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10-06-2012 дата публикации

Внутренняя панель транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000116813U1

1. Внутренняя панель транспортного средства, содержащая основу внутренней панели, в которой выполнено отверстие для прохождения источника света через указанную основу внутренней панели, линзу, прикрепленную к основе внутренней панели, при этом указанная линза выступает над, по меньшей мере, частью указанного отверстия для указанного источника света, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачный материал, проходящий поверх указанной линзы, и несколько установочных отверстий, выполненных в указанной основе внутренней панели, так что, по меньшей мере, часть из нескольких установочных отверстий выполнена с возможностью соответствия нескольким установочным штифтам формы внутренней панели. ! 2. Внутренняя панель транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что указанным, по меньшей мере, частично прозрачным материалом является ткань потолочной обшивки. ! 3. Внутренняя панель транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в указанной основе внутренней панели дополнительно выполнено отверстие индикатора, выполненное с возможностью прохождения светового индикатора через основу. ! 4. Внутренняя панель транспортного средства по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит рамную конструкцию, прикрепленную к указанной основе внутренней панели. ! 5. Внутренняя панель транспортного средства по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит монтажную плату, прикрепленную к указанной рамной конструкции. ! 6. Внутренняя панель транспортного средства по п.5, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит, по меньшей мере, один источник света, прикрепленный к указанной монтажной плате, при этом указанный по меньшей м РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 116 813 (13) U1 (51) МПК B60R 13/00 (2006.01) B60Q 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011136309/11, 01.09.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.09.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд Глобал Технолоджис, ЛЛК ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации

Автомобильный профиль

Номер: RU0000160615U1

1. Автомобильный профиль, выполненный из сплава алюминия, содержащий образованные стенками открытые полости для установки сдвижных роликов, отличающийся тем, что внутри одной из открытых полостей на одной из стенок закреплен плоский защитный элемент длиной, преимущественно равной длине профиля, при этом твердость материала защитного элемента превышает твердость материала профиля.2. Профиль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитный элемент выполнен из отрезков стальной полосы.3. Профиль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитный элемент закреплен в открытой полости, предназначенной для установки сдвижных роликов с горизонтальной осью вращения.4. Профиль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что внутри открытой полости, содержащей защитный элемент, на стенках выполнены фиксирующие выступы для крепления защитного элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 160 615 U1 (51) МПК B60R 13/02 (2006.01) B62D 33/023 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015139623/11, 17.09.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.09.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Ручкин Михаил Викторович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ручкин Михаил Викторович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.09.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2016 Бюл. № 9 1 6 0 6 1 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Автомобильный профиль, выполненный из сплава алюминия, содержащий образованные стенками открытые полости для установки сдвижных роликов, отличающийся тем, что внутри одной из открытых полостей на одной из стенок закреплен плоский защитный элемент длиной, преимущественно равной длине профиля, при этом твердость материала защитного элемента превышает твердость материала профиля. 2. Профиль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитный элемент выполнен из отрезков стальной полосы. 3. Профиль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитный элемент закреплен в открытой полости, предназначенной для установки сдвижных роликов с горизонтальной ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Интегрированный узел крепления молдингов переднего бампера автомобиля

Номер: RU0000181832U1

Полезная модель относится к области транспортного машиностроения, а именно к элементам наружной панели переднего бампера. Интегрированный узел крепления молдингов переднего бампера автомобиля, который состоит из наружной панели бампера и расположенных по бокам от площадки под номерной знак наружной панели бампера молдингов, выполненных скобообразной формы и состоящих из верхней и нижней частей, на тыльной стороне которых сформированы элементы крепления в виде защелок и бобышек, выполненных заедино с молдингами и расположенных поочередно между собой, причем нижняя часть молдинга по верхней кромке снабжена позиционирующим выступом с отверстием, а верхняя часть молдинга по нижней кромке снабжена направляющим штырем с возможностью фиксации в отверстии позиционирующего выступа. Технический результат направлен на повышение четкости позиционирования молдингов при обеспечении простого и надежного крепления и для создания фиксированных видовых зазоров при монтаже, что улучшает потребительские свойства автомобиля. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 181 832 U1 (51) МПК B60R 13/02 (2006.01) B60R 19/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60R 13/02 (2006.01); B60R 19/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018112913, 09.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "АВТОВАЗ" (RU) 26.07.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2104180 C1, 10.02.1998. US (45) Опубликовано: 26.07.2018 Бюл. № 21 8985661 B2, 24.03.2015. US 6830274 B2, 14.12.2004. US 9522637 B2, 20.12.2016. 1 8 1 8 3 2 R U (54) ИНТЕГРИРОВАННЫЙ УЗЕЛ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ МОЛДИНГОВ ПЕРЕДНЕГО БАМПЕРА АВТОМОБИЛЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области между собой, причем нижняя часть молдинга по транспортного машиностроения, а именно к верхней кромке снабжена позиционирующим элементам наружной панели переднего бампера. выступом с отверстием, а ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Двухэтажное транспортное средство

Номер: RU0000197049U1

Полезная модель относится к двухэтажному пассажирскому транспортному средству, в частности к монтажу осветительных приборов в ограниченном пространстве двухэтажных вагонов. Двухэтажное пассажирское транспортное средство с нижним этажом, в продольном направлении которого по потолку проходит вытянутый корпус (2) осветительного прибора и граничащее с боковой стенкой (5) транспортного средства боковое перекрытие (1). Корпус (2) осветительного прибора и боковое перекрытие (1) закреплены на каркасе транспортного средства. Корпус (2) осветительного прибора и боковое перекрытие (1) расположены рядом друг с другом в поперечном направлении транспортного средства и закреплены посредством общего для них крепежного профиля (3) на нижней стороне сэндвич-панели (4), образующей, по меньшей мере, участок промежуточного перекрытия между нижним и верхним этажами транспортного средства. Крепежный профиль (3) проходит в продольном направлении транспортного средства и имеет полый участок (12), образующий вместе с прилегающим участком (13) нижнего покрывного слоя сэндвич-панели (4) полость (11), заполненную клеем. 5 з.п. ф-лы. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 197 049 U1 (51) МПК B60R 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B60R 13/0218 (2020.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019134711, 07.03.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС МОБИЛИТИ ГМБХ (DE) Дата регистрации: 26.03.2020 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 31.03.2017 DE 10 2017 205 497.2 (45) Опубликовано: 26.03.2020 Бюл. № 9 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 31.10.2019 1 9 7 0 4 9 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 0311771 A1, 19.04.1989. DE 102014005705 A1, 22.10.2015. JP 2012250703 A, 20.12.2012. RU 51578 U1, 27.02.2006. R U 07.03.2018 (72) Автор(ы): РОВЕРДЕР, Дирк (DE) (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2018/055564 (07.03.2018) U 1 (87) Публикация заявки PCT: ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Self-Tearing Interior Wrap

Номер: US20120025566A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interior Systems Inc

A self-tearing wrap and methods for its manufacture are disclosed, the wrap being useful for incorporation onto interior trim panels. The wrap includes an unscored skin such as leather affixed to a foam layer made of an open or closed cell foam material having specific properties. Interior trim panels including the self-tearing leather wrap may include weakened substrates operable to facilitate the deployment of an airbag.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle upholstery member

Номер: US20120052243A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An ornamental structure for a vehicle upholstery member provides a plurality of surface patterns by using a single vehicle upholstery member. On the surface of an embossed vehicle upholstery member are arranged a first region formed with a first emboss pattern, a second region spaced from the first region and formed with a second emboss pattern different from the first emboss pattern, and a third region located between the first and second regions and formed with a third emboss pattern which changes progressively from the first emboss pattern to the second emboss pattern as one moves from the first region to the second region.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Storage compartment

Номер: US20120061983A1

The present invention relates to a storage compartment for a vehicle interior, comprising a cover ( 2 ) that can be pivoted between a completely closed and a maximally opened position, and a base ( 3 ) that is hidden below in case of the cover ( 2 ) being closed, wherein the cover ( 2 ) may be locked between the completely closed and the maximally opened position at any desired intermediate position, at least within a partial region of a movement tolerance, for holding an object ( 6 ) between the base ( 3 ) and the cover ( 2 ).

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Glass interior trim member

Номер: US20120133169A1
Принадлежит: Fisker Automotive Inc

A self-retaining trim member secured to an interior panel of the vehicle. The self-retaining trim member is a glass laminate member having a glass layer, a resin layer and a glass layer. The trim member also includes a tether having one end disposed in the resin layer and another end secured to the body of the vehicle. The trim member may include an embedded switch that senses touch and transfers a signal to a controller in order to control a desired operation.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Interior Paneling Component For A Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20120142242A1
Автор: Rainer Ankele

The present invention relates to a molded part, in particular, to an interior panel component for a motor vehicle, having a core layer comprising a mixture of natural or synthetic fibers and thermoplastic binding fibers, which are processed to form a nonwoven, and a thermoplastic cover layer, the core layer and the cover layer being fused together and the cover layer being such that the molded part has a visible surface, which is terminated by the cover layer, the visual appearance of the visible surface being at least shaped by the fibers of the core layer. The present invention furthermore relates to the manufacturing of a molded part in which the nonwoven of the core layer is warmed and pre-compressed in a contact heater, and the compressed nonwoven, together with the cover layer is introduced into a mold and recast.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Interior material mounting structure

Номер: US20120161460A1
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Corp

A roof lining and a front pillar trim are mounted on a roof panel and a front pillar inner panel respectively, an end portion of the roof lining and an end portion of the front pillar trim are connected to each other, a washer hose feeder line and a tether belt are disposed from a space between the front pillar trim and the front pillar inner panel to a space between the roof lining and the roof panel, a projecting piece projecting toward the roof panel or the front pillar inner panel is provided on the end portion of at least one interior material out of the roof lining and the front pillar trim, and the washer hose feeder line and the tether belt are disposed to keep clear of the projecting piece.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Vehicle instrument panel structure

Номер: US20120200108A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

There is provided a structure with which a lid can be easily removed from a vehicle instrument panel, and the lid hardly drops off. According to the present invention, a vehicle instrument panel structure having an opening portion ( 11 ) for maintenance of components disposed inside an instrument panel ( 10 ) for a vehicle and a lid ( 20 ) covering the opening portion ( 11 ) includes: a projection portion ( 23 ) projecting from an upper portion of the lid ( 20 ) to a rear surface side of a margin of the opening portion ( 11 ); and a protrusion portion ( 34 ) at which the projection portion ( 23 ) of the lid ( 20 ) stops by engagement in a state that a lower portion of the lid ( 20 ) is open on the rear surface side of the margin of the opening portion ( 11 ) of the instrument panel ( 10 ), wherein the protrusion portion is formed such that, when the lid ( 20 ) is moved downward in the state that the lower portion of the lid ( 20 ) is open, the projection portion ( 23 ) can move over the protrusion portion ( 34 ) that stops the projection portion ( 23 ) by engagement, and the lid ( 20 ) can be thereby removed from the instrument panel ( 10 ).

20-09-2012 дата публикации

One-piece decorative trim bezel having plural unpainted finishes

Номер: US20120235436A1
Автор: Haoliang Michael Sun

A one-piece trim bezel formed from multiple components. In the event of two co-molded components, the first co-molded part is composed of a polymerized material having an unpainted surface that may be a high gloss smooth surface or a textured low gloss surface and the second co-molded part, formed with the first part, is composed of a plateable plastic material. The second co-molded part is co-molded with the said first co-molded part to form a single piece trim bezel. The color of the polymerized material of the first co-molded part may be selected from a variety of colors. The plateable plastic material may be plateable with chrome. A multiple-shot injection molding process is used to form the one-piece trim bezel which joins the first co-molded part and the second co-molded part in one operation. The formed part is then subjected to a plating process during which time the chrome only deposits on the surface of the plateable plastic material of the second co-molded part while the surface of the first co-molded part remains unplated.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for applying and fastening a décor layer

Номер: US20120263907A1

The invention relates to a method for applying and fastening a decorative layer on a preform for the formation of a support part, with the steps: inserting a first section ( 22 ) of the preform ( 20 ) together with the decorative layer ( 30 ) into a first tool (W 1 ), moving the first tool (W 1 ) together, wherein an end section ( 32 ) of the decorative layer ( 30 ) covers at least a portion of the first region ( 42 ) of a connecting section ( 40 ), having a groove, placing a second section ( 24 ) of the preform ( 20 ) onto a second tool (W 2 ), moving the first (W 1 ) and the second tool (W 2 ) relative to one another in the groove depth direction (NT), whereby the second region ( 44 ) of the connecting section ( 40 ) is deformed such that the latter forms a groove ( 46 ) with an increasing groove depth and wherein the relative movement of the tools (W 1 , W 2 ) with respect to one another takes place such that the end section ( 32 ) of the decorative layer ( 30 ) is introduced in the groove depth direction (NT) into the groove ( 46 ), and pressing together the groove side walls ( 48 ) for fixing the end section ( 32 ) of the decorative layer ( 32 ) in the groove ( 46 ).

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Compression formed trim panel with audio device

Номер: US20120280529A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A compression-formed trim panel for use in a vehicle. The trim panel includes a cover element, an attachment element, and a transducer audio output device. The attachment element includes a first end, an opposed second end, an inner surface, and an outer surface. The cover element includes a first end, an opposed second end, an inner surface, and an outer surface. The cover element is overlaid on the attachment element and secured thereto such that the cover element inner surface is adjacent the attachment element outer surface. The transducer audio output device is secured to the trim panel such that the trim panel acts as a sound board.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Composite touch zone for automotive instrument panels, doors, and center consoles

Номер: US20120319424A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of manufacturing an automotive interior component includes the steps of: providing a mold apparatus comprising a first mold component and a second mold component; providing a substrate; applying a first layer of a soft-touch material to the substrate; applying a second layer of a fabric to one of the first mold component and the second mold component of the mold apparatus; forming a self-skinning foam layer, wherein a first surface of the self-skinning foam layer is configured for bonding to the first layer and a second surface of the self-skinning foam layer is configured for bonding to the second layer; and fastening the substrate, the first layer, the second layer together. Additional methods of manufacturing automotive interior components and automotive interior components are also provided.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Integrated sunshade design

Номер: US20120319427A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A trim panel for a door of a vehicle that wherein both sunshade and non-sunshade versions of the trim panel are manufactured on the same equipment, thus eliminating the need to prepare separate molds for each trim panel. Both the sunshade and non-sunshade versions of the trim panel share essentially the same components and dimension except that the sunshade trim panel has an upper surface that terminates prior to a corresponding surface of the non-sunshade trim panel. This feature allows both trim panels to be made on the same equipment and then installed as needed depending on whether a given door will include a sunshade assembly.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Trim part for automobile with integrated lighting device and process for manufacturing it

Номер: US20120327673A1
Принадлежит: Grupo Antolin Ingenieria SA

Trim component with integrated lighting device comprising a lighting substrate, which in turn comprises a base substrate and a lighting substrate, said lighting substrate being covered by a decorative lining in which have been defined areas that allow light to pass and other areas that prevent light from passing, establishing by their combination a lighting pattern. These areas that allow light to pass are obtained by a laser treatment, removing at least one part of the material of said decorative lining.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Door trim for vehicle

Номер: US20130033066A1
Автор: Toshiya TANIZAWA
Принадлежит: Toyota Boshoku Corp

A door trim for a vehicle includes a front trim, a rear trim, and at least one trim component. The front trim is to be arranged closer to the front of the vehicle. The rear trim is to be arranged closer to a rear of the vehicle. The at least one trim component is mounted to the front trim and the rear trim so as to extend from the front trim to the rear trim across a boundary between the front trim and the rear trim.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Pillar Garnishments, Interior Garnishment Assemblies Incorporating the Same, and Methods For Controlling Alignment Of Interior Garnishment Assemblies

Номер: US20130057009A1

In one embodiment, an interior garnishment assembly may include a pillar garnishment coupled to a vehicle pillar, a door opening trim engaged with the pillar garnishment and the vehicle pillar, and a scuff plate coupled to the pillar garnishment. The pillar garnishment may include a ledge portion that extends at least partially along a W direction, a datum orifice formed in a low end of the ledge portion, and a datum feature joined with the ledge portion. The datum feature can be substantially hook shaped. The door opening trim may include a biased member that can clamp the datum feature to the vehicle pillar along the W direction. The scuff plate may include an attachment member that can be engaged with the datum orifice of the pillar garnishment. The datum feature of the pillar garnishment can control alignment of the door opening trim and the scuff plate.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130062902A1
Автор: Aussermeier Josef
Принадлежит: Lisa Draexlmaier GmbH

A method is provided for producing an inner cladding part for vehicles by lamination of a first, preferably flexible material layer, having an upper side and an underside, onto a preferably dimensionally stable carrier, having a preferably three-dimensional surface contour of the carrier, with a thermally activatable adhesive applied to the underside of the material layer and/or the surface contour of the carrier. Carbon nanotubes, forming a heating device, are in contact with the adhesive at least in one sub-region. The method includes heating the adhesive in the sub-region by applying a voltage to the carbon nanotubes, as a result of which the adhesive is activated, and compressing the material layer and the carrier. 1. A method for producing an inner cladding part for vehicles by laminating a flexible material layer , having an upper side and an underside , onto a dimensionally stable carrier , having a three-dimensional surface contour , the method comprising:supplying the carrier;placing the underside of the material layer onto the surface contour of the carrier, wherein a thermally activatable adhesive has been applied on the underside of the material layer and/or on the surface contour of the carrier, wherein carbon nanotubes are in contact with the adhesive at least in a sub-region;heating the adhesive in the sub-region through application of a voltage to the carbon nanotubes, to thereby activate the adhesive is activated; andpressing together the material layer and the carrier.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the material layer includes at least two parts connected to each other along a seam claim 1 , and the sub-region claim 1 , at least initially claim 1 , is only the region of the surface contour of the carrier in which the seam is placed.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is heated and activated substantially in the entire region of the surface contour of the carrier through application of the voltage to the carbon ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Recreational vehicle roofing system

Номер: US20130086866A1
Принадлежит: Alpha Systems LLC

A method of roofing an occupancy structure comprising providing a roofing membrane that comprises at least one thermoplastic membrane layer, bonding the roofing membrane to the roof of an occupancy structure, where the occupancy structure includes a roof member that is at least partially constructed of a plastic material and extends above the roofing membrane when the roofing membrane is applied to the occupancy structure. A substantially solid hot melt thermoplastic sealant is heated to enable the substantially solid hot melt thermoplastic sealant to flow and a layer of the substantially solid hot melt thermoplastic sealant is applied to an exterior surface of the thermoplastic membrane layer and a plastic portion of the roof member to seal the joint between the roofing membrane and the roof member.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091799A1

A trim element having a visible side () formed of a skin (), the element includes a skin () laid on a plastic foam () bonded to the skin by a continuous bonding layer () formed spontaneously at the skin-foam interface during the foaming operation, the skin () has a preferential rupture initiator comprising at least one scored feature. Throughout the region in which the scored feature lays, the bonding layer () is in contact only with the skin () and the foam (), and, at the scored feature and in the direction of the thickness of the skin, the bonding layer () is laid over the opening with a thickness very much smaller than the depth of the scored feature. 1. A trim component which has a visible face which is formed by a skin , the component comprising:a skin which is arranged on a foam of plastics material, the foam being connected to the skin by means of a continuous connection layer which is formed spontaneously at the skin/foam interface during the operation for foaming the fluid plastics material in contact with the skin, the skin having a preferential breakage device which comprises at least one notch which opens via an opening at the side opposite the visible face, wherein, substantially in the whole of the zone in which the notch is located, the connection layer is in contact only with the skin and the foam and, in the region of the notch and in the direction of the thickness of the skin, the connection layer is arranged on the opening with a thickness being less than the depth of the notch,wherein the opening of the notch at the face of the skin is sufficiently wide for the plastics material to penetrate and form a foam inside the notch, the connection layer following the inner surface of the notch as far as a location remote from the surface of the skin.2. The trim component according to claim 1 , wherein the notch has claim 1 , in cross-section claim 1 , a V-shape having an angle greater than 45°.3. The trim component according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127197A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A motor vehicle sheet metal molding of the invention is produced by hot forming from a metal sheet composed of an aluminum alloy which cannot be precipitation hardened, which sheet is in the material state H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H28, H32, H34, H36 or H38 in accordance with the European standard EN515:1993 and contains at least magnesium and optionally manganese in addition to aluminum as alloy component. The motor vehicle sheet metal molding after forming has, at least locally, degrees of deformation which are above the forming limit curve of the aluminum alloy at room temperature. To produce the motor vehicle sheet metal molding, the metal sheet is heated at least locally to a temperature in the range from 200° C. to 400° C. over a period of from 1 to 60 seconds. The heated metal sheet is subsequently placed in a forming tool of a forming press and formed to produce the motor vehicle sheet metal molding. 110.-. (canceled)11. A motor vehicle sheet metal molding made by a process comprising the steps of:heating at least portions of a sheet metal made of a non precipitation-hardenable aluminum alloy comprising aluminum and magnesium, said sheet metal being of a material state defined by a temper designation according to European norm EN515:1993 selected from the group consisting of H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H28, H32, H34, H36 and H38; andforming the sheet metal into the motor vehicle sheet molding, wherein at least regions of the motor vehicle sheet metal molding have a degree of deformation above a forming limit curve of the sheet metal at room temperature.12. The motor vehicle sheet metal molding of claim 11 , wherein the aluminum alloy further comprises manganese.13. The motor vehicle sheet metal molding of claim 11 , wherein a yield strength Rof the motor vehicle sheet metal molding is reduced by maximally 30% relative to the sheet metal.14. The motor vehicle sheet metal molding of claim 11 , wherein the motor vehicle sheet metal ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134728A1

Intermediate product combinations for internal trim parts of a vehicle are provided herein. In one example, an intermediate product combination comprises a base part having an installation point in which a through-opening is formed for receiving an installation means with which an attachment part can be clamped to the base part on a surface of the base part (). The edge region of the through-opening in the base part is provided with a shoulder, which surrounds the through-opening and projects from the surface on which the base part can be installed at the edge region of the through-opening, so that the attachment part can be supported by the shoulder when the attachment part is installed on the base part. 1. An intermediate product combination for an internal trim part of a vehicle , comprising:a base part having an installation point in which a through-opening is formed for receiving an installation means with which an attachment part can be clamped to the base part on a surface of the base part, wherein the edge region of the through-opening of the base part is provided with a shoulder which surrounds the through-opening and projects from the surface, on which the base part can be installed, at the edge region of the through-opening, so that the attachment part can be supported by the shoulder when the attachment part is installed on the base part.2. The intermediate product combination according to claim 1 , wherein the shoulder surrounds the through-opening in a continuous and circumferential manner.3. The intermediate product combination according to claim 1 , wherein the shoulder is formed in one piece with the base part claim 1 , in particular by injection moulding claim 1 , or the shoulder is injection-moulded or adhesively bonded to the base part.4. The intermediate product combination according to claim 2 , wherein the shoulder is a separate element which can be combined with the installation means claim 2 , the attachment part and/or the base part for ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle seat cover

Номер: US20130140867A1
Автор: Axel Posnien
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

The invention relates to a vehicle seat cover with an underlay, a cover and a upholstered element which is provided between the cover and the underlay, wherein the underlay, the cover and/or the upholstered element are connected to one another by means of at least one longitudinal seam and at least one transverse seam. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a seat cover, and to a vehicle seat having the seat cover according to the invention.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Cover for floor-located vehicle identification number

Номер: US20130152439A1
Автор: Marek Myszkowski
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

Improved covers for floor-located vehicle identification numbers (VINs) are disclosed. Exemplary VIN cover embodiments may be of a simple one-piece design and may include tabs or other retention elements along underside edges thereof. The retention elements engage the vehicle carpet and trap the carpet when the cover is installed into a VIN viewing window provided in the carpet. The underside of the cover may also include a carpet gripping mechanism that engages the carpet surface and helps to maintain the position of the cover after installation. A section of vehicle carpet removed to permit viewing of the VIN may optionally be retained and installed to the underside of the cover so as to reside in the window area when the cover is in place.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Seam fillers for use with decorative stitching of vehicle interior components

Номер: US20130153122A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interior Systems Inc

A vehicle interior component including decorative stitching along a stitch path includes a seam filler located between a component substrate and an overlying decorative covering. The seam filler lies along the stitch path and supports the decorative covering directly beneath at least a portion of a line of decorative stitching, where the covering may include a reduced thickness portion. The seam filler can have any number of configurations to prevent visual defects along the stitch path and/or to cause the appearance of simulated seams to be more realistic. The seam filler may be deposited along the stitch path as a curable filler material that cures, or it may be provided as a pre-formed piece for attachment to the decorative covering.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169004A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Kazuhisa
Принадлежит: NIHON PLAST CO., LTD.

The present invention provides a decorative panel including a design surface; and a circumferential edge portion that is formed so as to cross from the design surface, wherein the circumferential edge portion has a first face that is continuous from the design surface along a circumferential extension direction and a second face that is formed in a circumferential extension direction along the first face , wherein a face variation line is provided at a boundary between the first face and the second face , wherein a decorative panel is provided in such a manner that a decoration film is imparted to at least a part of the design surface and a part of the circumferential edge portion, and wherein the decoration film includes a trimming terminal portion CL along the face variation line. 1. A decorative panel comprising:a design surface; anda circumferential edge portion that is formed so as to cross from the design surface, wherein the circumferential edge portion has a first face that is continuous from the design surface along a circumferential extension direction and a second face that is formed in a circumferential extension direction along the first face, wherein a face variation line is provided at a boundary between the first face and the second face,wherein the decorative panel is provided in a manner in which a decoration film is imparted to at least a part of the design surface and a part of the circumferential edge portion, andwherein the decoration film includes a trimming terminal portion along the face variation line.2. The decorative panel according to claim 1 ,the second face including a discontinuous portion.3. The decorative panel according to claim 1 ,wherein the first face of the circumferential edge portion is configured so as to be inclined at an acute angle with respect to the design surface that is a top face of the decorative panel, andwherein the second face of the circumferential edge portion is inclined so as to hang down with respect to the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle door trim

Номер: US20130181475A1
Автор: Nobuyuki Torii
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A door trim for a vehicle includes: a trim main body formed so as to be bulging out inward of a vehicle compartment as an interior furnishing material of a door inner panel of a side door; and a clip installation base provided on the trim main body in a rear side area thereof with respect to the vehicle. The clip installation base includes: a clip settling portion configured to be opposed to the door inner panel and to be fitted with a clip to be mounted in a mounting hole formed in the door inner panel; and a clip rising wall portion provided continuously with the clip settling portion and forming a closed section portion together with the trim main body and the clip settling portion in a horizontal section, the clip rising wall portion including a bent portion having an angle so as to be convex outward.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200646A1

The present invention relates to a vehicle interior trim part comprising a moulded skin, an intermediate layer, a substrate, and at least one reinforcing element arranged in the intermediate layer. The invention further relates to a method for producing a vehicle interior trim part. Because means for fixing the reinforcing element are arranged on the moulded skin, or the moulded skin comprises means for fixing the reinforcing element, the reinforcing element is reliably fixed, so that a position of the reinforcing element cannot inadvertently change as the vehicle interior trim part is being produced. 1. A vehicle interior trim part having a molded skin , an intermediate layer , a carrier and at least one reinforcement element arranged in the intermediate layer , characterized in that means for fixing the reinforcement element are arranged at the molded skin or the molded skin includes means for fixing the reinforcement element.2. A vehicle interior trim part in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the means for fixing are formed as at least one elevated portion and preferably as at least one rib-shaped elevated portion.3. A vehicle interior trim part in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the means for fixing are arranged on a visible side of the molded skin or on a rear side of the molded skin.4. A vehicle interior trim part in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the means for fixing are formed in one part with the molded skin and are preferably formed from the same material as the remaining molded skin.5. A vehicle interior trim part in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the means for fixing are formed and designed for the indirect fixing of the reinforcement element by generating a deformation of the molded skin.6. A vehicle interior trim part in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the means for fixing are formed for the shape-matched holding of the reinforcement element.7. A vehicle interior trim part ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle having an overhead console

Номер: US20130214548A1
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG

A vehicle having a roof lining which is bounded at the front by a front windscreen and has an overhead console which is extended toward the front by a front windscreen unit in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle, the covering element of the windscreen unit being attached to a front windscreen-end support at at least a first attachment point and to the overhead console at at least a second attachment point. The covering element being mounted so as to float with play in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle and/or in the lateral direction of the vehicle at the first attachment point, and is mounted without play at the second attachment point for accurate alignment with the overhead console.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221695A1

A vehicle covering that includes a frame, a trim having a skin covering the frame, and a decorative element positioned on a visible external face of the skin. The vehicle covering further includes a stiffening component positioned in the trim locally facing the decorative element and capable of limiting deformations of the trim by compression. 1. A vehicle covering of the type comprising a frame , a trim covering the frame , the trim comprising a skin having a visible external face , and a decorative element positioned on the external face of the skin , characterized in that it further comprises a stiffening component positioned in the trim locally facing the decorative element and capable of limiting deformations of the trim by compression.2. The covering according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening component comprises a boss formed in the frame locally facing the decorative element and protruding towards the skin.3. The covering according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening component comprises at least one protrusion made in one piece with the frame locally located facing the decorative element and protruding from the frame towards the skin.4. The covering according to claim 3 , wherein the stiffening component comprises several protrusions facing the decorative element.5. The covering according to claim 3 , wherein the stiffening component comprises at least one protrusion as a pin or a rib.6. The covering according to claim 1 , wherein the stiffening component comprises a block added between the frame and the skin facing the decorative element.7. The covering according to claim 6 , wherein the block is porous.8. The covering according to claim 6 , wherein the block is stiffer in compression than an intermediate layer of the trim interposed between the skin and the frame.9. The covering according to claim 1 , wherein the trim comprises an intermediate layer interposed between the skin and the frame.10. The covering according to claim 9 , wherein the intermediate ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Trim Part

Номер: US20130239510A1
Автор: Stefan Schmitz
Принадлежит: Dr Ing HCF Porsche AG

A trim part for a body part includes an angled region having diverging limbs that enclose a first angle. A cut-out is disposed in the angled region. A closure part is configured to at least partially close the cut-out and includes diverging limbs that enclose a second angle. At least one of the diverging limbs of the closure part lies in congruence with a respective limb of the angled region so as to form a flush visible side. The first angle of the angled region is greater than the second angle of the closure part and the second limb of the angled region does not lie in congruence with the second limb of the closure part so as to provide a clearance with a third angle.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Pillar garnish

Номер: US20130249198A1
Принадлежит: Hayashi Telempu Corp

The pillar garnish has a main body, an extension part that is formed integrally with the main body, including a guide surface at an upper end of the extension part, the guide surface controlling a direction in which the air bag apparatus is unfolded so that the air bag apparatus is unfolded into the interior of the vehicle when the air bag apparatus is inflated, and a box portion that is formed integrally with the main body and the extension part, the box portion being positioned between the main body and the pillar. The box portion has a back wall portion and a pair of side wall portions that are adjacent to the back wall portion and the main body. The side wall portion has a thick portion and a thin portion, the thin portion being disposed closer to the main body than to the back wall portion.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249269A1

There is provided a vehicle seat including: a framework member that structures a framework of a seatback; a center rear face cover that structures a central portion of a rear face of the seatback; a side rear face cover that structures the seat width direction side portion; an overlap portion at which an end portion of the center rear face cover and an end portion of the side rear face cover are sewn together in an overlapping state, and extending to a seat forward side; an anchor member that is disposed at the overlap portion and that is anchored at the framework member and pulls the overlap portion in to the seat forward side; and a restraining portion that joins at least one of the overlap portion and the anchor member to the framework member, and restrains movement of the overlap portion. 1. A vehicle seat comprising:a framework member that structures a framework of a seatback;a center rear face cover that structures a central portion of a rear face of the seatback;at each of two seat width direction side portions of the rear face of the seatback, a side rear face cover that adjoins the center rear face cover and structures the seat width direction side portion;an overlap portion at which an end portion of the center rear face cover and an end portion of the side rear face cover are sewn together in an overlapping state, the overlap portion extending to a seat forward side from the center rear face cover and the side rear face cover in plan view;an anchor member that is disposed at the overlap portion and that is anchored at the framework member and pulls the overlap portion in to the seat forward side; anda restraining portion that joins at least one of the overlap portion and the anchor member to the framework member, and restrains movement of the overlap portion.2. The vehicle seat according to claim 1 , wherein the restraining portion comprises:a joining member to which at least one of the overlap portion and the anchor member is sewn, the joining member ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Console bracket for attachment to lower console

Номер: US20130257077A1
Автор: Robert Anthony Porcs

A console assembly for a vehicle and installment method are provided wherein the console is installed around a vehicle shifter assembly. The assembly includes a main body wherein the main body includes a shifter assembly mounted thereon, an elongated bracket mounted to the shifter assembly wherein the elongated bracket includes at least two protrusions, and a console assembly having at least two elongated portions wherein each of the elongated portions includes an inner wall. Attachment structures operable to accept the protrusions of the elongated bracket are mounted on the inner walls of the elongated portions of the center console. The center console having the at least two elongated portions is mounted over the shifter onto the elongated bracket allowing the at least two protrusions of the elongated bracket to attach to the means to accept the at least two protrusions thereby eliminating the need for any additional bolts or screws.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273323A1

An interior part for a vehicle includes a body member including protrusions and depressions, a first member having a flat sheet shape and attached to one side of the body member, and a second member having a flat sheet shape and attached to another side of the body member. An edge of the side end of the first member is fixed with an edge of the side end of the second member in a convex manner via an edge of a side end of the body member. The edges of the first member, the body member and the second member are processed by a chamfer treatment to form an inclined portion outwardly inclined from the second member toward the first member. According to the interior part, unpleasant feeling to be brought to a user when touching the inclined portion is drastically restricted. 1. An interior part for a vehicle , comprising:a body member that is made of plastic and includes a plurality of protrusions and a plurality of depressions;a first member that is made of plastic to have a flat sheet shape and attached to one side of the body member; anda second member that is made of plastic to have a flat sheet shape and attached to another side of the body member, whereina side end of the first member is extended toward a side end of the second member in a convex manner,an edge of the side end of the first member is fixed with an edge of the side end of the second member via an edge of a side end of the body member, andthe edges of the first member, the body member and the second member are processed by a chamfer treatment to form an inclined portion outwardly inclined from the second member toward the first member.2. The interior part according to claim 1 , whereinan inclined angle of the inclined portion to a planar direction of the second member is set to 45° to 65°.3. The interior part according to claim 1 , whereinthe inclined portion is formed by pressing the edges of the first member, the body member and the second member and a heat block onto each other.4. The interior part ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Carpeted, vehicle load floor including a pivotable cover segmented into articulated, sectional members

Номер: US20130278009A1
Принадлежит: Global IP Holdings LLC

A carpeted, vehicle load floor including a pivotable, carpeted cover segmented into articulated sectional members is provided. The load floor includes a compression-molded composite panel and the segmented cover to removably cover a storage area in the interior of the vehicle. The cover is segmented into articulated, planar sectional members to allow desired cover positioning over the storage area. The members are pivotally connected to one another for folding one over the other. The load floor also includes a substantially continuous carpet layer bonded to a top support surface of the panel and top support surfaces of each of the members. A first living hinge allows the carpeted cover to pivot between different use positions and a second living hinge allows the members to easily pivot and fold one over the other in a compact, folded, open position of the cover.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Rivet fastener

Номер: US20130280005A1
Автор: Mark O. Lepper

A rivet fastener includes a fastener body and a fastener pin which is inserted into the fastener body. A head of the fastener body defines a channel for receiving a head of the fastener pin, with lateral lands of the fastener body head exposed outwardly of sides of the fastener pin head. The exposed surface of the fastener body head defines hollows or recesses to accommodate tips of fingers of an installer.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291478A1

A trim assembly having a trim element and a first concealing element extending away from the trim element and being movable relative to the trim element. The trim assembly further includes at least one second rigid concealing element, extending from the trim element to the first concealing element and designed to conceal the space between the trim element and the first concealing element. The second concealing element is secured to the trim element and is biased against part of the first concealing element so as to bear against that part of the first concealing element in all positions of the first concealing element with respect to the trim element. 1. A trim assembly for a vehicle comprising at least one trim element and at least one first concealing element designed to conceal a technical element of the vehicle , said first concealing element extending away from said trim element and being movable relative to the trim element during the adjustment of the position of the technical element , said trim assembly further comprising at least one second rigid concealing element , extending from the trim element to the first concealing element and designed to conceal the space between the trim element and the first concealing element , characterized in that the second concealing element is secured to the trim element and is biased against part of the first concealing element so as to bear against said part of the first concealing element in all positions of the first concealing element with respect to the trim element.2. The trim assembly according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second concealing element is secured to the trim element by means of a hinge enabling rotational movement of the second concealing element with respect to the trim element.3. The trim assembly according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second concealing element and the trim element are made in a single piece.4. The trim assembly according to claim 2 , characterized in that the hinge ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Fastening tool assembly

Номер: US20130292446A1
Автор: Wai Ho Choy
Принадлежит: Arrow Fastener Co LLC

A fastening tool assembly is provided with a housing with a contact surface, a longitudinal magazine receptacle, and a fastener outlet provided through the contact surface. A magazine body is received within the magazine receptacle to translate to a retracted position whereby a proximal end is adjacent the fastener outlet to store fasteners within the receptacle and to convey the fasteners to the fastener outlet, and to translate to an extended position whereby the body extends at least partially out of the receptacle for receipt of fasteners to the receptacle. A blocker is mounted to a side of the magazine body spaced apart from the fastener intake side. The blocker has a transverse width greater than a width of the body for blocking intake of fasteners to a wrong side of the body. Instructional indicia are provided on the blocker to instruct a user regarding proper fastener installation.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292966A1
Автор: Bouvatier Christophe

A fastening device is provided for attaching an exterior trim strip () to a carrying structure. In order to simplify attachment of the exterior trim strip to the carrying structure, the fastening device has latching or clipping-connection elements (-), which are latched or clipped to an interior trim strip () for fastening the exterior trim strip () on the interior trim strip (). 1. A fastening device for attaching an exterior trim strip to a carrying structure , comprising latching or clipping-connection elements , which are latched or clipped to an interior trim strip for fastening the exterior trim strip the interior trim strip.2. The fastening device of claim 1 , wherein the latching or clipping-connection elements are curved latching or clipping fingers or latching hooks.3. The fastening device of claim 2 , further comprising a fastening bead formed on the interior trim strip and the curved latching or clipping fingers or latching hooks have free ends engaging behind the fastening bead.4. The fastening device of claim 1 , wherein the latching and/or clipping-connection elements extend from a latching or clipping strip that is fastened on the exterior trim strip.5. The fastening device of claim 1 , wherein the latching or clipping strip is connected integrally to the exterior trim strip.6. The fastening device of claim 5 , wherein the latching or clipping strip with the latching or clipping-connection elements is formed from plastic.7. The fastening device of claim 1 , wherein the exterior trim strip is formed from light metal.8. The fastening device of claim 1 , wherein the exterior trim strip comprises a substantially U-shaped cross section with a base that constitutes a visible region on the outside.9. The fastening device of claim 8 , wherein the substantially U-shaped cross section of the exterior trim strip is defined partly by a long limb angled from the base of the exterior trim strip and covering over the latching or clipping-connection elements.10. The ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Foam Assembly And Method Of Making The Same

Номер: US20130302584A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A foam assembly for use as an interior component in an automobile includes a foam core having a hard foam portion and a soft foam portion. The hard foam has a first density to provide firmness and support to the foam core and the soft foam has a second density that is less than the first density, to provide comfort and feel to the foam core. The foam assembly may further including an impervious barrier that is disposed between the hard foam and the soft foam to maintain separation between the hard foam and the soft foam.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Pillar trim structure

Номер: US20130313848A1
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Corp

There is provided a pillar trim structure. A plate-shaped slider is configured to slide on a backside of a pillar trim in a longitudinal direction. A tunnel part is provided at an upper end of the backside of the pillar trim and formed with a through-hole. A rib is provided so as to stand at one side of an entrance of the through-hole over the longitudinal direction and inclined so that one edge of the slider gets away from the pillar trim as the slider gets over the rib. The entrance is cut out in an elongated shape at an opposite side and is cut out widely so that the entrance is more inclined with respect to the pillar trim than the slider from a predetermined starting point towards the one side and the entrance abuts on the slider at the starting point.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323460A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

An interior trim panel () for a motor vehicle includes a carrier layer (), a film () arranged on the carrier layer (), and a metal layer () arranged on the film () and forming the outer side of the interior trim panel (). The metal layer () has at least one opening (). Part of the film () is located within the at least one opening () and forms the outer surface of the interior trim panel () in the area of the at least one opening (). 110.-. (canceled)11. An interior trim panel for a motor vehicle , comprising:a carrier layer;a film arranged on the carrier layer; anda metal layer arranged on the film and forming the outer side of the interior trim panel, said metal layer including at least one opening,wherein part of the film is located within the at least one opening and forms an outer surface of the interior trim panel in an area of the at least one opening.12. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the film has a thickness of 0.7-1.2 mm.13. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the at least one opening has a size of at least 2 mm.14. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the at least one opening has a size of at least 3 mm.15. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the metal layer has a plurality of said opening configured in honeycomb shape and arranged side-by-side.16. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the film is made of plastic.17. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the film is made of transparent plastic.18. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the film is made of polymethyl methacrylate.19. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the metal layer is painted or anodized.20. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the metal layer is made of an aluminum material.21. The interior trim panel of claim 11 , wherein the carrier layer is made of a plastic material.22. A method for the production of an interior trim panel for a motor vehicle claim 11 , comprising:producing at least one opening in ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328338A1
Автор: Ishizaka Keita
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An interior part () for a vehicle is attached to the inner panel () of a door (). The interior part () has: a fastening hole () formed in order to allow a screw part () which is used to fasten the interior part () to the inner panel () to be passed therethrough; a tray section () formed below the fastening hole (); and an opening () formed in the tray section () in a size which does not permit the screw part () to pass through the opening (). 1. An interior part for a vehicle , adapted to be attached to a fixation portion of a vehicle body , comprising:a screw part for fastening the interior part to the fixation portion;a fastening hole formed for passage of the screw part therethrough;a tray section formed below the fastening hole; andan opening formed in the tray section to have a size smaller than the screw part so as not to allow passage of the screw part therethrough.2. The interior part of claim 1 , wherein the opening comprises a plurality of openings. The present invention relates to an interior part provided in a passenger compartment of a vehicle.An interior part for a vehicle, mounted on an armrest of a door, is known, as disclosed in Patent Literature 1. The interior part is a pocket wherein sundries can be put. The interior part is inserted through an opening of a door lining that serves as an interior decoration of a passenger compartment, with an edge of the interior part being engaged with the door lining Further, since the interior part is fastened at a lower part to the door lining by a screw member, the interior part achieves reduction in the number of components can be attached with reduced man-hours.However, in the interior part disclosed in Patent Literature 1, upon fastening of the lower or bottom portion of the interior part by the screw member using a fastening tool, it is likely that one will drop the screw member inadvertently down to an inside bottom of the door. Once the screw member is dropped, it is tedious and time consuming to get ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Lining element having a visible face partly formed with a ligneous material

Номер: US20140004289A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interieur Industrie SAS

A lining element includes at least one decorative layer formed from at least one complex that includes both a ligneous material layer having a backside and a front side and a reinforcement layer extending over the backside of the ligneous material layer. The decorative layer further includes at least one additional layer made in a material different from the ligneous material. The front side of the additional layer substantially extends in the continuity of the front side of the complex. The additional layer and the complex are attached to each other through at least one seam.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004314A1

A vehicle trim element that includes a complex formed from at least one layer of ligneous material and a reinforcing layer that extends over an inner face of the layer of ligneous material. The trim element further includes a substrate made from a first plastic material and at least one insert made from a second plastic material. The insert is located between the reinforcing layer of the complex and the substrate so as to space the substrate away from the reinforcing layer. The substrate is overmolded by injection on the insert. 1. A vehicle trim element , comprising:a complex comprising at least one layer of ligneous material having an outer face and an inner face, and a reinforcing layer, extending over the inner face of the layer of ligneous material; anda substrate made from a first plastic material,characterized in that the trim element further comprises at least one insert, made from a second plastic material, inserted between the reinforcing layer of the complex and the substrate so as to space the substrate away from the reinforcing layer, the substrate being overmolded by injection on the insert.2. The trim element according to claim 1 , wherein the complex further comprises a protective layer adhering to the outer face of the layer of ligneous material.3. The trim element according to claim 1 , the trim element having a three-dimensional outer surface.4. The trim element according to claim 1 , wherein the insert has a thickness greater than 0.1 mm.5. The trim element according to claim 1 , wherein the second plastic material is chosen from the list consisting of: polyester claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , acrylonitrile butadiene styrene claim 1 , acrylic claim 1 , poly(methyl methacrylate) claim 1 , polybutylene succinate claim 1 , polybutylene terephthalate claim 1 , polypropylene terephthalate (PPT) claim 1 , polylactic acid and mixtures of at least two of the aforementioned materials.6. ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021733A1

An interior trim component is provided that includes substantially parallel ribs, and a cushion coupled to the substantially parallel ribs such that the interior trim component is capable of bending in a direction substantially perpendicular to an orientation of the substantially parallel ribs. The cushion includes an integral outer skin. 1. An interior trim component , comprising:a plurality of substantially parallel ribs each configured to engage a track to facilitate movement of the interior trim component along the track;a cushion having an inner surface and an integral outer skin, wherein the inner surface is coupled to the plurality of substantially parallel ribs; anda cover layer having a show surface and a rear surface, wherein the rear surface is secured to the integral outer skin of the cushion.2. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the cushion is configured to facilitate bending of the interior trim component in a direction substantially perpendicular to an orientation of the plurality of substantially parallel ribs.3. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the cushion is greater than approximately 5 mm.4. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein the rear surface of the cover layer is secured to the integral outer skin of the cushion by an adhesive connection.5. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein the rear surface of the cover layer is secured to the integral outer skin of the cushion by a molding process.6. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein the cushion is composed of a material having a softness of greater than approximately 24 pounds and less than approximately 36 pounds on a 25% indentation force deflection scale.7. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein the cover layer comprises leather claim 1 , vinyl claim 1 , cloth claim 1 , or a combination thereof8. The interior trim component of claim 1 , wherein the cushion comprises at least one seam relief ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Side skirt for truck

Номер: US20140028055A1
Автор: Won Kyu Song
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A side skirt mounting apparatus may include a side skirt that may be installed to be supported by a one-touch locker in an upper portion thereof and a hinge in a lower portion thereof, wherein the locker includes an upper bracket, a lower bracket, a skirt frame to which the upper bracket and the lower bracket may be engaged, a shaft installed to slidably penetrate the upper and lower brackets and to be selectively inserted into a hole formed to a side skirt bracket, and an elastic member mounted on an outer circumference of the shaft between the upper and lower brackets to elastically support the shaft.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

High retention trim attachment system

Номер: US20140062115A1

A trim panel having at least one bracket portion which is releasably coupled to a bracket member having a clip receiving assembly. A clip is received in the clip receiving assembly and adapted to couple to a car body. The clip is a high retention clip adapted to retain the trim panel on the car body during an air curtain deployment event. The trim panel is further adapted to be removeable from the bracket member to allow access to an underlying air curtain deployment mechanism. The trim panel is adapted to be removed from the bracket member while the bracket member and clip assembly remain coupled to a car body in a vehicle interior.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062116A1
Автор: Guitton Patrice

The present invention relates to a decorative element, notably for use associated with a motor vehicle instrument panel, the decorative element having a three-dimensional shape, the decorative element comprising a first face and a second face, the first face being visible to a user of the instrument panel and the second face being provided on the opposite side from the first face, the three-dimensional shape of the decorative element being obtained during a process of thermoforming of the decorative element, the decorative element comprising a multitude of elements printed on the second face, and the second face together with the printed elements resulting in an effective surface on the second face that is such that the effective surface has, at the locations of the printed elements, portions that are raised by comparison with the locations from which the printed elements are absent. 1. A decorative element , in particular for use connected with an instrument panel of a motor vehicle ,the decorative element having a three-dimensional shape,the decorative element comprising a first face and a second face,the first face being visible to a user of the instrument panel and the second face being provided at the opposite side to the first face,the three-dimensional shape of the decorative element being obtained during a process of thermoforming the decorative element,and wherein the decorative element comprises a multiplicity of printed elements on the second face,and wherein the second face together with the printed elements result in an effective surface on the second face comprising raised portions at the locations of the printed elements with respect to locations at which the printed elements are absent.2. The decorative element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the printed elements are part of a layer of raster elements printed on the second face to balance local transparency of the decorative element.3. The decorative element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Trim structure for a vehicle

Номер: US20140072773A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

A trim structure for a vehicle includes at least two surface regions having different surface appearances and is manufactured in one unit. A method for providing a trim structure for a vehicle with at least two surface regions having different surface appearances comprises the steps of: a) providing a first surface appearance on at least a portion of an external surface of a trim structure body; b) providing a second surface appearance by applying a material layer on top of at least a part of the at least a portion having the first surface appearance; and c) removing a portion of the applied material layer, thereby revealing at least a portion of the under-lying first surface appearance.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Self-supported cushion assembly for an interior vehicle part

Номер: US20140077524A1
Принадлежит: Grupo Antolin Ingenieria SA

Self-supported cushion assembly for an interior vehicle part which comprises a tridimensional fabric, a rigid plate and a main frame. The tridimensional fabric is the element which simultaneously performs a structural function in order to support any effort commonly exerted on the self-supported cushion assembly during its normal use, a cushion function, and decorative function of the self-supported cushion assembly. The frame assembly transmits the efforts to the interior vehicle part and links the self-supported cushion assembly to the interior vehicle part. Depending on the case, the frame assembly can comprise a part of the frame of the interior vehicle part, an additional frame part or both of them.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001834A1

A vehicle interior panel includes a decorative covering with a non-visible tear seam that forms a deployment opening through the covering during airbag deployment. The tear seam is formed by mechanical piercing of a skin layer of the covering from the decorative side. The skin layer is formed from a self-healing material, allowing a piercing tool to form microholes that are smaller than the effective piercing diameter of the tool without the need for subsequent processes intended to otherwise hide the formed tear seam. Tear seams formed in this manner can offer larger processing windows, lower manufacturing and equipment cost, and/or shorter cycle times when compared to other methods such as laser scoring. Tear seam function may also be improved and/or more predictable. 1. A method of making a vehicle interior panel having a non-visible airbag tear seam , comprising the steps of:(a) providing a decorative covering having a self-healing skin layer;{'b': '10', '(b) disposing the covering over a substrate to at least partly form the panel (), the substrate having a pre-determined airbag deployment opening location; and'}(c) mechanically piercing the self-healing skin layer to form microholes at a plurality of spaced apart locations corresponding to the airbag deployment opening location, wherein the piercing is performed from a decorative side of the covering and a non-visible tear seam comprising the microholes is formed in the covering.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each microhole is formed by piercing the skin layer using a piercing tool having an effective piercing diameter that is at least about twice the effective diameter of the formed microhole.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spacing between adjacent microholes at one portion of the tear seam is larger than the spacing between adjacent microholes at another portion of the tear seam.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the microholes include cross-sectional shapes with stress directors. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001808A1

The vehicle seat is configured to improve child seat mountability, and to prevent deterioration in appearance design when the child seat is demounted. The vehicle seat includes an anchor storage recess formed in a pad that constitutes the seat for storing an anchor to be engaged with an engagement member attached to a child seat. The anchor storage recess is covered with a skin material having a slit. The slit has an inverse T-like shape. 1. A vehicle seat having an anchor storage recess formed in a pad that constitutes the seat for storing an anchor to be engaged with an engagement member attached to a child seat , the anchor storage recess being covered with a skin material with a slit , wherein the slit has an inverse T-like shape.2. The vehicle seat according to claim 1 , wherein:the slit is constituted by two skin materials, each of which has an upper side and an outer side sewn to a peripheral part of the skin material, and includes an elastic member and a guide member;the elastic member is sewn to the outer sides of the respective two skin materials, andthe guide member is constituted by two guide members respectively sewn to the two skin materials for movably holding the elastic member.3. The vehicle seat according to claim 1 , wherein:a part covered with the skin material having the slit is an insertion part into which the engagement member is engaged with the anchor, anda positioning skin material is disposed at a lower part of the insertion part, and the skin material has its lower side and both sides sewn to a peripheral part of the skin material.4. The vehicle seat according to claim 2 , wherein the skin material is sewn together with a wadding.5. The vehicle seat according to claim 3 , wherein the skin material is sewn together with a wadding. The present application claims priority from Japanese Patent application serial No. 2016-130234, filed on Jun. 30, 2016, the content of which is hereby incorporated by reference into this application.The present ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001801A1

An automobile interior part includes a base, which has a surface and a back surface, and also includes a skin, which has a back surface integrally laminated on the surface of the base. The automobile interior part has a main body and a flange that is continued to the main body. The skin has a fold part that is formed between the main body and the flange. The base has a body base that constitutes the main body and also has a flange base that constitutes the flange and that is separated from the body base at the fold part. The back surface of the skin between the body base and the flange base is exposed along the fold part. The automobile interior part has a good appearance. 1. An automobile interior part , comprising:a base having a surface and a back surface;a skin having a back surface integrally laminated on the surface of the base;a main body; anda flange that is continued to the main body;wherein the skin has a fold part formed between the main body and the flange,the base has a body base that constitutes the main body, and a flange base that constitutes the flange and that is separated from the body base at the fold part, andthe skin has a back surface that is exposed along the fold part between the body base and the flange base.2. The automobile interior part according to claim 1 , wherein the body base and the flange base respectively have side surfaces that face each other claim 1 , and the side surfaces are separated from each other in a condition in which the fold part is bent from the back surface side toward the surface side of the skin.3. The automobile interior part according to claim 1 , wherein the side surfaces of the body base and the flange base claim 1 , which face each other claim 1 , partially contact with each other in a condition in which the fold part is folded from the surface side toward the back surface side of the skin.4. The automobile interior part according to claims 1 , wherein the main body having the fold part is bent in a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Fastening system for securing a trim panel to a support substrate

Номер: US20200001802A1

A fastening system includes a locking pin, a doghouse, including a receiver, and a retainer body held in the receiver. The retainer body includes a retention feature adapted to receive and hold the locking pin. The fastening system is useful in a method of securing a trim component to a door inner.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001877A1
Автор: Sel Alexander, Unger Frank

A vehicle seat is provided having first and second trim panels having an outer appearance surface. An illumination trim portion separates the first and second trim panels. The illumination portion has a pocket formed of translucent material and has first and second lateral flaps disposed on opposite sides of a central tunnel. A first seam secures the illumination portion to the first trim panel and to the first lateral flap. A second seam secures the illumination portion to the second trim panel and to the second lateral flap. A light conducting strip is inserted in the central tunnel of the pocket. A light source is in communication with the light conducting strip. Light from the light source is visible through the translucent material of the central tunnel. 1. A trim component comprising:a first trim panel;a second trim panel adjacent the first trim panel;a light pipe pocket separating the first and second trim panels, the pocket having first and second lateral flaps disposed on opposite sides of a central tunnel of the pocket, wherein an upper surface of the central tunnel is formed of translucent material;a first seam extending through the first trim panel and the first lateral flap of the pocket; anda second seam extending through the second trim panel and the second lateral flap of the pocket.2. The trim component of further comprising a light conductive pipe inserted in the pocket claim 1 , wherein light from the light conductive pipe is illuminated through the translucent material thereby defining an illuminated portion between the first and second trim panels.3. The trim component of wherein the first and second trim panel have a fold adjacent the pocket.4. The trim component of further comprising:a third seam extending through two layers of the first trim panel and the first lateral flap of the pocket; anda fourth seam extending through two layers of the second trim panel and the second lateral flap of the pocket,wherein the first and second seams are ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004342A1

A number of variations may include a product including an extrusion having an extruded profile including a first section having a first thickness and a second section having a second thickness wherein the second thickness is greater than the first thickness. 1. A product comprising:a vehicle structural component comprising an extrusion having a first section having a first thickness and a second section having a second thickness and wherein the second thickness is greater than the first thickness.2. A product as set forth in wherein the first thickness is 1.5 mm or greater and wherein the second thickness is 2.0 mm or greater.3. A product as set forth in wherein the extrusion has a generally tubular shape.4. A product as set forth in wherein the extrusion includes a top wall portion and an opposite bottom wall portion claim 1 , a first side wall portion and an opposite second side wall portion wherein the wall portions are connected together.5. A product as set forth in further comprising a flow drill screw extending through the second section of the extrusion.6. A product as set forth in further comprising a first sheet of material and a flow drill screw extending through the first sheet and the extrusion.7. A product as set forth in further comprising a first sheet of material adhered to the extrusion with an adhesive layer positioned there between and a flow drill screw extending through the first sheet claim 1 , adhesive layer and the extrusion.8. A product as set forth in wherein the second section extends in the axial direction of the generally tubular shaped extrusion.9. A product as set forth in wherein the extrusion has a generally tubular shape including a top wall portion and an opposite bottom wall portion claim 1 , a first side wall portion and an opposite second side wall portion claim 1 , wherein the second section is part of a first side wall portion claim 1 , and the extrusion including a third section having a third thickness and a fourth section ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Headliner trim and method for producing a headliner trim

Номер: US20220009311A1
Принадлежит: Kautex Textron GmbH and Co KG

A headliner trim for a motor vehicle includes a main body, at least one air channel formed in the main body for conducting an air flow through the main body, and at least one air outlet opening formed in the main body, through which air outlet opening the air flow conducted in the air channel can flow into the interior of the motor vehicle. The main body is formed from a particle foam, such as expanded polypropylene (EPP) or expanded polyethylene (EPE).

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Structure for attaching component to plate-shaped member

Номер: US20150010345A1
Принадлежит: Honda Access Corp

In a structure, which securely attaches a component to an opening portion in a plate-shaped member without stripping or turning over the plate-shaped member, each of a pair of mount members includes a first engagement portion engaged with a rear surface side of the plate-shaped member and a second engagement portion engaged with the component. The component includes projecting portions to be fitted between the mount members to enable fixing against coming off by engagement of the second engagement portion and the component. The projecting portions inhibit the mount members from moving so as not to come off the opening portion. Since the second engagement portion is formed from the multiple step portions engageable with the component, engagement with the component may be done even if plate thickness of the plate-shaped member varies, enabling fixing without backlash and improving versatility to the plate-shaped member having different plate thickness.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024095A1

A resin member includes: a resin substrate; and a micro-embossed pattern and having a plurality of recesses and a plurality of protrusions. The plurality of protrusions includes: a plurality of first protrusions; and a plurality of second protrusions having a height of from ¼ to ¾ of the height of the first protrusions. A distance between peaks of two adjacent ones of the plurality of protrusions ranges from 100 μm to 500 μm. The number of the minute regions having an angle of inclination of from −10° to 10° with respect to the reference plane ranges from 78% to 95% of the number of all of the minute regions included in the micro-embossed pattern corresponding to the predetermined distance, and the number of the minute regions having an angle of inclination of from −1° to 1° ranges from 25% to 40% of the number of all of the minute regions. 1. A resin member comprising:a resin substrate; anda micro-embossed pattern formed on a surface of the resin substrate and having a plurality of recesses and a plurality of protrusions, whereina plane passing through three optional lowest points that are deepest points included in the micro-embossed pattern per unit area is used as a reference plane, and a shortest distance from the reference plane to an optional point on the micro-embossed pattern is regarded as a height of the micro-embossed pattern, a plurality of first protrusions having a height of from 15 μm to 35 μm; and', 'a plurality of second protrusions having a height of from ¼ to ¾ of the height of the first protrusions,, 'the plurality of protrusions includesa distance between peaks of two adjacent ones of the plurality of protrusions ranges from 100 μm to 500 μm,if the micro-embossed pattern corresponding to a predetermined distance in a cross section perpendicular to the reference plane is divided into minute regions each having a predetermined length in the cross section, the number of the minute regions having an angle of inclination of from ˜10° to 10° with ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009396A1

A skin-covered interior trim pad according to one aspect of the present disclosure includes a main portion, eaves portion extending out from an outer edge of the main portion, and skin covering the main portion and eaves portion , in which: skin includes end edge portion curving along an end portion of eaves portion , eaves-front-surface portion covering front surface of eaves portion on a side of front surface of eaves portion , and eaves-back-surface portion which extends on a side of back surface of eaves portion toward the outer edge to cover back surface of eaves portion , eaves-back-surface portion having the same thermal shrinkage rate as the eaves-front-surface portion, and eaves-front-surface portion being located across end edge portion from eaves-back-surface portion 1. A skin-covered interior trim pad , comprising:a main portion;an eaves portion extending out from an outer edge of the main portion; anda skin covering the main portion and the eaves portion, an end edge portion curving along an end portion of the eaves portion,', 'an eaves-front-surface portion covering a front surface of the eaves portion on a side of the front surface of the eaves portion, and', 'an eaves-back-surface portion which extends on a side of a back surface of the eaves portion toward the outer edge to cover the back surface of the eaves portion, the eaves-back-surface portion having the same thermal shrinkage rate as the eaves-front-surface portion, and the eaves-front-surface portion being located across the end edge portion from the eaves-back-surface portion., 'wherein the skin includes2. The skin-covered interior trim pad according to claim 1 , further comprising:an upright wall protruding from the outer edge on the side of the back surface of the eaves portion; anda rib connecting the back surface of the eaves portion to the upright wall, wherein:the eaves-back-surface portion includes a cutout opened for the rib.3. The skin-covered interior trim pad according to claim 1 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Exterior trim for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180009397A1
Принадлежит: Dura Automotive Holdings UK Ltd

An exterior trim for a motor vehicle has a body that forms a surface of the exterior trim. The body has an exterior surface and an interior surface, and defines a recess or cut-out. The body has a single undulating wall formed on the interior surface of the body substantially perpendicular to a plane defined by the body, and the single undulating wall at least partially surrounds the recess or cut-out. The exterior trim also includes a human-machine interface (HMI) device disposed at least partially within the recess or cut-out of the body. The HMI device may be used to externally control certain features of the motor vehicle.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008846A1

Embodiments of a vehicle interior system and associated processes are disclosed. In one or more embodiments, the system includes a base with a curved surface, and a curved glass article disposed on the curved surface. The curved glass article includes a high modulus adhesive layer located on the second major surface. The high modulus adhesive layer has a modulus of elasticity of at least 500 MPa. The high modulus adhesive layer provides crack resistance to the glass article. Methods for forming such glass articles and vehicle interior systems are also disclosed. 1. A vehicle interior system comprising:a frame comprising a curved support surface; a first major surface;', 'a second major surface;', 'a minor surface connecting the first major surface and the second major surface; and', 'a thickness in a range from 0.05 mm to 2 mm;', 'wherein the first major surface of the glass substrate includes a curved section and the second major surface of the curved glass substrate includes a curved section;', 'wherein the curved section of the first major surface includes a first radius of curvature greater than 30 mm and less than 1.5 m; and, 'a glass substrate coupled to the curved support surface of the frame, the glass substrate comprisinga layer of a high modulus adhesive located on the second major surface, wherein the high modulus adhesive has a modulus of elasticity from about 500 MPa to less than 5 GPa, wherein an outer region of the high modulus adhesive layer bonds the glass substrate to the curved support surface of the frame.2. The vehicle interior system of claim 1 , wherein the curved support surface is a convex curved surface claim 1 , the curved section of the first major surface is a convex curved section and the curved section of the second major surface is a concave curved section.3. (canceled)4. The vehicle interior system of claim 1 , wherein the first major surface of the glass substrate is under a compressive stress claim 1 , CS claim 1 , and the second ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009049A1
Автор: Crux Johannes, Zapf Manuel

A molded part having a front side of the molded part designed as a visible side, comprising a decorative layer having a front side and a rear side opposite the front side, a carrier arranged on the rear side of the decorative layer, and a functional layer arranged on the front side of the decorative layer. The functional layer is or comprises an electrical display element, wherein the electrical display element is designed, in a switched-on operating state, for displaying a surface image and/or for realizing a display function, and/or for realizing an illumination function on the visible side of the molded part, and wherein the electrical display element is at least largely transparent and/or translucent when the operating state is switched off, so that the front side of the decorative layer is visible through the functional layer on the visible side of the molded part. 112-. (canceled)13. A molded part having a molded part front side designed as a visible side , comprising:a decorative layer with a front side and a rear side opposite the front side;a carrier arranged on the rear side of the decorative layer; anda functional layer arranged on the front side of the decorative layer; the functional layer is or comprises an electrical display element;', 'the electrical display element is designed, in a switched-on operating state, for displaying a surface image and/or for realizing a display function, and/or for realizing an illumination function on the visible side of the molded part; and', 'the electrical display element is at least largely transparent and/or translucent when the operating state is switched off, so that the front side of the decorative layer is visible through the functional layer on the visible side of the molded part., 'wherein14. The molded part according to claim 13 , wherein:the decorative layer has an irregular surface structure on the front side thereof; andon the front side of the decorative layer, a transparent or translucent leveling layer ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009698A1
Автор: OHTSU Hideki

A vehicle seat including: a seat pad; and a seat cover including: a first cover piece and a second cover piece which are arranged adjacent to each other; and a sewn portion, wherein the first cover piece includes a general portion which forms a design surface of the seat and a thin end portion which projects from an edge of the general portion and has a thickness smaller than a thickness of the general portion, and wherein in the sewn portion in a tilted state, the thin end portion is bent back towards a back side of the general portion so as to form a lateral U shape, and a part of the thin end portion which is arranged at a back side thereof serves as a seam allowance of the first cover piece and is overlapped with and sewn to a seam allowance of the second cover piece. 1. A vehicle seat comprising:a seat pad forming an outer shape of the seat; and a first cover piece and a second cover piece which are arranged adjacent to each other, and', 'a sewn portion in which a seam allowance of the first cover piece and a seam allowance of the second cover piece are overlapped so that front surfaces thereof face each other and are sewn to each other,, 'a seat cover covering an outer surface of the seat pad, the seat cover includingwherein the first cover piece and the second cover piece are deployed in a planar shape with the sewn portion serving as a base point and cover an surface of the seat pad in a state where at least a part of the sewn portion arranged at back sides of the first and second cover pieces is tilted towards the back side of the first cover piece,wherein the first cover piece includes a general portion which forms a design surface of the seat and a thin end portion which projects from an edge of the general portion and has a thickness smaller than a thickness of the general portion, andwherein in the sewn portion in a tilted state, the thin end portion is bent back towards a back side of the general portion so as to form a lateral U shape, and a part of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009699A1
Автор: OHTSU Hideki

An interior equipment including: a sewn portion where seam allowances of first and second covers are overlapped in a state where front surface thereof face each other; a regulating member which regulates a falling direction of a leg portion of a piping, wherein the regulating member is attached to a second cover side of the sewn portion and protrudes from an end of the sewn portion, and wherein, in a state of being pressed against a corner portion of a pad member, the regulating member falls toward the first cover together with the leg portion of the piping which is co-sewn to the sewn portion, and thereby a portion of the first cover which is folded back at a seam is arranged to be overlapped with the sewn portion on the corner portion in a state of being raised by a head portion of the piping. 1. An interior equipment comprising:a pad member which is elastically deformable;a first cover which covers the pad member and includes a seam allowance;a second cover which covers the pad member and includes a seam allowance, the second cover being different from the first cover;a sewn portion where the seam allowances of the first and second covers are overlapped in a state where a front surface of the seam allowance of the first cover and a front surface of the seam allowance of the second cover face each other;a seam which sews the seam allowances at the sewn portion;a piping which is arranged on a back side of the first and second covers, the piping including a columnar head portion extending along the seam and a plate-like leg portion integrated with the head portion, the leg portion being applied to a first cover side of the sewn portion, and the leg portion being co-sewn by the seam in a state where the head portion is arranged on a portion of the first cover which is folded back at the seam; anda regulating member which regulates a falling direction of the leg portion of the piping,wherein the pad member forms at least a part of an outer shape of the interior ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013265A1
Принадлежит: EMBRAER S.A.

Adaptive, self-adjusting decorative trim assemblies are especially adapted for use in aircraft cabin interiors where the fuselage undergoes deformation and/or distortion due to pressurization during flight. The self-adjusting features of the decorative trim assemblies according to the embodiments described herein thus allow for relative movement between mutually intersecting interior cabin panels without jeopardizing the cabin interior aesthetics (e.g., since the relative positioning of the panels is not disrupted by virtue of such fuselage deformations). 1. An adaptive decorative trim assembly for vehicle interiors comprising:first and second panels positioned relative to one another such that an end of the first panel overlaps an adjacent end of the second panel to establish a visibly perceptible gap therebetween; anda general cross-sectionally L-shaped connector having mutually orthogonal first and second connection legs which respectively overlap respective back faces of the ends of the first and second panels, whereinthe connector is mounted relative to the first and second panels to allow for axial movements of the connector in at least one direction substantially parallel to at least one of the first and second panels.2. The assembly as in claim 1 , wherein at least one panel of the first and second panels is connected to a respective one of the first and second connection legs of the connector to allow for axial movements of the connector in a direction substantially parallel to the at least one panel.3. The assembly as in claim 2 , wherein the first panel is connected to the first connection leg to allow for axial movements of the connector in a first direction substantially parallel to the first panel.4. The assembly as in claim 3 , wherein the second panel is connected to the second connection leg such that the second panel is moveable with the connector in the first direction.5. The assembly as in claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second panels is ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030991A1

A wearable may be provided with or configured to provide interactive skin. The interactive skin may be configured for accepting touch input from a user. The interactive skin may include one or more flexible layers and may include or be mounted under a transparent display cover layer such as a layer of clear glass or plastic. Interactive skin may include a touch-sensitive layer that allows a user to provide touch input to the wearable. Display pixels on interactive skin may be used to display visual information to the user. The interactive skin may be configured for detecting a condition of at least one wearable and generating an output function in response to the detected condition. 120-. (canceled)21. In a structure that forms a body of a handbag:a material that forms the body of the handbag; anda flexible display layer that is included in that material, the flexible display layer directionally facing outwardly away from the inside of the handbag, the flexible display layer comprising image pixels;the flexible display layer extending in the material along two discrete sections of the material such as to form the outwardly facing surface of the handbag along the two sections;wherein the flexible display layer renders a display on the image pixels along the outside of the handbag.22. The structure of wherein the flexible display layer extending in the material in part below the outwardly facing surface of the handbag.23. The structure of :wherein the flexible display layer along the two discreet sections is configured for accepting touch input from outside of the handbag from a user to form an interactive handbag skin; andwherein the touch input of the interactive handbag skin from a user renders the display on the image pixels for user input and output functions.24. The structure of wherein the flexible display further comprises a flexible touchscreen interface claim 23 , wherein the flexible display is controlled by the flexible touchscreen interface.25. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015032A1

A method for producing a trim component for vehicle interior is disclosed. The method may produce multilayer molded bodies (e.g. interior compartments/fittings for vehicles) in which a reverse side of a leather material is backed with a plastic by injection molding. In order to prevent the leather material from being damaged by the injection pressures and/or temperatures during the in-mold injection molding process, the method provides for introducing untreated leather material into the injection mold. 1. A method for producing a trim component for a vehicle interior comprising a leather material backed with a plastic material in an apparatus comprising a tool comprising the steps of:(a) placing an untreated leather material into the tool;(b) introducing molten plastic material into the tool to form a formed component comprising the leather material and the plastic material; and(c) removing the formed component from the tool.2. The method of wherein the untreated leather material comprises leather that is tanned.3. The method of wherein embossing is introduced in or on the leather material by the tool.4. The method of wherein a surface of the leather material provided with a color finish after the formed component is removed from the tool.5. The method of wherein a protective coating is applied to the color finish after application of the color finish.6. The method of wherein the formed component comprises a multilayer molded body of thermoplastic material and leather material.7. The method of wherein the untreated leather material comprises at least one of (a) tanned leather; (b) uncolored leather; (c) scrap leather; (d) crust leather.8. The method of wherein the leather material is at least one of (a) unstretched and untreated; (b) flat and uncurried; (c) cut from dried leather.9. The method of wherein the apparatus comprises an injection mold and the plastic material is introduced under pressure into a chamber of the injection mold.10. The method of wherein the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016521A1
Принадлежит: MORIDEN Co., Ltd.

Included are a first board having a hard polyurethane foam layer formed in a space sandwiched between a pair of thin plates, and a second board having a porous structure where a recessed groove is formed in one main surface, a part of the second board being arranged in the space and joined to the first board. The hard polyurethane foam layer is also formed in gaps between the thin plates and the second board to join the boards. Thus, the step of molding the first board can join and integrate the boards, and mold a bendable, lightweight, and very strong vehicle interior board. Therefore, the vehicle interior board can be reduced in number of parts, simplified in manufacturing process, and improved in productivity.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016522A1

A fastener clip includes a base plate and a first and second pair of laterally offset legs extending from the base plate. At least one first wing extends from the first pair of laterally offset legs. The at least one first wing has an engagement region. At least one second wing extends from the second pair of laterally offset legs. The at least one second wing also has an engagement region. A first joined portion extends from the first pair of legs and a second joined portion extends from the second pair of legs with the first joined portion and the second joined portion extending and overlapping over and under each other. First locking tabs extend sideways from the first joined portion folded over against the overlapping second portion, and second locking tabs extend sideways from the second joined portion folded over against the overlapping first portion.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Seat-cover outer-skin material, seat cover, and vehicle seat

Номер: US20180015859A1
Принадлежит: Tachi S Co Ltd

At least a part of a seat cover ( 4 ) covering a vehicle seat ( 1 ) is formed of a seat-cover skin material ( 5 ) including a surface material ( 10 ), a cushion material ( 11 ), and a backing material ( 12 ) which are laminated in this order and are integrally joined together, and a stitch portion ( 20 ) at which the surface material ( 10 ) and the backing material ( 12 ) are sewn together, wherein an elongation percentage of the surface material ( 10 ) is greater than an elongation percentage of the backing material ( 12 ) when the same load is applied.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016242A1
Автор: Kato Kenji, MAEDA Hiroshi

An interior part includes a base material and an outer skin material adhered to a front surface of the base material. The outer skin material includes a front surface formed with a stitch pattern of a thread inserted by engagement with a sewing needle to pass from a front surface of the outer skin material to a back surface of the base material to obliquely pass through the front surface of the base material, so that the thread forms a loop portion fixed on the back surface of the base material. The base material includes a seat surface for preventing slippage of the sewing needle on the front surface of the base material in a position where the thread of the stitch pattern is inserted. 1. An interior part including a base material and an outer skin material adhered to a front surface of the base material , in which the outer skin material includes a front surface formed with a stitch pattern of a thread inserted by engagement with a sewing needle to pass from the front surface of the outer skin material to a back surface of the base material to obliquely pass through the front surface of the base material , and a loop portion of the thread is fixed on the back surface of the base material ,wherein the base material includes a seat surface for preventing slippage of the sewing needle on the front surface of the base material in a position where the thread of the stitch pattern is inserted.2. The interior part according to claim 1 , further including a rubber member that can expand and contract and is located on the back surface of the base material or between the seat surface of the base material and the outer skin material so that the rubber member is placed in a position where the thread of the stitch pattern is inserted.3. The interior part according to claim 1 , wherein the seat surface is a recess inclined at a predetermined inclination angle with respect to the front surface of the base material and continuously extended along a longitudinal direction of the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Car door upholstery protective shield and method of use of the same

Номер: US20190016275A1
Автор: Henry W MAY
Принадлежит: Individual

A car door upholstery protective shield includes a one piece resilient body. The body includes a spine having a first end, a second end, a first side edge and a second side edge. A protective sheet depends downwardly from the first side edge. A first door engagement tab on the second side edge projects outwardly past the first end. A second door engagement tab on the second side edge projects outwardly past the second end. A cutaway gripping area in the spine creates a flex region in the spine, such that manual upward pressure in the gripping area causes the spine to bow upwardly in the flex region to bring the first end and the second end closer together and upon release of the manual pressure the spine resiliently returns to original shape and length.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Assist handle for vehicle

Номер: US20150021933A1

An assist handle apparatus for a vehicle having a mounting plate positioned at a handgrip may include a damping mechanism having a hinge pin connected to the handgrip; hinge ends positioned at first and second sides of the mounting plate, wherein a damper seat is formed in a space defined between the hinge ends; a damper that is inserted in the damper seat with the hinge pin passing through the damper and the hinge ends, the damper having first and second damping ends protruding at a first side and a second side of an outer circumference of the damper respectively; and a stopper that is formed on an inner side of a hinge portion of the handgrip, wherein the stopper damps rotation shock in both rotation directions of the handgrip when the stopper selectively contacts with the first damping end or the second damping end according to rotation of the handgrip.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Multi-part equipment piece for a vehicle and connecting method

Номер: US20140105675A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

An equipment piece includes first and second components, such as a vehicle door armrest and a vehicle door. The first component is insertable in a recess, such as a slot, in the second component. The second component may be secured in the first by deformation of a projecting portion configured as a tab having a wall thickness smaller than its longitudinal extension. The tab is anchorable non-positively in the second component after inserting into the recess.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021778A1

A number of variations may include a panel comprising a skin and an interior wherein the interior comprises a microtruss. 1. A product comprising: a panel comprising a skin and an interior wherein the interior comprises a microtruss.2. A product as set forth in wherein the panel comprises an interior panel of a vehicle.3. A product as set forth in wherein the skin comprises at least one of a fabric claim 1 , leather claim 1 , or composite laminate.4. A product as set forth in wherein the microtruss comprises at least one of a polymeric or metallic material.5. A product as set forth in wherein the microtruss is uniform throughout.6. A product as set forth in wherein the panel has at least one curved portion and at least one planar portion.7. A product a set forth in wherein the panel comprises at least one attachment component.8. A product as set forth in wherein the interior is bonded to or grown on the skin.9. A product as set forth in wherein the interior has a varying thickness throughout.10. A product as set forth in wherein the interior further comprises a sealing layer that lies between the microtruss and the skin.11. A method comprising: providing a skin; and forming an interior comprising a microtruss on the skin to form a panel.12. A method as set forth in further comprising wrapping the skin or placing a second skin over the interior.13. A method as set forth in wherein the skin comprises at least one of a fabric claim 11 , leather claim 11 , or composite laminate.14. A method as set forth in wherein the microtruss comprises at least one of a polymeric or metallic material.15. A method as set forth in wherein the panel is formed in a mold.16. A method as set forth in wherein the panel has at least one curved portion and at least one planar portion.17. A method as set forth in wherein the interior is bonded to or grown on the skin.18. A method as set forth in wherein the interior has a varying thickness throughout.19. A method as set forth in wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Control Element Housing and Door Interior Trim Comprising a Control Element Housing of This Type

Номер: US20180022234A1
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

A control element housing has a front face that receives at least one control element, a rear face lying opposite the front face, a first side face and a second side face lying opposite the first side face, the two side faces connecting the front face to the rear face, a base which interconnects the two side faces and the rear face, and an upper face lying opposite the base, the upper face connecting the front face, the first side face, the second side face and the rear face. The base and/or the upper face has or have at least one structural weakening that allows the control element housing to be deformed under mechanical stress. Also disclosed is a door interior trim having the control element housing.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022253A1

A vehicular seat provided in a seat surface with a deep and narrow depression having a flat surface at the bottom is provided. The vehicular seat is a seat for automobiles including: a seat cushion to be a seating face portion of the seat; and a seat back provided on the back of the seat cushion and to be a backrest portion of the seat. A recess having a flat surface at the bottom is provided in the surface of at least one of the seat cushion and the seat back. 1. A vehicular seat comprising:a seat cushion to be a seating face portion of the seat; anda seat back provided on the back of the seat cushion and to be a backrest portion of the seat,wherein a recess having a flat surface at the bottom is provided in the surface of at least one of the seat cushion and the seat back.2. The vehicular seat according to claim 1 ,wherein in the recess, a flat surface is formed at the bottom of the recess by drawing in a seat skin to at least two or more supporting members provided inside the seat cushion or the seat back.3. The vehicular seat according to claim 2 ,wherein in the recess, a flat surface is formed at the bottom of the recess by securing one side of a drawing member on the seat skin and the other side of the drawing member on the supporting members.4. The vehicular seat according to claim 3 ,wherein when the seat cushion or the seat back is planarly viewed from the passenger seating face side, the areas where the drawing member and the supporting members are fixed together are arranged in a staggered configuration.5. The vehicular seat according to claim 3 , wherein the depth of the recess is adjusted by varying the length of the drawing member and the positions where the drawing member and the seat skin and the supporting members are fixed together.6. The vehicular seat according to claim 2 ,wherein the seat skin is of a three-layered structure at least in an area where the recess is formed.7. The vehicular seat according to claim 6 ,wherein the three-layered ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022254A1

Provided is a seat formed by coupling a surface cover of a seat section and a circumferential cover via a detachable first fastening part, wherein a cover for covering the first fastening part is provided at an end of the surface cover and a reduction part is formed on an end of the cover for covering the first fastening part so as to allow the first fastening part to be covered and prevented from being exposed to the outer surface of the first fastening part, thereby improving appearance quality, and the cover for covering the first fastening part is brought into close contact with the first fastening part without a gap by forming the reduction part on the end of the cover for covering the first fastening part and thus, the first fastening part can be covered in a reliable manner. 1. A seat which couples a surface cover and a circumferential cover for a seat section through a detachable first fastening portion ,wherein a cover for covering the first fastening portion is provided at an end portion of the surface cover, and wherein a shrinkable portion is formed at an end portion of the cover for covering the first fastening portion.2. The seat according to claim 1 , wherein the shrinkable portion is formed by shirring-sewing.3. The seat according to claim 1 , wherein the seat section is a seat cushion claim 1 , and wherein the cover for covering the first fastening portion is provided on the surface cover at right and left lateral surfaces and a front surface of the seat cushion.4. The seat according to claim 1 , wherein the seat section is a seat back claim 1 , and wherein the cover for covering the first fastening portion is provided on the surface cover at right and left lateral surfaces and an upper surface of the seat back.5. A seat comprising a cushion material and a seat cover covering a surface of the cushion material; wherein:the seat cover has a first seat cover covering a surface of the cushion material and a second seat cover covering a surface of a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle seat

Номер: US20180022255A1
Принадлежит: Tachi S Co Ltd

A vehicle seat includes: a pad including: a first pad part; a second pad part; a step portion formed along at least a part of the boundary; and a groove portion extending from the step portion into between the first and second pad parts over the whole length of the step portion; and a trim cover formed by sewing multiple skin pieces together, the skin pieces including: a first body configured to cover the surface of the first pad part following the surface of the step portion; a first gore configured to cover the surface of the step portion; a second body configured to cover the surface of the second pad part following the surface of the step portion; and a second gore jointed to the second body, wherein an edge of the first gore and an edge of the second gore are respectively stored in the groove portion.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Molded part, especially a decorative part and/or paneling part for a vehicle interior fashioned as a molded part and a method for producing such a molded part

Номер: US20180022294A1
Автор: Johann Groher, Mario Haas
Принадлежит: Novem Car Interior Design GmbH

Implementations of the invention comprise a molded part, especially a decorative part and/or paneling part for a vehicle interior fashioned as a molded part, comprising a backing, especially a plastic backing, and a decorative layer, especially a wood veneer, wherein the decorative layer has a rear side facing the backing and a front side designed as a visible side, wherein at least one light source, especially a laser or a LED designed as the light source, is provided on or in the molded part. Implementations of the present invention also comprise a method for producing a molded part according to the invention.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040902A1
Автор: SEPASI Mosen

A thermoformed article is disclosed that includes a self-supporting structural base layer, a covering applied to a first side of the base layer, and one or more secondary features co-injected upon a second side of the base layer. The covering and the secondary features of the thermoformed article are applied to the base layer during the same molding operation. Also disclosed is a process for forming a thermoformed article that includes placing a covering in a mold tool as a first layer, placing a self-supporting structural base layer in the mold tooling as a second layer, closing the mold tooling with the covering and base layer, and co-injecting upon a side of the base layer opposite to the covering one or more secondary features. 1. A thermoformed article comprising:a self-supporting structural base layer;a covering applied to a first side of the base layer; andone or more secondary features co-injected upon a second side of the base layer;wherein the covering and the secondary features are applied to the base layer during the same molding operation.2. The thermoformed article according to claim 1 , wherein the self-supporting structural base layer is a fiber-reinforced thermoplastic.3. The thermoformed article according to claim 2 , wherein in the fiber-reinforced thermoplastic is a woven or non-woven natural fiber mat that is impregnated and consolidated with polypropylene.4. The thermoformed article according to claim 3 , wherein the woven or non-woven natural fiber mat is comprised of one or more of hemp claim 3 , jute claim 3 , sisal claim 3 , flax and kenaf.5. The thermoformed article according to claim 1 , wherein the covering is selected from a textile fabric claim 1 , a vinyl and a leather.6. The thermoformed article according to claim 1 , wherein the secondary features co-injected upon the second side of the base layer are selected from reinforcement ribs claim 1 , fastener bosses claim 1 , fasteners claim 1 , fastener towers claim 1 , stand-offs claim 1 ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023163A1
Автор: Schrey Florian M.

A seat cover made of leather for a vehicle seat is disclosed. The seat cover has two or more blank parts as first blank parts, wherein the first blank parts are joined to each other on at least one joining edge. At least one first blank part has a width that is at least equal to the width of a following blank part of a follower and the first blank part has a length that is at least equal to the length of the following blank part of the follower. 1. A seat cover made of leather for a vehicle seat , comprising:two or more panels in the form of initial panels, wherein the initial panels are joined at at least one joining edge; anda subsequent panel of a subsequent product, wherein at least one initial panel is at least as wide as the subsequent panel, and wherein the initial panel is at least as long as the subsequent panel.2. The seat cover of claim 1 , wherein at least one initial panel is the same size and shape of the subsequent panel.3. The seat cover claim 1 , wherein at least one initial panel has the same thickness as the subsequent panel.4. The seat cover of claim 1 , wherein at least one initial panel has the same surface structure on a side facing away from the vehicle seat as a front surface of the subsequent panel.5. The seat cover of claim 1 , wherein at least one initial panel has the same surface structure on a side facing toward the vehicle seat as a back surface of a subsequent panel.6. The seat cover of claim 1 , wherein at least one initial panel has claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , at least one backing layer on a side of the leather facing toward the vehicle seat.7. The seat cover of claim 6 , wherein at least one backing layer is at least one of a mesh claim 6 , a knit fabric claim 6 , a nonwoven claim 6 , plastic foam claim 6 , and a batting.8. The seat cover of claim 6 , wherein at least one backing layer is materially bonded to the leather and can be separated therefrom easily claim 6 , and wherein at least one of an adhesive fabric ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023781A1

A vehicle includes a panel defining a portion of an interior area in the vehicle and having a concave shape, and a reversible pocket configured to be attached to the panel in a stowed configuration in which the reversible pocket conforms to the concave shape of the panel and a deployed configuration in which the reversible pocket extends into the cargo area and defines a storage area together with the concave shape of the panel. 1. A vehicle comprising:a panel defining a portion of an interior area in the vehicle and having a concave surface with a concave shape; anda reversible pocket configured to be attached to the panel in a stowed configuration in which the reversible pocket conforms to the concave shape of the panel and a deployed configuration in which the reversible pocket extends into the interior area and defines a storage area together with the concave shape of the panel, wherein the reversible pocket includes a convex surface which faces toward the concave surface of the panel in the stowed configuration and away from the concave surface of the panel in the deployed configuration.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the panel further comprises a plurality of connectors adapted to attach the reversible pocket in either of the stowed configuration and the deployed configuration.3. The vehicle of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of connectors comprises a protrusion extending from a surface of the panel.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the reversible pocket further comprises an opening that is adapted to receive a corresponding one of the plurality of connectors when in the stowed configuration and the deployed configuration.5. The vehicle of claim 4 , wherein each of the protrusions further comprises a vertically upward extending portion.6. The vehicle of claim 5 , wherein a vertical extent of the opening is larger than a vertical extent of the vertically upward extending portion.7. The vehicle of claim 5 , wherein each of the vertically upward ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023792A1
Автор: MASON MARK O., Wei Liqing

A thermoplastic composite article comprising a porous core layer and a textured film disposed on a first surface of the porous core layer is described. The composite article can be configured as a recreational vehicle building substrate such as a ceiling or interior wall panel. 1. A recreational vehicle interior panel comprising:a core layer comprising a front surface and a back surface, the core layer comprising a web of reinforcing fibers held together by a thermoplastic material; anda multi-layer film disposed on the front surface of the core layer, wherein a textured film layer of the multi-layer film is positioned on an interior surface of the front surface toward an interior volume of the recreational vehicle.2. The recreational vehicle interior panel of claim 1 , wherein the core layer comprises 20% to 80% by weight reinforcing fibers and 20% to 80% by weight thermoplastic material.3. The recreational vehicle interior panel of claim 2 , wherein the reinforcing fibers comprises glass fibers and the thermoplastic material comprises a polyolefin.4. The recreational vehicle interior panel of claim 1 , wherein the multi-layer film comprises a polyolefin film layer under the textured film layer.5. The recreational vehicle interior panel of claim 1 , wherein the interior surface of the recreational vehicle interior panel comprises a surface roughness less than 12 microns in the machine direction and less than 15 microns in the cross direction as tested using a stylus profilometer.6. The recreational vehicle interior panel of claim 1 , wherein the interior surface of the recreational vehicle interior panel comprises a RMS roughness less than of 15 microns in the machine direction and less than 15 microns in the cross direction.7. The recreational vehicle interior panel of claim 1 , wherein the interior surface of the recreational vehicle interior panel comprises a maximum roughness of less than 90 microns in the machine direction and less than 120 microns in the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023971A1

An edge strip for a seat cover may have an edge strip core, which is surrounded by a casing, and an edge strip tab. The edge strip core and the casing are sewn together such that an ornamental seam is formed on the outer circumference of the casing. A device for producing an edge strip is also disclosed. The device may have a supply unit for supplying an edge strip core and an unfolded material strip for a casing of the edge strip core to an additional processing unit, such as a sewing machine. The supply unit is designed to supply the edge strip core to the additional processing unit, such as a sewing machine, on a material strip surface side which forms the inner face of the casing, and the sewing machine sews the edge strip core to the material strip. 110-. (canceled)11. An edge strip for a seat cover , comprising:an edge strip core which is surrounded by a casing, andan edge strip tab,the edge strip core and the casing being sewn to one another in such a way that a decorative seam is formed on the outer circumference of the casing.12. The edge strip as claimed in claim 11 , wherein free ends of the casing form the edge strip tab.13. The edge strip as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the free ends are sewn to one another.14. The edge strip as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the edge strip core is formed from an elastic material claim 11 , including from plastic or rubber.15. The edge strip as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the edge strip core is formed from a shaped part claim 11 , including a plastic claim 11 , foam or rubber cord.16. The edge strip as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the casing is formed from a cover material claim 11 , including from plastic claim 11 , leather or a woven fabric.17. The edge strip as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the decorative seam extends centrally along the longitudinal extent of the edge strip on its upper side.18. A method for producing an edge strip claim 11 , comprising the following steps:a. feeding of an edge strip core and an ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Modular trim element

Номер: US20210024013A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Interieur Industrie SAS

A module trim element having a body defining an upper bearing surface, at least one first covering element defining a first upper bearing surface, mounted rotating about a first axis of rotation between a retracted position and at least one deployed position, and at least one second covering element defining a second upper bearing surface and mounted rotating about a second axis of rotation between a retracted position and at least one deployed position. The first axis of rotation and the second axis of rotation are substantially parallel and extend at different heights relative to the body, with at least one of the upper bearing surfaces being a flexible surface and at least another one of the upper bearing surfaces being a rigid surface.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024078A1
Автор: Dede Ercan Mehmet

Systems and methods are provided for adjusting a control of a vehicle system based on a condition of an occupant. The system includes a replaceable or upgradeable electronic skin removably coupled to an interior vehicle component. The electronic skin includes at least one sensor positioned therein, configured to monitor/obtain a biometric, physiological, or wellness condition measurement from an occupant. The system includes one or more processors and a memory communicably coupled thereto. An occupant comfort module is provided including instructions that, when executed, collect and monitor feedback from the at least one sensor; determine that the feedback exceeds a predetermined threshold; and determine an adjustment for a vehicle system based on the feedback. A control module may be provided including instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, cause the vehicle system to change at least one setting based on the adjustment determined by the occupant comfort module. 1. A system for adjusting a control of a vehicle system based on a condition of an occupant within a vehicle , the system comprising:a replaceable or upgradeable electronic skin removably coupled to an interior vehicle component, the electronic skin comprising at least one sensor positioned therein and configured to monitor or obtain a biometric, physiological, or wellness condition measurement from an occupant;one or more processors; and [ collect and monitor feedback from the at least one sensor;', 'determine that the feedback exceeds a predetermined threshold; and', 'determine an adjustment for a vehicle system based on the feedback;, 'an occupant comfort module including instructions that when executed by the one or more processors cause the one or more processors to, 'a control module including instructions that, when executed by the one or more processors, causes a change to at least one setting of the vehicle system based on the adjustment determined by the occupant comfort ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Aircraft, interior panels for aircfraft, and methods for making interior panels

Номер: US20210024196A1
Принадлежит: Gulfstream Aerospace Corp

An interior panel for an aircraft, an aircraft including an interior panel, and a method for making an interior panel for an aircraft are provided. In one example, the interior panel includes a support substrate that has a substrate surface. A first trim section is coupled to the support substrate. The first trim section has a first exposed surface that extends to a first edge portion. A second trim section is coupled to the support substrate. The second trim section has a second exposed surface that extends to a second edge portion that is disposed adjacent to the first edge portion. The first edge portion is offset from the second edge portion to define a gap. A light source is substantially covered by the first exposed surface and generates light that passes through the gap and illuminates at least a portion of the second exposed surface.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Vehicle ceiling structure

Номер: US20140110974A1
Автор: Yasunori Uchida
Принадлежит: Toyota Boshoku Corp

A vehicle ceiling structure includes a ceiling interior material that covers a curtain shield air bag with a terminal side; an assist grip attached to a body panel through an attachment hole formed in the ceiling interior material; and an attachment portion provided on the assist grip, the attachment portion being in contact with or facing to outer circumference of the attachment hole in a surface of the ceiling interior material in a vehicle cabin side, wherein the vehicle ceiling structure on a surface thereof in a vehicle cabin outer side has an annular groove on outer circumference of the attachment portion in such a manner that the annular groove surround the attachment portion.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Stud locking tool

Номер: US20200025236A1
Принадлежит: NEWFREY LLC, Toyota Motor Corp

A stud locking tool is equipped with a first clip and a second clip for sandwiching a mounting member. The mounting member is mounted in a member to be mounted by locking the stud. The first clip has a hollow inner cylindrical portion inserted into a mounting hole of the mounting member. A first flange is located at one end of the inner cylinder portion, and a locking claw is formed inside the inner cylindrical portion and engages with a thread of the stud. The second clip has a hollow outer cylinder portion sized to surround the inner cylinder portion of the first clip. A second flange is located at one end of the outer cylinder portion. An engagement claw extends from the outer cylinder portion and engages the first clip. An inclined surface adjacent to the outer cylinder portion includes a stud guiding surface.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030814A1

A vehicle interior member includes a main body member having multiple recessed portions and raised portions and being made of a synthetic resin, a first plate-shaped member thermally welded on a front surface of the main body member, and a second plate-shaped member thermally welded on a back surface of the main body member. Each of the first plate-shaped member and the second plate-shaped member is a foamed sheet obtained by foaming a synthetic resin by adding a blowing agent to the synthetic resin. 1. A vehicle interior member comprising:a main body member having a plurality of recessed portions and raised portions and being made of a synthetic resin; andat least one of a first plate-shaped member thermally welded on a front surface of the main body member and a second plate-shaped member thermally welded on a back surface of the main body member, whereineach of the first plate-shaped member and the second plate-shaped member is a foamed sheet obtained by foaming a synthetic resin by adding a blowing agent to the synthetic resin.2. The vehicle interior member according to claim 1 , wherein an expansion ratio of each of the foamed sheets of the first plate-shaped member and the second plate-shaped member is set to 1.2 to 1.5. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a vehicle interior member.2. Description of the Related ArtTo reduce carbon dioxide (CO), which causes the global warming, there has been a demand recently that the weight of a vehicle interior member be reduced to improve the fuel-efficiency of a vehicle. For the weight reduction of a vehicle interior member, methods are employed in which the number of parts constituting the vehicle interior member is reduced or the thickness of the vehicle interior member is reduced. However, it is possible that, when any of these methods is employed, performances required for the vehicle interior member cannot be satisfied because of decrease in rigidity.In addition, a vehicle interior member has ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031041A1

This invention provides a decorating device for vehicle-interior components, which can accurately provide gradation on the design of the surface of a resin component. The decorating device comprises a laser-irradiating device and a control device. The control device comprises a virtual-decorating surface that is deformed so as to have a different curvature than the surface of the actual decorating surface thus allowing for the drawing of designs thereon. The control device prepares laser-irradiating data based on the drawing-data, and it controls the laser-irradiating device based on the laser-irradiating data. The laser-irradiating device irradiates the laser L focused on the virtual-decorating surface and conducts the laser processing on the actual decorating surface with the focal point of the laser L having been shifted from the actual decorating surface 1. A decorating device for decorating vehicle-interior components , of which a laser is irradiated onto the decorating surface of a resin compact or onto the decorating surface of a coat-layer formed on the resin compact to draw designs thereon that are made of the linear laser-processed part , and that the laser focal-point is shifted from the decorating surface so as to draw the designs , thus forming the gradation on a certain part of the whole design , with the decorating device being characterized in comprising a data-preparing device for preparing the drawing-data on a virtual decorating surface that is deformed so as to have a different curvature than the surface shape of the actual decorating surface , and that a laser-drawing device for forming the gradation by emitting a laser focused on the virtual decorating surface is based on the drawing-data prepared by the data-preparing device , thus conducting the laser-processing with the laser-focal point shifted from the actual decorating surface.2. A decorating device for vehicle-interior components according to claim 1 , characterized in that the laser- ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028937A1

An interior part of vehicle capable of improving in design property is manufactured by joining a plurality of pieces of a layered cloth having at least a skin material and a cushion material. The plurality of pieces to be joined are processed with continuous stitches, and the pieces joined with the stitch processing are sewn up, with the front surfaces put together, along ends to be joined. One of the joined plurality of pieces is folded, thus the plurality of pieces are provided, with the front surfaces facing vehicle interior space. 1. An interior part of vehicle , comprising:a plurality of pieces of a layered cloth including at least a skin material and a cushion material which are manufactured by joining,wherein, a continuous stitch is processed on the plurality of pieces to be joined, andwherein, the plurality of pieces, joined with stitch processing, are sewn up along ends to be joined, with the front surfaces of the plurality of pieces put together, and one of the joined plurality of pieces is folded, and then the plurality of pieces are provided with front surfaces facing vehicle inner space.2. The interior part of vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the layered cloth is formed with three layers of at least the skin material claim 1 , the cushion material and a back base fabric.3. The interior part of vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a material forming the skin material is leather and that forming the cushion material is urethane.4. The interior part of vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the interior part of vehicle is at least any one of a trim cover of a vehicle seat claim 1 , a door trim claim 1 , sealing claim 1 , and a steering wheel claim 1 , and manufactured by combining a plurality of pieces claim 1 , performing stitch processing with respect to the combined plurality of pieces claim 1 , and sewing up the plurality of pieces.5. The interior part of vehicle according to claim 4 , wherein the interior part of vehicle is a part forming at ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031350A1
Автор: SMITH Rodger G.

A method for making a vehicle seat trim component including a step of providing a first foam component that includes a first foam layer and a flexible component. The flexible component is sewn to the first foam layer and defining cutout sections and end sections. A second foam component is attached to the first foam component to form a compound foam structure. The second foam component includes a second foam layer and an exterior layer. A pattern is sewn into the compound foam structure avoiding the end sections. 1. A method for making a vehicle seat component , the method comprising:a) providing a first foam component that includes a first foam layer and a flexible component, the flexible component being attached to the first foam layer, the flexible component defining cutout sections and end sections;b) attaching a second foam component to the first foam component to form a compound foam structure, the second foam component including a second foam layer and an exterior layer; andc) sewing a pattern into the compound foam structure avoiding the end sections.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the flexible component comprises fabric; andthe flexible component is attached to the first foam layer by sewing.3. The method of further comprising attaching the end sections to clips in a vehicle seat component.4. The method of wherein the flexible component includes fleece.5. The method of wherein the end sections are capped with a plastic bead.6. The method of wherein the exterior layer includes leather.7. The method of wherein a fabric layer is interposed between the second foam layer and the exterior layer.8. The method of wherein the second foam component is attached to the first foam component with an adhesive.9. The method of wherein the flexible component includes an attachment section which is attached to the first foam component and an extension section which extends away from the first foam component claim 1 , the extension section defining the cutout sections and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031062A1
Принадлежит: TACHI-S CO., LTD.

A seat cover () of a vehicle seat () includes: a welt seam part () in which seam allowances ( and ) of sewn skin materials ( and ) are split to right and left sides to be folded on the skin materials ( and ), and are sewn on the skin materials ( and ) by stitches ( and ) which are formed in the skin materials ( and ) along a seam () where the skin materials ( and ) are sewn; and a hook-and-loop fastener () provided in the welt seam part (). The seam allowances ( and ) include edge portions ( and ) arranged outside the stitches ( and ). The hook-and-loop fastener () is fixed in the edge portions ( and ). 1. A seat cover which is formed by sewing a plurality of skin materials , the seat cover comprising:a welt seam part in which seam allowances of two sheets of sewn skin materials are split to right and left sides to be folded on the two sheets of respective skin materials, and the seam allowances are sewn on the two sheets of respective skin materials by two strips of stitches respectively formed in the two sheets of skin materials along a seam where the two sheets of skin materials are sewn; anda hook-and-loop fastener provided in the welt seam part, wherein:the seam allowances of the two sheets of skin materials include edge portions arranged outside the two strips of stitches; andthe hook-and-loop fastener is fixed in the edge portions.2. The seat cover according to claim 1 , wherein:the hook-and-loop fastener is provided in each of one or more partial sections among partial sections in a longitudinal direction of the welt seam part; anda seam allowance width, in the partial section, of the seam allowances of the two sheets of skin materials is larger than a seam allowance width in a remaining section excluding the partial section.3. The seat cover according to claim 2 , whereina guide which is positioned on an extended line in which an edge of the edge portion in the remaining section extends along the seam is formed in the edge portion in the partial section of ...
