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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 13015. Отображено 200.
05-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2808974C2

Группа изобретений относится к методам и средствам изготовления комбинированных банок. Способ включает: формирование полой основной части (203) путем сгибания заготовки (16) основной части и сведения двух противоположных краев заготовки (16) основной части вместе встык; уплотнение стыка путем приваривания уплотнительной полоски (214) поверх стыка, тем самым формируя промежуточную банку (403; 503); уплотнение верхнего отверстия (211) путем присоединения верхнего уплотнительного элемента (227) поперек верхнего отверстия (211); наложение верхней кромки (223) на промежуточную банку (403; 503) путем приваривания вставленной части верхней кромки (223) к внутренней поверхности полой основной части (203); переворот промежуточной банки (403; 503) вверх дном и размещение промежуточной банки (403; 503) на транспортере (2a) с верхней кромкой (223), опирающейся на транспортер (2a); заполнение промежуточной банки (403; 503) через нижнее отверстие (213); уплотнение нижнего отверстия (213) полой основной ...

06-08-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2824232C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к машине и способу для упаковки, в котором для упаковки продукта (P) покровную пленку (2) располагают на продукте (P) и на основной пленке (1), которая поддерживает указанный продукт (P) и уже, чем покровная пленка (2); наложенные пленки (1, 2) перемещают в первом направлении (1D) к соединительной установке (5), где обе пленки (1, 2) прикрепляют друг к другу; и прикрепленные пленки (1, 2) перемещают в первом направлении (1D) к резальной секции (6), где пленки (1, 2) разрезают в поперечном направлении. Перемещение пленок (1, 2) обеспечивают путем оказания воздействия на покровную пленку (2). Обеспечивается экономия материала основной пленки. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2244666C2

Изобретение относится к областям промышленности, где осуществляют заправку контейнеров водными растворами. Способ одновременной заправки включает размещение множества контейнеров вверх дном в поддоне, имеющем возвышающуюся периферийную кромку. Затем этот поддон помещают в вакуумную камеру, которую затем вакуумируют до заданного уровня, который ниже уровня атмосферного давления. Затем в поддон подают жидкий продукт, что осуществляют через емкость и канал, который проходит сквозь стенку вакуумной камеры, после чего вакуум в камере постепенно снижают со скоростью, обеспечивающей втягивание жидкости в контейнеры. На данной стадии процесса нежелательные остатки жидкости вымывают, а поддон удаляют из камеры и переворачивают. На завершающей стадии контейнеры укупоривают соответствующим колпачком, уплотнением, наконечником или соединительным элементом. Во втором варианте осуществления изобретения добавлена операция размещения контейнеров вверх дном на подставке и размещения этой подставки непосредственно ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2711343C2

В способе размещения и запечатывания пакета в вакуумной камере осуществляют обнаружение заднего края продукта в пакете и заднего края накладки, сцепленной с пакетом, посредством инфракрасного и флуоресцентного сенсорных устройств, передачу информации контроллеру, регулирование продвижения пакета с использованием контроллера и укупоривание пакета термосвариванием, формируя уплотнение между задним краем продукта и накладкой и между задним краем накладки и горловиной. Изобретением является также и устройство размещения пакета, содержащее инфракрасное и флуоресцентное сенсорные устройства, обеспечивающие соответственно обнаружение заднего края продукта в пакете и заднего края накладки, сцепленной с пакетом, и контроллер, сконфигурированный на регулирование расстояния продвижение пакета на основании информации, полученной от сенсорных устройств. Изобретением является и способ изготовления пакета с накладкой, в котором определяют положение первой накладки, сцепленной с пленочным материалом, посредством ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2552078C2

Способ относится к наполнению банок для напитков, которые впоследствии газонепроницаемо закупоривают и для стабилизации банки имеют внутреннее давление, превышающее давление окружающей среды. Способ содержит подачу банки с открытым отверстием для наполнения на разливочный участок, наполнение банки на разливочном участке, закрытие отверстия для наполнения банки крышкой непосредственно после наполнения, фиксацию крышки на банке без газонепроницаемой ее закупорки и транспортировку банки с закрытым отверстием. Причем отверстие для наполнения банки закрывают крышкой, впоследствии предусмотренной для перманентной и газонепроницаемой закупорки банки. Крышку после наполнения банки на разливочном участке лишь фиксируют, но не закупоривают перманентно, причем крышку прижимают аксиально сверху на банку. Крышку выполняют с внутренним диаметром по ширине кромки, который несколько меньше, чем фланцевый наружный диаметр соответствующей банки для напитков, и насаживают с защелкиванием на банку. По другому ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2528691C2

Способ поддерживает барьер из газового потока между двумя объемами канала, используемого для транспортировки упаковок. Объемы содержат первый объем, имеющий первую степень стерилизации и средство для инжекции газа, и второй объем, имеющий вторую степень стерилизации и средство для отвода газа. Объемы соприкасаются на площади поверхности раздела, проходящей по длине канала. Причем расходящиеся струйные потоки, подаваемые от средства инжекции газа, взаимодействуют на площади поверхности раздела для создания однонаправленного потока в направлении от первого объема ко второму объему, формируя барьер. Устройство для осуществления способа дополнительно к вышеуказанным признакам охарактеризовано еще и тем, что в нем средство инжекции газа инжектирует турбулентные расходящиеся струи газа, направленные к площади поверхности раздела. Группа изобретений обеспечивает повышение качества и снижение трудоемкости. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

15-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766455C2

Изобретение относится к способу герметизации частично подготовленных составляющих (30) рациона, в котором составляющие (30) рациона располагают на предмете (1) посуды и покрывают пленкой (15). Предложен способ герметизации частично подготовленных составляющих (30) рациона для дальнейшей транспортировки, в котором составляющие (30) располагают на предмете (1) посуды и покрывают пленкой (15), при этом из промежуточного пространства (16) между предметом (1) посуды, на котором расположены составляющие (30), и пленкой (15) откачивают воздух таким образом, что во время откачивания от 20% до 70% воздуха отсасывается из промежуточного пространства (16), причем степень откачивания воздуха зависит от составляющих (30), подлежащих герметизации, при этом частично подготовленные составляющие (30) рациона представляют собой продукты питания и блюда, а предмет (1) посуды выполнен в виде тарелки. Изобретение обеспечивает возможность плавной герметизации, при которой надлежащим образом расположенные составляющие ...

16-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2645163C2
Принадлежит: КРОНЭС АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к изготовлению емкостей, наполненных жидкостью. Заготовкам из пластикового материала придают форму для образования емкостей из пластикового материала посредством формовочного устройства, которые транспортируют к наполняющему устройству и наполняют жидкостью посредством указанного наполняющего устройства. Указанные емкости охлаждают на пути их транспортировки между формовочным устройством и наполняющим устройством путем воздействия на них жидкой средой. Емкости транспортируют во время наполнения внутри чистого помещения, которое отделено от окружающей среды посредством уплотняющего устройства. Чистое помещение уплотнено с использованием стерильной жидкости, перемещаемой в непрерывном канале, а жидкость из указанного канала также используют для охлаждения емкостей. В результате не требуется дополнительное конструкционное пространство. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656472C2
Принадлежит: КРИОВАК, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству для упаковки продукта (Р). Способ упаковки продукта, размещенного на подложке (4), включает разматывание пленки (10а), поперечное отрезание размотанной части пленки (10а) и подготовку отрезанных листов пленки (18). Затем осуществляют перемещение отрезанных листов пленки (18) к узлу упаковки (8), размещенному внутри камеры упаковки (24), удержание камеры упаковки (24), открытой в течение времени, достаточного для размещения должным образом определенного количества подложек (4) и соответствующего количества листов пленки (18) внутри указанной камеры упаковки (24). Затем происходит герметичное закрытие камеры упаковки (24) листами пленки, удерживаемыми над соответствующей подложкой (4) и при необходимости на определенном расстоянии, достаточном для обеспечения возможности циркуляции газа внутри подложки (4). При необходимости осуществляют принуждение к одной операции или к обеим из следующих операций: удаление газа из герметично закрытой ...

10-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2139229C1

Способ и устройство предназначены для вдувания в асептически заполненную упаковку стерильного азота в процессе ее запечатывания. Азот инжектируют через сопло, фиксированно расположенное между двумя подвижными запечатывающими элементами. Азот подают сверху под углом 40 - 50o к вертикали в противоположном направлению движения упаковок направлении. Скорость инжекции азота больше скорости инжекции стерильного воздуха. Способ и устройство обеспечивают возможность получения длительно хранящихся упаковок. Продукты сохраняют витамины и минеральные соли. 2 с. и 8 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU89842U1

... 1. Вакуумно-упаковочная машина для упаковки денежных купюр, содержащая одну или несколько рабочих камер с откидывающейся крышкой и механизмом его открытия, узел сварки полиэтиленового рукава, датчик, блок питания, блок управления клапанами, вакуумный насос, шлейфы коммутации электрических цепей, пульт управления, процессор, механизм фиксации крышки, отличающаяся тем, что скомпонована по блочному принципу и включает одну станцию и ряд исполнительных устройств, причем станция содержит общие узлы и детали, необходимые для управления каждым исполнительным устройством, и связана с ними коммуникациями, а исполнительное устройство содержит узлы и механизмы, способствующие вакуумной упаковке денежных купюр в полиэтиленовый рукав. ! 2. Вакуумно-упаковочная машина для упаковки денежных купюр по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рабочие камеры исполнительных устройств имеют различные объемы, оптимальные для пачек купюр разного номинала.

28-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678402C1
Принадлежит: КРИОВАК, ИНК. (US)

Устройство содержит блок управления, блок загрузки, сконфигурированный на размещение рукавной пленки вокруг упаковываемого продукта, и блок герметизации, связанный с блоком управления, сконфигурированным на управление блоком герметизации для создания одного или нескольких уплотнений на рукавной пленке. Устройство также содержит узел вакуумирования, связанный с блоком управления и содержащий первый элемент и второй элемент, расположенный напротив первого, который содержит деформируемую часть. При этом первый и второй элементы способны перемещаться относительно друг друга между положением первой конфигурации, в котором первый и второй элементы отстоят друг от друга, положением второй конфигурации, в котором деформируемая часть контактирует по меньшей мере с частью второго элемента и/или частью рукавной пленки, которая при использовании опирается на второй элемент, и положением третьей конфигурации, в котором деформируемая часть сжимается в направлении сжатия в сторону второго элемента. Устройство ...

17-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685399C1

Способ содержит прикрепление мешка для продукта к одной из множества подвижных люлек, при этом мешок для продукта имеет камеру, стержень, находящийся в жидкостном соединении с отверстием камеры, и фильтр, расположенный соосно стержню. После закрепления мешка впускное отверстие стержня соединяется с выпускным отверстием узла форсунки и происходит по меньшей мере частичное наполнение мешка для продукта жидкостью через форсунку, причем наполнение мешка для продукта включает в себя прохождение жидкости через фильтр и в камеру. После наполнения стержень мешка для продукта запечатывается ниже фильтра и отрезается над швом и ниже фильтра. Способ содержит также проведение испытаний на целостность фильтра, снятие наполненного мешка для продукта с люльки и помещение наполненного мешка для продукта в первую корзину для отклоненных мешков, если фильтр не прошел испытание на целостность, или во вторую корзину для принятых мешков, если фильтр прошел испытание на целостность. Изобретениями также являются ...

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004117844A

... 1. Машина для обработки емкостей для напитков, таких как бутылки и т.п., содержащая вращающуюся вокруг вертикальной оси карусель с расположенными на расстоянии друг от друга местами обработки для приема емкостей для напитков, причем места обработки расположены в нагруженной особой атмосферой, по существу, закрытой камере, состоящей из вращающейся и неподвижной относительно нее частей, отличающаяся тем, что эта камера (15) охватывает только часть емкостей (16) для напитков, по меньшей мере, с их горлышками (17). 2. Машина согласно ограничительной части п.1, отличающаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, часть направленной от горлышка и/или от его центрирующего элемента часть емкости (16) остается вне чистой камеры (15). 3. Машина согласно ограничительной части п.1, отличающаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна вращающаяся с вращающейся каруселью ограничительная стенка чистой камеры (15) содержит приемный и/или опорный и центрирующий элементы (24) для горлышек (17) емкостей (16) для напитков. 4.

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013132434A

... 1. Упаковочное устройство (1), в частности для упаковывания лотков, содержащих пищевые продукты или технические материалы в регулируемой атмосфере, посредством пленки (6) из пластикового материала, отличающееся тем, что оно содержит верхнюю камеру (3) и нижнюю камеру (4), образующие камеру для размещения лотка (2), которые выполнены с возможностью скрепления путем взаимного их наложения и каждая из которых внутри имеет множество средств термозапечатывания и/или отрезания и/или штанцевой резки, размещенных концентрически, причем указанная нижняя камера (4) имеет по центру поддерживающие средства для указанного лотка (2).2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что указанная пленка представляет собой однократно сложенную пленку (6), причем указанная верхняя камера (3) и указанная нижняя камера (4) образованы контейнером, который может быть герметично закреплен на другом контейнере наложением, причем полосы или прокладки, обеспечивающие воздухонепроницаемость, имеются по периметру на боковом ...

22-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727681C1
Принадлежит: КРИОВАК, ЛЛК (US)

Группа изобретений относится к пищевой промышленности. Способ упаковывания включает использование участка вакуумирования, имеющего первую камеру, вторую камеру и разделительную стенку, отделяющую первую камеру от второй камеры и имеющую зазор, который с возможностью обмена текучей средой соединяет первую камеру и вторую камеру. Зазор имеет размер. Вторая камера с возможностью обмена текучей средой соединена с источником разрежения, сконфигурированным прилагать регулируемое вакуумметрическое давление ко второй камере. Участок вакуумирования снабжен блоком управления, сконфигурированным управлять источником разрежения. Использование содержащей упаковываемый продукт упаковки, которая изготовлена из пленки и имеет открытый конец. Размещение упаковки на участке вакуумирования таким образом, чтобы концевая часть открытого конца находилась во второй камере, неконцевая часть открытого конца и продукт находились в первой камере, и промежуточная часть открытого конца, расположенная между концевой ...

10-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001127976A

... 1. Упаковка для изделия, содержащая первый слой гибкой термоусадочной пленки и второй слой нетканого полотна, прикрепленного к упомянутой пленке для контакта с изделием и удержания пленки на расстоянии от изделия, причем пленка реагирует на нагрев, давая усадку с образованием жесткой оболочки, которая, по существу, соответствует форме изделия, а нетканое полотно удерживает эту оболочку на расстоянии от изделия во время и после усадки пленки и гасит силы удара, прикладываемые к оболочке, чтобы таким образом защитить изделие от сил удара. 2. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что внутренний слой связан клеем с пленкой, причем, по меньшей мере, участки нетканого полотна выполнены с возможностью перемещения относительно пленки. 3. Упаковка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что клеевые связи распределены с промежутками между пленкой и нетканым полотном, образуя тем самым несплошные связи между пленкой и нетканым полотном. 4. Упаковка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что пленка является термоусадочной как в ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012103652A

... 1. Устройство для поддержания, в заполняющей машине, барьера для газового потока между двумя объемами канала для транспортирования упаковок (102) в его продольном направлении, причем указанные объемы включают первый объем, имеющий первую степень стерилизации, и второй объем, имеющий вторую степень стерилизации, при этом- первый объем содержит средство введения газа,- второй объем содержит средство эвакуации газа,- первый и второй объемы встречаются в соединительной области, продолжающейся в продольном направлении канала,отличающееся тем, что указанные два объема встречаются в зоне (108) Вентури, в части канала, имеющей уменьшенное поперечное сечение.2. Устройство по п.1, в котором средство введения газа содержит сопло, выполненное для направления потока газа в упаковку и получения потока, возвращающегося из упаковки, и перенаправления потока, по существу параллельного наружной стороне упаковки, в направлении от первого объема ко второму.3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, дополнительно содержащее ...

27-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97116887A
Автор: Шрейн И.И.

... 1. Способ хранения жидкости или продуктов питания, заключающийся в расфасовке их в соответствующие емкости с последующей герметизацией, отличающийся тем, что в емкости, с находящимися в ней продуктами питания или жидкостью, перед герметизацией создают вакуум. 2. Способ хранения жидкости или продуктов питания по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в емкости с находящимися в ней продуктами питания или жидкостью создают вакуум не менее 0,01 мм рт.ст. 3. Способ хранения жидкости или продуктов питания по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на вакуумированные продукты питания или жидкость дополнительно воздействуют и/или магнитным полем, и/или ультрафиолетовым излучением, и/или ультразвуковыми колебаниями, и/или лазерным излучением. 4. Способ хранения жидкости или продуктов питания по пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что воздействие магнитным полем осуществляют напряженностью 1х10-1 до lxl02 a/м на 1л объема в течение 0,1-1,2 мин на 1л объема, в зависимости от вида продуктов. 5. Способ хранения жидкости или продуктов ...

20-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003131980A

... 1. Способ упаковки готовых кулинарных блюд, характеризующийся тем, что он предусматривает их фасовку в термоформованные лотки из полимерного или комбинированного материала и герметизацию термосвариваемой пленкой в модифицированной газовой среде, содержащей двуокись углерода. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что модифицированная газовая среда дополнительно содержит азот в количестве не более 80%. 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что модифицированная газовая среда дополнительно содержит кислород в количестве не более 50%.

23-08-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для заполнения пакетов индикаторов жидкокристаллическим веществом

Номер: SU1109340A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ 3AI1OJ1HF,НИЯ ПАКЕТОВ ИНДИКАТОРОВ ЖИ;1КОКРПСТАЛЛПЧНСКП .М Bl-lllHCTBOAl состоящее вакухмной камер. ванны л.чя жилкокристаллическсло вещества, копт а кт11р к )11их э,1ементов. В1)111о,тненны. из нержа ек )1ией стали и расиоложенны.х яад IHIми кассет д,1я пакетов, отличающееся те.м, что. с це,1ьк) повышения надежности и снижения рас.хода жидкокрнста,1Лическо1О веniecTHa . кажд|)И1 из ксжтактирукмцих элементов выполнен в виде стержня, имеющего )Д()льиы11 паз и установ,1енного над ванHoii с в()Зможност1)К1 верт11ка,1ьно1о возвратно-пост}пательн о Io переме1це1И1я. (Л о со со о ...

30-11-1966 дата публикации

Устройство для сварки пленки к вакуум-упаковочным машинам

Номер: SU189734A1

08-09-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002611131C2

02-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003665847D1

19-07-1979 дата публикации

Vacuum skin package-making appts. - has thermoplastic sheets around product forming seal evacuated via aligned openings in conveyor belt and plate

Номер: DE0002758808A1

The vacuum skin packaging appts. has a heated upper thermoplastic film, as held on the lower surface of a vacuum chamber is moved downwardly so as to drape the film around a product positioned on a lower thermoplastic film. This movement forms a hermetic seal between the vacuum chamber, the two films, a conveyor belt upon which the lower film rests, and a fixed vacuum plate over which the belt is moved. Enclosed within this seal are opposed sets of apertures in the belt, which apertures are aligned with the opposed openings in the plate for evacuating. The space above the upper film and also around the product. The upper film is then pushed by pressure differential into skin-tight conformity with the product and into heat-sealing contact with the lower film to form a vacuum skin-package.

20-12-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002834076C2

29-10-1928 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000467548C

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Geschirreinheit und Verfahren zum Versiegeln von teilzubereiteten Speisen

Номер: DE102019004989A1

Geschirreinheit (1) wie ein Teller, für die Verpackung, den Transport und/oder den Verzehr von Speisen (30), mit einem mit einer Folie (15) abgedeckten Körper (2), wobei zwischen der Folie (15) und dem Körper (2) in einem Klebebereich (8) ein Klebstoff (21) vorhanden ist, um die Geschirreinheit (1) zu versiegeln,dadurch gekennzeichnet,dass die Folie (15) wenigstens eine Siegelschicht (15a) auf Basis von Polyethylen umfasst,und dass die Geschirreinheit (1) wenigstens teilweise aus einem Keramikwerkstoff besteht, unddass der Klebstoff (21) wenigstens einen Haft-Hotmelt-Klebstoff umfasst und wenigstens zum Teil aus thermoplastischem Kautschuk besteht und die Siegelschicht (15a) der Folie (15) mit dem Keramikwerkstoff der Geschirreinheit (1) verklebt.

12-10-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum seriellen Verpacken von Stückgütern, insbesondere von Käseblöcken

Номер: DE202016102943U1
Принадлежит: MBM innovations GmbH

Vorrichtung zum seriellen Verpacken von Stückgütern (1), insbesondere von Käseblöcken, in Kunststoffbeutel (B), mit a. einer Zufuhreinrichtung (20) zum seriellen Zuführen der Stückgüter (1), b. einer Einschubeinrichtung (30) zum Einschieben eines Stückguts (1) in einen geöffneten Kunststoffbeutel (B) mit einer Einfüllöffnung (B1), wobei die Einschubeinrichtung (30) eine in einer horizontalen Ebene in einer Einschubrichtung (E) verschiebbare Auflage (17) und einen Schieber (9) umfasst, c. einer Transporteinrichtung (13) zum Abtransport der mit einem Stückgut (1) befüllten Kunststoffbeutel (B) in einer Transportrichtung (T), d. und einer Vakuum- und Schweißstation (40) zum Evakuieren und zum Verschließen der Einfüllöffnung (B1) der befüllten Kunststoffbeutel (B), e. wobei ein von der Zufuhreinrichtung (20) zugeführtes Sückgut (1) an die Einschubeinrichtung (30) übergeben und auf der Auflage (10) abgelegt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Schieber (9) linear beweglich ausgebildet und ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE202017006169U1
Принадлежит: Lopic

Vakuum-Schublade, bestehend aus einer Schalle (Boden und Wänden aus Holz oder Spannholz) und einem einfachem Deckel oder Scharnierdeckel, in welchen Nahrungsmittel wie Brot gelagert sind und unter Vakuum gesetzt werden können und das die Schublade zur einschieben in ein Küche-Schrank integriert kompakt ausgelegt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an eine der Wände (31, 32, 33, 34) der Schublade (3) oder den Deckel (5) eine Strom oder Batteriebetriebene Vakuumerzeuger-Einheit (14) mit einen Federbelasteten beweglichem Stößel (13) angebracht ist, dass die Schalle (4) der Schublade (3) mit einen Deckel (5) oder Scharnierdeckel (5) über Dichtung (19) Luftdicht abgedeckt ist und dass der Deckel (5) oder die Wände (31, 32, 33, 34) ein Luftausgleichventil (9) aufweisen.

24-07-1997 дата публикации

Pressurised packaging container with lid, seal and container

Номер: DE0019601071A1

Peripheral sealing member (3) is positioned inbetween a lid (2) and a container (1) having a flexible wall (8) which projects into the interior (1') of the container when no over-pressure is present. A peripheral lip (6) is provided for fitting the sealing member and the lid is provided at least partly with hook members (5). When pressure is applied within the container, the flexible wall is forced outwards and the sealing members are pushed under the hook members to produce a pressure-retaining seal between container and lid. The flexible wall may include at least one fold, which projects into the container when no internal pressure is present. Container and lid are preferably made of lightweight glass and/or plastic, particularly polyurethane, polypropylene, polyamide, polycarbonate, and acrylic.

20-08-2009 дата публикации

Lüftereinheit für eine Maschine für die Herstellung von radiopharmazeutischen Produkten

Номер: DE602006007688D1

28-04-1999 дата публикации

Vacuum packaging of articles

Номер: GB0009905214D0

19-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001436471A

... 1436471 Vacuum packaging W R GRACE & CO 11 Jan 1974 [29 June 1973] 01334/74 Heading B8C To avoid the problem of evacuating all air from a bag-wrapped food product when the product contains surface crevices the filled bag is placed in apparatus which first evacuates air surrounding the bag to lift the bag off the produce and then evacuates air from inside the bag causing the bag to collapse on to and tightly enclose the produce; the bag mouth is then sealed and the package passed through a hot air tunnel or hot water bath to shrink the bag. This final step seals any pin holes in the bag by tight pressure against the product. The apparatus comprises a base 2 and hinged cover 3 forming a first compartment 4 and second compartment 5. The bag mouth is held in a guide 13 and passes through an apertured wall 11, 12 to devices 19-22 which apply a metal clip to the bag mouth and cut off excess material or alternatively heat seal the bag. Gathering arms 25 compress the bag mouth and a clip 37 fed ...

31-10-2001 дата публикации

Water-soluble pouch containing composition

Номер: GB0002361690A

A component of a composition, especially a particulate or liquid detergent composition, is contained in a compartment of a pouch formed from a stretchable water-disintegrating, water-soluble or water-dispersable material of non-uniform thickness. A film of the material may be placed in a mould and vacuum formed to make an open compartment, the part of the film in the bottom of the mould, furthest from the points of closing, being stretched more than in the top part. Particulate component to fill at least 95% of the compartment may then be introduced and the compartment closed. The surface area of the compartment may be reduced during or after closure by heat shrinking. The film may be elastic and may comprise polyvinyl alcohol polymer.

11-08-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001242461A

... 1,242,461. Weighing apparatus. CARTER ENG CO. March 25, 1969 [April 16, 1968], No.15496/69. Heading G1W. [Also in Division B8] An apparatus for filling containers with particulate material, such as powder, in a vacuum environment comprises a container 5 which is connected by a bracket 30 to a load cell 23 which is covered by a shroud 24 detachably secured to a housing 2 which is supplied with vacuum through a conduit 3, the load cell 23 having a fluid-reaction surface which is operable to nullify the effect of the vacuum environment within the housing 2. The container 5 is adapted to support a bag having its upper end fitted over a filling nozzle which is coupled to a source of material. Supply by a flexible coupling 8. The load cell comprises a stacked series of annular segments 40-47 which contain a force transmitting-rod 48 which is composed of a series of stacked segments 49-56 and co-operates, by means of a ball bearing 57, with cross beam 33 of the bracket 30, the ball 57 being retained ...

08-05-1963 дата публикации

Improvements relating to machines for filling containers with liquid

Номер: GB0000925564A

... 925,564. Filling-machines; filling containers. ALBRO FILLERS & ENGINEERING CO. Ltd. Feb. 19, 1960 [Dec. 12, 1958], No. 40193/58. Classes 94(1) and 125(2). A device enabling paper containers 9 to be filled with liquid by applying a sub-atmospheric pressure to the interior of the container comprises a filling nozzle 2 fitted with a shroud 6 that seats on a container lifting platform 7 to form an air tight chamber. A sub-atmospheric pressure applied to the chamber via a pipe 4 causes liquid to be drawn up a pipe 3 and into the bag 9, the filling action ceasing when the liquid level covers the lower end of the tube 2. The device is mounted on a rotary support and after each container 9 has been filled a spring loaded valve 12 on the shroud 6 passes a cam 13 whereby air is admitted to the shroud 6 to break the vacuum. By altering the thickness of a washer 11, between the filling head flange 5 and the shroud 6, the filling weight in the container 9 can be varied.

20-05-1981 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for vacuum sealing containers

Номер: GB0002061891A
Автор: Pirc, Anton

A container to be vacuum sealed is provided with one or more small air passages through which air may be withdrawn from the container, a flexible sealing material being provided adjacent each such passage to permit air to be withdrawn from the container when it is placed in an evacuated chamber but which seals these passages when the air pressure in the evacuated chamber is rapidly returned to the ambient air pressure. In the embodiment of Fig. 1 a tubular plug 63 collapses to block passageway 61 when air is admitted to vacuum chamber 23 via valve 33. In the bag embodiment of Fig. 10C, a valve 117, stuck to the bag, contains an air-filled balloon 137 which expands to open aperture 111 by moving lever 125 against the action of spring 129. Fig. 10D (not shown). Expansion of the balloon occurs when air pressure surrounding bag and valve is reduced and the air in the bag is thereby removed. When ambient conditions are restored the balloon collapses and aperture 111 is resealed; subsequently ...

06-08-1964 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for packing aerated materials

Номер: GB0000966288A

... 966,288. Filling containers; hopper discharge. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES OF AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND Ltd. April 29, 1963 [April 30, 1962], No. 16776/63. Headings B8C and B8S. Aerated solid flowable material is sealed in a space 5 in a cylinder 2 and subsequently let through a valve 4 into a partially evacuated receptacle 11, thus minimizing the quantity of entrapped air in the packaged material. The charge of material is dropped from a hopper 1 into the space 5 whilst the receptacle enclosure 9 and the space below the valve 4 are evacuated through outlets 10 and 8 respectively. The vacuum is cut off, the valve 3 closed and the valve 4 then opened. When the material has fallen into the receptacle 11, the valve 4 is closed and air is readmitted to the enclosure 9 through a tube 101 to cause the receptacle 11, which may be a plastics bag, to be brought into contact with the closely packed powder. The enclosure 9 is then disconnected from the cylinder 2 and the package closed whilst ...

20-02-2002 дата публикации

Packaging tray and method of manufacture

Номер: GB0000200362D0

28-11-1984 дата публикации

Vacuum packaging with preshrinking

Номер: GB0002140381A

A method for vacuum shrink packaging a product is provided that includes the steps of placing the product in a heat shrinkable thermoplastic bag; then shrinking the bag in a heated gaseous medium, while partially constricting the mouth of the bag to cause ballooning of the bag, further provided that the constricting is selected such that shrinkage of the bag overcomes the ballooning to collapse the bag onto the product; and then placing the bag in a vacuum chamber followed by vacuumizing and in-chamber sealing, further provided that the rate of vacuumizing is limited to substantially prevent reballooning of the bag. Associated apparatus for carrying out the method is also provided.

08-08-1963 дата публикации

Improved processes for the production of vacuum filled receptacles

Номер: GB0000933386A

... 933,386. Bottling; packaging. J. A. BODET. June 13, 1961 [Oct. 13, 1960; Jan. 3, 1961], No. 21376/61. Classes 94(1) and 125(2). A receptacle 2 with an inlet duct 3 and an auxiliary cavity 12 is vacuum-filled with a liquefied substance by placing it within a chamber 4, applying suction to the chamber, releasing the suction to permit the substance, which covers the entrance to the duct 3, to enter the receptacle, causing the residual air from the receptacle to be wholly contained in the auxiliary cavity, and then sealing the open end 13 of the receptacle. As shown in Fig. 1, a number of receptacles with inlet ducts 3 and auxiliary cavities 12 are formed between two superposed thermoplastic sheets 1, and after the substance has been drawn into the receptacles and cavities, the receptacle assembly or thermoplastic strip is inverted so that the liquid from the cavities replaces the air in the receptacles. The ends 13 are then sealed e.g. by hot welding, and that portion of the strip containing ...

31-10-1918 дата публикации

Cooling or Cooking-box which may also be used for Evacuating the Air from Jars or the like for Sterilizing Purposes.

Номер: GB0000116280A

... 116,280. Naamlooze Vennootschap Octrooi Maatschappij Holland tot Exploitatie van Uitvindingen, (Assignees of Boerner, A.). June 1, 1917, [Convention date]. Preserving food.-A chamber for preserving articles by cooling, or for completing the cooking of food, is provided with a jacket in which a vacuum is produced and maintained by a suction pump driven by water, preferably from the domestic water supply. The interior of the chamber may be connected to the vacuum space to enable the air to be removed from jars or like vessels containing food to be sterilized, before the jars &c. are sealed. The water may pass through an outer jacket before it reaches the pump. The water-supply pipe 4 is fitted with a valve 5 and the water flows to the suction pump 8 either through an outer jacket 3 and pipe 6. or through a pipe 27. The vacuum space 12 is of small dimensions, and communicates with the pump through a pipe 13 and valve 14, and with a space in the hinged door 18 through a flexible pipe 19 fitted ...

27-06-2018 дата публикации

A method of making a pack for food and the associated pack

Номер: GB0002557619A

A food pack is formed by providing a laminate 23 with a fibrous layer 21, a gas barrier layer and a heat sealable layer 20; vacuum forming or thermoforming 24 a tray with upstanding sides from it; filling the tray with food 28; providing a second laminate 13 with a gas barrier layer and a heat sealable layer 9; hermetically sealing 30 the two laminates together at their rim; and cutting 32 the tray from the web. The lid can include a fibrous web 5 with a window. The fibrous web can be three or more times thicker than the gas barrier layer. The fibrous webs can be printed on prior to thermoforming and/or sealing. Materials could include polyolefins, ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer, silicon oxides and/or anti mist coatings.

26-01-1983 дата публикации

Combined form, fill, seal and vacuum packaging

Номер: GB0002101957A

An automatic packaging apparatus has a bag forming device for automatically forming bags each containing one or more articles and a vacuum sealing device for sealing open ends of the bags in a vacuum. The vacuum sealing device has a plurality of bag supporting devices revolving synchronously with the feeding device and having respective pillow heads for resting thereon the open ends of the bags and vacuum covers each cooperating with a respective one bag supporting device to form one vacuum box in which the open end of the bag is sealed by and between a heating member provided in the vacuum box and the pillow head. Further the pillow head or a platform of the bag supporting device is moved vertically.

20-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008412646D0

30-03-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sealed food containers

Номер: GB0001063858A

... 1,063,858. Vacuum sealing thermoplastic containers. M. SCHMIDT. Dec. 18, 1963 [Dec. 18, 1962], No. 50084/63. Heading B8C. A cover sheet 23 (Fig. 1) is welded to the periphery of a tray 27 by welding means 24 mounted within a vacuum chamber 3. In the apparatus illustrated the sheet 23 is withdrawn from a reel 26, and passes through the chamber to a reel 33. The open-topped tray, which may be multicellular, is placed on a support 20 by a pair of grippers 25, and then the two halves of the chamber are moved towards each other by pneumatic rams 6, 7, thus closing the chamber and trapping the sheet 23. The welding means 8 and 10 are mounted on the halves 2 and 3 of the chamber so that as the chamber closes they are moved towards each other, without meeting, the lower welding tool 10 raising and supporting the tray along its rim. Air is then extracted from the chamber via tubes 14, and if necessary the chamber can be filled with nitrogen via the tube 18. The heating tool 21 plasticizes the cover ...

20-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008917810D0

10-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001455294A

... 1455294 Vacuum sealing apparatus; alarms GOLDEN WONDER Ltd 6 March 1974 [9 March 1973] 11596/73 Headings B8C and B8T A vacuum sealing apparatus for containers such as cans, bags or cartons includes an alarm system responsive to the presence of an article in the vacuum chamber and an insufficient vacuum therein. If these two conditions are sensed then an alarm is activated. In the preferred embodiment, cans 20-23 to be sealed are fed from a conveyer 12, via a vertically reciprocating platform 14, into and out of a vacuum sealing chamber 10 having a slide closure 15. Sealed cans are transferred to take-off conveyer 13 for removal. Limit switches LS1 and LS2 are provided to detect entry and exit of the cans to and from the chamber and the chamber contains a vacuum switch VS closed at pressures down to the desired degree of vacuum. In use, a can trips switch LS1 which energizes a relay 1 which in turn closes a contact R1/1 across the switch and a contact R1/2 in series with switch LS2, a cancel ...

02-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001520014A

... 1520014 Lyophilized material BEHRING- WERKE AG 4 Aug 1975 [6 Aug 1974] 32449/75 Heading A2D A process for the preparation of a closed container containing lyophilized material comprises (1) filling the material to be lyophilized into a container, (2) putting a rubber stopper and an over cap loosely on the container, (3) introducing the container with its contents into a lyophilization apparatus, (4) lyophilizing the contents (5) within the lyophilization apparatus and in a single operation pressing the rubber stopper deep into the container, at the same time pressing the over cap onto the same and (6) removing the container closed under sterile conditions from the lyophilization apparatus. An over cap suitable for use in the above process is described in British Patent Application 32450/75 (Division B8).

13-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001589421A

16-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001604920A

19-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001558134A

20-08-1958 дата публикации

Canning and processing machines

Номер: GB0000800085A

... 800,085. Food canning. BORDEN, CO. May 29, 1956 [June 2, 1955], No. 16554/56. Class 49. A canning and processing machine for evacuating and gassing cans containing solid foods comprises means for delivering unsealed cans to an elongated chamber 14 having charging 30 and discharging doors 46 which, when closed, give gas-tight closure, a counter mechanism 22 which activates, when the chamber is full of cans, a timing device 25 which, by making and breaking electrical circuits in sequence activates means for opening and closing the doors, means 38 for evacuating air from the chamber and means 42 for introducing inert gas to the chamber. In operation, cans from a filling and semi-closing equipment 10 pass along a conveyer 12 to the chosen chamber 14 by means of sweep-off plates 18. When the chamber is full a motor 24 is started which drives the timing device 25 which activates, in turn, a solenoid 20 to move the plates 18 to the inactive position, a solenoid 26 to close the door 30, then connects ...

31-12-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in packaged rubber articles and method of producing the same

Номер: GB0000244870A

... 244,870. Carpmael, A., (Ajax Rubber Co., Inc.). Oct. 22, 1924. Drawings to Specification. Packing rubber articles; materials and goods, treating with inert substances.-Rubber articles, such as inner tubes, are packed in a container from which the air is exhausted and into which a.n inert gas such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, &c. may be injected. The container may be opaque. Deliquescent material such as calcium chloride or sodium chloride, or efflorescent material such as sodium carbonate or gypsum may be placed in the container, which is subsequently sealed. Specification 103,442 is referred to.

31-01-1997 дата публикации

Packaging of materials

Номер: AP0009600907D0

11-05-2001 дата публикации

Method of packing meat.

Номер: AP0000000965A

This invention relates to a method of packing meat and to a mould for packing meat. According to the method of the invention a mould having a block-shaped cavity is provided into which an open flexible bag is positioned. A shaping device is inserted into the bag so as to arrange the bag within the cavity in a configuration generally corresponding to the block-shaped cavity of the mould. Meat is introduced into the bag through the opening to form a block-shaped body of meat within the bag whereafter a vacuum is drawn on the contents of the bag and the opening of the bag is sealed. The mould for use in the method of packing meat comprises an open-topped box defining a box-shaped cavity for receiving a flexible bag. The box has a peripheral around an open top with slits provided in the peripheral edge on opposite sides of the box. A lid having two sections is provided on the box which is movable between an open position in which the sections are pivoted away from the opening and a closed position ...

29-01-1999 дата публикации

Process, method and equipment for vaccuum packaging of materials.

Номер: AP0000000729A

A method of packing a particulate material such as nuts is provided. The method includes the steps of providing a flexible plastic bag having an opening at one end, placing the bag in a mould which generally takes the form of an open-topped box, introducing the material into the bag through the opening, creating a vacuum in the bag and sealing the bag to close the opening while maintaining the vacuum in the bag.

31-01-1997 дата публикации

Packaging of materials

Номер: AP0009600907A0

31-10-1997 дата публикации

Method of packing meat

Номер: AP0009701055A0

30-06-1980 дата публикации

Process of vacuum conditioning.

Номер: OA0000004604A

04-12-2001 дата публикации

Process for vacuum packaging of materials

Номер: OA0000010389A

07-12-2001 дата публикации

Method of packing meat

Номер: OA0000010435A

31-10-1997 дата публикации

Method of packing meat

Номер: AP0009701055D0

27-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391117B

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395300T

10-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000363037B

10-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359924B

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380765T

10-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387943B

26-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380447B

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367988T

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA945571A

15-10-2007 дата публикации

Sausage slicer has a device for delivering sausage in a delivery position in which a welding station of packing device is arranged, membrane body, and elastically compressible frame for evacuating and clamping plastic foil on a base plate

Номер: AT0000503416B1

The sausage slicer comprises a device for delivering sausage in a delivery position in which a welding station of a packing device is arranged, a membrane body connected with the environment over a free cross section, and an isolating equipment. The welding station has a base plate (7) with an electrically heatable welding rod and/or band, and a removable clamping piece for clamping and edge wise welding of two plastic foils covering the sausage. The clamping piece is formed as suction cup (14) with a clamping edge that is connected with a vacuum device. The sausage slicer comprises a device for delivering sausage in a delivery position in which a welding station of a packing device is arranged, a membrane body connected with the environment over a free cross section, and isolating equipment. The welding station has a base plate (7) with an electrically heatable welding rod and/or band, and a removable clamping piece for clamping and edge wise welding of two plastic foils covering the sausage ...

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499201T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497131T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000458252T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435818T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000493339T

15-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA310073A

15-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA632079A

15-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA217477A

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000556938T

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Machine for Packaging Products in Rigid or Semirigid Trays Sealed Across the Top by a Thermoplastic Film, Particularly for Producing Packs in a Modified Atmosphere

Номер: US20120144785A1
Автор: Massimiliano Vaccari
Принадлежит: Gruppo Fabbri Vignola SpA

The invention relates to a machine with a series of three operating stations (S 1, S 2, S 3 ), of which the first station (S 1 ) arranges the full trays in a predetermined pattern in one or two parallel rows, while the intermediate station (S 2 ) closes the full trays with a cover of film heat-sealed onto their top edge, optionally after conditioning the atmosphere inside said trays, to preserve the products packed inside them and also performs the operation of cutting off the sealed trays from the continuous web from which said closing cover is taken, and in which the final station (S 3 ) discharges the full trays, closed and separated, as they come from said intermediate station. Said stations are equidistant from each other in the horizontal direction and said transfer means are composed of moving and lifting combs ( 16, 16′ ) that operate alongside said stations, that have a length such as to occupy simultaneously two consecutive such stations and that are provided with any means such that the teeth of the combs can be inserted under the front, rear and free space of the groups of the row or rows of trays, without substantially interfering with them, then be raised so as to lift said groups of trays and remove them from the surface they were resting on, then move longitudinally to transfer the groups of trays from one station (S 1, S 2 ) to the station immediately following (S 2, S 3 ), then be lowered to deposit the groups of trays in the new stations and no longer interfere with the trays, then be withdrawn from said groups of trays, and finally be returned, by a longitudinal movement the reverse of the previous movement, to the start-of-cycle condition.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Vacuum Skin Packaging of a Product Arranged on a Support

Номер: US20120204516A1
Принадлежит: Cryovac LLC

It is disclosed a machine for vacuum skin packaging a product arranged on a support. The support has a sidewall with at least one hole. The machine comprises a first film transfer plate configured for holding a film sheet, heating the film sheet, bringing the film sheet to a position above the support with the product arranged thereon and air tightly fixing the film sheet to the support. The machine also comprises a vacuum arrangement for removing air from within the support underneath the film sheet through the at least one hole. The first film transfer plate is configured to release the film sheet thereby allowing the film sheet to be drawn into the support while the vacuum arrangement is removing air from within the support.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Mask storage device for mask haze prevention and methods thereof

Номер: US20130062243A1

A mask storage device and a method of preventing defect formation on a mask are provided. The method includes providing a mask storage device comprising a first and second shell configured to form a sealed space in a closed state and a desiccant positioned within the mask storage device. The method further includes placing a mask inside the mask storage device and sealing the mask storage device with the mask and desiccant inside the sealed space.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Self Assembling Polymer Membranes in Food Packaging Application

Номер: US20130074451A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A method of packaging a food product using a polymer membrane, the polymer being a self assembling polymeric material, and the method including a.) rendering the said polymer into a film; and b.) packaging a food product in an atmosphere with the said polymer film, wherein said film regulates the atmosphere in which the food product is packaged. 1. A method of packaging a food product using a polymer film , wherein said polymer comprises a macromolecularly self assembling polymeric material , said method comprising the steps of:a.) rendering said polymeric material into a polymer film; andb.) packaging a food product in an atmosphere with said polymer film, wherein said film regulates the atmosphere in which the food product is packaged.2. The method of wherein said polymer film is rendered by lamination.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymeric film is coinjected with a substrate material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymer film is rendered between two substrates by coinjection.5. The method of or claim 1 , wherein said substrate is selected from the group consisting of a metal or metal alloy claim 1 , a polymeric material claim 1 , a cellulose claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. The method of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein said polymer film regulates carbon dioxide in the food product atmosphere.7. The method of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein said polymer film regulates Oin said food product atmosphere.8. The method of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein said polymer film regulates water and water vapor in said food product atmosphere.9. The method of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein said polymer film has a CO/Oselectivity above 4.5.10. The method of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein said polymer film has a water vapor/Oselectivity above 10.11. The method of any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the molecularly self-assembling material is selected from the group ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Vacuum Packaging and Sealing Appliance with Double Seal

Номер: US20130180210A1
Автор: Hammad Jamal F.

An appliance for vacuum packaging and sealing a container, including: a vacuum motor assembly generating suction, a vacuum trough fluidly connected to the vacuum motor assembly, first and second heat sealing elements, and a microprocessor configured to control the vacuum motor assembly and the first and second heating elements in programmable sequences. One programmable sequence may include energizing the vacuum motor assembly to provide suction to the vacuum trough, energizing the first heat sealing element at a first predetermined temperature for a first predetermined time when a first predetermined vacuum level is reached in the vacuum trough, de-energizing the vacuum motor assembly after a third predetermined time has elapsed after the first heat sealing element has been de-energized, delaying a dwell time, and energizing the second heat sealing element at the expiration of the dwell time at a second predetermined temperature for a second predetermined time. 1. An appliance for vacuum packaging and sealing a container , the container having at least one unsealed side , comprising:a vacuum motor assembly generating suction;a vacuum trough fluidly connected to the vacuum motor assembly;a first heat sealing element disposed adjacent to the vacuum trough configured to heat seal the unsealed side of the container;a second heat sealing element disposed between the first heat sealing element and the vacuum trough, said second heating element configured to heat seal the unsealed side of the container; and energizing the vacuum motor assembly to provide suction to the vacuum trough;', 'energizing the first heat sealing element at a first predetermined temperature for a first predetermined time when a first predetermined vacuum level is reached in the vacuum trough;', 'de-energizing the vacuum motor assembly after a third predetermined time has elapsed after the first heat sealing element has been de-energized;', 'delaying a dwell time; and', 'energizing the second heat ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Packaging machine with sealing station for gas flushing a package

Номер: US20130247510A1

The invention relates to a packaging machine including a sealing station which is used for sealing a package comprising a trough and a cover film, and which has at least two sides, the sealing station including a sealing tool provided with at least one evacuation aperture for discharging the atmosphere and at least one gas flushing aperture for supplying a gas volume flow.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305661A1
Автор: Ammann Paul, Sorensen Bill

The invention relates to a vacuum packaging machine for producing an evacuated packaging of a product, which is disposed between an upper film and a lower film, and which can also be reliably used for thicker cover films or hard packaging. 1101312. A vacuum packaging machine for producing an evacuated packaging of a product , which is disposed between an upper film and a lower film , wherein the vacuum packaging machine comprises at least one tool lifter () with tools , comprising an upper tool part () and a lower tool part () and a lifting system , which enables a first and a second lifting or closing movement ,{'b': 19', '12', '15', '12', '16', '15', '17', '12', '16, 'characterised in that at least one tool lifting cylinder () for a vertical lift of the lower tool part () as well as a cylinder shaft (), which is passed through the lower tool part () and on which a locking cam () is located, is provided, wherein the cylinder shaft () is passed through an opening () of the lower tool part (), the cross-section of said opening corresponding to that of the locking cam ().'}2102. The vacuum packaging machine according to claim 1 , characterised in that two tool lifters () are provided claim 1 , between which a loading area claim 1 , or a working plane () claim 1 , is disposed.31110. The vacuum packaging machine according to or claim 1 , characterised in that at least one short-stroke cylinder () is also provided per tool lifter ().41816. The vacuum packaging machine according at least one of to claim 1 , characterised in that tool closing cylinders () are provided for locking or unlocking the locking cam ().51013121912151615171216. A device for performing a tool lift claim 1 , in particular on a packaging or deep-drawing machine claim 1 , comprising at least one tool lifter () with tools claim 1 , an upper tool part () and a lower tool part () as well as a lifting system claim 1 , which enables a first and a second lifting or closing movement claim 1 , characterised in ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Tool lift mechanism

Номер: US20130318919A1
Принадлежит: Ishida Europe Ltd

The present application relates to a lifting apparatus comprising a first member and a second member; a lifting mechanism coupled to said first member adapted to move said first member towards said second member; and a third member coupled to said first member, the third member slideably moveable through said second member when said first member is moved towards said second member. When a predetermined compressive force is applied to said third member, a latching mechanism responds by latching said second member to said third member, such that when a further compressive force is applied to said third member, said first member and lifting mechanism are isolated from said further compressive force.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057027A1

A method of smoke-infusing proteinaceous foods comprises the following sequential steps: a) enclosing the proteinaceous foods in a vacuum-treating zone; b) introducing smoke directly or indirectly from a smoke generation zone into the vacuum-treating zone; c) subjecting the proteinaceous foods to vacuum purging at a negative pressure in the vacuum-treating zone, thereby infusing smoke into the proteinaceous foods; d) repeating the steps of introducing smoke directly or indirectly from the smoke generation zone into the vacuum-treating zone; subjecting the proteinaceous foods to vacuum purging at a negative pressure in the vacuum-treating zone at least fifty times in pulsed sequences of smoke introduction stage/vacuum purging stage/vacuum release stage for the efficient infusion of smoke into the proteinaceous foods; and e) a post-chill resting cycle of the smoke-infused proteinaceous foods at a suitable temperature and for a suitable period of time. 114-. (canceled)16. The method of claim 15 , wherein said step of flowing said smoke from said smoke generation/providing zone into said vacuum smoke-infusing zone comprises:i) providing a smoke holding/accumulation zone;ii) introducing smoke from said smoke generation/providing zone into said smoke holding/accumulation zone; andiii) flowing said smoke from said smoke holding/accumulation zone into said vacuum smoke infusing zone thereby, to increase the concentration of smoke in said smoke holding/accumulation zone.17. The method of claim 16 , including the steps of claim 16 ,(iv) recycling smoke from said smoke holding/accumulation zone back into a conventional air inlet to said smoke generation/providing zone, thereby to provide concentrated smoke in said smoke holding/accumulation zone; and(v) introducing said concentrated smoke from said smoke holding/accumulation zone into said vacuum smoke-infusing zone, thereby to increases the infusion of said smoke into said cheese.18. The method of whereinresidual smoke ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for operating a chamber packaging machine

Номер: US20140069057A1
Автор: Jürgen Steidele

The invention relates to a method for operating a chamber packaging machine, wherein the position of a sealing bar is during the evacuation of a diaphragm checked using a sensor.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for vacuum packing

Номер: US20140090336A1
Автор: Kyul-Joo Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

There is provided a vacuum packaging apparatus in which a cover is operated to hermetically seal a vacuum chamber to provide an evacuated environment by allowing the vacuum chamber to be in a more complete vacuum state. The vacuum packaging apparatus includes a lower body having a vacuum chamber connected to a vacuum generating device; a cover connected to the lower body to cover the vacuum chamber; and a vertical moving unit connected between the cover and the lower body to allow the cover to move upwardly and downwardly with respect to the lower body and closely contact the lower body such that the vacuum chamber is hermetically sealed when the vacuum generating device starts a vacuum creating operation.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001907A1
Автор: Kim Sung Hee

A food container packaging apparatus includes: a base member having a positioning recess in which a food container is positioned at an upper portion thereof; a cover member that covers an upper portion of the base member; and a main heater mounted on a lower surface of the cover member to thermally fuse a sheet of packaging vinyl arranged on the food container to a peripheral portion of the food container, wherein the main heater has a band shape and is arranged along a circumference of the positioning recess when the cover member is lowered, and the main heater having a band shape makes contact with the packaging vinyl to thermally fuse the packaging vinyl to the peripheral portion of the food container. 1. A food container packaging apparatus comprising:a base member having a positioning recess in which a food container is positioned at an upper portion thereof;a cover member that covers an upper portion of the base member; anda main heater mounted on a lower surface of the cover member to thermally fuse a sheet of packaging vinyl arranged on the food container to a peripheral portion of the food container,wherein the main heater has a band shape and is arranged along a circumference of the positioning recess when the cover member is lowered, and the main heater having a band shape makes contact with the packaging vinyl to thermally fuse the packaging vinyl to the peripheral portion of the food container.2. The food container packaging apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:an insulation member mounted on a lower surface of the cover member; anda power source for supplying an electric voltage to the main heater,wherein the main heater is mounted on a lower surface of the insulation member to thermally fuse the packaging vinyl arranged on the food container to the peripheral portion of the food container, and the main heater is formed of a wire and is bent along the insulation member to form a hollow shape corresponding to the peripheral portion of the food ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004287A1

The invention provides for a method of absorbing carbon dioxide comprising providing a container containing a product that gives off carbon dioxide, placing calcium hydroxide into the container, and sealing the container to form a sealed container. 1. A method of absorbing carbon dioxide and oxygen , comprising:disposing a carbon dioxide absorber and an oxygen scavenger within a container containing a product, wherein the product gives off carbon dioxide and is degradable in the presence of oxygen;sealing the container to form a sealed container containing the carbon dioxide absorber, the oxygen scavenger, and the product;absorbing, with the carbon dioxide absorber, carbon dioxide given off by the product within the container, wherein absorption of the carbon dioxide by the carbon dioxide absorber produces water; andat least partially promoting the oxygen absorption of the oxygen scavenger with the water.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the carbon dioxide absorber and the oxygen scavenger is contained within a sachet claim 1 , the method further including disposing the sachet within the container before sealing the container.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sachet is formed from at least one of a carbon dioxide permeable material claim 2 , an oxygen permeable material claim 2 , and a water vapor permeable material.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the sachet contains between approximately 38 percent by weight and approximately 66 percent by weight of the carbon dioxide absorber claim 2 , with the remainder being the oxygen scavenger.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon dioxide absorber comprises calcium hydroxide.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen scavenger comprises silica gel.7. A sealed container claim 1 , comprising:an inner cavity;a product disposed within the inner cavity, the product giving off carbon dioxide and being degradable in the presence of oxygen;a carbon dioxide absorber disposed within the inner cavity ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Vacuum sealing machine

Номер: US20140102051A1
Автор: Mao-Sen Huang
Принадлежит: Individual

A vacuum sealing machine contains a sealing unit including a first connecting rod, two first electromagnets, and a first press member, the first connecting rod having two fixing pieces and two first apertures, and the first press member having a first adhering face; a pressing unit including a second connecting rod, two second electromagnets, a second press member, and two connection mounts, the second connecting rod having two pull bars, a plurality of second apertures, and two support tabs to support the first connecting rod, and the second press member having a second adhering face; an air exhausting unit including a transmission device and a drawing device; the body having a holder in which a receiving room is formed so as to receive the sealing unit, the pressing unit, and the air exhausting unit; the receiving room having a seat, the seat having the barrier strip and a heating strip.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

System for aseptic filling of big containers with an outlet

Номер: US20140110020A1
Автор: Roberto Catelli
Принадлежит: CFT SpA

The invention relates to an aseptic filler system for big containers having an outlet. The system comprises an outlet ( 1 ) which in turn comprises an outlet body ( 1 b ) and a cap ( 1 a ), which is inserted in a hole ( 2 ) of a filler head ( 3 ) provided with a pair of semicircular jaws ( 4 ), which lock about an annular cavity ( 5 ) provided externally of the outlet in order to block the outlet ( 1 ) to the hole ( 2 ). The system has seal means which operate between the outlet body ( 1 b ) and the periphery of the hole ( 2 ) to hermetically close the inside of the filler head when the outlet body is locked between the jaws ( 4 ). The seal means are realised by means of a first seal ring ( 2 a ), fashioned below the perimeter of the hole ( 2 ) and haying an internal diameter which defuses the passage diameter of the hole ( 2 ), and a second seal ring ( 6 ), fashioned externally of the outlet body ( 1 b ) above the annular cavity ( 5 ), the diameter of the upper part thereof being greater than the passage diameter of the hole ( 2 ).

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033670A1
Автор: Ray Adam G.

An apparatus is provided for removing air from a bag containing articles while the bag is traveling on a moving conveyor belt. A horizontal shaft is disposed in operational relationship to the conveyor belt. A plurality of rings is provided such that each ring has a thickness and a centered opening dimensioned to loosely accommodate the shaft, and also to rotationally oscillate relative to the shaft. Each ring is vertically displaceable relative to the shaft. Each ring independently generally follows a contour defined by the articles to expel air by downwardly depressing an outer surface of the bag under gravity caused by weight of each ring while the bag is carried on the conveyor belt below the rings. A radial distance between the shaft and the ring is greater than a diameter of the shaft. 1. An apparatus for removing air from a bag configured for accommodating one or more articles while the bag is traveling on a moving conveyor belt of a conveyor system , comprising:a horizontal shaft disposed in operational relationship to the conveyor belt;a plurality of rings, each ring having a thickness and a centered opening dimensioned to loosely accommodate said shaft and to rotationally oscillate relative to said shaft such that each ring is vertically displaceable relative to said shaft;wherein each ring independently generally follows a corresponding contour defined by the one or more articles to expel air from the bag by downwardly depressing an outer surface of the bag, caused by weight of each ring while the bag is carried on the conveyor belt below said rings; andwherein a radial distance between said shaft and said ring is greater than a diameter of said shaft.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of each said ring is less than the radial distance.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said rings are in sliding contact with each other during the rotational movement of said rings such that each ring is freely rotatable and movable in an orbital motion ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Vacuum Sealing Appliance Including Vacuum Cycle With Transducer Feedback

Номер: US20210031956A1

A vacuum sealer apparatus includes a housing having a vacuum chamber therein, a vacuum pump in fluid communication with the vacuum chamber, a sealing mechanism adjacent a periphery of the vacuum chamber, and at least one processor. The at least one processor is configured to execute program code stored in a non-transitory computer readable storage medium to calculate a rate of change of a vacuum level in the vacuum chamber responsive to energizing the vacuum pump to withdraw air from the vacuum chamber, and to energize the sealing mechanism and/or reduce power to the vacuum pump based on the rate of change of the vacuum level. Related methods of operation are also discussed. 1. A vacuum sealer apparatus , comprising:a housing comprising a vacuum chamber therein;a vacuum pump in fluid communication with the vacuum chamber;a sealing mechanism adjacent a periphery of the vacuum chamber; andat least one processor that is configured to execute program code stored in a non-transitory computer readable storage medium to perform operations comprising:calculating a rate of change of a vacuum level in the vacuum chamber responsive to energizing the vacuum pump to withdraw air from the vacuum chamber; andenergizing the sealing mechanism based on the rate of change of the vacuum level.2. The vacuum sealer apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise:reducing power to the vacuum pump based on the rate of change of the vacuum level.3. The vacuum sealer apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the operations further comprise:identifying a transition in the rate of change of the vacuum level,wherein the energizing the sealing mechanism and/or the reducing the power to the vacuum pump is responsive to identifying the transition.4. The vacuum sealer apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the transition in the rate of change of the vacuum level comprises a transition from a negative slope to a positive slope.5. The vacuum sealer apparatus of claim 4 , wherein:calculating the rate of ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Vacuum Packaging Machine With Removable Internal And Low-Temperature "Sous Vide" Cooking Chamber

Номер: US20150040516A1
Автор: Torre Fabio Emanuele

A vacuum packaging machine () is described, with internal and “sous vide” cooking chamber composed of a supporting and containing structure () comprising at least one decompression chamber () for vacuum packaging and/or cooking a product () inside at least one bag () or other suitable container, such chamber () being composed of at least one tank () adapted to be closed by at least one cover (), the cover () being equipped with a welding system () of the initially open edges () of the bag () composed of at least one welding bar () and at least one membrane system (), and comprising at least one bulkhead () adapted to be inserted inside the tank () of the chamber (), such bulkhead () being equipped on its top with at least one abutment bar () of the welding bar (). 17-. (canceled)8. A vacuum packaging machine with internal and cooking chamber , the vacuum packaging machine being composed of a supporting and containing structure comprising at least one decompression chamber for vacuum packaging and/or cooking a product inside at least one bag or other suitable container placed in a vertical position , the chamber being composed of at least one tank adapted to be closed by at least one cover , the cover being equipped with a welding system of edges of the bag , the edges being initially open , the welding system being composed of at least one welding bar and at least one membrane system , the vacuum packaging machine further comprising at least one cross-member adapted to be inserted inside the tank of the decompression chamber , the cross-member being equipped with at least one abutment bar of the welding bar , wherein the tank is adapted to be extracted from the supporting and containing structure , the vacuum packaging machine further comprising low-temperature cooking means adapted to heat and mix water placed inside the decompression chamber in order to perform a vacuum cooking of the product contained inside the bag or the container and placed inside the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Vacuum packaging method and vacuum packaging apparatus

Номер: US20150040517A1
Принадлежит: Tosei Corp

The invention provides a vacuum packaging method and a vacuum packaging apparatus that can sufficiently degasify the inside of a packaging bag without any trouble and in which bubbles are less likely to remain inside the packaging bag after vacuum packaging, even if a liquid is included in a packaged object.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039670A1
Автор: Thürig Peter

An evacuation station has a first chamber, a second chamber, and a dividing wall separating the first and second chambers. The dividing wall has a gap fluidly coupling the first and second chambers. The second chamber is fluidly coupled to a vacuum source. A package is made from a film and is arranged in the evacuation station. An inner volume of the package is in fluid communication with an inner volume of the second chamber via the open end. A control unit controls a pressure differential between a first internal pressure in the first chamber and a second internal pressure in the second chamber to cause aspiration of gas from the inner volume of the package. 1. A packaging process comprising:providing an evacuation station having a first chamber, a second chamber, and a dividing wall, the dividing wall separating the first chamber from the second chamber and having a gap fluidly coupling the first chamber and the second chamber the gap having a size, the second chamber being fluidly coupled to a vacuum source configured to apply a controlled vacuum pressure to the second chamber the evacuation station being provided with a control unit configured to control the vacuum source; providing a package containing a product to be packaged, the package being made from a film and having an open end; a terminal portion of the open end is positioned within the second chamber,', 'a non-terminal portion of the open end and the product are positioned within the first chamber, and', 'an intermediate portion of the open end passes through the gap, the intermediate portion extending between the terminal portion and the non-terminal portion of the open end, the open end putting an inner volume of the package in fluid communication with an inner volume of the second chamber;, 'arranging the package in the evacuation station such thatcontrolling, by the control unit, a pressure differential between a first internal pressure in the first chamber and a second internal pressure in the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043892A1

The invention relates to a sealing bar for a vacuum drawer for the vacuuming of food, having a base support comprising at least one heating wire as well as having a frame part with an integrated non-stick coating, wherein the frame part is releasably fastenable to the base support. 1. A sealing bar for a vacuum drawer for the vacuuming of food , having a base support comprising at least one welding wire as well as having a frame part with an integrated non-stick coating , wherein the frame part is releasably fastenable to the base support.2. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the non-stick coating is a non-stick tape claim 1 , preferably a Teflon tape.3. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the frame has an opening on the side facing the bag to be sealed which is continuous in the longitudinal direction and which is covered by the non-stick coating or by the non-stick tape.4. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the longitudinal edges of the non-stick tape are bent or folded downwardly and project into the opening of the frame.5. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 4 , wherein at least one opening edge claim 4 , at least the longitudinal edge of the opening claim 4 , comprises a sealing lip for avoiding or reducing a dirt-collecting edge between the non-stick tape and the opening edge.6. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 5 , wherein the bent or folded longitudinal edge of the non-stick tape extends at or about the sealing lip.7. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the welding wire of the base support extends directly below the non-stick tape with an installed frame.8. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the non-stick tape is fixed claim 1 , is preferably adhesively bonded at least at points claim 1 , at the frame part and/or at the base support.9. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the non-stick tape is fixed to the sealing bar by a clamping connection between the frame ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043893A1

The invention relates to a sealing bar for a vacuum drawer for vacuuming food, having a base support which comprises at least one welding wire extending in the longitudinal direction over the surface, with the welding wire being fastened to the base support by means of a clamping connection at one side or at both sides. 1. A sealing bar for a vacuum drawer for vacuuming food , having a base support which comprises at least one welding wire extending in the longitudinal direction over the surface , whereinthe welding wire is fastened to the base support with a preload, with the heating wire contacting the base support areally over its total length.2. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the fastening of the welding wire to the base support takes place by a clamping connection at one side or at both sides.3. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the welding wire is guided to the lower side via the transverse edges of the base support and is fixed to the lower side by a clamping connection claim 1 , with the welding wire in particular being guided with areal contact over at least one radius at the end side of the base support.4. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the welding wire is received by at least one clamping means at the end side claim 1 , with the one clamping means or the plurality of clamping means being releasably connectable or connected to the base support.5. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the one clamping means or the plurality of clamping means can be or is/are hung to the base support via a hook claim 4 , with the clamping means preferably being fixed to the lower side below the surface of the base support and the hooks being hung at the transverse edge of the surface of the base support.6. A sealing bar in accordance with claim 5 , wherein the one clamping means or the plurality of clamping means at the lower side below the surface of the base support is/are fixed or fixable thereat by one ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123599A1

A packaging apparatus () comprises: a housing (); an actuator () configured to move the housing between a first position, in which a package () is unconstrained by the housing, and a second position, in which the housing houses the package (); and a gas blower () configured to introduce a flow of gas into the housing via a gas inlet (), wherein the gas blower comprises a fan. 11. A packaging apparatus () comprising:{'b': '11', 'a) a housing ();'}{'b': 12', '22', '22, 'b) an actuator () configured to move the housing between a first position, in which a package () is unconstrained by the housing, and a second position, in which the housing houses the package (); and'}{'b': 13', '15, 'c) a gas blower () configured to introduce a flow of gas into the housing via a gas inlet (), wherein the gas blower comprises a fan.'}2. The packaging apparatus of claim 1 , configured such that the flow of gas at an upstream end of the housing is greater than the flow of gas at a down-stream end of the housing.3. The packaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the housing comprises at least one channel configured to guide the flow of gas from the gas inlet towards the upstream end of the housing.4. The packaging apparatus of claim 2 , comprising a gap at the upstream end of the housing such that the flow of gas forces gas from within the package through the gap.5. The packaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the upstream and downstream ends of the housing are substantially open such that the housing has the form of a tunnel.6. The packaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the gas blower is configured to increase the pressure within the housing to greater than the pressure outside of the housing.716. The packaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a gas diffuser () over the gas inlet configured to reduce the turbulence of the flow of gas into the housing.8. The packaging apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a form fill and seal machine.9. The packaging apparatus of claim 8 , ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052850A1
Принадлежит: HANTOVER, INC.

A combination chamber and external suction vacuum packaging machine is operable to evacuate a vacuum bag and seal closed an open margin of the bag. The vacuum packaging machine includes a base and a lid that define a vacuum chamber operable for use in a chamber packaging operation, where the bag is entirely received within the vacuum chamber, and an external packaging operation, where only part of the bag is received within the vacuum chamber. 1. A combination chamber and external suction vacuum packaging machine operable to evacuate a vacuum bag and seal closed an open margin of the bag , said vacuum packaging machine comprising:a base;a lid shiftably supported relative to the base for movement into and out of a closed position,said base and said lid cooperatively defining a vacuum chamber when the lid is in the closed position,said vacuum chamber being dimensioned and configured for use in a chamber packaging operation, wherein the bag is entirely received within the vacuum chamber, and an external packaging operation, wherein the margin and only part of the bag is received within the vacuum chamber;a vacuum source in communication with the vacuum chamber,said vacuum source being operable to evacuate the vacuum chamber and thereby the vacuum bag through the open margin thereof, during chamber packaging and external packaging operations;a seal bar operable to engage and seal closed the open margin of the vacuum bag after the vacuum bag has been evacuated,said base and said lid presenting respective seal faces, with the seal faces being opposed to one another and spaced apart to define a sealing gap therebetween when the lid is in the closed position; anda compressible seal configured to span the sealing gap and sealingly engage the seal faces during evacuation of the vacuum chamber and vacuum bag,said seal faces moving toward one another to decrease the sealing gap as the seal is compressed during evacuation of the vacuum chamber and vacuum bag,at least one of said ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Vacuum Packing Monitoring and Control System

Номер: US20170050754A1

A system and method for monitoring the performance of a product vacuum packaging machine allows for a determination of the performance of platen and chamber combinations, especially in systems using multiple platens and chambers, and particularly where individual platens are used in combination with differing chambers during packaging operations. 1. A monitoring system for a vacuum packaging machine , the vacuum packaging machine comprising a plurality of platens and chamber covers and a vacuum pump for pumping air from vacuum chambers formed from platens and chamber covers , the monitoring system comprising:a vacuum sensor being communicably connected with said vacuum chamber, said vacuum sensor measuring a pressure level in a vacuum chamber formed from one of the plurality of platens and chamber covers;a platen identifier identifying at least one platen being used to form a vacuum chamber to which said vacuum sensor is communicably connected;a chamber cover identifier identifying at least one chamber cover being used to form the vacuum chamber to which said vacuum sensor is communicably connected; anda data logger recording the vacuum achieved in the vacuum chamber for the at least one platen and chamber cover join to form the vacuum chamber.2. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein the number of platens and the number of chamber covers is not equal.3. The monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein the data logger further comprises logic to compare an achieved vacuum level against a predetermined threshold.4. The monitoring system according to claim 3 , wherein said data logger provides to an operator of said vacuum packaging machine a visible indication when said vacuum achieved does not meet said predetermined threshold.5. The monitoring system according to claim 3 , wherein said data logger further comprises a reject generator claim 3 , said reject generator generating a reject signal when said vacuum achieved does not meet said ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057676A1
Автор: WANG Junliang

The present invention relates to a vacuum packaging machine bag storing and cutting device. The device comprises a bag storing box body and a bag storing box cover; a cavity for putting storing bags is arranged in the bag storing box body; baffle plates for axially fixing the storing bags are arranged in the cavity; connecting grooves in detachable connection with a vacuum package machine are arranged in a front side surface of the bag storing box body; a turnover bag storing box cover is connected to a rear side surface of the bag storing box body; and a bag cutter is arranged on the bag storing box cover. A structure detachable from the vacuum package machine is adopted in the bag storing and cutting device of the present invention, so that the structure of the vacuum package machine is simplified and has a reduced volume. 11215412162. A vacuum packaging machine bag storing and cutting device , comprising a bag storing box body () and a bag storing box cover (); characterized in that: a cavity for putting storing bags is arranged in the bag storing box body (); baffle plates () for axially fixing the storing bags are arranged in the cavity; connecting grooves () in detachable connection with a vacuum package machine are arranged in a front side surface of the bag storing box body (); a turnover bag storing box cover () is connected to a rear side surface of the bag storing box body (); and a bag cutter () is arranged on the bag storing box cover ().27157. The vacuum packaging machine bag storing and cutting device according to claim 1 , characterized in that: a plurality of baffle plate connecting grooves () are distributed in the cavity of the bag storing box body (); and the baffle plates () are inserted into the baffle plate connecting grooves () corresponding to the length of the storing bags.369881011098. The vacuum packaging machine bag storing and cutting device according to claim 1 , characterized in that: the bag cutter () comprises a cutting knife () and ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Packaging Apparatus and Methods of Using Same

Номер: US20210061504A1
Автор: Simpson Kyle Evin
Принадлежит: Sorinex Exercise Equipment, Inc.

A packaging apparatus, comprising: a top configured for receipt of a payload therein and including a lip around a perimeter of top; and, a bottom configured for receipt of the payload therein and formed as a counterpart to the top, wherein the top and bottom are formed from the same mould and are identical but for the lip which is not included in the bottom. 1. A packaging apparatus , comprising:a top configured for receipt of a payload therein and including a lip around a perimeter of top; and,a bottom configured for receipt of the payload therein and formed as a counterpart to the top,wherein the top and bottom are formed from the same mould and are identical but for the lip which is not included in the bottom.2. The packaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom is nestable within the top.3. The packaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the lip is disposed around the perimeter of a lower edge of the top claim 1 , facing the bottom when the packaging apparatus is fully assembled.4. The packaging apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the lip covers a junction between the top and the bottom.5. The packaging apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the lip is provided with sealing material claim 4 , rendering the packaging apparatus water-proof and/or air tight by sealing the junction between the top and the bottom.6. The packaging apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein sealing material is provided at the junction claim 4 , rendering the packaging apparatus water-proof and/or air tight by sealing the junction between the top and the bottom.7. The packaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the payload is a kit of exercise equipment.8. The packaging apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein the kit includes at least one weight claim 7 , weight bar claim 7 , bell claim 7 , or other weightlifting accessory.9. The packaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a locking mechanism to lock the top to the bottom.10. The ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068288A1
Автор: Palumbo Riccardo

A process for packaging a product (P) arranged in a support () comprising unrolling a film (), transversely cutting the unrolled portion of film () and preparing cut film sheets (), moving the cut film sheets () to a packaging assembly () defining at its inside a packaging chamber (), progressively moving a number of supports () inside the packaging chamber () of a packaging assembly (), keeping the packaging chamber () open for a time sufficient for a number of supports () and for a corresponding number of film sheets () to properly position inside said packaging chamber (), hermetically closing the packaging chamber () with the film sheets held above the respective support () and at a distance sufficient to allow gas circulation inside the support (), optionally causing one or both of: a gas withdrawal from the hermetically closed packaging chamber () and gas injection of a gas mixture of controlled composition, heat sealing the film sheet () to said support (), wherein the cutting of the film () into film sheets () takes place outside the packaging chamber () at a station remote from the location where the film sheets are coupled to the supports. An apparatus () for performing the above process is also disclosed. 1. An apparatus for packaging a product arranged on a support , said support having a base wall and a side wall , said apparatus comprising: a lower tool comprising at least an inner wall defining a prefixed number of seats for receiving said one or more supports, and', 'an upper tool facing the lower tool and configured for holding one or more of said film sheets, at least the upper and lower tools cooperating to define a packaging chamber; wherein said packaging assembly is configured to operate at least in a first operating condition, where said packaging chamber is open to receive one or more of said film sheets and, in a second operating condition, where said packaging chamber is closed;, 'a packaging assembly configured for tightly fixing one or ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150082752A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a sealing device and a sealing method with which oxygen substitution can be sufficiently carried out even in a bag-like container. The present invention is a sealing device for putting a content into a bag-like container and sealing the container, and includes a content supply portion that supplies the content to the container having an opening in an open state, an inert gas supply portion that supplies inert gas to the container, a liquefied inert gas supply portion that supplies liquefied inert gas to the container, and a sealing portion that seals the opening of the container after the liquefied inert gas is supplied. 1. A sealing device for putting a content into a bag-like container and sealing the container , comprising:a content supply portion configured to supply the content to the container having an opening in an open state;an inert gas supply portion configured to supply inert gas to the container;a liquefied inert gas supply portion configured to supply liquefied inert gas to the container; anda sealing portion configured to seal the opening of the container after the liquefied inert gas is supplied.2. The sealing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the inert gas supply portion supplies the inert gas to the container while the content is being supplied.3. The sealing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the content supply portion includes at least one guide member that is inserted into the container from the opening thereof and guides the supply of the content.4. The sealing device according to claim 3 ,wherein two of the guide members are provided,at least end portions of the two guide members on a side of being inserted into the opening of the container are configured to approach and separate from each other, andthe content is supplied into the container from a gap between the two guide members.5. The sealing device according to claim 3 ,wherein the inert gas supply portion includes a gas supply pipe ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079538A1

The present invention discloses an external vacuum sealer comprising a case, a heating adhesive strip, a heating band assembly and a lifting mechanism that all are installed in the case. The heating band assembly is set up underneath the heating adhesive strip, and is attached to the lifting mechanism. A plastic bag is disposed between the heating adhesive strip and the heating band assembly; the lifting device is able to drive the heating band assembly up such that the heating band assembly approaches the heating adhesive strip until the plastic bag is compressed and sealed; the lifting mechanism is also able to drive the heating band assembly down such that the heating band assembly can be far from the heating adhesive strip and the plastic bag. The lifting mechanism includes a pump unit that connects to the air pipe via the magnetic valve. The present invention enhances the production efficiency. 1. An external vacuum sealer comprising:a case,a heating adhesive strip, a heating band assembly and a lifting mechanism that all are installed in the case,wherein the heating band assembly is set up underneath the heating adhesive strip, and is attached to the lifting mechanism; a plastic bag is disposed between the heating adhesive strip and the heating band assembly;the lifting mechanism is able to drive the heating band assembly up such that the heating band assembly approaches the heating adhesive strip until the plastic bag is compressed and sealed; andthe lifting mechanism is able to drive the heating band assembly down such that the heating band assembly can be far from the heating adhesive strip and the plastic bag.2. The external vacuum sealer of claim 1 , further comprising a magnetic valve and an air pipe claim 1 , the lifting mechanism comprises a pump unit that connects to the air pipe via the magnetic valve;the pump unit comprises a pump body, a piston and a conducting block; the piston goes through the pump body and extends out of an upper surface of the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079544A1

An apparatus collects liquid in a vacuum bag for vacuum packaging a product, such as a food product, wherein a vacuum is drawn in the vacuum bag by a vacuum sealer, which also seals the vacuum bag after the vacuum is formed. The liquid collecting apparatus includes a housing configured to be placed in the vacuum bag between the product and an open end of the bag that is configured to be received in the vacuum sealer. The housing includes a side wall defining an interior space and at least one opening that extends through the side wall. The at least one opening is configured so that air drawn out of the vacuum bag can pass through the housing via the at least one opening and exit the vacuum bag through the open end, and liquid can enter the interior of the housing, but is prevented from escaping and thereby captured. 1. An apparatus for collecting liquid in a vacuum bag for vacuum packaging a product , such as a food product , wherein a vacuum is drawn in the vacuum bag by a vacuum sealer , which also seals the vacuum bag after the vacuum is formed , the liquid collecting apparatus comprising:a structure configured to be placed in the vacuum bag between the product and an open end of the bag that is configured to be received in the vacuum sealer;wherein the structure defines an interior space and at least one opening that extends through the structure and provides fluid communication between the interior space and the environment outside the structure;wherein the at least one opening is configured so that air drawn out of the vacuum bag can pass through the structure via the at least one opening and exit the vacuum bag through the open end, and liquid can enter the interior of the structure, but is prevented from escaping and thereby captured.2. The apparatus recited in claim 1 , wherein the structure has an elongated configuration with a length selected to correspond to the width of the vacuum bag.3. The apparatus recited in claim 1 , wherein the structure has an ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Vacuum Insulating Body

Номер: US20160084424A1
Автор: Caps Roland, KUHN Joachim
Принадлежит: VA-Q-TEC AG

A method is for producing a vacuum insulating body (vacuum insulation panel; VIP) made of a vacuum-tight foil or foil connection and a flat filter material, in particular a single-layer or multi-layer non-woven material, which is air-permeable but is not permeable for a powdered filling material. 1. A method for producing a vacuum insulating body , the method comprising:a) providing a vacuum-tight film or film connection;b) providing a flat filter material that is permeable to air but not permeable to a powder-like filling material;c) firmly connecting the flat filter material to the vacuum-tight film or film connection at the edges in such a way that the connecting edge between the flat filter material and the vacuum-tight film or film connection is not permeable to the powder-like filling material;d) arranging the vacuum-tight film or film connection and the flat filter material in such a way that a receiving space is obtained in between that can be filled with filling material and is closed off with respect to the outside;e) passing the flat filter material through with a filling element of a filling device for the powder-like filling material;f) with high ambient pressure under normal atmospheric pressure, filling a desired amount of powder-like filling material into the receiving space through the filling element under a filling pressure that is higher than the ambient pressure;g) after completion of the filling of the receiving space, removing the filling element from the flat filter material and closing the flat filter material again at the location concerned;h) bringing the composite comprising the vacuum-tight film or film connection and the flat filter material and also the filling material located in the receiving space as a whole to a pressure that is lower than the ambient pressure in method step f), wherein the receiving space and the powder-like filling material located therein are thereby vented through the flat filter material;i) with a sustained ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144464A1
Принадлежит: BONDUELLE

A method for packaging products, in particular oxygen-sensitive ones, in containers, each of the containers having an opening. The set-up of the controlled atmosphere is carried out in a transfer cabinet inside which the open containers progress in the direction of the closure cabinet, by the following combined actions: an action a) of injecting a process gas flow into the closure cabinet downstream of the transfer cabinet according to the progress direction of the open containers, and an action b) of vacuumising the open containers present inside the transfer cabinet. 131-. (canceled)33. The method according to claim 32 , wherein said action a) of injecting a process gas flow further comprises claim 32 , in addition to the injection of a gaseous stream claim 32 , the injection of an amount of liquefied gas claim 32 , with the vaporisation of the liquefied gas after closure of the container so as to increase the pressure inside the container above the pressure prevailing in the closure cabinet.34. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the pressure P inside the closure cabinet is higher than the atmospheric pressure Po comprised between 1024 millibars absolute and 1224 millibars absolute claim 32 , for example between 1024 millibars absolute and 1074 millibars absolute claim 32 , and else for example claim 32 , between 1024 millibars absolute and 1054 millibars absolute.35. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the vacuum created in the transfer cabinet is comprised between 600 millibars absolute and 900 millibars absolute claim 32 , at the middle of the transfer cabinet.36. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the flow rate of gas injection into the closure cabinet is comprised between 100 m/h and 500 m/h claim 32 , and for example between 200 m/h and 300 m/h.37. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the progress of the open containers in said transfer cabinet is ensured by a conveyor with an air-lock function claim 32 , which comprises shutters ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144466A1

A method for closing and securing a safety vacuum packaging in which an object to be secured and a plurality of particles are arranged in an interior space of a container of the safety vacuum packaging. Subsequently, the safety vacuum packaging is vacuumed via a vacuum seal, and the plurality of particles is fixed in a random immobile state. The safety vacuum packaging is closed, and the random immobile state of the particles is captured. The captured random immobile state of the particles is stored for later comparison. 1. A method for closing and securing a safety vacuum packaging the method comprising:providing a safety vacuum packaging;arranging an object to be secured in an interior space of a container of the safety vacuum packaging;arranging a plurality of particles in the interior space of the container;vacuuming the safety vacuum packaging via a vacuum seal, the plurality of particles being fixed in a random immobile state;closing the safety vacuum packaging;capturing the random immobile state of the particles; andstoring the captured random immobile state of the particles.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprisingre-capturing the random immobile state of the particles; andcomparing and verifying the re-captured random immobile state of the particles with a stored random immobile state of the particles.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the particles corresponds to 10 to 1000 particles.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the capturing of the random immobile state of the particles includes capturing via an optical method.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the capturing of the random immobile state of the particles includes capturing via a spectroscopic method.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the storing the random immobile state of the particles includes storing in a database.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the capturing of the random immobile state of the particles including capturing ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144467A1
Автор: PETERMICHL Sascha

The disclosure relates to a molding station for molding packaging trays, wherein the molding station comprises an upper tool and a lower tool which can be moved relative to one another, and the lower tool comprises at least one receptacle for a packaging blank. The molding station further comprises a frame that is connected to the lower tool in a movable manner and that is arranged between the upper tool and the lower tool. The lower tool comprises at least one clamping mechanism for fixating a packaging blank in the receptacle. The clamping mechanism comprises a clamping element which can be actuated by a motion of the frame relative to the lower tool and is configured to fixate a packaging blank in the receptacle. 1. A molding station for molding packaging trays , the molding station comprising:an upper tool and a lower tool which can be moved relative to one another; anda frame that is connected to the lower tool in a movable manner and that is arranged between the upper tool and the lower tool;wherein the lower tool comprises a receptacle for a packaging blank and a clamping mechanism for fixating the packaging blank in the receptacle, and the clamping mechanism comprises a clamping element which can be actuated by a motion of the frame relative to the lower tool and is configured to fixate the packaging blank in the receptacle.2. The molding station according to claim 1 , wherein the clamping mechanism comprises a movable anchor and the clamping element is arranged in a guide claim 1 , wherein the clamping mechanism is configured to convert a motion of the frame relative to the lower tool into a motion of the anchor and claim 1 , due to the motion of the anchor claim 1 , to cause a motion of the clamping element in the guide.3. The molding station according to claim 2 , wherein the anchor and/or the guide and/or the clamping element has/have a shape configured to cause a motion of the clamping element that is not uniform over a length of a stroke of the frame.4 ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Mask storage device for mask haze prevention and methods thereof

Номер: US20150101939A1

A mask storage device for storing a mask used in lithography comprises a desiccant retainer for receiving a desiccant, the desiccant retainer comprising one or more passages. The mask storage device also comprises a first shell and a second shell, the second shell removably attached to the first shell and arranged to form a sealed space with the first shell in a closed state. The desiccant retainer is positioned in the sealed space. The mask storage device also comprises a gasket positioned between the first shell and the second shell. The gasket is configured to create a sufficiently airtight seal between the first shell and the second shell in the closed state. The one or more passages of the desiccant retainer comprise one or more membranes.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107190A1
Автор: Zambaux Jean-Pascal

An apparatus for processing one or more products in need of closure. The apparatus comprises a vessel including an inlet for receiving the one or more products and an outlet for discharging the one or more products under sterile and/or pyrogen free conditions. A device is also adapted for applying the closure to the one or more products in the vessel, along with the optional filling and/or weighing of the products before or after applying the closure. Related apparatuses, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. An apparatus for processing one or more products in need of a closure , comprising:a vessel including an inlet for receiving the one or more products and an outlet for discharging the one or more products under sterile and/or pyrogen free conditions; anda device adapted for applying the closure to the one or more products in the vessel.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a sleeve connected to a wall of the vessel claim 1 , such as the top wall.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the sleeve comprises a flexible sleeve having a rigid portion adapted for applying the closure to at least one product.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the rigid portion is adapted for applying a closure to each of a plurality of products simultaneously.5. The apparatus of any of claim 1 , further including a platform in the vessel opposite the device for supporting the one or more products.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a tool positioned in the sleeve.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vessel comprises at least one flexible wall.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vessel comprises a flexible bag.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a scale associated with the vessel for weighing the one or more products before or after applying the closure.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , further including a platform for supporting the product or products for being weighed on the scale.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107004A1

A vacuum drawer for vacuuming food comprises a vacuum chamber () which can be closed in an airtight manner by a cover () which can be actuated and an installation unit () to which a vacuum pump can be connected. To be able to generate an external vacuum, the vacuum drawer comprises a connector part () which is releasably connectable to the installation unit () (FIG. ). 1202140. A vacuum drawer for vacuuming food having a vacuum chamber () which can be closed in an airtight manner by a cover () which can be actuated and having an installation unit () to which a vacuum pump can be connected , comprising{'b': 41', '40, 'a connector part () which is releasably connectable to the installation unit ().'}241. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the connector part () is connectable or connected claim 1 ,preferably releasably, to a suction hose.34162. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the connector part () has one or more magnets ().44044. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the installation unit () has a support part () which is preferably ferromagnetic.54061. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the installation unit () has a sensor ().66144. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 5 , wherein the sensor () is arranged at the support part ().74147. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the connector part () has a water barrier ().84051. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the installation unit () has a superfine filter () against foreign bodies.947. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 7 , wherein the water barrier () is configured as a membrane.10. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 9 , wherein the membrane is clamped.1163. A vacuum drawer in accordance with claim 9 , wherein the membrane is supported by a support structure ().1220214140. A connector part for the vacuum pump of a vacuum drawer for vacuuming food having a vacuum chamber () which can be closed in ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113915A1
Автор: Kim Sung Hee

The present invention relates to a food vessel packing apparatus having a vacuum packing function, and more particularly, to a food vessel packing apparatus having a vacuum packing function, which that thermally bonds a film to a top of a food vessel in a vacuum state to seal the food vessel. The food vessel packing apparatus having a vacuum packing function of the present invention, which thermally bonds a film to a top of a food vessel to seal the food vessel, includes: a base configured to include an accommodating groove in which the food vessel is accommodated, the accommodating groove being formed at a top of the base; a cover configured to cover the top of the base; a first heater mounted on a bottom of the cover, and configured to thermally bond a film, disposed at a top of the food vessel, to a top border of the food vessel; a gasket provided in a closed-curve shape along a circumference of the first heater, outside the first heater, and mounted on a bottom of the cover or the top of the base; and a vacuum pump disposed inside the gasket that includes a sucking port formed in a closed-curve shape, wherein, the vacuum pump emits internal air of the food vessel to an outside through a space between the film and the top of the food vessel, and the internal air of the food vessel is emitted to the outside, and then the first heater thermally bonds the film to the food vessel. 1. A food vessel packing apparatus that thermally bonds a film to a top of a food vessel to seal the food vessel , the food vessel packing apparatus comprising:a base configured to comprise an accommodating groove in which the food vessel is accommodated, the accommodating groove being formed at a top of the base;a cover configured to cover the top of the base;a first heater mounted on a bottom of the cover, and configured to thermally bond a film, disposed at a top of the food vessel, to a top border of the food vessel;a gasket provided in a closed-curve shape along a circumference of the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122505A1

An apparatus and a process can be used for packaging a product wherein a plastic film is tightly applied to a support. The plastic film is positioned above the support by means of a transport system; moreover, a stop structure or plate is active on the film portion present in the packaging station to efficiently hold the same. 1. An apparatus for packaging a product disposed on a support , said apparatus comprising:a supporting frame,a conveyor, engaged with the supporting frame and configured to move one or more supports along a predetermined advancement direction, a lower tool configured to receive one or more of said supports,', 'an upper tool configured to receive at least one film portion to be associated to said one or more supports,, 'a packaging station havingwherein the upper and lower tools are movable from each other between at least one distanced condition, at which the lower tool and upper tool are configured to enable the film portion and support to enter the packaging station, and at least one approached condition, at least one first gripping member configurable between a closed condition, wherein such first gripping member grippingly acts on said film, and an open condition, wherein such first gripping member does not act on said film,', 'at least one second gripping member also configurable between a respective closed condition, wherein such second member grippingly acts on said film, and a respective open condition, wherein such second member does not grippingly act on said film, said second gripping member being movable with respect to the first gripping member along an advancement direction of said film and being configured to dispose said film portion into the packaging station and below said upper tool,, 'a movement device configured to receive a continuous film from a supplying source and positioning said film portion at the upper tool, the movement device exhibitinga cutter movable transversally with respect to the advancement direction of ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114920A1

The present invention relates to a chamber machine for packaging products in at least one bag, where said chamber machine includes at least one gas nozzle. The chamber machine can also include a monitoring device configured for detecting the presence of a bag neck of the bag over the gas nozzle. 1. A chamber machine for packaging products in at least one bag , said chamber machine comprising:at least one gas nozzle; anda monitoring device configured for detecting the presence of a bag neck of said at least one bag over said at least one gas nozzle.2. The chamber machine according to claim 1 , wherein said monitoring device comprises at least one sensing finger for each of said at least one gas nozzle.3. The chamber machine according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one gas nozzle or said at least one sensing finger is adapted to have applied thereto an electric voltage claim 2 , and wherein said at least one gas nozzle is electrically insulated from said at least one sensing finger.4. The chamber machine according to further comprising a control unit configured for applying to said at least one gas nozzle an electric voltage and configured for detecting a current flowing between said at least one gas nozzle and said at least one sensing finger.5. The chamber machine according to further comprising a control unit configured for measuring a voltage across said at least one sensing finger.6. The chamber machine according to further comprising a control unit configured for indicating an error at said at least one gas nozzle to an operator.7. The chamber machine according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one sensing finger comprises two sensing fingers claim 2 , said sensing fingers being movable relative to said at least one gas nozzle and said sensing fingers being movable relative to one another.8. The chamber machine according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one sensing finger is configured as a spring steel sheet.9. A method of packaging products in a bag by ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127127A1

A method for packaging one or more tobacco-filled boxes () in a plastic bag () comprises the following steps of —placing the box in a vacuum chamber () through an input (), —closing the vacuum chamber, then evacuating the vacuum chamber and thereafter creating an over-pressure nitrogen atmosphere in the vacuum chamber —putting a bag open at one end around a rectangular guide profile () open at both ends, where the other, closed, end of the bag shuts off one of the ends of the rectangular guide profile, —positioning the rectangular guide profile with the end not shut off by the bag in front of a shut off output () of the vacuum chamber and coupling the rectangular guide profile in a gas-tight manner to the output of the vacuum chamber, —opening the output of the vacuum chamber and guiding the box into the bag via the rectangular guide profile, and —folding the open end of the bag immediately followed by the sealing of the bag. By processing the box in the vacuum chamber before a plastic bag is put around the box, it is better to create underpressure in the box and flush it with nitrogen because the box has not yet been shut off on three sides by the plastic bag in a gas-tight manner. As a result, a better atmosphere can be created in the box or the optimal atmosphere in the box can be created in a faster manner. 1. Method for packaging one or more tobacco-filled boxes in a plastic bag , comprising:placing the box in a vacuum chamber through an input,closing the vacuum chamber, then evacuating the vacuum chamber and thereafter creating an over-pressure nitrogen atmosphere in the vacuum chamber,putting a bag open at one end around a rectangular guide profile open at both ends, where the other, closed, end of the bag shuts off one of the ends of the rectangular guide profile,positioning the rectangular guide profile with the end not shut off by the bag in front of a shut off output of the vacuum chamber and coupling the rectangular guide profile in a gas-tight manner to ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135640A1
Автор: HU Zhihe, ZHENG Xinzhai

The utility model discloses a cavity-type vacuum sealing machine, comprising a machine body and a cover which covers the machine body. The machine body is internally provided with a tray; an airtight cavity for holding packaging bags is formed between the tray and the cover; the cavity is internally provided with a hot-pressing bar and a heating and sealing component for sealing the packaging bags; the machine body is internally provided with a vacuum pump set for vacuumization; and the suction ports of the vacuum pump set communicate with the airtight cavity for holding the packaging bags via tubes. The cavity-type vacuum machine disclosed by the utility model has the advantages of smaller volume and small occupied space. 1123564. A cavity-type vacuum sealing machine , comprising a machine body () and a cover () which covers the machine body , characterized in that the machine body is internally provided with a tray (); an airtight cavity for holding packaging bags is formed between the tray and the cover; the cavity is internally provided with a hot-pressing bar () and a heating and sealing component () for sealing the packaging bags; the machine body is internally provided with a vacuum pump set () for vacuumization; and the suction ports of the vacuum pump set communicate with the airtight cavity for holding the packaging bags via tubes.2. The cavity-type vacuum sealing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the machine body is internally provided with a rolled bag chamber for holding rolled bags;{'b': 1', '9, 'the rolled bag chamber is located in the front of the machine body (); and the front side of the machine body is provided with a chamber door () for opening the rolled bag chamber.'}33. The cavity-type vacuum sealing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the bottom side of the tray () is an oblique plane and the mouths of the packaging bags in the cavity are located on the top of the oblique plane.4721. The cavity-type vacuum sealing machine according to ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135641A1
Автор: HU Zhihe, ZHENG Xinzhai

The utility model discloses a cavity-type vacuum sealing machine, comprising a machine body and a cover which covers the machine body. The machine body is internally provided with a tray; an airtight cavity for holding packaging bags is formed between the tray and the cover; the cavity is internally provided with a hot-pressing bar and a heating and sealing component for sealing the packaging bags; the machine body is internally provided with a vacuum pump set for vacuumization; and the suction ports of the vacuum pump set communicate with the airtight cavity for holding the packaging bags via tubes. The cavity-type vacuum machine disclosed by the utility model has the advantages of smaller volume and small occupied space. 1123564. A cavity-type vacuum sealing machine , comprising a machine body () and a cover () which covers the machine body , characterized in that the machine body is internally provided with a tray (); an airtight cavity for holding packaging bags is formed between the tray and the cover; the cavity is internally provided with a hot-pressing bar () and a heating and sealing component () for sealing the packaging bags; the machine body is internally provided with a vacuum pump set () for vacuumization; and the suction ports of the vacuum pump set communicate with the airtight cavity for holding the packaging bags via tubes.219. The cavity-type vacuum sealing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the machine body is internally provided with a rolled bag chamber for holding rolled bags; the rolled bag chamber is located in the front of the machine body (); and the front side of the machine body is provided with a chamber door () for opening the rolled bag chamber.33. The cavity-type vacuum sealing machine according to claim 2 , wherein the bottom side of the tray () is an oblique plane and the mouths of the packaging bags in the cavity are located on the top of the oblique plane.4721. The cavity-type vacuum sealing machine according to claim 3 , ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140215973A1
Принадлежит: A & R Carton Lund AB

The invention concerns an apparatus for sealing an open end of a cardboard based container containing a powder, wherein the apparatus comprises: a welding unit configured to fasten a lid to the container, said welding unit comprising an inductive welding energy generator for melting of a weldable layer that forms part of the container and/or the lid; and transporting means configured to transport a flow of containers to and from the welding unit. The invention is characterized in that the transporting means comprises, in a container flow order, a feeding arrangement, a main conveyor member and a movable gripping arrangement, wherein the feeding arrangement is configured to transfer containers one by one in a continuous manner to the main conveyor member, wherein the movable gripping arrangement is configured to transfer containers from the main conveyor member to the welding unit, and wherein the apparatus is arranged in such a way that, during normal operation of the apparatus, the containers line up close to each other at an upstream side of the feeding arrangement, wherein the feeding arrangement is configured to, during operation, separate adjacent containers from each other in the direction of transport by increasing the feeding speed of each individual container along the feeding arrangement and thereby increasing the distance between adjacent containers fed along the feeding arrangement, wherein the main conveyor member is configured to operate at a transport speed that approximately corresponds to, and is uniform in relation to, a discharge speed of the containers when fed out from the feeding arrangement such that containers transferred to and along the main conveyor member remain separated, wherein the moveable gripping arrangement is configured to grip at least two containers and transfer these containers simultaneously from the main conveyor member to the welding unit, and wherein the welding unit is configured to simultaneously fasten a lid to each of ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Vacuum packing machine

Номер: US20160144988A1
Автор: OH Sung Kwon
Принадлежит: Individual

A vacuum packing machine includes: a lower housing; an upper housing hinge-coupled with the lower housing to be rotationally opened and closed; a heating wire part for vacuum-packing mounted at an end of an upper side of the lower housing to carry out vacuum-packing; a pressing part mounted at a position where it coincides with the heating wire part at the end of the upper face of the upper housing; a gas intake tube mounted within the heating wire part inside the lower housing and inhaling and discharging gas; a tube driving part for progressing and reversing the gas intake tube; a suction pump mounted inside the lower housing and connected with the gas intake tube to inhale gas; a lower sealing member located on the upper side of the lower housing and mounted within the heating wire part; and a control unit.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171229A1

A packaging apparatus includes a frame, a lower tool engaged with the frame and configured to receive one or more supports, and an upper tool configured to engage a film portion with at least one support. The lower tool is movable relative to the frame at least between: a packaging position, in which the lower tool is aligned with the upper tool, and a loading position spaced from the packaging position in which the lower tool is configured to receive said support. The packaging apparatus comprises a barrier configured to intercept the package during the movement of the lower tool from the packaging position to the loading position. 1. An apparatus for packaging at least one product disposed on a support , said packaging apparatus comprising:a frame,at least one lower tool engaged with the frame and configured to receive one or more supports,at least one upper tool configured to engage a film portion with at least one support to make at least one package, a packaging position in which the lower tool is aligned with the upper tool,', 'a loading position, distanced from the packaging position, in which the lower tool is configured to receive said support,, 'wherein the lower tool is movable with respect to the frame at least betweenwherein the packaging apparatus comprises at least one barrier configured to intercept the package during movement of the lower tool from the packaging position to the loading position to enable unloading of the package from the lower tool.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lower tool comprises a base movable between a raised position and a lowered position claim 1 , wherein:said base, in the lowered position and in a condition of use of the packaging apparatus, is configured to dispose at least one support or one package at a height less than a height of the support itself or of the package itself disposed on the base in the raised position,said base is configured to be disposed in the raised position during the movement of the ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171230A1
Автор: Palumbo Riccardo

A plant for vacuum packaging of products includes a plurality of packaging stations, a vacuum pump, a first circuit, an auxiliary pressure device, and a second circuit. The plurality of packaging stations are distinct from each other and configured to separately perform the vacuum packaging of products. The first circuit is configured to put said vacuum pump in fluid communication with said packaging stations, The second circuit is configured to put at least one of said packaging stations in fluid communication with the auxiliary pressure device. The auxiliary pressure device is configured to suction a gas through the second circuit from at least one of said packaging stations. 1. A plant for vacuum packaging products comprising:a plurality of packaging stations distinct from each other, and configured to separately perform vacuum packaging of products;a vacuum pump;a first circuit configured to put said vacuum pump in fluid communication with said packaging stations;at least one pressure auxiliary device;at least one second circuit configured to put at least one of said packaging stations in fluid communication with the at least one auxiliary pressure device,wherein the auxiliary pressure device is configured to suction a gas through the second circuit from at least one of said packaging stations.2. The plant of claim 1 , further comprising a third fluid circuit configured to put the vacuum pump in fluid communication with at least one pressure auxiliary device.3. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the first circuit comprises:a primary line in common to the plurality of packaging stations;a plurality of secondary lines, each of which connects the primary line of the first circuit to a respective one of the packaging stations.4. The plant of claim 1 , wherein the second circuit comprises:a primary line in common to the plurality of packaging stations;a plurality of secondary lines, each of which connects the primary line the second circuit to a respective one of the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Method for Sealing Partly Prepared Menu Constituents and Sealing Machine

Номер: US20200140128A1
Автор: EILERTS Martin

The invention relates to a method for sealing partly prepared meals (), wherein the meals () are positioned on a dish unit () and covered with a film (). An interspace () between the dish unit () that is provided with a meal () and between the film () is partly evacuated. The sealing machine () for sealing a partly prepared meal () positioned on a dish unit () comprises a film feed () in order to feed a film () to the dish unit (), and a suction apparatus () in order to evacuate an interspace () between the dish unit () provided with a meal () and between the film (). Using the sealing machine (), the interspace () between the dish unit () provided with a meal () and between the film () is partly evacuated. 1. A method for sealing partly prepared constituents of a menu , wherein the constituents are positioned on a dish unit and covered with a film , characterised in that an interspace between the dish unit that is provided with constituents and the film is partly evacuated , such that during evacuation air is suctioned in a percentage of at least 20% from the interspace and remains in a percentage of more than 20% in the interspace , wherein the evacuation degree depends on the constituents to be sealed.2. The method according to the preceding claim , wherein during evacuation the film resists in portions on constituents positioned on the dish unit.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the film is stretched at least in portions before covering the constituents.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the film is heated before covering the dish unit or the constituents.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein air is blown between the dish unit and the film positioned above the dish unit claim 1 , before the film is lowered onto the dish unit.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the film rests on an edge section of the dish unit.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the film is pressed on the edge ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Vacuum Packaging Machine With Removable Internal And Low-Temperature "Sous Vide" Cooking Chamber

Номер: US20180155073A1
Автор: Torre Fabio Emanuele

A vacuum packaging machine () is described, with internal and “sous vide” cooking chamber composed of a supporting and containing structure () comprising at least one decompression chamber () for vacuum packaging and/or cooking a product () inside at least one bag () or other suitable container, such chamber () being composed of at least one tank () adapted to be closed by at least one cover (), the cover () being equipped with a welding system () of the initially open edges () of the bag () composed of at least one welding bar () and at least one membrane system (), and comprising at least one bulkhead () adapted to be inserted inside the tank () of the chamber (), such bulkhead () being equipped on its top with at least one abutment bar () of the welding bar (). 1. A vacuum packaging machine with internal and cooking chamber comprising:a) at least one decompression chamber for vacuum packaging, cooking or both vacuum packaging and cooking a product inside at least one suitable container placed in a vertical position;b) a supporting structure connected to the at least one decompression chamber; andc) a containing structure connected to the supporting structure.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the at least one decompression chamber comprises at least one tank adapted to be closed by at least one cover.3. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the at least one cover is oscillating and is connected to the supporting and containing structure through hinge kinematisms.4. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the at least one cover comprises a welding system of edges of the the at least one suitable container claim 2 , wherein the edges are initially open.5. The machine of claim 4 , wherein the welding system comprises at least one welding bar and at least one membrane system.6. The machine of claim 5 , wherein the welding bar comprises at least one notch on its surface adapted to obtain claim 5 , along a welding imprint performed by the welding bar onto the at least one ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140248408A1
Автор: Richter Tobias

The present disclosure relates to a device for the high-pressure treatment of products, particularly of packaged foodstuffs. The device comprises a high-pressure chamber and a discharge valve for discharging high-pressure medium out of the high-pressure chamber. The invention is characterized in that a controllable actuator is provided for adjusting the rate of the pressure decrease in the high-pressure chamber at least over a predetermined pressure range. The disclosure also relates to a method for the high-pressure treatment of products, wherein pressure decrease takes place in a first phase and in a second phase, and the mean pressure decrease rate in the first phase is higher than in the second phase. 122-. (canceled)23. A method for processing a food product , comprising:loading the food product into a packaging,replacing air inside the packaging with a protective gas or a protective gas-mixture, gas-tight closing the packaging to form a packaged food product,', 'loading the packaged food product into a high-pressure chamber,', 'subjecting the packaged food product in the high-pressure chamber to a high-pressure treatment, during which a high-pressure medium acts upon the packaged food product, and', 'decreasing the pressure within the high-pressure chamber in a first phase and in a second phase, wherein a mean pressure decrease rate in the first phase is higher than in the second phase., 'subsequent to replacing air inside the packaging by a protective gas or a protective gas mixture24. Method according to claim 23 , wherein the mean pressure decrease rate in the first phase and/or in the second phase is continuously adjustable.25. Method according to claim 23 , wherein the second phase is followed by a third phase in which the mean pressure decrease rate is higher than in the second phase.26. The method according to claim 23 , wherein the pressure during the high-pressure treatment reaches a value of 300 to 1 claim 23 ,000 MPa.27. The method according to ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162569A1

A food storage appliance is provided including a housing containing operative components of the food storage appliance. There is a first heat sealing element disposed on a lower portion of the housing configured to heat seal a first end of a section of food storage container material forming a food storage container unsealed at a second end. A vacuum chamber is disposed in an upper portion of the housing connected to a source of suction. A second heat sealing element is disposed in the upper portion of the housing adjacent to the vacuum chamber configured to heat seal the second end of the food storage container after being inserted into the vacuum chamber and being evacuated by suction from the suction source. 1. A food storage appliance , comprising:a housing containing operative components of the food storage appliance;a first heat sealing element on a lower portion of the housing configured to heat seal a first end of a section of food storage container material forming a food storage container unsealed at a second end;a vacuum chamber disposed in an upper portion of the housing connected to a vacuum-motor-assembly; anda second heat sealing element in the upper portion of the housing disposed adjacent to the vacuum chamber configured to heat seal the second end of the food storage container after being inserted into the vacuum chamber and being evacuated by suction from the vacuum-motor assembly.2. The food storage appliance of claim 1 , further including:a transparent lid covering the vacuum chamber movable between an open position for inserting the second end of the food storage container into the vacuum chamber and a closed position for evacuating the food storage container and heat sealing the second end.3. The food storage appliance of claim 2 , further including:at least one latch member on an underside of the lid; andat least one cylinder having an operative member configured to engage the latch member when the vacuum-motor assembly is energized, the ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for Loading a Monomer to a Bulk Container

Номер: US20160176610A1
Автор: Mortensen Eric

This application is directed to a method for minimizing oxidative discoloration of a chemical compound such as a monomer during shipping, storing, and/or aging. 122-. (canceled)23. A method for off-loading an air-sensitive monomer susceptible to discoloration from a bulk shipping container , comprising:(a) providing a positive pressure of an inert gas to the interior of the bulk shipping container;(b) adjusting the temperature of the bulk shipping container to maintain the flowability of the monomer; and(c) transferring the monomer to a receiving container under a positive pressure of the non-oxidative gas.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the monomer comprises 2 claim 23 ,6-xylenol25. The method of claim 23 , wherein the 2 claim 23 ,6-xylenol is off-loaded from the bulk shipping container to the receiving container at a temperature that is greater than the melting temperature of 2 claim 23 ,6-xylenol.26. The method of claim 23 , wherein the 2 claim 23 ,6-xylenol is off-loaded at a temperature of from about 50-90° C.27. The method of claim 23 , wherein a positive pressure of the non-oxidative gas is maintained in the shipping container during loading.28. A container with an interior that is pressurized with a non-oxidative gas that contains a monomer susceptible to oxidative discoloration and an optional antioxidant.29. The container of claim 28 , wherein the non-oxidative gas is selected from the group consisting of argon claim 28 , neon claim 28 , and nitrogen claim 28 , or mixtures thereof.30. The container of claim 28 , wherein the inert gas is nitrogen.31. The container of claim 28 , wherein the positive pressure in the interior is 5-20 psig nitrogen.32. The container of claim 28 , further comprising a pressure gauge and an oxygen gas (O) detector.33. The container of claim 28 , further comprising a pressure gauge and an oxygen gas (O) detector.34. The container of claim 28 , wherein the monomer comprises 2 claim 28 ,6-xylenol.3546-. (canceled)47. A method ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Vacuum Skin Packaging of a Product Arranged on a Support

Номер: US20180170595A1
Принадлежит: Cryovac LLC

A machine for vacuum skin packaging a product is arranged on a support. The support has a sidewall with at least one hole. The machine comprises a first film transfer plate configured for holding a film sheet, heating the film sheet, bringing the film sheet to a position above the support with the product arranged thereon and air tightly fixing the film sheet to the support. The machine also comprises a vacuum arrangement for removing air from within the support underneath the film sheet through the at least one hole. The first film transfer plate is configured to release the film sheet thereby allowing the film sheet to be drawn into the support while the vacuum arrangement is removing air from within the support.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150203223A1
Автор: Ehrmann Elmar

The invention relates to a thermoforming packaging machine with a top film forming station, the forming tool upper part and the forming tool lower part of which are disposed above a lower film transportation plane and via a traverse system connected to a lifting mechanism and where said lifting mechanism is disposed below said lower film transportation plane. 1. Thermoforming packaging machine comprising: a lifting mechanism disposed below a lower film transport plane of said thermoforming packaging machine;', 'a traverse system;', 'a forming tool upper part disposed above said lower film transport plane; and', 'a forming tool lower part disposed above said lower film transport plane;', 'wherein said forming tool upper part and said forming tool lower part are connected via said traverse system to said lifting mechanism., 'a top film forming station for forming a top film, wherein said top film forming station comprises2. Thermoforming packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein said lifting mechanism is a toggle lever lifting mechanism or a direct drive.3. Thermoforming packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein said lifting mechanism comprises a servo drive.4. Thermoforming packaging machine according to further comprising a sealing station and a top film cutting station claim 1 , wherein said top film cutting station is disposed between said top film forming station and said sealing station.5. Thermoforming packaging machine according to claim 4 , wherein a removal device is provided below said top film cutting station and above said lower film transport plane for removing cutting waste.6. Thermoforming packaging machine according to claim 5 , wherein said removal device comprises a conveyor belt aligned generally transversely to a direction of transport of a lower film.7. Thermoforming packaging machine according to further comprising a top film transport device including clamp chains.8. Thermoforming packaging machine according to claim 7 , wherein ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150210412A1

In a method for packaging finished tobacco goods in a master box first a PE liner which is foreseen of an EVOH barrier or an Aluminium liner is folded in the master box. This can be done by an automatic machine or manually. In the manual embodiment the liner, already cut on the right sizes including a seal in the bottom, is pulled over a mall which has the same size as the master box. Then the master box is pulled over the mall including the liner. Then the master box including the liner is pulled of the mall and the master box is ready for storage. 1. A method for packaging finished tobacco goods in a master box , the method comprising the steps of:providing a liner made of PE with an EVOH barrier, or aluminium;lining the master box with the liner;filling the master box, with the liner, with the finished tobacco goods;placing sachets with oxygen absorbers in the master box;placing the master box in a vacuum room;reduce pressure in the vacuum room and in the liner and the master box;injecting Nitrogen in the vacuum room and the master box;repeating the steps of reducing pressure and injecting Nitrogen several times; andsealing the liner and the master box.2. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the method further comprises the step of placing sachets with humidity absorbers into the master box before placing the master box in the vacuum room.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of lining the master box is done by an automatic machine which cuts a part of a tube foil claim 1 , seals the bottom of the liner claim 1 , and folds the liner into the master box.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of lining the master box is done manually by pulling the liner claim 1 , already cut on the right size and including a seal claim 1 , over a mall which has the same size as the master box claim 1 , pulling the master box over the mall including the liner claim 1 , pulling the liner over the flaps of the master box claim 1 , and pulling the master box ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150210413A1
Автор: Schiavina Andrea

Apparatus with facing bell members, for modified-atmosphere packaging of products placed in trays, which comprises means for the cyclic positioning of an extended portion of bather film between the said two open bell members and over trays housed with gasket means in the seats of the bottom bell member, which comprises means for moving the said bell members towards each other so as to close between them the said film and to close under and at a suitable distance from this latter the edge of the tray, apparatus of the type that when the bell members are closed, they form therein two volumes not directly communicating, one of which is formed by the internal chambers of the same bell members that communicate with each other via circuits, for example peripheral, while the other volume is formed by the main chambers of the trays with the product, wherein the said chambers are connected with a portion of their perimeter to holes and to a dedicated circuit for the controlled introduction of process gases and are connected with another portion of their same perimeter to discharge holes for implementation of the air extraction and washing steps, comprising internal valve means to enable the said discharge holes of the main chambers of the trays to communicate, or not, with the said internal chambers to balance the differences in pressures between the said two volumes during the exchange cycle of the gases required to produce packaging of the type known as MAP. 1. Apparatus with facing bell members , for modified-atmosphere packaging of products placed in trays , which comprises means for the cyclic positioning of an extended portion of barrier film between the said two open bell members and over trays housed with gasket means in the seats of the bottom bell member , which also comprises means for moving the said bell members towards each other , to close between them the said film and to close under and at a suitable distance from this latter the edge of the tray , apparatus ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140298756A1

Improved blister-making machine which, starting from a moldable strip (), from a covering strip () and from noxious material () delivered and positioned by a distributor device () inside the blisters () made in the moldable strip (), all being subsequently sealed by a sealing device (), produces blister packs of the desired shape and sizes, wherein upstream of the sealing device () there is an insulated chamber () containing a pre-sealing device () continuously achieving continuous sealed bands () in proximity with at least two lateral edges () of the blister strip (). 111301314331633301814131815331413151719119133314. Improved blister-making machine , able to produce blister packs of the desired shape and sizes starting from a moldable strip () , on which blisters () are made so as to define a blister strip () , from a covering strip () and from noxious material () , comprising a distributor device () to deliver and position the noxious material () inside the blisters () and a sealing device () to seal the covering strip () to the blister strip () , characterized in that upstream of the sealing device () there is an insulated chamber () into which the noxious material () is delivered and distributed and in which the covering strip () is applied onto the blister strip () , said insulated chamber () comprising at least a pre-sealing device () , configured to continuously achieve continuous sealed bands () , in proximity with at least two lateral edges () of the combination of the blister strip () containing the noxious material () and of the covering strip ().2241533. Improved blister-making machine as in claim 1 , characterized in that depression means () are provided in order to keep the insulated chamber () in depression claim 1 , the value of depression being correlated to the shape and characteristics of the powders produced by the noxious material () claim 1 , said depression being comprised between 30 Pa and 100 Pa.31615. Improved blister-making machine as in ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150217925A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a packaging container that can be industrially mass-produced, that can be used as Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) while ensuring sealing performance, and that allows contents to be displayed in a three-dimensional manner; a packaged product contained in the packaging container; and a manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus for the packaging container. This packaging container has: a container main body having a bottom face part and sidewall parts, and having a flange at the upper end part periphery of the sidewall parts; and a lid material heat-sealed to the flange. The lid material is made of a film or sheet. A pair of opposing sidewall parts has the same shape, and upper end parts of the pair of side wall parts are at least positioned higher than the upper end parts of another pair of opposing sidewall parts. 1. A packaging container , characterized by comprising:a container main body that has a bottom face part, sidewall parts, and a flange formed at an upper end part periphery of the sidewall parts; anda lid material that is heat-sealed to the flange, whereinthe lid material is formed of a film or a sheet, anda pair of opposing sidewall parts has an identical shape, and upper end parts of the pair of sidewall parts are at least partly positioned higher than upper end parts of another pair of opposing sidewall parts.2. The packaging container according to claim 1 , wherein the lid material is in the form of a flat film or sheet when reeled out from a raw material roll or fed as a piece of a raw material sheet claim 1 , is deformed so as to follow the shape of an upper end edge of the container main body prior to or during heat-sealing and then heat-sealed.3. The packaging container according to claim 1 , wherein upper end contours of the sidewall parts whose upper end parts are at least partly positioned higher than the upper end parts of the other sidewall parts are in the shape of an upward arc ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225097A1
Принадлежит: Super Sweet Air, Inc. dba Fun Air

A method and system for the inflation of a sealed air product with accommodations for both a high capacity, low pressure blower and a low capacity, high pressure pump. The blower is attached to a fill tube and inflates the product until it approaches a point at which the pump does not have sufficient pressure to continue. The fill tube is coiled to prevent the air inside the sealed-air product from escaping and placed into a compartment behind a closable opening which is then closed. The air pump is then attached to an inflation port located on the sealed-air product which, when activated, inflates the sealed-air product to the desired air pressure. A pressure relief valves ensures the product is not over-inflated. After use, air may be allowed to escape through the fill tube, thereby allowing rapid deflation of the product. 1. A method for sealing a sealed-air product , comprising:removing a flexible fill tube from behind a closable opening, the distal end of the flexible fill tube being connected to a sealed-air product so that air entering the proximal end of the fill tube inflates the sealed air product;attaching a high capacity, low pressure blower to the proximal end of the fill tube;engaging the blower, thereby inflating the sealed-air product;removing the high capacity, low pressure blower from the proximal end of the fill tube and securing the fill tube behind the closable opening, thereby restricting air from entering the sealed-air product through the fill tube;placing a low capacity, high pressure air pump in communication with the sealed air product so that when the pump is engaged the sealed air product inflates; andengaging the low capacity, high pressure air pump to inflate the sealed-air product to the desired pressure,2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sealed-air product is a water slide.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one panel of the sealed air product is heavy-gauged reinforced vinyl.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Packaging machine with pressure control device and method

Номер: US20190210750A1

A packaging machine with an atmosphere modifying station in which an atmosphere within a packaging to be produced can be modified by evacuating air and/or introducing a gas. The packaging machine has a pressure control device that may control an evacuation pressure and/or a gassing pressure. The pressure control device may comprise a first controllable 2/2-way valve and a second controllable 2/2-way valve, both which are configured to influence the evacuation pressure and/or the gassing pressure by setting a volume flow. The first and second 2/2-way valves are connected in parallel with one another and are controllable independently of one another. In one embodiment, the first and second 2/2-way valves are preferably electrically controllable. A method of modifying an atmosphere within a package using a packaging machine and pressure control device is also provided.

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190210751A1

This invention relates to an apparatus and method for vacuum packaging drilling fluid additives and is particularly effective for low bulk density material. Vacuum sealing technology is employed to decrease the volume of the additive, thereby enabling packaging of larger quantity of additive per bag, effective utilization of storage space and reduced transportation costs. The invention overcomes the drawback of conventional vacuum packing machines where the material being packaged drifts out of the packaging bag into the vacuum chamber on vacuum creation and further deposits on the sealable portion at the open end of the bag leading to ineffective sealing of the bag opening. The apparatus of the invention is modified to increase the headspace between the sealing element of the apparatus and drilling fluid additive being sealed, thereby eliminating the movement of the additive into the vacuuming chamber and deposit on the bag opening. 1. An apparatus for vacuum packaging solid drilling fluid additives comprising a vacuum sealing chamber , a vacuum source for evacuating air from the vacuum sealing chamber , a hollow mould having an opening for receiving an air impermeable packaging bag for filling with solid drilling fluid additive , said mould positionable inside the vacuum sealing chamber during vacuum creation and a sealing element for sealing the packaging bag after the air in the vacuum sealing chamber has been evacuated , characterized in that ,the dimensions of the mould are modified to maintain a headspace of at least 250 mm between the sealing element and the mould opening when the mould is disposed inside the vacuum sealing chamber during vacuum creation; andthe vacuum sealing chamber is modified to receive said modified mould during vacuum creation.2. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the modifications to the dimensions of the mould comprise decreasing the height of the mould and increasing the length claim 1 , to prevent reduction in inner cavity volume ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150250678A1

In a preferred embodiment, an Automated Pharmacy Admixture System (APAS) may include a manipulator system to transport medical containers such as bags, vials, or syringes in a compounding chamber regulated to a pressure below atmospheric pressure. In a preferred implementation, the manipulator system is configured to grasp and convey syringes, IV bags, and vials of varying shapes and sizes from a storage system in an adjacent chamber regulated at a pressure above atmospheric pressure. Various embodiments may include a controller adapted to actuate the manipulator system to bring a fill port of an IV bag, vial, or syringe into register with a filling port at a fluid transfer station in the chamber. A preferred implementation includes a sanitization system that can substantially sanitize a bung on a fill port of a vial or IV bag in preparation for transport to the fluid transfer station. 1. A robotic automated pharmaceutical processing system comprising:a processor-based interface configured to receive requests to prepare one or more pharmaceutical prescriptions; anda controller coupled to the interface and configured to operate an automated prescription preparation device in response to the received requests, the automated prescription preparation device comprising:an inventory chamber comprising a housing to store within the inventory chamber a plurality of inventory items to be used in preparation of one or more pharmaceutical prescriptions,a compounding chamber access portal in a first side of the inventory chamber,a compounding chamber adjacent to the inventory chamber and communicating with the inventory chamber through the compounding chamber access portal in the first side,a multi-axis multi-linkage robot disposed within the compounding chamber and configured to grasp a first inventory item being presented from the inventory chamber through the compounding chamber access portal, convey the first inventory item to a first process location, release the first ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160251102A1

A packaging apparatus and a method of operating the apparatus are provided. The apparatus comprises a support frame, a packaging station having a first tool, a second tool, and one or more actuators, operably coupled to at least one of the first tool and the second tool, to modify a position of the second tool with respect to the first tool; and a control unit operably coupled to the one or more actuators, wherein the one or more actuators have a first configuration, in which the first tool and the second tool are spaced from one another by a first distance, a second configuration, in which the first tool and the second tool are spaced from one another by a second distance, and a third configuration, in which the first tool and the second tool are spaced from one another by a third distance, and wherein the control unit is configured to operate in a first modality, wherein the control unit is configured to move the one or more actuators from the first configuration into the second configuration, to maintain the one or more actuators in the second configuration for a first time interval, and to move the one or more actuators from the second configuration into the first configuration 130.-. (canceled)31. A packaging apparatus comprising:a support frame;a packaging station having a first tool, a second tool, and one or more actuators, operably coupled to at least one of the first tool and the second tool, to modify a position of the second tool with respect to the first tool; and a first configuration, in which the first tool and the second tool are spaced from one another by a first distance,', 'a second configuration, in which the first tool and the second tool are spaced from one another by a second distance, and', 'a third configuration, in which the first tool and the second tool are spaced from one another by a third distance, and, 'a control unit comprising at least one of a digital processor (CPU) with memory and an analogical type circuit, the control unit ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190240445A1
Автор: Palmer Timothy

A method of packaging a ready to use intermittent urinary catheter by (i) placing lubricant within a pocket formed in a base film proximate a first end of the pocket, (ii) placing a catheter within the pocket with the insertion end of the catheter proximate the first end of the pocket, (iii) partially sealing the catheter within the pocket between the base film and a cover film, (iv) pulling a vacuum within the pocket to effect controlled circumferential flow of lubricant around the insertion end portion of the catheter, and then (v) fully sealing the pocket. 1. A method of hermetically packaging an intermittent urinary catheter having an insertion end , an insertion end length defining an exterior surface area , a fixture end , and a fixture end length , comprising the steps of:(a) obtaining a base film having a pocket with a first end and a second end, wherein the pocket is configured to retain the intermittent urinary catheter with the insertion end proximate the first end and the fixture end proximate the second end,(b) injecting a limited amount of lubricant into the pocket proximate the first end of the pocket so as to form a lubricant containing pocket,(c) placing the intermittent urinary catheter into the lubricant containing pocket so as to form a catheter containing pocket, with the insertion end of the intermittent urinary catheter proximate the first end and the fixture end of the intermittent urinary catheter proximate the second end,(d) sealing a cover film to the base film with an unsealed opening proximate the second end of the pocket so as to form an enclosed catheter containing retention chamber accessible through the opening,(e) drawing a vacuum on the enclosed catheter containing retention chamber through the opening sufficient to compress the retention chamber and cause lubricant to circumferentially flow around and coat a portion of the exterior surface area of the insertion end length of the catheter within the retention chamber without ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Packaging system

Номер: US20210292017A1
Автор: Masashi Oshima
Принадлежит: General Packer Co Ltd

A packaging system includes a bag feeding device for forming a packaging bag series having a continuous bag portion partitioned by a side seal portion from a long film and a bag mouth opening/closing device having a conveying path formed between a conveying device for pulling and conveying the packaging bag series with first grips and a guide rail parallel to the conveying path. The movers traveling on the guide rail has second grips for gripping the side seal portion. By controlling and adjusting the distance between one mover and the mover immediately after that, an upper end opening of the bag portion is opened or closed according to various processes of the packaging process.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257798A1

The invention provides a vacuum packaging method and a vacuum packaging apparatus that can sufficiently degasify the inside of a packaging bag without any trouble and in which bubbles are less likely to remain inside the packaging bag after vacuum packaging, even if a liquid is included in a packaged object. 1. A vacuum packaging apparatus , comprising:a chamber that accommodates a packaging bag having an opening to insert a liquid-containing object;a pump that decompresses the chamber;a closing device that is provided in the chamber to pinch the opening of the packaging bag;a sealing device that seals the opening of the packaging bag; anda controller that controls the pump, the closing device, and the sealing device, pinching the opening of the packaging bag;', 'decompressing the chamber accommodating the packaging bag;', 'opening the opening of the packaging bag when the packaging bag inflates or the liquid contained in the object boils;', 'stopping the decompression in the chamber; and', 'sealing the opening of the packaging bag,, 'wherein the controller performs'}so that the object is vacuum packaged in the packaging bag.2. The vacuum packaging apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller stores an air pressure value at the boiling point of the liquid contained in the packaging bag.3. The vacuum packaging apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprisingan air-pressure detection sensor which detects air pressure in the chamber,wherein the controller controls the pump and the closing device based on the value of the air pressure stored and the air pressure detected by the air-pressure detection sensor.4. The vacuum packaging apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the controller controls the sealing device based on the value of the air pressure stored and the air pressure detected by the air-pressure detection sensor.5. The vacuum packaging apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising an inflation detector which detects inflation of the ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Ferris-Wheel Type Vacuum Packaging System And Method

Номер: US20140360134A1
Автор: Brinkman Jacob, Koke John

A vacuum packaging system for vacuumizing and sealing unsealed packages including a plurality of vacuum chambers each linked with a respective platen assembly having a platen and conveyor, each chamber and assembly arranged to receive an unsealed package and perform a vacuum sealing operation on the package, characterized by a) a conveyor apparatus including an in-feed conveyor to load each platen conveyor with an unsealed package, and an out-feed conveyor to unload each vacuumized, sealed package from each platen conveyor; and b) a ferris wheel-type vacuum packaging apparatus including at least three radially arranged vacuum chambers each linked with a respective platen assembly, each chamber and platen assembly rotatable about a central horizontal axis disposed parallel to the linear path of the conveyor apparatus, the ferris wheel-type apparatus operable in a vertical plane of rotation disposed perpendicular to the linear path of the conveyor apparatus. 1. A vacuum packaging system for vacuumizing and sealing a plurality of unsealed packages comprising a plurality of vacuum chambers each linked with a respective platen assembly , each platen assembly comprising a platen and a platen conveyor , and each vacuum chamber and platen assembly arranged to receive an unsealed package and operable to perform a vacuum sealing operation on the unsealed package , characterized in that the vacuum packaging system comprises: i) an in-feed conveyor operable to load each platen conveyor with an unsealed package, and', 'ii) an out-feed conveyor, disposed downstream of and longitudinally spaced apart from the in-feed conveyor, operable to unload each vacuumized, sealed package from each platen conveyor; and, 'a) a conveyor apparatus configured to unload a vacuumized, sealed package from each platen conveyor, and to load an unsealed package onto each platen conveyor, in a linear path, the conveyor apparatus comprising'}b) a ferris wheel-type vacuum packaging apparatus comprising at ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210339899A1
Автор: Glazebrook Thomas
Принадлежит: Proseal UK Limited

Packaging apparatus, such as a tray sealer, with a gas supply arrangement enabling a flushing gas to be conducted between a flushing gas outlet () and a flushing gas inlet () which are relatively moveable. The flushing gas inlet is positioned above the flushing gas outlet. The gas supply arrangement includes a barrel () connected to the inlet () and sliding in a sleeve connected to the outlet (). In a first predetermined relative position of the flushing gas outlet and flushing gas inlet a fluid flow connection is established between the flushing gas outlet and flushing gas inlet. In a second predetermined relative position the flushing gas inlet and flushing gas outlet are disconnected and liquid may drain from the barrel (). 1. Packaging apparatus comprising a flushing gas outlet for connection to a gas supply , a flushing gas inlet and a gas supply arrangement enabling a flushing gas to be conducted between the flushing gas outlet and the flushing gas inlet , wherein the flushing gas inlet is positioned above and is moveable relative to the flushing gas outlet and the gas supply arrangement is arranged such that when the flushing gas outlet and flushing gas inlet are in a first predetermined relative position , or range of positions , a fluid flow connection is established between the flushing gas outlet and flushing gas inlet , when the flushing gas outlet and flushing gas inlet are in a second predetermined relative position , or range of positions , the flushing gas inlet and flushing gas outlet are disconnected and the flushing gas inlet can drain via the gas supply arrangement.2. Packaging apparatus as claimed in wherein when the outlet and inlet are in the second predetermined relative position claim 1 , or range of positions claim 1 , the flushing gas outlet is closed.3. Packaging apparatus as claimed in wherein the gas supply arrangement comprises a conduit which establishes a fluid flow connection between the flushing gas outlet and flushing gas inlet ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Film to Film Packaging Solution for Sterilized Nonwoven Fabric Products

Номер: US20190263548A1

A product and method for reducing tensile strength loss associated with sterilization of the product by ionizing radiation sterilization methods is provided. The method includes providing a package that includes a layer having an oxygen transmission rate equal to or less than about 10 cubic centimeters of oxygen per 100 inches squared per 24 hours; providing a product in the package's interior; applying a vacuum to the exterior of the package in a controlled atmosphere until a vacuum pressure equal to or less than about 250 millibars is achieved; flushing the interior of the package with an inert gas until an inert gas flush pressure equal to or less than about 750 millibars is achieved; sealing the package; releasing the vacuum applied in the controlled atmosphere; and sterilizing the package/product with radiation. The resulting product has a reduction in its tensile strength of less than about 18.5% after sterilization. 1. A combination of a product and a film-to-film package , wherein the product is vacuum packaged in the film-to-film package , wherein the film-to-film package has an interior and an exterior and comprises a layer having an oxygen transmission rate equal to or less than about 10 cubic centimeters of oxygen per 100 inches squared per 24 hours , wherein the product is located in the interior of the film-to-film package , wherein air is removed from the interior of the film-to-film package by applying a vacuum pressure equal to or less than about 250 millibars to the exterior of the film-to-film package and then flushing the interior of the film-to-film package with an inert gas until the interior of the film-to-film package reaches an inert gas flush pressure equal to or less than about 750 millibars , wherein the film-to-film package and the product are sterilized by ionizing radiation , wherein the product exhibits a reduction in its tensile strength that is equal to or less than about 18.5% after sterilization.2. The combination of claim 1 , ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации

Intelligent Vacuum Packaging Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20210380291A1
Автор: Dai Jhih-Jhan

A vacuum packing apparatus includes a box, a lid, a solenoid, a vacuum pump, a pressure gauge, a time relay, a thermal sealer and a controller. The box includes a chamber. The lid is connected to the box. The thermal sealer is located in the chamber. The controller is electrically connected to the vacuum pump, the solenoid, the thermal sealer and the time relay. The panel is electrically connected to the controller. 1. A vacuum packing method comprising the steps of:{'b': 10', '11', '20', '10', '42', '41', '60', '50', '30', '11', '40', '41', '42', '30', '50', '43', '40, 'providing a vacuum packing apparatus comprising a box () comprising a chamber (), a lid () connected to the box (), a solenoid (), a vacuum pump (), a pressure gauge (), a time relay (), a thermal sealer () located in the chamber (), a controller () electrically connected to the vacuum pump (), the solenoid (), thermal sealer () and the time relay (), and a panel () electrically connected to the controller ();'}{'b': 70', '72, 'locating a to-be-packed object () in a packing material ();'}{'b': 72', '30, 'locating a portion of the packing material () in the thermal sealer ();'}{'b': 20', '11, 'using the lid () to close the chamber () in an air-tight manner;'}{'b': '43', 'operating the panel () to set an intended value;'}{'b': '40', 'claim-text': [{'b': 60', '11, 'actuating the pressure gauge () to detect pressure in the chamber ();'}, {'b': 41', '11, 'actuating the vacuum pump () to reduce the pressure in the chamber ();'}, 'calculating a first phase for the pressure to drop to a transient value from an original value;', {'b': '60', 'calculating a rate of change in the pressure detected by the pressure gauge () in the first phase;'}, 'calculating a second phase for the pressure to drop to the intended value from the transient value;', 'calculating a total pumping period by adding the first and second phases;', 'calculating a remaining period by deducting time elapsed since the beginning of the ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160288996A1
Автор: Arsovic Milorad

A recycling appliance is for processing non-organic recyclable materials and organic materials. The recycling appliance includes a non-organic processing assembly configured to receive, process and store the non-organic recyclable materials. An organic processing assembly is spaced apart from the non-organic processing assembly. The organic processing assembly is configured to receive, process and store the organic materials. A housing assembly is configured to house the non-organic processing assembly and the organic processing assembly. 1. A recycling appliance for processing non-organic recyclable materials and organic materials , the recycling appliance comprising:a non-organic processing assembly being configured to receive, process and store the non-organic recyclable materials;an organic processing assembly being spaced apart from the non-organic processing assembly, and the organic processing assembly being configured to receive, process and store the organic materials; anda housing assembly being configured to house the non-organic processing assembly and the organic processing assembly.2. A recycling appliance for processing non-organic recyclable materials and organic materials , the recycling appliance comprising:an input section being configured to receive the non-organic recyclable materials;a shredder section being in communication with the input section, and the shredder section being configured to receive and shred the non-organic recyclable materials received from the input section, and generate a shredded recyclable material;an output section being in communication with the shredder section in such a way that the output section receives the shredded recyclable material from the shredder section;an organic-material input module being configured to receive the organic materials;a dedicated organic-material output module being in communication with the organic-material input module in such a way that the dedicated organic-material output module ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282005A1

A packaging machine comprising a sealing station with a sealing tool, a side frame and at least a first as well as a second upper protective cover respectively for placement onto a top side of the side frame during the manufacturing operations, wherein each of the two protective covers form a body with a lid, multiple side walls as well as a bottom. In one embodiment, the two protective covers can be stacked on one another, wherein at least one of the two protective covers forms at least one stack stop on the lid to which an edge of the floor of the other protective cover can be coupled in a removable way if the two protective covers are stacked on top of one another. In one embodiment, the packaging machine may be a deep-drawing packaging machine or a tray-sealing machine. 1. A packaging machine comprising:a sealing station with a sealing tool;a side frame; andat least a first upper protective cover and a second upper protective cover, each of said first and second upper protective cover being disposed on a top side of the side frame during manufacturing operations;wherein each of the first upper protective cover and the second upper protective cover comprise a body with a lid, multiple side walls, and a bottom;wherein the first upper protective cover and the second upper protective cover are configured to be disposed in a stacked arrangement, wherein one of the first upper protective cover or the second upper protective cover is on top of the other one of the first upper protective cover or the second upper protective cover; andwherein said one of the first upper protective cover or the second upper protective cover includes at least one stack stop on the lid to which an edge of the bottom of the other one of the first upper protective cover or the second upper protective cover can be removeably coupled when the first upper protective cover and the second upper protective cover two protective covers are in said stacked arrangement.2. The packaging machine ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282044A1
Автор: DAVEY Alan, HARDWICK Craig

A process for packaging a product, such as a food product, including a step of creating a vacuum reservoir. Also, a packaging system comprising a vacuum reservoir 1. A packaging system for vacuum skin packaging a product , wherein the packaging system comprises a container and a support arranged and configured to create a vacuum reservoir.2. The packaging system according to claim 1 , wherein the container comprises a base and one or more side walls extending from the base.3. The packaging system according to claim 1 , wherein the container comprises means for positioning the support to create a vacuum reservoir.4. The packaging system according to claim 3 , wherein the container comprises one or more recesses in one or more side walls.5. The packaging system according to claim 3 , wherein the container comprises one or more positioning ribs in or more side walls.6. The packaging system according to clai herein the support can be retained between two or more ribs.7. The packaging system according to claim 3 , wherein the container comprises a positioning platform along one or more side walls.8. The packaging system according to claim 3 , wherein the base of the container comprises one or more positioning ribs and/or platforms.9. The packaging system according to claim 1 , wherein the container comprises or consists of one or more materials selected from PET claim 1 , rPET claim 1 , PP claim 1 , PE claim 1 , PS and EPS.10. The packaging system according to claim 9 , wherein the container comprises or consists of PEP claim 9 , PET/PE claim 9 , PET/PEP claim 9 , rPET/PE or rPET/PEP layers.11. The packaging system according to claim 1 , wherein the container is nestable and/or stackable with other containers of the same type.12. The packaging system ccording to claim 1 , wherein the support is substantially flat.13. The packaging system according to claim 1 , wherein the support comprises one or more apertures claim 1 , perforations and/or longitudinal slits.14. The ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304226A1
Автор: ROSSINI Antonio

A packaging device, particularly for vacuum packaging, and particularly for packaging trays containing food products, which comprises a heat-sealing and cutting station for heat-sealing a film on the edge of a tray and for cutting the film, the device further comprising a supporting surface that comprises a plurality of receptacles that accommodate a plurality of dies which can have different dimensions and/or formats in order to accommodate trays of different dimensions and/or formats, the supporting surface being actuatable in order to move one of such dies at the heat-sealing and cutting station. 110-. (canceled)11. A packaging device , comprising a heat-sealing and cutting station for heat-sealing a film on an edge of a tray and for cutting said film , and comprising a supporting surface that comprises a plurality of receptacles that accommodate a plurality of dies , said dies having different dimensions and/or formats in order to accommodate trays having different dimensions and/or formats , said supporting surface being actuatable in order to move one of said dies at said heat-sealing and cutting station.12. The packaging device according to claim 11 , wherein said supporting surface is a rotating table claim 11 , the rotation of said rotating table placing one of said dies at said heat-sealing and cutting station.13. The packaging device according to claim 11 , further comprising a measurement station for measuring dimensions and/or format of said tray claim 11 , arranged upstream of said heat-sealing and cutting station claim 11 , the detection of the measurement of the dimensions and/or of the format of said tray causing the selection of one of said dies.14. The packaging device according to claim 11 , wherein said heat-sealing and cutting station comprises a vacuum bell claim 11 , which comprises heat-sealing means and means for cutting said film claim 11 , said vacuum bell being adapted to contain one of said dies.15. The packaging device according to ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200283178A1

Provided is a novel vacuum packaging machine, comprising a machine body (), a vacuum cover () and a bag hanging mechanism (), wherein a vacuum chamber () enabling a packaging bag () to be vertically placed is provided in the machine body (), the vacuum cover () is provided on the machine body () and corresponds to the vacuum chamber (), and the bag hanging mechanism () is provided at the upper part of the vacuum chamber (). 1. A novel vacuum packaging machine suitable for sealing a packaging bag , wherein the novel vacuum packaging machine comprises a machine body , a vacuum cover and a bag hanging assembly; a vacuum chamber enabling a packaging bag to be vertically placed is provided in the machine body , the vacuum cover is provided on the machine body and corresponds to the vacuum chamber , and the bag hanging assembly is provided at the upper part of the vacuum chamber.2. The novel vacuum packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein the bag hanging assembly comprises a hanging part and a bag hanging part;the hanging part is provided at the upper part of the vacuum chamber, and the bag hanging part is installed on the hanging part;the bag hanging part comprises at least two bag hanging units, and one or more of the at least two bag-hanging units are slidable relative to the hanging part.3. The novel vacuum packaging machine according to claim 2 , wherein the hanging part comprises a guide rail which is fixed at the upper part of the vacuum chamber; the bag hanging part comprises two bag hanging units denoted as a first bag hanging unit and a second bag hanging unit respectively; the first bag hanging unit is fixedly installed on the guide rail; and the second bag hanging unit is installed on the guide rail and can reciprocate away from and close to the first bag hanging unit relative to the guide rail.4. The novel vacuum packaging machine according to claim 3 , wherein the first bag hanging unit comprises a first hook fixedly installed on the guide rail; the ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200290761A1

The present invention relates to the preservation and packaging of the agricultural products and discloses a gas remover and a method for packaging agricultural products. The gas remover provided herein is capable of effectively removing gas released in a vacuum sealer bag. The gas remover includes calcium hydroxide, which can effectively removes gas released by the plant-based agricultural products in the vacuum sealer bag, avoiding the expansion of the vacuum sealer bag.

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170313454A1
Принадлежит: HANTOVER, INC.

A combination chamber and external suction vacuum packaging machine is operable to evacuate a vacuum bag and seal closed an open margin of the bag. The vacuum packaging machine includes a base and a lid that define a vacuum chamber operable for use in a chamber packaging operation, where the bag is entirely received within the vacuum chamber, and an external packaging operation, where only part of the bag is received within the vacuum chamber. 1. A combination chamber and external suction vacuum packaging machine operable to evacuate a vacuum bag and seal closed an open margin of the bag , said vacuum packaging machine comprising:a vacuum container defining a vacuum chamber dimensioned and configured for use in a chamber packaging operation, wherein the bag is entirely received within the vacuum chamber, and an external packaging operation, wherein the margin and only part of the bag is received within the vacuum chamber;a vacuum source in communication with the vacuum chamber,said vacuum source being operable to evacuate the vacuum chamber and thereby the vacuum bag through the open margin thereof, during chamber packaging and external packaging operations;a seal bar operable to engage and seal closed the open margin of the vacuum bag after the vacuum bag has been evacuated,said vacuum container presenting opposed seal faces spaced apart to define a sealing gap therebetween,said vacuum container including a compressible seal configured to span the sealing gap and sealingly engage the seal faces during evacuation of the vacuum chamber and vacuum bag,said seal faces moving toward one another to decrease the sealing gap as the seal is compressed during evacuation of the vacuum chamber and vacuum bag; anda stop configured to limit compression of the seal during chamber packaging and external packaging operations and thereby define a minimum seal gap dimension,said stop being spaced away from the seal bar.2. The vacuum packaging machine as claimed in claim 1 ,said stop ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319523A1
Принадлежит: CRYOVAC, INC.

A device () for evacuating gas from a package () in a packaging apparatus, the package () having an open end (), the open end () having a terminal portion (), a non-terminal portion (), and an intermediate portion () located between the terminal portion () and the non-terminal portion () of the open end (), the device () comprising a vacuum chamber () having an elongated opening () extending along a longitudinal axis of the vacuum chamber (), an evacuation means configured for providing the vacuum chamber () with an internal vacuum pressure that is lower than an ambient pressure outside the vacuum chamber (), means for moving () a package () relative to the vacuum chamber (), and a control unit () programmed for controlling the means for moving () to relatively move a package () to be evacuated with respect to the vacuum chamber (), the package () and the means for moving () each being arranged with respect to the vacuum chamber () so that a main movement direction () of packages () placed on the means for moving () and the longitudinal axis of the vacuum chamber () are substantially parallel to one another, the package () to be evacuated being positioned so that, during the relative movement of the package () with respect to the vacuum chamber (), a terminal portion () of the open end () of the package () relatively moves within the vacuum chamber () and a non-terminal portion () of the open end () relatively moves outside the vacuum chamber (), an intermediate portion () of the open end () passing through and relatively moving along the opening (), and activating the evacuation means to provide the vacuum chamber () with the internal vacuum pressure. A packaging process using the gas evacuation device and a packaging apparatus including the device are also disclosed. 11505055555452535452551. A device () for evacuating gas from a package () in a packaging apparatus , the package () having an open end () , the open end () having a terminal portion () , a non- ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Vacuum Device

Номер: US20180319524A1
Автор: Kim Kum-Ja

A vacuum device according to the present invention may comprise: a vacuum unit for suctioning air from inside a packaging back through a check valve of the packaging back, thereby generating a vacuum therein; and a clamping unit provided on the vacuum unit so as to clamp the packaging back such that the check valve of the packaging back airtightly communicates with an air suction portion of the vacuum unit. 1. A vacuum device comprising:a vacuum unit sucking air from inside a packing bag through a check valve of the packing bag to evacuate the packing bag; anda clamping unit provided at the vacuum unit and clamping the packing bag such that the check valve of the packing bag airtightly communicates with an air suction part of the vacuum unit.2. The vacuum device of claim 1 , whereinthe clamping unit includes:a first support plate having a connection hole to which the air suction part is connected; anda second support plate connected to be in close contact with the first support plate,wherein when the first support plate is moved to the first plate to press the second support plate, the check valve of the packing bag positioned between the first support plate and the second support plate airtightly communicates with the connection hole.3. The vacuum device of claim 2 , wherein the first support plate is hinge-coupled to the second support plate.4. The vacuum device of claim 3 , wherein a torsion spring is installed at a hinge shaft in a portion in which the first support plate and the second support plate are hinge-coupled claim 3 , to elastically press the first support plate against the second support plate.5. The vacuum device of claim 3 , whereinthe clamping unit further includes a rest part extending from the hinge-coupled side at the second support plate or a rest plate installed on a side of the second support plate opposing the side to which the first support plate is coupled and having a size equal to or greater than the sum of the second support plate and ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Vacuum Packaging Device

Номер: US20180319565A1
Автор: Kim Kum-Ja

A vacuum packaging device according to the present invention comprises: a vacuum packaging unit for vacuum-packaging a packaging sheet; and a cutting unit provided on the vacuum packaging unit so as to form a notch for tearing on the packaging sheet. 1. A vacuum packaging device , comprising:a vacuum packaging unit configured to vacuum-package a packaging sheet; anda cutting unit formed in the vacuum packaging unit to form a tearing notch on the packaging sheet.2. The vacuum packaging device of claim 1 , wherein the cutting unit comprises:a cutting member configured to cut the packaging sheet to form the tearing notch; anda driving part installed in the vacuum packaging unit to be connected to the cutting member and move the cutting member to cut the packaging sheet.3. The vacuum packaging device of claim 2 , wherein the vacuum packaging unit includes an externally exposed first supporting groove claim 2 ,the driving unit includes a pressing member with the cutting member mounted therein and installed in the first supporting groove to reciprocate to the packaging sheet, andwhen a pressing force is applied to the pressing member, the pressing member moves together with the cutting member so that the packaging sheet is cut by the cutting member.4. The vacuum packaging device of claim 3 , wherein the driving part further includes an elastic member installed in the first supporting groove and elastically supporting the pressing member claim 3 , andthe elastic member applies elastic force reversely to the pressing member when the pressing member moves by the pressing force.5. The vacuum packaging device of claim 3 , wherein the pressing member comprises:a pressing body disposed in the first supporting groove; anda fastening part extending from the pressing body to pass through a first moving hole formed in the first supporting groove, wherein the cutting member is fastened to an end of the fastening part.6. The vacuum packaging device of claim 5 , wherein the pressing ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Flexible vacuum sealing adapter for use with food storage systems and methods of use

Номер: US20170327293A1
Автор: Hunter Present
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates primarily to vacuum preservation of items, and particularly to a flexible vacuum sealing adapter for use with food storage systems, wherein the flexible vacuum sealing adapter includes a flexible container interface, the flexible container interface having circumferential sidewall and an upper sealing wall, the flexible container interface being configured to seal an opening of a storage container, a vacuum port assembly being provided through the flexible container interface, the vacuum port assembly including a vacuum interface and a check valve configured to provide unidirectional flow of air from within the storage container to an exterior environment; and a deflection interface, the deflection interface including one or more input tabs, wherein a force input to the one or more input tabs results in an elastic deformation of the flexible container interface so as to cause an increase in diameter of the circumferential sidewall.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180327124A1

An external pumping vacuum packaging machine and an operation method thereof are provided. The external pumping vacuum packaging machine comprises: a stage configured to place a bag to be packaged; a plastic package device disposed on the stage, which is configured to seal the bag to be packaged; a first clamping device and a second clamping device respectively configured to clamp both ends of a bag mouth of the bag to be packaged; and a tightening device configured to drive the first clamping device and/or the second clamping device to move, so as to increase the spacing between the first clamping device and the second clamping device and tighten the bag mouth of the bag to be packaged. 1. An external pumping vacuum packaging machine , comprising:a stage configured to place a bag to be packaged;a plastic package device disposed on the stage and configured to seal the bag to be packaged;a first clamping device and a second clamping device respectively configured to clamp both ends of a bag mouth of the bag to be packaged; anda tightening device configured to drive the first clamping device and/or the second clamping device to move, so as to increase a spacing between the first clamping device and the second clamping device and tighten the bag mouth of the bag to be packaged.2. The external pumping vacuum packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein the tightening device is connected with both the first clamping device and the second clamping device claim 1 , and is capable of driving the first clamping device and the second clamping device to move towards opposite directions.3. The external pumping vacuum packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein the first clamping device comprises a first upper clamp plate and a first lower clamp plate which are arranged opposite to each other;the second clamping device comprises a second upper clamp plate and a second lower clamp plate which are arranged opposite to each other;recesses are respectively provided at ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180332866A1
Автор: Mahan David

Embodiments of the invention provide systems and methods of smoke vacuum packaging. A method of smoke vacuum packaging includes the steps of removing a substantial amount of air from a container in which a product is positioned, infusing the container with smoke after a substantial amount of air is removed from the container, and sealing the container. 1. A method of vacuum smoke packaging , the method comprising the steps of:removing a substantial amount of air from a container in which a product is positioned;infusing the container with smoke after the substantial amount of air is removed from the container; andsealing the container.2. The method of claim 1 , further including the step of placing the container within a chamber in a vacuum packaging device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the removing step further includes the step of removing a substantial amount of air from the container and the chamber within the vacuum sealing device.4. The method of claim 3 , further including the step of releasing the vacuum within the vacuum sealing device claim 3 , thereby allowing air to enter the chamber within the vacuum packaging device.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the infusing step further includes the steps of:creating smoke within a smoke creation device by burning at least one substance; andmoving the smoke from the smoke creation device, through a conduit, and into the container.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the product is a food.7. A smoke vacuum packaging device claim 1 , the device comprising:a vacuum packaging device having a chamber formed by a housing of the vacuum packaging device;a sealing device positioned within the chamber and configured to seal a container;a vacuum device coupled to the vacuum packaging device and configured to create a vacuum within the chamber;a smoke creation device coupled to the vacuum packaging device, the smoke creation device configured to create smoke from at least one substance; anda smoke delivery device coupled ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190329919A1

A packaging machine for packaging products under vacuum, the packaging machine comprising a lid and a chamber bottom which together form a chamber, the chamber bottom having formed therein a suction opening which can be closed in a gas-tight manner and to which a suction device for evacuating the chamber is connected. An electrically heatable grid is arranged on the suction opening to prevent ice forming near or around the suction opening during evacuation of the chamber.

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180339870A1

A method and an apparatus of supplying a bag are provided in which position information on a bag width in a direction parallel to a conveyance path at a part in a neighborhood of a bag opening of a conveyed bag and position information on a center of the bag width are obtained, an intermittent conveyance distance of a conveyance unit is adjusted based on the position information on the center of the bag width so that the center of the bag width of the bag stopping at a takeoff position is placed on a reference plane, and an interval of the pair of holding members positioned at the takeoff position is adjusted based on the position information on the bag width. 1. A method of supplying a bag , comprising the steps of:placing a bag on a conveyance unit, the bag being filled with a solid material and having an unsealed bag opening;conveying the bag in a substantial width direction of the bag along a predetermined conveyance path while keeping the bag in a substantially horizontal posture; andcausing a pair of holding members to hold both side edges of a part in a neighborhood of the bag opening of the bag at a takeoff position set on the conveyance path, and subsequently causing the pair of holding members to transfer the bag to a delivery position along a predetermined transfer pathway, wherein:one vertical plane perpendicular to the conveyance path is set as a reference plane,an interval of the pair of holding members holding the both side edges of the bag which has been conveyed to the takeoff position is adjusted to correspond to a bag width which is in a direction parallel to the conveyance path and which is detected at a part in a neighborhood of the bag opening of the bag, andboth a center of the bag width of the bag which has been conveyed to the takeoff position and a center of the pair of holding members holding the both side edges of the bag are situated on the reference plane.2. The method of supplying a bag as defined in claim 1 , wherein:the conveyance ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Vacuum Sealer with a Solid State Proximity Detector

Номер: US20150367973A1
Автор: Owens David

Systems () and methods () for causing certain operations to be performed by a Vacuum Packaging Appliance (“VPA”). The methods comprising: detecting when container material is at least partially disposed within a transparent vacuum chamber of the VPA using a proximity sensor mechanism; communicating a signal from the proximity sensor mechanism to an electronic circuit of the VPA in response to the detection of the container material within the vacuum chamber; and triggering a performance of a first operation by the VPA in response to the reception of the signal by the electronic circuit. The first operation is selected from the group comprising mechanical clamping operations to clamp the container material in position, vacuum operations to extract fluid from within a container defined by the container material, and heat sealing operations to create a heat seal along an open end of the container. 1. A method for causing certain operations to be performed by a Vacuum Packaging Appliance (“VPA”) , comprising:detecting when a container material is at least partially disposed within a vacuum chamber of the VPA using a proximity sensor mechanism;communicating a signal from the proximity sensor mechanism to an electronic circuit of the VPA in response to the detection of the container material within the vacuum chamber; andtriggering a performance of a first operation by the VPA in response to the reception of the signal by the electronic circuit, where the first operation is selected from the group comprising mechanical clamping operations to clamp the container material in position, vacuum operations to extract fluid from within a container defined by the container material, and heat sealing operations to create a heat seal along an open end of a container.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the detecting step is performed in response to a lid of the VPA being locked in a closed position.3. The method according to claim 1 , further including automatically ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190344916A1
Автор: Häring Rainer

A packaging machine having at least one working component that is mounted in an adjustable manner relative to a machine frame between a first and a second position, and that incorporates at least one pneumatic unit. A coupling member may be mounted in a tiltable manner relative to an axis, and in one embodiment, the coupling member may connect the pneumatic unit to the working component. The coupling member may be arranged at least in part within a piston of the pneumatic unit and may be mounted in a linearly adjustable manner along the axis. 1. A packaging machine comprising:at least one working component capable of carrying out a work process, the at least one working component being adjustably mounted on a machine frame and disposed for movement relative to the machine frame between a first and a second position using at least one pneumatic unit,a coupling member mounted on said at least one pneumatic unit, the coupling member being tiltable relative to an axis and linearly adjustable along the axis, and the coupling member connecting the at least one pneumatic unit to the working component, and wherein the coupling member is arranged at least in part within a piston of said pneumatic unit.2. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein said coupling member is mounted rotatable triaxially relative to said axis within said piston.3. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein said piston comprises a piston rod that is at least in part formed to be hollow and within which said coupling member is attached in an articulated manner.4. The packaging machine according to claim 1 , wherein said coupling member has a first end comprising a first joint that attaches the coupling member to the piston in an articulated manner claim 1 , and the coupling member having a second end having a second joint that connects the coupling member to said working component in an articulated manner.5. The packaging machine according to claim 4 , wherein said first and said ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200346802A1

A sealing tool for a tray sealing machine, comprising an upper tool and a lower tool with a main body having a tray depression for receiving at least a part of a tray to be sealed, and a tray carrier, wherein a gas channel runs through the tray carrier. The sealing tool is characterized in that the tray carrier comprises a first plate with a first pressing surface and a second plate with a second pressing surface and the first plate has a first depression which extends from the first pressing surface, wherein the first depression forms at least a section of the gas channel when the first plate and the second plate are pressed against each other at the first and the second pressing surface, respectively. 1. A sealing tool for a tray sealing machine , the sealing tool comprising:an upper tool; anda lower tool with a main body, which has a tray depression for receiving at least a part of a tray to be sealed, and with a tray carrier, wherein a gas channel runs through the tray carrier;wherein the tray carrier comprises a first plate with a first pressing surface and a second plate with a second pressing surface, wherein the first plate further has a first depression extending from the first pressing surface, and wherein the first depression forms at least a section of the gas channel when the first plate and the second plate are pressed against each other at the first pressing surface and the second pressing surface, respectively.2. The sealing tool according to claim 1 , wherein the main body and the second plate are connected to each other in an unmovable manner during operation of the sealing tool.3. The sealing tool according to claim 1 , wherein the first plate is connected to the second plate during operation of the sealing tool claim 1 , so that the first plate and the second plate are arranged unmovable relative to each other.4. The sealing tool according to claim 1 , wherein a protrusion is provided on the second pressing surface claim 1 , and the protrusion is ...

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Low Temperature Self-Sealing Vacuum Packaging

Номер: US20170361963A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A method and system involves vacuum sealing a semi-enclosure at room temperature without requiring mechanical actions within the vacuum chamber. The semi-enclosure has an inlet channel that extends inwardly into the vacuum chamber from an exterior opening (entryway) into the semi-enclosure. An uncured entryway vacuum sealant is provided at the entryway for the semi-enclosure. A vacuum is established in the vacuum chamber until the vacuum pressure reaches a desired vacuum pressure that causes the uncured entryway sealant to be provided to the entryway for the semi-enclosure. The uncured entryway vacuum sealant is cured under vacuum pressure in the semi-enclosure in the vacuum chamber.

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190359360A1
Автор: Palumbo Riccardo

The present invention refers to a packaging apparatus () wherein a conveyor () moves one or more supports () towards a packaging station, while a plastic film to be applied to said one or more supports is simultaneously transported to the packaging station itself. A longitudinally cutting unit longitudinally cuts the plastic film in order to form two or more film strips, and a compensating device exerts a tensioning action on one or more portions of said film strips. It is also described a packaging method wherein it is provided to longitudinally cut the plastic film into strips and a compensating step destined to suitably tautly hold the film strips during their movement. 1. An apparatus for packaging a product disposed on a support , said apparatus comprising:a frame,a conveyor engaged to the frame and configured to move along a predetermined advancement path one or more supports of a type having at least one base wall,a supplying station configured to supply at least one plastic film to be applied to said one or more supports; a lower tool defining a predetermined number of seats to receive said one or more supports housing respective products to be packaged, and', 'an upper tool configured to couple portions of said plastic film to said one or more supports for making one or more packages, said packaging station being configured to operate at least in at least one first operative condition, wherein the lower tool and upper tool are distanced from each other, and in a second operative condition, wherein the lower tool and upper tool are approached each other in order to form a packaging chamber;, 'a packaging station comprisinga longitudinally cutting unit configured to receive the plastic film from the supplying station as a continuous plastic film and to longitudinally cut the continuous plastic film to form two or more film strips,at least one positioning element, movable towards and away from the packaging station and configured to grippingly act on the film ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180370669A1

The present invention discloses a household vacuum sealer and a bag-cutting sealing method. In the household vacuum sealer, at least one cutter device is slidably mounted on the upper hood, a heat-seal bar and an evacuative groove are arranged at the front side of the upper portion of the lower hood, the upper hood or the lower hood is provided with a bag receiving chamber, a detachable automatic rollback shaft is rotatably mounted in the bag receiving chamber, the elastic rollback mechanism for automatically rolling the rollback shaft back and the elastic unidirectional locking mechanism for locking the automatic rollback shaft are mounted at the end portion of the automatic rollback shaft: the cutter device protrudes from a bottom surface of the upper hood, and the cutter moves at one side of the heat-seal bar or one side of the evacuative groove back and forth after the upper hood is locked onto the lower hood, for cutting off the bag pressed tightly between the upper hood and the lower hood. The present invention has a simple structure since the bag is cut at the original heat-seal bar or the evacuative groove of the lower hood, which is more convenient. Subsequent to cutting off the bag, the vacuum packaging bags are automatically rolled back after the hood is opened, which reduces the number of operation steps for the user, and exhibits ease and quickness of operation. 1. A bag-cutting sealing method of a household vacuum sealer , comprising the following steps of:{'b': 10', '4', '4', '23', '10', '16, '1) fixing a vacuum packaging bag roll () at an automatic rollback shaft (), mounting two end portions of the automatic rollback shaft () in a shaft mounting cavity () at two sides of the household vacuum sealer, such that the vacuum packaging bag roll () is received in a bag receiving chamber () of the household vacuum sealer;'}{'b': 10', '2', '21', '2', '4', '4', '51', '4', '4', '4', '42', '2, '2) pulling the vacuum packaging bag roll () by an appropriate ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190375566A1

A packaging known as a skin pack comprising a base and a top film surrounding a product. The top film may be a skin film and the base and the top film may be sealed together in a gas-tight manner along a circumferential sealing region. The base and the top film may extend in one or more edge regions outside the sealing region. In one embodiment, this extension creates an area of overlap outside the sealing region wherein the top film and the base are not sealed together, which may form a tear-open corner. The base may have a deformation or may be formed along an edge or at a corner so as to facilitate gripping the top film by a user. 1. A skin pack comprising:a base and a top film;wherein the top film is a skin film;wherein the base and the top film are sealed together in a gas-tight manner along a circumferential sealing region; andwherein the base and the top film extend in one or more edge regions disposed outside the sealing region, wherein the base and the top film and are not sealed together in the one or more edge regions.2. The skin pack according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing region comprises a sealing seam.3. The skin pack according to claim 1 , wherein the base in the edge region has an offset claim 1 , and wherein the top film spans over the offset in order to facilitate gripping of the top film and opening of the skin pack by pulling off the top film.4. The skin pack according to claim 1 , wherein the base is a tray that is a thermoformed bottom film.5. The skin pack according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential sealing region has a discrete angulation adjacent to the tear-open corner.6. A method for manufacturing a skin pack claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:providing a base in a sealing tool lower part;placing a product on the base;feeding a top film above the product and the base, wherein the top film is a skin film;pressing together a first frame of a sealing tool upper part and a second frame of a sealing tool lower part to close ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200391894A1
Автор: Palumbo Riccardo

A packaging apparatus includes a frame, a lower tool engaged with the frame and configured to receive one or more supports, and an upper tool configured to engage a film portion with at least one support. The upper tool is movable, upon action of a movement device with flat kinematic system, between a first position in which it picks up a film portion from a supplying station and a second position in which it fixes the film portion on a support housed by a lower tool. 1. An apparatus for packaging at least one product arranged on a support , said packaging apparatus comprising:a supporting frame,a supplying station of a film borne by said frame and configured to arrange at least one portion of said film at a predetermined pick-up position,at least one lower tool engaged with the frame and configured to receive one or more supports,at least one upper tool engaged with the frame and cooperating with the lower tool to engage said film portion with at least one support and making at least one package, a first position, wherein an active surface of the upper tool is next to the film portion in said predetermined pick-up position and is suitable to receive the same film portion from the supplying station, and', 'a second position, wherein the active surface of the upper tool is aligned with and next to the lower tool to engage said film portion with at least one support and making at least one package,, 'a movement device interposed between the frame and the upper tool, wherein the movement device is configured to move the upper tool betweenwherein the movement device is configured to move the upper tool between the first and the second position along a predetermined trajectory lying, in use condition of the apparatus, along a vertical plane.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the movement device comprises:a driving member configured to rotate around a first rotation axis orthogonal to the vertical lying plane of the predetermined movement trajectory of the ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200391920A1

A support includes a central portion configured to receive one or more products, a perimeter band which completely surrounds the central portion, a projection defined at the perimeter band and exhibiting at least one raised portion emerging with respect to the perimeter band and extended away from said central portion. The raised portion a through channel crossing the projection and having an access opening which is completely extended at a position spaced from the perimeter band and is configured to enable gas to pass into the through channel through the projection. The central portion and the perimeter band are made of sheet material. 1. A support for at least one product , said support comprising:at least one central portion configured to receive one or more products;at least one perimeter band completely surrounding the central portion;at least one projection defined at the perimeter band and exhibiting at least one raised portion, wherein said raised portion emerges from the perimeter band and extends away from said central portion, the raised portion comprising at least one through channel crossing the projection and having an access opening which extends completely at a position distanced from the perimeter band, said access opening being configured to enable a gas to pass into the through channel through the projection.2. The support of claim 1 , wherein the access opening is delimited by a closed-outline free edge claim 1 , which at any point thereof is vertically distanced from the perimeter band.3. The support of claim 1 , wherein the projection comprises:a base portion directly connected to the support,a lateral wall extending from the base portion away from the central portion,an upper wall placed to close the lateral wall,wherein the raised portion is defined by the upper wall and by at least part of the lateral wall of the projection, the access opening being defined on at least one between said lateral wall and said upper closing wall.4. The support ...

30-08-2001 дата публикации

Apparatus system and method for exposing product filled containers transported via an intermittent conveyer to a controlled environment

Номер: US20010017021A1
Принадлежит: James J. Sanfilippo, John E. Sanfilippo

An apparatus, system and method for exposing product-filled container or tray being transported by an intermittent conveyer to a controlled environment are provided. The apparatus may include a vertically reciprocating gassing rail, a stationary gassing rail, and an angled gassing rail. The vertically reciprocating gassing rail includes a rail head and an outer shell, which clamps to the conveyer. High velocity gas is flowed through a longitudinally oriented manifold in the rail head and the exhaust gas is removed by exhaust channels. The stationary rail provides a laminarized flow, and the angled rail provides a stream of controlled environment gas beneath the film which is sealed to the tray.

26-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007013698A1
Автор: Matthias Maisel

Es wird eine Verpackungsmaschine zum Herstellen von Packungen aus mit Packgut gefüllten Verpackungen vorgeschlagen, mittels der die Haltbarkeit atmungsaktiven Packguts verbessert werden kann. Dies wird erfindungsgemäß durch Mittel zur Beeinflussung der Atmosphäre im Innenraum der Verpackungen (26) abhängig von der Atmungsrate des Packguts (4) erreicht.

14-06-1966 дата публикации

Jar capping machine

Номер: US3255568A
Принадлежит: M&K Jar Cleaner Corp

25-07-1967 дата публикации

Sterile food packaging operation

Номер: US3332788A
Автор: Bernice P Barnby
Принадлежит: Owens Illinois Inc

30-09-1975 дата публикации

Apparatus for hermetic closure of filled containers

Номер: US3908334A
Автор: Hans Rychiger
Принадлежит: ALUPAK AG

The present invention relates to a method of and an apparatus for hermetic closure of filled containers of the kind made of foil or sheet material and having an opening surrounded by a marginal flange, with a cover made of foil or sheet material for closing the opening by getting sealed on the container along its flange.
