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10-10-2016 дата публикации

Бортовая автоматизированная система контроля объектов железнодорожной автоматики и телемеханики

Номер: RU0000165311U1

Бортовая автоматизированная система контроля объектов железнодорожной автоматики и телемеханики, содержащая автоматизированное рабочее место (АРМ) оператора системы, набор имитаторов нагрева различных областей колеса и буксового узла, блок управления и ввода информации, блок первичного преобразователя системы распознавания изолирующих стыков, блок предобработки и ввода информации, подсистему координатной привязки измеренных параметров объектов ЖАТ к железнодорожной и географической системам координат, специализированную систему электроснабжения, отличающаяся тем, что система дополнительно содержит широкодиапазонную антенну сигналов рельсовых цепей, блок первичного преобразователя подсистемы измерения намагниченности рельсов, генератор синхронизирующих импульсов, блок ввода речевых комментариев, подсистему видеорегистрации, при этом выходы всех имитаторов нагрева соединены с входами блока управления и ввода информации, выходы широкодиапазонной антенны сигналов рельсовых цепей, блока первичного преобразователя системы распознавания изолирующих стыков и блока первичного преобразователя подсистемы измерения намагниченности рельсов соединены с входами блока предобработки и ввода информации, выходы генератора синхронизирующих импульсов соединены с входами блока управления и ввода информации, блока предобработки и ввода информации и АРМа оператора системы, выходы блока управления и ввода информации и блока предобработки и ввода информации соединены с входами АРМа оператора системы, выходы блока ввода речевых комментариев, подсистемы видеорегистрации, подсистемы координатной РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B61K 9/08 (13) 165 311 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016108747/11, 10.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.03.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2016 Бюл. № 28 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество Научнопроизводственный центр ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации

Следяще-стабилизирующее устройство скоростного дефектоскопа

Номер: RU0000166239U1

Следяще-стабилизирующее устройство скоростного дефектоскопа, содержащее два параллелограммных маятниковых подвеса поперечного качания, на которых размещена подвесная центрирующая балка, на концах которой размещены параллелограммные маятниковые подвесы продольного качания с закрепленными на них постоянными магнитами, и искательную балку с размещенными на ней измерителями, отличающееся тем, что на каждом из параллелограммных маятниковых подвесов продольного качания закреплены, по крайней мере, по два постоянных магнита с параллельными продольными магнитными осями и полюсами, обращенными в противоположные стороны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 239 U1 (51) МПК B61K 9/08 (2006.01) G01N 27/82 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015153497/11, 14.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.12.2015 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО "Фирма ТВЕМА" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2016 Бюл. № 32 R U 1 6 6 2 3 9 (57) Формула полезной модели Следяще-стабилизирующее устройство скоростного дефектоскопа, содержащее два параллелограммных маятниковых подвеса поперечного качания, на которых размещена подвесная центрирующая балка, на концах которой размещены параллелограммные маятниковые подвесы продольного качания с закрепленными на них постоянными магнитами, и искательную балку с размещенными на ней измерителями, отличающееся тем, что на каждом из параллелограммных маятниковых подвесов продольного качания закреплены, по крайней мере, по два постоянных магнита с параллельными продольными магнитными осями и полюсами, обращенными в противоположные стороны. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СЛЕДЯЩЕ-СТАБИЛИЗИРУЮЩЕЕ УСТРОЙСТВО СКОРОСТНОГО ДЕФЕКТОСКОПА 1 6 6 2 3 9 Адрес для переписки: 127434, Москва, а/я 100, Седякиной Ольге Александровне R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.12.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Тарабрин Максим Владимирович (RU), Анисимов Владимир ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000169321U1

Полезная модель относится к области рельсовой транспортной техники. Тележка-носитель выполнена с обеспечением возможности установки ее под подвижным рельсовым средством, например, автомотрисой. Она содержит две одноосные тележки (1), связанные с общей рамой (2) посредством параллелограммных механизмов (3) и пневмоцилиндров (4) подъема-опускания. Каждая одноосная тележка (1) снабжена отбойными колесами (7), следящими колесами (8) и механизмом захвата. Между одноосными тележками (1) шарнирно закреплены с обеспечением возможности их углового и осевого перемещения продольные балки (9) с механизмами подъема-опускания узла измерительных датчиков. Каждый из механизмов захвата выполнен в виде основного (14) и дополнительного (15) пневмоцилиндров, соединенных каждый с одним из двух замков (16). Каждый из механизмов захвата снабжен узлом отвода, выполненным в виде закрепленного шарнирно на общей раме (2) пневмоцилиндра (17). Такая конструкция повышает эксплуатационную эффективность тележки-носителя, обеспечивая контроль рельсового пути с высокой надежностью, в том числе на сложных участках. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 321 U1 (51) МПК B61K 9/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016125224, 24.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.06.2016 15.03.2017 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "Фирма ТВЕМА" (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.06.2016 Адрес для переписки: 117303, Москва, а/я 114, пат. пов. Банкову В.Н. 3769715 A, 06.11.1973. RU 2303541 C2, 27.07.2007. US 3808693 A, 07.05.1974. 1 6 9 3 2 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Тележка-носитель, выполненная с обеспечением возможности установки ее под подвижным рельсовым средством и содержащая две, связанные с общей рамой посредством параллелограммных механизмов и пневмоцилиндров подъема-опускания тележки-носителя одноосные тележки, каждая из ...

07-09-2018 дата публикации

Искательная система с защитой от обледенения

Номер: RU0000183046U1

Полезная модель относится к железнодорожному транспорту и может быть использована для средств ультразвукового контроля, эксплуатируемых в условиях низких температур. Искательная система содержит основание, размещенные в защитном корпусе искатели с установленными в них преобразователями, пружины для прижатия искателей к рельсу, цилиндры приведения искателей в рабочее положение и обогревательную систему. Искательная система снабжена дополнительным обогревателем принудительного действия, установленным таким образом, чтобы направляемый горячий воздух охватывал всю искательную систему. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 046 U1 (51) МПК B61K 9/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B61K 9/08 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018116920, 08.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Горделий Людмила Васильевна (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.09.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 40977 U1, 10.10.2004. SU 1204446 A, 15.01.1986. RU 82662 U1, 10.05.2009. US 3183349 A, 11.05.1965. (45) Опубликовано: 07.09.2018 Бюл. № 25 R U (54) ИСКАТЕЛЬНАЯ СИСТЕМА С ЗАЩИТОЙ ОТ ОБЛЕДЕНЕНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к пружины для прижатия искателей к рельсу, железнодорожному транспорту и может быть цилиндры приведения искателей в рабочее использована для средств ультразвукового положение и обогревательную систему. контроля, эксплуатируемых в условиях низких Искательная система снабжена температур. дополнительным обогревателем принудительного Искательная система содержит основание, действия, установленным таким образом, чтобы размещенные в защитном корпусе искатели с направляемый горячий воздух охватывал всю установленными в них преобразователями, искательную систему. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 241035, г. Брянск, бул. 50 лет Октября, 26, кв. 15, Трушина В.П. 1 8 3 0 4 6 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.05.2018 1 8 3 0 4 6 R U ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Телевизионное устройство для измерения высоты основных стержней фиксаторов на опорах контактной сети

Номер: RU0000189477U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к области диагностики состояния проводной контактной сети электрифицированных железных дорог, и более конкретно, к телевизионному устройству для измерения высоты основных стержней фиксаторов на опорах контактной сети, которое устанавливается на крыше вагона для оценки состояния контактной сети электрифицированных железных дорог постоянного и переменного токов. Устройство измерения высоты основных стержней фиксаторов на опорах контактной сети содержит оптический блок, включающий в себя левую цифровую матричную телевизионную камеру и правую цифровую матричную телевизионную камеру, выполненные с возможностью регистрации изображений в поле зрения камер во время движения вагона, при этом поле зрения левой и правой цифровых матричных телевизионных камер ориентированы вдоль оси движения вагона в сторону расположения полоза токоприёмника таким образом, чтобы получать изображения элементов контактной сети, расположенных вблизи вертикальной плоскости полоза токоприёмника, с разных ракурсов; осветительный блок, включающий в себя левый прожектор, выполненный с возможностью подсветки элементов контактной сети в поле зрения левой цифровой матричной телевизионной камеры, и правый прожектор, выполненный с возможностью подсветки элементов в поле зрения правой цифровой матричной телевизионной камеры; блок синхронизации, выполненный с возможностью синхронизации работы левой и правой цифровых матричных телевизионных камер оптического блока таким образом, чтобы камеры оптического блока регистрировали изображения элементов контактной сети одновременно; и блок обработки, выполненный с возможностью получения первого изображения от левой цифровой матричной телевизионной камеры и второго изображения от правой цифровой матричной телевизионной камеры, зарегистрированных одновременно, выделения элементов контактной сети на полученных первом и втором изображениях, наложения отградуированной пиксельной координатной сетки, определения координат в пикселях ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Приспособление для идентификации кассетных подшипников в корпусе буксы

Номер: RU0000205038U1

Полезная модель относится к области железнодорожного транспорта и применяется для идентификации подшипников кассетного типа в корпусах букс железнодорожных транспортных средств.Поставленная задача решена тем, что предлагаемая полезная модель позволяет задать определенный порог уровня срабатывания тревожной сигнализации средств теплового контроля, что исключает возможность ложного срабатывания и, следовательно, уменьшить количество необоснованных задержек поездов с рабочим нагревом кассетных подшипников или пропуски аварийных букс с роликовыми подшипниками.В состав устройства входит тонкая стальная пластина, в виде согнутого листа с возможностью установки с двухсторонним закреплением на корпусе буксового узла и закреплением с обеих сторон боковой рамой.Таким образом, предлагаемая полезная модель обеспечит своевременное идентифицирование подшипников кассетного типа средствами диагностики в эксплуатации, что позволит автоматически устанавливать для вагонов с кассетными подшипниками более высокие уровни тревожной сигнализации, таким образом, исключая необоснованные задержки поездов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 038 U1 (51) МПК F16S 1/00 (2006.01) B61F 15/20 (2006.01) B61K 9/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16S 1/00 (2021.01); B61F 15/20 (2021.01); B61K 9/04 (2021.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020137221, 12.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 24.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 24.06.2021 Бюл. № 18 2 0 5 0 3 8 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2705735 C1, 11.11.2019. RU 2453459 C2, 20.06.2012. SU 384716 A1, 29.05.1973. CN 104709311 A, 17.06.2015. US 10539179 B2, 21.01.2020. AU 2008352344 A1, 11.09.2009. (54) Приспособление для идентификации кассетных подшипников в корпусе буксы (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области В состав устройства входит тонкая стальная железнодорожного транспорта и применяется пластина, в ...

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and system of rail component detection using vision technology

Номер: US20120263342A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, system, and computer program product for automatically inspecting railroad tracks. The method includes assessing a configuration of rail components depicted in an image by comparing the configuration of the rail components to known hazards. The method also includes determining a severity of detected problems in the configuration of the rail components, using a computer processor.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Railway Track Monitoring

Номер: US20120274772A1

Novel tools and techniques for monitoring railway track geometry. In one aspect, some such tools and techniques can determine a location of a platform along a railway, capture one or more images of the railway, and/or analyze the rail configuration at that point. In another aspect, some solutions might employ photogrammetric techniques to analyze the rail configuration and thereafter store data about the rail configuration, perhaps correlated with the location of the images, in a data store.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Detector for detecting train wheel bearing temperature

Номер: US20130032674A1
Автор: Alessandro Agostini
Принадлежит: Progress Rail Services Corp

A detector for detecting a condition of a rail vehicle undercarriage component including a sensor with infrared sensing elements, each of the elements configured to scan regions of a target area of the rail vehicle undercarriage component. The sensor is oriented so that at least one of the elements receives unobstructed infrared emissions from the rail vehicle undercarriage component, and the sensing elements are arranged in a matrix of plurality of arrays.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175406A1
Принадлежит: LynxRail Corporation

A system and method for detecting failing rail car wheels, brakes, bearings, and/or other components of a rail car may include at least one thermal sensor and at least one image capture device. The thermal sensor(s) and image capture devices(s) are usable to help determine whether there is a failure or potential failure of a component of a wheel set by detecting, measuring and/or comparing a temperature of various portions of the wheel set. If the temperature is higher than expected, it may indicate, for example, a stuck brake, a failing bearing, and/or some other failure of the wheel set. If the temperature is lower than expected, it could indicate that a brake of the wheel set is unexpectedly disengaged and/or some other failure of the wheel set. 1. A method of assisting in a determination of a condition of at least a component of a rail car in motion , the method comprising:using a focusing lens to focus a first thermal sensor, which first thermal sensor is provided adjacent a first rail at a first location above the first rail, on a first portion of a bearing of a rail car;detecting, with the first thermal sensor, a first temperature of the first portion of the bearing of the rail car;comparing the first temperature of the first portion to at least one other temperature to determine a difference between the first temperature of the first portion and the at least one other temperature; anddetermining whether at least one component of the rail car is failing using the difference between the first temperature of the first portion and the at least one other temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of a bearing of a rail car includes the top of the bearing.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising capturing an image of at least a portion of a wheel of the rail car with a first image capture device provided adjacent the first rail at the first location.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein comparing the first temperature of the top portion to ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214164A1

A method for detecting spectral characteristics of multi-band moving objects. The method includes: 1) dividing a full field of view into several subfields of view, and scanning and extracting suspected objects in each subfield one by one; 2) correlating interrelated suspected objects in adjacent subfields via coordinates to determine objects of interest that exist in the full field of view; 3) calculating the speeds of the objects of interest; 4) calculating average speed of all of the objects of interest and classifying the objects of interest according to their average speed; 5) compensating and rectifying the objective spectrum obtained from calculation; and 6) matching the compensated and rectified objective spectrum with a spectrum fingerprint database whereby realizing recognition of the multi-band moving objects. 3121. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the apparatus is disposed in a housing () claim 2 , an infrared transmitted window () is arranged on the housing claim 2 , and objective infrared light enters the two-dimensional stepping scanning and tracking rotating mirror.41011. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a touch display () claim 3 , an environmental monitor claim 3 , and a system operation status indication light () are arranged on the housing.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the multi-band spectrum-measuring unit is a Fourier infrared spectrum measurement unit.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the multi-band spectrum-measuring unit is a Fourier infrared spectrum measurement unit. This application is a continuation-in-part of International Patent Application No. PCT/CN2012/070094 with an international filing date of Jan. 6, 2012, designating the United States, now pending, and further claims priority benefits to Chinese Patent Application No. 201110430969.9 filed Dec. 20, 2011. The contents of all of the aforementioned applications, including any intervening amendments thereto, are incorporated herein by reference. Inquiries from the ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Wayside Friction Management System

Номер: US20130233649A1
Принадлежит: L.B. Foster Rail Technologies, Inc.

A wayside friction management system, and method for monitoring and controlling a wayside friction management system is described. The system comprises one or more wayside device for mounting with a track of a rail system. The wayside device comprises a delivery system connected to a reservoir comprising a friction control media, the delivery system for applying the friction control media from the reservoir to one or both rails of a track. The wayside device further comprises one ore more data collection module located at or adjacent to the delivery system. The data collection module for collecting and transmitting data to a remote performance unit. The data may comprise performance information, track status information, information of an environment of the track, information of a train passing over the track, status of the one or more wayside device, or a combination thereof. The wayside device may comprise a power source operatively connected to one or more components of the wayside device. 120-. (canceled)21. A wayside friction management system , comprising one or more wayside device for mounting with a track of a rail system and for application of a friction control media to the track , the one or more wayside device comprising a delivery system connected to a reservoir comprising the friction control media , the delivery system for applying the friction control media from the reservoir to one or both rails of the track , one or more data collection module located at or adjacent to the delivery system , the one or more data collection module for collecting and transmitting data to a remote performance unit , the data comprising incoming vertical load data , and a power source operatively connected to one or more components of the wayside device.22. The wayside friction management system of claim 21 , wherein the remote performance unit comprises a database for storing the transmitted data.23. The wayside friction management system of claim 21 , comprising a ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270396A1
Автор: Agostini Alessandro

A method of detecting and signalling a hot box condition on a rail vehicle comprising the steps of acquiring temperature data from undercarriage components of the rail vehicle through temperature sensors provided in hot box detection devices; relaying temperature data through a wireless network of the hot box detection devices to a data recorder. 1. A method of detecting and signalling a hot box condition on a rail vehicle comprising the steps of:acquiring temperature data from undercarriage components of the rail vehicle through temperature sensors provided in hot box detection devices; andrelaying temperature data through a wireless network of the hot box detection devices to a data recorder.2. The method of comprising the steps of sequencing the hot box detection devices and relaying the temperature data detected by each of the hot box detection devices to the next hot box detection device in the sequence.3. The method of comprising the step of broadcasting the temperature data detected by each of the hot box detection devices to the remaining hot box detection devices in the network.4. The method of comprising the step of transmitting the temperature data to wayside stations.5. The method of further comprising the step of transmitting the temperature data to wayside stations from the data recorder.6. The method of comprising the step of powering the hot box detection devices through rotational acceleration force.7. The method of comprising the step of magnetically coupling a hot box detection device to a corresponding undercarriage component.8. A system for detecting and signalling a hot box condition on a rail vehicle claim 1 , the system comprising:a plurality of temperature sensors provided in a corresponding plurality of hot box detection devices for acquiring temperature data from undercarriage components of the rail vehicle; anda wireless network of the hot box detection devices for relaying the temperature data to a data recorder.9. The system as set ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270397A1
Автор: Agostini Alessandro

A device for a detecting a hot box condition on a rail vehicle comprising a housing removably coupled to an undercarriage component of the rail vehicle, the housing being coupled magnetically; and a temperature sensor positioned within the housing. 1. A device for detecting a hot box condition on a rail vehicle , comprising:a housing removably coupled to an undercarriage component of the rail vehicle, the housing being coupled magnetically; anda temperature sensor positioned within the housing.2. A device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the undercarriage component is a rotating component.3. A device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the undercarriage component is a wheel.4. A device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the undercarriage component is an axle.5. A device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the temperature sensor is powered through rotational acceleration force.6. A device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the temperature sensor is powered through a battery.7. A method for retrofitting a rail vehicle for detecting a hot box condition claim 2 , comprising the step of:removably coupling a housing of a hot box condition detector to an undercarriage component of the rail vehicle, wherein the housing is coupled magnetically and a temperature sensor is positioned within the housing.8. A method as set forth in claim 7 , wherein the temperature sensor is powered through rotational acceleration. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority for European Patent Application No. EP12163972 by Progress Rail Inspection & Information Systems S.r.1., filed Apr. 12, 2012, the contents of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference.This disclosure generally relates to the field of rail transportation, and more particularly, to determining a temperature of rail vehicle undercarriage components.Safe and reliable operation of a railroad system may be dependent upon the integrity of the rolling mechanisms of the vehicles travelling over the rails, ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Wayside Measurement of Railcar Wheel to Rail Geometry

Номер: US20130313372A1
Принадлежит: International Electronic Machines Corp

Considerable damage to rails, wheels, and trucks can result from geometric anomalies in the wheelsets, rails, and truck hardware. A solution for identifying and quantifying geometric anomalies known to influence the service life of the rolling stock or the ride comfort for the case of passenger service is described. The solution comprises an optical system, which can be configured to accurately perform measurements at mainline speeds (e.g., greater than 100 mph). The optical system includes laser line projectors and imaging cameras and can utilize structured light triangulation.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Infrared-Based Vehicle Component Imaging and Analysis

Номер: US20160003678A1
Принадлежит: International Electronic Machines Corp

An improved system for evaluating one or more components of a vehicle is provided. The system includes a set of imaging devices configured to acquire image data based on infrared emissions of at least one vehicle component of the vehicle as it moves through a field of view of at least one of the set of imaging devices. An imaging device in the set of imaging devices can include a linear array of photoconductor infrared detectors and a thermoelectric cooler for maintaining an operating temperature of the linear array of detectors at a target operating temperature. The infrared emissions can be within at least one of: the mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) radiation spectrum or the long wavelength infrared (LWIR) radiation spectrum.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009300A1

A sensing system includes a leading sensor, a trailing sensor, and a route examining unit. The leading sensor is onboard a first vehicle of a vehicle system that is traveling along a route. The leading sensor measures first characteristics of the route as the vehicle system moves along the route. The trailing sensor is disposed onboard a second vehicle of the vehicle system. The trailing sensor measures second characteristics of the route as the vehicle system moves along the route. The route examining unit is disposed onboard the vehicle system and receives the first characteristics of the route and the second characteristics of the route to compare the first characteristics with the second characteristics. The route examining unit also identifies a segment of the route as being damaged based on a comparison of the first characteristics with the second characteristics. 1. A sensing system comprising:a leading sensor configured to be coupled to a leading rail vehicle of a rail vehicle system that travels along a track, the leading sensor also configured to acquire first inspection data indicative of a condition of the track in an examined section of the track as the rail vehicle system travels over the track;a trailing sensor configured to be coupled to a trailing rail vehicle of the rail vehicle system and to acquire additional, second inspection data indicative of the condition of the track subsequent to the leading rail vehicle passing over the examined section of the track and the leading sensor acquiring the first inspection data; anda route examining unit configured to be disposed onboard the rail vehicle system, the route examining unit also configured to direct the trailing sensor to acquire the second inspection data in the examined section of the track when the first inspection data indicates damage to the track such that both the leading sensor and the trailing sensor acquire the first inspection data and the second inspection data, respectively, of the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032974A1

A monitoring device for monitoring a temporary rail connection of two rail portions includes a first fixing element which can be fixed to the first rail portion, and a second fixing element which can be fixed to the second rail portion. The monitoring device furthermore includes a first distance sensor for measuring a first distance between the fixing elements, and a second distance sensor for measuring a second distance between the first fixing element and a first clamping device of the temporary rail connection. The monitoring device allows reliable monitoring of the temporary rail connection. A rail connection system for creating and monitoring a temporary rail connection of two rail portions of a rail is also provided. 112-. (canceled)13. A monitoring device for monitoring a temporary rail connection of two rail portions of a rail , the monitoring device comprising:a first fixing element to be fixed to a first rail portion;a second fixing element to be fixed to a second rail portion;a first distance sensor for measuring a first distance between said first and second fixing elements; anda second distance sensor for measuring a second distance between said first fixing element and a first clamping device of the temporary rail connection.14. The monitoring device according to claim 13 , which further comprises a third distance sensor for measuring a third distance between said second fixing element and a second clamping device of the temporary rail connection.15. The monitoring device according to claim 13 , which further comprises a connecting element interconnecting said first and second fixing elements.16. The monitoring device according to claim 15 , wherein said connecting element is extendable in a rail longitudinal direction.17. The monitoring device according to claim 15 , wherein said first distance sensor is disposed in said connecting element.18. The monitoring device according to claim 14 , which further comprises an integration of at least one of:said ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015335A1
Автор: KOLLER Andreas

A device for detecting obstacles for a rail vehicle includes a pilot bar, which is retained on the bogie frame of the rail vehicle in front of the wheelset that is positioned first in the direction of travel via a mounting retainer, wherein the mounting retainer is formed by vertically arranged spring elements, in particular leaf springs, where each leaf spring is fastened at an upper end to the bogie frame and at a lower end to the pilot bar, where each leaf spring includes a stress-strain converter which is arranged between the upper end and the lower end on a broad surface of a leaf spring, and where each stress-strain converter is connected to an on-board evaluator via a signal-conducting connection. 18.-. (canceled)9. A device for detecting obstacles for a rail vehicle , comprising:a truck frame;a mounting bracket comprising vertically disposed spring elements; anda pilot beam attached to a truck frame of the rail vehicle in front of a leading wheelset via the mounting bracket;wherein each spring element is fixed at an upper end to the truck frame and at a lower end to the pilot beam;wherein each spring element includes a stress-strain converter which is disposed between the upper end and the lower end on a broad surface of a spring element; andwherein each stress-strain converter is connected to an on-board evaluator via a signal carrying connection.10. The device as claimed in claim 9 , wherein each spring element is formed as a leaf spring.11. The device as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the signal carrying connection passes via a measuring amplifier assigned to a stress-strain converter; and wherein the stress-strain converter and associated measuring amplifier are both disposed on the broad surface of a leaf spring.12. The device as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the signal carrying connection passes via a measuring amplifier assigned to a stress-strain converter; and wherein the stress-strain converter and associated measuring amplifier are both disposed on ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017417A1
Автор: Kickham David P.
Принадлежит: Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.

A system for identifying a fault in sensors disposed in two or more locomotives of a consist is disclosed. The system includes a first sensor, disposed in a first locomotive, configured to detect a first value of a parameter associated with operation of the first locomotive. The system includes a second sensor, disposed in a second locomotive, configured to detect a second value of the parameter associated with operation of the second locomotive. The system includes a receiving unit, in communication with the first sensor and the second sensor, configured to receive the first value and the second value of the parameter. The system includes a controller configured to compare the first value with the second value of the parameter, and identify the fault in one of the first sensor and the second sensor based on the comparison between the first value and the second value. 1. A system for identifying a fault in sensors disposed in two or more locomotives of a consist , the system comprising:a first sensor, disposed in a first locomotive, configured to detect a first value of a parameter associated with operation of the first locomotive;a second sensor, disposed in a second locomotive in communication with the first locomotive, configured to detect a second value of the parameter associated with operation of the second locomotive;a receiving unit, in communication with the first sensor and the second sensor, configured to receive the first value and the second value of the parameter from the first sensor and the second sensor respectively;and compare the first value with the second value of the parameter; and', 'identify the fault in one of the first sensor and the second sensor based on the comparison between the first value and the second value., 'a controller, in communication with the receiving unit, configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to identify the fault based on a variation between the first value and the second value claim ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021481A1
Принадлежит: SPORTVISION, INC.

A system simultaneously tracks multiple objects. All or a subset of the objects includes a wireless receiver and a transmitter for providing an output. The system includes one or more wireless transmitters that send commands to the wireless receivers of the multiple objects instructing different subsets of the multiple objects to output (via their respective transmitter) at different times. The system also includes object sensors that receive output from the transmitters of the multiple objects and a computer system in communication with the object sensors. The computer system calculates locations of the multiple objects based on the sensed output from the multiple objects. 1. A method for tracking multiple movable objects , comprising:outputting electromagnetic signals from the multiple movable objects at different frequencies at a live sporting event;sensing the electromagnetic signals from multiple movable objects; andcalculating locations of the multiple movable objects based on the sensed electromagnetic signals from the multiple movable objects;automatically choosing a first subset of the multiple movable objects to track at a first frequency; andautomatically choosing a second subset of the multiple movable objects to track at a second frequency, the outputting and sensing are performed for the first subset of the multiple movable objects at the first frequency while the outputting and sensing are performed for the second subset of the multiple movable objects at the second frequency in response to the automatically choosing the first subset and the automatically choosing the second subset.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the outputting, sensing and calculating are performed continuously during the live sporting event.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first subset and the second subset are automatically chosen based on one or more occurrences in the event.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first subset and the second subset are automatically chosen ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Train and Rail Yard Management System

Номер: US20170021847A1
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A rail yard management system and method that takes advantage of infrastructure installed in rail yards and on train consists to allow the management of the assembly, disassembly and validation of train consists in the rail yard. A train management system and method is also provided. 1. A rail yard management system for managing railcars having a railcar-based mesh network overlaid thereon , and train consists having a train-based mesh network overlaid thereon comprising:a rail yard-based mesh network having one or more powered wireless gateways deployed in said rail yard as nodes; and (a) logically assembling train consists;', '(b) validating assembled train consists; and', '(c) logically disassembling train consists., 'said system configured for performing the functions of2. The rail yard management system of wherein said system performs the further function of validating disassembled train consists.3. The rail yard management system ofwherein said railcar-based mesh network comprises a communication management unit mounted on a railcar; andwherein said train-based mesh network comprises a powered wireless gateway and said one or more of said communication management units in a mesh network configuration; andwherein said railcar-based mesh network further comprises one or more wireless sensor nodes on a single railcar in a mesh network configuration with said communication management unit, each of said one or more wireless sensors nodes having one or more sensors for sensing an operational parameter of said railcar.4. (canceled)5. The rail yard management system of wherein said railcar-based mesh network further comprises one or more wireless sensor nodes on a single railcar in a mesh network configuration with said communication management unit claim 3 , each of said one or more wireless sensors nodes having one or more sensors for sensing an operational parameter of said railcar.6. The rail yard management system of wherein said function of logically assembling ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023868A1
Автор: FALTA Michal

A device for monitoring operation parameters of a vehicle axle including a measuring instrument () comprising at least a position sensor, a device () for communication of measured quantities to an external device, a mechanism () for conversion of mechanical energy of the axle to electrical energy and a memory () with a stored identification code. A device has the shape of a ring () that is applied on the vehicle axle in such a way that it encircles it. The ring () consists of at least two parts () that are adapted for permanent connection around the vehicle axle. The mechanism () consists of a circumferential cavity () in the inner part of the ring where a permanent magnet () is freely positioned, at least one coil (), preferably four coils () being positioned along its perimeter. The device () for communication of measured quantities is a wireless transmitter with a GSM interface or radio-frequency interface configured for communication of measured values together with the identification code () of the axle to an external processing unit. 112534. A device for monitoring operation parameters of a vehicle axle including a measuring instrument () comprising at least a position sensor , a device () for communication of measured quantities to an external device , a mechanism () for conversion of mechanical energy of the axle to electrical energy and a memory () with a stored identification code , characterized in that it has the shape of a ring () that is applied on the vehicle axle in such a way that it encircles it.2444a,b. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the ring () consists of at least two parts () that are adapted for permanent connection around the vehicle axle.355555abcc. The device in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the mechanism () consists of a circumferential cavity () in the inner part of the ring where a permanent magnet () is freely positioned claim 1 , at least one coil () claim 1 , preferably four coils () ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024108A1

In order to locate points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) of a railway track (), by means of a railway locating system (), progressing on the railway track (), a linear camera () pointing at the railway track () repeatedly acquires instantaneous linear optical data along an instantaneous measurement line (), and an orientation device () of the railway locating system () repeatedly acquires orientation data of the railway locating system () with respect to a reference line (A) of the railway track (). By processing at least the instantaneous linear optical data, a potentially distorted bitmap image is constructed of a zone of the surface of the railway track (), then points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) are identified in the potentially distorted bitmap image, before determining rectified coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ), as a function of potentially distorted coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in a reference system of the potentially distorted bitmap image and orientation data. 25212222252122222. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that to acquire the orientation data claim 1 , a first feeler of the orientation device () detects an orientation of the locating system () with respect to a first rail (A) of the railway track claim 1 , constituting a first orientation rail (A) claim 1 , and claim 1 , preferably claim 1 , a second feeler of the orientation device () detects an orientation of the locating system () with respect to a second rail (B) of the railway track claim 1 , constituting a second orientation rail (B).35452225222545422522254. Method according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that to acquire the orientation data claim 1 , a first orientation matrix camera (A) of the orientation device () claim 1 , arranged facing a first of the rails of the railway track constituting a first orientation ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024109A1

In order to position a set of one or more tools supported by a railway intervention vehicle progressing on a railway track (), data is received characterising a curvilinear abscissa of a spatial indexation marker () of known signature, and a positioning of the spatial indexation marker () with respect to a reference line (A, B, ) of the railway track (), and coordinates of points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in a two-dimensional locating reference system linked to the spatial indexation marker () and to the reference line (A, B, ), one or more transposition matrix cameras () acquire a set of one or more transposition bitmap images in a spatial reference system of the transposition system (), fixed with respect to the transposition chassis (), and an odometer () acquires progression data of the transposition system with respect to the railway track (). Then the spatial indexation marker () in the set of one or more transposition bitmap images is identified as a function of the progression data and curvilinear abscissa data, which makes it possible to determine data characteristic of the spatial indexation marker () and the reference line (A, B, ) in the spatial reference system of the transposition chassis, and to calculate transposed coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in the spatial reference system of the transposition system (), as a function of data characteristic of the spatial indexation marker () and the reference line (A) in the spatial reference system of the transposition system, and coordinates of the points or lines of interest (A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′, D′, ) in the locating reference system. 11132210016453444445. Method for commanding a set of one or more tools () mounted on a railway intervention vehicle () progressing on a railway track () in a direction of progression () , carried out by a transposition system () comprising a transposition chassis () mounted on the railway intervention ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026008A1

A method for forming 3D image data representative of the subsurface of infrastructure located in the vicinity of a moving vehicle. The method includes: rotating a directional antenna, mounted to the moving vehicle, about an antenna rotation axis; performing, using the directional antenna whilst it is rotated about the antenna rotation axis, a plurality of collection cycles in which the directional antenna emits RF energy and receives reflected RF energy; collecting, during each of the plurality of collection cycles performed by the directional antenna. 1. A method for forming 3D image data representative of the subsurface of infrastructure located in the vicinity of a moving vehicle , the method including:rotating a directional antenna, mounted to the moving vehicle, about an antenna rotation axis;performing, using the directional antenna whilst it is rotated about the antenna rotation axis, a plurality of collection cycles in which the directional antenna emits RF energy and receives reflected RF energy; (i) radar data representative of reflected RF energy received by the directional antenna during the collection cycle;', '(ii) angular position data representative of an angular position of the directional antenna about the antenna rotation axis during the collection cycle; and', '(iii) translational position data regarding a translational position of the directional antenna during the collection cycle;, 'collecting, during each of the plurality of collection cycles performed by the directional antennaprocessing the radar data, the angular position data and the translational position data collected during each of the plurality of collection cycles to form 3D image data representative of the subsurface of infrastructure located in the vicinity of the moving vehicle.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the method includes varying an angle θ between the antenna rotation axis and a direction of movement of the vehicle.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029001A1
Автор: Berggren Eric

Method for determining structural parameters of a railway track having a sensor array, includes measuring vertical and/or lateral irregularities of the rail with the sensor array along the rail, thereby providing signals corresponding to geometrical irregularities at different distance from the wheel-load. A model is provided describing the rail's deflection shape, which is dependent on structural parameters of the rail and on the loads on the rail. The model is stored in a processor where geometrical irregularities are compared under different load influence for generating a measured deflection shape. At least one theoretical rail deflection shape is generated using the model by varying structural parameters and the load in the model. At least one of theoretical deflection shapes is compared with the measured deflection shape for each point of the rail, and the structural parameters of that theoretical deflection shape which best matches the measured deflection shape are determined. 1. A method for determining structural parameters of a rail track using a measurement system comprising a sensor array configured to measure at least the vertical and/or lateral irregularities of a rail under influence of different loads at a plurality of points along the rail , and at different distances from the load/wheel , and to provide signals corresponding to said rail irregularities , the sensor array being positioned in a railway car adjacent to the contact point between a wheel and a rail; and a processor configured to process the signals from the sensor array;the method comprisingmeasuring at least the vertical and/or lateral irregularities of said rail with the sensor array along the rail, thereby providing signals corresponding to the geometrical irregularities at different distance from the wheel-load, i.e. under different load influence;providing a model describing the deflection shape of a rail, wherein the deflection shape is dependent on structural parameters of the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032840A1
Автор: James Denman H.

An assembly is provided that includes a shaft, a bearing, a stator seal element, a rotor seal element and a shield. The shaft extends along an axis. The bearing supports the shaft and receives lubrication fluid. The stator seal element circumscribes the shaft. The rotor seal element is mounted on the shaft axially between the bearing and the stator seal element. The rotor seal element forms a seal with the stator seal element. The shield substantially prevents the lubrication fluid from traveling axially away from the bearing onto the rotor seal element. 1. A turbine engine assembly , comprising:a turbine engine shaft extending along an axis;a bearing including an inner race and an outer race, wherein the inner race is mounted on the shaft and is separated from the outer race by a gap;a rotor seal element mounted on the shaft; anda shield substantially blocking an axial line of sight between the gap and the rotor seal element.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotor seal element includes a seal surface that faces away from the bearing.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shield comprises an annular rotor shield that is mounted on the shaft axially between the inner race and the rotor seal element.4. The assembly of claim 3 , whereinthe inner race extends radially outward to an outer surface with a first radius;the outer race extends radially inward to an inner surface with a second radius; andthe shield extends radially outward to an outer surface with a third radius that is greater than the first radius and less than the second radius.5. The assembly of claim 3 , whereinthe outer race extends radially inward to an inner surface with a first radius; andthe shield extends radially outward to an outer surface with a second radius that is one of substantially equal to and greater than the first radius.6. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the shield includes a sleeve and an annular flange claim 3 , the sleeve is mounted on the shaft claim 3 , and the flange ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031216A1

A testing device for monitoring a defined profile of a train of vehicles, in particular rail vehicles, including at least one sensor device which is configured to detect compliance or non-compliance with the profile. The sensor device is configured to detect the train in order to improve monitoring of the clearance profile of the train. A vehicle, in particular a rail vehicle, in the form of a train including the testing device and a method for checking a defined profile of a train of vehicles, in particular rail vehicles, are also provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A testing device for monitoring a defined profile of a train of vehicles , the testing device comprising:at least one sensor device configured to detect a compliance or non-compliance with the profile from onboard the train itself.17. The testing device according to claim 16 , wherein the vehicles are rail vehicles.18. The testing device according to claim 16 , wherein:said at least one sensor device determines a test signal being representative of the compliance or non-compliance with the profile, at least as a function of an orientation of the train; andan evaluation device is configured to evaluate the test signal.19. The testing device according to claim 18 , which further comprises at least one orientation unit configured to determine the orientation of the train or of at least one vehicle of the train.20. The testing device according to claim 19 , wherein said at least one orientation unit includes a curve sensor configured to determine a curved direction of travel of at least one vehicle of the train.21. The testing device according to claim 19 , wherein said at least one orientation unit includes a gradient sensor configured to determine a gradient of at least one vehicle of the train.22. The testing device according to claim 19 , wherein said at least one orientation unit includes a location sensor for determining a location of at least one vehicle of the train relative to a track.23. The testing ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031217A1

A method of determining the actual position of a track relative to a fixed point located in a lateral vicinity of the track by using a registering device being mobile on the track includes surveying the position of the fixed point relative to the track. The registering device is moved along the track, image pairs of the lateral vicinity of the track are continuously recorded by a stereo camera system on the registering device and the fixed point is searched for in the image pairs by pattern recognition carried out in an evaluation device. Upon recognition of the fixed point, the position of the fixed point relative to the track is determined by evaluating at least one image pair. This creates the possibility of surveying fixed points in passing with the configuration of the fixed point not being bound to any special form. A measuring system is also provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A method of determining the actual position of a track relative to a fixed point located in a lateral vicinity of the track , the method comprising the following steps:providing a registering device being mobile on the track for surveying the position of the fixed point relative to the track;moving the registering device along the track while continuously recording image pairs of the lateral vicinity of the track by using a stereo camera system disposed on the registering device;searching for the fixed point in the image pairs by pattern recognition carried out in an evaluation device; andupon identification of the fixed point, determining the position of the fixed point relative to the track by evaluation of at least one of the image pairs.17. The method according to claim 16 , which further comprises using an inertial measuring unit to continuously register a position of the registering device relative to a stationary reference system claim 16 , and correcting a resulting drift by using the determined position of the fixed point.18. The method according to claim 16 , which further comprises ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032709A1

Products and methods are provided for controlling thermal expansion. In various exemplary embodiments, a structure includes a body constructed of a material exhibiting a first coefficient of linear thermal expansion. A component is disposed inside the body and exhibits a second coefficient of linear thermal expansion that is lower than the first coefficient of linear thermal expansion. A layer is wrapped around the body and constrains thermal expansion of the body. The layer includes a composite containing fibers that are aligned with one another to constrain expansion in a desired direction or in multiple directions. The layer is independently useful to provide a retention function for the body. 1. A structure comprising:a body comprised of a material exhibiting a first coefficient of linear thermal expansion;a component disposed inside the body and exhibiting a second coefficient of linear thermal expansion that is lower than the first coefficient of linear thermal expansion; anda layer wrapped around the body the layer configured to constrain thermal expansion of the body and configured to maintain contact between the body and the component, the layer comprising a composite containing fibers that are aligned with one another.2. The structure of wherein the body is cylindrical and has a circumference around the body defining a circumferential direction wherein the fibers are aligned in the circumferential direction.3. The structure of wherein the body is formed of an aluminum alloy and the component is formed of steel and wherein the layer constrains thermal expansion of the body toward the second coefficient of linear thermal expansion.4. The structure of wherein a number of grooves are formed in the body and the layer is formed on the body including in the grooves.5. The structure of wherein the grooves are dovetail shaped and extend from an outer circumference of the body into the body to a bottom claim 4 , wherein the grooves have a first width at the outer ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039436A1

An aerial system and method use a distance sensor to measure spatial distances between the distance sensor and plural vehicles in a vehicle system formed from the vehicles operably coupled with each other during relative movement between the distance sensor and the vehicle system. The spatial distances measured by the distance sensor are used to determine a size parameter of the vehicle system based on the spatial distances that are measured. 1. A system comprising:a distance sensor configured to measure spatial distances between the distance sensor and plural vehicles in a vehicle system during relative movement between the distance sensor and the vehicle system, the vehicle system formed from the vehicles operably coupled with each other; anda controller configured to obtain the spatial distances measured by the distance sensor and determine a size parameter of the vehicle system based on the spatial distances that are measured.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to determine one or more of a length between opposite ends of the vehicle system claim 1 , a type of the vehicle system claim 1 , a number of the vehicles in the vehicle system claim 1 , a length of one or more of the vehicles in the vehicle system claim 1 , or a weight of the vehicle system as the size parameter of the vehicle system based on the spatial distances that are measured.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to identify a change in a length of a coupler that mechanically couples adjacent vehicles of the vehicles in the vehicle system based on the spatial distances that are measured claim 1 , and wherein the controller is configured to communicate an alert signal to an output device to one or more of notify an operator of the vehicle system of the change in the length or to a control system of the vehicle system to automatically change movement of the vehicle system based on the change in the length.4. The system of claim 1 , further ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Real-Time Track Asset Recognition and Position Determination

Номер: US20200034637A1
Принадлежит: Herzog Technologies, Inc.

A system for real-time asset recognition and location includes an image capture and recognition system having a plurality of image capturing devices for capturing image data of an area surrounding a railroad track and a position determination system for determining a position of assets in the area surrounding the track. A processor analyzes captured image data and recognizes assets and correlates a determined position with each recognized asset. The system recognizes assets and determines positions of assets in real-time as the system is transported along a railroad track by a survey vehicle. The captured and analyzed data is stored to a data storage unit for immediate use in updating a railroad asset data base, subdivision files, or positive train control (PTC) files. 1. A system for real-time asset recognition and location , comprising:a survey system for attachment to a survey vehicle, the survey system operable to capture image data of an area surrounding the survey vehicle and corresponding position data;a processor in communication with the survey system, the processor operable to analyze the captured image data and identify images of railroad assets and to correlate identified assets with a corresponding geolocation based on the position data in real-time as the survey vehicle traverses a section of track to be surveyed; anda data storage unit in communication with the processor, the data storage unit operable to store: captured image data, captured position data, data from the processor identifying assets and their locations, and combinations thereof.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the survey system comprises an image capture and recognition system and a positional location system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the image capture and recognition system comprises a plurality of image capturing devices.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the image capturing devices comprise: cameras claim 3 , CCD devices claim 3 , LiDar scanners claim 3 , radar scanners ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037239A1

A deployable gage restraint measurement system includes a measurement axle assembly, a cross member, first and second support frames, first and second load cylinders, first and second swing arms, and an anti-rotation arm. The first and the second support frames are each pivotally coupled to the cross member. The first load cylinder is pivotally coupled to the first support frame and the second load cylinder is pivotally coupled to the second support frame. The first swing arm is pivotally coupled to (i) the first load cylinder about a first axis of the first swing arm, (ii) the first support frame about a second axis of the first swing arm, and (iii) the measurement axle assembly about a third axis of the first swing arm. The anti-rotational arm is pivotally coupled to (i) the first support frame and (ii) the measurement axle assembly. 1. A deployable gage restraint measurement system , comprising:a measurement axle assembly having a measurement-axle axis therethrough;a cross member;a support frame pivotally coupled to the cross member;a load cylinder pivotally coupled to the support frame;a swing arm pivotally coupled to (i) the load cylinder about a first axis of the swing arm, (ii) the support frame about a second axis of the swing arm, and (iii) the measurement axle assembly about a third axis of the swing arm;an anti-rotational arm pivotally coupled to (i) the support frame and (ii) the measurement axle assembly, the anti-rotation arm being configured to prevent rotation of a body of the measurement axle assembly about the measurement-axle axis; anda mounting block coupled to the body of the measurement axle assembly, the mounting block including a clevis and a pin for pivotally coupling the anti-rotation arm to the body of the measurement axle assembly.23-. (canceled)4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second axis is between the first axis and the third axis.5. A deployable gage restraint measurement system claim 1 , comprising:a measurement axle assembly ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037240A1

A rail vehicle wheel flat warning system comprising a first sensor, a second sensor and a controller. The first sensor may be located adjacent to a first side of a rail to provide data associated with a rail vehicle wheel passing over the first side of the rail. The second sensor may be located adjacent to the first side of the rail to provide data associated with the rail vehicle wheel passing over the first side of the rail. Furthermore, the controller may be in communication with the first sensor and the second sensor to receive data from the first sensor and the second sensor. The controller may determine a potential wheel deformity based on the data received from the first sensor and the second sensor. 1. A rail vehicle wheel flat warning system comprising:a first sensor located adjacent to a first side of a rail to provide data associated with a rail vehicle wheel passing over the first side of the rail;a second sensor located adjacent to the first side of the rail to provide data associated with the rail vehicle wheel passing over the first side of the rail; anda controller in communication with the first sensor and the second sensor to receive data from the first sensor and the second sensor and to determine a potential wheel deformity based on data received from the first sensor and the second sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor and the second sensor indicate a level of pressure asserted by a rail vehicle while traveling on the rail.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first sensor comprises a bank of gauges placed at different locations along the first side of the rail to measure vertical and horizontal forces exerted by the wheel.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein level of pressure asserted by a rail vehicle is indicated in pound-force per square inch.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the deformity comprises a potential wheel flat based on the data received from the first sensor and the second sensor.6. The system of claim 1 , ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040713A1
Принадлежит: MTU Aero Engines AG

A roller bearing, particularly a needle bearing, for arranging on a pivot pin of a variable guide vane of a turbomachine, is disclosed. The roller bearing includes at least one radially elastic needle which has two opposing end regions and at least one roller region arranged between the end regions and constructed in a cross-sectionally thickened manner. The end regions roll off at associated raceways of a bearing housing of the roller bearing and the roller region is arranged in the region of an associated groove of the bearing housing. A variable guide vane with at least one such roller bearing, a housing of a turbomachine with such a guide vane, as well as a turbomachine, is also disclosed. 1. A roller bearing for arranging on a pivot pin of a variable guide vane of a turbomachine , comprising:a radially elastic needle which has two opposing end regions and a roller region arranged between the two end regions, wherein the roller region has an average cross-sectional thickness that is greater than an average cross-sectional thickness of the needle; anda bearing housing;wherein the two end regions roll off at respective raceways of the bearing housing and wherein the roller region is disposed in a region of a groove of the bearing housing.2. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the roller region does not contact the bearing housing when the needle is in a no-load state.3. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the roller region is disposed in a center of the needle.4. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein an axial length of the roller region is between 5% and 50% of a total length of the needle and/or the average cross-sectional thickness of the roller region is between 105% and 180% of the average cross-sectional thickness of the needle.5. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the roller region has an essentially cylindrical or spherical shape.6. The roller bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the needle has a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038413A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

This abnormality diagnosis system is provided with: a bearing comprising a plurality of constituent members; a sensor that is installed on a constituent member and detects signals from the surroundings; and an abnormality diagnosis device that diagnoses, on the basis of signals output from the sensor, abnormalities in the rolling bearing or in a device located at the periphery of the rolling bearing. 1. An abnormality diagnosis system comprising:a bearing that has a plurality of components;one sensor that is provided at the component and that is configured to detect surrounding signals; andan abnormality diagnosis device that is configured to diagnose abnormality of the bearing and abnormality of a device disposed around the bearing, based on signals output from the sensor.2. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the abnormality diagnosis device determines that the bearing or the device is abnormal claim 1 , when an output value of the sensor increases or exceeds a predetermined threshold value.3. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided in the vicinity of an axial end portion of a bearing ring of the bearing.4. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided in the vicinity of a raceway surface of a bearing ring of the bearing.5. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a temperature sensor.6. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a vibration sensor.7. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a load sensor.8. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided at a fixed ring of the bearing.9. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor is provided at a rotary ring of the bearing. The present invention relates to an abnormality diagnosis system.A machine facility such as a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038735A1

A method of detecting temperature changes with infrared includes the steps of providing a plurality of infrared detection devices for detecting temperature changes in a region; turning on the plurality of infrared detection devices one by one at a first time interval; capturing temperature signals of the plurality of infrared detection devices one by one at a second time interval; and comparing the temperature signals with a background temperature signal to calculate temperature differences and thereby detect temperature changes in the region. A method of detecting moving vehicles with infrared is further introduced. 1. A method of detecting temperature changes with infrared , comprising the steps of:(A) providing a plurality of infrared detection devices for detecting temperature changes in a region;(B) turning on the plurality of infrared detection devices one by one at a first time interval;(C) capturing temperature signals of the plurality of infrared detection devices one by one at a second time interval; and(D) comparing the temperature signals with a background temperature signal to calculate temperature differences and thereby detect temperature changes in the region.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the infrared detection devices are infrared temperature sensors.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the infrared detection devices are in number of four.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first time interval is 62.5 ms.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second time interval is 62.5 ms.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the background temperature signal is generated by calculating a weighted average with the newly-captured temperature signals of the infrared detection devices.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a temperature difference threshold is configured for use in detecting temperature changes in the region claim 1 , and it will be justified to determine that a temperature change occurs to the region claim 1 , if the difference between a temperature ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047598A1

A bearing monitoring device of a railcar configured to monitor a bearing of a bogie supporting a carbody includes: a receiving unit configured to receive a data piece of a bearing temperature and at least one of a data piece of a load and a rotating speed of the bearing; and a diagnostic unit configured to, when a monitoring value exceeds a variable threshold, determine that an abnormality of the bearing has occurred, the monitoring value being at least one of a temperature value and a temperature increase rate, the at least one of the temperature value and the temperature increase rate being obtained from the data piece of the temperature of the bearing received by the receiving unit, wherein when at least one of a value of the data piece of the load and of the rotating speed decreases, the diagnostic unit lowers the variable threshold. 1. A bearing monitoring device of a railcar , the bearing monitoring device being configured to monitor a bearing of a bogie supporting a carbody ,the bearing monitoring device comprising:a receiving unit configured to receive a data piece of a temperature of the bearing and at least one of a data piece of a load of the bearing and a data piece of a rotating speed of the bearing; anda diagnostic unit configured to, when a monitoring value exceeds a variable threshold, determine that an abnormality of the bearing has occurred, the monitoring value being at least one of a temperature value and a temperature increase rate, the at least one of the temperature value and the temperature increase rate being obtained from the data piece of the temperature of the bearing received by the receiving unit, whereinwhen at least one of a value of the data piece of the load and a value of the data piece of the rotating speed decreases, the diagnostic unit lowers the variable threshold.2. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 1 , wherein:the variable threshold includes a first variable threshold and a second variable threshold; andwhen at ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052531A1
Автор: Boukari Morou

The invention relates to a device for communicating and monitoring railway tracks, noteworthy in that it comprises a plurality of communicating and monitoring terminals () arranged along the tracks, each terminal () comprising: an image-capturing module (); a wireless communicating module () allowing the terminals to communicate with each other and with trains; a module () for storing electrical power, continuously supplying the image-capturing module () and the communicating module () with power; and a module () for supplying the storing module () with power, comprising at least one means for recovering energy from the air displaced by trains (T) running over the railway track, with the aim of enabling permanent monitoring via the image capture and of making permanent wireless connections available to the trains. The invention also relates to a method of operating said device. Application: communication and monitoring for railway tracks. Application: communication and monitoring for railway tracks. 1. A device for communicating and monitoring railway tracks , the device comprising a plurality of communicating and monitoring terminals arranged along the tracks , with each terminal comprising:an image-capturing module,a wireless communicating module that allows for communication between terminals and with the train,a module for storing electrical power continuously supplying the image-capturing module and the communicating module,a module for supplying the storing module comprising a means for recovering the energy from the air displaced by trains running over the railway track,for the purposes on permanent monitoring by capturing images and making permanent wireless connections available to the trains.2. A device according to wherein the means of recovering is a dynamic air turbine.3. A device according to wherein the means of recovering power is a wind turbine converter without a propeller that adopts an electrostatic technology.4. A device according to wherein the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Bulk Metallic Glass Load Cell

Номер: US20210053595A1

According to some embodiments, a load cell for determining a weight of a large object comprises a base plate comprising at least one recessed opening, a bulk metallic glass plug disposed in the at least one recessed opening of the base plate, and a top plate positioned above the base plate. A portion of the top plate is supported by the bulk metallic glass plug. The load cell further comprises a micro strain sensor coupled to the bulk metallic glass plug. The micro strain sensor is operable to determine a change in micro strain on the bulk metallic glass plug. The bulk metallic glass plug extends to a height where the top plate does not contact the base plate. 1. A load cell for determining a weight of a large object , the load cell comprising:a base plate comprising at least one recessed opening;a bulk metallic glass plug disposed in the at least one recessed opening of the base plate;a top plate positioned above the base plate, wherein a portion of the top plate is supported by the bulk metallic glass plug;a micro strain sensor coupled to the bulk metallic glass plug, wherein the micro strain sensor is operable to determine a change in micro strain on the bulk metallic glass plug; andwherein the bulk metallic glass plug extends to a height where the top plate does not contact the base plate.2. The load cell of claim 1 , wherein the micro strain sensor is communicably coupled to a data collection device.3. The load cell of claim 2 , wherein the micro strain sensor is communicably coupled to the data collection device via one or more wires.4. The load cell of claim 2 , wherein the micro strain sensor is communicably coupled wirelessly to the data collection device.5. The load cell of claim 2 , wherein the data collection device is operable to transmit a weight measurement to an operations center.6. The load cell of claim 1 , wherein the bulk metallic glass plug comprises one of a Zr-based claim 1 , Fe-based claim 1 , and Cu-based bulk metallic glass.7. A truck ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle size measurement apparatus and vehicle size measuring method

Номер: US20200047779A1

An object of the invention is to measure an outside size of the vehicle accurately while running the vehicle. A plurality of the 1st sensors irradiate inspection lights to a plurality of places () of the vehicle of a railroad and output measurement signals which show positions and distances by receiving lights from a plurality of the places of the vehicle . The 2nd sensor or irradiates an inspection light to an outside surface of the vehicle and outputs a measurement signal which shows a position and a distance by receiving a light from the outside surface of the vehicle . The control equipment or the processing equipment processes the measurement signals outputted from a plurality of the 1st sensors , detects positions and heights of a plurality of the places of the vehicle , processes the measurement signal outputted from the 2nd sensor or , and detects the outside size of the vehicle . And the control equipment or the processing equipment calculates amounts of a deviation of the outside surface of the vehicle due to a swing of the vehicle based on amounts of fluctuations of the detected positions and heights of a plurality of the places of the vehicle , and corrects the detected outside size of the vehicle according to the calculated amounts of the deviation. 1. A vehicle size measurement apparatus , wherein said apparatus comprising:a plurality of the 1st sensors which irradiate inspection lights to a plurality of places of a vehicle of a railroad and output measurement signals which show positions and distances by receiving lights from a plurality of the places of said vehicle,the 2nd sensor which irradiates an inspection light to an outside surface of said vehicle and outputs a measurement signal which shows a position and a distance by receiving a light from the outside surface of said vehicle, andcontrol and processing equipment which controls a plurality of said 1st sensors and said 2nd sensor, processes said measurement signal outputted from said 2nd ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Device for detecting rail defects and associated detection method

Номер: US20200047780A1

The present invention relates to a device for detecting defects in a rail, including at least one collection of sensors which are able to generate an electrical signal indicative of a distance (dn,i) separating the sensors and the rail, and at least one rail vehicle able to move along the rail; the collection of sensors being assembled to the rail vehicle; the rail vehicle being configured to rest on the rail in such a way that said sensors are positioned facing and some distance away from said rail. The device includes a friction pad comprising a lower surface able to slide along the rail, the friction pad further comprising at least one cavity formed in the lower surface, the at least one collection of sensors being housed in the cavity. 1. A device for detecting rail defects , comprising:at least one collection of sensors, each of said sensors being able to generate an electrical signal indicative of a distance separating said sensor and the rail,at least one rail vehicle able to move along the rail;the collection of sensors being assembled to the rail vehicle; the rail vehicle being configured to rest on the rail in such a way that said sensors are positioned facing and some distance away from said rail;wherein the device includes a friction pad comprising a substantially flat lower surface,said friction pad being assembled to the rail vehicle in such a way that the movement of said vehicle along the rail causes a sliding on said rail by said lower surface, along a longitudinal direction of said friction pad;the friction pad further comprising at least one cavity formed in the lower surface, the at least one collection of sensors being housed in said cavity.2. The detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one collection of sensors comprises at least one row of sensors aligned in a transverse direction claim 1 , perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the friction pad.3. The detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047781A1

A system and method for controlling a vehicle system determine one or more of a route parameter of a route on which the vehicle system is moving or a vehicle parameter of the vehicle system. The system and method also determine whether a ratio of a lateral force exerted by one or more wheels of the vehicle system on the route to a vertical force exerted by the one or more wheels of the vehicle system on the route increases to a value exceeding a designated threshold as a result of the one or more route parameter of vehicle parameter that is determined. The ratio of the lateral force to the vertical force exerted by the one or more wheels of the vehicle system on the route is reduced to a value less than the designated threshold by changing an operation of the vehicle system. 1. A method comprising:determining one or more of (a) a route parameter of a route on which a vehicle system is moving or (b) a vehicle parameter of the vehicle system;determining whether a ratio of a lateral force exerted by one or more wheels of the vehicle system on the route to a vertical force exerted by the one or more wheels of the vehicle system on the route increases to a value exceeding a designated threshold as a result of the one or more route parameter or vehicle parameter that is determined; andreducing the ratio of the lateral force to the vertical force exerted by the one or more wheels of the vehicle system on the route to a value less than the designated threshold by changing an operation of the vehicle system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the one or more route parameter or vehicle parameter includes determining that the vehicle system is moving toward a curved section of the route.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more route parameter or vehicle parameter that is determined includes one or more of:a radius of curvature of a curved section of the route,a cant of the route,a change in the cant of the route,a wheel defect in a wheel of the vehicle ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050651A1

A system for monitoring operation of a railcar having one or more sensing units, mounted on the railcar, for monitoring operating parameters and or conditions of the railcar, and a communication management unit, in wireless communication with the sensing units, wherein the system can make a determination of an alarm condition based on data collected the sensing units. A temperature sensor device for use in such a system is also provided. 136-. (canceled)37. A method of monitoring operational characteristics of a railcar comprising the steps of:a. receiving data or processed information regarding said operational characteristic from one or more sensing units on said railcar, said sensing units monitoring an operational characteristic of said railcar;b. applying a heuristic to said received data to determine deviations from nominal operating conditions;c. assigning a severity level to said deviations from nominal operating conditions; andd. determining an alarm condition based on said assigned severity level.38. The method of further comprising the initial step of establishing wireless communication with said one or more remote sensing units.39. The method of wherein said one or more remote sensing units form a mesh network.40. The method of wherein steps a-d are executed by a processing unit located on said railcar.41. The method of wherein said processing unit located on said railcar is a part of said mesh network.42. The method of further comprising the step of transmitting said alarm condition to a location remote from said railcar.43. The method of further comprising the step of transmitting said data received from said one or more sensing units to a location remote from said railcar.44. The method of further comprising the steps of:a. receiving data from a plurality of railcars;b. applying a heuristic to said received data to determine deviations from nominal operating conditions;c. assigning a severity level to said deviations from nominal operating conditions; ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050652A1
Автор: Beyer Ralf

A method for providing a diagnostic message associated with at least one process in a rail vehicle, includes using at least one device of the vehicle to carry out the process, using a diagnostic device of the vehicle associated with the process to produce at least one diagnostic report, and using a data acquisition device to acquire at least one environment dataset. In order to keep the time required for the preprocessing of the information content short despite high data volume, the data acquisition device includes at least one image and/or sound-recording unit. Image and/or sound data being recorded by the image and/or sound-recording unit, the environment dataset containing image and/or sound data, the diagnostic report and the environment dataset are combined by an aggregation unit of the vehicle to produce the diagnostic message. A rail vehicle having an apparatus providing a diagnostic message is also provided. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for providing a diagnostic message assigned to at least one process in a rail vehicle , the method comprising the following steps:using at least one device of the rail vehicle to carry out the process;using a diagnostic device of the rail vehicle assigned to the process to generate at least one diagnostic report;using a data acquisition device to acquire at least one environment dataset, the data acquisition device having at least one recording unit for at least one of image or sound;using the at least one recording unit for at least one of image or sound to record at least one of image or sound data contained in the at least one environment dataset; andusing an aggregation unit of the rail vehicle to aggregate the at least one diagnostic report and the at least one environment dataset to form the diagnostic message.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the aggregation of the at least one diagnostic report and the environment dataset follows the acquisition of the environment dataset.14. The method according to ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140129154A1

A sensing system includes a leading sensor, a trailing sensor, and a route examining unit. The leading sensor is onboard a first vehicle of a vehicle system that is traveling along a route. The leading sensor measures first characteristics of the route as the vehicle system moves along the route. The trailing sensor is disposed onboard a second vehicle of the vehicle system. The trailing sensor measures second characteristics of the route as the vehicle system moves along the route. The route examining unit is disposed onboard the vehicle system and receives the first characteristics of the route and the second characteristics of the route to compare the first characteristics with the second characteristics. The route examining unit also identifies a segment of the route as being damaged based on a comparison of the first characteristics with the second characteristics. 1. A sensing system comprising:a leading sensor configured to be coupled to a leading rail vehicle of a rail vehicle system that travels along a track, the leading sensor also configured to acquire first inspection data indicative of a condition of the track in an examined section of the track as the rail vehicle system travels over the track;a trailing sensor configured to be coupled to a trailing rail vehicle of the rail vehicle system and to acquire additional, second inspection data indicative of the condition of the track subsequent to the leading rail vehicle passing over the examined section of the track and the leading sensor acquiring the first inspection data; anda route examining unit configured to be disposed onboard the rail vehicle system, the route examining unit also configured to direct the trailing sensor to acquire the second inspection data in the examined section of the track when the first inspection data indicates damage to the track such that both the leading sensor and the trailing sensor acquire the first inspection data and the second inspection data, respectively, of the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049594A1

A temperature abnormality detection system includes: measurement devices; and a processor to determine temperature abnormality using a first temperature T a second temperature T and a third temperature T The processor determines occurrence of temperature abnormality when any one of following conditions is satisfied: 1. A temperature abnormality detection system comprising:measurement devices each configured to measure, at a corresponding one of points on a ground through which a railroad vehicle runs sequentially, a temperature of an underfloor device of the railroad vehicle that passes the corresponding point; and{'b': 1', '2', '1', '3', '2, 'a processor configured to perform determination of temperature abnormality based on a first temperature T, a second temperature T at a point which the railroad vehicle passes after a measurement point of the first temperature T, and a third temperature T at a point which the railroad vehicle passes after a measurement point of the second temperature T, among the temperatures measured by the measurement devices,'}{'b': 0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'wherein the processor uses threshold values A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, and A, which are specified previously, and determines whether or not a temperature abnormality occurred when any one of following Conditions (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) is satisfied{'b': 1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0, '(A) (T>A) or (T>A) or (T>A);'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '4', '2', '1', '2', '2', '3', '3, '(B) (T>A) and ((T−T>A) or (T−T<0)) and (T>A) and (T>A);'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '4', '3', '3, '(C) (T>A) and (T−T>A) and (T>A);'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '4', '3', '2', '5', '3', '1', '6, '(D) (T>A) and (T−T>A) and ((T−T>A) or (T−T>A)); and'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '0', '3', '2', '7', '3', '1', '8', '1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0, '(E) (T>A) and (T−T<) and ((T−T>A) or (T−T>A)), where A Подробнее

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051790A1

A bearing device has rolling bearings each having an inner ring mounted on a main shaft and an outer ring; an inner ring spacer interposed between the inner rings of the neighboring rolling bearings and mounted on the main shaft; an outer ring spacer interposed between the outer rings of the neighboring rolling bearings; and a cooling structure. The cooling structure includes a nozzle provided in the outer ring spacer to supply a cooling fluid to the rolling bearings by blowing the cooling fluid to an outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer. The nozzle has a discharge port side that is inclined forwardly with respect to a direction of rotation of the main shaft. The outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer is shaped to guide the cooling fluid, discharged from the nozzle, towards the neighboring rolling bearings on both sides. 1. A bearing device having a plurality of axially juxtaposed rolling bearings , each of the rolling bearings having an inner ring mounted on a main shaft and an outer ring accommodated in a housing; an inner ring spacer interposed between the inner rings of the neighboring rolling bearings and mounted on the main shaft; an outer ring spacer interposed between the outer rings of the neighboring rolling bearings and accommodated in the housing; and a cooling structure , the cooling structure comprising:a nozzle provided in the outer ring spacer and configured to supply a cooling fluid to the rolling bearings by blowing the cooling fluid to an outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer, the cooling fluid including at least one of air and oil,wherein the nozzle has a discharge port side that is inclined forwardly with respect to a direction of rotation of the main shaft, andthe outer peripheral surface of the inner ring spacer is shaped to guide the cooling fluid, discharged from the nozzle, towards the neighboring rolling bearings on both sides.2. The bearing device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the discharge port of ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052127A1

An electrical detection device carried by a rail vehicle traveling on a railway track to detect faults in at least one rail, including a contact support suitable for being mechanically linked to the rail vehicle, at least one reference contact and corresponding measuring contact applied to a rail, and carried by the support, a processing circuit to which each reference contact and measuring contact are connected, suitable for measuring the impedance between the corresponding reference and measuring contacts, means for positioning the contact support facing the surface of the rail in a measurement direction corresponding to the axis of the rail, such that each first reference contact and each corresponding measuring contact relate to the same rail, and at least two measuring contacts transversely offset relative to the measurement direction, wherein the processing circuit includes means for measuring the impedance between at least one reference contact and each measuring contact. 1. An electrical detection device intended to be carried by a rail vehicle traveling on rails constituting a railway track and making it possible to detect faults in at least one rail , said detection device comprising:a contact support suitable for being mechanically linked to the rail vehicle;at least one reference contact and at least one corresponding measuring contact suitable for being applied to a rail, and carried by the support;a processing circuit to which the or each reference contact and the or each measuring contact are connected, suitable for measuring the impedance between the corresponding reference and measuring contacts;means for positioning the contact support facing the surface of the rail in a measurement direction corresponding to the axis of the rail, such that the or each first reference contact and the or each corresponding measuring contact relate to the same rail; andat least two measuring contacts transversely offset relative to the measurement direction, wherein ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Railroad vehicle bearing malfunction sensing system

Номер: US20150057956A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

A railroad vehicle bearing malfunction sensing system which is able to accurately determine a malfunction of an axle bearing in each vehicle of a train. The system includes: a plurality of data loggers mounted on a plurality of axle bearings, respectively, in at least one vehicle of a single-line train, each logger including: a detection/recording to detect vibration of the bearing and record detected vibration detection data; and a wireless communication to receive a recording start command for starting recording of the vibration detection data by the detection/recording; and a simultaneous recording start command to simultaneously and wirelessly transmit recording start commands to the loggers respectively corresponding to the bearings.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073113A1

A system and method for detecting and measuring rail and/or track defects may comprise: an array of time-of-flight distance measuring sensors measuring distance to the rail head; wherein the distance measuring sensors are synchronized and the dimensional data therefrom is geo-tagged. A memory stores geo-tagged distance measurement data. Distance measurement data is processed to determine the dimensional data of the rail head including at least the width and the height thereof, for detecting rail wear and rail defects. Rail wear, surface defects, rail structural defects, rail fractures and cracks, and/or a gap in a rail, can be measured and detected. 1. A system for detecting and measuring track defects including degree of wear-defects , structural defects , and rail track distortions , wherein the rail has a rail head having a width and a height , the system comprising:an array of sensors including plural time-of-flight (TOF) distance measuring sensors arranged for measuring distance to the rail head for obtaining dimensional data of the rail head;wherein the array of sensors is configured to have a field of view that covers more than half of the width of the rail head of a known good rail and that covers a predetermined distance along the rail in a train traveling direction;wherein the field of view of the array of sensors is configured to have distance measuring sensor spot areas of each of the distance measuring sensors of the array of sensors that are configured to together cover at least the more than half of the width of the rail head and the predetermined distance along the rail in the train traveling direction, and wherein the spot area of each distance measuring sensor is selected to complement others of the spot areas of the other distance measuring sensors to obtain distance measurement data to the rail head within the field of view;whereby an array of distance measurement data therefrom is representative of the covered area of the rail head width and in ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057029A1

A track geometry measurement system includes a plurality of wheels, a frame, an inertial measurement unit, a global positioning system, and a processor. The plurality of wheels are operable to trail over rail track. The frame is coupled to the wheels. The inertial measurement unit (IMU) is coupled to the frame. The global positioning system (GPS) is coupled to the frame. The processor is configured to determine a relative position of a portion of the frame based on data from the GPS and data from the IMU. 1. A track geometry measurement system , comprising:a plurality of wheels operable to trail over rail track;a frame coupled to the wheels;an inertial measurement unit (IMU) coupled to the frame;a global positioning system (GPS) coupled to the frame; anda processor configured to determine a relative position of a portion of the frame based on data from the GPS and data from the IMU.2. The track geometry measurement system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to determine a lower precision location based on the data from the GPS and a higher precision location based on the IMU.3. The track geometry measurement system of claim 2 , wherein the processor is configured to determine a chord between two points of GPS data and to determine a location of the chord between the two points based on the IMU data.4. The track geometry measurement system of claim 1 , further comprising a memory configured to store IMU data.5. The track geometry measurement system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to determine the location by aligning data from the IMU with IMU data stored in the memory.6. The track geometry measurement system of claim 5 , wherein the processor is configured to align the data using cross-correlation.7. The track geometry measurement system of claim 4 , wherein the memory is configured to store GPS data claim 4 , and the processor is configured to determine a lower precision location by searching the memory based on the GPS data and ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061322A1

A system for analyzing thermal properties of a railroad includes a thermal imaging device configured to generate thermal image data reproducible as a thermal image of a portion of the railroad, the thermal image data being associated with a location of the portion of the railroad, an electronic display device, a memory device configured to receive and store therein the generated thermal image data; and one or more processors configured to: determine a temperature metric of the portion of the railroad based at least in part on the thermal image data; and cause the electronic display device to display (i) a first graph indicative of the temperature metric of the portion of the railroad and (ii) a second graph indicative of a railroad track geometry metric associated with the location of the portion of the railroad. 1. A system for analyzing thermal properties of a railroad , the system comprising:a thermal imaging device configured to generate thermal image data reproducible as a thermal image of a portion of the railroad, the thermal image data being associated with a location of the portion of the railroad;an electronic display device;a memory device configured to receive and store therein the generated thermal image data; and determine a temperature metric of the portion of the railroad based at least in part on the thermal image data; and', 'cause the electronic display device to display (i) a first graph indicative of the temperature metric of the portion of the railroad and (ii) a second graph indicative of a railroad track geometry metric associated with the location of the portion of the railroad., 'one or more processors configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the temperature metric of the portion of the railroad is a maximum temperature claim 1 , a minimum temperature claim 1 , an average temperature claim 1 , a standard deviation of temperature claim 1 , a temperature spike claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The system of claim 1 , further ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058504A1
Автор: Campbell Andrew

A sensor unit for a bearing includes a main body, a sensor holder and a mounting bracket. The sensor holder has a measurement surface in a first plane on which at least one sensor is provided for measuring an operating parameter of the bearing. Each mounting bracket has an attachment portion having an attachment surface. The sensor unit is configured to contact the bearing ring that forms part of an assembly in which the bearing is mounted. The sensor holder has one or more extendable legs that are extendable in a longitudinal direction perpendicular to the first plane, such that the measurement surface is adjustable in longitudinal direction relative to the main body. 1. A sensor unit for a bearing , comprisinga main body,a sensor holder, andone or more mounting brackets, whereinthe sensor holder has a measurement surface in a first plane and includes at least one sensor for measuring an operating parameter of the bearing when the measurement surface is in contact with a component of the bearing, wherein each mounting bracket provides an attachment portion having an attachment surface, wherein the sensor unit, is configured to be in contact with a component of the bearing or a component of a bearing assembly that includes the bearing,the sensor holder includes one or more extendable legs, which are extendable in a longitudinal direction perpendicular to the first plane, such that the measurement surface is adjustable in longitudinal direction relative to the main body; andthe one or more mounting brackets are linearly movable and pivotably relative to the main body, such that:the sensor unit has a first attachment position, in which the measurement surface and the attachment surface lie on parallel planes and the attachment surface is adjustable in longitudinal direction relative to the main body; and has a second attachment position in which the measurement surface and attachment surface lie in perpendicular planes and the attachment surface is adjustable in a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190061791A1

A high speed thermal imaging system includes a thermal imaging camera, the camera including a lens. The housing further includes a front portion and rear portion. The camera and lens are disposed in the housing, which further includes an opening on the front portion. The lens has a field of view through the opening. A rotating shutter disposed in the housing. The rotating shutter may be located between the opening and the optical path of the thermal sensor. The housing may be disposed near a rail track. The lens has a field of view for an object or objects of interest, such as a high speed passing train that includes bearings and brakes of railcar vehicles, (i.e. locomotives, railcars, etc.). The camera may be operable to capture thermal images of the passing rail vehicle wheels including the bearing and brake areas. 1. A system for capturing thermal images of a train passing at high speed , the system comprising:a housing including a front portion and a rear portion;a thermal imaging camera disposed within the housing, the camera including a lens; anda rotating shutter disposed in the housing; an opening is defined in the front portion of the housing and the lens is positioned such that it has a field of view through the opening;', 'the rotating shutter is located between the opening and the lens;', 'the housing is disposed near the ground and near a railroad track; and', 'the field of view of the lens includes a passing rail car wheel, wherein the wheel comprises at least one bearing and brake, and wherein the camera is operable to capture at least one thermal image of the passing wheel., 'wherein2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an automatic equipment identification system claim 1 , wherein the automatic equipment identification system is integrated with the thermal imaging camera such that the system provides an indication to an operator specifying a component of the wheel generating anomalous heat.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062285A1

A monitor vehicle for a rail system includes a wheeled trolley, an overhead vehicle, a supporting structure, and a first sensor. The wheeled trolley is above a rail of the rail system, is operable to move over the rail, and has a bottom surface. The overhead vehicle body is suspended by the wheeled trolley and below the rail. The supporting structure connects the wheeled trolley and the overhead vehicle body. The first sensor is on the bottom surface of the wheeled trolley and is configured to detect a first parameter of the rail of the rail system. 1. A monitor vehicle for a rail system , comprising:a wheeled trolley above a rail of the rail system, operable to move over the rail, and having a bottom surface;an overhead vehicle body suspended by the wheeled trolley and below the rail;a supporting structure connecting the wheeled trolley and the overhead vehicle body; anda first sensor on the bottom surface of the wheeled trolley and configured to detect a first parameter of the rail of the rail system.2. The monitor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is a thermal sensor configured to detect a temperature of an electricity supply line that is on the rail and that drives the monitor vehicle to move along the rail in a non-contact manner.3. The monitor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor vertically overlaps an electricity supply line that is on the rail.4. The monitor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the first sensor is in a position higher than a top surface of the overhead vehicle body.5. The monitor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the wheeled trolley comprises a main body and at least one wheel disposed on the bottom surface of the main body claim 1 , and the wheels is configured to roll along an inner surface of the rail.6. The monitor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the wheeled trolley comprises a main body and a pair of wheels disposed on opposite sidewalls of the main body claim 1 , and the wheels is configured to roll along a top surface of the rail ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Rail track asset survey system

Номер: US20170066459A1
Автор: Sameer Singh
Принадлежит: Individual

The present application involves a railroad track asset surveying system comprising an image capture sensor, a location determining system, and an image processor. The image capture sensor is mounted to a railroad vehicle. The location determining system holds images captured by the image capture sensor. The image processor includes an asset classifier and an asset status analyser. The asset classifier detects an asset in one or more captured images and classifies the detected asset by assigning an asset type to the detected asset from a predetermined list of asset types according to one or more features in the captured image. The asset status analyser identifies an asset status characteristic and compares the identified status characteristic to a predetermined asset characteristic so as to evaluate a deviation therefrom.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063794A1

A method for fixing a fiber having a fiber Bragg grating sensor segment onto a component configured to undergo changes in strain and/or temperature. The method providing the steps of stretching at least a section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment by a defined and calibrated preload into a preloaded condition, fixing the section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment being in the preloaded condition on a carrier element, and fixing the carrier element onto the component, as well as a bearing device with such a fiber. 1. A method for fixing a fiber having a fiber Bragg grating sensor segment onto a component configured to undergo changes in strain and/or temperature , comprising the steps:{'b': '2', 'i) stretching at least a section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment () by a defined and calibrated preload into a preloaded condition,'}ii) fixing the section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment being in the preloaded condition on a carrier element,iii) fixing the carrier element onto the component.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the component is a bearing ring.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in step ii) the fixing of the section of the fiber including the fiber Bragg grating sensor segment on the carrier element is carried out by gluing and/or mechanical interlocking and/or fitting and/or wherein in step iii) the fixing of the carrier element onto the component is carried out by gluing or welding.4. A bearing device comprisinga bearing ring,a fiber having at least one fiber Bragg grating sensor segment,a carrier element, whereinat least a section of the fiber including the at least one fiber Bragg grating sensor segment is fixed in a defined and preloaded condition on the carrier element and the carrier element is fixed onto the bearing ring.5. The bearing device according to claim 4 , wherein the bearing ring provides a groove and the carrier ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Arrangement for Supplying a Rail Vehicle with Electrical Energy

Номер: US20160075345A1

The invention relates to an arrangement for supplying a rail vehicle with electrical energy. One electrical machine is allocated to each of at least two internal combustion engines for generating electrical energy. A common controller is designed to start the internal combustion engines individually as required. At least one pre-heating device is designed to pre-heat the internal combustion engines before a start. A temperature detection device is thermally coupled to the internal combustion engines. The controller is designed, during an operation of one of the internal combustion engines, to start another of the internal combustion engines if, due to cooling of the other internal combustion engine, a temperature of the other internal combustion engine detected by a temperature identifying device reaches or exceeds a temperature threshold. 1. An arrangement for supplying a rail vehicle with electrical energy , the arrangement comprising:at least two internal combustion engines,each having an associated electrical machine for generating electrical energy, wherein the electrical machine is coupled mechanically with the internal combustion engine so as to be driven by the internal combustion engine when the electrical machine is in generator operating mode so that at least one first and one second internal combustion engine-machine combination are formed,a common control of the internal combustion engine-machine combinations wherein the common control is designed to start the internal combustion engines individually as required,at least one preheating device designed to preheat the internal combustion engines before a start,at least one temperature determining device coupled thermally with the internal combustion engines and connected to the common control by a signal link to transfer information about the-temperatures of the internal combustion engines to the common control, whereinthe common control is designed, while one of the internal combustion engines is running ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075354A1
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

The present disclosure relates to an apparatus for warning of exceeding speed limit in railway vehicles, wherein a train speed is estimated after a predetermined time, a remaining time is calculated until a train reaches a speed limit based on the estimated speed, and when the calculated time is smaller than a preset reference value, a warning signal is generated. Thus, an adequate warning can be given to cater to a train operation situation because a TTSLC indicator is used that notifies when an emergency braking will be activated by exceeding a set speed limit value after a certain time lapses, resultantly increasing the train operation frequency and the availability of trains. 1. An apparatus for warning of exceeding speed limit in railway vehicles , the apparatus comprising:a future speed estimation unit configured to estimate a future speed subsequent to a predetermined time of a train;a TTSLC {Time-To-Speed-Limit Crossing, a time when the train exceeds an ATP (Automatic Train Protection) speed limit} calculation unit configured to calculate a time when the train speed reaches a preset limit speed, using the future speed estimated by the future estimation unit; anda warning generation unit configured to generate a warning signal when the time calculated by the TTSLC calculation unit is smaller than a preset reference value.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the future speed estimation unit receives claim 1 , from a propulsion system or a braking system claim 1 , information necessary for speed estimation including tractive force claim 1 , braking force claim 1 , current speed claim 1 , track gradient and track curvature information to generate dynamics model of the train based on longitudinal dynamics model of the train claim 1 , and to estimate a future speed of the train based on the data measured by the dynamics model and a sensor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the TTSLC calculation unit calculates a TTSLC(Time-To-Speed-Limit-Crossing) using ‘n×ΔT ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089201A1
Принадлежит: Wenzhou University

The present disclosure discloses a monitoring device for internal deformation and fine particle loss of a railway subgrade, relating to the field of monitoring devices. The monitoring device includes an internal damage monitoring device arranged in a subgrade ballast layer. The internal damage monitoring device is connected to a resistance acquisition instrument through a wire. The resistance acquisition instrument is in wireless connection with a resistance signal receiver. The monitoring device for internal deformation and fine particle loss of a railway subgrade provided by the present disclosure can remotely realize real-time continuous monitoring of the deformation and fine particle loss inside the railway subgrade under a rail transit load, is economical and convenient, and has high practice value. 1. A monitoring device for internal deformation and fine particle loss of a railway subgrade , comprising an internal damage monitoring device arranged in a subgrade ballast layer , wherein the internal damage monitoring device is connected to a resistance acquisition instrument through a wire; the resistance acquisition instrument is in wireless connection with a resistance signal receiver.2. The monitoring device for internal deformation and fine particle loss of a railway subgrade according to claim 1 , wherein the internal damage monitoring device comprises two loading plates that are symmetrically arranged up and down; a geomembrane bag is connected between the two loading plates; a monitoring device is arranged in the geomembrane bag; the monitoring device comprises multiple intelligent conductive coarse particles that are arranged in a superposed manner in sequence; a gap between two adjacent intelligent conductive coarse particles is filled with fine sand; multiple measurement points are arranged on the monitoring device; conductive adhesive tapes are arranged at the positions of the measurement points; the conductive adhesive tapes are connected to the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071105A1

Provided is a bearing monitoring device of a railcar, the railcar being constituted by coupling a plurality of cars including carbodies and bogies, the bearing monitoring device including: bearing temperature sensors provided at the respective bogies and configured to directly or indirectly detect temperatures of bearings of the bogies; at least one state sensor provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to be used for calculating loads or rotating speeds of the bearings; and a storage unit provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to store data pieces of signals detected by the bearing temperature sensors and the state sensor. 1. A bearing monitoring device of a railcar , the railcar being constituted by coupling a plurality of cars including carbodies and bogies ,the bearing monitoring device comprising:bearing temperature sensors provided at the respective bogies and configured to directly or indirectly detect temperatures of bearings of the bogies;at least one state sensor provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to be used for calculating loads or rotating speeds of the bearings; anda storage unit provided at at least one of the carbodies of the plurality of cars and configured to store data pieces of signals detected by the bearing temperature sensors and the state sensor.2. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 1 , further comprising a diagnostic unit configured to diagnose states of the bearings based on the data pieces stored in the storage unit.3. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 2 , wherein the diagnostic unit diagnoses the states of all the bearings of the bogies.4. The bearing monitoring device according to claim 2 , wherein:the at least one state sensor includes an air spring pressure sensor configured to detect an internal pressure value of an air spring interposed between the carbody and the bogie; andthe ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076586A1
Автор: Campbell Andrew

A bearing device including a clamping ring for retaining and preloading a bearing in a housing, and a sensor unit for detecting at least one state variable of the bearing. The sensor unit is embedded in a recess of the clamping ring. 1. A bearing device including:a clamping ring adapted to retain and preload a bearing in a housing,wherein the clamping ring includes a contact surface which is adapted to come in contact with an axial end face of an outer ring of the roller bearing and a sensor unit including at least one of: a temperature sensor, an acoustic emission sensor, and a vibration sensor for detecting at least one state variable of the bearing,wherein the sensor unit includes at least one metallic contact plate for establishing a good mechanical and thermal contact between the at least one sensor and the bearing, wherein the sensor unit is embedded in a recess of the clamping ring, the recess is open towards the bearing ring to be retained, wherein the sensor unit is fitted axially into the recess such that the least one contact plate of the sensor unit is flush with the contact surface of the clamping ring and is in direct contact with the axial end face of the outer ring of the bearing.2. The bearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing is formed as a large size roller bearing,', 'wherein the clamping ring is configured to abut with an axial end face of an outer ring of the bearing., 'further comprising the bearing,'}3. The bearing device according to claim 2 ,wherein the outer diameter of the bearing ring retained by the clamping ring amounts to at least 300 mm.4. The bearing device according to claim 2 ,wherein the bearing is formed as a double-row taper roller bearing in an O-configuration.5. The bearing device according to claim 1 ,the sensor unit is further equipped with a wireless transmitter for transmitting signals obtained by the sensor unit.6. (canceled)7. The bearing device according to claim 1 ,wherein a bottom face of the sensor ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

System and Method of Acquiring and Evaluating a Measurand

Номер: US20160076948A1
Автор: Hößle Florian

The present invention relates to a system and a method for acquiring and evaluating a measurand, in particular a temperature, of at least one component of a vehicle, in particular a wheel bearing, comprising at least one sensor for acquiring a measurand, in particular a temperature of at least one component, in particular of a wheel bearing of the vehicle, and for outputting an output parameter, and least one evaluation device for evaluating the output parameter, and for generating a warning signal in dependence on the evaluation of the output parameter on the basis of at least one defined warning criterion. 1. A system for acquiring and evaluating a temperature of a wheel bearing , comprising:at least one sensor for acquiring a temperature of a wheel bearing of the vehicle, and for outputting an output parameter; andleast one evaluation device for evaluating the output parameter, and for generating a warning signal in dependence on the evaluation of the output parameter on the basis of at least one defined warning criterion.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the evaluation device is configured to make a comparison between at least one value of the output parameter and a comparative value.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the evaluation device is adapted to generate the warning signal when at least one of the acquired temperature exceeds a predetermined temperature limit claim 2 , the acquired temperature exceeds a predetermined temperature limit several times or over a predetermined minimum period of time claim 2 , a particular temperature course is recognized claim 2 , and a predetermined deviation from a calculated measurand temperature course is exceeded.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the system contains at least one of an optical warning device and an acoustic warning device adapted to output a warning based on a warning signal generated by the evaluation device.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein at least one transmission device for transmitting data ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078622A1
Принадлежит: Progress Rail Services Corporation

A system and method for detecting buckled rail and for predicting a risk for rail buckling is disclosed. The method may comprise receiving data from a camera mounted on locomotive traveling on the railroad track. The data may include images of the buckled rail and dimensions of the buckled rail when the camera detects the buckled rail. The data may further include images of the ballast and condition of the ballast. The method may further comprise receiving data from a thermal camera mounted to the locomotive indicating the temperature of the rails. The method may further comprise transmitting an alarm signal to a display interface of a remote unit if the dimensions of the buckled rail meet a predetermined threshold, and predicting a risk for rail buckling based at least on the temperature of the rails and the condition of the ballast. 1. A system for detecting buckled rail in a railroad track , comprising:a forward-facing camera mounted on a locomotive of a train traveling on the railroad track, the forward-facing camera being configured to capture images of rails of the railroad track ahead of the locomotive, to detect buckled rail in the images, and to measure dimensions of the buckled rail; andan event recorder onboard the locomotive and in communication with the forward-facing camera, the event recorder being configured to receive data from the forward-facing camera associated with the buckled rail when the forward-facing camera detects the buckled rail, the data including one or more images of the buckled rail and the dimensions of the buckled rail, the event recorder being further configured to transmit an alarm signal to a display interface of a remote unit if the dimensions of the buckled rail meet a predetermined threshold.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the forward-facing camera is located behind a windshield of the locomotive.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the event recorder is further configured to collect additional data associated with the ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140156123A1

An inspection system for use with a rail vehicle includes a database containing vehicle route data and at least one location of track to be inspected. The database may be accessed by rail vehicles with on-board inspection systems so that they may inspect the location of track to be inspected 1. An inspection system , comprising:a database containing vehicle route data and at least one location of track to be inspected;wherein the database is configured to be accessed by a rail vehicle with an on-board inspection system, for the rail vehicle, when on a route contained in the database, to inspect one or more locations of track to be inspected along the route.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the database is located on-board the rail vehicle.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the database is located off-board the rail vehicle.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a global positioning system configured to determine a location of the rail vehicle along a route in the database.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a sensor system on board the rail vehicle configured for inspection of the track.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the database is configured to be updated with the at least one location of track to be inspected from an off-board scheduling system that is configured to schedule the movement of the rail vehicle and plural other rail vehicles in a transportation system that includes the track.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a global positioning system configured to determine a location of the rail vehicle along a route in the database;a sensor system on board the rail vehicle configured for inspection of the track; anda control system on board the rail vehicle, wherein the control system is configured to activate the sensor system for inspecting the track based on the location determined by the global positioning system as cross-referenced to the database.8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the database is configured to be updated ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079433A1
Автор: Mesher Darel
Принадлежит: TETRA TECH, INC.

A protective shroud for enveloping light radiating from a light emitter used with a sensor system for mapping of a railway track. The protective shroud includes: a rigid body having a frame and at least one opaque panel connected to the frame, the rigid body defining at least a first portion of a light radiation zone; and a skirt formed of high density fibers extending from adjacent a bottom edge of the at least one opaque panel to adjacent a ground surface. 1. A protective shroud for enveloping light radiating from a light emitter used with a sensor system for mapping of a railway track , the protective shroud comprising:a rigid body comprising a frame and at least one opaque panel connected to the frame, the rigid body defining at least a first portion of a light radiation zone; anda resilient flexible skirt extending from adjacent a bottom edge of the at least one opaque panel to adjacent a ground surface wherein light emitted from a light emitter into the light radiation zone is substantially maintained within the shroud by the at least one opaque panel and the skirt.2. The protective shroud of claim 1 , wherein the skirt is formed of high density nylon fibers.3. The protective shroud of claim 1 , wherein the rigid body is substantially trapezoidal in shape.4. The protective shroud of claim 1 , wherein the skirt comprises a plurality of high density fibers.5. The protective shroud of further comprising a sensor housing located adjacent a top edge of the rigid body.6. A protective shroud for enveloping light radiated by a light emitter used with a sensor system for mapping of a railway track claim 1 , the railway track including at least a first rail and a second rail claim 1 , the protective shroud comprising:a rigid body comprising a frame and a plurality of opaque panels connected to the frame; anda resilient flexible skirt extending from a location proximate a bottom edge of the plurality of opaque panels to a location adjacent to a railway surface, wherein ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097739A1

An ultrasonic probe for non-destructive testing of a rail, said probe comprising a housing; an insert comprising an ultrasonic transducer and a polycarbonate shoe having a face for contacting a rail; and a compressed spring for exerting a downward force on said insert; the system further comprising a plate with a restraining flange around an aperture to prevent the polycarbonate shoe from extending more than a preset fixed amount through the aperture. 1. An ultrasonic probe for non-destructive testing of a rail , said probe comprisinga housing;an insert comprising an ultrasonic transducer and a polycarbonate shoe having a face for contacting a rail;and a compressed spring for exerting a downward force on said insert;the insert being configured such that an upward force on the face of the polycarbonate shoe greater than the downward force exerted by the compressed spring forces the insert up intothe housing,the system further comprising{'b': 30', '30', '10', '20', '20', '1, 'a modified plate ′ with flanges of the modified plate ′ restraining the probe and preventing the shoe from being forced further out of the housing such that an equilibrium is reached wherein the face of the shoe is worn away to conform to the profile of the track around an aperture for preventing the polycarbonate shoe from extending more than a preset fixed amount through the aperture thereby reducing the number of shoe replacements and increasing the distance traveled between shoe replacements than was previously possible, thereby reducing number of shoes required, downtime and maintenance costs.'}2. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , wherein the polycarbonate shoe is several millimeters thick and the preset amount is less than 1 mm.3. A system for ultrasonic inspection of a railway track comprising the ultrasonic probe of and further comprising a water reservoir for providing a film of water between said face of the shoe and a surface of the rail being inspected.4. The system of further ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Device for Detecting a Rail Load and Method for Mounting Such Device in a Rail

Номер: US20220097740A1
Автор: Pfluger Kim

A device for detecting a rail load fits into a bore of a rail and includes a sensor that generates a load signal under an action of the rail load caused when rail vehicles with wheels travel on the rail and the wheels exert a load onto the rail. The load signal is a measure for the rail load. The sensor includes at least one piezoelectric sensor element that generates electric polarization charges as the load signal. 1. A device that can be fitted into a bore of a rail on which travel rail vehicles with wheels exerting a load onto the rail; the device comprising: a sensor that generates a load signal under the action of the rail load , which load signal is a measure for the rail load; wherein the sensor comprises at least one piezoelectric sensor element that generates electric polarization charges as the load signal.2. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a sensor housing that defines a cavity within which the sensor is arranged.33130. The device according to claim 2 , further comprising two holding members claim 2 , wherein a center of the sensor housing is disposed in the cavity (); wherein each of the two holding members extends toward the center of the sensor housing and is made integrally with the sensor housing (); and wherein the two holding members hold the sensor.4322. The device according to claim 3 , further comprising an electrode claim 3 , wherein the piezoelectric sensor element defines surfaces that are in electrical contact with surfaces of the electrode (); and wherein the electrode is configured and disposed to pick up the electric polarization charges as the load signal.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the two holding members mechanically preload the sensor element against the electrode.6. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the sensor housing is delimited by a lateral surface; and wherein said lateral surface has an oversize with respect to a bore radius of the bore in a first peripheral surface arc that has a ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099630A1
Автор: Pagano Dominick A.

The present invention provides a highspeed advanced system to identify and classify the area of anomalies in a railroad rail. This is achieved by using a novel linear array solution that employs parallel transmission of an ultrasonic beam and the use of a virtual synthetic aperture to receive reflected echoes. This integrated system has the capability to locate and classify near surface horizontal defects at speeds more than 40 km/h and at the same time maintaining a constant pulse density of at least 4 mm or less per incremental longitudinal movement. 1. A system for performing an ultrasonic inspection of railroad rails in order to detect horizontal near surface fractures in a head area of a rail being inspected , which horizontal near surface fractures propagate in a horizontal and longitudinal plane of said rail , said inspection being performed as said inspection system moves along the railroad rails , the system comprising:a sensing wheel arranged to roll along the top of the railroad rails being inspected,a linear array generating one or more excitation pulses for one or more separate groups of transducer elements within said linear array, andone or more groups of virtual synthetic apertures to collect received echo data from said separate groups of transducer elements.2. A system in accordance with wherein said virtual synthetic apertures are synthesized into smaller groupings of one or more transducer elements scanning across said head area of said rail.3. A system in accordance with wherein said virtual synthetic apertures are synthesized into small groupings of one or more transducer elements scanning across said head area of said rail and grouping said echo data result to obtain a full scan across said linear array.4. A system in accordance with wherein said system is comprised of a sliding transducer array.5. A system in accordance with which combines echo data results of one or more groupings of said virtual synthetic apertures to generate a TOF Cscan ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086899A1
Автор: Pinkerton Alexander

A method of linking alarm data from physically disassociated wireless sensors to a train in motion. The sensor secured to a wheel axle-box of a rail carriage of a train to detect an over temperature alarm to enable a driver to stop the train. If the alarm condition is confirmed as belonging to the train, a Monitor/Relay immediately notes that there is a problem and warns an operator. 1. A method of linking alarm data from physically disassociated wireless sensors to a train in motion , the wireless sensor secured to a wheel axle-box of a rail carriage of a train to detect an over temperature alarm in order to enable a driver to slow or stop the train , the method comprising:fixing the current location of the wireless sensor using with a GPS,publishing the GPS fixed current location of the wireless sensor with relevant details of the over temperature alarm over a cellular wireless transmitter to a “Publish and Subscribe” Message Broker,pushing the relevant details of the over temperature alarm message to a Server where the alarm is then validated,{'b': '4', 'transcribing the GPS location into a new “location bin topic” for the Message Broker (), wherein the details of the alarm are then published to this topic (grid),'}fixing a geographic location of a monitor/relay that is mounted in a driver's cab at a front end of the engine with the GPS,using the geographic location of the monitor/relay to subscribe to the same location bin topic that the server just published the details of the new alarm to,pushing the wheel alarm notification to the monitor/relay system with the message broker, andcarrying out validation checks with the monitor/relay system to determine whether the alarm as received, is associated with one of the current train's coaches, whereinif the alarm condition is confirmed as belonging to the current train, the Monitor/Relay immediately notes that there is a problem.2. The method of linking alarm data from physically disassociated wireless sensors to a ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086903A1
Автор: Mesher Darel
Принадлежит: TETRA TECH, INC.

A system and method for inspecting a railway track a calculating plate cut and/or rail seat abrasion (RSA) based on rail head elevation and crosstie surface elevation measurements and an estimate of rail height. 1. A method of calculating rail crosstie wear using only measurements of the top of rail elevation and top of crosstie elevation using a railroad track assessment system moving along a railroad track , the method comprising the steps of:i. obtaining rail head elevation measurements along a railroad track;ii. obtaining crosstie surface elevation measurements along a railroad track;iii. calculating the difference between the obtained rail head elevation measurements and the obtained crosstie surface elevation measurements;iv. determining a running maximum of a difference between the rail head elevation measurements and the crosstie surface elevation measurements for a defined distance of railroad track;v. assigning an estimated rail height reference value as the running maximum calculated elevation measurement calculated in step iv; andvi. calculating crosstie wear values at different locations along the extended distance of railroad track by comparing measured distances between rail head elevations and crosstie surface elevations with the assigned estimated rail height for the defined distance of railroad track.2. The method of further comprising the step of vii checking for false positive crosstie wear calculations by:A. determining a permitted absolute maximum value for the distance between rail head elevation measurements and crosstie surface elevation measurements; andB. comparing the determined permitted absolute maximum value to the assigned total rail height reference value for the defined distance of railroad track.3. The method of wherein step A further comprises the sub steps of:a. scanning the side of a rail along the railroad track;b. analyzing alpha-numeric web markings on a side of a rail being scanned using an optical character recognition ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Electronic Condition Detection System and Method for Railcars

Номер: US20160096536A1
Автор: Robert S. Toms
Принадлежит: Union Tank Car Co

A railcar has an on-board system for weighing a load of the railcar. A center plate load cell is attached to the bottom of the railcar body and supports the first end of the railcar body on a truck assembly via the center bowl of the truck assembly. A pair of side bearing load cells are mounted to the bottom of the railcar body so as to flank the center plate load cell. A pair of side bearings are positioned on the top surface of the truck assembly bolster in alignment with the pair of side bearing load cells. Circuitry sums signals from the center plate load cell and the pair of side bearing load cells to provide a summed output corresponding to a weight of the railcar load. The summed output is conditioned and transmitted via a satellite and/or cable system to a remote receiving station.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Rail Inspection Device and Rail Inspection System

Номер: US20180100274A1
Принадлежит: Daifuku Co Ltd

A rail inspection device comprises a carriage having wheels, a first roller in contact with a side surface of a first rail, a second roller in contact with a side surface of a second rail, a first position sensor configured to detect a position of a side surface of the first rail or an outer surface of the first roller, a second position sensor configured to detect a position of a side surface of the second rail or an outer surface of the second roller, and at least one rotation sensor each configured to detect a rotation angle of a wheel, the first roller, or the second roller.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096044A1

A rolling-element bearing unit for use in a motor vehicle wheel or in a motorbike rocker arm includes outer and inner raceway elements and a set of rolling elements between the inner and outer raceway elements such that the inner and outer raceway elements are pivotable or rotatable relative to each other and also a lubricant reservoir body in the bearing interior for storing and dispensing a lubricant, the body including bridge elements extending between adjacent pairs of the rolling elements and a side ring connecting the bridge elements. 1. A rolling-element bearing unit for use in a motor vehicle wheel or in a motorbike rocker arm , the rolling-element bearing unit comprising:an outer raceway element,an inner raceway element,a set of rolling elements disposed between the inner and outer raceway elements such that the inner and outer raceway elements are pivotable or rotatable relative to each other, anda lubricant reservoir body configured to store and dispense a lubricant, the body including bridge elements extending between adjacent pairs of the rolling elements and a side ring connecting the bridge elements.2. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant reservoir body is configured as a bearing cage.3. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant reservoir body has a given clearance from the rolling elements and raceway elements and substantially fills intermediate spaces between the rolling elements.4. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the rolling-element bearing assembly includes a rolling-element bearing cage formed of a different material than the lubricant reservoir body, andwherein the lubricant reservoir body at least partially encloses the rolling-element bearing cage.5. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein lubricant reservoir body is configured to function as a bearing cage.6. The rolling-element bearing unit according to claim 1 ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Measuring Rail Surface Temperature

Номер: US20150110151A1

A method and apparatus suitable for measuring temperature of a surface of a segment of a rail using a sensor underneath a moving or a stationary rail car. The measurement is based on intensities of infrared radiation emitted by the surface. The method uses relationships among emissivity, radiation intensity and surface temperature without assuming an emissivity value for the surface. The apparatus comprises radiation detectors containing sensing elements, a lens systems, and analog to digital conversion board to convert radiation intensities to temperature. 1. A method of measuring temperature of a surface of a segment of a rail from a stationary or moving rail car comprising the steps of:installing a radiation-intensity sensor underneath the stationary or moving rail car, the said radiation-intensity sensor capable of measuring intensities of radiation at different wavelengths emitted from the surface of the segment of the rail;obtaining the emissivity-wavelength relationships of the surface of the segment of the rail; and,obtaining the temperature of the surface of segment of the rail from emissivity-temperature-radiation intensity relationships.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the radiation-intensity sensor comprises three or more sensing elements capable of measuring intensities of emitted light.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the different wavelengths are in the range of 3400 nm to 4100 nm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing elements are made of either PbSe or HgCdTe.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing elements are thermopiles.6. An apparatus for sensing intensity of radiation emitted from a surface of a segment of a rail from a stationary or moving rail car and converting the intensities to temperature claim 1 , comprising:a lens system which defines an area of the surface of the segment of the rail;a window capable of transmitting radiation from the surface of the segment of the rail towards ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106293A1
Автор: Dittmar Rico, Wendt Volker

A temperature compensation ring configured to compensate for a temperature-dependent distance change between two components includes a base body made from an elastic material, and at least a section of at least one surface of the base body is configured to reduce a friction in the axial direction between the temperature compensation ring and an abutment surface, by, for example, being coated with a friction reducing coating and/or by including one or more grooves for receiving a lubricant. 1. A temperature compensation ring configured to compensate for a temperature-dependent distance change between two components , comprising:a base body made from an elastic material;wherein at least a section of at least one surface of the base body is configured to reduce a friction in an axial direction between the temperature compensation ring and an abutment surface on which the temperature compensation ring is mountable.2. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 1 , wherein the section of the at least one surface of the base body includes a coating having a lower coefficient of friction with the abutment surface than a material of the base body with the abutment surface.3. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 2 , wherein the coating is disposed at least in a region at which a gap arises in an assembled state between a bearing ring and a housing at which the bearing ring is disposed.4. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 3 , wherein the coating is disposed on a surface facing in a radial direction.5. The temperature compensation ring according to claim 4 , wherein the coating is disposed inside a section in the axial direction that extends away in the axial direction from an end surface of the temperature compensation ring less than 30% of a total extension of the temperature compensation ring and/or wherein at least two coating sections are disposed spaced from one another in the axial direction.6. The temperature compensation ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101989A1

A system for analyzing thermal properties of a railroad includes a thermal imaging device configured to generate thermal image data reproducible as a thermal image of a portion of the railroad, the thermal image data being associated with a location of the portion of the railroad, an electronic display device, a memory device configured to receive and store therein the generated thermal image data; and one or more processors configured to: determine a temperature metric of the portion of the railroad based at least in part on the thermal image data; and cause the electronic display device to display (i) a first graph indicative of the temperature metric of the portion of the railroad and (ii) a second graph indicative of a railroad track geometry metric associated with the location of the portion of the railroad. 1. A system for analyzing thermal properties of a railroad , the system comprising:a thermal imaging device configured to generate thermal image data reproducible as a thermal image of a portion of the railroad, the thermal image data being associated with a location of the portion of the railroad;an electronic display device;a memory device configured to receive and store therein the generated thermal image data; and determine a temperature metric of the portion of the railroad based at least in part on the thermal image data; and', 'cause the electronic display device to display (i) a first graph indicative of the temperature metric of the portion of the railroad and (ii) a second graph indicative of a railroad track geometry metric associated with the location of the portion of the railroad., 'one or more processors configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the temperature metric of the portion of the railroad is a maximum temperature claim 1 , a minimum temperature claim 1 , an average temperature claim 1 , a standard deviation of temperature claim 1 , a temperature spike claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The system of claim 1 , further ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Wayside Measurement of Railcar Wheel to Rail Geometry

Номер: US20150115109A1

Considerable damage to rails, wheels, and trucks can result from geometric anomalies in the wheelsets, rails, and truck hardware. A solution for identifying and quantifying geometric anomalies known to influence the service life of the rolling stock or the ride comfort for the case of passenger service is described. The solution comprises an optical system, which can be configured to accurately perform measurements at mainline speeds (e.g., greater than 100 mph). The optical system includes laser line projectors and imaging cameras and can utilize structured light triangulation. 1. A system for evaluating a railcar wheelset for rail alignment , the system comprising: a set of laser line projectors configured to illuminate a portion of a wheel rim surface of a wheel and a portion of a rail head surface of the rail with a sheet of light having an orientation which is substantially vertical and orthogonal to the rail; and', 'a high speed camera configured to acquire image data of the laser light scattered by the wheel and rail;, 'a plurality of structured light measuring devices configured to measure a set of features of opposing wheels on the railcar wheelset as the wheels travel along a rail, a structured light measuring device includingmeans for automatically determining when to acquire the image data using at least one of the plurality of structured light measuring devices and automatically activating the at least one of the plurality of structured light measuring devices; and forming Cartesian coordinates of a plurality of image data points on the wheel rim surface and the rail head surface; and', 'converting the Cartesian coordinates into a plurality of wheel alignment measures, wherein the plurality of wheel alignment measures include an angle of attack and a tracking position., 'a computer system configured to process the image data by performing a method comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the means for automatically determining comprises a standard ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114817A1

Providing a track status monitoring device comprising an acceleration detection unit disposed on a railway car and detecting an acceleration at least in the axle direction among accelerations generated on a wheel of the railway car; a rail position detection unit disposed on the railway car and detecting a value indicating a position of the rail in relation to the wheel in the axle direction; an integration unit that calculates a value based on a 2-order integrated value of the acceleration detected by the acceleration detection unit; and a subtraction unit that counterbalances an undulating component of the wheel by subtracting a value detected by the rail position detection unit from a value calculated by the integration unit, and calculates an amount of horizontal-direction displacement of the rail. 1. A track status monitoring device that detects an amount of horizontal-direction displacement of a rail for a railway car to run , the device comprising:an acceleration detection unit that is disposed on the railway car and detects an acceleration at least in axle direction among accelerations generated on a wheel of the railway car;a rail position detection unit that is disposed on the railway car, wherein a position of the rail in relation to the rail position detection unit and a position of the wheel in relation to the rail position detection unit are detected, and based on both detected positions, a value indicating a position of the rail in relation to the wheel in the axle direction is detected;{'sup': 'nd', 'an integration unit that calculates a value based on a 2-order integrated value of the acceleration detected by the acceleration detection unit; and'}a subtraction unit that counterbalances an undulating component of the wheel by subtracting a value detected by the rail position detection unit from a value calculated by the integration unit and calculates an amount of horizontal-direction displacement of the rail.2. The track status monitoring device ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114821A1
Автор: Ronse Frederick

The monitoring system comprises an axle traveled distance module connected to at least one transport unit monitoring system and adapted to determine, for each of the axle identifiers detected by at least one of the transport unit monitoring systems, an axle traveled distance increment during a corresponding acquisition time period in function of transport unit traveled distance increments during this acquisition time period of the at least one transport unit monitoring system that detected this axle identifier during this acquisition time period. 115-. (canceled)17. A monitoring system according to claim 16 , wherein the axle traveled distance module is further configured to update for each of the detected axle identifiers an aggregated axle traveled distance during a corresponding aggregated acquisition time period by aggregating the axle traveled distance increments of all acquisition time periods comprised within this aggregated acquisition time period.18. A monitoring system according to claim 16 , wherein the monitoring system further comprises an axle count correlation module connected with said axle traveled distance module and configured to store for each of the at least one unpowered transport units an axle count corresponding to the predetermined plurality of axles it comprises.19. A monitoring system according to claim 18 , wherein the monitoring system further comprises an unidentified axle detection module connected with said axle count correlation module and configured to detect for each transport unit the presence of one or more unidentified axles when the number of detected axle identifiers by its transport unit monitoring system is lower than its axle count.20. A monitoring system according to claim 19 , wherein the monitoring system further comprises an alert module connected to the unidentified axle detection module and configured to generate an unidentified axle alert upon detection of the presence of one or more unidentified axles by the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus, and moving object

Номер: US20210127044A1
Автор: Yoko Shimizu
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An imaging apparatus is mounted on a moving object and configured to capture an image while moving along a moving direction of the moving object. The imaging apparatus includes a sensor unit including a sensor substrate on which an image sensor is mounted, and a main unit including a main substrate on which an electronic component configured to process an output signal from the sensor substrate is mounted. The imaging apparatus further includes a heat dissipation fin configured to dissipate heat generated in at least one of the sensor unit and the main unit. The heat dissipation fin is provided in a direction substantially parallel to the moving direction.

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Temperature Detection Systems and Methods for Railway Applications

Номер: US20170115166A1
Принадлежит: Progress Rail Services Corporation

A temperature detection system for railway applications is provided. The system may include at least one infrared (IR) sensing element configured to detect IR signals emitted by a rail or a railcar, and a controller in communication with the at least one IR sensing element. The controller may be configured to receive the IR signals from the at least one IR sensing element, extract IR data corresponding to at least one of a rail and an undercarriage of the railcar from the IR signals, and generate a characteristic thermal profile of at least one of an ambient temperature and a rail temperature based on the IR data. 1. A system for detecting temperature , comprising:at least one infrared (IR) sensing element configured to detect IR signals emitted by a rail; anda controller in communication with the at least one IR sensing element, the controller being configured to receive the IR signals from the at least one IR sensing element, extract IR data corresponding to the rail from the IR signals, and generate a characteristic thermal profile of a rail temperature based on the IR data.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one IR sensing element is disposed along a sleeper and configured to detect IR signals emitted from one or more of rails claim 1 , wheels claim 1 , bearings claim 1 , axles claim 1 , and the undercarriage of the railcar.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the IR data is provided in the form of a thermal image including lines of scanned data claim 1 , and the controller is configured to identify the rail and the rail temperature based on relationships between predefined line locations and temperatures associated with the line locations.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to retrievably store the characteristic thermal profile in one of a memory and a database for reference.5. A system for detecting temperature claim 1 , comprising:at least one infrared (IR) sensing element configured to detect IR signals emitted by a ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108849A1
Автор: MITSUE Masayuki

A running location identification system for railroad cars includes: a track displacement output unit outputting a signal responsive to displacement of a track when a railroad car is running on the track; and a running location identification unit determining whether the railroad car has run in a predetermined range of the track based on a degree of similarity between displacement data based on output from the track displacement output unit and reference profile data responsive to track displacement in the predetermined range. 1. A running location identification system for railroad cars , the running location identification system comprising:a track displacement output unit outputting a signal responsive to displacement of a track when a railroad car is running on the track; anda running location identification unit determining whether the railroad car has run in a predetermined range of the track based on a degree of similarity between displacement data of the track with respect to a running distance on the track based on output from the track displacement output unit and reference profile data responsive to track displacement in the predetermined range.2. The running location identification system for railroad cars according to claim 1 , whereinthe reference profile data is previously measured data.3. The running location identification system for railroad cars according to claim 1 , whereinthe running location identification unit identifies, based on a degree of similarity between the displacement data and each of a plurality of pieces of the reference profile data corresponding to a plurality of respective tracks, one of the tracks corresponding to one of the pieces of the reference profile data most similar to the displacement data.4. The running location identification system for railroad cars according to claim 1 , whereinthe track displacement output unit includes an acceleration sensor outputting acceleration of the railroad car during running responsive ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140200827A1

Geo-defect repair modeling is provided. A method includes logically dividing a railroad network according to spatial and temporal dimensions with respect to historical data collected. The spatial dimensions include line segments of a specified length and the temporal dimensions include inspection run data for inspections performed for each of the line segments over a period of time. The method also includes creating a track deterioration model from the historical data, identifying geo-defects occurring at each inspection run from the track deterioration model, calculating a track deterioration condition from the track deterioration model by analyzing quantified changes in the geo-defects measured at each inspection run, and calculating a derailment risk based on track conditions determined from the inspection run data and the track deterioration condition. The method further includes determining a repair decision for each of the geo-defects based on the derailment risk and costs associated with previous comparable repairs. 18.-. (canceled)9. A system , comprising:a computer processor;a storage device communicatively coupled to the computer processor, the storage device storing historical data collected for a railroad network; andan application executable by the computer processor, the application configured to implement a method, the method comprising:logically dividing the railroad network according to spatial and temporal dimensions with respect to the historical data collected for the railroad network, the spatial dimensions including line segments of a specified length and the temporal dimensions including inspection run data for inspections performed for each of the line segments over a specified period of time;creating a track deterioration model from the historical data, current track conditions, and traffic data;identifying geo-defects occurring at each inspection run from the track deterioration model;calculating a track deterioration condition from the ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140200828A1

Geo-defect repair modeling with location uncertainty is provided. A method includes logically dividing a railroad network into segments each of a specified length. The method also includes identifying, via a computer processor, geo-defects and approximated locations of the geo-defects occurring at each inspection run for each of the segments. The method also includes calculating, via the computer processor, a rate of increase in amplitude of each of the geo-defects for each of the segments between inspection runs, determining a correlation of the geo-defects between the inspection runs as a function of the approximated locations, and predicting a deterioration rate for each of the geo-defects based on the calculating. 17.-. (canceled)8. A system , comprising:a computer processor; andan application executable by the computer processor, the application configured to implement a method, the method comprising:logically dividing a railroad network into segments each of a specified length;identifying geo-defects, and approximated locations of the geo-defects, occurring at each inspection run for each of the segments;calculating a rate of increase in amplitude of each of the geo-defects for each of the segments between inspection runs;determining a correlation of the geo-defects between the inspection runs as a function of the approximated locations; andpredicting a deterioration rate for each of the geo-defects based on the calculating.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the segments of the railroad network are of equal length.10. The system of claim 8 , wherein the segments do not overlap.11. The system of claim 8 , wherein the application is further executable for performing:upon determining multiple geo-defects exist for one of the segments at one of the inspection runs and at least one geo-defect exists for the one of the segments at another of the inspection runs, aggregating the multiple geo-defects to reflect the single geo-defect.12. The system of claim 8 , wherein ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140200830A1

Geo-defect repair modeling is provided. A method includes logically dividing a railroad network according to spatial and temporal dimensions with respect to historical data collected. The spatial dimensions include line segments of a specified length and the temporal dimensions include inspection run data for inspections performed for each of the line segments over a period of time. The method also includes creating a track deterioration model from the historical data, identifying geo-defects occurring at each inspection run from the track deterioration model, calculating a track deterioration condition from the track deterioration model by analyzing quantified changes in the geo-defects measured at each inspection run, and calculating a derailment risk based on track conditions determined from the inspection run data and the track deterioration condition. The method further includes determining a repair decision for each of the geo-defects based on the derailment risk and costs associated with previous comparable repairs. 1. A method , comprising:logically dividing a railroad network according to spatial and temporal dimensions with respect to historical data collected for the railroad network, the spatial dimensions including line segments of a specified length and the temporal dimensions including inspection run data for inspections performed for each of the line segments over a specified period of time;creating, via a computer processor, a track deterioration model from the historical data, current track conditions, and traffic data;identifying geo-defects occurring at each inspection run from the track deterioration model;calculating, via the computer processor, a track deterioration condition from the track deterioration model, the track deterioration condition calculated by analyzing quantified changes in the geo-defects measured at each inspection run;calculating a derailment risk based on track conditions determined from the inspection run data and from the ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210143659A1

A system for managing sensor power to a remote wireless condition monitoring sensor installed on a railway rolling stock. The system provides an energy harvester that derives wireless sensor power, a rechargeable battery connected to the energy harvester for supplying energy to the rechargeable battery and for powering the system, an antenna for sending signals to a remote database based on measured vibration and acceleration data, a central processing unit having a memory an arithmetic logic unit and a control unit for controlling a function of the system. The remote wireless condition monitoring sensor is protected from potentially fatal over voltage and under voltage conditions and the operating life is prolonged by entering dedicated modes of operation based on battery voltage and available energy capacity as instructed by the central processing unit. Also, a method for carrying out the function of the system. 1. A system for managing sensor power to a remote wireless condition monitoring sensor installed on a railway rolling stock , the system comprising:an energy harvester that derives wireless sensor power,a rechargeable battery connected to the energy harvester for supplying energy to the rechargeable battery and for powering the system,an antenna for sending signals to a remote database based on measured vibration and acceleration data,a central processing unit having a memory an arithmetic logic unit and a control unit for controlling a function of the system, whereinthe remote wireless condition monitoring sensor is protected from potentially fatal over voltage and under voltage conditions and the operating life is prolonged by entering dedicated modes of operation based on battery voltage and available energy capacity as instructed by the central processing unit,energy capacity thresholds for the rechargeable battery are configured in the memory, andan available energy capacity is calculated by the arithmetic logic unit based on a measured voltage and ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Method and measuring vehicle for determining an actual position of a track

Номер: US20220266881A1
Принадлежит: Track Machines Connected GmbH

A method for determining an actual geometry of a track by a track inspection vehicle which is movable on the track, wherein reference points positioned in a lateral environment of the track are automatically recorded by a non-contacting recording system arranged on the track inspection vehicle and their respective actual distance from the track is determined. A three-dimensional trajectory of the track is recorded by an inertial measuring system arranged on the track inspection vehicle, wherein the trajectory is divided by a computing unit into trajectory sections each having a section starting point related to a first reference point and a section end point related to a second reference point, wherein a virtual longitudinal chord is defined for each trajectory section in relation to the assigned reference points, and wherein actual distances between the trajectory and the respectively defined longitudinal chord are calculated for each trajectory section.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266883A1
Автор: Tripathy Janmejay

A monitoring system is provided that may include a sensor configured to detect at least one characteristic related to at least one axle of a first vehicle. The monitoring system may also include a controller having one or more processors in communication with the sensor. The one or more processors may be configured to restrict movement of the first vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle, and vary movement of a second vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle. 1. A monitoring system comprising:a sensor configured to detect at least one characteristic related to at least one axle of a first vehicle; restrict movement of the first vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle; and', 'vary movement of a second vehicle based at least in part on the at least one characteristic related to the at least one vehicle axle., 'a controller having one or more processors in communication with the sensor and configured to2. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is at least one of an infrared sensor claim 1 , hot box detector claim 1 , temperature sensor claim 1 , vibration sensor claim 1 , or motion sensor.3. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one characteristic related to the at least one axle is a temperature of a bearing of the axle.4. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an off-board sensor adjacent a route traversed by the vehicle.5. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is an off-board controller.6. The monitoring system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is and on-board controller.7. The monitoring system of claim 6 , wherein the on-board controller is also configured to:communicate at least one remedial action to an operator of the first vehicle based on the at least one characteristic related to the at ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Bearing assembly with integrated generator

Номер: US20160126806A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A bearing assembly comprising a generator for harvesting electrical energy from rotational kinetic energy. The electromagnetic induction generator includes a magnetic rotor (including a plurality of magnets arranged with alternating polarities along a rotor periphery) and a stator having a coil. The generator is mounted to a first part of the assembly, which is rotatable about the bearing axis of rotation. The magnetic rotor is rotationally supported relative to the stator and is rotatable about an axis of rotation, which is different from the bearing axis of rotation. The assembly further comprises a target surface made of an electrically conductive material provided on a second part of the bearing assembly. During operation, relative rotation takes place between the first and second parts. The rotor is arranged whereby magnetic field lines from the plurality of magnets intersect the target surface during at least part of one revolution about the bearing axis.

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150131108A1

A system for inspecting railroad ties in a railroad track includes a light generator, an optical receiver and a processor. The light generator is oriented to project a beam of light across the railroad track while moving along the railroad track in a travel direction. The optical receiver is oriented to receive at least a portion of the beam of light reflected from the railroad track and configured to generate image data representative of a profile of at least a portion of the railroad track. The processor is configured to analyze the image data by applying one or more algorithms configured to find boundaries of a railroad tie and determine one or more condition metrics associated with the railroad tie. 1. A system for inspecting railroad ties , comprising:a. a rail vehicle, configured for moving along a railroad track in a travel direction;b. a light generator, attached to the rail vehicle, oriented to project a beam of light across the railroad track while moving thereon;c. an optical receiver, attached to the rail vehicle, oriented to receive at least a portion of the beam of light reflected from the railroad track and configured to generate image data representative of a profile of at least a portion of the railroad track; and i. find boundaries of railroad ties in the railroad track; and', 'ii. determine the condition of railroad ties., 'd. a processor, configured to analyze the image data by applying one or more algorithms configured to2. A system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:a. determine a location of each railroad tie with respect to the railroad track; andb. correlate the tie location with GPS and/or milepost location.3. A system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to apply an algorithm configured to:a. determine a series of condition metrics of the railroad ties;b. apply a weight factor to each condition metric; andc. compute a condition grade for each tie based on the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle Communication System

Номер: US20170129511A1

A communication system uses a vehicle system controller to control operation of a vehicle system. An electronic air brake (EAB) controller and an electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brake controller control operation of a brake of the vehicle system. One or more network connections communicate data packets between the vehicle system controller and the brake controllers to allow the vehicle system controller to control the brake of the vehicle system using data packets communicated between or among two or more of the vehicle system controller, the EAB controller, or the ECP controller to allow the vehicle system controller to control the brake of the vehicle system. 1. A system comprising:a vehicle system controller configured to control operation of a vehicle system;one or more brake controllers configured to control operation of a brake of the vehicle system, the one or more brake controllers communicatively coupled with each other by an electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) line extending along the vehicle system; andone or more network connections between the vehicle system controller and the one or more brake controllers, the one or more network connections configured to communicate data packets between the vehicle system controller and the one or more brake controllers along the ECP line to allow the vehicle system controller to control the brake of the vehicle system,wherein the one or more brake controllers include an electronic air brake (EAB) controller configured to control the brake of the vehicle system by changing air pressure in a conduit extending along the vehicle system and an ECP brake controller configured to control the brake of the vehicle system by communicating an electronic signal along the ECP line extending along the vehicle system.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle system controller is configured to switch from communicating with one of the EAB controller or the ECP brake controller via the one or more network ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122753A1
Автор: BUERGER Martin

The invention relates to a method for contactless recording of a track geometry of a track by means of a rail vehicle which is moved along the track on on-track undercarriages (), wherein profile data of the track extending in transverse direction are compiled by means of a laser scanner. In this, it is provided that, by means of an evaluation device, profile data are evaluated relative to a reference base pre-defined on the rail vehicle in order to derive from this the course of a track central axis and/or a rail. The invention additionally relates to a rail vehicle which comprise an evaluation device configured for carrying out the method. Thus, no further measuring system is required to determine a track position. 121242810121173. A method for contactless recording of a track geometry of a track () by means of a rail vehicle () which is moved along the track () on on-track undercarriages () , wherein profile data of the track () extending in transverse direction are compiled by means of a laser scanner () , wherein by means of an evaluation device () , the profile data are evaluated relative to a reference base () pre-defined on the rail vehicle () in order to derive from this the course of a track central axis () and/or a rail ().2134812181613811. A The method according to claim 1 , wherein a reference plane claim 1 , aligned with pivot points () of the on-track undercarriages () and with the laser scanner () claim 1 , is specified as reference base () claim 1 , that a displacement () of the reference plane relative to a rail edge point () is determined from the profile data claim 1 , and that from this and from distances between the pivot points () and the laser scanner () claim 1 , a curvature of a track curve () is derived.313432. A The method according to claim 2 , wherein the position of the pivot points () of the on-track undercarriages () relative to the rails () of the track () is continuously recorded.4913. A The method according to claim 2 , wherein ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171072A1
Принадлежит: MOW Equipment Solutions, Inc.

System, methods, and machine-readable media to facilitate monitoring and control of a railway maintenance assembly are disclosed. A railway workhead component monitor may be adapted to be disposed at a railway maintenance assembly. The railway workhead component monitor may be configured to perform one or a combination of the following. One or more conditions of at least a portion of the railway maintenance assembly may be monitored. Based at least in part on the monitoring, a plurality of monitoring data corresponding to operations of the railway maintenance assembly may be stored. Reporting data may be generated based at least in part on the stored plurality of monitoring data. A wireless communication may be transmitted toward a railway device controller that is remote from the railway maintenance assembly, the wireless communication including the reporting data. 1. A system to facilitate monitoring and control of a railway maintenance assembly , the system comprising: monitoring one or more conditions of at least a portion of the railway maintenance assembly;', 'based at least in part on the monitoring, storing a plurality of monitoring data corresponding to operations of the railway maintenance assembly;', 'generate reporting data based at least in part on the stored plurality of monitoring data; and', 'communicate a wireless communication to a railway device controller that is remote from the railway maintenance assembly, the wireless communication comprising the reporting data., 'a railway workhead component monitor adapted to be disposed at a railway maintenance assembly, the railway workhead component monitor configured to perform2. The system to facilitate monitoring and control of a railway maintenance assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the railway workhead component monitor is further configured to monitor operations of an assembly component of the railway maintenance assembly.3. The system to facilitate monitoring and control of a railway ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132537A1
Автор: Wike Paul Steven
Принадлежит: Amsted Rail Company, Inc.

A truck assembly for a rail vehicle includes at least one side frame including at least one lightener hole. At least one strain gage is disposed within the lightener hole(s). The strain gage(s) is configured to detect forces exerted into or onto the truck assembly. A method of detecting forces exerted into or onto a truck assembly of a rail vehicle includes disposing at least one strain gage within at least one lightener hole of at least one side frame of a truck assembly of the rail vehicle, and detecting the forces by the strain gage(s). 1. A truck assembly for a rail vehicle , the truck assembly comprising:at least one side frame including at least one lightener hole; andat least one strain gage disposed within the at least one lightener hole, wherein the at least one strain gage is configured to detect forces exerted into or onto the truck assembly.2. The truck assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one side frame comprises a first side frame and a second side frame.3. The truck assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one lightener hole comprises:a first lightener hole of the first side frame; anda second lightener hole of the second side frame.4. The truck assembly of claim 3 , wherein the at least one strain gage comprises:a first strain gage disposed in the first lightener hole; anda second strain gage disposed in the second lightener hole.5. The truck assembly of claim 4 , wherein the at least one strain gage comprises:a first strain gage disposed in the first lightener hole; anda second strain gage disposed in the first lightener hole.6. The truck assembly of claim 5 , wherein the first strain gage and the second strain gage are symmetrically disposed in relation to a longitudinal plane of the first side frame.7. The truck assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one lightener hole comprises:a first inboard lightener hole formed in a first end of the first side frame;a second inboard lightener hole formed in a second end of the first side frame;a ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Condition monitoring system and method for monitoring a condition of a bearing unit for a vehicle

Номер: US20160152250A1
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A condition monitoring system (CMS) for vehicle bearing units, including at least one condition monitoring unit (CMU) for measuring at least one operating parameter of one bearing unit and a control unit for receiving and processing signals from the CMU. The control unit is configured to activate/deactivate the CMU(s) upon reaching at least one predetermined waypoint stored in a waypoint memory of the control unit. The CMS can be equipped with a waypoint setting unit for setting the at least one waypoint at which the CMU(s) shall be activated/deactivated and to store the waypoint in the waypoint memory. The waypoint setting unit processes route data includes data on at least a curviness of at least one route intended for vehicle travel. The processing includes extracting at least one route section within the curviness of the route within a predetermined range and setting the waypoint(s) within the extracted route section.

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153498A1
Автор: Simonin Anthony

A rolling bearing assembly comprises a bearing including a rotating ring and a stationary ring, a sleeve in which the stationary ring of the bearing is mounted, a housing in which the sleeve is mounted, a shaft with which the rotating ring of the bearing is coupled in rotation with respect to the housing and a sensor unit including an impulse ring coupled in rotation to the rotating ring and a sensing unit comprising at least one sensing element mounted in a sensor body. The sleeve, on the one hand, supports both the stationary ring of the bearing and the sensor body and, on the other hand, compensates thermal dilatations between the housing and the stationary ring. 1. A rolling bearing assembly , comprising:a bearing including a rotating ring and a stationary ring;a sleeve in which the stationary ring of the bearing is mounted;a housing in which the sleeve is mounted;a shaft with which the rotating ring of the bearing is coupled in rotation with respect to the housing; anda sensor unit including an impulse ring coupled in rotation to the rotating ring and a sensing unit comprising at least one sensing element mounted in a sensor body,wherein the sleeve supports both the stationary ring of the bearing and the sensor body, andwherein the sleeve compensates thermal dilatations between the housing and the stationary ring.2. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor body is mounted axially between the bearing and a radially extending portion of the sleeve.3. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 1 , the sensor body further comprising a peripheral groove claim 1 , in which claim 1 , an inwardly extending radial portion of the sleeve is received.4. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a pre-stressing element for pre-stressing the stationary ring claim 1 , adapted to exert a pre-stressing force between the housing and the stationary ring.5. The rolling bearing assembly according to claim 4 , wherein ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190146520A1

A method includes obtaining one or more images of a segment of a route from a camera while a vehicle is moving along the route. The segment of the route includes one or more guide lanes. The method also includes comparing, with one or more computer processors, the one or more images of the segment of the route with a benchmark visual profile of the route based at least in part on an overlay of the one or more images onto the benchmark visual profile or an overlay of the benchmark visual profile onto the one or more images. The one or more processors identify a misaligned segment of the route based on one or more differences between the one or more images and the benchmark visual profile and respond to the identification of the misaligned segment of the route by modifying an operating parameter of the vehicle. 1. A method , comprising:obtaining one or more images of a segment of a route from a camera while a vehicle is moving along the route, the segment of the route including one or more guide lanes;comparing, with one or more computer processors, the one or more images of the segment of the route with a benchmark visual profile of the route based at least in part on an overlay of the one or more images onto the benchmark visual profile or an overlay of the benchmark visual profile onto the one or more images;identifying, with the one or more computer processors, a misaligned segment of the route based on one or more differences between the one or more images and the benchmark visual profile; andresponding to the identification of the misaligned segment of the route by modifying an operating parameter of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the benchmark visual profile includes a designated area of the segment of the route claim 1 , and comparing the one or more images of the segment of the route with the benchmark profile includes overlaying the one or more images onto the designated area of the benchmark visual profile or overlaying the designated area ...
