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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2266853C2

FIELD: sealing devices. SUBSTANCE: sealing device formed of synthetic material having properties identical to or better than stopper cork properties may be used in all stopper cork applications. Sealing device is used to seal vine or strong drink containers. The sealing device is formed by thermoshaping of elastomeric material, wherein the foamed elastomeric material is obtained by foaming supercritical fluid medium. EFFECT: possibility to take initial shape after compression, improved gas permeability, possibility to use corkscrew to extract the sealing device from container without the risk of container content pollution with sealing device materials or substances. 19 cl, 3 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2 266 853 (13) C2 B 65 D 51/00 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2003121640/12, 17.07.2001 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÔÐÀÃÎËÀ Ôåëè÷å (IT) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 17.07.2001 (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 16.01.2001 (ïï.1-19) EP 01830021.0 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(ëè): ÃÓÀËÀ ÄÈÑÏÅÍÑÈÍà Ñ.Ï.À. (IT) R U (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.12.2004 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 27.12.2005 Áþë. ¹ 36 (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 16.07.2003 (86) Çà âêà PCT: IT 01/00377 (17.07.2001) 2 2 6 6 8 5 3 R U Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ñ.À.Äîðîôååâó C 2 C 2 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 02/055401 (18.07.2002) (54) ÓÊÓÏÎÐÎ×ÍÎÅ ÑÐÅÄÑÒÂÎ ÈÇ ÑÈÍÒÅÒÈ×ÅÑÊÎÃÎ ÌÀÒÅÐÈÀËÀ ÄËß ÅÌÊÎÑÒÅÉ (57) Ðåôåðàò: Èçîáðåòåíèå îòíîñèòñ ê óêóïîðî÷íîìó ñðåäñòâó, âûïîëíåííîìó èç ñèíòåòè÷åñêîãî ìàòåðèàëà, ñâîéñòâà êîòîðîãî ïîäîáíû èëè äàæå ëó÷øå ñâîéñòâ íàòóðàëüíîé ïðîáêè, è êîòîðûé ïîýòîìó ìîæíî èñïîëüçîâàòü âî âñåõ ñëó÷à õ, êîãäà îáû÷íî èñïîëüçóþò íàòóðàëüíóþ ïðîáêó. Óêóïîðî÷íîå ñðåäñòâî ñëóæèò çàòû÷êîé äë åìêîñòåé ñ âèíîì èëè êðåïêèìè íàïèòêàìè. Óêóïîðî÷íîå ñðåäñòâî âûïîëíåíî èç ýëàñòîìåðà ïîñðåäñòâîì òåðìîôîðìîâàíè , ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2491217C2

Изобретение относится к установочной системе для установки клапана для пропускания потока текучего вещества из источника текучего вещества, в которой клапан включает в себя периферийную крепежную часть, гибкую, упругую промежуточную часть, проходящую от периферийной крепежной части, и гибкую, упругую головку, которая проходит от промежуточной части и имеет, по меньшей мере, одну самоуплотняющуюся щель в головке, боковую краевую часть, расположенную рядом с промежуточной частью, и противолежащие, открываемые части вдоль щели для образования первоначально закрытого отверстия. Установочная система включает в себя удерживающую структуру и прилегающую структуру. Прилегающая структура выполнена с возможностью расположения смежно промежуточной части клапана, таким образом, что прилегающая структура может зацепляться первой стороной головки клапана в боковой краевой части головки клапана для ограничения перемещения боковой краевой части головки клапана в одном направлении. Описаны также варианты ...

28-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673607C2
Принадлежит: СУПЕРКАП С.Р.Л. (IT)

Изобретение относится к конструкции синтетической эластомерной пробки с индикацией вскрытия с расширенной внешней головкой с примыканием к верхней части типа T-образной пробки, содержащей составную конструкцию для соединения материала (5) с эластомерной массой (1), заделыванием в головке (2) внутреннего скелета (5) с внешними выступающими частями (10, 11, 12, 15) для образования каркаса (5), выступающими по периферии (11) из вставляемого корпуса (3) под головкой (2) для образования пояска (12), зацепляющего венчик (14) горловины бутылки ослабленной линией (13) и выступающего захватываемого элемента (15). 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

15-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766369C1

Изобретение относится к средствам для укупоривания бутылок и обеспечивает увеличение надежности укупоривания путем увеличения адаптивности фиксирующей ленты 10 при приложении поперечной нагрузки. Крышка-пробка содержит пластиковую пробку 1, сверху которой плотно закреплена защитная крышка 2, а снизу с помощью первых перемычек 3 закреплен разомкнутый отрывной поясок 4, приспособленный для размещения вокруг горлышка бутылки. Отрывной поясок 4 имеет язычок 7, снабженный вторыми перемычками 8, соединяющими разомкнутые концы 9 отрывного пояска 4, и загнутую внутрь по линии загиба 11 фиксирующую ленту 10, приспособленную для размещения по окружности между венчиком 5 и буртиком 6 бутылки и имеющую свободный край 12, выполненный с возможностью зацепления с венчиком 5 бутылки, и разомкнутые концы 13, соединенные посредством третьей перемычки 14. Фиксирующая лента 10 имеет конусообразные гофры 15, ориентированные к продольной оси а-а крышки-пробки. Каждый гофр 15 имеет переменное поперечное сечение ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU164440U1

... 1. Пробка для бутыли, содержащая основание с крышкой, на которой имеется оболочка, закрывающая торец крышки и ее боковую поверхность, отличающаяся тем, что основание с крышкой выполнено в виде единой детали, при этом пробка дополнительно содержит втулку, установленную на основании до упора с торцевой поверхностью крышки с возможностью радиальной и осевой фиксации.2. Пробка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что основание с крышкой выполнено из вспененного полимерного материала.3. Пробка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что втулка выполнена из прозрачного материала.4. Пробка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что втулка выполнена с открытой торцевой поверхностью.5. Пробка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, оболочка крышки выполнена из металла или пластика.

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU163872U1

... 1. Укупорочное устройство, содержащее корпус, состоящий из цилиндрической и фланцевой частей, установленную на нем крышку с боковым рельефом, частично заходящим на внешнюю торцевую поверхность крышки, внутренняя торцевая поверхность которой снабжена уплотнительным бортом и лепестками, и режущий элемент, отличающийся тем, что на внешней торцевой поверхности крышки выполнены ребра жесткости, кроме того, крышка дополнительно снабжена отрывным кольцом с фиксирующими элементами, а лепестки дополнительно снабжены элементами, усиливающими их жесткость; цилиндрическая часть корпуса снабжена кольцевым фиксирующим элементом, а фланцевая часть снабжена диагональными ребрами жесткости и ребрами жесткости, расположенными по периметру фланцевой части; режущий элемент выполнен в виде полого цилиндра, на внутренней боковой поверхности которого выполнены вертикально ориентированные элементы с треугольным и квадратным профилями, а нижняя торцевая поверхность стенки режущего элемента снабжена резцами.2. Укупорочное ...

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU75181U1

Полезная модель относится к укупорочным устройствам, используемым в вино-водочной промышленности, в частности к пробкам с дозаторами. Пробка содержит укупорочный корпус с сетчатой диафрагмой, диафрагма выполнена в виде металлической мембраны, фиксируемой запорным кольцом в проходном отверстии укупорочного корпуса. При наливании, жидкость проходящая через мелкие ячейки сетчатого диска мембраны, создающая большую активность жидкости и ее жидкостно-газовой смеси, активно насыщается ионами металлов, в частности серебра, что сказывается на органолептических свойствах напитка. 1 н.п.ф., 3 з.п.ф. и 2 илл.

20-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU76317U1

Полезная модель относится устройствам для укупорки бутылок, в основном, с высококачественными и дорогостоящими алкогольными напитками, обеспечивающим наглядность первоначального открытия бутылки. Создание простой в изготовлении и удобной в эксплуатации конструкции, в которой отсутствуют отделяемые при открытии пробки элементы, достигается за счет того, что в пробке для бутылки, содержащей колпачок, выполненную с возможностью совместного с колпачком перемещения запорную втулку, имеющую резьбу на ее внутренней боковой поверхности, уплотнительную втулку со средствами фиксации на горловине бутылки, клапанный элемент для перекрытия отверстия уплотнительной втулки и предотвращения повторного заполнения бутылки, сливную втулку с резьбой на ее наружной боковой поверхности и сливным патрубком, контрольное кольцо, отсоединенную от колпачка цилиндрическую юбку со средствами ее фиксации на горловине бутылки, на верхней торцовой части юбки выполнена отбортовка, контрольное кольцо выполнено в виде соединенной ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU77849U1

Полезная модель касается затворов или других пробок-дозаторов, а именно бутылочных затворов, которые используются преимущественно для закрывания бутылок с алкогольными напитками и обеспечивают индикацию открывания, и, возможно, также препятствуют повторному заполнению бутылки. Бутылочный затвор содержит корпус в виде открытого снизу цилиндра с отрывным элементом в центральной части торцевой поверхности, запорную втулку, выливную втулку и уплотняющую втулку с клапаном. Запорная втулка, которая имеет в верхней части выливной носик, изготовлена и установлена с возможностью аксиального перемещения по резьбе относительно выливной втулки таким образом, что в ее крайнем верхнем положении конец выливного носика выступает над торцевой поверхностью корпуса. Уплотняющая втулка, которая имеет в нижней части отверстие клапана, установлена с натягом на патрубок выливной втулки, и имеет уплотняющие кольца на внешней боковой поверхности. Защитный элемент размещен на торцевой поверхности корпуса, причем ...

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU122987U1

Полезная модель относится к области упаковочных изделии, может быть использована для укупорки различных сосудов, в том числе бутылок в ликероводочной и винодельческой промышленности и направлена на снижение стоимости изделия за счет использования более дешевых материалов и повышение удобства в ее использовании за счет надежного крепления отдельных ее элементов. Пробка для укупорки сосудов содержит выполненные из стекла или полимерного материала корпус, устанавливаемый в горловине сосуда, и связанную с ним крышку. На корпусе установлена оболочка из полимерного материала, имеющего более высокие деформационные характеристики, чем материал корпуса. Корпус с оболочкой выполнены с направляющим, герметизирующим и фиксирующим участками. Фиксирующий участок корпуса выполнен зацело с герметизирующим и совмещен с ним. Направляющий участок корпуса с оболочкой выполнен с конусной наружной поверхностью. Внешний диаметр фиксирующего участка превышает внутренний диаметр горловины сосуда. Оболочка выполнена ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU90767U1

... 1. Пробка для бутылки, содержащая колпачок цилиндрической формы, выполненную с возможностью совместного перемещения с частью колпачка запорную втулку с резьбой на ее внутренней боковой поверхности, сливную втулку с резьбой на ее наружной боковой поверхности, выполненной с возможностью взаимодействия с резьбой запорной втулки, при этом колпачок выполнен с линией ослабленного сечения на уровне нижнего торца запорной втулки, отличающаяся тем, что на боковой поверхности запорной втулки выполнены перевернутые П-образные вырезы с образованием по центру вертикально расположенных и закрепленных в верхней части язычков, причем каждый язычок снабжен как минимум одним выступом-приливом, выходящим за наружную боковую поверхность запорной втулки, при этом сливная втулка в верхней части снаружи имеет кольцевую выемку с возможностью расположения в ней нижней части каждого язычка в пробке в собранном виде. ! 2. Пробка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что запорная втулка или хотя бы ее нижняя часть выполнена в ...

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU91563U1

... 1. Пробка для стеклянных бутылок, содержащая верхнюю часть в виде крышки и нижнюю часть в виде колбы с фланцем, шток с направляющими элементами и ограничителями хода, обеспечивающими заданное перемещение штока относительно колбы, на верхнем конце штока установлена кнопка, на колбе выполнена юбка с пыжами, отличающаяся тем, что на внешней стороне колбы установлен, по меньшей мере, один фиксатор, который выполнен в виде упора, стенка колбы в зоне фиксатора выполнены из полимерного материала с низкой эластичностью и с возможностью ее деформации изгибом, внутри колбы установлен, по меньшей мере, один толкатель и/или, по меньшей мере, один возвратный клин, шток снабжен рабочим органом, последний выполнен с возможностью взаимодействия с толкателем и/или с возвратным клином для передачи движения от штока к фиксатору. ! 2. Пробка для стеклянных бутылок по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что крышка подвижно соединена с колбой. ! 3. Пробка для стеклянных бутылок по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что крышка жестко ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU125163U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для обработки и очистки воды в походных условиях. Полезная модель направлена на упрощении способа выравнивания давления в бутылке с атмосферным давлением, упрощении конструкции корпуса пробки и фильтрующего элемента. Технический результат достигнут тем, что пробка снабжена развальцованной с одного конца воздухоподающей трубкой, проходящей через центральное отверстие крышки корпуса и центральное отверстием воздухоподающего канала многослойного фильтрующего элемента до дна бутылки. При этом диаметры фильтрующего слоя материала грубой очистки и фильтрующего слоя материала тонкой очистки выбраны равными внутреннему диаметру цилиндрического корпуса, а диаметр размещенного между ними слоя сорбента выбран равным внутреннему диаметру резьбы корпуса. В розничную сеть пробки-фильтры поступают в герметичной упаковке, включающей 5-10 пробок-фильтров, и одну воздухоподающую трубку. Одна пробка-фильтр обеспечивает очистку 15-20 литров воды. Себестоимость одной ...

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU134158U1

Укупорочное устройство для бутылки, выполненное в виде пробки, способной устанавливаться в горловине бутылки, снабженной внутренней втулкой со средством индикации вскрытия, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно содержит наружную крышку с осевыми ребрами на внутренней поверхности, установленную на внутреннюю втулку, при этом на наружной поверхности внутренней втулки выполнены наклонные выступы, взаимодействующие с осевыми ребрами наружной крышки, с возможностью осевого и радиального поступательного движения наружной крышки по наклонным выступам в сторону вскрытия.

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU44306U1

Полезная модель относится к пробкам для бутылок, применяемых в винно-водочной промышленности для разлива и хранения алкогольной продукции. Техническим результатом предложенных полезных моделей является усовершенствование конструкции пробки, обеспечение возможности ее использования для укупорки бутылок на стандартном оборудовании при сохранении необходимой надежности укупорки, выявление несанкционированного вскрытия бутылки. По варианту 1 пробка для бутылки содержит колпачок с цилиндрической юбкой и резьбой на наружной боковой поверхности, крышку с резьбой на внутренней боковой поверхности и выступом на внутренней торцовой поверхности. Цилиндрическая юбка снабжена внутренним соосным выступом с уплотнительными кольцами, продольными ребрами, поперечным фиксатором с конусообразной внутренней поверхностью. Верхний торец колпачка установлен между внутренней боковой поверхностью крышки и ее выступом. На поперечном фиксаторе выполнены продольные разрезы, причем он может быть выполнен в виде выступов ...

14-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU204199U1

Полезная модель содержит шляпку, устанавливаемую на торцевую часть горловины, и сопряженную с ней ножку, для плотного размещения в горловине. При этом шляпка и ножка имеют общее основание. Причем ножка сформирована нижней частью основания, а шляпка сформирована верхней частью основания с установленным на нем наружным корпусом и торцевой вставкой, зафиксированной на корпусе в осевом направлении. Причем на внутренней боковой поверхности корпуса и наружной поверхности верхней части основания выполнены элементы взаимной фиксации в радиальном направлении. Техническим результатом является сохранение целостности пробки при приложении усилий на укупорку, вытаскивание и прокручивание во время использования, позволяя изготовить пробку без использования адгезивов и сложных стопорных элементов. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU82195U1

... 1. Дозатор-рассекатель, включающий корпус с входным и сливным отверстиями, на внутренней поверхности которого закреплен рассекатель таким образом, что создает проходное кольцевое сечение для прохода жидкости, отличающийся тем, что рассекатель выполнен в виде стакана, обращенного дном к входному или сливному отверстию, и соединен с внутренней поверхностью корпуса перегородками так, что между перегородками, рассекателем и внутренними стенками корпуса формируется система каналов для взаимно направленного движения жидкости и воздуха. ! 2. Дозатор-рассекатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рассекатель установлен со стороны входного отверстия. ! 3. Дозатор-рассекатель по любому из пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что выход сливного отверстия сформирован кольцевым выступом, выступающим относительно торца корпуса. ! 4. Дозатор-рассекатель, включающий корпус с входным и сливным отверстиями, отличающийся тем, что сливное отверстие выполнено в виде втулки, соединенной с внутренней поверхностью корпуса перемычкой ...

27-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU59535U1

Полезная модель относится устройствам для укупорки бутылок, в основном, с высококачественными и дорогостоящими алкогольными напитками, обеспечивающим наглядность первоначального открытия бутылки и усложнение, а, следовательно, и нецелесообразность, или невозможность его повторной сборки. Возможность окончательной сборки пробки при обеспечении наглядности первоначального открытия бутылки уже после запрессовки на горловине бутылки отдельных элементов пробки, что уменьшает нежелательные деформации в пробке и повышает ее надежность, достигается тем, что в пробке для бутылки, содержащей колпачок, выполненную с возможностью совместного с колпачком перемещения запорную втулку, имеющую резьбу на ее внутренней боковой поверхности и снабженную осевым фиксатором, уплотнительную втулку со средствами фиксации на горловине бутылки, подвижный клапанный элемент с внутренней полостью для размещения осевого фиксатора, сопряженный с тарельчатым запором для перекрытия отверстия уплотнительной втулки, сливную ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU81705U1

Устройство содержит разливочный корпус с выливным отверстием и проходными каналами для потока жидкости, состоящий из наружной и внутренней втулки, соединенный с основанием, выполненным с уплотнительными средствами для фиксации в горловине емкости. Внутренняя втулка выполнена с закрытой верхней поверхностью с возможностью размещения нижнего торца в открытой сверху замкнутой полости основания, образуя тем самым гидравлический затвор, и создавая при этом избыточное давление в полости емкости, предотвращая заполнение жидкости.

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU81166U1

Полезная модель относится к закупоривающим устройствам для бутылок с жидкостью, в частности, для закрывания бутылок с напитками с повышенным содержанием сахара. Закупоривающее устройство содержит металлический корпус, на котором выполнены шлицы, кольцевую подкатку и разрезы, выполненные по кругу с заданным интервалом, внутри металлического корпуса размещена крышка, на которой снаружи по кругу с заданным интервалом выполнены вертикальные ребра жесткости, взаимодействующие со шлицами, с помощью которых закреплена крышка от проворачивания, а внутри крышки выполнен кольцевой уплотнительный выступ, коническая упругая вставка, содержащая входное и выходное отверстия, вертикальные ребра, внутренние и внешние уплотнительные кольца, а вокруг входного отверстия - кольцевой выступ, направленный внутрь конической упругой вставки, втулку, которая имеет широкую кольцевую проточку на внешней боковой поверхности, уплотнительные ребра и выливные окна, дозирующий элемент в форме перевернутого стакана, соединенный ...

22-01-2024 дата публикации

Пробка для бутылок с механизмом открывания/закрывания

Номер: RU222861U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для закрытия бутылок, банок или аналогичных контейнеров, которые удерживаются на месте с помощью соответствующих средств приложения давления, взаимодействующих с горлышком бутылки. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что пробка для бутылок содержит раму с осевым крепежом, крышку пробки с ключом и механизм для перевода пробки в открытое и закрытое состояния, причем механизм для перевода пробки в открытое и закрытое состояния содержит программный цилиндр и два комплекта шторок, причем движение обоих комплектов шторок осуществляется поворотом программного цилиндра в центре пробки. Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является простота конструкции и возможность легкого и эффективного многократного открывания и закрывания бутылки. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU166878U1

Полезная модель относится к области хранения и транспортировки жидких продуктов, а конкретно к пластиковой бутылке. Задачей, на решение которой направлена настоящая полезная модель, является повышение эксплуатационных характеристик бутылки, т.е. создание легкой, простой в изготовлении конструкции бутылки, позволяющей надежно прикрепить ее к предметам одежды и т.п. Поставленная задача решается тем, что пластиковая бутылка, содержащая полый тонкостенный корпус, заканчивающийся горловиной, и держатель, который выполнен в виде открытого паза, сформированного в корпусе параллельно центральной оси бутылки и превышающего половину высоты бутылки, характеризуется тем, что проекции стенок паза на плоскость, перпендикулярную поперечной оси паза, представляют собой зигзагообразные линии. При этом каждая зигзагообразная линия может состоять из отрезков прямых линий или из отрезков кривых линий. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU64599U1

Полезная модель относится устройствам для укупорки бутылок, в основном, с высококачественными и дорогостоящими алкогольными напитками, обеспечивающим наглядность первоначального открытия бутылки и усложнение, а, следовательно, и нецелесообразность, или невозможность его повторной сборки. Простота конструкции, эффективность функционирования клапана, а также возможность окончательной сборки пробки при обеспечении наглядности первоначального открытия бутылки уже после запрессовки на горловине бутылки отдельных элементов пробки, что уменьшает нежелательные деформации в пробке и повышает ее надежность, достигается тем, что в пробке для бутылки, содержащей колпачок, выполненную с возможностью совместного с колпачком перемещения запорную втулку, имеющую резьбу на ее внутренней боковой поверхности и снабженную осевым фиксатором, уплотнительную втулку со средствами фиксации на горловине бутылки, подвижный клапанный элемент для перекрытия отверстия уплотнительной втулки, сливную втулку с резьбой ...

27-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU60492U1

Полезная модель может быть использована в пищевой промышленности и относится к универсальным укупорочным устройствам для бутылок, применяемых для разлива и хранения алкогольных напитков и обеспечивающих индикацию их вскрытия, а также препятствующих повторному заполнению бутылок некачественной алкогольной продукцией. Техническим результатом предложенной полезной модели является предотвращение повторного заполнения бутылок некачественной алкогольной продукцией. Укупорочное устройство содержит наружный колпачок со шлицами на внутренней поверхности и отрывным элементом в торцовой части, сливную втулку, выполненную с коаксиально расположенными наружным и внутренним патрубками на входном торце, уплотнительными выступами на внутренней поверхности наружного патрубка и полым цилиндрическим выступом на выходном торце, запорную втулку с, по меньшей мере, одним боковым сливным отверстием, которая установлена на полом цилиндрическом выступе сливной втулки с возможностью осевого перемещения при повороте ...

10-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU66303U1

Полезная модель касается затворов или других пробок-дозаторов, которые размещены внутри горлышек или сливных отверстий бутылок и используются преимущественно для закрывания бутылок с алкогольными напитками. Бутылочный затвор, который имеет корпус в виде открытого снизу цилиндра с высечкой в центральной части торцевой поверхности и опорными выступами на внутренней цилиндрической поверхности, выливную втулку и запорную втулку, которая имеет выливной носик, а также внутренний цилиндр и внешний цилиндр, на внутренней поверхности которого выполнена резьба, а на внешней поверхности выполнены шлицы, выливная втулка содержит нижний патрубок и верхний патрубок, верхняя часть которого закрыта ограничителем хода шарика, а в боковой поверхности выполнены прорези, выливная втулка содержит также цилиндр с внешней резьбой, который опоясывает верхний патрубок и на который навинчивается внешним цилиндром запорная втулка, и юбку с опорной поверхностью для взаимодействия с опорным выступом корпуса, причем ...

13-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU187605U1

Полезная модель относится к области упаковочных изделий и касается укупорочной пробки, которая может быть использована в ликероводочной и винодельческой промышленности.Пробка для бутылки состоит из основания и крышки, при этом основание содержит нижнюю часть, предназначенную для установки в горловину бутылки, а крышка образована верхней частью основания и неразъемно соединенной с ней оболочкой, содержащей внутреннюю полость и наружную поверхность. Согласно полезной модели, форма верхней части основания соответствует форме внутренней полости оболочки, при этом выполнена с возможностью выхода верхней части основания на минимально одну наружную поверхность оболочки через минимально одно отверстие. При этом ширина верхней части основания, выходящей на наружную поверхность оболочки, может превышать диаметр указанного отверстия в оболочке, в которой дополнительно предусмотрено еще как минимум одно отверстие, выполненное сквозным. Основание может быть выполнено из полимерного или из натурального ...

27-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU146053U1

... 1. Бутылочный затвор, содержащий пробку, размещенную на горловине бутылки, выполненную в виде колпачка с отверстием, уплотняющую прокладку, соединенную с колпачком, причем пробка снабжена скобообразными ручками, выполненными в виде удерживающей скобы и прижимающей скобы, соединенных между собой посредством стягивающих петель, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит средство индикации вскрытия, расположенное на горловине бутылки и скобообразных ручках и выполненное с одной или более ослабленными перемычками с возможностью их разрушения при первом вскрытии.2. Бутылочный затвор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что средство индикации вскрытия выполнено в виде ленты, расположенной на горловине бутылки и скобообразных ручках и соединенной неразъемно с замковыми элементами.

20-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2142883C1

Устройство для укупорки емкостей для повышения надежности защиты содержимого сосуда имеет маркированный вкладыш, установленный под охранным покрытием. 7 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU181925U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам, применяемым в фармацевтической промышленности и медицине для передачи испаряющихся и опасных для окружающих жидких веществ в специальный ингалятор, например медицинского препарата «Севофлуран», который используется в хирургической практике в качестве вещества для общего наркоза при проведении операций.Технический результат заключается в обеспечении высокой герметичности пробки, исключении потерь и испарения жидкостей, находящихся в емкости, что гарантирует безопасность процессов хранения, транспортировки и жидкостей, используемых для наркоза, и переливания в специальные ингаляторы.Пробка для емкости с жидкостью, внутри которой размещен клапан, согласно п. 1 формулы, включает верхнюю узкую и нижнюю широкую цилиндрические части, а клапан содержит поршень с пазами для прохода жидкости и с верхним элементом в форме усеченного конуса, а в торце пробки выполнено ответное выпускное отверстие, перекрытое верхним элементом поршня, выполненным с возможностью ...

15-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2801760C1

Изобретение относится к средствам укупоривания бутылок, а именно к пробкам для бутылок, способным удерживать большое давление углекислого газа, находящегося в содержащихся в бутылке напитков. Пробка для бутылки содержит уплотнительную втулку (1), устанавливаемую в горловине бутылки, и внешнюю оболочку (5), устанавливаемую на уплотнительную втулку (1), зафиксированные между собой в осевом и радиальном направлении, при этом наружная поверхность (7) внешней оболочки (5) содержит отверстие (6), выполненное с возможностью размещения в нем верхней торцевой стенки (3) уплотнительной втулки (1). Пробка для бутылки позволяет проводить испытания на насыщенность конечного продукта углекислым газом с сохранением необходимой герметичности укупорки и без потери концентрации углекислого газа в емкости на любых типах афрометров. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2317927C1

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления средства укупорки бутылки и может быть использовано в тарной промышленности. Способ изготовления средства укупорки бутылки включает в себя изготовление тела пробки с верхней и нижней концевыми частями, образованного ручным инструментом - молотком, содержащим рукоятку и ударную часть - боек, скрепленные друг с другом, причем нижнюю концевую часть образуют рукояткой, а верхнюю концевую часть образуют бойком. В качестве второго и третьего объектов изобретения предусмотрены средство укупорки бутылки и способ укупорки бутылки вышеупомянутым средством. Изобретение обеспечивает создание нового, эффективного средства укупорки бутылки, удобство его хранения, транспортирования и использования потребителем. 3 н.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000127211A

Резиновая пробочная накладка в виде кольца, одеваемого на пробку, предназначена для облегчения ее вытаскивания из бутылок шипучих вин ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014153541A

... 1. Крышка для контейнера, содержащая:верхнюю стенку и кольцевую юбку, свисающую от упомянутой верхней стенки,причем упомянутая юбка включает в себя одну или более внутренних резьбовых структур для соответствующего зацепления с одной или более внешними резьбовыми структурами упомянутого контейнера, где каждая из упомянутых внутренних резьбовых структур определяется соответствующей спиралью и каждая из них имеет начало резьбы напротив упомянутой верхней стенки, ипри этом упомянутая юбка дополнительно включает в себя по меньшей мере один установочный направляющий элемент, расположенный на внутренней поверхности упомянутой юбки, причем упомянутый установочный направляющий элемент смещен в вертикальном направлении от каждой упомянутой спирали и смещен в окружном направлении от каждого упомянутого начала резьбы, при этом упомянутый направляющий элемент выполнен с возможностью зацепления с одной из упомянутых одной или более внешних резьбовых структур горлышка упомянутого контейнера для способствования ...

16-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654196C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к области укупорочных средств, а именно к устройствам для повторной укупорки бутылок с газированным напитком, включающим корпус, внутри которого расположен подпружиненный поршень с эластичной прокладкой, упорное кольцо, предотвращающее выпадение поршня, причем корпус снаружи шарнирно соединен с рычагами, выполненными с возможностью фиксации устройства на горлышке бутылки, и может быть использовано в барах и ресторанах для долгого сохранения свойств открытых игристых вин. Согласно изобретению поршень с прокладкой имеют в центре сквозной канал, при этом поршень соединен со штуцером, полость которого соединена со сквозным каналом, причем внутри штуцера расположен подпружиненный обратный клапан, а сам штуцер соединен с источником подачи сжатого углекислого газа, при этом устройство имеет фиксатор, который выполнен в виде трубки с внешней резьбой, идущей враспор между верхней частью корпуса устройства и поршнем, выполненным с возможностью фиксации всего устройства ...

10-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93058358A

Предлагается закрывающее устройство с базовой крышкой со склада, включающей шарнирную крышку для косметических, туалетных и аналогичных изделий. Шарнирная крышка содержит кольцевую стенку с перегородкой, перпендикулярной к ней, образуя тем самым обращенное вверх углубление для приема декоративных вставок различных цветов, текстур и форм.

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013138043A

Пробка для укупорки бутылок, выполненная в виде непроницаемого для воды и газов тела, имеющего канал, отличающаяся тем, что в канале, выполненном несквозным, установлен клин или винт для крепления подвешиваемого элемента.

20-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002132806A

... 1. Затвор для сосудов, включающий пробку с верхним ограничительным фланцем и выполненную в виде полости, радиальный канал, клапан из упругого материала и нижний фланец, отличающийся тем, что нижний фланец выполнен в виде коаксиальных дисков, между которыми расположен кольцеобразный клапан из эластично-упругого материала. 2. 3атвор для сосудов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на горизонтальной поверхности кольцеобразного клапана может быть выполнено отверстие, центр которого расположен на окружности с диаметром на 0,8-1,2 мм больше диаметра коаксиальных дисков нижнего фланца. 3. Затвор для сосудов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что внутренняя поверхность междискового пространства нижнего фланца выполнена с уклоном.

27-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97118336A

... 1. Закупоривающее устройство для емкости, имеющее корпус круглого поперечного сечения, который приспособлен для того, чтобы входить в отверстие емкости для обеспечения плотной закупорки вышеупомянутой емкости, при этом корпус, в основном, состоит из формованного пенополистирола с закрытыми ячейками, имеющего по существу однородную плотность не менее 0.03 г/см3. 2. Закупоривающее устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что корпус практически имеет цилиндрическую форму. 3. Закупоривающее устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что пенополистирол окрашен таким образом, что цвет закупоривающего устройства соответствует цвету корковой пробки. 4. Закупоривающее устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что поверхность корпуса частично или полностью покрыта изолирующим материалом, например, полиуретаном и/или парафином, который окрашен таким образом, что цвет закупоривающего устройства соответствует цвету корковой пробки. 5. Закупоривающее устройство по любому из предыдущих пп.1-4, отличающееся ...

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98114304A

... 1. Цельный затвор (30), имеющий сливной патрубок (32), колпачок (38) и шарнирный узел (40), соединяющий колпачок (38) со сливным патрубком (32), при этом шарнирный узел (40) обеспечивает возможность открывания колпачка (38) с повторным уплотнением относительно сливного патрубка (32) при сохранении присоединения колпачка (38) со сливным патрубком (32), сливной патрубок (32) имеет фланец (36) и стержень (34), выступающий из него, стержень (34) задает отверстие (56), колпачок (38) имеет крышку (42) и юбку (44), выступающую из нее, затвор, отличающийся тем, что юбка (44) имеет, по меньшей мере, одну подпорку (102 или 104), выступающую из нее, тем самым подпорка (102 или 104) плотно прилегает к стержню (34) с целью предотвращения помехи от колпачка (38), когда колпачок (38) находится в открытом положении. 2. Затвор (30) по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит, по меньшей мере, один уступ (110), расположенный на стержне (34), уступ (110), по существу, перпендикулярен фланцу ( ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU137906U8

... 1. Универсальная винтовая крышка для герметизации конструктивно различных выливных отверстий бутылок с жидкостью, где указанная крышка имеет цилиндрический корпус с внутренней винтовой резьбой, уплотняющую зону и дискообразную верхнюю часть, отличающаяся тем, что уплотняющая зона выполнена в виде пустотелого цилиндра, выступающего вглубь крышки от ее верхней части, при этом внешняя поверхность его нижней части определяет первую уплотняющую поверхность, а его внутренняя поверхность, которая выполнена по меньшей мере с одной ступенькой, определяет вторую уплотняющую поверхность.2. Универсальная винтовая крышка по п 1, отличающаяся тем, что соотношение высоты цилиндрического корпуса к диаметру его верхней части составляет приблизительно 1:1.3. Универсальная винтовая крышка по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что предназначена для применения с пробкой-дозатором с внешней винтовой резьбой.4. Универсальная винтовая крышка по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что предназначена для применения на бутылке ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2485033C9
Принадлежит: АСТРАЗЕНЕКА АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к эластомерному колпачку, который используется для герметизации пробирки, однако обеспечивает доступ пипетки к содержащейся в пробирке жидкости. Колпачок включает в себя кольцеобразный фланцевый участок для закупоривания пробирки и имеющий уклон участок усеченного конуса для упрощенного направления пипетки в пробирку. Участок трубчатого уплотнителя, соединенный с фланцевым участком и участком усеченного конуса, выполнен так, что он окружает участок усеченного конуса и с легкостью введения плотно входит в зацепление с внутренней стенкой пробирки. Участок центрального клапана, соединенный с участком усеченного конуса, на своей верхней поверхности окружен желобом для протыкания пипеткой и имеет гибкий участок. Участок центрального клапана отделяется по периметру желоба, но над гибким участком шарнирно откидывается на желобе и не отделяется. Соотношение диаметров пипетки и участка центрального клапана таково, что во время переноса содержащейся в пробирке жидкости проблемы ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007111565A

... 1. Пробка с откидным колпачком для упаковки жидких и текучих продуктов, содержащая дозатор (2), включающий ребристый корпус (20) и горловину (6) и жестко связанный с ромбовидным основанием (8), и колпачок (4), шарнирно соединенный с дозатором (2) посредством гибкого элемента (5), при этом ребристый корпус (20) имеет выемку (21), образованную вертикальной поверхностью (22) и горизонтальными поверхностями (23, 24), упор (25), образованный тремя вертикальными поверхностями (26, 27, 28) и горизонтальной поверхностью (29), на которой имеется зубец (15), выступающий за пределы указанной горизонтальной поверхности (29), карман (10), образованный по вертикали двумя наружными скругленными стенками (30, 34) и двумя внутренними скругленными стенками (31, 32), в радиальном направлении двумя наружными радиальными стенками (35, 38) и двумя внутренними радиальными стенками (36, 37), образующими первый радиальный угол, а по горизонтали образованный верхней и нижней стенками (39, 401) и соединенный с ребристым ...

20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009133498A

Колпачок, содержащий цилиндрический полый корпус для напрессовки нижней частью на горловину бутылки, крышку с винтовой резьбой для установки на корпусе и защитную зубчатую ленту, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен с днищем, перекрывающим его верхний торец, и центральной трубкой, расположенной в центре днища параллельно оси корпуса, а в полость корпуса устанавливается выпускной клапан с радиальными перегородками, с возможностью осевого перемещения, а на крышке и корпусе выполнены кольцевые углубления с зубчатой поверхностью для установки защитной зубчатой ленты.

07-07-1991 дата публикации

Пробка с притертой рабочей поверхностью

Номер: SU1661068A1

Изобретение относится к устройствам, располагаемым в горловине емкостей для хранения и транспортировки жидкостей. Целью изобретения является повышение удобства эксплуатации путем исключения заклинивания. При извлечении пробки с притертой рабочей поверхностью из емкости в полость 3 пробки подается охлажденная жидкость. Жидкость поступает по одному из сквозных отверстий 5, в то время как по другому отверстию 6 происходит ее отвод. Устраняется заклинивания и пробка легко извлекается из горловины сосуда. 2 ил.

16-10-1972 дата публикации

Пробка для укупорки сосудов

Номер: SU355786A3
Автор: Риоичи Садо

13-06-1991 дата публикации

Plastic stopper for e.g. wine bottles - consist of e.g. foam body in two halves joined together by horizontal gas barrier of e.g. foil coated each side with polyethylene

Номер: DE0003940461A1

A stopper for bottles, and partic. for wine or champagne bottles, has a plastic stem with gas-tight barrier layer. This stem is solid; the barrier layer runs at right angles to its axis and divides the stem into upper and lower halves. The barrier can be made of polyester-coated aluminium and the body sprayed-on foam. Specifically, an exploded view of a stopper for wine bottles shows that it consists of an upper (2) and a lower (3) part with the barrier layer (4) between. The top and bottom (2,3) are made of e.g. ethylene-vinyl acetate and the barrier (4) is alumnium with a thin layer of polyethylene on each side (5,6). The polyethylene films (5,6) are bonded on hot. The structure indicated is pressed together into one place. In this the two parts (2,3) stay bonded together even if subjected to torsinal forces. A champagne type of stopper (or for e.g. sherry) has a similar construction with a bevelled bottom edge and a wiper top head. ADVANTAGE - The prod. provides an effective gas barrier ...

21-07-2005 дата публикации

Centrifugal fertiliser spreader, has spreader plate containing spaces for marking spreader blade positions

Номер: DE202005007989U1
Принадлежит: BORZ ROMAN E

The spreader plate (ST) contains spaces in the body of the plate and/or in a plate edge region (RB) located at a distance from the plate rotation axis (DA) which is at least 80 (90) % of the plate radius (RA). These spaces are used as markings (MA) for the positions of the spreader blades (WS). The spreader comprises a rotary plate with at least one spreader blade secured to it.

22-10-1998 дата публикации

Flaschenstopfen mit Ring

Номер: DE0029807846U1

05-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060305892T2

18-04-1957 дата публикации

Verschlusskoerper, insbesondere fuer Drahtbuegelhebelverschluesse

Номер: DE0000962320C
Принадлежит: ADOLF JEZEK

31-03-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8801700U1

14-03-1985 дата публикации

Verschlusselement in Form eines Stopfens Kolbens od dgl fuer Behaelter

Номер: DE8502146U1

12-11-1970 дата публикации

2-chloro-delta 1,4-steroids

Номер: DE0001921398A1

... 2-Chloro-DELTA1,4-steroids of formula : (where R1 is H or CH3; R2 is H, free or esterified OH; X is F, Cl or CH3; Y is H or halogen; Z is halogen of atomic wt. = Y, OH in beta-posn. or when Y is H, Z is an OH in alpha-posn.). A prefd. cpd. is 6alpha-fluoro-1alpha,2beta-dichloro-11beta-hydroxy-21-acetoxy-16a- lpha-methyl-4-pregnene-3,20-dione. Cpds. useful as anti-inflammatories.

06-07-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001921398C3

31-08-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002208790A1

14-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002242343A1

14-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE502005002424D1

29-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069815719T2

24-04-1969 дата публикации

Stopfen fuer Drahtbuegelhebelverschluesse

Номер: DE0001432177A1

03-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019508444C2

20-04-2000 дата публикации

Flaschenverschluss für eine unter Gasüberdruck stehende Flasche

Номер: DE0020002729U1

29-03-2001 дата публикации

Verschlußstöpsel für Flaschen oder flaschenartige Behältnisse

Номер: DE0020100637U1

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Verschluss für flaschenartige Behältnisse

Номер: DE102014107702A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Verschluss (1) für flaschenartige Behältnisse mit einem in den Flaschenhals einschiebbaren Stopfenteil (10). Der Verschluss ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in dem Stopfenteil (10) eine in Längsrichtung angeordnete Flüssigkeitsdurchtrittsöffnung (11) vorgesehen ist, wobei der Verschluss (1) eine die Flüssigkeitsdurchtrittsöffnung (11) abdeckende Verschlusskappe (12) umfasst.

05-06-2008 дата публикации

Stopfen mit einem Behälter für einen Exsikkator

Номер: DE202007017105U1

Stopfen mit einem Behälter für einen Exsikkator, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass er aus einem einstückigen Körper gebildet ist, welcher das Teil, das dem Körper des Stopfens entspricht, einen inneren Behälter für einen Exsikkator und eine Sicherheitsabdichtung umfasst, wobei der Zusammenbau in einer einzigen Spritzgussform ausgebildet ist.

09-02-2006 дата публикации

Stopfen zum Verschließen einer Flasche

Номер: DE102004034709B3

Ein Stopfen (2) zum Verschließen einer Flasche mit einem Dichtkörper (4) und einer Griffkappe (6), an die ein in den Dichtkörper (4) eingreifender Verbindungsdorn (8) angeformt ist, soll bei vergleichsweise einfach gehaltener Herstellung und vergleichsweise großer Freiheit bezüglich der Materialwahl auch nach oftmaligem Wiederverschließen einer Flasche eine zuverlässige Abdichtung unter Vermeidung einer Beeinträchtigung des Inhalts ermöglichen. Dazu ist erfindungsgemäß der Verbindungsdorn (8) in Relation zu einem zugeordneten, im Dichtkörper (4) vorgesehenen Aufnahmekanal (10) derart dimensioniert, dass bei in den Aufnahmekanal (10) eingebrachtem Verbindungsdorn (8) unter Berücksichtigung der elastischen Eigenschaft des Dichtkörpers (4) eine kraftschlüssige Verbindung entsteht.

12-06-1968 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001270483B

05-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602006020847D1

13-02-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE9114327U1
Принадлежит: GAPLAST GMBH, 8111 ALTENAU, DE

27-09-2007 дата публикации

Sealing plug for oil filter housing of vehicle, has sealing surface provided at shaft end adjacent to plug head that is formed for detachably fixing plug into through-hole of construction unit

Номер: DE102006013373A1

The plug has sealing surfaces (9, 11) provided at axially opposing ends (8, 10) of an elongated shaft (7). The sealing surface (9) is provided at the shaft end (8) adjacent to a plug head (12). The head is formed for detachably fixing the plug into a through-hole of a construction unit for engagement with a tool. The sealing surface (11) disposed in an area of the shaft end (10) has a diameter, which is larger than transverse width of a connecting section (19) extending between the two shaft ends. An independent claim is also included for a method for integrating a heat exchanger into an oil circulation system of an internal combustion engine.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Verschlussstopfen für ein Thermostatgehäuse einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102006013373B4

Es wird ein Verschlussstopfen (6, 20) mit einem langgestreckten Schaft (7) vorgeschlagen, an dessen axial gegenüberliegenden Enden jeweils eine Dichtfläche (9, 11) vorgesehen ist, wobei die erste Dichtfläche (9) am ersten Schaftende (8) benachbart zu einem Verschlussstopfenkopf (12) vorgesehen ist, der zur lösbaren Festlegung des Verschlussstopfens (6, 20) in einer Durchgangsbohrung (17, 21) eines Bauteils zum Eingriff mit einem Werkzeug ausgebildet ist und die zweite Dichtfläche (11) im Bereich des zweiten Schaftendes (10) angeordnet ist, das einen Durchmesser besitzt, der größer ist als die Quererstreckung des die beiden Schaftenden (8, 10) verbindenden Verbindungsabschnitts (19).

23-07-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8707279U1

13-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002226556A1

15-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001266867A

25-02-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to flanged corks for closing tubes

Номер: GB0000687914A

... 687,914. Drilling. NAAMLOOZE VENNOOTSCHAP W. H. VAN DEN TOORN'S INDUSTRIEELE ONDERNEMINGEN, KURKENFABRIEK SCHIEDAM. Aug. 2, 1951, No. 18319/51. Class 83 (iii). [Also in Group XVII] In apparatus for making corks as in Specification 687,913, the teeth 18 of the annular drill 12 are tapered on the inner side for cutting tapered corks.

20-04-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to stoppers

Номер: GB0000728307A

... 728,307. Stoppers. BROWN, W. H., and BROWN, L. E. Oct. 23, 1953 [Oct. 27, 1952], No. 26998/52. Class 125 (3). A hollow plug stopper of polyethylene has a tapered plug 10 with annular ridges 13, open and with a flange 12 at the top and having an apertured web 11 at the bottom, a thick disc 14 connected by a stem 17 to a thin annular portion 15 and central portion 16 fitting within the plug so that portions 15 and 16 cover the aperture. A cap 18 of polyethylene or thermosetting resin is a push fit in plug 10 and a projection 19 engages disc 14. A modification has fine holes through disc 14 and cap 18 to allow escape of steam. Another modification employes a helical spring to urge the cover plate against the web 11.

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Hand laundry system

Номер: GB2452477A

The hand laundry system includes a plastic or rubber bag 1 with a single aperture 2 and a separate plastic cylinder 3 with a removable bung 4 and an elasticized cord 5. The bag may be sealed watertight by the cylinder, bung and cord. The cord may also be used to attach the cylinder to the removable bung.

12-03-2003 дата публикации

Bottle stopper for vacuumization and pressure indicating

Номер: GB0002379439A

A stopper 10 for use in the neck (fig 5, 20) of a bottle having a vacuum comprises an outer body 12 with a cylindrical sleeve portion 14 having an outer surface 26 for forming an air and fluid tight seal with the bottle neck (20), and defining an axial bore (fig 2, 36). A resilient lower flange 18 extends radially inward from the interior surface to an axial aperture 38 having a sealing surface (fig 2, 40). A valve actuator 70 with an upper operator portion (fig 4, 72), connected to a lower valve body portion 74 by a longitudinally extending shaft portion 76 includes an indicator 88. The valve body portion 74 is sealingly engageable with the sealing surface (40) of the aperture 38. A substantially rigid inner body 42 with a sleeve portion 44 disposed within the bore (36). The sealing surface of the aperture 38 and the valve body portion may have complimentary conical shapes, and the upper flange portion (16) of the outer body 12 may have an inner surface defining circumferential groove ...

24-02-2010 дата публикации

Anti-spiking device for drink containers

Номер: GB0002462796A

An anti-spiking device 2 for a drinks container 3, the device is inserted into a neck of the container, wherein the device includes a central opening 6 for the insertion of a straw 7. This device is maybe inserted in-situ in the bottle and may be covered by a cap by the manufacturers of drinks. The device may be easily removed if someone does not want to use the straw by way of a pull ring (8, fig 6). The device may have a target area such as perforated foil or a hole into which straw can be inserted. The device at top may have a hinged foil feature to pull off the top part or whole of the device. The device may hold in-situ straw (folded or part folded). It may be used to hold flavour or aroma to be released when the bottle cap is opened or straw pierces to release the flavour or aroma. Also, the device may contain a sensor (electronic or chemical) for detection of objects other then straw added into the bottle.

02-06-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in closures for bottles or other vessels

Номер: GB0000602763A

... 602,763. Stoppers for bottles or other vessels. CANTRILL, J. R. Oct. 15, 1945, No. 26865. [Class 125(iii)] A stopper for a bottle or other vessel comprises a plug 10, preferably of cork, with an opening 11 extending a x i a 11 y through it and a rubber disc 12 extending across the opening arranged to allow excess gas pressure which may develop within the vessel to be relieved by means of a needle puncture 13. The disc 12 is retained in position by a metal cap 14 having a central opening.

25-03-1987 дата публикации

Closure for a container

Номер: GB0002180228A

A closure for a container such as a can for carbonated beverages comprises a collar which is an easy fit in the opening in the container and a plug which is hingedly connected to the collar and when fitted into the collar causes the collar to be elastically deformed into tight sealing engagement with the opening and with the plug.

21-04-2004 дата публикации

Synthetic closure

Номер: GB0002394206A

By achieving an extruded, foamed core formed from plastic material peripherally surrounded and integrally bonded with a plurality of cooperating synthetic, plastic, extruded, outer layers, a unique, multi-component, multi-layer synthetic closure is provided which may be employed as a bottle closure or stopper for any desired product, whether the product is a liquid, a viscous material, or a solid distributed in a bottle or container and dispensed through the open portal of the container neck. The present invention achieves a mass producible, resilient, synthetic bottle closure which is employable for any desired bottle, including wine. By employing the present invention, a multi-component or multi-layer synthetic closure is attained which possesses physical properties substantially equal to or better than the physical properties found in cork material, which has caused such cork material to be the principal closure material for wine bottles.

16-11-2005 дата публикации

Synthetic closure

Номер: GB0002394206B

22-08-2007 дата публикации

Anti spike device

Номер: GB0002435260A

This invention relates to a series of anti spike plastic, rubber etc devices that is attached either by hand to a bottle, glass or fits, placed inside, incorporated inside of a bottle crest, closure, cover. The anti spike device comprises rubber, plastic part 1 having a hollow type straw 2 that either protrudes or has a concertina design that fits inside the body of the anti spike devices 1 that both form part of the anti spike plastic, rubber, rubber part 1 that either slots onto the outer rim of the bottle, glass 3 or that inserted inside the bottle, glass 3. This is achieved by the plastic part 1 either having a series of internal slots, or that its outer body has a series of grooves, etc that stop the plastic device 1 from collapsing inside the bottle, glass etc 3.

21-08-2013 дата публикации

Easy-open closure with a lever

Номер: GB0002499441A

An easy open screw type or flip top closure 1 for a bottle 7, jar or container which incorporates a lever 4 attached to the closure 1 which extends downwards from the uppermost part of the closure along the body of the said bottle or jar or container. The lever 4 may be raised and rotated about pivot 5 through 270 degrees until it engages a groove 8 in the top of the closure and extends horizontally from the uppermost part of the closure, opposite the side it began at rest. The lever 4 may be able to rotate the closure 1 for removal when it is engaged in the groove 8. The lever may be rotated further than 270 degrees to pull off or flip part of the closure, the flip top and lever remaining attached for restoration to the starting positions. The lever may be shaped to follow the contours of the bottle, jar or container when initially ar rest.

22-02-2017 дата публикации

Cork with Valve

Номер: GB0002541403A

A cork assembly suitable for disgorging champagne or sparkling wine bottles, comprising a plug 2 to insert into the neck of a bottle, a longitudinal hole 9 extending through the plug in which a movable valve 3 is mounted to engage to the sides of the plug in order to seal the hole. The valve is preferably biased into the closed position by a spring 13 and moves towards the bottom 8 of the plug when opening. Preferably the valve slides within the hole and has a pin 11 protruding from the top 7 of plug in the closed position. The seal 10 may contain an o-ring that is removably mounted, and is wider than the valve and the hole when mounted to groove 11d of the pin, to prevent removal. Preferably, the hole tapers inwards towards the top of the assembly.

13-10-1982 дата публикации

Plug or stopper

Номер: GB0002096109A
Автор: Gill, Ernest George

A plug or stopper comprises a body portion 11 moulded of polypropylene or nylon and having an integral handle and an integral post 19. Attached to the lower end of the body portion is a bung 13 which has a sealing end surface. The bung is made of natural or synthetic rubber or any plastics with equivalent sealing properties. The bung is pushed into the body portion and the end of the post 19 is hot or cold formed to the shape shown in the drawing to trap the bung as shown. The end of post 19 is thus formed with a projection 20 forming a flat shoulder 21 to retain the bung and a bevelled outer end 22. The groove or recess 25 is held by the shoulder 21 of the projection 20 so as to positively locate and hold the bung in position in the body. Additional location is provided by a rib 26 formed in the cylindrical portion of the bung and engaging the annular recess 18 in the wall of the body portion. The plug or stopper is suitable for use in hot water bottles, ice packs, ginger beer bottles, ...

20-07-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to fastener, plug-button or closure devices

Номер: GB0001036728A

... 1,036,728. Covers for bolt holes. F.T. PRODUCTS Ltd. June 5, 1963 [June 5, 1962], No. 21744/62. Heading F2H. [Also in Divisions B8 and E2] A one-piece device for use as a fastener, plug button or closure is made of resilient plastics material and comprises a head 11 and depending from an under face of the head an elongate hollow shank 12 open at the end remote from the head and substantially circular in crosssection the shank tapering from a plane passing through the position of maximum cross-section intermediate its length to the head and to the open end of the shank, the wall of the shank being formed with a longitudinal slit or fold extending from the open end of the shank through the position of maximum cross-section. In the construction shown in Fig. 3 the external surface of the shank is convex so that it is barrel shaped but in a modification it can have a shoulder at the position of maximum crosssection, the shank being convex fro m the shoulder to the under face of the head and ...

28-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008404669D0

28-04-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to jars and closures therefor

Номер: GB0000371731A

... 371,731. Hermetic closures for jars. WILLIAMS, H. V., 907, Anchor Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Aug. 26, 1931, No. 24014. Convention date, May 11. [Class 125 (iii).] Relates to jar-closures of the type in which the lid extends into the mouth of the jar and has an annular recess in the extension, in which a gasket is disposed to co-operate with the inner surface of and to seal the jar, and in which the upper edge of the recess is rounded. According to the invention the under surface 14 of the recess 10 is inclined and recedes towards the interior thereof. A peripheral recess is provided in the flange 9 of the closure to facilitate breaking the vacuum in the container by the insertion of an implement.

17-08-1911 дата публикации

Improvements in Stoppers for Bottles and other Vessels.

Номер: GB0191110646A

28-08-1996 дата публикации

An article for insertion into an opening

Номер: GB0009613199D0

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Термометр с пробкой

Номер: RU0000196574U1

Полезная модель, термометр с пробкой, относится преимущественно к бытовой технике. Ее использование позволяет измерить температуру жидкости в горизонтально расположенных бутылках с различной конструкцией укупорочных устройств. Для этого термометр оснащается двумя типами укупорочных устройств: с резьбой и для установки враспор внутри бутылки. Технический результат - обеспечение возможности измерения температуры жидкости в горизонтально расположенных бутылках разных типов. 2 з.п. ф-лы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 574 U1 (51) МПК G01K 1/02 (2006.01) G01K 1/14 (2006.01) G01K 13/00 (2006.01) B65D 39/08 (2006.01) B65D 39/12 (2006.01) B65D 51/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01K 1/02 (2019.08); G01K 1/14 (2019.08); G01K 2207/08 (2019.08); G01K 2207/02 (2019.08); B65D 39/08 (2019.08); B65D 39/12 (2019.08); B65D 39/0011 (2019.08); B65D 51/245 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019129331, 18.09.2019 18.09.2019 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хозяинов Борис Алексеевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 05.03.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 05.03.2020 Бюл. № 7 1 9 6 5 7 4 R U (54) ТЕРМОМЕТР С ПРОБКОЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель, термометр с пробкой, относится преимущественно к бытовой технике. Ее использование позволяет измерить температуру жидкости в горизонтально расположенных бутылках с различной конструкцией укупорочных устройств. Для этого термометр оснащается двумя типами Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 141077, Московская обл., г.Королёв, ул. Сакко и Ванцетти, 34Б, кв. 59, Хозяинову Борису Алексеевичу 1 9 6 5 7 4 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 20050190070 A1, 01.09.2005. WO 2007008241 A1, 18.01.2007. CN 201619791 U, 03.11.2010. CN 201151507 Y, 19.11.2008. CN 201426663 Y, 24.03.2010. US 20100202492 A1, 12.08.2010. JP 2002257636 A, 11.09.2002. R U (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (72) Автор(ы): Хозяинов Борис ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Beverage container closure with venting

Номер: US20130140309A1
Автор: Sarah Danger George
Принадлежит: Individual

A beverage container closure or lid adapted for closing an open end of a beverage container. The lid is couplable to the beverage container and includes a selectively openable stopper that when closed, creates a fluid-tight seal between the beverage container and the environment. The stopper may be opened by pressing a button disposed on a side of the beverage container closure. The stopper is subsequently automatically closed when the button is released. Thus, the user may open and close the beverage container closure using a single hand without the need to remove the beverage container closure from the beverage container. The beverage container closure includes an actuating lever configured to press the button when a user applies a force to the lever. By utilizing the mechanical advantage provided by the lever, a user is able to selectively open and close the stopper using a relatively low amount of force.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233821A1
Автор: Golden Andrew P.

Systems, methods, and means for providing a novelty item are provided. In some embodiments, a stopper comprises a body, having an inner chamber and a top portion, a novelty item disposed within said inner chamber, and a cover to open after said inner chamber is removed from a neck of a bottle. 1. A stopper , comprising:a body, having an inner chamber and a top portion;a novelty item disposed within said inner chamber; anda cover, coupled to a bottom surface of the inner chamber opposite said top portion to removably hold said novelty item within said inner chamber wherein said cover is to open after said inner chamber is removed from a neck of a bottle.2. The stopper of claim 1 , wherein the body is formed of at least one of a plastic material claim 1 , and cork.3. The stopper of claim 1 , wherein said novelty item is at least one of (i) confetti claim 1 , (ii) ribbons claim 1 , (iii) a parachute claim 1 , (iv) a ring claim 1 , (v) a propeller claim 1 , (vi) a message claim 1 , (vii) a noisemaker claim 1 , a light claim 1 , and (viii) a gift item.4. The stopper of claim 1 , further comprising a tether having a first end attached to said novelty item and a second end formed to fit within a neck of a bottle.5. The stopper of claim 1 , wherein said body is shaped to fit within a neck of a bottle.6. The stopper of claim 1 , wherein said body and said cover are shaped to fit within a neck of a bottle.7. The stopper of claim 1 , wherein:the inner chamber is inserted into the neck of the bottle and the top portion remains exterior to the neck of the bottle;8. The stopper of claim 7 , wherein the body is formed of at least one of a plastic material claim 7 , and cork.9. The stopper of claim 7 , wherein said novelty item is at least one of (i) confetti claim 7 , (ii) ribbons claim 7 , (iii) a parachute claim 7 , (iv) a ring claim 7 , (v) a propeller claim 7 , (vi) a message claim 7 , (vii) a noisemaker claim 7 , a light claim 7 , and (viii) a gift item.10. The stopper of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Container Closures

Номер: US20130248479A1

A moulded closure base includes a sidewall and a top plate. The sidewall has a retention projection having a retention surface for engaging a complementary projection on a container neck. The top plate has one or more access slots through which part of a die extends during moulding to form the retention surface. 149-. (canceled)50. A non-removable base for providing at least part of a container closure , the base comprising a sidewall with a foldable retention flap , the flap movable from a first , unfolded position to a second , folded position in which it is engageable with a container neck retention projection to prevent removal of the closure.51. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the flap is provided at an end of the sidewall.52. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the flap is formed integrally with the sidewall.53. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the base includes a top plate from which the sidewall depends.54. The base as claimed in claim 53 , in which in the unfolded position the flap projects radially inwardly of the sidewall and projects downwardly with respect to the top plate claim 53 , and in the folded position the flap projects radially inwardly of the sidewall and projects towards the top plate.55. A base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the flap is a continuous annulus.56. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the flap comprises a plurality of flap sections.57. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the flap is movable upon application of the closure to a container.58. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the sidewall is substantially solid.59. The base as claimed in claim 50 , in which the base defines a dispensing orifice.60. The base as claimed in claim 53 , in which base includes an annular sealing plug which depends from the underside of the top plate radially inwardly of the sidewall.61. A base for providing at least part of a container closure claim 53 , the closure including a sidewall having a free ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270213A1
Автор: Zambelli Floriano

There is provided a method for sanifying/sterilizing cork stoppers, from the least expensive provided with an agglomerated body and washers to the finest made of high quality natural cork, used in bottle capping, and the cork stoppers thereby produced. The method includes applying a film having a reticulated structure with cells smaller than the cork cells of the stopper on the surface of the cork cells and on the outer surface of the stopper. 16to . (canceled)7. A method for sanifying/sterilizing cork stoppers , from the least expensive provided with an agglomerated body and washers to the finest made of high quality natural cork , used in bottle capping , said method comprising:applying a film having a morphologically reticulated structure smaller in size than the cork cells on the surface of the cork cells of the stopper and on the outer surface of the stopper, whereby to allow the passage of oxygen.8. The method according to claim 7 , wherein the film comprises a nanostructured coating structure having a nanometric cell size in the order 10.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the film is selected from the group consisting of carbon claim 8 , carbon derivatives claim 8 , and other amorphous carbon structures.11. A cork stopper having its outer surface and the surface of the cork cells of the stopper coated with a film claim 8 , said film comprising a morphologically retriculated structure being smaller in size than the cork cells claim 8 , whereby to allow the passage of oxygen.12. A cork stopper according to the claim 11 , wherein the cork stopper is formed of synthetic material. The present finding relates to a method for sanifying/sterilizing cork stoppers, from the cheapest ones, provided with an agglomerated body and washers, to the finest ones made of high quality natural cork, used in bottle capping.As is well known by the people in charge of the field of bottle capping and by single consumers, caps are a decisive element for ensuring perfect ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008318A1

Various embodiments of a travel bottle are disclosed. 1. A bottle apparatus , comprising:a body comprising an interior volume and comprising substantially flexible material, wherein the substantially flexible material is at least one of a polymer and a silicone;a closure device operatively connected to the body;wherein the body comprises a folding point; andwherein the body is folded in upon itself such that a first portion of the body is disposed at least partially inside a second portion of the body.2. The bottle apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body may be extended.3. The bottle apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises an interior volume of between about 1.5 oz. and about 3.0 oz.4. The bottle apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the body is convertible between a first interior volume and a second interior volume.5. The bottle apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a bulkhead fitting fluidly connecting the body to the closure device.6. The bottle apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one anchor point.7. The bottle apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one coupling mechanism.8. A bottle apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a body comprising an interior volume and a body aperture;a closure device; anda bulkhead fitting extending from the interior volume and through the body aperture, wherein the bulkhead fitting fluidly connects the body and the closure device.9. The bottle apparatus of claim 8 , wherein:the body comprises a substantially flexible material, wherein the substantially flexible material is at least one of a polymer and a silicone; andthe body comprises a folding point, and wherein the body is folded in upon itself such that a first portion of the body is disposed at least partially inside a second portion of the body.10. The bottle apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the body comprises an interior volume of between about 1.5 oz. and about 3.0 oz.11. The bottle apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the body is convertible between a first ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014614A1
Автор: Pai Kuan-Mu

A flip guide plug structure for a bottle includes a lower main body, an upper main body, a lower plug, a guide pipe, an upper plug, a connection unit and two magnetic members. The upper main body can be opened relative to the lower main body through the connection unit, and then positioned by the attraction of the two magnetic members to prevent an unexpected closing. The flip guide plug structure of the present invention is very convenient for use. 1. A flip guide plug structure for a bottle , comprising:a lower main body having a lower opening and a chamber therein;an upper main body having an upper opening;a lower plug having a central through hole and a lower connecting member on top of the lower plug, the lower connecting member being inserted in the lower opening of the lower main body and positioned thereat, the lower plug further comprising at least one lower annular plate at a lower end thereof;a guide pipe comprising a ring and an outer pipe inserting through the ring, a lower end of the guide pipe being inserted through the lower opening of the lower main body and the through hole of the lower plug, the ring being positioned in the chamber of the lower main body;an upper plug comprising an upper connecting member on top of the upper plug, the upper connecting member being inserted in the upper opening of the upper main body and positioned thereat, the upper plug further comprising at least one upper annular plate at a lower end thereof; anda connection unit disposed on edges of the lower main body and the upper main body to connect the lower main body and the upper main body, wherein the connection unit comprises a lower connecting board on the edge of the lower main body and an upper connecting board on the edge of the upper main body, the lower connecting board having two pivot plates thereon, each pivot plate having a lower through hole, the upper connecting board having an upper through hole, the upper connecting board having a press portion, the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Packaging assembly for storing tissue and cellular material

Номер: US20160000062A1
Принадлежит: LifeNet Health

The invention is an improved packaging assembly for storing, distributing, treating, mixing, and dispensing tissue and/or cellular material and/or implantable material. The packaging assembly may include pouches, tubes, and a bag made of a sealable, flexible polymeric material that is open at one end and a needle-free swabable connector attached to the pouch at the other end and acting as a port to allow for the introduction or discharge of biological solutions, rinsing solution, and/or preservation solutions into the packaging assembly. The designed thickness of the wall of the packaging assembly facilitates efficient heat/cold transfer, which is useful for successful controlled rate freezing, quick thawing, and resuscitation of viable cells or tissue. The invention is also useful for combining additional biological fluids with the cellular material or tissue, and for efficient mixing of the biological fluids with the tissue and/or cellular material in the assembly.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017268A1

A closure for a container is disclosed. The closure comprises a core member comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer, and at least one peripheral layer at least partially surrounding and intimately bonded to at least one surface of the core member, said peripheral layer comprising at least one styrene block co-polymer, wherein the core member has a density in the range of from about 100 kg/mto 350 kg/mand the peripheral layer has a density in the range of from greater than 350 kg/mto about 1,500 kg/mand a thickness in the range of from 0.15 mm to less than 0.50 mm. 1. A closure for a product-retaining container constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal forming neck of said container , said closure comprising:A. a core member comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer and being devoid of a styrene block copolymer; andB. at least one peripheral layer at least partially surrounding and intimately bonded to at least one surface of the core member, said peripheral layer comprising at least one styrene block co-polymer, and at least one further polymer or copolymer different from the at least one styrene block copolymer and selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic polyolefins, thermoplastic polyurethanes, thermoplastic polyamides, thermoplastic copolyesters and thermoplastic vulcanisates,wherein the at least one styrene block copolymer is present in an amount in the range of from about 15 wt. % to about 88 wt. %, and the at least one further polymer and/or at least one further copolymer is or are present in an amount in the range of from about 12 wt. % to about 85 wt. % wt. %, based on the total weight of the at least one styrene block copolymer and the at least one further polymer and/or the at least one further copolymer,{'sup': 3', '3', '3', '3, 'wherein the core member is foamed and the at least one peripheral layer is not foamed, wherein the core member has a density in the range of from about 100 kg/mto 350 kg/mand the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008693A1
Принадлежит: Pirlo GmbH & Co. KG

The invention relates to a packaging means, hereinbelow also: container, which is suitable for the hot-filling of food products in liquid form. The container comprises an upper base of a metal or of a metal alloy having an opening for receiving the liquid and a lower base of a metal or an alloy having an air admission. The upper base and the lower base are sealingly connected with a wall body of a metal or an alloy at a respective upper or lower end of the wall body and form a hollow space for receiving the liquid. Between the lower base and the lower end of the wall body sealingly engaging the lower base, a film is provided which can cause a volume reduction of the hollow space. 1. A container for receiving a liquid , wherein the container comprises:an upper base made of a metal or an alloy having an opening for receiving the liquid;a lower base made of a metal or an alloy having an air admission, wherein the upper base and the lower base are sealingly connected with a wall body at the upper end and the lower end of the wall body, respectively, to form a hollow space for receiving the liquid, said wall body being made of a metal or an alloy; and,a film that can realize a volume reduction of the hollow space is provided between the lower base and the lower end of the wall body that is sealingly in contact with the lower base.2. A container according to claim 1 , wherein the wall body and optionally the upper base and/or the lower base are deformation-resistant in relation to the film.3. A container according to claim 1 , wherein the film compensates compression forces such that the outer shape of the wall body of the container does not deform due to tensile forces during cooling of a hot-filled liquid.4. A container according to claim 1 , wherein the film compensates compression forces such that the outer shape of the entire container does not deform due to tensile forces during cooling of the hot-filled liquid.5. A container according to one of the claim 1 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021985A1

The present invention relates to a tamper detection capsule () of container comprising an upper cover member (), a spring support inner member (), a spring member () and a lower cover member (), wherein spring member () is moveable between i) a first closed position in which it is arranged on inner member (), and ii) a second open position, in which it is arranged between inner member () and upper cover member () in order to block the capsule () mechanism in the second open position. The invention further relates to an operating method of the tamper detection capsule (), which is intended to close beverage containers. 1. A tamper detection capsule of container , comprising:an upper cover member,a spring support inner member,a spring member, anda lower cover member,characterized in that:the upper cover member coupled to the lower cover member forming an assembly defining a cavity therein;the assembly is displaceable from a first closed position to a second open position, and is disposed to move said spring member between said first and second positions;the spring support inner member is arranged within the cavity of assembly;the spring member arranged within the cavity of assembly and is moveable between:said first closed position, in which it is arranged in a tensioned condition on the spring support inner member, andsaid second open position, in which it is arranged in a resting condition between the spring support inner member and upper cover member, blocking assembly in the second open position.2. The capsule according to claim 1 , wherein in said first closed position claim 1 , spring member is arranged on the spring support inner member in compression or in traction.3. The capsule according to claim 1 , wherein the spring member is a compression spring.4. The capsule according to claim 1 , wherein the spring member is a traction spring.54. The capsule according to claim 1 , wherein the spring member () is a circular segment.6. The capsule according to claim 1 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Tracking Method for Containers Having Removable Closures

Номер: US20190026511A1
Принадлежит: Mississippi State University

A method of tracking a container closure used to seal liquid in a container is provided, comprising applying a trackable indicia to a container closure, wherein the trackable indicia is unique to the container closure; recording an associated data set comprising a plurality of parameters related to the liquid in the container; correlating the associated data set with the trackable indicia; applying the container closure to the container to seal the liquid within the container; maintaining a database of the trackable indicia corresponding to the associated data set; and scanning the trackable indicia to retrieve the associated data set from the database. 1. A method of tracking a container closure used to seal liquid in a container , comprising:(a) applying a trackable indicia to a container closure, wherein the trackable indicia is unique to the container closure;(b) recording an associated data set comprising a plurality of parameters related to the liquid in the container;(c) correlating the associated data set with the trackable indicia;(d) applying the container closure to the container to seal the liquid within the container;(e) maintaining a database of the trackable indicia corresponding to the associated data set; and(f) scanning the trackable indicia to retrieve the associated data set from the database.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising updating the associated data set by scanning the trackable indicia upon the occurrence of predetermined events claim 1 , and recording information about the predetermined events to the associated data set.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined events may comprise one or more of the following: transfer of possession of the container claim 2 , removal of the container closure from the container claim 2 , and consumption of the liquid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of parameters may comprise one or more of the following: liquid production data claim 1 , qualities of the liquid claim 1 ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037373A1

A closure for a product-retaining container is constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of said container. The closure comprises: a plastic material comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer; a plurality of particles comprising cork; and at least one processing aid. Optionally, one or more additives and/or blowing agents may be included. A method for manufacturing a closure comprises intimately combining multiple components, heating the resulting composition to form a melt, forming a closure precursor from the melt, and optionally cutting and/or finishing the closure precursor to form the closure. 1. A closure for a product-retaining container constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of said container , the closure comprising:(a) a plastic material comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer;{'sub': '50', '(b) a plurality of particles comprising cork and having a particle size distribution Dmeasured by means of mechanical sieving according to ISO ICS 19.120 in a range of from 0.2 mm to 10 mm; and'}(c) at least one processing aid.2. The closure according to claim 1 , wherein said closure comprises a plurality of cells.3. The closure according to claim 2 , wherein said plastic material comprises a polymer matrix comprising the plurality of cells.4. The closure according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of cells comprises a plurality of substantially closed cells or a plurality of closed cells.5. The closure according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of cells has an average cell size in a range of from about 0.025 mm to about 0.5 mm.6. The closure according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of a size or a distribution of the plurality of cells in the closure is substantially uniform throughout at least one of a length or a diameter of the closure.7. The closure according to claim 3 , wherein at least one cell of the plurality of cells in the polymer matrix is defined by at least one ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055786A1

A wine bottle is provided with a punt at a lower end which includes a cork retainer therein. A cork which closes an opening at an upper end of the bottle, can thus be stored within the cork retainer in the punt of the bottle, when not in use closing the opening. In one embodiment, the cork retainer includes two retainer surfaces which are opposing each other horizontally, and spaced apart by a length similar to opposing portions of the cork to allow the cork to fit tightly between these retainer surfaces. Space above the retainer surfaces can hold a foil wrap with the cork within the cork retainer and holding the foil wrap in place. The cork and foil can thus remain with the bottle before, during and after use. Full re-use of the bottle is thus facilitated. In one embodiment, the bottle has an octagonal shape so that multiple bottles can be shipped together and placed adjacent each other with flat surfaces distributing loads therebetween, without forces concentrated at points thereof, and to keep the bottles in good shape for washing, re-filling and re-use. 1: A wine container , comprising in combination:a bottle;a cork;said bottle including a neck above a body, with a shoulder between said neck and said body;an opening at an upper end of said neck, said opening leading into an interior of said bottle;said opening sized to receive said cork therein, in a manner closing off said opening;said bottle including a heel at a lower end of said body;said bottle including a punt extending up from said heel and defining a lower portion of said bottle inboard of said heel;said punt having an apex at a highest portion of said punt, and with sides extending down from said apex to said heel;said cork having ends spaced apart by a side wall, said cork side wall sized to fit within said opening of said neck in a removable fashion; anda cork retainer at least partially within said punt and configured to hold said cork within said punt after said cork is removed from said opening.2: ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Capped barrel system and methods

Номер: US20220055787A1
Автор: Mark Joseph McKale
Принадлежит: Innovative Distilling Technologies Inc

A capped barrel system for aging liquids includes a barrel and a barrel cap removably coupled to the barrel. The barrel includes: a plurality of wooden staves suitable for aging liquids, hoops for holding the staves together, a head coupled to the staves, and a bunghole formed in the head. The barrel cap includes: a lid including a top portion and a rim extending downwardly from the top portion. The rim includes an inner surface and a seal that defines at least a portion of the inner surface. The barrel cap further includes an opening formed in the top portion of the lid that is generally aligned with the bunghole and a closure removably positioned in the opening. When the closure is positioned in the opening, a gas tight coupling between the closure and the lid and a gas tight fit between the seal and the barrel form a gas tight environment between the barrel and the barrel cap.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056384A1
Автор: Reed Michael Arthur

A container cap combined with a flavoring member extending downward into a container that the container cap engages. When the container cap is operatively associated with the opening of the container, a portion of the flavoring member is immerse in a fluid of the container. The flavoring member provides one or more flavor elements adapted to be drawn into the fluid through capillarity. 1. A cap for a container , the cap comprisinga sealing portion; anda flavoring member operatively associated with the sealing portion, the flavoring member comprising a capillary-porous media.2. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the capillary-porous media is defined by a plurality of capillaries.3. The cap of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of capillaries comprises at least one flavoring element.4. The cap of claim 3 , wherein the at least one flavoring element is intrinsic to the flavoring member.5. The cap of claim 3 , wherein the at least one flavoring element is extrinsic to the flavoring member.6. The cap of claim 3 , wherein the sealing portion forms a sealing engagement with an opening of a container.7. The cap of claim 6 , wherein the flavoring member extends downward from the sealing portion into a compartment defined by the container.8. The cap of claim 7 , wherein the flavoring member extends downward from the sealing portion for approximately eight inches.9. The cap of claim 8 , wherein the flavoring member is received in the sealing portion.10. The cap of claim 9 , wherein the flavoring member consists of wood. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. provisional application No. 63/068,346 filed 20 Aug. 2020, the contents of which are herein incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to liquid containers and, more particularly, a container cap with a flavoring member for improving the flavor of the liquid contents of the container.The problem with storing potable liquids in portable containers, such as bottles, is that once so contained the taste of ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Container closure device

Номер: US20150060389A1
Автор: David V. Bolger
Принадлежит: Individual

The closure device may be used to seal bottles or other liquid containers, while avoiding contamination by 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole (TCA). The closure device may include a sleeve that is inserted into the neck of a bottle. A stopper may be inserted into the sleeve to seal the bottle. To prevent TCA contamination, the stopper may include a stopper cap made of a TCA scavenger material, providing a barrier between the stopper and the contents of the bottle. A filter may be added to remove particulates and impurities from the contents when poured from the unstoppered bottle. Various types and shapes of filters may be used, and the filter may include a spring or other movement assistance or a ventilation mechanism. In some embodiments, the sleeve may be removably attached to the bottle, such as by interfacing threading, or to the filter, such as by frangible connectors.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060007A1

A tamper-evident closure for a container. The closure comprises a first portion including inner and outer parts, and a second portion. The outer part is rotatable relative to the inner part from a first position in which at least part of the first and second portions are adjacent each other to a second position in which there is a gap therebetween. The first portion comprises locking means for irreversibly locking the closure in the second position upon first opening so that the gap cannot be closed, in which the first portion comprises a compressible stopper for sealing the second portion and/or the container. A tamper-evident closure in combination with a container. 1. A tamper-evident closure for a container , the closure comprising:a first portion including inner and outer parts; anda second portion;the outer part is rotatable relative to the inner part in a first direction from a first position in which at least part of the first and second portions are adjacent each other to a second position in which there is a gap therebetween, the first portion comprises a locking means for irreversibly locking the tamper-evident closure in the second position upon first opening so that the gap cannot be closed, in which the first portion comprises a compressible stopper for sealing at least one of the second portion and the container.2. The tamper-evident closure as claimed in claim 1 , in which the second portion incorporates a pourer.3. The tamper-evident closure as claimed in claim 1 , in which the tamper-evident closure further comprises an outer shell.4. The tamper-evident closure as claimed in claim 1 , in which the compressible stopper is formed from cork.5. The tamper-evident closure as claimed in claim 1 , in which the compressible stopper is formed from a synthetic cork-like material.6. The tamper-evident closure as claimed in claim 1 , in which the locking means comprise a ratchet locking mechanism.7. The tamper-evident closure as claimed in claim 1 , in which ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

An improved capsule for substances to be mixed at the time of use

Номер: US20170057712A1
Принадлежит: Biodue SpA

The invention relates to an improved capsule for substances to be mixed at the time of use. The capsule object of the present invention is applied to close the mouth ( 1 a ) of a container ( 1 ) containing a solvent ( 10 ), and comprises a first part ( 2 ), of the known type, intended to be connected to the mouth of the container, and a second part ( 3 ), connected to the first part, by a wall ( 4 ) which firmly closes the bottom ( 3 a ) of the second part ( 3 ) and the mouth of the container intended to contain the active substance; the second part has an open upper mouth ( 3 b ), which is closed by hermetically removable sealing means when the second part contains the active substance.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069006A1
Автор: Garcia Daniel L.

A reusable bottle cap having identification means coupled to a novel bottle cap cover is disclosed and described herein. In a specific embodiment, the bottle cap has a stem having a series of successive U-shaped grooves or ridges. A slight taper in the stem provides that bottles of varying diameters can be accommodated by a single design. Further, the design is made from pliable polyethylene or polyurethane material to form an effective seal to the mouth of bottles of varying diameter. In a preferred embodiment, the novel bottle cap cover is generally bell (or alternatively barrel or conical) shaped and has a crown, a mid-portion, and a mouth portion. The mouth portion further has a lip wherein an inner recessed groove is machined around a circumference thereof. Additionally, the bottle cap comprises a flanged ring portion having a complementary lip to mate with the groove of the bottle cap cover. In an alternative embodiment, a marker provides identification; and the marker is coupled to the flanged ring portion via a living hinge. Other arrangements and features are additionally disclosed herein. 120-. (canceled)21. A reusable bottle cap comprising:a stem portion extending along an axis from an upper end of the stem portion to a lower end of the stem portion, the stem portion configured to mate with a beverage bottle opening whereby the stem portion extends into and thereby seals the bottle opening;a flanged portion extending laterally from the upper end of the stem portion, the flanged portion having a top portion defining a recess; andan identification marker removably attached to the recess.22. The reusable bottle cap of wherein the stem portion is hollow throughout its vertical axis.23. The reusable bottle cap of wherein the stem portion tapers in a direction from the upper end to the lower end.24. The reusable bottle cap of wherein the identification marker is color coded.25. The reusable bottle cap of wherein the bottle cap is formed from a color-activated ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073122A1
Автор: Thomason Karl Andrew

A screw top cap with a tube attached through the center of the cap. The tube is plugged with stopper material. The arrangement combines a screw top cap with a plug stopper. 1. A bottle cap comprising of a screw top cap and a tube through the center of the cap with a tube and attachment ring , with the attachment ring being affixed to the tube and sealing ring beneath the attachment ring , with the sealing ring contacting the bottle , with the tube containing a plug stopper.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the attachment ring it affixed to the top of the tube.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is beneath the attachment ring.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the top of the tube is level with the hole in the center of the screw top cap.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the plug stopper is inserted into the tube. The present invention relates to the capping of a bottle. Specifically, the present invention relates to combining the convenience of opening a bottle, capped with a screw top cap, along with a plug stopper capping method such as cork, synthetic cork, or other stopper material.Wine, for example, in a bottle is typically capped with either a screw top cap or a plug stopper such as cork, synthetic cork, or other type stopper material. To open the wine bottle, one must either twist the screw top cap off, for those bottles with screw top caps or employ a bottle opener, such as a cork screw, for bottles capped with a plug stopper.According to an embodiment of the invention, the device (hereafter referred to as Screw Stopper) combines the convenience of a screw top cap with a plug stopper. (Hereafter the word Plug Stopper will be used to describe cork, synthetic cork, or other stopper material)According to an embodiment of the invention, the Screw Stopper has a hole in the center of the screw top cap for the placement of a tube. The top of the tube has an attachment ring which is affixed around the tube. The tube fits on the underside top of the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing stoppers intended for bottling still wines and corresponding stoppers

Номер: US20220097254A1
Принадлежит: DIAM BOUCHAGE

Stopper intended for bottling still wines, characterized in that it includes 1. A method for manufacturing stoppers intended for bottling still wines , comprising the following steps:cork strips and lateral cork strips are made from cork such that the lenticels possibly present in the cork strips extend parallel to the thickness of the blades while those in the lateral cork strips extend perpendicular to the thickness of the strips, the cork having been previously debarked from the tree then boiled,at least one parallelepiped is made by joining via a polyurethane binder, a plurality of cork strips as well as at least one lateral cork strip on each face of the plurality of cork strips revealing all cork strips, the polyurethane binder being polymerized by heating and under pressure, thenat least one stopper is formed from the polymerized parallelepipeds such that the lateral cork strips are located at the ends of the stoppers.2. The method for manufacturing stoppers according to claim 1 , wherein the cork strips and/or the lateral cork strips are inspected by an imaging technique before jointing so as to remove those having holes claim 1 , dry veins or yellow spots.3. The method for manufacturing stoppers according to claim 1 , wherein between making the blades and forming the parallelepipeds claim 1 , a cleaning of the cork strips and the lateral cork strips is carried out with at least one compound selected from boiling water claim 1 , steam claim 1 , a mixture of steam and alcohol claim 1 , a mixture of steam and carbon dioxide claim 1 , a mixture of steam and nitrogen claim 1 , and supercritical carbon dioxide.4. The method for manufacturing stoppers according to claim 3 , wherein in order to clean the cork strips and the lateral cork strips by exposure to supercritical carbon dioxide claim 3 , they are disposed in an autoclave allowing reaching a pressure of 100 bars and a temperature of 60° C. either for at least two hours claim 3 , or until obtaining a ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096957A1

A package including: a container; and a plug seal closure operatively engaged with an open end of the container; wherein the container has; a closed end opposing the open end; a container wall extending longitudinally between the closed end and the open end about a longitudinal axis; an end seam extending at least partially across the closed end; and a longitudinal overlapping seam extending from the end seam, a portion of the overlapping seam extending longitudinally along the container wall between the closed end and the open end; wherein the open end is narrower than at least a portion of the container away from the open end of the container; and wherein the closed end and the container wall consist of a one-piece thermoplastic substrate. 1. A package comprising:a container having an open end; anda plug seal closure operatively engaged with said open end of said container;wherein said container comprises;a closed end opposing said open end;a container wall extending longitudinally between said closed end and said open end about a longitudinal axis;an end seam extending at least partially across said closed end; anda longitudinal overlapping seam extending from said end seam, a portion of said overlapping seam extending longitudinally along said container wall between said closed end and said open end;wherein said open end is narrower than at least a portion of said container away from said open end of said container; andwherein said closed end and said container wall consist of a one-piece thermoplastic substrate.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein said open end is a calibrated neck.3. The package of claim 2 , wherein said calibrated neck has an inside diameter spanning said open end.4. The package of claim 3 , wherein said inside diameter has a tolerance within plus or minus about 2% of said inside diameter.5. The package of claim 3 , wherein said inside diameter has a tolerance within plus or minus about 1.2% of said inside diameter.6. The package of claim 3 , ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Press-on caps and sealed containers comprising the press-on caps

Номер: US20210094732A1
Принадлежит: Goglio Spa

An irreversible press-on cap ( 10 ) comprises a tubular sleeve ( 13 ) which extends along an axis of extension (X′-X′) and, at one end of the cap ( 10 ), a rim ( 16 ) that radially projects from the tubular sleeve ( 13 ), the press-on cap is made of a polymeric material that can withstand a high-temperature sterilization cycle and comprises a capping wall ( 17 ) that extends from the rim ( 16 ) and across the surface delimited by the rim ( 16 ), the capping wall ( 17 ) has a height variation relative to the rim ( 16 ) that ranges from −1% to 1% a characteristic dimension of said capping wall ( 17 ); the cap further comprises a plurality of, preferably three, protrusions ( 21 ), that jut out of a front surface ( 17 A) of the capping wall ( 17 ), the protrusions ( 21 ) are shaped complementary to a grip head of a filling apparatus to guide the grip head during application of the cap ( 10 ).

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Cap With Cork Insert

Номер: US20210139201A1
Автор: Buzot Herve Georges

Cork inserts for friction fit caps have advantages over conventional thermoplastic inserts. These include: a unique sensorial feel for the user; avoiding the expenses associated with tooling and molding of plastic inserts; and reducing the amount of plastic in the waste stream. The cork insert is particularly attractive when used with caps that are made of natural materials, but can also used to reduce the carbon footprint of any cap that would otherwise us a plastic insert. 1. A friction fit cap that comprises:{'b': 1', '1', '3', '1', '1', '2', '7, 'i': a', 'b', 'c', 'a, 'an outer cap () that has one or more side walls () that form an inner surface (), a closed top (), and an opened bottom () that, together, define an interior () that is able to receive a container finish or collar ();'}{'b': 4', '3', '1, 'i': 'a', 'a cork insert () affixed to a portion of the inner surface () of the one or more side walls ().'}24. The friction fit cap of wherein the cork insert () is in the form of one or more strips of cork that have a thickness from 0.5 mm to 2.0 mm.3. The friction fit cap of wherein the width of the one or more cork strips is from 2 mm to 15 mm.4. The friction fit cap of wherein:{'b': 3', '1, 'i': 'a', 'the inner surface () of the one or more side walls () is cylindrical, and'}the cork insert is a single strip of cork that is substantially equal in length to the circumference of the inner surface.5. The friction fit cap of wherein:{'b': 1', '5', '3', '3', '1, 'i': a', 'a', 'c, 'the one or more side walls () have a shoulder () that defines a lower portion () of the inner surface () between the shoulder and the opened bottom (), and'}{'b': 3', '3, 'i': 'a', 'the cork insert is affixed to the lower portion () of the inner surface ().'}63. The friction fit cap of wherein the inner surface () is non-cylindrical.711ab. The friction fit cap of wherein the one or more side walls () and closed top () are made of one or more of wood claim 1 , ceramic and stone.811ab. The ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Capsule for flanged cork stopper, capsulated stopper comprising said capsule and production process of the capsulated stopper

Номер: US20200115114A1
Принадлежит: Amorim Cork Research Lda

The invention relates to a capsule (1) for a flanged cork stopper, the capsule (1) having a body (2) comprising a top (3) and a cavity (4) inside which at least two anti-rotation splines (5) are arranged, and the capsule further comprising an axial retention chamber (6) disposed within said cavity (4), wherein retention chamber (6) is shaped to receive and axially retain a flange of a flanged cork stopper. The invention also relates to a capsulated stopper comprising a flanged stopper, the flange of which is attached to the capsule (1) of the invention. The invention further relates to the production process of said capsulated stopper.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Container stopper having multi-lock structure

Номер: US20180127163A1
Автор: Min Seok Choi

The present invention relates to a container stopper having a multi-lock structure in which a multi-lock structure is applied to the inner circumferential surface of an opening of a lower stopper, and to the outer circumferential surface of a sealing protrusion of an upper stopper coupled thereto, thereby preventing the coupled stoppers from being easily opened due to shock or other external force generated during the distribution process or storage of a product. To this end, the present invention provides a container stopper comprising: a lower stopper ( 110 ) which is coupled to an inlet ( 10 ) of a container ( 10 ); and an upper stopper ( 120 ) which allows an opening ( 111 ) provided within the lower stopper ( 110 ) to be selectively opened and closed, wherein at least two locking parts ( 130 ) are formed so as to be spaced apart from each other in the insertion direction on the inner circumferential surface of the opening ( 111 ) of the lower stopper ( 110 ) and on the outer circumferential surface of a sealing protrusion ( 121 ) of the upper stopper ( 120 ) coupled to the inner circumferential surface. The present invention as described above has the advantages of allowing the main locking position of the upper stopper coupled to the opening of the lower stopper to be formed so as to be inclined toward the end side of the sealing protrusion, thereby preventing the upper stopper from being easily opened by external shock, and also of improving the assembly strength of the upper stopper by applying the position of the locking parts to at least two points on the outer circumferential surface of the sealing protrusion.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Stopper for a container

Номер: US20210163185A1
Автор: Jan Kirchner
Принадлежит: Kisiko Kirchner Simon and Co GmbH

A stopper for a container has a jacket portion insertable into the container, wherein the jacket portion has a through-opening formed in an axial direction, wherein the stopper has at least two segments, wherein the respective segment has a free end, wherein a first portion of the free end of the respective segment forms a subregion of the jacket portion, and a second portion of the free end of the respective segment protrudes radially inward in relation to the jacket portion, wherein a third portion of the free end of the respective segment protrudes radially outward in relation to the jacket portion, wherein the second portions form a cover portion that can be pierced through in the axial direction and that closes the through-opening, wherein the third portions form a bearing portion of the stopper for bearing against a container edge of the container.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Recessed Container Closure and Method of Increasing Advertising Space on a Container using a Recessed Container Closure

Номер: US20180134450A1
Автор: Turcotte Robert

The present invention relates to maximizing advertising space on product packaging. Embodiments of the present invention relate to a method of increasing advertising space on various product packaging by increasing the graphic space on and apparent volume of the packaging, such as those used for cosmetics and toiletries. Preferred embodiments include a product packaging with a partially or completely recessed container closure. Further preferred embodiments include a container closure that is threaded, fused, or snapped in to the body of the container. Embodiments of the invention can be modified to accommodate existing products or provide a unique package design for emerging products. 17-. (canceled)8. A product packaging comprising:(a) a container body with a selected height, the container body comprising an opening with a threaded internal surface operably configured for receiving a cap; and(b) a cap with an external surface that is threaded in a manner to provide for connection with the threaded internal surface of the container body opening and configured to provide a through-hole within a top surface of the cap and extending through the cap, wherein such through-hole is capable of dispensing product, and comprising a closure for closing the through-hole;(c) wherein, when the container body and the cap are connected as product packaging, the cap and closure are completely recessed into the container body and the cap adds no height to the product packaging, which configuration provides for a continuous uninterrupted graphic space on the product packaging such that indicia disposed on the product packaging is disposed on the container body at a point where the container body surrounds the recessed cap;(d) wherein the container body is a squeeze tube which has a crimped end which opposes the container body opening; and(e) wherein upon visual inspection a front elevation view of the product packaging has no visible junction between the container body opening and ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144638A1
Автор: Kasha Adam

Double-walled decorative articles such as flower vases and candle holders comprise an inner form defining a receptacle and an outer form, spaced apart from the inner form, to create a cavity. A bottom opening in the outer form enables decorative filler materials to be introduced to the cavity such that the decorative materials do not enter into the receptacle, which may contains flowers, water, candles, hot wax or other substances. A removably replaceable plug or cap is used to close off the bottom opening following the introduction of the decorative filler materials. The inner and outer forms may be provided as a unitary item or separate pieces may be joined. The decorative filler materials may be provided in conjunction with the article as part of a kit, in which case the amount of filler material is matched to the volume of the cavity. 1. A decorative article , comprising:an inner form defining a receptacle;an outer form spaced apart from the inner form to create a cavity;a bottom opening in the outer form enabling decorative filler materials to be introduced to the cavity such that the decorative materials do not enter into the receptacle; andwith a removably replaceable plug or cap to close off the bottom opening following the introduction of the decorative filler materials2. The decorative article of claim 1 , wherein the inner and outer forms are provided as separate pieces and are joined.3. The decorative article of claim 1 , wherein the inner and outer forms are made of glass.4. The decorative article of claim 1 , wherein the inner and outer forms have the same or different cross sections.5. The decorative article of claim 1 , including decorative filler materials as part of a kit.6. The decorative article of claim 1 , including:decorative filler materials as part of a kit; andwherein the amount of filler material is matched to the volume of the cavity. This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/907,711, filed Nov. ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135498A1

A method for manufacturing coated particles, said coated particles comprising (1) a core comprising cork material and (2) at least one outer shell comprising a plastic material, includes providing a mixture including cork particles and plastic material comprising thermoplastic material, applying mechanical and/or thermal energy to the mixture to at least partially soften the plastic material, and blending the mixture, whereby the plastic material is at least partially distributed over the surfaces of the individual cork particles. Use of coated particles obtainable by such method in the manufacture of a closure for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of a product-retaining container, is also provided. 1. A method for manufacturing coated particles , said coated particles each comprising (1) a core comprising cork material and (2) at least one outer shell comprising a plastic material , said method comprising at least the following method steps: [{'sub': '50', '(A) 60 to 90 wt. % of cork particles having a particle size distribution Dmeasured by means of mechanical sieving according to ISO ICS 19.120 and in particular ISO 2591-1:1988 in the range of from 0.25 millimetres to 5 millimetres;'}, '(B) 10 to 40 wt. % of plastic material comprising one or more thermoplastic polymers;, 'i. providing a mixture comprising the following componentsii. applying mechanical and/or thermal energy to said mixture to at least partially soften component (B) and;iii. blending said mixture, whereby component (B) is at least partially distributed over surfaces of individual cork particles of component (A), to obtain said coated particles.2. A method for manufacturing coated particles , said coated particles each comprising (1) a core comprising cork material and (2) at least one outer shell comprising a plastic material , said method comprising at least the following method steps: [{'sub': '50', '(A) 51 to 95 wt. % of cork particles having a particle size ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135499A1

A thermoplastic material includes one or more thermoplastic polymers in the form of particles having a specified average particle size distribution (e.g., less than 1000 microns or another range) measured by mechanical sieving. Such thermoplastic material may be incorporated in a cork composite material that includes cork, such as in the form of cork particles. The thermoplastic material and cork may be used to produce an article of manufacture, such as a closure for a product retaining container, the closure being constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of said container. 1. A thermoplastic material comprising one or more thermoplastic polymers , said thermoplastic material comprising particles having an average particle size distribution D50 measured by means of mechanical sieving according to ISO ICS 19.120 and in particular ISO 2591-1:1988 of less than 1000 microns.2. The thermoplastic material of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size distribution D50 of the thermoplastic material is in a range of from 50 microns to 1000 microns.3. The thermoplastic material of claim 1 , wherein said thermoplastic material is obtained by milling.4. (canceled)5. The thermoplastic material of claim 1 , wherein said thermoplastic material is thermoplastically processable.6. The thermoplastic material of claim 1 , wherein said thermoplastic material comprises one or more polymers that are biodegradable according to ASTM D6400.7. The thermoplastic material of claim 1 , wherein at least 90 wt. % claim 1 , of said thermoplastic material is biodegradable according to ASTM D6400.8. The thermoplastic material of claim 1 , wherein said thermoplastic material comprises one or more thermoplastic polymers independently selected from the group consisting of: polyethylenes; metallocene catalyst polyethylenes; polybutanes; polybutylenes; thermoplastic polyurethanes; silicones; vinyl-based resins; thermoplastic elastomers; polyesters; ethylenic acrylic ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a closure for a product-retaining container

Номер: US20190135500A1
Принадлежит: Vinventions USA LLC

A method for manufacturing a closure constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of a product-retaining container is provided. Such method may include intimately combining a plurality of particles comprising cork and having a specified particle size distribution with a plastic material including one or more thermoplastic polymers, optionally in combination with other constituent(s) to form a composition, heating the composition to form a melt, extruding or molding a closure precursor from the melt to provide a specified water content range, and optionally cutting and/or finishing the closure precursor. A composition for use in manufacturing a closure for a product-retaining container includes a plurality of particles comprising cork and having a specified particle size distribution with a plastic material including one or more thermoplastic polymer, optionally in combination with other constituent(s). Methods for producing particulate material, cork composite material, and additional methods for producing closures are also provided.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136063A1

A particulate material includes cork particles having a particle size distribution Dmeasured by mechanical sieving in a specified range (e.g., from 0.25 millimetres to 5 millimetres) for use in the production of a cork composite material. A cork composite material may include the particulate material and a thermoplastic material The particulate material and/or cork composite material may be used to produce an article of manufacture, such as a closure for a product-retaining container constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of said container. Methods for producing particulate material, cork composite material, and closures are also provided. 1. A particulate material comprising cork particles having a particle size distribution Dmeasured by means of mechanical sieving according to ISO ICS 19.120 and in particular ISO 2591-1:1988 in the range of from 0.25 millimetres to 5.0 millimetres for use in the production of a cork composite material that is substantially free of thermoset polymers (including polyurethane) and/or substantially free of adhesives (including reactive and non-reactive adhesives).2. The particulate material of claim 1 , wherein the cork particles have a particle size distribution Dmeasured by means of mechanical sieving according to ISO ICS 19.120 and in particular ISO 2591-1:1988 in the range of from 0.5 millimetres to 2 millimetres.4. The particulate material of claim 1 , wherein the cork particles have a substantially isotropic shape.5. The particulate material of claim 1 , wherein the cork particles have a content of releasable trichloroanisole measured according to the test method defined herein of less than 6 ng/L.6. The particulate material of claim 1 , wherein the cork particles in the cork composite material have a density in the range of 50 to 100 g/L.7. The particulate material of claim 1 , wherein the cork particles in the particulate material have a water content of less than 3 wt. %.8. The ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224759A1
Принадлежит: NOMACORC LLC

The disclosure relates to a synthetic closure for a product-retaining container constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of said container, said closure comprising at least a core member comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer, and at least one peripheral layer at least partially surrounding and intimately bonded to at least one surface of the core member, said peripheral layer comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer, wherein the synthetic closure is formed by extrusion, and at least one of the core member and the peripheral layer comprises a plurality of cells, and wherein the synthetic closure comprises cork powder. 1. A synthetic closure for a product-retaining container constructed for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of said container , said closure comprising:a. a core member comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer, andb. at least one peripheral layer at least partially surrounding and intimately bonded to at least one surface of the core member, said peripheral layer comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer, whereinthe synthetic closure is formed by extrusion, andat least one of the core member and the peripheral layer comprises a plurality of cells and wherein the synthetic closure comprises cork powder.2. The closure according to claim 1 , wherein the cork powder is comprised in the at least one of the core member and the peripheral layer.3. The closure according to claim 1 , wherein the cork powder is comprised in the core member and in the peripheral layer.4. The closure according to claim 1 , wherein the cork powder is comprised in the core member.5. The closure according to claim 1 , wherein the cork powder is comprised in the peripheral layer.6. The closure according to claim 1 , wherein the cork powder is comprised in an amount in the range of from 0.5 wt. % to 75 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the synthetic closure.7. The closure according to claim ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Beverage container closure with venting

Номер: US20150150395A1
Автор: Sarah Danger George
Принадлежит: Pacific Market International LLC

A beverage container closure or lid adapted for closing an open end of a beverage container. The lid is couplable to the beverage container and includes a selectively openable stopper that when closed, creates a fluid-tight seal between the beverage container and the environment. The stopper may be opened by pressing a button disposed on a side of the beverage container closure. The stopper is subsequently automatically closed when the button is released. Thus, the user may open and close the beverage container closure using a single hand without the need to remove the beverage container closure from the beverage container. The beverage container closure includes an actuating lever configured to press the button when a user applies a force to the lever. By utilizing the mechanical advantage provided by the lever, a user is able to selectively open and close the stopper using a relatively low amount of force.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Bottle cap with built-in light

Номер: US20170158387A1
Автор: Blazquez Torres Angel

A stopper with a built in light characterized in that it is formed from a standard stopper () preferably made in cork, to which an inner hollow has been carved inside () so that it can house an air tight cylindrical capsule () with a rounded top part and within which a battery (), an electronic circuit () and a light providing LED () can be found being said air tight capsule () sealed on the bottom by means of a see through glass pane (). 1. A stopper with built-in light characterized in that it is made up by the following parts:{'b': 1', '2, 'I. Cork stopper () in which an inner hollow () has been made.'}{'b': 4', '2', '1, 'claim-text': [{'b': '5', 'i. Battery ()'}, {'b': '6', 'ii. Electronic circuit ()'}, {'b': '7', 'iii. Light providing LED ()'}, {'b': 9', '4, 'iv. Clear glass pane () acting as the closing element at the bottom of the air-tight capsule ()'}], 'II. Cylindrical air-tight capsule () with a rounded top part that is housed in the inner hollow () formed in the cork () and consists of the following parts248. A stopper according to and characterized in that so the air-tight capsule () is not displaced from its position within the stopper several flexible pins () have been provided with a straight hook shape.313. A stopper according to claim 2 , characterized in that on the inner side of the stopper () once emptied claim 2 , a series of notches () of triangular shape are made.4183. A stopper according to characterized in that when the stopper () is inserted by pressure in the bottleneck of the bottle claim 3 , the flexible pins () are fixed into the notches ().5410. A stopper according to characterized in that the air-tight capsule () has on its outer perimeter and at its top side small pyramid-shaped protrusions ().61014. A stopper according to characterized in that due to the pressure at the time of inserting the plug within the bottleneck of the bottle claim 5 , the small pyramid shaped protrusions () are fixed on the inner face of the stopper () ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166223A1

A cork stopper coated with a resin layer having a columnar cork stopper body formed by a compression molding of a cork granule with a binder resin, and a resin coating layer covering an outer circumferential surface of the cork stopper from an end side to another end of the cork stopper body along an axial direction. The cork stopper body and the resin coating layer constitute a core portion, and the core portion, when being pressed in a hollow tubular portion with a tightening allowance of 1.5 mm, experiencing a compression stress of 100N to 300N in case of a moisture content ratio of the core portion being 6 percent by weight and experiencing a compression stress 100N to 150N smaller than that in case of a moisture content ratio of the core portion being 2 percent by weight. 1. A cork stopper coated with a resin layer comprising: a columnar cork stopper body formed by a compression molding of a cork granule with a binder resin; and a resin coating layer covering an outer circumferential surface of the cork stopper from an end side to another end of the cork stopper body along an axial direction ,the cork stopper body and the resin coating layer constituting a core portion, andthe core portion, when being pressed into a hollow tubular portion with a tightening allowance of 1.5 mm, experiencing a compression stress of 100N to 300N in case of a moisture content ratio of the core portion being 6 percent by weight and experiencing a compression stress 100N to 150N smaller than that in case of a moisture content ratio of the core portion being 2 percent by weight.2. The cork stopper coated with the resin layer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the cork stopper body is formed by a compression molding executed in a centrifugal direction.3. The cork stopper coated with the resin layer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the cork stopper body has an attachment hole configured to attach a flange portion claim 1 , the attachment hole extending from the end side to the other end ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for displacing air from wine containers

Номер: US20140263405A1

A device for preventing air from displacing wine poured from a bottle. A retainable spout assembly comprises a bottle seal, a base having a liquid channel and vent channel, and a spout. A disposable bag assembly comprises folded limp inflatable bag attached to a vent tube which is attachable to the vent channel. As wine is poured, air enters the vent tube and inflates the pliable bag. After the bottle contents are consumed, the retainable subassembly may be removed from the disposable subassembly by leaving the disposable subassembly in the bottle or container. The retainable subassembly may be cleaned, and a replacement subassembly attached to the vent channel before inserting into a new container. The air displacement device may be inserted into a bottle before or after pouring wine. A pump or manual blow tube can be used to remove air from a partially-filled bottle.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140263453A1

A stopper for wine, a method of preserving wine, and a method of serving wine from a bottle stored in a vacuum are disclosed. The stopper has a vacuum valve in a vacuum indicator in a removable cap. The vacuum valve has a self-closing passageway due to the passageway traversing an elastomeric material. The vacuum indicator moves in response to vacuum and reveals a marking on a valve opener when a desired vacuum is achieved. The stopper may have a filter, which also aerates. The method of preserving wine includes installing the stopper in the neck of the bottle and withdrawing air from the bottle through the stopper. The method of serving wine includes releasing vacuum from the bottle by unseating the removable cap, removing the cap and pouring wine through the stopper. Pumps for the stopper are also disclosed. 1. A bottle stopper for maintaining a vacuum inside a wine bottle , comprising:a bottle stopper having a body composed of a neck portion for insertion into the neck of a wine bottle, the neck portion configured for liquid sealing the neck of the bottle and for maintaining a vacuum inside the bottle, an upper portion extending above the neck portion, and a fluid passageway for pouring wine from the bottle through the neck portion and the upper portion,a removable cap comprising a vacuum valve having a self-closing valve passageway that extends to the fluid passageway, the valve passageway adapted to be opened by mechanical insertion of a valve opener into the passageway and the cap adapted to be inserted into the upper portion of the stopper body to form a closed position to form a vacuum-maintaining seal and to close the stopper.2. The bottle stopper of wherein the vacuum valve is an integral part of the cap.3. The bottle stopper of wherein the cap has a cap aperture extending therethrough and the vacuum valve is disposed in the cap aperture.4. The bottle stopper of wherein the cap material surrounding the cap aperture comprises resilient material and the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Reusable bottle cap having identification means

Номер: US20160185489A1
Автор: Daniel L. Garcia
Принадлежит: Individual

A reusable bottle cap system includes a bottle cap and a bottle cap cover. The bottle cap includes a proximal handling portion and a stem that extends from the proximal handling portion to a distal end. The stem has opposing outside and inside surfaces. The outside surface includes a sealing feature for sealing to the mouth of a beverage bottle. The inside surface defines an opening extending to the distal end of the stem. The shell has an inside surface defining a cavity that is closed at a distal end. A pin extends from the distal end of the inside surface of the shell. The pin is received into the opening of the stem to provide a holding force to secure the bottle cap cover to the bottle cap.

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183135A1

A near field magnetically coupled contactless device, comprises a foldable substrate in the form of a tape; an antenna circuit tuned to a nominal frequency, including an antenna and a capacitor connected to the antenna; a sacrificial impedance connected to the antenna circuit to contribute to the tuning of the antenna circuit to the nominal frequency; and a sacrificial structure comprising a conductive track connecting the sacrificial impedance to the antenna circuit, configured in meanders occupying a region of interest of the substrate such that a piercing of the region of interest severs the conductive track. 1. A contactless device comprising:a foldable substrate in the form of a tape;an antenna circuit tuned to a nominal frequency, including an antenna and a capacitor connected to the antenna;a sacrificial impedance connected to the antenna circuit to contribute to the tuning of the antenna circuit to the nominal frequency; anda sacrificial structure comprising a conductive track connecting the sacrificial impedance to the antenna circuit, configured in meanders occupying a region of interest of the substrate such that a piercing of the region of interest severs the conductive track.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial impedance is connected in parallel with the antenna.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the antenna encircles the region of interest.4. The device of claim 1 , comprising a control microcircuit connected to be powered by the antenna circuit claim 1 , and including information transmission functions and cryptographic functions; wherein the antenna circuit tuning parameters are selected so that a suppression of the sacrificial impedance lowers the supply power received by the microcircuit to a level insufficient for supplying the cryptographic functions claim 1 , yet sufficient for supplying the transmission functions.5. The device of claim 1 , comprising a conductive track for connecting the sacrificial impedance to the antenna ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Internal vent handle cover arrangement; and methods

Номер: US20180186525A1
Принадлежит: Planetary Design, Rattler Holdings LLC

Aspects and techniques of the present disclosure relate to an internal cover/vent handle arrangement, in association with a container, such as a 5 gallon bucket with a slanted sidewall for evacuating air volume above stored material. The disclosure relates to a squeeze-actuated vent valve arrangement arranged and configured to be easily operated even while deeply recessed in the bucket. The disclosure also relates to a deflectable outer seal arrangement configured to seal against a slanted sidewall of a bucket.

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170195120A1

A near field magnetically coupled anti-counterfeiting tag comprises a control microcircuit configured to implement a basic function and a cryptographic function; a sacrificial conductive track located across a sacrificial area of the tag; and a circuit for detecting continuity of the sacrificial track, cooperating with the microcircuit to implement the basic function without implementing the cryptographic function when the sacrificial track is broken. 1. A near field magnetically coupled contactless tag , comprising:a control chip for implementing a basic function and a cryptographic function (CCP);a sacrificial conductive track located across a sacrificial area of the tag; anda circuit for detecting continuity of the sacrificial track, cooperating with the microcircuit to implement the basic function without implementing the cryptographic function when the sacrificial track is broken.2. The tag according to claim 1 , wherein the microcircuit is a standard microcircuit comprising a programmable digital input/output pin (IO) claim 1 , the sacrificial track being connected between the input/output pin and a power supply pin (GND) of the microcircuit claim 1 , the microcircuit being programmed to test the state of the input/output pin to determine the implementation of the cryptographic function.3. The tag according to claim 1 , comprising an antenna circuit configured to ensure a continuity detection function claim 1 , the sacrificial track being connected to the antenna circuit so that its rupture shifts the frequency tuning of the antenna circuit claim 1 , the offset in the tuning frequency being selected such that the supply power received by the microcircuit is lowered to a level insufficient for implementing the cryptographic function claim 1 , yet sufficient for implementing the basic function.4. The tag according to claim 3 , comprising:a foldable substrate in the form of a tape;an antenna included in the antenna circuit;{'b': '1', 'a capacitor (C) connected to ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203886A1
Автор: Fontana Antonio

The strip () of vials for fluid products, particularly for medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food products or the like, comprises a plurality of vials (), each of which comprises: 112. Strip () of vials for fluid products , particularly for medical , pharmaceutical , cosmetic , food products or the like , comprising a plurality of vials () , each of which comprises:{'b': '4', 'at least a containment body () for at least an injectable fluid product having an elongated direction (D);'}{'b': 4', '5, 'a first end (a) able to define a dispensing mouth () of said fluid product; and'}{'b': 4', '4, 'a second end (b) opposite said first end (a);'}{'b': 4', '3, 'wherein said containment bodies () are made in a single monolithic body made of a first material and are joined together along the weakened-section connection lines (); and'}{'b': 5', '24, 'wherein said dispensing mouths () consist of a stopper () made of a second penetrable material able to be crossed by a drawing element for drawing said fluid product.'}21264623. Strip () according to claim 1 , wherein each of said vials () comprises at least a spacing fin () which extends from the respective containment body () and which is associated with at least a spacing fin () of an adjacent vial () along one of said weakened-section connection lines ().314428293024a. Strip () according to claim 1 , wherein at said first ends () said containment bodies () comprise retaining means ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of said stoppers ().4128293028293024. Strip () according to claim 3 , wherein said retaining means ( claim 3 , claim 3 , ) comprise at least an interlocking housing seat ( claim 3 , claim 3 , ) for housing said stoppers ().5128293028293028. Strip () according to claim 4 , wherein said interlocking housing seat ( claim 4 , claim 4 , ) comprises a tubular length () having a first recess () and a second recess () which extend from said tubular length () to said elongated direction (D).612930. Strip () according to claim 5 , ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210233264A1

The present application discloses a cork coding method and device, a cork tracing method and device, and an electronic device, wherein, the cork coding method comprises: acquiring an original image of a to-be-coded cork with an original character code; identifying the original character code in the original image; determining whether the original character code is matched with a character already inputted into a database; extracting an original texture feature of an to-be-coded cork from the original image, if the original character code is not matched with the character in the database; and establishing a one-to-one correspondence between the original texture feature and the original character code. In the method the original character code on the cork corresponds to the original texture feature on the cork, to guarantee the uniqueness of the original character code and the original texture feature 1. A cork coding method , comprising:acquiring an original image of a to-be-coded cork with an original character code;identifying the original character code in the original image;determining whether the original character code is matched with a character already inputted into a database;extracting an original texture feature of a to-be-coded cork from the original image, if the original character code is not matched with the character in the database; andestablishing a one-to-one correspondence between the original texture feature and the original character code.2. The method of claim 1 , before the step of acquiring an original image of a to-be-coded cork with an original character code claim 1 , further comprising:acquiring the original character code of the to-be-coded cork; andforming the original character code on the to-be-coded cork.3. The method of claim 1 , after the step of establishing a one-to-one correspondence between the original texture feature and the original character code claim 1 , further comprising:storing the correspondence between the original ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214772A1
Автор: Luzaich Gregory John

A preservation apparatus and method for using the same are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, the preservation apparatus comprises a removable closure adapted to fit together in a sealed relationship with a vessel for containing an item, the removable closure comprising a top portion having a first opening to enable pressure within the vessel to be transferred to an interior of the top portion; and a container operable to contain a substance operable to collect oxygen molecules contained within the vessel and render them harmless to the item, wherein the container comprises a lid with a second opening located in proximity to the first opening and having a vent through which the pressure from the vessel is transferred to the interior of the top portion. 1. A preservation apparatus comprising: a top portion having a first opening to enable pressure within the vessel to be transferred to an interior of the top portion; and', 'a container operable to contain a substance operable to collect oxygen molecules contained within the vessel and render them harmless to the item, wherein the container comprises a lid with a second opening located in proximity to the first opening and having a first vent through which the pressure from the vessel is transferred to the interior of the top portion., 'a removable closure adapted to fit together in a sealed relationship with a vessel for containing an item, the removable closure comprising'}2. The preservation apparatus defined in wherein the first vent comprises porous plastic.3. The preservation apparatus defined in further comprising a second vent in the second opening of the lid.4. The preservation apparatus defined in wherein the first and second vents allow air molecules to pass while preventing liquid from passing.5. The preservation apparatus defined in wherein the removable closure further comprises:a pressure sensor to measure the pressure in the interior of the top portion; andan indicator coupled to the pressure sensor ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Reusable closure

Номер: US20150217912A1
Автор: Gregory John Luzaich
Принадлежит: Gregory John Luzaich

A preservation apparatus and method for using the same are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, the preservation apparatus comprising: a removable closure adapted to fit together in sealed relationship with a first container for containing an item, where the removable closure comprises a second container to contain a substance operable to collect oxygen molecules contained within the first container. The preservation apparatus also comprises a removable cap adapted to cover a portion of the removable closure including the second container, in order prevent the second container from being exposed to oxygen molecules outside the cap.

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Bottle closure having a hollow structure

Номер: US20150239620A1
Автор: Jack E. Elder
Принадлежит: Individual

A bottle closure includes a closure element and a cap element. The closure element is configured to be received at least in part within a portion of a bottle. The closure element includes a first portion of a first material and a second portion of a second material. The second material has a lower durometer hardness than the first material. The second material is moldably bonded to the first material. The closure element defines a hollow interior. The cap element is coupled to the closure element.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Cork and paperboard beverage-packaging container

Номер: US20170233147A1
Автор: Kristina RODELLA
Принадлежит: Greenone Bottling LLC

A beverage-packaging container is provided that includes a container body for receiving the liquid and a cork stopper for sealing the liquid contents within the container body. The sidewalls and bottom wall of the container body are formed of paperboard and are preferably formed of a layered, recycled paperboard. The top wall of the container body is formed of a cork material with a cork-receiving hole disposed within the top wall. The cork stopper has a truncated cone-shaped portion that is configured to engage frictionally with the edges of the cork-receiving hole. The cork stopper may also have a wooden crown to aid the user in grasping and removing the cork stopper from the top hole of the container body.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Reusable Magnetic Bottle Closures, Methods, and Systems

Номер: US20190225388A1
Принадлежит: Fred Go Products Inc

Reusable drinking bottle closures, and methods and systems for storing and using the same, are provided. The drinking bottle closures include a sealing portion, an upper side that may bear indicia, and a magnet retained in fixed relation to the sealing portion and the upper side. The magnet may be retained in a cavity of the closure separated from the sealing portion by a seamless barrier, such as a unitary body comprised at least partially in the sealing portion. The sealing portion may fit one or multiple bottle opening sizes. Multiple opening sizes may be accommodated by a frictionally retained tapered plug feature for sealing insertion into a bottle opening, or an end sealing feature operating in conjunction with a separate retention feature, such as a radially compressible cap liner configured to grip bottle threads in an interference fit. The end sealing feature may be a downward-facing compressible ring or disc on a lower side of the closure. In a method of use, the cap may be retained on a magnetically attracted surface until used to close and identify a drinking bottle. The magnetically attracted surface may be part of an existing wall, fixture, or movable article, or it may be a component of a closure storage system according to the invention, such as a plate connected to a mount for connecting the magnetic surface to a non-magnetic surface, such as a pushpin, suction cup, hook-and-loop fastener patch, snap, button, fabric with a button-hole, adhesive, or hole in the surface itself.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus for disguising liquid contents in possession

Номер: US20170247158A1
Автор: Debbie Mende, Jane Cusick
Принадлежит: 5 N Out Inc

A device in the form of a container is disclosed which obscures and/or misdirects another person from recognizing the device contains potable fluid. The device is generally constructed with the size and shape and appearance of a tampon within a tampon wrapper. The device includes a sealable/re-sealable vessel with a cap, and a wrapper constructed and printed to appear like a tampon wrapper.

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247167A1
Автор: MUNRO Shane

A resealable package for mixing two or more components, comprising a base, walls that extend from said base, whereby said walls are joined to each other such that an overall volume is defined that is able to accept a quantity of fluid, a fluid solid or gas, a folding section that folds such that the overall volume of the package is reduced, and a resealable opening. 1. A resealable package for mixing two or more components , comprising:a base,walls that extend from said base, whereby said walls are joined to each other such that an overall volume is defined that is able to accept a quantity of fluid, a fluid solid or gas,a folding section that folds such that the overall volume of the package is reduced, a resealable opening.2. The resealable package according to claim 1 , whereby the package is made substantially from a flexible material.3. The resealable package according to claim 1 , whereby the package has two or more folding sections that permit dividing the package into three or more volumes.4. The resealable package according to claim 1 , whereby the components to be mixed are liquids claim 1 , pastes claim 1 , gels claim 1 , emulsions powders claim 1 , granules claim 1 , particles claim 1 , gases or any other form of matter than is capable of flowing and any combination thereof.5. The resealable package according to claim 3 , whereby the package comprises an additional opening.6. The resealable package according to claim 1 , whereby the resealable opening comprises a screw-cap claim 1 , a one-way valve claim 1 , a zip lock claim 1 , a cork claim 1 , a stopper claim 1 , a threaded cap claim 1 , an attachment member claim 1 , a non-threaded cap or a lightning-type closure.7. The resealable package according to claim 1 , whereby the resealable opening comprises a vacuum valve.8. The resealable package according to claim 1 , whereby the package material is substantially rubber claim 1 , polymer claim 1 , flexible glass claim 1 , a textile claim 1 , card claim 1 ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150266629A1

A cork stopper is coated by a resin coating layer, having a columnar cork stopper body constituted with a molded cork body, and a resin coating layer covering an outer surface of the cork stopper body. The resin coating layer has a resin adhesion layer directly adhered onto the outer surface of the cork stopper body, and a resin layer adhered onto the outer surface of the cork stopper body with the resin adhesion layer interposed therebetween, and the resin coating layer on a circumferential face of the cork stopper body has a layer thickness from 100 to 240 μm. 1. A cork stopper with a resin coating layer , comprising: a columnar cork stopper body constituted by a molded cork body , and the resin coating layer covering an outer surface of the cork stopper body , the resin coating layer comprising a resin adhesion layer directly adhered onto the outer surface of the cork stopper body , and a resin layer adhered onto the outer surface of the cork stopper body with the resin adhesion layer interposed therebetween , and the resin coating layer on a circumferential face of the cork stopper body having a layer thickness from 100 to 240 μm.2. The cork stopper with the resin coating layer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the molded cork body is formed by compression molding cork granules and binder resin claim 1 , and an average grain diameter of the cork granules is from 0.5 to 3 mm.3. The cork stopper with the resin coating layer as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the average grain diameter of the cork granules is from 0.5 to 1 mm.4. The cork stopper with the resin coating layer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the resin adhesion layer is a polyethylene resin adhesion layer and the resin layer is a polyethylene resin film layer.5. The cork stopper with the resin coating layer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein an outer surface of the resin coating layer is further coated with a polyethylene terephthalate resin layer.6. The cork stopper with the resin coating layer as set ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264322A1

Some embodiments of the present disclosure include a bottle cork with a built-in removal mechanism. The bottle cork may include a cork body having a hollow sleeve positioned therein, the hollow sleeve housing a mini-corkscrew, the mini-corkscrew having a corkscrew end extending toward a bottom surface of the cork body and an end opposite the corkscrew end; a gas cartridge configured to be punctured by the end of the mini-corkscrew opposite the corkscrew end; and a knob top attached to the gas cartridge, such that when the knob top is rotated, the gas cartridge is pierced by the end of the mini-corkscrew opposite the corkscrew end while the corkscrew end is drawn into and through the bottom surface of the cork body. The pressure exerted by the pierced gas cartridge may force the bottle cork out of a bottle, thus negating the need for an external cork removal tool. 1. A bottle cork with a built-in removal mechanism , the bottle cork comprising:a cork body having a substantially hollow sleeve positioned therein, the hollow sleeve configured to accommodate a mini-corkscrew within the hollow sleeve, the mini-corkscrew comprising a corkscrew end extending toward a bottom surface of the cork body and an end opposite the corkscrew end;a gas cartridge configured to be punctured by the end of the mini-corkscrew opposite the corkscrew end; anda knob top attached to the gas cartridge, such that when the knob top is rotated, the gas cartridge is pierced by the end of the mini-corkscrew opposite the corkscrew end while the corkscrew end is drawn into the cork body and through the bottom surface of the cork body,wherein the pressure exerted by the pierced gas cartridge forces the bottle cork out of a bottle.2. The bottle cork of claim 1 , further comprising a threaded collar attached to an end of the gas cartridge proximate to the mini-corkscrew.3. The bottle cork of claim 2 , wherein the mini-corkscrew comprises:the corkscrew end; anda threaded end with a puncture nipple opposite ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150272359A1
Автор: Oakes Shawn A.
Принадлежит: Dixie Consumer Products LLC

A reclosable cup lid that can include an upper surface having at least one recess formed therein, that is arcuate in shape. The reclosable cup lid can also include a tab configured to fit within the recess. The tab having an arcuate shape corresponding to the arcuate shape of the recess. The reclosable cup lid can also include an opening disposed within the recess to allow fluid flow therethrough. The tab can be adapted to move within the recess from a first position to a second position so that the opening is at least partially blocked when the tab is located in the first position and the opening is at least partially unobstructed when the tab is located in the second position. 1. A reclosable cup lid , comprising:an upper surface having at least one recess formed therein, the at least one recess having an arcuate shape;a tab configured to fit within the recess, the tab having an arcuate shape corresponding to the arcuate shape of the recess; andan opening disposed within the recess to allow fluid flow therethrough, wherein the tab is adapted to move within the recess from a first position to a second position so that the opening is at least partially blocked when the tab is located in the first position, and the opening is at least partially unobstructed when the tab is located in the second position.2. The cup lid of claim 1 , wherein the tab slides between the first position and the second position while maintained within the recess.3. The cup lid of claim 1 , wherein the arcuate shape of the recess is C-shaped.4. The cup lid of claim 1 , wherein the tab comprises a protrusion formed on an outer surface thereof claim 1 , the protrusion adapted to provide a friction fit with the recess to maintain the tab within the recess during use.5. The cup lid of claim 1 , wherein the tab comprises an upper lip adapted to rest on the upper surface of the lid.6. The cup lid of claim 1 , wherein the opening has an arcuate shape.7. The cup lid of claim 1 , wherein the recess ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации

Recessed Container Closure and Method of Increasing Advertising Space on a Container using a Recessed Container Closure

Номер: US20210339909A1
Автор: Turcotte Robert

The present invention relates to maximizing advertising space on product packaging. Embodiments of the present invention relate to a method of increasing advertising space on various product packaging by increasing the graphic space on and apparent volume of the packaging, such as those used for cosmetics and toiletries. Preferred embodiments include a product packaging with a partially or completely recessed container closure. Further preferred embodiments include a container closure that is threaded, fused, or snapped in to the body of the container. Embodiments of the invention can be modified to accommodate existing products or provide a unique package design for emerging products.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for disguising liquid contents in possession

Номер: US20150284161A1
Автор: Debbie Mende, Jane Cusick
Принадлежит: 5 N Out Inc

A device in the form of a container is disclosed which obscures and/or misdirects another person from recognizing the device contains potable fluid. The device is generally constructed with the size and shape and appearance of a tampon within a tampon wrapper. The device includes a sealable/re-sealable vessel with a cap, and a wrapper constructed and printed to appear like a tampon wrapper.

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Easily Removed Bottle Stoppers and Associated Methods

Номер: US20170283124A1
Автор: Arthur Ness Willson
Принадлежит: Ez Cork LLC

Bottle stoppers/corks we disclosed that cam easily be removed from bottles. These bottle stoppers do not requite the use of an external tool in order to remove the stopper. The stoppers are designed in such a way that the stopper deforms in a way that the stopper can be easily removed from and/or inserted into a bottle/container without great effort. The stopper is designed so that it has both a cork portion that is inserted into a bottle and a removal portion that resides largely outside the bottle. The removal portion comprises a loop that allows an individual to pull on the loop in a direction along the length of the cork portion, thereby facilitating removal of the stopper from the bottle.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Fluid cartridge system and method of using a fluid cartridge system

Номер: US20160296963A1
Принадлежит: Nordson Corp

A fluid cartridge system and method of removing a closure assembly from a first cartridge and a second cartridge includes a first cartridge body and a second cartridge body. A neck projects from the first cartridge body with a first outlet of the first cartridge and a second outlet of the second cartridge. A first closure having a first plug is received within the first outlet and includes a first closure coupling element. In addition, a second closure having a second plug is received within the second outlet and includes a second closure coupling element. The first closure coupling element is configured to interlock with the second closure coupling element such that securing the first cartridge body against the second cartridge body also connects the first closure to the second closure. As such, the first and second closures form the closure assembly for being collectively removed by an operator.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160297572A1
Принадлежит: MICROCELL S.R.L.

A stopper () for closing a container, comprising a main body () shaped so as to be removably housed and engaged in an opening of said container, and extending along a longitudinal axis (X) thereof between two opposed base surfaces () which face the outside and the inside of the containers, respectively, when said main body () is housed and engaged in said opening, said stopper () comprising a barrier element () made from a material with high impermeability to gases and provided on a transverse surface portion () of said stopper () positioned transversely with respect to said longitudinal axis (X) so as to intercept the flow of gas through said stopper (), said barrier element () being intended to reduce the passage of gas through said stopper (), characterized in that said barrier element () comprises a plastic barrier layer () made from polyisobutylene-based elastomers, preferably SIBS and/or TPV and/or TPU, or from aluminium and/or alloys thereof, or from tin and/or alloys thereof, or EVOH or PVDC. 1100100112311100100445100100100. Stopper (; ′) for closing a container , comprising a main body (; ′) so shaped as to be removably housed and engaged in an opening of said container , and extending along a longitudinal axis (X) thereof between two opposed base surfaces ( , ) which face an outside and an inside of the containers , respectively , when said main body (; ′) is housed and engaged in said opening , said stopper (; ′) comprising a barrier element (; ′) made from a material with high impermeability to gases and provided on a transverse surface portion () of said stopper (; ′) positioned transversely with respect to said longitudinal axis (X) so as to intercept the flow of gas through said stopper (;{'b': 100', '4', '4', '100', '4', '4', '41', '43', '100', '100', '43', '4', '4', '43', '1', '1', '5', '5', '1', '1', '6', '43', '5, '′), said barrier element (; ′) being configured to reduce the passage of gas through said stopper (), said barrier element (, ′) ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации

Pressure-relief vent

Номер: US20150307242A1
Принадлежит: Aerojet Rocketdyne Inc

An article includes a vessel, a vent connected to the vessel, and a heat flux-responsive plug disposed in the vent and thermally isolated from the vessel. The heat flux-responsive plug has a material selected based on a phase change characteristic.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Reclosable Cup Lid

Номер: US20170305610A1
Автор: Shawn A. Oakes
Принадлежит: Dixie Consumer Products LLC

A reclosable cup lid that can include an upper surface having at least one recess formed therein, that is arcuate in shape. The reclosable cup lid can also include a tab configured to fit within the recess. The tab having an arcuate shape corresponding to the arcuate shape of the recess. The reclosable cup lid can also include an opening disposed within the recess to allow fluid flow therethrough. The tab can be adapted to move within the recess from a first position to a second position so that the opening is at least partially blocked when the tab is located in the first position and the opening is at least partially unobstructed when the tab is located in the second position.

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Container sealing device

Номер: US20150321798A1
Автор: Takamitsu Isogai
Принадлежит: Tokan Kogyo Co Ltd

An object is to provide a container sealing device which can perform an opening of an inner plug with a clear opening feeling. An inner plug 10 is assembled in advance to an upper closure 20 by using a second screwing part 52 . At this time, since an assembling interval between a separation part 12 and the upper closure 20 can be adjusted by tip end parts 16 t and 20 u of a cylindrical part 16 which are first stoppers and the small-diameter cylinder part 20 d , the second screwing part 52 can be brought into a lock state of being screwed to the deepest position or a state close to that. In opening the plug, the first screwing part 51 is loosened the second screwing part 52 is tightened, and the separation part 12 can be rapidly and reliably separated from a body part 10 b of the inner plug 10.

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Device for capping a barrel

Номер: US20160326474A1
Автор: Mark Joseph McKale
Принадлежит: Individual

A capped barrel system includes a barrel for aging and a device for capping the barrel. The barrel includes a plurality of staves made of a wood suitable for aging liquids, a plurality of hoops for holding the staves together, a head having a flat circular top, a bunghole in the head, and a chime formed by raised ends of the staves. The device includes a lid sized to span across the head and beyond the chime, a flange extending downwardly from the lid for engaging an external side of the staves, an opening in the lid to generally align with the bunghole, and a closure sized to seal the opening.

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Methods and Articles of Manufacture for Sealing a Bottle Jar or Container

Номер: US20160340086A1
Автор: Frumkin Ted Greg Lee

The present invention is directed to bottle jars and other storage places corks, connected with reusable stickiness (adhesive) to seal and open the corks without the rotational movement. While the gecko's “glue” holds the bottle corks strongly in one direction, one can easily pull the gecko cork to the other direction and open or close the bottle. Due to the lack of rotational movement to open or close the bottle, the bottle shape can be adjusted for saving in raw materials. This concept is applicable to all types of bottles, jars or other storage space corks. A cork includes a reusable adhesive, for easy sealing and opening of the bottles. The present invention also include a cork that has reusable adhesive made out of carbon nanotubes mimicking a gecko foot. realizing a cork closing or sealing a bottle or a jar without a rotational movement or bottle opener, rather than by a special “glue” or any other glue product which doesn't leave residue, reusable, easy to use and doesn't wear off even in dusty or damp conditions. 1. A bottle opening sealer comprising:a bottle contact surface including microstructure or nanostructure based adhesive.2. The bottle opening sealer according to comprising a cork.3. The bottle opening sealer according to wherein the contact surface comes in contact with an inner surface of a bottleneck.4. The bottle opening sealer according to comprising a cap.5. The bottle opening sealer according to wherein the contact surface comes in contact with an outer surface of a bottleneck.6. The bottle opening sealer according to including multiple contact surface with adhesive.7. The bottle opening sealer corks can seal the bottle from the inside (similar to a wine cork) as well as from the outside (regular cork). The present applications claims priority from U.S. provisional patent 62/117,494 filed on Feb. 18, 2015 by the inventor of the present application and is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present invention generally relates ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Liquid container and device for adjusting the liquid phase of a cooling circuit of a heat engine having such a container built-in

Номер: US20150345368A1
Принадлежит: Tristone Flowtech Solutions SNC TFS

A liquid container including: at least two compartments ( 2; 3 ) which are each provided with a fluid inlet and outlet and which are connectable to a fluid flow circuit, respectively, at least one communication area ( 4 ) between the compartments ( 2; 3 ), at least one opening ( 5 ) for filling the container, at least one plug ( 6 ) for closing the opening ( 5 ) for filling the container, the opening ( 5 ) for filling the container is an opening common to the compartments ( 2, 3 ) and the container further includes at least one member ( 7 ) for closing the communication area ( 4 ) between the compartments ( 2, 3 ), the closing member being movably mounted between an open position of the area and a closed position of the area, the closing member being in a closed position of the area in a closed position of the filling opening plug.

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170341822A1
Автор: Essebbar Abderrahman

The invention relates to a device () for sealing a container having a neck, said device comprising: 1. A device for sealing a container having a neck , said device comprising: a radiofrequency identification tag,', 'said device further comprising at least one piezoelectric component electrically connected to the tag and arranged inside said deformable portion, within a blind recess on the first end side, the at least one piezoelectric component generating an electric voltage caused by an expansion of the deformable portion containing the piezoelectric component when said deformable portion is removed from the neck, said electric voltage being capable of causing a change of state of the radiofrequency identification tag., 'a deformable portion intended to be at least partially arranged inside the neck of the container so as to seal it in a leak tight manner, said portion being capable of deforming elastically when inserted into the neck, said portion comprising a first end intended to be oriented towards the inside of the container, and'}2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one piezoelectric component is configured so that the electric voltage generated when the deformable portion is removed damages the radiofrequency identification tag.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one piezoelectric component is configured so that the electric voltage generated when the deformable portion is removed increments a counter of the radiofrequency identification tag or modifies a value of a bit of a memory comprised in the tag.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one piezoelectric component has the shape of a strip.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the deformable portion has a cylindrical shape and in that the piezoelectric strip extends in a plane comprising the longitudinal axis of said cylinder.6. The device according to claim 1 , further comprising a diode electrically connected to the piezoelectric ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160355302A1

A cap for a container can be inserted into the mouth of the container and the pressure which it exerts against the mouth can be controlled by rotating the cap's knob in either circumferential direction. The cap includes a nut with grooves which can move up and down the axial direction within a guide member included in the cap. The guide member includes several prongs which engage the nut grooves and which expand and contract as the nut travels up and down the tapered inner surface of the guide. The cap further includes a plug whose outer surface is in contact with the mouth of the container and whose inner surface houses the guide member. As the prongs expand and contract they increase and decrease the radial pressure caused by the plug against the mouth of the container. 1. A cap for a container , comprising:(a) a substantially cylindrical plug operative to engage a mouth of the container, said plug comprising a blind hole having a first depth along an axial direction of the plug thereby defining a plug inner surface having a plug inner diameter and a plug inner height, a plug outer surface having a plug outer diameter and a plug outer height, and a plug base having a plug thickness;(b) a substantially tubular guide operative to engage the plug inner surface, said guide having a guide outer surface, a guide height, and a guide inner surface wherein the guide inner surface is tapered along the axial direction, said guide comprising two or more slits having a second depth along the axial direction thereby defining two or more guide prongs;(c) a substantially cylindrical nut operative to engage the guide inner surface, said nut having a nut outer surface, a nut height, and a nut inner surface wherein the nut inner surface is threaded along the axial direction, said nut comprising two or more grooves along the axial direction, said two or more grooves operative to engage the two or more guide prongs; and(d) a substantially cylindrical knob comprising a threaded bolt ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200339307A1
Автор: Schefler Yuri

A bottle includes a neck and an opening at an end of said neck. A closure member closing the opening is provided with locking means that secure the closure member to a rim of the opening. The locking means include a collar surrounding a neck portion of the neck and locking-levers that are hingedly connected to the collar. The closure member includes outwardly extending lugs that register with the locking-levers. The locking-levers include link members that releasable engage the lugs at a top surface thereof. The locking-levers are retractable to a closed position in which the link members clamp the closure member to the rim of the opening. 1. A bottle and closure means , said bottle comprising a neck , an opening at an end of said neck , a closure member closing said opening and locking means that secure said closure member to a rim of said opening , in which said locking means comprise a collar surrounding a neck portion of said neck and locking levers that are hingedly connected to said collar , and wherein said bottle contains a non-gaseous liquid ,wherein said closure member comprises a solid core and outwardly extending lugs that register with said locking levers, andwherein said locking levers comprise link members that releasable engage said lugs at a top surface thereof, said locking levers being retractable to a closed position in which said link members clamp said closure member to the rim of said opening.2. The bottle according to claim 1 , wherein said neck comprises a ridge adjacent said neck portion and in that said collar engages said ridge in the closed position.3. The bottle according to claim 2 , wherein said ridge is a shoulder of a thickened further neck portion that comprises said rim of said opening and in that said link members bridge said thickened neck portion between said collar and said lugs.4. The bottle according to claim 1 , wherein said lugs are provided with seats that receive a free distal end of said link members of said locking ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150367551A1

A multi-component synthetic closure and/or a rod-shaped intermediate product which incorporate printed indicia comprising ink that is invisible under normal lighting and/or temperature conditions and a continuous, in-line manufacturing process therefor are described. In the preferred embodiment of the present disclosure, the core member of the synthetic closure and/or the rod-shaped intermediate product can be formed by a continuous extrusion process which enables the core to be manufactured as an elongated, continuous length of material. As the continuous elongated length of extruded material forming the central core is advanced from the extruder towards an outer skin forming station, the central core passes through a printing station for forming any desired indicia among which can be a registration mark that can be invisible under normal lighting and/or temperature conditions on the outer surface of the central core prior to the application of the outer skin layer. 1. A method for producing multi-component closures comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer for being inserted and securely retained in a portal-forming neck of a container , the method comprising the steps of:a. extruding a continuous, elongated substantially cylindrically shaped length of a material for forming a core member of a closure;b. optionally, separately extruding one or several separate and independent layer(s) of plastic material in intimate bonded engagement with the continuous, elongated length of material forming the core member or, in a case of several independent layers, in intimate bonded engagement with a respective outermost independent layer formed on the continuous, elongated length of material, the separate and independent layer(s) of plastic material peripherally surrounding and substantially enveloping a cylindrical surface of the continuous, elongated length of material and forming a multi-component product;c. passing the continuous, elongated, substantially cylindrically ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Recessed Container Closure and Method of Increasing Advertising Space on a Container using a Recessed Container Closure

Номер: US20190375549A1
Автор: Turcotte Robert

The present invention relates to maximizing advertising space on product packaging. Embodiments of the present invention relate to a method of increasing advertising space on various product packaging by increasing the graphic space on and apparent volume of the packaging, such as those used for cosmetics and toiletries. Preferred embodiments include a product packaging with a partially or completely recessed container closure. Further preferred embodiments include a container closure that is threaded, fused, or snapped in to the body of the container. Embodiments of the invention can be modified to accommodate existing products or provide a unique package design for emerging products. 1. A product packaging comprising:(a) a container body with a selected height, the container body comprising an opening operably configured for receiving a cap;(b) a cap operably configured to provide for connection with the opening of the container body and having a top surface with no through-hole;(c) wherein, when the container body and cap are connected as product packaging, a portion of the cap is recessed into the container body leaving an exposed portion of the cap, such that the exposed portion of the cap has a height of less than one-tenth of the selected height of the container body.2. The product packaging of claim 1 , wherein the container body opening comprises an internal surface that is threaded and the cap comprises an external surface that is cooperatively threaded for connection with the container body opening.3. The product packaging of claim 1 , wherein the container body and cap are connected in a fused manner.4. The product packaging of claim 1 , wherein the container body and cap are connected by being snapped together.5. The product packaging of claim 1 , wherein provided by or in the top surface of the cap is a flip cap dispenser.6. The product packaging of claim 1 , wherein the cap further comprises a finger pump dispenser.7. The product packaging of claim 1 ...

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2184059C2
Принадлежит: Нюкомед Имагинг АС

FIELD: packing of sterile liquids. SUBSTANCE: package has plastic bottle, stopper driven into pour-out hole of bottle for removing and member which can be hooked up. This member is protected from accidental engagement by ring wall projecting upwards from edge of cover member over periphery. Wall of cover member is provided with holes to prevent accumulation of liquid at sterilization. EFFECT: reduced to minimum accidental engagement of hook-up member and getting of contaminants into package. 8 cl, 10 dwg 69$ ОЗС ПЧ сэ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВИ” 2184 059 ' (51) МПК? 13) С2 В 650 51/00, 51/18 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000109262/13, 14.07.1999 (24) Дата начала действия патента: 14.07.1999 (30) Приоритет: 14.07.1998 СВ 9815291.1 (46) Дата публикации: 21.06.2002 (56) Ссылки: ЕР 0819617 А, 21.01.1998. ЕР 0079676 АЗ, 25.05.1983. ЕК 1564076 А, 03.05.1978. (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную фазу: 14.04.2000 (86) Заявка РСТ: СВ 99/02264 (14.07.1999) (87) Публикация РСТ: М/О 00/03920 (27.01.2000) (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", Е_.В.Томской (71) Заявитель: НЮКОМЕД ИМАГИНГ АС (МО) (72) Изобретатель: БРАУН Мартин Монтигл (МО) (73) Патентообладатель: НЮКОМЕД ИМАГИНГ АС (МО) (74) Патентный поверенный: Томская Елена Владимировна (54) УПАКОВКА (57) Изобретение относится к упаковке стерильных жидкостей. Упаковка содержит пластиковую бутылку, пробку, введенную с возможностью удаления в выливное отверстие бутылки, и зацепляемый элемент. Зацепляемый элемент защищен от случайного задействия кольцевой стенкой, выступающей вверх от края покрывающего элемента вокруг его периферии. Для того, чтобы за стенкой покрывающего элемента не скапливалась жидкость при стерилизации, она имеет отверстия. — Изобретение обеспечивает уменьшение вероятности случайного приведения зацепляющего элемента в действие и препятствует ...

24-11-2022 дата публикации

Cap For An Opening Of A Container

Номер: US20220371784A1

The present invention relates to a cap for covering an opening of a container, preferably the opening of a bottle. The present invention is characterized by a cork body having a cylindrical configuration and configured in two portions between which there is arranged an impermeable sheet element according to the longitudinal direction. The presence of an impermeable sheet allows using a conventional closure material preventing permeability in the longitudinal direction both to prevent the liquid from coming out of the container and to prevent bacteria or contaminants from the outside from entering. 1. A cap for covering an opening of a container , preferably a bottle , comprising:a cork body having a cylindrical configuration extending along a longitudinal direction, wherein the cork body comprises a first portion intended for being inserted into the opening of the container and a second portion intended for being accessible from the outside when the cap closes the opening of the container in the operative mode;an impermeable sheet element arranged between the first portion and the second portion, configured to prevent the passage of a fluid or gas between the first portion and the second portion.2. The cap according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet element is made of a rigid material.3. The cap according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet element extends around the perimeter by means of an annular body intended for being supported on the opening of the container when the cap is closing said opening in the operative mode claim 1 , wherein the annular body:either partially covers a perimetral portion of the first portion of the cork body;or partially covers a perimetral portion of the second portion of the cork body;or both.4. The cap according to claim 3 , wherein the annular body partially covers a perimetral portion of the second portion of the cork body giving rise to a first cylindrical cavity with a first step finished at an angle claim 3 , and with the edge of the ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Cork and paperboard beverage-packaging container

Номер: WO2016073943A1
Автор: Kristina RODELLA
Принадлежит: Rodella Kristina

A beverage-packaging container is provided that includes a container body with a top wall of cork for receiving the liquid and a cork stopper for sealing the liquid contents within the container body. The sidewalls and bottom wall of the container body are formed of paperboard and are preferably formed of a layered, at least partially recycled paperboard. The top wall of the container body is formed of a cork material with a cork-receiving hole disposed within the top wall. The cork stopper has a truncated cone-shaped portion that is configured to engage frictionally or threadingly with the edges of the cork-receiving hole.

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Контейнер для сыпучих продуктов для хранения сыпучих продуктов питания

Номер: RU2018103939A
Принадлежит: кииипер ГмбХ

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2018 103 939 A (51) МПК B65D 1/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2018103939, 01.02.2018 (71) Заявитель(и): кииипер ГмбХ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 02.02.2017 EP 17154469.5 Адрес для переписки: 105082, Москва, пер. Спартаковский, 2, стр. 1, секция 1, этаж 3, ЕВРОМАРКПАТ Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 8 1 0 3 9 3 9 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Контейнер (2) для сыпучих продуктов для хранения сыпучих продуктов питания, имеющий днище (4), окружающую накопительное пространство (18) боковую стенку (6), верхнее отверстие (8) и уплотняющий элемент (20), причем на контейнер (2) для сыпучих продуктов надета манжета (10) из эластичного материала, первый конец (12) которой соединен с боковой стенкой (6) контейнера (2) для сыпучих продуктов, а второй конец (14) которой окружает отверстие (8), которое является запираемым с помощью уплотняющего элемента (20), и причем ширина манжеты (10) уменьшается от ее первого конца (12) ко второму концу (14) вдоль продольной оси (16) контейнера (2) для сыпучих продуктов, и причем манжета (10) за счет эластичности эластичного материала является вдавливаемой вдоль продольной оси (16) контейнера (2) для сыпучих продуктов в накопительное пространство (18) и вновь из него извлекаемой, отличающийся тем, что уплотняющий элемент (20) выполнен в виде вставляемой в отверстие (8) заглушки, которая имеет хвостовой участок (32), форма и размер которого согласованы с формой и размером отверстия (8) таким образом, что в области (36) хвостового участка возникает уплотняющее прилегание поверхности хвостового участка (32) к поверхности примыкающего к отверстию (8) материала манжеты (10), и причем хвостовой участок (32) на его обращенном к накопительному пространству (18) конце имеет утолщение (34) по отношению к его форме в области (36) уплотняющего прилегания примыкающего материала манжеты (10). 2. Контейнер (2) для сыпучих продуктов ...

31-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN107690409B
Принадлежит: An DongninuoMutelai


24-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: JP4754070B2

24-01-2008 дата публикации

Material compositions and designs of oxygen scavenging closure for packaging

Номер: WO2008010818A1
Автор: Dexi Weng
Принадлежит: Dexi Weng

A molded closure for a liquid container comprising a thermoplastic elastomer and another polymer compound having oxygen scavenging capability and oxygen scavenging compositions are claimed. The molded closure is especially suitable for use as a synthetic wine cork in a wine bottle or container. The molded closure does not allow passage of oxygen into the container or bottle. It absorbs oxygen from the contents of the container. The molded closure can be removed from the bottle using a corkscrew without significant expansion, crumbling or disintegration.

05-11-2019 дата публикации

Cork and paperboard beverage-packaging container

Номер: US10464720B2
Автор: Kristina RODELLA
Принадлежит: Greenone Bottling LLC

A beverage-packaging container is provided that includes a container body for receiving the liquid and a cork stopper for sealing the liquid contents within the container body. The sidewalls and bottom wall of the container body are formed of paperboard and are preferably formed of a layered, recycled paperboard. The top wall of the container body is formed of a cork material with a cork-receiving hole disposed within the top wall. The cork stopper has a truncated cone-shaped portion that is configured to engage frictionally with the edges of the cork-receiving hole. The cork stopper may also have a wooden crown to aid the user in grasping and removing the cork stopper from the top hole of the container body.

22-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CN1309613A
Принадлежит: Nycomed Imaging AS


16-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ES266599Y

30-10-2003 дата публикации

Covering for service bottle

Номер: KR200331149Y1
Автор: 조부연
Принадлежит: 조부연

본 고안은 부체로 개폐되는 밸브 본체와; 본체와 부체를 관통하는 덮개관로와; 용기 구부 스크류에 덮개를 조립하기 위한 덮개 내면 관착 스크류와; 덮개관로 외단의 관로 개폐용 마개를 포함하여 구성한 서비스용기 덮개이다. 본 고안에 의하면 서비스 발생시 밸브 조작으로 용기를 간편히 개폐 할 수 있고, 용기 개폐시 덮개를 용기에서 분리하지 않고 개폐하고, 용기의 주입구스류에 관착하여 설치하되 덮개에 덮개관로를 설치하고; 관로에 개폐용 밸브를 설치하고; 덮개 상단에 관로 개폐 마개를 설치함이 특징이다.

06-08-1986 дата публикации

A stopper for containers for use in analyses

Номер: EP0097591B1
Принадлежит: Fernando Xalabarder Miramanda

15-03-1984 дата публикации

Sealable bottle cap

Номер: DE2941381C2
Принадлежит: Individual

25-08-2003 дата публикации

Method for producing plugs for culture and breeding containers

Номер: JP3439856B2
Автор: 博 春野
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Polymer Co Ltd

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Control-indicator dispensing cover

Номер: RU2391272C2

Контрольно-индикаторная дозирующая крышка содержит корпус крышки, соединенный с контрольно-герметизирующим колпачком. Корпус крышки имеет верхнюю стенку, первую юбку, проходящую от верхней стенки, дозирующее отверстие, выполненное в верхней стенке, и удерживающую полость, проходящую радиально наружу от первой юбки. Удерживающая полость содержит внутреннюю стенку, образованную участком первой юбки, наружную стенку, расположенную на расстоянии от внутренней стенки, первую боковую стенку, проходящую между внутренней и наружной стенками на одном конце удерживающей полости, и вторую боковую стенку, проходящую между внутренней и наружной стенками на противоположном конце удерживающей полости. Корпус крышки содержит первый удерживающий выступ, проходящий в удерживающую полость от первой боковой стенки, и второй удерживающий выступ, проходящий в удерживающую полость от второй боковой стенки. Основной корпус контрольно-герметизирующего колпачка взаимодействует с верхней стенкой корпуса крышки при перемещении между закрытым положением, в котором контрольно-герметизирующий колпачок закрывает дозирующее отверстие, и открытым положением, в котором дозирующее отверстие не закрыто. Контрольно-индикаторный выступ проходит от основного корпуса так, что он принимается удерживающей полостью, когда контрольно-герметизирующий колпачок находится в его закрытом положении. Контрольно-индикаторный выступ содержит первый удерживающий крючок, расположенный на одном конце указанного выступа с возможностью взаимодействия с первым удерживающим выступом, когда контрольно-герметизирующий колпачок находится в его за� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 391 272 (13) C2 (51) МПК B65D 41/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007105743/12, 15.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.07.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АЛКОА КЛОУЖЕР СИСТЕМЗ ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ, ИНК. (US) (43) Дата ...

26-08-2008 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of semi-electric sheet for power cable shield

Номер: KR100854420B1
Принадлежит: 원광대학교산학협력단

A method for manufacturing a semi-electric sheet for a power cable is provided to improve electric and mechanical characteristics by using a carbon nanotube with high dispersion. A method for manufacturing a semi-electric sheet for a power cable includes the steps of: generating an EEA(Ethylene Ethyl Acrylate) solution by adding EEA to a good solvent and agitating the solvent; generating a carbon nanotube dispersion solution by adding carbon nanotubes to the good solvent and evenly dispersing the carbon nanotubes; evenly mixing the EEA solution and the carbon nanotube solution; generating a precipitate by adding a non-solvent to the mixture to precipitate the EEA to which the carbon nanotubes are dispersed; removing the solution included in the precipitate by filtering and drying the generated precipitate; and adding a cross-linking agent to the dried precipitate, mixing the added precipitate, and then compressing the precipitate in a sheet shape, wherein the good solvent is any one selected from a group consisting of xylene, propanol, octanol, hexane, heptane, cyclohexane, benzene, acetone, and a tetrahydrofuran.

02-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: KR100385760B1
Принадлежит: 아머샴 헬스 에이에스

패키지(10)는 플라스틱 병(20)과, 병의 주둥이 내로 제거 가능하게 삽입되는 마개(40)와, 플라스틱 캡(50)을 포함한다. 캡은 마개(40) 위에 놓인 덮개 부재(52)를 가지며, 바늘 등에 의한 관통을 허용하기 위해 마개의 상부면을 노출시키도록 제거 가능한 영역(66)을 갖는다. 제거 가능한 영역에는, 덮개 부재(52)의 에지로부터 상방으로 돌출된 환형 벽(60)에 의해 우연한 작동으로부터 보호되는 당김 링(68)이 제공된다. The package 10 includes a plastic bottle 20, a stopper 40 removably inserted into the spout of the bottle, and a plastic cap 50. The cap has a lid member 52 overlying the stopper 40 and has a removable area 66 to expose the top surface of the stopper to allow penetration by a needle or the like. In the removable area, a pull ring 68 is provided which is protected from accidental operation by an annular wall 60 protruding upward from the edge of the lid member 52.

09-07-2004 дата публикации

Water-bottle support dividing device for duplex stopper

Номер: KR100439432B1
Автор: 문영무, 박형민, 이선규
Принадлежит: 주식회사 크로버

본 발명은 물통을 거꾸로 수납해서 물통의 물을 공급하는 형태의 물통식 급수기에 적용하는 이중마개용 물통지지분배장치에 관한 것이다. 종래의 이중마개용 물통지지분배장치는 하나의 관에서 물과 공기의 교대 교환 동작으로 인하여 배수가 원활하지 못하거나, 배수관과 공기 유입관을 분리하는 복잡한 장치들이 추가되는 문제점을 가지고 있었다. 본 발명의 이중마개용 물통지지분배장치(50)는 상부의 물통수납부(60)와 하부의 배수관부(70)로 분할되어 구성되었으며 오링(73)에 의해 밀폐되게 결합된다. 상기 배수관부(70)의 중앙 상단부에는 이중마개(30)의 속마개(32)를 끼워 고정하도록 하는 원형턱(82)과 둥근머리(81) 및 그 하측면에 2개 이상의 배수구(83)가 형성된 배수관(80)이 구비되고, 상기 배수관(80)의 내부에는 다수의 유도판(84)이 구비되며, 상기 물통수납부(60)에는 물통거치용턱(61)과 공기유입구(62)가 형성되고, 상기 공기유입구(62)를 통하여 유입되는 공기를 여과하는 공기여과장치(90)를 구비한 것으로 하나의 관에서 물의 배수와 공기의 유입이 동시적 교환 동작으로 지속적이고도 향상된 배수량을 제공하며 단순한 구조로 인하여 경제적이며 청소가 용이한 위생적인 이중마개용 물통지지분배장치이다.

16-05-2022 дата публикации

Plug and plug structure

Номер: KR102398382B1
Принадлежит: 사파스고교 가부시키가이샤

액체 수납 용기의 개구부 내주면에 설치되는 플러그 본체부(10)와, 플러그 본체부(10)에 접속되는 사이폰 관(20)을 구비하고, 플러그 본체부(10)가, 개구부의 내주면에 설치되는 제1 본체부(10a)와, 제1 본체부(10a)와 일체로 형성되는 동시에 축선(X1)과 교차하는 평면 상에 배치되는 저면부(12)를 갖는 제2 본체부(10b)를 갖고, 제2 본체부(10b)가, 저면부(12)에 시일 부재가 접촉한 상태에서 배치된 경우에, 액체 수납 용기의 내부 공간(S1)과 플러그(100)의 내부 공간(S2)을 연통시키는 연통부(13)를 갖는 플러그(100)를 제공한다.

14-10-2015 дата публикации

Container with irremovable closure to facilitate dispensation of contents

Номер: KR20150115763A
Принадлежит: 마크 안소니 브래들리

본 발명은, 조절된 양으로 분배될 필요가 있는 유체를 함유하는데 사용되는 용기(36)에 관한 것이다. 특히, 본 발명은 분배 장치에 쉽고 단단히 결합될 수 있는 용기 클로저(30)에 관한 것이다. 분배되는 양은 분배 기능을 지니며 용기에 부착되는 호스 또는 튜브(50)를 통해서 편리하게 제공된다. 자동차용 윤활유, 가정용 화학제품, 농업 제품 및 이와 동일한 종류를 함유하는 병들/용기들은 외부 분배 장치 없이 분배하도록 갖추어지지 않는다. 알려진 용기 및 분배기 시스템은 반드시 안전을 제공하지 않으며, 어느 것도 "범용" 튜브 진공 분배 장치의 수용에 적합하지 못하며 및/또는 활용하기에 복잡하다. 본 발명은 위에서 다루어진 문제를 해결하기 위한 해결책을 제공하는 것을 추구한다. 본 발명은, 용기 상에 간단하게 배치될수 있으며, 한번 고정되면 제거될 수 없어서 분배 요건(dispensing requirements)에 쉽게 적합한 용기 클로저 또는 갭을 제공하는 것을 추구하는데, 적은 비용으로 쉽고 용이하게 제조될 수 있다.

10-09-2013 дата публикации

Device for closing bottle with spirit

Номер: UA83504U

Приспособление для закупорки бутылок со спиртными напитками имеет круглую пробку из инертного к напитку материала, которая в рабочем положении вставлена ​​в горловину бутылки таким образом, что ее часть выступает над торцом горловины, и колпачок, содержащий юбку и торцевую крышку, изготовленные из материала, который превышает по твердости и жесткости материал пробки, причем торцевая крышка колпачка жестко связана с юбкой и имеет окно, диаметр которого достаточен для прохода пробки при откупоривании бутылки, а юбка колпачка состоит из нижней части с гладкой внутри стенкой, которая частично охватывает горловину бутылки и допу

25-11-2004 дата публикации

Systems, devices and methods for opening a bottle sealed with a stopper and for sealing a bottle

Номер: US20040232101A1

An apparatus for removing a stopper from a bottle by rotating a threaded capsule surrounding the threaded neck of a bottle. The capsule is preferably received over a narrowed neck of the bottle to maintain the appearance of a foil-wrapped and cork-closed bottle. The bottle may be sealed with plugs (natural cork, synthetic cork, molded plugs), planar seals, or a combination thereof. The capsule may engage the stopper directly or by way of a stopper anchor. Aspects of the invention include preventing uncontrolled egress of stoppers from pressurized bottles, the resealing of various forms of bottles after removal of the stopper, locking the closure in place, and providing evidence of tampering.

17-06-2004 дата публикации

The method for opening and bottle and stopper of wine

Номер: WO2004050495A1
Автор: Seon-Young Oh
Принадлежит: Seon-Young Oh

Disclosed are a wine bottle stopper made of cork and plastic materials, a wine bottle having a spiral thread formed on a bottle neck, and a method for sealing and opening the wine bottle using a drawing device having a turning device.

19-07-2019 дата публикации

Automatic temperature measurement thermos cork protective device

Номер: CN110025231A
Автор: 郭司航
Принадлежит: 郭司航


07-09-2018 дата публикации

Device for sealing a bottle tightly

Номер: RU2666453C1
Автор: [UNK]

FIELD: package and storage.SUBSTANCE: device comprises stopper 12, a means for fixing it on the neck of bottle 11, including tear-off band 13 and locking ring 2 with locking projection 3. To increase the reliability, the device is provided with liner 1 fixed to locking ring 2, made of a material more rigid than the material of locking ring 2, whose side wall 10 is formed with a notch in the placement of fixing projection 3.EFFECT: device for sealing a bottle tightly relates to means for capping bottles filled with liquid, for example, beverages, including alcoholic beverages to preserve their original quantity and quality on the way from a manufacturer (packer) to a consumer.3 cl, 5 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 666 453 C1 (51) МПК B65D 39/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B65D 39/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017108181, 13.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 102208 U1, 20.02.2011. RU 81480 Дата регистрации: 07.09.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 07.09.2018 Бюл. № 25 2 6 6 6 4 5 3 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ГЕРМЕТИЧНОГО ЗАКРЫВАНИЯ БУТЫЛКИ (57) Реферат: Устройство для герметичного закрывания запорное кольцо 2 с фиксирующим выступом 3. бутылки относится к средствам укупоривания Для повышения надежности устройство снабжено бутылок, заполненных содержимым, например, фиксируемой на запорном кольце 2 гильзой 1, напитков, в том числе алкогольных для выполненной из материала более жесткого, чем сохранения их первоначального количества и материал запорного кольца 2, боковая стенка 10 качества на пути от изготовителя (расфасовщика) которого выполнена с выемкой в зоне до потребителя. Устройство содержит пробку 12, расположения фиксирующего выступа 3. 2 з.п. фсредство ее фиксации на горлышке бутылки 11, лы, 5 ил. включающее в себя отрывной поясок 13 и Стр.: 1 C 1 C 1 Адрес для переписки: 105082, Москва, а/я 111, ООО ...

09-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: KR102464838B1
Автор: 임승란
Принадлежит: 주식회사 한국인삼공사

본 발명은 용기에 관한 것으로서, 내부 공간과, 상기 내부 공간의 상측에 배치되어 상기 내부 공간을 외측으로 연통시키는 개구가 형성된 용기 본체, 상기 개구에 배치되어 상기 개구를 폐쇄하게 마련되는 속마개를 포함하고, 상기 속마개는, 상기 개구를 정의하는 상기 용기 본체의 입구에 배치되되, 상기 용기 본체의 내압이 증가함에 따라 변형 또는 이동되어 상기 개구의 적어도 일부를 개방시키도록 마련되는 안착부, 상기 안착부에서 하측으로 연장되어 상기 개구에 삽입되되, 상기 내압을 분산시키도록 하측에서 상측으로 오목하게 형성되는 돔 형상의 바닥을 구비하는 삽입부를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a container, comprising: an inner space; a container body having an opening disposed above the inner space to communicate the inner space to the outside; and an inner stopper disposed in the opening to close the opening And, the inner stopper is disposed at the inlet of the container body defining the opening, a seating portion provided to open at least a portion of the opening by being deformed or moved as the internal pressure of the container body increases, the seating It extends downward from the part and is inserted into the opening, and includes an insertion part having a dome-shaped bottom concave from the bottom to the top to disperse the internal pressure.
