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27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2566941C2

Штампованный и вытянутый металлический корпус банки, выполненный с возможностью соединения закаточным швом с торцом банки, причем корпус банки содержит вытянутую боковую стенку и закрытое, некуполообразное основание, образованное за одно целое с боковой стенкой, причем нижняя панель основания имеет средний индекс твердости по Роквеллу, который составляет по меньшей мере около 64. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 32 ил.

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2258003C2

Изобретение относится к пластиковым бочкам, а именно к втулочным бочкам или бочкам с крышкой, которые изготовлены в виде одно- или многослойного контейнера посредством экструзии с раздувом. В тело бочки интегрированы участки из электропроводного синтетического материала, образующие электрические соединения между внутренней поверхностью и внешней поверхностью тела бочки. Электропроводные участки тела бочки сформированы как полоски, толщина которых соответствует толщине стенок тела бочки. Способ изготовления пластиковых бочек включает соэкструзию многослойной трубчатой заготовки и формование с раздувом заготовки для тела бочки в дутьевой форме. Трубчатую заготовку выполняют из изоляционного материала с распределенными по окружности полосками из электропроводного материала. Процесс экструзии осуществляют непрерывно или дискретно. По второму варианту трубку материала, выходящую непрерывно или дискретно из экструдирующей головки, равномерно разделяют по окружности и в промежутки между разделением ...

28-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668357C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления листа из алюминиевого сплава, используемого для изготовления металлических бутылок или аэрозольных баллонов. Способ получения листа включает литье сляба из алюминиевого сплава, содержащего, мас.%: Si: 0,10-0,35, Fe: 0,30-0,55, Cu: 0,05-0,20, Mn: 0,70-1,0, Mg: 0,80-1,30, Zn: ≤0,25, Ti: <0,10, неизбежные примеси <0,05 каждая и <0,15 всего, остальное - алюминий, удаление поверхностного слоя и гомогенизацию сляба при температуре 550-630°С в течение по меньшей мере одного часа, горячую прокатку, первый этап холодной прокатки с коэффициентом обжатия 35-80%, рекристаллизационный отжиг, повторную холодную прокатку с коэффициентом обжатия 10-35% до толщины 0,35-1,0 мм, при этом рекристаллизационный отжиг осуществляют при температуре 300-400°С в течение по меньшей мере одного часа. Полученный лист имеет предел текучести после термообработки при 205°С в течение 10 минут, имитирующей сушку лаков, 170-210 МПа, а предел прочности при растяжении - 200-240 МПа ...

07-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU217621U1

Полезная модель бидона пластикового с крышкой относится к таре, предназначенной для хранения и транспортировки жидких, консистентных и сыпучих веществ. Дополнительным преимуществом полезной модели является его оптимизация для перевозки бидонов на паллетах в железнодорожном или морском контейнере. Технический результат заявляемой полезной модели заключается в минимизации веса бидона с сохранением необходимой прочности. Технический результат достигается решением технической задачи по созданию бидона пластикового с крышкой, включающего корпус, состоящий из стенок, горловины и днища, а также крышку, отличающийся тем, что горловина выполнена в виде полого цилиндра, причём: корпус в горизонтальном сечении по бокам имеет форму скругленного квадрата, углы которого выполнены усеченными, сложной поверхности с выступами в виде ребер; ребра в продольном направлении выполнены: все четыре ребра дугообразными выпуклыми по сложной лекальной кривой, причем два противоположных ребра - на всю длину корпуса ...

20-10-2020 дата публикации

Установка для транспортирования винограда, производства и хранения вин

Номер: RU2734558C1

Изобретение относится к области транспортирования винограда, производства и хранения вин. Установка из пищевой нержавеющей стали для транспортирования винограда, производства и хранения вин содержит цилиндрическую вертикальную емкость с шаровым краном, закрепленным на внешней цилиндрической части емкости, защитную крышку с отбортовкой и отверстием по центру, плавающую крышку и сито с захватом внутри цилиндрической вертикальной емкости. На наружной стороне поднятых краев обечайки плавающей крышки по всей окружности закреплена гибкая манжета из любого пищевого эластичного материала под углом, позволяющим плавающей крышке свободно перемещаться по вертикали при плотном прилегании манжеты к внутренней цилиндрической части емкости, и одновременно пропуская газы из-под плавающей крышки, не пропускать под нее воздух. При брожении и хранении вин к петлям плавающей крышки привязывают бечеву или любое гибкое крепление (шнур, канат, проволоку) для удобства вынимания плавающей крышки из емкости. Технический ...

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008136214A

... 1. Клапанная крышка для герметичного закрывания корпуса (1) сосуда и для выдачи от жидких до вязких продуктов, содержащая круглое отверстие (9), в которое жестко и герметично лишь посредством фасонного элемента (11) вставлен выпускной клапан (10, 11, 12), имеющий цилиндрический корпус в качестве клапанного элемента (12) и гильзообразный фасонный элемент (11), при этом круглое отверстие (9) ограничено выступающим в осевом направлении наружу или вверх бортиком (9а), и при этом фасонный элемент является упругим, а клапанный элемент (12) выполнен с возможностью перемещения при упругой деформации фасонного элемента, отличающаяся тем, что к бортику (9а) в радиальном направлении наружу примыкает плоская гладкая поверхность (панель), которая вблизи своего наружного края имеет демпфирующий выгнутый желобок (8b), к которому в свою очередь примыкает в радиальном направлении снаружи фальцованный край (8а), предназначенный для соединения клапанной крышки с фальцованным краем корпуса сосуда. ! 2. Клапанная ...

25-01-1975 дата публикации

Проходческая бадья

Номер: SU457637A1

07-04-1988 дата публикации

Герметичная тара

Номер: SU1386525A1

Изобретение относится к таре для хранения и транспортировки веществ , требующих герметичности упаковки . Целью изобретения является повышение удобства эксплуатации и упрощение конструкции. Тара состоит из корпуса 1 с кольцевой С-образной выемкой вверху, сферической крышки 2 с С-образным замковым элементом 3, соответствующим по форме и размерам выемке, смещенного относительно оси крышки углубления 4 для открывания тары. В проушины 6 корпуса вставляется ручка 7. 2 ил.

30-12-1990 дата публикации

Складной ящик

Номер: SU1616842A1

Изобретение относится к таре для транспортирования предметов производственного и бытового назначения. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции и повышение надежности ящика. Складной ящик содержит днище 1, прикрепленные к нему посредством поворотных соединений боковые 2 и торцовые 3 стенки, по верхним углам которых закреплены фиксаторы стенок, выполненные с возможностью их попарного соединения. Полки 5 поворотных соединений выполнены жесткими и прикреплены к нижней поверхности днища 1, а верхние полки 7 выполнены упругими и изогнуты в виде уголка в плоскости поворота этой полки с образованием тупого угла между сторонами 9 и 10, при этом к боковым и торцовым стенкам полки прикреплены сторонами 9 уголка. Тупой угол α может быть равен 100-160°. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

26-10-1973 дата публикации

Проходческая бадья

Номер: SU403610A1

23-01-1991 дата публикации

Транспортный контейнер

Номер: SU1623562A3

Изобретение относится к тарным средствам , преимущественно к бочкам. Цель изобретения - повышение степени разгрузки оставшейся жидкости из контейнера. Контейнер содержит корпус, на верхнем дне 3 которого выполнена горловина 2, установленная на ворснке 6. Средняя поверх- i ность 4 дна 3 вогнута внутрь и к ней прилегает краевая поверхность 5. а на границе поверхностей 5 и 4 дна запрессован выпуклый наружу и выходящий в воронку отводящий желобок 10 с равномерным уклоном отвода, начало уклона которого находится в самой удаленной от горловины части желобков. Основание воронки 6 расположено ниже основания горловины 2. Конте. г нер может быть снабжен дополнительной горловиной 7. Горизонтальная наружная поверхность горловины 2 припо.пччта г.о меньшей мере до t+аружной . оризон- тальной поверхности отверстия горловины 7. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил, И С ...

23-07-1990 дата публикации

Бочка с горловиной

Номер: SU1581212A3

Изобретение относится к транспортировке и хранению в емкостях жидких, порошкообразных веществ. Цель изобретения - повышение удобства и надежности при транспортировке. Бочка имеет цилиндрический корпус 1 с конической 2 и торцевой 3 частями и по меньшей мере одним транспортным кольцом 4 с горизонтальной 5 и перпендикулярной к ней поверхностью 6 прилегания, соединенным за одно целое с корпусом 1 посредством соединительного кольца 7. Основание 9 кольцевого паза 8 размещено между соединительным кольцом 7 и конической частью 2 корпуса и под горизонтальной поверхностью 5 прилегания на расстоянии от нее. Торцовая поверхность 3 бочки может быть расположена под плоскостью горизонетальной поверхности 5, причем высота конической части 2 соответствует по меньшей мере высоте транспортного кольца 4. В основании 9 может быть выполнен по меньшей мере один наклонный сквозной проход для водостока 10. Основание 9 паза может быть волнообразным по окружности бочки. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

30-08-1993 дата публикации

Корпус банки

Номер: SU1838198A3
Принадлежит: СИ - ЭМ - БИ ПЛС

Использование: в пищевой промышленности для хранения и транспортирования продуктов. Сущность: корпус банки выполнен из листового металла и содержит фла- нец и нижнюю торцовую стенку, соединенные между собой вертикальной боковой стенкой, включающей нижнюю цилиндрическую боковую часть, множество смежных вогнутых панелей, соединенных между собой скругленными ребрами и верхнюю цилиндрическую боковую часть. Дли Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности и предназначено для хранения и транспортировки пищевых продуктов и напитков. Целью изобретения является создание металлической банки, ослабляющей перепал давления путем изгибания боковых сте-, нос:, а также фланца и панелей торцовой стенки. на каждой цилиндрической части меньше 25% высоты боковой стенки. Каждая панель выполнена гибкой и заключена в центральных углах .от 8 до 30°. Периметр боковой стенки банки в области ребер и вогнутых панелей равен длине окружности воображаемого круга с центром на центральной оси банки и радиусом, равным ...

23-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004022926A1

07-12-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001917889B2

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Barrel with radio transponder with transmission and receiving areas

Номер: DE0019520131C1

The transponder (4) is set upright in the area of the upper (6) or lower (7) rim of the casing (3) so that the maximum length (1) and maximum width of the transmission and receiving area are each greater than the diameter (D) of the barrel. The main transmitting and receiving direction (R) runs across the longitudinal axis (L) of the barrel. The plastics casing (3) has a closed outer layer in the area of the transponder. During the production process of the casing the positioning element for the transponder is removed from the mould while the transponder remains in the mould. The volume in the mould previously occupied by the positioning element is filled up by plastics.

20-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002826442A1

22-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007836314U1
Принадлежит: MAUSER KG, MAUSER KG, 5040 BRUEHL

04-07-2002 дата публикации

Plastic barrel for fizzy drinks, e.g. lemonade, has vertical top outlet and horizontal bottom outlet positioned between its feet, outlets being mounted on dish-shaped sections which give barrel egg shape

Номер: DE0010065196A1

The plastic barrel for fizzy drinks has a vertical top outlet (20) and a horizontal bottom outlet (22) positioned between its feet (12, 14, 16). The outlets are mounted on dish-shaped sections (30, 32) which give the barrel an egg shape.

06-03-1957 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the manufacture of churns and containers

Номер: GB0000769334A

... 769,334. Making hollow-ware. GRUNDY (TEDDINGTON), Ltd., and GRUNDY, S. W. April 20, 1955 [July 23, 1954], No. 21572/54. Class 83 (2). [Also in Group XVII] A method of manufacturing a metal churn or container consists in first forming a main body 1 from a sheet having its meeting edges buttwelded, forming a base comprising a disc or plate 2 butt-welded to the inner face of a rim having a rim part 3a thicker than the body thickness, forming an upper part comprising a neck or plate 21 butt-welded to a rim having a rim part 31a thicker than the body thickness, and uniting the base rim 3a and the upper rim 31a to the body 1 by butt-welding. The metal may be aluminium, aluminium alloy or stainless steel. When using aluminium alloy, the metal is initially heat treated to ensure adequate strength. A welding process employing a flame-protecting zone of inert gas can be used without loss of strength of the heat treated material. The welding can be done from inside or outside, or, alternatively, from ...

21-09-1988 дата публикации

Bung barrel

Номер: GB0002202201A

A blow-molded thermoplastic drum comprising a carrying and transport ring having horizontal and vertical surfaces formed integrally with the drum shell is disclosed. The end portion of the drum shell opposite the carrying and transport ring is set back in conical fashion. To allow handling with standard mechanized drum handling equipment, a wide channel is formed between the vertical contact surface of the ring and the conical section. To this end, the carrying and transport ring is connected to the conical section of the shell by a wide connecting web which forms the bottom of the channel. The web is supported by a support structure. In a first embodiment, the support structure is zig-zag. In a second embodiment, the support structure comprises radially extending projections. Passageways are located in the bottom of the channel to allow runoff of water.

24-07-2002 дата публикации

Relative orientation of bodies and associated apparatus

Номер: GB0002371257A

A portion of a coded region (31) of a body (1) is sampled and the code sample is compared with memory stored code data. On the basis of the comparison between the sampled and stored code data an orientation correction is determined and the relative position of the cylindrical body (1) and associated apparatus is reorientated to a datum situation.

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for making a container with a pressure accommodating base

Номер: GB0002443807A

Moulding apparatus and method, for the forming of a plastics container 1, are disclosed. The container has a rim 3 to define the mouth of the container, a sidewall 20 and a base 2, which includes a relatively rigid central base 4 and an integral annular, relatively flexible, region 5 wherein, the base 4 can be urged from a first lowered position (as in figure 1) to a second raised position (as in figure 4) to accommodate pressure variations in the container. The container is formed by providing a predetermined temperature profile to a preform 15 having a body-forming portion 120, which is placed in the moulding cavity (61) of a pressure (blow) moulding apparatus (60) and expanded (figure 10-not shown). The shape of the preform, its temperature profile and the shape of the moulding cavity determine the shape of the base 2 as outlined above. The container may be made of a material such as PET or PEN, and may be manufactured in one or two-stage processes. The first step comprises injection ...

17-01-2001 дата публикации

Metal container suitable to accommodate a heating or cooling component and method for manufacturing it

Номер: GB0000029459D0

23-03-1944 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a sheet metal can body

Номер: GB0000560191A

... 560,191. Seamed and soldered joints. CONTINENTAL CAN CO., INC. Feb. 18, 1943, No. 2702. Convention date, June 3, 1942. [Class 83 (iv)] The longitudinal joint of a cylindrical can comprises short interlocked inner and outer hooks 11 and 5, Fig. 4, and end lap joints of which each outer portion 13, Fig. 3, terminates on a line passing along the base of the hook 5 and the inner portion 12 extends so far beyond a line passing along the base of the hook 11 that the lapped joints extend laterally beyond the locked joints a distance equal to the lateral extent of the locked joint or one and a half to twice the lateral extent of the inner hook 11. The blank 1 is notched at 2, Fig. 1, to a depth of 1/16" and at 8 to a depth of 1/32" and slits 9 to a depth of 3/32" are formed. The inner and outer hooks 11, 5 are then formed, by bending along the lines 10, 4, engaged, and bumped. Molten solder is then applied to the outside of the seam, sweated in and the excess wiped off by a brush. The hook 5 may ...

16-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002028758B

31-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009000222D0

06-05-1996 дата публикации

Rollable container

Номер: AP0000000490A

The invention relates to a container ...

12-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000000180A

A metal can body 1 comprises an end wall 2 and a tubular side wall.

31-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009300548A0

31-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009000222A0

31-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: OA0000009266A

30-06-1981 дата публикации

Improvements at the bottoms bellows in particular for preserve boxes.

Номер: OA0000006090A

31-01-1980 дата публикации

Lid for pressure vessel.

Номер: OA0000004355A

31-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009300548D0

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352610B

10-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349969B

15-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA246487A

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502043B1

15-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA421080A

15-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA591473A

15-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA318278A

15-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA358876A

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA591573A

15-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA119986A

15-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000094478A

15-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421080A

15-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000591473A

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378264T

25-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000375321B

25-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000324202B

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000515338T

15-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000141836T

15-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000128392T

15-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000066883T

15-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000126157T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009215T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178858T

15-07-2018 дата публикации

A capsule, a system for preparing a drinkable beverage from a capsule and use of such a capsule in a beverage preparation device such

Номер: AT0000015879U1

Kapsel (2), die eine Substanz für die Zubereitung eines trinkbaren Getränks enthält, die Kapsel (2) umfasst einen Aluminiumkapselkörper (12), der eine Seitenwand (16) und einen sich nach außen erstreckenden Flansch (20) sowie ein Dichtungselement (28) an dem Flansch (20) aufweist, um einen fluiddichten Kontakt mit einem einschließenden Element (6) einer Getränkezubereitungsvorrichtung (4) bereitzustellen. Die Getränkezubereitungsvorrichtung (4) umfasst ein ringförmiges Element (41), das ein freies Kontaktende (30) hat, das mit einer Vielzahl sich radial erstreckender offener Nuten (40) ausgestattet sein kann. Das Dichtungselement (28) ist mit dem Flansch (20) einstückig ausgebildet und umfasst mindestens einen Fortsatz (50), der von dem Flansch (20) vorsteht. Der Fortsatz (50) umfasst dabei einen Fortsatzoberteil und ist so konfiguriert, dass sein Fortsatzoberteil eine radiale Kraft auf das freie Kontaktende (30) des ringförmigen Elements (41) ausübt, wenn die Kapsel (2) in dem einschließenden ...

15-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000177352T

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000299056T

10-08-1972 дата публикации

Box for liquids, in particular engine oils, from thermoplastic plastic

Номер: AT0000300644B

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000236050T

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000218471T

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000260821T

25-02-1969 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000268985B

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000190938T

08-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000603199B2

17-04-2008 дата публикации

Container and lid combination with closing ring assembly

Номер: AU2007214315A1

21-05-2009 дата публикации

Shower Water-Saving Device

Номер: AU2008243135A1

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Reinforced plastic containers

Номер: AU2011227091B2

A plastic container includes a bottom portion and a main body portion having a plastic sidewall that is connected to the bottom portion. The main body portion has a reinforced sidewall area that comprises a plurality of first sidewall portions and a plurality of second sidewall portions that are respectively interposed between the first sidewall portions. Each of the second sidewall portions is shaped to define a plurality of circumferentially spaced structures that are selected from the group consisting of indentations and projections. The second sidewall portions may include a plurality of circumferentially spaced vertical columns, and adjacent second sidewall portions that are rotationally staggered with respect to each other so that the vertical columns on one second sidewall portion are not aligned with the vertical columns of an adjacent second sidewall portion.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Can body

Номер: AU2011212418A1

A drawn and ironed metal can body adapted for seaming onto a can end, the can body comprising: - an ironed sidewall - an enclosed, undomed base integrally formed with the sidewall, a bottom panel of the base having an average Rockwell hardness number that is at least approximately 64.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Package of oral care implements and method of using the same

Номер: AU2010365771A1

A package (1000) of oral care implements (100) comprising: a tubular body (1001) having an annular wall (1002) forming a cavity (1005), a plurality of inner walls (1010) in the cavity that divide the cavity into a plurality of subcavities (1006), a floor (1007) sealing a bottom end (1009) of each of the subcavities, and a roof (1003) sealing a top end of each of the subcavities; at least one oral care implement disposed within each of the subcavities; a plurality of slots (1030) in the annular wall, wherein each slot forms a passageway into one of the subcavities through which one of the oral care implements can be retrieved; a film (1020) sealing the slots, the film configured so that a portion of the film can be manipulated to provide access into one of the plurality of subcavities while the other subcavities remain sealed.

06-07-1995 дата публикации

Returnable plastic drum and method for its manufacture and reconditioning

Номер: AU0000660860B2

19-09-1996 дата публикации

Stainless steel container

Номер: AU0000672085B2

10-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000536550B2

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Resin-coated seamless can

Номер: AU0000785244B2

07-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002573077A

24-11-1998 дата публикации

An improved bottom profile for a can

Номер: AU0002889997A

07-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003923089A

01-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003268571A

22-06-1994 дата публикации

Molded plastic container

Номер: AU0003222593A

03-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001009598A1

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001141311A1

11-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001003349A1

09-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001232555C

03-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002771163C

A package includes a container having a closed bottom, an open top having an outwardly extending flange, and a body having an enclosed generally cylindrical perimeter surrounding a longitudinal axis between the bottom and the top. A foil can sealed to the outwardly extending flange to close the open top and a cap positioned over the foil and removably connected to the outwardly extending flange to protect the foil, the bottom, foil sealed top, and body together defining an interior volume. The body can include an opposed pair of longitudinally extending inward protrusions forming a graspable handle dividing the body into a front label surface occupying at least 180° of the body and a back label surface smaller than the front label surface. Each inward protrusion can include a plurality of longitudinal ridges on a forwardly facing surface to facilitate single handed grasping of the package. A plurality of circumferential ribs can be situated between an upper end of the inward protrusions ...

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002771163A1

A package includes a container having a closed bottom, an open top having an outwardly extending flange, and a body having an enclosed generally cylindrical perimeter surrounding a longitudinal axis between the bottom and the top. A foil can sealed to the outwardly extending flange to close the open top and a cap positioned over the foil and removably connected to the outwardly extending flange to protect the foil, the bottom, foil sealed top, and body together defining an interior volume. The body can include an opposed pair of longitudinally extending inward protrusions forming a graspable handle dividing the body into a front label surface occupying at least 180° of the body and a back label surface smaller than the front label surface. Each inward protrusion can include a plurality of longitudinal ridges on a forwardly facing surface to facilitate single handed grasping of the package. A plurality of circumferential ribs can be situated between an upper end of the inward protrusions ...

07-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002776166A1

A set of connectors connects buckets, such as five gallon, to each other, to the ground, to dimensional lumber and/or to pipe for the purpose of producing objects such as benches, stepstools, tables, sawhorses, shelters, platforms, etc.

09-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1232555A
Принадлежит: PLM AB

The disclosure describes a method of producing a container comprising a preform having a bottom closure of substantially amorphous material and a cylindrical portion which, at least adjacent the bottom closure, forms a ring-shaped region which consists of material oriented along the axis of the preform with an orientation corresponding to that produced in a sheet of the material stretched monoaxially to cause material flow, and reshaping the bottom closure to form a bulge directed towards the interior of the container. The container is also described.

28-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1088436A

ALL PLASTIC BLOW MOLDED DRUM An all plastic blow molded drum includes a tubular outwardly bilged body having an integral upper and bottom closed end each provided with outwardly extending ribs arranged and dimensioned to permit stacking of one drum on top of another similar drum. The upper rib is interrupted with a sealable drain opening disposed in one of the interruptions and a vent opening disposed in the other of such interruptions. A radial circumferentially extending rib on the drum body is located near the upper end and bottom end with each rib provided with a laterally extending flange extending in the direction of the neighboring end, thereby defining a recess for accommodating surfaces of a drum moving device such as hook or parrot heat lifting device. The radial ribs with lateral flange serve as rolling hoops and extend outwardly in a radial direction an amount substantially the same as that of the bilge of the tubular body side wall whereby the central portions of neighboring ...

20-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001276572C

A bung barrel has a carrying and transport ring moulded in one piece from the drum wall in the region of the drum end face. The horizontal lower rim of the ring and the vertical inside wall of the ring form the contact surface for the drum gripping device. The connecting flange adjoining the horizontal ring rim merges into the drum wall at an actue angle. The groove bottom of the carrying and transport ring terminates in the horizontal plane containing the horizontal contact surface.

24-06-2019 дата публикации

Бочонок для охлаждения продуктов

Номер: RU0000190189U1

Полезная модель относится к торговому оборудованию. Более детально полезная модель относится к бочонкам, предназначенным для охлаждения пищевых продуктов, которые обеспечивают сохранение свежести этих продуктов на протяжении хранения, транспортирования и реализации.Суть полезной модели заключается в том, что изгиб верхней части емкости выполнен ниже уровня поверхности корпуса, к которой примыкает кольцевая опора для крышки, а верхний край изгиба емкости выступает за пределы указанной кольцевой опоры, при этом крышка содержит выполненный по ее периметру загиб, взаимодействующий с верхним краем изгиба емкости.Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является повышение эргономичности использования бочонка для охлаждения продуктов путем повышения удобства и эффективности его открывания и закрывания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 189 U1 (51) МПК B65D 81/18 (2006.01) B65D 6/00 (2006.01) B65D 1/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 81/18 (2019.02); B65D 1/16 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018133043, 17.09.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ХАРЧЕНКО Юрий Николаевич (UA) Дата регистрации: 24.06.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: UA 36410 U, 27.10.2008. CN 203020693 U, 26.06.2013. US 2014/0319136 A1, 30.10.2014. 30.07.2018 UA u 2018 08338 (45) Опубликовано: 24.06.2019 Бюл. № 18 R U (54) БОЧОНОК ДЛЯ ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ ПРОДУКТОВ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к торговому верхний край изгиба емкости выступает за оборудованию. Более детально полезная модель пределы указанной кольцевой опоры, при этом относится к бочонкам, предназначенным для крышка содержит выполненный по ее периметру охлаждения пищевых продуктов, которые загиб, взаимодействующий с верхним краем обеспечивают сохранение свежести этих изгиба емкости. продуктов на протяжении хранения, Техническим результатом заявляемой транспортирования и ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Safety can

Номер: US20120048895A1
Принадлежит: Justrite Manufacturing Co LLC

A safety can includes a receptacle and a valve mechanism connected thereto. The valve mechanism can include a body, a fill cover assembly, a pour valve assembly, and a trigger assembly. The body can include a fill port and a separate pour port. The fill cover assembly can be adapted to selectively move between a closed position to cover the fill port and an open position to allow the receptacle to be filled. The pour valve assembly can be adapted to selectively move between a closed position to cover the pour port and an open position to allow fluid to be poured from the receptacle through the pour port. The trigger assembly can be operated to move the pour valve assembly. The pour valve and the pour port can be disposed along a longitudinal pour axis. The fill port can be disposed in offset relationship to the longitudinal pour axis.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Deformation of Thin Walled Bodies

Номер: US20120297847A1
Принадлежит: Envases UK Ltd

A thin walled body is deformed in a process in which the body is gripped securely in a holding station and, whilst gripped in the holding station, tooling engages to deform the peripheral wall of the body at a predetermined wall zone. The tooling is provided at a tooling station which is adjacent the holding station during deformation. The predetermined wall zone is co-aligned with the tooling by rotation of the body about an axis prior to securing at the holding station.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130075413A1

An all plastic paint container assembly comprising a container, a ring assembly attached to the rim of the container and a pry-off plastic closure having a dual sealing arrangement with the ring member and an undercut lock at a location which provides maximum circumferential area and lies directly under the highest point on the closure. Containers of this design can be stacked both with and without the ring members attached. Three embodiments are disclosed, providing double and triple closure locks and multiple seals. 1. A cylinder assembly comprising:a straight-sided cylindrical container with a closed bottom and an integral side wall forming an annular top rim;an annular plastic ring having a peripheral portion defining an inverted U-shaped channel adapted to receive and be secured to said top rim, and an integral inner portion forming an upwardly opening U-shaped ring section defining an outer annular wall and an unbraced inner annular wall, the space between said ring walls forming a deep, upward opening annular channel for receiving a complemental annular closure channel; said ring having a radial land between said peripheral portion and said outer wall;a plastic closure configured to fit into said ring and having an inner deck bounded by an annular portion having inner, middle and outer annular walls, the inner and middle walls forming said complemental closure channel, and the middle and outer walls forming an upwardly opening U-shaped annular channel; said closure channel being dimensioned to fit sealingly into the upwardly opening ring channel to close and seal said container assembly, said outer annular closure wall terminating in an integral, radially outwardly-extending flange that overlies said land in spaced relation thereto when said closure is sealingly applied to said ring; no part of said closure being higher than the top of said flange;an undercut lock formed between the outermost closure wall and the outermost ring wall; said undercut lock lying ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087561A1

A seamless can body in which the flatness of a center panel of a bottom of the thin can body can be stably maintained and the can body has high pressure resistance, high formability, and excellent properties for an internal pressure test. The seamless can body has a can bottom shape having a rim portion protruding to an outside of the can, an annular concave portion protruding to an inside of the can, and a flat center panel extending continuously from an inner peripheral side of the annular concave portion with a corner portion interposed therebetween. The curvature radius (R) of the corner section is in the range of 1.5 mm Подробнее

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098926A1
Автор: Monro Stuart

A method and apparatus are disclosed which are suitable for use in the manufacture of two-piece metal containers. In particular, a press is disclosed which makes cup sections from metal sheet using a combination of drawing and stretching operations. The cups resulting from the press have the advantage of having a base thickness that is thinner relative to the ingoing gauge of the metal sheet. 1. A method for manufacture of a metal cup from a metal sheet , the method comprising the following operations:i. a drawing operation comprising drawing the metal sheet into a cup having a sidewall and an integral base;ii. a stretching operation performed on the cup, the operation comprising clamping an annular region on the base of the cup to define an enclosed portion, and deforming and stretching at least part of the base that lies within the enclosed portion to thereby increase the surface area and reduce the thickness of the base, the annular clamping adapted to restrict or prevent metal flow from the clamped region into the enclosed portion during this stretching operation;the drawing and stretching operations performed in a common press.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drawing operation comprises locating the metal sheet between a draw punch and a draw die claim 1 , and moving either or both of the draw punch and draw die towards each other such that the draw punch extends through the draw die to thereby draw the metal sheet into the cup claim 1 , the annular clamping during the stretching operation comprising clamping the annular region on the base of the cup between the draw punch and a clamping element disposed on the opposite side of the cup to the draw punch.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the stretching operation comprises using a stretch punch disposed on the opposite side of the cup to the draw punch and moving either or both of the stretch punch and clamped cup towards each other to deform and stretch at least part of the base that ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134173A1

A metal can body formed from a base stretching, drawing, and ironing process has a base having a hardness that is greater than the raw sheet, a thickness that is less than raw sheet, and a grain aspect ratio that is elongated relative to the raw sheet. 1. A drawn and ironed tin plate can body adapted for seaming onto a can end , the can body comprising:an ironed sidewall;an enclosed, undomed base integrally formed with the sidewall, a bottom panel of the base having an average Rockwell 30T hardness number that is at least approximately 64.2. The can body of wherein average Rockwell 30T hardness number is between 64 and 70.3. The can body of wherein average Rockwell 30T hardness number is approximately 68.4. The can body of wherein the base panel has an average thickness of between about 0.006 inches and 0.015 inches.5. The can body of wherein the sidewall has a flange cable of being double seamed to a curl of a can end.6. A drawn and ironed tin plate can adapted for seaming onto a can end claim 1 , the can body comprising:an ironed sidewall having a flange capable of being double seamed to a curl of a can end; andan un-domed, enclosed base integrally formed with the sidewall, the base having either (i) a Rockwell 30T hardness that is at least approximately 65 or (ii) an average change in hardness from the raw sheet of at least 5 in Rockwell 30T hardness number or (iii) or an average change in Rockwell 30T hardness number from the raw sheet of at least 7%.7. The can body of wherein the increase in average Rockwell 30T hardness number is between 5 and 17.8. The can body of wherein the increase in average Rockwell 30T hardness number is between 6 and 15.9. The can body of wherein the increase in average Rockwell 30T hardness number is between 7 and 12.10. The can body of wherein the increase in average Rockwell 30T hardness number is between 8 and 10.11. The can body of wherein the increase in average Rockwell 30T hardness number is between 8% and 21%.12. The can body ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206762A1

A container such as a beer keg includes a container body and top and bottom chimes The container body has a peripheral side wall provided with a plurality of circumferentially-spaced projections which are formed with the container body by a simple pressing or moulding operation. Each chime is formed with a peripheral skirt which fits over the peripheral side wall and a co-operating inner lip which snap-engages over the circumferentially-spaced projections. In a plastics container, the contents of the container tend to press against the projections and resist any tendency to distortion in normal use and therefore increase the strength of the attachment. In the case of the top chime the skirt is joined to an inner hub which is additionally fixed to the container neck by means of a valve assembly which is screwed onto the neck. A cap prevents unscrewing of the valve assembly and provides immediate evidence of tampering. 11231011131410243410253514. A container which includes a container body () and a chime (; ) , the container body having a side wall () and an end wall (; ) , and the container body is provided with a plurality of projections () which are integrally formed with the container body spaced apart around the outside of the side wall () , and the chime has a peripheral skirt (; ) which fits over the side wall () with a co-operating inner lip (; ) which engages over the spaced projections ().224211211. A container according to in which the peripheral skirt () is joined to an inner hub () which is fixed to a neck () formed on the end wall () of the container body.321412. A container according to in which the hub () is engaged with a valve assembly () which is in turn attached to the neck ().441221264111. A container according to in which the valve assembly () is screwed onto the neck () and the hub () is provided with an inner flange () which locates between a bottom flange () on the valve assembly and the adjacent end wall () of the container.541424. A ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042176A1
Принадлежит: Grupo Convermex, S.A. De C.V.

A container for holding food or beverages includes an inner thermoformed sleeve and a molded insulating foam support layer. The inner sleeve and foam support layer each have a circumferential wall extending from a bottom wall. The foam layer is bonded to the thermoformed sleeve on the outside or inside of the sleeve. The container can also include an outer sleeve bonded to an outer surface of the foam support layer. The inner sleeve may be made of thermoformed polystyrene. The outer sleeve may be a paper label. 1. A method of forming a container comprising:thermoforming a plastic sleeve with a bottom wall and upwards extending circumferential sidewall such that the plastic sleeve is seamless;forming a molded one-piece insulating, beaded foam support layer with a bottom wall and upwards extending circumferential sidewall such that the support layer is seamless;bonding the plastic sleeve with the foam support layer to form a seamless container; andbonding an outer paper sleeve to an outer surface of the seamless container.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising positioning the plastic sleeve inside the foam support layer to bond an outer surface of the plastic sleeve to an inner surface of the molded foam support layer.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein thermoformed plastic sleeve and the molded foam support layer comprise the same plastic material.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the same plastic material is polystyrene.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the plastic sleeve is formed such that the thickness of the sidewall is in a range of about 0.101 to 0.127.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the foam support layer is formed such that the circumferential sidewall has a thickness in a range of about 2.17 mm to 2.4 mm.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the outer paper sleeve is formed to have a thickness in a range of about 0.068 mm to 0.90 mm.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the container ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Lock Ring for Securing a Container Lid

Номер: US20140049057A1
Автор: Richard P. BRANDT
Принадлежит: Container International Inc

A lock ring for securing a lid to a drum-type container has a body with a discontinuous ring shape and first and second free ends. The body has an annular wall and two spaced apart flanges defining a clamping channel facing radially inward. A lever has a grip section and a pivot section at opposite ends. The pivot section is pivotally attached to the body near the first free end. The lever is pivotable between a closed position and an open position and has two walls spaced from one another and connected by a third wall. A lever end is adjacent the first free end and is formed by the annular wall and one flange of the two flanges continuing to the first free end and the other flange of the two flanges terminating short of the first free end. When the lever is in the closed position, the third wall of the lever lies adjacent the annular wall, the annular wall of the lever end is positioned between the two walls of the lever, the body is captured between the two walls of the lever along the grip section, and a portion of one wall of the two walls of the lever lies generally in the same plane as the other flange along the lever end.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001915A1

A pillar shaped container for storing a granulated powder. The container has a sidewall having a cylindrical upper portion, a continuously concave curved intermediate portion and a cylindrical lower portion. 1. A container , comprising: a cylindrical upper portion having an upper height defining a circular top;', 'a continuously concave curved intermediate portion extending downward from the upper portion; and', 'a cylindrical lower portion having a lower height and extending downward from the intermediate portion, wherein the upper height and the lower height combined are in a range of from about 15% to about 35% of the container height; and, 'a sidewall having a substantially circular cross-section and a container height and includinga bottom closing the lower portion.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the top is open.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the container is metallic.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein:the top has a top diameter; andthe bottom has a bottom diameter substantially equal to the top diameter.5. The container of claim 1 , wherein:the upper portion has an upper height; andthe lower portion has a lower height substantially equal to the upper height.6. The container of claim 1 , wherein:each of the upper height and lower height are at least 10% of the container height.7. The container of claim 1 , wherein:the upper portion is associated with a lid;the lower portion has a base configured to receive a raised circumferential lid portion in a lid of another like container such that multiple assembled containers can be stacked on top of one another.8. The container of claim 1 , wherein:the container has a container height in a range of from about 50 mm to about 300 mm.9. The container of claim 8 , wherein the container height is in a range of from about 75 mm to about 250 mm.10. The container of claim 1 , wherein:the bottom has a bottom diameter of from about 50 mm to about 200 mm.11. The container of claim 10 , wherein the bottom diameter ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Crosslinked styrene-free coating compositions for packaging articles such as food and beverage containers

Номер: US20190002724A1
Принадлежит: SWIMC LLC

A method of forming a coating on a food or beverage container, which includes spraying a coating composition onto an interior surface of the food or beverage container, where the coating composition includes a latex copolymer and a metal drier or crosslinking agent. The latex copolymer is a reaction product of monomers that include (a) one or more styrene-offset monomers containing one or more cyclic groups and one or more ethylenically-unsaturated pendant groups, at least a portion of such styrene-offset monomers being polycyclic monomers containing ring unsaturation, and (b) one or more other ethylenically-unsaturated monomers. Preferably, the coating composition is substantially free of BPA, PVC, and styrene. The method may also include curing the sprayed coating composition, thereby providing the coating on the interior surface of the food or beverage container.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017283A1

A liquid storage and dispensing device having at least two internal reservoirs to store two discrete liquids and to dispense the two liquids through a single opening without mixing the liquids until exiting the single opening, the device including a container to store a first liquid and a first reservoir mounted under the lid of the container that stores a second liquid, and an opening mechanism on the top that creates a pour opening in the top and removes a seal from the first reservoir to enable simultaneous dispensing of the first and second liquids through the pour opening while maintaining separation of the first and second liquids until they exit the pour opening. 1. A multi-chambered storage and dispensing device for storing and dispensing liquid , comprising:a container having at least one sidewall with an exterior, and a bottom, the sidewall and the bottom structured to cooperate to define an interior of the container;a top sized and shaped to attach to the container and enclose the interior of the container, the top having an opening mechanism that creates a pour opening in the top that is in fluid communication with the interior of the container;a first reservoir depending from the top in the interior of the container, the first reservoir having a wall and a lid on the wall that cooperate to form a sealed first chamber in the first reservoir, the first reservoir including a dispensing opening in the wall that is in fluid communication with the first chamber, and a vent opening in the wall in fluid communication with the first chamber; anda seal that is structured to removably attach to the wall of the first reservoir and is sized and shaped to cover the dispensing opening and the vent opening, the seal structured to partially peel away from the wall of the first reservoir to uncover the vent opening and the dispensing opening in response to the opening mechanism creating the pour opening in the top.2. The device of wherein the dispensing opening in the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009952A1

A plastic intermediate article including a container portion and a trim portion. The container portion includes a neck portion having a plurality of threads. In embodiments, each of the plurality of threads include a first portion and a second portion, wherein the first portion is provided at a first angle relative to a centerline of the plastic blow molded intermediate article, the second portion is provided at a second angle relative to the centerline of the plastic blow molded intermediate article, and the first angle and second angle are different. A method for making a plastic container includes providing a plastic preform, blow molding the preform into an intermediate article that includes a neck portion with a plurality of blown threads, and removing an upper portion of the intermediate article. 1. A plastic intermediate article comprising:a container portion, including a neck portion having a plurality of threads; anda trim portion disposed above the container portion;wherein each of the plurality of threads include a first portion and a second portion, the first portion is provided at a first angle relative to a centerline of the plastic intermediate article, the second portion is provided at a second angle relative to the centerline of the plastic intermediate article, and the first angle and second angle are different.2. The plastic intermediate article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of threads are blow molded.3. The plastic intermediate article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of threads are injection molded.4. The plastic intermediate article of claim 1 , wherein the plastic intermediate article is comprised of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , polyethylene (PE) claim 1 , or polypropylene (PP).5. The plastic intermediate article of claim 1 , wherein the plastic intermediate article is comprised of a blend of two or more polymers.6. The plastic intermediate article of claim 1 , wherein the first angle is greater than the second angle.7. ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024241A1
Автор: Niec Philippe

Disclosed is a container including a box body made of a metal material, the box body including a side wall closed by at least one bottom wall. The side wall includes at least one reinforcing zone that extends over at least part of the height and the circumference of the side wall. The reinforcing zone includes at least one reinforcing moulding. The virtual lines of the reinforcing zone, designed to form straight virtual lines on the reinforcing zone when it is set flat, are each intersected by the at least one reinforcing moulding. Preferably, the at least one reinforcing moulding consists of a non-straight reinforcing moulding with a non-straight contour. 11. A container comprising a can body () made of a metallic material , wherein{'b': 1', '2', '3, 'the can body () comprises a lateral wall () closed by at least one bottom wall (),'}{'b': 2', '8', '2, 'the lateral wall () includes at least one reinforcing area () that extends over at least part of the height and the circumference of said lateral wall (),'}{'b': 8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8', '8, 'i': a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c, 'the reinforcing area () has a plurality of virtual lines (, , ) that are intended to form straight virtual lines (, , ) on said reinforcing area () set flat, advantageously longitudinal generating lines (), transverse directing lines () and inclined lines (),'}{'b': 8', '7, 'the reinforcing area () includes at least one reinforcing moulding (),'}{'b': 8', '8', '8', '7, 'i': a', 'b', 'c, 'wherein said virtual lines (, , ) are each intersected by said at least one reinforcing moulding ().'}2777b. The container according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one reinforcing moulding () consists of a non-straight reinforcing moulding () whose contour () is non-straight.37. The container according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one non-straight reinforcing moulding () has the general shape of:a curved line,{'b': 72', '73, 'a polygonal line that is composed of ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Base for hot-fill plastic containers

Номер: US20150028040A1
Автор: Paul V. Kelley
Принадлежит: Graham Packaging Co LP

A base structure for a blow-molded container having an annular sidewall and a central longitudinal axis, the base structure comprising: a bottom portion; an annular support heel positioned between the sidewall and the bottom portion, wherein the annular support heel is angled inwardly at an angle θ of from about 15° to about 46° relative a plane extending from the sidewall; and a first rounded edge between the sidewall and the annular support heel and a second rounded edge between the annular support heel and the bottom portion, wherein each of the first and second rounded edge has a radius of curvature of from about 1.0 mm to about 14.0 mm, and wherein the blow-molded container comprises a material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene terephthalate and polypropylene.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028041A1
Автор: Wurster Michael P.

A base structure for a blow-molded container having an annular sidewall and a central longitudinal axis, the base structure comprising: a bottom portion; an annular support heel positioned between the sidewall and the bottom portion, wherein the annular support heel is angled inwardly at an angle θ of from about 15° to about 65° relative a plane extending from the sidewall; and a plurality of partial sphere structures on the annular support heel and extending beyond the bottom portion thus forming a contact surface supporting the container, and wherein the blow-molded container comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a polyester resin and polypropylene. 1. A base structure for a blow-molded container having an annular sidewall and a central longitudinal axis , the base structure comprising:a bottom portion;an annular support heel positioned between the sidewall and the bottom portion, wherein the annular support heel is angled inwardly at an angle θ of from about 15° to about 65° relative a plane extending from the sidewall; anda plurality of partial sphere structures on the annular support heel and extending beyond the bottom portion thus forming a contact surface supporting the container, andwherein the blow-molded container comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a polyester resin and polypropylene.2. The base structure of wherein the material is the polyester resin and is selected from the group consisting of poly(ethylene)terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , homopolymers of poly(ethylene)-phthalate claim 1 , copolymers of poly(ethylene)terephthalate claim 1 , poly(ethylene)isophthalate claim 1 , poly(ethylene)naphthalate claim 1 , poly(dimethylene)terephthalate claim 1 , and poly(butylene)terephthalate.3. The base structure of wherein the base further comprises a first rounded edge between the sidewall and the annular support heel and a second rounded edge between the annular support heel and the bottom portion claim 1 , wherein ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031584A1
Автор: Fortner Thomas Edward

A drawn and ironed can body includes relatively thick base having a relatively large standing ring and a beveled outer wall, enhancing the pressure rating of the can body for use with aerosols. A combination steel aerosol end and aluminum can body includes a seam that overcomes or improves prior art fracture problems. 1. A one-piece , drawn and wall ironed aerosol can body suitable for being seamed onto a dome-type aerosol end , the can body comprising:a neck having a flange at an uppermost end;a cylindrical sidewall that extends downwardly from the neck; and a dome,', 'a circular standing ring located outboard of dome, and', 'an outer wall located between the standing ring and a bottom of the sidewall;, 'a base havingthe standing ring having a diameter that is at least 78 percent of the outside diameter of the sidewall.2. The can body of wherein the standing ring diameter is at least 80 percent of the can body outside diameter.3. The can body of wherein the standing ring diameter is at least 82 percent of the can body outside diameter.4. The can body of wherein the base is at least 0.018 inches thick everywhere within the standing ring.5. The can body of wherein the base is at least 0.020 inches thick everywhere within the standing ring.6. The can body of wherein the base is at least 0.023 inches thick everywhere within the standing ring.7. The can body of wherein at least a portion lower wall defines claim 1 , in cross section claim 1 , a straight line.8. The can body of wherein the base outer wall is inclined at an angle approximately between 40 degrees and 60 degrees.9. The can body of wherein the base outer wall is inclined at an angle approximately between 45 degrees and 55 degrees.10. The can body of claim 1 , wherein the can body is formed of an aluminum and is suitable for a DOT rating of up to 180 psi.11. The can body of claim 1 , wherein the can body is formed of an aluminum and is suitable for a DOT rating of up to 140 psi.12. An aerosol can assembly ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029741A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

Provided is a can body containing contents such as carbonated beverages, the can body being capable of suppressing the occurrence of an unexpected opening while increasing the internal pressure resistance. In the can body, formula (A+B)·E/Z<1.88 is satisfied when 0 Подробнее

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Dome Formation Profile & Method of Lightweight Container Design and Manufacture

Номер: US20200031554A1
Автор: Sines James Alan

The inventive technology includes a novel container dome profile and manufacturing process for improving container and bottle deformation failure resistance and extending material displacement modes through an initial deformation panel coordinated with complimentary geometric paneling and buttressing structures configured to initiate a controlled sequential dome profile deformation mode. Dome reversal, dome growth, and dome drop resistance characteristics are improved with a shallower profile formation depth, reducing pulldown, and lowering material consumption, resulting in lower overall container/bottle weight. Novel geometric contoured shapes enhance container resistance performance, supporting use of softer alloys or lower temper and yield strength to benefit post-processing efficiency and forming processes improvements while being configured to initiate controlled sequential dome profile deformation. 1. A deformation resistant metal container comprising: at least one initial deformation panel positioned on an inner dome profile of said lightweight dome profile wherein said initial deformation panel comprises an inwardly raised structure having one or more tangential radial segments;', 'a deformation panel boundary coupled with said initial deformation panel forming the boundary of said lightweight dome profile;', 'a network of buttressing structures positioned between a plurality of geometric panels coupled with said lightweight dome profile deformation panel boundary;', 'an inner leg configured to have an inner conical leg angle coupled with said network of buttressing structures and said plurality of geometric panels; and, 'a lightweight dome profile configured to be capable of a controlled sequential dome profile deformation where said lightweight dome profile further compriseswherein said controlled sequential dome profile deformation is initiated in response to the application of a deformation energy to said lightweight dome profile such that movement of ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031981A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

An aluminum wine container including an aluminum can body having a barrel portion, and an aluminum can lid that covers an opening of the can body. The aluminum can body has an inner surface on which a polyester resin coating is formed, the coating has a thickness of not less than 4 μm at the barrel portion, and the aluminum can lid has an inner surface on which a coating film of a polyester/phenolic coating material having a thickness of not less than 6 μm is formed. Also disclosed is packed wine, prepared by filling the aluminum container with wine and sealing the container. 1. An aluminum wine container including an aluminum can body having a barrel portion , and an aluminum can lid that covers an opening of the can body ,wherein the aluminum can body has an inner surface on which a polyester resin coating is formed, the coating has a thickness of not less than 4 μm at the barrel portion, and the aluminum can lid has an inner surface on which a coating film of a polyester/phenolic coating material having a thickness of not less than 6 μm is formed.2. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin coating at the barrel portion has a thickness in the range of 4 to 30 μm.3. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the coating film on the can lid has a thickness in the range of 6 to 20 μm.4. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin coating includes an ethylene terephthalate-based polyester resin.5. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester/phenolic coating material includes a coating composition containing a polyester resin as a base resin and a resol-type phenol resin as a curing agent.6. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the can body is a seamless can shaped by drawing claim 1 , bend-stretching and/or ironing a polyester resin coated aluminum sheet.7. The aluminum wine container according to claim 1 , wherein the can lid is ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Beverage can end having an asymmetrical opening

Номер: US20160039563A1

A beverage can end for pressurized contents includes a score that defines a pair of The lobes have longitudinal axes that are not mutually parallel and in some embodiments substantially perpendicular to improve flow.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Method Of Producing A Canned Hydrogen Infused Beverage

Номер: US20190037891A1
Автор: Smith Rick

A method of producing a canned hydrogen infused beverage having the steps of: providing a can; introducing a solid that includes metal into the can; filling the can with a carbonated liquid having water; generating molecular hydrogen from the reaction of the solid and the water; and sealing the can. A can formed through such a process is likewise disclosed. An alternative process is further disclosed that provides the mixing of Magnesium into a mixture prior to the filling on a larger scale and, for example, within the reservoir or bowl of the filler. Both carbonated and non-carbonated configurations are contemplated. 1. A method of producing a canned hydrogen infused carbonated beverage comprising the steps of:providing a can;introducing a solid that includes metal into the can;filling the can with a carbonated liquid having water;generating molecular hydrogen from the reaction of the solid and the water; andsealing the can.2. The method of wherein the metal of the solid that is introduced into the can during the step of introducing comprises magnesium.3. The method of wherein the solid comprises magnesium particles.4. The method of wherein the magnesium particles include a coating.5. The method of wherein the step of generating molecular hydrogen continues until any magnesium introduced into the can is in solution.6. The method of wherein the carbonated liquid comprises any one or more of: carbonated water claim 1 , beer claim 1 , soft drinks claim 1 , carbonated energy drinks claim 1 , flavored carbonated water.7. The method of wherein the can comprises any one or more of: a metal container claim 1 , a rigid plastic container claim 1 , a flexible plastic container claim 1 , a rigid glass container claim 1 , a paperboard container claim 1 , as well as combinations of the same8. The method of wherein the can comprises a metal can for beverages.9. The method of further comprising the step of:introducing at least one of a catalyst, a flavoring, a vitamin, caffeine, ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Capped barrel system and methods

Номер: US20220055787A1
Автор: Mark Joseph McKale
Принадлежит: Innovative Distilling Technologies Inc

A capped barrel system for aging liquids includes a barrel and a barrel cap removably coupled to the barrel. The barrel includes: a plurality of wooden staves suitable for aging liquids, hoops for holding the staves together, a head coupled to the staves, and a bunghole formed in the head. The barrel cap includes: a lid including a top portion and a rim extending downwardly from the top portion. The rim includes an inner surface and a seal that defines at least a portion of the inner surface. The barrel cap further includes an opening formed in the top portion of the lid that is generally aligned with the bunghole and a closure removably positioned in the opening. When the closure is positioned in the opening, a gas tight coupling between the closure and the lid and a gas tight fit between the seal and the barrel form a gas tight environment between the barrel and the barrel cap.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039688A1

A palletised container assembly includes a pallet providing a base, and a group of containers () are arranged and supported on the pallet with a wrapping band stretched around the containers to hold them together. Each of the containers has a container (body ), two chimes (), () secured to the top and bottom ends of the container body, and a valve assembly () which incorporates a draw tube () extending within the container body. Each chime has a substantially circular peripheral outer wall (), () which, at its widest point, is provided with a series of circumferentially-spaced projections () which engage the projections of adjacent containers to restrict relative movement between the containers in transit. 1. A palletised container assembly:{'b': '20', 'a pallet () to provide a base;'}{'b': '1', 'claim-text': [{'b': 2', '6, 'a container body () having a top wall (),'}, {'b': 3', '4', '9', '10, 'a chime (; ) secured to the container body and having a substantially circular peripheral outer wall (; ), and'}, {'b': 8', '6', '8, 'i': 'a', 'a valve assembly () which is mounted in the top wall () and which incorporates a draw tube () extending within the container body; and'}], 'a plurality of containers () arranged and supported on the pallet, each of the containers including'}{'b': '22', 'claim-text': {'b': 9', '10', '15, 'characterised in that each substantially circular peripheral outer wall (; ) is provided with a plurality of circumferentially-spaced projections () which engage the said projections of adjacent containers to restrict relative movement between the containers.'}, 'a wrapping band () stretched around the containers to hold them together on the pallet;'}215. A palletised container assembly according to in which the circumferentially-spaced projections () are provided at the widest part of the chime.31516. A palletised container assembly according to in which the circumferentially-spaced projections () are separated by circumferential gaps () which are ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044071A1
Автор: Broerman Mark, Conley Dale

A seal and method of forming a seal for a resealable container includes a removable cap that is selectively received over a pour opening formed in a can body. A seal is adhered to the end wall of the cap and includes a continuous, first axial region extending outwardly from the inner surface of the cap. The seal first region is dimensioned for engagement with the opening in the container and sealing the container along an inner diameter thereof. Reduced on-torque/off-torque are required since the seal is formed on the inner diameter, and a down force is substantially reduced to assemble the cap to the container. 1. A resealable container assembly comprising:a container that is either metal or glass and closed at a first end so as to be configured for holding an associated fluid at a preselected pressure therein, and having an opening at a second end, the opening having an inner, first diameter through which the associated fluid is introduced into and poured from the container, the container having thread portions adjacent the second end along an external surface thereof;a metal cup-shaped cap having an end wall, and a perimeter sidewall extending from the end wall, wherein the cap includes roll on pilfer proof (ROPP) thread portions that are formed for selective twist-on/twist-off receipt relative to the thread portions on the container; anda seal adhered to an inner surface of the end wall of the cap, the seal including a continuous first axial region extending outwardly from the cap inner surface a larger extent than a remainder of the seal, the first axial region of the seal having a radially outer, external surface dimensioned for sealing engagement with a smallest inner diameter of the container opening, such that the external surface of the first axial region seals the container along the smallest inner diameter of the container opening, whereby the seal formed between the first axial region and the smallest inner diameter of the container opening maintains ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Drum Closure with Vertical Channel

Номер: US20160052687A1

A container is provided. The container includes a sidewall, a lower closure, and a chime. The chime is coupled to a first end of the sidewall by adhesive. The lower closure is coupled to a second end of the sidewall by adhesive. 1. A shipping drum comprising:a fibrous cylindrical sidewall extending along a longitudinal axis from a first end to a second end and having an inner surface and an outer surface;a lower closure formed from plastic and including a central portion extending radially outwardly from a central longitudinal axis and inner and outer walls extending generally parallel to the central longitudinal axis, the inner and outer walls located proximate the radial periphery of the central portion, a channel wall extending between the inner and outer walls, the outer wall, the inner wall, and the channel wall defining a channel configured to receive the second end of the sidewall therein, a first rib having a first portion extending radially outwardly into the channel from the inner wall and in a direction axially generally parallel to the central longitudinal axis and a second portion extending axially upwardly from the channel wall into the channel and radially outwardly from the inner wall to the outer wall; andan adhesive coupling the sidewall to the inner and outer walls of the lower closure closing the second end of the cylindrical sidewall.2. The shipping drum of claim 1 , wherein the lower closure includes a second rib having a first portion extending radially inwardly into the channel from the outer wall and a second portion extending axially upwardly from the channel wall into the channel and radially inwardly from the outer wall to the inner wall.3. The shipping drum of claim 2 , wherein the first rib is circumferentially offset from the second rib.4. The shipping drum of claim 1 , wherein the inner wall includes an upper portion extending above the channel wall and a lower portion extending below the channel wall;wherein the outer wall includes ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Furan Can

Номер: US20200047939A1
Автор: Patel Amisha

A furan can for containing a product includes a sealed container that contains the product and includes a furan resin selected from the group consisting of: poly (ethylene 2, 5-furan dicarboxylate) (PEF), poly (butylene 2, 5-furan dicarboxylate) (PBF), poly (trim ethylene furan dicarboxylate) (PTF), poly (propylene 2, 5-furandicarboxylate) (PPF), and poly (neopentyl 2, 5-furandicarboxylate) (PNF); and a release mechanism to open the container and access the product. The can may further include a generally cylindrical shell molded to have a sealed bottom and a straight wall that includes the furan resin; and a cap to seal the shell, the cap having the release mechanism and a rim that includes the furan resin; wherein the rim of the cap is bonded to the wall of the shell to releasably seal the product inside the can. 1. A can for containing a product , comprising: poly (ethylene 2, 5-furan dicarboxylate) (PEF),', 'poly (butylene 2, 5-furan dicarboxylate) (PBF),', 'poly (trim ethylene furan dicarboxylate) (PTF),', 'poly (propylene 2, 5-furandicarboxylate) (PPF), and', 'poly (neopentyl 2, 5-furandicarboxylate) (PNF); and, 'a sealed container that contains the product and includes a furan resin selected from the group consisting ofa release mechanism to open the container and access the product.2. The can of claim 1 , further comprising:a generally cylindrical shell molded to have a sealed bottom and a straight wall that includes the furan resin; anda cap to seal the shell, the cap having the release mechanism and a rim that includes the furan resin;wherein the rim of the cap is bonded to the wall of the shell to releasably seal the product inside the can.3. The can of claim 2 , wherein the rim of the cap is welded to the wall of the shell.4. The can of claim 2 , wherein the rim of the cap is attached to the wall of the shell with a bio based glue.5. The can of claim 2 , wherein the rim of the cap has a shoulder that flares inward from a shell attachment point on a first ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Container Assembly

Номер: US20170050755A1
Автор: Polushkin Markell

A container assembly that may be used as a can or a cup includes a container that may contain a beverage. A lid is removably coupled to the container and a retainer is removably coupled to the lid. The retainer engages the container such that the lid is retained on the container. The retainer is selectively removed from the lid such that the lid is removable from the container. 1. A container assembly having a removable top , said assembly comprising:a container being configured to contain a beverage;a lid being removably coupled to said container; anda retainer being removably coupled to said lid, said retainer engaging said container such that said lid is retained on said container, said retainer being selectively removed from said lid such that said lid is removable from said container, said retainer having a first end, a second end and an extraneous surface extending between said first end and said second end, said extraneous surface having an upper edge and a lower edge, said extraneous surface being curved between said upper edge and said lower edge such that said upper edge is oriented perpendicularly with respect to said lower edge.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:said container has a bottom wall and a peripheral wall extending upwardly from said bottom wall, said peripheral wall having a distal edge with respect to said bottom wall, said peripheral wall having an outer surface, said peripheral wall being curved such that said container has a cylindrical shape, said distal edge defining an opening into said container; andsaid peripheral wall has a recessed portion, said recessed portion extending inwardly toward a center of said container, said recessed portion extending around an entire circumference of said peripheral wall, said recessed portion being spaced from said distal edge, said recessed portion having an upper bounding surface.3. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said lid includes a body portion and a coupling portion claim ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Coating Compositions For Containers

Номер: US20170051174A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

A coating composition comprising a polyether polyol having a hydroxyl functionality of 3 to 8 and the reaction product of: 1. A coating composition comprising: (i) a polyether polyol having a hydroxyl functionality of 3 to 8,', (A) a phosphorus acid, and', '(B) a polyepoxide and/or a polyester polyol,, '(ii) a reaction product comprising, '(iii) an acrylic polymer and/or a polyester polymer,', '(iv) an am inoplast and/or a phenolplast., '(a) a resinous binder comprising2. The coating composition of in which the polyether polyol has a hydroxyl functionality of 6 to 8.3. The coating composition of in which the polyester polyol comprises a reaction product comprising a saccharide with an alkylene oxide.4. The coating composition of in which the saccharide comprises sucrose.5. The coating composition of in which the alkylene oxide comprises ethylene oxide claim 3 , propylene oxide claim 3 , and/or butylene oxide.6. The coating composition of in which the polyether polyol has the hydroxyl number of 150 to 600.7. The coating composition of in which the phosphorus acid is phosphoric acid.8. The coating composition of in which the polyepoxide is a diglycidyl ether of a diol.9. The coating composition of which is substantially free of bisphenol A and derivatives of bisphenol A.10. The coating composition of which is completely free of bisphenol A and derivatives of bisphenol A.11. The coating composition of in which the polyepoxide comprises a diglycidyl ether of an aliphatic and/or cycloaliphatic diol.12. The coating composition of wherein the diol comprises cyclohexane dimethanol.13. The coating composition of in which the polyester polyol has an Mn of 2000 to 10 claim 11 ,000 claim 11 , a hydroxyl number of 20 to 75 claim 11 , and an acid value of 15 to 25.14. The coating composition of in which the phosphorus acid is used in amounts of 0.2 to 0.5 equivalents per equivalent of epoxy in the epoxy resin or per equivalent of hydroxyl in the polyester polyol.15. The coating ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060471A1
Автор: Poehls Guido

An injection molded cup-shaped container, made of plastic with a bottom and a container wall, which have a uniform thickness, from which bead-like thickenings protrude inward or outward. The thickenings start at a gate location in the bottom, have a radial course on the bottom, and extend on the container wall at a slant to the top edge of the container. The bead-like thickenings on the container wall and on the bottom are designed in such a way that the thickenings do not cross and each have a radius of curvature having a constant sign. 1. An injection-molded plastic container , comprising:a bottom;a container wall; andan insert element which is rigidly connected to the container in a label region on an outside of the container wall,wherein the container is produced by in-mold labelling process,wherein the bottom and the container wall have a uniform thickness,wherein ridge-like thickenings protrude inwards or outwards from the bottom and the container wall,wherein the ridge-like thickenings start from a gate mark in the bottom, have a radial course on the bottom, and extend on the container wall obliquely towards a top edge of the container,wherein the ridge-like thickenings do not cross on the container wall and on the bottom, andwherein the ridge-like thickenings are formed as flow promoters configured to provide a uniform flow front of the plastic material during the in-mold labelling process.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the ridge-like thickenings are formed such that during the in-mold labelling process the uniform flow front of liquid plastic material spreads out on the bottom and on the container wall at a constant speed in each case.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein a course and a cross-section of the ridge-like thickenings are optimized for specific product requirements.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the ridge-like thickenings have a constant and at least partly round cross section.5. The container of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059297A1

There is disclosed herein a method of forming a can end comprising: holding a peripheral portion of a blank between inner () and outer () peripheral tool sets; drawing a central portion of the blank against an outer centre panel tool () having a central region and a sloping peripheral edge () extending to a peripheral wall () by moving the outer centre panel tool () inwardly relative to the peripheral tool sets to form a drawn can end shell (); and reforming the can end shell () against an inner centre panel tool () having a central region and a peripheral region by moving the inner centre panel tool () outwardly relative to the peripheral tool sets to reform the drawn central portion to have a centre panel defined by the central region of the inner centre panel tool () and a recessed reinforcing structure extending around the centre panel, wherein the sloping peripheral edge () of the outer centre panel tool () has a convex radius of curvature of 2 mm or more and 30 mm or less between the central region of the outer centre panel tool () and the peripheral wall () of the outer centre panel tool (). A related apparatus is also disclosed. 1. A method of forming a can end comprising:holding a peripheral portion of a blank between inner and outer peripheral tool sets;drawing a central portion of the blank against an outer centre panel tool having a central region and a sloping peripheral edge extending to a peripheral wall by moving the outer centre panel tool inwardly relative to the peripheral tool sets to form a drawn can end shell; andreforming the can end shell against an inner centre panel tool having a central region and a peripheral region by moving the inner centre panel tool outwardly relative to the peripheral tool sets to reform the drawn central portion to have a centre panel defined by the central region of the inner centre panel tool and a recessed reinforcing structure extending around the centre panel,wherein the sloping peripheral edge of the outer ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059988A1
Автор: Kaziev Nahum

The present invention is directed to a cover for resealing a beverage container after the cover has been opened. In particular, the cover of the present invention allows for retention of carbonation and protection against extraneous elements being introduced in a beverage during storage following initial opening. 1. A resealable can cover apparatus comprising:a horizontal base with an upwardly facing side and an opposing side, said base shaped to conform to the shape of at least a portion of the cover of a beverage container and adhered to said cover;a spout extending vertically from said base; anda cover, matable with said spout, to form an air tight seal over an opening of a container.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including an adherence claim 1 , said adherence attached to said opposing side of said horizontal base and adherable to said container.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said adherence comprises an adhesive.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said cover includes a slot for mating with a rim of said spout.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said spout includes exterior threading and is matable with said cover with said threading.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said container is a beverage container.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said apparatus is formed at least in part of plastic.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said apparatus is formed at least in part of aluminum.9. A resealable can comprising:a can comprising material including at least a metal,a cover for said can including a position for an opening and comprising an insert to overlay said opening, anda pull tab attached to said insert;wherein said pull tab is used for lifting said insert so as to open the cover, said pull tab can be used to push the cover in place so as to seal the can, and said insert is initially a part of the cover, is liftable to open the cover, and with said pull tab can be repositioned so as to reseal said cover.10. The resealable can of claim ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Dome Formation Profile & Method of Lightweight Container Design and Manufacture

Номер: US20190055074A1
Автор: Sines James Alan

The inventive technology includes a novel container dome profile and manufacturing process for improving container and bottle deformation failure resistance and extending material displacement modes through an initial deformation panel coordinated with complimentary geometric paneling and buttressing structures configured to initiate a controlled sequential dome profile deformation mode. Dome reversal, dome growth, and dome drop resistance characteristics are improved with a shallower profile formation depth, reducing pulldown, and lowering material consumption, resulting in lower overall container/bottle weight. Novel geometric contoured shapes enhance container resistance performance, supporting use of softer alloys or lower temper and yield strength to benefit post-processing efficiency and forming processes improvements while being configured to initiate controlled sequential dome profile deformation. 1. A deformation resistant metal container comprising: at least one initial deformation panel positioned at an approximately central position on an inner dome profile of said lightweight dome profile;', 'a deformation panel boundary forming the circumferential boundary of said lightweight dome profile;', 'a network of buttressing structures positioned between a plurality of geometric panels coupled with said lightweight dome profile deformation panel boundary;', 'a circumferentially positioned inner leg configured to have an inner conical leg angle integrally coupled with said network of buttressing structures and said plurality of geometric panels; and, 'a lightweight dome profile positioned at a terminal end of a metal container that is configured to be capable of a controlled sequential dome profile deformation where said lightweight dome profile further compriseswherein said controlled sequential dome profile deformation is initiated in response to the application of a deformation energy to said lightweight dome profile such that movement of said initial ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Providing Metal Container with Lining

Номер: US20170066035A1

Apparatuses configured to apply and methods for applying a lining element to an interior surface of a can and/or to a can end are provided. 1. An apparatus configured to apply a lining element to an interior surface of a can including a sidewall , the apparatus comprising:a liner insertion apparatus configured to insert a liner sheet into the interior of the can; anda can locator configured to locate the can relative to the liner insertion apparatus, the can locator including a sidewall defining a cavity which supports a sidewall of the can;wherein the liner insertion apparatus is configured to dispense pressurized fluid to move the liner sheet toward the sidewall of the can.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a can heater configured to heat the can located in the cavity of the can locator.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a can cooler configured to cool the can located in the cavity of the can locator.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liner insertion apparatus is configured to seal the liner sheet to the can locator and wherein the can locator is configured to draw a vacuum to draw fluid from between an interior surface of the can and the liner sheet.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liner insertion apparatus is configured to draw a vacuum to draw the liner sheet to the liner insertion apparatus prior to displacing the liner sheet into the interior of the can.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the liner insertion apparatus comprises a mandrel.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the mandrel has first claim 6 , second claim 6 , and third fluid ports spaced apart axially along the length of the mandrel.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the mandrel is configured to reverse the vacuum through the first port and expel fluid through the first port while continuing to draw vacuum through the second and third ports.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the mandrel is configured to subsequently reverse the vacuum through the second port ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072468A1
Автор: Hutchinson Gerald A.

The receptacle including stacking lugs to help reduce vacuum and friction when de-nesting the receptacles. The receptacle including a lid that helps when storing certain types of goods and/or serves as a seat. A septum or receptacle molded into the lid to allow for injection of inert gases or flushing headspace. 1. A receptacle with a lid including a septum to inject gas or flush headspace , the receptacle comprising:a bottom portion;a side wall portion, wherein the side wall portion is attached to the bottom portion;a top portion comprising an opening to allow items to be placed inside the receptacle, wherein the top portion is attached to the side wall portion; anda lid, wherein a septum is installed or molded into the lid to inject gas and/or flush headspace.2. The receptacle of claim 1 , wherein the one or more surfaces of the receptacle is treated or coated with gas barrier materials.3. The receptacle of claim 2 , wherein the one or more surfaces have been plasma treated to enhance gas barrier properties.4. The receptacle of claim 2 , wherein the one or more surfaces have been treated or coated with at least one of: EVOH claim 2 , PHAE claim 2 , MXD-6 nylon claim 2 , and LCP.5. The receptacle of claim 2 , wherein the receptacle is produced by co-injection technology to incorporate gas barrier materials in as a multi-layer structure.6. The receptacle of claim 1 , wherein a septum or receptacle is installed or molded into the lid to inject gas or flush headspace.7. The receptacle of claim 1 , wherein the lid is a seat for a user.8. The receptacle of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle is produced by at least one of: recycled polypropylene feedstocks claim 1 , clarified polypropylene claim 1 , impact resistant modified polypropylene claim 1 , plant based polymers claim 1 , or high density polyethylene.9. The receptacle of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle is produced by co-injection technology to incorporate recycle feedstock in as a multi-layer structure.10. The ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071017A1

An aluminum can wherein, when the light reflected by the outer surface of the body portion of the aluminum can is evaluated based on the LCH method by using a multi-angle spectral colorimeter, the aluminum can features a ratio C/Cof 0.6 to 1.4, the ratio C/Cbeing that of a saturation value Cof the light reflected at 15 degrees in the direction of height and a saturation value Cof the light reflected at an angle 15 of degrees in the circumferential direction based on the light regularly reflected from the light that is incident at 45 degrees in the direction of height and in the circumferential direction. 1. An aluminum can wherein , when a light reflected by the outer surface of the body portion of the aluminum can is evaluated based on the LCH method by using a multi-angle spectral colorimeter , the aluminum can features a ratio C/Cof 0.6 to 1.4 , the ratio C/Cbeing that of a saturation value Cof the light reflected at 15 degrees in the direction of height and a saturation value Cof the light reflected at 15 of degrees in the circumferential direction based on the light regularly reflected from the light that is incident at 45 degrees in the direction of height and in the circumferential direction.2. The aluminum can according to claim 1 , wherein the saturation value Cof the light reflected at 15 degrees in the direction of height is not less than 8.3. The aluminum can according to claim 2 , wherein a ratio C/Cis 0.6 to 1.4 claim 2 , the ratio C/Cbeing that of a saturation value Cof the light reflected at 25 degrees in the direction of height and a saturation value Cof the light reflected at 25 degrees in the circumferential direction.4. The aluminum can according to claim 3 , wherein a lightness value Lof the light reflected at 15 degrees in the direction of height and a lightness value Lof the light reflected at 15 degrees in the circumferential direction are both not more than 75.5. The aluminum can according to claim 4 , wherein the lightness value Lof the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079552A1

A disposable dual beverage receptacle comprising of at least two fluid retentive chambers. A top chamber and a bottom chamber, the top chamber is connected with the bottom chamber using its base connector. The base connector has mechanisms for mounting on and dismounting from the top chamber. The bottom chamber is a beverage can. 1. A disposable dual beverage holding receptacle comprising:(a) a hollow container with two open ends: a top opening on top of said container and a bottom opening at the bottom of said container, said container has a predetermined cross-sectional shape,(b) and a prefabricated base connector having a predetermined cross-sectional shape, having connector collar and circular support, said base connector collar is adapted to support and enclose said container at said bottom opening and said circular support is adapted to be mounted on a pre filled beverage can said circular support have at least one push tab and(c) means of mounting and dismounting said beverage holding receptacle on said beverage can whereby said circular support removably mates with the top of said pre filled beverage can.2. The disposable dual beverage holding receptacle of is made of a resilient Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene plastic material.3. The disposable beverage holding receptacle of wherein said top opening has male threads and enclosed with a cap with female threads.4. The disposable dual beverage holding receptacle of wherein said base connector collar has a flange claim 1 , said bottom opening on said container is placed on said base connector collar whereby using said flange for alignment.5. The disposable dual beverage holding receptacle of wherein said bottom opening is ultrasonically wielded with said base connector collar to form a fluid retentive beverage receptacle.6. The disposable dual beverage holding receptacle of wherein said prefabricated base connector with predetermined dimensions has at least one gap and at least one slit.7. The disposable dual ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Plastic Container with Flexible Base Portion

Номер: US20170081104A1

Plastic container (), including a side wall () and a flexible portion () of a base (). The flexible portion of the base deflects when the sealed plastic container experiences a differential pressure. The deflection of the flexible portion of the base acts to change the internal volume of the container and thereby reduce the differential pressure. The container is a retortable container. The container may be injection-molded with inner and outer plastic layers () and a core layer () between the inner and outer plastic layers. 1. A retortable plastic container configured to be sealed by a rigid lid , the retortable plastic container comprising:a side wall defining an open end of the container; anda base opposite the open end and having a flexible portion defining a bottom panel of the container including a central region having an as formed convex shape extending away from the open end of the container and a peripheral region having an as formed concave shape connecting the central region and the side wall, and a skirt portion extending away from the open end of the container.2. The retortable plastic container of claim 1 , wherein the flexible portion claim 1 , the side wall claim 1 , and the skirt portion intersect at a skirt joint.3. The retortable plastic container of wherein the angle between the peripheral region and the skirt portion is between 80° and 100°.4. The retortable container of claim 1 , wherein the skirt portion extends from the side wall of the container.5. The retortable plastic container of claim 1 , wherein the side wall has a first diameter and the skirt portion has a second diameter smaller than the first diameter.6. The retortable plastic container of claim 1 , wherein the convex shape of the central region is a dome shape.7. The retortable plastic container of claim 1 , wherein a projected area of the central region falls within a range of 38% to 47% of a total projected area of the flexible portion.8. The retortable plastic container of ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Seamless can body and method of manufacturing seamless can body

Номер: US20220097896A1
Автор: Tomomi Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd

[object] To provide a seamless can body in which the sheet thickness of a raw sheet (blank) is reduced, pressure resistance of a can bottom is enhanced, buckling is restrained, and problems with blacking and cleaning are solved, and a manufacturing method of the seamless can body.[Solving Means] A seamless can body 1 having a tubular body section 10 and a can bottom section 20. The can bottom section 20 includes an outer circumferential bottom section 202a extending from a lower end of the tubular body section 10 such as to decrease in diameter toward the inside and an annular grounding section 202E positioned further inside than the outer circumferential bottom section 202a. In a case where t1 is the sheet thickness of the outer circumferential bottom section 202a and where t2 is the sheet thickness of the annular grounding section 202b, the relation of t2>t1 is satisfied.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079546A1
Автор: Gye Matthew Charles

Containers for storing and dispensing liquids are described, the containers including a base portion; a top portion; a circumferential wall extending between the base portion and the top portion; an opening is provided in the top portion; a circumferential inwardly directed formation is provided on the container wall in proximity to the opening. 1. A container for storing and dispensing liquids including:a base portion;a top portion;a circumferential wall extending between the base portion and the top portion;an opening is provided in the top portion;a circumferential inwardly directed formation is provided on the container wall in proximity to the opening.2. A container according to any preceding claim wherein the inwardly directed formation is provided in the top 30% of the container wall.3. A container according to any preceding claim wherein the inwardly directed formation is provided in the top 20% of the container wall.4. A container according to any preceding claim wherein the inwardly directed formation is provided in the top 10% of the container wall.5. A container according to any preceding claim wherein the inwardly directed formation is in the form of an inwardly directed depression in the container wall.6. A container according to wherein the container is substantially cylindrical.7. A container according to wherein the ratio of the diameter of the container at the deepest part of the depression to the diameter at the cylindrical wall is between 0.8 and 0.9.8. A container according to wherein the ratio of the diameter of the container at the deepest part of the depression to the diameter at the cylindrical wall is about 0.83.9. A container according to wherein the ratio of the vertical height of the depression to the diameter at the depression is between 0.15 and 0.4.10. A container according to wherein the ratio of the vertical height of the depression to the diameter at the depression is about 0.2.11. A container according to any preceding claim ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086501A1
Автор: Katz Dennis

An apparatus attached or formed on the sidewalls of a standard 5 gallon bucket with diverging sidewalls that enables stacked buckets to be vertically stacked and locked together so the handle on the upper bucket may be used to carry the stack of buckets and allows the individual buckets to be easily separated from the stack. The apparatus comprises a ring body made of elastic material with a center opening configured to fit transversely around the middle or upper region of the bucket. The ring body includes a downward facing circular groove sufficiently configured to receive and engage the upper edge on the bucket. Located inside the groove may be a protruding outer lip that extends inward and engages the upper edge. In another embodiment, a plurality of hooks are integrally formed on the top surface of the ring body that engage a laterally extending reinforcement ring on the bucket. 1. An apparatus for interconnecting two buckets stacked together by partially inserting the upper bucket into the lower bucket , each said bucket includes a top opening , a closed bottom panel , a wire handle , cylindrical and downward diverging sidewalls , an upper edge and at least one reinforcement ring formed on said sidewalls , said apparatus comprising:a. a ring body including a center opening with a fixed diameter smaller than said top opening of said upper bucket and a diameter larger than said bottom panel so that when said ring body is coaxially aligned with said bottom panel and configured to slid upward over the sidewalls of said upper bucket, said center opening also configured so that said ring body is temporarily locked in a fixed location on said sidewalls of said upper bucket and below said top opening, said ring body includes a top surface and a bottom surface with a downward facing groove configured to temporarily engage said upper edge of said lower bucket when said lower bucket is longitudinally aligned and stacked under said upper bucket;b. at least one edge ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084732A1
Автор: Lamberto Michael M.

A sealing lid. The sealing lid includes a lid top portion having an upper surface and a lower surface. An outer concentric ring protrudes from the lower surface of the lid top portion. An inner concentric ring protrudes from the lower surface of the lid top portion. A channel is defined between the outer concentric ring and the inner concentric ring. The sealing lid is configured to releasably secure to a top rim of a beverage can by the top rim friction fitting within the channel. 1. A sealing lid comprising:a lid top portion comprising an upper surface and a lower surface;an outer concentric ring protruding from the lower surface of the lid top portion; andan inner concentric ring protruding from the lower surface of the lid top portion, whereina channel is defined between the outer concentric ring and the inner concentric ring, andthe sealing lid is configured to releasably secure to a top rim of a beverage can by the top rim friction fitting within the channel.2. The sealing lid of claim 1 , wherein a height of the outer concentric ring is greater than a height of the inner concentric ring.3. The sealing lid of claim 1 , wherein the outer concentric ring comprises a slot formed therethrough and the inner concentric ring comprises a slot formed therethrough claim 1 , wherein the slot of the outer concentric ring aligns with the slot of the inner concentric ring.4. The sealing lid of claim 1 , wherein the upper surface of the lid top portion comprises a recess.5. The sealing lid of claim 4 , further comprising a plate releasably secured within the recess.6. The sealing lid of claim 1 , wherein the sealing lid is a single piece integral unit.7. A sealing lid comprising:a lid top portion comprising an upper surface and a lower surface;an outer concentric ring protruding from the lower surface of the lid top portion; andan inner concentric ring protruding from the lower surface of the lid top portion, whereina channel is defined between the outer concentric ring and ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102072A1
Автор: Blum Holger

The invention relates to a container for liquid chemicals comprising a cylindrical container shell (), an upper curved base () and a lower curved base () and also a container inflow () and a container outflow (). The invention is characterized in that the container inflow () and the container outflow () are arranged at the upper curved base () of the container and in that a drainage tube () is provided which extends form the container outflow () to the lower curved base (). 1. Container for liquid chemicals comprising a cylindrical container shell , an upper curved base and a lower curved base and also a container inflow and a container outflow , whereinthe container inflow and the container outflow, are arranged at the upper curved base of the container, whereina drainage tube is provided which extends from the container outflow to the lower curved base, and whereina carrying ring is provided on the container wherein the carrying ring is connected to the container through mountings and surrounds the container inflow and the container outflow or the upper protective cover, respectively, with a distance.2. Container according to claim 1 , wherein the carrying ring consist out of a circularly bent tube ring the outer diameter of the ring corresponding to the outer diameter of the cylindrical outer shell.3. Container according to claim 1 , wherein the carrying ring is connected through at least two mountings to the upper base of the container.4. Container according to claim 1 , wherein the container inflow and the container outflow comprise an inflow tube stub and an outflow tube stub claim 1 , respectively.5. Container according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , at the container inflow and the container outflow a shut off valve each is provided.6. Container according to claim 1 , wherein an upper protective cover is provided which covers claim 1 , in the mounted state claim 1 , the container inflow and the container outflow.7. Container according to claim 4 , wherein the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120847A1
Автор: Smith Rick

A method of producing a canned hydrogen infused beverage having the steps of: providing a can; introducing a solid that includes Magnesium metal into the can; filling the can with a carbonated liquid having water; generating molecular hydrogen from the reaction of the solid and the water; generating Magnesium Bicarbonate from the reaction of the solid and the carbonated liquid and sealing the can. A beverage in a can formed through disclosed processes is likewise disclosed. 1. A method of producing a canned hydrogen infused carbonated beverage comprising the steps of:providing a can;introducing a solid that includes metal into the can, wherein the solid comprises Magnesium;filling the can with a carbonated liquid having water;generating molecular hydrogen from the reaction of the solid and the water;generating Magnesium Bicarbonate from the reaction of the solid and the carbonated liquid; andsealing the can.2. The method of further comprising the step of introducing Magnesium Bicarbonate into the can prior to sealing the can.3. The method of wherein the carbonated liquid has 1.5 Volumes or more of carbon dioxide.4. The method of wherein the combined carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas remains less than 6.5 Volumes after sealing the can.5. The method of further includes the step of introducing solids through infusion wherein the solids represent less than 3750 parts per million.6. The method of wherein the Magnesium introduced into the can is less than 225 mg per liter of water.7. A beverage comprising: water;', 'the water being infused with carbon dioxide;', 'the water being infused with hydrogen gas;', 'Magnesium Hydroxide;, 'a sealed can having a volume, the volume havingwherein, the combination of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas is less than 6.5 Volumes.8. The beverage of wherein the combination of carbon dioxide is at least 1.5 Volumes.9. The beverage of wherein the pH is less than 6.0.10. The beverage of further comprising dissolved solids claim 7 , wherein a total ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140191000A1
Автор: Blum Holger

A container for liquid chemicals is disclosed, comprising a cylindrical container shell, an upper curved base and a lower curved base, and also a container inflow and a container outflow, wherein the container inflow and the container outflow are arranged at the upper curved base of the container and a drainage tube is provided which extends form the container outflow to the lower curved base. 1. Container for liquid chemicals comprisinga cylindrical container shell;an upper curved base and a lower curved base; anda container inflow and a container outflow, whereinthe container inflow and the container outflow are arranged at the upper curved base of the container, and whereina drainage tube is provided which extends from the container outflow to the lower curved base.2. Container according to claim 1 , wherein the container inflow and the container outflow comprise an inflow tube stub and an outflow tube stub claim 1 , respectively.3. Container according to claim 1 , wherein at the container inflow and the container outflow a shut off valve each is provided.4. Container according to claim 3 , wherein the shut-off valves claim 3 , respectively at the container inflow and the container outflow are glandless valves.5. Container according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , at the lower curved base claim 1 , a bottom cup curved to the outside is provided centrally and that the drainage tube reaches to the bottom cup.6. Container according to claim 5 , wherein the bottom cup is welded to the lower curved base.7. Container according to claim 1 , wherein the the drainage tube is running claim 1 , in the container claim 1 , out of the centre to the container shell to the area at the bottom of the container and claim 1 , than claim 1 , at an angle to the bottom of the container.8. Container according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , over the bottom cup claim 5 , a lower bottom cup protective cover is provided which covers the bottom cup.9. Container according to claim 8 , wherein ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111748A1
Принадлежит: Direct Wire & Cable, Inc.

A drum for storage and transportation of a coil, the drum comprises a base having a bottom part configured to rest on a planar horizontal surface. A hollow core having a polygonal cross-sectional shape extends from the top side of the base. A cover also extends from the top side of the base and has an inner wall in the form of a circular cylinder. The cover is spaced from the core, forming an annular space for receiving a coil of cable, tubing or the like. The core is composed of a plurality of substantially planar parts hinged to one another so that the core can be collapsed and stored or shipped in a substantially flat condition and expanded to its polygonal shape for connection to the base. The cover is composed of two or more arc-shaped parts, which are capable of being nested for storage and shipment. 1. A drum for storage and transportation of a coil or dry bulk material , the drum comprising:a base having a bottom side for resting on a planar horizontal surface, a wall extending in an upward direction from said bottom side of the base when said bottom side is resting on said horizontal surface, said wall having an inner surface, a plurality of protrusions extending radially, extending radially inward said inner surface;an elongated core fitting said inner surface of the wall of the base and extending from the base in said upward direction; andslots in said core receiving said inward protrusions;a hollow cover fitting said outer surface of the base and also extending from the base in said upward direction, said cover being composed of plural parts, connected to one another;said cover being spaced from the core, whereby the cover and the core form an annular space therebetween, and the core, the cover, and a portion of the base extending across said annular space from the core to the cylindrical cover form a receptacle.2. A drum according to claim 1 , in which each of said plural parts of the cover has two opposite edges claim 1 , each of said opposite edges ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Chemical Mixer Tool for Use in a Storage Drum

Номер: US20210138414A9
Автор: CAIN Stephen

A chemical mixer tool for use in a storage drum is described. The chemical mixer tool typically comprises a mixer housing assembly in which one end of a mixer shaft is secured, the distal end of the mixer shaft having at least one collapsible impeller assembly removably attached thereon. The chemical mixer tool is configured to be removably secured to the top portion of the storage drum, with the distal end of the mixing shaft extending into the interior of the storage drum. 1. A chemical mixer tool for use in mixing the liquid contents in a storage drum comprising:a mixer housing assembly, said mixer housing assembly configured to removably attach to a top portion of the storage drum;a mixer shaft having a longitudinal axis, said mixer shaft rotatably coupled to said mixer housing assembly near the proximal end of said mixer shaft; and an impeller collar, said impeller collar removably attached proximate the distal end of said mixer shaft; and', 'one or more pitch blades having an inner blade surface and said pitch blades rotatably contained within said impeller collar, said impeller collar configured such that said inner blade surface has a resting position canted outwardly no less than 5 degrees off parallel of the longitudinal axis of said mixer shaft and is configured to rotate outwardly from the longitudinal axis of said mixer shaft as said mixer shaft is rotatably engaged., 'an impeller assembly including2. The chemical mixer tool of wherein said mixer housing assembly includes at least a cylindrical mixer bearing and a cylindrical bearing housing claim 1 , wherein said mixer bearing is removably received within the cavity of the cylindrical bearing housing and rotatably contained therein.3. The chemical mixer tool of wherein said mixer bearing further includes at least one of a venting window and a venting channel.4. The chemical mixer tool of wherein said mixer shaft is hexagonal in shape.5. The chemical mixer tool of wherein said mixer housing assembly ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112100A1
Автор: Scott Anthony J.

A metal cup and method of forming the same is provided. Metal cups of the present disclosure comprise a plurality of thin, straight-walled sections and a tapered profile. A domed portion is provided in the bottom of the cup. The cup may comprise a disposable cup, a reusable cup, or a recyclable cup. 1. A tapered metallic cup comprising:an upper end and a lower end, and a height extending therebetween;the upper end comprising a peripheral curl;a plurality of tapered sections provided between the upper end and the lower end, with a step provided between each of the tapered sections; andwherein each of the tapered sections comprises a substantially constant wall thickness and a tapered profile;wherein adjacent tapered sections of the plurality of tapered sections comprise successively smaller diameters, and wherein the step provided between each of the tapered sections comprises a transition in diameter; andthe lower end of the cup comprising a domed portion, a first radius integrally interconnected to an inwardly tapered sidewall, a second radius operably interconnected to a substantially horizontally oriented step, and a third radius interconnected to a sidewall of the cup;wherein the first and third radii comprise convex features, and the second radius is provided between the first and third radii.2. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein the second radius comprises a concave feature.3. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein the height is between approximately 4.0 inches and approximately 7.0 inches.4. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein the cup comprises at least three tapered sections.5. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein a maximum inner diameter of the cup comprises a diameter of at least approximately 3.0 inches.6. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein a minimum inner diameter of the cup comprises a diameter of not more than approximately 2.50 inches.7. The tapered metallic cup of claim 1 , wherein a minimum wall ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Bottle can and bottle can with cap

Номер: US20210139184A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Seikan Co Ltd

A bottle can has a curl part at an opening end of a mouth part thereof. The curl part has an upper end curved part in which an upper part of a neck shoulder part of the mouth part is curved outward and an outer wall part extending downward from the upper end curved part. A predetermined angle at which an outer edge side of a lower end face of the outer wall part opens is formed between the lower end face of the outer wall part and the neck shoulder part. An inner edge of the lower end face comes into contact with the neck shoulder part when a downward load is applied to the curl part from above.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139203A1

A unit for bonding the container with the lid, made of plastic, designated especially for pressurised beverages, having a profiled rim of the container opening and a profiled rim of the lid, characterised in that the profiled rim of the opening () of the container () comprises a flange () formed around the said opening (), extending outwards away from the side wall of the container, where the flange () has a top surface (), side surface () and bottom surface () bonded to the external side surface of the container (), and where formed on the top surface () around the opening () of the container () there is a rib () protruding above the surface (), while the profiled rim of the lid () comprises a groove () formed on the bottom surface () of the lid () around its bottom edge, the groove () accommodating the said rib () which supports the lid () without touching on the top surface () of the flange (), where there is an energy director () formed on the bottom of the groove () or the top surface of the rib (), which focuses ultrasonic energy in the process of ultrasonic welding of the rib () and the lid (). 121323456142174891089784312139778. A unit for bonding a container with the lid , made of plastic , designated especially for pressurised beverages , comprising a profiled rim of the container opening and a profiled rim of the lid , characterised in that the profiled rim of the opening () of the container () comprises a flange () formed around the said opening () , extending outwards away from the side wall of the container , where the flange () has a top surface () , side surface () and bottom surface () connected to the external side surface of the container () , and where formed on the top surface () around the opening () of the container () there is a rib () protruding above the surface () , while the profiled rim of the lid () comprises a groove () formed on the bottom surface () of the lid () around its bottom edge , the groove () accommodating the said rib () ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Beverage container

Номер: US20160122068A1
Автор: Michael Butter
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatuses and methods of manufacturing a beverage container. The beverage container includes a body having a pronounced lip at least at one end.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127162A1
Автор: Murrill Steven

A storage container is provided. The container includes a receptacle and a lid connected to the receptacle by a hinge. The lid has a latch for sealing the receptacle closed. The receptacle and the lid are each made from a continuous unitary piece of material that has hinge components formed within the material. 1) A container comprising a receptacle and a lid rotatably connected to the receptacle via a hinge , wherein the hinge comprises a mating pin and knuckle , wherein the pin is configured for one-way insertion into the knuckle such that the pin is locked in an axially fixed position relative to the knuckle when mated with the knuckle , and wherein the pin and knuckle freely rotate back and forth relative to each other within a defined angle of rotation between an open lid position and a closed lid position when the pin is mated with the knuckle , wherein the lid has a latch configured to seal the receptacle closed when in the closed lid position.2) The container of claim 1 , wherein the pin has a body and a head having a diameter greater than a diameter of the body claim 1 , wherein the knuckle defines a passageway axially aligned with and sized to receive the head of the pin therein claim 1 , wherein the knuckle has an edge sized and positioned to contact a bottom surface of the head of the pin after insertion of the pin into the knuckle claim 1 , and wherein the edge prevents axial movement of the pin in a direction opposite a direction of insertion.3) The container of claim 1 , wherein the pin is attached to a first leaf that is attached to the lid claim 1 , and the knuckle is attached to a second leaf that is attached to the receptacle.4) The container of claim 3 , wherein the lid claim 3 , the first leaf claim 3 , the pin claim 3 , and the latch are formed from a unitary injection molded piece of material.5) The container of claim 3 , wherein the receptacle claim 3 , the second leaf claim 3 , and the knuckle are formed from a unitary injection molded piece ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129644A1
Автор: JOBGES Udo

The invention relates to a tear-off lid made of metal sheet which has a central lid plane and, within that, a breakout portion, as well as a grip tab made of metal sheet that can be swiveled about a swivel axis extending at least approximately perpendicular to the lid plane and that has an opener portion on one side of the swivel axis and a grip portion on the opposing side of the swivel axis. The grip portion is shaped such that, upon opening the breakout portion, it can be swiveled over an opening created thereby and enclosed by an outer contour and can tightly seal the opening. The metal sheet that forms the grip portion has apertures, and an elastomer seal is provided on a bottom side of the grip portion facing toward the lid plane that is connected in a form-fitting manner to the grip portion and extends through the apertures. 1. A resealable tear-off lid made of metal sheet for beverage cans or the like , comprising a central lid plane within which a breakout portion is arranged , as well as a grip tab made of metal sheet that can be swiveled about a swivel axis extending at least approximately perpendicular to the lid plane and has an opener portion on one side of the swivel axis and a grip portion on the opposing side of the swivel axis , with the grip portion being shaped such that , upon opening the breakout portion it can be rotated over an opening produced in this manner and enclosed by an outer contour and can tightly seal the opening , characterized in that the metal sheet forming the grip portion has apertures and that an elastomer seal is provided on a bottom side of the grip portion facing toward the lid plane that is connected in a form-fitting manner to the grip portion and extends through the apertures.2. The tear-off lid as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the apertures are arranged along a contour of the grip portion corresponding more or less to the outer contour of an opening to be produced by opening the breakout portion.3. The tear-off lid as ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Flexible Container Coating Compositions

Номер: US20170130092A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

A coating composition comprising a high molecular weight polyester, a trimellitic anhydride-polyol adduct and a curing agent is disclosed. The compositions are useful in coating food and beverage containers, particularly 2-piece cans formed by drawing and redrawing (DRD). 2. The coating composition of in which the polyester has a number average molecular weight of from 15 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 , an acid value below 2 and a hydroxyl value below 8.4. The coating composition of in which Ris a mixed organic group comprising Cto Calkylene and Cto Calkylidyne.5. The coating composition of in which the curing agent is an aminoplast.6. The coating composition of in which the aminoplast is a condensate of benzoguanamine and formaldehyde.7. The coating composition of that further includes an epoxidized polybutadiene polymer.8. The coating composition of in which the epoxidized polybutadiene polymer is present in amounts of 0.01 to 5.0 percent by weight based on weight of resin solids in the coating composition.9. The coating composition of claim 1 , which is substantially free of bisphenol A and derivatives thereof.11. The method of in which the metal is aluminum.12. The method of in which the coating composition is applied by roll coating.13. The method of in which the metal can is a seamless two-piece can.14. The method of in which the metal can is formed by drawing and redrawing. This invention is directed to a novel coating composition and in particular to a coating composition which forms flexible and ductile finishes on metal.A current method for preparing cans utilized for packaging foodstuffs is to draw a flat aluminum or steel sheet into a low profile can body and then redraw this can into a deep can body by a second drawing step and optionally a bead is crimped on the open edge of the can. The can is then cleaned and a coating is sprayed on and baked. The cost of producing these cans can be substantially reduced by coating the aluminum or steel ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200122431A1

[Problem] To provide: a resin-coated metallic plate which cannot undergo the occurrence of a retort brushing phenomenon (the formation of white spots) or the delamination of a film under retort sterilization treatment conditions; and others. [Solution] A resin-coated metallic plate having a resin layer (A) and a resin layer (B) is characterized in that the resin layer (A) contains 50 to 80 wt % of a polyethylene terephthalate-based resin (I) and 20 to 50 wt % of a polybutylene terephthalate-based resin (II), wherein the resin layer (B) contains 50 to 80 wt % of a polyethylene terephthalate-based resin (III) and 20 to 50 wt % of a polybutylene terephthalate-based resin (II), the polyethylene terephthalate-based resin (I) has a melting point of 210 to 230 ° C. inclusive, the polybutylene terephthalate-based resin (II) has a melting point of 215 to 225° C. inclusive, and the polyethylene terephthalate-based resin (III) has a melting point of higher than 230° C. and 205° C. or lower. 1. A resin-coated metal sheet comprising:a metal sheet;a resin layer (A) disposed on at least one side of the metal sheet; anda resin layer (B) disposed between the resin layer (A) and the metal sheet, whereinthe resin layer (A) contains 50 to 80 wt % of a polyethylene terephthalate based resin (I) and 20 to 50 wt % of a polybutylene terephthalate based resin (II),the resin layer (B) contains 50 to 80 wt % of a polyethylene terephthalate based resin (III) and 20 to 50 wt % of the polybutylene terephthalate based resin (II), andthe polyethylene terephthalate based resin (I) has a melting point of not lower than 210° C. but not higher than 230° C., the polybutylene terephthalate based resin (II) has a melting point of not lower than 215° C. but not higher than 225° C., and the polyethylene terephthalate based resin (III) has a melting point of higher than 230° C. but not higher than 250° C.2. The resin-coated metal sheet according to claim 1 , whereinthe resin layer (A) has a heating ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133365A1

A filtering and steeping container is revealed. The filtering and steeping container includes a container body and at least one soft and elastic netlike piece. At least two vertical ribs are integrally formed and projected from an inner wall of the container body. The netlike piece has a plurality of meshes. Two lateral sides of the netlike piece are slid along the two ribs respectively until a lower side of the netlike piece is close to an inner bottom surface of the container body while the netlike piece is inserted into the container body through an opening of the container body. A cavity of the container body is divided by the netlike piece to form a steeping chamber that is used for mounting at least one soaked object. 1. A filtering and steeping container comprising:a container body including a cavity therein, an opening facing upward, an opening edge, an inner wall, an inner bottom surface and an inner bottom rim; andat least one netlike piece having an upper side, a lower side, two lateral sides and a plurality of meshes;wherein at least two vertical ribs are integrally formed on the inner wall of the container body and projecting from the inner wall of the container body toward the cavity; the rib having a certain length and a certain thickness and extended from an area close to the opening edge to the inner bottom surface of the container body;wherein the netlike piece is inserted into the cavity through the opening of the container body so that the two lateral sides of the netlike piece are slid along two of the ribs respectively and the lower side of the netlike piece is also moved downward to be close to the inner bottom surface of the container body; then the two lateral sides are stopped and locked by the two ribs respectively owing to softness and elasticity of the netlike piece; the cavity of the container body is divided by the netlike piece to form a steeping chamber used for mounting at least one soaked object; the steeping chamber is ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190134992A1

A joining part (connection line) (E) between an image (A) (image positioned on the left side of the figure relative to a wave-shaped broken line (C) and positioned on the right side of the figure relative to the joining part (E)) formed at the start of printing of a printed image, and an image (B) (image positioned on the right side of the figure relative to a wave-shaped broken line (D) and positioned on the left side of the figure relative to the joining part (E)) formed at the end of printing of the printed image is not a straight line along an axial direction of a beverage use can (), and a position of a part of the joining part (E) is shifted in the circumferential direction of the beverage use can (). 110-. (canceled)11. A printing apparatus comprising:a support member that supports a beverage use can in a cylindrical shape and rotates the beverage use can in a circumferential direction;an ink jet head that includes a plurality of ink ejection ports arranged in an axial direction of the beverage use can supported by the support member to eject ink onto an outer circumferential surface of the beverage use can rotated in the circumferential direction; anda control unit that controls ink ejection in the ink jet head, and when ink ejection to the outer circumferential surface is started, controls ink ejection so that an adhesion position where ink ejected from a first group of the ink ejection ports is adhered to the outer circumferential surface and an adhesion position where ink ejected from another group of the ink ejection ports is adhered to the outer circumferential surface are different from each other in the circumferential direction.12. The printing apparatus according to claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , when ink ejection onto the outer circumferential surface is started claim 11 , the control unit controls ink ejection to cause the first group of the ink ejection ports to perform ink ejection before the another group of the ink ejection ports does claim 11 ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135505A1
Автор: CAIN Stephen

The present disclosure shows a variety of storage container venting assemblies which allow for venting of gasses to equalize pressure differentials created between the interior of the container and the atmosphere. The venting assemblies are capable of venting gasses out of a container when pressure is higher inside the container and into a container when pressure is higher in the atmosphere. 1. A storage drum venting assembly including:a body member having a passage therethrough;a cap member covering a portion of the passage in the body member while allowing air to pass therethrough;a venting insert engaged with the body member passage opposite the cap member, and having a first venting diaphragm and a second venting diaphragm;wherein the first venting diaphragm is configured to allow passage of air in one direction; andwherein the second venting diaphragm configured to allow passage of air in the direction opposite the first venting diaphragm.2. The storage drum venting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first venting diaphragm is smaller than the second venting diaphragm.3. The storage drum venting assembly of and further comprising a storage drum lid operationally connected to the body member.4. The storage drum venting assembly of and further comprising a gasket operationally connected to the body member and the storage drum lid to prevent gas leakage.5. The storage drum of wherein the venting assembly is threadedly engaged with the storage drum lid.6. The storage drum venting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the body portion defines a first interior volume having a first diameter and a second interior volume having a second claim 1 , smaller diameter claim 1 , wherein the insert is lodged in the first interior volume claim 1 , and wherein the second interior diameter is too small to accept the insert.7. The storage drum venting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the respective venting diaphragms are post-tensionable.8. A bidirectional vent assembly for a storage drum ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170464A1

The invention relates to an apparatus for producing a can packaging blank by backward extrusion. The apparatus has a die wall and an extrusion punch, wherein the die has a die base and a die wall having a die wall height HG. The die wall has, in the region thereof adjacent to the die base, at least one protrusion having predetermined width (B), predetermined height (H), predetermined depth (T) and predetermined cross-section, wherein the height (H) of the protrusion equals 95% of the die wall height (HG) at maximum. 1. A device for the production of a can packaging blank by reverse extrusion , wherein the device comprises a die and a punch , and wherein the die comprises a die bottom and a die wall with a die wall height , that the die wall comprises in a region adjacent to the die bottom at least one projection with a predetermined width , a predetermined height , a predetermined depth and a predetermined cross-section , wherein the height of the projection amounts to a maximum of 95% of the die wall height.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the die wall comprises a plurality of projections in the region adjacent to the die bottom.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of projections have a different width and/or a different height and/or a different depth and/or a different cross-section claim 1 , wherein the height of each of the plurality of projections amounts in each case to a maximum of 95% of the die wall height.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one projection has a width of 0.1 mm to 10 mm.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one projection has a height of 0.1 mm to 30 mm.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one projection has a depth of 0.01 mm to 1 mm.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one projection has a cross-section parallel to the die bottom claim 1 , and wherein the cross-section has a triangular claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , trapezoidal ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289431A1
Автор: Scott Anthony J.

A metal cup and method of forming the same is provided. Metal cups of the present disclosure comprise a plurality of thin, straight-walled sections and a tapered profile. A domed portion is provided in the bottom of the cup. The cup may comprise a disposable cup, a reusable cup, or a recyclable cup. 1. A method of forming a stackable tapered metallic cup , the method comprising:providing a stock material;cutting a blank from the stock material;forming at least one cup from the blank using a blank and draw operation;performing a redrawing operation on the cup to provide the cup with a predetermined height and a wall thickness;subsequent to the redrawing operation, trimming the cup to a second height;curling the top edge of the trimmed cup to form a lip;forming one or more straight wall sections in the cup by drawing the cup;expanding each of the one or more straight wall sections using one or more dies with a tapered profile;forming a dome in a bottom of the cup; andforming a stacking feature in the bottom of the cup by providing a compression force on the bottom of cup such that a lower section of the cup comprises an inward taper or slope.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stock material comprises an aluminum coil claim 1 , and the step of forming at least one cup comprises subjecting at least a portion of the aluminum coil to the blank and draw operation.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising a step of providing a coating on at least an interior of the cup.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising decorating or coating at least one of an interior and an exterior surface of the metallic cup.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of curling the top edge occurs prior to the step of forming one or more straight wall sections.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stock material comprises a pre-coated aluminum sheet claim 1 , thereby reducing a need for additional washing and coating steps in the formation of the cup.7. A method of forming a ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Storage Drum Assembly

Номер: US20200139322A1
Автор: CAIN Stephen

A storage drum assembly is described. The storage drum assembly is typically cylindrical, and comprises an outer wall portion, a top portion having a port or ports thereon, and a base having a generally conical sump portion with a frustum base. The storage drum assembly can also include an extended upper chime with a support lip, which enables attachments secured within the port or ports of the storage drum assembly to remain in place and protected from damage when multiple storage drums are stacked when not in use. 1. A storage drum assembly , comprising:a generally cylindrical outer wall portion having a first end and a second end defining an interior storage volume therebetween;a top portion attached to the first end of the cylindrical outer wall;a bottom sump portion attached to the second end of the cylindrical wall, the bottom sump portion having an oblique conical shape and a frustum base, wherein the frustum base is substantially parallel to the top portion; anda port operationally connected to the top portion.2. The storage drum assembly of wherein the port is oriented directly above the frustum base.3. The storage drum assembly of wherein the port further includes a chemical mixer tool removably attached thereon claim 1 , the chemical mixer tool having a mixer housing assembly claim 1 , a mixer shaft claim 1 , and an impeller assembly.4. The storage drum assembly of wherein the port further includes a pump assembly removably attached thereon claim 2 , the pump assembly having a pump tube and a dip tube fitting claim 2 , the dip tub fitting having a plurality of bellows extending downwardly to and contacting the frustum base.5. The storage drum assembly of wherein the storage drum assembly further includes a lower chime extending downwardly from the bottom sump portion claim 1 , the lower chime having an outer wall portion and an inner wall portion.6. The storage drum assembly of wherein the bottom chime further includes a plurality of support ribs disposed ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200147665A1

A container, such as a beverage or food can is provided, which includes a first sidewall, a second sidewall and a bottom portion extending between the first and second sidewalls. The material of the bottom portion is stretched relative to the first sidewall and the second sidewall to form a thinned preselected profile, such as a dome. The material of the container at or about the dome has a substantially uniform thickness. The container is formed from a blank of material, which has a base gauge prior to being formed. After being formed, the blank of material of the container at or about the dome has a thickness less than the base gauge. Tooling having a clamp bead, or a progressive clamp bead, for selectively forming a blank of material into a container, as well as an associated method are also disclosed. 1. Tooling for selectively forming a blank of material into a container , the container including a sidewall and a bottom portion , the tooling comprising:an upper tool assembly;a lower tool assembly;the upper tool assembly and the lower tool assembly include a number of clamp beads;wherein the upper tool assembly and the lower tool assembly are structured to clamp the cup sidewall.2. The tooling of wherein said upper tool assembly and the lower tool assembly are structured to form a clamp bead.3. The tooling of wherein said upper tool assembly and the lower tool assembly are structured to form a progressive clamp bead.4. The tooling of wherein said upper tool assembly and the lower tool assembly are structured to progressively clamp said cup sidewall.5. The tooling of wherein said lower tooling assembly includes a selectable hybrid bias generating assembly.6. The tooling of wherein the selectable hybrid bias generating assembly includes a pressure generating assembly and a mechanical bias assembly.7. The tooling of wherein:the upper tool assembly includes a forming punch;said forming punch includes a number of clamp bead recesses;wherein the lower tool assembly ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152656A1
Автор: Hutchinson Gerald A.

The receptacle including stacking lugs to help reduce vacuum and friction when de-nesting the receptacles. The receptacle including a lid that helps when storing certain types of goods and/or serves as a seat. A septum or receptacle molded into the lid to allow for injection of inert gases or flushing headspace. 1. A receptacle system configured to allow gas exchange in headspace of an interior bag , the system comprising: a bottom portion forming a floor thereof and configured to support any material received in the receptacle;', 'a side wall portion integrally formed with the bottom portion and configured to generally surround and contain the bag;', 'a top portion integrally formed with the side wall portion and comprising an opening for receiving the bag and any material received inside the receptacle, the top portion integrally formed with the side wall portion at the opposite end from the bottom portion;, 'a receptacle comprisingthe interior bag sized and configured for placement within the receptacle and comprising one or more surfaces; anda septum connected to or molded onto the bag and configured to allow controlled gas flow into headspace of the bag that is located above material received therein.2. The receptacle system of claim 1 , wherein the septum comprises a screw or a top.3. The receptacle system of claim 1 , wherein the septum is configured to purge headspace in a closure of the bag by displacing or evacuating existing gas in that headspace.4. The receptacle system of claim 1 , wherein the bag is configured to provide a gas barrier.5. The receptacle system of claim 1 , wherein one or more surfaces of the bag is treated or coated with gas barrier materials.6. The receptacle system of claim 5 , wherein the one or more surfaces have been plasma treated to enhance gas barrier properties.7. The receptacle system of claim 5 , wherein the one or more surfaces have been treated or coated with at least one of: EVOH claim 5 , PHAE claim 5 , MXD-6 nylon claim ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148908A1

A method of forming a coating on a food or beverage container, which includes spraying a coating composition onto an interior surface of the food or beverage container, where the coating composition includes a latex copolymer and a metal drier or crosslinking agent. The latex copolymer is a reaction product of monomers that include (a) one or more styrene-mimicking monomers containing one or more cyclic groups and one or more ethylenically-unsaturated groups, at least a portion of such styrene-mimicking monomers being polycyclic monomers containing ring unsaturation, and (b) one or more other ethylenically-unsaturated monomers. Preferably, the coating composition is substantially free of each of BPA, PVC, other halogenated monomers, and optionally styrene. The method may also include curing the sprayed coating composition, thereby providing the coating on the interior surface of the food or beverage container. 1. A method of forming a coating on a food or beverage container , the method comprising: one or more monomers containing one or more cyclic groups and one or more ethylenically-unsaturated groups, at least a portion of such crosslinkable monomers being polycyclic monomers containing ring unsaturation, and', 'one or more other ethylenically-unsaturated monomers; and, 'receiving a coating composition having an acrylic copolymer dispersed in a liquid carrier and mixed with one or both of a metal drier or crosslinking agent, wherein the acrylic copolymer is a reaction product ofapplying the coating composition to a substrate prior to or after forming the substrate into a food or beverage container, or a portion thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the coating composition to the substrate comprises:spraying the coating composition onto an interior surface of the food or beverage container; andcuring the sprayed coating composition to substantially remove the aqueous carrier, and provide the coating on the interior surface of the food or beverage ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148986A1

This ultrasonic-wave vibration imparting device is configured so as to be attachable to a container that retains a beverage and that has a spout on an upper part thereof. The ultrasonic-wave vibration imparting device includes: an annular engagement part configured so as to engage with the upper part of the container; and an ultrasonic wave generating unit configured so as to be disposed at a position at which the unit comes into contact with a side surface of the container below the spout, as a result of the engagement between the container and the engagement part. 1. An ultrasonic vibration applying device configured to be mounted on a container that contains beverage and includes a spout at an upper part of the container , the ultrasonic vibration applying device comprising:an annular fitted portion configured to be fitted to the upper part of the container; andan ultrasonic generator configured to be arranged at a position in contact with a side surface of the container on a lower side of the spout by fitting the container and the fitted portion to each other.2. The ultrasonic vibration applying device according to claim 1 , whereinthe container is a beverage can, andthe fitted portion has a shape that allows to be fitted to the beverage can.3. The ultrasonic vibration applying device according to claim 2 , wherein the fitted portion includes an upper end fitted portion having a shape that allows to be fitted to a recess of the beverage can claim 2 , the recess being recessed from an upper end of the beverage can toward an inner side of the beverage can.4. The ultrasonic vibration applying device according to claim 1 , whereinthe ultrasonic generator includes an ultrasonic generation device and an ultrasonic propagation member that is in contact with the ultrasonic generation device, andthe ultrasonic generator is configured such that the ultrasonic propagation member is held between the ultrasonic generation device and the side surface of the container by ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170166354A1

An overpack salvage drum including a drum body and a lid. A bottom wall and side wall of the drum body cooperate to define an interior of the drum body. The lid is configured to close an open top of the drum body. The lid includes at least two independent lid threads to engage with corresponding independent drum threads provided on the drum body. The lid includes a plurality of alternating castellations having a flat inner facing side and castellations having an arcuate inner facing side, which can be interdigitated with castellations on another lid when two lids are stacked together, or can be used to lock with a drum body to rotationally secure a drum body relative to the lid when in a stacked arrangement. The lids include lugs and recesses, or rings that allow for secure stacking of the lids. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and second lids are stacked such that castellations of the first lid are received in the gaps between the plurality of castellations of the second lid.3. The method of claim 2 , further including stacking the lid stack on top of the drum stack claim 2 , wherein a bottommost lid in the lid stack is threadingly engaged to the first drum body.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:each of the first and second lids further includes a skirt portion extending down from the top side and terminating at a bottom peripheral edge, the bottom peripheral edge including at least one lug and at least one lug recess, the at least one lug recess having a size sufficient to internally receive the at least one lug; andthe first and second lids are stacked such that the at least one lug recess of the first lid internally receives the at least one lug of the second lid and the at least one lug recess of the second lid internally receives the at least one lug of the first lid.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the at least one lug is a plurality of lugs claim 4 , the at least one lug recess is a plurality of lug recesses claim 4 , and the plurality of lugs ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160517A1

A method and apparatus for forming a can end in a forming press including positioning a sheet of material between an upper punch assembly and a fixed base assembly; cutting a can end blank from the sheet of material; clamping a peripheral portion of the can end blank; moving the upper punch assembly to clamp a central portion of the can end blank between an upper panel punch and a lower panel punch to define a central panel section positioned below an annular inner bead die located adjacent to the lower panel punch on the fixed base assembly; and extending the upper punch assembly to form an initial annular countersink radius next to the peripheral portion of the can end blank, with a substantially undeformed intermediate area extending between the initial annular countersink radius and the annular inner bead die. 1. A method for forming a can end in a forming press , the method comprising:positioning a sheet of material between an upper punch assembly and a fixed base assembly in the forming press;cutting a can end blank from the sheet of material;clamping a peripheral portion of the can end blank;moving the upper punch assembly from a retracted position toward an extended position, and clamping a central portion of the can end blank between an upper panel punch and a lower panel punch to define a central panel section on the can end blank, wherein the central panel section is below an annular inner bead die located adjacent to the lower panel punch on the fixed base assembly; andextending the upper punch assembly subsequent to clamping the central portion of the can end blank to form an initial annular countersink radius next to the peripheral portion of the can end blank, with a substantially undeformed intermediate area extending between the initial annular countersink radius and the annular inner bead die.2. The method of forming a can end as set forth in claim 1 , including extending the upper punch assembly to engage an annular first intermediate bead punch ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180170606A1

A formed blank is provided. The formed blank includes a stretched portion and/or a truncated protrusion, a tooling assembly structured to form a formed blank including a stretched portion and/or a truncated protrusion, and a method of forming a formed blank including a stretched portion and/or a truncated protrusion. The formed blank includes a base and a depending sidewall. The stretched portion and/or the truncated protrusion is disposed on the formed blank base and the thickness of the stretched portion and/or the truncated protrusion is less than the sidewall. The stretched portion and/or the truncated protrusion utilizes less material relative to an unformed base that has about the same thickness as the sidewall. 1. A formed blank comprising:a body including a base; andthe base including a truncated protrusion.2. The formed blank of wherein the truncated protrusion is a truncated dome.3. The formed blank of wherein:the truncated dome includes a first generally curvilinear portion and a second generally curvilinear portion;the truncated dome first generally curvilinear portion having a first center; andthe truncated dome second generally curvilinear portion having a second center.4. The formed blank of wherein:the truncated dome first generally curvilinear portion is a first generally arcuate portion; andthe truncated dome second generally curvilinear portion is a second generally arcuate portion.5. The formed blank of claim I wherein the stretched portion of the truncated protrusion has a generally uniform thickness.6. The formed blank of wherein the formed blank has a base gauge and wherein;the body includes a sidewall depending from the base:the sidewall has a thickness generally corresponding to the base gauge; andthe truncated protrusion has a thickness that is less than the sidewall.7. The formed blank of wherein the truncated protrusion has a thickness that is between about 0.0003 inch and 0.002 inch thinner than the sidewall.8. The formed blank of ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Shotgun accessible beer can

Номер: US20150183547A1
Автор: Langheinrich Adam

A shotgun accessible beer can provides a pressurized beverage container, such as an aluminum can, having a second scored opening on the side, near the bottom. This pre-fabricated, non-improvised opening may be opened easily with any tool or a finger. Once open, the second scored opening presents a reduced risk of injury to the mouth of the user due to jagged aluminum edges. A first opening is provided at the top of the container. The second scored opening is provided at the base of the container. In a first mode of operation, the user may open the top tab to consume the beverage in the conventional way. In a second mode of operation, the user opens the second scored opening with a finger or other available instrument, immediately plugs the opening with his mouth, and then opens the top tab to drink the beverage. 1. A shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage comprising a container; said container having a first opening and a second opening; said second opening being located on the side of said container; and said second opening being at least partially perforated.2. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said second opening is fully perforated.3. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said second opening is partially perforated having a non-perforated edge.4. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said container is aluminum can.5. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said container is aluminum can.6. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said container is aluminum can.7. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said container contains beer.8. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said container contains beer.9. The shotgun accessible container for a pressurized beverage of wherein said container contains beer.10. The shotgun ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Resin-coated steel can and method for producing the same

Номер: US20210206529A1
Принадлежит: Toyo Seikan Co Ltd

A resin-coated steel can and method for producing the same. The resin-coated steel can is produced by drawing or draw-redrawing a resin-coated steel sheet at least having a surface serving as a can inner surface coated with a biaxially-stretched polyester film and a surface serving as a can outer surface that is coated and/or printed. The biaxially-stretched polyester film on the can inner surface side wall has a crystallinity in a range of 42 to 52%, and a shrinkage (shrinkage in the can height direction upon raising the temperature from 23° C. to 130° C. at a rate of 5° C./min.) of the biaxially-stretched polyester film on the can inner surface side wall is less than 10% of the can height.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190184444A1

A tool for curling of can necks as part of a tool plate that includes an expansion control device for controlling of the spreading of a collet, a collet clutch, an interconnecting means provided with a stop mechanism, and a holder being fixed in the collet clutch at its one end, the collet being arranged on its other end, the collet in the non-active position being insertable into the can to permit segments of the collet to spread in the direction of the device. 1. A tool for curling of a can's neck as part of a tool plate , comprising: an expansion control device for controlling of the spreading of a collet in which is with one end by means of a collet clutch , which is inside of the expansion control device arranged interconnecting means provided on the other end with a stop mechanism , wherein in the collet clutch a holder is fixed with its one end , and on its other end the collet is arranged , the collet in the non-active position is insertable into the can , and segments of the collet are spreading in the direction to the device.2. The tool according to the claim 1 , wherein the interconnecting means is created as a rod and the collet comprises segments.3. The tool according to the claim 2 , wherein the collet is provided as an extensible chuck.4. The tool according to the claim 1 , wherein the expansion control device is created as an outer body fixed on the tool plate acting in a straight-line reciprocating movement claim 1 , the outer body having a rear hollow and a front hollow.5. The tool according to claim 4 , wherein the segments of the collet are provided on the inner side with a transverse groove surrounding in the rest position a collar provided on the holder claim 4 , wherein on the holder in the front hollow of the outer body an expansion mandrel is arranged claim 4 , wherein the expansion mandrel is arranged in the inner cylinder and the inner cylinder movably mounted in a guide cylinder claim 4 , the guide cylinder is firmly arranged in the front ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185196A1
Принадлежит: Hewy Wine Chillers, LLC

A beverage container may include a base having an axis, a closed bottom, an open top and an interior cavity therebetween. The base may be formed from a material that is opaque. In addition, a vessel is configured to contain a fluid. The vessel has an opening into or from which the fluid may flow relative to an interior of the vessel. The vessel is mounted in the interior cavity of the base and extends above and beyond the open top thereof. A radial air space is located between the vessel and the base relative to the axis. The vessel may be formed from a material that is at least one of translucent or transparent. In addition, a seal may be located between the base and the vessel. Each of the base, vessel and seal may be a different material. 1. A beverage container , the beverage container comprising:a base including an axis, a closed bottom, an open top, and an interior cavity, wherein the base comprises an opaque material; a material that is translucent or transparent, and', 'an opening to allow the fluid to flow to an interior of the vessel,', 'wherein when the vessel is mounted in the interior cavity of the base, a portion of the vessel extends above the open top of the base and a radial air space is present between an exterior of the vessel and an interior of the base relative to the axis, and, 'a vessel configured to contain a fluid, comprisinga seal present between the base and the vessel when the vessel is mounted in the interior cavity of the base, the seal comprising a plurality of seals axially spaced apart from each other, each seal of the plurality of seals circumscribing the vessel relative to the axis,wherein each of the base, vessel and seal comprise a different material.2. The beverage container of claim 1 , wherein:the base comprises an outer wall and an inner wall;the inner wall defines the interior cavity;an insulation air space is located between the outer and inner walls and comprises a vacuum to maintain a pressure inside the insulation air ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Plastic container with fluted inner wall

Номер: US20150203238A1
Принадлежит: Letica Corp

A molded plastic container having an open top and an outwardly smooth sidewall wherein the interior surface of the sidewall is characterized by a plurality of parallel vertical flutes defined by shallow, smooth concavities joined by flat columns of uniform thickness wherein the ratio of the circumferential diameter of each concavity to the circumferential width of a column is about 8:1. The outside surface of the container is smooth and molded with two integral, vertically spaced, circumferential rings for added hoop strength. The container exhibits a high stacking strength-to-weight ratio. The preferred material is HDPE.

13-07-2017 дата публикации

Container And Closure

Номер: US20170197764A1

A container and closure includes a closure secured to the container through projections comprising a series of horizontal, circumferentially spaced apart elements arranged so that the elements on the closure can pass though the spaces between the elements on the container and locate beneath them to secure the closure to the container. The elements of the projection on the container are separated from each other in the circumferential direction and do not overlap with each other in the vertical direction and the elements of the projection on the closure are separated from each other in the circumferential direction and do not overlap with each other in the vertical direction. The closure carries a sealing member for providing a seal with either an internal or external sealing surface of the container. The seal is driven down from a lead-in surface to engage the sealing surface as the closure is rotated. 1. A container and a closure therefor , the container having an opening defining an axis and an outwardly projecting first member around an external surface of the container , said first member comprising a plurality of circumferentially spaced apart first portions , each first portion having an element with elongate upper and lower surfaces , said upper and lower surfaces thereof being substantially horizontal in the circumferential direction , the closure having a top part and a skirt part , the skirt part comprising an inwardly projecting second member around an internal surface thereof , said second member comprising a plurality of circumferentially spaced apart second portions , each second portion having an element with elongate upper and lower surfaces , said upper and lower surfaces thereof being substantially horizontal in the circumferential direction , said elements of the second portions being of a length such that they can pass through spaces between the first portions and being locatable beneath the first portions so as to secure the closure to the ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Circular Plastic Container Locking Structure

Номер: US20160207669A1
Автор: Dai Zhi-Xiang, Li Ao-qi

A circular plastic container locking mechanism includes a barrel body and a barrel cover; when the barrel body is stationary, the gear handle drives the gear to rotate towards a counter-clockwise direction, and with the rotating function of the gear, the rack on the barrel cover and the whole barrel cover are driven to move towards a clockwise direction, ten times the force for locking the barrel body and the barrel cover up and down can be produced with only a small amount of force by utilizing the lever effect of the gear handle and the effect of thread slope movement on the gear to lock the barrel cover and the barrel body; when the gear handle swings towards the clockwise direction, the barrel cover moves towards the counter-clockwise direction, and then the barrel cover is unlocked; and therefore locking and unlocking are very convenient. 1. A circular plastic container locking mechanism , comprising a barrel body and a barrel cover and characterized in that: a plurality of raised barrel cover threaded strips are arranged on the inner side of the barrel cover , a rack is arranged on a surface , connected with the barrel body , on the barrel cover , a plurality of raised barrel body threaded strips are arranged on the outer-side periphery of an edge opening of the barrel body , the barrel cover threaded strips are matched with the barrel body threaded strips , a set of gear is arranged on the edge of an upper opening of the barrel body , a gear-fixing central shaft is arranged in the gear , and the gear is connected with a gear handle.2. The circular plastic container locking mechanism of claim 1 , characterized in that: a circle of groove is formed in the inner side of the periphery of the barrel cover claim 1 , and the groove of the barrel cover can be matched and fitted with the edge opening of the barrel body.3. The circular plastic container locking mechanism of claim 1 , characterized in that: the barrel cover threaded strips are a plurality of slightly ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Can body for producing a can intended to receive a food product sterilised by heat treatment

Номер: US20200189824A1
Принадлежит: Trivium Packaging Group Netherlands BV

Disclosed is a single-piece can body made of metal, for producing a two-piece can intended for receiving a food product sterilized by a heat treatment after closure of the can. This can body has the following two dimensional ratios: a) a first dimensional ratio R1, wherein R1=Dp/Db with R1 being less than or equal to 0.5, and b) a second dimensional ratio R2, wherein R2=Dp/Df with R2 being less than or equal to 0.55, wherein: Dp is the diameter of the edge of the central plate, Db is the diameter of the inner surface of the side wall of the can body, and Df is the diameter of the baseline of the peripheral groove.

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Containers Coated With Compositions Having Enhanced Heat-Aging Properties

Номер: US20170203878A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

Food or beverage containers coated with polyester coating compositions containing capped polyesters are disclosed. 1. An article comprising:(a) a substrate of a food or beverage container including a portion thereof, [ (A) a polyester resin containing terminal carboxylic acid groups having an acid number of at least 5, with', '(B) an end capping agent that reacts with the carboxylic acid groups to reduce the acid number to below 2.5;, '(i) a polyester resin that is prepared by reacting, '(ii) a crosslinking agent that is reactive with the polyester resin., '(b) a crosslinked coating applied to at least a portion of the substrate; the cured coating being derived from a coating composition comprising2. The article of in which the substrate is a metal substrate.3. The article of in which the cured coating is applied to the interior surface of a substrate.4. The article of in which the polyester resin has an Mof from 3000 to 20 claim 1 ,000.5. The article of in which the end capping agent comprises an oxazoline or an epoxide.6. The article of in which the end capping agent is a monoepoxide.7. The article of in which the monoepoxide comprises a hydroxyl-functional epoxide claim 6 , a glycidyl ether or a glycidyl ester.8. The article of in which the monoepoxide comprises glycidol claim 7 , octyl glycidyl ether claim 7 , decyl glycidyl ether claim 7 , hexadecyl glycidyl ether claim 7 , 2-biphenyl glycidyl ether claim 7 , the glycidyl ester of versatic acid or glycidyl methacrylate.9. The article of in which the polyester resin containing terminal carboxylic acid groups is reacted with the end capping agent at a temperature of from 60 to 250° C.10. The article of in which the polyester resin has a hydroxyl number of from 5 to 50.11. The article of in which the crosslinking agent comprises an aminoplast claim 1 , a phenolplast claim 1 , and/or a blocked isocyanate.12. The article of in which the crosslinked coating has a thickness of 1 to 10 mg/in.13. The article of in which ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160221359A1
Автор: Till Volker

A method for printing on surfaces of three-dimensional objects with a cylindrical or curved surface by means of inkjet print heads includes printing a base color layer onto the three-dimensional object. Then, an upper color layer is printed above the base color layer. The base color layer is printed smaller than the upper color layer. The dimensions of the base color layer are less than the dimensions of the upper color layer in all directions on the surface of the three-dimensional object such that the upper color layer securely covers a margin of the lower base color layer. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for printing on surfaces of three-dimensional objects with a cylindrical or curved surface by inkjet print heads , the method comprising:printing a base color layer onto the three-dimensional object; and thenprinting an upper color layer above the base color layer, wherein the base color layer is printed smaller than the upper color layer, the dimensions of the base color layer being less than the dimensions of the upper color layer in all directions on the surface of the three-dimensional object such that the upper color layer securely covers a margin of the lower base color layer.15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein a coating is printed over the upper color layer.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the coating is formed wider than the upper color layer and the base color layer.17. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the base color layer with regard to print resolution indicated in pixels is smaller than the upper color layer by a range between 1 to 100 pixels.18. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the coating with regard to print resolution indicated in pixels is larger than the upper color layer by a range between 1 to 100 pixels.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the upper color layer is taken as a reference value for size claim 16 , the base color layer being decreased with reference to the upper color layer and ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160221708A1

With the printing device, first, as shown in (A), white layers () are formed by a first white inkjet head on the surface of the can body (). Next, as shown in (B), irradiation of ultraviolet rays by a first irradiation lamp () is performed and the white layers () are cured. Then, the can body () is moved to a second white inkjet head and, as shown in (C), more white ink is loaded on some of the white layers () formed by the first white inkjet head. As a result, the thickness of some of the white layers () is increased. Next, the can body () passes successively under multiple color inkjet heads. As a result, color ink layers () are formed on the surface of the can body () and the white layers (), as shown in (D). 1. A can body manufacturing method , the can body being used for a beverage can , the can body manufacturing method comprising:forming a layer on an outer circumferential surface of the can body which is formed cylindrically with a metal material and on the outer circumferential surface of which a metal base appears, the layer covering the metal base; andafter forming the layer covering the metal base, forming an image on the outer circumferential surface of the can body,wherein formation of the layer covering the metal base is performed by an inkjet head having a plurality of ink ejection ports and capable of controlling whether or not an ink is ejected for each of the plurality of ink ejection ports.2. The can body manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe layer covering the metal base is formed on part of the outer circumferential surface of the can body, andthe layer covering the metal base is formed to allow a portion where the layer covering the metal base is formed and a portion where the layer covering the metal base is not formed to be adjacent each other in a circumferential direction of the can body.3. The can body manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe layer covering the metal base is formed on part of the outer ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170217645A1
Автор: Broerman Mark, Conley Dale

A seal and method of forming a seal for a resealable container includes a removable cap that is selectively received over a pour opening formed in a can body. A seal is adhered to the end wall of the cap and includes a continuous, first axial region extending outwardly from the inner surface of the cap. The seal first region is dimensioned for engagement with the opening in the container and sealing the container along an inner diameter thereof. Reduced on-torque/off-torque are required since the seal is formed on the inner diameter, and a down force is substantially reduced to assemble the cap to the container. 1. A resealable container assembly comprising:a container that is either metal or glass closed at a first end, and having an opening at a second end, the opening having an inner, first diameter through which an associated fluid is introduced into and poured from the container, the container having thread portions adjacent the second end along an external surface thereof;a metal cup-shaped cap having an end wall, and a perimeter sidewall extending from the end wall, the cap dimensioned for selective twist-on/twist-off receipt on the container; anda seal including a continuous first axial region extending outwardly from the inner surface, the first region dimensioned for engagement within the opening and sealing the container along the inner diameter.2. The container assembly of wherein the container includes a curl at the second end to form the opening.3. The container assembly of wherein the seal includes a second claim 2 , shoulder region adjacent an interface of the axial region with the end wall of the cap claim 2 , the shoulder region dimensioned for engagement along a portion of the curl outside the inner diameter.4. The container assembly of wherein the cap and container include cooperating lugs and thread portions claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , for selectively opening and closing the container.5. The container assembly of wherein less than 70 pounds ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180224238A1
Автор: Smith Stone

A liquid dispensing squirt device comprises a handle member, a barrel/loading member, and a spray nozzle member. The barrel/loading member connects to the top portion of the handle member, and contains an access hatch where the carbonated beverage is held. The liquid from the carbonated beverage can is dispensed through the spray nozzle with the can is pierced. 1. A liquid dispensing squirt device , comprising:a substantially hollow housing having at least one chamber and at least one access hatch, wherein the at least one access hatch is hingedly connected to the housing, and wherein the at least one access hatch is configured to cover the at least one chamber, and wherein the at least one chamber is configured to removably receive at least one carbonated beverage can;a spray pattern adjust element rotatably connected to an end of the housing; a) a first tension spring, wherein the first tension spring encircles a rod;', 'b) a pressure plate fixedly connected to the tension spring, wherein the pressure plate is configured to receive a second end of a carbonated beverage can;', 'c) a piercing needle, wherein the piercing needle is configured to pierce a first end of the carbonated beverage can;', 'd) a silicon sealing ring fixedly connected to the piercing needle;', 'e) a support structure element fixedly connected to the silicon sealing ring;', 'f) an outgoing pressure line configured to receive the contents of the carbonated beverage can when the carbonated beverage can is pierced by the piercing needle;', 'g) a second tension spring connected to a piston value, wherein the piston valve is configured to receive the contents of the carbonated beverage can from the outgoing pressure line; and', 'h) a return pressure line connected to the piston valve and the spray pattern adjust element, wherein the return pressure line is configured to receive the contents of the carbonated beverage can from the piston valve;, 'at least one firing mechanism disposed along the ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200215597A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

A can () is provided with a mouth part (), a shoulder part (), and a body part (). The shoulder part () of the can () is decorated, without damaging the shoulder part (), by forming at least one of a recess and a protrusion by means of a rotating process in which the shoulder part () is held between a receiver (), having a concave-convex shape, of an inner roll () and an outer roll () having a convex-concave shape corresponding to the concave-convex shape of the receiver () of the inner roll (). 1. A method for manufacturing a can comprising:forming a shoulder, which is reduced in a diameter toward a side of a mouth of the can, and which has a thickness of 0.1 to 0.3 mm, on a side of an upper end of a cylindrical body of the can in a can axis direction,forming a three-dimensionally shaped portion on the shoulder by using an inner roll having a receiver, which has at least one of a concave portion and a convex portion, and which has a diameter reduced portion corresponding to a shape of the shoulder, for receiving the shoulder from inside; andan outer roll, which has at least one of a concave portion and a convex portion corresponding to the receiver of the inner roll, for pressing the shoulder from outside, wherein, when forming a three-dimensionally shaped portion on the shoulder, the inner roll and the outer roll are rotated relative to the can, in a state in which the receiver of the inner roll and the outer roll clamp the shoulder from outside and inside.2. The method for manufacturing the can according to claim 1 , whereina ratio of a maximum outside diameter of the shoulder to an inside diameter of the mouth of the can is 1.05 to 1.58.3. The method for manufacturing the can according to claim 1 , wherein an external shape of the receiver is a bevel shape along a shape of the shoulder.4. The method for manufacturing the can according to claim 1 , whereinan angle between a surface formed by extending the shoulder to a side of the body, and the body is 10° to 50 ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261298A1

A container may comprise a tubular body having a rounded sidewall extending between a closed end defining a base portion and an opposite open end surrounded by a rim portion, and one or more sets of grooves defined within the vertical portion of the rounded sidewall. The base portion is configured to support the container in an upright orientation relative to a support surface and wherein the base portion defines a support ring having an at least substantially rounded perimeter. The rounded sidewall comprises a curved base transition region and a vertical portion extending between the perimeter of the base portion and the rim portion along a central axis. Each of the grooves comprises a length and a width, wherein the length is longer than the width. The grooves extend between the base portion and the rim portion along the length. 1. A container comprising:a tubular body having a rounded sidewall extending between a first end and a second end opposing the first end, the second end defining a rim portion;a base portion defined by the first end and configured to support the container, the base portion defining a support ring having an at least substantially rounded perimeter, the rounded sidewall comprising a vertical portion defined at least in part by a vertical portion height extending between the perimeter of the base portion and the rim portion along a central axis; anda plurality of grooves defined within the vertical portion of the rounded sidewall, each of the plurality of grooves having a length greater than the vertical portion height.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the sidewall defines an at least substantially uniform wall thickness through the vertical portion.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the rounded sidewall further defines a curved base transition region extending between the base portion and the vertical portion.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the curved base transition region defines one or more base transition grooves arranged ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160244213A1
Автор: Broerman Mark, Conley Dale

A seal and method of forming a seal for a resealable container includes a removable cap that is selectively received over a pour opening formed in a can body. A seal is adhered to the end wall of the cap and includes a continuous, first axial region extending outwardly from the inner surface of the cap. The seal first region is dimensioned for engagement with the opening in the container and sealing the container along an inner diameter thereof. Reduced on-torque/off-torque are required since the seal is formed on the inner diameter, and a down force is substantially reduced to assemble the cap to the container. 1. A resealable container assembly comprising:a container that is either metal or glass closed at a first end, and having an opening at a second end, the opening having an inner, first diameter through which an associated fluid is introduced into and poured from the container, the container having thread portions adjacent the second end along an external surface thereof;a metal cup-shaped cap having an end wall, and a perimeter sidewall extending from the end wall, the cap dimensioned for selective twist-on/twist-off receipt on the container; anda seal including a continuous first axial region extending outwardly from the inner surface, the first region dimensioned for engagement within the opening and sealing the container along the inner diameter.2. The container assembly of wherein the container includes a curl at the second end to form the opening.3. The container assembly of wherein the seal includes a second claim 2 , shoulder region adjacent an interface of the axial region with the end wall of the cap claim 2 , the shoulder region dimensioned for engagement along a portion of the curl outside the inner diameter.4. The container assembly of wherein the container includes an inwardly extending dome that interconnects a sidewall of the container with a neck of the container that includes the curl and opening.5. The container assembly of wherein the cap ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150251823A1

An improved drink can is disclosed wherein the drink can has a drink opening and a vent opening which are positioned opposite from each other with respect to a central portion of a top end of a drink can. The tab is attached to the central portion and can be pulled upward to open the drink opening then pushed back downward to open the vent opening. To aid in opening the vent opening with the tab, the vent opening may have a ridge to provide additional leverage when the tab pushes downward on a score line that defines the vent opening. The tab may be enlarged so that upon breakage of the score line to the vent opening, the tab contacts the top end of the can and does not allow the user's finger to proceed into the vent opening and possibly cut the user's finger. 1. A can for containing fluid therein , the can comprising:a bottom end;a cylindrical sidewall with the bottom end attached to a first side of the cylindrical sidewall;a top end attached to the sidewall on an opposed second side of the cylindrical wall to form an enclosed volume in which the fluid is containable, the top end having a first score line defining a drinking periphery formed in the top end and a second score line defining a vent opening, the first score line angularly displaced from the second score line with respect to a center portion of the top end, the top end having a protrusion juxtaposed to the second score line;a tab defining a drink opening portion and a vent opening portion, the drink and vent opening portions joined to each other at an intermediate portion, the intermediate portion pivotally attached to the center portion of the top end, the drink opening portion disposed over the top end on an interior side of the first score line, the vent opening portion disposed over the top end with a solid portion of the vent opening portion disposable over the protrusion to provide leverage so that a user can press the vent opening portion of the tab into the top end to break the second score ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150251843A1
Автор: Fux Michael

A package for bedding products, such as mattresses and mattress toppers, includes an elongated container having a closed bottom end and an open upper end, a removeable cap covering the open upper end of the container, and a flexible bag containing a compressed bedding product disposed inside the elongated container. The bedding product contained within the flexible bag is folded in half so that a head of the bedding product is aligned with a foot of the bedding product, and rolled from one lateral edge of the bedding product to an opposite lateral edge of the bedding product. The flexible bag containing the bedding product has an air-tight seal. One or more wheels are coupled with the bottom end of the elongated container so that the package can be rolled over a surface. The elongated container may have recesses formed in an outer surface for gripping the package. 1. A package for bedding products comprising:an elongated container having a closed bottom end and an open upper end;a removeable cap covering said open upper end of said container;a flexible bag containing a compressed bedding product, wherein said flexible bag containing said compressed bedding product is disposed inside said elongated container.2. The package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said bedding product is selected from the group consisting of coil mattresses claim 1 , memory foam mattresses claim 1 , and mattress toppers.3. The package as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said bedding product contained within said flexible bag is folded in half so that a head of said bedding product is aligned with a foot of said bedding product claim 2 , and rolled from one lateral edge of said bedding product to an opposite lateral edge of said bedding product.4. The package as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said flexible bag containing said bedding product is sealed to form an air-tight parcel disposed within said elongated container.5. The package as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said elongated container comprises ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Keg Chime

Номер: US20200231330A1
Автор: Falvey James
Принадлежит: Petainer Large Container IP Limited

The present invention relates to a keg chime configured to be mounted to a keg, for example a blow moulded plastic keg. The chime may include a handle that has a waveform profile when viewed in cross-section along a length of the handle. The handle may include a first set of one or more regions of inflection that provide a first surface of the handle and a second set of one or more regions of inflection that provide an opposing second surface of the handle. The chime may be configured to be connected to a sleeve for surrounding at least part of a body portion of the keg. The interface between the chime and the sleeve may be configured to permit axially outward movement of the chime with respect to the sleeve in order to accommodate axial expansion of the keg. 1. A chime configured to be mounted to a keg , the chime comprising a handle that has a waveform profile when viewed in cross-section along a length direction of the handle , wherein the waveform profile defines at least one region of inflection forming at least part of a first surface of the handle , and at least one further region of inflection forming at least part of a second surface of the handle.2. A chime according to claim 1 , wherein the first surface is a bottom surface of the handle and the second surface is a top surface of the handle when the chime is in its normal orientation for use.3. A chime according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second surfaces of the handle is convexly curved when the handle is viewed in cross-section along its length direction.4. A chime according to claim 1 , wherein the waveform profile defines a plurality of regions of inflection that together form at least part of the first surface of the handle.5. A chime according to claim 1 , wherein the waveform profile defines a plurality of regions of inflection that together form at least part of the second surface of the handle.6. A chime according to claim 1 , wherein the handle comprises one or more walls ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200231335A1

A container may comprise a tubular body having a rounded sidewall extending between a closed end defining a base portion and an opposite open end surrounded by a rim portion, and one or more sets of grooves defined within the vertical portion of the rounded sidewall. The base portion is configured to support the container in an upright orientation relative to a support surface and wherein the base portion defines a support ring having an at least substantially rounded perimeter. The rounded sidewall comprises a curved base transition region and a vertical portion extending between the perimeter of the base portion and the rim portion along a central axis. Each of the grooves comprises a length and a width, wherein the length is longer than the width. The grooves extend between the base portion and the rim portion along the length. 1. A container comprising:A tubular body having a rounded sidewall extending between a closed end defining a base portion and an opposite open end surrounded by a rim portion;the base portion configured to support the container in an upright orientation relative to a support surface and wherein the base portion defines a support ring having an at least substantially rounded perimeter;the rim portion positioned opposite the base portion;the rounded sidewall comprising a vertical portion extending between the perimeter of the base portion and the rim portion along a central axis; andone or more sets of grooves defined within the vertical portion of the rounded sidewall each of the grooves comprising a length and a width, wherein the length is longer than the width and the grooves extend between the base portion and the rim portion along the length.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the sidewall defines an at least substantially uniform wall thickness through the vertical portion.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the rounded sidewall further defines a curved base transition region extending between the base portion and the vertical ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Top Chime for a Beverage Keg

Номер: US20200231336A1
Автор: Falvey James
Принадлежит: Petainer Large Container IP Limited

The present invention relates to a top chime for a beverage keg. The top chime is configured to be readily removable from the keg, for example to enable recycling of the top chime separately to the keg. The top chime comprises a mounting portion for mounting the top chime to a keg in use, and a mounting element separate to the top chime that is configured to be assembled together with the top chime after the top chime has been moved into a mounted position with respect to the keg to thereby secure the top chime with respect to the keg. The top chime is provided with a mounting element that is configured to engage the mounting portion to thereby secure the top chime with respect to the keg. The mounting element is configured to be assembled together with the top chime by moving the mounting element in a radially inward direction with respect to a longitudinal axis of the top chime. 1. A top chime configured to be mounted to a keg; wherein the top chime comprises a mounting portion for mounting the top chime to the keg in use , the mounting portion defining an aperture that is configured to receive a neck portion of the keg; wherein the top chime is configured to be removable from the keg after having been mounted to the keg by pulling the top chime in an axially outward direction with respect to the keg , the top chime being provided with a mounting element that is configured to engage the mounting portion to thereby secure the top chime with respect to the keg , and wherein the mounting element is configured to be assembled together with the top chime by moving the mounting element in a radially inward direction with respect to a longitudinal axis of the top chime.2. A top chime according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting element is configured to be assembled together with the top chime by moving the mounting element in a direction that is at least substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the top chime.3. A top chime according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180242632A1
Принадлежит: Philip Morris USA Inc.

A package of smokeless tobacco includes a flavor patch located in the package to provide flavor to smokeless tobacco. Also disclosed is a method of packaging smokeless tobacco by combining a package with a flavor patch disposed inside the package, the flavor patch comprising a flavor and an adsorbent, so that the flavor patch resides in an interior of the package; and adding smokeless tobacco to the package with the flavor patch. 1. A package for smokeless tobacco comprising:a pocket-sized package;smokeless tobacco inside the package; andat least one flavor patch inside the package, the at least one flavor patch comprising an absorbent material and a liquid flavorant releasably absorbed in the absorbent material.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the package is a cylindrical can having a friction fitted lid.3. The package of claim 1 , wherein the liquid flavorant comprises a wintergreen flavor or a mint flavor.4. The package of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent material is food-grade paper having a thickness of about 0.2 mm to about 2.8 mm.5. The package of claim 1 , wherein the flavor patch has a color corresponding to a flavor of the liquid flavorant.6. The package of claim 1 , wherein the smokeless tobacco is loose cut chewing tobacco having a moisture content of 20% or more.7. The package of claim 1 , wherein the smokeless tobacco comprises pouched tobacco having a moisture content of 20% or less.8. The package of claim 1 , wherein the smokeless tobacco inside the package comprises loose smokeless tobacco claim 1 , snus claim 1 , pre-portioned tobacco claim 1 , or tobacco pouches.9. The package of claim 1 , wherein the package includes a metal cover claim 1 , a metal base and a plastic ring providing a mechanical connection with the base and a friction fit with the cover.10. The package of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent material comprises multiple layers of fibrous material.11. The package of claim 1 , wherein the flavor patch includes a film encapsulating the ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180244429A1

A portable container and container assembly provides a durable, functional and simple carry-all solution for dry and wet provisions, goods and gear. Exemplary features of various embodiments include one or more of an overmolded pad on the bottom of the container, a removable handle incorporating a releasable retaining structure, a lid that seals within the container cavity and is flush with the outer periphery of the container sidewall and/or has a cellular internal reinforcing structure, a skirt extending around the sidewall that is integral with handle mounts for the handle and/or provides a connection point for external components, and a drop-in tray with a collapsible handle. 1. A portable container assembly comprising: a bottom;', 'a sidewall connected to the bottom and extending upward from the bottom to define an internal cavity with an opening at a top of the sidewall, the sidewall having an inner surface and an outer surface;', 'first and second handle mounts connected to the outer surface of the sidewall, each of the first and second handle mounts having a vertical connecting portion with a receptacle defined therein, the vertical connecting portion being spaced from the sidewall to define a gap between the vertical connecting portion and the outer surface of the sidewall; and, 'a container comprisinga handle assembly comprising a handle configured for use in lifting the container assembly and first and second connection members connected to opposed ends of the handle, wherein the first and second connection members are removably connected to the first and second handle mounts to removably connect the handle assembly to the container, each of the first and second connection members comprising a plug, wherein the plug of the first connection member is received within the receptacle of the first handle mount and the plug of the second connection member is received within the receptacle of the second handle mount, the handle assembly further comprising first ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Can lid and beverage can

Номер: US20150259094A1
Принадлежит: Showa Aluminum Can Corp

A tab main body section ( 520 ) is provided with first to third main body section slits ( 731 - 733 ) which penetrate through the tab main body section ( 520 ). The first to third main body section slits ( 731 - 733 ) are formed in a circular arc shape so as to extend along the outer peripheral edge of an insertion hole ( 540 ) formed in a circular shape. The first main body section slit ( 731 ) is provided between the insertion opening ( 540 ) and a first edge section ( 501 ) of a tab ( 500 ). The second main body section slit ( 732 ) and the third main body section slit ( 733 ) each have one end section ( 751 ) and the other end section ( 752 ). The one end section ( 751 ) is located closer to a second edge section ( 502 ) of the tab ( 500 ) than the insertion hole ( 540 ).

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Aircraft Water Tank

Номер: US20160257403A1
Автор: Masuda Mitsutaka

An aircraft water tank constituting an aircraft water tank is provided with a cylindrical section, dome sections, and mouthpieces. The mouthpieces are provided with mouthpiece bodies and annular wall sections that extend outward in the radial direction around the entire outer circumferences of the mouthpiece bodies between an inner liner and a fiber-reinforced resin layer, and are attached to the inner liner and the fiber-reinforced resin layer around the circumferences of openings. Outer surfaces of the annular wall sections contacting the fiber-reinforced resin layer are formed by uniform tension curved surfaces. 1. An aircraft water tank comprising:a cylindrical section;dome sections provided on both sides of the cylindrical section; anda mouthpiece provided in a center of each of the dome sections;the dome sections being provided with an inner liner and a fiber-reinforced resin layer provided on an outer peripheral surface of the inner liner;the inner liner and the fiber-reinforced resin layer being provided with coaxially positioned openings;each of the mouthpieces being provided with a cylindrical mouthpiece body that passes through the openings, and an annular wall section that extends outward in a radial direction from around the entire outer circumference of the mouthpiece body between the inner liner and the fiber-reinforced resin layer, and is attached to the inner liner and the fiber-reinforced resin layer around the circumferences of the openings; andthe annular wall sections having a surface shape on a side contacting the fiber-reinforced resin layer that is formed by a uniform tension curved surface.2. The aircraft water tank according to claim 1 , whereinthe inner liner is thicker in portions thereof surrounding the openings than in other portions thereof.3. The aircraft water tank according to claim 2 , whereinthe inner liner is formed from a polyolefin. The present technology relates to an aircraft water tank.An aircraft water tank provided with a ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Concave Can End

Номер: US20170253371A1

A container can end includes a concave dome shape and may forgo a peripheral reinforcing bead around the center panel. The tab may also be curved. Tooling for forming the end and a corresponding method are provided. 1. An unseamed can end capable of withstanding 90 psi internal pressure after seaming onto a can body , the can end being formed of an aluminum alloy , the can end comprising:a curl structure adapted for being seamed together with a flange of a can body;a chuck wall extending radially inwardly from the curl structure, the chuck wall is adapted for contact with a chuck during the seaming process;an inwardly domed panel radially inwardly from the chuck wall;a score formed on the panel; anda tab attached to the panel and adapted for rupturing the score in response to actuation of the tab by a user to form a pour opening.2. The can end of wherein the panel extends from a lower end of the chuck wall into the panel with no countersink bead therebetween.3. The can end of wherein a diameter of the can end is less than 10 times a height of the dome at a center of the end.4. The can end of wherein a diameter of the can end is between 4 and 8 times a height of the dome at a center of the end.5. The can end of wherein the can end is formed of an aluminum alloy that is less than 0.20 inches thick.6. The can end of wherein the can end is formed of an aluminum alloy that is less than 0.18 inches thick.7. The can end of wherein the can end is formed of an aluminum alloy that is less than 0.16 inches thick.8. The can end of wherein the can end has a stacking height S of between 1.7 and 3.0 mm.9. The can end of wherein the can end has a stacking height S of at least 1.8 mm.10. The can end of wherein the curl structure has a curl width of less than 3.5 mm measured radially and horizontally between the outboard most point of the curl structure and a point on the curl at which a seaming panel of the curl structure yields to a relatively straight portion of a chuck wall of ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160262559A1
Автор: KIM Yong Un

Disclosed is a vessel which is easy to open and close and has a metering function, comprising a containing part configured to accommodate contents therein; a mount fixed to an installation surface and configured to locate the containing part; and fixing means formed in one pair of members which are installed at each of the containing part and the mount to be connected with each other, wherein the containing part is fixed to the mount by the fixing means in a downward direction of the mount. 112-. (canceled)13. A vessel which is easy to open and close and has a metering function , comprising:a containing part configured to accommodate contents therein;a mount fixed to an installation surface and configured to locate the containing part; andfixing means formed in one pair of members which are installed at each of the containing part and the mount to be connected with each other,wherein the containing part is fixed to the mount by the fixing means in a downward direction of the mount.14. The vessel of claim 13 , wherein the fixing means comprise a first magnet which is installed at the mount and a second magnet which is installed at the containing part claim 13 , and the first magnet and the second magnet are attached to each other claim 13 , and thus the containing part is fixed to the mount in the downward direction of the mount.15. The vessel of claim 13 , wherein the mount comprises a main recess which is formed to have a predetermined depth by a bottom surface and a circumferential surface claim 13 , such that one end of the containing part is inserted therein claim 13 , and a stop recess which is formed to protrude outward from the circumferential surface of the main recess claim 13 , and one end of the containing part which is inserted into the main recess has a head which is formed to be inserted into the main recess and the stop recess.16. The vessel of claim 15 , wherein the containing part has a barrel in which the contents are accommodated claim 15 , and ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210308736A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

An apparatus and tool set forming a three-dimensionally shaped portion on a shoulder of a can including an inner roll having a receiver for receiving the shoulder from inside; an outer roll for pressing the shoulder from outside; and a rotating unit for rotating the inner roll and the outer roll relative to the can. The shoulder is formed on a side of an upper end of a cylindrical body of the can in a can axis direction to be reduced in a diameter toward a side of a mouth of the can and to have a thickness of 0.1 to 0.3 mm. The receptor of the inner roll has at least one of a concave portion and a convex portion, and has a diameter reduced portion corresponding to a shape of the shoulder. Further, the inner roll and the outer roll are rotated by the rotating unit.

21-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210323713A1

Provided is a can body in which a skirt part of the cap attached to a curl part certainly wraps to fixable and pressure resistance can be improved. A cylindrical part and a mouth part connected with a neck part with a smaller diameter than the cylindrical part are provided with; the mouth part has a curl part at an outer peripheral part which is made by folding a tip outward in a radial direction to round up; and in a vertical cross section on a can axis, a concave part is formed toward a lower side in the can axis direction, between an outer peripheral-lower side bent part which is convex diagonally downward on an outer peripheral part of the curl part and a curl end part having the tip. 1. A can body comprising:a cylindrical part;a neck part smaller than the cylindrical part in a diameter; anda mouth part connected to the neck part, whereinthe mouth part comprises an outer peripheral part thereof a curl part in which an end part including an edge is folded back outward in a radial direction and rolled up; andthe curl part is provided with an outer peripheral-lower side bent part which is bent inward in the radial direction at an outer peripheral lower part and convex diagonally downward in a can axis direction, a concave part which is connected to the outer peripheral-lower side bent part and concave downward in the can axis direction, and a curl end part which is connected to the concave part and includes the edge.2. The can body according to claim 1 , wherein the curl end part has an end bent part which is gradually reduced in a diameter upward in the can axis direction from the inside of the concave part in the radial direction and curved to be convex inward in the radial direction.3. A method of manufacturing a can body comprising:a forming step of a small-diameter cylinder part forming a small-diameter cylinder part in a cylindrical body; anda forming step of a curl part forming a curl part which is formed by folding an end part including an edge of the small ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Liquid Sample Collection Method Using a Leak Proof, Air Tight Plastic Container Device

Номер: US20170266658A1

The present invention provides a method of collecting a liquid sample using a leak proof, air tight plastic container device. The method comprises placing the sample in the container device, the device comprised of a container, a lid, a lid groove containing a gasket therein which covers and tightens over the rim of the container, a lid flange, and a thin hook in the container containing a second gasket compressed by the lid flange when the lid is closed over the container; and sealing the sample in the container device by engaging the internal screw threads of the lid with the external screw threads of the container and rotating the lid until resistance to rotation is encountered. The method further comprises transporting the sample to a site for analysis, whereby no leakage of the liquid sample and no air seepage into or out of the container occur during transport.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Can Manufacture

Номер: US20150283597A1
Автор: Monro Stuart

A method and apparatus are disclosed which are suitable for use in the manufacture of two-piece metal containers. In particular, a press is disclosed which makes cup sections from metal sheet using a combination of drawing and stretching operations. The cups resulting from the press have the advantage of having a base thickness that is thinner relative to the ingoing gauge of the metal sheet. 1. A method for manufacture of a metal cup from a metal sheet , the method comprising the following operations:i. a drawing operation comprising drawing the metal sheet into a cup having a sidewall and an integral base;ii. a stretching operation performed on the cup, the operation comprising clamping an annular region on the base of the cup to define an enclosed portion, and deforming and stretching at least part of the base that lies within the enclosed portion to thereby increase the surface area and reduce the thickness of the base, the annular clamping adapted to restrict or prevent metal flow from the clamped region into the enclosed portion during this stretching operation;the drawing and stretching operations performed in a common press.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drawing operation comprises locating the metal sheet between a draw punch and a draw die claim 1 , and moving either or both of the draw punch and draw die towards each other such that the draw punch extends through the draw die to thereby draw the metal sheet into the cup claim 1 , the annular clamping during the stretching operation comprising clamping the annular region on the base of the cup between the draw punch and a clamping element disposed on the opposite side of the cup to the draw punch.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the stretching operation comprises using a stretch punch disposed on the opposite side of the cup to the draw punch and moving either or both of the stretch punch and clamped cup towards each other to deform and stretch at least part of the base that ...
