inlet and a pump outlet , said tire having a tire cavity and a valve stem having a distal end , the control valve comprising:a valve body having a pump inlet chamber, a pump outlet chamber, and a control chamber, wherein a first check valve is positioned in the pump inlet chamber so that the first check valve is located between an air inlet and a pump inlet port, said valve body further comprising a second check valve positioned in the pump outlet chamber, said second check valve being positioned between a pump outlet port and a main pressure chamber, said valve body further comprising a relief valve positioned in the control chamber, said relief valve having an inlet end in fluid communication with a main pressure chamber and an outlet end in fluid communication with the atmosphere; andwherein the main pressure chamber is in fluid communication with the pump outlet chamber, and the distal end of the tire valve stem.2. The control valve of wherein the pump inlet port and pump outlet port are connectable to the pump inlet claim 1 , pump outlet claim 1 , respectively.3. The control valve of wherein the valve body is shaped like a cup.4. The control valve of wherein a cap is received over a first end of the valve body.5. The control valve of wherein the valve body further comprises a cap having detents which latch with an outer rim of the valve body forming a snap fit.6. The control valve of wherein the valve body is injection molded.7. The control valve of wherein the pump inlet chamber has a third check ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210213779A1

The invention relates to a commercial vehicle, in particular a heavy-duty vehicle, comprising a plurality of wheel assemblies () mounted on a vehicle frame. At least one of the wheel assemblies () comprises an elongate wheel carrier (), a wheel () at each of the longitudinal ends of the wheel carrier (), a drive unit () for driving the wheels (), and a transmission device (). According to the invention, the at least one wheel assembly () further comprises a clutch device () which selectively interrupts or establishes a power transmission connection between the drive unit () and the wheels (), and a brake device () which is approved for the operation of the commercial vehicle on public roads up to speeds of more than km/h 1. A commercial vehicle , comprising:a vehicle frame; and an elongate wheel carrier having a longitudinal axis;', 'a wheel that is rotatable about the longitudinal axis at each of the longitudinal ends of the wheel carrier;', 'a drive unit for driving the wheels; and', 'a transmission device, which is designed to lower the rotational speed of a driven shaft of the drive unit to a rotational speed of the wheels,, 'a plurality of wheel assemblies mounted on the vehicle frame, at least one of the wheel assemblies comprising a clutch device that selectively interrupts or establishes a power transmission connection between the drive unit and the wheels, and', 'a brake device that is approved for the operation of the commercial vehicle on public roads up to speeds of more than 25 km/h., 'wherein the at least one-wheel assembly further comprises2. The commercial vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the clutch device is designed so as to automatically interrupt the power transmission connection between the drive unit and the wheels when a predetermined speed of the commercial vehicle is exceeded.3. The commercial vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the drive unit is arranged outside the wheel carrier.4. The commercial vehicle according to claim 3 , ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170189789A1
Автор: Brooks Paul

A wheel for a skateboard may include a bearing assembly, an annular rim coupled to and extending annularly around the bearing assembly, and a tapered tire portion coupled to and extending annularly around the annular rim. A dual wheel assembly may include a first wheel disposed on a longitudinal end portion of an axle, a spacer disposed on the longitudinal end portion of the axle adjacent to the first wheel and abutting against the first wheel, and a second wheel disposed on the longitudinal end portion of the axle adjacent to the spacer and abutting against the spacer. A method of making a dual wheel assembly may include disposing a first wheel on an axle, disposing a spacer on the axle adjacent to the first wheel, and disposing a second wheel on the axle adjacent to the spacer. 1. A dual wheel assembly for a skateboard , comprising:a first wheel disposed on a longitudinal end portion of an axle;a spacer disposed on the longitudinal end portion of the axle adjacent to the first wheel and abutting against the first wheel; and a bearing assembly;', 'an annular rim coupled to and extending annularly around the bearing assembly; and', a first frustoconical side surface;', 'a second opposite frustoconical side surface; and', 'a radially outermost surface extending between the first frustoconical side surface and the second opposite frustoconical side surface, wherein a first acute angle may be defined between each of the first frustoconical side surface and the second opposite frustoconical side surface and a plane extending through a center of the each of first wheel and the second wheel and orthogonal to an axis of rotation of the each of first wheel and the second wheel,, 'a tapered tire portion coupled to and extending annularly around the annular rim, the tire portion comprising], 'a second wheel disposed on the longitudinal end portion of the axle adjacent to the spacer and abutting against the spacer, wherein the first wheel is separated from the second wheel by ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190214A1
Автор: Grimminger Simon

A hub arrangement for twin wheels comprises a stationary carrier; an intermediate hub which is rotatable about an axis of rotation and which can be driven by a drive shaft; a differential gear having an input which is connected to the intermediate hub; a first wheel hub which is connected to a first output of the differential gear; and a second wheel hub which is connected to a second output of the differential gear. The hub arrangement furthermore comprises a first braking apparatus which is effective between the stationary carrier and the intermediate hub and a second braking apparatus which is effective between the stationary carrier and the second wheel hub or between the intermediate hub and the second wheel hub. In this respect, the first braking apparatus and the second braking apparatus can be actuated separately from one another. 11115. A hub arrangement () for twin wheels , comprising a stationary carrier ();{'b': 19', '13, 'an intermediate hub () which is rotatable about an axis of rotation (D) and which can be driven by a drive shaft ();'}{'b': 39', '41', '19, 'a differential gear () having an input () which is connected to the intermediate hub ();'}{'b': 31', '43', '39, 'a first wheel hub () which is connected to a first output () of the differential gear ();'}{'b': 33', '43', '39, 'a second wheel hub () which is connected to a second output (′) of the differential gear ();'}{'b': 45', '15', '19, 'a first braking apparatus () which is effective between the stationary carrier () and the intermediate hub (); and'}{'b': 47', '15', '33', '19', '33', '31', '33, 'a second braking apparatus () which is effective between the stationary carrier () and the second wheel hub () or between the intermediate hub () and the second wheel hub (), wherein the first braking apparatus () and the second braking apparatus () can be actuated separately from one another.'}2. A hub arrangement in accordance with claim 1 ,{'b': 31', '33, 'wherein the first wheel hub () and the ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Electric Wheel Assembly Applicable for Parallelly Mounted Dual-Tire Wheel, Axle, and Vehicle

Номер: US20210221218A1

Disclosed are an electric wheel assembly applicable for a parallelly mounted dual-tire wheel, an axle, and a vehicle. The electric wheel assembly includes a wheel and support axle assembly, an internal-rotor hub motor, a planetary gear reducer and a brake system. A planetary carrier is connected to a hub. The hub is connected to a spoke and a rim. The wheel support axle passes through a rotor sleeve and is provided with a hub bearing to support the hub and a whole wheel. A sun gear disposed at an end of the rotor sleeve of the internal-rotor hub motor is a power input of the planetary gear speed reducer, and the planetary carrier is a power output. A planetary gear of the planetary gear reducer is a tower-shaped gear and realizes a relatively high transmission ratio under a condition that an axial length is relatively small. 1. An electric wheel assembly applicable for a parallelly mounted dual-tire wheel , comprising a wheel and support axle assembly , an internal-rotor hub motor , a planetary gear reducer and a brake system , wherein:the wheel and support axle assembly comprises a tire, a rim, a spoke, a hub, an axle end cap, a hub bearing, a round nut and locking pin for the hub bearing, a wheel support axle, and an axle housing;the internal-rotor hub motor comprises a motor housing, a stator, a winding, a rotor, a rotor support, a motor bearing, and a resolver;the planetary gear reducer comprises a sun gear, a planetary gear, a planetary gear bearing, a planet carrier, a planetary gear pin shaft, a ring gear carrier, and a ring gear; andthe brake system is a drum brake system and comprises a brake drum, a brake shoe, and a brake end cap.2. The electric wheel assembly applicable for the parallelly mounted dual-tire wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the wheel and support axle assembly are provided with two tires and two rims; the two tires are installed on the two rims claim 1 , respectively; the two rims are standard rims for the parallelly mounted dual-tire ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Wheel arrangement

Номер: US20160207350A1
Автор: Felix Paludan Ratgen
Принадлежит: Tyre Trade DK ApS

The present invention concerns a wheel construction as well as a method for making such a wheel construction for e.g. a construction or agricultural machine, such as a tractor, wherein the wheel construction at least includes a wheel rim made up of a rim ring for mounting a first tyre and further includes a hub plate which at its outer periphery is fixed to the rim ring at a distance X 1 from an annular edge thereof, and extending internally in the first rim ring between the rim ring and the central axis of the first wheel rim (rotary axis of the wheel rim), the first hub plate at an inner periphery including a number of holes and a contact face for mechanical and detachable fixing to either a central hub plate or directly to a hub of a vehicle.

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Auxiliary wheel apparatus for vehicles

Номер: US20140306509A1
Автор: Athalye Ravi Ganesh

The present invention discloses an auxiliary wheel apparatus for a vehicle that comprises an auxiliary wheel that facilitates connection of a plurality of user configured means thereto. The user configured means gives an early indication of an under inflated or deflated state of the vehicle wheel to a remote observer. The auxiliary wheel contacts and rotates on a ground by facilitating support in the under inflated or deflated state of the vehicle wheel. The auxiliary wheel facilitates the vehicle to be driven at a reduced speed without limitation in the under inflated or deflated state of vehicle wheel. 1. An auxiliary wheel apparatus for a vehicle , the auxiliary wheel apparatus comprising:an auxiliary wheel having a front end and a rear end, the front end having a plurality of holes facilitating connection of a plurality of user configured means thereto, the user configured means giving an early indication of an under inflated or deflated state of the vehicle wheel to a remote observer; anda cylindrical projection having a first end and a second end, the first end permanently connecting to the rear end of the auxiliary wheel, the second end having a plurality of holes connecting to a plurality of screws defined on an axle of the vehicle wheel for facilitating engagement between the auxiliary wheel and the vehicle wheel, the cylindrical projection keeping the auxiliary wheel at a predefined distance from the vehicle wheel, the auxiliary wheel contacting and rotating on a ground by facilitating support in the under inflated or deflated state of the vehicle wheel.2. The auxiliary wheel apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary wheel is having a diameter that is relatively smaller than a diameter of a tyre of the vehicle wheel.3. The auxiliary wheel apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary wheel is having a diameter that is relatively larger than a diameter of a rim of the vehicle wheel.4. The auxiliary wheel apparatus as claimed in claim ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210413A1

The present invention concerns un rotary joint () apt to transfer a fluid between two entities, one of which is in rotary motion with respect to the other, said rotary joint () being characterised in that it comprises a cylindrical internal element (), apt to be fixed to said entity in rotary motion, and a plurality of annular external elements (), which can be coupled and which are self-centering, which can be fitted modularly, said external elements () comprising at least two head elements (), at least two housing elements () of respective gaskets (), two bearing elements () and at least one fluid inlet element (), said at least one fluid inlet element () being placed in an intermediate position between said two bearing elements (), said at least two housing elements () of respective gaskets () being arranged externally with respect to said two bearing elements () and said at least two head elements () being arranged externally with respect to said at least two housing elements () of respective gaskets (), said gaskets () defining an annular shaped sealed area in the space delimited laterally by the same gaskets (), internally by said internal element () and externally by said external elements () comprised between said gaskets (), said sealed area being accessible on one side through said fluid inlet element () and on the other side through at least one fluid passage channel () passing through the body of said internal element () up to one of the two axial ends. 11010101011141517181415171814151617181817151617141516161611141517181618202111) Rotary joint ( , ′) apt to transfer a fluid between two entities , one of which is in rotary motion with respect to the other , said rotary joint ( , ′) being characterised in that it comprises a cylindrical internal element () , apt to be fixed to said entity in rotary motion , and a plurality of annular external elements ( , , , ) , which can be coupled and which are self-centering , which can be fitted modularly , said ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150231918A1

A dual-wheel differential system includes an in inner hub, an outer hub, and a differential assembly mechanically coupled between the inner hub and the outer hub to allow the inner hub and the outer hub to rotate at different angular speeds. A user-actuatable locking system is configured to mechanically lock the inner hub to the outer hub. The user-actuatable locking system may include at least one axially-translating or radially-translating locking pin configured to engage at least one of the inner hub and the outer hub. The locking system may be pneumatically, hydraulically, or electromechanically actuated. 1. A dual-wheel differential system including:in inner hub;an outer hub;a differential assembly mechanically coupled between the inner hub and the outer hub to allow the inner hub and the outer hub to rotate at different angular speeds; anda user-actuatable locking system configured to mechanically lock the inner hub to the outer hub.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the user-actuatable locking system includes at least one axially-translating locking pin configured to engage at least one of the inner hub and the outer hub.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the user-actuatable locking system includes a first locking pin configured to engage the inner hub and a second locking pin configured to engage the outer hub when the first locking pin impinges upon the second locking pin.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein at least one of the first and second locking pins are spring loaded.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first locking pin secures the inner hub to an outer differential case of the differential assembly.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one axially-translating locking pin is electromechanically actuated.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one axially-translating locking pin is hydraulically or pneumatically actuated.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the user-actuatable locking system includes at least one radially-translating ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle Wheel System And Method Of Manufacturing A Wheel And Tire Assembly

Номер: US20190217661A1

A tire and wheel system having a core and an over-injected tire in the core, and a method of manufacturing a wheel and tire assembly. The tire and core assembly is coupled to the wheel by the engagement of an indentation of the core in a recess of the wheel. When used in a wheelchair, a plastic or metal thrust ring is coupled on the wheel by pins and screws in order to make it possible to transfer movement to the wheel. 1. A vehicle wheel system , comprising:a circular shaped member which is internally disposed in a tire material, said member being harder than the tire material and having outer indentations engaging a wheel.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the circular shaped member inside the tire is made of a rigid thermoplastic resin material and the indentations lie outside the pneumatic member.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the indentations are fitted into recesses of the wheel.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the inner circular shaped member has ellipsoid shaped through holes in the perimeter of its body that are filled by the over-injected material of the tire.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the holes are allocated between its upper surface and the lower surface.6. The system according to claim 5 , wherein the indentation has a hole wherein a reinforcing screw can be placed.7. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the indentations have a shape that fits snugly in recesses of the wheels.8. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the indentation has a through hole for the screw coupling.9. The system according to claim 1 , comprising a thrust ring with pins for coupling to the wheel.10. The system according to claim 9 , wherein the pins are conical in shape and the number of pins ranges between 6 and 9.11. The system according to claim 10 , wherein the pin of the thrust ring is fixed to the wheel by a fastening member.12. The system according to claim 11 , wherein the pin of the thrust ring has a cone ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Pivot Irrigation System Wheel Adapters, And Related Methods

Номер: US20210252909A1
Автор: HUNTER William Clay

The present disclosure generally relates to wheel adapters for center pivot irrigation systems. In one example embodiment, a dual-wheel adapter generally includes a spacer. The spacer includes a body having first end portion and a second end portion. A first flange is disposed at the first end portion of the body and oriented axial to the body. The first flange configured to align with a first wheel of a pivot tower and to secure the spacer to the pivot tower. A second flange is oriented axial to the body and disposed at the second portion end of the body. The second flange is configured to align with a second wheel and to secure the second wheel to the pivot tower. 1. A dual-wheel adapter for a pivot irrigation system , the dual-wheel adapter comprising: a body having a first end portion and a second end portion;', align with a first wheel of a pivot tower; and', 'secure the spacer to the pivot tower; and, 'a first flange disposed at the first end portion of the body and oriented axial to the body, the first flange configured to, align with a second wheel; and', 'secure the second wheel to the pivot tower., 'a second flange oriented axial to the body and disposed at the second portion end of the body, the second flange configured to], 'a spacer including2. The dual-wheel adapter of claim 1 , wherein the first flange includes inner and outer surfaces claim 1 , the outer surface of the first flange configured to align with an outer surface of the first wheel; andwherein the second flange includes inner and outer surfaces, the outer surface of the second flange configured to abut an inner surface of the second wheel.3. The dual-wheel adapter of claim 2 , wherein the outer surface of the first flange is configured to abut the outer surface of the first wheel; andwherein the outer surface of the second flange is configured to abut the inner surface of the second wheel;4. The dual-wheel adapter of claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second flanges is defined by a ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Axle assembly

Номер: US20170233002A1
Принадлежит: Entro Industries Inc

An axle assembly includes an axle, an axle mount configured to be attached to the axle, a positional locater that projects from an outer surface of the axle and is configured to locate an initial position of the axle relative to the axle mount, and an axle adjustment device comprising an inclined surface that contacts the positional locater. A compressive force is exerted between the axle mount and the axle adjustment device when the axle adjustment device is placed in contact with the positional locater to maintain the initial position of the axle.
