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20-02-2004 дата публикации

Упаковка с продуктом

Номер: RU0000036010U1

1. Упаковка с продуктом, имеющая игровое средство, прикрепленное к ней клеем с возможностью отделения при нормальных физических усилиях человека, выполненное в виде этикетки или игрового билета с основой, лицевая сторона которой снабжена игровым полем, состоящим из набора ячеек, в каждой из которых расположен игровой символ, закрытый маскирующим слоем с возможностью его удаления, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена обтягивающей внешней упаковкой, которая закрывает, по меньшей мере, игровое средство, при этом обтягивающая внешняя упаковка выполнена из термоусадочной пленки. 2. Упаковка с продуктом по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что на оборотную сторону игрового средства нанесена информация о выигрышном символе или выигрышной(ых) комбинации(ях) символов, закрытая прозрачным отделительным покрытием. 3. Упаковка с продуктом по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что на игровой символ по крайней мере одной ячейки игрового поля нанесен защитный слой лака, расположенный перед маскирующим слоем. 4. Упаковка с продуктом по любому из пп.1-3, отличающаяся тем, что, по меньшей мере, часть игровых символов, расположенных в ячейках игрового поля выполнена в виде изображения игральных карт. 5. Упаковка с продуктом по любому из пп.1-4, отличающаяся тем, что в наборе ячеек игрового поля присутствует, по меньшей мере, один выигрышный символ или одна выигрышная комбинация символов. 6. Упаковка с продуктом по любому из пп.1-5, отличающаяся тем, что на игровое средство дополнительно нанесен идентификационный знак, выполненный в виде набора цифр и/или букв. 7. Упаковка с продуктом по любому из пп.1-6, отличающаяся тем, что на обратную сторону основы игрового средства нанесено средство защиты, выполненное в виде маскирующей сетки, которая расположена, по меньшей мере, на участках ячеек. 8. Упаковка с продуктом по любому из пп.1-7, отличающаяся тем, что каждый символ, расположенный в ячейке игрового поля, закрыт маскирующим слоем, выполненным из фольги. 9. Упаковка с продуктом по любому из пп.1-8, ...

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000096845U1
Принадлежит: Сикорский Адам

1. Упаковка для пищевых продуктов с рекламно-информационным элементом, выполненная в виде коробки с размещенным внутри нее рекламно-информационным элементом, отличающаяся тем, что рекламно-информационный элемент закреплен на одной из стенок посредством термоусадочной пленки. 2. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рекламно-информационный элемент выполнен в виде магнита на виниловой основе. 3. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рекламно-информационный элемент выполнен в виде переводной картинки. 4. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рекламно-информационный элемент выполнен в виде наклейки. 5. Упаковка по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что рекламно-информационный элемент выполнен в виде переводной татуировки. 6. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что рекламно-информационный элемент выполнен в виде скретч-карты.

03-03-2020 дата публикации

Строп пакетирующий текстильный

Номер: RU0000196508U1

Полезная модель относится к подъемно-транспортному машиностроению к устройствам для пакетирования грузов со специальным наружным покрытием или без него, их погрузки с помощью грузоподъемных машин в транспортные средства, дальнейшей перевозки и выгрузки у конечного потребителя. Пакетирующий строп состоит из верхней сборной и нижней относительно пакетируемого груза текстильных лент, соединенных посредством двух пряжек и образующих вместе петлю пакетирования. При этом часть петли пакетирования, образованная верхней сборной текстильной лентой, переходит в петлю подъема. Верхняя сборная текстильная лента образована из наружной и внутренней текстильных лент, проходящих через разные щели каждой из пряжек для затяжки и фиксации петли пакетирования вокруг груза при его подъеме за петлю подъема. Технический результат заключается в распределении нагрузки, возникающей при перетяжке верхней затягивающей части стропа во время подъема груза, и создании дополнительного затягивающего усилия, обеспечивающего затяжку петли пакетирования на грузе, при любом положении пряжек. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 508 U1 (51) МПК B66C 1/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B66C 1/18 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020105060, 04.02.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 03.03.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 03.03.2020 Бюл. № 7 1 9 6 5 0 8 R U (54) СТРОП ПАКЕТИРУЮЩИЙ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к подъемнотранспортному машиностроению к устройствам для пакетирования грузов со специальным наружным покрытием или без него, их погрузки с помощью грузоподъемных машин в транспортные средства, дальнейшей перевозки и выгрузки у конечного потребителя. Пакетирующий строп состоит из верхней сборной и нижней относительно пакетируемого груза текстильных лент, соединенных посредством двух пряжек и образующих вместе петлю пакетирования. При этом часть петли ...

11-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000196637U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к средствам защиты поверхности чемоданов от различного рода повреждений и загрязнений при их хранении и транспортировки. Особенностями конструкции чехла, помимо реализации прямого назначения, обеспечиваются: удобство доступа к верхним ручкам чемодана (выдвижной ручке для качения и переносной ручке), и к боковым ручкам; хорошая усадка и плотное прилегание чехла по всему контуру чемодана; удобство бережного и компактного хранения и транспортировки самого чехла в сложенном состоянии за счет наличия дополнительного конструктивного элемента, выполняющего функцию мешка; возможность индивидуализации и идентификации чемодана его владельцем среди багажа третьих лиц; создание оригинального дизайна чемодана. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК A45C 13/00 A45C 11/24 B65D 65/00 B65D 67/00 (11) (13) 196 637 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45C 13/00 (2020.02); A45C 11/24 (2020.02); B65D 65/00 (2020.02); B65D 67/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019139985, 06.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Темников Артем Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.03.2020 2019131712 08.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 1 9 6 6 3 7 R U (54) ЧЕХОЛ ДЛЯ ЧЕМОДАНА (57) Реферат: Заявленная полезная модель относится к средствам защиты поверхности чемоданов от различного рода повреждений и загрязнений при их хранении и транспортировки. Особенностями конструкции чехла, помимо реализации прямого назначения, обеспечиваются: удобство доступа к верхним ручкам чемодана (выдвижной ручке для качения и переносной ручке), и к боковым ручкам; хорошая усадка и плотное прилегание Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 105264, Москва, ул. 5-я Парковая, 33, кв. 8, пат. пов. РФ Лашиной Юлии Руслановне, рег. N 1229 1 9 6 6 3 7 Приоритет(ы): (62) Номер и дата подачи первоначальной заявки, из которой ...

11-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000196639U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к средствам защиты поверхности чемоданов от различного рода повреждений и загрязнений при их хранении и транспортировки. Особенностями конструкции чехла, помимо реализации прямого назначения, обеспечиваются: удобство доступа к верхним ручкам чемодана (выдвижной ручке для качения и переносной ручке) и к боковым ручкам; хорошая усадка и плотное прилегание чехла по всему контуру чемодана; удобство бережного и компактного хранения и транспортировки самого чехла в сложенном состоянии за счет наличия дополнительного конструктивного элемента, выполняющего функцию мешка; возможность индивидуализации и идентификации чемодана его владельцем среди багажа третьих лиц; создание оригинального дизайна чемодана. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК A45C 13/00 A45C 11/24 B65D 65/00 B65D 67/00 (11) (13) 196 639 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45C 13/00 (2020.01); A45C 11/24 (2020.02); B65D 65/00 (2020.02); B65D 67/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019139984, 06.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Темников Артем Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.03.2020 2019131712 08.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 1 9 6 6 3 9 R U (54) ЧЕХОЛ ДЛЯ ЧЕМОДАНА (57) Реферат: Заявленная полезная модель относится к средствам защиты поверхности чемоданов от различного рода повреждений и загрязнений при их хранении и транспортировки. Особенностями конструкции чехла, помимо реализации прямого назначения, обеспечиваются: удобство доступа к верхним ручкам чемодана (выдвижной ручке для качения и переносной ручке) и к боковым ручкам; хорошая усадка и плотное прилегание Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 105264, Москва, ул. 5-я Парковая, 33, кв. 8, пат. пов. РФ Лашиной Юлии Руслановне, рег. N 1229 1 9 6 6 3 9 Приоритет(ы): (62) Номер и дата подачи первоначальной заявки, из которой ...

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Строп пакетирующий текстильный

Номер: RU0000199293U1

Полезная модель относится к подъемно-транспортному машиностроению, в частности к устройствам для пакетирования грузов со специальным наружным покрытием или без него, их погрузки с помощью грузоподъемных машин в транспортные средства, дальнейшей перевозки и выгрузки у конечного потребителя. Пакетирующий строп, содержащий замкнутую ленту, образующую петлю подъема, переходящую в петлю затяжки, и сборную ленту для фиксирования петли затяжки вокруг груза, состоящую из двух лент, проходящих через фиксирующее устройство, причем два конца сборной ленты, выходящие из фиксирующего устройства, закреплены по разные стороны от него на разных витках замкнутой ленты, при этом два других конца сборной ленты, выходящие из фиксирующего устройства, направлены в противоположные стороны и закреплены на петле затяжки. Технический результат заключается в исключении перегрева ленты, несущей силовую нагрузку в стропе по месту ее перетяжки в фиксирующем устройстве с одновременным уменьшением его габаритов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 293 U1 (51) МПК B66C 1/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B66C 1/18 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020117741, 29.05.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 26.08.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 26.08.2020 Бюл. № 24 1 9 9 2 9 3 R U (54) СТРОП ПАКЕТИРУЮЩИЙ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к подъемнотранспортному машиностроению, в частности к устройствам для пакетирования грузов со специальным наружным покрытием или без него, их погрузки с помощью грузоподъемных машин в транспортные средства, дальнейшей перевозки и выгрузки у конечного потребителя. Пакетирующий строп, содержащий замкнутую ленту, образующую петлю подъема, переходящую в петлю затяжки, и сборную ленту для фиксирования петли затяжки вокруг груза, состоящую из двух лент, проходящих через Стр.: 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 173252 U1, 18.08. ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Reusable gift wrap

Номер: US20120037690A1
Автор: Stacy UYEHARA
Принадлежит: Individual

A flexible sheet that may be used and reused as a user-friendly and environmentally conscious wrapping material is presented. The sheet has a first corner, a second corner, a third corner, and a fourth corner, wherein the first corner and the second corner are connected by a first edge of the sheet and the third corner and the fourth corner are connected by a second edge of the sheet. The first corner and the second corner wrap around an object to enclose the object, and the third corner and the fourth corner wrap around the object, the first corner, and the second corner. A decorative bow is integrated with the sheet.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Carrying Aid with Noose

Номер: US20170001844A1
Автор: Bisbee Andrew

A carrying aid with noose comprises a noose a first pull element extending from the noose the first pull element culminating in a first handle and an opposing pull element extending from the noose the opposing pull element culminating in an opposing handle wherein the handles can be pulled to tighten the noose 1. A carrying aid with noose , comprising:a noose;a first pull element extending from the noose, the first pull element culminating in a first handle; andan opposing pull element extending from the noose, the opposing pull element culminating in an opposing handle;wherein the handles can be pulled to tighten the noose, the carrying aid further comprising a noose untightening solution, comprising an arrangement operable by a user to facilitate untightening the noose.2. A carrying aid with noose as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the noose untightening arrangement comprises an extending body to facilitate untightening of the noose.3. A carrying aid with noose as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the extending body extends from a noose binding element4. A carrying aid with noose as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the noose untightening arrangement comprises:a first extending body extending from a first side of the noose; anda second extending body extending from an opposing side of the noose.5. A carrying aid with noose as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the first extending body extends from a first noose binding element on the first side of the noose claim 4 , and the second extending body extends from a second noose binding element on the opposing side of the noose.6. A carrying aid with noose as claimed in claim 1 , wherein there is provided a noose binding solution.7. A carrying aid with noose as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the noose binding solution comprises a noose binding element claim 6 , the noose binding element in turn comprising a body to facilitate untightening of the noose claim 6 , the noose untightening arrangement thus comprising the body.8. A carrying aid ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033230A1

A shackle for a choker hitch includes a shackle body having a first end portion and a second end portion, a stabilizer portion positioned therebetween, a first leg and a second leg fixedly spaced apart by, and connected to, the stabilizer. The body includes a load-facing surface with a gripping surface extending from the first to the second end portion. A rod is removably positioned across the first end portion, and rigidly and removably connects the first leg to the second leg at the first end portion. A remotely releasable pin device includes a pin removably positioned across the second end portion and releasably connecting the first leg to the second leg at the second end portion. The load-facing surface may be curved or flat. The pin may be at 90 degrees for horizontal lifts, or less, e.g., 80 degrees, to the shackle body for vertical lifts. 1. A shackle for a choker hitch , the shackle comprising:a shackle body having a first end portion and a second end portion, a stabilizer portion positioned between the first end portion and the second end portion, and a first leg and a second leg fixedly spaced apart by the stabilizer, wherein the stabilizer is connectedly positioned between the first leg and the second leg, and wherein the first leg includes a front mounting surface;the shackle body further comprising a load-facing surface extending from the first end portion to the second end portion, the load-facing surface formed from at least a portion of an outer side surface of the first leg, the second leg, and the stabilizer, wherein the load-facing surface comprises a gripping surface for contacting and gripping a load; anda remotely releasable pin device comprising a pin removably positioned across the second end portion of the shackle body and releasably connecting the first leg to the second leg at the second end portion.2. The shackle of claim 1 , wherein the gripping surface is formed from a rubber pad adhered to the load-facing surface.3. The shackle of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021945A1

A safety sling is made from durable materials and is safety tested to withstand weight and securely lift items without risk of spilling or falling to the ground. The safety sling can be sized and shaped to carry various containers, for example, the safety sling can be designed to hold a cylindrical cooler, a 5-gallon pail, or the like. The safety sling can be easily used and lifted to any elevation securely without chance of breaking or becoming unbalanced. 1. A safety sling comprising:a hoist strap extending from a top end, down one side, across a bottom portion, and up an opposite side to terminate back at the top end of the safety sling;a loop formed in each end of the hoist strap;at least one ring strap disposed along an outer periphery of the safety sling, the hoist strap attached to the ring straps;at least one support strap extending from one side of the at least one ring strap, across the bottom portion of the safety sling, to an opposite side of the at least one ring strap, the at least one support strap creating a crisscross design on the bottom portion; anda top strap extending between opposite sides of the at least one ring strap.2. The safety sling of claim 1 , further comprising a tag line loop formed on at least one of the hoist strap and the at least one support strap.3. The safety sling of claim 1 , wherein the loop formed on each end of the hoist strap is formed from looping and attaching the hoist strap on itself.4. The safety sling of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ring strap includes an upper ring strap and a lower ring strap.5. The safety sling of claim 4 , wherein the at least one support strap extends from one side of the upper ring strap claim 4 , across the bottom portion claim 4 , to the opposite side of the upper ring strap.6. The safety sling of claim 5 , wherein the at least one support strap is formed from two straps attached together at least from the lower ring strap along the bottom portion.7. The safety sling of claim 1 , ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Fastener With Adhesive Base And Twist-Tie And Method Of Making The Fastener And Of Using The Fastener

Номер: US20140182773A1
Автор: Buselli Oscar L.

A fastener and a method of making and using the fastener is provided in which the fastener includes a base having a top portion and a bottom portion. The bottom portion includes an adhesive layer portion. An elongated pliable core member is coupled to the base, with the core member having first and second ends, with at least the first end extending beyond an edge of the base. In another embodiment the base is configured to define a plurality of notches, with each notch configured to define an apex proximate the center of the base and extending with the edges toward an edge of the base and with two notches on each side of elongated pliable core member. The plurality of notches defines two sections of the base, with one section configured independently of the other section and with one section on each side of the elongated pliable core member. 1. A fastener assembly comprising:a base having a pair of opposed base members and a pair of elongate portions joined to one another, the pair of elongate portions connected between the pair of base members to a center of the base and separated from the pair of base members between the center of the base and opposed edges of the base members, the base including a top portion and a bottom portion, with the bottom portion including an adhesive layer portion disposed only on portions of the base adapted to be directly engaged with a surface;an elongated pliable core member coupled to the center of the base in alignment with the pair of elongate portions, the core member having opposed first and a second ends extending beyond opposed edges of the base members, wherein the first and second ends of the core member and the pairs of elongate portions are foldable with respect to the pair of base members to be releasably engaged with one another to hold an object on the fastener opposite the adhesive portion.2. The fastener of claim 1 , wherein the base is flexible.3. The fastener of claim 2 , wherein the top portion and bottom portion ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160207742A1

A lifting device comprises a central loop, first and second opposing lifting eyes, and first and second opposing chokers slidably engaged with the central loop. The central loop comprises first and second opposing straps. Each strap has first and second ends. The first end of the first strap is joined to the first end of the second strap forming a first end of the central loop. The second end of the first strap is joined to the second end of the second strap forming a second end of the central loop. The first lifting eye is at the first end of the central loop and the second lifting eye is at the second end of the central loop. The chokers are each slidably engaged with the first and second opposing straps and selectively slidable in relation to the first and second opposing straps. The chokers are independently slidable. 1. A lifting device comprising:first and second opposing straps, each strap having first and second ends, the first end of the first strap joined to the first end of the second strap forming a first end of a central loop, the second end of the first strap joined to the second end of the second strap forming a second end of the central loop;first and second opposing lifting eyes, the first lifting eye at the first end of the central loop and joined to the first ends of the first and second straps, the second lifting eye at the second end of the central loop and joined to the second ends of the first and second straps; andfirst and second opposing chokers, the first choker slidably engaged with the first and second opposing straps and selectively slidable in relation to the first and second opposing straps, the second choker slidably engaged with the first and second opposing straps and selectively slidable in relation to the first and second opposing straps, the first and second chokers being independently slidable.2. The lifting device of claim 1 , wherein the first opposing choker comprises a single loop slidably engaged with both the first and ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Bucket Safety Harness

Номер: US20210253400A1
Автор: Gaulin Adam

A safety harness for use with a container such as a 5-gallon pail is described. The harness includes vertical and horizontal straps that create a space into which a container can be placed. The straps may be adjusted to fit snugly against outer surface of the container. The harness also includes a connector that can be attached to a separate line to be manipulated by a worker, or attached to a safety belt worn by a worker. The harness provides a simple and safe apparatus that provides easy access to tools and materials, especially for workers operating in above-ground locations. 1. A safety harness for securing a container , the safety harness comprising: wherein at least one of the first and second end comprises a means for the first end to be engaged by the second end;', 'wherein each horizontal strap member is independently adjustable in length;', 'wherein, when the first end is engaged by the second end, a horizontal strap member can be varied in length without disengaging the first end from the second end;, 'a plurality of horizontal strap members configured to encircle the outside circumference of the container, each horizontal strap member comprising a first end and a second end;'}a first vertical strap member that extends downwards along one side of the container, across a bottom portion of the container, upwards on substantially the opposite side of a container, and across the top of the container, thereby forming a loop encircling the container; the first vertical strap member further comprising a connector engagement strap, the connector engagement strap having a first end, a second end and a length, the connector engagement strap member secured to the first vertical strap member such that the first and second ends of the connector engagement strap are secured to the first vertical strap member, and at least a portion of the length of the connector engagement strap is not secured to the first vertical strap member, thus forming an opening into which at ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200255263A1
Автор: Chant Philip
Принадлежит: Chant Engineering Co. Inc.

A light weight load bearing shackle that includes a bow that is made of a synthetic fiber rope (e.g., polypropylene, nylon, polyester, polyethylene, Aramid, acrylic, mixtures of several fibers, co-polymer fibers). The fibers making up the rope may be straight, braided and/or twisted. The fiber rope may be contained within a sheathing. The bow includes a hole formed in each leg to receive a connection pin so as to secure the open end of the shackle. The hole may be provided by or reinforced by an eyelet made of a heavy duty material such as steel. The bow may be secured around the eyelet or within the eyelet. As the fiber rope bow is flexible, the bow may include a casing between the legs that the connection pin passes through to maintain the legs a certain distance apart. 1. A light weight load bearing shackle comprisinga fiber rope wrapped to form a plurality of loops, wherein the plurality of loops are substantially similar to one another and are substantially aligned with one another, wherein the plurality of loops are shaped into a bow having a first leg and a second leg, wherein the first leg includes a first opening and the second side includes a second opening, and wherein flexibility of the fiber rope enables configuration of the bow to be adjusted and modified in operation;a first eyelet located within the first opening, wherein the first leg is wrapped around the first eyelet;a second eyelet located within the second opening, wherein the second leg is wrapped around the second eyelet;a connection pin to traverse each of the first and the second eyelets and be secured thereto;a material secured around a portion of the first leg and a portion of the first eyelet and a portion of the second leg and a portion of the second eyelet to secure the first and the second eyelets in the first and the second legs of the bow.25-. (canceled)6. The shackle of claim 1 , wherein the fiber rope includes fibers selected from at least one of polypropylene claim 1 , nylon claim ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140360911A1
Автор: Weder Andrew

A decorative packaging kit includes at least one element of a package for a container and at least one item to be packaged in the container. Methods of producing and using the kit are disclosed. 1. A kit , comprising:(a) a covering positionable about a container;(b) a decorative grass disposable within the container about which the covering is positionable;(c) at least one item disposable on the grass disposable within the container about which the covering is positionable;(d) a securing element capable of securing the covering in a position about the container;(e) a label attached to at least one of (a)-(e) and/or disposable thereon; and(f) packaging in which (a)-(e) are disposed.2. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the covering is further defined as a sheet and/or roll of wrapping material.3. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the covering is further defined as a bag or sleeve.4. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the label is integrally formed with at least one of (a)-(d).5. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the label is separate from (a)-(d).6. The kit of claim 5 , wherein the label has bonding material disposed thereon.7. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the securing element is selected from the group consisting of rubber bands claim 1 , elastic bands claim 1 , non-elastic bands claim 1 , string claim 1 , ribbon claim 1 , wire claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , shrink films claim 1 , tape claim 1 , labels claim 1 , elastic ribbon claim 1 , wire ties claim 1 , twist ties claim 1 , stretch film claim 1 , metal strips claim 1 , adhesive materials claim 1 , cohesive materials claim 1 , barbs claim 1 , slots claim 1 , pins claim 1 , clips claim 1 , staples claim 1 , springs claim 1 , magnets claim 1 , heat seals claim 1 , chemical seals claim 1 , vibratory seals claim 1 , and combinations thereof.8. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one item is selected from the group consisting of an egg; candy and/or other food item; a toy; a plush toy; a plant seed and/or bulb; a tool; egg coloring ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160311661A1
Автор: Schroeder Mark

A multi-purpose emergency services strap for facilitating lifting, transporting or carrying an individual has a strap body with a plurality of independent loops formed in the strap body. The independent loops include at least two adjacent, proximal leg loops formed in the strap body on either side of the midline, end loops on each end of the multi-purpose emergency services strap, and a plurality of adjacent handles formed in the strap body positioned distal to each of the at least two adjacent, leg loops and proximal to the end loops. The multi-purpose emergency services strap also includes a back strap and attachment loops that can be variously configured for many rescue and transport applications for humans and animals. 1. A multi-purpose emergency services strap for facilitating lifting , transporting or carrying an individual of interest , comprising a strap body , wherein the strap body comprises:(a) at least two substantially inelastic, elongated strap portions of flexible, fabric-like, high-strength material, each strap portion comprising a first end, a second end opposite the first end, a strap running axis, a first edge running parallel to the running axis and a second edge running parallel to the running axis, wherein the at least two substantially inelastic, elongated strap portions are stitched together to form the strap body;(b) a midline; and (i) each independent loop of the plurality is formed in the strap body by the at least two strap portions,', '(ii) opposed portions of each formed independent loop of the plurality are stitched together at a first point of formation on the strap body and at a second point of formation on the strap body opposite the first point of formation,', (a) at least two adjacent, leg loops formed in the strap body, wherein at least one of the at least two leg loops is positioned adjacent to the midline on a first side of the strap body, and at least one of the two leg loops is positioned adjacent to the midline on a second ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150330000A1
Автор: Worthington Jason

A ribbon is provided having a pull string portion extending along a first edge of the ribbon, along the length of the ribbon, the pull string portion having a series of holes therein extending longitudinally along the first edge. A petal portion extends along a second edge of the ribbon having a predefined shape. A string is positioned within the holes in the pull string portion, the string being disposed within the holes in alternating fashion between a first surface of the ribbon and an opposing surface of the ribbon. The ribbon, including the pull sting portion and the petal portion is configured to be folded in half such that opposing ends of the ribbon may be slid along the string into a bunch, forming a flower.

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Fabric Gift Wrap

Номер: US20190308777A1
Автор: Megan Hoskins
Принадлежит: Individual

The gift wrap includes an elongated fabric tube that can accommodate a gift item therein, with the fabric tube's two ends being configured to be tightly tied in a knot over the gift item.

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170341912A1
Автор: Schroeder Mark

A multi-purpose emergency services strap for facilitating lifting, transporting or carrying an individual has a strap body with a plurality of independent loops formed in the strap body. The independent loops include at least two adjacent, proximal leg loops formed in the strap body on either side of the midline, end loops on each end of the multi-purpose emergency services strap, and a plurality of adjacent handles formed in the strap body positioned distal to each of the at least two adjacent, leg loops and proximal to the end loops. The multi-purpose emergency services strap also includes a back strap and attachment loops that can be variously configured for many rescue and transport applications for humans and animals. 1. A method for transporting a human or animal into or out of a confined space , wherein the transporting comprises moving , lifting , raising , lowering , or dragging , the method comprising:providing a multi-purpose emergency services strap;wherein:the multi-purpose emergency services strap comprises a strap body, at least two substantially inelastic, elongated strap portions of flexible, fabric, high-strength material, each of the strap portions comprising a first end, a second end opposite the first end, a strap running axis, a first edge running parallel to the running axis and a second edge running parallel to the running axis, wherein the at least two substantially inelastic, elongated strap portions are stitched together to form the strap body,', 'a midline,', 'a plurality of independent loops, and', a first end of the back strap, wherein the first end of the back strap comprises a first end loop or fastening point of the back strap,', 'a second end of the back strap, wherein the second end of the back strap comprises a second end loop or fastening point of the back strap, and', 'a back strap body portion therebetween,, 'an independent back strap comprising], 'the strap body compriseseach of the independent loops is formed in the strap ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190337654A1
Автор: Prince Jennifer

A packaging trim including a first tether having a first loop and a first bridle and a second tether having a second loop and a second bridle. The first and second loops are interlinked. The first loop is drawn around a first portion of a package so that the first portion extends within or adjacent a first space defined by the first loop. The first bridle may be manipulated to draw the first loop around the first portion of the package. The second loop is drawn around a second portion of the package so that the second portion extends within or adjacent a second space defined by the second loop. The second bridle may be manipulated to draw the second loop around the second portion of the package. The first and second bridles are drawn together and secured so that the packaging trim is wrapped around the package. 1. A method , comprising:drawing a first loop of a first tether of a packaging trim around a first portion of a package so that the first portion extends within or adjacent a first space defined by the first loop; anddrawing a second loop of a second tether of the packaging trim around a second portion of the package so that the second portion extends within or adjacent a second space defined by the second loop, the second loop being interlinked with the first loop.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein drawing the first loop of the first tether of the packaging trim around the first portion of the package comprises manipulating a first bridle coupled to the first loop.3. The apparatus of claim 2 ,wherein the first loop and the first bridle are integrally formed.4. The method of claim 2 ,wherein drawing the second loop of the second tether of the packaging trim around the second portion of the package comprises manipulating a second bridle coupled to the second loop.5. The apparatus of claim 4 ,wherein the second loop and the second bridle are integrally formed.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:drawing together the first and second bridles so that the ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190375565A1
Автор: Popp Mark Richard
Принадлежит: The Imagine Group, LLC

A material for decorative wrap including a sheet of non-corrugated material having a first side, a second side, a first edge, and a second edge; a plurality of scores formed into the first side extending from the first edge to the second edge; and a plurality of scores formed into the second side extending from the first edge to the second edge. The plurality of scores formed into the first side and the plurality of scores formed into the second side may alternate such that every other score is formed into the first side and the remaining scores are formed into the second side. Each score formed into the first and second sides may extend substantially perpendicular to at least one of the first and second edges. 1. A method for manufacturing a decorative wrap , the method comprising:receiving a sheet of non-corrugated material having a first side, a second side, a first edge, and a second edge;forming a plurality of scores into the first side, each score extending for at least a portion of the distance between the first edge and the second edge; andforming a plurality of scores into the second side, each score extending for at least a portion of the distance between the first edge and the second edge;wherein the steps of forming the plurality of scores into the first side and forming the plurality of scores into the second side are performed by deforming the non-corrugated material to impart stiffness to the non-corrugated material.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising printing a graphic or text on the first side.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising printing a graphic or text on the second side.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the steps of forming a plurality of scores into the first side claim 2 , forming a plurality of scores into the second side claim 2 , and printing a graphic or text on the first side are completed during a same set of operations performed by machine without human intervention between the operations.5. The method of claim 4 , ...

12-04-2022 дата публикации

Packages with raised portions

Номер: US11299332B2
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

Packages having raised portions that provide improvements in displaying graphics, such as images and branding.

02-04-1997 дата публикации

Reinforced textile sling band

Номер: CN1034409C


25-04-1978 дата публикации

Band sling

Номер: SU604477A3
Принадлежит: Гейнц Кресс, (Фирма)

15-03-2022 дата публикации

Anti-static packaging tube structure of ultrathin integrated circuit

Номер: CN114180214A
Принадлежит: Tianshui Huatian Technology Co Ltd


20-03-1999 дата публикации

Textile lifting band with reinforced edges

Номер: RU2127704C1
Принадлежит: Шпансет Интер АГ

Изобретение касается текстильной подъемной ленты. В текстильной подъемной ленте подверженные износу зоны, в частности концевые петли, оснащены усилением в качестве защиты от истирания. Усилением является по меньшей мере частично покрывающая периметр подъемной ленты в направлении по ширине ленты текстильная накладка. Текстильной накладкой является тканевая лента с расположенными рядом друг с другом в направлении по ширине ленты или в направлении утка зонами с различной износостойкостью. Зоны повышенной износостойкости покрывают кромки и/или поверхности подъемной ленты а зоны меньшей износостойкости прочно соединены с подъемной лентой. Технический результат заключается в улучшенной защите от истирания в зоне концевых петель и/или в зоне рабочей поверхности. 5 з.п.ф-лы, 5 ил. РОДА СЬсС ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) 13) ВИ” 2 127 704” Сл 5 МК В 66 С 1/18 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 95105530/28, 04.05.1994 (30) Приоритет: 06.05.1993 ОЕ С 9306743.7 (46) Дата публикации: 20.03.1999 (56) Ссылки: ОЕ 89063340, 10.08.89. $4 1532505 АЛ, 30.12.89. СВ 1202841 А, 19.08.70. ОЕ 9005711, 20.12.90. 4$ 4209044 А, 24.06.80. ($ 39085171 А, 30.09.15. (86) Заявка РСТ: ОЕ 94/00499 (04.05.94) (87) Публикация РСТ: \/О 94126648 (24.11.94) (98) Адрес для переписки: 103735, Москва, ул.Ильинка, 5/2, Союзпатент, Патентному поверенному Томской Е.В. (71) Заявитель: Шпансет Интер АГ (СН) (72) Изобретатель: Вальтер Тройлинг (0Е) (73) Патентообладатель: Шпансет Интер АГ (СН) (54) ТЕКСТИЛЬНАЯ ПОДЪЕМНАЯ ЛЕНТА С УСИЛЕНИЕМ КРОМОК (57) Реферат: Изобретение касается текстильной подъемной ленты. В текстильной подъемной ленте подверженные износу зоны, в частности концевые петли, оснащены усилением в качестве защиты от истирания. Усилением является по меньшей мере частично покрывающая периметр подъемной ленты в направлении по ширине ленты текстильная накладка. Текстильной накладкой является тканевая лента с расположенными рядом друг ...

31-03-2021 дата публикации

Packing equipment

Номер: JP6851641B2
Принадлежит: 株式会社イイダモールド

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Re-usable gift wrap

Номер: GB2456490A
Принадлежит: Individual

A re-useable, washable gift wrap is made from fabric. It includes four different gift wrap patterns in one design. This is obtained by sewing together two pieces of fabric each having two different patterns on its outer face, then folded the attached pieces in half and sewing together at three sides. Different patterns can be exposed by turning the gift wrap inside out. The mouth at the fourth side may be held closed by press studs and the resultant sheet wrapped around a gift with only one pattern showing. A gift tag and a ribbon may be attached to the wrap by hook-and-loop fasteners.

14-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR2532637B2

08-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR2627476B1
Автор: [UNK]

29-07-2015 дата публикации

Hoisting apparatus for engineering equipment and hoisting method

Номер: CN104803276A
Принадлежит: Sinohydro Bureau 8 Co Ltd


02-05-1969 дата публикации

Patent FR1565635A

Номер: FR1565635A

25-11-1960 дата публикации

Device for holding and handling loose objects

Номер: FR1247293A
Автор: Jean Sauvard

09-03-1984 дата публикации

Device for locking the straps when loads are being lifted, possibly after adjusting their useful length.

Номер: FR2532637A2
Автор: [UNK]

This device is intended for the preferably adjustable fixing of a belt or of a two part belt intended for lifting up a heavy load, such as the hull of a boat, and to be hooked onto the lifting apparatus. It comprises a part in the form of a clevis 2 housing a removable case or casing 11, fixed to it by the engagement, in corresponding holes, of the arms of the clevis and the sides of the case, of parallel axes 3, 4, 14, the first two 3, 4 serving in a known fashion to lock the belt by rolling it in loops 7, 8, 9, 10 and the third 14, which is removable, serving as an adjusting member for its length. The arms of the clevis 2 are extended by lugs 35 pierced with holes 36, either for passing a removable spindle 37 through, which serves to guide the active strand 5 of the strap towards its fastening on the lifting apparatus, either via a hook, ring or other, or by a device according to the French Patent No. 2,461,675, or for the engagement of a coupling member of two parts 2 placed head to toe one receiving a load bearing strap and the other a strap for hooking onto the lifting apparatus.

06-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR2461675A1


13-05-1977 дата публикации

Lifting harness for large plastics container - has straps around sides and bottom with loops to receive lifting tackle hooks

Номер: FR2327937A2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Boracier SA

The lifting harness comprises an endless strap (2) which encircles the sides of the large capacity plastics container (1). This strap is crossed by another strap (3) passing underneath the bottom (4) of the container and up two opposite sides (5,6). The straps are made from woven synthetic fibres and stitched at the cross-over points (16,18). Each end (7) of the second strap is formed into a loop (12) which is fitted over the hooks of a crane or lifting tackle, for handling. When not in use, these loops are retained against the neck of the plastic container by means of an elastic cord (19) fitted over the top.

18-10-1954 дата публикации

Device for lifting loads

Номер: FR1075558A

11-10-1985 дата публикации

Strap sling of adjustable length

Номер: FR2562529A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Altabe Edmond

Device enabling a strap sling of adjustable length, used for handling, to be quickly and easily made up. It comprises a lifting ring 1 integral with a casing 2, the internal walls of which are conical, and in which a conical wedge automatically locks a strap 4. The casing 2 may be strengthened with metal reinforcement 3. The strap is passed in and out through an opening 5 located at the bottom of the casing 2.

22-07-1977 дата публикации

Large bales material sling - comprises flexible strips sewn together to form base rectangle and corner loops with straps

Номер: FR2336336A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Roses Y Roig SA Roysa

Thesling-type container is formed by a number of strips of strong and flexible material, sewn together to form a rectangle with two diagonals across it. External loops at the corners (1) are made from the extensions of the rectangle sides (2, 3). Each loop is completed by a strip (5) sewn in place to form an end ring, and to each of these strips a further strip is attached, forming a strap joining onto the diagonally opposite loop via an eye (8) on the end of one of the straps (6, 7). Thus when placed round a bale the rectangle portion bears against the base, the loops againsts the sides, and the additional strips and straps against the top. The ends of the loops act as rope bights for engagement by lifting hooks etc.

25-01-1985 дата публикации

Patent FR2461675B1

Номер: FR2461675B1
Автор: [UNK]

14-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR2519327B2
Автор: [UNK]

08-07-1983 дата публикации

Lifting strap length adjuster - uses movable pin with threaded end lock locked in one side link

Номер: FR2519327A2


11-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR2291144A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Baur Hans

30-06-2006 дата публикации

Package for confectionery product e.g. praline, has decorative unit disposed within container, visible from outside and comprising decorative arms connected and articulated on base surface which has contour resting on base wall of container

Номер: FR2880003A3
Автор: Giuseppe Terrasi
Принадлежит: Soremartec SA

The package has a decorative unit (14) disposed within a container (2) and visible from outside through a transparent lateral wall (6). The unit has a base surface (16) with a contour, formed in a manner to permit the insertion and positioning of the contour, resting on a base wall (4) of the container. The unit has decorative arms connected and articulated on the surface along a folding segment.

17-02-2012 дата публикации

Sling for lifting and pulling loads in field of construction, has closed straps made of textile material i.e. woven polypropylene, where one of closed straps is parallelly and exteriorly extended with respect to other closed strap

Номер: FR2963782A1
Автор: Daniel Gallety
Принадлежит: COMSIDER

The sling has two closed straps e.g. internal strap (1) and external strap (2), made of textile material i.e. woven polypropylene. One of the closed straps is parallelly and exteriorly extended with respect to the other closed strap, where the former closed strap is connected to the latter closed strap by a sewing wire that is made of polyamide. The former strap defines loops (4) whose maximum amplitude with respect to the latter strap lies between 1-10 cm.

22-07-1966 дата публикации

flat metal sling

Номер: FR1446406A
Принадлежит: Davaine Fils & Cie

01-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR2880003B3
Автор: Giuseppe Terrasi
Принадлежит: Soremartec SA

02-12-1969 дата публикации

Convertible arrays of pleated sheet material

Номер: US3481463A
Автор: Maurice Pavlow
Принадлежит: Individual

05-02-1929 дата публикации

Gripping device for bands, belts, and the like

Номер: US1701178A
Автор: John W Gately
Принадлежит: J W Gately & Sons

11-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: US3778095A
Автор: Carr D Bentley

An end plate for a cargo sling having a pair of apertures for engagement by the terminal block of a crane, and a slot between the apertures, said slot being open on its top surface to enable a loop of webbing to be engaged in the slot, said opening having a width less than the length of the slot.

07-02-1995 дата публикации

D-ring for sling sorter

Номер: CA2052371C
Автор: Warner Bailey
Принадлежит: Individual

ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A D-ring for connecting the hook of a sling sorter to the webbing made of a metal plate and having a wear pad. An opening is formed in the plate for receiving the hook and a slot is formed near the base of the plate for receiving the webbing. A notch is formed in the base of the plate forming a prong on each end of the base. The prongs protect the webbing from being crushed by the D-ring when the D-ring drops. The wear pad is placed between the opening and the slot and extends outward from the plate. The wear pad supports the weight of the D-ring when it is lying flat so that the webbing is not crushed between the D-ring and the ground.

22-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR2862289B1
Автор: Marc Blazy
Принадлежит: ARPLEX

30-10-1986 дата публикации

Sling band for transporting loads

Номер: DE3612405A1
Принадлежит: Pfeifer Seil Hebetech

The sling band has a tube-like sheath (1), which is adapted to the band (4) and is made of deformable plastic, for protecting the band and/or the load. This sheath (1) has on the outside (2) a plurality of adjacent incisions (3) which extend perpendicularly with respect to the longitudinal extent of the band (4) or of the sheath (1). These incisions reduce the moments of inertia of the sheath to such an extent that even thick-walled sheaths are relatively easily deformable. The measures proposed permit thicker sheaths to be used and result in a better adaptation to the load. <IMAGE>

14-10-1976 дата публикации

Transport and storage container - consists of endless and binding straps reinforced by cross straps and covered by water sealant

Номер: DE2513466A1

Transport and storage container consists of parallel endless straps (1), of natural or synthetic material, together forming a strap system. The overlapping ends (2) of the straps are joined together by cross stitching (5) or by vulcanising or welding. The strap system is provided with binding straps (7, 14) for securing the transported goods which have their ends reinforced for supporting buckles (8, 15). The system is reinforced further by cross straps (12) attached across the endless and binding straps. The strap system is covered with water sealing material.

18-09-2003 дата публикации

Round sling has thread bundle as support core contained within protective sleeve consisting of generated surface with connecting components on longitudinal and/or transverse sides

Номер: DE20309528U1
Автор: [UNK]

The round sling has a thread bundle (3) as a support core and contained within a protective sleeve (4) consisting of at least one generated surface (5), the longitudinal (6) and transverse (9) sides of which are interconnected to form a sleeve. The generated surface has connecting components (7,8;10,11) on the longitudinal and/or transverse sides and which are detachable from one another and are component parts of a Velcro fastener. The sleeve is assembled from several detachable interconnected segments.

17-06-1993 дата публикации

Sling strap.

Номер: DE68906426D1

07-05-1981 дата публикации

Lifting sling edge guard - comprises wider flexible strip with slits through which sling is threaded

Номер: DE2942755A1
Принадлежит: Hermann Schellenberg & Co GmbH

The edge guard is for lifting slings etc., and comprises one or more strips of flat flexible material (42) wider than the sling (10,12). Near each end of the strip is a transverse slit (44) stopping short of its lengthwise edges, of width such as to allow the sling to be threaded through them. The slit can be cut or stamped out of the strip, and can be of circular section at the ends, the circle diameter being typically double the slit width, and approximately equal to the sling thickness. Leather or synthetic tissue can be used for the strip, with a coating of polyurethane.

01-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: MA24428A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Norsk Hydro As

16-06-1971 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a lifting sling

Номер: GB1236002A
Автор: Peter John Buck
Принадлежит: Bridon Ropes Ltd

1,236,002. Slings for lifting pipes. BRITISH ROPES Ltd. 21 Jan., 1970 [24 Jan., 1969], No. 4163/69. Heading B8H. Band slings 13, Fig. 3, are attached to a member 7 which is itself supported by a series of brackets 3 attached to a lifting plate 1. The members 7 are released from the lifting plate by sliding them upwards out of grooves 6 in the brackets 3. When a bar 15 is removed from the top of the member 7 the slings may be disengaged therefrom. Bands 14 locate the slings laterally, and may be arranged diagonally rather than as shown.

20-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: IT1048836B
Принадлежит: Baur H

06-02-1992 дата публикации

Patent DE9110382U1

Номер: DE9110382U1
Автор: [UNK]

09-01-1979 дата публикации

Lift device

Номер: US4133568A
Автор: David W. Williams
Принадлежит: Owens Illinois Inc

A method and apparatus for moving rolls of plastic material from one location to another. The apparatus consists of a belt that is tightened around the periphery of the roll. Strategically positioned lift attachments are positioned on the belt so that various diameter rolls can be moved by the same belt.

02-02-1995 дата публикации

Ribbon for the production of artificial flowers.

Номер: DE69010837T2
Автор: Morito Iname

05-12-1985 дата публикации

External load network for aircraft

Номер: DE2644044C2
Принадлежит: Brueggemann & Brand Kg 5802 Wetter De

05-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA941411A
Автор: David W.B. Carr

10-05-1991 дата публикации

Artificial-flower-forming ribbon

Номер: CA2021774A1
Автор: Morito Iname
Принадлежит: Aoyama KK

An artificial-flower-forming ribbon (10) comprises a pair of strips (12) overlapping each other, and at least one string (14) placed between and along both strips. Both strips are joined together at a plurality of joint portions (18) placed at opposite sides of the string and also on a plurality of lines ( l ) spaced apart from each other in the longitudinal direction of both strings. The string is joined at its one end to one ends of both strips. A pair of adjoining lines are parallel to two equilateral sides of an isosceles triangle where a segment parallel to a longitudinal center line (L) of both strips is defined as the base. Both strips have a pair of notches (24) provided at opposite sides of each line to be respectively open to opposite side edges of both strips, and substantially confronting each other in the transverse direction of both strips.

14-05-1976 дата публикации

Patent NO753780L

Номер: NO753780L
Автор: Hans Baur
Принадлежит: Hans Baur

05-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: SE8403583D0
Автор: A Muller, H Schinko
Принадлежит: Erlau Ag Eisen Drahtwerk

The bundle-lifting harness is provided for long goods and comprises a lifting belt (2) and lashing belt (3), which are combined to form a unit (1) for application to the long goods in a single operation. The lifting belt (2) and the lashing belt (3) are combined by a connecting sleeve (4) but are able to move relative to each other, so that at the time of lifting, the lifting belt (2) is moved immediately into the necessary position and the load is suspended uniformly from the lifting belt (2). <IMAGE>

08-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR2923214A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: KABI SARL

L'invention concerne une sangle de levage, plus particulièrement destinée au levage de produits en vrac.Tout particulièrement, le long de cette sangle est fixé un lien. The invention relates to a lifting strap, more particularly for lifting bulk goods. In particular, along this strap is attached a link.

13-02-1986 дата публикации

Method of binding a pile of cargo load

Номер: WO1986000864A1

A method of binding relates to piling container or piece cargoes and consists in making, by means of a loop (5) of the carrying sling (1), a hoop (9) through which a loop (8) of the locking sling (6) is then passed and drawn to make a self-tightening knot. Each hoop (9) is formed of two turns (11 and 12) of the loop (5) of the carrying sling (1) whereas the loop (8) of the locking sling (6) is passed through it from outward inward in the direction to the formed pile (2).

09-04-1992 дата публикации

Machine for making rosettes - has continuous stapling section sepd. from intermittent weldingg and cutting section by a buffer zone

Номер: DE4133104A1
Автор: Marcel Hess

A ribbon for making rosettes is made of several layers and has at least one base strip with spaced narrow sections and a narrow pull strip. During manufacture, a stapler fits a clip at the narrow sections after which the ribbon enters a cutting and welding device via a buffer zone. A feeder forwards the ribbon in steps to a width detector which controls a welding head and a cutter according to the spaced narrow sections. The feeder can be continuous and the stapler can be mounted on a movable carriage. USE/ADVANTAGE - The buffer zone before the step feeder allows the whole machine to operate continuously with high throughput.

28-04-2006 дата публикации

Packaging for confectionery products

Номер: FI7047U1
Автор: Giuseppe Terrasi
Принадлежит: Soremartec SA

26-01-1998 дата публикации

Artificial flower forming ribbon

Номер: JP2704611B2
Автор: 隆治 青山
Принадлежит: 株式会社青山

02-07-2004 дата публикации

Parcels comprising at least two stacks of units of goods; means, method and apparatus for forming said parcels

Номер: KR100438075B1
Принадлежит: 노르스크 히드로 아에스아

본 발명은 자기 고정식 적하 슬링에 의해 둘러싸여지는 1쌍 이상의 단위 물품 더미(A, B)로 이루어지는 포장물과, 이러한 포장물 형성 기구와, 그 포장물 형성 방법 및 장치에 관한 것이다. 상기 슬링은 상기 더미(A, B)의 폭과 실질적으로 폭이 동일한 벨트(2)의 폐루프 형태로, 중앙의 루프(14)가 모아져 리프팅 아이(15)가 형성되어 벨트(2)의 상측 부분의 중앙 개구를 통과하여 연장된다. 벨트의 단부들이 겹쳐져, 바느질, 아교, 핫멜트 등에 의해 영구적으로 함께 고정된다. 포장물은, 간격을 두고 배치되어 있으며 그 사이에 수직 방향으로 이동 가능한 봉(5)을 구비한 1쌍의 봉(4) 위와, 수직 방향으로 이동 가능한 판(8)에 조여진 봉(8b) 위에서 벨트(2)를 잡아당긴 다음, 그 사이에 수직 방향으로 이동 가능한 봉(7)을 구비한 1쌍의 제2 봉(6) 위에서 벨트(2)를 잡아당김으로써 소정 길이의 벨트(2)를 형성하는 방식으로 포장물이 형성될 수 있다. 그 후, 벨트(2)의 단부가 고정 장치(3)에 고정된 다음, 봉(5, 7)이 벨트(2)에 대해 하방으로 이동되고 판(8)은 상방으로 이동되어 봉(8a)이 벨트(2)를 하방으로 가압하는 한편, 롤 조립체(10a, 10b)는 벨트(2)가 그 위에 얹혀질 때까지 벨트(2)에 대해 상방으로 이동되며, 소정 길이의 벨트(2)가 잡아당겨지면 벨트 공급원(1)은 정지된다. 장치는 벨트(2)에 주름을 형성하며 이 주름진 부분(27)을 슬리브(22)로 둘러싸기 위한 장치를 포함할 수도 있다. 상기 기구는 중앙부(27)가 슬리브(22)에 의해 둘러싸여 주름이 영구적으로 함께 유지되는 주름진 부분을 포함하는 조립식 루프형 벨트(2)로 구성된다. The present invention relates to a package consisting of one or more pairs of unit article piles (A, B) surrounded by a magnetically fixed dropping sling, such a package forming mechanism, and a method and apparatus for forming the package. The sling is in the form of a closed loop of the belt 2 that is substantially the same width as the dummy A, B. The loop 14 at the center is gathered to form a lifting eye 15 to form the upper side of the belt 2. Extends through the central opening of the portion. The ends of the belt overlap and are permanently held together by sewing, glue, hotmelt or the like. The package is belted on a pair of rods 4 with the rods 5 arranged in a spaced distance therebetween, and on rods 8b fastened to a plate 8 movable in the vertical direction. Pulling the belt 2 and pulling the belt 2 over the pair of second rods 6 with the rod 7 movable vertically therebetween to form the belt 2 of predetermined length; The package can be formed in such a way. Thereafter, the end of the belt 2 is fixed to the fixing device 3, and then the rods 5 and 7 are moved downward with respect to the belt 2 and the plate 8 is moved ...

24-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: SE456671B
Автор: A Mueller, H Schinko
Принадлежит: Erlau Ag Eisen Drahtwerk

14-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DK117886A

28-10-1982 дата публикации

Self-tightening sling

Номер: WO1982003611A1

A self-tightening sling for bracing a package of piece-goods comprises a loop-like supporting part (3) placed under the package and a loop-like closing part (4) placed on the upper part of the package (1), the supporting and closing parts being connected to each other through self-tightening knots (5) formed in the process of bracing by the ends of the loop-like parts located near the edges of the package. The self-tightening knot (5) is formed by the loop end of the closing part (4) which passes under the loop end of the supporting part (3), envelopes from outside one of the branches (6) of the closing part, then envelopes from outside the other branch (7), which is adjacent to the former branch, and comes outside in the upward direction from the loop of the closing part.

11-09-2019 дата публикации

face milling cutter towing device

Номер: KR102020903B1
Автор: 김황수, 박성훈
Принадлежит: 김황수, 박성훈

본 발명은 페이스 커터를 견인하는데 사용하는 견인기구에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 자유로운 형상 변형이 가능하면서도 인장강도가 강한 나일론재로 구성되며, 양측의 제1,2 메인로프를 다수의 걸림로프로 연결되게 구성되고 다수의 연결 고리를 구성함으로써, 페이스 커터의 장착 및 해체 등을 위한 견인시 페이스 커터에 설치상의 편리함과 안정성을 확보하는 등 견인이 매우 편리하게 하며, 또한 연질재로 구성함으로써, 견인을 위해 페이스 커터를 감싸 설치시 절삭팁과의 보호가 가능하게 하며, 또한 구조적으로 부피 및 중량이 매우 가벼워 취급 및 이동 사용이 매우 용이하게 하면서도 그 제작 단가의 절감이 가능하게 하기 위한 페이스 커터 견인기구에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a traction mechanism used to pull a face cutter, and more particularly, it is composed of a nylon material having a high tensile strength while being able to freely deform the shape, the first and second main ropes on both sides with a plurality of locking ropes It is configured to be connected, and by constructing a plurality of linking rings, the towing is very convenient, such as ensuring the convenience and stability of installation on the face cutter when towing and dismounting the face cutter. The face cutter traction mechanism is designed to protect the cutting tip when the face cutter is wrapped in order to protect the cutting tip. Also, the structure is very light in volume and weight, making it easy to handle and move, while reducing the manufacturing cost. It is about.

09-11-1999 дата публикации

Object wrapping and method of wrapping an object

Номер: US5979744A
Автор: Mary Beth Brigleb
Принадлежит: Individual

A decorative gift wrap includes two sheets, each having two ends. One of the sheets is configured to wrap a gift. The first and second ends of the first sheet extend through an aperture in a loop. This frictionally secures the loop adjacent to the sheets.

04-11-1977 дата публикации

Shop shelf display case esp. for lipsticks - has body partially enclosing object and with breakable end connections

Номер: FR2346999A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Freda Tullio

The case is for holding objects which are on shelves in a shop and is mainly for tubes of lipstick (7, 8). It consists of a lateral wall (1) and two end walls (2, 3) made in a slightly elastic material and shaped to fit the object so that they cover slightly more than half of its corresponding section. At least one end wall is connected to the lateral wall by some breakable connections (6). The longitudinal edges of the lateral wall (4) each have a lip overhanging the cavity and the base of the lateral wall (5) is a flat surface.

17-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: FR2963782B1
Автор: Daniel Gallety
Принадлежит: COMSIDER

06-01-1982 дата публикации

Lifting assembly

Номер: EP0043209A1

A lifting assembly (38) comprises a cloverleaf lifting sling (40) in combination with a base (39) of weldable plastics sheet material, the base having welds (41, 42, 48) serving to hold the sling in its cloverleaf configuration.

03-03-2023 дата публикации

Contact lens package kit with recycling fasteners

Номер: KR20230029976A

콘택트 렌즈 패키지(3)를 포함하는 콘택트 렌즈 패키지 키트(1)가 설명되며, 각각의 콘택트 렌즈 패키지(3)는 공동(13)을 갖는 기부 부재(11) 및 기부 부재(11)에 결합된 밀봉 부재(5)를 포함한다. 미착용 콘택트 렌즈(15)가 밀봉된 공동(13) 내의 패키징 용액(17) 내에 제공된다. 기부 부재(11)는 열가소성 재료(또는 다른 재활용 가능 재료)이고, 밀봉 부재(5)를 위한 밀봉 표면을 제공하기 위해 공동(13)을 둘러싸는 실질적으로 평면인 표면(19)을 포함한다. 키트(1)는 또한 콘택트 렌즈(15)가 공동(13)으로부터 제거된 후에 각각의 콘택트 렌즈 패키지(3)로부터의 복수의 기부 부재(11)를 보유하도록 구성된 적어도 하나의 체결구(21)를 포함한다. 체결구(63)에 부착된 빈 콘택트 렌즈 패키지(65)를 포함하는 재활용 가능한 열가소성 콘택트 렌즈 조립체(61)가 또한 설명된다. 가두 수집 재활용과 같은 사용된 콘택트 렌즈 패키지를 재활용하는 방법이 체결구를 사용하여 추가로 설명되고, 체결구 자체가 또한 설명된다.

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Reliable, reusable holding device for protecting surfaces of dimensionally stable objects from mechanical damage

Номер: DE102015004949A1
Автор: Anmelder Gleich
Принадлежит: Individual

Die Erfindung betrifft eine belastbare, wiederverwendbare Halteeinrichtung zum Schutz von Oberflächen von mindestens zwei einander benachbarten zu einem Bund angeordneten, länglich sich erstreckenden, vorzugsweise im Querschnitt kreisbogenförmigen und/oder eckigen, formstabilen Gegenständen, wie Stangen, Rohre, Stäbe, usw., vor mechanischen Beschädigungen, welche ein mit einem Abschnitt seiner selbst verbindbares Band und ein, vorzugsweise metallenes und/oder kunststoffartiges, Befestigungsmittel umfasst, das Band an dem einen seiner beiden Enden eine Schicht mit Verhakungselementen auf seiner einen Seite aufweist, an seinem anderen Ende eine flauschige Schicht auf seiner der einen Seite gegenüber liegenden anderen Seite aufweist, das Band in Umfangsrichtung um die Gegenstände anlegbar und die Enden des Bandes durch das flächige Zusammendrücken der beiden Schichten miteinander lösbar zusammenhaltbar sind, welche dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass das Befestigungsmittel als Draht und/oder Bandeisen ausgebildet ist, wobei mindestens ein Draht in Umfangsrichtung um das Band gelegt und die Enden des Drahtes miteinander lösbar verbindbar sind und/oder mindestens ein Bandeisen in Umfangsrichtung um das Band gelegt und die Enden des Drahtes miteinander lösbar verbindbar sind und ein Verfahren zum Schutz von Oberflächen von, formstabilen Gegenständen vor mechanischen Beschädigungen The invention relates to a resilient, reusable holding device for protecting surfaces of at least two adjacent arranged to a collar, elongated extending, preferably in cross-section circular arc and / or square, dimensionally stable objects, such as rods, tubes, rods, etc., before mechanical Damage comprising a band connectable to a portion of itself and a preferably metal and / or plastic fastener, the band having at one of its two ends a layer of interlocking elements on one side thereof, a fluffy layer at the other end thereof its one side opposite the other side, the band in the circumferential ...

25-06-1985 дата публикации

Device for locking straps at the time of lifting loads, with possible adjustment of their useful length

Номер: US4525007A
Автор: Jean-Pierre Chapalain

A device is provided for preferably adjustably fixing a strap or a two-piece strap for lifting a heavy load, such as the hull of a ship, and hooking it on to the lifting apparatus. It comprises a yoke shaped piece housing a removable case or box, secured thereto by engagement, in corresponding holes in the arms of the yoke and the sides of the case, of parallel shafts, the first two serving in a way known per se for locking the strap by winding same in loops and the third, which is removable, as means for adjusting its length. The arms of the yoke are extended by lugs pierced with holes, either for passing therethrough a removable pin serving for guiding the active strand of the strap towards its hooking point on to the lifting apparatus, or by means of a hook, ring or similar, or by means of a known device, or by engagement of a member for coupling together two pieces disposed head to tail, one receiving a load carrying strap and the other a strap for hooking on to the lifting apparatus.

26-12-2002 дата публикации

Gift wrap apparatus and method

Номер: US20020195480A1
Автор: Jonathan Daniels
Принадлежит: Jonathan Daniels

A gift wrap apparatus that attaches to a gift package. The apparatus provides a visual representation of a three —dimensional object such as an animal, person, place, thing, cartoon character, etc. The apparatus features representative sections of the three-dimensional object so that when those sections are attached to the package, the package then becomes instantly recognizable as resembling the object. Wrapping paper can be included with the invention so that the visual image of the gift package is enhanced by having the wrapping paper correspond to the image of the three-dimensional object.

10-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR2667621A1
Автор: Hess Marcel

L'invention concerne un ruban destiné à être plissé pour former une rosette, agencé pour présenter une grande facilité d'emploi et permettant de former aisément des assortiments de rubans en petites quantités. L'invention concerne aussi une machine pour fabriquer de tels rubans et les déposer à plat. Le ruban (20) est formé par superposition d'au moins deux bandes principales (1, 4) et de deux bandes de tirage (2, 3) placées entre les bandes principales. Ces dernières ont des parties rétrécies (10) régulièrement espacées et entourées d'anneaux de retenue (11). Chaque ruban (20) est coupé à sa longueur définitive à la fabrication, et les bandes (1 à 4) sont soudées ensemble à l'une (5) des extrémités du ruban. Ainsi, les rubans peuvent être livrés et conservés à plat, sous une forme prête à l'utilisation, et les bandes de tirage ne peuvent pas s'échapper pendant qu'on forme la rosette. Applications: décoration et emballages. The invention relates to a ribbon intended to be pleated to form a rosette, arranged to be very easy to use and for easily forming sets of ribbons in small quantities. The invention also relates to a machine for manufacturing such ribbons and laying them flat. The tape (20) is formed by superimposing at least two main bands (1, 4) and two pull bands (2, 3) placed between the main bands. These have tapered portions (10) evenly spaced and surrounded by retaining rings (11). Each strip (20) is cut to its final length during manufacture, and the strips (1 to 4) are welded together at one (5) of the ends of the strip. Thus, the ribbons can be delivered and stored flat, in ready-to-use form, and the pull bands cannot escape while forming the rosette. Applications: decoration and packaging.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Bucket safety harness

Номер: CA3017472A1
Автор: Adam Gaulin
Принадлежит: Adam Gaulin

A safety harness for use with a container such as a 5-gallon pail is described. The harness includes vertical and horizontal straps that create a space into which a container can be placed. The straps may be adjusted to fit snugly against outer surface of the container. The harness also includes a connector that can be attached to a separate line to be manipulated by a worker, or attached to a safety belt worn by a worker. The harness provides a simple and safe apparatus that provides easy access to tools and materials, especially for workers operating in above-ground locations.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Belt Sling

Номер: KR101700305B1
Автор: 박정구
Принадлежит: 주식회사 주영산업

The present invention relates to a belt sling for conveying coils. The belt sling, which is woven with high-strength Kevlar yarn, a synthetic composite fiber yarn, includes: a body unit Kevlar yarn having hook units formed on both ends thereof; an outer skin unit inserted in and installed on the exterior of the body unit; a first reinforcement pad strap unit installed on both edges of the front and rear surfaces of the outer skin unit; and a second reinforcement pad strap unit which is installed on the upper surface of the first reinforcement pad strap unit. An outer reinforcement skin unit is installed on both hook units to enhance wear resistance and breakage strength by using the first and second reinforcement pad strap units installed on both bent edges of the outer skin unit and the body unit with the concentrated load of the cargo. The belt sling also has an extended service life, additionally, installs the outer reinforcement skin unit on the hook units, and prevents the hook units from being damaged or broken due to a crane hook connected thereto.

20-07-1979 дата публикации

Patent FR2291144B1

Номер: FR2291144B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Baur Hans

14-07-2020 дата публикации

Method of placing strap on stitching point of belt of textile cargo sling (embodiments) and method of stitching ends of cargo textile sling tape (embodiments)

Номер: RU2726492C1

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления текстильного стропа. Накладки размещают в места сшивки концов ленты текстильного грузового стропа, соединяют концы стропа путем наложения двух концов ленты стропа друг на друга, их сшивкой нитями одновременно с размещенной на место сшивки концов ленты стропа накладкой. Сшивка концов ленты грузового текстильного стропа представляет собой прошивание прямыми продольными швами, переходящими в остроконечные в местах технологического разворота шва. Начало/окончание швов располагается на разных уровнях относительно друг друга, т.е. многоступенчатая сшивка. Прошивание концов ленты и накладок многоступенчатой сшивкой позволяет распределить наплощадь концентрацию давления швейных нитей на уточные нити в точках начала/окончания швов, тем самым повышая разрывную нагрузку стропа. Достигается увеличение разрывной способности текстильных грузовых стропов и стойкости к динамическим перегрузкам при транспортировке грузов. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

11-01-2000 дата публикации

Flat sling coupling constructions

Номер: CA2198821C
Автор: Dennis St. Germain
Принадлежит: Individual

A flexible, flat-plane sling construction for lifting heavy loads which includes a flat-shaped coupler bit-link having a body portion which includes an aperture at one end which slidably receives a flat lifting sling, such as a roundsling, and an open slot at its other end having a raised arm at the entrance to the slot, a flat lifting sling which passes first through the aperture, and passes second through an opening for a load connector means, and third connects to the raised arm, in which coupler joins the lifting sling and the rigger's load connector means.

23-12-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in hoisting sling

Номер: GB788285A
Принадлежит: Individual

788,285. Slings. FENWICK, F. F. Aug. 13, 1956, No. 24748/56. Class 78 (4). A hoisting sling is formed from a strip of webbing or other flexible material by forming two slits 11, 12, Fig. 3, near each end, then folding over the end so that the two slits come together as in Fig. 4, and passing the loop 15 through the slits, as indicated by the arrow, at least once, but preferably two or three times, the result being shown in Fig. 6. The twisted parts 16, 16<SP>1</SP> may be enclosed by a rubber sleeve. In a modification; the loop 15 is strengthened by first doubling the section 14, Fig. 3, in a lengthwise direction and stitching the edges together for a short distance.

29-03-1992 дата публикации

D-Ring for Sling Sorter

Номер: CA2052371A1
Автор: Warner Bailey
Принадлежит: Individual

ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A D-ring for connecting the hook of a sling sorter to the webbing made of a metal plate and having a wear pad. An opening is formed in the plate for receiving the hook and a slot is formed near the base of the plate for receiving the webbing. A notch is formed in the base of the plate forming a prong on each end of the base. The prongs protect the webbing from being crushed by the D-ring when the D-ring drops. The wear pad is placed between the opening and the slot and extends outward from the plate. The wear pad supports the weight of the D-ring when it is lying flat so that the webbing is not crushed between the D-ring and the ground.

07-01-1982 дата публикации

Lifting assembly

Номер: AU7219181A
Принадлежит: Spenset Inter A G

10-06-2009 дата публикации

Nozzle system of a rocket engine

Номер: EP2067975A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

The strap (1) has a breakable connection unit (8) for fixing a tie (7) with the strap, and loops (6) provided at its ends (4, 5), where the strap and the tie are made of textile material. The tie with a round cord maintains different bulk products i.e. metallic wire mesh sheets. The unit is defined under a traction effect exerted between the tie and the strap and an effect of intensity that is lower than the lifting capacity of the strap. The tie is provided with a hook or a coupling or locking loop at its end.

07-08-2013 дата публикации

Wrapping Paper with Illumination

Номер: GB2498995A
Автор: Wayne Gary Shoveller
Принадлежит: Individual

A roll/sheet of wrapping paper 1 has a message-bearing region 2 which comprises at least one letter/number/symbol or image. There is at least one light source 6, which may be a LED source, and may be a flashing light source, which serves to illuminate the message-bearing region. There is an electrical power source 9, which may be a battery, for the light source 6, and means 3, 4 for preventing premature activation of the light source 6, which may be a switch 3, a pull-out tab 4, or both. The message-bearing region may comprise windows shaped to form letters/number/symbols which constitute a message, in which case the light source is positioned behind the windows. There may be a pocket formed of a panel secured to the rear of the message-bearing region which can be formed by bonding the periphery of the panel to the message-bearing region. The pocket may contain the light source 6, the power supply 9, a flexible light guide 10 and the means 3, 4 for preventing premature activation of the light source 6. There may be a sound module which plays a voice message/jingle when the light source 6 is activated.
