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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 29355. Отображено 199.
27-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2342296C2
Принадлежит: ООО "НПО "Слава" (RU)

Изобретение относится к области упаковочных материалов, а именно к многослойным полимерным пленкам для пищевых продуктов, и может быть использовано в пищевой промышленности, а также в сельском хозяйстве и в быту. Упаковка выполнена из многослойного пленочного материала, включающего несколько слоев из полимерных компонентов и внутренний, прилегающий к продукту слой, содержащий полиолефин и модификатор. При этом в качестве модификатора внутреннего слоя использована синергетическая смесь натриевой соли дегидрацетовой кислоты, лактата кальция или цитрата кальция и этилендиаминтетраацетата кальция при следующих соотношениях компонентов, мас.%: синергетическая смесь натриевой соли дегидрацетовой кислоты, лактата кальция или цитрата кальция и этилендиаминтетраацетата кальция - 0,5-5,0, полиолефин - остальное. В качестве полиолефина использован полиэтилен высокой или низкой плотности, или пропилен, или их смесь, или сополимеры этилена с пропиленом или с высшими олефинами, или винилацетатом или ...

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2287977C2
Принадлежит: ШИФФЕРЛЕ Рене (CH)

Предложена кассета, содержащая одну порцию порошка кофе для приготовления напитка кофе. Такая кассета может быть использована в аппарате стандартного кофе эспрессо для приготовления обычного напитка кофе, не имеющего пены на своей поверхности и соответствующего по вкусу нормальному фильтрованному кофе. Дно кассеты выполнено с проходом, покрытым газонепроницаемой фольгой. Фольга вручную удаляется перед тем, как кассета будет вставлена в кофейный аппарат. Между проходом и порошком кофе расположен фильтрующий элемент, предотвращающий утечку порошка кофе из кассеты. Проход должен предотвратить создание гидравлического давления в кассете, которое могло бы привести к образованию пены. 22 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Композиции для контейнеров и других изделий и способы их применения

Номер: RU2618704C2

Изобретение относится к изделиям, содержащим контейнер для пищевых продуктов или напитков или его часть, к изделиям, содержащим упаковочный контейнер для пищевых продуктов или напитков или его часть, а также к способу формирования контейнера для пищевых продуктов или напитков или его части. Указанные контейнеры имеют металлическую основу и композицию покрытия, нанесенную на, по меньшей мере, часть металлической основы. Композиция покрытия содержит полиэфирный полимер, содержащий, по меньшей мере, 25 мас.% арильных или гетероарильных групп. Композиция покрытия является, по существу, свободной от связанного бисфенола А, бисфенола F, бисфенола S, многоатомных фенолов, имеющих эстрогенную активность, большую или равную активности бисфенола S, и их эпоксидов. Полиэфирный полимер получен взаимодействием ингредиентов, включающих (i) модифицирующий агент (например, диол, более типично многоатомный фенол, более типично двухатомный фенол) и (ii) диэпоксидное соединение (например, полиэпоксид многоатомного ...

20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2278065C2

Изобретение касается упаковочной оболочки для пищевых продуктов, в частности для вареного окорока или продуктов соления, которая не растворяется в воде и при известных условиях пригодна для процесса варки. Оболочка представляет собой проницаемую для газа, водяного пара и/или дыма нетрубчатую плоскую пленку, на которую со стороны, противоположной пищевому продукту, для увеличения прочности может накладываться сетка. При этом пленка выполнена в виде тонкостенной волокнистой пленки, плотность которой составляет от 3 до около 120 г/м2и на по меньшей мере одной стороне (обычно на стороне, обращенной к пищевому продукту), имеет антиадгезионное покрытие из материала, безопасного с точки зрения пищевого закона, предотвращающее соединение пищевого продукта с упаковочной оболочкой при последующей переработке, в частности в процессе варки. При этом оболочка легко обрабатывается и хранится и имеет низкую стоимость изготовления. Описан также способ изготовления такой оболочки. 2 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы.

10-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291092C2

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к упаковкам, используемым в устройствах для приготовления напитка. Упаковка представляет собой закрытый гибкий картридж, который имеет конструкцию, позволяющую осуществлять экстракцию под давлением, и содержит вещество для приготовления напитка. Картридж состоит из первого и второго листов круглой, овальной или многоугольной формы, между которыми оставлено пространство для вещества и которые сварены вместе вдоль внешней кромки. Первый лист изготовлен из материала, выбранного из фильтровальной бумаги или нетканого материала. Второй лист изготовлен из материала, выбранного из фильтровальной бумаги или нетканого материала или композитного материала. Первый лист выполнен так, что он пропускает воду при атмосферном давлении или при прокалывании его с помощью средства прокалывания, а второй лист выполнен так, что он пропускает воду, только если в ходе экстракции внутри картриджа будет создано избыточное давление от 0,1 до 3 бар. Изобретение ...

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2345535C2
Принадлежит: КАЛЛЕ ГМБХ (DE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к дымо- и паропроницаемой оболочке для пищевых продуктов на основе алифатического полиамида и/или алифатического сополиамида, которая со стороны, обращенной к продукту питания, пропитана коптильной жидкостью. Паропроницаемость такой оболочки (WDD), определенная согласно стандарту DIN 53 122, при одностороннем подводе к оболочке воздуха при 23°С и относительной влажности воздуха 85% составляет по меньшей мере 30 г/м2·сут. В оболочке, выполненной согласно изобретению, предназначенные для копчения колбасы или колбасные цепочки не нужно развешивать в коптильной камере, при этом на фазе созревания не происходит выделения масла или жира. Кроме того, достоинства дымо- и паропроницаемых, а также непроницаемых полимерных оболочек объединяются, и тем самым они подходят для получения сырокопченых, вареных и варено-копченых колбас. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

18-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651237C2

Устройство для хранения и термообработки продуктов содержит цилиндрическую эластичную термостойкую пищевую пленку, образующую внутреннюю полость для размещения продукта, и клапаны. Устройство также содержит коаксиально расположенную цилиндрическую гибкую эластичную термостойкую пленку большего диаметра, образующую внешнюю межпленочную полость. Пленки устройства герметично соединены соответственно с фланцем и крышкой. Фланец связан с крышкой и через два отверстия, перекрытые клапанами для создания давления, с межпленочной полостью. Крышка выполнена с отверстием, перекрытым клапаном, предотвращающим поступление воздуха во внутреннюю полость для размещения продукта. Изобретение обеспечивает хранение охлажденного продукта с повышенным сроком и возможность его термообработки. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

18-07-2017 дата публикации

Упаковочная единица для приготовления блюд из зерновых продуктов

Номер: RU172657U1

Полезная модель относится к пищевой промышленности и может быть использована в системе общественного питания и в быту. Предложена упаковочная единица для приготовления блюд из зерновых продуктов, включающая заполненный зерновым продуктом пакет, выполненный из полимерного гибкого материала с мелкими отверстиями для проникновения жидкости и пара во время варки. Отличительной особенностью предлагаемой упаковочной единицы является то, что пакет выполнен в виде треугольной пирамиды. Технический результат заключается в сокращении времени варки продукта. 1 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU100502U1

... 1. Пакет для варки продуктов питания, выполненный из термостойкого эластичного полимерного материала, с отверстиями для проникновения текучей среды и средством для раскрытия и закрытия его с одной или нескольких сторон для вложения продуктов питания в пакет и изъятия готового продукта питания, отличающийся тем, что пакет выполнен многосекционным. ! 2. Пакет по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия секций выполнены различной формы и разного размера. ! 3. Пакет по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен средством для удержания пакета на весу. ! 4. Пакет по п.3, отличающийся тем, что средство для удержания пакета на весу выполнено в верхней части пакета в виде петли.

23-09-2024 дата публикации

Стакан - внешний держатель одной капсулы, оборудованный резиновым фиксатором, ложементом резинового фиксатора, захватами, внешней колбой

Номер: RU229130U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам устройств для приготовления однокомпонентных напитков, таких как, например, американо или эспрессо, методом экстрагирования сыпучего вещества, содержащегося в капсулах без внутреннего прокалывателя, таких как, например, капсулы стандарта Неспрессо. Полезная модель может применяться в системе безопасного приготовления однокомпонентных напитков, состоящей из заявленного устройства и автомобильной кофемашины, которая может быть использована в качестве торгового автомата по продаже однокомпонентных напитков преимущественно в такси. Стакан - внешний держатель одной капсулы, оборудованный резиновым фиксатором, ложементом резинового фиксатора, захватами, внешней колбой, состоящий из дна и боковой стенки, на внешней стороне которой располагается наружная резьба, крышки, состоящей из гнезда капсул и кольцевой части, внешний диаметр нижней части которой равен внутреннему диаметру верхней части стакана, выполненный с возможностью установки крышки в стакан враспор ...

18-09-2024 дата публикации

Стакан - внешний держатель одной капсулы, оборудованный резиновым фиксатором, кольцевым упором, осветителем, захватами и резиновым уплотнителем

Номер: RU228964U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам устройств для приготовления однокомпонентных напитков, таких как, например, американо или эспрессо, методом экстрагирования сыпучего вещества, содержащегося в капсулах без внутреннего прокалывателя, таких как, например, капсулы стандарта Неспрессо. Полезная модель может применяться в системе безопасного приготовления однокомпонентных напитков, состоящей из заявленного устройства и автомобильной кофемашины, которая может быть использована в качестве торгового автомата по продаже однокомпонентных напитков, преимущественно в такси. Стакан - внешний держатель одной капсулы, оборудованный резиновым фиксатором, кольцевым упором, осветителем, захватами и резиновым уплотнителем, состоящий из боковой стенки и дна, содержащий крышку, состоящую из гнезда капсул и кольцевой части, внешний диаметр нижней части которой равен внутреннему диаметру верхней части стакана, выполненный с возможностью установки крышки в стакан враспор, отличающийся тем, что кольцевая часть ...

18-09-2024 дата публикации

Стакан - внешний держатель одной капсулы, оборудованный резиновым фиксатором, кольцевым упором, осветителем, трубочкой для питья и резиновым уплотнителем

Номер: RU228963U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам устройств для приготовления однокомпонентных напитков, таких как, например, американо или эспрессо, методом экстрагирования сыпучего вещества, содержащегося в капсулах без внутреннего прокалывателя, таких как, например, капсулы стандарта Неспрессо. Полезная модель может применяться в системе безопасного приготовления однокомпонентных напитков, состоящей из заявленного устройства и автомобильной кофемашины, которая может быть использована в качестве торгового автомата по продаже однокомпонентных напитков преимущественно в такси. Стакан - внешний держатель одной капсулы, оборудованный резиновым фиксатором, кольцевым упором, осветителем, трубочкой для питья и резиновым уплотнителем, состоящий из боковой стенки и дна, содержащий крышку, состоящую из гнезда капсул и кольцевой части, внешний диаметр нижней части которой равен внутреннему диаметру верхней части стакана, выполненный с возможностью установки крышки в стакан враспор, отличающийся тем, что кольцевая ...

27-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2141920C1

Изобретение относится к упаковочной таре для хранения и разогрева пищевых продуктов. Внутри корпуса контейнера закреплена емкость с пищевым продуктом и раздельно размещены растворяемое вещество и растворитель. При смешивании растворителя и растворяемого вещества выделяется такое количество тепла, которое обеспечивает разогрев пищевого продукта до 50 - 100oC. Обеспечивается разогрев пищевого продукта в любых некомфортных условиях. 1 ил.

20-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2141438C1

Изобретение относится к пакетам для заваривания чая или кофе. Пакет (2) для настаивания содержит два листа пористого материала, герметично соединенных друг с другом по проходящей по периферии пакета полосе (3) для образования ячейки (4), содержащей настаиваемое вещество (5). Кроме того, листы герметично соединены друг с другом на двух участках (6), расположенных внутри по отношению к периферийной полосе (3) на расстоянии от нее. Отжимная нить (7) входит (8) в ячейку (4) с настаиваемым веществом и выходит (9) из нее, а внутри ячейки (4) уложена петлей вокруг участков (6) герметичного соединения листов. Концы отжимной нити (7) за пределами пакета могут быть снабжены ушками (10). При использовании пакета вытягивание концов отжимной нити (7) в противоположных направлениях (11) приводит по меньшей мере к частичному смятию пакета и тем самым к выжиманию из него жидкости. Это позволяет упростить процесс изготовления пакетов для настаивания и снизить объем брака при изготовлении. 3 с. и 17 з.п.

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2336798C1

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности. Способ нагрева находящегося в контейнере пищевого продукта заключается в том, что в реакционной камере, находящейся в тепловом контакте с контейнером или с находящимся в нем пищевым продуктом, инициируют экзотермическую реакцию. В реакционной камере размещают реагент в твердом состоянии. Размещенную в реакционной камере замкнутую камеру заполняют жидким реагентом с последующим повышением его давления. Экзотермическую реакцию инициируют путем формирования в стенке замкнутой камеры отверстия с размерами, обеспечивающими обусловленный только давлением жидкого реагента ввод первоначальной порции жидкого реагента в отсек реакционной камеры с реагентом в твердом состоянии. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности использования генерируемой в результате экзотермической реакции тепловой энергии, обеспечение более полного использования реагентов и упрощение конструкции упаковки. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2110460C1

Гибкий материал содержит по меньшей мере два разных слоя с различными коэффициентами термического расширения, по меньшей мере один из которых выполнен из пластика. В материале выполнена непрямая прорезь. При выходе температуры за определенные пределы происходит деформация материала с изменением площади прорези. Материал может использоваться в упаковочных, перевязочных и тому подобных барьерных материалах для обеспечения вентиляционной регуляции. 22 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2088133C1

Использование: изобретение касается съемного держателя к машине для экстрагирования и выдачи горячих напитков. Сущность изобретения: съемный держатель содержит жесткий корпус с размещенной в нем порцией гранулированного, порошкового или аналогичного материала микрочастиц для получения напитка путем процеживания, растворения или настаивания с горячей водой под давлением, который выполнен в форме цилиндрического полого тела, состоящего из неперфорированной боковой стенки, торцовой стенки ввода с перфорированной центральной областью и противоположно расположенной перфорированной стенки вывода, причем торцовая стенка ввода имеет внешний периферийный круговой буртик 1, который окружает под действием механического давления с нагретой пластинкой доставки машины для экстрагирования и выдачи горячих напитков для ввода в съемный держатель через перфорированную центральную область 8 торцовой стенки под гидравлическим давлением горячей воды для получения напитка и его удаления через перфорированную ...

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004130498A

... 1. Одноразовый клапан (1), устанавливаемый на упаковку (2), в частности на пищевых упаковках, содержимое должно нагреваться в микроволновой печи (3), при этом указанный клапан (1) выполнен с возможностью открывания под действием избыточного давления, создаваемого внутри упаковки (2) при ее нагревании; отличающийся тем, что клапан содержит отверстие (4), сформированное в упаковке (2), адгезивный слой (5), нанесенный поверх указанного отверстия (4), при этом указанный клапан (1) выполнен с возможностью издавать звуковой сигнал при приложении к нему нагрузки указанного давления. 2. Клапан (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанное отверстие (4) выполнено в виде щели. 3. Клапан (1) по п.2, отличающийся тем, что указанная щель прямая. 4. Клапан (1) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что по меньшей мере одна часть адгезивного слоя (5) содержит клей, пригодный для использования с пищевым продуктом. 5. Клапан (1) по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что указанным адгезивным слоем (5) является лента. 6. Клапан (1 ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004133069A

... 1. Способ удобного и гигиеничного обеспечения разогретыми пищевыми продуктами в места обслуживания пассажиров питанием при одновременном уменьшении ручной обработки, содержащий обеспечение упаковочного узла лотков со множеством отдельных лотков, в которых размещают пищевые продукты, при этом лотки выполняют термостойкими и с возможностью штабелирования с образованием, по меньшей мере, одного штабеля лотков с заданными размерами и формой, который располагается, по меньшей мере, в части полости печи в месте обслуживания пассажиров питанием, при этом штабель лотков образует пространства между каждым лотком для ускорения циркуляции горячего воздуха из печи между каждым лотком, через лотки и внутри лотков. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором штабель лотков упаковывают в наружную защитную упаковку, которая поддерживает целостность лотков в штабелированной конфигурации для транспортировки к месту обслуживания пассажиров питанием. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором узел с лотками удаляют из наружной упаковки ...

20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010105071A

... 1. Саморазогревающаяся емкость для напитков и тому подобного, включающая в себя устройство для увеличения температуры содержимого до уровня, пригодного для его употребления, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит металлическую емкость (1) для напитка, а также подобную металлическую емкость (9), объединенную с первой посредством частичного осевого введения в нее, причем обе емкости (1, 9) снабжены соответствующими закрывающими средствами в виде отделяемых крышек (3, 8). ! 2. Саморазогревающаяся емкость по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит элемент (10) в виде цилиндрического корпуса, выполненного из пластмассы и обладающего высокой прочностью в его боковой части (11) и уменьшенной прочностью в части его основания (12), образующей гибкий купол, причем из внутренней поверхности упомянутого основания образован центральный выступ (13) в виде призмы с прямоугольным сечением, содержащей V-образные выемки (14), образующие пальцы с прямоугольным сечением. ! 3. Саморазогревающаяся емкость по п.1 ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003122786A

... 1. Способ приготовления блюд, отличающийся этапами, при которых а) используют автоматизированное средство для помещения порций пищевых продуктов разных видов в, по крайней мере, одну печь, при этом каждая порция пищевого продукта содержится в форме, б) осуществляют тепловую обработку порций пищевых продуктов в печи, в) используют автоматизированное средство для извлечения пищевого продукта из печи, и г) объединяют отдельные порции пищевого продукта в блюдо в упаковке, используя автоматизированное средство. 2. Способ по п.1, при котором в качестве печи используют поточную печь. 3. Способ по п.1 и 2, при котором используют печь с возможностью программирования для управления тепловой обработкой пищевого продукта в соответствии с его видом. 4. Способ по любому из пп.1-3, при котором используют форму без основания и с наличием, по крайней мере, одной закраины. 5. Способ по любому из пп.1-4, отличающийся дополнительными этапами, при которых а) удерживают в месте выдержки порции пищевых продуктов ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009116783A

... 1. Устройство для нагрева пищевых продуктов, содержащее плоский термический модуль, размещенный в полости внешнего кожуха, выполненного из газоводонепроницаемого гибкого материала и снабженного затвором, при этом корпус плоского термического модуля выполнен из двух одинаковых листов газоводонепроницаемого гибкого теплопроводящего материала, которые соединены между собой по замкнутому контуру посредством герметичного шва с образованием замкнутой полости, в которой размещены реагент в твердом состоянии на основе оксида кальция и замкнутая камера из эластичного материала с реагентом в жидком состоянии, отличающееся тем, что замкнутый контур герметичного шва включает два расположенных напротив друг друга боковых участка, верхние и нижние концы которых попарно сопряжены между собой соответственно верхним и нижним участками, по крайней мере, один из боковых участков замкнутого контура герметичного шва выполнен с выемкой, расположенной с внутренней стороны его средней части, образующей в герметичном ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010139125A

... 1. Упаковка для продукта питания, содержащая: ! первый пищевой контейнер, приспособленный для хранения нехрустящего продукта питания; !второй пищевой контейнер, приспособленный для хранения хрустящего продукта питания; ! упаковочную наружную тару в контакте с указанным первым пищевым контейнером и указанным вторым пищевым контейнером, приспособленную для хранения указанного первого пищевого контейнера сверху указанного второго пищевого контейнера. ! 2. Упаковка по п.1, в которой указанный не-хрустящий продукт питания является по меньшей мере одним продуктом, таким как сальса, сырный соус, чили, суп, рагу и бобовый соус. ! 3. Упаковка по п.1, в которой указанный хрустящий продукт питания является по меньшей мере одним из продуктов, таким как чипсы тортилья, картофельные чипсы, кукурузные чипсы, претцели, фруктовые чипсы, овощные чипсы и крекеры. ! 4. Упаковка по п.1, дополнительно содержащая указанный не-хрустящий продукт питания и указанный хрустящий продукт питания в массовом отношении ...

20-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001123699A

... 1. Самонагревающийся или самоохлаждающийся контейнер (10), имеющий трубчатую внешнюю стенку (12), внутри которой образована внутренняя полость, первый торцевой элемент (14), закрывающий один конец внутренней полости и второй торцевой элемент (16), закрывающий другой конец внутренней полости, в котором нагревающий или охлаждающий механизм (20, 30) поддерживается внешней стенкой или включен в нее, причем контейнер дополнительно содержит гильзу (60), установленную снаружи вокруг по меньшей мере части внешней стенки, причем контейнер собран и выполнен таким образом, что пар, генерируемый указанным нагревающим или охлаждающим механизмом, направляется между гильзой (60) и указанной внешней стенкой (12), отличающийся тем, что внутренняя полость (22) предназначена для размещения содержимого контейнера, при этом второй торцевой элемент содержит основной элемент (16), который предназначен для образования наружной полости (20), проходящей внутри внешней стенки (12), но отделенной от внутренней полости ...

10-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94021653A

Изобретение касается водорастворимой упаковки, содержащей по меньшей мере одну токсичную композицию, включающей два листа из водорастворимого или вододиспергируемого материала, спаянных водорастворимым или вододиспергируемым швом, и раположенный между этими двумя листами третий лист, разделяющий упаковку на два запаянных отделения, открывающихся при воздействии воды на упаковку; также раскрыт способ получения этой упаковки.

20-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99111371A

... 1. Открытый контейнер (1) для подогрева пищи в печах, содержащий картонную основу из тонкого или толстого картона (2), снабженную по меньшей мере одним слоем теплоустойчивого полимерного покрытия (3, 4), отличающийся тем, что покрытие (3, 4) нанесено на стороне подложки, входящей в контакт с пищевым продуктом, и включает в себя полимеризованную поперечносшитую структуру, состоящую из неорганического полимерного каркаса с поперечными сшивками, содержащего альтернативные атомы кремния или кислорода и включающего в себя боковые цепи и/или поперечные сшивки, сформированные органическими группами или цепями. 2. Открытый контейнер по п.1, отличающийся тем, что обе стороны картонной основы (2) снабжены непроницаемым для воды и жира теплоустойчивым полимерным покрытием (3, 4), которое выдерживает температуру 200 - 250°С. 3. Открытый контейнер по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что удельный вес слоя покрытия составляет по меньшей мере 1 г/м2 предпочтительно приблизительно 2 - 6 г/м2. 4. Открытый контейнер ...

20-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003131980A

... 1. Способ упаковки готовых кулинарных блюд, характеризующийся тем, что он предусматривает их фасовку в термоформованные лотки из полимерного или комбинированного материала и герметизацию термосвариваемой пленкой в модифицированной газовой среде, содержащей двуокись углерода. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что модифицированная газовая среда дополнительно содержит азот в количестве не более 80%. 3. Способ по п.2, отличающийся тем, что модифицированная газовая среда дополнительно содержит кислород в количестве не более 50%.

19-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002304572B2

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Einwegbehälter für Frittieröl oder Frittierfett

Номер: DE202005000859U1

Einwegbehälter für Frittieröl oder Frittierfett, der einen verschließbaren unteren Bereich (21), der von einem Boden (22) und Seitenwänden (23) gebildet wird, und einen oberen Bereich (24) umfasst, wobei der obere Bereich (24) eine erste Stellung, in der er im wesentlichen an dem unteren Bereich (21) anliegt, und eine zweite Stellung in der er die Seitenwände (23) des unteren Bereichs (21) nach oben verlängert, einnehmen kann.

07-07-2005 дата публикации

Beutel zur Aufnahme von Brühgut

Номер: DE202005005474U1
Принадлежит: YIN & YANG LTD

Beutel (1) zur Aufnahme von Brühgut (2) zur Herstellung eines Brühgetränkes, insbesondere Kaffeepad, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass dieser nachträglich befüllbar ausgebildet ist und eine Einfüllöffnung (4) aufweist, welche durch Umknicken oder Umklappen eines angeformten Beutelteils verschließbar ist.

16-12-2010 дата публикации

Zweiteilige Einweg Menübox für Lebensmittel, Fertiggerichte und Hamburger

Номер: DE202010000231U1

Ein Einweg Lebensmitteln Container, insbesondere zum Servieren, Aufbewahren und Transportieren von Speisen bestehend aus: (a) einem Fach (Unterteil) für die Aufnahme des Lebensmittel, das in seinen Abmessungen auf das Volumen und die Höhe des Lebensmittels angepasst ist und aus vier erhöht Seitenwänden (1) und einer Bodenfläche (2) als einteiliges Formteil gebildet wird; (b) einem Oberteil (3), die Außenkontur des Unterteils umschließend, abnehm- und separierbar um vollen Zugang von oben zu dem Lebensmittel zu erhalten, bestehend aus vier Seitenwänden (4), angepasst auf die entsprechend Seitenränder des Unterteils und verstärkt mit einer oder mehreren, die Stabilität erhöhenden, umlaufenden Sicken (5); dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an mindestens zwei, typischerweise vier Seiten des Oberteils (3) umklappbare Laschen (6) angebracht sind, die durch Umklappen nach unten zur Seitenwand (1) hin, einen sicheren Verschlussmechanismus bilden, der das unbeabsichtigte Entfernen des Oberteils sicher ...

13-08-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002554907C2
Принадлежит: MARS INC., MCLEAN, VA., US

13-11-2008 дата публикации

Lebensmittel in mindestens einer Kunststoffhülle

Номер: DE202008009773U1
Принадлежит: Löw, Monika, 09648 Mittweida, DE

Lebensmittel in mindestens einer Kunststoffhülle, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens ein Bereich der Kunststoffhülle entweder aus einer Schrumpffolie besteht oder mit einer Schrumpffolie versehen ist, so dass das Lebensmittel nach einer Wärmebehandlung eine Schraubenform besitzt, wobei sich die schraubenförmig gewundenen Flächen nicht berühren, und dass das Lebensmittel eine wärmebehandelte Wurst in der Kunststoffhülle ist.

28-10-1965 дата публикации

Verpackung fuer Trockensuppen und aehnliche Trockenprodukte

Номер: DE0001204134B
Принадлежит: MAGGI AG, MAGGI A. G.

17-03-2005 дата публикации

Container for baking bread contains a bread product and a packing shell forming a baking mold for the bread in the container

Номер: DE202004018080U1

Container contains a bread product (1) and a packing shell (2) forming a baking mold for the bread in the container.

12-01-2006 дата публикации

Wrapping for heating up of foodstuff in microwave oven consists of wet-strength paper and especially baking paper, has coating, is especially grease-proof and steam-proof, and has resealable opening with cover seal

Номер: DE202005017945U1

The wrapping (1) for the heating up of a foodstuff in a microwave oven consists of a wet-strength paper and especially baking paper. The wrapping has a coating, and is especially grease-proof and steam-proof. The wrapping has a resealable opening (6) and has a cover seal (5) of plastic, metal, or cardboard. The dimensions of the wrapping conform to the size and shape of the foodstuff to be heated up.

13-04-2000 дата публикации

Transport- und Lagerbehälter für Flüssigkeiten

Номер: DE0029724198U1

07-08-2008 дата публикации

Refilling shell for Krup Dolce Gusto coffee machine, has assembly parts providing multi-usage by sectioning, cleaning and refilling, and container filled by coffee powder, and cover screwed on container

Номер: DE102007028674A1

The shell has assembly parts providing multi-usage by sectioning, cleaning and refilling. A container is filled by coffee powder, and a cover is screwed on the container by a clamp or clip connection. The filled container is provided in a coffee machine, where the shell is taken by unscrewing the cover, and rinsed and refilled after brewing coffee. An independent claim is also included for a refilling disc for Braun Tassimo coffee machine.

01-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009013951B4

Behältnis zum Aufbewahren von Lebensmitteln, umfassend a) ein erstes becherartiges Aufnahme-Teil (1) zur Aufnahme eines ersten Lebensmittels, wobei das erste Aufnahme-Teil (1) aufweist i) eine Seiten-Wandung (6), ii) einen mit der Seiten-Wandung (6) in Verbindung stehenden Boden (4), und iii) eine Öffnung (11) zur Entnahme des ersten Lebensmittels, b) ein zweites becherartiges Aufnahme-Teil (2) zur Aufnahme eines zweiten Lebensmittels, wobei das zweite Aufnahme-Teil (2) i) benachbart zu dem ersten Aufnahme-Teil (1) angeordnet ist, ii) eine Seiten-Wandung (14) aufweist, iii) einen mit der Seiten-Wandung (14) in Verbindung stehenden Boden (12) aufweist, und iv) eine Öffnung (21) zur Entnahme des zweiten Lebensmittels aufweist, und c) ein Schwenk-Gelenk (3), das i) zwischen dem ersten Aufnahme-Teil (1) und dem zweiten Aufnahme-Teil (2) vorgesehen ist, und ii) das erste Aufnahme-Teil (1) und das zweite Aufnahme-Teil (2) zum Zusammenführen des ersten und zweiten Lebensmittels...

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069626221D1

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069815702D1

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059904079D1

15-03-2001 дата публикации

Verpackung für Nahrungsmittel

Номер: DE0029919009U1
Принадлежит: RONCADIN GMBH

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Kapsel aus vernetzter Gelatine für die portionsweise Zubereitung eines Getränks und deren Verwendung

Номер: DE102016110089B4
Принадлежит: KONERT CHRISTINE, Konert, Christine

Kapsel für die portionsweise Zubereitung eines Getränks mittels einer Extraktionsvorrichtung, wobei die Kapsel mit einem Ausgangsmaterial für das Getränk gefüllt ist, und wobei die Kapsel aus zwei Teilstücken gebildet ist, die nach dem Befüllen mit dem Ausgangsmaterial für das Getränk stoffschlüssig miteinander verbunden worden sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kapsel aus einem Material auf der Basis von vernetzter Gelatine gebildet ist, und dass die zwei Teilstücke der Kapsel durch die Einwirkung von Feuchtigkeit und/oder Wärme und/oder Druck miteinander verbunden worden sind.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Geschirreinheit und Verfahren zum Versiegeln von teilzubereiteten Speisen

Номер: DE102019004989A1

Geschirreinheit (1) wie ein Teller, für die Verpackung, den Transport und/oder den Verzehr von Speisen (30), mit einem mit einer Folie (15) abgedeckten Körper (2), wobei zwischen der Folie (15) und dem Körper (2) in einem Klebebereich (8) ein Klebstoff (21) vorhanden ist, um die Geschirreinheit (1) zu versiegeln,dadurch gekennzeichnet,dass die Folie (15) wenigstens eine Siegelschicht (15a) auf Basis von Polyethylen umfasst,und dass die Geschirreinheit (1) wenigstens teilweise aus einem Keramikwerkstoff besteht, unddass der Klebstoff (21) wenigstens einen Haft-Hotmelt-Klebstoff umfasst und wenigstens zum Teil aus thermoplastischem Kautschuk besteht und die Siegelschicht (15a) der Folie (15) mit dem Keramikwerkstoff der Geschirreinheit (1) verklebt.

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Baukastensystem zum Herstellen eines Kartoffelsalats

Номер: DE202017007319U1
Принадлежит: Vincon und Fauser GmbH & Co. KG

Baukastensystem (1) zum Herstellen eines, insbesondere warmen, Kartoffelsalats, gekennzeichnet durch wenigstens eine erste Verpackungseinheit (2), die gegarte Kartoffelstücke (3) enthält, und wenigstens eine zweite Verpackungseinheit (4), die eine fließfähige Fertigwürzmischung (5) enthält.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE202016001097U1
Принадлежит: va-Q-tec AG

Transportbehältersystem mit einem Außenbehälter (1) aus einem steifen, widerstandsfähigen Material, der aus einem wannenförmigen, einen Boden (2) und einen Mantel (3) aufweisenden Unterteil (4) und einem das Unterteil (4) an der offenen Seite verschließenden Deckel (5) besteht, mit einem in das Unterteil (4) des Außenbehälters (1) eingesetzten, wannenförmigen, einen Innenboden (7) und einen Innenmantel (8) aufweisenden Innenbehälter (6), wobei der Innenbehälter (6) einen nach oben offenen Aufnahmeraum (9) für Transportgut bildet, wobei die Wandungen des Innenmantels (8) parallel zueinander oder vom Innenboden (7) ausgehend leicht konisch auseinander verlaufen, wobei der Innenboden (7) im Aufnahmeraum (9) Innenabmessungen, nämlich eine bestimmte lichte Länge und eine bestimmte lichte Breite, aufweist, wobei im Aufnahmeraum (9) auf dem Innenboden (7) ein plattenförmiges Latentwärmespeicherelement (10) anordenbar ist und wobei die Außenabmessungen eines am Innenboden (7) anordenbaren Latentwärmespeicherelementes ...

06-02-2003 дата публикации

Speise im Beutel

Номер: DE0069904666D1

24-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007600407U1

16-08-1956 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001728330U

08-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002446227A1

03-09-1981 дата публикации

Verpackungsbeutel fuer tiefgefrorene und andere Lebensmittel

Номер: DE8106603U1

18-10-2007 дата публикации

Eine mikrowellengeeignete Verpackung

Номер: DE102006017834A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine mikrowellengeeignete Verpackung aus Kunststofffolie aus einer Verpackungsmulde, in der ein Verpackungsgut eingebracht ist, und eine Verschlussfolie, die auf dem Rand der Verpackungsmulde entlang einer Siegelnaht gesiegelt ist, wobei der Rand einen Bereich, der als Kanal geformt und zunächst verschlossen ist, aufweist, durch den nach dem Öffnen entlang einer Schwächungslinie beim Erwärmen des Verpackungsgutes Dampf entweichen kann. Des Weiteren betrifft die vorliegende Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Erwärmen des Verpackungsgutes in der erfindungsgemäßen Verpackung.

08-11-2000 дата публикации

A multi ply film material

Номер: GB0000023324D0

13-12-2000 дата публикации

Microwave packaging

Номер: GB0000026093D0

14-09-2005 дата публикации

Improvements in devices

Номер: GB0000516254D0

24-05-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in heating container for the rapid preparation of hot drinks

Номер: GB0000637611A

... 637,611. Portable beverage infusers; drinking tubes. GOURGUES, A. Dec. 31, 1947, No. 35371. Convention date, Sept. 14, 1946. [Classes 14(ii), 28(i) and 129] A portable container for making or heating beverages is provided with a drinking tube 9 which is released by the melting of a piece 14 whereby the tube 9 is pushed outwards by a spring 10 until restrained in projected position by a flange 11 at its end. The container carries a removable reservoir 32 which is needle-punctured, its liquid then being poured into a central tube 18, and runs through its perforations to react with a substance 22 in a surrounding tube 16. The exothermic reaction heats up the water, &c., 21, which at a certain temperature melts the fusible seal 29 of an essence (tea) container 25 whereby the hot water mixing with it makes the beverage. At a higher temperature the fusible piece 14 melts as above to allow projection of the drinking tube 9. In the device in Fig. 6 the tubular, cartridge 16 carrying at its faucet ...

26-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001385365A

... 1385365 Heat producing or absorbing packages READI-TEMP-INC 25 April 1972 19181/72 Heading B8C [Also in Division F4] A package separately contains materials which, when mixed, react endo- or exothermically, and provides a pocket for receiving a substance or article, at least a portion of the walls of the package being flexible so that the application of pressure to the package causes the materials to mix and heat or cool the substance or article. For an endothermic reaction one material is sodium thiosulphate and water, and the other is ammonium nitrate or chloride. As shown, the package comprises a container 10 providing a pocket 27 and housing a frangible container 16 which contains one material, the other material being housed by the container 10. The pocket 27 may be closed by a lid 25. Alternatively (Fig. 2), the container 10 is cup-shaped and the pocket is formed by a plastics bag sealed to the mouth of the container. The frangible container 16 may be replaced by a cup-shaped partition ...

29-06-1942 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the heating or cooling of canned foodstuffs ready for use

Номер: GB0000546118A

... 546,118. Heating or cooling canned foodstuffs. ELLIS, S. S. C., and GLAZEBROOK, C. Nov. 18, 1940, Nos. 16624/40 and 14780/41. [Class 64 (ii)] A can containing foodstuffs is soldered in an opening in a sheet which constitutes the closure of an outer vessel, so that it is almost surrounded by the latter. The outer vessel contains a chemical to which water can be added after puncturing the vessel, thereby generating heat by chemical action to heat the foodstuff. In a modification the closure and can are removable so that the outer vessel can be recharged and used again. In Fig. 2, the outer vessel 17 is used as the food receptacle and the chemical container 18 is soldered to the closure member 19. A perforated tube 20 extends through the container 18, to which water is admitted after perforating at 21. The perforated tube distributes the water to the chemical. Radial struts or vanes 22 may be provided to centralise the tube 20. In a modification, Fig. 4, the chemical container 24 may be oval ...

24-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001361175A

... 1361175 Wrappers R J WALKER 5 June 1973 [9 June 1972] 26856/73 Heading B8C A wrapper comprises flexible sheet material 2 having inelastic bendable material, capable of assuming a dead-set folded position when bent, secured to the sheet along opposite edges 3 thereof, the bendable material along at least one of the edges being in the form of spaced-apart strips 4 extending transversely to the edge to provide a closure along the edge about an article wrapped by the wrapper when the strips are intertwisted. As shown, the sheet material may be a plastics material which is heat-resistant and moisture and substantially vapour impervious for use in a roasting or other cooking operation. The strips 4 may be confined to one edge 3 only, the other edge being provided with a band (13), Figs. 3 and 4 (not shown), of a similar bendable material by which the sheet may be interleaved with another sheet having a similar band at one of its edges. In another arrangement, Fig. 16 (not shown), the strips 4 ...

08-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008621011D0

02-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008407551D0

04-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008904727D0

28-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009114767D0

11-05-1942 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to heating by chemical action

Номер: GB0000545112A

... 545,112. Heating by chemical action. ZERMO RADIANT HEAT SACHETS, Ltd., and RICHARDSON, J. Aug. 29, 1941, No. 11086. [Class 64 (ii)] A heater for a can of foodstuffs 13 comprises a sheet metal casing 14 with closed lower end 15 having a flange 16 for positioning the can, and a closure 17 for the upper end also having a flange 19 for positioning the can. The space 20 contains a powder to which liquid is added to generate heat by chemical action. The portion 21 of the cover over the can may be removed, or replaced by transparent material. The positioning means for the can may alternatively be detachably secured to the can. The casing 14 may be tapered for nesting purposes, e.g. when made of cardboard. The flanges 16, 19 may be replaced by lugs, which may be bent up into position when required. The body of the casing may be provided in collapsed form, which is formed into a cylinder with interlocking edges when required The fitting of the end members maintains the cylindrical shape. Other forms ...

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Food storage system with thermal energy storage

Номер: GB0002421566A

A food storage system (figure 1) includes a main lid 32 configured for use with a main bowl 34 that defines a first food receiving cavity. A secondary bowl 36 is positioned at least partially on and/or in the main lid. The secondary bowl includes a sidewall containing a thermal energy storage material 38 therein. In another embodiment, a food storage system (figure 7) includes a main bowl 34 that defines a first food receiving cavity. A secondary bowl 36 is positioned in the first food receiving cavity and defines a second food receiving cavity. The secondary bowl includes a sidewall containing a thermal energy storage material 38 therein. The main and secondary bowls may be fixedly attached to each other and sealed using a single lid. The thermal energy storage material is preferably any suitable freezable and/or reheatable material, such as a refreezable gel.

06-09-2006 дата публикации

Self venting cover for a heatable package

Номер: GB0002423758A
Автор: Tee,Gary, TEE GARY, GARY TEE

A self-venting cover 1 for a heatable food package features a sheet of film 3 having a slit 5 formed therein to permit the passage of steam therethrough. A label 4 is secured to the film 3 which controls the flow of steam through the opening, the label 4 having a sheet of material having a first region 7 secured to the film in an area remote from the slit 5 and having a second elongated 6 region covering the slit 5. The elongated region 6 is only partially secured to the film 3 and forms a vent passage 11, 12 between the unsecured portion 10 of the elongated region 6 and the film 3 itself which vent passage 11, 12 extends from the slit 5 towards the periphery of the label to permit controlled venting of steam from the opening.

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Dual-compartment bag or pouch for microwave cooking

Номер: GB0002427601A

A bag or pouch container for use in cooking foodstuffs in a microwave oven, comprises two sheets of plastics material 8, 9 bonded or welded together along their edges 3 and closed or closable to permit cooking at above atmospheric pressure. The sheets are also bonded or welded together along a bonding line or lines 14 extending between edge regions to define compartments 5, 6 within the container for receiving and/or containing foodstuffs or other contents, with said line or lines being separable or rupturable at a desired temperature and/or pressure to permit flow of one foodstuff into the other compartment. A pressure relief valve or means 17 is operable to relieve pressure within the container during cooking whilst permitting cooking to continue thereafter at a pressure above atmospheric pressure. The sheets 8, 9 may be laminates comprising outer layers 12, 13 of polyester and inner layers 10 of peelable polypropylene and 11 of weldable polypropylene or polyethylene. Compartments 5, ...

06-07-1988 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to packaging

Номер: GB0002199235A

A package, especially for frozen food, comprises a plate 1 with a plastics film lid 13 supported on a frustoconical 5 which may be of metallised material. The metallised collar protects the outer edges of the food from over-heating drying out in a microwave oven. The package is also suitable for use in conventional ovens. ...

12-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002228856A

In a packaged brown and serve product, that readily browns upon heating with microwave energy, browning is achieved by the combination of treating at least one surface of the product with an aqueous solution of an edible alkali hydroxide and packaging of the product in a container having a microwave susceptor, overlying but not touching the treated surface of the product.

23-06-2004 дата публикации

Packaging for food product

Номер: GB0002368331B

30-11-2005 дата публикации

Insertable thermotic module for self-heating can

Номер: GB0002380789B

03-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002401172A

A food product is packaged and sealed within an envelope formed from a film material. The envelope seals are peelable at a predetermined temperature and internal pressure to vent the package during a food heating process. The food is heated between the plates of a clam-shell heater, by closing the plates of the clam-shell heater to contact both major faces of the package. When heated, the food product and envelope are removed from the clam-shell heater, the food product is removed from the envelope, and the package discarded. The envelope has a first structural layer and a second coating layer, the coating layer is heat sealable to seal the envelope. The package may also include a third structural layer of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), and a layer of pigment or indicia may also be laminated within the film material. The envelope forms a robust sealed package for heated food, but also for packaging food subject to room temperature and freezer conditions. The food may be in the cooked ...

12-04-2006 дата публикации

Food packaging with steam generating heating device

Номер: GB0002418976A

The steam generator includes a first chamber 38 to accommodate a first substance that reacts exothermically with a second substance in a second chamber 112 to generate steam. A steam outlet discharges steam from the steam generator. A first frangible barrier 114 is located between one of the first and second chambers and the outlet. A second frangible barrier 110 extends between the first and second chambers. A first barrier-breaking device 98 is configured for rupturing the barrier 114. A second barrier-breaking device 120 is positioned in the chamber 112 for breaking the barrier 110 to allow the first and second substances to react together. Operation of the first barrier-breaking device causes operation of the second barrier-breaking device. An alternative food packaging includes a steam generator, a receptacle and a steam conveying system with a liquid trap. A further alternative food packaging includes a steam generator, a container, a receptacle, a steam conveying system, a closure ...

18-10-2006 дата публикации

Venting of product packages

Номер: GB0002425108A

Apparatus for enabling the alleviation of excess pressure created within a food package as a result of steam generation during cooking and more particularly microwave cooking, comprises a product identification band 10 which serves to encircle a dish format container and to identify the contents of said container. The band is formed with a flap or valve 20 through which pressure vents, delimited by cuts or perforations 14 and a hinge fold 16. The band may be self-adhesive and initially protected by a release backing. The flap or valve may be located over an aperture in a sealant film, wrap or lid of the container.

13-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001402699A

... 1402699 Cooking supports L PETERS 5 Nov 1973 51235/73 Heading A4D [Also in Division B8] Meat for roasting is packaged by placing a joint 15 within a frame 18 bridged by a heat-resistant web 17 and wrapping the whole in sheet 30. Prior to roasting, the sheet 30 is removed, frame 18 inverted, and the joint is placed on web 17, thus avoding high local pressures with consequent over-heating of the meat in the oven. Web 17 may be perforated or of mesh form for drainage whilst cooking, or may incorporate a cup. Frame 18 may be curved to the shape of joint 15, and in another embodiment is used as a support from which the joint is suspended in the oven. Web 17 may be of cellulose triacetates, polyamides, polyesters, and polysulfores in thicknesses of from 0À001 inch to 0À01 inch, or of thin metal foil In another form of package, Fig. 15, the meat is wrapped in the heat-resistant web to form a tube-like package whose ends are closed by clips or wiring, the package being suspended from these ends ...

31-07-1968 дата публикации

Delivery containers for perishable foods

Номер: GB0001121752A

... 1,121,752. Collapsible containers. H. SASAI. 4 Oct., 1965 [5 Oct., 1964], No. 41938/65. Headings B8D and B8P. A collapsible container comprises an external skeleton framework, and a bag (25) therewithin, Fig. 4, (not shown), the framework consisting of upper and lower frames 1, 2, interconnected by crossed rods 3, 4 which carry rivets 6-9 in their ends for sliding engagement in slots 14, 15 and 10, 11, in the upper and lower frames respectively, to allow the framework to collapse, Fig. 2 (not shown). The slots have recesses at their inner ends which receive the rivets 6-9 when the container is erected. The container is retained erected by the engagement of a clip 16, pivotally mounted on the rod 3, with a rivet 17 on the rod 4. A rivet 20 is freely mounted in a slot 18 in the rod 4 and engages in a small arcuate slot 19 in the clip 16. The bag may be of net, c!oth or rubber, and is connected to the inner face of the upper frame 1, and rests on cross struts of the lower frame. The bag neck ...

01-02-1989 дата публикации

Microwave cooking

Номер: GB0002207589A

A package for food is made from a stock material (5) (such as cartonboard) to which is laminated a substate (3) having a deposit (4) of a semiconductive or ferromagnetic material. The deposit (4) heats resistively when subjected to microwave radiation, to brown or crisp food in the package. Deposit 4 can be ferric oxide, a ferrite, indium tin oxide, zinc oxide or tin oxide and the substrate can be a polyester or polyamide film. ...

03-06-1992 дата публикации

Food package with overlapping microwave susceptor layers.

Номер: GB0002250408A

Packaging for foodstuff to be cooked in a microwave oven has receptor material which heats up due to microwave interaction and can therefore conduct heat to the foodstuff for example to brown or crisp same, which cannot be achieved by microwave action alone. The packaging is constructed so that in one area thereof, there are two overlapping but discrete layers 14, 20 of the receptor material so that such area heat up more intensely than other areas of the packaging to apply more intense local heat to a part of the foodstuff requiring such heat. Susceptor material may be printed onto a cardboard blank or applied as a metallised film and the blank overlapped, or the second susceptor layer may be carried on an insert. ...

17-08-1994 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a microwavable food product

Номер: GB0002274970A

A microwavable food product comprises a crust 1 which is formed of laminated pastry or dough. The crust has a uniform thickness T and is provided with a pattern of depressions 2 formed on the upper surface of the crust. The depressions 2 include a plurality of depression 3 which each intersect the outer periphery of the crust. There are additional depressions 4 in the peripheral region of the crust, and the depressions together, in the preferred embodiment, form substantially radially outwardly extending lines which run up to the outer periphery of the crust. The depressions are such that in the region of each depression the thickness of the pastry is between one-half and one-third of the original thickness of the pastry. ...

19-08-1998 дата публикации

Treatments for microwave popcorn packaging and products

Номер: GB2322277A

In one form of the invention, a microwave popcorn package is provided. The package generally comprises a sheet construction of flexible paper folded in the form of an expandable bag. The sheet construction may include one or more plies (46, 47) of material. In preferred applications, the package includes an inner ply (46) of paper to which has been applied an adhesive (165), to provide improvement in greaseproofness. In some preferred arrangements, the package includes inner and outer plies (46, 47), and the outer ply (47) also includes an adhesive (165) applied to it, to provide grease-resistant character. A preferred method for preparing arrangements according to the present invention is provided.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Microwavable Construct for Heating, Browning, and Crisping Rounded Food Items

Номер: US20120000905A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A microwave energy interactive construct for heating a food item having a surface intended to be browned and/or crisped includes a flanged receiving element shaped to receive the food item. The flanged receiving element includes a plurality of hingeable flange segments, so that microwave energy interactive material disposed on the hingeable flange segments may be brought into intimate and/or proximate contact with the surface of the food item.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Container Having A Rim Or Other Feature Encapsulated By Or Formed From Injection-Molded Material

Номер: US20120207874A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A tool for creating a container or tray having various features. The tool comprises a cavity operable to receive a blank. The cavity has at least one sidewall for forming at least one sidewall of the container. A core is operatively connected to the cavity. The core is operable to enter the cavity to least partially form the blank into the container. An injection cavity is for receiving liquid resin and directing liquid resin around at least a portion of the perimeter of the blank. The injection cavity comprises an advanced-flow section and a delayed-flow section. The advanced-flow section has a greater cross-sectional area than the delayed-flow section, and the advanced-flow section is located adjacent the at least one sidewall of the cavity.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

one-piece microwaveable package

Номер: US20120234827A1
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The present invention concerns a one-piece microwaveable package for a food product, said package having the shape of a sleeve comprising top, bottom and a first and second side walls, wherein the first side wall links the top and bottom wall, wherein the top wall comprises at least one notch or aperture located in its free edges and the second side wall extends the bottom wall and comprises on its free edge at least one corresponding extension that is suitable for locking with the notch or aperture of the top wall so as to lock the package in its erected position.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074455A1
Автор: Gillblad Rickard

A food package comprising a food tray and a lid, where the food package comprises an additional food container comprised in the lid of the food package. The invention further relates to a food package foil for a food package, where the foil comprises lid portions and intermediate foil portions, where the food package foil further comprises an additional food container comprised in the lid portion of the foil. The advantage of the invention is that an additional food can be held separated from the rest of the food but can be prepared at the same time. The invention also relates to a method for filling and sealing an additional food container comprised in a lid of a food tray. 1. A food package foil adapted to be used as a cover for a food package , comprising a plurality of lid portions , wherein each lid portion is adapted to be sealed to a food tray at a rim section of the lid portion , and a plurality of intermediate foil portions interconnecting the lid portions , wherein the food package foil further comprises an additional food container comprised in the lid portion of the foil , wherein the additional food container is formed between the lid portion and an additional foil that is attached to the lid portion , where the additional foil is folded flat when stored such that the food package foil can be supplied as a roll of foil.2. Food package foil according to claim 1 , wherein each lid portion is adapted to be heat sealed to a food tray.3. Food package foil according to claim 2 , the additional food container comprises an opening portion for filling the additional food container.4. Food package foil according to claim 3 , wherein the opening portion comprises a funnel-shaped entrance opening.5. Food package foil according to claim 3 , wherein the opening portion is positioned inside of the rim section of the lid portion claim 3 , such that the opening portion does not interfere with the heat sealing of the lid to the food tray.6. Food package foil according to ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Construct

Номер: US20130142921A1
Автор: Fitzwater Kelly R.

Various blanks are provided for forming sleeves, containers, and other constructs for heating, browning, and/or crisping of a food item in a microwave oven, and for holding and/or transporting the food item after heating. The various blanks, sleeves, containers, and other constructs may include a removable portion defined by one or more lines of disruption that enable the removable portion to be separated from the remainder of the blank, sleeve, container, or other construct. 1. A microwave heating construct , comprising:a first main panel and a second main panel opposite one another; the first minor panel and the second minor panel are joined to the first main panel and the second main panel so that the first main panel, second main panel, first minor panel, and second minor panel extend around and at least partially define an interior space of the construct,', 'the first main panel, second main panel, first minor panel, and second minor panel each include an end edge that at least partially defines an opening at a first end of the construct, and', 'at least one of the first main panel, second main panel, first minor panel, and second minor panel comprise microwave energy interactive material;, 'wherein'}, 'a first minor panel and a second minor panel opposite one another;'}a first end panel joined to the first main panel along a first arcuate fold line, the first arcuate fold line being opposite the end edge of the first main panel, wherein the first end panel includes a cut positioned proximate to the first arcuate fold line;a second end panel joined to the second main panel along a second arcuate fold line, the second arcuate fold line being opposite the end edge of the second main panel; anda tab extending from an end edge of the second end panel, the end edge of the second end panel being opposite the second arcuate fold line, wherein the tab is for extending through the first end panel and engaging the cut in the first end panel to close a second end of the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171300A1
Принадлежит: ConAgra Foods RDM, Inc.

An ovenable cooking apparatus for facilitating the cooking of food components while maintaining the separateness thereof may include a first container for holding a first food component, and a second container for holding a second food component. The separation of the first food component from the second food component maintains the surface area for the first and second food components to facilitate heating of the first and second food components. The first food component may have a liquid based content for producing steam when heated, and one or both of the first container and the second container may define a passage for providing airflow and steam flow for contacting the second container and/or the second foodstuff and heating or steaming the second food component. Additionally, the second container may be steam impermeable for cooking bread and the like. 116.-. (canceled)17. A pre-packaged microwavable food product comprising:a first food component;a second food component;a base container, the base container holding the first food component, the base container having a base, a rim, a ledge, sidewalls, and dividing portions, wherein the sidewalls extend upwardly from the base to the ledge, wherein the dividing portion extends upwardly from the base to the ledge, protrudes inwardly into the volume of the base container and separates the sidewalls;an inner container, the inner container including a base and sidewalls extending from the base to a rim of the inner container, wherein the base of the inner container holds the second food component, wherein the rim of the inner container is at least partially supported by the ledge of the base container and the dividing portions to provide a separation for the first food component between the base of the base container and the base of the inner container.18. The pre-packaged microwavable food product of claim 17 , wherein the sidewalls of the base container taper outwardly from the base of the base container to the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Construct with Elevatable Bottom

Номер: US20130171301A1
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A microwave heating construct includes a movable portion defined at least partially by lines of disruption extending between adjacent edges of the bottom panel. The movable portion is adapted to be moved towards the interior space for maintaining a food item in an elevated position within the construct. A susceptor or other microwave energy interactive element may be joined to the movable portion to enhance heating, browning, and/or crisping of the food item.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Low Crystallinity Susceptor Films

Номер: US20130193135A1

A microwave energy interactive structure includes a polymer film having a crystallinity of from about 1% to about 50% (as derived from density measurements) prior to being exposed to microwave energy, and a layer of microwave energy interactive material on the polymer film. The layer of microwave energy interactive material is operative for converting at least a portion of impinging microwave energy into thermal energy. 1. A microwave energy interactive structure , comprising:a polymer film having a crystallinity of from about 1% to about 50% prior to being exposed to microwave energy, wherein the crystallinity of the polymer film is determined using density measurements; anda layer of microwave energy interactive material on the polymer film, the layer of microwave energy interactive material being operative for converting at least a portion of impinging microwave energy into thermal energy.2. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film has a crystallinity of from about 1% to about 25% prior to being exposed to microwave energy.3. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film has a crystallinity of from about 1% to about 10% prior to being exposed to microwave energy.4. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film has a crystallinity of from about 1% to about 7% prior to being exposed to microwave energy.5. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film has a crystallinity of about 4% prior to being exposed to microwave energy.6. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film comprises polyethylene terephthalate.7. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film comprises nylon.8. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film is unoriented.9. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film is ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196039A1
Автор: Nelissen Jos
Принадлежит: Newtricious B.V.

The invention relates to an apparatus for boiling an egg, said apparatus comprising a device for providing microwave radiation in a confined space, said space further comprising a holder provided with at least one cavity adapted to the shape of an egg with an eggshell, said cavity provided with a first layer surrounding the eggshell, said first layer:—is in heat exchanging contact with the shell of the egg;—has a dielectric constant with an imaginary part, ε″, between 20-500 at a temperature between 0° C.-100° C. and at a microwave frequency of 2.45 GHz, and—having a layer thickness d of 1-6 millimetre and varying less than 30% over the egg, or said holder for holding at least one egg assembly adapted for cooking an egg using microwave radiation, said egg assembly comprising an egg having an eggshell which is provided with an packaging surrounding the eggshell, said packaging comprising a first layer which:—enfolds the shell of the egg and is in heat exchanging contact with the eggshell;—has a dielectric constant with an imaginary part, ε″, between 20-500 at a temperature between 0° C.-100° C. and at a microwave frequency of 2.45 GHz, and—has a layer thickness d of 1-6 millimetre and which varies less than 30%, and—said packaging designed to retain the layer thickness of the first layer while said egg assembly is subjected to said microwave radiation to turn said egg into a boiled egg. 114.-. (canceled)15. An apparatus for cooking at least an egg with an eggshell , the apparatus comprising a device for providing microwave radiation in a confined space , in which space a holder is located , which holder comprises at least two parts defining at least one egg cavity adapted to the shape of the egg , which parts can be taken apart to allow access to the egg cavity , which parts comprise inner surfaces adapted to the shape of the egg , the inner surfaces follow the contour of the shell of the egg to be placed in the egg cavity at a distance thereof of 1-6 millimeter , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, Systems and Methods for Preparing Food in Packages Having Integral Compartments

Номер: US20130209628A1

Food packaging of the present invention is particularly adapted for microwave, conventional oven, stove top and boiler cooking techniques and includes an integral pocket or trap compartment for receiving fluids created by the cooking process, such as grease. Embodiments include a compartment for cooking food products therein with the addition of water or other fluids, wherein the water or other fluids are drained from the food products and removed from the food packaging after cooking the food products. 2. The method of wherein the fluid is selected from the group consisting of water and oil.3. The method of wherein the food product is cooked by placing the bag in contact with an energy source.4. The method of wherein the energy source emanates from a microwave oven.5. The method of wherein the food product is cooked by placing the bag within boiling water.6. The method of wherein the bag is placed in a conventional oven.7. The method of wherein the fourth side is a top of the bag claim 1 , and the step of draining the fluid from the bag further comprises:holding the bag upside down to move the fluid in the first compartment into the second compartment.8. The method of wherein the seal comprises an interrupted line claim 1 , forming spaces between the interrupted line for fluid to flow through.9. The method of wherein the seal is angularly disposed relative to one of the side edges.10. The method of wherein the food product is a starchy food product.11. The method of wherein the bag comprises a second openable seal adjacent the first compartment claim 1 , wherein the method comprises the step of:opening the second openable seal to remove the cooked food product from the bag.12. The method of wherein the openable seal comprises a plastic zipper.13. The method of wherein the second openable seal comprises a plastic zipper.14. An apparatus for cooking food products therein claim 11 , the apparatus comprising:a bag formed from at least one sheet of heat resilient ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266699A1
Принадлежит: H.J. HEINZ COMPANY

A free-standing, microwavable food container capable of being used for both high pressure processing (HPP) and microwave reconstitution of food products. The container is designed so as to be capable of being hand-held, even after microwave heating of the food products contained therein. The design of the container, coupled with the incorporation of the pressure release valve, enables the container to be used to both HPP preserve the food product and reconstitute the food product in the same container while retaining the original organoleptic properties of the preserved food, including taste, texture and appearance. A method of combining the high pressure processing of food products and microwave reconstitution in the stand-up container containing the pressure release valve is also described. Typical food products preserved include vegetables, proteins and/or carbohydrates, optionally coated or mixed with powdered, pellet or cube sauce or gravy. 1. A microwavable container particularly adapted for containing food products comprising ,at least two side-wall sections having an upper portion, and a bottom section,the side-wall sections and bottom section being substantially transparent to microwave energy,at least one side-wall section containing an internal pressure release valve,the bottom section being of a size sufficient to support the side-wall sections in a substantially vertical, free-standing position, andthe container and the valve configured so as to be useful for both high pressure processing and microwave reconstitution of food products contained therein.2. The microwavable container of claim 1 , wherein the bottom section is configured so as to be capable of being hand-held even after microwave heating.3. The microwavable container of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion of the side walls is removable for easy access to food contents after microwaving.4. The microwavable container of claim 1 , containing one or more vegetable claim 1 , protein claim 1 , ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Vacuum packing envelope for cooking

Номер: US20130272629A1
Принадлежит: C&K PROPACK Co Ltd

The vacuum packing envelope for cooking which is characterized in that a sealing part ( 110 ) having a certain width is formed for vacuum packing food by heating and thermally melting a film, and a vapor discharge part ( 130 ) which is disposed at a portion of the sealing rim part ( 110 ) for automatically discharging vapor with the aid of an inner pressure when heating and cooking food, comprises an easy peel tape ( 120 ) which crosses, in a horizontal direction, the sealing rim part; and a vapor discharge part ( 130 ) which is formed in the sealing weak part ( 111 ) where the easy peel tape ( 120 ) and the sealing rim part ( 110 ) overlap with each other.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273213A1
Автор: CHOUIKHI Sidi

Packaging for facilitating microwave heating arranged to contain a food product up to a fill level within the packaging. The packaging includes a first metallic microwave active component, extending above and below the fill level. The first metallic microwave active component has portions arranged below the fill level and above a base level which allow for a microwave heating of the food contained in the packaging between the fill level and the base level. 1. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating arranged to contain a food product up to a fill level within the packaging , which packaging comprises:a first metallic microwave active component, extending above and below the fill level;said first metallic microwave active component having portions arranged below the fill level and above a base level which allow for a microwave heating of the food contained in the packaging between the fill level and the base level.2. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating according to wherein the first microwave active component extends at least 6 mm above the fill level.3. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating according to wherein the first microwave active component extends between 6 mm and 18 mm above the fill level.4. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating according to wherein one or more edges of the first microwave active component above and/or below the fill level are substantially straight.5. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating according to wherein one or more edges of the first microwave active component above and/or below the fill level are shaped.6. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating according to wherein the one or more edges of the first microwave active component are undulating.7. A packaging for facilitating microwave heating arranged to contain a food product up to a fill level within the packaging claim 5 , which packaging comprises:a first metallic microwave active component extending above and below the fill ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302475A1
Принадлежит: The Hillshire Brands Company

A packaged food product includes a bottom receptacle having a lower portion defining an interior and an upper portion extending about the upper periphery of the interior; a food product provided within the interior; a top film sealed to the upper portion of the bottom receptacle via a seal portion extending substantially along the upper periphery of the interior and comprising at least one substantially straight side. The seal portion may be configured to release steam at approximately the midpoint of the substantially straight side of the seal portion. 1. A packaged food product comprising:a first film having a receptacle with an interior, and a base portion extending about a periphery of the interior;a food product provided within the interior;an absorbent layer configured to absorb moisture from within the interior; anda second film sealed to the base portion of the first film via a seal portion extending substantially along the periphery of the first film and comprising at least one substantially straight side;wherein the seal portion is configured to release steam at approximately the midpoint of the substantially straight side of the seal portion; andwherein at least the first film comprises an anti-fog treatment to pass water to the absorbent layer.2. The product of claim 1 , wherein the seal portion is configured to release steam at two substantially opposing locations along the seal portion.3. The product of claim 1 , wherein the seal portion defines a polygon having at least four substantially straight sided sections.4. The product of claim 1 , wherein the seal portion comprises at least two straight sides and at least one curved side.5. The product of claim 4 , wherein the at least one curved side comprises two straight portions connected via a curved portion.6. The product of claim 1 , further comprising a pull tab formed by the absence of a a seal between the first film and the second film at least one portion of the outer periphery.7. The product of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313251A1

A system, assembly and method for cooking a palatable sandwich in the microwave includes a sleeve sized for receiving a compressed sandwich whereby the compressed sandwich maintains contact with the susceptor material of the sleeve while cooking, in spite of sandwich shrinkage. A compression means assists in uniformly compressing the sandwich and insertion into the sleeve. The sleeve can be easily removed after cooking. 1) A system for microwaving a sandwich comprising:A) A hollow sleeve having substantially planar sides with opposing sides of substantially similar dimensions; andB) A compression means having two opposable substantially planar surfaces, said substantially planar sides sized to fit within said sleeve.2) The system of wherein said sleeve includes a susceptor material.3) The system of wherein said sleeve further includes end closure tabs.4) The system of wherein said sleeve defines a tab and slit for opening and closing.5) A labor saving assembly for preparing a warmed sandwich comprising:A) A compressed sandwich comprising at least two slices of bread; andB) A hollow sleeve including susceptor material surrounding said sandwich on at least four sides.6) The labor saving assembly of wherein at least one of said slices of bread includes a coating including a component selected from a fat claim 5 , carbohydrate claim 5 , protein or combination thereof.7) The labor saving assembly of wherein said sandwich is cut into portions.8) The labor saving assembly of wherein said sleeve includes material selected from the group consisting of paper claim 5 , pressed paper claim 5 , coated paper claim 5 , cardboard claim 5 , chipboard claim 5 , pulp paper claim 5 , corrugated paper claim 5 , plastic claim 5 , metal coatings claim 5 , nonmetal coatings claim 5 , microwave reflective materials and combinations thereof.9) The labor saving assembly of further comprising a vented overwrap surrounding said sleeve.10) The labor saving assembly of wherein said sleeve defines ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327763A1
Автор: Persells Jim

A microwaveable container for transporting, freezing, storing, and cooking a multi-component foodstuff is disclosed. The container comprises a unitary tray having a base portion and a lid portion and employs a susceptor in combination with steam and venting to cook the multi-component foodstuff in a single microwave cooking step. 1. A unitary microwaveable container for cooking a multi-component foodstuff , the container comprising: a bottom defining a plurality of channels; and', 'a contiguous base wall surrounding the bottom, wherein the contiguous base wall comprises a base wall projection;, 'a base portion comprisinga hinge portion integrally formed with a portion of the contiguous base wall; a top defining at least one vent; and', 'a contiguous lid wall surrounding the top, wherein the contiguous lid wall comprises a lid wall projection adapted to mate with the base wall projection when the container is in a closed position; and, 'a lid portion integrally formed with the hinge portion, the lid portion comprisinga susceptor removably received in the container, wherein when received in the container, the susceptor rests on the bottom.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the channels comprise a first edge and a second edge claim 1 , and wherein the first edge and the second edge are raised relative to a recessed central portion of the channel.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein a first edge of a first channel is connected to a first edge of a second claim 2 , adjacent channel with a connecting surface.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the susceptor rests on the connecting surface when received in the container.5. The container of claim 1 , wherein the base wall projection is contiguous along the base wall.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the lid wall projection is contiguous along the lid wall.7. The container of claim 1 , wherein when the container is in the closed position claim 1 , the base portion and the lid portion define an interior chamber.8. ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334217A1

A container includes a sleeve, a first end closure, and a second end closure. The first end closure closes off a first end of the sleeve and the second end closes off an opposite second end of the sleeve. The sleeve and end closures cooperate to define an interior region therebetween that receives products therein. 1. A package comprisinga container including a sleeve including a top wall, an opposite bottom wall spaced apart from the top wall, a first side wall interconnecting the top and bottom walls, and a second side wall spaced apart from the first side wall and arranged to interconnect the top and bottom walls, a first end closure interconnecting the first and second side walls and the top and bottom walls along a first end of the sleeve, and a second end closure interconnecting the first and second side walls and the top and bottom walls along a second end of the sleeve andan opening system formed in the first side wall of the sleeve and configured to provide means for providing a mouth opening into an interior region formed in the container to cause products stored in the interior region to be accessible by a user in response to application of a first separation force applied to the top wall along the first side wall and a second separation force applied to the top wall opposite the first separation force along the first side wall after heating of the package has completed without causing a passageway to be formed in the container before heating or during heating so that steam and pressure are generated in a controlled manner during heating.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the container is made from a film including an outer protective layer and an inner layer and the opening system includes a trench formed in the outer protective layer and arranged to extend inwardly through the outer protective layer to the inner layer.3. The package of claim 2 , wherein the trench is defined by a first trench wall claim 2 , a second trench wall spaced apart from the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010927A1
Принадлежит: The Hillshire Brands Company

A packaged food product includes a food product; a packaging having an interior containing the food product, the packaging including a first film defining a recess to receive the food product, the first film having an anti-fog treatment applied to at least a portion of the recess, the first film configured to define a space between the food product and the first film and receive heated water vapor released from the food product during heating of the food product; and a second film releasably sealed to the first film, the second film comprising an absorbent layer configured to absorb moisture released from the food product; and at least one vent portion configured to relieve steam pressure from the interior during heating of the food product. 1. A package for a food product , the package comprising:a first film defining a recess to receive the food product, the recess being configured to define a space between the food product and the first film and receive steam released from the food product during heating of the food product;a second film releasably sealed to the first film;an absorbent layer configured to absorb moisture released from the food product; andat least one vent portion configured to release steam from the recess during heading of the food product.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the first film further comprises an anti-fog treatment applied to at least a portion of the recess.3. The package of claim 1 , wherein the second film further comprises the absorbent layer.4. The package of claim 1 , wherein the at least one vent portion comprises an interface between the first film and the second film claim 1 , the interface configured to permit steam to escape from the recess during heating of the food product.5. The package of claim 4 , wherein the interface comprises at least one weakened area configured to direct moisture through the absorbent layer.6. The package of claim 1 , wherein the at least one vent portion comprises a plurality of vents ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021198A1
Автор: Persells James

A microwave packaging material including a plurality of susceptors is disclosed. Each susceptor includes a plastic film or polymer with a metal layer on one surface of the plastic film and a paper adhered to the plastic film opposite the metal layer. A patterned adhesive is bonded between a first susceptor layer and a second susceptor layer in a pattern bond creating sealed air pockets. A paper board substrate is adhered using an adhesive in a bond pattern to one of the susceptor layers facing the metal of the respective susceptor layer to provide the microwave packing material rigidity. Upon exposure to microwave energy in a microwave oven, moisture is trapped between the paper board substrate and the susceptor layer creating a vapor pressure that causes the sealed air pockets to form expanded air pockets. 2. The microwave packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the microwave packaging material is adapted to receive the food item for increased browning and crisping.3. The microwave packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the food item is an egg roll.4. The microwave packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the patterned adhesive is sandwiched between the first metallized film and the second metallized film.5. The microwave packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the paper board substrate is adhered using an adhesive in a bond pattern to the second susceptor layer facing the second paper substrate and providing rigidity to the microwave packaging material.6. The microwave packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the sealed air pockets are about ½ square inch.7. The microwave packaging material according to claim 1 , wherein the sealed air pockets are spaced between about ⅛ inch to about ½ inch from one another.9. The microwave packaging material according to claim 8 , wherein the food item is an egg roll.10. The microwave packaging material according to claim 8 , wherein the first pattern adhesive layer is between the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027446A1
Автор: von Glasow Christian

The present document describes a cooking container for cooking foodstuff comprising: an edge having a seal separating the interior from the exterior of the cooking container; a steam valve formed in the seal, the steam valve comprising: a pressure accumulating portion; a pressure controlling portion; and a breakable seal between the pressure accumulating portion and the pressure controlling portion; whereby the breakable seal is breakable under an increase in pressure in the pressure accumulating portion during cooking thereby forming a gap/passage in the seal and permitting controlled evacuation of pressure from the interior of the cooking container through the gap/passage to the exterior, the pressure controlling portion restricting the evacuation of pressure relative to the pressure accumulating portion after the breakable seal is broken. 1. A cooking container for cooking foodstuff comprising:an edge having a seal separating the interior from the exterior of the cooking container; a pressure accumulating portion;', 'a pressure controlling portion; and', 'a breakable seal between the pressure accumulating portion and the pressure controlling portion;, 'a steam valve formed in the seal, the steam valve comprisingwhereby the breakable seal is breakable under an increase in pressure in the pressure accumulating portion during cooking thereby forming a gap/passage in the seal and permitting controlled evacuation of pressure from the interior of the cooking container through the gap/passage to the exterior, the pressure controlling portion restricting the evacuation of pressure relative to the pressure accumulating portion after the breakable seal is broken.2. The cooking container of claim 1 , wherein the seal has a first width along a substantial length of the edge and wherein the breakable seal has a second width along another length of the edge claim 1 , the first width being greater than the second width.3. The cooking container of claim 2 , wherein the other ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Deep Dish Microwave Heating Construct

Номер: US20140054284A1
Автор: Lorin R. Cole
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A microwave heating construct includes a base with a plurality of movable portions, where the movable portions are operative for pivoting into a substantially upright condition, and the base and plurality of movable portions comprise microwave energy interactive material that is operative for converting microwave energy into heat, so that pivoting the movable portions moves the microwave energy interactive material of the movable portions into an upright condition.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Package for Microwaving Dry Foods

Номер: US20140065265A1
Принадлежит: Frito-Lay North America, Inc.

An improved package for heating dry food products is provided. The present invention allows a dry food product to be heated in a microwave oven. The package has barrier properties and at least a portion of an outer surface that is water absorbent, so that the food package may be wetted prior to being heated in the microwave in order to prevent burning of the food products inside. 1. A food package comprising:a microwave-safe barrier layer;an outer surface, wherein at least a portion of said outer surface is water absorbent.2. The package of wherein said portion of said outer surface comprises a label affixed to said food package.3. The package of wherein said portion is capable of absorbing between about 0.5 grams and 1.5 grams of water per 28 grams of food products inside said food package.4. The package of wherein said portion is capable of absorbing about 1 gram of water per 28 grams of food products inside said food package.5. The package of wherein said outer surface comprises a water absorbent layer partially covered by a polymer layer.6. The package of wherein said portion comprises a wetness indicator.7. The package of wherein said outer surface comprises a paper layer.8. The package of further comprising at least one score line.9. The package of wherein said score line lies underneath said label.10. The package of wherein said label comprises a microwave-safe barrier layer.11. The package of wherein said water absorbent portion of said outer surface comprises water.12. A method of making a food package claim 9 , said method comprising:providing a flexible film comprising a microwave-safe barrier layer and an outer layer, wherein at least a portion of said outer layer is water absorbent;feeding said flexible film into a form, fill, and seal machine;forming said flexible film into a tube having a bottom;sealing said flexible film at the bottom of said tube, thereby forming a bottom seal on a resultant package;filling said resultant package with food product; ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002036A1

A packaged food product for being heated in an oven or heater includes a container with a food and a lid. The container includes an inwards raised bead at the inner wall of the container near the opening end of the container. The lid includes a recess designed to engage with the raised bead at the inner wall of the container in such a way as to snap-close the container. The food is located in the container. 1. A method comprising:defrosting a food located in a container of a packaged food product, the container comprising an inwards raised bead at an inner wall of the container, the inwards raised bead adjacent an opening end of the container, the product further comprising a lid comprising a recess, wherein engagement of the inwards raised bead at the inner wall of the container with the recess of the lid forms a snap closing between the lid and the container, and the food comprising a chilled or frozen meal product and water, the food is in a wet state from the defrosting; andheating the packaged food product in an oven or a heater without removing the lid from the container with the defrosted food inside.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating of the packaged food product comprises evacuating steam from the container through a closure junction without opening and removing the lid from the container claim 1 , wherein the inwards raised bead defines the closure junction of the container between the container and the lid.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the closure junction between the container and the lid is in a sealed state during the defrosting of the food located in the container.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the heating of the packaged food product causes the water to transition from fluid to the steam claim 3 , the steam having a pressure that causes the closure junction to transition from the sealed state to the evacuated state.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the closure junction in the evacuated state evacuates a portion of the steam from ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Packaging container and packaged product contained in said packaging container, and manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus for said packaging container

Номер: US20170001787A1
Принадлежит: Chokoku Plast Corp

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a packaging container that can be industrially mass-produced, that can be used as Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) while ensuring sealing performance, and that allows contents to be displayed in a three-dimensional manner; a packaged product contained in the packaging container; and a manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus for the packaging container. This packaging container has: a container main body having a bottom face part and sidewall parts, and having a flange at the upper end part periphery of the sidewall parts; and a lid material heat-sealed to the flange. The lid material is made of a film or sheet. A pair of opposing sidewall parts has the same shape, and upper end parts of the pair of side wall parts are at least positioned higher than the upper end parts of another pair of opposing sidewall parts.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009970A1

A method for using a paperboard article includes heating a paperboard article by way of microwave radiation. The paperboard article includes a paperboard substrate having a first major side and a second major side and one or more high-density polyethylene layers on at least one of the first major side and the second major side of the paperboard substrate. 1. A method for using a paperboard article , the method comprising:heating a paperboard article by way of microwave radiation, said paperboard article comprising:a paperboard substrate having a first major side and a second major side; andone or more high-density polyethylene layers on at least one of said first major side and said second major side of said paperboard substrate.2. The method of wherein said paperboard substrate includes at least one of a coated natural kraft board claim 1 , a solid bleached sulfate board claim 1 , a solid unbleached sulfate board claim 1 , a coated recycled board claim 1 , a coated white lined chipboard claim 1 , and a folding boxboard.3. The method of wherein said paperboard substrate has a caliper thickness in a range of 7 points to 30 points.4. The method of wherein at least one high-density polyethylene layer has a density in a range of between 0.93 and 0.97 g/cm.5. The method of wherein at least one high-density polyethylene layer has a melt index of greater than 0.3 g/10 min (190° C./2.16 kg).6. The method of wherein a food product is on a surface of said paperboard article during said heating of said paperboard article.7. The method of wherein said paperboard article is in a configuration of a container.8. A paperboard container comprising:a paperboard substrate having a first major side facing an interior of said paperboard container and a second major side facing an exterior of said paperboard container; andone or more high-density polyethylene layers directly on said first major side of said paperboard substrate.9. The paperboard container of wherein said paperboard ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Construct

Номер: US20200010258A1
Автор: Fitzwater Kelly R.

Various blanks are provided for forming sleeves, containers, and other constructs for heating, browning, and/or crisping of a food item in a microwave oven, and for holding and/or transporting the food item after heating. The various blanks, sleeves, containers, and other constructs may include a removable portion defined by one or more lines of disruption that enable the removable portion to be separated from the remainder of the blank, sleeve, container, or other construct. 1. A construct for heating a food product , the construct comprising:a plurality of panels forming an interior space of the construct, the plurality of panels comprise a first main panel, a first minor panel foldably connected to the first main panel at a first longitudinal fold line, a second minor panel foldably connected to the main panel at a second longitudinal fold line, a first major panel foldably connected to the first minor panel at a third longitudinal fold line, and a second major panel foldably connected to the second minor panel at a fourth longitudinal fold line, the first major panel and second major panel being overlapped to form a second main panel, at least one panel of the plurality of panels comprising a microwave energy interactive material;a plurality of end panels foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels for closing a first end of the construct, the plurality of end panels comprise a first end panel foldably connected to the first main panel, a first partial end panel foldably connected to the first major panel, and a second partial end panel foldably connected to the second major panel, the first partial end panel and the second partial end panel being overlapped to form a second end panel foldably connected to the second main panel,the first end panel comprises a female locking feature and the second end panel comprising a locking edge for being received in the female locking feature to close the first end of the construct.2. The construct of ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Container

Номер: US20170015486A1

A microwave heating construct comprises a base, a wall extending upwardly around the base for defining a cavity for receiving a food item, and a microwave energy shielding element overlying a lower margin of the wall, the microwave energy shielding element having an upper edge including a substantially incurved portion. 1. A method of forming a microwave heating construct , the method comprising:obtaining a blank comprising a central region, a medial region adjacent the central region, a peripheral region adjacent the medial region, and microwave energy shielding element in the medial region, the microwave energy shielding element has an outer edge;positioning the central region to at least partially form a base of the microwave heating construct;positioning the peripheral region and at least a portion of the medial region to form a wall extending upwardly from the base and extending around the base, a lower margin of the wall is positioned adjacent the base,the microwave energy shielding element overlying the lower margin of the wall,the outer edge of the microwave energy shielding element forms an upper edge of the microwave energy shielding element that includes a downwardly curved portion that curves downwardly toward the base and is positioned along the lower margin of the wall and proximate the base.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reducing the height of the microwave energy shield element at the downwardly curved portion and locating the downwardly curved portion in an area of the microwave heating construct that is prone to overheating when exposed to microwave energy.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the positioning the central region and the positioning the peripheral region comprise forming a cavity at least partially defined by the base and the wall claim 1 , the cavity being for receiving a food item in the microwave heating construct.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein positioning the central region and the positioning the peripheral ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023835A1

A method for heating an edible product enclosed within a pouch. The method includes placing the pouch within a sleeve having a wall extending between an open first end and a second end having a sleeve gusset. The edible product within the pouch is then heated causing the pouch to bulge due to an increase in pressure within the pouch. The bulging pouch pushes against the wall of the sleeve causing the sleeve to bulge and un-fold the sleeve gusset at the second end. The increased pressure within the pouch may also unseal at least one sealed vent on the pouch. Once heated, the pouch is torn open along one or more tear lines, thereby providing access to the edible content of the pouch. In some embodiments, the sleeve is reusable and included in a kit having two or more pouches. 1. A method for heating an edible product , comprising: one or more tear notches on an external section of said at least one pouch;', 'one or more tear lines along at least a portion of a surface of said at least one pouch, said one or more tear lines extending from at least one of said one or more tear notches; and', 'one or more sealed vents configured to unseal in response to an increase in pressure within said at least one pouch, said one or more vents defining at least a portion of a flow path between said enclosed space of said at least one pouch and an external environment surrounding said at least one pouch;, 'providing at least one pouch wherein each one of said at least one pouch comprises an enclosed space containing said edible product;'} [ said first end is open; and', 'said second end includes a sleeve gusset;, 'opposed first and second ends, wherein'}, 'a wall extending between said first and said second end, said wall defined at least in part by an internal and an external surface; and', 'one or more thumb holes in said wall;, 'providing a sleeve comprising'}inserting at least a portion of said at least one pouch through said first end thereby placing said portion of said at least ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023836A1

A microwavable prepackaged drink container includes a base container having an interior housing and an open top. The base container is made from a microwavable safe material. At least one liquid contained within the interior housing of the base container. A lid may removably attach to the base. The microwavable prepackaged drink container may be stored and then ready for heating and consumption. The microwavable prepackaged drink container may be stored in a refrigerator based off of the liquids that are contained within the base container. 1. A microwavable prepackaged drink container comprising:a base container having an interior housing and an open top, wherein the base container is made from a microwavable safe material;at least one liquid within the interior housing of the base container; anda lid removably attached to the base, wherein the lid removably secures the at least one liquid with the interior housing of the base container.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the lid removably attaches to the lid by snapping into a set of indentions along a perimeter of the interior housing of the base container.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the base container is substantially cylindrical in shape.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the lid comprises a seal portion and a top portion.5. A method for producing a prepackaged beverage comprising the steps of:adding at least one liquid into an interior housing of a base container through an open top of the base container, wherein the base container is made from a microwavable safe material; andremovably securing a lid on the base container, wherein the lid removably secures the liquid within the interior housing of the base container.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising refrigerating the base container and lid for storage.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the base container is substantially cylindrical in shape. The present invention relates to heated beverages and, more particularly, to a microwavable ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022529A1
Автор: Tye Paul

A container for heating a food product. The container comprises a base layer of material and a liner releasably attached to an inner surface of the base layer. The liner is separable from the base layer after heating the container. The container comprises a bottom panel, and end panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, a side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, and a corner panel foldably connected to the bottom panel. The corner panel extends between the end panel and the side panel. 1. A container for heating a food product , the container comprising:a base layer of material and a liner releasably attached to an inner surface of the base layer, wherein the liner is separable from the base layer after heating the container;a bottom panel;an end panel foldably connected to the bottom panel;a side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel; anda corner panel foldably connected to the bottom panel, the corner panel extending between the end panel and the side panel.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the corner panel is oblique with respect to the side panel and the end panel.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the corner panel forms an obtuse angle with each of the side panel and the end panel.4. The container of claim 1 , wherein the side panel is a first side panel claim 1 , the corner panel is a first corner panel claim 1 , and the container further comprises a second side panel foldably connected to the bottom panel and a second corner panel foldably connected to the bottom panel claim 1 , the second side panel being disposed opposite to the first side panel and the second corner panel extending between the end panel and the second side panel.5. The container of claim 1 , wherein the end panel is a first end panel claim 1 , the corner panel is a first corner panel claim 1 , and the container further comprises a second end panel foldably connected to the bottom panel and a second corner panel foldably connected to the bottom panel claim 1 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Package for storing and cooking food with temperature-activated ventilation

Номер: US20190023478A1
Принадлежит: MarstonMAP LLC

A package suitable for storing and cooking foods without user manipulation includes a venting mechanism actuated primarily or exclusively by temperature, rather than pressure. A vent hole can be sealed by a patch attached by a thermoplastic adhesive having a selected, well characterized Tg, or the patch itself can be a thermoplastic polymer having a selected Tg. The patch can be convection-heated, or a microwave absorbing susceptor material can be applied to the adhesive or patch for direct microwave heating. The patch can include a region that is melted by convection or by a susceptor material. A porous patch can be sealed by a low melting temperature polymer or by thermally sensitive ink. And/or, microwave susceptor material can be applied directly to a package wall and can melt a ventilation hole through the wall when a specified amount of microwave energy has been applied.

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Food package with supplementary food container

Номер: US20140110302A1
Автор: Rickard Gillblad

A food tray comprising a side wall module, a lid and a bottom, where the bottom and the side wall module are held together in a detachable manner, where the bottom can be removed from the side wall module by the use of a removal means attached to the bottom, where the lid is attached to the upper rim of the food tray, where the tray further comprises a supplementary food container positioned in the tray, which is attached to the bottom in a detachable manner and which is fixedly attached to the lid of the food tray, and where the supplementary food container is opened when the bottom is removed from the side wall module. The advantage of the invention is that an additional food can be held separated from the rest of the food in a food tray but can be heated at the same time and that the supplementary food container is opened at the same time as the food tray is opened.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113036A1
Автор: Erle Ulrich Johannes
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

Microwaveable packages having composite susceptors and methods for using same are provided. In a general embodiment, composite susceptors for cooking microwaveable foods () in a microwave oven are provided. The composite susceptors may include, for example, a first layer that is a standard microwave susceptor () and a second layer () comprising mobile charges, wherein the second layer is at least substantially metal free. The second layer comprising mobile charges can both shield the standard susceptor from microwaves, and act as a conductor to increase the conductivity of the standard susceptor. The composite susceptors of the present disclosure provide improved surface heating patterns that are similar to surface heating patterns of conventional ovens, while also providing the benefits of microwave cooking. 1. A microwaveable package comprising:a composite susceptor including a standard microwave susceptor layer adjacent to a microwave shielding layer comprising a source of mobile charges, the microwave shielding layer is at least substantially metal free.2. The microwaveable package according to claim 1 , wherein the microwave shielding layer comprises a substrate including the source of mobile charges claim 1 , the substrate having a thickness from about 0.05 mm to about 3.0 mm.3. The microwaveable package according to claim 2 , wherein the substrate is selected from the group consisting of paper claim 2 , paperboard claim 2 , cardboard claim 2 , cardstock claim 2 , tissue paper claim 2 , crepe paper claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The microwaveable package according to claim 1 , wherein the source of mobile charges is selected from the group consisting of melted ionic compounds claim 1 , dissolved ionic compounds claim 1 , semiconductors claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The microwaveable package according to claim 1 , wherein the source of mobile charges is a salt water solution having a concentration from about 10% to about 30% by weight.6. The ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Deactivation of Microwave Interactive Material

Номер: US20150030865A1

Microwave energy interactive material is partially coated with thermoset polymeric material. The thermoset polymeric material is cured on a first portion of the microwave energy interactive material. A second portion of the microwave energy interactive material is neither covered by nor protected by the cured thermoset polymeric material. A deactivating agent is applied to the coated microwave energy interactive material, so that the agent deactivates the second portion of the microwave energy interactive material into a microwave energy transparent area. The cured thermoset polymeric material protects the first portion of the microwave energy interactive material from the agent, so that it remains microwave energy interactive. 1. A packaging material , comprising:a substrate;microwave energy interactive material on the substrate;microwave energy transparent material on the substrate and adjacent to the microwave interactive material on the substrate, the microwave energy transparent material comprising the microwave energy interactive material in a deactivated condition; andthermoset polymeric material on the microwave energy interactive material, the thermoset polymeric material and the microwave energy interactive material being superposed with one another.2. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the deactivated microwave energy interactive material is not covered by the thermoset polymeric material.3. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein the thermoset polymeric material comprises a UV-cured material.4. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein a peripheral edge of an area of the microwave energy interactive material is superposed with a peripheral edge of the thermoset polymeric material in a plan view of the packaging material.5. The packaging material of claim 1 , wherein:the substrate has opposite first and second sides;the microwave energy interactive material is connected to the first side of the substrate; andthe deactivated microwave energy ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031629A1

A container for heating a food product with microwave energy having a wavelength. The container can comprise a generally circular centerline having an axis, and a receptacle comprising a sidewall extending at least partially around a cavity. At least a portion of the cavity can extend along at least a portion of the centerline. The sidewall can comprise an inner edge and an outer edge each being spaced apart from the axis of the centerline for at least partially retaining the food product in the cavity in proximity to the centerline. 1. A container for heating a food product with microwave energy comprising a wavelength , the container comprising:a generally circular centerline having an axis;a receptacle comprising a sidewall extending at least partially around a cavity, at least a portion of the cavity extending along at least a portion of the centerline;the sidewall comprising an inner edge and an outer edge each being spaced apart from the axis of the centerline for at least partially retaining the food product in the cavity in proximity to the centerline.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the inner edge is generally circular and is generally concentric with the centerline.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein the centerline has a first diameter that is generally equal to the wavelength of the microwave energy claim 2 , and the inner edge has a second diameter that is generally equal to at least half the wavelength of the microwave energy.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the outer edge extends around an outer perimeter of the receptacle and is spaced apart from the inner edge by at least half the wavelength of the microwave energy.5. The container of claim 1 , wherein the inner edge extends along an inner perimeter of the receptacle and at least partially around the axis of the centerline.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the outer edge extends along an outer perimeter of the receptacle and at least partially around the axis of the centerline.7. The ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048690A1
Автор: Parsons Steven M.

A food tray has a lower tray containing a first food product and an upper tray nested stably at least partly inside the lower tray, with the upper tray containing a second food product. An air permeable interface is provided between the upper tray and lower tray to allow venting of steam from the lower tray during cooking. A cover is provided for the food tray. Each of the lower tray and the upper tray are formed of a material that is suitable for use in a microwave or conventional oven. Various constructions may be used to create the air permeable interface, such as lugs, ledges and lips. The upper tray may sit above the lower tray. The trays are nested loosely for ease of removal of the upper tray from the lower tray. Various configurations of cover may be used such as a sleeve, carton or lid. The upper tray may contain the higher value food product. 120-. (canceled)21. A prepackaged microwavable food product comprising:a first food product;a second food product;a lower tray holding the first food product, the lower tray having a lower tray bottom, a lower tray sidewall extending upwardly from the lower tray bottom and a lower tray lip extending around the upper edge of the lower tray sidewall;an upper tray holding the second food product, the upper tray having an upper tray bottom, an upper tray sidewall extending upwardly from the upper tray bottom and an upper tray lip extending around the upper edge of the upper tray sidewall; and{'claim-text': ['a plurality of lugs or protrusions extending from the upper tray lip, the plurality of lugs or protrusions resting on the top of the lower tray lip to space the upper tray from the lower tray, the upper tray lip sitting above an entirety of the lower tray lip; or', 'a plurality of ledges extending from the lower tray sidewall, the ledges being at least one of discontinuous or provided with openings to allow steam to escape during cooking, the ledges defining a seat upon which the upper tray is configured to rest.'], ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Bag Structure Containing Cooked Tapioca Pearls and Impregnated Liquid

Номер: US20200031561A1
Автор: Chih-Chieh Chen
Принадлежит: Individual

A bag structure includes a packaging bag, a plurality of cooked tapioca pearls and an impregnated liquid. The packaging bag has an interior provided with a receiving space. The packaging bag has a top end provided with an air draining section connected to the receiving space. The air draining section has an outer end provided with an adhering strip and a diaphragm. The diaphragm is located above the adhering strip and forms an air vent hole to drain hot air and to prevent the packaging bag from being exploded. The cooked tapioca pearls and the impregnated liquid are filled into the packaging bag, and the packaging bag is heated by microwaves or boiling water for diet.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036843A1
Автор: CHUNG Hee Kook

The present invention relates generally to a dent prevention structure of a food cooking container. More particularly, the present invention relates to a dent prevention structure of a food cooking container, in which the dent prevention structure allows vapor produced from contents in the container to be discharged to the outside of the container through a discharge hole, and allows outside air to be supplied to an inner space part of the container through the discharge hole, thereby preventing the container from being dented inwards. The dent prevention structure being open at an upper part thereof to store food includes: an inner space part; a flange surface; a main sealing protrusion part; an auxiliary sealing protrusion part; a discharge hole; a sharp part; and protrusion guides. 1. A dent prevention structure of a food cooking container , the structure comprising:an inner space part formed so as to store food; a flange surface formed along an upper rim; a main sealing protrusion part formed on the flange surface by protruding from the flange surface to a predetermined height along the flange surface so as to be adhered to a cover film for inner sealing; an auxiliary sealing protrusion part formed on the flange surface by protruding from the flange surface to a same height of the main sealing protrusion part inside the main sealing protrusion part so as to be adhered to the cover film, the auxiliary sealing protrusion part being connected to the main sealing protrusion part at opposite ends thereof so as to form a discharge space of a predetermined size; a discharge hole formed on the flange surface having the discharge space defined thereover so as to enable vapor discharge; a sharp part formed on the auxiliary sealing protrusion part to sharply protrude inwards therefrom such that when an internal pressure of the container increases, the cover film adhered to the auxiliary sealing protrusion part can be easily detached; and protrusion guides provided on an ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Stackable Microwave Tower

Номер: US20150041460A1
Автор: Owen Judith Marie

A stackable microwave covers including a first food cover that includes a top wall for supporting a first food item and having a particular shape that has a first area, one or more side walls slanted at an outward angle from beneath the top wall, wherein a top of the one or more side walls defines a second area that is smaller than the first area, wherein a bottom edge of the one or more side walls defines a substantially similar shape to the particular shape of the top wall and has a third area greater than the second area and less than the first area, and wherein the top wall and the one or more side walls form a first cavity for positioning a second food item. 1. A stackable microwave food cover comprising: a substantially circular surface having a first diameter, wherein the surface supports one or more first food items to be heated by a microwave oven;', 'a top wall having a second diameter that is less than the first diameter, wherein the substantially circular surface is affixed on the top wall;', 'a substantially circular side wall slanted at an outward angle from beneath an edge of the top wall of the first cover,', 'wherein the top wall of the first cover and the substantially circular side wall of the first cover form a first cavity within which one or more second food items to be heated by the microwave oven are positioned on a bottom surface of an interior of the microwave oven, and', 'wherein a bottom edge of the substantially circular side wall of the first cover forms a substantially circular shape having a third diameter that is less than the first diameter of the substantially circular support and greater than the second diameter of the top wall of the first cover; and, 'a first cover comprising a top wall having a diameter substantially similar to the second diameter of the top wall of the first cover;', 'a substantially circular side wall slanted at an outward angle from beneath an edge of the top wall of the second cover,', 'wherein the top wall ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039805A1

A storage bag including a film sheet is provided. The film sheet defines a first chamber, a second chamber located adjacent the first chamber; and a releasable seal preventing fluid communication between the first chamber and the second chamber. The releasable seal may be configured to release when an internal temperature within either the first chamber or the second chamber exceeds a temperature threshold or an internal pressure within either the first chamber or the second chamber exceeds a pressure threshold. 1. A multi-chamber storage bag formed of a film sheet , the storage bag comprising:a first chamber;a second chamber located adjacent the first chamber; anda releasable seal joining the first chamber and the second and preventing fluid communication between the first chamber and the second chamber, the releasable seal being configured to release in response to one or more of:an internal temperature within the first chamber exceeds a temperature threshold,an internal temperature within the second chamber exceeds the temperature threshold,a temperature of the releasable seal exceeds a threshold,an internal pressure within the first chamber exceeds a pressure threshold, andan internal pressure within the second chamber exceeds the pressure threshold.2. The storage bag of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one ventilation opening formed through the film sheet, and allowing fluid communication between an interior of the first chamber and an atmosphere surrounding the storage bag,the at least one ventilation opening having a diameter selected to control a rate of change of pressure within one of the first chamber and the second chamber when heat is applied to the storage bag.3. The storage bag of claim 2 , wherein the at least one ventilation opening comprises a plurality of ventilation openings claim 2 , and a number of the plurality of ventilation openings is selected to control a rate of change of pressure within one of the first chamber and the second ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039718A1
Автор: SHIMONO Takahiro

A steam-releasing pouch includes two laminated sheets forming an accommodation compartment that accommodates a content, a sealing portion that seals the two sheets to form an opening that opens part of the accommodation compartment, and a steam-releasing sealing portion formed in the sealing portion to open as pressure of the accommodation compartment increases in a state in which the opening is sealed. The steam-releasing sealing portion includes a first sealant layer having at least a first base layer that faces the accommodation compartment and a second base layer laminated with the first base layer and a second sealant layer having at least a third base layer that faces the accommodation compartment and a fourth base layer laminated with the third base layer. The first base layer and the third base layer are joined together. 1. A steam-releasing pouch comprising:two laminated sheets forming an accommodation compartment that accommodates a content;a sealing portion that seals the two sheets to form an opening that opens part of the accommodation compartment; anda steam-releasing sealing portion formed in the sealing portion to open as pressure of the accommodation compartment increases in a state in which the opening is sealed, whereinthe steam-releasing sealing portion includes a first sealant layer having at least a first base layer that faces the accommodation compartment and a second base layer laminated with the first base layer and a second sealant layer having at least a third base layer that faces the accommodation compartment and a fourth base layer laminated with the third base layer, andthe first base layer and the third base layer are joined together.2. The steam-releasing pouch according to claim 1 , whereinthe first base layer and the second base layer have different inner structures,the third base layer and the fourth base layer have different inner structures, andthe first base layer and the third abase layer have the same inner structure.3. The ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Automatically Reconfigurable Microwave Interactive Material

Номер: US20170043935A1

Packaging material includes microwave interactive material and is automatically reconfigurable for selectively controlling transmission of microwave energy through the packaging material. The packaging material is configured to vary, as a function of time, a ratio of microwave energy transmitted through the packaging material. The packaging material is configured so that the microwave energy is automatically selectively transmitted in different ratios. 1. A microwave energy shield that is reconfigurable between a first shielding configuration and a second shielding configuration , the shield comprises:a pattern of shield material, the pattern of shield material comprises a first portion and a second portion that are positionable relative to each other,the first portion of the pattern of shield material and the second portion of the pattern of shield material are positionable between a first position corresponding to the first shielding configuration and a second position corresponding to the second shielding configuration during microwave heating,a first amount of microwave energy is reflected by the microwave energy shield in the first shielding configuration and a second amount of microwave energy is reflected by the microwave energy shield in the second shielding configuration, the first amount of microwave energy is different than the second amount of microwave energy.2. The microwave energy shield of wherein the first amount of microwave energy reflected by the microwave energy shield is more than the second amount of microwave energy reflected by the microwave energy shield.3. The microwave energy shield of wherein in the second shielding configuration claim 1 , transmitted microwave energy passes through the microwave energy shield.4. The microwave energy shield of wherein the pattern of shield material comprises a grid pattern claim 1 , the first portion is arranged in a first layer and the second portion is arranged in a second layer.5. The microwave energy ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Microwave Heating Package With Polarized Shield

Номер: US20170043936A1

A microwave heating package with a polarized shield includes a tray and a cover and at least one microwave energy interactive element. The microwave energy interactive element is dimensioned and arranged to extend along a peripheral region of a food item in an interior of the tray. The microwave energy interactive element reduces heating along the peripheral region of the food item when the microwave energy interactive element is exposed to microwave energy. The tray and the lid of the construct can each include at least one microwave energy interactive element. 1. A microwave heating construct comprising:a tray including at least one upstanding wall extending upwardly from a base; the base and the wall of the tray defining a cavity for receiving a food item;a cover;at least a first microwave energy interactive element on the tray;wherein the at least first microwave energy interactive element is dimensioned and arranged to extend along a peripheral region of the food item;wherein the at least first microwave energy interactive element reduces heating along the peripheral region of the food item when the at least first microwave energy interactive element is exposed to microwave energy.2. The microwave heating construct of wherein the cover includes at least a second microwave energy interactive element.3. The microwave heating construct of wherein claim 2 , with the lid disposed over the tray claim 2 , the at least first microwave energy interactive element and the at least second microwave energy interactive element are opposite one another in the cavity.4. The microwave heating construct of wherein claim 2 , with the lid disposed over the tray claim 2 , the at least first microwave energy interactive element and the at least second microwave energy interactive element are in an aligned relationship in the cavity.5. The microwave heating construct of wherein the wall includes a generally planar rim.6. The microwave heating construct of wherein heating of a central ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047772A1
Принадлежит: SUN A. KAKEN CO., LTD

Provided is a heating pouch that can be heated in hot water and in a microwave. That is, the heating pouch includes a bag sheet provided with an easy peel pressure releasing seal part. In the pressure releasing seal part, one part of a sheet constituting the bag sheet and another part thereof are adhered so as to overlap each other. The pressure releasing seal part peels off when internal pressure rises, to form a degassing passage that communicates between an inside and an outside of the bag sheet. The pressure releasing seal part is provided with an easy peel layer and a skin layer. The skin layer is a resin layer constituting a seal surface that coats at least one of the one part and the other part of the sheet and which adheres to the other part which is not coated. The skin layer has a higher seal strength at 100 degrees centigrade than the easy peel layer. 1. A heating pouch which is a bag sheet provided with an easily peelable seal part as a pressure release seal part , whereinthe pressure release seal part adheres a part of the sheet constituting the bag sheet to the other part of the sheet so as to overlap each other, the pressure release seal part being peeled off at the time of an internal pressure rise so as to form a deaeration passage which communicates between the inside of the bag sheet and the outside of the bag sheet,the pressure release seal part being provided with an easily peelable layer and a skin layer, the skin layer being a resin layer constituting a seal surface that covers at least any one of the part of the sheet and the other part and which adheres to the remaining uncovered part, andthe skin layer has higher seal strength at 100° C. than that of the easily peelable layer.2. A heating pouch which is a bag sheet provided with an easily peelable seal part as a pressure release seal part , whereinthe pressure release seal part adheres a part of the sheet constituting the bag sheet to the other part of the sheet so as to overlap each other, ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Container With Liner

Номер: US20200047975A1
Автор: Hithersay Elliot, Tye Paul

A container for holding a food product. The container can comprise a base layer and a liner at least partially attached to an inner surface of the base layer, a flange comprising a central panel of the base layer, an opening extending in the central panel, and a sidewall comprising at least a panel foldably connected to the central panel along the opening. 1. A container for holding a food product , the container comprising:a base layer and a liner at least partially attached to an inner surface of the base layer;a flange comprising a central panel of the base layer;an opening extending in the central panel; anda sidewall comprising at least a panel foldably connected to the central panel along the opening.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein the panel of the sidewall is foldably connected to the central panel along a fold line claim 1 , and the central panel comprises an edge extending from an end of the fold line and along the opening claim 1 , the edge being perpendicular to the fold line.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein the panel of the sidewall is a first panel claim 1 , the first panel is foldably connected to the central panel along a first fold line extending along the opening claim 1 , the sidewall comprises a second panel foldably connected to the central panel along a second fold line that is spaced apart from the opening.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the second panel comprises an attachment portion claim 3 , and the central panel and the attachment portion are in an overlapping relationship.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein the central panel comprises an edge extending along the opening claim 4 , the attachment portion of the second panel extends from the second fold line to the edge of the central panel claim 4 , and a portion of the second panel extends at least downwardly from the attachment portion and the edge of the central panel.6. The container of claim 4 , wherein the attachment portion of the second panel is at least partially ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200053842A1
Автор: Jeon Woong, Min YounKi

A convection cooking appliance and removable utensil for air frying within the convection cooking appliance is provided herein. The utensil may include a utensil housing, a lid attached to the utensil housing, and a perforated basket. The utensil housing may define an enclosed fry chamber and a basket opening permitting access thereto. The utensil housing may include a non-permeable base wall and a sidewall. The sidewall may define an airflow passage to receive a convection airflow therethrough. The lid may be movable between a closed position restricting access to the basket opening and an open position permitting access to the basket opening. The perforated basket may be removably positioned within the enclosed fry chamber. 1. A cooking utensil selectively attachable within a cooking chamber of a convection oven appliance , the cooking utensil comprising:a utensil housing defining an enclosed fry chamber and a basket opening permitting access thereto, the utensil housing comprising a non-permeable base wall and a sidewall, the sidewall defining an airflow passage to receive a convection airflow therethrough;a lid attached to the utensil housing, the lid being movable between a closed position restricting access to the basket opening and an open position permitting access to the basket opening;a perforated basket removably positioned within the enclosed fry chamber; anda gasket positioned about the airflow passage to sealingly engage an inner wall of the convection oven appliance.2. The cooking utensil of claim 1 , wherein the utensil housing further defines an oil reservoir in fluid communication with the enclosed fry chamber below the perforated basket.3. The cooking utensil of claim 1 , wherein the sidewall of the utensil housing comprises an interior surface directed toward the enclosed fry chamber and an exterior surface directed away from the enclosed fry chamber claim 1 , and wherein the cooking utensil further comprises a handle extending in fixed ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060015A1
Автор: Comparini Ezio

The invention relates to a kit for the preparation of a foodstuff by cooking within a microwave oven and/or a gas or electric convection oven, in particular of ventilated type. The kit comprises a plastic container that can be baked in a microwave oven and/or gas or electric convection oven, in particular of ventilated type, a removable plastic lid that allows said plastic container to be opened and closed, a first sealed sterilized bag containing a dry product, that may be particularly farinaceous, and a second sealed sterilized bag containing a sauce. The sauce contains a condiment part and a humid part, in addition to the humidity of said condiment part. The ratio between the condiment part and the humid part of the sauce ranges from 10% by weight to 60% by weight regarding the condiment part and from 40% by weight to 90% by weight regarding the humid part. Further, the invention relates to processes for preparing a foodstuff contained in the kit, and processes for using the kit. 1. Kit for the preparation of a foodstuff by cooking within a microwave oven and/or a gas or electric convection oven , in particular of ventilated type , comprising:a plastic container that can be placed into a microwave oven and/or gas or electric convection oven, in particular of ventilated type, said plastic container containing a dry product, in particular farinaceous, and a sauce; anda removable plastic lid that allows a user to open and close said plastic container;wherein said sauce contains a condiment part and a humid part, in addition to the humidity of said condiment; andwherein the ratio between the condiment part and the humid part of said sauce ranges from 10% by weight to 60% by weight regarding the condiment part and from 40% by weight to 90% by weight regarding the humid part.2. Kit according to claim 1 , wherein said removable plastic lid is coupled to claim 1 , or separated with respect to claim 1 , said plastic container.3. Kit according to claim 1 , wherein the dry ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057244A1

A microwave susceptor article having an advantageous microwave heating rate property and cooling rate property, including: a substrate; a metallic-containing layer on at least one major surface of the substrate; and optionally a protective coating on or associated with the metallic layer, as defined herein. Also disclosed are a method of making the article and a method of using the article. 1. A microwave susceptor article comprising: a substrate having a thickness of from 2 to 10 mm; and a metallic-containing layer having a thickness of 10 to 800 nanometers on at least one major surface of the substrate , wherein the article has a microwave heating rate of from 8 to 45° C./sec.2. The article of wherein the substrate has: a thermal conductivity of from 0.002 to 0.004 Cal/cm−sec-° C.; a modulus of rupture (MOR) of from 40 to 550 MPa; and a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of from 0 to 92×10/° C.3. The article of wherein the metallic-containing layer comprises a metal sheet claim 1 , metal particles claim 1 , metal wires claim 1 , metal coils claim 1 , metal wool claim 1 , metal fibers claim 1 , metal coated fibers claim 1 , metal coated particles claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. The article of wherein the article has an ambient cooling rate claim 1 , from an elevated temperature to ambient temperature claim 1 , of from 10° C. per second to 75° C. per second.5. The article of wherein the microwave energy to achieve the microwave heating rate was from 50 to 2000 W claim 1 , and the microwave source frequency is selected from 915 MHz claim 1 , 2.45 GHz claim 1 , 5.8 GHz claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. The article of wherein the microwave energy to achieve the microwave heating rate was from 1000 to 1400 W claim 1 , and the microwave source frequency was 2.45 GHz.7. The article of wherein the substrate has thickness of from 2 to 6 mm claim 1 , and the metallic-containing layer has thickness of from 10 to 500 nanometers.8. The article of wherein the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057728A1
Автор: Hill Mark, Shaw Mark

An ovenable package comprises an ovenable receptacle configured to hold a food product. The receptacle has an open face surrounded by a rim. An ovenable laminated film lid is attached to the rim of the receptacle by a welded seal between a lower face of the laminated film lid and the rim of the receptacle. The laminated film lid comprises a first layer, a second layer above the first layer and a resealable adhesive between the first and second layers. An unopened package is openable by separating the second layer from the first layer in a peripheral region. The opened package can be reclosed to a ventable state by reattaching the second layer to the peripheral region of the first layer by the resealable adhesive. The ventable state permits venting of gas from an interior of the receptacle between the second layer and the peripheral region of the first layer. 1. An ovenable package comprising:an ovenable receptacle configured to hold a food product, the receptacle having an open face surrounded by a rim; a first layer;', 'a second layer above the first layer;', 'a cut line in the first layer but not the second layer, the first cut line offset inwardly from the rim of the receptacle to define a peripheral portion of the first layer between the cut line and an outer perimeter of the lid and an inner portion of the first layer within the cut line;', 'a resealable adhesive between at least the peripheral portion of the first layer and the second layer;', 'wherein an unopened package is openable by separating the second layer from the first layer in the peripheral region, and wherein the opened package can be reclosed to a ventable state by reattaching the second layer to the peripheral region of the first layer by the resealable adhesive, wherein the ventable state permits venting of gas from an interior of the receptacle between the second layer and the peripheral region of the first layer., 'an ovenable laminated film lid attached to the rim of the receptacle by a ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

One-Piece Food Container having an Integral Hinge with Latching Mechanisms and a Full Perimeter Seal

Номер: US20150069064A1
Автор: Johnson Sophie J.

The present invention relates to a one-piece food container with an integral hinge and one or more latching mechanism, a full perimeter seal, and ribbed or ridged support structures. The food container is fabricated from hybrid bio-based and polymeric a material that has heat resistance capabilities. In particular, the present apparatus and method utilize a hybrid slurry of simple, abundant and renewable materials, such as food or plant starch and calcium carbonate (limestone), and a polymeric material, that uses high temperature and high pressure presses. An optional coating, such as wax, is applied to the surface of the food container. The present invention one-piece food container has a plurality of ridges that are incorporated into the container to provide rigidity and resisting folding or bending. Lastly, the one-piece food container with has enough rigidity and strength to be stackable for efficient storage for distribution to a user. The resulting one-piece food container is strong, light, heat-resistant, and attractive. 1. A food container comprising:a first food container bottom portion anda second food container top portion;an integral hinge mechanism, said integral hinge mechanism connecting said first food container bottom portion to said second food container top portion;said first food container bottom portion having a food cavity section;full perimeter seal, said first food container bottom having a first perimeter seal configuration, said second food container top having a second perimeter seal configuration, whereby said first perimeter seal configuration is designed to removable engage said second perimeter seal configuration resulting in a full perimeter seal, said full perimeter seal functions to removably seal said food cavity section;one or more latching mechanisms, said one or more latching mechanisms designed removably engage said first food container bottom portion to said second food container top portion;one or more first ear tabs ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068322A1

The present invention relates to improved manually openable packages which include a rigid or semi-rigid tray having a single thermoplastic overwrap comprising a polymeric laminate surrounding the tray and having a front panel and an opposing back panel. The inventive packages also include a continuous seal circumscribing a recessed cavity of the tray which comprises a heat seal formed by heat sealing a portion of the front panel to the peripheral flange of the tray. 1. A manually openable package comprising:a rigid or semi-rigid tray having a base and at least one sidewall extending from said base thereby forming a recessed cavity; wherein said at least one sidewall comprises a peripheral flange extending generally perpendicularly from said at least one sidewall and circumscribing said recessed cavity;a single thermoplastic overwrap surrounding said tray and comprising a polymeric laminate; wherein said overwrap comprises a front panel and an opposing back panel comprising a longitudinal seal, a first leading end seal positioned substantially transverse to said longitudinal seal, an opposing second trailing end seal positioned substantially transverse to said longitudinal seal;a continuous seal circumscribing said recessed cavity and comprising an inner perimeter defined by a heat seal formed by heat sealing a portion of said front panel to said peripheral flange; anda removable portion of said front panel having an outer periphery inside said inner perimeter of said seal and defined by a line of weakness in said polymeric laminate.2. The package according to claim 1 , wherein said continuous seal circumscribing said recessed cavity is a hermetic heal seal.3. The package according to claim 1 , wherein said package is self-venting.4. The package according to claim 1 , wherein said removable portion of said front panel further comprises a pull-tab having at least a first edge permanently affixed to said removable portion.5. The package according to claim 4 , wherein ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062486A1
Автор: Parsons Steven M.

A food tray has a lower tray containing a first food product and an upper tray nested stably at least partly inside the lower tray, with the upper tray containing a second food product. An air permeable interface is provided between the upper tray and lower tray to allow venting of steam from the lower tray during cooking. A cover is provided for the food tray. Each of the lower tray and the upper tray are formed of a material that is suitable for use in a microwave or conventional oven. Various constructions may be used to create the air permeable interface, such as lugs, ledges and lips. The upper tray may sit above the lower tray. The trays are nested loosely for ease of removal of the upper tray from the lower tray. Various configurations of cover may be used such as a sleeve, carton or lid. The upper tray may contain the higher value food product. 120-. (canceled)21. A prepackaged microwavable food product comprising:a first food product;a second food product;a lower tray holding the first food product, the lower tray having a lower tray bottom, a lower tray sidewall extending upwardly from the lower tray bottom and a lower tray lip extending around the upper edge of the lower tray sidewall;an upper tray holding the second food product, the upper tray having an upper tray bottom, an upper tray sidewall extending upwardly from the upper tray bottom and an upper tray lip extending around the upper edge of the upper tray sidewall; anda plurality of lugs or protrusions extending under the upper tray lip, the plurality of lugs or protrusions resting on the top of the lower tray lip to space the upper tray from the lower tray and thereby yield a frictionless fit between the upper tray and the lower tray, the upper tray lip sitting above an entirety of the lower tray lip.22. The prepackaged microwave food product of claim 21 , further comprising a second plurality of outwardly extending lugs formed under the lower tray lip.23. The prepackaged microwave food product of ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066581A1
Автор: Su Jau-Ming, WOLAK Paul Z.

A hermetically sealed package, for example a freezable microwavable package containing a food product, has a sealing film that includes a vent system that is scored by a laser into the package. 125-. (canceled)26. A heatable package comprising:an inner region configured to receive a product;a sealing film, the sealing film being comprised of at least one layer of a microwavable film adapted for use in heating the product, the sealing film having an outer surface and an inner surface, the inner region of the heatable package being hermetically sealed by at least a portion of the sealing film; andat least one weakened wall pattern scored by a laser into a portion of the outer surface of the sealing film, the weakened wall pattern having a thickness less than an unscored sealing film thickness, the inner surface adjacent to each wakened wall pattern being directly exposed to pressure generated in the inner region,wherein the weakened wall pattern forms a vent pattern having a vent pattern span that is the greater of a vent pattern length and width,wherein the inner region has an inner region span that is the greater of an inner region length and width,wherein the vent pattern span is from about 1% to about 50% of the inner region span.27. The heatable package of claim 26 , wherein the vent pattern span is from about 1% to about 15% of the inner region span.28. The heatable package of claim 26 , wherein the vent pattern span is from about 2% to about 15% of the inner region span.29. The heatable package of claim 26 , wherein the vent pattern span is from about 4% to about 8% of the inner region span.30. The heatable package of claim 26 , wherein the vent pattern is a non-linear vent pattern.31. The heatable package of claim 26 , wherein the weakened wall pattern has a thickness of about 5 μm to about 25 μm.32. The heatable package of claim 26 , wherein the weakened wall pattern has a thickness sufficient to maintain in the heatable package a steam pressure of at least ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070525A1

In some embodiments, apparatuses and methods are disclosed herein useful to provide convenient, microwavable packages for cooking and crisping food products in a microwave oven are. In some embodiments, the microwavable packaged food product includes an outer package and a quantity of food product contained therein. By one approach, the package has a multilayer microwavable tray having at least three layers including a susceptor layer that includes a microwave energy interactive material thereon and a plurality of discrete openings disposed therein, an absorbent pad layer having a flexible paper-based material suitable for absorbing moisture and grease, and a paperboard base layer that provides a structure by which the susceptor layer and absorbent paper-based layer are supported. In this manner, a microwavable tray or support has at least three macro-layers including a susceptor, an absorbent pad, and a paperboard support, some of which may include additional layers therein as discussed below. 1. A microwavable packaged food product comprising an outer package and a quantity of food product contained therein , the packaged food product being configured to be heated in a microwave oven and comprising: a susceptor layer with a microwave energy interactive material thereon and a plurality of discrete openings disposed therein, the discrete openings are disposed in a higher concentration at a center of the microwavable support;', 'an absorbent pad layer having a flexible paper-based material suitable for absorbing moisture and grease; and', 'a paperboard base layer by which the susceptor layer and the absorbent pad layer are supported., 'a flat, multilayer microwavable support having at least three layers including2. The packaged food product of wherein the susceptor layer is a multilayer flexible structure having at least a top product-contacting layer with a metallized material having the microwave energy interactive material thereon and a paper layer.3. The packaged ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Barrier Film with Reclaimed Metalized Polyester

Номер: US20140147561A1

A method reclaims metalized polymer film or mixtures containing metal and/or metal alloys into a metal-containing, polymeric film. The resulting film structure has better oxygen and moisture barrier properties when metalized than plain metalized polymer films. The polymer to be reclaimed, originates in sheet form, and is densified, as by shredding, pelletizing and/or re-extruding into fine particulate form such as chips or pellets. The reclaimed polymeric film can be used, in a range of concentrations, to produce biaxially oriented polyester film for metalizing. 1. A method of making an article resistant to oxygen and moisture vapor transmission comprising the steps of(A) providing a reclaimed metalized polymer film having a metallic layer of metal in direct contact with a polymeric layer of a polymer,(B) forming the reclaimed metalized polymer film into reclaimed particles,(C) blending the reclaimed particles of the reclaimed metalized polymer film with particles of a virgin polymer free of metal particles to form a mixture comprising about 0.1 wt % to about 95 wt % of the reclaimed particles and a complementary amount of virgin polymer, in which the polymer of the polymeric layer is in direct contact with the metal of the metallic layer when the mixture is formed,(D) melt processing the mixture to form a reclaimed composition comprising metal particles uniformly dispersed in a polymeric matrix, and(E) forming the reclaimed composition into an article resistant to oxygen and moisture vapor transmission.2. The method of in which the article is a barrier film having two sides and a thickness of about 3 μm (12 gauge) to about 16 μm (64 gauge) claim 1 , and which method further comprises depositing a metal layer on the article in direct contact with one side of the barrier film such that the barrier film has an optical density of about 1 to about 4.3. The method of in which polymer of the barrier film consists essentially of polyethylene terephthalate and the metal of ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071402A1
Автор: Peng Herman

An improved detachable microwave baking pan, comprising an upper baking pan and a lower baking pan which are disposed separately, wherein the upper baking pan is provided with an upper baking pan cavity, and the lower baking pan is provided with a lower baking pan cavity; lower grips are disposed on the edge of two sides of the lower baking pan, and each lower grip is provided with an elastic fastener in an integrated extension manner; upper grips are disposed on the edges of two sides of the upper baking pan, and each upper grip is provided with a fastening protrusion which is in corresponding fastening fit with the elastic fastener; the elastic fasteners are matched with the fastening protrusions, such that the upper baking pan and the lower baking pan are combined into a whole; and the upper baking pan cavity and the lower baking pan cavity are communicated to jointly constitute a heating cavity suitable for baking food. The upper baking pan and the lower baking pan are always elastically fastened by means of the elastic property of the elastic fasteners and even if the food in the heating cavity is uneven in thickness, it is assured that both sides of the food can be baked, and the food is uniformly heated in the baking process. 1. An improved detachable microwave baking pan , comprising an upper baking pan and a lower baking pan which are disposed separately , wherein the upper baking pan is provided with an upper baking pan cavity , and the lower baking pan is provided with a lower baking pan cavity; lower grips are disposed on the edge of two sides of the lower baking pan , and each lower grip is provided with an elastic fastener in an integrated extension manner; upper grips are disposed on the edges of two sides of the upper baking pan , and each upper grip is provided with a fastening protrusion which is in corresponding fastening fit with the elastic fastener; the elastic fasteners are matched with the fastening protrusions , such that the upper baking ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073145A1
Принадлежит: KYORAKU CO., LTD.

The objective is to provide a container for microwave oven and a package for microwave oven in which a clearance which is formed between a flanged portion and a lid material and a content may enter is made narrower while maintaining automatic vapor discharge function. 1. A container for a microwave oven , comprising:a concave main body configured to receive a content therein and having an opening,an annularly flanged portion formed at the opening in an upper end of the concave main body, anda rib-shaped thermal fusion portion formed over a whole circumference of a top surface of the flanged portion to be thermally fused to a film-shaped lid material for closing the opening, wherein the thermal fusion portion is provided with an opening portion that is approximately V-shaped such that it projects from the opening side toward an outer periphery of the flanged portion in a plan view; a vapor discharge portion that is approximately V-shaped such that it projects from the outer periphery side toward the opening side in a plan view; and an annular portion formed along an annular reference line, which is similar to a shape of an inner periphery of the opening, except for the opening portion and the vapor discharge portion, wherein a pair of end portions of the vapor discharge portion located at the outer periphery side is located closer to the outer periphery than the reference line in a cross-and-width direction of the flanged portion, and connected through a pair of inclined portions to an end portion of the annular portion located at both sides of the vapor discharged portion, and wherein the annular portion is disposed at location less than 50% of a width of the flanged portion from the opening.2. The container for the microwave oven according to claim 1 , wherein the vapor discharge portion at the pair of end portions is disposed at location of 50% or above of the width of the flanged portion from the opening.3. The container for the microwave oven according to claim ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078764A1
Автор: Rana Gian Luca

A package for food products being capable of being subjected to a heating step, comprising: a first container, which has an access opening engaged by a first closing element; a second container, which has an access opening engaged by a second closing element; the containers are configurable between a preservation condition, in which they are separated and closed by their closing elements, and an operating condition, in which the closing elements are disconnected from the respective containers and the latter are coupled together at their respective access openings. 1. A package for food products comprising:a first container having an access opening and an inner volume and containing a first food product;a first closing element connected to the first container so as to close the access opening thereof;a second container having an access opening and an inner volume and containing a second food product;a second closing element connected to the second container so as to close the access opening thereof, wherein said first and second containers can be configured between a preservation condition, in which they are separate and closed by the respective closing elements, and an operating condition, in which the first and the second closing elements are at least partially disconnected from the respective first and second containers, which are coupled to one another at the respective access openings so as to create a chamber having a containing volume defined by the joining of the inner volumes of the first and the second containers; said chamber being capable of being subjected to a heating step;the first and the second containers are configured to be firmly coupled, when they are in the operating condition.2. The package according to claim 1 , wherein the first and the second containers comprise respective edges arranged around the respective access openings claim 1 , said edges being configured to engage with one another claim 1 , so that the access openings of the first ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Product Package And A Method For Producing The Package

Номер: US20190077573A1
Автор: Suokas Jouni
Принадлежит: JOSPAK OY

The object of the invention is a product package and a method for producing the product package. The product package comprises a recess () for the product to be packed, the recess being provided with a base and with walls in connection with the base, in which case the frame part () of the recess () has been formed by means of folds from recyclable fiber material and the aforementioned recess () is lined on the inside with a separate inner lining (), which is removable from the aforementioned frame part. The top edges of the side walls and end walls of the frame part and also the top edges of the corner parts () form the top edge of the recess, which top edge is arranged to function as a fastening surface for the inner lining (), which inner lining () is adapted to comprise an edge section () extending over the top edge () of the recess (). 110-. (canceled)11. Product package , which comprises a recess for the product to be packed , the recess being provided with a base and with walls in connection with the base , in which case the frame part of the recess has been formed by means of folds from recyclable fiber material and the aforementioned recess is lined on the inside with a separate inner lining , which is removable from the aforementioned frame part , characterized in that the top edges of the side walls and end walls of the frame part and also the top edges of the corner parts form the top edge of the recess , which top edge is arranged to function as a fastening surface for the aforementioned inner lining , which inner lining is adapted to comprise an edge section extending over the top edges of the recess.12. Product package according to claim 11 , characterized in that the fastening surface of the top edge of the recess for the inner lining is the folding point claim 11 , where the upward pointing wall part is folded into a downward pointing wall part claim 11 , and also the fastening surface on the corner parts of the recess is the top edges of two corner ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079585A1
Автор: BERTHAULT Francois

A device for cooking corn kernels for making popcorn comprising a non-folding volume and a folding volume. The folding volume is configured to take up at least two positions, a first position in which the folding volume is folded and a second position in which it is unfolded. The folding volume includes four walls and at least two walls include a diagonal fold. Additionally, each wall includes a first horizontal fold that is parallel to an edge of the device formed by the non-folding volume. In the first position the non-folding volume is limited one or more of the four walls. At least one opening, in at least one of the side walls, has a horizontal orientation in the first position and a vertical orientation in the second position. The opening does not intersect a diagonal fold. 1. A device for cooking corn kernels for making popcorn , the device comprising:a first zone comprising a non-folding volume;a second zone comprising a folding volume, wherein the second zone is configured to take up at least two positions, a first position in which the second zone is folded and a second position in which the second zone is unfolded, the second zone comprising four walls, wherein at least two walls each comprise a diagonal fold, and wherein each wall comprises a first horizontal fold that is parallel to an edge of the device formed by the first zone, and wherein in the first position the first zone is limited by a portion of one or more of the four walls;at least one opening in at least one of the side walls, wherein the at least one opening has a horizontal orientation in the first position and a vertical orientation in the second position, and wherein the at least one opening does not intersect a diagonal fold; and,at least two flaps configured to move between an open position and a closed position, each flap formed by folding at least one of the side walls, wherein in the closed position, an edge line of the first flap, opposite a fold line of the first flap, is disposed ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097947A1

The present disclosure relates to a container for retort food and, more specifically, to a container for retort food, which includes: a ridge portion having a closed curve shape to surround a tray part; and an exhaust hole surrounded by the ridge portion, so that the container enables a lid film to be automatically peeled off from the ridge portion by means of a steam pressure generated in a food during heating to exhaust steam and can be used for retort food which is stored at room temperature. 1. A container for retort food , the container comprising:a tray part which has a predetermined area and a depth recessed in a downward direction and has a space open in an upward direction; anda flange part which constitutes a periphery of an upper end of the tray part,wherein the flange part comprisesan outer flange area which constitutes an outer circumference of the container for retort food andan inner flange area which divides the tray part across the container for retort food,wherein the flange part comprises:a ridge portion which is formed on the flange part, has a closed curve shape to surround the tray part, and protrudes in the upward direction; andan exhaust hole which vertically passes through at least a portion of the flange part,wherein the ridge portion comprisesan inner ridge formed on the inner flange area andan outer ridge formed on the outer flange area and branching from the inner ridge,wherein the exhaust hole is located in the inner flange area,the inner ridgehas a branch ridge having a closed curve shape that branches with the exhaust hole therebetween and then joins, andthe exhaust hole is located within the closed curve formed by the branch ridge.2. The container for retort food of claim 1 , whereinthe branch ridge has a first branch line and a second branch line which branch with the exhaust hole therebetween and are spaced apart from each other in a horizontal direction, andat least one of the first branch line and the second branch line has a ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090709A1
Автор: CHOUIKHI Sidi

The packaging comprises a plurality of wall panels (-) forming a box-shaped container () configured to contain a filled dough-based cone-shaped product (P). Said wall panels (-) comprise a substrate made of a microwave inert material and a plurality of shielding patches (-) made of a microwave shielding material arranged on selected inner areas thereof. The shielding patches (-) comprise a first set of shielding patches (-) located around a lower cone tip region (P1) of said filled dough-based cone-shaped product (P) and configured to shield said lower cone tip region (P1), and a second set of shielding patches (-) located around an upper cone rim region (P2) of the filled dough-based cone-shaped product (P) and configured to shield said upper cone rim region (P2) and enhance the heating of an exposed central top region (P3) of a filling of the filled dough-based cone-shaped product (P). 1. A packaging having field modifiers for improved microwave heating of cone-shaped products , said packaging comprising a plurality of wall panels forming a box-shaped container configured to contain a filled dough-based cone-shaped product , said wall panels comprising a substrate made of a microwave inert material and a plurality of shielding patches made of a microwave shielding material arranged on selected inner areas thereof , wherein said microwave inert material of said substrate is selected from a group comprising paperboard material and plastic material , and wherein said shielding patches comprise:a first set of shielding patches located on said wall panels around a lower cone tip region of said filled dough-based cone-shaped product and providing a selected shield of said lower cone tip region; anda second set of shielding patches located on the wall panels around an upper cone rim region of the filled dough-based cone-shaped product and providing a selected shield of said upper cone rim region and enhancing the heating of an exposed central top region of a filling of ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220101078A1

RFID tags are provided for incorporation into the packaging of a microwavable food item, with the RFID tag being configured to be safely microwaved. The RFID tag includes an antenna defining a gap and configured to operate at a first frequency. An RFID chip is electrically coupled to the antenna across the gap. A shielding structure is electrically coupled to the antenna across the gap and overlays the RFID chip. The shielding structure includes a shield conductor and a shield dielectric at least partially positioned between the shield conductor and the RFID chip. The shielding structure is configured to limit the voltage across the gap when the antenna is exposed to a second frequency that is greater than first frequency. In additional embodiments, RFID tags are provided for incorporation into the packaging of a microwavable food item, with the RFID tag being configured to be safely microwaved. The RFID tag includes an RFID chip and an antenna electrically coupled to the RFID chip. The antenna may have a sheet resistance in the range of approximately 100 ohms to approximately 230 ohms, optionally with an optical density in the range of approximately 0.18 to approximately 0.29. Alternatively, or additionally, the antenna may be configured to fracture into multiple pieces upon being subjected to heating in a microwave oven. Alternatively, or additionally, the RFID tag may be incorporated in an RFID label that is secured to the package by a joinder material with a greater resistance than that of the antenna, such as a sheet resistance in the range of approximately 100 ohms to approximately 230 ohms. 1. An RFID tag comprising:an RFID chip; andan antenna electrically coupled to the RFID chip, wherein the antenna is comprised of a conductor formed of a base material and a secondary material having different coefficients of thermal expansion configured to cause the antenna to fracture into multiple pieces upon being subjected to heating.2. The RFID tag of claim 1 , ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Ring to Space Plates In Microwave Oven

Номер: US20180086536A1
Автор: Cabiran Michel

A spacer ring device for separating plates one on top of the other to produce a cavity in which food can be placed and warmed in a microwave oven. The ring can be sized for various sized plates. The ring can be made of a plastic type material, and handles can be placed so that the plate is gripped between the handles and the rim of the spacer ring. The spacer ring can be made wider at points where it will be gripped. The spacer ring can be made with varying diameter rims so that differing diameter plates can be used with the spacer ring. The spacer ring can be made with a sealing ring so that the two plates can seal against the sealing ring. The spacer ring may be made with clasps to hold plates in place. 1. A plate spacing microwaveable ring comprising; a first circular cutout with a rim parallel to the ring axis such that the cutout will allow a first plate rim to fit into said ring and prevent said first plate rim from substantially shifting;', 'a second circular cutout on the opposite side of said ring with rims parallel to the ring axis of a diameter such that a second plate will fit into that cutout without substantially shifting; wherein', 'said first plate and said second plate and said ring form a cavity between the plates when fit into said first circular cutout and said second circular cutout such that food can be placed into said cavity., 'said ring further comprising;'}, 'a ring'}2. The plate spacing microwaveable ring of further comprising;a first sealing gasket fit onto said first circular cutout such that said first sealing gasket seals said first plate and said first circular cutout.3. The plate spacing microwaveable ring of further comprising;a second sealing gasket fit onto said second circular cutout such that said second sealing gasket seals said second plate and said second circular cutout.4. The plate spacing microwaveable ring of further comprising;a third circular cutout with a rim parallel to the ring axis such that said third circular ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084750A1
Автор: Gillblad Rickard

The invention relates to a bottom part intended to receive food thereon, and a container part where the said bottom part and the container part are intended to enclose the said food. The package is provided with means to hold the bottom part and the container part together in a detachable fashion and means to separate the said bottom part from the container part fully or partially. Separating takes the form of removing the said bottom part with the bottom part of the package standing in an essentially horizontal position on a serving surface so that the food is so arranged as to come into contact with the serving surface, as a consequence of which the said container part is essentially retained in its position enclosing the said food. The invention also relates to a method for transferring food from a package to a serving surface. 126.-. (canceled)271. A package for packing food in containers which comprise a lid and a bottom part , and situated between these at least one space for receiving food that is intended to be frozen or chilled and subsequently heated , whereby at least one part of the package is utilized during heating , according to claim wherein the bottom part is arranged as to receive food before the freezing or chilling of the same , and the package comprises means for fully or partially separating the bottom part from the container part of the package before and/or after heating , whereby the food comes into contact with the serving surface , and the container part is essentially retained in its position enclosing the food28. A method for transferring food from a package , comprising a bottom part and a container part , to a serving surface , comprising:placing the package on top of the storage or serving surface, andfully or partially removing all or a part of the said bottom part from the said container part, whereby the food comes into contact with the serving surface, in conjunction with which the container part is essentially retained in its ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Disposable Tortilla-Flat Bread Type Product Warmer

Номер: US20170088335A1
Автор: Supple Paul C.

A device intended for one-time use (‘disposable”) for microwave heating bread products such as “pitas”, “tortillas” or other bread type products. However, the device can be embodied in a re-usable version and the concept disclosed is not limited in scope to a one-time use version. Tortillas and bread products are commonly heated separately to avoid a “rubbery” texture that results from heating in a microwave oven. Additionally, they are commonly heated separately to optimize “even” heating throughout the tortilla, pita or flat bread product. 18-. (canceled)9. A food warming pouch comprising:a top substrate and a bottom substrate, wherein:at least one outer edge of the bottom substrate extends beyond at least one outer edge of the top substrate creating a foldable flap;the top substrate and the bottom substrate are connected to each other on at least two edges that are opposite to the outer edge of the bottom substrate that extends beyond the at least one outer edge of the top substrate, such that the top substrate and the bottom substrate are adapted to receive a food item; andthe top substrate and the bottom substrate comprise silicone-treated parchment paper.10. The food warming pouch of claim 9 , further comprising an outer layer surrounding the top substrate and the bottom substrate; wherein the outer layer is an insulating layer.11. The food warming pouch of claim 9 , wherein the bottom substrate and the top substrate are connected to each other with adhesive claim 9 , glue claim 9 , tape claim 9 , or stitches.1214-. (canceled)15. The food warming pouch of claim 9 , wherein the bottom substrate claim 9 , the top substrate claim 9 , and the outer layer are rectangular in shape. NoneNoneNoneIn its most basic description, the concept disclosed here comprises a device intended for one-time use (‘disposable”) for microwave heating bread products such as “pitas”, “tortillas” or other bread type products. However, the device can be embodied in a re-usable version and ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096976A1
Автор: France David William
Принадлежит: ConAgra Foods RDM, Inc.

A microwavable food container includes a liquid-impermeable barrier configured with a single compartment or multiple compartments. The microwavable food container also includes at least one removable robe attached to the liquid-impermeable barrier on the outside surface of the container wall of one or more of the compartments. The removable robe includes a carrier and a microwave-interactive material applied to the carrier. If multiple robes are utilized, they can have similar microwave-interactive properties or different microwave-interactive properties to cause different heating environments within the container. Further, multiple microwave-interactive materials can be included on a single robe. The multiple-interactive materials can also have similar microwave-interactive properties or different microwave-interactive properties to cause different heating environments within the container. 1. A multi-compartment microwavable food container comprising:a tray comprising a liquid-impermeable barrier comprising a first compartment configured to contain a first food component and a second compartment configured to contain a second food component, the first compartment and the second compartment configured to separate the first food component from the second food component, the first compartment and the second compartment arranged generally horizontally with respect to one another, the first compartment comprising a container wall having an inner surface configured to be in contact with the first food component and an outside surface opposite the inner surface; anda removable robe mechanically coupled to the liquid-impermeable barrier on the outside surface of the container wall of the first compartment, the removable robe comprising a carrier and a microwave-interactive material applied to the carrier.2. The multi-compartment microwavable food container as recited in claim 1 , wherein the liquid-impermeable barrier comprises a retention feature for mechanically ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Expandable food package with lid

Номер: US20150096978A1
Принадлежит: Quaker Oats Co

An expandable food package with a removable lid, is provided. The food package has a bottom, an inner sidewall and an outer sidewall. The inner sidewall and outer sidewall are connected by a series of living hinges that allow the package to be converted between an expanded configuration and collapsed configuration. A lid may be sealed to one or both of an inner rim and an outer rim when the package is in collapsed configuration.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096674A1
Автор: Parsons Steven M.

A food tray has a lower tray containing a first food product and an upper tray nested stably at least partly inside the lower tray, with the upper tray containing a second food product. An air permeable interface is provided between the upper tray and lower tray to allow venting of steam from the lower tray during cooking. A cover is provided for the food tray. Each of the lower tray and the upper tray are formed of a material that is suitable for use in a microwave or conventional oven. Various constructions may be used to create the air permeable interface, such as lugs, ledges and lips. The upper tray may sit above the lower tray. The trays are nested loosely for ease of removal of the upper tray from the lower tray. Various configurations of cover may be used such as a sleeve, carton or lid. The upper tray may contain the higher value food product. 120-. (canceled)21. A prepackaged microwavable food product comprising:a first food product;a second food product;a lower tray holding the first food product, the lower tray having a lower tray bottom, a lower tray sidewall extending upwardly from the lower tray bottom and a lower tray lip extending around the upper edge of the lower tray sidewall;an upper tray holding the second food product, the upper tray having an upper tray bottom, an upper tray sidewall extending upwardly from the upper tray bottom and an upper tray lip extending around the upper edge of the upper tray sidewall; anda plurality of outwardly extending lugs formed under the upper tray lip, wherein the plurality of outwardly extending lugs rest on the top of the lower tray lip to form an air permeable gap between the upper tray and the lower tray.22. The prepackaged microwave food product of claim 21 , further comprising a second plurality of outwardly extending lugs formed under the lower tray lip.23. The prepackaged microwave food product of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of outwardly extending lugs is four lugs.24. The prepackaged microwave ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Packaging For Food Product

Номер: US20170096256A1
Автор: Pinkstone Felicia A.

A package for holding and protecting a food product. The package has a first tray with a first liner laminated to the first tray and a second tray with a second liner laminated to the second tray. The first liner and the second liner are sealed together to hold the package in a first position protecting the food contained therein from being damaged. The package can be converted to a second position wherein the first tray and the second tray are separated and the food product is removed. 1. A package for holding a food product , the package comprises:a first tray having a first bottom wall and a first side wall that cooperate to form a first cavity;a second tray having a second bottom wall and a second side wall that cooperate to form a second cavity;at least one liner attached to at least one of the first tray and the second tray, the liner encloses the food product,the first tray and the second tray are positioned so that the food product and at least a portion of the liner are contained in the first cavity and the second cavity.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the at least one liner comprises a first liner attached to the first tray and a second liner attached to the second tray.3. The package of claim 2 , further comprising a seal between the first liner and the second liner so that the food product is contained in a sealed inner enclosure formed by the first liner and the second liner.4. The package of claim 3 , wherein the first tray and the second tray form a rigid outer enclosure of the package that contains the sealed inner enclosure.5. The package of claim 1 , wherein the at least one liner is attached to the first tray.6. The package of claim 5 , wherein the at least one liner is folded to enclose the food product and form a sealed inner enclosure.7. The package of claim 6 , wherein the first tray and the second tray from a rigid outer enclosure of the package that contains the sealed inner enclosure.8. A method of forming a package for holding a food ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096277A1

A vented steam cooking package includes a container formed to include an interior region and a steam-venting system. The steam-venting system is formed in the package to vent steam from the interior region to atmosphere surrounding the package during heating. 131-. (canceled)32. A package comprisinga container formed to include an interior region anda closure formed from a peelable film coupled to the container along an annular brim extending around a perimeter of the container, the annular brim defining a mouth opening into an interior region of the containerwherein the closure is formed to include steam-venting means for venting steam formed in the interior region during heating in a controlled manner to cause temperature and pressure generated in the interior region to be maximized without causing an unintended opening to be formed in the container or the closure during heating andwherein the steam-venting means extends from a first edge of the peelable film that is coupled to the annular brim at a first side of the container to a second edge of the peelable film that is coupled to the annular brim at a second side of the container, the first edge of the container being spaced apart from and opposite the second edge of the container, the steam-venting means is exposed on one side of the peelable film to the interior region and on the side of the peelable film is directly exposed to ambient atmosphere.3362-. (canceled)63. The package of claim 32 , wherein a closure-partition line extends from the first edge to the second edge to establish a first film-panel and a second film-panel claim 32 , the steam-venting means including a first row having a first pattern of slits formed in the first film-panel and a second row having a second pattern of slits formed in the second film-panel.64. The package of claim 63 , wherein each slit in the first pattern of slits is substantially parallel to the closure-partition line and each slit in the second pattern of slits is ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098391A1

A food cooking system (A) of the present invention includes: a single-serving food package () including food (F) and an accommodating body () that accommodates the food (F); a heating chamber (); a steam supplier (); and a microwave supplier (); and heats and cooks the food (F) in the single-serving food package () with steam and microwaves. The accommodating body () has a wall portion that defines an accommodating space for the food (F). The wall portion includes a bottom surface portion () on which the food (F) is placed and a peripheral surface portion (), and vent holes () for steam to pass through are formed in the wall portion. Steam at a temperature of 85 to 130° C. is supplied into the heating chamber () by the steam supplier (), and microwaves with an actual output of 500 to 3000 W are supplied for 15 to 180 seconds by the microwave supplier () while the steam is supplied into the accommodating body () via the vent holes (). 1. A food cooking system comprising:a single-serving food package including food as an object to be cooked and an accommodating body accommodating the food;a heating chamber accommodating the single-serving food package;a steam supplier that supplies steam into the heating chamber; anda microwave supplier that supplies microwaves into the heating chamber,the food cooking system heating and cooking the food with the steam and the microwaves,wherein the accommodating body is configured to be able to take in steam that is in the heating chamber into the single-serving food package, andsteam at a temperature of 85 to 130° C. is supplied into the heating chamber by the steam supplier, and microwaves with an actual output of 500 to 3000 W are supplied by the microwave supplier for 15 to 180 seconds while the steam is supplied into the single-serving food package.2. The food cooking system according to claim 1 ,wherein the accommodating body is 1) a resin or paper tray including a bottom surface portion on which the food is placed and a ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Methods and Tools for Hip Replacement with Superscapsular Percutaneously Assisted Total Hip Approach

Номер: US20210121303A1
Автор: Chow James

A minimally invasive surgical procedure for replacing a hip joint is provided. A main incision is initiated at a point being a projection of a tip of a greater trochanter and extends proximally about a distance in the range of from 1 cm to 8 cm in line with the femoral axis. An inline capsulotomy is performed, while keeping muscles and posterior capsule intact, to expose the hip joint capsule for accessing the hip joint. The femoral canal is prepared for receipt of a femoral implant. The femoral head is resected and removed out of the acetabulum. A step of acetabular preparation is performed using a retractor comprising two tip rails, each tip rail having a plurality of tines. Related tools, devices, systems and methods are also provided. 122-. (canceled)23. A bone hook tool comprising:a bent tip with an indented surface on an outer side of the bent tip, wherein the indented surface is configured to accept a convex surface of a second tool to remove or disassemble a part to be removed from a trial part or an implant without any dislocation.24. The bone hook tool of claim 23 , wherein the indented surface is configured to accept a round surface of the second tool.25. The bone hook tool of claim 23 , wherein the indented surface is smooth or textured.26. The bone hook tool of claim 23 , wherein the bone hook is configured to be engaged with the second tool with a tip end of the bent tip inserted into a hole on the trial part or the implant and a tip of the second tool inserted into a hole on the part to be removed claim 23 , and the second tool is rotated against the indented surface of the bone hook tool.27. The bone hook tool of claim 23 , wherein the part to be removed is disassembled when the tip of the second tool is moved away from the tip end of the bone hook tool.28. The bone hook tool of claim 23 , wherein the second tool is a blunt trocar claim 23 , and the part to be removed is a trial neck in a surgical procedure of replacing a hip joint.2932-. (canceled) ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107044A1

A container for heating a plurality of food items with microwave energy. The container can comprise a tray comprising a sidewall extending at least partially around an interior of the tray, an insert disposed at least partially in the interior of the tray, and a plurality of receptacles at least partially defined by the insert. Each receptacle of the plurality of receptacles can be for at least partially receiving at least one food item of the plurality of food items. 1. A container for heating a plurality of food items with microwave energy , the container comprising:a tray comprising a sidewall extending at least partially around an interior of the tray;an insert disposed at least partially in the interior of the tray; anda plurality of receptacles at least partially defined by the insert, each receptacle of the plurality of receptacles being for at least partially receiving at least one food item of the plurality of food items.2. The container of claim 1 , wherein a microwave energy interactive element extends along each of the receptacles of the plurality of receptacles.3. The container of claim 1 , wherein each of the receptacles of the plurality of receptacles comprises a plurality of sides defined by the insert claim 1 , and each side of the plurality of sides defined by the insert comprises a microwave energy interactive material.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein the tray further comprises a bottom wall comprising a microwave energy interactive material.5. The container of claim 3 , wherein the insert comprises at least a lateral rib and a longitudinal rib claim 3 , the lateral rib intersects with the longitudinal rib to at least partially form multiple receptacles of the plurality of receptacles.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein each of the lateral rib and the longitudinal rib defines a side of the plurality of sides for each receptacle of the multiple receptacles.7. The container of claim 6 , wherein each of the lateral rib and the longitudinal rib ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114961A1
Автор: Parsons Steven M.

A food tray has a lower tray containing a first food product and an upper tray nested stably at least partly inside the lower tray, with the upper tray containing a second food product. An air permeable interface is provided between the upper tray and lower tray to allow venting of steam from the lower tray during cooking. A cover is provided for the food tray. Each of the lower tray and the upper tray are formed of a material that is suitable for use in a microwave or conventional oven. Various constructions may be used to create the air permeable interface, such as lugs, ledges and lips. The upper tray may sit above the lower tray. The trays are nested loosely for ease of removal of the upper tray from the lower tray. Various configurations of cover may be used such as a sleeve, carton or lid. The upper tray may contain the higher value food product. 120-. (canceled)21. A prepackaged microwavable food product comprising:a first food product;a second food product;a lower tray holding the first food product, the lower tray having a lower tray bottom, a lower tray sidewall extending upwardly from the lower tray bottom and a lower tray lip extending around the upper edge of the lower tray sidewall;an upper tray holding the second food product, the upper tray having an upper tray bottom, an upper tray sidewall extending upwardly from the upper tray bottom and an upper tray lip extending around the upper edge of the upper tray sidewall; anda plurality of protrusions formed in one of the upper tray lip or the lower tray lip, wherein the protrusions form an air permeable gap between the upper tray and the lower tray.22. The prepackaged microwave food product of claim 21 , wherein the lower tray and the upper tray are made by at least one member of a group consisting of: injection molding claim 21 , and thermoforming.23. The prepackaged microwave food product of claim 21 , wherein the material of the upper tray includes at least one member of a group consisting of: paper ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114962A1
Автор: Parsons Steven M.

A food tray has a lower tray containing a first food product and an upper tray nested stably at least partly inside the lower tray, with the upper tray containing a second food product. An air permeable interface is provided between the upper tray and lower tray to allow venting of steam from the lower tray during cooking. A cover is provided for the food tray. Each of the lower tray and the upper tray are formed of a material that is suitable for use in a microwave or conventional oven. Various constructions may be used to create the air permeable interface, such as lugs, ledges and lips. The upper tray may sit above the lower tray. The trays are nested loosely for ease of removal of the upper tray from the lower tray. Various configurations of cover may be used such as a sleeve, carton or lid. The upper tray may contain the higher value food product. 120-. (canceled)21. A prepackaged microwavable food product comprising:a first food product;a second food product;a lower tray containing the first food product, the lower tray having a base, a rim and sidewalls, the sidewalls extending vertically from the base to the rim, the sidewalls having a discontinuous ledge formed therein, the discontinuous ledge positioned entirely between the base and the rim of the lower tray and projecting inwardly to the lower tray;an upper tray containing the second food product, the upper tray having a base, wherein the base of the upper tray rests on the discontinuous ledge so that the upper tray is nested entirely within the lower tray above the first food product and so that a gap is formed between sidewalls of the upper tray and sidewalls of the lower tray, wherein an air permeable interface is formed between the upper tray and the lower tray at points of discontinuity of the ledge; anda handle provided on the upper tray to facilitate removal of the upper tray from the lower tray.22. The prepackaged microwave food product of claim 21 , wherein the lower tray and the upper tray are ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Device and Method of Heating Potstickers by Microwave

Номер: US20180111742A1
Автор: Chung Jing-Yau

The disclosure relates to an apparatus for preparation of a potsticker food product, having: a bag; the potsticker food product within the bag; and wherein the bag defines at least one air gap through the bag. The disclosure further relates to a potsticker manufacturing process, having the steps of: placing a potsticker food product in a bag; sealing the bag; and creating at least one air gap through the bag. Additionally, the disclosure relates to a potsticker preparation process, having the steps of: microwaving a potsticker food product in a bag to create steam; and steaming and venting the steam through at least one air gap through the bag. 1. An apparatus for preparation of a potsticker food product , comprising:a bag;the potsticker food product within the bag;andwherein the bag defines at least one air gap through the bag.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bag has a bag seal.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the at least one air gap is defined through the bag seal.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the at least one air gap has a length of 4 millimeters to 5 millimeters.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the at least one air gap is comprised of three to four air gaps.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the bag comprises a 6 to 8 oz. microwavable bag.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , further comprising a sauce packet.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the potsticker food product is frozen.9. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the microwavable bag comprises a 6 to 7 oz. microwavable bag and the air gaps comprise three air gaps.10. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the microwavable bag comprises a 7 to 8 oz. microwavable bag and the air gaps comprises four air gaps.11. A potsticker manufacturing process claim 6 , comprising the steps of:placing a potsticker food product in a bag;sealing the bag; andcreating at least one air gap through the bag.12. The process of claim 11 , wherein the step of creating at least one air gap through the bag is ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160120203A1
Автор: ARNOLD Kelly Marie

A method for preparing no-mess fudge is provided. The process for preparing no-mess fudge may include a firming container and a stand-up container. The stand-up container retains a plurality of pre-measured fudge ingredients. The stand-up container may be sleeve providing a seal on one end and a flat base on the other. In preparation of making fudge, a user may cut vents and/or tear notches through the seal. The user may then heat the stand-up container for a sufficient time to properly prepare the plurality of ingredients. The user may then knead the stand-up container for a sufficient time to properly mix the plurality of ingredients. The user may then urge the plurality of ingredients out of the stand-up container and into the firming container so that the plurality of ingredients may set to fudge of a desired hardness. 1. A stand-up container system for no-mess preparation of fudge , comprising:a plurality of ingredients at predetermined pre-measured ratios to prepare fudge of a desired taste; anda microwavable sleeve for retaining the plurality of ingredients, wherein the sleeve terminates in a seal end and an opposing base end;a separable seal disposed along the seal end so as to be positionable in an open position for receiving the plurality of ingredients and in a sealed position; anda flat base disposed along the base end, wherein the flat base is adapted to support the stand-up container in a vertically oriented position.2. The stand-up container system of claim 1 , further comprising a firming container having a tray-like shape defining a firming surface.3. The stand-up container system of claim 2 , wherein the firming surface has a no-stick coating.4. The stand-up container system of claim 3 , wherein the firming surface is corrugated.5. The stand-up container system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ingredients are configured for heating fudge when the stand-up container is oriented in the vertically oriented position.6. A method of preparing fudge ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Preserved Microwavable Food Products

Номер: US20160122118A1

A microwavable tray containing a preserved, such as frozen, preferably liquid, food product. The tray can be capable of being folded at least in half and closed after microwaving. The liquid food product contained in the tray has the consistency and texture after microwaving of freshly prepared product, allowing it to be folded at least in half when the tray is folded, or even without a folding tray. During the microwave process, various fillings can be added to the product ether frozen or unfrozen prior to folding. 1. A sealed food package comprising ,a microwavable tray having an upwardly convex lower surface including a domed central portion surrounded by a lower outer edge,a food product within the tray, at least a portion of the food product being a liquid room temperature, anda lidding material sealing the food product within the tray,wherein the domed central portion is configured to establish a food product having a central portion that is thinner than an outer portion so that central portion and the outer portion results in even heating during microwave cooking.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the food product comprises an egg product.3. The package of claim 2 , wherein the egg product has a thickness over the domed central portion of the tray that is about 0.1 inches less than a thickness over the lower outer edge of the tray.4. The package of claim 3 , wherein the egg product wherein the egg product has a thickness of about 0.238 inches over the domed central portion of the tray and a thickness of about 0.338 inches over the lower outer edge of the tray.5. The package of claim 1 , wherein the egg product has a density of about 0.98 g/ml.6. The package of claim 1 , wherein the food product comprises about 80% to about 99% liquid egg product claim 1 , about 0 to about 20% milk product claim 1 , and about 0 to about 5% hydrocolloids.7. The package of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sachet comprising toppings for the product claim 1 , wherein at ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121095A1

An ovenable cooking apparatus for facilitating the cooking of food components while maintaining the separateness thereof may include a first container for holding a first food component, and a second container for holding a second food component. The separation of the first food component from the second food component maintains the surface area for the first and second food components to facilitate heating of the first and second food components. The first food component may have a liquid based content for producing steam when heated, and one or both of the first container and the second container may define a passage for providing airflow and steam flow for contacting the second container and/or the second foodstuff and heating or steaming the second food component. Additionally, the second container may be steam impermeable for cooking bread and the like. 116-. (canceled)17. A molded pulp cooking apparatus comprising:a molded pulp container having a base, sidewalls tapering outwardly and extending vertically from the base of the container to a rim, and a shelf formed in the sidewalls of the container between the base of the container and the rim of the container; anda molded pulp basket removably received by the container, the basket including a base of the basket and sidewalls of the basket extending from the base of the basket to a rim that is disposed entirely below a top point of the rim of the container when the basket is received by the container to define a first volume with a plurality of openings extending through at least one of a bottom surface of the base of the basket and the sidewalls of the basket, wherein the bottom surface of the base of the basket rests on the shelf formed in the sidewalls of the container when the basket is received by the container to define a second volume between the base of the container and the base of the basket.18. The molded pulp cooking apparatus of claim 17 , wherein the apparatus is heatable in an oven selected from ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121096A1

An ovenable cooking apparatus for facilitating the cooking of food components while maintaining the separateness thereof may include a first container for holding a first food component, and a second container for holding a second food component. The separation of the first food component from the second food component maintains the surface area for the first and second food components to facilitate heating of the first and second food components. The first food component may have a liquid based content for producing steam when heated, and one or both of the first container and the second container may define a passage for providing airflow and steam flow for contacting the second container and/or the second foodstuff and heating or steaming the second food component. Additionally, the second container may be steam impermeable for cooking bread and the like. 116-. (canceled)17. A cooking apparatus comprising:a container having a base, sidewalls tapering outwardly and extending vertically from the base of the container to a rim, and a shelf formed in the sidewalls of the container between the base of the container and the rim of the container; anda basket removably received by the container, the basket including a base of the basket and sidewalls of the basket extending from the base of the basket to a rim that is disposed entirely below a top point of the rim of the container when the basket is received by the container to define a first volume, wherein the bottom surface of the base of the basket rests on the shelf formed in the sidewalls of the container when the basket is received by the container to define a second volume between the base of the container and the base of the basket.18. The cooking apparatus of claim 17 , wherein the sidewall of the basket includes openings.19. The cooking apparatus of claim 17 , wherein the base of the basket includes openings.20. The cooking apparatus of claim 17 , wherein the at least one of the container and the basket are ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Reclosable Cover for a Hollow Object and Method for Making Same

Номер: US20220267079A1

Reclosable cover () for a hollow object (), wherein the cover comprises a base layer (BL), a carrier layer (DL) and an adhesive layer (LL).The base layer has a first base layer cutting line (B). The carrier layer has a first carrier layer cutting line (D) at a first distance (d) from the first base layer cutting line (B) to provide a first adhesive zone (k) which is formed to adhere the cover to the hollow object (). 1100200. Reclosable cover () for a hollow object () , wherein the cover comprises:{'b': 110', '1, 'a base layer (BL), wherein a rear side () of the base layer is provided with a carrier layer (DL) and wherein an adhesive layer (LL) is present between the base layer and the carrier layer, wherein the base layer has a first base layer cutting line (B) to form a peripheral edge of the cover,'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1, 'wherein the carrier layer has a first carrier layer cutting line (D), lying substantially inside contours of and at a first distance (d) from the first base layer cutting line (B), to provide a first adhesive zone (k) when a carrier layer part (DD) outside the first carrier layer cutting line is removed,'}{'b': 1', '200', '2', '2', '1, 'wherein the first adhesive zone (k) is formed to adhere the cover to the hollow object (); wherein the base layer has a second base layer cutting line (B), lying substantially inside the contours of and at a second distance (d) from the first carrier layer cutting line (D), to form a closing member (SL), and'}{'b': 2', '3', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'wherein the carrier layer has a second carrier layer cutting line (D), lying substantially inside contours of and at a third distance (d) from the second base layer cutting line (B), to provide a re-adhesive zone (k) between the second carrier layer cutting line (D) and the second base layer cutting line (B).'}2111. Reclosable cover according to claim 1 , wherein the first distance (d) is discontinuous over at least a segment of the first carrier layer cutting line (D) ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Plasma Treated Susceptor Films

Номер: US20160128137A1

A method of making a microwave energy interactive structure includes plasma treating the surface of a polymer film with an inert gas at a plasma treatment energy per unit surface area of the film of from about 0.005 J/cmto about 0.2 J/cmto reduce the apparent surface roughness of film the polymer film, and depositing a layer of microwave energy interactive material onto the plasma treated surface of the film. 1. A microwave energy interactive structure comprising:a polymer film having a pair of opposed sides, wherein a first side of the pair of opposed sides is plasma treated; anda layer of microwave energy interactive material supported on the first side of the polymer film, wherein the layer of microwave energy interactive material has an optical density of from about 0.17 to about 0.28 so that the layer of microwave energy interactive material is operative for converting at least a portion of impinging microwave energy into thermal energy.2. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the microwave energy interactive structure is operative for reaching a maximum temperature upon sufficient exposure to microwave energy claim 1 , the maximum temperature of the microwave energy interactive structure being greater than a maximum temperature reached by a microwave energy interactive structure including a polymer film that is not plasma treated.3. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer film comprises biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate.4. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 1 , further comprising a support layer joined to the layer of microwave energy interactive material such that the layer of microwave energy interactive material is disposed between the polymer film and the support layer.5. The microwave energy interactive structure of claim 4 , wherein the support layer comprises paper claim 4 , paperboard claim 4 , or any combination thereof.6. The microwave energy interactive ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Package with Enlarged Base

Номер: US20160130065A1
Автор: Fitzwater Kelly R.

A microwave heating construct may include a widened base. The construct may be erected by folding end panels of the construct towards one another and optionally securing the panels in the folded position. The construct may be formed from a blank. The construct and/or blank may include a removable portion at least partially defined by a line of disruption. 1. A method of heating a food item comprising:providing a microwave heating construct that comprises a first main panel and a second main panel opposite one another, a first minor panel and a second minor panel opposite one another, the first minor panel and the second minor panel being foldably joined to the first main panel and the second main panel, a first end panel foldably joined to the first main panel along a first fold line, the first end panel including a pair of side edges that extend divergently from one another from the first main panel to an end edge of the first end panel, and a second end panel foldably joined to the second main panel along a second fold line, the second end panel including a pair of opposed side edges that extend from the second main panel to an end edge of the second end panel, wherein the first end panel and the second end panel each have a length measured from the respective first fold line or second fold line to the respective end edge of the first end panel or second end panel midway between the respective opposed side edges, and wherein the length of the first end panel is greater than the length of the second end panel, and wherein at least one of the first main panel, second main panel, first minor panel, second minor panel, first end panel, and second end panel includes microwave energy interactive material wherein the first main panel, second main panel, first minor panel, second minor panel, first end panel, and second end panel define an interior space for receiving a food item, and exposing the food item within the interior space to microwave energy, so that the ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Code Arrangement and Package of System for Cooking a Foodstuff

Номер: US20190124728A1
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

The invention further relates to a foodstuff cooking system (100) comprising a package (10) as the one described and a cooking device (20). Furthermore, the invention also relates to a method of cooking a foodstuff using the system (100) described.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136769A1
Автор: Nukuda Yumi, Quinn Jason

A chamber formed of a dielectric material is sealed with a lid for use in a microwave oven. The lid contains a pair of translating grip that engage the chamber rim to seal the vessel to contain pressure. The grips can be activated to release the lid by a centrally disposed button type actuator. The grips are coupled to a vent release means formed within the shell like construction of the lid. 1. A pressure containing chamber , comprising:a) a vessel having an upper rim with a flange portion,b) a lid for sealing the vessel,c) a resilient sealing means disposed between the lid and the upper rim,d) a pair of arc shaped laterally translating grips that have a lower surface for grasping the flange portion of the vessel to urge the lid in sealed engagement with the vessel by compressing the resilient sealing means,e) an actuator disposed in the center of the lid that is operative to move to an upper vertical direction position to display a pressurized state of the vessel in which urging the said actuator to a lower vertical laterally displaces the translating grips from the position urging the lid in sealed engagement with the vessel by compressing the resilient sealing means.2. The pressure containing chamber of wherein the actuator is a button disposed in the center of the lid to be flush with an upper surface thereof when the vessel is not pressurized.3. The pressure containing chamber of further comprising a latching means that is operative to lock the grips when the vessel is under pressure.4. The pressure containing chamber of wherein the latching means is a first vent means that remains open until the arc shaped laterally translating grips urge the lid in sealed engagement with the vessel by compressing the resilient sealing means.5. The pressure containing chamber of further comprising a vent well in the lid disposed outside of a vertical channel therein that receives the actuator.6. The pressure containing chamber of wherein the first vent means is disposed in ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Cover, A Container Assembly Including The Cover, A Molding Device For Molding The Cover And A Method For Manufacturing The Cover

Номер: US20170129663A1
Автор: IWASAKI Yoshihisa
Принадлежит: Iwasaki Industry, Inc.

A cover for covering an opening of a container for a food stuff includes a substantially flat cover body including at least one aperture and at least one substantially flat flap. The at least one flap including a linear proximal end configured to connect with the cover body and allow the at least one flap to rotate with respect to the cover body. A lower surface of the at least one flap includes a protrusion configured to close the at least one aperture when the at least one flap is at a first position in which the at least one flap is in parallel with the cover body. The cover body and the at least one flap are integrally formed by a co-injection molding. The container and cover are suitable for heating a food stuff in a microwave. 1. A cover for covering an opening of a container for heating a food stuff , the cover comprising:an elevated peripheral portion defining an outer contour of the cover and configured to engage with an edge of the container defining its opening;an elevated area surrounded by and positioned apart from the elevated peripheral portion, the elevated area being lower than the peripheral portion;a plurality of air vent ports defined in the elevated area;at least one flap including a proximal end integrally connected to an edge of the elevated area, the at least one flap configured to rotate around the proximal end;at least one protrusion extending from a first surface of the at least one flap and configured to plug at least one of the plurality of air vent ports when the flap reaches a first position where the at least one flap is received in a concave area defined in the elevated area; anda groove defined at the proximal end in the first surface of the at least one flap wherein a second surface opposite to the first surface at the proximal end is straight when the flap stands upright to the concave area.2. The cover in claim 1 , wherein the second surface of the at least one flap does not protrude from a surface of the elevated area when the ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274762A1

Provided are a rotating structure and a container using the rotating structure, the rotating structure including: a pouch coupled to a container while being wounded around a circumference of the container; and a raw material provided inside the pouch, wherein the raw material expands the pouch by being sublimated or evaporated while being heated, and the container is rotated according to expansion of the pouch, wherein the container using the rotating structure couples the rotating structure to the container storing content therein and having a container shape. 1. A rotating structure comprising:a pouch coupled to a container while being wounded around a circumference of the container; anda raw material provided inside the pouch,wherein the raw material expands the pouch by being sublimated or evaporated while being heated, and the container is rotated according to expansion of the pouch.2. The rotating structure of claim 1 , wherein the pouch is wound around the circumference of the container while forming a shape of a band claim 1 , and when the pouch is expanded by the raw material claim 1 , the pouch is gradually expanded along a long direction of the band.3. The rotating structure of claim 2 , wherein the raw material is provided at one side end of the pouch in the shape of the band claim 2 , and the pouch starts to be expanded from the one side end of the pouch.4. The rotating structure of claim 1 , wherein the pouch comprises a pin hole that is openable by gas pressure.5. The rotating structure of claim 4 , wherein residual internal pressure inside the pouch is adjusted according to a size of the pin hole opened by the gas pressure.6. The rotating structure of claim 4 , wherein there are a plurality of the pouches claim 4 , and the pin hole of one pouch is connected to the pin hole of another pouch through a connection portion.7. The rotating structure of claim 1 , wherein there are a plurality of the pouches claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of pouches rotate ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135521A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

To provide a microwave pouch that favorably prevents both of hole formation of the pouch and spurting of contents, with a simple structure. A microwave pouch () includes a self-venting mechanism (). The self-venting mechanism () has an annular venting seal (), a steam release part () surrounded by the venting seal (), and a movable piece () defined by a slit () formed in the steam release part (). The venting seal () has a seal peel initiation part () where peeling is started by steam generated inside the pouch () during heating. The slit () includes slit both ends (), and a slit intermediate part () formed to extend from the slit both ends () toward a region away from the seal peel initiation part () and connecting the slit both ends. 1. A microwave pouch comprising a self-venting mechanism ,the self-venting mechanism including an annular venting seal, a steam release part surrounded by the venting seal, and a movable piece defined by a slit formed in the steam release part,the venting seal including a seal peel initiation part where peeling is started by steam generated inside the pouch during heating, andthe slit including slit both ends, and a slit intermediate part formed to extend from the slit both ends toward a region away from the seal peel initiation part and connecting the slit both ends.2. The microwave pouch according to claim 1 , wherein part of the slit intermediate part is formed in the venting seal.3. The microwave pouch according to claim 1 , wherein a point seal is formed in the movable piece by thermally bonding together layers of the movable piece.4. The microwave pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the seal peel initiation part is a section of the annular venting seal closest to a center of a container part of the pouch.5. The microwave pouch according to claim 1 , wherein the slit has a width along a slit extending direction.6. A microwave pouch comprising a self-venting mechanism claim 1 ,the self-venting mechanism including an annular ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171269A1

A method of heating or cooking liquid-exuding product includes placing the liquid-exuding product onto a package (). The package includes a porous material (), an absorbent material () and a tray (). The porous material is attached to or contacts at least a portion of the tray. The absorbent material () is located between the porous material and the tray. The method includes heating or cooking the combined liquid-exuding product and package. At least some liquid exuded from the liquid-exuding product during heating or cooking travels through the porous material () and contacts at least some of the absorbent material (). 1. A method of heating or cooking liquid-exuding product , the method comprising:placing liquid-exuding product onto a package, the package including a porous material, an absorbent material and a tray, the porous material being attached to at least a portion of the tray, the absorbent material being located between the porous material and the tray; andheating or cooking the combined liquid-exuding product and package,wherein at least some liquid exuded from the liquid-exuding product during heating or cooking travels through the porous material and contacts at least some of the absorbent material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of heating or cooking the combined liquid-exuding product and package is done in a microwave.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tray includes at least one reservoir formed therein.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the at least one reservoir contains the absorbent material claim 3 , the porous material being configured to confine the absorbent material in the at least one reservoir claim 3 , the absorbent material being configured to absorb at least one of grease or water exuded from the liquid-exuding product.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least some liquid exuded from the liquid-exuding product flows through the porous material and interacts with the absorbent material to form a gel.6. The method ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224790A1
Автор: KIMURA Kazuyo

The applicant provides a heating vessel with a single lid for a microwave oven wherein boiling is maintained and overspill is unlikely to be ejected. In view of the fact that a wooden lid for an iron pot is flat, bulky and heavy, the applicant employs a thickened intermediate lid for a double-lid earthen pot for rice cooking that is used for heating with gas. By providing steam vents at equal intervals around the circumference of the lid, the soluble solids of cooked rice ejected due to boiling are returned into the earthen pot for rice cooking. 1. A heating vessel , with a lid of which steam vents are provided around the circumference , in order to prevent overspill from being ejected and to maintain boiling.2. A heating vessel , for a rice-cooking earthen pot , with a lid of which steam vents are provided around the circumference and whose bottom surface is flat and in a thickened shape , in order to prevent overspill from being ejected and to maintain boiling.3. A heating vessel , for rice cooking with a microwave oven , whose capacity is 1500 cc for cooking 300 cc of rice and is 2000 cc for cooking 400 cc of rice.4. A heating vessel , wherein heating means heat substances in the vessel and the heated substances heat the vessel by heat transfer as a result that a high temperature is rapidly generated and an intense boiling can be caused by far-infrared heating in addition to the heating means. 1. Field of the inventionThe present invention relates a heating vessel with a lid, for preventing overspill from being ejected and maintaining boiling even with a single lid, to make it easy for use of an earthen pot for rice cooking with a microwave oven.2. Description of the related artThe Japanese Patent No. 4143936 discloses that rice can be cooked in a good manner with a simple output control when an earthen pot is used as a vessel for rice cooking with a microwave oven.For earthen vessels for rice cooking with a microwave oven, there are double-lid rice bowls, ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Hermetically sealed Microwave Package and Process

Номер: US20160152400A1
Автор: Juan Carlos Tinoco
Принадлежит: LaserSharp FlexPak Services LLC

A microwavable package is formed with venting mechanisms that are arranged in one of a number of different ways, and are covered with a pressure sensitive adhesive label. While the vents are covered with the pressure sensitive adhesive label, the package is hermetically sealed. The label protects the venting mechanisms from breakage due to product mishandling and abuses during storage and transportation. Prior to be cooked the consumer will remove or peel back the pressure sensitive adhesive label exposing or opening the venting mechanisms. Such vents can be of multiple different shapes, including a perforated shape whose center portion is removed or center portions sticks to the pressure sensitive adhesive label when the label is pulled back and removed from the package. The package is then placed in the oven or microwave and the product inside can be cooked safely. This method guarantees a reliable, safe designed, steam release and cook-in-the-bag mechanism that will always deliver a controllable process from the freezer to the table.

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Tray With Compartments

Номер: US20220289459A1

A tray for holding one or more food products includes a plurality of panels including a central panel, a plurality of compartment flaps foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels, and a plurality of end flaps foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels, the plurality of compartment flaps and the plurality of end flaps are overlapped to form a plurality of compartments of the tray. 1. A tray for holding one or more food products , the tray comprising:a plurality of panels comprising a central panel;a plurality of compartment flaps foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels; anda plurality of end flaps foldably connected to a respective panel of the plurality of panels,the plurality of compartment flaps and the plurality of end flaps are overlapped to form a plurality of compartments of the tray.2. The tray of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of compartment flaps comprises a first compartment flap foldably connected to the central panel and a second compartment flap foldably connected to the central panel.3. The tray of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of end flaps comprises a first end flap extending away from the central panel and engaging a portion of each of the first compartment flap and the second compartment flap to at least partially form a first compartment of the plurality of compartments of the tray.4. The tray of claim 3 , wherein the central panel defines a flange for at least partially receiving a liner.5. The tray of claim 4 , further in combination with the liner claim 4 , the liner disposed on a portion of the flange claim 4 , at least one compartment flap of the plurality of compartment flaps claim 4 , and at least one end flap of the plurality of end flaps.6. The tray of claim 3 , wherein one of the first compartment flap and the second compartment flap is foldably connected to the central panel at a fold line intersecting a cutout adjacent the first compartment flap and the ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150156826A1
Автор: Erle Ulrich Johannes

The present invention relates to a microwave susceptor for emitting infrared energy comprising a susceptor plate comprising a non-conductive material and an electrically conductive component imparting electrical conductivity, and wherein the susceptor element has a resistance of 10 to 1000 Ohm/square, preferably 30 to 300 Ohm/square and wherein the susceptor plate is capable of withstanding a temperature above 400° C. The invention also relates to a food packaging comprising a food product and such a microwave susceptor. 1. A microwave susceptor for emitting infrared energy comprising a susceptor plate comprising:a non-conductive material;an electrically conductive component imparting electrical conductivity; andthe susceptor element has a resistance of 10 to 1000 Ohm/square, preferably 30 to 300 Ohm/square, and the susceptor plate is capable of withstanding a temperature above 400° C.2. A microwave susceptor for emitting infrared energy comprising a susceptor plate comprising:a non-conductive material;a magnetically active material which has a Curie temperature which is greater than the operating point temperature; andthe susceptor plate is capable of withstanding a temperature above 400° C.3. A microwave susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the susceptor is capable of emitting infrared radiation above 50% based on black body radiation.4. A microwave susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the susceptor comprises a plate support having a melting point above 600° C.5. A microwave susceptor according to claims 1 , wherein the plate support is made of aluminium.6. A microwave susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductivity is imparted to the susceptor by adding a conductivity component in the bulk of the susceptor material.7. A microwave susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical conductivity is imparted to the susceptor by coating or glazing the non-conductive material with an electrically conductive layer.8. A microwave ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140144A1
Автор: Cheney Paul

A container () for food and/or beverage type items is at least partially defined by two or more wall portions including at least a first sidewall portion, and at least one thin or foldable wall portion (). The container also includes a base portion and a lid (). It is convertible between a first substantially flattened storage or transport condition and a second in-use or expanded condition by manipulation of the wall portions and/or base. The thin wall portion () is formed or located between a first sidewall portion and the base, and it is between 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm thick. 1. A container for food and/or beverage type items , said container is manufactured from polypropylene and/or polyethylene and at least partially defined by two or more wall portions , said wall portions including at least a first sidewall portion , and at least one thin or foldable wall portion , said container also including a base portion and a lid and is convertible between a first substantially flattened storage or transport condition and a second in-use or expanded condition by manipulation of the wall portions and/or base , said at least one thin wall portion being formed or located between a first sidewall portion and the base , wherein the thin wall portion is between , or is substantially between , 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm thick.2. (canceled)3. A container according to wherein the thin wall portion of a substantially polypropylene material is 0.25-0.45 mm thick or in cross sectional width.4. A container according to wherein the thin wall thickness is substantially 0.31 mm.5. A container according to wherein the thin wall portion of a substantially polyethylene material is 0.25-0.50 mm thick or in cross sectional width.6. A container according to wherein the wall thickness is substantially 0.35 mm.7. (canceled)8. A container according to wherein the container is manufactured from polypropylene base material plus plasticiser additives for hot fill claim 1 , microwave and other food applications ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170150555A1
Автор: Erle Urlich Johannes

A food packaging includes a food product and a microwave susceptor for emitting infrared energy. The microwave susceptor has a susceptor plate including a non-conductive material and an electrically conductive component imparting electrical conductivity. The susceptor element has a resistance of 10 to 1000 Ohm/square, preferably 30 to 300 Ohm/square, and the susceptor plate is capable of withstanding a temperature above 400° C. 1: A food packaging comprising a food product and a microwave susceptor comprising a susceptor plate comprising:a non-conductive material selected from the group consisting of corning glass, ceramics, plaster, clay, and salts pressed into tablets; andan electrically conductive component imparting electrical conductivity, the electrically conductive component is a coating of an electrically conductive metal layer on the non-conductive material;the electrically conductive component has a resistance of 10 to 1000 Ohm/square, and the susceptor plate is capable of withstanding a temperature above 400° C.2: The food packaging of claim 1 , wherein the susceptor plate is capable of emitting infrared radiation above 50% based on black body radiation.3: The food packaging of claim 1 , wherein the susceptor plate comprises a plate support having a melting point above 600° C.4: The food packaging of claim 3 , wherein the plate support is made of aluminum.5: The food packaging of claim 1 , wherein the resistance of the electrically conductive component is 30 to 300 Ohm/square.6: The food packaging of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive component is selected from the group consisting of metals claim 1 , semiconductors claim 1 , doped metal oxides claim 1 , carbon or graphite claim 1 , and ionic compounds that have electrical conductivity due to ion mobility.7: The food packaging of claim 1 , wherein the resistance of the susceptor is 70 to 100 Ohm/square.8: The food packaging of claim 1 , wherein the coating is thin metal layers created by a ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Expandable Carton

Номер: US20140234505A1
Автор: Burke Bradley J.

A package for holding a food product. The package comprises a carton comprising a plurality of panels that extend at least partially around an interior of the carton. The plurality of panels comprises at least two side panels. A tear feature extends at least partially across the plurality of panels for at least partially separating the carton into an upper portion and a lower portion. The package also comprises a liner disposed in the interior of the carton. The liner comprises an expandable region proximate to the tear feature of the carton. 1. A method of heating a food product in a package comprising: a carton comprising a plurality of panels that extend at least partially around an interior of the carton, the plurality of panels comprising at least two side panels, and a tear feature extending at least partially across the plurality of panels; and', 'a liner disposed in the interior of the carton, the liner comprising an expandable region proximate to the tear feature of the carton;, 'obtaining a package comprisingat least partially separating the carton into an upper portion and a lower portion at the tear feature; andheating the package so that the volume of the interior of the carton expands.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein when the package is heated the upper portion of the carton is moved away from the lower portion of the carton and the expandable region of the liner is expanded and extends between the upper portion of the carton and the lower portion of the carton.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the tear feature comprises a tear strip extending across each panel of the plurality of panels claim 2 , and the liner comprises an upper region adhered to at least a portion of each panel of the plurality of panels above the tear strip and a lower region adhered to at least a portion of each panel of the plurality of panels below the tear strip.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the expandable region of the liner extends between the upper region of the liner ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Package With Opening Feature

Номер: US20150158628A1
Автор: Walsh Joseph C.

A package for holding a food product is disclosed herein. The package includes a flexible material having a first portion forming a first side of the package, a second portion forming a second side of the package, a first closed end, and a second closed end. The first portion and the second portion are in face-to-face contact at each of the first closed end and the second closed end and are spaced apart to form an interior space. A removable portion is removably attached to a base portion by an opening feature. The opening feature comprises at least one line of weakening in at least one of the first portion and the second portion. The at least one line of weakening extends across the first closed end and the second closed end and the at least one of the first portion and the second portion defining the interior space. 1. A package for holding a food product , the package comprising:a flexible material having a first portion forming a first side of the package and a second portion forming a second side of the package;a first closed end and a second closed end, wherein the first portion and the second portion are in face-to-face contact at each of the first closed end and the second closed end;an interior space for receiving a food product between the first closed end and the second closed end, the first portion and the second portion being spaced apart to define the interior space;a removable portion removably attached to a base portion by an opening feature, the opening feature comprising at least one line of weakening in at least one of the first portion and the second portion, the at least one line of weakening extends across the first closed end and the second closed end and the at least one of the first portion and the second portion defining the interior space.2. The package of claim 1 , wherein the opening feature comprises a first line of weakening in the first portion and a second line of weakening in the second portion.3. The package of claim 2 , wherein ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Micro-Active Thermoelastomer Heated Food Accessories

Номер: US20180153340A1

Microwave safe accessories heat up without melting or burning the user and will use conduction to keep food and liquids hot/warm. Specifically, the disclosure relates to a thermoplastic elastomer that includes microwave activated materials (such as graphite or carbon black). The thermoplastic elastomer can include an overmold, which can be inert (e.g. Santoprene, TipSiv, or the like) or can also be combined with microwave activated materials. 1. A cooking implement including at least a first thermoplastic elastomer layer , the thermoplastic elastomer being mixed with a microwave activated material comprising about 10-30% by weight of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer so as to absorb energy from a dielectric source so as to a deliver an effective amount of heat to a foodstuff or foodstuff container.2. The cooking implement of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer is HDPE.3. The cooking implement of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer is silicone.4. The cooking implement of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer is PET.5. The cooking implement of claim 1 , wherein the microwave activated material is graphite.6. A cooking implement including at least a first thermoplastic elastomer layer and a second overmold plastic layer claim 1 , the first thermoplastic elastomer being mixed with a microwave activated material comprising about 10-30% by weight of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer so as to absorb energy from a dielectric source so as to a deliver an effective amount of heat to a foodstuff or foodstuff container.7. The cooking implement of claim 6 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer is polypropylene.8. The cooking implement of claim 6 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer of the first thermoplastic elastomer layer is silicone.9. The cooking implement of claim 6 ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Microwave package

Номер: US20170158408A1
Принадлежит: Graphic Packaging International LLC

A container for holding at least a first food item and a second food item. The container can comprise a sidewall with a microwave energy interactive layer. A shielded interior portion of an interior of the container can be defined by at least the microwave energy interactive layer and can be for at least partially receiving the first food item. An at least partially unshielded interior portion of the interior of the container can be at least partially defined by the sidewall and can be for at least partially receiving the second food item. A plurality of apertures can extend through at least the microwave energy interactive layer, and each aperture can have a characteristic dimension that is selected based on a cutoff frequency of a microwave oven to be sufficiently small so that substantially all microwave energy incident on the container is substantially prevented from passing through the apertures.
